HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-06-30 - Newport Balboa Press• 48th YEAR -NUMBER ~ City councll and Irvine CO. reprHentatl"M met Ulla noon to di8cuae denl.opmenl of Up- per Bay•and Ule Irvine Co. pr o pert y ·~ the l&rs'• newly aanued ar.a. Subject of water llnH . ln· creued water •tor&&'• capac- ity and uUUUM and other mattel'8 wu dlacuued. The council dleculMd the land compe.ny"a plane for Upper Bay. 1-------------------GAMIUNG? Rum, Graft Probe of City ·Worken Fails Rum, rambUnc and (Rlt-thue thret elemenll are at lbe bottom of Councilman Sandy MacKay'a motion to clean up 1egmenta of lo- cal aovemment. Thi• wu evident trd'm Information reachlnc Ule Newa·Preaa ln t.be wall• ot Mon- day night'• abortive attempt to probe ma.lluncUon of aome city employea. Tuead&y afternoon. ln • cowicil meeUnf which wu neither irpecta1 nor adjourned ln that the public and pre-. knew nothlnc ot It throu(h normal channe1a, council membenl ral.Hd the Ud of w1'&t • _ _. HARBOR PRESS NEWPORT BEACH, CALIJ'O~. THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1955 PHONE HARBOR 1616 FIVE CE.NT2' • Statement Follows Quick City Council Secret Meet Whitewash, "harmony" or "morale" -theae were the three faceta today o! city coWlcil"• aurr't'ptitloua peek be· nealli the lid of city ball Tuaday at a atar chamber aeulon ::ailed hurriedly. The meeting frantically followed Council· man Sandy MacKay's motion Monday night to invMt.igate work of cert&ln city em'ployeu at pured In rouncll ch&mben over a councll meetln,r which wottld be objection• or city hall -lkhboard open only to preu repruenta llvea. &pert.tor and the i-ouncll UMmbled MM:Kay'a motion railed by a with only th• city attorney. four·Ulree vole. It called for a "CLOSED Ml:ETDIG" court reporter to take tutlmony .- and for the council to t.uue 1ub-"'Jlil1 I• a ete>ffd meeuna. w~ peonaa. Votlna tor the motion we,. an dlacUMlna per.onnel matt~ra. Mayor Dora H!ll. M>1.cKay and Mayor Hill Informed the New•· Councilman J. B. Stoddard. Prue repcrler. He objecltd to thl1 lLDE WISHES form of du llng with publli-bu1t· W R nea• and wu cited 1tate code rul· FINAL PUCE -Body of Pfc. John WUliam Diemer, Co.ta Kea'• first eoldier de•li t-0 be returned tiere-for-bu.rial, receives full m.ilituy honors in Harbor Rest ·Memorial Park'• veterans' plot thla morning. Sgt. Lari-y J ohnaon (insert) iuuea or- dera u Long Beach Marine Barracb' firing .quad fires three volleya. -Staff Photo may be a Pandora'• Boat. DUNU AND DICE In tlme put, •-councllm&n An• drew W. Smith nambled about dice p.mu aad drtnlrtlla-on-ctty u .. by dty workers. Re wu a minor- Councilman Lu Wilder, who Ina• th\lt r ou ncll11 m1y dlf('Ulla norma.1Jy wt.he1 the preu to po:--peraonnel a ffall'8 pr1\'atrly. Ht rt'• over all hi• commtrclal publld Y plied he would lea ve only when or- releuu with lnterNt. dl11playrd a dered to. but would not be .udden aversion to new1p1permen p&rty lO any .. otl Ole ~ .. pub- ln' dl11CUNin1 *cKay·i motion. lie bualne11 which rould not ~ He juat didn't th ink the pre11 pdnted.. One councllmao .bad JIU&· 1tloold be pnl9t:ftt •t lh• PfOpoeed ee1ted new1men often remain In lngulaltorlal -Ion. rlvate aualon1 If they would not Grand Jury to Act on Mesa Probe Recommend County Clerk Handle School Elections · Mesa Sol~ier Comes Home to Hero's l1rial ity on Ul• council. Then Monday nJPt OowlcUman MaclC&.1'• moUoe pn>nd to tllOM .UokJllC out the ft'H·hour bud&'e\ M•on that where tlleA had 11..a 1moke now tben mut be tire. On• comd'"• ted&y told tlle Nwwe-Pre19 tMt tM wnn·- IN8PIX1l'8 PBOPm Y -The late W. T. Jef!eraoo, Harbor property tycoon. in 1°950 above ,pointed to no trMpualng algn on Charles C. Fipps Corona del Mar blu~ building alte. Jeffereon opposed building of bome9 on bluff, blocldnc view from hla home. -Stat! Photo .. · nntt eo.ta X.-Korean war ber boa.rd s. -Ttacecl tben wUl • vtcUm to be retul"Md h.,.. tor bur• clrlnklaS job JeH ft lal WU Interned tod&yln the Vlt· ::=. ~ :i· tJ1e ;::• :; erso1 •1es erana' aectlon of Harbor Relt dty worllen; t.b&t all~ "mboWd Alto ~ 111• Memorial Park wttll full mWtary be dMd I the~ ar Ip on •ono-. ~ ~ o • • I•• end." Re ... t ~ • ..W la ot:!r.~1~~ :.m: : = =... -::i-..:."::Way lo EIJOJI tM MCOnd Barbor ...._ mAD to be be dt-teed fOr tbltr ... .... W'llllul 'nlclma. 1 ....... , tl, returned _._ tor amt&L YClllllq for P'Ol'o pblaodllie &ad ..... o.r.a .. lh.r, and Mnleper of Diemer wu ltlli.d 1n actlOft ln am~nta. ~ pro-rttea In th• N-· Text of City Council Hand ' ... , . Out to Press Korea on Dec. t , tlOO ,.,.._ he v AI.VS ~ r- wu 111 yeara old. He wu ID the port ~ artf. died WedJleeda)' What an the facll lft the city Martne march of CbOMD Reeer· Thlnp an '°""' t.o M dH'ftNllt. ab6ard the I . I . Berlin fnroute COW\cll'1 qllk:k, acrel peek lnto •olr to 11\mC Nam. M proml-4. The c:ouncil wt1l haft to Europe. W. T. J1ffer9011 bu 110me city employee•' allfled dere- quarterly meeUnp wtth adm1nt.-been ldentlned with real ut&t• Uctton of duty? ~ncllman ~raid lknnetl, an· ~port them Hl1 offer waa dedln· other who vot.d qalnat t he mo-ed ~ore ~uncll could dl:acuae It. tlon. told MacKay he wanted to aee the char1e1 before roln&" alona With him .. Informed Tueeday Ule council would me.l at 3 :30 p.m., the N-•·Pr-council reporter ap- Mayor Hill announced before he dtparted a p,... relaae w.ould ~ l11ued, deallne with the C0011r ll'• .... ion. It appean on Pqe 1 with lnterpret.&Uon. WESTERN CANNERS . BUY WEST COAST PACKING . Loagmoor, Associates' P•chase 100..ft. Strip from Y• Camp Prior to enterlne the Mnioe M tn.U•• pe~. csi.c-what'• denlopment In Southern Calltor· A council atat.ement purport.in&' wu employed for tour yean at wronc and bow to remedy It. But. nla for mo,. than a quarter ot a to u.plala council'• private meet-Second maJ'or pun::baae of Newport Beach waterfront Knott'• Berry Farm. Pvt. Diemer h dd-.a -'ll ..... __ ._.. t • a ""• no one ... .,. y•v--.. cen ury. lft" Tue.day afternoon from which t 'th' th k led h toda h Wal wu born ln Panama Canal Zone who does not nt Into the catch Jetfer10n, w•o rulded at 212 " proper Y WI Jn e wee. wu revea ere Y w en • ~--M f allt " preu •nd pabUc were barred fol· W Cann Co 1_... hi and lived tn """'ta ua or phrue of a day'1 wvrk for a day'• Ocean Blvd., waa rupon1lbl• for low•: t er Longmoor , head of eatem · era .. ~vea ~ s yeua and Callfom Ja for 11 yean. pay. development of the firat property COUNCIL n u OTE8 firm haa acquired the former plant o! the Weat Cout Pack· Roeary wu recited at Balli Mor· In t.bM.nce ot a ltr&Jebttorward la the Martnel'8 Mlle In Newport ~ Co h ()() ! f ! ta bet • -, tuary, Coat& MM& Chapel, lut Mrlea of counll pubUcly elated, Beach, and created Meaa Center "At an Informal mHUn&' of the Ing . The deal on t e l eet o ron ge ween --..&y · nl&'ht and mua wu celebrated to· tbe News-Preu IN.med one minor on 17UI It.. CO.ta MHL It la city cou11cll today (Tueedsy) a ette Ave. and the Rhine 11 In U · per110nnel encaced In the two day a t II a.m. In St. Joachim'• ottlclal lut week waa dnmk three reported ha had juat complei.d dlecuulon wu held reaardln&' the I crow. Seller of the prope rty 11 plant• now owned by Wutern Legialation ~moving echool election.a from handa of dis· Ca tholic Church. The bugle corpe daya lllralfht, whlle another, hteb· neeotlaUona to brine Into Ulal final motion made at lut n11ht'1 th• V11n Camp Se" Food Co. of Canner11 wu In n cea1 of 200 per -d l , th . th b da l. and f iring aquad of Terminal la-er up the ladder, had been au.apect· area beln&' operated by Jefreraon (Monday ) meetlnc. The dflclency Long Bea ch. Money ln\·olvfd II aon1 not rounllnr flahermen 111111 trict achool board trustee. an P ~cmg em m e an ° land Marine detachment ,uai.t~ ed ot "chlaeUnr" at cJty apenae. ProperUM, Inc., a MW J. c. Pen-of the city ~ernment waa u -well Into •Ix fl&"Urea. accordlnJ to dock worVra. county clerks will be recommended by Orange County Grand at graveside ~rvlcea. That'• all In the put now, It .. ,.. ney lllon for the Harbor atta. amlned &Ad • .unut1on1 for Im· Longmoor. Extenal•• Improvement. of th• Jury the News-Presa learned today. However, if anything Pfc. Diemer la 1urvlved by hi• here. according to Ult council'• KESA POST ornc& provement we,. made. Mora.le. and Weetem C•nnera I• the pioneer plant. and tnteiraUon of their fll· ' . . d . ti . . 'th ll d mother, Mr8. Alda L. Zedaker of new policy italement. It'• on hi'• Toda y It wu announced In San the preMrvatlon of aood relatlona flllh packing plant In ~ewport llltlu are planned by Lon.moor further 18 going t-0 be one dn-ec Y m connection WI a ege Costa Me1a; two 11l1tera. Mra. One. J'ranclaco by lhe reelonal ortlce I between council and .~,,_. Beach and wu e11tabll1hed In .193&. and hi• aaeoclatH. J . E . 8pan11',;or lrngul11rltlu ~ported excJu1lvel7 formed Ule juror• 11Chool elecllona Mariann Hammera of Coela Mesa of the Poi t Office Department wu examined. It wu ar~ that It II the only canning plant pre-and Thomu A. Thomu. Togelh,.r ln the Newa·Preaa after the May were not handled through hlll of· and Mr11. Anna Bluler of Water-tbat • Jeffenon Propert.lu, Inc .. I.be 1realut ckJTM ot emciency aently operaUnc aad I• preparlld with Ulelr ma rlne dock Wut .. rn 20 Karbor area election. that wlU flee but were In the h&nda of the loo. Jowa. ' Lyons Res1· •ns (Coetl• ... -.... I) ({Aet ....... Pace 6) to continue It• Opt>ratlo!UI In the Ca nn"r' wlll have more lh•n 300 be up to the complalnlnc wltnuaea 1Cheol lruateea concerned. AU Two war buddlu of t}le dece-.e<t & 1porllman aervlcee or packing t~ feet or frontaae 00 the Rhine ,,.. •nd Dl1trlct Attorney Robert .other county electiona. but those attended burial eervlcu thla mom-for the tlaherman. tendlnr to Lafayette s t . The can· Kneeland. In watfr dlstrlcta, are handled lnir beneath lumpy 1hlte l"f1IY akle1 from Assembly NEW HOP·E KINDLED IN BOTH WERIE AC'Tl\'E neriu are looted In the entire "We are not dropplng the In· through the county clerk'a offi ce. ha the Hsrbor Rcat veteran'• plot. Jn yun pHt We1t,.m Canners block ~tw .. en 3pth an'1 Jt1t St. -VA11tl•atlon by any mean11," Mrs. lnvutJgatlve Committee Chair· They were Bob McGinnis of Mid· W p k C h " ~ " H J F h f "-·•· •-mbl • -E L J and ut Cout ac Ing o. bol C'OM.81!\'l::D OPERATICJ:"> A. L. Plnkley of Coata Me11a, crand me.n arry · or11yt e o ...,.,..,. wrJ.y City and Charley RUMl!ll of ..... e yman ..... roy · yon r., Jury •~retary, reported today. Mua told the New11-Prus today: We1tmlniater. 7~th Dl1trtct, Fullerton, ~t nlfht p E TRACKS REMOVAL enpced In pac)ctng ,.rdlne.. mac-Wutem Ca nnera, a.i "th,. rom• "But th• lnve1t1cat1on haa t>tt.o ''The grand jury will 10 on record A ll(hl breeze. carrying promlee announced he l1U realrned hi• kneJ and tuna from loc11I rllhlng blned oper11l\on wlll be kno,.·n. 111 .,ropuly turned over to the jury'• u attempting to work through of rain, k ept the American flag political poet Immediately. He • • wattrll. Tht Nl'wport Cannlnp: O>. planning to u tl'nd IUI opH•tlnr111 ;cllool committee." r.tr11• Pinkley legl.81atlon to l•ke achool electlon11 tw rrheRd unfu rled as Sgt. LRrry 11tart1 tomorrow u usutant am· went bankrupt 11everal ye&rll ap:o be~·ond t hr purl'ly 1ea fo<>d lo hy· added any recommendation• would control from the hand• or 11ehool John~on. NCO In charge of M"r· erRI coun11el for the Callfom la Br BF.N 11:1:.DDIOll of dollal"I and ablo lmpro\•f OPfrs· and lta plant hu lltood varant prorluru 11nd <'Ompallbl11 oper" • be mftde by lb• ,-rand jury u a bou d11 and place It under direction inf'l! Crom the Long Beech Bar· RAilroAd ANO<:latlon. He told hla There bu been IOme •llJ'ht hope Uona of the railway. •Ince tloru1. Th,. r nmp11ny al-o ·owna an•I whole. of the county clerk. The situation m r k•. commanded the tlr1ng 8quad nl'w• at a dinner meetlnc In Ger-re-generated for Ule removal of TaAca •EMO\' AL Whtn operatlnit a t rap1tclly t he op<"r81u undn the h mn111 label Yuterday morning In Sant.a II very bad now. School Authorities to flrf' thl"ff volleya Into the air. den Grove. Pacific Electric Rallway Company Under the current propoeaJ P.F.. tlf C11rl111 PRl'klng Co In frult11 Ana. the jurors held a 11..cret hear-don't want the rrsponalblllty. By A jl't. creating a huvter P"Y Lyon aa1d he notified Secretary rt1ht•of-way rrom the beM:Mtl otflclala aald yesterday that they Confused Ta I and n a-eta hlu . tng whlch tncluded flv~ Harbor piecing such elecUon11 under the ehAl"f' agaJnet lh• JeAden sky. of State F'rank Jordan yeat~rday of Oranre County. Th• hope l8 would rcomm~nd removal of lhttr --- af'('a ~rton•. Reporting on lrreg· county clerk. lhl'y will be started scu'1ded over, It.a 80Und erholng afternoon a irmail of hls real~&-k indled by the fact that Ole City Huntlnaton &e.ch main line trar.k• R overl\11 lnx, romp11red to th" pm- ularltlell eeen In vicinity of polling on the 1tra.l1thl and narrow p11th." dl&ll\nlly bfJhind during the &t r· tton. Gov. Goodwin J . KnJ(ht of Long Beach hu revealed that from Loma Ave. in Lonlf Bt"acll ate as ca•ty poarcl S l.21 111tr. Thi' monthly placu were Mr. and Mr1. Robt-rt Rf:Tl'f:R HANDLED vicn . F nrm"tlon of It. wlngio ind mU8l decide whetht'r to call an It 11 •·well along tn confertnce I lo the &n Gebrl"I River-Oranr e meter c h11 r1t"· for 11,.w,.r•1t" main· Wilson ind Mn. Frank Woodlt1nd Mr!I P inkley cnmment~ th•t I bOlly tlS(alnAt the iky caueed it t o election or leave the J>09l v1cant itagea .. el\deavor1nr to abandon County lhw. Thi.I would mf'an that ( F lk 0·11 ttnRnc,. anrl rrpl11rem,.nl. fi1t1ir"• of Co.~t.l Mesa. Sptaklnr for lhf t'lf'ction1 hMdled by the county rrllt'mblc a flying Cl'Olll. until next Sprtng'1 prlmarlea. the company track1 on the Hunt· SeAI Bead\. Huntlnaton Beach. and 0 ' er a lO·rent R y ur tu . h,. claimed. Newport Harbc>r P-TA w"re Mrs. clerk would be more thoroughly lngtcn Beach mainline alonr the Ne••port Be1ch would then be l';rieri(lrllfh· !hf rnunril. lo ,.,. J ud Suthtrland of Co!ta Mesa , chfCked arid pro~rly hrJ.ndlecl. POSSIBLE $1 MESA J.(arlne Stadium and Alamltoe Bay MrVed from lhe Santa An•· Sta.l · A tenlatlve tax rateo nt'"lt f111<'11l '"'"l lh,. $I ,~ rer .. •u1t1te•ll'fl, pru ldPnt , 11nd Mrs~ Kenneth CC)()I· "Now ll<'hool tn.1stee11 11lmply throw Marina. ton mRlnllne lnlancl. yur of 11 ()ti or Sl.1' on the c1 :y'11 w<>11lcl m t th,. 1t"nrr11.I rltr tllx t ll\ll Ing. vire ·chalrm11n or the clllunll elections Into the l11r11 of over-Work 11 pr'9'n:~y proceedlnc One or the cona ltoon• lo tl.e re· I U .O•tt,llll.81 budr:et w&i1 tht' ron · rrom n1 ln fl7 r,.nlJI ~r $1'lO; ;,,.w. committee whlrh p romOtt'd the worked 11<-hool l!Up!'rintendt>nlJI." towa rd development of the 110.· moval agreement would r~qulre 1 111~t<1 1tltuat1on tni111y al rlly 111111. I ,.""i::" mAint,.nnnr,., ,..0 w u rn on .tuceeuful &6·eent lax override. ihe polnte(dCoonu~---.a on TAX RATE IN WIND 000.000 MarlnR at the euterly city the city of Lone Beach to acq.ulre I Ct1Unc1lman J. B. St•11lrl111 d n~· I th,. lnx rnll "'"''''' It" tn J.r,.nta County Clerk B. J. Smith In· ,,..~ Pqe 5) limit.I of Long Beach ad}acenl to all the C'ompa.ny al>ahdoned right· llC'r l11 the rate <'0111'1 ht' $1 fl6 whJI~ wtlh lht' M·rent w•l"r m,1,.,. Se"I ~acb. 0C·w1y I t a ft.Jr marktt \'&lue W1lh lnform11.llnn from th .. r1ly m•n· rhMltf! 1lr npre-I; t ht rn•JO,.nt p11.r k B I• f ··E d ft d J J Failure lo rome :o 90"" ag~ the P .F.. lo retain oil and mln,.ral a:;er·e office put.JI th,. rule a..t SI 14. '"" of :I ,.,,nt~ ""''"''l """ ln 8 e 1e xpresse uran ury A l'Ul.llien ~h1ft In thinking of l 1'f'll!On t'Xpre11aed bell~f that In-men~ wi:~ PdEi ':t-:.; y~n lhu right/I a.n'1 11.ll exli tlnlf I'll k lll tl. The city fln1nr .. nff1c.-r. Gor<lcin t't nlll Whit" lh .. ll br11 rv !\•r l'IH tlll( C111<l8 MP81l City Council mey f t" rreRl!lnir the tl\x rate from the cont nu~ YAI e ~( Bae ~e op~ The city of Lonr Beach would ll110 Sickler, said no la.x r 11ts vntr-11 wnuM flftl' In II rtnll'. lh!' 4·r ,.nt H N B • f p TA p b I ( II SI t t r lh J 60 th 11 1 ment 0 am 0' y. rren be rl'qulred 10 pay all rost:o ror •clually cut the 7rM' i:01n tnx 111 rlfl\'f'rllnlng 111x wn11lrl 1h't111 tn 2 al 0 asls Or -ro e JIU l '" u . 11.X r& e or p I rropolt!. C!'nU tn . ~ m t .Wt.II construction plan• called for th' removing rt.Ha from the area and 87r Stodd11n1 told the N PWft-l'l'nl•; th,, b<ind rf'tlr~m .. nt '"" :'.\~·~ fl8C'lll f f'ar .. the city f1th· t he a nl!Wer tn. aolvlng the drain· I expenditure by Lone Beach of the P .E . would re<-elv' the Hlvs...-.. er~ Mond11y nlp:ht ronUnued the aire problem. Nell!>n revell!•d that more thPn a million dollara for . . . . .. -Prrss It wu avalh1bll' by dropplnit 1 woulcl t1rnr fr"m 10 to 11 '""nl11 "llnd Opinion that the Oranite County I t here waio no ba...111 for rhargtll bucl1tt'l hf'nring An operatlonRI the city wa 11 about to hlrf' a man , 1 1 f 11 :">A\ l APPRO\ Al. 4 r .. 013 oft with '1etrtton nf s2r1 .• thl' r Pllr"m"nl r11nt1 !Rx "'·n11lt1 1to Orend Jun· fttlll thn~ 111 no hu la 11galn1t thP P·TA th11t he col)ld j budJl"l nt -l :IPS i P6 was adopte<1 who would ipen<f majority of hi•' U'ie rer orlalll lon ° d ra bwallydl com,· The City of Long Bench -1·.,uld 000 rrom the rouncll ronllnp:enry frnm 12 In 10 r ent•. ac·tt1rr1lne lo . P .. 'f S h I I '"'t -" . I I pen\' ac t .. 11n re u nr o I .. _ h f d 3 f I for charlfta Against ti\!! nrl'nt· !!ff, " r11. ut er Rn1 r l'cou .. "''" b1111!'d on s 6\l·cent tall rate If the um~ worklnp: on plannln1t with t th t 1 a IO .,. expe<>led t o obtain t e op· un : cent. rom no waleor ni~tf'r 11 011nr1 t hlnkln1t Teachf'r A1111oc-l11tlon tor 111leged I She 1111ht th" jury ftlt ther<-wu full Sl rate goe• Into f(f~cl thi-Coftey They would be irlvf'n until brl•l ltt 1°r e ~o;:any 0 perm l prov11.I of the United St u n Navy chargt 11.nd 1·.-.nl 11avtng in th" I :'\O T A X Al'PRO \'AI. election discrepancies In the rtcl'nl llOml! huls tor ;ev111ion of t h' 11d1!1t1onnl 40 u~t11. wouhl go. lntv J 1tn 1' to complf tt pl1nnln1t on I :~e 1 eve 0 1 pml en · --~ nl'Wb prpopoEll·, for the re-routing ber1uae of the clerk'• department budit"t bo I I h I f lh I ti _. · · .. tenta t ve y &C"·~ to y . I 11 . h 8 1 0 h Thi-ruunrll lii•l not 1ct11.illv •P· llChOOI ard e Kl on w111 exprus· mec-an <'I o • t ec on prore ..... · planning anl1 110lutlon of the M""" te nd uioe. 1trl'el1 and park1 end ffl 1 1 d ... nece111 ~ to sen •e I e ea "ac CHOP BAl.i.AS('t:l'I · ed too1v bv Mrs J ud Sutherland lnrt11 1111 now handled 111 pol111 are dr11ln111:e probli-m re<-reatlon cLoomp•:: nh c !..~d ai;U u•e Icily of I AmmunlUon and net '1"fNt~ Pre· · n pro\'t th,. t ax rat "" •111tltf'lllt<I but AcU\'e In P ·TA work and one o,·eri-rowclP<I "It w&11 th(' b1ga-est During o rller .d11cu!l!l10n of r1· 1 :o\tleon reJf'rred to thl'ff pro-n1 ,..,ac w~ ~;~•y ea: nntly th1l lnatallatlon I• ..erved Stoddud'1 Jl.04! comparea to the I in a pproving th• hud1trt. '" ~ff,.,.t of thOlle who worked on the cam· 1 Khool flectlon ever hsd here." nancing con1truct1on of a new r lty po~al1t In rep rd to propoaed city I the city H Vtr& un r ou~ I by lln811 runnln&' off ot the Stan· currf'nt SUit rate. 811vtn1t• would rommll.a lu ,.>f to th~ tall r11l l'1 palgn and election of May 20. Mr1. Mr1. Sutherland explslned, "11nd hall, Ctty Mlln8Jltr Oeoor"ge Cofft y pl1nnlnr preaented by the Coeta ton mainline Inland of HunUnaton be effec-ted by wiping out d"P•r't· •peclt lcelly •u1t1ruted bv <.:ouncil· 8utherl11.11d appeared ~fore the they were unprep11red. .Jt.111, "It 111 po1111ible to flnMcf it MeH Chamber of Commerce. "II HAllOI WIA THIR 'e.&ch. mental bt.111.ncea on h11nl1 •I the I mi n Sto11'1"1 r1 •nr1 S11nrty Macka y. rra;nd jury yuterday. The jury 11 I SO ~PIECJFIC COt'NT~ If we go to a $1. tax rat~" we dfClded outa6de autatanee from ' 'th• dflJ>Ol 11 a1110 aerv11'1 via 1h• eM of thll fllll'•I yt nr, In "°m" In· Wtth the tolrll butll{"t r1gur• ot quuUonlnrt rtr.taln kt y people fol- 1 .. A• to lhf euct ch,riru a g11ln1t ~TREETS ASD t>RAISAGE a nrm of .••Pfrt.I. 11 required at coaata! lln• from Sea.I Beech. Pro-atancM. S2 041.11~ Il l, th..rt'• •rut of S2il,• lowlng complaint• rK eh·ed by Jur· thf P ·TA or the eltctlon. l do Caunr llman A. L Pinkley com· tha t lime, we can Mt l5000 u6de :... i..:•..,!-.:: .,... .. ponenll of tht complete remov1I In addition. city l'011nc11 vot!'cl j •M Th@ S2:l 4~ budit•\ r1•1~ttnn ora charltlnit d11rn pancie1. not know." Mr11. Suthtrl1nd aald. ~nted, "It "''f' go to a Sl lax for tbat purpoea.• tt.e ma,_. ..ad. of P.E. from the be&ch have con-to remove a 6-0-cent ll"r month 1 ...... m•cl" hv ta king u o.noo tmm r -TA ROLE TOl.O 1 "W• did not 11.n1wer to any 1pect· Miit , I'd niUlt'r •ee thf extra 40 llUA JtA.8ft& PMJf RIP a.w tended that a return Hrnc:e from charre on wattor m,.t~r. uit1 l\lb• rt1un<'ll 1:t1ntln1t"nrv b11clat't •nd "They ukf"d me what tht P -TA fie chargf't1.'' ct nll go irl'to •lrttl• and dralnqe Coffey l&ld a ....... .... .... 1'rida)'. ,_ 24 .. 70 to th• d•pot and eervlce to Dow •lltute .. 3·cent la.JI on prop .. rty 134~ WIUI ta ken orr .. combination did nn thf whole ramr•IR"ft," Mni. I She H id n tnora of the allepd rather th11cn 1 rlty hall." Council-been preMftted. wt ,......t ,... ~ . .Juae 2& .... tT tO Chemical Company plant ln Seal The I cent.a 11 lnclude-<1 In lhe $1 06 ur the city rink and city t reu11r• Sulh..rl1nd ••Id t ht1 mornlnr:-. "l lntr1rtlon11 ha\•e "upMt" 110me ot man Bruce Martin &IT'ftd. "llr'Mll nln1 W'OWd be ~ to ..._ ~ • .JllM M .... tT 5t Beach c:ou)d be proV1ded by link-tax rate. ,.r but!c"t Th,. IRtfl'r w11 a Ctlm· told them the lRdleAt whc. worked , the P·TA women who f,.lt thel{ and dralJUlre are Coat.a Meaa'a ..io~ ot U.. major ,..._. ..._..~, .JUM 2T .... 75 tO lq the trackap of th• Ammunl· Actu11.lly. Councilman J 8 S LO<I· blnetlon nf prlcln&' the city clerk, on ll u 111rf'd me tht \' did not t'lo lnttfTity wo que1Unnf"d .. Thf)' crlll<-al problem• now." Collnd hnaa 9"t ar.ttll ......... ,....,.. J-. 21 . .• .. N Uoe depot atenaton to the nearby dard claimed. lu t ye.e r'• SI 09 tax •till unapJX!lnt4'd on t.he flrat H I· any •lttlloneerlng s t the poll11 ,.~ llnxtoua to ~f\.tte the chars".• ~•n th• reV1~ bud~t., allced fd that .,UI 4t o...t. at ti. tu WtlClaeedaJ', .Juaw •. • IO term1n&I of the Loa Alamlto• U · rate. nrured With the Ml-cl'nt w•· arv 1tep an'tl delellon ot one 9\enl)· 0.. aenlleman on the JUI")' aalr1 11he .aid. llJ.MO, cam. up. Mayor Oa!re (0.:11 ~ -.... I) Tln1nda7, Jw JO • .. N (OM:ta•• • ..... I) t u meter charce, would be $1 19 ,-r1phrr. , • • . , 'PINK' MOANS Misses Chance for Ride with Mesa Beauty lt you happen to notice Costa :t.f,.sa Counc1lm&n A. L. P inkley I In pr<J('UA or klc:klng htmaelt ln t ht' pant~. do nol intercede. He ha.a ev,.ry n~ht. I Yuu .,, t', aboul two mont"-ago "Pink." 'f'ry firmly tu med down an tnvlh· In riolr In Huntington f!,.,.,.h :< Fourth of J uly pu-ade. \\ .. 1·n he backed out on the deal, I (\111 nr-1 lrnnn Brue,. Martin and PO-( l1u! Ch11'r Atl ~lcKcmzlt' w ere namw t•i reprnrnt the city by I .M11vor C'hllre :\'cl11on. So Monday night. M a r t I n brought up a little Item or exprnae tor d"coraung the city auto which will tote the ~le~·· ortlcta l party: length or the Huntington parade routc>. ExplaJnecl McKenzie to 1 th• councilmen, "It will c-nirt 160 to decorate th• ca r with two flower ehlelds and purchase a bou· quet for th• girl" "W ho'• I.he girl?" uked Pink. "Phyllis YBrw()()d," r eplied the chief. "To think I WIU ortglnaUy echtodult'd tor th&t junkf't," moan- e1I P ink. "Sixty bUl'ks Is chtsp tor the comp1U1y or Ml1111 C11Hror· 1 nta" Washam Named_ I Retai~ Teacher Ramon Ea rl \\'&sham h&11 been appolnled lnsll"\lclor In Reta il and Grocery Merchandlalni: al Orange Coaal Colle~e commenc- ing next September. The l\ppolnl· menl wu madt' by the Board of TrualC'!'I at thtlr J une 27 rnt'l't· Ing. Washman l11 a jl'TBduate or Santa Ana High Schnc.>I snd SanlA Ana Collt'!!I' Ht" rrt·t'IVt'll his hachtlor ot aclt nce deRf«>e from tht Uni· 1 Vt"ridty ot Ca li fornia In Berkelt"Y 1 a yur ago &nl\. 1>Xpl'cU. to rtttlve h is m1111tt'r of bu~\nel<.9 a.1mll\I· atratlon dep-ee from the 1111me ln1lltul\on th11 September. Ht ha. h11J cuni"clrrable •'Xperiem:e w orking In retllll a.n.I grocery atores or Lhe eouthlant.1 and ha11 romplelt>1J the State pro!l'nun nf lnatructlon In the field of d1strt· but we educ a tlon. At Cou t Coll11ire Wa.sham w\11 .erve u chief Instructor ln thr ne~ Grocery Mtrcha.ndlalng curri- culum to be lnauguratM next fall. Thi• proJ:'T&m of Instruction la be· Ing utabl\shed at U\11 request of bu.alneasmen nf lh• ueL Orange Cou t will be th<! 1econd 1ehool in Southern Ca.l)fomla to offt'r In· 1tm ct1nn In this lmporttuit mer· chandl11lng tlel•I. Car•lik• Crash I While rldlnlf hie blc)·~~enUy at CoH t Hi~hway P oppy An.,,M1ke Lt'm le, 12 of 1 Ht llo- trope Ave. wu Involved I an llC'· cldent "1th a car dr1\ n by E:UHbla Frutos. 26. ot Oxnard. Police H Jd thua were no lnJu11es involved. Glass Ftoat Taken A (lber glaa. rlo.>at WU •tolen frul1 under th• dock at 3310 Mar- cu" "'l'. Ph!Ulp Rapp o! 23M W. Ball• R Rl\·J. lnh1 Poflr• Sunday JW pri M lll the flo~t Is valued al 112~ • I I LIDO DRUGS HARBOR DRUGS IAUOA DRUGS , "'Oae of tbe Udo Shope.. 5301 E. Cout Hy., Coroa del Mar M6l Via Udo, Newport Beach '118 E. ....,. Bll'cl., Balboa PICNIC SPECIALS I VINCENTS ICE CREAM Hand Packed Pints Hand Pack~d Quarts Cones -Single Sc-Double 1 l Gallon Bulk 79 1 Oil.LOK SIZE PICNIC JUG . WITH SPOUT l.e(Ular $3.98 Value ~~ GALLON -~fUlar $2.19 ~79 CAPE COD PICNIC JUG --Jlegular SUO Value -Heavy Oaure PlMtio INSULATED PICNIC BAG s2. 99 • {;II llef. 98e LADIES SWIM KAPS 59c Reg. $1.29 A Yeddo Straw SPORT . CAPS ~ 89C ----~~7__,. 9' BALL . Expandt To 30 Inch• ~....--~-TENNIS BALLS T~~L~,O 3 SJ .69 ·~~~~ e 110 FOOT PLASTIC "$24 GARDEN HOSE 1'1VE YJl!ll OUllANTEZ --~~ FOR DRUGS CHARCOAL 39c BRIQUETTES 10 LB. BAO ReruJar $2.11~ Value 4-0 • BOU'k ALARM CLOCK 179 DAVY CROCKETT HATS R~~S -SPECIAL ...... -...................... -........ . Mesa · Planners ··set Mission Specials for Thurs .. Fri .. Sat .. June 30, 'July 1 ancl July 2 We Wiii le Open All Day s,11c1c1y, .hilly 4tla. SUNDRll!S Ecntmaa Verichrome 620 FAm 8a\•e & ~ta. bJ Bu)'ta1 Rolle UO-PAK ....... ····· ·-···· .. ·····-·-··85 24 HOUR SERVICE DEVt:LOPINO AND PRJNTlNO FILMS \'l!'ilT Ot'll CAWJ;RA DEPT. ~OW I• ifllo<•k lell and Howell Stereo-Colorlst Camera Complf'lf' Pack. c-. ete.. $124.50 Assorted Summer Jewelry JI .00 Plf'«'tl 591 l'll'ECIAL •.H \'ahw SAND CHAIRS · -Reclinin9 Glider Type Chair R.-d I: O rt'f'a Cann" l'laC'k lt.60 Vall.If! Anchor 01-, 2• pl~ LUNCHEON SET P'rnlt Clu•lH 0.-111Kn-18 ~·· lt.15 vaJ~ DINNERWARE SET 5 tt.-Hf'Jl\7 ~ap-R"f· S?.91 BEACH TOWELS - ~659 ~]19 .S]99 .. ~1" sWiMll#F1Ns .. .. . ... _ .. s429 ~ sAiAoal1aoWis . 4 fors1oo -.59c Giant 81-Rec. '13e TIDE Plutlr, "Ith <'OH'r-(·nbrc>akab1-tt.•c . .,.U $2'9 REFUSE CAN ............................. . ABC Beer· Reg. Cans -6 for 87c BEAT THE TAX! Buy now before liquor prices change. Save as much as . ~.80 per case plus ·usual discount by the case. * Last Day Thunday, June 30th. 100/o I ~ C'A•• "'6 HAU·OAUON •orn•• -- Ll9UOR DEPARTMENT Vincent's Lido Store Only. • . I • • GOINGS ON AT THE BALBOA BAY.CLUB By DAN BAYLESS Now that June ii dr,,.ing it.a lut gup, we look back and find that we have been derelict in our duty. Not a word hu 'ppeared here about bridM, which ii whal the month i1 al! about. Fl'Qm our ot.ervati9n at the Club, t.hia year'• crQp wu an e.xteremely !etching and radiant group. And a good thing~ tOQ -.-we an a litUQ short on the WIUal variety of' sunshine down here. or courae, happineis ls a nonna atite-ror &girt when ahe has brought such an important campairn to a 1ucceutul conclusion. But her joy, we submit, is not entirely ot her own design. Parents and friend.a who wish her well with parties, dinners and receptions contribute to her glad· neu, and there are even those radicala who argue that the bridegroom baa something to do with it. . C~1mben Induct New Officers I at Laguna Off1cera l o conrn lhe Ml'JCJ&t- ed Cbam~rs of Commerce of Or- an&• Count,y w .. re ln1talled 1\1..e- day night du1 In& an Of>l!I\ air din- ner on the ,.round.I o f lhe Feath•al of Arla In l rvme Bowl. 1natallln1 officer wu Ma,Jor General C. Jo'. Scbllt, USMC, El Toro. . omur1 Katrct wue Lee Win· U:t.on ol 8a.n Clemmte. prHldent : Admiral John R. McKlnnty, USN .(.r~t) SUI Btai:b, vtce-pruldent; R. C . S<'hweltur of Hunllngl on Beacb, trt'a1urer; and WUham GaJUenne of Huntlnrtoo Bea<'h. ee<:retary. A commemor1.Uvc1 plaque or hi• year'• 11ervlt'e wa• prel!enled to retlrtnr prealdl'nl Sehm H. Jo'r.nk· Un of Coela M~. Preaenllnr lhe plaque wu Willi• H. Warnl'r chaJnnan of the Bo~ or Super· Vlllors o! Orange County. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I· PA&E 1 THURSDAY, JUNE lO, 1955 Mr. and Mra. RJc.bu'd D\&MO\I· d\el, 1941 H~bor Bhd~ Ooet.a lilua, .,.. pa.rent. of a boy bora June 27 at B~ Hoapltal Mr. and Mre. William MUU-. 1207 Eul Balboa IJlwd., .,.. ,.,.. enta of • ,VI bom JUBt M la a-. Hoapltal Change of Deadlines. -----=--117"-----=-• for _Fourth of July Claulfled ads for Monday, .My 4tlt, wll be accepted •lltll 1 p.-., Friday, .hlly lat. When a wedding party is about to come off at the Club, members of the catering ata!f catch the spirit quickly. You'd think they were the ones who were due to exchange rings the way they go about their dutiea -faces broken out ln wide Lohengrins, whistling "Oh Promise Me" aa they work out arrangement.a for flowers, !ood, wines. Incurably ro- mantic, the whole lot of them. But this is an advantage. for no detail in such a party la too small to escape their attention. As ext.mple, they've wheeled in hundreds of beautifully decorated wedding cakes topped with the traditional mineature figures of the happy couple, And not once baa the bridegroom on the cake looked like Buater Brown. Thi.I, friend, takes some doing. OFFICIAL DOINGS -There wu a festive occuion In Laguna Beach Tuellday night when a president was inducted into o!fice and an9'Jler retired from Orange County'• Auociated Chambers of Commelft. Left to right above, Lee Winterton of San Cle- mente who was in.stalled u president by Major General C. F . Schill, USMC, El Toro who introduced Willia Warner, chairman ot the Board of Supervieon who preeented a plaque commemorating the year of aervice u president to Sellin H. Franklin o! Costa Mesa. -Staff Photo Cue1t.1 ot the Associated Cham· ben, In addition to leader11 of city and county eovemmcnLS, were Senator JoJ\n Murdy and Mrs. Murdy ot Huntln(t<>n Buch and Auemblyman LeRoy Lyon or Ful- lerton and Mre. Lyon. Following the lnel&lJ1tUon e.-r- vlcea the 200 member• of the A.a· socl&ted Ch&mbera and their cueat.1 attended a preview ahow· lnr of the FeaUval of A.rt.I. ''Too Late to Classify" ads wlll be accepted .., to 12 -Oii Satsclay, Jiiiy 2ftcl. Phoae HarMr 1616 today to place yos classified ads. There are all types of parties preqeding and following a wedding -the shower luncheon (whith can be-very pro· ductive), the weddine rehearsal dinner (wonderful t or pre- altar nerves), the d~er for the families, the wedding re- ceptiop. And then there's the tt..fter-the-ceremony dinner for members of the wedding party. Thia ia the one the newlyweds a.re anxiowi to get away from, no matter how good the food and service. , Holding a wedding party at the club, often leads to unuaual and memorable experiences. For instance, laat month a just.married couple came from Lido ule to their reception at the BBC by boat, a casting-off in fact on the eea of m.trimony. Another bride whose reception was held here decided lhe wanted to give a new twist to the old buaineu ot t08lling the bridal bouquet !rom the stairs. So she went out to the patio and threw her flowers a~ro88 the swimming pool to waiting bride11naid8. Had a good aim, too, a point t.hat wun't entirely lost on her husband. The number of wedding parties given at the BBC ia matched only by the volume ot wedding anniveraariea. Sat· urday night a very charming Balboa couple marked their ~ wedding anniversary. A highlight was that the original memb<>rs of the wedding party were able to attend. And eo, old friends stood by -just aa they did a quarter ot a cen· tury ago -to watch the couple cut their cake. Toaata to the happiness of the pair might have been superfluoua, but they were offered nonetheless. KETl&ES FROM POST-Mary (Mra. Walter E.) Cole, long-time cl...Uied advertising department manager on the Newa-Preu, i.e leaving her favorite desk for the pleuuree of home li!e here -Photo by Maggie {\~, MARY COLE BIDS PRESS ; f AR EWELL FOR HOME LIFE An aq-ume favorite ~I'll-On on UM Newport 'Harbor l'\ew1-Pr89. Mary R. Cole. clas.tHled advertaing department mana~er. put her lul Htlonal award winning clUllitaed ~ tocelhn thla week. ment on UI• Los Angelea Herahl· &xpr.-a in 1931-33. She gained more in 1939-41 worklnr with her brother, Jack Rowley. on the Pua- den&. Independent, noted for Ill cla.•tfled column•. COME TO llARBOR WlMn Mary and W&ll Cole mo\'ed to Newport Harbor In lN.1 newepaperlng aga.ln &lid 1larted with the Dally New1-Tlmu to build up Ila clualtled department. • She moved to htr preMnt deak when Ben Reddick, publlaher of the then Newport-Balpoa Pre11, boutht the News-Times and made It a elater paper, both of which are now known u the Newport Harbor Newa-Pret11. CllAS81.YIED OR-OWS During Mary·a yt-an1 with the Newport Harbor Publlllhing Co.'s newapapers the clusi!led aectlon rrew •teac1lly. Lut year bet' cla.N· ltled advertlllng-pagu took Hon- orable Mention in the NaUona.I Edltot'ial A11110ClaUon'1 annual 'bet- ter ntW11paper c o n t e • t •· All through her aerv\ce on the News- Preu htr peg-ea alway. apukl~ "1th unUIU&l clautfled &dve.rtlalng. A.llbouch Mary hu felt tb_e call of home yid aea. 1pecl'1ca.lly the famuy ketch, Salty, before ahe de- cided to retire llhe made calla on her tr1ende ln the real utate bwii- nua, telling them about the News- Preu publlehlng three tlmea a week•• or JuJy 4. Mary juat want- ed to make 1ure they W<>Wd n - member her paper. 'n!OH m&ny Jiarborlta who know Mary wul. n member the kindly. helpful aid 1he gave them on their clualfleda. The News- Preu 1t&ff will nt'ver forget her klnd, courteoue. gentle pet110nal· lty and her pnllOn&I recant for ber coll...,i•. DEATH NOTICE DF.LBERT Bl"RTOS FUnenl 11ervtcu for Delbert Burton. 76. of 373 Ramona Way, Coeta Meea . will be held 8aturd11y at 2 p.m. In Parkes-Ridley Mortu- &ry Chapel "ilh the Rev. J&mu s. Stew1rt. pa.stor of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. offlclaUng. Mr. l311rton dlr-d Tuesday night ln Ho&g Hospll11.I a.flrr a 1hort 111- ne..s. He wM a nnttve of Ovid. Mich. anti rome lo Co,la Mt'sa In 1949. He WRS a rt-tired heating en- glncl'r an<I 11 rn!'mber of Asher Mll!!Onlc lMlgl'. F' "' AM, In De- troit. Survlvor11 are his wife, Ulll:ui, ot the home; a 1luughter. Mr~. Stanley Faber, a foster 11on. C:t>or· ge t.lnrl<, and a llistt'r. Mr11, rhar- lolle Snmp!<On nil of CoRLa Mesa. 'Interment wlll br In Harbor Rt·~t I Memorl111 Pllrk Cemetery. --~~~~- UI~ dt Kamp's 4()ijk,,.,w,, SPECIALS June 30, July 1, 2 Oatmeal, Suear and Shortlwead COOl<fB •••• .,..._ 25c ,..., ,..,.., --2 • ...,_ Chocolate PICAN CAKI ... It ...... Mat)·. known w 1core.1 of Nl!'lf- port Harbor Realtol"9 u a friend wbo hC'IJ)flt put acrou their real ..iate Md rental messagH, hu succumb~ to lht' typical Xewport Harbor life. She • rttinng to dt· vote her full UnM \o hu huaband, W&lter E . Cole. her 80M, Denni• and Tommy, hrr dall&'hler, Mra. Robert 8lo11n'• ta.mlJy and laat but not leut to the Cole' a aallboat, 8alty. they IOOD began conatrucUon ot GQ -25• Udo Co" Landin( nut to Udo• I I Z CAlfl Ker new~paper career dat• ~ to when •he wu 80clt'ly e<lltoc of Ule Aahl&11d D&l\y PteN, 192&-JO, while attendlnc Northland Oollap al Aahl•nd. Wiii. She WU (T&duat· ad with a BA deJrM ln 1930 &t Ule a.itr or 20. HH rlulllfied ad- vertl•ln& exprrlenre be<'11me pro- Uno whea ah• eenad that depU\· Bndce. Later they tetabllahed ,.. ~ Col•'• Port. lt08 IA.P"ayette, for if},1 'IS-........ , rnar1Mn. IL-V~ ~ 8lnc• IMr "96dence in Newport Mlft cle Nlftl± HarboT Kary baa bee a Oirl ~ u111 .. u .'°rru UOl'I Scout leader, aervt.n&' from 1944- 47 and oa tu ,.,.oup'a tio.rd tor COSTA 1ll:sA ffnn.I y..,., She wu Glrl kout 1100 Newport llh .. CommJaioner at Ula Ume U1e clty OOIWMA Diil. MA.a IOI OoM& a.,,,. 1-4 lud far the preffllt Olrl A:OO&D'• IAO...., A •• .. OB 8oout ao... to Ula movem..t. o "~ - lhe wu oa the N.wport Beach Ill ar..twa7 elementary ud Hartlcw mp P·TA BALBOA 18UND board• for nve y..,,., aemns &JI ltO ........ """ publicity chairman for two yean. HEW'PO&T llEAOll Ja lNI M&r)' felt the eall of ------ee..t---·-•.1_. --·' • INOW ITAi ~ ICE CREAM CHOCOLATE OI VANILLA 2C::.. 33c DAIRY VALUES C-, l'a l• - For l'our Coe'~ Coeta ·-s.i-., \WI ... Opell Moe-., IVf •t11.. .._ QI VAN CAMP'S :::~ 21411. -13c '6: 10' MAYONNAISE NU,=·=--~::..:-~ .-;~~ SPAM LUNCH MEAT con AGE CHEESE HOIM&MllACU MIAf. It..._ 33c s.w hot -'°"' ILOllOM TIMI. ... 1ac flneet you Wit...... .. · · fruit Salod, Cream, fa,_, ChlYe. (tWf ,.... .,, ..,_., Cl'Ml'l\r 11 c.) BRIQUOS f:_=· 'O:. 8~ ~ 1.69 PINEAPPLE ~ 13' -13• SLICED CHEESE ~ !:: 25• AIMrtceft, Swfea, or ............ GIATm TUNA ~::::-': 1st up. Ml4lt from roc1Ac. . Dll PICKLES--:29'~59' ..... ,. ............ Plain or !Cother. ZEE NAPKINS POTATO at.S=. ':: ::•s• ~ ........ , .............. SAUEIUAUI = 2 '::' rl' • ...,. .....,, white ...,.nrovt. SAllDWIOI SPIOD ~ 35- w..ch ......... !or 21&. RIPE Ol.MS "::=-~ 2Jc llACI TU ~ 39' Canteri:My • WHITI DINNll SID«¥• ,. llOU&AI sm ... • Whl,., Green, r.och, Y.UOw (In r99. lln only). rrotecflon for youl !wry dlicbn aold ot Sa ....... hoe paued riaid 199<1flcotlona for wholesom•- TURKEY S~~~· k53 HAM No~~==.:"'"· 5 39 natural juicet. 0.Uclously mlldl • e FRANKS SOMMSrr .,,... 1 ... 39c No. 1 Quality. all Ivy eeverol ,OVM& Gt 9hfs low low prior. ~ fronb bort..cv. to f*fectfon ••. -'-ewry ovtlno o -... SeN. pip"'e hot °" Skyiart Hot Dog Rolhl ( ....... ,-== .... , .... ~ •. 49c ;2Sc Slk" leel lher .. 4Sc INaclecl Fllh ..... 1=:39' c.,...i..·.a... ........ lhrf ... ~.a.... GROUND ... , freahly ground dally from whole chllftlrt of Mledtd 3 lean be.fl Tope for ftavor in ony •• recipe. , Niil llKIM ml.. .. SAi.. -.. MY t, 2. 1'55. At WIW&Y STE ••aa mn--, .. ._.,....,, ........ _..... ......... ~ ................... ...... ~\ ~ _ ,BlVlRACl BUYS ' \ mT IUR 6 '!: 79' IHI ..... , ... Sold only In l icensed Sofewcrys. SOFT DlllKS 2 .:::. 35' FROZEN JI/ICC S,_Lf ! . for dellcl-. healthy refr"'-ent. Nf'Ve concentn1ted fron" j11i'"' YAPE ...., ~IS• LEMONADE .-... ~ 10- 0IAllCiE w..-~ I•• ORANGE = 2 ~ 25• OIAll& ·.=-":: 15• FRES11 EGGs ..... s1c CalAM O' caOP. LMOl 'A.A.' 8TOD llOt1U Daft.J t a.m. to I ~· · ( ....... JUlt,._) .................. 1722 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa PLENTY OP PARKING O!f IAJIGE PA VICD LOT -....... PAGE 4 ·PART I -.NEWPORT HARIOR AEWS.PRESS THUR:SDA Y, JVNE JO. 1955 MESA COUNCIL DELAYS. HALL SITE DECISION $1 for Council Acres Falls to Get . 21/2 Excited: Costs WOIT'f DIATH . NOTICI MUOIUc: t\lnenl -~ fw Al· but Wnpt, Tl, ot lllO Wbtttler . C..tFI...._ M•I• Gulffy • nui, lallta Ana: MN. Dorot>\y B~wer. Corona del Mar: aao 21 -1TU1dchlldN11 and 11 &TMl·IT'&lld· t"hlld~. 111 Mes•'• Death It., c.o.t& M .... wUl be be)4 ~ .W,Ced M&riM Cerpe deMrt..- mol'TOW at 2 p.m. lft Park--IU4• ftoy Cl"&ts All ... p , TuMd&y WU ley Mort~ CMpel wtt.h N-· found f\lilty ot m&Ml&U.fhl• In Sef\•lc. will be C"Onducled Sat· urday at l · p.m. at MelroM Ab~y Matlivll"um Cbi~l with entom..l>- ment to follov.'. Ball& Mortuary, Coron& de! Mar, la ln eh&r(e ot &rJ1U\lementa. Rods Cllmller ".+ P•trtcl.a Mott.r. n . ot ... t& Ana •••• trHted for C'Uta Md brulw• al H~ H~ll&l •e&rl1 Saturday momlns after Abe aid &he fell Jown ,llOme roclu at Maia Beach She told police Abe wu trylnc to clllllb th• rocU. port Harbor s.tartq ~ 'JOI t.M ht&'bwa.y death ot John Denna Lr-----------------------.... oftlc:.l&U"I'. Jr., U. ot 211' W..unuvter Lane, xr. Wncht died ln an ~· eo.t.a MML anll&rlum a.tter an extended W· Alim ubd Oran&'•S&nl& Ana SAVE MONEY Duplte abaorbang a tonirue l&.l!h· Into ~hi. a propoul thf.I year,1• ne... He wu a native of &bet· Mwllci-' Court J ;.. H . ard ~~~~;~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ln• f'rom Howard s ,_lAw -T•WJ1t n.w. Sa rl&n4 ~-cuM -to un.-~ u,..e ow coUtttry Iii ltlt. He wu a ctttsen eam-tor • probation heartnc. 220 W 'Bay, l'iewp-Ort Beach, L&WIOth n !~!o~~ . l~ cfolDuncO· ot the United 8t&t11 and a member "The h Ml'lns and Mnten~ns were On Atlto 1n.r...ce .with State Fann M""9als -uavor Claire "'elaon ,,.._,,_ ... _,, mu ey """11 "' uaYI 4cO ance ' r__.. ff --"'-•-.. tot ., pm J··•y 115 _ _, '"' ~·---the etructu.re In a o,. year period of 8Mlar1n1' ....,...e. • wu a re·. _...,. .. . , .., . Oo•ta MM& CHy CouncU to con-but could eprud It over eeve,.._I ~red mt:t:hlnlst. Ke U-~l'V1Yed 117 ~ o.nna w-.. pronoupced dead on llnue con1lderatlon o! a city haJI yura through a loan with lntereit hf.I Wife. Mt.rtaret.. ot the . bome ~ val at Hoa• ....._bytulan Hoe· 1lte otf11rf'd by Laweon and USO· ~ot to exceed 0 per cent. He add· addreu. Private Interment will be pltal Sept. 21, 190t, a.tter the ve· clatu untll next regular meetlng ed, "There'• the realletlc po.lbll· In Harbor R .. t Mamor1a.l Park hlcle ln which he wu r1dlnC wu Tuesday. Involved &rt' 2' / arru ity of llOmeChlns I.ft between our Cemetery. 1truck be&d on by Allen'•· Tl\e located on W. 19th St., PQmOnJI proposal and what the cit nffde." cruh occurred 'juet north of the and Plummer. ! -~ 1 Hunt1Jl&'ton Beach city limit• on ! Objection expre11ed by the cou.n· TIMI: 2'ATENSIO'N be paved. Ttaltlc count. an fo•·locked Coast K''"'hway. M N i.o ed t worlhl•.. lD a dynamJc commun· • .. cllmen concerned a 11erlr1 or seven ' ayor e n uk or an VC· tty like COita Me1a. The traffic Denna died ot a frontal lkull 8tlpulat1on11 llttach•d to orfn of ten•lon ot time for conlideratlon load n uctuatu da.lly u the cit)' fracture, at"ordin&' to the coroner. the 111te for $1. The allpul1Uons I or the propoal until J uly 31. included paving or half M mile of "Othetwlte we'IJ have to ect on groWI. Pnbape private enter· atrl"eta. 1tart or eonsrrucllon In the matter tonlrht.'' Nelaon aa.ld. priee cannot function like public 1 Co l bodiea. tunctlon." 1•lx monlh1. employment of lln 1 unca man Bruce Martin moved DEATH NOTICE a1 ch1tect m 16 day11 and rejtflC· thl" proposal ~ decllnl'd Pinkley Nelaon per1lete<t, "Are you ln· ..-,_..,-I th d teruted In Cnlllung ue tame!" lion to city hllll offtcrs and pohcl" i'3 '·e e Reon · "Certainly," Lawion r•phed. "A FllED H t:FFMAN anstall•tlon only. One or -thl" object1on1 or the 10 day, extl"ntJlon Thls is a ten· AWARE OY of-.'ER ! I co11nc1lml"n wa11 thAt In order to tatlve propoaal. Jt'i proper and l.8wi;on claimed thl' councilmen pave !Dth St., tht' atreet would filling a com9romj1e be made for hid been Aware of the 11te offer have lo be declared a major atrcet the beat lntuut of lhe taxpayer.. for two Wl"l"ks. but Charlc11 Te-n~d gall tax fund• ~.d. May,or But a t the end of the 10 daya, we Winkle and A. L. Pinkll"y drclared ="l"lson asked Lawson, Before we want t1nglble evident'I" of prog· ~ they httd not known of the iwven vote on the motion, do you honut· resa." 'tlpulallons until a Monday noon ly fet"I we 811 t"oundlmen can make Martin withdrew h11 ongtnal P'red1 'Dtll Huffman. 87. 1512 l..Arktpur •~e.. died Tuuct.ly 1t S&n Ant~nlo Community HOlplLal. Upland. He had Uved In Co1:9na I del Mar for 27 yl!u•. In Cali(ornJa I tor 48 yeal'I. He wu a plfilterer by trede. wu bom in Ludlow, Ill. l':'WEU CONTROi. -Twenty-four yeara of police 1•xperience is behind the quiet composure of Captain Walter Dyson of the Newport Beach Police Degltt- ment. He starts tomorrow on hia twenty.fifth\ year with the department. -Staff Photo '\, WACT DYSON RfVIEWS 24 --YEARS OF POLICE WORK Veteran Captain Department 'Best 11tinks City in Country' R~ l'Hl'l.LlS .J . .JACKSON town. lncludlng the city council. "l was i;nmjl' by thP police de-echool1 and g'eneral public, !or the pa1 tmrnt 1•nf' 11tty anl1 the chief Euler Week plan put Into effect ll n•t 1·111nmh>111oner 111ked me tr 1 lut year. "Everybody took hold wHnl• d .1 Jub " That'll how It aJI ot the problem, and that'• the way 1<t111 t,.d 24 yea rs ago tomorrow tor we are golng to lick It." he aid. ('••r l. \\'utlf'r Dy"'>n or the Nl'W· TRAINING OONTRA8T I'' It H1•111•h Pnllt'e nl'partment. Dyeon compared the preMnt· I •~~"" 11J1I I h(' worked three or day training and orientation stven r..111. \\•·l'k ·,·11d11 to brt>ak an and recnnte to the da)'ll when he came th• 11 ht' 11t11 r ted on night duty. on th• foru. '"Ibey jWlt handed H···~ bt·en nn night& f'Vtr aince. me a b&d,e, oap Gld fW' and aa.ld · I rnn't r vf'r remember worktns go to work." be eiq>lalned. "You ''·'"~·" h<' 1<11 1tl juet went out and went to work. In thMt> tlayll ~e ran the cars. All they told me wu 'brins 'em th·• l)'J't'Wlllt>r11. tl"lephont and back'." 1 ... I'"" up lh,. 11tation to mak41. our Today'1 rec ruit.II In Newport'• 1 u11'ld~ II .,. All a one·mflll opera· department are thoroughly trained llt>n 11 l niJthl " Dyl!On explained. by experienced otrlcera who work Rt;tlfSl'l ~PE<'IAUZINO w1th Ulem durin&" a prabellooary A "'"' Y"1tr11 11go wnen the de· period .. P•" tmrnt MW the net'f'llllity to put Much of Dyeon'1 work now 11 a m11n on Juvenile work, Dyaon cbecklnr the offlceni' work and ,.,., mPl1 to fit the bill. So he antlclpatlnc crime trends. "I try 11111r·tr•I nut spt<"ializing &nd atudy· to keep one jump &head or what'• ins:. .':11rrn11c work followed In rolng on and keep th• "-"power thf' 1111mr wR\', ahl!ted t o meet any emercency," 0 1111ns: \\'n1 Id \\'11r II, Dyson he M.id. Dy-on_expllJned he can ,.r ,.nt thret' yP:<rs In thr U. S. tell what to expeet lii crime by the <'"ualll G11a1 d l\ll a s1wd11lu•l inves· way a pattern begln1 to built I.IP· l•j.!Rtnr 11c11ns: pn1t ~erurtty work ANOTHER HOUDAY hl'le m Newport Harbor. Right now, he 11 trying lo de· The h1g cnptnm 1,. 110111 on the clde how many men will be need· l'\l'wport pohrr forr<'. ''l'm ju11t ed to cope with lnltflc and the 11 ht lie prr1wht'l'd." he smiled. holiday Influx expected over the "hut I thank wr havr• the bt'l!l three·da.y Fourth of July week· fun·e In the t•ountry. Our a bility end. '" i;:et 11nd prn11t><'Ute the rrimlnBIJI Re count• amonr hJ1 bobblee 111 hlS:hl'r than 110mt' 11urroundlng orchid r&ielng and pl1tol lbOOUn&'· town11. · ' Dy11on i• classed u one of the ~t'('tl AC'Tl\'IT\' beet '1hote in the department a.nd "\\'e ha\'I' a tr"m"n1tou1J amount hold11 many med&le for tlhootlnr. Cl( blit activity hl"re In Nl'wport "You have to love the work and Be11<'h 1><>c1111~c wf' b11ve m11ny peo-have a heart 'tor It," he t&ld. To I pll' with bis: nwn .. y, blf: hnme• 1ny young fellow who thlnka he And valualJl r ~ A mRJi•r hilthway might like to be a policeman. 1tn1ns: to T111rnna and San Oleito Dyeon r ecommend• he ret on • a Ills to thl" maJnr t nm!':1 11nd a c· force finJt u a recruit a.nd 1ee r11lrnt1J we h11 n•lh ." hf' 11&1<1' how he liku the work. "Many Dy11cm "'"'I the j u\'enil,• prob· fellows who go flu t lo college ltm built up '" 1t pt-nk sume yf'ar~ that •peciall~e• In police work 11to. but ht f•·••lio 1t 111 now on the ~aduate and go to work. only to dm,•n JlTRclt> "\\'e hR\'f' 1•l't1tblish· I find actual police work lan't any· I'd cont rol but It wall takf' another thine llkf' they thou,ht It wu two or three Y"" rR LO bring about I gnlnir to b.-" a Mflnlte f'llntrol." he 81Ull. The first 24 year1 are elway1 The 1•11p1a1n credlti>d the entire the hardest. \\'all!__ I SIJllMEB SCHOOL MORNING SESSIONS om OR MORE slJBllX11'8-ENTEB ANYTDIE l ll rt d I I I a de<"1111on on 19th being a major motion and movf'd the matter be ~eee ... ~~:.,.prer~as e l"XC u• ve Y '" street without running a traffic ..,, ·'~" ~ ca.rried over to the next regular cduncllman Bert Smith calcu-count?" meeting. Smith gave the 1econd. lated aCCf'ptMnce of lhe •Ile would LAWSON 8HOCKED • TeWlnkll' a1kel1 that City Mu· For Detals Cal Uberty 1-1011 lSS E. 17tb St. Involve the City or Costa Mesa In Lawson shot back. "I'm 1hocked ager George Cortey lnVl"aligate a 1100.000 bulldlnir program. ''Jl'11 It the lmplicaUQ'I\ the council financing poulbllltles for thl" city 8urv1vora are tour •<>ne, Daniel P ., Highland; •Paul G., Colt.a Me· a : Harold D., Twenty Nine P&Jm•: Richard J., Corona del Mar: four daurhter1, M.n. Rutt} 0. Lilly, Mira wma; Mfl. Loli O. Dennie, lndlo: Mrs. Helen1 M. &l.r· L L Caw.a C.ta M--. Callf. W.L ....... beyond our flnant"ie.l ability to go doesn't know which 1treeta ahould ball. OPEN MONDAY, JULY 4th E,·ery Rimra Opens lnto 0A Full Sbe Bed. Who put the GlAMOUI in the Sofa Bed? Only RIVIERA hos port ahead stylint. hcauM Oftfy RMllA designs it with a beet lft Mlncl but a eofa lft vlewf Clearance of Overloaded Sp ring Inventory COMPARE! A Mlrad. h. Compod Modern 0eti9nt Drcmk.ofly dHt.,ent-no ~ II if COMPARE! neceuory to ...,, on "rld9ft" ond upholstiery. . So good loolcift9 you wilt be proud to .,.. It !ft ony '°°"' of yrwr hOUM. No sofa bed 9¥., hod 1Udi c+.a.. linet, IUdt beauiffuf proportions, Midi tolid comfort. The Mpc:wat. innenpr'"9 "'°"'911 h d..igMd by Rivieto fOf luxury sleep. Remember-you to-.. when you ~ direct from Ai•lefo, the Wesr's !arvest MOftufoctw., of tonv.mble fwmtvre. COMPARE! Modern Love Seat Special! Only a few left. As low as 1v ... , ., • ..,. .... bed tomplete with lifetime U.S. StHI ltftlt. ..,...., IMeN Mfa lted c e "' p I • t • wltt. harcf· weM ......... fw. tw.ry IMeN ..fa IMd eetftplete with Mporat• .. ,, ..... ...tWeM. ...,, lht9"I .... IMct .,.... .............. fi,...,.lp ......... 405·407 E~·4•h St. SANTA ANA~I 2·9462 421 I. 4 .. St., LOIMJ ..... s 50 $5 Down Delivers h t Payment In Sept. Other Sizes Sllthtfy Higher tt•.so DUI .. m .n ........... SOFA BEDS SOFA BEDS SOFA BEDS s139so ~17950 ~19950 Pt.JO no ..a i... MU0 '2ft _. ... ..... ,.. .... "'' -...... ............ -......-.. _....,.. __ .... ....... ....... ....... AMAZINGtr NIWI ITAn UHOLY ,,,,,_. "~'"' RIVIERA CONVERTIBLE A lOVI 11.411 A CMal A -LtNon. iftotMI llOt • foOI ' PllCll •s,. --. ..... ... Ev,.ry Riviera 90fa bed eustom·mede. II "tyle& in hundreds of fabrics and colon to ch008e from. KlnJt, double, bed, ~t and tra.lwr U.. avaUabw • • I Fotglt "sclwcn to Hancll~ Hot Point Products S1 MESA TAX o..uaee. trom ""' Par rate •urplua Uae •mount on hand tor a1.1ch pu.rpoeu, i112,ood or one quartn o.f .lbe tol&l drainllS'• coet A Newport lfeach itore took could be raiaed Ule flnt 'year. Out- over &nother national llne when lined dralnace proi;rarn for Coat.a Me.a totalled S•Sl.680. Yorgit Hardware wu •.j>J>Qlnted "Drainage," Smith Aid. "la tM dealer Cf( Hot Point product.I In this k•·Y to bulldlnc the city." Spe&kln&' a rea. Forf1l will carry a oo.m-\1..1 a t&XP4lytr. Smith added: "lt plete line of Kot Point r~trlcera· we're ••fir ro\nS' to h•,,. atl"NU tor11; wuhera, dryen and other In the city, I con.alder the tu ratl' appliance!_. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I -PAGE 5 THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1~55 Council of Lonr Btac.ai by City Mana.ger Ihm VlckeMI. 00l "1''Tl' WOK& DEATH NOTICE oiu-inr th• past yee.r Oranc• MAY w.u:ru DA\'18 I Countlan.e through thetr chambel'9 M.n. May Wal!H' Davia. u . died lest laked Goods .. at Savory Bake Shop J.:We--b&~ ·been-uudoua to ot>-i. the way to aolve It.'' ~~t;Ja;~--ta&aF•Ma-~ "C~ <lral~~'.....KH< "'c&UM o( It• outatancj.lng qual\ty eliOii. U JiiijOi't&llt ot com mt'rce, A1110Cl1ted Cham-thts morning of a heart &ilmt'nt ber·e ot Commtrce a.nd Ora.nS'e at the home of her eon. LeRoy C. County Coast Auo<'iatJon have Walt.le, HO Eaat 20th St., Coat• puaeu reaolu1lona demandin&' the Meaa. She wu born In Brld~ rt>moval o• t rackage from· the port, Calif. and nielded In Balboa bea.cht'a ot Orange County. A.ller•· for 110m• yeera wlth a •cond ton, I Uona b&\'e been made thAI.. au 11&1'-JLJY~ R~ . .,,,_ 1 >ttn ~ ~ Cliere tO:-QuJ.nry Wtth ht-r •e<'Olfl1 u well rt'ndt'rt'd by u~e of al· t)uaband. Attl'r hie itrMlt In May J temate l'OUtu. F'or tn1-.nce. New· ahe retuml'd to the Harbor art'&.. I port. Beach could be aerved by UU· She 11 alao eurvived by five grand- Uutlon of the St'geratrom Oroth· chlldrell. ~~I ..&Od.att psUflld.ilLU\tas_obt&Ua· foundaUon ot a hol.Lle." • ed tb• line for our · •tore:" l'orgit IN~ IN T~ • FIMSt ...... atated. Tht' 11tore la open -11 day "lt wW up t.he loe&I tu rate • lest Plft0 • Sunday and week_d&Y• trom a a.m. S30 or iio," rtnk.ley w.med. "That • to 9 P m wW add a gTMt blr whopplnc to- Hot ·P~lnt appU&nce. will be fee· tal to c:IU~ tu bllla: even tu~ ln a clg&ntlc Fourth -at July t.houf." lmprovlnr the city IO per 111:11 F org1t ta 1tig1n(. l ~ at ore .cent. era warf'houae1 on the former San· t.a Ana Air lia.se property now at'rved by th& P .E. Thi.I would per- mll complete removal of rallway lrackag:e on the 1freeta of New- port Buch. Servkea will be conducted at Parku-Rldley Mortua.ry. Costa Meae. at 2 p. m. Oil ~aday with the Rev. Ch•rlea F. H&nd otflcla· tlng. Interment will be ~aide her tlrat h.uaba.nd In the cemet~· al Brid~port. • lreakfast Rois GLEAMING NEW MODEL -Mrs. Al Forgil of Forgit's Hardware admires the new Hotpoint "Eye-Hi'' electric refrigerator-one of many new Hotpoint appliances which the Newport hardware merchant is now featuring. Store baa announced tak- ing on the Hotpolnt line. Clubhouae. l'il!I W. Bolboa Blvd., for a l!l11·week term. Personal tutoring In high a.nd ju!\lor high 11chool 11ubjert11 wlU be JEFFERSON DIES Continued from Fin& Pace Tutoring _oeens in School Balboa gl.l.'en w:Ub l!p.J!Clal attention to bi· w,ere the i1ucces~-ful bidders for the Balboa Tutoring School, run by ology. geometry-a.lgeora. armime-.cO'nitr'll<:1ton ~ &-poa"..a.ff1ce bull~- t ic, Span ish, reTl'lf'dlal reail(ng a nd 1•11g in thal r •[a.•u '"'rnter. r AA&· -Teresa and Vernon Palteraon. gels 1 1 , " ~0n '-.uv.; irpelllng. h s tory, typ ng and Eng· tlon will bl' on the West side of :: - tln-de_r_"'_'a.,:y_Tu_e_8d_ay::.._1_n_th_e_Eb_ .. _1_1:.,1_111_h_. _______ ....;;===: Or angl' Avl'. between 17th a.ncl 'Sparkea SL The bu1ldlni.: Is to be leaiied to the governmt-nt for Hi Too Late To Classify year1t. ' J e!!erson haa been credited with ---------------------------1 m11 klng and losing hair' dozen for- -!8--..'\ituatlom Wanted CLEAN ING &: f RONlNO by the day. Expt'rlenced. Balboa h land preferred. Kl 3·6096. 72p74 tune11. It wa_, reported ·lhat when ~G.-Autos for Sale he and his l'X·WIJe wo.>re divorce.! 19!11 HILLMAN SEDAN low mil-In 193S _th!\t s-he J:'&lned a t1ettle· e11ge. Ext'ellent r nndJtion, $500. ml'nt In rxcess of S 1:),000.000. The .M r. J aml'll, Har. 2047. 72c77 j Farmers and Merchants Bank of · LWJ Anjl't'll's t.1 admrnislrntor of r A ·I <.:OOK A Catereas. colored. Exct·I. re!. Health card. Own transportation. Uve ln. E. Flet- cher, 401 S. 33rd St., San Diego. S.-lmont 4·1896. 72pH her estate. She rcsltle11 In a rest 42-TraU.-rs I home. l.S AD\T.RTISJNO ti p AN-AMERICAN* W. T. Jeffer110n tor many years wu In the advertising agency !9-Help Wanted Paramount-Terry bualneas and prior to 1920 WU • partne.r In the fJnn of Wuey and Jefferaon. Jefferson bragged that It wa1 he who coined the tra.de· mark1, "The Ha.m what Am." for Armour &nd Company; and "Little Cook'' for Swift a nd Company. Waitresses Exeprll'nt-e'1, 21 yrs. or over. '5&--45' Pan >•mer. I bdrm. - A B UY. '5:>-18' Terry-SPECIAL '52-27' Mobile-Tandem-bath. Rob't Hill's Chef's Inn 3201 E. Cout Hiichway, Corona dPI Mar. 72ci-t MANY MORE -Ea11y Terms Presently the firm ot Jefferson W OMA!\' OR GIRI.r-Cap'able, to BJ111l11t with Bpl. howse ck anlng wrek enrls thl'JJ July & AUJ.."'USL TOP P AY. 10-I E. Bay. Ba lboa. 70c72 SO-M lsccUaneous BABY Buggy, T<•eter babe, ror 11eat. bll1111lnell. wtingt•r t ype Port Orange Trailer Sales 2200 W. Coll.St Highway Phone 1.Tberty 8-4420 Newport Brai•h 72c84h 48-A-Apts. for Rent Z BDRM. furn. a pt. wllh xtra bed av11llablP fM J uly. 1100 pn we1•k. Har. 21.§1 -:lfl)~ 72c74 wll!lher. JO gauge shot gun. Roll· 162-Rt'al Estate a-way bed. reasonable. Kl 5· 1590. i2p~4 33-Boats, SuppUes $7,950. Nrw 3 ' bdnn.. hwd. floor:<. 283 Avocado. C'o~ta Mesa. Ph,.ne Llber ty 8-7807. 721fo NEW H FT. ribless plywood bout. rl\Mly tor gla.11fng & pain t. Sl i5. Jim Schnelder. 1049 Federal c osta Mesa.. LI s -1H1. 12pH 'Commrc'I bayfront 12 FT. CARVER-Craft . fibergla&'l· I APPROX. iii ft .. lndud~ll marine ed bottom an'1 bow, lltl.'rrlng • ways, h<la.t 11hop, 111oorl11i:s. i::x- wheel. S225. I ct'liPnt Newport lncntlon 14 H. P. EVINRUDE motor. r1-gaJ. SS5.000 _ full rm cc. · pres!lure tank, $\i:I. . _ SMALL Sall boat complete with I\\ ntt• ownrr. r. O. 8 011 91 •. Br11- 11a.11 &. dolly. $l 50. boa . C'111if. 721054 121 G11Uld Canal. Balbru tllllnd. F"Rl\:'ISHEO rl I 2 I d H r. 0284-\V i 2ci 4 '-~ llP ex. >e rms. a · each. 1"1n•pl~e. Dbl i;nrage, MIGHWAY DISPLAY AREA Goo<! l11c111ir.n, ea.st ~11it• Co~ta avall11bll' tor good clean bo11t11, Mesa. ~li.000. Ll 8-7281 priced to 8(•11. 72p84 ROBERT VAUGH A:-1 & CO. Phonl' LI 8·7805. 72cH I 4 l.,OT CORXER. home ha .. 2 b<'d· rm11. JZx2 I dl'n. I Ox.1 1 L R. l 2xl3 entn· & l lh:30 lnn11I. new- ly built. . 1-:m .. ty Inn· Ii<• a1wtl gar· olens n ntl f111n llv "rch11.rd. 2 fl~pll\C('~ & FA .ht'Ul. Fenced. P rnpl'rty t•11n be bulll up with 3 rl'ntals \n tho11t spoiling pr1· vary S3ri 000. I.nan c-ornm1tl- ment $1~1.000, Owner. :\f. v .. r- trees. 420 1;oldl'nr111I, Corcma ch'! M11r. Har. 29 l·R 72c84 S4-Muslcal, Radio, T V 17" Console Televi!!IOn 21" RCA Victor coniiole with tull remote control. rct1ur ell $121 ~CA Victor High Fi<ll'hty phono. M11hog. full <1110!'4, re<!Ored ..... ... . . SlOO F . M. Ta ble rath'll!, onlv $29.95 TV Renla_la ~ Service Tarter Television Co. TWO LOCATIONS 190. E. <:out ffy., r omna drl Mar A 274 Br(>lldway. Laguntl Bn<'h Ph. Har. 11491 or HY11tt 4-!'il\16 72ttc B::GJ: J_ A I• ID ~QAM8 -F or a de»endable used car. ate your local dealer who will be here TOMORRO~ to '.back up what he ~Ila TODAY! Chl'ck th!! U!!ed c&rs Jn the cla!!!!lfled 11ert1on to- de.y. He" WWER cosr PACKAGE BUltOtNGS GLUED LAMINAlf.D ME.MSERS, GIVE CLEAR SPlo.N, AfFOQ.OING GQE..A.T STQENGTH AT LOWER C05T. COMDLE.TE &UILDING '"11.1Tv OELIVERE.O TO JO& SITE FROM tl!I PER.SQ.FT. OR COMPLETELY ERECTED, INCLUDING SL~&. fQOM $ t !I PER. $Q. FT. fOA. COMMCRCl~L. fMlM.~ INOVtTRlot.L Ult. AltYW!NlfM IN MJ. CM.IF. ·-.f will be open July '· It 1a h•d· City Attom91 Donald Dunpn quutera for Fuller P..&1.11ta wall· a.ailed to •peak u a taxpayer. He paper, plumbing aupplln, 1 appll· wd. ''I'd be happier to pay •o ancei, hou~hold hardware• and centa more. We Incorporated to ob- toolll lain better aemr.ee. We a.re pre- • vented from g-ettlnl' better aer· A slogan t\dopted by Al l!'n.r(lt Vlcea throurh th1I bulc problem of tells his merchandising 11tory: "We tbe city. I reaent pkylnc 60 cents carry everyth ing you might expect. and setUnr lltUe. I'd rather pay to !lnc.l In a good hardware 1to~ U and ,et eomethlq tor It." and a lot more." A.a outlined by City Engineer Don Southworth, bl&'re•t dralnare TEXT OF CITY expeiue wouta ,,e an open ditch along Harbor Blvd. and the north city llmlta. With llnea throughout Continued from f'ln& Pa«• the northwe1t area of the city run- ts obtained whl'n the council hu ning dralnare waters Into the complete r onrldence In !ta appoint· ditch. cost would be $2~.000. Thia ec.I orficlals. The unanimous opln· la In drainage district No. 9. Ion was that these o!ficle.la con-Other dralna&e dlatrlcta and es- tlnue to have the council's hlgheat tlmaled coata Include A.nahe1m S L, confidence a nd support." • if9.000: Santi. Ana Ave .. $120.000: When Mayor Dora Hill read thla E. lSth St., $1&,000, and 15th St. tat , • t th N p h and Orange Ave .. $10,000. s emrn, o e ewa· res11 a • S th rth aaid h U1 ht th wa.s told it could be Inferred It ou wo e oug e killed a~y tuture city emplpyeea' county would be Interested in con- lnveaUga.Uon by council 11 pre· trtbut.lng both to the northern sent ed Monday ntght by Council· open ditch and Santa Ana. Ave. man Sandy MflcKay. She agreed dr&ln&l'a conatrucUon. tha.l ln!erence could .be taken. TEETH THAT Bfll!: NEW HOPE Councilman J. B. Stoddard a.d· \•l.sed the News-f'resa that what Oo•tlaaed h'OID Flm Pap a ppear• to be a. bland, Innocuous tenalon of the railway. statement .JClUil.lly has t('(!.lh. He POLITICAL PROJECT noted It expre1lllea confidence In PoUUcal conAlduatlona puuh ... l}le appolnlcd, ortlcials. acting city ed In the mulWaced dea.l would clerk. trcuufer. mllll1lgu and at-be.; wtthdrawl ot oppoalllon by t orney. The atalt'menl. puts a.11 Oil Lonr Beach to-ore lJropoHd aban- record, he lnd.l<'a ted that theae of· donment ot the big red car 1ervlce flcla.11 have council confidence and Into that city from Lot Angelea; in .eff11ct orders the manager to penniaa.lon ot Long Beach for the straighten out any unbu$lne11sllke rall car eervtce to be replaced with behaviour by tmployeea wherever buaaea of the Metropolitan Coaeb he finds It. • Unu; 1upport of the a ppllca tlona Properties, Inc .. 1, Involved ln llt- tlgatlon &nd corporate disagree· ment between the prlncl!1als Wal· ter Burrou.1thl!. Don Huddleston and the late J efferson. Involved In the litigation la a. reported htlt million dollars ln value. JefferAOn la survived by a .aat~t. Miu f,<a.e Jefferson ot Corona del Mar and Puadena; & d&upter, Ml"I. Charles B. Sciovilla Jr., •ol Carmel and a grandd&nS"hter and grandson. The grandson, Jetteraon Scoville, haa been engoa.ged In the Ora.nge Coast Publishing Company ot which Je!teraon wu a prlncij>al owner. of the utility to run Its linea onto the treeway1 into Long Beach trom Loa A.nselee and other polnta are In and completed. Agreement by Long Beach to acquire the llnee a.nd right.a-of· way of the Pacltlc Electric pre- aanUy on American Ave., Ocean Blvd. a.nd th• M.lt bank ot the Lea .Ancel* River between Seven· th St. and Ocean Blvd., Lo.ng Beach. Th• city would qTee to remove ran. and Uea and give the aa.lvage to the company. Eall· mated money to be p&ld by Long Bea.ch to P.E. would be approxi- mately $860,000. The t ntlre deal hu been reported lo the City Huntlnrton Beach la aerved by the Inland ex.ten.elon ot the Slan- t.on mainline which hu a •iiur r unning to the)!eal Buch Ammu· nltlon depot and Into Seal Beach. H the navy would permit use of thl1 line u main trackage for t hrourh ahlpent.a (which la now being done) there would be no rea- aon why all track.a of the railway on the bt'ach could not . be re- moved. A return from the Sul ~ach Ammunition depot to the Loa Ala- mitos 11pur would give • double e~try to the depot . The Loa Ala· mltos Llne, If extended, could alao 11erve the Dow Chemical Co. plant e.nd permit rt>mova.l of the Pacific Electric trom the heart of Seal Beach. There la pruently ready for the Govemor·a algnature ·a bill which lncludea money for the acqulslUon of Bot.a Chica Bead\ I Tin Can Beach) between Huntington Beach a.iid Sunaet Beach. One argument by tbe State Beach and Pa.rk Com· mlllllon aea.tnst llCqullltlon of Bol- H Chica hu been the ex latence· of the railway tracka on the prop- erty, narrowing the uaeful a.rea. GRAND JURY Ooatlllued trom P1n& ,..... Mn. WUaon reported •he and her hutb&nd ''8J>Oxe our ·plke'' In yeaterday mornlnl'• aecret hearing before the juror.1, Smith and Knee- land. She joined her huaband and Mra. Woodland In eeparately re- porting on obaerved election lrttS"· ula.rltle1. Tbe jurora hUdd.led with Aal.1t- ant Co\llllel Oeor re Holden and Kneeland at 9:30 a.m. yesterday ln·th• c-0urthouee. Th• aeatlon end- ed at 12:41) p.m. At that time, the jury adjourned untll September. Meantime. the N e w a • P r e a a learned books t\re 1llll being audit- ed. on eo.ta Mesa's Fairview Fanni Water Dl1tnct, a jury probe reported ezclWllvely Mon- day. RecommendaUon11 on the Or• ange County juvenile hall, vlaited un&l\.nC1""1ced by the jurora lut wt'ek. are not yet tonnulated but co.n also be expected, It wu re- pcrted. INF~'T 8XJLA11."JCB F\lnt'ral 1ervicea tor the Infant eon of Lt. ind Mra. W!llla.m E.' SmUanlch, 137~1 Wa.ke A\•e .. Santa Ana, will be held Saturd&y at 10:30 a. m. tn Parke•·Rldley Mortua.ry Chapel, Colta Meaa with Fr. Oohen.ey from El Toro Marine S.se ottlcl.atlng. Baby Rjcha.rd Michael died 18 hours after birth l.ri Orange County Ho11plta.l. ln-1 temit>nt will be In Holy Sepukhre Cemetery. &!sldet his paren~ he 11 aurvlved by a al.st.er, Oebrfi. liuings Have Girl We Also Take Orders For Special Occasion Decorated Cakes 2 Locatloaa SS29 E. Coast Hlgbwa7 f1orona d•I Mar 1246 S. (;088t Blvd. • ....,._ Beecla Mr. an!! Mrs . Alv\n BlulnS'a. 1999 Maple St .. Costa Mesa, are parenta ._ ___________ _ of a girl born June 2<l al Hoag Hoapltal. -It pa.ya to read UI• wa.Jlt ad-. ' FREE tor"" hanl-of·IM• .. ''OPEN~EAR'' Sbnil1r Dnke R11'i1rly Abrisetl ~ Odlers for OM A •~WILL etn ... • .,_ •• -of ............ lleome ._ .. cov...i loy O ciollo....i OI pon\olly colop..., ovclitoty ,_I. 1"" llMple, -·-"" ff¥1<• -y help .,.., "' """'9¥04 ......... loy ,_nit\, ....... 1. Hffl IS fHf usr NEWS --wlll -~ """"° wMIH>vl .._ "0Pat4A•" t-<-' ••· ........) ...... 09olol.U.lllM-. If )'OV Ole -of .......... COii """1• • IO IATTllllS • IOT 1UC1'11CA1 • 10 cons • IOWllTTOIS • IO CLASSIS Mftelll b.y lb -· .... "Of'at ....... • ....... lo de¥icol ,........, 04-tieecl • IO IUI 1A11S ·Will IOT WUI OIT ....... l>y .....,. fot oo RWdl ot S1'.9S, 11 e ~ oltoolutely l'tllS OOME IN---Or If 7ou C&llllot poeelbly COIDI la WILlTE or PRO~ US. We wUl come &o 7oa. H. DALE RATHER HEARING .AID SPECIAUST "THE BEST for LES~ for the Hard of RearlnK"' IOt ~. Main l'anta ADA Kl !!·51Hct N11mhtr eight in a series: BUSINESS LOANS ••. SURE, BUT LOCAL TOO'! Here's another way we serve Orange Co1.1nty • Last yetr, our bank made 7,507 business loans in Orange County, totaling more than $25,300,000. These loans were: made to people in business who needed help to expand or to people starting a new business. Decisions on these loans were made locally by officers of Bank of America's l 1 mo<lcrn, fully equipped branches in this area. This is another way Hank of America continues to senrc: Orange County. 1luuk nf Amtricu· 'I NATIONAL r!~~TN'~~ ASSOCIATION .. [•0 U r[Dl UL D.J PE 51T IN SURAN Cl t UPD OTtDlt .r BANKING THAT IS BUILDING CALIFORNIA ••• banki'}g that ir h11ilding Orange Co!lnty ~NAHllM llANCH uo , ... Goftlw 5tfMt o. r. "--· ,..,, IALIOA llANCH 61' f•d lallooo lovle.,,,rcl H.M."91••.#let· FULlHTON IUNCH "'"••lge o"d Spodro H. N. W•r•n, Mgr. LAGUNA llACk HANCH 190 Coot! '°"'••ord Sov1h• H. f. C...Wo rd, M9r. LA HAHA llANCH NIW'°U llACH IUNCH OUNOI llANCH ,LA(INTIA BRANCH aw .. '~"-1.K.....,..,. SAN qJMINTI llANat .,. ....... c..i ...... L A. W\11..._, ,,,,,,, 102 Ho<1h oiou•fl Slf ... o. Zlw-tcl, J< .. Mgto. Wett So1Ho f • It "'•nve l . M f••'•", -""9'• · SANT A ANA llANCff IOI ~ Mol11 ltfMf 1. a. w,1,i-r. v .. ...._ & ,,,,.,. YOHA LINDA IUNCH 6102 .... lh ""°'" Sttfff ......J.'-.. "Wt· I -. - -- iAGE 6. PART I -NEWPORT HAAIOR NEWS.PRESS THURSDAY, JUNE lO, 1955 II . . . . I I _Alnnbuncing •• 36 Piece Set Stainless Steel Dinnerware- Absoluteq Free WMa You PwdlAM tllh Botpolnt Refri1erat~r. • Over 11 Cu. Pt. C•tt•clty • • • Ol•nt 121·1119. True ,,, .. ., I Ht're'• convt'lllence plu.t -Hotpolnl'• greM new advance-designed combination that put1 mo1l·U1ed tood11 at ea11y·reach t'ye-hlgh level . . . leut·uaed tood1 In roomy separate freezer below. And lt'11 the only refrlgerator·treuer th•l roll• out tor euy cleaning, floor waxJng and decorating! Check All These other Features, tool 1 Two aeparate eoolla~ 8)'stema i Frost-Away automatic defroet- lng S Idea.I humidity for fresh food 4 Hotpolnt Dairy-Stor la door 6 Deep. aluminum door shelves 6 Glide-out Frees.er bukrl Terms Arranpd to Sult YOU ·DISPOSALL - Food wute 11 palvert.ed ud fluhed dowa the drala ••• out ol J"OV Dfe forever. • It's Clean • It's Odorless • It'• Safe • It's Economical HOUIS: I a.nt. · 'ti t p.-. W... Days • • • •. Yours-for only a small amount per week or month; . ..................... ONLY JO JNCHU WIDI e IOfA•OllLL-...... lfytit ......... ,... .......... •HP•,... cauo••-_.,,.....,..._....,..,.. •fltlln COO•ll-•ltti 1k ....... w...-... • t1a1 Cl .. tll -"'•••tic ................ . ._. ..... _ ... ......,. ....... ~ .. - •OOLHM UHl-.i•1·I• ....... .,.,~-­....,,. es3499 s WI WILL II-OPEN JULY 4TH. Wash Auto- matically with pushbut- ton M8e ••• aU fabrics ••• gently, safely. Newest aad • WATIRHEA~ ................. ..... All thf' bf!at c-ln· to tlle watt'r . • • not up a cllJmaf'y. ?Ii o rumn -put It anywh""' you want u-nJ01 all t'"-hot "''"' you want, aulomatlf'&Jly ! ~~~~==~;;=t beet wuh-"111 rime actioa Only Hotpolnt GlvN \'ou ,..,... with Rubber- Flued Aqua- tator and Deep Overflow RlDM. All Porcelain fin. lsh, Inside and out! Dry Aat-0matka1l7 ta a•ua-pu~ wull· eel -air breese ...• tu better U... outdoor dry- lq ! 8eaJed Ac- t I o • e Umlna&N C011tl7 U(IJ \'f'Dt. Automatic h e at -trol for au fabrtcs. No ,_ ••• d'911, ..., .. Terms "MaCJIC Circle Heat" SavN ffNt S.vett Monty MUllon1 I ,. DePf'nd OD tt! PriN'd .. low .. ssa•s OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY 2205 W. BALBOA BLVD. NEWPORT BEACH -HARBOR 116 .. .. • • .., • INSTALLATION Lt1NCHEON -Officers of the Wo. man'• Civic" f.eague were inducted at a ,luncheon at Villa Marina, final ae•ion until fall although various • eommitteea may continue to function. Left to right are Mme.. Wilfred Berta, vice-president; James Van Dyke, .econd vice president ; Forreat S. Allinder Jr., Civic League Inducts Staff president ; T. Duncan Stewart. retiring president; Frank Karg!, treuurer ; Kenneth Cooling, parliamen- tarian; G. A. ~ooper, secretary: 0 . G. Howell, correa· ponding secretary; A. S. Brown, historian. Not in pie· ture ia Mr.. William Kirkpatrick, auditor. -Staff Photo N l::WPORT HARBOR BETA SIGMA PHI, Ku Epl&n <laapt.r, bu Mlecttd the Tumor Clinic at Hoag Hoepital u it. philanthropy. Here (1 to r) Kia Karth& Oehlerking, MCOOd vlce Pte· aident of the chapter, Joob on u .Mn. R. L. Bacon, hoapital administrator. n!!Ceives fil'Bt payment on pledp from Kn. C. E. Hardin, treuurer and Kn. Jame1 B. Taylor,· junior put president. -Don ~ Photo WIVES OF ARCHITECTS Costa Mesan President of New A.I.A. Auxiliary Mn. Kermit Doriu.1, wtte ot a teet., to ...ut la ~ U.. Co11ta Me.a& arcbltect, wW lead 11•"eMAoa aad ~t of the newly orpnlaed Women'• UM pnt d 'II, and to atimulate a Architectural Lotacue of Onfte'• ~ pubUo mter.l in. ud Uft• County. Mn. Dorlua wu ~lected dentaDd1nc ot, lbe ardlit.ectural prealdent al th• aecond meeUn1 profUllllOft that It may M of mon -Cheek cau.tfted Dl•play for out· It~ Mrgaine ln uMd care. ' ·' • ' ~ ' " ·le :·-.u.u· 11•'·"'*" r-,..... will "'" pubt-"ed Mun~. • Wectneeday. f'rlday. ~11•1•• iban::,..t ~ ~°"' . . . . • GUNDERSON DRUG 111 Mala St., Balboa Harbor 6U Verle Mey Marking "finia" to an active year, the Woman's Civic or the 1roup held at th• home ot .. ~ to UM coaunualty. League of Newport Harbor installed officera at a luncheon Mra. Richard Ple1"9r, •06 o.hlia Mn. -..ntl Pana ud lln. Barrington ". ... MRS. WINI.FRED BARBRE, W • .:-.. ·to Ave. Other ofncers named we~ P1eser wwe appotated to .. n. on meeting in Vlua Marina .. In addition to much ci\dc and politi· omen • c.u.1 r I Mr1. Willard T. Jordan, eo.t.a th• p11bllc'l'el&Uona ooaunitt.e and cal activity, the league bu apent much time and effort to--------------------------Meaa. w cret.ary and Mr9. Paw O. a b7·1.wwoommtttaewuappot.nted "-:&rd completing the Community and Youth Center building NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 -PAGE I n avi., CoJ"on det Mar, treuurer. OOIUllaUnC ot Mn. Pana anc1 Mn. Purpose of the orpnla&Uon. u D&N. • and culmlnat.ed lta •fforta ln •Im · THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1955 1•·t-" by Mn. Dor1ua lA accepU"• TM neat __. ... _ ot lbe WAL In" c .. __ ,._ to•·"--•1000 -. Kenneth Coollnc , parlla.ment11r1an. ... "" ... -.. ......... ....... • . • neM th• ort1~-. la •o --t .. an ... _ ... __ will lie beld at ... _ home -6 lln. 111 .. _ ,..,. •-th ,..__ b Mn . T. Duncan Stewa.rt. 11 ret1r· --------------------------v ~~ • ---1 .... .... w .,. preeen~ ..... • ~tu Y of the Oranse County ,....•Ater of P.n.. 2401 North Baker 1• Mra Jam .. n-y -..... Ing officer. Membera presented her OCC SHOW OF PO'ITERY .... _,. ..., · ._ • .... ya _..., mean• lh• American InatJluW of Ardll· laata Aaa. Jab' lt at Ip. m. chairman, and Mn. Alnn Spencer, with an ev,enlng bag a nd a mem· , ________ _..... _______ _;_ __ pa.ru and nenaUon C!Mtrman. ory book compiled by Mr11. 1<111gl. Ot the amount M90 came from publicity chairman. PHOTOGRAPHY WEAVING preaentatlon ot th• play "Black Mra. Alllndrr has served as vice _ _ , Flarnlnco" by Community Play· pr uldent end procr•m cha irman .(n exh1b1t or we1tvl11g. pottl'ry and photography Is cur· •• thla p&lt year. She Lt ala<> record· 1 rnlly on d1,.pley 11t the 0 1 a nge Coaat Colleg? Art Gallery era and -10 tl"Om the lu~e·• Ing ae<:Tetary of the J unior EbeU Play ....... und and recrutlon tund through July 2, 1t h.os bun announr ed. •·-· Club and corr~ponding secrttary Mayor Dora (Mn. Edpr R.) for Southern Dlstrtct fed,ration of The wtavlnJ.t du1play cons11t11 or upholstery. drapenu . Hiii lnat&Ued the toUowl.ng offi· Women'• Clubll, Junior Member· stnle11. plBl'" m11IA, &Ci;'h .. ns. 11u1tinga. coremenlll, 1.nd wall cera: ahlp. Her huaband Is chemirsl en· f>Jipera. Thirty :ilu<!rn ts of Lr11 Barkley, OCC weavlnf lnatruct· Mmee. For~at 8. Allinder Jr .• gmeer for 11.n 011 company The nr. hfl\'1-mntcrlali; In the exhibit. Some of the11e will kiter' be pruldllnt; WIJfred A. Berl.a. vlce couple hu two amall chlldr,.n. J ah...,wn In the Ll\guna Beach Art Futlval. the C.hfom la De· preAildent ; Jamee Van Dyke. aec· Cunt apea ker wu Mrs Th11r-11irnl'r'11 Show anli ll'IP L. A. County F air. Two aum mer weav· ond vice pr.eldent; G. A. Hoo~r. k Ud K.nudeon, h er aubJttt "City J 1ng clUM.! are• now bein~ taucht by &rkley and othera will aecret.ary; O. G. HO'W'eU, eorrea· Beautiflcallon." be taught In the r1111 11tarUng Sept. 19. Polldlna' eecretary; Frank Karri, Mra. Howell headed the commit · Photograph!! takpn by Norman T. MouUon. Zoda R. lrHaurer . .A. 8 . Brown, biat ori&n; tee In chaJTe of luncheon decor•· MoutlO?'I, Ralph W. Selkink and Paul H. Robe~ are 1lao on W illiam Ktrkpatrlck, auditor and tlona, CHS Auxiliary Hears ,,,>-" L. A. Director Speak Clyde Pritchard, director of the Loa Aogelea Children's Bureau, wu the featured apeaker at the final session of the year of the Newport Harbor AuxHiary t>f the Children's Home Society. The meeting waa held on Tuesday, June 28 at the home of Mrs. J . H. Cauldwell. 223 Evening Canyon ~. with Mrt. Tod Oviatt. n-1 prealdent ot the AuxUlary, pre-H ' hi d •d1ftl'. 1g an ers d1i;play. ThNre arP ph•llOgT&plly J1tudenl1 or ,ftobert Heideman. Pottery exhibits were made In CIU llU u nder the WP'r· v1111cm oC W1lll11m A Payne. FIRST PRE-NUPTIAL EVENT Bridesmaids Honored at Wedekind Luncheon A round of court e11y tVPn\.11 both in Loe Angr le11 anrt m the coaat area 1s prelud11.g I ht we<ldtnJ , on July 23, or :'<Ill'" Clance Wede· kind and Alan Paller11on l<ruae, son of Mra. A rth11r 1<ru11,. of Hono· lulu. T.H for Clarice. to be held at the love· ly Pringle home 0\"4' 1 looklng' the ocean at 't'hrtt Arch Bay, on J uly 7. F riend• ot Clarice and Mra. Wedekind from l'iewport Beach will attend. Newport Summer Island Plans cue plcnle 8CbAldu1ed tor July n "·t.be Newpert Wud .Pvtt, near U.. bft4r.. Tile Ml'bec:ue wtll M a 1-Mftl ana&r to ~ UM putr. ...... ,...... Ill the .,.. la Mra. Eupnla Dyl.er, SUI Xv. ~ cu.a Ave. and !'Ara.. Hertlert 'l'Unler, Mn. J.-.. .lldwwdl la to~ 3702~ Channel Place, w.r• ~s.µ-o.A-..l& JlUt7 tn Mr home, membert when lh• Woman'a Ala&· ltoO Obeuel Plue • JW)t H at lllary, Newport ltl&nd Inc., met l p.m. TIUe·a. &1i1o a IMMftt for Thurad.ay &t th• home ot ~ P. k Imp so -.t. ~ r . J'emaa, '<ll 19th It. N ... ot __, M .... wtth Mr at ~ Ule sTou9 WU .elected U taJa ... 16U. alon, ~ oMoen wwe elect.. Oa ~ ._ 1Mlud at di· ed'and the group hu beea ....tlq ....-. . ., Newpcwt·Jllluld lllo. wtll tor o•er a yu.r. --.... wm --~-pwk ~ centM'ed • a llart. .tf&h& Hat ...;u. at UM._ •• Mre. &peed Poet. will booor Cl&· rice with a penon&l Mower Oft July t . JoAnne u.d C1ar1ce were cl ... mat.a at W•tlallte llebool tor Olrla. group WW be July 21 at 10 LI'!\. In lbe bonM ot Mn. Cheet.,. Pol. lard, 187 Ranlona W1,7, Colt& x .... The Pink ennounce1 Opening of ' Parlor COMPLETE BEAUTY SER VICE Retreehmenta 12 MAI p.m. Friday -July lat. Phone Harbor 2«>7 802.E . Ocean Front. at Balboa Pler. Pritcb&td 1a weu known ln hla Picnic tteld and ha. eerved u th• flrat preatdent ot the South Weet Pa· clflc Regioa oC the Child Welfare ~e of AmericL He choae for hi• toplc ot dlacu .. lon agenciu th•l aupplement the aervioea offrr· ed by the &dopUon apnclea In Loa Fifteen member• of the High· kt.ndeni were preu nl at Co1ta Mt· M Park for a pot luck 11upptr and game.11. Prlu-1 were awarded to Mmes. Don Ives. W11lter Mitchell. G. D. MacMullf'n. Mrs. Wllham Charlton &nd Mra. George Martin were ho11te1111e11. Mrs. Edward Wfl(lel<lnd and Cla· rice enttrtalned this put weekend with a luncheon a l their LoA A n· gt le11 home hononng hridlll al· lendanlll. Attending were the Min · e.oi J 01\ nne Trent. Pamrla Hoxie. Jot\n D4' Coln. anct Ann 0 J'Pnshaw; lllAO Mml'I. H !Ht" r 1nu fl. Raynard I Jos eph. Murtel Rulrho anrt George Rogn 110n. Jo.Anne T r,nt and hrr mother, Ann Open.Maw &D4 her mothtr, Mn. Lynn C>peneM.w, are Pl.anrllnc a dlln& ahower for the brlda to be Oft tll• 13th of July. Clarice and Ann have been frtenda alnce ktn· der1arten daya. Clarie• and Mra. Arthur Kruae, atepmother ot the Vo(lm. will be honored JU•U at a tea rtven by Kra. A. A. Maurer and her daughter, Jayne, on July 21. The bride'• motlier w1JI hOflor members of the weddlnc party al a rehearnl 1Upper on July 22, th• evening before Ute wed!flng. We're Moving about July 7th Angelea County. Work ot the Children'• Burrau In c:&rin&' for children who muat be trmporanly away f rom home C. M. Men's Club On July 3' Alan and.,Ch1r11:e are 1 due to a family cri11111 wu outlln· ,d. Such children a re placed for ahort period• In boarding homu until w ch time that they can bt retum,.d to their ftunlllu. The burtau alllO ca~ for ctuld· n n during the day for working mothers. He atrtMf'd that the bu· reau h&11 worked together In co. optratlon wllh the adoption Agrn- c1u. a nd l>f'cau.,.. the plan ha.-ber n ao 11ucce.1111Cul In Lill Angrlea Coun· ty. hr recommended that other c:ounU'• ln t hC' it.Rte adopt It all!O. All 11u11t11lnlng members of the Aw ollary wcr" lnvllPd u l(Uel!ll! to attend lhf' lunch,on p~redlnJ.t the meetlnr . Hoi1teMe1 at the · tuncheon were Mmu . John r,, Knapp. Elton Ramett And Doug· lua Frrry. GO places SEE things We wtll hand~ au your v.v,1 ... ~-·1'• a• i.otne or abrOIMI. CDM TRAVEL SERVICE 1Mt•1 E. C'out f;lwy. C.ro.a •• Jig RAABOR JUI _ ... The Mtn'1 Club of Cn11la M""a being enterlalnrrl by Mr and Mrll. Community M etholll11t Church hf'ld Rs.l ph Pringle an.J their son. a dinner met'tlng T11,.llflsy nt 7 R11Jph Jr .. who 111 homl' fron1 "S'n.n· p. m. In the rhurch loungP, /'o pro· fore! tor t hP 11ummt'r. Mr11. Pringle gram rollowrd. 'u all!O planning a ehn\\ e1 tunrhPon BOYS VACATION NEEDS Sport Shirts (i11Arantr .. 1t Wa..Jlal>lf'. Sit t• 11·1 fl Wran9fer Jeans l"IZt:S 4 lfl lff. ~ow 1 ~'• o7. Ut•nlnt Sanforized Zipper I HI-Top c.'u1hlon Ar .. h l'll pt'rb ( 'nnl'll rurtlon. 49 ·Tennis ~~"··· 279 Un·• Mrn·~ SLIH. . "l11y for Less at" Wasemiller' • WOalU~O.\lAS"8 8TOU 11114'1 RA.IUM>a C•c.a 111 ... New, l.af'CJe Lot of Yardacie Just Received ~ 1U9 Open :am day 10 to s to Next our to new location across from Service Station, Lido Drug- Newport Blvd . Standard IT'S YOUR BUYING . OPPORTUNITY • Scramble Table- .J. BELOW COST! Bru, M--, rtnn.. aweat.en. allpa, tMtte. Groups of Cotton Dresses as low as $10.95 20 */o to so 0/o "Off on Cocktail Dresses, Silk Dresses, Sweate'fl, Skirts, Blou1H. • Group Heh & ,.._Jewelry , Price • . I Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. ONLY 0 AH LIDO 100/o New off on Merchandise! FASHIONS One of The Udo Shops •\ \ PAGE 2·PART11-NEWPO"T FfAUOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, JUNE 30 1'-0rarla.n. T oul\pter11 will 1athtr N. p. Brettners In lhe cMldnn'a ael'lton or lh• II· brary and wtU Mu talM u rt• NEW OFFICERS -' Girls Club Slates Anniversary Event i Three ch&ngl'• In the peraonnel 0. K. Maxwell Mra. WUllaim O'· of the exccutt\·e board ot the Har· Brien, cha.lrman of the nom1nat· I bor Area Girls' Club and election Ing committee, praent~ the alatl'. of new o!!lccra, were Import.ant Each new board member will ll'rve bualnua at the board m~Ung Mon: for three yeara. day nlghL New member• of the Ottfoera and cornmtttee chalr· 1 board will be Mr11. How11r<1 Ora· men selected tor the coming year ham, Mrs. Loren Jone• M d Mrs. are Mml'A. Bruce Marlin, prul· 1 J ent; John Nuzum, vice president; Arlie Swartz. aecretary; Edward Boots & Saddle Lewi., treuurer; Loren Jonu. program chairman; C. A. Beecher. Names Off 1• cers finance; Alice Young. proper ty I malnt&inance; Frank Bllsell, waya New oftlcera or the MeJ1a Boots and Saddle Club &re Leonerd Wea · th~rwax, pruldent: Charlu Lee, Yice president: Mlaa Btlly Bame!!, iteerctary; Chalrlle LU8k. treuur· er. New board members a rt U11 Para, Ralph Jrv.•ln, Ralph Selkirk and Gu• PflrrmMn. Some 2~ mem· ber. attended the square dance a t the clubhoul!o J-"rlday evrntng. In the fut ure the group Wiii meet on alternale Friday evenings with an- other rroup at Harper School s udl· torium ln Cotta Me.,11. Duo Sees Fanny The Mluea Sharon Sherrill 11.nd J oan Klm1!8 a ttended a perform - ance of the new hit mt131cal "FM· ny," llt&rr1n6 Ezlo Plnza Md Wal· ter Slezak, whne In New York, en route l o ScoU&nd and Europe. and meana; and CU!!ord Lewis, public relaUont1. lnstallaUon of office.r1 and cele· brallon of the· firat annivcnary or the Otrll' Club wtll be held at a dinner on Thlll'llday evertlng. July H . at the Qimmunity Method· Jab Church, Costa Meaa. A birth· day party for the gtrla ot the club w111 be held at Costa MeH Parle tomorrow night, the first a.nnl· • verury of the day the club open ed. The party la from 7 to 9 p.m. a.nd wUI feature a vdencr roa.,t, big birthday ca.ke and punch, g&mu a.nd a bop cohteat. Dl!!Cuseed at the board meeting wa.s a change In the daytime hours ot tho clubhouse. It wu vottd to have the new hours 1 to • p.m. with the Tueaday. Thunday and F rld&y evening houu rernalnlng 7 to P p.m. Also announcement \\'M made of ILIT&ngement with the 0 .C.C. plunge tor purchue ot 11ev- Banl·gans Have Son era.J aea.son rw1m ttclceta . .Attend· 11nce by groupa will be acheduled Ma.flne T /Sgt. and Mra. Bruce Ba.mJl BtLnlgan, Coron" tlrl Mar, became pa.rent.a ot a daughttr J une 21 at U. 8 . N'avaJ HOl'fpltal, Coronl!.. Corona cNI Mar from the Girls' Club. Recent furnlahinga acquired by the club Include a rfC()rd cabin et anti a large chl'11l freezer for aon drlnkll M d Ice crKm atorqe. Fine Furniture & Accessories Distindive Decoretin9 Service lalboa hla1td • . Off for Summer ~:!n:1d#~;:~,~al'faNl karp of Mr. and Mn. NlcholU P . Brett· nu, 2.e1 Manno Drive, lett J une ~'kt Tr•de II for Winnetka, IU. to vlait lb.Sr IV1 • u da\llf'ter, Kn. A. M. M&e:y and h I Q rrandd&u1hter JuUette. Mr. Brett· Sc 00 pens nu will do 110me flahl.,. In Wl•· conaln and Mk blJ1Ul. ' I Super markela opentnc ... ,.. The Bay Shon"• coupJe will 10 with the new Ntitlon&l CUh "-1· to Waah.lnJton. D. C., t.ben to St. tat«r chanr-e C'Omputatlon macJUn• Peteraburg, FIL where they will 111111 be glad to know tha t tt\ta vtait a nepb-. J01teph C. Brett· mAC'hlne i. Mini' la uiht at lb• nu Jr. and fa.nilly. They expect to be home by the nrst of Stptem· n"' auper market echool whll'h · Dtlrlftf_ Lhet~ al>HAe4f their wlll provide lralne(I cH>IJ•rt1. mMC. h<nlff "t11'11! tie" OCci:.Ptect by Mrw. wra~ fll~lc.Mt1 ud ~ William Pi.roll of Phoentx, Ari._ er1 . .:rhue tradl'a pay '80 lo SlJO a week. Story Hour at Vor~UonaJ Center, loo111fd at • 11016 Oard~m Grove Blvd .. apecl&l· Newport Library lu• In all mar'ket tr~dl'I, Avail· There w111 be • atorv telling a ble at cbla achool la a apeclal 10· -., day typln&' COllrM and a fl'ff lea· hour tor children each i riday a t lton will be (tvtn to each vi.ltar 10 a m. In the Newport Beach Cl\'er 18 Shorthand and bookk"P- PubUc Ubnary, bland Ave., ac· 1ng arealeoorterfd CaJI LE 9·14'7 cordlnr to Mra. Un Sheeley, city or Kl ..1~8271 after o p.m. -.Adv. JEWELRY FROM ESTATES AYAILAILI If you •r• 1eekin9 Jewelry Items th1t ere Scarce Let us know ••• We m1y Buy It For You • RWl':LRY BOUGHT • ROBERTS JEWELERS !!Sh Marine An. -Balboa lal.&Acl -HuMr HU PARIS TRAINED FASHION DESIGNER Teaches dress designing. Learn for YQUr Ca~r or for own use. Small groupa or individual teachlns. For Information Call - ,::>HORE CLIFF FOLK held an o!d fa.ahioned bloc k party on June 22 at Corona del Madame Fenyo S12J2 Brooka St., HY att 4-7203 Mar Third Beach. Gathering around campfires were 200 adults and children to eat a picnic supper after games. At top left are winners in the adult hat contest, (I tor) Walter Buchterkirchen in a red ostrich plume, unidentified guest in cabbage leaf 1cloche, Miss Lilian Daniell in street signs and Mn. Al Tiffany in lamp shade with toy. At lower left, Emcee Robert Gardner introduces juvenile winners. Above Judge GarCiner serves Don Harwood, W. E. Fisher and Mrs. Gardner. T. Duncan Stewart was "head electrician .. , Fisher w'aa official photographer. I Camp Closes for Newport Girl Scouts 'Camp Panhandle' closed Frl· day. J une 24. ll wa~ fur :.'\l'wport ' Harbor Girl Scouts and Brownies. a nd for one weC'k provided daily experience In llvJng out -of-doors. More U1an 330 gu ls participated wtlh the hl'lp o! 60 adult11. ln add· ltlon 'to lht• camp units there wu a ataft of 10 which Included apec· la1t11ts In craft.II and singing, also a nurse. Another fea ture which added to the""'iOcceBS of the week wu the nur!!cry fnr 10 sm&ll children of I partlclpatJ ng mothera, alllo the unit or 12 old~r boy11. Each of the BOYS PAJA~AS gir~• hat 1& anaplihot of her o.,..n I uaJ ~nits. Group singing wu led unit ta ken by Mra. Sam Alli. by the older Girl Seoul.JI, accomp. • The lut day of c&mpmg .,..as snled by Mr. F1l'ld anll his &I"<'· from 3 p m. to 9 p.m. Twenty· ont1an: A 11pec1al event for the three units, wllh 23 camp-llrl's. program wns "Horat1n "· Bird· prep&red lhelr dinners. At 1 Pm. ba th" with his bird Imitations a nd th .. entire ra mp asilembleJ to i.e•' lhl' nag lowt'rtd, t hen prn--leJ~ nntrlJoqmsl net. t to t he all-camp prograr.n a~uund I Taps al 8 30 complrlcd the a tremendous camp-fire. ramping penod Sklla were givl'n by ind1v1J· ------- DO YOU WISH TO BE A SINGER 7 Madame LiHya Anderson Who hu lnternatlona.J exp<?rlence u a voice tca<1w r In bulh c1a1111lcal and popular voice development, will give private lnatrucllon to a Umlled num~r of 1tudP111..8. A l "DITIO:\'!i FRt:E o~ ... UD.\ n1 Call H\'att 4·6&S5 for appointment • • • Ask Any Islander South Laguna Come it-l't JM EltrJ 8&anll bert todaJ I I Cool Non Ironing Seersucker Sizf 6·16 Re9ular 2. 98 TREAT YOURSELF TO EASIER SHOPPING 98 You Save Sl.00 on ~ raJama DOW at- WASEMILLER'S WORKINGMAN'S STORE 1894 l~ Harbor Bh·d. Coeta Meea St:llMER SCHOOL MORNING SESSIONS ONE OB KOBE. SIJBIECl'S-ENTEB A.Nl'TIME ., C!tEBUTE Make ~a Safe & Sa ... July 4th. SPECIALS FOR IUNE SO, lUL Y 1 • % Don's Meats HOLLAND HAM ~ 52'8 TURKEYS ................ ~---· lb. 69c "Ctrcle K.. 55 9ACON ............................. 1b. c DINER 1 S CLUB HONORED AT "'(}ro;e S/wp" Grocery Department WESSON OILq1.67cpt . ·33c sWEET PICKLES %4 OE. 47c Betot •·ood• 61 C 35c MA Y'NSE •........... qt. pt. Tree Top 27 APPLE CIDER _. . qt. ~ Bordo S«Uone 17C GRAPEFRUIT ...... -·-·· ., 8A!W unaperna1' 2 29c JUICE . _.......... .................. :-::'' Dd M ontf' s~.,.. 19c TOMA TOES . . .. Xo. aoa ran Xewmuk XE\\ 2 21 POT A TOES ·-........ . l'Allll c , ... Camp-Porlc a 2 25C BEANS .. ... ~o. 100 can for Hl1thland 29 SYRUP ............................... u OL c DICK'S Green Groceries Fl?"h O rttQ OaNl«'n 2 25 PEAS .. ... lbfO. c. -~··· 5 lk ltc r .s. Xo. t R4!d eu ... POTATOES G""°a Sorthen1 13C BROCCOLI ··--·--······'.,· SpeclalizltHJ In Quallty Prodace You Select • • e W • Deliver . ' ~ndel<omp's 4Jo"-_,,,, SPECIALS June 30, July 1, 2 OatnNOI, 5utar and Shortlw11ll COOKJU •••• ,..._ 25• ,.... ,.. ,,.., --2·1.Gyer Choeoltite PECAN CAICI -.It 1-... ...•. , ...... Palm Leaf conn CAJCI •. 251 ,,,., .,.,.., THE MARKET SPOT--- 200 MARINE AVENUE IAUOA ISLAND NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • 'A&f l THURSOA Y, JUNE 10, 1955 Mesa Graduates Cele bra ti on Hollywood .AtUred In tb.ar induatJon l1reMee t.nd celebratlnc (n4u&Uon from el•ment.ary 9Cbool and &t· ta.lllmvit of Mlllor.Qlrl Scout nnJc 11 ~ ol T~p at ""9~ u outtnc-tn ~~>' eveft1n6. A.Iler dJn.lltr at RPdy'A Round-OJl, anct .wuac Oraum&A'a CbineH Theatre, UMt pvty W<>u.nd up at Clntr&n\lt.· Accompanyinr the rroup WtN the leader, Mn. ICdw1n l!:dlclt: co-leaden, M.ra. Robut 8petb and Mn. ~ Trautwein, u d Mn. Richard Ha.rria. Priv1te Polite • MERCHANT PATROL and t:lARBOR BOAT PATROL .L .. CALL COMMElCIAL SECURITY PATROL "AL0-0-0-HA" -The Commodore'• table at Newport Harbor Yacht Club's Aloha party for tbe Boao!ulu Race contenderw wu only one ot about which many gathered Saturday evening .to wish .. f&ir wind. and good aaillng" to the skippers and crews. From left center around table: Mn. Earl Corkett and Director COrkett who will aail hia Flying Cloud in the nee; Dlrector Charles Schimpf! and Mrs. Schlmpff; Fleet Captain Elon Brown and Mr.. Brown; Mre. Harry Mann and Commodore Mann ; Mn. Harold Pearcy and Vice-Commodore Pearcy; Mn. George Mitchell and Direc- tor Mitchell -Beckner Photo Yo~ celebrant.a wen Teul le Bend11., 8h•n1ll E4Jck. ev1a Don· ca, . Lind& k&tb-•. ll.acl1• &nd Wanda TrautweJ.n, S&ndr& Cham· buUn, '\cay Mania, Penny Speth, Pat 1'"1fe, Lynette K.l.mnW.l, Bev· 'erly Jack.Ion, Ronda Plrtie &lid Ann Vlltle. Kl 2-7027 MRS. ROY ALLEN SMI'ni -NEE KAY WATSON --Curtie Studio Photo FAMOUS YENS PORTRAIT GIVEN TO ART GALLERY The late Karl Yena' famowi portrait of Frank Cuprll"n and hf. cat. which hu bn"-''llh,ll?lled In major ahowa throu1rh· out Califom1a, ha.ii been (lven to l..agune Beach Arl Gallery by Ml"I. Yens In memory ot her huaba.nd. It la now ha.nglng In Cuprlen Memorta.I Room. Thia portraJt Is one of the finest examt:tlea of protralture from the bru~h ot Yens. who was outalllndlng In tbe neld ot figure painting. Yena wu one of Laguna'• earlleat pioneer arUata and one ot Ila moet tamou11. Hla works are In ma.ny leading public and private collecUona throughout Amerlc&. u he waa known from coast to coa.st. The Art Aaaoc:lallon feels fortunate to have this exampre of lira work tor tlle pe"ianent collPctIOn. Durlng hla llfellme th• artiat "1u not only & regular contrlbu· tor to tlle u.hlblta al Use caJ.lery, but wu al«> a dl~ctor. The ll5t of hJa major &-.arda l.n ''Who'• who'' lAI a lengthy one. Kay w atson -& Roy Smith-Florence Temple Marries W d . T . •t Ch h Garden Grove Banker e In rtnl y urc MaldAg their home al 218 Cry•-coraage. She WWI a llended by her tal Ave. u. Mr. and Mn . .Alfred daughter, Mra. Noel Rubaloff Guests the Are Received at Irvine Coast Club eon Sr .. plonffr'l!I ot Orange Coun- ty. IN MAJU:NJC OORP8 The brldogroom wu graduated from Lawrenceville echool, N. J. and ILfler graduating from Sta.I\· ford will be commia.toned u -c- Lovel y Kay Wataon, fourth generation mcion of a prom-onct lieutenant In the Marine 1"'-lif · famil d " . th f 5· Chi" O>rpe. He la a member ot Alpha tnent ~ om1a y an a swee eart o 1gma , Tau omega f raternity. was married on June 29 in Episcopal rites at Trinity Church. The couple will honeymoon In AmUlo Jr., who were marrte~ In etght o'clock rite• In Ba.Ibo& b . l&nd O>tnmunlty MethodJsl ChlU'Qh with the Rev. Donald Sapp per· forming the double rtng ceremony. The brt~ i. ~ former Mrs. IMorence Temple, aiecretary at Bal- bo& RQlty Cofllpan,y. She wore a green and white jacket drau In ooclll&Jl lenrtA and a whlte ore.hid while Gene Cllttotd atood wltil the bridegroom. The latter ta the .en ot Mr1. Tereaa Amillo, 406 Eut Bay Ave., and la auh1ta.nt cashier a.nd admini..t.ratlon ofncer of the Finl Welllem Bank of Garden Grove. Gue.ta were received at the bride's Crystal Ave. home with Mnt. R ubaJofC and Ro~rt C. Tern· pie Jr., llOn of the bride, Ulli•Ung. Orange. to Roy Allen Smith son of Mr. and Mn. Homer Acapulco and Mexl<"o Clty, .,.,,u T Lee • • I . rulde In Menlo Park While com-0 ture Pnce Smith of Orn&ha, Neb. Mr. and Mn. Kellar Wat.on of pteUng ttielr stud.lea at the uni· on Photos trle& and i. recoJniud lnt<'rna.1 Uonally u an exhibitor. ~5 South Gla.MeJJ, Orange, lnvlt· full aJUrU. F 1 or al b&ndeawc verafty. C } ed 2~ g\ltst.a to witne• the nup-matched their frock.a &lld eontlned 0 or t1sl11 of their daughter and wel· ~ort cJrcular •eUa. They e&nied • Th plant llble ahould be intu- eallng thl11 month u the memben are to !UmJ«h U1e apec!meru. Scotty Scott, plant ch&irman, bu romed 700 more at the reception white TOffa and .Uphanotla. Second Son for ln Jrv1nc Cu3llt Club Dean A. Smith tent but man Kay WU e!l<Or:!'d tu the altar aid to hll brother a.nd gut!llU were v E Bradleys and given in keeping by her fath· uahcrt'<l by Robert French and • • er. Her gown wu a C-'illl model William Minma J r. of S tanford Mr. and Mr1. Vaughn E. Brad· or white nylon tulle. The titted Unlverllty, Aksel Schmidt of ley, 1107 Aliso Ave .. are parent• of bodice hart abort 11IHVl'I and scoop 0 m ah a . Donald Rhoades J r .. & eon. born June 2~ at Santa Ana neckline edgrd with an appllque Laurenceville. and Michael Thomp· Community Hospital. lie Wl'lghed of dal.sli'll and cre11Ct'nl11 or leaves. son. 6 lb1 .. 13 oz. an•I ha.s bi:en na.nwd Similar ltt<'e banded the bouffant MOTHERS IN LACE Gerald Vincent. He haa a brother, ak1rt whl<'h sweopt to a short t rain. For her daughter's wedding Tommy, is. Her tull veil or bridal illusion In Mrs. Wat110n wore a ahea.th of Mr. ud Mn. T. L. Langford, flngeort1p l<'ngth Wl\11 hr lcl by a dllllly pink Alencon lace wtt.h cap Moberly, Mo .. are here to welcome Vella L. Fl.ane, ot Lon&' s.ch. aal<ed that all plant donatlona be an active member of the Auoclate properly nam~. If poalble. Photographic Soclety of Amer!ca, Two door prtu. wtU be award- wtJJ lecture and abow colored alld· ed: one to a vlll1tor and one to a member. Refre&hments will be ea °' "Rype.r Close-Up" photo-served. Admllllon la free. vaphy of flowers and Jnaecll al the meet.inc of the O>sla Meaa· Bay Cltiee Branch of lh1 Call!or· nla National Fuct11la Socl4!.tY on Tuelday, July 6, at 7:30 p.m., In Say It With .coronet of white nowera and tiny .sJeevu and .weetheart necklinl', their grandson. Patcmlll gra.nd· the Everett A. Rea Srhool Audi· gr .. cn leaves. Hl'r bouquet wu of the hem of the aklrt edged with father, JamH E. Bradley. 11 living torlum, corner of Hamilton and white orchids, 11tl'phanotl1 and 8Callopa ot lace. Her 1maJ1 hat ln Moberly and will receive r e· Meyer Sta., COsta Mesa. llllc11 or the ,·nlley was of pink flowers with green port.I from hla co-grandpartnlll on Mn. Finne 11 rated in fourth Party Rental Items Matm n or honor was Mra. Sam l 11tema. Mr1. Smith choee a. waltz their return. They expect to a.JM> place amonr the top t en women s•o.s ll. COGrt Hy., Cor0"4 ckl Mar Vorlt'y, room malt• of th<' bride at length gown of blue, Chantilly vi.tilt & eon E. O. Langford, 1n Sea· color · pbotograph<'rll 1n "Who'• Barbor 5071 S~fo~Vnlq~t~~~~W~~~~~~the ~~~~ed ::ll;~~~;f~o~~~~~a~vt~n~g~.~~~~~~W~h~o~··~ln~c;•~rip;~;t~o~p~a~p~b~y~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~ m81tl Wiil! ~lllls Jean Wat5on. al:i· bodice e.nd the tuU al<lrt o/ blue ltr of the bnde. and bridesmaids organza over taffetL Long auede wue Mrs. J ames Robert!IOn, sister glovea and allppera were in matcb- ot lhe bridegroom: Mrs. John C. lng blue and her half crown hal Gilmore, SlitnforJ Cla8lilll&le; ~tlllS WU of Illies oC the valley. Sslly ~"· cousin of the bride and The new Mr& Smith «&8 grad· Miu Lloyd McDonnell, Stanford I ualed from Orange High School clU.'"18l<'. All were gowned In and w11J be a een.lor at St&nford, leaf green embroidered organu where ahe was chosen sweetheart wtth aweelheart n~llnea, edA'ed of Sigma ChL She i. the gl"e&t- wilh pleating. short sleevu and granddaughter of the l&te George Weniger ot Vallejo, granc:tdaugh· Arm 11ignals clearly Md correct· t er of W. Stantey Chisholm a.nd Jy glvl'n make for M!ety on our the late Mrs. Chiabolm of Vallejo. 1treet.a and highways. poln!A out Her paternal grandparent.a -~ the National Automobile Club. I the late Mr. and Mn. Kellar Wat· PUZZLED? PERPLEXED? ON PAY DAY Perhaps w. Can Help You ........ •eertlllllMllli-*~ ..... ._..._. , ..... \'fl • •rst-tic ...... ,.... .. permit ,.. ....... • ..,...... "' ..,......,.: .. ...,. -wt '" ~' COSTA MESA BANK "YOUR FRIENOL Y INDEPENDENT BANK" 1111 Newpen ....... ~ I-Mn for men and women SPALDING WHITE BUCK and SADDLE SHOES ~iil!b:. 7 .If-.. ~ • ..(f' .... · .... -~.... . "' . , ·"I Spaldin&' aboea have the eluate lln• that really do make your feet look neat u well as 1tyli1h. .. ';." ''t1. . .· •J"'. ~ v . ' . ' . ' -. . -. -.. - -.. women's 416 Saddle 311 Saadle I mens I 0.95 414 Buck ........................ . 9.95 11.95 330 Buck ....... -... -....... --.......... I 2.95 • Open 7 Days A Week • 303 'Main • BALBOA e Phone Harbor 5()8 • Store Hour11 9: I 5 e.m • to 9 P·"'· • Son for lracleys LOCKIRS Mr. and Mn. Vaurhn JC. Brad· ley, !107 Val.Leo St .. are parent.a of a 6-lb., 13·oz. boy born June ~ at Sant& -Ana CornmunJly Ho.· pit.al. SPECIAL -Lockera Capp. 12tS lb.) fUI "P• WE l"l!ATUKZ 8l:LIX1J'l:D l'IUIOll u4 OBOICJ: DATS '11 • IOU. S&. NEWPO&T DA.OB ....._ ftll Carpets11- * THROW RUGS FROM 96c TO 53" Values to $1 S.95 . * REMNANTS 40% OFF * BROADLOOM 112' & 15'WIDEJ 20%0ff FREE! Sinall pieces For the yot1ng lady's clol house. Must be acc~nied by parents. * SPECIAL ORDER .. CARPETS D11rin9 this SALE-Will be furnisMd with 40 oz. padclhlt FREE. This offer does not Include carpets in stock ft.at .. ' -already reduced. . DRAPERY OFFER ' . Free travffle track with each drapery order -(only slltllt installation char9e). Free by • Expert Decorating Service Competent Decorators • Complete J. Unes of Carpets, Draperies and Up~tery to flt - All Budgets Yes, a11d T enns • Small as Noth·"' Down a11d J Y Mn" to Pay. DICK MACKER ,... •• H.ber .. Ill tlle Udo Sh 4>ppin9 District ' • •• • , , , ... MRS. RODNEY E. SHA VER-NEE MARIANNE LEWIS -Bob Hebenstreit Photo Shaver-Lewis Vow _Exchange at St. James Couple Honeymooning at Coron~do, La Jolla Jn a four o'clock ceremony in St. James Epi8Copal Church on the afternoon of Sunday, June 26. Mias Marianne Lewis, daughter of Mr. and ~rs. Leland B. Lewia. 123 Apo- lena Ave .. exchanged rings and vow1 with Rodney E. Shaver, son of Mr. and Mrs. Everett E . Shaver of Oakland. The Rev. Ralph Peaae, church v1car. offl· The bride wore a Ca.hill gown clalt>d tUld Mr. Shavtr gave hi• of lace and tulle ln walta length. daughter In keeping. The ahort a~eved bodice h&d an off11houlder neckline of lace acal· Bethel lops In.et with fold& of tulle. 8jm. Mothers lier lace banded the bouffant tulle aklrt. A arriall pearl-embroidered cap held the circular veU and the ~ br1dal bouquet wu of white or· chlda and atephanoU11. Slate Picnic '6ummer actlvltlu ot the Jobie& and po1111lble mon<'y iTiak1ng pro- jectA were two ot the \•arlous top- IC3 dl1cu1111cd •l the meeting or lh• Mother• Club, Bethel l~i'. on Wed- nellday evening. The mcrtlng wu conduct~ by the pre11!(1tnl, Mra. ErM11t Crain. Mn. Dean Sn11Lh reported on plan11 being mad1· for the J ob'• D1rnghtrr~ trip to the Gr~k Thea· tre on Monday. July 11. F'urtber lnformauon re~a1 dtnlC re11erva lion• may be obta1ne•I f1nm Mni Smith at LI 8·3190 All!O lllkf'n under conalderallon WM the problem of reducing ex~Mr11 Cor the queen at future tnlHallallnn C'l'remonaea. Plane wt re marlt for the next meeting to bC" PQtlurk al Coal& Mesa Perk on \\.ednt11day. July 13 at. 12 30 with :\Imes. John Mac· MUltn. \\'Ill~ Snn1ter and Paul Cooper 11~vlng 111< ho11t r1111l'11. FollowlnJt the mrt'ltnjl' rtfrf'&h· ment.I we rt /ll'f\'•·d in the patio by the h1:111lC'11~. J\lrll. Orby Anl1er- 1on and co·ho.cll'l'll•'ll )I 1110. LA'fln· ard Robeson nr1rt Mtlton Stellar Mrs. Gerald Lewla wu matron of honor and brldesmlLlds were Mr•. Harold Reade Jr .• 1l1ler of the bride, and Mni. Richard Oktr· lund. All wore ydlow dotted llWIH In ballerina length, hat.oi adorned wllh white daisies and carried bouqutl• of white dal1les. Dareld Shaver aervtd hi• bro- ther u be1l man while uahera were Georce Wood• Jr. and Ro· hert Woolfson. For her daughter's wedding Mn. Lewia wore e.qua ta!ftta with a coruge of white r08ebud1. Mn. Shavtr wu gowned In pink lace with white roeebud-couage. AT El.KS CLUB Afler the reception, held at Newport Harbor Elka Club, the new Mn. Shaver donned a blue 11hanlung 1ult to which ahe pin ned the orchlda from htr wedding bou· quet, and lhf' couple left tor a honeymoon at Coronado and La Jolla. Both were graduated from University of Southern California whert the bride wu a Kappa Al· pha Thf!la IU\d the brldC"frOOm 'Ml.'I affllJated with Bela Theta Pl. ·- Prr11rnl wrn• .\1me11 .• lohn Mc- Oann. ~-:. I.. llnlwl. H'lbrrt t'h11m- berlaln, Lo1·rll l'nox. Gorl1on Smith. () ~-:. \\'hltP .Ir • E. L. Ch11rch, H. J ll<'tbi', M. L. Stellar, M11bel Ro~. Roht"on. ~lln~C'r, Ray Trautwein. H J \'lll11grnnll, Jack Hurts. M1tr:\l1ll1·n. <'h11rlu Hale~'. Smith, Crn1n. Co{)pt>r. Rtx Al· bright. s nd E \' Rllj?O~ C:&SBY .. .. STf'IUS HOM& ·. r PAGE 4 • PA~T 11 -N~/PORT HARIOR NEWS-.PRESS THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1955 A HOME WEDDING on June 25 united Madeline Le· Van Zerbe. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Le:Van Zerbe, 3308 Via Lido, and A. Phillip Malone, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Malone ot Upland. The bridegroom'• father officiated. The bride, who wore white embroi- dered muslin, and abort veil with embroidered tiara, c~ried white carnations and atephanotis. Miu Jane McCarthy was bridesmaid and Henry Garman' IJtood with his brother·in-law. The reception waa held at the Hay Ctub. After a honeymoon at Yoaemite the new Mr. and.Mrs:'Malone will reside in San Francisco. They are graduate. respectively of Pomoa& and Sall - Diego State Collegea. -Maggie Price Photo OPEN NOW!" Hess Hair Fashions at 3026 East Coast Highway Corona del Mar • Offering Complete Beauty Service . • • I 5 years experience tn Hair Styling • Wanda Smith formerly of a Del Mar Shop -Associate • for appointments Phone Harbor 4014 PERHAPS THE YELLOW PAGES CAN TELL ME WAAT TO DO FOR OPTOMETRISTS 8.-OPTIOANS IT PAYS TO LOOK IN THE 'tLASSIFIEO"~ OF YOUR TELEPHONE SOOK .. . - •. MR. AND MRS. ERSKINE JOHNSON, with son Ron· nie and daughter Kathy, were among the prominent pauengera who niled June 20 on S. S. Lurline for Ha- waii. The nationally a~dicated Loe Angelea columnist e.nd hia family have been realding on Balboa Island and are e.xpecting to make their perme.nent home in the Harbor area. PATTIE RETY1ER. daughtt'r of Mr. and Mra. Charle11 Retmier, 2063 Republic Ave., Coeta Me. ea. hu recently been awarded a $150 1Cholar- 1hip to Mercy College of Nuraing, San Dieco. The Harbol"' ffigh graduate wrote Harbor Hi Light.a column for the Newa- Preu lut year. Garvey Sons Home Jim &nd Biil Garvey, eon• ol Mr. and Mra. Jim Garvey of 1970 Fed· eral Ave.. C01ta M.a. are home tor the aummtr. Th• boy• attend SL Aloy1lu. M llltuy Academy In Colombu.e, Ohio. Silver Wedding Celebration for Mesa Cguples Dr., celebrated wtlh dinner at the At Pebble Beach VUI& M.artna, retumlllf to the Mr. a nd Mr1. T '. J, Andenon Clark home for turther feallvltlee. and Mr. and Mra. Nelt10n J on•• A lars• weddlnc cake d«o~led are ape.ndanc a few day• at Del with weddlnc belll, flowert. namu Monte Lodre Pebble Buch. e.lebra~ UMtr dual 3&-year weddlnc date. June 22, Coeta Meana Mr. and Mn. Elmer Clark, 4421 ~ An .. md Mr. and Mn. GeoJ'I'• J;>e R.oulbac, 123 w ... and ~· wu a ,Ut from Mn. JOMph JonN. Other ruut.1 of the eveninr were Ma-Kath· leen and Franoee lfoan of RJver· std• and '"1itlu Pq-&'Y Clark and flance. Bob Well•. 9uick Service roa Roller Shades ..,..,. . .....leMDoe . ~ Stand.ant 8h&de Clotba and Cullom Speclalllee • Drapery Hardware • Venetian IWAde STAFFORD fr. ION OALL HAUOa II& "Nml..8 and DOC" ELECl'RIOAL OONTRACl'0&8 no-UlliertJ 1-lW THE SHADE SHOP Ut aaftftlM A._• N"'PO&i a.ell 611 JIN St.. N9"-port ~ 8-lde U.. Poet otftcie A FOR YOU You receive an attractive, guaranteed Travel Alarm Clock Ir•• when you open your new savings account of $1,000 or more. A handsome genuine leather billfold (either man's or locly's) is yours frff when you open your new savings account of $500 or more. 11cr TOOAYI • Off.,;, limited one to eoch new •-usur. Expires July 31, 1955 1. loch-"' .. '-'" .. 110.000 ~ .... fe4etwl ..... crn4 l.oefl l11t11rot1ce CetpOnltloft. I . Now, yov ..-iw ~ dleda ' tlMea • Y90f et\ yow P'vn '•id Certlflcot9 hWlet A.ccovftt .•. Matdl 3 I. Jvne JO, ~t-JO, ..cl, HI II-I« Miit Chrittlllaa, O.C-t-'°· I . Y--"' -)\Iii~ lnterett, CWNlll ,._.ty ""9, n.t't • _.. • 25011. -ltlon ""'"Y ~ te""'9e liA ...... ,_,, 4. Y.-..y-"r-'···-~ ,....._ .,..._...!9"- 1 . .....,... ... .,_,....... ........ ec-9.. ...... •• 191111-.tty, .. 11m1tleelly ecW.4 .. ywr _.... •• tnie, .... -"-fll tltla MM.ilf)' ........ I•• •• c .... ,._,,.,.,, ,_.., --'· .......... ,,.. ..... __ , .. ..,.... .. __ . . ............ ...... .,...,, .. _ .......... ........ 3li lllTEIEST ............. o,... ..._.,,July t, Only-'100 AM te WPM 1172N...,.,t11.4 •• c.... Mete, c.fff •• ........., a..a.e.1 ' (' • .. I 1toom. Saturday eve BlJl and Toby Wll- J:lOX (who lllll now on th• ll&y tront on U do 1lle but who torm-•rV liv9d In Puadoa) wen to hon.or lb• tenru., JJ'ayere with a cockt.&ll p&rty at tbelr lovely tra - dltloaal borne. wwe to I». Belu& ud Jo1m Lamb. Bobele and K a Sb&rpe, Kay and Chril Bdlwart.MDbaclt, .Dulce a.nd Lula Odrl0801&. and Mary and Har- old Keith.. Amoac t.boee from Newport wen Lucy and Doll Woodward, Romona and Morrie NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE S THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1955 m.1a1tahi. or u.. Oo'*-1 Club Da1181ttef for .... w-4-04 were the Ba.Ibo& U on• -~ . Ith, Mary and Jim Can-oU. and I.he Van Z•rbea. Club diruler danc• (Thunday June U ) and the Laruna Beach Trojan <Olub dlnntr 1pon.ored by Bob Flaher. Th• Alll'n "l'ld.. 7<>a l9 Acacta SHIPWRECK .\,TTIRE is worn by Walter Prest on of Corona del Mar and Mrs. Polly Lou Miller of !.aguna Buch u they dance at the J une 24 ball at Beach- combers Club, Capiatrano. -Terry Boris Photo THE HARBOR YOUNGER S.E:I' was represented at the Shipwreck Ball at Beachcombers Club on June 24 by Becky Smith and Don Rypinski, among othe n . Even the orchestra had survived the diaaster but saved instrumenta. -Terry Boris Photo By GINNY (MRS. EDWARD LF.STER) SMITH ABOARD SLOOP T YP E E , Festnet Yacht Races (more a bout CHERRY COVE, CATALINA: this later) ... a board t he Frolic Shoved off from the Bnlboa Bay tor the week-e"nd with Andy were Club slips Saturday 6 a. m. s.!ter San Diego guests Virginia and a wonderful night'!! sleep a.t t)ll' Lamar Boren, and Thelma and club's gla morou!I poolside glass I Don Burnham, al110 M!"ll. Dorothy walled 1:abana ... aJter a 111nooth Counselman of Santa Ana-.•. crossing aboard our llttle n foot rnuch tun to see umar Boren'a sloop Type!'. arrived a bout noon underaea camera with wh ich he , at dreamy Cherry cove, close be· ebot the 1eenu lor the Jane Rua· s~tle the Isthmus. to spend the aell picture ... aeema Andy and aummcr. ht. gu est.a had apent t he day dtv- lng for albaeore ... did you k now CATALlXA: Much 11ctlv1ty et that Andy la quite a diver ? the 18land wilh the :'l:ol'lh Ameri- can yacht Racing Unio n aponsor-Newport Nl'w1: Highlight ot put Ing a Regatta. with many of the week-u<t arourrd Newport Wu to Honolulu race ent ries &long ... be the tennla toumamt'nt Saturday ya chts left San Pedro.on Friday and Sunday a t the Balboa Bay to Mil by way of Ship Rock to Club with Puadena's Valll'y Hunt I White's Landing on to Arrow Club team meeting w1th the Bay Point a nd then to Howland'• In a Club nl'lters. three day regRtta ... Sunday sail· M bu bet'n lhe custom In the ed from Ship Rock. llome ... pa.at, popular Ken Kenrlall, dlrt'c· -waved to Lyman Far-"'l'IJ at the tor of the Bay Club &nd hts grac· tllll'r or th•• l'l•'adrirt u he pa1111ed loua wife Ad were t.o l'ntl'rtaln the by Ch,•rry Cove with a full crew plByl'ra Sunday evening at the a board . . . notl'rl itmong oth.,r cocktaU hour In the 1cenlc L&nal Amoas t.be ru1111ta from the Val- ley Hunt club al th• WUcOX• party Irvine Cout Country Club: Ave . ._ &1"11 parent• of a a1J1 baby bum June 24 a t Hoar Ho.pltal. PLYMOUTH DESl&NS WITH YOU . IN MIND! to put extra value in the low Plymouth prj,ce 1 All can hne bQIJll and "'heels and beadlighta,'but there'• a lot of differ· ence in the feature& of a car that add up to •-a·l-u~ Here are just a few of • Plymouth'• featuree that will add to your comfort and your convenience. ln the low·price 3, you'll find the~ only in Plymouth I Comerpostl of Plymouth'• glamOt'Out n-Full-View wlnchhield a,.. awept back, top and bottom (not bottom only), for better, aafer vi.ion. for 111ore cl/reef pillowing acfion, Plymouth mounts the l9nger-atroke front Orlftow ahoclc abtOfb.n Inside . · the big front coll 1prl1191. ~·-----------------·---------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Plymouth places two hydraulic brake cylinden in eadt front wh..I (other low--prtc•'""TIJrr11n only one) for amoother 1top1, great« reliability. PLYMOUTH OTHER CARI Plymouth's brnllant Fonrottl loolr atyl- 1"9 gives you better-fofword ¥!tiblllty by letting-yov IH-.wl01'10f"lfi9 roa directly ahead of the car. If you eve r hove a blowout, your ~ hot Sofety-ltim ..... ~ -n.ij)hold Cld.fla~ t ,.. on Ifie riiii while you alow to a aafe atop. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------~------------- NOT HEi.a HEftl Plymouth'• Oilit9 fuel filter II located back In the fuel to nic to j)!Oted the entit9 fuel 1ydem and engine from dirt and water. Plyrnou1tl 11 the BIGGEST, lONGEST, ROOMIEST car of the 1·7 FEET LONG low-prke 3. In fact, you can pay aa 111uch at $500 more fot a medium·prlce cor that'1 smol/er than Plymouth I When you buy on focfr, not doim•, your choice will b. PlYMOUTHl ER ASSOCIATES Uberty 8-3486 ya c h t 11 partlclpaUng: !\fnm ing --~----------------------------------------------------------=---- MR. AND MRS. FRED G. BRACE Golden Wedding for Mesa Duo The Cost.a Mesa Grange hall was a bower of flowers Sunday a fternoon when more than 100 i;elatives and friends ot Mr. and Mn!. Fred G. Brace, 127 Cabrillo St ., gathered at an open house to fete them on their golden wedding day. The reception from 2 to l:i p.m. re1ldent11 of Co11ta Men for more .,... hoated Jointly by members ot than W yeA.rs. Relative!' present the Bnce !a.mlly and Grange al the affair were Mrs. Rutha memben. A huge 3-tlered wedding Brael'. San F rancisco: M ess4'rs cake, decorated In yellow &11J and Mmes. RlchRrrl Brace, Ana- Whl$-e with yellow rose11. waa serv-helm : David Wilcox, Sa.nta Ana; ed wtth coffee Md punch. Everett Brace and Dick Brace, Mr. and Mni. Brece have been Costa Me.,a. Star, Mal Tai. Westwa rd and Lt!g- enrl . 1 AVALOl": At the St. Cnlhl'rinl' Hotl'I In Avalon the Bllltxla Power Squadron wa11 h11vmg " l tme 'fnr lts,..lr with everyont' bringing their own mu11ll' and drrs."1ng In bo8l jl'ear ... the C'urt Oo~hea aboard Buater. the Worthington Le<'a on M"'rWOflh a mong nthtn ... C H ER R Y C 0 V E: While a t plcturrsque Hille Cherry Cove the wr rk-rnd was unusually q11ll'l w ith only about 20 o! the 100 or more moorlng11 In Ulll' ••• always parllu thoug h. wllh the Gallant Lady V the renter or activity Saturday night with KAlhryn and Ross Cu tendyck l'nterta.lnlng at the cocktail hour for J eanette a.nd Bryant EMlrk and Flo~tta Qutnn among others ... all'IO aboard the Gallant Lady V were the Cut.en· <lyck daughters, Ch,rl a nd Jeanne and cn1l11lng guest11 AllltKJn Christ- ler and Seymour Bttk. BRYNETTE: Sunday noon had o.n enjoyable bnmcb aboard Bry- nette with J eanette and Bryant Essick . . . talked and talked of good old Loa Angeles days, tor four or us aboard were born there when the city WU a deUghl!ul utUl' town much like N eVl~rl of . today . . . the E111lcka summer at Ala- i mltos Bay w!lere they have 11 Housewarming Barbecue Burglary rhartnlng modern home on the R bay front.. and wintl'r a t their S eported to Police Fremont Place home ln Loi An· at Wart Home gelea ... and ot course wrek-end Entry Into Ro0 e>rs Pit Bar·B·Q .. aboard their cruJaer Brynetle at L"d I } at 410 W. Coa.st Htghwey and an Cherry Cove ..• What a life! Oll I O S e attempt to force open lhe ciga- rette mat'htne la being lnve11tlgat-FROLIC(~ Sunday eve at Cherry Flr1t party to be held In the ed by ;'\ewport Beach police. with the cocktail fill.( flying on new home or. Mr. and. Mra. '1ack I Roger Ea rly, proprietor, 1"eported Ancty Kirk'• colorful fJ'lllt green llw art at 211 Via Lido Nord w&!I the break-In to police. Ialand Clipper, we atcpped aboard Indicative of m11.ny more evenlnga Offlcer1 Mid entry waa gained tbe Clipper for a dellgbttul early by using a 11tcp ladder to get to evening'• dlscuulon of Andy'1 ln· of dellg'htful hospitality, but wu a window which WAI' brokl'n prior terestlng awnmer when he leaves a aurprlee tor the couplt', former to entry. The burglars were un· July 8 on a Scandlnrwla.n Air Sl'r· ruldenb of Balboa Peninsula. l\ble to brea k Into the cigarette vice plane for Sweden to crew Mra. Donald Fuller 1805 EaJJt machine. A fiu h llght wu the aboard Henry du Pmt'a PCC ...... ' ·only thlnt taken, Early 1a111. Cyue 1n the Qotlal)d Ialand and .... boa Blvd. and Mr1. Robert Lov· ;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=. all, 418 Seville, planned and host· eued the hou11ewalT!llng, pN?~nted th• ntw home o\\'lll!NI with an at- tractive m&JUAnlta "money t ree". Gu.ta toured the luxurtoua bome, planned, by the N••wportera In ooope.raUon \\1th a young Re- docido &rchl~ct. Eat'h o! the m&tn rooma l.I turnl-1\ed In Oriental mo- dem • and each opens onto It.a own troptcal prden. The lMnr room and adjoining lanai open to an outdoor lana.l. All have te.n-auo noon which prpTed allt',fllent for dMdq. Oocll1Ali. and a midnight aupper .,.... enjoyei! by .Mra. Bl~ llAlrd, Memra. and Mm.._ Curt Poe. &mard Palm, Baroid Bolt&. Roti.rt Lonll. Al Rylett. Ctinton 1 k11'1I. William Bouck. Bruce Mc· ponald, C&rToU Alm. Donald N - "" Kn. J..onU U4 U.. h a.rt.a. I SOUTH ~OflST conSTRUCTIDn CD. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO muu. UO IOtll St.. Newport ..._. ...,... 1111 .. ... ~-~ It ~ -the thnfty thing to do-start saving now! OPEN A NEW SAVINGS ACCOUNT ' . OF $100 OR MORE ••• AND YOU'LL RECEIVE- The TOM THRIFT COIN BANK i1 CRYSTAL CLEAR-FftEE! * * * Tom Thnft Coin Bank PLIJS t"4! •• •· tA~OE .'?~ .~· · · · c.•S •••• ~\'-.. ~··· .. 81111.l • fortuw wftA ,..,_, ·~re .:"-••·" OJtly ZS.: • '•r •nwun~ lo .l1ttoai 1100 '" oJtly,... ,. .. ,. Cd roar B.,.., lo4•1f Each account insured up to $10,000.00 •· A~count1 open~ by July 11, 1955 earn interest from July 1 Current Rate of Interest 3V2 % per Annum Memorandum Se"'l~ Santa Ana .•. Ort11t,e Couray .•• Soutlt11rn Cnli/ornia ••• Since 1923 Wallet """'SANTA ANA SAVINGS~~, t-=~''£ and Loan · Assoeiation !-~ 1416 N .Main StrHt Phone Kimberly 2-8806 4!,f't n\'\,. lot1anw to parldn9 lot on N. Sycamore Street •. • ~.I I • • 1,.I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, JUNE .!_~ __ 1955:__ __ ~------------------------------------- & •• 0 MAll-11 WITH SALLIE Newport Beach. Calf • .lune SO, 1956 f"'ardoa me while I pmb ukle platten of . t r l e d ehlckell, backeta of cold eoda pop la cruahecl lee, pllH of •teeming OOl'D OD the cob • • • Gotta make room to •Y . . • Goeb It'• good to aa Amerleaa I· Half a year gone by . . . time to take inventory . . • Let'• aee ... Groceriea, Meata, P r o d u c e, Delicateuen . • . DELICA TF.SSEN ... Our Joe ~Mlli1' Martin, baa come through all the remodelling of hla depart.: m~nt 1melling juat like a roee ' •.. In the new kitchen where all the cooking' a done right ~~§ put In the open . . . you can amell the Chill Beans when you come in the front door , . . Glear,ning at&inleaa at.eel, !lagetone, coral and grey ... with thirty cbic)tene going round in the rotiaaerie . . . 1team tablea filled· with ready prepared foode for you to take home by the carton full j at the preeent writing, no- thing'• filled and nothing'• _.omg. .round &Dd.-~ but rime tor 8Udq, CUKES ....... 4 rur 1 ()c 0-alM l tanaa 8wfft, ONIONS. 3 .ba. ltc /,.ozen ONIM-11-e&. -.. M°mES .... 2 tur 33c ._,. .. •.uc.a 55c DINNER ....... .11 OL Shop Rich•rd11 for • finest ever Fourth of July. Select from new, surpri1in9 end delightfuly differ- ent foods. S.. our new dehcetes· 1•n in ection. W etch the rotis- series end amen the erom• of fresh b•rbecued f o o d 1. W •'re here from 9-8; so come on irt--you're n•v•r too lete. · have hope. thinp will ...,ber+-':'IUM 1---coo~ffiiTW1i~ CLOSED 4th ·of .luly I 1 Greeaboaee ud f1owen ••• Where rllht now evert- body's ukla1 for pellet• .•• Tie Fly Time yoa became ..,.._..w with the Air .Jet Dry Lbtdane Vaporiser ••• latrodueed for the tint time lut year, happy ueen, • have fallee e\'ef' -tMllllMiv• to teD of their eerae bag- free existence • • . Some even told stories of how tbet at la the UvlDg room with the front door open and watched the flies come In and take a note dive to fly heaven ••• A~ .let ls aa attractive c e r a m I c that ban~ on the "'&II and burns a 20°watt bu.lb • . • "·orb onh' In th«' houae and kill" o\'f'r0 200 kinds of l.ia· 8"cf8 ••• ft flu DO odor an:I Is not harmful t-0 pets . . . In fact If your dog11 and cats L·,~ .-trictlv the house ~·pe. t~1cy will enjoy a "cratchfo!'!t e.~'8~nce . . . Your hou11e plants. will be fref' of C'OntamlnaHon. too ••. Air Jet hums pellet._ whic·1 will la<1t about two montll<4 . . . And get this! Aft:-r you've burned up one 11unply, your ho'.Jse, plants, pcb. ,., ... " )'Our kitchf'n titrivf'• 1:.,1 wool blanket"' will becom:-impregn~ted . . . Do you wondrr now wh\' f'veryhod)"8 bu3in~ Rf!llrts? Gettin~ ready for thl!j ~· .. ar"s attMk .•• News · ~~X:. this Mo&.'IOn is the Mosquito Lft.e •.•. It ri-ally "·orks ! Mezzanine Shoppe .. where you can always find what you're looking for and 101 •urprises for living room, kit- chen and patio you'll . enjoy findin~ and didn't even know ex.isled ... Stationery, cards, candles. gift w r a r'r in gs, games and toys ... Right now the swing is towards beach towels. sun glasses, bathing caps, life preserveni. swim toys. balls, floats a.nd toy sail boats .. ·. Also the makings for a ljttJe Davey Crockett ai:ound the house . . . Our Meuanine Shoppe. is a plac.e for you to discover and jot down your findings for future reference ... "Costume jewelry unusual gift selections from all over the world ... Bakery ... We bake It all right here. behind thoee 1'1VlD~DJt doors . . • frKh . dally ••. Thirteen dJffennt varif'tJes of bl'Md at the lut counUag ..• ·where : df'\'il'e food cakes aad lem- . on pleA take the top M&t In the popularity poll • . . Americ-a's favorites, Uve up to thrlr deUclous f'XJM'Cta- tlonA h.-re • • . but iooderer Pyramid cakes offf'r party- llkf' triaa1tles OD ••hlch to ~ a scoop of Ice cream .•• Rich iold callett with Mther onua~ or cbOl'Olate Icing • . . C'"le 1nu1n·ue In the IWttt <'.i.rclfia • , • Praline Cak«' meUowf!d flavor of : Hpr aad JMIND• ••• Spe-a.I otculon e&kea too .•• Md speclal Ice crMm ordere • . . hdlvldaal moalde, lee cnam <'&Ile "1k'ft or rolls : ••• are takn In tbfl Bakery.' -You can ehop till 8 every evtning except Sunday hue at Richsrd'• Market. one of ----~ ................ Sala4 Thunday Fnd' 25c JELLO ···-·········H OL Gold 39~ POUND CAKE eM'll .. T~ flo!Xn' malcu tlle dtlfere"re" Duigold Pure Grade¥ 59c P.,s.,ctena, -BUTTER lb. • Riverside and • Frtday "'"" IllM!e APPLE PIE Saturcl,lly ~ MT1'e ftttHt '" t~ Harbor ArPa" S.,n Bern.,rd ino Bichard'e Greea OartoD Grade AA F~h 49. Danllll Plnespple 3 25' SNAILS for LAYERu1 CAKE . _ .. .a 87' newsp.,pers m"y LARGE EGGS cloa. now be Now ••• Hot purchosed ot "Loolcittg /or eat1'1t111 ! " foods to toke Alla"eet Pun 23· out ... fresh Richard's. MAR.GARI NE lb. from our ovens - and rotisserie • Clllelu111 et Sea Usltt 11...t CHUNK TUNA R-E·D AJaUa ~k•J• SALMON 4th July Fireworks, Newport Pier, Mond"y evening. Just ofter d~rk. HomMI New 8uich'1-FaYortte Ct"OPPED BEEF Summer Dividends Reclffm your cash recJ• ister receipts now on the Mnzanine-Gll through June 30th qualify. Manhattan -Shank .End or Butt bet lb. 65c WHO .. EHAMS Jmt right for Barbecolng -F"9b JR. _TURKEYS Fresh Cut up - FRY CHICKENS FrMh Lean Beet Quality -... GROUND R'ND You'll· find a Udo Shop ••• ReyltOlcl'• • 25' ALUMINUM FOIL :t Pocket' Pack 49' KLEENEX ·--········ .... u pllCk AD Automatic Wuber 239 DETR GENT .... 16-11a. '"'· Ooro• 27' ILEACH ................ ~ p11oa Pl"n "he"d for ch.,r- co.,11 firest.,rt. briquettes and B"r· B-cue speci.,lties. lh. 59c You'll find every· thing for summer fun on our mez· z."nine floor. FrC'm B"rbecues to Sun Glosses . lh. 59c lh. 69c lh. ·79c • , '1 K'raft CheNe a-t ..................... 2,~.7tc ..............• ..,.Ste I VELVEETA w-n Coeklq-Mid SALAD OIL I.aura 8C'uddf'r PEANUT BUTTER O~n Tiii 8 We're extendlftCJ our clay so you may have youn. • • • to flt yow every need ! tht Lido ShOJ18 at the en-I • _trance to Lido Iale. 1 SPi'AJIALI FOB IUNI: IO, rnLY 1 ud I. 1165 , ' ' .. • . I • i 1 f " . -. Rot1J Point UPPER IAY WATER TRAFFIC Pl~TTERN Mrs. William De Lamar, above, ~· 11 lb., 10 o~. albacore caught June 23 on the 35-mile bank aboard bueband'a c~i: Lady Lamar. Husband, above, caught alba· core half ounce larger. Her fiah gave her~aim to first for Pacific Anglen woman member. -Kent Hitchcock Photo s ---------------------. ~<:'.--ul&nd Race In Sweden the middle To:--...... or July. I ""-On Aug. 8, with Bob C&rlaon SHARKS· CAI BE THREAT SKIN DIVERS IN SOME AREAS . \ . Skin divera who prefer to work off rocky polnta along the California cout, rather than off buay ' beaches, are warned by the National Automobile Club to_be OlL1be lookout fur a.barb. Frightened away from bway beaches, ,certain apeciee of ahark.a found along the Callf orni& cout have been known to attack swimmen off rocky point.. At leut two auch attacka have ta.ken place during the tut three years, and one of theee attack.a took the life of the swim.mer. lnlng the crew of Cyahe, · the ya t will enter the rutnet Rae• whJch c.at Cowes and flnleu at Plym nTHll!~"I I N CREW Othen who Ill join du Pont. c9.rlaon and Kl crewing on Cyane will be Ren u Pont m , W.lWam L. Bt.ewart.. ot'Puadena Kenny W&tt.I, and Stan N tcher. Mn. du Pont, Mn. Suw&rt, d ,Mlae Margaret Stewart plan ta.ke the trip to Swedm wtlh the yachtmen and follow the racu from the lddeUnu. The du Pont'• home l1 in OreenvUle, Del. On Sept. l. the local y&cht.-nen plan to "rest-up" trom their 1&11· lng ewnmer by MJUnir to Cherry cove. Cat.a:ltn:a far the lAbot' D&y reatlvttlu. Ka.t dangeroua of the aharka la the great white lhark, which bu been known to reach a length of 30 feet and which can catch the acent of blood in the water at a considerable di8tance. -------------Purse Theft Told HENRY DU PONT YACHT LURES 2 YACHTSMEN Kirk -to ·Crew Sw9dish Sailing Clauia Carlson. and English Theft or a purM containing $2.~. v&rlou1 papen and the badge of the ..... imnt fire chief of ClnclnnaU. Ohio, waa reported to police Friday by Don Vogel ot ~lnn&W. He Mid It wu taken from the glove compartment of hla car parked on main beach. A wind wing of the ca r wu jimmied to gain entrance, ottlcen1 1eJd. LA-HONOLULU! By GINNY (JIU. EDW A.RD LDTEB) SllD'll 1be map .above &how. traffic pattern eatabliabed by city council ordinance for water Two prominent Nwport yatrtnnen. Robert & C&rlaon, local Yachts •trilnc and apeed boat activitiea in Districts I and II of Upper Bay. Water wen wUl president of WIIbo-Lldo Shlpyarda, and Andrew (Andy) Kirlr " MOii 'CUMENTI GUNFllE SLATED M.,-tMre ue waned by ~ Cout GU&J"d ottlclAla that San fbP• '6Dfl Clemente laland will be da.D· • avoua to na~pUon Wa 801JTH ()()Aft 00. week u UMl&J. Cut.le Rock 1"" a N....,.... ..... w11l be bluted tOday tad ~-·i;::::;::::::::::::;:::::~ llMV'l'OW fl'Oln I a. m. to. mid f • mptyd~~ houra Saturday and Bu:ndey. Northweet Hartlc>r wlU be bombarded daUy throup Bun~ day S• houre a day wl\Ue i>yranud °'°" wU1 be under fir• daily thro~b 8un4ay a• bolara a day wbUe J>yr&. mJ4 C.Ove wtU be under tire dally t.broufb Bwiday from e a. m. lo mldnJ&'ht. Matl, whot a MOtor fot ~r s...on, COMpOCt, ...,. weight, fita ritht in the trvrtk of Y01f car. Jo111pocked wittl big· "'°'°' feot11ret ••• smooth ... oncf QUIETI '°'"~In ond ... the 5~ lodoy. Then, lel'1 go fitltinfll Ivy "°"'• UM CM time PGY• IMftf pion. South Coast Co. 23rd & Newport llvd. J•ll•••ll IH·HorH OutbHnl Moto11 Announcing •• • • • '~arold I. Johnson Pnfrl•r ..,.an ~ ........... ...... ~ ... Sill Vllla Way, N...,..n ..... llA.&INWl UPBOL8TZILINO BOAT 00\'SU BALBOA OAN"VAS . 8llOI' HM'W ., IMllt lllf •• Ntw;()lf MACH Y~ Aatlaorta•• TB AL C 0 F1bersiue Dealer Jn the Barbor area. Brlllg yoar ftber. eta. p~ to .. Pacific Ffberllcm MOI W. COM& BWJ'. ..... u .. ,.,. Acrou rrom All-American Milt. Quiet amoOllllel .... ..,,..,.. =-. '6TIM DAVE SPIES 1510 W. Ooaa& BJcbway follow the counter clock-wise pattern whose southerly boundary ia marked by the f Bal~-f T-1--d Cli Froli la t d 0 ...-. owner 0 .&.aYoU pper, C, p D 0 spen an 1e·1ng Readied o. PEN UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. diagonal dotted line at Roclly Point. No skiing ia permitted below the line, the area lntereating llUIDIDer crewing aboard Henry du Pont'a PCC ~~~c;! '::~ r:e;tbe:rrto = :or:t~mi~~te:o 't'i f~F~Or =U~R· ro1i:n:U.cl .• LAS_.m. :0 SEr:.Sch~~S--E:=T ~Ur:: P4&p--,:: ~~~~ for Big Race s TR I c2~~ !. ct!~~!~ E NEV{PORT HAf\BOR NEWS-PRESS~ PART 111 ·PAGE I · Tni.n.s-Pacltlc T&cbt Race, Rono-Newport Harbor yacht.a regllte,... THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1955 . s ~:,c!:iU:d. .. .,:U~~ ~. a:"wi~ ~orar~he ~g A~~:;:;!~no~~11~ Ne~ leach Uberty 8-6550 • MARINE NEWS FOR HONOlulu RACE be met by Mr1. Can-wllo plan.I week by J . A. Gurley. 1ubcommll· lo fiy "fia UnJled July 12 for & ~e inlf}>f!ctlon chalnnan ror lhla ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;~~====;;;;;;;;;=====~ 1tay &t the Royal H&wallan and Hubor. ...... Friday July 1 Saturday July 2 8und&y July a .. Monda,y Tl DE Time RJp 9 :01 a. m. 7 :37 p.m. 9 :38 a. m. 8:12 p. m. 10:10 ... J'l'I. 8 :t8 p. m. 10:40 a. m. TA ILE Rt. 3.3 11.7 3.4 11.8 3.11 5.9 3.8 2:35 &. m. l :18 p. m. 3:10 a.m. 1:1111 p. m. 3:41 L m. 2:33 p. m. 4:11 .. m. BL &hare with her hus~d the won-Rigging, radio and llfe-aavtng Weallwr lnstrudion for Crews dertui •e100m1nr p&.rtlu the boa-equipment. water a.nd food •torea. pltable lnll&nder• alway• give for n&vtgatlonal equlpmenl and 1lg· G•1ven•, SJ loafs ~ to Start the yacht.-nen. nal r1ag1 &re but a few ot the ~J TO MEET IURX. points on wlllcb the yacht• are d I 1 d. ~Ing checked. o.o Dfvlldon ot the 113-na&t neet Schimptf, 11'111mor • c o • e The Carllon• then will leav Each boat must qu&llty on every 2.4 MUlng the 19M Tranepaclflc Through 8chimptr1 committee. Honolulu July 20 and fiy be.ck to i corl'. lhe regulaUons, u ' drawn -0.2 Yacht Race to Honolulu on July every del&U of getting dally their Bel.monl Sborea home, arrlv· u by the Tran•·Pat'ltlc Yscht 2.4 ' Into four cl~_?trdacompebtlUion wl ~,.~~~~n ~.~cl~th-Jlnrl tll2e81amM e day;~:he ne11t week, cfub. ·a re maintained for I.he a11fe· wu announced Y-•e Y Y ra nr ,_ .... ,,.,_ ~ ... .....-. wi u Y • r. c ar...,., wtll board a t of lhe &chta lhrou houl the -0.4 P . Fulmor. nee cba.Jrman. the United St.alee Wea ther Bureau plane ror Copenh&gen. &nd on to 2~2~ mile ;.ce, accordl!g t o the 2.4 Dllcloeure ot the .chedule wu and Cout Guard. Cowu ror the it.art of lhe Fut· race chairman Ira p Fulmor -0.11 made lmmedl&tely upon comple-In addition. claHe. were held net Race Aug. 8, where he will In.I Uon this y.ear .~ FOR BOATS FOR BOATS Once in a while, a NEW INVENTION comea along that does an OUTSTANDING JOB. For DEPENDABLE, INSTANT STARTING, for PREVENTING FLOOD· ING and LOW BATTER~ there baa never been any- thing Like the DUB L • P 0 WR BOAT STARTING SWITCH. For dealers' names, or NO OBLIGATION DEMONSTRATION ON YOUR OWN BOAT, Call Harbor 1172. July. Tueed&y 10:40 a. m. 11 :10 a. m. 3.8 3.7 1':11 .. m. 4:40 a. m. 3;« p. m. 5:10 a. m. t :21 p. m. 5:39 a. m. 11:01 p. m. -0.11 Uon or meuunment ot enlr1• by Jack Thompeon and Oeorp meet And,y Klrk. earllei;ec than u.ual on a.ccount or -O.fl and rateir by ,TranlJ>&Cltlc Yacht Kalltrom of the U . 8. We&ther Klrk plan• to leave Newport ... ..3 tr1 d Ul.re • IU\ :;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;~~~ Club racing oftlct&la. Before the Bureau tor weather mm aboard ..,,e ., en " a n e m July 11 9:'9 p. m. Wed.needay ll:t<l a.m. J uly . 10:22 p. m. 'nlw.day 12.10 p. m. II.II 3.8 11.7 3.9 2.• Jnlv e via plane for Con.nh••en. learn have been worklno 1teadlly ra.ce 11tart11 at noon on Independ· all• ve..-Xond&y and TuNd&y _, .--.. 11 " -0.ll ence D&y trom Loe Anplu Har· (June 27·28) at the Callromla tben nn to st.ockholm and Got· a l the bl( tuk 80 th•~ the bo&ta 2 3 bor, each boat will be (lven a Club. They learned decorating ot land hl.and where be will meet be prepared to get und:; wi:,y July 7 10 :57 p. m. DAYLIORT ~-· SAVINO -0 4 lime allowance to alford all en· w•ther lntormauoa, interpret&· Henry du Poot &!ld bo&rd hf• PCC 1 ond:y /rom ~ Angelu ar r 2.3 triea an equal chance for vlct.oey, tlon of m.&P9 and foncutlnl' of Cya.De to crew lA the Qotl&nd or t e ong pu · regVdleu of mie. Overall win· -ther. SIJ!\Uu ci.a.. aln&dy ;::::.======================:::; TIME n&aT l'11LL QUA&TE& llOON July 28 July • loat Burglarized Tbeft of an electric 1haver. .32 automaU~ Smrn camera &11d a LAST QUAATER July 12 • NEW llOON July 19 L. Morg&n of El Toro. He .aid they were In two boxea on the beach et the 'end of the channel near the Wtl!t jetty. Morgan val· ut'd the loea at 1150. pair ot blnocul&r• from a boat ------------ moored at 207 30lh St., wu re· ported to police l'rld&y by Monrow BroUMn of the eame addreu. , DIYilHJ Gear Theft TMtt ot two dlvtnl' air ~t­ on u8&Cl ta akin dlYU\S wu reporl.- ed to police B~day by' Sgt. M.. Paclcleboard Theft Mn. Riche.rd E. ReeM of 1001 North Bay Jl'ront. told. police Sun· d&y a ll·fL padd.,ard wu taken from & no&t ai, Coral Ave. and North Bay Front. She -.Id the loea ocournd between P'Tida7 and )'9elerda7. ner of the 2225·mUe conteet. wtll hue been be.Id In Ban J'rancllloo. be lhe boat making lhe but cor-Prior to race Ulne, 8ch.lmpff'1 reeled Ume °"" tbe coutW, Ful· ClOmDllttee alto w11l a4TUe entriee tor 11tated. of commumcaUone proceduru. ln tll• meantime, arrurement..I roU call, Jilter· bo&t communlca· for weather lntonuatlon and com· tlon and make aU arranpmmt.I munlcaUona a.re pro(T'eMlnC rapid-for reporttn.1 prosr-a of th• race ly under direction of Cb&rle1 ~k to the manl&nd. THIS NEW 'PLA YIOY' IS ALL RIERGLASS.r-AND SPEEDY! Art •qul1lte eoeed end r.leeaure boet you'll be P'oud to ownl A 1lnQI• bonded fiberg 111 unit .•• Mah i nd ell. Mede to '9ke rOUQh fl'MffNftt-krieeleH trentom built fOf the WI09f ~ .-onl lee the Perl-"Playboy• tod.y, OW.MODal A.VMAIU SOUTH COAST COMPANY .. Ln.&M>MUJtA8Clllr UM W. o-t ..,. , ............ ..... OOUI' ...... 0.. 1 __ ,.....a. Ollila --. .. MAllNE CAllURETOIS Rep&ln -SU. -Parb ZDl'Dl & STROMBERG GEO. J. MEACHEM USt W. Cout lllgbwa1 Liberty 8-lUS HOW TO BE A SURE WINNER .J:.. ... with a new ~ ~ 11v1 ••• .-. ~~. Enter the weekly Coa-Oora Hintnt •• I YOU MAY WIN orw ol ~ D<"W whdpa· quiet E¥ianldc9 ~ giYftl awmy fo•. Come iD far a/rwdanomtra~· Stt and try'the re<rofutionary -E e1 wltb f9A .,;~ Wblllperlng OWer I q.c-,_ E<Mnadc -~ the Spring,.., befim. YOU CAN'T LO.SE ~ •.. b«aUR if .,_ buy you~ Evinruck -· dwriar the Coca-Cola ooet• ... lliDd .._ wiD -••• 7'0'l 'D be "'-icd lell ,,,W b tk -,_ win I ' -.., ••• JW'ft -ID be a .._,. ~l _ _. .. ,_...,-.,.wiw.,__ f ·-.-~' Oaaw:lemd ' ---•1 . ..,, '"' ....... c .... Meta v J.filf l-206J Complete Une of Water Skis and Accessories Calallna Aqua Oil~ •19500 MAU.J ~G PllAM!j rrom ·-········-· PRAMi'! e• 1 fl. and 8 n. unfuthlbed-from . .... . .. -······-- WATER SIU JlJ:NTAUI •sr ::r:1~:..:~,:2~· :. . ... . ... •scr , ('OMPLt:Tt: Ul"(E OY ('ATAUSA PAJ>OU': R()A_BDa Now in Stock For 1_,.mediate Delivery CATALINA PADDLE BOARDS te ft. to H ft. s54soup LY._. A. HOSKIN & SON TWO llTOU8 TO 91!JlVE VOl' 1611 W. C-t Rwy. ltlt W. ctf1t RWJ' • ~rtr 1-1171 ...... ", •• .,.,. ~"' 8&ore oppoea&e a.lboa llaJ Clai. •"- .. ,. 1 1 • I WIY08 lft Hawaii -For the ttnHt m C'ommwdat Prinll"-call Harbor tilt, J~ RACERS, START YOUR MOTORS! . HARIOR ,o~ mLL PHii .I.JPS, Sport. Editor PAGE 2 • PART 111 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1955 SOAP IOX SUCCESS SHAPES EVENT UP AS MESA ANNUAL lo llUC~ wu Cl.lb Pack 107'1 Soap Box OC'rby on Plummer St., eo.t& Mua, Thurllday that Cubmuler John il\ltton haa uprMMd hopu of maktnc the home-built auto rac. an annual evenL A; total ot 37 Cuba parllclpaled In the a.tfaft-aloft( wttb ilJt can, one of which rouldn't quit«' •land t.be et.rain and collapeed at tLll the excitement. Sweepat.ak .. winner wu Stanley Brown of Den 4. Mike BollAln, Den 2, pm.,-.d l'W'lllU·up aweepat•ku h~nor1 tor Den. 2. P'u tH( time on Ule lnclln~ cour1e waa credited lo Qvy Johll80n ot Den 3. Johnaon nav1pled Plummeb St. In the bllndin& 1pttd ot 38 llt'conda. On the line and champing at the bit to be off and lead-spectator Cube ia Police Chief Art McKenzie who .erved a.a starter. Jockiea on the line are Harold Grim, Den 1; Pete Toedter, Den 4: Walter Witts, Den 2 ; Charles Ka· bis, Den 5 and Bill Durante, Wibeto, -S~a!f Photo Hutt.on pve tuU credit to PoUce Chief Art McKenzie &nd h1a department tor blocking oft the 1trfft !Lnd uaurlng every ll&!dy factor. "Wf' couldn't have done It without thelr &Mlat.ILnce," Hutton n.ld. !ooting it down Plummer St., Costa Mesa, Tbunday night are members of Cub Pack 107. Under Cubmuter John Hutton, the Soap Box Derby wu held to carry out the theme of Wheels and Things. Looming up behind 'McKenale, John Duba ILnd Robert Ha~mea aervtt1 as ltartera. Offlclala were Bill Kab11. Marlo Durante and Vic· tor Powen. Den Mothers Wh:> 11upervlu<1 a cllvlllu werC' Den 1 . .Mn. Victor Powen; 2. M.n. John Duba; 3, Mlsa Winnie Sullivan; 4, Mrt. HarmiLn Toe<lter; ~. Mra. Ball Barr. Chulee Glau wu adult In cht.r(e of Den e. Braves Out in Front of B National Running up U1~e 1tra.1stit trl- umpb.e before loal•I a garn.e Tdte· d1y, ttle Bravea jumpt-d Into tint place ln Harbor Boy1' Club B National 'Le&JUe. The tw1c•beat- tn CUl>I l'OM to amuh th• Bravu 13·2 at cost.a M--Park. Bill jfcott or 161~ Tustin Ave .. Coet& M.-, doUbled and tripled to knock acrou tour CUb count- ert. Jerry Chue of 87~ W. 17Lh St., Coata Meaa. hurled lhe vic- tory, (1vlnf up but t.hree hila. THE SPORTS WATCH MacGilliuay Busts Up Fray By BILL PIULLIPS A home run am&1h by Grer ----------------------------YacGlDlvi.'8.y or ~32 Seaward Road Credit Costa Mesa Police Chief Art McKenzie with com-Monday paced the undefeated ln· dilLD• of th• Corona dtl Mar C ing up with the best Harbor area youth recreation Idea since Youth Cent.er lAa&'U• to their Harbor Bo}'11' aub launched it.a summer baseball progra.m. third atr!Llrhl triumph of th• Har· bor Boya' Club rummer aeuon. Art served aa starter at Thureday'a Soap Box Derby on The Tribe downed the 01&nt. u ... TOO MANY MUFFS Mesa Takes on Atwater in Mon-Looper Sunday Miacuea of commiuion ali<i omiaeion played a large part Plummer St .. originated and put on by Cub Pack 107 under Mike Flanertn of 43' Orchid CubmuUJ-John Button. And wbat an Idea, h,. Joean't tool a.round, hurlffl the ahutout wln for the ln· in Rio Hondo's league-leading Watts Giants belting Meaa with McKen&1e'1 back&"J'OWld ot boy. dian•. Ronny P'Ulweller or 242' Merchants' 12-3 at Costa Mesa Park Sunday. The acorebook handling the Los Angelel Soap And wbat a wondtrful Idea. A9 Driftwood bandied b • c k 1 t 0 P recorded nine errons for the home forces compared to a Box Derby, It wu juat natural McKen1.1e ol>Nrvea, "The aoap box dullu. •·1 tor him t9 start wondenng why 4'rbY not only build• the aplrlt of On the mound tt-:r U\41 Q&Mt.a single muff by the Giants. Add to that a few mental l&J>9CS the affair couldn't be u panded to •pettUon among younptera, but were Marc Bla.ckwefl of 720 Or· by the Mtrchantl and you rrt the I 'ot off to a fut enourh 1tart. Include lou more local kl<U. tncourai;rea them to take an lpler-chld and Rlger Grable of 818 Nar-unfortuna te Ide.. Earl Huffman 1tepped up to the Arl'1 idea runa aomelhlng liJ<e ut In conatructlon ot thing• with clMus. Mike Halnea of 611 Poin· Mana1er Ed Larie hopu the plate aa leadoff man and aocked this: their own hand11." Thal wu the aetlla did the catchJnr. boy1 wlU -P out of their lelhar· a home run. But the Glanll camt "We've got a new park near aucctu of Cub Pack 107'11 Thurs· I Breaking a two pme 1o1lnc U IL(&lnat the Atwalt r Merchanll 8Ut(tnl' back with their flr1t 11.Jt Santa Ana River off Victoria St. day race. The six Dena In the Pack streak for their tint victory of the ln &.. non-loop tray on the Me1a run1 all unearned. Even old re- There oufht to be room.on the 6.3· con11truclC'd their own autOI!. \Vhftt young aeuon. the Dodgers def•C• lhia Sabbath. He al*> hopq Bob liable Don Williama of the Mer· a.ere site for lnlllallatlon oc a ruJ a thrill It mu•l have been U> thoee ed the winltsa Cardlnal1 1-4 In Blaylock will allow up from El ~hanta dropped a fly ball for the rtgulallon aoap box race courae. boy.11, cooperating with their bu<I· Monday's 11tcond fray. Blll Sylvia Toro with hla fOOd hurting' arm first time In hlatory of the Na· I t might even be designated the dlu In bulldlnf the riLCcrs, thell' w&i1 winning chucker, Kim Oviatt In tow. Uon41 Paallme. octlcw.l Orange County soap box teeing them a.nd raclnr: thl'm in ot 127 E. Bay Froot wu Ult Joeer. MAIN JACK PLENTY 1Ul'8 derby course. with pra.ctlce and actual comJlflltlon of the hlghut M11t"k Morgan of 301 Cam•tlon '"nla t'• our mt1ln problem," Lane Don m•de up for tht1l wlth a actual competition proptrly 11uper· l~ ! caught . Sylviil'11 of!ertnrs. Jan Mid. "We've rot to find another triple In the 1lxth. Norm Rldgw1y BARBER'S POJ)."J', Haw a II Prlntlng OtpUlmtnt. (P'H'T'NC~ervtn( at the . 8 . Naval Air SlaUon hC're Is Robert P. Sullivan, tlectronlca teclullrll1JI nn1t ~.USN. aon Of Mn . Mn1y r . SulUviLn ot Bs Ibo& lsland. 11«· I tore tnlertng the ll'n'tt'e he gTild· uated {!'On\ the Un1\0f'rs1ty of l Waahin(ton. -- 'J OH NS TO N E'S Mesa AlltO. Wreckers l "wct Aut• Pa"'9 &IMI A«'ll&• rke 2016 P1acea&.la An. U tw117 .. 1'0JI OMta ..._ onlt SHOPSMITH • IS We Oh~ Cro"' Stampe • FAMILY IAR SHOPSMITH• Morla S It tht sofeu of oll power tool•I Don· gerou1 belti ~ind pulleys ore completely enclosedl Safety •witch con be knocked o"-but can't be occidentolly knocked on. All handles ore lobtled fot easy identification, eliminates guess work. SHOPSMITH la y~r s.feat power tool buyl S.. SMOPSMITH d.mo(lstroted. Eu)' Temu COSTA MESA LIMl't7 l ·MM FREE A' The H•bor Stand Only ••• A BeprodwtJ011. l!fuJtabt. for Fram~. of tlle Declaration of Indepe ndence OD Pardune-nt Pallf"r W1U1 E\·~ry Pur.-ha-nf M.00 or Mo~: : =~~~:::: ~----....,~ OLherwtae. th• Brave• have bat· tered down the oppoaltion. June 21 they romp,.d to an Jl·3 win over the P1r11te11. Hurl,r11 Jeff Smith of 618 Santa Ana Ave. and Philip Mackt-y ot ~37 Dla.na, Costa Mesa, allowed tho Plr&tff on• blow. Thill w1111 by Wayne Wed· eking of l:'lfl E. llllh St .. C01ta Mella. Tl':A." l'r Tiiied and county wlnnerw In the Okay, 10 one of lhem collapsed. Crawford o( 220 Diamond wu be-pitcher. Bill Wet.Ml la young. Ray collected Ulree tor tour. two dou· t1n1la going o.n· to national com-Ml"l!I. Hulton rtvealed that par· hind the plate tor the Card.a. R&mlru can't go the cUll.a.nce and bin •nd Ramirez slapped out J un1• 23 Smith and Mackey teame1! up ond a two-hit ter t o 11h11to11t lhe G11nta 6-0. Blhy Sanbo1 n nt 214 21 •l Rt.. Co11t11 Mr~ a.n•I Oat y Couc.h of 2307 Bli)$l•ll' JJr 1\'e bashr•I OllL two for t1>m tnr th•· 8111vr11 A IRn Jones l'f :I ll lltomllW8\, C"ci-11\ M rl'&, l'OI· le<'I"'' the only 0 lwo h1t11 given the 0 1 "''" !'\l11mlHy It WBl! the Bl BVPS 11. r.a11llMI~ 4. ''Mackey a nd Da nny Ktr r r.f I :,92 San Berna.rd I no, Costa Mt sa, hurled t he win. per- mitting rour blow11. Mackey al!IO blute.11 out a aini:IC) and triple In two t ne11. Keith Jst"ob11 of 44 1 BC'gonla &<Sded a alngle and double tor the Brt1ve11 In thrtt 11tll'mpls. ~O IUTl't:R Beat chucking performance lo date wa.11 no·hlttl'r Tue11d1ty u the Olanta ~lted tht P1ratfl! 6·2. Dusty Da.m C'U of 21 7 Poppy Ave. and Dave lahmn l of 21119 Mlnt~r St., Co1ta Meaa.. tU'tiled In the hit· I•"" fray for the Ohinl.JI. Dou~ Tr1tpp of 632 Center, Coata Mua. do11bll't1 tn thr fourth with thr ba."ell loaded to df'cldr lhe t111ue. Oink Felker 1pun 1 ont·hlller for the Dodgers Junr 21 tor A 6·3 triumph OVl'r lht ('Ubl" C'hlltlt' absorbed the 10111, despite a two· hlllrr. Both pltchHs f11m111hed the power, tun F,lker triple<l 11ncl Chue doubled. Chue. conltnued a.a the loop'1 hard luck hurltr June 24 whtn hi' 11nl!'~hed 11nnther two- hl l chorr an<I •till ln~t tn lhf' f'i· ntea 3·2. HA.KT U K r;\\'lio.r; Da vt H11rl of 2120 Wutmln11ter, pet1Uons." llcular cn1te wae conatructt'd by Jerry Rice 11 wild. Then we got three 11lnglu In rour trlpa. I tell you when McKen~lt get.I the older boya who wanted to do Island Radllo ft.-..&. a pretty young b&ll club compar«'d Wet.ul worked the tlrat five everything on lhe1r own, without I ...-rT to theae old Umen1 we're playing. rramC.'I tor lht' Mru ninl', with H I H dr R adult 1ud of any typt'. Don't you Burglars took • portAble n1d.lo Butch Coopman 1Lnd Wel%el a rC' Rice and Ramlr~z coming on in aw ey y . 0 aces think for a u cond lhOIC' kld11 valuert al $25 from tlle home of Ju.t 17, for ln1ta.au. Thal'• pretty rellrr. Rio Hondo lngue 1tandillg'11: Robert Hawley, Costa Mesa's won't profit frc:>m their construe· I MILrllyn Shooter, ue~' Acata younr to co qt1ln1t ugy old guys Watt.a 3·0; Loi Angelo Cc>lllters 1 lit-hydro racer, took third Sunday lion iilstaJcea and build a w1rurer A'Ve., she reported to pollc. Mon-who may not ~ fOOd, but cer- 1 and Lynwood 2·1: Coi<ta Mua. In the Baktrafield outboard rt'gBt· the next llm" out. There'.11 the chlLI· day. The 1W1ped entered the tainly a n1 amart." Huntington Park and South Galt ta at Hart Mernonal Park. HI• lenge Md the run of ILn 11.nnual houae throu('h an unlocked door. Ara.Wt Watt.t, the Kerch&nt.a 1·2. daughter. Ann. in her own boat, blC e\'ent to point tow\ltd. t1mshed out of the running when "'ITtl ~ORE TIME her eng1.ne f&lled. "The boys could \lo a lot bC'lter, Over the weekend lhe Hawleya too," /.1 rs. Hulton waa confident. wlll race at a regatta on I.Ake "They had Just two montha t.o Cachuma near S1Lnta Barbara. plan and build their ractrs th.la Local Car Theft Police 11.ll over the county art looking today Cor the stolen car of Robert E. H utchinson who llvea at 3207 Oce!Ln Blyd. He said ll wa,, taken June 22 from In front of hla house. Hutchln90n 1111.ld hie kty11 were In the car. Costa Mesa. bested Chu P In this ont, alto tw1r llng a lwo·hlller. Allen WllUams o( 324 St. Andrews Roed and Ronald Hughee ot 674 W. 18th St .. Coat& Meaa, doubled otc Chast. Ktnl Anderll<ln of 916 Via Lido Soud tripled and Stephen Harper of 4300 S!'vhore DMve d"ubled off Hart. T he Cardinals downed the Giants 8-6 June 22. Both turns collected tour hlt11 u ch. Dick RlltOn of 2644 Xewporl, Costa Mesa. paced Ute Car\! Itta.ck with two hit.& 1n thr~e efforll. Ronntt Tibbitts of 2033 Contlrfental, Co1ta Me11&, hiLmmer- ed three tor rour fur the Glant11. lime. Jt lht'y hlld a year ", My gOllh! Oh•" tho11e kh1a a ytar, and they might be holdln« a· jet I aoap box night! I McKenzle'11 Idea Is u dream. But ll can become reality. Cubmuter J ohn Hutton and Pt1ck 107 have lal<en Lhe first AlC'p. Why etop now! The new Mesa park elte 11 Ju.st In the tormallve star«'. 11te county bot.rd of aupervlsor11 thla month ordered a land \levelopment a.na.Jy5'a and landscaping recom· mendallon on the park. So lhl1 la th. Ume for lntere11t· ed person• t.o Joln McKenzie in contact.mg A rt Meyera. cha.Jrm&n ot the Cotta Mua Park Bo&rd, &nd Supervisor Htlru: Kal1er and cat.Unr pl&nl 111.unchtJ. ( OPEN BOWLING Satwday -Sunday -Monday JULY 2nd -3rd -4th I OPEN ALL NIGHT Friday -Saturday -Sunday JULY 1st -2nd -3rd VAN'S· BO·WLING 170S Supertor, Co.ta Ilea BILL K.L0TL. Mgr. 4th OF JULY Dunlop Deluxe 600.16 $12.95 eL·pl• 1IU , 670-15 $13.95 eL...,._ tax tm llABBOR BLVD. 008TA MESA U ~ • Only Studebaker gives yoU AWARD WINNINI mLE ! Stodebftker hu won 36 lntemational Style Award.a ••. more than any other car at any price. And you pt the aame long, low beauty, the aame diltinction ID rff!rl car in the Studebak'9r line I . MOST MILEt PER 8AU.Gll ! Number 1 Economy Car ... prond b)' mcond ltraicht win of the Mobilgu Run Sweepstaba! Studebaker Commander Jives you up to 9 man mo. ps pllon of,_ thui any otbs V-8! TOP POWER PER POUND! Y-. 8tudebeker'1 action-power V-8 .enJinea c»- velop top bonepower per thouaand pounda of car weirht in their price clus. And Studebaker ofrera the wid~ power-ranp in the low price field, toot QUAUIY ••• AT LOWEST PRICE! Prec:Won madihm, 8n.t mat.iall, akilled bande build out.tanding quality into every Studebaker. Yet tlrll lmury<ar 11 priced rilbt down with the lowest.I Come in. See Studebaker now! ITUDDAKR DMS10N OP ITVDllAICll .. ~CKAID COlflOIAftOfl. ••• ONI OP TMI 4 MAIOI "'LWINI PIODUCBI GI CAii A• TIUCKI StudeMbr .. .-•-' ,,,_ ............ ..,. ..,. ,.. INMI -•uv••• OP u••D CAN8 I ... _ ... ......._ P ... ~1A-I ....... _... ~llf/WU UIM Can IOI tllCKlllTI, L~cal Deal•• J6J6 Newport llwcl. -., Od Yom F1'N Copy of the • DedanUOft of ··~pt!ltdeft(lf) wttlt ,_r ""•••loo ........... t ., .. ··•-tit a..,..n-4 t:leci.rie FowitAWI Wor11a ~ Ev•' t AM•tl« •• ... .,,4 f ftl •heutcil l.e •• • 1.opr of th• o. ... fl•r•t•O" ef ....... p•nd•n• •. •o h• or -"• ,..,u untln eteAtl th• u •I •lrn•f•r••u • of th• r ourth ., Jut,. I het h wh1 "'" u • f l v1n1 • fhu • tt,.re4ut. Uon of th• D•" I•• 1tto.. af ,,. .. 4., •• ,.", ••• patchm•nt p •p•r with ••,.,..r purrhe•• of •e 00 ., merr •• our 1ta n4 Ihle ,, .. ,. 8r'"I four ( hlldr•• In. Ctto••• r•ur 11 ..... wnrkt fr f,.. ewr httf • 4t•pl•t H ••• row r youn••t•re ..... h&~ • ,.,.-,. 11.tMalltl• fer h ••l•t •ft4 •uel&."t fM ... ,,.,.,."' ....... ., tht• ,,,.., AMfftc•• 4ocu•••t. On Qur Stand BIGGEST In Harbor 'Area t J~ - ·we Serve The Finest Food· Everyday FOLLOW THE CROWDS TOTHI ~ VILLA MARINA •·CIRQUE USJAU~ THURSDAY, ~UNI JO, 1951 NEWPOltT HAltlOR NEWS-PRESS-PART 111 • PAwE J 1 -Two Famoii,. Oraiige County Restiiurints Continue . The~r Popular Specials DEAR FRIENDS: We .,., proud to announce the Ctrque it continufftCJ with the Via .,;farina· in their policy of dMi9natiftCJ certain of thetr regular dinners et • 9f8•tfy reduceci price during 1pKifiec:J periods as outlined below. We are proud to announce the ViL Marina has wrveci I 0,265 of these special dinners since stertiftCJ. Thanbl Oft Thursday, Jufy 7th, the Villa wil hold • Fashion Show moclelin9 the latest in wHring •p,,.rel. The Cirque wil hold one on Saturday, July 9th. Com,,,..e lunch-. eon MrVH for $1 .50. Please ..a for NMf'V•tions. JULY . * . 1955 · WEEKLY SPECIALS ' '• lo - - 1955 SUNDAY MONDAY I TUESDAY I WIDNESDAY I THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SAVE THIS CALENDAR 3 .10 17 24 IT ASSURES YOU OF DINING PLEASURE AT GREA n Y REDUCED PRICES 1 Durfr,9 the above calender week, we wift serve our regular Prime Rib Dinner for $2.50, or you may orcler our . NfUl•rr Swordfish Dinner for $1 .50. · 4 5 6 7 8 Throuthout the above calenclar WHk, we wm serve a New York (bone -in for flavor) StHk for $2.50. If you prefer seafood, our regul1r Helibut C>;nner will be $1 .50 for this wHk. 11 12 13 14 15 During the above calender week: ~e wilt serve our regular Top Sirloin Dinner for $2.50, or you may hive Frieci Eastem Scaffops for $1.75. A rHI trHt for 1Hfood lovers. 18 19 20 21 22 Throughout the above c1lend1r wHk, we wilt serve• New York (bone in for f11vor) StHk for $2.50. If you prefer seafood, our reguular Shrimp Dinner' wiH be $I .SO for this week. 25 26 27 28 29 During the above calenclar wMk, we wil Mrve our r99ular 'Prime Rib Dinner for $2.SO, or you m1y order our re9ul1r Swordfish Dinner for $1 .50. -Chllchft'1MH- BROILED GROUND BOUND STEAK. llmhroom Sauce .................... Sl.50 BROAD BREASTED TOM TURKEY ...................................................... 1.50 BROILED SWORD Fl8ll ...... ~ .................................................................. J.60 ~ I'~ r-. Rolle, •tter, llllk, lbemet. Joe OrMnt • REMINDER! At the Villa we 1lso serve • bHutiful buffet luncheon d1ily for $1 .25. Menu service 1110. Both restaur1nts are open every d1y from I I •· m. till 2 1. m. Dick Dunn 9rincls the Hammond 1t Cirque and Adrian Mik...U ~t the Ville. Both houses offer b1nquet f 1cilities for l1r9e end smell groups. Looking forward ' to enter-. ,. tainint you. * l'er clllltq .,._..,.. la Lo9 A.a,.._ -tr ~ we M1RWt GllANOIU LA la Pfce ... Oil llOQN ., ........... 1llBlttler. SINCERELY, VD.LA MARINA EXCLUSIVE - 16 23 30 ( VILLA MARINA IOlltl'BINO DIFFEBENT Monday Ni9ht1Fire1ide Speci•I Chef's Old fashion Beef Stew WOODY HOLDER (ALL YOU CAN UT) CIRQUE · nmMCll mm.A.D -8ALAJ> .:.. aa""llfi -COf t W Adults $2.00 Children $1.00 LES YAUROUGH ,_ --------------------- • I ., ' ... \ PAGE '4 ·PART llt-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1955 • NOW SHOWING .AT MESA THEATRE a:Jrpklrer Dana Lamb, Corona del Mar re•ldent, provldea fl'ff tran.IJIOrt.a.Uon for a fottat pet who deeldt>d to accompany him Oii the true adventur. product'd ln the color feature, "Qut1t for the t..o.t City," now...M Mesa Theatre. Presented by Sol Leuer. lhl1 RKO Radio fllm la baaed on Book by Dana a nd (finger Lamb. The wellknown couple have 1poken before mt.ny Or· ange County organlzaUona. NEWPORTERS ASKED TO NAME CITY FLOWER FOR EXHIBIT Mn J ohn Neft, civic beauUrlrollon cht.lrman for Newport &ach. hu t. prob~m -ahe ht.a been aaked to prepare a.n exhibit for entry In Orance County FaJr Oortcultur e dlvl1lo11.. But upon re-rch &he tlnda the City of Newport ~ach baa no official flower. To lhla end, she ulla pereona who have t.n idea tor a city flower to dirl!ct their auggeatlona to hf'r, The aunuUon1 will be co111plled a nd presented to city council for a poaaible tJecl11lon. Suggeallona 11hould be addreued lo her al HO Sa.nta Ana Avi:., Newport Beach. H er lelt>phone la LI 8·3676 a1\emoon1. Membeni of the women'• commltte. or Newport Harbor Cht.m· tw-r or Commerce are coo~rallng ln arN11gtnr the exhibit. Preview or thf' u hlblta wlU be held the night before I.he ft.Ir Oj)l'M. PLENTY OF ALBACORE -This quartet took 17 al- bacore while fishing 35-mile bank from Elmer Hehr's Dede Il on .z._une 23. The eighteenth albacore in picture w~ caught by the William De Lamars but wound up in this act. From left are Hehr, N"\P°rt; hie eons Lar- ry and Richard while Bob Thompson of Co,ata Meaa ia at right. -Kent IDtchcock Photo Local Kiwanians to See OpeninCJ of leliglous Drama coope'rt.Uon ot ot.Jur Ora.nee Coun· ly clubs. Thia wiU mark the flr11t ot a yearly aer1ea of rellgto1a dramu t.o ti.-pr-led by the Oranp Community Drt.ma Featlval aiad it i.. expected Utat a Jle&r t11U hou.e wiU Me et.eh of the Mven performance1 thla year. "'Ille Great World Thnler'' la the tlory or man 1.cUng out his role on earth before the eyes of God and la con· sidered to be Ule out.atandlng ,... UgioWI drama ot a ll lime. Over 100 Oranp County 1.c tora and mWJiclan• wtll take pa.rt In Ule production. MATHENY'S MEANDERINGS By JIM MA ~-People seem to be talking =Fourth week-end activities. Topics of conversation include: hot dogs, ham- burgt'rs. buns, sand, sea, beach, sparklers, skyrockets, bev· c-ragrs of nil kinds. the Honolulu Trana-Pacific classic, fire· bor t.ret. v1.ca tlonlsta. Situated h igh on a hllJ. t.l 17th SI. and Cout Highway, Jolly Co· bum'• cocktail-dinner apot offers t. superb vll'w of the area. There'a a nk e crowd, too, gt.lhertnr 'round the piano lounge long about ht.If plUIL eight. BAlbot. lslt.nd I• a mecct. for so many people who like to "go to thr beach" for a week, month or week·end. Gueas there'• a 11.n· gular charm about lhe little place and one guy who really goee t.11 out to continue that charm la "Pinky" Scott nf the Park A\'PDae C'af4'. Take " peek at the new de- "''" kio •ll~pl.1\' o'l'r Newport Bay 1 Hnt ~ Don't know what'• in em. c-or. 110 veddy nautical. ln The 11n<I ,.:vo<I 1•lac·r.~ for dining, danc· hut they're surely topped • off Halr h. Take & look-11re alllO at the 1ni; 11nd ••ppln,r. • with lb• cut-t lil' bamboo-ribbed ! m1tt1u a.nd be prep&red for-a plea- F1,.•I l\11111•1' or \'a 1n'. Balbo1'11 umbrellu. Spolle lt'a for ausuhade! sant 11urp1i11e, too! If you're aearchlng for cooling: dellcloWI draught brew 11lop by n.e Pirate, on 28th St.. Ju•t oft Newport Blvd. Have a yen for 8p&nl11h·Mextcan food! It'• L&Po.ta, out on New- port Blvd., ne&T Ole SACC In Cos· la Mesa. There's alwaye a cozy 1pot tor good dining and pleuant tipping at Johnny Yllelle'11 T he. Arl'hf'tt. Johnny Mt.Juri t.nnouncea new llWT\rner houni out al Harbor BOOIW In Costa M!'sa. Starting Tuuday, July II, the Harbor Ko~ will aerve full course dinneni 'W 11 p.m. Start at f p.m. The H. H. will be open from f In the atternoon untU 2 ln the yawning. Ala ct.rte dlnner11 may be had from 11 p.m . on. The openlnc night !or ''The Great World Theater," July 8, ha1 been designated u Klwanla !'light. t.1U\Ounced Roy Yo'llntone, president of the Newport Beach Kiwa.nl11 Club. Tickets for ''The Great World Theater" t.re being h t. n d I e d throughout Orange County by the Orange Klwanla Club w1th the THE ARCHES Cafe and Cocktail Lounge OPEN 10 A. M. Tllll.OUGB t A. M. • Newport Blvd. on Cout H11lll•'&J ?\"EWPORT BEACH • (We .,.. C1oMod ea ThandaJ'I) f'\!ll• o1 i;i1ppl'r !'luh, arid!! 1tn in· T he Kut'11 L&nal, right on the Now that a n1>w month Is 1.bout nn.11 ... n th1l! \\crk·tntl thnt mig ht I Bay f ront. s!'em11 to be getting lo join us, it will pay you to refer i!np,.nl '" n1o1n\' H111rbor Ar!'ll vis· quiet a play on · thl'l'll' 11ummer t o lht> big J uly r&lendar In thla 11 •::~ 1rc•I r!'111<lentl< afternoons. iuue !'If the ~E\\'S·PRESS. Of· J! It'• a movie that'• calling you, look Into lhl1 local aked: at~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~ the Port In Corona de.I Ma.r, 11 • 1 •· "' •' "ill b!' llftemoon llanc· 1 T here's dallcing t.nd d1mng fer!'d by Woo<IV Holder's VOla 1111; :i t \ 1tu..:' nn S11lurday aml Sun· nig htly on the ocean front at Bal· Marlna that cal~ndt.r Is one )'1>U <I I\ '".writ u u ch night n! tl)e boa In Dick and Kat!' Dent's popu-fthould ltave a ll month 80 that you '' <'' .< \ •" """' • now you ran trip lar Balboa lnn <'ar... r t.n kPt'P up with what's what In lh" '"' q " 1•1l 11ftrr 11 murning at I F:vl!n wht>n a:"ellx a nd Leo paust> thl' <llnlnjt·econnmy dept. "Strategic Air Command)' the one they'r e tttlklng about or wt.!Unr for; a t the Udo It'• "The Magni· n cJent Matador" plWI a comedy hit: the M,... la s howing "Fox· 1 fire" w1th Jane and Je!f: the Bal· boa featurea "Purple Plain" and "Border River." P. S. The Balboa w111 be open every 1:1lght next week! I h• 1" n• h 111 ••n I lie lwiat. for a brief "take five" one could For vt111tora· lnro. \'Illa Maria& '. "" 11 •::ht 11l•n hrl\r In n11ntl 1 l'lt11l glidf' abont In rhy,thm to the Is the Wt'f'kly meeting pl&CI' for lh.1t ~11nd11\ hrllnfh R 1c11I ran"h I lapping title licking at the l\Oft Kiwanis. Llon11. Rotary and Opll· hrrnkfa~1. \\I' hl'n1 \'l'r\' popular· snnd near the entrance to ,.,. Old4' mist orgnnizallona. I~· prlrNI :lnd lnr l11!1lng oo<llt11 or I llalboa l nnt. Havr you tried lhe fil!h 'n chip• • h"": Tune LI r1 om 9 a .m 'tit 1 As 110 many say whr n they r!P-at the newly·opene<l !>lurf 1'1ab r n1 "n !'11n<l11~· mornings. B\' lhe part relurtantly from thP Inn, "a Fry on Oi:can F'ront, near the It'1 a gret.l w eek·end tor fun. Play It ea fe and make it a · l&fe a.nd at.ne fourth! way. Thi' r'!11\tnall'll C'•J111hln1• tn '!real act and flnt' food:" New'fl<?rl Plt>r! 111111•1· 1tw ft'at11re art eo pnp11l11r I.Ike th!\l "ole man river" Kar· ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiii;;;iiiiii;;;iiiii;;;iiiii;;iiiiii;;;iiiii;;;iiiii;;iii;;-. 11 : \ 0 11\' l hr~I' 1tnys. am~ "Jt'll k eeps rollln' along." Thr Ft .ink Cira111l11llo r;ill1•ol rmin 111 .. menu .flm Karam ha." preparetl for "Ill' 1>11 ,,, 11 :ii\" Ito 111(r>rm Ill< hl11 l'llllllmer \'lioators anti for local yrar· r,.Rl:f\11 ,1111 tll "'"" "J'<'ll r\'C•n· rla\· abnutl'l Is a mouth-watering, hlln· rrci111 I:! """" 11111 al 12 1111dm1:hl. ~<'I ..-lrvounng lai<l of gourmt>t'I! ""'' Jiiin\,' :llnnrl:I\' wh••n th•• c;r1'"· drhJ!htl' frnm 11hls·k:lbob to 11uc- 1l11lrv"• hn111 11 arc !J rm 'Lil mltl· <'lllenl t.aale.11 of choice •teaks. P.S. n11:l.r Thrre's plenty of parking now I hat i"• 'lnk an1I \.1n.1 c.randulrn pu>-Knrwrt11 hu Its own ~pact> ror 11uch \'1111' lhnl ta!lt)' hit nf 1r11I Jtall11n purpose.'\! f•.o.I I h111 "o m11ny lovp l'l !'nJoy., Prople who report from P11lm You nin\· nriltr hy phnnr An•I ha\'f' Spring!! gay th!' Doll Hou"4' l!I al· \ m1r '""'' rrn I\· 1•1 t 1k•· hnme 1r way!! surh a llveh·. h11pp\' ~pot I )Oii \\ 1•h for ,.,....kta1h• and r11nnl'r Grnrgr t ln ;\I 1111 •11 r <-\ 1 "Ill tho nal· nml Ethel Strebe havt a beach ed1- hna r· •'I . \Pll IJ find Thr ('l\Jnf' .... ltnn (Ir thRt \'t'ry l'l8ml' Doll Hou..,. C'a,1n ... Tint • "'I "II' ll:tr~\· Yee. rlfeht hC'rt' in our own city The .J•>c-'" w 1111'1 \\'11h t ·hnni:-\\'onJ? ndtl!'I a:•' '''" Iha: ,·011 ll fond 11 pr.-rare 1 IH 1r tlchr111uio 1 lbs for 1 a ~ay and hvtly "J>l)l tor dinner lrl~llrl'I~· •fining nr for t.1k1ng hnmt' nnil 1 Of kt1UI~ anti· •lllnl'lnj;' t \'l'r\' Thl'rr 111 •• n nn.' r11lk" hr tr:1hn11l!I Wlljthl l'innns l'tnrt nl ~ pm · \\hn hlrrnll\• drool whrn \011 ~prllk r Oflt'n refPrTed lo 8ll "the hlll· nr f'hlnrw c ·:1,lnn n h11' top rf'ndez\·n11~" Thi' Cutawav• Is ro\'rr hRd II S111:.\'·Q Ill C'hrl,.IJan'" 1 a fl\\'flrltl' gethrrlng pince !or ·Har· Prejenling FELIX & LEO Together Again Latin -American Rhythms -. DINE & DANCE NIGHTLY Except TNSday "A Great Act-Fine Food" ., THE PIRATE 28th St. at Ntwport Bh•d. Newport Beach Tap Bffr at tbe Flrulde ~ Hot Dop -"-t 'Mn YoaneU Grantlollo 's (formerly or Hemet) complete menu for the f amity PIZZA e SPAGHETTI e LASAGSA HOME· MADE &A \'JOU e STEAKS e SEA FOOD FOOD TO GO 511 Balboa llvd. BALBOA Harbor 4837 OPE:\' DAJLl' lZ NOOX·lZ MIDl'HGBT, MON. 6 p.m. TtL IUD. Balboa Island CHEF HENRY JONES Complete Dinner SUC)gestions . Park Avenue Special MOXDA\", ruu· •th. TH.at• llATURDA.l', 1n.v tth Swordfish Steal& Pont cbartral• Chefs Dinner Shall •/F~ Frff'd Oalon IUnp st so s21s .Complete Dinners include: entree',. soup, salad & beverage "Rendezvous ol tlie Mariners'~ • DELUXE LUNCH 11 :SO am. -S :00 p. m. CHINESE and AMERICAN 'DISHES 1 :00 p. ,., -_ _!:00 &. m . FOOD TO TAKE HOME The Same Prices the Vnr Around CHINESE CASINO 111 Main St., Balboa Harbor 2208 The Summer Season is • 1n Full Sway at LODGI AND lUTAUlANT SHO"'"Pl.ACF. OF THE COAST HYatt f~508 FaboJoos Food by our New Ch,.f GHrCJe Gortner '7 Y ean at Palm Springs Racquet Clul) DancinCJ Every NICJht Special Su•day lrunch From ,1:00 a. m. I I Slestll I• glUI ad l unlocked ca'Wn doors. ... WU moored at U do Yacht ~ Burs1&rY of t.be bo&l s1 .. t1., •<>-Mra. RJchard Nuffer wtlo repocted n. c&bln crulaer. la belftg ln\ll'•t1· th• INfTl&;-y, MJd a record play..-. pted by Newport poUc.. Orft· I radio, recorda. •l't"' Iron and cera Mid entry .tu made throucb food valued a l aus • .,. iak-. • it . -ma.e . e:sea i? ... , f === : fm'BJD COCKTAILS DINNER P;.no Lounge (after •••> "hilltop rendevous'' 0out HW)'. at l1tll 8L UMftJ 1...,1 Open 10 a.m. DINNEI SERVED from 5:00 p.111. DANCING NIGHTLY ''Superb Foot/" P£am!fG --Tmm no11 ooa DOOa n. Place .-> to go for fish n' chips jumbo fried shri~p • Sea Foo'da our Sp•cialttf • Delidoua Burien Hun'-rgen Cbeeeeba.raww ()pea 11 LDL -9 p.m. SURF FISH FR 2110 Ocean Front Near Newport Pier FUU COURSE DINNERS SERVED FllOM 4 'til 11 p.111. fJtanl•r la.IJ 6th NEW H~URS '"4 p.m.-2 a .m. .. a.~ ~alter l I :00 p.m. 2260 Harbor Bo.levard • Coet.. Mesa, Calilomia DANCING EVER\' NIGHT HCf!Pl 8UIMia)' BARNEY LANTZ & his music 9 to 1:30 a.m. Open 1 Daya A Wttk New M••• lncl•des Italian Delicacies May We Suggest From Our New Featurft VEAL 8CALLOPINI e LAAAOSA e rl7..ZA PARTIES, IAN9Um, or CLUI DINNERS PRON& YbtiR U~F.R\'ATIOS!'4 SOW Harbor llYcL at Wlwl Uberty 8-5543 \ .. 'I ' J HORNETS. PANTHERS, I HIGH SCHOOL IS sm FOR SWIM 'SIGN UP BRA YES .LEAD LEAGUE BUl LEWIS STANOOUl' trt\unpll aver u. ~-Jee.-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 111 • PA&~.1 llUll'ed bome two runa tn ..._ third THURSOA Y' JUNE 30 1955 · ~·· I • . , Another no-hlt hurltr l• Roy Dalton ot Ult Red Sox. o.ltoa of I &w:n.' threoe. Gary c-.rk or 378 ------------131 Wlllon St., Coeta Meaa. went 'i Flower. <:'o.tta Mee&, and Ron Carl -."I ' TORNADOES IN · LEAD . • the route June 21 for an 8-0 win or ~U lrw chi.Irked tor the Dod: over th• Dod«era. Dick Wat.on of rera. Monday ~toddard and Pick· Newport Barbor -lllp t"Jl 25th St. buhed out two tor ena teamf'd' up on a two-lltter, ~ORTft~"r, I •• ~ •-t.o;V .... ,,11 11 .. _. lldllool Dllltrlct recre&U• de-Undefei.tled In four straight outinp, the Brave. topped thl'ff. ..,,,. u U1• Brave. l'Ot. to dt'feat ~t llWtrnftllnc .,,. ·UP .Harbor Boys' Olub A bueball leqi.ae .t&Ddinp throuch The loop-toppinC Brave• tiave t.he lndlane %·t. Stoddard _111ngled , ' lop' Club ..... ell ••. ea.-. NOW SHOWING leacJuei A's SlalN -Wecl•sllay;:. iu.. place at tb• hip echool 'l'beld&y'a run• at Co.ta lie.a Park. However .t&ndout proven the hlUeu wondeni. Before and ~d the wtnnin. nan. Cbar-pool-&Gmorrow, lt -wa.e an· . _ __ • ~ ~ the_ ~ J·l.JllL lie Taylor of Ul ><onte Vwt4. Coa· .a, ROD llAC Jli•.UAN , I Jpbn Henrotin'a Hornets, Richard P&laferri'a Panthers and Buddy Thompson'• Tomad6ea took tint night lead in the B buketball league at Harbor Soya' Club Tuellday. Play continu~ uoh Tuesday and Tbul'llday through the summer aounc "'f"Yena ~-rec:-'Star1>f tlie cttcwrarter1~ fl!&)'I WU'~ Pitcher Earl· one bue kTI~k. the Bravea Urk~ ra ~ .. and Brl a.n "Lucu or 939 reatlon dlftc:tor. S-Cb opu Lewia ~ISM Saptt, Ana Ave.,~ )(eu. t.ha Yankeea by llimilar mtra1n °"t Arbor, Costa MMe, were the J~ I.. In ·t.larM mound-pert~ · LewW aDowM but ot1e Mna'\a a elnrle blft(I• J_. -20. Ky .. loser.. _ lwtmmtnr wUJ be taucht thta ~. 1Awi1 hM tiurWd a an amubed out thr. hit.I In four ~In popped t.he only Brave hit Hlgtihrhu ot oll\er iam•: from tbal date at t th, 10th no-hitter and a l·hlttet' and col-be attempt-. J-. nnlabed up off Pttchera Dour Newbury of Juqe 21 -Glant.1 downed In· and Bay St.I., Newport Beach, laboraled-wtth Ronnie J ..... ot the f""f wtthout a ·hit. Ronnie 4008 Ma.rcua Ave. and Ron Palmer dlan.e 8-l. J ohn Hur tiea, s40 Bro&d· trom 11:30 L m. to noon; Bal· 111 27th BL, Newport Bea.ch, In Ky• of 1109 at.ate llt. ,.ot credit of 2oe• Prealdent Plau . Coata way, Costa Mesa, Mt a double l.n bo& Penirulula trom l :SO L m. toulnc another no-hitter. lAwil tor tlle Bravu' vtctory. Ron11le Meaa. Pete Stoddard ot 2928 Ocean two at batll. Winning pltrhere 'fftre to noon; China Cove from 1 opened the ~n Ju.ne 20 by de-Nusent ot 3at Ja. 23rd llt.. eo.ta Blvd. and G•ry Ptrkenr ot StH Pat Helmholz ot 339 Snur.Harbor to 3:30 p. m. and at Ruby Sl., featlnr the White Sox 12·1. a.. MUJ. pt th• lone Braves' blow. Flower, eo..ta MM&, hurled the Road a.nd Steve Slmon~on Of l897 Tiger Gang Snarls Atop B American for hip ecilool •C" boy• claMI· fled B. c ~ D. • I Tonifht the Tornadou t&ke on th. HawJu at 8:30 p. m. The Lak-j en cha.llenre the Panther• at 7 :30 and the Hornet. mwt the Bomber• at 1:30 p. m. Balboa laland, Crom 1 to 1:30 •ldeti hla no-hitt., Sari .oclled With JeMee lt&rtinr and Lewta Brave victory. . Newport Ave., Costa MesL p m Allen M.ld two to tw l th ftl••-June 23 -Giants beat Red Sox · .. · r o a • ...--. comlnr on ln relief, the pair team· June 2• the aame hurllnr duo II·:!. SlmonJIOn hit a homer with Clauea or ball hour period.I Juna 22, the CarU llU.ffered a ed up Monday tor another no·hlt· defeated the Dodgera S·l althoU&'h one on and Helmholz «in led tllld will be held for swtmmera, In· S·2 defeat from the Brav• dMplte ter .and a 4·3 come-from·behind the Bravee rot but two h.lll to the tripled. A diving catch In ~e n~ht l.nnedlatH and befinnera. field by Randy Woodland, 539 V.uLE HIGH ! Mike Vaile potted J• polnta and HenroUn H to ~ca the HornetJI to a 57·38 win over Bruce Knlpp'a ! Lakera. Knipp wu lllKh ror hla team wtt.h 11 followed by Don Beatty with 10. ROAD BACK SUP~EI CLUB A roarlnr gang ot •l•m·bang T lgera have snarled their way alop Harbor Boy•' Club B Amer!· can t.earue atandlnga wtth three tlralghl triumph11 through Tues· day1 tray at COit& Mesa Park. Tuesday the ,Tlgera chewed out a wild and wool)' 9·.8 win ovt r the BW Walller with U and Jeny Kamper with 18 11p&rked the Pan· then to a •B-H wtn over Maurice Moralea' Hawu. Moral.la acored 10 and J im Mulder 8. Newport in Buena Park Win Search Jndlan11. I Gary Orem wu big gun lh the John Hulbert ot 1637 trvine Ave. Tomadoea' 41·27 tr1umph over Drubbed In a pair by P'ullerton'a and Tommy Toedter of :ia W . ~ne Bryant'• Bombera. Green cbampa lut weekend, Newport 19th St., Co•ta Mesa, pitched a acored HI and Thompaon 9. Bryant Harbor J unior American .Legion'• ftve-hltler. but barely manag'ed alio tallied 9. nlne expects to g-et back on fhe Saturday & Sunday AFTERNOONS to hold the Tribe In check. The victory road at Coeta Meu. Park l ndtan• unleuhed a eeven·run A SLATE aga.ln1t Buena Par~ ln & Saturday final frame. A league play for high achool doubleheader, •tartinr at 11 a .m. tn another ha.lr·ralaer, Thomu varsity. jun10r vanity and junior Loaau 8·3 and 12·0 to Fullerton Froctette ot 2083 P~aldent, ea.ta collere playera ataru Wedneaday dropped Newport Into a third Mesa, had to hang on the mound and will conUnue each Monday place tie with Huntlngt.o.n Beach, and rattle June 20 for a 7·11 win therl'41ter. who copped a couple from Orange. over the Red Sox.. Tom Gillman B acorlnc run-down by quint.ell; cli.rrent 1tandlngs flnt1 Fullerton or 611-.Al-Detn-unload ed the only Tomadoea (41)-Buddy T!lomp· tJi .. lr"Wfn¥." no-eet1*Clu; Ana. Tiger extra·bue hit.. a double. aon 9, Leonard t,.opes t, Gary helm 3·2; Newport and Hunting· June 23, however, Gillman en· Green 16, .Jim 8.chonea 8. Bomb-ton 11,...; Sant& Ana 4·11; Buena joyed a ball. The Ttrera clobbered er1 (27) -Gene Bryant 9, Don Parlt 3-5; Garden Grove 2~ and lh~ AthletJca 17·7 &nd GUlman Plt~e t , Jobn P'onUua I , .fta.y Oranp 1·1. rallied th• park with a homer, Pion e. Davtd Cox 4. In Sunday'• abut.out, Mike ,Jew· Jiouble and single. Jon Schorle Pa.nthft'll (48) _ Richard Pala-ett twirled a three·hftter apinst ot 233 8&nt& babel. Coat& M-. fern 11 BUI Walker 14 Jerry the local lada. Slx runa In the had a perlect day for the A'a, Kemper' ie. Jtm Jewell 2. ' Hawkl leCOlld knocked Jim Newkirk ore t hree for th!"ff. (U)-Maurlu Mora.Ill 10 Dave the mound with Ga.ry Green re- Toppln.r hurling etfol'U to date PetUt 5, Jim Mulder 8. Jhn H0ti· Uevlng'. Four more Fullerton tal· were Brian Lewia of 2070 Republic, teller 4, Larry Bejulne 2. Ilea In the third aboved the game Costa Meaa, and Fred Mcswain out of light or Newport bat.I. of 400 JC. 23rd st.. Coat& Mua. Homet., (a1)-JObn Henrontln Other Sunday result. found Don J une 20 thf'y turned In a no-hit· H, Mike Vaile 24, CharlH Vander· Penfield hurling Anaheim· to a ter for th• Whlte BoS 5--0 over the .-ort 10, Jim Bento !, Bob Martin ll-1 win over Sant& Ana; Hunting-· .. • ALSO . EVERY NIGHT OF THE WEEK THE PLAYMATES • highly anterlaining vars.tile group appearing •• feature act Complete Dinners Start at $1.95 Jf , Dancing 9 p.m. 'til 2 e.m.~ Vaiv! RANCH BREAKFAST EVERY .SUNDAY . t :et ..... -1:00 p.m.. • lndlaru. Corky Elliott of SOlO 11, LI.ken (S8)-Bnioe Knl 11 ton ahulllng out Orange 10·0; and Balboa Blvd. bulled out a triple pp ' Garden Grove edging Buena Pa.rk and lltn&-Je In thru tripe for the Bob White 8. Don Butt lO, 3·2 on Gerald Bra.dy'a two-run Includetl JUiee, Ham or a.mac•, J:pa. Potatoee, Hotcallea, Hot Bl1cult.1, Jam and All the Coffee You Can Dllink -..... -........................................... .only 80c Sox. Chuck tKIUI a .• Don Bab ·triple In the aixth. Battling from wlra to wire, the Tank1 and A'1 deadlocked e~ June 22. Charlea Peyton of 2!M Evening Canyon Road hit a trtple for the A'•. Eurene lA Perla of 1980 Feder&l, Cotta Mua, cracked out l he Yankee• only hit ott a trio ot moundernen. It WU almOllt .. t.oup Oil UM Yanka apin.at the Red Sox June 24. Collecting just !Ive bu9 knockJI, the Yank1 manall'ed to come h'om behind with four run1 In tht fourth frame to win It 10.9. Al Von Hottman of 212 Via Or- vlsto went the route for the wln, a llowing nine hit.II. MJke Ingram of 7?19 W. 19th St., Coat& Meaa. and Charlea Torru of 849 W. 17th St. hit double11 tor the Yanka. Jim Curll• ot 2211 Pacific, eo.ta Meaa. teamed with Paul "1ller of 370 Bl"04Ulway to chuck the ~ Soit lo a 9·4 victory over the ln· dlana June 22. They toued • one- J'iltter. Fuller and M.llte Clemen~ or 421 Dahlia co~cted doublee. SAVE SAFELY At Orange County's Leading Home Lending Institution CONTINUING TO PAY PER ANNUM ALL .A.CCOUNTS INSURED UP TO SI0,000 Al Accounts -OpeMd On or Before The I 0th of the Mont+t Eem from tfte I ri LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS I & LOAN A~SOCIATION !U ~ Avnae Pho": n•· •·l1'7'7 LAGUNA ·a.EACH r Best dressed car of the year 1" lel Air Sport Coupe. You'll ~rwl 'fOl/r 'IJY'Orlte model °"'Oft9 C"-'"°'-'"• complete tine Ill Ii•'-lod1 ~uti11. Chevrolet. .... The only low:prtced mr Wi~h heautiful Body hy Fisher ~ YOUll ..W a.wat.n , MCMAAwmt 'ff*t VACATION PU8 o. ........ c .................... ..... 9"<t It •P ...... ,_., la Plhlf, Mldll .. 11. -C._..... ll>tHll, H ,_. Ii••, -4 tlrl" .,...... --"~..._ -· .,..,. -. • ........... ..... .. ,_ .....c.. .......... It'1 like a fam<NI deeigner'1 label on• t.cly'1 fnorlte puty draa. . It's like 1krli11& on eilver, 14 carat on gold. or like tb0tie little 1ilk threads in an h<1Delt·to-goeh &Du bilJ tbet no counterfeiter canner quite copy. lt'1 tho rather coach-world.famo1111 emblem of Body by Fi.her. You'll eee it on the eill of a Motor· amic O>eTrolet when yo• opea t"9 door. You'll "" It on eome of America 'a DtOlt popular Aip.prit:ed can. too. Bllt tbat'1 all Not oa any otlm ,_.,,,._cs. The other~ in Che.rolet'1 field jmt don't hrt'9 that clean, fretih look that comee from beauty that'• baill ill-not J>ohed on! In f9Ct, there are ftTJ' few CUI that do hne it-no matl2r what they COil. Y oa caa chooee yoar own new Chevrolet with Body by Filher from 19(>° cliferent combinations of model. ud colon. That'• like hning it CU11tom built jlllt for you-without the CUltom·built price! Come OB in ud pt .a die pod Deft OD the model ,. ........ STEALING THE 1'HONDER FROM THE HIGH-PRICED CARS! A MILLER CHIVROLn . COMPANY 1000 Wnt Coa.t HlcJllway NIWPOIT llACH Tu1Un A ve .. Newpart Beach, proY· t'd play ot the night for the Olanta. Ronald Palmer ot 2064 Prt1aident Place, Costa Mesa, toseed a one· hittf'r a.a th<' Yonktta dumped thf' Dodger• 8 ·6, ~--• TUSTIN PLA\'BOX Jl'taal "'Mk •Prh'llte UYM'' " Crashout" • All S-t.1 Re&en·ed St.60 at blue Sal1ll -Balboa 300 So. "C" St., Tuatln "1th Wllllam BeDdb' AJ:thur Kennedy NEW 80VND ClnMA800PIC l'rl.-llAL luly I .,,al7 I GBEOO&T PECK PURPLE PLAIN Technicolor M>EL .llc()REA IOIJDO RIVP 8ua.· T1-. lab 1-6 B-P'n1 Boprt -Ava Gardner -Dmalld O'Blt.- IAIEFOOT C9_"-TESSA. 8TEIU..INO JlA YD.EN IATILE TAXI We4.·8at. '1117 .... TONY <JUB118 -OORL~ OALVEBT · SO JHIS IS PARIS TecbalClPlor ADVENTURES OF ROBINSON CRUSOI L I D 0 '71ca.:tu FIRST RUNt NOW 8ROWINO ONE WEEK: MAUJlEF.N O'HARA -ANTllOJ\-Y QUTh"N PLUS-COm4'C17 Fe.tw.- YOU KNOW WHAT SAILORS ARI AIUM TA.MlROFF FIK8T RUN! NOW p;iffOWL'llR IOlln_,.__ Qu1sr FOR THI LOST CITY -MAM COIDAY • 8AlfTON tlaclAH£ • RUEDA INESCOA'f ...... _.. lall · ...._.,lllJTI ~ ·....., 1t W1m IOSIM• r I. ·······-~·· ' • I CommunionDay Adventist Delegates to BibJe School at B. ~· Church . · ~ , C Program at =:.:~ ..... ~...:Attend Laymen s ongress N. s. Baptist ~. DonaJd O. '-Pit wW ....,.. T • p • ~ al workabope la Bable evan1• .;,.. V~U.. .._.. lcllool lM a..cr..-.t al H~ Com-nuning roaram IS to liml. Utenture •Y&npliml, UM of mu.aioll u.&e ......,, at llilotll U.. &"" ...__a audio-~ -~n.Je M IOU). ot U.. '1nl llapu.t CIMl_!'dl t :M ud 11 ._.._ ~ tu. -n__ f Le d h• ...... &141,flld _&a .... _. ot N--.ort ._.,Ito u4 ~ .,... .. 1111 ...,. .__ c repare or a ers tp ,..,.. u.s.t.ance to people la lloMd. w . ..,boa .. ..., wm ..,....nt La ~=-:.t will be Mlada· • -~ul. OMcl&la from t.M Adwn~ world Ile cJiamae Pf'OITUll ...i hn- JIUnd to .Ula lkk ... -.t·Ja Two delepte. baY• been api'U™ted to reprwn1 the ~~~ ic!c".i :~c! -, • ._ta1 btitnnins a t ' dlllias u.. attemooa. Newport.KeM S.V.tb-da.y .A.dventi.t Church at a Cive-day ww direct u.. ~. o'cl~. AU departmenta a1 Mr. 9An wu .....,,...w to Laymen'• Coft1riiM to be held at Gladatone Park, Oregon, PurpoM ot u.. t.ra1nln1 Pl'OIT'M' u.. echool w1U un put wttll u.. 1ocaJ dlllrcia at u.. aoou..n ........ , __ .• • ~.ut.ona Aanul eoa. Putor Donald B. Spaulclin&' bu announced. 11 to prepar9 ~.. -ymen o. the Junior deputment pre· f-..C. IMlcl at fted'Hda l-. 11-U.CW by tu dl\lrdl counctl the cburda tor JMdtnhip "' tMcb· Mnttni a JJlaf, '"'"'• Prodlpl H. Ht and Mrs. ..... _ ..,. ...,. to alt.Id tll• OOIDl1"MI Aq. 2 to 1 Aleo attendlnl tM coasrwa w1" ln1 other laymen how to help rnaet Son." Tbt b&ndlwork will bt -rr be Puter &Ad Mn. Donald B. Ult aplrltutl nteda ot people faad honl Peabody, Maa, Wben M an Mr. Uld M1')'o Beraard DrUcb. apauldlns and Auoclat• Putor with probleJN ot a reliste>Ulf na-Oft dltplay and awarda will bt Mrnd u JIUld.lter of tbe ,,,.t Mr. llhrlida La ont ot UM Joc&1 and M .... Alcb&rd a.ma. ture. accordln1 to Putor IJ*uld· ~ltd. Panel.a &Dd h'tanda M~ Clu&rcb. elden u well u m-'ODU'J' lead- -------------tr and &UMUl ldlool ci.ontt.r. 'n\e Joc&1 deltfaUon will jol.n 1111· are lnvlled by tM Rev. Herb- Ke &ad xn. llu1ldl .,.. MltJ'N la more tAaa 1,000 other oftlcl&l dtl· trt Jobrwon to a'tlud Ullll DINc....,..t HAllOI AIEA CHURCHES a1. &M·wa .,..., ......_ <lllllr'C!la llUl 8t. • It. Aadrewa ltd., auoee trom Hip lchoo1 l.JlMrty ... ~, Paator: 1'.n. Juau 8. It.wart . o •wty .......... 4IO W. ltth It., ea.ta Mua Liberty a..&61 arr. Joeepb w. Mcmwi. TM Clauell et autM 1060 CJnudl It., Coet& Me• Llllerty 1-6711 D. o. Hunt. MJ.ni.t.er Cllitn auuu By Tiiie a. Community Mtthodi.t klboa Blvd. at Uth, Newport H&rbor 11229 MinJ1ttr: Rev. Roy Carllon a&. ,_...., Cllarcll • st'ftn&' Bible .tudJ• IUu.trattd eptM Ul4 l ,000 vWtona from UM wtth ftlm ltrtpe to uao.. Inter-w.ettra at&lM, Kawall, Aluka •ted ta .tudylq Ult Blb&e at and Canida for the t..ymp'• Con· bmnt. snu. They will be sinA train· PAGE 6. PART 111 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS ·THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1955 SOUTHERN BAPTIST BIBLE SCHOOL CLOSING PROGRAM Islanders at Mountain Camp Ten youtlw ot th• Balbo& b- land CommUIUty Mtt.hodltt Churd1 art ~1 "CtlrUU&n·adventurt· camp" Ullll -ek at Camp Cedar Olen near Juli&A. They compote procram w1Ul Ultlr cblldrtn. J'oro Ute mornlJll worahlp bo\lr at 11 o'clock the putor'1 eermon wW be: '"nl• J'orce We J'orc-t." A cornmuaJOft Mmce wtD be held and the band ot ftUowlhlp extended to new member.. the ftrat ll'OUP ln UM tlve·y•ar -------------hlatory of their church-to attend summer church camp . Campen ln~lude Terri Walde· llcll, Gail Gr&VH, Dolorea H~r. S.tt:yjean Ollenther, Nancy lboot· tr, IUMD Nealy, Valene Lowt11. Bill Ferry, Steve Ferry, and Sandy Knipp. Accompanytn1 the STOUP and Mr-rills on th• camp at&tt 11 th• Rev. Doo&Jd a. S&pp'. Provtdlnl lranaportaUon for Ute campera are Mn. C. Dourlu Jl'wlT)', Mn. Robert Guenther, Burt C. Lowen and Mr. Sapp. The younc pe:opJe will return on Saturday. New Stamp Notes Church of Finland The nnnleh Poet C>tftele hu I•· IUtd, two 1ptdal ltampt to com· memoralt Ule IOOth annlvenary ot the Church ot J"lnland. Th• at.ampe depict acent1 ot the 11511 cnil&dt to Finland led by Eric Jedva.rdaon. Kins ot Svealand (Sweden of that tlmt) and the JCnrll•h·bom Bllflop Henry ot Up- peaJa. The motlf1 have beGI tak· en troti. medieval J'lftllleh churdl art coUecUona. 1"6 Ora111e Ave., Coat.a Mua Lllltrt,y 1-lotl rather Thom&.1 J. Nevin rlnt a.pu.t Clturcli of Newr>rt kl.boa Blvd., 19Ui It Court Ila., Newport Th• d~y ncatlon Bible .cbool al the J'lnt Southem Baptlat Church ot Coat• Mna clote1 Friday evenln1 with a comm~cement prolf&m and YI-ot exhibit.a at 7:ll0 o'clock. !:uh department wiU lfTe a br19f demonrtnl1on of It.a acUYiU• of the put two w"k1. P arent,. and trlenda are Invited to attend th• prosram. Dr. RJchard H: POM, putor, Mrved u principal of th• Khool. Othefl wo~klnc In the 1ehool were Mr. and Mra. Carl Ru.Mell, C'ha.rlH Rice, w .... Richard H . Poat, ~Jae Bonnie Chappell, Mmea. T. J. Fewell Jr .. C. A. Knox. Bob MoWaln, E. H. Huterly, E. V. Hawley. · 'Freedom Foundations' Theme at Christ Church . ll&rbor l~S Liberty 1-3072 Putor: Herbert G. JohMon x...-n &anor LuUMna Ottardl :r&ol ClUt Dr., N..-port Hetfbta Liberty I-stat Jtn. ltobert Gronlund ..._w,., a.. ltnd ft. • J:Jden An., Coet& Mt• Ai.o Mme-. Allee Coffman. Annie M&rl• Rowe. N ina Morrill, MIM Barbara Jonta, Mmt1. A. J . Bowan, Corine Cox, Roy Inpundllon, Emmett Dewty, H. 8. Morp.n. A. L. S.lty, Ina May Gephart, Ml-Jeannette Fewell, and Marilyn lJlpunCS-. Mnlee. O. L. Spencer, 0«>r11 Mayhu1h. and J u&l\ita Bowell. LDerty 1-1791 ________ .._ ____________________________________ _ lttvtreftd )(. c. Crolilc. Pu\or ....... __ ......... :Kwport Blvd. at Bola at .. ,Newport Htllhta Sider Richard lern1 Llbtrty 1-1532 WILL INSTRUCT ~--.ttllileN...,... 1ua All&belm, Ca.ta M.ua Vacation Bible School at Island Methodist Paator: Rev. Cltn WlWama Teadlena tor th• Vacation Liberty 1·1191 Ourdl kbool to be kt&cl Jiily 11· --22 at tht Balboa U&an4 CommUA• rll'lt c:.'IMirell .t mrld, ....... llf Ktu.cu.t Ourdl _,.. IA• 1303 Vla Lido, Newport Beach nouneed th¥ week by Kn. Dould B&rbM 2421 G. Sapp, director ot the Khool. --St~ la UM primary dapart• u.a .. ...._ ~ ment will bt MmM JolUl Loy. Felletnlllp Clyde Shooter, Robert lAinau. J:d. Ebell ClubbouM, 1111 Ballliloa Bl\'d. ward f'rwh&n. and lapp. Wort!· Mini.ter: ltn. J'. W. 1Un1• Inc wttb Ute junior depe.rtmenl --will be Mra. P . J'. Batn-. Xl'9. nnt ......... ll6pdet ~ Matthew v. W&ldtllch. Mn. Way- l&O w. Hamilton. Coat& M•• land Dwlbam. and tll• Jlt.ev. Donald Llllerty 1-2411 O. lapp. Auiltant workera wtU Putor: Dr. Richard H. POM bt Mn. Dean Gorton Md W)litJle}' --Balnea. Cerw ... 11aro...--1~ Cllvdl Th• 1CbooJ will be held from I a. m. untll 12 oo Monday throurh 1'r1day ot the two-week period. Th• primary study unit wtll be "Lo•• Allot.her." The junlOl'9 Will lludy "LIYinl and Workln1 To· 19ther u Chrl•U•n1." Th• pro· lf&m wtU Include rtllJ1ou. In· stniel.ion, mil.lie, dr&m&. creative ac~'1Uu, and recreation. The tehool 11 open to a.11 youth ot the community. Bec&UM of the limit ot 60 youn11ttr1 to the echool res11traUona should be made thla wttk. Mr-. Sapp hu annoW1ced that rest•traUon1 ~I bt received at th• church office by telephonln1 Harbor 45'5 or 41120. ~ Consre1aUonal --~-~~-~-~--~~~----~-~~-----tu Heliotrope Ave. Harbor ll~ST Putor: ReY. l:dwln c. Oomke l'lnt .., .... ())aatdl lanta Ana An. at MapoUa eo.ta Meu Jttv. P. 0. Neumana Clnarell et Ou Lady "'llt. 0..-1 HU W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Harbor 0214 l'&Ulu ltepben ICUty, Putor J'attltr Geor1e Pam•aau. A.Mt. Putor Methodist Women Honor Mrs. Bodman, Mrs. U'Reh Mem~ ... of th• Newport Clrele, l Mmff. Mamie Havtce, waya and W.8 .C.8.. honored two member. mHJ\I; D. W. Holtby, procnun and when they met at th• home of dlnlnc room; Goeldner, kitchen; Mre. JoN\ U'Ren, 1612 W•t Ocean May Delosier. ca.1111\f' and decor•· Front. They wett th• boat.. and Uona; P. L. Hl1st11.1, flowtra and Mn. J. A. Bodmul. l:aclJ wu pre-cardl; Eu1ene Mahoney, recep- 1ented with a copy of "Rich .. ot lion; Mlae &llle Newlalld,, l'ptr1tual the Ktnrdom" by Grace Noll life and tran1porta tlon. Crowell. Special cueata lnclucMd the Rev. Tiit U'Ren1, relildtnte for over and Mn. Roy Cari.on, Ml11 Clara 80 yeara, have told their home and Kollletedt and Mrt. Ralph Wat.ton, "Foundation,, of Freedom" will be the .ermon theme at Chrlat Church by the Sea on Sunday. The Rev. Roy A. Carlton will spc.&Jc at the t :ao and 11 o'clock 1er· vlcea of worabil). Ill 'l connecUon with Ule *ervance of Independ- ance Day, the aermon w111 pre1ent .ome of the •plrttual factors that atrensthen our treedoma u Ameri- can.. T1Hi Sanctuary Choir under th• dlrtcUon of Mra. A, J . Rutter wtU eln1. "Let Thy Holy Pr. 11ence", by P1tehemopotf, at the aecond Mrvtce . Churcn echool claeaea tor all &&"•• are held at 9:30 a.m. Heh Sunday. Supervl1ed nuntry care 11 provided tor parenta who wlah New Will Rector Officiate to attend either of the mornln1 aervlcu . Youth Fellow•hlpa meet on Sunday evenlnc at the church at 9 p.m. Church commtulon• and Ute or. flclaJ board wtll mttt Wtdnellday, July 9, rollowln.c th• fellowllhip dinner al 9 :111 p.m . 'God' Will Be Sermon Theme The ontneM and allneea of God 11 the bulc theme ot the Sunday Leaeon·Sermon In all Churchu of Chrltl, ScienU1t.. SWlday. The eubject of the 1ermon la "God.'' Reference• whlc.h will be read from "Science and Health with • Key to the Scrlptur .. " by Mary I Baker Eddy, declare. "God It one I Qod" Infinite and perfei:l. and can· not become finite and imperfect." at Sal.nt James "We 1halt obey and adore In pro· portion u we appreh~nd the di· The Rev. John Parke, new rec-:i:d~:;~e w4::!t~;v~oH:r~::;; 1 tor of St. Jamea Epl1eopa.1 Church. the corporeality, but rejolclnc In will u•ume putoral dutle1 on the affluence or our God.'' I pp. Sunday, otfldat1n1 al three morn· 587, l40I. Ins 1ervicei. Thie Hlecllon from Deuteronomy Holy Communton la at 8:30 a . IS:•. ~l wlll be read from the 1 m .. mom.Ing worahlp and Hrmon Kine Jamee Vereion or the Bible. at 9:30, communion and Hrmon l 11 "Hear, 0 lira.el: The Lord our a •ft a. mt.h 11 . 1 k i God 11 one Lord : And Ulou 1halt "' er e 0 c oc aerv ce love th• Lord thy God with all thtre wlll be • cocree hour In Ulf' thine heart. and with •II thy eoul. Parish Houae and welcome to Mr. and With all thy mltht.'' and M .... Parke and t~elr ch.lldren. The Golden Tu:t 11 from Paalma j St. Jame• •u.mmer camp ror 177:13), "Thy way, o God, la In children a t Camp S.llowa, Bir the Anctuary: who 11 ao sreat a Bear, hu bffn enl&r(ed to ac· God u our God!" commodate a larrer number and appllcatlona may be made' with Mr1. 1..ew11 Jackaon. Harbor 3989. Southern Baptist The annual aummer card party The Hrmon .ubjecta of Dr. Rich- and ba.laar la calendared tor July a rd Pou on Sunday are "Tb• 20 at th• Pa.ri1h Houae. Ml'9. J . Blood of Chrl1t'' for the momln( H. 1Ur11. prealdent of Ult Worn· Hrvice. and "Bu.llneu and God" an'e Auxlllary, 111 In charce and for the evtnln1 .. moe at Flm will receive "white eliphant.e.'' southtm Baptltt Church, eo.ta Mr1. Nell Harri• II acctpUn1 old Me.. allver, ch.Ina. coetume jewelry and anUquea for the Curloelty Shop. 1 I Ml'9. Orrtn Wrishl w111 t&.ke Never pua wben approacbin1 reaen:atlona. the cr•t or a hill, adviMI Ut Na-Qutlt L.Uteru Cltarcllil .t Cotta M- (KIMrl Synod) Colt& MH& wtU t our their n&t.l•t l:nfland tor prwldent ud vtce·preeldent of the -------------tion at Automobile Club. Putor1 l\n. Lothar Tornow ... 1-. Efleotpal IJOI Vla Lido, Ntwport Buch Harbor 1230 Curate: Ru. Ralph PeaM It. .Jolla VIUIWy 111 Marine. Balboa Ialand Harbor 0214 Fata.tr ltepben Kiiey, Putor RU.tr Geor1• Pamauu1 .A .. t. Pa1tor <JeeVal lMW. Churell Oraap .An. at Jard It. eo,ta Ken. Llberty 8·:130I A..·.A. Kader-, Putor ............. (J ... .., ... ~. 111 Apt. A••~ Balboa Ial&nd Xtlmter: Jtn. Doeald l&pp ~ "'a.ap. .... .. kleece .fll Mind" t..,,m& ~ Art O&l.ltry I07 CUit Dri-11Tatt '-TU. ltn. Me TID1t, MlftWt• thne month• with a fl'O\IP of W.8.C.8., and many m•mbera from Melhod.ieta. On their retum they other W.8.C.8. cJrcle1. may relocate here or 10 to anotller community. Mr. and Ml'9. Bodman have tor 32 year• been active In Chriat Church by the Sea. Mr. Bodman haa retired after aervln1 for 215 year1 u cuat.od.lan • In Newport 11Chool.a. The couple wlll apend the 1ummer at' the Sacramento ranch home of their daurhter, Mn. Geortr• Barry, and may locate there. Mn. Geor1• Goeldner conducted a bualnua ••Ion, o u t 11 n I n 1 church duUea and namlnr chair. men of comP1ltt .... Theae Include Baptismal Rite Communion at Mesa Baptist At the 11 e. m. worahll .. mce. July a. In Coat& Me• BapU1t church the R.tv. P. G. N.wnann wlll have 11 hit 1Ubject: "OUr Nation'• Debt to God." At Ult 7:ao p. m. wonahlp Mr· vice there wtll be a communion me1a1.4re, "Sweet Communion,'' by Paator Neumann, and the ordJ· nance of communion wtll be ob- 1erv.d. 'Ml• nrtit !\and ot fellow· tlllp wtU be t~ded . Sunday 8chool wU1 meet at 1:415 f Ad • L m. wtUI eia-a toe aJl &SU· or ventists At t :IO p. m. tbe puth lf'OUJll wW mMt. aJ.ao at that ~ bour A tlrttt talll, butd on t.hou1ht.1 th• paator will -4uct VM Ill· tl'om lloml.l\I l :S-t, wtl1 bt siftll ltrucUcm a... by Aaeoclate Putor IUcb&rd 8tm1 Wedneeday at 7:IO p. m., Pra!M at Ult 11 o'clock aer-rict ot Ult and Bible aWd1, led by Put.or Newport· w .. hventb • d&y Ad· Newnu. Pn.ytr l!'OUP' tn Ult v.nu.t Ourdt Utl• llaurdaf, •arioue ~·t. .... tat 1:11. July I. a... el ,_ O.W 'nlia talk wtJl prwede a Mp- ., IMtw DaT ...... Uam at wNcll .. ,...._ wt.U bt· Art Cl H rrtdq .AftenM*l Clu_, R ouee come mtmbeni ot Ult AdnnUlt 855 ftS ea.ta M.. Liberty 1-1711 an.ardl ....... ......,,,, ...... o.itbo\ll '"'• Ufllc °' d&a:u•oa 1or u.. Picnic Luncheon rdft muacll OP ClllUft cburelt at etudy which tClftftll• 1011tJ1fftft at I :IO LJl\. wtll bt "TM Proi.lem -\lieu. ~ ._. ot lln." Varioue pbaaM ot tb• Guest Pastor at c: M. Church The Rev. W, Norrie Barnea, pu· tor ot Trinity Methodl1t Church, PARQ'B • RIDLEY llORTUABY ro ... rly Om.AUEL CHAPEL UO BroNw&J 1-Coe&& lleee UMnJ I-NU Md 1-UU Yum&, .Ari&., wtll bt reat putor ~===========~ Sund~y at Ooata Mua Community r. Methodlat Church. preacblzl( at the 9:30 and 11 a. m. worahip 1er· vie•. Ht will aJeo pr.ach on July 10. Laat Sunday the aupply pu· tor wu Jamee A. Kins. nephew, . of Mra. Raymohd Eaatman, Red· landa Unlveralty rrllduate. who 1 wm ,o , .. t thl• r.11 lo •tt•nd I Bott.on UnlYeralty School of Th.- olofY. Th~ Rev. ind Mra. Jowph Mc· Shane a~ v&catlonlnir with Mra. McShane'1 p1r~nt1 In Dundee. Ore· eon. will return In mid July. BAHA'I FAITH Prayer Discussion Study "lt you look toward mercy, re· (lrd not that Which beneftta your1elve1 , but hold to that whk h will benefit mankl'ld"- Bahal WTlttnc• Friday. I :to P·"'· U.4 Roc:hett•r 8t,..,.I, Coeta MHA. CalJf. heee U 1-1111 •r LI 1-1111 CHUICH OF llU&IOUS SCllNCI Em4l9t Holm• fouader, autb«lr al "klace of Mind." SUNDAY ll:&VIOl'..l 11 .... halor Claarcla Md N.,.:..Y C.... 11 a.a. .... .... hrll. •lllmleer • LAGUNA a&A.Clll AST GALL&a't 111'.at 6-718' M1 011n Dw. A .._.. fl ,.. ~ O.cto, !lit ""' dlacualoa wtU Ille: ''TIM Ortp ::;:., ., a.rtr.t, ...._.., ,. ....._, ...._. and ~ al 8ln.'' "lin ~ ......, .-..i •:rs a, "" ·t•rl'ed to nu. ~" "lln'1 ft.e. ........, ""9tc• 11 • •· "'· YOlt A ,..m.t God' 1 i..w Sndfl tn Oau..rins netnU, at -.. ~ ot ,,...._ PMNock (Kra. J'ftdefte) Hope, t00 DeJill& Aw., M'Hral mtmbera ot her art e1 ... 1.t Or· ~========================~ up Clout ~ OoUe1t •· ..r JorM a pot hlclll hmcb-. Plwent wert Mm• .A. c. llBatJu, wunco Park and WlJIJ1"41 ..,_. 0( U.. city; Mn. a.ut. A. ltaa.aey &all daupter and Mra. Mu Pope, Co.- ti w .. : Mn. Marprn Kinder. ....... laat& .Aaa.. w,:..,., ~.:"., uli ~ t.:: Death." "Unlvw.llt7 ot lln and ~ .. '-:\~ ::-w::...:: = It.e.,... Jttmtdy.'' , _, _ _.. •· it• •-. .. ?:41 "'"''· llPIM9 •-1 .. t. • ne .,.,... lfl IM llltmO.--,. S••cU• o "'· 1 '• I -Clo,.d 11.1lou• 'found tn l\om&n1 l ::U: "f'or all "• ..... 11•1c :. <erf••"• ·~ .. -4 ha•• tinned, an41 come ahon of the .. c...d ............. -........... lor -.I God " ' I 7.,. . , BALTZ ·MORTUARIES . . ootl'TA MmA c::IUPEL ITU'~ A1'ell .. c.-a M-. caw. Pbone LDMrt;y 1-IUl C1U.Pm. 81' 'ftlll BA -.. Oout 81\'d. o.n.a .a Mar, OUM. PtloM H&dMw d JOU My. B•t. you ktep puttinc it off. Thea bert'• j1l1t one of the many reuorw wh1 10U 1houl~t1rt 1oinc to church-NOW I \ Aa an American, you like to come and 10 where you plnu, and when. You Uke to 1peak wb&t you pltate, and ho•. You like to punue lift . liberty, and happintH 11 you will. And in thHe Unit td St at ti )'OU CJD::: C tA1aL. W«.-ltil \Int freedom. You un wonhip in what· ever church you chooae-or not at all. But thia freedom o{ reli1ion and all our other llbtrtiu ahould not be t•ken for 1unted. Throuirhout frn countrin, the Church ia fi1htin1 the peril of com. muniam, Int individual• be 1tr1n1l1d into hopele11, ploddin1 aubmiuion. Freedom, thtn, la reason cnou1h. Go to church I 81Jl)port and uphoR the Church-NOW! ... This Church Feature Sponsored by These Local Business Firms HARTLEIN FLOWERS HOUSE AND GARDIN For All Occu 1on1 MOSE. Coast Hwy., CDM. Harbor 5071 Complete Home .P'umilhln11 Draper!u -Ruga S017 W. Coast Hwy. Uberty 8-6518 KOPPER KmLE Ba.lboa ... land Morry's Shell S.nice 3600 E. Cout 81\·d. Corona del Mar Harbor 2710 S&H Grttn Stamps NEWPORT CLEANERS Dry Cleanlng -l..aun<lry -l'1e11M1n1 108 Tuetln Newport. Beach MARGARO'S CAFE lpeclallM ln Sn Fooda -Orders to Go i614 Newport Blvd. Harbor 2286 NEWPORT HARIOR IANK Corona del Mar ROSAN INC. Se.craft Dlvlaloa & Foreign Moton Yincent11 Rexall Drug Stores Three locallon1 lo Serve \' ou Newport Beach. Balboa, Corona del Mar Allee of Udo leauty Salon ./' Hair Styllnr for the lndlvtdual t08 12ad ( oa the PO St.) Harbor 2M4 RUSSELL W. BANGERT Heat1n1. VenUlaUn1 A 8heet MelAI ill lht St. Harbor «48 IADDSER & PONTING 1 "Bald)' 1 Place" Newport Beach Harbor 251 THE CLOTHES HORSE "Shop ot Dl1U,,ctlon" 111 llarlne Ave., Balboa l1dand 11.atbor 070'7 •••• ,.. Slleet Metal Wens n.t Ket&l -RNtlftl' -VenUl•Unr II.arbor 2%10 MAC'S CAFE t'1rst on nght toward Hunttnaton S.acll 6204 Cout Hwy. llarbortm-a MARINE IEAUTY SHOP PersonaJ!Jed l:lervke In Ha.Ir 8ty1J.n1 327 Marine Ave., Balboa 111.utd Harbor 151 NEWPORT FURNITURI CO. Complete Honie Fum11tb11111 2620 W. Cout Hwy. 1 Uberty 8-1111 MARKO SPOT 200 Marin& Ave., ~ lalud Harbor 1000 Reinert's Newport Dept. StoN "Your FamUy Store 81.oc• 1114" Ocean Front at 22Dd. SEASIDE MALT SHOP 2100 w. Ocean lbrbow tu Newport &e.cb R. WASEMILLD "The Worklnpan'e l tor• 1894% Harbor Blvd., Coeta .... JOLLY ROGER Balbo. l•land IA YSHORI RICHFIELD Free Pick up la Dellv917 17th~ Cout ""'Y· loyer'1 Balboa UHi•.,. Ce. Linoleum -Tllti -C&rptt -t•orm1ca ZSO l W. Ba.lboa Bh'd. HAL COWER & SON SIGN,AL SER. STATION Fret Pick up 6 dt l. -Wheel B&Janct S.'JOl Newport Blvd. llarbol' 5550 GEORGE M. GRAHAM Ru1r1 and Ca rpeta 122 A1ate A\'e., a.Jboa w.• H&rhor 3%56 High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 .. - • I ·- ' Lutheran Vacation "Bible NEWPORT HAUOR N~ESS -PART 111 • PA617 THU•SDAY, JUNE 10, 1955 • School Open House Friday :.:= ::_: ;,,,";;::. E. ~Mil n:::-:;.::: ::.! TM n..11u VaaaUon Bible School nooe With a ~i......a .... \nat {CW all In 8&lboa wtth pi.., ~ at I.a M~7 al't.enooa'a .... ~ --~ . """~~--°' Newport Harbor Lull\Jra.n pupU. pwL 1 :IO o clocll. Doyle .ct JltJI OOW't. • I Tb Clllll'Oll W1J1 e10M ti. UIM ..aiQll.. ~ic.. l undaY .at H Mre. .._... M Mra. VJ tHMnlL 'ftn. J&ra, Jimr J"rtday wtt.11 an open houte and ~ H&lg'bt.a Church wW deal wiUi a.a lldna Maellluten ,..... JtOrth. lllc'Prt and Kn. R°""1 ~ lndependence O.y thelDe. • •Ith ..adl w1aur:s 1A tlle~J • Mllll lAallt r.wter Md Ka ...-pro(TU" for lh• 1'4'ttnla of lhe R•v. GCOl11UD4 prMCbln&' CIA UM __ _ ..,._.. Mn Mlkll'M J4tAe ... clllldrl'I\ enrolll'd. Ult'me "Under God" at boUa UM ~ IU'• ~~-----=-~ Kn. a J. ~ , A.a opportunity to view the 1 8 :10 a..m. ud U L m. ~ .. -~ w." -... ._._ -r--.-..._ _____ _ work of I.ha U el&Mu wlU be pro-Mra. Vln'*'t ....._ ~ __...up nortJMoutla ._.. vided at lh• open hou1e. beglnntng I . ... nort.b-eouth wen ~ L. II, Weiih-llttl7 Ooomb9 Md rwe, a•lq; a1 •:•6 p. m. At 7:15 a half· M~ter Point and Joe Wt~ ..... A. Mra. ID. J. Wkbwl Md ......... 1tOur Prot'r&m preRnltd by lM H . McDould ud Mra. Carl Ben· Korrll; Mn, ft07 atrota ... ohlldren and bued on the lesaon G S d 80n; Mr. and Kn. A. W. Twmntl. Wwtam Ducu. TM ..,... wm material, "God'• Law" will be1 1 ame on un ay ltuutra•Up ....... ~ Kr. t rrv--u -""'• ~ •H ,.iven for ·the parenl1. lft\d Jira. H. K . Wan.tarflW'd; mM °" ~ ··-... Pulor Robert B. Gronlund will Dalbo• Dupliblt Brtqe Club Mn~ Ol&rlel Boardmaa; Doll llut 0can Frcmt ta aan.. wt0 prealdt a t the prorram presenting wW bold Ila recu1&r Monthly 111 .. ltnma ud A.nd7 Ma.a.j. play •tarUns at T:IO e'a&oolt. individual a ward• for attendance and memory work, u we.II as cla..v awarda for attendance and lot1ll number of poet.are etampa collect- ed for rnl&llon. hi aeulon for lbe put lwo weeka, from 9:30 to 11:30 eac.b rAOmlng, the echool enda Friday 1July Picnic tf or Kiwanians It Pays to Ue . Particular ~ yM're bQylq •toeka or ~ em.. Oar .••-"* . .,.,.,_.. en.,.-.. ltadreda ef at.oeka before ulutt-c a..-, few wtdci dlleJ .- recommeecl u oatataMtacty a&tntdve for .. .,..._t. ~ Paper b.mewel Co. AMCCM9da Co. A.-teaa ()M TbMe aN ...,-, ·ed • oV late.it .._.,. a.DeUa wblcJa we will .....,. ..... , .. wtu.o. .......... -t. . .SHEAISON, HAMMILL & CO. ., ........... ~ SSSl Via Udo, Newp0n lle9ela CX>Nll1RMATION CLASS OF NEWPORT lllrbor Lu theran Church, ahown above with pastor waa examin- ed. confirmed and received first communion first three Sunckye of June. Above in first row from l~ft are , Diane Fellbaum, Charlotte McGann, Gary Fellbaum, Carol Rogney and Kay Miller. In rear row from left, William Trusty, J ohn Kesel, Philip Mackey, Karen Tol- lefson, Rose Marie Rue~er. Ann Stanley. and the Rev. Robert B. Gronlwid, pastor . -Bernie Alden Photo I Hair alylt1 and aummer plana occupied allentlon of L&dy Kita wk n they met for final aeaalon untU Beplembtr at t.he home 9lf Mn. Thomae De J'orreet, 1437 S.renade Terrace. Mra. Joaeph Deachenea wu co·hoateA. Speaker WU -Elatner o( B Vl•t.a Beau-1 ty Corral, wtth hla wife and daugh- ter aervlnr u modela for demon· atr&Uon. ~VI• were made for Coata Meea Klwanla famlliea to hold a picnic at t.he BultaJo Ranch on July 19. ......... ., ill.-l'Nk 8*-11 s ............. 1Ae6c --...tf:7 a o-••'7 lbClllMa'• J i.. Aqtilall P=etrsi -....../---. -.eaaa ....,.. IA lolla-N-Yo~....-.oatnM-o.&IM Rwtoa 1-ht .... Pule (8wttwtead) Youths Give Mllsic Progratn at B. I. Fatnily Night Dinner Youth of the Balboa Ialand Community MethodMrt Church demonstrated their talents WNr1eaday evening, June 22, by preeenting a program of muaic for their parenta and people of the church. It wu held in connection with the monthly hmlly Nlpt aupper. m Ure rroup aanr aevu al eelec:· A vi&Un and trump«t duet wu Uona. PhylUa Ackenna.n eerved (lven by Gall Oravu and Steve u mlltttM of ceremonlu and Ferry. OaJI Grana ~ Terrt Matthew V. WaJdellch wu ln WaJdellch preeented a vlolln-n ute charge of 1UTang-ement1. duel. Vocal dueta were (1ven by Membership pins for the Inter· Phylll1 Ackerman and Bettejean mediate Melhodlat Youth Fellow· Cuenther. Btltejtan alao pve •hip were pruenttd to Gail Grave•. piano and tap-dance aolo.. Tbe Phyllis AC'kerma.n. Terr1 Walde· · Morping Sewing Session, Supper for Grange Units -Tb• week of June 20 to 2• wu Mni. Bertolel la a fo~r reel- "" aclh'• p«rlod for members of dent of Coat& Mu a and retalM the Costa Mu a Granre. The wo-her tnembf'rlhlp In the gTanfe. Her men of the HoQle Economlca club mother la to Vlllil ht.r aoon In her mel at the hall on Tuellday at 10 borne ln New York. L m. lo aew. They have completed Mr.. Minnie Boyd. 18' E. 20lh 24 print aunbonnet. to be taken St .. u co-ho.teu tor July extend· to the UvlnJ ·ln patient.II al the ed an Invitation to all club mem· • Orange County Ho.pH.al, and they ben1 to t>ti. present for the aecond are aleo malcln1 drapee tor Ward meeUng of the month on .July 19 •O at a potluck luncheon In her patio. Luncheon wu aerve1I by hoeteaa· On Tburec:ey .,;,enlnf at 6 :30 es of the monUI. Mn. Bradley o'clock, gr11.nge membe,. with Hughe• and Mn. Louia Bennett. fam!llrs and friends gathered at Vice • president. Mr•. Bradley lhe hall for a pol·luck aupper. Al Hughu , conducted the bu.tlnua eight p.m. the mulf'r called lhe meeting u •he hu been dolnr In meeting to or~er, and the leclur· th~ absence of th• preeldent, Mra. er p~eented her literary pror ram •Aht"e Fmc, who hu j111t returned at that lime In order that non· from an e.11to ded visit to the memben1 might stay to enjoy the northe1-n part of the 1tate. 8he lectare and !lee colored alldea wu accompanied home by her 11 llhown by Billy Phillipe. Phillipi! year old (l'andaon, Shannon Mc· had apent three year• ln Japan Murtry. Mre. Cecll O.Orge had M while ln the 1ervlce and p ve an her (Ueat Mr•. Norah Jonea. lntereattng and graphic picture of After lh• refular buelntaa t.nd Japan'• early history, Ill culture reports by commlttcea, baby gttta and echoola. were presented to Mra. °"-'en An· Joaeph Rapier, chairman of the ktny to take to hef' daughter, faJr c.ommlltet, reported that pl11J11 Evelyn Ankeny, now Mr8. Grant are being rompleted for entry of Bertolet ot New York City. an exhibit In the oranre c ounty Max Pope Waniki Mrs. Heads Metting Ttiur9day e.t H oward'• for luittheon. memben of the Wa- nlkl Club lnala.lll'd offlrers. 1111.'y lnclud,.d MmM. }.fax !"opt>, prul· F aJr. Newport Vari<ty YOal 5 and 10 STOll We OtYe Crow11 81amP9 Oceaa Fl'ont Ntar Pier NEWPORT BEACH Uch, BeUejean Quent.her. and l!lten Ferry. Precedlnf the prorram a deoo- Nled cab WU pl'J¥Dted to tile Rev. and Mnt. Donald 0 . lapp. who have been r•appolnled 'lo the church for another year. Tbe In· acriptlon ~. •·e Jad you're here for another year, Rocky and Don." Sup~r arra.nrementa were made by the Ma.rt.ha Circle of the Worn· t.n'I Society ot Chri1llan Service of which Mre. Comellua Don.leer la cha irman. Camp Fire Girls to Hold August Camp Member• of the Ort.nge County camp Flte l.Aadera AaaoclaUon met rt.UnUy tor the flnal infor- mation on the comln( Camp F'lre and Blu,. Bird g1rla D~y Camp. to be held Aug. l&. J7, 19, 2i. 2t and 211 In Santiago Park. S'anta AnL Mra. D. H. Haxton ot C-091.& Mua, Day Camp chalnnan. an· nounc:ed a Day Camp work day to be held Aug. 3 for lhe Blue Bird and Camp Fire leader• and moth· era. AppllcaUone tor Day camp reglatraUon wlll be malled to each qualified Blu6.Blrrt girl Md Camp Fire girl and mu1t be returned t-0 Mrs. Haxton by July 20. Any glrla or mothers Interested In obtaining Day Camp lnforma.' lion may ca ll Mr1. Paul Rodel at Harbor 4688·J or Mr11. Emeal L&urin a t Llbert.y 1·6771. MISA UPHOLSTERING Uplllolate1101 a o,.._, UH N"Pt. Blvd., Coeta .._ Uberty Mi81 BE SURE • INSURE ~ MAURICE STANLEY ,_,... ou, Plloee Harbor H1' ISi& E. OoM* mpwaf Corona del Mar dent: Vernon Koepael, Vlca prul· WATER llEATEJl8 MATT1lE88U denl: Jack ~tlaon, MC~tary; SAW . SUVICf ••d .. ,,.,IS ..... -Bomte -TnOen Jamf'a Van Dyke, trea11urer. Re-J B. ~ Ii t iring pl"teldent. Mn . George f ~ / lrftl'UJar Shapee Stricker, wu Inducting officer. 0~ eC 0 d UINirty l ·llOI Alter luncheon and lnatallatlon PLUMBING OOl!ITA MESA llA'lTRJ:88 oo. the gTOup of 17 went to Mrt1. n11'4S " PH ClNt DOWN tt"" N--..... ftlvd. "'••• Herl>or SUO "" ~-r -n • Stricker't1 West Bay Ava. home ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;g ~==========~ tor card11. p - At Las Vegas 111• H. J:. Stahlera and dauch- t er. Lynn, 399 S~\'lllf' Ave., -" n c:ent (U..U a t Ule Dunes Hotel, Lu VeKU. NtT. Old Established Insurance Agency All llnu Y.Tltt~n. HOWARD W. GERRISH 18011 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mua PHONE LIBERT\' 8-131' Call DAN'S TV ..................... Uberty 1-2228 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Newport City Poultry ( OriCJinal Newport leach Barbecue> FwllR"lng • • • BARBECUED CHICKEN , any size, hot or cold. See us for special prices for Clubs or large partiH. CUSTOM IAllECUING FRESti KILLED CHICKEN Whole or any part. Turkeys , GeeH, Ducks, Pheasants, ~ Squab or Partridge. · 2810 Newpo11 llYd. N•YIPO" .._. ......3125 -Chec>t Cluatned Dllplay for out· 1t anc!!nf bar:•aina-ia uaed ~ Mra. Leroy .Andenon wu a rueat and 2~ membe,. were pre- -.ent tor the «cuton:- Lia._ &e 8aiw H -m l'lhM9 Wln l:Wl'f 811Rda7 5:'5 P.11. ••• JIMW &A.fO (1to) Tom McCahill, Auto Editor, Mechanix Illustrated, says: "A magniflcent-handling car the best-looking Mercury in history" "·:a '"" McCelllll, eve. ..nt.r, ,..m1 '1'be 1955 Mercury i11 magnificent car and the Montdalr·(1bown aboft) ia the bett-lookint.!unily car on the American maibt toda7." Come in -see the reasons Mercury gets rave reviews Get a dn~r.up lnok at 'Mercury's exclusive styling. It's fresh, cliatllicti\•e, shart'd by no other car. Make your own te!t. Feel Mercury's new St.1'lll-TORQL'l V-8 power (188 a.nd 198 hp). Com· par• Mercury for val ue. You get dozens of fine-car f eatprn at no extra cost. A 4-barrel carburetor on every model. Dual exhausts on 8 out of 11 models. Ball·joint IUl!J>Cruion. And much, murh more. You'll see for younelf why Mercury conai!tently leada iw 6old for reaale nlue. I ~ I • The car the auto experts go for can be yours for the July 4th week-end-and at a big saving Our record-breaking ulet permit us to five you more for your present CA!'· Remember, too, that Mercury pricee atart below lS mod ela in the low·price field.• Why not check our ofrer toda7 and reaJJy enjoy W long week-end coming up? ~ .. _., ~ ,...., .... , ... ........_,.,,, ·-··a ..... ~-......... .,,~ ITPAYSTOOWNA mERCURY ..... ...... "' .......... "' M Wl .. ••'t '-,OAU OJ f>41 TOWN~ hMef -r ........ t • ,....._ KNIT, Cll ..... I JOHNSON & SON, Lincoln 900 W. Coad Hh)hway -.NEWPOIT· llACH Aa..,,_ . ..,c ... • Mercul'j ~.,., Ml4S a ' PAGi 8 . PART 111-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, JUNE 30, ,1955 CRASH HELMET REAfjY! Frank Durante of Cub Pack 107, Den 4, is set for blazing speed in his soap box racer with a ramp launch-off. Police Chief Art McKenzie, whose officers blocked off Costa Mesa'• Plummer St. for Thursday's Soap Box Derby, preparea to apply momentum with a hand on Frank's back. -Staff Photo TRIO STARS ON HIGH SCHOOL C DIAMONDS the \\'h11e Sox Tuuday, 111-15. Slt've Carlson ot 2908 Cliff Drive tOl!Md t hl' win over the White Sox' Oilman. A 11en•11 llonal one-handed catch by Kenney 8Wllft80n or 1992 Tu. tin Avf', Coat.a Meaa, may h.ava tk!l'n thP cllCCerence for the CUba tn 11n g.r; win over the Braves. Nell PIM:e, Coata Me.sa. Randy Warren I N A Bl'SCH Meaa. got the victory. Steva S.bedd J lmml• Sulllvan of 437 L.a Perlel by Randy Pr1or of 833 St. Jamu. Sav1l'rll of 433 Bro11<lway, Co•ta of eoe w. Balbol\ Blvd. and Kenny 8 hr"'M.ln11 In lM .econd UIJllng of 1620 King• ROtld hit a _ two-nin swanaon of 1992 Tu.elln were the by the Giants proved t oo much for homer for the Braves. ~~:~~!::::~nl~e;z~;":;:. CUBS COP MESA C FIRST Cll!b 1111mmer bueball eea~n an· , ·:~"::~~~~ ::fc! ~~: .... AS Sox GIANTS TIE UP n.lng irame betwttn the Tiger• and Jnd1an• F'rtdlly. He lined 11 double In one of the beat gamn of the Jl'our l"l1M In the third canto to CPnlerfleld, driving In the. trl· Harbor Boys' Club aummer but'-brought ll\e CUbe from behind for umph11nt run for the Tlger11 4-3 ball 11eaaon to date, the undefeat· th.e victory over the Bravea TuN- w1n. Teddy &rker of 318 St. An· ed White !oit and Glanta of th11 day. John Naylor or 20321.0rchld, <trews wu the winning pitcher. Cotta Mesa Park c ~ague battled SMIJ\ Anll, a.nd Carl Mancellu of Bill Bl'O<'kman of 453 Broac1w11y, to a 3.3 lle Tuellday. The deall· 2031ll SW Birch. Santa Ana. Costa )fea. ""'"' the loeer. Dickie lock enabled the Cuba to take pitched t he W1n. Danny Holl of Oannon of 41l9 Broa4w1ty, Col!ta ovf'r nrst place wtth a M triumpb 20182 SW Spruce, Santa Ana, and Mesa, homered for the Indiana over the Brave8r Pete Douglae of 1300 B. Spruce, wHh one a bo&rd. ored Santa Ana, tos~ for th• Brava. In Jl'rlday'a Mcond game, Dave The Sox and Olanta uch ac Oilman of 1:,20 E. Ocean Front single taJlle• In the flr11t Inning In Monday's games. the Dodgen hurled the Whlte Sox to a 7.1 win Two runs In the Rcond sta.nz11 ap-de!eated the Cardlm1ls 5-J and the over th Dodger•. 'Jackie Kimble peared to wrap the win up Cor the T•.i:era downed the Red Soit 12·3. 17 eMI did lh t hi G111nt11. But the aocklng Soxer• \\ 1MlnJr hurler1 were Don Gut· ofM 44d ramC arh W e ca ch ng I knotted It with a pair ot llCoree ndge of H :> E. WllllOn, Coat& on ay, ate er arren om· In the fourJll. M!'s.t, for the Dodgl'ra and Bruce •rad twice for the Cllr1.hna1,. a.s 'l<tmmet of 290 F1ower Coat& they edged the Dodgl'r11 9-6 Pitch-Pete Toedter of !571 W . llllh sr Mesa and Barry Slmonso~ of 1897 er Butch Marka of HMS Ninth St. Costa Meaa. and Dick Perry of N . ' rt, Coeta Meaa, for the ng. irot Into the battery act by buh·. 20~ Placentia.. Coal& Meaa, horled :..wpo 1nc a round·lr1pper with one for th• White Sox. For the Gianllle _ ----------- aboard for the Carda. 1t w u Terry Huff ot 1991 New· Bob Hom of 135 Via Kavn port Ave .. Costa Mesa., and Grant -8tartlllg next week your New•· pitched the Reil Sox to a 4-2 win Nairn of l ll!U Newport who ahared Pre.a will be publlahad Monday, over the Tlgen! despll1' I\ home run mound dutiea. W!'t1nes<111y. Fr1dey. •pH HllUM CURRENT EARNINGS All FUNDS REC"V'O ON OR BEFORfi TMG ~OF™' MONTM lARN FROM ™G FIRST • .. , SHOP MONDAY & FRIDAY NIGHTS 'TIL 9 -.~ ~~.'~.:~.t1 ~· ... '. ...• v . 2• Big Week! Record Values at Sean in Santa ~na Look for the black and orange sales cards ... sure signs of Record Days Savings at Sears Santa Ana. Everyday needs for the home, car anrJ a fun-filled summer. Hµrry ... Record Days sale ends Saturday, July 2. 19.91 Door C.eopies ts• 3.49.,....., Tool lox 24' 41.95 umr.111 919 T•t 38• 19.95 lff stltl Self Com t6• • ... 199.50 . DiYm .... 169" T-..4...-.,., ...... . ... --.......... ,. a.I•'-._.,v-. °""' .. ...., ··-...... ----· .... 14.95 24"lnzllr t2" t'·· rteonl-lnaki19 savings for th, home Regular 19.95 Water Heater, gloss lined, 20 gallon size ........ : ..•. ._ .. 7,6.H hgulor 9.90 Sc,..n Doon, fine mesh, galvanized, 'kiln-dried pine ...... I .II 2.49 yd. Value Decorator Fabric, vat dyed cotton bark-cloth ........ yard 1.33 Regular 64.11 Homart Disposer, gets rid of food before It's garbage .... 64.11 Regular S.19 House Paint, Master-Mixed, resists weatherinQ .... ~ ...... gol. 4.66 7.95 Valve Broadloom Carpet, thlc,neas, rayon yarns .......... lq. yd. 6.09 • 1pplianc1s at reconl days' low prices 249.95 Value Automatic Washer, 9-lb. tub, dial controls . . . . . . . ...... 189.00 259.95 Value Ga1 Clothes Dryer, drys clothes soft, wr inkle free ....... 199.00 279.95 Value Coldapot Fr .. zer, fast freeze section, 10 cu. ft. copocity ... 237.00 New Coldspot ~efri9erators, 40-lb. frHzer chest, 9.9 cu. ft. copocity .... 197.00 Room Air Conditioner, push-button control, 'flush-with-wall, JA H.P ....... 239.00 36-lndt S.mi·Autornatic Gos Range, Visi-Bake oven, smokeless broiler ... 147.00 -. All Roads Lead to Sears Santa Ana •• , ~ c.• SALAMITOS .... .... ... girts ••• .., ....... 1.69 Value Olrla' Shortt, red twill, faded ~ bond top ................ 99t 1.91 Vo.Ive Sleeveleu Shlrta, broaddoth and pliue, colon .••• , • , •••••••. nc R .. ular · 1.so Charmode Cotton Ira, adiu1tabl• strop .....••••••••••••••. 99t Regular 2. 91 hpaclrillet, faded blue, navy blue, brown. 4-9 ...•••••••••.. 2.66 H .95 Value 17..Jewel Wcmhes, ontMnagnetfc:. lhodc reU.tant ..••.••.... 11 J7 ..... .., ......... ..,. ' R .. ular 39.95 Suits, wool & Dacron, regular weight, and tropicals ..... ·~ .. 29.11 ... ular 3.91 Canvos Casual Shoet, air light, faded blue, brown ...•••••. 3.66 hplar 2.91 Pilgrim Knit Shirts, 10 colors, ahrlnkoge controOed ...•••.... 1.99 heular~9t MM.'1 Underwear, "T" style ahlrts, gripJMr shorts ...•••••. ea. 39c Men's Denim Slacb, patch pockets, 1nap fastened waist, colors ..•••.••••. 3.49 l1rdor $1 loys' T-Shlrts, reinforc9d necks, cotton knltl .....•.••••••••... nc ...... , 2.29 loys' Denim JeaM, Western styled; bar todtlng ..••.•...... 1.3J .... a,., 1.11..,. ..... ~rd, WCllhfost ...•.•....••••. ,, pr. 99c ' ' SWrts & Sllorts 99:. 127, 120, 620 Cl•a Ala 3 '°"'77' • ... 9.95 ....., ... 7" bl.69c·91c Slnlts 44:. ~~·1''11,_..., ... SEARS • 2G 1716 So. Mafn It. -... AM Telephone ICI. 2-3961 • -I' • • • • I • 4 ' -• " NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1955 PART FOUR, PAGE ONE • ' ODYSSEY -It's been a long time since Odyssey, above. •dropped her anchor in Honolulu but ships have long memories and we'll wager Odyssey remembers how to get there. In the 1939 event she placed third in her class and seventh overall in a fleet of 26 entriea with her skipper Dick Steele at the helm. Dick and Odysaey have put many a mlle behind them since then and collected a fair share of trophies in varioua major regattas. A 58-ft. yawl, Ody8sey ratee in the middle of Cla.ea "B". I .1 FLYING CLOUD -Earl Corkett's 45-ft. yawl, Flying Cloud, is a Class "C" entry in the 1955 event with ,a nice position rating-wise. Twelfth in h~r class of 14 boats, Flying Cloud gives time to 16 yachts in the field They're ·Ready for Honolulu!. By NEAL BECKNER Ever since Dr. Albert Soiland sailed hie venerable . schooner Viking IV in the Honolulu Race of 1923 -the year that Mariner set the 11-day, 14-hour record which stood until 1 1949'-there bas been a Newport Harbor Yacht Club entry well up "in the money" in almost every successive Trans-Pa- cific classic. · Staff-Commodore "Walt" .Elliott took the top spot with hU trim California-32 sloop Escapade in 1941. After the war ... , years when ocean racing was resumed, the 1947 race saw six NHYC burgees in competition and then in 'f 9 -the year Morning Star set the all-time record of 10 days. 10 hours - Fred Lyon brought the first place trophy back to Newport with his PCC sloop KitteA. FULMOR CU>SF: of 53. In addition to the customary chores of getting ready for an oce&!'l race, Flying Cloud underwent some rigging changes last Spring which have proved "Very satisfactory. -All Beckner Photos ' SEADJU FT -1f you're look1 H~ for a 1 8.-••. .,.:Lo1J111:•r \.atn p.n lholcs so you ca.ii CYN.10 -The 48-ft. ketch, Cynjo, owned and . skippered by Gordon Alles, is "bead.in' for the barn" in the Trans-Pac Race since she was built in Hongkong. She • bu aeveral Pacific crossings t o her credit. This is her first try ai. making the trip under ncing condition• but she has clocked some mighty fine times on her previous trips. She is another member of lhe 14-boat Class "C" group. Staff-Commodore Ira "Prent" Fulmor only missed the top spot by 4 hours, 31 minutes in the 26-buat fleC't of the 1951 race but took a solid Recond in hi!; class and second overall. In the 1953 event. Prent sailed h is staunch little ketch Staghound to a resounding overall victory by a safe margin of 7 hours, 30 minut~ on corrected time over his nearest competitor la Class "A" boat. incidentally, and took top honors fo r Class "C". identify it as Lyman Farwell's Ch~Jl "A" entry ~?adrift you wi ll be a little' confused since atl tile ports have b.:rn cl!rc.>full.< l"O ; r-.d and faired 111 to mRkr a 11mo'other hull and e:nable t his goin ~ m~r·hinC' lo -::.1 e • .::t bettt>r. In ac!diuon to Aome fine sailing. the crC'w of Sc:drift.:tn.' I )o1:in ~ funvard to mealtimes aboard sinl'e ~1rs. Farwell and her \)au~htcr, }.1rs. Bob C:udc·y. have foregone the ease of flyi ng to Honorutu for the.> yeoman cluties of keepin'.j the boys fat and happy during the racl'. • • •AUJ. -..,. -... ,_ _ -'°a.. '1111: bl .. ~ ......... ~·· 46-ft. liclat...,.......... ... MUI D II _...., 1M> tl'llC.,tkm.""tfam D wai -.a1t .-. tt. .._ ,....__Pac 1tatt but M« couldn't wMl ....... - -& mc-diil&ADOI ft-.&. 8t c·oulinul'(J on t•aa:e ~Part n · QUDIT -One of the finest ahipc in NHYC'1 fleet la Howard Murphy'• beautiful 64-ft. yawl. QuHt ii not too happy with the light airs we have been experlenc- lnc around Southern California recently but give her • a btt of• blow and '•he will abow her·trarulom to any fleet u ahe proved In the San aementt Island Race w.,... 8TAGHOUND -Holding fut to hi8 Boy Scout principle of "Be Prepared'' Staff- C6mmodore Ira ·"Prent''. Fulm~ and his crew of eager beavers have put in many long boun of hard work readyihg the 39-ft: ketch. Staghound, for her third Ttan1- Paclfic RaCe.. In the 1961 event, Staghound 'Placed 2nd o\"erall In a field of 26 en- tri• and 1eC01M1 In b• clul. In 1963 Prent and hi8 sturdy ship took top honora over- all apimt 32 conie.tanta and t'lnt In Clue "C'', which numtx>red 13 entrle.. In thh year'• contest, Staghound ii one of 14' boat.a ncin1 in Clua "D" but, of COW"M, Prmt ~ bu hil eye on thoee overall bonora acain. < .. ,.. . (}overnmenl Gxc~pl PAGE 2 -PART IV NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS· PRESS THURSDAY, WNE JO, 1955 'God grdnt us the se,..nity to eccept the things W9 cannot d\enge: 'th. courage to ehen9e the thi"91 we c.en end the . • • wisdom to mow the diff.;.,,ce." (A Anon.) -How do you s'1t BRUSM GGUNXRY E D I T 0 R I A Ls. INDEPENDENCE DAY , If the people who inhabited the 13 eolonJea along the Atlantic 179 years a&o had lacked the quality of aelf. dependence. tbey would never have had the courage to declare their independence of the Britiab Crown. But this self-dependence wu one of their •trongeat charac- teristics. They and their forefathen bad conquend the wildt'rne~s immediately about them an~ bad ettabliabed their homea and communJtiea in the 1ace of difflculUea which would have overwhelmed a leu &elf-dependent people. As we celebrate our national lndependence Day it is well for'-" to keep this in mind, for over the decade. Wf' have been losing our self-dependence -our inde- pendence. it you pleue. More and more we h&Ye come to look to othen for the solution of our problems. Not jun our community and national prob>ems but ao often OU!\ lndJvidual prob- lems as well. A young married couple remarked rather plarnti\"ely that they had no relative. to help them fman· r1ally. They were reminded that their greatest oppor- tunity in life wu to help the1DJ1elves and alao to try to help others, nther than to expect othera to do thing• for the.m. Certainly we •hall not beworthy of thoee who !ound- t'd our Nation unleH we strive to ~mutate the apirit of independence which motivated them. This means stand- ing on our own feet, saving for our future, and not look; ' Ing primanly to government, relatives, or frienda for our well being. It means facing up to our local, atate, and national problems and contributing all we can in thought and energy to their solution. No nation can long remain free wb<>11e citizens fall to meet squarely their individual and collective resi>oMt- bllitlea. ~t ua meet ours. Council Ejects News-Press from 'Star Chamber' Meet Secre~y in public buatnesa, particularly that of the City of Newport Beach, ii an abhorrent practice. It ii condemned wherever public-spirited citiuna mindful of the people's right to know gather. It 11 heart and soul of the Freedom of the PTeu, a freedom which ia baaed on the people'• right to know what government ia doing where and when. Freedom of the Preu ii not owned by newapapen, it 1.a youn. The only thing a newspaper ''own.a" ia th.at while Jt ia in operation it bu the guardianahip of the public tnwt in its care. When thl.e aacred duty to the newspaper's community ia neglected the new•paper will be neglected by it.a people. Reapeet for a newspaper ia not bred by it.a indulgence of cra.fty, back-room aeuiom being known about but not reported. At 3:45 p.m. Tueaday the editor of the News-Preu, in performance of hia duty u the reporter of city coun· cU affair.a and in response to hia obligation to hia pub- liaher. walked into council cbambera to find the council meeting with its city attorney in star chamber session. The city attorney waa the only non-elective city official pre8ent, pretaumably a.a a legal guide to council'• private d~libera ti on a. ' Fir11t remark greeting the New•-Preu representa· live was "this is not a.n open meeting. we a.re meeting on personal matters." One councilman indicated the News. Press could remain in an off-the-record capacity. The News-Press ie not operated in an off-the-record manner. For this reason the editor told Mayor Dora Hill he would leal'e-<>nly when ordered to do so, would not remain t-0 ' listen to public affaJn being di.ecuued and formulated in private tiession. He wu told a statement would be "i.t- Rt1ed to the press." THAT WAS RIGHT CONDESCEND· lNG INDEED! ... The News-Presa repreeentatlve replied that this newspaper would accept the preu atatement "and go from there" but this newspaper would be no puty to any public business it could not print. The News-Press would fail its duties to it.a readen 1f it did not know what the council meeting waa about. The council was discussing personnel matters, which the attorney said under state iaw may be talked. over privately. We are not arguing with state law. But we do take issue with this episode and thousands like it by govern· ing bodies o! local, county, state and national political subdivision. which actually determine policy, apendJ. JIEWPORT Gt HARBOR RE-W~, J?·RE-SS Formerly the Newport-Balboa Ne\Vl·'nm• and th• Newport-Balboa Prue Entered .. 8econd-Cl ... Matter at t.be Poatotnce tn Newport Be&ch. California undu the Act of March a. 187t. Qlal.U1ed to ................. Notklee Md Adftrtl---ta of All au.. llt Decrw ot tlile ~ Oout of Oru,e Oo. i. AcUoa No. A·U1tl Ill--., Oallfenla NtW'tpaper hM.!Uul .U.O•dclll llw._ N..._.. l*tot'tal AIMdl..._ MHlllkr of Otuce Coaaty New-9 ~nll'tl ~ REDDICK. PUBLISHER Wlu.JAM A-MOSES. Editor ORMOND E. ROUNTREE, A~ Dtrtctor CRAlU.ES A. ARMSTRONG, MeclWilcal Su.putntendent turee and procedure In theae ".tud1 ...son.," ~ known u ••Star Chambtt Seuiona." ThW •tate and many othent each year an ad~ more and more lL•t. of non public information, more u.ta ot public. iecoro. which bureaucrat. wh tD ·keep con- veniently quiet. Thia ia an a.lanning. un·American; un- comtitutional method of handling public buafneu, pub- lic employee., public moruee. I To the be9t of our information, a city council, when dealing with public funda mutt deal out in the open, carda on the table. Now to circumvent this face up deal- ing by biding behind "pertonneJ matter11" ia to under- mine the public trust. To circumvent the rulet1 about government uae of public funds is to cheat the cit.Jsen.ry of its right to know how it.a tax money ia spent. When "-a council deala with peraonnel matten1 it deala with pub- lic tunda and Jet there be no mistake. Who paY1 public aervant.a? You do -by electin~ council members to rep- re&ent you in hiring them through a city manager or civil aervice board. Tbil newspaper bu never been afra.id to print the truth It about.a one truth from the top of thla page: 'The government bu no money except what lt tau. from the peopl&." Thia appliee to co~ u well .. to the congrea. We know no reuon nenpapen cafinot report cov- enunental dolnga, particularly whef\ they refer to any malfeasance in local public office or dereliction C?f duty. Work Was Their Secret The 56 signers of our Declaration of Independence were a tough lot. Rebel.a uauaUy are, and in thoae daya they were rebela. Toughneu ~ded them in their belief lhat "all men are created equal, and that they are endowed by their Creator with cert.a.Jn unaUenable Right.a," but the sign· er'I had another more out.landing cbaracteriatic. Work. When the abooting wu over they went to work to cury out the belief• Rt forth in the Declaration of Independence. Two became President, Jeffer90n and Ada.Dul, and one, Elbridge Gerry, became Vice-President. Several became Governors or their own •tatea, many eerved in their state legislatures or in the U. S. Congreee. Many alao urved aa state and federal judgea. Almost without exception, the signers worked hard 80lving the ~y problems of the new Republic. Stanley Honored · for Idea State.wide conUnendation of A.uemb.lyman Earl W. Stanley, Balboa .hland, w~ given today by E. A. Fred· e.rfok. Pacific Coast zone vice-president al Ao.tate In· aurance Co., u he announced plan.a to open a regional o!fice In Santa Ana. He pointed out all state high 11ehoola now provide cluaroom inst.nlclion in driver education, thanks to the Stanley Act of 1953 which made California's record popible through state funds supporting the program for youngateni. He noted the national average of driver education couniee In high school curricula la « per cent. The company's foundation hu provided $117,500 In grant.a to 28 colleges and universities throughout the nation. These will use the cub t o provide courses for hlgh school driver training teachers. And all because Earl Stanley wanted our children to have correct driver education -a factor in reduction o! auto Insurance. rates. · CARLSBAD, N. M., CURRENT-ARGUS : "Pragrees ls ·an expensive necessity in the growth of any nation. granted. However. there are timee when a little vi.lion and 80Und thinking by members of Congress could give old J ohn Q. Taxpayer a little relief without endangering the future of the country.'' CUERO, TEX., RECORD: ''The free expreaaion of criticism and disagreement, by newspapers, political leader'I and private citizena, is the surest check on tboee in authority and the greatest aa.f eguard of repreaentative government." COVINGTON, TENN.. LEADER: ''Good road• are neceuary, but we wonder i! it ia necessary to build ao mucb ao fut, putting ao great. a strain on our already 110rely-taxed incomes." Fanner McCabe Writes .. ~ One of my · ole Dommem.ick Hen1 jeat batched a bunch of chick• and while I wu watching her lead em here and there fer the beat ecratchlng, I got to thlnJring that them cbJcka and that ole Hen wu purty much like 80me of our polilcia.ns and the people. After all. - politicians are ao experienced and Car sighted thet they know what'• best fer the people jest Uk~ my ole Ben know1 what'• betlt fer her cbJc1t1. I wu feellnf purty proud that I tiad .tumbled onto aome rare truth, whMl I J8f happened to not.Jee that o'9 Dommen:Uek Ha wu at.ryll:g to hover her chicb under my ole moUM colored Mule where ahe wu ebore to get stomped on • . • and theo I lot to woadeJinc how amazing it ie that th• cov- ernment allua 11\V'Viv• In •Pite o! 10me of the M.den that the pecpJe cbocee to nm fl Farmer McCabe (all •"' ·-... , ..,. r a Conttltution and a Fourth of Ju!yT Let "Him Keep His Self-J.l.espect AFFAIRS OF STATE By llENSY C. llac4B'l'HUR JOURNAL By • HORA~~ PA.RKl'~R I (r.4. Net. -1'Wit eel-1111 B.,_ l'atker ril dral .a1Ua a.. Unltt-lmon laa.14lMc.I fac-te i.t 1J1M •~ llP I• Ma n•&A$ tripe late tM Mck coua•r1 ta recea& Jean.) 1 Ed. Note: Thi• 11 Ullrd ln & aerlu of &rtlclu on rnovrng r f t'ht lndl•n• from Werner'• Rancho In 1903). "You've got. to admit Jenkins hu guls," said one of the teamatera admiringly. · The morning of May 11, 1903 had broken clear and sun- ny. Jenkins stood talking with a voup ot offic'lals near th• lead wagon. What would the ne:<t half hour brinR? Very po1111lbly bloo<lshed. for th" Indlan1 , ,,d fll'lltlon. Sllni •hlfll'•I th• wne f1Khllng cluperalely to rt• r.-1n4 In hi-han11& n .. rvuu~ty t&1n lhf'lr oltl homf's -thP1rs alnce Swlnicln1t up nnrn th<' v.111o:on eternlly. Thty w.-re bl!wllolere<I It ttal. Jenk1n1 ctucke1I II' the horM• wu 1ure. Th<' l lnllt>tl Stall'• SU· and the lung llnl' or ii f1t11tht preme Court h11rl rul•d th<''.\' most \\'agttn~ 11lowly anakt'•I lhc1~ w11"j move off this 110-c~led hind of tnwrnd the C'upa ln•lllHI \'1111\r.tl former Governor Downey. of Agua Caliente anu •l•Sl111y Oil The Agua Cahtnll' h••I 111waya this fatal May 11 morning In 1903. been tlleln . Whal abont the As they ente~d tht r,.11,.rvallnn Treaty of Cua•l:1 lu~ Hidalr<o~ abOut 30 young mm from the \'II• omt wtilt" 11 lt'Tlchr h1ttl And. .IUllenlv blO<'kl'd a&ld fight. Othcts h1u1 1111111 tht Ult WI..)' nf the wagon•. Thln11:• highest tribunal tn the l11nd had Wl're &t an lmpuH. With a h11nd pUl!td on It aJ1d tht'v couldn"t •ll[llal J.-nkfn• atoppeii the wagnn• fight the l'nllre United St.&lH behind him. Oovtmment. Evtn lh<' lndlaru ROOSE\'l!:LT a1WORT them11elvt.1 were dl\flded a 0 m • One or the young Indian men thought the cue hoptlt'~s while 1tepped forward. "Mr J 1."nkln11 ... .. few dlt hard11 Wf're ready t<> die he be.-an. "'Th• car1t1n11 h&ve re- bnlde thf" wa lers of their belO\•e<I turnf'd and aav your Capitan bol iprin~"· Roo..-velt .. ya we don"l have to movl'." IENIUNS Nl:RVOt'S '"It l'lln't be true," fumed Jenk• Ankfns, wlM In the way1 of the In•. '"More de I a y 11, r rc1lt1t'nl Indiana, wu ltn.te a.nd ntrvoua. R~velt can't go ovt'r the hud SA..cllAMENTO, (CNS)-Quat-'!'tie unJOM fou«ht 1trenuoualy A conculed p11tol. an o ath or • of the Suprern., Court. Tiii• wholf' Iona of conformity of Callfom1a·1 to ffCUr~ rl'CO&nlllon et the hlnng mlsundt>rl!IOO<l worl1 coulol ~ tilt arr111r ta one ml1und4'ntandln1 af· unemployment haura.nct act with ha'1. rrom which work 1.t rotated I apsrk tn 1~1te lh •• powdi:-r kti; ter a nnthtr." Ote federal klw have plagued offl. amonr the hlembe1s. The 1tate I 'Tm In charrt." 1ald Jenk1n1. ""Mr. Bro1o1m our la"'')'l'r from cl&l.I of thla •late ever 11lnee the recocnlMa the jurilldh:tlon of the "1'11 drtv<' th11 lead wagon. 1''or S.n 8l'm1mllno 11 romrnir today," Ca.llrontla act wu adopted back hiring haJl, and works In conjunc· Oud's llllke men 'bl' can ·ful. Thc:<t' eunlinuNI the Jn11l11n ln 193:1. The latest queellon bM Uon with Ill rulu, with no dlare-poor devil's nl!'rve.1 are "" t11:h1 Jl'nklns marl., a quirk declaion. been thrown out u a acue to gard, however. ot &tate law. u fiddle ttrlngs. I sincerely fetl "All ni;hl."" lllllt1 J<'nkln.1. ··we'll CalltOt"ftie. employer• and wor;.lng But havln1 obta!ned thl• c.n-op-eorry for thom but Ul<!Y-have to wait f<>r 8f'(''Wn but wr'll atAy men alike, apparently In an ~tro1 l era.lion from lhl' state. the unlrins be mov«<!" right wht•rt' w.• art'. we·re not go· of a small clique In the federal de· now consider that lhc hiring hall 1o~10rn a crack In lhe blankrt I In~ bsl'k .. p&rt.ment of labor to work Jut a membera, who norm&lly would covulng one of the lead wagon'• Afttr ntarly fin houn of wall· dt&l for the maritime unions. l.ake vacant Jobi, are not to be eeal reporter Schirmer rapidly L'I ... JenkJna· WU Mr1ouaJy corald- Under federal law, when • atete conatde~ a p&rl of th• operaUon ~bbled 1<>me notea ln hl1 cramp· erlnJ u•tn1 force when JOJO'Aol la '"out ot conformity'". the ,,. '"rat I when a c:ert.aln l'l"OUP s ou on ahoull rrom the Indian• announe· jurildlctJon hu th• a~ lo 1l.r1ke. • • ed the arrival ot attorney John rnok• the prov1aion1 calUng 'tor Or111nally, the department Of R E A D E R s Brown. He lmmedlately called 1 a 2.7 percent o<bet fnr the st&!.(, rmplo)'Jlleal ruled In favor or '"junta•• ln the ecbool-houae. For a ot W1employment IMUrance t.a.xea. the J'l'O'lp. but wbaequenUy, a.nd lonit time he talked alone With 'nm W'OUld mean t.hat a tun S over a ~ ot yean. the un•m· w R" I T E the 1ndlarw ttum Mnt a muHnger pe~nt of the payroll tu would ployment lnaur&nte appeala boa.rd. for .Tr nklna and Mlle Coniet1u11. a be paid to the tedtral rovem~tnt. and the 11.&te dLnrtct court or ap· teacher f'rom 8herman ln.atttute. and there would be no unemploy-petJ, o~rturned the department FACES 8P1"..A.ll ment ln.Nrance payment.I by the decl.llon, and -held that all ml'm-Mr. 8'-n Reddick. When Jenklrul mt.ered t ti• lt&tt, when the tund ran out, of bera who refused Jobe wert a ctu-MT. Bill Mo11Q and achool, tbe blAnk. ml.erable and CO\lrte. ally on atr1ke. I Mrs . Wlnlfl'td Barbre tmpa8'1ve tacea of the Jndtan• Bo fu, the fede.ral r ovem ment Unable to get Ule cue Into a~te I wish to expl"f'llll my •prrf'rla· spoke louder than w'onll. .Attor- hu never decland California out sup~m• court, the Wiione now. It lion an!I .. v th11nk vou for the ney Brown'• counHI h&d bffn di•· ot conformity, nor any other lltale, 11 underatood, have rone to the very fine COnJ'i'l"llllnn· anrl rnv .. r-1 taatetuJ tA:> th"m. Ka h.&d ~­ u far u can be ucert&lned. But, federal iovemment Wllh tht con-age on my publtrlty artkll'll which mended that they 1top ...s.tlnf It hu ti.ad the whip over the heada formlty queallon lll an attempt to I hllve l'ttelvl'rl tht11 J'll•t ynr and prepare lo moH. ot the 1tatu. and prevented t.hem, to~ l.he luue. The 1tate legisla-from your nt'Wlpaper. Yott have I Called to the front JenkJu talk• In many ln.alancea, !tom Openltlng lure tumed down a blll which ~el\ most generous with 11p&ce ed to the rroup. .Alm<>tlt weertly lh• unemployment ln11urance pro-would have dfectuated what the &fld plcturu anrl J know the Lido he ~called tht on repMled f?"U1l u the at&t~ w11h. W1lon1 want. Id the ftdtral gov-lale Woman"• Club. NeWJIOrl Har· pbN.Me of wtq t.be ln4Sana mu.at In lh• Pr"elerll cue. t.11• q1•,.Uon f'rnment. and the cllque In poweT bor Olrl Scout Council, NIWJ>Ort mon. la ~. IM .,....t bet'• lo t. whether or not unMiploym~nt In the old and more llberaJ day-. &i.ch ltbell Club &lid Col. William Judp or JD.a. dedlllmlL Th • ln.airanoe llhould be withheld from ~ now uked to tell Callrornla 1 Cabell Chapter of the DAR join Unlt.d 1tt&tAll lupNfl't Court •bad all maritime workent btlng placed how to run Ill unemployment tn-1 with me ln thl• expruaJc:m of spoktJ) and tftn Ole .,-eat "Cap- out ot th• union hlrtn1 hall, or 11urance proirram once again. gretltudt'. It h11s m11!1" my com-ltan" Roowftlt oould not Oftl'>nlle mer.ly from thoee workcl"9 wtlo However, even 1f the fl'deral mltte work a11 pre11s relellon• their dec:l1fon. M'89 Con\eUua actually went on 11.rike. The •late gowmment don hold the act out 1 ch.11frm11n for lhue organl&allon• m11M & 1lmllar appML coutt.8 have rut1<1 the ronntr I~ of conformity, from put e.1tper1· most pltua_nt. I Youn("t' and eleutr bladl the cue, wtllle the ftdl'r11la Mid enc. there does not apptoar much Gt.ADV~ M. TRITT amonr lhe CUpenOI .knew Uuy the ratter. to WOM")' about. The 1late wilt al-I 1 Mrs. Wllll&m 8 1 must nlllmately lean the .t,,..a lNTE&E8TINO 8'TORY tempt to tMCure {Tl&ndamua pro-1 209 Via Ravennll, Cal~C'nlt. Poor c~~l by 90-call· 'tbe •tory behind the confom\Jty cffdl~ ln federal couru. and If N,~-port &actl. ed 'whit• frttn<S. ot ~ Ind.lana que.Uon la lntnuUng. In that It U\at doun't 'llrork, thtre would be hlld ktrt the altuation In a con· apparently rep..-aenll an attempt IUMclent Ume for Ute «ovemor I . 11t1nt turmoil. U u. b&dn't been ot tbe marltt111e unJon. to eat their to call a ipeelal -Ion or the I De~ M:._1. .. ::;-rb7· H ..... VI tor thl• bad counMl t..h• Indl&Jla oak• and !\ave ll loo. I~ I ""'" 0 111"....,r ew 'l\•ould probably have mo,,.c! OYer School P-T A I want Lo I.bank you 1 a month euUer nu. wu ~ ~ WASHINGTON REPORT J and U1e New)'Orl Harbor ~ewa-~"" rnr ; .. nkln~· bin on ''White"" P r""" fr.r 1111 th•• \\""'111"1 rut p·•lr rntl'tlnJ:' I.he v11Jas:e -too much llclly you g .• v .. tn 11~ th1~ flR•l ~·rat r-mntlnn 11n'1 not rnr111tfl logic. All yc111 kn11w. <Jll'' , .. •1 I '111"1< DIE J~ f'A8T re<-rlv•'<I n fl1 ~t 1>1 tT" nnd thl-. on .. of th., C.pltan1 alood up ------------...,.-------------w1111 <1111• lt11r~h t ' t' I''(('""""' An•I ..nut almrl.>. "'\.\"e io tomor· By Your CongrM8DWI ,J.tJIM B. VTr Government e&plt&l I your tu view the eervlcemAn ""ho rf'rclv,11 n!'w.sp111 I'~ r l,1°prn1tii H"•I pl< tun•• rnw ·· money) Invested In commtrclal-a ulsry adJUlllmtnl f'<llllll t11 th" mflin "'I in r• Ev,n thouith 1"11plt.an Clbenmo11l and lndu.trlal-type f&cllltlu In the "frlngo bt'nrflt" would b" heltl'J It hll• h<l'n 11 r ll'11 •1ot• ""tktn,r; s n•I 11 1<mt1lf ~11,1,,., of dll'h&rlla Departme:at of ~enwe alone prob-otf u he could lhen sprnrl thl' w1lh >•'U· prol~lll"<I \'tgorouRly. J t n kt n a ably •xcffda ntfeen billion dollars. money where bt pltlll!~d. sn<1 auch 1 Sln('t'rt'IY · ~ kn .. w tht worat of the t1ght waa 'Mila repruenta In tllce• ot 2~ abu11u would th11s b(' eltmlnl\ltd. J , H F:LEN Kt:STFJ\ I ovrr. lnd!Yid~ faclllttu and Includes -1 the manufacturing or clothln~. J*illt.. lee cr...,n, and eye gl&Jl!I«: tumSture repair: cement milting: ll'M and prden nunitrlu; coffee ~; &JrUnu, •lumahlp II.nu ; and a rtilro&4. Thi. lntormaUon wu cont&ln- ed ln a report of tht Hoover Cem- ml..Son on bualneu enlerprlaea. They concluded th&t at leut 1000 of th ... --indJYidaw f'•crllttee could ti. el1rnln&ted without Injury to our naUonal defenae or tA:> any tuenthal ionmment tunctlc:m. The Com- mlut•n Hpeclally 1truHd that tlley oppoeed -.y propolllll that mJfbt lmpalr evn eo allghtly the nulltuy dfttUY'elleu or the re· eerve •lrenft.h of the Department ot Detanae. One ot th• mo1t controven1lal lt~INI of the report cover• com- ms.&ry 1tore1. Any attempt to diaconUnue them meela w1t.h vocl- feroua oppo1IUon from military pereonnel. The Comml111ton rec- orntsea the "frtnp benent" jUIU· ftcatJon for the conUnutd opua- Uoo ot the llU>r•, but J>OMtl the queetiOfl u to wbether lnereued aalary paymettte would Mt ti. more "conaon&J1t wllll 1111talnln1 our economic 1y1t.em. ~ atorH were on,1n· &UT ..Ubl.leMd tA:> proYlde "food· llutf• for pal'90Dlld when ludi rooda ....,.. not othvwtae •vaJI· able." T!letr uiatance tn m.._, ..... tan loc&lJtiM I.I DOW w.aJ bowL Tlilt Comm.... recioa.- ..... that a oompleto aa....up. Uoa .. .... to detwrmial u.. .UU. ot lit• "trt.ns-benetltl." An ..._pit ot UU.. pra.c:U<led ~ po.t acllaq'M ID the cue ot the b1P ruldllr mllltary ot'ftcer wbo ... ~ to ba"f. pvdlu9d lit ....... m1ebtMI la a OM or t...,..,. pelted tor ,. ...... 8ucb • ..._ eau.. ~ public reac- --. .... • ,..uc.J potat "! ' D&PU'i't 8BUCih-TIUI rugged WMtemer wu on• o! th0&e •ho participated in the moving of the IDcl.lau from Warner'• Rancho In 1903. -Photo Courte.y South- ..._ Kuaewn. 1 • .. used car LOOK AT THISI VACATION V .1\1.UES! '53 Ford '51 Ford v .a cuat. 2-dr. Y·8 CulL 2-dr. R-H-P'ordo. R-H--O'dr, ·S1425 $745 '52 Hudson '51 Hudun HOl'Tlet, Clb. Cpe. Pacemaker, 2-dr. R·K-ff.ydrL Overdrive $1145 $595 '51 Chrysler '53 Plymoath Wlndaor 4-dr. l'ulJy llq ul ppecl. $1145 '54 Plyr.nouth lurburblLn Tinted Olua. Ry·Drive. etc. $2145 '51 Olds 88-4-dr. Md .. ftad., Htr., H.ydr. $675 ·· '53 Ford Cult. '-dr. orir. rre• flnlah. ~K. P'ordo. Savoy. Sharp. Lota of Extru. $1425 '54 Mere. Monterey, hardlot. ~H. Merco., W8 , $2495 '52 Ford VlctoriL Radio, Healtr, Overdrive $1425 '51 Ford 114 ton plelt·up. Radio, H•ter. $1395 Sl75 THEODORE ROBINS Your Ford Dealer "On the Mariner'• Mile" 3100 .W. Cout Hwy., Newport Liberty 8-~71 Quality Printing, Harbor 1616 U6AL N011CI I Thell Of JI J\mk b&lteriM tram •------------6ANTA ANA tOCNSJ -Con-I.he rear ot a Mme. lt&lion, stat -----... ------- Rule Denied lall j laneries Stol1• LIGAL N011CI NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS..PRESS-PART IV. PAGE l THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1955 UGAL N011CE UGAL N011CI Ykl~ ot attack. Robvt O.;,rs• Oout Hieb->'. wu report.cl to boa brandl ot 8aak ot AIMr-Hones °' INTSNDCD LU.It Rule. 21. ot Colt• M-J'r1day police MOillday by Rupert B(l'lrlin. lea NaUonal Tru« &nd Sa.tnp NoUce la benby 1tven: Tb&t oru denied admittance to b&ll by proprietor. Tbey _,. ...... at A.Moct.aU. at e1a ICut Ba.Ibo& A.. A.. LD'EVU., Vudor, • .._ lupenor Court Jude• Robert IJ,IO Md!. BlYd .. Balboa, Calitoml&. ~ u 1111 Newport ~ ------------------------ Gardner. D&t.ed at Balboa. C&Utornla Ulla Yard, in the City oi eo.t.a KeM. procured by °" tbro\Cb a tt&l .... ed, u Rec.Iver, aha.II oenat.e a A.tty. Jamee Mon~ eou~t to .,.._____________ HUa day ol lune, 1186. Ooua1y ot Oni.rw•. at&te of C&ll· tat• broiler, dwr IJ~ by ta. pod and •utflcle11t deed ooa'NY- pt Rule ~ ot jail on bond. pend· ua. .& I IUft..,._.1 IUCK COCHJlAN fom!a, tnteadl \o ..U to 8 . S. atate ot cal11omli. Mid RecelYerl lnc Mid real property to the pur- lnf u llppea1. -~~... -1110. .:tJaO jf~ l/I0.111 li'l'ON, v~ ............... 111&11 ,., \o 1&14 brH• troom th chaNr llwreof: Rule wu found (Ullly of attack -------------!------------_. lU De:l lkr, ta U.. CSty ol Oollt.a P~ Of Mid l&le a ~mmtl• Notke 11 fu;ther hereby JtYeft 111 t.llrnt A. J~,.a.Mlhl An•· NO'RCll TO oaSDl"l'Oa8 N<mCS or PUllU() llALIC ~-. CoWlty ot. <>ranee. State ot •ca aot to aceect a...r of th• pu,.. that ll'I• underalrned. Ml ~Yer. helm ctri todcect the compl&lnl No. ,.... or PaoPl:Jn'I' CalltonUa. the f~ demet1bed cba.N prtce for uld tt&l prop-will eondut't Mid Ml• at tO:OO ..-UUt U\• CO.ta .. _ you\JI. l:ltate of CA.KOLYN 0 . STEV· PubUe noUce le MNby 11"" pel'90ft&l ,...,.ny, t.-wtt: •rt.)'; that aald aaJe aba1I be COii-O'Clock. A.M., on Monday, JU1y 11. ENS, dec:eued. that the Boa.rd ot -rru.t. .. of U\e AU 1tocJl In tr.de, ftxlUl'M. d\loted by the undwalined. U ~ JIG6, at 209 Via Dijon, Udo Ilk, 1 __ Her II..,. H.... Notice IJI hereby ,tven by th• Oranr• Cout Junior Collel'• Dia· equlpmant and 6ood will ot a cer· celver, In th• manner p..-cribed Newport e.&ch, C&llfomtL ....a .• .,. undaralped Martha :suer. Ad· trict. County ot <>ranee. State ot lAln ~natnacUon bualneu, known ln Sectlou 8t4. QO, 8" &Dd 897 Dated: June 11, 19&ll. Loaa of her enr...-menl rinr In th• IJ!&nd at Montero and S.y Front wu reported to police Sun· day by .Bfverly Mone of Gar· den Grove. She u ld the rlnc. 1lse 7. waa wl\lte r old with one 11.rse dta.mond and one amaller diamond on laeh •Ide. mlntstratrtx ot the t:.tate of Callfoml&. by and tbrourh It& u l.Afenr Conlllruc:Uon Co.. and of the Code of Civil Proc.sure. THOMAS ll. K.EFFl!RNA.N, CAROLYN a. 8Tl:VE.NS, deceu· Board ot TM.late ... wm 11U at pub-located at 1181 N.wport Boule· State of California ; that upon the ft.ec.'•lver eel, to the Credllora of, an.d aJJ lie bid openlnr. to the l\lpMt Yud, In t.be ctty ot Colta M...., payment of the purch ... price for No. 1327 pel"llOM bavtnr Cll&irn• •rain.at U:ie bidder, ln a.c~rd&Ace wtth con-County of Oru1•. Stat• of Call.· Mid real propuly, the und•~· New•PnM 8/23, 30. Ti T. 1986 aaJd deceued, to preaent tham dltJona •l forth below, •l 10:00 · fomla. and that a 1ale, tr&111fer wtth ll'I• n__,-y TOuchera, with· A. M. on July 115, ltM at the and ual~ent ot the am• wtll ,--------------------------. 1n atz montha a.tter lbe nrat pub-I Boa.rd Room of lbe >.dmlnl1t:ra· be made, and the conatderaUon IJcaUon of lbla noUce, to the Mid tlOlll Bulldll\c the property ducrib-lhenlon wtU be paid at 10:00 Karth& Baker at the otftee ot ed bereln. o'cock Lm., Oft the 16lb day of D&Yia A Penney, Atlomey1 al Tt\e property offered for aale July, 1936 al the Merow depart· THEY'RE READY Law. SOI Via Lido, Newport herelAunder le located a l SlJrt.lt ment ot 8anlc of America National s.acb. Callfornl&, Clty ot N-· ud hJrnew on the Collece cam· Trull and Sutnp A.Uocl&llon at 0-Ua_. ,.._ ,,,_ Pap port Be&cb, County of Oranr•. pua and la to be r.mond from Newport S...ch, In the City of flt.ate ot Calllornl&, wtilcb uld the pre .. nt lite wtUlln 1btty daya, Newport Be&ch, County of O~e. 'nit Newport Harbor Y&cbl Club office tM UDderslped •lec:t.1 u and the Ille cJMred to the eatla· State of C&Ufomla. armada numbera 11ven for the a pl.ace of bualn ... 1n a1J matt.en faetlon ot the Oranp Coll'l Col· Dated June 22, ltlWI. 19M evant and they .,.. •ven of connected with eald •tale, or to le111 Boa.rd of Tndteu. A. per· A. A. LEFEVER, V•ndor the lleekett raclnc ya.cht.a you rue them with the nee.uary formance bond of Jl.000 rnuat be S. E. EATON, Vendee could hope lo find anywhere. Nat-\'OUcl'ler•, within Iii montha alter ctnn u a ruarantee of 1lte clear-No. 133~ N-•·'1-8/S0,186 urally, 'l>rllnt Fulmor wUI be try-lbe flrl1 publlca.Uon of lbla noUce, anee, which wUI lllelude Ule fol· ---~--------­ Inc to write bi.t.ory by wlnnl~ 1n tbe oftlce of lb• Clerk of the lowtnr: NOTICE OF INTENDED MORTOAOE lhe overall-nrst twice ln aucce1-Supertor Court of the State of All bulldlnp llhall be re. lion. • feat which hun'l been done Callfomla. In and for the County moved lo the founda.Uon1 but •Ince the race• of ·oe and ·oe when of Oranre. reinoval ahall not tnclUde con· Stncl&tr'• Lurline triumphed over Dated June 20, 1954 crete noor1 on the fl'OW\d, a fleet of four boal1: and, of MARTHA BAKER foundallon1, or .ub. aurta.ee COUl'M, all aeven ot the equadron DA VIS .. PENNEY UtllJUH; W\llercround f&CUI· would like to -a NKYC boat By Jamee J'. P1nne1 U11 ot lbe bulldinp purebu· come In flrat -but HE wanta No. 1328 ed and ttmoYal lh&ll be per- lo be the one!! N-•·Pre11 8/23, ao. 7/14. 19611 manenUy capped In a man- P''rom ll'le lime th• wamlnr ru.n ner aaUlllaclory to the Oranc• IOUndl on July 4 unUI lh• lut IN THE 8VPERJOB OOURT OF Cout eon.,. Board of Tna•· boat croeae1 t}ie flnLlh line off Dia· THE 8TATE OF CALIFORNIA tee., two feet below the nor· mond Head, club tellow1hlp Uea IN AND FOB THE OOUNTY maJ cround level. Wlrinc la ctve way lo the all-out 1ndlvldual OF ORAN.OE to be cut off lo lbe aaUatac- etfort. Every 1kJpper Nil• hill own Dept. l Uon of the Oranre Cout race and Ulere will be 52 other No. INN Coller• Board of Trualeu. atllppera dotnr their utmOlll to 8C:IOION8 ON P'Dl8T The w cceutul bidder 1ball beat him -day and nlpt for ap-AMENDED OOMPLAINT comply with all nrw. (U&J'd, pro.xima.t.ely two weeka. FOR DIVOBCI: and Mfet)' r.r<tl&Uon.t In ef• So, comu hlch noon of Monday. AcUon brouchl ln the Superior feel at the premlael: Iha.JI re- J11ly 4, a record breakln.c fl~t of Court of the County of Oranrt. mon fro'm the alt• all .crap M y&cllta, ea.ch re pre 1 en t In r a.nd nrat amended Complaint filed lumber, rooftnr . broken con- montha of careful preparation and In the Office ot U\e Clerk of the crete, and otber materiat., In abeolute lop condition. will at.art Superior Court of Mid CountJ. and/or debrla (o cepl found•· t>i. 2260-mlM (rind which end.I l:8T!lLLE RUTH LANNIHG tJon• a11d concr•te n oorlnr): Notice 11 hereby ,tven: That s. E. EA TON, Mortrqor, WhOM 1Lddreu la 112 Del Mar, In the Olly of Colla Meu. County ot Orana•. State of California. lntenda lo mortcqe to A. W. IMJTH, Mort· rqee, whoae addreu la 3400 Ocean AYenue, In ll'I• City of Co- rona del Mar. County of Orana•. State of CallfomlL All tlxturea and equipment u follow•: '41 Ford drtll rlC with &3 Oeep Ulllily motor, '&O Modler Skip loader, Tractor Trailer. ·n wit.ti 6• motor, dump truck, 2 rood wlleelbe.rrov.•a, 1\ yard e«menl mllltr, '47 l"ord nat bed truck, St udebaker pump l nack, 6 plckl and ahoveJI, ·u Dump truc:k, '54 Marlin Welah VS motor-180 horH, 10 Bar· rtcadu, All odd1 and enda, everythlnr In yard and office o.t a cert.aln con1trucUon bu•ln- DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery of the Newport Harbor New•Preq I.a guaranteed. Carrier boys will deliver their papera be- fore 6 p.m. on Monday, Wedne.aday and Friday. If your paper ia not delivered by that hour pleaae call Harbor 1616 and your carrier will bring your paper. Classified lates effective July ht, 19SS NEWPORT BARBOR NEWS-PR~ Every MORclay, Wedfflclay ancf Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdays C.Utal 8111opper Ade rua l• tbe WedMeday N~-,.,_ 11.DAertloa 2•Juertlou 3 IDeertlou f luertloa• $1.00 1.50 %.00 2.50 add'L llDe. ~ -. add'L Unee .25 ea. add'l liaN .25 e&. add'L Uaee .25 ea. Sl&a&doe Wuted A• wUJ reoeh·e 15~ ~-t. ('aalt la Ml~-~· 111:!\-nlUM AD 18 ' LL"\E~ AU 01.aalrted Ade ... ._, .. ,.U for o..eai Ill Mh·a.nce of puMeatioa. only whm the •hip la finally PlaJnlltl, •hall lea.Yf U\e area cleu of • berthed In A.lawa.I Buin, Hon~ VII. 11Uch maloerl•I• rt.ultlnl' from known u Lttever Contlrucllon Co. -------------------------- lulu. Beaidea bt,lnr Ole l&r('ist PATRICK ALVIN LANNING removal of the bulldlnf and fleet In tbt hlllory of the Tn.M-o.tend&nL clean up the Ill e of the bulld- Pa.clflc Race, Ull1 la undeniably THE PEOPLE OF THE 8T A TJC Inc lo the Mll.tacllon of the Ole flnt1t VoUP of nal "red·hot" OF CALIFORNIA. SEND GRmrr-Orang-e Cout Collere Board ra.cltif yacht.I ever to partlctpete INGS 'TO: of Tru1teu. In a lone dlalance ocean~. PATRICK ALVIN LANNING The property 11 deacribed u fol· Every llnlie boat 11 a bona ftde Defendant. low1: Fonner theater bulldln(', blue water r.o.r, many wtlb en-You are directed lo appear in an Santa Ana Army .Air Bue, le .. and located at 2281 Newport Boulevard, In lhe Ctty of Colla MM&. County ot Oran&'•· State of California, and that an uecuted mortrac• of the aame will be de· Uv-ered and the conalderallon Ulerefor paid at 10:00 o'clock a.m. on tbe fifteenth day or July, 1956, at the ucrow department of the Barik of America. Nellonal Tru1l and Savtnr• ANOCJallon at New· poTt Beach, In the City ot New· port Bea.ch. County of Ora.nee, St.ate of CallfomlL Dated June 22. 195&. S. I:. EATON. Mortcacor The publlahen wtll not be re1p0nalble for more Ulan one Incorrect lneertlon of an ad. reaerve the richt to correctly clualfy any and all ad1 and lo rejtct any ad not contormtn1 to rule11 and rt.'gula Uon1. • DEADLINES tor placlnf or cancelllnc alta are: f°Clr Monday Publica tion -Friday II p .m. For Wedneaday Publlcation1 -Tuud1y l p.m. For Friday Publlcatlon -Thuraday l p.m. NEWPORT HARBOR P UBLl8RINO 00. HI l Balboa Blvd., Newport lleecla, Oallfonl&. Newport Barbor Elee. Tool Repair ~able reeorde for pre¥tou. com-action broupt qw.tn.at you by the Hat.a. curtaln1, vrace door, and petlUon In thl1 a11d other racea. above named plaintiff, in the Su· certain 1 m • 11 appurtenMcu . Every 1klpper and crew I• an ama· perlor Court of the State of Call-Written prdpoaal1 mu1t be 1ealed teur only In the .enae he dou not fomla. In and for th• County of and flied wtll\ William 1'. Klmu. make h11 llvlnr u a 11.llor and oranre, and to an.war lb• flrat A • • I at a n t Superintendent In provea It by hi• expert tiandllnr ot amended complaint thentn within Charr• of Bua&n-.prior lo the hl1 particular job aboard U\e boat. ten daya after the MTVice on you Ume above-mentioned. Ea.ch Mal- in every way, Ole "blr" race of of thla 11Ummon1, It ""'ed Within ed bid muat be a ccompanied by ... 1956 llhoold be an lnlereaUnc and ll'I• County of Oranre, or within curlty In the form of a cerllfled exclt1n1 one alJ the way. thirty daya lt Mned elaewhere, check or bldder'1 bond, made pay· ---------------------------------------and you are notlfted that uni ... able to the Oranp Cout Collect you IO appear and anawer u Board ot Tna.ateea, an amount No. above required, the pl&inUlf will equal to twenty·flve percent of take j~nt for anJ money or the total bid. Bald checka or d&m&gaa demanded in lhe flrat bondl will be returned to tbe un· amended Compl&.lnt. u arlalnl' up· succe11f\JI blddera, and the check ANDREW W SMITH. Mortaree y B. P. 0. E. 1767 8Jdl S&wa, Drllla. Sanden QUICK SERVJCJ: I W1I Sell Y• • SAVE 5600 TO 5800 NOW JOhnson & Son .BRAND NEW ·ss MERCURY I . for - •2499°0 plus tax I license tnelwdia& the foUowlng ~AT NO EXTRA 008T a.dlo 11111 Of fer =:. Detroets Umitecl (M~ • more) Buy . Now Beck-Up Ughta and Tua 8lpala 111ae ()oral S A V I v.-...a Tabtlelt 1'11.. ,,,_ .. t.ericw Trtm over $60000 Also -"-d New 'SS U.Cohls As Low as $4139 E•lpped . ~ THIS IS A SPECIAL · LIMITED OFFER by 2 Door Seclall -.. Johnson &. Son IOO Wtat COMt BlPwaY ()pea Enmlap ..... p .II. U.111 Mu..., Diller ~-u.e ..._"-I...,......., ... .Job·• A a- I on contract. or w1U _,,ply to the or bond of Ole hlfhelt bidder will Court for any other rellef demand· be held to uaure pa yment of the balance of the purchaae price. Id In the flnrt amended complaint. The ule ihall be tor cub. by Given under "'Y tla.D.d and •eal certified cbeclt. ca.ahier'a check or of the 8upertlor Court of t he County of Orance. State of Call· mon•y order, made 1>4yable to U\e Oranre Cout Colles• Boa.rd of fomla. lhla 21 da9 ot June. 1966. Tni1tee1, upon delivery ot a letter (8JCAL SUPERIOR COURT ORANGE COUNTY) ot award, wtlh an Arreement of Sale to follow. B. J, SMlTH, Bldl to purcha11 a"-for an In· County Clerk and Clerk of dlvldua.I bulldlnc .. one packace. the Superior Court of the State of Calltomla. In and The purchuer 1h1Lll provide cer· Utica.tea of lnau.rance ll'lowinc coY· for the County of Oranr•· erase for public llablllly of 1100.· By WA TN1!l A. DJllAOl!:R, 000 • fll00,000, for property dam· Depu~y No. 1332 Newa·Preaa •r• of not leaa than $25,000, and for workmen'• CC'mpenaaUon. 8/80, 111. u . 21, 21. 8/4, u , 18, 25. Th• orana• Cout Coll•ee Board 1956 of Tnl•l•• aella on.ly It.a Yuled r1pta and inlere1t tn the property. NOTICE OF INTltNT All property le offered on an TO MORTGAGE "u ta" and ''wtiare la" b&lt1. N'oUoe la bereby rtven, punu&nl The premlael .,.. now .ubjecl lo Section 3440 of the Civil Code to lnapecUoo by pro9peetlY• bid· of lbe State of Caltfomla. that dera. .Arnnrementa for in.pee. the undenlcned. RICK COCHRAN lion may be r.iade wtll'I Mr. whoee addre• la 123 .. Srd St., Jl'rancla Alben, Supemeor of Newport Beach, Calltomta. and Bulldll\ __ .. ... ,..__ whoee bualn-·-that of • ma-" ..... croun.... .... .... ,e • eo..c. Coltef'. lnapectlon houn chine 11hop known u R.lck Codi· are Monday ll\rou&1l P'ttda.y, 8:00 ran'• lntendl. u mortcafOr, to A. M. to 4:80 P. M. mortaag• to Bank of America Na· The Oranre co a alt Collece llonl.l Trult and Savine• .AHocl&· Boa.rd of Tnateee re~"H th• Uon, whoee branch ~ ill ~van ncht lo reject any and all bid• herein below. u mortaree. cert&ln or to wtthdra~e property from peraonaJ property of wMch a 1•n-e&1e era.I atatement of the character All blda 1ubmltted lha.1I be thenof ill u foUowa: deemed lo have been made with l ·A1toba Unlveraal Lathe II lh• f\Jll knowledc• ot au of Ult MILUn1 Machine hrtal No. ll79 tenn1, condltJon1. Md requlre- J·Rlvetle Turret Lathe and mtmla herein contained. Toollnr Serll.l No. AC 3012 The failure of any bidder lo In· l·Wl•a&« Prorul:nl' L&lhe Ber-tpeel, or to' be fully Informed u lal No. 0120. .All Inapec:Uon to tl\e condition of all or any por· l:qulproent. C&blneui and Stttl lion ot Ult premt1u or property Tabin. . offered, w 111 n o l con1Ulute which pereonaf property la located cround1 for any cliLlm or demand at 273 l!:ut lTth Bl., Colt& M11a. for adJuttment or wltbdrawl.l of Calif. and <>ranee County Air· a tMd after offerlnr. port. Santa Ana. C&llfomla. and Slgnfd: lb.at aa.ld mortrace will be uecut· 8 . H. PrrERSON eel and dt.'llvert'd. and any con· Seely .. 1lderatlon therefor will be paid al Board Of Tru1tH1 the hour of 10 A.M .. on the 11th No. 13~ day of J uly. 1956 at the Bal· N'-•Prue 8/23. at\, 7/l , 1960 July 4th Week-end Specials 1954 DE SO'ro f dr. aedan. Ute blue, R 6 H, auto. tn.na. Excep. cleu ca.r .................................... $1,996 1952 NASH ' dr. 9tdul, Rad.Jo, Heater, O'drive. 2-tona &""MD· Very cleaD, only ...... -.................... ~ 1052 DE SOTO e, 'dr . .wi, 2 ton• py. Be&uti- ful blue upbo~. RAB. only ··-········· .. ··-·-·· $1.~ 1951 MERCURY Clb. 8tdan. U,bt er.m wlor, R 6 H., Seat _OO'f'91'8 ····-·····-···· .............................. $88C5 Many low priced transportation cars, only $25. dn. LOU UED CBRYSLJ:&.PLYllOUTll Dl!A l.J:R 1200 Welt Oout BIPW&J'. Pbone LibeltJ a.aM8 • , 1333 New1·Prua 8/30/115 Har-..ood, Heffernan A Soden Altome)'I al Law Suite 8 Birtcher BulldlnJ 2515 J!!ut Coul HJ g'llway Corona del,Mar, C&Jlfomla Harbor 1536 Attorney1 for Rec~lver IN THE 8 CPE1UOI& C01'RT OF THE STATZ OF C~LITI>llNlA l'N AND R THI: COUNTY 0 ORANGE Ne. 11'781 NOTICE OF 8ALE OF Rt:AL PROPERTY AT PlJBLIC A UC'l10N DOROTHY GRON8KY, Plal:nUff and Croee-Det 111 dM t, v•. Meeta ...-.ry T!Nnday I p.m.. Via Oporto -Central An. Newport ,Bea.eh Albert R. M~tthewa, Enlled Ruler Painting 6 Paperhanging We do the work ounelvea. 30 yean uperience Llcenlld A lruured. SatllfacUon ruaranlffd. Eattmatea fl"ff. Call Johnnie, LI 8-2687 Ir LI 8~5289 81tfc COMPLETE PAINTING ARTHUR EDW A.RD ORONSKY. Ir Paper Hanging Service Defendant Md Crou.compl&.lnanl. • BJ Yirtue of a certain Amended Onkr .Appolnllnr Receiver IHued out of and under the Ma.I of Ole Superior Court of the Stete or Calltomla, ln and for lbe County of Oranre, upon a certa.ln Inter· locutory JUdJ'ment ot Divorce rendered on or about May 20, 1956 EUOENll 0 . SAUNDERS 500 8llt Street. Newport Beach Harbor 2978 or Har. 4H8. tfc House Plans LIBER TT l.:f~l 10t1c and entered on or about May 23, ------------- 1965 111 Book SIS, P&1• 421 of Jude· "A'a" menta, in an a.eUon wherein Doro- thy Oronalty la plalntllt and ·VENETIAN BLIND cro.. • defendant, and Arthur Edward Gronak)' 11 defendant and LAUNDRY croq-complalnanl, the under1lrn· td, u Receiver, .;II 1111 certain real property owned by Mid par· ll• lltuated In the Cfty of New· port Beach. County ot Orang'e. State of CalJtomla, deecrlbed u rouow1: The 8outbw•lerly ~ feet of Lot 1036, all of Lot 1038 of Tract No. 907 u 1hown on a Map recorded ln Book 28, Pag• 211 to H lnclll.llV• Of Ml1eell.a11eoua Mape, Record• ot Orance County, Cl.llfornla. and that portion of Lot 1037 of aaid Tract No, 907 dMCrlb· eel U follClWI . Be&1nnln1 at th• •moel Eut· erly comer of Mid Lot 1037. thence South 2$• oo· Wtat 20.01 feet llonc the Euterly Un• ot 111.ld lot: Ulence North- wuterly to a point on the Nortbw•terly llne of Mid Lot 12..51 feet Southw•terly from the moel Norlher1y c;.orner of aald lot: thence North1Ul erly 12.51 feet lo Ole II.Id moet Nortber17 comer: Olene• South 11 • oo· 1:ut 11.u feet to lb• polnt of becin.ntnc commonly JmOW11 • 20I Via Dijon. Udo I.lie, Newport Beech, Cali- fornia: Notice la bereby &1"111 that th• undentped. u ~lnr, wtll Mil lb• &bo•l',..cribed ,..i property THE NEW machine proee .. met.ti· od. Reuonable pricu . A •erase 2 tape rutdentlel bllnd. Only $1.00 Bllnda repaired and r'buill. Free Pick up and dellnry Work done by appointment Phone Llberty 8·5701 or Klmberly 3·8274. ppttc Specialized HOME REMODEL PATIOS, carpentry, concrete work, llle aettlng ,palnUng. FOSTER BROS. Ll!:xlngton 8·7096 71p73 PAINTING Painting 6 Papu Banging ''The ee.t Money Can Buy" Sympson & Nollar 1112 atU1 at., Newport Beadt PBOn B.A.JUIOJll MM PAINTING PAPER RANOINO tto ft8idG1U&I .It Commercial Worll U c:en.eed Contn.clora LUtniton Mt41 collt.'Ct. at public auctlon to the hlch•t CaU bW:cler f« euh, lawful money of HunUncton Beach 5t pp80h LEWCO ELECTRIC CO. 4M No, Newport BlYd., Npt. Bch. Llbarty a..su. "tto CARPENTRY MINOR REP AIR WOR.lt NO JOB TOO 8K.U.L R. o . .A.nd.- 101' E. Balboa Blvd .• 8aJbo& Harbor U&O Ullo HOUN Repaint Boat Repa.IN ASTOR'S REPAIR SERVICE AJleraUon.a Har. 1729·J. rtemodellns UpT&b NEW & OLD Furniture Finishing MODERN Ir ANTIQUE Rcu onable Prtcu Specials on Patio Furnishings Cell for u llmatea • M~• Aubrey Ellawortb 20:12 Placentt• Coeta. M- t.I 8·79111. · 87c7J FOR RENT Sltlll Saw1, Elec. DrtD1, PoUlller-. alJ lYJ>e4 of luidera, Wheelbuo row•, etc. BOYD'S HOWE. H30 w. COAST WOHWA.T LlbertJ 8-3435, Newport Bell •tt. PAINTING JNTJ!:R.IOR -J:'XTER.101\ LICENSED -lNSURED Glenn Johnston 501 ·Slit St. Newport S..- Rarbor 3178 22tt. CARPENTER Repair Work Doe. Tou.r Rome Need .... ,...... OI' R.emodelln& f Call f'nnk. Liberty l-4IM A.I.I Work OU&ruteed "* A.S'PHAL T TILE LINOLEUM I In.tall t.M a bove eheapw Ola.n moaL Al.-o eell Tiie It Unolewn. Non-unloln, 2~ )'tan expertanc~. Comp1r' enl1 ·~ - 811..L COKER Har. 41128 Ot' Lone Beach 7-~973. e1c:74h UM Uatt.d etat-. 10"' ot Ole bid .,.,aw. at t.bl Ume of -.le and U\1 ....... -... •eoatkln Illy the W\• ... ....... -........ et • deed H. H. HO~ROOK Painting, Decoratin1 Dl:Pl:HDABLf PLUMBING Paper Bansmc ....... ., ........... ~to UN purdlullr UMrd, or upon .... ot.Mr ..,_ u --.7 be ee· Clpt&ble to u.. ~ ... • Prompt OT ILtpUr a.moe Maintain.ct GEO .. BURKHAR Piiat•: llartMw t•2t LICE'MSE'D CON'l'IUCTOR 171 W. J8tb 8 t..., Colt.a :W.. Llller1I .... _, ' - I ' -----....-.... . . . • PAGE-' . PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS 1 M-MhttO..eom THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1955 11!-ln. OS WALT SAW Oii trallu. '32:1. Sq al 1911 Kin&• Roa d, l!--BuUdtn.: ~nicetl 2S--.Situatloat Wanted Nl'wpol"l Hel&hta. Owner at No. 1 Bay Covu. e,,uc General Contractor E.xpe~~~J~iener ANTJQOES -Old ~tun, cut • U CE.l\{SED 11&u, lampe, old plctu.tea, clooka New Work -Remodeling and CLEAN UPS etc. Barcalna p.lor.. 811 dJ.a.. J MILTON M KENZIE Liberty 8-165.9 t'Ounta to <Sealft"a. Charue Dam, . c 1805 E. Anab•lm St., Lone Harbor 3122-R r>Stfc 30ttc Be&C'h. e&0-139. lilt<: PAINTING ·M. W. ROSS W 8·3121 • LI 8·7823 280 A vn<'fHIO, Co1ta M el!ll M p69H -------------CEMENT & BUILDING All Klnd11 FREE ESTIMATES Llberty 8-6109 ASPHALT TILE Aluminum Wall Tile Mt.:1 -< tn11111b11lu1" \\'h••li·~111.. rnre11 111 l:unlraclulll & Tile. Sell•·•• LI 8-7493 68tfc AJcohobca ADonymoua Write P. 0 . Ball 381 N•"''J>Ort Beach. t:aht. Phone Harbor 4'79:\ tlo ~keauty __ ~~-~~~~~- Superfl UOUS Hair Perma.nent ly ro:movcu from face arma, lcg11. Eyebrow• anc! hair Une shaped-No more twecz.lng ELLEN L. BRYANT R. E. Lido'• Salon ot Buuty R11r. :!571l tic YACHT SKIPPER 4 vail&ble tt you w•nl to 110 aom .. wher<' be1ldes Avalon, I'm your man. <'an maintain alone, up to 70 tt. sail or puwer 1111 a yacht on a permanent ba!la. Non drinker, reterenres, local and otherwl11e, Mlk1> Shannon Ll 8-6271 or LJ 8·:1002 7.Jp73 EXPERIENCED GARDENER Wiii cnre for your yart.I by tlay, w1•ek <1r mcinth LI 8·61311 atler ~ pm. 7lpia YOUNG CIHL, pl~a111ng penion· ahty. Wanlll pa1 l tir full t1ntt' s.:wmg. f1l1ng, <'li•rk, rt Ct'pllon- h l. tl<' 1..00 Via WU.lera. Lillo 11'1• ur phon" Khnt>eily 7·36~8 29-Help Wanted CI R I~<; - IT'S A GIRL'S WORLD! 71p73 And you·11 ag-ree when you hear of the manv job opportunlUea tor quallfled young-wom<>n In our buslnP1111 f<\day OPENINGS NOW FOR: TELEPHONE OPERATORS Apply-Monday through Frrday ~14 ·~ No. M&ln St. !l·OO to 4 :00 p.m. Room 211, Santa Ana PACIFIC TELEPHONE 2'2ttc 22--Lo!iit a.nd Found WANTED l'llpenencetJ 11 1 n n I! r -----w111trel!<! for we• k f'nlls even· i 6 sT L1ghl blur n\·.1on .swPntl'rl mt:s nnly~ H1tr J6Si·R .. 7 lci2 hf1Wet!ll Ar.11tle & I 11hn t•n Bay WANT WOMAN or man fry cook. I-runt Rel I n :u:i AnHJf'. 8111· Good wllges. Sl.tl" 8 t• & exp.>•· btm R•·w .. 111 ll,1r 181 1·W g -oc72 1 ... nct. Wnt<· Box J 97 this news· ------------'-~ raper. 711'73 LOST Ut ""' n hllnil lo•1l1•1I puri•1· tnl1CollJ, pnp••1s, & 1tboul Sll·Sl!J. "~"fl monry I <'I urn 1111r!ll' to !llr:oi. R D Stok1>11, 1 134 So ,..1 .. wr1 Snnln Ana or l'all Kl ~·801 1 71c73 ----- U--."\r hooh1, ln8trucrion -CONTRACTORS ALL CLASSIFICATIONS WA :-O'T woman ror coinbln&llon "horl order cook Ir w11llr<'AS al 1·ounter. Call Hnr 728 70ci2 EXP£RfE:"CEO beau1v oper11tnr high prrcl'nlage paltJ. Bnlho11 Bay Club Beaul.v Salon LlhPrt\• 8·2303 701'72 t FOUR BURNER lt.OVU wfUI OVt'.ll& U O .. S30.. Unpal..Dted vanity 14. small Servel refrlg. 13~. Walker tor Invalid with xtra attachment• 14:1. IJarbor 1211.J . 88l!c Original Models COCKTAl~ DRESSES, 1\ijt1, 1pt1. drease1 .tr ronnal1. Slu1 14-16. Soml' NF.W-Af.L pl'rlect cond. ALSO ~ length modem 1tyle China mink coat. Sell below coal. Write Box A·89, this new11· 'pnpcr. 80ltc Fresh Hearing Aid BATTERIES We Give SAH Crt!en Stamp• Gunderson Drug Co. Main St. at Balboa Blvd .• Balboa Harbor 616. 118llc YARDAGE Inventory Sale on Dei.lgner'1 Fabrlc11 •l Wholeele Price1 MARGIE WEBB 19:16 So. Coast Blvd. LAruna Beach 63 lfc 10 F'T. SUPER·LlTE Claupa.r "hnghy. 7 1, h. p. !:vlnrude silent outboard, lflM model. Cover, r ratlle, lou or exlrllll. Used very 11111('. $:\!>!}. Frenl'h Champion Arbelette spear· gun hke new $18.50 S•>l of 8 Bobby J onea registered gl)lf Irons $36. Coll DICK Ward, Hu . 2323 after :I p, m. 70c72 1000 E~ffiOSSED buiilne11 cards I J.99 3 Linc Rub~r Stamp 11.00 4 Lin!' Rubber Sta.mp with cut $2 00 1884 cuu) Book Ma tches I. W. WHJTE Lllwrly 8·4011, ev'8, U 8·~130 pptlc Movie Proiectors FOR RENT 8·MM 16·MM r3~MM HOBBY and MODEL AIRPLANE RUPPUES ALSO Celgt'r Counters !or rent. Mears Camera Shop 1782 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Phone Liberty 8· 7042. Pr tt DALE'S FURNITURE Lge. dbl, door Frigidaire. 20 cu. ft. Juat like new . ' . ... . .. ·-· . . ·-$250 Cro6ley auto defrosting Shelvador refrig with large freezing chest . ···-··· ......... -. $165 Several apt. size Servel re!rig ... --·--··· $39.50 le up Wedgewood apt. atove, like new ........••..... $89.50 . Servel 9 cu. fL ref rig. 1951 model, Fully guar. to 1961 .. .. ... . . .. $165 Lge. se1ee-:-or-atove.s Ii refrlg. -all mal<ea & si1.es. Mahog. Gov. Winthrop aecretary desk, like new ..... ···-··········· .......... . .. .... $65 1874 Harbor, .SO-B-Aev~Ua.n~ces~~----­ U sed Appliance SPECIALS! Costa M~ LAR<.;E gateleg table, odd dl11he1, old Lablu. old mllhugany rocklnf cha1r. 212 P.-ar1, &Jbo& llland. Har. 26:1:1·W, ';2oH Prosperity ranee 36" $29.:10 BEAUTIFUL MAHOG. Duncan Western HoUy apt range 20.. j l'hy!c din. table, wllh • beaull· clean .... .. _ 34 30 ful uph chalrK. Xlnt condition. O'KEEFE A: Merrill ranre I 31~ fry11, COM No Saturd11ys. 39" oven lherm .. . 39 601 7lp72 f'ngrllalre hot water bea ter MAHOG. Twin ~J. 1klrt~d dres- 40 gal. 2 yr1. oltl 69.50 aer A: ~nch. Pair 1tudlo couehe11. Coolerator retrtg 8 cf. Lale I !'all evenings • wttken<U. Har. model . 89.~o 2M·J. 7lp73 Cold.spot retrtg.. a pt. allk'. perfect condition . 49.501 WU:AKl<'AST Table, 4 cha.Ln1, KelVinalor rerr1g ruru1 ok I lllllrJy, $3~. 521 3lat St., New· 7 ct .... _ _ H~O port Beach. After 4:30 1lc73 Servel retrlg. e cf. --···· .. 69.110 I O'KEEFE Ea.By spin drier, runs perfect ~9.50 .tr MERRITT table top v acuum cleaners, aeveral . 11love. gOQd condition 120. Servel trom .. .. H .liO to 29.M ref rig. 560. 229 Opol, Balboa Everything guaranteed ~3la.nd. 71c72 free delivery A: ln1t.allat1on VERY R.f,jASONABLlll _ Brand STROOTS HD\·VE _ Housewares new Hotpolnl dishwasher. (cost 1802 Newport .Blvd,, Costa Mel'n 1340) will 1ell for 1200. Lgc. LJ 8-3426 7l c72 Dunclln Phyfe mil.hog. dining 111ble. 6 chatra, 11r.. Mahog. end table with lamp, 110. Hotpolnt 1953 SERVEL gu retrlg. 9 cu. fl. 11 cu rt. re/rig. In xlnl. cnndl· AJao late model Bendix auto I lion, $160. Walnut secretary, waaher, 2712 Clift Dr., New· 1 only. $50. 11167 AllllO Ave. Liberty port Height., alter 4 :30 7lc73 8·3233. 61Ltc G E 8 c11. ft. ~rlgertor In cxcel-1 MUST SELL lent condition, $1 2~. 310 Drift· O'KEl!:FE A: "f!:RRITT gas l'lleve, wood Rd .. Coroia tlel Mar. 71c72 dining cheat extt'nda llfto tl ble, HOTPOll\"T e c:u. rt. refrlg. 136, ntlec. patio turnJture. twin Hol· wrlngertype washmg machine lywd. beds. In Sood cond., clleap. Sl:I Both In good condJllon. Llberty 8-419:1 72p LI 8-4.810 evu. 71c73 I SERVEL refnr 5 ci.. Cl. new unit. S35°:' 211 E. J9lh St.. Costa Mesa. Liberty 8·1080 71c72 -----l~----------13' COLDSPOT treeur chest, ex- cel. cond. 11:10. 398 E. 20th. Cos- ta Mtsa. LI 8·6637. 7lc73 32-A-An!!gues Antique crank t ype tele- phones for dens, planters, la1ope, etc. 2430 Coast Hwy. Newport. Beach. LI 8-6550. 7lc72 Washing Machine SERVICJD SS-Boats, S_oppUes l·year guarantee on Joba done 0 k C .t..J.. and o.n uaed wulma. 2488'4 ra e raTT• STt·uv 1n >1p:irc lime tor contra c- 1oi ·s •'Xllmlnat1on 11ndt·r a gen· •·1111 rontritt'lnr with 2:1 year• •''<pt'r1rnl'I' C"ln~~u Tuel'. 11ml Fn . cve!I. 7 :w p.m. A ttcnd flr11 11rl"i11on frl'<' B1>1tln anytime WANTED Bl Orange Coa::1l Col· leg" 1·ei:ul11 r, fllll:tlnw em· ployees: ·Fann laborer. irrounds· man. polnt .. r helper, 1•ustnd1an:1 Sixty year ag··· ilmll. Start work lmmedtRl•'ly Apply tn f't'rl!un betwetn 8:00 11 m anti 4 :lO p. m . at Ruslne:.11 Otrlre ot cnlltit<' off Fairview Rtl., Costa Mesa. 70c7:? trea.r) Newport Bl., Coata Mua. OWNER MUST SEI::.L IM- CH!LDS VARNISHED rocking 8~27rty 8-4503 or Uberty MEDIATELY. 26 ft. 1'x]>rt?88 r11111r $2 50 Folrttn~ poker table -au · 64tfc cruiser-very fast. Hill! every- Al Tyler School 1611 ::\o. llroallway, Sa.nta Ana T'h Klmbiorh• 2·4226 or RI 7·3011 lfc Real Estate School in Santa Ana MEN & \\'O!ltE:" prtparc In s pare llmr tl'lr 11nltmllc•I npportun1ue11 1n R1>al 1-:.1 ntf'. l"t>w claS3es \\eekly. Al Tyler 1n11trucllng. At· lrntl first evf'nlni: frt c And ll'am about lhtH ~lt'Hl t1l'ld. <..:1111 or writ!' nnw Al Tyler School 11il I :-; .. H l•illlfWll\' ~lll1lll Ana 1\1 'i·3!'ol t-1.:1 ;,.;1 11>0·l<E 8·2:il:I l I fr \\'AXT PER!llA:-.:E:'\T EXPERl· E N<.:ED SaJesm1111. sohcr tor for 1 leaning cl: laundry rnul,. !':"at & amhltluus. Pref••r married man. Good opportunity Guar· anti>e plus oommlsslon A PPL Y Tues. &: F'rl. "· m. li82 =-:tw· pnrL Blvd,.. Costa l'-!rsa. 70p72 LAnY WITH CAR ror LAgun11 and Cost.A M"Sll Proftlabll' work \Ulb Avon. Ph Kl 3·9301 70p72 STANDARD STATIONS Ha..s opening for SlAt!Qn ~ale:.men AgN1 18 -40 i :1;,, All In e11cel. condition. -...,_,------------- Hnr 3:ll!I. 72ci3 'KENMORE wringer type wuher. thing!. NO REASONABLE FOR S ALE Hou.lie lo be move1I from 20 1~ Harbor B)vd Lols or good material SlOO. Harbor ~787 70c72 GLADIOLAS, CUT FLOWERS 56f BUNCH 175:1 Orange Ave Costll MeSll. Apricots 74p75b Wt ii~clallze tn tret ripened Royal 11pncol11 tor home. can· non)? 2~ lb. lug and :I lb. bas· k1'18 Hillside Orchard Excellent condlUon. $2~. eo. OFFER refused. Lido Noni Har. 3849·W 70p72 Used Automatics S39.50 to $99.50 Delivered lnalalled. cuuanteed. Term1 AvaJlable We Service All Appliances SpecialWng in Automatics Auto. Wuher Enterprises 2648 Newport Blvd., Costa Meaa Ube.rty 8-7808 (Near Golt CourJie) tJpp See at 37 Balboa Coves, New- port· Beach or phone HAr. 3254. 69c71H 26 FT. CHRIS CRAFT cabin cru111er, new engine and radio. ltfany ex~ra11. Harbor S339-W. 621tc SNOWBrRD SAIL needed -In any condlllon. Call Dick 11t LEJI· lngton 6·4220. 71p7l TRADE Beautiful 70-rt. aux. achoont.r. f''Ully round, ro anywhere. WW SMALL refrigerator In good cond. t.a.Jce equity In property or 1mal- MAKE OFFER. Phone Llberty ler boal. 1220 W. Balboa Blvd., 8·8676. 72c74 I NewporL Har. 3032. J9tfc DEEP FREEZE -Weber dlsplay CHRYSLER Man ne englne, 4 'i to v· v Check these Used Cars Buy from a k>ca1 dealer wl'K.I •111 tit> be,.. roMORROW lo ti.ell up what oe Mlla TODA T t O'BRIEN MOTORS DODGE -PLYMOUTH 1680 New1>0rt Blvd.. Costa Mesa. Ll 8-7272 '51 PLYMOUTH Sta. Wag ..... .$895 White walla, deluxe interior. Try it -you'll buy It! '49 PONTIAC Clb. Cpe .......................... $595 Radio, Heat.er le auto. tranamiaaion Ideal for the Lady! '49 PLYMOUTH 4 Dr ........................ $445 Engine completely overhauled. Dependable family or work car. .STUDEBAKER 6 cyL Conv ........ ~ ....... $395 Radio, Heater, overdrive. Original leather upholatery. '48 PONTIAC Club Cpe ......... -............. $295 Plenty of ext.ru. This car shows exceptional care. OTHER CLEAN CARS BUY SAFELY AT HOME THREE Choice Convertibles Ford, Chevrolet & Studebaker ' Loaded with everything- Really in top condition ! See . at GOODRUM MOTORS 1940 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa WANTED 50 USED PIANOS for our big rental depL H.tcbut caah allowance Jn trade for Orcan, . Spinet piano, or Orand piano. DANZ.SCHMIDT, ~20 No. )(a1n. Santa Ana. ELECTRONIC OROAN two man· uaJ almost hke new. Save 1800. DANZ·SCHMIDT,~O No. Main. San ta Ana. It tic HAMMOND ORGAN, Splnet mod. Slightly uaed. Good saving on Ulla. Aleo Hammond Chord Or- gan. Euy t o play. DANZ·SCIDUDT, :120 No. Main, Santa Ana. 120 Bass Accordion Like new. Sacrifice. Phone Llberty 8-2237 56pT2 SPIN!:I' PlANOS. Rental retumt lll<e new etc. You w111 alwaya flnd lf'OnderluuJ 1&v1n11 In W. dept. Many inakea and modeS.. M.trror type Splnet mahop.ny tlniab 1287. Another ln maple flnlab 139:1. DANZ-SCHMIDT, &20 No. Main, Sant& AnL 7lc73 ~Aut. for Sale G. M. C. TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS '42 Chevrolet >,; T. Pa.nti '47 Ford •., T. Plck·up. ':10 Chevrolet •.., T . Plek·up, P owerglide Trans. '53 Dodge 1,l T. Plck·up. Sport.Iman top. '63 ChfYT'Olet ~ T. Panel. '60 OMC 1 T. Dual, Flatbed, ':12 Chevrolet l T. Panel. '53 Dodr e l T . Dual. '32 Chevrolet 2 T.. l 7t" WB . 2 11peed1, 8:25 Urea. ':14 Dodgf' 2 T. TD. Dump, '2 •peed, 8 :~ llrff. '~2 OMC 10 wheel Dump, BL trana. 8 :25 Uru. We have the c.leanest and 1&r1· ut 11elecUon of Uled trucka we have had for IOftle time. 'Be ll1lft to 9M what -haft to ofter t>. to,.. buytnc any uled tnic:k.. W.W. WOODS OMC DEALER 115·19 I!:. 4th SL Santa AA& Open Sunday Lm. Truck beadquarten tor <>rans-Oo. $1295. 't t CADILLAC t dr. ~rw motor, UH<! lt'N lhan 4 month1. ftal11o, healer. dff!Wlf r. Dlrrctlonal •I&· nals. Rur -t 1peaku. W1nrt· llhltlll wallher r rh-al. party mtul ..-11 1300 21411 Pacltlt', Cotta MM& LI 8·8671. T(k-72 'M CHEV. V·8 ~l·Alr. Sport t'pe. "'DEMONSTRATOR" -~ OFF! OUt.tandlnr bell\rt1t'UI. barvctt rold.. 180 l\,p, twtn .EXR kit. Radio, P G. trans., 1tc. - AR'r LARSON, 69e So. Coast Blvd., LAIOWl&.. HYall 6·77U . tlt!c JAGUAR M Marl< VII aedan. wht. will\ ttd leather, automatic tranam1u1on. P,•rfect cond.. low mllnge, ort(tnal owner. Harbor M72. 13c76 19:14 SUN VAUJCY MERCURY. all power equlpmeot. terma. Call OWllfr. U 8-3683 or LI Mn3. &eltc 11H7 PACKARD Clipper-neat 6 mecbuilcally pertecl. WSW lire•, Radio A: htr. Good 2nd rar tor fmnUy, $1 30 cull. Call Ha.r. 2894·R. tk73 41-Aato 8ervb Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN , * with this ad * 6 Cyla. ... $48.88 8 Cyla. _. ___ $58.88 lncludea bot.b labor and pa.rt•. New rtnaa. wrt1t plna, valve g-rlnd. tttUnp of main and rod bearlnp. Expert motor tune up. t O-day or 4.000 mJle ruuantee. (NO MONET DOW Nl. REBUJLT ENGINES -UP to la MONTHS TO PAY- BuJlt In our own tact4ry by ak.lllfd mach1nl1t&. Don't contend with the middle man. Buy dJrrct REBUILT and INSTALLED SHORT BLOCK FORD ···--·-··-·--·--....... 1129 ~(I CHEVROLET -------··· 1149 !\11 PLYM. A: DOOOE ···-·-..... 11:'1:1 CHRYS. A: DE SOTO ---'-$170 STUDEBA.KJ!J\ • ··-·····-.. ·-··· 1171' OLDS A: PONTIAC 8 --······· S 170 BUICK ---.. -··-----$17:1 RUDSON --··-·-·-·-·-··· $17:1 Loan C&r Fru Towlns; NEW CAR GUARANTEE Block mual meet our atand11rd1 Plua ~ea, cukel• and oil ~n Sunday 10 Lm.. to 2 p m BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open Daily 8 to 7 Stale Bon1led NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. SAITTA ANA BRAKE SPECIAL durtni Jun• Foreign auto brake job, by expert mechanics $18.95 & up. W a Mtlln IUDDJCN Nl'Viee. Hauslcen Motors Inc. IHI llal1lor B.IYd., Cotta Meea LI ~1-LI l-4Sll ~tC'72h A'ITENTION Nash -Hudson owners Rioh Hahn's Garage 1 Authortaed Pan. It Mrvtee al*> Good Trauport.a Uon China Painting r•ay 1111u ~;""'"ng ~1u11"' Uro1·ri< l':tk o n ~ow Phonl' Llbrrty '-·fi618 Ora.nge Count v 5·Day-40-Hour ·w eek H 1..:h s\11rtfng p11y Exrrllrnt Benrrlt 11 Goort npportllnit y fnr ArtvAncrment Bt tWl'tn 22nd 11nd 23rd on Tustln Avr.' C<)Hla Mrsa. 70tfc Roll·A·Door glua top 1290. -1 rl'duction i:enr. Rarbor 1619-W. 72i;>74 REFRIGERATOR, 110 volt D. C SEE JACK HARPER at Lido Shipyard, end of 311t Street. Newport Beach. 29Uc $:1 P.ICR. MO. rent. Cood practJce piano. All term rent allowed lt you buy. Good used practice pll.· nos '89, 11211, 1137, Sl30 and up. Eu~ tenna. DANZ-SCHMIDT Bl.( Plano 1tore. Sant& Ana, f>20 No. M ain. New French Renault Auto ~a:ii'~ ~epair «>9 E. 29th St. Ollie BOOKKEEPING SFR\'ICE r('~ .. )'~<'~' Appl\' STANDARD STATIONS Dahlia and Coast Highway Corona •lrl Mar \h0pmnn 11nd ~p111ra F'H II l'r1 Cln 8 30 In !l .:tO a m !llnndav &: Thurlllla):<. ~~r69 R· , .. ~,'lrthlr n ,/, .• II ,11 .1 If,, 1 ';'il, :!h Af'f'l.lt'ATIO.:ll~ 11rr l><'mg rt· I I . l'.\'l'tl fnr ~ht comb1nr1I rn~r· l'..Xl'l-.. t l.Al tY ·1<·~11,~ iluy wnrk l1·•n .,r C'1ly rl .. rk. and lrr•11snr,.r 1, I 7 '"" ,•, i'.!)' f•>r I hr <'ily of :'\ twpnrl B<'>ll'h. ---__ _ I Appl1rnnt~ mu!« be f!Xpenrnrrtl \\·nrn(t;'lt.1 \l<1Tllf H!:', , 11 .1, "''' ~0·1··!'11111•" nr h1we h111l exp.-d· 1•1 Ill\ hnn··· '"'~ 11mr ='•'\\ r ••l I >'n• f' 118 I\ C'lly l"l,,rk or di-plll,\ ll•·lt.:ht~ 1ltJ1l111 • I.It• ,,. "i fi l l • •ly 1 l\'rk Arply r11y man11r.:i-r'J1 Universal Bldg. Maintenance \~'111111 .I{, \\ 10110 \\' \11'11111111{ Vlnor!I .. lnnltnr ~('r\'1r1· f'hr>nr llnrbllr •~Ill 117p80h GARDENING M,11nlr n11nrr, ~·artl rlC'11nl ng and ll~ht h1111ltnlo';'. Klnth<'rh· 3·31\25 •l:t\'11 or Hnr bor 3034 f!\·~nln.t~ & \\'Ct'k l'ntlll. OSpi:! Lll'F::-:~~~P rxprr:l'n1 r il ~klpprr R\lll111hlr for r 11\•11tr nr • hartn hont11 p'lr! llmr "r \'t'Otl\· T'h 11.1r 11.?I\-\\ ":·op'::' Jo~Xl'EllT j!nr h•n•'• ,,·a_n tq work tn llnrhnr Rfl'il 1111~ mn) N11ttp· nwnt l'h LI · 7117!1 71lp72 MA:-l .l WOMA:"i Wiii do J:l!lll'rlll ho~cwoi k. flour .w1Utlng, wln· \low cln.nln1t. F11iit workers. while. 1!14 F:. 201 h St.. Costa ~J<:J.. Ll 8·:'683. pptt HCll'SE Cl.F.A::\I:"<G Thur"'111\·11 A a ltl'rnate !ltnn11ay.11. Lofal l"l'ferrnrrtt. nwn tr11n~J"'r1 a llon Phon<' LJbtorty 8·396:1, 11·8 p. m. 71p72 Roy's Maintenance RouM clt'anlttr-Floor wuJnr Walt wuhlnc-wjndow cteanlnr Veneuan bllnd1. Upbolatery lnaul"f'd. F'rff Erttmatu LJbuty 41·1332. ltlc ' c•H W•'. liar. 3131. 71 ri3 CIRI. for ~rnrr11.I orf ke wnrk. Full nr p11r1 tlmr C"l\ll . L.lb,.rty 11-13:!32, ;111v Mh nr aflrr 71r 73 \\'A:'\T laol\' '""k In prlvlllt' home t•ir month !'lf J uly Gnn<l i1all\rv. H11r. t61 :l. · 71 c73 FTLL TIME t'ntplnymrnt fnr ,::1rl ~·r1,1"'" lyrlng.1 ~horlhlln11, M nk- k<'<>plng 11 nd rtrt'ptioni~t. Aprlv m p1•rson prrfr.'l .. lnn11t ln\' 11n1I Bltli:' C"nrp. :?R:?ll :"<ewporl Rlwl :"1•wpnr t Bee<"h 7tr72 BOOKKEEf'ER -Cen'I 11tr1rr. must tyre. Good al f1g11rt1. t;<>Od ~11l11ry. :; !lay Wl'Ck. C111'l Kim· bl'rly S· 1l6S. ; I c73 \\' A;\'T ledy 1ntervJewua for 11>< 111 survry work, mornings only F:am 1311 wk. 11nd up Wntl' r Q 8'-ix 1!!6 :-.·ewport BPlll'h or c11ll J D. Hnll, Kl S·llf,8 68r73 A TIEXTJON Al.L BOYS - T HE 1'EWS·l'RESS Is now t&kl.nc urrler application• for rout's In lhue nelghborhooda:- Balbn•. Wttt NHvport, Balboa b ., Nt\•tport Height•, Corona del llfar 11nd C<l!ta Mell&. If you are ll·U yr" old. and lllan " btcyci.., apply at the Cin:ul&· Uon Dept~ Newport Harbor N1W11-Prua, 221.1 Balboa Blvd .. Newport Bdch, betwttn 10·12 L m. or •~ p. m. only p cept Saturdays. Lio Remodeling? Central Eler lr1c lrtalnlu11 lltttl 8 fl klll'hen unit, Includes bullt·ln Hntpolnl 11\lln. Wll.'lhPr A: large sink. l'I atnlt'l'll 11l• el drainboa rd It spl1111h bark Al.SO ml'lnl rP~·olvlng clothe11 Jlne. 32-Furnitu.re for Sale RIBBON 'mahOg. dreuer, U O. Rib- bon .mahog. cheat. 120: aolld maple 1111all desk or vanity, Slli: 6 x 9 tan na.x bra.idcd rug. 110: wardrobe trunk, $I~: 2000 !:. Ocean Blvd .. B&lboa. Rar. 60. 70C72 DISPOSING ot furniture A: equip· menl from my real e11tale office -including gray 11tul de111u!. chairs. c11blnela, typewriters, display 11ign11, "'1cker reception rum1lure ele. SNIPE No. ~;;34 In excellent con· dltlon. Bo!lt cover 11111ls and trail· er. Owner lf'avtng A W11l take best offer. Har. :I02 day11, Har. 2306 R eves. 62lfc 27 PT. Aux. 11lnop with Cr11y Sn Scout engine, full 1ult good Sa1l11, 2 bunk11, galley and head. New atalnlea11 11leel rigging, JUSL palnted compll'lt ly 3 weeks 11.go. 13400. LI 0..1687 65lfc FULL KE YBOARD Sp1ntl piano, 4 door aedan. 50 mllH per (&Don. famous namr, walnut clllll' $49!\. WOODWORTH P'JANO CO. 2610 Payment.tl-$38 Pf!T m.o. E. Coa.il Hwy ., Corona dpl Mir Har. 3382 7lc73 See Baldwin Piano & Organ Display WOODWORTH PIANO CO. 1318 Coast Blvd., Corona de! Mar (Tb11den Interior Bide.) Ha r. :1382 S6c:H MAf'l.E S f'INET, like new. Savi' 1200 Bank of America tlnanclnc JlOfEDJATE DeUnry Hausken Motors Inc, 1932 H11.rbor Blvd . Co1la Meea LI 8·!\051 LIMUl ett.tc fold!I up Several dbl. hung See FR.ED CROSrER. 3530 East wmt.l(lWI. 21 :!3 C'h&nnt'I R.d , Bal· Cout Highway, Corona dt l Mar. MERCURY Sl'PER 10 outboard motor C11cd only 16 hr!!. SHO. 111 l No. Bay Front. BalbM Is· lanl1. H11r. 3246·M. 67tfc EVINR DF: 7~ h. p. outboard, lltttr only Ml hrs. running 1165. ~:0,PD\\'ORTH PlANO CO. 2810 r.. Co&sl Hwy , Corona del Mar H11r. :l:l82 71c73 :14 JAGUAR XK120M medlned ronv.. ltke nt'w, powl1~T blue, while nrlon to)'l. never r1.ctd. lnw mlleAgf', orlirlnal owner. Har ~472. 61c7:1 bi>A H11r. 252:i. For lhOSP who want the best Konkel's Interiors Cphril:o1l rry, draperies. bcd11prrnd8. :'\r w phonr LI b,.rty 8· 7Pi:l 43 l E. 17th St. -::.· Fret' Elltlmates C'o11t11. Mr~a 7t p84h I!'> Yns. Cocoa brown cotton car· fl"tlnlt" wtth pa11a1n1t. Nearly new $19:1. 222 M&.rK\Jerlte, O•· mn11 del Mar. 71c72 ORIGINALS AFTERNOON. Cocktail. dinner dre"-"8 ,t, Cool"dtn1tea. Custom Dressmaking Pb H11r bor 5268·R 7lp84 Special! This Week 3 16" galv. anchor chain. While ft la.st.a ...... 16c foot Stricker-Marine 2430 Coolt Hwy. Newport Beeeh Liberty 8~ 71c72 1947 POWELL SCOOTER, ~ood condlUon. 2~48 l'alrway Dr., Coet& Mell&. LJbert7 1-7553 71q13 -ca1J Barbor, 181' to ~ )'OW Ad OD thll pac9. 68c73 Mesa Woodcraft Unpainted 6 Juvtmlle Furniture Lgr. reclining patio chafr11 .. 13.9:1 Sliding door Cllb, H .IJ.ix24x34 J4 7~ Lge. 11lld door wardrobe .•. 32.60 Mlnw$.X 11nd Deft flnl11hl'1 Order• taken Ccir shutt.cra 2121 H1rbor, C.M. Liberty 8-1645 Want 3 h. p. Evlnn.111.., or 5 'i h. p. John110n. H11r. 1616 d1y1. Kl 6·2432 tVl'll. 68p73 1:1 FT. ALL GLASS BOAT HULL. 70 lnC'h bl'am. s120. LI 8·ti304. 72c74 rrc or LUOEru:t 11p1nnaker and 11torm sail, 7 hp Martin Oci:m1· SECT. RATIAN Set m11r1c tehle Ing l:idrlrr tor 30·40 ft. ~at &: lamp. rattan rocklt1tl tllhlr rhrllp. l nq. Wttk·en118, 100 \'la br11icl1•'1 rur;r.11. ra1ntrr1 hulrh. 2 Mrnton" Udn I11lt. nr CRr~t· peel It 1 boudoir r hiur &: olto· _view 6·116511 wetk d11y11. 70p82 SMA LLF.ST STUDIO Plano with f11ll 88 keyboard In fine con· ctltlon Terms. S41'l.35 down and $16.17 prr mo. al SH AFER'S Mu11lc Co. (Since 1907) 421·423 N . Syramon•. Sant& Ana T'hont' Kimberly 2·0672. Ri;;:A comb TV rlldlo A phono· ~11J"lh, mllhog. rcin11nle. U•ed 1e11s lhan 6 monlhs. PtrffCl condl· lion. Orlgln11I coat over 1600. Mtll•I 11ell S3')() 2149 Pacific, C04!la Mesa. LI 8·8676 70C72h 19411 HARLEY DAVIDSON 74, $200. Phone Har. 2683.J. 72c74 STEAL! 19~4 MERf"URY hard top. F'ully "'llllpl Mu11l Atll by July 8th. f'rlC'e 12,200. Call U 8·73(14 72r74 m11n 6 m111I. Harbor 045tl·J 71c72 23' SLOOP cl trailer. u cellt'nl st--Aatoe Wuted aaJIAr Jiia l ov,. .. 81 1 _ _. •4•0 LOVll:LY Sl~GLE manual elec· ' ~ ,T,. I""' • " . Harbor 26:!!\·R i Ocn lronic <>n:lln 1n p"rfecl eondl· Unn. Save $400. Convenient CHIUS CRAFT 26' bridge deck. ll:xcellenl 1'ew c11n\·u. radio. ball tank, fillhlng cha.tr, t'ltr· Inc bllg<' pump rClCk gu. 11 O V1)1~ bftttery c-harKPr . Ll 8-ifl20 aftl'r :I 70c72 turns 11t SRAnm·s M11111c Co CSlnl'e 1907) 421~23 !'\. Sycamore, Santa Ana Phcine Klmberly 2-~72. POODLI: pupe, 11maJI mln11ture c:bampton lilb'ed. 2ClO Abalone, B&lboa bland. 70c'12 PRJVATE PARTY wanta to buy '6• or '66 Chu, P lym. or Fo1"d atatlon wagon. prefer e cylinder. No p<IWl'r JlldC'. Unrter 12000 Call H1rbor 1020 evu . 72c77 WE HELP YOU WRITE ADS nl.AT GET RESULTS! We have all wrlter1 lo help Clall!lfled adnrt111era word thf'lr ad1 for be•t fl!"ullA. Thi• a1>rvlce la abeolut,.ly trff. Ju.t~ call Karbc>r 181\t, •Y "I want ~ place a aa..1n1d Ad" and you W1ri be connectf'd with a cour• teol&I and competent ad·t.aker who wm anhrt you In prep&r1nr. a nd placlni yQUr Ml mo1( ert,cllv<'ly New1-PN!a1 Cluai!ied Adi HARBOR 1616 Newport Beach, Har. 472~. a~Uc Ill COLU}(BIA mobile home; J I lone ; •hr. It toilet: man7 exlru ex. cond, lol :13, U~rty Mcib1I" Homu Court. 16182 Harbor m vd. Santa Ana 72!)74 LUOOAGE TR.A.lLER ·-4 x 6 All metal. enclOINKI, 140. 270 •~ Palmer, co.ta M-.. Lt 8-71174 721'74 VACATION TRAIL.ER tor re11t Sleepe Ii, 1:1 fl. Ne.ar new. S2:'t Wf'<'k. 21:13 National, cor. or V1r. torta , Colla Me.-U 1·2338. 7lp7:4 4'7-Want.ed to Rent Rentals Wanted We need apt.a and bou.. ln all aecUoaa ror botll wtat.er ud ,..,.. • &eue. 1'u.nl. ar Wlfun. U )'OU haft a •acanc7, pboDt toda.7 The Vogel Co. not W. c.t. B"f~ Newport lkh. Pbone Uberty I-Mat IOI 'IUrUM, BalbOa bMed Phone Harbor 04 Ze67 E. Cout Ry., Corona ~ Mar Phone Harbor lHl Lido omc ... 3416 Via Udo Harbor 4971 ltt.tc U-Aeta. ~ Rouw ____ _ nALnOA ISl,A:'liO RY.l\'1'AL Chu n11n1t hm111r, 2 bdrm•. av111I now to J ulv 14th w~11 f\1rnl11h,.•I Garb1111e rl111po11nl F1rt pl R"" 110nabl" Har 2M7·W. GOif• SHOlt F"..rt.t F'F'::! -l:nrum. hrimr 3 bdrms .. 2 blHh~. Yl'llr ll'aA• 1260 mo, Phone LI 8·5673. 'flri:l FOR Rll:NT 2 bedroom tuml11h,.•t <1url"t nt11 r 17th nn \\' Or• 1111 F"r<int Alll( I l'l 14 Siii\ "Wl'"l- aft rr S"rl. 1 bv mnnl h nr Y"• r SM a mon1" Har. 47117. 70t 7~ W DO U~L& I .ovt ly rum . I b<-'1 rn'ln1 apt R11y1rnnt l'lumm,.r rir yrly. Har. 4280-W. 72c il ·- \ I I ;;. . i I --- ·- ,_ • I ,I I I 48-Aeta. A B!!'V"! for ant 43-Af!!. • ROCllee for ant 5S-StorM a Oftleee -.. M-8'Wsw ~ M-P=t1• Opp!N .... U. Cabanas Marinas • • Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. LIDO Ol'TICI: 8P4CZ -Wlll IUWliit ~ .Wt&ble tor attor- ••11, ustn•ra. etc. Approx.. 14&.10 la aboppiAs area on Vi& .Udo. Call Doll Colie ~ ~. Kar. •MO. &et.fc orn:as Modern Store Delilhttw living. Apt...C.benu UtilW.9 paid. rol\ um, ua per mo. P&rkinr w1tb lacWU.., tott~ &1.r beat, ault• BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 1. DRIVE-IN R E ST AU R A NT. ShOWI cro- $58000. Leue $1150 mo. Attnctinly ndecorat- ed. JOOd J>Uldni. Will aacrifice $8750. TMht .Up ~ ~----.-~r..a aw.. t11·i._>1---=-~ ~ .--.... -.~ •.•Balboa Blvd.- .2. ~AURA.NT le BEER LICENSE -plua 4 room A bath apL with ocean view. Hichwa_y lo- cation. All thl8 leuee for $175 mo, ~ abon rrou uooo per mo. A. good money maker-Dally, weekly, monthly, ,.arty. Hartlor 2070. Ht.fc --For appt. or r.erYation, Call Har. 2992. 48-AJ!fL .t Boawi for Beat Choice Summer Rentala on Balboa bland le Lido Iale Small A COQ or .Laree A delUu •Ta co NOO IDODdt Mt!c For Lease- STORE H 'lt34', .Wl for protu- 1lon&l, buuty &hop, real eat&te, XLNT. LOCAT~ON DOWNTOWN Co.la MML Harbor HM-W. e8tfc FOR. LEA81il tadOO, 2000 block Harbor Blvd. Owntr Har. •787, Steady clientele. Aaklng $&500. 3. TRAD...ER SERVICE le SUPPLIES. Hu been promoted to a good ~ing bu.aineu. Rent $160 mo. Well located. Price of $13,000 buya you JOOd aueta. VOGEL CO. LI 8-3t81 VOGEL CO! ATTR.ACTIVlll ocean YI-1 bdnn. apt., putl.ily tum. 8\llt&ble for coup!~. ST& mo. yrly. SH atter 5:30 wit. day. or Sat. p.m. and Sunday, t5S W. IeUl St., Coeta M--. (tum lert at e d of W. letb St.) 70p72 Bums: 600 W. Ocean l'roat. Bill· ------------------------boll. 70c72 3201 W. Cout H1ry., Newport Beach. JOI Kartu A" .. B&Dloe lalaad Ph. 8&rbor ... 01' ~ 1161 Ru. Har. 1711e·R or Har. 3059-M tftte NO. 5 BEACON .llA Y -Summer rmt&l. BpacloWI tbru. apt.. aleepe .. &.s._A __ B_..,, __ tn_w_S. __ tu. ___ _ a •• rMate •. qwrlooklnr b&y. June lllt.h- 00 Co ~ ~E s~pt. 15th., $600. montll. rvt ALSO will ta.Ire ,_rntson for Dtalrable llUftlmu rent&la 1Ull w1ntar. Kar. 2471, couftu)' to avallable. By w.ek , month or _ll.IU __ i.. _______ ,....•_3_lf_c aeuon. CHANNEL FRONT J"URN. Apt. Corona del Ma.r Bargaina A. v A.J[.• B(.Jll -A.bout 8000 eq. 2 bednNI ·-. ·--.. _ ....... $11,000. tt.. U,bt tndWltry ap&c. on i.t A 2 bedrm •u '""" Jn4. floor. U. s. Bifbway 101 ·• comer -·--· .. ·-• •"""· and B& Front& WW le&M all 2 bedrm., Corona ~bl'c». '11,100. or an,y Y part 6 ~!model to auit 3 bedrm., Corona Highl'dl Ut,000. temnt. v LC 34.lt v•-''do. 3 bedrm~ OCMl1 front .... S62,l500. · 0 " o., .. ... 3 brm bay A ochn vi-$'9 500 $1000 UNDER KAR.Krl'. S bdrm. .tucco na 2 y...,.. old. corner lot. Ownibed dbl ,..,..e, Caab to loan bu)'I U!ia fOl' jult $750() aacr1lle41 prlee. OR.ANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1M7 Newport. Coeta Meaa COAsr PROPER!l'IES Ml E . Balb<Ml Bl't'd .. , 8'Jbo4l 1 bllt to Udo abopa A bUa. Patio Harbor '971. 28ttc ·· • ' · . A BBQ. Uppu nar ~. SUM· ------------ MER or $50 mo. yea~ly. 1 B. R. L E A S E Har. s.51, 2at7 A •etc> 71tfc LI 8·1832 Eve. U 8-e&OS REASONABLE RATES by wttk, monUI, or year. ll'um. 1 bednn. and 2 bedrm. UUL pd. Refrlg. Owner on pr.ml-Jl'rlda y, July upper front i.. Uv. rm. ~auL 'f1~w ot Bay A cove1. SUMMER or '80 mo. yearly. 4pt. 2. 1115 3elh St., Newport Beach 10p72 G. K. LATHROP, 31135 J:. Coul Hwy., Corona del Mar. Harbor 544.2. (eve. Ha.r. l&aO). 72e74 J'INJI: LOCATION 1..n Corona de! ------------------------~r. Complete.ly equipped for bilking or deUcateuen. Phone ._:82~~~ ::!a..i!'!.,..~~El~lata~~te~----~a~~·~--~.!r.ta&e:!!~~-----Harbor 42113 tor a pp't. 86ttc let at 200 w. Ocean Front. and '8-B--Bo111ee for Bent 10. -25th s t.. Newport Beach.------------ 71c72 J'OR LEASE ------------TWO Jlll.\UTIJ'UL new ln'tne RENTAL r -SPECIALISTS Call Edna ~Jg Blanche Gates, Rltr. 3U ll&rtne A "Yet. !talbo& laland, Bar. 1811 72Uc ' N EW Wl\l,.rCronl funflahtd duplex 2 & 3 bdrm. Pier and float. Cloer r • Lido ahoppinr dl.uict. Wttldy. monthly, or yu.n lea.ae. 3 Bdrm. O<'e&n front, July-Auguat. 3 Bedrm. 2 bath AC'ro1111 pl from bathing beach. 3 or 4 H<lrm. furn home near bay nr prnlnimla. July a.nd Sept. VOGEL CO. 3201 Cout Hlrhway, Newport 8ch Terrace u.n.tum. 'f'lew bomeL a BDRKS .. 2 ti.Ula and 2 BEORMB., 2 b&tha. Call Barbor 1775 or Barbor •tfl. JU.JU. W. 8T4NLEY, Realtor • Inine Terrace Otflce Corona del Mar. 33tfc SHORECLIFJ'S Adorable ~n.nd new farm bouae-- ru.l •tor:Y·book charm. 3 bed· nnL, 2 Mtha. FU.ml.abed or u.n- t'Urnlltled. Owner wtJl leue lmmedJ&t.t]J 1·2 yn. to tt1pon· •Ible t enant., $370 per mo. Har. 2770.J. 89ttc AV AILA.BL!: In SHORECLIFFS, Prin.ta home. 2 br., tumilhed. except rug1, .Uver and linen. '250 on leue. Harbor 3209·R. 69tfc U 8·3481 71c73 2''1CAR ..8ALB64 COVES. Brand new 2 bdrm., tum. home, fire- New Store Bldg. fM )-, 3·15 yl'll., 15JtM tt. park• ahopplnr &reL lng ap&c•. Major arltty. In Udo BLANCHE GATES Realtor Ill Karine 4ve., Balboa bland HaJ'bor 1171 e8tf c LEASE FINE LOCATION In Corona <Ul Mar, Comple~y equipped !or baldnr or deUcat ... en. Phone Harbor 4263 for app'l. 60tfc FORCED TO SELL Thriv1n1 howiecleanlnr bu1U1eu . Opportunity to make &"ood mon· ey for rlcbt p&rly. Ma.Ire otter to Box H ·ie. t.hl.I paper. 71ttc • • BAY SHORES • Open House Sat. & Sun. 1-5 • EXCLUSIVE LISTING Corner Arbor Dr. & Vista Dr . Bay Shores' Cleverest Ranch Type Home • • 2 bdrm., ral.9ed uMd brick f°ll"epl&ce, d.lahwuher, diapoMl. Charmingly decorated. Cruahed rock lawn. Full price $23,500, t~. AN D • 2601 Bay Shore Drive • 3 bdrm.a., 2 bat.ha, bay view home -All electric hoWle. Built-in rari,e Ii oven. Carpeted and drap- ~. Ideal home for ·couple with visiting relations or frienda. Full price $29,500 -Term.. For ~ ahowing, call Harbor 1800 - (Evea. ~rty s.&86) 48-A-Aeta. for Rent C~f"ORTABLE BEACH AP1'8 ., tum 111h1-d. Summer rate $86 wk. 3014 \\', Orean f'ronl. Harbor place, W.W. carpet;-dlapoul. Av&Uable for aummer ..09'~ 38th Sl .. Newport llla.nd. M-Jt.onel to Lou HARBOR INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS ---...6-.------Newport Blvd. at SOth St., Newport Beach 2 BDRM. tum. houae -t09 38th St .. Newport. 72pU ~17-M 72p7T ------------C.D.M. 2 bdrm. u.nfllm. I block t\E\\' U:::E. untum . l bdrm. duplex $6!1 mo Garb. dlap., TV jack. Walt'r pll Mutcl t1t't. 203'' H th SI \\' Npt llach. 72p from ocu.n. Yearly. 222 M&r· guertte, or call Har. ol362 atur 0 :30. 72c74 COST A MESA -3 bdrm. horn~. tum. 1 except 1 bdrm.) Reuon· able. Pllone LI 8·7877. 7~p7~ N~~\\' Fl"RN WATF.RFRONT for ll'a~e 2 brtrm. a pt. l!:lectr1c:&lly r11111ppe;I 426 \'la Udo Nord. t>:r"·r•orl Rt&dl i 2pH BEACH CCYITAGE 1leepe 8, 1.-t blk. ocean. Summer, $40. week. $60. mo. yearly leue. Har1>9r 3H O·J. 72p,4 Available July 15th F l ·n~ I b!Jrm. apt., quiet. CIOM ------------ '" l..1<ln iihopplng Ve&rly lrue LIDO ISLE $tl!l mn lo rtaponalble Jl"Ople. , 1 l\ll 01A o,.1 . LJ 8·3M8. 72ci4 YE4R.LY RENTAL UNFURN. 2 bedroom•. 2 bat.hi, n \l.fl()A l~LA:"lJ beautltully I Choice locaUon. 1111 n ;: txh rn & 2 bdrm •Pl•.'~ W STANLEY Realtor t'l\'rrlnnkln~ bar. r atio, R&r·B· I • , 1111,. &: hwlngs 1n9 Park Ave .. 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Bch. ll111 tx1r 0123-R. 72cH ' Harbor 1013 ~ 40tlc C()RONA nr.L MAR 1turl1c &pl. 3 BDRM.. • den; Unfum. Bay • turn :"o r nt1k1ng Bt>11l location. oeean view. Yr, Jean. 308 Cac- \\ <'Ckly nr yrsrly. Har. 43~2 nation, C.D.M. 6llfc Quick Cash Loans on furniture, auto, aala.ry. $50. to $750. or more. One day service Application may be made In per-aon. by phone or by m.&il CALIF. ACCEPI'ANCE CORPORATION 1898 Harbor Blvd., Coat.a Mel& LI 1·1751 -Open Frtday1 tW I Clo1ed Saturday--Utlc LOANS for Homes a~ -io rt. Loam Construction Loans SD BOB liTn.ER 2016 EAST C04BT BLVD. Coroaa du Mar H&cbor aaaa Rep. POIRIER MORTGA.QJ: CO. .ltletro Ule Im. runes. KL l-61M .Stfc •dtrr ~·:to 72cH -LO-A..N--8-TO--B-UU..V--.-OCPRO---Vll- V ACATIONERS BUT. MODJ:RNIZJ:, OR i'il'~IMFH HF::"TAl.S -~pt!!~ : WE HAVIC & variety ot new nice· Rm'INANCJC B"ll"\'e '.l fll' nnt~' Newport ly tum. rent.ah available In We Buy TrU8t 0..-~"llt•h ~t•wly drcontted J and Newport .tc Laguna. 130. wk. A N'rfVPORT BALBOA BAVIKGa • hrrlrm', 1ranu:r3• Near bay A up. Inquire 304·32nd SL, NpL A LOA..N A.880CIA.TION ,.,., "" s .. o & SllO Wl't>kly. Call Phone Harbor 1226. 6lpHh HM 'Via Udo. Ph. Har. '- .. wnPr, Ll~t ly 8·1<10\l 71 ttc tte --UNP"UJtN. J BDRM. HOMl!l. W to------------C'LIF'F' HAVEN -w carpet. Beautiful yard, patio, WOULD lib to buy J..at and 2nd '.! BR!! .. unfurn. apt. w, gar. I fireplace, pr. 112l5. month. 1'Nlt Deed& Call Bar. Wt. f •-I Or leaa rent on leue. LI 8·15760 • ..Uc lttundry rm , d1sp.. an. e"'. atter 5. r.&llc --------------S~5 per mo. Har. 1477. 1-----------71c73 ON LIDO ISLE-Yearly rent...l 3 ___ H_A_R_B_O_R __ A_PT_S_._· -;:r7,··~c':i~n~~:~t~~;:'·~u:r: Harbor 0215-J. 62lfc Modern furn~hed apta. day, week or month HARBOR AREA Ntsr bua, lllor.es a: bay. Reuonable 1 Complete selecbon of aummer r en· t . 10~ E a. Av BALBOA ta.a. by month or week, now ra '8' · 1 e., available. Harbor 63H . l1Lfc Greenleaf-Severt.a Really F UIL'111'HF.D APTS. In heart of 3112 Newport Bl., Newport Bch. B:1ll>oa S25 wk . .t up. Taking Harbor 2652 70c72 N'l!l'rvaUona now. 917 E. B&l· b.111 Tih·rt . Baloos Har. 1729-J. 62c74 Summer Rentals • Exclusive Bay Front.a + other choice properties Harbor laland, Bay Sborea, Bea- con Bay, qualified cUe.nte only, Harbor Investme,nt Co. Harbor 1800 ( P:V-111. LI 8-53~) 27Lfc SUMMER RENT~Fum. home alffP• 4 for July A Srpl. l lo l~ aleo winter ree~rva llona. 721 ') Poppy. Corona df'I M11r. Har. 0635·M 66tfc LIDO 5 Bedroom 3 b&lha. u eryU'l lng furnished ex· cept linen. Available on aub· leUt July I to Sept. 15. Total rent&l $1500. Leaee'11 101111. your ga.ln. DUNCAN HARD~TY, Realtor NO COMMISSION No Appraiaal Fee SALES -RE.FI.NANCI: CONSTRUCTION Call for Free Fut Commitment.a on Ruldencu and Unit. only Don I. Huddleston 173 E . 17th Sl COST A KESA LI 8·MU LI 8-9582 REAL ~ATE LOANS Inter.st Rate ~1'1 ~ Loalla qWckly made la th• BaJ Ana and Co.ta M8IL Bingle or mulUple unit.I. New °" old. Be wt. &Dd .... by r.ft.a&nc1ng your pneent loan. Minlmum a · paDM. No char1a t<W preUmi· D&rJ &ppr&.Lllll. Pboae Santa Ana Klmberly a-ttU or wrtta ARTHUR A. MAY Mortpee Loan CorTupoadent BALBOA fum. modem 2 bdrm. Udo Specla.l!St OcddentaJ Ltt• 1Dllur&nce Co. s pL. nt'&r bay It OCffoll. L&r&"• MOS Newport BIYd., Npt. Bch. tu louth Main S&nt& Ana r atio. Summt r or yearly. 103:'i Harbor 4718 71ci3 pp w . Balb<Ml Blvd. 69lfc AV ~BL& 1 SOON -Untum. BAL.BOA I 8 L AND altn.c:Uft corur s BR.: hOuae. fenced yard. 60-1.aoome Proee"V tum. llnKI• apL One adult Dblt. prace, Child OK. Ru.a- yu.rly ~:'i lncludln~ • II t 11 onable lo llte.dy te.ni.. u HOME •nd 6 Un"1ts ATianUc JOM:I or write 1128 l-MJ7. 71c73 u Lontn Ro.d, San Manno. 7lc72 __ __... _________ OOOD INCOM:I:, 1311,000. 441 Ram· 48-C-"-.1&..r Sm.mi llton, off Har1>or BlYd., Com BAY VIEW APT. on Udo Penlll· ='= r;;a Me-. etp7•b .Wa.. Nnr 6 atlracUve panelled roR eon..r-.ative people -s llY1nf room. 2 bdrmL Jl'or yurt1 tra.ller llJ>&Cel. Ni~ uUUty houM. leul.. Ph. Bar. 2711 or Bar. 80. 111 qul•t netpborhood. Adult.I, 65t1c No pet.. "1 Hamilton It.. Coe· BALBOA ISLAND MOTEL AP'I'S. t& X.-. 71p71 ROOM t~ worklnr man. Hot and Taki.nr reeervaunna day, WMk. or-cold water In room. Pvt en· monUI. Uf Manne A'1"9. Har lrAn~ 18 per week. 123-28t.h St MM . 7lp84 N11wport. ppltc . 61-Ree.I Estate EllMMI! BY OWNER-Wm take tr.de on thla comer lot. ranch home. 3 bdrm., 1 l4' b&Uia. hdWd. nn .. F. A.. hfft, W.W. ~t. fenced yd., xtn.. If. patio ovtrlooklng canyon. W iii t&ke m'lalltt place or vacant lot In part paymenL ~M Huel Orin, C.D.Jrl Har. 1089-W. 5tc72 MARINES Heres Your Country Estate Vets; NO DOWN Immediate Occupancy 3 or 4 Bedrooma • Forced Air Heat • Muaive Stone Firepta.ce. -Built in Range and Oven . . . actually every Iui!ty feature and in Orange County'• flnest • location. Big F..t.ate Sized Lot.a witable for pool and patio! . Drive out First Street in Santa Ana Thru Tuatin and Turn North at Red Hlll Ave. George M. Holstein & Sons, Builders Designed by Cliff May Pr tl Just Enioy the Income from thia excellent property (no rent to pay). Located in choice rental district, 100 ft. from ocean. There are 3 units -a new duplex and a 5-room house on 2 Iota. 2 unita are furniahed and rented on yearly buia, Owner'a home available now. Three garages on alley. Present income can be ·aut>.tan- tially increued. $5000 will handle. i'OR INSPECTION CALL HARBOR 1013 ACT TODAY! EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beuh Harbor 1013 71c73 $25,000 WANTED for t he cash down on each of the foil owing income property buys: 1. Ten unfurn. 2 bedrm. u.n.ita. All on year leases Good return. 2. Hwy. 101 store bldg. Responsible tenant.a. Care- free investment. Can be bought right. 3. Motel and trailer Park. Prime location close to bay, atores & future development. SEE RUSS FORD 1600 W. Coast Highway Phone Liberty 8-859,5· Newport Beach 72cH AMAZING! Luxurioua old cha.nne.l front home. 6 bedrma., 4 batha, pier, •6 ft. channel frontage. Terrific view, Owner aaya ·~ Now," Only $49,500 ·tncluding carpet.a and drape.a. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W. Cout Hwy. Newport Beach (at Port Orange) LI 8-7!562, Har. ~lM eves. ------' ·-.. ·~· NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART IV· ,_AGE 5 --------THURSDAY, JUNE 30, (955 • Bayfront Buyers C-RMa r...tate n-Rt-a1 r...aate In our many yea.ra of aper· ;;;;.._.;..;o;;,;;;~;;;.,;,;.----------._..;;..._ ______ _ ience we have been aucce:u. ful in locating a number of very nice famllle. into ~ ch~ice Bayfront homa lh.y we eat.end our uper- tencea -to ur require. meota! The foUowins lit a crot11 section of well ecreen· ed listings, and we a1ao ha v• others. • · Harbor Island S bdrm. plu1 Mrvanta qu.arlera. Pier and lllp, 1160,000. • Bay Shores BAYFRONTS t bdrm. plua llll!rV&ntJI qua rt' re Pier and 1Up, $107.500. • Lido Isle BAYFRONTS 2 bdrm. plua den. 2 bath, ~r A noat. 107,600, S bdrm.. 3 bath tum. Pier and allp. SllS,600. I bdrm., 2 balh tum. Pier and •lip, $83,500. 4 bdrm., 3 b&UI, new. 1711,000 5 bdrm•.. plua eervanu quuter1. Pier and 11lp, $87,600. 5 bdrm .. • baUI, plua 2 bednn .. 2 bath apt. furn.. $89.500. • Balboa Peninsula BAYFRONT S bdrm. plue lanai (Cute), $43,600 .. ~ bdr m. PLUS, pier and n oat, S4t,l500. ~ bdrm. plua. ptl'r and 11Jp, 180,000. e Balboa Coves 3 bdrm., 2 b&Lh, NEW. pier • •lip prlvtllgu, $29,750, Harbor Investment Company REALTORS Newport Blvd. at 30th St. Newport Beach Phone Harbor 1600 BEFORE YOU BUY Try Francis J. Horvath REALTOR Llberty 8·l5 101 -Harbor 1428 DUPLEX on NEWPORT ISLAND 3 br . .ft 2 br. unite, Comer, view lde&J liicome and home. OPEN LIDO Here'• the moat ouutanding \'alut' being offered on Lido lale today-3 bed.rms. 2 bat.hi' on a wide '40. lt. lot with • 1•~~ •unny SQ\llh patio. lf ode.rn kitchen wilh a acrvi~ bar--0penlng to ·a wparate dining a rea, a qtti«"t comfortablf' living room with a charming com er fireplace facl."tJ the pa· tio .. 'ith its convenient built-in BBQ. Most rooma are newly carpoted anJ nt'w clrapt'll throughout are incl1.1ded at the very reasonable price of $29,500. Thia home would not be overpriced at ~32.500 and in addition to this very detirable terms may b<' arranged. DUN-CAN HARDESTY, Realtor "Lido Specialist" Use Our Free Parking Lot 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. Harbor 4718 COSTA MESA VOGEL VALUE Charming Home on Choice Cyclone-fenced Corner Lot 3 BRs., aelect HW floors, double fl~r furnace. Han- dy kitchen with dbl formic.a sink, corner breal<faat nook looking out on Redwood-enclosed, covered, flagstone patio &: BBQ. Kitch. plumbed for auto. laundry. Two bedrooms are large with cross vent.tla· tion & lg. walk-in closets. Nice bath with shower over tub. Linen closets in hall. Beautiful lawn & flowers. 4 ~< G. I. Loan at $61.7:> per month includ· ing taxes, insurance & interest. Owner bu purcb.u- ed home in. Los Angel ea and muat aell. Priced at only $13,000. Call ua for further information. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 1741A:1477 COSTA MESA Owner leaving district, says "Sell''. Excellent S bdrm. home, on a beautifully landacaped comtr lot silu.at,ed 1 block from Santa MJ& Country Club. Price $13.500, terms to suit. Submit your offer. 452 East Broadway . PRICE $15,000 .. Prospective buyers of a 3 bdrm. home ahouJd see this one. Perfect condition througbouL Large liv· ing rm. Fireplace. 1 bath with stall shower, 2 cu garage. To see both of these homes call Llberty 8-2664 (Eves. Llberty 8-7056) EARL W. STANLEY, 15th and Irvine, Newport Beuh Realtor 71c73 HOUSE 1-5 p.m. -olOl 38th ------------------------$21 .500-Terms. 2 BEDRM.. 2 LOTS, !acinc New· por't Park, SI0,600. Sacrifice tor cuh. M·l-COSTA MESA. Bue. office A bldg. on 1 lot. a other adjoin· Ing lot.I. See plan In office. S BR. FREEDOM HOME wlUI new bubecue, $9,860. Good term&. See lhla on!' . Business Opportunities WASHETERlA In Corona del Ma r $13.000. Term• JEWEl..ERY STORE-7 ~ yra. e11l. bu1lne1111. Wiii lake home ln trade. SEE Mr. Hnrv&lh. 3420 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport 22111 Newport Blvd., C<>ll• Men RIGHT TlMl!:-Rl(ht locaUon - nrht price -rtght down pay. ment -right numbtr Income untt.e -right Income from unlb -right for you to buy theH 8 1 bdrm. renUU. not 2 yn. old. U2,000 down. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1857 Newport. Colla Me11a LI 8·1632 E ve, LI 8-6803 B~ OWNER l.eavtng •tale. Mu1t 111"11 t> room home. Enclo•d patio, ooea.n view. 483 Morning Canyon Roa(!, CorotW. del M&r Highlands. 71pi3 I China Cove Bayfront N ew-uruque-11mall Slldln( glue C?J>eD.• onlo ~ac.h LIDO ISLE SPECIALS Lovely in the daytime-beautiful at night. This home has everything for comfort and contentment 3 bcdnns. & d en, less than 1 yr. old. Completely and beautifully furnished. Thermador kitchen, aeclu<tcd patio with lovely fl owers, one of the most outstand- ing homes on the island for $43.500, New 3 bdrm. & den home 2 baths, charming kitchen, built-in range & oven, coppt.'r hood plus dfahwasher. Large mast (.'r bdrm. has fireplace & one wall panelled. Mercury switcbee thruout. Carpeted, dbl. gar .. finest of constn.idton: Full price $33,500, terms availablt. ANO REMEMBER THIS - many other fine homes are hAted excluAively at THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3416 \'1a Lido. Npt. &h., Har. 49il or Har. 4972 Eves. Ha r. 2191-M. Har. 2998-R or Llbcrty 8-5297 ------------~~--~---------. EXCLUSIVF. LJSTINfi BALBOA ISLAND 2 Bedroom housl' l B<'d ro<lm apt. 2 Ca r garag(.' Fireplace each unit Excellent locatmn Step from bay Only S7500 down WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And A!i5oc1atcs te?T"a('e 130.000 Adjoining------------------------lot 120,000. Ownl'r. Hollywood 9-92S5 or Har. ~0111 7lc73 Park at Marine, Balboa island -Ha rbor 2162 CORONA DEL MAR ATI'RACTIVE red brick front home. F1rt>place. W to W ci r· pel l.n llv1nf roorn • dinetl4'. 2 bedroom•. 'Ml~ baUl. formic• )Cltche.n. Vlnellan bllnCSa thruoul P'enc.ed yard, enclo.ed p&llo Ii b&rt>eate. dbl. car. R ·2 lot. owner, 17ot In. Ave. 72r South Laguna lot IO'xl.20', ~ aide Of HJ1bway, SOM R· l 12.000 down. l&le by ownv. Harbor •7..J. deJl7 >ftu 1 p.m. 72p&4 A Pair of Winners Duplex -2 B.R. ea .. fireplitcr~. HUWJ) fin;. gorx.l heal. Dbl. gar. AU in good f'(Jndlt ion and in h:indy location. Below reµ'l cost 1n ~ 16,500. 2 units -2 bdrm, & den homf', Hnwn flr11 .. 2 fire· place8, lg. rooms, plus 2 Bit. apt. ovn dbl. gur. on lg. lot. Couldn't dup'l fo r $26,500 --Pncl'<l al only $23,500. R. L. STRICKLER, Realto r 3622 E. Coast Hwy., Corona det ~far liar. 2174 ' ... I . I r ' l I - .. PA&E 6 • PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS I a •-' ......_ ...!d'!::•~·~• ~r..!*~ .. ~---~a~~·~·~ia:...!i:.~ ... ~~-!...-----a aea1 r..tate 1-c-L;F H-A-VE_N_ THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1955 B I. B R h ac~ ay anc o a ·-· ...... D .... ....... TOG uw<on. a4m1red Wa mod• GOOD LIVING starts • "C'' 'nfOMA.8 "C'' THOMAS "C" TBOILU ''C'" THOMAS LIDO ISLf WAlERf RONT - Open OWNER Dany 1 to 5 Until 313 LIDO SOUD Soid MUST SELL-MAKE OFFER Pier and Float for •o• Boat LIDO'S BEST BUY iD & ch&nning 3 bedroom, 3 bath completely FURNISHED home. New w&.11 to wall cvpet.ing, custom made draperiee, tile bat.ha, 1e"rvice , porch with W e.tinghouae automatic, din. aru, fireplace, lovely patio with choice planting 11 convenient built-ln barbeque -AN EXCEPTION· AL VALUE! Can be bought furnilhed or unfumiah· ed. EXCELLENT TERMS. CORONA HIGHLANDS FIRST TIME OFFERED -Choice 3 bedroom, 4 year old home with circular floor pla.D, hdwd. floors, rear liv. room overlooking patio, fireplace, in excel· lent condition, nicely landecaped. $22,500 -Low down payment BAYSHORES Open Daily 1 to 5 BR.AND NEW attractive 3 bedroom home on Bay- ahore Drive with view of bay. Lge. liv. room, din. room. !irepla.ce, built-in thermador stove, 2 bathe, patio, ah&ke roof, fenced and ONLY $29, 7~ BAYSHORE DRIVE -3 bedroom FURNISHED Bay view, nice liv. room with din. area le fireplace, brnk!alt bar, 2 patioa, newly p&l.nted in1ide. $25,500 . "C" T H 0 MAS, Realtor ena rudl boal• wiUI UM tits red Mn oa )( .. Dr. NOW, you can buy Ulla out.etana1n1 property ffW mucll •-than you would enr dre.am. T'aree 810 bed· ,...,..,. p1.ua • dm PLUS • lfUG8 rwnpu. room. LOvely hardwood noora J)lua ext" tDp quality -LNouoa uarou1b out. Over 2200 equue feet on an ut.nmely valu.tlle mte of nc&rly a b&lf acre.. You he.n room to roam both ln and oul- why be fenced ln ! 127.000. Top Location Npt. Ne&r City Hall and Udo lhopplnc canter. Lov.ly two bedroom bome over 1p&cloua double pr· ace with loll ot room for an addlUonal unit. Full price $11.· 800 e.nd only $Ut0 down. Ocean Front Lot One ot ~ llllt -Prteed below market at $1.000. Why wait until they .,.. e.11 Jl)fte ! A won· derfUI lnvutment u tey u you ml1ht-you Juel ca.n't make any more Oce.an Frontage! • W. Stuart Foote 2117 W. Balboa Blvd. Newport Beacn. Ph. Harbor 24 evenlnp. J,.lberty l-6490 71c73 REAL VALUES SACRIFICE Own.er tranaferred, )hat eell thl1 3 B.R. home Jl•rdwood Tiie cloee In. One ot the f'lneet home• l at IRVINE TERRACE We cordially invite you to inspect -moaeTbomes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert When ·you inapect them, you will note they include every com!ort and convenience for GOOD LIVING. ALL of the planning and thought that reaulted in thia remarkable community will provide GOOD LIVING for Irvine Terrace familiea for many yeara. Permanent restrictiona guarantee you will &lwaya be proud of your home here. To the home t>uyer who wilhea to purchue in the $22,000 to SM.000 clue we aincerely recommend the Irvine FAtatea overlooking Newport Rarbor. Irvine Terrace ia located on Cout Highway opposite the new Irvine Cout Country Club. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor «48 For Further Information * For Recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holda a Lea.aehold F.at.ate in Irvine Terrace. block from Newport Blvd. Bfft ----------------------- oi.t. Look Ulla on• over, A make otter. REAL BUY Bill's Best Buys 3 B.R. home Eut aide Sood Dl1t. h b• 1 y .. r old Modem conatrucllon Lookin' for a Bargain-Now ear t 18- Priced lo Ml1 !Of' only i10,l60 wbmJt your own down ~ymenL Immediate po.eeuion on thia 3 bedroom, 11/2 bath B. A. NERESON home in good cloae in location. New curbed and REALTOR paved atreet, .ewers, garbage di1poaal le e.xhauat 1H2 Newport BIY'd.. ca.ta xeaa fan. Full price $9,7~ with only $1000 down. Phone LJ 8·1872 COSTA MESA S bedrm. 1 yr. old LJK.E NEW. •uUtut lawna front It rear. $1000 down Jl'ULL PRICE $9600 2 BEDRM., alncle prage. Nice Need More Room We have a full acre with a 3 bedroom residence plWI one 1-bedroom rental and one 2-bedroom rental all !urni1hed. Room !or buildi!lg on front and rear of lot. Preeent income $240 mo. Thia i1 a 1teal at $22,500 with· $7 ,500 down. yard .................... ie960 tuu price Choice Income 22f W. Cout Highway, Newport Be.ach Liberty 8-5527 NEWPORT BE CH .. c .. THOMAS ''C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS A . Duplex -Two bedroom each aide -only one year old. Next to parochial achoo! and walking diatance to down-town. FuU price $13,950. Submit on down. 'COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth' • OPPOSITE THE beautiful Santa Ana golf course.. A nice home with two rentala (lncludea stovea le re- frig.) Separate entrance. 6 garagea. Comer loca· tion, all in A·l condition. $25,750 with term.a. 2 Br. home & den, wall to wall carpet. lovely patio, beautiful ahade tree1. Good residential location. Curb & sewer in & paid. $10,950 with $4000 down. • C·2 Zone -Buaineu corner on Newport Blvd. $10,600 with $2600 down and balance $80 per mo. I Hu uaeable bldg.) $500 down Small 2 Br. ·home, neat Ii clean, chain link fence, immediate po88e58ion. $6850 tota..l price. Balance $60 per month. LOTS LOTS LOTS 66xl 75 -All utilitiea -paved 1treet • with tenn1 $2450. G. N. WELLS. Realtor Roy R. McCardle 1810 Newport Blvd., Coata Mesa. LI 8-1601 TRIUMPH IN BEAUTY Quality built, $12 a ft. construction and over 2000 aq. Ct .• you add it up! Large corner lot in Cliff Ha· ven, 75xl 40 -ground• which are expen1ively lan~aped. Tht"ff la.rge bedroom.a with two connecting batha, co&y den over-looking giant sized patio. A natural wood kitchen with break!ut bar, ruatic living room with eliding glaaa doors complete thi1 beauty. • Loada of flowers, trees and 1hruba m&ke thil pro- perty a 1how plafe. Being aold at below replacement cost at $35,500 and we bave a $20,000 loan committment. ' EXCLUSIVE WITH : THE VOGEL CO. 3201 Cout Highway Newport Bea.ch, Cali!. 4 Bedrm., 2 Bath Home on Your Lo t'L- $11, 100 1330 Ml· ft., forced &ir heat, hardwood noon, f1i. I • place. Real pluter. Larp picture wiDdowa, aatural bard#OOd eabineta. Pbon. for a.pp'L to aee our model ~ MARSHALL HOMES 20 Yeara Buildinr in <>ran,. County Kimberly 7-3293 Liberty MOTS 70C83H • r 3 UNITS, 2 Iota. near beach e.nd bay 11~.~. terme. Homer E. Shafer, REALTOR lot McFadden Pl., Newport ~ach Har. 140 or evu Har. 2:129·M Har. 1137·M ON BALBOA ISLE A PE.A.CH of a BEACH Houae ! Cloee to the North Bay. Large liv. room• w1th flreplau, 2 bed· roome, noor furnace, grand paUo, nicely furn. Owner wanll otter. A1kln1 $19,000 CLIFF DRIVE'S BEST BUY P'or reel ELBOW ROOM Me thl1 very epacloue 2 bedroom home In a beauuru1 neighborhood. Large lot. (not le&llthold) ffwd, floor1, patio, llUndeck Complete· ty rurnlahed from washing ma· chine to punch bowl. Owner lee.vine tor Europe. $111,9~ •Nr loan. Mariners Isle Realty 318 Marine Ave., Balboa bland Harbor 47111 T1c73 Take One Good Look BY OWNER, leaving JuJy 10 NOT ANOTHER LIKE IT fer thl• LOW PRICE $111.~. BEAUTIFUL Lloyd C. Howard eecUon, eut aide near back bay. CUSTOM BUILT, 3 bdrm., 2 b&UU, W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR "you'll like our friendly service" 393 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa Liberty 8·1139 3 Top Value Exclusives Beautiful-Corona del Mar • $1500 Down. Are you a do it youreelf? Needs paint L Ir fixin'. Good neighborhood. Zoned R-2. 2 bedrooma . Double garage. Lot 30x118. Make ua an offer! Only $12,500. Walk to P .O. & ahopa. A good Orchid Ave. location. 2 twin·ai&ed B.Ra. Fireplace. Wood paneling. Large double garage. Walled yard. Zone R·2. Also includes dishma.ater, tile 1ink, break!ut area. Rental income, plus lovely 2 B.R. & den owners home. Comer location on Marigold. 12x2! L.R. plu1 den or extta B .R. Panel Ray heat in both B.R. Mo- dern fireplace, W to W carpet. Venetians. Small en- closed yard, beautifully landacaped. Rental unit ' furnished. Call u1 !or appointment to see any one of these good buya. Harbor 2042-Harbor 2042 -Harbor 2042 Frank James-Linwood Vick REALTORS C. B. Russ -R. W. Rayle -Chu Tram A88ociatea 312 Marine Ave., Balboa laland Harbor 2042 RanclHype home, lhake root, ---------------..,.-------- LOVELY LAROE kitchen. W11l· nn Holly onn A gu platu aet in BRICK WALL. 11M7 AllllO Avt.. Liberty 11·3233. · 8ltfc ft.J:STRlCTED Back S..y bre.nd new home. 3 bdrm•., 2 batha. Complete electric kitchen all built·ln1. Nature.I uh cabinet.a It lot.a of Uiem. Wonderful home even t.o eltcl.r1c J9r&1e door. $24.600 P'. P. Monthly ~ymenll 0( $88.44. ORANGE CX>AST PROPERTIES 11$7 N.wport, Co.la Nua LJ 1·1112 Eve. LJ S.SIOI I Bll:DJlM. 2 yr. old •tucco borne LIDO ISLE Bargain Hunters Special! Owner 1aya to sell quick! Price is way below the market -corner, street to street on Lido Soud. $12,500 ALSO a beautiful 40 ft. lot and good for 11ingle etory u already built on both aides. 3 Bdrme • 2 baths . -Furnished. near the Club . 11treet to street. $26,500 with $6500 down. NEAR LlDO with pier and noat -a cute cottage with Iota of yard for only $18,750. BAY &.BEACH REALTY -Lido Office 3112 Lafayette. Newport. Har. 3&43 • Har. 2999 eve. I01lll0 lot. BBQ. fully fenced, -----------------------tn&it U..... 0 . L ~ Pay. m•t.e Ml IM. Low doWL 20302 apnace. a..nta Aa& Bta. Kl ~lNI. 70c:T2 CUtt Hav.m JOI JCDr<Ja PLACZ, &UrMUft I Wna. • den. ftrepl&oe, mw. OwMf' ...... 9tate, wU1 Meri· ne.. Low .,,,., Open 8aL and 8\M\. Cd Laftc 8-ell to0-117. 70c:TI NICll I Wna. a.om., 1 yr. o&4, w to w carpeUnc, , __ yard. Oooll OOlllUU.. '1G,100. Good *1M. Owner, a.th& V!Mon, Ill ODtt.ap Pl&ce. o..ta Kea. Hartaor tTll alter • p.m. Mell CORONA DEL MAR G.. I . Reeale, 2 bdrm. home in good cosrdition !or only $12,000. Here la a good buy with immediate ~on. New 3 &R. on corMr lot, one block from ocean, xint. tenna, lqe lot, quality 'throurhout.. $27.MO. Juat l~ -R~ lot ao. of hwy. $4!500. RAY REALTY CO. ~ E. Cout Hwy. Corona del Mar Barbor 2288 A Minion Light's l'llaten like dh&mondrfrom thl1 m<>CUm Vlf'W home of me.ny win· do..,.. The Rarb<>r le el your fut from tllle be.auutut nearly new s bdrm... ~ Mlh hl•W')' ~ with extni• c•k>ff. lnrludlllf d&Mwaehtt. IMlllWA f'&Af• a.nd oven. mer<'. ewllehff. wall lO wait carpetlnc. private offlct hr workahop ln extre. larce pre.re •.. 11 you wl,nt the flnut loce. tlon and con1trucllon, ce.11 ua for an appointment to aee thl• exqulalt.e home. 534 .:IOO tull pric,. Don't Jus+ Drive By 1021 Clift Drive. Allhouch you ~·Ill Me an ln•tantly eppu.llnc nt'w Rt'dwood Ru1tlr S bdrm .. 2 b11th home de•IJned and built for the moe.t d111cernlng buyer, LE'I' US SHOW YOU the apat'loue llvlne room opening onto a fenced pa· llo -the klrce btdroom1 and 1kJlltully planned kltchtn -end a rooftop obffrvatory with an unobatructed vltw of the Bay . .. All thl• and mo1e tor Jllllt US.500. We h1ave tht kty: First Time Listed Imma<'ul•le 2 bdrm. home on a qui et street . . Thermo ht11 t, wd. floor• car~ted -work8hop 1n large 2 c11r prage -Real Value 1t $10,800 with low down. Bay & Beach Realty 1898 Newport Blvd. Coata Mua, Calif. Liberty 8·1181 . Evea. LJ 11·31~ LIDO ISLAND Be-.utiful 3 bedroom home With 2 bathl. F\reple.ce, Dl1hwuh"r, Gut>&&e. Dl1~aal, wired for "Electrfc R&nce. La.ndJlca.,.ct. Ap· prox. 2'"1 yeartt old. Located on Plu.ao Lido. Thia l• a top quality home. SM Ulla. COSTA MESA 4 Bedroom•. 2 boithl. JU.t a month.I old. 1500 aq. ft. nice comer lot. Full price $12,9110. Good term•. COSTA ME.SA $8000 buya a nlre 2 bedroom home, that ta juat 2 blcx:ke from the propoaed All A mer1can 1hopplng center. Thia l11 a l'ood home. Be 1ure to 11tt th11. terms can be arn.nged. ' "ART11 ADAIR REALTOR 1666 Newport Blvd . Coata Mue., Calif. LJ 8-3792 ATTR.. SHAKE roof ru1ttc, Npt, Hi... are6. 2 b.r., fenced yard. well 'land· ecaJ>fli S14 .2:'l0 VIEW Lol on C.:alaJlna Drive $ 4,000 UDO bayfiont-3 b.r . 3 bath. pier It llUp . $68.600 UD0-2 b.r., 60 lot Ui.~00 BALBOA Blvd. tnpltit . .11un deck. view of bey $19,~00 BA YSHORES 3 b.r .. 2 pat· iOll, charming yHr round epol .. · 12UOO GOOD M·I and C·l propertle.11 Claire Van Horn ~ REAL'l'OR 2731 W. Cout Hwy. LI 11·4277 CHANNEL FRONT MARCUS ST.-3 unlt11 furn l•hed 57' tl. of beach -2 lot•. Fine value al U2,600 -U0,000 dn. $2~ mo. MARCUS ST. 8 unite on 3 lolll, fUrnlthed. 2 yr11. old 57:100 - Ann. Inc. pier A fl oet S82.~00 Sl:l.000 down. S3SO m'> Near Ocean Front 2 UNITS furn. SI I ~-$2:100 !ln Cot tacu fuml11hl"J LolA S6MO $22!')0 Bayview Realtors 2306 S.lboa Blvd. H11r 3371 71c73 ROOM FOR 4 UNITS. Lol 11z.. ,,:>x234. Good et reel ea.tit or New- port Blvd $3000 lakes It. ORANGE; COAST PROPERTIES 1857 Newport. Coal&. Mull LI 8·1632 Evt LI 8·680:1 $2500 Down 1200 1q. ft.-3 bdrm 2 bath homt S0x120 lot, 2 rar lt&.rage •Jn alley . Paved street and curba. All le.nd.11C1pln1t In 1ncludlng large patio with 8.ildlng glus door It lol.ll O( "big hl)UM" ( '8· turn. See at 1973 Ro11emary Place, Coate. Men . Owner LI a.1es1 6:itrc Vets $565 down PLUS lMPOUNDS lTSE YOUR G.l. LOAN on 4 yr old, 3 bdpn .. dble. garace. fenc· ed. Wonderrut patio It l•undry. yard. Oubage dl~poMI. All freahly painted. Near Uppt.r Back Bay 2372 Pallaadee Rd .. Santa Ana Phone Kl 11·2693. SOI.le COSTA MESA N-ly completed • bdrm., 2 balh borne. Good location. Tor valut for your money. $21100 down, 187 monUI lncludlJ\1 lntertat -Tocal PT1ce 110.~ Call l..J 1·'781 tVH Kar 3084-M 70c7:1 a ••' r.w. ------- Balboa . Island VOGEL VALUES TOP LOCATldN BA YFRONT ·immaculate 4 br. -two ltory home on tarp lot. Uncrowded atmosphere w1th to\•~y patJo, pier and Ooat. l..ar&"e Uvinc room. den, 1cnd aeparate dinins room. Cub down, unfum. $30.000. --HERE'S A SWEETHEART. 2 br. Ii den with fire. pla.ce. Very nice private patio. Hu 1eparate income unit with a aure $1,800 yearly. Better hurry to pt this one. LOADED -Well located Balboa Jsl&nd 2 bdrm. home. Nearly new. with lol.6 of wardro~ 6 cloeet apace. We think it's loaded !or good year round living. Dbl. garage. forced' &ir heat, lovely patio, extra dining apace in kitchen - PLUS complete 1 bdrm. guest apt. -;-all pleuingly plaJ'\!!ed for a minimum ol hou1~keeping. Can ~ shown at your convenience. day or night. Top fi nancing. Full price S28.500. $7,500 ls all it takes to move you into thia 2 bdrm. BALBOA ISLAND home with 1 br. apt. Both furn· iahed. Patio and (ence, garage. Wonderful location. Low monthly payment.&. THE VOGEL CQ. 208 Marine, Balboa Island Harbor«• BALBOA Ocean Front 2 B.R b~me with two 2 B.R. un!ta now rented for season. Exceptionally clean home 6 in· come property. $29.500 firm price -$10,000 down. Furnished Duplex, close to Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Fireplace, abort ~:: block from bathing beach. Good Term1. BALBOA PENINSULA Attractive home on 1 1 :! lots . .Fil"epl&ce. full dinin& room, modem kitc hen. Exceptionally large patio. Full Price $18.950 NEWPORT BEACH 3 B.R. corner stucco home -wall to wall carpet· ing, walled patio. 100 yards from surf. $10.500 -GQOd Terr;na . BACK BAY VIEW LOT Finest restricted slreet, surrounded by bomee $25.000 and up. Full price $6.850. j Bay and Beach Realty 1450 W.-Balboa·Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1264 ~CORONA DEL MAR View lot in Cliff Haven. Priced right for quick sale. 2. OPEN HOUSE DA.JLY -I TO 5 448 Riviera, Corona Highlands 3 bedrooms, P 4 baths. Forced air heat, Hwd. floors, Iota of tile and many other feature•. Outstanding view o~ ocean and hilla. 3. HOME WITH INCOME 618 Marigold .,.... 'l. bedroom home on 45 ft. lot plua 1 bedroom ... apt. fully furnished. Priced a.t only $16.500. Low down paymel\t. GORDQN WALKER, Realtor W. E. FISHER, Builder Geo. Raban . Bob Gervais . Pal Pattison • Dick Hilliard 3021 E . Coast Hwy .. Corona del Mar Ha.r. 5033 Ir M32 Open HARBOR HIGHLAND House .Sunday, July 3rd, 1963 Sylvia Street 12-5 Three bedrooms, H.W. floors, F /A heat, Fireplace, large Rerv1 ce porch. Fenred rear yard, Nicely land· scaped with 4 1 1 r, G. I. loan. Call for appointment to see anytime. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES. REALTOR "you'll like our friendly service" 393 E. 17th it., Costa Mesa Liberty S.l139 ONE OF THE BEST! 4 Unite furnished -Near ocean and bay -A·l condition. $10.000 will handle -ahow1 H .800 in· come -can be increased VOGEL CO. 3201 CoaJJt Highway , Newport Beach, Cah(. .. ----·-----. ---' !'~1!:!•!!~'.!FAl'!oio~t.~--_!!U-~B!!!..i~r..~t.o:'.!t.~---1-c:;_~Beo=' "'r..i."'"''"'----_!111~-:;!B~eo!!''..!r..ta~~t.c._ ___ !lli~R~eo~'!_!l!lo~"°'~~le~---?a!:::!a~-~11!..!-~~----1NEWPORT HARIOR NEW>PRESS -PART IV· PA$E 1 -THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1955 ' BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor . p . a ~ p a I m e r i n c 0 r p 0 r a t e d BALBOA. ISLAND FIRST TIME OFFERED -SEE TO-DAY-To- morrow ~Y be too late.~-~.Jl. ~_b&. ~ome ~~) B.R. 1 bath apt. Few feet from No. Bay.-Vlew-from- llot.h unit.. nu. la a beautiful property. Pijied right with Xln't. terma. -, f ' Beautiful home on two lota. Show place on ltland. Let ua ahow you. thill 3 B.R. 1pacloua home. Luse din.in& room. W&IJ to wall carpetin1. 2 firepl&oea, ~.ooo full price. Xln't. terma. < FIRST TIME OFFERED -Ideal tam.Uy home. Very lovely 2 bdrm. Hdwd. floon . Dining rm. PLUS .. a guMt nn. 6 bath. Beautiful patio. HARD to GET BAY FRONT LIDO ISLE So. Bay J'r. NEW-Beautiful-Built for graclou. living for a large family or a couple. Every deein.ble feature bu been included in thia .t B.R. 3 bath home. The panoramic view of the boats and Bay ta unex.- celled. All room1 have a marine view. Thi1 i8 a MUST to He it y$ want the finl!et. And the price l1 low but the owner 11ay1 "St.IL" We nave the keya, call UB. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Photie Harbor 1871 or 1872 Harbor Area Income Properties . 1. Nicely rum. 2 b4rm. home and • cottagea. Live In the bou.rand-collect $210 per·mo. -from the 4Cot-:- t.ages. Price $22,000, only $5000 down- ' 2. Store bldg. approx. 4500 gq. ft. Plua House and stor- 1ge bldg. on 107x300 ft. lot . Price $45,000. Terms. 3. Triplex -2 bdrm.II. e.ach. Good rental district. In- come $3180. Price $22,000. Submit trade. 4. Over 100 ft. on 101 Highway: Near new 2 bdrm. house and guage bldg. Use of three pie~ and fl oat.a plus marine waya on waterfront-;--Pric:e $50,000, Only $18,000 down. 5. Lido Js\t> 'rum. t'i unit. Potential Income $10,000. Price $59,500. Only $20,000 down. 6. Bayfront triplex. Pier and alip. 3 bdrm. ownen apt. Good income. $70,000 with low down. 7. Lido Bayfront 6 units furnished. Sched. income over $14,000. Price $105,000. Terms. &-e or call : THE VOGEL CO. 3201 \V. Coast HighYlay Newport Beach, Calif. I~Jbert y 8·3481 WHAT-HAVE-YOU-7 TO-TRADE-FOR: NU~fBEfl ONE OCEAN FROI\"T 3 hcdrm. nicely furn. beafh house. Clr:in 2s a \VhiaUc. Exlra large lot. $7,600 equity. NO~-fBER TWO ?.JQl)f.~HN Dl'PI~EX-2 bedrms., 2 baths in each. Dnub!e garrt!;e. 1-:xcell. Inc. Whllt ha,·e you?-for $13.500 equity. NUMBER THREE OCJ·:AN FJlONT 4 unit rental income. Live in one, lf't lhl' rC"SI r AY for tht' pro~rty. Lady diatressed, n1usl r~c-rific<>. ~f11.kt> off~r for $12.600 equity caah NU~fBER FOUR r;1r:J.IT l 'NIT apt. house. completely furnished. No C'r:icker box apts. here. All are spacious. 7 garages, ~ lots. \'r~rl~· renters. O,·er $7900 yea1·ly income. Consi<ter t.,radc or sell approx. S2G.OOO equity. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 \V. Balboa Blvd., Newport Bf'ach. Har 5188 TRAILER COURT $20,000. 9 large 11paces 25":it66'. Facilitiea for 15 unit1!. Land adjoining available. Nice shower room 4Dd laundry. \\'uhtr and Dryer. 27' trailer goes. 150' from Bl\•d. and market . Don't wait on thia one~ Phil Sullivan & G,eo. T. Everson 1856 Newport Blvd. Costa ~fesa (across from Costa Mesa B¥Jk) Phone LI 8-6761. E\"ea. Har. j38ti -. LI 8-2103 • LOOK WHAT WE FOUND! Fumi.ehed ,..aterlront ~uplex. Concretf' bulkhead. Pier and float. FuU price $23,500 -Low dn. VOGEL CO. 3201 Cout Hlgb"ay N1wport Beach, Calli .. ' 1• ......... • ••• s.a.. • developers of Lido Isle . BALBOA ,ISLAf'ID Bayfronf Building Site 62.42 feet width at bay. Oultt&nding marine view and the 1ite Di-large enougb 90 that you can bulld a true home. Thi• ii Vie tip of aandy point on ·Lido Soud, JtUt to the boat garden, which inlurea pri- vacy and view. $36,500. - IM Via San Remo, -acrou f?om tenni.9 court and .aubhoua iB thll ch&rmini arnall home. 2 bedrma. and den, 1 6 % baths. Carpeted and completely furnillbed. Very cheerful livrm. and din;. &rea, fine modem kitchen and a private, fully tl&gstoned pa· tio .. Roomy 2 car garage. The full price ia only $26,900, with immediate poueuion, New Home, Ready for You, Now! Drive by 125 Via Wuieni, -if you like it, come in to see ua.~ We have the key.. Everything about thi.8 home is so good that you just have to see it. We have a number of fine Lido Iota !Or aa.le at thla time, such u : 35 ft. on Xanthe -·-···--··-·----·---··-···-·-----·--··· $10,000 38 ~~ rt. on It.ha.ca ··-··-··-··-·-----.. ·-··----··· $10,750 ' p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson -co., sales management 3333 via Udo, harbor 1500 Three new view homM---3 Bedroom.., ·2 Bath.I eacll -Fee aimple property (not leuehold) -Pricf9 $23,000 to $2:>,~. Fa.nisw"orth will be rlad to show them to you. Bluff Lot Breath taking view of tbt eatinl ~ .. ~. Alk For Joe KincaJd BRAND NEW -MAGNIFICENT VIEW Most eiclting houae in Corona del llar-Rwitic Early American-Heavy Shake Root-2 u~ Brick Firtplacea. 3 Bedrooma (1 unflnlshed) Plua Oen- 2 Bat.ha. $27,500 Total Price-Modest Down Pay· ment. Call for Dave Ot:bum. p. a. palmer incorpo~ated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout bJghway -liberty 8-M73 ,!ar,~?oo'!~~D,u~ v' -..._ ·~L J_ca.r4.np. tt"-place•. sundeclla. DdUC,.. wllh ua. f37,MO, ttrmL v' Corona del Mar Bargains Houston Valiies Balbo.a Peninsula Homes! 1. LOW DOWN PAYMENT Buys thi9 newly decorated 2 bdnn. home., plut dbl. garage, completely f enced. Full price Sl2,7t'i0, only $3250 down , to loan of $9500. 5\t~ % int. Payments only $75 mo. Better hurry on thit one. Exchu1ive with ua, It's A Real buy! HOME A INCOME on Broadway. L.&Tge, neat 2 bdrm. home., HW floor'I, aewer 6 curbl.. J\lntlahld cottag-e .,..itn Jtth:h. A b&U\ on rear, alao. aepan.t. fUNt room. wlt.h S bat.II ott pr. Full P.rlc. $14.600, l~ down &nd, terme. , Newport Bus. Bldg:' BA YFRONT, 'I.ITTLE mLAND -llO ft. boy !root· op, plor 6 floOt. t bclrma. Suporfor co...,,..tlol!. .A.IQOCI buy! , DUPLl!X • SOUTH BAY ll'RONT -Luxury h,_ """-· "5.000. WATJCRJ'RONT-J'um. 3 'bdrm. home and l bdrm. . •pt; ~ $10,000 down. Full price $29,!!00. WATERFRONT -2 auperior unit.I. 3 bdrm., 1~ baths, fireplace OOWN: 2 bdnu. 2 bat.ha UP. Bay view from upper deck. ~.000. Submit down. ISLAND COTT AGE -Db le. can&•· F!raplaoo. $1t'i,7fi0. Reduced for quJck aale! 4 BDRMS., 2% bat.ha. New furniture. TV. BBQ. North Bay mooring. Good family hocne. Shon •· cellent income. All for '2•.950. Cottace near South Bay. S bdmuo., 1~ b&tha, n.... place; large llvinc room. Attractive p.tio. Ez,..llent rental record. Good value at $26,t'iOO .. COlfOl'IA-UEL . MAR EXCELLENT INOOME -t .fUnllahed 1D!lla: 1 bdrm. each. 'No vacancies in over a yur. Rmt 18 $65 uch. G...,.. yearly $3920. All In nrot c1-coD- ditton. $GOOO t.a.k•. Full price $22,t'iOO. ON HAZEL. 2 br. view home. Private p&thw&J to littla Col'Oll& beach, $211.llOO. - Jt you have a lal-1"• tamlly and ne<td roorn -I.hill beautiful 4 bedroom. 2 bath home e\tualed oa t11•11.Jar1c comer lote, 75:s.t2ll, beautifully landllcapert and wall- ed t or privacy. 132,MIO, terma. Hl!te"• lhl! oUll':r. Sp~lo1111 4 bed· room. 2 baths. 18"24 hvtng rm. with rla,:•ton• ftrtplace. Ocean vi-from uppo"r bl!droome. 'Ne are flrut!nu.e that you eee thle at &23,500, &)()()() down. 2. RANCH TYPE 3 bdrm. home. Shake root. Comer lot. 2 b&tha. Drapea and carpeting included ud only $28,500. LUXURIOUS 5 bedroom Ti.., home. LUii! lnlploal GOOD CORNER BLDG., modern, U 'd -~ •1• 000 d clOM to Bay. Excellent PQ*llbtll· pa 0 an )'ai~ • "• 0'"1 Peninsula Duplex! On \ar(I! comer lol. Redwood u:- terlor and paneled lnter1or. Stu· dlo 1\yle -3 bedrooms and 2 ba.the each a~rtmenL &2t,71Ml, &7300 dO'WTI. Beach Home Or. for year anxind living. I bed- room•, t•~ btt.lh•. CI014!1 to N .H. \". Club. Some rumttu"-lnclud- r-d. l'Mce rut for qultk eaJe. &i l ,M>O. &3000 down. Bay Avenue Beacn Home! &Ibo& location , .• clo&e to town i nd beet beach. Cute ae \hi! dlcken.s. 2'• bedroom•. Some tum!lure Included. Special, at l t t .!'.100, &t:'!OO down. Balboa Realty Co. OJ>prnil!e Bank ot America RoN GrMley Al Comc\l u11 E<I '-'• Ja£'k Pinkham Jot1ephlne \\'ebb 700 F.:. Balboa Bh'd-. BJ1.\boa Phone H11 rbor 8277. VALUE· PACKED Income Corona del Mar Low down payment will handle. Call for'1n appointment to see. 3. OCEAN VIEW From this 3 bdrm. home. 1 V:! bath•. La.rre lot com- pletely fenced. Beautifu'ily landacap:ed. Paved patio. Drapea: included. All the work bu been done. Juat move in and enjoy it. Truly a bargain at $22,500. We have the key. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T, McCUISTION, Re.altor 3447 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 47 (Office located next do0r to Corona del Mar Bank) YOU Have a Part in the Multiple Listing "Success Story" Five l.f illion Dollar Salee to date in 1955 compared to 'l\vo and a Half Million Dollar Sales t o date in '54 . BUYERS and SELLERS of Real Estate are offered important helpful assistance. See your REALTOR for free illustrated booklet ..on "How the Multiple Listing Service Work1.'' (Cooperative effort of 250 full-time profet!laional worken) Understand the adv11.ntage of this modem way to merchandise more propertiea thru more people with NO INCREASE IN COST. Uu . looom• "" mo. FuU prlu SEE us f BEACON BAY and BAY $2~,200, Term._ . Or Neat 1 brm. Duplex CLOSE·lN. only 8 yr.. old, (In -ni. dble. p.r. A wuhroorn. Mklnc &9800 -Owner nffde acUon, Submit any reaaonablf.; ofter. Ti'rm11. ... Eve. Jnr. Petitte, LI I-MIT. New & Beautiful I THE NEWEST .. moet attra.cllY• a B .R., 2 bath bM'I• in '-1i· SHORES properties. CALL IUJUIOR 1775 -or EVES l!'.dlth llU'OOll, HYatt U222; John Macnab, Harbor ~a. EARL W. STANLEY, ltealtor 225 Marine Ave.., Baibo& llland.. Hwd. tlr. .. ahU:e rl .. F. A. heal. ''HERE fl"-pl., Ille K. • B. WLM-ovai Wa1tgh. bulll In oven 6 nna:•. IT IS" Exel. IC. aide !roe. F.Ji.A. tenn. c.n be arranced. H\l.rey on thea. Orijy a few lt-ft to choo.o from. A real buy at $1~.!IOO. Call' for appt. to 1tee. l:v1. W . Seymour , Har. 61118·W, M-1 Specials 1. 190x.21Ht foo r.) f'l•C4!nU._ 2. 12ix21M> ccor.I to aUey. 3. 1!3 ~x390 wit.n 3400' bld1. 4.. 40.000' on. Placentia (], All abov• le level land ready tor dev1lopmmil. S2f. ~· !I, 30 Acrq on eewer1 6 paved For l!:ve. Info. on above phone Lytle, LI 8-2542. Houston Realty Co. I< ASSOCIATES 509 Center SL LJ 1·6911 Coll.a M11a Ll •. 7714 . Move right into this lovely two bedroom Lido home. Big patio, big lot. Completely furnished. Full price $22,500. FOUR large bedrooms, 18x26 !iv. room plus large !anal A well built 2537 sq. ft. of Lido home for the large family. Full price $33,900. We have a new Lido home to traae for a 2 or 3 bedroom, 1 story home with hardwood floors in the Harbor area. Ava;Jable from Members o! the CLIFF HAVEN 4 unill-2 f\ll1 lot.. Income f295 :.::',~:;i;;. °"~~,'.,;.;· ~~:. ~",.,':!:'. Newport Harbor Board of Realtors "'"' ...,~m. , ..... hwd ""· &:KK>O do...,,-n. Call tor app t to • la r11 dbl. aarar•. Elect Ther-LIDO REALTY M• Lh!1 REAL BtJY I i.10 -32nd St., Newport Beach mador kitchen. R"<>m for ll'Nlm· Cliff Haven Jl'l !'>E DUPLEX -Steady Income 1"!"('ord of &175 month. 176.53 n1onth p11y11 FHA 4 ~"k lonn. 111.x,11, tn.!ur11nre t not leut hold) F'uU price &111,000. Balboa Island CHOICE LOT wllh 1pacioJ. apL over double garage plu.! (tltl t room anil bath alre1dy on rear. Ready toi; 2nd unit.. A1klna: $lt,7ll0. See thle and le t'• wb- mlt terma. Muriel M. Pinover REA.LTQR 260i N'e.,.·port Blvd., Newport Bcll. r.&•y Pa.rkln1 Harbor ~e10 ..... -" , mlng pbol. Vle-w or oc:ea.11 and h\Ue. &29.::100, tum .. REWARD WANTED-best house $25,000 Balboa Peninsula Fout bf.odmom, S bath, 2 ftrl'place.. Good family home. Only f2:1,· ~ furnished. W. G. (BUI) Kempton* Joooph H. Grolmw! * Virginia Man90n * Gene Vreeland * Tom Campblll 1" (l.Jdo Ialand'a moat exptrienced Al• peraonnel) 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 ( Acroui from Ricb.ard.'a: Kuket) on cash will buy Lido Isle WJ: .AU!O haV'I 1x:cellent tiun t11 -'---------------------- OSBORNE REALTY CO . 2323 W. Co ut Hwy. Newport Beach (at Port. Orange) Liberty 8-7~82 Harbor 5154 evt"&. bea c h colt.are•, permanent home• It lneom• property. Coast Properties S01 E. Balbo1o Blvd., Balboa lfarbor 28:i8. 26117 and 4600. Balboa Island We o!fer u:clu.aiw.ly an unU1u.all.y desln.ble 6 bdrm. 'multi-balh home. Delightful living room, large din- ing room. Maximum 1quan footage. c:::10M to beach. $26,000! euy term.1. See thia value Buy! VERY LOVELY I bdrra:">home 1%.1----------------------~OULD BE DEVELOPED now '"' ••" ""~ •00~u• '" "'"' EARL W. STANLEY Realtor bathe. On bth1r St. Hwd. !ln. F lrt place. f'eJJced rear yard. G. J r1'1ale 4 ~ i11t. fi2.i6 mo. tn- tludee tax and Jn.a. ORANGE CD,\ST PROPERTIES 1!!!17 Newport, COit.a M'" LI 8-1632 Eve. LI 1·6303 C-1 .Zone :Z BEDR.M'> Ol<1tr hOUef!, Ea.tit lllh St-. CMta Meaa. C.U owne-r. Ll s-e76P. e~11h AT ~;!ERP~,0P.!~ ~· cenu-. wtlh ! t.drm. bow. and nail 11: ... IUB>UT ll&dl&a1-. C&ll J..lbt;rtJ ...... ..,,. Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar TWO STORY, 2 bdrm. (have plans for 3rrt bdrm. to be added at amall c:oet), 2 \~ baths, lge. Uv. rm., Beparate dining room, large knotty pine den ~rith built-i n bar, lounge, 2 firepl aces, basement with 150.000 B11J furnace. Expensively carpeted wall to wall thru-out. Garbage diBJY.>881 a.nd dlshws11htr. Hou~ 6 ynt. old. Large double garage with_ laun· dry, radi~ntrolled garage door . Lot .50 x 142'. Well landec.aped. ,Thi• home muat be 1een to be ap- prec.iated, Located. at 3312 Ocean Blvd., "' Corona del lilar. U lnV<11tment. 100 ft. C•l ln 1ien• I •( ler of bulhJl~ aclh'lly. &10.600 ~Marine Ave., Balboa laland · willing to ,ubmJt K>mt lcrme. Call Harbor 177~ !!Yet. Harbor rs3:se ORANGE COAST -!-~---~~~~-~~~~-~~~~ PROPERTIES 11:>7 z-i~wport. Cotta Mu. 'U 8-1632: f:v1. u 1-6803 Channel Front CUT& I bdrm. hom•. ~ow. Subcnll yaiu OC.ftT. Har. 317L 71c13 TEN ACRES IN LEMON HEIGHTS. Can be 1ub- divided Into beautiful large borne .tu.. Now in Val· enciaa and avoc1do111. MOTOR TlJNE.UP SHOP. Good location In CoutaJ City. A money maker. LARGE IV.NCH In Ul• heart of mineral rich CUy. a.ma Valley ,,_t ot Bakerwtteld, OWNDt WILL ACCEPT ANY REASONABLE OFFER FITZ!ilORRIS REALTY. CO. · ShoW11 by appointment only NEW•""""-••""""·'"'· MwUploLilt~ R..iton -Brom Sii A\f'OCM1o, Costa .Mua. f7l. Ph®a Ow1lor 11.vbor 3'35 71oi2 KI "''"· uuo 3135 E. <;ooot m.hway, Corona dal Mu. llaf, ZJ.112 -~~~~~'"------~~~.....___; __ --~~~~....;..~~ I I PAGE I . PART IV-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1955 Co11ty Pro petty T 11 Levy 11its Sll,272,111; Jumps 14 Per Ce1t al Ouden °"°"~and Hip-Te '" Stnlck way 3t Thuraday nlpt by aher-•• rtft"a cMJ>uUH . • Bru.laee were recetWd by Royce HMlon 81rdaall, '1, "' Cooriaa. driver of the car, told poll~ ha Property taxea lavled In 0ran,.e county reached ~.i72.10I toe the ,.ar whlcb will end on Jun• 30. -J,Clllifoml&::..'Dllr.-7«!n'.. Ulllda\lon reported today; trul, abowfd • 11 .,.,. cent in· creue from January, 1964. to Jan- uary. leM, and a 80.J per cent 1n- Deputtu cWmed Hutchtnaon Latham, 11 Of Oranp when ah4I wu operaUnc hie vehicle In an wu 1tnack by a car Jun" 21 .1n erratic manner and almo.t cauaed front OC 2111 Newport Blvd. Atie a colltalon. WU t.ake.n l4 HO&C Hoeplt.al. Adna cru.ae from the 19:wl ffMUe t.o 1 _ __:::...;'r;:::::;:..,.....::=~r::::iiiiiii= J aftuary .-1966. --1- lncJuded ln the $!3.2'2,108 total propefl¥ tax luy In the. count."Y for 1964·~ were S7.179,Me for rene_ral county purJlOM'. $4,978,· 477 'for munlclpaliUea, S14,M5.24' tor school dlatricta, and $6,718.~21 tor apeclal di.strict., the Taxpay- w•• kioktnr a l an airplane over tht onan a nd d1J nol -the pt'dutnan who wu 1n a Cro.9• walk. WINNt:RS ALL -Membeni of N e wport Harbor High School S ailing Club gathered at the Corkett hom~ recently f or presentation of tro phirs at conclus ion of their first racing series. High pomt of ceremonies was awarding of "Sir T~oma.s Llpto~" .Perpetual to the victor Oren Wade. Jr. (second from left) s ho wn w ith part of h~s crew: Jane E nright also secretary of the club; Co mmodore lJave Grant , and Susie Sto ne. -Beckner Photo McKenzie Asks Drivers' Aid This Summer ABBEY HEADS OLD TIMERS AGAIN; BIG CROWD CONVENES . More than 2500 alle111lt>d I hP annual Orange County old umers rt>unlon Sunday In lrvjne Park. , -P-OIJce Chief A~ M-OK.ui._ of. Costa Mtsa .. 1oday IMUl'd a sum· mer vM:&tl!JC\ trartlc •af ely ~am· tng and advocated parUr lpatlon o! Mt1& youth In local 1chool tt<'· reatlonal program•. McKenzil' Mid: Coroner Earl R. Abb<'y. L'111on11 <lt•l Mar, once again wu nam~-pnstdm_y. b'erfMenJ .. tl;'l'r, Sa.nla Ana "bai}Ker, wu selected tr!'a.surer. i1ucC<'<'!1ln~ W. B. WUluuna. who re- cently died. Len Harvey of Hemllt wu relnetalled u aecre- t.ary. The picking of Abbey u le.a~r or the group waa nothlnf new. He hu headed the organlut1on since 19;J8. "~ow th•t vacation ae~n 1a upon u11, we 111 parents and l'lll· x-en11 mus t be e11pec1111ly rare!UI In drlvtng attitudes. o ur rllll'lfren art now (Olng to and from play· grounds an1I a lot more llTC' play· ing alonj\'lllde anct In atrPel11. S ta· ti11tk 11 show that al very 11tart of the 1111mmer 11cason. more rhll· Wuttn Shirley, 96. of Anaheim wu decl~ the olde.t of the old-U.mera on hand yeaterdaJt. Abbey a id Shirley hN lived In Ora.nge County 67 yeat11. Abbey Aid vi!ltor11 attended from Washington, Arl.&ona, Colorado, other western 11tt1tu and all IM'Cllona of Callfornta. Although the crow(! wns MOmrwhat 11hort of the predicted attendance, Abbey called the ge t·lo·gether a wonderfUl auo- drrn 11 e Injured llJl result of t1uto11 hilting thfm while at play than a t 11ny other lime In the ye1tr. "We can avoid maimlnf or kill· Ce&I. HARBOR HI LITES tng a.ny of thl' chlldrt>n In Costa Afte r snoop1'ng around for the past two weeks I man-.Mesa It we will but t'Xlend to other motorlsu a n11 pcdrHLrlnns aged to f.ind out where everyone went graduatio n night. Din· lht> ('ommon rourtP~.v '~ extend lo 'ing at Lowery's in Los Ange les were: Sam Cooper and Patri· gut'!'(lR in our horn1.·11. Since ln· . B'l R--.;i d M · M h d Ch U H · ccptlon of thio 1oc•111 city govern· cia Ritchie. 1 I n:u an arc 1a oore ea • ar e ~rnng ment. the Mesa pr.her depurtment and Ann Stewart, Chur k F'rlak h&11 1~11ur1I ovrr 1000 b1l'ycle 11· 1 and J ohn Hirth. After dinner l'enM~ We fPel there are prob-they went to the Cocoanut Grove a bly 2000 mure unllcen8ed b1.l'ycle.s I for 8 terrific evening. in the city. Vlew1ng the epectacular Cine- "Ke«"ping In mlnd th.at average rama the same evening weno: a ge cif b1cyl'le rll1er.s la 13 years. Churk Horger and Cora Peters. we again as parl'nll and ad11ll11 Paul NPumann a nd Ju11y Sands, mu11t u.11Ume the re11ponslblhly Bill Wt tz.el and Anita Palm, J url;v that lheae chlldJ 11n are Incapable Stewart and Bob Callls, George or undt'rst1U1dlng u rega.rd11 safety Peuni and Sue Beltz. h abilll. Stall1tlc11 will again show OS 'l'ID': rows that rb1ldrtn tnJured from auto l:njovlng the dinner and da.nc· a nd bike r olllslona have In 80 pE'r 1 1· th MouJm Rouge w ere : cent of the catt11 1utrerl'd much I n~ 11 e b K 1 J d more 1erious lnJurles than In other GSoai~ ~mJ:;::d S~aba~~" S~lyy t~ of ace dl'nl 11 e an • "'The rer:ellti~n p rogram offer· Ptl&lt'r IU\d John Brumng. Arll'n e ed at •~al ll<'hflOI faclhllt!ll la Hutt &ll!J Deni! Ha verhPld, Bon· ally recomll\('nd"d by thlli de· nlP. Gl'orge and Ken Eatnn , Denil'P ::~tment. It prov ides au~rvlelol\. Niles and John Swam, Brure 111 a 1111r., location. eliminates Knipp and Mary Kay H ehn. Dllllle I.JI n"d pre Gllllon and Ronnie Newl<m, Bill worry MJoni: rarl'n . ~· • T Wh ventll tying up of pollre eq11lpmt'nt Rlng and Lyn ~tahll~r. T 00 1 B !t r l.n answering unnecc11111ry nel11:h· and Shelby nne . on ur- borhoo<I mu•l'hlef l'llllA." roghs and Bob Ma.rtm, Mike VAiie Hill Gets Jail Sentence Over Altering Check 1u1d Evelyn Taylor. Bob Milum &nd Betty Bl'cl<. ArtPr enjr1y1ni: lhe floor show thev all returned homl' to Bob Mllum.,s for a party. Jane Stet.son and Joh n Egg,'rt. Ann AUen and Charlie Riech, Rod LaShelle and Sue ThomM went to &ee tti. "Drunkard." Welches WM thl' liPllinit ror ~vn Bollely and KendaJ Jarobs for Jlln· SANTA ANA (OCNSI -~ nt r. / I Sandy Schmidt and GPnl' Crain cau~ he r1tu11•!1 11 Sao rhr rk given ~joyed the exrltl'ment C1f th,. him by his muthrr to s:;:io. f'r ed I .. Goldtn Cadillac:." K. Hill. 2l..· of ~I'~ B"ll<'h Friday J ohn Murphy and Judv SIPeper wu aenlf'nrerl In JUll for one ' 11pent lhl' evt nlng at lhP \\"Rler mon th an.I plnred on thrl't' yr1tr11 \\'hf'i'l In Loll Anit!'lt'~ with J ohn's probation by Superior Court Judge fnthl'r. R-OtM>rt GA n1nfr Hill adm11ted mcreasmR the 1 Tom Webeter·s hou5e WM th<' a mount (}( lh1• C'h!'l'k he l't'{"Plved i1et llnK tor a wonderful pa rty. from t.ir11. Wilma K. Hiii of 209-A 1 nanclng an<I eatin~ thro111:ho111 Tnpaz A~·e .. nalboa flll11 nd. Jan. the evrnlng were: Tom anrl Chnr- 18. H«-l'ontended he tll<I it be-IM't h St.arege, Bob Ca.n111 ant1 «-AUM of thl' t ro11blr hi• mot her Marl!'nr Hickman. Mt•rlln Couch alle~dly ('an~d him. a.IHI Dick C'ampbell .. Dick Hntr h Hill claimPd 11he icot him to nnd Betsy Blal'kman. Ste v l' make 0111 on allotment r hl'r k to W1tlch"r and Brenda Bnm •'ll, her whlll' hf' wu In the Coast Jackie Watl!On and Georgr Sch11ltt, Gull"1. Thf'n whr n he W('nl lo JoycP Ville and Gi'orgf' Moore. hf'r for SMO. l'hl' g11ve him S~O. Ann Allen and Char!IP Riech, Sue Jud!fl\ Gft rdntr noted the 1lr· Thomll.'I 11nd Rod LRShPllP. fendant had nevr r bel'n In l'elin11~ About two weeks ago Phil Ktl· troubl• bl'for• llnrl hA" made full mer irave a bt'ach pany at F.m· ftlltltutinn rrald Bay In l..aguna. /l.monp lhnlle roastm~ hot doj!'S Rml !<ttlin~ Police Get AWOL Marine after Crash around the tire werl': P hil Kllmt'I' and Tool1e Rudell. Sur Thoma~ snd Rod IASbelle, Ahn All«'n and Charllr RIK h. J srwo $lebon an•I John Eggen. An AWOL Mar.at from El Toro Another party grMlu&taon evf'· _. .. arreitf'd by Nt>wport polll'e nlnir could ~ found at Biil Rlnit's 8Wld&y &ftr r he alle~y drove homl' on Lido · 1~ll'. Thol't ctle- a car "hlch cr&1>htd lnlo the 11H'le brallnr the gala evrnl Wen': Bill ot a parked car ,1wned by Hart-I and Lynn Stahln, Glenn. Thom&11 ford Lewla Smith, Orangr. Thr and C1~·11 Egert'r. Tod \\ hlte and c:ar. pulfed In front of 112 30th 1 Shelby Tunn!'n, ).0kf Valle · and 8t~ wu dam.,-ed · a tenatvely on Evelyn Taylor. Bob Milum and th• lert aide, pol.lee aald. I Be\ty Be<:k. BnJc. Knipp and Pvt. C!&rWlce ~ll Dralle. Mary Bey Hehl\, Jttry Cro• and dttver. failed to It.op alter tb• a.c-Ka..Y'-RuJ'9t. . c:ldftlt and wu picked up by pollc-e B&A08 FUN from ldl'nUflcatlona tumlahed by Jima 1T. lbtth)' Dudle, and Jane Wilnemee. Drake. NpOrtedly ad· 8tet.oll pn a luncheon at Ruthy'• mitt.cl th• hJt and run acctdent. horp• la Ooron& Blf1lland1. Sit· Marine otncJa.11 ea.Id Pvta. Jlm· Unr around CM paUo were, JudJ my R. Wllllon Met Harold Ray Sleeper, .. Xlem, AM AJJl'n. Bran1on who -ra with ~ Mary Jane AJ?Utrollf. Pat Rlt· Nd him In lbe trunk at Ule car c:Ne. Arm. 8tewart, Mary Kay to pt him olt U.. ICartae ..... Helin, Sue 'l1lomaa. c.or. Pttrl"l!I. All three ~ nlleued to UM Boftnle O.orge. PatU Rl'trnler. ahore patrol. ,N..,,ort put • hold LJnn &.ly. Patty C!eml'mce. on Dr11ke but bl"OU(ttl no Sandra Schmidt. Marcia Moor- apin.ll w~ and Braue.. he-.d. Cail coann.. Gall Frahm. Sally Pfister. Arter dl11eu1111lng l"Pport r an111 and 11lnglng Galleon.I we 1111 rellrl'd to the beach . Anlla Palm ti.ad & few of her friend• ov<'r to hrr home before ltavlng tor Hawall lut Saturday. F'lnrt thPy 1111 wi-nt to the ahow and then eame back to Anll.a'a for aome ntreabmenta and dan~ ing. ThOIM' 114?t!n throughout. the l'Venlng Wt're: Biii Wetul and Anlui. Mickey Retmler and Ma.r- lan K~rner. John Sue&11 and Paul Lorent.un. J im Nrwklrk and Pat Kelter. Judy Sand.II and R-07 Dan- lel11. A few of the Harbor glrla were lucky enough to help eome OCC boy11 l'elcbrate their graduation. DanC'ln!!' at the Paladlum to Le• Brown 11nd then enjoying lhe Pizza at Ben P ollack's were: l\f1ckt<y R<!tmler and Marian Koer- nl'r, Lynn Peuc and Joel Leonard. Bnbby WN.ul a.nd · Cllrol Hoonr ( nvw engal(oo I JOii J4cX.e and Ron W lnterbrun, Crace McDemott and Carval D1w ry. COME Att YOtJ AAE A fr w wrrka ago Patti Keller and Sue N1.11~n awakel'led J im :-.."ewklrk and Tom Pee.non a t l :SO anrl 1nforml'd them lhl'y were coming to a "Come LI you a.re .. party. RuP snd Pat had them to wnkt' up 80ml' ~ya whJle Pat and Suslr awa.kentd various girla. Wr nil m<'l a t Pat's home In Bea- con Bay, clad In p&jamM and m b<-!I. Althouith 11lt'ep)· eyed, Sue ant1 Tom. Pa t and Jim. served de· hl'lous pan<'a ke11. hot rol!A, orange M d tom11lo Juice. r:orttt, hot cocoa tn ~O k1da. Just a few of thoee rating were: Denny F1lzpatrlck. Bn.tl'e Kmpp. Bob Milum. Sunny C'"oa ne, Tod Wbill', Mike Valle, Mllry Koy Hehn. Ruthy Dudley, Millie Tonnie, Mllrian Koerner, JoRnne SueN, Glorla Ch.apman, Andy Schulb<-rg, Judy Sande, DI· an<> Gillion, Sandy Schmidt, Toni Burrough& &nd John Sw&l.n. Youn truly t1nll Bob MHum were th,.,_,.. In the nlcl' cool bay 1t T:30 a. m. to wake 111 up. Thi~ wm be tht' 1&31. column and l wMt to thank &JI nf you who hBvl' giv<>n ml' llO much help In trfllnit ml' n bout tile parllu. d11ncca and all Ule eventa of the yenr. Hlwe 11 nice l!Ummer and Joanne S11r1111 w111 take ~r the rnlumn neit"t yt>ar. College S.h 65 as Retirement Age Truat.tt11 of Oran1e Cout Col· lege haw approved a policy l'O"ft· Ing cempul110ry reUttmeat of em· ployee1. All employ-will be required to tttlre at Ule 9lld ot the ach~ )<etlr • whk!b U..y reacti the ap ot M . The rul~ wfll appty to aD 8t&ft memben, Including teadMn, ad· mlnlatrat.or1 and non-t.-cllln1 .. ployeu. 1n ordu not to en&te a ha.rdahJp on eeveraJ non·tAlach· Ing JOtalf member• who are now Offr 80 YMrl of .,... pro'¥1160ll la made for t.he ret.ntloe of U... rmploye!'.11 after 63 up to &I" 10 u lonit •• uutractory aemce u rendered. nie tolA1 lny In the county for 19M·IJO ra 14.l per cent lff&Ur than the $29,148.187 levy for 1953·64 and It la 71.5 per crent irreater than the $lt.•04,26i levy for 1949·6-0. Population of the county, In con- Mesa Cops Probe Chamber a..glary Cocta M.e•a police Monday were lnveallgatlng wukennd burctary ot Coat.a Meaa Chamber or Com· tnerce office at 106 I:. 18th St., Coat.a Meaa. -Stolen wu $30.7& from a cabinet type •te, •«:Ord· lnc to chamber Secretary Mrs. Hetu F . Bell. The burglary wu dlecovtnd by Harold N. Elmer of 1934 Church SL when he arnvecs. In the build· lng-yeeterday mornlnC' to clean the otfl.ce ot Gu.erin and Guerin, a ttomeya aero• the hall. He no- ticed the lock on the cti.mber door waa broken and the door ajar. Police found the cabinet-type l&fe pried open. Entry wu 1alned , er•' uaoclaUon aaid. throuch uae of a Jimmy bar. Kra. Bell reported lnaurance pollclea, bank etatement.a and cancelled cht<ck1 Wl',.. •lao taken. Ole Oyrlund of 133 E. 2oth St. turned an envelope over to police yesurday a!tl'rD<>On w h I c h be found In front of 1980 Newport Blvd. Police aald the envelope con- tained bank 1tuba and cancell~ checka be.lonitnr to the chamber of commerce. HutchlllSOll Held on Drunk DrlYlllCJ Rap SANTA ANA IOCNS)-Robert E. Hulcblnaon. 32. 2600 Cout Htchway, Newport Be11eb. was In county jail Friday on auaplcion or drunk driving alter _ltla arrest Paint for yow home ................ -.... -.... ·--· .. ··-·-~ .. ·-···-.......... about 1c per ICI· ~. Taltr a.d\•aatace of Ulls lpeclaJ on top'1ualltJ l>uPNlt u-Pialala. Ii._ ,• •• 1 .·,·~ ., (1 :• ~j )J~•11 'ii'. \f\ ~ I • ) , ( I ' I f 0 ,' ' l SPECJAL!. ... $5.99 In Jto.-J'lb Joi•. Whllf' and MMI Colof'I. U MJTl:D T IME 0~"1.\'. .McDONALD PAINT STORE 1870 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa <<:_ ~~~~-=~e~~~~~ -=-=:----·-- • • PU1 YOUR SAVINGS WHERE . . 1HEY EXPAND-Wl1H SAFETY! ,. ... Our functional modem new home (aD paid for) is a marvel of economical efficiency. Come and see YOll' money at ..rt. Toss a pebble in a,poot See those ripples expand in~ widening circles. I Well -that's just the way )'OVr savings -grow when yov invest them with us. They grow and grow in •v•r-expanding figures in your passbook . . and re member that they ore withdrawoble, olwoys al paT. Accounts ore insured by the Federal Savings and LOOft lnwf· ance Corporation, an agency of the United States Govwnment.1 Savings received up to July 11th earn lrom Jufy 1& F « as little as $5 yoa can OPEN AN ACCOUNT AHO SAVE BT UI. \ Anlple Cwtomer , ...... S•fe Depolit V •ult Printe Coupon loolha Conference loom Complete hcrow S.uiee• Money Orders Ameriun Express ' Tr•velen Cheques Collections S.vings Accounts Over 19 years of regufor d"rvidends • now paying U.S. Government~ Loans to Buy, luild, or Remodel lnsur•nce Agettcy 3 Y, •t. per annum .•• 4' payments per year on an occovnts. Our 38th Consecutive Dividend NEWPORT BALBOA SAYINGS • AND LOAN ASSOCIATION P. A. PALMER, President 3366 VIA LIDO• NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA TILIPllOlll HARllOR 4200 CO•O•A DIL .... o•••c• . 2407 IAIT COAIT HIGHWAY • nu.NONI llAll•O• 5220 . Wl'f'HD••w••&I lllSU••o SAVl·tlGS llM•L A.MYlll A••·-aLOMQUllT •OatllT •· MllLD I.A. ... •.A. •• , .... V1et·Pr11.Jt•I Cnwrptro//,, PAa A. PAUii• ......... L IAITMAll RO•l•Ct IA•L p,,,;J,.,, V1u.p,,, b to... Olf.t.,, E1"0" Of/arr ae•11 ......... , WA,fta L llllCla aa& .. P. WlllY C. W. hWl..U . Wa&.1'1• L IPICI• ....... c ... c•oxo• •• ITIPHI• •• "" v-..~,;J,.,1 A11i11M11 to... O/lurr Af>f1r111rr ,,,,J l•tf/KI&< llM•H A.Mina 'YU aueH n.--,.. s'"''.,., • MM1ma5: FEOHAl HOME lOAN IANIC SYSTEM • • • FfOHAl SAVJNGS ANO lOAN INSURANCE CORPORATION • I