HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-07-04 - Newport Balboa Press·~---·--=0\-.. HARBOR ' PRESS '8th YEAR -NUMBER 38 NEWPORT BEACH, CALU'ORMIA, MONDAY, JULY 4, 1986 , PHONE HARBOR 1818 LOCAL IOY IOOKE;;J . FOR IOMI SET Off., l ,.. ____ _,__ __ _ After pollc" found three magnealum flar~ poll, 10 mar· nulum bombs, one whlalllng and spinning firework• and three roll• of friction tape In his car. a 16-year-old Newport Beach boy admitted to offi- cers Saturday he uploded a lsrge bomt>•llke flre~·orka In thf' Bal~ area. Appllc11tlon for peUUon with juvenile auth· orluu waa filed on the boy. FIVE CENTS SHE'S IN ~llABGE -Placed in charge of the Balboa laland station or the Newport Beach Pott Office la Mn. Elizabeth Leland, right above. She ia shown preparing co- ordination lmtnactlone with H. Payne Thayer, poatmuter of Newport Beach, under whom Mn. Leland worb. -Staff Photo o m cera 1a1d they found th• hd In hl1 car In the Bayi:lew Hotl'I parking lot. He at flrll dl'nied any knowledge of the flrf'WOrk&. He later told om- Cl'n! he altered the firework& by taping the bomba togethu, nuudng a la rge exploaion. THOUSANDS ON HOLIDAY HERE; FEW ACCIDENTS · With 10me 100,000 vacatlonlata of 11~.,, Uttle Main, Orange IUld and holiday v111ton1 in the Hu bor Blanche Ade.Ir Galea ot 311 Mar· area over t he w"kend, tt'&fflc ac· lne Ave. were Involved yesterdRy cldt>nl1 were few and fewer per-In a mlnor t>ntanglement at the 110na were hurt. I Balboa Ia1and f"1"f landing-. ni~e Four cars tangled yMterday a t were no damagu or lnjune1, po. 17th St. and Cout Highway when lice aald. SURPRISE GtFr -There are not opposing teams In the picture above, just three groups that t'ould hardly believe the others. In the background of the picture at left is the new Chevrolet Suburban Carry-AU which was presented by the business men standing in front of it to the memben or Explorers Scout Poet 17 shown in various st~ges of aurpriae at right. CalmlY. prepar- ing break!a.st for the gathering IU'e mothers or the. boya of Post 17 pictured at far left. Men who joined in financing the purchase of t he new car for the boya tour across the count ry were left to right, Carl Miller, P. A . Palmer, Emory Hansen, 0. W. "Dick'' Richard, James Van Dyke and Wa!ter B. Mellott. --SWf Photo Joint Post Office Set· ·Up · Tuesday , one c&r aet off a ch&ln reacUon , While teachlnc a friend how to aerlu ol bumJ>4lr cruhee. water ak:l, Tom J eftr1111 of 1304 Golden Car for Scouts Lease Signed for Main Newport P.O. Building Carrien of the po9t otticee of Newport Beach, Balboa and Balboa la1and will be working together to expedite Tuea- d ay'1 mail for t he finlt time. Now all t hree are one entity although identification will be ·maintained. More important, a lea.e hu been 1igned for the pro- T\l&oa ot a new po9t olllce build· I.a .upertntendent of the Balboa In&' tor Newport S..Ch main ot· .t&Uon. ftce. Jl wtll lie a ~ ~ a&'ITSll SlmVICE .._ UM a. eC U. ,....._ la· --..1••-ot the mail will be ~ quart.en. -...... -Acceptance ot a ._.. propoeal one of UJe ,,.._t advan~e• to for the Newport Beach POllt Of. be a ttained for the entire city with n _ .. 1 8 --the conaolldaUon .ot the J>08l of· ce wu announco:u .n an • ,.,,. n cea. e1aco F riday. Frank J . O'Connor '-the auoc...rut btddu. He will oonatruct a new buildil\I' of frame and etucco at UM eouthw..t com er ot RJver9lde Ave~ and A von St. In the Mariner'• Mli. lleetlon. Pre- Mnt location of the poet otnce 11 a t 32nd St. and Villa W1y oppo- .tte Newport Beach Ctty Hau. l&-l'EAll LEASE The dep&rtment claim• that a 1UbiltanUal 1&\"lnga will be dfl'Ct· ed from the Balboa Ialand con- 110lldatlon ·without any loea of Identity but with a greatly In· er~ aervlct>. Another motor truck will be addl'd to Newport Beach m&ln office, permitting It to run lta own Interoffice dispat.eh &nd pu::k up eervlce, permitting In· coming 1111d depa.rllng mall for Heh alaUun to make aJI H igh· -Y P08l·offke and truck con- nections. !Aue with O'Connor 11 for a tu m of l~ years, wllh two 6-year o ptions of renewal. Th' new build· tnr 11 expected to bf' ready by N ov. 1 and muat be completed un· der temu of the leue by Dec. 1. rtie new poll office bu11cttng w111 Mesa Dad Saves Son have a frontare ot 110 fHt on RJ. veralde and wlU extend a total of Roy Gt>bha.rt. 3, of 2083 Stale 113 t eet along Avon St .. Including St .. Coll& Meaa, was rescued from a JO.ft. 101dlng ramp the full drowning by hi• father yr~terday w idth of the building Mor" 8p11• at f>IO 38th St.. pohce a.ml llfe· cloua public lobby 1 rea and work KUIU'<I• 11a1d. areu will be provided u w'll 11 -------------- a prlV9t• otricr tor the pollt· Pease President m aatrr. H. Payne Thayer. post muter of I Harny Pea.sf' wa.• el,.Nrrl· presi- Newport Bearh, lnrlu'11ni: B11lbn11, lent or :"PWJX>rt Besch F.lemenlllf\' a nd Balbo& blRnd litlll10M has School 01stncl boer<l of tr11J1l e,;,. named Mn1 Elf~abeth Lt-lan1I IL.' 8t the annu1I boanl meeting Jul\' &Ufl"rlnt,nd•nl of th" R11lbn11 h · I, while Mrs Lollis c~enar l!Uo'· l11nd statlo"r Mr11. H1t.IR 81 1ioro,. r'f'<lt'd him u clerk of th' boRrrl wu J>Oltm&Att'r In 8 1111><._1 181antl J11me11 0 . R11y, outgoing pr,:ol•ltnl until 11he r r•l1tned. Her~rt KC'nny re\·,rtl! to rr11.1l11r tnistl'C' l'tRtu:o • A car driven by Janet Pnter E. Balboa Blvd .. Injured his hand Edmond• of Norwalk "'11 Into the Sat urday. HI' aald the bar on the rear of a •topped car driven by tow llne .Upped from hla fr1end'1 G.arc• A. Tryon or Loe Angeles, h&.nd and hit him on hie hand caua- Tryon'• car In tum wu piahed mg the flngen and band to IWeU. Into the 1lops><d car of Chester . Gordon Rich of Alhambra which Minor lnjurlu were received yuterdAy momlnr In a cl'Ub a t In tum hit th• rear of a car driven I I 7th SL and Cout Highwa y by by M1rgarel Patt.uaon of l\in· puungera Jerry Joni's of Tor· dena. Helen Tryon 0 ot Puadl'na, ranee &.nd Mn. Betty Bartelt. of ~nrtr In Tryon• car, com· 1 Washington. Botll were to .ee plained of min.or lnjurlea. their own doctor ii Id At Cout H ighway and Tustin, Clay Roy au:~1:: 0~• :uhl • 0.orge John Kledatad\ of 313 Car· nr nation Ave. told police he backed Contlnued on Pa,re • to Carry City Message Into a car driven by C.cll Albert McCleary of Huntington Beach. Kleda111eh wu parked legally on Coast Highway, pollc. Nld, and McCleary'• car wy perked acroaa the red-zone behind. McCleary wu llaued a clt.at1on, police N ld. John Carroll Han.as Self COUNTY POPULATION NOW AT 381,952; 84,252 NEW FOLK SOth Anniversary Message Bound for Scout Jamboree MDIO& AOCIDENT ear. drlwn by o. a CUmJchael .fn Hospital Glorious Fourfll Fireworks Due Off Balboa Pier SANTA ANA, (OCNSJ -Oranl'e County'• populat.lon u of Friday atanda at an u llmated 381,9~2. a hike of ••.2112 over l&lt year'1 July 1 t.ola1. N9"]10rt Beach hae 11.M l. Ca.ta Ma• JT,320 popula~ . The 8ICOl'ld quarterly 1uppleme.nt ol th• Or&nr• COUnty procr~.111 report lhowed thl1 county'• population h&1 mo,.. lh'n doubled ln 1~ yean. lt'1 a Golden Car that will carry nine boya of the Ex- plorera Post Number 17 acrou the country to carry the good tidings from Newport Beach on the beginning of the city's Golden Anniversary year. Pilot.inc the Chevrolet Suburban ~-all. loaded with boy1 and baggage and pict ure. and literature about N'wport Beach t l>@Dd a week. nien to Nnr York wtU be LynwOOd Barton. Mlviaor and to the lnternallonal Jamboree tor Ult poet. The boy1 leave Sal· In Can&d& where U\ey wtll return urday, J uly 30 a l e a.. m. the (rffUn(I of thOH who .Ultt'd The aouthwu te.m 1ky wUI tie a blue of glory tonight, weathu permitting, when nreworka pro- vld'd by the city council al the beheet of Balboa Improvement AMoclatlon &rt' •et oft on Balboa Plt'r, •t•rllng at 9 o'clO<.'k. Mori' than 200 eff~t11 of one kind or &nolhf'r, all of them brll- Uant, wlll be fired from the pier under direction of AMIJtlllnl F1rt' Chief P. N. Pellett. Thl1 will be a city-wide 11how. Monte Grimt>s. attrttarr of tht' Improvement ueocla llon, believe» 11.11 It will be vt1lble from th11 waterfront In both dlrecllon1 1U1d all the nearby hllls. ORANGE, JULT 4 (OCNS)-A Newport Beach Orange County ff".o.pltaJ psychiatric ward paUent killed hlnaelf In hla locked cell yeaterday, a ceordlnl' to the cor· oner's off1ce. Deputy Coroner Rorer Burnham 1111id today that John w. carroll. 30. 1213 Balboa Blvd., Newport Be11cb, wu found In hi• cell tu t 1ght by Orderly C. C~ CUpp. According to the coronera re· port, CUpp had taken Carroll from his cell to a rut room about 7 p.m. He returned the patient to his q1mrt'"' & few m inult'1 later, coroner'• report Hid. At 7:30, the ortluly p1..1111ed the man'11 room and looked In on him lhrough the 1)blervallon peephole in the door. 1"he victim was Men hRnging by a fOJ>EI Rt th' far w1n- ilow of the <'ell. C&rroll wu dead when cul down, Burnham aald. On April 1, 1940, Orange Counly'a population .._. ... U1ted 11fflclally at 131,000. A noae count in 19W dl.teloaed 2H .22• pc130n1 w1:1' mak lnc lhtlr home i~ this lOunty. On ·J uly 1, 19M. county population' wu u Umatt>d et 297,700 The report d1Klolffl tha t clllt1 account for 214,193 of the popuJatlon as comparc>d to 167.il'i9 1.ivln1 In county t .. ri1tory. McCLELLAN RESIGNS MESA SCHOOL POST Bradley Schwarz SpoNM>r• of the Explorer1 Poet here durtnr the tu t J amboree. are the memben of the Rotary They plan to tour the Cht>vro- Clu8 of Newport Harbor. let Factory In Detroit W'here thelr ThOle who have provided the vt· vehicle originated and lour the hlcle are, Paul Palmtr, Newport N11.tlonal park• on their -y home. Balboa Saving• and Loan Au oda-The Chevrolet Suburban carry. 1 t1 on. Emory Han~n. Real Eat.ate AU which hu been ct•en to t~ and PrOpt'rly M11.n11.gement; 0 . W. Explorer poll for Ila wie la a "Dick" Richard, Richard'• Msrkel; utilitarian vehlcl.e which can be Walter B . Mellott. bulld4!r &l'ld de-...Uy convlrtl'd trmn puaenpr veloper: Earl Miller, Miller qiev· v~hlcle to camp car to tmeJTency rolet and the Newport Harbor ambulance. New1·P reu. Equipment for the roa CD WORll new vehicle 11 being provided by The boyi plan t o lnte~rate th .. r HAR.OR WEATHE The coronl'r 1tRted lhlll the R rope Ulll'tl in lhf' &Cl w1u1 nne th&l --------------111 furn1~hi>d In f'&ch room to clolfl'! 'hmperaturet '"" ~ut week lD I outwuc1-11V.1nging wlndow11 In th" th11 Harbor al'f'a "c-rt": J'l<)'<'hiat 11C M'l't Ion of the hn11p1lRI, 111-. Low 1 "Each room has one," Bumh&m President in New Board Annual Election the Ntwport Harbor Bank, AJ work with the Civilian Defen .. For(it Hardware and lllQny others. Corp• when they return bom.e and Jim Ray Wins Mesa School Job Contract VAAIED ROt'TE outfit th'lr vehicle aa a four-pu.- Sl•Hl ot the new fl11cal ytar hu The membere of tht' Explore,.. atnger a mbulance tor eme,.....cy r"llulted in 11everal rhangtl on Coe· Po1t wilt 1pend 11lx weeks cro1111lng W1e. the Unlled Statra and relumlnJC. The Mal t>f th• city and ot Ule la Mee& Union School Dlatrict They will tn1.vel through th' aouth 1pon11nr1 wlll be ~ted • th• eo.rd of Tru1tee1. R. W. McClel-, to Wuhin(tan where they w1U alr. • ~u ll~t~. T11eJ1d11y, Junt 28 66 58 Wrones<lay. Jun•· 29 61i 60 Thu111da,\, J une 30 I).'\ 61 Frltlny, Jul\' 1 611 62 :'nturotny, Jul\• 2 iii 62 Suntla\, .!uh• 3 67 61 ~lon•lay, .'uly 4 66 61 N E-wport police arrut'd Carroll F'nday, J uly I for 1ntox1cat1on In the parking lot or 11 Balboa nli:ht 11pot. He w~ sent to cnunly j11!1 hm•p1tal from Xl'v.-ptJ1 t Ruch j~I. of fir!' rs Mid C':uroll 111< •un'l v"1 by hi~ mothf'r. Mr~ Edna C'11rroll I of lhf' honw Rthlre1111 and hu1 fathu J im RAy ot J Ray Construe· of En<'lni!Jls. tlon Cnmp>1ny 11ubm1ttt'd low bid I nf $1:17,:19~ whlrh W!IS accl'plt>d [ Trans.pac•lfiC hy co•t11 Mt'u u nion s rhool rns-trirt Rni. rd or 'rrustel'!! Thursday nii:ht for ·onatrurtlon of the new elf'm1·nl81 y •chool lit Plactntl11 Race Starts A\'" Hn<I WllMn St. Ray'• !)Id w1111 $~100 b"low th11l 3ubmitted by R. I •. Mr1 r 11lf. 11rcorrllng to Wii-i \\'llh 11tarllng gun rounding linm H. 011\'IS of llchool archll,.cu 111mull11nPn11~lv amul A 21 . gun Klxtnn. \\'right end Wright. F'ourth or J uly 11Alul1· by Nsvy · Onvl11 P~llmlllc>rl b11ae bid con- ' h:1l tlo•sh1r,. 1n Los A1,1g1>lcs Harbor . st1 urllon for the 36.6311 sq. fl. of 1\3 yachts .. nt nl'cl in lhf' 19M> 11 he nrw 11rhool 11t $10 O!l, "lower Trans ·f\\r1r11· n1rt' to Honolulu lhAn \\'P exp<>< lPd in \'ll'W of con· 31'\l olil•'d 1twoy on the 222:';.mil' 11lrul'llnn rn:1t11 irmn11: up rlunnit nautical tl11sh lod11 y nrJOn. ~tven lht 111~t fu11r month1 Thf' new Xewporl Ha rbor \·achl Club Vtll· school will bC' on " ll'nl With other JIAI& wtr1> o, thl' st.ertm~ lln .. srhool ronstrurllnn 1n thl8 area." I whlrh lllrel<'hPd 1000 yarrl:o from a I RAy'11 bn't• bid v.·,u S369.:\~9- bt'll buoy or tht' San Prrlro hght · Covt>Mni: utility 11rrvlce11 to within hou.•e lo 11 nag s ll\JQltd alon;t11de :, f~l of thl' buihllng r1ll1 $23.iO:';. thl' committee boat Coronla. Offall" developm,nt was $7~30 :-.ewport H11rbor rrafl tntered,are and on~He figure $36.t500. Lyman H. F11'well'11 11rhooner 8"&· Devl1 Informed the ooard that drift, H. F. and B. M . Murphy'• planntd 1ddltlona to F.ve~tt Rea yawl Quut. Grace C. 8tttle'1 yawl School "'·ould be next on Me• Ian eubmlttf'd hla rulgna Uon Thursday nlcht and Br a d 1 e y N p t St rt Th • ,Schwan-... l'lect~ president and ews• rest 0 a flee ~~~::. Edick c 1 • r k. effectlv• Weekly Stock Report July 6 McClellan'• aurpri~ ru lgnatlon The Newa·P,..u , 11tarllng W'd· "''II.II 3Ubmltted by brief l•ller. Re-nuday. will begin a new. thrice llring-President C. Ch I • ho Im weekly fl'alure. 11 timely 11tnck Brown read the 1,tttr which a-avt' re~lgnatlon !'f&11on u po.ulblllty of bem;r named 11ubcontractor on bid• 11ubmlltf'll on the n 4"w 11ehool a t PlacenUa Ave. &nd Wll&on St. The board 11 exptcted to tak11 up 11ppointmf'nl of a new tMJst .. l.o flll out McClellan'• term of .of- fice durlnl? rerular l"lllllon Wtd· ne~d•y night. Jn oth~r bu11lnl'H a l Thur1d11.y n11rht'1 mef'llng: Ario H11yward. local contractor, "''"JI hlretl as bulldlnf ln1pector. !'<Ubje<'t to 1pproval of the Sta te Oivu1ion of Architecture. Salary Is to be Mt. Lont> bid 1Ubmlltt d by Smith Brother!' Company on n ntfd heet- rrs for Llndber(h School wu I C· Ct'pll'd I.II low bid. The bid WU $2940. tncludlng 1aJea tall. Sup«r· lntendenl Everl'tt ~ H id tht blower heeltra.. one to a room, Will rtiplace p~•nl two·to·a·roorn heaters. mArke1 report. Thr lntl'~l Ntw Y<>rk Ex<:h8n~e comm1,nl anti re- port.I dlrert from the f11K!r of the u chall&'• wlll he lr11nsmllle<I by 0 1'8nitt County l"rwa s~l"\'lt'I' ltlP· type from Santa ~na t'o the New11- P re1111 m11r hln<'. The thrt'e tlme11 weekly column wlll Include th!' Nrw York nlXln 11111nm11ry, 11to<k avr1111t!'11 l\n<I \'111· un1r, quOl lltlon11 OI\ stnck:o nf lo.. :ii lnt('1 c>1l traded ovt'r·I h<'·Countrr but not 11 ppurlng comrlctely In any 8oulhland ntw"P'IJ>l'r. At11llllonally, It will lnrlude 11. d'· lall"I report on 11 lonl company or b11slnu11 h&vlnJC planl11 or faclll- llu 1n Oranit" C<mnty. Also, !rt'· qul'nl news lt,ms of lo<'al ttn11ncial or b11Aml'111 lnlrrts l will e ppesr In th• report. W riter of thl1 new bUAlnen ff'a· tiire w111 be Maunr e T. Sw1tt, wellknO'lll'JI fln&11cl1I analy11l of l:ut and WN t Cout. He 11 a reiu- MAt'lllCE T. lfWJf'T Odyu,y, Peter Grant's 1loop Nidu bulldlnit agenda. IJ, G. A. AUe11' kt lch Cynjo, Earl ---------------------------6-New Pontiac Dealership 1 G. Corkrtt'I y11wl FlylnK Cloud, a.nd Ira P. P'ulmor'1 ketch Star· hound. Fulmor'1 39-rt. ketch wu lt~ Mesa Tops Newport for J1ne as S7U, 116 in Permits Note~ CDM RESIDENT HIT BY BICYCLE overall wrnner In the 61ennial 1&11· Ing event. Delltined to be Ula m011t colorf\11 race in Trane-Pacific Yacht Club annala, th.t 1911& entry U~ 11 la1'fetlt for any deep wat.r r11c!' of thl1 len(tJ\ In yachUnr Tot.al buUd1n( va.Juatlon la June'•~ ftpr'e wu STOl.1 ... ta )( .. for halt of 1111& hu-....,_-t....,_... oe 111 ,...ta l......s dent of Beacon Bay a nd 11 a rer · lsttred ,..pre,,enta Uve o! De • n Witter 6 Co .. Santa Ana oftlrf'. Swift, a former fina ncial "A'Tiltr on two Loe An~lea new1pa~rs. the Neww and the nmu. alao hu been ac:Uve u a lecturer a t the Lo. An~lu 8tock Exct.ng,. Jn- ltltute. Ke a1ao hu lectured n•· Uon&Uy Oft bualnee. proceduN", an· al,.i1 ot flnanctat lltatementa and Announced B)"ltander-comfort Harold Edwin Benedict. 48, 927 Narcllau1 Ave., who was atruck Friday afternoon by a bicycle ridden by Thomu ClY,de Corkett, 13. Balboa, police re· • ported. Benedict, taken to Hoag Hoepital. 1uffered contWJlona and abrulons. wu re- ported in rood condJtion. He uid be WM en>911ng BaJbo& Blvd. between Palm and Ada.ma Sta. and narrowly mimed hems hit by one eyctt.t when the 1eeond bJt him. -StaU Photo hl11tory. Commodor 11 Richard 8 . Rheem'• M·rt. kt>lch Morninc Star la nae· ..t!lp for t.he race. J:llcort •-1 tor lbe u llln1 I• U. 8. Cout Ouard OW.tar Qn t·= rffdy exceeded lt64'1 tabulatlona, thl"OU(tl OMta X-'1 ctty build· inc deput.rnent. Pw1fttta were •· acorctlq to nrurw rt.l•utd for eued for .. llnl'• dwelllnp. ftl· June by Mea Bulld1n( Oftlclal A.. utd at '41t,Ht: t.. ~pit J. Vol&. Thi. yMr'• total at th• unit.I. 11'.U.; f'I" commerdU .. halr'tray mark 1t.andl ·a t 14.lM.· t&bltatunent.a, 1141.W and II ln· OH. Overall tot.aJ f« 1904 wound dllltrtal Md ~ 8truc· up a& "ll0.171. .... tu.ML at.ock anal~•· A .l'\flllve or l1Unol11. Announcem,.nt or a n"w P ontlar lwlft haa 1~nl eummeh h"e dMler11h1p for N.-wport H.u!)tir 1lace H it. A lonrtlme reald~t of wa1 mad" ltW'.111)' by lhe Jrvln11 r-o Loe Ansel•. he formerly wu pr e-I 8pnkf'11m,.n 1111111 lARoy C-uv,.r Jr .... t ot l'llPtft l!:nrtneerlnc Co .. Of l.<111 Anr;tll'll I.II n'rot1at1n1t M W Holl,..,.,od R•t ~tll\I' Co . VI· wHh u, .. •nmJ>11 ny tor a 2~·Y"u ......._, Corp., s>19nett fa brical· le.ue of 47~ front f,.tl on Cl'>llll c u 1111•..,.•I c...._..,..., ..... -- • WELCOMED AT CATALINA ISLAND Girls Camp, these Harbor youngsters receive lei11 from camp coun- selor, Mary Glenn Heilman of USC. From left, .Joyce Smith and Melinda Hoag, both Lido Isle; Tina Brun- SEALARKING By Gl!\~-Y (1'1RS. EDWARD LESTER) SMll'H ABOARD TYPE!:, welcomed them to the Isthmua and CHERRY COVE, CATALINA: I Joe HobeMllfl11 ot "clrcu.1 peanut" . fame handed thtm goodlu . • • Much exdtemtnt at the Jsthmus from Cherry CA,.,.. came the Dean Jut week (June 2il when KBJG'1 Whiles and their daughters Bet- Carl Balley of "Mr. Dig lff'el..9 The ty and Pittly who are IJ\·ini; pn Bo ·· b h hi k t their cruiser Bet-E-Pat for the at re.me roug t s . ml e rom summer and are popular members ing, Corona del Mar; co'unselor, Linda McCook, Bal- boa ; Cheri Cutendyck, Lido Isle. This is camp' a first year of operation. Harbor you.ngsters will be there for next eeveral weeks. -Edward Lester Smith Photo MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Society &iitor PAGE 2 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, JULY '4, 1955 Youthful Violinist • Receives , Scholar.ship Mi.la Linda Williama, 1321 South Van Nee. St., Santa Ana, young violln18t with the Onnce County Philharmonic SOcltty; wu recent recipient of a 8Chola.rahip to the Loe Angeles Couervatory of mualc:. In conneetioft with the a ward u.1 wa.a prHented with two otllee younc mu•tc\ans In a con- cert at Wllllhlrt J!ltw-11 Club. Judrea Included Bruno Walter and Rich- ard Leart. Miu Wllllaml WU rradualtd Ulla year from 811nla Ana Hl&h School and received the Bank of America. gold cup In fine a1·11. She!. la Ule Jaughter of Mr. and Mn1. Robert H. Willia ma and hu studied wit h Olaclnto J ouph Na r- j J uli. now In Europ". h-.. had an expert a crompanl•l In her brother, SAC Tourney Robul H. Wiiiiama 111, teacher • and concert pl anlat. B "d w · Jolnlnit I.he Philharmonic In Oc· n ge inners I tober, 1lle la In Ul• flnt violin I aecllon. baa aerved u concert- Flnal members' luncheon of the ,~====~======~ =:::., ";;... ·;:.~.:·~~ ~.·I t!ifl · j • ~~::a:: :'o!t::.Hubert 8 . Nat1 -l;4 81 ldce nnae• were won by Mrs. Q , A. Bird, tlret: Mrs. M. N, Thompaon, aecond, and Mra. Don- ald Slyh, third .. Reeulll ot annual Tourn.ament Bridge play were U\llounccd wllh Mn1. Paul Hall the winner. Othen1 In order of nnleh were Mmea. Ben Hefllnger, Alvin 8 tauaeer, Verne Snodgrau, L. L. llbeU, Bruce Hean and Everett Luta. lt w.u announced the annual fashion &how will bl held Oct. 12. Take Trip North Mr. e.nd Mrt. ~ W. Ward, &34 Aliso Ave .. celebrated thtlr 28lh 'lll'eddlnr annlvtreary at home ~tl1. lb.en Jett for a ncatl.llll which took them to Lu Vegu, Zion NaUonal J'OT'Mt. Yellowstone, up to Spokane and Portland, Wuh. Tbey we~ e.t Pendleton, Ore .. and atopp«"d a t Loon L&l<e and Sutherlin, Ore. Tbere wa.11 rain all the way, they reported. Thty ar- rived home Friday. 2nd Big WHk ---.l&A 1.DVF.JOY·NICOL --SlllIJVAN. BENNEM' ,,..,... ... YA.0..1 ............... ... .,.,..,.,..\_ .... ,...,.... ... ~Cl\ ... ..... u, •. ,... .......... . ,,,._,... . muter of th• Phflhannonlc work- shop at Orana• eo.Jt QQllt&.•· al110 ot her hlch achoo! orchMtra. She wu aolol1t with Lonr U.a<'h Pbll- harmonlc wh•n ahe wu 18, pw an l:ut" ~Ital lhla year In Banta Ana. "P laylnr with tM Philharmonic hU ~en a wonderful uJ!erlenCI for me," fh• aatd. "A,-ror lhe work1hop, It builds up tntereat amonr th• •young QP<>PI• and Ole)' look forward to playmr with a profe11iona 1 1roup. Miu Belln- f1.11te 11 an lnlplnnr conductor. u viiroroua in approach u a ma n bUt with the a dded feminine rrace." While conUn\ll111 hu educa Uon THE OllOAJC YOU CAJC l'l.Al' AT ONCE~ t~ ilHoclerfuJ - HAMMOND CHORD OIGAN Now I No Need .. r.u &....-. Come Ill •IHI Prove It to Yowself ~·· aJtio I la~ .. JOii fo OOlllO lJI ud lf'1 llile MW B-·elld S~t o ,.-N-AnllaMe Lido Park PotluclC Udo Tralln Pu1I M14 lta ftnt ~ pot ludl of tM llUlruner will\ many IMWt'Omff9 UftOl\S U\1 II prlMllt a l l1'1 d u.,.__ Kr.. Kenn•th CwrolJ t. eod&l ~ '°" lM )'Ml'. She ........... ~ Mrs. Harold o,_,. OU... _.,. pl'194 aft......,.._ M.i ......._ Will bl a MOil pot.l\lek • ht7 a STORf YOUR PRECIOUS FURS WITH A PROFESSIONAL FURRIER Phone Kl 2-0652 Fur Stora9e SPECIAL Clean. Ol&M ... 1'r111d Cold ·~ Tour J'\lrw Jf.., "I· $995 l UO ...... -11eeea11.-...... ., Boti4M: Pnmpt I Oell 11.1111· ~1.-1. .Ava.Ion for tali firat broadcast of of the Balboa Yacht Club where "Mt!'t The B~t" al plctu~sque I.heir yacht II moored In Ule w1n· Ca1 ahnll Co\'e, jter ••. all!o Ginny a.nd Connie --------------------------WU touted In cbamJ>&&'Tle punch. The new Mra. O'Rourke wu dJt Occasion wu the arrlva\1-~o~-Candler from crulM'r Ply-N-HI BAILEYS Q BS ER VE GQ LD EN !T&duated from Dor~y H i gh -plu- "Crashout" "1th Wllllam Bendix Arthur Kennedy DANZ-SCHMIDT . BIO PIA.~O A OROA.'i STORE Readquarten for AU Modt118 Hammond Or,_a Santa Ana FUR Co • .,.,:C, ~rn~~ •• ,•;x~~~.~~ i'r~~~~b": 1~::i~n~ ~17:1r J:~; ~8~,1:"!n~r~;~~~e a:r~ School. Her hu1bend wu (Taduat-1 ------------- land (o •ni:a~c In ll "'' '' . lhe Weetwlnd Ill •.. and here Id WEDDING ANNIVERSARY ed from Don1Py High School, a t I.he n•w Ca talina llll11nd Glrl.e' u11 uy "the.nk you" to Art Brear-Wooeu>ury Collei e and Mexico City Camp. Mn1. Hrlen Cruickshank, lt-y !or hla lnv&luable help with He came from Indian&, ahe from Illlnol11 but It wu ln College. IU t -51'0 ()pea l"rlda1 S.....,. • t I OI N. 8.ro.dw&J ID 1-4tll former S.C. A lphR \Iii CJ1 ... ~ '· tho "Welcome" ..• tor without The couple will make their home BloomCleld, Mo. that th• G. C. Balleye, of 181 18th St., C<lllt& •27 F •·-f A HO No. Hain Saal.a A- director of lhl" l'tttnr "'' ''' I'' · I h111 Ul<i~tance the show rould not at .. em -ve. th I I I lh h I Me11a, were married jus t 50 ueara ago. Yesterd11y th•y cele-e g 1 11 a ong . w1 c arm ng have gone on , ... h ow lut•ky can J ~ Bnrbflra f J\f r11. J ohn 1 rt hie or Pa-M e be to have one of Hollywood's bratl'd lhl'lr golden wedding anniversary, honor guesta at a ·<'lflc Pnll~111le11 who l!I a not ed lnp NBC Mund men !Groucho reception hl'ld In Ll\.krvlew Club, Huntington Beach. hur~t>womn 'I nncl pll M to put thr !llRrx llhow among other's) ju~t The couple c11me to C11llfom la In 1921. In 1937 Mr. Balley r amper11 thro111th their paC'U with happening to be right at t.he r!ght a nd aon J. H. Battey, 2233 Broad St .. bought the Beach ctuea t h" Th1•r(lui;hh1 '"''•: nl.,, 1110111-" • • • plRrt' al lhe right tlrr:r. on \'8('(1-Pro<l11re Compl\ny, later taken over by the brother•. J . H. hl'&d ('OUllC'lhr :.rnry B~k"I fr')m llon but M ellgPr to h('lp on our t\nd Rily, end fln11.lly optrl\tl'rt by the l11tter until llOld eight f'nn Fr.ind ,.ro, l'c:-nny Hlnt man. tropical !~le. years 11go. Roy now Uvea In \\'eatmln1ter and handles whole- f'UIJt.tl11n. and J11111 • J111 • 1 ------------aale muL R11n Dun11io, r rnmrfloi , ... 11n1I of H F BOth brothers 11nd thl'lr .w1vea will be pruent, al'o the course pilrs and plll'!I of barr age. Qffie rQffi eH~t lll•n, C'mndr. H11rry H. Ballry (U.S.N. ret.), with lira. !IOJl:'.\'PORT C IRT.S ll"rh·ln& ln-1 J c:lut1Pd Ml'limla """r;. 1,inda Mc-Prt"ze Tn" n111 ry 11nd tw'O children. San CarlOll. The former oovy man Cook a nd Tina Bruning'. 1\tro othn I p la now •n electronlcii ln~ector In San FranC'lsco. Ntlwport ,Iris Chf'rl Cutrndy<'k and Joycl' Smith wrre on tht tlock to Hawaii to rn•t them ha\'lng ttlrocly ar-1 nved wltb their pa~nta. Cheri ha<t a rrtved jW1t a frw minutes hl'fort Home Friday from Hawaii ar e on the O&llant I.Ady V wllh her Dolore.J1 Plyler, wlnner·or the COll· p11renta, the ROiia ("utrn1h·rt1q of ta Ml'e& F lah Ff'y g-rand prize of Cor on a del Mar Home for J ohn O'Ro11rke and Bride Lido hie, while Joyce SmlU\ came two all-expenao tr1p1 to the Ill· Judge Don11ld J. Dodi• per-..,.,,.y with v.·hllt collar, white hat over tr"m ("ht 11y t"O\'t' on lhr e-... Typet. Pnll!y f>nrdoll of Blllboa I ln.nds and her m othrr, :M re. Jim rorrned a single nnr two o',clock Md white orchid rorsage. and h lMd 11 due later In the HUOn 1 tia rvt y, 19i0 Federal A\·e. They ceremony on the afternoon of June black patent leather acceeaor1ea. for th• Poet Camp pmod. I have l)ern gut1t11 at the S11rf'r1der 2~ whk h united en role ChttrchlU Mrs. Wlllln.m Smith, u matron of honor, wore a white dress dotted C"11.rl Rnllry, kntJwn u "Mr. Hotel during-their etay. and John L. O'Rourl<e, The bride In black, bklrk velvet hat and Bl,.;", 11ncl he 11, had qui~ • Ume l Most of their time hai. be"n 1.1 the daughter of Mr. and Mre. i1hoes and cors11ge of pink mlnla- leanlnr OVl'r t o int,.rvlew the qp1·n l t1lght-11,.eang with ae,·cral ilille J D 1 I l o young can1per1 . • . but with a t rips, Including a boat r id" a1r.oni; ohn on ey of Bakersfield and uni r ses. 11mile and his wondrrtul way with the li<lan•ts and 8 long motor trip lhe brldrgroom Is the l!On of Mr. William Smllh •tood with the klde dollghted el\Ch one wtth a I 8roun<I the tslsnci of Moa. One ·and lllr11. J ohn L. O'Rourke of bridegroom. p••1wonal anlt'rvlew which w113 morning thry watched preparatfont1 Loi AngeleJ1. Frltncls were received at the ttipec'I Md rut on the air tht nr:-ctl for a hur;e Ju11u, rl'tumlng In the F or the ceremony I.he bride wore home o! the g room'• parent. In dlly at n oon over I.he John Poole P\"enlng to feu t on the Hawaiian • Cull eklrted <lre~s of ~ray or-u imert Park where the couple BroadcuUnc Company. KBIO. I rtellcaclell. A wonderful vacation ;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..;;.._~;;-:;;.;;;:;;.;;;-;_.;;;;;;~..;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:::;_ __ =;;;;:;;::;;;;;:=_ THE JSTI-IMl"S DOCK wM ft s-1 trip. ancl one long to be remember- t tve \\1th t ropical music and a gay el1, they repor:td. I c rowd from thP romp anll 11Ur-1 rounding ('lJ\"U whlrh hac'I come to Realtor o.n Holiday j otn the fun ... Counrllorl' Ann Myrlrk of 1,..mur. Mary Gl~nn I P t arl J. Smith, Up'klnd Realtor, 1 Jieilm&n of 1tem1'-.& 8 1'ach, &nd \\'illle !\haw or 1;1, An1:el!'• irre,.t-l}W'nt the holiday wPekend vecn- ed the ll'UI• wllh lei• M Paul Hl'rk-I llontng at her OC'e&n front rul- lot a, Catalina CO\'e reprtaentatl\'e, dr n<"l'. . j After Hollday WE • OOTl'ONS •LINENS • DOTl'E D ·8\\"ISS • \'OILE A ~-Grou~JWc. Stork SUMMER . ' DRESSES Reductions up to OFF FASHION APP AREL t3'8 ;\°('\\port Rhd., ('osta MeM Oii tile W'llY l~ the 8. A. C"oaatry Clall. • ,. ·. ,. ' ·Shake out th• piggy ba~lc NOW! Gather ~\·ery ·extra penny you can lay your hands on and deposit it in your savings account now. Money deposit- ed before July 11 earns interest from July l . Take ad\·antage. of thi11 new interest period and gi\~ your savings account a boost. I! you don't have an account--0pen one today. . 1Savln1• deposited by laJy 11 eana l.at~mt from laJy L ~'71% Weat Cout Btpwa7 Newport ne.cJa Acleqaate Parklq Fadlltlea llearofllMll At the · Cracker lcsrel B)' CAA<> EATON A hoUff la too a home, contrary- wise to what a popular female authoreu atatea. And our observa- tion la b&.led upon careful atudy of various homes wr've bffn In-a sort of plloplnc poll. ao to 1PCak. But we mean-that accenll male• lhe home the r lace you, the rueau. remember after you have gone from the prem!Ma. And ntver un- derestimate the lmpr~slona left with you from \1ew1nr y our hoet'a l u te In plcture1. which leada u.' to th• plain fact that you too c&n ha\'e U\e right picture for the right 1pot limply by vtsttlng the Crack- er BatTel, a t 128 Arate Ave. jTha Ferry Street I Balboa b land. where Sandy a.nd Elly Enfield will h1Jp you 1elect lhe niht print or on- &1nal from thtlr huge 1upply, and Sandy will custom·fl"ame It. Juat right. At I.he Cracker Barrel. from Tahiti to Tahoe La Jolla or Lapa% We C9ft handle aD your tra,·•I arn.ncem•nt1 Local or Loll&' D l1tuee -Ad\t. CDM TRAVEL SERVICE JH!Y, E. Cout Rwy. Corona del Mar RAABOR lH t Balboa Tutoring July S-Aug. School 12 PersoMI TutorilHJ 111 REMEDIAL ARITHMETIC REMEDIAL READING SPANISH ALGEBRA CEOKETRY HJ STORY TYPING. ENGLISH • l ndh·tdual IJl11truf"tlt1n • Acc.p&alllt Credit • Certificated T,.M'hen EBELL CLUBHOUSE 515 W. BalOO. Bh•d., Balboa Te"'• Pattenon \'el"llOlt Pattianea THE FINEST ~ • • YET LOWEST PRICED Early American MAPLE FURNITURE •••• a11 'I w~ ere Opet1 Fridays llfttll 9 'ELECTRIC is the word for the range which does the COOKING .. best-and keeps the kitchen • ·COOL even on hot summer days -· --· ~---=--- louthem California Edison Company Thia time of year, coolneuia one of the beet feetuna of an all..tedrie kitchen. See your ckaln Conti ~. Sq-.,,..... (.ourfl()Ut Tr#f__, • • .. MONDAY, JULY 4, 1965 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I • PAGE J J H! LOOK AT THAT! -There are compenationa in doing duty aa reception com- "liti.ee for an event u colorful u N~rt Harbor Yacht Club'• Aloha party for the lonolulu Race akippen and crews lut Saturday evening. The Paul Platta and the Strat Enrighta enjoyed tbemeelvea thoroughly u members and guests appeared in coatumea both beautiful and amumng to receive the traditional leia. -Beckner Photo DINNER 'AT MES.A Zonta W elcollles Initiates at Final Sµring Session If Y• NalM TM New l1auty SIMtp • • . introducing Kay'• Beauty Shop 509! Center St., Coate Mesa • .iiii.r ..._...., el ...,, a. o..,. . ....,. .... for• u..p ... T• -.,. wta a ,.,_. h...-t.. Wrtte .&hove er NII ~----·· - 18 ' MORTG~GE lOANS ON HOME8. 8U81Nl:88 ANO ~L ~ltONllTll:8 WE ltl:~•IHl:NT ~lllVATC AMO IMaTIT\ITIONAL CLll:NT8 ( 801tltOWClt• AND Lc-.01:1ta> r•OM COAST TO COAaT we MAKE NO ~OMAL aoucn'ATtONa TltUST or;r;oa 90UCIH'f AHO ~o WM. B. 'HOlT M0"1'CIACll: aANICI ... . 81NCE 19:IO ~ • I 609 N. 9U8H 8TRl:l:T aANTA ANA. CAL"~ • KIM8E"'-Y S·71'8 TAXING THE PRIZE for prettiest hat at the Shore Cliffs beach parry is little Kath· J.een NeJJ, who trimmed her own headpiece with gaNen flowers. Award was made by Judge Robert Gardner, emcee for the picnic affair. -W . E . Fisher Photo Two new membera we.re lnitla· tine H arrlaon. leC1JllaUve aecre-chlded Mrs. LoulM Lln~y trom ted and welcomed Into th• Sonta t&ry, at the etate capitol. S&cra· TuaUn.' M.lu J.l&rpret Crocket Club of Newport Ha.rbor a t a din· mento. from Syn.cUM, N. Y .. Kn. Vera nti mHtlng' Th111'8day, ;TQJ\t 23, Door prlzee -~ won by JClll JohMOn, Balboe llland and Mn. In the home of Mra. M&rie H°'"9, 1 Lynda Fine, Mmu. Albert Stock· Robert Steven.eon of Coata Meea. Costa Meea. Tbey were: ton, Jack Reinert. Carleton Meua. 1be prHldent attended the H r- Bride-Elect Is Honored at Shower H elen Trott.er, Newport Bea.ch. Malcobn An ... U. Kenneth Coolin&' vice banquet at Newport Barbor under th• cl&A1ncatton of pb711I· and Harold RoberLIOll.. Hlrh School and reported Andrea ctan, ~clallat, pediatrician, and Serving on the dinner committee Schulberg had been aelected Zonla Mrs. Vera Johneon1 Balboa Ialand. with Mrs. Jack Reinert were Ctrl ot the Yur. jewtlry, retalllnr and 1eneral J.lmu . C.Orge &m, H. L. Bird. Door prl&u were won by M.mu. jewelry. Paul Dunlap, W .R. Col~an and Belly Page. Jamu A~ln end Ma l· Mnl. Harold Robert.on, prul· Fr1U1k C. Brookln11. com Angell. dent, prellided at ~ bualnua A t the pr'Ylou. luncheoft mHt.------------ meeUn& and heard report. rrom ~' at ~ Vllla Karina ruat. in· ------------ Mn. Earl Stanley on th• Zonta Dlltrlct t Conference to be held Say It With However you celebrate the bolid&y, our good wiabes for a wonderlul i'ourtb. Keep with you. too. the Jmowledp that the heritage of independence ii youre to enjoy, youn to guard and keep for tuture gen.erationa. Honorin1t Mi .. Jeann.le Tal.ttra, at the Balboa Bay Club th1I tall: • 26t Walnut Place, Coata Mu a, Mn. Tom Norton on the annual COSTA MESA BANK Mn. John Starr and Mn. RoMrt ZOnta Carnival dinner; Kn. W. R. ~ G. NetUea co·h041teMed • bridal Coleman on public altalrt, and Jowers "YOUR FRIENDLY INDEPENDENT BANK" 1hower at the Paul NlaM11 home, Mn. Wlnltnd Bartin on llt&tu9 w w1 •92 Broadway, eo.ta Mf1&. of women. I •• 111'7 "...,.,. ....._ ......,. ._..,, Party Beat.al Item. J Camu keyed lo th• 1111pUal A e e 0rd1 .a r to Mn. J"ndrlc I WIM.. KOUAL DVOSft lldUU.NCI CA)IPOIATIOM - theme were played. with prlua (Thebna Paddock) Ho~. the .um· 1403 •. C0041 811., C~ ul Jlar -'=================~=:::=::::::;=~~ awarded to Mr9. )Uchael H ill and mer art clUHe In d.rawiD&' and ~!:!!:!::!!!!!:!!!!:;:1 Barbor 50'71 For il..-Best R..ulh in Adv~_ Phone Harbor 1616 Miu Helen Sand.I. palntlnr q>0m0red by Zoat.a Jut J; TI19 -•-• ... 'Jbe color theme ot ptnk and yur were eo wce..tul U..7 wtin. wu can1ed out In at~ will be repeated apm thLI ..... which hung from the celllnr to eon. aa.... wtll be beld In Xrs. the buffet table. Centerpiece wu Hope'• home, Corona del Mar, a <'&ke decol'ftted with pink and phone Barbor 2899-W ; with Jay1 whlle rlowel'9 and topped wttll Thompeon at the Tar Plt. Newport birch and a wedding n ng. Bea.ch, and with Leo Buahman in Bringing mlllcPllaneoua f It t 1 the C041ta Meaa Park. Anyone be-I were Mmee. Dick Tallltra, Adele tween the area of 8 and 18 can Kirkpatrick. Curry KJrkpctr1ck, contact the above teachert. Nl11~n. Jack Smith, Dick Brace, Another blfh apot ol. ~ ..... H ill. Fronk Hruza.. Monroe Net· nlng wa. the craft talk on the tlrl!, Don Bowman. J ohn Ta.bt ra baking ,usineu rtven by Mra. 11ncl Anrl~.w Knox; Ml11!!t's H elen Vi rginia McMahan, owner of the Sands. Cu ol Tallltra, Eleanor RA· Cup CaJ<e Bakery, COllta M-.. ~n. Slk'IUI Nl1111en, M&ry Trapp G uest.I included Mre. Adrtaima WIMlt? $92507 IJcle ~.I br. & 0 *8-•· cloeed ..... - •wtmmUir poo1- paUo. Comp. nr- lltalted. Yea, - tn61. Curlom' ~llartlorlMO. Close-Out Special. 21'' 1 ' 5TV-iets ~ Twlert ... • Famot111 Make a.ea-of W. •-prtee we eaanot Aa Low .U $19.95 MR. AND MRS. MILTON BAGLEY, popular residenta of Eut Bay Front, Balboa hla.nd, are among several Harbor couJ:ro now vacatiO~ in ~onolulu. They an ahown SS Lurline. Number of local persona pve thun_bon YOyage party when they u.Ued recently. and Lynn Hilliker. Vandeburr. m o th e r of Mn. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Sending gi!t11 werl' Mrs. J am• Howes; Mrt. Comella Nichole of Parker, Mi.ul'I Lynn Brown, Shir· Ashevllle, N. C., mother of Mn. ley R uaa and Grace Jones. Carleton Meara, and MJH Cbrte- LATEST PfAIR STYLINS FOR HOME PERMANENTS You Save 10~0 \ pttet ...... • Regular 1%29.95 N.U...U7 advertlaect! Wne MN ._...,... at St2t.H . • Only 11 .. Scout Troop X at St. Andrews Mfftir\p ot th• n~ tnaup· rat.a Boy Scout Troop X will be held each Monday at 7:80 p. m. In th• loUJ1ge of St. .Andr..-e Church. Fourteen boye attended ~ orra.n· I.AU~ HUion and ehoM th• Ro- man numeral for Ulelr troop u .,.mboUo ot Bl Andrew'• crou ~ Kalul 11 lcoutmutn aad Don JlarUn LI hia ueletant. Com· mm .. mlmbera a.re x,ron Way. Ted Kluted, Kart1n Camaron. Hal Dlke and Klncery Whitenack. Williard CloW1n!Y.· Harley Burnett and Bnlo• Handy Kelped to or- pn.lu tlle troop. WAVIS SPECIAL Cemplete s10.op s7so Permanent • New Location 357 N. Newport Biv.1 Crouroada ViURge Center Bldg. opposite Hoag Memorial ., HospltaJ Llberty' 8-2U 2 Gltn; &aul'I s~"I' Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMERCIAL SECURITY PATROL " Kl 2-7027 -Cbeck 0-tned Dtaplay tor out- lt&ftdins Ml's&lu t.n uaed can. l•untlry servic1 tl1/ux1 ..• •t .bargiin prices/ WHAT IS IT7 lndlvldually wuhect-w~ appa.tel rlu!f dried by tillered atr-flat ptecu proteutonally ironed. Your dot.bee and ltnena are done up ONlD unJt-ao llllJl. vpe. no \lalll,tltly maru -ratuon wattt, renue controlled .,..,.. WHE~ AVAILABLE • • .~ Bervlce Within hovrt U Ul'l'ftll, btcau11~ -do neryWas rt,tit here. HOW MUCH ••• It is • lMMJain bundle too. WHERE .•• ca a a DAN' I BARBER SHOP • • • • only $2.U f.r 2.J Iba. pura 1100 We.t Cout · "8Ea\·1c 1: \\lTllDf llOVU -WllL11f .NW m,hwn OOMPLETE LAUNDERS and OLEANElll I • _,_ ................ 'tll lt Free Film! Wltll .-ell roU of MM.k and ........... 117, 120, .... llO, 111 left wt~ -,. ~ ... prt.taq. -wtU ftYe 1" •nllofta.e ......... Muter fH1141 Prtnt. a& Ne &nra VMrfe M llOUa .aTICK O..'t ..._ tlllilf W.... they're aold tMN'D ..... mON. • Ivery Set Fillly GMrant11dl Bring Use Customer & Receive a Valuable Gift NO DOWN PAYMENT, Easy Terms NO PAYMENT FOR 45 DAYS 1>19count to Sen1ee Pf'Ople GIANT TRADE IN ALLOWANCE WE SHALL NOT BE UNDERSOLD RELIANCE HOME APPLIANCE SERY•CE CO. "'WMre Wotl !"°JI "' COft/Wftrsce o"4 Bv11 /or r,eu• Kl 8-7100 llOI N. MAIN !T. SA.NTA"ANA Kl 2·1658 O..ud ~ ....... A.a Low .u $15.00 [J $32.50 .&uiomauo Wuti.n A11 1.nw Aa &efrtpratora F~,. Ae Low Aa $59.95 (}overnmenl · .JJ.aJ &cepl :Jrom PAGE -4 ·PART I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PR~ MONDAY, JULY 4, 1955 ·:God 9rent "' t6.e M~ to ~ _!!ie thi~s we ~M9t change;_ the COUf099 to cha_nc1e the things we can and the . --_-WiidOm f0tn0w the aifference:'' fA. Anon.) EDITORIALS The Declaration ·of Independence TM Vm·-.. .,......_ of tile Tllbteea t1.W .. o1Ame1b When in the· Coune of human event.a, it becomes neceuary for one people to diuolve the political bands which have connected them with &!)Other, and to uwme. among the pbwerw of the earth, the .eparate and equaf station to Tthicb the ~'" of Nature and of Nature'• God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requlree that they llhould declare the cauae which impel them to the separation. -We bold theee truths to be 11ell-evident, that all me.n are created equal, that they are endowed by thrir Creator with certain unalienable Right.a. that among theae are Life, Liberty and .the purµait of Happineu: ._. That to eecure theae right.a, Government.a are irultituted among Men, deriving' their juat powen1 from the conaent of the governed. - That whenever any Form of Government becomes de.1- tructive of theee enda, it ia the Right of the People to al- ter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying it.a foundation on auch principle. and organizing IUI p0wera in auch form, aa to them ahall aeerp moet likely to effect their Safety and Ha~pineu. Prudence. ind~. will dictate that Government.a long established should not be changed for. Ught and tranaient caWle8: and accordingly all experience hath shewn, ·that man- kin~ are more disposed to suffer, while evil~ are auffer- able. than to right themaelvea by abolishing the forms to wb~h they are accustomed. • • • • We, Therefore. The Rep~ntatives-of the United State. of America. in General Congreu, Auembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by au- thority of the good People of thete Colon1e1, 10lem.nly publiab and declare, That theme United Coloniee are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent State.; that they are abeolved from all Allegiance to the · Britiah Crown, and that all political connections between' them and the State of Great Britain, are and ought to be to- tally diaolved; and that u Free and Independent Sta tea, they have full Power to .levy War, conclude Peace, con- tract Alliance., eetabliah Commerce, and do all other Act.a and Things which Independent States may of right do. -And for the aupport of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, "we mutually pledge to each other our Uvee, our J'ortunee and OW' Mend Honor. State Tidelands in-Danger of New Federal Seizure California'• Republican Legislature, which took a flier at a 80Cialiat "Share the Wealth" program. ia reap- ing it.a bitter crop. We apeak of the bille introduced Into the legialatuft to seize for the State of California the oil wealth of the City of Long Beach. The State of California in ita arguments to the gov· eminent of the United State. alleged that the State of California had made sacred contract.a, grant.a and giful, with it.a cities and countiea, that it waa duty-bound to keep. It further alleied that theee granta, gifts and con- tract.a, could only be fulfilled by the state if the federal government quitclaimed any right that it may have gain- ed under the lately eepouaed theory of paramount inter- est.a to the tidelands. The AuemblyW from San Joee, Bruce F. Allen. ~hairman of the Interim Committee on Impounded Funda of the State Legislature, introduced a bill that would take from Long Beach all thoee granta given it. In effect Sacramento Sidelight SACRAMENTO. 1CNSl -How the Bureau of Miik Control, which bunrllnr bureaucracy 1tymlu operates undtr the Department of Arrltulture. fNle enterprltt, an~ undn cover of a cl .. law hampn-1 a private Recently. the bureau. whJcll bu buatne• lrom o~BUnf in a man· ner that might be not only pro- fit.able to the bualneu Involved, but the buylnr public u well, Ml shown In a dedalon made by life and death powera over the dairy lnduatry of Ca I l f o r n I • thro11ch the !l'\edlum of the De11- mond A.ct. a meuure which ere· ates a milk truat foatered by the 1tate of California. announced J:nta'ed u Becoad.a.. Matter at tile Poetomlle la Newport 8eecb, C&llforn.I& under UM A.ct of March I, SITt. QI='""' te ...... Lecal Notlee9 ... Afftltttum z•ta ., All a... .., ....... ., ....... r OMrt ., 0...,.. 0.. la Aota. No. A-Intl ••w o.m .... Nwwr1r.-......_,. • .-...-u. ·-·· N'Mlwl s.etorW ~ .... ..._ .r Orup ()omq New'I 8em. JJJc ...U to p1a tor the ltat. tnuury th• $1.SO,· 000,000 ill llellt in Lone BeuJl. TbJa Ja IDODeJI Calned . from the operatlou for oU in that elty'a tldelanda. (By the ume argument whiCh AMembl:yaan Allen -.- apinat Lone Beach, .Newport Beub wouSd al8o ttnd itlelf without it.a tidel&nda.) Now co.-the bir buat. Senator Paul Douctu (0) of lllinoia and 17 other United Stat.ea Senaton have introduced into the Con- ' ~ a re90Ju\ion calling for repeal of the act which quitclaimed the tid~landa betw9'D tbe Jow tide line and 3 mile. to sea. . Senator Douglu uses a1JD09t the aame verbiap in propounding hi.a bill that A.emblyma.n Allen UMd in hia meanre endeavoring to aeiae the tunda of Long. Beach, "lta puaage will mean that all of the people of the United Statea may again &e auured of enjoying the benefita from development of the. oil, pa, and mineral reeourcee." The only difference' in Allen'• arsumeilt and that of Douglaa ia substituting the name of California for that of the United Statee. California could well find it.a shoreline dotted with oil wells on the beachM u well u off shore on ialanda and platforma If the theoriee of A.emblyman Allen anc! o! Senator Douglu prevail. The government of the United State. hu shown that it ia not particularly mindful of the wilhee of thoee communities which It blighta with ita ~tiona and grants "so that all of the people of the United State. may be benefited." • Auemblyman Allen opened the Pandora's box and contended 'in effect that all before had lied. Bia word baa been accepted and the people of Long Beach, New- port Beach, yee, the people of all Callf ornJa, are in grave danger of loaing the benefit.a of billions of dollan in wealth to be deprived from off &bore oil, If hia capricioua actions are permitted to prevail Grand Jury on Right Track Action of the Newa-Preaa in printing certain com- plainta by prominent Coeta Mesa cltilena concerning al· leged' ''electioneering" at the May 20 1ehoola election apparently ia bearing fruit. Understand the Neww-Pnm ia not ta.king credit. The New•Preu only reports what the people do or aay in civic matters. Nonetheless, it wu indeed pleuing to print uclu· sively in the Harbor area the first breab on the "elec- tioneering" complaint.a and doubly pleuant Thunday to bring the Harbor area the first MWS on what the grand jury plans to recommend. From what appeared on Page 1 the grand jury will recommend all ichool eleetiona be handled by the county clerk and will uk for legislation to bring thia method about. We compliment the jurors on their conatructive thinking. The May 20 election wu notable in aome in- stances not ju.et becauae of "electioneering" 12 feet from polling bootha chargea but because the voters were in- convenienced. Many were unable to wait the time it took at Corona del Mar School polling place to cast their ballota. The average time length standing in line toward the end of the day reached from 45 minutes to an hour. Too few votera' bootha were in 'this achool and others. ' In general we feel the acboola 1yatema did not anti: cipate the peak loads of vot.en1. Thi.a ia really inexcua• able. For one voter to be turned away from the polla iS wrong. For hordea of voters to be brought inside a pol- ling place before 7 p.m. and voted until u late aa 8 p.m. is questionable practice. The people pay the election expenses. We think moet voters who take the time to go to the polla would like to vote and go about their businesa without waiting one hour. We think county clerk control of such 1ituation1 i11 a step in the right direction. that It bu denied an application of a firm known u the Dairy Proce1111or~ of San Diego County. Inc. whl('h sought a nuld milk and cream dlatributor'a llcen1e. cem'1, and lh• rrocery atore'• whether or not the 1ton paya for It.a milk In advance. and collecta Interest on the money lnveated from the borrower? CO?lt'TltAJtY TO LAW Such an arrang-ement. of course. mlrht bite Into the bu1lne111 held The license wu dent.d on the by the milk trust which 111 com· ~ui1 that the appUcant intended poHd Of larre dtslrtbuUns plant•. to operate In a manner contr&17 Many ot theee tlrmi have' been to provt11lon1 of law." cited for Merel rebatH and loe.n· "The method or opeB Uon." l&ld ~ money to retail ouUeta, and the Burtau or Milk Control. ''.J>ro-It appears that the pneral ptac· po11ed by the applicant concern ln· uce o.f the wealthy companies 11 volved a memberlhip •rreement to &1•• · eome aulatance. to theae with grocery atone, which would ouUeta, rtcelve lnterut payment.JI on a· However, under the Dairy Pro- mounll deposited In payment '°" (ellllOnt arranrement, the shoe 11 1upplle• ot fluid milk. on the other foot-the retail out· "It wu decided that sucll pro-Jet would be loantnx money to the poee3° met.hod of operation. would dl1tributor. and collecting-lnteret1t result ta payment to the memb9r thereon, which. under the modern 1tor19 ot -unear8114 dlecount, 1y1tem of nnanct. dou not appur Contrary 110 ~ pl'0'9WIOIUI ot the to M • crime. milk eontrol law .Jt wu • UWa point tblll .... AfllllloMion ... den(td." BUllE~ tJCRAT~ 8ut the Bureau of Miik Control. which 11 re:111onably safe In lhe It _... NUOn&bly ~ protection IJforded It by tht that tile denial ot. the rt(bt to a powtrtul lobby malnt&lned 111 company to ~· a 11\MIMM Oil Sacramento by the milk tnist. de· 1Ucl\ ftlmay f"OWlda eouUtut• a cl<*l tuch an openUon ta• crime. bureaucratic declllon made prt· I.lid Ulemore dent .. that a dat.rt- marJly °" _.mptlou. butor wlllch ml(bt be a compet.I· 'nae DellDOftd Aot, wllida wu tor C&Jl1IOt ban a ftuld milk aad adopted back in lhe lt30's, durtnr 0...:.. dtftributor'• uee. 1 ~ ............ ..... ~ .t~ .... -..· _,_, JIJA~t•• "Life, Liberty and -tJa. Purawt of Happineu" BRUSH COUNTRY JOURNAL :!..e. .... (U. Nelie -ftl9 ..._.. ~ ..,._ ...,._ wlll ....... .. llW.-U.W. ......... r.ew ..................... Ma .... ....... ............ --"7 ........ ,...,... OONl'U810N -Tbat :J'U keynote of the da,y u wa- gona wen loaded witli'&longinp of .victed Indlam ot CUpa. -Barnett Collection Photo. COURTHOUSE BEAT On the morning of May 12, 1903 only two emotJona WW. displayed by the Indiana of Y-.e hot •prinp at WanMl"a Ranch~dnesa and anger. ,,. It wu a busy scene that surrounded the wacom and team11ters, Commiasioner Jenkirul had hlred to move the In· By I.ACK BOET.l'NEB Muell ot the comment you hear about the Oranre County Plan· ninr OommlMlon theae daya la far from complimentary. 8 o m a of 11llgbUy more l h11n 4000 acrn Ill 1964. B,_in ... la plckln&' lip .• --~ r--dlan11 from Wam .. r'11. C-hlckrn.11 eUc humor, not beeauM tM wom- OORRUT DISPEK8 AJ. criUclllrn ta Jual.ined, the wrtter DlaperMmenl Of lnduatry, ac;· belle•... ellpflclally r.prdlns ln· .compllllhed w .. u so far by the com· stanc• when r ... denta have been mlMlon and the county board of """ rode tN&tment at c0mmta-1Uperv1eore. la a Ylta.1 factor In aoa MUtona. the development of the county. HAaDLY Jll)O()MING Thia colwnnta Jiu b.eard folJu ordered to lllt down and shut up. 8tatemenll .uch u theee &NI hardly becomlnr a body Of the cornmlMon'a 1tatuN1 In th• coun· ty'• echeme of thinr•. Rowner, Ill the overall picture l think the pla.nnen and their able llt&tf are perfonnlnr a tre· mendoua Mr'Ytce for the rood of the county. It appe&n aafe to MY they &f8 tactnr a chore few commlMlona In the land have been &eked to wrmount. Without correct handling of ln- dyatry the tax dollan will be lack-tnr wtlne needed. Take Buena Park, for In.stance. Thia city hu engulfed rea1dentlal property by leapa and bounds. but 111 ahort on tu-load reducing lndu11try. The county's regulaUon11 on building altes are rlg1d. A dwell- tnr lot must have at lea11t 7200 eq. ft. In county terTltory. That's 2200 more than the minimum In Loa Angeles ·county and 1200 more than .ome cities within th,. <'Olln· ty. Ke n n e t h 8amp80n, ualatant plannlnf director, explao11c1 •lllll lea,,.. more a ir. more llg'ht anc1 awlc:la the congeauon found In other urba.nlUd areu. pl'olealt>d with alt their 11quawklng-en VI' lndlana, but r&t.ber U\e might to ~Ing lmprll!M'ned In tlresa and the ".any wttll ffln,. crude crate& and thrown up on the 011 top" of owr 50 )'.,.. .... freight wagons. Do1t11 barked a nd WOMAN CHOOllU OA V. g-rowltd at all this undue com-By JO a.m. tllat tat,aia lllCll'll• motion. The Indian <'hildren 111\rlek-Inc ot Kay 12. 1908 llMrl:y _,,... ed and bawt .. d a1ternately. And thine wu .-ck-4 and U. ...... the almo11t 11ymphontc backKTOund wer. lmpaUent to ~ One old music lo 111 thla contualon wu Indian woman i.... face C!Cl!Dtolt-4 the aludy beat of hammera either With bate and uiaw walked lllow- rlpping &part or nailing-up. ly up tile bruab-eo,...... tllope ot VlLLAOE UPJlOOTED the mount.ala 1Mbind t.be AIU& C&Jtente. Hu obotoe wu to die Along with furniture and treu· urc•l belongl11g11. wtndow11. doors. and ln fact anything that could be salvaJ?ed from tho neat lltUe adobca In the village was ruth· lessly ·tom out 1rnd piled high on the wagons. A group of lndJana &nd te&msters were buelly engag· e<1 In dl~mantllng th<" little 11ehool· house: the dPsks were pulled from tho noor and stacked and Ued on· forgottea In llOIDe ~ .,,. Oft the mountatn rather tban be fott• lbly moved to Pala. Juan cu,.. moat and hla wtfe Ramona were the lut to l•n tM -.11Jap. Both saddened and aq-ered, t!\ey ftn· ally turned their beeb on their chUdhood home and wanr.d to a waiting buCIY· At l 0 : l~ on that briPl, IWUlY momlnl', ComnUuloaer Jenkin• to one of the wagona. P" UM m.-i tor die ,...._. F.ven the bug1r1u &nd wal'ona of to mo•e. The tt-.1 ....,._ ill t.IMI the lndhms were brought Into uee eviction of tM CUpeco IJ\diaN Lo aMlsl In the eviction. One pie· from their lltUe town ot Cupa ture of four Indian matrons in a around the ~t mprtnp Oil tM fringed-surrey 11dd11 a bit of path· Wamft' ~ 1'ad beJUll. The oommi..aon wu formed under the atate law whlcb .ay1 .very cowity shall have a plan· nln1 commi.ion and every city ma)' have one. The key function ot the commlulon la to correlate the muter plan• of all Jurt.dlc· Uona llO that the ultimate ln la.nd uae may be obt.aln'ed. No amall taak, eirpecially In boom 11nd. UNIFIED, OOUNTYWIDI: Unified countywide lhlnkinc - that la the crux of It. Thia angle la broucht Into 1harp focua In ·the preaent muter plan for county hls;bway development. The com· mlaalon hu been ln•trumental In helping work out Ulla plan. ll now la In the cities' handa. When their thinking 111 Jelled It wtll be worked Into lhe over-all pla.n. The muter plan will be ready for adoption only when all faction• are unified. A. fortunate re11ult of planning htt-e fl that IUbdlvtslon l'tandard11 al"e eiu:eptlonlllly high. A buyer In a trM:t which ha11 Men given the planneni' green light knowll he 111 going to gel i:ood lleWRge.1 • W1de 11treets. a watt'I' supply and , that his drainage haa been taken I I care of. I I Once the hlghw1y picture hu been completed It wlll .. t up ris;ht· or-way• and million• of dollar11 will be saved ln condemnation proceedlng11 In future highway widening. Thi• le one of th' Jobe the commlNion la dolng. Plannera allO have drawn up a muter plan for cout line (level- opment from San Clemente to Seal Beach. The cities have harmonlz· ed on moat laauu and the future ot our coairt line Merna brtght. The two bl&'(Ht every· day chor.1 of the commllllllon are to proceN uae variances and aubdl· vtalon mapa. A variance must be obtained by any person who con- templat.-a uae In a zone. In which lh• ordinance doesn't permit It. SHOW HAJlDSIUP HASD ASD HAS O I The commtMion and staff work j hand and hand wllh th~ building department, flood • controlef'3 and 1 rooad department. More and more the ll(hool dis· lricta are looking to the comml11· 1 11lon to 11pot 1Ultable Jocat1on11 for 11<:hools. Tentative subdivision maps are u11e to compile the ap-· proximate number of student.II to expect from any certain arell. All tentative 1mbdlvislon map11 go to the tire marl'hal: EvPry ap· pllcant for an lnd1111trisl ui1e mnst clear with lht• air polh1Uon con· trol board, thus cutting down on the poeelblllty of amog. The comml1111lon atatr. under di· rector Harry Bergh, recommends on all l11Sue11 except publlt hear· Ing matterw. Th e commlufon, made up of seven men ~;hn serve wHhout pay. 11llll as a quui JUdl· clal body and weighs t111e evidence end act.a. AD\'ISORV STAFF Meeting with the commlaalon on regular weekly Wednesday after· noon 11eHlons 111 an advll1ory 1taff composed of A. A. Beard of the flood control department, A. S. I Koch. road commlllllloner; and rep· reaentatlvea from the count~ coun- The applicant tor a variance iel, health and building depart· muet 1how a hardship la being ment offlcee. work~d on him If the application The current comml1alon fea- lan't rranted by the comml1111lon. t.ures eeven men 11elected by the On a conditional permit, the ap· county Board of 11upervl11or11. plica1't'1 use la preeumed to M Chairmen w .L.. Blrham and Wal- allowed and the aurr.oundlnf prop· ter Weimer repruent th!' fifth erty owners muat ahow the rrant· dl1trlct: Vlce·chalnn11n J ohn Otl· lnl of the permit would work a more and A. E. 1 Pat) A mold, hardship on them. It's the rcverM third dl11trtct; and Georire Raney. of a variance. 1econd dlatrlct. Taking a look 1l zoning 11tati11· Rounding out Bergh'• staff &re W AJTING -Indians sit or stand patiently for final, la.st-minute loading of their wagons. WAGON LINEUP -Drawn up into double line, Jn. dian wagon11 are ready for the command to "move out " tic• compiled by the commlealon'1 Hlllor plannent R.ay Reed. In staff. w~ note nearly 13.000 ~at· charre of land u11e admlnl11tr•t 1on dencr lots have been approved on dl'limon; Willia Warner, hNd C>f t-...llve !<Ubdlvlslon maps 10 tar th• land plUU1ln1 department; and this year In unincorporated county Forest DlcltUOll, chld of th• reitlon~. Only 16,000 lot.a wen muur planalJll. paa.ed b)' t.he planntra d1.1r1n1 U.. ACUona by the comm1M1on art In ________________ ""'!"'" _______ _ entire year of 19M. UM tonn of rwornmend&Uona to For the 1'7-month pertod. Juv-UM county boa.rd of wperv1110ra &rJ, 116', tll~ MA)'. ltM, the wtllch bu t.be-ftnal 1&¥· Kuwevtr. commt.eton apprond H&I .a. the .u~80nl •ldom overr1dt Farmer ·McCcl'be Writes e. e f11r lnduatry. Durlnf the w UM com.ml"kll'I Oil majOT' 111ut11. -------------------------llpul a total of 11111 Mftl ..,.. ll&alpMJB COftt.enda lhere'd k ~ .;.no Jor reeld•Ual ocmAnle-dlMa la ~ County ""1lhout lien. Commerd&l 908Jnl a\4 • U. pnltMlr tuncuontnc of the com· '61 edlaatJ acrM. atsmon llec:auM ot lllcompeUbl• 8o flar UU ,-., ..,. tMa -.. el ....._ 'ften'd be no protec· runl -t)' ._.. Mft -... ..,. U.. tw Ill t mta. nie wntu edfW ....................... July. Our J:'prbe&n1 WU% real good traders history reveala. BEN ft.IIDDl'CK. PUBUBRl!R the depths of Ule cllp!'Ulllcla, ..., Thil Iii 111erely more ntdeace tomewhat ~c lrl Ill word1nC that lhe •tin Dlmnond Ad. tar u the aipec:illcat.lonl w1Ucll fta• milk Jll"I<* ai.o.. thl ____________ ... _____ ..., _____ _ aplnlt ctt.oounta. under UM count• amoant ~ iltorN cu~"' ro,, er dMla, and MCret nbat• were and co.ta UM people ot cautorala They bought Aluka and the Louisiana purchue fer practically nothtng, and they even bought M.anh&tt.Ul Island in New York fer ~t $24. How aome ever, th• tndin ability, aa good u it waa, t.al<e11 a back eeat to the Veterans of today cawie they can buy a $18.000 home fer nothing down . thirty yeara to pay. with a dlabwuh•. a 1tov~ and a garbage grinder throwed in free ••. and. By Grannies, tb~ve earned every rent of it. WJU 10( A. MOU:S, Editor OIUiO?m E. ROUNTRD. Advertbins Dir.ct.or CRA.RL1:8 A.. AR.MSTRONO, Mechanical lapermi.dent coettrned. mUllOlla ot doD&n ~7. lboUld WHOSS B~f ... junbd cmee Ud fOt ah .u llllt• But, .wboR bultn .. la It, otJwr liar acta ,_ .. .._ U...... • Ill tMa Ule lllllk dUtrib\IUq CIOD• otlMr ....... Of Ule •IOft. G~ Roots. Opinion MOU!ft'Allf a"rr, Tl:IOf., TQM••AWK: -UDdlr fr....sc. ta.,.,.. fll *'. ,,., .... ... • ... . \ .. Farmer KeCabe ... ._...ewe* • H G J LAMINATED "SHOP GROWN" I ome anti aruen1111E1S COMING INTO USE -- AFTER -Looking up from the swimming pool In foreground. the 55-ft. drop f rom the house to the pool hardly ~ma any distanc~. Many kinds of vines are planted in the bean straw behind the wire support and will eoon cover the face o! each t.er- r&ce. -Staff Photo HILLSIDE BECOMES . GARDEN BOWER AT MALCOLMSON'S Local Landscape DeslCJner CCII"' 1es Charmlnci. Terraced Corona Garcien Almost mag1cal transformation of a crude hillside into a tumbling gardea, charmingly terraced bu been accom- pU.hed at the John Malcolmson home, 308 Hazel Drive by Michael J. Rotunno, landscape designer. • Fifty-five feet below the two story pink house which crowna tbe top of Haul Drive, lies an emerald green swim- mini' pool Mt In a ~· ter-fountain or bf!auty ot the rocks. race. Tb• prden tumblee down Alt.hough the face of the cllff (la. .... ., die ....,,. A. ~. tat .... ,. ... .,. .. , ...... by rupe. •r--..• down th• aJJn09t vertical JIU'du. Drl'al04'1Z Woml OllftltnlcU• of th• rarcten .,... an el\fUlffrinl' feat a ccompllahed by RotWUIO. It took a.11 baiid labor and ca.ret\&l planNnf to cane the l'la. been comple tely tra.na!orm9d by Rotunno'• Ingenuity, lhe ter· rarn are ao .klllfully dulgned. they give the f wllnf of being part of nature'• work. The aelectlon and plartn..z ot pl1tnls togl'thl'r w1Ut their colo1in~. give a frf'llng of motion and harmony. )llli.tde Into a prtkn bowtr. rrs EASY P'lnt a pproach wu to terrace - MONDi\Y, JULY 4, 1955 NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I~ PAGE 6 w A.TERF ALL -Rotunno checks rnany herb plant.a in the waterfall rocks. Together 'llrith the tiny etream of water, the plants tumble down the rock waterfall. Steps going up to the path which criss crosses the terrace, rise behind the landscape designer. -Staff Photo Shaffer, Shapero Homes Sales Told Sale of lhe home at 43e Seville St., fonnerlY owned by Robert Sllaffer of Pboentx, to Thomu G. Tupman an'.1 tht home or Mr. and Mn . W . H. Shapero, 1738 MJrani&r Drh"e, to Mr. and ltra.. GN>rsa P. Pro111. are announced by Sandy F. MacKay. Tb• 8hapero1 are moving t o Chicago. ~ Kk Cla.ullled DI.splay for out- •-.ilW' ... -4• ala. dlnr bargalna ln ~d cara. f<e~d'l Mixed Concrlll' the blllalde after It b&d bftn clear- ~ ol un~rbni•h. Jt bad to be don• by band, dtrstnc ttom the t op down. Thtre are four terraces lletween the hbun and the pool. After the tint rough contoure were cut out, redwood poetAI were •t In a.Ion&' tbe pathway. W ire fe:nclnr wu etrun1 .,.a.!Nlt t he face of ~h terrace and been •lraw t ucked In behlnd to aupport Ut• ee.rt.h. Plant Advice for Seashore Garden Told BEl.-ORE -The rough hillside which tumbled down behind the Malcolmson's home looked like thia before it was transformed by Rotunno's artistry. la ...... of *lie 0..-S .....,_. We Are llalllllK IE"'7 ........ r.:non &o a.IW) *lie· N..a. ., Ou Orowtms Ot--t)'. ror ONeroee -o.a tJa. .. BUILT-Of RRnt.1%1:R ~ r1ch In nHroren. the bean •lraw Lmmediately at&rted to fer· UllA th• JT'OUnd ao that when planttnr waa oesun about al11 mont.lu after th• landacaplng wu •tarted, plant. a ctually sprang Into bloom. The ltr?M:• were -.>led with water when completed to settle t."lem. Pathways are pink con· c,..t.e wtth 1111\all pink atones hand- rolled lnto Ula 1umee to ,.ive It a more natural quality. 8tepa were topped •1th flaiatone. Col- orNl rock waa uftd aa atep rtffra. P'Ot;!ll'TAIN Mt;8JC 'l'Ucked Ullo t.he bottom comrr Of lht tetTaCe Mlll lo the atep11 ta a tount.aia which tumbles throup n ch\)' colored r o c k 11. )(an)' herbe a re hlcked Into crev· ,._ ot Uie fount&Jn. Being 11mall, U\e herb plant.a do not hldt t he CONCRETE Satisfaction POUR IT THE EASY • WAY AND SAYE e • --.4 HaYtt '" almpllfy you.r t'OllC:n't• "'ork .. 1111 a loe4 of pftdalon-b~ .......... pf'f'pared to fOU order at a .. ,1.,. u...,,, 1·221J BAY UA.Dl' llJX INC. • • • 711 w. 17tlt St. COftA ..... u:rlstllnlll Jltlornlla) p owa to 10 Thi! Pacific Ocean and NPwport (f'~t nt11I t1nPs hr11t In full sun with Buch afford many Cnlifomh1n,, 11n I plenty or ,,.111,,r. fl does i-spl'!'ially &rt'& of rPlaxntlon and playlimc. wrll elun~ Sulllhern Cnllfomla Here they build summer home1<, or roel!l~. The lcptMp~nnum ttea t ven homes for year 'round rcs1.-t t't'ell I, lonh'rra 1 honr\':<ttrkle\ anrt denc4;. and ~rre they plant trcC1'. the plllO!'l>orum c r n !1 ll I r 0 11 um llhniba 11~d gl\nlrns. (kero1 1110 al110 g ootl 11ea11hore Gardening on the 11ea11hnt"'. yo11 say. 1mpoaslble: Nol ot all. !'r~· local nul1\erymen. fnr thl'I e arr many shnJb11 a rlmlratih· s111ted fr1r seashore rond1Uon11: in far t. manr lhrlvt In l'ttrh <"llm~I<' <"orrfle 1r•r•. One of the best slln1bll for ,.,.,... ahore planting 11< th,. rn<"krost' trl11tu111 whirh 111 avallahlf' In 11111ny I •·nr1t'lles: the C"nm:onn,.rot . \\"hilt'. Whiteleaf. Ord1lrl a111I Do;-\s H •h· berson. ell irnm mg from t ht"'" to five f Pet. Taller i:-rowing rOC'k1011e11. Laurel and Brn\\"ll·F.\'t>rl. rrach ht'lghts o( she to "'fhl frrt. Coprosma or n;•rrnr plant I• al:oo a 1111u 11rertnry llNIAhON plMt I The roprosma baut'rl v11riet ,. &<'· hlP\"l'll a t~n fnot growth w11h 11 1 t1br foC"l 11prPatl Cnpro~m11 klrkll rrows In I\ lowPr mannrr th11n thl' bauerl o.nrt can be 1111elf all a g rnun•I CO\~r If pinched bnek. C'oprni.1113 petri!!! 11! A ereepf.'r -excellen l e:i 11 ground cover In llm1tert ore11~. P?lished. thlrk. lrath""Y lt•avi.t1 1 a.re a future &ltrartfon of lhf' j grtaellnta 11hrub1. K11p11ka '"Tl'er GARDENER'S CHECK LIST l . r1ant annual11 fnr 1111mmf'r color • • • ln a ·n r)· ahort tlmf' you'll be-f'njnyln( thf'm. ~. l'lanl -h11c1f' ,,...,., for i:nr<t~n "rllmllll' C('"lrol". Tbf'y"JI rnol an1I lwnollf)• e \ the aame llml'. ll. Cont r ul hi\• n m11t h-. anh and ear\\ I ~'· 4. •·,.rtlllrA" la\\ n-and cut """ n DRAPr:Rrr;S -CPHOLSTP:Rl!l.'O -S I.IP CO\"ERS \\'ALL PAPF.R -CAKl't:TISO COMl'LETE ISTERIOK DtX"ORATISO / LAMP LIGHT SHOP Harbor ll'?!l9 RESIDENTIAL.iNDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO.LARGE OR TOO SMALL ' -... M.. lC_,.n .._. Banor %511 cholcu . · L6c:al nurauymrn will ahow you many othrn. MESA' UPHOLSTERING Up110111.ertn1 a Or.pe,., 115U Nwpt. Blvd., C:()llt. lleee Ubuty l-47lll ROBERT WELCH'S READY MIXED CONCRETE IUOa~w..., OOllTA Kll8A U 1-1111 QldneJ • 8"7 •JIA Hwa~ aet.. Les. Ml• FORBES luHder PHO!io"I: BAJUIOR 1101 ARCHITECTS Members of American Institute of Architects J. Herbert Brownell William 18lurock Philmer J. Ellerbroek Raymond Kent Hervey Frederick Hodgdon G.eorge Lind Rich~er · GLUfD LAMINAT(O HEMBERS, GIVE CLEAR SPA.N, .e..FFOQ.O ING GQE.AT STRE.Nt;TH 1'"T l.OWE.R COST. COMPL.lTt &v!LOING VTU .. ITV DEl.IVUltD TO JQe ~ITE FQOM t1!l PER. SQ.fT. .OR COMPl.ETEl.V iRE.CTE.O. INCLUOING SLA.t>, PAOM ti• ~R . ~Q. n . FOR COMM£.RCl.a.L. FJ.~M ~ INOVSTRIM. U!t. ~ IN .W. CllUI'. Amertea la puttinC a new kind of root over It.a b-.d. . The UM of clued lam.lnated thllbw ooutniction ll lncruaing, aceo~ to local lumbeQnm. - ThrM out ot tow-zww chun:hM and tboQMPda ot 8Choo1-. home., ltore., .upermarketa, auditori· uma, theatn., f .. riee and wareboUMI now exhibit architectural fonu of "abop crown" Umbers. • Dry Cltlllllll .. Glue lamln.ation fre4!8 wood from Umltatlona of a1.M f)r lhape. OrdiDary thlckn--. and lenctha of lumber are glued together, face, aide, and end, to create atructu.nl ZMmbera of any dealgn delired by the architect. hy me can be produced, the only practical llmJtatJoa being the awdmwn dimenaiona that can be handled ln tran.port. • J..auclerla1 • Fur 01eea1G1 and atorap "SltlCf! 1911" Th• memben are made 1tra11bt. tapered or curved to order. In aome plant operations, lamina- tion• are drawn into one end of a machine and the laminated member emergee at the other end in a contlnuoua ribbon, which 1-cut to desired lengthJI. Ill Mal'1Df', ftatboa llllud tlOI Ko. M tlallta AAA • -Jt p&)'• lo ruG UI• want ada. . .JAMii D. RAY General Contractor & Builder MO Clou\ Blvd. 8.A.CR.A.Mi:NTO,-(CNI )-The c:ontra.cton at.ai. llcea.M board an· nounc.d that Kounrtv and War· neclle. ~1 8&n Bem&.rdJ.no Ave., Newport Bea.ch, hu qua.lltled for a_1~neral bu1Jdtn1 contra.cton II· cenae, wlilch wm b4I t.uued unl- protfllt u filed before July 20. CORONA DEL lilA& PHUSY: H.\RHOR '111 TeWl•kle War1hon, eo.ta M .... OOUncllman· C. W. _i REMLEY & DAVIS PAINTING CONTRACTORS BF..SIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL . TeWIAkl• June 24 took out a bUild· Inf permit for a 11800 warehouM at 1809 Newport Ave .. Colla Meaa bu.Udl.nc department reoordl abow. Boster CoJ:ultnicUon Company S. contractor. OALL BAJuw& tT61 FOR ESTDlATE, WITHOUT C'HAJllGm W--L BA' MA 81.\'D.-LU.BOA llA'l'TUUU ao.t. -Bomee -TNDen mec-aau a.pee LlbertJ 1-lSOI MAX W. POPE .Inc. COSTA llE8A llAT'l'Jl&SS CO. llM Newport lllT4. WATER UATER8 SALU. SU\'ICl -4 UPAllS "We A.rrange FinuclDg" Sf'n1n1 All Oran(" Couoty }011 P~~!of J IU'!SIDENTIAL e COMMl:RCIAL e Df:n:1,0P~t:ST tuWI It Ka ctNl OOWM "'°.. He.-., UlO 401 Bo._ Ave. laa\ off Hpt.. BIYd. at 15U. A N e~·port Beach l.lberty ll·Ull I FOR YOU You receive an cittractive, guaranteed Trove.I Alarm Clock free when you open your new savings account of $1,000 or more. A handsome genuine leather billfold (either man's or lady's) is yours free when you open your new savings account of $500 or more. ACT TODAYI Offer is limite4 one to each new account. Expires July 31, 1955 1. heh occovnt It In.ii~ to 110,000 r, the h4erol Sovln91 ond '"" l11t11r0flce (Of'PC)f'Otioft. 1\ 2. Now. you re<elft ..,,.,.... dlecla 4 "-o .,._ 911 yow '""'old Certiflco'9 ~ AccollM ... Morch 31, J11M 30, S.p,.,..i,., 30, ond, In ....,. few nellt °""""9. O.U:••r 20. I . Y ovr occount """ >~' """"'· Qlf'Nflt .,..tty rote. Tllat't ot "'UCh ot 250 " -· ~ "'°"Y etfl.r ~ ltwtfM4ont pcry. '· y._, -.y -by -· ••. -pcry PGl'°9e botti ways. J . .,_,.,_ °" yovr ~ toYlfltt o«ovnt It ~o""de4 -1-uolly. ~lly odded to,_ occo.llt. 6. LI l9y "'-•""'"' of ..... friefldly tcrY1ftti Int~ ••• c.n Mel0'1•"'r1oc-e11y -"*'· leeehe y..., Pree etftf 0.-y..., ...... Am .................... o,.. .... , ~ ,.,., ''" . -.. ........... .... "'"ht. 31% INTEREST Open ~, , .. , 9, Only-'100 AM .. ai00 PM 1172 .... ,_. llvtl. • Cot ....... Cellf. • Uberty 1-Mt1 ,Al;t ~ • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS , .. Board Sworn . MONOAY, JULY ... 1955 in• Y•de"ort tee bn which Tom Norton wtll aho t erday momlnr after bll car .i~ll cun-ed, tJle patrol reportect -"• Mlle r1der NCldenly -en'td I& K..a police d•pa.rllnfllt, oely flV9 aerve. Mra. Karri will be c:balr· a Ufbl pole al JUveraide .Ave.'\4'.nd Raymond C. ~t. 14, Santa Ana. front of h.1• auto. Re Mid h• wu ~ or •Pff'JIAC and no per.on&J m&n ot t.M pubic rel&Uon.t ccm· CoaM ffic1away, police aaid. Ho-.topped to ttloa.d a boat whtdl bad unabM to atop In Um• l~ avo6d Injury acddent.A .. ttlnl on lhe mltt .. whlcll "8 oompoeed alilO cl Mid be wu drivtnc eut on Cout fallen off a lrailer hi.I pickup truck lllrik1nc t.be 7'C)Uftptw. bk>tter. • • Rites T1esd1y DEATH Nonc1 Named Chai1111CM Vandenolt. llllbW&Y but cl'4 not r.menlber wu pulliJ\I. 8atu~ a.nd 8Ulld&y el u. ------------ Nortoo wU1 c'bal.nDu UM per· lbe acc14-t. Other drlvuw lnvolved _,.. week~ boUd.a1 hardl7 ........,,_, IOIU\el commtU• and ti. UIAated A the-car pU~up on Brook.hunt Helen "-MltcMll, .a, and °"' lb• committee bJ Mn.. Kar(t. A.v .. about 600 feet IOUth cl er.-O.Ory. n.ornu ffosue, I•. both .::.,,.iiiiiiiiiiiiaiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii&l'OWldiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitMiiiiiiiiiONiiiiiitaiii A . .A.. BamtJt.oG wt11.,. clWrm&a ot cent ..... 8allta Alla. late rrtday ot Gardm Orove. • lb• planntJ\I and acqw.tUoa com-alleraooe reailted In the lnJW')' U'OO~ 801' HIT The city'• new park. be&eil and I J B H d reautlon commtaalon wu 1wom Or I I Y or..oaoE ... PEIUlfN& • • t , In at. lta t1111t n-meet.Ing Tuu - • BervicH tor George F. Perkin., day night In city hall. C. E. Van-Colnty 1111111 _ 11, of lf4~ ,NewPon Blvd,. Cott .. dervort wu elect~ c:balrman by ft eM, Who ~ .J-1 n1day, at the ~p. 1IOe. Frank-.c&rfl wUJ Servlce1 wlU be held 'l'Uffday at Patton Hoeplt&I, wtU be htld W~-be HCret&J')'. m1U" Md wtll bt ~ 11..Y Ra of UU-penaaa.. ,......, l'°°8er, 11, HU 'N9- 8"ftdt anc1 Btank'Y w Th• 1Dl8.unr UJ caua ua A .... o.et.a x-. ...uwe.s • JO a.m. for Joel B. l!l&Ad)'; Ti. n.a-n.eeday at i p.m. In P&r'k ... Rfd»y Ma.YO" Dora Hill eitl>laJnE'd Lm- t 1ve 10n of Oranre County and Mortuuy Cbape.I wtlh Walter C. portance of th• co!"miMlon 10 the early Harbor tioo.ter, wtlo rwlded ,,uk, Santa Ana. readlnr Mlected city after the city m&nag t r 1tad al hi• Villa Park R&nch aea.r ~ .crlpturea. lntennent will be In awom &a the new comml.uton"NI· an&"'• and who dlt!d at Onuise Ha.rbor Rut Memor1al Cemetel')'. The •miulon famillar1ud It· County Ho.pit&! Thuraday alter-A native of Cairo, Neb., Mr. Per-eel! w1lh operaUona and "t up noon tollowtnr a Ions lllnHL Be klni came to C&llfoml• tn UHO rive commltteea. lt took no actlorf W&JI a pioneer retldent Of i.-.una and had lived 1n C-Oeta Me• the on any matters. ~· Sherrill Beach. put two and one·h&Jf yean. He will chalrrn&J? the tillanc;e eomm1t- maintenance and Im Pro • • mt!nl lulferlJ\I minor lnJuri• •-trKtund boft• ln hta ltft hand committee wUl be cll&tnnaned by La-.e I:. Moore, II, and ftobett _. ......._. Tb!Wllday ....._ IN YantMnort wltll lladtl.id al.a &t••• Moore, a~. both ot ton wu lt.nadt by • car ap91"&ted by ....nnr with him. ~· ..... eo.t.a x-. ,,.91 R&)'Tl\ond v. Charette. aa. 1no Next res\ll&r IMltlq ot lbe __.. ridll\I wttb ftot1trt .A.. Moore, Federai AY'I., 009ta x-. Oft~ comm! ...... ill ~. July lt. 14, ot th• -.me add.rw. tin .... no feet north ot IOU\ Drlvw Dorce IM IJ&'hlloot. It, St.. California Hl(h-)' P&t.rol HOLIDAY Ml~ Cl~. a1.c> received aU1ht Hld. tnjun., ~· to th• p&trol. Tommy WU Nmhed to Hoq M r. Handy wu bom at 01'D19 wu a reUred ta.rmer. Dec. e. 1880, hll parenta b&vlnr He leavea hl• wife, Mna. Lydia STOCK REPORT a 1 rlv~<l there ln the l&eOI. HI• par· Perkin.I. home addreH; ha 10n1, e n11 helped to eeltle 8antlaro Val· Ralph E ., San Diero and Harold k!r They were rancher1. L. ol Lot Anr elee: hli d&n(hter, O.lllllite .._ .......... All the 1.QJuHd per90ll.I we,. ta.ken H.oeplt.aJ. C.'har'lltt• wu quoted u I.On. drtftr of one of the can, told to It. Jo.pit B<11pttal. ldllnc the.,,.trol that he wu head· Tbt dMU.11-r-.cttoa accident OC!· Id w•t on TuaUn ..... when the polic4o he wu .topped at the Inter--------------------------eecUClft watUnr I« the llAJ1IAl to Stn·icea wUI be ht'lo al Smith Mra. Clinton i. H arvey of Nt'bru- &nd Tuthill Mortuary -chapel, S.O· ka: hll brothers. Henry C. Perklna, ta Ana wllb the Rev. Jamu Stew-o~ey r:. and Everett c. Perkll\ll, art, putor of BL .Andrew• Pre• &JI or Nebra1ka; hit 11.ttera, Mra. byterlan Chureh. officiating. In· Cl&rence Catron, San Diego and t•rment wtll be at Fairhaven Mr1. M"'rrell Wilton, Idaho: eighl Cemetery. gnu1dchlldren. 8P08T8P1811EllMAN ~----~---~-~ N!w PONTIAC O..tUMIH no. Fin& hp chan.-wMn b4 wu ltnao& fr'onl ors ot ttber(lua UMd In t.lle field behbld by • car. BALTZ MORTUARIES of vibration control a.nd JUld~ &EA.a &ND CJILAU· 009TA MDA CBA.Pmt. CHA.PEL BY T~ 8li mt1111l1.1 a.nd the Strandcot~ Corp., Jl'raaca Klch&ll aoott of au lTU Bwperior ~venue ~20 1!. Cout Plvd. producmr reinforced plutlc1. Gunel, the ot.Mr drtYer, l&id he eo.ta K.-. calif. Corona del Mar, Caul. Former executive vice-president tried to bnk• ht. car In time to ftoDe Ll:bert;J 8-Wl Phone H&.rtlor u ot Sil'rracin Corp., atcond J"rgeat a90ld the accident and 1truclr the ~;;;;:;:;;:;:;;::;:;;:;:;;~==========;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::~ producer In tbe natlcn of optlca.lly Bartella car 1n th• rMr. - t~e lichar~ Beeso1 COmp·any · A rancher all hi. life, Mr. HQJ\dy crew cltrua and a vocado produce. He wu a very ardfnt 1port.Arl1h· ennan, ownlJ\I hla own boat with which he took ma.ny broedblll and me.run. HI• flr'fl boat, Echo, W1YI a motor a&.ller, 111oored from 1918 to 1922 1n front of Balboa Pavi- clt'ar plutJc1, more rece.nUy he bu At Ba)'l&de Drtn ud Oout been active In tlbergl&IMI and r 'ln-Ri(hwa,y yellerday mornlnl two forced plutlr• and government contuMd drlve1'9 were unabl4' to contract and financial nerot1allon1 tell police bow tbelr can became OoaUDued from F1'9t Pare In the Ea.st. entanclt!d. Tuwell Bade• Nealon By becomlng·U1oclated recently ot Compton and Hllbert K. Brown· Highway. Locatl.on of the dealer-wllh Dee.n Witter It Co. he rejolna tnr J r. ot PIAJ&dena Mid they were Lallchcape DeslcJ• aad Contftlctloll 00'80N1 DmL llAJI l"llON'E 1LU.110A 111 lion. He la w rvlved by hl1 IOrtt, Bruce J. Handy, Newport &t!ar.h and Phllllp It. Handy, L&(una Be&ch; hla daurhttr, Mr•. Zelda Too Late to Be Claulflecl 1h1p wilt be be.tw«n J erry'• ntlng the firm with which he entered both comlnr tram the Mm• di..-~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ place and Hoskm and Soni Boat broken1ge work since it wu con-uon. P.-enpra Valeri• He.my •~ Work1. soUdalt<l with William C.\talier of 1807 E. Bay Front and Rfcbard The company Aid workmen ue Co. ln the late thirties. E, Yarter of Puaden&. both In aUll moving dirt to find out how lhe Brownlnr car, 11Utfered m1llor much depth th• property will United States factorlea produced lnjurld, police Mid. han . They H id there are about t ,192 p&J111tng·er cars In 1900, ac-J&mN Lee HomM, 18, of C&mp two more week• of work before din lo th N ti 1 A.ul p,ndleton wu taken lo th• c&nlp'a Baagry for GOOD FISH 'N CHIPS SURF FISH FRY 21 t O Ocean l"ront near Newport Pier they can detennlne the total area. cor g e a ona omo-. orr1c1a11 11id Carver la now bile Club. inll"T~ "; arnbW&aoe early Y... ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;::;::;::;::;::;:~~===========;;;;;;;;;~ working on plana for hl11 show- room and olher factl1tlu but hu --~!!!'!""""!""'""!""' ______ ,not yet 1Ubmltled them to Irvllle Co. for approval. Carvf'r wfll bulld h is own building, the com- pa.ny 1&ld. Construction and open· Inf time depend on how IOOn the excavaLlon cllfl be completed. Deluxe Apartment Hotel KIDDIES DAY EVERY WEDNESDAY 11 NOON 'TIL I P.JI. ANTJQUI: oaJt cofftf' table, maple . cricket cha.Ir 411: vanity table.- Harbor .3007. 73c H rr. PENN VAN outboard. Dou- ble cedar planked, gla.u~d. Ball t&Ak, motor, Mrlpped .fllah. tieck 1269. Ll 8 .. 882. 73c76 ti FT. MOTOR-Sall, made by Olde Towne Co. Corm., beautiful lin•. gl&INd e rt. deck, Dolu pontoona In hull. Bendix motor 411: aaU. '145. if eold thl1 wt!ek. Mooring" a vail. $6. per month. Harbor 1497-W. 73c75 Hunt, Lot .A.n(elet: 10 grand· children and 10 f?'Ht·gn.ndchtld· ren. While owner or ltcho h• har- pooned the la.rge•l maco lhark on record. Establlshed weight wu es- timate<! at 1200 lb11. He wu one of th• f irst men to bring a broad bill In on rod and reel. ca tching a 3M·lb. specimen IAllded at Laguna Be.ach. He owned the power cruis- er Dorelda. moored at Bay Shore• from 1926 to 1933. 8-1 bedroom, plus :Z 1tudloL On. laoome $17,000 to $18,000 )'eU. Large net, plo1 ewner'1 apartment. $26,000 down wUJ hudle. E Z terma.. Belt lncaffon cl~ to beach a shops. J. M. Miller Co. 2025 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 4091 "Fa-u. IA LLoo-rt·s I AL-a o ~ All Rides 6¢ FUN ZONE • lllDE8 BOUND 'l'llE BAT IAVI. SAFILY At Or.nte County's l.Hding Home Lending IMtltvtlon CONTINUING TO PAY PER ANNUM ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $10,000 Aft Accounts Opened On or Before The I 0th of the Month E•rn From the I st LAGUIA FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION Ht 0-A.- Plt-1 HT 6-ll7' LAGUNA BEACH ' C l: A4 5:1 ' 11 D DlllC.T .OIY &PPUANCES -Boa.eboW Parll. -OM.Iv -ll«Ylot UDO EJ.ECl'U() MM Via.....__...._.,.., .lUTOllOan..E D£ALDl8 H-and uaed ca.ra NICIU:BTZ 8TVDEB4MCS W.~Put· MH N_,..n ..._ -Bar. ate BANKS 8-k of A-"-NT a aA *" Via Udo T" lluW 1111 MRBER 8BOP8 UDO 811A. \'INO llUO la .._.'•8*9retorll• MJI V1a ...... -Buhr .... BEAV'l'Y PA&LOB8 UDO SALON or BUVTT MU Npt. .... -Bar. llTt 800U IM>Oll CASIC NllVlaUM-.....,MM CAllDWI a 9app11ee VINCENT LIDO DllU09 .... VlaUdo-..... - CABPETS a DBAPDUEI I DIO& lllA.OllE& wt Via Ud-llartlor tnl CATERING IUCllA.&D'S LIDO 11.&.am MU Vla Lido -~ Ull Clothlag-Chlldnna a lafuata IF.Rl'IS OF UDO Coming In AU(\11t • , H04 Nl'wpor\ Blvd. CLOTHING -lleD'I Betall BJDWELL'S 8BOP FOR llEN MH \'la Udo -1111.rMr ONI CLOTJllNG-Womea'1 8etal LA &&INS. MO Via lbaap llu'-MH LIDO rA8BIONa MMVla()pon.-..,._M"ll SBADDOOll'S M1J Via Udo -..... ..,, VAOA.llO:ND BOUR Imported 8portawear NllVlaLMe-Ban.ltN Mr. Ha.ndy ia Cttdlted .. being one of the group wh.lch helped on dredging of Newport Harbor. Hl1 boat Echo -.. ooe ot the !lrat ve.Hla oper"tlng out of here. He bought her ln 1910. In 1908 he built one of the flrat house• in La· runa &acil and •t.a.rted a nuntry tht re. ~:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::=:::==!...~::a:::::==============================~~~~~~~~!!!!!!~DBUGSTOBEa VINos.NT'S LIDO Da009 ... 1 Via Udo -llAltler MOI 4 '7-Wantecl to Rent WANT APT. on or near bla.ch w'\lh prtvai.. bath. kitchenette for. 1 or 2 w~u. July or Aug. Write Box J -98. th11 peper. 73pH --------~---w ANTED TO RE.NT .I bedroom f urn apt. or hou.e for S pt!rma- nent rHtdent1. Referm«•. LI 8-2995 or Mr. Clark, 1000 W. Balboa Blvd., apt. 6. 73p7t FOR RENT-<:orona de! Mar 2!124 Suview. T\Jro bedroom. Block f rom bay. '6-0 per WMk to Aug. 16. 73c74 61 ST. LIDO LOT on Mentone. ua.ooo. H&rbor 0221. 1ac1a 2 OF 'PHE CHOICEST LOTS left on U do. 40 tt. on <Hnoa It 00 fL R·S .on Lido Soud. Call Mre. Edith Ahren., He.r. 0191 or write 115 Via San Remo. 73c87 While a Vlll& Pa.rk NU\Cher be wu one ot those who found~ the Centni.1 Lemon 11.1\d Orange Auo- clatlon which conatructed what at that tlm~ were th~ two l&r(e.llt pac.kinr houau In cltrua areu. He waa one cl the originators or ll'ie _ tlrat dam In lbe area. the M.ancow O&m, on the elte or the preeent Sanllqo Dam. H e wu a conatant worker tor con&ervatlon ot waler, la.nd reeourcu and beach art-as. Mr. Handy was one or the fir.Ill In the county to urre ellmlnatlon ot d..ep plowing and Ulllf of cover plant.Inc. In eurf coruiervallon he fought erection or pier• and jetUea along oounty beache1 where tht'y would UbdtTCut and dutroy beachM through interference wilh the na- tul'Cll flow of water. LOCKERS IPllOlAL -Lockers (app. 126 lb. l $7.7~ yr. WI: FEATURE SEU:t;TF.D PRM .ad CHOICE MEATS tll -IOth 8t. NEWPORT BICA.CR B&ltlor 0'118 ' BALBOA by Open 10 a.m. DINNER SERVED from 5:00 p.m. DANCING NIGHTLY ROSSI with all the Gourmet Accompaniments WHEN YOU WANT GOOD ITALIAN DINNERS hto ROSSI CAFE c ......... 0 .... 0-. • ..,. ..... 1180 II' . pipes that Twin . COMltNI TOUI NIW OfMIOlll' PUICKASI Wint YOUI VACATION PlAHSf 0. ... -0. ........................ ~ II .. et .... ,._ i. "'"'· Midi.._, -"'-"" t.wlll, H ,._ like, ..... •1 .. .,._. lie••· Ch•ftt ....... yov'tl ..... I -··· .... ...... " ..-w ..... -..... _.., pltlY sweet . ' 'Yl't itS ic · ChevroletS "Super Turbo-Fire V8"With 180 hp. You can spot this one by the twin tail- pipes. No matter what you drive, you're going to see twin-exhaust Chevroleta pulling away-in traffic, on the toughest hiUs, on the long straightaways. .•• Unless you ha\'e a "Super Turber Fire VS"• of your own. And then you'll know what it's like to pilot the car that 11eta the pace for everything else-and doe&n't pause \o read the price tap! What makee the Super ecat? Chn- rolet.'1 auperb valve-in-heed V8, with the abort.est stroke ln the induatrJ, th• mo.t J>O"NI' per po9nd, and the ~ 12-volt electrical l)'atem in ita field-all thia plua a four-barrel carburetor and free-breathin1 twin exhau1t.a. t Want to 1&J11ple thi1 silk-lined cy- clone? Juat five ue a e&ll, any day thia week.. and w~·u be proud to lhow you ju1t how hot a VS can be. •o,i.to-i ., .,,.. ....,. t SC4ito. '"'°" ~ ._. -,&e -.\eut ,,.,_. -----·······--.:. ...... ______________________ ..._ _______ ·····--····-··------- MILLER CHEVROLET COMPANY. .. (CLOSED 'l11t8DA YI) 1000 West. Cwt H~w., NIWPOIT llACH ELE01'810 OONDIAGTOR8 UDO Eu:craJO MH Via Ude -....._ '11'7 FLOWJ'.118 =-'J'aalle~C. MUVa.u..-...._uu FOUNTA.IN, GRILL VINOICNT'I UDO DatJOA NftVlaLMe-........ numaALBma osa•• anr 8'1'1TDI09 N.ll Via Udo -......... FURNll'U&E Droll llA.CltU MIO Via Lido -..,._ tlll GUT S:ROP IUOllARD'8 LIDO 11.ut&ET MU V• Udo -Raner llH IN81JRA.NCE AGEN'n W. O. BUO&. INO. NOtVlaUdo-a.......6"4 INTERIOR DECORATORS BLANCID! Ft1L&Kll80N A..l.D Mii Vla Udo -llarti. 111' DIC& llA.Cll&& Wt Via Udo -llarW U%1 DON CREIGHTON A. L D. 11..-a lmporte IOO Vla 11a1aca -...,._ U!T llARU:l'8 RIOBARD'S LIDO lllAAl[ICT MH Vla Udo -Ban.r 11121 PHOTOGRAPH STUDIOS Of:IUIAllDI' 8TUDIOl!I Ull Via Udo -llMtter 6.ot BEAL l:STATJ: LIDO ILEA.I.TY A880CIA Tr.a Udo Slllet It Renta.11 MOO VIA IJdG -Han. 6"6 P.A.. P.U.M:l:lt rNO. UH vt. Ude -~ I.Mt voor:L OOMPM'Y Ult VIA Udo -Hart.or tt'fl BAY .4.1\"D BEA.CR a.r:ALTY Via Udo Bride• Otftce 11 ll ....,.a,.ett.e -....,._ ...., SAVINGS a LOAN , A8SOOLU'IONS NEWPORT BALBOA 8A. VINGe A LOAN A.880ClA.TIOll' A Savings lnfiltutlon Lons Tum Home Loan.I .,_ Via ....._ -Raner UOI SERVICE STATIONI UDO RJ('RFIT.l.D . NU Nl'wpor\ IU•~. 6117 SHOES -Mea'1 BID\\'l':U~'8 MTOllF. P'OR lf1:l'f un \'la Ud6 -llArlMw .,... 8ROF..S, WOMEN ..,_.,. of Callfontla 'M10 Via Udo-RA ... m:EATBES LIDO THEA TllE :. Con•ult th.41 ptiper for prosn111 Vla Ud1J at Sewport ..._ llM'bor tll t l'OYS UDO TOV~'D uu ,.la Ud• -Bart.er .. TRAVEL ACENCIF.8 HARBOR TR.A VEL AGENCY M.16 N_.port Blv4-Bu. UM UPHOLSTERING DIC'k MAC'kr:R N !O \la Udo -...._,, tm WINDOW COVERING nu; ~HADE AHOP x... .. ,...on ... • I ' Yoo live in the United Statea of America. You arc an American. Real Americana like their country. They are proud of it. They think it ii a good place to live. And they want to keep it good-to keep it getting better and better au the time. Why ia America the way it is? What make1 it a good pla.oe to live? lbc answer is simply this: Throughout our history most Americana have believed that every person bas certain Tlghu and dutk.r and re1ponsibilitiu. Americans have believed that there are certain things that people .should do, and other things they .should nor do. 11lCY have also believed in certain things that people are, and an not. Tbeae things that people believe are called pTinciple1. This book ii an attempt to state the Principles of Amcri~ in -aimple,,pripr fuhion so that you can understand them, le.am them, and remeniber them. Thia ii important. It was because earlier Americans be- lieved in these principles and guided their lives by them, that America hu grown to be the good place it is. If all of ua learn and remember these principle1-if we also guide our live. by them-then wo can help to keep ~growing better, and better, and better .. . And if we follow these Principles or America, we can kip mab the world a better pl&co .to live in, too. - 17re Principles of America are these ••• L Each Person is of Importance and Value as an lndividua.I. Tb.is is I.be comentooe ••• the foundation of all our other beliefs 1n a person's right to live his own life, to speak for himself, to moo. and c:hange his leaden. From it comes our hatred of those "isms" under which the Individual bu JIO value or importance as a pn-sorr. but Is only one of many unimportant people who have to live the way their lead«a Cd.I them to. Coming directly from that first principle arc two other principles that arc also part of the foundation of Ameri- Qnism. 2. We Believe that All Men should Enjoy Per- sonal Freedom. 3. We Believe that All Men are Created Equal. It la worth noting that the Declaration of Independence u- preued tbe belief that "all men arc crl'Ott'd "'lual.'' II did not state or imply a belief that men dl'vl'lnp equally or ha\e equal oblllty, or that they should ever be forced to an exact equality of thought. apeec.h or material possessions. That would be equality without frudnm. Americans have always bclicwd the two should go together. From tbcdaysoftbe Declaration of Independence and the . writing of the Constitution, Americans have known thaa even though Life, Liberty. and other unalienahlc rights arcgrantedto.maf\ by his Creator, they require some pro- tection by man himself. · So, in our Constitution. and in other laws of our land. there are set down principles to protect the rights and free- doms and equality of individuals. And these principles pl~y an important part in keeping Americ.a a good place m which to live. 4. The Right to Freedom of Speech. - This includes freedom of the press, of radio, of mollon pictures. of every mcam by which man may express his thought.' on any subject. • I. The Right to Freedom of Assembly. lu we believe in the right of individual acuon, so we believe that individuals ahould be free to act together for the benefit of all. Th.is IS Democracy. 6.. The Right to F rcedom of Worship. Not only ii I.he ind1Vidual free to wonhip'u he will. but religions tti.m~w:a are Cree and equal ••• reprdlaa of thei.r da or their bdic(s. • • -OR .. 1. The Right to Security of Person and Property. Not just one, but three Amcndmtnl& to the Conatitution (4th, ~th and 14th) protect' against illegal search and aeizun. ~ loea of lif~ liberty, or property, without "due proceu of Law:· , . 8. The Right to Equal Protection before the Law. As individualJ arc equally important. so laws must apply equally to all, without •pocial privilegca for any partlcular individuals or groups. · 9. The Right to Freedom from Slavery. This ineludcs "the right to quit," for no' individual may be forr~d to work for anolher. 10. The Right to Petition the Government. The lcgalJy guaranteed rigbt of the individual to "petition the government for redress of grievances" is evidence of the Ameri- can belief that government is the servant. not the master, of !ht people. 11. The Right to Vote for people of your choice. . This is the individual's most potent wcapoo in the protection of his rights and freedoms ••• a weapon that to be effective must be constantly and wisely used. The Principles of America hold that every man has .•• l 2. The Right to a Good Education. 13. The Right to Live where he pleases. 14. The Right to Work where he wants to. 15. The Right to Join and Belong to an Organ- ization. 16. The Right to Own Property. 17. The Right to Start his Own Business. 18. The Right to Manage his Own Affairs. 19. The Right to Make a Profit or to Fail, depending on his Own Ability. There are other. similar rights of individual action which arc Principles of America, but all of these indi\ idual rights may be combined in these two broad principles ... 20. Every Man is entitled to Freedom and Equality of Opportunity. i i. Every Man may Earn his Living When, Where, and How he wan ts to. There are also Limitin!! Principles ... . Principles of individual/reedo11,.sometimes clash with those of individual equality. Therefo re our rights as individuals must be limited, and those limi1a11ons are themselves prin-• ciples. 22. The Rights of any Individual shall not interfere with the Equal Righta of Other Individuals. Your right to awing yovr anm •tOpl Wblr9 tbl OChlr-foUow'I nose starts. 23. The Rights ·of any lndividual shall not Interfere with the Welfare of th~ PcopJo as a Whole • Freedom o( speech dole not give the individual the ript • shout "fire" in a crowded theatre. 24. Every Individual owes Obedience to tho Laws under which he Lives. The individual has I.be right to talk against a law, to work and vote to change that law, but NOT to disobey that law, Principles that are Patterns of Behavior ••• Many of our ptiociples of individual freedom and equality arc guaranteed to us-by law. But we have other beliefs, other general rules of action and conduct that have grown to the status of principles. They have stood the test of time. They have worked. They have become a basic part of the way we live and of the way we look at things. These principles, too, are foundation• of Americanism. They arc u true, if not moni true, today than they were in 1850 or io 1750. If America stays free. they will still bold true in 2050. 25. Every Man shaJI be Judged by his Own Record. A man's family background. his ra~ or his religion. i.s not u important as what that man tumsclf can J o, for A.rnaicans boo licvc a man must stand on his own feet. 26. Every Man is Free to Achieve as much as he can. We believe that where any boy may become President, "'here any man may achieve greatness. lhcce is the greatest incentive for every man to do his best. 27. To Achieve anything, a Man should be Willing to Work. American' have always known that "you don't get something for nothing."' that to get anything takes a willingness to work anJ to work hard. 28. Achievement also Depends upon the Ability to do a Good Job. Add to "willingness to work" the ability 10 produce results and the combinallon is the baslS for most individual achievement io our country. 29. Every Man has the Right to a Fair Share of the Results of his 'Work and bis Ability. Bccuu..c or this belief. America has not only produced mon gr•0<ls, but they liave btt.n more fairly and more widely shared by more people than in any other country. 30. Security is the Ability of a Man to Provide for him self. The only true o;ec•1rity for any individual is the opportunity, the ah1Jity. am/ thr drterminuti<111 10 work and plan and MIYC for his own pr~nl and future. Sclf·reliancc 11 vital to individual in· depcnJcncc and pcr~nal freedom. No man can be "proud and free" 10.ho dcpcnd5 on other~ for his security. 31. When an l11dividual cannot Provide his own Security, the Responsibility should be Assumed by Others. We believe that no one should starve, or be without adequate clothing and shelter, so those who have more than their buic nccda share the reapomibility of providing the cueotiala of 5CICUtity fM lh09C who need he!P· Printed 01 a Public Serflc:e by I • ' t -·-_.. ... _ 32. Every Individual must Deal Fairly with other Individuals. itoamy, fair-. and .,..,... lntecrfty .,.,. virtuel that help flw wS ...,_odl!lt lndMduaJs rt along 1rith each o ther with- oat lolia& ~-~ .. 33. Fair and Free Competition is a Good Thing. Au•..._ haw always beUeYed that oompetition amona in- dMduala OC' poupe encounf11 ,,_w c«ort which in tum ~pea• ~la to all 34. Cooperation among Individuals is Vitally Important. hamDn' ~ has said: "The freedom to compete vigorously accompamed by a rcadillC."S 10 cooperate who k· heartedly for tbe performance of communit Y.and national func· tion1, togelhcr make our system the mMt rroduct1ve on earth.·· Prin~ipies of Individual Responsibility ••• freedom for individuals carries with it an equal responsi- bility to me that freedom wisely. Therefore. if we wish to remain free, we must faithfully fulfill our responsibilities u free men. 3S. The Individual is Responsible for himself and his Family. He must procec:t them and provide for their present and future wdl·bcing. 36. The Individual has Responsibilities to the Groups of which he is a Part. He must give of Ii.is best to his community, his church. his em- ployer. his union, and to every group in which individuals co- operate f~ thck mutual benefit. 37. The Individual has Responsibilities to his Country. He must be an active citizen. interesting himsclf in local. sllltc. and nationaJ government, voting wisely, thinking and speaking and actini to pmierve and strengthen freedom, equality and opportunity for every individuaJ. 38. The Individual has Responsibilities to the World. Man's borizonl have e~. What happens in the world aJrecu him. aod bis actiona can aJfect the world. Today, there- fore. each man bu a ~bility to act-na to encourage his country to ac:t--so that freedom and cooperation will be encouraged among the people and the nations of the world, For America's Future Most of us are still confident of ourselves and of our coun- try. We do not claim perfection. But we have faith in our ability to move forward, to improve, to gro~, to provide mo~e and more individuals with more and more of every- thing they want and need in life ... tfwc, the people of the United States, want to have more material benefits, we must believe an and follow these two principles~ 39. The only way we can Have More ts to Produce More; and 40. As we Produce More, we must make it possible for More and More -People to Enjoy that which we Produce. If we, the people of the United States, want to have a better life, spiritually as well as materially ... 41. We must stand firmly for our Beliefs, our Rights, our Princ""1es. WALT WIUTMAN, writing nearly 100 yea.rs ago, put it this way: -J'hen II no week. nor day, nor hour when tyTanny may no t .,ta upon thla CIOWltry If the people l0te their supreme con· ldimc:e in thamdYel ••• " Tberc arc those who would chjp away our confidence so that their special brand of tyranny might creep into Amer- . ica. They must not suoc:ccd. So, let us ask of every plan, or act. or idea ••• 11 it With or Against the Principles of America? "' . ~. I I PAGE 2 -PART II -NEWPORT ~ARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, JULY 4, 1955 OCC Graduates Prepare to Enter Many Fields, Continue CoHege H--Relp Wuted W A NT up. houu k~~r for pn .. houi.e work. ~reonal waahtnr A 1ronln1t ~ hair d•y• a Yl>eek . l l.2~ hr. Har. 1968 73c7~ LOST-Brown balld tooled purM. .. 'billfold. pa~r.. It about 111·$1:>. Kel'p mnney, rttum pur11e1 to Mu . R. D. Stoku, H S• So. Flower. S~ta Ana or call Kl The lt:S:S vaduaUns due of the remainder will enter a wide 3•8011• 7lci 3 WANTED CLEANING woman Orans• Cout College tncludea variety Of field•. v«1th referrnrt'• 2 d11ya a wHk. _ . Tbe 118 occWJ19U.al __,.... Year u oun<t )ob. C'all Harbor •:~den-. .,,.,..d '°-,.a.r llWl1 ~ve J>uraued_eoUe tr*lnin(_ In Z!p ~hc!!l!t~if • _ ULbd~·tt.11 .12 a.ru1 l o'c.JS'Ck .. ..,. ....... _,_oecuplUoflil::'.)Mlfllllt•.-Oltf.« 1tt1muou.-~1 -rt~•~ . ~. '73p1& a total ., 118 flave m.Jored lft teen have ~en ~rial majotw C·ONTRACTQRtt OGRAPH•n two-year tocupationa.1 eurrlcul· In(! the olheni have ~n tralMd &-• 1 ,.., a.oomc a.TIO~I Sl!:C'IU:TARY ·STEN · ....... wni. aa tollowa: 'IOCatl<Jfta.l ftur•lnf-~ ~ n l" w1UI 1horl)land. Somo\ knowl· 1• I t h I 13 16c f'<l"'f' of rt<'<'rd• dnlrable for .-.. e-1lUd6n. t.a have >-·n nre.· '" petro eum ec: no O);Y-· e ~ • S'I'UPY tn apare time tor contrac· " N · 1 n -~ ~ ,. II loc11l real e11t11te qttlce, rw• Partnr themHl\'~a tor employ· trohlca tedinolJ>gy -ten. ama tor'• examination under a sen· rt ti t porl Borh. neat Htate upe • ment," itated Dr. Buil H. Petrr· buslneu opna on-en. ual contractor wllh 211 yeant t'nce not neceM&ry. Apply In aon, couere J'l"ellde.nt. Thoae pkul· Commere1&1 a.rt-n.me. buildlnc u~rle.nce. Clute• Tuu. and penon l r>06 w. klboa Blvd .. lllllr to trander to 8ftlior colleg• oon1tnaeUon -...,en. bookkMpll\C .!'rt. evu. T:30 p.m. Attend ftrlt Satur(lay. 73c?ll or unh•enlllte number .JOl. l'lfty a.ad accounUnf-IX, mechantc•-.eulon fl'ee. Be(in anytime out of thJ1 fl'O\IP hope to become five, acrlcuJtu.r.--flve, retail mf't-Al T 1 School teac!Mrl; 11 .,.. liberal art.a ma-chandlalq-f.ive, clertcal work -·y er w ANT lady jntel"·ltweni for local llU""Y work. morntnp ,only. Sam U C> wk. and up Writ• P. 0 . Box 188. Newport Be•cb or oall J . D. Han. KI &-11&8 jo.ra: .10 will become engineers: four, architectural dratting -161 l No. lfroadwa.y, Sa.nta Ana eenn plan to ent.r bualneu ad· three, meta.I tradea-two. and one Ph. liUmb.rly 2 .. IM or Kl T-3611 mlniatnUoCI; llJl are prepartn1 each In •nl'lnMrlnc drafting. x-ray Uc tor UM medl.cal pl'Ofeulou; and technology and pholoJl'&phy. ' . DIUYERY GUARANTEED Delivery ot the Newport Harbor Newa·Pre811 ia guaranteed. Canier boys will deliver their papers be- fore 6 p.m. on Monday, Wedneaday and Friday. If your paper la not delivered by, that hour ple.aae call Harbor 1~16 and your carrier will bring your paper. Real Estate School in ·Santa Ana e&c'l3 ATTENTION AU. BOYS - TRI: N!:WS·PR.!l88 la now ta.kins o.UTler appUoaU9N1 tor routea In Ml'!N It WOM.£~ ~ tn apare tht'ae nelghborhoodl:- tlme tor 11nllmltAd opportunlU• BaJ'bc)&. WMt Newport, Balboa In Real Estate. New cla.aea 111 •• Newport Hel.(hta, Corona del weekly. Al Tyler tn1tructtnr. At-Mar and Costa MtM. tend rtnt cvenina fr« and learn u you .,.. ll·U )'T•. old, a.nd llav• about thla rreat neJd. Call or a bicycle, apply al the Ctrcula· writ• now. lion Dept.. NeWJIC)rt Harbor Al T I S h 1 New•·Preu, 2:1U Be.Ibo& Blvd., . Y er C 00 Newport Beach, belWf'en 10·12 1611 No. Broadway, Santa. Ana e. nl, OJ' j-0 p. Ill. only ucept. KI '7·3$11 ·1'CI ~-3489-Kl!! 8·2'13 Ba.turda)'I. Ud"' Uc ------------ANNUAL REALTOR. ·WATERFRONT TOUR . Classified Some 85 Newport Harbor Realtors were aboard this craft June 23 for early morning tour of six bayfront homes. They appraised the homes and inspected them a.a part of Multiple Listing caravan aervice. Cotfee and donut.a were.aerved aboard. -Maggie Price Photo China Painting Waitresses S.peritneed. 11 ,.,. ....... Car Client Ki.rt in Crash with Car Salesman SANTA ANA tOCNS) -· 'JWo person• received minor Injuries J une 23 u the re1Ult of a crallh ,a.t &th and J'renoh St.I. 111 Santa. Harry D. Hamburs. •4, ot 109 Ana., accordlnl' to Santa A:n& po-8. McFadden Place, Newport, wa.' Uce. .... a panenger tn Smith'• auto. Driver Bruce l'ohn Smith, 32. Smith reportedly wu demonstrat- or Santa Ana, • car Kleeman, lng th• vehicle for customer Ham· cruhed head on wlt.b a. vehJcle bu!'I', when lht accident occurred. driven by Ralph Loydt Hamby, Hambur&' recel.ed minor lnjur· 16. of Santa Ana. Both can were lea and wu ta.ken to a private going about 20 mile• an hour and doctor. Ta.ken to Hoar H o1pltal did not tee c.acl1 other unW they wu Harry Hamb.ur~ with minor were about five feet apart. lnjUrles also. ''Boy, footc ot those OK Used Corsi" MEN AT WORK ~1111 1 11!1 1111111111 @ For the ~ show" on the road, your dcket Is the red ta1 that· identifies an OK Used Car. Attentioo·getten for performance u well u look&. OK Used Can are thoroughly lnspccted and scientifically reconditioned. They are dealer· warranted in writinJ at no extra costl red lJtTagl Sold only lty an Authotfzed Chevrelet Deaf• MILLER CHEVROLET CO. 1000 W. Coast Highway Uberty 1·2261 Newport leach LOOK AT THESE USED CAR BARGAINS 54 Mercury Hardtop 53 Olds. 88 Clb. Cpe. Cpe. Pwl'. Stew. Pln. Brak-. Hydra., Jt.R. R·U, W.W. nre.. Low MU"at;e. $2495 $1795 54 Ford Ctry. Squire 53 Chevr~et 210 52 Chenolet Stylellne Pwr. Steer., PwT. Brsl<ee. Fordo Todor. IAMINI with &·Door. Ra41o, Heater. 'R-B. U,000 actoal mlln. AOMHOrtee. $2295 $1195 $745 SO Olds. 4-Dr. S.d. 49 Mere. Clb. Cpe. 49 Ford v.a B-B. w.w. 'ntt• <>wrdrtv., aae. Oou .. Ope., MB. $395 $445 ,395 1952 PACKARD 250 SIRIES WHITE SIDE-WALL TIRES Overdrive, Radio, Heeter $1795 luy this '52 Packard for $1795 •• ~ We Wiii Give Y• AMlhr OM "' ' ~ ... llll• It wltlMMlt Extra Cllarte for tM earl MILLER CHEVROLET 1000 W. Coat+ Hwy. Newport ..... · Liberty 8-2261 • Mesa Woman l.ned · i11 Cigarette Fire Loraine Grave1 of llH Broad• way, Coat& Men. rep0rtedly fell uleep while smoking June 27 af- ternoon. Result we.. a. bla.ae caia- lng an eetlrnated 1100 damace. nre Prevention OUice.r Ralph Lee reported. 'nit vlctlm ucaped W1th 1tnged eyeluhe.a, reporu ahow. Her divan and cuahlon.11 caucht fire. Two trucka and 15 mttn anawered the alarm. Rates effective July 1st, 1955 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every MollMy, WeclHsday and Friday · UOASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdays Couta.I Sbopper Ada run In the WednHday New .. ~ 1 Inerttc. % J11Mrtioas S Insertions '1Dlerlaoa9· •t.00 1.50 2.0() 2.60 add1. llJle8 .25 ea. add'l. lines .25 ea. add'I. lines .25 ea. &dd'L Dnea .!5 eL Day and Evenlna o ..... Ordeh Taken Now Phone Liberty ~6848 Htte Bookkeeping Service ATTENTION! Contrtctorw. 8torekeepen Rob't Hill'• Chet'• Inn ll201 E. Cout Hl&'hw&y, Corona 4.1 Mar. '72c7' WOMAJ'f Oil OlR.L-Capable, to eul.lt wttA apt.. hOUM o1ean111• weelc enc!• tllr\l 1u1y It Auruar; TOP PAY. 1M m. ll&J, 8alboa. 72c7' N ied aomeone to AUeve you ·of to--JOlet:•=eo. those montJ\13 bookkeeplns wor· • __ i, _ _. rtea ? Ask about our reaaonable TWO 80 toot lwnu&TIJ Poiter rat•. Har. •US·J ·10o11--~ wllh~remo-.bla end pan· EXPERililNOl!lD lady dHINe daf work. Own tranaportatlon. Kl 7·3H9 73p LEGAL NOTICE Bttuatloa W-'94 Ade "10 ..-Ive 15% dl•couat. Cub \n .dvance onJ7. WORK.ING )(01'll&RI, child C&ff el11. OT1g1n.al coat, St.000 each. M.au otter. ca.a be .... by ap· plication at 1800 W. Cout Highway, Newport Beach. LI 1-11~. Uc TWO beu1tSN Miid 111'.&ded al I wool rup, ..., aUtel'1Al. Well MINIMUM AD 18 & LINES J ln my home da.ytlmea.. Newport AU ctualfted Ada m111t be paid for Cub ln Mh'an« of publlcaUon. Htllhta diltrtot. liberty 1-1''76. IN 'THE SUPERIOR OOUBT OF -------------------------THE STATE OF CAUFORJ'lo'IA The publl.lheni will not be responelble ror more th.an one Incorrect IN AND FOR THE OOU:!'iTY ln.eertlon of an ad, ruerve th• right to correctly clual!y any and all OF OR.A.'1101: ada a.nd to rej•ct any ad not conlormlnf to rulee and rerulatlOM. Dept.' No. 651"7 Action brourb& Ill uae Sapertor Court of the Cowaty ot Oraare. and ComplMnt tiled la the Office ot U.. Olerll ot tile 8aperlor Ooart ot Mid Cowaty. J AME! D. ELLIS, and JAMES D. ELLIS, doing buelnu. u JCL.- DEADLINES for placing or cancelling s.da are: For Monday Publication -F riday ll p.m. For Wednesday PubllcaUolUI -Tueaday 1 p.m. For !'rtday Publication -'Thursday 1 p.m. NEWPORT H AllllOR PVBU8HINO CO. 1111 a.lboa BIYd.. Newport llMelt, C.&lfornJ&. . 7:tp7' Universal Bldg. Maintenance Wa1Jt A wlpdow Cle&J\iq FJoora. Janitor 8ernce. Phone Harbor '811. '7plQlt made. ·~ "' 11~ ft. 137tl. S.10 ft. S&OO -UI Oebom. w. Oo\1Aa, ft. Sclpwoo4 27'01 '7Sp7tl Env•lop• Special lllf'l quallt7 1•1' wf.tt.t ,..-uter mnJopee, prtat.d wtt.b eomer re tum. Roy's Maintenance $3. .9. 5 per 1'()00 Houae ctu.nlnf-rlOor wutns With wa ad. "'l:xptne J\&lJ, 22nd. wau wuhlnr -wmdow cleantns Mall copJ &ad cMclc t.odlay. LlS .ABALONIC COM.PA.NY, Pl&Sn· lJ!t, 8pecl&l Notleee VmetJan bllDd& UpboJ.IUty J'OX ad•. TOI & O.nter, An•- 1..z-Bulldbll). Sen ·ices f lnaured. J'rte &.tima.tu helm. 73c78 --------------•J Liberty 1-1132. ltto ------------..... ROY r. WJCBB and CHARLES l:BT, and Ule v.-1 ''BUCKJCTJI:," Certlficate of Awa.rd No. l1D117. De.tendants. y Newport Harbor PAINTING lt•ln. Dll WAJ.Jr UW • &raJJer. CL&A.NIKO 6 IROJllIHO bJ &Ae .... ... a& 1tU m.p Jto.d. B. P. 0. E. 1767 INTERIOR -1!1XT!:RJOR day. l:lcpe11eftoed. BaJltoa JalAn4 Newport Be1fMa OW1N1-•t LlCE:-ISED -lNSVRED preferred. Kl S·toH. 72p7' No. 1 BaJ eon& _ 83tfc The people ot th• St.e.te of Call· tomla eend greeUnr• to: Meet.a every Thured.ay 8 p.m. Glenn Johnston A-1 COOK • e aten•. colored. .un1QUU -Old f\anltun, cut 501 • 311t St. Newport Beach Excel. ref. Health ca.rd. OW. fta,aa.. luDpt, ol4 ~ tlock1 ROY F. WEBB. CHARLES EBY, VESSEL "BUCKEYE," CerU!lcate Vla Oporto -CentraJ Ave. ~ewport Beacb Harbor 3176 22ttc tr&Mport&tlon. Uvt In. ll. net.. etc. llarpSDa pion. 8&f dl1- cher. 401 8. 33rd I t., Ian Dl•Co· ooant.t to ......_ oaru. Dav11, of Award No. 27D127, Defendant.a. JJ~rt H. Katthewa, .Exa.lted Ruler You are directed to JPpe&.r In an CARPENTER Repair Work Belmont 4·18H. T2pl& llOI & A"IMitm It., Lonr action brought against you by the 12--BnlJdhw Services above named plalnUfC, in the Bu· ---=--,.._......_ _____ _ perlor Court ot the Stat• or Call· Elec. Tool Repa"1r rornl~ in a.nd tor the County of Orange, and lo uuwer the com· Bkil ·Saw•. Drills, 8ander1 Doee Your Home Need RepaJrtng or Remodeltns 1 Call Frank, W be.rty 8-09M Experlenc' d gardener LANDSCAPING and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-1659 a..oL U0-111. 29tfc Original Modet. OOCXTAJL DJ\&llU, wlll, 1pts. d,...1 • tormal1. s1 .. 14·18. Some Nl!:W-ALL perfect cond. plaint therein within ten day1 af~r QUlCK SERVlCil the •erVtce on you of thl• aum· LEWCO ELECTRIC CO. All Work Ouara.nteed 74ttc IOttc ALSO 1' leafth SDO<lera 1tyle mons, I( ael'Vl'd within the County ------------China mink coat. Sell below YACHT SKIPPER Cott. Writ. Box A-tt. thla new•· ot Orange. or within thirty d1y1 If •:111 No. Newport Blvd., Npt-Bcb. served elsewhere, and you are noU· Llberty 8·8383. O l!c fled that unless you ao appear and llllfll'er aa above required, the CARPENTRY pla!ntm will l&k• judgment tor MINOR REP AIR WORK NO JOB TOO SMALL H . 0 . Andtraon tOH J!:. Balboa Blvd., Balooa ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM I Install lh• a bove chtaper than moaL Also .ell T ile & Linoleum. Non·unloln, 2tl yeara e 1tperlence. Compare anoJ eee - BILL COKER Har. 4828 or Long Beach 7-5973. 6lc74h any money or d.amage1 demand· ed in th• Complaint, u arJalnc upon contract, or wUI apply to the Court tor any other relief demand· ed In the complaint. Harbor 2400 83lfo ______ ...__ ____ _ Given under my hand and 9e&1 ot the Superior Court of the Coun· ty ot Orange, State ot California, thla 1:1 day ot April, 19:1:S. HOUM l\epa.lra Boat Rtpa.lra ASTOR'S REPAIR SERVICE B. J. S1'UTH, CarpentrJ County Clerk and Cltrlc of tile Superllor Court ot the ita.t.e or AlteraUona Oallfomta, ln and for the Har. •1729.J: County of Ora.nse. Remodlllnf 82p7tlh By /111 WATNE A. DRAGER, Deputy. FOR RENT NOTIOI: lldlJ 8aw1, Elec. Drlllt, Pollahare, APPEARANCE: "A defendant all type. ot 8a.nd,r1, Wheelbar· appean In an a ction when he 1111-row•. etc. Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging GEO. BURKHARDT LlCENSED CONTRAL91'0R 878 W, 181.bJt.. Coat& Mesa Liber 8-8628 General Contractor LlCilNSED AvaUable I! you ~-ant to 10 aome- whH e besldea Avalon, l'm your msn. Csn maintain a lone, up to 70 !L Mil or power 111 a yacht on a permantnt bull. Non drinker. referencH . lo..& and other11•1ae. Mike Shannon L1 8·&271 or LI 8·5002 71p73 EXPERIENCED GARDENER W ill car~ for your yard hy day, wt>tk 11r mnn th LJ 8·61 39 after • p.m. 'ilp73 YOUNG GIRL., pleu lng per90n· i;llly. \\'ants rart or full Ume 11ew1ni:. flltng. <:Ink. reception- l~t. etc. JOO Vi a Wulerll, Lido ll!le, or phon" Kimberly 7·11848 .. , 71p73 were, demurs. or ~vtl the pl&ln· BOYD'S HDWE. rut WTltten nouca of h11 appea.r- New Work :-·'ilemodeling J. MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 3122-R 08tfc 29-ReJ2 Wanted ance. or when an attorney glve1 2630 W .. COAST BIGHWAT noUce of appearance for him." Liberty MU&, Newport Beb 18tfc (S.C. 101'-C. C. P.) Answer. or demurTer1 muat be Pa.inti.Ilg le Paperhanging PAINTING In WTIUng, and ttl~ wtth th• We do the work ounelvea. ;J:~U Ncw•Preaa 30 yeara experience M. W. RQSS 5/9, 18, 23, JO, 8/8, 11, 20, 27, L&ceftMd A Lnaured. LI 8·3321 ~ L1 8·7823 7/4, 19:15 aaUlfacUon SU&r&Rt.Md. do Avocado, Coeta Mesa. JCaJ.mat.M rr.e. Call Jobnnla, 70p83h LI 8-2687 I& Ll S-5289 81tfc -CEME--NT----&-B_UILD __ IN_G_·_ NOTIOll or INTENTION -TO U:U. NOTIOll 11 BllRimT OivmN punU&nt to Uia pro"lisloaa °' Seo· COMPLETE p AINTING tJona M40 and aoo.i ol tM Civtl I& Paper Hanging Service All K1nd1 FREE ESTIMATES Llberty 8-6109 Oode of Ult State ot Oalltomla, JCUQl!Nm o, 8AUNDlll\a that HARMON B. l'OR8YTH JR., 211U V1111dl0r, of "1111 Norwood Street. &00 11.t 8l"9t, Newport Be&ch -----.-------- Ana.heim, Calltornl&,. int.end11 to _R&rtM>r ___ n_1_•_or_u_ar_._,_._.-. __ uc ASPfiAL T TlLE ..u lo !UCHA.JU> JL HANSEN, H Pl Vendee, of lll!IO 'r.mpl& HW1 Dr.. ouse ans Aluminum Wa.11 Ttla ' I..ApD& Bee.ell. calltorn!a. all that Mt,n. Dl1trlbuto1'11 certain per.ow propwt7 COMl•t· Wboleea.1• pricee to tnr gen4!"a117 ot all ttock la trade, LIBllRTT I-all Con~ton ta Ttle htt•ra ftsturee, ....,,..._t &net rood will lCMtt LI 8-7'93 68ttc of a certaia ntall p.IOllD• aJ.1lq ------'------- ataU• ...... ne-1mo.ni .. 11annon Specialized •! ~ !! :;:: io£~:~~:E HOME REMODEL ~~~~!!!!!~!!-ADOGJ1D--o-U1- 11ar. OaUtwnla. and Utat the pur-P.A.'nC>e, .,.,_t17, e •at rt te Wrtte P. 0. a. U1 c:hue prtGe thenof wUl .. paid ....-. UJe --.palatans. lt..,..-t ..... oaau. at 10 o'clock e.m. • tale Htll ronmlBROa. •= · r.-•TOM ftaM ..,.-'711 dll,J ol .hl7, 1111, a& "*8u-TJ.pTI mblta ....... lfll AU..tlll --------------~--._.-A .... Ill tM OtJ ti i..._ ....... <>oua• ol L. A.. ltate et Olllforo aa..;- D&t.ed June IT, ltM. II.ANION a. J'OIWTlll. nL PAINTING Patnttnc II Papw a • ...., --n. ... ..., 0. 8Q" !! !!!!l Oii 8unerfluoua Hair ,..;.;r.;~-........ &om f&ct .,._. ...... K7ebrowa u4 balr GIRL! -IT'S A. GIRL'S WORLD! And you'll arree when you hear ot the me,ny Job opportunlUts tor quatfrt,d youn1 women In our buamPU today. ' OPEN INOS NOW FOR: TELEPHONE OPERATORS Apply-Mondsy through Friday 1114 ~ No. Main flt. 9:00 to •:OO p.m. Room 211, Sllnt& Ana P AClFlC TELEPHONE 22tfc \VANT WOMA1' nr man fry cook. Good wai:e11. Stale art' & e11per· lence Wnt~ B•Jlt I 97 this n•·w11· paper. 7l c7a APPLICATJON!! .&re ~Ing re· <',Ive(! foJ' t he combined posl• lion of r lty clerk and tr .. M u rer for lhe City of Newport BeAch, AppllcAnt!I must be experienced HCrttarlu or W&Ye had experl· enc• .. a city clerk or deputy city clerk Apply city mana11;Pr'B otr1ce. Har. 3131. 71 ~73 GtRL. fo r general orrlce work. Full or part llmt Call Liberty 1·6331. July Dlh ~ afler. 7la73 WANT lady cook In pr1vate home tor month or J uly. Good 11lt1ry Har. 1813. 71 c73 ftlOllAA-EU.llOX l1UAtllatleA"'" i..., .... <WH. Z...W 1'o. Jiit Sympson & Noller m ...... ~.,art._. llM ...........,. ..... t•1 rna ~ A.cla.,... ha4 -,. tolU llLLl:M l.. Bll1'A..NT R. &. wbo an rully lookln1 to buy. PBOl'QI BAJUIOlt MO& No.. at&-N.w.Pr.... f1'/ll Lido'• laa. ti ._t7 ..... 217t Many a blf deal h.u been made Ue throu(h a mnall clult!led ad. paper. &Otrc Fresh Hearing Aid· 8A'M'J:IUJC8 We Otft UH Qno 8t&mpe Gunder!on Drug Co. Mllll 8t. at ll&JbOa Blvd., Balboa Hubor 11111. H tfo YARDAGE Inventory Sale on Destrner'a J'abrlca at Wholeaa.le Pric•. MAJllOIIC WE'BB 19:s8 So. Cout Blvd. lAa'Un& Buc::h 6S tfo Apricots We apeelallae In tree rlptned Royal apr1cota for llome o n· ntnr . 2~ lb. lur and 5 lb. bu· kel.A. Hillside Orchard Betwttn 22nd and 13rd on Tu1ttln An , Ca.ta Mt•. . 70tro Remodeling? Grntr11t l:lectrtc •tAlnlt., llteel 8 fl. kit ch en unit, lnclul'h'• bullt·ln Hotpolnt auto. wutier It large alnk, 11tlllnleH 1t .. 1 drainboard It •rluh bsck . fold• up. 8everat rtbl. hunc wlnilow•. 2133 Channel Hd. Bal· bo1. Her. 2:>lll. 7lc73 For thoae wllO "ant Alie be•t Konkel's Interiors Upholst"ry, dr11petlf'8, ~dllJ.illllld~. N"W phont Ll tmty 8-797:! 01 I:. lTU\ Eettmalea a t.. Coai. Mua 71p8ih ORIGINALS AF'TER.'\OON, C.:~kt.&11. dolllnfl' dre-.u It Coordlnatu. Custom DreMmaking Ph. Harbor C>Hl·R flplH ' I ·- •· ~~Roat~. 8!1P.P!'!-____ 1 l 94i POWELL l't'OOTER. rood 18' LYM~!' JSLA.SDER lnbo&rd, corulltl(ln. 2!H8 P'a trway Or . 110 h. p Gray inar1ne motor. eo.t. Mua. Liberty 8-7M3 rrunpua, t.aehometer, tempera· 7tc73 ture i;ra1.1r e. I hie rLfu A: n tru ------------1 nf'w J un" 19:'>3. t...eu than 100 BABY B UCI)'. T~\er babe, car hra. UM. $3000 Survey wtlcome. owat. baulnett. wnniter type so. Udo Nord. Kar. 3849-W wuher, JO p u1e llhot run. Roll· T0p73 a -way bed, rt uo11Able, .Kl 5-------------- l590. 72pH NEW H FT. nbltu plywOOd boat. CHILDS VA.RNlSHEO rocklnC rt!ldy for C"lUSUlg A: pamt. ll'iO l'halr 12 !IO. Folding poker tablf' Jim Srtmelder. 1949 Ft<1erlll. $3~. All tn l!ltCel. condition. CC>llt& Mua. LI .J-1147. 72pT ~ Har. 3319. 72c73 -P-lC--o-r _L_t_·_o_F:R_S_11_p.-ln_n_a_l<_e_r _a_n_tl IO-B-APJ»~~~--~- 1sss Sl!'ftVP:L rr .. rdrlf. t cu. ft. A.1.80 late model Bendix ILUto wUher. 27l2 Clift Or.. New· port Heights, &fttr 4:30 7lc73 J'IOTPOINT t cu. tt. r'frll'. $3~. wrtnger(ype waahlng machine 115 Both In sood oondJllon. 1..1 ....a10 .eve1. 71c73 13· OOLDIPOT fHeMr c.heat, ex- ~L conct Sl ~O. 398 E. 20th, Cu. ta llee&. LI 8-e637. 7lc73 W ashinC1 Machine smVICE 1-year ruan.ntH on joba don. and oo Wied wa.abe111. 2•88 !'- C reu) HeW'pol't Bl~ (;Qiita )tua. Liberty a...603 or Uberty 8~. 64tfc SMALL retng-uator In go<>t1 cond. 11tonn sul. 7 hp lit art m. &lnr<l· Ing ladder for 30·40 ft. bnRl Cheap. lnq. WHk-entls, 106 \'1a Ment.one, Lido hi", or CR«'~l· view tl-!!61111 we-e_k t1ay11. 70p82 12 FT. CARVER-Craft, fiberglaaa· t'd bottom and bow. ateerlng whed, 1225. U H. P. EVI!\Rt!DE motor, !I-gal prenure tank. $17~. SMALL Sall boat eomplele with 11aJI 6 Jolly. $1:10 321 Grand Canal, Ba1boe. Lsland. Har. 0281-\\'. 72c74 HIGHWAY DJSPLAY . AREA a\·a1lablr for gc)Od rle11n boats. prired to 11ell. ROBERT VAl'GtiAN 6 CO. PhOnl' Ll 8·7805. i'Jcii SAfl.BOAT 17 ft. Nauonal One Di'- "lgn. Inboard rudilf'r. Gond 1111lls 6 cover. 11!10 Phone U b<:"rty 8·!1298 fW 8-36,4. 73pi!'i MAKE OFFER. Phnne Lll>l'rty Sl'RP' BOARD, 10 ft. lnng. :in lb11 8·8!176. 72c74 $49.~n. W 8-~8!'18 7Jpi:i DEEP FREEZE -Webu •ll11play Roll-A·Ooor glue top 1200. _ 84-Muslcal. Radio, TV Harbor 1019·\\', i2p74 PHILCO 8 c-u. fl. fretur, 1950 model 6 1900 Kelvinator r c!r1•· Rnth In &DC'd con~ltlon. Liberty R-~400 i3c7!1 ELECTRONIC ORGAN two. man· uul almost like new. Stl\'e $800, DANZ·SCHMIDT,:120 No. Mrsln, Sit.nla Ana. 6Hfc HAMMOND ORGA:\. Spinet mod. Slightly usetL GO<lrl i<aving nn v' v' Check th~se Used Cars Buy from a local dea.ln who W1ll ~ here TOMORROW to back up what ne aells TODAY! f0-Aut09 and I'nlclcs 4TH OF JULY SPECIALS 1951 PLYMOUTH CRANBROOK club coupe, Radio & heater, light green. All new nylon tubelee. tires, • On_ly .... . . .... .. ...... ·-··· ·~"·--·-·-·· $895, 1953 SUNBEAM TALBOT 4 dr. sedan. Radio, heat- er. Jct black. In excellent condition .... -...... $1295. 1952 NASH 4 dr. sedan, Radio, Heater , O'drive, 2-tone green. Very clean, only ··-----·---·--$895. 1951 MERCURY Clb. Sedan. Light cream color. R & H., Seat CO\'er·s ••.••. • ........................... $89~. Many low priced transportation cara, only $25. dn. LOU REED CHRYSLER-PLYA-10UTH DEALER 1200 West Coast Highway Phone Liberty 8-3486 THREE Choice Convertibles Ford, Chevrolet Loaded with & Studebaker everything- Really in top condition ! . See at GOODRUM MOTORS · 1945 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 71c73 4()-Autos for Sale $1295. 82-FumJture for SaJf' Mesa Woodcraft lh11. Also Hammond Chord Or-Ne F en h Ren.a It gan. F.uy to play. w r c gu !It COL U.MBl.A. mobile honta; 31' long; anr. & toilet; ma.ny extru. ex. corr4. lot 63, Uberty Mobile Homea Court, 15182 Harbor Blvd .. Santa A na. 72p74 DANZ·SCKMIDT, 620 l'\o. Main, I t.'np11lntrd It J uvenile Furnllun• Sant& Ana. f door IMIJl. l!-0 mll"!I rtr gall<•n J,i:r. TTcllnln~ fl&tlo chatn .. 13 !Hi ' SPTXF:T PIANOS. Rental returns I 'rayment.s-$38 per mo. Slh11nl' door cab. 14\,x24x3<& H i :i like new etc. You will a lways Li:<' ... 11<1 donr w1u·dro~· 32 W fln•I wondo:rtuul savings In tti1• 1 Bank of Amrrlra flnan<"ln1e Lt'GGAGE TRAILER -• x 6- A II metal, enrln~~ct. $40. 270 E . Palmer, Col!l& M-. LI 8-7674. 7Zc74 \'ACATION TRAILER tor rent. Mtn1o.•ax and Deft fln1shr11 cti·pt. ~t;iny mllk"s an<t m•1'fds ., Ortler11 tak~n ft'r 1ohulters MirTnr type !':puwt mnh,,i;anv 21.I Harbor, C M. Llb<-1 ty &-1615 fin ish $2C.7. Anntltl'r 1n m11p!r T\\'O <'OIJCH E~ 118 fl lon):I finish $3(l!l, lnungt 1·h11fr .I.After It Saltier OAXZ-SCH~UDT, M!O :-\o . .M11in, Sleeps l'i, 15 ft. Near new. 125 Ha::~:: :O:::·:lnc' 1 _~_;n_e_~_· -~-1!_~_:_:,_t!.a._on_aJ_~_o_~_·._203-:31-~-·~~ 111nve. J.'rs<llda lra. mahoii: bureau Santa. Ana. .. 1 .. c iron. table lamp. 2046 Ser-------------1032 Harb<•r BlvJ. co .. ta ~lesa ~·:PAN-AMERICAN ~ ville, corner of ~t. Balboa. S~ PER. MO. renl.3 J?OOd practice LI 8·50~l LI 8·6381 • • 71p73 p111no. All term r!'nt alloweof IC 68tCc SEc 1·10;-.;A L '1 ~ S30. table top nos$ 9, $12~. $137. $1~10 and up j y11u buy. Gooo used prart11·r p1a- llflS fttov<', ••lean $:l0. <;coolcy Edy vm18• 11h~lvuflor PIN' rl'frig. hkll-n<'w OA::\'.Z-SCll~HDT Big P l:\nn :it11rP ~I JAGUAR XK120~t modlffl'd $fl... 2 ro1·kers JI'> t11.. Elt'c Sanla Ana :i2o N\l. :.t11111. ,.. . .,..ins: 010('h1ni> SM. d~sst'r • <'On\•.. like nl'w, powtlf'r blue, S:!O, high boy $20, IOJl.1\Kle sr10.1 FULL KEYBOARD SpVJ!'l p;nno I while orion top, Til'\'er rar,•d 11n11q11r 1ockcr S2~ •. 1rr11 H11dll'S· famous name. walnut ''"'i!l srn~.. low rmleag•'t 01'11,:ina.l uvme1. Har 11'1· 1'oi1ta M"~" 7tp73 WOODWORTH PIA:-\0 t.:0. 2610 r,.1iZ, 63c7:J LAl<1;~: gatelrg rnblc, oilrt dashes. I F.. C'oest Hwy . C'nrona d1•l_ J\l!r • • , _ 11hl lRbl··~ old m1thngRny rocking Httr. 3382 • ln3 1941\ HARL.r.Y flAVlDSON 1 4, .. hair zii l'•'ltrl, Ull lbfit1 l•J;in•J. , $WO. Phone Har.*:.!!\113·.T. 72r i4 Har. 26M-w. 12c1• / See Baldwin Piano j MAHO<~ 1'wln bf'd. eklrtl'd rtm-& Or an Dis la STEAL! :-.• r & b .. nrh. f'1u r ~tuctln rouchrs. I g P Y 191H MERLTRY • t 1 F II 1 ·1111 e' .. n1ni:" 1c wnktnda. Har, WOODWORTH PLANO CO. · ~t L "11"r1' J01'1 ~ hy ·•:111 j ·1 -3 1318 c B ·d c d •• f'lllllpl. . U8 l.C I)' u y tit . _ • • , p1 oast Iv .. orona el .,,., I Prtce $:? "CJ(l, Call Lr 8-i:1~4 _ B " • ----(Thaden Interior Bldg.) ~ -, :?A-,, Rr.1\K~"A ST T1.tllle 4 chulrll, ' .. Har. 3382 :16c7~ .. 1u1cJ~. $3~ 621 Sl at St. :>it w· ------------- 1"'11 R· a rh After 4 10 7lci3 :.fA PLE SPl:-:E'T, hke nrw. SB\'!' \ t-:HY-l!t:::\~o:\ABLE -Brand I s200 • 11,.,, Hutp11int <llllhwa.,h,.r, ICOSl I \\'OOPWORTH PIA~O CO. 2610 s:t 111 1 "111 S"ll r. 1 $'.WO Lp;i· E. C:•>~U•l Hwy, CQr<>na del Mttr 1-11111• i.n l'hy lc 11\Jhui.: dtnlnl! Har. 3382 7Jr i'3 1.il l,. Ii 'h.rn ~ Si~ ~ahog en•I S MALLEST STUDIO P111n with I '·"II' \\llh lu.rnp, $111 Hnlpolnl , II 88 k bo 4 I f 0 11 • 11 rt 1 rtr1g. in xlnl rondl· 11 ey ar n int t 11n· 1"" · •nu _se•rf'ary, Sl6.17pe1·mo.a1 ' 19!il HlLL.\l.AN SEDA.S, low· mil. rage. Ex!lf'll• nt l'nmlltson. S500. Mr. Jan1u1. H8r. 2012. 72ci7 JAGL"AR !Ii Merk VII ae:lan. wht. Y. ilh rrrt lt11 thrr, automa tic tranllmfM1nn. Pr r fect cond .. low nuleage, orij!'ln81 ov.'Tier. Harbor !1172. 63ct~ 1954 St.:N VALLE\' MERCURY, Paramount-Terry 'S!l--4S' P&A Amer. J bdnn. - A BUY. 'SS-18' Terry-SPECIAL '52-2i' Mob1l&-Ta.ndem-i,.t.h, MANY MORI!: -Easy Terme Port Orange Trailer Salce 2200 W. Coe.at Highway Phqne Liberty 8-4420 Newport Beuh 72c84h 47-Wanted tO Ben\ Rentals Wanted We need apta &lid bou.u Lo all seclio1111 for both winter and yeu'a leue. Fu:rn. or unturn. Jt 7ou ban a ~CJ. phone tod&y The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Cat. Hwy., Newport Bch. Phone Libert)' 8-a.81 208 Marine, Ba.l?>o. lala.nd PhoM II.arbor'" 2867 E . Coe.st Hy., Corona del Mar Phone Harbor 17 41 • -Lido 'otr!ce, 3418 Via Udo Harbor 4971 82ttc 1 s 1 ~n \\' 1 t t I d1t1 on. Terms, S 1:-. 3:l rtown 11nd onh $~11 tflliT Ah~n A\'t . Llb,.rly ~ , . _ 11-:t:::>J Ullfc SH AFER S Mur.lr< . .:o. tSlnl'!' l90t) •l21-423 :i. Syc&mor•. S.'lnta Ana all powPr equipment. t"rm~. CaU ~8--A t& & H f Re t OY.-nrr. Lr 8-3663 or LI 8-1122:t. l> o~ or n \\" .\ !.h. F:f't !1or tn\'111111 \\'II h t'Xll ll f'hon" Klmber ly 2-0612. 56lfc: a1t111·h111C•111 ... $1 '•. L\\'O I hlllni>r ------------- RI"""" "ti h 11\•rn~ S20 & $:J(), \'llnlt." with • t:air S6. H.1rbor 1217-J 68tfc -----KARf'P::-0 hrol ol8 \'l't1J11•1 l ~3~1. lr1bl" tnp 111n~,. S2ri, f>honl!' H11r n;,so . .1 73c76 GRAND P fANOS. Many lo choo:<e from. Kn11bc. Ml\son & Ha mlin, 41-Aoto Sflrvlre Stuy\'!'l!llnl. Cab!". Exlr" 11re<'· !al. Stn1 y & Clark grand. i;:ooil -<'<1n•ltlum S39J. An11thrr !!peclal. Motor Overhaul Br:111t1 ru1 Stuyv,sant. Ctn<! snap('. NO MONEY DOWN s:18~. A 180 gorizeoll!! Kn111)e ~fli:i. So\e nn many 11\ht rs. * with this ad * DA:'\Z-SCH ~llHl' BIJr Pmnn St1>re Choice Sum.mer Rental.I on 8'Jboa Island & Lido Isle Srna.11 A: oozy or large It dtlun $7!1 to '300 month VOGEL CO. 208 Maril!• Ave .. B&Jboa Iala.nd Ph. Harbor H4 or Harbor 2151 Rea. Har. 1786-R or Har. 3059-M 8fUc Santa Ana. 52•' :'\o. ~lain. 6 Cyls. -····-···---···$48.88 26 F'T CllHIS l"RJ\FT ral11n Alwa~s JUI) pianva. g C 1 ~::co 88 DO GOME rrin"t r nl'W Pnl.!in" 1tnr1 rn•llu I Y S, .. -......... -......... ~. M1111y f'Jtll'A" H111 hor ~339-\\', \\'AXTED ~.o L"SED PIAXUS t• r 1 lnr~uilra both 111hnr and part!! 06-~lr:.hle aummer rentals atltl i;~· re our big renlal d<'pl. H1~hrst rnsh I :"\rw r1n2s. wrl~l rms. valve I a\•a1lable. Dy week, month or -------------111lownn<"!' 1n trad1• fl)r Ori:an, grtnrt, !1tlmi;s or main and rod season. 32' Lohman Sport Cru1sC'r ! spmel piano. or Grnnrt ps .. no bearing~ Ex~rt motor tune up s1 ... I'll i , fully equ1pt, tnp ron· DA:'\Z-SCH)UOT. ::.20 :'\o. M11ln, 90-c.lay or -4 OOO mile (;UBr&nlee. COAST PROPERTIES cht1C>n. A~ktn~ S42.,0 nr lrlldl' S1<nta Ana. (:-\0 ~!OXF:Y f'IO\\'Xl. :101 E Balt1oa Bl\'d. Balboa _/{Ir lnlal pro~rty. S11bm1t •·Her. REBlJILT ENGINES .Har. 26!>8. 2~97 a. •600 71tfc Ph ll:lr ill6-M ':'3pi5 LOVEI.Y Sl.'.'CL.F: manu I t lec--t'l' to l!I MO:'\THS TCI 'f'ifY- s~O\\'BIRO SAJL .1 .. Li onic or.,:i\n in rcrf,..rt rontJ'~ Built tn our O\\"n fartoiv bv 1tklllec1 ·• nel'ued In I lion. !'ave S 100 C I • • • 8n~· rt'lntMlnri \811 rnrk 111 LF:x· terms 111 ''nvtn l'n, I n111ch1ni~t•. D l•n't contend with 1 t 8 4220 ~ tht' mhlcllr mnn Buv dm•rt. nit on • · o lpi3 SHAFER S Musu:Cn. 1Sml'e190i) REBCILT and INSTALLED -121-423 N. Syca.mor~. Santa AnA !'hon·• Kimberly 2-os;2. pul Edna CT&J1 Blanche Gates, Rltr. TRADE SHORT BLOCl{ RENTAL ..', SPECIALISTS Beooutit ul 70-tt. aux. 1chooner. Fully found, ro anywhere. Will lJlke equll y In property or em!'.I· ler bo11t. l 2ZO \\', Balboa Bh·d., _ F'ORT'.I .. .. ...................... SIW.!10 C'H E\'ROLET ........... -...... ~ l l!) :,o 311 Marlne Ave, 17" Consnle Tele\1i;1 .. 11 S 15 PLYM. 4: DODGE . -··-·-··--S.loi!1 Ualboa Isla.nd, Har. 1671 72Uo 21" R('A Va·tor t'l•ns h with CH1;Y~, & !J_'E SOTO ...... -... Jl~O j . full rc•nwt<! Lon~rol, r,.du1•t>•I Sl2l STUD1'.0AKf.ll . . ... -...... S.l 10 NY.W Wl\lc>rfrnnt furnJ•hM duple~ RC'A Victor High F11lt>lity OLDS & PO:-\TJAC 6 ...... -.. $170 2 4: :I hflrm. Pter and noal. CHRYSLER Marine engtne, •'i to r hono. Mllhn~-. full <h•ors, 'nncK ..... -............................... Sl7!'11 C'h'M 11 1.1.10 &hopping dlautct. • Newport. Hllr. 3032. 31ltfc 1 udurllon itenr. I rPdUN'll · U OO HUDSON -·-·-.. ·-............. Sl71'> \\'e,.l(ly, 1wmlhl~'. or years lell!e REFRlOERATOR. 110 •olt D. C. i F. ~(. T~ble rt1oho:i. nt1ly S.29 !'~ LoM Car 1<"1 ••o Towtng 3 B1hni. o<•'llll !r•int July-Au1t11st SEE JACK HARPER Ill Lido j T \: Rl.'nt"ls & :;,.n·tie ! Nli:W C'AR GUARAXTEE 3 B,.tlrrn. 'i bath acrOl<s pt. from Shipyard, end of 31•t Street, IT T l . . C I Block must meet our 1l!'.nunrd1 hAlhing l><'Rrh. Newport Beach. 29Uc arter e eVlSlOn 0 . Phia tll.Xr~. goskets and osl 3 <"r 4 Bdrm. tum borne nr11.r bay • ' TWO LOCA TIO.KS Open SunJ11v JO a.m. to 2 Jl m. nr prnlnllula. J uly enol Sept. SNlP!: No. 11934 tn u relll.'nt con-29." E • · · dill Bo t II d 11. I .,., -. <.:•18.!lt Hy., l .iruna t.kl )tar BELLES ENG I NE on. a cover ea • an t ra & 2, 1 Brn"rtwa ,. ~nG Jl(>e,·h , •r. 0wnf'r l<'ll\'tnit 6 wtU tRke rh. H1tr. 11<1111 . 'n,. JiYatt 4.r1!1!6 REBUILDERS l>Ht offer. Har. 602 dRrs. liar ~21! VOGEL CO. 3201 Cout Highway, Xewport Bch LI 8-3481 71c73 23~ R tVH. 62Uc I ' c IT FT. Auz. 11loop witll Oray Sea Scout engine, tull •ult good Sa1Lt. I bunke, p.llt)' and b,ad. New lltatnlee. •teat nrgtnr. JU•L p&inted completely I \\"Mk.a aro $3400. L1 8-1687 6!1Uc S9-Aut09 Wanted Open Dally 8 to T Stale Bonded BALBOA ISLA:-:o RENT AL - NE~V LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. · MERCURY SUPER 10 outboard motor. UHd only HI hra. 3140. 61 l ~o. 88y FT-ont, R&lboa h· la.nd. Har. 32'6·.M.. flilfc PRl\'ATE PARTY "'·anta to bu,• '5<& or 'ISO Chev. Plym. or Ford SA:i.."TA. A':'o:A sl.l'lUon wagon. prefer 6 cyllnder. ------------- Churmmj!' house. 2 bd1 ms. &\'&ii. now to July H lh. Well furnished. t;arbag-e dlt!pos&I. F1repl. Ru· sonabJ .... Har. 2:'lty-\\'. 69tfc X o J"lWtr glide-t:ndf'r $2000 C&1J Harbor 1020 eves. l2c7i 40--AuU.. and Trucks ATTENTION Nash -Hudson SHORECl..lF"F'S -t:n!tlm. bomf'. :I bJrms. Z b!'.lhs. Yr&r lept, 12:\0 mo. Phone LI a-~~3. 71c7a OWnerS LitlO ISLE-Lovely furn. 2 bed· 19H PACKARD Cllrpcr-n!'at & • 1 G p>om apt., Bayfronl. ilununv or E'Vt:'l!\ut>IC 'f~ h. p. outboard. m•ch.&ntra11y perl'tct. WS\\'' R1oh Hahn 8 ar.age yrly. Ha.r. 4260-W. 72ci't after onl)' ~ hn. runnlnir 116:1 I tlras.. R&c.110 A hlr. Good 2nd Authorized r arui It Sen1ce ------------- Want I h. P. r.Jnnide °" 5~ h. p. car te<r tamlly, 11~0 cuh. C'all atao Oood TraMJ"1rllltJon -For a dwendable uaed J ohn.eon. Har. 1616 days, Kl Har. 2894.-R. 68c73 C 1r1 F'or Sale c:&r .... &·2432 evt11. 68p';3 ---:=:r , your local des.Irr W'ho wW M here -FOR !'ALF. M TRA!IF. tor !>Nit -Auto Radio Repair TOMORROW lo hack UJ> what h• J3 F'"t'. AU. OL.ASS BOAT Kl't..L, l C"nr11lt.1r ·~1 62 •-or., light col-409 E 29·th . St 184.•Us TODAYI Check Ult UMd 70 lnrh l>f11m. 1121\. U 8·63~ I or. Ext't'l. condlllnn. Harbor • • 1'11111 ln the cl&Milled ~ t.o- -:; ':'lt'~4 :1246-R i 3c7!5 Newport Stach. Rar. '7~. 35t.fc day. . f8-Apta. a Bouee for Rent 4K-~ts. ~ BoutH"for Re•t NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART II · PAG~ l ~ MONDAY, >JULY '4, 1955 Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS Delightful living. Apt..C..b&nu. Utilltie. paJd. , with Yacht alip accomodatlon.a. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly . For appt. or reael"Vation, C&.ll Har. 2992. 34tfc CO.MFORTABLP.l BEACH APTS., tumlahed. Summer r.te $35 wk. 31SH w. OcND ll'ront. Harbor '817-M. 72p77 ~EW F t;RN. WATERFR01'"T for lea.ae, 2 bdnn. apt. Electrically equipped. •28 Via Udo Nord. Newport Buch. • 72p74 Available July 15th FURN. 1 bdnn. apt., quiet. Close to Udo shopping. Yearly lease H O. mo. to resj)Onalble pt>ople. Call owner, L1 8'!3668. i2cH BALBOA ISLAND -beautifully tum. 3 bdrm. & 2 bdrm. apls. overlooking b•y. patio, B&r·B· que • swtng-1. lOS Park Avt' .. Harbor 0123-R. 72c74 CORONA DEL MAR atudio apt. tum . No oool<lng. Bellt location. WecJ<ly or yearly. Hu _ .43~:? after :1:30. 72c74 SUMMl:R RENTALS -Apts ! ! Believe It or not! ! Newport B'ach. Newly decor11ted 1 8nl1 2 bedrm. ~res. N .. r 'bay &: ocea.n. l~O 6 160 weekly. Call owner. Liberty 8-1409 7ll!c CLIFF HAVEN 2 BRs., unfurn. a pt. w/gar. laundry rm., disp .. fan, etc. $8~ ~r mo.1far. 1477. 7lc73 SUMMER Rentals Delui1e furn. 11pt & rooms. Day, week or month Ideal location -a ft w trters to 48-B-.Houses for Rent COSTA MESA -3 bdrm. homr, tum . 1 exr.ept 1 bdrm. I Rea11on- able. Phone U 8-7877. 72p74 BEACH COTTAGE 1lecp1 6, '• blk. orean. St1mmer, S4tl. W.e<"k, $60. mo. yt>arly lcue. Harbor • 3H O-J . 72p'i4 LIDO ISLE YEARLY RE~"TAL UN"FlJR:--1 2 l>edrooms. 2 bath.I. C'holre IO<'atJon. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 :-\ewpnrt Blvd . Newport Rr h. Harbor 1013 •Ot!C VACATIONERS \VE H A \"E a varirty or nrw nice- ly furn. 1 l'11LBl11 ll\"alh1bl11 In :'\ewport & La~un11. $3(1. wk. & up. Inquire 304-:12nd St . ~pl f'honr H11rbor l :.!26. fl l p7~h BALBOA OCEAN FRONT-y~l\r· Ix -Parlly rurnii1ht'l'I 2 bcd1 m. & lrU<'8f rm. Avallllb!P J ulv rith. lnq. 112-l E, OcPan Froni. Dal- _boa. • 7:1p7~ UNFUR."\, 2 BDRM. HOM E. W to W csrpet. Beaut1C11i yard, patio, flreplact>, gar. $1:!:'> monlh. Or leas rent on lt'ase. LI 8·~700 after 6. "'6lfc 0:--1 LrDO ISLE-Yearly rental, 3 bJrm .. 2 bath home. furn. or un- fum. Excellt>nl IQcallon. Ownt-r. Harbor 021!1-J. 6:?tfc SUMMER REJ'\TAJ.,-.Fllm. homr aleeps • ror J uly 4t St'pt. t to I!> 11l~n winier resrrvattnns. ;2112 Poppy. C"orun& df'l M11r. H11r 0635-:.t 66l!c everything-. l<K E. Day, Balboa. LIDO 5 Bedroom Har. ~344 l il!c 3 baths. exel'j'lhing furnlsheu tx· Balboa Furn. Apts. cept hnen. Av1ulable on 11ub· lea,,;p J uly ~ ~" Sept. 1:i. Tulttl DAY -WEEK -r MONTH Hearl r<"nl&I Sl500. Leuer's loss. your of t own. '" block lo bav. t ~ein block to ocean &: pier. • DUNCAN HARDESTY, 917 E . Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1729-J Realtor 73c!!8 Lido Spec1.r.lllit NICELY furn apt. 2 bdrm., patw. ::so2 :-\ewport Hlvd., Npl lkh eun deck & prage, next ,, 1 Harbor 4718 ilc73 canat Summer or yrly. 2e~=e AVAIL.ABLE SOO~ -Unf;;:;. •06 Clubhowie, Newport. 13l .5 C'omer 2 BR. housr, fenced yart1. Summer .Rentals • Excluaive Bay Fronta + other choice properties Dbll'. g"Mlge. Child OK. Rtaa- onable to l!ltl'ady teoont.11. W 8-6637. 7 lc73 48...C-Trailrr Sp~~---- Harbor Island, Bay Shorn, B,a. FOR C\ln.'lt1v11t1''(' people -~ con Bay, qu&U.tfed cllen1.a only. troUer epaccs. ::\'.1~-e ullhty hou.11e. Harbor Investment Co. ln qui. l n<'1i:hl>r.rh11ud Alfull.ti Harbor 1800 (Evu. L1 8·53861 ::\'.o pl't~. 4 Ii lhlmtltun St .. l'u~- 2itfc la ~tesa 7lp73 BALBOA tum. modern 2 bdrm.15S-l-St ~ . O · apt. near bay c\ ocean. Large Orf's &: ff~.f>-8 ___ _ patio. Summer or yearly. 10:S5 LIDO OFFICE Sl'ACE -Wiii W. Balboa Blvd. 69l!c sublet spare 11uftable Cor attor- BAY VIEW APT. on Lido Penln· lulL New c\ attractive panelled llvlng room, 2 bdnn11. F or yearly lease. Ph. Har. 271!1 or Har. 80. 6!1tfc BALBOA ISLAND MOTEL APTS. Taking N!&crvaUons day. week, or neys. engineers, etc. Approi1o. 15x30 In shopping arel\ on Vin Lido. Call Don Cole aflernnon11 only, Har. •650. 59t!c Modern Store FOR R.E:'\T, Hr. prr mo. Pat king facilities, forced air hc11.t. suit· a ble, tns urancr, real e11lntf', g1 f111 etc. Inquire ~08 E. Balboa 13h·1l H11rbor 20i0. llOlCc month. 32.' Marine Ave, Har.-------------OO~. 71p84 For Lease- 2 BDRM. rum. apt. with xira bed STORE H 'x30', 11ult. for profe-11· ava.llable for July. $100 ptr I sional, beauty shop, r11>al ntale. wttk. Har. 2181-MJC 72ci4 XLNT. LOCATION l'O. 6 BEACON BAY -Summer I DOW:i.'TOW~ COl!la Mtsa. Harbor rent.al. Spacious turn. apt .. slePps 29!16-W. 68tfc 4, overlooking bay. J une 15th- Sept. l~th .. $:-.00. month. ALSO wlll take reservation !or [~3_:~sine~~a.!~. winter. Har. 247J. courtesy 10 AVAJLABLE _About 000 aq. agtnt11. 43lfc fL light lndu~try apace on Isl &: 48-B-Bot184"t tor Rent I 2nd.. floor. L". S Highway WI and Bay f-'rontage. \\'111 luse ull -------------or any part & rcmnd"I lo 11u1t F'OR LEASE tenenL \"ogl'I Co., 3416 Via. Udo. TWO BEAUTIFUL new Irvin~ Harbor 4!171. 26lfc Terrace unfum. view homra. a BDRMS.,·2 bat.hll and 2 BEORMS., 2 ba ths. Call Harbor l 77!1 or Harbor '448. EARL W. STANLE Y. Rraltor Jn1ne Terrace Otelce Corona dPl Mor. 3:Jlf<l LEASE F'r.l:E LOCATION In r ,..rnn& tM Mer C'1•mrl..trl\· 1•qu1pJk•I f, ,1 baking «r rl1·hcal<'~!'• 11. f'hror11' Harbor 4:?1l:J fc>r Rpp't. 6:olfr SHORECLJFrR I Adorable brand new !.irm ho1w•-New Sto.,e Bldg. real alory·bl'lok che1111. a bed· I rm". 2 bath~. F'tm11iohr1l or 11n-far le&l>l'. 3.:-, ~rs, 10x:i4 fl. p111k· furnlRhed. O"·nrr will l••·.1..'c ahuppmit 111·&. lmmedt!'.tely l -2 )'I~. lo r<'llpton· lng a-p11ce, .'1aJor art('ry. ln L1dl) '1ble tenMlA, S3i:i per mo. Har 2770-J. 691 rr A \'AlLABLE In SHORECLIF'rl'. I BLANCHE GATES Realtor P rivate homr. 2 br, fum1~h<'d. 31 1 Mann" Ave . RRll)11" 1,.1.-nrt e.xcepl ru11•. 111lver Ind linen Harbor !671 II"' tr $2!1<> on le11M. Harbor 3209-R _ _ !>9tfc LEASE Thr1nng houllt'cleanlng bu11nl'M. Opportunity to mAke jrood mon-ey tor ncht p11.rty. ~·u ntfer 5..'>-MODttl• to Lou 162-RM.I FAtate Quick Cash Loans 1 BEFORE YOU BUY on furniture, auto, salary. $50. to $7~. or more. One day service AppllcaUon may be made tn per- eon. by phone or by mall. CALIF. ACCEPlANCE CORPORATION 1898 Harbor Blvd.. Oo11ta Mu a LI 8·7751 -Open Fridays till 8 Cloud Saturuay-41 l!c LOANS for Homes G~ -20 rr. r..o.n. Construction Loans SEii BOB SATI'LER 2510 EAST COAST ~LVD. Corona dtl Mar Harbor 1118 Rep. POIRIER WORTOAOE CO. Met.ro ur. lM. l'\mda KL S-518!1 Utlc LOA!':S TO B UlUJ. CMPROVE BUY, .t.lODERNIZE, OR REFINANCIC Wt Buy Trust Deeda NJ:Wl'uHT BALDOA SAVINGS 6 LOAN ASSOCIATION 3386 Via Udo. Ph. Bar. UOO ti• WOULD like to buy lllt and 2nd Truat Deed~ Call Bar. 2328. Utl<' NO COMMISSION No Appraial Fee SALES -REFINANC!l CO:'\STRUCTION Call for Free Fas~ Commitm~nta _ on Rtsldencea and Unit. onl)' Don I. Huddleston 173 E. 17th St. COST A MESA U 8-:l:Wl LI S-8~2 60-lncome Pro~rty I HOME and 6 Units GOOD l!\C"O~tE. S36,000. H9 llarl'I· lllon, o!t. Harbor Blvd., Custa Mrsa. 8lp7•b 62-ReaJ Estate RICHT TIME-Right !oration - r l1>?ht prict -right rtown pay- rnr11l -rig.ht number lnc:ome units -right income from units -right for you to buy these 8 1 btll m. r<'ntai. not 2 yrs. old. $12,000 flown. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1857 Newport, Costa Mesa LI 8·1632 Eve. LI 8-6803 Try Francis J. Horvath RY.At .TOR Ubrrl)' 1-:1101 -Harbor 1'21 Dt:PLEX on XE\\'PORT ISL.ANll 3 br. A 2 br. unit•, ("omer. •1~w. Ideal ln('nrtu1 11n•I h<>tn•. OPEN HOl'SF: t -~ pm. -40t $8th JZ 1.500-Term.11, 2 llEDIUt., 2 LOT~. tM"lng Nur- port Park, $I 0,000. S&rrlf1ce tor cun. M-1-COSTA MT.SA. Rua. oft1re A bldg-. nn 1 lot. :I other ai!Joln• I~ Iota. S~e pla.n ln otfloe. S BR. FR!:E'DOM HOME with n•w barbecue. $9,860. Good term1. SM this one.-- Business Opportunities WASHETEIUA IJI Corona Ml Mar I 13,000. Tenn• JEWELERY STORE-7ti yn. •t. buslne.,, \\'Ill take home l.n trade. SF.ll Mr. Hol"t'at.h. 3420 W, Ba.Jhoa Rlvd , NewPort 12HI Newport Blvd , CM& M..a 1'p7' BY OWNER Leaving at&te. lit1111 ,. .. u l'i room home. E nclnfW'<I pa t lo, ~ 'Ii-. 483 Morning Canyon R.oe.ct. Corona dtl Mar Hll:'hlanda. 71p71 China Cove Bayf ront New-unJqu-tmlaU Sliding gl&• open1 onto beach t~rnrt> -J:I0.000 Adjotnlng lot $20,000. Owner. Holl,)'wnod 9-62M or Har. :>019 flc73 South Laguna lot 60'>d20', ocean 111tle of Hl1hw1y, 1tone R·l 12.000 down. Sale 'by owner, Harbor 697•J. da.Uy allt'I' l p.m. 'f:rp8' $t000 UNDER MARKET. J bdrm. atuc<'o not 2 yeara old. Comer lot. Ovuam d dbl. pnige. Caen to loan buya thl• f<n jUlt. $7000 u cr1floe prlce. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 111!>7 Newport. Coat& Mee& LI 8·1632 E.,.. LI ~03 M-Bw.ln~ Oeportunltles _ M-BuaheH C]p~tJea.,. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 1, DRIVE-IN R EST AU RAN 'l'. Showe grou - $58000. Lease $150 mo, Attractively ndecorat. <'d. good parking. Will u.erifice $8750. 2. RESTAURANT & BEER LICENSE -plua 4 room &Diith apt. with ocean view. Highway lo- cation. AJI this leases for $175 mo. Cafe sh01n gross MOOO per mo. A good money maker - Steady clientele. Aaking $6500. 3. TRAILER SERVICE & SUPPLIES. Has been promoted to a good going bu.sines!;. Rent ~150 mo. Well located~ Price of U3,000 buya you good a11seta. VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach. LI 8-3481 G2-1Wal Estate 62-Real Eat.ate _.., ------- COSTA MESA VOGEL VALUE -· on Choice Charming Home Cyclone-fenced Corner Lot 3 BRs .. select HW noors, double floor furnace.. Han- dy kitchen with dbl. fonnica sink. com C'r breakfaPlt nook lookin~ qut on Redwood-cncloBCd. covrred, flagstone patio & BBQ. Kitch. phlmbcu for auto. · laundry. Two bedrooms a re large with croM vent.Ha· lion & lg. w:ilk-in cl0setR. Nire bath with Plhl')Wt'r O\'er tub. Linen closc-ts in hall. Bc-autiful lawn le. fl ower!i. 4 '. C. I . Loan at $61.75 rwr month mclud- ini:; taxPn, insurance & interest. Owner haR pun:h1t1· t>d home in L QS Angeles and rntJSl Rell. Priced at only $13.000. Call us for furthc-r information. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E . Coast Hwy .. Corona df'l Ma r. Har. 1741 & H7T Just Enjoy the Income from this excellent property (no rent to pay). Locatecl m rhoice rental distr ict, 100 ft. frnm nee.an. There a re 3 unit.a -a new duplu anrt a 5-ro<>m house on 2 lots. 2 units a re furnished and rC'nt"rl on yearly basis. Owner 's home a\'allable n<,w. Threo garages on alley. Present Income can hf' eubst.an· tially increuerl. '5000 will hanr!IP. ' FOR rNSPECTION CALL HARBOk 1013 • I )JDl'lM. • den. U'nf\Jrn. Bay 6 oc-.n Ylew. Tr. 1-. IOI Car- to llo1l H -98, t.hLI Pf'P"'· 71tfc ' ACT TODAY! naUOll, C.D.M. 61Uc M-MOllel to Loan -C&U Barbor 1618 '° place your I .MONEY AV AlLABLll for apecu· Ad .. thJ.a p.,._ laUon. Wrtte advertS*r, P. O. Boa 311, Oon>Ga del Mar. 7k7~ EAR~ W. -STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport ~l\'d., Newport Beacll Harbor 1011 71 c73 \ - I• ,_ PA&E 4. PART II -'NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS a-a.RMI r..tate _a-_84_.r __ r.._:.ta_t_e ____ a-__ R_.-...:.;_..;...r..tate~;..;_---U-Real t:atate I CLIFF HA VEN A Milli9n Lights MONDAY, JULY 4, 1955 a ••' r.tMI -C' THOMAS "C'' THOMAS "C'' THOM.AS ''C" THOM.AS LIDO ISLE WATERFRONT Open Daily 1 to 5 Until 313 LIDO SOUD Sold OWNER MUST SELL-MAKE OFFER . Pier and Float for 40' Boat LIDO'S BEST BUY in a charming 3 bedroom, 3 bath completely FURNISHED home. New wall to wall carpeting, cu.atom made draperie., tile bathe, service porch with Westinghouee automatic, din. area, fireplace, lovely patio with choice planting &: convenient built·in ba.rbeque -AN EXCEPTION- AL VALUE! Ca.n be bought furni11bed or unfumi1h· f'd. EXCELLENT TERMS. CORONA HIGHLANDS FIRST TIME OFFERED -Choice 3 bedroom, t year old home with circular floor plan, hdwd. flooni, · rear liv. room overlooking patio, fireplace, in excel- lent condition, nicely landecaped. $22,500 -Low down payment BAYSHORES Open Daily 1 to 5 BRAND NEW a.ttraclive 3. beClroom home on Bay. shore Drive with view of bay. Lge. liv. room, din. room. fireplace, built-in thermador stove, 2 baths, patio, ebake roof, fenced and ONLY $29,750 JtA YSHORE DRIVE - 3 bedroom FURNISHED Bay view, nice liv. room with din. area & fireplace, breakfast bar. 2 patios. newly painted inside. $25,500 "C" T H 0 M AS, Realtor 224 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach Liberty 8-5527 "C" THOMAS "C'' THOM.AS "C" THOM.AS "C'' THOM.AS TRIUMPH IN BEAUTY Quality built, $12 a. ft. construction and over 2000 sq. ft .. you add it up! Urge corner lot in Cliff Ha- ven. 75xl40 -grounds which are expensively landscaped. Three large bedrooms with two connecting bathe, cozy den over-looking giant sized patio. A natural wood kitchen witH breakfast bar, rustic living room with sliding glass doors complete this beauty. Loads of flowers, trees and shrubs make this pro- perty a show place. Bemg sold at below replacement cost at $35,500 and we have a $20,000 loan committment. EXCLUSIVE WITH: THE VOGEL CO. 3201 Coast Highway' Newport Beach. Calif. $25,000 WANTED for the cash down on each of the following income property buys: l. TE>n unfurn. 2 bedrm. units. All on year leases Good return. • • 2. Hwy. 101 store bldg. Responsible tenants. Care- free in\'estment. Can be bought right. 3. Motel and trailer Park. Prime location close to · bay, stores & future developlJlent. ·SEE RUSS 1600 W. Coast 'Highway Phone LTberty 8-8595 FORD Newport Beach 72c74 452 East Broadway PRiCE $15,000. Prospective buyen of a 3 bdrm. home should aee thia one. Perfect condition throughout. L&.rge liv- ing rm. Fireplace. 1 bath with stall ahower, 2 car guage. Call Liberty 8-2664 (Evee. Liberty 8-70!56) EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor Back Bay Rancho Bill's Best Buys You have otten admired thit mod· em ranch home with the bll red b&m on Mef& Dr. NOW, you can buy thl• ouutanaanr prope.rty Lookin' for a Bargain-Now hear this- tor much lua than you would ever dre&m. Three BIO bed· Immediate PQNHaiOD o_n thit 3 bedroom l 'l<l bath rooma. PLUS a den PLUS a • \. • ' -. HUGE rumpua room. Lovely heme In ,ooc1 cloae lD location. New curbed ana hardwood floor• plua txtra top paved ltl'fft. .ewen, garbage diapoeal 6 exbau.t quality oonatructlon throurh fan. Full price $9,750 with only $1000 down. out. Over 2200 aquare rMt on • an extremely valuable ail• of nearly • halt acre. You haw Need More Room room to roam both In and out- why be ftnced In! $27.000, Top Location Npt . Near City Hall and Lido ahopplnf center. Lovely two bedroom home over .IJ>acloua double rar· are wtth Iota of room for an addltlonal unit. Full price $11,· 800 and only $U90 down. Ocean Front Lot One of U\e Lut -Priced below market at $8.000, Why 'Y•lt untll they are all 1one ! A won- derful tnve1tment u try u you mlrht-you juat t:an't make any more Ocean P'Tontare! W. Stuart Foote 2117 W. Balboa Blvd. Newport Buen. Ph. Harbor :U evenings. Uberly 8-5490 , 7lc73 COSTA MESA 3 bedrm. 1 yr. old LIKE .NEW. beautiful lawn. front 6: Nar. $1000 down TULL PRICE 19500 2 BEDRM.. 1in&'le garage. Nice yard .................... $11950 tull price NEWPORT BEACH 3 Ul\'.ITS. 2 IQtil, near be-ell and bay 115,:S()O. terms. Homer E. Shafer, REALTOR toe McFadden Pl .. Newport Bea.ch Har: 140 or eVPll Hu. 2&211·M Har. 1137-M ' ON BALBOA ISLE A PEACH of 11 B!i;ACH HouM ! Close to the NortJ\ Bay. Large !Iv. room with fireplace, J bed· rooms, floor tuma.ce. 1rrand patio. nicely turn. Owner want• offer. Asking $19.000 CLIFF DRIVE'S BEST BUY For real ELBOW ROOM Me this We have a full acre with a 3 bedroom reaidence plu.a one 1-bedroom rental and one 2-bedroom rental all furniahed. Room for building on front and rear of lot. Present income $240 mo. Thia ia a ateal at $22,500 with $7,:500.down. Choice !~come Duplex -Two bedroom each aide -only one year ·old. Next to parochial echool and walking distance to down-town. Full price $13,950. Submit on down. W. A. TOBIAS a.nd ASSOCIATES, REALTOR ••you'll like our friendly .ervice" 393 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa Liberty 8-1139 3 Top Value -Exclusives Beautiful-Corona del Mar $1500 Down. Are you a do it yourself! Needa paint Ir fix.in'. Good neighborhood. Zoned R-2. 2 bedroom.e. Double gar&ge. Lot 30x118. Make us an offer! Only $12,500. Walk to P.O. It shops. A good Orchid Ave. location. 2 twin-aized B.Ra. Fireplace. Wood paneling. Large double garage. Walled yard. Zone R-2. Alao include. di1hmuter, tile aink, breakfut area. Rental income, plu. lovely 2 J;l.R. & den ownera home. Comer location on Marigold. 12x24 L.R. plua den or extra B.R. Panel Ray heat in both B.R. Mo- dern firepla.ce, W to W carpet. Venetian•. Small en· cloeed ya.rd, beautifully landllcaped. Rental unit fumiehed. Call ua (or appointment to eee any one of these good buy1. Harbor 2042 -Harbor 2042 -Harbor 2042 frank James-Linwood Vick REALTORS C. B. Ruu -R. W. Rayle -Chu Travia AMOCiatea 312 Marine Ave., e.Iboa lllland Harbor 2o.2 very apactoua 2 ~room home ----------------------- In a beautiful neighborhood. I..arge lot. f not leuehold) Hwd. floora, pa tlo, sunde<:k Complete- ly furnished from wublng ma- chine lo punch bowl. Owner leaving for Europe. $19,MO 4 ';', loan. Mariners Isle Realty 318 Marine Ave., Balboa Jaland Jiarbor 4781 7lc73 Take One Good Look BY OWNER, leaving July 10 NOT ANOTHER LIKE IT tor thla LOW PRlCE 118,500. BEA UTlFUL Lloyd C. Howard 11ection. east 11lde near back bay. CUSTOM BUILT, 3 bdrm., 2 batha, Ranch-type homl', 1hake roof, LOVELY LARGE kitchen. We11t· ern Holly oven It gaa platu eel In BRICK W .ALL. 1~7 .Alifto Ave.. Uberty 1-3233. 6lttc RESTRICTED Back B&y brand new home. 3 bdrma.. 2 bat.ha. Complete elttlrtc kitchen all built-Ins. Natural uh cabinet. It lots of them. Wonderful home even lo electric garage rloor. $24,500 F. P. Monthly paymenta ot S88.44. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1857 Newport. Coet& Me1111. Ll 8·1632 Eve. LI 8-6801 Cll!! Haven LIDO -tSLE SPECIALS Lovely in the daytime-beautiful at night. Thia home baa everything for comfort and contentment 3 bedrma. 6 den, leu than 1 yr. old. Completely and beautifully furniabed. Thermador ltitch~, eecluded patio with lovely flowen1, one of the mosl outstand- ing home. on the i11land for $43,500. New 3 bdrm. & den home 2 bath.I, charming kitchen, built-in range & oven, copper •hood plua diahwaaher. Large muter bdrm. hu fireplace Ii one wall panelled. Mercury 1witchea thruout. Carpeted, dbL gar., finest of construction. Full price $33,500, terma available. AND REMEMBER TlfiS - many other fine homea are lilted exclusively at THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido, Npt. Bcb., Har. ~971 or Har. •972 Evea. Har. 2191-M. Har. 2998-R or Liberty 8-5297 LIDO ISLE Bargain Hunten Special! Owner aaya to 1ell quick! Price ii way below the market -cornfU', at.roet to 1treet on Lido Soud. $12,500 ALSO a beautiful 40 ft. lot and good for aingle ltory aa alreaqy built on both 11idea. 3 Bdrm1 • 2 bathe --Furniahed, near the Club - 1treet to 1treet. $26.500 with $6500 down. NEAR LIDO with pier and float -a cute cottage with lot.A of yard for only $18,750. r ll•ten like dlumond1 from thlll ' modem View hom.: ot many win· dov.•1. The Haroor II at your te<!t from thla beaut1tul nculy n~w 3 &idrn\., 2 b&Ch~ luxury. beni. with extru &&lore. Including dlehwa.ahrr, built-In n.ng-e and oven. mere. 1wllche1. wall to w&U carpet1n1. pn,1ate offlCC' or workahop In ext rv. larse garage ... Jt you wa.nt the flnut lo<'& tlon and conatl"\lctlon, call ua for an appointment lo see ll11• exqulalte home. $34.~0 !uU prh.'l' Don't Just Drive By 1021 Clift Drive. Although you wtll aee an ln1tanlly appt'ahng nt:w Redwood Ru1lic 3 bdrm .. 2 b1Hh home de.flgned and built Cor the m<>11t diec,mlne-buyer. LET US SHOW YOU the 11p1iclOu.s liv ing room opening onto a ft'n('ed pa· tao -lhe loirge bedrooms and aklllfully planned kltch«"n -and a rooftop obffr-vatory with lln unobAtructed vl«"W ot th& 8'1y ... All this and more rnr JI.I.st $26,600. We have the k«"y! First Time Listed Immaculate 2 bdrm. home on a 1 quiet 11lre«"t . . . Thermo heat. wd. tloora carpeted -worl<shop In large 2 car geragP -Rr al Value at $10,8~ wllh low dOWl'I. Bay & Beach Realty 169& Newport Blvct. Cotta. Mesa. Ca!Jf. Uberty 8-UeL Eves. LI 8-31~8 LIDO ISLAND Be.utlful a bedroom home with 2 bath•. Fireplace, Dl1hwaaht'r, Garbt.ge Dl1poHI, wired !or Electric R!J'fe ... Lt.od.acaped, A P• prox. 2 •~ year.i old. Located on Pluzo Lido. Thia i• a top quality home. See lhl11. COSTA MESA • IWdroome, 2 batka.. j u11t 8 month.ii old. 1~ aq. fl. nk e romer Int. ruu prtce $12,9~. G<>od lerm11. -COSTA MESA $8000 buys a nice 2 bedroom homC'. that is juat 2 block11 from lhe propoaed All American ahopplng oenter. Thia la a good home. Be aure to aee thla. tunu ca.n be arT&nged. "ART" ADAIR REALTOR 1666 Newport Blvd. Coat& Meaa, Calif. LI 8-3792 ATTR. SHAKE root rustic, Npt, Ht... af'eQ. 2 b.r .. fenced yard, wdl land- 1caped .... ...... . Sl4.2~ VIEW Lot on Catalina · Dnve ... ·-... ._.. . ....... S 4,000 UDO bayfront-8 b.r., 3 bath. pier It allp .. _,,. _ $68,600 LID0-2 b.r .. ~· lot ....... $27,600 BALBOA Blvd. triplex. 1un deck, view of bay ...... $19,600 ~A YSHORES~3 b.r,, 2 pal· 1oa. charmh1g yeu round •pot -.... . .. . ..... . . ... $21 ,500 GOOD M-1 and C-1 properties. Claire Van Horn REALToR 2731 W. Cout Bw.y. LI 8-4277 CHANNEL FRONT MARCUS ST.--3 u.nila furnlshf'd. 67' tt. ot ~h -2 Iota. F ine value at H2.500 -SI0,000 dn. 1250 mo. MARCUS ST. 6 unlu on 3 Iota. turnlahed. 2 yra. old S7500 - Ann. Inc. pier 6:: float $62.500 $16.000 down. SJ~ mo. Near Ocean Front 2 UNITS tum. $11,000-$2600 dn Cot tac'ea furnlahed ... _., ........ $6500 Lota . .... ..... . .................. S2250 Bayview Realtors 2306 Balboa Blvd. Har. J:l71 7lc73 ROOM FOR t UNITS. Lot 11ze Mx234. Good atreet eut of New-~rt Blvd. $3000 t.a.kea It. 208 KINGS PLACE, attractive 2 brlrm. A: den, fireplace, view. Owner leaving atate. will eacn- flce. Low down. Open Sat. and Sun, Call Lon&' Bea ch i00·317. 70Cl73 BAY & BEACH REAL TY -Lido Office o~;~R~sT 311~ Lafayette, Newport. Har. 3643 • Har. 2999 eve. 1~7 Newport, Coeta Meaa. t LOT CORNER, homa h&e 2 bed· U 8·Hl32 Evt. LI 8·6803 rms .. 12x24 den. l!lx31 L. R. -----------------------------------12xl3 f'ntry Ir l0x30 Ian&\. new· ly built. Finely IMd•caped pr- den~ and flUTllly orchard. 2 fireplaces A FA heat. Fenced. Property can be built up wtth 3 renlale w1thout 1poillnr pri· vacy S35,000. Loan commltl· ment $15,000. Owner. M. Ver- treu. 420 Goldenrod, Oorona del Mar. Har. 21181-R 72cM $7,950. . T radin' Today? Balboa Island 3 bdrm .. 2 bath home plus apt., located OD fine cor· ner neu Bay 6 atoree~ For Corona del Mar. Shore Cliffa or Puadena to $35,000 $2500 Down 1200 aq. lt.-3 bdmt. 2 bath home. e0x120 lot, 2 car garage on alley. Paved 1lreet and curbs. .All landecaplng in. including large patio wllh 11hdlng glua door It Iota Of "big house" te11- ture1. See at 197S Rosemary Place. Ooela Meaa. Owner LI 8-1687 65t!c H c7e 1ftW I bdim.. hYfd, floors. 283 ----------------------Avocado. Coet& M«"e&. Phone 15th and Irrine, Newport Beach OSBORNE REALTY CO. Vets $565 down ,EXCLUSIVE LISTING ~rt,y 8-7807. 72tfc 2323 W. Cout Hwy. Newport Beach (at Port Orange) LI 8-75e2, Har. 5154 evea. PLUS llfPOtfNOS U81l YOUR G.I . LOAN on 4 yr. Balboa Island VOGEL VALUES TOP LOCATION BA YFRONT Immaculate 4 br. -two story home OD larp•Jot.. Unerowded atmoepht~ wilh lov-~ patio, pMI' and floaL Large living room. den, and eepuai. d1ninc room. Cash down, un!um, $36,000. HERE'S A SWEETHEART. 2 br. & den wit.h n,... plat e. Very nice private patio. Hu eeparat.e Income unit with a 1ure $1 ,800 yearly. Better h\MT7 M> pl thie one. · LOADED -Well located Balboa laland I bdrm. home. Nearly new, with lota of wardrobe 6 clOMlt space. We think it's loaded for good year 1"01llld ltving. Dbl. garage. forced air he.at, lovely J>tLtia. extra dining s pace in kitchen - PL.US complete 1 bdrm, guest apt. -all pleulnlt1' planned for a minimum of houaekeeptng. Can be shown at your convenience. day or night. Tap financi ng. Full price $28,500. $7,500 is all it takes to move you into t.bJll I bdrm. BALBOA ISLAND home with 1 br. apt. Both tw. ished. Patio and fence, gar..-. Wonderful loel,tJoe, Low monthly paY.Jllenta. THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine, Balboa Island BALBOA Ocean Frnnt 2 B:J!. home Jith two 2 B.R. untt..a now . rented fo r season. Exceptionally clean home 6 in· come property. $29.500 firm price -$10,000 down. Furmshed Duplex, close to Newport Harbot: Yacht Club. Fireplace, short 1 '.! block from ha.thing beach.. -Good Terms. BALBOA P~NINSULA Attracli\'e home on 1 ' '.! lots. Fireplace, full dinJng room. modern kitchen. Exceptionally large patio. F!!ll Price $18.950 NEWPORT BEACH 3 B.R. corner stucco ltome -wall to wall carpet- ing, walled patio. 100 yards from •urf. $10,500 -Good Terma BACK BAY VIEW LOT Finest restricted street. surrounded by home• $25.000 and up. Full price $6,850. Bay ~nd Beach Realty 1450 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1264 CORONA DEL MAR 1. View lot m Cliff Haven. Priced right for quick sale. 2. OPEN HOUSE DAILY -I TO 5 4-18 Riviera, Corona Highlands 3 bedrooms, P 1 baths. Forced air heat, Hwd. floors, lots of tile and many other features. Outstandmg view of ocean and hills. 3. HOME WITH JNCO.ME 618 Marigold 2 bedroom home on 45 ft. lot plu1 1 bedroom apt. fully furnished. Priced at only $16,500. Low down pa):nent. GORDON WALKER, Realtor W. E. FISHfaR, Builder Geo. Raban · Bob (;er\'~is -Pat Pattison • Dick Hilliard 302·1 E. C1Jal-lt Hwy,. Conma·fiel Mar. Har. 5033 6 5032 ·HARBOR HIGHLAND Call for 1963 app't. Sylvia to see-. Street Three bedrooms. H.W. floors. F,A heat. Fireplace. • large servici porch, Fen.,ced rear yard, Nicely land· scaf>t>d with 414 1 < G. I.1oan. Call for appointment to see anytime. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR "you'll hke our friendly aerviee" 393 E. 17th i t., Costa Mesa Liberty 8-1139 BALBOA ISLAND FURNlSHllD duplu. I bedrma. ea.ch. Ft~plac.. Dbl. prace. Good location, _.t ald• eo.ta M-.. 117.000. LI 8-T281 -old, 3 bdrm .. dble. garare. !enc---------------,----------- 2 Bedroom hoUH 1 Bedroom apl 2 Car rarage Fireplace each unit Excelltrlt location Step from bay Only $7:500 down WM. W. SANFORD,_ Realtor And A.oclate. Park at Marine, Balboa Ialand -Harbor 2462 72pM Corona del Kar Bargaina 1 bedrm• ._ .... -... -... -.. ·-·-•u.ooo. I bedrm., corner .. -....... US.500. J bedrm., Corona HfcN'da. '18.1100. I ~rm .. Corona BJ.chl'da •n.ooo. I bedrm.. oc..n front .... 1111.600. I brm., bay It oc..e.n Ti-••t.600. O. H. LATHROP, Mao & Coul R'wy., CorOn.a del Mu. Barbor 6441. (eve. Hu. MIO). Tlc7• ~ lOQK WHAT WE FOUND! J'urniahed wat4rfront dupl•. Oomnte bWkhead. Pier and t1o&t. NI pno. sa,ooo -Low ctn. • VOGEL CO. 3201 Cout Hla'bway N..,.,ort ~'Calif ed. Wonderful patio 6: laundry, yard. Garbage ~poaal. .AU treely p&lnted. Near Upper Back Ba.y 2312 Pallaad•• Rd~ Banta Ana Phone Kl 6-2e93. eot!c Commrc'I bayfront APPROX. 71 tt., tAcludu marine ....,... bMl' ahop, 1DOOr1np. J:a. eellenl ~rt locaUon. H6.000 -tu1l pnc.. Wrtt.e °"21.r, P, O. Bos tlT. Bal· boe., Oalit. "12p84 ONE OF THE BEST! . 4 Unit• furnished -Near ocean Md bay -A·l condition. S 10.000 will handle -abowa $4,800 ID- corne -can be lllcreue<I. VOGEL CO. 3201 Cout Highway Newport Bea.ch. Cali!. : , - - = ,_ •• Harbor Area . Income Properties 1. Nicely furn. 2 bdrm. home and 4 cottages. Live in the hou.ee and collect $210 ~r mo. from the 4 col· tage.. Price $22,000. only $5000 down. 2. Store bldg. appro11:. 4500 eq. ft. Plua House and stor· age bldg. on 107x300 ft. lot. Price $45,000. Tenna. 3. Triplex -2 bdrm•. each. Good r~ntal district. In- come $3180. Price $22,000. Submit trade. 4. Over 100 ft . on 101 Highway. Near new 2 bdrm. bouee and garage bldg. Uee of three piers and float.8 plua marine waye on waterfront. Price $50,000, ) Only $18,000 down. 5. Lido lele furn. 5 unit. Potential income $10.000. ,.. Price ~9.500. Only $20,000 down. 6. Bayf ront triplex. Pier and slip. 3 bdrm. owners apt. Good income. $70,000 with low down. 7. Lido Bayf ront 6 units furnished. Sched. income over $14,000. Price $105,000. Term.a. See or call: THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Highway Newport Beach, Callt. Llberty 8-3481 Country Living in the City 484 -21st Street, Costa Mesa Here's a lovely dream home with plenty of space for children to play-3 bedrootn8, 2 baths, fireplace, garbage d1eposal, 2 car garage and everything for comfortable living. Priced at only $20,500 and xlnt. financing can be arranged. Also A S bedroom modem home at 2177 Rural Lane. ModeratAlly priced at $12,950, thi• bu a 4 % G. L loan of $8.500. Alao 361 -22nd St. in process of completion, 3 br., 2 bathe, built-in elec. 1tove and oven. Large lot with fruit t~s. Prtced at $21,500, ell15y terms. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor "Lido Specialist " Use Our Free Parking Lot 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. H arbor 4718 4 Bedrm., 2 Bath Home on Your Lot- $11,100 1330 sq. ft., forced air heat. hardwood floors, fire- place. Real plaster. Large picture windows, natural hardwood cabinets. Phone fo r app't. to see our model homes- MARSHALL HOMES • 'oil 6%-~aJ Estate a • ..,...- a. palmer incorporated • INEW.-OltT HAltlOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE S MONDAY, JULY 4, 1955 I p. developers of Udo Isle Bayfront BwJcling_ --5it 62.42 fttt width at bay. Out.standing marine view and the aJte. ia large.~ough so that.-you__can_build a true home. This ia the tip of sandy point on Lido Soud. next to the boat garden, which Insures pri· vacy and view. $36,~. 10~ Via San Remo, -across rrom terlhis court and Clubhouse is this charming small hDme. 2 bedrm1. and den, 1 & :J.6 baths. Carpeted and completely. furnished. Very cheerful livrm. and din. area, fine modem kitchen and a privabe, fully flaptoned pa· tio.. Roomy 2 car garage. The full price is onl:ii $26,900, with immediate poasession. New Home, Ready for You, Now! Drh·e by 125 Via Wq.ziers, -if you like it, come in to see us. We have the keys. Everything about thia home is so good that you just have to 1ee it. We have a number of fine Lido lot.a for sale at this time, such a.s : · 35 ft. on Xantbe ···---···---------···--····-...... $10,000 381/:! ft. on Ithaca .. -··· ........... --.. ···--·-······--$10,750 p. a. pal~er incorporated ole lianson co., sales management 3333 via lido, harbor 1~ Take Your Choice Three new' vlew home.--3 Bedrooma, 2 Bathe each -Fee aimple pl'Q~rty (ru>t ltpehold) -Pricea $23,000 to $20,950. Fameworth wlU be glad to ahow them to you. Newport Heights 2 Bed.rm. houte with Apt. in rear. L&rge lot, $1S,1500 A1k F or Hodkinson Bluff Lot Breath taking view of the entirfl Harbor. $5500. AAk For Joe Kincaid BRAND NEW -MAGNIFICENT VIEW Mo.t eacltin1 bou.e In Corona del Mar-Ruttic Early American-Heavy Shake Roof-2 Ueed Brick Flreplacee. 3 Bedrooma (1 \infinl.abed) Plua Den- 2 Bath8. $27,500 Total Price-Modeet Down Pay· ment. Call for Dave Oabum. p. a,·~palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout ht'hway -liberty 8-M73 !.ta1.1~?oc~!ion~~fJ~L. V u ch t partment. 3 car garage, v Corona del Mar Bargains Houston Values ft rt places, 1und«lu. Excluaive with u1. $37,000, t'rm1. ' Balboa Peninsula Homes! It you have a largt family and nef'd room 11ee thll beautiful 4 bedroom, 2 bath home attuated on two large comer loU. i :Oxl28, beautifully Ja.nd3Capt'd and wall· eiJ for privacy. $32 500, tenM. 1. LOW l)()WN PAYMENT Buya this newly decorated 2 bdrm. home, plus dbl. garage, completely fenced. Full price $12,750, only $3250 down, to loan of $9500. 5~~rr int. Payments only $75 mo. Better hurry on thi1 one. Exclusive with u1. 2. RANCH TYPE It's A Real Buy! HOME A: INCOME on Broadway. Large, neat 2 bdrm. home .. HW fioor1, Mwer & curba. Fuml1hed cotlalJe Wllh k1lch. A: bath on rear. also 11i-parale (UMl room with ."• bath off gur. Full prier JH .000, low down and tennt. Newport Bus. Bldg. BALBOA ISLAND HERE IT IS -Bay view. 2 unit11, ~ bNlnn. home, 1 bdrm. apt.. hom~ &-apt. ha\'e '·iew or bay. Sht'I· lered patio. Quality c01111truction, Apn. rurnishl'd. Home partly furnillbed. New m HI l8. In beaullfYl condition, $10,000 down. Owner will carry balance for qualified buyer. Choicest Bayfront Buys BAY FRONT HOUSE A: APT .. No. Rny. Beautiful beach . $10,000 down, balance ra..11y. BAYFRONT. LTITLE ISLAND -60 ft. boy front· age, pier It flqat. 4 bdnns. Sup<-rior con11truct1nn. A good buy! DUPLEX -SOUTH BAY FR0l\1T -L1uturv home and income: $6:>.QOO. • ' WATERFRONT -Furn. 3 bdrm. homt' anrt 1 bdrm. apt. Fireplace. Sl0.000 down. Full price S29,500. WATERFRONT -.C2 superior units. 3 bdrm .. 11~ baths, fireplace DOWN ; 2 bdrmR. 2 baths UP. Bay view from upper deck. $45,000. Submit down. .. _ ISLAND COTT AGE -Dbl<!. garage. Finplact. $15,750. Reduced for quick sale~ 4 BDRMS .. 2:1~ baths. New furniture. TV. BBQ. North Bay mooring. Good family home. Showe ex- cellent inl'ome. All for S24.9!;0. Cottage nea r South Bay. 3 bdrms .. 11 ~ baths, fire- place, large living room. Altracti\'e pntio. Excellent rental record. Good value at ~26,500., CORONA DEL MAR EXCELLENT INCOME -4 furnished unill: l bdrm. each. No vacancies in over a ye:ir. Rf."nt la $6:> each. Gross yearly S3920. All in first class con- dition, $6000 takes. Full prirc S22.500. ON HAZEL, 2 br. view home. Private pathway to little Corona beach. $25.500. LUXURIOUS 5 bedroom view home. Lush tropical Here's lh" olhl'r. Spae1ou1 • bed- room. :? batM. J3x21 ltvlnit' nn. with nagatone tlreplace. Orran vll'w from upper bedroomH. We Ari' t1ruclou1 that you 11t'e thi. 11t $23,(100, $~0 down. 3 bdrm. home. Shake roof. Comer lot. 2 bathe. Drapes and carpeting included and only $28,500. GOOD CORNER BLDG.. modt rn. • cloa. to Bay. Excellent posalblll· patio and yard. $15,000 down 4 Peninsula Duplex! On large comer lot. Redwood !'X• tenor and panl'led Interior. Stu· di() .11t yle • 3 bedr{>(lmll an•t 2 baths ear h 11partment. $29,700, $7300 dov.11. Beach Home Or. tor ye.er around Uvlng. 3 bed· roon11. 1 1!. balh11. Close lo N.Jt. Y. Club. Some t\Jmlture lnclucl,; ed. Price rut for quick nle. S 11 000. $3000 down. Bay Avenue Beach Home! Balboa location ..• cloae to town and beat beach. Cute u Ule dlckeM. 21, bedroom•. Some tumtture lncludtd Specl&l, at SH 000, S1~00 down. Balboa Realty Co. Oppo11tl' Sank nt America Ro39 Grt<'ley Al Com chus Ed Lee Ja<'k f'lnkhnm .lns~phlne Webb 700 ~: BAlhnA Hl nl . 13alb0a l'hnnt Hnrbor 32~i. VALUE· PACKED Income Corona del Mar 4 unll-2 full Iola. Income '29!\ a month. Only 6 yrs. old l'ewly d~oratf'd. $27 !\00 full prlre. S!X>OO down. Call tor app't to tn this REAL lil:Y ! Low down payment will handle. Call for an appointment to eee. 3. OCEAN VIEW From this 3 bdrm. home. 1 1h bathe. L&rge lot com- pletely fenced. BeautifoUy landscaped. Paved patio. Drapell Included. All the work bu been done. Just move in and enjoy it. Truly a bargain at $22,sOO. We have the key. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T, McCUlSTION, Realtor 3447 E . Coast Hwy., Corona de! Mar. Har. 47 (Office located next door to Corona det Mar Bank) YOU H.ave a Part in the Multiple Listing "Success Story" Five Million Dollar Sales to date In 1955 compared io Two and a Half Million Dollar Salee to date in '54. . BUYERS and SELLERS of Real EAtate are offered important helpful assistance. See your REALTOR for free illustrated booklet on ''How the Multiple Listing Service Works.'' (Co~erative effort of 250 fUll·time professional workeni) Understand the advantage of this modern way to merchandise more propertie. thru more people with NO INCREASE IN COST. Available from Member-a of the Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 410 -32nd St., Newport Beach UH. Jncome $275 mo. Full price s2:i,200, Terma. SEE us for BEACON BA y and BA y Neat 1 brm. Duplex CLOSE-IN. onJy e yt11. old, on •-er11, dble. ger . .ti wuhroom. A11klng 19800 -Ownrr n~eru. action. 8ubmtl MY n>L!ona blt otter. Tl'rma. Ev11. lnt. Peltne, I..J 8·6487. New & Beautiful THE NliJWUT It mo.t altrac:Uve 8 B.R., 2 bath bornM In t.own• Hwd. flrs .. shake rf .. F. A. htat.. flrtpl . tile K. &t B. Wlde-o\·cn Weatgh. built In ov• n & range. Exel. Ii:. •Ide loc. F.H.A. t.-rm1 ron bt arran1ted. Hurry on thtlll" Only a few lr!t I n choOllt from. A real buy at St ~.000. Ca ll tor appl. to I CC. E\'t. Inf. Seymour, Hu . 11291-W. M-1 Specials t. 19-0x200 ( cor .) PlaccntiL 2. 12;x290 f cor I lo alley. 3. 63~x290 Wllh 21 00' bldg, 4. 40.000' on Pla.cenlla 'Ii 32t. All above 11 level land AJid I ready tor development ~. 30 Acru on aewtra It pavtd atreet.a. -- For Eve Into. on above pho~ Lytle, LI 8-21142. Houston Realty Co. & ASSOCIATES 609 ~nter St.. LI H 911 COit.a Meaa LI 8·778i CLIFF HAVEN SHORES propert ies. CALL HARBOR 1775 -or EVES Edith Maroon, HYatt 1-6222; J ohn Macnab, 'fiar bor 5359. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Baiboa Island. NOT TOO LATE! to get fast possession for a glorious Lido Isle summer holiday -YES you can move rig ht into this cozily furn. 2 bedrm. Lido Isle home with its extra large s unny patio for only $22,500 terms. This one will not be on the market for long you can be sure. LIDO REALlY ASSOCIATES W. G. (Bill) Kempton* Joseph H. Grohman * Virginia Manson * Gene Vr<'<'land * Tom Campbell * (Lido Island's most experienced sales personnel) 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (Acroea from Rkhllrrl's Mnrkrt) • CORONA DEL MAR 20 Years Building in Orange County Kimberly 7-3293 Llberty 8-4073 Cliff Haven • 70C83H P'l:-0"1: DUPLEX -Steady lncome BAYFRONT ThrH bl'ctroom. 2 bath. hwd nr1 .. larte dbl. 1ara1e. ltltcl Thtr· mador k itchen. Room for swtm- mlnc pool View ot ocean and hlll.L S29,600, tennL G. I. Resale, 2 bdrm. home In gnod condJt1on for only $12.000. Here is a good buy wilh immcdiat• poSSCRlliOn. TRAILER COURT $20,000. 9 large 1pacee ~'x66'. Faclllt~• for l S unit.a, Lt.nd ad]oinins available. Ni~ shower room and laundry. Washer and Dryer. 27' tr&iler goea. 150' fr:om Blvd. and market. Don't wait on th11 one! Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson 1856 Newport Blvd. Coat& Me1a ( acrou from Co.ta Mesa Bank) Phone LI 8.ei61. .Evea. Har. f366 -LI ~2103 A Pair of Winners Duplex -2 B.R. ea .. ffrepla~. HDWD fire .. good heat, Dbl. gar. AU in good condition and in handy location. &low rep'! coat (ff U6.!500. 2 unit.8 -2 bdrm. A den home. HDWD fll"I .. 2 fire- plaeet1, lg. room1: plu1 2 BR. apt. over dbl gar., on Jg. loL Couldn't dup'l for $26,~ -Priced at only $2!,000. R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor 3622 E. C-Oa.st Hwy.. Corona de\ Mar Har. 21if ~ord of 117:) month '76 03 month paya FHA 4~"'• loan. t&.xn, ln1Ur1nce (not leateholdl PIER AND SLIP FOR 45 FT. CRAFT, _ l/ Balboa Peninsula New 3 B.R. on corner lot, ·one block from ocean, xlnt. terms, large lot. qi1allty throughout, $27,500. FUii prlct 119,000. Balboa Island CHOICE LOT with 11paclou1 apt. over double garare plu1 cueet room and llllath already on rear. JWady for 2nt1 unit. Asking $19 700. S!'f' thle 11nd ler 1 1ub· mil t"rm•. Muriel M. Pinover REALTOR 2804 Nl'Wport Blvd .. Newport Bch. ~y Parking Harbor •1110 38c40 Everchanging View SHOWN BY APP'T. ONLY Modern well arranged 9 room realdence. Living and dining area overlooks bay and beau. landac. patio. 4 lovely bedrooms with bath for each. Xtra large rumpus & television room, the kitchen will delight the lady. Separate laundry room. Forced air beating, oversized double garage. Priced for immediate sale with good terms. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach. Har 0188 VERY LOVELY 3 bdrm. borne 11>4 ---------------------- bel.h11. On F.aU!er SL Hwd. flr9. Flrtplace Fenced rur ,.rd. o. I rl'11ale 4 'f. Int. S72. 711 mo. ln· cludf'11 tax and Ina. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 18~i Ntwport, Coal& Mua U 8· 1632 Eve. 1.1 8·6iOI C-1 Zone I BEDRM. oltltr hOUll', !:Mt 18th at .. Coata Me-. Oall owner. u l-8769. 6~c78h . C-1 Property AT 001\Nltl\ ot lttll a.nd Plai9 ce.ntta. with I bednn. hoUM and amall 1tore. • s tJBMJT eacbanr-. 0a.11 LJbfrty 1-M91 &Otte SEASHORE DRIV~ Sl0.500 full price will give you a three bedrm. home and a summer vacation. PENINSULA POINT 3 br., 2 11:.! bath, 5 yrs, old. Cloee to your own bay bathtnr beach. View from 1un-deck. Completely fur· nllbed, too. Only $24,l500, terma. BALBQA BAY PROPERTIES 1506 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport a.eh. Har .S188 .. , ' - P'our bedroom, a bath, 2 nreplacu . Good family home. Only S2:1.· ~00 turnlahed. WI: ALSO have n cl'lltnt buy1 In b e a c h cotta1r 11, ~rmanent homea 6 income property. Coast Propena es SOl p;, Ba.Ibo& Blvd.. Balboa Harbor H :IB. 2~97 and •eoo. SHOULD BE OltVl:LOPl:D now bul will &how lncreue In Talue u lnvrllt.mcnl. 1 L C· 1 ln cen- ter or bulldln ac vlty. U 0.600 wlllinll' to •u I eome tHmL 0 E COAST PROPERTIES 18G7 NrNport. Coat.a Meea LI l ·H 32 E'n. W l·elOI Channel Front CUTI: 1 bdrm. home, A.n~Iou• 8ubm1t your otter. H&r. 1171. Tlc'TS J u1t listed -R-2 lot so. of hwy. $4500. 0 RAY REALTY CO. 8444 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar Jlrirbor 2288 T radin'. Today? LIDO Exchange fine waterfront horn" wil h picr & slip, 3 bedroom11 3 baths. \'alul' $55.00<l fnr smaller home to $30.000. To &ee "-submit, c;.ill t h"- OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W. Cout Hwy. r !nt P 11rt Oranb<') Newport Beach LI 8-7562. liHr. 5154 ('\'eff. BalbOa Island We offer rutcluaivety an unususlly dl'"irnblr 4 brlrm. mulU·bath home, Delightful living rr.11m. lergt> rl tn· ing room. Maximum 11quare foot.age. Clo1>1• Lo b<:ach. $26,000, euy terms. See this \lrtlul' Buy~ NEW. BDftX. on~ acr., S'I.~. EARL w. ST ANLE:Y, Realtor 225 Matl.ne Ave., Balboa b land Ma AftCMo, 0oet& MML Pl\, ID ~-· •'Itta • ,. C&1l Harbor 177~ Eves. Harbor 5~9 . ' • -= - . • • .. .. HARIOR ,o~ Trio Tie for C ' Top Spot 1t Hi B~ PHILLIPS. Spqrt5 FA.ito{ PAGE 6 • PART I I -NEWPORT HARBOR NfWS..PRESS . ~ONDAY, JULY 4, 1955 TORNADOES TOP CAGE . . B LEAGUE STANDINGS TllrM niAM. Cardlnala. 'J'if'en and oranta. -re lied t or lop spot In Harbor &ya' Club C leagut play et Newport Harbor High School throu&"h F'nday. AU ahowed ~orda ot t..tuu . .l!illll._ QJlt <ttte&! attl'r tour ram ... T\ed wllh two wuu., two lauea each wfre Yanken. Cubll. Red SolC. lndlan1. Braves and Oodft'ra. The White Sox trailed with a O.• mark. Wrdneaday the Yanka beat th11 Jndlan.t. !1-1, and It wu T~t_re ovt•r White Sox. 8-2. Bill Brock· man homt'rtd lor the Indiana. T ommy Camble f or the Yank11. Bill Burt tr1pltd for t.he Ttrers. Thu111ciay, Brockma11 hurled a one-hlltl'r tor the Indiana over tht Cuba, 6·2. &end hit enothfr homer. Tti,. Y>inkt-n dC\wned tht Red Sox, 10-3. With Gary Green dunking 16 points and Terry Hall and J im Schonea 14 each. the Tornadoes of Buddy Thomp110n whirled into first place in Harbor Boys' Club Class B basket-, ball loop with a 69-52 win over Maurice Morales' Hawks li"rlday. 1l wu G1iU\ll over C&r- Hawka. i :30 p.m and Hornela vs. dln1l11. 8-3. and Bravu over Dod· Thuraday night. The Lakera edgf'd the Panthers, H ·H , and the Bomb- era 11ipped put the Homth, 42-41. Bruct-Knipp. captain of the Lt.lter quintet. wa11 night'• high ecortr, polling-211 markeni through the hoop. Rleh Pal9ftrrl of the Panthers dropped tn 20 polnll. J im Mulden of the de(taled Hawks popped through 22 d1g1t11. HIGH P<)INT Panthers, 8 :30 p.m . ger•. 9-3. • Dl•T--... COLUCTIOlll &-ca -No._ -a.a.._, MJkiM•f~­A.-tea. .. Ne ·~ao.. -Ne ,_.. We •4h-all _.., C R.t:DIT Bl'REAU of \\' ... t.en o..-,. C-11 lormertr Cndtl .._ el N"'porl illf'M'la, Laa'1iM 8-d a.ad (;Gala ,llua. iiifuw...we A,-.,, P.O. Bea .. NJ:\\'PQ&T HACH. CA.Ur. RAGING TIGERS -Topping B ~erican standings at Coata Mesa Park is this flashy diamond outfit. From left to right, top row: Jack Hargrove, Steven Way, John H~lbert. Jimmy McCandli11h and Gary Markham : middle: Larry Busby, Bob McMahan, Gary Fuaselman. Gene Palaferri and Tom Gillman. Kneel· ing: Coach Francie Gillman, Tommy Toedter, Jim Smith, Skip Crank and Dick Williamson .-Staff Photo H1g'h point man 1n the Bomber- Homet,fra y wu Mlk" Va.Ile of Ll'\e downtd Hornet• "'Ith 18. Don Pierce paced the vlcton1 with I2 point•. Scoring nindown by teama: Shirt & Panis To Match Ty~ Four -8.S 0unC'4> BRAVES PACE A LEAGUE; TIGERS B AMERICAN, DODGERS NATIONAL Undefe.ted ninN f19Ced Harbor Boy•· Club A and 8 leaguu at the end of •tcond week's plt1y FM· day. The Bravea paced t he A'• with a •·O rtcord, thf' T1gtr11 top- ped B American11, i ·O. and lht Dodgera led the B Nl\t1onal11, 3·0. Latf'at A rrsul111: WNJntllday 11 -. Cardlnalil ovtr lnd1an11, 5-3. Ron Je.aee &nd Earl Lewu1, Card11, and Charlee Taylor and Brian Lu- cu. Indlan11. allowed rtval bat~r1 I but two h1l8 Thursday the Dodger11 t>f1Ll the Unbeaten Cubs Top Mesa C's · The C Cut>. ot Ult Harbor Boye' Club C'Cllll& Me11a Park 11Ummer buf'hell leag'Ue remained atop loop atandlng1 with &n undl'fnted four- rame win stn~k llfter completion Giant.a. 11-4. and th4!" White Sox downed thf' Yanks. 7-4. Steven Tu- 1\or'a doublt with the ba.~e11 bulg- ing In tne fifth 11pa rktd the Dod· ger1 t n five come-from·b<'hlntl ruM. Babe Nlemif'C of 1611 Bal· boa Blvd. to.~11ed " no·h1tttr f or lhe While Sox. Fnday. Card1nal ltul'lt>r coo- l1nutd twirling lWO-h1ltera. but lost to tht Red Sox, IH. HIGHLIGHTS Lateel B re.aulu: WPdnelOday - Red SoX'7. A's 1: Do<lgera 8. Card11 7: Tanka 9. \Vhite Sox 3. J im Cur. tie of 2277 Pacific. C09ta Mf'!!I\, tosaed a no-hitter for tht R f'd Sox. Eugen.. La'Perle knocke<t in tour RBla for Lhe Yanks. Thuraday -Tigera 10. WhHe 8ollt 3: Indians 9, Yanke O. Tom Gillman hil a gra.nd11ltun homer f or the Tlgn11. George Brown hit three for three for the Tribe. Friday ,--Dodgtr1 9, Glanll :>: \.\'hltt Sox fl. Rtd Sox 2: Pirates 9. Carda 3. Alan J ones hit a homer tor the Glanl11. sc-HT.ot·u : This week's A a.la te: Tuesday. White Sox • Dodgers. 6 30 p.m : G11Ults • Brawi;, s ·15 p rn. Wed- De&a)'. C\lrd:t • Y11nk11, 6 30 p rn : Iod1a111>-Rt'cl Sox. :t:'I pm. Thuni- day. C1Ml.~ • \\'hit I' Sox. 8: J :'I p:rn. F'r!day. l ndllln11 ·Yanks 6 :30 p.m.; Dodf.t'r!t • R((J ~ox 8 :1:'1 p.m. Sat- urday, CILrds • Giants. 6 :30 p.m.: \\'l11tr Scox • li1 ave11. 8: 15 p.m. Th(J! Wl'f'k'a B ~ChPdule: Tues- dA)'. Alhh:t1c -lndl8nt1 ttnd Yanlc.a • Ttgeri<. 6 p.m. Welln!'ll•lay, Cubs • Card11. Brav~I! • T'imtea, 5 p.m. 11rnr"doy, A'• • Yank11. lndlllnll • Whlte Sc>x, 6 p.m. RPf Sox • Tl· gers. 6:30 p.m. Friday, Plratea • Dodgers 1Lnd Oirds • C1anl.8, 5 p.m. Stlturday. A'• • While Sox. Red Sox . YMkll, 6 pm. of two week11 of play Friday. Tear-. 6. Ing from four runa behind the ln· 1ants dlan1 In the lul lnnln{, the Cuba 1 11Cored 11lx runs Thuraday for a Bop Red Sox, Cards Crush Braves in Hi C Loop t -i vu:tory. Hot ~hind the Cube art the tince-tied Whitt Sox. They racked up thtir third t rtumph of t.he 11ta· eon Wedntsday with a 6-0 ahutoul ovtr Ult Ti~l're. Pet" TOf'dter. The Giants defMted the Red Ronnie Lutz M ti Dick Perry hurl- ed the wan. Complete lt('OreJI, Wednuday through Fnday: Wednf'l!dav -Yanks ovt-r In- diana. 3-2: Whllf' Sox (H'tr Tietn. 5·0. Thura<la v -Cubi< over In- diana. 9·7: v&nkN!!I ovt'r Rf'd Boie, 7 -5. Paul Mor11 of 72!> W. 20th Bl .. Coatl\ Moe, and Mike Buford ot 1724 Monrov\&. ru~ta MMIL, hit homer11 tor lht Yankll. Friday -Cards over Glant.s, t -!'>: Dnrli:en1 over Bravt11, fl.-2. Braves Win Pair on CDM Diamond Ill Corona del Mar YooU1 Cen· ter C · bueball league. thf' Brave• W1>n a pair of trays In two outlnp lut ""el'k. Wt>dnl'llday thty bluted the Cubs. ~-1 . and F ridfly belted the Dodeers. 8-1. Home nina by p1ldler David <::onnell an d Chos McLachlln ap&rkell lht Bravu to vlctary Wednesday. A three-run homer by Ror~r Gr!lble handed the Glant.s a fl-& win owr the C&rdlnll.ls. In F riday's 11Kond pmt. lha CUba ahutout tht Jndlan11. 7-0. Thia wttk'11 Youth Centtr 1ched- ule: Tuuday --Gubs • Ca.rd11, 10 a.m. Bnvu • lndift.111, 11 HI a.m. Wedne~11y Ou~nUI • Dodgera, JO a.m. Friday Bravn· Giant.a. 10 a.m. Cubs • Dod1era. ll: I& a.m. BE SURE -INSURE "'Ui MAURIE "TA!\"LE\' IHUrao<'e Oalr Phone Harbor UH Pl& r:. COM' Blcllway Corona dC'I Mar PARKES -RIDLEY MORTUARl' Formerl7 GRAl"l:L f'llAP&.L Ut Bn>edway I-Coeta 11- UMny I-MP _, 8-UN IOBNSTONE'S Mesa A'uto WNClren tlwd Au&o Pana udA~ ..... !076 Placentia Ave. UbertJ 1-ltll OoMa M- Call DAN'S TV •mee· ....... ·~ Ubertyt-W• I Sollt T • l and the. CardinaJs down· ed the Bravt11 8-4 in rttenl Newport Harbor High School C bu<>ball play. Steve Carl!'On of 2908 Cliff Driv• turned in the 11ut- 11tandlnR" pitching perform anct-. With the Giants 11.hud 6·0. Ca.rl· eon walked lhe b1U1e11 full of Re<! Sollt .in the thrd Inning. AMth<'r stroll sent a run ·acros11 the plate. But CarlBOn tightened. struck out the next three batten and tnlled 11. potentially large Bosox r11.lly. Big blow for tbe GlanUI WU • two-run homer buhed by Dennl11 Walker ot ~30 W<'l!lmlnstrr. Co8t& Mr H . John Vlrrllng "' 439 C11t11.· Jina Dnve c1111~hl for the Glanll. Lo11er wa... San•ty ERlltman or 144 Via Vella. with Bob Horn of JJJ Vl11 H.avrP c·11tc·hin9 Catrhn J o}ln Webf'r of ~04 W. Ocean f'ronl whacked Ii two-run homt"r for thl' triurnph11 nt C1trd1· n11l11. lioll<'ry Mftte Harold Marka of 106 N111th St. tv.'irll'd lhe win. Allen Gray of 1'101 Kings Rcifld triplrd for the Braves. Jeff Lowe of 437 Alll!O Wllll thl' IOllt•r With Mark R1ltl'r ot 00 Allso catching. Paul Lorentzen Keeps Quintet Record Perfect Tomadoe• (119)-Buddy Thomp- llOA U , Ttny Hall u .. Leonard I.to· pea t , Gery Gl'ffn lfl, Jam Schonea H , Jeri:y Hulbert. 8. Harahberser 2. H•wka (~21-Maunce Mora.Ju 4, Dave ~etllt •. Jim Mulder 22, Jim Hoeteller 4, Roy Daniel 18. REAL NIPPER Lakere (47)-Bruce Knipp ~ Bob White 9, Don Beatty 8, Make ANAHEIM (OCNS)-Paul Lor-G&ugban 2. Mike Hayee 2. Panlh- ~ntzen kept Rkhard'a Market of era 4')-Rlch Pall.fem 20, Bob Newport Harbor undefeated by Walker I . Jim Jew•U II, George h1tt1ng for 25 polnlll In whipping 1 Millikan 12. Santa Ana·a Carat'• Orlgtnai. 68· Bom!>er. (42)-Gene Bryant 14. 41 Thursday 111ght In an Ana· Don Pierce 12, Charlle Taylor 8, hf'im park and rec. Dept. A sum-Bill Cox 4, Ray Pion Ii. Hornet.a rntr basketball league l'&me at (411 -J ohn Henrotln 12, Mike Wtstem Junior High. CypreM. Vair.. l&. Cha.rue Vandervort 2. Dave Hurlburt got J3 point. for ftay Fleeman 2. Bob Martin 7. the Carat.a who pulled to wllhln TUeeday hight It'll be Lakera va. two pomlll just before end of the Tomadou. 8:30 p.m.: Bombera v1. third period. only to fade. AIJ1B-On'a Markel ot Anaheim. hilting from all anglea. downed Hu_ntington Bea ch Rec. !S2-37. Roy Stevens led the acorlng with 10 porntff for Anaheim. Don Heard Wll.8 Mgh f-0r the rame W'IUI 12 markrn1. · Fullerton's Ea.stllide Club he&d onto IM'cond place by 1Wamplng lh<' Celtics .56-16. Pete Lob( scored 14 point. to set the pace. Fullerton playa RJ<:hard'a Markel Tuel!'lay tor a po.lb!• tt.e for rtnt pl11.ce. Wilcox ill Fint Ed Wlleollt of COrona del Mar won nn1t place with 12 polnl.8 tn weekly AwtraJlan atnglee at New- port Beach munlctpe.1 lawn bowl· ang greens Tuuday. EI g h t e • n player!! participated. Uoyd Steeve• of Balboa wa.s ~cond tn the play• oft wtth C. B. Rudd of Ba)'8horea. Thf'y were tied with ll. Swilft RtHJistratiOll Slate for Mesa, High . C i.ecHJues lchedukt of g&mM thMI week tor Coeta Meaa Parle and Newport Harbor High School le•cuu: Tluedl.y -Braves • lndllLlUI, JO Lm. Olanta • Dodgers, 11 :lll a. m. Wtdnuday -Tll'tra • Cardln· ai.. 10 a.m. Red 8 01t • Cuba, 11:1:'> a.m. Thuraday -'While Sox • Yankee&. 10 Lm. ln41an• • Red Sollt, 11 !111 a.m. l"riday -Cuba - Whit. Soit. 10 a.m. Giant.a -Bravee, 11:111 a.m. I IN I I Harbor 8t1'd. Army Twill SANFORIZED FULLY GUARANT,ED TAN or GRAY Full Cut -Roomy -Comfortable DouWe No1M1p ~ -Doubl, l'iflt<'IM!d Extl"a O...p. He&\")' Drtll PO<'kel• tt_.. Wal1t lill u. SPECIAL-THIS WEEK ONLY! SHIRTS -Reg. $2. 98 ........... ~····-... -····-Sf2t PANTS -RtHJ. $3.98 ..... ·-·········~ ................. $344 8pMla1 Purch&M, Top Grain. AU vat.,..r s139 WORK GLOVES -Re9. $1. 98 ........ . ....., for .... at" WASIMILLER'S WOIUDNGllA.N'8 8TOR.E C08TA IUU Regist.raUon for lhe next Red Croll.'\ swimming program at Or- ange Coul College taku place July ll and. l 2 a t the college pool. Clll.llse11 will be conducted !or non· swimm ers. begtnnera, lntermedl· ates and awlmmer groupe. Stu· dents are requlred to fumt.h their nwn 11uits and towela. the..._ EVERVWHEAEI IOCll l&Ml9 Pita ct' ., "lrU..W. ..... # 1 246500 ..... --.. ·-·-, __ .._. __ .,_.._ ~...,..._......._. __ :.:..!::. ...., .-y ~ .. .._. They •t•nd out ANYWHERE I Get out of' the ordln•ry ••• get Into an <>LOS I ' YIRI """ff' hu~ tn ~ t-"ce lo k.n<>w .•. it'• nu., • .,., .. ,,.. That "'flyini color" flair ii unmi~lallabl" anywh,.,,.• .\nil vnu ct-'t bnt lo tnrn-b 1hat JI.II pedal mOP than nnr,. Ira kM" · 11w-t•1 a "Roclrte" UnMr ~ liood! EYf'rybOOy Ii.no"• wb1t thll .. ,. • .,. .•. amootb, ~ur,;ni action. 1plil·~nd rf'<!pon .... ~ Tiwet ltt the rf'uoru Old.mohilf' looL ditr~f'nl ••. JN<l• tl1ff,.rrnl ... ii difrfN'nt ! ~ u• (r.r • rid• in thf' moot P"P"I" Cll•l•m,,l•1I" ntt huil~ ! R"°f'mbf.r-t,.,n" t a "R..,,... .. f rw ,.,_.,. f>'<t'lrt' C> L.. C> ,S M 0 El I L. E let • All-COIDIJIOllD •to(llf" OLH•OllU I ... "" I ... -• I .... , Ylllf ,.1.•1oc1n 100•· ••• "' YOUI .,., .... u tlAUl'l I MILLER CHEVROLET 1000 W•t Coast HIC)hway Liberty 8-226 ~ NEW,ORT IEACH •• u1&1.,.111v1 n Y0•111u1 r•• 001 .. 0 •1 •uar tN a ·1oun 1 ·1 - " .,