HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-07-06 - Newport Balboa Press' I ( I ). r I f J I I • I t 'I ... ' • '..... d' ., ·• HAllOI WEATHD 'l -peraharM ta... put week la t b4I Har!Mi r •,.,., "'t'" 1 lll«b Low Thurl!da). J unt' :le' llli 61 F rhlll)'. Jul\' 1 f\11 6ll Ralurtlay. J ul\' z 7i. t\2 Sun•l1t~'. Jul' 3 117 61 l\lont1ay. J uly • 641 M '1'11t'sday, Juh· ll l\N M \\'~ln4'8dAy. July ~ M !\' T elev is ion Blaze F'lnm1t>n ans""'"'' a 1·11 1l l hla morning 10 I ;::(14 lln llle11< A \'f'. lo tln1l • T\' .,., •111111.m~ r11,•y u11 - r t1111i;:e.l 11 n"1'•" 1t'1 ''""' '"" "'aa $20. 0.'<'Uf'1'nl n( lhr 11rrt1l~nl OFF FOR HONOLULU -Baruna, with black bull at left, leads 53-boat fleet toward Pt. Fermin u 2225-mile race to H onolulu begin.I Sleek Morning ~tar reportedly. now lead.a fleet. She ia racers' flagship. WIUI Glt'nn F:r,.IUlll'. Th(' rr"f'"l l,V i. ownt'<I bv l1Prtru1le l.uC'.chen ot La Habra ~O"vi.; . . ,., .. ,-:.:,.: I •18 th YE AR -NlJMBER 37 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 1955 PHONE HARBOR 1616 FIVE CENTS FRO){ t:A'SD AND AIR -An OCNS plane above fro m Ma.ct.in.Aviation Co. cir cles over smoking hillsides 111 ClcvC'land N alional F orest as fire men frantically brought t he bla1.e u nder control. S ome 65 a cres l be low) WC're b lack('ned by the flames whil·h s tarted from u ndete rmined causes S'('Sl er dny. -OCNS Photo 'INTRODUCING. ·NEWS-PRESS' MID-WEEK 'DIVIDEND' ISSUE . Ht'llO! Thi3 111 your Newport Harbor News-PreM dividend -lhe promised "third" l,s11ue which 1ubllcnbers w11l receive e&<'h week al the aame HubacrlpUor: rote they have iiatd for two 11111uu In lime put. Nexl l1111ue of the New11-Preu will be delivered to homu and news stands Jo'riday Aft.>moon. Which or the two l~l!ue11, todl\y or F riday. actually la the t hird or the week we could debate -but both w tll have typle&I New11-Prel!11 high qoollty plus late n.:wa and plctµre content. Nrw t oday: Noon ttport dlrect from New York Stock l:lt· chance with commenL I Page 3, Part ll.) · ·Plumbers' Deadlock - Hits Here 575 Harbor Construction Jobs Could Be ·Affected Me$a ·city _ Hall .. 1 Site Rejected Morning Star Leads Ramona in Sea Race Good Winds May Fall Ughter Farther Out 'Not Large Enough' Says Nelson of 1 % Acreage · By BERT BRINTNALL Costa Mesa City Counc il turned down the offer of a $1 city ball aite ·by Howard B. Lawson and uaociatea in a unanimous vote last night. pre11e11t. The vote wu taken 11\ 1plte of · Somer-9 •lated that with the a new otrer submllted by LawltOl'l elimination of Plummer St. devel- ellmlnaUng eome of the 1even re-opment it left a tull one and threl'· quJrementAI contained in lh• tlrwt quarter. a.cre1 and that there was A new elapaed lime record ofter ot about 1 % a.cres at Wellt ·plenty ot land Immediately adj11- loomed at noon today u du d llltb and Pomona St.a. Under tb1 cent to the 1lte that could be pur- reokonlng po1ltlo118 or Tran.t· new otter the principal dlfferen« chaJlld If the clty ft'lt It n,.e11 .. ,1 Pacific Y&cht Race leade111 put waa elimination of cutting a new more land fcyr p&rklnr purpo .. u . Mornlnr Star •70 mllu f rom Loa atreet from Weal 19th to Plum· MESA MAS~ l'LAS Angl'lea. still leading, trailed by mer St. and paving 19th St. Escapade. San F ra.ncliw:o. •~miles · Mayor Claire Nelton reported It wu noteworthy Ulat at th,. out. Two group1 or boaU follow 1 for a committee which he M id ••me meeUnr ot the city coum 11 lhue two. ' had met iteveral Umea to dlecu1111 City J.1anac-er Oeorp Cofft'e aub-• Constellallon. Baruna, Ramona the poulbilltlta or the propoaed milted • propoaed master pl11n for and Eleuthra: and Novl&..<lel Mar. I Lawaon 11ite a.nd atated Ulla com-city wide development and on il h" Odyney. Skylark and Nam Sang. I mlttff had arrived a t the definite ahowed a propoeed civic center 11111 • Approximately 450 a c tive construction jobs in Costa 'Mle two fTOUJ'll Are aboUl 3~0 to conclu1lon that l!1111 l!lt e WU not i;;:~:i~l;g ~·~ ~c~': r:;;e ani . ·~~ . . · 400 miles out or Lo11 Angeles. I large enough. Mesa and 125 m N e w po rt Beach w ill be affected by the c ur-' Lateat report from th,. Trane-NOT BIO t:SOt"GH Dodge homutte. Coffee 1111ted tht• rent county-wide plumbers' labor sitwi.tion, s. check with I Pacific Yn.cht Rll<'e cfu~lr lo "Look lnit a head 10 the predicted wu 1tr1ctly hi• own wlah. bul l h r c t M b 11 councilmen m•.k• no lll!C"ret of ha \'• both cities' build ing inspector departments revealed today. Honolulu •howa ~iomlng Star.1 grow 0 08 a t>M w• .,. eve In• approached Jud.,.e Ood•e In r,.. • , 1klppered by Rl<'hart1 S. Rheem, we might ftnd 011rs11lev11 without • .. " R. A . Cl1•nn. ~PY. port c.~ler in-sllld lt!)proxlmately ll~ men In the 1 llnd Ramona , a kippered by Wll· enoug·h room t o m.•et nur require-itnd lo life purchalM' of hla propt'r· 11pector 11a1d of the 300 gue&tl· 1 county have ber n affected by what Ii p rt h 1 f I men ts ~fore the r,.qulred lO vears ty tor a city hall 11ile •n<1 declare t " hb~ th 1 , 200 h t d .. 1 k •. , am A. omeroy, are g t ng or • ma e bJ·-,, i.n ,. c1 ) . aom• I e ermf' a nc out . the lead tooay. Meanwhile w f'ather I• up," Nf'lson 11•111. "In 81'1Pr Ung lhflY believe it the l<;l,.al location. couJd "slov.ed up btClltJlll! plumb-Otflclala ln SAnla Ana uld un-1 1 1 di h __ .. 1 a slle I bellen we shnuld look Jud•e Ood•t' &11ya ht' w11nla tnit v.or wa.~ neede · · · o :z. Ion l'Ontracts endeii Thur11d11y mid-.... .; t 11 11 h th tarthtr ahead than thtlt " $!\0,000 for tht' 11lle whlrh 11 300 . k d A J v I I an11 , .• 11 n cat ea now t " g'""' ., ., CITY SCHOOL BUDGET M,esath building ojffblclal. ~aidd.:._"A,ll j nlght. "Of the 111 locat. from 5'ln ;~~~~ ;e~yfAr~her !11~er u e l Both Cour1lmen A L. P inkley reel wide by 630 t~t 1tf'"P· He o e current 0 II cou .,... a • Diego to Santa Barbara. with M St 9fl·ft k t h 11nd Bert Smith 1 eller11lt'd tht' 11ay11 he ha.t alwa"y• hOPf'd il could ftclrd to 11ome de<>rf>e, d,.pendmg aboul )ll 000 I ' bout 200 om1n1t 11r, a e c . . . t l I h h th " .. · mPn, on} • wu lut r4'ported 186 miles 0111 or j ma) or 11 llt'n 1m Pn 11. a t oui: ry be purchaiwd for a public or 1emt· . ' on the extenl of prog-i us. failed tn show up tor work Fri· port wtlh Ramon& three miles be· 1 bellt'VNI that thr !!Ill' wu11M M publl<' u~r and he bellevu It would omr1al11 Of Locnl !'180, Plumbfrll day," hi Mid. I t'OlltlJmrd Oil Pa1te 'I lnadeqlla ll' In a !!hOI ter t 1me t hAn be 8 l(OOd loratlon for I he cily GETS .TRUSTEE OKAY 11nd Str11mf11ters t:nlun in S11nta l "Thia was constituted by the 000 10 Y<'llP8. po$1ltbly ll\'r ye11111. Th"ll h11ll u ll 111 jt1Ml two bl~ka tram Ana Mlrl today & istrike order wu flrm11 bclongtng to the plumbing 1 both exprP1!8r tl lheir U1a nki lo the lnlt,,t'c-tlon of Nt>wport and nnt IS.~UPd Ill " union meeting a t-1 hl'&.t!:ig and piping rmployer~ K'Thanga Sold LawllQn 11nt1 h•s lllllOC'1alu. Jl!lrticu-H11rbnr Blvd11 . whlt'h he bellrvu " -tr ndrf! by 300 Orllnft'e C'ounty counC'1I a.a e. 11tr1kl' and a lockout 1 la rly to Harvry SnmPr11. who wu will W th,. crnt,.r rat thr city. lJst ~igb~~d~~·t tr~; ~e('~~:o~~n~(;.;~~r ~~e~~;~!;~ ;;l~n~,'i'I~~~~~ meAm1>uenr•11oni~b"u~~.n~~~:r.r~:r~::nletrartta1\~~ ~~n~:Kii~!tm~~if:°gh;t~~~~"Y. ,I tO EX-OWner SECOND YACC IN' E SHOTS of Tr usle('!!. It will go to th(' cour.ty superintl'.'ndcn t's office c ~~ .,. r -~ d rrportefl lh3l a lmost halt 1,f lht' without a contra.cl. even though fnr final upprnntl before public ation. Thi' boanl instr,1cte 1 t th Id 1 11 b ~~~ .. ~~u/,:~:; .~f~~t~1 t~n ~~~< ~:~~· .~~~.c;s~,~~·ll~r~ju;-;~7~1~~t~. i:1~~c ~~c~~~P~~~t:~;~:.~~ ~~nlt~:c~:'.in~~ I ~!~:~~~ :i£~~~ouw111t!g~~le.~ j' ~h~;;a ::;L~\~:~~:·~Yi~ J~: DUE HERE ON JU LY 22 1n 1 he !lO·l 1·nl l!\X hmll P11•1l l llmlnp n1 < '11•' 1 ~k " s • 1 c .1 !'liO CONTRACT~ i1hall ·to tlltlefy a mortgage hf'M ThP err••·""" hudg•'' 111 i :?1 nzn A rn1111mg <'st1.11:11• t ·• 1J 111 1•11 peCll OUnCI 1l was pointed out thal n() men-by her tonner owner, L. o. Marr.I lower thnn lhr lentall\'P S9:12.l!\I the HntSlr P P.rt•h:n !'• h•H•I g\ Ill· lion o. t e. strikP WU made at tht 1 ·~~8 Rem&h Vista Drive. GIPn-1 Anti-polio 1nnoc11lr\lion r roi;:rnm I ll('('l)Mlni: lo ln(11m111l 11ln (Miii ( t •\ r in•hl"r<' I b\' th•• 11a~111rn Rnd Rdmtnt•-'1111 "11 l111d.t· M I T l A i t k l,i:1Jl t' 11 ~ I • • ee omorrow ml'e ing Cl On II en WU sum-,dale. who WU Ule only bidder. A•,1n Newpnrl Btarh "n<I ('11•111 thP Nllanly hl'lllt h 11 .. p11rtm,.nl. h"ard Tht' 8ppnw!'d b11rli:r1 l'Ut't· '.,"~ /"~c;.~:~~1"';'.,~" r';~~:·~~ ... '.'' ::~ med up u "no contract . nn work." r"ault ht' hu his old yacht back Mesa will bP resumt'rl F rldll''. July L"<••tll Mf'l!a yuunitsl,.r• v.111 It" tn m1ttl:'d la.sl mi< ht 111 S IP.8;4 high-,.. E w k In litu ot S28,000 due him on the ~ ~IRtn Srh'll•I nn th,. 1111n .. din anf! f'r lh11n the S8Cl8,251 budget PX· :10 fol!llng ch111r~ (.I $1:1~· ~ .. 1 r•lli!I ~Ht!\. llAl.1, AT COl'l\"CJL on aster ee mnrtg11ge and a bout i 1000 which 22 for 11ecund ~rll!P y<J\lfll;l'll'tll 1h1 r1ni: th .. """'" h•1111• :-;.,· (11111 p.-cted to c11rry throu6;'h the RChool 3 j'C'r ... nt lllX 1""111 \'tlf'fl ~lRn· Stahr on Stand he had to dig up tn cover var1-I to rt'celv .. their ll"C:-On•I ~h•;L of ~hnl11 wlll bl' ~1 w•n. th,. dPptt rl· yt&r just l:'nd!'d. Hfllr turlni: Cnrpuratinn \<lh »fl· OWNER BOOKED A 11pertl\I r1ly council meeting oul CO!llS which had accumulattd Selk VlllClnt' mrnl 1'mphlllll7.e•I All !'XpPn!les ex<'epl two will I pro\'"'1 Will be hrld tn city hall al 9 II m. in Pause's Tr1·a1 •galn11t the yach t. Nl'wport s .. a. h ~ouni.::-tf'rll ft nm ~l'l'Olltl llhfll• 10 1 11~ 11n11-r .. 1" comp under the 90-<'tnl !llatutnry In other 111""1"' s.'. 1 h•• bo 11 '1 c k d s tnmorrr•w, provldmg a quorum r11n Marr hu rm ployed Capt. Mike lhe t l,.m40n111ry srhnnl ><n•I ~t. ~"• 1"• w"r" n111 i:1v"" :-;,.v. Jl'11 I t ait limit. Atlllchef! to thr budi:<'t vOl••rt ltl rontinuP lhl' !1!\llll'nl In· rac own ees br mu~tr red. Purpn~ ot th.e 11e11·I SANTA A~A J ULY 6 !OCNSJ Shannon. well known Rarbot l J&ml'I will 11:0 lo Harbor Vl~W Ht11b•1r yo11ni.:11tr1 ,. brfol" atlJ!•"l will be Sl2.000, SlO.!'lOO. of it fnr IUlranrr f'l'"!!ram "n 11 vnhmlnry ~Ion, arcor1lln11: to city .off1rllll11 111 -Georu Stahr, Costa Mell& mer-I ConUnllf'd 011 p .. ,. I School bl'twten 9 anti It 30 11 m .. 1 lrt nuL bnl'A1u111' 11( 1111 k <if v11rrln ... non·cl'rtlflcated emplo)'Pt':>' rt!Ht" h&"I .. 10 b" ltni.n<r•I by ltr I ••r••nl-3 A t M d to J:We 1•11n111<1eret1on lo conlln· kel owner. resumed the wltn!'Sll ntf'nt fund rcqulrt'd by law 8n I Rilopl "'' 11 2l ·w .. r kmi:-doi\' 11 "111 h rres s a e 11ance or lltnl'ndment (If the prtl!!'nl 1 stMf! In the C'On11pl111ry to ob- $2000 fnr rommunity "~rvire. Thi~ for ni•n-c •'I llftLl\ltll f'"r~"nri• 1 1" J F:uter Wl'rk onlln11nc·e. 11trurt j u!lllce trlnl of Herman money .will rome from 11 2•-:-rl'nl fR r 1h1a11• hnokkPrptni:. plA r"d nil • E • c f · '"" lnC'rtal!f' v11led by ri>llnluuon nnn·Cl'lllftt•ntr•I f'l'Tli .. nn•'I 'fl 111.. In rnaes a e Presently fhr city ls Involved In Pau~ ... Artl\Ur Go rdon-Eldred and of lht' board. Thi• v.111 mi>&n a t AAl11rv ~· hP•lnl<' ""' pl•'<1 1n ~h•y l llt1~1l1on Mrl~IOK out of a tempnr-T1Lkl'11 T11kPk<1 .. hi t oday. levy of 92i, cents pt'r s 100 "· tn be pf("' 11w .July 1 I :'\r\\ p<•rt polu t' M ii Ill ate h-111 y lnjun<·t1nn wh1r h wn11 dPntl'd St&hr wu undtr questioning ye11- 11r .. 11ed valuatlon If lhP St>~ 000(1110 WlllT,\<'RF. t11tn:11 1r111••r ni:ent;s <1111 k<'ll flown on llnrry Br,.w11ler. Balboa ll'l11nd terday atl<'rnoon tn auper1or rnurt I f h 1· (' r 1-1 ~· rt Bl, tJ 1 prup<'rly ownt'r who cunte~teil ('on· Depar tment Nn. t ovtr an alllll!rl· l'Xpected IU!Sf'Sl!Pd va 11"t1nn or l <' Pen y \\'h1tn1•1r "'·•~ 11111"1 n11 a ·.rn11·~ n '" ' . ewr" \' .i ton 111 (th ordinanc .. n11w ed liquor lkeni1r 11dtlru11 mixup. district t1 reflched. ('11 .. tod1Rn until ~•'lll"mh· r wh1•n b•' ~l11ndt1\' mi:hl 11 n•I 111 r1· .. trcl th1·r~ .. ittul 8 Y 0 t' Sl h l . b ht t Th ' h b 11n thP t>ook11 The court In deny· " r. 1 "'a~ roug ou . rot a n SEW S<'HOOL BID~ I Y.,11 bl'C • m•· II h11-•II l\'t'r Rnil J .. hn r• r-11n~ f' ('II ,. a~ Pt'n cnll-. . . . ff I II II r 2121 H lftd•' on the fifth school ju11t d t•· ('11'1<'1, " t,.111·h· r. wn• Jotri•<i ior the ra;MI t l't rnt ly h•·f• rP, r1ty cnunn l inir the lnJunctton, ruled no per· ~;a~rdquord ~~n"~, or ard· I 1 I m ·l 8 ma,nent damage wouhl 11cr ue but ' . an e 1cen1e woun 111~Tie1I a.re being ll<'<'t'plNI by thr ~umm»r m11nt h:o n ~ a rain~1'r. Th1•1 '" l!"l"' Y '.'"'.·m 111 rat ing • that the C'IJle would be trl~ In up Ill 21 1~ Harbor Blvd .. The a d- 1lialrict &nd will be 01x•1H•d at 8 11 r<'~ll:'TIR!lnn "' F.di•tnl\ h t'I•"· a 11"'"~. rim~nnc f'. , Su enor CourL It 111 to be tried dre1111 never wu change<! on the a djourned meeUng ot the bns rd on bookkPep• 1 "11s "''•-rt• -I df!'• · ()" 11:'r F'rnni <'• D"lOrN' Hall. 3·~· P I hcen11e. according to teallmon " 'Tuesday, J uly t9. 8 p m. at }{or11re live J ulv ::!!I. Antl tht' Pmpln~m,,nt ari•I \\ 1lh'.!m AmlrPw ~!Arlin. 28. J uly l3. . The detendantl! were lnd~cted l.'n11lgn. See led bid• m11y br sub· of " pi<ych11l,.~1~t "n' ilny, a ""'Pk hA1 t1'~·•"r v.·hn hvri< Rl 1344 Bal-I hut fall by the Orange County milted up to 8 p.m. on July !'11. wM appr1we•l, 1 11.,11 1.1"'1 . w. re bouked tor ~rv-1 1 ma.ke the arreat1. I rra.nd JUry on the chu·ge that Ult lhe board Mid. . l rnntln111><I on l'air" S 1111, lntnxirnnls to 11 Pt''-'"" a lready l'>Uas H11ll 11 quoted u tl:'lllng unlawfully t ranl!ferred JapaneJ. Bids a.re al.lo being l\ccepted tor unoll'r t he mflurnce ot a lrohol and police ahe knew the woman had I Arnrrlcan liquor ltcenau to eeveral home economic rquipmrnt to 111• H• h C • • , ~I able )laxine Moore. 42, of HO I too much to drink bul waa not I location 1n t.h l ount Stah . dude a washer. dryer 11n1l fl\'(' I ICJ way omm1ss1on C'abnlln St. c;o11ta McM, Wll.ll bothering anybody. Martin told waa one. o.t th~. c y. r I ra ngu . Coit 111 a peett'd to be nrsu I Meet H re J I 20 I booked ror intoxication. police he aerved the been. bu~ ------------- $HOO. The board authorlud Sup· . • U Y I ESTt:R Qt'IETL\' '.:WH ju11t helping the owner.' en ntendent Rily o . Anrl('ntrn 11111\ :'\ewpor1 HPal h "Ill hust All Liquor agents enlerf'd the rate Sure she WU a lit tle drunk ... but wn OR DRY THEY Ai\l lllflnt Suf>t'rmtenrtr nt Thom11Jl St'\'en mrmhrr11 of rh" ~tllt l' High· uncler rover at 6:1:> pm. to ob~tn't' 11he wu not hurUn1 anyone, he •RE NOT ON UN-4 \\"oodwl\l'd to opt>n b1f!11 r nor tn way Ct'tnllltll,ton •h•" tCl holll 1111 thr plaC'r . thry 3Atd. They a111d i. quoted H H )ing lo police. ~ ~· the nrxt rej?Ular mttt 1ni:. Aug 2 l1rang" < 'c>unt ,. nw r t mi. .July 20. thry ll8W M H111 Moore se11t ec1 In Ute Dt'E IS COl'RT Well! lan't anythlnr aa.cred llnd mllke rel·ommrnol1<t111ns to tr.e Thi' offtrn•ls "ill •lll\' N"'rmg hl a t <'nrntr drinking. Al(ents 1111ld whPn Ml111 Moore ple.aded ir;ullty yu -1 thNe da_v. ! b<\ard 111 th•t ttme. lla boa Bay Club. 11ht' \ne<J to gf't up anri d11nce ahe terda y mom lnr to her charge and A theft wu reported trom · Pt'R CHASE ORUERS Whtie In Utt <'ottnty the rom· !t'll 11n the floor. wu fined 12:> or flv4 da)'I In Jall. her c!otbeellne Saturday by The board 11pproved purchtUM' mlN1onrrs ~111 lour Dlaneyland I The liquor authorltlea aaid Mi• She wu committed to counly jail I .Marte JOHpb.lne DeJ&neJ ol order• ror u rlectrlc rt1nge. mlx· encl 1tt111y tra.mc probl,.m11 In the Hall 'and Martln wtre...)'•atchlng Mln Bail and Martin po9Ud 1230 211111 1Clde11 An. Tt.Jttn were rr and refr1ger11tor tot11lini; S!\02.08 a rea aa well a. such otht r major hf'r and laughing. Martin. they ball each and are 9CheduJed to •P· 18 dlapen. Nothtnr .a.. Wu 10 fCO to-[)1n1s-Brown M Co~t11 roacl nM<l11 In tht' rounty u the ""Id. 11ervrd her two t>t-en1 before .,.u tn Newport Jll9t.ice Court I mi..tnf. M...a and toe a ranie and retng· Guden Grove Frttw.y. 1 the agent. c•lled Nl!wport police .Monday. JuJ1 11. ' ·------------- ' I . .. BAClt AT HELM -L. 0. MUT I.a 11hown above al t he wh rc-1 of h111 old yacht K'Tha.nca which he bought Tu~ay m o rning at a U. S . .Ma ri;hal'~ ~alC' t n 1•r otect the mortc-re he held qain.st the cralt. -Stat! Phot o , . I I \ J \ PAGE 2 • PART I -NEW~ORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 1955 GOINGS. ON AT THE BALBOA BAY CLUB , OCC Buil_dlng oPEN ~001s TO HARBOR ARMY RESERVES Program Goes ::ii O:~~AN READY FOR SUMMER ·cAMP ~:~~;w;;;~~~:.~;:::: . · Memben of O~t County'• do ao If t.hry enll•t by July 1 i.l burtlarlzed the ruldt>nce ot As Scheduled Myatery ot tht open door la Army Ruerve Unit, 121ith Anny 'The "8217t.h mffta every TUellday Donald Elmo Slroel't'k at 2131 puullnr Marguerite Hughe• of Reaerva Servtt''"e Unit, will report night at Am1y R.eaerve headquar· 3632~ E. Coast Hlchway. at Camp Roberti July 17 t or two tert, lOU North M&l.n St., Santa Elden Ave., COit& Mesa, on JEWELRY THIEF By DAN BAYLESS The new addition of aeveral ---------------------------classrooms, a reading labo1 atory. wet'k.t o! a11mmer training. Thi• Ana. June 28. He •tole a handful oJ will give member:i extendtd prat'· cheaper jrwelry while luvlnf ;J. P. · Stocld · Joins D. A. Legal. Staff , 8ANTA ANA COCN8l-A DtW deputy wu addl!d to Dl1trlct At\1. Robert Kneeland'• ataff Jl'rlday. He la J ohn P. Stodd, 32, ot llU Rural Lane, Cotta MMa. Many !amous.awimmera work out in the BBC's Maiol1~~d~:;u~7 ~~; ~~: :~:;~ Pool from ~me to time -Paula Jean Myel'ft, Sammy Lee., ts pn>ceecling accordmi;-to plan. Johnny W eu1muller to-name a Iew ~ but_we doubt that any 1t wu atilt¢ toduy by W1llwl'.I F. of them could c reat e more excitement for onloo k<'rs tha.n Kimes, assistant 11uperlntendent three fello ws named T ommy. Nicky and Spud. It isn't the I In t'harge of buslne!lll. She told police Saturday ahe left her office at 1 p.m. and rtlw-ned at 2.1Q pJ.n, to find bOth fhe rroiit door and the c.loor lo the sa.re open. Octlceu n td ~here were no Jimmy muka on t1lthe.r door whlt'h would have lndic•leJ torcec.1 Uc1t or military 11klll11 thry w\11 f. R. H~_!y_VjHI mort w.luablt 1tem1. nerd in ~ 91 a ll&tl~o'1 eJ!l.ll&.· ency. 8..A-_~X-ANA (OCNSl-Wfdow Taken ~-.n a;a4Jnd )4embera of the un}t trom New· Mary 'Y· Honig, 801 Kmp Road, drawers, Slrof'l"Ck report~d. port Beach Include Ll. Col. Chu-Newpo.rt Beach, peUtloned Super· wue 9e~Mll r-Jre of e~rrin••· 8todd N'~nlly "-.• dtacha,.,.d from the Manne Corpe. H• ••rv· ed on ic1 Toro Marine Air Sti.Uon le.J&I .Starr. H• AW acUon •• a na ~llol. ln W-orid-W•r -ll .nd - wu \\1th t he 1ecrel Mrvtc• inth-.--- Korean Conntct . f ault of the aforementioned Olympic stars: they just don:t "We pla.n to have the claM· happen to be seals. 'fomm y , Nicky and Spud do, and they're rooms reaJy to move Into just probably the m ost ta tented anjmals, human or otherwise, l prior to the ~~en Ing day of ac~ool ever to take t th t· on Sept. 12. Kimes said. <::on· . 0 e W1l er. . . . . l 1tructron on the campus addition On Sunday, July 10 at 3 p.m., the ternf1c tno will starll.'d t'llrlv tn March. Total rosl stage a show at the Club under the direction of their m e ntor or 1h" ron3°truct1on ts $115,000. and trave lling companion, Capt. Harold W. W inston . The At the pre~ent t ime the root act changes .now ana again. but you ar.e Ukely to see the bo ys f<hPl'llO!; hll~ brrn rnmpll'lN1, In· turn such tricks as swimming across the ponl while balancing tPrnal partition~ nrr 1thou1 tl:i per a glass of w a ter on their nose; "sa\'ing" the life ·o( a wo man· rent •'••111rt1•tP 11nd h1 1rl< \\''ll k hl'lr who feigns drmw.oing: j umping from the water over a net br~n 1 •mrl••ll'd with th" <·11r.-p:ion and· into the water again: side-splitting (your sides n ot 0 ' th•' win·! wRll. Th" Addit ion was theirs) co ed a· t A d LI f th• 1· h d .. d "'"lj(O<'ol hv lhl' schl''ll a1rh1 tr1·1~. r:n y 1ves, e c. n a o . is accomp 1s e • mtn R1,·ha1 d ;-.;,.11t rn. Rr1b1•rt 1, l"xan· y ou, wearing fur coat s. No matter what your age, you 're lier anti R11·h11rd f'l•·J<f'r. Crneral sure to 11.ut yo~r seal o f approval on their show. ronstTuctlon 1!1 being d11ne by Wmston s boyR are the only a ctors of'their breed eYer Famularo 11111'1 Stromberl!'. t~ win tht> A cadem_y Award. They've appeared in the movies The b11ild111g will be ul!Hz Wllh the gorgeous~sth<'r William s, but if E sther is s mart 1 martly to hoUbe exp11nd~g she'll see to it that they never w ork with her again. After 1~ English . and Social cle t.H, look who walked off with the oscar . '1"1<1:i. arcon1in~ tn l<tme~. Ca t w · t h h d t d h . 1·f t · · Will rontlnue ltl be ho11se1t In re· P . tns 0'.1, w o as , evo e .is. t e t o r'.1ir11ng modelled st r11ct 1111'11 11~ writ, l\ tm•'S sea!s1 says the va_riety, found a101_1g P~c1f1c s hores 1s the u1,1. because or the 1nc·rc1.1s"d en· easiest t o w ork with. ·Seals are JUSt hke people in many rollment 11nllcl1i11t1•d nt the col· respe<;t~." .he says. "::iome arc smart. some are s tupid. If a lege. seal can't or won't learn, l gi\'e or se ll him to a zoo. ----------- Seals, like most humans. w ork only t o eat. But unlike $57 107 us, if they perform badly they w on't ask for their pay, and 1 - if they are sick they go through their rq utine even il they fall fro m their {><'rches. The going rate of pay is 10 pounds 1 of fresh wate r fish for each performer. I Mantz, Beeks File Suits . in Bl Fire The seal is a se nsitive one. says the Captain. H e's m ost wil!ing to l~arn if he is of livdy m ind. but if criticizt>d 1 his feelings are hurt. He can never be cuffed. for he will resent it and go on strike and remember the humiliation the rt'st or his life. And one seal cannot be m ade a favorite o\·er the others. Train one animal in more specialties tha n anoth er and you get the would-be '111tar in trouble. The o~hcrs, in j t'alo ul'I r age, rush up and bite the prima donna where it SA:"TA A;-;A, iOC:'\$\ -\\.'orl<l hurts m ost. , ranied ther Paul .Mnntz Thursday St'als police themselves agains t f a ulty r:ctin:;. If th('y wa.! 1nvulvrd In 11 supeiior C<>url gn thro ug h a routine of 'tossing a ba ll from nose to nose. d 8 tm t , 1 t l d f th f · If · rl d. · 1. ep r en , uws111 i:rowing ou an one o e per armers mJss<'s. a se -appmnte 1sc1p in· f CJ rian comeA off his per<'h, wadclles over on h ifl flippers and . 0 an explosi"n and ''.rt on Bal· puts thl' bite on the o ffende r until he r,c·ts baclt in the w·t. boa Islsntr July 2:">, l9~a. Not a ba d s ys tem, a t that . We've wai.cl:cd s:>nle t e'c· A«tsmlly, !uur tH'tu•ns totaling d sion actors who would do well to install it. 1 $:17. io7.!l~ are J?olng 10 the com· pll<'!llf'd <'8~t'. n r. am! :".1n . Mantz ler F. Purcell, ~33 Morning Can· lor Court here Friday afternoon eaUmated at $8, and a high yon Road; Lt. Col. Frederick c. tor tbe prot>at• ot the wtll ot ~d-echool claH nng; -valued at entry. Hubtr, 718 Marguerite Ave.; Lt. ertcl( R . Horaley, who died June $2~. Entry wu pined by QJL Robert J . Heffner, 535 Hazel 13. Eatate penonal property wu plckln« the padlock on the One hundred <lollar1 In cuh 11nd $1000 Jn chec-ks were In , the tafe untouched, lhe Hid. Drive; Capt. Frederick S. Butter· !lated "ln excua of 110,000." Mra. gar&ge door a.nd •ntertng lht wClrth, 1)13 Poppy Av'I'.; M11jor Horeley and daughter. Ba.rb&J'a houae through a woodb<lx op· Jnhn L. lfnqon, 11\i C11t11llna Dr!v~; Jean Murray, ar& lhe helra. .ruit&" Meaa pollct la.Id. Johnson Returns Unaware of Search Major Rob~rt J . Wallace, 1M2 \1',st L~<'llll i.·1.,111 , '-,.;IJl. L l •• le M. Holbrnok. 009 36th St.; ll<l Ll. Ralph K Be\ll, 4407 Seashore Drivr: 1st L. Jark E. King, 30 Balboa CP\'<'S; Pfc. Stephl'll A. Sa1!nr~. 313 Catalina Drive. A!ter two U S. Goa.st Guard ships a :1 a plane were lllerted when hr wris cine dRy overdue re· turnrn:· to Xewiwr 1 Harhol', Her· From Costa M<'Sll members are berl John,.011. 2051 2 20th St . ca me LL Col. Leo B. Dr T,,os Rio11. 364 Into [)Orl Friday night In h is 28· Flower Sl.; Major F. Fred Allen. Cl. f1sht11i; boat. 461 East 20lh St : Maj. Roy R. Newport Harbor Coa st CU11rd MrCts rdle, P. 0 . Box 272; 1st Lt. said thl! ml!{ wt'nt flshtni; to San l ohn C. Cowenbtrgh, 1805 Tustin Cl£menlc! J 5~\~d 1111 Tu<'sday and Ave.; 1st Lt. Oartan L. Wetul, w11ii due b1t l'k Thur:<day night. 369 Broedw.ay; Sft', Lee R. Chris-- J11hnson 1<11111 h" was 11ever in uny tensen, 212 Santa lsa~I.· troubt~; 1)11l dec1dec.1 lo stay over I Orange Counti&n• .Jnteruted ln another clay. attending camp wltb.lhe unit may Albacore Special Currently ln efle<-t. Front!"r will leave from Balboa Pavilion at 8 a.m. daJly u an albacore l p('C!a.I. Limited load1 will be ca.rr1ed at $10 per paaaenrer. ReeervaUon1 ca.n be made at •OO Main St. or by "GRAND ,OPENING" Carney Hdwe. Store in Mesa Dalby Bike Gone • Debut Thursday Theft ot her aon'11 bike from In J Willard "Bill'/ Camey today front of the ec>rt 'Fheatre on Coas t announced a "Grand Opening'' Highway between 1 &nd Jo : 30 I calling Harbor 67. p. m. recently wu reported to thl• week-end. f rom Thurad•y police by Mra. George Da.lby or t.hrourh Sund&)'. at hla new hard· 3l:i Goldenrod Ave. ware •tore localed ln Vista Center, Stodd I• a rndu"t' ot Nottll· western Collue of PQTtland, Ore., a.nd PacUlc Cout Unlvenlty of Long Beach. He waa bom ln Han• ford. la married and haa two ch!l• dren. 19th St. and l'lacentla Avt., Cotta MeH. Frf'I! klddy rtdu will be pro. v1.led t<>r tho11e youngalen who 11ttc-nd the four-dav ceremonies. Ca.rney, who ha• been In the hardware bu&lnns tor 2!\ yrars, 19 or them In Long Beach, hu moved to Co1ta Meaa a.nd hu •n· roll~d hla daughter In the junior cla111 at Harbor high. Store houri ror the newly open· t'd Mesa bualneae will be from 9 a.m. to e p.m. daUy Friday• tll 9 p.m. and all day on Sundays. accordinlt to Cam ey v.•ho &1110 ital· ed he will operate a nur~ry and garden llhop in conjunction with the hardware atore. LIDO DRUGS "Ont! of tbf! Lido Sbop11" 3461 Via Lido, Newport leach HARBOR DRUGS .3101 '· Coast Hy., Corona del Mar BALBOA DRUGS 716 E. Balboa llvd., Balboa YOU WANT ha\·~ nam('d J os"rh A. Beek. hPach 111onetr a.nil ownPr of Lh,. bulhoa - fr ry: Shell <•ti en, Jac·i~· S. Nrl· PLENTY OF PEPIN SUMMER MOii THAN IVIR I i; in 1:nd John L ::;la•nt>U• u11 1lc· ("ll•lR11-~ SEELEY LEAVING FOR FLORIDA En11i1:71 James :0.1. S"tky. June grn1!11·1lt' "( l T l,A nn l 11,. NROTC' progmm. abovr. will lra\'e his p11n•11l~. lol r 11n•I Mrs Ln111s I<. R•·"lf'y, r 11r nna 1l1•! M:ir f:11nrl.1y n1.:ht 1 .. r Jn< k""fl· \'\Ill'. F IR \\'hl'rf h " 1~ to r"i"•rl r .. r t'~mro~'lr~· r111ty Jul\' l ': On ,\ 11.,; tf\ hi' will 1 ... , n • I h••r•• for l'eni-'11·0;., nr d fh,.;ht l rn1 , - Ing. S• ••h•y li< Herh0r tl1gh S1•h.,,.I l\.nd (lrang" !"'u:lsl (',.l\,.g1• IP aol11atl'. n,,, h"' ti S<'"i"y f'hot n Board of Supervisors Okays Katella Extension to Freeway ·1 SA :'\TA A:""· I nrNf; I Orl'IJJ)':I' ha" hrtn estimated at s l!IO f'lllo1 ("p11nty Il•'IJJ I ..r ::;111'"' 1·1!'1•r> ThAt (1g11ri-t;IOt'!<n t lnd11tl~ plll • J une :!8 111'1'1 >vi"! rx1 .. n~1nn of 1'1111•" of ni;ht-11f·w11~· Kitlelhl A ,·,•: no; 11 f, 1"1:11 ""1 ~· •·• A1 fllht'r Sll~l-!<'"l"tl r .. 11t:n~ '"' 11nt111ry r"lhl I 1 • ·111 I 'l.1< <'nl lit I\'"' •hr rxtc-n~lon V•R/ '"'''r < ·, 11.n, ll) the TJ1:4t111-:o;r1 nl;1 .\n.1 F1""" ,,. "'" llpponents o( the nnrlhr m S11rt'n·1io"t~ 1•11t tl.111 -:1111.p ••f rl1111 fll\«l1c<I Colllns bece11!'e 1l w as 11ppru\·a! , 11 th" 11•11t • 1 • "l·tll •·n<I· I\ 111 •Tf' d1recl route. ell br thl' rn .. 1 d••j•Hl !'"'n\ nl ,,,.. ~11pt'n·111nrJO. howevtr, 11<'1Prmln· Strur l< 111. ! \',,:" "'"~, 11n1l h nt rot the COllt of right-of-way would u ran1:1· 111• ,J n'h1bl l\'e along Collins • Tile 3-1111',. ~I; 1p \1.ll hr thr (11111! On th,. Approval motion of WI!· link In tt't' 1111rn·\'••llll'nl pf 1o;a1elln Ham H11·11t1'm. 1111pl'rvlsors unanl· Ave. fr f'"T\ IA•~ Al11m1t »~ ""<l\\.t1·1t, mou•ly b11cl<etl thi> Struck-Vu1la The !11·~t !ltrp 'hy lhl' I • ,1 I •lrp11rt-proposal But thty 111<1n't favor rnent will hf' 111 tl l'1·r1"r !we> t111ff11· K11 trll11 r&n1tn1ct111n eul of the Janet l'ln 11 liO fl . ni;ht·i>f·w ~~ 11r-Tll~lln freeway 111 the preaenl canting to R 'IHI C<1mm1s111m1~1 Al time. ' I Koch. I As 100n u the fr ier11I 1t<W6"1· N M rnent KnCllC>ns the K1urll" ••)Cl<'n• ew esa Home elon u a fut route. Kor h's 11"· An St I 200 residence and ca rare part.ment c-an j?Cl jtn.ni;: wtth nr-will h• bullt 111 2~~ :".t11.1n1111ta ~t . t u8l con11tructwn Thr ext cn.~ .• ,n C11•lll :-.fPsll. by Hlckorv Homes, crKatella Is lnC'llJl!ed In the ~II-rn'ntrn•·t,,r AC'l m1tni: 1"., 11 city f)7 county huds:el. I bu111'11ng permit IHOl'1l tn Cott• Coet for lmpro\•lnr Katrllll from Mua June 24. Iva.n lioffard took Plao9DU& &o UI• ':l\wUD Ftteway out lilt permit. Th~ p' .tnttf:s r:.a-e the bl:\.>t and m:m111;i bl; •t• " ,. a r~ 11.t ':t n,,.Ji.·"'• 1.n I Ol'f:Jl):<'ll l 111alnl1'r!'1!1•'' "' 1·1 "P'.: ,. "~· ti(' 11'1•,"ant!>. ~l.111·~ ill ti~<' llnw 11! lhr 1111'. \\'flJit It'+• .t\f? 111)11, ·• 1~ 1h I l llil :-: •• ut h tla:; LW\l tr••JJl ~II 1.1111 ~!·.1 !{ v. I ,~(-", \' I Th" ~L1111z '" 11j1lt.> ;, .. !.; a tr tal of S!?; 4_.•.\;7 1!.1n1.1,. ~. lll'f .< 1111.s htu11gl1t s111~ ngamsl Sh,.JI, Xrl.-•n, :::11·1":~ :.111 llt1· :-.tan 7. ol I<> Iii-• i.1.11 >1 ''""";I,.,_ ans :1.'•1·1l· lr11,.\ t'c· I I: n•'•k !tt '41 ; •• • t ,., :~ .. HHl 1' ._ J 1 •nl \1 ? ,f\, t !~ . ' : I ( J I • ~, fl'l t r111~ t<'nd.-t r ! : :ti··~ 1!' ,d fi Jt\ •:j~ 11.:1\!•tl •IS I> t\I' )111 1 Ill· tr: \n1·nrs to t·'tti. r 1111•1 • ,q,..f" th•,. I 'f\11 1'10 n,. !! ~t"t?i('1 $l~ lf1tl 1lnt11:t;:• f ll('r" p l ;•1 h.1• •II I tilt' h.,.11••\s (Or $12.(10•1 • Tl1r l{,.ll1•Y;< ,1 ' ri't"I ~f.1177 'I<, •h11 :1n~,~~ • r1•111 Sli ·IJ )!1••0l{ ~ I· set1 :.n •• St lfl)• • A Ji11 \' O( r .. 11r \\ Olllf'n :rnr! [·~ti· m••n, 1t\1 l11>!tng l!n~ 11111:1d (' 11 .. 1,,,. r11bl1/oho>r 11( '"" 1l.11h· Rl'_;lSl<'r """ ~r~ rrr, ''~" 11d r·1 I •>ii \ rsh·nl:t v n ft4'rno•m t11 h1·11r tci<t1mC11w 1n the•»~; · A·l Supple Drape ' DENIMS ~ "'-. . , . Jf!I"'! .......... BOYS $298 ,\ "I' t.1ENS $495 &. up 3 Colors "' P~GGERS White & Denim $4.50 O~n Sund11y• 10 • & O~ THE OCEA..~ FllOl'\"T at .lad Street Onr short block rrom the Newport Pier Newport Beach • WE GIVE a• B - OREL~ l'IAJJ" REXALL BISMA-REX L-~ MATES F:uy-tn-teke antadd 1ablda lor 1uklt and prol01111ed re· '.&l•W.,i,\lti'91 lief rom acid in!ligrt1ion. ""'"' httlH If 75 QUICK PUSH-BUTION SHAVES NEW STAG READY SHAVE SHAVE CREAM Popular. r1rh rrum now in ..__. ..... han•h A•rn•"I 1fi>prnvr for 1 11u1rke; anti 4moo1hrr. rlr•n•r •hive. TWO $1.. ,., ... MUI 1.00 STAY FRESH All MT NEW CARA llOME ____ DEODORANT LOTION New, c.reamy--ood1 aati. penp1 ..... 1 lor ICM\1·lati111 .._ praeectioft. H.w-.. --.._ • labria. l'llO$UI 1 00 Mtta ........ COOlS "BURNING°' SKIN STAG SHAVING LOTION I&::;..-~~ Tonea Ian i11 tippy, brae· =---.a.ing mannu. ldul •iih1 lruhrner-1lltt 1•• •h••f' or 1ny lime. Ladies' Sunglasses ,., ......... "h .v ... _,., ...... 1 u .oo.., .... 77c Cannon Beach Towel ,. .• 54-... i.._., ••• ,., '" ... ,,M •tr'"" ggc Paper Plates Hooory, ,. ,;, •• potlol rolon,_,O<h •• 10 .••• 3 for 47c Picnic Bag H .... !. plo•!lt, ln1vlolod •• hop Ir• ,.,., •••. S•.SO wolvo 2. 99 Storage & Travel Bags ::);~:;;· ::;:: ::: .............. 49c Swim Kap lodi•·· ov1 ..... ,.,1 •• , m•" ... rvw..r ............... 1.,. • 59c DOUBLE YOUR MONEY -BACK GUARANTEE CARA NOME UNTAN LOTION :~~~It 1.00 llnuhlr ynur monry l1ork if )'"' rlon't acrrr 1h1• i. the i1r 1;C ) OU f'Vl"f UJ.f"d ! e ~ WINDBLOWN? 1.iJ •1 ":,, ~!!,~,.~~~o~,~!.~ 4oc 011, :l 01 .• 40t: I\ '''·· 75f: from Crt111 Hair Tlnic, 3 n1,. Ot; b M ... 79t. ~ f.OR SMOOTH, CLEAN SHAV[S STAG SHAVING CREAM IYl1J :lllgMl :J11J3HtJlll•lji[ll5f 1&, Ott Dur in& Sale! REX DellH ALARM CLOCK Acrurate ~-hoar clock hu ivory pol)-.1yre11e cue. l key windt both 1l1H a11d ala"". for mtn and women. We-er on wriat or belt. !:ihocli-reslstaat and anti· m•11l!etir. l..uminoae dial, awf!f'pRCC>nd hand., 51c Savin& for lldies! --- DECORATED MOCCASINS Soft. pliable. lon1·wt1r· 1111 ..,edine. l.ightwt111ht •1th •p<>n~t rubber inner· aole. Choi<:« of Colora. • Soothe Irritated [yes REXALL EYELO 11, Btttles 89 C TWO FOi •.•• So'!1hu ~ye init111on r.ouYd 1,, du~I. •inJ, •mo,, a nJ 1,rtgh1 ligh1. 'tl uh ~yecu~•. KILLS INSECTS FAST ELKAYS Aerosol INSECTICIDE TWO $1.51 1 89 ''"'· belll • V.'11h llul'on•'• M•1ho"· dil11r I llU!OIN' n q llJl f, ~.11. n •••. "'"""' ""'" r;,., t,,.., .... ,.. leaoll Th••"'•"• Tobi••• h•lp prr>rnt Ii••! .-rainr• ind "'"""''"'" .... Jln11I• ol IUO 49c Ah o·R•• lvb. Ninth•• rnonor mo'' ulu 1d1H and rain~ . . . . . • . • .. 1'1n1 lH>lll•, only 411c llt..,o·l •a for A<lcl 1...e1 .. 1t1-. llrulra f't• rl11•1ve.,h•rm11l a. l'o,.Jrr ....•.. 4', "'-Ille '""ll·I•• A••••el 1 ... Atfolet•'• Poet, (.)u irk ,.,f,., 11\1' ~1•rl'l' (Ill r,.,,,.f. -... 4 OL ''·'· l•••ll Gypty Cr••"' f.,. Junlov"' l•llof. R n1, l1111nn "'' l~ut. 11mtmrn1 6tt •••. , .... ,., nt .. lffltotlen1 ........ 1l11nv m•·f·-r-,.,,. .• "''"m . I s·.~ 01 .. 6St Aerotol l••·hlYlfte for l•trtn. t r11th11~. '"01t11ni.:.. 1ot1111,.,1llr ... • • , • 5 n1 S 1.39 •••all '""'"'"' c, ...... ~" dt ond ,,,,.1 .. n~•·I r•l1•I ...... !> null"r """"''' $1.411 lo•oll ly•I• Drepa r•lor\'r irril•llnn, mo~• r )>'> •rorlo.I• . , .. I °'-""""""" 1 .. ,111• 711< le•oll Motl-SldrftUt Toblefl hrlp f""''"' 111.rl nau-r1 . . . . . . . . ... l'•rk ill l~ 19c leaell Sklft AfttfHptlc. f1~ l ld fnr m1Mr cul• nnrl "ratdors ...••.• I °'· h"lll• JJ< leaotl Chlhlr••'• A1plrloo. l ·itra>n 11hl•t•, l'ranJt flovor•d . , . . . , •. Bottlt nl 50 l h leaell Menocet Atl'C for (0141. (.;1.,., q,.,,~. rrnll'nr•tl irl>rl . . . Rnul~ of 100 711• l•••ll P·althol. Rrltt•'•• 11mple diarrhea and 1111oe1 11omach dut to d1rl t nol'9 ••• 4 en. ISc ••••II CoMMlao l .. I ... , USP • ._.,,.,., ,..Hlr "' ruu 08 ......••.•.••......• ot. btittlc Jh REXALL SUPER PLENAMINS 11 YITAlllllS IH 12 MltlUALS • O• IAllT TAIUT s.i...er heat ud acthi•i• ua .... ,_, -~. •UJ ~, -er•Joled In cooll'r wulher. Th,•I • why yo. •ay ntt:d Super P1eft-im aow more 1ha11 ever lo WP- pl-ettl your did. R~ull Sap« Pkft .. miM wpply more lh•n .,.,.., minimum daily ftqllirftllenl or all •itanun• wuh knowe .,.fni11111--plua Vilunin 812, lolic add, li~r concenlrate and 12 impor1ul minerala. 11-wt .. ,,1y, n ta1t1tts •••• $4.7t £ctetlltSLll ltttlt If 144 ... $7.15 \ Stick Better. Stay Put ..-11~-,. REXALL PLASTIC QUIK-BANDS TWO Jk hus 5·9c hUI u·•t••f''""'· Ar·h , nl.,,r,f adh_.. .. ,\~ lntn•l*-r"" m~uJ,. -11hJ*,1t ( ap Ill•", I,,..,,. Hn• ,,.,,,£:to d1r ~lin~ . ~-:=+~ CONSTIPATED? , l?f~E:~~~o~\~&~~J~ .;.._. • :-·~ • TWO 4lc )m 54c -~--,, 12, hlh f:iv, rrtimJlf, rfTrrth ~ ,,. .. l1rl u•uollv 111 I••• 1ii1n a half hour. A•lult "' lnfenl. 3-Ring Values PRICE CUT! ~ NYLON HOSIERY 51 GAUGE • 15 DfNIER So flattering! Plain or dark seams, summer shades • S1 .29 VALUE • NOW .•• SAVE $1 00 ON PICNIC JUG! CAPE COD ·--. GALLON SPOUT JUG Jo; "'f"l h'T•ll•I• ho1 or cold. ~·If •ttarhnl •1•~11 1 ••r r•n·l ir;rl loo.I 1'111•! d••·~n Rerul•r Sl.99, ICOW 2.98 CAl'I COD COOUI. to.~rt l•w»I or l1q11ld• f>"r or rold. V. oJr m••u1t1 ln•ul.tHI "1111 ~ l!~rafu. J',cn1t) J r,.ogn on c•..e. 1 111, >lte •• , • , •••• , • , •• , •• , ••• , • now fl. tt r ' ~ \ ........ ,.,~ .. --Ji· I MO!~!. S!A! MASTER PLAN GIVEN ~i'!!· ;:';~r~:~~ ~!~~ ~~~ FOR MCSA LAND USE :o~~ lr":c!~.et. la the lonrMt craft IL NIGHT LEADER Word received from Dav• Valle. The long dlsC'uMe11 Milster Pl11n the othert1 lncludin( acbool loca,- WIWAMS LOSES 1.7TH HUI CAP Hub cap anatchera plC'ked oft the 17lh cap from Dirk W1lllam1· car whilf' parked tn the Villa Ma.nna lot , he t.-0111 pOUt'e !ltonday morn1ng. Wll· llama ll\lea at 411 Jaamlne Ave. . . ... .. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I • PAGE 3 WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 1955 Shaddock Shop Burglar Suspect Not in Court . flcl llon. Of a <'8H an1n11t Com- S'IOC'k whtrh h1111 !>Mn filed by t.hto lcA111 An,.;•·IH <.'•'linty f\l•trk t Al• t i>rn11y, rhArKlnl( him with ronaplr· a~y. tlt'VC'n rount• .~r ttrllnrt th•ft 11nd &rvrn r1>11nh 1•r vlol11t1on nf thC! corporal11•n r<W . t'omatoc:k'11 errrt'lury, M INI \\ 1n1tr<>J J. Clark, SANTA ANA (OCNS) -Ar· who WU lnJlt'tt'd with him, w~• Beacon Bay, aboard R 1 c h a rd tor lal)l1 Ulle In Costa Mtllll w1111 l wns. park and recrellllonal tac1- Rhccm·a Morning Star last night presented to the city <'Ouncll tut htlts. college• and advanct'd ertu- revealed the following boata lead-night by City Mana.ger George caUon, civic oenter and atate and Ing lbt {l~et In Ute. Tou\J·Pacl!ic Cotfey. who insisted that thl!' pla.n fl'deral government land. The tlut Rat:~ af:t:h:A:t l:!me. 'Fffitt~Of'rfl_'!( I ..:.:t:rup1.ru11 ..-me -0pfnl on C)f (>!' ... lnclu~th .... •t&~ ment&l "hci.pftal SU.r ; see6nd;-jamea-Michea.l'ir 'n· . dtvimlal.. llDd i c :wnbmit.ted Yt'l:tb ~.:.o.b1::.array~ba.u--=:.. Helen Bowder ot Lo11 An- gelea t1tdd ahe l(lSt four hubs whll~ parked at lhe aam• lot ye.starlay~f'OllOtn o! 328 AIIso .fold pollt::·e fl'.lur hub caps were 111k•11 from hl1< l'ar wb.lle p11rked ln front or hill homt . c.WIMd. of burflati&inj" Sha.ddoc.k'a. k111e4 In An ~ulo 11rchlf'nl l\fllr . -Y:ta.-Ltdc.~ Indio-. d)•ln!_. th! day t.h~T~•:..._-===::J f..'lnl.W.''1-f-JI-• ...:ull ..... t ll ~8,_ Wmram K. Par-. a-f'T'fil,n~-June-e. tt. yawl Ba.runa; third, R&inona;. t he Idea thet the development:< 1''EW ME~A PARK fourth. R. l.. Pringle'• 77·ft. should remflln nexlblt>, or subject schooner Queen Mab; fifth. Jamea lo mftjor <'hnngts or alltratlons r\ah t..11-d lo put ln a trlal a.p. The caioe Wllll llt'l over to J~y 14. ~arance yesterday. . H ermlU\. Arterbery, aaalataT1t Carnp·a 72·ft. yp.wl Escapade; 111.x. aa time comes to paM." l.h. Richard Steele's 118-t t. yawl The coun<'il listened to Ooffey's Odyasey; seventh, George Sturgis' explanation of his plan and refer- 56.ft. yawl JaC)J , and elg'hth, John rt'd It to the plannlng commlllSlOn A new park of about 100 arrl!ll 1s propqted tor the city to tw located a'T. the Intersection of New- port Blvd. and Brl1tol St., and 18 other recreatlonal llltea are ln-•1!SIJAd on Ute map, all of t ht'm In r ruent uae. or ln<'luded In ele- mentary and high achoo! develop- ment plana. Sup.-rior Court Judge Franklin dh1tnct attorney. uld Comatock Wt>sl ordt>rcd a ~nch w11.rra.nt 11-had an 1tf't1111I shorta~ of about 1ut'd for P11rrl11h'a arre11t and up· h11lr a million with &Mel.II of about ped ball to St0.000. SflU,000. ComstQ<'k 'had bffo bor- Scrlppa' 89-tt. ketch Novia Del for atudy. Mar. DECE:STRALIZATlO:S station al or near th .. Intersection of Falrvtrw A -'e. and Baker St. Thia would give each of the two de- partments a mile and a half radlua to cover. A• t.he t•tty grows, Cot- rey slated. a lhird 1tauon built near Santa Isabel St. on N\"wporl Blvd., would ~ve ear h <.h•partment an a.reu to •'Ovt>r tncludrd in .ll clr· clf' wllh a onr mile r·auiu.s. Parri.sh entered a not guilty plea rowing monc-y, g lvlnir notea f!'r on the a.lltgatlon an<I Indicated he It anrt f'N>ml11in11 fa~ulnu1 .nturna. would use the unlawtul search he d11l mf'd. T o jtN a.round lh«' angle for a deJenae. Newport legal limit on lnterl'•t, Comatock Bt'ach polke reported they round had been putllnr; lhoae f'rom wbom S98 wortll of sweaters In Parr1•h'1 he borrowed on the company'• ad- \'e.hicle. visor)• boar<1 1 t large aalario. Almost all the boats r'ported Coffey's plan glvea emphasis tn rough aeu and wlnda of 25 to 30 decentra.ll~auon of industrial anrl _, -. knots making for a wet trip but a faat one. Mornmg Star aay1 ahe haa covered the ground 110 far taster than In any ot the previous four races 1he haa entered. A BAXDON RACE T. L~ Moa.eley'a 68-fL cutter Orient of the St. Francia Yacht Club waa dlllmasted off Catalina's west end Monday night but waa able to make her way Into the lsthmua under her own power. There were no Injur ies to t.he crew. She abandoned the race. J. G. Johan1on, staff-commodore of the T,rana·Paclflc Yacht Club, re- port!'<! he wa.a withdrawing l\a H - tL aloop" Gullmar from the race and .,roceedlng to h'ls home port. San Diego. Thl're waa no e:irplana- tlon of his decision. E. L. Doheny'a 31S·ft. ketch Sea Belle wa.a reported brlnglng .up the rear In a poaitlon about 66 miles OUL WINS 'MISS NEWPORT IEACH' TITLE De11pite the general bouncing around reported by all entry• the gang aboard EscRpade had time to throw a birthday party for Bob Zeigler, well-known Ne\vport Har- ber sailor. provinr l,Jlat the Trans-1 Pac Race lan't aH work and no Joan (Mra. Jarn11) Slemona, Balboa Is land, wu picked to repre- 11ent Newport Beach ln the atat• conteat for title ot "Mlse Unl- vene". She 111 or the top tlve flnali11ta· who oompat.ed •t Del Mar lut Wednesday, one of three 11pon110red by Wallah Clarke, La- guna Beach. Vital de3Cr1ptlon: O' 7", red hair, SO", 24" and 30';. Dave McDougall Photo ~ play. The 1leek Morning Star, holder ot th'e elapsed time record for th!' Tr&r\f·Paclfl c Yacht Race to Hono- lulu. Tuesday held a nlLtTOW lead In lh• 19M running ot the 2250- [Dlhi r!lCe and yaehtamen speculat- ed a new record may be in the offing. ' Richard Rheem'• 96·ft. craft wu Bandit Takes Car and $136 Cash from Service Station 188 mllea out under an overcut box and giv• me everything tn aky and runrilng before a 20-mile It." h• allegedly aaid to the a t-wind u th• tirat 2• houra or the tendant. Orgeron aaid he gave him race nea.red an •nd. Police today al"9 Joo)dng !or a man wi1h atocky build who ueert- edly held up Steve Shawler-. .sr- vice atalion Monday a t 10:10· p.m . 2140 W. Coast Highway, taking S138 and a car. Fred Orgeron, attendant, said th& man may have had a gun In hie pocket. Orgeron said he waa tn th• station office when the man approached and H id he wanted t.o rent a certain car on the lot. SIMl'LATES GOS Wben the victim got the keys, J:ie... told police the w11pect put hill right hand tn hla coat pocket and a1mulated a gun, motioning with the hand and ukrng tor U1e keys. Orgeron aald the man grabbed two setl of key11 from hla handlJ when hi' ••Id lle did not know which 11et !It the car the man a sked tor. After the 1uspect secured the car. Orgeron 1ald he drove to the pumps. lowered a window and de- manded money. "Open the c;uh East 17th St. Devel.oi>ment Under Study Immediate development of the Eaat 17th SL c!llltrlct ·waa sug- 1ested lut night by a committee led by Don Huddle11ton. They pro- po1ed to the Coata Mesa City Council a local Improvement dl•- trict 1hould be 1ormed covering all of the land bet~een Newport Blvd. and Irvine Ave .. and b~ twetn J;ut 18th and Eut 16th Sta. or po11afbly Eut J:lth St .. to pa.y for grading, pa.Yin( and <lraln- age. Aa part of their proposal the eommltt.. uk~ lhe city council to pay for th• work to be done on B:ut 1 Tth St.. declanng It to be a major city 11t~et and .e.vall· abl.e for pa tax and Chr1stmu tree funda. Mayor Claire Nelson ln!'lt111cted Don Southworth, city •nglneer, to l>r1ng ln an Mtlmate of the coat of the improvement at the next meeUnr o( councll.ao that both the commtttM and th• counc:ll • will baft .om• bula for nrurtnc how to ri.nanoe th• lmpronment. With Ruddleaton at the meeUnr were J. D. Worc..ter, pr•ldent "die m...t 17th St. Impronment ~·--attml. and Ed atroot. 'PAPPr _UNHAPPY Pinb1ll, Game, Smoke Machine lobbed in Mesa $136 In bllla and the man drove off But preaalng her 8 mil• behind CAR AT CHURCH wu WlllJam A. Pomeroy·a 109-ft. Polle• Later found the car In schooner Ramona, th• Jargeat boat the lot of lhe Luthe.ran Church a.t J.o tha rau. • 2501 Cliff Drive when lhe auper-Both boata wu .. fighting a close visor of th.e chur·c:h called them battle to beat the reoord of 10 to report the at.range vehicle. They daya, 10 houra and 13 minutes set aaid It wu parked there between by Morning Stu ln 1951. ' 10:5:1 and 11 :10 p.m. Meanwhile, the 72-ft. yawl E11- Whlle the robbery waa ln proceaa capade, which Joat her centerboard Orgeron aa.ld Norma.n Dean Smith when •he dragged over a reef ot 3:11 Aliso St .. Coeta Meaa. drove near the 11tarl or the race, was In to the atatlon but the attend'ant running fifth despite th!' accl<1Pnt. said h• did J'lOt aay anythlng to Tralllng M orning Star and RI\· him about th• awrpect'a a.ctlona a.a mona were: he !eared he had a gun. Frank Rooyka.u' 70-tt. achoon- The auapect la described u be-er Com1tellatlon, 1~7 mlleJI out: ing O feet. 9 incllea tall with R. L. Prlngle'11 77-ft. schooner black kinky crew cut hair. Orger-Qut>en Mab, 106 mile11 out; the i2· on said the man was beginning t o ft. :yawl Escapade. owned by Jame11 irrow a beard and h11d hlgl;) cheek Camp, Sbatter, 10• mlle11 out; the bones with light complexion. He 72-f t. echooner Nordlys, owned by wu wearinr a dark blu• a11lt. Walter S. John.eon Jr .• Newport police aald. Beach, and the 8:1·tt. yawl Odys- FUCHSIA NAMED MESA'S FLOWER CoJ~a Mesa now baa an ot- ticil flower Th• fuchsia. At the 11uggeaUon o! t he Coata M .... Fuchal~ Society. through Al Holltater, chair- man, the city council ma<le f u c h 1 I a the clty'a official flo~r at Jut night's meeting . CITY SCHOOLS Continued from Fin& Pap li:xpe~Mi of $160 tor Altta Hom, Mabel Condry, Fay Benedict and Kay Barnes, cafeteria "personnel, to a ttend a 11chool lunc-h work· shop at UCLA from Aug . l to 5 was approved by the board. The board &1!10 authorized m embership for the <'Omlng year In the Cahr- omla School Boarl111 A8;!oc-iatlon, OOMMl'ITEE trt:ADS Preaidlng at hi• finl meeting 11lnce elected president of the board, Harvey D. Pease appointed Oof'don Findlay as chairman or the way11 a nd meena committee, Mell Berry chalrma.n of the aalar1ea, tenure and ln11urance committee. Mra. Lou11 C11enar chairman ot the dl11trlct gut~ on pollclea and pro- cedura and J11me11 D. R&y chair- man of 11chool faclllUes, mainten- ance and acqu!11ltlon of bullrtlng lllt... . - Ray will aJao be the boa.rd's 11pecia1 npreaentatlve to Ul• joint achool board oommttter. The board expreaNd lta appreciation to RA-,. for hla work during the pa.at year when h• RTVed Ill r n-11ldffit of the bo&rd. Glendale Man Struck )w(lnor lnjurfea were auttered by Phtllp M. Anthony of Glendale sey. owned by Rlchar!! Steele, Newport Be&.ch. tied at l:Kl mllu: Jada.. 58-ft. yawl owned by G. R. Stutgia. San Marino, 149 miltll: a.nd the 89-tt. ketch, Novla Del Ma.r. owned by John P. 8oripp11. San Oleg'o, and the 110-ft. 1choon('r Olable. owned by Fra.nk S. Wade. Artesia. tied at HT mil• out. Son for lells Mr. and Mr8. Rex Bell. 2130 Th11rtn St., Costa Me~. are par- ent.a of a boy born June 28 a t Hoag Hospital. -Von de "4m\i5 4J~ SPlClll.~ Juty 7, I , 9 '8 • r 1ar1 ol appl"Olltlmat~ly Monday when he w&a •truck In llC>l.JI ~pinball ihutf\e bo!U'd the cro.MWalk In front of 2200 W. and etpretta machlnH tn Mesa Cout Highway by a car driven by a.a., llll Newport Blvd .• wu un-1 Patricia Lee Crowell, 18. of Mun- tn UpUon bJ Colla M-1c1pal Trailer PRrk. pollc• aald. dlr ~ Jun• 29 Coun-Anthony requh~d no treatment.. =. A.. ~~J. o~rator or the raport Mld. Mlaa <;rowell told a -.ore at 1820 Newport oftlcen lh• paa9ed a car •topped ~ niport.ed u,. ~ In at at th• crouwalk and did not - ....... f :• a .m. that date. • Clyde Denlln,.r. optrator ol the pe&red to be dlaturbed. ~ntry wu three amu1emmt machlnu. re-made. police Mid. by Ut• t.hiet ported appl'Olllmately S:l-0-Si~ In forcl.n( open a rear door W1th a dlnl .. and nicklu m1Nlnr. Karry jimmy. breaklnr out & .mall hol• Du•l'llllng, opeNtor of the cigar-through fiberboard and crawltnr ette machln•. reported .JH.26 lh through from the hallway. The quart.era mlaaing. lhltf overlooked appro1dmalely iss M&Ml'er Mn. MWM DouJhly of which wu In a aaclt unct. the Illa a.It .ad noUUnc elae ap-1 cu.I\ re~ater. 008TA MD.& 1'00 Newpon Bh4. OORONA DEL llU.J& HI o-t BW"f. .a.oom>'S IA.GUNA llL\OB -~ a.u.BOA ltlL&lC1> .............. NZWPO&T UA<:m ... OGMt 11W7. ·. other areas whlrh tend to rongre- gate tra.fflc and provides possible. burltr s trips to separate the less rrom more de.oilrablr land uses Thill Idea Is undoubtedly fathPred somewhat by ne<'el!lllty as already M-1 or lnd11Strlal are.u 11.re 11cat- tered throughout the wt>•tem hal! ot the city and to a leaa txten\ on the e11.11tem side. Thi11 Includes the new Vard, Inc. plant which Is Im· mediately In t he center of much of lhe new e11bdlYl11ion develop- ment. In street development correy stated that three 11treet1. Harbot Hlvd., Fairview Ave. and Fair Drive 11ho11ld be 100 feet wide and all other principal strt>t>la 80 feel wlde. He dtd not attempt to locate str,el'll In raw acreage exc«"pi the principal street.II whlch are already largely established as bo11nda11es ot the :I-acre tracta in which the l\fesa waa originally laid. out. All serontll\ry strer ta he 8lntea llhould ron!orm. to the city st&ndard of 60 feet. l''lRE OF.PARTMEST In covering needll of the t ire de· partmtnl Coffey estnbllshed the lncation ~tslrable for a 11ecorrd firr Covering his plans for 11. civic center C<•ffey t'llNI lht> l<>rntlon of Cosla Me11a puk with v~r101111 The clolhin&" uaertedly ~\.a Arterbery 11latt>d. lie had two 11tolen from the •tore operatl'd by comp811IU, Fl11anre C I ea r I ft g, Manha.JI D. Shaddock. B!'verley HilU. and INna.nc• Oon· trol ot Lonr Beach • One ot the char~• lnV'Olvu pllbllr h11lld1ngs surJ'OumJlng II. In-K'THANGA SOLD ('hHhng l.e.i:1an Hnll JustlC'e Court. f.'nitur A ftcrnoon C:luhhnust>. Boys purr hue of a collertlon acency Chili. On h is mor hr also 1nd1cnt e<t Contln~d hom Flrat Pap In Palm Springe during the pro- the l'l·R< rr ~ltr "r lht-Judge l'nn· skipper, to handle h111 crllft end C•'!'ll ot starling an office for on• ahl .I. Oo<li:c hum\•. which hr l.tl••r • exp.-rl.11 to do 11om!' more l·r.uls-or tile comp11nl\"11 In th' desert staled would makt• a fint> ••it y httll in~. he aald. He made 11evt'ral .._ ~Q11. For this 1cronllng to Arter-s11 e. but ileclarrd he h111I no ha.•is 1-rut~PS Jn Me11lc-a.n w&ters dur- ror hi" Iden otht'r U\l\n thnl h" 111g the five yr11rs ht> owned ·the b«'ry, two che(•k• totalling $:10()0 hsd Rlwa~·11 thought 1t th" \1o•<t sb1p. were ls111H!d whlt'h the district rlacl!' for a rl!y hnll m COJ1tr1 J\1riia 'l'fie 1111le 11 one Of the tam!· attornl'y r1arm11 were lll'g-al. Coffey propoaes 10 different IAnd uaea, the first aix conforming to pr~aerll zoning requirements and _.;.~~-~~~~----~~~~~-~~~-~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~- EDWARDS VACUUM FINE GRANULATED c c 10: •••• Cll GELATIN DESSERT 3-01. ' ;kg. ( HEAVY DUTY SUDS 1illt ·silt c REG., DRIP I FINE S POUND BAG ••••• 39' All FLAVORS LARGE Sill • • • • • •• 23' • RED, RIPI, 'N SUGAR-SWEET. WHOLE. Hove a watermelon f•olll Gel o BIG one at thi1 low pricel CUCUMBERS LOCAL ··8' "Mode !he w., Ye.14 M.i. 1t.• TINDB, n"'" 'N •LAYCMJUl • .. ulwly41c 39' !: It Crisp and cooll ldeol for 1olod1, pickll ng. Medium1. Sweet Red llolion. ~~!.~~5··12' CURTSY SNAILS AMERICAN CHEESE 2!: 95' DUTCH MILL-Raol ChHse, Americon·Mild, Cheddor·Rlch. MARGARINE Hi:~:::~::tty. 1!: 25 c DALEWOOD Foil·wr1pped ••••••••• l·llt. ctn. 211 BLEACH ::;:. 'fi.g:~ 23' '~ 39~ IOI HQftl OWN non MilllJ ''"' (IOSIJ BLACK TEA CANTIRIURY Vigorous t•a for ice l•a 'n' lemon. •!,.lb. 39' ,1c,. MARSH· MALLOWS fLUFf·l·ES'-T Pure ·while. Too" • ~~er2fect9ion.( bot ""~~v FAMILY CIRCLE 5 ' U.l.D.A. CHOICE GRADE IST 5 RIIS FROM USOA OtOICE lfff Standing Cut, 7" long Fi~HI •ot1n; meol money can buy! Control·o;ed to the peak of flavor ond ter1· dernen. SAFEWAY ·AGED, FULLY TRIMMED ~f!L, SLICED BACON :::=.:.:::. 1·•.3ftc .... .., ~!~~~~~!~! BACON CANADIAN s.!.':4i. .of a bud;•! pric•l ~ STYLE ti Pert. 2 '!::· 25c CORNED BEEF IONllHS UISICIT . Sof•woy mild.cur.cl. S.rv• ho! or cold. '!4.29 •. 4~ 111m111n111111111111n111111111111111111111m11111111111tt111111111111111111m111111111111111nnn11111mnn1111n11111111111111111111m1K11U111111 Nm ffflCTM TMS.. flL. SAT .. •Y 7, I. t, ltSS. AT SAllWAY GROUND BEEF NIW CUAJl VISKING CASING Ground frt1h daily from STOID~ llllS AIU. (Thn Sundly II Slofa .. Mdly) """' ......... _... ........................ ~ ........... . leon beef under atot• ~9( int pe c!ion. Hold1 ih vol· ,. um• in C()okl'llo. Satl1-• faction guaranteed. HllilMrt Steaks '~::·· ., •9' ftORE BOUU Dally t a.m. to I p.- <rrtctay m t p.m. > ~t .... &olp.& 1722 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa PLENTY OP PARKING ON URGE PAVED LOI' • .. • 'I I 1 PAIR OF TEEN-AGE GIRLS ST AR BE SURE • INSURE ""' MA U&lCI: 8'1'.&.Nt.rf ' IN WEEKEND SPORTS FOR HARBOR ·-~ Pbo" Harbor HTt ISU E. ~l RIP'"'1 0o ......... liar A pair of teen-age girls won honors for Newport Harbor High School during Santa Barbara's Semana Nautica fes· tivities over the weekend. They are Linda Preston of 2572 Vista Drive. Bay Shore and Ann Hawley of 461 Abbie Way, Costa Mesa. · tnotor. on Lake Malibu whtn ah.t WU 13. "l jUJlt wa.nttd to," •he \\'ATER Hl'ATl:JUI report.. Tb1 urge came from her uus. suv1c1 u4 HPAIH father, viho had been radnf the J B. lc'J hydroe tor aeveral y.n. Now the -o•_¥U111Blli',,.C. /GlO . 1&111 l1 aurrounded by trophlu. .. • ., hi1 Ll:.ftda'1 nnl l'INCh-W-el"-OOUAi Lfii<lii:-8untannf'•i d11ughttt o Mr end Mr9' C'ah·in Gt .. n Preaton. won flrJlt fllace In the D•V1d Gray \,w.o nnle. ruugh wal<>r 11wim. Only 16, Linda topped 12 men a.nd wo- man entrants. She toured the dfa· t.-i.nce In 69 minutes. LMl year. Linda went the routt; in 66 min- utes to !tnl!tli aecond In the wo- ml!n's d1vls1011. Mi• Pre1ton 1• a member ot t.he RunUn~h>n Bn.-h Swim Glllb. ~ celving t'0811'hlng from Mrs. Gene Belsht Linda began paddling through t he water whtn she wu 10. Her brolhtr waa sw1m01lng for Newport Harbor High at the time, whll'h pve Linda the urire. occura next Sunday at Santa Mon-fllMS It Pit c1wr OOWM lea. Thi• Ol\P wlll t>e -9ne mile ~~===="=-===H:.,:.,.:':· :a.===== swim. Ltnda flntahed 1econd lut J . year. .------------------------, SllE'S FRAGlL£ ~ Ann. fragile-appee.rlng daughter ot ~tr. and Mrs. Robert Hawley, nabbed thm t In M·hydroplant' com- pet1t1on on Lake Ca.chums. Her father wu also t>ntered In the wave-skimming' motor g~1. but Wlill unable to finish. Ann, at 16, hl\s boen •lamming the waH ·lops in Utu bounding . skipping hydros 111nc:e ahe was 13. ROl"GH 00 Asked, "When a~ you J'Olna-t.o try tor Catalina!" Unda ju• ehook ht r head with a 11nlle. But Mrs. Pre•ton wu qulc.k to aay. '"We're not thlnklns a bout any· thin, like that." For lht la.st three years, Unda llJ8T FOU& M1LE8 has l(One in for the rour;h water splashing. "Thi' rougher, the bet-Loncut 1wlm Unda ltaa lo mind i.:r," an •nrdini; to Mri1. Pres(on. at preaent 111 posa!blllty ot enler- Th11l she'hss <ln11r well ce.n be cle-1 Ing ~ four-mil~ 11wtm around the ll'rmlll('•I bv 11 look Rt th 19 tro-offshore oil lal11J1d Aur. 6 at Seal ' e Beach. pht~ Llndit bu collerted, tor t11 :>tll. second• and thirds. 1 Ann Hawl~y and her father plan Slt."n<ll'r Miss Hawley took her fll'st try at the M·hydroplanP. beat described u • paddleboard \I.1th to enter their hydroa In a la.ke race near Palmdale weekend after next. "Where do y.ou practice f " Mlse H•wley was a.akcd. Wide- Old Eatabllahed JUU1'911M Acency All linN written. BOWARD W. GERBIBll 1808 Newport Blvd., c.o.t.a 11..a PRONJD LIBESTY 1-Ull Call DAN'S TV 9ente1 ............. Ubertyl-WI RAMPAGE eyed, Ann replied, "We don't prao---------------, WE'LL GET 'EM NEXT TIME! Coonrod. Silting: Dale Coker, Wayne Gualt, Mack Morgan. BiU Killian, Kenny Kornwiebel, Tim Richards, Jan Thorkeld . ..:-Staff Poto BOYS' CLUB CAMP TAU< TOMORROW Tex MllJ\ce and his educat- lice. We juat try out the water at the placee we race." Mr11. Hawley made It clear 1he wu not penonally lntereated In racing hydroplane&. "But," ahe ad· ded In defeat, "!JIY aon l• only 11 ~OBN8TONE 'I Mesa AlltO Wreckers U-S Auto l'Ut9 UdA~ !0'76 Plaeeetla Aft. UbertJ 1-TOU Oc*a ..... That's what Coach Sta~ Morgan, right, telh; his Mid- get C Dodgers after an 8-1 defeat on Corona del Mar Youth Center "diamond by the Braves. From left to right, standing: Mike O'Brien, Bill Sylvia and Phillip Local Legion Takes Second with 2 Wins ed larlat11 expe<'t ti) put the ramou3 Downey earthwonn hose to shamo in Harbor and he ~ta to 8tart l'M:lng now." '-------------- BILL PHILLIPS, Sports Editor PAGE '4 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 1955 THE SPORTS WATCH By BlLL PHii.I.JPS It's easy for local Midget baseball to become a family affair during Harbor Boys' Club summer season. Take the Stacy Morgans of 501 Carnation as a for instance. When I was out ta.king a few pictures at the Corona del Ma r Youth Center diamond the other day, 'the Dodgers were In at llon against the Bra.vb. H urling for the l.>odg-era wu Mack M•lrgan. ,,oachlng the Dodgera w11..-. Sta<'y Morgan. Scorekeeper T Why, Mrs. Sl.Qcy .Morgan. Umpire? F»11l1'<I you! No relation. So you can ffe that Ut.e .Morgana lnk .. their baseball s'enou.sly. And Wh><t a fine thing thle us -an took a t1.w atepa towud Ciret, then headed tor the bench, even before the ball waa thrown to f irst. ' GET SET, VACATIONERS; FOR GRUNION START RUN TONIGHT Okay, you Harbor area •ummer vacationera; get on your mark~. P'or tonight'• when the elulllve little grunion start running. And It you tirure on --cJing any, you got to be fut, to0! The word I• the 1Uvery finny fellow• are 1uppoaed to in- vade beache11 somewhere between Zuma Beac.h to San Diego. That meana Newport beachea are 1n there aomewhere. So all you got to do ia pick your beach and hope It'• the right one. Tonight'• run !11 calcukted to come oft at 11 p.m. To: morrow night, they ahlft their liming lo midnight. Then it'll be 1 a.m. Saturday morn, and 1:30 a.m. Sunday. Just one Jillie warning. It you're out at those hours, ready and waiting, 1!.1111 don't aee any rrunlon, we leave you with this thought: Elusive, e.ren.'t they? A PAIR OF POINTS Harbor Boys' Club Not Selling Subscf iptions Al Spencer, director of Harf>or Area Boys' Club, had a couple of points he wanted to clear up with the public today. The first was that the Boys' Club has no high school youths out selling magazine subscriptions. The second is that Orange County doc!I n'>t rate as one or the wor.1l In the nation for juvenile dellnqurncy. , Going on a bat rampage Satur - day, NeY•porl Harbor'• Junior Le- gion nine baltued Buena Park In· to aubmlsalon 12·4. Th.e rivals tor· felted a scheduled llfcond game al Costa Mesa Park on grounds they couJ<l not field a full tt>am, The two triumphs move(t the Sail.ore into ae<:ond place, but with Fullerton still undefeated with a 9-0 record, lltUe chance remaln~d to catch up. Sa.tur<lay, life locals go agalruit Huntington Bearh 1n another doubleheader here. Fir~t game la sh1ted f-0r 12•30 p.m. with second tray following. I.OT~ OF PO\\'t::K Pacing Harbor pla t.. power were Denny Fitzpatrick with l hrl'•' for tour, Including a double: Buddy Thompson with a triple and singlr 1n four trips: Paul Lorenlzen's a two bagger, and J im :-:ewk1rk's two !or rour, including a double. Newkirk anl Lorentun handlt'd the N@wport twirling. Buena P11rk'1 lone marker off four llltll came tn the 11eventh Inning. CARDS ARE HOT Fullerton played three games in three days, drteaUng Oarden Grove twire and Anaheim onre. They ran acrosa •6 runs, lin11ting the oppos1tlon to a single counte~. The Cardinale ma.shed Oar1len Grove 17-0 and 19-l Satu;day and Sunday. Monday Anaheim got the bui<lnen J O·O. Current Standings: Fullerton 0-0; Newport 8-t; Anaheim 7-4: Roys' <'lub b(!tween 7 :30 and 9 p.m. tomorrow night. In- rludrd on the prop-am will be trick and fancy roping. Aua- trall~n h il<'h·throwing and fancy knot tying. Al Spencer, director ot Boys' Club, asked all parent. to attend who are lnlereeted In Hndlng their ooy11 to camp this aumm~r. Arter the rope 11plnntng program, a session wm be held r~g&r(!lng camp atlendancr, Spencer said. "We hllve sent boys to a i-anch-type camp near Viet.a for the p1111t two years,'' Spen- rer reported. "ll has been vtry 11urcell8ful." Shedd Slams Out Two-Tally Homer Steve Shedd or 1520 Klnga .Road p1lC'hed and batted the Brave• of Harbor BoyN' Club Newport Har- bor High School summer buebll.!1 leai:-ur lo a 9-5 victory over the Uodgers Friday. Shedd homerrd , with one aboard. Allen Cray of I HOl Kl11gs Road drove In a pair or Braves· tallies with a double to lefL Huldl.llg lhl' Cardinals 11eoreless until the final frame m Fride.y'a other game, Pitcher Steve Carl1o:t or 2908 Clift Drive earned credit From the start, make your wedding an occ&· 11ion of long remembered good lute and ru. tinction. lnvit&tiona Bet the tone of formal perfection. Con1ult ue on an.7 problem you may have. Quality Printt Reason~ble Newport Harbor Ne 2211 Balboa Blvd. at -Press <'nt1rr family lntere.11ted in such wholesome sumrfl•·r 8('t1\•lly a11 hll~Pbllll Inatructed Stacy, to his whole team: "Never stop running. An athlete alway• tne.s, no matter what the 11tuat1011. l won't stand for my pklyent. not hustling .all the Ume." Stacy went on to point out the HollywoOd Sta.rs had won a game the night before •Imply bec11u11e a runner kt pt going on a pop fly thllt should have been e.n euy out. Spencer repMfrd lhat a. il'OUP ot boys, reprcsenllng the Keystone Magazine Agency, were Jul week representing themselves u work· named Otange County as among those count.1e11 with the least ta- cilllies ror handling-dellnquPnt!. Which Is l!Omethlng el.!le entire!~ dl!Cerent." Huntington Beach and Santa Ana 6·6. Buena Park 3-7; Orang1> 3·8 and Garden Grove 2-9. tor a 9-8 win for the Giant.. ------------------1-----------,. Ht;1• OS WRE Ing Cor "the boy!!' club." Decla.~d STAR H rSTLER Y.,11 t htrlk tht'8e 8 to 10 year old l,111;, ur••nt hep on their diamond lore" c.,mplal:ned Mack Morgan UllH a ruug-h Inning when every- th111;r s••«m"d to go wrong: "They •l•m"l kn•1w where lo throw the bttll." He was r:crerring to hl.1 tn- lleldt•rs who had a few ba.ll throw- ing problems 1lunng the fr&me. H111 •IO•I. rollectlng the team 11rnuild him on Uie lltd~·lint>s, point- "'" out. ·Now, we don't know •·vr l'ylh1r.i:. I( w" did we'd be fn l h" nHIJl>l'S." ~la1:.k I •'plied •1<1,::lrally, "We aren l old r11ough '' Can't fu<>l lhla yeiuni:'er genera- t ion. Not while th1•y've got Davy <"ror kett nn !heir ,.1c1 ... Al: "They were not referring to Harbor Area Boys· Club, and were Tiat was Star Hustle.r Lee not authorized t(J do so. We have Walla. Rlinember that fluke home a g-oo\l name In the community, run he h!l nga1~8t Stlcramcnlo and ·we want to keep 1t that way. la.at week? The outfielders and 1n-J_n using reference to a boys' club, tlelder11 after the boll got crossed they were receiving a. lot of eub- up ln their elgnals. Walls wa.q scripllons from people wanting to rounding second WhC'n the ball fell help Harbor Area Boys' Club out." among them. atrul'k the wooden 1 As for the juvenile delinquency touJ Une and bounded away from problem Spencer pointed out that everyone. Becaase h~ kept go~ng, several ~tortes had Qppeared In lo- Wa.lla WU credited With an ln$1de-cal paper• ca.nylng quotations to the-park hom1•r which won the lhP ef'fect thlll Or11.nge County wu tray, 1 amon1t the worat 11 count1e1 In Well, the Dodgers lost UU. game the country In juvenile delinquency. 1 aaw. 8·1 tD the Bravee. But tht-I "I'd jU11t llke to keep the record Stacy Morgans didn"t kt them get stralght." Spencer told the New'- down In the dumpa a.bout It. Mr. I !'res.a. "Orange County II not and Mrs. Morgan heh! a lltUe dill· among the wonil In juvenile de- cusslon period arterwan1s, 11how-llnquency. The referencPa made In lni:: the players their mlatakes, that reg·ard were taken from a na- how to overcomP t hPm anrt pro-lional magazine 11urvey which U ;ARN ('I.EST\" With 1'•>al'l11•s :rn Interested in t hP. l(&me aio Suicy ~1orgnn, don't I hink these kld.s aren't lt•arning plenty t•n lhr field of play. Thlng1 !hat will stund 'em In 11lead in the i;:11m._. of lifr as well as baseball. One Dod1:<'r butler drlbblecl the hull out to tht' n\·aJ pitcher. He rtt by them, -. And with kld11 like the!M!. you know dog gone W"ll ti mistake is nothing' but a stepping 11tooe. Annual Boating Camp Set for 3 Two· Week Sessions Ja.11e Bak .. r. 22-ycar old life· 111!.\'lng, 11wlm1111ng and boating ex- P<'l l yest t'rdny l11unc:hed annual bClttl ing 1·amp 11ff Cout Highway n\':ir the Sra Scout RI.I~. The 1'amp. which ~·111 have clusee ~fonday throu1<:Ti J."ri day trom !l a m. to 4 p.m .. it C~·sponsored by t he Amtrh:an Red Cron and New· pnrt Harbor High Srhoot rt~ru· tton department. M1:1s Baker, a re11dent at 20r>3 Monrovia St., COit& MI'S&. nporl· .. 11 the.re will be tht'ff two-week 1es.~1on11 or thl' boating camp this !IUmmer. Newport Harbor High wu on a pa rt time be.ala. Miss Ba.ker reported ahe had HIO 11lu<l- ents. Age ranged trom thr<'e chil- dren or 6 years up to a pair of ladle.a In their 40's, Average Ill:"· male and female, wa3 11 yeara. The rllum waa largely compol!t't.I of Harbor area vacationers. some !rom ll~ ra.r away a.s lndhrna and Seit Lok" Clly. Gum When A ~rhool n ccreallon DlrecttJr Vc•rn 1 Go Allen .said t.hose wishing to tak" 4 only onl' ot the· cla:.ses Wttrt•I .. Illegal Archers Hunting n11ght confer with Mias Baker. I Cil hfornia 1 growing a rmy ot Otherwise. next.regl11tration will archt>(y h11nter1 were reminded by tal«• plact July Hi, with the 1econ'1 the Dtpertment of Fish and Oam,. two.week boA~ing count S!'t lo that It h1 now llltgal to carry or lltart July 18. •. US\' firearms of any kind while Included on the camp agenda 'Ir" 1•la..~se1 In ruw\ng, minimum 'l\;I' 9 years. p&ddleboard tor ~·oung~trrs 6· 11 years: motor hunting . with a oow and arrow. Th" new Jaw, passed during the rec en l 11el!Slon or the leg1sl11 ture buaung, minimum age 11 ye&r11: 11nrt l'ffeNl\le lmmedJately. pro· a nti cai1oe1ng Ami sailing. mini· vldea that the archer may not uee, mum age 11 yelU'I. Cl&ll limea: RClwtng. !I-JO a.m.: paddleboard. carry gr ha\·e In his Immedia te 10· I l a.m.: moi.or boallllg, 11 a.m. control. a f1N1arm of any kind t o noon: canoclng. 1·2 p,m.; 11&11· while hunting with a bow and init 2-• 'Pm. ~w. Lunch 111 r rom noon to 1 p.m. Tbt ooutal archery dffr and d111ly. Student.a are aaked lo w•r beu aeuon be(ins J uly 23 and bsth1n1 auJl.t and brtne a llW"t. runa to Aug. 1. The special Loa pair of 11hot-s an.1 A towtl along AnittlH .county Archery deer and wit h a u ck lunch. Clothe• cannot !>far MallOn begin• at the ,9&llle bo cbangl'd at the oa.mp "' llm• and runs t.hrou(h December La.at summer. when lh• cemp 11. _, GOOD ON GREENS? GOBBLE GOODIES Good thlnga to eat werl' the prl.u1 !or winners In Satur· ilay's special Independence Day double• tournament at Newport Bea.ch lawn bowling greens. The tourney opened with a Spider contest. Contestant~ surrounds the arreen. At 1 given 1lgnal, eiM:h bowls on• baU v.t a center target. Win- ner wu Ed WU~ox. Jn the doubles contest, prlz- M were awarded for f1ral anrt .econd Skips and LeMi.a. Wln- ner.9 were Skll>fl, James Aspin. fl1"3t, Doo Slyh. second; Lea.di, Mrs. T. Carr. flr•t. and MMI W. r eaf'8'>n. 1911COnt1 Outstanding Among outata.nding paddle ten-I nis players at Monte Vista School who are pa.rtlclpatlng 1n Newpo.rl Harbor Union High School Dis· lrlct aununer recreation provam &ril Karen Bruins, Bill Cr0&1. Dick Arnry. Bob Frye and Bobby Kirk- patrick. &st checken playera eo fa.r arf! Carl Taylor. M.lke JM:ob11. Dick Cleitlna.ki and Deanna Arney. llak~ly witll Navy Dr.~Thoa. A. Bla.kely.• dta11 ot Adult Education at ON.nc• Cout College. 11 on two weeq duty with lhe Nu'&! Reurve at Treaaure i.- land. Durinr World War u. Or. Bla.k•lY "Mrved u supply oMca- ln the U.S. Navy. He la now a member of the active Naval R.e- 1erve unit which mee~ on lha col· Jece carnpua. ) > thrifty thing to savlng oow! OPEN A NEW SAVINGS ACCOUNT OF S100 OR · MORE ••• AND YOU'LL RECEIVE- The TOM THRIFT COIN BANK is CRYSTAL CLEAR-FftEE! Tom Thrift Coin Bank PLUS ~'4 ' • ~\)E Of MO~~ ... : •• ""·~ ~ .......... . .. . .-HB..U' • fort-wleJi ,--r 1~rw cla•"I•:• 0 "'" 25c • tlar amo111t11 '" .,,,.011 1100 111 •-'!' -)"Mr, Gd ,_, Bn..Jr lod•yl * Each account insured "P to $10,000.00 * Accovnts opened by July 11 , 1955 earn interest from July 1 * Current Rate of Interest 3 Y:i % per Annum 1416 N .Main Sn.et Memorandum Wallet ' _) ' I ' ) t t I A I ij \ ,, . - l • I .., \ PRO CAGE SPORTS RUGGED 'SOUTH GATE NEXT GO AS FOOTBALL-··SAYS GEORGE A• rugi;ed as football la George Yardley'• clalib for pro-FOR MESA M'ERCHANTS· I k b 11 lk Approximately two l'loien <'hll· resatona b8.ll l'l s In • r~ct>nl ta made before the Hunting· dren are putlclpaUng in b<'t:tn-Lt<1.·un11 Junlllr 11kt0 1ll\'«'r11 11111 t on Bva.·h Lions Club. "We play a long aea.so!"," Ylll"dley of t 1 '" t ('(Isla Mesa·11 Merchants return I cher. howevt'r. A bnght &low 1tp-ntng enn s at . .;ewport Hs rb,1r rol:j.lh~hnJ o\·r r '"'"'''"~ ~l'•'11 rf 'h· Newport Brach pointed out. It coMl!!ta of 96 gamea ot 48 1 ,11 Rio Hondo loo. p play aglllnat pen.red O\'er the hnriw n tor the Hii::h School phiyJ:TI:IUnd. ~hil1 "n t'rnwn, l'll>ll\• l.tk.n~ llll th rt•• mtnutell euC'h. South Gatf' Bl Costa Mf'S4 Park I horh~Cln for the Mf'!lll nine with ' •.nd E ric H&nllOn and Oall .i•n•11r1r11t pt11,,. t~uphi•'' 111 th•• th ird Yardley Is a gradua.te. or l"ewporl Harbor High School. come '.! p n1. Sunillw. Lot Sunday annC1unt'i'm<'nl KPnnv Mulllll ts rt--1 C.:an>l Tuui;h irr1• lmpt'QVJni: h••-. H b II lh S · · •ttk Ph • I I I . annulll I 'aqfa· < °10:1~1 J unlnr l 'n· e ~l'1lrne an a -t1m~ ~l~r on e tantorct University quln-~the A twat.-r Mf'rch11nt11 11nlN111hNI turnlng Sund1.1y, dra~glng I~ bis 111nnrrl!. " e O• n x ~ "'11\1 p· tel. l..al.f'r he pijlycd !or Denver and Loa Alamitcn. Currently a big. e111hlh Inning ~ ovf!rtakt' 1 bat b<>hind him ~cntnr hta .game In 11i1nuwt'11 tcnnls. (lt rn'l\ler Sp«'llrl!Jthlni; rhftmplon• ~1-gll~lll'--W.1Ul~.:trott::l.~a:::l~toiu;:.-====----_fbe jocnl=tm\:D.. tam !DL a 6-.S., ~.Wy. H .-L&nd r.-pm-tl'd, th~ _ ~tp~_l\lt _!9~&.nd_ d~tv _ _· _J.un .!!Ii. 1114 me....t-apon_: · Otffenm cc hl'tween N tlegt' and llTO ball," Yardlev •aid, n(ln·lf'lll-"\J<' w in. 'I •t ' k Raiidy WoocUM1d and 0 hrit1ly Gl\JI· soN'd ?l\' the< ·"·•v•· r·1111:> nf l.A• , ~ 1 ,. csa .,, erC'1HITit8 111 c nn Lvnwood non. R&nd !M lho All G . • · · "1• 'h t w A p' " co~ lh• '--nfir1• )f 'hA r Th 1 • -111 ' Tli.• M1•$8 rnr.l' wn11 le11d1nv 1~-2 • I • Y 0 ' an ra~ 11n ° h n 1 ti ~ ti ,,, • l ~ •· II ~ ._._,, • . v ·~ • ... ' •· w 1.1n. cl'e a no s ..... nJ(, ' h b . t ch , lll\d S!ulla Ana m a tluubleheader . amt K..>.nt..Frampton iu1t J u111J( w.ill K Ii nNtr II • "' • •"I 1 ' '"l! A 21 sc1:11nd rule !vrces UM tn lilk" 8 s!1ot &l the b11l!kC'l w1th1n I Bl t t' lime. un asis 0 a t l"f'<' ~ News. wa:< h· hi nri 111,. 111611\ tx-11<'h run !!r~t trnmP. B ill Wl'tul !!Ing-011 I.he Me~a dlomond. Lynwood in caroJns and checkers. They are Lha l 11me after <•ross1ng m11l-n•11rl.' ll'•I iwrol"s lWu runs whilt' Gene 111 in the Rio Hondo ll'ague, while pn•p11n ng tor r lrat toum1tment bat·k ot the An~ !1° Club. The Pist ons have their ,..~·n pla ne for t ra vehhg. oft en l wh1C'h 1>t1trled thl3 wttk Therf' wlll C"'n1ln ~ d«t1blc n~rountt'd for the the ~anla Ana frav will be ft loop I b h (fl 1'ht1 J unior Sr11•rkl<'l4. t•111• of t he play1n~ fnur games per W<'l'k during.the sea80n, YardlPy said. I tturu tllll . .• • a .so •' c<>mpet1t1on tn ~ 11 ... ) · conlt'J!l. I h ... fl r:<t ~1une will !ltRrt board, horaeshou and paddle tl'n-rour l..agun11 lt_;ams. oc<'upled t he !NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I. PA.GE S I I WEDNESDAY. JULY 6, 1955 Net Beginners Run Rou9hshpd L.AGL'~A BEACH <OC~S l . ;LAUNCH COUNTY LOOPS 'TWO A W A ,. at 1 p n1., the seC'on1l al 3:30 p. m. ! nls, 1<potllght most of the ume . Dute,wltn two away in the f'lgh· lb, an overth1 ow of t11·st base bro1kt' op<>n tht> fl<>Odgllll'S for f/\ur ni1t rki!n1 and tll" t r1umph. QUT WE'k E GETTING BEAT! Ok .y. "• ni11 ~llv1a s.·v1t's R run 1 abuvt'~ for th~ Oodgcrg 011 the Y 1 t.1 < t•1.1 Pr d1111111111it, 11r1 .. ry1ng pa st Bra\"l' \al< hl·r Bub Ne1tly l'h'11 n < • 1on1 flCI • 11.-111w 1 1~ f11•:rt1 hy b1tt• 1' 1·•·11 1tty elf b••tng a r. t•mhrr .. r th,. lr·~tng {) ·l~,.rs 11.s Bra\•1·s hi.Iced ·\'.m S-1 Frtc1;ty r;1.,--rln~ ~tllff l'hNOl! O~aE!der Boy Gets Bumped on Head .\ ti11n11· un h1~ henil W!UI suf · ft-1 • •1 1 .. ,,1 \\" ln••Stlnr bv Rr11c·c Oi.•nill)I'. 8. n( [)OU l:;t. A mJrewa hi11 bicycle Into the aide or the rar. police said Saturday. Brtsy Downing of 1019 Clay St. tnld police Saturday the lad rode hll! bu·yrle out of the high 11chool grnunds and 0 Into the side of her r11r. She 11ald the boy Cell off the R• :iel Wh"n hr-aprllr~nlly rode h1r )T le a nd bumped hll! head. Redwood Color-Tone WOOD SEALER SPECIAL $1.98 Oal. ht Orl\dr 'foltlrt1 Whit~ Toilet Seat with Cb.rom p Platrd Hlnr.' $3 95 Re(. $4.!M • !->oHd PraM HOSr-ftOZZLE R•'IC· fl.49 79" OSl.Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,, GRASS SHEARS Rer. I I.Si 83" What a Bartr1'1n: . • . . . . . ,, Oood Quality HOUSE BROOM LOW 98" rRIC'F. • . . . . . . . . • . . . . ,, I PolAt Dlaat@a HAND SAW P'uJI !ll~P. Rf'tr. 16.95 tJI 95 OPE:'\~O ~PP:Cf.\L ....... aeptu 81w Red LUMBER CRAYON =.:-l.Al.VW: · · · • • · · · · · • · 9, j Harbor Boys' Club Nines Ready for Season~s Play Openlni; on t hep111ounJ for Mesn \\"8~ rtt:\\' h111 lt't Gh•nn \\'\•neL:K r. Cll'lln l hUd<NI for El 'fo;o ~r.\·­ ern\ yt>nrs bad~ \\"ynq:nr l;ll\'" II(' only two h.ts in 1h" :l :1-:1 1nn- in;.;" he WOI kl'rl \\"1\h l\\ fl otlt 11nJ two nn in the,> i~urth. Hav R11m-Play in Ornn~e C'1111nty Youth 1 L<>l'Hl Junio1•11 will ent••r t hf' Basebnll Lt>a~ue:; will tw l11un1·he1f 1 B11 .. na 1'111·;,, .T .. urnament A111<11<l 11'1'7. 1 11111· 1111 1 .. n :11·€' Atwat1•r'~ thrs WCf'k by lJ,r•'" Ha•b •r I3o~"l !'I n~11111~t tl:r LH•st 1!'1-16 )'f'B I old ·hrenlt'nlf\~ b1.1tll'l'I! Tnny l.A)1n- Club nmN; T111111u1 .w Coad1 tra11U< in Southern CaJifom1a, Har-bt11 tlu did th<· •"Hl'111n~ \\"rndt'll T'H'kr11s tak,•-1 h1,; Jun1111· i bol' Bt•~•s' Club has .,apturect both ··1 think \\'.\'r.C';a r will b.-. all t .. arn to 1"ull1 non fol' lhr· f1 rsl I pre·v1011s tournles hel<I at Buena ri~ht." obsr1 vetl Ma 1'411;<'r F.rl L3nl'. lo•ag 11t !r'1_\'. r'nday the lwn l>1CHI l'arl<. Follnwln~ Lhe tourn<'y th")' '•l-J ,• h11,.n·1 mu1·h faM, hll! hr"11 midget cluhi< .. pen the SPR:<nn with will go 1ntn the Orange Count,. g111 R I!"'•"' sllrlrr 11nt1 ~0011 cur.·11 ,. pr":1d 1re i;:nme nl c o·sta Me~:i playoffs which will pit the tc•r f Ptirk. two tenms In N•C'h leairuf'. l'k kt•ns will hanr!le lhe "Ret1" t 'P l<~RO~I R.\:vl<Jil La ni' atldNI hf.' still JH•t'ds a p1L- tram while H"d ~lat•Mllhan will ~1nre ehg1blhty fnr the l 'ounty -------------- hnm!I" .·lh•; '"Hh11<" rntry in lh<' !\!Id O,.·C SWIMMING Coast kai;11r. The R ed team will • gt.'l lt>ague Is virtually lilt' '-' 11ame 8-' lhP local :<.thlget Leag -, U!IP the C:tl11l11 MP!18 ball p11.rk a~ ues. mos1 or the plRyers cuu~· REGISTRATION ils h<Jllll' C11•ld and the lllue club will ui;..• lh» Cnrona ,1 .. 1 Mar from the ninks of tt•e A. '"!'~lie Youth Cf'nt"r fn1• homr ~ames 1r Red roster· Earl L<>w1s, Roh arrani;r m•'nls for ke•·ping the Tra pp, Ha rrell \;1nrn11 J, Cary fl<'ld up ran he com plr•tNI It thr Clark, Herb Over1Jon, R1Chard !'ch- Youth Center 11m't ready for a r t-llcht'nmay;>r, J c•rry ~UC'Pner , Gary j ion, the Blue tcnm will al~o play 'f'1ckens. Tom Hub,•r. Gery Rob- It• hum•• games on the field at lnson, Steve Simon!'On. Roy D11l- Costa Mesa. ton. J erry Lawrence, Terry Bag- • Pu:kens' Juniors nave been well, Tim J ones, Bill Wolfe. Ron- workiniz uut for two weekll and nle WnodslJr, Tommy Zodda, Rog- probably ~llJ starL \loilh Carl Ber· r r Lisk. n 1.1v11 Ha.mmonu, Barry geron cat ching ; G~oq~e Mabe<',, Rl)ckwf:'ll anrt Dick Reins. Cary Gre!'f\ and Ray P ion as ·p it-I Blir~ roster-: ~tff'"Stoddud, Ron l- chers: Charil')' Vandervort and Bob C!trl, Dirk Butter.vorth, Steve j HPlmholz. f11·s t bai<e: Ray Fl<'<'-Butterworth, W&yne Connell, Don man, Richard Palaferrt 11nd Dirk Swanson. Dean Pease, Peter Lom- Bridgcman, second base: Ted Lant' b&rdo. Danny Arlhofer, Jnhn Larry Shardrr anrl Tex Grant, Hughes. Pat Helmholz _. John third bal!e: Jim H ehn and JC'rry Fll'lds, Harold . CaJdw,u, J erry Hulbert, 11hortsC'op; Terry Hall, Mann. Ronnie Jesse, Richard Wat- George Mllllkln, Earl Gutsky. son, Peter Ra!)bltl, Kent Hodgw n- Buck Palmer, Ronnie Jones. nnd J erry Cox and Gene Lund. Harry McKlnnf'y, outfield. 11'111,0 R s~:r.r; Anchovies Heavv Remainder of the junior ached-• ' uJe: Tuesday, J uly 12, Hunting-A joint survey by Dep&rtm8Jlt ton Beat h. b.ere: July .u . Laguna ot Fish and Game a1rplan. and Beach here: J uly 19, Garden Grove lhe Motor Vessel Yellowfln have here; July 21, .Anaheim here: July I revealed four heavy concentra- 26, Fullerton here: July 28 al 110~11 of &nchoviea off 1JOuthem Hunllngton Buch; Aug. 2 at La-Ca Htpmia lllld Baja C&~toml&. guna; Aug. 4 at G&rden Grove. Mam potnts or concentration a re oft Ventura. between San Pedr,, Webster Tosses CDM No-Hit Tilt and Newport Beach, oft Coronsdo Strand. and between San Ramon Bay and Cape Colnett In BllJa California. Cunsiderable numbers ot aardmea also were observed. John Websl<'r of 3024 Ocean Blvd. hurled ll no-hitter In Harborl-------------- Boys· Club summer ba.s..baU Youlh Newport Variety Center League Frlooy, handing the Cubs a 7-0 triumph over the In- dians. Only two Jndtan11 reached first b~ during th" (rfty, both on walks. in Frlda.y·s t1rst game on Lhe Youth Center d1amoml, the Dod- gers could collect ju11t one hit lllld thrM strolls off Brave Pitcher David Connell of 201 Emer&.ld. The Broves bla.sted out an 8-1 win. Chrll1 Anderscm or 20!1 PParl and I Chris McLachlm ,,f 210 Agate I scored two runs each for the I Braves. l'OC"R 6 and 10 STORE We Gh·e Crown Stamp11 Ocean t'ronl Xev .Pier NEWPORT BE~CH Chjldren and a <S_ylts may rt-g1ster for lhl' Red Cross Swimming program at Orange Coast Colll!ge on July 11 and 12 al l~e collr;:.t' : t rd Regtsl ration tor cl Mses meetbg Monday, Wf'dnrlldsy anti l<'r11by \\'tll start. Rl 10 a. m., July 11. Rf'1'Jl'ltral1on rnr T\Je~day, Thursd&y and Sat-1mlR~' cTasse.s will s tart' at JO a.m. on July 12. Clas!lf'~ will be three WPf'ks in l"ngt.h, running through July :.!Ii. Slth.lenls a rc required In fuml!!h thd r own 11u1t>< and towels. Drc.!Vltng room fll<01h- Ues will be provided. MATTRESSES Boat• -Home• -Tratlen lrrecutar Sbapea U berty 8-l:iOS COSTA MESA MA'ITRESS CO. !160 Newport Bh'd. PARKES· RIDLEY MORTUARY F ormerly GRA VJ:L OH.APEL 110 Bra.dway ~ Coeta Meaa Liberty 8-llU ll and li-S4ll4 MESA UPHOLSTERING Upllole&eriq •Drapery 2560 Nwpt. Blvd.] Uotlta M'1M Liberty 's-4 7111 FREE FREE FREE CMnerou1 10Mple IHcon "Thrill" Fur- niture Poli1h. '\'1" • Holf Pint loyMn'1 Pla1ohn lnamel in 1 Calort. Sella for 85c. Yard Stick OPEN SUNDAYS CARNEY HARDWARE 19th -4 PIM1Rtio -C... M ... VISTA SHOPPING CENTER LI 8:.6001· ..J. America's happiest birthday! This July Founh. America celebrates it' I 79th birthdav. l ndcpc.-ndcncc Day."'' call it, t-yause on this~. in fl76. the th1rrcen c-0lon1es dcclareJ tl1emseh~ a free nauon of free men. But should Amcrn:an' ,inglc nu! any one particu13r d~y as J nJc:pcnd.:n..:c Da) 1 Jn this great land oflibcny. isn't r1·1•q 1 day Independence Day'/ faery day we arc free to •peak' our mind. Every day we arc free to read what we \\anl lo read. Every day we a.re free to worllhip as we "a nl ta worship. fa cry day we Lh·c in a land of peace and good "ill-a land that re~pecl\ the G od-gi,en dignity of c.1ch human being. For all our freedoms. for all our hlcssings. ''c helieve that Ammc3'1'ls should be devoutly grateful-not only I on America's birthday, bul 365 da~·~ a )tar. _,......, ""· ....... ,,J NEWPORT BALBOA SAVINGS and Via 3366 NEWPORT LOAN ASSOCIATION P. A. Palmer, Pre5ident Harbor Lido BEACH 4200 CALIFORNIA ~ourC'.'~11 now ex~ $'.!0,000,000.00 Member of the Savings and Loan Foundation. Inc .. sponsor of this advertisement fn LIFE. SAT. £\·E. POST & TI~f E '5'' SAUCEPAN Stl\lnlr-• 'ltP••I, ~OJlf't'' ll• 1111111 1: .. r11l11r ~fl .. '>'> OPENING SPECIAL .. PRIZES! GIFTS! FUN. EXCITEMENT AND V~LUES LIKE TR~SE­ PUBE t:UM Bonen TURPENTINE .. ' f.:xcepl PAGE • PART I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 1955 ~~~~~~~----"'"!"------------------------~----~----~------~~--~~~~~~~~--~~~-''God .grant w~ ff,. ..,.,.,ty 1o accept the things we cannot change: the courage to change the things we can and the wi1dom to ~now the d ifference." (A. Anon.) DITORIALS Civic Center Loses P. 0. . Through Municipal Neglect Lost to the Ovie Center area of the City of New- port Beach 18 the main po.t oftice that will eerye the community. Gained by the entire population .erved by t he Newport Beach Poat Office and it.a Balboa and Bal- boa Island statioM will be better eervice. But more im-> portant ia the gain to the nation in the efficiency that auch an operation will bring and the economiea that will be effected.. We can not help but feel that the lo.a of the post office in the city "hall area ii more a fault of dilatory actions by the city administration than an inab!Uty of land owners in the area to provide a proper site and building. Since the post oUice wu located on 32nd St. more than five years ago the City of Newport Beach haa been continually informed of the ~at difficulty of getting the large highway post o!!ice trucks lnto the office. The city has continued to Jet Villa Way remain u a dirt road, full of chuck holes and mud puddles. The City of Newport Beach has continually neglected to make pro- vision !or the acquisition of the one small house on 31st St. which blocks the extension of the street. The City of Newport Beach has never ordered the Eru.on Com- pany to remove it.a telephone pole that blocks acceu to even the small alley at the rear of the post office. Sufferers because of the municipal neglect 6r the surroundings of the city hall will be all those who have beCome accustomed to the service and facility of the post office at the 32nd St. location. Those who wUl gain will be the booming busine88 district on the Mariner'• Mile which will have still more to offer. Now ia the time for the City of Newport Beach to force through Villa Way, pave the street and endeavor to have the existing post of!ice building retained by the government u a classified station of the Newport Beach Post Office. Newport Harbor Hospitality For the benefit of any doubters, aummer really ar- rived here over the July 4 holiday weekend. Harbor area businessmen and residents were made well aware of the tremendous influx of our summer guests. Which brings up the point, that how we take care of our visitors is something which needs all our coopera- tion. These folks, coming to Newport Harbor'a beachea by the thousands, just u regular residenta did in time past, are coming here with smilea on their facea. Let'a keep those smiles there while visitorw are here and as they leave. We are all proud of Newport Hai-bor and we wel- come questions about it. Our directiona are a little ditli- cult. for the newcomer to figure out 10metimea without the aid of one who knows his way around. Newport Harbor resident.a have a record of hospi- tality. not only to their own house guests or weekend visitors but to those who want to know which way to this or that island or bea.ch. Let's keep that record shin- ing this summer by each of us doing hia best m all respects to help the community keep its most hospitable foot Torward. · Pinball Machine Pay Offs Although city council has instructed the police chief to investigate the pinball machine operation in Newport Beach with an eye to possible pay offs, don't look for starlling developments immediately. By publicly disclosing this situation at the recent council meeting, as one councilman said. it would be ridiculous to start a probe now. giving potential gamb- lers advance public warning. The News-Press has been mfonned the investiga- tion will be made but not with a previously publimed time schedule. So, if the council has sincere intent of cleaning up any alleged pay offs, time will tell. Just for your information there are now 60 pinball machines m the city. There were 57 until a few months ago when three mp t'e were licensed by tht>ir owner, Clyde "Pappy" Denlinger, Balboa. His check for About $2000 for this fiscal year's licenses on the 60 machines was accepted at city hall last week. Present council members feel they cannot refuse a JUlWPORT~ HARBOR .NE-W~, PRESS Fonnwly \he N.wport·BaJbo& N-•-Tlm• · and th• Newport-Balboa Preu Entered u 8eoend-Clau Matt.er at the Poetottlce ln Newport &ach, California under the Act of March 3, 1879'. Publ11hecl Evvy Molldaif, Wedaet14&1 -4 Frtd&y at Nnrport ~. C'altf., tty tllfJ 1'""EWPOllT HARBOR PCIBLJ8RING COMPA."-Y 1-.if'oPholHt Hubor HUI QualUled to .P1IWllll Leal Notlc!es aDd ActnrUllMDellta ef AD lllDda By o.or-ol tile Sapertor Oourt of 0,.... Oo. la Acda Xo. A·Slltt MmtMr O.W...U. New1~r hMllberw Ael!Odatloa M-ber National l:.dltortal A_..latlon M-kz of Oraase Coallty N1w1 &rvkle BICN REDDICK. PUBLISHER WILL.l.AM A. MOSES, Editor ORMON'D E. ROUNTREE, Advertili~ Director CHARLES A. ARMSTRONG, Mechanical Su~rtntmde11t SL""B8CRJJ'TIO~ llA Tl:S: ~f'" port Harbor S•"•·f'n-M. Tri-" ,...kly la Ora.nre County, '8.00 per )'Mr: Q .00 .t.r mo•.: tl~J tllree 111- 0utiJcle of Orup <lout:, .1.00 per JeM licenae on the machinea until pay offa of gambling na- ture are proved. Some of them aay they have aeen pay- offs in days gone by. U you know where these take place and want to stop such activity tell the police chief or the mayor. Moat pol.icemen are .known to each place bou.ing a machine, making police investigation of pay offs aomewhat du- bious in value. Citizen observation of wrong doing is the best t1leuthi~g pbtice can have. Mr. Nixon's 'Man to See' I Ed'a Note : Here ia an article which we felt would be of paramount interest to the people of Orange County and of the Harbor area where the vice president of the United States and his campaigner are particularly well known. We CO!D.Jllend the article in the Nation to your reading. BR.) Murray Chotiner, Vice-President Nixon's c&mpaign manager in 1952, is revealed tJhia week .. a partner in a law firm which appeared on behalt of defe.ndanta in 220 bookmaking ca.sea in a period of leaa than three ~ . . years. The information ia contained in a lengthy article on Cbotiner in The Nation, ~ liberal weekly maguine, entiUed "Mr. Nixon'a Man to See" by William Roper. The article also point» out.. that quring that time, the bookmaking ca.sea· constituted the bulk of the tirln'a criminal law C&ae8. \ Chotiner, who i• generally credited with Nixon'• succeu!ul rise in politica -via the u.ee of the "red'' ia- aue -also appeared for some of the pa.rUea questioned in connection with the notortoua Guarantee Finance oookmaking scandal. Roper points out that following the 1960 murder of Sam Rummel, attorney for Califor- nia rack~teer Mickey Cohen, a grand jury inveetigation waa held. In the eouree of the investigation, Sherift'a Captain Carl Pe&r90n revealed that he and Sergeant Lawrence Schaf!er of the Loa Angelee County Sherifra office had held a tleCrtt rendezvoua with Rummel short- ly before the lawyer wu killed. Peanon aaid he and Schaffer bad discU88ed with Rummel certain informa- t10n concerning the Guaran'tee Finance, a gigantic book· making ayndicate,1whicb had pald $108,000 to certain officers for protection. "When Pearson began to talk'', writei Roper, "Sergeant Schaffer realized that he waa in a bad spot. So what _did he do? He called for Murray Chotiner. Chotiner did hia atu!f and Schaffer wu eoon in the clear again. The myatery of who got the $108,000 from the bookie syndicate and who murdered Sam Rum· mel before be could •talJc' ia atill unaolved." ' Nixon first linked up with Chotiner in 1946 when the former ran for the Howse of Repreaentativee against Jerry Voo rhis and came to Chotiner for advice. Subee- quently, they continued to work clotely together and Chotiner is expected to manage Nix.on'a campaign in 1956 should the Vice-President be renominated. Roper pointa out that Chotiner'a aucoeaa in com- bining the practice of criminal law with politica ia "amazing". He says in 1952 Chotiner nearly ran into difficulties when he appointed Dave Cannon, who had been a defense counsel for certain membera of the no- torious Guarantee Finance syndicate, to the key political job of chairman of an attomey'a committee for Know- land. "One still wonders". says Roper, "What Cannon or his client, Guarantee Finance, would do for Know- land." Analyzing the California political situation, Roper 11peculates as to whether or not N~on, in view of bis declining popularity and in view of Cbotiner's record, can survive his split with Governor Knight and Senator Knowland. He also points out that it was the neglect of California by such experienced politicians aa Dewey and Warren. and Char les Evans Hughes, which helped bring about their defeat in national elections. Is the Republican Party. by ignoring the Cbotiner-Nixon tie-up, bent on the same path'! Huntington Beach Cleans Up Huntington Beach wu purring like a contented cat Tuesday. feeling that the world had ~ invited t o a fine Independence Day show and had aeen that this oil city ia not u dirty u it wu. What the crowds did see was a generally verdant aapect aa 1"99Ult of a generoua application of green paint on all the new -and old -oil tanks. not to mention the city hall and the big uaembly building next door. Credit Iii being given Willia m Gallienne and Cy Willi&m9, the former manager of the city's rhamber of commerce and the latter city oil inspector, for getting the city cleaned up. Of course all department.a had to help out and the ltreet department bu had crew• waah- ing atreeta tor a month. But it wu Williama who kept riding the oil men to eee that broken curbe, atde w&lu and atreet. were repaired and that legal wall.a were built around each pumping iD.ltallation. It wu Williama who gathered with the engineera and arrived at the green shade that hu largely been adopted to paint all the new tanu. the paint that make. them and the city look freah and clean. "It ••as the biggel't show and the biggest crowd we have ever had and today we aren't mad at anybody," • opined Gallienne. We congratulate our neigbbortnr clty'a clean up attempta and ita holiday turnout. NO COMMENT ·ay WALTER CHAMBLIN JR. Wuhlngton-Four membera of the Senate Committee 9n Rule. !\ave declared that any r~vlalon of Federal Election Law• mu.st deal with coercion of union employees by l1bor bo11ta lnto maklnr Cln- anclal contrtbuUoru for candld1tea or partlu lhf'y oppoM. 'Pheac Senatora-Jennf'r 'ot Ind- iana, Barrett of Wyomfng, McCar- thy of Wlacon1ln, 1,nd Curtis of Nebruka--punctured a majority report tor a general, overhaulln( ot the election laws. which 1gnon!d the problem. Allhourh a 1ta.tf pre- !>ared bill prohibited lncllrect union cont.rtbuUoru (corporation contrl· buUon1 alreedy being banned 1 the majority .truck Ull• out atler union bcie-prolt1ted. OOIERCION CLAIMED But the mlnonly refused lo Ignore tutlmony preunted ahpw· lnr that uruon otflcera ha v" co- erc9d Individual Wllon ml'n Into maltinr e&mpairn contributions. The minority pointed to aludles which Indicate that about 40 percent ot union member• are nepubllcana, but are forced to cont.rtbute Lo ca ndldalu they op· pose. The four Senaton , In 11rging- con.Cderallon of the problem, 111.ld: ertl government coneUtulea the under tone of a report ju11t 1Ubmlt· led by the Commission on lnter- ronmmental r elations: Th I 1 commlu lon wu eatabllahed early In the Elamhower Admlnl.atraUon to eiu.mlne and recommend rHd· juatment.a In nauonel, i t.ate 1.nd local covemment ruponalbllltlu . The commlulon pointed 'out that orlgtnally the problem of the fednal govemmmt wu to create 1Ufflctmt •tren~ ~ authority to function a1lequately but l)lal today the oppoalte 11 true. and that th• big problem ll on• of checkJng natlonaJ domination over the •late and locaJ governmen~. The report aet thla 1tandard for determining the re1fJ>On1lblUtle1 of the varlou1 r ovemrnenll. Lnve lo private lnlllaUve all the Cunctlona that c1llun1 can perform priva tely. U.'Je the l!'vel or governmen t closest lO the comm- unity for all public tuncllon11 It can h11ndlP, ullltze cooperative lnleqtovemmentlll arranirementa whtrt> 1pproprlate to attain econ- omlc111 perrorm11nce and popul•r approval. ruerve n11llon11I acllon tor rtehh111I pul1rlpstlon whtre atllle and local govt>rnmenta are not fully eclf'quale and for lhf' ron· tlnulng rupon11bUlllt1 only the n1 llon1I r ovemmenl ca.n under· take. MORr: PARTICIPA110S Sptctflcally, the comml11111on re· commendert gre11ter 1t11le and lo· cal participation In ag-ricu lture. civil aV1atlon, education. "mploy· ment aec:urlly, highwaya. housin~. dlsaaler rf'llf'f. natural ruourcu and conservation. public health. v<><:a llonal reh•blllt&Uon a nd wel· fa.re. · AFFAIRS OF STATE By HENBY C. llKABTHUB SACRAME.NTO, -lCNS\ • Jt ''I parlmenl atore for )'OW .-S JO'I' amaU wonder merchant• •lew family onl,r -and c« J"D'lr new 'with a r-rut dt,al of co1U1tematlon card In per90n," the development ot a thrHt t~ th•, Of coune, no ceDWN eaa be economy of the atate. whk b la made of the people who dft9'11 up contained In the 10 -called .. di•· thue echemu, for th• u~ to counl hou-" wlllch aH cropping mike a dollar 11 paramount ln UI• up hue and there, to aell at llttl• com~UUon that exlllA la lb• pretll to 1peeial Cf'OUptl of people. pl'Ht.tlt day economy. Probably the mo.t fl agrant of T h t iowmntent employw' theae eatabllahment~ I• lhf' out-however, wtlQ p&ll'Ofll .. t .. utal). fit that cate1 a to .. Government llllhmenl, an an a dlNf'rent cat .. l:mployeq Exclu.lvely", which ·r ory. howevu. ha1 sel up In 8&cr1,mento to wll Tt!I• parUcular •lore 11 located roods normally -old by depart-on the out.Udrt. of Saeramenlo. ln menl 1loru to city, county, ltllf' 1n 1bandoned d&11ce haJI. whue and federal employl'e.•. and t hf' thert! I• little tall r.•J>On.•lblllly. mllltllry. 11t r1 1~<'• f'he11per than And allO ln a.n area where there they can buy tht 31ome good1 In 11 Jillie community napoaalbUly. teplar •lOru or th11 community. LOCAL Bll81~E8S In a lell•r to thue KO\'t'mment The f'f'C'\IJarly conaUtuted de - f'mployeea. this 1tore aay1· partment •tore, no matter where ORO"TH SOARS ll la localed, II a put of the com· "Our genn al mf'ml>f'r:.hlp hu rnunlty. Tho11e Lh1t i re loca ted 1n 108 re(! 10 rAplill\' lllnC'c opentn11: U1e •lownlown a rea1 of \hf' comrn- our n t w giga;itlc rtrpartment unity pay rn.80nably high taxc .. , atore for ICO\'t'mm~nt f'mplovtts N>ntrtbute to lhf' community char· ONLY that thP clt'rlral stllft · hu ltlu. and generally aupport lh• not bttn 11blf' to kr e P ur with th111 ll:O\'Hrunuit of lhf' city. lhe coun- tremtndoua growth ty. the al.Ale and the nallon. "You and you"r fant1ly are wel· n t ln1t ead of 1upportlng lh• rome to v1Jll ~ur block long com· dt'partment atore, the covemmf'nt plete departml'nl •tore. Come Join employee, whou aalartu are pe1d the lhOUll&11da ot fellow govern· out of the la.Jtu lhue very 1tor• ment people who already enjoy contrlbule lo, la Invited .~o ro an~ the great SIVln(a provld•d for OUr buy the Mme (OOdl at a discount membenahlp _ u cluslvely hou11, which .-unu non• ot th• through thf' tremendoua buyln( reaponalblllUu of Ule department ::;:er your i upport l!'laku pou-at~~theT ta the .. dllcou.nl Ntlou .. .. Remember ONLY YOU. CllJ\ an advertlffr. who aupporu the entf'r put the clo11td door ot O.E. n&Wapaper, radio and televt.ton E The general public corporation outlet.a of the community. In fut, ~plo.nu. or other· ~lleged apec-the "dlteount hoUH" doe. nolhiag- lal group• are nol admllled. O:E . 11~ e.U tor ~ coaunw:Ut.y n.ce~ E. t. exactly what the name Im· provide a mea.n1 whereby much r llet--for Government Employ-of the purchulnr power cu d•· eea Exclualvely. fleet bu1lnea1 from eompetlnf Lill• "PAY ILUSr:• "Mail your preMnt card In to- day and receive your O.E .E. card 1n return. Jt 11 your pau t.e •n Improved 1t1ndard . of Jl(llir that I• Juat like a ralae ~,aJYOr bet- ter yet, oome In Cid viwlt ttle ct.. merchant.a, There appanntly la no better way for the g-overnmenl employM to bite the hand lhal fMd1 hlrn. He can u cape the very talr trade practices law be help1 enforce, and Mve a few pennies at th• es· P""" Of re.poM&blllty. Sacramento Sidelight SACRAMENTO • (CNS) • An· other aample of t ht lnadequacle1 of the pnaent leg-l1lative 1y1tem, Md the dan11er11 encountered by jamming-amendment• Ulrough lhe two housu In the clo•lng dtl ya. wlt.hout proper hurtng an<t con· alcteratton 11 ..een in St'nate BIU l H 5. by Sf'nator Nellon P. Dll· worth, ot R lvtnlde counly. ~ of brtngin~ th• nllremuit pro- gram of our 90.000 public .ahool teacher• up to lb• lland&r"IU now n latlnJ for Ila le .mployeu." Knl,;ht recornt1u. ho11nnr, u.,. lnadequac:lu or th• bill, .. be laid furthn: "ln It.a preMnt tonn. th• bill would require exc...ive contri- bution• from a relaUvely few Thi• meuutr, which "AffAlr• 11chool dlatrlct•. WhJch have very of Slale" hu commented on pre-low aMe-d vaJuat1on1. Thb wu v1ou1ly, U~raJlzu the St ate caUed to my atlenllon by th• Teacher Rellremf'nt ProgrllJ?I by I 1pon10n of the bill. th• CaJlfo~la provtd1ng retirement btnt f1t.a for Te • ch er• AalOClallon. lmmedl· teachera f'QU•I to tho" received ately followtnr It.a paaaace. by 1l1te employees. MOllE AMEND~ IS ONE }'gAJl "The ANOClaUon a.nd Ule author The mtuure I• effective July of the bill, Senator Dilworth. ha"e I, 19:>6, and propoMd computlnit u sured me Ulat they will aponsnr retirement btndltA upon lht bas· amendmenta Al thf' legulatl\·e I• ot tht three highest C'onM-CU· .,.Hlon ne.t March to limit lhf' tlvf' yeara of palAry I.luring th,. rontnbullon of a ny 9<'h<X>I dlatr1,.t per100 of lf'llC'hinir ,.,.rv1,.e. 1n1t,.11d to 16 cf'nta per S 100 of •aluatlon. of the pre~nl C'ompllca tl'd lhrtt· I am a dv1sed thlll ff'wrr t h1,n 100 part ba1u1. of the 11tale'• 2.000 •chool d11t- lrir ts w1>uld be aN'f'cted by aurh Aflt'r Ult bill wu pused In It" a llmllltlon, a.nd that the rerlu,.. mlMlon ftll that <lvll defense • di ,, lh hi h t ·" -v "Th• principle Involved Ile~ 11 not,.b&eed on the fac l that theSf' workll'lc men e.nd women who arr forced to make an Involuntary political contribution wue Repub· llcan1. l l I.• wronr lo compel a political contribution u a condl· tlon for job rel""ntlon. even lo one'• own party. Studies show that 86 percent of the Wllon mem~n think they should not vote with their unions unleM they per1on- ally arree: two-third• did not went lhelr Wllon llnf'd up with any partJcular party~ H perctnt think union• 1ho1~1 nol ta.ke part In polltlca. CongreM owes It to all work111g men 1.nd w<>men lo make unlawful Involuntary pohtlcaJ contribuUon1 aa a condition t or holdlnr a job." On the other• hand. the com -amtndtd torm by the l~lalalUrf'., lion 111 rf'v-iie -uld b• abnut 1l wa11 1rovt rf'v at a g o fJ0.000 a year." 1ho11ld be much more ot a fedtral S7.00 pu 1100 or UIMlSSf'cl val· rat her lh&JI a at.ate 1.nd municipal uatlon would be lmpo~d on al The g-ovf'mor Ulu1 rommll• rel!ponalbllily. 1 .. ul onl' dlllln ct to pav tor Ullll hlml'ell to ca ll a apec1al a11irton Economy, but not enoug-h! With hbualu.f'd program. whH'h •lart· ot lh" legl•lature concurninllv only one morr Appropriation blll f'd out as 1 met11111r,. to require a-With lhe bud1et HNlon next to be pused by the House-·for-beut an arlrlltlnnA I $12.000 000 ron· M11rr h, tor unl"11" hf' dr>«•. U\l'r" elgn ald-·thl• body has cut lh• lribUll<>n tn•m 11tAte funds • W11l be no amendmentL I ... I I t ti • b d l Allio, the statement I• an lnd1• Th• State of Wi1con1 n, re<:og· .... m n a ra on 11 u gel reque• The ball however. wae 1mt>nded 1 r•t.lon thAl the California TM «h· nlzln( the problem, recently en· only 11.6 billion below the 62.4 In the Cln1,I <lti y• or thr.. 1e.a1IOn, era Aasoclatlon dlctalf'I Ule l dll)OI acled a law prohibiting union con-billlon which wu rf'qu11ted. rtportectlv al th" IMti1;au on otti,.ru lAt11>n In Callromla, ,.,. th,., .. tribuUon.t, with 11afeguardJI to pre-The Senalf', with two rema in· SenUM Ben F'. Huln, or linperlal Is no commlllmenl u repl tm m n nt evasion by retort to Indirect Ing bill• to be acled upon. hlll rt-county, to tran11rer the t1n1nd al one out of 120 le(llllator• Lhii L melhodJI. alored about two -thirds of lhe burden tn the school dtatncu . Jn· anyone ,.1119 ,,.111 •pon11nr th• TRIM IU'Rl:Al'CRAC'l ' HouN cuts. Thus, the gloomy pre· 11tt11d of lhf' state. with lht rt· I amtndm,.nt•. A material •httt to al ate and dictions ot the economy bit)(' In .1111ltin~ ('onf1M'11tory levy or •I And In addlUon. 'there 1,. 11 munlclp1l govemmenl• ot actlv., Contfru11 untortunatel.Y are belnc I ~ut m1ny ot the poorrr .chool queauon aa to w h, th,. r th"' lttu now performed by the fed -borne out. dfstrlcts of CAllfom 1a. I the amendments can be wrllltn -K.l"IOHT SIOS!il lntn law before the Ma.rch. 19:,11 ( f TH '5 Governor Ooodw1n J Knli;;ht a• 1 e ••men l • er• m1,rll' Ap• AT I F I [' haa IJlflled the bill, and he 11tal!'d I rarf'nlly, the dt.trlcle lnvolvt"1 wht'n he att111e<I hi~ io111:nature to wlll nef'es1111.rily UH• at the llmr. • the mnsur' lh11l hf' wu "happy I wh1rh 111 ~fore the le(\11latur,. SNOW BOUND to •IJ(ll ll. IM"cau~" It r &rrfu out meet•. to meet th• l!flllllnr year'• U,...,... --M.,. --.,.._ a pnncJpt, l h• ve long 1upportf'd. blll11. ---........ ,T\. ... ...._,,,._ -~ -Cl/I "' ""* ..... ICl'TT\.a ,,.,1'),.. •.• ..._! . I Farmer McCabe Writes ... Jest saw where Premier U-Nu of Bunna cooled hj• heela at Sec. Ez Benson'• office fer five fn:ifutes afore he got mad and left. It 1teema that U-N• knew that Ea knew U-Nu wu wailin'. However, Ez 11ez that U-Nu knew that Ez wa.a tied up hand and foot by John Bull and jest couldn't get 10<'>88.to tell him ..• The fact re- mains that aomebody knew that U-Nu 1'aa coming and ( reckon that inrident will go down in hi•tory aa the cue of U-Nu knew VB. Ez Sez ... which mu .. everythlnr u clear 1111 mud. Farmer McCab. 1 all rlrht.1 rt1erv1<1) JUST COMMENT Funny thing about wonderful •potJi -everyone who comes to our Newport. Harbor area aaya it '1 ju.t just the greatest. Everyone who goea a.way from th. Harbor area. even for a 11hort. v&c&tion -miMM the Harbor area the m().tlt. But anmP of ua who lit around hert. enjoying it the longeat tin the !Mat to k.ep It ~ sr--. •• .. r , NEWPORT HARBO~ NEWS-PRESS WEDNESDAY, CROCllE1T ROME -.folly Crockett had her place at the Davy Crockett camp of Costa Mesa Girl Scout.a ~d ahe ia ahown above being inspected by Joan Lan- ' ~ter, Judy Kusby and Martha Cramer ..S-ihe stand.a at the. entrance to the camp bearing her name. GIRL.SCOUT. DAY CAMP COOK IN TUB -It is a far cry from a modem kitchen when Girl Scouts do their . camp cooking over an open fire. Barbara Butler, Diana Gervais (stirring) Christing Field, Mary Susan Arnold and Donna Cock, program aid, are shown above brewing a tasty stew for dinner. BLINDFOLD GAME -Keeping busy at their annual ~ Roberta Clements co-leader, playing pass the ball. In · aummer camp Newport Beach Girl Scouts played many ~amea and_ worked at cr~ts. Shown above are membera of Unit 11, Mrs. Ruth Lewis leader and Mrs. this case the Scouts are blindfolded and had to gueu just where the girl ahead was handing t.l'le ball .. ' CRAFT CIASS -Keeping busy wu one reason for the succe.a of the recent Girl Scout Campa held .by Newport Beach and Costa Mesa Units. When not hiking, cook- ing or cleaning up camps, the girls were shown different kinds of craft work. Above l4ra. A~Ganahl, co-leader, i! shown helping Costa Meaa Browniea make flaia. ~ JULY 6, 1955 • PART ONE, PAGE .~EVEN WATER DETAIL -Carrying water from the tank wagon to their camp was the duty of Patty Hartson, left, and Mary Tona, Costa Mesa Girl Scout members of Unit Nine at their recent ca_mp. The bucket wanted to swing and they has!_ to watch ·it to keep water from spilling. -All Staff Photoa · DIRT TABLE -Newport Beach Girl Scouts demon- • strate their camping cleverness, as shown above. In- stead of awkwardly curling thei r legs w1der them they dur a ditch around the spot they wanted to use as a table, piling the earth up for the table and making a lower space where· they could put their feet. Dining thus, deluxe, are shown, clockwise, Sue BroY.'ll, Lyn ~' Cottingham, Judy Coleman, Jerilyn Godfrey, Ann Hu· mason, Penny Schineler, Holly Hyden, Sandy Godwin, Sandy Watson, (they call themselves Sandy & Sandy, Inc.) Carol Stott, Nancy Johnson, Abby Oqui.st, Jacky Wilcox, Mrs. Ralph Wilcox, Tina Bruning and Mn. W. H. Spurgeon III. COOL OFF -Wh en the afternoon sun Wat hm-aN:be Girl Scout summer camp and . the call to come and get popsicles brought a rush that kept Mrs: William Humason, above right, grabbing them rapidly out of the dry ice container. · I 'a!!ADYING FOR BIKE -Mrs. Lennox Hubbard, left, and Mra. George Parmenter a.re busy supplying lunches for Costa Mesa Girl Scouts of Unit 14 at the recent Scout Camp. Each girl had a band&na hand· • kercltief in which she lied her lunch and then awung it over her shoul der on a sticl<, tramp fashion, to ro on a hike. . . .. ... • PAGE 8 ·PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR· NEWS-PRESS -~ . \ WEONESDA Y, JULY 6, 1955 FISHERMEN FAVOR· PIER ON HOLIDAY Hundreds of fishermen lined> Newport Pier over the their rods and reela in use, aome very L,,ectively. Evi- July 4 weekend to try' theJ luck with their beat baits dence of ,big holiday crowd wa• ~ally shown at and skills. Men, women and children -they all had packed municipal auto parking 16t. -Staff Photo PLENTY OF POWER - Crystalina, 38-ft. ·cabin crui- ser, shown underway after its recent launching he.re, comblnes-ffie luxury of--mahogany with permanent weather protecti~. 'The double-planked hull's outer layer is of mahogany plywood strips over which has FIBERGLAS USED HEAVILY OM THAL'S NfW _CRYSTALINA Pio~r Fiberglas Developer Reports New Lamination Technique been laminated a tough, water-tight, tra.naparent coat- ing of Fiberglas and resin. Twin enginee providing 200 horsepower each, power the cruiser, which wu built by J ohn Norek under commiaaion to T. E. Thal. Inc., Los Angeles. innovutiona have been made. both mod.el built with conventional tl'tlm ~eneraJ marine design and planJdnr. Fibergla.!1-reein applicaUon at.and-SUITABLE SUDAOE points." Of primary lm119rtanc. ai.o ln ~ ' ... ' '~ f • • ' t) • .. -. /' I I I I t I I I I • : .. when there's a· quicker cleaner ~ . -. , .easier safer wa·yt ------- ii Cry.stallna. 38 ft. cabin cruiser recently launched hen. sport11 a nPw kind of hull construction that combines the luxurious ltlok of mahogany with the permanent water and weather prolrcllon of re11ln-bonded Fiberglas. The craft has a 12 tt. beam and aelecUon ot plTfll'OOd for tll• outer V-boltom hull, with considerable hull layer wu it.I .WtabWty u flare forward. Keel and stem aa-a '•urf&ee for bondlns the' nber· sernbly-Is or !Amina~ <)ilk~ ~1-reein JamtnaUea,-wtdcll ful"- fr!lmes and stringers are of 11awed ther •tren(then. th• M&worthy 1,ak. The double-layered bull ha.a double-planked hull and makea It b-Ottom se~llons or 1-2 ln. plywood permanently leakpro.of. The bond- l11id diagonally, aides consl1tlng Ing ot Flberrlu to mahop.ny, of an inner layer or 3-8 In. !Ir, and however, ai.o poNd a problimn, the outer J11Ver or 1-2 ln.-thtck since mahoga.ny unatained ta pale Bl'ILT LOCAC:l.V mahogany sirlps, ot 8-in. width and unattractive and With coawn- Crystahna was deslgnt>•I and and laid cJ!agonally. Uonal oil at.aln, It cannot be bond- bu1lt by J ohn N?rio~ Newport I ed to properly. Beach. under comm1as1on l~ T. E. The un~onventionaJ use. or ply-The problem wu overcome With a ifdfJMUtt DISPOSALL here's all you do • . . The cruiser's double-planked hull hu a unique outer layer o! mahogany plywood strips Civer which hu been laminated a tOUJ?h, watertight c11ating of F lbr rglas and, resin. The re11in "wet!f" out" the glass cloth to invi11ibillly, forming a transparent, glossy, re- inforced shealhltlg over th!! rich mahoga.ny-red hull. T,hal, I nc., Los Angeles. which has wuod stn~s tor the huU a outer throug-h development of a mixture pionerr~d a number llf F iberglas l11y1•r fat'ihlales the formation of ot aniline dye and alcohol which, dnelopments. notably ln the mar-compound 1·urves not olherwiae applied to the wood Imparted tlle ine field. Flberglas molding and possible, according to the boat'• characteriaUo deep ~ mahogany lamlnatea. were done by Richard designer ancJ builder. Further, It color and emphui&ed the g"raln. Williams, Newport Bt>ach. is pointed out. the exterior maho-The subsequent glua-nstn larnl- Remo\•e the Control Cover and .crape food "'u~nn fruit plt., cora oobll, rlnda, bonetl--tnto alnk openiftr. IWplM'e the Control C'over In the alnk openJnc, lum It to "on" Mid the 1hN'ddlni mec- banlam roea Into acUon. Tum on tbt1 cold watl'r and the .puh·l'rlM'd food "'Ute Ill flu11hPd ao"-n the drain, out of your home. Jt'a u euy .. lh1tl! "We have developed the 'Cry-gany plywood planking minimizes oat.Ion t onne a lifetime protecUve stalina' primarily to introduce CUl!lomary Bhrinklng and swelling, coaUn~ over tlle atalned mahogany new Fiberglas lamination tcchni-reduces labor and tabricatlng and no future palntlnr caulklng ques into the orulaer clal!ll," said costs. and c.uts down C<71l8tructloh or other normal malnte°nance are Thal. prt'sldent of the tlrm bear-wastes. Cruiser welg'ht ot approx-requJred. The Plukon resin wu Ing his n11me. "Toward this end, lmatel.v 21.000 lbs,, l11 no grea~er supplied by the Barrett Dlvil!lon we think a number of significant than that or a comparable •lp ot AIUed Chemical and Dye Cor- Food Waste is Pulverized and Flushed Down the Drain· ENGINE BOOM -Seen in the engine compartment of bis new 38-ft. C$l-bin cruiser, Crywtalina. ia Ted Thal. president of T. E. Th&l, Inc., Lo6 Angeles. On either side are the twin Chrysler Imperial motors, each providing 200 h orsepower, and giving the craft a calculated speed ot approximately 35 mph. Thal has pioneered a number of J'tberglu 4evelopmentl, notably in the marine field, and many have been embodied ·~ . ' • poratlo'n. EVEN ON OOUN'fER8 Deck• ot the Crystallna are 3-4-ln. plywood. Cabin Interiors combine st.Alned mahogany and natural white Hh, all Flberglu laminated 1o-r pennane11ce and beauty. Flberglu and resin all!O are combined II\ alnk counter top• and spluh board•; a molded bridge canopy affixed to the 1u- per1tructure; a transparant mold- ed ucape hatch "bubble" .tha.L permits ent ry ot light Into the torecuUe: two 170-gal. gaeoline tan.k1 and a balt t.ank : and a pro- ~tlve surfacing, tor marine chai'ta and •lrnllar printed refer-· ence m&1-erlal, embedded 1n top• of dine~ and ln1trurnent table.. The cabin celling 11 finished with Fiberglu acouatlcal Ule. The boat I• equipped with monel propeller 11hatta and copper Jacket exhaust llne1 and rudder• are con- trolled by worm &'tar and lever action. Wiring 11 a 12-volt 11y1tem. through which standard 110-volt power can be run by \lff or a 12- volt generator hooked to 110-volt outside current. On one or the motoni 11 hooked a hlrb output generlltor lo provide .JX>Wer tor rlectrical equlplhent, particular- ly lo the bait tank for which water 1, supplied to two 1·2·1n. pwnpe. IT'I CLEAN • • • l'our kltdl~• Control panel of Crf.tallna la on the bridge deck. In addition to 11tandard equtpmen\, the cruiaer • c&1Tle1 a ship-to-shore radiophone, directional tinder, fathometer and automatic plloL Adequate room I• proYided for 11port,, tl1hinc and tll• era.ft wtll 1leep four. •tare eleaa, yoar &Ink 1tay1 ell\~, your band• 1ta7 Cllf!eD! SwtrlJac water actloa ecoura Ute D11poea.ll UloroaKILl1 M It nu9hea the finely puJverlMid food wute •-Y· IT'I ODORLlll •••Food wute vaalahee lmmedla~ly, MHr lllaa a dlaaoe to epl'Md lt1 odo~ tllrowrboat tbe llouM. IT'I SAFI ••• TIM 00.poeall will operate oaly 'lll·laea UH! CoatT'OI Conr I• locked l.11 plaoe In the "oa" pollltioe. TIM 8llred4lnc Oom,.n. meet la &lware eonred wlMlll uait le • --. p.nUq 1111 moviq parta o.n el ;MCIL Insurance Rates in New Low Price In June 21 N..,._PJwe appear-IT'I ICOllOM. ICAL • • • ed a typorraphloal ~ irtronr enoup to make a print.er bluah ln morUncatton.. ·A .... 1tory from State MUtual Automo-:i:: 1:.=:ce~.'~ = ITFITIAl.LIT•NDARD Ca.ta M:.-, Implied ••e•w two llllKI lln• of tn. were dropped Girt e e e TM a.tpcat Dllpolllll .. by mlatake-tbe flna lmund ~ w •t 'W .......... Bll7 11M wt• a I~ t. I lllClll reokle• and I~ drtftr'& Actually, the nory aid ·u.. .,... •• >s-.tntlur er ..a tlle .wr le .... ,.,. nrm. tn ~ 11w ttn . ..._ "'* a .,...wazhr,........., It.,.._ tat. a"""'• apeclallaed in inllurtns the &9'eftCe eep11i1 tM1r • ..ee11 ....._ (F• 1111111 ........ ,._. caretuJ drtftr and •?Oldln&' ao... · by tJioee lmown to be t'IClllem and 6 te I....._, _.., P1Mi'e .t.1 ml'IJ WmeKU, ep- inupomlble. Lawer luuran~ ..._. a& atra eeet. rat. haft rwu.lted from .... a poUer ........... .... • , out of your life forever! Twice the Life • • • Half the Wear AUTOMATICALLY The lmpelMr that hurls food wute a«iaJnst the keen-edited 8httddrrs automaUca.11,y revenM dlrect.lon each tJ.me the Dl11po8&1l 18 operatf'd - clockwlM! one time, eounterdockwlle the next -and the 8hrffidf•n. beln& double-edged. have twice the Ufe -half the wev. Invert the eoatrol oover, place It ln the Mnk opellbag, ud It b8came. a alnk •topper. .. , AL FORGIT ~Hardware ·: Open Sundays-Open Week Days 8 a.m.·9 p.m. 2205 W. Balboa Blvd. . Newport leach Harbor 116 .. L j '1 I I I ~ I I ! ~ I \ I ,, J Guests - Home Mr. end Mr-.. J. J, t.:ook or Canon City and Mrs. J im Culle· dine from W1~hlta J'a lta, 1'e.xa11, W<'r• vl11ton at the Lu1lwlr J. Ort home. 840 Victoria St .. 1 .. t Sund&)'. Mn . Ort wu • ~ent 1peaker • at the nionthly mMlln& of th• California Doll Guild AMOClaUon ln Tonence. ha~mr met membent ' ' ~-~.ot~lbt d u.b w.hen bolh~;;;lhn•~O=trur--:--~:J :::c :.()Q ~-~ ~l AN IMPORTANT SOCIAL event is the luncheon, bazaar and <.:ard party_given each year at St . J ames Episcopal Church by the Woman's Auxiliary. Meeting at the Bal- boa Island home of Mrs. J oseph Riggs, Auxiliary president. to inspect bazaar items are (seated) Mrs. Frank P. Cunningham, luncheoo chairman and Mrs. Jerry Hall, in charge of serving; standing, Mrs. Orrin Wright Jr .. ticket chairman and Mrs. James Neill' Harris. Old Curiosity Shop. Date is Wednesday, July 20 with the bazaar open- ing at 11 :30 a.m. and luncheon at 12 :30 p.m. There will be cooked foods, "white elephants", attractive table and many door prizes. -Staff Photo HOUSEWARMING AT J ACK W. Swart new home, 211 Via Lido Nord, June 25 saw many harborites cop· gregate in kitchen to talk things over. From left, Mrs. Don Fuller, Mrs. Jack Swart, hostess: Mrs. Albert R y· MRS. WINIFRED BARB~E .. Society Editor t-4EWPORT -HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 -PAGE I WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 1955 KINCAID-LONG COUPLE IN CORONA DEL M.AR HOME Making their home at 418'"2 Golden.rod Ave. are· Mr.tand Mni. John J erome Kincaid. who were 11'16rrled at one o'clock on Sunday, June 24 In St. Andrew's Presbytenan Church. The Rev. James S. Stewart perfonned the 11ingle ring Mrvlce~ •t· tended only by members of the lmmedlate families. the n>cf'nt Hobby Show In Lo• Anitl'lea. Mrs. Ort told ot th" mort' thal\ 20 year• of creaUnl' the Ort Wood aculptunt Exhibit that h11 bt'en aho11.'1) In ·fllany part.I of the country. The Orta art now I.and· acaplnr thrlr property and bUUd· lng a patio (111tr1rlce lo the ex• hlbil room In thtlr home wher. -'the t t.rge dtsrl•y 11 now· houaed. lett, Mr. Clinton Rygel. Mrs. Har:old Holti:. Mr. Holu, Mrs. Bruce MacDonald and Mr. Bruce Lovell. -WU-• . liam Bouck.Photo Locaj Couples Tour Country At Gilman Springs Mr. &nd Mra. Frank Viele, 297 Hamilton St., Costa M~u. return- ed recently atter vlaitmg their Mr. and Mra. Wlllr.nt Truity, 11on &nd daughter-In-law, Mr. and 124 Tuilln Ave., and Mr. and Mrs. Mr•. Don Viele or Oilman Hot J. Al Ragan ot Costa Mesa, left Sprlng1. Returning with them for In mid June by train to Lanlinc. 1. few weeks' v111tt wu Mr. \'lelei'11 Mich., where each couple took de- llvl'ry of nfw care. From there the Regans went to New York and the Ttuaty• head· ed north along L&kea Michigan and Superior. cro1111tng at Macki- nac Strait to Duluth and W iili•· ton, through to Yellowstone Park lllld Salt Lal<l' City. In the Utah raplta l they wrre entert&lned by Mr. a.nd Mra. W. T. Naylor. tre· quent vilttora to the Harbor area. There were four days of fish- ing at Sta.Jey Springs al the he&d ot the Snake River, Lake Henry, Idaho. There they tound hall, rain. ftnow, but no fish. They e&me home by wa y of Lill Vegu. u riv- tng Sunday to learn of the u.d interruption ot their friends' tr&- brother. Fred Viele ot Hemet. You Save 1ocr0 on your Prescriptions at PrHCrtptton. fllled •tu Jfl p.m. SAYE SAFELY At Or•n9e County'1 LHding H9m• Len~in9 Institution CONTINUING TO PAY · PER ANNUM ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $10,000 The bride i11 the fonn,er Barbara Obear Long. daughter ot Mr. and Mr!!. Robert OJ>ear Long, '118 lri11 Ave. and the brldegroom Lt the BOn of Mr. and Mra. Morey B. Kincaid. 290 Avocado SL, Colla Mea.. • vels. Free Film! Bartiara, who ._,a.t given In keeping by her father. wore a pale yellow arfemoon dress &lld her floweni were pale yellow carnatlonl!. The new Mrs. -KlllCAld wu graduated from Ora.nge Co&at and Long Beaeh State Colleges. her hu11bltlld &ttendl'd Cout College, Texu Institute ot Technology and Long Beach Ctly -College. IN ANAHEIM Miss J oh~sQn Honored at Pre-nuptial Shower ence Clarke. Ho11le11s dutie1 were .1<h11rcd by Mr11. Earl OAhlman and M r:<. l..awrence Piper. Mr. and Mra. Regan had flown ome from New York. ca.lied .. bY the death of Mrs. Grace E. Re- gan. a elstPr-ln-law. They return- ed eut Frida y a.nd w1U continue their vacation. visiting In the C11.pe Cod area, stopping at Baltimore and Wuhlngton. D. C. OCNS Reporter to Say Vows Min Gall Bauer. OCNS report- er and 11ecretBry, a nd staff aer- gesnt Robert H. Fontenot wlU be married In thP Sl. Joseph Catho- With each roll of blM'k and wtitt~. •tUll" 1n . no, s111. no. T J 16 lefl with UR for df'\'t-loplnl I and prtnttni. w~ wtll lh'f' you a roll er th" Rame 11Lu. Maat~r ~lu Print• at No Extra C.\harg-e H HOt;R SER\'ICE All Accounts Opened On or Before The I 0th of the Month Eern From the I It "' LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION !?% Ocean A\·.,nile Phone: RV 4-IJ'7r LAGUNA BEACH l1c Cht11'< 0 h. St11ffonl and Minter i,~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~ Sl.1!., Santir Anil, al 10 30 o'clock ----- S11turd11y momlnl!'. July 9. The Rev. R-Obert Stein will perform the ceremony. Friend" of the couple are In· vited to attend. JEWELRY FROM ESTATES AVAILABLE BALBOA NEIGHBORS Mr. and Mrs. J ames C. Berryman, 1318 East Balboa Blvd. (left) and the Warren Bradfords (right) of 1316 East Balboa Blvd. and Placentia, celebrated their silver wedding a nniversaries when 102 guests were· invited to a re· ception at Balboa Bay Club. -Terrx Boria Photo The Ana.herm ranch home of Mrs. Louise Dahlman wa.~ setting for a recent m1sr<>llaneous show- er which honorrd ~!lss Jody John- son who wlJI be married on July 10 in SL Jame11 Church to Clar- Peonies In various 11hadea or __ _...._ ________ _ If you are seeking Jewelry ' items that are Scarce Let us know ... We may Buy It For You BALBOA COUPLES OBSERVE SILVER WEDDING DATES Schneldrr, West Covina: Gllber-l Burnett. St.anle.» Burnett, Robert Caulfield, W I I I I a m Chambers. Frank Wade. Lo11 Angeles; the Darcy De Ammnd11 of Laguna Beach and the Fred Warner11 of Fullerton: M r. and Mni. Charles Scott, LakewO(l(f; Mr. &ad Mr11. LaYo'Tence Osmer, Mr. and Mn. Claude BrenL" of Olend&le; Reception For Friends Held at Balboa Bay Club Sharing a 25th wedding anniversary reception at which they hosted over 100 friends at Balboa Bay Club were Mr. and Mni. James C. Berryman, 1218 East Balboa Blvd . and Mr.1and .Mn. Warren Bradford, 1316 East Balboa Blvd. arid Placentia. man. were down from S11n Fran- ci~<'n 1in<I J\lr ... arni J\I r11. P<'ler Bur- rfl'~ bt!'lther llnd !liStrr-ln-law or Mrs. Brrrymnn. were from PllSB• rl•'na. Othrr r<-lall\'e!I wrre !.fr. and M r1<. Frrrnk ~lanfiPld 1 ~he Is ;\I rs. B<>rrYman'i< 1<il!len fr•'nl Lns An- gele; wh1l<> the Llnyd 11nd Harri- 11on Bt•rrymans Wt'le from West Covina.. Thi' Brarlrorrt family lnclud<'d :«on Buddy, juAl h"me frflm Stan- fnnl, Md hl11 !W•trr Hen ... e. 0 1110 ;\Ir 1111rt ;\!rs. WarrPn Bradford Jr. HARBOK GUESTS Mr. and Mr11. Wiiiiam Nyholt and daughter Patty were there from Fallbrook and Mr. and Mn. Herman Lynn from San Manno. Mr. &nd J\lr.R. T. Hord Seeley, Mr. and Mr11. Vrrne Lake, Mr. and MM!. Leslie Gibbon!'I, Mr. &nd Mr11. Ray Ro<!mer were .Harbontes pre- 11t•nt. The Berrymana' twin IOM Bob and Dick were there. and eo wi>re m embers of the original wedding party. &lib('la their permanent homl'. Mrmb<'rs ot lhe1r orig1nt1 ! Wt'<tdllll'!" party wi>re 11mong jtllrsts, \\'ho were from v11rlrm.1< riljl'll, •\! f'lac-enua. Young people Included David and Bruce Barn,.tl, Conme Seeley, t.flltilyn De Armand, Marilyn Bnrt Jean Berryman, ~tty and Sandy Berryman. The Berryma.na ca.me from Ar· eadla with th~lr twin 1on1 Bob and Dick and for four yean have made REl.ATl\.F:S ATIE~O Among thnse pr<'lo<r-nt w e re Mr. Berryman's brotht>r and his M"!15rs. anrt MmP11 11n~rl Doti- wife, Mr. and !.!rs. George B1•1-ry-i:on, l'ac1f1c J'alisadN<; Gordon ---------'iiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii St:llMER SCHOOL MORNING SESSIONS ONE OR MORE SUBJECTS-ENTER ANYTIME DO YOU WISH TO IE A SINGER 7 Madame Lillya Anderson \\'ho hA~ lntcrnallonal exp!'Tlence M a voice teachrr ln both 1·Jnl'sir 11I anl'I popular \'mre development. will give pnvale 1MlrJ1ctlon to a limited n11mber of studrnts. Al.nlTIO'."S t"Rf:t: ON FRfDA\'S CalJ HYatt 4·6685 for appointment TRY OUR NEW WATCH REPAIR DEPT. at Vincent's Lido Drugs •, . ONE \'EAR GUARANTEE ON ALL REPAJRS • Moden l~welry l>Ppt . • Under New Management Anthony T rauare 3461 Via Lido Newpott '"ch Harbor 3003 pink were combined with white II· ht>s of the Nlli> to decorate the refreshment t11ble. set 111 cry1tal and ioilw r. ;\lr!<. William Tallmllll and Mrs. Robrl Jayred poured. The gui>i<t list Included Miss J ohnson aml Mr11. Edward John- l!On, Mme!!. Rk hBrd Lerner. John Moorl', J oe Tatchell, Newton Cal· houne, J. B. Aclam11. Andy Andrl'· iwn, G1'ne Burns. R11y \1111. Clyde Cue, H. t... Grah11m. Rosa Gree- ley, Korman Hagen, Woody Hold· ('r, Edith Humpert. Addle True, J11.yre<I. FreJ JOMph. Jamu Kar- 11m, Frank Kttler, S&m Kin!lfa- lher, Ferd La.nadow:ne, Ray Mar- shall. Rk hard Olhmer, HBnk Er- he. Hub P ow!'r!', Florence Ryptn- akl. Jame11 Slemons: Also Mmes.· Howard Smith. Glen Sodrn, WllllAm Tallman. W. A. Tobias. John Walker. Lonnie Vincent, Russ B1•nner, Bert Wil- son, Taylor L'arr. \Y. H. Stahl"r· H. E. Sllrl(ler. Mark Taylor. H. M. Holker. H ay Lang4!nhelm, Roy King. S. T. Clarke nf B11ker,.fleld, Ogden H .:"•,,•I;.. r.eor1te Tatch· ell Sr., and C V.. Jayred. Misses Barbara :-.li>ely anrt Klr~ten Xlel- s~e=n=.:::::::::::::::=:::::=:::==:::==:::::::::I Say h With Part.,v Rental _ltemfl S40J E. <icx1.~t Hy., <.:oro11a dcl Mor Harbor 5071 c ... .,Mar Son f or Rheans Mr. and Mrs. Leo J . Rhe&n. 13i Eut 20th St.. Cn11ta Mesa, u e pa,,nts or a boy born July 2 at Santa Ana Communrty 'Hospital. Woods Ha il Birth Mr. aml Mr11. Rohert W nod, 1954 Irvine Ave .. Costa Mrsa, ar,. 1 parents o! a &'lrl wrn July 2 al Hoag Hospital. CUSTOM UPHOLSTERING RF.MOD!:U'SG-REPAIRING REFlSISHJSO New Furniture Made to Order ('omph•te Une of t·abrlc• II 1-therw Antiques Restored CUSTOM WOODWORK BRENEMAN'S 660 W. 17th St. Blq. No. H C'Ollta Men Uhert7 l~l Fine Furniture & Accessories Distinctive Decorating Service lalltoa hlawd e Jt:\\'ELR \' BOC ORT e ROBERTS JEWELERS ii:i 11 Marine A no. -Bal1>oa Island -Harbor !3!1 Deluxe Apartment Hotel 8·1 bedroom, plus 2 studios. GroM income $17,000 to $18,000 year. l.Ar~e nf't, (\lus owner's apartmf'nt. Si5,000 down "·HJ handlt. E Z term1t. BM!t location · clMe to bf'..M'h II. shop8. J. M. Miller Co. 2025 W. B,lboa Blvd. Harbor -4091 WINLA FORD THUNDERBIRD in New lpanis LA.Contest! ~ .. Come in-1et your Entry Blank here today ! t . -~ ,, '-. PAGE 2 ·PART II -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS WEPNESDA Y, JY.L Y 6, 1955 MRS. DARRELL EUGENE MANN -Zimmer Photo SantaAnans Wed at Mesa First Baptist Miss Diana Lee Bride of Darrell Crane Mann White stocJc marked pew ends in First Baptist Church of Costa Mesa and baskets of while gladiolas, stock and Marconi daisies glowed in the light of altar candles whe.n Miss Diana·Lee Crane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Crane: 20181 Birch St., Santa Ana, exchanged rings and vows \\;th Darrell 'Eugene Mann. over. pink taffeta-In b~llerlna 11on <>f Mr. and Mrs. Ira Mann, length. Lavender llto.ck atlomed 1023 We~t B111hop St .. S1tnt11. Ana. lhf'1r hats of American Beauty Thi' Re,·. P. G. Nepmann per· velvet a.nd they carried fans <>f fdl'n~d the cert>mony. lavender net and ribbon \\'1th pink Diana, escorted to the altar and ca~atlont and la vender at.ock. ,::iwn 10 kt'eplng by her father, Robut Mann lent belt man a.Id W81! lovely In her brhlal a-own o! to hJ• brother a.nd cueat.e were ivory l11ce Md tulle ovrr 11atln. seat~ by JaJ1Tt1 Dlrty, John Tnle- The fitted bodlcf': or l11ce had Joni' blood, Charle• Rice. Leroy and 11lteve.~ Anrt nft-~houldtr neckline Dick Grauer. The lattl'r two we~ wfth henrit'rt detail brlow a sheer also candlellghter11. yoke. Thr fl•JOr·ltn)?'th skirt was Preceding the bride In l?i. en· ln rutnt>r1 t iers o! lace and net. toura.ge waa her cousin, Beverly lll'r vi>ll w1111 confined by a pearl Ashton, as flower girl. She wore f'mbrol<'lert'd lat'e coront t and her a. frock which duplicated those of bO\llJllet ·wu a fan ot ti leave:o1 the br1de11malds and carried a b1111· Al\.f hlte11 or the \'Alley centered ket or pink ro!IN•. w ith 11. while orchid. Cnrbln Smith was at lhfl orizan ATft:SDAST TRIO and Ehrln Grauer sang a marri- M I"" flonne Crandall was mRlcl age hymn. nf hnnnr 1rnd bridesmaids were AT REC'EPTIOS Ml~, I.ind.. Cramg••r and M1sa C'111 ·I 1 ·man. r n 111<in un<I 11l11ter ot thr hnrlt! rrllpPcllvrly, They wore huurrant frn<'kt< or lavPnder net Will Induct New Members to Harbor Club l nd11C'l mn oC several nl'w mem· bcr:ci 11110 Harbor Toutm1st ress C'luh, will b<' •••rnduclNI by )fr~. AlhPrl E. Johnllf111. \'ice pre11iclcnt, Al tile rcgul1tr meC'llng, Monrlay ('\"l'mng, J uly 11. ii.l Dalbo•( Hos- pitality Hou11r Amnng thrise t r. be lnrtucted are Mrs. Jay!' MrKalsen, formPr t<1estm1~trC':<ll frnm Ort'gon Rn dlntr mnt1011al sperrh r<>ntei:t wlnnt.-r or lntem al1onal Toastmis- tress Clubs; )frs. Hick Co1·hran, prt'sldent or the Or1tni:-e County Insurance \\'omens Club; ~rs. Daniel Rogers, rt.-cently from Ha- waii and l\Ctl\'e In )tason1r Wf1- mens' organizations oC Lhe harbor a rea. To&l!lmlstress of the evening \\1U be :.trs. Jerry J ohnson: ,topicmls· tN!ss, Mrs. Leroy Andrrson ; edu· cation, Mrs. Jewell E . \\'olC; eva- luator, Mrs. R&y Trautwein, lexl- colog1st, Mra. J., L. Pearce; timer and awa rda, Mu. Paul Mora; pearl, Mrs. Edward Mirkovich. The invocation will be r iven by MN. Francia Clendenen and the pledge by Ml'9. Paul Mora.. Sub- ject for Uie apeeche1 will be 11.uto- hlography &nd spealtert v.'111 be Mmes. Jaye McKalaen, Arthur Michaeli and Haul F . Rltk. T he receiving line fonnod In Friday Artemoon Clubhoui:e Rn•I included J.!rs. l 'ntnP, wt•Rrini::-a. coral cryiltllllno dre1111 with match- ing hat. white Reces.'!Orif'll and <>r· ch1d cor11s,g~; a.nd Mn. MMn, who &IJ<o wore an orchid \Vith htr pink faille dreaa. Dais ies Md gladtola11 decorated the punch table and the bride's table bore a tiered cake mllde by a fr!rnd or the bride. It W&.'I cut by Mllll!f'll Donna Hamilton 11.nd Sally Schrader, whlle Ml~<'8' Cer- rlni Cr"ttly. Virgie Milty poure<I punch. Milli! C11rol Hughe• kept the gue~t book Md Miu Tina Hught>s was In <'harge of girts. Rereptlnn mu11lc wu plA)'Pd by Corbln Smith a.nd Arthur Williams w&11 11ololsl. SA!l."TA BARBARA Th"' co11plt' w ill make their home in SMta Barbara where tht.-y also honc.vmo,mcd. For i:olng aw11y the new M~. Mann Rnrl her husband wore similar t allored :mils ot lmport l'd blue wool. while 11he wore the orchid from her brl· del bo11qut't. She was gradu&ted rmm Xl'wport Ha rbor Union High School, her husband from Santa Alla High School. He a ttended Santa Ana Junior CollegP, sen·ed in the navy and Is complt'ting his educa tion at Santa Barbara State College. Samuel Girl Born Mr. and Mrt. Thad Samuela, formerly of Cost& Mesa. but re· cently ot 11691 Moaaler St .. Ana· helm, a.re parent.II of a girl born July 2 a~ H,!'ag Hospital. ~ N•,, lDWfR COST ~l ~BUILDINGS Al•ID ,......,... CLUE.O LAMINAT~O ME.M&E RS, GIVE Clf.AR S~N, AFFORDING GQEAT STQENGTH AT LOWER COST. COMPU.T£ P>UllOING vnu-n- OEUVEQEO TO Jee ~ITf FROM ti!! PE~~SQ.FT. OR COMPLETELY ERECTED, IHCLVO\NG SLrl.&, fQOH ti 9 PER . SQ. fl, FOR. COMMERCIAl.. f.aK.OA INDV$TAW. VSf.. lllltW« IN .JO. CllUF. ... ~­••• .. .-:. ·- I \ . 'c-~- MRS. JAMES A. HARRIS -Ollerman Photo • Anp Gristy Is . Harris Bride Pink and white gladiolas and 1-Pers in tall candelabra were setting in Christ Church by the Sea on June 26 when four o'clock rites united Miss Ann Gristy and James A. Har- ris Jr. The Rev. Roy Carlson performed the double ring ceremony for the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Alan Grisly, 220 Flower St., Costa Me-Prayer"'. \ .. -Ollerman Photo Smith-Starr Duo Married at Mt. Carmel prft)'f'r book, C'C\\'tr'f'll with white .-------------. .. tin •nd lop(>~ with • while or-9ulck Service chld, tho latter a cor•age to b. FOK worn with h<'r 1to11ig a way ,.<'k"t drtSll "' irray l'Ul ton plpt'd with Roller Shades bhu:k llJld gny pl11ld. A1'TE..~UANT8 Mrs. Jack St.arr attecidtd hn 8later-ln-law at matron of honor. She wore a tact t<nd ntt ~allerlna lt'n,gth dnH of duaty roae with : matchint; beadb&l1d and canit'd a ahow•r bouquet or ,1 .. melll••· I LaWt'ence Starr wu beat man Standard Shade C2othl aad Cuatom Spt'claltlN • Drapery Hardware • Venetian BUndil , CALL BAABOa H• THE SHADE SHOP UJ atad 8t., Se"'·port llHell Beelde the PMt omc. and Nel.6on Visel ushered. I Church flowers Wl're whit«' ~1'4d-;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ lolu wHh white atock and wy. Ii Mtn Sue Fidtl'r wk. aololrt, I Both mother• werl! prrMnt for the ce~mony and for the rill!ep- 1 tlon, held s t Balboa Yacht Club. Mrw. Starr wore a ailk pnnt of I navy and powdt:'r blut' with match- 1 Ing acceuor1f'a and corMge ot pink _,...., ........ cunatfon. and Carol Amllng ro•· u . Mrs. Smith wu KOWn<'d In na· I vy crl'pe with while acc•llllorlea I and coraage 1;lm1lar to that worn by Mra. Starr. rN ru·n PATIO Gursta entered the yacht club pa.lion under 11 wedding bell. ·The bride's table bort' a .three tiered wt.-ddin~ cake and wu adorned wlLh white gladlow, atock and Ivy. The bride wa» Kraduated from high school at La.ramie. Wyo. •nd attendl'd UnlVt'r111ty or Wyoming for two years. She haa been em- ployed as aec"retary at Balboa Ya;:ht Club. Her husband wu graduottd from the University o! -l Wyoming, college ot llbl'ral arta, whue ho majored In ecology. He -· hu accepted a position with the Skt'lly Oil Company In Colorado. Private Police • i MERCHANT PATROL • and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMERCIAL SECURITY PATROL Kl 2-7027 BALTZ MORTUARIES COSTA MESA CHAPEL 1741 Superior Avf'nue Costa Mua, Calif. Phone Llberty 8-2121 CHAPEL BY-THE 81:4 3620 E. Cout Blvd. Cd°'rona del Mar, Calll. Phone Harbor '2 HunKJ'Y for .GOOD FISH .,N CHIPS SURF FISH FRY 2110 Oeean Front neu Newport Pier 11&, and !h• aon ot Mr. and Mra. Guuts were welcomed In the Jame_, HUrJ!,. 68 Balboa Covea. patio or the Davis home with mo-• l)YC .Secretary Husband Will Live in Colorado Ann wu escorted down the 11&· lht.-rs a.idlng. Mrs. Cristy wore a tin roped alale and given in keep-champagne pink cocktaJI ault Ing by her father. She and her with peplum, whlte accea.10rle1 mother t.a.d dealgned and made the and pale blue carnation coraage. bridal gown ot white nylon llWllll Mrs. Davla·wore & lllmilar corsage a.nd. lace. The 11lmple bodice wu with her pink lace afternoon dreu topped with a fitted la.ce jacket, with beaded neckline. long sleeved and with turnover SpeclaJ guut.a were Mr:. a nd collar. SlmJlar lace formed sun· Mrs. L. E. Bra.sil'r ot San Fran- bul"St panel• on the full 8klrt. The ciaco, maternal grandparents ot fingertip llluelon veil waa held by the bride; Mrs. W. R. Simon, Love- a swel'thea rt brim or net tdg-ed land, Texu and Mr. and Mn. with J>i"&rls. A note o! color wa.a Mayberry, Oklahoma. the nl•'r11l"hloned nosegay. of pink PISK ASD \\'RITE and w.11t!' rosea with center cor- 11age or gardenlu which the bride wore later with her going away costume. This wu a black atilt lfnen <ire• with sheer nylon dust· er. accuaor1ca beinJ' In pink and white, 811!n'l:R ATTEN'DS Mi.a Nancy Grlaly attenckd her slstt'r u maid ot honor. wur1nr ptle green sheu nylon In bllller- lna length. The atrapleu bodJce WU filled In with n.iUl~ and WU worn with a 11ma.IJ fltt~ jacket. Ht'r nylon hr~plecf' duplicated the bride's and 11he c,ar,ried a no". gay o! yellow rosu and whlt• oar- natton11. Robert Ldtwlck wu groom• m11n an<1 ushera Wl're Robert \\'Ml• and Phlll1p CroC'ker. M111s June Nor<htrom played the wedding rnu.-,1c and accompa.nit'd Mra. Walla.re Longrldge. who aang "1 Love Thee" and "The Lord'• The bride'11 table wllll centered with pink and white gla.dlola1 and 11flver candelabra. with plnk tapera. Pink chtimpagne punch accompan- ied the four liued c.ake. Ll'ndln&" recepU011 a id were Mmes. Josl'ph Clvallerl, Charle• Chapman, Ted Millett and Miss Daryl Ford. Mr11. Rober.t Leflwit'k kept the guest book a.nd Mrs. Lewis Kaan wu In chargt> ot gift.Ji. BAckground organ mualc wo11 played by Jaml'a 0 &- borne. The new M ni. DavL<1 wu gradu· atl'd from N1>wport Harbor Uulon High School and Orange Coa11t ColleJ;e. Her hu11band wu gradu- atl'd from Ha rbor High Sr hool. He aentl'tl two yee.rs In the army, will g-raduate from Cout College and I continue h is atudles at 'l.iCLA. . I Aft.er a Sant& Barbara hone)'- moon Mr. and Mr11. Davia will be al home at 169 Welnut Place, Coe- ta M•sa. Friday Afternoon Club Has L1111cheon With Cards 1 Over . 150 gueat.., bualnesa peo~ Mr11. Reuben Day. president of I pie ancl those who et11yed a.rter· Frld.ay Attl'moon Club. greeted ward to play card!!, were eeTVed guests. Shto thanked her commit· at luncheon on J une 28 In Friday tl'e chalrmtn, Mmts. Gingras. Aftt>rnoon Clubhou~e. C<>sla Mesa. MoorP, Covert. and T. L. Brown Mrs. L.. W . Cov;rt and Mrs. A. and their asslsta.nU!. Mmt'll. Paul L. Pollard made the unusual tal-Parke~. Lloyd Fernandeii, J . J. Uu . Door prizes W!'~P clonatrd by Ktrr, J. P. Cooper. A. R. Mor- Mesa merchants an11 club mem· rl11<>n, Irvin.It Clark. Sherman ber11 Mme!!. Claude Zirkle, W. A. Salter, P ollard. Ray Hartzler. McGuire, Heinz Kall!t'r, A. R. Ctn-Harry Burdick. Charle• Hand, A. gras, J amP11 C. Earll. E . l. Moore H. Small, Cherry, Thomas W right and Hazel Chnry. Mrs . .Paul H . Roberta wu In charge of pubU· and Mlssea Else Leiser, Lyda LQd city. Edith ~onant. S£.MMER SCHOOL MORNING SESSIONS ONE OR MORE 8UBIECTS-ENTEB ANYTIME ..... After a honeymoon trip across country a home in Sterling, Colo., awaited newly-weds Mr. and Mrs. Everett Raymond Smith, who were m::i rried by the Rev. Stephen Kiley in a two o'clock double ring ceremony at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church. The bride ts the former Mary Loulec; Starr. daughter of Mr~.• Malj' Louise wu given In keep• Carollsl!! Starr, 315 Marguerite I ing by her brother, JsC'k Starr. Avl'. and M r. J .· H . Stano! Julian. II She worl' white l&ce ln ballerlna The bridegroom la the son or Mr11. IPngth with titted jacket. A now· Smith and tHt' late Mr. E. R. 1 1 ered coront'l held Mr shoulder Smith of Otllette, Wyo. lenglJ\ nil and ahe carried her r-----------,J CONCRETE BLOCKS . LOCKERS Kl 2-0754 PVMJ-BLOCK COMPANl' -U!O 8. Mahl St., Santa Ana PUMJCE -CIJ\"l>l!:R A~D COSCRETE BLOCKS RE~TORClSG STEEL -4 SUPPLIES SPECIAL -Lockers Capp. 125 lb.) $7.76 'P· .. • • • Ask Any Islander WE FEATURE SEU:l.Tl:D Pill.ME and CHOICE MEATS '18 • SOtb 8t. ~'1:\\'PORT BEACH ...... .,.. TREAT YOllRSELF TO EASIER SHOPPl~G Grocery Department SPEC~LS FOR JULY 7 • 8 • ~ Don's Meats Oacar M.ayer WIENERS _ .... -........... . "Circle K'' BACON _ r. 8. Prtme 7•BONE ROAST. .lb. 55c lb.59c Jb.5~ DINER'S CLUB HONORED AT ., (lrog· Shol" &yal P rlnre YAMS C'ampbell'a TOMATO JUICE llS9UICK Dole f"rult COCKTAIL . AJI f'Ja\"Ortl JELLO . ' VELVEETA \"an Camp--PORK II BEANS Rordn ~Uon. GRAPEFRUIT SklPJIY DOG FOOD DICK'S Green Groceries 1-·rr·•h Runrh CARROTS 2tor13C I.one 0 rffn CUCUMBERS ·"-h 5c .... _ .... 2tor15C Speclallllnt ill 9•1ity Proclllce You Select ••• We Deliver . ' . Cinnamon COfFH LOAF 3Jt ... 2-Layer Pecan SPICI CAKI lfC.._ THE MARKET SPOT----- 200 MARINI A YINUI IAUOA ISLAND ' . \.. ' .. r l I ti I' ... ~ . I, : ' . . I • TODAY'S N.Y. STOCK REPORT AND COMMENT I Ive and that profit taktnr ta to be lmatlon. l'nle!!JI quoted dlrf'ctl\•, or itn1' 11etUed In Shangh&I. He lived expct'ted around th.ese tevela. stalf'd lo the conla a r)", • •Ut•h o; .n. th• .-uver 20 years IUld' w1u deal- 1:30 P .M. AVERA.GES ions u ~rusrd shall~ those or t•r 1or Par'<itrd &nd Chryaler can, Ex-wife W.ins as Morton Pleads Guilty 'lnduatrla.l' --.. ..466.09, Plwt !Ul7 the Wl'ller. and will not neeessanly ha\'ing the only a!IM'mbly plant In Ra.Ila 161.42-.33 represent t hose of Do.n Witter le 1 he l:>ttent. · SANTA ANA JULY 6 (OCNS) - New York Noon Comment-M. T 8wift-De&n Witter It Co OVe.ro.lrh.l news of the Ge.n.enll 'Motora llJ>llt came very much as a favorable 11Urprlae. While there ll&d been ~ctauon. or a fhor- a ble dtvelopment along these llnu. • a S-1 bad not even been conaldered ' by Uul moat optl1'81•Uc'. OPEN8 8TRON() GlU\er&l Molora opened with &5,000 wrea &t 121. up 14 pol.nt.s from ye11te.rday'1 close. While 10me tun.her atre.ngth may be exi'ecte<I for the moment. it Is worth not· lnl' that Gen.era! Motora hu ad- vanced 10me 30 polnta In only t\lolo month•. At,. . thl1 parUcul&r point It would n em that Chryaler hu the potential of d,lacountlng favorable cUvtd'end treatment. in addition. eamlng11 are In a.n Lmportant re· eovery phue with net tn the $11,· 13. range ealimattd for '06, For tradlnrlpurpoMs It would a ppear tb&t a awH~ 11hould be rn&(le on atrenrth from the formt·r to ChryslPr on ~ expectation that dividend proapect. f1f the latter are fa vorable. .f ' The 11pllt by General Motoni ha.a ot course drawn attention to othtr 11imllar c1LntU<111te11 with the oils moat ,Prominent. Including Stan- dard of New J eraey, StandJrd of Calttornia,. Gulf Oil. Contln~ntal Oil. "Befh1ehem Steel. AIUnHnum Ltd., an1l DuPont advi.nced to a new high and appear tlmilar c11n· dldatu. Among othl'r Individual Issues especially wt-II 11uppor{ed and at· tract 1ve would Include Lion Oil, Olin Mathieson. Southern Pacific and United Airlines. North Amerl· «an A vial ion advanced to a new recovery hi.1th but rellcted as the group faltered. However, with In· ct~lllllng attenllon bt'lng directed to company'• dlverstfled tnterut, feel that !\"orlh American will be able to move ahead on it11 own. National l>l~tlllers hrua encoun· tererl s~me profit taking but ap- pears especially 11ttractive on rt'· action:. In anticipation ot a very worthwh1l~ gain In earnings this yi.ar. The opening of ~neral Mo· tors hai1 proven a market stimulus with other favored split c11ndld11te1 reature11. Among such stocks galru coull! be pronounced. However. note that demand continues select· .. • .. 2.00 Co., or ot the Newport Harbor l v I 2""" 000 News-PreH. Returning to thi. rounlry Jn 0 ume ·"""• · 1910 the f11m1ly llv~ on Al. St. U)C:AJ. ~TOCK U ST ln llJl t>ffort to gtye you the In Balboa and tbe• children &t· Bank of America 39'-,·H last-mlnut" reports that h&\'e, or I tt'ndeil local school~. Holdtng the Bf'ckma.n Inatrumenl11 22·23 m1g-hl, atfe«t the ever cbangtni;: Los Angeles Count'' conceulon Call!orn1i. Bank . 66·69 •., l'Vents in the ftna.n rJa.I picture. we tor a water service he established Disney t WaJt l 39·41 "• c~nnot guarsl)tee lhe Informat ion 8 homr In Fllntrld.&e. A ~rona del )lar contractor Jo'lrat Western B&n.k ........ 113·116•, We can and will. howe\•er, dl11g'tint· i . ~ June :U pleaded guilty ln Newp(lrt Cla.aspar . . " :t"• .31~ ly &pprnJse the soun·e, 1111r1 with 8 Survivors •tt hls wife. Alht Just!~ court ·l~ unta.w.tul entry Hall Scott Motoi:a .. .... ... . 6-b~ ~aon&l ha<'kgTound-ot over 2~, Mae: two sons. Wilham _!). and l lilt() the Costa Me.aa h<lme of hi• lnterstatt' Engineering .. 11 ·12 reariJ of chrerl participation and RQ,bert L : .a o.laughter. Mra. I. \\'. ex·w1f11. Judgt-Donald J . Dodge Market Basket ........... 2P•• ·23,._ experlen<'" In the stock markt'l and Coleman. Rncl two brnthers, 1. W. g&Vl' Rolland Cati MClrton. 3~. ot Mayfair .Ma1·keta .......... 9~r1010 I the bro&11 f ield ot corpon.1te tin· Moo,ly ot Houatun .. Texas n. nd F . I :11~ Jll.Aflunl' Ave. a twu·year JIU$· Minute Ma1d .... ·-....... t••~·U'I. 11.lll'c, v.:r wilt use only tho.se SO\lrl'·, M Mootly of Hanovt-r, N H. Ma~· rendt<d s.-ntt•nce o! 60 d~a In Or· St>c. Jal Nat'I. Bank .......... l!l-114 '• 1'3 which we bt>lieve to be reliable onic i<ervll'es Wl't"e ht-li1 foday al ange County Jail. I Thrltty Drug ..... 10·1 l ·~ I 11 :30 a.rn . 111 Wei' Kirk o' thl'' Condltlon11 ot the sentt'nce ordt'r· Tree11weel . .. .. 7'\·8•8 DEATH NOTICE Hea\ht'r with interment in i,~orest ed ·t.torton not fo mnle!!'t Owen Van Camp Sea Food ...... 7~·8 ' La1A'n Cemetery. Morton In Rny w8y. r.•polr (jamegl' U.S. Nat'l. Bank, S.D. ~-20'2·22'2 cau!M."d to ht-r h<•mt> and om>y ell Wlz.ard Boat . .. ............. :?·'V, MARK ~IOOOV Man Hurt in FiCJht lht• laws of the State ut l'al!fvrnia It lt Indeed a privilege to bring Mark L.' Moodv. 6:,06 Sea!!hore Morton was arr•'llh'•l shortlv l\f· lo Orange County a.nd the Hsrbor Olive and 900 ·o e11can110 Drive. Fred Hyde, 29, 1829 \\l11tll1>r t"r 12;3() a.m. Tl.1t1sdey in the. t>..•d· area thi.a thrice weekly column Flintridge. died ruddenly Sunday, Ave .. wu treated at Hoag H°"· room of Mrs. Mort11n's home at devntl'd to bWlineas. flnancl', and at his city home of a heart ail· pita! euly on June 19 for 207 E. 16th St .. Cost,; Mesa. · stock market <"Omment. ment. He was a veteran of World I minor fn;utiea u result of a fight Answering 8n 1monymou!l r<>port Being lully cogmz.ant o·f the re· War l , came out through Siberia police reported. . I at 6 :411 p.m. Monday; ~frllli of(1t·ers aponsll>atlty assumed. tspecially an the Interpretation of stock mar- ket action and a.naly11ls of specific sltuallon11, we feel It lncuml>C'nt upon WI at thl• timf' to clarity our post lion. ll shall be our purpoae to bring to you through these columns an honest and unblued •PP{,rsal and lnte1·pretallon ot flna.nctal lnfor· .. BEACH EXCIT.t:MENT -Local bathers off 16th St. were witnesses to fQrced land- ing ?f a Navy helicopter when motor trouble developed Thursday. Companion whir- ly·b1rd set down nearby t o offer aid. The craft in background finally had to ta.ke off for. LoA Alamitos. Returning with rescue parts was a big two engine heli copter which had trouble leavin~ the beach itself Friday after its little brother lifted off • the sand. -Staff Photo · 'Copter Beats Sands as Sun Bathers Watch 1 Committee formed to Help Development of Parks Here Nt>wport Beach bathers orr 16th A c1t1zena committee tor ~rks Bl. got 11 \1lll" t'Xtra to go with and pl11yground11 ln Newport their ~ummPr tans . Thu~'h1y . ef· 1 Bt'ach. formed at a recent Corona temonn. del Mar met>Ung. haa announced They werr w1t.n1>ssea to a fort'('<! It.II alms as the promotion of bet· landln~ nn the 11un drt>nched !!finds ter recrea uon11l park areu. of a Nll''Y HTL-4 ht>hcopter. Lt.1 A commilt~ named to dehneall' .l!:dwln M1'10ri>. ptlnt. Mid hP h1111 to ' t he group's purpose choM Harold ~l the· black pontnonPd 11rn11rt I GlaM a11 c-h111rman. Mrs. Philip with th.e whlrlmR' overhrarl prop I Burtnn as v1ce·cha1rman and and whirring tll ll blnde dl)wn dur Frank F rrry u eecretary·treuu· to motor tmublP. rPr. The committee IH ued ill! "I hll~ to come dQwn." Moore l'llatement whk h follow11 : aid. "~fy motor 11\a.rtt>d rutting I "\\'e are committed to the ti<>· out. Ao I picked the clea_rf'st piece lief th11t public parka and partlC'u· or bt>ach around.'.' I larly waterfront property dwned Climbing out of the •un-~flect-by the city 11Ultable for park pur· Ing two-seater bubble at front end poses should be held tor re<'re&- 0( the gTLNhopper-type plane tion11l ust' of the people. wwe Moore and AD3 Bru_ce May-''This city needs an ordnly lm· era, kia mecho.nk. In a.nswer to provement llnd expanSfon or Its Moon'• Rdloed d.tet,._, oompan-park progTam. loft heUoopter piloted by Lt. R. A. "That whenever revenue 111 de· Bruninr Mt dOW71 nearby to offer t rfverl from city-owned or operated aid. 11ark areu auch revenue ahould be The helicopters t ook off from used exclusively to maintain or Ream. Ft1>ld, the Naval b&lle at develop park and recreational ru - llan Ysidro near Ul9 Mexkan bor· ilillf'll. der. Thl'y wett headed for Loll "It 111 our purpoee to atudy the Al&mlloll. rrom there the hellcop· public park sy11tem of our city; ters e.nd cre\\'11 a.re 11h1.tt'd to 20 to coop<>rate with the city council &ho11rd LSTa for 11 thrl'e·m.:>nth anrl pi<rk commassl~>n In dl'Velop- cruiae of AllUlka.n water11. Moore ang a morP adequ~tP park ay!'tem . •Id information tPgtlrding the to carry our informallnn and ftnil· c:rui.w. wu cluaifll'd. ings lo other civlc it-oup11 throu1th· Bruning finally Oew to Loe Ala· out ·the rlty; to endeavor to creatP m1toa and brought b8ck an extra 11 genl'ral 11nrl well-fnformPrl lnt,.r· m otor tor Moore'11 craft. est among all our cltiz:rns rel11tin1t DEA TH NOTICE FRAN& LON:ll Frank Lober. 72. of 1829 f>o- m ona Ave .. Coat& Me.a. dird S\ln· day evtnlnit at Hoa1t Hoaplllll &!·. to park &nrl recreational tacllitle~. and· by 11uch 11tudy &nd 11pproprf11t,. act ion to promote a loni.r range flrDKTllm of well planned park~ Md recreational &rt'a11 for the CltY of NPwport Beach." • '" I I . - • ~ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE 3 WEDNESDAY, JULY b, 1955 foond Mrs. Morton tn hy•tertC'al condition. ln the pruence of her ex·hu11band, ahe told polire she w'u dlvoreed from Morton but he continued to molut her. She .. td he had beaten her &nd caused dam· age to her home. Sh• told oiftcera 11hl' did not ~t him on the pre- miau. At .12:30 a.m. TUMd&y, Mrs. Mort<>n came to Lt.. M.Na police ll&tlon. s~ ~rorted ahe had re-- turned homt' from Garden Orova and he&rd nolsl'• In the bedroom. \\'hrn offll'ers went to her hOU!le,, they foun11 Mo.rtoo UIHp tf\ere. R~ports &how entry wu made by b~•kmg a wlndoiw. SA\1E! 8AVEI SAVE! SAVE! SAVEi MC:CarthY's 100 % WARRANTY 1420 SO. MAIN-SANT A ANA OPf'n Ev .. ntn~M "n1 9 -t All Day Sanda19 Bank Tenm '54 FORD · <."uatom t-door. Orl,J. Tutw-- k-u tlN'IO. ciu .. tom -• co\·- ers. Only u,oon mllf"L $167S '55 BUICK 1'pH1al Rhier11> Hard top . t-uu po"·rr. ~ ton.. Poh1r wllll4' o\·r r turquolM. \\'S \\' tll"f'tl. Tlntf'd .,1a.H. Cu•tnm lnlf'rlor. Save $500 'S3 CADILLAC flt iff\"11.11:1 NUpe, IR,00() • mu .. ~. 1·.s. ffo)·at M ..... 1r r tll'f't>. Po" n 111 .... r. t'ulh• f'qlllpl>f"CI. 2·10}l4' Mldnlf h.bt bhlf" on·r R.E. ntur. $3195 · 'SS BUICK Suiwr con\·erttbi.~ I'm"'"' •t-r. Powf'r brakN, '·"''&1 pc>Wf'r ... at. n nt.d (1- \\'~W tt""- Save $1000 'S5 MERCURY Mnntd&lrfl hardlup C'Oup.. '.?·tonl' bl-.·k O\'t'r h•or7 • 1•11wf'r •t,...r. l'o"'"' hrakM. C'u,.t. ~-tnnP Int. 1'P"f'lal wirt' wh. \\'!'\\' tl1T11. l..tkt> nt-w, l local n\\'ller. Save $1000 ..J54 OLDS. Suf"'r HoHdar 118. Arcde whit.-!f\ l'r t 'ht>rnkH N'd. l'tat1·hln1t . lnlt>rlor. l'owt>r 11\t•N . Yully f'CIUIJlped. '$277S LOOK SAVE PLENTY LOOK Do" .. '51 Olds. 98-4 dr. Full Equip ......................... $290. '50 Mere. Cust. 4 dr. R&H .............................. $250 • '53 Chev. 2 dr. R&H. Cust. S.C ...... -.... $350. '53 Olds. Super 88 ..................................... " ..... $690. '53 Ford Convertible, R&H ................ _. ... $490. '53 Chev. Convertible, R&H ....... : ... _ .......... $390. . S2 Olds. Super 8~ ~ ........... -.................. $390. 'SO Pontiac Catalina, R&H, Hyd. ........... $275. A-- ter an e.xtendtd Illness. He had re· of th(' home arldress: a daughter. aided In Coat.a Mesa tor 1lx weeks Mn. Robert Oliphant. :Xewport and had lived iii thl9 11tate for <l!) ~ach : a Mn, f'rank. of Ingle· ye11rs. Haa former home wu In wood: 111110 tour gra.ndduldren. Dinuba. He wu &n a ttorney and Sen·icl'a were conducted toda,· waa born In New York City. He at 2 :30 pm. ln the Baltz Mortuary. wu a put member of the U ona Co.ta Men Chapel with t F . c. Club ot Dlnuba and wu a member Collins officiating at the Christian of lh• llllka Club 99 of Loe Ange.lea. Science ritft. Interment will be H• ta i\.ln't-nd by hi• Wife, Mary. tn Harbor Rat Memorial Park. WANT ADS ' ., SOUTH GOflST conSTRUCTIDn CD. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL ~ aotll 8t., N~ Be-.da Bart.or WI want to buy, sell, rent or trade? CALL Harbor 16.16 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD TAKER . I· -. I 1:.- ... _ You Wiii Find . ' ' n.. I Best • In Every Thing You Need In The WANT AD PAGES J For Complete MARINE NEWS and MARINE . SUPPLIES Consult Special MARINE SECTION In the ·Friday .~dltion NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS PRESS • ... / • PAGE '4 • PART 11 -NEWPORJ H.-\RBOR NEWS-PRESS WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 1955 29-Rf'IP _~~ _ ·----297!!~p~w-·_an_tf'CJ ____ _ SO-Ml11ttllan,.()QS , 3~FumJtul'f' for S..111 ~~~oat,~~if !'-.~~~~ YOUR DOLLAR 18' l.Y)t.\N lSLINPER Inboard. DELIVERY GUARANTEED Deliv~ o! the NewWort Harbor News-Preas i1 WANTED BAB\i 8US"g)', Teettr ba~. ~r ~<'lit. bnM11'11'1 I, wrlngtr typr WA$ht'r, 10 l:llu.,Jf 11hot gun, Rull· a-way brd, ttaM1nAblt. JU 6· 1 ~90. 7:lpH For those who want tl\e be•t Konkel's Interiors Buys More New FURNITURE at BAY M h. p, ~ray n1artne motor. l:otHIJtt311. tarhomtotor. tt1mpera · tt11·1> l(AU~r. :l llCe ra!l• • txtra.., nrw J 11n1> 19~3. l,qe than 100 hr.11. 11... S:l!'\00. Survey wl'k<>-ma. flOt Wd1l :-\or.1. Har. 3849·W 70p7ll . guaranteed. Carrier boys will deliver their papen be-• fore 6 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. If your paper ia not delivered by that hour please call Harbor 1616 and yJlUr carrier will bring y.our-.papu'<--- .- Classified Full time men or women Real Estate salesmen 25 to 60. Will assist you to gPt license. and tea.in you in Real Estate sales. Must be finan'cfally able to exist for 6 months or a year without making a sale. L'J)holst,•ry, dn1per1u , -hJ)('OVer.. ~apt'eAds. • Ni'w phon,. I' "'r<'e L.t l>ert y 8· 7!17!1 Eatamalu •S 1 £ .• l 7t I\ St , Costa Me.n. 71p84h ORIGINALS AFTERNOON. Cocktail, dlnnl'r dresses • Coordlnatu. r-------------Ooubl~ ~lie rolhlway bf>d lnnf'r· NEW u •~. nbleu plywood boat, aprlng msttrt•i<:i. r1.M.Jy for a;lus•nc • plUJll, SlT&. J49.&0 Valut 11.t Bay J:t~.t!O Jim Sd'1MIJt>r. 11149 J"~eral. U11nk beds, S&l<'rn h\\'d , <-<>rnpl. Cv11la Mes&. L1 8 ·J,H t. 72p7• l&!Jder, e1111rd rail, 2 lr\nerepr. --- malt .. Ii 2 11prlng11 • , ..... _. __ , 0-..1•-TV S\29 ~O Value At Bay $79,50 3-.-UllK-_..., 0 Or. dble. druur, Salem !lnlsh , meto.1 pulls. $67.(10 V&lue al Bay $U.~0 8(l('lkcu e )leadt>-111rd, S1llein tlnah . 27.M Valu" at Bay $19.96 4 Dr, deitk, Salem flnllll'I, met.al SPlNET PIANO. Beauut\11 cue • tone. Lillie uaed. Save over l \00 (In lhla. Another t>ariraJ.n. Mir- ror type Spinet only $2116. JUny ot.her wonderful bU)'9. Custom Dressmaking Ph. Harbor S268·R 7lp8• Rates· effective July ht, 1955 NEWPORT ·HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday Experienced personnel are also wanted. Must be workers. We have the most modern office in the area. Come in for personal interview. 1000 EMBOSSED business ca.rda $3.99 3 Line Rubber Sta.mp $1.00 4 Line Rubber St&mp with C\lt $2100 (88• CUtl) Book Matchu L. W. WHITE pulls. J43.:'10 VaJue .. at B&y S:lll,91\ II r e. Maple wood arm L.R. croup. i,'Tacefutly match1nr 110fa . plat· !orm rocker, club ch&Jr. 2 att'p end and cotfH table. Durable tweed cover. $319,:,o Va.Jut' . . at Bay $198.00 Swivel b&.ae platform roc~er. Coll 1pr. con al r For eaite A t'•>m- DANZ-SCHMIDT Mu.lo Oo .• 620 l(o. Main St .. Santa AM. Alwaya 100 plan<>11! See Baldwin Piano & Organ Display WOODWORTH PIANO 00. Liberty 8·d0ll, eves, U 8·5150 pp He COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdays Coutal ~hopJN'r Adi. n1n In the Wedoe!tday X«!wa·l'reu " UDi"S 4 Unes 1 Insertion 2 lniwrtions S Insertions ( lruwrtiOD!i SJ.00 J.50 2.00 2.SO add'L Unes .26 ea. add'L Un~ .25 No .. w1. Unes .25 ea. add'l. Unes .25 ea. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor GLADIOLAS, fort. $119.50 Value • a t S.y S39.95 1318 Cout Blvd.. Corona del Mar (Thaden IDt.erior Blq.) Har. 3382 l!ec7' 2 P<'. Modern aect.. pure roam $6 PER MO. rw1t' r ood practk e 4 Unet1 .f"LlnH SltuaUoa Wantfld Ad• wUI rN'<'h,. 15% dtacount. Clu.h In ach'aace oal7. Ml~l~ff)t AO IS ' UN1!:8 All Cluelfled Ada m.u1tt kt paid for ('a•h In ach·aace of pubUcatloa. . . The pul>llahera wHI not be res1>ons1ble ror more than one. Incorrect ln11ert.Jon ot an ad, rel!rrve t he rlghl to correctly l'l11.&11lty any and all ads and to rejt'Cl any ad not conforming to rules u.nd rl'gulaUon.s, DEADLINES tor placing or cancelllng ad.a are: For Monday PubllcaUon -Friday 6 p,m, For Wednuday Publlc&tions -Tueeday l p.m. For Friday Publication -Tburaday 1 p.m. NEWPORT HARBOR PUBUSIDNO CO. !!11 Balboa Bh·d,. Newport Beach, Callfomt&. Speclal Notices y Newport Harbor B. P. 0. E. 1767 Meet• every Thursday 8 p.m. Vta Oporto -Central Ave. N'ewport Beacb Albert H. Matthews, Exalted RuJer \2-Bullcling ServJcea CARPENTRY MINOR REP AIR WORK NO JOB TOO .SMALL H. O . .An~er10n 101' !!. Balboa Blvd,. BaJboa Harbor U50 83tfc 12-Bullcling Servlcee Elec. Tool Repair SkU Saws, Drills, Sandera QUICK SERVICE LEWCO ELECTRIC CO. 456 No. Newport Blvd., NpL Bch. Llberty 8·8383. •4tfc COMPLETE PA.INTING & Paper Hanging Se~ice EUGENE 0. SA UNOERS 500 311t Street, Newport Beach Harbor 2976 or Har. fH6. ttc PAINTING INTERIOR -EXT$1UOR LICENSED -IN!IUR.ll:P Glenn Johnston Rouae Repalra Boat RepaJra 501 • 31at St. Newport Beach ASTOR'S REPAIR Harbor 3176 22uc SERVICE Carpentry CARPENTER 2602 Newport Blvd. H-Lost and Found LOST: Ladle11 lea.tht r ahoulder 1trap bag at ~ewport Harbor Yacht Club .Conunta valuable. Reward. Gall HAr. 74 . 14-Schools, lnstroctio!.__ CONTRACTORS ALL CLASSIFIC.ltTIONS STUDY In 1pare time for contnLC· tor'• examination under a gen- eral contractor wllh 26 years experience. Clu sea Tuea. and Fri. evea. 7:30 p"'.m. Attend flrat aeaalon fl"ff. Bertn anytime Al Tyler School 1611 No. Broadway, Santa Ana Ph. Klmberl}' ~-f.228 or Kl 7·3!111 Uc Real Estate School in Santa Ana MEN "' WOkJCN prwre ln l'J>&n time for unlimited ~pportunitle11 in Real Eatate. New cl&uea weekly. A1 Tyler lnatrucUng. At· tend firat eveninr free IUld learn about thia creat field. Call or wrtt.e now. Al Tyler· School 1811 No. Broadway. Sant& Ana Kl T·351l·KI 15-3489-Kll 8·2513 tfc Alteratlona Remod.Unc 112p76b °'* Repair Work ,.. China Painting You.r Rome Need Rep.trtq Day and l:Yentnr a ..... FOR RENT SkJJJ .Sawa, Elec. Drill•, Poliahera. aU typea ot Sanders, Wheelbar· row•. etc. or Remode.UAc 1 Ordera Taken Now Call Frank. Lrbe.rty 1-tiM Phone l..Ibertr s-118-48 All Work Guaranteed 7•Uc ------------- 94tfe "A's" 23--Sltuationa Want.eel BOYD'S HDWE. VENETIAN BLIND Bookkeeping Service 2630 W. COAST HIGHWAY • LAUNDRY . ATTENTION! Wt>erty 8-,3'36, Ne~rt Bol\ 28Uc Contractors, Storekeepers 'J\HE NEW machine proceu meth· od. R easonable plice.. Avera~e 2 tape resldentt&I blind. ~ Painting Ir Paperhanging We..do the work ourselves. ,30 year1 ex-pertenc• Licensed • lnrured. Satl~!actlon cuaranteed. !:at.Unatea free. Call Johnnie, LI 8-2687 & LI 8·5289 8ltfc House Plans LIBERTY a-e2111 lOUc PAIN'TING Painting & Paper S-anging "The Best Money Can Buy" Sympson & Nollar 612 38th St., Newport Beach PHONE HARBOR.240. Ua H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING I. Prompt !Wp&tr Berne• Mat.nta.lned Phone: Harbor .fS:U 28-01 B&lboa Blvd., Newport Be&ell . Only $1.00 Blinds repaired a nd rebuilt. Free Pick up and delivery Work done by appolntfent P.hone Liberty 8-570 or Kimberly 3·827t. ppttc General Contractor LICENSED New Work -Remodeling J . MILTON McKENZIE Need 1JOmeone to relieve you of those monthly bookkeeping wor- rle:1? A11k about our rea.aonable rates. Ha r. 4688·J 70c82 WORKING MOTHERS, child care In my home t'laytlmo•s. Newport Hel~hta district. Liberty 8·7674. 72p74 Universal Bldg. Maintenance WaU11 A window Cleaning Floorll. Janitor Servlc4', Phone HarbOr •318. 87p80h Har~r 3i 22·R Mttc _R_o_y_'_s_M_a_i_n-te-na...,,. __ n_c_e PAINTING M. W. ROSS LI 8·33.21 • LI 8-7823 280 Avoca.do, Co11t.a Mes& 70p83h CEMENT & BUILDING All Klnds FREE ESTIMATES Liberty 8-6109 29tf , HouM cleanlnc-Floor waxinc Wall wuhing-wtndow cleanlnc VeneUan bllnd1. Uphol.ltery Inaured. Free lllsttmatea l.Jberty d-1332. 1Uc CLEANING ol IRONING by the day. Experience<.!. B&lboa Island preferred. Kl 3·6096. 72p7' A·l COOK Ir CatereM, colored. Excel. rd. Health card. Own tranaporlllllon . Uve In. E. Flet- cher, •01 S. 33rd St .. San Diego. Belmont 4·1896. 72p74 plcp --~~~-~--~~~ Experienc'd gardener LANDSCAPING ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM I Install the above cheaper than moeL Also 91111 Tnt 6 Linoleum. Non·unloln, 25 years expelienre. Compare snd aee - BILL COKER Har. •828 or Long Beach 7-:'>973, 111c74h . ASPHALT TILE Aluminum Wall Tllt J.Ugn. Dlstrlbutorw Wholeaale prices to Conlr;lclona ol Tlla Setter• LI 8-7493 68tfc 14-Penonala and CLEAN UPS LJberty 8-1659 30ttc MAN • WOMAN will do general housework, Cloor waxing, win· dow cleanlnit. Fll.l!t workers, wh1tt. 194 .E. 20th St .. Costa Mesa. Ll 8·2683. pptr HSKPR .COOK. 26. Drive. Ltve II'\. Newport Beach 74c76 . " 29-Help Wanted ~ ' W ANT exp. hot?e keeper tor gen. houae. work, f>eraonal washing A ironing. 6 halt daye a week. fl.25 hr. Hsr. 1968 73c75 WANTED CLEANlNG woman - with teferenc~2 days a W('ek. Year around job. Call Harbor 736 between 12 and l o'clock noon. 73p75 SECRETARY· STENOGRAPHER. with shorthand. Some knowl· edge ot record• desirable tor local real u t.ale offk e, New· port Beach. Real u tate experi'· ence not ncce888ry. Apply In person 1505 W . Balboa Blvtl., Salurd&y. 73ci~ ATTEl''TlON. ALL BOYS - CUT FLOWERS .50¢ BUNCH 17M ·Orange Ave. Coat& Mf'AS. 74p76h TWO be1wt1ful hand bruldrd all wool ruga, new m11terlal. Well made. 8 \~ by 11 ~ ft. $3761 8xl 0 ft. f400 -836 Osborn, W . Covina. Ph. Edgewood 27401 78p75 Envel~e Special High quality #II~ white Te&'\llar envelopee. printed wit.I\ comer ~eturn. $3.95 ' per 1000 \\'llh thl11 ad. Explru July 22nd. Mall copy and check today. FOX adv. 709 E. Center, Ana· helm . 73c78 16·ln. DE WALT SAW on t raUer. $325. See at 1911 Kings Road, Ne~-por\ Helgha. Owner at No. 1 Bay Covu. 83Uc rubber cushfon with zipper. SN! pluto. Ltt the ktdd.lt• 1-m. Ap· it In this top g-rade newe:st c<>ver. ply term rent on purchue. Good Ice-pink --tout beige -lur· used plan09 $75. '89, $1211. Jll7 quolat-. etc. Lowest t•ntl•. $269.SO Value . at &y $179.00 DANZ·SCRMIDT, OET TiflS RF.LAX·'OPEDlC 1120 No. Main, Sanla Ana. Queen elze • • fl. I lnnerapr. >-AlWaye 100 planoe. m&tt. tit box spr. eel, extra farm. ·10 yr. guarantee. F\111 or t"''in SMALLEST STUDIO Plano wtlh alu . full 88 keyboard in nne eon· '139.110 Value . al Bay $89.60 dllion . Terma, S411.311 dcrtm and SJ 11.17 per mo. at -OPEN EVES. TIL 8 -SHAFER'S 'Muatc Co. (Sl.nce.1907) BAY Fu' RNITURE 421·•23 N. Sycamore, Sant& Ana '27 E. l.7lh St. COat& Meaa Between TWIUD ol lrvln@ P'REE STOREFRONT PAR.KING TERMS H c78 ~12 OVAL braided rul', plLlnted hutch, maple table, 2 chain • ottoman. Iron • board,' Unlver- aa.J touter, amall l&mpe. HAr. 0459-J. T4c7li TWO COUCHllS, one a It. lone. lounge chair, 0.fter tit SatUer stove, Jl'rlg1dalre, ma.hog. bu- reau, ~lee. lrooi tabi. lamp. Har. Phone Kimberly 2-0e7%. HAMMOND Orpn. 811Chtly u.eed. Good bl1t aavtnc. Anot.her won· derfut buy. Hammond Chord Or · l'&n. Uttle uaed. Tha Orl't.n everyone can ·ptay. DANZ-SCHMIDT P lano Co .. &20 No. Ma.In, Sant&· Ana LOVELY 81NOLJ!l m1U1ual elec:· tronlc organ ln perfect condl· tlon. Save J400. Convenient term• a t r THE NEWS·PRESS ia now taking Fre.sb Hea!!ing Aid cemer11pplieaUona for rcutes 1n ·-BATTERIES ~~~ • Hp SHAFER'S Ku.u&.Oo. (8tnce190n 421·•23 N. Sye&JnOre·, Santa Ana Phone ~berly 2--0872. M W d f STEINWAY GRAND. Gorgeou1 In eSa 00 Cra t every way. Parlor 1lr.e. Thi• these netghborhoodll:-W1 Give SolH Green Stampe Balbo&, Weat Newport, Balboa 111 •• Newport Height., c orona d('t Gunderson Drug Co. Ma.r &nd Costa Mesa. Malo St. at Ba.Ibo& Blvd., Balboa Unpainted "' Juvenile Furniture wonderful lnatrument at a. bag MAPLE Welsh Cab. JM ~O •~ing . ..Many otl\er Granda. Ma· U you are 12·14 yrs. old, and have Harbor !HS. 98t1c a blcycle , apply at the Clrcula· Hwd. Ladder cha.Jra. fi~r · · I son .ft Hamlin, Knabe, Story & &e&t • U ,:'>O Clark, etc. Pricu U .96 and up tlon Dept., Newport Harbor New1-Prea11, 2211 Balboa Blvd .. Newport Beach, between 10·12 &. m. or •-.!I p. m. only except Satut'daya. -trc Waitresses Experienced, 21 yrs. or over. Rob't Hill's Chef's Inn 32'lH I:. Cout Htrhway, Corona dt<l ~1ar. 72c74 WOMAN OR GlRL-Capal>le, t o u.slst with apt. house cleaning week encts thru J uly A: August TOP PAY. 104 E . Bay, Balbo11. GmLS - IT'S A GIRL'S -WORLD! 72c74 And you'll ain-ee when you hear ot t he rnnny jnb opportunltll's !ur quallft!'(J young women In our business todn y. OPENINGS NOW FOR : TELEPHONE OPERATORS Apply-Monday through Fnday liH a" No. M&m St. 9.00 to t :OO p.m. Room 211, Santa Ana PACIFIC TELEPHONE ' 22Uc WOMA."t aa tlry clcan1n1: ma rkrr. Liberty 8-4381. i1c7!'> SA LF,SLAlJY, full t l1ne. Mtt11l have knowl1>dire <1f lll'Wlni:. /Ille 30 to 40. SNfP 6: STITCl1, 209 Marine, llalbo11. h lan11. HJ\ r. YARDAGE Inventory Sale Hwd. 30" Bp.r atoot., 1 DAN~·SCHMTDT Plano flbr r seat . -.. ·-·--.. U .llO :'>20 No. Main, Se..nta AntL Mlnwax a.n.d Deft flnl,.Ma lOO p1anoa. on Deal!"leT'• Fabrics at Wholella le Price.a. drdera taken ror 1hultera ------------- 2121 Harbor, c .M. Liberty 8·1645. WOW! Read This! MARGIE WEBB 1966 So. Cout Blvd. Laguna Beach , 33.-Boats, Supplies 63 l.fc . 32' Lohman Sport Cru1aer ! Apricots Sleeps 4. tully equlpt. top con· dlUon. A.akin&' ""O or trade for local property. Submit ortf'r. We specialize In tue ripened Ph. Har. 796·M 73p7:i Royal apr icots tor home can-' ------------- nang. 25 lb. lug and 5 lb. bu-SNOWBIRD SAll. .. needed -tn kets. a.ny condition. C&ll Dick at LEx· Hillside Orchard ingtcn e-4220. 7tp73 BetweV1 '22nd and 23rd on Tustin AVf!, CClitta J\1 t>8a. 70l!c TRADE Beoautltul 70-ft. aux. achooner. F\llly found, go anywh~re. WIU Wt!-repair tt-levl11lon reee.l\'•'rs lllld radios. You p&y 10 d11.y11 IA· ter, when aaUatled. No parta In· st.a.Jled not needed. Lari;e.11l Exclusive RCA Vl<'lor dealer In area. f'a.rta • lAbor ,-uarante.ct for ll full mon"'-, WO• P:. Coa.~t H l¢tiw11v, C'"orona D,.I Mttr. HAr. l'HVI. LE\\'J8 W. TARTER. Owner, Htrc w AJ'.'TED 60 USED Pl ANOS tor our big rent.al dPpt. Hlgheat cuh allowance Jn t rade for Organ. Splnet piano, or Orand pl&110. OAN7.·SCHM.1DT, 1120 No. M11.Jn. R&nt.a Ana take equity In property or 11m11.I-17" ConAOle T&levt.lon .. ler boat. 1220 W. Balboa Blvd., 21" HCA Victor <'onaole With SO-B--A~li-'an __ ce_~~~~~ Washing Machine SERVICE NewporL Har. 3032. 39tfc I full remote control, reduct•I $121 1-year guarantee on Job• done and on used wul\era. 2•88~ (rear) N'wport 81., <.:oat.a Mua. Llberty 8-4503 or Llberty 8-4327. 64Uc SMALL re!rlgerator tn g llOd C{lnd. MAKE OFFER. Phone Utierty 8-8~76. 72c74 SNIPE No. ~1934 In U<'~llent con- d ition. Roat cover sails and trail· Pr. OwnPr luvlng 8t wtll take be11t offer. Har. :'!02 ditya, Har. 2306 R evea, 62lfc 27 FT. Aux. slO()p With Gray Sea St•out engine, full 11111t good Salle. 2 bunk•, 1;i•llY.""and hearl. ?'>ew ataanll!M att't'I r litging. Ju1l painted complt'lely 3 weekl'I ai:o. ()EEP FREEZE -Weller rlli1play $3400. Ll 8-1687 6~t!c Rtill·A·Door ~!1133 top J2911 - Harbor 1~19·\\'. 72p74 13 IT. ALL GLASS BOAT m .. ·u. -------------1 70 ln<'h bP8 n1, $120. Ll 8·fi30.(. PHILCO 8 cu. ft. freezer. 19:'>0 i2cH model tit 195-0 Kt-lvinator refrig. Both In i;ood condition. Llbrrty 8·~400 73c71'> RL'A Victor Htgh F1d ... Jlly phono. M&hog. tuil lloor11, rtidu1-ed .. . $ l(lO F . M. Table radH>a, only . U9.9ri TV R.enl&la A 5.,n1ce Tarter Television Co. TWO L-OCA T'IONS 2904 E. Cou t Hy., Corona do! Mar 6: 2H Broarl)Y&y, lA.gun4l Be~h Ph. Har. 6491 or H Yatt 4-~1 11 7ttfc ORGAN. Electronic! UMd but ln excellent eondJUon. Two m&11- u1111. Fine tor churf'h or home. You ran H Ve S800 on thla pur• chu e. 5233. Htfc 1-------------- 1111-"T. PENN VAN outboard. Dou· hie t•ed11,r planked. gJM~rd. Bait t111k, motor. str.lpped mah. d••ck. $2~9. U 8·48&2 73c7~ OANZ-SCH.MlDT, r>20 No. Ma.In, Banta Ana WANT Jl:XPERTF..NCED a utomo- bile sale!lman. folral W()rktni; condition". Pennant'nl p•)s11 1 .. n for a hard workt•r. H ;\ 1 ·!'K F::-\ S MTRS. 1932 Harbtir Blvtl Hci~> BOOKKEEPER, malt'. rJ1 t1m-;,- Good posalblUllea fur a1lvan<"l'· ment. For a ppolntmt"nt call I.I· berly 8-34 I 6 i 4r i6 W ANTEO: Baby satt••r for 5 ,1:i ys week. HArb. l654·R aCtPr 6 p.al1 • 7it 7::1 WOMEN wanted. S3.00 ~r hour, ea11y spare time Tel. Conta d la<l,\'. You~ own phone. Call l<I 3·2H8 ror Interview. Hp76 SO-MiM'f'llanP011s BRAIDED rl\s. hant1 ma;e, sll wool. 8x 1 O. $200. Small "lus, will m11k11 to ordtr. Ll 8-~:1:12 Used Automatics $39 .50 to S99 .50 Orll\'ered Installed. guar&n tred. Terms A va.lla.ble We Service AU Appliances Specializing in Automatics Auto. Wa!lher Enterprises 1 26~8 :-.:ewpt1rt Blvd , Costa M<'~ll Lltwr1y 8·7b08 11'\ear Gulf Cour~e l Upp I& F'T. MOTOR-SaJI. made by Olde Towne Co. Conn .. beautiful tines, g l&.11Rt'd 6 ft. deck, Bolsa pontoons in hull. Bendix motor A sail, SHCI. I! llOld lhl1 week. . S5-Dogs, Oat.a, Peta NEED good homP1 tor ttve clarl~J klltt'ns. 6?8 Klng11 Plaoe, N-- p<irt Hta . LJb. 8-6602. T~TI Mooring avail. S~. per mont h ------------- H.arbor 1497-W 73c76 WANTED to rl!nl. month of July. Snowblr1! ur preferably i:;IM!! kunanate•I s11.1lbol\t. Respcm111blf! 11allors Pr1 vitte part.le~. Balboa Is land re,idenl.9. Phl)ne Sa.turday noun, Har. 64118. H c76 39-Autoe Wanted PRlVATB PARTY wana to lNy ·~·• or ':'16 Chev. Plym. or Ford iJL&tlon w11gon prl'!"r & c:yllndPr. No pClwrr glt1le. Undl'r 12000. C'1tlt Hubor 1020 H H . nc7T J\tvr 11lzt> Rtnvt' & r•·f rli::. combln;. lll·~·r <.;ABJ:'\ < ru-1~r. plywu<id,_l ,lhAuto.. for SaJe t1t•n N"arly nrw. C'1111t ~22:1 ,.qulpµPd r<ir llPf''"J le ci~hlni.:.1 ------------- a.ew. Will sell for S 125. :!1>7 <'hry11lrr ('rown 11 r, n r1r11,.po\nr l 9!'l2 MORRIS Minor c•mv. 21.000 Palm S t ,Balboa . 7·11'711 motor $17~0, t_..l 8·6440. 321 1 mllell. Good Cl)nct. SM:\ l l·ft. Fulll'rl.On, :-\pl. th h. 7 .. pi'6 I Grt'en D<>lphln "''-'"!>· 28()~ Het- lntropt. C D.M. W i--ty &-7910 J>I<.: or L'IJDl:i:RS ~ptnna'ktr anol T4p71 11tonn salt. 7 hp Martin. Board· I · l~g lad1ler tor 3fH O ft. l>Qat :J• JAGt:AR XK120M modlfted S2-FUftlUure for Sale Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging Alcoholica Anonymoua Write P .• 0 . Bolt 311 Newport Be&cb, Callt. ~ewport Arra . Bruneau, 360 E . -71<'76 HOCSE Fl.LL of furnllure-ln- chh.hng drapes, c1i11tom Fren<'h prov1nd aJ. over!ltutced A IUlla· qucs. H11rbor 168i 74 pi6 l:heap. lnq. week-endA, 106 Via c•mv , like nrw, pcwder tit..._ Mentone. Lido bl°'"' or CR"st-. __ ..... \'tew 8-86r>:S week da y•. i0p82 white orllm lop, never ._... GEO. EURKHARDT LtCZNSED CONTRACTOR ITS W. 18th ISt., COil!& Mesa Liberty 1·1621 Pleue CALLON US When we can help you waUI your adverualnr problem•. A lralned c:ourteou1 1pttlalJ1t will gladly help you prepare effectlT• .adnr· Ualnr. Our aim I• to provide •ound ad· Yert.lalng CO\IJ\Ml &lld help )'OU ret outatandlng: ru111t11. NEWS-PRESS Cluaified Ada HARBOR 1816 i 218t St., Cosla MrM. 74p711 BEDROOM ~Pt. d1 nan1: 1'111 111hle A: ot htr p1er •·11. HA r. (1:lll8· \\' LAR(.;F. gali>leg tatile, udd d13ht!ll, ohl tl\b!.-11. old mahogany ro(·kang, r h111r. 21:.! JJ1>er1, ll&lbo& Island. Har. 26C.l'>·W. i2c74 Phou Harbor • 79:1 EXPERlEl'\('ED wh•ll' girl des1reo!I tie child care. W(ll live in. Call --------.-----JAclulon 7·2'i30. Hpi 6 18-Btutz Al&I( \,; FULL char&c bookkeeper I& 1c- superfluous Hair count&nt. presently employed. dtelrea to mAke a chAJ1p, HAr- PerrnaieDU, nmo'ftd from taoe bor 2!S42 after T p.m. 74p711 anna, lep. ~--· and hair i.. abaped-No m~ tweeenc. HOUSEWORK by lhe day, own llLLEN L. BRYANT R. &, tran.aportaUon. (Colored). Good Udo'a kloe ot 8"11ty ll&r. 3671 nt~eea. Kl 3-9283 7•p76 Ull WOMAN want• hou11ework by -------------day. LIDtan M~r. Klmberl,y ~ %2-Losl and Found LOST: Small brown bWtold eon· taitUn( ldeJiutl~Uoe papers. Ll~raJ reward. T. Set. Wm. A. 8!J\.lth, 1300 Balboa Bl1'd .. New· PMt « -KJm. 2~2h ,l!'Jlrt. 273. 74c7& 2939. 7Cp78 EXP. OIULL and OOUDt.er worker. J'rtd'e Dn..-In. 11111 Newport J!lhod., 0oeta ~ LI. a.MU. 7'c , 74ci6 SL'.RF BOARD Bcstul1f11lly lam· lnated balsa and rc-dwoCld, Just retlnlahc<I, cosl $8.~.00. Sacrl!lce for 141'1 00. SH a t Dllke's Bay Shore Bo& t Ren ta.la. 1 00 r: C\111..qt Rlgjlway. Mlon• Harbf)r 0879. 74p76 VERY ~ASONABLE -Brand new Hotpolnt. dl1hwuher, tcost S3•0J will sell tor $200. Lite. Duncan Phyfe mahog. dlnlni; lable, 8 c.halre, S70. Mahog. end table with lamp, Jl O Hotpolnt 11 cu fl re.trig. tn :11lnt. cnndl· PADDLEBOARD, $1 5, Ran~. tton. J1 50. Walnut aecretary, Magic Chef, good oondlt1on, $20; only S:'>O 1987 Alleo .Ave. Lfbfrty Adirondack cha.In $10: copper 8·3233. Ill tic pla.nter table l&mJ>L 1812 Circle ------------- Orin. 8a19ft~. Newport KAR.PEN bed daHnport $3~. Beach. 7tp75 table top rans• $26, Phone Har. ANTIQUJCS -Old tumlture, wt' _011B_e_-_1 ________ 1_3_c1_0 claaa, llunp1, old ptct:urea, clocka 1U • .LK.J:R for lnftl.ld With u.t.n etc. Barsaina ~ Bia ._ attachment.., "6, two ' burner cov.nt.a to dalu.. CbartM DaN, atovu w1th o-..a no • $30. 1108 Z. A.na!Mtm Bt., Loal n.n.lty w1Ul ebatr St. Barbor 8-clL llW)..tn. tttlc 111 T..J 18Uc . . 12 FT. CARVER-Craft, fl~rgl&M· ed boll?m and bow, atef'lil)g wheel, J225. 14 H. P. EVL~RUOE motor, 6·pl. preuure tank, J175. SMALL Sall boat ,comp!~~· .. !.lt.h ~&JI A dolly, J l60 321 Grar.d <.;ana.J, Balboa X.1811 d. Har. 0284-W. 72cH HIGHWAY DISPLAY AREA avall&ble fO_( food Cla&n boat.II, tow mile.re. or-lgl.naJ ~ • ._ '0472 tle7& 1948 HARLEY DAVIDSON' 1•. J 200. Phone Har. 2613·J . Tle7' STEAL! 19114 MERCURY hard lop. hl!y ••1utpt. Must Mil by JuJy SUI f'rlt'e ~2.200. C&ll Ll 8· 7&&•.- T2e7' priced t.o ae.1'1 ------------- ROBERT VAUOBAl'f A CO. Phone LI 9· 7805. 72c74 SAlLBOAT 17 ft. NaUnnal One L>e· alg-n. Inboard rudder. Good u.!111 tit coveor. U :.O Phone Llbe1 I)' JAGUAR Of Marl< VU Mdan. Wiit. with rtd lerll.hf'r. a1Jtonl.&Ue lr11111m11W11on. l'crr"·t cond., low mll,.a.:•. orl(ln~I o""-nff. Harbor M72. Slc7& 8-5298 or f..3flH. 73p7~ llUi• SL~ VA I.LEY >orltRCUR Y. I a!l liCIWfr "'flllpm .. nl, ll'rm11 «111! SURF BOARD. 10 fL lo1\g. 311 lb• own"r. I.I li-311'\l or Lt 8·1122:1 Ut.llO. Lt l-s.998. 73p76 • lltlc • ' I "' f I I - -- ... ' - • i • j . I 'I I "' v Check these Used Cars Bu7 trom a loc_, duJcr wbo wtU be here l'OMORROW to b&dl up W'bat he "11.1 TOl>A.YI THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS! 19M CHEVROLET 4 door Bel Aire, light blue, R & H. power glide tnuwniaaion, power steering. Excellent c'!nditton. . ......... $1545 1~2 NASH 4 door aedan, 2 tone green, over· drive. Showa very good care ... . ....... $ 99:'> 1~ FORD !tatfon Wagon. Run• good, looks · well. ........ . .................. ( ................. -...... $ 19:i 10&~ PL YMOtmI Club Coupe, delux~ model, light Bftt91, R Ir H. All new nylon tubt- lem tirw. Only _... . .... ····-···-····~ $ 895 LOU REED CHRYSLER· PLYMOUTH DEALER 1JOO W. Cout Highway Phone Liberty 8-3486 GMC Trip le Checked Used Trucks . '60 CHEVROLET % T. PICK· UP, POWERGLIDE tran•. '6t GMC '<. T. PICKUP. '62 INTERNATIONAL I~ TON 1 PICK1JI' '&2 CHEVROLET "A T PA N!:L '03 GMC •.., T. ['ICKUP. HYPR.AMA'l10 TRANS. '53 FORD 8, "' T . P ICKUP. '&l DODO!! ~ 1· .PICKUP. SPORTS~lAN T OP. '50 GMC l T. DUAi., FLATBED ·~2 CHEVROl.ET l T. P ANEL '52 CHEVROLET 2 T .. 179" W. 74c76 Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN . * with this ad * 6 Cyls. ·~--·----S48.88 8 Cyls. ..--·---······-··$58.88 Includes both l11bor and parts. N,.w rtngs. wrhst pans, v11lv' grind, fittings of maln and r od beu tngs. Expert motor t\\.ne up. 90-day or i ,000 mile guarantee. (NO MONEY DOW:"l. REBUU.T ENGINES -UP to 15 1.10:-ITHS TO PAY- BuiJt Jn our own faclory by akWed machlnlsts. Don't contend w ith the middle man. Bu,· dirttt. JtEBUll.T and INSTALLED R , 2 SPF.F.D. R 20 TIR!!S. SHORT BLOCK '54 UODGE 2 4'. t YO. PUltfl'. I FORD ......... ····-·---·-1129.50 2 SP F.:ED. 8:2~ TLHES. I CHEVROLET ............. _ ... _ .. 1149.50 '!it (;~fC 10 WHF:El.F.R OUMl ', PLYM. I: DOOOE .. -..... _ ....... St55 I:H ... TRA:\'S .. 9.00 TIRES. CHRYS. It DE SOTO __ ...... 1170 St'e 1 h" la rg1•11t 11~ock of used t n1f'k1< ln 0!'1LnJ:e '<•unty. 11toc:k lnrl . plckupa, panels, al&ku and dumps. You will Mve Ume and monf'y by •«1ng us finrt. w. w. WOODS GMr DEALER 151:,.fil!J F. 41h !-;t S11nta An11 Oppn Sunday a.rn Truck he11dqu&rter11 for Orang• C'o. STUDEBAKER ...... -·-··-f170 OLDS It P0?1;TUC 6 ---11 iO BUICK .... ·-··--··-··-.. -·-··-1175 H1JDSON -... -...... -.......... -....... $175 Loa.n C.r Free Towing NEW CAR GUARANTEE Block mwt meet our atandarda Plua tax.-1, gukets a nd oil Open Sunday 10 a.m. to 2 pm. H c75 ' BELLES ~NGINE REBUILDERS , $1295. New Frenc h Ren c)uft 4 door iu•olnn :,o m1t .. 1 pf'r .ir•llon. '"" 1i..•n1 • ~!!'\ f>t•r mo. Ii •n&.; t1f A11wrr11 fmr•nr1r~ lMMl'.PL\T•; Oelavery Opt>n Dally 8 \o 7 State Bonded NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. SA!>ITA ANA 42-Trailers 51 COLUMBlA mobile borne: lll' long: shr. a. toilet: many extru. ex.. cond. lot 63, U berty Mobile Homes Court. 15182 Harbor Blvd.. Santa Ana. 72p74 H k LUGGAGE TRA.ll..ER -' it 6 . aus en Motors Inc, Alt metal. enclosed. u o. 270 E Palmer, Costa Mesa.. LI 8-';6';4, 1!1.lt Hl\rhl'r Rlv•I. C-o~ta M,.sl\ 72cH I.I 1<-~111'11 I I 8·6:1f'l I /\LI. STEEL luggage traller So5~ &Stfc H1troor H 23. i•c711 '51 CROSSLEY · 1,; • 'PER Station W11'!. Beautiful con- dition t hrou, hout. inclu<l- i11g t 11 f's & ne w paint. Load- t·d with r\·rry conrC'arnblc f'Xt r:i: $395. COTION GOFF VOLK~WAl,f';N DEALER ·.":PAN-AMERICAN-« :Paramount-Terry '55--45' PtUI Amf'r. 2 b<Jrm. - A ~UY. 55-111' T vrry-Sf'ECIA L '712-27' Mobll-T11.ndPm-bat/\. ~ MANY MORE -E11sy Term1 Port Orange Trailer Sales 2200 W. <'oe..~l Hlghwny Phone Llberly 8··t420 N"WJ\Wl R N\Ch 72c8th 2116 ;-; .. wport Bh·d , ~pt. Beach .Ji-Wantf'd to Rt-ot Hnrbor 8 7'4•·7~ J!)~.1 rt~'M<)t'TH 2 ilt 111'<1~ I Rentals Wanted l' AMBRIOOE. , .. 9~. Ub. 8·12:i'; w. ne«I apt. and bouau ln al 11nn !i p m ;4ciG .wcUooa tor both. wintu &11d ------------1 ycar'e leue. rum. or untum. 1939 n n ocf; coupe. '47 m ot or . u you have a •&c&ncy, Exrellt•nt running cC\nlftllon. $i!i. phone t.oday _ can H&r. 0518-J. 1.ipi6 The Vogel Co. FOR &\LE or, TRADE tor boat-lS'°l W. C6t.. Hwy~ Newport BcfL C11dllh1c 'H 2 •·dr .. light col· Phone Liberty 8-3481 "r. Exc!'l. cnn1HUon. Harbor 208 MArille, Ball:><:* Ialand ~246·R 73c7~ 1 PbOlle Harbor 40 12667 E. Coa.,,t Hy .. Coronll del MM 40-A-Tiree • Part. P hone Hubor l'iil Lido Offtt-e, 3H6 Via Llclo Tubeless Tire and Recapping Hdqtrs. Courtney & Lester .... ~llh-d..~ ..... .. ONJI UBaT'f' a..J.111 PAP An'llNTION Nash -Hudson owners Rioh Hahn ll Garage .......... ..,,. ........ .. Qeod Tn&lpoltataaa OU. .. au. Harbor '9i.l 32t~c WANT APT, on or nrac bearh with private bath, kltch,nette for 1 or 2 we..•lul. July or Aui:. Wr1te Box J ·98, th11 pa~r. i3pH ~--------~ WANTED TO R.E.'\'T ,2 bedroom turn l!pt. or house for 8 pen na· nent nstdent& Ref~cn. LI &·2995 or Mr. Clark, 1000 \\". Balboa Bh•d.. apL 6. 'i3pi~ W AN'r TO RE:\'T, 2 bdrm. unfum. .. bou. and pr&lf'I or apt. "1th patio or 8"1&11 yd • Corona del M.e.r or Harbor u~a. Permanent tenant.. C&1l D. K. Mu"°". Ha.t· bar llH. T4p78 ROOM A BOARD Sn quiet Olrta- U&a home fQr am.l·lnft!id eJd- .ny lial:l7, near Newport a.ch. Boll 1'1. 111111 ~· ~ M-Ae a ...... roa RmT-oorau cW Mar _,. h&'rtew. Two bedroom. Block ,..._ blir· ... ,. .... '°A.~. 11.. TUT• ~ -ODl'lars. home. I WnM.. i t.tba. Tur 1 .... UGO mo. Ph. LI 1-5573. H c7t A. uto Radio Repair «>9 E. 29th St. -clull.flect Ads are na4 by fOOu N•11FPOrt Beach. Rat. '126. S5ttc wbo an Nally lookinf to buy. . U-Apt.. & Bow. tor Beat -&&-Apt& ~ Bow for Rdlt 5S·A-Btwltea Beat.a. Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS Oehght!ul Uvin,. Apt...Cabanu. Utilities paid. with Yacht •lip accomodationa. Dally, weekly, monthly, yearly. For appt. or reservation, Call Har. 2992. 34tfc 48-Apt.s. ll Bo~ for Rent 48-A-Apta. for Rent Choice Summer Rentai. OD COMFORT A.BLll BEACH A.PTS., Balboa Island & Udo Isle ruml.lbed. Summer rate tS& wk. MU W. Oce&n Front. Harbor AVAILABLE -About 8000 aq. tt.. lifht lndu.ttry apace on i.t • 2'Qd. floor. U. S. Highway 101 &ltd Bay Prontap.. Will leu. ail or any part It: ttmodel to auit tenant. VQ1_el Co., Jua-vt& 1.-. Barbor 4971. -26Uc LEASE VINI!! LOCATION 1n Corona del I.far. Complelely equipped fo.r baking or delicatessen. Phone Harbor 4263 tor app't. Mltc New Store Bldg. for leue, 3·5 y,..., lh~4 tt. park· ahopplng area.. tnr 1p&ce. Major artery. ln Lido BLANCHE GATES Realtor Small Is cozy or tur• " delus• '817-M. 72p77 $75 to $300 month 311 Marine Ave., Balboa lalt.nd VOGEL Co. NEW FlfRN. WATER.FRONT for Harbor 1471 68tfc lea.se, 2 bdrm. apt. IClectncally 208 Ma.r1pe An., B&Jboa I.a.l&nd equipped. 4U Via Lido Nord. FOR LltASE: Sm&ll ca!e doln&' Ph. Harbor , .. or Harbor 2151 Newport Beach. T2pH I Xlnt. buslne.s, rood locauon, Res. Bar.1786·R or Bar. S059·M ------------ldtal for rood cook A: putey Utlo I bl I h coot<. Write Box K • 99, thll _________ Avai o e Ju y 15t newspaper. 74c76 DO COME FURN'. 1 bdrm. apt., Quiet. Clou • to Lido ahopping. Yearly leue M-BU8lneu OpportwUtie8 Deairable 1ununer rent.ala ellU avail&ble. By wMlr, month or .wa1H>n. COAST PROPERTIES 301 E. Balboa 81-1 .. Balboa Har. 26!'.>8, 2597 Is 4600 71}1C RENTAL r SPECIALISTS Call Edna cr&lg Blanche Gates, Rltr. 311 Ma.r1ne A'H. ~boa I.eland, Kar. 1871 T2ttc BALBOA ISLAND RENTAL - Charmlng h oWie, 2 bdmu .. avaJI. now to July H th. Well turnt.11hed. Garbage dlspoeal. F1r~pl. Rta· eonable. Kar. 2&eT·W. 6!ltfc LIDO ISLF..-Lovely tum. I bed· room apL, Bayfl"ont. Summer or yrly. Har. 4260-W, Har. 2790-W or C'U~tc.-r 5·6163. 72r 71 1eo. mo. to ruponsfbl• people. Call owner, LI ~&. 72cH BALBOA ISLAND -be&uUtuJJy furn. 3 bdrm.. It 2 bdnn. apts. overlooking bay, patio, Bar·B· que Ac .wtnp. 109 Park Ave .• Harbor 0123·1t. 72c7' CORONA DEL MAR studio apt. furn. No cooking. Betit location. Weekly or yearly. Har. 4362 alter 5:30. • 72c7" SUMMER Rentals Deluxe turn. apt. I: l'OOme. Day, week or month Ide&l 1ocation -a f"1r steps to everything. 10. E. Bay, BalboL Har. 034' J 7ttc 1''1CEL Y tum apt. 2 bdrm., paUo, sun deck A: f&nge, next to ca.nal'. Swnmer or yrty. leue ·~ ClubhOUM. Newport. 1Sc75 ROOM S. COTTAGES, AP'I'S. 43-B-Houaee for Keat DAY OR WEEK I COSTA MESA -3 bdrm. home. furn. (except 1 bdrm.) Reuon- THE BLUE TOP MOTEL. 403 able. Phone LI 8·7877. 72 a Newport Blvd., Just above The P LEASE • FINE LOCATION 111 Corona del Mar, Complttely equipped tor balclng or dellcateMrn. Phone Harbor 4263 for 91>p't, 65tlc FORCED TO SELL Thriving housecleaning busineu. Opportunity lo make g ood mon· ey f or right party. Make otter to Box H·96, lhla paper. 7lttc M-MOlley to Lout Quick Cash Loans on fun:llture, auto, salary. $50. to $750. or more. One day se riice Application m•y be made ln per- aon, by phone or by ma11. CALIF. ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION 1898 Harbor Blvd., Co•l* Mesa LI 8-77!>1 -Open Fr:ldeys till 8 CJC>Md Saturday-illtc LOANS for Homes Lots Piii~~ ..tte1, a.t.t •carce. prlcu 1.0ll\6 up. ~ltm c>fttr • aael'lnce lot near ~an for $24~; b\lStnelll lot SOUi St , 14.· 000: ocean front lot, last onl' a vailable, (8,000. Channel Front · \'ac&Uon home on the wat~rlront. Sl~.9ri0, Jowett prtctd one now. 13.~00 i.Jown. Others 11va1l1bl<' at l'lil'"her prlcl'll. See Uf for mul· tlpl e 119tl.n 1f9 N.B.C. Realty 32nd and Neowport Baulevard Newport Beach Har. H O:I Costa Mesa G.J. RES ALE. $10.500. Exr lu· ewe 80 tt. lot. 3 bdrm., hJwd n r.s., dbl. K&J'llJ:!', low down and $65 per mo. 2 bdrm Obi JJ0.000. LOT :;()'xl80' on Eut 23rd St. 12500. $500 down It $25 ptr ffil'nth. Call :t.tr s.. Fishb11ck, W 8·~101 nr eves. Ll 8-3989. With FRANClS HORVATH. RUr., 2216 Newport Blvd., Co11ta Mttia 7fp76 OPEN HOUSES DAJLY 10-~:30 P.M. Comer Walnut a: Raymond &twffn Santa Ana a: TUsUn A r1'& :-:o. crf 19th St. New & Beautifu l THE NEWEST A: moat attrt\cUve 3 B.R , 2 ba l.h homes 1n town· Hwd. tlrs .• llha.lce rt . Ji'.A. "lleat. tlrepl.. lite K, It B. Wlde-ovtn Westgh. built In oven A: range. EJtcl. E . aide loc. F.H .A. tenn. can be uranited. Hurry on Ulcae. Only a rew lt n. to choose trom. A r e&I buy at 115.500 JACK BREJ\°"AN on PREMISES NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 -PA&E I W EDNESDAY, JULY 6. 1955 BUS{NES-S OPPORTUNmES 1. DRIVE-IN R E ST A U R A NT. SboW'I f1'099 $58000. Leue $1:SO mo. Att.rtctively redtcorat- ed, good parking. Will macrlfice $87!50. 2. RESTAURANT at BEER LICENSE - plus • room & bath apt. with ocean view. Highway lo· catioq. All this lease• for $175 mo. Cate •how.a grosa $4000 per mo. A good money maker- Steady clientellt,_ .bking $MOO. 3. TRAILER SERVICE 6 SUPPL1ES. Hu been promoted to a good going buAineu. Rent $1SO mo. Well located. Price ot $13,000 buy• you rood aueta. VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach. LI 8-S"81 VOGEL VALUES Corona del Mar Duplex. 2 BR each, l unit furn.lshed. Cloee tn. One apt. vacant for new owner. Marvelous opportunity. Total Price $13,500 -eUy tcrma. China Cove Plans are being completed for a lovely S BR, t bat!i home in thia area. Fine view of bay & Harbor .,.._ Incorporate your ideaa with thOM ot one ot the Harbor areu finest builders. See m t~ pe.rtl.cula& Cliff Haven Triplex. Excellent income property ln chotoe nntal area -fireplaces, diaposal11, many additional f~ t urcs. S252.50 income per mo. Total price $21,9M. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E . Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. Ha.r. 17'1 Hu. H 'lT Arcbe1. 74t!c 1 BEACH CO'M'AGI!! eleeps 6, % I blk. ocean. Summer, $40. week, BALBOA ISLAND I !60· mo. yearly leue. Harbor Co~;tr~~tic;~oans Houston Realty Co. BA YFRONT SD BOB BA.Trt.ER ~ Center SL Costa )fella PIER AND SLIP FOR~ rr. CRAn. Unlum. yrly. rental. I story home In choice location, close t o bay. 3 bdrm~ .• 3 b11tha plus d<'n A la.n11l. $18.~ pl'r mo. W, W. SANFORD, realtor & A1111oclatl.'11 Park I: Marine. HAI. 2462 74lfc FOR LEASE -NEWPORT New unlumlllhed l bdrm. duplex. 165 month. New waterfront tumh1hed I bed- room duplt':it. pier and noat. 1125 month. Call or •ee THE VOGEL 00. 3i40·:T. T2p7• VACATIONERS WE HA VE a variety ot new nlce· ly tum. rent.ala av&llable In Newport & Laguna. $30. wk. A: up. Inquire 304·32nd St., Npt. Phone Harbor 1226. 61p7'1l BALBOA OCEAN J'RONT-year· ly-Partly t\trn.lshed 2 bedrm. A guest' nn. Available July 6th. Inq. 1124 E.. Ocean P'ront. Bal· boll. 73p7~ UNFURN. 2 BDRM. H OME. W to W carpet. Beauutul y ard, patio. fireplace, rtf, $125. month. Or leaa rent on leue. LI W 750 after 6. Mtfc 321>1 W. Cout Hwy .. Nwpt. Bel\. ON LIDO ISLE-Yearly ren\&l. I Liberty 8·3481. 74c78 bdrm., 2 balb home, furn. or un· rum. Exc:ellent tocatlon. Owner, <JR-A-Apts. fo_r _Re_n_t __ _ NOW V0AC ANT One 1 bdrm. A: l 2 bdrm. tum. By w~k. month or yur, Rea.qonablt. 2410 W. Ocel\11 Front Ir 104 21\th. Newport. On p~m111r1 Th11r11, '"'· & Fri. or lllttr rn.11 Upl11n<1, Ylll'On S2·11M. 74c75 FURN OARAGE! APT. Available tnr July. After ~t. J, by mo. Harbor O IJ9·J. · ~c76 A'M'RACTIVE ocean view 1 bdrm. apt .. putlally turn. Suitable tor couple. 175 mo. yrly. See eves. Harbor 021S.l. 621.tc SL?.U.!ER RENTAL-Furn. home sleepa 4 tor July A S~pL 1 to 15 atao winter restrvatlons. 721" P oppy. Corona del Mar. Har. 063.'>·.M 86 ttc FOR LEASE TWO BEAUTIFUL new 1"111• Terrace unfurn. view homea. 3 BORMS .. 2 baths and :I BEDRMS., 2 batha. Ca.II Harhor 1775 er H&rbor "'48. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor Jn.1ne Ternce Office Corona dcl Mar. 33t.tc A: week entls. 9:'15 W. 16th St .. NEAR BALBOA COVES. Brand C~t1' MPs&. lt um ll'ft al end new :i bdrm., rum. h om•. flNJ· of W. 16th St.) 7ici6 l place, W.W. carpel, dlspoaal. A nu table tor summer '°9 •.; Summer Rentals 38th st.. Newport i.1and. 2616 JllABT COAST BLVD. Lt M9ll LI 8·7784 Corooa del Mar Harbor 3888 Rep. POIRIER MORTCAGI: CO. Metro Life Ina. V\mda KL 8·5185 '8Uc MONllT AV A.lLA.BLE fur 'J)eCU· laUon. Write advertll!er, P. O. Boll 119. Corona d•l Mar. 7~75 LOANS TO BUl.LlJ. DCPROVE BUT, MODERNIZE. OR RJ:1l'IN ~CE We Buj Trut D"6e NEWPORT BALBOA SA VINOS It LOAN A8SOC1A TION UM Via Lido. Pb. Bar. UOO tf• WOULI> illte to tluy lirt and 2nd Tnlft Deed& Call Har. 2326 '8ltl' NO COMMISSION No Appraisal Fee SALES -REFINANCE CO:-ISTRUCTION Call tor Fr~ Fut Commitment. on Rulden~es and Unlta only Don I. Huddleston 173 E. 17th St. COSTA MESA LI 1-Mt 1 LI 8-6562 REAL ESTATE LOANS Interest Rate 5-6 Yz ~ 45' Water Frontage Pier, floa t It boat plus beach cottage. SJ9,500. Tenn•. Costa Mesa 1-B.R. A: dbl~. garag-e. 173~0. 2·B.R. Nice lot. 1691'>0 3 B. R. U ke new ....... _... $95'0 $1000 OWN. Homer E. Shafer REALTOR 106 Mr Fadden P l&ce Ill l\"ev.11orl raf'r Har. HO Ew. Hllr. l 137·M $7,950. New J bdrm , hwd. t'Joora. 283 A''ocado, <.;M•ta M"~L I'hont Liberty B-7807. i2llc Corona del Mar Bargaina 2 bedrms _ .. . ........... $11.000. 2 bedrm., corner ......... $1 3,500 2 be<lrm .• Corona Highl'da. Sl8,5nn. 3 bedrm., Corona HaghJ'ds $29,000. 3 bedrm., ocea.n front .... $:12.~00. ~ brm., bay t\ O<:l\&1\ ~lew U 9,:IOO. O. H. LATHnOP. 3636 E. Cout Hwy., Corona <lei Mar. Harbor &Ul, (eve. Har. &6801 72cH MODERN 3 bedroom, P. bath, 1480 Bq. ft. 1 I, yr, 01<1 OPEN FOR 1N$PECTIO:-l SAT A R N. A FTERNOOX &01 FUlltrton Ave., 1'pt. H tJ!. Hlfc Everchanging View SHOWN BY APP'T. ONLY Modem well arranged 9 room reeidence. Living and dining area overloou bay and beau. land8t. patio. 4 lovely bedroom. with bath for each. Xtn large rumpus & television room, the kitchen will d6Ugbt the lady. Separate laundry room. i'orced air beating, oversized d ouble garage. Priced for 1mmediate aale with good t erms. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach. Rar. 3188 BALBOA ISLAND· A SUMMER Bargain Sharply reduced -4 bedrooma. 2 b8th1, Large yard. Dbl. garage. Completely turniabed ....J $26,500 OPEN HOUSE -JULY 9 -10 -U to 4 128 Opal 2 bedrovm knockout -furnished -eholoo location -with r oom to build - $17,950. D 0 R I S B R~ Y , Realtor Phone Harbor 20 Days & Evenings Nona Hyer Clarence Lake Chet SallabW7, 216 Ma rme Ave., Balboa Island 2 BDR~t. tum hOWM -•09 38tJI • Exclusive Bay Fronts St., Newport. 12p8• Loana quickly made ln the Bay Area and Coet.a Meaa. Single or muJllpl• Willa. Ntw or old. ~ W'iM and NVe by ~t\nanCin&' your prtaeht loan. Mlnimum o · J>eJlH. No charre for prellml· nary appralaal. Phone S&nta An.a Klm~rly 3·6933 or '"1te MOST OttI'STA.Nt:>L~O home. -------------------------- + ---3 BDRM. A: den. unturn. B&y A: other choice propertiea Harbor lal.and, Bay Shon-. Bea.. con Bay, que.ll!led clients only. Harbor Investment Co. Harbor 1600 (En .. LI 8·~86) 27llc ocean view. Yr. le .... 308 Car· nation, C.O.M. 6lttc SUM:\IER RE:-.'TAL, ll~ps 8, \i blk. t1> ocean. $60 per week. FISHER A: Co .. 2603 .Newport Blvd., NPwpl'rl Bc11rh. Har. •429 ARTHUR A. MAY Mort~ge Loan Correspondent Occldtntal Ll!e .tn.unnce Co. • W South Maln Santa Ana t>P BALBOA turn. modem 2 bdrm. -----------1-4_c1_6 i 5'7-Real Etitate Wan~ apt. ne11r ba:r A oeu.n. Large SHORE CLIFFS private 2 txlnn., p11tlo. Summer or yee.rly. 10:i:; tum. home 52,..5 per month. yrly. WANT to b11y 11ma.LI 2 bdrm. house \\'. Ra.lboa Bh·d. 69tfc le!l!lt. Or wtll r ll, 129.960. un· near eut nut1<lort11 of C'11~ta BAY VIEW APT. on Lido Penln· furn. C&ll Ov.'ll r. Har. 3209-R. Moisa, Will pay uncS rr l lll.000 sula. New It attractive pa11elled r>9l fc I cuh. t.lhf'rty 8-4H3:l 74r76 llvln1t room. 2 bd"""· For yearly BEAUTIFULLY t 2 bdrm ex leMt. Ph. liar. 2761 or Har. 80. tra bed. Ocean f t h(lme. ~~m: 00-ln('.C)flle Pro~rty 85tfc BALBOA ISLAND MOTEL" APTS. mer renlAI. Har. 2!117-M or Hitr HOME and 6 un·1+s 2017 Sat. &nd Sun. H c76 ~Booms for Rt-nt GOVD INCOME, 136,()00. 419 Ham· llton. off Harbor Blvd., Coat11 Mesa. 6lp74h trance SS per weelt. 123-2bth St 6%-tte.i FAta~ . near Back Bay. ll bedroom.a. 2 baths, nearly new It nchly r.&.r· peted. Fi.nut IU'O . 116.~00 FHA loan. H11rb. !1156 7ic76 $2500 Down 1200 sq. ft.-3 b<Jnn. 2 b&th htJme. &Oxl20 lot, 2 ca r Jrll.r&i:;e (1n slll'y. Pll\'C'd fftf'l't>l and curb•. All l&nd.sc11plnir In tncludlne' large p11t10 wlUf alldlnK g-Jn11s door It lots ot "blir house" fNI· ture.. See a t 1973 Ro11eJnary PJa c<', Co.11t3 Ml'I!&, Ownt'r t,I 8-l 687 6:Slfc HA VE Y01 r "" gTOWn your asmntl hnmr? Wnltlfl you like 11 bll: Back Bay r11.nch ho118,., 3 l>f'lt· 11l<:>ms, 2 b&th• wi°' a Klorlouo, View" Mli:;ht trarh! for your"' Ir Ill>. raU Harb. :l\~6 c\ lt'llVfl vour num~r. i41.08 Take One Good Look T~ reMt'Y'&tion. day, week, or month. 11' MarlM Ave. Har &08:!. TlpM 2 BDRM. tum. apt. with xtra bed ROOM for 111•orklng man. Hot and t'Old water In room. Pvt. en-, Newport. ppttc ' LOT con:-.r:n. h ome hRJJ 2 bed· BY 9 \VNER, leaving July 10 a'Bllabl• tor J uly. $100 per SS-Stores Ii. Offi<'H week. Bar. J181·MK T2cT• NO. II BEACON BAT -Summer r ml&l. 8p&doua turn. apt., aleep. •. OYerlooldn,r -,.. June llJtb- Sept. 15th.. ~. lllOlltb. AL90 will take NMl'ftUaa lor wmt.w. B•. 1471, oourt.-, to .,_ta. •Sttc LIDO OFFICE SPACE -Will .ublet .IJ>llC• suitable tor a ttor· nt ys, eng1nf'eri1. etc. Approx. li.x30 ID 11hopptn' area op Via Lido. can Don Cole altemoon.a . only, !Jar. •&50. ~9lfc Modern Store NCYT ANOTHER LIKE IT rms , l2ic24 drn lf\x31 L. H l2:itl3 ~nlry &. 10x30 Ian&!. new· ly built. "1nely l&ndscaped gar· tor this r..ow PRICF, S Jij :IM dena and flUlllly orchard. 2 BEA UTIFVL U d C H rd tlreplacra tft F A heal. Fenced. o~· · owa J"roperty can be bullt up with section. eut •Ide neu back bs y 3 rentals without spotllng pr1· CUSTOM BtrlL T. 3 bdnll .. t belhs. vacy l :Ja.000. Loan commltt· Ra.nch·tYre homf , .tia.k• roof. ment $15.000. OWner, M. Ver· t.r-ff3. 420 Ooldeftl'Od. Corona LOVELY LA.ltOl!l )Utchan, w·eat· • ' del Mar. Har. 2181-R 12c84 BUKKER RJ:N'tAlA -Apta I I FOR RENT, S7& ptr m o. Parklnr I FURN. UNITS. lOO' trom c:oo1 Bellrn tt or not! l N.wport f11elUUea, to~ air heat, .Wt· am Holly ov~n It p.e plale• 1tt In BRJCK WALL. ~a.ch. N4'Wl)' CS.COrat.ed 1 and able, tnauranc., r eal 9tatA. ,Uta blue eeL 1'ry $2000 dft. HA. 3371. J bedna. IV',_, NMr bay I: etc. Inquire •08 E . Balboa BIYd. Tk76 1teT AU.0 Ave., Llbert)' 8-82l3. lllltc ooean. s.r;o a. 160 weekly. cau Harbor 2010. Httc 2 OF THll CROlcm&T LOTB Jett L•ido owner, Liberty .. 1'09 11ttc on U do . .0 tt'.. oe 0-It 50 n. B lb Fu For Lease-R.-J on U do 8oud. Call Kn . '5 n. lot oe Men\DC\•. IU,000 • a oa m. Apts. STORE u ·itao·. IN.It. f« _,_, &dllh A.Jlnna.. Kar. 0'191 ~writ• 'B.u1»Qr 0221. 1Sc78 ,. .. ..,._ ua V&a aan Remo. Tk87 DAT -W&'DC -MONTH Bart alonal, l>Muty aholf, r.J •tale, 1 anRK. Rotaa ptu.a 1 bdrm. ~~~to ~~~ .. ~r. bar. 1 XLNT. LOCATION 1 81'0RT DUPLl:X. adjacerU to pr. apt. '° pawd .a.,. tum· ....,.... ~ • ..... • oc..an floont. lncom• th11 sum· lllbed. A.aa. &Doome caaa I'll a.MOO. t 1T S. Balboe Bll'd.. Barbor 17..._, DOW11.'TOWN Costa Kea. R&.r1lor r11tr 11000. $2:100 dn., Sf:S mo Price •u.tGO. D1.wJ tAnna. KA. 7Jc88 2906-W. W• KA 3.!Tt 1tc7& IJ11 ' 1fffl r 452 Ea st Broadway PR ICE $15,000. Prospecli\'e buyers of a 3 bdrm. home 11hould aee this one. Perfl.'ct ('nnd1tion throus,thllut. Large llT· in~ nn. Fireplace. 1 bath with fttAll 11bower, 2 car g,!lrage. Call Lfberty 8-2664 CEv011. Liberty 8-70M) EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th and Irvine, Newport Beach H c7t $1 ,200 Down S6.'l per month t.: arre anrl 2 bdnn. hoQ\e. -Dnve by 800 Victoria t hl'n call to SPe $6,850 Full Price Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Evers on 1856 r-;ewport Blvd. Ct>st a MN1A lacross from Costa Mesa Bank) Pho ne LI 8-6761. Eves, Har. 413~ -LI 8-2103 MAKE THIS ONE YOUR PENTHOUSE IN THE SKY ThtB home actually afford• the most out:1t.a.ndlng ~·iew in the entire harbor area. And today you can buy it fo r less than actual C<>Sl. Let u11 i>how you thla large 3 bedroom 3 bath near n<>w homn anti you'll agree that it cannot ~ <luphcaterl for t~ a.aldng price or $45.(1()(). THE VOGCL CO . 3201 W. Coaat Highway ' . - ~AGE 6. PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS I WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 1955 a • ..,......_ 'C" THOMAS "'C"' THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C' THOM.AS BAY .AND BEACH REALTY-BfAL-JORS BALBOA PENINSULA BALBOA ISLAND-LITTLE ISLAND _...,_ a.,.. . ....., Balboa Island VOGEL VALUES TOP LOCATION BA YFRONT EXCLUSIVE -rtnt Time Offe..d I UlQ 1·5,1 c \ll AifBJE:onuTT 3 s. a., 0en. 1:y .. Bath•. "1ll Diftinc R.Qom. Provln· ---. -~ !Lk_lJ-8. . JWJll._ --l~<lal ~t .. Cbmer.hu a>JlfOd,.ad Will..ldlfJlnlilbod -Sold 1or s~.000 . Terms. -- Income High! B&nk Balance Low! Ownir of thi1 unusual Ellerbrock built 4 8 . R., 3 -h6th borne-on Uttle Jaland-wiu Htroa-tenmi to auit qualified buyen budget. Immaculate 4. br. -two story home OD larp lot. Uncro9t'ded atmo.phere with lovaly patio, pier ud -float. t:o.rge -llvinr J'oool, -· U1d .e,.h.t.o .-. room. Cub down, unturn, $30,000.-Open Daily 1 to 5 Until 313 LIDO SOUD OWNER MUST SELL MAKE OFFER Charmi11;1 3 bdrm. 3 ~th home completely FURN· I SHED. New w to w .. carpeting, custom draperiea, tile h!LtM, lov,.ely patio beautifully planted A con· venlent built-in barbeque. Can be bought furnished or unfumilbed. Pier 6 float !or 4-0 ft. boat. EXCELLENT TERMS BAYSHORES Open Daily 1 to 5 247.1 Bayshore Drive NEW attractive 3 bdrm. home vith view of bay. Lee. liv. room, dln. room, fireplace, 2 baths, built- ill thermador stove, mere. awitchea, nice patio, ahake roof and PRlCED at ONLY $29,750 with LO\V down payment. Corona Highlands Lovely 3 bdrm. home with circular floor plan, rear liv. rm. overlooking patio, hdwd. floors, fireplace, many attractive feature11. Thia borne can be bought, with very good terms -ASKING PRICE $22.500. j Cliff Haven -Nice 3 bdrm. on 60 ft. lo(, hdwd. floors, fireplace, lot.a of cupboard & closet Bpace, rdwd. fencing, car- peting &: drapes included, 4t;e. loan & monthly pymnta. of $63.0o -Total price $16,500. "C" T H 0 M AS , Realtor 224 W. Cout Highway, Newport Beach Liberty 8-5527 .. C'' THOMAS "C'' THOMAS "C" THO)tAS ''C'' THOMAS ·Lido Nord Bayf ront Here-ia 50' of the fineat land on Lido. Available with a 4 yr. old 4 BR., 4 be.th borne. The living room i.a 18x30, a den, full dining room with the eecond fireplace, large breakfast room, bar or butlers pan- try off the modern kitchen. New pier & slip &nd of- fered for just under replacement cost at $125,000. Bayfront-Lido An exceptional home in every way -This 3 B.R. & Den home has three baths, a lovely covered patio, s new pier & f inge! 11lip and many other features found only in a home that was quality built juat 1 112 years ago. Priced to sell at $64,750. • Just Listed 3 B. R., 2 bath home completely fumi11hed. Dish· \\'asher, disposal & lo,·ely slumpstone corner fire· rlace are a few of the attractive features in this 2 yr. old home. \'Veil located near the clubhouse and immediate poi;session may be arranged. $28,500 - A Lido Value. _ Lido. Lots 52' Lot for just $12.000 - 50' Corner St. to St .. Sl5.i 50 - Two 35' Lots aide by aide. $19.000 takeg them both. THE VOGEL co_ -LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido, Npt. Bch., l'lar. 4971 or Har. 4972 Ei:es. Har. 2191-111. Har. 2998-R o r Liberty 8-5297 OPEN HOUSE Magnificent Back Bay View An "Out of This \Vorld" Ranch House" THIS nearly new horne has everything. Shake roof - redwood • 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Beamed ceilings. Built-in range & oven. G E Dishwasher. Wonderful closeU. Sliding glass doors to patio. Garage hllll automatic electric eye to open. -· All This and WHAT A VIE\V ! ! ! Price 526.500 -holay trade for smaller home. OPEN HOUSE Thur& .• Fri., Sat. and Sun. 2575 Tuatin, 2 block• off ~1£'sa Dri\•e. REX RECHS, REALTOR Harbor 5156 • EXCLUSIVE LISTING BALBOA ISLAND 74<:76 YALE built -Early Engliah archlt..ee:tW"I. A. tin• family bom1, containing •'·ery modem i::onvenience. Tb..-bedroom8 plua lge. l't(ftation room with fir. pt&ct; • .epatat• entrance .... a.umm, i:-Uo -double OM' (&1'&1'•. • • • Reuooable Tet'DlA • • • W• lnvit.e Your Jnap.ct.ion 118 Apdlo .. ' WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And A9110ciatM Park at Ma.tine, Balboa l1land -Harbor 2462' • . EXCLUSIVE -3 B. R. -11> Bath1 Chooee your own colors. Thill new home nearly tin- t.bed. Built ln ltove A oven. Ulled briclt (ireplace, "'·000 down -Full price $18,000 BALBOA-BAY AVE.-EXCLUSIVE Open HOU9e Da.lJy..l to 4 p.m, -l12 Jade-. ----- NEWPORT HEIGHTS 3 B. R., 2'h B&th1 on ~ Jot. Forced air Heat. ~ tone Fireplace, Beautiful Wood Panellng. U&ed Bric . Shake Root, Pegged !iardwood Floors. Low -HERE'S A SWEETHEART. I br. A -wt!Jl llro- place. Very nlc. prlvata patio. Hu .eparate tn.-. unit with a aur. Sl,800 yearly, Better b\lft'J to ... thi1 one. - - 2 B. R. home with attractive apartment over garage. Ni~ly fumil~ed. Full price S~.000 -$5,000 down. !cd: :: w:~~&~:::E:~:USIVE LOADED -Well located Balbo& Illand 2 bdrm. home. Nearly new, with lot. ot wardrobe • u..t ~ apace. We think it'• loaded for rood year round living. Dbl. garage, forced air b ... t, ~ftlJ patkl, BALBOA COVES-EXCLUSIVE • 3 B. R. -1% Batba. f'lice sa.ndy beach. Firm price -SM,000 • LIDO 1SLE fo'um. 2 B. R. home on 4.:S' lot. $22.~ -Term1. Beautiful 3 B. R. & Den home on Ocean Blvd. with permanent unlimited view. This is a truly fine home. Hardwood floor1, Fireplace, Lota of Tile. Dining room, nicely landacaped ya.rd. Double garage with extra. parking 1pace. Owners moving inland. Shown by appointment only to qualified buyers. • Ba ·y & Beach Realty , 1.f&> W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1264 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BROKERS -MULTIPLE LISTING BROKERS • extra dining 1pace in kitchen - PLUS complete 1 bdrm. gu81t apt. -&D p1wer1ast1 planned (or a minimum ot housekeeping. <An bl ahown at yOur convefti.ence, day M n.lcbt. Tot» financing. Full price $28.~. • $7,500 ia all it ta.kea to move you Into this 2 bdrm. BALBOA ISLAND home with 1 br. apt. Both fun-- iahed. Patio· and fence, canp. Wonderful Joc&tlot. Low monthly payment.. THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine, Balboa Island Harbor '" CLIFF HAVEN \ Bay Shores "We're Moving v' v' -Corona del Mar Bargains OPEN HOUSE SaL & Sun. Drive by 1021 Cllft Drlv• any Ume and -thl• n-:S bdrm .. ! bath Red.,.•ood Ru.Uc l\ome d• •lgntd and built for lh• mo.it d!•cernlnr buyer ·. . . TH.EN LJ':T US SHOW YOU th• 1pa· c1ou• Uvlng room -l&T('I bd- r m.11. -•nd the panorttnlc vtew t~1 the raoftop o!wltlrv•to~. $2!!.M>O~ Sweeping View of Newporl Ha1·bor and th• blue Piu:ltle trorn lhla neuly n•"" M<:Klem 3 b<lrm .. 2 tl•th horn• ol many e1tlraJ1, Incl. dJahwaaher, bulll·ln ren«e and oven , mere. aw1trhe11 .... ,u to w-.JJ cupet•. pr1v1<te otfke or work•hop In e1t tra l•r11:e ru•g• .... -. Un· matched for mol!lt want.ii loe•· uon'. 534,MIO run pric•. l/2 Acre Ranch w lth horae cofl'al -do& lctn· 11el• -1•rge modtrn 2 bdrm. 1 a nd df'n home With wall to wall carpetlnr. rlrtpla.ce. forced air he11t. Reduce4 trom $19,000 to l l!!,800 tor qulclc .... 1,. Thi• i. a 11leeper th•t wtll Hll but FA.ST! Bay & Beach Realty l!llHI N1wport Blvd. Co11ta Me... Calif. l.J 8-l !Ill Eve•. l.J 5-31~ Back Bay Rancho You hav• ontn admired th\1 mod- e m r•nch home with the big red barn on Y!e1a Dr. NO\V, you can buy this outatancnttg p roperty tor much 1~111 than YQU would ever dream. Thrte BIG btd· _ nKJm11.. PLUS a tlen Pl.US a H UGE rumpua roon1. Lovely hardwood tlOl)r• plua e:ittr• top qu•llty conatrucUon through out. Over 2200 1qu1r11 teet on a.n e1ttren\ely vlllu•bl• .tt.e or ne•rly • half .rte. You hav• ro<>m to ro•m both In and out- Why 'ff f~cll(! 1n ! $27,000. J op Location Npt. t"e•r City Hill and Udo 1hopplng «nler. IA>vtly two be<lnKJm horne over 1p11cioua double gar· ag1 w11h Iota oC l'Odlll tor an t(id!tiont.I unit. P\lll prle• I l l,· 800 and Qttly S•t90 down. Ocean Front Lot One of th• lut -Pl'ited bol!!lov.• m11.rk.tt at 18.000. Why wa.lt until they are .JI 11:one 7 A won· to Irvine Terrace' More and more Harbor area familie1 &re inspecting theae exquisite bomea -noting their comfort, con· venience anc;t centn.l location, More and more f&nµLies wbo prefer & home in a. rt:· eUicted quality community are moving Into their Irvine Tern.ce home.. Drive in today a.nd aee for yourself the many out · 1tanding feature111 of thit remarkable community. Inspect the model homes, built by Macco Corp, exquisitely furnished ' by Martin & Von Hemert Irvine Terrace ii located on Cout Highway oppoaite • the new Irvine Coast Country Oub, EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 44.48 For Further Information * For Recommendation, we refer you to anyone wbo holdl a Leuehold Ellate in Irvine Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bay Shores and Cliff Haven CORONA DEL MAR TRIPLEX. Fine11t ao. of Hwy. location. Fully furn. for top 11urnmer and yearly rents. Asking $35,000. EZ term• -Income carries. 2 for 1 Pair·of duplexes;-(4 unit.) 2 full lot.. $295 per mo. lncom•. NeWly decorated. .!27 ,:SOO full price. $5000 down, BALBOA ISLAND OUTSTANDING apt. double garage and gue11t room on ttar of Jot. Room to build in front, Owner say• Sell! MURIEL M. PINOVER, Realtor • 2604~Newport Blvd., -Newport Beach Eaay Parking Harbor 4610 <lertul i.nveatment u try as youl---------------------- n1!,-ht-you ju1t Clln't make any more Ocean f'r<lntage! W. Stuart Foote LIDO ISLE COSTA MESA 2117 \\'. Balbom. Blvd. Newp<:1rt Beacn. P h. Ha.rbor 2• •verunr•. Ll~ri.y ll·M90, 7lc74 Street to lltreet. $12.~. $5,lm Down BETTER CALL ua now A m&Xe an appointment to u e thla lltdor· a ble ranch house. Hellvy 1hU1 root. Large ranchy f!n:place. Pletur1111que patio, fully en~lll9· •d. Forced a lr ht.a.ting 1yatem. Double rar11.ge. etc. (EXCLUSIVE LIST~G I Marigold, C.D.M. INCOA!E LOVELY 2 b9droom .. den hom• 1. G. I. RESALE Attractive Modern 2 bed~m home. Double ga.n.ga, paved &. covered patio, !eTI.ced yard. PLUS Wall to wall carpeting throughout. Garb. diapoill, ehower over tub with tub enclosure. Priced at Sl.f.500. Call for appt. to att. 2. RANCH TYPE 3 bdrm. home. Shake roof. Corner lot. 2 bat.hi;. Drape1 and carpeting included and only 128,500. Low down ·payment will handle. Call for an appointment to .... pllLI very attr•<"Uve rent1t In· 3. OCEAN VIEW, come unit. 121<24 L.R . Plu. den • r1tlra B.K.. MOOtrn fir~pla.ce. W lo \V carpel. Venetian•. Enc\. yard beauutully land.caped. Rental unli la furn1•hed. Top fln&n tlng on I.hi• outatandln1 pro~rty. -!EXC'LUSIVE LISTING\ From thia 3 bdrm . .home. 1 't:i bath•. Large lot com- pletely f enced. Beautifully landtcaped. Paved patio. Drape11 included. All the work.bu been done. Just move in and enjoy it. Truly a .. barc&in. at $22,SOO. We hav• the key. ' . -4. SHORE CLIFFS Heliotrope, C.D.M. We h"'• best buys, ... ua. $1500 DOWN A.RE YOU A "do·Lt·yourstlf"! 5. VACANT LOTS? Need• p .. Lnt • tl%1n'. Good neigh · Yes we do, let u.1 s how you wha.t we hava - borhood. Zonrd R·2. 2 8.R. dbl. • garage. F ull 11\!e l(>t. ?>takr u1 an otrtr. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. (EXCLUS1VE WSTINGJ JAMES-VICK REALTORS Ru•• Rayle & Trav111 A~1K>Clate1 PRICE T. McCUISTION, Realtor 3447 E. Coast Hwy., Corona de! Mar. Har. 47 (Office located next door to Corona del Mar Banlr) 312 M•rln.-, B1lbol Jaland /---------------------- Harbor 2042. r•c7!! BEFORE YOU BUY l. Try Franc.is J. Horvath REALTOR Llbert)' 8·510 1 -Harbor 1428 DUPLEX on NEWPORT ISLAND 2 . S br. 8' J br. unltt. Com1r, vl9W. Idell! lncom1 and home. OPEN HOUSE 1·6 p.m. -401 38!h $21.MO-Term•. 2 BEDR.M .. J LOTS. facing New· port P.a.rk, 110.&00. Sacnfice tor ~ .. h. M-1--COSTA MESA. 81.111. nfftct 3 • bldr . on I lot. 3 o!her adjoin· · !nr Jot.II. See plLll ii). off!cr.. 3 BR. FREEDOM HOME wit h new barbecue. 19.~0. Good terma. Se111 thl• orie Business Opportunities _ W A.SHETERJA • in Con.na •tel Mar 113.000. T'!'rml JE\.,"ELERY STOft.£-7 'ii yn. •l. bu•lne-1111. win t11.ke homt tn trade. SEE Mr. Horv•lh. 3420 W. Ba.lhoa Blvd., N<!wporl 221!! Nrwport Blvd .. Colll.a Meaa 72p74 CORONA DEL MAR OPEN HOUSE DAii~ \' 1 to 5 448 Riviers, Corona Highland• 3 Bedrooms, l ;1_1 baths. Forced air heat. Hwd. noo", loUJ of tile and many other features. Ouutandlnr view of Ocean and hills. WiU con1idM' a trad•. HOJ.1E WITH INCOME 618 l..lARIGOLD 2 Bedroom home on 45 ft. lot plus 1 Bedroom apL Fully Furnished. 'Priced at only $16,:SOO. Low down payment. CORONA HIGHLANDS 2 Bedroom, l 1 ~ baths, hwd. floora, forced air beat, newly painted & papered. Lovely patio and a per- manent Ocean view. Open HouM: Daily. -520 De Anu. GORDON WALKER , Realtor W. E. FISHER, Builder Geo. Raban .,.Jlob Gervais -Pat Patti11on -Dick Hilliard 3024 E . Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 5033 A 6032 SPECULATION? Not Here . 15-plus Acrt!! zoned for manufacturing. 2 Hiway !II Jl't. lot Street to Street east LOOK what you can havr tor --frrintages · Splendid locat ion for iflJ"ge or seven.I smaller pl11ntff. $·1500 per acre malt:• thia outAtabd· ing buy. $25.000 Down to handle. · BEAUTIFUL VIEW .nd Cit' the J~)11.nd. l lll,:IOO. only 111.900 'A·ith S2SOO Down. CORONA HIGHLANDS 4 St11r ot th• 00•11.11 trom a bdrn1. hom• NICE 2 B!lrm1, -s b•lha. •O n . Lot. Uatd brick fireplace. J!!IK>O "'""'· l bdrm9 , I '1 baUia, J'lreplacl!, Garb. dl•p .. Mercury -1tchf'1. Eftclottd pa tio with :l~•r p.r. on a 'Int !I~' :it 203'. ,... ..., ., ;:::; "'''-M"'" BAY & BEACH REALTY -Lido Office Fitzmorris ·Rl'ty. Co. -Rff.ltor- MulUpl• U.Un1 euan-. .Brok.r llN &. ():)&.t lfl«h-r. Kar. 21.N ""'-... - Commrc'I bayfront APPROX. 75 tt., lnelud .. niarln• W1l)'a, boe.t ah.op. rnoortnp. Ell· Ol!.Uent N-iiort IOC•tlon. l~.000 -tuU ptic•. , 1''rtt• owner, P. 0 . &ll 117, Be.I· ,.,... • 3112 La.fayett•, Newport. Har. 364:3. Eve.. Har. 299V GARDEN CLUB PRIZE WINNER Sea this beautitu.1-1-bedroom. and da Oitt Haven corner bom• for youl.ell. WW b.'Open tor your in- •poction trom 1 :30 -I :IO, llunday, nq 10 th oa11. The addrt9s i9 : - 621 Cliff Drive Don't forset to brtnc" your cbtdlboN:. Wben YOWi ... It. you'll want to· bur it. • THE VOGEL CO. ' . SPECIAL. Ruatlc, mal{nj ficr.nt vltw, 2 bdrm., ~ balh, .tf.pllrt.te dining rm. Hdwd, fln.. r.40 1q. tt. ~m•nt ..,111 make • ,oOd nunpua room . S:l71~. UDO -I bdrm. A nsnpllll rm .. dble. lot. Beautltu\ly lll1\d1cap9(!. Lt"•· South patio. S3~,000 • NEWPORT DUPLEX Good Income ................. llt,7:iO Good lncomt _.......... . .. 528.500 ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUlLDERa . . 1~7 Newport Ave·, Costa. Meaa Llberty 8-1632 Liberty 8-14.00 ~- 1..EMON HEJOHT8 -Ntw 2 bd· ---------------------- rm., l bot.th plUll t&t111ly rm. :I~ .q. rt.., Jp. let. Beauty. $20.7!>0. Claire Van Horn UAL TOR 1'11 W. Clout llWJ. LI Mt77 Balboa Island We offer exclusively an unusua.Uy·deetrable' bdrm. multi-bath home. Delightful living room, large di.D- ine room. Maximum equare footage. Cloee to beach. 526,000, ~uy terms. See thi1 value Buy! South Laguna lot ,...,,..,...:.., -., ._..,..EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor -l'l·l 11.too doolrn.. a.i. "° 22:i M.a.rme Ave., Balboa hla.nd owntt, Ku13or WT..J. dally .tt•r Call Harbor 177~ Eves. Harbor~ t p.rn. ''SIN • • • I J "· ' a 62-Real F.state ~Real Estate 8%-Real l"Atate 6%--RHJ r.state --~--------------·------------~-----------------------~--------- ' NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ...:.. PART 11 • PAGE 7 WEDNESOA Y.-JULY 6, T 955 BLANCHE A. GATES. Realtor BALBOA ISLAND ONE OF TiiE FINEST Colonial type homes on the Island, ia now offered for aale for $35,000. Thi11 home ia on a 60' Jot with apacioua r oorrui, beautiful patio• and landscaped grou nds. There a.re thNe bdnn1. (muter bdrm. hi 20x30 with fireplace) and a large dining room. Let us show you this today. If you·want a r eal home with Jot.a of ·charm, this ia it! LIDO ISLE OUTSTANDING LOT. If you have been walting for a large lot priced below the market, we have it. A 51' Ea.st frontage on E . end of lsland. THIS WON'T LAST! Call ua now. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBERS OF MUL~ LISTING 311 Marine A ye .• Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 Country Living in the City 484 -21st Street, Costa :Mesa Here'a a lovely dream home with plenty of apace for children to play-3 bedrooms, 2 baths, fireplace, 1-.rbage diapoeaJ, 2 car ga rage and everything for comfortable living. Priced at only $20.500 and xlnt. t'lnanclng can be arranged. Alao A 3 bedroom modern home at 2177 Rural Lane. Moderately priced at $12,950, this has a 4% G. I. loan of $8,500. Also 361-22nd St. ln process or completion. 3 br., 2 baths, built-in elec. stove and oven. Large lot with fruit ~· Priced at $21,500, easy terms_ DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor "Lldo Specialist", Use Our Free Parking L ot 2e02 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. Harbor 4718 'COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth' 1 Income Unit.fl -All Furn. One acre -Good loca- tJon -r oom for more unit.a -on aewer. Montqly income $370. Price $23. 750 with terms. •• 2 Br. older home, eervice porch, large garage, sewer In A paid . .Nice garden, fruit & shade trees. PLUS an e:rtra lot all f or $7700 with $3700 down. R-4 Reeidentlal lot 60x135 ---··-·--·--·-········· S1 850 Jt....4 Residential lot 66x17~ ------··--··--····-·· . $2450 G~ N. WELLS, Realtor R-0y R. Mccardle 1810 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. Lt 8-1601 4 Bedrm., 2 Bath Home on Your Lot- $11,100 1330 8q. ft., forced air heat. hardwood floors, fire- place. Real pluter. Large pict ure windowa, natural hardwood cabinets. \ Phone t or app'l . to 1ee our model homes-• MARSHALL HOMES 20 Yean Building in Orange County Klmberly 7 -3293 LTberty 8-4073 70C83H A Pair of Winners. • . Duplex - 2 B.R. ea., firepla.ces, HDWD flrs., good heat, Dbl. gar. AU ln good conrution and in handy location. Below rep'l cost @' ~16.500. 2 unit.I -2 bdrm .. & den home, HDWD firs., 2 fire- place., lg. rooms, plus 2 BR. apt. over dbl. gar., on lg. Jot. Couldn't dup'l for $26,500 -Priced at only $23,500. . R. L. STRICKt:ER, . Realtor U22 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 2i 74 SEASHORE DRIVE $10.~ full price will g ive you a tht('e ~rm. home and a awnmer vuat1on. PENINSULA POINT a br., 21 ~ bath, 5 yrs. old. Close to your own bay bathing beach. View from sun-deck. Completely fur· lliahed, too. Only $24,500, terma. • BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1~ W. Balboa Blvd., Ne-wport Beach. Har.~188 · p. a. palmer incorporated developers of Lido Isle Beautiful Lido Residence . Artistically landacaped on very choic\. aite, 92 feet on C<?ntro Strada, 60 feet on Dijon, and 45 feet on Cordova Strada. Eno~gb room f or pool lf desired. Large 3 bdrm. 2 bath home with lovely luuu for tn. door -outdoor living. 'Phis home la 1et apart by lta charm, .even in this section of lovely homes. $32,500 full price with terms. •... , ...... ~ New, Different ~nd Dramatic Modern in every detail, with fuany built-in features. In the manner of a French Traditional home with New Orleans wrought iron and louvered gatee to planted off.st reet entry. Nylon-vtBcose wall to wall deep carpeting. Sliding gla.!lj doors to pa tio. 3 bdrms. 2 baths. 2-car garage plus llmall car, boat or shop area l OxH . A fine home you should see without de- lay. $311,000. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via lido, harbor 1500 • Priced for Quick Sale We offer thia cute 3 bedroom 2 bath home in BAY - SHORES. The owner haa bttn tr1rnsfe rrc.tl aml must ~11 immedbltely. lt you are a bugui11 hunter be aure to see thia one. Price $18,i SO. Aalr tor Bill Farnsworth. Scarce Item Shor. Cliff Lot .... Large an~ LeveJ. Ocean View. $1 5.300~ Call Dave Osburn Lido Bargain 3 bedroom. P J bath home on a 40 foot lot. Th<' master bedroom has a s{'parate dressing room with bath. Carpeting and drapes inl'ludcd in the price of $31,500. This home is a\·ail:iblt' for trade on Flint- ridge, La Canada, or Pasadena property. Aek for Kincaid. • Newport Heights 2 bedroom. 1 bath hom~ with rloubl<' gurngC'. This borne has a com11!cte 1 bedruc m npnrtm<'nt 111 t ho rear, suitable f or age<l µarents or guests. Full price ia $15,500. Ask for Hodgkinson p. a. palmer incorpotated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. coast highway -liberty 8-5573 Peninsula Home! Bill's Best Buys Houston Values WE SCOOPED ANOTHER ONE THIS A 'tTRACTIVE. 4 bedrat>m, Z bath home ha.s eye appeal, purM a ppeal ..&nd he.art o.ppeal ... Ideal for large family. M<><I· em loo, with Cktan V1ew from upatalr1 ~droonu. S23,:'>00, U .000 down. Balboa Home The la.st home like this aold in less than one week. Exceptionally large 3 bedroom with sen·ice porch and double garage. Living room, Dining room & Hall Carpeted, clock controlled thermo-heat, <'xhaust fan with Guest Qt'rs.! ·-aM loaded with extra closet.r·lrnd paneling. Full Choic~ Harbo r Blvd . Lar~•· \\..JI h11'11 :.' btlTm. homl' and :.? hd 1111 , • .,. 1 "i.:<-on ""' r EllC'f'tlcnt ror profr'UllonRI or- fh·•••. Ownl'r df'man :a quirk ar- EXCELL.EXT L<)CA TION. near price only $12,950 with. exce.llent financing. Say and OcP&n. 2 ~room home wttb a detached gueat room with NEED MORE ROOM . .J.11111 A •ktni: $21 000. Submit ynur down a11r\ lt•rms. Lovely 3 Bdrm. On <:n~ln ~t<'•(I l't , l>tllll by Svulh r11a l \\llh u I', G. 1. lo.'ln. Low 1 ~-------------~------------------~~~~ 8%-Beal Estate 6t-a-J Eetate BALBOA ISLAND HERE IT IS -Bay \'leW. 2 unit.a,. bedrm. hl'>me, 1 bdrm. apt., home It apt: ht\\lf' v~ ot hay. Shel- l <'l"t'd patio. Quality con11tru<'t ion. Apa. furni"hed. Home pu tly furnie hed. N~w in llHR. In h<'at\t iful condJtion. Sl0.000 down. Own<>r will carry balance for qualified buyer. Choicest Bayf r.ont Buys BAY FRONT HOUSE & APT .. No. Bay. Beautiful beach. S10.000 down, balancC' easy. BAYFRON'T. LITTLE ISLAND -t\O rt . bay front· age, pic•r & float. 4 bdrms. S upt>r1 or construction. A J?;Ood buy! DUPLEX • SOUTH BAY FRONT -Luxury home and inc(lme. $6.'l,000. WATERFRONT -Furn. 3 btlrm. home and 1 bdrm. apt. Fir<'plar<'. Sl 0,000 down. Full price $29.500. WATF.RFROfl."T -2 superior 11nils. 3 bdnn .. 1 '-'l bath~. f1rcpla~·<' DOWN : 2 bdrms, 2 balha UP. Bay \•iew from ur11{'r deck. ~·15.000 .• 'ubmit down. lSI.AND COTTAGE -Obit>. garagt>. Flrerlace. $15,750. Rerlurt'd for quick sRlr: 4 RORM~ .. 2:11 baths. New furniture: TV. BBQ. North Ray mooring. Good family h(lmc. Showa U · cellent income. All for S24JJ50. Cottag& near South Bay. 3 bdrms .. 11 ~ bath11, fire- place, large living room. Att rartiv" patio. Excellent rental record. Good vaJu" at $26.500 .. CORONA DEL MAR K'\CELLENT INCOME -4 furnished unJta: 1 bdrm. each. No vacancies in ov('r a year. Rent ta S65 l'ach. Cross yearly ~3!>:?0. All in (inst clau con- dit ion. S6000 takes. Full pric" ~2'.!.50Q. ON HAZEL, 2 br. view home. Private pathway to little Corona beach, $25.500. • LUXURIOUS. 5 bedroom \'lew home. Lu.ah troptcal patio a nd yard. S15.000 down bat h. Both furnl.shed. Garageti. loo. Jt co.ta not.hlnr to aee It •.• call today, $\i ,600, temu. Bay Front Duplex! We have a full acre, with three homes on rear or lot. Room for a nice home on froJlt. Income at pre- sent is $210 mo. Thia property 1s cloee in with all units hooked up to sewer.. F. P. $22,500 with $7,500 down. •111\\" a1"1 s·.7 '" on batance. SEE US for BEACON BAY and BAY T hi-,,. nn f'llC'"lh•nl buy for BALBOA LOCATI ON. 2 bdrm1, In each unlL F'umlAhed. 3 cal" JC•ntgr. Firepla cea, 11unt1eck.s .t pier. Nf'edll a littlC' fixln,' maybe. but look at the price, S37,llQO, lerm11. Corona def Mar Duplex! WE DON'T H A VE 'EM OVER thf're unlua they're Kood. This one la modl!'rn 1u1tl C"Ul" 2 b,.<f. room home with 1ttparatf' t bi-fl· room apt. ovtr a 2 car garai;:c Close lo JOl\Ppplng. Perff'r t f<'r WORTHWHILE WAITING FOR- New 3 & 4 Bedroom homee with 2 Bathe. Possession Sept. 15th. AU improvement.a are in & paid. Choice or colors lt you act now. Starting at S9,3i5 wit h $375 Down. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR "you'll like our friendly service" 393 E. 17th i;t., Costa Mesa Llberty 8-1139 homf' .w ith Income. $\li,:'100, ------------------------l,.rm11. Bay Avenue Home! P.A!';T DAY A VF.:'\L'E .•• clOBe lo l nwn A ti rllrl i 1·e llttl" pl are with 2 1• h"•!room1' aniJ l)ea\'y furnlturr lnrl11rlt'<1 ld1•n I h"a•·h homf' .. , only $14,600, U .600 down. Balboa Realty Co. Oppo11lte B11nk Of America Rniui Greelf')' Al Cornrllu11 F.11 Lre Jack f'inkhnm Joaephin~ Wl'bb 700 F:. fl11lhoa Blvd .. B11lboa Phon,. Harbor 3277. REAL VALUES Owner Transferred YOU Have a Part , in the Multiple , Listing "Success Story" Five Million Dollar Salea to date In 19M compared lo Two and a Half Mlllion Dollar Sales to date In '54. BUYERS and SELLERS of Real E s tate are offered importa nt helpful aBSistance. See your REALTOR for free illustra ted booklet on "How the Multiple Listing Senrice Works." (Cooperative effort ot 26o full-time professional worken) Understand the advantage of thia modern way to merchandise more propertie8 thru more people with NO INCREASE IN COST. Avatlable from Membera of the i.10.;~o. SHORES properties. Duplex, 1 br. ea. side Clu.~"·lli 1111J.1· 1<1 '( 11•,1r>1 oltf. cm !'• "'~' "'· nl'ftt rnrll<'I' Joi 1111 11Jlt y, olhle t;1<.r Only S9800, Own~r n,.rcl11 11r 11nn, worth Mrlng lhlll nnP F'n r l'\'P In rot "" H bU\'t. LJ 8·:1 ltl7 Beats A Duplex :0.1-1 J.F:o\i:1-:f'\ F'A< .. 1'0RY ON 1'1..\l'J-;;'\'TIA X t'll I ~01 h ~ ~ , (,:;I J l\ !l\10 l t) 20' ""' \ ''''h :!ft111 •1•' I hid Onl\· <!.·,·,.,,., l• '11 I"'"' II •'" l'JH c·u'.~ hflll' f1;•111• • M -1 I '3 J( r:;, t>ll f'l.or• 1111(1 A\'f'., Ill :.'0th. A ":\'<'W H()I Spo!. Sl2.600 2!l', •lnwn Hurry Fc•r ev•'. Info. Ll S.2:ii 2, L)'tle Houston Realty Co. &-ASSOClATE S :io9 Centr r St. Costa Me.,a LI 8-69\ I LI 8·7781 CLIFF HAVEN Three bedroom. :Z b&th, hwd fin.~ large dbl. gang«'. Elect Ther· marlor kltchtn. Room ror 11Wlm- mtng Pfl<'I. View or ocean and hltlll. S29 :'>00, lerm1. Balboa Peninsula CALL HARBOR 1775 -or EVES Edith Maroon. HYatt 4-622'.!: John Macnab, Harbor 5359. EARL W. STANLEY. Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island. NOT TOO LATE! to get fast possession for a glorious Lido Isle s ummer holiday -YES you can move rig ht into this cozily furn. 2 bedrm. Lido Isle home with its extra large sunny patio f or only $22 ,500 terms. This one will not be on the market for long you can be sure. LIDO REAL T.Y ASSOCIATES W. G. (Bill) Kempton * J oseph H. Grohman * Virginia Manson * Gene Vreeland * Tom Campbell * ' (Lido Island's most ex~rienced sal('f!I peraonnel) 3400 Via Lido Harbor +M4 Must l!Cll l hlll chArmlng s bM· room home. nnJy 1 yT. old. Good F:ll.!<t itld" l!ll!tr1ct, nrar &lck Riiy F111! prlcf' SI0.6:'10. SmaU down. S<'e this tnday. Harbor Blvd. N t H b B d f R I F d (Across from R ichard's Market) ewpor ar or oar 0 ea tors o~~ ,:.~~ 3h~~~: 2 ~I;~:~~~~--------- :'100 fum lehed. T d 1 T d 1 410 • 32nd St.. N ewport Beal'h ra ·,n 0 ay. W F.: A1-'i0 h;l\'P ,.xr,.114.'nt h11y11 1n be a r h cottai;•,. fll'nTilln,.nt LIDO At>l't A11:<fn1':<11 rornrr on Har- bor Bh·d. 63x123' Own<'r must -------------------------- 11ell 1111<' In poor ht'llllh. Pr1C"td way under market value. Don't wAll on thl11. Attention Attention Attention ll:ASTSIDE we mu1t find good :Z bedronm home tor cut\ buy- er. It ·y11u have one, PLEASE , l 'LP:AS P.: C'llll Ull. B. A. Nereson R.EALTOR 1982 NeWJl()rt Blvd.. Coat& Mesa Phone U 8·1&72 COSTA MESA COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 17lh Street. 62 ft. frontage, 300 f t. deep. 2 well con- struct ed bldgs. on slab, 3.556 sq. ft., all utilities . ample parking in rear. Multiple 6012. $35,500 CORONA DEL MAR · .short i.:.! block from Ocean. 67l~x118 ft. lot. 3 bdrms. & den. 1 % bathe, Dining room. breakfast nook, large living room. forced air heat, dbl. garage. covered BBQ, patio, enclosed play are ... Gues t house or maids qrs. Vets .. $36.100 $565 down RAY REALTY CO. homes 4 lnoomc proptrty. Coast Properties :101-F.. Balboa Blvd.. Balp oa Harbor 26!i8, 2:197 t.nd 4600. LIDO ISLAND Br1'.1Utl f11l a l!IPd rnom home With 2 bath~ F'frrpl:1C'• . U11hw~11t'll'r <;n rbagc fl• ·(I0~9 I. wire ti ro; J-;lt•rtnr HMJ;I' 1~,11<111capt1d, Ap. pr<ox. :!', ·'"H• l'\•I. vica1"d nn l'uu zo l.1J11. Tt11s 1s 11 lop quality h<inir S",. th" COSTA MESA PLUS TMPOUND8 S40 E . Coast Hwy, Corona de! Mar Harbor 2288 USIC YOUR C .L LOAN on 6 yr. 1 1 D••lro.m,, Z'hnlM, ju.!<t 8 monll\ii old. S bdnn., dble. ~. tenc· ---------------------------••Id 1rir1u l''l rt nlrr com r r lot. ~. Wonrlrrful pa Uo A: la undry. $251000 WANTED f"ull pr1<'e $12 9~10 (;nnd t!'rm 11 I yard. Ga rbAJ:"e dlapol&l. All Exchange fin<' waterfront home with pier & llJp, 3 bedrooms, 3 baths. Value S5!5,000 for 1mialler home to $30,000. To see & submit, cnll the- OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach tat Port Orange) LI R-7562. Hnr. 5154 evee. Trad in' Today? Balboa Island 3 bdrm., 2 bath home )Jlus apt .. located on fine cor. ner near Bay & stores. For Corona dcl ~lar, Shore Cli ffs or PaRad('na t o S3:5,000 OSBORNE REAl:TY CO. • ( n t Port Orange) trf'~~~r"~~;~~· &cit Bay for the cash down on each of the j COST A MESA 2372 PaJlaadu Rd,. Sant.a Ana f ll · · rt b $'-•1110 lmvi; '\ n • ,. ! bt'•lroo.m hon,. Pbone Kl 5.2993, eottc 0 OWing JnCOffie prope y UYS; lh;l' H Jll~l 2 l 1l11<'k a from 111 .. ----------------------------- LI 8-7562, H:ir. 51:54 eves. 2323 \\'. Coast Hwy. Ne wport Rrach c .. 1 Property AT \ORNER pt 19th and 1'111- rrntlll, wit h 2 l>f>llrm. houH an<l 11mnll -1orr St.RM TT l'Xchanirea, C.11 Lllx'rty 8-t!~P I ' 60t! c C-1 Zone 2 BEDfUt ol<ler houte, l:Nt lttll St. <'oet.a Mua. Call owner, U tl ·&iGSI ~78h 1. Ten unfurn. 2 bedrm. un.ita. All on year leases pr 'P''~'" All ''"'"rlr11n "h"rr in,;.: rt>nlrr Th111 1~ " ~··rHI hum" H· I Good return. .11ur .. to ~··~ 1 h1~ 1,.m11 c11n bt• I 2. Hwy. 101 store bldg. Reeponaible tenants . Care- free investment. Can be bought n ght. 3. Motel and trailer Park. Prime location close to bay, st.ores & future development. SEE RUSS FORD 1600 W. Cout Highway Phone Ltberty 8-M95 Newport Beach I 72cH a rr.1n1:1 ti. ''ART" AOAIR RF:Al.TOll 1M6 :-.'ewporl lllvc1. Co11t& M tsl\. C:\Jlt. LI 8·371!2 Fl:R.'1.ISHEO duplex. 2 llitdrm11. each. Flrtpl~. Obi. prage. Oood l1>eat11,n. vut 111<1.. c,,,ta ~t,.(o. 1 17 000 Lt 8·i 261 i2p84 M-1 Lot Duplex on N'ar -room to build ln front. Jn l'ltrate. gic NC'wport locat1on n1:ar the bay. We belic\'e thla to be a real v_alue at $~1.500. With go<1d t"rmB. THE VOGEl CO. 320 1 W. Coast High way l Liberty 8·3481 •• I LIOO MAlllf WITH SALLIE • "\\'e cater lQ all your rood netd• !" ... A hack- nf'l}'M eii:pl't!Mktb ud a mite "'eary •.• "We c&tt'r to aJI the (oodM you don't need!" or "\\1ti cater to aU the (pods .that are \•Ital coa- trlb11tiona to gutroaom}·!" . , • Kita the Head Chef'Ml right bfotw~n t he eyrs ..• Veal Paprika Volute~ You' could probably live to be 100 without a 11ingle fli cker pa.ss-• ing your tongue, but you haven't lived till you'\'e tasted it ... Veal Paprika \'olute will always hold .11 s pecial pla.ce in Joe's heart. becausc it wu the very first db1h he loveably prepared for the ateam tablea he's been drt'am- ing o( .since B.R. (&>ginning of Remodeling) ... \V hat fun f---._w.e .. J.11 had tasting the tender pi~ of \•ea\, afCbmpanted- by a savory sauce of !lour ' . ' ('rE'&m. tom .. , wh oa . , . Se-· cret of the press ... Joe's re- cipie• are u fe ! ... ·.and did our imaginations run ! \\'hat· to terve ~·ith it ! Some thought J rice would be nice ... Others w-8.nted noodles ... Baked po. . tatoe. were split open ... Canned Chinese Noodles men- tio~ _ .•. Hot biscuits ... Tout ... "Whal'• the matter with jwrt. serving it plain," eaid J oe ... Food• in .loe'a •team tables will ,...,.y from da)' to d&)" ••• Split Pea Soup, -&au~·awd PotatoetL. Beet St~"·· Creamtd Tuna ••lt.h . Jl"», Clam Cho~·der . . . are only a •~· or the houMe"'lfe'• a.n1wen to what's for dlnftr after spending the da)' oa the beach •.. "For my IUDch!" ecstaticaliy a mother uticl· pat.NI a carton or t':lam t':ho1"der ..• "I 1et tired of eatin1 pmnut butter and- trk:hf'9 ·with the kkfs!" Yo11ra to buy by the Mice, GOOlle ~ver, .knacilwurst, .•. Uginge~Brauruichweiger from ........ Milwauktt, Scher.m er Uraun- .chweiger from Los Angelet • . . Strictly .Kosher-Corned Beet and Pastrami from Ctil- cago • . . Blood and Tongue Loaf, Presaeci Tongue, Blood Rlnga, Metwurst Rings, Pofu:h Saunge with Garlic, Jag- wurat, 1 Pepper Loaf, Bock- worat Sall.88.ge ... At the.De- licaleH8en Persona] Sen •ice Counter . . Baked Huna. Meat Loaves, Rout Beet and Turkey too . . . keep the Am~rit::an Home fires burning •.. '"H&.ven't seen anything like this, since I left St. Louis! •"Terrific! Wonderful!" ... "Just like old times~" Enthu- "•ium Bbounds u the Dutch Lunch crowd put. a bead on th~ very old with 1955 flour-i iabf'lll corner of our Delicate11- .en ~~~. meat, let the"" be r.httM ••. But by the slice or the hUDk, u you pn!fr.r •.. Nf!w and ,·r.~· 11harp la Black ·Mountain. 19.'lS Vintage ..• Old and 1•ery mild iii Baronc>t • • • Herr K~. Imported Swh•8.. Old Style \\1.~ln Brirk, Martln'11 NM\· \"orll; , • , In the mood ? All you nf"t"d &n" the> ryf" hl'f'ad, Koshrr Diii PIC'klrs ud Potato Salad . • l Chic~en Gi.uard11, <;hickeA Livers, Chicken Necka by the 1 pound ... \\'here you can find whole bar-b-q'd chickens ... )'OU aJy,·sya find Ginards, Li· veni and Necks ... Seema aa though e\'erybody hu a fa· vorite twist in cuiaine with chicken giua.rd.I and liven ... I like mine fried with on- "ion1 and frah musroome , •. Richard'• Udo Market .. oae ot the Udo SboPI at the en~ to Lido WP •• and SJ"<~ In all the foodll ~·ou don't IH"f'd and .... , find .. , ,._ -••• ' t!!!!':...---- :::::-.-----,.;> Talle Home , Hot Clllcl lc .. b1cued Food1 from Richard's · Dellcatelsen and Rotisserie -New MenUI Dally Take home a llubeeoed ~ • cwioa ol CJhow ,.. or an f"~tra !tpfd&I Soup. PIM a .,..,,.. from Rlflhard"• fitr that erlra •ptdai Meet. You1J D• tllM delWom foocll from our MW hot foodie ~t. "II! •cOf'• br~I <?91<'1/1tv lh1ft,.,.... Dari11:okf (;niAlf" A .~ BUTT•ll~--·b·---:=5=--=9=--c "Cool r•/rt .. .lli .. g tt'<lk t1'..,. 11pper" TOMATO JUICE4!·°"·2Sc 5~AGHETTI ... "A.llQ(ly• 11ood to ll11vlll' o" .lla1u~'" G~latln a.ad Pudding~ JELLO ,q. 6 for 45c. "8tr~·e with coflag• ollee11• or i" ~llo'" DoleSUoed PINEAPPLE 20 oa. ua • ' \ Fr11h Produce ••• .... ~.-2 29c HECT ARINES . _ . . ... ~-2 1~ KENTUCKY BEANS ...... . .. SPANfsH-ONIONS .. ~ ........... 3 ~10c • Delicatessen ••• •31c SLICED CHEESE ......................... -............ ~ .,.,. .• ~ ....... PIMIENTO LOAF •25c . .......... 01:. Soft De-rt 79 BARONET CHEESE .. __ .. c ciNNfD ... HAM ___ . ..... •. 429 ~......... 2 39c BEEF TAMALES _:. ·~ Frozen Foods ... l!iM&IH-Oa'• Thlclul or 85c DRUMSTICKS -······ .. ••· ................ "' -,,..., --T-....i 0.0- 8',..,.fl Prec.-ook.-d 3sc FISH STICKS __ , - Richard'• Own Bakery ••• TKURISDAY .......... .., tcp..ol-..-. , .... _ ..... .._,.. 1-..-........ ~ 1:: ,:::-._, 1::::-:.':'.-"*" .. ., Nia"-_. ..... •• ........ ,.,_.-ae_. Topwidi ..... . _ ..... _ .. ____ ., ............. . ---. ............ ..cil "--mt. ..... 4.' ... ..,. ...... ,. 2 'Nie GREEN PEAS . ,. -,Ml.1- Mlllut.i 11a.1c1 2 33c ORANGE JUICE.~ ,., gu11ki•t 2 LEMONADE . _ , -, .. Choice Summer Meats •• A ..., .......,_, • ._,.,.........,.,.OTO 6 26 C GLAZED DONUTS ······---.•. "/"""'"" Barb•CW.. J!Uo'" U. S_. Choiafl ... ll3c lb. 7-BONE ROAST FRIDAY FRENCH APPLE. PIE ·RY1 "'Bffio'-· ·-······-·-·············. IAnrRDA.T c ........ , ~,,.. ........ 6 23c CINNAMON ROLLS ............ . ... ...... ,.,,.,..............,......,,.,. 97c LA YER CAKE·------·······-· . • You'll find a Lido Shop • • • ,. • • ~ O.Uciolui 'M!Hh /re1Ji ~getabi..'' U.S.Cholco 0-BONE ROAST "'BCOftOmb.I '"W·Wffll tr .. t" 11.S.~. .SHORT RIBS "IJ-G bri".llt ... W..lcfa.t" 8wtft'• Flnt Grade SLICED BACON lb. 59c lb. 19c lb. 69c • • • to flt your every need ! • ' I