HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-06-27 - Newport Balboa Press.... • I -, 0 ,, ,,.. 11 -ft .. J.;:;,:;;.;;-, ~~ ~~~~~.:a;~;;~~:'.iim:;;;;~;:;::=ii;;;;;;;;:;;;;;'"'idij[li;-~:Lifti.WrrA"--;;;;;;n:~-;:;;;;;~;;""';;;::~;::;::;;:;;:;::~:i~~;;-:;iiiiijl~iij~J_iS;:..~,~~ ... ~~~~.~ ~ Water Front Harbor's Big Shipyard Working on New Expansion In keeplnc with growth of the community, South Cout Compaoy, Newport Beach'• oldest and largest ahipyard, baa eomplfted plana for expansion by acquiring .the IO-C&lled Payne property 'adjoining South Cout'• yard to the west. .Accordtnc to Walter a . Fra.ns. 100 feet. with a.water fronta&'• of pnmdent of tlle company, acqulal-100 fHt. Uon o( the additional property WU U'"utu.Uon ot the Payne propa bued Oil lncnued dein&nd tor the erty wu made ~•Ible by the oompany'a ~ce. to ·boat -n· 1rant1n1 ot a lonf term le.a. to era, and to anUclpta.lon of the the 1mall lnten •enlnf piece or powth of Newport Harbor u the prope~y <!)med by the City of yachtlnf center of 8outhem Call· Newport Beach, which 1'8J>ar&ted fomlL the Payne property from the pre- "We fMl that we are Ill Int.a· aent 1lt~ or the boatyar~. South IT&l part of the community," aald C-.t Co. la the .only' major ahlp-Franr, "t.nd we antlcJpat e Ila con· yard In the Loe Angele11-Newport Ullued ,-rowUI a.nd proepertty. Our area that o't\'n• the land on which boatyard hu been ln conUnuoua It oparatu, In contrut to other opef'&tioa alnce 1908, eYen thoUfb yarda which operate on leued UM lncorponUon of South Oout rround. Co. u tt la today WU not adlleved PLAN8 UNDERWAY uaW ~ Vader dlrecUon of IAO J. ___ o_ua_ ft& OaGWTll Jict.pr.uldent. _plane t.o.r New Mesa . . ~rind Jury Probe on! Fairview Farms Rnanclal Audit · Launched bj County County auditors this week were slated to atart work on boou of the Fairview Fa.nna Water District in Coata Mcaa at instigation of the Orange County Grand Jury. The NeWR- Presa learned exclusively today that the grand jury voted on the audit at a recent meetlng. 1 lhat rf'rent rhangea In tht' juve- The auditing wu BChl'duled to nlll' hall lll't·up. Involving ru ob•· J O two year1 back lnto record• of t1on and the. boa1d. hu h tl the the '11alrkt, now called the F-alr· hall In a traMlllonnl pe1 •u•I "We are ftrml1 C!OD'ltnced that velopmenl of the waterft'Ollt of e there la ·~ to be even ,reeter n-ly acqut~ property are al- pwth and d"elopment of New-ready belnr drawn. and conatruc- port Harbor 1n t.be near tutu.re. Uon work will ltart u 10011 u Our plane are to improve the ape they are completed. view County Water Dlatr1ct. Fair-"We will wait until we can 80Ul'B OOAST EX.PANSlON _ ~ottecl-linea under lea11e. N&l"l'OW dotted line triangular ~I ad-view Fanni wu dluolved .evt'ral make a l1ttr ''lr•1: before comlnc at left encloeing four new hulla ahowa 100x1!50-ft. jo'•''""' ii land which City 0 , NoMrnnrt Bea.ch bu leu-months ago with formation ot the to any conclualon1," Foraythe aa1d. uwue 4. ~~,.... county water dlatrtcL Cr1Uclam1 m•dt by C'ommlttH Payne property purchue made by South Cout Co. ed to ahipyud. -Padtic Air lnduatriea Photo Before the NeW11-Preal learned member• Included rrowded con· to aid in firm'• ahipyard growth. Parcel baa been of the ~ter dlrtrtct audit Htrry dillo.o.1 and p0:;ee111lon or &'round ~c. of the front of the new "The many tine yacbla u well pros'trtJ' and to plant treee ln the u numeroua Naval •-la we parkway to Mlp Improve the ran· have built have, we feel, done much era! appe&nllOa ot our local buai· to apre&d fame a.nd c~ate rood· ----------------------------------------------------J . ..Oreythe ot C<»ta M-. chair· not 1Ulllble ror growing ve1e· mt.n ot lnYMUptlve committee ot tablu. "It'• desperately crowd· n-dJatrkt.• will for Newport Harbor," con· TM ioa,.. property wu J'rana, "and our lntADUon 1'y louUa COMt Co. for the paet la to e:sp&nd, but maintain our rour ,...,. ca a temporary bula tradltJon ot tine c:raftamallablp." for U.. bulldln&' ot mtn......eepera At lhe preMllt tJme, 8out.h and aullmartae c:b&Mn for the C-.t u work.inf Ila yard crewa ....... t6 .... ot tM U.a. M&YJ'. to up.clt1. incl~ ma.ny houri Alt4pidllr, & total ot 11 NayY of OYertime work, prtmartly ready- llbtpe ,..... buOt on UUa propert1 tns marf)' of the tamoUI yacht• ourtns AU .JllftOd.--on.. pnipeR7 ~-~Ut-~.JiOftOlulu ltMJI ,..,._ M9WJIOl'l BoaJnv4, Race wlllcll at.art.I from San Pedro 1.al ti a ... 4P 1EM*..,, 100 ~ 1uJy 4 &t -· HllTJ WllllllSOl1 Passes: Rites t Siited ThurSday v ..... c1.,. .... u11..,.._ flal ......... "' lf...,...i 8-eb. H&rT1 a.,. """"""" T2, pea.-ad awq at U.. tamily bome. 1620 KJramar Drt"' 8&turd&y mont· lnl'· Ntaa wm be Tb\INdllr et I p.111. Wt& ms ........ & Mmlt et· t.ck. BAn7 a.,. wuu·-wu bona In HUllUJictoa, W. VL, and .ame to CalitDraia ID 119'1 &Dd' to t1M M.wport llal1lor ..,... ID ltn Wtleft he Md ..unuect to ..we. IN PlllLIPl'IJlfU Harry wnu......,.. aerved wttll tlle K&rtMa ta the PbWppta• ID °'mop lip actlcm" U... aa a i.Wt e6 the 8s-ai* .AllMl1eu War. He ..-ved ln tM U.8. N&YJ' dwinl' the nm. World WU' and nturned #r'Om retirement to Mrve thl"OUl'll World Wa.r n. He wu a Chief Ptwma.c:iat. In the tntertma betWMD bla _.. Yb with hla eount.ry'a armed fore· -. WlWam.m set lip a rM1 -- tate bu8tn-. wtth hia wtfe 1n ~ ta)(-ln lt22. They moved their otnce9 to Balboa ln 192&. WbUe -....ad in the real Nt&te bu.ain- here he wu acUve In the orpnl-, •Uon ot the .. Newport Harbor llo&rd of Realtora and aerved u a director of the California Real Ea- ... AMod&tMla. w~ MrYed th• etty ot 1'8Wp0rt BMcb u a dty council- man from April. im untll April, "90. It WU GurlD( hll le"!' that (0-" I• .... '7) llA&Kl' WILLIAll80H SLEEP WALKING REAL COOL GO Maybe Stephen Wataon, 2 ~ of 223 Cryatal Ave., llkea It cool and quiet on bu1tllnc Balboa Leland theH day1. Po· lice reported the young-man wu di.covered 1leep, w~ around the laland eatly Sat- urday morning-by Mra. H . .A. Weat, 1'11 Balboa Ave. Sbe took him back home. John A. Murdy Appointed to Senate ~roup Senator Paul L. Byrne, Chico, Bulle County, chairman of the Joint Interim CommlU.ee on Agi-1- cUl~ural and Uveetock Problems, tod•y announced that • SenRtor John A. Murdy, repruentlng Or- ang-e County h ad been appointed by the Senate Rulu Committee to memberablp on the powertul and lntluenUal J oint lnterl\n Commit- tee on Agricultural and Uvutock Problem•. 0000 gAJUlE& Chairman Byrne 11.Qted that Bena.tor Murdy, u a member or tile Senate Standlnr Commllltt on Al'rlcuiture during-the put lcgls· l&Uve Mallon In Sacramento and u a 1Uccuaful tanner h9d rvl- denC*I a kHn lnterut and under- at&ndlnc of the many complex farm problem• pruentt d to the le&111&ture tor Ill conalderatlon. Byrne eaJd he welcomrd appoint· ment ot Murdy to the committee and would be looking torwnrd with I plea111ure to worklnir with him and other ~mbera In the commlttee.'11 conttnulnr study ot the rnlllly .. (Oolltlaeed 08 Pase 1) IN'URED WOMEN-Ambulance attendantl a•ieted by Fred OeC&mp (center) of Buena Parlr. lift Virginia Lucille Buck. 37, of Newport Beach. after ebe wu i.nja.red in a two car colliaion at La Palma and Knott Avenu• Wednelday Dlsht a\ e p.m. Two Newport pa19eR1en With Kiee Bue~ were U.O illjund. but Uae driver of the ._.,.,....._om11alll4aemrJ P"'al&oplfpto~tllei'ill& COUNCll OKA VS UPPER BAY WATER SKI LAW Lawson Offen Mesa Hall Site the l'f'&Jld -jury ad.mJtted tbil ed." the chairman ob1erved. "Built niomillr that auditon ..,.. at to h411dle eo C'hlldren, It aome· work. But be l&td, "There att tlmu mU1t h•ndle u many ae one or two matt.n I camaot die-90. Thia mean• beda on the floor. cuaa at t.b1a time," n. Uked which la not fOOd ." Tbe Ctt1 ot Coat& w... bu wbat the Jurora pl.aaMCI to tab The Jurora exp~a.eed belief the been otter.d 21,i acru of land at up In the near tl&tun. children have aood ecboola and 11th St. and Pomona for a clt,y FUND DIS'l'llDIV'l'IOJf food. Vlalt to Ula Juvf'nile hall Wat.er aklera are back tn bUal· apeed limit b the enUre Harbor hall atte at co1t of $1 to make It Cawie ot the alMUl of J'alftfew -Umec1 for a noon meal. re· ~-tod& in ~ N~rt U.Pper preva.Ua. lel'al. Kayor C1&1re Nelaon ln· rarma Water D1atr1ct ...... N-pofta abow. Bay. .A counter clocJnNe tntno pat-"tonne~ or city COWldl portAiUy 1a tM lftMIMr er ~ ....,..,_,,. .. m-· PllOU In a 1peelal ..-ion, UM city tent la aet lip for elrtera UDJw at a luncbeon toda1 noon. ttoD of t\ln4ll w1Ma the tiOI.,..... 8eent ~ UlYolvtag a t i.ut coUDCU late Thunda7 an.Doon cUnpd 'b)' the Jiar11onnuta'. An -cn-nent W'Mreby the Jud Uoa wu dlmolftd. Lud left ta four BatW area reaidenta re- adopted an ~ dl'fldlal Ula '1'w'o ~ mllllt operat. Mat.a could be tuned over to the ctt1 tM dlMr1et WU .,.._ Obeob •~ IU'dlnl allepd M ... alecUon Ir· bey IDto two ~ _. ._.., towai ~ or ,.._., _. It ta expected t. IM llrouPt lip dl1r-atrlnl NO to '40 ..,... ..t oat npladU. MA¥ 10 wiR be held ..... ..._ *''"• _.._.a.JI wt11 IM ..... ear ~ bt ...... ills t.oatctat'• ....,._.., ..._ Oty .. ...,.... ••' ua ~7 u.. p&Dd Jury ta 8aata Ana for lpeed bo&tll ta f•t or under. take or appl'O&Ch nu.rer thu. 200 councU tn Meowport .Juatice 09'IJ't. ma •-ban ot tM .... t• Wdl 111' •ornin&'· 81ttln1' In Dlatrict one, reettYed far speed fMt ot a boat towing objecta or ot:termr the aanement t. Howard u .. ~ttee made • ,_..._ • u.. be&rinl' wtll be Dl•trict 00.la 18 fttt or U11der towing penona. Law.on ot 1220 W. Ba1 Ave. >.a-nounoecl rialt to Orup Cowaty AttorlM)' Robert KnHlud. A water all.ten, runa from the Upper &IOBT-OF-WAY aoct.at• an menUoned on the Juvenile Hall at J'ourtJl St. tn pabUo ~eat pn>Mbly wlll be Bay ramp north to the l&lt work• a.greeme.nt, but not llated, the Sant& Ana l&lt WMk.. Some crltf· ~ an... the ..-on. accordlnf rl d t Towtng 00.la have the npt-of· Pru.a le le dam. DI.et . ct two ruerve or W&T over boat.a not towtng. Tow• Newa-amea. clam wu expl"M8ed 'b)' the ,Jurors. to Orand JUrJ Foreman Brom 1 spe.ed boat.a 18 reet and under tow· However, Fonyt.be pointed out W. Hill ot J.Acun& ~ bJ t . .,.. line• can.not ~ lorlrer than 7~ mr no perlOD or 0 ec rune 80UUI feet. Boat operatora may pick up Newport Budget ot the upper bay ramp to the vlcJnlty of the Bay Shorea Trailer fallen wat«r alrlera lf It can be Park. SpHd ln ~nea 11 limit· done w!Uwut diaturblJIC the traf· OPERATION OF NUDE PHOTO BUSINESS TOLD ed to 3~ l<nota. -nc pattern. Skiere may drop tow Me· el ltl:STIUCl'ED llOUR8 Unff onl1 tll de1lpat.ed ramp Tonight Both aonea are re1tr1cted to landlnf a,... akllng-and 1Pffdln1 between lhe All 00.t obeernra ml&llt ra1H hours of 11 L m. and 11Unset d&Uy. one arm vertically on a.ppro&ch· Ou!.8ide of these houra, the :I-knot In( a fallen akier or IWtmmer. 1 L.A. Man Dies as 'Hot' Car Hits Bridge BANTA ANA (0CN8)-Mln ulea after be auertedly 1tole a 19~ automobile in Sunael Beacb early I Saturday, a 21-rear-old Loi An· gelee man wu kllled when he I plowed the vehicle Into the Santa I Ana River brtdge on Cout High· 1Way, I The dead man wu ldenUtled by the coroner'a oftlce u Raymond J . Correa, 211 N. Saratoea SL He l I wu pronoun-.ed dead on arrival J tn Koa, Ho.pltal. • E UOF.11.'E FENELON Euge·ne Fenelon Dies; Rosary Set Tomorrow The hlftl'Wa1 patrol aatd ~ rea'11 11peedlnr vehicle ripped Into the north errd ot the bndre. An tn1t&nt after the craab a operated by Grenville Archer L&nlldell Jr .. 38. of Corona del Mar alammelt Intl' the Correa car. Lanadell reportedly wu unhurt. '8her1ft'a deputlee aald tbe bual- ne.. coupe wu taken from the roadside at 17100 Cout Highway about 4 :30 a. m. The vehicle wu unlocl<ed, but the keya bad been removed. according-to P'orreat .A. ~l. Lonf Beach .... One ot brange Coynty'a early· day ranchers. eontracton1 and city bulldeni, Eugene Fenelon. 81, pua- ed away at the family home In Balboa yuterday. F enelon bad 1ut· ttred from compl.tlona of a,e and a broken hJp. Cmry Fi1tcls Car Fenelon came-to Or~e Coun· ty before the first Wor ld War and be<:1.me enpged In ranchlnf. He 11erved overaeu u a 1erge&nt with the lH th Field Artillery. Following-hla return to Call· romla Fenelon entered the ranch· ing bwrinua In f>l&c.entla and wu active In the founding ot that Recowry of a car atolen from Loe Anrele1 on Monday wu made June 21 by motor Officer Che8tu Curry ot the Newport Beach po- lice. Curry found the car puked at Momlnit r.anyon Ro&d and Coa1t lftthway. city. !Ater he wu engaged In the Holy Roeary will be reclt.ed ronlractlng a nd con1tructlon bu1I· Tueeday al 8 p.m. at tht ParkH· nus. Rldey Mortuary chapel I•' Coata In 193'7 ~ene Fenelon wu en· Me-. Mua will be celebrated at f&led by the County of Oranre 9 a.m.. Wedneed&y at OUr lAdy u purcbutnr •rent and aenoed ot Mount Carmel C&taoUe Cburch. unW 1"3 •tien be became build· Pall ....,..ra wW IM Ralph Ku· Inc auperiJltendeftt for the ett1 kq, Theo. ...._, Le8lte B. ll:ebl. ot Newpert Beach. In the twentlea Warren Bnad.for'. llllot w-. W'lJ. he bad IMll"ftd Newport 8-ch on Ila Belmle and I:. L Moore. Ila ~ conua1amAoft and wu J'...ao. ta aurri..S 'b)' Ilia ecu" la the dntUnC of the tint wtdow, Moille ot tbe tuailJ bolM Pluail\I ud -Ans onllnance ol a't 1121 Mlramu Dr1ft and 'b7 UM dty. four ......, Mn. Walter W'lmuu, ,..... .... ...,.,.. of the aw.p: llrL WUDla .......... 11.oant ~ CadleHe Onndl &Dd M·-dl I 1tu; )(n.. A.Wu. llQs· ol tbe M..,art BmW A--.a ..... t..,.. r.lud ud lln. Z.W· i..-.. Ill. -~ ., 1'lddl. ~ Lut chance for cltlMna of N-· port-Beach to 1pe&k their vtew1 ~rardlnr the propoeed flac&l bud· get for the city cornea tonlcht In city counctl chamber at 7 :30 o'clcx:k. Mesa City l11clcjet Mn. Aid T CICJlr Tells Government Solution . to Halt to Raclcet Comes Up ToniCJht -~ 81 PHYll.18 '· ,ACKSON Ooata Meaa'• t1acal city bddpt Thia i. the aecond inaWlment of the Lnaide atory of the wUI be taken up by city council 1n Newport J uatlce court. at.artlnc nude "girlie" photo buaines.w currently under inveatlcation at 7 ;30 p. m. today. A tax rat• by the Kefauver Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delin- of eo cenll 11 expected to be eet quency. It'• the story o( Mrs. Mary Dorothy Tager, 2100 by the councilmen. Ocean Blvd., u abe told it lo the Newa-Prea. Thia I.I 10 cent.I owr pruent 60 Kefauver auu hu Mre. Tacer'• It •11 atar'U with an ad -an cent pu 1100 uaeaaed vAluatlon, manuacr1pt wh0lcb tell.I how the Innocent .eoundlng ad -plarl'd In "Girlie" buatne• nuia. It'• that any of the mtLllY men'11 magu:lnu but 20 cenla below budc't rtgurea Important. "Unui.ual noveltlu for mf'n," It called for by City Manager G~rg-e How doe. It opentte ! Simple. 1ay11. "Send 26 cent• ror " 1111m- Cottey a.nd 40 cent.I below • rec· So etmply. operalorll are able to pie." For two-blt.1 tht' m11n Jitt'll ommended f'uU dolla r tax rate rec· j keep one jump ahead of po~tal a 1m11ll. third dlmen111on pin-up omm~ded by Coffey. aulhortt.IN -moal ot the Ume. C Co•UalMld oa Pal'e '1) TRUCK OVERTURNS, NO INJURIES Truck, tree. anct •.elephone pole were demoliahed before dawn thla moniinl when a bup tank truck and trailer piloted by Rollie Sturtevant of Norwalk, caromed otC th• Cout Hi&bway between MacArthur Blvd. and Marine Ave. Pictured above bettlde the crfel'turned truck are left to ri1ht, Sturtevant, and hla wife who wu rid.Ing with him and. two unidentifaed cood wnaritana wbo •topped to otter help. The truck la owned by Ed. Compton of the C. It C. Trall.lportation Co. of Lonr Beach. Sturtevant aa.id eometliinc Jt'ent wronc with the truck and be wu unable to steer it. No other ................ •·"~ • I I ' • .. J NITED DAUGHTERS of the Confederacy, Emma Sansom Chapter, held tbeir annual patio picnic and installation on June 23 at the home of the Miuee Gertrude and Loulee Mont gomery, 2117 Ea.et Balboa Blvd. Left to r ight, front row, are Mlsa Gert.rude Montgomery, registrar ; Mrs. T. J. Haughton, recorder of croues; Mrs. M. 8 . J ames, California division preei- dent ; Mias Edna Fowler, installJng·officer ; Mra. John Young, chapter president; Mra. Charles Dennison, Montgomerys Fete _JUDC· at Patio Picnic Emma Sansom Children Given Life Membership Enµna Sansom Chapter, U.D.C., held it.a 5lst annual in- stallation of officers at the home of the Miaaes ~rt.rude and Louiee Montgomery, 2117 East Balboa Blvd., on June 23. Co-hostesacs were Mmes. G. C. Bennett, Charles F. Denni- eon, R. B. Gregg, Aifred Park, Ralph Seward and Miu Rose Muy Park. I May 2, 1883, or General Streight lnstallatlon w~s preceded by the at the battle of Blac]( Creek, patio picnic held at the Montgom-Gadsden, Ala., when ahe ahowed ery home with &O attending and OeneraJ N. B. Fon'eat how to crose Charlee Dennll!On "converted Con-the cr~k eeoreUy. Only letter on federate," 11ervln1r aa chef. record written by Oen. Fon-eat XEW 0"1·"'JCER8 Is to thank Emma SIU\IOfTI , and It la ln the Congtt11lonal Library, Wuhlnft.on, D, 0. lm.lucled were MmH. John Young, prt!lhlent: Charlea Denni· enn, tTnt--vtt'r prrnd~t; Vt Carp. nter, 11N·on•I vice pruldent; L . A Arnrs•1n, recording 11ecre- tary, H. \\' Robbins. corru pond· In&' •eoret.ary; I\. E. Lo,.ue, ~· 'Urer; MJq Oertrude Mont,omery, tt'~lstrsr: .Mra. J. D. 15pt'Metta, ht11toru1.n. MIAl! Virginia Carpm- tr1, r arhamrntarlan; Mrs. T . J . Hu11ght1m. rrcort:ler or cr0Mc1 and Mrs. Fretl Farb<•r, chapl11.ln. Miss Edna Fnwler, l'Andidate for pru 1- tl• nt gt'nrral was ln&tslhng otn- Cl'I I lonoretl JUHll lnchM:led Mu. Mnrgurrfte Black Jamee, or Olen· dale, California Dlvtalon president; MIM Fowler. pn..st hlstorlllll gen· eral and candtd&le for prHident general at lh• November nallonlll convenUon In I an Antonio, Teu.1, a.ml ht'r 1l1ter. Mrs. Ruth J<reuech- er, dlvll!ion director of the UDC magazlnt', both or Loe Anfeles; LOCAL GUESTS ITOllY TO.LD Whtn Emma San.tom Chapter servt<I with Stone Mountaln Cl\a.p- ter u co-hoatua groupe tor the 1tate convenUon hal.d a tew wee.Sta a,.o In JUve...,de, Ki.a P'owler re- lated tile story of the young heroine on openlnr night. Throul'h ruearch effort.I ol Mra. Dennlaon, the bl1tory bad been obtained from Mre. M. H. Llstc-r, Gadaden. Ala., 11.nd the lal· ter hu been made an honorary member of the local chapter. Al.eo made honorary life mem· bera were the three living children or l.:mma Sansom and her hu .. band, Chris John.on. They are Mn. Chu Lu Burfln, 80, Mineral Weli.. Texas: &n C. J . J ohnson, 78, Big Sandy, Texu and M. M. Johnson, 74, or Dallu. The chapter wm hold Ill nut MMlon on l!lept. l . Party Honors Rea Graduate !Int ttce p.l"llldent ; Mn. Vlrsinla L. Carpenter, eec· ond vice pMdent; Mra. H. W. ftobblna, corrt9pondln1 eecretary. ~nd. row-Kra. J. D. Spennetta, blltor- ian; Mra. R. E. Lope, t.reuurer; Mra. L.A. Am.On, ·recording 1eeretary; Mra., Ruth KreUICher, dlnaton director UDC mqulne; Mn. J'red hrber, chaplaln, and Miu Vlflirlla L. Carpenter, parliamentarian. -Staft Photo ' -~ NEWPORT HAR&OR Joc~el'I MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE. Socletf !'.dltor PASE 2 • ftART 1 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY, JUNE 27, 1955 KAPPA SIGMA MOTHERS HOLD PICNIC LUNCHEON Annual luncheon of Kappa Sll'lJ'Ml Mothen1 Club of USC wu held at th,. home of Mnt. Clarence Higbie, 328 Amethyst Ave. Mrs. W. L. Casey took pictures of g-roup and llhowed others ta.ken llut year. Mn. Otto Blak..ltolb, Willie to attend, llenl a telegram or good wishes. Returning home alter the party and a 1hopplng trip aJong Marine Ave., were Mmea. Cuey, Arlington: W. S. 1MRS. BRUCE N. BARKER Newly-wed Duo to be Honored at Reception Mr. and Mn. Everett C. Edwarda, 2M Evening Canyon Road. will iionor their daughter and 80D·in-law, Mr. and Mr.. Bruce N. Barker of Detroit at a recept ion on July 17 trom 4 to 8 p.m. in their Shore Cliffs home. Mn. Barker ia the former Lucia Jean EdwardJI, grand- claulbter of the late Mr. and Mra. Art.bur J. lever-est, Lquna Beach plon .. ra. Sbe w.a m&nied May 31 lA Jim K1thodat Church, An.-ola, Ind,. to the 'Ion of Mr. LM C. Bar- ker of Sao Fhncllco and Kra. Beea M-Bark$1r of r..o. Anselee ud Ranta Roa. The Rev. Dr. L. o. Sapp ottlcLated. The bride wu IT'lduated from Laf\ll\& Beach Rist\ · l chool and Santa Barbera C0Ue1e. where •he majored In mualc. She 11 a member of Pi &ta Phi. She became &SIO· VFW .Auxiliary Duo in North elated with KRON TV and J'M llattona (SM! rranclaco Chronicle) u mU1lC librarian. Tl)I• put year 1he made a trtp lQ Hawaii, hu lince wrltt.e" prorram dl11erta· Uon1 for th• Honolulu Symphony Orche1tra LDd hi.I worked In the p)\y1tca1 therapy prorram at the ChUdren'a Ho•pltaJ, San Fran- cleco. Mr. Buker attended .PomOlla Coller e and aerved In the Navy, participating In the Normandy ln- vulon, •ulng a ction In Norlhem France and In Korea during the. South Pecl(lc rompalgn. He ta pre· lently with Qf'neral Motors Cor- poration and l<'cturea on Diesel engines. J ohn.alone, Glendale; C. A. McNeese, Lakewood; H. M. R en· Mrs. J . H. Patterson, retiring drtx, Huntington Perk; J . R. Brook11, Van N uys; Sam Dou1-preeldent of V. F . W. Coastline On comlns we1t the young cou_ pie will vlsll their respective par- 'nls. Th•Y plan eventually to make their home In Soul.hem California. lua. El SeJUndo: A. P. Russell and K. !:. Robln11on, North Poet 3~38 Auxiliary, conducted Hollywood; A. H. Benaon, Ralph Gamble. Bea Heaton. J . R. htt tlnaJ bualneu meeUng Friday ' • ~llton a.nd R. C. Wilson, Loe Angelee. at which time I t was reported tha t --------------------------delegates Mrs. May Buckland, AT GARDEN GROVE Federated Club Women Install at Conference · Oarden Grove club w11.1 ho11te11 group when llfrs. Lewl1 O. An- drews or that city waa lnatalled u presltlenl or Orange County Federation of Women'• Club1 a t their summer conrerenCP. All new of(icl'rs are pal!t president• or tht>lr elub11 and Include: Mmes. llfanon F'. Spencer. F\11· lcrton. vice prt>llldent; Ben Byh1nd, O r a n g e , recoro1ng eecr .. tary: Courtland Giimore. Oarden Grove, corresponding scc-retary; Re x Farmer. Bre11.. treuurer: ~odney Pullen. San Clement<', a uditor; A. H . HaUecll, Onulge, parllamcn- tarlun. choral gr<>UJ>I In the oounty fed· eraUon. Summer Dletrlcl OOntere.nce will be held J une 28-211 ~l ean.bad. Fitzpatrick- Talstra Rites Set for July Mr. and Mre. Dick Tjl)11tra, Hll Walnut Place, Costa Mesa, ar"I announClhg th• e n,..gement or their da~hter Jet.nlll• to Sheldon Month-Ind Mrs. Alice Daggett a.nd Mre. IC. C. Brown were attending t he dJstrlct -~nc. In ~cramento-J une 22 to 28. J uly 1 will be a dark night, the next rerular meeting lo be held July 8 at 8 p. m. with Mrs. Ray· mond 15cott, lncomlng preirtdmt. pre81dlng. De Witt Kirkpatrick, 1<>n of Mr. and Mrs. Curry Welch. Sr. or 482 Broadway, Costa Me1111. The bride-elect wu graduated from Newport Harbor Union High School and Oran:e Coa.st College where she was a bualne111 major. !he 11 presently a 11tcretary at Undberrh School, Costa Meaa. Mr. Kirkpatrick wu educated In Perrta 1choola. attended Rlver- 1lde and 8t. Mary'• Collegea. He entered the Air Force and served In Korea. He Is now associated with hi• father in the Ranch MarkeL Pl&n1 are ti.Ln1 made for a small church weddllll In late Ju.ly. """ ·~ All their ·nves they'll dum1c 1ou /or aJaia GRADUATION GIFTI . a Slitll-C.rona POlf~I TTPIWllTll • It'• tit. -111 ,.,,.,, perub1e .:. wllll 39 wonderfal feat.,. fer {••-•-la tnl .. I 01.ller guuua .,.,.ere-rdn1. -ucy May, Wa co, Toas, -houM guest or the Joe Thomp110na or Balboa; Mr1J. R. C. Ulack, New l1arket, Va.; Mrs. C. P . Van Ou.."C!n. All&· dena; Mra. J . W. Neblett, Balboa and ruver11ide: Melvin Kai.er, or Arcadia, heiuJ or ae\•erlll dance 1tudloe._ Aleo Mr. J . JC. McMJ chael, re· 11earch englnel'r ror Convalr, and Mra. McMlchael. San Diego. The latter I• a grut·granddau~hter of Mrs. E. W. Reed. reUring prcsl· dent, wa1 lnataJJln l' officer. Par- liclpatlng Jn opening or the eea- elon were the Rev. Eug-ene Cornn, Mrs. William Blackden, Mrs. JC. CongT&tul&.Uon1 to Bud Brown, H. Smith, Mre. E. H. Small, Mre. who graduated from E'(eretl Rae Courtland Gilmore, fod Mr11. An· School, Cost.a Meea, were extend-drew.I!. WE SUM~ER DRESSES ' ,,. epetd,,, .... ~­.... • r.u..i. kerkar4 .•• -... IMtl&1 ... .tr u4 ..... blll11 -la• Saltlt·CerHa pertalllltl • CO'ITONS Reductlona up to • LINENS WSCS Women Will Aid at Summer Camps l;outh •ork at 1wnmer campa of the lout.hem Ca.lltornla.Amona Conference 11 O<'CUJIYll\I a ttenUOQ Of lonl Methodllts. It WU nport• I ect a t ~ w .a.o.a. ....wa. 11\e ltev. and Mn. l\o>: C&rlaon wlll .,_ at Sky lfe&dowa u director and OOWlaeUor of the Chl'i9tlan Adven· -tul'e irroup; Mn. Earl. Stonrback. and Mrs. C'ah•ln !tlllwell wlll be 1 counMllora In a W1>rld f'rtendahlp Cl:lmp et ldyllwlld and Mr1. B. S. L. P'Altac will 5trve as nun~ at c.mp Holly. The prealc»nt. Mlaa Clara Kohl· 1tedl, pttMllt.ed Mra. 0 e o r I e Ooeldner ~<'rttary of 1uppU ... w1t.h a life m~mb4!r11hlp In the W.S.C.S. and a pin. Conferl'nce re- port• wer• he.an! and Ml'L Mamie Fooll' stated that ai.s memb«l"ll •re working two days a 'fl•etk a t Hoal' HOl!pll.31. Worship period wu led by Mr1. 0 . W. B oltby a.nd after luncheon, 11en•~d by N<'1A1K>rt Clr<'I~. Mr., I Ralph Wataon waa In rherre of the p rogTam. Mra. 8Wlwell p v• 1 the l~n on "Stewardahlp". u memberw broust\l sttt. and pl~• lo the altar. WAVll • .SPECIAL C ... latt _ s10.oo srso Permanent •• New a..c.... Jl7 N. N•wpert lh. Ctouroad1 Villap Oe!)ter Bldc. oppoalte Hoa1 Memorial Hoepltal Liberty 8-2'12 Glt.n; B.aul'I s'"I' A candlell1ht pledge eervlce wu pre1enled by Mme1. U.On Fef¥U- t10n, D. W. Holtby, J . K. Elliott, I Wllllam Landla a nd A. J. Rutter ._ ___________ _, Treat the whole famlly to a a Take Drive-away Dellverr of a New ltJI OLDSMOBILE SAVE V our hurt wt on 1 new "Rockrt" Oldamobile? ,. ~t J,... • # .. , t _,.... (',,.. .--. ... ,.a ~ \\ · .. ·' • • ·----~,,_....' ll'ill, here'• 1 woader(ul w17 10 1e• ooe ••. i nd enjoy a trip Eut. tool <Ame ~ 11• """1y, ait4 IM'lect your 'SS OldtmobUe. Tbm MYll 1he fttiKbt char~ by rie'ling up your CU It tbr (1rtCKJ ill Leruoing. Michig1n. Rocket home •111in nn • m•mor1ble motoring n catlonl Drop in few oomrlt'te •lf't1ll., tod17. Ill YOUI NIAlllT OLDIMOllLI DIALll .J. Emma Sa.naom, for whom the ~ ohapur waa n&med. ed a t an evening ralhertng of Cha.lnnen gave report.a and friend• at the home of hi• ii-rent.II, awards were announced, placea u Mr. and .Mn. L&wnnce Fredrtk-following: Art, Santa Alla, Or- aen, l&e Cabrlllo 8t. Present were ange: drama, Ahllhelm, Garden Mr. llnd Mre. Kenneth Dutro, Mr., Grove. Seal Beech: community and Mra. Albert E. J ohMon, the service, Laguna Beach, Se a I Fredrikaens. Donnie Fredrtkaen .. , Beach; literature, Yorba U nda, Pamela a.nd Bud Brown. Coflta Meaa.. Ther. are eevcn • l>OTTED SWISS MILLER CHEYROLEt : CO: .. Emma SanllOm waa the young strl who aided In the captuno, on I calling. all brides wf f ,.,... .............. ,. 1 I -............ twt. lw;,... .. ,... ii • ...._,..pa ., ........ m. ..... -piWI .... ,.,... .......... ,_ ... ---..,.. .. -....,., ,.... -.. ~ ...... ,.. -. ,.,... .,... ··"-..... el-. • VOILE PAIHION APPAlllL IH8 !liewport Blvd.. Collta Meaa Oii U.. way to Ute 8. A. Country Club. St;~l~IEll SCHOOL MORNING SESSIONS on oa 1100 llJJIAiC'l'S-ENTER ANl'TDIE to2 Herth Malft Kl 2·2365 1000 W. Cout Hl1hway Newport a.. Sa"ta A"e Liberty 8·2Hl .- YOU TOO -CAN BE m:u Univerde MOYIE CONTRACTS PRIZES -TRIPS PUBLICITY 3 Glrls Wiii Be Picked Ml11 Miu Miss Slntle Or Married Girts from •nywhn In o,.n .. COtlnty . are elltlble • • • •II girts welcome INTIY ILANKI ONLY AT WALTAH CLARKE 'S HAWAIIAN SHOP 147 S. Ceett llYd. -fled to •how • - ' l j I j t J • • MRS. CHARLES MARLAND JOHNSON -Ray Hun Photo MRS. HARRY ALLAN PARKErl. -nee Virginia May Jonea -Curt.~ studio Photo PARKER-JONES VOWS SAJ·D AT ST. ANDREWS HERE FOR CONFAB Theta President Is Feted by Panhellenic Couple Will at Canadian Honeymoori Resorts Mrs. Jam .. Hofaad, naUonal president of Kappa Alpha Theta, w... honor ruut at a tea &inn Richard Bia.Ir of J\lllvton wu June 22 by San~ .A.Da PUIMUWc: groomaman and uehen were ~ Club at the borne ot Xn. William bert Coubrough of Van Nuya, Law-Zander. 'She bu preeidld at Ult rence Scott Jr. of Corona del Mu national connntlon held wt WJ&k and William Allen ot Puadena. at the Wilt.on Hotel. Loq Beach. Oueall were T'9Celvtd a,t the <>ranee County n..tu Joined A myriad ol Clmdle. 8hed their llOft glow over pink arid church parlor. The brldqroom'a wtth the WhJtUer Club &l\d Loe white flower. in St. Andrew'a Preabyterian Church on Sat-mother, Mn. Joaeph Parkff, wu Anrelu Chapur In ho.ttentn~ the prta#nt ror tht> ceremony u wu event. urday, June 215. for the five thirty «>-<:lock ceremony which hla brother. Joeeph Parker. General tin ol iM al -_ united Mia Virginia May J onee and Mr. Harry Allan Parker. The new Mn. Parker waa JNd-mee ~ · um uated 'rrom Unlvenilty of Colorado nae rroup waa held at the home The daughter of Mr. and Mra. C. Le.tel' Jone& of Corona del at Boulder a nd her buaband from ot Mn. Ruth Vedder, 1309 Cow. Mar and Colorado repeated vowa Franclaco and Ki.-Pai r I c I a Stanford Un.lver91ty. He ta a mem-Corona del Mar With Mn. RuneU w ith the eoD of Mra. Parker and Thome ot P&Adena. AD wore lone ber of Kappa Strma fraternity. Craig u &Nia~ ho.tteu. the late Mr. Joeeph J. Parker ot tono, baUerlm. len(tb gowna of The newlyweda will be at home Oftlcera who wlll 8erve with coz ... chairman of waya and meana. New Scout Unit on Lido Isle Parenti of tee,n--.e boya on LJdo lale will pt.Mr at 7:46, Tue• day, June 2!, at the clubhouee to take tlA&l irtepa towa.rd la\mch- lng a new Boy Scout Troop. Meellnr with them wtlf be Art Remley, dlatr1ct commlaaioner or the Harbor Area; Mac Hom , the ac:out muter-elect, and the acting I n 1 t I tut Ion a I repruent&tive, SpaJdlnr Eutman. Kanaa. City, Kan. befon the Rev. ahell pink taffeta and carried deep In Paaadena attar honeymoontnr Mrs. Kellar Wataon, prutdent. ror .Jamee I . ·~ plnk c&melllaa. at L&ke Loulae and Banft, C&nadL the corntne year are Mn. John P. Moorcraft Son Born Virginia WU .-corted '° the al---------------------------WUder, vice president: Mra. N. L. tar and rtnn ln k~ b1 her Elzea, aecntary; Mrs. W 1111 a Manne 8/8(t. and Mra. John I 1-• 1.n h brld A Cl Collere art ln•tructor and (Tadu. Th •---·--Co ta ~ "'--am father. he WU .,.._y et' • rt asses l ompeon. w~~r. Mn. F. E. Moorcratt. a -eaa, """ e al rown of ChanWly lau and tulle, ate of Chlcq o Art ln.lll.ltute, wU Booth, wu appointed chairman parent.a ot a eon born June 23 al OY• bridal •Un. The titted bod-teach In Coat.a Meaa civic center. of ruahJnr and Mn, Robert WU-at U. s. Na.val Ho11pltal, Corona. lee, detailed wtth hlrb neck and For Children Mr1. Hope. IMtructor of adult ;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. lOftl' 1leena. wu ot laoe, a1ao uaed i:-1nt1nr cl•-at OCC, who aleo for th• ion, peplum with back Now . Open received her tr&lnlnr a t Chtc•ro -eep O\'&r an u:tNmely tull akJrt Art ln.ttllute, will teach a ci..u of n.ylon tulle wtth cathedral train. _ or teenacer1 Who wlah to paint In Her hea.d piece wu a ba.lf boMet ' Zont.a Club le acaJn apooaoring olla. Thl11 clua, •'-rted lul IUm· or pleated nylon tulle wtth pearl 1Ummer ~. ln draw1nr. pal.nt-mer, h&J t'onllnued all ye9.r &nd trtm which corinned tu1Jn8M ot In• and cr&tta for children 8 to l&. hu had txhiblt-w In all the u ea the lllll lllualon veil whJch extend-... llbr&nts. I ad to end ot the train. She carried They will be held twice a week In Zont.& recelvN no Income from a aboWer bouquet ot PhalMnoplh variOWI 11ectlona o! the &reL Regl.. the clu1e1, the tuition fee rotni orchid•. Ulfee o( the •allet' and tratl<>M may be made with teach-to the lnetructora. etepb&not11. .,. Thelma Paddock (Mra. Fred-M.ra. LaWJ'&ftC& B. loott Jr. ' fB&rtl&ra Jooee> "' Corona del rte) Hope, Barbor 28119-w: Mn. Home to Germany Mar wu matron ol honor and Ja1 Thompeon, Harbor 2%21.R a.nd brtdemnalda Wtf'e Mra. John F. Leo Buahm&.n. Liberty 8-74~2. Mra. Albert Ka.nold. 212 Cabrillo Skinner 1 Nancy Thome) ot Ian Mn. Thompeon will teach chll-St., C011ta Meea. left Sunday by Special Show ~t Seafare dnn I to l2 Xonday and W~ea-plane for New York and on Tuee- da.y al th• ~outh Center, Corona day aalled for her native Germany. dti Kar and at the Tar Pit. N--which aha haa not llffft In 47 port Beach. T'Ueaday and ThunJ d&y. yean. ihe will •lilt a brother and Xr. Buahman. Oranc• Cout 1iater ln Bremen. .......... areworlM ~ p;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,,;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;. wt~ tlM J'OW"th °' Ju))' t.h1a WI N A 'l'!Nnd&1 nlpt. lune JO, when thl a.ata.rtac Lode• ...,.. tu anmaal boUday fuhton lhow ln a talreott Oil. Broe.dway nvue. FORD THUNDERBIRD Produced and commented by Olona P'lokllnc' ot Womee'a Wear · D&U,y, the eve11t wtU be turthu ht1h1t11tted by entert&tnment. 11-·· 1 LA. I ~!c~.! dc:'"od~~ Including in ftlW .,.U Contest• eonte.t.a for thi1 ;rear'• Ml8I Unl- ver811 Jl&l'&11Ull Will ~e in /, 9'ril'IUIUJt.a. playclothee. and dance • .• •• froclu trom top nt(ht South Oout llJ)eetalb' ahope. S.weed'1, ble .• Walt.ah Cl&rke'1 Hawaiian hop, Hue! O.wford'1 }lawaU&11 aMp and Oaprt 11-men'• bouti- que wtU be f•tuted from the L&runa &Mii a,..: M&rllyn'a of poet.a M--. and Rule'1 Udo IJlle footweaT emporium. Ch.rt. of Sea- w.ed'a Stylln( 8aloc\ wtU provide )lalP ~""ta.• W111tc for th• tllow and dancing af'tH'ward b)' ~ and J.n,. Wacner~ n.. publlc .. lnvt t.ed to -tile mow from ~Utw the mall! dtn- .. l'O(Jlft OC' eoalrta1) lounp. --DIBT-- COLUCTIONI Aecomta -Not. -a.lm1 of .., ..... ., .... ..,._._,. .. A• utc& ''N(f 09ll1 DUem -Ne ................. _.... CREDIT BuaE4U of "'eeten On8se Coallty fotmfort1 Or'fldlt llarfaa of Newport ~ LAcuaa Beadl Md c.a lie-. ' IM IUftf'IWe Aft., P.O. Bos 191 I j ~"EwPOaT auca. c.u.w. 1 .... ---------------------------------' , . New • ., •• _ 0.. iatrocbea cdognea .. ........., .,w lp1tJ coataimn. Feather~ ~ger:..ap control ii daiped b ideal application. Sdect oae or ....., ol Dana'• he r..a. fngn.ncc. to enhance JOVr loveliac& "t ~«;; . re-·~ ~ DRUGI 1 UD() ltl1 'f1a Ule, !fetttlft .... ...,..., .............. ..... •1 &. o..t ..,., 0.... ....... un•o&-ont &. ..._..,..,. ..._ NEWPORT HAltlOR-NEWS-PRESS -'ART I • ,A6E l · · t-40NDAY, JUNE J7, 1955 Johnsori.~Green . . Church Rites · • A.moai the many late June~ one of tbe loYelielt ... that held Friday In St. ~· ~ Church when loftly Diana Evelyn Green pUclit«nrolh with--cliarle. Marland JohDllOD. The daqhter of MN. Green, 811 Kilap Road, end 4M Camino Norte, Palm Sprtnp, and the late Mr. John 8lallop Oreen. waa taldt.d to Rldl, Janet BenJ&mfn Uld Jena the to.n of Mn. J~ and the ~ynn Tyler. late ~· OrnJ Ray Jol\uee, Loe WlWam )(orpa wu Miit ... Anp~ in a CAtttmony &*'form-and lllbtr1 Included DeYid Koetlla. M by the Rev. Vlnttnt Nubttnr De.le Hall, Bal IUMoft, Jobn &114. th• Rev. Jameio 8. Stewart. Pr1maatnr, Carl Courtney, Robert The bride wu given In keeplnr Rarrta and .John Green, the lat.- by ber uncl~. :ton'. W. W. Mc-tu junior uaher. Lau(hlln, She wore white nylon IUNO 8&4••• tulle ove.r aatln. '!'lie floor lenftb A younger liater, Mary Ann lklrt wu exlrtmeJy boultant and Green, waa junlk br1deam&Jd and UM titted bodice had a amaU a neph~w. 2 ~ year old Rkk;y atandlng collar ·encircled wllh a Prlmutnr. waa rlnr bearer. It.rand or pearl.a. A lace crown Tlle recepUon wu held at t.be embroidered with aeed pearla held church. In the ftine were tbe the fingertip veil. She carried a bride"• mother, Mn. Green, wea.r- pr::.vl'r book, C'o vere<I In la.cf' and Ing duaty blue I.act' In ballerina satin. to which wu etta<"hcd 11n length, blue hat and white accn- orch1d with satin 1tre1tmera and eonu: and Mna. Johnaon. who lihea or the valle}' choae dusty roae lace and tulle Allendan:s wore whltP allk em· with white accuaorles. brolderl'd org11m:y In all white. bat· I After honeymooning 'Ill La Jolla ler!na llrni;:h Color accent wu the new Mr. lllld Mr11. JoblUIOn lent .lly tlw1r r••J aatln 1hoe1 and j will make their. home In Newport the 11hl'aves · of red roau which Beach. they cnrrlrd. Mr11. John R11v-------------- mond Prl111aslng, 1l11ter of the I Son for Davises bride. wa11 matron of honor. Brldellrllalde ln<'luded other alttera. Marini! S/Si;t. and Mre. William MluH Carolyn an d Suz.anne Thom1\ll D1w1a of Costa Meea are Green; Mrs. Hal HMeon, plater of parent• of a IKln born J une 23 at STORI ' YOUR PRECIOUS FU .RS WITH A 'PROFESSIONAL FURRIER Phone Kl 2-0612 Fur Stor•9• SPECIAL Cltan, Olue and l'rlg1d Cold 1torwe , Ole brtderroom: Mina Gall Hick•. U. S. Naval Ho11pltal, Corona. \'our ru 'T 1'f ' ~~ .~995 I LATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS ~L----- t·noe -11-...,.. Plell·• Boadlod! p,_,., ()Ill .... ..,.,. 1..eet. DAN'S IARIER SHOP Santa A• FUR Co. ()pea..,...,. .. Ma .. I .. }If ............ ..... LIDO TOYLAND · I \ ' SPECIAL FREE-OF-FER 0100SE flOM MS GIUT SILK'flOll 95c__.. . . FREE wn11 YOUI PUICllASll · 0 -.......... ., .... ...,_ .......... -...... llhW. .......... _ _,_,,._..~~ .. """ .... _ ............. _, -.. , Mtlla II. 9r .._ ~· r ..... II M n . It. ..... -el I -14·1-_,..,. .... ,.-...IMO I -14 .. .;,.., ..... ,.....,, _ .. llCllft • ..,,,_ w . --=~ ow .,.. .....,. .._... ., Clllf .... '°' -u -''-CW.'• -fa<ft _, ·-............... ,....,, -...... _..,_;. ,.., ...... .._ •-..... .... -11 a•o-...._ _ _. ___ .MM .. ...._ ....... = .,,... ....... -11 ... 16.. ....... ,_ ....... ..,.... ......... .n-c. . .--.... ,... ... I --• .. -.... -.. llOCUf'I llN!MW -.. '°9f 9'f ,. . . .. _., .. ,.. ...,llllT ....... ., '!""*I-,... oi-. ~­ ..... -"· ,.... ~ ..,.. -1 ........ ~·'" .. ,__ _.,._._., ... _ ... _ ..,,_...,._ .... -........ °"' -... ..., ....... ., c;.....,. "-· , .... ' ....... . ~ ...... Ow .... .. ••• ... ...... ~"· -..... ""llCalT "' _. ........... ~ -=-i: = .:r::;"o;· .. .,_,. ...,.. _._. 1'911 COftMI ---...,....., --., 9r 9-Al .... P• ... 11 IO~ • ..... C-io .. ir. I..,,... ................ pf1 ......... le...... ' ........... ...,_. ..,,_ .... -----·- IMI,"""' ........... 9r ............ Por -II IO n. ;::': ......._ wil• VWM len ~ I .,._ lan4 of ..,....ry. ~ -... .._. ..,,_ ............. ¥tall---- _,,WW MA JI 9r c;...,. ~. P• ... I& •lfl~. ..._, .......... ._ ....... .....,..., _...._ ..... -_a.;;;..... ..,, _..;;. . -ow 40Cll ------ ,..,, ..... ...,..., ...... ., ... ,._. ...... ,_ "C.!: -It. Siie .... ~ ... ":-""hie~_. -----......... ..,,_ .. _..ow-.--- _. -.-... ., ...... ., ......... " -n.. ....., ............ _ .... --..... ,...,.:;-; .. ----·-... -· . ..,, _ _.,...., - ,__,-.Ir C.., ........ Pw ... II to 9'. T-C.... .... C... ........ eo ........... ie _ ... _ -> .......... _....,......... ..,, _ ... ,...., ..... , ____ -... IOTI _.,WI ICNOW Ale LO¥I -~ 'J11er'tt wonderfwl boob for ,.,....,.. _ 6Ued widl ..r ..... I 4 ... ......,.life people liWaa .. plaaa ch.t ineefftt children moll! a.-... •• dtrf....,,,__.., ..... ._ • ...,-... ... _.... ............ _, . l~t l•w-1•1 l••I· # 1-1•1 # Z 11EE LIDO TOYLAND M42YlaU•-HA.2954 J -'---- ' .• I I ! ... PA'9£ 4'. PAllT I -NEWPOAT H~ NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, JUNE 27, 1955 . vancAL 'LIFT CONCRDI AW ABD8 -Bob iDeld, left, ?fewport-Balboa S.vtnp and Loan, ~ta _prm. to winning ltudenta. Second place winner in the annual conte.t wu John Ballew, New- port Beach, second from left. Ron Montgomery, Seal Beach, third, fr:om left, won third prize. Firwt award went to Errue VWaloboe, Orange, far right. JOHN BALLEW .SECOND IN DESIGN CONTEST 11.U MILDINlt UP AT SAC IANT.t. AHA. (OCNl)......._.Wils .,.... la <>r.,. Cowl· tw ...,_u.-t.JM wrtJcal Wt ot mUll¥e cone"'-...... --wu C>09apleW lut -k on lb• aew ecteace ~ at ... ta Au oou.p. rr.~ --'" ~ the root and eecoftd Ooor ..,.. l1fted _..,. ua lll•nlct\l operation. Hup ~draulic jKka atop U ~ oobamna lndled up the oonCNt-nr.t UM root to • blAPt ot 11 fMt, t.beo both roof. and •cond floor IUtlMd-~ ...... ,._ftnal hOlaE. 'n.. bWldt.Dc wu d.lrided lnt.o two lmll• fot" the ma.uive 1lllft. One .a Sa ~ wi~ welden tutenlnr •tMl eolian udtr tbt ua. &o Mid u.. noon 1A pac., Th•ia in. ~ wwe mo.d to ti. other 12 cotumna-and ~-lt. o~raUon re- peated OD tM le008d ball of th• buUdinr . .AftllUt.ct Harold Otnumo deelped the unlq~ atructUtt, IAl6at' a ~ loQc-u.1 ln Europe and mot"e recenUy ia UU. eouatrr. Tbe proce• feature cablea lmbedded lD lh• CODc...t., ~ to provide t~edoua preuur-wben puUecl taut. TIUa trfatdUy .J>-rmlta cutti.nr the cie&d wdlhl ot UM lllU 14 halt, wtlh • •Llt·lnch lhickn ... havtnl' equal atn.ctJa t.o tlle tradJUonal foot-lblclt la.yer. A major •vine ln lumber l• ettecled becawi. lbtre 1• no Mecl tor tll• fol'Mt of torma and bracing uau&lly uaed. Tbe 4111-Honer Co. I.a lh.e contractor, while Wutem Coacret. lt.uc:tun. performed t.be littllll' operaUon. The Jacka were elact:roalc&Uy controlled eo that they operated m ~ keeplq U.. slab level to within a fl"M:tlon of an lncb. The j&cka were attached to threated ateel rod• lmbedded tn UM concret. and bad a combined 'urung power of 1,000.000 pounda. al~ lh• we111it lnvolved wu only a bout 700,000 pound.I. or .. r1, StlO ~ 800KOA8E llANISTEB Malle OH at .._ CM City GrolP Hosts 41 Co1nty Building Heads Orange Student Takes Fint; 23 Enter Architectural Won The annu&l Architectural Drafting Contest aponaored W\tcll tboM now.r prden.I and by the Newport-Balboa Savinga and Loan Al80CiJtion waa keep them bJoomlnl' tor count7 Da.&.PE&IES -DPBOLSTEIUNO -SUP OOVEU WA.U. PA.PE& -OABl'ETINO OOllPLrrll INTEJUO& Dl:OOIU'llNO -'-b E V "llal bo . falr tlme, uri-Kn. W..ton won laat wee. Y meat 1 1 o 8. Walker, supervt.or ot amateur This year's contest had entries from 23 atudenta, the nortculture tor lh• 18th annlwr- be . . t ~tr· . ted f } aary fair, OpeninJ AU&'. 9. largest nurn r ever to part1c1pa e. ~ tee conata o eca e .Many home p.rde.nen do not mode la. complete plAlnl, perapec-1 Taylor. Oranre Cou t drattinl' ln· reeJ.1a that the bloomln1 period uvu. and ~orklDI' draw1nga. The trlructor. can be extended by keeping baa. lf\.laJlty of the work wu exception-Judru tor t.h1a year'• contest aoma picked, watering ad:3;uatel)' a lly high, a.ccordinJ to the judgee, were Ed Sedlnger, Ralph Van Bua-and applying a ll(flt app caUon Wltb outat.a.nd.lnr entrl-kirk, and Mn. Katherine Shaw. of tertl~, Kra. Walker aid. many cut nower apeclm-. u welJ u exhibit~. potted or t1Jbbed plant. a.re Wei• Emeet. Vlllalob<», Orange, tied Vessel WIN le Narnecf corned for fair competJUon, wttll In total numbu of polnta with a nominal entry tee. John Balltw, Newport S-ch, but USS o..a... Cot1Rty From one to five bloom. twa wu rated a clOMl flnit becauae ' ' the requiPement for cut t10W9r of lbe det&l.I included ln hi.a work· BANTA ANA c<>CNI) -Bu· entrlu, .;d there are H tlowera lng drawinp. Vllla.loboe recelv-perv\lor C. M. F •tllcly wUl re-n&med ln the premium Uat. lnclud· ed $60 from Robeft.rHleld, N--pr.ent the cou.nty at 3 :30 p.m. lng u ter, begonlu , e&rn&Uona, port Balboa Bavlnp and Loan corepel•, coamo., d.&llllM, depbln· rPpruentaUve and B-''-~,,.. July ' 1n Lonr Beach when the t '·"'I I _ _. I"'-bl • t"" um, ,..., o ta, m .. •JO .... ac& OM, ed a check for 150. L8T (~ •trip t~•) ~I and alnnJu. u well u varlO\LI Other prl&e winnera _,.. ROA ill olnclall;y MIMd U88 0nnc-type• of dahllu, roeea and orchid&. Montc.om'-fY, Coeta M..a. t2l1rd County. Potted plants lnclude beeonlu. prl~e. $40, Don G.\Mllthu, San ConunandliDS oCf~r ot 'ibe navy TuchaTu;-~um. COleUI, t.eru --~--~ .. ~ Clemente, fourth prlz.e, 130; Jllmle bo&• LL Le Th Nid p .ranlum, Jloxlnla, aucculent. or ~uJl&a. W•u.u..&er, fttUl p.U., .. . wayne ompeon, other apectm-~ ot ellhibl-u o· a.nd Jwry IUoe ~ M-, ---wtll take place at peer UOD a1xth pme. 110. 'nM 'apecial award "A." toot ot Ptoo St. Tile .....i &re and unUIN&l now.n an of $2~ for the ou~ding model ~~!bu beftl daetrnated u welcomed, with a apecial claMlft· 111 .:;::-.,;;::;,:a.... w11s made to Dick Hanton. Alla-J.,,..,, caUon •t up t.o •11COUJ'aC• ama• llH 8o. ...... Beata AM h~lm. by Steve Sfr!ltb of the N~ t4teur~~prd:~en~e~ra~~to~~upertm~:~en~t.~~~~~~~~~~~~ port Balboa Saving• and Loan. · :;j The contest hu aponeored tor a number of yeara by P. A. Pal· mer and the Newport Balboa Ba.,. ings lllld Loan to encourage alu· d,n\JI In the field of architectural dr&!Ung. Students who have com~t.ed ln lb• coot.eat have re- «lved Instruction from Oecar f<e:/dy Mixed Concrele GARDENER'S CHECK LIST t. Don't teue your plant.a wttb auperflcl&l aurface watering-. Let the water penetrate to the full ex- tl'nt of the root sone. 2. Hand aprinkled plant.a are •cldom well watered. Water wiUl a &lllllonary aprlnkleor or ln1gate. 3 After waterlnr rhl'CJ< lbe dl'pth ot water peneraUon to 1ee If you are ruUy doing a good job. 1. cut ore lhe old delphinium flowerUlg lhoota. They wm bloom •i.:ain In August or SPptl'mber. !\ Crab l'l"Llla can be contro~. Your nurseryman wlll advise )'till. WELCH'S READY MIXED CONCRETE 11$ Commerdal w_, COSTA Kr:S A U l-alt1 ~ & HW'} • .,_, Huatlqtoa BclL Les. Mlll 111~ ArlNIVEISAll SALE Now l'otnc oa, Mda 'lllT I. Blc •.UC " our Wsla .-atJ ,._ ... Redudtoa ............... 8peeW 16c 8peeial ·--···-············-·--········-a5c • IO" Off -....... ~Lota Of o•ltM' ......... S & 11' NURSERY HUl ... N...,.n ..... -'l'UlnlN -a.it ~ A RC H 'ITE CTS M1--.of ..................... Arcllltectl J. Herbert BrowneH William Blurock Philmer J. EHerbroelc Raymond Kent Harvey Frederick Hodgdon George Lind Rich.rd pteger LAa. UGHT SHOP HU I:. eo..t BW)'., Oo~ clel Kar JAMIS D. RAY General Contractor & Builder aeec...iaavc1. OOllONA DEL llA.8 PBO!'."E llAAllOS '111 REMLEY & DAVIS PAINTING CONTRACTOIS RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL OA.LL llAJUIOa 1111 roa UTDIA.TE. wrrsour CBA&G& 101 E. lll.&LllOA BLVD. -BA.LllOA Modern living demands more ice-and .. ..... Used .• ._....,ut111w · SpDCe, h Divider CONCRETE Satisfaction One ot UM deVVMt 1"1• to put )'OW' banlaC.r to work la to .lllm It lnt.o • llookca... '""" OM tonu an lDt.a,...tlns and u.f\ll dtvlder Will. Bu.Ut ot w•tem Nd cedar, it matcbM the lovely a\l· twnn toned wllla ot tM HairWell. It ,..,.,.,w.. added book .... .;... POUi IT THI IASY e WAY AND SAVI e a lfOW!!\1 library wblrh S. ~l' to the downat.&Jn playroom. Tour at.&lrwell nffd no k>n(ar be a 'baa· &rd when tlny ch.ildttn an around. CIUu Wedn..s&y lliabt. Tb. maet.baJ wu beld lll tM Olrl Scout Club at Plummer St. and A.n&helm t-ve. 'Iii. MLter Builder• Oomp&AY fUrnJaMd an lnfonnatl.ve p&cture · and lecUlnn on anstn~rtac ,..,. l-on concret•. speaJtera -re Phil de la Porte, Loll A.J\iWlu branch manaier. and Cbarlu B. Locke, Loa Alll'•Jea neld en11-neer. Voll u :pruaed appreciation for lht courtuy uunded by th• Gina Scout Club In fUrnlat\lriJ a meet· Ins place and aaiattnc wtth re- .... -.... ,..,,,. ,.. oelM:ftte wedr wM a .... ,, ....... ....... -• ............ .. 7 ............... . Liberty 1-2213 BAY &&A.DI' lllX INO. • • • 711 w. 17 .. St. C08'1'A .aoaA f"ruhmenta. ._ _________ _ MAX W. POPE Inc. i0'7 Bolla Ave. ,_, oU Npt. ISIM. aa l lela ,....-~ If.°' lllt191iGlll' B = < J IWXMUUai&I ·~··-·~ Gl.UfD LAMINATa> M!M&!RS, GIV! CL~ ~. ASFOQD't'P OQEAJ' :STQE.NGTH 1'T \.OWEQ - COST. COM PU. Tf eutLOtNG. . """""' DELIVUlED TO JOe SfTt fQOH ..ttS ~IQ.fll't. OR COMPL!.T£LV £Rf.<:Tl0, I~ ~ fQOM ••• Pl.A. ~ P'r. flOA. a>MHl~ ~CA~ ... Mltlllln I ·••G&M Servel Gas lce-M.aker Refrigerator ....... ROBERT FORBES luDder PHONE BABBO& 1101 BIG FUCHSIA HcHICJinCJ 3 laskets • 00 up ~-planta .. t~ &Ad _,... .. I&' and up. Prnptorty llUMd ~.; FUCHSIA qardeti · p· A I N T S A L E POPULAR IRANDS gives you all you want autmnatically! plus: All the up·lo-the·minutt ftaturf's you want • A roomy, well·orpn11rd foorl compa11ml'f!I • Aulomall<: defr<>tting • SilM'lt CH rdri~ra11~n ~ I I I I IOUlllHM COUWTIU UI ·oo•PMY Only ! GASI 285 Bro.dway, c.o.ta Mee. QaMd ~a Suad&y• • SAVE • UPTO 30~ Aff91T1C ICl·llllll&. Ice· Clrtlts without Ir aye, eu· '°"'•tiaol~. Juet r .. c:h 1" r0t one"' a h•ndlUI "-' 'feet 1.,.. Iced dHH rlt, dr1~kt. Cflllltd ... "' ll ·A·HI llHUl encl l ulltt K••P•• 'uta ,,.,.11 lt...,1 at your "" 19ft1pe CMtt ....,. "'" llOU"d of butter lrtt~ •NII 141'H deble. NU.en -.im. Fool 111•" te )'OU 011 llt l" t mooll1. "~" ro11ort lh9M1 .,. fllllr ..Slus1 ablt tao .. helffooch ••• elwey9 MIY to ree<JI gives you a refrigerator different from ·all others ' .. Dle1ou11t Norc)e-Tapp••-0'1"'9 & Menitt-W•dCJewoocl Gas R•ntft Jake's Appliances 1 SAW UlllTY 1-6641 :_SERVICE j SCHOFFSTALL Paint Store 11937 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA l • I •• • 1 aARTLEn GETS t!iEW CITY JOI MONDAY, JUNE 27, 1955 NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I • PASE I Buddy Bullett has taken over hla new duUea aa a.ui.· tut director of bul)dlng and aa.tety tor the City of New- port Beach. He 11uccffd• Lea Holbrook who return• to tull· Ume work In th~ engineer- lng dopttrtruent. BarUelt wu a p(lvate con· tractor In the Verduco Hill• area. He will sit In on mfft· .!Jn• Dl the .N.t!,wpo.rt Be.a.ch _ Plunnlnf Comm188lon got out hUI ~ anchor and rl("ged • that aft. But the j~rk on the 18- 1 in. 41iameter anchor wu llO ireat that atter the ea anchor ho.d alopped Adloa a few timu. the 3/8· i ln. ateel cable' parted. All a aub- atltute T-0m hung ha anchor ott the atem on 300 fffl ot line and t.hAt kept Adlo11 headed Into tho· FUTURE HOME OF HAUOR Architect Frederick Hodgaon'a conception of Newport Harbor Board of Raltor'a new building appears above. Ground-breaking rites were held e.t · t1'e mte· dpl)Oldte Hoag Hospital z:.ecently with Board Pt'eside.nt CbulN Hart and Lloyd Bowan!. contractor, turntng the finrt shovels ot eutb as eome 50 mem~ looked on. Board hopes to occupy new headquarters by mid-September. ' )IV&V611.. TOW UNE BREA.KS BACK 8 Aly· ROBBERY S!rd St., WU n1M.Md alter tftM· The huge wave that had up-end· ~ • ment wt the oQas ..,...... .,,,. ed the Adloa had alao broken the tered tr-.cW... ... abnJCCW' tow line, eo Adlo11 Wllll alone. Tom s t v· t• A knew he WU Mjng blown u hore uspec IC 1m ccuse They were Rlto ~ ... al. and for the next ,24 houra he and I I 4710 &ear•re Dt1Ye, and VlfSWa the one crew member eat It out 0 A 1 Buck, 17, ol Jlf &. llrd It. wondl'rlng whether It would be Each ther ·1n ssau t Otfic•ra at 8'Mna Park -.id • better to era.ah into the breakers . car drinn by Te.a B. Mauy, 21, while In the cabin. or t.&ke a chance on deck. Police are quesUoniDg Floyd A. zer l'ave the keya to police later. Puadena, collided with the aportl The gale wu aUll howling and Coop, 34, ot 41011 N. Gartteld, Apt. hrly Saturday mornlnc New· car driven by M1M Buck at La It wa.s pouring raln when Tom 8, Santa Ana. for an alleged arm· port police plcked up a man at Palma and Knott Aft& about I realized there wu a chang'e In the ed robbuy Friday nJght In the 17th St. and Cout Hlchway who p. m. WednMday. .ound of the wavea and feared Newport Beach Upper Bay area. &n1wert!d the ducrlption given to No cltaUooa· were IMued follow· they were ln llhoa.l water. Ruahtng Coop denJes the accusation. al· .them by Klnur. He aald hl1 lni the acoldent, but Maney wu on d~): he found that jun the op· though police booked ltlm on sus· name wa.s Floyd Coop. Police Hid quot.ed by otnera u aytnt be J>!»lte was the fact. AdJoe had plclon ot armed robbery and u · he had cuta about hie face. •·got a.cited' 'and jmnped a IKop ·-· ........ .......... c •• , .. _..,._ ... lttoYwww .. . ........... ,_ .. _"' ... ..., .... -·. « ...... °' ....... ....... DANZ-SCHMIDT mo f'IA.lfo • OllG&Jf noa ......................... •• • •• Graw ID~­ lltX•..._ ..... ._ drifted put the headland to a aault w1th a deadly weapon. RE DID IT, NOT ME lil'D- pol.nl where the-cou lllne tuml'd i' Walter Eugene Klnur, 22. of Coop told a different story. He ~:::.... ________ ..:..__~============~ abruptly east a.nd the danl"r ot 1 358 N. Lemon St., Orange, told clalmed he wu the victim of the going a.shore had vi&t11hed. I police Friday night Coop pulled a robbery and that Kilaer pu.lle~ the Richard Beeson Company La11chcape D•lt• a11cl Cwttlldloll . A few houra lat!'r the wind went knife on him and demanded h11 the knife on him, Hying, "l hate down and they were able to ma.ke money. Kinzer aald the man. to do thta but 1 need the mony their way Into a 111T1all port where whose name he told police wu u my wt.fe 1.1 prepant and 1 only papers from Cape Town t old them Floyd Coop, took $11 from hi1 wal· m&ke $58 a week .. " CooP a&Jd he they were lost a t aea as was the let, aaytnc, "I would not do thla, pve Kinzer hla wallet, contain· OOllON.4 DIR. JIAa Pll01'& ••..,.. 111' yw:ht that had been towtnr them. but I need the money." Ing $11 and 9Qme pa~r1 and carda. ~~====================~··;;;~ Thi• yacht turned up later. FIGHT FOLLOWS He said the flg'ht occurred after r Tom took a look at hi.a era.IL Kinur 1a1d he gT&bbed the 1119'-that. ROME ARE THE SAILORS -Still t.ble to amile after SQ,000 miles are Mr. and .Mn. Tom Steele who brought the Tahiti ketch Adios into il8 home port, Newport Harbor, Friday after taking five and a halt yeara to aail around the world. Mrs. Steele found a 32-ft. boat too confining to have apata with her husband who would head back to ~ for the same trip tomo1Tow, if he had a way to· make a living doing it. -Staff Photo W ith the maat and rlgg1nl' gone ~ct'a knlte hand wben he turned Coop Mid he ran down the road he found out the WTenCb which and the pair tuuled. KinMr wu and hid &Joni' the aide aa he wu he.d broken th.e 8-ln. •tick had cut on ooe hahd 1.n the tracu be· frightened. He denJed he 1aw the cracked the tlmbera tha.t held It fore he ~ed the 1uspect and police car• on the back bay road and that two ribtl had been 1prun.g. threw the knife Into the bay. It l'Olni to anst !Tom the acene of the All thle requJred the rebu.lldlnf ot wu ta:.er recovered by police. alles-ed robbery. the after part 'or the craft and K inzer told police he ran to the ------------ tha t would take money and Tom 1uapect·a cu to tlM the engf.1\e wu broke. still runntng. He aald he removed 3 Local Women Hurt in Crash at Fullerton ()pH 10 CLllL DINNR savm "°"' 5:00 ., .... TOM STEELES RETURN IN ADIOS AFTER VOYAGE OF ~ 5% YEARS llllTUBN8 TO WORK. the ke19 from the lfnltlon and the J'or the nnt year he retmned ~t ran off on the back bay to hla,old trade, mate on a tretpt-road toWard Cout BJ.g'hwa7. Kill· er, maJdnC two tripe to the United State. and ..tJll' hi1 wtfe. J'tnally the merchant marine and holda a they went back to South Africa mate'• papen. 'Ibey had beell mar- wtlere they repaired Ad:tm and rted -2>out a 7MZ' and had nothln&' took to aea aca!n. particular tn aipt to do and the FULLERTON (0CN8) -Three N.wport Beach women wen treat- ed &t Cott&e• H.ospttal Ure a.tter they were Injured In an auto cruh Wedneaday nJg'ht. DANCING NIGHTLY By BERT BRINTNALL Alone with your bu.band on a 32-ft. ketch on a 35,000 mile c~ U. no place to have 11pata, wu the verdict of Mn. ----TonL.Steele -.hen.ahe arrived t.t Newport Beach Frl_dl,y ... five and a hall yeara after the Adioe sailed out through the bi..kwater into adventure. SAVE SAFELY At Ortn99 County's LHding Hom• Lending Institution CONTINUING TO PAY PER ANNUM. ALL ACCOUNTS · INSURED UP TO $I 0,000 All Acco~nh Opened On or B•fore The I Oth of the Month Earn From the I st LAGUNA FE~RAL SAVINGS I LOAN ASSOCIATION nt 0.... AftDIMl PlaOM1 BY 6-ll'n I LAGUNA BEACH FOR BOATS Th• ltaelH wwe haPPJ to be ha.ck. but not 1n too much of a hUrry at that. Tbey were suppoeed to dock at noon. In the early mom1ft&' they pa.Med C&t.alln& l a- l&nd and knowtJ1s they were ahead of tlm• they decided to t&ke forty wma. · Ther. ta no alarm clock on board ·Adi09 and th• -ta a renU. cnulle -at tlmea. Bo It wu nearly two o'clock when they pulled lJ1 at the dock. 'nlere they "en i'reeted by Tom'• brother, John, Mr. and Kn. L. M. Johnaon, Kn. Steele'• tat.her and mother mid Kn. ROJ Keene ot 1571 Ocean Blvd. n ,,.. a wondertUl t.rip-acept ~d UM aceptlon came nearly beln&: the end ol ..,.rythlnl'. Le&vtq here Karch a, 1teo, 1n a boat he had boq1lt and rtged to llult hlmaelt, Tom l&lled to Honolulu where he picked up hi• wife who bad flown ovw. From tber. they wen.t tnto the South Pacltlc u far u Brtabe.Jle and at· ter Y~tlnl' and workinC -eight montha In Au.traJJa and arnoni the ialandl, they went out put the Great Barrier reef and headed for Capetown, South Africa. CUW MEMBEB On the way down ~ the Indian Ocean Tom apoke to a Brll- lah ·frel6hUr and uked for and rot l900le chart:ll h• needed of the A!rioa.n coaat. l..&JldiJlg at Durban Mn. St.eel.• took oft tor a trip home and Tom pve Adloe aome needed onrhaullng. 8~ out qaiJl Tom bat.d to •all alone 11<> be picked dpo a lad who wu &rut· IOWJ· to l'O to lea. Tom •Ya he tried to talk him out of It, but the YOUft&' fellow wu determined. OoblC out t.hroul'h the entra.nce to the harbor they ran Into a hl'ad .wtnd and a chopp)' ..... Ad.Joe' . Call DAN'S~TV 1 : I ................. ~ L LIMrty .. ~~ -I FOR BOATS Once in a while, a NEW INVENTION COIDell alone that doe. an OUTSTANDING JOB. For DEPENDASl.IC, INSTANT STARTING, for PREVENTING IUX>D- ING and LOW BA Tl'ERIES there hu DfJ\'W bee Any· thing like the D U B L • P 0 WK . BOAT STARTING SWITCH. For dealers' names, or NO OBIJGATION DEMONSTRATION ON YOUR OWN BOAT, Call Hubor 1172. ltttJe engtne baN'!y rot tbem wt and ~ the new crew became -atclt &nd laJd out on the deck They aa!Jed UJI the eout ol Al· thoueht ol the trtp enchanted rica, llopped at St. Helena, ...-it them, \My could think ol nothtnl' ac"* to Brull and enatuany to they would rather do. Miami where they worked 1' Would we co a,p1n ! LWl&ll Alexander, ~. of 21' ~. where Tom put a line on him. montha maldng' enough money tor "Yea!" from Tom. "I don't know, The Ha l'ot wonie and Tom re· the retul]'l tQ ~~c ~ ~.:_~ _Tom WM not_ao •-.,.-----------• mem~Uiil--ntltllh YHiifitet They vt.llted the BaJuunu and I> wre. ' ' captain'• wvnlng, "Look out tor landl tn the Carrlbean. and wor'ked And MW! Tom would lllte to TUSTIN PIA YBOX the Black HUJ'rican ... " a month tn Panama .,.,_ ~ set a Ia.rwrer boat and take p&ytllf F1DAI Week "PrtVU. Uns" • HEADWAY TROlTBLE tnc up the cout. pueenrera on .. atmllar trlp. SaJd AD Seate ~n·ed n.ao SPEOIAL -Locken Capp. 12C5 lb.) XZ1'I' MdNTYBE he: "1 wu broke wben we ata.rted, ws nt.&.rt1U 8l:l.ll0'1'&D .,_.. The 10uthweat gale wu makl.ng a chop out of the cWTeJlt and Adloa WU ha.Ying trouble rnaltinC headway away from the cout. During the nliht the aeu built. up and a hlJI'• one came aboard, wrenched the 6-ft. pram out of 11# luhlnp aJld threw It into the mLln boom ao hard It broke the In Panama they met a friend rm atW broke, but we had a won-a t Blue _8Aila -BUboll · ..ct OBOIOE ME.4n from Newport Beach. Qoug Mc· dertul time and teamed a lot of S00 So. '1C'' St., TustlD UI. 10t1a St. NEWPOBT Bl!ACB ..,._ n11 Intyre, who had been aa1ltng tile uthin~p~an=d~u:vr:_:a~Iot::__:of:,,!p'.'..:la:ce:a.::,·_· ~!============!.:.!=~===~~==:!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hlghla.nder, another TahlU ketch, - boom In two placea. The wave a1ao took lhe crew overboard and Tom had to pull him in by the line which 110mehow got anuled arou.nd hla neck l'lvlng him all of the aerUJ&tiona of belnc huni. tor Dll!lley, taking plcturea of anJ. mall tn the Ge.llap&l'Oe Jalandl. Stopping at Ac.pulco they were v1.1lted by Mra. Keene and Miu Lee JobnlOll, the later Mn. Steele'• 11later, who flew down for their vacation. Why do you t&ke such a trip T Where did you team about. the aea? What are you golnl' to do now! Would you take It acaiDT Thoee were aome of the qUNUon.e that were popped at the Steele. by the admlr1n&' group that •w them land. Tom learned about the Ma In A yacht with a big dlHel eng1Ae th.at had been In Durban with h1m gave Tom a tow to help him g~ away from the ahore line and they 1truggled along again.It what came to be an 80 mile wind with waves ==========:::::;::::=: huge curr. eo feet high or more. Alt.er nearly freezing at the tu. ler for •o houri Tom realized that he would have to have re.lief. The young crew man had tried to It.art the 11hlp'• guollne etove without succ.eae, to Tom gave him the tiller and went below Where he made tea. ADI08 Di '.nlOUBLE He had jWll picked up the pot Flewen lty Wlr• 8&7ItWttb Party Beat.al lte11111 8.01 B. Cooat By., COTOl'IO 4-l llor Barbor 6071 to 1tart tor deck again when he ============ felt Adloe 1tacger and the next lhlng he WWI all mixed up with scalding tea and everything looee In ~ cabln a.n.d reall-.ed that Adioe w&.11 upside down. The ketch gT&du&lly righted, thanka to the ton of outaide ballaat, and Tom got on deck to find the mizzen, or jig· ger, mut Md been broken of! jwit above the deck ai:td the TUdder tom olt. With the help of ~ crew Tom I ~ged a jury 9ea anchor out of a mattreea and pea. jacket and when Adl09 bel'&ft to ride the -•• he went Into the bold and &tll a BrwdwSf e-ta -Alla ........ • alalateauce • l.utalJalaom STAFFORD & ION "NZLS and DOC" llLICCl'BIOAL OONTBACl'OM PbODe LlhertJ 1-1'61 llt .. .._.... A••ae Newpert ...... BalbOa Fun Zone OPEN SAT. & SUN. ALL WINTll Most: Talked-About: Model of 1:ha Vear I Good De"9 trn'ela faat ••• and bow the word bu ~ about Olchmobile'1 Ninety-Sipt DeLan Holiday Sedan! J mt look! You can't miM that hardtop charm-the clean, open sweep that eliminatee center posts. Coruider, 'too, that you ~all the eon•tmience of 4 dnon. Yon nftlPr tilt the froflt eeat m thi~ oae! Worth talking about? Well, wait till you try the "Rod1et" 202 Engine. Walt till yoa buk in U. pare hmary. Tben yoa 11 bow it'• the finial aJ "' Wnd ••• by .fart TU. J<YS driYe ~~ 1.0CAL DILIVIHD PllCI Of OLDSMOllLI ~'II!! s.o .......... s 2 46 5 °0 ~'!:!. ----------111 TOii MIAllll OL.•IMOllLI •IALll ---------- ' ·MILLER CHEVROLET CO. NnrPOlf llACH 1-2261 ••N'f ... , •J.M••••rs "' aa•a .... Nw-.n•_; •l.•M•MY~ •••1111Me1¥ , ' j I \ ~ • ·Gxcepl 'A6E 6 ·PAIT I NEWPOlT HAUOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, JUNE 27, 1955 'God 9rent w M.e ..,.aty to 11•pt tM ihfncJI· we ceMot cha~•: the courage to che,,ga tht thin.91 we can end the · wlldoM to:know the difference." lA. Anon.) - EDITORIALS City Budget Meeting Tonight TolalPt .. JOUI' DIClat Ja dt1 ball, Mr. and Mn. Newport....._ It'1 tM nilbt dty eouneil will bold It.a umual public heuiDc on the dtJ ft.ecal buqet for 1~. ~ • Durins ...... put council memben Uld city de- partment hl&d.t hav. studied the bud.set. cutt.lnc llOllle hen, eddlns 80IDe there. At Jut KODday Dicbt'• council Hlllion, when the budaet WU gone aver informally, Mvwal sun-tJom were made, amonc them deJetion of the 50-cent per month water meter charp. Thll sum, u.ed to p&J for .ewence treatment facilitiee, would be, 1IDder two councilmen'• wggeetiona, put on the leCUred tu rolla. Slm.Uarly, a departmental fund balance such u the water department'• $60,000, would be pared down to a mode.t fttw thouaand and the moniea put in capital oat1ay flmd. • There were .event other augge.tioD11 on the budget. which when added up, pve the city tu $1.21 overall tu rate. The auggeetiona included a 3 or ~nt cut In the advertiaing tax, a 2-«nt reduction in the park tax, among other ideu. Harbor area Boye' Club and Newport Harbor High lcbool District recreatioQ&l depart!llent. In the tormw recreational program, the kida who allow the be9t abWty are able to compete iD 1amee with team.a from other county citiee and, poulbly, to so on to hicber competition in atate p1-yoffa. In the Boya' Club bueball program all kida who love the game can participate. • We aubmit thea conatructive, competitive and healthful activitie. which theee orpnlutiorw have plan- ned for the younger eet are a credit to the Harbor community. Far better that our children be growing healthier and happier in sood IUJTOUDdinp of a bueball diamond than to be learning to play cards or other indoor ac- tivities of lea beneficial character. We congratulate the Le&ionnairu, the Boya' Club and the recreation de- ~nt for thinking ot tomorrow'• clt.isen by building into today'• younpter the better qqlltie. of aportmnan- ahip and Integrity. Watch for Our Pedestrians > With total funda estimated at $2,678,866.26 for th• next fiscal year, a budget total of $2,064,571.81 la pro- po.ed, leaving $614,284.45 in working ~· Lut .Monday night'a meeting wu b nine in the We note the Orange County cities of Brea, Buena Park and Onlflge are among Southland communltiea honored !or eliminating all pedNtrian deatba in 19M. Santa Ana, Puadena, Bell and Beverly Hilla get special certificatea from an auto club becaw.e their re- cord8 for 1954 rank them among the safest communltJe. AFFAIRS OF STATE kJtOYlledge certain councilmen displayed ut the bud· · BJ HENRY C. llaeABTllUB get aud the deaire shown to keep tuea in line. To ahow your appreciation of economy effort. it would be In line for you to attend tonight'• budget meeting. for pedestriam. . While Newport Harbor ia not amonc the glarincly bad cities apparently, we could take note or. the fu:t other cities in the county and the Southland are turning in better safety record8. We could all do .omething about it, too -by wat.Cbing for pedestrians u we are behind the wheel of our car. Ask queationa about the budget, make 9\IO'MtiOna If you can better the expenditurea planned. It 1a your money the council will epend. Delp the council's declalon on iu uee by malting yqur desire. known. Join the .... .: aion tonight at 7:30 o'clock in the ci(y hall ·council chamben. Let'• work tor a better safety record b~re in 1~ . Our Local Baseball Programs With summertime upon u. and the problem of keep- ing children gainfully bu.ey, the Harbor area ia fortunate to have the Newport Harbor Junfr American Legion baseball team and the aummer buel>all program of the CORVALLIS, ORE., GAZE'l'TE-TDlES: ''The Ten- neuee Legislature appropriated $50,000 to be med for lobbying activity on behalf of the Tenneaee Valley Au- thority. luoob u if the 1Ut 'bf the ata~ an going to have to put up lobbying money to protect them.elvee and their .taxpayet11 from pouring any more money into a project which provides power for people in .even atatea at the expellff of people in the other 41." WASHINGTON REPORT By Your CeDgreMmaa .IAJIF..8 B. V'IT u:pen.M account ot J&e.000 per year. ao be baa little to WOM'J' about uccpl holdlnc h11 job ap1Ut --other ollaDe11pr. I have afway1 ft.It that ronm- ment employee• 1hould be paid a l&la.ry commerill\lrate wtlll the 1tr- Thl• IA the first lime that I bave Whe.n the Preeident'1 Yeto wu vice whicb they ttnder. and I be- miu.te e ny rderence In my new•· watalned. Coner-lmmedlat.ely Ueve that moet public employeu letter to the po1tal pay lncreue paued a trill aatlit.ctory to the ltrive to render nne Mrriee and b ill My reason for not reporting they ahould not be underpaid. nn tl earlier wu becauee I felt Admlnl1tratlon ao that the In· POSTAL PAY that the h•gialallon llhould be com-creue wtll be effective • retro.c-The poetal clerka now have un- pleted first I can truthfully aay tlvely to March flrat ot lhl• yur. der th• pruent le(ialatJon a very that t.hla leculallon has geneNlted I llUpported Ulla le(ialallon In ac-falr aalary, a So-day vacation per-more corru~ndence Md dlacua· lod l" da -• k I corda.nc" with my orl-<naJ com-on pay. " Y• .. c eave aton than aJm°"t any othH It 1 ' d .. _t ti I • mltment, but I a.m atlll n •-rded with pay, an a very IU"" an a 11tio.rtl"d ov"r a year ago when leg-.,-I by t.he ftftalaJ l'mploytt• u ex-retirement 1yltem. At leut can lslatlon WQ ll Introduced to lncreur r-h I ill t trtmely unfair. 1&y that t la ncrt&M w amoun the pay or 110me 500,000 po1tal em-to real dollan In contrut to the ployeu 11nd lo reclM111fy the job ThOH membert of Conrrua who fact that every other lncreue hu •tatu. or the v8 rlous employeu. voted for a much rreater lncrea.e either been pre«<led or followed In lhe past two uecadu moat which lhey knew could not become by an lncreue In the cblt"of llv· pol'tal pay lnc1 Ntau havP been un effectlvt' are regarded a.a the g-reat lnl' which w1ped out the v&lue of a n "an ou the b<r.trct" percentllr:e 1 cha.mplon1 of lhe polltal workera. ~ i,fcl'tue. basis 110 that the rtlrferenUaJ be-Th,. head• of the V'llr1owi poeul Under the preaent Admlnlatra· tween thr low,.r J'Hlll group11 tlnd unlon11, who receive very hllh aaJ. lion the co1t ot living hu remain· lhf' admlnlstr11ttvt 11tarf bec11me an ea paid by the members ot the ed conatant for more U.n two IPAI and leM, 11nd lhr Prt'11ldent 1 onlon11, were more lnt.vuted In yeara even thou(h the national ln- frlt th11t the 11<lmlnl11trulivP 11laff demon11tratlng their polltlcal pow-come I.I hither than It wu durtnr 11hould receive a Kruter lncreue er than they were ln obtalninl' In· the pea.k war yean. Defenae rommensurllte with lb duties and creaetd dollar1 tor the membera. • apendtn( hH decree.Md by aeveral rupon11lblllllt'11. They enrared In hl(hly un-Amtrl· bllllona of dollara annu.lly, but POSITION CLEAR <'an precllces which Included I dlv1du&I a~ndlnr hu lncreued threat.a of dtle&t to Oon(H.Mmen n r · atrenstJi, all ot whlcb ~tribute to a moni abundant lite. POW OOMPENS.AtiON I aboWd like to call the atten· lion or former American Prlaon•l'I ot War In Kol'M and their famlll .. to the tact that the deadline for flUnr clalnu with the Foreip Clalma 8etUament Commlaalon for compenatlon under Public Law 816 11 Aul'. 21, 111611. In cue• of death ot the former prl110ner of war, clalna may be f iled by the aur- vlvlng widow, hu1band, children or parent.a. Payment ll authoriad to bt m6de at the• rate of 12.60 per day for each day of lmprl110nment. Any membera of the U.S. Armed Force. pre1tntly held u prilonera aa a ruult of the Konian hoallll· Uea will be tll«'tble to tile claim. within one year after their ret11m or their aurvlvon may file one yMr from the date the· Depart- ment of Defenae mtJcu a deter- mination that the pnaoner actually died or 11 pruumed dead. The ad- dru1 for maJclnr appllcallon la: Forelrn Clalm1 Settelement Com- mlulon, Tariff Corrunllllon Build- In(, 7th and E Street•. N. W., Waahln(ton 2~. D. C. VJ81TOR8 8ACR.Ul&NTO, (CN8) -Tt!• abject fa1Jure ot t1'e .iat.e lertal~ ture to do anythtn( t6ward ellml· naUnc the milk trua 1n Califor- nia by al>ollahiJlr prtc .. ttxln(, la now belnl' felt ln a pnu:tlcal way, IMotar u he dairy product s:ur- cbUinc public la concerned. Aside trom pnc. ttxiq of milk lt.Mlt, the atat.e bureau of dairy control hu JurUdlcUon ot price.a on other product.a to a Umlted ex- tent. Th1ti Jw1ad1cUoe, uerctaecS under tlM milk coatrol law, pro- btt.a ..i.. ol dairy product.a at Uiu t1'e company'• prtcu u tUed with the Director ot AgTlcuJ- ture. F ADl TBA.DE DEAL f 'nl.LI appean to be a form ot fair tr&de pracUoe, which tund~ mentally hampen the practice ot frM enterprtN ln the daJry busl- n- From wb&t may be the ttrsl ot maay 8\llt.I, a major datnbutor ot mWl Ul4 other dairy product.a, the Beatrtce P'ooda Company, lllipu- lated t~ a three-day 11Ut1perulon of two of llJI mllk plant llcen1e1, and '3,500 In civil ~aJuu. In acUona brourhl by the Bureau of Miik Control. The llcenae 1u1penalon1 requini concurnnt clotmr tor. th.re• day• ot Meadow Oold Dtllrlu of C&ll· fomla, and Puadena Plant ot Bfftrke, and It.I plant located In Arteala. Penally In tbe civil •c· lion amounted to U .!100. Another action ln the Santa Crus County auperlor court aialnat Beatnce for alleged violation of the provillona of the milk control law brought the additional civil penalty of n .o<R'>. Now the 110le "crime" ot the concern, It appean from the an· nouncement by the bureau of milk control, wa1 that It vlolal9d ~ unfaJr practice provl11lon1 of the milk control law In Loa Anfelu. and In SIU\t& Crus. It alltl'edly vlolated the provl•lona ot the Jaw Washington whkh prolllblt.a aalu of dairy product.a at 1-than Uie com- pany'• prlc• u nled with the DI· rector of A(licultuni. KU8T L08E TUu: I'hua, tot" attAmptlnf to run Ila bUllMl8 1n a manner which tt .. ... nt. the plant ,_ three day• Of operaUOll, pf'O!>ab!Y bundredl of employeea will be thrown out ot work for tbl'ff daya, and .,.ople dependinr on the product. Of the plant. will be forced to purchue other product.a unJeu they want lo wait unUI the three-day penalty la up. Vlolatlooa or any law. of courM, cannot be conducted, bUt on the other hand, there are 1uch thlnp u reuonable law1. theoretJcaJly bued on the health, weltan a.nd l&!ety of the people. none Of which are violated when any private bualneaa concern Mila any product at lta own pr1cea. 1i\e action of the bureau, then. ln entorclnr Ule unpopular prtce- flxing act In thla Instance. dllturi. the economy of mllny peopla and can rell\llt In noUlln( more Ulan added re1entment agalnat the ae- tlv1ty ot the 1tate of C&llfom la In protecunr a ft'W dllltrtbUtort by rl•lnr milk prlcu . THE LOBBYl8T8 WIN • ot coune. the more rHtntment thert 11 agalnat the prt~·tlxtnc law. and the unfair trade provla- lona 0( the milk control act . the aoc>nt'r llOme •<'lion will b<' taku to wipe them off !Jle books. The leg1alature had no opportunity to even dllCUN abolition of pr1ce fix. in« lut 11e111lon. u the one bill which called for It never waa brought up In committee, the pr!· mary reuon belnr that the live· atock and dalrl.. commltttt ap- pe&nt lo be controlled by the dla-I trlbutor lobby In Sacramento. Thi• powerful lobby wu on the Job with a competent 11latr d11y and nlrht, ao the people hid llttlr chance. Comment 1 have from the beglnnlnr ad· v1aed the po1tal employee11 In my ·d iatnct that I would auppor l 11n lncreue coupled with recl&11lflce- tlon. I aid J would not _,,,ppo1 t who refua.-d to accept their llne more than enouch to off1et this of thlnklnK. paid IOme br1bet and fl(UJ'e. We have a 11trong eeonomy nffeM>d oth r bribea. a atrong military poeltlon, and a The followlnr were welcome vt- 11lton from the Dlatr1ct durtnr the put week: Mra. Normtn Wataon. Newport Bea.ch and Mr. N. E. WHt, ~a Beach. By WALTER CHAMBLIN .IR. e renewed moral and 1 p I r I tu• I EXPENSIVE WBBYDIG There la a gTeat lncon1iatency In I ""'~NI upon by the Government, the program of dl11poeal of 1urplu11 the General 8erv1cu Admlnlalra- propertj' held by Ole Governm,.nt. • ~a Rflpr1I""' made or the The lnconalltency react.a on both current market valu.-. and this •Idea u a financial burdtn on the price 111u"l then be paid . by lhe . Sacramento Sidelight a n lncreue which I wall certain The National Federation ot Poet the Pruldt'nt would veto becauae J I Offlre Clerk• tlfpe.ndtd sue.ooo felt that whal the poat11l employ. In 19!>4 alone. The report !Of' 19116 eea wanted and nteded for the aup-hu not been filed. 'MILi amount port of their famlllea wu t1 law plact• them third amonl' the top ---------------------------that would give them thl1 lnr ru1t seven lobby apenden Of 10!14. They tu pa yen. and not a lot of lrg11lallon which 1<pent $21.000 more than the would nrver bernme a law. t American Ftdel1ltton of Labor, P'or ta.kin~ lhl11 po11ti(ln I h&Vt' US.000 more than Ult C.1.0 ., $35,· bet>n aoundly crttlrll.fil bv lh4' poll· 000 more than the National AlllO· tal &TOUP. Jn my 0 111trlct. Tht Jee-clatlrin of ,Elt'ct ric Companlu. and l11Jatlon which thty d.-mandefl lut $34.000 more t.han tht American yar wu "toed by the Pre11dent. F'llr:m Burrau Federation. The flrAt bill t.hal tMy aucrttdrd The Ame~an "'rm Bureau In ~( thltl )'H.r waa alM> Ye· Federation hu over thne million toed by the PrMldent. I ·oppoMd membera. and th• P'tderatlon· Of ev1&ry 8tep ot Ulla M(11l1Uon be-j Poat Office Clerk.a hu much leu cal18t I wu convinced It would • than one-half million memb<'ra. not become law. I Their prealdtnt hu a a&lary and & Dep1•t1•1t Loml ._........ fw o.w ran,. Yean l:nttnd u Secand.clul Matt.er at Ule Poetofflc. tn Newport BMcla. Calltonlia under th• Act or March a, 1879. ~ .......... Llpl Netlele ... ~' tm .r All IUMa By Daer. el ...... rrtor o..rt el 0rutce C.. la Adh9 Ne. A·llM ----=::'#'..::. 0 =:o.t:''l!.':.::C-... •..a.e10,.....~M ... ...._ however, will, by increutnr Ult revenuea to both · dtl .. and coun· UH, maJc.e It po•lble for the over- taxed county areu. and for cltlea which do not have a aalu tax, to cut down materially on Ole local tax ratu. FUNDS ENOUOH At1empt11 lo get unuaed land held by thl' Feder1l Govtmment back &n the tax mils by 1tllln~ It to private lndlvlduals meet with • vut amount of l"'f'd tape and l\lb· 11equent delay. Thi• coil• the tax- payer money by reuon of th!' lo .. of tax renn11e while th.-Govem · ment own1 the land. ln fact, the clt7 man&1tr of Al the nme time ho~ 1toclc1 Sacramento ha.a annouced that the of wrplu• 1uppll .. 1 art' told at city couJd cut the tax rate by 2ll give .. way prlc"• by one arency The rovemor'• mall. however, percent, and 1Ull have 1ufflclent while other branch"• of th• Oov· urrtn1 him to aim the meuura, fundl to make 80me much needelt emmtnl are buyln« th• 11ame typt11 which la known u the Bradlt'Y· Improvement. or ~urph,.11 11 1 C'urrr nt m11rktt prtc· · Uniform SaJ• Tu Bill. SACRAMENTO <CNS) -8o far, there ha.a Ileen no Indication from the offlr e or Governor Good· win J. Knight u to whether or not ht w111 1lgn the 1 percent aalea tax blll, which rtv .. coun- tlu , II they 110 deelre, the privilere of ..-Ing an additional tax, and 11harlnr It with clUea which al· read;y have that much ot a tax Furth,.r. tht meuure provides "' II reaaonably heaY)', aa lntere1ted iome prott>clion to clll,11 •c•lnsl I 1<Al.r. f'rtcKEl>t'RF. flrmi. lndlvldua.1.1, and orranl•· Ja.rgrr than one cent 11alu tL~e:i. Whrn 11 ~rcllon n' • Govem· lion• "' In the meuure a relief Only 8 few al th. e prtt1en t \lmr mrnt AJ!t'nC'y drtermlne11 that a from an tVft\ haav!er tax l&ttt on. have a one 1.nd one half )'lt1 ernt plt ce of prnpn ty whlrh It own• IA- aALEa TAX IO.llE T levy, but Aclu111ly. m11ny cltlra 1 .. urpht!I to It~ ""Pd~. all nf Ill Tb'8 mma from th• fact tJ:iat have bttn dh1cu1111lng the probltm hr11nrhr!1 l tt' rlrl"ularll.f'd lo deter- many cttl• In Callfoml& are con-of more revtnul' and r11l1ln1t from ' nllnl' whl'lh~r "n" or thrm h"• a 1ldertnr lncreutns thetr l percent on" to on~ 11nd' nn1> half percent neN1 fM tl. If non" h1ii, thrn eatb tiu.. to 1i, percent, or at leut, without 11ny protection to coun· oft~ otht1 a~encit!I of thr Oov- -.re until uw1 uniform tu bill uea·could rNult In a definite men-emment Is circularized in thl1 ..... riped. The bill la AB 3111, ace to pro~rty taxe.. .-me ma.nner. If they all Indicate by A-mblyman Clark Bradley, Thua, the Bradley·Burn.r bUI that they have no need for tt, ot 8&11 Joee. The meuure wu 1ta.nd1 out u an equaJ.laer. for local municipal agenclt11 and •ponaored lft tha Mnale by Sen-eventu.ally. It II moce than prob-IChoola ue flvtn a chanct to ob- at« Hl.ll'h M. Bum8 of Jl'reano, able that m01t of the count!• In taln It, and only Ulereatter I• It and paaHd both hot1-by iub-California will Co for th• aal• tax offer-.d to private Individual&, and •lantial majortlfN. In .,, effort to cut doWft the local a po .. lble -~ to them muit be Pro.....ty tax• approved by the Con(Tt••· UnW the bUI SOM Into ettect r-• • · AU of Utt• cln:ul&rtuUon t&)i.a In Aprfl ot nnt ,_,., u.umtnr ot LAllOll OPP081:9' many -1u. and If eomewben coune that the ro•ernor ·~ The tu wu •ppoMd tn t..be aJoec UI· UM a Ooftnuntnt apn- t..be meuun. ...._ el Calttor-JecUlature by labor. wtl.lda i. C1 lack:atM t.bat It want.a Utt ma cunot lmpoM a _,.. tu. aptut ..._ taw 1n ~Y tonn. ,..opart)', It t•~ Oftr to u.... ft1I a.ct« .-.Jta lft blltl loeal Bowenr, mo« el UM people w1'o If. u Ila~ la the -el tJM propeft1 ...._ fol' the couau-. me.aie \IP u.. labcw anloM now·•· lanta AM Arm1 A.tr ..... tut wta1le t.ba c1tke, wbldl ban uaat dQ9 an ~ OWMn Uld Uwe ~ ~ u.r-tter ~ prMJece llndef' UM law. -.a la tu,.,.. ta Nt.b dU. Md -am. tbat tt ~ -U. ,..._ wne IMt.aneel cut dawn Oii Ute U.. OoMeque11Uy, It la eat a • .-ty, UM W1101e ,..au .. ; .. SW propert.7 tu. pect«I U\at t.bt oppoeltton wm be °""' ....... fte 8ndleJ·Buna ~-_.,..~um tt'Oftt. .._ a ,...... ,. 'er • purchaser. ln contraat to this. when an a.jt'tncy rtnd11 that It hu 1 1urplu1 of .. n lll'm nr ll"m"· of 1111pplll'io. It conduct• a •le under the ex- ~ h1n1. e-sa 1 .. provt1<lon or the Ftd-1 eral ~roperty and Admlni1tr11ttve Servi cu Act of J 940 which author· I.Md the Ale of per80nal property I fnr the purp<>N of replaclnr It with newt r property which LI almlla.r to that 110ld. In mo1t cuu the 1aJe1 price 11 only a small rradlon or the or1&1nal coal even t.houih th.-11uppllea mlghl n"ver have ~n ta.ken from their orltr:ln•l p1u·kln1. KEA VY 8A.LE8 SEEN There hu been a heavy concen· tratlon of 11&11!1 of 1Nrplu1 trac- ton IUld other ht&Y)' machinery In the Southern Callfomla art'& which hu had a moat aer1oua Minne ef· feet upon the Mlt of Dew equip- ment. While It 11 neceaaary to rt•· Uae a rPturn to the taxpayen by .elllnc 1urplu1 eq111pment, Ole Mita 11hould be dlatrtbuted throull'hout the country ao that no one are& rece.lvu a 1trloua economic lmpsct. Jt. l&.tk force of the Hoover Com- mlaelon after a thorough lnvulll'a- Uon recommended that over • an aupervlllon and eontrol of 1Uppl1 oper&tlou ahould be lnatltuted and that better coordlnatJon of pur· dlUlnr and .urplua. d~ work between ro•era m ent acmc:t .. would rNl&ll In snat crter • all -1. l"elldllnl lato t.bt bUUoD9. TIM ~*'6ca found tbal eedl addltioaa.I OM oelll recetftd Ga .-ell dol.lar ooet ot property •ld would 1Mld ~ atra HO 111IW. ,.,.,.. It vpS Ua&t modrrtl t.ela- ..... ., ..... '"8laped _, ~ c ....... ..,.ta ... Wei .. . _.,, ........... .. 0 ' ,. ,. BRlJSH GQUNTRY JOURNAL ,, HORACE PAUD (M NM8 -ftla .._ •1 •raee Pubr wUI .... .,_. ... ......_._.. .... ~ fade Ille -u.ctrd ap .. Ide ~ ..... ....... Mi* _..,,. .. ,_t J'MPL) A few mODtha previous to the start of the lndJan evte.- tion at Warner'• Ranch on May 11, 1903, CbarlM P'. 1 .. mnmla had talked to them in a "junta". The junta bad atarted in Spullah but 800n a fine-looking young Indian woman. Mn. O.Lla Apep&e 1tepped Lo lht front Tbt.111 bMS 1poken the C\lpmo Jn.. ot the. room and otfar-.ct t.o tran.r-diana ot Wvner'a Randi atmpl1 ._t• the Indian lanauare of the and •dly. 'MILi wu their home, Captain.I directly In JCnrlWI. U.,,y loved It and want•d to live "We thank you for comlns here h~re. U they couldn·t thf')' would to talk to ua in a way we can rather die. underetand. It 11 tht flrat time . . . . &11¥on• ha.a done ao, You aak ua Ra.Mona Clbemoat looked l10W11 to think what pl4ce we Ilk• next belt to thla plac•. where' we al- -ya lived. You aee that g"r&ve. yard ou~ there~ There are oufo fa· then and our rn.ndfather1. You ... that Earle-neat mountain and that Rabblt·holr mountain! When mack them. He rave ua thla pi.c,. . on the rovemmenl wa1on• under Jamu Jenktna thf lndlan Inapec- tor. In the du•k. the llrht.t froro the camprlrea were dottlnc th• m'•dow1 ot tht W•rner Ranch In and amonr the ,tant -1u where the teamatera hMS camped. Her ey .. crt1c kled with hatred aialn~t the men who on the morTOW would "Al.WAYS HERE" try to tear her away from hl'r We have alway1 been hec-e. We rightful home. do not care for any other place. PL.1:4 TO PRESIDENT It may be (OOd, but It la not oun. "T omorrow the O.ptalna will be We have alway1 lived here. We back." u ld RamonL Her huaband wo.ld rather die here. Our fat.h.-ra Ju1U1 Marla Clbemoat wu one ut did. We caMot leave them. Our the C\lpeno Captain•, anc1 &Joni children were bom here -how with ·A.mbroalo Ort'«•· and Cecilio can we ro awayT It you (1Y• U1 Bla.cktooUI, the other captain•. the belt place In the world, It 11 they had ridden oYt!r 200 mllN II\ not ao l'ood for ua u thla. nine da y1 tD plead their cue with '"nit captain he aay ht. people the Pr .. ldent of the United 8tatea cannot ro IUlywhere al.le; they "Tec1dy" Rooeevelt a t Ban BemlU'· cannot Uve anywhen ellt. Here dlno. Rooeevell wu ma.kins a they b.ave alw•Y• Uved; their peo-tour of Oallfomla In tht. 11\Jmmer pie alwaya lived here. There la no ot 1903. • other place. Thia 11 our home. Wt "Surely, the &TUt Wblta Cap- ult you to set It for UI. Jt Har-lain wlll five WI blick our landa," vey Downey aay ht own thl• place, •he aa.ld lo a r roup around her. that la wrong. The Indiana alway• "He 11 a rerat man and be 11 pow- h.,... We do not ro on hl• land. ertul he wm help ua. But no ont We lltay here. 1hould move .pr conMnt to leavr "Everybody knows thi1 lndlan before the C1ptaina retum. It they land. Thue Hot. Sprlnc• alwaya once gel WI ort the land our cauH Indian. We cannot live ~ywhere 11 JOit. A• lonl' u we llt&y tiere el.le. We were born htrt and our we have a cha.nee." father1 are buri9d here. We 'ii> not "They talk of aoldJen. ~ aaJd on• think or any place alter thl1. We I ot the women in the (TOUp want thla place and not any other "Let the aoldlara come." •pat place." Ramona Clbemoat. "[At lhtm Lummla then L'lked them, "But 1hoot UI like cattle. rd rat.her be if the Oovemment e11nnot buy thll dead In the campoeanto than alive place for you. then what would ln aome other place." you like next best !" BEGIN TO P&A1' NO OTliER PLACE Sl~ntly they bN\k.-up. Two or Through their Interpreter. Celaa three or the women flngert!d their Apepu. the Indian Captain1 con-Roaar1ea and 1tar~d toward t,he Unutd In anmr to Lumml1'1 la.at little adobe chapel on Ue hill to queallon. ''There la no other plact' pray ~fora UI• candle-ht -alur. for UI. We do not want you to buy Perhep• H., v.·ould aiuwtr their lln)' other place. IC you will not 1 prayen e.nd perform a miracle buy thla place. we wlll go Into thr and 111vP their ancealral homo mountain• Uke quail, and die there. , from the white men. Thry had IM) the old people and lhe women and little and a11ke<1 for llO bltl,., ju~l children. Let the government be a ff""' ll<'r«a or la.nd and I ht'lr b.· (lad and proud. It on kill ua. We loved AKUA C&lil'nlt who8e warm do not fight. We do what It u ys. j ht6llng wsters had b•lhed th•·m It we cannot live htr<'. we w1nt •l birth 1111d prrpared them for to r o Into the mountains and dlP burral In the r ampo11nto f l th" Wt do not want any other homP ·· lw!.-e nr tht hill below thr chapel. ltll •r::J 11101 111* ~ llJlf'LB c:#> ~~·~ MllMll!N~ 10 LNf ,.,. • 10 ...... .'~M.llt'I ... IC*OMIC~fl '~°''* ..,...., I '4 • I J J I 1 I ' ' I i ' -/ ' ..... ~ . . ' ....... __ _ WHERE MARINE DI.ED -Station security det.ail men stand guard over the wreck- kge of an F9F Pantherjet where it crashed about midnight Friday on a peak near S&n Juan Capiruano, killing let. Lt. Roger P. Murray .. Marine Pfc. R. L. Williamson, left, Cpl. N. Hathaway and Pfc. W. R. Neighbors, guard part of ~~ wreckage that wu ltrewn over a large area on the hilly peak and into a deeP. canyon. The cruh tet,otf a huge brush fire in the area. -Staff Photo by Phyllis J. Jackson Pant~erjet Pilot Dies in San Juan Capistrano Crash UN JUAN CAPtSTRANO. j The f ltt was battled by resl· (OCNS) -An F9P' Panth,rjet dent• ln the vicinity, Shtriff'• fllhlfr (rom !:1 Toro marine base deputlu. J:I Toro marines and •lammed Into a hlllllde road at unite from the foreetry division. a bout midnight Friday about 21 The pl11ne wu on a routine mile• 1outheut or OrteR• hl!Jb· tught when It cruhed, l!ll Toro way. north of Granada Drive, I authorities sa.ld. killing the pilot. He waa ldc-ntl· The jet apparenlly crallhtd at f led u ht Lt. Roger P. MurTay. high speed Into a 11mall rutted 28, Hacken11ck, 1'. J.. road which windll thT'QJ.lgh the The cruh touched off a 100.ac~ rolling bllla behind Sall J uan Cap· bn&1h tire wh:lch wu mtbl• for latrano u a large 1ecU'ln of the eeveral mllu and a ttracted hund· wrecked craft blocked the road· reda of spectatora who hampered way. tire flfbtJng ettorta. The bl... It 11 believed the pilot'• body wu broupt under conh'ol in llttl• 1 wu found In a gulley juat below more Ulan an hour. the road. Lane Makes Guilty Plea tn Theft Charges; Hearing Set SANTA AN.A. (OCNSJ-.A. 14· 1 pleaded guilty lo COUllt.I tJuoee and year-old Newport Beach car de&.I· four-lhelt of an automobile from er J'r1day withdrew two pend Elizabeth N. Smith Stpl. 11. 19~. then innocent pltu and entered and theft of 12021.80 trom the rullty pieu. Newport Bank of America Sept. Qeol"l'9 H. Lane Jr .. 401 CataJlna 13. l9M. Drive, N'wport Be a c h , w a• L&ne asked for a probation brought before Superior ODUrt tMarlnJ. Judr• Gardner ut hear- Jud1e Robert Gardner for the Inf and Mntenclng for 10:30 a. m. plea reversal. .JulJ 8. The Jud,. Mid he wouldn't L&ne prevloualy pleaded Mt 1lt on lbe proceedlnp. f'Ullty on alx allegation• made by "I'm per.on.Uy acquainted with th• dlatrlct attorney. R I• trial too many people ln lhl• caae," had been Ml for tblt Wednuday. the judge cownmented. "Some Tl\at date wu vacated by Judge nther judge w111 have to handle O&rdner. It." I" eollAT PLllAI TM •tW,.dad Lane J'rtday All of Lane'• dlfflcultlu I""' out of auto t.ranaac:Uona. Lane, Too Late to Be Classlflecl Apricots We ~ ln trff ripened Royal apricots for home can· nlnr. 16 lb. lug and 6 lb. bu- ket1. free on ball wu represented by Atty. Max Hurwitz. Charge• atlll standing; agaln1t Lane, but n:· pected to k dlamlded are: Theft 11t $3640 from J. Robert Maddox J uly 17, 19M: forgery of a con· dlllonal u.Jea contract tor 12000 In an effort to dtfraud C. Robert ~tf'yman, H. L. Hettrick and t he Newport Harbor Bank Sept. 16. 19M: theft oC ;2000 from Ntwport Harbor Bank Aug. 115 and theft of '2074.M from Roland N . Leger- Jof July 31. Hillside Orchard Betw,en 22nd and 23rd on Tustin J. D. Daniels Son Ave, CO.ta Meaa.. 70lfc Mr. and Mrs. J . O. Danlel11, 310 Coeta Mesa St .. Costa Mea&, be· came parent. or a IOn J uno 23 at latlta Ana Community Hoeplt1I. Civil Defense lo Hold Meet on Alert Problems A meeting for all civil derense worker• In Newport Beach will be held Wertnesday, 7:30 p. m. In city hall. Edgar R ill, uslstant c·oordl· nator, announced to1l11v "Thl11 meeting 19 preparatory to havin( our oY.-n alert In Newport Beach and so we w111 know better how to evaluate 1t... Hill exp I lned. .H& uid during the "OperaUon Alert Command Po•t bercl•" held recently ~<'rou the nation. the Newport Beach telephone chain ot civil ddenae made 124 contacts In t ::i minutes. Although the national aJert wu primarily for 12 major clUH in the nation, Orange County an q Newport Beacb operated on a trtnre bula, Rill Mid. Re aa.ld aome dlacontent wu tell In tht county clVll ddtnae quartel"ll over faJlure of the federal civil defense center to follow lhrougb oa the bell• and l.lght.a allft&le with the aJ1 clear. Ke aald tht federal center ga•• the orta'- lnal alert. Hill 111.1d chief• or lb• dlvtalon tl1J11ed Jn at city hall when th• alert sounded and· tmmedlately went Into a meeting. "We real- lz.ed fl"Qm that alert that more alerla should originate In our own civil defenae office," Hill Mid. ·111ere i. lntere8t and a demand for It.'' MURDY NAMED eoau .... rrem nnt r.c- farm problems referred to the rroup for interim hearing and coo- 11lderation. At the Ml11• Ume, ChaJrman Byme aJao announced he had ap- J!Olnted Murdy to serve on the Boulhern Sub·Commlttee of the full committee. Byrne elated that thl1 sub-committee would hold a senea or meetings early In July to re\·iew capltAI outlay ltem1 for agTlcultural activities at various State lnsUtuUon1 in Southern Call· torn la. ,. In thi• coruiectlon It wu pointed out that the proc,dure being fol- lowed esch year of committee In· ap~ction of propo.'led capital outlay had IM>en Initiated by the late Sen· ator Hatfield and thru the ye.arw had rt'sulted In the 118.vlnga of hun• dreds of thou1and11 of dollan to California taxpeyera. CHANNEL FRONT FURN. Apt. l blk to U do lhops A bu1. Patio Is BBQ. Upper rear ~5. SUM· MER ,or 150 mo. yearly. 1 B. R. upper front lg. llv. rm. beaut. .te'W' of Bay a ~ l\TMMSR or HO mo. y.rty. Apt. 2. 81& 18th It., Newport ~ach 70p72 .A-nnouncing a NEW ~INO nf rteorlo1an1 : iban::rant . . : • • . . . • • . ........ 'llllC-1 ..., ~.,..., n.. ffilerll• ban ..... -...,......;....-·-.....---_ ..... _ ._.., __ ___ . .., ...... ·----get,.. .. Mr. Paul styli.+ from Sen Marino Elite Beauty Shop Balboa Island 304 Marifte Ave . Harbor 1817 FORMER . HUSBAND SOCKS MATI H. WILLIAMSON ,. ~ -• NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I • PA&E 1 MONDAY. JUNE' 27, 1955 <>-...... ,._ ""' .... AFTER· ACCIDENTAL CAI IUMP ~-.,-:. t:' ~!:~~ Newport Blvd., Colt&»-. will A n&tl\09 of UUa, Nebr., Mr. railway f1'0ln th• Ctt,y of New-be eonduct«f la the Parkee-IUdle)' Hatch cunt to C&llfomi& ta ltn felt BMcll. ... When t.be tint Mortuary, Oollta K--. at I p. m. and had tt•lded In Coet.a Meea tw '800,000 bond W.U. tor Barbor Wedneeday. Tl\e ltev. L. V. Tor-U ,......_ He had been .aaplO)' .. Improvement.a carried. now of Chn.t Lu~ Cburch u aa en,.mffr by Ole Holl)' 8"l'V Mn. Joyce Peuello, 123 Vlr&1n1a PlUli OM&.a ......_ Saturday reported lo Ne>A-porl Pol.Ice abe bad blea .tNCk It)' ber vi·buab&nd, .A.npionx L. Pe.aello. 8h• ~ abe wu drhi nc on ~FaddeA Place that afternoon when ahe accident· all)' kmped into her luab&nd'• ...,. wiU\ a.era. wtU ottlclate. Company unUJ ltM wben be -. ILU!r\' PMl"M1°PHE• Kr. Hubkermnan bad been ln cunt•UI. 'nl.la appuenUy lrftta'-d lb• ax-4pOUMI, police reported ., Ille ~td back le Iler ear and ~ed her tn the Wt .,. Md jaw, lh• el&llMd. Ker .dllW_;, • former ~ UIO wu 1moclled down epparantlJ bJ Ule tofte ot UM man'1 bl~. poll.Ct .. Id. After h1a eervtc. ln the MCODd Ul a..ltb fa, eome time alld ,..... Be la 8W'Yt~ by b.Le wtte Mn. World War doclo1"8 found It necee-94 away .. U&rday at b.Le home u Ora.eel& Hat.ch of \.be f~)' ~ aary to amputate WW1amlan'1 lee UM ....Wt of a hMrt &tl.adt. Ht 111 I:. 200\ 8t .. Coeta w .... Md Lb&LUd bell\ pce;kUlll7 In~, .... ~_.~--~.,..._ .on Wtlltam IJatdr-J~ • After the amput.auon ln 1801 wbo di..s ln 1961. the Me-. Other .unotvon an, B&n:Y WUIJ~n ~ • tlml· ·"""--as. Kra. MaWd& UlrM ~ .an.a. l:lYin, Vkcor u4 liar &nd htPJ>Y phJJQ!tQRber V2_UAd 11~.nm&n. mothlr~ of Ohio, Uoyd a..d, and a !Mp ~ht.-r U Balboa In ht.a wheel chaJr. thret .tatera. Mn. JOMpll Dor.ey, Mn. Edna Oolnra, aU ~lorado. N DE PHOTOS want.a to t.a.lk lo Lout. Taf'er. Funeral arraniemenl.I are ... "A-•· Th I kl t ... ..---A.nahetm; Mrs. LaWT'eftce 8caletta, Mr. Hatch la &190 Ill.I wet bJ ey .,... oo n1 or 1um. I"• word from hJ.a aon, ea .. ••'" of .. ,.. lo ...i" ... n--Ohio; Md Mra. l:qar Be&mtt thr" brothen. Haven Hatch. Clea*Ded r..... ...,... Pace "',,at'a the IU\.IWet to 1 P..-1 Bull K. Wllli&mlC>n, U8.A.P', it.a· Ohlo; th rt• brother.. Elmer: Coela Meaa: Rav Hatch of N .. the "rtrlle" bualneaa! Mrs. ~r tloned ln Guam. Other aurvivol"8 Arthur and Roland Htrbkersman bra.aka: and Pioyd Ratcll of H~· p\Cblre wtih a tblrd dlnlen.lon thlnlu a.he bu It. 8b• wanta lo an, the widow N•lle L. wuu--. -... bit t.b • ~ .......,.. aU ol Ohio. ttaa., C&llfomla: and two alaten. viewer. •vr two-1, e opera .. or aee It 1topped. "I don't want my eon of the family home; two MN. Wiiliam Baumfalk of J(aa. ret.a an addre.1. daufhur eYer lo poae for any d.auchtera Mra. Vlrrfni& D. Kur--IU; Uld Mn. Bealll• B&rper ., et:STOMEA CONTACT sucb plctutta. I'm 1Ull repul.led by phy. Ba.Ibo& and Mra. Fred Unde-11118. OILACE E. lll:OAN Htl>ruk&. Thm It 1taru. l'Tom t.ben on, the ldeL The.e rtrla _,.. wrually man Jr., Colla M .. ; a ailter Mn. Holy Roary wu red~ 8ua- aU contact with the ~er la rotn1 to modelln1 Khool. Tbey Clarence A. Ander80n. Glendale; a clay at I p. m. i.n th• Park-••••••••••••• by dlttct mall He·1 advleed there needed food moddinr picture• brother Winfield 8. WWtam.ola .r Nclley Mortuary for Mra. a ...... are other noveltlu available. The taken in 1treet clothu for their Olenc1a.le and five crandchlJdre. l!llabeth Reran, H . ot au E..t operator gtla an order from hlm-job1. Tl\oee plcturn come hl1h. So WUiamaon wu a chart.a-mem· lllt.. Cocta Kea&. Mua wu Oil· u for elgbt ul5 nude phol<>11. No they pOlled tn the nude In vcchan1e ber of the Newport Harbor ~ •bra~ UU. momln1 ln St. Joa.oh· pornography. tor KVeraJ plcture1 taken In 1treet or Elk•: charter member of UM lm'I oaCllolk Church ..,Ith the~. A second •ollcltlng letter la 11ent clothing," •he said. Newport Harbor Amerl..-Lec\ca; WUUua ,..,,..y, ofticlaUnr. to the customer. But here'1 where "I bou1bt el&ht nude nerauvo member of Al MaJ.akab 8.brtM Mn. Rec'&n. wl!e of Geor,t a the post oCtlce dodging 1tarla: Il'1 from the photol'faphera for $2.l50 Tc-mple, LOii Ancel•; member cf1 a.,u. ,..... away Friday mora- 11ent from a different addre1s. Ull· e~h. Then I bought all other the Loni Beach Vetennl oa..r.-laf la U.. Roec Memorial Ro. uaUy a post office box, but a di!· nudM of Ule aame flrla at et I lory; member or \.be United tput-pt&al ....,. .. llad been eonftned ftrenl one. It taku time to trace centa each. That wu to protect lah·Amtrlcan War v~ Cal· a.fter & Mart attack. She WU Illegal uae of the malla. m)'Mlt," abe u plalned. umplt No. It; member of N&Y)' a ll&Uw Of New York Clt7 and "lt a cualomlT contlnuea to Hlld TO STOP .PRAGrlC'E Karine Vei.&na, ...... a..•-AJMri. came to CalltonUa ln 1931 and t.o ~ "'""-__.. Qollta Kea In 1H2. in for nude plcturee," .... n . ·-er But how to atop It! Mn. Ta-can War and 8e&tutnc ~ laJ a.t "h ··-··" .....___ Mn. JiLecan WU-~ la Mr exp n~ e ........ y ._ "° -r's ldeu are outlined tn her Lod.ge No. 708. ··"' th d I t ttln .. -bua..d'1 bualn-u 8eel"et.ary • .. 1th e ea re o It g pomo· book. More 1trlngent enforcement The American • __._ wU1 OOD• I I ... _ -...... ~ Bnlthel"I Sheet K •ta l gtaph c plcturu. never aent , .... t ~.16\n for pomography vlblaton. duct t'llneral M"1oee at lbe Park· Wor1u. kind of stuff -my plctUtta were r-'at-tlon of all tlcUUoua nam•a ea·Rldlev Mortuarw cha-1 at ' I ~11· ·.. ~ , -, r-TIN dee1&Md wu a mtm.ber of juat straight nude." uaed In bualnu1 and llcenalng of p.m ., Thunday. It. JOl.Cblm'• Cat.hOllc Ch\lfth &ad It a cu1tomer la after porno-all protographers and prlntc-n who A memorial tun4 on beb&1t of rr-phlo pboloe, Mr1. Tacer ea.Id deal In nudea.. the Newport Harbor ha kout of tbe Kothen Club of b• ~\U'Cb. ORT9'( ... ~. ' " ... , . ' 8~ Wed. dl i 8untvon are her )ruabucl. he would quit een fl&' Mr bus • The former o~ralor claim• law1 unit 19 being ..t&bllabed b)' t.b• B t time a ew ma ll ~ ~ · "-ran. & daupur, _..,.. neu. u every n • are in exiltence now which hand farnUy at Wllllanwoa'I NqUe1t. le. .Jll!Stt.b and two aona, a.or.,. a ,.._ aa Ing piece wu Mnl to a cualomer, down a I~ or flve·y~ar priaon wu in charce of Ule llnt lea .Jr., aad Ttlomu M. aU oft.be tam· UJYEJOY·NDJL It came from • d.ltt•Nnl addreM. eent~nce or both tor porn,......phy. Scout Ship here. ~ -.... -Uy bome. And by two slat.erl --TIME TO CHECK "To the beat of my knowltdge a ___ ..,. _________ Mn. Myrtle Hart of New Torti SUIJJVAN·BBNNEl'I' "It laku 10 day1 for the poet sentence like W. hu never been DEATH NOTICI! and Kn. Jou Blrdl ot philadeJ. ...:=-.::.,~~.--:::":~ office to run & check on an at1· given." she ea.Id. pllSa. .ln~t wtl1 be ln Hol,J I .,._,,ut.• ...... -..... dreu, be convinced there 1 ..} "Ninety day11 Is the usual Mn· IAllSI ~ ~lL--J.llflllllClllrt ~ ·--• grounda for .topping the addrea tence." she said, "for opera tors In Prt..W f\lnen.I ~ wtll be -..._ ___ _ and then me.ke the atop," 1he aaJd. pomopaphy. You can get 90 held tomorrow, Tueeday, at 10 '"'''4'1 A. llA'l'Cll aa. -pl-.- "ln 10 day• we would have the days tor atralght nudes too, 80 order back from the cu1tomer." what doee a dealer In pomographlc L m. at the am!th and ~ l'llnerat lknicu for WlWam "C-t....--»' Mortuary ln Santa .A.na tor Jam• Al.a Hatch Sr.. were oond~ f"1mllVllT She INLld M Vetal times the post photos h11ve to lose!" she uked. llbert WlllOft, H. A. n&Uve of vtr-kturday, June l~. at Ula Partte1- ornce 1lopped addressee on her WOOU> AJD P.O. rtnla, Mr. Wilson . paMtd away IUdley Chapel ln Coet& Keea. Tl\e wttb but her bualneu wa.e never a.ffecL· She reasoned the required rep early Monday momlnr ln a bot-R4rY, Cb&rlu B&IMI omctat.d. Mr. WUU.. .... ed by It. traUon or 111 fictitious nam.. 1••• I aa ta .A.n "'I'hen," ahe aald, "you can al· would aid the poet of'flct depart· p ~r::vor!' are th~ wtdow, Orue, ~:~~~tc~h~~~ed~.._~Th~unda=='=atter==an~~a:;·~~~~A.rtla~~~-~·=-.ed~=~=· ~~= way• get a re1traJning order on ment lnvmlgatol'9 to catch up of the familJ home 129 • 2ttll th e poet ottlce. You can tal<e any with viol.at.on more qWcklJ a.n.d at., and one '°"· w..i.1-J, wu.oa ol the picture• or •lralght nudu close down addrHMe fn a matt.I' of M&nltobu. Colo. ilk• I used to mall ln t o a judge, of two or lhl'ff d&yw· in.lead at ~ Jte\r. K&l'T')' It OWllM wt1I 1how It to him, and he LUUally aaya 10 day•. otn~t• at the Mn'lc.. BALTZ MORTUARIES 008T .A. MEaA CRAPmL ' 17'1 8u,..W AY9aue eo.ta M--. caw. th'y're all rlfht. He will put a ''Remember when the ftderaJ rutralnlng ordtr on the J)08l of-government pMMcS a law a few l:DllOl'fD r. Rl:&B&D811Alf flee to prevent thefn from closing yeani aco requlrlnr tht bookies to P'Un.,_I .. mce tot JMmoncl the addr-." aM ~lalmed. have a llceue f Tl\• Mme thing Freel Herblct1"8maft, ti, of tooO Pboa• ~ 1-1121 CllAPl:L BY Tiii: 8&A 1120 JC. Cout .Bl•d. Corona del Mar, CaUt. PboM Bu1lor 4J PLENTY or ,CA8B should be done for photornphera, :.:_::.-==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ She told t.be com~ttee Of taklns printe~ and any011• whe bu any- ln u much u 1300!> to $t000 a thing to do wtth nude ploturu," day. "Once ln 1952 I banked 1760,· 11he aald. "'lben U.. f'O"rllftlent 000 ln aix month.a." lhe •aJd. "The would know Who UM)' an and committee bad all the NC:onh of could keep lr9Ck of UMtr act.In. thla at the heartnc. One ot my Uea." bNl cll.lt-OJnel"I wu a priest In the She pau~ lo ptck vp a Jett.ft lala.ndl." which had juat arrtnd ln \.be It eta.rted llO eully. How did It maJll. It wu addre&Md to D. ,.._ elld T r or end It did for Mr9. 'J'&.. ,.er from a Geor1e P. In Loe An· ,.er In 1952. • ,.1ea. Inalde waa a t)'ped note and "I ltecame Ill," eh• MW, "and two fl blllll. • .. not e.ble to WO{k the 18 and Geort• a.eked for a 11t ol elfht 18 hOUl'll a day in thi buMneu like nudu. He &ppaNntl7 picked up I had been doing. Lout. wanted & her currtnt addre.aa from a Loa divorce. I wu Ill and under Md~ Anrele. new•peper which reported Uvea. I signed aom• paper. not Mn. T ... r·1 put ln th• Mnate Jc:nowtng what I wu dolnc. He lnvutJpUns commm .. he&rinf. took .. eryt.hing." 1he N'OOWlted. Ber book la her clepUI charl•· She reflected a minute. "You Kefaunr hu It In Wuhln,ton, know , he never 1tuck ht. n~ out but ah• hopee to see It In print In lhUI game. It wu In my name ~ alonr with Ro•' when I wu mar- rifC to Loula.. He left me becauae be .ad he was Interested In Helen. mf Ullatant. Ro put the bu11lnea1 ln her name and 1he 11 •tlll op- e~Ung It." LOUlS IN DEMAND But the Kefauver committee Mkt. Trade School Opens Super market.I openlnt; here "1th the new National Caah Reg· I lsWr ehange computa tion machines wUI be glad to know that thla machine I• being taught at the new auper market 1chool which wm provide trained cuhlers. meat wrappera, atockmen. and m11.nag-er1. Theae trades pay $80 to 1120 a week, V0caUonal Center. located at 11016 Garden Grove Blvdq 1peclal· lze.1 In all market trades. Avail· able at lhla school Is a llJ>Klal 10· day typing counie and a free lea· IOI\ v.111 be given to each visitor over 18. Shorthand and bookkeep- ing are aJ90 otttrf'd. Call LE 9-an or Kl 3·8271 after 15 p.m. -Adv. GO places SEE thlnt• We wUI ....._ all your tranl •rr&lll'NIH!Dla M ltcMne or Mire*- CDM TRAVEL SERVICl S54t'I E. C'out H"7· C'orona d4'1 Mar llA&llO& 1 z .. Ride Showboat to lacjuna ob the Bautiful Pacific Twice Dally -11 :SO a.m. and 7 :00 p.m. Adults Sl.25 -Chlldrea 65 cent. _ .............. ..-~---- A FOR YOU You receive an attractive, guaranteed Travel ~larm Clock''" when you open your new savings account of Sl,000 or more. A handtome ...,uine leather billfold (either man'• or lady's) is yours free when you open your new 1avlnt1 account of $500 or more. ACI' l'OOAFl- Offer It lhftitM ...................... . hJHNI Jvfy J 1, 1f51 .....,, .., ,.. ........... c.... .......... '· ....... ,_ ........ ...._. ........... ,..., -.,.., ""',_, ~ s..,.. ..,_,... ... Mardi 11, .... l1, .. 1111~r >O, ...... i. .._ fw _. ~ D1 tu 20. .. "-.._,. -,,.,, ........ _,...,..., ... ,..,... .. _.. -'50, -.._... _., ......... h" ..... ,,.,, •. ""..,_""....,.···-,..,,......~..,.. I . .....__,_,,,..._._...,._....,It 11r41 ~•4 ........... ...,. ~ ...... ~ .. ,_ _._ •. lllla¥ ............ ""'....., ............. c-..._..~._..,--'· .. ....... ., ................ ., .. ..,.. ....... ... .............. ....... ,.., .... .... ........ .._ ....... Ii llTlllST ... .......... .... l•ua1,Mp .. 0 .. 1-WAMtellOOPM ...... ,. ....... ~-.c.t.·~a..Mt1 I l I t j j I .. , I - :. In Step · , \ ---- • ' . -With the · --~ .. . • Ev~r~ Changiilg -.. ... Scene·/ . :Jhe newporl Jlartor -4-rea i~ _growin_g • ~ 1eac11 1950 . ~ 12,120 NOW 18,539 Costa. Mesa 1950 POJMllaffon 12,100 NOW 17 ,320 ' ---·~- Effective Julj 4th. 1955 ' Publication by . . . 0 NOW • • • Your Newport Harbor News-Press will be published - -3 TIMES EACH WEEK · MonJay--WeJnesJay-FriJay To ~ acl1 .... y complete coverage of •ws cmcl picture happenings of the rapidly .-owing Newport Hwbor •ea. .... to ...... better both claulfled cmcl display ~ your Newport Hwbor News· Preu wlll be < .. tv.ecl nery Monday • w.-.1day WMI FTlclaJ to lh subscrlben. Subscribe Today To The fastest-Growing · . NEWSpaper in The Harbor Area . CAIL •ABOll 1616 · · 3 :v · ., 111110 .,SOc' PE• .,. · : 5c . \ -. .. I J t I •, LOS.S -DROPS NEWPORT TO THIRD SPOT M1rtoa lops Local Legl•• Nltle Sa1wclmy Newport H~• Junior Leeton t.&m fell out of MCOnd plue In Orang-e County American Legion play Saturday with In 8·3 loss to mlrbty P'ulJerlon. The came ruulted In .lnjlJry to Roy Denlel, .trvck in th• •Ide by a thrown ball. He wu bneny hoeplta.llud •l J\illuton. but le not beUeved badly llurt. ANAJIE.IM ADVA.."tCES The Mlback In t1r1l or a two- pme urlu handed Newport a record or lix wt.n1 &nd three louea "ott the regular Muon. An&helm CHOW DOWN FOR TIMERS defeated Santa Ana 5·1 Saturftay to move Into 1econd . place with five whu, two Joa.a. Fullerton continued It.a undeteat· ed waya with a three-run lead re- corded In the openlo« Inning: En- right wu the wtnnlng pitcher for Fullerton. Jim Newkirk ab.orbed the Jou with Paul LorenUen coming on In relier In the aeventh. Timers, a Harbor Area Car club compc.ed of local boy&, recently held a pot-luck din- ner in eo.ta Kea Park for their parent.. Object of the outing WU to inform p&renta of the boya of club plam, adoption of a motto, "Sate driving on the road, save racing for the track", and uk for 1uggNtiona u to methoda of raiBiAg club finances. The boya now plan a rummage Mle. Serving in the chow line above· are Mn. Sam Cor· derio, Kn, Vlnce Arena and Mn. Seved Rochon. Being aerved are Arena, Joe Am· old. and Tom Coant.er. -Jim Counter Photo OTllEa RESULTS Ot.htr S&Wrday Leeton n11Ult8 round Garden Gron edfinr Buena Park 6~. and Huntington Bucll JUMPIN&I loys' Cl1b l1lges at -Seams Now Add!UCIDI to the Boyl' Club ot h ~ ar-. tlaWi.d a UtUe a Md a ba.lt , wwe plaDDed to take e&re ot the bo,. ill tbe coauaWllt)' tor a per- tocl of 10 ,,_,.., accordlllg to utt- lllated community (1"0Wtb. The dub adcSSUona .. ,.. planned to take c:.an Of a ,.art,y mftnbenlblp ot about 1200 boJ8. If anyone had Yillted tM Boys' Club ln th• put two weeb It wouJd be aeen that all areaa, wtth (be pouilld .ac.ption Of U. UJD· nutwn, en .U..dy too amall to take car. ot the boy8 who come to !ulw tun and compankle8hlp and to flnd eomeWnc to do. ft• wadi h&n been bulslnc wtth larp Jlwnben or boya. Tutal m.,,ber- lhlp laat year wu 18U boy man• kra. Thia year, thrM mon.tbl ahort ot the memberabJp ,_,-, WhJcll ... Oct. 1, aeu1y 1100 boJ> ha" becol9e memben flt the Boys' Club. .A..,..• daily att.enduce Jut year wu au boy• Mell d&y m da,y• a ••k all year Jons. Attend- ance Jut l"rtcky w ... 812 boyw la one day. Mon~y. the ftnit d&y of 8Wllmer "Y&Catloa, •w aa at,• t.nd&nce of ~21 boy• ln Bo,.. Club &CUYlU.. The:r'e baa aiw..,.. be9l plenty ot Y&l'lety Of Pf'OIT&Dl ln the Boy.. Club but now the problem I.II ln ftndlnl room to do tbem. Dunne the aummer monthll t.he ao,.· Club opeu from 1;6 p. m. and from T to t :IO p. m. 8aturday boura are from 10 L m. UU ll p. m. The club ii cloeed on BWldaYJL --------------------------! ··aqueealng-" put Oranc-e 2·1. THE SPORTS WATCH By mLL PlllLUP8 Buena. Park Ued the ll<lOrf 4-4 In top or the nlnt.h on Don Bell'• triple. The Grover. tucked It away Juat the NITle on alnrlea by Terry Mitchell a nd M-lke Doyle &nd Mllte Slagle'a aacrtflce ny. ---------------------------" aqu-play In the aeventh Wbatev-er h&ppmed to that bum ticker allegedly poa-bUded H\mttnrton Beach lta wih-nlnr runt. Heard and Coopma.n MMed by Archie Moore! I watched the Moore-Olaen fight dented the dlah on Beebe'• bunt. very cloeely and have arrived at the concluaion that, con- fined to that aquared circle, Archie ii purely heartleaa. At leut, I wu not able to di8cem Moore even drawing in a deep breath .-he oomtmted hlmMlf "1th knocking the whey out of Bobo IMtde lhrM roanck. I .,. u ... Archie dld pt b.la hair mu. eet bM:k up all the Wbile. Be man- B Diamond Play Through Week qed to ma.ke hle kneea at elebt. Md up. In fact, t.b&t _. b.la mo.t He wu ao far eon• when he •tac· Th• Brave• and Carda and atrenoue workout ol the •venlns sered up &ft.er the count that l\e Olanta and Plrat .. ln t.be NaUonaJ -<:ombtJll' down that thatch of th<>1.1eht he wu •till fighting. 1-g'ue were elated to launch b&lr wllU• expla1ni.Dc to the TV FORTUNATE nu.ow week'• pl&a In Harbor Boye' Club audience t.bal Bobo Sot b&tted on )4 b&Mb&U clrculte at 6 p. m. to- bia coco wtt.h a np~J1Pt to hl8 Bobo waa lucky. He mlellt have day. AU B traya ..,... played at jaw-jaw. Didn't Ardlie •Y It wu Cotten er.ct before the ten-count. eo.ta. Meaa Park. Remainder of b.la famou.a doubl.-rllht U.t tuck· Tbat would h&ve been dl8utroua. the weelt'• B al&t.: ed 01-l awa:r for t2le nqtrtt hN ltem'1Uber wtwt h&ppnied to Har-TUead&y: Bra•u and Cubll cm be did. old Johnllon after '.Kaott battered the main field; Tlren and lndJam 411 I cea •Y about oa... la him lnto .ubmiulon the lut Ume Oft the l1'U& field, 6 p. m. th&t he'• Sot more sut. tbaA Archie defended hle ll(ht·h•y,y Wedne8d&y, Athletic-Red &ox. ability. Be ~ out ta the tint Cl"OWft ! Jol\uon wu ahead on main tleld; Dodcen· eudlnaM. ,_ minute. ot U.. tlpt UIM Al'-point., but When Moon cot hla cna field, 6 p. m. White Sox-clLle w .. entlnly too etronc tor openl.n&'. Harold hun't a.mount~ Yankeea. main rleld. 1:30 p. m. blm. Bobo, 70U ~. la IMKad for to mucb alnce. Be ma.de the mle-Tbund&y: Tl.pl'8 . Wbit. Soll. ~ fn cloee to b1a opponent. take ot rett!n&' up qain. m&1Jl field; Indl&ne-Yank-. lr&a9 aDd WOl'tlin' ·-ewer. He mo'f'ed 411 that rem&tn. for thla old fleld, 6 p. m. la oa 1lloor9 Uld Bobo pt worbd bo9pita1 tue known u Archie the rrtday: Doctrera-Qla.nte, main onr. n.t 1.-oe leanMd, be llept Gyp.y la a chance at th• heavy-neld; Red Solt-While Solt. cra- b.la ........ and worked la tlwwta. welpt crown. Attet-all, hun't neld, 6 p. m. Cardlna.la-Plratu. But that didn't pron too bot Koore beaten Nino Valdes, Ule ma.In field, 8:30 p. m. either. Moon C&Ul'bt him wtth a number one heavy contender, and loft&' 1.tt ,u Uld Bobo .,.. -.... Bobo oi.m. lh• mSdd.lewetrht toe ott t.be ro,_. champ T Doee he ha.Ye to t.ah on Harbor HiCJh C l.eattM arr Biii UP lh• flY•'"'Cht champ. too! T Ith T ,_. __ In the MCOBd round. ArcbJe Muda.no may -at the old man opl W Wwwwn llt.uUd ..ittq Mm up. Bobo bu onr when they meet, the same a !Witt flt klwwtac Ma hMd Juat way ~ batted dOWll upet&rt befon IDO'tlJll' la t• a thalT)'. Ar-Bobo; but Archie hu more than chle tDYiUicl OIMn Into him by Mmed hi.I chance at proYtnr hlm- dropplnc b.la left and le&vtnc him. Mlf beat In th• t1•tlcutf1 bullne•. ..U w1cM opea tor that ri(ht ~ only ~ tor del&y of the W1ilch Bobo Ullld to _,_1 Joey acrap at thl1 point would be Mulm. OLMn al&IUd In, then Rocky'1 hope th&t Archie wlU bekl up to Wnll the whot. tlWlc ~acUnc IJke an-lnnlld of 31 In aa.' C bueball compat.IUOD at Newport Harbor Hll'b Scbool diamond Wed.nuday. the CUba de- feated the Yankeu 8-5. The loop hu MYeral out.ttandln« pltcher1 off the nnt week'• play. They a.re: Robbie Olander of 600 St. An· drewa Ro&.d, Tlgen; NeU Sav1en of 433 Bro&dway, CQata Mua. CUbl: Bandy Eutman of 144 Via Yell&, Red Sox: Steve Carleon of HA 110 ·I 'o~ BILL PHILLIPS, 8porta Editor NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-Pl~ PAllTJk-'A&E I MONDAY, JUNE 21, 1955 ' PHYSICAL OR MENTAL. IOYS' CLUB OFFERS OUTLET FOR IT Makes no dllference whether mamb&n Of Harbor Area Boy•' Club want phyllcal, menial or h.andicr..rt releue of awnmer ener11ea -they·v. &"Ol opportunltl• for them all. A pine pong toumey got underway today, a chffl oont•t move1 front an<\ center next week, and cratte are baJd daily. Junlora (8-10) dlaplayed their table lennla t&lenl8 thl.a afternoon. bet wee11 1 :30 and t :30 p. m. TomorTow lnter-- medlatu 1 ll-lt) pla y, with eenlora plttlnc their volleytns akll11 Wedneaday. All dlvia1on flnaJa are 1et tor Thunday altt'moon. Nut week. ln the cheaa tourney, junlora play TuMd&y. tntennedlatu Wed1fuda y. eenlora 'n!urlday with au dlv11- 1on finale Friday. The Van Aken brother•, Lynn and Wayne direct pluter of Parle molding every attemoon trom 2 lo 4. Art and drawing cluffa are ava.ilable from 2 to 3:30 p. m. •'•lly under dlrecllon or Boy11' Club member Tommy Toedter. A steady at.ream oC boaU, bird hou11e.1, 1klmme.r boards. •)rner ahelvea ~d Davy Crockett rune conat&nUy leavea the .:ood working lhop under dlrtttion ot . Harry Welton. Boy1' Club aummer houri ar• trom 1 to 5 p. m. and from 7 lo 9:30 p. m. each day. Saturday hours are trom 10 a . m. to 2 p. m. TOPS FOR FIRST WEEK White SoL Cubs. Giants Boast 2 C Wins on Mesa .. Compiling two wina ln the Coet& Meaa Park. Harbor BoJ8' Club IWnmer Cl11a1 C baaeb&ll lea.-ue l .. t WMk were th• White 8oJl, Cuba and Giant.I. Two gamea were echedw.d for today la the C claaalflcatlon at Coat.a Meaa with the DocSsen and Cardlna1a aad ~ Sox and Tigera tanCllng thla momlnc. Stavlnr ore a 10 run rally by Coeta Mea bur1ed tbe C&rd1aaJa the TanlteH MOftday, t.he-Bravu W • 1~ Yictofy onr the er.... qed out a 14·13 win. PauJ The Bravea came trom behind to Mora of 725 W. 20th St., wu the tie the tray T-7. Three rune In IOfllng pitcher with Wayne Craw-bottom of the ft.Dal etanu. N· ford of 853 Governor St.. Costa trieved the Card.9' triumph. Bob Ganahl Of 201a1 8 . W. Spru~. Santa Ana, made a ipectac:ular catch for lb• Bnt.v- Me.a. catchlnr. Winner w a a Jamee LAhodney ot 20362 8. W. Acacia. Santa An.a. TUnny Orlall of 20283 8. OrchJd, Banta Ana., WU the Bran. cttcber, WILD Fii.AME ~ White Sox trounced the C.rdln&la with a wild 11-run MC· ond ln.nl.nr ecortnc ..,,.._ TUead&y the CUbe abut out the Tiger• 8·2. A pair of 8-l"lbl tramea uablcd the Oodger1 to down the Red Sos 1'·9. Terry Lehman of 1991 Newport Ave .. Ooeta Meea, hurled & 12·3 win over the Indiana for Ute Gla.nte Wed.nellday. Johnny Let- flnpell of 2045 Newport Blvd., Coeta M-. did the catching. The CUbe be.abed the Yankeea lM. John Naylor of 20321 Or· chld, Santa An&. twirlf!d the CUb win. PITCH.ER'S BATTLE ThlU'JN1&y the Giant.a had to bane Oft and rattle for a 17·11 vie· tory. The Red Sox scored 11 run. lD the flnal two frame., but were unable to overhaul the Giant.' u.rly lead. BIU PetUt of 318 Monte Viet.a. Jl"riday, the T11en baal\ed lhe l1>dlan8 7·2 and the White SO. blank~ the ~een 1-0. Slate for Youth Center Diamond the Indiana and Giant• and Dodi · el"I and C&rdlnaJa at. the Corona. del Mar Youth Center diamond ln Harbor Boye' Club 1ummer Clul C baseball leagut> thi1 morning. Schedule for remainder or the week follow1: Wednuday: Brave1 v11. CUbll. 10 L m. C.rdlnala v.. Giant.a, 11 :15 Lm, Friday: Dodger• va. Bravea, 10 a. m. Cuba va. lndlan1 11 :15 a. m. YOUTH CENTER NINES . . TIE FOR LOOP LEAD ...._C .... T .... Caphn Pair of Coateth Finl W ... Tiie Bra.., ~JMl•m IWI-..,,.. a pa1I' of tr.ya in the tint week of llarbQr Boye' Club IUJ'.DJD411" a .. C ... 'b&U-al ~ Corona del Mar Yout& Cent.tr. ~ two -.ob were the Giant.a. Dodaen and Cardi.pal&. lConday the Bravee dnabbed the Giant. 1'"4. LMdllls IOOl'el'll tor tbe Ylcton _,. David loH count.. aatt.11• t~ the la. Connell ot IOl EmerMd w1th four dtu., lllll• ~ '2' Ordl&4, rune and am. Andft'90ft of 191 &ad 111t1m117 htw.U... o1 HI D14ft.. P9aJ1 and Q\ril Md4Chlin ol 110 wood; for U. ~. llacll M°"" Apt• wtth three rune -.cb. pn. 001 Camatlon. aad w~ Th• Cube downed the Dodpni a.wt. ••o hmleat. 1-1. John We.,.er ot aot• Ocfta TIM Bravee rattled U.. CardluJa Blvd. acored two talllee foe lbe ll·l. Jan Crawford IOOred th• ODt7 OUbe. 'nm Rlcharda, 701 Cuna.. run for th• ltedb6rd.: McLa.cblia lion. dented th• di.ah with lbe taWed three tlmea tor tit• ara .... Dodcen' lone run. Ander90n, CoMeU a n d To " y WEDNUOAY Koppa, 310 Coral. acored two ll&Ch. Wednud&y the lndlane ~ B&ttertu : Cardinale, Ovt&tt and the C&rdtnala 4-2. KJm Ov1att Of Crawford: B.-.YM. Conn•U aad 127 E . Bay Front and John Rich-Bob Nealy of 231 Opal. wine ot 121 ~ Cryll.al ecored the Cardinal marker1. Todd He• ot Al WI ,..,,off au Orchid, Ore& Ma.cGIUlvray ot M 633 Seaward Road, Jam• Ray ot Al Oxnard of Newport Hetpu 60 Seaward Road and Lowry won out In the play-ott wtUl Don Thompeon or en O~hld broueht Slyh of B&yahor•a to break a ti• In one run each tor the lndlana. In the Wffkly Auatrallan 8""1e9 0.plt.e two home Nn• em.uhed at the local l&wn t$owliq ~ by Ro11r Grable of llt Narcl-.w, Tueeday. Snuiteen memberw ,.,.... the Gian"9 were onrcome 1~2 by tlc.lpate<l In the touniament which the Cubl. Scortns three Nn1 •ch tlnlahed with tlee IOf' nm and for the CUbl were J'reddy Bandel, third pla.c11. Pl&y-otta wen held 318 Jumlne, Richard Macner, 102 and Oltn&rd won flrat place. 8tyh ¥•llotrope, and Weblter. aecond. Lloyd 8tee..,.. Utlrd aad • FUDAY C. B. lludd fourth. Friday UM IndJana ac:&lped the n 1-1. He• and MacGWlv- •Y tallied tW'O rune Mch !or the 'frlbe. Kenneth Komwelbel of tOI J'emleat ran acrou the Bum'• ROMlllary Aqu.Une, a. F .--. aecnitarJ -·-xii. hot dos-.. tM beet doe ot. all. It teeda uw.. band that. bltH It.' The Place to CJO for fish n' chips jumt>o fried shrimp • Sea fopds our Sp.cielty • Delldo.. Bmsen B.amlJlarsen Cheeeebarpn Opea 11 Lm. -I p.m. SURF FllH FR 2110 Ocean Front Nw Newport Pier BesldH regular acU"f'lUea tn lbe library. 1ma.ll ram• room. wood llhop and ()'Ulll&llWJI, 11pec:lal dally e~ have been a4ded ln plut.er Ot parla mold maldrlf and clueu 1n art and drawtnc. Co•t o\ Boy1' Club mambenblp trorn now till OcWler I.I fifty cent.. .AU boy8 and JOWle mftl l-11 ~ ot ace are ell(tble. ~nta an \qed to not eend bo,. under elpt ~ Of ~. even u Y1atMIL OYU. L&ter, Archie b&clled Into t.be ropee u lf oa... had ou~ maneuvered h1m. Thie trap Bobo ch&rS9d Into wtlh bla left. Quicker than a wink, however, Moore wu no. lonpr lher.. He wu movlne away and croul.ne hi• rtcllt. That one would ha•e ended the acrap quick Uke, but lb• 1llO'll' ,-rued Mesa. HI School C Baseball Slate 2908 CUfl Drive. Glanl8; and Bill ------------- ENJOY HENRY CLAY~ WHll's A Loop Sc:lleclule Set Bobo. True. I ... where the ref pve OIMa boll\ round&. Perflapa Bobo threw more b)owa, but he dJdn't land &a often nor u hard u Ar- c:h1e ln either round. And Moore wu runn1n( lhlnp hll way, man- uenrtns Bobo and out.-thi.nkl.nc him. It wu JIM a matter of time. That ran out In UM thJrd. Bobo A doWl!e-baeder cracka opan 8Qdden1y found hlmMlf ap.IJ\lt ltCoed .... Of Barbor .,, .. Club tbe rope&. 8o be lawlcbed ... at- A buebaD -.eon at ea.ta M-tadl. He ducked b.la head and Park tonl(ht. The BraTM and mo.ed In wtth hla ncht, and he IndlUll h&ve at each otMr at 8:30 waa de&d. ArchJe cfuhed hla dou- p. m. At 1 :16 p. m. the Dod,.eni ble-rlcht off 01.en'a wide O!*I and Cardinal.I talle o•er. jaw, then lifted hi• len and Bobo A loop acheduJ• for remainder wu pualyaed. He went down, .t lbe wMk tollowa: mu.cM. Jerkin&' l1k.e a ptfed trof. Tuuday-Tank--otanll, t :IO; No queaUOft of the cood little White Box-lted 8oll., 1:111. • 1'11'• ~e. Re wu trytnc to Wedaeeday -~Iriidiau, 1:15 p.m. Schedule tor remainder ol the -k In Coeta M-Park and Newport Harbor HJgh School 1-&'uea of the aummer bueb&ll Procram foUoW1 : Tuead&y-Glanta va. White Sox. 10 L m. Brana n . CUb.1, 11:15 Lm. Wedne8d&y -Indiana v1. Yank- .... 10 L m. White Sox va. Ticer•. 11:15 &. m . Thurad&y-Cub•, Indlan1, 10 a. m. Ya.nkeu. Red Sox. 11:15 L m. P'rtday-Cardtnall. Glante, 10 a. m. Dodpre, Bravea, 11:15 L m. No game. are •lated In the Har· bor Soya• Club llWnmer diamond prorram on lhe Fourth ot July. 8pec.la1 truck l.a.ltea In the United St&t• In 1963 totalled Jl .fM.000.000, accord!Jll' to the National Automobtl• Club. Thunde.y-Gtan~Dodcvl. t :IO; Tank .... Whlte 8oa. 8:11. niday -lted lo• -OU'dlMlll. St:Jl11ER SCllOOL 1:1~. No pmH are IC!ledUled for lu.ly '· Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMDCIAL SICUllTY PATROL ·Kl 2·70r1 MORNING SESSIONS on oa llOU ~ ANTIDO: Brockman of 453 Broadway. Colt.a M-. Indlam. Typewriters Stolew 8&m Cochran recenUy reported bur«la.ry of two typewrlten from b1a lnlW'ance office at 1788 New· port Blvd .. Coeta Meea. police re· poru ahow. ' • lest Is First Amerlca'a top current •wim· mer, Ford Konno or Hawa.h, wu ftm entrant t.o tue tor the N&Uon- al AAU Men'a -1mmlng and divine champlon1hlp1 at Loa An· r elu l'Wlmmlng 1tadium. The cb&mplonahlp acqua.Uc 1how 1a 1cl\eduled for July 20-22. Shake out the piCJCJY bank NOW! Gather every extra penny you can Jay your hands on and deposit it in your savings account now. Money deposit- ed before July 11 earns interest from July 1. Take advantage of this new interest period and give your &avinga account a booat. lt you don't have JLD account-open one today. S.v'8p depoeilted by .luly 11 .,. 19t.eniet from .laly 1. 't1le Mainers Bm 11U Wee& CAM& lllP~ Newport_. Meq t.rutmsre at1w Beuoof .... .. FAVORED WHISKEY! The greatest name in bourbon-historic favorite of famous men-now in a lighter, milder, lower-priced 86 ]!roof bottling as a companion to the worktrenowned 100 Proof Bottled in Bondi • NOW-TWO GREAT B01TIJNGSI 88 PROOP' x.ntuclcy Stral'1tl BOUtbott 'WhJM., ulebru.d Old Crow-iipw. milder ud lowa•pcicllcl thm chi 100 Proo( 8ocded ia 8oed •OTTLED IN 80ND too PROOP' ICentue.q StralfM ..,,_ Wlrllbp ~----.......... _ ............. • -''1lt Grta1tst N11111e ;,, Bollrlxm .. T"I OLD CROW 1UITILLllY COll,ANY. FIANK'.OIT •• KINTUCIT .. I I I ~ t l -. PAGE 2 . PART II -NEWPORT HAUOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, JUNE · 27, ' 955 '!Han Wells ANAHEIM GRID COACH FACES BIG New Argonaut GAPS ·1N CHAMPIONSHIP ELEVEN Casaba Coach Yan H··-L.-1re· •r1ct1. Sallor ~Q~~~u~:::::. "'' ¥' J lW!ilC' • -liAr ..,. and Lett Haln..dt R•ry Her• , ' The ....... ~ ... ........ OAl\DICN GROVE IOCNS) -bU r1'Mt ltd ~~r:·:n~:;:.k~::!u ~";\~: Squad, Ollen To le Tou .... r ... ~ow ua..~ ~. 11Mu. ..... 1F...,, Wells. who bu betft eo.chlnC' Ole-•"'7 Polftfon, .. .Set Vu. "AA w. av()r.y BakeSlioP ,. .... , •port at Brtwley for the ANAHEIM, COCNS) _Colon.wt J'ootball ~Claire have no depth fOr U>e ~IM• --.on wtd '°"'' ot tM '""' W1D " pu~~~~~=\1ce prlnctpal. l&.ld Van Hoorebek.e finds him.elf with. one of the most critical Pl&TiAI' ..iuMI for u.. nnt u.iu. Ole former San J'ranclaco unr= problem. in h11 four yeal"I here. Hla football equad which a f-ol th• ftMowa mlfht '9 uk· nntty player will aJ.o be worked had sue~ a distinguishable record 1ut year and became ed.~~U:.!9: ~';'= ll'lto the buebal~ program, coach· aeml-ftnallst.3 In CfP' pkly mu1t "Mont of the boy1 have had the Ht'a Mell P'&1'al ID4. wt I ftlt&'ht lne one of th~ minor team•. •tart trom the INsinnlnc aca1n vanlt.y uperience whert I cu b&Yt to_ ..udl ,.._ t4 tutO..ck " MA.Rl?liE OFFICER tall. .. ,. WUt pol&tlon Uley C&ll Mn• v ·-1 ....... 'nle 8·2. 213 lb. former officer next dlt,.. aid Van Hoorebeke. "The an -..-.-. 1n a Marine outnt attached to l~e Every member ot Ule 1tarUnr poettioN .,. op«n tw aU candl· llOU OOU&IWOM filth uid 11lxth dlv!elon, replac:ed team, w1th one exception. were datN. Wt'U '" what lhla poten· ftt luuet Learut &I .-,.Cttd Dlc:k Bivi n who w111 enter the among the graduRte~. The only I Ual c:an do before anyone ,.u a to otter more compeUUOI\. A. MW &dmlnlatrallve p1iue of educat .. on. holdover wlU be Lett End Vern poelUon," Van added. mtmllv la OUdeD' OroYe wlUClll ln ltl• only coacltlng year. Bivin Weaver. And, wt the exception LI.lie Co&cJl J ohn Wailtn -.Id tor bu a tlrOnl' dub. N_,ort ll&l1lor directed the Argonauta to a l:S-11 of Mickey Flyn none ot lhe 1 ht. department It wu a cue ot and Runtlnrton Beach will deftn. ........... . ... , ...... ........... record and' lhe runner-up spot ln olhen .coming have had t h' lft&rt.lnf aU over ar •ln. Here ..,.. ltel7 bt 1ll'oqu. "~ aa4 the Orange League behind Laguna 111>rt ot varalty ea perlence to ma.ke lhe IJ'lfuatln&' playere. In the line, lanta Ana are ahn.111 tourb," Beac:h. . certain ot holding down a po8I· theNI. a.re RJ.11\t End Joe VU~ 1&td Van. A WARDS FOR PLAYERS OF YEAR We Also Taite Orders For Special Occasion Decorated Cakes Above, Donn Spencer, Radio KWIZ sport. editor, preaenta a trophy emblematic of Baseball Player ot the Year to Wayne Coughtry, center, while Coach Wendell Pick- ens of Orange Coast College lookl on. Coughtry waa tabbed best Orange County ballplayer by Orange County News Service aporta editors. Below, Danny Schweikart, Fullerton J C w.tance ace, receive• Trackma.n of the Year trophy from Spencer as Fullerton J C Coach Gene-Martin watches. OCNS aporta editors made the selection. -OCNS Photo9 Wl'lls captured two league uon. •enor Rlght u.r kle Bob Lambeth The prospective ha!OMM:k candJ· championship• In eight years at AMPLE 1'IATERJAL Right Cu'1'd Roy Heltm&n, Cente; datee are Don Penfield, AU M~ Brawley. He alao coac:hed Jay· Frank Dorettl. lAft Gu..,-d Dkk dy, Flynn and .Dick Orowr, younc· vee football and vanity bueball There ta aome numbers ot ma-Hathcock. vfl Tackle Art Con· er brothtr of Paul. Fullbaclr bo~ there. terial in the oocktleld among trl'nu. Lefl End Wtaver remain•. full• ere Weaver and Joe Avltl&. WELLS \'J:R8ED other• on the Jut year 1quad, but ThOlt listed u quarterback.I a.re tn hi• school day• Well• played their first learn· abthty 11 only a BACKS GOSE Geo~e Dana and Ke.n Harker. on ont' atate JC championship potential. The t'ntlre ba.cklleld of Quarter-In lhe lint, Jel'T}' ~ll la tXJMCl- team at Modesto and played under ed to till In for Oorettt. Belldel Fonut Toog'OOd In 11M2 and Jim-L h L• k T t s t We&vu. end c:andldatu are Gery COUNTY MIDGET PLAY OPENS HERE JULY 11 'Opening-of the Oranp County Youth Midget Baseball League In the Harbor Area get• undf'rway July 11 with Coron& del M&r at co.ita MHa. The c:ounly loopi 18 divided lnto three leagues, North· em. Central and COIU!t. Be.!!ldes Coron& deJ Bar and Coe- ta ~1l'sa, the Cout League c:on- 1lsts of Huntington Beach, Laguna Beach and Ocu.n View. The Cen- lrarl loop lncJudet1 Brte., Buen& Park, La. Habra. Placf'nlla and Stanton. ln the Northern ~ague &ro Ant.helm. l<'ullerton, Garden Oro\'e and Orangr. The Costa ·Mesa Midget Baae- baU tournament ~f.'1n11 Aug. 12 and run• through Aug. 20 upon completion of the HUon Aug. 10. Playofb follow through Sept. 2 lf neccesary. Complete Cout League ached· ule followe: Julv 11, Corona del Mar at Co•- ta M;sa; Huntington Beach a t IA· run• Bench: Ocf'an \'1ew, bye. July 13, Costa ~lcH Al Hunt- ington Beach .. Ocean View at Co· rona del Mar. Lagun.a Bca('h, bye. July 18. Laguna Beach at Costa Mua: Huntington Beach at Ocean View, Corona del Mar, byP. July 20. Corona dd Mar at Huntington Beach, Ocean View at Corona del Mar: Huntlngt-0n Beach, bye. July 27. Costa )fua at Corona del Mar: Laguna Beach at Hunt- lnglon Beach; Oc:ean \'1ew, bye. AIJ.C. 1, Corona del Mar at Ocean View; Huntington Buch at Cost& Men ; ~a. Beach, bye. Aug. 3. Co.ta Meaa at Laguna Lffetuard Pact Set SANTA ANA COC:-.OSJ-A coun· ty-clty Uteru&J'd pact wu approv· ed Tu-1ay by the board ot 1uper· vlaora tor Newport Be&eh. Under the term. ot the conU"Mt. N..., port Beach wtU suppl,J patrola tor beech areu for a •U.IOO atfpend tor tlle u~ ,.,.. Bach; Ocean View at HUnUJICton Beach; Corona del Mar, bye. Aug. 8, Huntington Beach at Co- rona del Mllr; Laguna Bea.ch at Oce&n View; Coet& Met1a. bye. Aug. 10, Corona del Mar &t IA· gun& Beach: Ocean View at Co.ta MM&; IJU.nUn&'ton Beach. bye. Speedboat Racers. Back at Stadium LONO BEACH, -Tbt "mad marauders" ot the marine race- waya, Inboard 1petdboat drlvere, wtll return to Lone Beach'• famed Marine Stadium JuJy '· tor one ot the gnat.eat of their lhree Na· Uona.l HoUd&y repttu. Event I• the 7l.h NaUon&l Independence 'Day rcatt.a, to include 191511 Na· tlonal Champlon1hlpe ot the Pa- clrtc Hydroplane clau. 'llTLZ DD'L~K Dtfendinl' hla UU. Will be Mar• Ion Beaver, tlt·m&)'Or of Parker, Ariz., with the boat, UtUe. Beav~r. , Despite the National punuJt, how- ever, the eyee oC aome 16,000 ex· peeled fal'lll are likely to be on bat.Un In three other een1atlon&I ClaNM. One probable Julu la in •lore in U11 rougb·lhod cracker Box Cleet. ln W I cl..,, and on the aamt cour111 Jut Memort&l Day, all of the hot·•hot !avorltu, Including dtfandlnr National Champion Carl Maginn, pulled & "Brodie," IUMPED GUN They aU jumped the gun in one heat and were dl8Qualltled--except one drivtr. SlmplJ b7 nn~ Byron (Barney) Harman. a rank outa1der In pre-~ace ralln&'•. acor· Change of Deadlines for Fourth -orJuly -Claulflecl •• fw Monday, My 4'11, wll be accepted ..tM I p.·1a., Friday, ~uly ht. ''Too Late to C......," •• w• M accepted up to 12 ftOOll • Sat.day, .hlly ZH. ,.... Haatw 1616 ...., to ,.... ,.. ......... ... " Laker Licks Quintet Corona A.'lAHEIM, (OCNS)-The Lak- er9 trom Tuatln led &ll the way to ata.y 1.o a tie tor flr1L with Brea Rec,_tJon by defMtlnc Corona ~creation •8-2!5, Thursday ln a Cla.u B aummer bu ketbaJI lea&'\)e rame ln Western Junior Hllfl School gym In Cypreae. With Tommy F igueroa ltadtng a eecond half comeback, the La.kera of Orange defeoated the Junior Power Gildea, 33·25. Fanger of Orange a.nd Boyd of Laguna Beach were •~nd In acorlnc with eight point• each. Brea Recreation topped La Ha- bra K.iwanla, H -38, e.s Adrta.n Led· better ecored 19 point.a Cor lhe winner. J.fcConnell aJao wu ltlgh with 17 tor Brea. La H•bra'• high mll!l was Murphy who collected 11 point... ed enouch point. to win the clue UUe In h18 boat. a ptly called Big Heat. A.8 far u a top fleet ot t1v&.I Cracker Boxers are conc:emed, the newly-crowned National champion Herman, l• In tor a rough &Iler· noon, July '· my Needlee In 194! at SFU. us 1n s ournamen e Frederick and Bob Luken1. The Alter hl1 dlec.harge from the tacklt proepect1 are Jack 11ynn, Marine Corpe. WeU1 played on the Henry Sandoval, Gene ),Jorfon:I and ! LoeadoM Wt E. OoMt BJc1awa1 o.,... ... ..., 1U6 8. OcM ..... S&n Diego DoM which l'l 1948 b M d I k J I 2 t 4 Ted DlnkJer. were ruMt'rs-up to the Ph11UP8 y ea ow ar I u J 0 Wu Beach •• the one fUUd ollerw ln the AA U tournament. hopeful, With Don Ramaey and I Wella hn1 pl~y"d all po8ltton1, f or · The 10th unual Meadowlark c, 12·14 a.nd rtau D. 16·plu•. ~oe~l~R~o~a~r~u~p~t~'r~om~th~e~B~·~1~to~m&~lc~e~~~~~~~~~~iiii~F ward guard and center. lnvtta:.JonaJ lfetai Play Champion· Champton8hlp night 14 at scratch. lhip for 11000 In prtu1 18 llChed· Other ntghl• e re at handicap uJl!d tor JuJy 2-3_. &nd eotriu re· wtthln the bracket. Lynx Set Back Rocket Babes LAa'aAA ...... FULLERTON (OCNSI -The Bunea Par k Lynx, rated the young· Mt and mo.t egcreaelve team In the Pacific Coast Women'• Soft- ball loop, eel back the leacue- le&dln1 Fr..-io Roo«et. Frldlly, J. 1, at Amerlge Park Wtore nearly 400 enthu1luUc t&n.1. ft WU a game 1>;•here the Lynx came from behind alter l"reano 1eored a run ln the nrat lnnlnf. Lynx Pitcher Pat Snellln111 tight· ened her offensive performance, lhen· alnglt'd In the w1nntnc run In the fourth. ceJved thu. tar. plu. ever-lncreas· All members of lhe BOOA. Inc lntere1t, •ln&dy a.aauru ,the SCPLOA u well a• any bonafide Huntlnftort Beach Meadowlark handicap player8 are eligible by Golf Club of one of the tlne•t and Invitation of the commit~. Entry tarreet tou,rnament• to date. fee la f lO lncludlnr C?'ffl\ fee and The 11000 Pro-Arnateur wtu must accompany entry blank precl!J'ne medal play ln a one-day which may be obtained at the tourney, JuJy 1, ln which each Meadowlark Golt Club. 18782 Ora· proteaston•I wlll be teamed with ham Ave .. Hunllncton Beach. or two amateura fn>m hi• club along phone LExington 8-403~ or Lone with two Meadowlark memben1. Beach 34-108. ·1'he entry tee ln the program I• ~!erred 1tartlne ti.mu are be- f!l.00 lncludinc gree.n teu.. tnl' nJJed rapidly. Howew,r. en· MEDAL PLAY trlu trill be received up until the The 15•-hole medaJ play la open final day. to five clu.e-.ch.,,,plonahlp, G-3; ALWAYS OOOL cl au A, •· 1; clua B, 8·ll: ~e..u Meadowlark I• proud of lta beeuUtul and lpl.CIOU8 COUl'M H t . •o N·1ne where It caniu the alogan "al-un •n~. n wa.y. cool al J.leadowlark" and N C D .._.....& Ora ~olff'ra aJI ovfr Boulbun C&llfor-ewport agers ewwwS n«Je n1a are flndlnr It one of the moat HunUncton Beac:h knocked over pleuant couree• to play. 1 Oranp tn <>ranee County Junior Tht club often new and modem Score rl.Umph Amertc&n Leacue bu eball twice clubhouse taclltUee whkh a pleu- DID YOU KNOW ••• -You can buy a newJ Mercury for less than It costs for 13 models of s ,o•called ''low· priced" cars? s .. yovr Mercvry "-'•I l.hla WMkend. Aft•r aqueez:lnc out tnr to all proa &nd dutfera alike., AN~E™ (~SI _ b the &2·1 ~um~S"un:t~ thernl-1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ er• luhed the Panlhel"ll with & flrat overt.Jm• game Of the Muon. 9-<> 1hut out yesterday. Rlchar1f1 Ma.rket overcame an The double win &-1vee Hunting. early l"d ·Friday by AUiaon'e ton a record of 11ht win• against Market ot Anaheim lo win. U-41, tour Joqes ln loop competition. tn a park and recreeuon ct.put. -------------ment eummer bulcetball "A" l~e at Weetem Junior Hiib School gym In Cypreu. The Newport Harbor crew'a two big boy•, Larry Houat.on and Dan Harper, ecored 10 polnta apiece. Carry Frederick'• Jed Anaheim wt th 17 po Ill ts. The Fullerton Eaat81de Club CS.- teated Carat. ot Sant& Ana, 67 to 32, In a 1'eeond conteat. Har- shaU Stenton and Pete Long pa.ced Fullerton to a atnm~ third qua.rter with 18 &nd 17 polnta, reepectlvely to down the Carat'• Origina15. The Celtle11 upeet H unUnrton Beach ~. 35·%!5. Bob Ballew at the Garden Grove hoop 8QU&d ~ the scoring wtth 11 point. While Don Heard got eight for the !We. lad $40 Check !Wcelpt of & bad oheclr f« '40 made out to cuh by a Frank H. lAwti, Lone Beach, wu ,.ported to poUoe June 17 by Soul.ti Oout CO. Police an eeeklnC a man by that namf to quetiUon him. HICJble lntallation Held at Club Clarence Higbie, Newport Beach city councilman. wu lnlltall~I u pre•ident of the Balboa Bay Llon1 club Thursday at Irvine C-Oaat County Club. J ames J.fc- DUl, Llona International counselor, w111 be ln•talling officer. Ol.her new omcerw will also be ln1t&ll~. Tht'y are Gordon Walle· er, ttrat vtce·prealdent: George l:rtckaon, aecond vtce-presldent: Norman Hackford. third vlce-- pruldut; J im Moultrop, WI· tw11ter; Elmer LaL&nne. Lion Tamer;-Don Garich, aecretary, and Biil Tallman, treuurer. New di· recton are Mickey Heath, Bob Ramsay &nd c. B. Edward8. Chart. DaUCJhter Mr. &nd Mn. Leiter A. Charle, 1523 Bemard st.. Coeta MtA, are p&re11tt of a • lb., 11 oz.. girl bom June 10 In 8&nta Ana Com- munity hoeplt.al. HURRY ! HURRY ! SHOPPER !..unary s1rric1 J1/ux1 ••• •t iNlrg•in prices/ WHAT IS IT7 lndtv1duaJly wuhed-earin• appuel tlutt dried by Hltered aJr-tlat piecu profeaalonaJJy Ironed. Your clothea and llnma are done up ONE unit-no mlx· up•. no un.elghlly marka -raln•oft water. centle controUt'd aoapa. WHEN AVAILABLE ••• Serv1ce within houri If urrent, becauae we do everythlnr rlrht here. HOW MUCH ... It is a barg•in bundle too . only $2.85 for 23 lbs. ·WHERE ... llOO West Cout mshway casa pura "SER\'JCE WITHL!\I BOCKS -WREN NEJCDED" OOMPLETE 1AUNYER8 and CLEANERS Newport 8-e.b Bargains ~ Galore! T ... ..,. •• all Aa Low Aa . on $1t.95 Home . Appliances ·Mia TV Sets -New & Used We are Loaded with 1955 Floor Model&, RepossessiOM and Usect 19 Television Sets All Fully Guaran· $ 9 5 teed. All Makes and Siles. Priced GI low GI Brlng Us a Customer & Receive a Valuable Gi~ NO DOWN PAYMENT, Easy Terms NO PAYMENT FOR 45 DAYS Dl1C01111t to Service People GIANT Tl.ADI IN AUOWANCI WE SHALL NOT BE UNDERSOLD RELIAICE Ho=:.:,~c• "1nere.,.. ai.o,.,. c~ •*' ~ '"' i...... ID a.1100 110l 1f. 11A1M 8'1'. ~-UlfT& ANA ID 1-191 Gu and l:l~tt1o ._,_ Aa Low Aa $15.00 [J $32.50 Automatic WMIMn .... Ln• Aa t I 1 , 'H HIUI CURRENT fARNINGS ALL FUNDS REC,IVEO ON OR BEFORE THE 10th OF THE MONTH ;ARN FROM TME FIRST •• • . LOCAL LODGE RECEIVES AWARD 1 SPORTSCAR AND Air llap of IW IGAS YANKO Co11ty} Area IN COWSION ii Procrea A amal1 eportacar end a .-aaollne t.anker ~rted on Oout HJpway n•r Marine Ave. Thunday afternoon. Mir· aculoualy, nobody wu t.njw-ed, poUce aald. Georg• Edw&rd Qul(M1 ot l'Qaaaena. drlvTnr fhe 1p0rta- car. apparently •tarted to maJce a -U turn or a lett tum onto lhe highway &11d pulled Into the path-of Ute ru tank- er, police 1&ld. The tanker, ca f'ffned ec:roaa the hlrhway, ottlcera aald, In an attempt lo avoid the en.ah. The 1portac:&r wu apparently atruck by the rHr wheel of the (la.nt tanker. OCC Signs Bring Council Problem One ot A!Ml'le&'I p rdetl epota -U:e nortlrw.tem bait ot ~ OoUt1ty -la 1ettlnr tta pkture taUJ\ from U.. alr. The &rM la l&ken ~ Wftk from tlle •Ir. Tbt &rea la beln m&ppedj.r_ P cJC~ Air lncfuatriea for Title Ju unnce • Truat Co., Banta Ana, J'or UHa purp<Wle Charlee Jack- 11.nt will fY at about 10.000 feet &nd mak more than ~00 pictures ot the terrain, each nine by nine lnchea ln alM which will be work- ed torether, u.tn1 the centera of each picture Into a photo-map 11 Ceet wide and 20 feet hfrh. Thi• map will be pl•ced on a roller 10 that It can be reeled up and down lo expo" any area of that part of Ole county wanted. With a plctur. belnr t a k e n every 12 eeconct. It Is utlmated It will tall• U'> night• over the a~ to complete the map which will be hunr In the Utle t'Ompany'• of- ,, MONDAY. :JUNE 27. 1911 NEWPOIT HAU01 NEWS.PIES$ -PART 11 • PA~ I Put Exalted Ruler Ed Shell, left, nceiT .. Sold lt&r' award from District Deputy Grand Eu.Jted Ruler Jl'rank"Vattolr for achieving a 18-point pro~-inaugurated by the Grand Lodge. Looting on .econd from right, Al W.tthewa~ exalted ruler lind Tom No~ put IKaJted ruler and .tate vice-preaident of California Elka Auocia- Ju1t bow proud Coal& Mua flee. The project will utJli1e Ult should be o.f On.nee coeat Col· combined ·~ ot ~ peqple em- ll'ge became a Mua city council ployed by Paclnc Alr+induatrlea. &EAL llAP '08 -Ready to make a huge eounty arial map for Title Jnsurance It problem Monday nlrht, even-be· lncludlnr Donald Lew1a, one of tM Trust Company, represented by Walter Corbin, vice-president, left above, Are Char.tea Uon. -Sta.ff Phalt.q .. fore a pendin1 anneutJon of the partnera, who Hvee at NeW'pOrt F. Jackline, center. a.nd Don Lewis, right, partnera in Pacific Air Industri<>s. Jackhne campua to the communJty bu Beach. 300 . come before lbe city talhera. expecta to make 15 flighta over the northeast section of Orange county making . Reluctant deelalon, brourbt on Ostr d r 5.a......-L photographs which are to be combined into a map 18 feet wide and 20 feet high . 'KIND WY' PROVIDES GOOD EVENING'S ENTERTAINMENT . INSURANCE FlflM LOWDS CAR RATE by a aeriea ot lmpauea. waa th&t 41ft. e 'IT'"9ll -Staff Photo I the colter• wu at leut worth . coet or ·a ooupi. °' alpa point.inc Down on Hi..a..way out. how to ret there. Anyway, ..,... CHy M&nager <ttorre Coffey WU Henry I... Oetra.ncler, 82, of toe Dardie Schaefer DEATH NOTICE Jew low automobile Insur-i;::::.llled to obtain prloea on the Da.hlla Ave.. autfered minor tn-' &nee rates are now belnr of-COLI.EOE A8U 810N8 !~~k ;:;se:i-~ w!:n ~-.: Honored at occ &AYMOND ITMENEZ CORREA "'You m!Pt be the ••fY one'·-lravellnr Lucy who mtrht have rered policy holdt'rs u result The problem aroee wtUI receipt croeswalk at Heliotrope Ave. and J'uneral aervlcea for Raymond Service. tll&M wonla -•Pt the O""'nJn"' aaved Mary Hemes If f1te had or a change In ratell In this or a letter from OCC eollcltJnr 1 f s • Jlmenu Correa, 21, of Los An- 1 1 Sui v1vn1·11 arc h1~ wltt' Charlen,. Mr. Rosa <llPd Thur11day a t bll re111dencl'. He wu born In Roa • Comtr11, Idaho, and ca me to thta communll\· ten vc.>ar11 ai;:o. Mr. R0t<11 l)W~t-d th~ A·I Plumbln& ,.. • n t inte ed On t th fine.It Ill.ate, according to State Mu-Cout Hlfhway, pol ce Mid. or e""1ces nJslilt audience la u,. Obapel Thea- 0 rv,en · • 0 • tuaJ Automobile Insurance algna polnUnf out route to the WIJUam Eugene Pohl, 64, ot I w celea. a.re pending at the Parkes· and t wo d11u~hll'r11, Na11cy and • G,h&ractertzauona In ~ play la campu.e at Newport Blvd. &11d Loe Angelu, told police be did not Rl~ley Mortuary, Coat& MtN. Betsy Ross, all of the home ad-t .. al U.. Nnrport Pie.yen pro· 'tt,~., 1m.&IJ but Important part oC Co. Local a~nlJI for the Fairview Roa4 and Harbor Blvd. &M Oetrander unut the car tn 0Utatandln1 aervlce on the pert Correa met death Saturday dre11!I. duetk>n of "KIJ\d Lady" lnto a R'oae, the hou11ekeeper. company, Biil Landi• and and Ne'"""'rt Blvd. Councllm&11 A. hi -" ff -'d ot 01'1lnJe Coast Cotleo .... 11 gredu-momln.,. when hi• car era.shed In· ltq --• . t rtain '-·ry Caimi, Coet...., Mesa. -r-front of m atop,.--. • .., " .. \ BYRt',.. ... r" roe y..., Y .,.ary au.le that drlvera In this it.ate · ~ '""' .., Oatran er ran lo &vo ano .... er ~ .. rnoet axe ev..,.,nor1 en e -'"'la I la pla .... b ... ....., ...... L Plnkl•y lmmedl·•-Jy obaerveA d Id ... atu Don P. W. Maree. San Cle-lo th• ~nta Aan River bridre on ~R\" SU \'ARD ,.. -t. Becauae ot th• ftry lnU-Davt .. ·-n a n•wcom•r to the play ...... ey hav• a c·--'d•rable bud ..... t b t h --unabl t.o atop mente. and DardJe ·Sc:b.ae.Cer, New-the "'--• Hl.,.hway. Correa wai. Funar·al v .. ~ ...... for H•:nry ..... ...., ' ~ ~ • will 1ave more than $1 ,3~.-'" " .,..., v •· • car u • .. _ e """""" .. ~ =• ··~~ , .,.., mate atyle cl the catraJ a••-'•r .... and ~ -~ .. •--"'th h-They ar••'• •van In .... city yet. "-t-hlttlnJ the -A~-port Beach, wu recorntzed June a veteran or t.he U: S. AJrforce and ' we.... Byrum, 77, of 2303 °--ta . -u· ~·-. ·-·,, ·-~--·& ... ~· 000 aa result of tht' cb.ange. -· .. -.... ""'v•" ~ ........ ~. .... ....... · preeentallon the ol>Mrvera wete Soottlab accent. Completing the Ratel! ar!' baled 00 t he actual Can we pay tor the 1ICJ18 !" Oatrander wu UJcen to a nearby 17 by the pruentatlon of the Wll-wu a native Californian. Ana Ave., Coirta Mtsa were held m_. lo feel•tbey were playlnJ a fine cut are Gene Benedict as I He gla.red at City Attorney doctor, poll~ aaJd. Ua.m J . Turner awa.rda. He I• aurvlved by hie wile Mary yeStt'rdey, al Balt.z Mortuary, 5--1 · _ .. ·-.... ··-•o•A•-. I of u .. F~t-r ~·.hA•• brl-· ap .... ··-C:O!ll of lnrurance, the agfflla Doft•ld ..... -..... 0 -p11-.a Dun...... ..... ........ occ -dual --•v VI .... I r th r--11 horn·· hie ·-·-r-.. ... ..... ..... ...... "1T ~ " -~ ~ .. --·-Ll\Ul .. -""" '°"' .. -~ • ue ... u •• -.......... -r •• n • 0 e -u y ~. I Coat& Mt!!& Che~I. Interment unU9Ua) auu.tu eventa which ance playa auch an Important role. at.ate. "All I can tell you la It'• JeiraJ Cooll for c1er11· ed the apec:lal honora at the col-mother Mr•. Antonio Correa and • W11S privalt'. to th. lm • ..c~m•nt ot kl.nd· Bill Wln••ka u Gu.e·tav Rot•n .. ·rr, Currently, more than 290.· to do It ·-d. I·--' not lo do 1• " llll lere comm·ft~-·nt Tbe award• b-• .. ·r Arthur both or ' -"-. ,.. _... " ~ " ""' " -~a-.. ""'W · ~•v-.-." · •~1 • ~ ...,. n.• Mr. B)rrum died Friday at hl• IJ Mary Rerrlea lD her own ltately an art dffJer, Robert Hom u a 000 Calltomla motorills &A Councilman Bert·SmJth announc-I -.........-._ I d 1!!111-...a are preaented annually by the atu-ft ea. re11dence. rollawlng an extended --u.a horn•. doctor, ••d P•rdlta Hom •• a ··r· lnaured with their company, --', "I'm proud of ha ..... -r OCO In .........,... M 1 rwwu dent body to Ute one m&n and one -.. " -· ~ -~ .,... TUI . • •WJs s--.. ·soM -~.. lllne0 • He waa born ill rn.•·· 8u-• ..-a••s Landis and Calma •late. Their ou nit " But he ov-.. wom•• who ha.ve contributed tht' a.c. •c.n """"""' -._ ............ "'..,,.... vant. r commu y. m .,... ~.r1. K••••Ul r-ir ... •• llOIJlina. -· ,.._ ... li ... 1n Coat.a. .KM& tor company 11 known as Ute th t th It ttorn• b'·'-r -~... ~.. mo.t In 1ervlce to the colle•e. J'uA.ra.I aervl-1or-Lewh New-......._ ~ \'~ · In th.la pla• the autiv-, Edward TllOHNlCAL CREDITS a e c y a wY o ~ pe • U-tor cJty clark. and city t.rea... " f th H a a -tl,..d J .....,. "careful driving lllllurance Int for the Ii from th -"·.-ee waa plannln• comml•· som Roaa. 48. of 40f> Holmwood our mon 1. e w • ... Chodorov, haa taken a atory by Suppo-•nr the ·~tora In th•lr m on · "'8 e ,, __ wu p--ftted city council -" 8 rtm nl manag•r ' ... " -• comp11ny ," and •Ince ll be· ltate and allow OOC to pay for -... ·~· •loner durinr 53-~ and wu prul-Drive, were held today at ll L m. P• e " · ( . Huah Walpole &nd aubUy woven portrayala and &ddinlf to the at· gan bualnus In 1922 It ha• th -'M c1-• N 1 Monday nJrht 'by Andrew W . dent of auoc:la ted atudenta dunnr at Balta Mortu•rv, Coata Mesa Survtvora are hla wife, Mn. th. chaln Of ci-uma• ••A-~hJch h d d tJ t t e .. gns. ayor ... re e 10n "mlth, ~onner ·ou~ltm••, •-a -" • ~ --·~ -moep ere an rama c orce o 1peclallzed In insuring the bj d "W ab u.ld t J f 0 -· ~ """ -"' 64-~. He wu cha.lnn&n of the Chapel. The Muon le Seafaring 1 n orence Byrum of the home ad· eventua.lly dt.ctoee M•rv under the the play la a moat -•r•ctlv• .. ~ of known lo ... -ckl••· a nd ir-0 ecte : e 0 ee or-letter 1 d d b th B o B f -" "" ~ ~ ~ ""' •" ~-l ate to h v auch ed catJonal State Student Govemment Work· Lodp conducted the at-rvlc:e1. n· rtA an ro er, • • )'T'Um o a lmo.tt complete domination of light• and mu-'c handt-.. by Lau· lbl un 8 e u It wu tiled by the council after Lon VI w h 0 111 = rupona e faclllUea In our city Tbe city &bop thl• Y"r and hu been a lerment wu private. g -· u • aome very unitavory cl'\a.ra cters. rle Parlin and Jock McSeveny. · · · _.,.In, read Mra. CooUnr &erYed .::.;,;,..;..;..;..; __ .;.. ________ ...., __________ _ '&In. from IL l lh-·ld Uke to · reco...,l&ed leader In atudent r ov·, -We aay "&lmo•t" bec:auae the aud-The production staff beaded by h cl t ~ 11 .. aa e.lected city tnuurer untJI lm;;.t. lence will find there la aUll 10me Jackie Tackleberry, Jock Hart-HUDDLE-•ee t e ty pay or 1 Jll&. aft.er the chutel' wu adopted. D&rdl• Seba•!-was a member apunk Jen ln the kind lady dea-He aubmltted the looe. nepUve ------------" ~ w• lety, and Marthella Randall a.re to vote when the counc:ll voted on of the Orange Coaat Coller• Stu-plte her very unnervlnr encount-be complimented tor the atare de· s d p 1• the motion. Girt far Orchards aent Coundl u direct.or of acUvl· er1 with the lnlrudeors In her cor , ~ful selection of art piece•, econ 0 10 Whereupon Duntan Informed Uea. She WU renerel ch.airman laouae. • a.nd efrtclent ha.nd11ng of prope-the council, ''The cJty d08'n't have Tbe llm eet Orcha.rd.a, "6~ for Pirtle Dey and coordinated Throughout the action the ob-all of which added to the profee· Shot POSSl.ble Jurladtcuon to ~k for •ma tor 8&1\ta Anata Aofve .... ~r"borport J Beac:i a11 atudmt dancea, auembllea, Hrver's aympalhy Ilea with Miu 1lonaJ tlnlah of Ute play. another a g 8 n c y." Councllma.n are PA"° a .~ m une ralllea and plcnlca. 8be wu alao Herrlea. portrayed In a moat cam-Reaponalble ·for the lntegra.Uon Bruce Martin 1ald he would be ln Ra.s Ho.pltal. cb.alnn&11 of the Re(lonal and petent a.nd dlplfled ma.nner by of all thne detalla Into a amooth for oc Kt.dS ~lad to donate toward · p•ym•nt Eaatem Conference Workahop on O.rtrude Hom. However, one can ahow wu the very hard working tor lbe ati-. I Wbea tt wu all owr, Pl.nklay 8ocia1 ActJv1UH, a member of HllM the alldlence'a obvioua en-dlr"9Ctor, Btu Fuclk, aJded by06\e SANTA ANA <OCNSl-TM Or-Smith reaclnded bla motion andlmoaned, "We have more trouble Black Ensign, A8*>Clated Women Jo""9't ol UM atran1e younr In-Benedict . Once agatn our local C t tJ mitt e aaked Coffey to obtaln pricea on over algna than the pla.nnlnJ oom· Studenta, and Alpha Gemma Y&der. Henry Abbott. very expertly pla.yera group have produced a ange oun Y eucu ve c:om e alma Martin eeconded that. mlulon " Slfm&. played~~~~Wrt~L~ual-P~~U~ ~rt~~romm~lty on~~ lnoculst~ Mii h~d a --·--------------·-----------------------ly pleulnt, In a.n omlnoua eort or noUce. conferenr e ht>re thu1 morning to ma.nner. are the character per· The Newport Player• are hold-determine wht'n the Salk vaccine tormancee Of Ute Edwa~a family. Int over "Kind Lady" for perform· program Wiii be re11umed Donald MacDonald of lhe coun-W'ELC'OME l"PARK &nCH J uly 1 and 2. Re&4!1"'Vatlon11 h Ith d t t t Id ocxs Th I In 1 h may be ma.de With Tommy Foster ty ea epar mPn ° . · l1 fa.rn ly. c:ohorta w t at Harbor 179:5. Friday "we'V•' irot to dll!Cuu the Mary'• •lr~ youn1 man, brtng way11. how• and when of reacll· a welcome apark of animation vatlng the program. 1 bellevt' we 111fltb their oodtney accent. Sue hsvt enough material on hand tc Martin and Bob Wentz Jive excel· Juvenile Booked complt'te arcond doM• 1111d poe· lent performancee u Mra. &nd Mr I slbly do a few more." Edward&. obvtously old ha.nda al • Affaclc Case MacDonald said 7400 ttrst and thla sort Of "hOUSt' breiikl.ng " lft !lecond gr11ders ha ve received only Sandra Godwin u Aggie ,rivea e 17• onp anll-polto 11hol. Yery convincing impreulon or a SANTA ANA (OCNS)-A He ~Id he wu 11ure the cllniCll young · lady well on her way to year-old Santa Ana juvenile was would bc ru um<'d but cnuld not bel h I h •• in custody or 11bt'ritf"11 deputies to· ng a g-real c p to er paren... e~tlm11te when. •-h 1 llf f I • --di day on 1u11plclon of the attack or "' t e r e o er me. ~· ng a Meanwhile, volunteers from sev· weird quality to lhl1 "hud<ltr II-H -year-old mentally retarded eral cill<'ll have pitched In to help d I P 0 h II ti girt on a bluff nesr Hoag Hos· rama a at jtlt' u 11 e tea 11 C· the ht'slth d!'partmenl · brlng Its aJly portray• Ada, Henry'11 pathe· pltal. polio ln<l<'x t1y1tem up to dete a nd Uc: "wife," Shrrlft's deput1u arreated the <>et ready for new lmmunl%allona. v 1mspttt at <Xean Front &nd 22nd ,.. try •lyly the author hu u~ St.. Newport Bea.ch. Tuuday Sending vqluntct>r~ thl• week h~ve other cbaracttr• In hl11 •tor)' tc nl ht. The vlcl.lm told Ne"'-port IX'!'n the Children s vague Inc. of turthw complicate the dilemma ot e:ach lice the suspect &nd an-Fullerton, P·TA of Newport Beach, Mary Rerrtea by their lndlfterence th po t-.. t w r In Santa An11. jayree Ann11 and Tu11-! o er 'uapec "" young-a er t' e and irulleleea acceptance o poor• the beAch area. Police called Un High School Rirls. "Aunt Ma.ry'1" 1lrange behavior. Aa tht' niece Ph Illa Wanda Wea· llheriff11 juvenile officers. The __ , _. • Y · 11 ruspect• weore picked up. Onl' DOCJ 11•-. G1•rt ..., ... vee a very 8~1>"-nr pet"· later wu reletuted. •wa fonnance. T he victim. one of a docen va· TAllE8 DOI VIEW cationln&' at the beach. pteviou11ly Paul Caldwell 11 ..amusing u had reported a bnitat attack by Phvllt•• .. ,....,.rl<'11n !lanC"t' who takea four youths. Thty met hf'r on thl' • -' • · 1n1rntl11r11nnio Ii> 1111 beach. motort'd Into t ht hill,. the Enrll~ rtlaUvH. M(dge Wit· wbere they 11truck her and forced • :>es 11 flnt' Job aa the evn her to 11ubmlt. she said. Mr11 C. A. Harry. 300 Dahlia Ave .. on Jun•• HI reporttd her dauithttr w11.o1 bitten by a. dog own- td by Dana Lamb. 2621 Scavlt'w Road The <"hllll wa11 treated by a phy1lclan and lhe d~ quan.n- tlned. -------=----------- MESA WOMAN TO AID DANCES Helene· Simpson. Costa Mesa. left, bu been named choreosrapber ot 'The Great Wor id Theatre" production due next month in Orange. Othen above, Director Ru. :i ld O\'t t>nforth and Mrs. Dodie .Oyrenforth. Play will be outdoor rel~ spect&cle. ._I. \Vhere do 14 million A mericans go to save? Amern.::111~ ~a-.e in lots of places. But a definite and very important trend is now laking place: Ev•:ry day. more and more people are opening savings accounts in insu rt:d Savings and Loan Associations. In fact. Americans arc now putting more of their savings account dollars in these Associations than onr14·/1ere else! There are several very's1mple reasons why this is so: 01\"E -Your savings earn er:cellent '''urns. You make money becau~ theAssociations in'<cst most of their funds in sound, steady- payi ng home mortgages. TWO-You enjoy complete UJft f)'· Your savings are protected by ~ood management and substantial reserves. They •~ inaured up to SIO,<XX> by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation-an agency of the U. S. Government. THREE-These Associations arc local or- ganfzations. managed by responsibl~. ex- perienced people of your own community. They give friendly, promp.t and convenient stn·ice. · And here's another way insured Savings and Loan Associations can he a big help to you: When you're thinking of buying a home. remember that they make liberal mortgage loans. Wbafs more, they see to it that you get your money quickly and at moderate rates. It's a good idea to get to know your nearby insured Savings and Loa n • Association. You'll find it's ~ :=- an important placc-aod a -- mighty good place to d o ..:.:i. buaineu. l NEWPOll BALBOA SAVlllS iind 3366 Vl. NEWPORT LOAN ASSOCIATION ~ P. A. Polmer, President - Udo HerlMtr 4200 . BEACH AUTO AD .. VICE-ly MAier MILLER CHEVROLET CO. Best Used Car Buys 1952 CADILLAC Fleetwood. All original. 30.000 actual miles. R & H. Hydra. Power Steer., new w-s-w tires . ..... . $2545 1951 DESOTO Club Coupe. R & H, automat- ic Drive. Local 1 owner ... . .. . ...... . S 89S 1955 CHEVROLET Bel Aire 4-dr. Sedan VS with R & H.' An executive car . . ... $2315 1953 CHRYSLER New Yorker. the VB. with with power steering, power braketi, elec. windows, R & H . . . ... $1148 1953 CHEVROLET 210, 2-dr. Sedan, with all Chevrolet acce88ories ..... .... ...... . .... $1198 1951 FORD Victoria. R & H, O'dr. Run• like new ................................................. ·-···· .. t 9'tD 1950 CADILLAC Coupe De Ville 2-tone gray. R & H, Hydra ............. _ ........................... $18el 1953 OLDS. Super 088 2-dr. Equipt with pow- er brakes, R & H, Hydra. ...................... .$1991 1951 PONTIAC Chieftain Deluxe 4-dr, S&. dan. R & H. Excellent mechanical oon. dition ·······-·······-··· .......................... ····-···-' T9e 1950 STUDEBAKER Champion Convertible Cpe. Jet black finish. new white top, R & H, O'dr. Excellent waw tireA, me· chanically perfect .................................... $ '95 1952 PACKARD "250 Seriea"-R Ir H. O'dr. new motor, new waw Urea .. ..... . ...... $ 925 1953 DODGE ~2 ton pic;:kup-lhe long wheel base-with 11portmian'a Fibreglu box -l!!xcellent for amping or fishing --.Sl~ 1953 FORD VB '12 ton pickup with F ordo- matic transnil&Aion ...... .. ..... . ... .. . ... $1~ 1953 CHEVROLET h ton pickup. 12.000 ac- taal mile•. Sold new &serviced by ua .... SllU MILLER CHEVROLET ·co. . 1000 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach Ltb1rt1 8-Ml 1855 Harbor Costa Mesa Liberty 8-'881 ., r I l l 11 I l -. PAGE 4. PART 11-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS F• .... tit Meet !3-Situatfot1s Wantf'CI ____ _...__ --· ---~Bt'lp \\'ut~ ·-----~lta~ for s.111 . MONDAY, JUNE 27, 1955 SAN Lu1a o ataPO -aiar1ff General Contractor Universal I s.lts ._ 1t. r uu.as 21" ~u. •v-., New· • LICSN&ED • Bldg. Maintenance STANDARD STATIONS · Good Used FURNITURE TRADE Police Grill U. Man on Check Count lclt."J · '°"t ...,.._ VIUea 111P wu w New Work -Remodelin& Walla It wtndow Clea.nine 11atft two MW.C euUa from of •OO c.auor,... acrtculllln J .. ~" ~N ~-~ J'loott. Janitor Service. ..... 0,.... fOt' atauo. -..-m.. Beauul\&I. TO-ft. ...,.., ecllt••· l'\lll7 fOWld. • ..,........ WW t&Jc• tqllll>' la 114••..-tJ ...... let bOat. U10 W • ..,._ ...... N.wport. Kar.-. ._,. lM a.-dirJ' room of w lilOllM wu _ ,..,.,..__, ~•v -1,;nc.A"'~ ptpOIUd to pollee OD JYM 1& ~ l..CJN ... ~ -u.. ~--Phone Harbor '313. &7p80tl • ,.. y -.. pru,.. ~\.1 6-Dt.1-'0-llour Week HJ.slll •t&tt.lat ,., ~l 8eM:ttl" OOocl opponUQlcy tor OAK polller. twia Mdii 411 1prl.Dp. ~ ,_.. ... .. -Jn Ml ROL.L.4 WAT Boll.)'Yoo4 bed a.nd Mra. ~ Kanba1 ot MT V&& a&& aM.e ~ CIOUlp ... Harbor 3122-R Mtfc ----------- Udo 8ou4. a. aJct u.. 1cia__... pu. tor u.. ......... ..a Calilwlda Experienc'd gardener red ........ T .... Ju... u Uld I AariCNttw. 'hMMn U.OCWUon PAINTING LANDSCAPING p.a. J ... u . 1 contermc• 9ndlDs ~· and CLEAN UPS Adtu.ceafaet a~ ••. -·-·-· .. •·•··• .. Slt.00 CHRYBLl:R Ka.rtM ....... ·~ .. CHROMS cllllttte 11t (Lat-' tabla 1 Nduetloa ,.ar. • • chain> ·---··-·· .. -·-121.ao A&nUOER.4TOJl. no Wiit D. c BABY CIUBS, 11iP chain etc. 8ICID JACK 11.AAPD at IMo Poliee &H •ue9Uol\lq Cart ... al.q, M, ot Loi .U.•IM ~. a feloa)' DO &OOCIWlt cbeck ch&rp fM w!licJa M WU booked 1'laeed&J by ~ poU~. Re 11 under c:U- t.ocly al aeooo bail. DEUYERY GUARANTIED Delmry of \he N~rt Harbor Nen-Prtu ia ruaruteea. Carrier boya Will deliver their papen be- fore e p.m. Oil Monday and Tbunday. u yoUr paper ia not delivered by that hour pleue call Hatbor 1810 and your carrier will brine your ~aper. • M. W. ROSS LI 1-SH1 ·LI I-TIU l90 A~do. Ooat.a M- lllp69li CEMENT Ir BUILDING All Ktnd8 FREE~TES LlbertY'$~109 Liberty 8·1659 30lfc MAN Cook, houae clunln;. odd fob1. Har. 402&·!.f. Call evPa. ~Tl !I-Help Wuted GIRLS - IT'S A. Appl¥ STANDARD STATIONS Qiab.U& Uld eout Jliatlwa1 Oorona dfll Mar ai&pma.n ud · Bpdra l'Ulllrton 1:30 to t :ao a.m. Monday I& Tburada,.. 6llctl W..un' upart typ&.at for perman. LrKPJ NllW • bloftd c1te9Mr bend\ 8bl)lyvd.. &Ad ot Ult 8tNet. tarp mirror ____ ,, ___ .. :.Jal.60 Newport a..dt. ltllo 3 way •• wa,y~ ~ ~l _OOOr __CJIJU8 CllAJT .. ft. ........... laJQ))i" .. -·--.. ·~·=ii.Tl to SB.Tl' new radJo -....._ ~ • APT. mo eotaa --'' to n• u:tr..,. wm trade tor eo.-a .. , N~ar Nu Fumilure Ma.rt Mar proj)Clrt7 ~ T·D· ft. llir. 2819 Newport Blvd. Npt Bcb M3t·W. tltlo Ph. Hn. ~ta Uc:TO &NIPJ: No. MM ID _...., _.. N..wport oftlcera arr•ted him and hta wile TUMday at 2ttb 8t. and N.wport Blvd. after the COO• pie wu -n to leave ttletr &pvt· menl &t 1T01 W. 8&.lboa Jalvd. Mn. '-----------------~-------• 1tt1 GIRL'S WORLD! ., ··"'plorm••t. Hat. INO Kr. RIBBON rnahas. ~. uo. J\lb- Bolder. tlc70 boll ma.boC. CllM9t. PO: llOUd dlUOD. Bo&l CO'fV ladl ud tnlJ• .... OWMI' ......... wUl ..as. l>fft ottw. R&r. IOI ...,., ... saot A...... au. 8ena4n• WU NJeued. W. J . Davia of 1701 W. B&lboa Blvd. told police Benalnl' Niiled an apartment from him tor two wtttu on Jurw1 10 and rave him a cMck for SO<> drawn pn the Hollywoou H11htand Bank of America. Davia a&Jd the check wu r t'tumed to him by the bank mark· Classified AJcohoUca A.Donymoua Wrtta P. O. Bos Ml Newport e.&cA, ca.lit. ---------------maple llD\&ll daek or T&IU_ty, SU~; And you•u a(Tee when you bear • a t taa flax braided !US· '10; ot U1e many job opportunltlu 30--MleceQeaeo• i w&1'dlro\e trunk, •i&: IOOO Jt. for qualified youtic womt'n In l•·tn. DJ: WALT UW OD trailer. Ocean BIYd., Balboa. R&r. eC>. our buaineu today. ~-8ee at ltll IDna~ ROl4. TOc71 OPENINGS NOW FOR: Newport Helfbt.a. Owaar at TJ:Ll:PHONZ ITAND I& cba1r ~ IT rr. Au.. aklop wt~ 0n;J lea Soout aqtne. t\&11 ut pod 8aila, I Wnka. pMq ... IMe4. New 1t&1Al .. lt"1J'iAtq,1'»t pa.Int.ad oompletel7 I WMb ap. '3400. LI &-1617 14Ua ad "no account." • The victim said hi' cuhe<l " 120 rht'ck for Bt'namg on June 18. written on lhe same bank but the r hrrll had not rlt'arc~d through th,. l>Ank u yet A Loa Angelt.s r ru· rMta l agt'ncy told 1'ewport 11611re Bensing rentt'd a c11r trorn lhrm whll'h wa11 due back tour ftR \'II prior tn r1ensln'11 11rre11t When fln1L que11tloned by local ortleer11, Ben11lnK u id he did not know ht' did not have au account In the bank when h~ wroie the llhecks lo Oav111. Hub Cap Stolen lates effective .My 11t, 19~5 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PR~ Every· Monday, Wednesday ancl Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdays l'nu&al Shopper Ada run In the Wedllffday Ne_...p,_ ·I LinH 1 ln..ertlon $1.00 add'L lhlM .26 ea. 4 Une. 2 lnsertioH l.50 add'L Une8 .25 flL 4 Uaes S lnlM'lrt.ioDN 2.00 add'L.llnfl8 .25 ea. 4 Unes 4 .luertlona 2.50 add'L llnea .26 ea. Sltuadon W1111t~ Ada will ....eelve 14~ diaooual.. CUii &n IMJV&at'fl 09.1¥. MlNJMUM AD 18 • UNE8 AU Claaalfletl Ad• mu•t be .,.ad for Oaab ln IMlvance of publicaUon. Mrs. Harry W11Jlam10n ot l:i20 Ml 0 1 l Id 11 The publlaher1 will not be re1ponalble for more than one Incorrect r11.mar r ve 0 po ce on lnaeruon of an ad, reaerve the r1Jhl to correcU)' c:laulty any and all June J 5 8 hub c11.p wu tJikl!n from ada and to reject any ad not conrormlng to rulM and rerulatlona. hr1• C'l\r ~""" whe1,. In 1)11• Harbor 11rea DEADLINES !or placing or cance.llin• &di are: H11b Cap Theft Told For Monday Publication -Friday 8 p.m. TheCl of tour hub cap• from hla car whlle parked on 30th St. off Ncwport Blvd. rert>ntly wu re· ported to police on June 8 by Robert Myers ot 1638 Santa A:na Ave .• Coe ta Meaa. FoF W*1nud&y Publlca.tiona -TUud&y 1 p.m. For Frlday PubUcaUon -Thuraday l p.m. NEWPORT BARBOR PC-BU8RINO 0 0 . U l l Balbo6 Blvd., N-·pcnt Bf-aelll, C.Ufbnal&. LEGAL NOTICE Vtl THll 8 l'PERIOll COURT OF TKE STATE ot· CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR TH.E COUNTY OF ORA.NOE ~pt. 4 ~o. 85141 Action hruu11:h& In tlle Superior Special NoUcea y Newport Harbor B. P. 0 . E. 1767 MeelAI every Tburlday I p.111. Via Oporto -C.ntral Ave. Newport Be&cll Albert H. Matlhewa, JC.xalled Ruler l 'ourt of thti County of Oranre. J.2-:-~~i:_Se •• rvlcee and Complldna filed 1D t!UI Offtee ....,,..,~_,,~.,,,.,.~~ ... --""'s--------- of thr• <.'l~rk of tbe Superior Court Painting & ~an..rhanging of aald Count)•. -r- J AM E8 D. ELLIS, and JAM.i:S We do the work ounelvea. O ELLJS, domg bu1lne11 aa EL-30 yean experience LIS ABALONE COMPANY, Plain· Licensed It lnsured. w r. ..t11t.actaon suuut.aad. va. ROY F. WEBB and CHARLES l:atlmat.u tr... Call Jolmn ... EBY. and the vusel "BUCKEYE,'' LI 8-2687 Ir LI 8·5289 8ltfc Certttlcate or ~ward No. 27D127, Dd!'ndant~ The people ot the State of Call· for n1a aend greet1nr1 to: RO \' F. WEBB, CHARLES EBY, \'E~S EL "BUCKEYE,'' Ct rU!leato of A\\ard No. 270127. Defendants, \'011 are dlrN:ted to appear In an Brt ron l>rought against you by Ule a bove n11 m .. i1 ph1l1111rr. In the Su· 1w11ttr Court or the Slate or Ca ll· forn111. In 11nd for ,.the County of Ur 11n'1''. 11n I to answer the c9m· plii rnl lhrH·1n wllhrn ten days atter lh!' ~··• ''" ,. •m you of thl11 sum· n111n11, Ir ~rrv1d within the County CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORK NO JOB TOO SKA.LL H. o. An~•raon 1014 E . Balboa Blvd.. Balboa Harbor 2400 13tfc COMPLETE PAINTING & Paper Hanging Service EUGENE O. SAUNDERS 600 31St Street, Newport Beach Harbor 2976 or Har. 4H6. Uc 11f l!11111g l', vr within thirty d!IYs It ------------- PAINTING INTERlOR -EXTERIOR LICENSED -INSURED Glenn Johnston 501 • 311t St. Newport Beach Harbor 3178 22Uc CARPENTER Repair Work Doe. Your Homa Need Rep&irtl\1 or Remodelina 1 Call Frank, Uberty 8-llM All Work Ouanntead T•uo Elec. Tool Repair SkJJ Bawa, Drtu., Bandera QtnCK SERVICE LEWCO ELECTRIC CO. 45e No. Newport BIYd., Npt. Bch. Llberty S..8383. •Ute Rouae Rt'pain Boat Rqaira ASTOR'S REPAIR SERVICE Carpentry Alteratlona • Remodellnc Har. l 729·J, t2p76b ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM l lnrta.U the above cheaper than .,_ TELEPHONE OPERATORS No. 1 Bay Covea. ' Nttc tl\ble l&mpa ST.~ each, ntrht Appl)'-Monday l.broutb Friday CEMENT MIXER, electric. Good atand •10, 2 eotr~ tab&.• $16 Pboo1 BaAor' •TM Superfluous Hair PumanenUy removed from face anu. lep. m,.-brow• &114 ba1r line llbaped-No more twaaan1. m.Ll!N L. BR 1' ANT R. I!. Lido'• 8alclll of 8aaut)' Bal'. 2171 tic b-Lost ucl Fond LOST-Tackle box cont.&lnlnl' ~ reelll, etc. ~ft by Lon1·1 J'ood t[aven, Corona del Mar State Beadl-Sunday, JWle 12. Liberal t-eward tor return to Lone'• Food Raven. or call ICdrewood •-0&82. &8c70 LOST Licht blue nylon sweater betwffn A.nada I& Palm on Bay Front . Ret. to 313 Anade. Bal- boa. Reward. Har, llll·W. 70072 61' ~ No. Main St. condition. ~. or trade tor u ch. 3 end tablu SI eacli, Rat· 9:00 to 4:oo p.m. table M W, U 1·2042. 161 Albt'rt lan chair 112.60. • ft. cork top Room 211, Santa Ana Pl., c. M. &ten c:ott• table 12~. 3.8 b.p. ollt· board motor ·136, Har. 0 33·M PACIFIC TELEPHONE 22tfc WANT lady cook for pr1vate homfl. ReferencY. Uve In. Good aalary. C.11 Har. 1&13. &8cTO Large aviary and 25 para· ---....,.....------68c_7o keeta $25, all mated and pro-BRAND NEW 2 t>eaulltul Orlen· ducing. 112 Onyx, Balboa la-tat type llxl2 rup. Har MM land. HArbor 2133. 69c71 _e_ve_•_· ________ 1oc_12 ANTIQUES -Old f\lmltw., cul COOK ~ downal&lra for Jul)' 6 flu•, lampa, old plcturee. clocka AuJU.ll. Balboa. Nice room and etc. Barralr18 (&lore. Blf di• DllN ROCKER It foot atool, red l.mltatlon leather, »&. Barbor 1039-M &lq10 bath. Har. 1333 Sat. thru Mon· counll tG dealer-. Charlie Davta, day. 61c70 1aoa II. AAa.balm St., Lone Fr11lda1re, 1-C.r . llk• new JlOO Olntnc table • \/ph. chain S 30 U v. rm. aet, blonde ft.I\., bed d1· van, eu;y chair, colfH t.able, d .. k. 2 end tablea, modem. (l'Mll floWered ,_ •. ,. ...... -....... JlOO Stenographers Typists Bookkeepers Full Time steady work. 5 Day week. Apply Wednesday June 29th 1701 Placentia, Costa !Lesa. 89c70 Beach. 6~0-139. 211Uc POP CORN MACHINE ~r aa.le reuonable. Call Har. 721. 69c71 FOSTORIA luncheon eel, 64 pc., 18 &!boa Oovaa. Har. UOOW. roee, $17.60. Wed~wood table '8p70 top ranee. excellent condlUon. _UP_H_O_LS_T_JCR--ED--CHAIR.----1-2-0-. -, 130. Two twtn Hollywood bed chrome braakfut chalra, SS.9~ tnmea S~. ·467 momlnr Can· yon Rd .. Corona del Mar, Ku· each. P leua call LI 8~3~, bor ~3MK. &lp70 61c70 MERCURY SUPER 10 outboud motor. UMd only l& bN. Sito. I ll No. S.., Front, a.l1lo& l•· land. Har. :U'8-}L ITUo l:VINRUDI: 7\i IL p. ouUM>&rd, after ODJ7 00 hr& J"\lllJWas SH~. Want 3 h. p. llMnruda Cll' 611' h. p. J ol\naon. Har. 16H da79. Kl 1·2411 ...... llpTJ B111A UTIJl'UL TMk ~ &loop. alaep1 2, nykJG ..0.. .41&X. motor wilb reftraa ,..... hll oowr. reuonabla. M&7 trada. Har. 4117 ttc71 18 Fr. DAY CRUUllCR -N-ly p&inted abip to abore "4io-b&lt tank with elect.rte circulator - 40 h.p. Gray ma.rtne mot.or, near new. 8acr1Clc. tor It~ (alck· ne•) Har. OllS·M. 61c73 WANT TO Rll:NT tor Jwy and .Augu.t. a lijp to -modll l• 10 tl. lanctb, t fl. ba&m motor FIRST CLASS aea.matreu wanted. 2 FOUR BURNER atovea with ovelUI '20 A: 130. Unpainted vanity 14. amall Servel retrlg. 135, Walker for Invalid with xtra altachm,nta 146. Harbor 1.217,.J, Alfc crulMr. Call Jt&r. leM. t8ci0 -DlSPOSlNG of turnttura It equip-------------- CONTRACTORS ALL CLASSIP'ICATIONS STUDY in ~are time tor cont.rac· tor'• examln&tlon under a ren· eral contractor with 2& yean experience. Clu.u Tuea. and l'ri. evea. T:30 p.m. Attend flnl 1eulon tree. Begin anytime Al Tvler School 1611 No. Broadway, Santa Ana Ph. Klmberly 2·'226 or Kl T·3811 tfc Real Estate School in Santa Ana Phone Har. 667 before 10 a..m. 69c71 WANT woman for cornbinatJon snort ontcr cook A wail.nu at cowiter. Call Har. 728. 70c72 EXPER.IENCP.:D beauty operator high percentage paid. Balboa Bay Club Beauty Salon. Uberly 8·2303. 70c72 WANTED al Orange CO&.tt Col· tege regular, tull·Urne em· ployeea: Farm laborer, grounds· man, painter helper, cualocllans. Sixty year age Umil... Start work lmmedlately. Apply ln peMIOfl between 8:00 a. m. and 4 : 30 p. m. at Bu11lness Office of college off Fairview Rd.. Costa Mesa. 70C72 MEN 6 WOM..EN pr..,.,. lD spare Vme tor unltmJled 9pportUIUtlea lo Jla&l Uat.. New duMa _W_ANT ___ P_ER.MA ___ N_EN--T-EXP--ERI--· wwkl7. Al °l')'lar tnatrucUnc. A~ l:NCED SaJe91'1an. aollc1tor for tend t1nt rtanin( tree and learn cleaning 4: laundry route. Neat about UU. ,nat fleld. Call or It ambltlOUll. Prefer married write now. man. Oood opportunity. Guar-Al Tyler School antee pha commlulon. APPLY 1111 No. Broadway, Santa .Ana Tuea. It Fr!. a. m. 1712 :'\ew- n T·861l·Kl 6·34e9·KI: 1-2613 port Blvd., Coal& Mesa. 70p7Z ____________ u_c LADY WITH CAR for Laguna China Painting Day and l:Ven1nJ a..... Orde.ra Ta.ken Now Phone Liberty a..aMI t4tte and Coeta J.feta. Prottl.able work with Avon. Ph. KI 3·9391 70pi2 WANT real eat.ate l&leaman or broker -familiar wit.JI Harbor Original Models COCKTAIL DRESSES. aulu, 1pt1. drease.a It tonnal1, Size• H ·16. Some NEW-ALL perfect cond. ALSO ~ length modem style China mlnJc .coat. Sell below cost. Write Box A·89, thil new•· paper. eouc Fresh Hearing Aid BATIERIES We Give SltH Green Stampe Gunderson Drug Co. Main St. At Balboa BJvd., Balboa Harbor Olli. 118Uc CHEAP! Dinette IS pc. Philco re· lrlgerator 4 JU ran(e. couch, vanity. lampa 4 mlac. 6 gallon Butane tank. donut equip, 1231t, 25th, Newport Beach. 67p&ll YARDAGE Inventory Sale on De1lgner'1 Fabric.. a t Wholesale Prlcea. MARGIE WEBB 1956 So. Coaat Blvd. Larun. Beach &3 Uc MRS. BOWLES of Newport 11ehooll t utorinl' private leuona in ele- mentary subJecta, remedial read· Inf 1111d correc:Uva. speech. LI 8·700.. 69c7J area. Top commlaalon. ------------- HOUStOn Realty Business Card 609 Ct'nler St.,, Coata Mesa S • f LJ 8-6911 or LI 8·778' 6ltfc peCla menl Crom my real eatate oftke -tncludlnc (Ta)' ateel dub. chalra, cabtnela, typewrltera. dllplay 11gn1, wicker recej>_UQn rumltan etc. St"e F'RED CROSIJ:R, 3030 Eul Cout Ktrhway, Corona del M&r. 61c73 UNUSUAL large coffee table, ex· celient tor family room ........ $100 Beaullrul round ma.hog. I.amp table ........................................ S40 AnUque Engliah walnut be<l, box 1prln1 A mattreu ......... ,_ SlM Marble top dr-euer .... -.............. 170 2 I.amp• __ .. _____ ... 120 • "o RICHARDSON'S ANCHORAGE Har. 8&9 69c71 VERT ~ASON ABLE -Brand new Hotpolnt dlahwuher, (COllt '340) wfll aeU tor 1200. LC'•· Duncan Ph)'te ml.hol'. dining table, e cha.In, ST!I. M.a..b~. end tablo with. lamp, SlO. Hotpolnt 11 cu tt. refrlg. In xlnl. condl· lion, $100. Walnut Sf)Cretuy, only 150. 1987 Aliao Ave. Liberty 8·3233. &ltfc WAI.NUT dining table It 0 cltaJre, In good condJtlon 122. 3604 Marcus, Newport ~. (eee week ends only I Near City Rall l!>p71 MODERN )font.ere)' bedrm. act. dresser, mirror, bench, bed. night i t.and, cheat ot drawera It lounge chair. Ph. Har. 0864 69c71 l& Cl. LYMAN out.boant boat, 2:1 hp John.oil. Cover, wbeel-with anchorare If de1lred. .4 BAR· GAJNI Har; •OT6 &8c70 11 rr. CABIN aloop, 2 bunk11, he&d, n.,,.. ...U.. Dtnpy, Jl200 3108 Lafayette, Newport Jkach. Harbor 1020 Utfc PENGUIN aalllq dlnfhy -Nylon llAll-lraller U 76. 3G8 Dahlia. Corona del Mar. Harbor 0161 ·W 69p7l . PJC or LUDEIUS 1p1nnal!er and llorm 11.ll. 1 hp MuUn. Doud· tng Jaddo. tor 30·40 ft. boat. Cheap. lnq. week-ends, 106 \'111. Mentone, Lido late, or Cft,.,.t. view 1MJ615& week day•. 70pl!Z 23' SLOOP A tra11er, excellent a&ller. Juat overhauled, $460 Harbor 2638-R. 70C72 CHRIS CR.AFT 28' bridge deck. Excellent. N-c:4rnvwi. radio, bait la.tlk, tlahlor chair, e ec· ti1c bllr• pump, rock 1u. t 10 volt batl&ry charier._ LI 8-71120. _ alltr O. 70c72 18' LYM.AN ISLANDER tnboard, 60 h. p. Gny marine motor. Compa.aa. tachometer, tem~ra· ture puge, 2 lite tarta It extru new June 1986, LMa than JOO hr11. tae. 13000. 8urT&y welcome. 604 Udo Nord. Har. llMll·W 70c7% M--Muabl. Radio, TV ANTIQUE aolld cherry 7 drawer -----....... --"'-----~··rvrd rlsi'Whf're, unJ you llre noll· f1"<1 t hnl unlr>'~ y1111 "o 11ppe11.r and 11 111•w1•1· 1111 llbov1• 1 ••quired, the 11' 11nt1r1 will 1111< .. J11tl~m,.nt fM ""·" 1r111n•) "' d11m11ge~ demand· '"I ln lhr· <'11m ptalnl. 11~ arl11lng 111111n rntilr llt'l , or will 11 ppty to thl' <'""' l !1>1 anv 111 hrr rrlll'f llrmonl1· House Plans moi l. All<> aell Tile A Unoleum. ------------- Evet .. Seymour, Har. 0298-W DELUXE emboued cards, $3.50 per 1000 with thla ad. cheat 1715 ; 0 f t. dla. round ma ple hn.y Su.nn table S8l5; couch 115. HsrbOt 3760. 69c71 l'f" MAHOO couola te.levl.Son SU 27" TV with am It rm radio, I' I Ill thl' tPmpl11rnl . c:"·•·n 11no1.-r mv han1I 111111 Mal 111 1 lw ~Uflt't 11ir Court 1tf t ht> Coun· ty M Otllll!."• ~triti> of C':illtnrnll1. thl.. I'\ (13~· or April 10!\~r R J S MITH, ('011n1y t•h•rl< nn1I Ct• 1 k of Uie Supl'r.101 <'0111 t or the Rt11tt' or Cahrnrnt~. 111 and for the < ·ounty r.r Ot an~<' R,, • \\'A Y:-.F. A DRAGER. n t'JIU!) S<JTl(;E APPEARA:'\L'F:· 'A deftndanl .'1'Pl'a~ln nn nrtlon Wht'n ht OM· wers, 1IPmt1r11, or g1vu the pla.ln· t1lf wrltten notkc or his appear· ancr, or wh~n en tlltomty gives LIBERTY 1·6251 lot.re NEW & OLD Furniture Finishing MODERN & ANTIQUE Reuonable Prlcea Specials on Patio Furnishings Aubrey Ellsworth 2032 Placentia Coala Mua LI 8-7951. 67c72 FOR RENT n11ttle M AflPl'Atll.nce for him," Skill Saw1, E:lec. Drtlle, Polllher1, Non·unloln, 20 yeara experience. Co~pare and aee - BILL CS)KER Har. 4821 or Loq Btach 7·0973. &lcTtll Painting, Decorating Paper Hangtna GEO. BURKHARDT LICEKSllD C0"'811\ACTOJt 178 W. 11th St., ca.ta KM& Liberty 1-8431 PAINTING Painting It Paper Hangins "The Be.It Money Can Buy'' Sympson & Nollar 512 31th St., Newport Bead! PHONll H.AJUIOR 240. tic "' GARDENING M&lntenaii.ce, yard cleanlnc and Urht tlaullng. Kimberly 3·3020 ct.,. or Harbor 3034 eveninc• • w..a enda. 61pT2 CLEANING " moNING by the day. Experienced. Balboa Wand pre.ternd. KI 3~. &9c71 Roy's Maintenance BOOM cleaalnc-J'loor wum1 WaJJ wubinl'-window cleantnr -Veneti&D bllnda. Upbolltery Inaured. J'ree J:attmatei Liberty &-1332. 1tfc GARDENER Ya.rd clean up A yard maintenance Call eves, LI 8-lllt8 69p71 WANTED woman or girl for light Ii:xplrea J une 27th. hou1ework In August. part lime. Ma.II Copy and Check lodRy, Balboa Island. Gooc'.1 pay. WRITE FOX A.DV .• 709 E . Center, Ana· Joer1. C. A. Roberta, 1925 N<>. helm. KEystone 5·4497. 611c70 Berendo, Loll Angele. 27 68c70 :± SMITH Corona portable typewrlt· WANT lady lntervlewere tor local er, Engll~h. A: Spanleh keyboard. au.rvey work, mormnp only. Good cond. S40 cash. LI 8·1244 Earn S35 wk. and up Wnle 70c71 CUSTOM Lawson· aora like new. 1116, matching club chair no. Brand new apong• rubber lounge chair 145. Uke new cfiannel back flrealde ch&Jra '20 each, cedar chest. Har. 1738-J. 69c71 P.O. Box 18e. Newport Beach M CIU J. D. Hall, KI O.:u~s 10 FT. SUPER-LITE Gtuspir St-A-~u- &8c73 dinghy, 71;,. h. p. Evlnrude 111,nt -----..a.....;. _____ _ WANT woman with knowledre of rutaurant food handling. cap- a ble of fut lhlnklng. Phone for Interview, 7:30·10:30 a. m. or a.;o p.m. ONLY. Har. 4952 68c70 outboard, 1951 model. Cover, BRASS and milk glue han&iJll' cradle, lot.a of eatru. U~ very lamp, cherry drop leaf table, lltUe. '395. Set of·S maple dining rm. c.hatra, French Champion Ar~lette ape&r· pine flnlah, nllh 11eau , excellent gun like new Sl.8.60 condition. Ph. H a.r. 3107. &8c70 Set ol 8 Bobby J on .. 11 regtatered golf lron1 $36. Call Dick Ward, Har. 2323 aft.er 11 p. 111. 70c72 SS-Boats, Supplies 3 •peed record player 1 re- • due.<! 1300) Now ·-.. ·-·-·-· .. 1•60 RCA Victor, Hlrb·rtdellty, I •P"d pboftost'apb. rn&hos. col\80i. With tull doon, re- duced SlOO. Coma 1D and bear U\11 OM---...o11J7 Jiii FM 'J'abla radio! .. 21.M TElZVISION Rm1'n' ALB Tarter Television Co. TWO LOCATION& 2904 E . Cout By., OOrona del Ku • 274 Bro&dway, Lquaa Baacll Ph. Har. 6491 ot' HY&tt '-561• tac.70 WANT woman cuhler, bookl<eep- t'r. Automotive u perlence nee· e11&ry 31-Wuted to Buy WANTED 0-0 U81lD PIANOS tor our blf lenta.1 dept. ~ _... Catamaran auowance 111 trad• t or 0rp.n. J ohnson & Son LINCOl..N ·MERCURY 900 We11L Con.st Highway, Sabre Ca t Model No. 18. Perfect Sptnet piano, « Oraad peano. MU1-All at.eel trailer included. DA.NZ-BCHKIDT, llQ • ....,._ Only one year old. Banta Ana. -----------~-NO:'wport B~·a.ch Lr 1·6f>45 ' ISt•C. 1014 c c. P.1 ASPHALT TILE An1JWPrs or drmurrr ra must be all typea ot Sandera, Wlleelb&r· EXPERIEl'\CED practical nurse In wrlllni;, And filed with the · row1, etc. Aluminum Wall Tiie avallable atter 'MrnrtKlay. P hone w AN'fED-set ot b&l&nced a-olf club~ -man 6 tt. io·· HYatt •·7111 &lc70 68c70 SO.B-A~p~Uan~-ces~------- 0 n l y $745 See at LOU REED I& Auoo. 1200 w. Cout Hlrhway. IJLIJC"n\ONIO ORCJ.Uf two ...... u&I almost Wra new. •.-1 MOO. C'lcrk. YD Mfgra. Dt.lrlbutora mrbor 93. 68p70 Nu, 584 NPW~·Pru11 BO 'S HOWE. Wholeaale prices tG ATTENTION ALL BOYS - THE NEWS·PRESS Is now taking carrier appl1catlon11 tor roult's In the11e neighborhoods:- D.A.NZ·SCB.MIDT,&20 Mo. Main, Newport Bt'ach LI a.J418 Santa Ana. .. tte SERVEL refrigerator. Good con· 61c70 6 11. 16. 23. SO, 1/11. 13. 20, 27, 2&30 vr-coAST HIGHWAY Contracton1 It Tiie Sellen PRIVATE TUTORING dlUon. Call Hu. J2 for a ppoint· -------------HAJO(OND OROAK, lplMt mod. 7 r'I. 1955 , Uberty l-3t35, Newport Bch 28ltc LI 8· 7493 68tfc !'gr thoae with reading dmtcuJlle11 ::;.. ___ ...;;;;;;;;;;;;;._.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiii;;;=iiiiiiii;;;;;;-..f ,......Elementary-high schonl levela ment lo aee. &8c70 1186 18 ft. motor Ir l&IJ mad• by Sllptl)' u.aed. Good •.ms oa r Method uMd at Clinical School. B&Jboa, West Newport. Balboa Is., NPwport Helghl11. Corona del Mar a.ni..I Costa Mesa. Ohle Towne Co., Conn. Gia-ct th.la. Alao Hammond CbOf'll Or· deck, beauU!ut llnea. 0 b.p. Ben· pn. Ealy to p1&7. Washing Machine BEGINNING July 4th MORE MORE Newport Harbor News-Press will . be published tri-weekly . on Mondays. ·Wednesdays & PLUS Fridays the Coastal Shopper on Wednesdays. INSERTIONS weekly means RESULTS for classified advertisers- Call Harbor 1616 to place your Want Ad. ' b . • ------ ' U. C. L. A. Franc:ea ShurUetr HYatt 4·2300 &8p70 SJCRVICJD dlx motor It aa!L Painted moor• DANZ.SCHMIDT, HO 1'o. Miiia. rr )OU are l2·H yr11. old. and have a blcyclc, apply at the Clrcula· lion Dtpt., Newport Harbor News·Prus, 2211 Balboa Blvd .. Newport Be11ch. between, 10-12 a.. m. r.r 4·5 p. m. only except 1.,...,. J'U&l'&llle& on Jobi dona and OD laMd wublr& UN~ (nar) .Newport BJ .. Coll& w ..... Llberty 84~ OP Liberty 84327. Mtfc Ing av&JJ. S15. mo., owner mu.t Santa Ana.. EXPERIENCED cerUfled teach• era wiall t utoring. Elementa7 and aecondary. Available New· port area attt'r J uly lat. Mean· ti.me call collect Pleuant 2·872:i leave Ju.ne 30. •Har. U9T-W ------------- &8p70 llcTO CANOIC-18 fl. rnahor . lamina· ed. coppe,r nail headl, SlOO. 107 Abal<>nt', Balboa lll&nd. t9c7l Saturday1. Uc ____ ...;;-:ia::=------- K.JtNKORll wrtn(WT' type wa.ailtr. LICENSl:D experienced aklpper Bus Boy Excellent condJUon. '"· 804 Drake Cra~ a nJJa.b'9 wttk enda. Prl. ple&1· Muat be 2l or over Udo Nord. Har. JM~W 'f0p72 ure boat only. Har. 29l7·W ROBERT RILL'S CHEF'S Il'\N OWNER MUST SELL DI· &lp70 Corona del Mar. 69c71 D-Fmaltme for Sale MEDIATELY. 26 ft. Expreu --BOO--KXE--EP-IN-0-SER--Vl-CE--WANTED-Older man -f()_r_Ul_e LA.ROil MODERN I pc. NCUona.I. cruiler-very fut. Hu every. A'ITENTION! aummt'r to do yard and boat Good coadlUon. B&rp1a. Harbor thing! NO REASONABLE CONTRACTOR.8 A BTORltKDP· WOW"it for private party. Write aoot. 70c72 OFFER refuaed, 'ERB: Box oe~. thll paper. 69p71 Need aomeon1 to re.UH• you ot BLACK WA..L.Ntr.r book cue, See at 37 Balboa Covee, N~- thoei monthly bookllNJ>lnC wor-It X P ll R I E N C ED hotel m&Jd, HoU)' pa ran,... 2 O\'U1.1, I& (rtll, port Beach or phone HAr rl• r .Aak about our nuona.ble atead•y }York. KEN NILES, VIiia Laundromat. automaUc wuber. · rat.a B&r ..... ..J. TOcU JUl'ina. Har. 1800 19c71 HT Poppy, Oorona d1J Mar. ll&r. 3254. 69c71H ••a..w W'lllk day. an. a:ao ------------LICllMll:D ~ aldppe A.LL OmCll PllR80NHm... &Leo or ..... «Dde an,ume. llp70 JU>.A.T '"" ~Up to 20 ft. 115 a~ for ·private or d\&rter wa!tneeea, ooou . hOWMtkeeper--------------mo. 1:!04 Marcu1. Nnrport ~ s-n ttm1 w ,..,.ty. Pb. eooka. RecUrt.er now-a-jot. MA.ROG Dune&n Pll)'f• din. table. Buch. f'" week enda only J Har. 112t·W. , TOp'71 dail.y. J-f upb ch&ln. Roel trt .. bed NMt City Hall t llp71 JUNll r A..RR.AJ\ din.a.. Club aba1r, J\&dlo. All llDlPmRT prclaMr wanta 'ftdt ln CKPLOno:NT .4GEl'fCT xlnt eaedJUolL 111 Jrta, c.oron& SAILING k:tl for I ft. Pram com· 120 Bass Accordion Like new. Sacrifice. Phone Liberty; 8-2237 MpTI-- SPINET Pl.ANOS. Reltal retuma like new et.c. You wt1l alway• find wonderfuul •Yin•• la Ulta dept. Many mak• and ~II. Mirror type Spinet mabopJIJ tlnlah 1287. Another la 1n&pl• tlnllh 1395. DANZ.SCHMIDT, &JO Ma. Main, 8&.nta Ana. S6 P&R. MO. rent. 1ood Pr-cuca piano. All term rent alJcnftd It you bu)'. Good uae<S pracUOe pl•· noe Jn, Sll4. SUT, SlOO Md up. Euy terma. • DANZ·SCR.Ml.DT BIK P lano atorr Sant& Ana. 1120 No. M&Jn. BU1Mw ..,.._ 11.u OWll equip-•02\.i • Hnd 8L. Newport Beach del Kar. Har. •etO.J No Sa t· meL ... u .. 1111. TOp'71 AUOl9 •t. ma ctty H&D Uc70 W'd&7a. tapTO plet.. wlt.b Nil. never bffn UMd, -claHltled Ada are rud by folk• '70. Bar. •ltl-K lllc71 w!lo an N&!Jy lookJA& t.o ~. , I! Ii' :1 ) I' ,,, ., I 1) I\ H \ }! 1/. 11 f I I ll ' U-Mulcal, ._., T f See Baldwin Piano & CJrgan Display WOODWORTH PIANO CO. 9CA comb. TV l'Mllo Ir phono- ll'Ph. m&bof. ClOruN>I•. UMd 1- than • monlha. P•rfec t condl· Uon. Or111n&J. -i over HOO. M\.llt •U J300. 2169 Pactnc. Cosla M..a. LI A·8'7e. 70c72b LOVl:LY lhll\p.low upTff11t p1&no IA P9r1.Ct coodlUon IM.70 dowt1 111.'75 per month al SHAVER'S Mullc Co. !Since 1907) Ul-4,23 N. Sycamore, Sanla All.a Phone Klmberly 2--0e72. OR.U-'D PJANOS. Many to chooae trom. Knabe. Ma110n Ir Hamlin, Stuyveul}t, Cable, Extra spec· lal, Story A Clark &'fllld. rood condlLlon 139~. Another •p.cial. Buutl.tul Stuyvuant, t ine 8hap~. '686. Alao r orr.ou• Knabe s1110. llave on maJSy othel"8. DANZ-SCHMIDT Blf Plano Stol"t! Sant& Ana. 1120 No. Main. A.Jway1 100 planoe. Another Special ! lf.A.MMOND lptnet orpn. 1n t lrut condition. B{6 •vtnra. connn· lent term• a t.- . .,, v Check these Used Cars Buy trom a k1ea1 deeltr wbo wUJ be here TOMOMOW to back up Wb&' be ..n. TODA Tl June Specials 1951 PLYMOUTH CRANBROOK club coupe, Radio Ir heater. light rreen. All new nylon tubeleu tlrea, Only •--...:·-.---. ·---.·~·· '89'i. 1953 SUNBEAM TALBOT t dr. sedan. Radio, heat· er. Jet black. In excellent cond.ition .. .. .... $129:S. 1952 NASH 4 dr. sedan, Radio, Heater, O'drlve, 2.tone green. Very clean, only ........................ ~ 19f51 CHRYSLER Windsor, light grey, 4 dr. sedan. Bought new by owner, still look1 new ... ··-$1,145. Many low priced transportation C{ll'tl, only $25. dn. LOU REED CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTB DEALER • 1200 Wat Cout Highway. Phone Llberty 8-3486 •I-Auto Senice Moto.r Overhaul f RAKE SPECIAL NO MONEY DOWN during June .- BAY·VIEW APT. oo Udo Penln· • 8UIL Ne"lf • attract!_ .... peaelled ll't'lllr l"Odllr.1 bdnna. rw ~rl.Y 1-. Pb. Har. 2701 or Bar. IO. ~m UDO ISLE rZARLT REHT AL UNP'URN. 1 bedrooina, I b&l.b.I. Cholc. loct.Uoa. BR.AND NEW I bdrm. Unt\lm. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor a pta.. '85 mo. at 1900 Haven 1111 Newpo.rt 81¥<1 .. N""POrt Sch. Place, CUit Haffll. Phon• Bar. Harbor 1011 .C'~c U02·W, Mlle I STUDIO turn. apt., 8Wrunet ttnl, a BDRM. Ir den. Ul\turn. Bay At OCMJl vi-. Yr. leue. 308 Car-~ mo. Y••r leue 146, to. u D Lark'lrpur 4n .. Corona dtJ Mar. na on, c .. 11. tlUc • .. tl70 ENJOY BALBOA J.81.AND At the beac.b t.hl1 IWllJ'Oer tor ""' lit· lie rent. 8m&U compact apl. tor 2, •i.u of boUM trailer, f36 per weelt. Har. 21.28-M. 4Htc A'MllACTIVll ocean YI-l bdrm. apt., ~b' Nm. 8u1t&ble for couple, $10 mo. yrly. Se• after 0 :30 wk. da}"8 ot Sat. p.m. a9d Sunday, tM W. 11th St., eo.ta Mesa. (tum lett at end or w. 16th St.) 70p72 48-B-Bouee for Beat , HARBOR AREA Oomplel.I ldecUon of 1wnm.r rwt• ta1' by month or week. now available. Oreenleat-Severta Reelty 1112 Newport Bl., Newport Bch. lfart>or 21162 70c72 D-Booma for Beat NEWPORT HJ:IOHTS-Room - pr1. full tll• beth Ir entr-. atter 0:30 •~ Sant& Ana Aft. 48p70 Quick Cash Loans on furniture, auto, aalary. $50. to $7~. or more. One day service AppHuUon may b& made an ~r­ eon. by phone or bJ mall. CALIF. ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION 1818 Hl&rbor Blvd., Cotta Me• LJ. 8-71~..l...-Opu Jl1da)'a Wl I OORd Satul'd.,._ Ullc NO COMMISSION No Appraiaal P'ee SA.LES -REJl"l.NANCJI CONSmUCTION Call tor Fre. • Fut Commitment.a oa RaJd~oee aad'Onll.I only Don I. Huddleston 173 E. 17th St. COSTA MESA NEW 3 BORK. unturn.. .boUM, flJ'. age, d.llpoeaJ.. thermo. h•t. $80. month. 223·21.st 8t., Coat& Meaa. Ll 1-1180 or Oxtord 1-6"1. LI 8-SS.1 LI 8-6582 !..ID<> OFFICll SPACE -Will ------------ llUbl•t ~ •u1table for attor-60-lneome neya, •n,tneel'11, etc. Approa.. · Prof!~ thSo 1a abopplJlr .,... on vta H . Udo. Call Don Col• attunocma OME and 6 Units nnly, Rar. 48~. ll9ttc GOOD INCOME, 135,000. H9 Ham· 1'7ftc FOR LEASE NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS-PART II· PA&E I MONDAY, JUNE 27, 1955 a • ..,,..... HOME OWNERS ATTENTION BEAUTIFUL pcEA..N FRONT HOME, COM· . PLETELJ n1RNISBED, GOOD INCOME POS· SIBILITIES-OWNl!R Wll..L OONSIDER T AKINO CLEAR HOME IN nus AREA, UP TO 512.000 AS DOWN PAno:NT. CALL OR COME IN F<>R DETAii.A OWNER OP' FINE LIDO ISLE HOME WTI...L CON· SIDER TRADING J'OR A FOUR BED ROOM. PIER 6 BLIP BAY J'RONT HOME. CALL OR COKE IN FOR DETAil.8 · INVESTORS ATTENTION WE HA VE LISTED, EXCLUSIVELY, MODERN BUSINESS A.ND APT. BUn..DING. BEST LOCA· TION-CLASS A' BUILDING, CLASS A FURN· ISHINGS. FULL PRICE $39.600 TERMS IF DESIRED. J. M. MILLER CO. 2025 W. Balboa ~-.:d· Harbor '°91 ''NEAR THE NEWPORT PIER'' BHAFJ:R'8 Mualc Co. (llnce 1907) 421-421 N. Bycamor•. Banta Ana Phone Klmb9rly 2-oe72. * with this ad * 8 Cyls. _______ $48.88 Foreign auto brake job, by expert mechanics $18.95 & up. 7 room unturnlalled ranch borne, 3 bedrm.. 3 batha. suut houae, 8Wimmlnr pool, rt.tac•. oorraJ and puture for •ddle ho ..... StralhmMa l'MICh-One Ir lhrff· quarterw mil•• .outheut of San Ju.an C&pllt.rano. Modern St llton. ott Harbor Blvd~ Cott.a Ore Mesa. 51p7tb ------------------------ oran,. County'• lar,eet •lection at tine organ.a. r-- SEAL POINT Sl&me11e kltten1. reaaonable. Har. 1140 days or Lt 8·2479 evu . 58c70 FREE to r ood hpmu BEAUTlFlJl.. Kll'TE~S. 3408 Ocean Blvd .• Corona del Mar Har. 053:1-W 58c70 P OODLE pupa, 1mall miniature rhamplon 11lrcti. 20~ Ab4llone, Balboa .lal&lld. 70c72 19-Autos Wanted WANT TO B UY ~ . Good clean used cars. WILL PAY TOP PRICE. Will con· ••gn too 'W hy worry 11bout ~ll- 1ng your r11r ~ S!'e 11:1. EARl, COOORUM Motor•, 1945 Harbor Blvtl., Co11l& Mru. 82Uc PRIVATJ<: PARTY want4 to buy ·:;• or ':ill Ch!'v. Plym. nr Ford 1>t11tlon w11gtm . pl'f'fl'r 5 cylinder. Call Harbor 1020 evt'B. Mttc 40-Aut09 for Salt $1295. 8 Cyls. -··--·-·-··-·-$58.88 Include. both labor and parts. .New maa. wrl•t pins, va lve (Tind, flttlnr1 ot main and rod beartnr1. Expert mo~ tune up. 90-day or •.000 mile ,uarantee. (NO MONEY DOWN). REBUU.T ENGINES -UP to 111 MONTHS TO PAY- Bullt ln our own taclory by akllled mac.hlnlata. Don't contend with the mJddle man. Buy direct REBUILT and INSTALLED SHORT BLOCft FORD ............ ·-····-··-·· .. ·-1129.:10 CHEVROLET ---····--· SH9.50 PLYM . .tr DOOOE UM CHRYS. A DE SOTO ---$170 STUDEBAKER ··········--··· Sl70 OLDS Ir P91ITIAC 5 -··--· $170 DUICK ···-·-····-············ .. ···-s 11:, HllDSON ---···-·-·-.. ··· ..... -... $17:1 Loan Car • FrN Towing NEW CAR GUARANTEE Block mWlt mMt our 1t&ndard1 Plu. tuea, ruket• and Oii Open Sunday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS • OJ>4'n Daily 8 to 7 State Bonded NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. SANTA ANA -<::all Harbor 1511 to place your Ad on this p~p. We fl>ature SUDDEN u.n1ce. Hausken Motors Inc. 1932 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa R A R & C LI 8-oo:s1-u 9.53s1 11ec12h • • owan o. A'M'ENTION Nash -Hudson 4~ S . Spring St., Loa Angelea. TR 0111 lllcTl FOR RENT, $70 per mo. Parkin&" tacllltlea, foroed air beat. •uit· able, lnllu.ranoe, Na.I •t&te, gill.I etc. Inquire .o8 JC. Balboa Blvd . Harbor 2070. etttc For Lease- STORE U 'x33', IUlt. tor prof ... llonaJ. t>Muty•ahop, real eat&te, XLNT. LOCATION ON LIDO ISLE-Yearly rent.a.I. 3 bdrm., 2 bath bome, fum. or un· DOWNTOWN Cost& Meaa.. Harbor OWMerS turn. Excel.lent locaUon.. Owner, 29H·W. 58ttc Rioh Hahn's Garage Barbor 0216-J· 82uc Authorized Part.a 6-Service SUMMER RENTAL 5S·A-BUlllDNe ReataJa &1lo Good Tran1portaUon 1 V ln.ABLJ: -Abp\lt IOOO 9e1, Home & Income II rm. •tucco, hwd. fire., tile balh. pr. Th'"" triller •pacu, wllh ulUlty bldg. Near Beach. lde&l tor penaloaer. 447 H&mll- ton. Co1ta Mee&. 58p70 81-Beal r..tat.e Exebane. BY OWNER-Will talle trade on thla comer lot, ranch home. 3 bdrm., 1 1~ bet.Ju, hdwd. nra .. F. A. heat, w.w, carpet, fenced yd .. xtra. If. paUo overlooklnf canyon. Will take 1maller place or vtcant lot In part payment. M4 Haul Drive, C.D.M.. Har. 1089-VV. 09c72 Care For S.I• DRIYE BY Ir aee W Vi& Wu.ieni, ft. 1.lrht iAdiat:iy ~ on 1A A U do Ille. 3 bdrnu.. 2 bathl, 2nd. noor. \1. 8. HJrbway 101 ------------Auto Radio Repair 409 E. 29th St. completely turnJabed. Available and Bay Jrront&p.. Will i-.all J'une 15-3G-J2~. J\Jly '550.-or any part Ir remodel to .Wt Auguat S72~. Rtductton for en· tenant. Vogel eo .. !ill Via Udo. Newport Beach, Har. H25. 35L!c Ure eeuon. Call Harbor 4274. B&lbor 071. 25llc 117C:Sth __________ __.,_ TRADE EQUITY ot $3000 in 3 bdrm. 1lucco, •hlngl• root , .hdwd. tloor11, fireplace. dbl. c ar. tenced<>patlo. Exct Uent Pomona location. 19114 MAYFLOWER Trailer, com- plete bath. Udo TraUer Park, Har. 3235. Nlte LI 8-7372 or &et' Rene •t Shaving Mug. 86c71 PALACE 'fRAJLER, 28' complete vdth new awning Sa.crltlce Sl595 B11yshore Traller Park - Mr. Stelllno. 88p70 SA LE or TRADE -19:>0 hou111 trailer 27 tt. Wiil ta.ke H ft. ciunptng trllllt'r a• part. 133 • 46 St. Har. 2027WK. 58c70 --------LEASE ,. AV AILABLll ln BHORJDCLU'J'S, Private home, 2 br., tum.l.lhed. except: rup, 81.lver and linen. U50 on lea.. Barbor 1208-R. Otttc FURN. 3 bdnrul., 2 ball!t, wattt- FIN1C LOCATION ID Corona del Mar, Completely tqulpped for baking or lkllca~ Phone Harbor •lie& tor app'L llltfc tront hom• with pnvate beach. New Store Bldg. Avall&ble July thru Sept. U 8-7•31 daya. Bar. 4791 nenlng11. IC7t le&N, S·:I 7n1., llht.M rt. park· 59c71 lhopptnr area. ------------L'\f •pac•. Major artery. In Udo FOR SIMILAR In Newport or Coat& MC!llll - Or ~uJty or S1800 It F. H A. commlttmenl uled. H. A. MARSH ~ E . 11th Ave , r omona Ph. LYromlng 9-9109 (ev•. LY 2·8407). e9c71 SUM.MER Rl!lNT A.LS. -HOUM •leepe •· Collage •leep1 2. June BLANCHE GATES 52.50 x 8 -1420 month. Excep- 20 to Sept. 111. 721~ Poppy, Co· UonaJ value. 2 block• to town. rona del Kar. Harbor 053&-M. Realtor '12.000 dn. buya thl1 8 unit New French Renault 43-Apt.. a Hou.es for Bent '8--A.e.t.. a Hou1ee tor Bent F Mlle 111 Marine Aw., Baltio. uiand court. I gararu. 2 yn. old. VACATIONERS Harbor 1571 58llc . Orange Coast Properties 4 tinor e"dA n :iO mllu per gallon. P1vmf'nt11 $38 per mo. Bnnk of A 1111-rll"a financing J~Hr£01ATE D•hvery Hausken Motors Inc, IP32 Harbor Blvcl . Costa Ml!¥ IJ 8-~161 Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS Delightful living. ApL-Cabanu. Utilities paid. with Yacht slip accomodationa. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. WJC HA vr: 1 nrtety ot new nJce- ly turn. rent.all available 1n Newport It La(W\A. '30. wk. Ir up. Inquire 304·32nd St., Npt. Phone Harbor 1225. 5lp74.h M-Bu.J.w O~r1un.ldee LEASE FINE LOCATION In Corona del M.a.r, Completely tqulpped for ba.klntr or dellcatuun. Phone Harbor 4253 tor epp't. 66t1'c UNFURN. 2 BDRM .. HOME. W to W carpet. .Beauutul Ya.rd. patio. ttreplace. gar. Sl~. month. OT i ... rmt on leue. LI 8-07!!0 alter II. llettc _M-__ M_on_e...,Y,.__t.o_L-Oan _____ _ a B. R. UNJI'. bo\ae, nearly HW, WOULD Wte to buy Ut &lid 2ad large yard. near Khool• and Truat o..da. Call Har. 2325 Insurancr. Sale•, t.oa.ri., Builden 1857 .:-<ewport Ave .. Co1ta Mcaa LI 8-1832 L.I 8-HJO .li:vu. FOR B~LE or TRADE. Log c11bin 300 tt. on upper Sac.-ramento river. Natural llWlmmlng pool, tithing. Vlt"' ot Mt. Shut.a. Rock !lreplac!'. Phon. T orrty 7-91&4 e sp10 RESTRlCTED Bay bay new, brau- CLOSE TO EVERYTHING EXCEPTIONALLY ATTRACTIVE 2 bdrm. home. Panelled living room and small dining room, Ul'- peted wall to wall. good kitchen, break:tut_space and .ervlce porch. Ample cupboards and storage space. Oversized 2-car garage. Nice encloeed patio. MOit convenient corner location. 2 blkll. from City Hall; Newport Bea.ch. Only $12,000. Just Enioy the Income from tht. excellent property (no rent to pay). Located in choice rental district, 100 tt. from ocean. There are 3 urut. -a new duplex and a 5--room hoUBe on 2 Iota. 2 unit• are furnished and rented on yearly baaia. Owner'• home available now. 'l"hree garage. on alley. Present income can be sut>.tan- tially increued. $6000 will handle. FOR INSPECTION CAIL BARBOR 1013 ,ACT TODAYI EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Bea.ch Harbor 1011 CLIFF HAVEN Ranch type home with view 1 bdrm. and den nicely landscaped, furnace. ready to move tn ~. MultL.iA No. ~7!50. CORONA DEL MAR 6 unlt.1 ranch style all with every convenJenoe t furnished. auto. wuher, pragea, South of hJway. Shown by appointment. $62,!500. 2 unita BALBOA ISLAND exc. location $3500 down furn. $18,000. .. bdrm. baytront, $(-0,000. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave., Balboa hJand Phone Harbor S02 Ll 8·5381 58ttc For appt. or reservation, C~ Har. 2992. 34tfo transp. Bee attemoona at 872 ~ Victoria, Cooa Men.. Avail.------------U!ul home complete elfll"tric kit· -------------------------ohen. 3 large brm1. Mr. and JAi~ ~!ft• k VII ·:12. Ll'lok11 like ·:i:i. 47-Wantfd to Rent 148--Apts. &: Howies for Rent P~rfcct cond1Uon. 22,000 mll!'i.. ------------BP~l <>f<rr Hnr. 41-.r 68c7o Rentals Wanted Choice Summer Rentals on STATION WAGON '!\l FORfl 'SqulrP. RAH. ()'Dr, Very !'lean. original ownl'r, S895 H111 hnr l fli6 6~70 !\i JAGllAR XKJ20M modified rnnv, llkt ntw, fK!Wt1!'r blue. white orJ1tn lClp, nl'vcr r•ctd. low mlldgl', nrlglnaJ owner, Hu r11 i2. 5Jci5 --'46 C"APIJ.LA<" 4 .tr ~ .. w motor. ll~t<I IP.111< lhRn 4 mnntM. Radio, hl'lotrr cJPh nlltt'r Dlrl'l"t1onnl 1lg- nal8 Rr11r IUl •)>"al<er Wlnd- shlt'hl wiuhcr. P r1\·ate party mu~t ~rll S:ICln 2149 P11c.-ltlr, c·nsta \ll'l'A LI 11·86i6. 70oi2 W• nttd •Pt• a.nd bouaea In all Balboa Island & Lido Isle aecUom for both winter and year'• leue. rum. or untum. Small • coq or large It delu:u $70 to $300 month u )'~phi:.:· ~'*:,ClllC)', VOGEL co. The· Vogel Co. 208 Martne A•e~ s11tio. 1111nd 3201 W. C.t. Hwy., Newport Br.h. Ph. Harbor 444 or Harbor 21111 Phone Ube.tty W.81 Ru , Har. 178'·R or Har. 1069-M 208 Manne. Balboa 1.81and 6't1c Phone Rarbor H4 268i E. Cout Hy .. Corona del M'aT l"hone H11rbor 1741 Lido Oftl~. 3415 Via Lido Hubor 4971 32tlc WA~T TO RENT-2 bdrm, hOU!le, 48-A-Apt•. for Rent FUR:'\lSHED l bedrm. a pt. balh. Pretty patio. Carage. Near bCb. •~ wi>t k. Pb. LI 8·5120 58c70 yrly lesae. Furn. or unfurn .. Ont' 1'10. 5 BEACON BAY -Summer child. Mrs. Clark. Har. 1840-R rental. Spaclou• furn. apt., alttpl or 1087-R. 59p71 4, O\'erlooklng bay. June 16th- Sept. 15th .. s~oo. month. .SS-A,eta. &l Bou1e9 ·:,;,CHEV. V·8 Bt>l·Alr. Sport cpt. --...-..--~------ ' DEMO;\"STRATOR" -$600 RENTAL y OF'F! OutttancJtni; beautiful, SPECIALISTS ALSO will t11k" "'•ervatlon tor wlnt~r. Hill", 247l. couriuy to agent&. •sttc hRrvNll Jrt>M, 180 hp, twin EXH kit. RHrlt1>, f' C. tran11 . etc. - ART LAR~O;>;, 81'111 So. Coll~l Blvtl., Lll1<1tna. RYlltt f·77H . 8lttc JAGllAR !\4 MR rk VU 1etlan. whl. with r!'d lelllher, automatic tran11mllll!lon. r t rtr ct cond .. low mileage, orlg1na.I owner. Harbor 5i i 2. 63c75 Call Edna CraJr Blanche Gates, Rltr. 311 Manne Ave. Halbo& llll.'lld, Har. ,11171 72tfo 3 BEDRM. house, 2 b11ths \\1th 3 Mrm. apt. upstalni. S2!\0 month ot July or $85 per week. 1'417 W est Balboa Blvd. 58p70 July let, S85, leu on Jeue. LOANS for Homes Frontier 48075 55ltc FOR LEASE 15" -20 Tr. Loau Mr11. Closet11. Hwd. n ni. F orctd air he•t. Dnv,. by 405 SlcrrA Vista then phone to eee. We have key. Barptn at J2.4.~00 TWO BEAUTIFUL n•w Irvine Con.struction Loans Ternoe untum, Yl•w homea. 0 C 3 BDRMS., 2 bath.I and • SDI BOB 8.ATI'LER range OaSt 2 BEDRMS., 2 baths. 21116 EAST CO.AST BLVD. Call HarboT 177:1 or Harbor •«8. Corona de! Mu Barbor 1811 Properties EARL W ST•..,., ,.... R alt Rep, POIRimR MORTQAQll CO. • ' ,y,~. • e or Mttro ~. i-. F'llncSe KL l·"lu I.n.wrance, Salu, Lo11.1111, Builders Irvine Terrace Oftlce " "" 1857 Newport A vi' .. C"osta Me11a Corona del Mar. Jattc '8t1c LI S-1632 W 8·1400 Evta. -:-::::-:-::7::--=::::--::-:-::::-:--=-=~~~ SHORECLIJ'FS LOAJllS TO Bl/J.LD. CMPROVJ: Adorable brand new farm holl8e-BUY, MODERNIZE, OR real 1tory·book charm. a bed· R.El'INANCll rm-.. 2 baths. Furnished or un-We Buy Tru.t ~ turnlah!'d. Owner will l~e Nl:WPORT BAI.DOA SA VING8 tmmed1ately 1·2 ytL to l"e-pon· Ir LOAN ASSOCI.A 110N •Ible tenant.I. S375 per mo. Kar. UM Via Udo. Ph. Hu. 4.200 NJa:; 3 bdrm. home, 1 yr. old, w to w carpeting, ftnced yard. Good condition, Sl0,1100 Good tennir1. Owner, Bertha Vln110n, 228 Cotta.iie Pl11c!', COl!lll Mua. Harbor 2761 a.rter 5 pm. 58c81 2770-J. 119ltc Uo BEAUTIFUL 31 'x12' Cabana ---------------.---------~ M--BulneM Opportaaltiee M-Bwt!lbteu Opp<>rtan.ltiea f BUSINESS OPPQRTUNITIES BOAT AND TACKLE RENTAL-aix 28' steel hull cruiser. Showa income $28,000 on boats. and over $100 week on tackle. EstaQ. 9 years. Small over~ead expense. Sea.son starting with ret1ervation1 coming. in from a mailing list of 2000. Full price, $25.500. Excellent terms. GARAGE -Showa· over $30,000 gro88 in 11hop alone. New car franchise available 170' frontage. Lease includes five room -2 bath apartment at $l77.50 per mo. Full price $13,ooO, -.,., - Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar TWO STORY, 2 bdrm. (have plana for 3rd bdrm. to be added at t1maJl co1t), 21 ~ baths, lge. liv. rm., 11eparate dining room, large knotty pine den with built-in bar, lounge, 2 fireplacee, bucment with 150,000 BTU furnace. Expensively carpeted wall to wall thru·out. Garbage di11poaal _and dishwasher. House 6 yn. old. Large double garage with laun· dry, rad.io.controlled garage door. Lot 50 x l42'. Well landscaped. This home must be ..een to be ap- preciated. Located at 3312 Ocean Blvd., Corona de) Mar. OWNER WilL ACCEPT ANY REASONABLE OFFER Shown by appointment only Phone Owner, Harbor 3435 65c70 1. OCEAN FRONT -40 ft. lot, R-1 zone $10,000. 2. OCEAN FRONT 75 ft. lot, R-1 rone $15,500. Both Jot.I located on Baiboa Peninsula • 3. 2 BDRM. home, PLUS am apt., $12.500-$3500 dn. °'· OCEAN FRONT-3 bdrm• .. furn, term11 $15,500 5. BALBOA-3 unit income down payment $6,000. 6. OCEAN FRONT-4 unit income, consider trade or offer for $12,600 equity. 7. 8 UNIT apt. ~uae. Fumt.hed. Yearly r•nt.ers. Consider trade, $57,500. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa Blvd., Newort. Beach 'ttar. 5188 LIDO ISLE New 3 ~2 Baths All electric kitchen. Many very fine features. $29,500 3 Bdrma. Ir conv. Den-2 Batha 30x24 Llvtng room. Lota ot room for children with built-in llOdafoun· taln. Large lot. SM,000 New t Bdrms.-:3 Batba.-Waterfront Viet.> of baJ from a ot the 4 Bdrm.a. and kitchen-lovely ftn. place, wall to wall carpetinr. . 51' lot-.t:reet to ltrMt $18.~ BA y • BEACH REALTY -LIDO omcm 3112 Latayette, Newport Harbor 3643 Barbor 2999 Evu. ' I .' J l t ,AGE 6 ;·f ART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS l!-Beal IP'Atat. MONPAY, JUNE 27, 1955 I H h San~ Ana eig ts a ••• r..eu. a •• ....._ Special "C'' THOMAS uc• THOMA& 't.C" THOKAB ~ TBOKA.8 ror tboM who want a home nnr · \ th• Sant& Ana C<>unt ry Club BAYSHORES Call for app 't. to se- 2471 Bayshore Drive A 'ITRACTIVE new 3 bedroom, 1 % bath bome with EXCELLENT VIEW of bay. Low Don Paym't. FULL PRICE ONLY $29,7:SO Call for app't. to see- 2580 Crestview Out of town Owner wanta OFFER on thia lovely 3 bdnn. 1:~ bath RANCH atyle home on large cor. lot. All lge. rooma, w to w carpeting, cuatom tailored drape1, matching wallpapers, prise winning kitchen, large encl. patio. CLIFF HAVEN EXCELLENT S bdrm. home PLUS 15x.25 rumpua room with fireplac~ & built-in barbecue, hwd. floora, near achoo la, fenced It landacaped. • % G.I. loan with monthly paymenta. PRICED AT $16,500 LIDO -ISLE WATERF BONI Open Da~y 1 to 5 Until Sold 313 Lido Soud Pier and Float for 40 ft. Boat UDO WATERFRONT BEST BUY-3 bedroom, 3 bath, newly decorated and completely FURNISHED in the finest ta.ate. Includes cuatom ma.de draperies. new to wall carpeting. Weetinghouae automatic wuher-ready to move in. Encloeed patio, attrac- tive planting, built-in barbecue. OWNER MUST SELL-MAKE OFFER "C" T H 0 M AS, Realtor 224 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach Liberty 8-M27 "C'' THOMAS "C'' THOMAS 11C" THOMAS "C'' THOM.AS VOGEL VALUES CHECK AND DOUBLE CHECK Commercial Building Coast Highway Corona del Mar. 2 stores, 2 apts-present income $320. per mo Ir can show increase _ ..................... $33,:SOO. Half Acre Between Irvine & Tustin Ave ... not. loo far out. A real buy! ·-·· ....... 3,950. 2 Bedroom Home Just reduced $1 .100.00 Ir has everythlng- patio. BBQ, over·sir.ed dbl. garage. fireplace, beamed ceilings. etc. on quiet street in Coro- nfl del Mar . . ···-·--· .13.400. New House on Half Acre Back·bay area. 2 bedrooms. shake roof. HW floors. Nothing else done to hal!-acre-de- 1 bedroom• plue. 1&r1• Uvtn1 room. Hp&rate dinln1 reom, l" balhL t.ar1• cva.. bull~ wttll rwnpue room. aad ~ room. A. be&ulU\al hom1 for lll.llOO Bayshores Home! a bedroQm.I, l" bathl iw1 uv. Inf room. Nicely tu.m.l1hed J'lreplace. forced air heal and double aar. A nry Sood va.lue at U2.750, t.errn1. Peninsula Home! Balbo& JllbinNla homa with ~ oc...a 'f't-from upelalr bed· rooma. t bedrooma, 2 bathe Bp&doua hOlne with wt• llvlnr room with fla«etone fireplace Only t year1 ~~d1_ Ideal for large family. 123,000, l6000 down Beach Home! OR. year. arowid living, Situated In Balboa.. near the N.H.T. Club Hu s bedroom• and 1 % bath• Heavy tumlture Included. Prlc:. cut today for a qulck aale - 111.500. only UOOO doWn. Cute Beach Home! With 2~ bedroom•, clMe to Ba;y on Ea.It Bay a venue. Some tur- nlture Included. On a comer and you 1hould aee It for IU.~ I'~ down. Extra Special! RED HOT S R-S loll, ltdt by 1lde on Balboa Boulevard. Buy all I for •it.~. Balboa Realty Co. Oppoelle Bank of America ROii Greeley A.J Comellu1 Ed Lee Jack Pinkham Joeeplllne Webb 700 E. Balboa Blvd .. Ba1boL Phone Harbor ll277. VALUE· PACKED Income Corona del Mar t unlt-2 full loll. Income 12115 a month. Only 6 yn. old. Newl;y decorated. 127,WO full price. SM>OO down. Cell for app'l to 1ee thl1 REAL BUY I Cliff Haven FINE DUPLEX -Steady Income r~rd of $17~ month. $76.53 moatb p&y• FHA 4%~ IOMl, t.u:u. tnaurance lnol lea1ehdld) Full price $19,000. Balboa Island CHOICE LOT with 1paclou1 apt over double rarage plwi guut room and bath already on rea.r. Ready for 2nd unit. A1klng $19,760. See lhl1 and lel'1 wb· mil term.a. • Muriel M. Pinover REALTOR 2604 Newport Blvd., Newport Bch EAiy Parldnf Harbor 4610 38ct0 BUSINESS BLDG. Highway 101 WELL LEASED lo 1ub1tanllal tenants. Showa good return on price of $67,5QO. termL RUSS FORD 1800 W, Cout Hlrhway. Npl. Bch Phone Uberty 8-811911. 6tc71 CORONA DEL MAR comer ranch " a-ae.1 r..tate d ••' r..tae. a .., r..eae. ._... r..tate a 11ea1 ,...._ -----------------------.------------·------------------- Open Houses~ Daily 14 p. m. 1315 W. Bay Ave., Balboa 4 Bedrooma -2 Batha -$23,960 Your Ho.tea: Helen Baum 1759 E. Ocean Blvd., Balboa 3 Bedrooms -1 ~ Batha Ocnn Vie.t -Nice Patio -$21.500 • Your Boat: Mr. Chue SHORECLIFFS 245 Eveniog Canyon Road 2 Bedroom.a -2 Bathe -Den, 2 rtreplaces Large Uving Room -Ocean View -$32.000 Your Ha.t: Mr. Leahy $2,000 Down, Furnished 3 Bedroom Beach Houae near Library Full Price $10,500 BAY & BEACH REAL TY ... l..:SO vi. Balboa Blvd.,· Balboa. Cal. • Har. 126' LIDO ISlE SPECIALS Lovely in the daytime-beautiful at night. Thia home.bu everythtng for comfort and contentment 3 bedrm•. It den, leu than 1 yr. old. Completely and beautifully furnl.ehed. Thennador kitchen, aeclUded patio with lovely flowers, one of the moat outatand· ing bomea on the ialand for $43,500. Cute ranch type home, 2 bdrm1. Completely !urn· iehed. Only 3 yrs. old. Thia la a buy, $21,500 New 3 bdrm. & den home 2 bathe, charming kitchen. built-in range .ti oven, copper hood plua diahwulier. Large muter bdrm. bu tireplt.ce It one wall panelled. Mercury 1witchea thruout. Carpeted, dbl. gar., fineat of conetructlon. Full price $33,~ tenna ~vailable. AND REMEMBER THIS - many other fine homea are lieted excluaively at THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE . M16 Via Lido, Npt. Bch., Har. •971 or Bu. •972 Eves. Har. 2191-M. Har. 2998-R or Llberty 8~297 A Bayfront House on 11/2 lots Designed to take full advantage of its location on Balboa Peninsula. The aromatic acent of its choice wood panelling greeta you at the door and eets the key to a gracioua home - a combination of liveablenesa and openneu • eo advantageou1 in entertaining. F .A. heating, MOO eq. ft., 6 bednna., f bat.ha and powder room. 3 fi~lacee, Formica kitchen. Triple garage. Sheltered rear garden. Pier and 1ea wall. Price $95,000 unfumiehed LOUIS W. BRIGGS, Realtor 714 E. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa Phone Harbor 80. 4 Bedrm., 2 Bath Home on Your Lot- $11,100 1330 aq. ft., forced air heat, hardwood floors, fire- place. Real .,laster. Large picture window•, natural hardwood cabinet•. · Phone !or app't. to see our model home&- MARSHALL HOMES 20 Yeara Building in Orange County Klmberly 7-3293 Liberty 8-4073 .! NEWPORT HTS. A ver;y hlth qU&llty 3 bedroom home with I and ~ batha. hu a f~1tone nrepla°'. hardwood floora. built In Tbermador ranr• and onn. Hu m&bof . cabinet. Liu" oul. aao mahoJ. uw1or. Juat 1 i.. yeara old. AU t.b'-plue an ocean vtew. a.. lltw. 'NEWPORT BEACH aa.ie or U'adt: A J&r~e .oldu bolile lbal hu beea recondlUoftid LO make It a very JOOd realdence w1th Income from lh• upslalrL Thl1 la one block from the ocean, 6 bdnn'1 4 upe-l&lra and l': DUPLEX CORONA DEL MAR BEST VALUES Two eeparat.e unit.a, 2 B.R. each. Comer loL Some ~ view. One leued tor year 1.t SlOO ~ month. $15.000 loan at $103 per mo: One unit belnf held ----- vacant for new owner. Priced at $22,500 which ID- cludea new washer & dryer. Low down pa..ymant will blJ\dle. one down. Up1t1lr1 hu ~nted 2. JUST LISTED for f1200 per year. but e>wner8 h .. ll.h d.ina.ncte eale. Nffd ll Thia modem 2 bedroom home, carpeted wall to w..U., tor a 1m all 2 bdrm. howie. dble. J&rage, fenced yard. paved It covered patio. COSTA MESA 17 UNIT APARTMENT MOTEL ' 8how1 a very J'OOd 1'tum on money lnveeted. Income appr. 1900 per month. can be l.ncreu · ed on dlll'y tla111. Unite have a rental wa1t1n1 ll1l. Thia prop- erty 11 nry well located In downtown C<>1ta Mua. on New· port Blvd. Price l~t.~ will trade. e•cellenl term•. "ART" ADAIR REALTOR ltee Newport Blvd. Colla M-. Callt. L1 1-3792 -Corona Highland View Lot They're 1etunr IC&l'Ce! A won· derful. larre bulldinr 1lte with marn1ncent view. Offered at 113,500 IN EXCLUSIVE BEACON aA-Y Thl1 3 B. 1\.-2 bath home would make the whole family happy. Ideal for chlldren-nd a nice one bedroom apartment for In· law1 or a1 Income. We wnr1ub- mlt any reaaonable offu. Owner anxlou1. on Balboa Island A. g-rand beach home -2 B. R. pat 10, flrtpl&CI', fu rnace, fur nlshed. Cloae lo beach and vii lage. $19,000 G.I. resale A only $14,:SOO. 3. OCEAN VIEW HOME Owner must 11ell immediately thia quality built ' bedroom, 2 bath home. Fully fumiahed. Will COD· aider amall home in tra.de for part payment. Don't delay on thi1 one! Priced at $39,:SOO. ShoWla by appointment. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTJON, Realtor 3'47 E. Coast Hwy., Corona. del Mu. Har. •T (Office located next door to Corona del Kar Bank) VOGEL VALUES ~ · BALBOA- 1. See true G.l . re-aale !or real value. Arll8tleaJly decorated 2 bedroooi home, lana.i, fireplace, w /w carpeting, landacaped patio, low down payment. . 2. INCOME--4 unita furnished. A-1 condition. aoee tQ ocean It bay. Adjacent comer t.vailable -Full Price $29,500. 3. Balboa' a fineal ! Lovely two-atory view home, I bedrma. 4 bathe, 2 fireplacea, three-ca.r Car&«•· SM this today! 4. lncome--Almost. new 8 unit apartment bulldin1. Choice rental district. LIDO ISLE- Believe it or not-we can -deliver a 70' lot oD Lido lale for $5000 down. Full price $19,000. Hurry! Mariners Isle Rlty. NEWPORT HEIGHTS- 318 Marine Ave., Balboa Island · Harbor 4781 68<:70 income $125 month 2 FURNISHED RENTALS. Wll rent for $125 month yea.rly Rrdwood construcUon. 3 years old. 2 block• to bea<"h. Only $10.~00 with $33~ down. Ren wlll pay the bal&nct' and return 13rt, after taxea. WlU exchange equity tor I bedroom home In Coata MeH.' Apartment House 8 UNfT rentala. unu11ual situation with good future po!ll!lblllllet Good financing. priced Vl'ry low. See U• for detaila. Homes ,investments A1 member• ot Multiple UaUng we have 2~ U11tlnp of aJI dlf ferent type• A will find one to 1ult your need1. N.B.C. REAL TY 32nd It Newport Boulevard Newport Beach Harbor M38 COSTA MESA 3 bedrm. l yr. old LIKE NEW. beautiful lawn1 front It rear. $1000 down View home-$12 a foot conetructlon and over 2000 aq. ft. You add it up. Large corner lot 75xl20. Over $2500 spent in landecaping, w-w carpet•. Lota of plate glass, sliding glae1 doors. Thia ii being 90Jd under replacement coat at $35,500 and we have a. $20,000 Joan comm.ittment. Exclusive with: THE VOGEL COMPANY 3201 West Coast Highway Newport Beach * Is This It Skipper? BAY FRONTS: We can show you two trim 1boreaide homee, one with dockside mooring and one with anchorage for deep-draft 50 footers: each with a spot of private beach for the kiddip, plus deck1 and living roonu ,that face the Bay, with the NHYC just of! the port beam. No. 1 .. . .. . .......... $49,500 -$10,000 Down No. 2 ........ -· ............ $75,000 -Tenna VACANT LOTS: We have available several chqice locatlooa, Bay· fronts and inside. al a wide range in price, that may be of interest. GREENLEAF -SEVERTS REAL TY * 25 years in the aame location 70C83H FULL PRICE $9~ 3112 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Hal'. 26:52 \'Clopc as you want. See this. . ... _ ......... 11.500. 1tyle 3 bdrm. 2 bath home. hwd ----------------------2 BEDRM.. 1lngle garagt . Nice Evenings Phone Liberty 8-3186 Duplex -Home -'New In beautiful Corona Highlands. Ranch type, looks like a single home. 2 bedrooms each, AND OCEAN VIEW. Landecaped. One 11de \'&cant for new ownrr. . 26,950. • THE VOGEL CO. • 2667 E. Coast Hwy .. Corona del Mar. Har. 1741 & 1477 Cambridge Estates 16th & Irvine Three Choice Comer Lota Left ( Rest.ricted) 75 foot frontages Hurry-Before .It's Too Late PHIL SULLIVAN, Owner G. T. EVERSON, Exclusive Agent 18:)6 Newport Blvd., Coat.a. Meaa Lib. 8-6761 Eve's. Harbor t3M-U 8-2103 OCEAN FRONT Look no more -Here's your house ! Lovely year round 2 bedroom and den home -or a lfine week-end and aummer hideaway. Lota of yard for th@ kids and a lovely vj~w. Juat $21,800. PAUL C. JONES, Realtor 2e20 Newport Blvd .• Newport Beach H.Ar. 2313 flr1.. 1nack bar, enclosed patio Only '22.500. Term• Orange Coast · Properties In1uranc~. Sain. Loan•. Bualde1'11 l~7 N~wpoi-t Ave .. Costa Men LI 8·1632 LI 8·1400 Evu . S750 DOWN 3 BDRM'. home, hdwd. floon , fenc· ed yard. Garb. dl1po11al. Over· sized garage. Lot.a of 1torage. Larr• lot. 2M9 Fairway Dr1ve. BEAUTIFUL EAST SIDE HOME NearJrvine Avenue--well designed a.nd nice looking. Three bedrooms -two-car garage. Wall to Wall carpet. Fireplace. Thie property ia a good buy. F.H.A. Terma on balance. Full price is only $12,600. Phil Sullivan & George Everson 1856 Newport Blvd .. Coeta Mesa (Across from Costa Me11a Bank) Phone Liberty 8·6761 • Eves. Har. 4366-LI 8·2103 Colla Mesa. Har. 3641·J. 39tfc ---------------------- BVILDER OFFERS brand new tr1plu In exellent rental loca- tion. A. tlractlvely priced at 121.500. 1900 Haven Place. Cliff Haven. Ph. Har. 4102·W H lfc Newport Heights Triplex Well bulll -Two bedroom• u ch lide-lncome 12711 mo. Only 2 yean old. In exclul!ive Cliff Haven. Price 122.000. Term1. Writ• Boll 1&8 Newport Beach or phone Ll l-8MO evu. 68c70 Vets $565 down PLUS IMPOUNDS USE YOUR O.I . LOAN on 4 yr. old. 3 bdrm .. <Jble. prag-e. fenc- ed. Wonderful pa Uo A laundry, yard. Garbage dl9pol&.I. All trehly painted. Near Uppa-Ba.ck Bay 'UTI PaUaadel Rd., Santa Ana Phone KI 6-2•ts. tot.tc WOULD YOU BELIEVE IT? We have 2 unita !or $10,250, on a level lot.'X1n't. neighborbood, near everything. The bowie i1 1 B.R. plus den, Heat -o.-lator firepl., paneled Living rm .. -Cute-PLUS Stodio apt. with a4 bath. No calla, please, just bring $10,250 to R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor DICK HODGE, A.uociate 3622 E . Cout Hwy., ·Corona del Mar Har 2'17' NO FUSS, NO BOTHER- 10 well constructed modern unfum. unita. A-1 loca· t ion. All unita leued. · Thie oatetanding income property can be purcbued with $25,000 down. Returning 13mr net alter all expenae9 and LOAN PAYMENTS. Don't dilly-dally, . SEE RUSS FORD 1600 W. Cout Hlrhway _ Phone Llberty 8-85~ Newport Beach 88c71 ya rd ... $&911<> full price NEWP_ORT BEACH -.-.. 3 UNITS. 2 Joli, near beach and bay II~.~. term1. Homer E. Shafer, REALTOR 1oe McP'aA:lden Pl .. Newport ~ach Har. H O or eves Har. 2629-M Har. 1137·M 0 . I. R E8ALl!l Lovely 8 bdrm. I" bath. • yr. old homl', patio. rear yard fenced. Side drive 13700 dn. $72.76 mnnth. Orange Coast Properties Inaurance. 8alea, Loan•, Bulldeni l867 Newport Ave .. C<>1ta Meaa Ll S.1632 LJ &-HOO r;.,u. Take One Good Look LIDO Here's the most outstanding value being offered -on Lido Isle \oday-3 bedmu1. 2 batbJI on a wide 40· " ft. lot wfth a large sunny South patio. Modem kitchen with a service bar -opening to a separate dinjng area, a quiet comfortable living _ room with a charming comer fireplace !acee the pa-' tio with its convenient built-in BB~. Most rooms are newly carpeted and new drapea throughout are included at tht> very rt>aao nable price of $29.500. This home. would not be overpriced at $32,500 and in addition to thia very desirable terms may be arranged. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor "Lido Specialist" Use Our Free Parking Lot 2602 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach. Harbor 4718 BY OWNER, leaving July lit --------------------- NOT ANOTHER UKE IT tor thw LOW PRICE l lt,11()(). BEA UTITUL Lloyd C. Howard 11ellon. Mil llde near back bay. CUSTOM BUILT, J bdrm., 2 bathe. Ranch-type home, lllue roof, LOVELY LARO~ klt.chen, Weet· em Holly oven A ru platee, Ml In BRICK WALL. 1H7 AUao A.... Llbwt1 a.ans. ttttc CORONA DJ:~ MAA IAftl ft·I lot. near dlurcll. lhopa ud ~. owner Har. I021 •TcTO 62' FRONT AGE-BAY AVENUE Pier & Slip -3 Bedroom. 2 Bath Plus Servanta Quarters. All Electric Kitchen Th ~ home waai de· signed by Neutra and ia one of lhe finm homes In the Harbor ,Area. Beautifully land11eaped patio. Price reduced to Sl 10,00. Owner will consider tradea. Call Mrs. Fay for appointment to eee thia truly fin• homea. Bay and Beach Realty H:SO W. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa Harbor 126-i - .. . J a a.JWe aa .. 1 r..tat. Balboa Island VOGEL VALUES HERE'S A SWEETHEART. 2 br. It den with fire. place Very nice private patio. Hu eeparate ~c.ome unJt With a aure $1,800 yearly. Better hurry to gel th.I. one. TOP "LOCATION '-BA YFRONT Immaculate 4 bf. -two atory home on large lot. Uncrowded attnoaphere with lovely patio, pier and float. Large living room, de.n, and eeparate dining room. Cub down, unfum, $30,000. $7,600 ia all it takes to move you into t.hia 2 bdrm. BALBOA ISLAND home with 1 br. apt. Both furn· iabed. Patio and fence, garage. Wonderful location. Low monthly paymenta. $12,~ will place you ln thla fine, modern, new 2 brm. home & one brm. apt. Dbl. garage. Beautiful landacaping, glau wall to patio. Fireplace, W IW carpeting, diapoaal, extra large wardrobes, forced air beat. Lovely, deluxe. Euy tenna on balance. THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine, Balboa laland Harbor 4« , i ~·~·~~~~~~·~---~·~-~·~~~~~~~~--~~~·~~~~~~~---1N~~~U~N~~W-~~ll ·M~J ,• MONDAY, JUNI 27 t I tu p.a. paJme ~1 rncoPporated •• ........ I ........... developers of Uclo Isle BAUOA ISLA~D DESIGNED FOR GRACIOUS LIVING! BRAND NEW -MAGNIFICENT VIEW mm rr 11 --*"· 1 aaiu. ' Mdrm. bome. · 1 bdrm.. --.. i.aaa. • apt. ban .._ of bQ. SW. New Orleans wrought iron and thutten ad4 to tbt sneefuJ. old •orld charm of tble IDoclen holu.. Planted lanai entry, elate flnplact. louvred pua through trom iitcben, nylon VlacoM, wall to wall carpeting. Muter bedroom bu It.a own 1• • bath and dresalng hall, alidini rlau doon to patio, , 2 wardrobe closet.. Aleo gl.ul doon from Uvnn. to patio. Therm. oven and ranp, cti8poMl. 30 toot wide garage. A really choice 3 bedrm. 2 bath home in perfect Lido Isle location, 134.000._ Terms. A~OTHER OUTSTANDING HOME by the aame builder, Mr. J ohn Vilicber. V~ry mm- ilar excepting it ta on a corner and bu ' bedrm.a. and 3 baths and 2 fireplaces. U you desire a larger home, come in and we will be happy to ahow you why we think this ia a terrific buy at $37,400. Tenu. On either of the above homes, we can take in a Lido lot. We have a few good aummer rent.ala 1tlll avallabi.. ~ p. a. palmer incorporated ~ aclttni houa ~ Corona del Mu--Ru.tt.lc _.. patio. ~ ~ Apa. ~ -Euiy ~vy>Sbake Roat-a. Ueed Brlek--BOIM ~ tunUMed.-.._ ID 18'8. la blaatltll / l'trepl..C.. S Bedroo~ '(1 untinlahed) Plua Den-eon41Uoli. 110.000 down. 0ww-wUl carry bll1D01 2 S.UliJ27.MO-Totil rm.-Modolt Don Pa1• tor ·, .. ,,,..., buJer. IUllt. Call tor Dave 0.burn... T eke Your Choice Three new Tiew hom• 3 Bedrooml. -2 Bathl each -Fee llbnple property (not teHebold) -Pric• $23,000 to $26,960. J'aruworth will be slad to ahow them to yOU. Newport Heights 2 Bedrm. houe with Apt. In rear. La.rs• tot. '15,'500 · AU For Hod.ldnlon Bluff lot Br.th taJdnr vtew · ot the entire Harbor. $CSCSOO. A.alt J'or Joe Kincaid Choicest· Bayfront Buys BAY J'&ON'I' HOUR 6 A.PT., No. Bay. Beautiful bMch. S10,oo0 down. bll•DH tu)', BA YJ'RONT, 'Ll'rlU: JSLAND -eo ft. bay front· .,., pier 6 tlOat. t bdnm. Superior con1tn&ctioa. A rood buy! f DUPLB:X • SOUTB BA.'Y l'RONT -LUOl7 home and lnoome. "5,000. W ATJ:RJ'RONT -J'urn. I bdrm. b<>llla and 1 bdnD. apt. 11Npl&ce. $10,000 down. run prioe $29,'500. WATJ:RJ'RONT -2 1uperlor unita. I bdrm., 1~ . bathl. ftrep1ace DOWN; 2 bdrma. 2 bathl UP. Bq view from upper deck. $&8,000. Submit down. ISLAND OOTTAGIC -Dble. pnae •. rlnplue. $15' 7SO. Reduced for qulclr .Ue ! CORONA DEL MA~ ·-·- ole hanson co., sales management ~ 3333 via lido, harbor 1600 p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management _1700 w. cout bJrhway -liberty 1-M73 • BDRMS., 2%· batha. New tumtture. TV. BBQ. North Bay moorill(. Good family home. Shon•· cellent Income. All tor $2•,SMSO. Income or ruidential unit-low priced 2 bedrm. house with attached 1 bednn. apt. Nice neighbor- hoOd -on upper Marigold. Well worth a look. Full Price .:-----------·-····-··-·-------······ ... $16,500 UNUStIAL HQME with !'!est unit ~n up~r_ Poppy with 1650 sq. ft. ot living area. Lovely view of hilia and area. Price ·-···· .. ························ ................. $21 ,500 ONE OF THE LAST IN SHORE CLIFFS-View lot on MomJng Canyon .Rd ............................ $16,000 Open House in Corona Highlands Da.ily 1·5 p. m. 448 Rivera Terrace Lovely view of cou~ line all the requirements that make a lovely livable home. Easy tenna or trade tor vacant property in area ..... r ............ _ ........ $29,700 GORDON WALKER, Realtor · W. E. FISHER, Builder Dick Hilliard, Pat Pattison, Geor. Rob&n, Bob Gervw 8034 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 2443 WHAT-HAVE-YOU-7 TO-TRADE-FOR: ... . NUMBER ONE OCEAN FRONT 3 bedrnt. nicely fum. beach house. Clean u a whistle. Extra large lot. $7,600 equity. NUMBER TWO MODERN DUPLEX-2 "bedrms., 2 baths in each. Double garage. Excell. Joe. What have you ?-for $13.~ equit y. . NUMBER TIIREE OCEAN FRONT 4 unit rental income. Live in one, let the ret!lt pay for th.e property. Lady distresaed, muat sacrifice. Make offer for $12,600 equity cash or trade. NUMBER FOUR EIGHT UNIT apt. house, completely furnislied. No cracker box apts. here. All are spacious. 7 garages, 2 lot.8. Yearly rent.era. Over $7900 yearly income. Consider trade or sell approx. $26,000 equity. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport &:aeh. Har 5188 REWARD W ANTED;--best house• -- $25,000 cash will buy on Lido Isle OSBORNE REALTY to. 2323 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach Cat Port Orange) Llberty 8· 7562 Harbor 51M eves. Balboa Island We otter excluaively an unusually desirable 4 bdrm. multi-bath home. Delightful living room, large din· inc room. Maximum aquare footage. Close to beach. $26,000, euy terms. See this value Buy! EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 1 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island C&lJ Barbor 177~ Evea. Harbor 5359 BALBOA ISLAND WELL BUILT BAYFRONT HOME-4 bed.ma, 2 baths. escellent buch. UnexoeUed view. Choice eomer locat.lon. • Prioe f(0.000· Te.r!M WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor A.nd A81oclata Park at Marin.e, Balboa laland -Harbor 2462 Houston Values Look What We Found! Neat, large 2 bdrm. home on Broadway, HW firs.. garaie. turniahed cottage and gueat room on a lley. 1 ruU bath and two '% baths. On aewers. 'M)la I• a real steal at $H,600 with excel. term11. 1 bdrm. Duplex $9800 CIOM-in only e yn. old. on sewen. dble. garage, wuhrm. on alley. Comer lot, live practically rent- free. Good terms. Income Ne~r Theatre A 11eparate 1 bdrm. ho171e and II rental un.tte, all tumlahed, larre corner lot 126 x HS. Thia i. excellent value. F\111 price $21,200, terma. OWner needs Immediate action! G. I. Resale 1i:xcellent 3 lfc!rm. on aewen, curbs. garb. dlsp.. VeneUan blinds. On Costa Mesa St., Hu a '"'• loan with low down and only $~7.54 mo. on balance. Two Rentals on Full Acre Near g'Olt courae, 2 1 bdnn. homH on a 132x300 lot, lncome $110 per month. Full price, $11,!>00 Low down and term11. FM' eve ln!e. -on above Petitt~ LI 8-6487 M-1 Acre Placentia 86' frontage All level land With big water main In tront 29% dn. It bal ll Z. Nice 2 Bdrm. $62!>0 East aide location. $1600 down. For abo•e eve Info. . Ph. Lytle U 8·2542 BILL'S BEST BUYS Are you good at fixing up ? See u. on thll two bedroom. F.utaide co.ta Meaa, on two lo~~ 50114.0 each. T.w.o.. toe. price...of one. Full price, $5,500. Leta submit $1000 Dn. Quality Home Three bedroom, '1% bath. Check there features 2'' coved linoleum in kitchen & baths, forced air heat, tongue & groove sub.floor, H.W. floors thru-out, exhaust fan, garbage disposal, sewers and large 20x20 garage · Full Pl1ce Only $13,700 with $3,700 Down . . Back Bay -Panoramic View of Hills Want elbow room! Thia 3 bdrm. spacious home is made to order. Liv. rm. 16x24: Dining Rm. 12xl5: Ma.st.er Bdrm. 14 Y:i x.15: Kitchen l2xl8. Obie. doors to walled patio. Wall-to-wall cpt. included. A truly nice home in restricted area. Price $15,900 with terms. Charm -Comfort -Value -View All wrapped up in one. 3 Bdnn.s. 28' living room, used brick fireplace, nicely lan<Ucaped, 2 1/:i car ga- rage, Ocean view from dining room, wall to wall rubber pad. Many more fine features. On sewers in the city ot Costa Mesa and only 8 months old. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR "you'll like our friendly service'' 393 E. 17th it., Coat& Mesa Ube.rty 8-1139 YOU Have a Part in the Multiple Listing "Success Story" Five Million Dollar Salea to date ln 19M compared to Two and a Half Million Dollar Sales to date in '54. BUYERS and SELLERS of Real Estate are offered import.ant helpful assistance. See your REALTOR for free illustrated booklet on "How the Multiple· Listing Service Works." (Cooperative effort of 250 full-time NEWPORT H~IGHTS Facts-Not Fiction -a Mnn-C\.111-bath,.-bdw~ ~ ..... - fireplace. t b er m o controlled gnvlty furnace. Sep. 2 car ,..,., Wall to wall carpet. Jue re- pelnud t.nd decorated wide and out. Full price Juat u a.600 eoti.,. neu South S.y. a~. 11,ii batha. n.. place, larp llvtq room. Attractive p&tlo. JCxoellmt nntal record. Good ftlUe at $29,600 .. CORONA DEL MAR EXCEJJENT INCOME -4 fumlabed unita; ~ bdrm. each. No vacancieain over a year. -~-~r-.r=-----• SM each. Grou yearly $3920. All ln first clau con· dltio!1• $6000 takes. Full price $22,500. with 4% o. 1. loan -And It'• ON HAZEL, 2 br. vielf home. Private pathway to a ta.et thl• one will Mil qutckJ1. little Corona beach, $2:S,500. COST A MESA LUXURIOUS 5 bed.room 'riew home. Luah tropical Charm-Personality patto and yard. $1~.ooo down and comtort wer• uppennoat tn SEE US for BEACON BAY and BAY mind when thla modem atyle 3 bdnn .. i % bath home wu buHL SHORES properties. Jt has a grapeatake fenced patio, fireplace, bar ltltcben with 01.y><>Ml, fol'C4ld air beat.. mere. swltchu, dbl. iv . . . Unequalled value at the reduoad pr1oe ot 111.tOO I I . Want a 1/2 Acre Ranch? • CALL HARBOR 1775 -or EVES Edfth'Karoon. HYatt f-6222; ·John M&cnab, Harbor 539. EARL W. ST AN LEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave.. Balboa t.llD4. Real cute 3 bdrm. and bath home and a l bdrm. and bath peel houBe or rental. Plenty room "HERE IT IS" for horst'I, chlcktna or wbal have you. Jt'a cloH to Back Bay too : Priced right at $13,900- With xlnt. terms. A Real Good Looker! i. thla 2 bdrm. G. L raaa.le. We will ruuantee you will agree with ua that thia la Ula ntateet. cleanest, most attra.cuve 2 bdrm. home &nd yard you've aver aem for the J1rlce of ju.at UO,MO. Le1 ua prove thla .t.atement. $1 ,500 Down Will buy lhla completely redeco- rated 3 bdnn. home With bdwd. floor•. nrepla ce, fenced, land- scaped ytrd With lhelt.red lanai and patio .•. It'• a 4% O. I. reaale too! Bay & Beach Realty 1696 Newport Blvd. Coata Mesa, C&ltt. Liberty 8·11111. Evea. L1 1-3168 Move right into this lovely two bedroom Lido home. tBig patio, big lot. Completely furnished. Full price $22,500. FOUR large bedrooms, 18x26 liv. room plus large lanai. A well built 2537 sq. ft. of Lido home for the large family. Full price $33,900. "' professional worken) BAYSHORES We have a new Lido home to trade for a 2 or 3 bedroom, 1 story home with hardwood floors in the Harbor area. Understand the advantage of thia modem way to Open Hou• 8un.. 2515 Cnltvlew Houston Realty Co. merchandise more propert.iee t.hru more peo~le with 3 s. R. best be-&cb hou.e & ASSOCIATES NO INCREASE IN COST. Newport Hel1ht11 lot-vtew 14000 Beat aut.alde Coata Maaa lo· LIDO REALTY 509 Center SL coata Meaa Available from Members of the cation. a B. R. a bath ....• 19,600 _LI 8-_SDu __ u s_- 11 M Newport Harbor Board· of Realtors B~~~~.~---~-~~ .. ~ '24.!>00 COSTA MESA 410 • 32nd St., Newport Beach 1 B. R. lnalde ~Die. ~uth . W. G. (Bill) Kempton * Jo.eph H. Grohman* Vir~~&D.IOD *Gene Vreeland* Tom C&mpbtll * (Lido Island'• mOllt experienced laltw pet'llOllDtl) CUTE 2 be-droom home. Lovely paUo .................. ::-.. _ ...... _ $24,600 kitchen with aep. dlnlnf room Rental Income PLUS 3 B. R .•• bath, Baytront, nJce on a 60xl30 tt. lot-only $7,9110. p&Uo w/BBQ -Pll!:R a.nd __ / Bl.JP ...... --.................. .RMaonable Lovely 2 B.R. A: den owner'• home, corner location 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 J BICDROOM bouae wtth tlNplace on 60xHO rt. lot. L&rr• attic "orkahop. Wltllln walltJ.nc di• lance ot atoree and catholic •cbool $U,OOO. BALBOA I BmDROOM HOUSE -L&rr-a llvt.nr room, clo .. to bay, f'.000 down wtll handle. Balboa Peninsula LOVELY ' bdrm., I bath home. 2 llvtnr rm•., 2 fireplaces. Furn- ished . Permanent view of ocean from upataln llvtnr room. Good tenn1. Coast Prooerties 1101 E. Balboa Bf'9d., B&lboa Be.rbor 28MJ, 2!>97 and 4800. .. READY FOR DEVELOPMENT or holt! tor lncreu. In vaJu~ 100' C·l on W 19th only '10.600 t-Oday. I Orange Coast Properties lalUJ'UlH, ..... i.a.-. ~ Y6T N..pon A...._. ao.ta X... LI 1-1_,2 LJ 1-1'00 S..... on Marigold. Match thia for value and pride of ownership 12x24 living room allO den or extra B.R. panel ray heat in both Bedrma. Modem fireplace, w to w carpet, venetiana, apotleq condition. Small• yard encloeed and beautifully landscaped. Rental unit la furnished. An exceptional value, convenient location. For address and price on this excluaive lilting, phone Mr. RU88 or Mr. Rayle. Frank James-Linwood Vick REALTORS C. B. Ru.sa-R. W. Rayle-Chu Travia , A.uociatea 312 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Harbor 2042 AMAZIN.G! Luxurioua old channel front home. 6 bedrm1., 4 baths, pier, 46 ft. channel frontage. Terrific view. Owner aaya "Sell Now," Only $49,600 Including carpeta ud drapea. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2821 W. Coeat Hwy. (at Port OrUlp) Claire Von Horn RJ:ALTOR (Acrcea from RJcbard'1 Market) t711 W, Cout Hwy. LI M277 -------------------- ON THlC SANO. near the surt, lar19 R-2 beach lot. J uat $22110 Orange Coast Properties Insurance, Sales, Lo&rw, Bulldeni 1857 Nt'Wport Ave., Coeta Mesa LI 8-1832 LI 8·1'00 JDvu. Balboa Peninsula ! ! ! 52 ft. lot I ! I SPACIOUSNESS lnaide and out aa1-u thil mw off erinc in a quality-protected neighborhood of flu homes. 3 bedrma. 1 % bathl. Huge patio, luxuriou.ly planted. OPEN SATURDAY 6 SUNDAY 1~ P. M. $2500 Down 2011 EA.ST OCEAN BLVD •• BALBOA 1.200 aq. Cl.-3 bdl'l'l). 2 bath home. Call SyMa Tbompeon, for preview lhowinf 60xJ20 lot, 2 C&T rarare on alley. Paved •treet and curbe. MURIEL M PINOVER Re It All landa<:apln1t In lncludln( • I a or large paUo with alldlng rlua Euy Parking door It lolll or "blc houM" rea-2e()4 Newport Blvd. Newport Beacll Har. ff10 turea. See at 1911 RoMmary ---------------------Place. Oo8ta Meaa. oWner LI 1-1817 &lltlc C-1 Zone 2 BJU>RM. older bouN, mut 18th It., Coeta Meaa. call owner, LI M7e9, ec1111 C-1 Property AT OORNER ot ltth and Pla· Cllltla, wttA I bednn. boaM and mWl 8tOn. SUBMIT ac.MJa.-. Call Liberty l-8Ml OOtte CORONA HIGHLANDS U you have a larse family you 1hould 1ee thla. In Corona lfishlanda. 8 bedrooml and den, 1 I& % p1a ~ bath. Luse back yard, plenty of room tor the children. Owner· comidor lot ln Corona HJpludl u put J>&)'IM:lll '2&.t500 RAY REALTY CO. '"' 1'-Cout H1')'. Corona del "!ar Ha1'cr 2281 \ rAGE I. PAllT II -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS .MONDAY. JUNE ·21, 1955 ...... Hltliway C•troct ~ u •U. "' RM&t. II. Golcl ,,...et ... I SAC'l\.Ul.ENl'O, CCNS\ _ Tb• btlw-. two tenlha mUe IJOQUl of A ld trumpet lft a Wowlt ca.- Jmpena.1 Hi.,hway and WbltUer So state department of pubUc worka wu •lol.n trom Thomu M. Ta· today an.nounced award of a con• Blvd .. lo l llily-MlUer Coll~Uq han. 12, ol H •t Wll.llU• ~'*•~ tract for $1Sl,200 tor JT&din• bd Co .. Of'atll'e. Coe\a M-. It wu nport.4 to po- TRAVELING ••• or SHIPPING Use Santa Fe The only railroad under one manipraent between Callfornia·Chlcap STUDENTS YISIT-GAS--CO;-OFFICES- for over 80 years, Santa Fe Railway bu aerved the Nation's 1hippers and tnvelers. --rtr"crt is a Santa fe man Jiving in your town. He h.a orily one rcuon for being in business -to help provide you with the best, most economical rail transportation to your destination. Call on him. NewP<>rt Harbor Union High School's business club members, eome of whom a ppear above, recently had an a{temoon long tour oI the downtown offices of Southern Counties and Southern California Gaa Cos. Receiving instructions on teletype procedure from Ludlow Shonn.ard Jr., ~ourtb from right, vice-presi- dent in charge of penonnel, Southern Countie1 Gu Co., are from left, Carol Toncrey, Marilyn St&nab~. Linda Lane, Dick Carter, L. L. Thompeon, club advis- or, Carolyn Ragan, Shonriard, Jack1e Garrett, Shirley Scott and Gordon Huffman. Scout Troop Honors Dutro 'It Cook-out BRINKMAN TO GET NEW TRIAL When Scoutmuter Kenny Dutro of Troop 182 arranged for a troop f&mlly ple11lc and cook-out June JO he didn't reallle that he wu to be the motll .urprised person tben. AltboUp Ule troop will eenUnlle Ill acUYIU• each week dvtng the aummer, I.he cook-out WU erTanged r0"1 a Jrand !int.le Ot \.a. H a&On U a ret•together and b ow-each-other for the boy• and tJMI r patt11 ti. • TII• boya and their parent.I pt.bered at the picnic '1'0W'da at the ruervolr above COf"On& de! Mar a.t 8:00 p. m. Atter a gTOup sing and pruen· t&Uon of aklt.a by the •coul1, Ber· nerd Pt.Im, Chalrman of th• troop eom.mlttee congratulated the pa.r- ent. on the tine record the bo)'I have made and u ked their con· tinued help ln making U11• troop enn better. P. F. Baine•. tht'n thanked Scoutmaster Dutt" 'nr bia •ery fine work u t1CoutR1. 1·r and premtnled a pa.Ir of blnocular11 u a g1fl f rom his boy11. Th' boya a1ao e11tpru114!d th,lr apprecla.Uon SANTA ANA. (OCNS) - Superior Court Judge Robert Gllrdner Friday Bet a re-lrtal date for accllhed Newport Harbor area narcotics peddler Vaughn Lee Brlnkma.n, 24, of Newport Height.I. Brinltm&n w lll face the jury agaJ11 Aug. 22. A jury undl.'r Juda'• O&J'dnar ..... unable to &gTee on the cuflt or lruiocence ot Brtn.km&n. Tiie court re- portedly atood at 9-3 for con.. vicllon. Brinkman 111·u accui1NI of ..itlng marijuana. to under- cover ofncers on two occa- aloiu. He cla.imed hf.' wu tlie victim of a. frameup. Judge Gardner reduced bail from $~ to SlOOO on the de. fende.nt who iii at lt~rty. HA'ITRESSES Botlt• -RomH -Tralle" lrn(Ular Sb•l'f'• Liberty 8-U03 OOliTA MESA MATrRESS CO. 211\0 Newport Blvd. to Mra. Dutro for her help and -===========~ cooperation and preaented' her ;::. With a gift certificate. BEQ- ford to Face Court on Run 011 from Law WATER HEATERS SALIS, SUVICIE •e•d llPAIH Joe JbJJofJ rtaMS IO Pfl CENT POWH Pk... Herbor SUO BE SURE -INSURE wtUa IUualOE 81'A.vu:Y ........ On.ly n-Harbor HT• liNTA ANA (0CN8) -P ie• Ull E. Clout Rlctiway en an •acape cbarp by N&rYin·R. Coro-del Mar ·J'ord. 21, of ())st& Mua wu de-';:==:========;: f«Ted a week by Superior Court ;;:. lud1'9 Robert Gardner B"rtday. P'ord I• acculed ot fleeing from Oran~e County JI.II alt.er hi• •~ PARKES -RIDLEY llOBTtJARY • reat on burgluy a nd robbery ,...,..,,1 o&AOW:L CHAPEL ch.,.,.a. Hla pleu on the latltr AIOUl\U have bwn uela.yeJ. until 110 llaGMw.7 -Ooeta lleu Jl9ychJatrlata' rtporl• havf' been LlbertJ B--MP lllld &-HM hC•lved. l'ord wUI be arraiped on all :;-toc~:';~d~~~ Fr1d•y. •cconf-Arthritis Conquered 'nae defendant WU arruted al~ wt th Roollenlt G. WlllUna, NEUIUTl.8--8CIA TIC A 22, of Coeta Mua att.r they u · RHEUJIATISM •rtedly robbed a Garden Grove Loar ...,._A tried &Ad proven man. The iluo wa1 tmoovered by Nmedy. OllJ7 -omc. call ~ ff d'e u qu.lnd for relief fl'Glll tltow tor· alien. a pu ea In a field nMr tartar ,.a... Arlllrttta, !II$ E. 'lth J'ord a r.ald-11ce. 8t.., Loac 8Mdl ._ Rous TtJe .. Both defendant.. an la jaU 111 Frt., t a.m. to· 4 p'..m. Moe., nun., Ueu of b&ll. I t a.m. te t p.m. SOUTtt GOflST CDUSTRUCTIDU CD. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SK.ALL UO SOtb q. Newpon Beaeh ButN,r zw l D~ATH NOTICE 1~1 MORTGAGE ·[oANS EARL bl'ITELL FunPral &ervlcN1 for Earl Llt· tell. 80. of 206 Ocean Front, were held today, 2 p. m. a.t Baltz Mor- tuary, Costa Mesa C.:hapel. Ser- v1ce11 wl.'rc concluded In the ch&Pf"I with private lntPrment at Mel- rose Abb<•y Cemetery. Rev. Ewing Hudl!On or St. Andrews Presbyter· Ian Church otrlclated. D" HDMl:a. •u•'"c•• AND INDUtrrt-.Al. ~Pl:9'T11[8 WE REPAIC8UIT PlltlVATC AND IH8TITUTIDN4L CLll:NT8 l 8DAADWICR8 AND LENDER8) P'RDM CDAaT TO COAaT Santa Fe-America's New Railroad / Mr. U tt.ell died Thuraday at hla rtsldencP. He wu born In WU- llam•t.owl\. K)'. and bad llwd In C.llfomla 32 yaa.ra a.nd ?\ew- port Harbor for uvf'n years. He 111 eurvlvt'd by one aon, F'rf'fl Ut- tell ot the home addreas; two i;?Tllndchlld1 tn and one great grandson. WI: MAKI[ NO N"80MAL aOLICITATIDfte TRUST 0<109 'IK>UGKT AHO SOU> WM. B. HOLT M0'"8A•C •ANICIN• 8tNCE 19JD 1609 M. 8USt4 8TRICET SA"TA A"A. CALWORH14 KINttE"L>' S-'7118 N. M. SMITH, T.P .A. Santa t~11 IHpot, 1018 r:. 'th 8t, P11onf'• Kl 1·5164 & IU t....ot SANTA ANA. CAUi". -~: . . ::;::::=:: :::: ::::: ::: ;:;:E::;; ::: ::: :::: ::: ::: ::: ;;; ;:; ::: ;:: ::: ;;: ;;: ::i ::: :;: :;: :::: ;::: ::: ::: ::: ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •••••••Si•••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •c• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• It's the thrifty thing to do-start saving now! OPEN A NEW SAVINGS ACCOUNT OF S100 OR MORE ••• AND YOU'LL RECEIVE- The TOM THRIFT COIN iANK is CRYST Al CLEAR-FftEE! Tom Thrift Coin Bank PLUS Memorandum Wallet Jt .•• _..,...,.,, ... .... "£Of~.~ •••• I! ,,...-v •••• _ .. ,•11r •••••••• ~·· "IJelU • ,.._ .... ,._ .,,.,. ~ ......... Otely u.. ~ _.. ......... 1100 ... _,,. -,_. Gee ,_ 8eU ~I * foch occovnt Jmvred wp to $10,000.00 ' . * Accounts ~ned by Jvfy 11, 19'.5 earn inter.it from Juty 1 * Cvnent Rate of ~ter•t 3~% JM' Annum Sern.., SoMo :.4,.. ..• 0...,.. COllMy . • • Soe.tMn. <;oli/onii. •.• Sillee 19Zl ... -SANTA ANA SAVINGS -., .. ~ lollf"•~-d Loa Al __ ...:.._....... • • ~ ,..._, \ an n ~•at1on ... · • • l416 N .Main S.... "'°'" DRls1rly 2 8806 ~«t st\\. Ampl. parking space at rwar ol Whli ... ••t•w• to pcaldng lot • N. Sjtamo,. Street • lice June 14. Th• theft oecufftd durin& .chool bourw •l AM k.bool. Meu police aald. CLASSIFllD DlltECTOIY A..PPUANCE8 -Roaaebold Part. -De&lar -8enlce UDO ELEOTatO au• \"la Udo -a.... •m AUTOllOBILE our.m New and Uffd Can NlOK:EaTZ 8TUDCB+•sa w.. 8ervkle ...... N16 Newport 81"--Bar. llt BAR8D 8BOP8 UDO S~VINO 11110 a. .......,'•Store fM' ll• IUI Via Udo -......, 1111 BEAUTY PARLORS LlDO 8ALON 0, BEA tJTY aua Npt.. iNTd. -au ... ,. BOOKS BOOK CASE Hlt Via Udo -11arMr .... CAMERAS a Sappa. VINOENT UDO D&UCM NII Via Udo --.,._ .... CARPETS a DBAPEBO:I DIC& llAOU& MJOVlaUd• llu1Nw"91 CATERING &JCllA&D'8 LIDO ••wm MU Via Ude -llarMr tlll CloUWac~ a 1a1aata IEllrB 01' UDO 0'1nlnC tn A1C"9l l'°6 N..pen ..... CLOTHING---·• ..... BIDWl!LL'B llllOP ro& IUJlf MU Via Ude -11Mt1w .... OLOTlllNG-W--'• llet&I LA llEINE ' NtVla~Ull LIDO ,A8BIONa MM Vta O,One -....._ M'fl 811A.DDOOK.'8 NII Via Ude -Bu"-... , V AGAJIOND IS()t1U Imported Sporl.w.ar Mii Via Udo -llart»w MM DRUG STORF.8 VINOENT'S UDO DSVCM mi vaa I.Me -11111"-.. ELECrBJCJ OON'Dl.&oroa LIDO EUl'.C'l'IUO NH vaa lJ4o -......_ "" n.owua &lau&D'a LIDO MAMft ~:i: ~~ FOUNTAJN, QMI. VINCEN"r9 LIDO Dal709 Nil VlaUde---- l'RAMM a AUatJm OEJUIA&DT 8Tt7DJ09 Mil "lia Ude -11111"-MN FUBNITUBE DIC& IUC&sa Mlt Via Udo -....... tal GIFI' SHOP RICllAJU)'8 LIDO ••am MSS Via u.lo -llarhr MU INSURANCE AGENTS W. 0 . BUCll, INC. MOOVliaUde-..,.._'"' IN'l'E&IOR DIJOOILU'OB8 BLANOllE nn.&&a.oM .U.O. Nll \'la Ude -..,._, .... DIClf. IUClllsa NHVlaUdo-~U .. DON OllEIGBTOJf A. L D. 11.a.n a.pen. 600 Via llalaca -...,._,Utt llAUETS IUCBABD'8 LIDO IU••ST UJI Via Udo -Banor 1111 PHOTOGRAPH STUDIOS GERHARDT STUDIO. HJI Vla lJ4o -H.n.r '* REAL ESTATE UDO .REALTl' AMOCIATES Udo Sa.Ju I& Rentaia MOO \'la Udo -llarhr 6'« P.A. PALJU:a INO. s111 .ta Udo -..,.,.., uoe VOGEL COMPAN'Y Nll \'la Lido -Bartlor 6t'7J BAY .um BEACH a1U.LT1' \'t. Udo Brfqe Ofnt'fl lllS u.•·ay•tt. -Hut.or MU SAVINGS " LOAN ASSOaATIONS l'l'EWPOKT 'BALBOA SAVINGS & W A.'° A880ClA TIO!'l A Savlnga JnaUtuUon Long Term Home Lotina Uet \'la Udo -Kartoer UOt SERVICE STA'110N8 LIDO RICID'rt;LD Nll Newport 111 ... -11.ar. un §HOES -Mea'1 lllDWt:u:~ in'OJU: roa KEX 14.11 \'ta Lido -Kartiw .... l'llEATRES LIDO THEATRE Con1u1t lhl• paper tor prorram \'t. U do at Newport Ill.._ Harttor 211• 001'8 uoo Ton .um MU \'la Udo -Haner 1166 TRAVEL ACENCIE8 JIAKIWR TRA \"P:L AOENCJ' UJ4 Newpor\ lll"d-Har. NH UPBOL8TERINO DICK MACKER MIO \•ta l.ldt1 -KariMtr 6111 WINDOW COVERING TllE 8HAl>E SHOP -Jfen .. ~ 'i!'1: I .. , IM -