HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-06-23 - Newport Balboa Press'8th YEAR--NUKBER 33 IALIQANS SOLD 'llLL OF GOODS' Pat T~ Of the B&lbo& Pa· villon Cate mlcht weU need eome or U\eae uptr1ftl Ule bought Tuffda.y from an un· Identified man who aold hn a blll of Jood.I. Roy Gron•ky of the Balboa Pavilion told Newport police the man told Ml• Tait that Oronaky onJered the uplrin and an al.kallser. The man aid he wu a dnac nleam.an. Miu Tait accepted the mer- BEACH. 'GALIJ'ORNlk. THURSDAY., ,JUNI) • 1965 4 HARB·ORl·TES DUE AT ELECTl.ON PROBE . - : ... _d_~~-~_· £_. :-_.:_:: :_;._· .Upp~r B . y the man and cowd pu~hue the eame &J1\0unt of soocSa for "· Grand Jury Sets Session for Next Wednesday Mom At. leut four Harbor area ·recidenta will be lnvit.4 to attmd a be&ring into alleged local election irregulariU. m a 1eeret Orange County Grand Jury eeaaion In Sant.a Ana next Wedneaday morning. Mn. A. L. Pinkley of Ooet.a Mala, rrand jury Heret&ry, Informed the mil.tee Chairman Han-y J . J'or• Neww-Preu today that two mem-aythe of COllta Meu. Mn. Pink· lier. of the Harbor area P -TA, V. ley 1ald, "We'll hear the wtta..M L. MacCa.rter, ex-prwlld•nt of aeparalely to set a tnae ptctun. Freedom Taxpayer1 Learue. and We wanted Mr. KnMland to at· 1.nother witneu to be 'choHn by tend to clarity erinalnal upect.8 MacCa.rter would be lnvtt.ed to t.he of the cllarr•·" INTRODUCING 'MR. ALBACORE' Harry Rogers, Lido lale, center, presenta first albacore of the season. He caught the ll·lb., 1-oz. longfin Tuesday morning about midway between Newport Harbor and San Clemente Island. He ia flanked on right by Everett Hadtey, Lldo Isle, on whose boat, Ebb Tide, Rogers caught the fish. At left is skipper Doug Priest. Kent Hitchcock Photo MRS. TAGER' TELLS NEWS-PRESS ' I WRITER . Of NUDE PHOTO RACKET By t-llYLLIS .I . .IACKSON What started out as a temporary, "repugnant" buainell8 was described by Mra. Mary Dorothy Tager exclusively to the News-Preas "aa too goQd a thing to drop." The attractive mother of two teen-agers who' reaidea with her children--at 2100 Ocean Blvd. waa one of th9 btgge9t 11ude "(lrlie" picture operatora for 1 lntende4 to be a temporary ~ three ,-ean In the Lo• An~ele1 to give a flnanml abot In the ·ann area. She waa the key wltneas in to the Amerk&n Stock Photo Ber· the lul few day1 before the Sen.. "rice wh.lcll "°"" 'feew, Ute man ate Subcommittee to lnvutigate I wanted te•marry, operated," the .Juvenile Delinqulncy headed by 1traw.....-llond pplalned. Sen. Eatu Kefauver. "It wu a ahort-cut to m1 -a bapplneiss," ehe 1ald. ''lt wu only nea1 ~u oper-..ted," ahe aid. ••1 aleo began to Me the 110rdid aide ot It. I see nothing repulsive about a •trllight nude picture like ,.ou find on many calendar1, but I am a,-alnat pornography. Moat of the operatora go Into pornography," ahe explained, "but I nel.rer did." A dllllire to be a writer plu1 a growing dealre to reveal the 1or. did aide of the "girlie" bualnea1 pl'Ompted Mn. Tapr to begin maldnr notea early In the game toward the day when 1he would write a book about open.tore. She wrote that book and •• , clad. "I bellne the book, plua my arnat ~ •Prtnr in Rhode laland, helped to brln( thll to the attention Of K.etaunr," ahe declared.. "I wu framed on that uriit, .. eht Rid, "))ut I'm Clad DOW It bap- penned." It happened two monUl1 'co· She wu charred with two count. of malling a lewd photo- graph in that •tate. She aid lhe High School Budget · Ju~ps by $114.448 l.ll( boulder-:-there wae no atop· never aaw the picture until Satur· pine ll. • day whe It wu 1hown to her by "We made one malllnf with a government. invullgator In Loli A tentative bud .. et of ,756.082 Howard " ahe eald &nd then Angel• during the Kefauver com-., eevered 'our relatlonahlna with him mltlee hearing1. • was presented to the Newport .... Harbor Union High School board over a dlaacree,ment." But It wu WAS "Dl8GU8TINO" at 11..1 meeting la.et week. Public enough to whet the appetite for "It wu fileguatlng," ehe n.ld. hearing on the budget hu ~n more euy moMy. Ta.rer and "Dot-"l told the Investigator whoever eet tor Monday. Aug. 1, at 1 p, m. tie'' were on their -y. •be aald. sent such a degradlng thing T he budget le higher than 1.a11t "I ra.n the 'girlie' tlulln ..... 1he through lhe mall.a did a terrible year's $Ml.634, due SupL Sidney aid. "Louis kept out ot It-my thing. Then he told me thi• wu DavlclllOn 11tates, to addJllon or 18 partner w&& Roy J . J\oee." She the picture which I wu eccu11ed tear.hers to the force and com-llald Tager wu the on.ly offlcl&l of aending from Rhode !eland. I pletlon of the new domutlc •cl· photoirrapher of the Marine Corp11 told the committee who framed ence building. Every room In the prior to World War· 11. She aald me," 1he sa!d. big plant will be In U.9e thl11 next he wu a Marine for 2 ye1.n1 and She all.id her ball wu set at year. Including all of the old bar· retired In 1946 to 11tart the Amert-'2000. She returned to Balboa rscks. A~ut 300 morr pupils can Stock Photo Service bu11lne111 wher.-&he had been living since are expected to enroll In Septem· In 1948. The couple wae married January. Author!Ue1 charged her ber thRn were In 1chool this put in 1949. with jumpinr bail and brought her ye1r. "I 'began to •t'e how the bulli-back to Rhode llland from B&lboa. ---------------------------"They put me In jatl," 1he 11aid. MESA CITY BUDGET . HEARING CONTINUED 'Confiscatory' Taxes· Comment ·by Resident Only Complaint Budget hea.rlnit was continued "Taxee are within the power ot until Monday night In Newport I irovernment.'' Lewis ch1.rged. "It Justlcr court by COat.a Meaa Ci.t.y 111 In your pown to aee the county Council Jut Monday. Mayor Claire government doeen't l!Addle u11 with Nelson. In opt'nlng the hearin~. In· untllir taxe11 and to u certaln that formed th·e a udlrnce, "We welcome wggestions u tn how to stretch dollar11." Only Edwin Uwil ot 2364 Elden Ave .. Cost.a J.feu, roae to speak. He did not of!rr 1uggestton11 u to how to 1tretch dollar11, but de· manded 110me action by the city l'OVernment to atop extrllcllng so many from Me.a l.8.llpayera. taxes aren't railed." Lrwia claim· ed he waa paylni" $~9.70 per $1000 under prrsent tax n.te. lncreuea, he figured, would lncreue that to S60 per SIOOO. CONFISCATORY TAX "Thal'• 60 per cent of the value of property... Lrwl11 aald. "Such a tax la confl1catory and threa tens UI with 101111 of our property," "I had to get out. Tbe quJckeat way wu to plead guilty and get probfl.tion. But I wasn't guilty, I wu framed. Now I think even the probation might be dropped.'' KEFAUVER HEARS Juat before the Rhode lllla.nd lnci· dent. Mrs. Tager .. Id she 1ent her completed book on the Inside work- lng11 or the "girlie" buslne.u to a New York publlllher. "Kefauver llpparently heard about it and heard about my arrest in Rhode Co11tlnued on Pare ' Local ~ YOuths Escape Injury in Car Flips SANTA ANA tOCNS) -A 17· year-old Corona del Mar boy and a ljl-year-otd Costa Mrsa youth i1lraculou11ly u caped major lnjurle1 when their speeding car went out or cnntrol on MRcArtJiur Blvd. about a mile south of Ne~'J>C)rl Ave. and rolled over thrtt or Cour Ume1 Monday afternoon. BIG II DEAL Thompsons B1y Saunders Home on Bay Front " Mr. and Mn. WUU&m A. Thomp- son of San Gabriel have ~ht the Frank Saunden home at 1804 South Bay Front, it WU &NIOWIC• ed today by WllUam W. Sanford, Balboa llland ree.Jtor, who rep,.. aented both p&Jiillll ln the tr&M- acUon. The Baunct.n Jaome la reported to be the l~-.t on the l.e1and with 120 feet of ba,.Y frontqe. The amount involved in the aa1e wu more than S 150~. The ThomJl901W have enjoyed a IUJJUl'ler home on the 111and for the put 10 yean and are now on their way to Europa. They wlll re- turn to .. ubll.ah their new home the tut of AuSUlt. Tbomp.on i8 f0under and chair· man ot the board of Seaboard Ft.nanc• Co., wJaJch bu head of· flcu ln Loi A.ftc'elu. 51-ceit Water Tax C•I Alke4 at l1dget Meet Savi.or• of llO cent. per month per water ~r were advocated Monday night at the informal city council budget hearing by Coun· c:ilman J. B. Stoddard. He favored the annual $12 per water UMr revenue belnr put on the t&x roll. Official bUdcet hear!Dr com• at the June 27 council meeting. An apparent dealre to dee~ taxea wu evident from comment. of Councilman Sandy MacKay and Stoddud who made 1peclftc •ur· gution1 to cut down tund balances rather than 1ee them become too large at the taxpayera expenM. ASKS TAX CUT MacKay •t.&rted the economy b&ll rolling by •urreatlnr wtth the submerged tldelanda oil fUnda and grer.ter aueeaed valuation in eight that 1. tax decreue couJd be el· fected. Among 1peclflc recommend&· tlona, Mac:K&y auggMled a reduc- tion of 2 cent. In the park tax, malc.l.ng It 8 cent. on the $100 valuation; a 2-cent cut on the library l&Jt, making It 8 cent. compared with II cent. currently; no a.dvertl1tng tax, compared to • Centi lut ye&I'. Bt.odd&rd co~tended the a<>-cent water meter monthly uee1111ment tor replacement oC the eew~e •Y•tem a:na nece.uary ee~rage treatment 1hould be eliminated and fundl rall!ed by a 10-<:ent hike In the gencraJ tax rate. He al10 a.skt>d that the S:W,000 operatinr balance of the water department be pared aharply and the bulk be tranMferred to the new c•pltal out- lay fun!1 for future work on the waler 11y1tem. RE\'ISED FIGURES The 11uggN1ted revisions would make an 8~·cent genera.I ta.x, ln· rludlng the uwage ta.x; 8 ,cent.I for bond retirement: 12 cent• tor the retirement fund In addition to nther 1rnm11 namfd. The total tax per SIOO would t.hen be $1.21. 1ame IL'I Jut year's. Total tuea annulllly paid out to Co1ta M...., Oranire County and the Kbool dl.atrtct were termed. .. 1hametl.ll. dl1~ceful, outr&('e- oua." by Lewta. "It Is your duty u elected repreaentalive11 of Coeta KM& ciU1ena to eec Ulat theee enormou. tax incre&M1 are 1top- Councilman Bert Smith told Ltw\8. "That·1 Ule reuon council la tryin( to hammer thla budret down and •till 11ve necesAry ~ vlce11. 1 think tn Cost.a Mua we are rl'CeJvtnl' far In excelll of taxes paid.'' Rushed lo Hoag Hospital Wl're • driver Roger Edwin Bodine. 619 Savings Loan • ped." ~i• d~lared. * HIOB SCHOOL' OOST Lewi• aid he came here from Ule l:ast. "'J'he tuee there were lie per llOOO for All eervtcea:· lAwtl reported. ''Here I'm pay- lfts moN! fof 11Chool1 alone-$27.30 par SlOOQ. \\'hen Coet& Meea In· eorporated. we wue told many eounty ...-.tcea would be taken eftr by the clcy. Now many other areu ot th• county have-tncorpor· ated. But Ulen haa been no <'Ur· tallmuit In county tun and the eount1 la now preparing to uk for an lncfta.e." Mayor Nei.on &gTeed t.uu ahould be reduced lo u low a point u pomtbi.·tor Mrvloe1 re11- dered. "But th• wtere pau on many tuea." Nelaon pointed out. "'Tb• council haa no po"•u over wtlat the wtert \'Ole.'' NeiMln added tll4 council had no aulhortcy la HdN to county t.aaM. ~ -, . "I dllag?'ff very atrongty," Lewis &aMrted. "\.Ve have no street lighting, curba, pavlnr, mu- nicipal gJU"bag:e and traab coUec- Uon and we have undennanned police and fire fon:ee.. If lhl1 altuaUon exlated back eut. people would 1tart a tax revolution." HelJotrope Avf! .. Corona del Mar, I . • and Jay Shore, 19~ Sylvia S.t .. the highway patrol 1111.ld. Buys ·Parcel ·in Wltne11e1 were quoted u eay-tnr Bodlne attempted to paae a car drt.ven by Jamu .c. s1rd. santa Laguna Beach A.na, on the left 11de. but wu un· able to t>eca111e or an oncomlng Brultdo"'n ot tax• lAwta l&ld Me.a taxpayer-a are pa~ inciud· ed $6 per S 1000 to Coet& )(..., $12.•0 per $1000 to Oran~• CoulltY and $27.30 per $1000 for 1eboola. TENTAn\'1~ BUDGET vehicle. Bodtnt U1en uaertedly swung around on I.be rlrbt aide of Bird' a car and trled to whttl by on the ehowder. The hlgh·~nr car went out of control and nipped over. burlln( Bodine lo the rround. C\ly Manapr O.CX-~• Coffey P ... e:nger Sbore al.leced.ly told ha.a aubnuttect a $411.•!Se tat. .ottlcen the •peed ot the car had tin budpt whlcll calla for a tax ~ed up to 100 m11 .. per hour. rate Of IO cent.a. Ha recommend-Patnlmen aald that BOdine'• auto ed a t.u levy ot the tull dollar em..,.ect troD\ a Corona dal M&r limit. llOWWftl'. · cb1ft-tn cate behind -operated Me• councilmen hOf• to ~ by · .loletn Anita Pl&nta, G&raen the tu rate .to 60 emu. Pre.Ill Oroft. ~ can irped &km( M11e- cltY l&l( rate 11 ~ oen~ per SlOO 4rthur;-_.tb. Bodin•'• o~ w•••d ftlUaUoa. U. .... drt,.a 111' , pi.. .. Purchal!e ot a parcel 275x2115 feet at the aoutlleut com•r ot Wuley Drive and Cout Hi(hwa1. South tAg'Ufil near the MW Alpha S.ta Manet by Newport Balboa Savtnra It Loan AUoclatton wu 111\DOWICed tos1&1. Emery 8. Han.m ot tu ,Ole H&Non cO. re~nl«l ltu.1'n Md tbfJ litlle.ra. XI'. ud Mn. P&ul H. EaUncer ot ~ Be&cb. Paul A. Palmer, prelldent ot U.. a.>d&Ucn. ..ad. ~ -...octatica 1a buJtas u.. ate for t\atun •· pullll-. .............. _.. ·..s D'lOh ....... _ la u. ~ put elO,...~ ... Due to Open This ·week Council ; Consideril!g New Water Sports Ordinance 1 1 An ordinance to regulate Upper Newport Bay water lakiing and fpeed boat travel waa to be presented at a 1pecial city council meeting at 2 p.m. today aa an emergency meu- ure. By quick paaaag,e council could re-open the t.Jlemendoua Upper Bay to water sport. entbueiaata thia weekend. A five-memWr council commit-Herbor. tee met Tuuday with a councU ell.amber tuU ot water lkl ~o­ eat.a to an1Ye at an ~able ordinance. MOTO& BOATS The propoeal cla-all bo&t.t u thOM pr<>p(!Ued b1 n&ptha. ~ line or other motive power: ~· Since a.naaatl• to tM clt7, UM nat.e1 Upper Bay u lDdicat.ed on wat.n automatically come Wlder UM Cout. <.Juatd cbart u a ltpetd t.b4 Newport Hart>or 11-mU• pe'r area for bo&t. WWS. 11 f..t wtua ...... speed lbnit. The Upper Bay -nw.xlmllm apMd replatiOa, &D4 WU formmy county t.erritory. •UU .. la the tratflc patt.tm,...c:ouat.• The only complete propoeal pre- Mnted to the council for conaidera- tion wu m&de b1 A.ttome1 Arthur Guy, repreeentlng Robe.rt Inrold, E. C. M.arUn, Ed Oroe.nendyke, Racer CunninJham, Nell<>r\ Princl.- and John Porter, a.O o! Newport er c'ockwiee, to be po9ted. The propoeal turtbtr elated th• tral'fl~ llhould be counter clock· wtae unleu otherwi.le dlrected b1 the Harbormuter; apeed limit. on boat. lurer than 18 feet Ulould COoatla-' e1t Pap ') COUNCIL NAMES NEW PARK COMMISSIONERS A newly appointed city park. beach and recceat.lon commie11lon wu approved Monday nlght by city cound l with two membera or the recently dlsmlaaed group being nameC! to duty again. By dlltrlct1 the commiaalonera named by their dlatrlct councilmen are: District 1, George Sherrill; Dlatrlct 2, Alexander J1..a.mllton: Dl1tl1cl 3, C. E . Vandervort; Dis· lrlcl '· Tom Norton; Dilltrlct 6, Stanley Hadfield; Dh1trtct 6, Mra. Frank Kargl; Dlelrlct 7, Rex Brandt. Councilman ~raid Bennett no- mtnated Norton In &beence o! Councilman Stanley Rldderhof. The new comml.laion wlll meet Tlni•· d.ay nir~t for lhe tiret time. Com· mluionen Vandervort and Hamil· ton were on the old commllalon on whkh the latter eerved 1ome lime u cha.innan prior to the term of Mra. Louil Cffnar. HARIOR W£ATHER 'l'emJH'ralul'e9 ta.: put weell la Ute Harbor .,..... "'ere: HJp Low.; Friday, June 17 ··~· 67 ~2 • Sa.turday, June 18 .. 68 65 Sunday, June 19 ..... 68 61 Monday, June 20 . . 86 68 Tueaday. June 21 . .. 70 56 Wednelday, June 22 .. 70 :16 Thunday, June 23 . ~ 89 ~9 •. hearin(. Qrand Jury 1'oreman Bromley Mni. Pinkley added that a In-W. HJU of I.Acuna Beach laid Ute prMentallve trom the county NeWll·PrMe tbday t.bat ''lN are clerk'• office would alao be lnvtt-calU"' a apeclally app«Mt-4 eom· ed to the eeulon. "That office I.a rlliUee to &'Ive a tull report oa UI• ln charre of all polllnc placu and .ituatlon. We want to pt th• balloting," Mn. Pinkley explain· fact.a. There mAy be notb.lnc to It." ed. MacCarter wu deeipated by SEVEBA.L INVlnD Mr•. PlnkAy u "one of the folk.a Hill Mid no witn ..... have ~ who have ~ced complaint.a about eubpenaed but "four or tlYe per· the election." aoru have bea tn'Vtt.d" to attelld SU.ZU NO UPOaT8 the aecret eeuion ealled tor 8:30 Slnl~ complaint. were recelv· a.m~ In the boAQ1 ot 11Uperv1.eon ed by the &T&nd Juroni on the htc'h room Wedneeday. The foreman tchool tax override balloUnr May ..Sd the meeunc wtU be tn MCret, 20, u exclualvely reported b1 the but Indicated a public llat.ment Newa·Prea. VlolaUOftl allecedJy probably will be made after th11 occurTed ln elecUoneeriJl&' and con· -Ion. duct at the polla. WMra theM ftt. Kni. Pinkley recent11 received If true, into the crtminaJ code will a reglaterad letter contalnlnc a be auwerect by Di.tnct Attomey eeriH ot cll&.r,.. oonc•minc Ir· Robert Kneeland. rerulal1U• ln the achool election The diatrict attomer aid he and requllllltnc tlle &T&nd jQry will ail ln on the meeun,. An In-probe. The Newa-Prea. publllhed rit&Uon to Krl•l.and wu .i.ncted .uch cbarpe •ch..tvely la..'t ,..terda,. b1 :blY~ Cea· month. Henley Dies Upper lay's Trying to Aid ' Water Meas1re · Excerpts Told Fellow Driver ~ :.~i:-~1.°::o~~: SANTA ANA (OCNI) -A 2'- ye&r-o.ld Newport Beach l?Uck driver, who had 1topped to (tYe another trucke.r a hand, wu kqled Tueaday att.emoon when a !Ntpt train plowed into a truck stalled on the Sant& Fe. track• at Jeftef' eon Road, Atwood. The hl(hWaY, patrol l&ld Robert r.taynard Hmley of 208 •Oth St.. wu pronounced dead on arrival at Anaheim Community Hoepltal. The coroner'• office erdered the body removed to B&ll• Mortuary, Coron& del M.ar, where funeral ar- ~ancemenll were made. The patrol plec,ed torether-thll •tory: MIXl:ll 8T ALL8 Cement mixer truck driver Vin· cent Yorba. ae. An&J.lelm, 1talled Illa vehicle on Ule railroad track• about ' p.m. H,enley, Who wu trallinr Yorba in another cenaent mixer truck, halt~ hi.a machine to ... 1at Yorba. Both mtxer1 were operaun,. While Henley wu worklnc on the rtc'hl •Ide of the truck engine, CoaU•ll.fd ~ Pare.• to be sw-nt.ed city council thl11 attemoon. BuUt of It 11 exptl<'te<'I to be ap~ftd t.oda.y. Excerpt• trom the ~ follow: Two dlatrlctl are Mtabll1hed In the Upper Bay 1a the mauure. Dtatrict 1 11 north of the rocky point which la eouth of the upper ramp Wlder IrYtne Co. leue. DI•· tr1et ll 11 llOUth ot Di.trtct I but Ila aoutllerly boUJ1dary I• just north of Heins Kalaer'a Bay Shore Trail· er Park annex. Some reYlalon of lqal deecriptlon of Dlltrtct n w1ll be con.aidered by the city council. Boundarl• of both dletrlcta today were be.lnc poet.9'l by the Harbor· mutar. T&mee of their ue are to be aet by council. wide Dl•trict I motor boat oparatora are eonnned to u.ln~ craft 18 n. or 1-In lenrtll and with unobltructed operator'• vtew except with a •pedal permit dur- ing a boat race. A counter elocJt· wlae traffic pattern I• Ml up un· leH chanced by the Harbormuter. Speed limit ot 36 knota I.a utab· llahed. Two ~niona muat operate boat.a towtnr "any object, 1tnac· Ooll1t11oed °" ...... ' -. . .. PAGE 2 • PART I -NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PllESS SUMMCR/" CRAFT SWIM ~n::'.~ th• other perlodll for ~ Pa·~· Trial GllD, POILL IN THURSDAY. JUNE 21, 1955 • . , ~ . , lnalrucUon wtll be elven ln row-.. ~ I SCHEDULES SET Up :::~·:.-r.~;:i:.~~· i.-.... ts . Go :~:.':t~:'°~H= ~i.::.:.::::~?.:rz:.:~ ,.,. .... ,.,. ... Mu ~ Inc. 1"'uraday leoll GOINGS ON AT THE BALBOA BAY CLUB ' By DAN BAYLESS lqe ~&Ch propirty ntu the Su.· Mii IU 'l'iro R&rDOr an& Mnlor• at $12,124. Th• hou~a are to M __ .. ot .... a--_._ J 1 1• 2 •o ecout :::~ lnlY~~~~ without Jury • ::;e•:.-:rc::-....:t .r~~~!: tr.eted al ttOS and 190T 0"""1• Art.I -entta u a put ..... -..-_..oo . : ., to :,, p.m. mont Men'a tollese Jllll• a. Ave. and l U I:. ltul St., C'a.ta Newport H a rb 0 r Union ll1&1l 8WllOONG CLAH£8 lnttruotlon In b&ndlln( motor nt.y _.,. WUllaJn Uward M-. School recreation prornm w11l ln· Swimming wW be t.a.1.11ht at 10th boat• tautboa rdsl. &hop or boat SANTA .t.NA JUN!: IO (0CN8) Orttt of Balboa bland, who ----------- elude p&111Un1 to Uluatrale etor-=bo~Y111~'"'c; ~/~~ ~: ::"'~=~~. ~t;:;: I ot ~-!: :~!:c!~~'::b:i~ rradua ted Myna CUm Lauct., Ylllton lobbed _____ ..._ ________________ lei. -p. paper and clay ecuJpture. Chlna Cou . Coron& c1el Mar. In an.d paddle. board lnalruollon a apJracy to obtkVct ju.lice trial of :'!..Leland I. ro.i.t of Coel• Mr. and Mn. Ronald Roland of ALL A MATl'P OF_ TDllNG . mualc and •lOry tellln(. 30-mlnute pertods, 1tartlnJ a t 9:30 1Cheduled tor t he all•moon; how-1 Hu man Pau•, Arthur Gordon 1:1· Sant& Ana rtport•d burala ry o ( SPEED OF LIGHT· A . f l lunchbig in Craft lnatructor1 will lnclude a.m. at 10th and Bay Slll. and Bal· f\'t r. ~ople lnlerrated 1hould sign d~d and Takeo Takekoeht -re ltema from their lnc-ked car while · ,.E"P O peop •WU Betty Oraham, wtao wtU be at the boa Penin.rula and at 1 p.m. at Uw up, al 9 a.m. J uly 6. I can 1ed on In luperior Court De· lurglary Checked It wu parked outl\Jdt th• Coat. the Main Dining Room lut ~~~y, and the t.&1k aro~?pthe1 old Harbormuler'• ofttc1, B&lboa other two placu. , Ev·eryone enlerlnl' the1e cluau partment 1 here todt.y In P,e &b· Jlm Wtnton of JU llmerald MeH lkallnf rink Sa turday nlallt,. table turned to tele'riaioo. Say, .aid .one member. . ·~ trom t :IO t.o 10:~ a.m., N-por-L At the tlrllt•named beach• the mU1t be a qualified tntermedl•lt aenu of th• Jury. Ave., yMlerday rtported a broken Wea police rtcord1 ahow. Stolen Mantz Is in New York. Did you eee hun,,on Ed Sulliv~ a Buch park .. 11to11:30 and C09t& tlrat clua wW be tor 1wlmmera. awtmmer. It old enough and haa Proeecutor Bun ooufd eou1hi to 'w!Jldow on th• north aid• ot hi.I from the c:a.r we~ radio. two 'Toa.et of the Town.' last (Su.nday) night! Everybody had, Ktaa park from 12:4.11 to 2 :30 p.m. HCOOd for lntermed.late and othera nnot completed Life Savine It la 'tnll'Od.Wl• bulky tUea from t.he attic• at 1t00 tJarbor Blvd .. eo.t.a ec:rewdrlvtn. a pair or pller1 and and the dlscuaaion wu about to ahlft to another topic when ~d D\all• FNhling, who will be for begiMtn. Al the olhtr beach· recommended that rntranta do '° St&te Bo&rd of Equallaatlon oftlc.e MNL lnwet.tpt.lftg officer• Mid Mra. l\oland'• purM contallUn( J32. a lady facing the doo r uJd, "Speaking of Paul .Mantz, am I at Corona del Mar echool f rom u lntermedia tu will be taken tht betofe entertnr the amall crart In Banta Ana. a. Bemardlno and noWnr wu mieatnc ln the appar-Entrance lo th• e uto w .. plntd aeeing thinss or ia he coming in the door right thia m~n~te ?'i II :30 to 11 :30 ~m., 11 :1& to 1 and flret halt hour, •wimnl•n the aec-ctU1e1. Sacramt nto. ent bur;la.ry~ U\roqh .• ~ken wtnd·wln1. "Po•:er of auggMtlon.'' uJd a man in the party. Either that or you were. to coin a phrue, up too late laat night. After aU, he wu on the TV ahow only a few boW"ll qo." Tbt>n t he ape&ker turned toward the door and there, aure enough. wu Paw MMt.a, the man, looking like anything ·but a m.irage. · '-"But ... but ... " apluttered the table talkera u Mantz, .eeinc their aurprile. atopped to clear up the mystery. 'J'.he ramoua speed pilot explained that the 'r'( show ap~ hve in New York earlier on Sunday evenmg and. was filmed for the L. A. ahowing the same night. Even ao, hia lilteners agreed, Ma.nt1 bad made remarkable coa.at-to--eoast time !or a "ca.auaJ" flight. He flew his plane from New York, takmg off at midnight Sunday. and wa.s in Loa Angeles at 6 Mon- day morning. And art.er a rest here he wu, in for early lunch at the Club. It we're not mi.at.a.ken, the fut.eat commercial airliner time non...top ii around eeven hours! * * * SAIL'S PACE: Not ao fut wu the time made to the BBC by another member -Capt. 0 . H. Skinner -recently. The Captain brought hia new yacht, Leda, down to Newport from San i'rancieco and the voyage took him 31/2 days. While Christopher Colwnbua' Santa Mari& could Jlave done u well, it wun't the boat's fault ; Skinner struck a real slack-aail lull. Launched in 1950, Leda ia a real swiftie u ret unbeaten in ocean racing, and proved her eeaworthineae an an 11.000 mile voyage from New Zealand to San Fnn- ciaco in 1953. * * !!.. . STOP mE CLOCK FOR FUN: Members and their cuesta will converge on the Club by boat, plane and that old atand-by, the automobile, for the long, la.ey week-end com- ing up July 4. The BBC will be leisurely active throughout, and many event.a are planned for the pleaaure of all con- cerned ... T~nagera start their summer with the "Denim Hop" Friday evening, Jtdy 1, from 8 to 11 at the Sport.a Clubhouae. And the next night they dreM a little fancier for their dinner-dance. The young men and women will sit at special tables in t he dining room and pa.rt&ke of the buffet starting at 7 o'clock. Then they'l! adjourn to the Spo~ Cl~b for dancing at 8 ... Sunday rught, July 3, t he Club a big aquad of lifeguard&. con~f_ling ~veral ch8:mpion s~~ra, will present a water exh1b1tion m the Mam Pool beginning at 7 p.m. The boys will race, dive, demollJitrate strokes and syncronized swimming ... There'• fun for the wee ones, too, on Monday, the 4th. They'll have a swim meet with medals and ribbons for the winners, and the whole batch of them will stage t he "Penny Dive" at the M&in Pool around 3 p.m. TWICE A WINNER • With two tint In thr~e racu , NHYC'1 Slaff Commodore Walt E1Uoll'1 consl1ttnt champion 1loop Eecapade ended up aecond overall ln the lhret·d•y rac~rulae of th• YRU to Catalina Ult1 week·f'nd. Co-•pon10r~d by Ntwp0~_Jlarbor Ya cht Club, thl• blJ event drtw a t ltld of 38 boat., et(ht of which are e.n· trtu In th• comln1 Tra.n1-Pactrlc race lo Honolulu and U1ed thl1 eerlu u a aba.ke-down for both 1blp and crew.-Beclc:ner Pbot.o. CDM Tops4 Bowl lut Tuuday. El&'hteen bowlera participated with Waltar Wood of Coron • del Kar wtnnlnl' nm place with 13 plUI 8COre. Mra. T. Can took HCOnd with 1f polnta &n4 Uoyd BtH v• third wttll 10 poUit.I. Corona del Mar won high honor &a th• weekly AU1trallan Bingle. on the local lawn bowlln( fTffl\I MAKE us PIOYI rr LL c;.,... ............ ~ ... -· ........... llow .. •:!, __ , ........ ...,. ...,. l•t rtft • tile opportaltf .. pnft .. ,.. Ule ....,. •'1111w .......... ., ... ...... .in .... plM ,1a., ..... ..... ...... State Fann Insurance Co. W.L ~ lSS E. Uth St.. Co.ta Meea u 8-1011 LIDO DRUGS HAUOR DRUGS BAUOA DRUGS SPECIALS for Thun, Fri, Sat. June 23, 24, 25 "'OM •• tM LWo 81lope" SSOl E. Clout 8 7 .. ()oroaa del Mar '718 E. Balboa Bhrd., Balboa N61 Via Udo, Newport Beach lvor'J or ladlte Oere.J BOWLS Jvo,,. or ladlte Coffee MUGS - PKO. OP' 36 WOOD c.lothes 17c Pins Wooden -~,. nc Salad Bowls I t-oa. otaa.....Colored llffvy 4 57c Tumblen ll# ... 19" for Wlclur Hamburc~r Baskets P;c~Tcdor 99c 1 WA~4tc I Vets '-35c Dog Food - llpata 61 IL 16 ~In, Dk. or pl&bl 1ea1n Nylon Hosiery 9fc f lMV .... -Spedal- 1 pr tor '1M BARBECUE auJUpJe We!Mr Roaster 8 l&lalee1 8~ Barbecae Tongs l taia l-I t.eel Loq llaDdJecl Red B ot Roaster for Hamburcen ~ Eate.nslon 79C 8~8ted BRAZIER Loar U-dled Ramlna.rru Grill (wire lluket) i..tu Swim Fins Rq. tl.&O Cll' kl~ns Watu DoJ Swim Fins ~,. U .60 Double Bend Snorlde Tube $429 $298 s11, Aqua Champ Face Masks Small Reci. $1.39 . Med. Reg. $1.69 Large Reci. $2.75 Wading Pools Wllh hood and tlectrlc s pit. Regular U 1.89. ~trtpcod ,. •• by 69" Beach Towels \"e.Uow. maroon, whlk. ~,. l!.98 Howland Bathing Caps ~g. Sl.19 8a.ad Pail & Shovel ~, .. 490 ANorted S lue Pocket Combs Tour Choice Foam Rubbfor Seat Cushions 40" x 6" Jle..,s.lu $2.96 Vt.Jue Reg. $1.98-$1 .49 I PBOL\L s22s •• ~ W .ADINO POOL 57" x g.. 5398 a.,. $8.39 IP~CL\L 60 P'oot . 3 yr. Guarantee SAND CHAIRS Reg. s49s_s29a GARDEN HOSE Reg. $229 $3.18 Sldfted SERV I CE * Ac rbh "Jtell1b le" pbanaecy, akill.d R~itit· cered Pbarma ci1u will com poti(\Ci ·ro-Donor· a ptenripcio na prompdy ... r .a .. 1y. Try .. ouc tl••· Yoe'll eppuciste -r friendly aenioe aod ..uor-11 fair pri~ m SHAP-0 SPECIAL SALE I ™• o"'octive, colort"' -"°'"'8i, ldeol fOf beach. gorden, Of sporm.eor NOW ONLY 30, with It-. pvrc'-9 of orry SIO<kO.-of SUM W IU.,, the ,._uw. "'" '°" PffPO'CJ"ofl .,, SQ...UIBB • FOR DRUG ITEMS ISOPaoP&YL Rubbl11CJ Alcohol OOm:P<>tnm PI1'T - ) .. ur Hat-Rra-. 2.911 Davy Crockett -----~------SEAG~ 7 Crow n 81.EN'T> F1FTH 54.38 Kentucky Host Bottled ir Bond 100 PROOF 5 Yeara Old FIFTH s3.a, Shady Grove ,. Blend . 80 Proof ' •t Yeara Old 71~7 Drobney Vodka IO PROOF FUTll s2~1 9c • SAILOR . KILLED AS CAR HITS BRIDGE Sailor Robert E. McClure, 18, attached to the USS Fort Marion anchored·at San Di· ego, wu killed instantly when a car in which he wu riding alaiiuned into the Santa Ana River Bridge on Cout Highway near Huntington Beach, early Sunday. Dep. pe>roner Roger Burh&m ordered McClure's body removed to Smith Mortuary, Hunt- jngt.on Beach. Driver of the car, Harold Andric.e, al.ea a member of the Fort Marion crew, auffered eerioua injuries and waa ruahed to Hoag Hospital. The Callfomia Highway Patrol reaaoned the driver may have fallen a.aleep.·The car· mowed down eeveral white roadway marker poata before ripping into the bridge end. Both Hun~ ington Beach and Newport Beach police responded to the accident acene. COURT RULING I FREES LEHMAN AND DEVINE 8AN'tA ANA IOC~S )-Super· nocent by Supet1or cour t Judge lor Court Judge Ktnneth E. Mor· I Waltt'r Evan• In an Indictment rlaon yeaterda y dlsml1ff<I a con· with Ssm L. ColUn• and Ssm E. aplra.cy-to-commlt·grand theft In· I Collln1. dlctment ap lnat labor leader• The Collln1f'11, Lehmsn and De· Harry Lehmllll, :17. and Cha rlH E. vine had bffn charged w1th t he Devine, ~. unlawful engl.{leerlng a llquor II· J udge 'MomMn explalned he censf' for Ml'l'I. Ella Louise Du· had gone ovtr the gr\fld jury plelx Counllflman for $10.000. ~9Cr1pt and analyzed other slm· Monroe and Chula rergarkert Uar trl•ls, particularly "the Du· "Judc-e Mon1110n ta to be com- pletx" cue. mended tor hi• aplendJd cour&«e "I've decided to (p'&Jlt the dt· a.nd hla aound appllcaUon ot hJ• fen.e motion for dl1mlNal," Judge tone lep.J principal.II, that ha~ Morrlaon •t.ated. ~st~edan~v:.:'ee!~; .::e";!~ An ln11tant a fter the judge left ment." the bench, Mni. Lehman ruahed to her mate a11d cnrew her a nna . a round him. Teare streamed Army fo Graduate down the fBCe of the culinary union bu111neu •Kent. . R. E Vandervort Monroe and Chula a r rued• • •trongly Tuea<Jay for a dlsmlsaal FORT LEAVENWORTH, KANI of the Indictment. holding It tack · -Lt. COi. Ralph E. Vandervort. td evidence. The judge took the J r.. whoH parent. live In Lido motion und.er •ubmln lon until thla Park, Newport Beach. wm STadU· momtnc. RI! ruled at 10:20 L m. a le Friday from the Army"a Com· The defendants wtre tried here mand atnd General Scarr College at h} January on the l'llme ch11qi;e. Fort Leavenworth' Kan. The jurv, howC'vH. w11s un11ble to 1 Colont'I Va.nd!'rvorl wlll C'Om· a;;ref', 1tlthough ~llln•llng 11 · l for pt.•tf' tht' 11chool's regular com· conviction. 11111n1I and 11 eneral at.A(( ofrtcer The ,ame jury brought In an I l'Our,;e and 1s achedulcd for &lllllgll· al.lv1eory acq11ltt11l verd ict on 11 ment In the Far East. conspiracy to commit bribery, A member or the ninth poetwar companion chnrgr in the Indict-cll\S.t to atll'nd the 11chool. he wu ment returnM by the Orange instructed ·1n the theory ot high County Grand Jury ltUt rail. command and the technique. or .-Lehma n 11nd D<'vlne. rorm<'r aec· staff officers. Hl11 cla.sa Included retary or the Centrlll Labor Cou11· :>38 U. S. Armed l'"orcea offlcere ell, were •ccuscd or offering to 11.nd '12 1tudcnts from 311 other na· obtain an on-1111le general liquor lion .. llcC'n~ !or Al Wedderspoon of C"'onel Vsndervort, whoee w1!e. Newport Bea<"h at a premium Katherine Ellzalleth, 11 with him price or"$ 11,000. · al Fort Leavenworth, la a veteran The defenda nts now have been of more than 13 years' Army &er·• clear·ed or all accu~allon1 growing vlcl'. His decoratlon11 Include the out or tho gra.nd jury liquor probe. Purple Henrt and the French I Previo1111ly, th~y were t1eclnrrd In· Croix de Guerre. "'~ ~~1.: ~n de Komp's 4J~ SPECIALS June 23, ~, 25 ,.... S7• ,,.., ....... . 41/f)~ ....... .. ~~.~.~,~~"~ ~ 008TA MESA 1'00 Newport Bhd. OOKONA DEL MAB tOS COMt BW7. ~OOIU>'S LAGUNA BEACB 181 BrMdway BALBOA ISLAND HO lllartJM A Ye. 1'~WPORT BEAOB 110 ()out Hwy, Sff. the New Deluxe Airfoam LIDO STUDIO COUCH oilly s99so I Solid mahogany frame, finished in natural, walnut or black ... 4! inch Foam Latex Seat Cushion - Wedge Bolsters ... Large Selection of Attrac- tive Decorator Fabrics. High style at Low Price. See w at NIWPOR FURNITURI CO. 2620 West Coast Hk)hway U 1-111 J ·- .. -. , Ford Pleads Innocence on Escape Count UDFORD GITS FINE FATHER'S DAY 'fRESENT NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.ftRESS -PA~T I • PASE l THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1955 New Dre~ging · $110 Purses Tallen from at Clult It WU a real Father'• 0a,. A•reeme_... on tor Bal lAdford, whoM w1ft, & llU BANTA ANA (C>CN8) -Tw9 Grace. fonner deputy city u I D purse.a wne looted ln UM lrt1ne cltrk ot Newport &!ach. pre· pper •Y 1e Country Club Otfl<'e, •111 l!l.Cout ........ ANA (0CN8) -MU'--Hl• .. w•)', Ne_,.,.tl .. ___ ... )(A•A·-~,. tented him wllh a dau(tltu, •" -.. ~ .._.. .... .....,, Yin Ruutll J'ord. 21, of 2111 Rodeo tbeJr nrat child. a t HO&J Hot-&ANTA ANA (0CNS) -On afternoon while th~lr ownenhelp- Plaoe. Coltta w..., awiltlilc pey· pltal. recommendaUon o( t:hroriiire td prepare tunrh. t.o.e : 1110. dtl&lt'IM&' aanUllallona oe llUJIU-The nt"IV mnl, Valent>· County rtarbor OolllfAla.lon, UM g}\erlrra dflJ'Utlff Mtd ~ ~eo lor court order, Tu.-day pl•ded Grae~, •ho ., . ._ bofil.lun• 19 bolrd of IUJ>H'\1.ora Tur9day t lnu Y."t'n ~1rs. Lucille Don&Jlw, Uu!ocent °" u ... ,. chars• and a nd pf'r mother att ''aolng Ukett COun•l J oel <>11• ro pre-a etub auditor Jlnd Mta Karotee ..ived ])rtltmln&r)' h-.rtnc wh.n nicely." The Lc!dford• Jive In pan n-..,...mmta tor-Ute COii• Kuban, club .ecretary, both at La.- ht wu brou1hl before Or&nfe -Santa Ana Helfht•. tlnsed dr9dc1nc out of a rec~•· rina Bfacll. ~anta Ana Municipal Court Ju~ lion area ln the 1-·er portion ot Ac<'Ordlnf t.o depuUee, tht wo- Roward Cameron. Upper Newport Bay. mfll left tbe unlocked office at The diltrlct a ttorney aald lntor-l8ildiftCI Permit J>tiue one of a t.hree-H-Cllon 12:30 p.m. and retumtd at 1:1& maUon on Ford wW be ftled in ){f9. o, B. Swope bu taken out dredging procnm la upecltd 1.9 p.m. to find their pUl'9M had a.a.a auperlol' court tomorrow mornilli'. a Costa Mua bulldlnr pumlt for bt completed late t.h1a month or opened. Mrs. Donaher loet uoo. cbarJ1nc him with •cap.. Bail conatructlon or ~ •~attd 11782 the flNt week In July, according .-u aet at $3000. •torar• bulldlnr at 6'1 ~nter St. to t.he rommlulon. Ford WU captured by Santa Ana Frank. Rowell Contractor la Brown, Knaaeman, n. commlalon al.o recom police after ht ueertedly .-:aped Jackaon lnc. mended the new pa.ct.a call f$)r trom a coW1ty jail nurae June 10. payment ot 23 cent.a per cu: ft. tor 4 Harbor Folk let for Chapman Coene He and Rooeevelt Garner Wllkw, Ge N J b tetera.1 Yl!~MI. earth and aaod removed by, Shell· 22, of Cotta Meaa hav~ been ts ew 0 Ro-11 joined t.he bank'• fllatt m&Mr Inc. Coit on the tJr1t ch&r1ed with robbery and bur-20 yura ago a.nd hu received phaae wu 22 cent.a. · 1tary. moet ot hl11 experlence at Balboa Supervl!IOrt ordf'red Ogle to Among the 89 11tu<Unt• from Or- ange county noglat~red tor tht 1ummer •eulon a t Chapman Col· l!'ge 11re Sue Baldwln, 3~ E. Wal· nut Pln<'e-and Carlan Wet.ul, 389 E. Broadwa~·. both Cotta Meaa and Mn. J anC'l l'"ttA.non, 302 JC. Oce&n F ronl and !'Oancy Sheet._ 8261' Diamond A\'C'. Jud&'• John BhM continued their Promotion of Frank C. Rowell branch. He began u a bookkef'p· draft contract• at 21 eenta. 'nit IJT&lgmnent. p • n,d In r piychla· to aalataat cuhler with Bank of er. advanc:lng 1teadlly to telln commission .. id the additional tt'lat.a' lnv..ttcauona. Amet1ea wu announced recent· and va rloua other po•ta at Sal· «nl waa required beca1.11e of a ly by H. W. Holker, manager of bo&. He wu promoted to pro-lO·cent hourly V.'SI"• hike. . Cllrtis Hose GOM Mr1. Jane Curll• of 1637 II. Ocean Blvd. told police June 12 a 2:1-ft. STetn plutlc catdm hoet wu atolea from tbt aide of her borne. Balt><>. branch. .Formerly an act· &Mlatant ruhler In 1941. Dredctnr la expected to co1t Ing officer at Balboa, Rowell u Rowell had been aulatlnr In $68.410 over all. An eatlmated In chars• ot lnter1or operat1ona the •upervt1lon of Interior ope· 261,000 cubic yard• I• to be re· &ltd peraonnel at tht branch. rations and pl'n onnel 1lnce 1948. , moved. More lha.n 23 acrea will He llvu In Santa Ana, la mar· He fUled a temporary u11rnment I bt offered tor IW\mmln(, sun rled and the father of two IOtla. In that capacity at Newport. Beach bathing and other beach •ports Da•ght•r for Hlatts · Tho Uarr('ll H111tt1. 2•63 't'uaUn St .. Co•t11 Mrsa. are parenta o.f a itlrl bom J une 16 ln Hoac HOit-• pita I. Rt bu Uftd here off and on for branch In 19:12 and 19~. wh~n the project 11 completed. EDWARDS HILLS BROS. or MAXWELL HOUSE Your Choice, FINIST VACUUM PACKIDI Extra rich, vigorous! Always fresh, and .•. ,,_nnies less a can! •• Cll •• Cll AT MllY SAF!WAY YOU WILL FIND fXACTL Y THE ICIND Of COFFEE YOU LIKE WHETHU 'ACKED IN THE CAN, 011 IN IAGS OF FRESHLY ROASTED WHOLE BEANS TO GlllNO AS YOU WISH. 011 QUICKLY ,llE,AllEO INSTANT COF1'EES. LEMON ICED GOLD CAKE GREEN ONIONS flllSH LOCAL Loree bunches. ,.Mode the Way Yau'd Moke 1t.• llonch 1tyle ••. with oll 1ht 33c moial, luteloua flavor of "home 1"9rtdle"''' bokingl (l .... .ty)9c.) v ...... -v .... JUMBO CANTALOUPES . HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLE Thick· meoltd. Freeh, rl". Dtliciou1. IMKh 5c .. 7c n.. 15c Safeway Sllelveet DONUTS :~ :"'•23c "oln or 1u9or 1tyle. FRESH 8RW> .:!""" '::: 26c Whitt or wheat. lleg. or 10ndwldl. ~:: .. COOllES ~ 39c Chocolole Chip, wilh ,_,,.._ DAIRY GLEN GRADE "A" RIST QUALITY 4 •• • \ lb. ctn. MONTROSE BUTIER ,~5!~1~:!!~~r:~:. '!: 65 c FRESH EGGS n::.r. '~: 51c c JELL-WELL Gelatin De11er1. Strawberry Aovor. 3 i-oa. 22' pk91. ~~!~t~~.LLOW~~ 2n. tender, aoh . ..._ 7 Ruby Solod h clpt on both Jell- well ond Fluff.I-eat pockage1. Safewoy·agtd to the peo\ of lender, juicy Aavorl Trimmed before we19h1n9 or pricing to 91ve you more good· ealong meat In every pound. USDA CHOICE BEEF. ahoulder cut onlyl ROUND BONE CUT •• Ila. 45• -......... ,,----, 'ACI( CH1rsr J S,,CIAU -.._3 ,, 9' j ,........ '°"MD. 1111u1,5• "'''Mo' 2 '-"' - GREEN PEAS ShtHtd from the pod on Iha vine ln the freulng pion! 01 rhe very loat mlnuttl Hour• fraaht r to youl 2 10-.a. 29c ,1c, •. Fr .. t lalff Sal~! Lem.nede, llt!Jdtd Oren .. -.i Gnlpefrvlt, ... Gie,efrvit, YOUICHOtCI CCICOID1Wf Vitamin C oddedl 7·10NI SHOULDllt CUT 6:; 10' 6:~ 15' ~ PEANUT BUTIER HVHlY llAHD. tl-t1. 33< ll·t1. 4nc CHUNK Olt CllAMY. ltr Jtt 7. ' ------HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES -----· SLICED BACON SHORT RIBS DUIUOUI HAND Olt •ARMH JOHN. OllADI A. , ... 49c RIK RAK 31-. .. 25' WHITI KING Quality CleanHr cana Liquid Detergent 12:.~ ))< GERBER'S BABY FOOD Strained. Auorred 6 4nc fruiu , vegetoblea. c~'" 7 · sw1n·s BABY MEATS Slrointd or Ju,,lor. • 5 ftftc Wide ouortment. • ._, 77 · SUMMER DAIRY FAVORITES! LUCll .. CHOCOLATL DAIRY DRINK NONFAT SKIM MILK ICE MILK LUCllNI HAND. USDA CHOICE llU. lake. broilr borbtcu.I , ... 19c BEEF LIVER ••••• lb. 451 Wholesome, vilaml"·rlchl BOILING BEEF • • ••• •. 9< USDA CHOICE. "ale meat, Filet of Sole ••••• •· 45• CAPTAIN'S CHOIC~. Bonelau. Haliblt Ste.ks •••• lb. 49< (,VTAIN'S CHOICE dffp .. a fith. GROUND BEEF IN NIW, CHAI VISKING CAMNOI f r11h g round doolyl Tender, juicy. M · lecttd beef chun~• ... lop• for flovor .•. prepared under State l"ipt<tionl OUAIANTllD SAT1S•ACT10N 39c OR MONIY IACKI It.. « MU ffflmYl .... 111., SAT .. • n. u. u. ttss. " WiWn stOiii • Im MU. (lh11 Sulidly.in Stotts°'*' s.Mly) ............ --. ........ ~ ........ ~ ......... ,_. 8TOll& BOtJU Dell7 • ... .. • ..... ( rrtda.J ttl • p.a.) . ...., ............... 1.722 Newport. Blvd., Costa Mesa PLENTY or PARKING ON LARGE PAVED I.or 'SAILOR KILLED AS CAR HITS BRIDGE Sailor Robert E . McClure, 18, attached to the USS Fort Marlon anchored· at San Di- ego, wu killed instantly when a car in which he wu riding 1lammed into the Sant& Ana River Bridge on Cout Highway near Huntington Beach.,_ early Sunday. Dep. poroner Roger Burb&m ordered McClure's body removed to Smith Mortuary, Hunt- ington Beach. Driver of the car, Harold Andric8e, al8b a member of the Fort Marion crew. auffered eerioWI injuriet and waa rushed 'to Hoag Hospital. The California Highway Patrol reuoned the driver may have fallen asleep.· The car mowed down 8eVeral white roadway marker poet.a before ripping into the bridge end. Both Hunt- ington Buch and Newport Beach palice respanded to the accident ecene. COURT .RULING FREES LEHMAN AND DEVINE BANTA A~A IOC~Sl-Super· nocent by Superior Court Judp lor Court Judre Kenneth E . .Mor-I Wallt r Eva.n• ln an Indictment rtaon yhterday dl11mllJM'd a con-with Sam L. Colllna and Sam E. aplrac:r·to-commlt-pand theft In· Colhn1. dJct.ment apln1t' labor le&du• 1 The Colllnsu. Lehman and 0 1!· Harry Lehman, ~7. and Charlu E. Vine h~d bffn charged wtlh the Devtne. M . · unla'll'ftll engtHeen nK a liquor JI. Judge Mom aon exptalned he cen!lf' for Mrll. Ella Louise OU· had gone onr the grand jury plelx Counselm&n for fl0.000. tranec:rlpt and analyzed other aim· Monroe and Chula rerulll'ked U&r trials. parllcululy "the Ou-"Judre }lorrlaon LI t o be com- plebl" CAM. mended tor hia aplendld courage "I've decided Lo a-rant the di!· and hl1 eound application ot hJI· f-motion for dJ1mlual," Judge torte lepl prtnclp&l.I. that have Morrl10n •lated. protected tree mm from public hysteria and over-weenlnr r ovem· menL" An Inst.ant after the Judie left the bench, M". Lehman rushed to heT mate and lhl"ew her arm• around him. Teara · 11tre11.med Army to Graduate down the tace ot the culinary union bustneu agrnt. R. E Vandervort Mon.roe and Cbwa a rr u e d 1 • at rongly Tuuday for a dlsmleaal FORT LEAVENWORTH, KANI ot the Indictment, holdtnr It lack· -Lt. Col. Ralph E. Vandervort ed evidence. The judge fook the Jr.. whoM pa~nll live In Lido motion under •ubmiMlon unttl lJ\la Pa.rk, Newport Beac.b. wUl &T&du· morning. He ruled at 10:20 a. m. ate Friday from the Army'1 Com· The defendants were lrted hert mand 11nd Ot neral Slaff College at tn January on the aame ch11r~e. Fort Leavenworth' K11n. The ju ry. hnwl'vtr, w1111 unable to l Colonl'I VMdt'rvort will rom- a~n!e, although i11Ancllng 11·1 for ph'tl' \hr 11chool's rl'Jt\llar t'Om· convlct1on. m11n.t and general s taff officer T he same jury brought in an I t'Oune 11.11d is scheduled for 1.Mlgn- adv1aory acquill11I verdict on a ment In the Far Eut. conaplracr to commit bribery. A member of t he ninth postwar companion ch11rgr in the Indict-clau lo a tlt'nd the 11chool, he wu m l!nt returnl.'d by the Or11.nge instructed "tn the theory of l\Jgh County Graml J ury last fall. comman<I and the tech.nlquu of Lehman 1tnd Devine. former H C· 1Wf otflccni. H ia rlau Included retary or lhe Centra l Labor Coun· 6311 U. S. Armed lrorcu officers ell. were accu1JCd of offering lo and 72 atudente from 3~ other na- obtaln an on-sale gentral liquor tlona. llct nse for Al Wedderspoon of Colond Vandervort, whoee wile. Newpor_t Beaeh at a premium Katherine Ell&abelh, la wtth him price of Sll,000. • a t Fort Leavenworth, I• a veteran The d«"fendanta now have been of more than 13 year11' Army eer- cleared or au accu~atlone growtng vice. His decorations Include the I out of the grand jury liquor probe. Purple Heart and the F rench Previously. lhty were decla red In· Croix de Guerre. Von de t<am;s 4J'b'-•Wt}' SPECIALS June 23, ~, 25 ~ i-.. 17• ,.., ....... " • ~,...+,... "" .... . ~~.~.~,~~"'!! ~ Cl08TA llESA 1100 Newport Bh cL OOKONA DEL MAK tOI C:O..t Bw;r. AOO&D'8 LAGUNA BEACH SU BrM4'"1 BALBOA 181..Uo"D 200 llarbM A YI. NEWPORT BEACB UO Ooelt BWJ. See the New Deluxe Alrfoam .. LIDO STUDIO COUCH only s99so Solid mahogany frame, finished in natural, walnut or black ... 4i inch Foam Latex Seat Cushion - Wedge Bolsters ... Large Selection of Attrac-, tiv• Decorator Fabrics. High style at Low Price. See them now at NIWPOllT FUllNITUlll CO. ............ u 1-1113 Ford Pleads Innocence on Escape Count AA.NT A AN A. ( OCNB l -M.,.._ vtn Ruuell J'ord, 21, ot 21U Rode<> ~c.. CJ>ita Meaa. 'awaJunr .,_,. chfatnlfi• nammatlona oa 111/Pf'r- lor cs>Urt ont.r, T\M9day pleaded innocent on an eecape ch.arg'e and .,.Svec! prelll'lilllary tle&J'lne when be wu broUCht before Or~• • Banta Ana Municipal Court Ju~ Howard Cameron. The dLllrict attorney Mid lntor· maUon on Ford will be ftle4 tn auperlor court tomorTOw mom~. cbarctn&' him with .. cape. Bail wu eet at 13000. Ford wu captured by Sant& Ana police after he ueertedly eecaped trom a county jail mane June 10. He and Rooeevelt Garo.er Wllldna, 22, of Cost.a Meaa have been charred wtth robbery and bur- clary. Judge John Shea contlflued their UTalgnment. p e n d I n c psycl\Ja- tt'lat.a' tnveat.JcatfONI. Frank. Rowell . Gets New Job UDFORD GhS FINE FATHER'S DAY ?RESENT' It WU a real J'atller'I Dey t 91' Bal Ledford. whoee wtte, Ora«. former depul,y city C"lerk of Newport Beach. pre· eenled him with & daughter. U>.elr tint cltild. at Haq H<Mt- p ltal. The ntw arrrvat, Valene GA.ct.. "ho ".Ill! born June 19 a nd her mother a re "dolni nicely." The Udforda llve In Saal& A11a Helghll. B':ti~~~\. !::~ .. taken out a Co.ta Mt •• butldlnr petmlt tor t'Onatrucllon of an u ttmated 18182 atorase bwldlnr at &41 Center BL Contractor LI Brown, Ktilama.n. Jack110n Int'. , . • NEWPORT HARBOit NEWS.PRESS -PART I • PA51 J THURSDAY, JUNE 2l, 1955 New Dre~ginc Agreemells oi Upper Bay . Due $110 Purses Taken from at Cl• BANTA ANA (OCN8). -,._. pura .. 1 weore looted lA UM Imn. Country Club ottlet1. •111 11. Oout Hl•tiway, Newport BMeh Mooday BANTA ANA (OCNS) -On altemoon while their ownenti.ip- recommendation of t..he Ofo&ft~ eel Pfftl6n! lunch. L0u1 f110. CQunty Ra.rtior ~on. t.be l!Jlef'lltt'• df.putlM Ml4 tbe ,,. ~rd ol aupervilors Tuuday time wue Mn. Lucille Donaher, ulfii! CoWl•l J~I Osle tcr pre-a club auditor and Mlm Karo&ee pare n-~n1tnll tor the COii· Kuban, dub tttretary, both al 1£• tin.rd dred1tna-out of a ncrea-runa Bfad1. , Uon area In t.114' lower portton of At<'ordinr to depuu... the ...,.. Upper Newport Bay. men Jett the unlocked offlc. at Phu. one of a thr.e-ff.<'Uon 12:30 p.m. 11.ntl 1~tum~ at 1:16 dredging pro('l'&lll la expected to p.rn. to t1nd their pUHM bJld bMD be complei..ct late thia month or openNI. Mrs. Donaher loet 1100. the flrll week In July. at'cordtnr to the <"Ommlulon. 4 Harbor foll Set The t'Ommlalon alao recom~ mend~ the new pacte call tor for Chapman Cowse payment of 23 centa per cu. fL for Amoni the 89 •tudent1 from o,... •eteral ye._n1. earth and 11&11d remove<! by Shell-1nre county reglet,.red tor lb• Rowell joi ned the bank'• 1tatt maker Inc. Coat on the tJnt aummer aeaslon at Cha pman Col· 20 yeare ago and hu received phue wu 22 cen\JI. lt-ge are Sue BalJ\\1n. 336 E. Wal· most of his ex~rlf'fl~ at Balboa Supervl11ars ordered Ogle to nut PlaC'e anJ ·c11r11.n Wetul, 369 PromoUon ot Frank C. Rowell branch. He ~p.n &s a bookke.p-draft conlracta at 22 centa. The E . Broad"'ll...'-. both Co.ta M ... to aatlat.aat cuhler with Bank of er. adva ncing eteadUy to teller commln1on said the a dditional and )frs. J~nrt Pattenon. $02 I.I. America wu &nnOUDced recent-and varloua other po1te at Bal· cent wu. required becaute of a <Xean Front a nt1 :-;anc:y Sheet.a. -----.---------.-ly by H. W. Holker. manager of boa. He wu promoted to pro-10-cent hourly "' .. le hllca. • 3231,, Diamond Avf'. Balboa branch. l'orrnerly an act· uslata.nt cuhler ln 1949. Dredfin& t. expected to coat Cwtis Hose Gone Mn. Jane Curll• of 163T ll. I Ocean Blvd. told police June 12 a 2~·ft. ST"" plaalle prdc hOle wu llolen trom Ui. aide of her home. tnr ottlcer at &I boa, Rowell Is Rowell had been umttnr In 168.41 O over all. An eallmated In Ch&l'J'a ot lnt.erlor operaUona the 11upervt1lon of Interior ope-261,000 cubit' yard• I• to be re· &lid peuonnel at the branch. ratloM a nd pl'rlOnnel alnce 1946. moved. More than 23 &.crff will He llv• In fJanta Ana, la mar-He tllled a temporary ualgiunent be offered for irwimml.ng. aun rled and the tat.her of two IOha. In t hat tapa<'lty at Newport Beach balhlllg and other beach aporU Ha hu Uwd here ott and on tor branch In 19!i2 and 19~. when the project 18 completed. Daufjhter for Hlatts . The Darr<'ll !h11lt.1, 2t63 1'uaUn St .. COllll\ Ml'sa, ttre parentl ot & (lrl born J uoe 16 in Hoe.s B09-• pltel HILLS BROS. or ciifl MAXWELL HOUSE C Your Choice, •• . tu .y, .... -5' SPIC\AL\ c"" 6 _l Cll EDWARDS flNIST VACUUM PACKIDI Extra rich, vigorous! Always fresh, and ..• pennies less a canl -, AT MRY S.VEWAY YOU WILL flND EXACTLY THE·KIND Of COFFEE YOU LIKE-WHETHER • PACKED IN TH! CAN, OR IN IAGS Of FUSHL Y ROASTED WHOLE BEANS TO GalNO AS YOU WISH, OR QUICKLY PREPARED INSTANT COfH.ES. .. Cll • 73c ............................................................. 1 LEMON ICED GOLD CAKE LUOI IAH You"g• plump, milky kernel1. FRESH CORN CiJIEEN BEANS :;~cc:y .,, 4c 2 •b··2Sc 2.., 5c CUCUMBERS GREEN ONIONS LAIGI MZI fi,..,,·maotedl fllSHLOCAl. Lorge bunchH. "MMe the Way You'd Make It." llonch atyle •.. with all th. 33 "'0111. luKloua flavor of . C "h'ojl,e lng redlenr" ~king! , ..... erly~) v.1 ... •• v .... JUMBO CANTALOUPES HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLE Thlclc· maoled. F,.ah. ripe. Delicio111. ...,... 5 c ._ 7c ._ 15c GREEN PEAS Sft.lled from 1he pod on the Yin• in tt-e freezing plant at the very la11 minulel Houra fre1her ta yaul 8•fe way Sltelve.! DONUTS · =' :~ 23c Pla l" or augar atyl•. FRESH BREAD Wit-:,.. ':: 26c White or wheat. 11-e. or aondwich. 1:: .. COOKIES ~ 39c Chocolate Chip, with Pteans. DAIRY GLEN GR~DE "A" RIST QUALITY lb. ctn. MONTROSE BUTTER ,~~~~,~~~~~r:~~. '!:65c FRESH EGGS 1 :::-·~: 51 c PEANUT BUTTER l lVHlY HAND. 11-ta. 33' tl·tr. 4ftc CHUNK 0. CllAMY. )Ir )If 7. HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES -----, .RIK RAK 314 .. 1. 25' WHITI KING Quality CleanMr co1u liquid Detervent 12:4:.~ 33' GERBER'S BABY FOOD SWIFt'S BABY MEATS Strained. Auorted 6 4ftc fru111. vegetable•. con1 7 · S1rai"ed or Junior. s 99 Wide ottortme"'· -• C SUMMER DAIRY FAVORITES! DAIRY DRINK l.UCllNI CHOCOl.ATL -NONFAT SKIM MILK lUC•NI NANO. ICE MILK UNDIOJl. 35 c,_..,., 1eatUf91 M-:: C °"*'ote. Vanlle, Str-"eny. c JELL-WELL Gelali" D•nert. Strawberry flavor. 3 ~ .. 22' .. •.. ~~~.~~~.LLOW~~ 2.n. tender. soft. .._ 7 Ruby Solod hclpe on both Jell· well or d fluff-l-e11 packogaa. Sofewoy•aged 10 the ,,.ok of te11der, 1v•cy novorl Tr11T'med before weighing or pricing to gove you more good· •ohng m•a• In ev•ry pau11d. USDA CHOICE IEH. 1hould•r cul onlyl ROUND BONE CUT •• 111. 451 2 10..'". 29' ,11, •. FraJt .l •le-e S•I~! l ........ 4-. ...,... .. o,..... _.. ~It, w Gt.,.frvit. .YOUI CHOtCI ~ 10' COllCOID 1Wf Vitomin C addedl 7-IONI SHOULDIR CUT DUIUOUI H AND 0. "I SLICED BACON SHORT RIBS PARMH JOHN. ORADI A.. .... 49c USDA CHOICI IHP . lake, broil, borbecutl .... 1.9c BEEF LIVER ••••• n.. 45' Wholtsoma, v••oml"·rlchl BOILING BEEF • • • • • •• t USDA CHOICE. "ote meot. Filet of Sole ••••••• 45' CAPTAIN'S CHOICE. laonel•n . Haliblt Steaks •••• I~. 49' CA PTAIN'S CHOICE deep .. o f11h. GROUND BEEF IN NIW, CUAI VISKING CAllNOI frHh ground daily! Tender, fulcy, M • lected ~f chunlu ••. top• for navor • •. p,.parad under Slote l"spe<1lonl GUMANHID SATISJACTION 39c O• MONIY IACKI llt. "9(IS lfftOM nm, FIL. SAT .. • U, U, 2S. 19sS, AT WfWu DOiii i Im ~ (Thrv Sundey.in Stora op11 Suldly) ........... _..... .......... ~ ........ -...... ......... ;_, ' noas m uu Dllll:J ......... , .... (P'rtda7 di • p.a.) ~ ............... 1.722 Newport Blvd., Costa ·Mesa PLENTI' OW PAJUUNO OH LARGE PAVED I.Dr .... ' • ' PAGE :f • P~RT I -NEWPORT MARIOR NEWS-PAESS THURSDAY, JUNE 21. ·1955 Too Late To .C~aslfy n c.._. ......... •!=~'---Left~ .... WuMI. ........, llODJl:IU'( t Mra. apt. ma._ IOI baM)-coland f-U. PUe -al"9 11t.. H..,.oit BeMI. WpT1 .. Ulli'-'-Hu, llM. ncn •• •.. , ..... . t& l:ella•i.~ MR& .OW'La ol H.,..,..t_..... J'URH. I Wnu., I 1-tM. ~ ftocat ...... wtu. prt.ate MaclL ~ prt..at. =: ... >....u.Me Jul)' Ulna 8ept. LI .......,. ...a.Jee.Lt, .-cl· a.T&al ...,... Jlar. n11 ~ tas and eoneatt" llJ>Mdl. LI eecn a.TIM. lkTl ~--... ......... a ome. Stenographers 1 Modern Store n>R RmNT, •Tl per mo. Parldn&' Typists lad11U-. lol'Oed air Mat. .Wt· Bookkeepers abae. ~ reeJ ~ stfta ~ lnqutre '°8 m. Bali.. BlYd. ruu Time IM&dy work. Hatbor 2010. tttte 5 Da1week . Apply Wedneeday June 29th 80 ....... ~ 1701 l'tacmtta, ea.ta M-. Beautiful Triplex llcTO nRft Cl.AU .....u-Wall~. Good. dean. .,.... Ill eo.ta. x-. Plu•• Har. MT before 10 a.m. ,_, bed,_ unlt.I all on one OcTl noor. J260.00 per Mo. lncome. ruUy occ:upted ud t.n.ant. wait- IO ....... °'9 -tns. Neu Newport Ht Bchool. ... 000 'llttll bandle. J'Ull prle. l'OP COIUf XACBINll for male 121,1100. ~bl•. CllJ1 Bar. 728. etcn BUSY OOAND IA Bal~ ne&r ll-1'11nlttaN for I.We PavtlSon. Iacl'lldee I ret&U 1tore rma., ' baJ .t.w apta. tully oc. MODlllUf :W-leNJ bedrm. Mt. cupled -d eanunc 12% sn- .--.. ralmw~ bencll. bed. on aea.ooo . ntaM aaad. d...t ot dra-n 6 TW&LV& BICA.UTD'ULY turn• 1ouap obalr. Fh. Har. 0864 latled, one bedroom anlt.1 •t-etc11 uns hlp onr Ute beach at Cot- .urrtQtrm 80ll.d u.rry 7 drawer one de.I Kar. ...000 sro-, A.lk· eb-.t JTI; II ft. di&. round maph tns f70,000. Tenna. Juy 9....,, table '85; couch $11 • 11 VNIT8 INCLUDING I t\am· Jl.a.lilor 1190. etc11 ~X IA1n0n M>ft. like new, ~. ~ UllfurU., I \l.llder COlb atnicUon. Located main thoro- "6, 'matchlnc club chair UO. fare Coeta )(..._ lbrtra 11'0UQ4 Brand new .,,onp rubber loun,e for expenaion. ReNonable earn- ell&tr J45. Uk• new channel tnp HOO Mo: Alldnc $48,300. Upson--Warns Driven lei ll&ck ftreaide chain na et.ch, Contact Russ Patch 1 cedar cheat. Har. 1738·J. Stc'fl XI 7-4.o6 or 11-8-*-,8~ Harbor •383 evM. Ir weekenda n:NOUIN ..wnc dlll1hy -Nylon ·With a1l-Ua1Jer fl 75. 3M Dt.htla. Co...a del Mar. Harbor 01S1·W. Arch Balcom 8tp11 .teaaow & · Associates . IOI w. 17th at., aanta Ana At.BOA ISL.AND RENTAL -lie CharmlAs hou.e, I bdrma., t.Y&il, -to July 1'tb. Well t\lnli.ahed. 61-8-1 &We ~·~§fl Oar~ dl.apoMl. Flrepl. Rea- aonable ... Rar. 2687-W. Stuc - TRADE EQUITY of $3000 48-A-A_e for Beat ln 3 bdnn. 1tucco, lhlncl• root, hdwd. noon. ttreplac., dbl. SU· OCEAN FRONT I bdrm. t.pL fenced patJo. Excellent Pomona N-ly turn. Retr«c. ftellt by wk. locatJon. month or year. Owner on prom· J'OR BOID.AR IA Ncw))Ol't or 1 ... Sat. A 8un. 24.10 w. Ocean Coeta x.-- Front, NIWJ>Orl or pbon. TUkon Or. equity of f1800 ii F . JI. A. 321154 Upland. Uc committm•t U8ld. FOR LEABJC-l"um. Waterfront. H. A. KAMH New, 2 bdrm. apt. Electrlwly UO I:. 11th Ave., Pomona equipped. 428 Vlt. Lido Nord, Ph. LYcomtns t-91159 StpTl (evee. LY 2-MOTJ. tloTl . . UPPER BAY HENLEY DiES LOCKERS OoaU... ..... ...... ..... Oeau.nect from '11'M .... Yorba WN In lhl ca)> iw-tn1 ll'llCLU..-Locbn (app. 125 lb.) ws n.&rt1IUll ~ l'UIB ... CHOICE llBA'1'8 f7.'11 JT· '11· ....... NEWPOaT llll&Cll ...... ., .. Lure or perlOn." 1t I.I W-c-aJ for Ule 1tarter button. 11M dl-.eJ en- boata to overtake or t.pproach Jin• rounded a wrY• and rammed nearer Ulan 200 feet of t. boat lnto tb• truek-drqslft6 tt ap-=~;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;s;;;a;.,._~~=~~~~~~~~~~lmll!~~ lowtn1 penona or object.. prox.lmalely to fML - -- eo.t opwatora muat 7leld rtsbt-Yorba •ulf•red mlDor lnJuri• .. of-wa y to otber bo&ta tow1JIC. Only He t.lllO wu taken \o Alaabelm two penon• al a Um• may be Community Hoepltal. towed and t. 71Ht. towllna II SHOUTS WAJL'll'INO mutm\111\. lwtmm.lllC areu ~ be Encmeer of th• 90-car t.raln. marked mmt be ot.ened. Approv· 0 . M. Daniell ol 8&n B#nardlno, For Speclalllecl Service °" Y .. AlltOmatic Washer PHONE MESA UPHOLSTERING At Orenge County's l.Mdin9 H~ Lendfnt lnatltution CONTINUING TO PAY v:acro PER ANNUM ALL ACCOUNTS All Accounts . Of,.Met _ On or Befor• The I 0th of the Month Earn From the Id LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION Sii 0-. Ana~ PhoM: Bl' '-11T1 LAGUNA IEACH CONCRETE BLOCKS Kl 2..0754 PVIO·BLOC& OOKP ANY -SUO a. IJala II&.. llaata Aaa PUIOOE -OINDD AND OONCID:TrJ 111.0ClKI UINFOBCINO BTIZL Md IUPPLIE8 • ed nn ~n and llfe aav-told deputl• hi.I fl.roman Wallt.ee t. 88'llth. yelled a waminC to him u Boet operaton may pick up ft.Uep • • iVWided • ..w¥e.a.abort.. water altlera lf it can be don• dllt&nce from th• cf'OMlns. Dan- • Without diaturbtns the traffic pat· Iola aatd h• had been opera~ tern. Sldera may drop tow lln• hll whlllU• and conUnued to do M>. onl}' In d•lcn&ted ramp landtn&' He ._rt.ed b• alapped on hil em- areu. Boat obeervel"ll muat ralM •rsency brak• but wu unable to one arm vertically on approM:hlnS 1top ln ttme to amd hltUnc the a tall• 1Jder. No wat• akUns truck . Llltertr . S-780---_.. .. ,._._ _____ ;;;=._ wtU be permitted tn Dtatrtet IL It wu th• n.tty-ntUl \rattle AlltOlllatlc Washer ""9rprlses 2648 Newport llwcl., Ca1ta ~ NfM Oell O.U. ,... ell tab"· .. boat fatality tn Oranp County t.hJa ..... ty coun ma.y • ..... yet.r. racee and srant permita. Com.mer-~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ claJ era.ft may •till uae Upper B&y under WTltten permlMlon and at a lpeed ot not more lban a llUlote. Newport Yarkty Y017a I ... 10 STOU "• Gift Orewa ........ 0.... ,.._, N_,. PW l'illiWl'O&T, ll&&Cll CatllAN'S TY ................... UMrtyl-WI Old z.tabu.abed IMurance A.IUG7 All u.. wrttt.a ROWA&D W. OERRUIJI 1IOIN..,art llml., ea.. M- ftl0Jf9 uman a.uu ..... ,, .... CW... MCI °""9a .. • ...... • J>nfill7 -···· ......... ~ O&Llo ··--THE SHADE SHOP ................ ............... ... YOU TOO mi6d CAN II 1Jniverdfl MOVIE CONTRACTS PRIZES -TRIPS PUBLICITY J Girls Wiii Be Picked -to represent: Miu Newport Hmbor Miu Laguna leach Miu Santa Ana SMiie or, Mauled •Irk ,,_ ., ... ,. la °"'8te Co•ty ....................... INTIY ILANU ONLY AT ~0 Vs .... Nteaf' .. 11 W ALTAH CLARKE'S HAWAIIAN SHOP 147 S. C1111 llwtL -... .. .... -I.tizz • 11111 . FIT PREM wat Cea ca ll..., ...... ,...w.. e.ple f ........... ~---­.......... "',. ""91y -elf•.. I• ............. , ....... Hiil ~ ..... ...... .. _.. .... ....... ............ ~ .................... .................. ...... ., .... ........ -- We .... l&H .......... IODYM-.c ,.,.,..~ _., ..... ....,_M ................... .... _... ....... ........ ,_._ .. ......... , •• '1 ... ..... .,_ --IVMDAT II to I the Stocking with Controlled S·T·ll·•·T•C•H Y Oll'Ye MVtt b.d 11.Cdinp 6.t Hke this! Thae beautiful •retch ay'°m 6t ftawle811y to the eud contour of your foot end leg. COflUOll«l 11rdell. "dwiw with Phoenix bringa you perfect fit and comfort •t the top. heel ud toe. Try thmt ••• yo.11 lib t!Mm. . "" ).,.._ ONI -..1 .. io..il TOI }.,..,_ "'91WO .. -·~-~ ...... ... ... ~-....a.4 ........... _ ....... .... ...... -... .... ... ......... ._. }.,.._ . "",._ ..... 'i\ .. 11 ...... I .... _ .......... "iJ lmWPOIT llACH _ ....... _.pal ... ._-&. Open Sundays 10 to I \ LIDO ISLE WOKA..N'S CLUB will be otticenid by thia group for the coming club year. Talrlnc office at t1ie "Hata A-bloom Day" were (l to r) Mm.M. Thomu Letto, premdent: Donald Colgrove, first vice preaident: Joe Preininrer, eecond vice preaident; Gen• Rou, Festive Event Ends Season ·- Officers Installed and \, 'Hats A-bloom' in Parade Lido I.ale Woman'e-Club each year presents a c-ombina· • treuurer: Pa~ M. Rogera, recordinc .ecretary; Nell Cameron, co~ponding .ecretary; Ralph Tandow.ky, parliamentarian and immed.Jate put preaident. ~ne RouPhoto NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS-PART 11-PAGE I THVRSDA Y, JUNE 23, 1955 lion program .. the aeaaon'a finale which includea the unique ASSISTANCE LE.AGUE HA .. Hata A-bloom" parade, a fashion abow and the introduction S of new officers. There ia no ceremony of in.tal.lation, but SEASON 'S FINA.L SESSION e&ch reUrtnr offlcer pruenta her had a combination bridal and gra· w ccuaor. duation theme. Mn. Tandowaky offered rellclta· Mrs. Rosa'• committee included tJoru. a corsage and the gavel to Mmes. Joaeph Ferl\&8()n. Leon I W6re, Templeton, Amo)d Broyles th• lncomlnr preaidtnt, Mre. Tho· and mother, Mrs. Webettr. Mmea. m.. Letto. Other• ta.king office I J ohn Davies J r .. R . J. J:a.rl,. R. L. were Mmes. Donald Colgrove, rlrst Frailey, D. P. Hart, R. H. Kirby, vice president; J oe Prt>lnlnrer. c. M. Hom, John Brouchton, Bur- aecond vice prealdent; Nell Cam· ton RombeJ'rer, Eu&'ene Vreela.nd, eron, corre11pondlnr at'cretary; Salmacla, an4 Herbert RUe7. The •ucceu of the BundJe Cofree ud the nIUnr of the Aulal.&llce Learue Thrl!t Shop a,aln with merdlandiH wu reported TUuday to the Asai.lance Learue membera bv th• hoeplt.allly chairman, ,Mn. Willard Klllion a t the ~ meet- Jnr until September. The Leegue la able to gtve a great deal to Ui. communlt7 when It shares tbroup thl• type of a party. Mid Mn. Kll· lion. With the continual effort.a of the member-. ud lntet"- w ted people II\ the are1t. the Thrift Shop will &Cain be open !our daya a week through the aumme.r months. Toulouse Troth ·is for the •"1ff wu U.. WcmonVt John .!'otter J)W&.., eecnta17 of et&te. , . Revealed Mr. ud Mn. ._.... ToulouM. Mt WUaut .--.. 0o.ta x-. are Hnr--. ,UM .......,_t ., tWr ~i. ,~ Ar).-__ ,..... O&Men. -ol u.. late rrank OW.. '8d Mra. O .• o. Loonlw of A~on. M .... TIM IM'tarroom.....,_be ta 't la • lilrother ot Mn. Ray o-Jrer ot o..u. 11.... Both be and M.lu ToWouM • ...... rndu.ated lhla moath tram <>nq. Oout OoU.p. No date bAe ..... Mt tw t.be ........ Participates in Opening Rites . at U. N. Event M&r7 BaUea ( )(rw. J . ltetfeuen.) C 'o r o a<a clel Mar Comm unit)' CIMlrdl mumc dlnctor reports that t.ba cl1naax or ber trtp to au J'raaeUeo tut woak' end to &tt-d t ll • atata a.onJ OolfductoN' Id uuuaal COllftl\Uon wu pv- WINNING FIRST PLACE for me>11t unique bat of the afternoon wu the aky-piece of Mn. Willlam Macken· zie Brown, tU Via Lido Soud, when lhe modelled at the "Hata Abloom" afternoon of Lido lale Women'• Club. The aecond atory bad ~ live chickens twitter· Ing in it. -Staff Photo dpatioa ot U.. IT'OUP la t.M "r.tiftl Of l'a.lth" Mniee which opaMd tlla \ellth uuU"'81'Y ot tu Unit.cl NaUona. OWN 'm.nMra jo6aed atnpn ot tlM 11&)' area ln a 1..IOO wtce ~ under the dlnctson ot Rob- ort llMw, a&Uoll&U)' l&mOUll Cali· fonlia choral conductor and alum· nue ot PomOl\a Coller•. Speaker Birthday Duo Shares Party Complete Studies Unde' the J~p 'ot Pau:l ot orpmauoe. n. club '#ill ra- Dun!ap, Ula "'-Btowwra. a... ce. for tb• 1wnrn.tt.. ~-1~_& bor .,.. '°R alaclrlcal proJect MW ..nee oa radio techntque tn Ula tall. X~1 will ba h.eld th• A Joint birthday party WU beld rroup, baa complet.ed UsrM J'~ Mcond and fourth ~ enB· lut week for 'Mack K cCullock. stUd)' boou durtnc the ftnt 7e&r lap. 90f\ of the Clanne. McCUllockl. r,:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=::::::;:=:=:==::=:=:=:==::=::::::;==:; 4&0 Catalina Drive, and Tlmb& J onea. eon or the Web9ter Joa- or C:O.ta Meaa. Center of att.rae- Uon w.. a hu~• blrlhday cake with raJlroa.d mour decoraUona.. PreMnt were Mrs. Obie Loud, llmmy and Diane; Kn. 1-ter R. VlerUnr &Rd David; Mre. W. D. Shock and Scotty; Leon Feriu-; Mn. Weti.ter Jone. an4 'nmbo; Mn. McC\lllock arid Mark.,, JEWEUY FllOM DTATES AYAJLAIU If you •r• ...kinca Jewelry Items th.t ere Sure• Let us bow •••• We mey Buy It For You e nwm.&T llOUOB'l' e IOl&TS JEWILDS na~...,.. • ...,_..._..._._...._..,1 l'r•tJ•two meMMn Oft.be ()r.. &111• Couaty Cll&pter attende4. In· ludtllf Mn, ROM Dixon ot the H&rtM>r ant. and reur1n1 .tat• ~t. Mn. Wtaltftd lloop of A&a)wllft. Mn. lt.eftenMft &a lm· mediate put p....&4-t ot t la • county chapter. STORE YOUR ' ' PRECIOUS WITH A 'PROFESSIONAL FURRIER Phone Kl 2·0612 .... tl\95· HM ~:1 ,"----------------' ..,._......_. "'*·• ...... : ......,., °"' Jllllj. ..., 1.-as. S.ta~ Ana FUR Co. o,.,...... •• t r._' IOI ..... Paul M. Rogen. recording 11ecre-Club members model~ aul'nDMr t&ry and Gent' Ro1111, trf!611urer. fuhlona with narra-Uon b7 Glori& Mrs. Tandowaky will ierve u par· Flckll~ Door prizes wen won ' lla.rnt'nt.arlan. by Mmu. Vreeland, Brouatiton, Firlal report• were rtven by all committee chairmen and the president., Mnt. Edward Millett, thanked Ula luncbeoa hoete-Mmes. Arthur Bell. George aoar, 0.01'19 Moore, Net.on Neice, 0 . O. Su-. and Lonnie VtncenL • HAT8 .ll'DGED Vincent Heely, R. W. Lovetand and John Hellyer. Program chairman, Mr•. Robert Keppen, Introduced judgu oC the "Hau A-bloom" parade. Thelma FAC A h?doc!k• '{~1'9. Fredric) Hope, nnounces Corona def Mar art lat: Mayor Dora (Mrs. Edfar) Hill. former L h C d club presldeftt and Mnt. John Hart· unc eon, ar $ leln, Corona dt>I Mar flor1•t. Member• paradtd the club room. Another of thOH luncheons for MEET TONIGHT Wives of Architects Plan County Chapter wNnnr hats adorned with natural bu.sin... people will be rtven In flower• and various other object•. conjunction wtth a card party by Cla.u award• went to Mrs. William members or Ft'lday A.ttemoon Club MacKenzie for funnlut hat, a Mrs. Richard Plerer will be Dahlia ATe., for an or,anlaaUon.al I roee·topped cage of live chicks: on TuelMiay, June 28 at the club hoateaa tonltht a t her home, •~ -Ion of the Women's Arch!· I t o Mr11. Robert Templeton tor mo•t quarters. tectural IA-cue. 0r&nl'e Cowll7 unique, done In a patriotic motif Servtnr will be from 11 :30 a.m. Chapter. for Flag Day; and to Mr•. Herbert to 1:30 p.m. and wm be ln charge Harbor People Wlvea of Orange County archl-1 G. AJl>c'echt for moat betlutltul, a ot Mn. A. R. Glnrru. Kn. L w. tecta held an initial meetinr at amall cloche of amaU n owere In Covert haa reaponalblllty or card S "} S t d the home of Mra. Phllmer Eller-I pHlel shad~ii. arrangements, hu announced both at a ur ay broek to formulate plana tor the : WERE IN CHARGE door and table prlua. Tbeae' two chapter, and received a wekome 1 will be a.1111lated by Mm ... Paul Mr. and Mn. v .IC. Cline, and from Gat .. W. Burrow•. preal- Mr1. Gene Rou, decorallon1 Roberts, P. V. Parke• and T. L. dent of Orange County Chapter, chairman, and her committee had Brown. MIN Emmie Stewart. 32, Balboa A.I.A. arran•td luncheon table and room Covea, an aaJllnr Saturday on 8. Mra. Kermit Doriua ot Coeta ., Ticket• may be secured from I decorations H 1etllng for Uie het any club member or ruen•atlona S, OJ'llOva or the Orlent line, au~ Me• wu named temporary cbalr- parade, uslnr hats, both larre and for luncheon and play may be 11ldlary or the Sunard line. Thia m&n. Pnaent were Mmea. l:ller- mlnlature, and a prorualon of flow· made with Mra. E. I. Moore, LI la H id to be the largut ahl,P. broek. William Faulkner u d JCver· era. The Garden room had aa eome 32,:100 ,....0 .. tons, which hu ett Parka of Santa Ana; Mn. theme "Deep Purple" and was • 8·&23~. Newcoment lo the area .,. Maurice Wlllu, Garden Gron·, , STORE HOURS MONDAY THRU muRSDAY 8 A. M. 'TIL 8 P. M. FRIDAY & SATURDAY 8 A. M. 'TIL 9 P. M. OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY. .... I ever entered Lonr Beach Harbor. plct\lre In color created by Mra. are Inv ted lo come and ret ac· Mmea.. Dorlua and Wlllard J ordan, Vincent SaJmad&. Th• head table qualnted. The Harbor travelers will 10 Cotta M-; Plarer, Paul DaN, ':SJ ... through the Panama Canal. over Frederick Hoc:lren, Merton Will· ~ to the Brlllah Weal Indlea. to llOll and Herbert Brownell of thla ()~ at gour . t hen up tt. nt.11:. rmirncffiy>:'", ~..----....:...::..........:.:.:::=_:.::_.:.:::.uL . ___ _ _ _ _ __ _ and will lud In London. TheJ -----.c:-:::;;)"'f;f[~fq-,EJ'::f.,---~U'.J.tf.U .... BASOLD IW.ur90N w111 tour Europe for six wukl, J:very moment yoll'?'a beblftd the visiting relaUvu In Blackpool, wheel of your 1.utomoblle, ba phy· ~ · England, and w111 return to lhe lllcally and mentall7 alert, advlaff Ea.at Cou t. r otnr up the SL the National Automobile Club. A • ,.( l L&WTence River jo Montreal. lltUt care can make you a aate ei.,ure a Dorothy Jo (Jtn. Harold) Swan· .......__ th J r ivm "' on. p ans lo ttturn driver. A little canl--can aon. ot the Dorothy Jo Swanson home are lndetlnit". m&ka you a cori-. ~ " Dance Studio In Corona del Mar, F;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, ~17:~o~:~.::. ~d ~~~:~:~ n :J. fi S ~ I orait j ad Artists to teacl) In their sum· o ii m~h:c:::~~~i~a for the In· ew ~gured tJr a e j atrucUon of 'dancing teachers and 1 f llr'R Y 'TU I Air A th• junior aemlnara tor • limited I r i;~ I n' '' u The Stauffer Syatem la Mllint number or (1fted advance atudent.a NEW FIGURES for summorl H.~R1J~~Rf S~Qf,'.£ an held In Loa Ancelu, Houaton. Chlcqo. Boston and New York. The STAUPPll "Mlrecte• t• Daughter Sandra and M I u blH will trim your HIPS, s Wanda Trautwein. daughter or TUMMY, CALVES ind THIGHS, 'Uni ''D c· ARRY the Ray Trautwein• of Coat.a Mesa so quickly and euily you will UVUL If ; • • will accompany Mra. 8wu1em on the tour acroaa country ud uaiat find It herd to believe your A &In A LOT MQ11Jr II\ the dt>moratratloru. SwanllOI\ own eye~. ' If U I( f; and son Doi\ wtU ny to mHt them In Detroit. pick up their new car and the l'f'OUP wt II con tlllue Ule tour by car. Fine Fumiture - & Accessories Distinctjve Decorating Service .......... H you would lillo te be ttuyl"I aizes 12 i nd U this summor, cell the STAUFFER SYSTEM TO- DAY for your NEW FIGURE! Cal PHONI NUMlll fet • comple'9 pel'10l"lal figure an· alysia ind 1 compllment1ry demonstration of the famous STAUFFER TABLES. }' 17 E. Coast Highway CORONA. DEL KAR HARBOR 17'2 Fuller Paints-Wcdlpaper Garden Tooh--Plmnbhlg s.pplles ~ G. E. "llectrical Products S....._. Applia11Ces, etc. FORGIT HAllDWAlll 2205 w ....... llYCL-Newpml .... -• .. --• • • P.AGE 2 ·PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR ('IEWS.PRESS THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1955 -Bernie Alden Photo Stewart-Chase Duo Wed in Chapel . Drive 11 under eonatrucUoa. 11 .... 'BBC Dinner tor p duaUon ot BUI JIUftl' ~m Harbot' Hl•h tkhool wen the f G d t Wldlul ftoetnon ot Ca~ Park. Or I'.8 U8 es Mr. and Mn. K•nn•th Cntt Jr. I A "'°'1P wblch bu betn to-and daUl'hler E11Mn of Ptl~llf. pt.Mr lince kindus&rten day. Ari&. were hen to• two w..X. piUMd ano~r mil•tone wben member1 were lf&duattd trom ree.ntly. Mra. Cntt and Mra. ~t- Ronce ~ IChool. nor an dauabt•n of Mr. and Mn. l M"llnl at the Balbo& Bay Club, ~· ~r a py dinner party before at· ;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;mt tendhlr ui... pd11aUon d&Doe bel4 ~~-=!.:::!.m·--·or Ih~M~ toddar<! anG,'P.il~. -ac."" 1 Huh11 and ~ Nott. Boy MERMA~D -~urxuuyn--TyTra . 1 Grant Hombea)f and Marilyn Unda 1 lM, Joe Uppltt and Judy Miter, ·s-;m (',,;ts Dour Reddick t.11d Ten-y ftoel. Wli .J'611 P-TA to Show Fall Fashions Flr1t mHlln1 of tall held a tten· tlon when Cof'Ona del Mar School P·T A had Ila lMt board aesalon I for tt.e echool fear at the home of the prel!ldent, Mn. Sue Mu~ln. I The group met to discuss tufore prngrnrns an J hopl't1 to stlm11ll\te mtcren nt:tt year with proft••,. , ~1on1l 11peekl.'ra anLI or1gtnnl rn· ·-lert alnment. /\ new approach to U1e tlrlll "get acquaJnted 1ftemoon.. In Ortober will be a a1oc1al tea tea· turlng a fa~hlon i;how spon~orl'<l tiy outstanrhns; 11torr!I in the area. -Family Guests at Ring Home ' Mr. and Mra. Hadd R ill&' are Uv· I Ing at 624 Ramona Drive while their new home at •O. Delphine •s•a Two for S 11.00 Others to $17.95 nae 1ult. you waat jmt Wlw!D )'OU aeed thNn. )laa)' •t)'IM ln C'Otton IUMl .......... MRS. ALAN QUINBY HATCH -Beckner Photo JOSEPH WHITACRE, who were married in January in Santa Monica, were honored at a reception and surprise shower at the Lido Isle home of the A. L. Webbs. The bride is the former Alyce Lorraine Nobles, daughter of W. W. Nobles, SeUhore Drive. After the reception the couple left for a tour of ·Utah, Arizona and Nevada. -Hugh Mynatt Photo Long Beach is to be the home of Mr. &nd Mrs. Nestor H. Sttwart, after a honeymoon at St. Louis and in the Black ~==========. Mi ~J • ~-_ SHORE CLIFF FOLK HOLD SS:-r.JI-wtnb~r COMMUNITY WIENER BAKE . M . d . 1 S arrl e A real old fashioned wienie bake wu held last night on Corona del Mar Third Beach and wu attended by more than 160 reetdenta of Shore Clift. Planned aa & neighborhood get . . s J acquainted affair by the board or directors or the Prope.rty at t am~e s Owner• A111octatlon, the bake waa a.cclalmed a areat 1ucceae. Children bad e. special tire ot their own and aui•ted ln the ' • . pr.eparatlo.11 of the party. Reception Bayshores is Held at Residence In an all-white floral setting in St. James Episcopal Church in early afternoon of J une 18,·the Rev. Ralph Pease performed the double ring service which united Mias Pene· lo~ ~!winger and Alan Quinby Hatch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glad11tone Fielding Hatch, 111 Vla tended the bridegroom and uahers • A hat contellt for b6th aAlulta and children wu a feature, al.o a Hilo Hattie hula dance by Mrs. George He.nneberg, community alng1ng, wblle &klt.t and stunt.a by the children and a mualc jam 11eMJon were all part of the fun. Many re1ldenta aat.ted. Chief committee chairmen were Duncan Stewart; Bob and M.n. Gardner, R. J. Rothwell, Mrs. c: H. Harry, Mr11. W. P. Annatronr. Measra. and Mmea. ~waon . Foote. Lee Wilder, Harold Caldwell and Mrs. G. N. P.W, cene~ chalr- mon tor the occasion, also Mra. WlUiam Graulay, aecre- tary-trea.eurer and Lindley Younrblood, president,. or the auoclatlon. Lido Nord .• The bride I• the da.ugh. were Robert Cramer of Pe.Ndena NEWPORT ARTIST -ter of the .1-pb W. Boodl, 249~ and 8tanHy Sett.. Crest view Drive. HOME R.ECEPTION Penelope wu given in keeplng by her father. Slle wore a princesa Cuesta offered fellcitaUona at _ cown of white lace with p lhe H ood ~ome ln Bayshore&, -neckline and 1hort aleevea. A orned for th• occasion with ette cap of lace bel.d her circular hlte gla.diolu and ferns. were -elbow len(lh veil. Her bridal tlow· &erved allcea of the brlde'a pede..lltal -eni, white rote. and on:hlds. were cake and toasled the young couple Art School Open House to Honor George James altachfd to a century·old lace and In ch~pagne. Ivory fan which u an .heirloom tn Mr9. C. W. Hubert cut the cake Bea.ch a.rUit. will be guest ex- lhe Hatch tumUy. and MJu Janet Bement poured hlblt9r •t ope.n hou.-exhibition 11tartlng the ntnth annual aeaaon Wearing watermelon plnk ch.If-cof!ee. Mies Kathyrn Fitz.Gerald of the Brandt • Dike Summer !on. Miss Prudence Elw1nger at· Wll4 in eharre of the guest book. School at Corona del Mar thl• tended htr twin al1t.er u maid of ·Others who lent reception aid were S rd honor. P reced1Dg the bride wu Mr. and Mra. Norman FitzGer-atu ay. Linda DeU, !lower ~l. who 1cat-aid and Miu AUltin·Belle Sullivan. , Junes ha.a been invited Jn recog· tered roHe P<'lala down t.he white Among ·out of town g11ests were nTuon Of the honors he has e.c- carpetrd n111le. Carl Schaeffer. New York City; quired thi..t year and u a former Jerry Stolp of Loe Anrelea at-the Harry Colliruies of La Jolla, student at the achoo!. The young formerly or Rochester, Minn.: the painter won first place ln the Manton Meltons of Long Beach, California State Fa.tr competition Mrs. Howard Giere. Mr. and Mrs. for all atudenls in professional art James Reeves o.nd Mrs. Leice11tl'r Wagner of Pasadena., also the Floyd Parks and daughter J eanne ot Long Buch. MAYO IUS Trio Feted b Lido Par.k Club A epec.lal luncbl'on on June 15 at LJdo Trailer Park honored three women who were active In pro· moting activities ot the Lido Park club la.st year. They were Mrs. achoola and collere art depart- men ta ln the 1tate la.st fall. Int addition he has been elected to I membership In the Wesl'11 only professional a.rt organization. the California Water Color Society. "We're batting :500.'' says Rex Brandt, co-director of the school. I "Joan Du·ta. a young Los Angelea 1tudent of ours won jn 1950, mak· Ing It twice In four yean ... In addition to George Jamee other e;ic.hlbltors at the Saturday I open houae will be faculty mem· bers Dike and Brandt, Joan Irvlnf, :Betty Winckler and gue11t lnat.nlc· st-ot-SarrP'rllm:1 Clll-'l!es commence the followlnr Monday for the •mx ·weeks ten11 featuring 11ketch trips to the many 11cenlc &pots ot the Orange County area. A Wedne11day chll- dren'a sketch dua w11l also ~ offered under the lnetrucllon of J oan lrving. Th• bride 11 the granddaughter of the l&t.e Dr. Cb&r"les H. Mayo, co-founder of t,bli Mayo Clinic, and the late Mn.; 'Mayo. After the honeymoon •h• and her husb&.lld w111 be at borne at 207 Onyx Ave. Many prenupUal cour\esies were tendered the bride-to be, one ot the latl!llt • beinC a tea e.t VIiia Marina hoet.eued by Mrs. Kenneth Dell and Mra. Norman FltzGera.ld. 'nllrty guuta w~ pruent. Besale Christensen, .Mr11. Ralph p;;;;::;::;:;::;:::;::;::;::;::;:;::;:;;;;; PHYLLIS ALBEN Phyllis Roger to Say Alben, Barlow ~ Vows Harbor Girls Have Sailed for Scotland Vandervort and Mra. Alex Molli· son. Each was prHented w1th ll ba.aket purse. Poems. appropriate to each honoree wen! reRd by Mre. H. D. MJn cr. Mr. Scott from Hollister Broth- er11 spoke on gardening and care ot plants. He Is one of the Park rPeldent1. Opti-Mrs. Officers Seated Today OpU·Mra. Club ln~led ot!lceu Mm Joan Klme1, UI Snug Har-today at noon In mrbor Houu. bor and Ml.as Sharon 8herlll, •05 Seated were to be .Mmes. George 39tb Bl, ..tied TU•d&Y morning Burkhardt. president; W a It er tram )(ontn&l on the CUna.rd liner Buchterklrchen, flnt vice presl· dent; RUN Ford, eecond Vice pre•· S. S. Capt.a.In Cook for ScoUand. !dent; Frank Glockner, aecretary; They will arrive In ScoUand July Phil French, oorreaponding aeere· • In featurtnl' 19 Days lo the South Seu Salllng from LA. Sept.ember 8th CDM TRAVEL SERVICE IMJY, JC. Cout Hwy. Corona del Mar HARBOR Ute Mr. and Mn. Walt.er Alben, 178 Monte Vista St., Colt& Men. are unounclCjg the enaqement of t.balr daughter Phyllla to Noel Bar· low, eon ot Mr. and Mn. Ronald Barlow, 232 Agat• Ave. l to begin their ho1t.llng tourt.ary =~=; ;;T~ed~~R~UMl~~ll,=t.re=uu~~re~r=. :::;;;;:::;~===========;;;! throughout En&"l&nd and Europe. r Botb younr people were gra.du· ated from Newport Barbor Union Hiib School and &re students at On.n&'• Coast College. Wedd.inf pl&n.1 are beinl' made for late August. vlaiting many b1endll In varloua countrlea. At The Hague they will vlait a pen pal who wu 1tudent of Mn. John Feeley when th• latter was exchange t.e.ache.r In Holland. In Germany they will Ylalt Linda Heins. IntemaUonal Exchange ~ARIS TRAINED FASHION DESIGNER Teachea dreu deeigning. Learn for your Career or for own uae. Sm.all groups or individual teaching. For Information Call - ffi Madame Fenyo HYatt 4-7203 . Trans-Pacific Race Dinner I 1tudent at Newport Harbor High llChOOl ln 19!1 I. South Laguna '\Yhen In Denmark tbey exptet i•••••••i•••••••••••••••••i sun Broob st., to h.ave a reunion of forme.r Po- mona college 1tudent.1 at Copen- hagen and who are atudJSnc &t Fa.r...il puty of aklppers, tbt Unlvtnlty of Oalo. At .A.up- ...,.· and friends of th• Trana· burg. Germany. they will vlllt a hctfto nee conteatant. wUJ be pen pal of &baron'•· In It.&17 they beld at Newport Harbor Yacht will visit a cowlin of Mn. Ken- -aub on Saturday. net.h BoeU.cber, wbo 11 in the con· Tbe di.on• dance will be 1n the .war -.nice la Y'llp9l&'fi&. llaW'&ilall mout and there will be After &tt•d.lnl' tbe YMCA Ca· a Bawali&n orchNtra for "due· tall1a1 • contett11ce ln Pana tbe .... under the llan." A. hup ~ duo wlJl. spend 90llle tlme with a ~ floor 11 belll&' 11et up l"rech Pcmoaa Oollel'e studdt • am.an f>o&t 1U'd nut to th• whoet born• la ln th• 80\ltb ol ou-. Illand dr'9ll w11l be 1n P'rance. ntey will return home i ---na .DlallUa ucl ~ b7 aept. ia. I DO JOU WISH TO IE A SINGIR 7 \. • Madame LDlyi. Andenon Wbo ba! la~ eixperleot u a voloe taacll-.Jp ~ cltN'cal and popular wict dnelopment,, w1ll itn pt1nte lMtnlctioa to a ltmJted au.mber ot 1tudata. A.UDmON8 ~ ON P111DAY8 : c.B RYMt ~ t• ..,...._. , Hilla of Minnesota where the couple visited his paren~. Mr. and Mrs. Marchal Stewart at Bovey. The bride la the former Allee' ell and Miu Shirley Mc.Ewen, Jean ChaM, dau•bt•r of Mr. and J>ridMrnald, wore floor length Mn l4'11C~8Il5 We1t l gowii.e • .1.l:a.19.rID!!Lin net plnk..Jr!!! St., Coata l\feaa. Gowned ln wh_lte, ore.hid, the latter ln orchid neL 1 rhapel length, she wu c-tvene ln Both carried while carnatlone. I keeping by her father In eight Albert Given lent be11t man al(! o·clock double r1nt rites at Ca pilla am Vady Van Chaae was u&her. de San AnlonJo. A crown o( hearts I Weddlq music tncl\Jded ''The he.Id told.I of her veil and 11hc Lord's Prayer", "Alwaye", and carried a white bible covered with "Because of You". Chapel' flowers gardenia.a. I were white IJIUu with white coral MaJd of honor, Miu Judy Jew-gladlolaa. Circle Plans for Christmas Lu Amlgu Circle memben were entertained Tuesday evening at the home ot Mn. Gerald Brame. Balboa Peninsula with Mrs. Rob- ert Parker as &1111!11tlng ho11teaa. Christmas bazaar plarul were In· augura.ted, members offering Ideas !or their circle booth. Work wu etartl'd on tea towels. A short business session wu presided over by Mrs. John Kimble, Gueet tor the evening wu Mrll. Coutle Carpenter and 20 mem· bt-n wer• prdenL Next meeting will be at the Co· rona de! Mar home or Mrs. Grace W!Jcox, at 8 p. m. on July 19. Wearing a dreu of llghl blue with white ae~riea and white carnation corM.g'e, the bride'• mo- ther autated ln receiving guests after the ceremony. The new Mrs. Stewart was gr:idu«ted from Greenaway High School. her husband from !';ew- port Union High School. He "is stationed with the Air Force at Long" Beach. Say It With Party ~nta.I Items 3403 E. Coa~t BJI., Corona del Mot Barbor 6071 --------- • • • Ask Any Islander She's a Guest . __Mis!! -_I Naomi Guest • one of the foremost 'hair benders of Long Beach, Sa,nta Ana,· Cheyenne, Wyo.1 etc.-is now at the beauty barn Harbor 1595 PromoW 8~1ally for )'OU at- J 88ll Harbor Blvd. ' TREAT YOURSELF TO EASIER SHOPPING . . SPECIAI.8 FOR llJNE 23 • 24 • 25 Don's Meats PoRtK f HOPS ·-······.lb. 67c Butt E nd1 6Gc: HAMS ··········-····· .. -·-······-··Jb. 1- stew\ac 29c LAMB . . ········-·-··-·····--·····Jb. DINER'S CLUB HONORED AT ·'grog· Shop,; Grocery Depart111ent VELVEETA ................... Lladaay Su~r C0Uo11al ' RJPE OLIVES Royal PrinM YAMS . Newmark New POTATOES . Dole •·ruit COCKTAIL Del Monte Kain a PEARS ...... _ .... . so. ran 35c so. sos ~an23C ............ 2 can121c .• 4~0. sos r.an23c .So. llOS ran27C ······-···--····· ......... 3 ,~, 2]c AJJ Flavon JELLO Ubby'1 Tomat.o 2 23 JUICE ,. .... .... Xo. 2 c.an11 for C BAM 31C BAKED BEANS . z" oL can DICK'S Gr .. n Gro~erlea POTATOES . ·. l0 .~. 37~ CUcUMBERS .. 2 '"' 11 c ...... 0 '""' 2 33c KY. BEANS ....... IM. ' Speclalizfng In Quality Produce You Select ••• We Deliver _ 4J'!//#fl~""'Y SPECIALS June 23, 2A, 25 ' " . ' "' : ., ,_ (. " \. \ ' ... ,. ~-=~ PlnHpple lcecl 13-.. ANGIL POOD &Kl '8191 .. : ............. 59' .. (tt.U Y-.1 ... Y ..... ,/ T·HE ·MARKET ·sPOT--- 200 MARINE AVENUE BALBOA ISLAND . . . j ... . . MR8. ROGER EDMUND RILEY . ~Ray Huff Photo - MISS ~ETH ANN !ifA.SHBURN • .. • THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1955 BALBOA IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION memben and frlenda turned out in force for a dinner at New- port Harbor Yacht Club. The aff alr waa a fund-rala- ing project for beauti!ij:ation of the Penin11ula. At the head table. clockwise. are Mr. and Mrs. William Bridge & Canasta at Art Gallery NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS-PAllT 11 ·PAGE I Tbompeon, Mrs. ·Monte Orimee,. Sandy M.acKa.y, Mr&. Robert. Stabler, Mr. Stabler, Cbarlea Owen, Mn.. Ro- bert Keppen, Mr. Keppen, Mn .. Emery Moore, Q>mmo- dore George Vibert, Mn. MacKay and Monte Grimee. -Beckner Photo . toward UM new ch&lr tund ot tM At Pebble Beach pllery. De-rt will be eel'ftd at I p. rn. Ttcketa are mtnl.mum. SpendlnC a ,..,, da)"I at N Roger Riley and Bride on Mexico Trip Elizabeth Mashburn to be Mrs. Mears A. De&1ert Br1dfe and C&n&ata ~ a ttendin1 are reque.t-4 to Monte Lodi•· Pebble Be&ch, ue La&'\ID& B.ach Art G&llery will Party wµJ be held at t..acuna briJls thatr owa t&blu and ca.tda. M:r. aM M:ra. Donald Kets an4 be closed on Monday for hanging Bea.ch Art Gallery on Jl'rlday at Xany door pl'Uea have been do-Balboa. Coming Shows at L. B. Gallery 8 p. m. The proceed& are to ro nated. Donna, the new ~hlU.~r Jw~ Th~e i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i Mias Elizabeth Ann Mubbuna. daughter of Mr. and Mn. wUI con1iat ot three one man . Be . . . ahowa by J. Barry Greene, oils; Charles S. Mashburn of Huntington icll, will be D)&med John Edwa.rd Hodder, oil.a, and J uly 3 at four o~clock in Christ Cb)lreh by the Sea, to Carle.-Noel Qulnn. waterco1on. Thfte 1 ton Marchand Meara Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Carleton M. are thr1" ot the most outatanding Mean or 332 Newport Blvd. ermo. Lldo We. hu lnvited frienda artlsta ot Calltornla. The regu- Tha Rev. Roy A. Carlson will !qr a June 27 &bower at a p. m. lar members' June-Jwy exhibits officiate and be ualated by the Other part.Jea will be held later. will conttnue In the main plleriea. Vows in St. Were Repeated John's Church Rev. George Reeves. a Newport The new exhibits will open with Harbor High School cluemate ot p . F the monthly tea on Sunday, July S Carlpton .Meara. at10 ete at 1ponaored by the member1 ot the Allnla& Club. "Beth'' ~ a graduate ot Hunt- tnaton Beach Hf1h School, attend-Humes Home ed Orange Cout College, the Uni-Now honeymooning In Acapulco are Mr. and Mn. Roger veratty of California at Berkeley, Edmund Riley, who were married June 17 in St. Jobn'a and w .. g-raduated Sunday. June Eplllcopal Church Los Angeles in a ceremony performed 19 from UCLA with bachelor of • • . art.a degree In the echool ot edu-by ~e Rev. Ray Holder. The bride is the former Marilyn cauon. Ukelele and vtolln mualc wtth dancing In the pa.Uo featured th• nrpri98 birthday party for Ed- ward H. Humu ll"rlday enninc at the Humes' home, 1552 Eut Ocean Blvd. Musiclana wel'9 Jim We1t. Pnd Sutterlana and J. J . Allen.. Joan Sclt!pgel. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Schlegel, Carleton ta a gTaduate of New- View Park; and the bridegroom la veils wrre plnk, and they ca rried port Harbor High School, Orange the aon or Mr. IUld Mr1. Jack E. pink Elf roses. CoMt College and the Unlver1ity ftUey of Corona dPI Mu. James Kelly, brothrr-ln-law ot or Call!omla a t Berkeley with a Marilyn wore embroidered crys-the arroom, wu but man and ush-B. S. deJTee, mechanical engineer-Guest. present wer• th• F , K. t&Jette, the Cilted bodice In orr r r11 were Stuart A. Schlegtl end Ing, '-now working on hl3 maaten1 Sutterlanca, the Jim WelU, Muca. &boulder neckline and the .tklrt Blake Byrnl', colLli.ns of the brldt; Bl S. C. H e Ill & member ot Tau and Mmee. Ray Renderkencht. T. extremely CUii with tll'rt1 of rufn1>11 J ohn Stea, Btu Beazley, David De Bei... Pl f:Ild J>I Tau Sigma, hon-J. Allen. Jerry J ohnllOn, Jay Car- at the aldtJI ra.lllnr Into a chapel Groote, Allan Gilchrist and Fred orary engtnet'ring rral1>m1Ucs, and lysle. R. R. Ruehl, William Cour- t.rain. Her bridal lllU1lon vrll Cell Mouldenhauer. . Is employed at Downry with North toun, Ray Gomeu, Wiiiiam At· trom a. tiny hat of matching-tab-AT COl'~'TRl' cLrB American Aviation In their engi· kln.aon, Dean Campbell; Al Taym- r1o ornamented with pearls. She Molheni &Misted at the recep. neering department. "· Mni. Charle• Ho_!l, Cruck Blg- carrted while orchid• and lillt1 of tlon. held In Wib hlre Country Miss Darole Sta.nJey and Mn. low, the Dick Melroses and the tb• vallty on a whlU> prsyer book. Club, Mra. Schlegel wearing rose J . Chrt11teson are entertaining the hoetL Alter the party Ui. hoet.1, PllECEDt: BRWE beige alencon lace In waits length wedding party and !rlends at a with the AlleNI and J ohnaona left The brldal entourage Included and Mra. Riley In aqua lace. luncheon a nd 11hower June 25 at for Coronado to ~tum the Allen Xlae Ann Culllldy, maid of honor The new Mrs. Riley wu gradu-2725 I..owell Lane. Sant& Ana, and yacht, litary A. anchored at the and th• bridesmaid•. MIBI Mildred ated Crom Marlborough School and Mrs. J08eph Carver. 108 Via Pa.I· Coronado Yacht Club. Brown. Miu Nancy 1-Mclntoeh, USC where 1he aen ·ed u vlce Eilot O'Hara. noted wateroolor- l1t, will open h.l.a al&t.h ae.aaon of teaching at the gallery on July 6 and conUnue through July 23. Thia 11 the only place he will teach thla aummer In California. out.ldde of. his present. c.._ &t San Diego. He will llhow his col- ored movies of watercolor teeb· nlque on Saturday, July II at 8 p. m . &t Ute g-ell~ry. Tbe meeUns Is open to hla lltudenta and their frlrnd11. M well :u me.mbtrs of the gallery without charge. ThP Oranjte County Fair. to be held &l Cost.a U csa Aug. H will have 11.n l'Xhlbit !or amateur art- ists. An amateur Is an arti~t who hllll not 110ld more than s2;;0 worlh ot picturu in the l1111t year. 0 11!1. I watercolor1, pa.sltls and crafts may be entered. Blanks may be I 1ecurcd by writing lo the 32nd Dt11tr1ct Agricultural Assoc1at1on. 20381 Newport ?11 .. C03la Mesa. Mr.. Richard FO\llger and Mla.t preeldent of Pl Beta Phl. Her hua· Ann Schlegel. All were gowned band i. a dental student at USC, allu In white organdy, with pink l• a member of Delta Tau Dell.a 1llk embroidery In diamond pal· and Delta Sigma Delta. t.m. Their Crock.1 were bound by The couple wtll be at home In pink ll&llhu, headbands and no8e Lelmert Park. looking for -a 'BARGAIN? ex Brandt onfirmed as National Academician Corona del Mar artl1t Re:11: Brandt wu confirmed thl1 week u .AMoclate ot the klect Nation- al Academy ot Dealrn. He 11 the eifbth living CaJlfomlan to re- celve thl1 honor and th• youngNt .Amerlcan paJnter to have been elected ln five years. Membership ln the Academy l.a llmltad lo a pproxJmately 400, di· \'lded among architecu , patnter.. 8Culpton and graphic artist.a. The Acad1my wu founded ln 182~. the American counterpart of the Roy· al Academy ot England. Flr1t Fun Fare for Square Dancers Bummer actlviUea for the Co1• ta K• Hey-You-Squares, teen· .... d&llce 4Toup. hu rea~med with cloons ot 11Chool. A Dogpa.tch party 1ta.rted the Muon, the de· eorat.Jona anl1 co1tumea being In true Dos"Palch style. prealdent of the Academy w a a Samuel F. B. Moue, a portrait pa.inter known al8o for his work In the Invention of the telegraph. Reportl indicate that Brandl wiu one ot two pa.lnter1, out of 12 nominated. to survive U., final b&JloUng. lndlcatfng the rrowtnr 1t.ature of \Vest Cout artlat. In American painting. Phil Dike, co-director ot the Braiidt-D1ke Summer 8 c: bo o I which la opening it.a ninth 1euon thle Saturday at Corona del Mar. thl1 week pointed with pride to th• honora received by the loc&I group; l.n addiUon to Brandt and Dike Ian Academlclllll since 1950) Joa.n Irvlng and George Poat, all teaching here this 11ummer. are members of the A.!liertcan Water Color Society. Thia tumor, like th• Academy, 11 limited to 450 American protesalonal painter. . "A 11peclal point of ptide," -.y1 Dike. "Ill t.hat most o! 'the paint· Inga which have led to these rec- ognlUons were palnted In the Or- ang• County <'OMtaJ &rea." • Fete HS Grads at BBC Party On J une i7. celebra.llnl lh• cloee ot Kbool, the deeotatlona and re- rr.bmenll · were Hawaiian In Uleme when the clubhouse at 2080 Mcarovta A \'e.. Costa Me.a. 'NU UI• eeene ot a big luau. Saronp, hula aklrta and V.•hlle trouaer1 wen attire or cel«>branta. Mualc for the occasion wu Haw&Jlan Ml.111ea Donna Ha.milt.on and (UC.pt tor the lne\'ltable bop re- corda). The occu fon wu allO a ceMbnllon or the first birthday of th• Hey-You-Squaru. now of· n cl&Uy reg11tered with the 11tate u a dance c.lub. Tina Hughes hoat.esaed a luncheon at Balboa Bay Club June 18, hon- ortng tnenda who had juat. bffn gTaduated from Hlrbor H I g h ScMol. Prtaent ~ere J.tiaae1 FelJcla Bel· tran. Diana Crane, Fra.nce1 Gow· an, Tonye Cbristen1en. Jana El· hott. Shirley Hourtpn, Marilyn tngmundaon, C e r In I C r• el e y. Kacy Kramer, Diane L&tarta; IJJ>e<:lal gueal.I, Ml.la Carol John10n and Kay Landen ot. J'Ullert.on, and th• ti---. A regular 1ummer 1chedule In· clud•; 1quare danclnc Wedne1day eventn11 from 8:30 to 9:30; ball· room dancing on Friday ~hll from 7 to J 1; Sunday I.I open bouae rtom "2 to II 30 p.m. tor l'Uft• and dance• with a potluck aupper In th• e&f lY even1n1. There la now a capadly club member- ahlp ot 20 bo19 and 20 ftl18 ... Tbe >.i.o on Ute &UMt u.t ...,.. th• iroup ra.!Hd 118.80 on n1h fry Ml&1e1 Jane Oatcra.nder. Nancy ticke11 tor thPlr era fl work. The I Or1sty. J oyce Andrt'M·. Marcia Al· club '9 ope ndally for crati.. Ian and Carol Stone, PER~APS A USED CAR? V the Want Ads NEW OR USED FURNITURE 7 (th& Want Ads AN ATTRACTIVE RENTAL 7 ( •h8 Want Ads Whether roa want to ba:J or want to eell, tile Clulltled cohmma of thla M" .. paper otter the beet opportunity for rHnlt. ••• A foar line ad will appear Monday, Wedneeda7 and Thu.nday ha over 28,000 oople9 for Only s200 • • • this VALUE! HARBOR ~ .. ..... PRESS Call Harbor ~1616 for Ad· Taker ;1h~ .· ...... ::,. ·:. ··: .;: ;,.:31X·.:~::.:.~~· ·.,,. .... ..;.;.:..:: BUT •• , prt°" la NOT ae olllf oonllderatto~ We C!Oll- lllcler QUALITY too, a8d our eaetomen lm•w Ude. Come la and SEE UNI wide ranre of colon a8d ,.ttel'llA. See Our Large Selectlon of New All Wool Carpeting In A Wonderful Array of New Colors. ~me ud Tutunie ' BANK TERMI ·THREE YURI TO PAY OUR CLEANING DEPARTMENT v ~quipped to do tile /1nr3t j ob of cl,.1111ing of 11ot1r Rug, Carpets and Upholstered Furniture Oil Wall-to-Wall IDatallaUoM Complete Line FLOOR COVERINGS -tr Carpeta f:r Aaph&lt Tile "{:( Linoleum _ * Rub~r Tile -;r Cork '{::Formica . Wall-to-Wall Carpet Ole6ned ID roar Dome O.&LL 1J8 TODAY --~~•:-.CARPET WORKS 1622 So. Main Santa Ana Kl 3·1615 • Kl 2·3171 J NEWk>RT HARBOR .~.EWsaESS THURSOA Y, JUNE 21, ·1955 ~~ l t e e M A I I I T -: WITH SAWE 1-.u,11u .. Hewpen lleMll. <Wlf.. Thal'• tile 1a of Ml a..a. ..ua;r 8lloald ,... ... ,.. ... ......,, ,..... J '' -.,.., Ju' •al .... •old ••• NM!ll for a eu of Croeee .... Ph·'rrell'• ... ro& ....... It wttla ........... .... one-stop shopping for all .Your Picnic needs . ......... fortM..._ ei-..... tlLM .... ~ to • _,of eoffee ••• r...,. .tile c..... ......... ' • .....,. ... -100,..,. -.o wbea a., eoeeoet..t .............. p" ....... llaw tipped their .,.. .atap la horror to ... ..... aoeompuled by whip- ped cnMI, manJuuDow ..-. bot fadp, -....., -.. el'MID or batter • • • 'l'bree ..... vutatseu to ..W to J'OGr emerc-q .wt few qlllck . ....-. ucl Maerta • • • J>at.e.aat roll. fndt-nt roD ••• •ot qalte u nreet with die. peel and slMed trait added ••• Cit~ .. te nt l'IDll • • • AD %6c a ..., aD ftCWlll pMked ••• Old plley atud~bya for tlloee wbo .at off for blae W.-.ud ..... tW. •.• I.Mt week..a I hoetwed ._ euaecl aat rod. ud .,._cl 'em with ereunecl ehMM ••• I WU unued at the ---eombblatlou alrMd7 .,_ to ue ..• A llllee of ,.._,pie topped with a .ab of cboeolate a11t roll topped with wblppecl ereun • . • Seadwlchee t WHh lee Cl'Mlll ID the mkl· die and dat.nat roD above and below ••• And did the ...a try make way ••• Ma.ke a abiah kabob from one to 10 ..• but make one! Again the very old i1 made very new with modern-day flouri1he11 ... The French call it en brochette ... The early nomada of the near Eut and Aaia atrung chunks of meata and vegetableai on 1ticka and cooked them over the open flame · •.. But don't think you have to. a,e alrtola •te¥• I Yoa ClUl. skewer any tflhag yoa wlabt Pl«iH of bot de>p, eube9 of Prem or Spam. eocktaU taau1ages ••• Here'a where you can put tlay mimed whole potatoee to aae . . . alternate 'em wttb :r.-:.~~ =: of aueclnJ, or a a m m e r eqauh atrlag along ••• Might be fu aome time to have bowla of ueorted ve1etablee •.. evea oyst.en that have been .UghUy puf- fed ap In bolling water .•• CreP.ft stuffed olive.a •.• cabes of cbeMe, pineapple .•• Let your g1le9tA 1triq their own • • • What a b&r- b-q to remember! A ad ahoald the night ta.na dark. windy and cold ••• Y oar broller will do the work equaDy well ..... Again Colorado ateaka have their place . . . Seven bone rout.a t e n d e r i z e d with Adolph'• unflavored tenderiz- er ... (Alk Dea how .•. took me ball a page three weeb ago) . . . But tlU. time cut them in cubea after they are tenderized and atring 'em right along . . . nae flDal toacla • • • to make the tlpa of YOGJ' ~ bobe come to the table flaming, dip 'em In Ooba· trea ... ' . • Open BANANAS 2 Ibo. 25~ CAiilAGE lb. 3. Till • Sund1y1. 9-6 COFFEE lb. 79. BUTTER lb. 59. l.w1'7"I ...... •t:rte ~ I 23' SAUCI .................. •"· ,,,,,., .....,. lAlll' 21' SPA&HITTI --···,.... POiATOEs s 1 •· 29· f:nch Dressing . .a-. 1fc llMd7 ...... , 2 'Mk Kleenex .. -................ -1.1- ... ..., -~ Pie ...... ___ ...... .a 5~ r,r.;..., Rolls -...... 6ror 14c FUDAY N Jhft7 6 21 Muffins ···········-··-·····-for C Walaathqe ,/ JJc Loaf Cake _:__ ........... an SATUIU>AY Wtast Rolls 61or nc ...,....,._., .. 1er '97c . Modla Calle ...... -.w11 .. °"'° .. _..~ ~., ... Tuna Dinnen 11 os. 43c ., .£ ao.tMrlt Treat" ..... Mexican Dinners 12 os. 55c "atoolc "' ~ ,.. ... .r- llwwoa'• Roast Beef Dinner 11 oa. 65e FrMeU9 laked Ham or . Fried Shrimp Dinner 12 oa. JSc • Dellcateuen i..w. AD .... J5c F'Tanb ---···· .... ~ i.... • ...,........ 4ne lolOCJna .. _. ___ ... 1- C.:. a:.r.=·· 21c IWdll 9'ht'tt ....... .l3 Dressing _____ , c ......... 0,.. r'le Herrlnt ....... _ .. u ... "'1- P1anred wttaa toMA'TO . 19' IS .......... 11 ... • .... }If..... 2 29' SCOTKJNS...w. for scon lWe 2 35' ...... ·-·-·· .. -· for Wu Plaper 25' CUTlm ...... --.--.. 111 ft. • M...._0.-.. 39' COOKID ........ -.. 11% ... I uw 17' CHIEZE-ITS -···•% ... ............ 2 29' KllSPllS I~... for ..... "--- .,.. .. fwpt ... ,.., 2 25c Ken L Ration # 1 for c-... DrJ·<.,.,_. ..ira> 2 45c Ginger AJe .~• fer .....,.. .... • llP9 45c Coca Cola ................ ... N:;;,. ... -......................... 1 s9 Pi~l;~ .... -....................... a-25c aetrMIWlc 45c Pepsi-Cola ............. _ .. ..... K;;;ndnost ' ...... 5tc :t.oM)..._._. ... otr.r MUFAN MIX ... .u ... 37' 2 for 29c .. u-..... 9bdf.. ')')e Gr. Olives -·····-··---"-· .w- ., ... c.no. • 45c Squirt --···· .. -·--·-· ........ "l'r""' ger¥11 /t'N"lt. 1"0W111e• u.e.7'• Everyone Loves Meat ••• Green Peas ...... wltll potato,....." 19 es. plls. 2 '°" 2 9c U. I . a.alee 43 . 7-BON-E ·ROAST lb. "lfqMeu84 f<W ~· UbbT'• '"Slee eold for......, ..-.0 Orante Juice U.&V.... 53. O·BONE ROAST lb. 6 os. 2 for 29c ~ -""WliDe tliiJliit" . "lb .... pack.41•'' u. 8. ObolCe I 191 SHORT RIBS Cottace lb. Waffles ' pk1. 2 for 29c 'Tor.._ ud '1'1 do =afrlehee" SLiCED BACON lb. 65· "!altds Do''lf Jlont11 11,;111 •• • IUc!llard'• = --wttla ,., ....,Mt" Ice Cream or • Browa ......... 49 . Sherbet SAUSAGE I oa. pq . i cal. 79c • New! Johnllon'a frozen cream pie. . . . Pineapple, atrawberry, cocoanut or Jem. on ... Ju1t de-tro.t and ael'ft •.. New! Swift'• Premium whole fried chicken • . • Ju.t heat for 30 minute. and ut! New! Armour. fro98D Cbeeee burgers, port tend.rioba. ftlJ .weetbre&da. Cllv• ltver, .teUa 'tilth bu-b-q •uoe ... Skewer 1ure •.• Il you don't !tan chunb of meat yoa ean • • • .._.,.it OD •• , Ber. at Jtlelluod' .. cme el tie Udo Shope at tile _. tnDce to Udo ..... fte ~baamoet«n­ pleted It.A fM."e Htthl1 ••• lee It! lt'1 tor yoa... 8PIXJAIA IOf llJNE U, J4 wl U. llU •• . .. .. l I ,. ,. '\ OPENING-GEBEllONIES-Harbor Boy'a.Oub and Newport Harbor High School ~reation department launched the Harbor a_rea's summer Midget Baseball season at Costa Mesa Park Friday nicht. Above, the pre-game parade featuring the Boy's Club color guard eent more than 900 uniformed boys onto the diamond. Below. Red Sox Batter Rich Watson ducks an inadvertent duster while Braves Catcher Ronnie Kyea grabs the errant pelota u the exhibition fray starts. -Staff Photo Fullerton In ht. Slat& Spyder Specia l ·the sixth event Sunday. Honking the horn likl' mid, ' Calitom1a Sp9rl.3 Car Club pre· Roger Smith of Cos{& J.teaa c11me llf'hted trophlel! to Winning dnvC'r:! over the line for a Saturday fourth at a North Hollywood banquet cla.u In the Renault. Colin Smith YHterd11y. Portion nf thC' r ace11 of S&ll Clemtnte tore in <or a will ~ 11hown on Channel 4 at 3 II SUMMIT? Mesa Vies with Watts -Here Sunday A victory for E d Lane'• Men Merchant.a over th11 Watt.a Giant.I a t Lions Field. Coeta Men. Sun· day, and the Harbor Area town team can move Into a tie for top apot in the Rio Hond• League. At H untington Park lut Sunday. the Merchanta man1led the Team· 11tera 16-4. The triumph aenl Costa ~teaa Into a four-way tie for aec· ond place. HARIOR ,o~ BILL PRUJ.JPS, Spo?U F.ditor ,, . NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 l • P~GE I THURSDAY, J~NE 21, 1955 Yardl,y. Neumann. Inman Sparkle · in Adult · Casaba A bunch of Hart>or Area athlet· ee. 1ncludln&' All-Pro Bob Yardley of the Fort Wayne Platona. 1tar- N'd In Monday ntgbt'1 opening fray1 of the Carden Grove Adult Buketball Learue. P aul Neumann. headed for Stanford u a freabman come fall. W1la one of the top l(Orera of loojl _play ~,tb •22 atar lut Huon. talUed two M&rk · era ror HaU'1. Ptrat.aa perfwtnina f<l!' the Drtvln1 Ranp ft" bl· t'luded Bill lnk>M. 111. and Jerry Rlr.. S. OV-DrlVI"&' Ranae, 69-•S; ~·· Neumann led the acoriq t6r Bob'•· followed by Jeddy Youns. HunUJ'la'lon Be-ach prep ace, wtth u. 0.M,V F.1UIM\llck of H&rbor ~I\ t&Wad e. Yar:!Sl•)' buck.eteJ 11 counlen for l>lver'e BupplJ· -EAR--L---l!W-. IS-· =tiU-Rl.-S _,po!:~; .. Included Hall'• Drive In Sportlnz Goode over D~nlon Ford, -------------. THS. and Dlw,-'1 811pply onr I O H N ·s T O N E ' 8 NO HITTER MONDAY Garden Orove Sllr1, 47·42. Mesa,,!"!:,.~ .... · %0'15 Plaeeatia AYe. I~ • ~~~:r~·l :€~1;~i:.el~:~~fy~ I alld A~ Hundreda of Harbor area boya began league play in the paced Hall'• win with 17 potnta Ubt<.n,, 1-1011 eo.a ..._ umm '"---ball ~..a b H bo Bo , cl b '"e.ach.=:....::R:oh:_:W:_:t::n:_:te::_rb::u:m.:.:·:_:OCC=_:co:::urt:..:_~====:==:=====~~ s er -prognm aponao~ y ar r ys u 1 _ and Newport Harbor High School recreation department ----------------------· thia wed. F.arl Lew of 1654 Santa Ana Ave .. Coat.a Mesa, tu.mad In top Individual pertonn· place. Outltandlnf diamond feat.a ance by hurlln&' an 11·1 no·hJt v1c· of UJ• week include a home run tor' Monday u the Cardinali de-by 8111 Broclcma.n of 433 Broad- featell the W'bite Sox In A loop way. Coata Meaa, to &'Ive the ln· compeution. dlana an 8-7 wfn over the Giants; Wa)-ne Whitney. 322 Meadow and a hornt'r !>Y John ScclJ!a or 3.63 ~e. Cotta M•a. wu bat 1&.ar Ramona Way. COiia Mna, ind a ot the Monday opener between the sensational diving catch by Ron· Brav .. and Yankeea. He baabed a aid Pereira of 364 La Perle. Costa two-run 4oublJ1 .to p&et' thr Brave• Mesa. both of the Oo<tef..r•· 1 to a J·2 victory. Tuelday the Red At Corona del Mar Youth Ct'n· Sox 11hul out the Dodgeni 4·0 In ter, C star of lhr wrek 111 Roger the opener. The Olanta knocked Grable of 616 NarC'IHUI. Roger over the lndlan1, 6-1. crashed out " p11lr or home runs Tom Gillman of 81 I Al Dean St.. Wc>dn.11d11y to hand the Clanll! Newport &11.eh, 1wall~ a homer their lone scores In a 12·2 defeat with one on and two a w1ty Mon· by the Cubs. Monc1ay. tht' Brave>• day. 1'he blow gave the B Ameri· btat thr C1anl11 14·0 anr! lhe Cuba can League Tlrera a 7-6 victory rtowntd the Dodgtr11 7-1. ln yes· over the Red Sox. The \'Vhlte Sox terday'11 other fray. the Indians down"ed the lndllllll 6·3. !'dged the Ce.rdlnale 4·2. Jett Smith of 1118 Santa Ana Ave.. Newport Beach, 11.nd Phil Mackey of 637 Diana St.. COsta Meaa, teamed on the mound Tuet· day in B National League &'Olnr for a 7-3 Brave• win over the Plr· Newport Beach Rolls Lawn Win atea. The Dodger1 beat the Cuba Newport Beach lawn bowler1 6-3. won two out of lhree gamee In the In C Harbor High loop, the Hoow• ow a. •• Drtlll"PGYSltit••••lh for old dtmlen. Die eut thet elcl deoMr ofMI you MOY wht • Wt ,...n1. w.·,. 1eo111,.. for the .w. ... dHM r In tow" ....I It MOY "-yovnl Voluoltt. 9 1ft cert lflcote1 will lte awordetl. l&0.00 for the olM9t cle.-er turnf'd In. Sll0.00 for the Dellt oldeet clf'&JH•r. .,_ ...... ........ _. . .......... _ 4--"" -• _..._. • Cene Crain. tha Pomona athlete, waa the bag gun for local forces against the Teamater1, ban(lng out five hit• In 1lx all1mpt1. He crashed out a homer, two doubles 11nd two alnglea In the barrage. Don William• smacked two tor nament at Laguna Bu.ch. Satur· Brave., C&rdinal1, Tigers, Red Sox Cout Lawn 'Bowling League tour- and Indian.a are all ll'd for tlrat Plue 116.00 oertlf1cate tor lht1 ~•t 10 oldeat dM11en. ro11r and Eddie Brown two for day. Al the halfway mark In the thrre. Crain drove In five marker• a pair with a 1lngle. schedule, the club 1tand1np are: 1 whll<' WUJlam1 and Brown record· Alter 1ta.rtJng euy-llke that Newport Beach with II 1ame1 won ; I flUI Slop .._... • ...., eN ,._ .... .._ .... ...,.,.. ... ...., ed Chrtt RBr 1 eacl\. way, Crain unlimbered hl1 long Sant a Ana e; Recrullon 11. and RAMIREZ \\'INNU range artillery In the third. homer· I '"• with th~ baw1 devoid. "That Laguna Beach 4· Ray Ramires fOt cNldlt for the u.. • t win. aJlowing four runa on five wu a ru.I ha.rd 1muh," reports The team of Al Oxland, Bill hit• in the fint five trame1. BUI Lane. "Thal'• a ruJ blr park and Brtm1 and C. 8. Rudd won tlrwt Wetzel relieved, pennlttln( but a ht. line drive homer traveled about place for hl"h pl111 'lcor1 when I I I bl l t th t I t 4.00 feet. It took two relay, to get • ng e ng e rom a po n . the ball bM:k on the diamond." they poured It on a Santa Ana ' Cary F ord and Tony Lombardo Lana reporteG WUllama-Don. not .tea.m, 31 to 111. Mer havln&' the shared backltop dutlea. Three runa tor the Meaa In Oie Ted-pol!"dad two IOI\&' tllea to 11core tied five tlm... durtnr tha t9pe •• •• , .. IR • •IRI IMO ......, ·c u w11......_ Come in or call· fodare o,..~ SW '111 e ..... Is Next for Legion. Nine rtrst 11tarted the 1oca.I tally~~. center tha t' were m&Jfetl by the fame, lbe team of Walt Paar;aon. Norm RJdgewa y walked, Brown Teamlten'. outt1elder •OO feet Mra. T. CUT. and Mr1. W. Pear- sacnflced. Jim 8taffin llin&'lad, from bome. son defeated ~ Beach 22 t.o Wiiiiama f>uhed a aacrtttce fly to The 11ua.men buhed out 18 hit.a 20. Bad bnlaka for the t.-m of 1eore Norm, then Crain drove in in all. "Wa pt u f ood a hllUn, Lloyd Staav•, Tayl ... CarT and JCd F=======~=~~=================~~~~=~=~==~l~ .. -~~u~."~e~~P"~~~P~a ~~~ ~~ ~~ : ... ~~G~~~~&u~ed~a~y~l~1~2:..!'.p~.m~.~h~&l'4~~r~~~~ht~2~2~to~:11~v~1c:to~ry~._....J!:::~==~======;:====~!iliiiiiiillil!li~:11 .. .ii:i::=:::;:i;;~ f1n1t clue with a Triwnph TR-2 In p. m. Saturday. Newport Harbor'• Junior Amert· can Lejion nine moved into a aolld MCond In Orange County League competition over the weekend with a pair of triumph• over Gar· den Grove. That gave the local lad• a 8·2 1euonal mark com· parfl! to top 1pot Fullerton'• late· •tartln1 4·0 record. And a chanC'e '° lower the boom on the leade" when they take on Fullerton UI pme1 today and Sunday. Lut weekend, Newport ahatta;. ed Garden Grove 7-3 Saturday &lid 11·0 Sunday. Gary Green and Paul Lorerat.&en collaborate<l on hurling t he Saturday win. Green went arx frames. gave up three hlla. three rµna. Lorentzen fin· bbed It without turther dama11:e, whiffing tour. AT SANTA ANA TENT ~~-~ .• Q WROUGHr ron • & AWNING LONG DEALS I BY ''lont deal" we miO limply that JOU pt the ~ deal in town when YoU tnde with m few a new truck. We live YoU all the breab pomible -on _price allowance, Gil euy time ~yment. CM your new truck, on warranted aervioe richtdown the line. Ford Truck.a are winninr new buyen Cuter than any other make . Our ..Jee vol\ime-ia way up. We can theref'ore pou Oil new aavinp to you-that otherwi8e miJht not be eo flMY to do. You eee-our being The tray wu tucked awpy in t.hl.. flret 11tanza when Newport 11ent 11lx t1lliu 11eurry ng a ero the dl•h. The blnglu were deliver- ed by Buddy ThompllOn, Roy Dan· S.f1, Denny Fitzpatrick. Green and f---1t11----...-...-Y riiikea you uclty t.00. 'Come n.va Tamura. ' Loren~en continued hl11 h1tleM me&k agalnat the Grovers on thC' Sabbath. Replacing J im Ne,y."· kirk tor the l11.11t three Innings, Paul fanned alx. Newkirk was touched for two hit.JI l'l 11lx can· toe and 11truc:k out eight. Fitzpatrick furnl11hed the fire· work1 with hla big warclub, clob· bertng-a homer In the fl~t fn1me and a triple in the eighth. Dan· lel1 and Grttn each doubled and slnfled and D&TIJ Buchman buh· ed a pa.Ir of base knock11. R4!maln~r of weekend pl11.y ltft Ule 1\andlng1 looking like this: I rullerton 4-0: Newport 6·2: Ana· helm 4-2: Santa An11 lU'ld Huiit - tnrt.on ~ach 4-4: Buena Park 3-3; Orange :1-1 and Garden Crove 8·0. 1 ... Harbor Sports Car Racers Cop Weeke11d Spins nu-... Newport Beach &lid four Cotta Meta tp0rll car rscers 11cor• ed ta nr1t nannlng of the Loi An· ..... .,,.d race• at HRn~n DAm track• over Ule weekend. John Porter and Terry Cox of N t>wport aabbed a pe.ir of flr11t1 In clue .-eh. Porter and .hi1 Aardvark garn- --honora In the fourth r11ce ll&tW'day and the u ,·enlh 11p1n 8uaday. Cox captu red a flret .ttll hi• 19~:1 J&«U&r Saturday, tb• came up with a top IJ>Ol in the hour a.nd a hill! big C'ar maJn •""t on the Sabti.th. MA YER FLASH Haney · Mayer of Coeta Mua eame over the flnlllh llne !lr11t In ei.a.-a.nd overall u hla Dorrettl fluhad through Saturday's lhJrd race. Bob Holbrook of Newport challlad up • aecond in clM! In the nbrerlaal body Croslf'y Spt>clal I F . I:.. Parktr. Co.ta Mu a . tC)(lk 11 D esigned with a timeless beauty t hat enhances modern and tradi- tional interiors and is stunning indoor1 or outdoors ! Strong, blnck wrought iron frames assu·re many years of service. 30x40 in. table has glass top. 4-chairs have plastic upholstered seats in choice of white. red or green. Table and chair lega are rubber tipped to protect your floors. Set> this set today . . .atid you'll agree it cannot be ·beat for ~lyle and price! A Reciular $69.50 Value! 5-Pieces ·complete ·.4995 A Terrific Value! BUDGET TERMS OPEN MONDAY & FREE DELIVERY FRIDAY NIGHT 'TIL 9 SANTA ANA TENT. & AWNING 1426 So. Main Santa A11a Kl 2·1141 tKOlld In ciaN an4-a third in cl&N 1._ ____________________________________ ...,,....,. I , on in and eee what we can otrer you. • SHO·RT STROKE I Only Ford sivee you Short Stroke power-in fWl"Y truck model. Short Stroke engine deeitn cut. internal fl idiora. Pilton ring life ia pro- lonced up to 53 %. Gu aavinp up to one pl.Ion in eevenl Ford pvee you power exactly auited to your needl in {wt creat Short Stroke enJinea, four V-8'1 and a Six. Think what can happen to your new tnlck'• trade-in value if it haa an ocdJaJed encine. You're wi8e to go Short Stroke now-go FORD! M'9hty C.900 .. , JM hu the built-in bra"11 t.o outlut •ll othel"I on 1 he tourl-.t joba. New inaeAlll!d GVW ol 29,000 Iba.; 65,000 lbe. GCW. New 1 Teft Mid OYW-Ford T..o' tandem now hu 42,000 Iba. OVW, 170-h.p. Short Stroke V-8. N-ca~ itiea in all "2-ton" and larpr IDOda9f FORD T.RUCKS 1· /t.MJJ in ot I u;it lit. /ot/tl!J. Ford Jrlp~ Economy Trucks TNE M91V6 Y MAll(#M ~ g THEODORE ROBINS YOU& l"OIU> DEALE& 81NQ lttl -COX MARl~"E-~ MD.r;). 3100 W. Coast .Jtl .. way-Ne~ort leach -Uberty 8·3471 1V ... h .,.._De.~ Mitt.,....,...-.,.. KICA (4), ftunHy, 9:IO p.a· l l ' I • ·k. 'AGE 2 • PART 111 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS 'l'IUUMPHANT FOURSOME -Wlten these golf team membeni of N ewport Harbor Exchange Club spon•or a golf tourney Jjke they did Friday at Irvine COa.et Country Club, they just don't fool around, boy. They THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1955 capture all the trophie., too. Admiring the loot are, from left to right, Bob Ruuell, Paul BuUer, Bob Forbes and Don Noel. Links member not pre11ent in the picture wu Harold Welch. -Staff Photo MISA MllCHANTS Fill OUT 16-MAN ROSTER FOR LEAGUI Wltll llpiac et Oraqe Coul dlladler JerrJ 0 1Uce, Man· 9C• Sci Lane today UUIOWl.Q9d c:omp'9Uoa of rwt.er for tbe We• Werc:UntA lD Rio HODdo 1Aacue pi., t.bla MUOI\. The lOOP alJowa H · pl&yen. Ro.tu lo-attar Ole ftnt Mveul samee. Lane aald. wlU a.lmply mean a team muat conunue abOrth&nded. "Boll Blaylock failed to _.,ow up at Huntlncton Pu lt when we Mat the T-.tera Lut Sunday," La.I\• tald. "I'm aotq to contact him, Mid If be can't play tor ua. l'U plok up aaotMP---."- OUMrwlae, e comp • llercftl.nt ro1t•r lt&ndl ttke Wr. llddJt Browt\. M09lld .,._; Sari Huttman, unUUty: BlU w ... .. ael. pttclMr; Gept J'ord, e&tcller; R&y R&m1ru. pttllher- .• outf1eld.er; Norm Rid,.wa.y, abort.atop and captain; Dewey " · Andenon, oulflf lder; ~b WllU&a'na, "oulfleld-lnfleld: Bia)'· lock, pitcher; Bun Coppola. thir d bue; Jhn Stettin, ttnit baat; Gene Cral.il. outtlel4; Robert Bleck. outneld; Butch Coopman. lDt'leM; Tony Lombardo, catcher and Rlc.1 pitcher. Announcetne.nl of . te&ma In the loop came from e recent mMtln1. Lane re"lealed. CunenUy. lh• at&ndins a ftnd Wa tta ln tint place, ll-~; Cone Xu&. i.o. Anselta Coutera, Lyn· wood Tank-and Sout.h1ate l·l, and Huntlnpn Park 0-1.. NEWPORT LOSES OUT Syracuse Lands OyJmpic Rowing Trials in Spring The Olympic Rowlng cOiinmlllee for trial.I at a date ao. cloae to picked Byracuae N. Y. for alt• of gT&duatlon for many of Ult row· Olympic trial• next spnnr. In er9. t.ba rue of t acta h• met at the Byracuat mMtlftS ot the commit· tee Sunday, Hay Lanrenhelm, member or the Olympic Ro'Wing Corhmlltee and executive 11ecre- D11'71CULT WOU champlonshlpe with 0.01"1'• La· tary ot Newport Buch Chamber bono hurlln( a patr of two-hltte,. of Comrnel'('e. 1tated Tue.tday, be In the playoff1. Tb• lllUe lefty withdrew Newport'• bid. Havtnc lbe °'31mptea ln Au.- trail& In our winter time, made lh• commltlff'• work dltflcult. lt meant that arran1eitlent.1 would have to bt made to keep Ole ... lected cn:wa torether t.hroufh lht summer and tall and that tf '°me of the men were vactuat.ee nut aprinJ Oley would have to forero enterln1 bu1lne.. or proteulona, or arrange to at.ay out of Ole arm· won 13 tllta 'uwt loet but two dur· All the bl( crewe will be In inc the eeaaon. the eaat at th• Uma the trials 1949 wu alao the year Mac-muat be held. L&nrenhelm atated, Millian bee&me athletic direct.or at and It eeemed preposteroua to u k Harbor Area Boya' Club, givtnr _lh_e_m __ to_co_m_•_al_l _th_e_w_a_y_w_e_st ed eerrlc... unW aft.er Ole racea. On Lilia account more aubaUtutu him the leverage to come up wtth the p resent summer buebaJI pro· gram. ln the spring' of 19Ml. Rod had a Midget Leacue golnr tor all boya 11 years old and youn1er. Using a 10-lnch bueti.11. play &tut~ a t t a.m. and finlahe<l al noon. AL'IO going were the Junior Legion, Junior Llona, A and B learns, and the Junior Merchant A, B and C nines. Dave Tamura, curreht third aackt'r tor Coach Emil Neeme s Ha rbor High horse- hldrni. was pla ying w1th the Mer- Wene. women'• national lndivld· will be allowed the aelected ~•. ua1 match r am• champ. Tomor· which will be particularly necea· row during the aame boun. it'll nary If the Navy el(hl la Mlecled. be Lee Jourrlard, one of bowling'• It wu arnnpd to have the all tlme rreata. _Dlympk. trial.a rl(bt alter I.he big coU•ce n cu . probably the ALL-TOO: FEM tut wttk l.n June, but In any event The flnit woman In alley history not later than July 7, Larigenhe1m to r egl11ter a perfect 300 game In said. chant C's thal season. , lP TO Dl\TE Eastern Lr•gue play, Sylv1a holds an all·Um• ft'm l)lgh with 11 aeries ot 700 alnce 19:11. She rolled she of them thl• ynr. another world's recorc!. She won the Individual mat ch game title at th~ annual BPAA United StatM Match Game The Oritnge County League wu Bowling Cha mplonllhlp toumty in started in 1951. But aa MacMllllan Chicago In J anuary, Her plnfaU pointed out. tha t year 's 11ucc:ess score wa• 8180 or 197 more th&n was not meaJ1ured In the number t1ve·year champloft' Marion Lade· Langenh eim wu up against stiff competition. he said. St .. le otte red -a check tor the ~ntlre u · pen~s ot the crew• with lta bid and Washington. D. C. pre11enttd an t>laboratr brochurt with the slogan that the Olympic crew1 should go c!lrect from the nation's capllal. MO~I:\' TALK of wins. so much Al'l tile numbf'r wig. Financing the crews will be done ot Harbor Area boys enrag.-d In Mlaa Wene atarted bowllnr n ine with the sale of 30,000 $10 tlckell, diamond play. Competing on Inter· yean ago. She tumbled the ten· Langenheim 11tated. Th111 took tht' city loops ~ere 118 boys. A8111· pin• for a 96 In her flr1t game. pressure off I hf' host city. He tance waa rendtred by the New. Now s he hold• the Women'e Inter· heard juat before he left that port Harbor recrea llon depertment national Bowling CongrH11 all Syracust' had t uml'd clown the tn 11Upemelng-pmu and purch .... time high aver{ge of 206 rt>i:lst er· chance to hav• tht' trials ther~" but Ing equipment. ed In 81 gamea In th" :12-53 11e11-hf' felt t hat this r•h1~I wu mtule This aame Mason, I.he Junior ' aon and again In ~-:It on i 8 bt'tore the Syral'u~e Ro.,...ing Alll!O· Legion nine won the aouthem games. c1au on understood that the aMO· division champlonablp a nd t he ASCllOR MAS c1atlon would not be callM on to Junior Lions nabbed the Southern ' · ' finance the t rlal11 Thf' u~la· Cahtomla 15-year-old title. Pl8y· Jourgla rd w... Bowin ot the lion had ju~t finllnced the Inter· P••I lore1tze1 Sparks C111b1 t Lort'nlaM. a e,._.. ltu' fll ~ JUiep Oq e Newpgrt Ha.rtlOr) HJI~ 8c1loo1 Tar t-:am lhiil put, MUOA. ct.poelttd 1 T polnt.a ... ,_,.. U.. nelllnf . Anaheim dd•l ed Saftl& A.ft& U · scortnr wtlh 11 polnU. Burteeoa 1 1•1 Over Grove 1 so. Tooy L.-e,h 1.d u.. Ana!leim wu hti'h for luta An.a wtt.ll 10. Paul Lor~ntMn apuked Nev.•· Hunllng'ton Beach esow.ied Fuller- port Harbor lo a •0-11 w1n over ton 112>'2 J'\Jllerton'a Lona WU O&rden Orovt In Tueeda,J'a open· lllJh point wlµI SS. Naa.. paced ~ ot Ole park and ncrMtJon de-the 011.-n wtth 16. • putmenl Summ er Buket b&IJ Lea· B 1-fu• pm• Mo~ touftd SU-In Cyprna. TM quintet play· l'Uatin .... ~. at-•i litM ed ln Ole WMtem Juaior H11b outacorbla ~ 8-cb, to-P. .,,,..._ - ---and r..t. ....... ~ Oamna ..... Pre~enf ing FELIX ·& LEO Together Again Latin -American Rhythms • DINI & DANCE NIGHTLY Except T••clcly l" A Great Act -Fine Food" lalboa -Hamor 0963 VU llUNJCIPAL PAAIDNO LOT "Superb Foot/" _; Mm£ $ PAJUUNO SERVlc;E ....... oua oooa Ing on thb latter outfit were Bill Y•ar 1telectlon In 19Ml·51. He wu collt gtnte R ow In i; Assodat1on Wetzel, Bruce Knipp, Dick Mlrko-the No. l choice on Mort Luby's 1 races. Langtnht'lm wu lmpre11sed vich, Denny F1l:Ep8trlck. CharUe Bowling AU-American team lhe with the course and facllllleii at --------------------------- Berry, J im Newkirk a nct George aame aeaaon. Lee set a new Syracuse He f'X('ll'l'ls 1000 con· Schu!tt, all fa miliar hi&h achoo! world's record of 775 1242.22:>.· teatants to enter for the u ven ,PORTER IN SPEEDY AARDVARK sport.II names !'ow. 278) In winning the ABC alnglea sell'~llon11, alnglu , pairs. doublr11 1 Not until 1953 did the Midget tlUe. I with and wl\hout coxswttln. roun League set-up ta.Ic e on present for· Having rollt'd eight 300 games. with and without coxswain anf'! mat1on. Composed ot tour teams, J ourglard ta current anchor man eight. the loop took care 0t 60 playera. on Detroit's f11mou11 Stroh team. \\'hlle In the eut L&llgPnhelm J ohn Porter of 16 H arbor hland ia often seen scooting around the H arbor area in h is Aardvark sports car. In' the past year and half. John and wife Marge have been racing this low-slung job. In 18 starts, Porter repol"UI it has placed in 16 races. Por- ter nabbed two fi rsta in class last weekend in the. Los Angeles road race on the Hansen Dam track. -Staff Photo Compere that wit h 480 kids laat present National Champions. Lee contacted rowlnr authorttle1 of I season and m ore than 900 thla was member of Ole team which Yale and P rtnceton and he believes summt>r a.nd you get the Idea how copped tbe ABC team alJ·Event.11 they may aend crew• to Newport tn monkey aults. The Junior Le· this program hu caught on and· w1th an all-U.me hl«h or 1508. Beach tor the aprlnla next_ eprlng. g1on. tor boys 16 and 17, turned grown. I n that '53 leagut, Newell jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiii THE SPORTS WATCH By Bll.L J ust how ('ffcdive is the Harbor A rea summer baseball program can be seen from the fact that Bob Wetzel is a grad- uate. Wetzel. sensational shortstop for ,Coach Wendell Pick- ens' Orange Coast College nine, has been signed to a pro con- t ract by the Cincjnnati Reds and assigned to the Ogden Class C club. way back In 1947 with fonn1llon 11( the Junior American Leg ion warn, 1<ponMreti by Theodore Rt>b· tn10 11ntl :'\~wport Harbor L<-g1on rn~t :?91. A l!f'l'Ond te11 m was add"<I by lht' CMta Me~a Linn11. The <oll"wini:-~ea11nn, n third te&lll. thr J unior Merchftnt..s. met In 11 w1na, 9 toill<!a. The J unlo Stickler's I ndla !\8 we re th e lip::;Piilll;;;;;;; U on11, 15 a nd younger, won 18 ~h-..mps. OUier captain• were John and lo11l 5. The Junior Merchants. Kesel, Mike Stewart e.nd Ronny H e:nd YOVlliJ4", won ..U...ilJ'IUWed Woodiildt. All are atlU playlng S. The Junior Merchant B's. 14 1'ffl! +II-Ill.ill&. a nd youni;rr. captured 7. were act back In 4 . Combined lll'UOM' rec· ord for the qu&rtet was 48 wlnio and 24 IOl'lll' mighty pert base- b&ll. PR l'11TV F A..~C\' That "'111 a pretty fancy J unior Merch&nt crew. sewln~ up the loop crown In 11. tough league c:om- po.~d of FUl!erton, \\'hlltlPr. El Monte, F:ast P11sadrn11. Monle. bello a.nd Roaemtadt'. Rl)fj .-x- plaJn11, "There wun't enough com· petition tor u11 In Orange County." The '49 J unior Lion~ copJlt'd the Southern California 1:1-ymr-old Top Kegler$ Appear at Van's Bowl TY.·o ot thr best kl'glera In the rnuntry a ppear a t V&n's Bowling. Cost.a Mesa. tonight &nd tomor· row night. Appearing bt'tween 2 and 6 p. m. tonight will bf' Sylvia Granrlollo 's (formerly ot Hemet I complete menu for the f amity PIZZA e 8PAOlll:'ITI e LASAGNA B(\1111: ·HADE RA VJOU e 8U:AA.8 e 8EA FOOD l'OOD TO GO 511 lalboa llvd. BALBOA Harbor 4837 Wf'll. Bob pl11yed 11hort11tor for t he 191!1 Junior Mrnhant•. onf' nt t he tr11m1< l11un1 hrtl h~· Hoit J\IA<'· M1lliRn. Thi• ti.di rl11h "on the Soutbl.'1 n Vt1ll1•y l.en1:w• 11ml th1• ~nuthr1n CAhf.,rnia Junjor rh11mp- lnn10hlps. \\l'etz~I at. 13 playt'•,I l'h<>r~ for thf' .Juniors an rt lht' M 1dgct11. Olhrri< on t hal trom wcrr bHldy burlrty Bill :\\'ctzel at flr11t btlS!' 11nd Bob Bur.tick. Clltl'her. Thl11 11eMon Bu rf'!lrk WAit re11erve b11ck8top on lhl' irrowin,1; clemll1ld 11f H1n bor ;-;;;ii,;;-~~-.... _.._..,.....,.....__.._..,.....,.....__.._..,.....,.....__.._..,.....,........, boys to play more ba~ba.JI. Mac· rnllha n sold 11d,·e1 tle1n1t In •a 11core· ca rd to puri•haioe n<'cusary uni· Cloeed MolldaJa lhl' l 'SC ntn<' lhllt W<>rl •t he f'("C forms. ne>wn. Bill \\'rtu>I ls hurling for C'o me 1949 and lhrre were four the Mu a Mcrrh11nt11. te11m11 ta king care of lorRI kid n ,e wholr pn•~1 nm ~ot uniler· hll-•t'ball with mort' t han 60 boys STARTING FRIDAY JUNE 24th Wally Stacheli . PLAYING NIGHTLY in PIANO LOUNGE (alter l :IO p. •) Coast Hwy. at 17th St. Uberty 8-307\ 'THE PIRATE 28th St. at S ewp<>rt Blvd. Newport Beach Tap 84-er at tht1 f'lrHlde -Hot Dol(t -.Rout '"m \'our!'lf'lr •• THE A.RCHES Cafe and Cocktail Lounge OPE.V iO A. M.. TllROCOR I A. M . • Newpoli Bh•d. •011 C'out Hlrlnny ~"E~irr BEACH • (We an CIOMCI oa Tlnanda.J"I) Open 10 a.m. DINNER SEIYID from 5:90 , ..... DANCING NIGHTLY Balb0a Island CHEF HENRY JONES Complete Dinner SUCJCJ•stioM Park AYenue Special M'JSDAl ', n ·s.: UUI, Teat· 8ATl"RDAl', n ·Lv tnd ~· WHITE SEA IASS ~ .. Her 0........0 .. .., st So st as Complete Dinners include:· entree', aoup, · aeled & beverage "Rende1You1 ol llte Mariners" ' REAL MEXICAN FOOD 8W.ka for 1 TbMe W ho 0..lre U you prefer to stay at home to 9ee your favortte television program try our boll~ MerJean dJnnen or •peclaJ orden to take out. Tht)"re ready to eene. PRJ\'A.T E PA.RT\' ROOM t'OR LAKOE PA KTuP;S 16811 Newport Bh·d. COSTA MESA I Bloek South of S.ota Ana Country Club I t"or Rew~'&UOIUI PlaoM L LI 8-2403 HUNDREDS OF NEW FEATURES FREI • Gro ndstood Shows Twice Doil y • 6·Acre Feu ivol of Flower• • "Doncing Wa ters" • lnternottonol Photo Solon • KIDS-Super-Circus Doily EASILY REACHED -HWY. 101 AND H S VIA r V.Nf -TU IN -I U$ -C.U 10 A.M. • 10 ,.M. Adults 8Sc - --. SUUl HERN CALIFORNIA ~-EXPOSITION :::·:,,:::.~ .. ',, II~ , JuNi 24 niRlu JU~L~i4 -.... .. J ' I I l A NOTH liUM Olort& Toti., a B.ach, above, la eecond (trl to enter Mi. Uni••ne~ cont•t Oruire county run-off. l:ntriH muat be m~ wtth Wal rke'• Hawallan Shop, i..a,una Beach , county contMt r. Blnrl• or married stria may enter. One MlM NeVtJ>Ort bor, a MIN Laau.na Beach and a M.lu fanta Ana w1ll be cJoaen t.o enter atate ftnala at Del Mar. MATHENY'S MEANDERINGS Bf .JDI MATHENY Juat in cue you didn't notice it, Tuetlday wu the longest day of the year. That means that summer is here! Welcome tf the fun.Jovin', eun-bathin', beach-combin' viaj. tore to theM aho~•. Oeorre and Ethel Stnbe are tertalnanr a t the Villa lu t week· b&clt! And ~ hu the Bt ret>u end. rifbt where t.hey want 'em. In the Roubian la the man behind the DoU H-! aonr that'• In third place In Ca pl· WELCOME HOKE tol record.a Miu. It'a "Too Pooped From now on the DoU a-to Pop.'' Know It! will be open for thlnlAquenchJnr Woody Holder'a apa on the bay a t 10 Lm. and the dlnnera will la the m..Unr place each week •tart on t.lle tablee 'lonr about tor Rotary, OpUmlet, JUwanle and I p.m. Th• tlMre'a alwaya enter· Llone club meetlnga. t&inment and danclnr when the TUNda,y the Exhau.ated Rooat· aun roa down and the tide comee era met at the Villa for their wiual up. Glad to ... ya' back, 090~ queat ot tOOd and drlnk. All In tun and Ethel. and Iota ol It. too, accordinr to the Art Stepan haa completely re-member9. modeled and renoYated hJ• c.loe· BIO DEAL ta.I R"'9&aaNmt Oftr on Cout Tonl'1!l mlpt be your chance Hlpway. He -1com•• one and t.o ~w a bud~ on account The aU t.o partake of Jull)' et mlu trom 8eallDard l'inan~ crowd Of eome the .,at. Uld of thoee tuty aea-100 meet for a dJnner·dan~ at food dlrulen. vwa Mart-. Tommorow nlg'bt, Art a. ,.....Llns LAny Foy at mfT'9 nnance, too, aa the Newport the new Plano Bar nightly and B&lboa Savings • Loan f&Jll' cele- ~ urgu hla many frten4-to drop·ln brllle Wlth a dinner dance on the for a llaten and a alp or bite. "8y. POLA.TE TJU:AT Friday wlU alao Me a galher- Jackaon Gosney, of 'Die Pl....., 'ng of the Central Labor Council, tella of an unueual party al th.la aome eo atronr and t.he Anaheim apa 1.ut eft. The crew ot Valor, Opllmlat Club will cavtne at VIJI& all D&tive Jamalcana, dropped && Mari.Da tor a cockt.&11 party and c:hor In the Ptra&e and entertatnld dinner tommorow eve. w1th Oa1yJ*> mu.ak . Lut week~nd petllt Chrl.t Jackaon -.ya ll wu a eight tor Hughes waa the ruut of honor at ona to -· ·and/fi°u.r. And ttl&t a "gnduatlon d.lnner" a t the VIiia. deUrhtlul draur1\t brew kept t he Chrla juat comple ted her echolutlc whl.0.. tn mat abape, he ..;,ed. r~ulrementa at COM Harbor View To T• ann-ch&lr tounat. we klndurarten an<t la now ready for migtlt 8Ul'IMt a vlmt to ~ &Tad• one! . tu'a Rat. Juat select a t.ableln ~ TAKE YOU& CHOICE 11-Lana!, rt(bt Oil the~ and 1f you're Ured and hUlll'rY and eoncoot & Nn'I apeclalt.7 to pre-thinly and eor. of foot maybe a pared bJ Jimmy. att • alp, meanderlns 'bout Balboa could b8ten t.o b e South 8MI mualc .olve your problema. There'• Kar. ud Ii-*-to the ..S.3: of th• Mm ra taul'IU\t! GrandolfO'a offera My, the nvtllnr of aklrte, a bit of old Italy with yummy -· SHOWIOAT MAKES PREVIEW CRUISE WITH LOCALS AIOARD Member• of the Balboa lmpro .. ment AMoci.aUon made the pnvi-eruiee lut week on the new motor-c""-r Show- boat to La,Jwl& Beacll. Tbe 8bowboat WU laundled thla yaar by MitdleU Boal Company of Coat& Mua-(or the l"wl Zoae Boat Co. She la 40 feet lonr by 1' feet beam and de· alped for p&9ellJW •nice. Tbe aame company, which la owned by Dal Grettenbers. allo operalM' the Belle ot Balboa and Bay Queen tor trip• around the harbor. Amons t.boee maldnr th• lA&'Una trip ~re Meean and Xlldma. H.acry roaw. Vlr,U -Oakden, Doo Phillipa, Floyd Kianer; Madma. Helen Cole, .\lice Kld ver. Mary Hall. Amy Wonacoll, L. Karam, Edith J oeepl\, Genevieve Hunter, Stephanie Oopwell, Valerie 8hlalda. kvw1"y Webb, -BllllAy Mynelle, At.Adrey Buel&; and MMAra Orvtlle and RlcJ>Ard BchJuelu, Joe Nlckeru, Curt Doeh, Rogrr Hannaford, 1"ank Grandolfo, - CRICKETS- local Kids . Practicing Pogo Jumps Younptera from toddlers t.o mld·lffna will be fluhlnr about on por o 1Uck1 durlns th• nut few week•, u they practice the art or aprtnrtnr aJonr a deapaled courM In preparation for the Southern Callfom ta Champlonahlp Rocket Poro 8Uck rec.. to be held a t the Oranse County Fair. atartlnr Au&'. 9. With more than UOO ln prl.&ea belnf ottered, entries are eirpected from all aectlona of the 8 outhlllnd, with qualifying evenla 9Cheduled for Tuesday through Friday alter· noona. C"8Jnplonahlpa ·In f o u r dlv1alona wtll be conducted on Sat· urday, Aug-. 13, KJd'a Day at the Fair, with Captain Jet of TV fame a cting u muter ot cere- monJea. Racea Will be conducted tor boy• and (trla, with tour dlvlalona In each category. J'lrat dlviaion II open t.o all younratera below eight yeare of age. Jn the aeoond rroup are thoM Crom 8 to 11. while t he third includu t.boae trom 11 to U , and the eenlor dlvtaton tncludea H throup U yeara, Gold-plated poso aUcka wm be awarded to the champlona. with chrome plated atlclUI to the MCond pl.ace wlnnera and re(Ular rocket atlcka to thoM plad nc third. Spon· aor of the racee will be th• Roy Berlin Co. Newport, Mesa Youths to Head P.irate Groups Navy Offers Hi Grads Special Enlistment Plan Klrh echool rn.duate4 are bell'\( offered a apeclal Incentive plan for enllatinr In the United Stalea Navy, according to Informa tion troro Chief B. K . Hackler, recruit ottlcer. Enllalees, Hackler aaid, will be (iven the opportunity to cho.>ae one ot tour achoo! rroupa and be uaured of attendJnr one ot the achoola In the croup ot hi• choice, The 1chool gTOUpe are electronica, avt~tlon, medical and reneral trad· ... Applicant.a muat be hl(h achoo! rraduatea, Hackler aa1d, between acea ot 17 and 31 with no prior t.ctlve military service. They ahould apply at recruiting aervlce In tht Santa Ana poet o(tlce. Ernest Carroll at North Island Post SAN•'()IEOO, CFllTNC) -Er- nest W. Carroll. aviation boat· awaln'• mate thlnt clue. USN. aon of Mr. and Mra. Oeorre M. Car· roll of 1213 E. BaJboa Blvd .. Bal· boa. la aervlnf with Fleet Atr- borne Electronic• Tnllnlnf Unit, Pacific. a t the North Ialand Naval Air Sta tion here. Ca£!sl)I, who reporttd for duty May' 23, from the a t tack aircraft ca.rrler USS Hancock. hu been u - alped to the Survival Tralnlnc Dimlon for duty aa an lnatructor. Before enterl.nr the Mrvlce In November, 1~2. he WU (radUated from Newport Harbor Union Hl(h School. ' Soe for loettften Orange County Newa Service'• Sant& Ana court houae beat ex· pert Jack Boettner whoae columna appear reg'Ula.rly In the New•· P rue became t he father of a 7-lb .. 16-oa. -June 12 In SL J oeeph'• h08pltal. Tht young "cub report· er" hu been named fUchard Phil· Up Boettner. The Boettner• re- alde In Anaheim. - 1s11i1p 10141 . Sales i• Co11ty leach SMl,111 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -'ART 111 • PA&E l THURSOA Y, JUNE 23, 1955 Gould Gra•ritecl at Mmi• SCMol LA POSTA OWNER lnvuitment 1a' U. 8. 8avlns a Bon4a In Oranre County lut OR.A.NOi:, rOCNS\ _ An· QUANTICA, VA,. (nn'HC) - month weN more than one-third other new rellaurant tor Or· Graduated tl'Om the J~ A.m- hJJher than thoee ot May a yu r anfr• la In the plannlna atac~ phlbloua Warfare School IMr'9 June • ago. Harry L. H&NOn, voluntffr will\ orenlng expected lhJa s, Marin• M-.J. WIWam ft. QoWd. county bond chalnna11 reported to· 1ummer. eon ot Mra. ICtne D. Gould ot IOI day. klb In t he county ot 8erie1 ll' F'rancta Reynolda, owntt of Seaweard Road,, Corona del Mar, L& Poll& C&Le ln Ooata 11-. and H bonda In May thl• vear and hoaband ot the tonn.r Ks. ' rriday announ"9d b1a ~ amounted to S34t.oea. I rain Of ... of Ufl formn Oranr• Ra .. l 8chnelder or omett. Wyo ' 41 per cent over p1,11ch1..e or County F'a.rm Bu~au buJld· lu bffn traiatel'T9d t o the Int '23S,t21 In lhe nke month ot 19M .. The county'a support 01 the ln&', 353 S. Main SL, wl;lkh J,a Marine Dlvlalon. Tl'euury Department pro ..... am bt'l"I remodeled for a re.taur-The "Junlot" aehool often pro· "' ' ant baaed on a $p611lah motU'. TO OPIN. NIW CAFE ·- laat month broucl\t t Ohll 11&lu for Reynold• has operated La feulonal education to ottloen In l the year to $2,72~.813 11.a compared l"Ollll CllJe in Costa Meaa tor the ranka of Capla.ln and "-'°r, to ,l,633,4lfl • an thr flnt tlvt aldl,... Ula~ ln -..#~-1 ... -· 10 yean. Hta oew reataurant ·-. ~ ..-.... ··--M month1 a year ago. A 77.tl per also will feature MexlOiLll food. nu.nd and et&tt duUM ta their cent lncreU•'. It rc!prnenta, Han· p...._l and neiat Msllle .. l'ftdea. eon u.Jd. a htgh point In aalea In '!jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i the county for 1Lny flvr·month per· I lod tn peacf'·llme years, ' The county's r111e ot gain for lht> year. he continued. I>! morl' thun dou ble Uw Southern C•htor· nl• avPrafte and mnrf' than four 1 lime• the national tr•nll u ot May DEE Dl:E CUNNINGHAM (Con~t Entry) PIRATE 9UEEN HOPEFUL Dee Dee (Rou nnel Cunning· ham. above. carnea Newport Beach colnra In forthcoming contest for Pirate Ql.lf'n of Orange County Fair due next month. -Don Buah Photo DEATH NOTICE ROBEflT M: HESU:V MllllOnlc aervlcu !or Robert M. Henley. 28. of 208 40th St.. wh"o died Tueaday In lln accident. will be held Friday at 11 a. m. In Baltz Mortuary, Costa Mu a Chapel. Ottlclatlns w lU bt members pt Sea· faring Lodge, F It A. M. Inter· ment will bt prlvate. A native of San Francisco. Mr. Henley had lived In Newport Beach 19 year1. He wu a for- mer reserve police ottlcer w1U\ the local department. He was al~ a member of Seataring Lod(e. He 1-vn hi• w1.fe, Patricia of end. Sale or Sertes H bonds to lnUl\'I· duAls dt>s1r1ng cut rent 1ncomf' , •>n· trlbuted $87.500 t o the May total and $983.~00 In th<> ftve-rnonlh county figurl'. This. Han11<>n •tultd la a. 1:>6.8 p ... r cent 1nc~•se O\'fr January-May o! lu t yea r Monday Last Day for Summer Class The fina l day to enroll tor cr<>rtlt ln Orange Coa.at Suntmt'r Session cl&a11ea will be Monday. J une 27. It wu reported today One of the largeBl opening day enrollments wu reported on th .. flr11t day or the Orange Cout Col· lege 11umm•r aeasion with 3~0 11lu· denlll on the rolls. Cluu11 art> being offered an a wide range nf academic, bllllllleu . \•O<'atlon&.I and An a.nd cra!ta au~jflf?lJI, In1tructor11. In aummer claMu are Or. Giies T. Brown, Don Bndgman. Jamee Wvlit' Jamf'll Pltton, Miies Eaton. Cvnu1 Rock· ey, Mary McCheaney. 1.A11111e Dow· len, Hiida Everett. Robert Grel•· aer, Dr. James McCaule\•, William Poort', Buron Knech1.:1, Chllrll'll Lewta, JoMph K roll. J . Robtrl Kest and Marthella Rllndall. Other 1nstructor11 are· l'lorothy Dallas, Thomu Onbomr, Wlllfom A. Payne. Forre11t Pond. S. T. McNeal, Anthony Sullv. Lee Bark· lt y and Sjt't. Erwin Uhde. • Cl!u1.11ea llr" hl'l<i Crom 8 a.m to 12 noon dally thr<>ugh July 29. No tuition la charitp(j fC"r lht' atx·Wffk 11e1111lon. A lot11 I of 11even units 'lf college credit may be earned. Ford Establishes· New Realty Office -THEATRE· GUIDE - Nf'W Sou.d i ci .. muaopet .ID"T CHANDLER RHONDA FLEMING YANKEE PASHA TMlulloolor PLl'!'l: Audk' Murphy hi ''TUllBUW!:ED,. • L I D 0 .. 7lce"'"tz-t.· HELD OVER TRRU SATURDAY . . ' • /I s. °"" °" .. l!lo....,,,,.,,.. two1111,. .... ""I .... ,. ""*•"'" ,~ .. ...... ·-e1s .... . .._. THIS IS THE MOVIE THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT! -aboUt a dime-a-dance doll who was born to go ptaees . , . and tht rough. rougtl BUY whO got her there I DORIS P.AY JAMESEY ~GN (111"1111 ... , i" M-G-IK• ·LOVEMI. LEAfiMI' -.COLOR_. ?J I * • New officer• for tour Orange Cout CoU .. e orranll&Uona w~re named before the dJamlaaal of clu-Ju t week. It wu revea led by Dean Marie V. Howea today. Dave Pridham, Coat.a Meaa. wu elected to head Block O.C., the college leltermen'1 orraniu.Uon. Pridham wu aa outatandlnr hurd· ler for the Pirate track team. the home addreu : a aon. Robert Ru,,.. Ford , R~aJtor, tor merly M. Henlty Jr .. all!O at home: his with the Vocel Co .. hu e11Lebll11hed parent•. Mr a.nd Mra. Joseph Hen· a new omre at 1600 \\'. CO&$l ley. Newport Beech. I Highway acroNJ !rom Balboa 88y r.=========================~ Club, he announced tod11y He will spec1aJ1~ an commerc111. re11lden· Vic WU.on. Coeta Meu. wtJJ lead the Ski Club, Renee Elliott, New· port Beach. will aerve u actlnf ch airman for Alpha Gamma Sig· ma, with Donna Schurr. Garden Grove, ualstlnr. MIN Elliott will a lao ..act .. Interim chairman of the Student Chr11tlan Auoclatlon. Officer• of other 1tudent club& will be elected next tall, Mra. Howea atated. ,!>_ -• .;.· J.. -·-·-. GRAND OPENING Bavarian !J-nn FRIDAY June 24th DRAUGHT BEER Gla11 or Pitcher tial and lncomf' properly plua t1c· reage dt-als. Hr has bten • brok· er tor 25 yeant A resident of 318 Pirate twad. Ford I• a member of U\e Optimlet Club. Irvine Cou t Country Club and 1a a Muon also. RICHARD MDMARK In STARTING SUNDAY "END OF AFFAIR" and brc>tMir, you're In • remote food from plua through luagna 1t---i111M11µa,LliDe-WOddl ~I to ateaka a.nd .ea. food. The BM· ,.,,_ when hun.-r overt&kea boa laa Cafe offers • great -act clo9't MtU. tor papayaor bemboo Wllh P'ellx and Leo plua tine food lhoota. a.all 'for Olle ~ the Hat'• utabllahed through the yeara. pt raM«I prtme rtbf from the Have you been to J ohnny VII· ~ onn. Ae Mel All• •ya, elle'a A.rdliN recently! Mlf ht ti)' Newa for Brother Elka and their Invited sue.ta. Good newa, 'Ull too. Max Lawrence Trio will pla, tor_the aeml-f~ dlnner·d~e Saturday at the Bayelde Elke quarter• In Newport' Beach. Bav~ri~n =9nn --..A PRIZE- OF GOLD" "1nu. tbM UYin'." It tomorrow. The ArchN 11 cl<>Md BIT or 'l'lllC OLIJ WO&LD Thurtdaya. Kow would )'OU llkt to ¥1.ltt ooe Chef Henry J onea hold• away Dinner la 1 to II and the danc· lnl' auru at II and continue• 'tU BETl'E.R CATCH IT Muon Slier calla from the Udo to tell ua th&t "Love Me or Leav" Me" la belnl' hfld over throur h '780 w. 19th • "a louclt ot old·fullllo• 8Hot' G..,..•" (near Plaeentla) Costa Meu ol thoee "Student P*>ce'' type ol oo Uw ~Ina d' culalne over at t&•ema? T'Jmow, lh~old .,....,.. Pinky Scott'• The Partc A\'f'llue, ha typer WeU. Date Callen and on Balbo& Island. It's aJI llO new ilarold lAecue mak4 that poaelble e.nd coi.y and ~ovated at Tiiie this Saturday Johnny Oxford of '-'====:=::==:=:=:=:=:=:=::=:=:=:==:=:=:::=:=:=:=::=~ the Port, In Corona Del Mar, an· = nouncu he haa booked "Strategic ,-------------------------- ftCht now, out OG 19th St., in tlatca. In 'l1le Park AVf'DIHI that Ooata M-. one feel.a juat like alttln' and sit· n DI th• .....,,... 1-and they In' and atayln' and 11lppln' end te&ture drau(ht ~ la the rtu. u tlnf Henry'• f ood !ood. or pitcher. The dectr and the at· LAZY DA VS mo.pheN ..,. .uidy "old Ume" The summer aeUl)n I• on-down and ao oonduclve to enjoyment of at Salare • Locls:e and Rataura.nt frothy amber co'°94 brew Crom juat put Laguna Beach. Oeorre Vie tap. Oaruer from the Racquet Club la Bua Hutoblneon ot UM Honey· the thef and VI and Jerry Wagner beea who lllpply tht dance muaia ...... the mu.teal charge d' atfalreal at \'Ula ...,._ t~d ue Bob Rout>-f .ll. There'a a Sunday' Brunch laa and lbertft John -N amonr fJOnl 11 a.m.-on at 8Mtare that V.. rue-ta who toolt t•J'U8 at •· -1(bt be worthy of trylns. Command" fOC' a two.week &bow- ing be(lnnlng J une 29. The Port ill now showing "A Prize of Gold" plua "Chicago Syndicate.'' The lf-8howa "Aln't Ml1behavln'' and ;'Man from Bitter Rl.dge." "Yankte P&Aha" along with ''Tum- bleweed" 11 at the Balboa. Wh&t with all he stepped-up mo- tors under the atreamllned hooda theM daya, and with the lncreued aummer trattlc. It mlrht well pay to heed the alp that aay., "Hold Your Hor-!" Hn tun! ANNOUNCEMENT THI NEW ~ONIAL RESTAURANT & LOUNGI ...., .,... ..... , ... ,. .. -ntms ..,..._ SENo<>D AND STEAK DINNERS DINE DNOER SOFT LIGHTS ANO SWEiT MUSIC C-.... TOV _..... eonealen<lt aed M!Jo1 a ' Mp ... DMMr hi • ..._. plM!re yow wtll f!Qjoj JOIN <f\JR PfANO BA~ NIGHTLY-Featuring LARRY FOY 2ll2 W. Coast Hwy •• MARINER'S MILE, across from Port Orange Newport leach .. I Announcing the Opening of the Summer Season af .... LODOI AND lllTAUUHT IBOWPLACE OP' THE COAST HTatt 4~ Fabalou Food by our New Chef George Gortner '1 Yews at Palm lprtap Racq..t Club Duelng to M1181o by VI & Jerry WagMr 0rpa a Plano na., Special s.clay ....... From 11 :00 '-m. rolor by Tecbnlcolnr • -plu•- "CHICAGO SYNDICATE" '14 1th DENNIS O'K t:t:FE ABBE LANE 2nd feature, Lex Barker, MAN FROM BITl'ER RIDGE Free! Free! :--.... . ~~FUN ZONE Kiddies 12 B'ALBOA Day Every Wednesday Noon 'til 6 p. m. FREE IALLOONS Alt Rides 6c • • • All Garnes k TAKE A TRIP ABOUND THE BAY S EXCURSION BOATS - LEAVE EVERY HOUR ON THE BOUR • • San°" the lay 9 .... Oii the 0CMft RIDIE THI SH~W IOAT TO LAGUNA -STARTS SATURDAY .. ot " ha...-r11ot hul" le>-"''" r.u new • men11H"r1 and lhflr "''l\lt!ll, alllttd 1 'CUMENTE FIRING in •lmulal~ rrua •klrl• madt or wt paper. Cnmmunlty atnr1n1. WARNING NOTICE led by Huf h Marshall, followed The eV"enrng wu comptetrd with danctn~. fnr whll'h mutlr waa pro· vidf'd by 1quadron mtmbn1. lrd by Comman<ter Curt 00.h w1lh hla trombonl'. X t:\\' BOAT MemMl"il h1<1h 11 " ntw hoAl added 10 the Sq111tdron fl cf't That I was a new Stephen• cru11Mr. un· loadt!d Ul ~CW;l\11 l on Thu1.tJay. June 13, and in allcnJan,•e a l lhf' A-valan llTIChflragr sirurnn~', Jtml' 18, It bcl .. n~c to Maurl<'e ~opp Of Lt.In JAi~. ntrn .rd H~JCA·Te·LA.!11, V, the flr~t t\\11 lrtt,.r11 of lh•' first nnm" • ut ! 111 five ll''l\1111· oluld1 en, ;ind So11 p " firth bo11t l M.iny squnJrun boata were Je· lA1ne<I (o~ m~pt•t·li\1n In lhe l'Oatot I Gua~J • Up1•r1lltl0 0111~11tl M ~h•'Y w.-re 11'11\'lng l'\ewport Har· · b.'.lr :::a1ur1h1y morning and u far ns Wt' know all paSlll"d lnsp4'ctlon wilt-fly111g rolnrs. San Clementf' Wand arN.a will be da n1eroua to navtia· lion be<'aUM ot naval born· b&rdmenl thia ~ek, Cout Ou&rd orflclala n1port. Cutle Rock will be blu tf'<l t oda )' and tomorro•· ''°"' a a.m. to mldnlcht ud durtng ct.yll&1lt houni 6-turda,)' and Sunday. Pyramid eo.e bom- budmenl wHI be acllYJ lod&\·: tomorrow and :&turdlly trDm 8 a .m. to 11 p.nf. "N 0 W HEAR T H.l~S" ! IOAT OWNRSt I \ • lalt TallllT ... Thdt ot " bait t&P valued at hOO /rom a boat moeNd oat to • Nerm'a Landi~ wu ttporUd on June HI to pollrl' bJ Paul. OriN· er, owner, ot Ill Vtrtori& St .• Cc»- "' Mee&. He C'OUld Ml tell polka the U l• of the thllt. -oau Harbor 1mt ta ~ '9'lr Ad on th11 pap. WINS NEW TROPHY -Lt. Cmdr. James Edw&rda Jr. of Balboa Power Squadron, rig}Jt, receivea new Robert L. Boyd Memorial Trophy from Commander Curt Dosh. The trophy, which squadron donaUJd, wu won for predicted 101 race, cruiaera, on J une 18-19 nm to Avalon rendesvoua. -Pie~Buah Photo AUXUJUY TROPHY -Balboa Power Squadron Commander Curt ~b, right, present.a George L. An- drew• Memorial Trophy to Lincoln Clark, Balboa, for winning predicted log race for auxiliary aailboilta in annual cruise to Avalon June 18-19. -Pierce-Bush· Photo !\'ext a c1iv11y ...:heduled for aqua.}ron mt>mlwni will be bl\1 bl'· cue Mhore In Sl'plembt'r and the beginning nC a n .. w pllollng clan, open to lhe pubUc tree or charge m September . $525 loat Motor · Stolen from Mesa SAIL 00VE&8 BOAT COVERS OOOK.Pl'l' QOVEB8 BOAT CANOPIES 'MR. AUACORE' 'CUSWONS BUNK MATl'BE88E8 MARINE NEWS e Friday June 24 8aturde.y •June 2a lunday June 24 Monday June 27 • Tueeday June 2! ., TIDE TAILE Ttme lllp 0:27 a. m. 2:14 p. m. 1:28 a. m. 2:07 p. m. 2:35 a. m. 3:~ p.m. •:02 L m. (:DO p. m. 11:4-0 a. m. &:38 p, m. 7:09 a. m. 8 :21 p. m. 8·15 a. m. 7:01 p. m. DAYLIGHT BL a.• (,5 Timi Low 7:32 Lm. 7:•9 p.m. 8:19 L m. 9:16 p. m. 9:07 a. m. BL -o.• 2.1 0.2 2.0 0.8 1.7 1.4 Rogers Takes 40 Balboa Squadron Boats Se~son first Make · Avalon Rendezvous . on Ebb n·de 200 Witness ~rophy .Pr•entatlon and Thell of a 25 horupower elec- tric outboard motor valued al $!!~!! wu r«'porttd to Costa Meaa police by Robert Hlnea ot 2572 Elden Ave .. at 8 :15 a. m. June 11. The burglary lnvoh•ed cut· ting of two aeta of wlre11, loosen· lng the motor mount a.nd lifting the motor from rear or a l8·ft. motorboe.rd In Hines' garsre. MARINE INTEBIOB8 -DECK MATl'RF.88E8 REPAIB8 M.t. wt.at ...... for fllhlntl *''-COMpOct, """· w.ight, th """' Ill .... """" of 'fO'lll car. lo.-podled with bit· 11 YEARS MARINE CANV A8 EXPERIENCE 4.8 4.8 3.9 4.1 u a.o 3.0 !5.1 3.0 &.S 3.2 a.a 10:" p. rn. 9:57 Lm. Harry &.-en, Lido 11.le, today held the honor of ta.kS.0. the tint albacore of the Muon to be brourht lnU> Newport Harbor or any other Calltomla port. FestlYities: Barbecue In September Hine.a told oftlcer11 the lhe.tt oc:· curred between a p. m. Friday and 8 a. m. Saturday while he wu uleep. FREE ESTDIA.TF.8 PICK-UP a DELIVERY lllOtor fea\l re1 ••• --. ••• Clftd QUIET! Wedneaday June 29 Thursday June 30 o:oa Lm. 10:60 a. m. 1:-07 a. m. 11:41 a . m. l :M Lm. 12:31 p. m. 1.2 J,8 0.8 2.2 0.3 2.3 SAVINO TIME ruurr ruu. QUA&TZll llOOM June 24 Jul7 • L.U'I' QUA.&TEa JuJy 12 • HEW llOON June 19 PAG~ -4 -PART 111-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS . THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1955 Woma11'1 p_..., $20 Taken frOlft Store Theft of Mr pul'N contamlnc a $20 bill, chanp ud nrlou.t keys a nd card• wu ntpOIUd to police on June HI by Mn. IC. Jacqu•, 2ta Cry111.al Ave. A black atraw bac. It waa t.a1'en from .\M 1t.ock room tn the .-r ~ a ._ at ltU Via Lido where Ille S. GDpl0)'9d. Here's Trailer Pirk Lineup x ... ·, bow tlley lined up on 1une 13 Ill the Munlclpal Trailer Park controYeny which ended In U.. park bela&' ~t.&1ned in It.a pre· .-t .tatm tw UM time bean •• &gera. a member of B&lboa AnffulS Club and Paclllc Anrlera, wu f(ahlng tor both cluba. He weighed In hi• catch at BAC where the 1calea ehowed 11 !be., 1 oL on hlJI tirat of the H&IOO. The flJlh WU boated a t 8 :U a.m .. Tuuday between the 311 and the 80-mUe b&nl<L The 80·mUe bank la near San Clemente 11- land and the 36·mlle bank between the Harbor and the laland. 0Rorer1 wu flJlhlnr on Everett K&dley'a crul11er Ebb Tide. She la moored a t Balboa Bay Club. H&d· ley I• a Harbor realdent. Hadley and Rogera reported an- other albacore hook·up before the one &gera boated. However, the I first wu lost. they u.Jd. Doug Prleat la skipper of Ebb Tide which returned to port Tuesday nlKht. BriKoe Processing BJ MU. Gl'lOROE NORMAN PEA8E Another highly 1uceea1!ul Bal· boa~.!.!... sci.uadron rendezvoua hu bun added to the record o aucb annual eventa. La.at Satur- day ud Sunday, 40 squadron boat.a were moored In A'v&Jon Har- bor, through the eooperaUon of AvaJon'a Harbor Muter. Nearly 200 membera a.nd their tamlllea attended a dinner In the Mirror Room at the St. Catherine hotel Saturday night. The two coveted trophies for the predicted lo( races on the cruise oVf'r to Avalon from New- port Saturday morning were awarded at the dinner, Winner ot the race for auxlllarlu waa Lin· coin Clark. with hla 42·fl. aloop, Thlslle. Hta error wu 2.7:5 and Commander Curt.ii Doah present· ed him with lhe George Andrew1 Memorial Trophy, donated two years e.go by the lale Past Com· mander Mark Healy. Second i.n auxiUarlea was George Minney with his 65·ft . achooner, Kelple. Third wu J11m1>s Farrell. a two-time winner ol the Andrew• trophy, with hla 27 ·tt. --aJoop St.olsumwood. Fourth wu Leon· ard Hoateller with hie !JO.ft. ele.p, Tuc&nL Balboa Squadron, wu Lieut. Com- mander J am e 1 Edward• .Jr., aboard blJI 3·4·rt. cruiser Mlaa Bee n. Hla uror was 4.78. Tbls rac• was very doae .. wtth bell, aboard hie 48 fL cruiser, Vide ill, In aecond place. with an error or 5.13; and Worthington ~ with his 48·tt. crul11er. Marworth in third place with an error or 8.39. Aflu a fine dinner under the direction of· Sl. Catherine man· ager Joe Amo, well known to Avalon vtaltor1 for years, Dave Firth. rendezvoua cha.Jrman. a.n<I G th a Id Sparks. entertamme.nt chairman, at&ged a.n lnJtlaUon for &II new member11 ai11ce hut 1um· mer'a re-ndezvoua. Thil colllllai,d Your A u t h o r I z e d TR AL C 0 F1berglasa Dealer In the Barbor area. Bring your ftber. glue problems to us. Pacific FiberCJlass ~IOI W. Cout Hwy. Pll. U l ·Hlt Ac:roe1 from All·Amerlcan Mkt. v , ,.. Qui .. amooa.lel • COIM•~.d ... .._ 5~ lodoy. 1Mn. lel'e ,. tWtittt I Buy now, • our the po.,. ~~ll~~~~~l~ ........ ~ .... Wlt~eo. ~ U01 D W . C-t lllpW&J ... ~la S.U-Loft •t Seaeprot l..&adlq Liberty 1-nn H Hoar Senioe 23rcl & N_,ort llYcl. J1111 ... ,, •••·H•rt• -outbNtd Molort MARINE CARIUmORS Bepaln. . -Salee -Pan. ~ a STROMBERG GEO. J. MEACHEM US9 W. eo.t IDgbway L1be..tJ 8-IJU Coniplete U11e of W..., Sidi and Acceuort. .. Mrs. Jacqus tQld ottlcera other employeea h&•e a1ao been •lct.1.ma or thieves there and that thia I.a the 11rcond Ume It bu occurred to her. The thief apparenUy fled the rt>ar door. ahe aid, after t\l\d- lng the purte ln the atoc:kroom. J'or tbe park: Balboa Improve- me11t Aaaodalion, B&lbo& Penln· .ula Point Community Aaaoclallon and four petlUona conta.lnJnr 90 aisn&tu .... SANTA ANA, June 18 (OCNS) -Son R\1t u1 J . Brl11<:oe, 450 San Bemardnlo, Newport Beach, to- day 10u&11t wper1or court p~ lnr ot the kill ot P'r&ncu Van R. Bri.ooe, who died May 211. In- cluded In the eatat• Jett t.o five children wu per1onal property valued at $3000, a vacant Jot at Orchard and Birch Sta .. Santa Ana, and a res.ldenc:e at 128 Santa la&· bel St .. Coat& Mea... BOl'D TROPBV 2510 w. Coaat Wghway Winner of the new Robert L. ~===========~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Again.It the park: ·city park, beach and recreaUon commia31on; & letter and peUUo.na bearinc 481 Boyd Memorial Trophy, put up th1a year tor the tint time by Driver Denies Crash with Rafferty Car algnaturea from Central Newport Gar...1-n H-• Taken Community .Asaoclatlon; a letter uw v- from Waller Burre11, Newport. Thett of a gnen garden hi»e Anldt'nt at Bay Ave. and Main St betwten a car driven by Sid· nee Shacklelle and a parked car wu rtportt'd to police recently. Spe&kera &ealn1t the trailer from In front Of her home WU re- park Included Ed Healy, Hal Glue, ported to police June 14 by Wll-SOUTH COAST CO. Curt Petenon . F. W. Martin, A. llam H. McDonald of 1&3e Ocean !Srd ~ Newpon Blvd. W. Smith and G. W. P(lrdty, :B::lv::.:d::·----------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Speaktra for the park lnduded The parked car wu reg1stered to 1 .... Roy Rafferty of 2044 Ocean Blvd. Police had no addreea for Shar kletle. Ofttceni said the ~hackletle car 11pparent1y 1lde- 11wlped the R&tferty car, althourh ShRrklctle denied atriklnr the ve· -----4.tct . Student Cuts Arm ~nnlJI Popejoy cul hla arm dreply recently at Horace En1lgn •chool when he tl'IPCI to atop a ir;klu door trom closing before pU1inr through the doorwa>" The lad who llvea at '23 Weetmlnater Ave. WU TU•h~ to Hoar HOlplt.&l for t~almt'nt. Kellerman 'Caps Theft or a hub cap from hl1 l'ar parked ln front ot hi• home wu reporled t.o police June 12 by PhHllp Kellerman ot 205 Carna- tion A\:.!.'. Orville Schlueter. Ben Reddick and Ed Hoyt. Power Saw The~ Thett of a circular power 1aw with a 1mall motor from the u n· locked pra.ge of &bert E.Pet-ers of 1748 E. Ocean Blvd. I• under In· veatlraUon by police. Harold I. Johnson Pro~r Repair. Colwnblan -d Federal ~y l'hoae llarl»or ftO 11111 Villa Wa7, Sewpon Beacb MARl:SE rPBOLSTl:JUNO BOAT CO\'ER8 RALBOA CA1'"\" AS SHOP • Hui.o. Ja7 2141,, 2hf St. NEW,OU llACH THIS NEW 'PLA YIOr IS ALL FIBERGLASS -AND SPEEDY! A" exqul1ite aP"CI Ind r.leeauN boat you'll be proud to ownl A tingle bonded flberg na unit ••• 111ta end 111. Mede to teke rough treet"*11-k""'eu tr1ntom b\111U for ,,.,. mosr PO-rful motoul a.. the ,.,..,_, "Pl1yboy# todey. OTHll MODal AVAii.Aili REE THEii TODA\' AT SOUTH COAST COMPANY Newport Blvd. at Uni St. I. VU: HOSllL~ & 80N "' IUt W. c-t Hwy .. Xt"-port llMdl WEST COAST F1"err .... Co. 15'5 !lif'wport BITd. Cotta .. _ -J;eua!ij;r OfSll %0 t 8Ullf TO BRING YOU 8EfflR Ol/f8CHR/) 5'&VleE ~~~====~==~~==:::::...· ~':; ;~ :,,'~~.~-;;· ,--...:.~~ ORI //£ /IV ~~1.0 C1 o ~ ' 1;0 ) "\~. v ti .··· .... ·~ ~~~ Yf.f f M\f PlANNfD mis MOVE fOR A lO~ TIME I Wl'Vl Eff N SfRVIN& NEWPORT MARSOR AND SO CAm. fOR OVER 23 YEARS NOW W[ ~OP[ TO 00 IT SEHER f °"" WELCOME MAT 15' 01/T WEARE £,f PFCT/N(} YOfl ·~·· .. •wwo. _ .. 'OSIA -------------;-..,..+ GLUtO LAM INATf.O Hf.MSERS, GNE CLEAR SPA..N, AFFORDING GREAT STQENGTH AT LOWER COST. COMPl.ETE &VILOING """·iTv DELIVERED TO JO& SITE FROM ti!! PER.SO.FT. OR COMPLETELY ERECT!O, INCLUDING ~L~&, FQOM $I !! P£.R. SQ. FT. FOR. COMME.RCl~L. fAAM.~ lt(~TAloU. U~. -~111•11a' ........ •._•,::.,."'..,. __ ,,, .. '59" OOMPU:TI! LINE OP' CA'!AUNA PAOOUJ BOAllDa A#t'WHERC 1#·~0• CM.IF. 11-tt---,LYLE A. HOSKIN-&-SON TWO fSTORF.R TO 1'4f:RVI l'Ot! !~?1 W . .Coaat Hwy. 1110 W. c-t H•7. Liberty 8·13'7S Ln.rt7 1-7171 Now Rid~ the Showboat to Laguna! . 25th STARTS SATURDAY, JUNE l ... EA \'ES FU:S ZONE DOCK at 11 :SO a. m. and 7 :00 p.m. Round trip tall.-. on" hour and 45 mlnnf~ NEW DELUXE MOTOR CRUlSER 8Mts '70 oomfortahly.' Rid~ Sl.25 for adults -Chlldrn undn 12, fl.l\c J_ IOATS OFFER AFTERNOON IAY RIDES ~:!kf. hour· nn ·~ hnur frnm "" f'"•tn 7.tt ne . ..,.... Pa.Im .t n.r t 'rnot, llalt-.. BAY QUEEN, MOTOR 8AllJ:R, Lavee Roarty on Ocean rides. All bay rldM 6.-X adult." -3.-.C-hr children FD!&•• loat c....,., Next to Ferry Laacllag -Phone tiarbor 6 I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 111 -PA&E 5 THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 195~ fJanior"·Members of BYC to Open Season June 29 LIYC REGA TT A DRAWS 70 BOATS ~:1':~~~~?·.: §.:"f~]~~ §il TO. ANNUA. L OPENING CLASSIC pated 1ummer procram with a tfiiitroctlon In proper practk!• of . • , tune-up aertea of tfcea wb\ch wm wa\er •vc:rU and maintenance of 117 MU. lllAn oar.a BITC, nr.t. and Leon w.,., UTC eon with a load of other artlvt• lltart at 1 :30 p.m. off lb• club. equ pmM • . Tlller-pu_ahen had a field day at aecond. ln xne.bl(b. tlee. The Junior Yacht Club, under Ail eta.a of dlnghlee are ln· A rtJUl&r Mrl .. of ra.cee and ...... ~ ..,_ r........ ,.._ .. -.. 'rited to MJ .. 1n thll nm race of other compeUUon will allow ample the o~ recatta of Udo Iale .....,..,.._ -, .. _ ~, ~y • l.he direction of Dir t& oweel, 1t&JU r--....... -·---·-Cl"" ·--.. d h '10 llYC. l\uUI, eeoond, 1-lle Tarr, roll' ... A .. July a wtlh CO"-OM-..-uon tnclQdfaf" SJJOWbtr'da, opportuntty f«" .._ )'OW'I--.... -~ W"dn w tA BTC, Folty D . rtret).)'-ttnt. L. u,. -· -- Lehmana, Dlnkllan., Balboa Dlnll• ch.eek thetr tmp.rovtment and ap-11dppen plu. c~w1 vied tor 21 UtU.jelul. CYC. Jolly TM. Luden ~nc fl'Om MJlln« lnatnacUon a1ld 8abot9. Tb• raeea wtll be fol-proprl&~ awarda will be pree~nted t~I• put on tti. line. 11-ftnt, ftut.b Huk•ll. NKYC, &.o aearu&nahtp AN1 waler aaltl)'. lowed by • b&rbec\141 and.meetin« at tht conclualol\ o{ Ute Jll"OIT&m Btirt'"• f 11 'lit Club-Oenaiwa.; eeoond.-R. E. Bncp. Tbe ..-amll" J'atlo 8up"""'111 for of the junior mtmben and the the lut week In Aucu.t. ",. rom t 1 .,....o VYO, JftV0\11, , " rv .,_ 1 b ti hOUM, JS cla.uee had •t ,t for ont -, YC member• hl\•t been Ht up 'nr pl'Orram IHd In UI• c u pa 0· ra.c• S&turday, two on Sunday. Mercury-tlr8l, W. J. Remaull The planned awn.mer of aaJllnl Julv 1' and %7 and Aus;. 10 and Occ GR. •D •w •RDED FoUowtnc the ftnal 1pnnt 1.n th• Jr .• NHYC. Cblat: MOODd, Hay• " -------------~ ~ ~ eerlea. vlctora met fqr lJle t.rad.I· McClellan. NHTC, Myth. Star _ H. Entertalnm~nt 11\/C I u d In r Hy....-w Race $1000 FOi STUDY tlonal 80Up eupper at the club and nm. Jam Mdtobert.e. Juabel P. movlee and moonJl&ht boat rid-., vpni-to receive lhllr cupa from Com· C.-t\rat, Jtff Deaver, IJBC. Ola!; Ytill be teamed with the auppel'9. modor• M. A. Andenon. ltne•· LIYC bu aJeo formed a Ftah~ 'I'll& WINNEU ~ Kelt.b ~ kin. VTC, Ptcaro; lllCOM. Bob aopn, LIYC, Kai-. Lehman - ftnt, H. Hartman, 811111 Cloud; MCOnd. Oeorp Ward, UYC, At 'Sm. Club. ChaJrm1uf Harry Rofe1'9 a nd hl1 committee are fonnulaUng plan11 for the tlrat meetlnc when omcera wlll be elected and a charter formed. HEADING FOB FUN -Tbeee younpten are only four of Balboa Yacht C!ub'a junior membera who wiU be IJDODg ~a.e pre8ellt when the club: a planned program ot 1CUnmer fun and inatruction in aalling and water aporta get. 'UJlder way on June 29. Leading the program will be Buater Hammond u aail.ing tnatructor and Doran Suesa in charge of swimming. -BECKNER PHOTO. The Pacific One Dealp Hydro- pl&M D&t1olla1 chample>Mhip re· ptt.t. will be held at the Lone Buch Marine Stadium July •. ac· cordlnc t.o Kent Hitchcock. race chalrman. Tbe oompeUttoe for the American Power Boat AMO- clatton n&Uooal tJUe ln UM POOH clan will itart at 1 p. m. aa part ot a ,....att.t. lnclu41nc ennt.e for .a. l M, ue, ~ and 2te c:ublc tndl tnboard' llydroe. B and E ndq nmallout.e and Cncker Bos-. William Bum~ra. (t'lduate ot 0ranr• Ooaat Coller• 1n 1963 In pre-enpeerinc. bu juat bet>n awarded a $1,000 by RichntlJ OU COmpany. for re- eean:h In reoA<>1'1'. It hu bffn diac:loatd.. Bwnbera la UM -ot Mr. and Mn. Jolln A. Sumbera. Lacuna 1Je&cll. He craduated from the Unlvenity of Call· tomia In June after complel· ~ th• enrtnetrtnc coune there. H• a.lao quallfted for 4 membenblp tn Tau Beta Pt, na.Uonal enctneerinc haDor to- ciety. At OCC Sumbera wu The followtnr took the palm In their reepectlve cluMa: Snowbird -fl.rat, Randy Hill, LIYC; No. 316, 1econd, Geors• Vandervoort. LIYC. Jlllt MUt; ~&btnlnc-ftnt, J . W. Pott.a, BYC, Bobble B.; .econd. Wendell Harter, CYC, Paddltn' Madelyn; Thlatle-tlnt.. John c... &ltr, BYC, Flail; eecond, J . R. Wittmer, BTC, Br1pdooe. • IA the Bn.1pa clue, Tom J'roc»t. NBYC, tool& flr1lt ,wtlb Snowball. IA Dlnldttena It WU l:d Olblon, AID OOWll'IE& R a e I n c Committee cba.lrman Una Wllllaml WU a.iped by Dlr9ctor x.tth Oatdn7, plua John- ny MU'CG', BW Jabna, Martin Loduwy, Jobn Ol.ul and Robert K.ppm. JoMs lorrow Theft William Johna. 111 Eich~ at.. NCenUy reported thett of a rv· den ~·heel barrow nlued a t 111~ from the ,..,. of hi• bome, accord· tnr to police reporta. STAR SKIPPERS POINT TO FLEET TITLE TILT Bill Fidler, Defending Chmnp, to Meet Lew~er, McNamcwa a member ot Alpha O&mma Sip&. v....... ......., U11cler Police ProlM Bura'lary of Uie motor eaikr Vacabundo, owned b7 1Awt. CU.. '-·-'-t .. 1.1.... Bner)J HWa, at Ile moortDc While all the pre-trans-Pacific Race ~ w ~ 2011-E. Bay Aft., wu under tn- place a large group of enthusiastic Star boat alt!J>pera have ... upuon of poUot today fol· auccH&(ully reeisted the Jure of the lwab ial&nda of the Pa.. 1owtnc a report June 11. ci!ic..and will remain Stateaide to battle it out for the champ-B. L. Marehall. «• ,,__ ~t.. -------_ Coet&.-.X... Mio~ re~ ionabip of the Newport Harbor Star Fleet and £De honor or t.ooll and a t.ool bos valued' at repr~nUng Newport In the world Thia Y...,. Blll will have to ttc· $60 -re taken by wapect wbo champlonahlp rt!C'atta In Havana. urt oncomb&lln&' 110m. Oil hil own forced entry UirouP the ,.U•J CUba thl1 fall tactlca In Star aaJllnc wtie Don hatcll. AJI thll II the flnt Uml' aince brinp hta OW1l Star Wench m ln· ------..------- 19&1 the International MriH hu to competiUon. Another ' 1tronc bffn held In the Weatem hemis-contendfto for UM UU. 11 Dick phere, It II expected that a parll· Hahn -of Balboa TC who placed cularly active and exciting ch&m· well up &mOll&' the lt&dere tn the Straluwler lecelYes FIMArta DepH plon.1hlp elimination racea will be Haw&llan InYitatlonal lut Oct. At the June Graduation Cere-~lace throuchout the na-o~r. _,...YT ......... -..,. moni• ot ~ Callfornia Coller• Uon. a.-.. --.n.&Ln of Arla and Cra.tta ln Oakland, Wllb the light weather ..Wng Robert Charl11 Strohmler wu F ICKER Dt:Y!:NDl:SG encountered around Newport re· awarded a Bachelor ot Fine An. AJI defe"ndinl' clla.mplon of the cenUy two very deftnlte U\A&ta derree wtt.b DllUncllon. Newport neet. BUI Ficker and hb can be found 1n the expert tlller-Strohmler, a former remdellt of Stormy of Newport Harbor Yach~ Ingot Chuck Lewaadder of NBYC Newport Be&ch, attended CboUt· Club, wlll definitely be among and Bob McNamara of BYC, both nard Art lnalltut.e In Loi AftCelea UloM preaenl on Sunday. June 26, of whom have proved themaelvea prior to enroWnr at the Calttonlla u the local racea get undtt way. muters of the art of nndtfts; the Collec• of Art.I and er.na t.o Laat year Siil and hi• crew, Don sephyn. iludy toward a defl'" 1n nne LIYC la m&Jdn&' knoll WI .... rr::~~~!EI (I . 1 Hear your reeorda like yoa"ft t' never beard them before • I with I If --..... I i ...... ZENITH NIW H I-FIDELITY See lob Stevens or call U 8-UOl Your=!=,_ TV o.-.Jer ~ . ...~ a• 1w:a.a ............. .... . ,..,. ·--... •• t'tt lktler, not only captured the New-In all 12 to 15' entrt .. .,.. a · Arla. port crown but went on t.o win pected to compete In the nve-race ,::.::,_~---,------~~:::::::::~======:=::::::=:::==========­ the Blue Star 11ertea In San Fran· eeriea which will determine the Dt.:t"ESDING CHAMPION-Bill Ficker and hi.a Star, Stormy. of Newport Harbor Yacht Club, will be de- frnding the Newport Harbor Fleet cbampionabip in a five-race series which gets un'der way Sunday, June 26. Winner of thii-local elimination aeries will be eligi- ble to rntcr thl· world champion1hip1"'egatta in Hava- na. Cuba. this fall. -Beckner Photo cl8co. Newport. Fleet champloe. POISON PROTUT DUI I Couaty Pet Protector Meet Slated Friday i1 Costa Mesa P'lnrt report of dog ploeonlng In the Newport Harbor area 1lnce 19M hu come t o lhe a ttention ot the Pet Protector• of Orange GOUYD GRID SUI SET IN PREP GO F t·o Act·1v·11·1es of County, according IJ> Mrt!. Har-orma I n. old W. B~r. 379 E . 20th St-. :.k :.~~::0~a~~ Collta Meaa. prealdent. H• r s h I s •1 T Id Gouyd or Anaheim In the In t_· I ,., 00 a1 ors 0 A reward of ·~00 for inform•-Shrine North-South prep fool-¥ E I(., Uon leading to the arreat and con-ball game In the Coll.eeum Ju- n\ .1 "' 1-: 1::-. RICiHT.. ish and alAO cuptured aecond place. vlcUon of the Harbor area pet ly 27. Gouyd, lone Sunaet LM· 11, 1.,,,1 :o-i idra rnrn~ nhnut in •Couch came In \!lird by the clock. polaoner II offered by the irroup. ru•r tabbed fOT the annual 11 , md , r 11111 1 l:lltnt Thui A man by the name of Sir The Individual recently 1U-Uck gridiron cla.uic rtlporta lo the n•c•IAd Lomu Tipton heard about our when...&. ...,.,_-1-Ell.a"•" -Bull-_ · __ _ carpet luxury can walk Now · ... you on • pnces ,., ~s tu I ti m II hudly ' • • J aaJ.lln~-t'ltJb amrdt1nilte<I a beaun--~ --t1nlteif -Stiilfi xr~ ACiaimy ..,.. ___ _,_..,..._n--.-rn ,,. turr hnr ~nrt n 'ftrr· Cul g-nld trophy. The deed of gift dog. H6 Rlverllde Drive, died of J uly ll. 1t 1 t' .: ·. 1 . ," nc :Ill llnrbnr wns to rutmble the J:ift of the what appeared lo be arsenic pens· Coachea Jim BJ-.t and at lo pf t1ie f ; r I ·nt Rlr Thomu Lipton Perpl!'tua l. The onlng. a ccording to MJ1!. Baxter. Avon Wade claim Graham, a h J.lll"• 11~.1 111. 1il• • lo h Id J 4 Th 12 The dog waa the pet of aevef'li n " ".ir.I 1,, , •Ir Thi'~·· rftrt Willi e on une . e • hlld 1 th 1 hborhood 9.7 century daah man. Will be 1 • mllc course and ratmga were •c· <' nm n e ne K · the South'• anawtt to phenom- 1 1 "' h• '~ ""'1 8 "ponsor. 1 curatt'ly plotted out. Al noon of .It la believed the polaon wu put en.al Dick Baal, acoring threat I I. " •II h.i 1 1 l'<'ll Ill !Cl ml!'l't· 1· t 1' • Fl · Cl d Diane into the yard a t nlvht The '"""'P . 1 1,,. 1 Thi' t 1a • a' ymi.t ou . ., · ... --for the North. Goyd t.ook the tr '" .~· I ' · • '' 1 111 " t Temptre~s. F°f'rne'a Dehght a.nd 11 concerned about the threat ot examint.Uoo for entrance tnto 11 '' 111'' 11~'11"" "'"'re nthn Cull wrre out for a thrllllnr bat-dog pol110ner1 to anlmala u well the AJr Acadenmy and fin-•· tJ '•• 1;11• "Ve!'\ 0 f • •1 • b th I tie. After 80me protest. lhe F ernta I u to .small children who may pick labed tint tn the teet of mor. n · •1 • "· \l'ltr "' nl ·'' '" · Oeliitht llklppered by 01"1'n Wade up the food. th.an 300 candldatea. -,.nu J..t\\l• \ • Uf J"'UI 1't0Jo4t• Mt' flit\• -A _. h h I ._' l'll•h•··I WR!' pre~ent.,.. ...,.,t t e cup The group ortctnally potted a ------------- SEW OFFICERS I~ reward In April, 19M for Thi• ,,,.,, ,., ,,, h"" .. ,.,., we!I Th<' club's hu t rvt'nt wu a •II ~· 1 "nt I;, r. 11• I'll! fll st merl· Jo.t"ak barbecue thnner at which 1r C• ""'nil,;, Pl\• 1 :innl. ~t'l .. all t he lrophlf'S were off1cl&lly rt l·ll ,. · T -o•n l.rrr J.<ino' 1':ni •i:ht re~entt'd The newly elect('d nf· Ill I t1'1• • .r1111t.r nwmbl'I' !!Bl r <1'1''(TI ;1n•1 of....-w up R rnn11t111111on 1 flcera for next year are Commo- 1111d -" t 1.1w11 b\ wtm h 1111r RJ'l Ions dore Davt' Grant. V1ce·Commoclore " .. 11\,I l1r I:'"'"; nrcl Merlln Couch. Secretary Nancy \\"i' I• 1 •11 "''"' plun thf' non-Corkell. T re1uurer Susie Stone 1111•·1 ""'""I ""'I,. el11111n.1tc1I Md lht' a nd two other boe.rd , ml!'mbers. m•r11·~t· 1 1•n1••1111 1111• • Thi· rlub .Jan<' F:nrtiiht and Oren \Vad<'. who "'11 • """ •'"l.' 1 10 1ln 1tometh1ng j wlll try to m11kc nrxt year the .,1, h ,111 1 "1111] "''f'nL~ n~ the l·iRr· fln11I foundation for thl11 worthy bnr •Ril1n;: o•lub. hill thr !'Chl)('IJ I club. With this round11tlon the ... 1r11111•11,,1 , .,, "n~ c·aut wu11 be· r lub can promo le the interest or rau!ll' nr 1n,11r11nre n•1111<•n11 11&illng among the Newport Har- 111.form11t1on of a dog polaoner Vickie, U11cla Whl rampl\llt In Coata Meaa at that time. The Pet Protectors will hold a 11pecl1l mttllng Friday. June 24. I p. m., at Mr11. Baxter'• home. Mem~r1 wlll protut the poi llOT\.l ng. Hot Rod Complaint William St. Clair of ~1 Walnut Place Saturday night complained to Cosl• Mesa police about hot rod• racing al ln.te1'9ecllon or Wal- nut Pince and Raymond SL, Costa Mefi&. InveAtlgittlng, officers re· ported skid and oil marklnp In the stre('t and on St. ClaJr'1 lawn. Vickie Newberry, 10. or '407 Kinp Place captured two fintl and a second, and' L inda Preat.on of Bay Shore nabbed a nnrt and aecond In 1~·16 year old compe- tlon at El Nadadero Country Club, San Diego, over the weekend. Both glrla swim for Huntln~on BM.Ch Swimming Club. Vickie won the rreeatyle and Individual 100 yd. medley with a aecond In the be.ck· 1troke. 1he wu runner-up tor high point girls trophy, all acea . Mn. Johnnie Bel11he. mother of AU -American swimmer Buddy Sel!lhe, c09cllea the RunUn(ton swim club. " It houi:h "'" rnulr1n't rlll'P all 8 , bor students whether thty 11re •'111'1, lll•·•nb• '" nf lhl' •·luh 11o·u11lr1 non· l'Ailnr11 or sailors. ~~r~r rur~ Mu~y wa~al~t~j ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ re r thr c ·.1J.hq •l1 Prrpr lllal Trophy fc>r l..,d,m:inio whlc'h wn~ htlol IH ll:e\\ro1t H1ul:to1 Yacht Cluh :\'11nn· Cnrkrtt took hnnon. In thst trc>ph~,. w11h the "l.lttll!' C'ork~·" Fll~ FOR ALL Stn<'f' rw•ryonr rnuldn't rar t. the 1·lub lhrn beaan havlng-pot lur k rhnnl'rl! with donatl!'d t1lms 11urh u thr GOO!twtll'a \'nyllj.te rU'f' to Honohtlu. A tll!'r a while we dtSCO\'eN'd Uiat ou r membt>r·11 •1110 had octan go· 1nJ: bo1ttio lmmrd1ately a race wni< 11r hedulNI Y.'hlch rnnsl11t<'<I of elithl 11tartrrl!. Al'mM the llnr ct nH' ~11nry Cnrkl'tt"i< Fl)·lnJ: Cloud. Nonnsn l.Ay,·snn'11 Dlanf' ' Jane F.nright'11 Wltrh. Merhn I Couch'• Ttmpt.reM. Dave Grant'• Ttal!er. Ortn \Vu~"11 Ferne'• De-. llfM. Jnhn l.Awl11' Gull, a.nd Juli" H unmrta.11'1 Vixen \1Xl:S \'ICTOR After 11 thrilllni: tr1a~le courte Vixen won rorTf'r t"rt tlmt' whlle tane En.rirht wu the flnrt to nn- UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Newport City Poultry ( OricJlllCll Newport leach larbecue) · FwluriftCJ • • • BARBECUED CHICKEN, any 11ie1 hot or cold. • See us for special prH:es for Clubs or large parties. CUSTOM IARllCUING FRESH KILLED CHICKEN Whole or any part. Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Pheesenh, Squab or Partridge. 2110 Newport llvcl. ............ HaL1r Jl21 "newly wed'' liudget. "Ca1alina " Cotto" Frie::e l S deeohlCor W.W. $629 , ..... -.z. pad ... ,. .. ......... w..r 'Sahara " V~-Nylon 15 daoiee .,._. S.49 ,,...._ --. pod . I ... ,.. ...._....,,...., The .. ON Juet two of our ~ carP9f Yatu.a -come in a"d ... why s.HEAR'S CARffl CO. la the fa ..... growi"V ~ epeclafi.t '" .... Sovthlond. • Pec•n l11d Coler CcvC>allc: ... en .......... ~.....,.... • c:...... ............ Illy .. ""' MecM-. e ,o..lty C:..,.... 9t llEUMW. PriCM. 8216 Gatden Grove II. 200 yda.. .... ef Hwy. J9 Call LEhiglt 9-' 520 ............... lMUIS. • flt .• tt1 9 p.m. SUNDAY 12-5 OM.-E_..,• .,. -'Hoi•••« nothing down J6 -tha .. poy S% IANK INTMHT ' . r ' ~ I . I ) I 1 I 4 • Pilot -Plans Class Fish Fry M•mber• of U.. Pilot Claaa of Cbrtat Cburcl\ by tb.e k& m.l at the home of Mr. Md Mra. WWW. l...&n4eu a.nd planned • beMttt f tah try tor July 16 at 7. p. m. al Coat& ...... Park. Th• c.l&M 1'9Ctl\Uy decided to buy a tllrll project« tor tM Chureb. and purcbue will be made With proceeda from tba "* ,,.,. The c:ommltt.t la eMJ'p i• ~ pOMd of Hup Wallor. Harokl Glau, Wiiliam McDoo&ld, e&Cb of whom may be called for ,_..,_ tlona. Dlnctory of HARBOR .AREA .CHURCHES •L AMrews ~ertaa Obrcll 16th St. • Bl Andrew• Rd.. ecroae from H11h kbool Ll~rty 8-3773 Pulor: R ev. Jamu 8. Ste~art ~aa.lty MetMdlat '20 W. 19th St., COat.a Mua Llbt'rcy 8-4M2 Rev. Joaepb W. Mc8hane TM <ltattttll or CIUtat l<>M Chureh Bl., CO.ta Mua Liberty •-:1111 O. G· Hur.t, Mint.tar Clarl9' t.:llnudl BJ ~ 9ea Community Mtt.bodiat Balboa Blvd. at Uth. Newport Harbor Gm Mlnlat.er: Rev. Roy cart.on 81. .IMdlim Clnuea lMt. Orange Ave., Cotta Meea Uberty ... 1091 Father Tllomu J . Nevin P\rM Beptiat Oard! of Ne" port Balboa Blvd .. 19th A Court St.I .. Newport llarbur 3M3 Liberty 8·307? • Putor : Herbert G. J ohllaon Newpon Hanor Latberaa C11au.rd1 2~1 Cllft Dr .. Newport Hel1hts Uberty 8·3831 Rev. Robert Gro,..nlund AeMmbty of God Und St. A Elden Ave., Costa loteaa Liberty 8-3781 Reverend M . C. Cronic. Paator Seveetla-day Adventlat Newpoh Blvd. at Bollla St., Newport Hel(hta Eld.-r Richard Sern• Llbt'rty 8·1532 Churela of the Nau.ttsie 188L Anahetm. Cotta Meea Putor : Rev. Cll..-e Wllll•m• LJbt'rly 8-7161 ,,,,., cti•ft'll of C.'lllrtet. l!Jde•Uft 3303 Via Lido. Newport Beach Harbor 2•28 t'nheniaJl11t C.:ommualty •·eno" ldllp Ebt'll <.:lubhouae, 515 Balbo• Blvd. Mlnl•ler: Rev. F. W. Ran&• •·1not ~utllent BapUH Cllurcb 6."10 w Hamilton, Coata Mesa Liberty 8·2483 raato1 . Or Richard H. Pou C uruna d t'I ~li&r Community <:hurcll 1 ·vni;re11a llonal 61 I Hrhotrope Av,.. Ht,rtl<Jr 5237 P11.1<1111 . Rt v J::dwan <.:. Gomke Anniversary for Rev. Gronlund THE REV. ROBOT GRONLUND PASE 6 -PART 111-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1955 LUTHERAN CHURCH WOMEN TO SERVE SUNDAY SUPPER I Women or the Church group or Newport Harbor Lulher11n Church, 1027 Cliff Drive w11l be huste21se11 tor tht' potluck aupper on Sunday, June 28, at ~ 30 p m Thoae attending are aaked to bring a covered d111h T he Church Brot herhootl -viii be ln charge of the program In the evenlni;. Attention la called to the aecond ann1ve1 aary of the 11ervlct1 of th• putor, Robert B. Gromlu.nd. and hl.11 family. During ht• putorate., church membt'rahlp hu grully \ncrea11ed and preaenUy more than $fl0,000 hes been euoecrlbed tor a n.-w edumatton building. The aecond annlverury oC Putor Robert 8 . Gronlund' a ministry at Newport Harbor Lutheran Church will be ob· 11erved at both the 8 :30 a.m. and the U a.m. aervice SuDday at the Newport Heighta Church. 8_pf41klnJ on .. Our FlnHt Hour" In May ot 19~ now runa wdl over a&. Qrontund ._,Ill revl"' the •c· 200 with the June aveNJ• t.hua far' •t lU'.11 p«r iu~y. compllabmenla or .. th' congrtca· Mr. Oronluod rtcelved hi• t.heo- Uot1 11nc1 ha\ .-11t Sunday In Jun. logical t ralnlnr at Wa.rtbul"( Beml· two ynn .. crwhen he waa In. n&ry, Pubuqu~, Jowa, rraduaU111 1talled u putor. with the &chelor of divinity de· gree In 1'68. He LI a member of Notable amonr th• advancea the Oo.ata Meaa U ona Club, chair- cited will be th• 1000 per cent In• man of the Stste of the Church creue ln w114kly givln1 of lhe con· con11nlllee for the C&llCornla Dta· 1rerat1on from '60 two yeara •ro trlct of hta church, regiet.rar for to over '600 today. l!:xacUy 180 the American Lutheran Church J>411'90"-have become membeni 1n Worker• ln.atltute to be held ln lht1 two-year ~pan with a r roup of Covil)• July 10 lo 18, and conta.cl rrom 111 to 20 more .. xpel'led to pa11tor lo Lutheran 1tudent.1 al Or· Joan on Sunday. ance Cout COllese. Conaiderable Improvement• on Ht 11 alao enrolled at Southern the churdt plant and property a1ao CaJlforn1a Unlvtraily where he la were made culminating In the •~· ta.king ~rt-Ume work toward hla reuful dnve in May tor $~.000 Ph. D. dtlTff· for a new educall<>n•I unit and the A Family Ni.ht, under the dl· hiring of •ward-winning a~hltect I rec:llon of Social Chalrma.n Wilton Culver Hl'•t~>n. All dellnquenrlea In I Lewton. ,viii continue th• a.nnlver-- debt repayment have been wiped aary tutlvlllu. A pol·luck aup- out and the debt a~lf ttduced per, mualc:al entertalnmuit and from $28,00 to $12,000, the remaln. 1 1 d movl .. are beln• uransed der of which wtU be pa.Id from the co ore • Bulldln&' ll'und. Church attendance for the affair acheduled a t· &:30 which averaged f6 per 8ul)cl&)' p.m. TENNESSEE GIRLS QUARTET Tennessee Girls Quartet to Sing at Christ Church 'Crisis of Age' Theme at The "SunboMet Olrla Quartet" Guest Pastor at of Hendereon Settlement. Tenn ... The loce.1 appearance of thla n•· llonally noted ~up 11 made poH· Ible through their tour to Cali- fornia In con.nec:Uon with the re· cent Methodlat conference at Red· landa. The program beg1n. at 8 :1~ p.m. wtlh a fellow•hlp dinner ln Goodell Hall. The dinner la famlly· contributed. u ch bringing table urvlce and • cauerole, aalad or deuert B · .. will appear at Chriat Church by Newport apt1s1. the Sea on Wednuday evening, t Lon June 29. They wUI alng a variety The Rtv. Ra.lph Crouse 0 g of folk 10np and reUrtoua hymna Mesa Baptist Beach, fort'Mrly holdln& pulonllet 1 of th• .outJtern mount.&lna. They tn Otnver. Colorado and Orange, will be accompanied by lhear pu· Calif.. will preach at the ;•rsl tor. lhe Rev. "Tex" Evan.a, who Preaching Sunday at Flral Bap-Bapllal Church o ( Newport B ach, will apuk on lhe work of the Hen· t11l Church, Magnoha and Sllnta 19th and \\', Balboll B~vd., Sun· deraon Settlement. Ana Avu •. Co.at.a M.ea&. the Rev. day moa nan1 at the l l o clock ser- P. G. !"eumann ~'lll na ve as hi• vace. aubject at 1 l o'clock momang wor· During the evening worship •l ship "The Cr1si• of the Chn1Uan 7 :30 colorffi shde ph~turn will be Aft." Sunday 1chool for all &gta ahown ;1nd a rtllow11h1p tamt' with 11 al 9 ·4:> a.m. I 11ghl rt'frnhmenta lltter the 11er- The Paator'a l nalruclion clua 1 vice, meet.a at fl 30 p m. u do the Youth ------------- Reception for Bodmans at Christ Church Th8" Henderaon SetUemcnt la lo· cated near the Cumberland Gap. ll 11 aupported by the Methodlat Church •• a home and achoo! tor needy children and youlha. A free· will ottering wtll be taken for the 11Chool and Ila work. Training group.!!, WorshtlJ aervice G d, i• at 7 30 p.m. 8nd Mr l'euma.nn 'Glory of 0 be Carolina Woman Here for Wedding will speak on "The Pr011lltuUon "Ute Touc-hlnjt' Life" wall Of Eour awm ·• • Le T t the Mrmon tit le on Sunday, June Prayer, praise ant1 Bible 1tudy 15 SSOn ex 2fl, as Rev Roy CarllOn returns 11 at 7 .30 p.m. \\'t'dnnllay. prayer to Chm1l Churr h By th• Sea fol· g roups me-ct Ill s .36. The jl'lory of Cod and His P ower lowing 8 week at the Methodl8t WllHam Schumann tllre<"lS the itnd prcs,.ncr crnter• the dlacua· Annual Conferenre In Redlands. Mr11. Corntha Nichol• of Aahe· vlllt, =--· C. arrived Tuel!(lay nl(ht vi& T. W. A. to visit her dau(hter and llOn·ln-law, the Carleton M. Mears' al 332 Newport Blvd. i.nd to be pruent 11t the weddlnf or This Church Feature Spoftsorecl by These Local Business Firms General Sheet Metal Works Sheet Metal -llMtin. -Ventila~ 405 30th Street. HU'bor 2210 HARTLEIN FLOWERS For All OcCUlOIU S40s E. Cout Hwy., CDM. Harbor 5011 KOPPER KmLE Balboa blaDd Morry's Shell Service S600 E. Cout Blvd. UH Green StampJ Corona del Mar ff.arbor 2110 GEORGE M. GRAHAM Rue• a.nd C&rpeta 122 Apte Ave., Balboa blud Harbor 32&6 HOUSE AND GARDEN COmplet• R ome l'urniahlllp Draperiu -R uaa S017 W. Cout Hwy. Uberty 1-5511 MAC'S.CAN Farat on richt toward HU11llnltOD S..ch 6204 Cout Hwy. Barbor2W.B MARINE BEAUTY SHOP Per110nallzed ~ervlce ln Hair Stylln& S21 Marine Ave., Balboa blaDd Harbor 161 •·tral &pth1\ «.:hurch Slinla AnA Ave. ut M11 gnoha Coat11 M4'11tt ltl'V P:-<t ~-ll4UU' l 'bun·ll of Our Lady uf Mt. (.'larml'I orche•tra ThuM!day at 6:30 p.m. !!Ion In the aermon on "Chr11tlan All five of the cllUrCh choirs Wiii and would like mnre 1n11tnimentR. ~Clt'nrc" 1n All Churrhu of Christ, be comhlnt"d to 11111g the anthem. Thoae who would like to pl11y ma,1· Srtcnlh•l. Sunday. 1 "Lovely Appear," rrom the Re· •All ,.1,,.. at Harbor 116 4·!11. Thi' C.:olden Text Crom Isaiah ' dempl1on by Gounod. A• 11n offer· -;-'-...,..I) .. awaluy'.._.v~a!.!Cll~l~lo~n~~B;.;11;.;...ble::.:..:.~:scn~oo-...J•I ~4L.oL.lhLt1t1"Y eoprano l!Olo M.-.-.beft4 meela .Monc1ay through Friday. 9. Lord ahall be r"Vt'&leO. and all Freitag wall 11ing .. 0 Divine Re· 11 ·3-0 a m Theme la "Salling Walh Clel'h 1h11ll ate It t ogether: tor the deemer." by Gounod. h£.r ~.-JLllQD..._<arlll.2!LM, ~M=•=rs~-­ Jr. t o Mlsa Beth Manthbum of Huntington Beach on July I at NEWPORT CLEANERS ----=-NEWPORT FURNITURE CO. Dry C1eanln1 -Laundry -1-'1 e.wsln& Completa Homa l'urnwhlnc• Newport Beach Z620 W. Cout Hwy. Uberty 1-1111 11 11 W. lialboa Blvi.J . 11\tWp<ll t Haabor 0214 Fallwr Stt'phen Kiiey, Putor Father Georgr Pf\ma!IJIUI Aul. Pa11tor (.'hrl'll a.u\hl'r&n <:1t11r1•h of C. o.ta l'tf'N I M1l!lluUra Synod I Cull» Mf'im P11..itCJ1 Rev Lothar Tvrnuw l'\t . .lamn EpllK'opAI 3208 \'Ii. l,.Hlio. :'\l'WJ'OI I Ht R• h Harb<>• 12311 L'1111<tt: Rev. Rolph Prll"" St. John \ lann••) 31 ~ Marlnr. Bslbc1R lxlnnd Harbor 021 I F'Rthl'r S1f'phcn Kll'Y· Pastor Falhtr Oeoqrt 1'11rnf\Mll~ ANt . P1111tor Central "''*' · ('hurt'h Oranite Avl'. at 23rd SL. Coat.a .Meaa. LJberty 8-~303 A. A. Kaderll, Pastor lllllbclla lllaad ()lmmu-1~ Metbocli•l 11~ A.sate A.Vt., Balboa J.land M.lnl•ter: R ev. Donald Sapp C11udl of lkU,teo• Sdent\9 ·•science of lotmd .. Lacuna ~•ch Art Gallery 307 CUtf Dr1n-HYatt. 4-728' Rev. Irta Turk, Mlnwter Cttvdl cf lf'f/19 C*rtd Christ" anc1 all c.-hlldrer., five to mouth of tht Lord halh 11{l0ken 1L" Following the l I a. m. 11ervlce 16. are lnvllf'd. Accordmg to it Bible pu&age a reception will be held honoring from Matthew 19:2. 6. 7 t Jesus ~fr. an1I .Mra. Joseph Bodm&n. Book Review Announced for u!lerttd the frP<'dom of the pa~1ed Thl'y hav~ been member• of man wath thr•• "'Ord!!, "Son. be of Chra11l Church by the Sea for itood chtta , t lt 1· l!ln • bl" foorl(lvt'n manv years, but will aoon be leav· thf'e .. \\hen ll•<' 1W..111Jc11 doubled mg to ll\'e ·near SM•ra.m ento. U niversalists this CO\J·j.'11'• n .. uthoraly 01•cr lh14• T he Church School meet.t 11l eau. Jeaus il1ud to the man. 9 .30 with cla.llM!a for all age11 from · All8<.', 1.11'.t• up thy h<'d. Rnd go nur:oea v lo adulta. The Youth I unto thlr." holl!I<'. A'n•I he arose, 1-·.,110~:,.hlp8 ror youth groups 1nll I A book re\·aew of "Tomorruw I• 1 and d~parti>ll ' meet al 6 p. m. an Goodell H11ll. Alrt'llll\' Hnt>" bv Rnbj:rl Jungk Ma1y Httl<r r Eudy "11te11 Ill wall lw Jtl' t•n at tht' t lf11vea 111th11l "Sc1en1 " .inti H .. lllth with Key to t he lop or f'-'<'•r1:h progra m& will 11 \1mn111n1ty ~'t'llow.shlp hy lht min· lht' St 11plu1 <'ll,' .. The phyllll'&l lag .. 111ter lht' Rr1 F1t••11•1lcl< Rrnge. ht•allnl? or 'hrh1tlan .science Ml· Those who have not yet aenl In on ::;11nd11,., Th,, a11t'hor Is a ~r· 1ull11 now. a.' In J CilUB timt", from I their conlribut1on1 to th1a yee.r'e 1nan .I••". e:-11 .. .i bv Hitler. who tht op~ratann of divine Principle, Cancer Crusacle 11.re urged t v for· .tuwui<11"s ,.\ 111••1 H'fl "" he l!ee11 ll befor!' wt11('h 11ln l'nd J lseue lose I ward them to th .. Orange County tod111· in a l'n t1t·111 h11t friendly their r!'\1l11y In human c•n11c:aoua. Branch (If the Amt'rlca n <.:ancer ruhton. 111· ha11 written a thought neM Rn11 dlll11J"r>t'Ar 11..~ naturally Society at "15 w. lilh St .. Santa provokln1t hook well wMth <'Oii· 11nrl Ill' nt<'l'MK.rtly 1111 il arkness Ana. The Branch 11 entirely de· su1rrallnn J:IVtll plAr~. to llg~l and 111n t.o re· pendent for Ill suppCll't upon C'&n· The m1n111tcr al110 tells ll rhll· torm11t1on f P• I ret. xa). cer Crusade donllllona, tx1que1ta 1lren's ,.tory aJter which lhf' <'.hll· and rnemorl&l gifl.3. dren 11rc• excused for 11uper'11sed c o • rtay. !'und11y echool beg!nl! at 10 ·30 ancer nve 11 m. a nt1 morning worship Al 11 a.m. Meellnp of the F ellow11hlp Ari' hell1 81 the Ebell Cl11b HCIUM', 616 W. Balboa 81'1d. At Sunday Khoo! Or Frank Mc· Intyre will 11tarl lhe dtscu1111lon on J ud&i11m blUtd upon the article "'hkh recently appeared In u re maga~ne. F or informa tion con· cernlng the Fellowship call the Rev. f"rederick Rlnge, Harbor 1893J. Under Goal The need ror additional c:ontri· hut1on11 to the American C.ncer I Society'• annual Cancer Cru1111de wu emphulzed today by Sam Barne.. t.lmporary c • m pa I I n chairman of the Orange County Bra11ch of the Amer1can Cancer Society. Commenlln( on today'• &n· nouncem«nt. ln 8an Fra.nci.co Ulat • an additional '124.913.H hu been Vacation School appropriated by Ul• American Cancer Boclety for ruea.rch al the at Newport Church Unlver.lty ot California, Stantord I BAHA'I FAITH rra~ n . Ol'l<'ll""'on. SI utl.\' "Thi' trln of God tn t hl11 rn· ll1ht,.nPd &«1' If' the knn" ll'dgr nf thr nnrnr .... nf manklnll """ thl' t-undaml'nl•I On'"n""" nf Rellrlon."-Baha'I \\ rltlntr'• •·rlda~·. 8:00 p.m. I It Rochr1tn St rHt, Cm.ta Me.a. Calif. PhoM LI ... 1618 or LI 1·1211 Chr1st C"nurrh by the Sea. Worthwhile . Reading •.• ... for your whole fomity in the world-fomous pages of The Christion Science Monitor. Enjoy Erw in D. Canhom's newest stories, penetrating notional and in· temotional news coverage. how·to·do feotures, ho.me· making ideos. Every issue brings you helpful eosy-to· reod articles. You con get this interno· tionat doily newspaper from Boston by moil, without extra charge. Use the cou· pan below to start your subscription. ---------------Tht Christion Science Monitor 0-... Norwoy Slrffl Boston 1 S, Mou., U S A. l'leoi.e Hnd the Monitor to IN lor ~11od checltt d 1 yeor $16 O 6 mon!+\J $8 0 3 months S-4 O lodd<Hll 1c11y1 ..... '• lltotol • ,..\. of Latt« O.y 861.Dta Friday Afternoon Club Houee CoaU Meaa Liberty 8-3768 Dally Vacation Bible School la Unlveraity. the Callfom la ln11tlt11te , bein( held thla week and nut at of Technology, the 1Jnh·ersaty Of The F lntt Bapt11t Church. llllh Southern Ca.llfomi11 end other CaJ· 1.nd W. Ba.Ibo• Blvd. c1 ..... are lfom la lnatltullon.a. Bllrnes •aid: I beln... held for children 4 yea,r. "Thea«. (Tanla raJ.ae to mon than CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE Erneal Holmu. founder, author of "Science of Mind." Blahop: Peter Dalebout FIRST c m 'RCH OT C~IST SCU::r-.'Tl8T SUNDAY SERVICF...S 11 Lm. Junior Church and N•hery Care 11 Lm. R•''· lrh Turk. Mlal11tf'r LAGUNA BEACH ART OALLERY Hl'att .. UM I01 CH.ff Dr. UOI Vl• l••. ......... .. •• h .. IVVI 000 h t rt A ~i•11Ch ol "'• Mollt•• Chwrch, Tll• ,lrtt lhrolJ'lh ninth ff9d• 11:30 to 12 $3.vvv, t e amoun approp Ill· O.v•ch •C c:tw•••. k J .. tltt, t• ... , ••• M••M· noon. ed by the American Cancer So· ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=:;;;;;;;;;;;;=:;;;~ ch 1tttt. Teachere In I.tie achool allt: cl"ty for rYtarc:h during the put : '-i•4.. k"-94 ' 11 •· "'· hi I '-'••-. '-"'te _ _ 11 oo •· "'· Mm.a. Al Pereira. Jim ll:dpr, ll:d tfn yttu·1 In l • state • one. w.4 .. ••-. 1 ... 1"' w .. 11•• • Ot ' "'· Olurow, Rex Dupllaea, Jim Henre, .. Funda colltttcd by tht' ONtnge I ... ;1"t •-i..41.,1 11 IJIS Ylo U••. , 8 h A I ..... _. .. •c•, " o•• ... 1 ... , ''""' Jhonnle o conner, Kenneth Peard. County 1anc oC U'le mer can 10-00' • "'· .. •• ""' ~ .... ,._,. ,,_ H•rbert Johll90n Mr. Hobby and Cancer Society are needed to car-••• • ... .. , ~ • ... J. ......... , .. , I . s,-0 ., ~ -l •• \ ~ ,.11 ~r .,.,, the ~v. H. O. John10n. ry on thl• b1111lr re..-11rch. Our cur- n.. ~•11< " ••••·•"• l•oti•• •• •"•• 1 Ther• la allll Um• fOT chlldrm rt'nl dr1VI', wh1< h now .tttan<b at ::: ... °'"''' h .. ; .. , ••• .,.. ,... •••"'"' to en~ll r11r· clu .. ~~· roa llC'Xl "tl'k , Oi pea l t'nl >.r II'"''· mull! 10 over .. BALTZ MORTUARIES C08TA MESA CHAPEL 17U Buperlor Annue Cotta Meaa. Calif. Phone W berty 11.2121 CK.A.PEL BY THE SEA IUO It Cout Bl•d. Corona del Mar, Callf. Phone Harbor U 106 Tustin MARGARET'S CAFE lpeclallM ln Bea Food.I -Orden to Go i614 Newport Blvd. Harbor 2286 NEWPORT HARIOR IANK Coroa.a del Mar ROSAN INC. Seacrafi DlvWon A Foreign Moton Vincent's Rexall DnHJ Stores Three locallona lo Serve \. ou Newport 8-ch, B&lboa, Corona del Mar Alice of Udo hallty Salon Hair ltylln1 for th• individual t08 12Dd ( oa the PO St.) Ha..rbor 2844 RUSSELL W. BANGERT Healln(. Ventllatin1 • lheet Mfte.I &11 Sut 8t. RADDSEI & PONTING .. Baldy'a Place" Newport 8Nch Harbor ~l THI CLOTHES HORSE "lhop ot Dlatll'ctlon" %16 lllartae Ave., Balboa laland Harbor 0101 MARKET SPOT ZOO Marine Ave., Balboa blud Harbor 1000 Reinert's Newport Dept. Store ..Your .t,.amlly Store llnce 1914" Ocean Front at 22nd. Harbor 185 SEASIDE MALT SHOP UOO W. Ocean llAl'bor 911 Newport BN.ch R. WASEMILLER • "Th• Workincman'• Blore 1894 ~ Harbor Bh·d., JOLLY IOGD IA YSHORE RICHFllLD Free Ptck up • Delivery 11th ~ Cout HWY.. Boyer's Balboa UftOle•111 Co. Linoleum -Tile -Carpet -Formica ZSO l W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 6181 HAL COLLIER & SON SIGNAL SER. STATION 1'ree Pll'k up A-drl. -Whee.I Balance SSUL Ne~·port Bh·d. Harbcw 6581 High Qua ify Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 IFly-Up Rites 1 1 for Brownie Scout Troops arowru. ,.,,,..,. •• u d •• held their Joint .,,,..up ceremony ~ tbe Olrl !kout KOUM, ... ~ by their "bll" ai•ter'' Troop 27. W\der the IMdershtp of Kay Spurr~n. Paainr t.brou•b the nower·lrtm• mbi arch lnto Olrl ScouUn• and ric.Mnr Ulelr Brown.la Wtnp. World r rnndlbtp a.nd Girl Scout plnw were tM tollowlA•;.. l Troop tf--tto~rta H~lc, hn7 I li1.1ddluton, Lynn Noble, Carol Paim, Krtltlne Stawtckl, >Jin Pet· er.on." AMe StMle, Martha 8t.r<lf• art; Troop •8-ChrlJIUne Cord Iner, Nellie Turnham, Ma.ry Lou Qriee· aer, Kathie-en Ho~l. Bonnie Cot· Ue, Vicki Sparnolettl. Sandra WUllana, Suan Payne, Kathy Kell. Sandra Mc!AJJ1, Darlene Clark, &Ad Sally Albrtsht. IAadn and co-lt&der or Troep •• are Mrw. P. E. Peter80n aod Mn. Donald Huddleaton. and ot Troop ti Mra. W. 0 . Payne and J.lra. J'red ~ell. Big Slater Qlrl 8oout.a were: NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 111 • PA&! 7- THURSDA Y, JUNE 23, 1955 Por Mr. A~ Citizen,• fast, coa.-. iear Meao bul • .,. '""' pniaa co aod from ,.__ ..,._. a:a5c bd parkia1 10C1 'FORMS, COLOR AND RHYTHMS' .ii de.criptive tiUe oJ this Irvillg Manoir p&Jnting, one of a collection show- ing now and through July at Villa Marina. The noted Corona del Mar artist showa others of this type, also n1any of bill delightful Mexican and European acenes. -Manoir Photo Cvolyn Cuey, Dol\na Condry, Sttphanle' Heck. Barbare Nott. l!arole Hyden, Sandra Spurseon. • •r coaa 11 twl du.rioa IM»iae11 houn. for Mn. A ..... CiU-0. Meuo •~ ,,....,, Sbe bowl it ii. by far, the inoet economical way co go dlopping, Yitirla1 or to the mcwia Aod .... Ubt co be free of "dri•· Uaa caenea" ud puliiJll UOOy&IK'ft ••• 1r)' Metro. J'OUl'l'.Jf• ud llaro bow much rime ud ....,. ,.,, CUl .... ocx=uPYING THE NEW rectory of St. James Church, •tO 15th St ., Newport Htlghtl, ii the Rev. J ohn Parke and hla family. Left to right a.re Mr. and Mra. Parke, David, Robert, Richard and in front. Emily and the dog Beagie. -Stall P hoto --------------------------Lu Ellyn Davia, Kathleen Raub, Cornelia Smith. Johann& OquLtt. C t M G • 1 s t and Robin R1lett. OS a -·· esa ir cou After the c:.reJ1lOll1 th• rtrll , , H rved e&ke and puncll t.o the pu- PARKE FAMILY NOW OCCUPYING RECTORY Day Camp Opens Monday entaandolberput.. Tan~ •• eamp11U• for Coata gram· alde• and . will ... 1.t In Potluck ·-Feast MeM Girl &<:out Day Camp wiU lM<lh1n&' camplnl' akW., AOD&'• and be Ht up 8W\day when the camp ramu. at MacDonalds Mra. Ch&rlea Oxarart wUJ head chairman. lbw. RobertoSpetf. di· Brownle dMelo11 of "Polly Crock-Frtenda a.nd rel&t.lv• pthered New Pastor of St. James Takes Up Duties July 1 By MRS. WINIFRED BARBBE It wu an appeal of Vestryman Fred Markham to the Rev. Samuel Shoemaker in P ittsburgh that atarted it, but it waa the "old school tie", ln this cue t.be tiger colors of Princet-0n, which really brought the Rev. John Holbrook Parke and hia delightful family from Grace Church parish, Norwood, w..... to occupy the tt!r'a derne bl bloloey from Trin- new rectory of SL Jamea' Cllurcb lt7. CoUere. Dublin. at 410 15th 8L, Newport Helr hta. hat Jobn Parke 1hould l>e at· The "8dlool t ta" wu actln llnl' tneted to a younc KJenUst I• not factor when Vutryman T!lomaa out of llne for he ta S"randaon of Rutt.er cUecovered that Mr. Parke, the founder of Parke, DaV\a and recommende.d by the Pltt.burfh CompanJ. Detroit drul' manufac· ttctor, wu graduated trom hla tun!ra. Lut spring Mrs. Parke own Alma Mater. Th• Eaaterner worked In blood pathology a t the paid St. James a Oylng v1alt In labo,.tory ot Norwood Hospital. Ma.rch, went back to m.ake •r· Aaked about the worll 11ht Mid, rangemtnts tor a 11uc:cea8or In the "Oh. It wa.s Just like puttln!t .a pa.rlsh he had servf'd for three dime In the slot and pulling th~ yun and to move his !amlly to lever. I put a aample ln one end lhe Wut Coaat. 11nd the reault• came out the NO 8TKANOD other. Jf It'• purple, It meana one thing. If ~. another. And It It T'h• new r«tor I• no •tranger lod l' .. to Call!omla. It wu In 1924 t hat exp u , 1 • a ITIY•tery! the !Uv. Hervey C. P arke, now All&IVE BY PLANE rector or Gt-ace Church, Amherat, Althoug h. the Parke. had ample moved 10 Loa AnJelu where he time to make a.rranrements for aerved for 11 yea.r11 al Chu.rch of leavlnr the Eut. their arnval wa.a Ute Ani:tl11, and hi• 1011 was tdu-i Q whlrlwl11d a.!falr. ceted In Lo11 Angeles 11chools, then They had v111ltf'd the rtclor'1 attt>nded Puadt>na Polytechnic. . mother, who hves in the Emily The y oun& •tudenl wenl Eu.st D!rkenson home In Amhenit t o Kent School ln Connecllcut. I 1daughte-r E mily l.1 named for the took h111 degTee from Princeton In I Ntw J!:ngla.nd poet I and In Detroit, 1938 and wu graduated from ~n-where they wete cue•ts ot Mr. ua1 Theoloftcal Semlna.ry, Ntw Parke'• brother, they boarded the York City, In 19'2. lie became U• 1mall plane which Alden O. Roach autant at St. Ja.tnea Church, ot Balboa had .sent tor them. Theoy Oreentleld, Mui. and vicar a t SL a.rrlved &t Ora.ng-e Cou.nty Airport Andrew'a, Tumer'e Falls, then en-just before dark on Tuellday, 11pent tered the a rmy and served u a. couple of day11 u gueata or the cha pla.ln for two years In the Eu-Harvey Somer11, by Saturday were ropean Thutre with the 6l'>th ln· fa.l rly well eela.bllahed tn the rec- t•ntry Dlvlalon. tory, and had been royally enter- fl1herman. He I• a mu1lclan and orpnl.et. He llkea tennia but ht. face light. up at mention of gol.r. He haa been lntroduce<S to _lhe Santa Ana Country Club ~ena by A. A. Hamilton. On 1uggeat1on th•t he would find hla veatryman a ready partner. he replied with a 11mUe which ranged through w!at· rul and ralnlly tnvloua to admir- 11\(, "Oh no. I'm not In hla cla.aa at a.II! He plays tr{ the 70'1, I am In the 90'11!" The Parke family hved not f a.r from Emma Sanborn. author of "The Ht'altng Light", I• lnlert'sl~d In thla work of hc-allng u done In the EplAcopal Church and the rt'c· tor hu talked on the aubject throughout lhe country. QuleUy orga.nlud by the former rector. the Rev. Paul Moore Wheeler, St. J&mes hu an ef!ec- llve ht&llng ci rcle and It waa a. de· sire of Mr. Wheeler that thl• "'Ork be considered when choosln& his succes.'°r. Scholarship Iris Wilson to Announ~mtnl of a K holar1hJp lo lhe Unlv•ratty or Soutbe.rn Oa.11· tom la beginning with the Septem- ber term hu juat been made for In a A. Wilson, 328 Ameth~t Ave. rectors a.nd IMdera meet at the etl.8," the 11 unit• ot which ln· at th• Ronald .M.&cDon&Jd home, location. on th• bluff 11ear Cut-elude 100 Brownlu. Prog ram wtU 211S KacnoU& 8t., Coet.a. Meaa, away1 'Club. Include hlklnf , campcratt, camp Sunday tor a potluck dinner and Scout. wtu &Memble Monday at cookery. huntinl' tor eeuhellJt and &"et-tor ether. The Ma.cDonalda are 10 a.m. at the "ltnglng tree" where other actlv1lle11. moviq to their new home ln Ful· lerton Ula ..-..kend. Mn. Thoma.I Chllda wtU keep them A l\Ul'ffry a t the otrl Scout PreMDC. were K r. and Xn. c. occupied with 1lngtng and 1torl•; HoWle will be provided tor chil· L&aanch ot Santa Barbara; Kr. until camp opNU. Entr&nce to I e camp will be marked by a ply· dren of adult leaden. ll will be In and Mrs. John Klrkovtcb. Phillip wood replica ot ' Davey Crockett, cha.rge of Mrs. Edna Nichols and and Rkhard; M'r. and ¥tL Leroy clad tn buckakln and coon.akin cap, Mra. Lol11 Whitford, who have Anderson, Mn. EHu.beth ~lmont for t heme of the ~bly will be planned picnic., •lory HUion.a and lo! Orange. George Swtncle, Mr. set b1 the "ldnC ot the wild fron-play at the Scout Rouse and Costa and Jdn. Ronald )(acDonald. Ron· lier.'! Meaa Park. nle and Davtd. of the Harbor a rea. Leaders a.nd dlreclora have been t.klng a tra.lnlng course In pr~ paraUon tor the progMlm. Mrt. Walter Miller. ltader ot Troop J l, will be 1n charge ot a1x unllJI or Scout• Whkh Include M girlAI. Sen· lor Serv1r e Scoulll. led by Mrs. l!:dward Edick, will act a.1 pro· Lions Complete Ball Diamond Meeting Tue8day night at the Clarence Higbie home. 328 Ame· thyat Ave .. boa.rd mernbera of the U on.t Club made final J>la.iu to complete the bu eba.JI diamond al the Corona del Ma.r Youth Center. Balboa Bay Llon1 Club members have been holdln, Wednuday nJght meellnp at the ~nttr, '1'11h men working on the dt&mond. Thl1 hu been their project !or the year. TOWN · TOPICS from Bank of America r · ,~~- ~~. ''IN THE .. t .. eu H Dt•AL DC"OSll IN~UllANC[ CO~PC-A!IO" . Newport leach Branch Roland A. Wright, Mette.., The sward is one of the 36 ------------- GOOD OLD SUMMERTIME ••• " made by the George H. Mayr Edu· callonal Foundation and Is bued un a C\l.demlc records a nd 11tudent. Jeader1hlp. Or. Bt rna.rd L. Hylnk, Vacation School to Run from July 18-29 dea.n o! 11tudenta and head of the Co m mu n l t y Congre&atlonal K holarlhlp committee made the Churclt vacation achoo! will run • recommend&Uon which wu a p-!rom J uly 18 throuch July 29 from proved by a. board o! ti.d\1aera of 9 to l1 a.m. Clusta wlll be offered the found&Uon. from kindergarten through junior Mayr l.e a retired &verly Hiila high echool age• In 11lnging, wor- druggl.ll who eetabllahtd the !oun-ship, handicraft, recreation and re- datlon In 1949 to enable 1tudent11 !ruhments. Registration blan.ka to receive a college ~caUon may be obl&!.ned a t the church whl~h he wu unable to atCord. omce, 611 HeUtrope Ave. There's oo better rime than now to uut putting a few dollan uide for summers to come. Systematic saving for tht things you ""'ant i.s a timt-eHted formula for adding co ""1' o"t's share of hap piom. Think ic onr. If :a cabin in. the hills or• seuide,cottage can add to your eojo7menc-1tMI '"";"I for it "ow! ~-I~ ~, .;i, METROPOLITAN COACH LINES lllVINO UI COMMUNITlll IN lOI ANOIUI. OIAMOf. .,. ... AND IAH -IMDIHO CCM«1ll Quality Priiltiµg, Harbor 1616 HAPPY MOTORING I Drive a&J1 ... aad cany Baak of A.c8eria Tnvelen ClMqucs ! That'• good adm m. ,-r 'round. a.. especially impertant right DOW. For OOI dWat. hip. ways are mo~ crowded during the ewmmr moadu, JO ic 1>9ys to be rxtn c:uefu.1. Wherner you~ ouq B of A TrllYrJna CIMquea to protea yoer tr .. d funds. You c:aft cub thrm aorrbrte, aod fher a>« ooJ7 7'f for each SIOO wonb 700 buy. ? Bof A ()~1~ C&m£1 :> • DID YOU KNOW !HAT 8aoJc of America Ill owmd by_,,. than 200,000 stockholders, many of whom live la ov t:oaaty 1 Early this month ac& of thew tlodtholden recaftd bit ahare of our dividend, which for thh 6nt 6·moada pedocl will tot.al f 19,200,000.00. Retum lng to Muaachuaett. Mr. ta!Jled ln the meant.lme by pariah· ~~--~~--------------~~------------------~~------~------~------------------------------~---------------------Parke became rector of St. J ohn'• loneu R Al N . h J Church. Worceater, MVrlng tor Only thing , David had .. birth· ev. ec lC 0 s -aJJLyeui...lie Jll&rttd th M~lo~ OA Thur8day and althourh Is Transferred or St. Francis at Holden and acted I there were a f~ pruen an<l"lbf" Th Re Al :lr-"NIChO'la. .. chaplain at Mtmorlal Hospital, cake and Ice c ream are In the tor 0~ U'lev.F1n":.' M~thod~I~ ~h= WorcU ll'r. From thtre he went to treeur. there ha.s stlll bttn no ot Santa Ana. will prea.ch hi• the Norwood church. limp for the birthday porty. final 11ermon I~ that church on FRO~I IRE LAND David 11 tbe f'-'hennan, a nd hi11 Sunday morning. He hu been It wu In Amhenl that Mr. ont wish wu for a rod and reel. transrerrN1 to the Trinity Metho· Parke ma rrltd Mlu Joan Lee Cole, Back eaat the family hu a. ramp dl:<t r hu1 rh, Hth and Flower Sta .. daughter of a Methodlat mJnl8ttr, with rowboat and C'QJloe, and the Loe Aniteles. whlch ha.a one or the former president ot the Metbodlat children art tamil!a.r .,..,th !rnh laq:est congrep Uorta ln Los An· Church ln Ireland. Miiia Colp came water fishing: Diwld hu bef'n gelcs. to thla country In 1940 under a pier fl8hlng. catching "thoae UtUe .Mr. Nlchoi.• co~pUoa hu Walter Hines Page fellowahlp a.nd Utlnp about 80 k>nJ '' but his am· arra.nred I. farewell p&rty tor him •• gun t ot the Engll11h Speaking blUon 1• to take a swordfish and In the chu.rch at 7:SO p. m. Suqday. Union. She toured the country, & ..uflah. The boya all want to The Re•. Robert Schuler Jr. wiU ~&king for the Union, then learn lo •all. Richard wtll be a rome from Trinity church to the taught In Kendall H.1111 School at student at Horac~slgn School, poet vacattd by Mr. Nichol•. Th• Pttf'rborourh. N. H. a nd at North· the others will attend SL J ames latter hu Hrved eight yeara. tttld Seminary. D&y School. Saye she of the marrlace. The rector la getting the feel or "Ftlt nda wonder ' how two such th1ngs In hl8 new pariah, ,will be &l children'• camp pa.rt of the dlf!erent people got togrthtr. My lime July e-lf, wtll line up SW!day hu.sband 111 euch & 11plr'ltual pereon and J am nthtr earthy". School work for r.11. and get to Actua lly, the "earthy" qu&llty know his people. He l• inlerteted ot the 11lender, vln cloue wlte ot In youth work, aerved u the head the mln&1itu appllH to her love ot ot that department In hla former n owt re and rardenll\( 1 the whole dlocu e, conducted varioua preach· family l!I thrilled over the bo utl· tnr m1ulo111 and wu prealdent ot ful p rdrn at the recto,.y) but her Norwood Council ot Churchea. re&l enthu•laam la g1ven to lab-LDlE8 001.JI' oratory work • •he holda a m... Unlike hla 1on1, Mr. Pa.rke IJI no SALE! 0:!!~s:.Wan~~~Carl William Smith ot CoalAI Mua be- came parenta of a daurhter June lll.at U.S. Na vaJ Hospital, CoronL ·~ct: !!t!~Mr. and Kn. Richard Rider of 1382 Meaa Drl\'e, Coeta Me .. , In Santa Ana Com- munity Bo11pll&I J une H . The child wel(hed ln a t 7 Iba., 1 OL Never Before at This Low, LOW Price Beautiful Top Quality MODERN SCU~RID WILTON WOOL ..... _"_ .. _ ............. _ .............................. . • COAST UNI FLOOR COVERING 141 CHter St. Costa Mesa DDDIE30A-l111ir11UCll > with The (81W1nl loak O'BRIEN MOTORS .. • LOWEST PRICES I Now many modela of Dodge trucks are priced lower than all other makeal Yet with these low prices, quality-built Dodge trucks are dependable u ever! HIGHEST POWER ! Power-Dome V-8 engines, with 189 \o 202 hp., are the most powerful of any leading trucks. You'll aave time, save on operating coats, with these modern, ahort-atroke V-8'a. Thrifty '' available, too. SMARTEST STYLING! The b111991t wrap-around windshield of any makeJ New Dodge trucks give you brilliant, Forward took atyllng. One test· drive wlll tell you they're · beat for ~ bualnesa I • 1680 Newport Blvd. .. Costa Mesa Liberty 8-7272 ' . . I r ,. 1 ... .. PA.6E t · 'ART I 11 -~EWPORT HARBOR NEW>PRESS THURSDAY, JUNE 21. 1955 Di1k lacer 11~ J11e Ostr11der Ii• Colle1e · E1tri1ce H11~n 1'N ...... ~ ....... 1 ... Olb'uW .... ....,.. a. .... . ..... ,... ............ t ....... ....... u.. ftnt fr.-ltaalOl'd vmwNt)'. u.. ..,.. ,... U11C. la .aQ cue U.. eertinc:ate ot awudl ..... ..,_ ..... at ... truce la NCOp!Uoe ot di.ltinl'U· S.W yeAMnlc ~ent." 8otJl .,.. w. ,..,.. ,,...._ at Newport Butlar uatoe mp lcbool L&AGUS 8alOIAM .. Kia-~ i9 UM dnPW ot ~. Ul4 Mn. B. L. <>et.ruder, IOI De.h1ia Aft .. , ...... ._ t1'a .. ~ r....,.. NGO echolanlatp •tu...~ •wvd ........ .. ... be.a -tbe .... roll ,... four 1 ...... Mn9d U MCNtar'J el the at\ldut body Ul4 editor ot "Tbe a..n.o.." .,... aftmat*9' "'" Trt 81puL ~ At lta.Dfcwd llbe wlJl ~ In uronUUC&l ·~ -,a-. polt pad\l&te work at M 11=cbk• •tll IMtitut• ot Teclmok>t'J. ------------ EARN $80.00 TO $105.ot WI. . . OllOCDY OASRIDINO AKD KUT W'UlftNO ila._, N-llarUta N ... TNllled 11 ..... w- FREE ·LESSON lt DAY OOUUli IN Tl'l'DIO -8BO&TllAND a llOOIDUIZl'll'liO Pho. LE 9·1447 or Kl J.8271 · ;riva~e Politi • MER CHA~ PATROL '· ... a -HARBOR BOAT PATROL .. {\ ' - --~~.LJ .. COMU•cw ·SIC•rn PA?IC)L · Kl 2-7027 Rqer, la compet!Uoe with U .· ped h1I C&r' and retwMd him to 000 ..ton deCroua ot one ol the ecene ot the accident. Ttley called llOO Naftl"ll. 0. T. C. ~ ppo~U~ce~._::euu.~~pmt~ed~P~50~~bail~.~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!~!!!!!!~~ llhip11 an.ll&!>I• at un.1nnau.., wu :... notitted ti. bad won the tour·JMr llCbol&nhtp at USC. ~ 11 bulcally the ame u at .Annap- oU•. a.&OJCa AT WA.llllNOTON Aft« completlllt fol.I( .yM1'9 of pre-law al USC JUcbuod, W9'o le the 80ll Of Mr. Uld Mn. J. a. Rqer, '16 Kinp Place, will •rYe thrM • y-.n u a Ml'llar naftl ~er;-Ulm take Ma law dqne at Oeolye Walhlnrton UIU'Nnity, WubinJtoft, D. C. Be blla been a meml»er ot Honor 8od.t-y tor tour ye&n. •rftd u prwtdmt ot ld•ce CIUb, pie.y. ed In the ccmcert be.ad. went out fGr ten1a &net ta a memti.r of De- llol&y. He ~lftd the TbnM award tor •t.andlac hlpMt In CNl'Nllt attain. al8o the Bank ot Amertc& award In J:ncUa!t. ~ . THI alALLY MODI•• ~OMll ! I HAYI ALL-ILICT•IC KITCH••• ! • Where ever you want to live ... mrt'lo~--,!~ ii·: I.: I Delgado Anests $28,000 IN MINK PEL TS ADMIRED MC11i • .,,_. tap • Charle. Cohen ot the Santa Ana Fur Co.,· ahowa MiM Verna Miller, Orange Cout Booked tor drank drt.tna'. Mt • fuhion coordinator, about $28,000 worth of mink pelts which he expect.I to turn and run ot an un.att.nded nhlclie into creations for'the fall trade. 'Thia ia a akin game for all Mias Miller gets ta a aru1 tntoldc&Uoe, Ontn Verne cuu. t>t Lone Beach ,.... UT81t· chance to admire them. Thia ia but & portion of the pelts received at the 1tore thia ect on June 1G bJ 'Newport police. week. It takes about 60 pelt.a to make milady a full lengtb fur coat. • Be wu charpd after • clt.illen• ~~~~~~~~~--~~~--~----~-~~~-~~~~~ anwt wu arnect by .Arthur L Delp.cit>, 11, SU Opl It., eo.ta Mea.. Delp.cit> told poUc. CuUe et.ruck hi.a parked car on l~UI I t. JUlt ott of AlllO Bl. Delpdo ..id M a.ad a. friend dron alter CUU.. ·~ C--'S....-1 .... o.lisf.C..-.~ -. ' .. •IAPPY VICTOR MYERS Orange Tree Now on Base at El Toro SANTA ANA. (OCNS) -ml Toro Mufne Air Station s ot Ill flrat orange tree planted on the bue durins ceremonlu held lut Tllunday. Walter Schmid, ohainnan ot the mlUt&ry a!faira committee, AlolC>- c~ Chamber. ot Commerc. or Oranp County toS"elMr witb JU. Jor Gen. ChrllUan F. Schllt., com- manding' pnenl. Aircraft Fleet e P"oree Pactttc, -Ptantecs ~ tree. They were Ulll•ted by Pat Elliott, a mllmber of the commit- tee, and Howard Crooke, a com· mlttteman and former pruldent o( the AModat.ed Chambera ot Com· merce. The commltllle p reMnted the orans• tree to Oen. Schill on be-- half of the people of Orange Coun- ty and In appreciation oC hi• eer· v1ce to Orange County for tht put two yee.ra. ~broad gnn on the n ee of Gary Myers (right) la the re.Ult or a hard earned nctory over 24 PC and Rhodes 1loop1 for the covet~ Ruth Sheppard Pt!rpetual In Newport H&rbor Yacht Club'• Huntlngton-T1del11.nda Race June 11. NHYC trophy ch&lr- m11n Henry Mackel makea the award a.s Vlce-Commodon Har- old PPar<'y olfklatu 11 th(' "mikr". -Beelrner Photo Et Toro bue located In the mW· die of the oranr• bell, ha. been without a. 1tnsi. orang• tree up to lhl• time. Oreron hu 168 at.ate pa.ru and 30 l'OMSlide r•t. areu for pubUc enjoyment. acco~ to t.h• Na· tlonal AutomobUe Club. HURRY ! HURRY ! SHOPPER . Bargains Galore! " on all . Home Appliances TV Sets -New & Used We are Loaded with 1955 Floor Modeh, Repossesslom and Used Television Sets All Fully Guaran·sl 9 95 tffd. All Makes and Sins. . Priced as low as . . . . Bring Us• Customer & Receive• Velueble &I~ I NO DOWN PA Y'MINT, lasy Tenns NO PAYME~T fOR 45 DAYS . • Dlilcoat to 8enb People GIANT TRADI IN ALLOWANCI WE SHALL NOT. Bi UNDERSOLD RELIANCE H~=~:.ci "'1111'1'4"9'9 ~ ""°" ... c""',...,._ olMI ... ~ /or ~ ' . IDS-~ !lot N. IUJN IT. IA1ftA ANA ID 1-lUI 0..ud Eieetn. Raqea .... Low Ae $15.00 [J $32.50 .,.......... .......... Al a... .. Sit.ti IOUTHIRN CALIFORNIA IDllON COM•A•Y MOST Wf!J FOR YOUR JOB I NOW ••• THE SHORTEST STROKE Wf!J£r Now new Chew.let Task.force truclca IHi• you the lnclvttry'1 moat aclvancecl VI ••l11e1• with an ultnHhort ttroke for reclucecl friction ancl . wear. Here are Miii• of the moderw features they IHi"I Y"- Moll'"' 1i-wlt electrlwl .,..... Yoa ,.C Mbll ._ punch for qWck.w ...,... and more efticieat tpl~ Allo, rou haw a ...- r..w ol ..al poww. o •• .-,h•lli-. ....... ratf o With a blab 7.5 ti» I oompr1 rh • ratio, Ownolct'a ...., VI Inlet ........... .itra poww-aad work-om ol....,...,.. ol ... Hadaa ICJlll ID dowDI ..... w.-,.....,.,~ CompKt. ~t dlaip .. aalta iD .... poww 09tplt per pound ol ...... ......t. TMI .... more _,.... pnwt NEW CHEIROLET .. A new valve train design perinita each valve to function indepcnd- ently-u in modem aircraft en- ginel. VaJve action la more poeitive. Aoatlng oU lntalie ••• full-preuure lubrlcatlon New floating oil intake telecta tbe deanett oil foe engine lubrication • Ful.1-preuure lubrication providea pOlitive procection. •v1·~ Ml ,,._ iw. LCJ'. _.,., .. -.,,.,,,. .. "" .,.,, _,,, ,~l#ftr9l~ • TRUCKS MILLER CHEVROLET COMPANY 1~ ... c ....... .., ltnW.Olt llACH • J •• .. ~- t 1 j .. \ . ..... -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, -JUNE 23~ .. 1~55 PART FOUR, PAGE ONE FOURTEEN -G~duates of -St. James' Day School were preeented dipfomu Thursday by the Rev. Ralph B. Peue, curate of the church. He Is shown handing a diploma to Gary Bohman while Pamela Lerner who hu juat neeived her diploma, lookl on. Tom Thor- kildsen is standing beside Pamel11.. ~ the rear row from left are Martin Ux:kney, -:John Scudder, Charlea Gore, Dick Stahler, Bill Wakeman; middle row, Charles Bell. Gail Salisbury, Larry Somera, John Mac· key and Knight ~k. -Staff Photo WAY TO THE FUTUJiE -High school graduates march along-lhc gri<! tiurf durin1 the beginning of commencement ceremonies last week to .f'C'C<'i\'<' th •ir tl ';''""l1!;. A record cla.u of 282 students was graduated. -Staff Photo ., -----. CITIZEN W~NEBS -A~ve, Sherry Elaine Tyaon, and below~ Alonu Thomu Ro- bin.Ion. received Everett Rea School citizenship euay trophiea from Principal Theo- dore Neff during Thursday graduatjon ceremoniee. Miu Tyson also received an American Legion award. -Staff Photo PRAYER FOR PROOR~-The Rev. Jamee Stew- art, pastor of St. Andrew's Presbyterian· Church, led aome 1000 parents, friends and relatives ~ith Horace SALUTE TO nAO -CvelDonM at Horace Enticn ScboOl. commencement exercieM were launched with Pi.dee of Alleciance. In torecround att, .rrom 1ett.. .. Ensign School graduates in prayer as he ubd Invo- cation at annual comm encement ceremonies held on greensward of campus Thursday. -StaM Photo Princlp&l Bill Ritter, Superintendent Roy Anden10n, Board President J1.mee D. Ray &nd the Rev. Mr. Spr· ut. Oradua~ stand in baclrrround. • - • .. . J 4 . . (}0,vernmenl f:xcepl :Jrom PAGE 2 • PART IV NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS· PRESS THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1955 •God grant us the serenity to occept the things we connot change; the couroge to change the things we con ond the wisdom to know the difference." (A. Anon.) EDITORIALS . ... ' We Bow A~ain to the ~£aeon In last Thunsday'alidue c~e mention the Newport Harbor News-Preee waa firat place winner of "Best Uee of Photographs" in the annual National FAitorial Auoo· iation newspaper cont.eat for 1955. In these columns you read names ot aome ot th<>11e who made this t op notch award pouible in competition with 1406 -count 'em! -daily and weekly newapapeta. But the editorial lacked the name of one important man, Gilbert P. Farrar of Laguna Beach. • Known to us and hundreds of newspapers tbe country over as "The Deacon/ he is best known to our readers as the t.ypographica l .genius who gave the News- Press its present format and :·new look." As we bowed once before to the Deacon's brllliant re<!esign on News- Press pages, we must again give the nation's outetand- lng mak~·up man m ore credjt. . New Park Commissioners A new park, be4Ch and recreation com~i•ion wu named Monday ni1ht by City Council and the New•· Preu wiahee the group'• memben every succeaa in aolving the various problem• confronting it. The old park coounlallion put tn. many hours on the matters which came be.tore it and wu dismissed by the council when it waa found to be conatituted illegally be- came of a charter ruling limiting membership to seven members. The new commission includes two of the old members. Disregarding all past differences which the old com· mission encountered with city council during its tenure, we hope the new commissioners will get into action quickly and present conatructive plane a.nd projects be· fore the community. Newport Beach baa many problems to be solved BRUSH COUNTRY JOURNAL By HORACE PA.Rkm (Q Ne.&--.._ ftla CPhama b1 llOl1Mle hrfllt' wW ,_, wt._. ta.. utt•aowa lllltori<'al tact• ... -. cln!d&ed "P Iii bll -., 'ftP9 lato da. ..-eeat.., la '"91lt iears.1 (Ed. Not9' 1'tll.I i. the tlret In a .erlet on the "'lctton of ti. Cupeno lndlaae from tile Hot Sprtnirs (AJUa &uentel Rn Ult Warner Rancho, Thia dutardly act. ac~ordl1'1 to mOlt hl1tortan1, bafll)ened ln lto3. Tboae ln\•olved &n th~ 1etual ev1ctlon were oo1y (0Uowln1 out ordere o1 the Un~ed Sta ... Supremt Court, By lit>•, poor counMI, and mlaunderttandlnt• lhe 11\dlena were torn from tbtlr born., wlllch lheJ hac1 occupied alnce time fmmcmonal ln 11plte o( the Mesllla.n tr.aty o.f Guadalupe Hldalro. lt little rnattere whether one llkee or dlallkea lhe lndlan u an lndlvlduaJ or a race, thl1 ml11gan11ce of ,Ju.tloe le a black epot on the eacuteheon ot Amertc111 fflatory.) ' The dry. gentle breeze from off the dnert made the &mok~ f rom the campfires twist and writhe up throUgh the Jeathery leaves of the giant oak.a. Tethered near the warona. the mules and h orses et,omped impatiently as if trying to 1ta. rt clrculaUon ln tired lt>ga. I .. y .. air.'' aaid .YOUOI Schirmer. "81h :·· a&ld a leM, tanned team-"You N11r what Sam Taylor did ------__;~.u see, tbe De.aeon not only gave u.a new u.eea (or type, he gave ua new conception of its uae with news an feature pictures. • So, once a.gain, we thank the Deacon for opening our eyes so we could do a better job for our readers and advertisers. They have shown their acceptance of the News-Preu ln ever-increasing numben their ap- preciation of it. more easily read content.. an tb~er!ben wtll-h~-e the ~van1-T---1~;~~iiii~~~~ll -ta.ge of looking at them through unbiued eyes. 1ter. "Listen to the poor dev11e." to th1t ''"11c:o cor""J>Oftd!lnt;• From out of the duknrM wllfted ll&ld Jl'nl<.lnt. · k chant. The tndlan1 of MEN INIClU:a Cupa at he Agu" C.lllcnte on The men around U\• re Warner'• Ranch were elngln1 • erect Reporter• had been barr.d aonc of confuelon. Wu th1a to be trom enterlni th• \tlllap but thle We're Rooting for Albacore -we can all relax allfile --them.talbaeore-tt..- been caught. And what's better yet, the 11-lb., 1-oz. longfin was taken .by a local resident, Harry Rogers of Lido Isle. Now Jet's all cross our fingers and h ope the a~­ men whic h gave Newport Harbor first of season aport- fishing h onors will be "only the beginning" of many schools o f albacore headed o ur way. After all, it's sum- mer time and the living will be easy for our sport.fisher- m en if ~ey can just have a good year cuch as we've seen here in years gone by. Keep those fingen crossed! WASHINGTON REPORT By Your Cong~ .JAMEs 81 UTr What I consider the moat Im· with lhe approval ot every g"OV· JIOl'tant artlon by CongreH 80 tar ernmental agency, l'xecuted a con· .. __,. week tract. with the M.Iaalulppl Valley thla ~811lon occuu.,.. lut Gcneratlnl' Co. commonly referred wh<'n the House of Repreee,nta· to a.a Dtxon-Yates. to supply 600.· t1vt•s f)y I-vote ot 198"to 169 agaJn ooo kilowatts ot electr1c:lty which t~ Je<'\1'11 the conatructlon of a. would be exchanged at Memphll, ~Lat. Eulton. Tenn.-t.O Tenne.aaec ... :wilh..tJlb_ TJ/A 1y1tem. They In tum would 1upply the supply power to the Tennes-AEC with power at other load Valley Authority, which In turn ct>nll'r&. This' pla.nt wm coat 111 supplylns; the Atomic Energy Dixon-Yates between 1106,000,000 Cummlll.s1<m. Fulton • 111 over 100 and Sll0.000.000 and wiU supply mlll'!! outslrll' of t.he area embrac· power at a. cheaper rate lhan TV A ed by the TV A. ts 1mpplylng It at Oak R idge to The vote elso put the stamp of the AEC. They are building on 11ppmva1 on t.he controversel Dix· the west side of the Mississippi r1n Yalt's C-011trar1 wlilrh 11hows River In Arkan!IA11. and. or course. that In epltt' of all of the false to deliver the power at Memphis propagan<la about thl11 contract It they have to cross the MJMll'alppl ht a good a.nd proper one. You River. fhoulcl understand that the orig· The contracl calls f or delivery 1nal TVA Act wu passed In 1933 at th6 middle of the River from for t hf' mulllt11de purpnsl's of floo.I l'Ontrol. navll!"nllnn, ftnd whence TVA Is to pick It up. The watf'r conservafto11. nn•I hy<lro· Civil Function~ Bill ~arrles the ap· electrlr power wa!I ll'o b11 but a proplatlona ror many lnd~pendtn l by-product of the program. om cea including AEC. TVA, riv· Ho~vever. as the yrars rolled by erl!, harbors. a.nd eo forth. Tht'l I! there was not a ~uiflclent amount wa.s a section In It which provided r f firm power developed at the that S6.~00.000 Included In the ap· \"'\rlou11 clam '"ll"ll' In the Tonne.11· propnallon could not be used to see Vaill')', anti the A11 thorlt~· Te· make this connection betwePn turnNI again anJ ogl\ln 10 ('on· Memphis &nd the middle nf the ~resll rr.r app1nJ')fllith1ns lo bml<l Mtsat1111lppl River bul thttt It hltllm plll11ls lo !lrm up ill!' po1wr ~hnultl be uset1 for the purpose s11rpl\' 111nlil 11t th" p1 l'~<'.1t I tme Inf ~tnrtln1; construction 011 the l·nly thlrlV pt>r r~nt c1! thP J't>Wf f 1 humtred m11l1nn l'lollar TV A Fulton t'l 0U111 t ·ff·,.,,., I!, h\'roelrrti tr. l:Ultl steam plan I, Thill, of cl'oUrsC'. the othl'r iO 1wr ·,·.-nt 1 .. llrnv••d I would leav~ Dixon-Yates with f rom s1ea m pl11nt~ 1 ·~11g1 e.lll 800.000 1<11nw11tl...1 of power In the at11.rteo1 011~ to ~rwn•I I•-~ than ml(ldlt• nr the•MISAlaslppl Rlver or S300 000,000 on t hl' prn1•'"' • o ml (orcr chem to acll It to their par· u ot 1hls writing ~l .li00.000ooo 1 ent C'ompanles which now dis- (1( the taxpoy.-r~· ninth ,. hn9 bl'rn t• ibulP l!OmP five million kilowatts 11pcnt on 1t . ll W ('lltll1 \°Ollt_!'Vl"t' 11 In Lhlll erea. $100 m!lllon more l•I h111lol th,. ESTERPRISE \'ICTOR\' new Jttl'am pl.Jlnt, nn1I 1hr rnt:1 would e\'Pn then nol be In :otl!1hl. Repr·e~ent11t1ve f'hllllps from Riverside. os ranking mlnot tty JIOl'SE ACTl\'IT\" mrmbrr or the subcommittee hand· ThJ.11 repnr't ls !or the pur pose ling this phase or t.he leg!alaUon. ot dl!CUaa!ng lut week·a Congrea· orrered M amendment lo etrlke 1uonaJ &ctlon 11nd not (Qr the pur-this prohibit Ion from the bill. pose of covertng the TVA. This Thero U1en followed two hours or 1 shall do wlt.htn the next week hot debate between the proponents or two. ot public power ll.11d the propon· You wlU recall that the AEC, enlll l•f tree entuprlae. When the Formerly the Newport-Balboa New11-Tlmee and Uie Newport-Balboa. Pre6' A Dependable Locl&I wlltutloa for Over Forty Y-re Entered u Second-Clue Matter at the Poetofflce ln Newport Beach, Cllll!omJa under the Aot of Much 3, 1879. PubUalted Every Mdbda7 Md ThUl'llday at S,.wport &acll, Cal.It. by Ute ST.WPORT HARBOR PCBUSRIXG OOMPA.'-Y Telepbone Harbor 1916 Qualltlfld to PubUab Lec'al NoUON and AdvtorUM11De.nt1 of All IU.Dda By DecrM or Uae 8apeJ1or Coan or Ol'llll(e Co. lD Action No. A-nm Mtmber Calltornla New.pa~r Pabllebere AMoclaUOD Member NatJonaJ Ed.JtorlM A.ModaUoa llmsber of Oranie Couat:J Sew• 8ervtce BEN REDDlcK, PUBLISHER W1LLlA.M A. MOSES, Ji:dltor ORMOND JC. ROUNTREE, Advutlaln( Dlrector ciiA.RLl:S A. A.RKBTRONO, Mechanlca.J Bu~rlnlendent Watch Out for Our Children Now that· scboola are out, the atreet.s are full of children, each one intent on playing and living up sum- mer'• glorioUB daya here to the beat o! bis particular ability. The average youngater does not always think about the motorist due any minute down the street or alley. With this thought in mind we call attention of all drivers to the fact there will be more children than ever to avoid. Our streets and alleys are in many instances narrow and loaded with parked cars. At any instant an unthinking child may dart out from behind a car. It is up to you and me to watch carefully for these vacationing children. Better just plan on slowmg down and looking in all directions when you travel our streets. It's easier than being sorry later. smoke had cleared aw11y and a 1 sign lo know that a good major· l rller vote wa.s taken. his &mend· ment wu carried by a margin ot thirty vott>s. This was a much better m1rg1n thM 1 had antic!· pated In view o! public abu!lt which hu been ht>apl'd on the Dixon· Ya.le. Contract. It ulla a.mendment had not ca.r· ried, 1t would have been an ln· dfcatfon that the OonJ'fe• ot th• United St.atu la wllUng to permit varlou• power authorlUee lo ex· tend their dominion over the en· tlff..Unl.ted-81.atu,_ I! b a. he~lthy ity or CongTesamen support the American 1y1lem of free enter· prise. Actulllly there wu a. larger majority than wu lndlcaUd by the vote on the Phillip• amend· ment. It wa• not • r~rded vote. Md lhere were eeveral me.mbere who did not 1upport the PhUUsi- amendment on the non-recorded yote W1\o. would Uft 1n1pport.ed It on a recorded vote, a.a ll wu a. clear-cut lswe between private enterprise and 1overrunent own· erahlp. It Come• Onl.r Once A Year lh'elr lut night In their ancutral 'l"rilCO J&lllecock. blown up With bomee? It wae Sunday evenln1 lhe Ill• own Importance and a pocket- t.enth ot May 1903. fuJ of pre11 carde went ln anyway. "Aw sum," enorted a bearded Sam i-.ylor, foreman at Wamer'•, Publisher Finds Canada Beautiful,. Friendly Country • orle. "Tholll' d!tJ'nn tnjuns been llv· rode In and ft:Upl~ Mr. Reporter In' off the fat of the land. Killin' by lhe back of the c<>&t from bor.- catUe right and left. A cattleman back, ahqJed him out of the 'ril· alJl't iot a chance ln lhle country." ta1e. "nley kill only enough tor their ''Nnt ume," roared Taylor. want.a," w .. Slim'• defenalve re-''I'll 4r&C you out by the neck et (Ed. Note; Tbe f9llowtn&' 1' trom -&n ft«tdtc:ko--1"~ • er, who new to C&n.&da to ~Iv• award "Beel UM ot Pholol'1'apba" for thl• new~ap•r, won in &l'I· nual National EdltorjaJ Auocl.a· Uon contut In compeUUon w1tb Hoe dafllu and weeklleaJ By BES REDDICK BA.NFF. ALBERTA, CAN.-Ftral per11<>n we met on arrtval In thla wonderland of our friendly Na· tlonaJ Neighbor wu Sam Meyer: reeldent now of Costa Meaa anti former publleher of the Newport Harbor Newe·Preae. Mr. and Mra. Meyer journl'yed to Canada via lhe epeclal c&urom la t.rafn and will complete the tour of the Can· adl&n Roekle• with the National Editorial Aaaod allon. C&nadiane are a friendly, reve· rent people. Their reeornttlon o( lhl'lr allegiance to their Queen I• made following each eventn1'• dar Ina•. Tbey have eom.wllat em· barraaaed the Clttune of the Uni· ted States. albeit unlntenUon&Jly, by lncludl.ng In their ceremonlee a .one of reverence fo'r ua vteltore ply. the end of a reat.a:• ther Inflation. and to a rapid de· N ~Uon If a ~OA lhould ever ,, .. ON8EN8E .. CLAIM 1..lke & punctured balloon the overfiJCe our co ry. • 'Mfnu..'.: crackl'd the 'Jl'TllOO reporter had detlated- be&rded one. "Any day ·"OTlhe'W'eek ffiiiewere oUC?i-uMT.-&Jfd""\OUP ----.118 Pre1tde.nt Bll.Mnhower I• 1n Jood you can buy ll'tolen Warner beet mE<n, health, Pyle l&ld and hi• 1ole at the Indla.n Vlllage:· "l want thle clear, Bcblrmu," conc,.m HellUI to be with the re· -'d J -•·1 "N' Tbe ar'"•ment waa lntetn.apted ,.., e,.,. n•. o r-eport.e,.. or any• currlng bunilU. In hla •boulder. D-I \ t th 111 .... h by the appearance or a little man one e ee 1ou n o e v aae ... t • Sometlmee the attUcllon I.I paln· out m ml Ion W '-lttt dressed almust dandily fl.)r this Y per Sii · e "" • n1r Cul, for the moat part It la un-d k God "'" k country and the. tlmell. A cl,.an on a pow er cg. o • ...., now& noticed and ot no con1equence. ·•· .. _t 1 ht t " ff " white shirt and tie, a suit, ranvaa .,.,.... m g •e H P · We of Cl.llfomla are 10 proud of leggin.a autl broad·bl'tmmed uut J.,nklns strode otr Into the dark· our Yo.emlte, our San Bernardino we.a a contr8.J!t to the rough coun· ness to lhe next group ot wagon1 mount.aJne Alld natural wonder• try dreu-o( tile tw.nat.en_ and the r'llcl<Hing flru. He had that we are prone, 1 preeume, to •·J'm warning everyone," he said, 41 wagons e.nd H tea.m11ter11 undet'" ue how the r'*t of Ute world llv•. "to be up early and ready to movl' hla orcJere w1lh helpen1 end dtp· Thll wonderful country abov~ Cal· Int<> the 1ndlan Village by 7 o·clock uty marahala and 11heriff1, plus gary, Canada i. a veritable won· tomorrow morning with the wai· agenl" of the 0.-partment of ln- derland. The towertnc mounta.ina, ona." terlor. mowe&pped and 1treal<ed and lhe "Think we'll have trouble, Mr. tumb~ •treama create In Ulla Jenklnl 7" a.:1ked Sllm. beauutul Bantt country one of na· "Don't know until we 1tart." wu ture'• own Cathedral.I. One c&l!Jlot Jenkln.s' reply with a tense 11lgh. help, even unconeclouely. Hying On the shoulder or this little a brief prayer of thanktuJne11 ma.n from Oklahomll rested the for even belnJ alive when he turna enUre reapon•lblllty ot evlct1n1 the aad ..... Up.l u,. be&uU• ., tMa WamH· fteach 1M1aNt t.o Pala. Bl• 1'1'eat country. · full name wu Jamee E. Jenklne IU!:AL TBU8TEE8 and he wu the Government Jn. Hu• a railway, the C&nadian dlan Inapector. L"ITO BED ROLLS One by one the men 1e.ttled In their bed roll~. Only Slim and Schirmer rema1nl'd staring Into t11• !Ire. Schirmer flipped a gold piece that fluhed In the !lrellfht. .......................................................................... _.._..__.iiiiiiiiliiiim .. oi-'~ attendanc1. Paclflo hu lhown the rtght and "Schirmer." he said to a young propeto w.y to admtnfirter tlr• U'Ult .fel.low--ctreuert-tn· dtrctouru. wrur of the people. It l• the complete had been •~Ing mOOdlly Into the "8Wn," be _.,, ··r~ gof a twen· ty-dollar r old plece that .. y. you'll hive a blanket over your wagon 1eat tomorrow morning. Aad 1"11 bet If you don't lilt lt up and look niHl', fOU"'WOl'l't-ttnd anyttrtnr.~ ---+ NO ·coMMENT By WALTER CHAMBLIN .JR. w ASHINGTOJl:-Hardly a week l¥Ped for me by the council. 1 pa11es without new evidence com· Ing to llght at the Capitol of an ever -lncreulng parUclpatlon by Big UnJon Boaaes In politic•. Thi• la In Une with a recent. promlte to a CIO convention by the Pre•l· dent. of the AYL, Mr. Geor~e Meany, that the merger of the , wo union• would be uaed polltlc· ally. The lateat lnst&llce wu &n In· ~rllon In the Congressional Re· cord by Senator Barry Coldwater < R-Arl.r:.) o! a letter aent out by the Call!ornla • Industrial Union Council, a CIC affUlate. The lettet In part re&d11 : ..,_,/' ~"EW Sl:RVICE ~ "Dear Friend: W e are lnvttl!'g you, M !l member of the articulate liberal community In your area, to take a.rtvantage or our LeglalaUve Secretartal Service. This la how ll WOl'Kll: v ' You till out thP enclosed auth· or1zatlon card a.n,d drop I~ In the ma il, Frum trme t11 lime. during lr glslattve sessions, you will re· celve from our ortlce an lndlvldu- al1y typed letter t o your Congress· man, Senalon (United St•let or State \. or Auemblym11.n. Your re· turn 11ddrese w111 be on th• letter; all you need to do 11 11lgn It and place 1t In the envelope which wtll be enclOlled. The envelope wlll be already •tamped and addreaeed. ready for you to mall. You will alao receive a carbon copy ot the letter to keep. will mall my orll')nal copy to my leg11la~r ... Another lnatance of labor acU- vity tn the political field ()C(:Urred recently ln TUceon, Arlsoaa. While It attached little naUonal atten· tlon, It 11 1lgntflcant, It wu an· a.ttack at an AFL meeting on Senator Coldwater. who de~ribed it to the Senate In part in theee word.I: ''Th• convention of th• Artaona StAte Federation ot Labor heard Mn. Margaret Tbombur1, of Wuhlngton, D.C.. a director of the Womena Dl'ftelon of the Labor Learue on Political llducaUon, la.bet me u 'one of the mo1t hated men ln the United Si.ta'; and l underttand that the convention It. telf la reported to ban adopted a reeolutfon calling tor the end ot my political ca.reer •.• "What l1'11tplred In TUceon ahould be ot gnat conc:em. to all Amertc-.ne. There, a repre .. ntatl"N of Ute labor bo111ea from WaV!ln(· ton uaed the vrord 'hate.' Hatr~ la the weapon of revolullonl11lll, and r don't believe that 1he si:ioke for the majority of people of Arl~ona or the United States. LABOR BOSSt:S "The ·meeting wae lntere1tln1, 'too, becau.ee the poUttcal lmpllca· t1on1 of what tran1plred In Tuceon a~ pretty 1dl·ev!dent. lt wu ju11t &11olher clear lndlcatlon that the profe111lonal labor bo11u have taken over the Democratic Pa.rty and are ca11fng all the play• ... ''Ml 1ole objective tn the field of la bor le(!slatlon haa been to pre· aerve the freedom of the lndlvldual working m&n a.nd woman and to protect them agaln•t abuee atld co- ercion by either management or labor. Tn that end I favor and "Thi• 1ecreta.rl&l eervlce w ill mean more letter• on Important ls- suet to your legl•lator1. It can bt your way of letting your legislator know that you. u an Individual. are kHplng abreast o('t.ne moit have favored what. la commonly Important IMUee arlalnr If\ Con· Called 'rl1ht·to·work' lestai&Uoa.. gren a.nd 1n Sacramento. Th• only .. 'Rllflt·to-trork· JefitU,Uon i. way your legi~lator can know how you, the voter, tut about a pro-elmply a prohibition aplnlt CO~· poeed law le throug-b your telllnl pui.ory \lllk>nl.lm. 1t P!Ohlbtta em• him." plo;r.en aftd un1ont trom •tertni The poataJ card authorts.1116 .uch acllon hae thll 1tatmenl: PITCH roa OIO "l JM,..by authorue U.. CJO state Council t.o act u m1 ~ u.. aecrwta.ry on aA1 lt&WI aftd national leg11lall01\ cndorHd or oppoMd by ClO. 1 undenl.Ud I wlll rec•lve an original and ciar- l>On copy of any co1Tupooden~ lnt.o contnicta wblch IDab UDlon memb9Hhip a con41UOD of emploJ· llMllt.. n plae.. UM rtpt to -.rii a u.sna aticwe ..,,. obllpUon to ~1 trlbuWI, com~ Ot otMf'. "'"· to profMeklnal labor bM9te. 'Ibe profeHlonaJ 1-bor bo• 'bate•' me for tryln.a to ~ IWa that OCllf>uleory l.rt but.. .. TO \"ISIT STATE There w1JI probably be a l15e· &ble portion of Canadian& In at· tendance at the 7lst Annual Con· venllon of Ute NEA Cn Ban J'ran- claco next year, lt •~ma that the weekly publlshera at leut of Ute provmce of A lbuta wtll plan to make the trip Md m«t With Nl!:A membere. oppo1lte ot everythln( that we of deplhe of th• fire. C&Ufornia have a.uoelate.d with Ule "You're a r~rter a.rea'l you ?" Bllm 1miled and winked u he caurht the 1old piece and tucked lt In hl• pocket-lt wu a deal. An outatandlng t.d<lreM wu d'" livered here on the op8Jlin6 day by former Governor Hoard Pyle of Arizona, now an uecuU"e ..,.I.It· ant to Dw\ght Eisenhower. The government man gave to the rath ... ered publl11her11 &n lnal(ht Into the • 0Whlte House Family" of the Pres· ldent. Pyle related to all thoee gathered In the convention aeaelon the concern of the administration In Wuhington tor the continuance ot a high level of productlvit.ll. pun:huing &nd living etandard tor the United States. Pyle pointed out the nted o! all pereona to be ever a.lert to the dancera of tur- Southern Pacific that we know. The B&nlt Springs Hotel. the Cha· teau Lake Loulee are all operated by the ra.llway .aJtd their llnee Hr· Vice the vut country. The cour· tuy of their company employeq and &.Jent.I ~d their conat-.nt al· tenUon to the delllres of their tour. lat JUHll point ever to what the reaort.e of CallfornJa could have been bad rallro&d operation• been for the benettt of the people r1lher tot the eqe.r. J"Uplnc of Land and dollar. We nad a cha.nee to wander through the town of Banff today and Vi.ill some of thtlr •hope, We were aurprl11ed at many ,,, tht> lnexpenalve foo<l ltema, 11m11zed at the dt>ame.11 ot others. We flgurl'd up a grocery list and founc1 th11t LI.I In ail, h11h and low prlcu to· (ether, we would be ahead 1bop· pln1 ln Newport Beach. READ'E.RS WRITE Mr. Ben Reddick. Newport Ha.rbor N.,....Preu, 2211 Balboa Blvd .. Dear Ben: I just want to offer by alncn• ut congratulaUons on th• New•· Pres!'• wlnnlng but tn lbe nation tor photography at the N. E. A. conferl'nce In Sanft, I underetand there were HOS entries f'rorn Wt>ekllea on up through to the btrre•t dalHu. Brother. that Iii, 11ome competition and you mu"t be mlchty proud. .Agaln, Be.n, my congratulatlon1. Very truly yours, RO=" Fll:'\K Los Angelea. Calif. Bureau Unltf<! Pre~ AMOClaUona Dear Mre. Barbre: M my lei'.!" of ottlce clolU for the year. 1 want w penonally thank you, .. well ae for lh• Aux· W&ry, for your outltandlnr COT· et&l'e and aupport of Child.rena H91Tle Society thl• year. Your cooperation and fnwut I.I d"pl7 app~lated. Sincerely, Eleanor Trayei: (MRS. H. PAYNE) June 6, 19M Mr1. Wlnl~d Barbre, Women'• Editor. Newport H.arbor NeW11·Pre .. Deu Mr1. Barbre: on be.half of lhe Jr. EbeU Club INDIAN INSPECTOR _ James E. ~nkint1, above. Dear Mn. Barbre: ~ of Newport· Beach, and myaelf, I W There are not enough worda to would llk• to tq• thl• opportun· wu in charge of eviction •f Indiana from . amer'• expreas our appreciation fM all lty to thank you for the prtvtlecee Rancho in 1903. -Photo courteay Southwest Museum ot the wonderful publicity you extended the club ln the way ot __ ........................... -............ -.-........... _ ........ ___ -:,-- have given lhe As.11lstance•uacue publlclty0 and picture. dtplcttn1 c w ~ of Newport Bt>llCh durinJ the paet Ute year• a.cUvlU•. Farmer Mc abe . rires. e. year, llO just "Ui1nk you llO much.'' ' Slncer.ly, Sincerely, Mrw. A. Burr Wl\lt.e. Jr. Peg Pte,.r Pr ... Chalnnan 19M·~:I Mary McCallum Balboa, June 17, 19~~ Grass· Roots Opinion INTERNATIONAL FALLS, MINN., DAILY JOUR· NAL: 'The cuatomen --you and I multiplied by mil· Uom •• decide what producta our !actoriee Will make, how much will be made, and the price they will be told at. Competition for the cUltomen' money weeda out inefficient busineae., and !orca otbem to ~mt more efficient. Thia in tum brtnp about lower pricea, better quality and aervice, and the development of new and improved prodocu." ~ Animals and Fowls are purty much human when you watch em close enough. YeRterday l 111ipped thrPe baby ducks under an ole Settin' Hen and today ahe wuz strut- tin' a round the Barn Lot clucl<in' t o eqi when I noticed my little specked RootJter eyeing em. H e'd look em over right good,· then he'd look at all the other chicken~ and look back at the duc.ka again u if to say, "They 'r e funny lookin' bu\ then strange things are happenlng in this Atomic Age. I wonder what they arl' ?" You know. a lot ot folks are purty muc h like my little apecklcd Rooster in that they lay everythlng t.o the Atomic Age that they c&.tl't explain ... l g\lUI lt'e the easy way out. Fanner McCabe (all n(ht. r ... rved) , • I I 11 I I I. f .. ,. . (fovernmenl f:xcepl :J.rom PAGE 2. PART IV NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS .PRESS' •4 THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1955 .. God gront us the serenity to occept the things we connot chonge: the courage to change the things we can and the wisdom to know the difference." (A. Anon.) \. E -D I ~ 0 R I A L S 7- t • We Bow Again to the Deacon In laat Tburaday'1 iaue came mention the Newport H'arbor News-Presa wu tlnt place winner of .. Best Uee of Photographs" in the annual National F.ditorial Aaoc- intion newspaper conteat for 19M. ln these columns you read names o~ aome ot thoee who made this top notch award poaaible in competition with 1406 -count 'em~ -daily and weekly newspapeta. But the editorial lacked the name of one Important man, Gilbert P. Farrar of Laguna Beach. • Kno wn to us and hundreds ot newspapers the country over as "The Deacon," he is best known to our readers as the typog r,aphical genius who gave the News- Press its• present format and "new look." AB we bowed once before to the Deacon's brilliant redesign on News- Press pages, we must again give the nation's outstand• Ing make-up rnan more credit. You see, the Deacon not only gave us new ueea for type, e gave us new conception &f 4t.s-uae with• ~d feature pi~turea. • So, once again, we thank the .Deacon for opening our eyes so we could do a better job for our readers and advertisen. They have shown their acceptance of the News-Presa in ever-increasing numben their ap· preciation of Jt. nlore easily read content.. We're Rooting for Albacore We can all relax a little -the tlrst albacore hu been caught. And what's better yet, the 11-lb., 1-oz. longfin was taken by a local realdent, Harry Rogens of Lido Isle. Now Jet's all cross our fingers and hope the~­ men which gave Newport Harbor first ot season sport- fishing honors wiJJ be "only the beginning'' ot many schools of albacore headed our way. After all, It's sum- mer time and the living will be easy for our sport.fisher- men if they can just have a good year such u we've . , seen her~ in years gone by. Keep those fingers crossed! WASHINGTON REPORT By Yom CongreMIDU .JAMES B. urr J New Park Commissioners A new park, bqch and recreation commiuion wu n&med Monda)' night by City Council and the News- Preu wiahee tl\e group'• membena every 1ucceaa ln solving the varioua problema confronting it. The old park commlulon pu~ tn. many hours on the matteni which came before it and wu dJsmi.ssed by the council when It wu found to be con.atituted illegaUy be· cauae of a charter ruling limiting membership to seven membel"ll. The new commiaaion includes two ot the old members. Disregarding all past differences which the old com- mission encountered with city council during its tenure, we hope the new commissioners will get into action quickly and present. constructive plans and project.a be- fore the community. Newport ~ch hu many problema to be solved and the new commlaaion membera will have ... the advan- tageot looking at them~ unbiued eyes. Watch Out for Our Children Now that achoola are out, the streets .are full ot children, each one intent on playing and living up sum- mer's glorioll8 days here to the beet ot his particular ability. The average young1ter doea not always think about the motorist due any minute down the street or alley. With this thought in mind we call attention ot all · drivers to the fact there will be more children than ever to avoid. Our streets and alleys are in many instances narrow and loa(led with parked cars. At any instant an unthinking child may dart out from behind a car. It is up to you and nie to watch carefully for these vacationing children. Better just plan on slowing down and looking in all directions when you travel our street.a. It's easier than being sorry later. smoke had rlea red a w11y and a trller vote wa.s tl\ken. his amend- men t wa.a carried by a margin or thirty votes. This wu a much better margin than I had antici- pated In view or public abuM 'which hu been heaped on the What I ('nnslder the most 1m-Wilh the approval ot every rov-Dixon-Yates Contract. llign lo know that a good major· lty of Conirreumen aupport the American 1y1tem of tree enter- priae. Actually the~ wu a larrer majorlty than w.1 lndlcat"d by the vote on the Phillipa amend• menl. It wa1 not a recorded vote. and there were eeveral membeni who did not aupport the Phllll~ &mendment on Lhe non·r•corded •ote W!lo would II&,,. nppori.d It on a recorded vole. u It wu a clear-cut luue between private enterprise and rovemment own· t.rlblp, __ poi tont arllon by congreH 90 far ernmental a gency. executed a con-If thlJI amendment had not car· • thl• i eulon occurred Jut week tract with the MlaaiNlppl Valley rt9<1, It would ha ve been an ln-Oeneratinl' Co. commonly reletT'ld dlcaUon that Ule C.onve .. or th• whrn the HOUMI ot RepreMnl&· to aa Dixon· Yates, lo 1Upply 800,· United Stales Is wllUng to permit II\"~ lly ll '·nte or 198 lo 169 agaJn 000 kllowatl.ll or electr1 c1ty which varloue power authorlllu to ex· ..i:~cdciL. the _1,.-onstructlon or & would be exchlUlged at Memphla, tend thelr dominion over the en· l!tcam plant at Fulton. Tenn. to TMUleaee. with the TVA a¥1 ttre United State& Rt. IP..hUltlU' They In turn would tupply the supply poWH lo the Tennessee AEC with power Ill other lotld --------------------------- Vallry Authority. which In turn centen. This' plant wlll coet ts 1upply1ng the Atomic Energy Dixon-Yates between $106,000.000 t.'omml!'111nn. Fulton .ta over 100 11.nd u 10.000,000 a.nd will aupply mll,.s n1111111.-o! t.'ie area em brae· power at a chrapu ralP than TV A I'd by the T\' A. Is supf"lylng It al Oak Ridge lo By WALTER CHAMBLIN .JR. The ''nte al!IO put the i tamp nf the AEC. They are bulldln' on ---------------------------11priroval on the C'nn trovf'raai Dix-the wut 1111le ~f the MlsslMlppl WAsm=--GTO?l:-Hardly a week t¥Ped tor me by the councJI. I •1in Yates rontract vJh1C'h llh<1ws m ver In Ark3111'M, M d, of cnurse. paases without new evidence com· will mall my orlgtnal copy to my lhal In 11plt.-or all of t he raise I 'o dt'llver the power Ill Memphla leglalato.r." th Ml lll.slppl Ing to ll(tht at lhe Capitol of an rropaganrla about this contract It they have to emu e • s.s Another ln1t.ance or labor acU- Ri ever -lnC'reUlng partlclpaUon by 1 .. a gol)(I 11nd proper one You J vfr. vlty In the political field occurred shoulrt unrterallultl that the ong-The contrac t calls for delivery Big Union Boasu In politic•. Tlll• recenUy In TUcaon, Arllona. WhUe lnal TV A Act wu pau<'d in 1933 Ill the middle or the River trom la In line w ith a recent promlae It a tlaclled lllUe national alten- r,.r thr mullltuile purpMl's 11f to a CIO convention by the Prut· Uon. It la algnlflcant, It wee an flOO<I rontrnl .• nav1i:11ttr•n, 11no whence TVA 111 to pick It up. Tlle dent or the AFL, Mr. George a ttack at 1n AFL meellnc on watH con~ervall•ln, an•I hyclro-Civil Funcllon11 Bill ~arrles the ap· Senator Goldwater. who deacribed b d d 1 ~fcany, that the merger ot the elect r1r power wns to hi' Ill a proplalloris for many In eptn t n It to the Senate ln part In theee by·prortuct nf tile pn1grnrn. otrlcra Including AEC, TVA, riv· .wo union• would be used politic· word•: Ho\tver. u the yrars rolltd by l'r8, harborll, and so forth. Thrll :illy. "The conventJon ot the Artaona there was not " l'UHletl'nt amount was a •ecllon In It which provided The latut Insta nce wu an In-State Federation of Labor heard ,,r rlrm pnwi-r dcvalop<'rl Bl the that Sll.:I00,000 Included l.n the ap· !lt rtlon ln the Congrea$lnnal Re· Mn. Margaret Thornburr, of 1·'\riou.~ c111m l'lt r~ In the Tonne11· p1oprlallon could not be Ullf'd to cord by Senat<1 r ai:rry Goldwater wuhlngton, D.C .• a director-of ,ce \'slh•\'. snd the Auth<>nty "rt" make th!~ cnnnectlon ~twern the Womena Dl*1on of the Labor turnr•l 11~11in nn>I aRlltn 11 eon-I Mtmphla and lhe middle nr the 1 R-Anz ) of a letter 11tnt out by LeagtJe on Political Education. ~11•1111 ror "l'f"l"Prlallnn~ 111 h1111tl MIS11lnlppl Rlvrr bul thul It the California ' Indu11trlal Union label me aa •one of the moat haled team pl11nt1 lo rlrm up 1111' fl"""r •h,,uld be 11111:•1 for the purpoM' Council. a CIO afftllate. The letlet men In the UD1ted St.at.ea': and l "lll'plv until A\ th,. r•'••·nt time M !ltnrtlng construction on the undtr1tand that the convention it· ~nly thlr! \' pn t:"nt ot th,. 1mw1•r llunlolrctl m1lll<>n rtollar TVA F~ullon In part read!: aelt la reported to h&V9 adopted .,, that nr,., 1~ h~·rnek-1 •111 11nd !It earn plant. Thl11. or crmrsr , XEW SF.R\'lCE ! a .reeoluUon calllnf for the end the oUH•r iO prr '""t H 1l1•11vf'•I woui.t leav' Olxon-Y11tea with ·our Fr1end: We are lnvi~Lnr of my pollUcal career ••• from i:INlln pl11n1~ 1· .. ni:.rl'•11 t;t)O 000 k1lul\lltLll nC power tn the you, 119 a mr mber or the arllculate 1.tnrtet1 out I" llr~ntl I·,,.. Lh~n 111ld•ll•· nr the·llll81!t11~1ppl River or "W'hal transpired In Tile.on II It th I liberal community ln your area, to Id b t t to all J100000.000 l'ln the prn,•1: 1ud fo1rl' them to se to er p~r-ahoU e o (Te& concern u oC lhtA writing S I <1111) QllO noo l'nl eompanlr11 which now d11-t&ke adva ntage of our Legislative Amtrlcans. There, a repreeentatlw <'f thl' tnxpny1•r11· mnri• \. h:.~ t>rrn 1r1hlll<' 11C1m" fl\·.-million kllnwntts Secrelarial Service. This le how It of the labor boll!ea from Waahlng- apcnt on 1t. It wnulil '"'~t 1•v•·1· 8 in th11l 11reft. win k~: ton used the word 'hate.' Hatrtd t !fl() million 7Jim e t•J 1 b\1~'1 1 h~ I ESTER PRISE \ JCTOR\' · You fill out th,. enclo11e<I auth· 111 the weapon ot revolutloni.ta. new llte•m 1~ nt, t"~ 1 ",.h;n I Repce1ent11tive P htlllpa f r o m orlzallon card 11od drop It. In the a nd I don't believe that 1he 11poke would enn en no e n ~•,. · River11lflt', a~ n1nk1n1t mtnol'lry Ho t ·sr. ACTI\ ST \' m"mb"r (If the subcommlttet hand· m&1I. Fr4im ume tu tlmt'. 1h1rtng tor the majority of people or This report 15 rar thP pm p<l.Se ling this phlllle oc the legi1lallnn, l~g1elat1ve sess10M, you will re· Ari.Iona or lhl t;nlled Statu . of dlftCUSlllng Jut wrek.'11 Cnngl'<'!· 1 ofrC"red 11n ;,mendmenl to elrlke rtlve from our om ce an lndivldu-LABOR 80881:8 ,.1onal acttoll an<J nnt (nr the pu1-this pr11hlbHlon !rnm !he blll. ally typed' l~tlt'r to your Congress· "The meeting wu lnterullnr. po11e of rov1•ring the TVA Tiii• Thero U1en tt>llowrd two houra or man. Sen11ton ( t;nltcd St.alee or 'too, becauae the political Lmpllca· 1 ahsll do within the MXt week hnt debate hf'twetn the proponenl!I Stllte), or Assemblyman. t our re-or two. l nf public powt'r 1rnd the propnn-tlona of what lranaplred In TUca<>n You wlU recall thtll the A EC. ents <>f rree t nterprlee. When the turn addreM will be on the letter; a~ pretty aelf-evldtnt. It wu . .l'll!WPORT ~ HARBOR RE-W_$6~PRSSS Formerly the l'\ewport-Balboa New11·Tlmea · 11nd the Newport-Balboa ' Prr sa A Depeadable Loc&I ln!!tltutlon fnr OTer Forty Yean Entered aa Second..Clu• Malter at lh11 Poatot!lce In Newport Beach. Callfomta under the Act of March 3. 1879. rubU•hed Every Mtftlday ud Tblll'llday at ~f'•'J>Ort Beacll. Callt by t be NEWPORT HARBOR Pl'BUSRL~G COMPA.'iY l'elepbone Harbor 1e1e Qualln.d to Publlalt Lf.(&I Notk:ft and Adi-ertl-e,nte or AD IUJada By Decl'ff of UM Saperlor Ooiiri of Oraqe Co. ln Action No. A·ll10t Mfllll»er Calllonl!a Snnpaper Publla.beA AlllOdaUoa Member 1"&tlonal Editorial AMoctaUoa Member of Or&Qfe Co11Dty Xew9 Senih Bli::-f REDDICK. PUBLISHER 'WILLIAM A. MOSES, Editor ORMOND E. ROUNTREE. Adveruatnr Dtrector C'HARLJ:S A.. ARKSTRONO. Mechanical Superllltudent 8l"BSCRJPJ10~ R.\Tt:S: Newport Harbor :-\rw•·PtMI~. 1"11'fl'fl W~kly ID Oraa&e Coanh', ff.00 per year: ~.00 11u mo,.; 11.6:> tbne mos. S Out.ldo of Oruro Cou.oty n.oo ~ )tu 1111 you nee<1 to do I• 11tgn It and just another clear tndJcaUon lh&l place It Ln the envelope which will the proCualonal labor bo1111e1 have be enclosed. The envelope will be taken over the Democratic Party already 1tamped and addre1111ed. and are ca1llng ~II the play• ... ready for you to mall. You wlll aleo rtct'lve a carbon copy ot the "Ml aole objective ln the field of labor lerlslaUon has been lo pre- letler to ktep. ser,·e the frHdom of the Individual ''Thi• aer retar141 aervtce will mean more lotteni onJmportant l&- IUH to your leglelaton . ll can be your way of letting your legislator know that you. u an Individ ual, are kMplng abreaat of the mos t Important tuuu ar11lnr 1'1 Con- (TeH and In Sacramento. The only way your legislator can know how you. the voter. feel about a pri>- poaed Jaw le throuKh your telllnc him.'' The po1tal card authorlalnr 1uch actlon bu thl1 1tatment: pl'J'CB FOB CIO "I btreby authorue the CJO State Council to act u my le~­ UV9 eecma.ry on &llY at.at. and national legislation tndorwd or oppoaed by CIO. I undent&nd I will receive an ort~nal and car- bon cop7 of any co1T~C4 worklnir man and woman and to protect them agalnat abUH and co- ercion by either management or labor. To that end I favor and have favored what la commonly called 'rlrht·to-work' lefiala Uon. " 'Rl(hl-to-work' le(!Jllatlon 11 1lmply a prohibition apln.t com- pulaory unlonlam. It prohibit.I em- ploytra and unions from anterlnf lnto contnLcta which meJte wuon membenhJp a condlUon of employ- ment. It placea th• rt1bt to .em a Um1 abOn aa, oblipllon to pay trtbutt. com~ or other- wta. to protemklllal labot' bomee. n. profeastonal 1-bor boa ·11au~· me tor trylnr to d.n, b1m that OC!lf>ul.ory tribute." .. It Come• Onl.r Once A Year BRUSH COUNTRY JOURNAL By HORACE PAUD (S4. Nq_t• -'ftle col-~y _a.,.. ......_ wUI ._a wt~ ,... Utt.._lllaowll _ .. tCN'klal fM't1 ... llM dredaed •P ta We ...._, tripe Into UM ... t'OUDtl'J' DI Nelftl ,_,..) (Sd. Not.: ThMI la tht tint In a eerlu on the C\'lctlon of UM C'upeno lndlana from the Hot Sprlnfa I A(Ua eallenlf l pn the Warner Rancho. Thla dutardly 11ct. a<-ror~lnl to moat Jilatorla~'. bap~ned In 1903. Thoee ln,·oh'ed In the artual eVleUon wen oaly COUowtnr out ordera of the United Stat.911 SuprfDll' Court. By Jiu, t»'>' counMI. and mt.undfr1tand1np lbe lnc11ana were torn from thfllr homea which lhey hact occupied •mce time lmmemonal In •plte of the Mnlcan trnty of Guadalupe HldlllJO. It little melter• whether one llkte or dlellku lh• lndlan ·~ an Individual or a rau . thla mlacarrl•J• or .Julftlc• la & black apot on the u cut<-heon or American Hlal<lry.) The dry, gentle breeze from o(f the desert made the. smoke-from t he campfires twist and writhe up thro~h the leathery leaves of the giant oaka. Tethered near the wagona, the mules and horses et.omped impatiently aa if trying to 1lart circulation tn tired legw. "Yee 11r." ••Id younr Schirmer. ..Sah!" aal~a lean, tanned leam- 1ter. "Listen to the' poor dt vll11." P'rom ou~ of the.darknl"&I! wlfte4 a dtrge·llkf chant. The Indiana oC Cupa at 'the Airua Coll1>nte on Warner'• Ranch were stnglnr a aonr or oontuaion. Wu tht1 to be their Jut night In thtir anceatral homu? It w111 Sunday evenlnr the tenth ot May 1903. "You MW what Sam Taylor did to that 'P'rteco correepondenl,'' aatd Jenkins. MEN S.llllCKElt Publisher Finds Canada Beautiful,. Friendly Country. "Aw Slim.'' anorted a bearded • one. "Thoae damn lnjun• been llv- ln' ort the fat of the land. KUlln' ca tUe rlrht and left. A ca ttleman ain't rot a chance ln thla country." Th• men around the fire cilclr- ered. Reportera had been Mrred from entertnr lh• Ylllac• but thta 'Fri1co ,ameeock, blown up wtll'I 1\11 own Importance and a pocket· ful ot p~aa cards went l.n anyway. Sain 1'ylor, foreman at Wamer'1, rode In and l"tHPlnr Mr. Reporter by the back ot tht coat from hor- back. lhacred him out ot UM nt· lafe. (l:d. Note: The fqllowtn• ta from Ben Reddick, Newi-Pr .. publJ.ah· er, who n-to Canada to re«Jva award "Beet UM of Photorrapha" for thl• new1pap1r. won ln an· nual NaUonal Editorial Aaocla· lion conteat in compellUon with uoe da!Uea and weekllea) By BE~ REDDICK BANFF. ALBERTA. CAN.-Flrat peraon we met on arrtval In this wonderland of our friend!\· Na- tional Ntlghbor wu Sam Meyer. resident now of Coata Meaa £lid former publlaher of the Newport Harbor New1-Preu. Mr. and MrL Meyer Journeyed to Canada vta the special c&!ttom la train and wlll complete the tour of the Can- adian Rocklea With the Nationa l EdllorlaJ Auoclatlon. Canadlana are a friendly, reve- rent people. Their recorntuon of thtlr allegiance to their Queen 11 made following each evenlnc'• do. I~•· They have 1tOm9Wlult .-n• barraaffd the Cltluna ot lhe Uni· led Slalu. alb~lt unlntenUonaJJy. by Including In their ceremonlea a eong of reverence for ua vtallor1 11\ attFrlai:nce. - TO \'lSIT STATE There wtll p robably be a ,1se- able portion or Canadlana ln at- tendance al the 7lal AnnuaJ Con· venllon of the NEA ln San Fran- ci.co next year. lt atema that the weekly publl11her11 at leut of the province of Alberta will plan to make the trip and meet with NE.A member1. An outatandlng addreM wu de- livered here on the openJnr day by former Governor Hoard Pyle ot ArlZ<>na, now an execuuve ... 1at- ant to Dwight Eisenhower. The government man gave to the pth- ered publl1her11 an ln•l&'hl Into the "White House Family" of the Pree· ldenl. Pyle related to all thoae gathered In the convention eeulon the concern of the &dmlnlatra llon In Waahlngton for the continuance of a high level of productivity. purehu lng and living atandard for the United -Slalea. Pyle pointed out the nted of all penio.,. to b9 ever alert to the d&Jll'e l'9 of tur- ther lnflaUon, &nd to a rapid de- tlatJon l.t a r.ceu!OA ahould ever overtake our country. President !:taenhower la In f ood health, Pyle 1ald and hla aole concern 11eema to be with the re- currtng buniltla ln hla ahoulder. Sometlmee th• &tfllcllon la paJn- Cul. for lbe moat part It 11 un- noticed and ot no conaequence, We or California are ao proud of our Yosemite, our San Bernardino mounlalna and natural wonders that we are prone. I preaume. to •ee how the rut of lhe world Jlvee. Thia wonderfu.l country above Cal· f&.ry, Canada la a veritable won- derland. The towerlnr mountalna, mowcapped and atreaked and the tumbllJlc 11.Aama create In lhia beautitUl Bantt collntry one of na· ture'• own Cathedrat.. One cannot help. even uncon.acloualy, aaytng a brief prayer ot th&nklulneH for even betnr alive whvi he lurna ud ..... upan Ua. be&utl• ot thla rreat country. . REAL TBU8TEES Here • railway, th• Canadian l'&e.Wc h&t. ahown the r1lb1 an~ proper way lo a.dmlniater the tniet of the people. It la lhe complete oppo1lte ot eve'rythlnf that we of Callfornla have auoctated with the Southern Pacific that we know. The Banft Spring• Hotel, the Cha- te&u Lake Louiae a~ a.II operated by the raJlway and thelr llnea aer- vtc• the vut country. The cour· teay of their company employeee and &l'ente and their conatant at· tenUon to the deltrea of their tour- lat rueata point ever lo what the reeort.I of Ca!lfotnla could ha"e been had railroad operation.a been tor the benent or the people rather tot lhe e.,.er, gTUpln1 of l&nd and dollar. We nad a chance to wander t.hrough the town of Banrt today and v111lt some or thtlr •hope. We were 1111rprl11ed Ill many of the Inexpensive fond lteme. ama:tt<l at the deame111 or other11. We rtirured up a grocery list and found that a.II In all, hlsh and low price• to- r•ther. we would be ahead 1hop- ptn1 tn Newport Beach. READ'ERS WRITE Mr. Ben Reddlr'k, Newport Harl>or Ntl"lffo~ll. 2211 Balboa Blvd., Dea: Ben: I jWJt want to ofter by el.nc1r- nl congntulatlone on the Newa- Pr~M·a winning best tn the naUon for photography at the N. E. A. conference tn s..nrr. J undeMJland there were 1408 entries from wteklle• on up through to the blf&'tlt dallt.1. Brother. that Is, aome compeUtlon and you mu1<t be mlfhtY proud. Again. Ben. my concratulat1on1. Very truly your1, RO:-> Fl!:"K LA11 Angeles, Calif. Bureau United PreM A~latlon1 Dear Mn. Barbre: M my tenn ot otl'lce clo•1 for the yeu, I want to ~nionally thank you ... well u tor the An· llla.ry, tor your outat.a.ndlnr COT· •rec• and support of CbUdrena ff.me Society thl• year. Tour cooperation and lnlereet la d•ply appreciated. !lncerely. Eleanor Trayer (MRS. H. PAYNE) June 8, 191111 MrL Winifred Barbre. Wom.i·a Editor. N1wport Harbor Newa-Pre11 Dear Mre. Barbre: 'They klll only enough tor their wanbi... waa Sllm'1 deren.llve re· ply. -. "NONSENSE" CLAJM "Thal'• nonHnae," cracked the b9arded one. "Any day of the wMk you can buy stolen Warner beer at the I ndian Village." • Thf argument wu lnt1n'Upted by the appearance of a lltUe n11.n dre1111ed 11lmo11t tl&ndUy for till• country o.nd the times, A cll"an white ahirt 1111d tie. a w tt. canvu leggtna and br<>ad·bnmmed bnt wu a contrut to lhe rough coun- try dreu or the te11mster11 . 'Tm warning everyone." he 11altl, "to be up early and ready lo move Into the lndla.n VIiiage by 7 o'clock tomorrow morning with the war- ona:· "Think we'll have trouble. Mr "Nnt ume," roared Taylor. 'TU dr&e you out by the neck at the end of a reata." Like & punctured balloon the 'Frlaco reporter had deflated- theH were touch tlmea and ~lb ml'n. .. ( want lhl• clear. Schirmer." eaJd J enklna. "No report.era or any· one etae 1oea Into the vlllare with· out my permission. We're alttlnl' on a powder keg. God only knowa Whal mtg.ht let i\. l)ff ... Jenkin!! alrode oft Into the dark- ne~11 t,, the nl'Xl group o( wagon• and the fllcllerlng rlree. He had 41 wngons f\nd H team11ler11 under hie oruera with helper• and dt p- uty marahala ana sherifre, plus agents of the Department of In- terior. INT() Bl:D ROU.S Jenltin11 ~ .. a;iked Slim. One by one the men aettled In "Don't know until we atart." wu their bttl roll!. Only Slim and Jenktna· reply with a ten.ee algh. j Schirmer remained Atarlng Into the On the Bhouldtr of this little tire. man from, Oklahoma restrd the Schirmer flipped a KOld piece enU~ reapon.alblllty of t \'lctlng the that ttuhed In the flr•Uchl. Warner "-ncb tndtana to Pala. Hta "8Utn.'' lM .S4. "('~ g'ot a twen• fuJI name wu J&mu E . Jenkin• ty-dollar ,old piece that aaya you'll and he waa the Government In-have a blanket over your wagon dlan Inapector. 1eat tomorrow morning. And 1·11 "Schirmer." he Mid to a young bet If you don't lift It up and look til!Ow dreaae<!l n cf y c oaiis, Wlio under. you won-rnnd anythmC:- ha.d been oanng moodily Into the sum amJled and winked u he dept.ha of the fire. caught the cold piece and tucktd .. You're a reporter area't you 1" It ln h11 pocket-It wae a dt11I. on behalf ot th• Jr. !:bell Club INDIAN INSPF..cTOR _ Jamee E . Jenkins. above, Dear Mni. Barbre: ' ot Newport· Beacll, and myaelt, I f t , ( W , There are nol -enoug'h word.I to would like to t~• thl1 opportun· wu in charge of eviction o ndiana rom am er • e.xprus our i pprtclatton tor all tty to thank you for the pr1vtlel'H Rancho in 1903. -Photo courtesy Southwest. Museum nt the wolfdt"rful publicity you extended the club In the way of --------------------------- have g1vrn the Asslst.ance•f.A&c\le publicity and plcturu deplcUng of Newport Beach durtnr l}¥l put the year·1 &eUv1Ue1. year. 90 just "thank you ao !Wuch." Sincerely, Slnrt rtly. 1 Mr1, A. Burr W'hlte. Jr. Peg Plerer Pr"• Cha.lrman 19:>4·5:1 Mary McCallum Balboa. June 17. 195:1 Grass · Roots Opinion INTERNATIONAL FALLS, MINN., DAlLY JOUR· NAL; "The cuatomera •• you and I multiplied by mil- lion• --decide what product. our f actoriea will make, how much will be made, and the price they will be aold at. Competition for the cuatomera' money weeda out inefficient businetaea, and foreff othera to become more e!ficient. Thia in turn brlnp about lower pricea, better qvality and service, and the deveJopment ot new and improved products.'' ;. , Farmer McCabe Writes . • • Animal11 Rnd Fowls are purty much human when you watch em close enough, Yeaterday I slipped thrPe baby ducks under an ole Settin' Hen and today ahc wuz slrul- tin' around the Barn Lot cluck!n' to em when I noticed my little specked Rooster eyeing em. He'd IC>Ok em o\·er right good, then he'd look at all the other chicken~ A.nd look back at the ducks again u IC to 1rny. "They're funny lookin' bu\ then strange things are happening in this Atomic Age. I wonder what they art':'" You l<Mw. a Int of folks are purty much ltkc my ltltle aper kled Roo11ler in that th~y lay everything to the Atomic Age that they can't explain ... I ~ea• lt'a the easy way out. Fanner ~tcCabe (all rlcbta ru.rvedJ t .... , . • ... ~ . I l t i I GRAHAM, NADINE KARNES CHOSEN Robfft Or&Jl am and Nadine Karnu wtre awarded plaquea recently l or lhe outat4U\dlns mt.n &Ad wom1111 ~uau. ot Orance Cout Collf'fe 1n th• field Of bualnY a. 1"ht awa rd •• n1.W. annually by Phi Beta Lambda, Orangt Cout Colltg• bu•lnu a club. t:rlterta fur the w lttllon a1 out11tanrttni but1nu a 11r&<lu•t~ ... art echolutlc achievement. aervlee t-0 the 1Chool. ui lnttr· l'llt ln the tleld ot b11••ne1&, and J>1'0mt.e ot futul't 1accua tn th• field. Oraham plan• to t'OnUnue hi• work tn bu11lnen admln· l•ltatlon at Lon&" Beach Stale Collere. Nadine Karnn I• 10111• lnlo ff<!ret&nal work. Girl Attacked by Savage Youths Here 8Al'ITA ANA (OCNS) -A H · year·old me.ntally retarded ~rl WU Lb.a llic1J.m., ol a aa.v-.. ~ t ack by tour youth• Saturday &!· tem oon on • bluff overlook1n1 Newport Beach, aherllf'• deput1e. tald. The v1ctlm wu taken to Ho1.11t H<>11pltaJ t or treatment ot f11d 1l brul1ea and other lntemaJ lnju1 lfll Th• (1rl told dtputle• ahe w1111 1trolllng on t he beach north of t he Newport pltr. A. quartet of boy1 y ked If 11he would like to ·s o for a r1 de. She accepted. 'nity d rove to a lonely apot on a hill JJOrth of Hoar Ho1pltaJ. She aa.ld the 1uapecl1 u kd her lo 1ubmlL She refuaed and wu •truck In the face by one of the auaped.a. Another rtpped off her bathJnl" aull. She claim• two of t he Cour attacked her. Thl>n the a111pect1 drove her back to the beach. One lOMed her a towel with the remark: "Here la 110methlni to remember me by " Newport Beach pollc. ~re 1um· moned and took the (1rt to the hollplta L Informant on the Incl· denL waa Mn. Alice Robert.a Davlll. owner and houaemother of the Mentally Retarded School at 840 N. Ave .. H . Loi Atlgelu. Mrs. Davl• .. 1d 11he i.d brou.-ht a dos.en ot the girls t• hf'r home on W. Ocean Front for the week· •nd. Mesa Driver loolced J ulian Thornton ot 2001 New· port Blvd .. Co11ta Meu. wu book· ed In Orange County Jail a t 10:411 p.m. lul nnlght on a charge of driving while <trunk. He was a r· re11terl 111 the 2:100 blo<'k of Santa Ana A Vt'. Costa Meaa police .aid, Tht ,\' a•IUP<I a ·fema le. belle"ed to be his wife, wu al10 &rreatcd for beln~ drunk 111 lhe <'llr. LEGAL NOTICE Harwoo;I, Heffernan & So<1en • A_t t111 nt'y11 a l I.A w S11lt" 6 Birtcher R1111<1ln1t :!•11:\ ,.:ut C1111.•t Hlghwav C:•J1 ona •lt'I ~l.1r. CRllforn1a 1 llll br.r 1:\:1:\ A I tt1rnty • ft1r Kcc<'h·c1 JS THt: "l l't~tllOR COl "RT OF THt: l>CT.\ T t: o..-C' \l.ffORS IA I ." A :'\D t 'OK THt: ('Ol'ST\ Ot ' ORASLE ~ ... S!\;112 SOTln·: OF .... A u : o ..-tu;AL LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE port BMch, County ot O~e. 11ven •'a .-uan.ntH of alt• c'*"' State of Callfomla, ducr1bed u ance, which wlll include the foJ· follow•. low1nc: 'nl• Sout.bweaterly 20 feet of All bulldlnp ahall b4' re· Lot 103&, all of Lot 1036 ot movrd to the toundallona but Tract No. ll07 u •hown on a removal &hall not Include con· Map recor<ted In Book 28, c:rete floor• on t ht rround, Pagu 26 to 36 lnclualve ot found.ationa, or llUb . 1urtace Mlll<'ellaneoua Mapt, Re«>rd1 utlhtln: underfTOUnd faclll· of Oranr e County, Callfornl1, UH of the bdlldlngei purchu · and thal portion of Lot 1037 ed j11d r!'moval allall be per· ot H id Tract No. 907 de11<"rlb· manwtly cap.,.d In a man· e<1 u follow•: ner aatl•tactory to the Oranr• a .. grnntnr at the mo1t Ea•t· coaat College Jk>ar<t of Tru•· erly comet' ol Hid-Lot 108'{, teu, two feet below th1 nor· thence South 29• 0,0· Wut mal ~round 1level. Wlrtnr 11 20.01 tecl alone Ole Eaaterly to be cut nrr to the .. uatac· line ot aaid lot; thence North· tlon ot the Orange Coaat weaterly to a poi11t oa th• Colltre Board of Tn.i1tee1. Northweelerly line of aald Lol The aucct 11Cul bidder ahaU 12.61 tl'et Southweaterly from comply with all tfre, rua rd, the moat Northerly cor ner of and n fety regulatlona In eC· bid lot; thm ce Northeuterly feet a t the premlau: 1hall re· 12.61 feet lo the aa.ld m<>11t move Crom the alte aU 1er1p Northuly com er ; thence South lumbc<r, roofing. broken con· 61' oo• Eu t 88 18 feet to the <'rt>te, and other ma i.r1alft, point or be(inning. a nd/or debrl1 !except found•· commonly known u 2011 Via Dijon, t1on• a nd concrtte floorlngl: Udo Ille, Newport Beach, Call· •hall luve the area clear of fomla ; 11ucll m attrlala ruultlng f ro"' Noure 1• hereby ftven that the removal of lhe bulldlng and undersigned, u Receiver, Wiii aell <'lean up the 1lte of the build ... the a bove-deacrtbed re_!I p roperty lnr to Ui. aau.taetieft of the at public a uction to the hJghut Oranre Cou t Coll•ce Boud bidder for cuh. laWful money of Of Trustee•. the United Statea. 10', of the bid payable al the lime of sale and the The property la du crtbed aa fol· balance upon execution by t,lle un· lowe: P'ormer theat.er bulldlng, ders1gne-d, aa Receiver, of a dt'ed Sant.a. Ana Army Air Bue, le1111 t'onveylng Hid real property to l!eat1. curtain•. gara1t11 door, and the purchaaer thereof, or upon cerllln • m a 11 appurtenancu . such other term• u may be ac· Written propoaaJ1 m ust be 1ealed ceptablt' to the undcratgned, u and flll'd ~1th Wiiiiam F. Klm,a. Receiver: that, In the u ent H id A ••I at a nt Superintendent In Charre of Bu1lneN ,prior to the eale 11hall be made to • purchuer llme abo.ve·mentloned. Each seal· procured by or through a r eal ea· tale broker, duly ltcenaed by the ed bid must be a ccompanied by se· State of California, aald Receiver curtly In the form of a certified check or bidder'• bond, made pay· shall pay to aald broker from the able to the Oranre Coaa\ College proceed• of 1ald a&le a commlll· Bo&rd or Truateea, an amount 1lon not to exceed II'/., of the pur· chue price for said real prop· equal to twenty·flve percent or the total bid. Ba ld chet'ks or erty; that 11atd nle AhaJJ be con· bonds will be returned to the un· ducted by the underalgned, u Rt· 1ucc1111Cul bldder1, and the check celver, In the manner prucrlbed in Sectlonll SY•. 69!1, 696 and 697 or bo11d of the hlg-he.st bidder wtU be held to aNure payment of the of the Code or Cl\·11 Procedure. balance of the purchue price. St.ate of Caltfomta : that upon lht' payment or the purchue pnce tor 'J!he aale 1haU be for caah, by iald real property. the undersign· certified check, cuhler·1 check or ed, u Recflver, •hall execute a money order. mAde payable to the good and •urtlclent deed convey· Orange Coast College Board of Ing •aid real property to the pur· 'I)"u1teu, upon delivery ot a letter chaarr thereof; of award, with an Agn emenl of Notice la further hereby "given. lsale to follow. that the undersigned, u Receiver, Bid.I t o purchue are for an ln· will conduct iald aale at IO:OO dlv1duaJ buUdlng u onf' packagc. o'clock, A.M .. o n Monday. July 18, The purchuer ahall provide cer· 19!16, at 2()11 Via Dijon, Lido I.Ile, ti flea tu of lnaurance 1howlng cov· Newport Beach. <;•llCornla. erage for public llablllty of '100.· Dated: June l7. l9~. 000·1!100.000, for property dam· THOMAS E. HEFFE'RNAN age of not le11 lhap '2!1.000, and Receiver ' tor work.men'• compen1at1on. No .• 1327 The Orange Cout Colle«• Board New11-Preu 6/23 30 7 '1 19MI ot Tru1teu 11ell11 only lt1 vu~ed · · · righta and lntf'reat In the property. U NJTl:D STATl:S ' All property 11 ottered on a:n MARSHAL'S SALE "u ts" and ''where I.•" bu l1. 8oulhl'm Dh1trtct or CaJUontla The premll•H are now 11.1bjl'Cl By virtue or an Order ot Sale to lnapectlon by pro1pecUve bid· ls.sued out of the United Statt'I llers. Arraniremenll !or lnspec· 0 111lrlct Court for the Southun Uon may be made with Mr. Dlst1 lct of California, on the 20th Fl"ancl11 A'~ra, Supervlaor of day of June, 19!10, notice 11 hereby Bull1Hng11 and rrounrta, Orange given that I wlll aell by public Cout College. lnapectlon hourii autton, tor cuh. vrr'l'ttaday, thir ar. Monday through FTlday, 8";-00 ~lh day of July. 19!5!5. at eleven A. M . to 4 :30 P. M. o'cloek A.M , at Lido -Penlnaula Tht Orange Co a • t Collegl' Yachl Anchorage, U do Peninsula, Board of Tru11teo ruervee the !'ewport BPach. California. the rlghl lo r1>jecl any and 1111 bu1s varhl "K'THANOA." her engmee. or to withdraw the property from boilers. machmer\', boats. tacklP, 111lr Apparel. 11ppure·n~cu, and tumi· All bul• aubmitted 1h1ll bt lure, 81 IJhe now llu. deemed to have been made with ROBERT w WARE the Cull knowledge of All of the l'n1led Statl.'s Marshal ttrlns, condltlon1, and requlrt· PKOl't;KT\ AT f'I 81.1(' . June 20. t9jS mPnts h ert>ln contained. The failure of 1111y bidder to In· 11pert . or to bl.' fully Informed u to th& condition of a ll or a ny por· lion ot the preml11u or property offered, w 11 1 not, conatitute ,;rounds for any claim or dema nrl !or 111lju11tment or withd rawal of a bid after offering. ·"'('TIO:'\ ':'l:o. 1328 Nt'Wll•Pre:is 6123 66 DOROTH \" GfiO:':SI< \'. Ph1int1U S<Tfl('T. Of' Pl'RLIC SALE and C'· 1111~·l'rtenfl11nt OF PROP F.RT\' ARTHl 'R 1·:11\\'ARfl CRO!':Sl<Y. 1Jefrn1!nm an•l C:·.,s~·<'<>m pl!unnnl H.\· vii ttfe or " l'"• l11l(I Amtndc•l Order 1\ flpolntlng Rt!C-l'l\'er t"Sllt'd out or "-11•1 untll'r the 11ral llf tilt' Supt'rior l"o111 l of Lhl' Stole of C:11llfornla. In and tor the County oC Orangt" upon a certain Jnttr· locutory Judgmcnt or Olvoret rt'ndercd on or about Ma y 20, I~ and 1.-nlc1ed on or abouL M11v T.l. 19~ In Book ~. P11gf' 421 of ju4g· menu. 1n an 11cUon wheren'I 0qro. thy Gronsky 111 plalntlf( and crosa • defendant. and Arthur !:<I\• ard Gronsky II' clefendaal and crusS·<'•>m rlo.lnant. lhe 11ndel'llign· ed. u Rt1·c1ver. will sell ft'rtaln real properly ownl'd by salt.I par· llt.s 111tuated ln the City •f New· Pohhr nollre Is herehy given that th .. B!lard of Tru!!tees of lhl' Orange C<1asl Junior Collcge Dis· trirt. County of Orange, State of ()lllto1·n1a, by &nd through I~ !oar\I of Trustees. ·will sell at pub· he bid opening. to tht hightst b1dde1, In accorda.nre WIU\ con· 1lltl'>ns set forth below, at 10:00 A. M. on J uly I:>, 19:>!1 at the Boo.rd Room of the Admlnlstra· lion Building the property deacrlb· f'-<l hert'ln. The property ottered for nle herelnundtr Is l<>Cated at Sixth and F111rvlew on the College c&m· pus and 111 lo be removed from thl' rreMnl llile Within •lxty rlayl!, 11nd the sllP clesred to the Mtlll· tart ion of lht Orange Coast Col· legt Board ot Trustee•. A per· form11r1ce bond or U ,000 must ~ No. 132:1 S1gn,.d: R. H. PETERSON Secty., Board ot Truateea New1·Pre11 6/23. 30, 7/7. 1116~ XOTICE TO CRE DITORS No. 16115 Eat.ale ot CAROLYN G. STEV· E NS, deceue<t. AUTO AD-VICE-ly Miier USED CAR_. G~'EE CLUB 11NOW-LET'S ALI. SING TNE /:K>AISES OF 'HAPPY MO Ta?/ Nu ' -HIT A H/611 NOT£ ON NPENDABILITY ANO FAIR DEAL!Al6AT .. MILLER CHEVROLET CO. Best Used Car Buys 1952 CADILLAe Fleetwood. All original. 30,000 actual mile.. R Ii H, Hydra . Power Steer .. new W·B·W tirea .. . ..... $2545 19!51 DESOTO Club Coupe. R Ii H, automat· ic Drive. Local 1 owner .................. .... . $ 895 19!55 CHEVROLET Bel Aire 4-dr. Sedan V8 with R &: H. An executive car ................ $2315 1953 CHRYSLER New Yorker, the VS, with with power st eering, power brakes, elec. windows, R &: H ..................... $1745 19:53 CHEVROLET 210, 2·dr. Sedan, with all Chevrolet acceasoriea ........................ $1165 19:51 FORD Victoria . R & H, O'dr. Rune like new _ .......................................................... $ 94!5 1950 CADILLAC Coupe De Ville 2·tone gray. R & H, Hydra. ........................... ....... . .. $189!5 1953 OLDS. Super 88 2-dr. F,quipt with pow- er brakes, R &: H, Hydra .... -...... .... . ... $1995 1951 PONTI.AC Chieftain Deluxe 4·dr. Se- dan. R It H. Excellent mechanical con· dition -······-······························-................. $ 795 1950 STUDEBAKER Champion Convertible Cpe, Jet black finish, new white top, R & H, O'dr. Excellent wsw tires. me· chanically perfect .................................... $ 49~ 1952 PACKARD "250 Seriea"-R & H, O'dr. new motor, new wew tirea .................... $ 925 1953 DODGE % ton pickup-the long wheel base-with aportaman'a Fibreglaa box -Excellent for camping or fishing .... $1095 1953 FORD V8 ¥i t on pickup with Fordo· ., ma tic tranami&1ion ................................ _$104!5 1953 CHEVROLET V:: too pickup. 12,000 ac- tual milea. Sold new lcaerviced by u1 .... $11'15 MIL[ER CHEVROLET CO. 1000 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach Liberty 8-2261 1855 Harbor Costa Mesa Llberty 8-:5633 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Monday &nd 'n\urllday COASTAL SHOPPER-Wednesdays DEADLINES t or plactnr or c&ncellini ada are: For Monday Publica tion -Saturday Noon For Wedneaday Put>ncatlon -TUmay 2 p.m. F or Tburaday Pubtlcatlon -WednMday 1 p.m. Special Notleett Y Newport Harbor B. P. 0 . E. 1767 Meell nery ThundaJ' I p.m. Via Oporto -Central Ave. Newport Buch Albert H. ){attbew1, Exalted Ru.In lZ-BullcUng Seni cet1 NEW & OLD Furniture Finishing MODERN & ANT.QUE Reaaonable Pncu Specials on Patio Furnishings Notice i. hereby (1ven by the underalgntd Martha Baker, Ad· mlnlllratrix of the Eat.ate of CAROLYN G. STEVE NS, drceaa. cd, to the Creditora ot, and all peraona having claln111 against the .. id deceued, to pruent them with tho neceNary vouchera, with· In six montha after the flrat pub· llcatlon of thla notice, to th• •Id Martha Baker al the office ot Davb cl: Penney, Attorney• at 1,.~ __ But __ ~_....__Se_mcee _____ _ Ca.II for eatlmalce A aervlce Law, 341S Via Lido. Newpor t Beach. California, Ctty of New· Painting &: Paperhanging Aubrt>y Ell.eworth 2Q32 ~lac~nt111 Co1ta Meaa • PAINTING NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART rv . PAGE J THURSDAY. JUNE 23, 1955 PAPER HANGI.NO RnldenU.I • Commcrt'lal Work Llcenaed Contractora Call Lexln(ton 6_.11"46 t'ollttt. HunUnl'lOD &ach 09pp60h "A's" CONTRACTORS ALL CLASSlFICA TIO NS STUDY in spare lime Cor contrac· for'1 t'XanllJ\DtlOn under a ft.n• eral l'Ontru·tor w1lh 211 ycen l'XJ>t'rll'nCt' CIU81!11 Tut's. and VENETIAN BLIND f'rl. ''''t'll 7•30 Jlm. Attend tlrtt 11(3~lon !ter. Bcg1n anytime TRE N~~?;:;," ml'lh· 16~} ~o~l~~:.a,·~~?~1na od. Rta.~nablt> prk u . Averege 1"11.. Kilubuly 2·tl:!JS or Kl l~L 2 tape ru1dcnt11I bhnd Uc Only $1.00 Bltnda rer11lred 80J rt'blllll. Real Estate School in Santa Ana Free Pl<-k up And dellvt'ry Work done t,y appolnt111i:nt Phone Llt:>ut y 11·0701 or K.lmberly 3·8274. ppttc H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt Repair Service Maintained Phone: Harbor 4S24 2801 BaJbua Blvd., Ne""~rt Be11ch pA!p ~neralC:-ontractor LICENSED New Work -Remodeling J. MlLTON McKENZIE Harbor 3122·R Mt!c Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging GEO. BURKHARDT LICENSED CONTRACTOR 878 W. 18th St., Costa Mesa Llberty 8-8628 PAINTING Painting & Paper Hanging "The Best Money Can Buy" Sympso.n & Nollar 512 38th St., Newport Beach PHONE HARBOR 2•0. ASPHALT TILE Aluminum \\'1111 Tilt Mlgr11. Dl1trlbutors Whol ual,. pri<'ts l o Contractors It: T ile Sellrrs tfc LI 8· 7 493 68tf c PAINTING AIEN A WOMl!:.N prepare ln 9J>&N time !or unlimited opportunlllea In Rt-al Estate. i"ew cl&.aff• w'ekly. Al Tyler ln1tructJnr . At· tcnJ tint evt n1n1t free and lum about this iYe&t field. Call or Al Tyler School 1611 t-:o. Broadw11y, Santa An& Kl 7-3!)11.JU !)·3469·KE 8-2613 Uc 9th Season of the Brandt-Dike SUMMER SCHOOL OF PAINTING Beirtnnmg Monday, J une 27th for AIX Wtt'kll. '1111ly Skt'l<'h lrapa In thr Snuth Coast area for bt'gtn• nf'r" 11nd advanced In oil and wattrcolor Study with ?-;aUonAI Arn,1rmlC'1ans Phil Dike 11nd Hex Brnn<lt, G11No1t ln11truc1or George Po11t. Teehnlques Rnd Hu ~l<'l! with J oan I rv111g and B~tty Winckler. Write or telt'· phonl' tor free tol.t .. r. SPECIAL CHILDREN'S CLASS \\'t>rlnPsday• 9·30· • 11 :30 tor the young ~alnt~r. aJtt'>< 6 to 16 with rrtfc>renrf' for Ill;"• 8·1:? REX BRANDT • PffiL DIKE TPh'phone Harbor 1188·\V 407 Goldenrod. Corona dt'I Mar 67c69 28--Slt uatloa~ Wanted Universal Bldg. Maintenance Walls & wlnotow Cleaning Floorl'. Ja.nllor Sen•lcc. Phone Harbor 4318. S7p80h %9-ll~lp Waated STANDARD STA:TlbNS Haa o~nlnr for Station SalMmH Ace• 18 • 40 Oranie County 5·Day-40·HOW' Week High •tarttnr pay • ~tll&nt JkH flta Good opportunity for Advanr,,m~nt Apply STANDARD STATIONS Dahlia and Coa1t Hlpw~ Corona del Mar Chapman and 8padra Fullertoa 8:30 to e:ao a.m. Monday • Thuradaya. Mcel WANT real ut•t• •1~91nan or broker -familiar with Harbor &rt'a. Top commlNlon. Houaton Realty l\09 Ctnter St., Cotta • Mu• Ll 8·6911 or Ll 8-7786 Sltfe E\'N . Seymour. Har. 62tll·W WA.XTEO woman or 1(1rl for ll(hl hout#Work In Auruet. part tlm•. &lboa bland. Oood r•Y· WRITE Mn1. C. A. R.o~ru. 19" No. Berendo, Loa Angt>lr• 27 811<'70 WANT lady lntervtewera for local 11urvty work, mornJn1ta only. Jr.srn 53fl wk. and up Wr it• ·, J?. 0 . Box 186. New)'IOrt Buch or call ). D. RAii, Kl 6·11~ tlc71 WANT exJ)Crt lypl8t Cor perman• ent employment. Har. 31130 Mr. Holder. tlc70 WANT won1an wllh knowledfe ot rc>stAur11nt Cood handUn(, cap• 11blr of tut thinking. Phone for Interview. 7·30·10:30 a . m. or 8·10 p '"· ONLY. Har, •1162 Mc70 WANT woma.n caahler, bookkeep- l'r. Automotive uperl.cnce neo• essary. J ohnson & Son ~ LINCOLN· MERCURY 1100 Wrst Cou t Hip~ Newport Beacb Ll 8·11545 elcTO WANT a mother'• helper, do llab& houaekeeplng, by the day or live In. ReCerencu. U 8·7'02. 6To6f WANTF:O: Experienced Waltre• SURF FlSH FRY 1110 W. Ocean Front, Npt. Bet.. M-A-N-.-,-~-0-t.-.f-A_N_w_tll_~_d_o_g_e_n_e_ra_l ~ &Teet M. W. ROSS Ll 8·3321 • u 8·7823 280 Avocado, Cnata M esa ~p69H ASPHALT TILE . L INOLEUM l lnirtall the a bove cheaper thlln most. Allio Mii Tile le Linoleum Non-unlo1n, 2!1 years experience Compare and l!ee - BILL. COKER Har. 4828 or Long Bea ch 7·!19i3. 61c74h CEMENT & BUILDING Alt Klhdir.,.. & FREE ESTl MA TES Liberty 8-6109 Remodeling 29tf General Repmrs INCLUDTNG-b1 lck work, rooting pluterlng, elec., painllng and paper hanging. SmAll or large houl!ework, floor waxlng, win· WANT exper ienced alteration wo- dow cleaning .• Fut workera; man tor 1.ldn Fuhlorw, New· white. 19t E. 20th St., Co1la porl Beach. Phone Harbor 3671. Mellll.. LI 8·2683. ppt.t 67ctl9 -----------------.~----~~~~-~--~~~ Experienc'd gardener LANDSCAl>ING a n d CLEAN UPS Llberty 8·1659 GARDENING 30lfc MRlnlenancc. yard cleaning and light ha11llng. Kl..inbl'rly 3·3025 tlll)'S or Hnrbor 3034 everun~s & week end11. ~8p72 CU :A!'>l:'\C &: IRONING by th!' •l11y. Experlc•nced. Balboa Island pr'°'"' r"1I Kl 3·6096. 69c71 Roy's Maintenance House clra.nlng-Floor wa.ldng WAii wuhln~-wlndow cleaning V<'nt>tl11n bllnc1s. Upholatery ln~11rccl. F'rre Estimatea Liberty 6·1332. · ltfc GARDE NER ATI'ENTJON ALL .BOYS - THE NEWS·PRJCSS I• n ow takln• carrier appllca uon. tor routee tn th... n•lp borhoodl :- Ba.Ibo&. Wcat Newport, Balboa i.., Newport Hell(hta, Corona del Mar and Co•ta Men. If )ou are 12·1' yra. old, and have a bicycle, apply at lhe C1n:ula· lion Dt>pl., Newport Harbor 1'ew1·PreS11, 2211 Balboa Blvd .• Newport &ach, bc:lween 10·12 a. m. or 4·:> p m. only u cepl Saturday•. tto Bus Boy Muat be 21 or over ROBERT KILL'S CHEF'I JN~ Corona del Mar. 69c71 WA1'"TED-Oldu man -for th• ~ummer to do yard and boat work tor prlvllle party. Wrtle Box G9:i. th11 pi per. 69p7l complete jobfl. Yl\1 •I rl"l\Jl 11r & J:: X P E R l E N C E D hQl.el maid. slelldv ~ork. K EN Nttzs; VIUa Mur1~111. Har. 1800 811c71 MATERIAL CONTROL CLERK \"11ung man wtth drgree In B11111· nrl'11 Aflml111atratlon or 2 yeara prt<<'liraJ txperlrncl'. A pp I y 1-;01 Pl11rcntia. Co,.t& Mf'N; Sa t. June 26 II to 12 a. m. Siie NOTHING DOWN a.nd 36 moa, lo v1ml nutlnt.-nan{t' C">~ II 1'~'1•11, LI 8-11;~ pay. E1t. Lie. Contractor. ll&r. _ 6Pp7l 3894·J . ' 62tfc ~XPF:Htf::\t'f.:lJ p1•sr t1c11I nur~e. Phone 68p70 14-Penooala Alcoholi<:a Anonymou1 Writ. P. O. Boa 811 Newport React\, <.:a ll (. Phone Harbor 479:> Uc IS-Beauty Alda ____ _ Superfluous Hair Perma.nenuy N moved from race arma, lep . Eyebrow• and hair llDe shaped-No more tweezing. ELJ...EN L. BRY.v-JT R. E. Lido'• Salon or Beauty liar. 2!178 tic llV1tllAblt> llfll'I' Th11riul11y. Ha1 1>or fl.I. P HI\' ATI-; 1TTORISG F'or I hnse wll h 1 o>a•hng llHflculllu Eh•mrnlary h•i.:h srhool lf'Vl'll' Mt•th&I llM"d At C'lln1<'11I Schl\01. I , C L. A. F'r11nre11 Shurtlf'(f HYll!t 4·2300 68pi0 EX PERI F:NCEO Cl'ft1f1rd teach· ers w1ilh tu111r1ni: E lementary and 11et'On<l11ry. Av&llahle ="'""" phlt 11re" 11111•1 J ul\' l11t. ;-.1 .. an· tlmP o•nll l'Olll'l't l'lc>a..«anl 2-872!'> 68p70 LICE:'\81-:U exp .. 11cnt ed sk1ppc:'r aviulAhlP "f•f'k ··n•I!' l'r1. pl~88· ur~ bMt unly. Hnt. 2!127-W 68p70 A LL l)f'F'ICE PERSONNEL. alJtO v.·111lre11s~11. rooks, houMJkffper· Mok11. R,.i:111tcr now-new JObe daily. Jt:xe FARRAR EMPl..OY;\1F:="T AGENCY •021 .. • :12ntt St. Newport Beach Acrollol aL from City Halt ~81c70 30-MISttOaneou• 16-ln. DE WALT SAW on lrailn. U W. l'lt'e 111 11111 Kln11 Ro&d, ;\'""wpn1 1 He11'(hl1. Owner p No. I Bay (.;OVl'll. UUo ---------~~~~~~ Movie Proiector1 ·SOUTH GOff ST port Beach. County or Orange. We do the work ou.raelvea. St.au of Callfom l1. which .. 1d omce th• underelgned eel.eta u 30 yeara experience u 8·79111, 67c72 22-Lo8t and Found 29-llelp Wanted FOR RENT conSTRUCTIDn CD. . RESIDENTIAL-INOOSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL a pl~• of bu1lneaa In all matters Llc:enaed • ln1ured. connected with .aid H tate, or to 8aU1tactlon r uarantecd, tile them with the neceH&r)' E•llmatn tree. Call J ohnnie, vouchera, within ala month• after LI 8·2687 & LI 8·!5289 81tfc thc fl rat publication of lhl• notice. In lht office of the Cin k or• the Supfr1or Court of the Slate of Callfom 1a, in and for t h• Count y Of Oranre. Da tf'd June 20, 111~ MARTHA BAKER DA VIS • P EI'\ NEY a,. Jun.. F. Penney CARPENTRY MINOR REP AIR WORK NO JOB TOO SHALL H. o. t'J>C!enc>n 101' I:. BaJb6a Blvd,. Ba.Ibo& Harbor 24&0 83ttc %30 90tb St.. Newport. Beach II.arbor WS ?'fo. llH ===-=::=::::::::::::=---"""':''=::::::::::::=~:-:=:::=~ Newa·Pr•• fl/JI, to 1 14. tNG ~a. ... e:. ... ,. ... ____ .,, .. _ ---. .. --- PAINTING JNTDUOR -EX'TERJOR LICENSED -INSUR.ED Glenn Johnston 50l • Sl.t It. N.-pcin a..dl ll&r~ ll'Tt lltlc COMPLEl'E PAIN'l'lNG 6 Paper Raqiq Sernee EUOars o. umm-.a 6CIO llat St,_\, Newpet1 8Mtb llar'Mr •lt • llar. tt4t. tlc House Plans FOR RENT Skill llawe, Elec. Dl11J1, Poliahera, all typu or Sander• •• WhMlb&r· row1, etc. BOYD'S HDWE. 2630 W. COAST HlOHWAY Ubert)' W t". Newport Bob 21tlc CARPENTER Repair Work 0... 1'ou.r Home NMCI fteJ*rtn& or Remodtllns T Call f'rank, Liberty ,._M A.U W orlr Ouuuteed 1 tttc Elec. Tool Repair lkll aa..., I>nl11, Bandar• QUICK IERVICll .LEWCO ELECI'R.IC CO. t:it No. Newport BIYd .. Npt. Bch. Ll'btrty I-Ula. Httc Hou. Reps.In Boat RepUn ASTOR'S REP AIR IJ:RVICE LOST -Blue Par11ktP0t "Prf'ltV Boy" on "Llttleu B11lbr1a l8l&111i. Tue11day morning. Rcwarcl Ph Harbor 3fl38-~(. 66r6-'> LOST-Parakeet drvp blur. nsme•I "Pele " In Ballx.10., T11c~d11y, J une IHh. Phnne C:l11•1\!t, lint. 61!1 d11y1; or Har 327ts·J """" 6ic6!1 LADY trom 11110011 Ion wo0f1<"n purH with rf'd plastlr hanrllf'- ·on BaJbn11 l11lanrl Clendal" Cltru11 2·4 i36 I l'OllMl I. 6ic61l LOST-Ta<"klt> box Mnt111n1111t :I reel•. et<'. Left bv l..nni: 11 F'or .. 1 tlavt'n, CC1ron11 '"I Mar Rllll• Beach-Sunflay. JunP 12. l.lb"Mll ~ward for return I•• l...ong·11 f'O"d H•ven, or call Ed~rwoo•I 4·~82. 6 ciO l~OST Black • white k1 lt~n :1·6 mo. old. B11ll>l•a V1!!l11 1 rnrt c•n )(on .. June 20lh. (.;all Llh,.rt y J.4tJ89 tsllt i i H S~ lutruction -China Painting ~ and a:..tn1 a..... Ordva T&Jmi Now no.~~ Hlte GIRLS - IT'S A GIRL'B WORLD! . Anrl v11U'll llJ:ltl" wh"n ynu h .. ar ot the m:iny J"b opportunall• s l•1r 1p111 hf ••>I , .. un~ wum~n m our bu;.i111 s~ t•Jduy OPE:'\!:'\\.~ :':0\\' ,.-oil TELEPHO~E OPERATORS Appl)-M<>noltoy lh1 1111i;h F r1d11y !II I'• :':11 ;\18.ln Sl. 9 C•U to 4 00 p.m. Jlr11in1 211. S11 nta Ana PACirIC TELEPHO~E 22trc \\'A:'\T lllrl\' t•t<·k fur pn\'MIP 1'11111, • H• ff'l 1"11< • • 1.t\" In Ii'"'" ..sl111 '" 1'1111 H111 JRl:t l\f!t 711 CIJOI( "' """n•!A1t" f"r July & A 11~11~l Hlllh"" :':1•e 1""111 1tnil buth. Har. 1;1.:3 Sol. lhru M•,n- KEY l 'l':'\C:H <J1'£RATOR Wom11n w1Lh knnwl .. rl • 11( I RM 402 IHU•Unlllll( fllll< 11111" It I• produrer :, d11y w"!'k P trr1111 nl'nt. Apply I ill! PIACe11J I• ro-.tA Ml'n , Sal. J ione 2;, ii 1 U ~ m. ' 6D' 8·MM 16·MM 15·)0( HOBBY and MODEL AlRf'LANE 8 UPPI..Jltl ALSO Gelgoor Counters tor nnL Mears Camera Shop l ';82 N~WJ'IOfl Blvd .. Colll& Mea Phol'fe Lfberty 8·7042. Pr tt 's t :RF ('AliTl:':G K<itl and 'Pena rttl 11ll1:ht1v 11-tol J IO, Hottman, 2~ v 1cl1111" st , c·t•&ta M,111. 69p CEME.'.\'T MIX,.:R. ~lectr1c. Oood <'•tnl11llrm 1:1(• nr trade for tAhll' "8V.'. W 8·20t 2, 168 Alber& f'I , C. ;\I 611c71 -------------Large aviary and 25 para- keets $25, all mated and pro- duttng. 112 Onyx, Balbo& 1 .. land. JIArbor 2133. 69c7) ORIGINALS AFTF:H~OON, C~k\111. dlnn,.f da"'•""• It <.'oonJln»t,.s. Custom Dressmaking Ph. H1H lH1r :1208·R. 65p6t \~TlQl:ES -OM tu mlture, cut i:lua. lu.mr1. old plcture11. clocu ,.tr. Bargain" g11 l'>re. BtJ di .. r ounu lo dr1&lf r1. Charlie Davia, 1805 E An11.b.UU ~·• Lone Bt&ch. f50-U8. •t.t• I 11 ' . .. .. -.. 11 I' ~ I~ 11 1~·. 11· h I I' f I I, ' 11 \ .. " • P,i;GE 4. PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS S!-A-AJt~o~ THURSDAY, JUNE 23 , 1955 BRASS and mllk 1lua 11Ans 1n1 --------------------..,...-----~,1 lamp. cherry drop leaf lablt, H-Funtlture for s.&e · Stl ot 8 maple Jlninc nn. l'halra. pint tlnlah. nah 1eata. u cellml condition. Ph. Har. 3107. 6k70 i/v'Check These Used Cars Cabanas Marinas Buy from ·a local dealer who will M here TOMORROW to back up what be tell• TODAY : Dale's Furniture Lido Peninsula, East 31.st St.. Npt. Bcb. Chinese .creen 2 panel1 ..... _ ...... -. _ .. 49.50 Marble t op table . . .... ·-·-· .......... . ..... . 39.~ 9 cu. ft. Creeley, late model auto. defrost 8helvado~ crou-top freear ········-··-····· .. . 1~.00 AlAO l'"te model Phllco, 9 cu. !t. Retrlg with SAlLBOAT, Snowbird -•• le- make offer. 2839 Stanbrld&e. Lonr Beach. 87dl9 TRADE New 1955 P~mouths Only $296 OFFERS Delightful living. Apt.-Ctba.nu. Utilitiea paid. with Yacht alip accomodationa. Daily, weekly. mozithly, yarly. C1"08l·top freeur ................... .......... . . ...... 150.00 6 cu. ft. Servele, good cooditjon, late model11 69.50 1874 Harbor, Cotta Mesa 68c69 S-uutul 70.!t. aux. .choaner. F'Ully round, ro anywhue. WlU ta.le• equity tn property or fmll· ler boat. 1220 W. Ba.Ibo& Blvd •• Newport. Ha.r. 3032. 39tlc Down* For appt. or reaervation_. Call 8.r. 2992. 3'tte 41-Auto Service BRAKE SPECIAL C:HRYSLER Manne enrtne. 4 i, lo l reduction gear. REFRJO!:.RA TOR. 110 volt D. c. SEE JACK HARPER at Lldo Shipyard, end ot 3h t Street, Newport Beach.. 29tlc Low monthly bank terms on balance ... durtnr June Foreign auto brake job, by expert 4S-AJ!t&. & Ho.uwa for Rat Choice Summer Rentala on Balboa laland ll Udo lale 8m&LI 6 cosy Ol' l&rl'• 6 Mlua• 17~ to 1300 moot.II UNIVERSAL ru llOVI', I burn· er., 2 ovena. broiler. warmer. Make otter. Har. 31M. 87p69 SEE VOGEL CO. mechanics 2oa Martn• ...... BaJboa w.ad POT BEU.Y STOVE. 118 an· t lque roU top OfllCc! 1M41k • ch.air SS-0. G. !: ,_..,,,.tor, $711, wroufM Iron. floor lanipe, Terra cot& pa tio um1. Allmlral TV ,.honr-radlo ronllOlt', etc. L.l 8· 4192. 2963 Clltc Dr. Newport HPtJhlA. . 6kl9 F OSTORIA luncheon 1et. M pc . rose, I ii' :)0 Wedcewood table lop r1u1Ke. l'xcellent condition. l30. Two tW1n HoUywood bed fr&mf'I $:) 407 mom1n1 Can· yon Roi., Corona del Mar. Har- Washing Machine ~ER VICE l-year0 ru•r&ntff on Joba done and on u.ed wuhere 2488\~ (rear) Newport Bl., Coeta M-. Liberty 8-4~3 or Llberty 8-4327. 64Uc CHRlS CRAFT 26 ft. cabln crul1er new radio and engine. Many extra... WW trade tor Coron11 del Mar property or T.D. Ph. ~.u. :)331>-W. ~lie Lou Reed and Associates TODAY AT $18.95 & Up, Ph.. ffarbor 444 or Harbor 1151 We future SUDDEN 1trvlce. Ru. Her. 178e·R or Har. 106i-K 14Uo Hausken Motors Inc. -------sTumo APT .. J>llrlla.lly tum.i.tiect. 11132 Harbor Blvd., Coal& M'•• Al.a unt urnlAhetl 1tudlo loft. SNIPE No. :)93<1 l.ll cxrellent con· dlllon. Boat cover 11111• and trail· er Owner leavrng A will lake ~st oft er. Har. 602 daya, Har. 2306 R eves. Utfc 1200 West Coast Highway *or Equivalent used car Newport Beach LI 11·50:'11-Ll 8-83111 ~9c72b Spare appro•. 1rio<> eq. rt. Will ATrENTION Nash-Hudson t lnl#h to aull tenant. Open to othra. Blvd. l~llon. lt&& 8o. Coul Blvd., t..iu~ lkh. HTatl •·6'97. ~Uc SZ-FUftllture for Salf' bOr O~J:t.fK. ' 68p70 ------------- J FOUR BURNER atovee wilh oven• $20 A 130. Unpainted vanity $( amall Strvtl reftlg. 136. Walker ror Invalid with >rlra 11ttachment1 U :'i. Harbor 1117 .J 68lfc 1000 J:M.BOSSED buelne1111 cards '3.99 3 Line Rubber Stamp Sl.00 • Line Rubber Sta.mp wllh cut U .00 r 884 ruts) Book Matchu Mesa Woodcraft Unpainted • J uvenlJe J'umllure Lge. reclinmg pat.lo chalre .. $3.96 Sliding door Clb. H i1x.24xM H 76 Lge. i.lld door wardrobe . . ,32.60 Minw•• and DeCl tlnlshce Ordera taken for ehulters 2121 Harbor. c M. U berty 8-164~ Good Used FURNITURE ·- L. W. WHITE Liberty 8·4011, tv'4 ~I OAK poster, lwln betls It 8-:Sl50 epnnge. -· . S~el pptfc ROW.AW A Y Hollywood bed and ____ D_lD __ Y_O __ U_KN_O_W_____ epringa . ...... .......... $l 9.~ CHROME dinette Ml (Large table lhat Ray Fleld•, the Lido Drue le 4 chalra) .. ... .. ....... $29.60 jeweler the put 11 yr• .. haa new BABY CRIBS. high cla1re etc. locaUon al 19th and PlaetnUa ! LIKE NEW • blond dreHer, bench Vista Center. C. It(. Comp. Une large mirror ·-...... _ $36.110 nal. advert~d watchea A clfta 3 way, 4 way, :> way floor al popular prlcu . OPEN June 1 lamJ>ll . . _ . $3.70 lo ~ 70 Ph. Llberty 8-8488. 5:>c69h 4 APT. SIZE 110Caa .. $7 l o '18 --------------------1 Near Nu Furniture Mart Original Models COCKTAIL DRESSES, eu1U, 1pu. d.resaeia .le fonnala. St&u 14·16. Some NEW-ALL perfect contt. ALSO "• length modern atyle China m ink coaL Sell below cost. W rile Box A·89, tbl1 new1· paper. eottc Fresh Hearing Aid BAITERI.ES We Give 86:H Oree.a Stampa Gunderson Drug Co. Main St. a l Balboa Blvd .• Ba.Ibo& Harbor 61:>. Htlc Ju.rt like new, . .. $211.:SO W ALN1JT bedroom Hl, vanity, l larf e mirror, cheel A bed $49.50 2819 Newport Blvd. Npt Bcb Ph. Har. :)392 68c70 TELEPHO!l.'E STAND °' chair '$:). t&ble Ja.mps 17.60 each, night stand $10, :l coffee tablu $1~ each, 3 end tables S8 eech, Rat· , tan cha.Ir $12.50, 6 n. cork lop coffee table $2:>, 3 6 h.p. out· board motor $3:>. Har. '233·M 68c70 BL.ACK WALNUT book cue. Holly 1aa range. 2 ovene, A grill, CHEAP! DI.nett• a pc. Pb.llco re-Lau.n.dromat. automaUc wuber. rrigeralor A: l'U ...,,.... couch. 327 Poppy, Coron& del Ma.r. Har. vanity, It.mp• A mtac. IJ fallon 24~-W wee.k daya after :):30 Butllllt t.a.nk. donut equip. 123~ or week ends anytime. 68p70 2:)th, Newport Beach. 87p6t DA.VE.NPOB.T W. chair UO. Drop YARDAGE Inventory Sale on Dulgn•r'• F abr1c1 al Whole.al• Pricu . MARGIE WEBB 19:>e So. Coe.st Blvd. L&fUOt ~ach 13 tee Business Card Special DELUXE embo111ed card11. 13.00 ~r 1000 with lhll ad. F:xp1rea June 27th. Mall Copy ind Check today. FOX AiJV.. 709 E. Crnter, Ana- heim. KEystone :)-H 97. 6:>c70 GLADIOLAS, CUT FLOWERS 50~ BUNCH 176:> Oran1e Ave, C01la Mua. Hp7:)h 30-B--A~pli~-<!8~~~~­ J une Clearance 1 Fr1gidaln1 Automatic Wuher. like new . .$911.5() Euy 1pln drier nm1 perfect 59.!IO Br ndlx auloma lll'. good cont! H 50 Speed Queen wrtncer very <'lean, run• ok : . 34.:)0 O'Keete Merril rangt' 36" Perteet cond. .. :>O leaf dlninr table, • cluura S20. Table top 1love 120. Twin be~. box •PrlnP A framta U O. Obie. mattrue, 1pring• A rramee, 11:). Rad.lo, record pklyer COl\.IOle $1:). Wa.ah111g machtne U O. Dreaatra, la mp1, t&blu. ml11C. 510 AUao, Newport Hu . Liberly 8· 7437 68p69 MAHOO Duncan Phyfe din. table. 8 uph chairs. Roee frleu bed divan. Club ehl!..lr. Radio. All xlnt condition. 31!1 Jn.1. Corona del Mar. Har, 4690·J No Sal· urdaya. 68p70 DEN ROCKER A root stool, red imltallon teal.her, I J:i. Harbor 1039·M 68r 70 Frigidaire, 8-C.F. hke new $100 Dining lJlble 4 uph. chairs $ 3<; L.lv. nn. •el, blonde Cln., btd di· van, eaay chair, coffee laJ>le, de•k. 2 tnd tal)lea, JTiodem. 1trHn flowered . . $ l 00 18 B&lbo& Covu . Har. 1100\i\'. 118r•o UPHOLSTERED CHAIR. '20. 4 chrome bre&kfu t ch.air•. S3 9!'> u ch. Pleaee call LI 8·8326. 68c70 DISPOSING of t umllure °' •qu,p· ment from my rea.l utai.. otllce -Including ('ray 8teel deeka, rha.1r9, c&blnd•. typcwrltera. dleplay 11gna, wicker recepUon furniture ttr. See FRED CROSIER, 31130 Eut 27 FT. Aux. 1loop with Gray Su. Seoul cmg1ne. Cull aull good S11ll11. 2 bunks, gallty and head. New 1ta1nless steel rigging. just painted complftely S week.11 •1:0. 13400. LI 8-1687 66trc MERCURY SUPER 10 outboard motor. Used only 16 hNi. $HO. 611 No. Bay Front, Balboa I~· lamt Har. 3246·M. 67tJc Catamaran S11bre Cat Model No. 18. Perfect u lle-All elffl trailer included. Only one year old, Only $745 See al LOU REED .. Asaoc. 1200 W. Cout Hlfhway. Newport Bea.ch LI 8·3488 88c70 $180 18 ft. motor • aall made by Olde Towne Co., Conn. Gluat'd deck, beauUful line.t. :) h.p. Ben· d1x motor A .1atl. Jiat painted tor sea.on bul owner miat leave June 30. Hat. H 97·W S8c70 40-Aatoe and Truck• fO-Autoa and Trucks June1Petla1 1954 DE SOTO 4 dr. sedan. tile blue, R & H, auto. trans. Excep. clean car . ... .. . ... $1,995 1952 NASH 4 dr. sedan, Radio, Heater, O'drive, 2-tone green. Very clean. 'only .................... $895 1952 DE SOTO 6, 4 dr. sedan, 2 tone grey. Beauti- ful blue upholstery. R&H, only . . ... ... . ..... $1,245. 1951 CHRYSLER Windsor, light grey. 4 dr. sedan. Bought new by owner, still looks new ...... Sl,145. Many low priced transportation cars, only $25. dn. LOU REED CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER 1200 West Co8$t Highway. Phone Llberty ~3486 M-MuslcaJ, ~lo.TV -10-Auto~ for Sale See Baldw.in Piano EV!.:'\'RUDE 7~ h. p. outboard. & Organ Display actcr only 60 hn. running $160. WOODWORTH PIANO CO. Wan I 3 h. p'. Evlnrude or O~ h. p. G. M. C. TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS Johnson. Har. 1616 days. Kl 1318 Coast Bl•d., Corona del M.u 0-2•132 eve-i. 68p73 (Thaden Interior Bide.I -------------------Har. 3382 116 ~c Drake Craft OWNER MUST SELL IM· MEDIATELY. 26 ft. Express cruiser-very fast. Has every- thing! NO REASONABLE OFFER retueed. GRAND PIANOS. Many lo rhoo1e trom. Knabe. Mason .t Hamlln, Stuyve-se.nt. Cable. Extra. 1pec- 1al. Story & Clark irrand, i ood condition $395. Another ~peclal. Beautlrul Sluy\'uanl. tlM 11hape, i:>85. Alao 1or1aoue Knati. $1170.. Save on many othera. See at 37 Balboa Coves, New-DA.'IZ·SCHMlDT Big Plano Store port Beach or phone HAr. Santa Ana. 520 No. At.a.In, 3254. -69c71H Alwaya 100 p1anoa. P'LOA T for bo&t up to 20 n. $1:> mo. 3~4 Marcu•. Newport Beat'h. ( aee week encta. only) ELECTRONIC ORGAN two man· u8.l almost like new. S&\'e 1800 DANZ·SCH~UDT,520 No Malo. Sant.a Ana. 6H!c :\ell.I' City HIJI 69p7l ------------------- SAILING k\t tor 8 fL PrtLm com· plele wtth &all. never been u!ed. l iO. Har. 4368-M 69c71 12 IT. ROW BO AT A 3"2 h. p. HAM.MONO OROA.'11, Spinet mod Shgbtly Ulle-d. Good Mving on this. Also Hammond Chvrd Or· gan. Euy to play. DANZ·SCmu.DT, 620 No. Main, Santa Ana. Elgin motor, never run, buoy --------------- '46 GMC i~ T. Pickup. '1i FORD 1, T. PJckup. ':>I FORD ') T. Pickup. '!\2 CHEVROLET l.,. T. ·~4 GMC '~ 'I'. P ickup. HydrB•f08tlC ltllni!. Panel. ·oo CHEVROLET 'a T. Pickup. '01 motor, powerfllt.e trana. ·~o GMC I T. F latbed, duals. ':>2 CH-EVRObE'f' 1 'I'. Panel. ':>2 CllEVROL.ET 2 T. l i9" WB, 8:2:> llru, 2 spred. ':>4 DODGE, 2 T. 4 yd. dump. :i Spe<'d. 8:2:. Tln>s. ':)l GMC 10 Whl'el dump. B·L Trana , 9.00 Tires. -\\'e have the largest aelect!.!fl oC ui.l'•I t ruck• in Orange CdJnly. All 11tzt>11 ancl lype;1 at pn cu that can not be beat. W.W. WOODS s u:i. 4026 Channel Place, New- port J11land. 69p 120 B A d• OMC DEALER aSS CCOr IOn 616·19 E. •th SL Santa Ana CA NOE 18 fl. m&hof . lamina· ed. copper nail headJJ, 1100. 107 Abalone. Balboa Island. 69c7l BEAUTJF'UL Teal< Lady Sloop. llleeps 2. nylon .sa.11.a. Aux. motor wllh 1·everse xear. Full t'Over. reL'IOnablf'. May trade. Rar. 41 17 69r71 18 FT. DAY CRUISER -Newly µalnted ahlp to llhore radlo-b&ll tank with electric cir culator - 45 h.p. Gray marine motor. near Like new. Sacrifice. Open Sunday a.m. Truck headquarters for Orange Co. Phone Llberty 8-2237 -------- :>6p12 SPINET PIANOS. Rental retul'l\ll like new elc. You will alway11 tlr.d wondertuul aavln"ga In lh111 dcpl. J\f nny make& and m0del11. Mirror type Spinet niahogany rmish S:?87. Another ln maple (~IJih $39:1. DA!'\Z.SCHMJOT, 020 :"o. Mato, Santa Ana. '52-. Lincoln CAPRI 4 DOOR Radio. Healer lfy1lr11m11tlC'. Pnwrr Brake11. Power Windows, r ower Seat -A J ust drive It and frel the powerful V 8 engine -It's rl""n and only $1699 n•»•'. Sacrifice for S960 (sick· ------------------ots.sl Har. 0133·M. 68ci 3 LOVELY Bungii.Jow upright pmno In perfect condll1 on S3~ i!I down I al WANT TO REN'T tor July amt I U .75 per month al I -N August a allp to accommodate SHAFER'S Music Co. (SUlrel90iJ JOHNSON & SO 30 ft. length. 9 n.. beam motor 421-423 N. Sycamore, Santa Ana LINCOL:'\. MERCL'kY crut.Mr. Call Har. 1838. 68c70 Phone Klmberly 2--06i2. 1100 \\', C't11L'l Hwy 16 Ct. LYMAN outboard boat, 25 hp Johnaon, Cover, wheel-with 11nchor•J'9 if dulrfd. A BAR· GAIN! Har. 4078 88C70 $5 PER. MO. rents good pra.cUcc piano. All tenn rrnt allowed If I IJlt''ll 'Lill 8 ;)U \'Vl'flllll:' LI 8· r.r,4 ~. oarrer• cl Sattler rangt 38" Vtlry clPa n 3U O Cout Highway. Cnron11 d'I Mar -18--...,.-. _C_A_B_IT"N-,-100-p-. -3--b-un--ks-. 68c7S you buy. Good used pracli('e pla · J AO ~la1k \'IJ ·02 Louks hke '!'>5 nOll 189, 1.125, 11 37. 11:>0 and up I Prrle('l cond1t1un. 22,000 miles. Ea.sy temll. Bl'.'~l orrrr. Har. H ·J 68r70 \ ·nive~I ~lfl:lrtc rR.n~• BED-DIVA!':. matching chair SJ:), 2 oven•. llke new · • 99.:so Dbl bed with Slmmohll lnner- Kelvlnator retrlg. II rt Ch~an 39 50 ~prlng m1ttt. A. box aprings $3:1. ColdapoL rl'frlg 6 cf AJll slir 49.:iO Ribbon ma.hog. dresser cl chul. Norge rttr1g. 6 er · .... fl!l.!'>O S20 Carree t11ble 12. Mahog. Sf'rvel rerrlg. 6 er .. · 69·!\0 <hnmg chair w;1rms S:'I.: 2 Kirby vac. cleaner, 4 moe. old lahl~ IR.mpl! l l u . Ma.ho~. :> with a Uachment• 7~.00 11helr Wh•tnot 11:i. 1/8" mottlect Olhtr vac. cleanere trom .... H .M> rrd It blaC'k rubber rnnner11 Everythl.ng ruar&{IUt>d. Free 2:>' • 28" Wardrobe lntnk $1~. dellvery and ln•tall&tlon. Oce Bl d Mad, new eallA. Dinghy, Sl200 3108 L!Lfayettr, Newport Bearh. Harbor 1020 68\Cc Slip & Rowboat Spac:e for Rent DA)i;Z·SCHM.lDT DI~ Piano storr Sant& Ana, 620 No. Mal 0 n. I t ST A TION WAGON Another Special. ·.i Forw ·squin· R1r11. o nr HAJ.L\10N.D Spinet orgl.\I\, ln ftne \'oi .\' o•lra.n. or 1i:-111RI owner SMt:-.i • condJtlon. Big aavlngs. C•)nv<'n· 1-1 .. rt>or 4076, 68ri 0 tent terms al - SHAFER'S Mu111c Co CSlnr o 1907) :1•1 JA11UAR Xl(120M morllflPd A m~rl<'M Legion 216·16lh St. 421-423 N. Syca.more. Santa Ana Meetings 2nd. 4th Wed. 8 p.m Pbone Klmberly 2.06;2. ;•unv l1kt' nrw. pnw<lrr t>lu,., PRtf Oranp County'• l!ir1tl'1!t aelectlon whit" orion top. 1.ever rar,.11 -----------,--------of Cine org&n~. low mllr11gr, original owner. Ha r ----------------1 ~>H2 ' 63cT:. STROOTS Ha.rd-'R, Houaewvea an v .. Be..lboa. Har. 60 1802 Newport Blvd., Coet& Mea& -------------------~68ce-ll 34-lluelcial. a.dlo, TV LI 8·3426 6!!t811 ·UNUSUAL large coffee t&ble. ex· ------------- , 8£R..YEL refrigerator. Cood con· dlUon. C&ll Har. 12 for appoint· mant to aee. 88c70 Used Automatics S39.50 to $99.50 cellent tor family rQOm ... -SlOO Beauttt\JJ round ma.hor. latnp table . .. . . . 140 AnUqut EngUah wa.Jnut bed. bo• 1prlng 6: malt.nu . . Sl!IO Marble lop dreuer _.. Si:> 2 lamp• . .. $20 cl S40 RICHARDSON'S ANCHORAOE Kar. 369 69c71 DIU\1-.d tulall~ ruarantffd. VERY Rf,;ASONABL!: -Brand t Ttrma Available new G. E . d.lahwa.aher. (COllt 17" KA.HOO dfuole Wevtalo11 M6 27" TV w1Ul am 6 Im radio, J •peed record pla.yer (rt· duc.ed 1300) Now ... . . . $'60 M-Dop, eat., P!_!A __ _ SEAL POI~T Sl&mue kitten.a I rt&aan&ble. Har. lHO daya ur LI 8·2419 n es. 68<'i 0 RCA Victor, Hlgh·Fldellly, S ------------------- 11peed phonograph. mahog. F'REE to g00l1 homu contole w1th tull door1, n1· BEA I.. "TIF\JL K.1TTE1'S, ducec:\. $1 00, Come tn and 3408 C>eea.n Blvd., Corona dtl M11r ... ,_ Har. o~w 68c70 Jaea.r uu .. one_ ...... only .. 198 FX Table radio• .. .. f 29,9:> --=--------------- TELEVISION RE~'TALS . S9-A.utoe Wanted '53 Chrysler :-;EWYORKER 4 dr>Or WI lh -' Radii\ Heater. Powtr Strerlng. Brake11 and AutomaUc Dnve $1799 •t SS•Ol w!U •ell for 1200. L(e. We Service All Appliance. Duncan Phyfe ma.hog. dining Tarter Television Coo:lr"\. WANT TO BUY Specialldng in Automatics 11el, 6 chaire. n~. Alao 12" TWO LOCA TIONB I c;J 1 used JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN· MERCURY 11()() W. COut Hwy. Auto. Wuher Ente'tpriMe buttet ioo. 'Hotpoint fl cu. rt. 2904 1:. Ooul Hy .. Corona del M.ar c ean cars. 1848 Newport Blvd., <:o.ta. Meaa refrlg. In iilnt. condlUon U~O A 274 Broadwa y, Lacuna. B.ac.h WILL PAY TOP PRICE. Wiii con· l..nienr 1-?llOI (Near Golf Co 1 Walnut 11tcN11.&ry, only $60. Ni. Ha.r. 6491 or HYatl •-~16 •Im too. Why worry about atll· Open 'Hll 8 :30 f'venlnr• LI 8-6!)6.:) u;:!, L.ampe " end tablet. 19e7 All.to 68c70 ln1 your car! See UL -n-" Ave. Llberty 8-3233. lltt~ ----------------&ARL OOODRU)( M.oton , 11146 -For a dependable Wied cu, ... ----------1 -.-------W.ANTICD 60 USED PIANOS for Harbor Bl~ .. Coat& Mua. 62Hc your loc&l du.l,e.r who will be tiue 11-Wuted to Buy WALNUT din ing table It 5 r haJr1. our bll renta.I dept. Blsb..t ca.ab 'l:QMCIRROW to beck •P wh&t h.• In food condition U2. JA04 allowuce In trade tor Orpn, PJUVATE PARTY wan~ to buy WANTl:D-Rtt oC h11l1U1rf'rl f'llC M11rru11. Nt'wport ~ach. 11.e Spln•l pl&nO'. or Orud piano. 'M cw 'M Cllev. Plym. or F ord wll1 TOOA1'1 Check tti. uM;<t ;~~~8-. man II fl JO" ~;~. wt'ek ende on~) NMr Ctl)~~~ D~;.!'C~, UO No.. )(&Jn, ~W:nig;':.:._c711~~ :;. 111 "!'• d&Nttted .ct.I°" to· ---. --..::.--.......---------- owners Rioh Hahn's Garage ~A-AJ!ta. for Keat Aulhorii:ed Para 6 Service 84 T VU:W APT. on Lido Penln· a.tao Good TransportaUon .ula. New A: a ttracUve pa.nailed $1295 Cara J'or Sa.le Uvlnr room, 2 bdrma. J'or )'Mrly • Auto Radio Repair ...... Pb. Har. 27111 or Ha~:s~~~ New French Renault 409 E. 29th St. 4 door •ed&n. 60 mllu pu ration. Payments-1311 per mo. Bank or America flnanclnJ IMMEDIATE Delivery Hausken Motors Inc, 1932 Harbor Blvd., Co1ta Meu u 8-6001 LI 8-6311 68lfc 'M CHEV. V-8 Bel-Air. Sport cpe. "DEMONSTRATOR" -f:>-00 OFF! Outstanding beautitul, harveel gold, 180 h.p. twl.n EXH kit. Radio, P.G. trana .. •le. - ART LARSON, 696 So. Cout Blvd., Laguna. HY•tt •·77H . 6ltlc JAGUAR M Mark VU u dan. wht. with ro:d leather. automatic transml!!Jslon. P"rfect cond .. 1dw mileage. original owner. Harbor 5ti2. 63c76 19/H SUN VALLEY MERCURY, Newport Beach, Rar. 4726. 3:Sttc BARGAIN PRJCl!l 1953 28 ft . de- lwte Vlklnr Tra.Jler with alumi- num root cabal'la. Well f\lm. twin bed•. Sleep• :>. e•cel. cond. lo be moved out of N~rl Munlclp•l Tn.ller Park. See owner Sunday at No. 111, above park 10:30 a . m. to 3 p. m. or ca.II 0. J . Gregg 1886 Jamee p I a c •, Pomona. LYcomlnf 9·020I 89c 1964 MAYFLOWER TrUler, com- pleta bath, Udo Tra.lltr Park, Har. 3238. Nile LI 8-7372 or aee Ren• ~~ SbavlnJ Mu~. Hc71 PALACE TRAILER, 28' complete with new awning. Sacrifice $1:>9:> Bayshore Trailer Park - Mr. Stelllno. 68p70 FOR RENT-Va.caUon 16-tl. howie trailer by week or month. 133 East 6th St., Costa Meea. 88p70 SALE or TR.A.DE -1950 house lraJler 27 H. WW UJ<e U ft. ramping tra.ller u pUt 133 • 4!1 Sl. Har. 20:l7WK. 68c70 all power equipment. t t'rm1. Call 47-Wanteid f() Rent owner, LI 8·3683 or Ll 8·6223. Mttc Rentals Wanted ----------------- 154 Mere. Convert. Radio, Healer, Power Braku, O\'erdnve -One owner 16.000 mllea -Bllle111weet rrduced t o $23.99 at JOHNSON & SON LI:\COL:'\ • MERCl'RY 900 W. Con-'l Hwy. Optn 'lill 8::10 .-vemngs LI 8-5r14:) MERC'EDES Immaculate rompl. equipped 19~:1 llt'rlu 300. Radio, healer. 1111 le11lher uphol1lery Low mllr11geo $:)800. ROSAN INC, 2901 W. Cout Hwy. ~ewport Dearh. 68c70 194 7 PAn<ARD Cltpper-nf'fll .t merh!Ullca lly perCt>cl. WSW llrei<, Ral"llo A hlr Good 2nd l:Ar for family, S H10 Clk'lh. t41lll Har. 2894·R. 88r 73 19~1 PLYMOUTH Station wagon Xlnl. conl"lltlon $996 Owner. LI 8·3003. 67c69 MG I.Ate :'>3. Blar k. :'\lxon m a.nl· fnld New rondll1nn. 19,000 mllPI' 1120 W 20th, ('"1)11l11 Mesa. 811p7l Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 6 Cyls. . ....... -... -.. $48.88 We 11eed 11.pta and hou.u In &JI MCUona tor l>Olll wtnter &Dd 71&1"1 1-. Furn. or untum. U you have a vacancy, phone tod&y The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Cat. Hwy~ Newport Bch. Pbone Liberty W48J 208 JQnne, Balboa lal&nd Phone HILJ'bor •" 2667 E. c o .. t Hy., corona de.I Mar Phone Harbor l 741 Lido OWce, 3416 Via U do Harbor 4971 32tfc \\'A;'\T TO RENT-2 bdrm. hou!!e. yrly leSIU'. Furn. or unCurn. onl' rh1ld. Mrs. Clark, Har·. 16\0·R or 106i'·R. ~9p71 GARAGE or c1u• apace within cne block of Day Island. Har. 117lt0. 67p69 Quiet rpl. with :.m. <log have boat a t Bal. Wllllt yr. round room. W ill bt '1nw11 weekenl111. Un· torn ok. • Ph. collf'<'l AXmlnsler 3·9i0J. 68p69 WANT nice room with twin bed• A h&lh on BalbOll bland for Ju. ly a, Augu11r .. w 111 pay 1100 mo. Har 1381R. 68c70 48-Apts. &! B~mes ___ _ RENTAL v. SPECIALISTS Ca.II Edna Cra.l& Blanche Gates, Rltr. 311 Manni Ave. U&lboa Itta.rid, Har. 1671 12tfc SUMMER RENTAL-2 br. furn. hou.se. So. or Hwy, Corona del Mar. Retu-0nablc. 'FITZMORRJS REALTY CO. BR4 ND NEW 2 bdrm. unturn. •SU.. $811 mo. at 1800 Hann Pll<'e, Cllrt Havan. Phone Ha.r. 41C!2-W. 66tfc STUDJO furn. apt., 1ummn rent, 1811 mo. year ln.ae S46. 804 Larbpur Ave., Corona del Mar. 18 c70 F URNlSHED l ~rm. a.pt. ball\. Prell7 paUo. Gar•I'•· Near bch. S~ Wffk. Ph. U i-11120 t 8c70 NO. II BEACON BAY -Summer rent&!. Spaclou. tum. apt .. 1leepa 4, overiOokln• bay. June lllth- Sept. Uth., ~00. month. ALSO will talc• teffrvatlon tor winter. Har. 2471, courlt>I)' to ageT1l1. <13Uc; CHAJl:NEL FRONT tum . apts - l & 2 btdrm• .. pi\tto A BBQ, l blork tio Ullo 11hop8 and bus 2 bcdrm. low•r $ 1~0 mo. Lo St>Jlt l[>th, l bedrm. up~r ha.a 161,it 20' lJv. rm. with be11ut1ru1 view ot bay ,covee la ch1o.n11el, SUM· MER -or S80 mo. on yea1 ly lt'ue. Apt. 2, 81 ~. 36lh Sl. Nl'W• porl Beach. 67r69 HARBOR ,APTS. Modem furnl11bed apts. day, week or month Near bu•. alone A bfty. ReNonable r&lM. 104 II. Bay A.VI., BALBOA Harbor :>JU . 17Uc FL'RNISHED Al'Tl' in h1•A1 l oC BuJboa. 120 wk. " up. 'fa.kin~ reaervaUona now. 917 E . li•I· boa Blvd., Balboa. Har. 1';°29-J. 621'74 ENJOY BALBOA ISL.A~D Ir 1he beach thlll 1ummer tor vtry 111· tie n •nl. Small comp&f l 11pt. 1 .. r 2. 111z, of hou.se t raJle1, SJO Jl''' week. Har. 2128·M. liltf•· Summer Rentals WAC:>;ER POINT-W11tertrnnt 6 other11. Ralo $20 we•'k MU 11p ('hll<tren wclt•tl111r. :'\o P• I~ pleuP. Fcnr eJ yard. Ph. Harlxir 1217-J . 4ltC<" Summer Rentals e Exclusive Bay Front.II + other choice propertie. Harbor !&I.and, Bay Shoru, Bea- con Bay, qualltled cll1nta only. Harbor Investment Co. Yarbor 1800 (Evta, LI 8·:>388) 27Uc BALBOA rum. modem ll bdnn. apt. n•ar bay A octan. Larr• pat.o. Summer or yaarly. 103!\ W. a a lboa Blvd. Sllttc NEW 3 BORM. unrum. boll.le, rar· age, di9'0aal, lhllnno. hut, $80. month. %13·211t 8t , Coat& Men . LI 8·318t or OXford •-•651. t7tfo FOR LEASE '8 Cyls. . ..................... $58.88 lncludrs both labor 11nd part11. Harbor 2J :S2 67c69 7 room unrurn•h•d ra.nch home, 3 ~dnn1, 3 bt.lh11. cuut house. 11w1mmlnr pod, garage, corral 1ntt p1111ture f~r aaddle hone•. Slralhmore ranch-One 6 thrM· quutrre mllu mutheut of San New rln~~. w1111t pin~. vAlvt grind. fittings or main and rod hearings. Expert motor lune UJl. !Ill-day or 4.000 mlle i;11Rr11ntee. !NO MONEY T>OW:-1). REBUILT ENGINES -t.iP to 16 MONTHS TO PAY- Bullt In our own f11ctory by •killed mAchlnl11ts. Don't contend with thP mlddle man. Buy th rt>Cl 3 BEDRM. house. 2 b11lha with 3 bdrm. apt. UJll!l&lr11. 12r10 monlh ot July or 185 ptr week. 141 7 Weet Oal)l()a Blvfl. 88p70 CORONA DEL lllAR un!urn. 2 btdnn duplex, rirpl. renr ed ya rd. Ga.ral{e. l blk to ml rket.. $72.:i-O mo .. yearly. _. PJ:"OVE:R. Har 461 0 68c70 REBUILT and INSTALLED 1 RDR~t Af'T rurn or unfum. SHORT BLOCK $2~1 1<1110 l bdnn. house furn. ·or unrum . $1!'> )'early. ('all LAm· FORD -...... · ....................... l l:l9.M hert !).1r,13 arter 6 p. m 68c69 CHEVROLE'T ·-.. _ .. _ .. -... $149.~ ----------------PLYM. A DODGF .. _.,,, ......... _ 11r,:> CHRYS. A: DE SOTO ....... ,,_ $170 STUDEBAKER .. .. ..... ,,.,_ $170 OLDS A PO:\"TIAC II -···-·-1170 8 1.iICK .-.. -····--·-····---··· .. ·--$1 75 HUDSON ....................... _ .. _,,, 117:> Loan C11r F .... Towlnr NEW CAR GUARANTEE Block mu1t m"t our 9tandard1 PIUI taxe1, cukeUI a.nd oil Open Sunday 10 a.m. to I p.m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS · Op.n Da1b' a to T atata Bonded NEW LOCATION 310 Eut 3rd St. LUCTA-A FOR LEASE O~ St.:PERJOR !:>T. A lariit I lf'llll {Ul huu~e t hat CIL.ll b. UMJ (11r home a nJ bU-"IOl'H. Larite lot •• Zoned M·l. Call u1 llt L.Jb#rty tl·676 J 68c70 YRLY. REl'TAL Two t>.droom untum. Newport Bc11ch. 14:> mo. yrly. Ca.n work out l"t mo'• rent. PA UL C. JONES. 2820 ;-.;•v.1>0rt Blvd. Raa.ltor Har. 2313 69c VERT ATIRACTIVE n.w l B. R., Mme near the oc•a.n. complete· ly tum. Wiii lea.ff 1100 month of $7!)0 for aummer. Adult. only. PAUL C. JON'lla RZALTY ..... ••• M9f1 J uan C.pllltnuto. - R. A. Rowan & Co. 4611 8 . 8prtntt ~l . Loe An11;1le• TR ()IJI '6c71 0!11 LIDO JSL.E-Ytarly rent.al, I! b<lnn .. 2 beth home. rum. or un furn. Exrrllenl loca:lon. 0wn .. r. Harbor 021~>-J, 62lf• SUMMER RENTAL DRlVIC BY A •ee l l 2 Via Wu11•rt1 Ll<Jo lelf'. 3 bllrme , 2 bathll complelelv furnl~l•d Ava1l11bl• J une 15-:t()-$2~10. July $660. Au1eu1l li2r1. H••t1t rllon for ,.,.. Ure IM'&.11on. Call Harbor 427 1 fl7c611t, AVA IJ~ABl~E )n SHORl!X:LI F'F'~. Private homl', 2 •r, rurnlll hl'•I "•C"Jll rug11, ,uv.. and h nen $2.'l-O on Ju~ li1r1>or 320fl ·ll 6011• SJ:WPORT 18LA Nt> wat.erlront turn. 1um JnfT or 7•,arly r•nl.11 I no1 M&n:ua A Vtt. Ha.r. 1041\·M hc70 • 'I '. I ' I I I I II ' II I ' •. I I I • C3-B-RoUAe11 for 8-l a •••rate ------NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PAESS -'ART IV • ,Atft S THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1955 NEWPORT HTS. LIDO ISLE \•&Aftl.Y' Rl:NTA.L USTUR.N. 2 bedrootn•. 2 batNI Choice IC'Clt,Uon. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor IU3 Newport Blvd., NeWJIOJ't Deb Harbor 1013 •Ollc I BDRM. • dtn. Untum Bay A oc..n view. Yr. le .... IOI Cir· Quick Cash Loans ; on furniture, auto, aalary. $50. to $750 . ..,or m ore. One day se~ice A.ppikJtJon may ba made ln per· 900, by phone or by mail. CAUF. ACCEPI'ANCE CORPORATION naUOD. C.O.ll. tlttc 1• Harbor BJ'fd., Cost.a Meaa Ocean Front . 7 YR. OLD, 2 bdrm.. 1 ~ bath, 2 1tory. Obi. pr .. Solar1um WIUI f111•t view or tb• bMd\. Channel Front RIVER A VE.. pltr Ir noat. tum . 2 bdnn.. conaldu otter u low u llt ,600, U ,000 down. llUJOIER R&NT.ALB. -Kouae LI l·TTlll -Opta Friday• till I WYt Newport -S2.2&0. •1•pa i. eottai• .,...,. 1· Jua• CIOMd aaWrday.-•iuc Balboa Beach house R-2 Lots 20 to srpt 111. 121 1; Poppy, Co· · rona del Mar. Hartior 083ll·M. NO COMMISSION tetfc No Appraila.l Fee VACATIONERS WE HA VE a variety ot new nice- ly rurn. rental• avall•ble l.n Newport It Laguna. J30. wk. Ir up. lnqulre !J<M·Ulld 8t., Npt. Phone Harbor 1226. 6lp7th \JNFU)Ut. 2 BDRM. HOMP.:. W to W nrpet. Beautiful yard, patio, 8ALll8 -RJlJ'IN ANCIC CONSTRUCTION Call tor J"r'ff Fut ComJDitment.. OD RelltdellCU ~d Unlta only Don I. Huddleston fireplace, 1n. 1126. month. COSTA JrlESA Or leu rut on lu.ae. LI 8-11750 173 E. 17th St. FURN. I bdnn., 110,500., 12.000 down. . Seashore Drive 3 BDRM., •10,GOO. U ,000 down. Bayview Realtors 23211 Balboa Blvd .. Newport Bffch Har. 3371 811c6& BUSINESS BLDG. atter 11. Mttc _u_s-_554_1 _____ 1.1_s-s_54_2 Hi<Jhway 1 OL WOULD like to buy Lit and 2nd WEU.. LEASED to ~tlal I B. R. UNF. h9uae, nearly new. ,..,~,1 Bar 2321. large yard. nur acbool11 and Tna.tt Deed& ~ • tenant.I. Show• Sood return on tran.p. Bee altemooca at 872 dt.k price ot U1.500. term.a. Victoria. Coat& Meaa. Avail. ----------- July i.t. 18!5. 1e.. on Jeua. LOANS for Homes Frontier •8076 66tlc RUSS FORD I~ -IO yr. l.ou. ~~ ~:!~UL uw Irvine Construction Loans 1600 W. Coast Highway, Npt. Bch. Phone Libtrty 8-811911. 69c71 Terrace Un.f\Jm. Ylew homea. an BOB SA~ COSTA MESA 3 BDltMa .. 2 bathe and ~16 EAST COAST BLVD. . 2 BEDRMS., 2 bat.lu. Corona de.I Kar Barbor 8888 3 btdrm. 1 yr. old LIKJ!J NT.W, Call Harbor 1776 or H&rbor H'8. Rep. POIRIER MORTOA.01: CO beautiful lawn.1 front Ir rtar. EARL w. STANLmY, Realtor Ketro Llte Ina. J"UDda KL 1·6186 $1000 down Irvine Terrace Office ta Corona del Mar. 33Lfc ___________ uo_ :ru u.. PRlCJ!J $9600 SHORl:CLIFFS Adorable bra.nd new fann hou- real atory·book charm. 3 bed· rms .. 2 baths. Fumlahed or un· tumiAhed. Owner wm lta.se Immediately l ·2 yrs. to rupon· 111ble tenanUI, •376 per mo. Har. 2110.J. 69lfc WANS TO BUU.V. IKPRUVI: • BUY, KODJCRN1.Z1l, OR RD'INANCll 2 BEDRM.. •Incle garage. Nice yud .• .. ~ ··-···16960 tull prlc. w. Bu, TN.It DMda NEWPORT BALBOA SAVINGS S3~ ';'la~~s~~e:.0.~ NEWPORT BEACH Ue 3 U1'ITS, ll loll, near beach and bay JH'>,MIO. t•nna. REAL FSrATE .LOANS Homer E. Shafer, Interest Rate 5-51n!~ REALTOR 4.S.-Rooms for Rent l'EWPORT HEJGHTS-Room CLOSE TO EVERYTHING EXCEPTIONALLY ATTRACTr.'E 2 bdrm. hOJU.e. Pa.nelled 1iVhls room and mna11 dinlnr room, car- peted wall to wan. 1ood ti~ breakfu\ space and service porch. Ample cup£oa.rda and storage 1p&ee. Oveniaed 2-c:ar garage. Nice encloeed patio. Mo.st convenient corner location. 2 blb. from City Ball, Newport Beach. Only $12,000. Just Enioy t~e Income !rom t.hia excellent property (no rent to p&.y.). Located in choice rental diltrict, 100 tt. from ocean. There are 3 Wlita -a new duplex and a ~room hot11e on 2 Iota. 2 unit. are furniahed and rented on yearly buia .. Owner'• home available now. Three garages on alley. Present Income can be tubatan- ttally increued. $5000 will handle. J'OR INSPECI'ION CALL HARBOR 1013 A<:r TODAY! EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3l13 Newport Blvd., Newport Bea.ch Barbor 1013 'COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth' ONE OF THE BEST-Choice residential Area, corner lot. 3 Br. home, Den, fireplace, 2'f.! bath1o (Approx. 2000 eq. tt.) large garage. $19,500. with ~rms. C-2 Buaineu property-<:omer location on New- port.' Blvd., $10,600. wiih $2600. down and bal. $80 per month. A BARGAIN FOR AN ELDERLY COUPLE: 2 Br. home, neat It clean, Hwd. !loons, double garage, very nice rear yard, all fenced, small lath bouae. $8000. with $3150 down It bal. $50. per month. pn. Cull tile bath It entrance, after :'J 30 0 6 Santa Ana Ave. 68p70 .Loan. quJck.b' made bl the Bayr 104 M"cFadden Pl.. Newport Beach Area and Costa Mua. Slnfl• 0 Har. 140 or eVl'S Ru. 21129·M E I r R It multJple Wl.lta. New or old. St Har. 1137·M G. N. w Lt->, ga or wt.. and ••• by r.-ft¥.11Cln1 ------------Roy R. McC&rdle $500 DOWN-Small 1 Br. home Ii garage. A-1 cloee-in location. Price $5500. A bat. $60. per month . ROOM tor working man. Hut and <:Ol<l WIUU 1n r<KHn. Pvt PTI• tr&nce $8 per week. l23-28th St Newport. pptlc your pruent loan. Min1m.wD a -- penH. No chara-• ror preUmJ-Take One Good Look 1810 Newport Blvd., Costa Mea. nary apprall&l. Pboae Banta BY OWNER, leaving July lat ---------------------- LI 8-1601 Ana ICimberly 1-41933 or wrtt.e Id y L 7 ARTHUR A. MAY NOT ANomm LIKE IT Planning to Bui on our ot Mortpre Loan Conupo11dent tor thl• LOW PRlCE 119,1100. Tak 1 k _ ... _1 h t N rt d Occident.al Llte Iuurance Co. e a oo at our muuc omea a ewpo an LIDO OFFICE SPACE -Will 933 Soutll M&1.n 'euta Ana BEAUTIFUL Lloyd c. Howard Mitchell. Twrt.in. s11blel llfllH'e 11ullnblr for attor-PP eecUon~ tut •Ide n .. r back bay. 9 6 n•·.v~. cnl{111eer8. e1c. Approx. Open Daily to t:>x311 m shopping uea un Via CUSTOM BUILT, 3 bdnn., 2 b&th1, Sundays 1to6 L1d11. t:nll Don Cole atlernoons 57-Re.1 Estate Want.eel Ranch·type home, •hake root. See for yourself how we can build a im sq. ft. only, Htt r. 46M>. 59lfc b LOVELY LABOE kitchen. Wut· home, forced air beat, dwd. floors, 2 car garage 53·A-Bwdnf'88 Rentals • AVAILABLE -About 8000 8Q. ft. light lndu.Rtry apace on i.t It 2111.l lluor. U. S. Highway 101 1111d Boy Frontace. WUI leue alJ ;,r 11ny rart ll rf'model to suit ten11nL Vogel Co., 306 Via Udo. Hlll'bor 4971 . 26ltc WANT TO BUY ern Holly oven Ir gu plate. aet for only $9,100. WATERFRONT In BRICK WALL. Let u1 direct you to our bomea under conatruction 19e7 AU10 Av... Ubarty 8-3233. Business Zone 6ltfc &Dd finiabed. Look them over, compare, aatisfy younelf. ANT amount up to •1111,000 cuh Builder Will Trade Osborne Realty Co. on this lovely new reaidence We have custom home planning service, financing for State vet., FHA and Savings and Loan, as-a 1 atop facility. Nothing down. 2323 W. Cout Hwy., Npl. Bch L EJ A S E tat Port Orangel FJ:'\E LO<'ATION In Corona del LI 8·7116l Har. 6111• •vu M 11 . l"umplf'tely f'qu!ppe•I for 67c69 b.11<1111; "r •lrl11·atN!-'f'n. Phone----------- Hur bt•r <42R:l fllr 11pp'I 6j lfc 00-lnoome Property New Store Bldg . HOME and 6 Units Open House 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. 509 De Anza Dr. Corona Highlands MARSHALL HOMES KI 7-3293 -KI ~3569 (Eve.. LI 8-4073) 55c69h LIDO ISLE New 3 Bdrma-2 Bath.I All electric kitchen. Many very fine features. for lt'a~e. 3-5 yr~, 16x54 fl park· GOOD INCOME, 136,000. Ht Ham· S BEDROOMS, 2 bath, Jg. ,Jlvill.g •hc'lpp1ni; &11·a llton. off Harbor Blvd .. Costa room. Lee. playroom. M~ifl· $29,500 in~ ~I'll•"· M11Jor 11rtrry In Lido Mesa. 61p74h cent kitchen and dining room 3 Bdrma, & conv. Den-2 Batha 30x24 Li\'ing room, Lota of room for children with built-in sodafoun-BLANCHE GATES Realtor :111 ~lnrin,. /\ \'C'., B11lhort H111 hnr 1671 For Lease EXCELLENT LOCATION C"()STA MF.SA LEASE l~land f\8Lfc 68lfc Home & Income :'i rm. 11tuccl), hwd. nre.. tllt- bath, gar. Three trallrr 1pace1, wHh utility bldg. Nert.r Bearh. Trt~al for penaioner. H7 Ha.nul- ton, Coate. Meta. 68p70 61-Real FAtate Excban~e BY OWNER-WUI take trade on thl1 corner lot. ranch home. 3 bdnn.. 1 111 batha, hdwct. nr1 .. F. A. heat. w.w. carpet, fenced yd., xtra. lg. patio overlooking canyon. WUI take lll1laller place or vacant lot In part payment. 05.f Raze! Drive, C D.M. Hu. l 089·W. 59c72 1-·1:-;F: LOL'ATIO:-J m Corona clel ----------- M:11 . L'omplC't•·ly rqu1pped tor --CaU Harbor 1616 to place your b11long or dellcateurn. Phone Ad on thla page. Hnrbor '4263 f<lr 11pp'I 6jtfc 2 Office Spaces & Store NEW BLDG. in Lido Shopping area. Both 670 area feet. By lea.st>J $100 & $115 mo. ALSO atore, 600 feet. $140 m o. 500 Via Malaga, Newport Beach. Har. 3327 57c69 M-8aslaflll9 ~rtuatuea M--Bo91nesa ~rtunJUe. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 4 BOAT AND TACKLE RENTAL-eix 28' at.eel bull cruiser. Shows income $28,000 on boat.a and over, SlOO week on tackle. Estab. 9 yeal"B. Small overhead expense. Sea.son Btarting with reservation• coming in from a maillng list of 2000. Full price, $25.500. Excellent tenna. GARAGE -Showa over $30,000 groas in abop alone. New car franchise available l 70' frontage. Leue include. five room 2 bath apartment at $177.:50 pt.>r mo. Futt price $13,000. VOGEL CO. 3201 W . C01u1t Hw~· .. Ne\\1port Beach Ph. Lt ~-34~1 Ev('e.-LI 8-35SO and all!o Solarium, 2"150' ln all. Sea view. F .P. $32,600. -Loan to S20,000. Builder will aell for beat all caab otter tin quick aale. Mtfc FOR !ALE or TRADll. Log cabin 300 fl, on upper Sacramento rlvtr. Natural awimmlng pool, nab1nr . View ot Mt. Shuta. Rock fireplace. Phone Torrey 7-9164 ltf\piO 33! ACRES 3t MILES from Ocean.Ide tn beau· tltul valley al foot or lift. Palo· mar. Very productive land, now leaetd. Can be eubdlvlded. Ex· Cf'llent water system. Cloe• to •hopping center and P.O. HOUSE In Orange County will be con.tldered aa part payment. Owner, 2300 Clift Drive, New· pon Beach. LI 8·•268. 67c69 RESTRJCTED Bay bay new, beau- tain. Large lot. " $35.000 New • Bdrm1.-3 Batha-Waterfront View of bay from 3 of the t lklrm1. and kitchen-lovely fire- place, lt'all to wall carpeting. 51' lot~t to street $16,500 BAY & BEACH REALTY -'LIDO OFFIC~ 3112 Lafayette, Newport Barbor 3643 Harbor 2999 Eves. OCEAN FRONT Look no more -Here's your house Lovely year round 2 bedroom and den home -or a fine week-end and summer hideaway. Lot.a of yard tor the lrids and a lovely view. Just $21,800. PAUL C. JONES, Realtor 2620 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach HAr. 2313 tiful home complete electric kit· -----------------------chen. 3 large bnn1. Mr. a.nd Mrs. Cloeet.oi. Hwd. Ora. Forced 11lr heat. Dr1ve by •06 Sierra VlslA lhtn phone to eel'. Wt h11ve kl'y. Bargain tit n•.600 Orange Coast Properties · 1.Muranoa, SaM. Lo&nl, Bullder11 1M7 Newport Ave., Coet& Men. LI 1·1632 U 8-HOO EvH. NlC!: I bdrm. horn1, 1 yr. old, w BALBOA ISLAND WELL BUILT BAYFRONT HOME-4 bcdma. 2 baths. excellent beach. U nexcelled view. Choice corner location. Price $40,000 Terms WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And Auociates Park at Marine, Balboa Island -Harbor 2(62 to w carpetl~, fenced yanl. ------------------..------- Good condition. 110.1100, Good tenna. Owner. &rlha Vinson, 226 Cott.ire Place. Cof!ta M,1111. Hvbor 27111 a!ter e p.m. 68c81 BEAUTIFUL 31'x12' Cabana 6 3:1' two bdrm. trailer, com· pletely tumlahed, carpeted.. WI· terfront lot, beach, boat dock avail. Brkk lanaJ, carport, 11wtm· mlnr pool. Full pr. $8750. Lido VIU1«9 Trailer Park. 700 Slit St. Newport Bc.t.ch. Lot No. 38 LI 8-71101. 6ltfo CORONA HIGHLANDS I! you have a large family you should see this. In Corona H ighlands. 3 bedrooms and den, 1 & ~. plua 1 ~ bath. Large baclt yard, plenty of room for the children. Owner consider lot in Corona Highland• as part payment. '$26.500 RAY REALTY CO. 3444 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar Barbor 2288 NEW I BDRM. on 1.1 •c~. 17.9ll0. l''aCE '' acre "1th 1mall 2 bedrm.r ·B!:DR.M. HOM'I:, Coro.na Hlah· 283 Avocado, Co•ta Mesa. Ph. hl)llSt> In ~ood ntlfhborhood, Ian~ under $2(),000-W?ltr• Iota ~ 2-2822. Hite Hl)U•f n~d11 work. R4 son,. 1tll 1.1 hl&h u 118.000-A MC· 11\200 cuh. ~2 E. l:rut St.. lion where p..,cea are .-olnit ur -Cl.,.~tfl,.<1 Ads 11re rtAd by folk• C-ont11 Mtli.., att"r :I p m or E11:ceJ1,.nt 1.CP•n vfrw 1 Dnn't who ,,.. r'4Jjy lookin& to bu,Y. week eada, 19p71 Wall., c.U Harbor MU. Mc70 1 • v.ry b~h quality :. bedroom !:S'l!:-::!R~_.!!..!&!•!!!•!_ ____ ~a!!::~•~_.~.J&~--.~~-~----- home wtth 1 and ' batu, bu ~!:':':~ ~~~~,:;: HOME OWNERS ATTENTION _ and OYel\. Hu m&boJ. ublnei.. BEAUTIFUL OCEAN FRONT HOME, COM'· lhnl out. aleo muoe. uwrior. PLETELY nJRNISHED GOOD INCOME POS-Juat l '-i y .. n old. All Ulie plu.t • &11 OC)M.J1 vie"'" ·a .. tbia. SlBILITIES-OWNER Wll.L CONSIDER TAKING NEWPORT BEACH ~ or trade: J.. larp older home Ulat haa been reconditioned to make It a very ,ooct l'Mldence wlUi Income from the upatal1'9. Thl• I• one bl<X'k from tbe ocean, 6 bdrm'• • upala.lr·a 111d one down. Upetalra hu rented tor 11200 per year. but ownen he&ith denuu1dl aale. Nffd le for a 11nall 2 bdrm. bouee. COSTA MESA 17 UNIT APARTMENT MOTEL Show1 a very Sood return on money inveated, Income al>pr. $900 per month, can be lncreu· ed on dally buls. Unlta have • rental walling 11,t. Tbl• prop· erty la very wcll located ln downtown Coat& MHa. on N•w· port Blvd. Price 1119,500 wUI lrade. excellent term1. "ART" ADAIR REALTOR 1566 Newport Blvd. Coat& Meu.. Calif. U 8·!792 VALUE· PAClKED Income Corona del Mar • unit..-2 full Iota. Income $:1911 a month. Only 6 yn. old. Newly deoorate-d. $27,500 full price. 15000 down. CalJ for app't to -lhl1 REAL OUY ! Cliff Haven -~lliE DUPLEX -Steady 1ncom1 record ot 11711 month, 176.63 montb pay1 FHA • ·~ rr,, loan. tun, Insurance (not leaaehold) FulJ prlc. 119,000. Balboa Island CHOICE LOT with apactoua apt. CLEAR HOKE IN nus AREA, UP TO $12,000 AS DOWN PAYllENT. CALL OR COME IN l'OR DETAILS OWNER OF FINE LIDO ISLE HOME WILL CON- SIDER TRADING FOR A FOUR BED ROOM'. • PIER It SLIP BAY FRONT HOME. CALL OR COME IN FOR DETAILS INVESTORS AlTENTION WE HA VE LISTED, EXCLUSIVELY, MODERN BUSINF.SS AND APT. BUILDING. BEST LOCA· TYON-CLASS A BUILDING, CLASS A J'URN· ISHINGS. • FULL PRICE $39.MO TERMS· IJ' DESIRED. J. M. MILLER CO. 2025 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 4r001 ''NEAR THE NEWPORT PIER" -· MARINES Here's Your Country Estate Vets; NO DOWN ·' Immediate Occupanc~ 3 or• Bedrooma -1'orced A1r Heat· M&ulYe Stone Fittplac• • Built in Range and Oven ••• actuaJJ,y every luxury feature and in Orange County'~. finest location. ~ &tate SU!ed Lot.I aultable for pool and patio! Drive out Fint street In Santa Ana Tbn Tmtln and Turn North &t Red Hill An. George M. Holstein & Sons,-Bullden Designed by Cliff May; Pr tt over double garage plus iuut ------------------------room and bath already on rear. Ru.dy for 2nd unit. A•klnc $19,7!!0. See thl• and let'• sub· mlt terms. Muriel M. Pinover REALTOR 2604 Newport Blvd., Newport Bch. Easy Parkin& Harbor 4610 38d0 income $125 month 2 FURNISHED. RE!':TALS. Will rent for S12S month yearly. Re<lwood con.strucUon. 3 years old. 2 bloeka to bf>ach. Only $10.500 with $33:'>0 down. Rent will pay the balance and return 13', after laxes. \\'111 •xchan~t equity for J bedroom hnme m CLIFF HAVEN Ranch type h ome with view 1 bdrm. and den nicely landacaped, furnace. ready to m ove Jn $1K:so. Mult Llat No. ~'™>. CORONA DEL MAR 6 unita ranch style all with every convenience 2 furnished. auto. wuher, garqea, South ot hJw-.y. Shown by appointment. $42,500. .~ ........... · .. :,r.-.,, BALBOA ISLAND 2 unil,a exc. location $3500 down fum. • bdrm. bayfro nt, ~.000. $18,000. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave., Balboa laland Phone Barbor ~2 Coeta Mu a. _____________ ...._ _________ _ Apartment House 8 UNIT rentals, unusua] 11ltua11on wtlh good f11turt po111lbill tlu . Good r1nancln)1.', pM<'ed very low. Sei! u1 for detat11. Homes ,investments As member!! Of Mult.Jple ll11ttng we have 250 ll1llng1 o"f all dlf· ferent typu It will find one to suit your need1. N.B.C. REAL TY 32nd It Newport Boulevard Nt-wport Bea<'h Harbor 6536 REAL VALUES HARBOR BLVD. Lovely bu11.nue comer 63x 123 one or the bel!t IOC'11l Ions In Costa '.Mena. There Is 8 two b<lr homf' on the property. which , nwntr Wiii move oft, don'l rail to l!ee this 1t you Are looking ' tnr buslnua proputy. DUPLEX Thl11 Is one of the cleanut prop· erllt'!I wr have ll11le1I Ln a long 4 VOGEL VALUES- ALL THE FUN or good living Ma YOW'I at Balboa Island, in fine, clean newer 2 unit propertlee. Have you seen our "lN-LA W SPECIALS". How about that, a mother-in-law apt. that i1 cloee by, but defi- nilc>ly separate. There are a good ~many lnltanc~ that really and truly prove the practicability and desirability of buying at Balboa leland. IT PAYS OIT! . : TRY the BE'l'l'ER V ALUEB at THE • VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand HArbor 444 NO FUSS, NO BOTHER- 10 well constructed modem unfum. units, A-1 loca- tion. All unit.a leased. Thia out.standing income property can b& purch&led with $25,000 d.own. Returning 13~ net after all expen&e9 and LOAN PAYMENTS. Don't dilly-dally, SEE RUSS FORD Newport Beach 69c71 1600 W . Coa.st Highway Phone Liberty 8-8595 lime. One. on~ bdr. anct one -------------------------two b<lr. h11n1woot1 floor~ tilt k1lchenl! and b8lh11, plenty or room for 11nnlhtr duplf'x In rtar of lot. G~od east llrft' IO<'&I ion. Prk NI to 11r ll With EZ ll'rma. B. A. Nereson REALTOR 1982 Newport Bh·d . Clltla M~ll& Phone Ll 8·1672 ~2.60 x 8 -$420 montb. Excer· Uonal value. 2 block• to t-Own. $12.000 dn. bu.>s lhl11 8 unll o:ourL I garage1. 2 yr1. old Orange Coast Properties huurance, Salta, Loans, Bullden JM7 Newport Ave .. Co11ta MeM LI 8·1832 LJ 8·H OO Evu. Vets $565 down PLUS IMPOUNDI UU: YOUR O.I. LOAN on ' yr. oJd, a bdrm .. dble. prqe, fenc· ed. Wondertul patio • laundry, )'IU"d. Garb&~• dl•po•I. All trelltlly J)41nt~. Near trrP"" Bal"k Bay 2372 P11!1u~ Rl1, 8a.nta Ana Pb3o.a JO ._Mn. IOI.le WOULD YOU BELIEVE IT? We have 2 units for $10.250. on a level Int. Xln't, neighborhood, near everything. The houRC is l B.R. plus den, H eat·o-lator firepl., paneled Living rm., -Cute-PLUS Studio apt. with :i., bath. No calls, rleue. just briog.$10.250 to R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor DICK HODGE, Auociate 3622 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Har 277t Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar TWO STORY, 2 bdrm. (have plans for 3rd bdnn. to be added at amaJI cost). 21 ~ baths, lge. Liv. nn .. separate dining room, large knotty pine den with built·in bar, lounge, 2 fireplacea. basement with 150,000 BTU furnace. Expensively carpeted wall to wall tbni-out. Garbage disposal and dishwMher. House 6 yn. old. Large d ouble garage w ith lauti· dry, radio-<:ontrolled garage door . Lot 50 x l42'. Well landacaf>ed. Thia home mmt be llffn lo be ap- preciated. Located at 3312 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Afar. OWNER WlLL AOCEPT ANY REASONABLE OFFER Shown by appointment ontj. Phone Cher, Harbor "3i35 Uo10 ·- PAGE 6. PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS!ft-lt#al r..tat. t THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1955 a Santa Ana Heights • ., l'lltUe a-... EMaa. S • I pec1a "C'' THOMAS "C'' THOM.AS ''C" THOM.AS "C" THOMAS For Ulo.w who want a home nnr UI~ Sant. Ana Country Club 2 ~drooma plua. 1-r&e llVlnlC room. Mparate dmln& room. l" balh1. Laree 1•rere buUdin& with rumpus mom, and f~ur room. A beauUCul home for BAYSHORES 118,000 _· Open House-Saturday & Sunday 1-5 2471' Bayshore Drive Beyshor&s Home! 3 bedroom.s. l ~ b&lha J.&x2l bv· A 1TRACTIVE new 3 bedroom, 1 % bath home with EXCELLENT VIEW of bay. Low Down Paym't. FULL PRICE ONLY $29, 750 Inc room. Ntcely furnla.hed. Fireplace, forcetl •Ir hnt an'1 double car. A very r ood value at 122.70-0, terma. Peninsula Home! Open House-Satur"day & Sunday 1-5 Ba.lboa Penln1t:fla home with an opt>an view from up1ta1r bed· rooma. • bedrooms, 2 b11th1. Spac1ou1 homfl wlUI larg~ llvtng room wllh na.:1tone Cart>place. Only 8 years old. lilt-al Cur l1rge fa mily. S23.~. I~ dowo. • • 2580 Crestview • Out of lOY'n Owner w&nta OFFER on thla lovely 3 bdrm. 1 :v, bath RANCH atyle home on large cor. lot. AU lge. rooma, w to w carpeting, custom tailored drape1. matching waUpapera. priu winning kitchen. large encl. patio. Cliff HAVEN EXCELLENT 3 'bdrm. home PLUS 15x25 rumpus room with fireplace ll built·in barbecue, hwd. floo"" near school•, fenced ll landacaped, 4 ~;, G.l. loan with monthly paymenta. PRICED AT $16.500 LIDO ISLE WATERFRONT "'-> ·· Open Daily 1 to 5 Until Sold 313 Lido Soud Pier and Float for 40 ft,, Boat LIDO WATE RFRONT BEST BUY -3 bedroom. 3 bath. newly decorated a nd completely FURNISHED in the finest tast e. Includes custom made draperies. new to wall carpeting, Westinghouse ~automatic washer-ready to. move in. Enclosed patio, attrac· tive planting. built-in barbecue. OWNER MUST SELL-MAKE OFFER "C" T H 0 MAS, Realtor 221 W. Coast Hig hway, Newport Beach Liberty 8-~27 'C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOM.AS "C" THOMAS VOGEL V ALLIES CHECK AND DOUBLE CHECK Commercial Building Coast Highway Corona drl Mar. 2 stores, 2 apls-present income $320, per mo & can show increase $33,500. Half Acre Betwc-en In·1nc & Tustin Ave .. not too far out. A real b uy'. 2 Bedroom Home J ust reduced Sl.100.00 & has everything- pallo. BBQ. ovc-r-sized dbl. ga~age. fireplace. beamed l'e11ings, ct<'. on quiet street in Coro· na d<'I ~la r • New Ho use on Half Acre Back-bay area. 2 bedrooms. s hake roof. HW fl oors. l'\othing else done to hitlf-acre-<le· velope as you want. See thil'I. Duplex -Home -New In b<'autiful Coronn Hig hlands Ranch ty!)<'. looks llkc a sing-le home. 2 bedrooms earh. AND OCEAN \'JEW. Landscaped One side 3.950. 13.400. 11.500 vacant fnr new owner. 26.fl50. THE YOGEL CO. 2667 E. Coast Hwy .. Cor ona <le i Mnr. Ha r. 1741 & H77 Cambridge Estates 16th & Irvine Three Choi ct? Co rner Lots LC'fl f RC'strict ed) 75 foot fronta~cs Hurry-Before It's Too Late PHIL SULLIVAN, Owner G. T. EVERSON, Exclusive Agent 1 56 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa · Lib. 8-6761 Eve's. Harbor 4366--LI 8-2 103 MECHANIC 'S PARADISE Jt"ully equipJX'd 'l'une-up Shop in Coutal City. The only one. ;,, Marketa in Orange County Citie.s. all in good loca- tion11. Good bu1ineM, Dif(erent pric('S. FITZMORRIS REALTY CO. Multiple Liating Realtors Business BrokC'r 3135 1\ Cout H1ghw3y, Corona del Mar . llar 2152 Beach Home! OR, yur around hvi ni:. Sltuat~ In Balboa. near the 11:.H.Y. Club, Hu 3 bedroom• and 11,. ·balha. H~avy furniture included. Price rut today for a quick ll&Je - 111.500. only $3000 down. •• Cute Beach Home! With 2't M-droom•. close to Bay on Eaal Bay ave.nue. Some fur· nlture lncludt>d. On 11 comer and you should see tl for IH,500 U 500 down. Extra Special! RED HOT 3 R·3 Iota. aide by aide on Balboa Boulevard. Buy all 3 tor 119,000. Balboa Realty Co. Opposite Bank of America • R OH Greeley Al Cornellua Ed Lff Jark Pinkham JoaephJne Webb 700 E. Balboa Blvd . Balboa Phone Harbor 3277. • Bayfront Buyers In our many years of exper· ience we have been success- ful in locating a number of very nice families into choice Bayfront homes. '.'fay we extend our "~r- 1cnces to your requ1re- mrn ls? The following" is a cross section of well screen- ed listings , a nd we also have others. • Harbor Island 3 bdrm. plu• wrvanl.JI quart~rw P1tr and 11llp, Sl30 000. • Bay Shores 4 bd• m. plus ll1'rv11nt11 quarters P1t•r 11nd 11hp. $107.500. • Lido Isle 2 bl1rm J"IUI dl'n. 2 h11lh f'ter & noaL. Sl'l7,500. 3 Mrm . 3 blllh rurn Pier and .. up, Sl'IS,500 .. 'l l)dr m . 2 bath furn rr~r 11 nrl "lrp. S63M(l 4 hrtr m.. :i h11th, nr~ n o.noo l'I b!lrrns plull 8•'rvant:o quarters. raer nnd slip, $87.r.oo. 5 b•h m 4 b•th, plus 2 bednn,, 2 bath apl. turn , $89.500. • Balboa Peninsula 2 bdrm phi~ lanai • C-utr •. S•3.:'lfl0 ' ti.Ir m PLl 'S p tl'I •nil flOAI, S.9.600 ·' bdrm ph1it. fl'"' 11 nd 11hp S60,(}()() • Bal boa Coves :t Ml nl . 2 bAlh. N EW p11•r A: 1111µ prlvah~e~. $29.7!10 Harbor Investment Company REALTOR S Newport Blvd. at 30th St. Newport Beach Phone Ha rbor 1600 CORONA DEL MAR corner rlU\ch 11tyle 3 bdrm . 2 b11th homp, hwd. flr11 .. 11n11ck bA r. f'nl'lOl!ed p11t10 Only S22.!IOO. T~rma Orange Coast Properties ln~urancf'. SAi""· Loen11, Bu1ldtrs 11\.'\i :'\ewporl Ave . \M il\ Mesa LI I · 16:12 LI 8· HOl\ Eve1. S750 DOWN :l BORM homt. h1lwd. floor11, t"n<'· I'll y1.1 ru c1arb. cll~pm111I Ovt.r· ~i7.1•it 1t11rl\1ot" Lo111 or storn1ot" I .11 rJ?r lnl 2!\411 FR1rw11y Drive. l'o1t • Mesa, Hu . 3041·J. 39tfc Bt'ILDER OFF'F.RS bn1nd new trtplu In ex~lltnl rentaJ loca· llnn A ltn1ctlvely priced 11t $21 600 1900 H11Vf"n Plat e!. Cliff H11vf'n Ph, Har. 4102·W 6&lfc : ' U-Rnl ~ ______ a-__ 11.ea1 __ r.... __ .. _____ 1!!::-ReeJ ...... ___ _ a ••• r..e.t. GOOD LIVING starts at IRVINE TERRACE We cordially invite you to inspect model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert When you inspect them, you will note they Include every comfort and convenience for GOOD UVING. ALL of the planning and thought t~t re8ulted in thia remarkable community will provide GOOD LIVING for Irvine Terrace fam.iliea for many yean. Permanent reatrictiona guarantee you will alwaya be proud of your home hen. To the h ome buyer who wiabea to p~ in the $22.000 to $35,000 cl&u we aincerely recommend the Irvine Estates ovedoolting Newport Barbor. lrvine Terrace ia located on Cout Highway oppc»ite the new Irvine Cout Country C1ub. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor «48 For Further Information "* For Recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holda a Leue.bold Eatate in Irvine Terrace. Open Houses Daily 14 p. m. 1315 W. Bay Ave., Balboa 4 Bedrooma -2 Bath• -$23,950 Your Hoeteu: Helen Baum 1759 E. Ocean Blvd., BaJboa. 3 Bedroom• -1 * Balha Ocean Vlew -Nice Patio -$21.500 Your lfost: Mr. Chase SHORECLIFFS 245 Evening. Canyon Road 2 Bedrooms -2 Bath• -Den. 2 Fir:eplacee Large Living Room -Ocean View -$32,000 Your Host: Mr. Leahy $2,000 Down, Furniahed 3 Bedroom Beach H ouse near Library Full Price $10,500 BAY & BEACH · REALTY 14~ W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, Cal. Har. 12M LIDO ISLE SPECIALS Lovely in the daytime-beautiful at night. This home bas everything for comfort and contentment 3 bedrms. & den, lesa than 1 yr. old. Completely and beautifully furnished. Thermador kitchen, eecluded patio with lovely flowers. one of the most outstand- ing homes on the island for $43,500. Cute ranch type home, 2 bdrma. Completely furn· is hed. Only 3 yrs. old . This Is a buy. $21,500 New 3 bdrm.· & den home 2 baths. charming kitchen, built-in range & oven, copper hood plus dishwasher. Large muter bdrm. ha.s fireplace & one wall panelled. Mercury awitchea thruout. Carpe~. dbl. gar .. finest of construction. Full price $33,500, terms available. AND REMEMBER THlS - many other fine homes are listed exclusively at THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido, Npt. Bch.. Har. 4971 or Har. 4972 Eves. Har. 2191-M. Har. 2998-R or Liberty 8-5297 A Bayfront House on 11/2 lots Designed t o take full advantage of its location on Balboa Penins ula. The aromatic 11ct>nt of its choice wood panelling s;-reets you at the door and sets the key to a gracious home -a combination of liveableness and openneaa so advantageous in enterta ining. F.A. heating, 3400 sq. ft., 5 bednus .. 4 bath• and powder room . 3 fireplaces, Formica kitchen. Triple garage. Sheltered rear garden . Pier and aea wall. Price $95.000 unfurnished LOUIS W. BRIGGS, Realtor 714 E . BalbOa Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 80. ) LOOK-THESE-OVER! l . OCEAN FRONT -40 ft. lot , R-1 zone $10,000. 2. OCEAN FRONT 75 ft. lot , R·l zone $15.500. Both lots located on Balboa Penin11ula 3. 2 BDRM. home, PLUS sm apt .. $12,500·$3500 dn. 4. OCEAN FRONT-3 bdrm• .. furn. term1 . .$15,500 5. BALBOA-3 unit income down payment $6,000. 6. OCEAN FRONT-4 unit income, con•jder trade or ofter for $12,600 equity. 7. 8 UNIT apt. houae. Fumiahed. Yearly renters. Con.sider trade, 157.500. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1~~ W. BaJboa"Blvd., Newport Buch. Har. 5188 ~' I $4,(8) Down 307 Fernando. Balboa 1. DUPLEX CORONA · DEL MAR BEST VALUES COMPLETELY furniabed tnclud· tnt cloUlu wuher a.nd dryer. Rudy to move lnto. Bay ''I~· trom llvtn1 room with n~plaee. Two ~parate units, 2 B.R. tacb. Comer lot. Some 3 bedroom• plu• .... ,. rumpu• ocean view. One Jeued for year at $100 per month. .room.. .l.1' ~Ula. fU&(•·_ -116 ... -000 .lc2an.:.at:-noa per mo. ~ unit beiq 1'ald $5,lm Down vacant for new owner. Pr:iced at $22.~ whJob In· clude. new washer A dryer. Low down payment will handle. 1710 Plaza del Norte 2. JUST LISTED Balboa Peninsula Thia modem 2 bedroom home, carpeted wall to wan. Point dble. garage, fenced yard, paved Ir covered pU.lo. S BEDROOMS, lli bath.a. Fire-G.l. reaale It only $14,500. place In large Uvlnc room wilh dJntnc arre&. Fae" quiet land· 3. OCEAN VIEW HOME acaped City Park. Open Daily 1-5 2631 Crestview Bay Shores LARO!: Ii.Yins room with tlr .. place. Full dlnlnr room, 3 bed· room•. 2-car car-ace. complet~ly rettecorated. Good terma. Price llUOO. 135 Ft.~ Ocean frontage For Builder or Investor R3 Zone 1 UN'IT apartment on lot 66'11100' with adjotninc Iota .0·11100· and 102':xl3a' on Ocean Front. All u one ,,an:el with 117 ft. front.are -2 irt.l'ftb and 138 ft. Ocftll trontace. ·:~ Good Term.a. Full Price $51,000 - Owner must 11ell immediately thia quality bulli • bedroom, 2 bath home. Fully furniabed. Wlll oon- aider •mall home in trade for part payment Don't delay on this one! Priced at $39.500. Shown by appointment . . CORONA DEL MAR REALTY co~ PRICE T. McCUISTION, Realtor . 3447 E . Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. '1 (0!f1ce located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) VOGEL VALUES BALBOA- 1. See th.ia G.I. re-aale for real nlue. Artiatically decorated 2 bedroom home, lanai, ti.rep~. w /w carpeting, land1caped patio, low down payment. 2. INCX>ME-4 unita furniahed, · A·l condition. Cloee to ocean le bay. Adjacent comer available -Full Price $29,500. . 3. Balboa'• finest! Lovely two-ltory Tiew home. I bedrma. 4 bath.a, 2 fireplace., tru.-car 1ara1•. See th.LI today . 4. Income-Almost new e unit apartment building. Choice rental diatrict. • • LIDO ISLE-. f 1rst T 1me Offered Beli~ve it or not-we can d~iver a 70' lot on Lido 1112 E. Balboa Blvd. Balboa Bay Front Pier & Slip 2 Years Old 7 Bedrooms 4 Baths 3 Car Garage Furnished Bay Frontage 40 Ft. lale for $5000 down. Full pnce $19,000. Hurry! NEWPORT HEIGHTS- View home---$12 a foot construction and over 2000 sq. ft. You add it up. Large corner lot 7~x120. Over $2500 1pent in landscaping, W·W carpet•. Lota of plate gla.u, sliding glau doon. Thia la being 11<>ld under replacement cost at $35,500 and we have a f20,000 loan committment. Exclu.ive with r THE VOGEL COMPANY · 3201 Weet: Cout }ljgbway Newport Beach u 1-3481 This i1 an ideal 1ummer or * Is Th.IS It sk·1pper? yea.r round home for the • executive With a large tam· BA y FRONTS: ily $88,000. We can show you two trim 1boreeide bome1, one Newport Harbor Realty Jim and Sally Newlin 515 E . Balboa, Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 1607' . Corona Highland View Lot They 're g~ttlf\f 1carce! A won· dertul , large bulldlnf •Ile with marnltlce.nt '1ew. Off,red •l 113.~ IN EXCLUSIVE BEACON BAY Thia 3 B. R.-2 baUI home would make the w~ole family happy. Ideal for children-and a nice one bedroom apartment for In· Jawa or as Income. We w111 .ub· mlt any reuonabl• ofter. Owner af\1'lOU8. on Balboa Island A grand beach home -2 B. R .. palio. fireplace, furnace, fur· nlt1hed. Clou lo be11ch and vii· lare. 119.000 I Mariners Isle . Rlty. 318 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Harbor 4781 88c70 0 . l. RESALE Lovely 3 bdrm, l .\ol bath. • yr. old home, patio. r'f'•r yard fenced. Side drive 13700 dn . 172.78 month.· with dockside mooring and one with anchorage tor deep-draft 50 footers: each with a spot of private beach for the kiddies, plu11 decks and living room• that face the Bay, ·With the NHYC juat off tht port beam. No. 1 ..... $49,500 -$10.000 Down No. 2 ....... ·-----.......... $75.000 -Terms VACANT LOTS: We have availabte several choice locstiona, Bay· fronta and inside. at a wide range in price. that may be of inte rest. GREENLEAF-SEVERTS REAL TY * 25 years in the same location 3112 Newport Blvd.. Newport Beach Har. 2552 Evenings Phone Liberty 8-3186 LIDO Here's the most outstanding value being orfored on Lido Isle today-3 bedrms. 2 baths on a wide 40· fl. lot with a large sunny South patio. Modern kitchen with a 8f.'rvice bur-opentng tn a separate dining arra. a quiet comfortable living room with a charming corner fireplace faces the pa· tio with its convenient built-in BBQ. Moat rooms are newly carpeted and new drape11 throughout are included at the very reasonable price of $29.500. This home would not be overpriced al $32,500 l\nd an addition lo t h111 vny desirable terma may be arranged. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor ''Lido Specialist" Orange Coast ..... ,. Use Our Free Parking Lot 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. Harbor 4 718 Properties In.urance, S•lu . Loan1, Bulldl!n 18:17 N•wt10rl Ave .. Coil• Mu a Ll 8·1832 LI l ·HOO F.vt.1. Newport Heights Triplex Well bullt -'two bedroom• u r h •Ide-Income 12711 mo. Onl y 2 yeal"I old In u clu•lve Cliff Raven. Price 122.000. Term•. Write 8oK 19' Newport B«acb or phone LI I-~ ena. '8c70 . OORONA DEL WA.A t.n.i 0R·2 lot. near cllun:h, lhop• and 9CJlool. OWDtr Har, Miil e7 C 70 I 62' FRONTAGE-BAY AVENUE Pier & Sltp -3 BOOroom . 2-Bath Plus Serv~nta Quart.era. All Electric Kitchen Thia home wu de- signed by Neutra and is one of the flneat h<pea ID the Harbor Area. Bea utifully la.nd11eaped patio. Price reduced t o $110.00. Owner will conaider tn.dea. Call Mn1. i'ay for appointment to ace this lruly fine homc11 .. Bay and Beach Realty 1450 W. Batboa Blvd .. Balboa Harbor UM , I· -. • • a e-.1 &tate BLANCHE A. GATES. Realtor BALBOA ISLAND FIRST TlJIE OFFERED -SEE TO·DAY-To- monow may be too late. 4 B.R. 3 b&. home plua 1 B.R. 1 bath a pt. Few feet from No. Bay. View frozn both unit.a. Thi.I ia a beautiful property. Priced rirht wttb Xln't. terma. BeautJtul home on two lot.a. Sbow place on Ialand. Let ua abow you thia 3 B.R. spacloua home. Large dJa1at room. Wall -to wall ~ J firepW-. sae.ooo tuU price. xm·t. Wm.L ~ CORONA DEL MAR So. of Hiway. 1 bl.k. from Ocean'. New 3 B.R. 2 b&. home. Finest coutrud.ion. Bet.utltUlly de.iped. S~.500. Tenn.1. Hurry tor th1a. BEACON BAY-BAY FRONT Bay Front. ChU'DlinJ S bedroom bpme plua ruest apartment. Moat attractively f\lrni1hed. Flneat aandy beach Pier privlJeges. TlllS WILL GO IN A HURRY. $45,000. Xln't. terms. HARD to GET BAY FRONT LIDO ISLE So. Bay Fr. NEW-Beautlful-BuJlt for gracious living fC?r a large family or a couple. Every desirable feature bu been lncluded in thia 4 B.R. 3 bath home. The panoramic view of the boats and Bay la unex- celled. AU rooms have a marine view. Thia la a MUST to aee if you want the finest. And the price ii low but the owner uya "Sell." We ?lave the keya, call us. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 · Balboa Island VOGEL VALUES HERE'S A SWEETHEART. 2 br. & den with fire- place. Vuy nice private patio. Hu eeparate Income unlt with a aure $1,800 yearly. Better hurry to get th1a one. . TOP LOCATION BA YFRONT Immaculate 4 br. -two· 1tory home on large lot. Uncrowded atmosphere with lovely patio, pier and float. Large living room, den, anp ~parate dining room. Ca.ah down, unfurn, $30,000. $7,500 ia. all It takes to move you Into thia 2 bdrm. BALBOA ISLAND home with 1 br. apt. Both furn· ilhed. Patio and fence, garage. Wonderful location. Low monthly ptLymenta., $12,500 Will place you In this fine, modem, new 2 brm. home le one brm. apt. Dbl. garage. Beautiful 'landecaping, glau wall to patio. Fireplace, W/W carpeting, dispoa&I. extra large wardrobes, forced air heat. Lovely, deluxe. Euy terms on balance. THE VOGEL CO. ... 208 Marine, Balboa Island Harbor 444 CORONA DEL MAR Income or l'e8idential unit-low priced 2 bedrm.. house with attached 1 bedrm. apt. Nice neighbor- hood -on upper Marigold. Well worth a look. Full Price ........................................................ $16,500 UNUSUAL HOME with guell unit on upper Poppy with 1650 aq. ft. of lMng area. Lovely view of hills and area. Price . .. . .......................... $21 ,500 ONE OF THE LAST IN SHORE CLIFFS-View lot on Morning Canyon Rd ................. -.......... $16,000 Open House in Corona Highlands Daily 1-5 p. m. • 448 Rivera Terrace Lo\·ely view or coast line all the requirements that mab a lonly livable home. Easy terms or trade fo r vacant property in area ................. $29,700 GORDON WALKER, Realtor W. E. FISHER, Builder Dick Hilliard. Pat Pattison, ~r. Roban. Bob Gervais 3034 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 2443 BEAUTIFUL EAST SIDE HOME Near Irvine Avenue-well designed and nice loo)dng. Three bedrooms -two·car garage. Wall to Wall carpet. Fireplace. Thi.I property is a good buy. F.H.A. Terms on balance. Full price la only $12,600. Phil Sullivan & George Everson 1856 Newport Blvd., Cost.a Mesa <Across from Costa Meaa Bank) Phone Liberty 8-6761 ~Vell. Har. 4366-LI 8-2103 Balboa Island We offer excluslveJy an unusually deajrable 4 bdrm. multi-bath home. Dellght!ul living room, large dJn- lng room. Maximum aquare footage. Close to beach. $26,000, euy tenna. See thia value Buy l EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor . • 2~ Marine A'1e .. Balboa Laland Call Harbor 177~ Eves: Harbor 5359 I I ... ~ I 82-Beal r..tatt ~a~·~-~r..t~·te~----~a~-= ... ~~ ... ~·~ .. ~---A·-C-~~Re~al~f'.ata~&e~---·NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART IV. PA&l 1 -------I THURSDAY, JUNE 2J, 1955 p . a . p a I m e r i n c o r p o r a t e d a-Real ... a-RMI ,.. .. I ' developers of Lido Isle DESIGNED FOR GRACIOUS LIVING! BRAND NEW -MAGNIFICENT VIEW New Orleana wrought iron and ahutten add to the graeet\ll, old WOl'ld cbarm of thia modem home. Planted lanai entry, alate fireplace, louvred pua throucb from kitcb~.n. DYl9Q. V1.Beoee_. wall to ·~ ~. Macer bedroom bu it.a own b&Ul pd dreuing hall, allding glau dopra to patio, 2 wardrobe cloeetl. AJisO • glul doora from livrm. to patio. Therm. oven and range, dlspoa&l, 30 foot wide garage. A really choice 3 bed.rm. 2 bath home in perfect Udo Iale location. $34,000. Terna. ANOTHER OUjSTANDING HOME by the aa.me builder, Mr. John Viucher. Very aim- ilar excepting it 1-on a com er and hu • bedrma. and 3 bathe and 2 fireplaces. U you desire a larger home, come in and we will be happy to ahow you why we think tb.ia ia a terrific buy at $37,400. Tenn.e. On either of the above bomea, we can take in a Udo lot. · We have a few good summer rent&W .till available. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via lido, harbor 1~ llo.t ex.citing houae in Corona del Mar-Rustic Early American-Heavy Sbake Roo!-2 Uaed Brick Fireplaces. 3 Bedrooms (1 unfinished) Plua Den- 2 Batba. S27,000 Total Price-Modest Down Pay. ment. Call for I;>ave Osburn. Take Your Choice Three new view homea-3 Bedrooma, 2 Baths each -Fee aimple property (not leaaehold) -Prices $23,000 to $25,950. Famaworth will be glad to abow them to y9u. ' ~ Newport Heights 2 Bednn. houae with Apt. In rear. Large lot. $15,500 Aak For HodlriMOn Bluff Lot Breath taking view of the entire Harbor. $5500. Ask For Joe Kinc&id p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty 8-5573 Houston Values BILL'S BEST BUYS NEWPORT HEIGHTS Look What We Found! Neat. large t bdrm. home on Broadway, HW tlni., f&rage, furnished cottar e ancf r ue.t room on alley, 1 tu.II bath and two ~ IS'atlu. On sewera. Thi• le a fffl1 eteal a t $14,000 w1tb excel. term•. Are you gooc:t at fixing up ? See ua on this two bedrpam. Eutaid._,Coeta Meaa, on two Iota. 501140 each. Two for price of one. Full price,.$5,500. Leta submit $1000 Do. Quality Home Facts-Not Fiction 3 bdrm.-full bath, hdwd. n oora. firepla ce. t he rm o controlled gravity fumare. Sep. 2 car gs r. Wall to wall carpet. J ust rt· painted and decorated lnshte an•I out. Full prke just SIJ.~00 with 4'T 0 . l. loan -And It'• ·a fact this one will nil quickly. BALBOA ISLAND HERE IT IS -Bay vlew. 2 unit.a. 4 bedrm. born•, 1 bdrm. apt., home & apt. have view of bay. Shel- , tered patio. Quality construction. Apa. furnlahed. Home partly tu.rnilhed. New ln 1948. In beautifUl condition, $10,000 down. Owner wm carry balance for quallfied buyer. Choicest Bayf ront Buys BAY FRONT HOUSE & APT., No. Bay. BeautituJ beach. $10,000 down, balance euy, BA YFRONT, LrrrLE ISLAND -&O tt. bay fl'ont· age, pier & floaL 4 bdrma. Superior conatruotlon. A good buy! DUPLEX • SOt.rrH BAY FRONT -Luxury home and lncome. $~.000. WATERFRONT -Fum. 3 bdrm. home and 1 bdrm. apt. Fireplace. $10,000 down. Full price $29,500. WATERFRONT -2 auperior unit.a, 8 bdrm., l~ baths, fireplace DOWN : 2 bd~. 2 bathe UP. Bay view from upper deck. $45,000. Submit down. ISLAND COTT AGE ..... Obie. garage. Fireplac.. $15,750. Reduced for quick aale! 4 BORMS., 2~~ baths. New furniture. TV. BBQ. North Bay mooring. Good family home. Showa ex· cellent income. All for $24,950. Cottage.near South Bay. S bdnna., 1~2 bat.hi, f'lre. place, large living room. Attractive patio. Excellent rental record. Good value at $26,500 .. CORONA DEL MAR . EXCELLENT INCOME -4 fumlahed untta: 1 bdrm. each. 'No vacancies In over a year. Rent ii $65 each. Groas yearly $3920. All in t int cl.au con· dition, $6000 takes. Full price $22.500. 4 -ON HAZEL, 2 br. view home. Private pathway to 1 bdrm. Duplex $9800 Three bedroom, 1 l)4 bath. Check there feat ures 2" coved linoleum in kitchen & bathe, forced air heat, tongue & groove sub-floor, H.W. floors thru-out,' exbauat fan, garbage diapoaal, aewers and large 20x20 garage little Corona beach, $25,500. COSTA MESA LUXURIOUS 5 bedroom view home. Lush tropical Charm-Personalitv patio and yard. $15,ooo down Clote-ln only 8 yra. old, OD HWUI, dble. garage. waahrm. on Llll!y. C<>ml'r lot. live pract.lcally re.nt· tree. Good terms. - Income Near Theatre A eeparate 1 bdrm. home and I rental unlui, all fumtahed, larre comer lot 125 x 148. Thia la excellent value. Full price S21,200, terma. Owner needa lmmtdtate action I G. I. Resale Exc<'llent 3 bdrm. on -•rs. curbs. rarb. dlap.. Venetian blinds. On Costa Mesa St., Hu a 4 '~ loan with low llo"'l\ and only S57.M mo. on balance. Two Rentals on Full Acre fl:ear golf courlM', 2 l bdrm. homu on a 13211300 lot. Income $110 per month. Full prlre, '11,600 Low down and terma. -For eve Info. on above Petitte LI 8-:1487 M-1 Acre Placentia 86" frontage All level lanrt with b1~ water main In tront 29 '( dn. 4r bal E Z. Nice 2 Bdrm. $6250 East elde location. Sf:SOO down. For above eve inro. Ph. Lytle LI 8·2542 Full Price Only $13,700 with $3,700 Down Back Bay -.. Panoramic View of . Hills Want elbow room? ll'his 3 bdrm. epacioua home is made to order. Liv. rm. 16x24: Dining Rm. 12x15: Master Bdrm. 14 '/::x,15: Kitchen '] 2x18. Obie. doors to walled patio. Wall-to-wall cpl. Included. A truly nice home in restricted area. Price $15,900 with terma. Charm - Comfort -Value -View AJJ wrapped up In one. 3 Bd.rma. 28' living room, med-brick firept11ce, nlceiy-landac~~ -car ga- rage, Ocean view from dining room, wall to wall rubber pad, Many more fine feat ures. On sewers In the city o! Costa Mesa and only 8 mont hs old. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR "you'll like our friendly service'' 893 E. 17th ~t.. Costa Mesa Liberty 8-1139 YOU Have a Part in the Multiple listing "Success Story" Five Million Dollar Sales to date in 1955 compared to Two and a Half Mill ion Dollar Sales to date in '54. BUYERS and SELLERS of Real E state are offered Important helpful assistance. See your REALTOR for free illustrated booklet on "How the llultiple Listing Service Works." * (Cooperative effort of 250 full-time profe!sional workers) and comfort wl'ro uppermost fn mind Wht'n this modem style 3 SEE us for BEACON BA y and BAY bdrm., t •11 bath home wu built. SHORES . lt hu a crapesl.ake frnced properties. patio. fireplace, ba.r kitchen with d l11p0sal. forr ed air lleal, mere. 11wltches, dbl. gar , . . Une'lualled value at the reduced price of $11.900 ! ! Want a 1/2 Acre Ranch 1 CALL HARBOR 1775 -or EVF.S Edlth M&roon, HY alt 4-6222 ; John Macnab, Harbor 5359. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave.!.. Balboa Ialand. Real cut6 ~ T>Grm. a nd bath home --------------------- and a 1 bdrm . and bath gu<'st hou11e or renta l. P lenty room for horae11, rhlck!'na or what have you H's • IMe to U11rk Bay too! Prlrt'<t rlgh\ at $13,9~ with xlnt. terms. A Real Good Looker! la this 2 bdrm. G. J. reule. We will guarantee you wtll agree with ua t.hat t.hls I!! the neatest, • cleaneal. moat a tlmctlve 2 bdrm. bom,. and ya1 d you·ve l!V•·r 11~n for the price of JU st SI 0.850, Let us prove this statement. $1 ,500 Down will buy thia completely redeco· rated a bdrm. hon1e with htlwd. noor11, tlreplar!', fenced. }fnd· 1ea ped yard with 11heltered lanai and pstto •.. ll'a a •";. G, l. resnle too! Bay & Beach Realty 1696 Newport Blvd. Cost.A Mesa. Callt. LJ~rly 8·1161. Evea. LI 8·31~8 BAYSHORES "67 FT. LIDO CORNER" First Time Offered Four bedrms, three baths plus laun- dry -sewing room .. Plenty of room for swimming pool. Carpeting, drapes and appliances 'included -Full price $49,500. For appointment to see this outstanding Lido Home Call LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES W. G. (Bill) KC'mpton * Joseph H. Grohman * Virginia Manson * Gene V~Jan~ * Tom Campbell * (Lido Island's most experie nced aalea penonne)) . ~400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (Acro88 from Richard'• Market) Undenitand the advantage of this modern way to Open House S11n .. 2515 Crestview Houston Realty Co merchand~ more properties thru more people with 3 B R. but beaC"h 'house • Newport Heights lot -view SiOOO & ASSOCIATES NO INCREASE IN COST. But eul81de c o11ta Me:1a 10-BAY SHORES • • • • 509 Center St. Coat& Meaa Available from Members of the calftin. 3 B n 3 bath . Sl0.500 Ll 8·69ll LI 8-7784 N H b B d f R I Bel!t CORONA DEL MAR ewport ar or oar o ea tors dupltx ······ ··· · ···· · '26·500 COSTA MESA 410 • 32nd St., Newport Beach 2 B. R Inside ~~~nlre eouth CUTE 2 bedroom home. Low ly kitchen with tep. dlnlnr room on a 60xl30 ft. lot-only $7,9:10. 2 BEDROOM house With nreplare on llOxHO ft. lot. Large attic workshop. Within walking dis· lance of atoru and Ca tholic Khool. S13,000. BALBOA 3 BEDROOM HOUS!l -L&rr• living room. cloH to ~y. U ,000 down will handle. • Rental Income PLUS Lovely 2 B.R . .l den owner's home, corner location on Marigold. Match thia for value and pride of ownership 12x24 living room also den or extra B.R. panel ray heat in both Bedrms. Modern fireplace, w to w carpet, venetians, spotless conditivu. Small yard encloeed a.nd beautifully landAcaped. Rental unit ii fumiahed. An exceptional value, convenient location·. For addrea11 a.nd price on this exclusi\"e list ing, phone Mr. Russ or Mr, Rayle. patio . $24,500 3 B. R .. 3 bath, Bayfront, nice patio w/BBQ -PIER and SU P ....... -............. Reuonable Claire Van Horn REALTOR 2731 W. Coast Hwy. I.I 8-4277 O~ THE SAND, near the 11urf. larre ~2 beach lot. Just S22:10 Orange Coast Properties IMurance. Sales. Loans, Bu11drre 18.'H ~e"rpt)rt Avr : Co~ta Mesa Ll 8-1632 LI 8· H OO Eve11. Open House Sat. & Sun. 1-5 EXCLUSIVE LISTING • Corner Arbor Dr. & Vista Dr. • Bay Shores' Cleverest Ranch Type Home 2 bdrm., raised used brlck fireplace, diahwuher, disposal. Charmingly decorated. Crushed rock lawn. Full price $23,500, t crm1. AND • 2601 Bay Shore Drive • 3 bdrms., 2 baths, bay view home -All electrla. house. Built·ln range & oven. Ca~ted and drap. ed. Ideal home for couple with visiting relatiolll. or friends. Full pnce S29.500 -Terms. ~ For preview showing, call Harbor 1600 - (Evea. Llberty 8-MS&) Balboa Peninsula LOVELY ' bdrm., I bath hom•. 2 llvtnr rm• .• 2 tlnplacea. F\lrn· t1hed. Permanent view of ocean trom upat.a1r1 livtnr room. Good terms. Frank James-Linwood ,Vick REALTORS $2500 Down HARBOR INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS 1200 11q ft -3 bdrm 2 h&th home,. Newport Blvd. at 30th St., Newport Beach Coast Properties 301 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor HM, 11187 and 4$00. READY J'OR DP.:VELOPMEN'T or hold for lncreue In n lu..- .100· C-1 on \V 19th only 110.500 today. Orange Coast Properties fnaunnce.. 8al ... Loana. Butlden J867 Newport Ave., Cost.a M- U lt'M2 LI f.ltOO Sn&. C. B. Russ-R. W. Rayle-Chu Tra\·ls Associates 312 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Harbor 2042 AMAZING! ,. Luxurioua old channel front home. 6 bedrm1., ' baths, pier, 46 ft. channel frontage. Terrific view. Owner aaya "Sell Now," Only $49,500 iDclUdmg ca.rpeta and drape.. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W. Cout Hwy. Newport Beach • (at Port Orange) LI 8-7662, Bar. 51M •Ve9. 60x120 lot. 2 rar 1e11r11ge on LIJcy. Paved al r<'"l 11n<l ru1bs --------------------- All l11ndsr Aplng In lnrlurtlng 111 rire patio w 11 h sliding gt11111 door ll lot.a of "bllot house" fell· turca. 8ff at 1973 RQsrmsry Plact'. Coeta M"llA. OwnH I.I 8·1687 651 re C-1 Zone 2 BF.ORM. olO"r h11u'"· Eut l!llh St , Coal& Mu a. CAii own,.r. 1.1 M 7&9. 6:J«711h C-1 Property AT COR~ ot t9th and Pit · cttn tta, W1lh 2 bednn. houae and •mall •lore. St:'BMIT u changu , Ca ll Wbforty 1-8681 DOtlc Balboa Peninsula ! t ! 52 ft. lot ! ! ! SPACIOUSNESS inside and out marka thia new offering in a quality-protected neighbo rhood of flne homes. 3 bedrma. l :i l bathe, Huge patio. luxur1oualy planted. OPEN SATURDAY & SUNDAY ·l -5 P. M. 2017 EAST OCEAN BLVD BALBOA Call Sylvia Thompson, for p~cw sbowinr MURIEL M. PINOVER, Realtor Euy Parking 2604.Xewport .Blvd. Newport Dtilch • T I ' 'AGE 1-PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1955 We ·the uftclersigned - ' , f Now that school's out,. you'll be seeing more Tf the kids. Melce sure you He them firs.t •.• drive with •xtr• care all summer long. Children et play o~en forget to watch out. for .. · tr•ffic ••. so you r:nust remember to watch out ~r children. Pledge yourself now to help keep t+te streets sefe for the youngsters! . ' urge you to reinember_ •••••••••• • Llttle Ml 1WfllM1·-*• mistakes IR croullHJ 1trffts or at play. It's poor comfort to bow JM were tKlllllcally hi Ille rhJllt, -... a chlcl Is lttllftcl. le ccnM •.• • little Firestone Brake Special $1 .19 Includes: remove front wheels, inspect brake lining; clean and pack front-wheel bearings : inspect grease seals: check fluid and adjust · r brake shoes; test brakes. R & L AUTO CLINIC 3001 Newport Blvd. Harbor 4606 COSTA MESA ~ anJ HARBOR AREA NEW & USED BIKES Repairs & Parh MILLER'S BIKE SHOP PICK-UP & DELIVERY FREE PARKING PHONE: Uberty 8-1321 1584 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa ''Thanks mister, you're sure swell!" the little lad sa id , to a careful, courteous and considerate driver. The smile end the warmth of his expression -we1 worth • I 000 t imes iaore than the ,, 1hort delay he cauHd. Let's DESERVI tt.e prlvhfe of mivl119- l I D 0 M A I I I T NEWPORT BEACH extN c•llfl•• -w a lot. Buffalo Meat to Take Home for Your Own ... -1-9 KIDDY RIDES New Tiny Stag• Coach Drawn by Shetland Ponies Newport Harbor BUFFALO RANCH t-tacARTHUR ILVD. Expert SerYice Free Pick-up & Delivery .... SIMONIZ SPECIAL $15.00 '" tint J- $5.00 per month •• re-W&Jt a ...a.a GRAN D ST A1F F'S SHIU SERVICE I 30th & Newport llvcl. Hart.or 4109 at ftO COit to Y Oii · Dry CleanllMJ • • • ff We Don't Keep This Promise In At 10 a. m. .Lightning Service 0 u t At 5 p. m. Cash & Carry Only and it's that sensational DRY CLEANlfillG LIDO CLEANERS Costa Mesa 1712 Newpcwt llYCI. I Be Sure INSURE with MAURIE STANLEY • 3315 E. Coast Hwy. COl'OIMI clel Mar Phone Harbor 2474 SUMMER VACATION NEEDS .. • SUNTAN LOTIONS-CREAMS • SWIM CAPS • IEACH TOYS • SUN GLASSES • 1-.cH HATS • CAMERA FILM • HOT WEATHER TOll.mlES SEE US FOR AU YOUR VACATJON SUPPUES TURNER DRUGS 2542 W. Coast Hwy. Uberty 8· 1153 IOI IWa e BALBOA e Ne.r Pavllloa Pbo• Barbor 508 OPEN 1 DAYS A WEEK HOURS: 9:15 a.m. to 9 p.m. We .... S&H · .,_ llwnp1 Open iii 9:00 p.m. • ever'! evening Le VALLEY'S MARKET . 112 McFadden ( ~' the pier J 'D 2108 OCEAN FRONT Near NEWPORT PIER NEWPORT RACH NO LOWER PRICES ANYWHERE Phone Harbor 5 Jlaujten molorj !Jnc. 1932 Hcnor Blvd. COSTA MESA ti --:-~:: ~~ AUTHORIZED DEALU: MG TF-1500 AUSTIN-HEALEY AUSTIN.CAMIRIDGE MG MAGNmE SEDAN MORRIS SJATION WAGON ENGLISH · FORDS RENAULT FIM UMcl ForelcJn Ir Aftterican Cari I I