HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-07-08 - Newport Balboa PressJ . ' '-• • •• .. HARBOR HAllOR WIATH•. PRess. 1 ... .....-.. ............ &Mllutler..-wve1 .... Lew Saturday. Jul.y 2 •. . T8 Q Sunday. July a ·-······· 87 t l Monday, July ' ........ d\. tl TuNday. J wy 6 ··--II M WednN\ta.)', July t -II M> 'l'bunda.y, July T _ tt &I P'rtday. J uly I . ····-aT II NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, JULY 8, l~ 48th YEAR -NUMBER 38 PHONE HARBOR 1616 BONNIE DOONE ABANDONS BIG RACE AS MRS. WELLS BURNED Mr!!. Eugene Wells. 1300 ·cov" Ave., entered Hoag Hoa- p1t11I at 7 a .m. yeatl'Tdl\y for 11 eatment or •evere burna afelr a 30 hour return trip whlCh pulled the \Vella' boat Bonnie Doone from the Honolulu R aci: 1000 bbl. Well Br.o~ght • Mra. Welle wu healing water on the galley atov4' about 2 a m . ·Wednesday. Al 11he 1toO<I with her back Lo the atOV<' a IUl:t' wave hit the boat and the bo1lf"g water 11plasht>d dowrl -both legs. Bonmcr Ooone dropped anchor In the HarbOr at 6 a.m. and Mn1. Wt-lls was taken immediately 10 lhe hoepltal where she I• being trt>ated, in· .at W. Newport ·Field FOULED START, GOOD LEAD-William Pomeroy's 109-ft. achooner Ramona, above, had a little trouble •tarting Trans-Pacific Race when her fisherman's 11taysa.il failed to make proper drop ovrr gaff as seen above. In middle photo sail is higher, j ust about to clear gaff. In lower picture Ramona makes for oi}en aea, her ataysait corrertly net. filled and drawing .as those on press boat, Vellron afterdeck watch even tug boat leave 1cene. As of late reports this noon Ramona !ound seas and winds to her liking. forged into 25-mile lead over erstwhile flee:t leader, 96-ft. ketch Morning Star. -Staff Photos .. 'RAMONA'! Big Schoi>n~r Sfiows Heels to 49 Boats Ramona. lil'rBl<'h boal In ll\~ Tr11n11-P-"1flc Rarr. boomed flu 11head cir the OePt today, 11c.orJ- 1ng to r1vflo rerorts. gtving her own.-r. \\"ltllam J•omeroy. San F rancls<'o. a nr w rttord for one day'a distance covered. The lllll·ft. Bchooner •eized the lt•a<I earlltr'Cmm Rlchud Rheem's :.tnrnlng Star. Ramona set a new one-dll\' rf'CQrd o f 303 mtll'it logi;ed behlml a 20-mile wind. The recnrd wu helot by lnvadt•r in the l 9211 race with a 28R·l'l'lile distance cov- ere<1. Ramona. flying the burg ee of St. F'rancl• Yacht Clob. •• about a third of the way to Viamond Head, roughly 160:!i mllea distant. She 111 co~e<h.>11 a i;ood chance of break- · Ing Morning Slar's recor<1 or 10 !lays, 10 hours and 13 mlnute11 with tavoriible winds. llleanwhlle, Frank E . Hooykaa.!I' j •chooner Con.'ltellatlon Riso has pa.-u1e<1 Morning •Star lo lak., se<"- onu rlact'. EI e u l he r a, Earl Schenck'• ketch of Seattle, allll holtfs the overall handicap Ume lead for t he second day running. She i. trailed by Conatellallon and Marie Amelie ln order. SIGNS TIDELANDS BILL -Gov. Goodwiil J . Knight, shown signing Shell-Cunning- ham tidelands bill which protects Newport Beach tidelands from off shore island drilling, discusaes measure with Assemblyman Joseph C. Shell, right, u Senator J ames Cunningham and Assemblyman Earl W. Stanley, Balboa Island, witne88 occa- sion. Stanley's AB 1709 measure ia incorporated into the Shell-Cunningham bill, pro- tecting the South Coa.at from Santa Ana River to Mexican border from any off ahore drilling at any time. Seguro Oil Co. Rig Finds Black Gold at 6010 Feet j By BEN RPDICK Tapping of an appar ent new oil zone in the W.t Nw· port field ha.s been revealed by elCplorationa of the ~IW"G Oil Company in the deepening of their Seguro-Weirick No. 1 Located just north of Bushard St. 1.~ mile west of Atlanta St., the well hu come In at 1000 barrels per day from a depth of 6010 feet. The well hu apparently tapped a new i;truclure more than 200 fttl deeper lhan any othlr pro· duc~on •n the areu. Earller thla year Kadane and-Son runk a well to 6006-+ttl near the euter ly bank of thl' Santa Ana River juat In- land or lhe Cout Highway. Thia ~" a dry hole and hu beet> cap- • pet!. SY.('(>SO wr:u~ S<>guro 011 Co. h.u moved 'fta rig 1000 .feet euterly toward the Santa Ana River eTld has •tarted operaUona on a 11econd well to- ward the aame zone. The Btn Ownes Drlllln& Co. la the con· tractor. Pr~ operaUoa.8 v e n~ th• production of U.. R*1 atar OU CO. Whether the n .. prodllcUon wUl prove to be juat a fault block or anotheor nrw atrike ol Importance can only be determined with tu.r- t.her uplora llon In Ule area. TeaUnga ha ve repeatedly been undert.alcen on N4wport No. ·7 for the ~lty ot Naw port Beac.h dri.Ued by the Monterey 011 Co. Thia w .. t he well that laJd Idle "for la.ck ot equipment"' tor. a Jonr period. Since It hu beeJJ placed on pro- duction It h• bttn nothtn1 but a disappointment to the compeny and to the City of Newport Beach . NEW OIL ACJ'ION Therl' la cona1dtrable acuon 1n the Weet Newport &r• aa a re- 11Ult ot the new atrtke In the Banta Ana Valley low lallda ldenUtled a.a I.he Wut Newport Cleld and belnr In the ea.me pool u thOM ln lhe City ot Newport Bea.ch. Rumore have It that further t•Uns will be undert.aken ln the eut rtver - ~ --~~-.,..s.. •.me ..... ..-.. Ramona mu•t. finial& 6 ~ hour• &bead of M.ornto.s Star for CS- A honor• but Conatella.Uon bu a one-day, l hour, U minute laand~· ca p and could emerge u handicap win.lier, yacht.men report. Tidelands STATE OFFERS TO SHARE SMALL PART OF PROPOSED UPPER BAY BRIDGE COST Rechs' Assailant Suspect Gets Committed to Mental Hospital probation alter pleading gullty to a aerlu or &hady tran1aclion11. Superior Court Judge F"ranklin G. Wut alao ord-.red a •Lrict rest!· tuUon program aet for Lane, who reportedly la In debt more Ulan 140,000 In a pproxima tely 40 bad de11.l1. Judge Wut ordtrrtd lhe defend· ant to eet up trwlt arrangements wltti hl11 attorney on releue from county j&ll. A monthly a ccounting report wu ell.lied for by the j udge. Shell-Cunningham Measure to Protect Coastal Area The much dttorated World War 11 pilot pleaded guilty on lhel't" grand theft aijegatlorui: July Ii. I 1954 .i:i11•0 rrom .I. Robert Mad· I Signed into law in Los Angeles yesterdas was the Shell· dox; Sepl. 16, 19:14-S2000 from · h" d · the Newport Rarhe>r Bank; Aug. Cunningham-Stanley Oil Control Btll w 1ch was passe in 25. 195•-12000 trcm the Newport the last session of the Legislature. The bill was Sil?'fled in the Harbor Bank; and July 31, 1954--1 Los Angeles office of the Governor with the authors of t~e 1 $2074.85 from Roland N. Lagerlof. bill t nnr law fl lndullrll t hr l'"rtton C h d f dl prellen . . ount" t ree an our were IJ· , from Earl w. Sti1nlf'y·11 hill \\'hlch ml3Sed. They C'harged Lani' wltb Th.e hill. mnr" ce>mmnnly 1<1Pnll-for hidll ml olnlhnl? ra,terly 1or 1 forgery an<1 the theft or an 11uto f1rt1 M t hl' Shrll Bill. lll<"ClrJ"•reted snulhnlv• .. r the ~a"lta An:t rt""r' from Eliubeth M. Smith on $!'pt all nC thP n111lt1tudr nf •111 h1U11 Ill· unlt'S.'I nft l'hOrP lamlii nt the Sl•\te 16. 1!154. 1 [ 1T'l'<lt11'•~I inLo the IP1t1lllAll!rf' into nf C&llfornls llrl' bt'lng drained. 1 EASTER WEEK COURT BATTLE CONFIRMED • The mr11sur" 11llnw11 the Sl&le 1 !..Ands C'pn1ml""'"" lol lr:t!ll' (lff ~horl' llrl'&s when• urland dr11ln· 1 ai:-" L.~ orc11rrlnK. 011 ln H untington Be11r h, fnr explnrntlon by upland dnllln!! 11nly The 011 mca!'llr•' WM oppo11Pd hy th!' state d1v1sion nl beac:hes 11.nd p&.rk!I, u well as resident.~ ,Rlnng .. (C'o11tln1H"d on Parto 8> Council Supports Ordinance to Require $10 Rental Licenses Koch Presents With only a quorum vote present. t he Newport Beach Master Plan City Council agreed yesterday morning to "stand on the.pre·1f or Highways Tentative offen or l ht> State of Cahfornla, Olvh11on or H fghwaya to ;ih.-re 1n a amall way In the de- velopm!!nl of a high bl'ldge acroaa Upper Newport Bay have been re<:elvf'd by the County of 0,l"llngt>. Accrird1ng to a leltt'r 11lgned by Ed- w.rd T. Telford, District Engineer, and dl11patched to A. S. Koch. County Roa.d Commils11ioner, th" 6tAtt la w11J1ng to undertak,. the engineering work necu.sary to de· elgn 11nd complete the projecL P11rllrlpation flt tht' !!llllt In the expl"n~rft tor the high bridge would be nnly Al the amount that It wo11loJ cost to Increase the w!rlth nr tlw pre~ent bridge 11crose the UpJ'• r Bay <'hannel to 11ix lane!! Ill the ~1sl1ng ltvel. The St.alt' would undert11ke the ~l:'lnet'rln!{ f()r the high bridge and highway rt.'·llllicnmrnt at the aao1e pro rata aent E uter Week Ordinance and not repeal or amend it. .. The motion was by CouncUman C. A. Higbie and aecond('d by Sandy MacKAy. ordinance. Dtlle or tr1111 111 July Other councilmen pre9'nt al the 13 In Superior Court. apecl&l me4!tln« were Mayor Dora The orolnance. puSN! Jlllll prior Hill and Jay 8toddud. to J!:astu WtPk th"' yPar. ~u1rta ORANGE, 10CNS1 ,:,,_ A muter plan of highways to hlllldle ·local I tta.trk th1ougho11t th,. county wu l presenttd by A. S. Koch. county road comm1uion\'r , at a &pecl11.l mr~g or the city coun<'ll •nd pllu1nlng l'omml1<111on Wl'ilnu day nl1Zhl &l Or11nge City Hall. City At torney Karl Lynn Dav1s property owner• rentuii;r dunnr told the" council he b<!llevea the l'Alltr WrPk to takl' out a $1 0 court wtll hold the ordina.nce Con~-1 llctnu Wlth the city. A t t hr same SAllTA ANA, JULY 8 (OCNS) peycl\lalrle!A detennlned Browde~ tlluUon&l. He aid tn preliminary tlmr. they 111,1tn an 11gttcml'nt per- -AccUl!t'd ot 11hotgun nmg a New· to be paychot.lc. argumenta before Superior Court m ilting tn~rllon oC thf' prem1su port hntrl ilropf1elor. Shl.ney lriel· Judge Weat ordered Browder Jlldge Kt Mtth Morrtaon the Judge by city 11uthonlle11 wtthuut .11~rrh don Browdf'r, 3i, of Newp6rt to-returned for criminal proceNIJIC MJd In hi• opinion the ordinance warr&nt to determlnto po111ble over· aha.re ot cost u the widening pro· at ttil11 point widen out and begin Ject wo.uld bear to C08t ot the high the rlu to a level wttb the Hlatln~ brld.ire." bluff 11t 17th St.. Juat Inland of This it1gn1f1e11 th«' f1rat tent&· the Cout Highway. The roa d live approval of the Statr or the would overpua 17tti St .• travel ph1n a h •'1tliv 11gret'd to by the throui:h Bay Shore c11mp and jUlt County nf Orange. lta lfllrbor de· I In front or the Cutawaya Club. p~1 inwnt and lhl" Irvine Co. Tiie The bridge u dulgned '" a rela- ' • ,., .'llPwpnrt Bf'lll'h h1111 nf'V· !Ive duplicate of typea now In com- er been ronl'ulted In the m11tttr. I mon u.w In th" State or Waa.hlng- " .. 1,.rt pi f'.•umf'tl thal the I t on. Jt wa• flr11t reported and pie· l'•~Y is nCit to be &liked lo 11hare turrd In thlK new1pa per tn Octo- 1n any w ny l1Pthf' COl!l or thl' pro-bf'r of 111:1J. JeCt which has bef'n work•ll out I Plan11 •!!reed tn hy thfl trlum- wlthoul lhl'1r dc>11lru being con-vlrate or county. Hitrbor, a nd Jr - sidereol vine ortklRll envlelon the eu ttrly PIAnti of lhe county. Harbtlr ole-j a ppro11ch to a pmpoeed new brld~e p1111ment. 11nd Irvine. r11ll fnr the rPturnlnK to the vwrtJng highway 111ti:-nmrnt "f 11rprnnrh to the h1ich hn<' we~t ,.;r Murlne Ave. Jn the brl<li:e jusl 111land o r the ex1i.tlng prt>jf'< l ll ls hopl'd tn crrate an hlj?hwny 1>ei:1nnlni: rou~hly &t M11r· nve1p11M 1ond full drivf'rlnC 11t lno Dn\·o thf' we1w•rlv entnincf'I Manne Av•>. This would permit to B;oyshc;1 f·~. The h1i:h.way would I (C'ontlnuf'd on Pac., l'l day w ... commltlt'd to a atat. Whftn be la detannlned .,an.. would ~ ConllltuUonal ·depending crowded !'Ondlllona. mental ha.pit&! alter Superior BrowdeP wu Aft'ffled by New. on ta.cu pr.Mnted a t the trial ~l"FFICIEST F ACl'8 C<>urt JuJge Frankl.In 0. \\'eat port Bfoacb pol.Ice alter he allec'ed· SUIT DA l\'l!D?'oa"UDA T "I feel the raclll ar•' 11utf1c1ent found him to be ~ychollc. ly wounded C. r . Rectul. oper&lOT' TM city ta tn~lved In ll&'ltaUon lhe court will bold the ordln•nce Dis\.. Atty. Sobftrt Knttland a.nd of the Ocean Front Hotel, with a an.t.nc out of a temporary tnjunc· ConaUtutlon&J." Davi. u ld. "We Dep. Public Defender Btucl!! Sum· ,11hot"1n blut. at CIOMI ranr-. He 'tw n denttd Harry BreW1ter, Bal· have aome H leNJiYe pomt11 of ner aupula ted Browder ahould be wu. c!Mrged wiU:a .... ult wtlh a boa lalan4 property 0W11er, who aut.boru,, on that matter." Se told eommltled. m-mtn•tlona by two de~l,y weepon. corit.t. OoutituUooalllf oC UM (0...._. • hp I ) The lonr-range p.Ja'Ln propoaed that Vl&la Ave. be P~lt'nMd to J<atalla Ave. and lmpro\·,.d to· a 11ix-lane hlp -y .to lhe 8.Jnta Ana r r.eway ; that Batavia be lmrrov· f'd t.o tour lanu utendtni from the Ana.hetrn.Ollve Road llOIJt.h throuch OnLftl't'. a.od that CoUJn.t be tmpro~ to· tourt\wa. Oluaell St. 4nd Tu.iln Ave. were propc>Md lo be IUl·lall• hlf ll· wa.ya In tut.llre plannlnc. DIVING TL\OEDY -Cout Guard and f ire dep~rtment men work over John Ly- nun of Loa -\Ille• in an effort to aave the man's life latC' Wronesday from a diving accident. He wu ptoJiounced dead by a doctor several minut"" later. Lynun waa b~ght into the tout Guard dock by the fishing boat WCRtl'rner after he wu brought up from 35 feet of water off ~ Beach. -Staff Photo • I \ "' . • • 1 MRS, \VJLLIAM PRATT HADLEY -nee JOAN CONSTANCE BRYAN -Curtis Photo MRS. \VJNIFRED BARBRE. Society Editor· (Jf tha ho•le.!11, and P.lls• t:onrut Mangold. P.fr1. Goorp Davie1 a nl.f P.trs. P.l •rUn :r.tansold 11.itlrd ln receiv· Ing, Y•ith J.lra. Gw ri:e Grupe, P.tr1. J . Y.'. F.\Uot t l\nd !>!!!IS Ruth Elliott ua1adnr In the li\'ing ~m. • Hadley-Br.yan Vows Said in Church of the Messiah T\\10 FISHERS NO MIRRORS F'.11111 I~ 1hl' f(1rr11 r-r Jrnnl'tle K•11et :,;()(• l'llU\)' Lfl ~1,.rra• \\'1-!t ·I . . ' ?<.'o, he d!tln't t 11ke !t "'Ith mltTure~ It w1111 \\'1Lha m F1ah· _Young Lido I ~ Honeymooning in Couple Hawaii • 11r who 11 pf't'•r.,,1 (n '''"' of 1h<1 rPCl'f\t p1rturr1 'rot lh<1 Sl\clfr Clirt1 .. ,·/1111• bak.-" IUld v.·1.~ ii:i\"'"n <"rt d1l ... phot.,i.;r•rhPr. ll wa1 F'rPtn1•n ~~111h .. r v.·ho 106lr7JJ\T p1rtlll'•• .a!'.4 whcrhu no1<· hor1•n gl\·..,n the ll\le "' offlo:C11I @ho,.. ChUa phclu• i n1phtr. Youu.r 11nd ohJ to th" numbfor of i oo calh..,rt'd for camr1. 1. ptrnic 1up11rr a nd (Ttat-l(r&ndaon ot G,.ori;e Bill'l -ana..)SJt'a. Vinton Vrrnon w11.~ 601'1· 1.1,t. \\'<>i4fl!& 1nw!c 1ncludt'1\ Avr ),!aria, P &nl1 A~I' t'UI and -l fi'i'- Lord"• Pr11)"f t. The r""eptton ,,..,, held at t hf' Inaugul'aling the aeriea of July \Veddines waa that o! Bajt>oa Bar Club. A1t1.:i111: out v! Miu J oan Constance-Bryan and William Pratt Hadley. Tbe t own 1:ut1t1 nffertng fellt"lt atfon• I "''<'te !-h•11Sr1 HnJ ~tn1t•. Holt ~las· bonf!l'el an.I to i'-l a<"q111lntt.d. event, important in the social ca endar, ¥.'a& hcld July l at. 11ry 1tnd \\'. 0 ,,.,,.11 ~frflrrm,.11, \\'•· 7 :30 p .m . in the Church o f the.Mf'Ulah, Santa Ana. The Re\'. ro. Tl'xll.~: ~l r11. :-J on n/\n Hull /\nd :------------- Wesley Ha\'emulie &&id the word1 of the ~piacopal 1ervice t he Thom11• Briefs ot Tuc.aon: Mr. Georgia Guests •·" d h t M I 11nd r.t r1. Don ('11 ,tro , Co!u1nbus. whit"h un!>.eU the. auc ter 0 r. with ,.,.hilt Spacle orchid•. •t..,ph· Ohio: Mr. 11.nd }.tr~. ·~:dg•t Ro\\'\\ 1'1r. 1nil ?.lr•. \\'.\\'. El1!1 "•Ith and Mrr. Howa rd Llwrrnc:e Bry· anotla and !Illes ot the vall..,y. s K I ff Sa Fran tht lr d&UJ1:hter1 ).tarli}'ll II.lid J oan &n, 449 Via. Lido So1,1d and thr mon J•<k .'<•<k<y .. 1 ,,.,,, , .. , A ~. a nd M!,.. 1ra a l' o, . n • " " ....., " t"lsco of 1ttontt'zun1a, Georrta. are v11!t· from Tahiti lo Tahoe l• Jolla or La Pai -T -,,., <'-llaadi. an )'llUr l'll\"fll .,,..,. . ..,..,""'. I.oral '" 1 .. ,._, Dl•!&nNi• CDM ' TRAVEL SIRVICI '6'-1:'1.r:. Coael HYl'J. . . Coro-. del Mar HAR.BOK 116' or }.Ir. •nlS Mn . !':veret t Pratt c eJ.-1 •:ood >A·ith th.-brid.-grOQ1n · 1_...,. H A\\'AJI• · 1nr th• Ch11.rle1 Kfsel family of l Hadley, 115 Via Udo Soud. •nit u&her,, v.·eu Y,'llli1rn Stevens The hont'yni(lOf1 i• b..•ina"'kit"nt ln l ~'~";;;;"~-~'8~S~t~.,~c;~~'~'~"~"~L~>~I~~· :l;::;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;;:: A bt'l'Y of attend«nti wearing an<fJ1-~\\'!ll!ani1 or l..o1 Angeles. the J--l1a>A·llilan Jir.landi 1n,1 f&r th" 11Ct"ordt• plu1ted nylon.-orgMdy U IVrenCi' Stont of Al!UJ:ll. '' .. ·und v.•ith Ashes of op.i gr.,e..'I t rlp the ne"' ~l rll. H01dle)' u·o/'e la· "'-' J."or hrr d1ughtt'r'11 nup!la.\1 Mr1. .. I II tk Ith h 1 I • nd '.•<ylo• )'ellow Ch~ri11 r°"<!9 qurr f<!u t• Ill\ ~I v.· w ' e ' Bry11.n wore Chantilly i.t"r llUld hi t ' -<•'•d the bride. Thfy Jnclud"'d &C'Ct11-wrlf's and the u·hite or<' •a 1 ·~ " p.•au l!e 10ltwlth cor11•1"e Q! Cym-Sh ·.~--Ch1rln Jdhn11<.1n. n1atron or from hrr prayrr book. ~ \\ . .._, ·' •• btd1uni or<"hi•l11. 1'fr11. Hadlf'y •!so s I h nor and Ml•11 P1.trlc\11 Hull, ml,lid cr•du111 fit 6-nni \\'<'ktl1ke l"hoo wore Cy1nbirhun1• v.·1th her 1nauve H -.. A h •I honAr. both of Tue8-0n, A rla. for C 1t l1>. N ewp(lrt •r.,..,r 11' " '"' fW!•I: <I~ IKlll'. ANNOUNCING •.• HOLLY VISEL • Brlde111n!l[da were r.1 r11. f"r1onk St"hool llnd Uni\·rr1lly or Ar1:r.on11 H11.rrynian., \\'tst Loll Angt.\PI ; H\' ('A.Slll.£1.IGllT • ~. ,,.·hcrt' a!ie wu af(11!1.t"'d "'llh liap-!CM 1 ., APOU:NA -BA.l.80,\ I S LA SD ?.Usl! E•ther Anne l'n cr. Tucson, The church \\'U d~coratird in all pa Alpha Tll"-lll. H<'r hu~b11nJ '11 DRAMATIC ART & SINGING at and Mias Suu Tra<")', Encino. while blo .. ,om11, candlelight gl•'a1i1-~t"hools W('fP H11r.·1nd lll i1\l11 ry DO YO Nlecu or thir bride, Nano:y u d Ina-on. •tock. chry-.a.nth"mu1t1a, Al'alli "TllY luhl l;ni'"eral\)' or s oul h·I U ... \\·ant 1., •Ina. M"t. •peak wt'U, appt-.r ,pub- Und1o Bue Bryan, wtre newer ca.rnat!ou ar.d hybr1d dt'lphlntum•. rm ("shrorni11, his fraternity, Be· J ll•·ly ~ ~ ~ Mr•. \'11'1!1 hu had S? Y••r• •-p.rlfln~ Ii. l'*'l'blJll" d .. 'm •"d b•·k•< t t k •nd t Th , P l lhr11e 11rt" fnr <'<>IH'f'rl, <'nlf'tlalnm .. nl and 1·111l11ral u~ ... ~rla wt•r1nf yellow frock• •n • " -• ll • oc a .. a . headband• of r o!dllocka. whlle fildloll. On their return the rtrw!y·we<b ('all JlAHKOR :ao-N for A(lpol11lm"11t. Uley carr11!'d roldl\ock petat. In Orcant1t wu Robert St rat.1011: \<'Ill N"llde In Coronado. I ~:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;;:;;:;;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;~ their t\ov.•t r bukttt. Daniel Bry' I r'"';i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:=======;;:::; Ii an, nephew of lhe bride. carried tll• rlnr• on a aatln pillow &nd wore a white l!nen 1u1t.. IN CAlllLL GOWS Ia.n wu escorted to the altar by her 11.ther. Her Ca.h!l l '•••eddlng 1own we• of while chanl\Uy hlc• w1th off1houldt.r portrait neck.Un"' ir.nd f,h ort alrevea. T\t'ra of pleatf.d lace ruffle• tell from !he loncUne ntted bodice, forming the full 1klrt and train. Fold• of U1e fin· aerUp veil of bridal Ulu1!on Wt're contlned by a lace brim embrol· d~red with •~d pear\1. She c1or- rled a wh it• pr(yer book-covered ICE CREAM SOCIAL . AT ST. ANDREW'S R.ecoUecUnr one or th• summer event'll '"'Joyed by their mother•. member. ot th• V.'om11n·1 Fellowshlp of 8t. And·rew'• Pre1byt1rian Cburch hchl &n Ice crellm lllX'i11I le ~t ye•. So rxipuler d!d 1t prove th1t they decided ll ~hould be an annual event. Thi" year It v.·11.1 be held on \Vedn"ad"Y· J uly 20 f rom 6 to I p. m. in t he churel\ paUo. T ickel.a, "''hlch ere m in· new ~igurej /or Sale I .. The Stauffer ~71tem 11 lfllPlnt l NEW FIGURES for 1ummerl lhe STAUffll "Mired•" 11. • bli1 w ill Trim your HIPS, TUMMY, CAlVES end THIGHS, so quick1¥ end easily you wlll find it h ard to believe your own eyes. If you wouhi like to be buying 1iz.e1 If i nd 14. lhii 1ummer, c1 ll tho STAUFFER SYSTEM TO- DAY for yovr NEW FIGURE! C•ll PHONI NUMlfl for • com plet• persone l f1gur• an- 1ly1is ind a comp\imenTery demons!rerion of The femoos STAUFFER TABLES. WINA , FORD THUNDERBIRD ana • A I f I '~'::~r:i1~Wt~ .. C::,".I' ::~c1111 ;~:·; 3117 E. Coast Come in-1et your Entry Blank here today f cake. . P ' k , . N th !.fem)),..l'fl t1f all chUl'<'h ctr-H " h L 1 Ph. JC ertOgS 10 Of ck a hllve uc kei" or t h,11y nHIY ig Wey ee s armacy The Ceorc• C. Plek.,dn1t ram!· Kenneth J.t cDlvitt or Mr1. CORONA DEL ?o.fAR --------------------------·lly, 131 H olmwoott Drive, le veca-be reM rvcd by · 'calling Mr1. PAGE 2 • PART I -~NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS i ';'"~"~'"~'~'":·:":'=":;n=h•:m=""="="~' ~R:':~:':":c:':"':.,::":· ':~:':":':=:':"~· 1-IARBOR 1742 th• •late. · swtmauit by co11 302 Marine Ave., Balboa Island F R I D A Y , J U L Y 8 , I 9 5 5 1 "=;:;:;:::;:;;::;:;::::;:;::::;:;::::;:;::::;:;::::;:;::::;:;::::;:;::::;:;::::;:::;:;::::;:;::::;:;::::;:;::::;:;:::g_:=:;:::;:;:::;;::::;:;:::;:;;;::::;;:::;::;;:::;::;;;::::;;;::::;:;:;:::;:::;::;:;:;;::::;:::;:;:;:::;:;:;:;:::~ ELIOT O'HARA MOVIES AT LAGUNA ART GALL.ERY ' Eliot .O"H11r•. r-.A .• v.·ho 11 t"On!luctln11 hi~ 1ixth ••uon of cl1.1~1 In "".V.lercolor in the Lolgun1 Beat"h Art Gallery from July 6 through J uly 73 111·1U have a 1ho"·\ng of hl• l\eW colored movie• !l\ui;tral!ng v.·strrco!or lt'<"hn1qut' on Saturday, .July II a t Ii o'cl"<"k. Th• !ilma \0°1!1 !nrlude lhe fo\lov.·\ng; '"Rythm ln f'1.1nt". ··r.-rl'peetlvf"", made in conjunCUon w ith the l."nf'·"r.<H y flf Dtl1fom 11•. "f'ert"r ption", mi d .. In conjunc· l ion u·1t h the l;.S. :-;"av~'. "1'1 lnl\ng Cloud.-." •nrl "P11 lntln,lf Sh1do,,.·1". Onlr Qnl!' nf the!<e h11• been shown bl!fore. There v.•lll ~ no 1.rlm l!<1ion tor t hi• prt•rnt•li"n. O"H•r• la 1 1~., hav1nc-1 onr rn1n '•how of h!1 "''l \11reolor1 In ~l .. ullon H11ll for thP nr xt thrt'I!' "''Pk1. Th~•e tnclud"' pie· l ure!< m11r!P nn h 1 ~ r<"rt nt trip aro11nd tht v.·orld. FROM PASADENA Mrs. Castleman Smith H onors CdM Newcomer Entirrtaln!nr for an o!dtlme frltnd and nt w n"lghbor. ~Ir•. Ca1tlem11.n Smith "''' ho11tt'11 lo ~O CU"-•t• on J une 211 at h"r home, 222 Hu,1 Dnve. The courte•y f'vf'nt,u•1111 to \11froduC'r ~ir11. Jun· ll18 Barnard \o Harbor .rrs!drnt,. )1 r1. 811m1rd, now lh~ng 111 Se11vltw •nd Lark1pur Avrll . .1 11 from Pa1111.<IPna wht re both ahl! end her ho1te11 111.ug-h t mu11r at P-...d•n" CUy Co!l..,ge. She 11lnga under the proft's11lon•I n11me ('of ' ' K1thryn B11m•rd. )ti'•. 81.matd and ht'r 1t.tf. hu1ba.nd Wfr t rnem· bt'tll nf B11!bo1. Y11chl Club. 1h11 111.\l~r aer.·lng Ila director 11.t th"' tlml! Mr. Smith >A'•I t"ommodore. Mr. ~11.m1rd v.••1 t"onnected with the Her11!d-E11pre•s. ' • ?.!r11. L. A. Bt1h t.nd 1'tl .. Mir· garrt S~h11.rl11 poured at 1. tea t1bl: "''hiC'h 111·111 cl!'-nter"'d with r tadlol111 Ln p111,1 colar1. 'Atao 1111l1Un1 In the d•nlnt room were Mr1. Jack N11v.·ton of Co•t• Me.a •. daughter CARPET ·SA.LE • STILL ON! Draperies.. too Remnants Galore 1 ·Dick Macker 3420 Via Udo , -o,.. of ·Tloe Udo Sllopl l SAVE MONEY On Auto Insurance with State Farm Mutuals -. "t ~01in'I f10n''. l Ot\~•' ur1 .rid Y9-i• ··Cot•W f\0'!1'' '~1 t11'''' en..-• 'fOf ~·\,\a ,,.. ... "Ffnl""'''" HEW \ ·- ~ "S tep Down Plan., Fo,. f'nmp h "'1d (.'nlJJ,1 '" en~h·e on f'o\·.,rac-11 I For Details Coll Liberty 8-1011 tSS f:. lith St. L E. C.IB1 Cot1ta Mesa. C1lif, ., \ i W.l.~ SC.llllEB SCHOOL MORNING SESSIONS ON!: OB MORE S~ENTEB A..~'TIM~ ' . GOLDEN S01h Anniversary KAHl1 . Sunimer Shoe Sale! 'IROrP LADIES Were $4.99 $284 CHILDREN'S Were $3.99 $284 Senl119 the Shoe -· of Collfornlo FamHles for Hoff a Century. 1712 ... .....,, lllYd • . . . LADIES Were ... $1.84 s100 OR01'P LADIES Were $3.99 ·· s2M '1111 .111c r:~·~ stretchy Sox I ,,,., .. ~Ill 100~ DnPont .S~·lnQ • C.RO l 'P MEN'S w ••• $7.95 s5s4 f;unt·r )ft:~"':-! DENIMS Prn11 n. :'11:01·,. ftlu.-, l'1t1 .. 11 nh,,., f 'hnrc,ut.I _S.299 MAGIC STRETCH NYLON HOSE • Sl.09 Re9ulor SI .65 ....... . I l'alr f•lT •• ,,:!0 Co.to Me1111 . - ARRIVING ON GALl~NT LADY V with her par· .ents. the Rou Cutendycks. above, Cheri, t heir young· est daughter, totes her. sleeping bag on way to girls camp at Catalina Island Isthmus. Castendycks are now in their new Lido Nord home, following their recent return from several thousand mile cruise t o N<'wport Harbor in new power yacht from C~icago. Castendyclcs spent Fourth or July weekend at Ch~rry Co"e a.~ter delivering their daughter to camp.-Ed· :ward Lester Smith Phot o. SEA LARKING By GINNY (MRS. l':DWARD LE.§TER) SMITH r ·-. NEWPORT HARBOR NEW>PRESS -PART I. PAGE l Jobies FRIDAY, JULY I. 1955 .,. to See Ballet L. A. Eb 11 C 1 d Pla'nn.ct at a rece.nt m..Unc at e a en ars Job'• paucnt•re S.th•l ot Cott• ,,._ w._ a tnp lo -a ..U.t al UI• Crult 'nlf'atre, Loe ........... S t b F t on July l t. To qua.Uty for th• ep em er e e oullnr . •ch J obJe wu requtN'd to l'&m '3 durtnc tht'lr hobo claY9 project. S~mer a advent by no mf'an• Ion hall Sept. U . At that affair Honored QuMn IXclna K ..010n brini & .--0nclu1Jon O( l,'lllb &C't1vitlu c11rd1 &lid deallfrt have ~n plan· ~aided ·anct lhe r lrlJI ...-plt· for wa ys and means committee -I ned with table prt&M pins-to -uw-tr work for Eut.ena lt&r m.,mbua or the E~ll Club Hf'lld· 11corr holders, mem~ra. All oCtlc•ra ud II e(I by :.i ra Amf'hi G11mblt', tht llfrs. Gamble &n11ounc.d tb&l choir membe.ra Weft! pr""nt. Kem· i;-roup nl< l 11.t hl'r c,1r<>n11 Ml Mar fruit c.-.ke, wlll bf> 90ld by Ult_ W.r ot Honor cert.itlcatu wen pre· home 1ecenlly to pl11n fllt a lnte committee and ll'lll ~ available eent~ to Mra. Arthur ,,tmnor- aumml'r p11rty atHI to makr tent&· prior to the Th&nk•slvtnr .-.on. ri• and Henry Deleter. wortJlJ ma· Livi' 111·r11ni:tme11IA for lhl' 11nnu11l OrJrra will be Lii.ken at the &tart t.ron and worUly pa tron ot Hartlor sprln::r te<1l1Vftl. of the club yMr In October tor Star Chapter. ln a returfl cOW't.Y A "summer cotton" r11r11 party the tra<1ltlona1 holiday e&kH. ahe M,.. f'll.l.mon1• preaet1ted -.ch will be hel.d at the Amr1·11·11.n LA>g· sa id. Jobie with a n oral wrUiUet. Alan A ndrews Is Born March 8 hu ~ Mt for Uie aprlnic puty, which la Ole affair trom which proceed• r o toward• Son For Robert8 •C'holar11hlp tund1 awarded by Ebl'll to mu11c and dramll atu· .tenta from Oregon Cout rolleg"e. The organ1:u lion aJao contribute. Mr. and Mr•. MMOll "°'8rt1. REPUBLICAN WOMEN hetr Senator John A. Murdy speak June 30 at a luncheon in Balboa Bay Club. At table (I to r) are Mrs. Robert Crowner, treasurer of the Jo. cal club: Mrs. Sidney Peck, secretary and Mrs. Richard Teachout, p res ident. -Staff PhQtO Most t'l<Cll lnat e\•enl IC'Ct>nlly for Mrs. G. L. Ptast . Sho1 e Cllfli<, wq the arrival on June 18 of a fourth gnndrh1ld and first aon tor the parent11, tht' A la.n A ndrl'wa of FllntrtdJ?t. Tht-baby. born In Hunt· to a nuriung echolarlhlp. Serving with Mr•. Cllmbl• are Mmes. c. M. Duklrut, C. C. Dodd. Charlu Eaton, Ruuell CraJc. Thomu S Smith, William B. Trill, Byron Wella, a..tl Pet.rM>n, Roy H. Sabin. Nelaon Holmwood SM Eut Urd Bl., CO#t& K-. t.rf' Jl&l'llt.I of a boy born July I a t Hoar H<>aJ>ll&l. Balboa Bridge Gam e· Cancelled Due to the annual Sectional Bndge tournament btlng held In Long Be11ch ovf'r lht> week-end, lhHe will be no g&me tonight In B1tlbo11. The graup will meet on Mnnday arternoon ·~ 12:30 and on Frld11y evening, July 15, will tiold a J!IUler pojnt game •t the Ebt'll Club Hou1e. Winn~a In the re· cent evening game wer e Mn. Carl BenM>n and Mr1. Olnny Laux. play· Ing f'Hl·wut and Mr. and Mra. Joe Wllco11t In north-eouth po.111· and Mn. H. M . Wallingford; Max· 1ne Burgan and RUIMU Bonney; Mre. Carrlf' Saundera and Mrt. Charlu Jester. Run.nera·up north· .tlOUlh were Mr. and Mn . Arnold Gasse~; Mta. KalhenJ\e Smllh and Mr11. Grace Freeman: Miss Lu· lie Fowler and Mrs. Roy Strole. Wmnera ot mH ter po1ni.. In Sundays game were Mra. Peggf Johna-On and Frank Fogel playing north-south llnd l'hll Jacobi and C. C. JackJ10n eut·weet. ington Ho•p1t11I, •·e11!ht'd 812 lb11 I and has bt't>n n1uned A Ian Volbetir A mold Gaaau and Mrs. B M . W1I-, Andrews. His mother 11 thl' fonm~r eon; Mr. and Mra. Frank RPed ty· r Belly White. lnr with Mr1. Percy Crawley and I Completinc his lntt>mllhlp at Los Mr•. F,...nk Fogel. Angelea County Ho11pltlll lul wt>ek In Monday a(temoona glLlt\e the young doctor lt>ft for Gunl he1 thre41 north·iwulh team1 tlect tor Field, Ala , where hr will nrvl' first place; Mra. Peggy Johnson for two yeani wllh the u.s. Ah and F'rllflk Fogel, Mrs. AmoldJ Force Medical Corps. Hie tam1t~· Gasser and Mra. Edna MacMas· wiU join him there. te11; Jack Powell and Vernon • S~rr~ • P.i&lll·Wl'll .hlg'h •corers wm Churchill Daughter lfre. Marshall Ketchum and S&lly Th Dou 1 Churchllla of 724 Brown. Runner11•up were Mrs. 8 g u Runnera·yp norUl·llOuth we~ Ruth Smith a.nd Mrs. Perry Crew· Center st. Coat& MeM , •re par· Mrs. George Carroll and A. D. ley: Mra. A . H. McDOnald and I enl8 of a girl born -!.l!jY 2 In Hoai: Wetherby; Mrs. J!:dna Ma<:Mutera Arthur_Brown. Hospital. • l,/ld Mni. Merle lfcCombt>r tying -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:; with Mc.. a.nd Mn. B. B. Morrie. r lion. Runnera-up eut·west were Mr. Runners-up ea11t·we11t were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dilchner: Mn. and H. 8. McGregor. Zonta Sponsors Art Galler y Tea • The monthly tea on Sunday at Lagtina BeaC'h Art Galltry wa1 "pon1mrrd by the ZOnta Club. .A Fourth ot July tea table wu ar· mn~l'd by Mtu Ja.ne Po~r tutd Mr11. l11retla Chilton. Miu Helen Shult& w111 ch1lrm11n for the ev- ent The Zonta Club 11 1pon11-0rmg lln Apron booth at the Featlvlll ot Att.s, the procfeda to 10 toward lhflr scholarship fund. Tht>y &rt' • Shoncltff . Lot 01M' of tltf< ,_ ,... ma I 11 I 11 I p r I m 'e h11UdJ11c lit" -oa Mo r a I a I C'an)'on Roed -Vll'w of ~ & lrvtne H\Da. $20,000 also hPlplng with the collectlnc ot ua.11 llarl»or 1eoo. I rt111nrt1 food 11nd clothing tor the 11lml••••••••M• l\'ava10 Indiana. • ABOA. lUJ TTPE'E Cff'ERR Y- COVE: Thla year w:IUi the Trlln~· h eme Yacht Race L.Jklng-plar f', the Catalina CUvl's were m o r.f' crowded than evf'r over the F'ourth w eek·end; for one of the popular customa la to cnllae lo thf' wut end Of the Island a nd wave a tut fart>well to thr Honol11l11·11<>11nd y acht11o LAST-DAY OF · 7th BIRTHDAY SALE! CHERRY COVE: Th111 popular eove we. really •Locked to the gill• with mo11t of the yachts com· Ing from the Newport·Balboa Lido Fashions' Sale . Our Birthday Sa111 la our _,. of ahowt111 ....,. app1-.:'atf-. All mf'reobandlM lakea r..-"'l'1du 9'0Clk ••• llo.t ,..- hf'low CO!lt : Jo DRESSES 8t1-t -Cocktail -POIWUI -.&a.a a.t , .. a r,.a.. Lleno<I& with Adonell Miii· ( 81e l'ntertalnlng guuta T om Quinn anrl Dorothy and Ted Tf'&ma n; Miidred and Howllrd Moore on ' F111rplay: the Harry Browne on SATURDAY. JULY 9TH Harbor 515 1.,.1ar Price Sale Price I J ! I S ling Ray: Rulh and Hugh WA I· JJlre on Madcap: J t>an •nd John Glue over tor the (Intl time on their n•w Sea • Datr: the Glenn Whita.ker1 on Queen B .. I.he Jerrv J eromu on Miry J .. the VPme K elly• on the amart tnoktnf( black hull!'d CyPl!y <.:h ppei , Lo11 and lMI Cloud on Bll·lo; )l(lldt'-4 anO Bill Mead nn \,;Indy 11nd many. many fnorf' . ISTHMUS· The <>ocktall lounge an 1 tror lc•I ilinn1n~ p11t10 busy w ith F'ourlh uf J uly 1·rowd .. Thlrty·two Y achl Club J';lmpmit NRC club loadN! with the North· rop ·gang while In the cove llJ>Ol· ted the Hollda,y anrl Pase> .Pa go over rrom the BaJboa Bay Club. to the San Diego Outboard Club, EMERALD BAY· Played ho11t to the Sa nDll'J:O Outbo1Hd Club. a nd the Sun la.nll !'\ports t.odge p11rty. while the <'•m•11lr Yarht Club. and the Wln'11rd Y11cht ·Club helrl forth at Llttlf' F'l11hf'rml\n's Covl'. HO\VLAND'S LANDJNG. The cove at Howland'• w.u brimming with LAI' Angl'lt'A Yacht Club bo11t11. while on l'hQre Arnold £fl· dy's Cat111ina l11l11nrt Boy'11 Cam11 w11.11 shooting ort f1rewntkl' on the Fourth for their guf'lllll from the Cata.1ln11. hl11nd C1rr11 Can1p who had cmll!4!d over on th,.. l'hore boat from the lslhmua for the ~11tlvtllea ... at thf' l'&me t1mt the Btu• Water Crulalnic C'lub were J&thenod on t heir bo11t11 at Little H arbof' °" the other lt'lde of Cat· a,llna. Nli:WPORT NEWS : Mo•t orig· Jnal blrt.bday pre.wnt brought lo Bill Heney at the aurpnse party ,;ivtn for him by h11• charming w ife Millie •t lhtlr 881boa bay front home. Wll• thl' gold side· ""'"ll bumper llrt for Blll'a new Dragon n llbollt, Vallnda 11 ; gt fl ot thoae two clever yachtln( ~n· thueluta, Kae 11.nd Ben Mc0111 ... han •.. Mother orlgtn&l thought wu U11• 70 lb. anchor with life M ven tied on In prot111rinn-~rt of Kay and Lyman P'arweU. Bill'• blrt.bday c•k• waa decor· a ted with mlnl11l11re of hi• boat In one comer e.nd "' model 1porltl c:a.r I Biil'• hobby\ In I he oppo111le "o r n e r ... a m o n g nther rllnnu ,Ul'ALI were Jane 11.nd Rogrr Hard· acre. Jan• Oro"ntndyke f Ed. out ol town on b1J1ln1u 1. H11 rrlrt M d C.Of'P Pfleger I who left July 2 tor •l:uropeL K11thryn 11.11d RQ111 CUtend)'l'lt. Ruth &nd Mu,h \Vall· au, Helen and Buck Ayru. P'A1lh llftd Ptill 8&1Mll (who dro•e doWTt from the I~ new Ln• .Angf'l'8 honi•), Dottle W1t1 fPat Lorentaen. MAbi. a.nd J im Wut, :Sorma and Dub Woodward, Mildred and sm Oanten, Mildred and Nowaro! Moore. Ctl&rley Shyrark, Mu1on and 8y1'Cla OiiboftMll, &lld ~Ill• 9lld BUI Clark. Shade Plant S how Thia Weekend 'ftle lMUllMll Mld.u~ **H Plutt 811~ apoNIONd by the ca.II• foml.a Nliflonal Fuch1i~ Society. ~ ~ held thle year In the ellthlblt hell of the Loni &ach Munlclp111 Auditorium. Long Beac.h, on Sllt- urday. J uJ..r 9. and Sunday, J uly 10. It Will he open to the rubtl( from 2 p.m . lo'l l rm. nn 811tun111y and from noon to 111 r m on ~11nrt11y Admlulon ••tll bt minimum • FURTHER REDUCTIONS ON ALL SALE MERCHANDISE • LESS THAN 1/2 PRICE • We're Moving to Our New Modern Store -across from Lido Drug ... next to Standard Service Station on Newport Blvd. • Sale Oft Now at LIDO FASH IONS 3340 Via Oporto, Newport 19Clcla Our New Store Number 3319 Newport Blvd. ' Close-Out Special! 21'~1 '5TY5ets • • Famous Make pr1nt n&mf'. • Regular '229.95 Natlona lly advertlllf'd: We•,.,. aold hund~• ,., t229.9~. • Only 13 1et1 Dot\'& rnl• thl•! Whl'11 th•."'"' -..111 lhf',.'D t-no morf'. Every Set Fuffy GW'CIRt .. d! Bri,,CJ Us a Customer & Receive a Valuable Gift NO DOWN PAYMENT, lasy Ten1t1 NO PAYMENT fOR 45 DAYS . DIMo• ._, ·lenb People 61ANT TIADI IN ALLOWANCI WE SHALL NOT BE UNOiRSOLD RELIANCE *:v~~~c• ·~,...., l'Oli BllM>p t'l Oo..,...lllOe Ofld .... for Ln.:" JU l-'7100 • %1M N. MAIN ST. a.uf'l'A AMA KJ J.1168 ' Te.lo..-t•lon Aa Low Ae $19.95 (t .. and 1:1..ctrlc R_,,. A• Low As $15t00 . 0 $32.50 Autollla&te w..-n ... Low Aa TOWN TO.PICS from. Bank of America r Newport leach Branch lolo"d A. Wright, ........ Baik of A•trlca r1S01rcn 1ow total •ort tha1 $9,240,000,000 Wtrlcl's' Most rop1l1r l11l When we got through adding up the 1 6guru for our mid·year statement of condition, our tot.t resources oner mon indicated that B of 0A is thr "'orld'• rpolt popu.Jar bank. Of rvrn greater int~Ht i.5 tht fact that morr rhan 3:000,000 Californians now have .. vingi accounts in Bank of AmeriCL ~ SAFETY If' CONVENIENCE If' AVAILABILITY Tbete arr rht thrtt big rta10n.s why so m•ny Californians sa..-r at Bank of America. S•ft11 -our bank'•· great rHOurces afford tha ultimate in •frry. A uil•/Jility -there's no 1ubstitute for "monry in tha be.nx" where yo11 can alwa)IS grt it when you want it . (o,,.,,,.;,,."'-•lmost anywbert in Cali· fornia. there's a bnod1 o( our bank nearby, always r~ady to H"• you. DfD"'tCMf IUIOW THAT 1&.Ceg1 depotftt .,.de on or ....,_ Mondey. July 11, 11t a.ak of AID9rica Min AIU ~ ---hm Jtaly 11 Why .... lllllt ,.,,.. .... ....,.. .,., .... ., . ...,.., ... 1-4.95to 29.95-........... --.... ------....... _ $5.00 8.95 to 12.95 .... ·-·-.. ···-·---... 4.11lo7.11 14. 9 5 to 19. 9 5 ____ 8.81 to 12.11 17.95 to 25.00 . 10.11 29.95 ~·-····-··"·--17.11 25.00'to 45.00 _ 14M '919.a 35.00 to 39.95 _ 1t.ll to 22.11 45.00 ..................... -. 26.11 49.95 to 55.00 --29.H 59.95 to 65.00 ......... -. _JS.GO to Jf.81 79.95 to 125.00 ....... ·--··--.. -.. --J6.88 to. 70.88 SU ITS 25.00 to I 25.00 ..................... --·-14.88 lo 6t.ll COATS A fe¥1· priced .. c1-lt. SKIRT~ 8.95 to 19.95 ....................................... m ... ·-·-·-· .. 5.00 I 0.95 to 19.95 ................. -................. 6.88·to 10.88 15.95 to 22 .95 ...................... -......... 8.88 to 13.88 29.95 to 35.00 ............................... _ 14.88 to 19.88 BLOUSES '4.95 to 7.95 .......................................................... _ 1.00 5.95 to 7.95 .......................... -................. 2.11to3.88 7.95 t o 14.95 ................................................. . 4.88 l-i .95 to 11 .95 ..................................... 5.88 to 6.88 SWEATERS lnrludt-A '4001!!, orlollJI, caaltm~r... -d h~. 3.95 to I 0.95 ................................... 2.88 to 5.88 6.95 to 7.95 ... .......................... ........... 4.88 17 .95 to 25 .95 .......................... 10.88 to 14.88 SHORTS 12.95 7.88 BELTS A tarse IM'l...,tloa 1.95 to 14.95 ··-··-·--· .... . .......... SOc to 8.88 PURSES 5.00 ............................................................................. 1.00 12.95 ........................................... -................................. 3.88 7.95 to I 2.95 .......................................... 3.88 to 7.88 10.95 to 12.95 ............................... _ .............. -...... 4.88 HOSE 1.95 to 2.50 .......................................... 1.35 to 1.90 ot her1 t o ............................................. __ ......... -.-..... :. lie ROBES 9.95 to I 0.95 ......................... -.............. 5.11to6.81 14 .95 to 35.00 .... __ ........................... 8.88 to 19.81 SLI p s 6.95 ,,_,: ....................... ~ ....... _,_.,_,,,,,_ ....... 1.11 .. 5.11 '4.95 t o 6.95 ............................................. J.88 to 4.88 oow~~. f'-'.'a. PETl'JCOAT~ • .,.d PASTIE8 prt<wd to -..,, 1.ari,. lot of GLOVES .,.d HATH ctr .. ttt'&ll1 ,...<turfld. ,, JEWELRY prieof'd to ~ -~ our %6 Md Me ........ · AU.. SAW FINAL . 1111 s.c<>out mrtint , : ' I PAGE <4 . PART·f -NEWPORT HARB OR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1955 THEY'RE . IEGINNING YOUNG N1ne·yea.r-old Cay Montague, lt'ft, a how11 her Alpine goat which •h• I• r&lalng while ahe irrooma herself for full·fltdged 4·H membt'ri<hlp all l!OOn WI 11he rurhl'll her tenth birthday. ~ her 1a Paullne M\trphy, 12, a member ot the Coat Hill Rambl<'rs of <.:oat& Me11R. who will ~xh1b1l rabbit.'! at t he Orange County F air, Augu11t 9·14. Thia wlll be the first Fair !or the Ramblers, under -· !J1e lraoershlp ot M'~e. Ellc:-n R1rhR rd!IOn. ThP c roup, urgtJIHZl'd lot November, 111 one or nr11rly ~O -i·H clubs in Or&nge Count y, pa rticipating In lhe Fair . • Wilkins, Ford Plead~ Guilty ·· 1· 'CLEMENTE FIRING REPORT ISSUED to Robbery Rap SAXTA ANA f0CNS>-Roo•t· Yt'lt G . WllklnA, 22, a.nd Marvin Ru!l.~tll Ford, :n. bGth or Coata J.feaa, Friday plt'aJrd guUty on a r1rl!t·lfr gree 1-obbcry rharge when they were arrtugnt••I before Super· lor Cnurt J wfge Rotiert Gordner. Picas hy both on a burglary r ounl wen• deferred until ll prt· •entence lnvt'stlgf\Uon report nt'xt F riday . Vord alao pleadtd ruiJty on an escape charg6. The defentlMla admlt trd ,..,t-bing a G:u ,ten Oro"e man. Their plea on & CarelPn Grove burglary wu •l «-layed. The l)lllr wa. &rresled tn a field near the Ford home ~hnrtly a rtl!r th.-Cardt'n Grove holdup. S4tl Clement• l11lanst .. usu&I will be dangerous to na\llgatlon this week. Cout Ouard of!lclals repnrttod. Na· val gunfire and bombing 'll>'lU be earned out daily through Friday from 8 11. m to mid· night at Castle Rock and c1unng daylight houra Salur· day and Sunday. Pyramid Cove will be under tire t,pd.a.y and tomorrow from 7 a. m. to 11 p. m. Fishing ves· sets lying lo in Pyramid Cove are rrquested to keep clear of the military arev during 11rheduled operations. Fireworks ICJnite, SA Girl Burned Bum• to her leg w.ere suffered Sunday by Linda WilklM ot San· ta An& when f irework• ln the back of a pick up truck In which llhe WM ridtng; Wf're Ignited~ She W U treated a t H06g H9spltal. Ford latt'r H captod from county F iremen ll&ld malchea In -UI• hoapll&! and wu arruted 24 houn .ame boll wtth the t freworka were _lllll'r h\· 1!11nt11 An11. poltcto lgntlrd by fricllon ot the moving The-dr r. n<ta11llJ rt'f)Orlttlly v:tre I cacr and firework• tn tum set off. llnkOd lo numt>rota olher lmt lar· 1 Clothing and blankl'ts in the truck 1 II r11•1i: '" 11t I hr count,.. oth totalling $!'>0 wf're a.l.~ damaged, 111<' 111 • 1.-111,h. 'fh"V wrre r pre· they 11a1d. Olen W1lkln:i, f11ther of 11o nt ... 1 h\' th" 1•t1hhc: !lt>fcndt>r Linda, wiu driver of lhf' truck. • Pre;enling FELIX & LEO Together Again Latin -American Rhythms DINE I & DANCE NIGHTLY Except Tuesday "A Great A\ct -Fine Food" Balboa Inn Cafe & Cockt~il Lo unge Balboa -Harbor 0963 n:;.,; Mr~ICl'PAL PARKDiO 1..0T REAL MEXICAN FO 0 D /LA POSTAl U you prefer to ttay at home to tee your fa\•ortt.e ttle\'i&lon program try our boxtd lluican dinnen or special ordtl'I to take oul. They're reedy to Ml'Ve.. PRJ\'ATE PAR'H' 80011 FO& LA.llGI: PA.aT1£8 !Ml Ne",,on 111"'- COST A MESA I Blodl 8owtll of ~111• ~ Couitr)' 0. MATHENY'S ME AND Eff n.jGs By IOI MATllENl' The new moon made il.8 appeRrance. The tun hu been sh1rung t mostly) and t he sands are serving u cushlona for many 11uoimer vacationists and loc&la. It all adda up to &n• • other gala season for the Harbor &rea. There really are mol'e gral11a·or sand, or perhaps dropa 1 Qt Wllltr, lh&n a ny other aingle The dinner h our atarl• al :S at commodity hereabouts, but thl• n.e DoU HouM. The danclnf be· portion ot the Southland coast 11 rin• 'long sbout 9. However, rf'a.lly bfe118"d I w1th lot• ot fine Georfe a nd Ethel Strebe'• popular placu tor dining aod d&nrlnJ and Cun howie eterta the day brl&'ht cHual 1lpptn&' with.a vlewl and u rly at 10 ayem, with the re· Over on Cout Highway Art fre1hmenta that aid and abet aun Stegman holds forth In nw. Col· bUtn and aand In the eyes. That'll onla.I R~taurant Mid Loun,r . .U the Doll Hollaf' in Balboa, not in Art puta II, "wt have really fine food an1J we !Are more than anx· Pf.Im Spring"S thue dayt1! iou11 to have our v11ltora from last C'J\r1•tl.an'• Hut seem• to bf' a yn r 11ee our newly decorated and popular apot on warm July aftc-1'- rem<x.ldt>d place." 11oon11 and tvenlng11. The r....na.t. Thrrt's a "new look" 1nalde and virtually at water level on the our and TIM' ('ololl.lal might well be Bay, appeara ao -cooling that many just tht' plac .. you're looking tor. a t>e.lrhcomber wanclf'r11 1n for a Oudlea or parkinr . too, at Art'• thlNlt·quenrher highway IJM. Then when thf' setting 11Un r•'· • 11nh•" 11n I ''T111t Man Ruling ·· The 125 K•lcls E-..1...--Ba!~ thl'atr. at open nifhlly now ' n......- 1how1ne .amt dandy revtvaa.. 'IAC Fish T It'• crowded on the hlf bwaya ourney but don't let thal ne<:eQill'fly 1 crowd th. ho1pllala, toO. Ta.kt It Kuta werw warned AU& 2' '' tuy and be ulra aa!e. Have fu.n! Jut date to ti.ah tor mtry In U1• SNATCHED Triple Hub CiJ ~Thefts from Lot Told Junior f1ah1ng louma111tnt, apo11· 10rer by BalOO. Anc llnr Club. Ap· prox1mattl)' 125 younf all'ta und1 r 18 yeara ot •ice hav• alrta<ly t>ll• tt'~ Blgi:est finny <'Ustomer cauichl u ot Ju~ ~ wa. a &2 lb. 6 oir.. halibut by Mike Supple. Lar~I variety ot th1h caught 'at lhat tlmr num~rt'd 16 by John l.anton in multiple anr;l)ng etfort11 Olhf'r prlu rate ht • indudetl: Three motOrt8ltl par~ In lhe BMs, 4 lbi. 12 \ll . M1k" Thomp· B 8t. IOl told po;1rt Saturday hub •on; corblna, 4 tbs. 8 Olt, Jim caps were takt>n from thel11 ca r• I Hanold: baljbut. l ~ lbs. !I oz., Mike Friday night. supple: paC'lflc mackerrl, 1 lb. • Marvin Ro1enburg of Los An· oz . Dnnny Supplt: bnrrtiruda. 8 grltll Mid tour hub ca pe were Jl.llf 7 11%., Skippy Bournr: jack ~lOltn from hl1 car, whUe N. C. ma ckerel, 3 lb11. t 1 1., oz . Rtchan1 I 111ru.·ll of Pomona said two hub3 Walker, Ma trout. 3 lbs , Chery l w1·re tnktn trom hla car. Samuel I.Joyd, whltf' sea bu11, 3 lb.I. e oz . Pritchard or Rueda said four hub I Dou~ HArrmon. and " yellowf1n caps wt re t&kt'n from his car. \'roaker, 9 oz .. Kirt Hall THE PIRATE 28 th St. at ~ewport Bh·J. ?liewport Beach Tap Bffr at tht Flre11lde -Hot Oor• -Roa•t 'em \'ourtf'lf K&tt' Dent hH good MW• tor nect.s Its m~·ns.d llhades on the the danctr1 In •our crowd ot tun· Bay th03e beachcombt ra go dght 1eeker11 She 1uh·l.w• u.a Ula l the UJ>6Ulm1 to the Talllltlaa Room f (,r I dance noor In Balboa Ian c.te hu a better view. And thf'y often l'tllY been enlarged! Dick Kent, Katy'• for dlnntr. Or at tu.st come bark ---------------------------. genial partner, put.a In hi• 3 cent.s for good food &tter changtng. Hungry for GOOD worth by quipping. "no more O.n· Down deep In the hllllrt ot Bal· clnp: on a postage 11tamp." b<>a. right oft the boulevl(rd on F I s H ' N c H I p s Balboa Ina ~ 11 allll right on Ma,tn, 111 the Chlnt'W Cealno. Harry the doorstep or the blue Paci!lc Yee say• thty have • re111ly dt'· a nd I he Inn 111 evtn more famou11 luxe lunchton from t1 :~O lo 3 :00. nuw tor 1ta dellcl9us m enu1. To be And U'.el'f the dlnneni lllarl, to con- morr blunt. the food not the paper Unue until 3 In the rarly morning-! SURF FISH FRY 2110 Ocean FTont near Newport Pier 11tnck of the menus! Cute b&r You can al110 get fcxwt to take 1 1::::::~==~=~~=~~=~==::::::11 therr. too! home, Including thnAe fllmoua 11 Frank and Glna OraadoUo are C~ Cu tno ribs. but a plz.u throw trom UI• a&ndy Therr'11 a goodly glUI( over al 11horu. llO you ca.n baak tn the sun Tbf' Arcttee evtory day but Thur• and stroll cuu1Uy 'round the cor· llay. That'11 the day that Johnny ncr on Balboa Blvd. and enter a VlleUe clo11ea hl11 reataur&nt·btU', rMl·for-au~ Jl&lta.n a tmoaphere. htonce. no p.ng" on hand. On . the GraaclOUo'• l• a famUy 1tyle r•· other auc daya you'll n nd a lot of l1r========~~~=~~~~====~~~=ll!!lim~ tanrant lnumueh u ttey l ook-oat guya you know -.nd yoU1J ~ thtom tor the 11mall try u wen u the enjoytnr f ood food . .Anytime f rom blggiu. t.a.upe, ravtoU, •)>ai'bet· 10 In Ult momfng 'tQ 2 that fol· ti and vino are youra for the or· lowfng" a.m. derlng. To coN1ume In the re.at.iur-There'• da.oct.oc every n ight j ant or to take home If you wt11h! do"'"" at 8-'are Loct1e aad RN-, Jo~ra.nk aJwaya point. out too, that .__t jtYt put IArruna Beach. thty k>Ve to aerve dtlJclowi steak.I In &d41Uon lo cocllta.111, dinner, Md sea food• aa well aa the I tal· dancing. buffet.1 ·and thei r ownj 1an dthcaclu . pool 8eatal'e a1-o often a •peclal Spea..ktng of -food. have you Sunday brunch from i1 :00 &.m. I tried the l!llU'f Fiiia rr, on Ocea.n R ave you gotten a.cqu'alnted I Front near the Newport Pier! !lat wfth VW. !llaril9'• llWJUTler policy It Inside In an Informal air, or t ake of economic&! dining yet! Better THE ARCHES Cafe and Cocktail Lounge OPES 10 A. M. THROU GH S A. M. • Scwport Blvd. oa Cout llJcll-1 NEWPORT BJ:A CH • (We an Cl-4 on 'l'llurad&ya) It homt'. u you wilJh. do that eoon! Sea food seems to make one Wo:>dy R otdt r'a realAl.uranl, at ~~~~~~~~~~=~~~==~==~~~~~~~~ thlr1ly, doesn't It? Then atop by the entrance to 8&J l&le, otteni r Tbe l'lra~ Cor one of thoae cool· danclnf on &.turdaya with the Ing, • quenching draught brtw1. Honeybees. Adrl&n entertaln.s &t Jaclulon C-Oaney'11 rendtzvoua on the piano-organ bar nlirhtly 'rtop· I 28th St. le a mttro for devotee11 of ling Monday. draught. lnc.ldentally, Vllaa Marina la the t A man l!Ald to me, "you ju.at m«ting place for local Optoml11t, can't beat .the 11teak I h~ at Rotary. LIOfi. 111\d Klwa.nls cluhs ~ lt wu a New York cut, In cu e you're \11A1 tlng hn" 11n1I wllh complel.4 dJnner, and 1 pre· would Uk• to a lt.end. j CC'ded It wtlh a dry rn.arttnt. Never .Johnny OxtoTd la boldlng over had a beller meal an)"'•here!'.' Cor a aecond big week that movie Hooul 1iuun. th&a1 What he Mid t hey're all la.lldns •bout. lt'• j to me a.nd It la merely being re· "Strategic Air Command" 111.arrinl!' J>f'tlllld here for your Information! the B-36 &long with J immy Stt w· Open 10 a.m. QINNER SERVED from 5:00 p.m. DANCING NIGHTLY Jim Karam h&.11 also whipped the an and June Allyson. That·~ lht' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ psrklng problem. There la mucho Port in Corona del Mar. The U do spare for parking the c&r whUe la 1howlnl' "Ma and Pa Ktttle at BALBOA eating in the Wt'll known Balboa Waikiki" plua "The Looteni". the re.!l!Aurnnl )(tJlll !eaturea "Land of the Phar· Grando/lo 's (formerly of Hemtt) complete menu for t he family PIZZA e 8PAOHETl'l e LASAGSA ROME· MADt~ RAVIOLI e STEAKS e SE A FOOD P'OOD TO GO 511 Balboa Blvd. BALBOA Harbor 4837 1 OPEN DAIL\" 12_lli~N·U MIDNIOH!', MON.~ ... p.m. T_!L ll!_ID._, The New ___ ·-----~. & J!oun ge ______________________ _.. _______ , Just Delicious Food! S ICE Dl:S:St:R S f;LEC'TIO.S POP l'l..AR PRrn :s Mariner's Mile-2332 W . Coast Highway across from Port Orange Ne wpont Beach ''Superb Food" S P. A G H E T T I by ROSSI ~ with all the Gourmet Accompanimenh ITALIAN DINNERS. Go to ROSSI CAFE Corona del Mar 232.') F.. Coa.'il Hw~·. Har. 1180 (CW SED T L'ESDA t'8 ) The Summer Season is • 1n Full Sway at af a rei.ii'EI• LODGI AHD un•u••HT ~HOWPJ.ACf: OF Tiit: COA!ilT 1 HYatt 4·8!108 F abulou.11 Food by our ~ew Chrf George Gortner 7 Yf'B~ at P&lm Spring" Racquet Club Dancing Every Night Special Sunday lrwch From 11 :00 .. m. • GLASS DOOi FAILS TO STOP · DEUVDY Rlrhatd Htonry Brown•nJ' 27, Santa Ana. June :!!'> waJked Ulrouch the, .C.UY 11 brary Slut door Whtt•h h- lhoutht wu open, poure rr· ported. H• i-a parrtol Nrvh .. dr1v.r. Brownln~ wu trfftl'<I tor cuta on tJ)• bead an•I body at H~ Jt.oapi tal. Juveniles, Minor-· Found with lier Two JUYenll.ea and an 18-)·ear· old youth, ArUlu,r ClaT"ence Rambo, uf Santa Ana _,.. arre•ted Satur· day by Newport police and booked for po111N11lon of alcollol , Police Mid they obMrnd Ult> TUSTIN PLA YBOX "°"' '"TIU: lllLA y "'" \'" Tlt'keta .. llllle 8elM Bal. A U -ta ,_"M. •t.M, IOt S.. ''C' 8L. TIMU. U'ORT~~,(rurt- ., • • ... • , • # ... .... 2nd lkJ w ... . m JAMES STEWART JUNE ALLYSON "r I , 1 / 1 • ~~ 11 \11 I I 111111.111il -,.. .. I.OVUJ'l · NIOOL -.... SUWVAN. BFlOO:rl' ~ ....... , ............. ... .,.,....,, ................. ~..,----&.At ............. ~'4 .. ·--. -pl~ ''Crashout'' witb Wllllam Bendix Arthur Kenn~y NOW TRRU l!lATtraDA \' Tony C'urtl• "So This Is Pam" -..\l---~ ''The AdYHtures of Robinson Crusoe" st ·~. THJU' WED. Robrr1 Taylor-Hrrta Garbo "Camille" ti,.n .. KPlly "Anchors Awe,igh" NOTr; -{'On>Os Rf:J,OW-Wlth %~<' \\'Ill Admit On,. A1lull ~at. S it,. ____________ , _____ , COUPON BALBOA THEATRE GOOD SAT. 7 9 \\'Ill admit on,. a.Jult with :U l't"nta trll' tn a rar and 1tot1S*I t!11m at An-..111111 AVt' and ('., •• , Hl&h· way f'oh<'• .. id IJI• thret1 •P· l't'At •••I tu tH' .1nnkm1 and UlrH OJ""n b.ittlra ''' ~r u well u a full •'•N> t•t t>e.oi wrr. found 1n lh• l'ar ,,..,. JUVrnl~I wer• 18 •nil t 7 ) .,...,, old.. l'•lltlona were fll,.'1 ''" thrm. PLUS Ul()(MD ~ ICIDS llAT. 8AT. 1 :'6 ''TAR GET EARTH" 8TAST8 WSDNUDAl' NOW !oiHO\\'IS G F ri. A lilat. 14bnw !oll &rl • t :lln- '·nnt. l"nn. from '.! :~n 9,753 PLAYERS IN ONE SCENE ALONE! HOWARD HAWKS LAND OF 'IIIE PHARAOHS -· .. W AM«,. ~ .. ONeMASc:oPE YNe-<:otaa· 111111mm~~~aauGa~~~~~B~~~~"ll A r,s'~" st:co~.-o t·t.•\Tt t<t: l<an1t••lj1h 1'••1•11 -llur.,th• '1"'""" "TALL MAN RIDING" !o!TARTi;i ~t:.XT Wt;O~t,l\l>A\' .lobn Orrrk -lllani• l,ynn "ANNAPOLIS STORY" •t .. rlln1 Ha} cl•'n -\ H1nn,. o .. ( af'IA "SHOTGUN" I NEW.POlf HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PA~T I -i1\GE '.:> l FRIDAY, JULY 8, t 955 MARlNE NEWS TIDE TAILE T1m4' tit.. Tlmr llL _-111a1t l2:43pm 4 0 t,o ... · ! 6':09 a. m. ~u 11 :J t p. rn. b.O s:r. p. m .• 23 I · 17 p-•'1 . 4.2 6:39 1. m. (l 2 6:42 p, m 2.3 ll 18 a. m 4 ti 7 :12 a. m. 0 6 J .~s p. m. •·• 7 :112 p. m. 2.2 I Ha. m. 3.9 7:48 a, m. 1.0 2 39·p. m. U 9 .19 p.m. 1.9 2 .30 a. m. a .3 . l ;l l &. m. 1,5 3:31 p. m. ~.o tO:tJ p,m. u • LADY ANGLERS By STELL (Mn. Ray) ~BALL Bir new1 ot the Lady A.ngltn ! "barrlu". Whtre. OU\•e (Mr,.. Macl I <>nC' mi1st 1:11' the. cur~ t)"p9 '° Mc-l<tni:1e dM ~erttlt prou<I by ch.~.d<>wn thellCI ever popular u1.klng the jack'}>Ot. By now fl•h· k>nKfln•. Th• Lady Analua .,.. tnl{ time waa becomln& ahOrt an~I nl) rltr<1pt1011. rui;ced, ready and Lllt'. llred JCT'OUP hHd••d for th<' w1Umg • thl'~' will be out 'fV'ilh the Jelly. When U1ey reac.lw<J PMt lat ('~t. h.glllt'llt !i~hmg tarkk 1 • Ora nitt' Mr11. Anruen wu a bit giving the fl•h a llJ">rllntr chance. &IJrprlst•J t1> fln,I (lhotographtr• Who Mid ~ "Pt)(tr (lsh" ~ and raJ1,1 men awatung them, u FLASH . Asolhi.. i;.wa to pre11 w• the news ot th<' (1N1t y1•lh1wt1<ll hel\rd ov.ir th•• 11.Jr lhal J.111.ry Etta taken by a membt>r ot our dub (r.tu . J·h1wuJ1 Smith boated a llm:•<lt>nt'ruly thl.ll cinchts th\' J,;a.rl allvt•r aalmcm. eatimating 18 to Sts.nley ttophy I hllJ preccdf'd 20 pound•, 3·6 tackle. >.ton ln· thl'm. This wu 11-0me comp;µi.isa· fonnauon later. A 'J"l'ENTlO.NI ll"n for Mr•. Am1,rc.:ten. a11 1he l>'l SHLnr lea1on1 tor men onlJ' • 111111 was piped about friend hub-ulc-any Lkdy An111.,,.. by h11v!ng-•nt'aked 11w.a>.'. ~n a )'eU-1.-------------- owtail trip to the Coron11do flrland• w1lho.ut e\'cn a polite t>y- your -lea\'e a nd tho.n. adding insult to injury, he bagged four big yel· lows. Who's In the hetUlllnt1a now 1 AKE TH£V 00~01'\0f D&t. '~day July 8 Saturday July 9 Sunday July 10 Mnnd1y July 1l Tueaday J uly J2 W~needay Jun• 13 ThuradBY July 14 4·1';' a. m. 2.9 4 ·211 p. ni. 5.4 9:H 'a.m. I I 8 Flret albacore of the ffUOn to be take.n by a ipember la alway• good tor a Uttle llnje of jealousy • we·· re all hum~,' aren't we! Th.11 WH a 12 lb., l·~ en. I011g.fin taken on S·f t&okle by Ma.rtraret I Mrs. GlenJ 8-0d•n. Juoe 28 on Chmook IT, akJppere<I by husband. Glen. Theae day• find ou.r lucky gal slt-Unc cloae to her 'phone, aa C'nn- gratulaUons are atlll coming in. Thia ta a 11ui:e • fire trophy, rnt- lnr & tint, and one which we all f~ la rreatly deaerved by Mr1. Sode.n.-Her competent 11klpper lllllO cornea In for his eh&re of glory. a.11 the breezes have almoat tattered bla tlag1 the put few yMrs. Evt'. before hr takee off. Julv 1 118W 1'1·1ldl•wlnd '"t out l.n the Cold e•rly dawn. A s thPy were no11111i:;- th<!!r w1y down tit.I' r o11st ju11t off Cry.Stal Cove th<! clear wat .. rs turned blu•• whrn I he sun bruke lhrou1h. Or< the bow myna~ of fish WP.re ~en tll'enktng-the water. A sttr ot cxC'lttmt>nt i;l"Oll!fbl th<> dozing anglers lo b(e 11~ "Pappy" l!Pt an<'hor. Llnr~ Wt>rt> J>llt. out. &lid the serious hu~intll:t ()( chumming !ht' l!C'hool or fish In ar9unt1 the boar began. Thtn things starte-1 lo. pop 1md a grral many large callro11 werl' picked up. Ph~he t>.rrs. Andy> An"rl'llen Getlln11 back to the albacore • had ba.lte<1 up with a llvtly an-lhe unpredict.able -tho big quest- chm·y, 11et her rod down to bght a Ion !low is · will th1•y c1>me In clo•· C'lglii-t'tle When .Sllddcnly hPr f041 C!l' to thl'tr Old fa.mlli&r haunl.ll ! bouni:eJ. She madt a quick pah At prese11t sports!lshermen are all the Une rnn out like marl. \\'he11 , /or('1>d to tr.•k 15 or 80 mllu out - 6:10 a m. 3.0 0:09 a. m. 6:'28 p. m. 5.8· 10•35 a. m. DA YUCHT SA VI NO TIME FlX8T Q fJAKTEK July 26 t"ULL MOON Aug. 3 l.AST QUAK-Tt:K July 12 • !111:\l MOON July 19 0.7 2, I , HONOLULU RACE START ' LOADED WITH COLOR l..AST \'EAR'S FIRST Lut aeason Glen hsd the sam" honor when Doris Powers boated the !lrat. albacore (or our club J uly 11. Lady Luck wa.s etlll with him whe.n Loul11 Swlrt, Jr. boated µle !Int marlin Aug. 3. 19M In loc& !waters welghm){ 181 '• lbs. on medium tackle, taking 4 hours 6 mlnutu. Glen states t his w11a the lought>st one ever gaf(eJ on hl11 boat. Here's hoping the Sod· ens' perfect teamwork conllnue11. u It could not happen to nicer peoplt. she pulled up on the bait her 3·ff rod tx-nt double. •·w ow", 11he yelp· I ed, "( got somelhini: hert'," Mr:>. Andrl'!len tnutert\Jlly kept hl'r I fish from gettlnir Into the kelp' and aftPr a atruggle It we.a ftaah- lng bark und forlh along i!lJI' of th•' b\llJI. Ev1•1ybody y1•l)1'•l al 111" eome tlmt' "Yt'll•JWl11il," "Papp,v" dov .. for thi> gsft and up C'.1n1e ll n11."e 71, lb. ,>•'Ill"'" t 'IRST 1,o<~AI. ('ATCll Tremendous Crowd Sees Nordlys Fint Over Li11e, Sea Mist Last FIRST KELP BED YELLOWTAIL W ith severs! 11-lbacore to11rna· menta coming up, undoubtedly more Lady Anglers wlU be proud- ly <'ollecllng newspapers featur- ing their name11 In the hP11c1llnes Though .~m11ll. 11 WllS thl' !1r.•l nnt> C'Aught 111 lontl k<'lf' btode this se118on. A -t-e-w tmmtl wtute 11e11 ba:ts and many callcos wt>re bnltt· ed. The p;1rty pul!l'd anchor nnd went on to Dana .Point f M . fty.,IACQl'J:US"E B£CKXER end or Lhe line and curied right They t1ar anticipation la gnater on out on the 11larboard t.ck fol-, t han re&Jlzalion b11t not ln the lowing their prearranged plan to <'Me of t he •~<'tacit wltnt-ssed by go around East End of Catalln&. those a board the Caronla and the At the leeivard end Wl.lllam Zil\a· hundred.I oC other apedatpr boat.s meyer's 44-Ct. 1loop Bagatelle and ·which gathered during the mom-Peter Grant'• 46-!ooter Nalu Tl Ing of July ( orf J..o• A"ng-clerH•~ carried through. on port tack for bor to wat<'h the noon departure a bu11tiful 11tart. W. B. Klum'11 49. Mrs. A.ndy Andresen, Cor<:1nll del Mar, member o! Newport Ha.r· bor Lady Ani;lers. prourtly displays 71~·lb. yellowtell caught otf Cry.stal Cove July l In kelp l>Pds. Sht used 18-lb, test 'line while fishing from Tradewrnd. -Don Bu.sh l'hoto nRST Yf:LLOWTAIL! Even thoul'h t lilh.ing has been a IHtle bleak up to this timt. our glrl11 never fall to &hr.>w up st their appointed charters. The u :e- old power or Eve over man; "Pappy" Graham 11eldom tails I(• dig up t'iah for lhl' glrb aM we have our 11uspiclo~ that he has had a worldng aver by fils Wife. of the record-breaking, &a-boat f t. yawl Klaloa was right there rnclnl' fleet as the l!l~:i Trana-when lhe gun went otf while Jani.- Pacific Race to Honolulu got un· es Micheal's 72-fl. yawl Bl\MU\a der way. nn<l Howard Murphy's IH·ft. yawl BRl:ATH·TAJUSG VIEW Quest were out In front a few l"rom high atop the H6-rt. com-mtnutt!!I Rfter tht' at.art. mlttee boat il Willi a brealb·t.alting WY.ST END CHOl('1; vi.-w In all directions. It aeemed Moat of t'he fleet made their and encouragin~ M r. Hltchcork 1.n his n llant hatUe to rearh the 11tartlng llnt'. S l.HilfT Ht~~tl\\'AV Al llm~s it Ji('('l\\('(f fi~-Wt•Ulrl \ISi.' up his en tit c four-day hari.llr HJ> rli;ht lhefc llfl hC' tarked back :encl forth sg-alnst the curnml mak111g almost IITlpl'rct'plfhle heaclw.,~· nn earh tack. 2 hnurs and 10 n11n111.•i; after the 11la1l he ftnallv clt•,.r •·tl the line a n<I was able to ·slttrl \ h1• shecls for a rea.ch on the F.::uit !•;1111 coursr. The last wr saw of ht1•1 h•· wu IDO\'UJI:' nght al11;i_g anrl th .. r· oughl.1• enJ<•ying tlw bre<'ze whwh a t long la.st, had hault>d w~st and wu beginning to trcshr11. on• could walk !or miles without choice of the Weat End c·o\Jrse gl'tUng wet &.'I the IJJ)ectator flttt Jln!tty obvlo\18 u they clawed uowded the caretully g\l&rded con-1 their way up the COMl and beyond trol a rea eut of the atarUng line Point Fermin. William Pomeroy·s to tile ahllolute limit. Everything acratch entry, lhe 100-ft llclloo11er from tinv outboards to great lux-Ramona, followed Nordlyw on the · I l :II oodl starboard tack for the East E d A C'rulse throu,gh the flet·l head- uhry crut11'erll!Obo, nc u.1. ng a hg ... lY and aeveraJ of the smaller mo" ing !or "'ci.t E nd. t ""''alt•.t ~1ne " an• o sa e.UI, were on an...-o re I le 11 'fll · B. 1 \\'l're 11t9glng I\ hot t11rklng duel. B"hlnd them were T. I. Moseley's Orient. Dean Brown's Skylark, GMrge St urg-l.8' Jada, Muvphy'a Quest, Cra.nt.'.ll Nal11 lI. &ru:l Y>ub Sl.atlla.m·a l"am Sang skippered by P1•gizy Slater. l'p to weather ll!ll\ apparrntly laying the \V"8l Enrl wne Frank Hoo\'kaaa' Con- /ltcllatlrm, R. L. PMnglr's Queen ~t:ib. e.n<l J11m..-11 Camp'11 Escapade. E~i4apnde was not working to weather a.'I well lllJ had been ex· prctcJ <lue. no doubt, to her slight 111'ddrnt off Portuguese Bend when It's 1oday's mo\i she hit a r eef. and damaged ht.r powc.r!ul production · ~... t cent1•rboard to the extent It wu outboard.the Mercury ·l' 1lecldPd to pull the pin and Jet It Mark SS! Supc<· :"\'. go entirely. Thill, however, wiJl·be lmOOth power flow. c::_ a...:l rucc pro..,.esse.s and. if IL !olioWll silencing. ~ . ... new Dyna.Float the Pllttern, berome..1 a broad Suspcruion for --..... Mon, whcl c motor for fishing I Small, compoct, light• "'•ighl, firs right in the tnink of your cor. Jompocked with big· motor feol\HH, .. StnOOth ... end QUIET! • .... Come on In end see tfle 5 Vi todoy. Then, /el'• go fishing t Buy now, vs• our t~ poy• t11ent pion. ( . h .. 1 .. 1 hi h course wlnlf waa rf'll ll.\ ~111ng I It<' hmn.s 0 us v. 8ll t " C' eAr •~a n w c Th · • a -r-lde. IUld .mosJ.. of th\'n\ were r .. 11 the •·ompellng yachts were maneu-e light Southweaterly blow-d no great handkap to her aa the complnt eneine ~· ~ rearh. ullbough rurbulence caused super quiet opera· by • the empt:v cenlrrbo.ard 111ot tion without 1oss ~ South Coast Co. ~4#toundfun! "Ole -""'-.... ,000 ... e.Brlllia_!!!powet, llcnliiftg .... away. \Tp -10""'30-•• -pJ.. .... es-di • Mil•att-l.a. troni._. I • Smoothest, quietest ~ I• in lta pow., daa I • Every. del11H feat-: G.ar-ahih, Crui1-a -Day T anlc, Roto-Matic Control,' Atito- lift Hood. • Engi......d fOf [Yi.....de s... sM•• l'Ml°'9 cioMrola 1 TOii trade on your aid lllotllf I bid the fleet "l{ood aalllnJ .'' Weat crulllnr type boata alao choae lhi• 1 n res ng pus . ons: Y now l ll' venng (or t he .!ta rt. l.ng &t the 1tart wu &nyt.binJ but 1 own IUI we pa~iu•if them. AP· F . h b r th t t kind to some of lhe heavier boats proa c.hfng the Island ll bec11me 1•1·!· or t"o nttrs e ore e • •r I . ' I dent we would hav<> to hurry If W<' '"e ha<I opponunlt ,. of 11eelng each particularly al.nee there was a t M 1 !-\ d ml_ght give trouble. George Stur· of performance. •1ou ••" .. u. gls· Jada al.110 tiad a th.h with a With Full :;::-;,:.. 23rd & Newpoit. llvcl. reef oft Pl. Firmin bUl no damage ll lllr Jeweled Power•! $672.llO 1998 Harbor lhcl .• COlta Me. f'nt n· "rlosc up" ~:1 they <'heck I'd heavy current ag&lnat them. The "th· era,,. 0 lllcEe d bornl ng ... 1• tar roun · · h . (! h e es n , u w .. 1 e we were In wllh c·omm1ltee boat and an· one w o au ered t e moat .• how-hurryinl' the rest of t he lea r1mg ":tii.: r~:~ and ahe a.i.o conUnu9d DA VE SPIES Ja//llB•n nouncetl t)1ev were •·startln.. u ever. wu Elmer Hitchcock a lit-"'--•-U 1,._ UJJ bl -" .,.,.....,, were t'U y --" a e aa Pla nned" Many ot the crewa lhem-Ue 36-ft. achooiyr Sea Mtat. Alter ... keel th 1 h J MOR..,*ING STA& LEADS .._ ___ .._:....;;;;;;:;.;.i:..=.;;.:.:.;.:....J 2510 w. Coast Rl&bway &••·Hone Outboard Mofdte Morning Star wu "l'olnc away" ------------------------------------------- LllleriJ' 1-ion ' . !12 t th "3 ... _ 1 w•eY wor e r way up I e •· 11elvr8 dr1•w l'lhll 11.lld &hs from o e u .,.,af.11 were we l on 1 d gueata 'aboard With their matched lh1lr Y&rioua way11, u corted by an · 1 when ebe rounded the bland a t outfits. Howard Murphy's Que.st the apectat.or fleet. t he n.ce com· BATTLlX(i :YOR RECOSD follnWt'"1 the Jdsh pattern _in Jae-m1ttl'e wa.s 11l1U patiently wa.ltlng nattltng tor sN'onu anct lhir<I at approxlmatey 5:H p.m. and 11et her sight!! for · H onolulu a.s Caronla gave h<'r one l11st bls~t ot the horn and h Paded back for Los Angeles keU or emerald ~ree-n; the straw I thl.1 Ume were Dirk Steele's !'.> ·ft. ":11\ll(lr" hats and navy pullovers I Harold I. John.son yawl Ocly~'ey a.nrt &runa whlch Hnrb<1r. worn by the crew of Lym11n Fa.r---------------- wl'l1'11 R1•a.clriCl a<ldfd a gay note; ~ Prop«!ll&r Kepalra thc-rr Wl'rl' r\'r1 ja1·kets and blue Colomblua &nd F'e4el'&f . jarkrli<, .nll!lW t rou11ers. and llPN'• PhoO:ft~t!, eio iltl hat.! wh1rh ma de each boat d.Ll- tlnrtlve l'l'en btfore they holitted %911 \Tllla Way, Newport Be6cll 11atl. f'Oi'Tt'~t: CJ.IMAX. l'l)maxing lhe ;•oost11me" parade w11,. ihe" c1 ew aboard T. I. M.oat- 1~~··11 Orient who 11ppearPd m coolie hills and emhrnldered jackeU. ! MARCNI! t'PBOLSTl:RING ROAT 00\'ERS BALBOA CA..,"\'AS SHOP Horb., Jm Jl4"t _!hi St. f(IW'OU-tf-1<CH Having clP11red wllh the commit· 1 t,.c, each boat proC'l'roed to ~~ aforementioned clear area bt'hlnd the llne where the\· hoisted 1aU !'; ~;;~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;:;;~~ and bega.n pracllcl~g starts. Ex-1 ntment grew as the 11ta.rtlng time ~.,. . nPared and the s pectator Oeet u· I ,.....J> G/D£R 1111med t he app!'arnnre of people "":iv-• a i a paralfe u thty literally cran-1 NI their necks In an effort to gel SOUTH COAST CO. a bt>fter view. The rnl~h ly bullhorn 23rd .t ?\"ewport ru,·d. on the c-o~t C oard e1Jcort Velll!el 1";;==~~==;;:;~;;:;;;;;;;;;;~ Gre!!hl\m barked C'onUnually at the r 'I transj:rel'sora who unknowingly "crMrd" loo far lhl'reby clrlrtlng Your Au th 0 r I zed nut of thl' rontrol I\ rea. The many 1 THAL CO f1berglua I !'mall f"oa.~t Guard Jaunrhu were 1 0 , hl111y a11 llnt11 keeplng the r ourse _ Dealer In the Barbor rlear for the ractni:-fl eet. ; area. Brin.,. your fiber· STIUCTl~G Gli~ " A~ t.hP 11tl\rtlng g\ln 11ounded all ·glll88 problema to u s. :'\:I t'l\t 1 yJS were heading for thP IMO yard' Hn,. and 11 <'11.Caphony o( hornl'. whl11lleio. nnrt i;hnuta of "J;ood luck" hera.lded the beglnninir or this ~r!'11leiit n( TrllnJ .. Pact!lc Pacific Fiberglass %_80J \l'. Coaac Hwy. Ph. U 9-Un rure11. \\'all<>r Johnson's 72-ft.1 Across from All-Ammcan )lkt. ~chnon<'r Norrllya took the weather 1 PAINT SALE POPULAR BRANDS • SAVE • UP ~TO 30~o .Discount SCHOFFSTALL Paint Store 3533" E. _Coast Hi9hway Corona del Mar • I THIS NEW 'PLA YBOr IS ALL FIBERGLASS -AND SPEEDY! An txQUi$•le ipeed end pleosure boor you'll bedroud lo ownl A single bonded f1bt>r9lau unol ••. 'eoh en ell. Mada to te~• tOU'Jll treo!meoi-l.,1eeleu lraMom built for the mo'' pewarful motor~! 5ee the Performer "PleyboyM tode,. OTHER MODElS AVAILAlll ~l':f: 'rHJ;M TOOA \' AT SOUTH CO"ST COMPANY Newport Bh'd. at 23rd St LVLE llO~K.IS .. so~ 12'W \\'. C'na>it llw~·, .s ""llf>rt IJf'M'h Nf'wport Beach WE~T ('OA!'!T F1hf'rltl&&• ('o, l S95 ·~e\\ port Rh·d. l 'nlllta. MP1l& Ride Showboat to LaCJuna on the Reantiful Pa<'ific Twiet' Dail~· -11 :30 a.m. and 7 :00 Jl.m. Adults SJ.2.; -Childttn 6:) ('f'nf!4 { \ ., $ .. -. -I I t:~ • I=' A ( Six cylinder bu1ine11 2 door . ~ .,-__,. ' ··"' . ../. ' ~ .. ,. ( -~ .) f I fte !flat 1-cleflWNCI price '" - with the hlghMt ollowo- ln fofd hinory °" your oW cot. Yo11'll '"thcrt you con .otlly offonl the low monthly payment• on the tmoll boloncel ~rd ckole,, ore trading tlighett right nowt And dotl't forget that ct Ford It wCHtfl "'o,. wherl yo11 buy It ond hoa o higher rttole value , too I •s.. .... ..-'-•' .,. ... ,M tv't(• ......... ,... .................... ,... Go1118 i11 F;,, Ille,.,, '1e1/ 0F_yo11,. /in .1 ' . ROBINS l"Ot;R FORb DFA.Ll:R 81.NCE lint -(0:'11. MA.RISER~ MIU:J 3100 W. Coast HiCJhway-N9WJ'ort hach -Uberty 8-~471 1Y et Its .... , Don't Mist 1Fo"1 ThHIN' KICA (4), TlutnMy, t:JO p.M. , • ... ' •" Methodists to Hear Rev. George Reeves I The Rev. a-~ H. R~•• Jr. will 9Pftk •t the mom&nr ...,.... vie"' •t Chrt.r. Cburch 8y UM a.. in N'wwport Beeeh Oft IJWld&y, July 10. HI• Mnrlon Ulllft'I• l• entJUed. "Ofterint• of Juetlm.." lt U1 ba.ci nn llle te•Chlnp at the «f"Ut mOl'- 11 p!'QPhet, Amo.. wM lived ln Ow "iglllll eentUl"J'. 8 ,C, 1'tM 8Mctu- a ry Choir, dlr~ted by Mn. A. J . Ruct1Br Will aJnc for tlla 11 o'clock 114!n1M. Ona ot tha choir 10loilll wUI •Inc •t tlle Ml'IJ .at"vtCI st 9·30 a.m. Mr, ReeVt'I is IWYinl U -...00- 11.te mlnl•tw durtna ~ 1WJ1mer i nd will conduct Ule aunday wor- •hlp durtnr the vacaUOfl ot t h• Directory of HARBOR AREA CHURCHES it; Altdre•• Pnebyterlall ChurcJt l &th St. • BL Andrew• Etd., aeroq from H il'h School Llbuty 8-3773 Putor : Rt.v. J.mc• B. !tt"wlrt Co1 .. 11111dty MM.bodl•l '20 w . 19th BL. Co•t• MeH Liberty. 8-'~"2 Rev. Joaeph W. McShuie Tboo 011u·c1t or C.'ltrllll 1060 Church St., Coit" Mesa Llberty l·.!1711 D. G. Hurst. Minlater Ctlrlel (.11.urcb By The St'6 C.Ommunlty M!!thodiat Blllbom. Blvd. •t l4!h, :->ev.'PQrt H arbor !>229 Mtn!1ter: Rl!v. Roy Cerh1on ~I. .l~m Churcb 1964 Onn,w:e Ave .. -Co11t1 lotl!sa Wberty 8-1091 Father Thonli&• J . ll.•evin F1nl ftaptl•t Cbutc-h of Ne1ooporl Balboa Blvd., 19th • Court 811 .. Newport Harbor 3~3 LJberly. 8-3072 Pa1tor : Herbert G. J ohn•on Jit•w'JllOn.HarMr Lutbeno Cburf'h 2Mll Clltf Dr .. Newport HelglH• LlP,.rty 1·3631 ReY. Rol>trt Gronlund .-.-nbfy of Ood 2:Zlld BL • Elden Ave., Costa Mc• Liberty 8·37&1 Rlivertnd M. 'C. Cronic. P11tor &enmtb-da,. Ad\'es!U.1 Newport Blvd. at Bolta SI., Nt'wport Height. E ldl!r Rtch•rd $erne Wberty 1-1:032 Cburcll or tbe s......-e ... 118!> Anahelm, Coat& Me• P1ator: Rev. C\LVIB Willi.ml W berty 1-'fltl l Flnit CtUll'l['h Clf Chrtat. RdMtl.t 3303 Via Udo. NeVl·port !Hach Harbor 2t28 t: 1th·en&IJ11 Conununll r Fell<1w1hlp Ebell Clubhou!le. :11& Balhoa Blvd. Mlnilter: Rev. F. W. R~n(e t·1r1t suutht'nl napuei c'\\Ur"k 6~0 W. Hamilton. Co11l& f\.le,. LJl>l!rly 8-:?f83 P•.11tor: Dr. Richard H. Poa1 Corofta drl Mar ()o1nmunlly CbuttA Congr .. J;1Uon1I tlj l H Pl!O ttOflC Al'f. • H11rh0r :'i237 raator ; R,v. Edwin C. Gomke t'ln.l ftaa>ll.11~ Church !•nta An• A••f:. at ~f1rnol1a Cf11t11 ?>l P.!!11 Rtv. P. G. Xl'utr11nn Churt'b 11f Our I .ady or )IL Carmtl 144 1 Y.'. R•lboa Uh"d., Newport Harbot 0:?1 4 F•ther St<>pht>n Kill'}'. P•lttor Father Gl'Otl(e rarn•nu1 Aa11t Pa!tor Chrh•t l.11lh<'ran ('.!l urch nf C'1>flla ~lrfli. ( ~11$$Q11r1 ;;ynod I Cnlt\a r.t"llll P1•tor· He v. U:ltll11r To1now St. l•mr1 l::pl""•l1>•I 3208 Vle Lido, Xt"Wpt'lrt Uc1<'h H11 rb<!r 1:?30 Cunl.le: Rev. Ralph Pi-11 ~e '" !'t. lohn \'lannf'y 1'1arint. H11olboa. illlllnd H11rb<lr 0214 Fathrr Sttphen Kil•.v, 1'11.~tor Father Ceo1·gt r111;n11s~us A~11t. P11itor Central Rlhlf' Churt>h Oruii:;e Avt. 111 :Z3rd St. C011t• >-f•~•. Ltnen y l!-~303 A. A. K11d•r•. r11.11tor Balt.o. l1IU\d Conunwdty Melbodl_, ll& Apte Ave.; Balboa lal&11d Mln!•ter; RI!"· Donald kpp ctiutWI "' Relll'toae llolfflae "Selene• ll f Mind" Lafun1 B••ch Art Oall'r)' 307 Clift Dr1voe-HYett 4-72M Rev. l rl• Turk, Mlnl•ltr C h•l"Ctl or ,1,.... Chr11I of Laftff Day lalllt• rrld•r Aft '"'OOll Clu'O Hou1t CoN Maat. Llbfrty 1-3711 811hop: Pt'tcr O.ltbout nws-r Mt1"RCH OF OIRl1'T SCR!'oo-Yl8T IAI W\1 i ; .. , NoYiloe't .... . " "'"'"' ........ """-ca. ... ~. ,,,,., ""' C)••<~ et c1oo;,'. 1c1 .. 11tt, "' ""'-". Mo-· ·····"·· ..... .., k t.Ml •·11 •.•. S•-•H Hr<lco 11 • •· "'-Wo•-••T l .. t<l ..... ..,,1,,. -I• , "'· •••"I"' ..... >.to•otl .+ Jiii •11 llt o, ...... -•••• ~, 1, .... .... ..... .. .... •o • • ... ,. • ,,., .,....._..,,. "•"' t•to 1!'0 ... I·•'"'" "-llor •-I .. t. s.-~ .. r -., : '• s -c "'"' "• ,,.,. "' .,..e••< ,, • ..,,,,.,, l••~•• .. ,,. .. ., .... c;.i. ... ,. ......... ••• -....... ~ ... '"" mlnbter. \he Rev· Ro)' C•rl..on Mr. R«•H w•• r•~ ordltntd u • mlnl•ter Dr t he Chr11111n Chureh. He la th• aon of Dr. •nd Mr .. Georire N. Jl"'t'\'U <it Orllllge.1 Dr. Re~ve1 la pre11L<;ltrit of Chi p- man CoUeice. Oranit•· ~ Chuteh S~hOOI c\a&1<c1 i re hl'Ld 1.t 11:30 1.m. The Senior H•Kh' Youth f'ellow1hlp llll't'l• Sunday evening at e o'elOC'k. Thi• Sunday .,.enlng the y oulh• 1.11! planning a pl'Ofn!-1Ve dinner In homf'1 ot nr1oua member.i. All youth• ot tht! church who will it.art h11Ch .chool In the tall h1.v111 be••n in· Yite<I u •P«l•l 1ue•l• ror the 1venu1r . The younic adult• 1M1r!n.-r1) wUl nl«l at t he hon1e uf Mr . lllld Mr1. DQn Burn ... 321 C1ta\1na Ave. Thi• group n1H-t11 11 8 o'clock Sun- day t'Ytnlni.; Continue Series on Judaism "Tht're Go UI' Shrpa" will be \he Hrmon 11ubj«:t at the Unlv,.r,al· l1l Comn1unlty F eliow11\1p en Sun- day mornlnr. July 10. Frank r.1 1e- Jntyre of Co•t• Me• will t:on- Unue h11 dlacua1don1 ·on Judaiflm dunng the Sunday School prnod. The Unlver1111.U~t Community Fellowahlp mec~ every Sun(!•y morning at the ll:~U Club Houff'. ~I.!! W. 81lboQ Blvd., tor Sund•Y schOOI 1l 10:30 &11d morning wor· !<hip at II o'clock. The mlnlslrr 1a 'CONVENTION FOR ORANGE -Shown here a.re Ora.nge Counti&n• inatrumenW in the planning of the Southern Californi11. Convention or Chrietian Chun:hea to be held at Chapman CoUege July 20-24. Standing from left to right are, the Rev. W. Leslie Lowerey, Brea, chairman of the uahers committee: the ~v. QuentiQ Mitchell, Santa Ana, chairman of food eervicea; the ~ev. Hugh N. McCall~m, prangethorpe. Fullerton, chairman of decorationa: the Rev, Harry J . Hill, Garden Grove, uaistant chairman of the child care committee. Seated; Dr. Georj:e N. Reeve., preeident of Chapman College; Mra. Rosalyn Bivens, Orange, houai.ng chairman and Mn. Bonil& Stout, Orange, chairman of the Child Care committee. Attendance at all aesaiona for the five days ia expected to total 7000 \fith 5000 expected on Sunday, the final day. tllr Rev. P'l'Wenck \\' R inge ofl--------------..--------------Coron• <le! Mar. The Fellowllhip ' hn'ilt'I all religlou• libera.111 of tht H11rbor •rea to make lt t heir ftplritual home. Costa First Mesa Baptist At theJ>t"!ev~n o'clock morning worJUu p urv1ee of th11 F"iral Bep· tiii t Church of Co11ta 1'!e~e th\1 to1n!nK Lortl's D1y the Rev. PG. Neun1ann will hav• 1.1 h11 aubjt"cl. "C11.n 11 Chr1atlan F'or,e1ve Slrui!" At 11:30 P.!>t. the Putor'• ln- e\ruction Cl•Sll 1M1ernbll!•. elllO the Tr11inln1r Youlh groupa at the "''rn" hour. At 7:JO p.m. Mr. Neu· m anri >1•111 apeak on "Qucallon• you ha~·e .. ked". Wednelld&y Ill 1:30 p.n1. .the Pr•lae ind Bible Study Hour I• undf'r the Je1der1h1p of Mr. Neu- miinn. At 8:35 p .m. pray•r groupii of the v1r1ou11 dcp1rtml!nt11 ot the church will meet, Island PAGE 6 • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1955 PASTOR BECOMES MEMBER OF COMMUNITY CHURCH Offlel1Uy ca.lied to Corona del Mar Community COll.f":C'8"'., '1onal Church on Juoe 1, the Rev. and Mn. Edwin C. Gomk• were •ccepted lrito memt>f'r11hip at Ule communion 1ervice htlll Surida.y. Otht'n ~lcomcd 1l l he aame time Wttt Mr. ana Mn. Weavtr Smith, Mr1. JOHpl\ B. {Cenevlevel f'dtn, Mre. C.H. ~Lilhan ) A. York. ?>In. Jo-. J. ~M1ude) !:. Boody, Mr. 1.11d Mr1. Corona del Mar Daily Vacation Church School C.Ommunity Church, Corona del Mar, Will hold I~ Deily Vacation Cbureh lkb.cxll J uly !8·:zt. Theme will be "1A1111inl' trom · Je1u. ... Th11 cun1culum wlll tnelu~t"; • Mu•lc • atn1in1. leemln& new eon1• 1.11d hymnol1J&Y:•ptcture1 or Pllle•tlne In 1tory; 8 !bl1B ~1d1ng In JTOUp•. Bible 1tudy w!Ut erattl relallol' lo •ubject m•trcr: wor- ahlp ~ learnln( to wor1h!p, ct.Hd- ren pc.rtlclpa Unl', learnln1 rever- ence tor the houM of God.M\u1on- ary projtcl will be work &m OJl.I the Indiana on lh1 "'1ervetlon at Fort ~rtllold. N. D. Dally pro- gram includee .... embly, cl ... work uid '•tudy, recreation· end retrl!•hmel¥JI, wotfhlp. Open HOtlH wllf be held Thure- day. evening, July 21 and all per· crill a.re mvfled. There wt\I be a bner progr1.m by the Children' ind Robe-rt w. Roper e.nd IK>n, Rob<!rt Eugena: Mr. and Mre. Elmo their h1.11dlcn ft will be on dl•- opens Vacatl.On pla y. A picnic wtU be held Ole Church E. Roper. II.el d1y 1t Co1ta Mtaa P 1rk. l·----------------------------1 A volunleer 1tatf of te..(han Bible School CHRISTIAN SCIENCE '"°'"' .. Mu.'· w. "'"""· '""" vleor; klndergarteri, Mr•. J ol\J\ Next Monday will 'Oe the open· Ing dtY fllr the Va.ce.tlon Church Schoo1 at the Balboa l•llllld Com- mun.lty )itetllod1•t Church, accord- ing t<:> Mr•. Don11.ld G. S#\n. dl- reetor. 'Spiritual Provides Brea kfast' Sermon Title Meador end i.t r•. How1rd Parker: primary, M!11 Allene W iiton from the Congrtgatlonal Conlert"nce , lower junior, Mra. Burt Pt()('ter: upper junior, Mr•. YoliUlam H um- •eon; junior hlf h end older atu- d~nll, the Rev. l!:dw1n C. Gomke;, d1reetor of mu•lc. M:n. J.L. Steff-"Speak unto 11l! the congrep -ft.l!g1•trat1on1 are at1J1 llelng ac- cepted for the 11<.'l\ool which 1a OJl'('n to 11.U children Qf the l'Om-lion of the childr'n of l•r•eJ, arid munlt~ V1·ho h11.ve t'nn1 plttl"d'gr1d'•i ••Y unto !hem. !e •hall be holy: l·ll. Y<'lung11tcr• "''Hl tn,.ei from ror J the 1 . ..ord your God 1.n1 holy." 9 '4 .m. until noori ~1 ond1.~· (hrough F'rid11.y for a t>1·o-we,.k period, Thi• ver•c from t.c;vl\lcua t J9::Z) Thty will r~Cl!l ve re!lgrou11. lnllln.lc--will bfl lhl! G<!ldtn Teict of !he Unn end r11.rt1 clpate in cr•flll. re-Lt1111-0n-germon al the 1emi·1nnu1l cw1unn, ~nd n11111lc111 actlvitlc•. t'Qm mun1on 9"r;icl! in 11U ehurcnea Laguna Church of Religious Science ·ot-enr.uil, Scitnli•t, Sund11y. Sac- Th1• rommunlon 1ervu;e "'Ill str~•• JCJ1ua' proof of etern1l life ii\ hta triumph over \he gntve. \\'hen I\<!' r'appeared to hi• 'd1 .. A ll''t lu .. k 1hnn•·r 1<nd hobby r11 .... pl11y >1·111 bt held by Laguna B~lh'h Church ur Rell~lll\18 Sleiice at Ille \\'9man'll C lub, 2i;g St. Ann• ciplt•. "Je•Ull aa.lth unto the.m, Dn•·r !<>nl ~hl 111 6 30 o'rlot;"k ~ome llnd d!rie. And none ot the -,.illl!l'lrll In the 11: .. v.·pott·Blllboa •!l11•iplea d t1r"l 1111k ll1m, Y.'h(I art ere• llf'e 1nv1led to attend Sun•ta.y thou ? kno ... ·\ng th11l 1t ~·Ill! the ,._rV1l'rll ronrluct"11. by !ht' ft,v, Lord .. , Thi11 11 now th<' third h i~ Turk Rl 11 a .m. ln the Art llme that JeJUI ihewed hlmaf'lt G111l1-ry, :l'tl"; c·11rr Dn1·r. l..11,euna . Rt11rh, S urlk'r_v r11.r, Ill rrovided •t I lo his dl•o:1plr~, arter that he w111 thl' i;:11tlrry; JUUll'r Churr h ml!et1< n11~n trorn tht" dc11d" •Jlllln 21 'l:Z, nt th, Gtr! Scout Hou""· l~I Hli;:h l l t 1. fln1·'· Jn f'utr•·l-111\'C plll!ll!•gur from t'nll!n ; p1antal1. Mr•. Cattleman Smith and Mra. Earl Vourht; teg- 1•tr1.r. Mra. John Sadlc\r; rt trelh· ment h01te1•, M.re. M.J . Shannon. "Sctence and He1lth wllll Key to the Scnpture11" Miry Baker Eddy wnte11, "Th1a 11.p1rHual meeting w1th f1Ur Lord Jn t hr d<lWn of a new light la tne morning mtal which Chn1t11.n Se1enti.ta com · mrmorate. They bow llelllTt' C hrl•t. Truth. to rtcl!lve mor1B of ht• re-Home from Hospital 11.ppe1i1n1 •nd 11ilently to commune M.r1. Ray t.e111lck. a new rea· with tht divine l'r1 ncipl~. Love." tdenl of 2060 F'ederlll Ave., Coat• "Wh1.1 • contNat btlw•eri our Mcu. haa juat retum1d home .l.oi:d'• II.lit •upprr ind h i• Jut from the ho•pltel 1.t Camp Pendlt"· 11pll'ltu11l bralfran-with-lli. d!.1c-ton, Oceanlllde. wht"-re "11 under clple11 in the br!ghl morning houri ""'enlmlljOr "ln1rrer.y. Her hu1band at the joyful meeting on the ahore I 1• home on Je1 ve from the Navel O! the G11ilean Sea :H (p. 3~. 341. 11ll tion ln Sin Diego. Church Council Hears the Story of Methodism \\"ht'n Newport Harbor Council ln!il w ere P11ator Robt-rt: Gronlund. llf Churchf'a met •l Chrill Churf'h H11rbor L utheran: the Rev. ~'rl!d­ by th .. Sell thl! ~v. floy Carl1on. er1ek Rtnge, Univeruli1t Fellow -I ho•t p11.11t f\r, led tn • devotlon11.I •hip ; tht" Rev. Htrbert JohnM>n , Mrvlce. "" ~/II(), .. 1peakcr, pre-Newport Beech Firlit B11pUJ11t ; th• H ilted th" •tory ot the Meth0dl11t R~v. RAlph Pl''""· v11·11r. encl Mr1 Salvation Needs Army C ehurch, 111 be,t:lnning11. ltlldel'll, Y.'. 8 . \\'r\,eht. ~I. J11ml!I': Mr•, el1ter d~trln• •nd JTOWth. I', F. H11 lnu . B11IDoa l11land Meth- Pr1Jject nf the civic rt'le Uon1 odlat; Ille Rev. M. C. Gomkt" and ,, Pl E • committee ia lnterf1lth c1rd1 tot M. C. Perry, Cllron1 df'I M•r Co111 -ay q ll 1 Pm en t \able gl'llce. dt•igntd for Jlt'reon11 mun It y Cong r~girtion1 l: Ml1. . · I) Of Prn!l!J\IU\t CfllhoUe and Jewlllll Clle•tf'r FfJ!.ller, Co11t1 M.c111. Mfth- f•ith, which v.·1!1 be pl11erd In H•r-odi•t: Mr and Mr•. J eme• Taylor, .'ll<Wk.'1 Ill Lhc S•l\'atlon Army l !o;•111 d11•11111cr !'f'ht't and 1ponJC1111 \l>or rt•llurMt,. The R,., .. Onnald Arthur Milltr end M,11111 Eliie Ncw- Sriet11l Ser•·1ce Ccnt"r whir h ~erve• hun'lr•·•b "lf Bf\)' 1rid G irl Senut S11pp la f h•irman or th!a comm; !1.1111, Chrlat Church by lhl!~ Se•. th1" 111 t • h11ve been "enou~l~· rt · lroopM. • !tttt'. The 5,.pttm~r lM!Milln will bl 1h1r"d by hr11 1·~· demand11 for 11um· "Thi' S1lv11.lif\11 Army 111 C"le-The Rev. M, C. Crnnrc r r,.l11dl'<l held II! Soiithf.rn C•llfornla Blbll! fllf'r r 1°th1ne 11nd play ,..,,11pn1en1, hn1t1ne ll11 7~lh lnrth•lll)' 1n th~ ovrr the 111"&.,ion. f!rill! nn .. until 11rrnrdlne to Brlf:Allt<'r \\'•Uram .J, Un1t,.1t 8111.t•ll 11.nrl m nre lh1.n 60 Srpt. 27. which folll!'l'r-1 1 lunch-CllLlel'•· Cn~ta. Mru . f'arklna, man11eer. ~·r11r11 of 11ervlf'f! 1n C11.\lfomla." Mn •t r\'f.<1 in Got><leU H111t by j ;:============:::; Ce11toff "rlirlc11 t'('Ontnbultd by Bn1:1.dicr Pa rk i n 11 -.Aid. "IL• m,.mbtr~ nf ·"•"'f>Orl r.~•·1" rif Jf\('al rt•ldenla tn lhf. Sel\'lltlon rnotlo, 'w ith heart to God a nti '\'.S C~. ~ Annr fill ne"11.' nf l1!"9-fnrt11 n11te h1.11d to ruin." •tlll rtuiracttrir.e11 ln11 0-l11•rtl ... ,.r,. th• n .. ,. John famlllea en<\ •lao mMke poJ!.•lb!e Ulla llf'nict." P11rkt. nP .. ' rel·\or •\ SI. J 1101 ,.~ 11. cnnllnurd aor\111 r r n1bU1talion Brlflldfl!r Pa.rir.ine .. id lh•t In ad EplM'Op11l Churrl\ 11nd Ml111 ~!1.•·11 pro1re.m f<'r net"<ty •nd handl· dlt1on lo men'1, womtn'• and child-Koenig, •umn,,.r p11.n~ll "'"l'ktr 111 capped mrn >1•hn rroct111 the n-n'11 •umm•r 'Oftartn1 a.pj*rel Ne,,,·port Herbnr I. 11 ~ h "Iii • n rn1ter11.l1. • and play equipment, U.1 local cen-Church. ' The dlaea rds •r" cllllected b)' ter urgt'ntly need.1 all klnde of ..i-P11tor11 and l1y P"t """~ 1tl•n<I· · fUd Shield truc-k1 and rC>Condl· v•Rt materi•la whleti can be i-e- tlonf'd In tht' b1R Ce/\ter'1 "''ork-uaed. The-e Include furniture, 1ho p1. All rt"cl!lp~ from M i• of 1hoe1, di1he., m•t~e. beddtn1. t.h4I arUcle11 in Salvation Anny ldt<:hel'I uten1lte, flom1 appll1.11cea, Thr1tt Store• are Ulf!d lo prot'!de •llverwar., ato...... 1'1.dloe &lid Island Children Will Attend Camp tood, &helter Ul4 financial aid for br1c-.,.brac. • d -" Your tltth uid .txth frldtn ot nun r ...... , ot ml!n who ca n upon He urrf'd JOC't.I "9M6ell~ to telt-•• 1 t d the Bilbo& Iel1.11d Community Mc· I .. ,. cen er Qr al . phone Liberty !1·11&8 to br\1'11 • --•·-al thodlat Chu!'(!h wtll leave •ext • , .. """ centar le one ot 14 In Red 8blf!)4 truck. the ltalr "''h(nh hive a wor1t 1--------------Monday mor-nlnl[ t<I attend a one-1 lhenpy proirr-m tor th1Ju1&ndJ of We#.k ouunr at Sky Mt"1dowa men. The s a.ivauon Army-a l.t0 AJ Fresco Picnic camp ne11r Set'en 01k1. provide• thrOUJlhOUI California Th09e altendlnl[ .nu hoe Chari• BAHA'I Rah" T"mpl1-, M'll~te, 111. FAITH Preyer Oi,cu11ion ''Tnl• r ellg'ltm la th1 10urc. ot love &nd •Vffment amon,.t m tn, the caUH or Ula devtlop· mf!nt of pr&l.Nwerthy qualltl••" Babat wrl un,._ r..w.,., a:ee ,..,., IU~IJtrwl. c.~......,oaar. ..... u ...... -u ..... ---numt"rOU• ho11pllall for unwed at Kinsman Home Guenther. Ca.rlton Lowen, Ooui'ia.I m otllen . prl!K>rier1 aal. p•rolt Mr1. Robert K lnuna.n, 231 Lark-)Car~~··· ;M~d;R~o;bo;";;"~';'~1Y~·;;;;:c;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;::~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~I work, a id lo prleoner1· f1mllle1. 1pur Avt., wilt bl! hoatn1 10 mem-/1 1ummtr ca mp1 fllr moth'n and berB of \ht Frit".ndJy Servlfe g roup CHURCH QF IEUGIOUf SCllNCI .Erneat Ho)rote, founder, auu.or at .. Science ot Mind.~ 8UNDA Y 8ERVICF..8 ll a.a ltmlor Churda ud Nm.ry C... 11 a.a. llt"\'. Irie 'hrk, Ml•&er l.AGt.:!'loA BE.At:H ART tiAu.EllY RVatt &-i'IM .. , ctttt Df'. chUdNln. Red Shltld Youth ceo-of thf! \\'om,.n'11 f'e!lo,,,.•ahlp of Cor·I tere. Evangthoe Re1111encu tor ona dtl Mir Oiimmunlty Churc-h. youn,w: bu11nc" wom .. n. ntarly e Thi• f1 to ~ & p11!to picnic, ('1e1ta t cntr <If renttrJ tor n1rn1~r' or tll bnn_g lht!r owTJ lunc1'1.11nd plc- the llfme'1 t/\rr"'· .. 1,•"ll"h(' t'en· lnll' HrVlt:f . D<oaserl. '"" "n'1 c(\f· lt'r1 "'!11'1 rhn1~•. •!•t""'''te •n•l l•'e >11!1 ~ r1,.v1d..,I ''-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· ' • • ,_ i/J · I t' i ~'=S I \I.I-~ TIM clrcu ln ina• 'i1citem~ fOt" 70'i"I r ~· aftif o1• allll-the 1nimal1, the t hrUliftl ect1, the t•~ clo•,... P1rb&p1 •• Jille the clo•na ' b111 of all wl1h their 111tic1 1114 lh1ir l[riNllifLI t1CH. • lul 1b1 J<1llr f1c1 ot 1 c-lo•• i1 not net· "u.rilr wl\.llt it 1e1m. to be. A m111t of humor 1 rr.l1ht "''' will conc-111 1 ••d h11r1, ind th• ~ • j11ter tollld ••1il1 b1 H•inc In a •orld ot J ----'-'',.~-::;;·ffpl•-ltnow 1111• <llil1mma. T<1 1ht wOrld thlJ' 1ho• 1 'counttna.M.I of f1i.1 1•Y· •tr, but within th1r1 11 di1qui1t. Wh)'l 11 m•J be tkat 1h111 p1opl• h••• found 1'10 b11\1 for 11n11i1H1 pe1c1 end cont1ntm1n1. And no • •fllount ot b1nt1r or prtltMe ctn heal e ' br•llff •pirlt. • • This Church FealMI'• Sponsored by These L0cal lusineu Firms KOl'PER KmLE MAC'S CAFI Morry'• Shell Service MARINE BEAUTY SHOI' I ·' Pcr»anall~ St'.rvlc• ..in Hair Styling' 3600 E. Cout 81\•d, SliH Green St&mptt Corona del Mar Harbor 2710 S27 Marine A,·~.. s.J1NNl bland NEWPORT CLEANERS 108 Tu.tin MARGARET'S CAFE 8peclllll.. In Bea Food• -Order• lo Go '614. NJwport Blvd. Harbor %286 NEWl'Ol!.T HARBOR BANK Coroaa del Mar ROSAN INC. Seacralt Dl\iaiOu & FoRIJ(D Moton Vincent'• Rexall Dru9 Stores Thr11 loc1Uon1 to Ser1·e You Newport Beach, Balboa. Corona dtl Mar Alice of Udo 'leauty Salon Hair ltyllnl' for the J.odivldu•I t-08 32nd ( oa the PO St.) Harbor Z84·t RUSSELL ·w. BANGERT Ke1t1n1. v,ntlll tlng • Sllt'et Metal fill Sl•t 8t. Harbor «46 RADDSER & l'ONTING "8 1.Jdy'1 P!11.ct"" Newport lleeeh Harbo~ 2SI THI! CLOTHES HORSE "Shop of Obtt11ctton" 111 llart.e Ave., Balboa INiand Harbor 0107 .__,_ Harbor 2210 HAITUIN FLOWERS ~ A.I Occuton• ... S. C0Mt 81'J., CDJI. H&rbor 5071 • ... Harbor 151 NEWPORT FURNITURE CO. Complete Homt •-umt1hln1'• 2620 "'· Cout Hwy. Uberty 8-1111 MARKET Sl'OT Balboa Island Harbor 1000 Reinert'• Newpon Dept. Store "Yo~ F1.mUy &tote atnce 1914" Ottan Front at 22nd. Harbor 185 SEASIDE MALT SHOI' 2100 W. Ocfoaa Harbor 911 R. WA~EMILLER ''Th• Y.'ork\nl(man'e Store IKM ~~ lfarhor 81\·d .. Coat.a Me-. JOLLY ROC.ER BalttQa l•land IA YSHORE RICHFllLD F rt.e Pie-II up • ~Ivery 17th ..t Co.At ""'Y· Liberty 11-91'5 loyer'.1 lalbaa Unole•111 Co. Llnolcum -T'lle -C&rJ!t'l -r Mrn.1111. UOl \\'. BaJboa 81\·d. Huborl!IM HAL COWER & SON. SIGNAL SER. STATION r'rN Plell up • dPI. UOI N~wport Rl\·d, GEORGE M. GRAHAM R111'• ~d Cll.rpeta 12Z A Kate A \'I!., Balboa ...... Harbor 32."6 HOUSE AND .. ARDIN COmpl•l• Hom• P'umlehlnp ' ' rJr&Pf!rlt• -Rue• SOl7 W. Cout H••y. Llbert1 8-911 High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 1' Red SOx Tie Braves . for A Top :Spot Blutlnl the lndlana 13..0 Wed· a..s..-,. tn. ~ ~ moved tnt.o a ttm pl&e• tie with lh• BravH In Coet.a Mea. P&Tk A. BuabaU LM· l'U•· 'The Bravta s-ot bumped T -4 by the Glanll 'I'uud'Y, enillnf their four p.me wt.nntnr 1t.reak. Roy D&lt.on and Pete Jl'•&t.h•r- 1ton collaborai.d on a on .. hJtter tor th• Red Soll. Jerry Lawrence belted a triple with th• b&1• bulr~ tnr ln th• .-cond, then dented the dlaa ht.m .. u to pll• up a quick 6·0 le&d for th• Red Sox. COME M Cll O..to0m1n1 a trtple by Gary Picken. and a srandllam homer by Ra,y Pvkl ln th• Hcond canto u the Bnv.. romped acroea four runa, th• Clanll cam• back ln the third on a two·run triple by Mike fit.wart of U s.Jboa Covu to Ue ll up. ln th• fourth, th• Olut.a ICOAd Utr.. run.1 for the w1n on 1lnflee by 'nm Ten Eyck and Bill Bulh. CAADS WIN Tb• CudJnala downed th• Yan· k"' 4·2 WtdnMday. Bob Trapp •lammed a triple tor lhi winnera. Ronnie Palmer al~led In both Yank run.a. Wllb all their nm. unearned, the WhJte Sox defeated the Dodcera a-2 Tutllday. Standlnp: Bran• and Red Sex 6·1; Cardb1t l1 4-2 ; Olanll 3-2; Yank ... and White J5oll 2·3: ln· dla.ne 1·4; DodCll'"• 1·11. Cards, Giants Deadlock in High C league The Cardi and Olanta romped Into a flrat place '1eadlO<'k In Har· bor Boy1' Clult Newport Harbor High School C Learu• 1ummn bntball, according t o rtrulta t hroush Wedn,.•day. The Giant• bubed the Dodger• 13-2 TUe~d11y anu the Cardi clobbered the Tl· gera 19-~ Wednt•lld.1y. Sten CarlM>n twirled a two-hit· t "r tor the Olanll. Tim Brown of 911 Cliff Drlve belttd a rrand- 11la m homer to •park the triumph. Teddy Wtilteneck o! 6011 rtedlanda end John Webfor of 604 W.» Ocean F ront made It '"Y tor Card pitch· er Harold Marks. Whltentrk doub- }f'd In two ·run• end Wtbfr gTand- 1lammc-d. The dlffertnre of a homer over a triple handed lhl Brave• a 7-6 win ovl'r thP Jrulrnns Turi11lay. Mike 1'1•!111 of 1121 l<tng• !load hll a g1 anctl'llam homer for the Bravea. But the Indians could do wu 1 bas"~ l1111dod triple by Bruce Woods ot <f2~1 )o;, Hlth St., c:o.tta MHa. Ktnny Swanaon o! 1992 Tulltln Ave. ("<)l\ll Me11a. pitched a 14·0 11hu\Olll Wl'dneeday for th• Cuba over t hl' Red Sox. Eugene Oplttek or •i2 EJ!ther. Co11ta Mesa, nn<I Steve Flttcher or •DO Co•t• Mtn St. homerNi. Keil Sav1er1 of •33 B1 na .1way doubl,.d. HOUSTEN NABS HIGH POINT CASABA SPOT BILL PHILLIPS, Sports Editor NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS~PRESS -PART I· PAGE 7 FRIDAY, JULY &, l95S DROOPY DRAWERS GOT TO GO IN LOCAl LOOP CRACKDOWN TheN'• no queallon Junior 1a lnmln& leuoia atralcht from Ute durinc Harbor Boy•' Club 1ummer bueball provam. Take the ate1t dlrecUve 111ued by Rod Mac MIU ian, alhleUc director. lt start. out: "K etp thc>M belll on, Bu.1ter, or we'll find you new pant•." And conttnuea: "Soya not wtar1nr belu , •tart.Inf with pmu u o! next week, will be leaued extra larr-e pe.nta and told to wear Ulem unlll they can tlnd a bell." The player• beve alao been requt•led to wear their 1hlrt1 lruld• their p&nta and II')' to l.ook u ntat u poulblt. 'n!ey w•re reminded to be on the field a half h()l)r before pme tlmea tor their team•. Coach .. have warned the embryo Ted Wllliamt' 0( th• crackc1own. LATEST ON GRUNION Here's Time Slate for Tonight and Tomorrow BY KEN 8MJTH come u hore and depoelt lb.a t gg11, GARDEN GROVE (OCNS) -the entire proce11 1ut111r a h&lf· Grunion made first July a ppear-minute, and 10metlmt1 leu . •nee Wednuday night when the The eg&e remain allva and burie<l little 111lver11.dee awarmed uhore I.ft Ule tand tl'Orn two week_, to 1>n many Southland' beach.a to a month and are washed out to spawn. The run wtnd1 up Sunday te& due to acUon from the llde. momlnr. Baby rrunton develop and live Grunion come uore on sandy near the 1hore. It will live from beachts only at night, where It one lo three ye&r1 and vow to 11 fairly dak, to -vawn. They apend about tlve or atA lnche.1. their entire llvu neer the beaches AGAJN TONIGHT Tonli.;ht the run starts at mid· n~Vit and laats until 1 a.m. tom<>r- row morntnr . GNnlon will come uhore Sund11y momlng at J2:30 and remain tor one hour. Tom Houateo of the Hardtobeats dunked in ~ point• to cop high point honon Wedneaday night during opening of Harbor Boys' Club A Summer Basketball League. The Hard- tobeats toopped the T t"Ounceni 67-60; the Hotshots clobbered lh• Pacemuerw 111-39. and lhe l""flb 14. Trouncer• (a<>1-Dave. l.,.o~ahOU ed(t'd the DemolUI 61· T amura G: Knipp 20: Nlequttle 60. 18: Rich Palafert1 10: J ohn 1-'on- T)'tnr for runner·up •Corlnc poal· llu11 a. tlon wt're Bob MarUn ot the Hard· Hot.rholl (811-Rarper 24 : Vll- tobe•ll a.11(1 Larry H&Jl>er of Uie la~rana 20; Jim Newklrk .JO: Jlm Hotahota wi th 26 dlg'\u. Bruce Mulder l7; Jim Ho•tell,.r 10. Peel!· Knipp pated Ula Trouncere and ma.ker1 139)-Pope 20; Buddy Ed Popa the Pacemakers with ThompllOn 7; Wlllker and Buford 20 each; Mike Vail• topped lh• e each. Long&hotl wlth 18, and Roy Dan· lela, Oa.ry Grwn and Leonard Lop- u led lhe Demons with 14 each. Scoring rundown by team• HArdtobeata (97)-Housten 211 ; Martin 2•; Glenn Bufford 4: 8111 Lorentzen But Team High loses ANAHEIM, 10CNS l -F\111er· ton'• Eulltde Club moved Into a lle for f irst place wlth Richard"• of Newport Tu.aday by virtue of a 45-35 victory over the HarbOr quintet In an Aziahelm Summer Basketball A COt\.lUt at Western Junior Hlrti Gym. Cypreu. Hank Aahbourn got a poinll for the winntra. a1thoug11 New- port'• p.uJ Lori!nl&en waa top •corer ot the evcnlnc with 21 tallle.1. The· ~I.aide Club took a lead In Long11hot,a (81 )-Paul Lorent.r.en JG : John Henrotln 10; Valle 18: llarwood J 1: Peteraon G. Demons (601 -0anld•, Green and Lopes H each; Rorere 13; Garber G. PAIR OF POKERS TOP AMERICANS Yankee Catcher Eurene La· Perle and Harold Zamora or \,he ked Sox are awatUng th• lloraehlde al a .671 c:Up In HIJ'- bor Boya' Club B American ttummtr balleb•lt league. etat- l1Uc1 a.a or Tueaday revea l. Tom Giiiman or the Tiger• trail• wtth .666. Other le.ad· Ing alugger• Include Larry Bu•bY of the Ticer•, and Corky Jtlllott, White Sox, .600; J im Curt11, Red Sex .. 429 and Oa.ry FuNfllman, Tlcen, .'17. the fln t quarttr and wen never D I I headed, leadl.nr 23-18 ·~ halftime. On• Run ec I Y• Alli.on·• Market wu w lnJier over Ooh•( lnt.o U\Jrd week of Harbor the Celt1t1 o! Garden Grove, H-40, '3oy1· Club 1Ummer bueball 1ea- when Flynn IWlk lhe clincher with aon, on• run· pm-. appe&Ted to to .econda remaining. 'be pl"O\'lnr the dUterence In Cos- In tbe flnaJ contest, Don Heard ta Men Park A. Lea(Ue compe· ot HunUn(ton Be&ch dropped ~ tltlon. Al of 'I\ieaday, the first jump ahot through the ncta to & •l' place Brave. had won tour, !oat the OUt'rl a 3;.35 win over the one. Three of the wina were by Carat's ot Santa AnL The Hunt· one run. The lut place Dodgtrs lngton Bcarh Rec. waa.beMnd fl\01 had a 1-~ rttord. Four ot t.1¥1r po1nt1 at halftime. IOJ1H11 wt're by a 11ncle tally. and make thtlr runs during lh~ l'P•l4_'.1ling suson Jrom March to Augu1t. The trah ar" In aeuon only durtng the monlha ot June. J uly and AU(Uat. ll 11 U.eral to polMU the !tah at any olher tlnie. Tt:R!li OF TIDE The minion will atul anotht>r four day 1tand July 21. Newport l Run• 1tart after turn of the Ude Buch. Corona dtl Mar, Doheny 1 a.nd may Jut from one to three ~ach and Huntington Beach a1 c I houn. The rune t.ke place only the beat 11pot11 to hunt grunion tn I when each 11uceedlng tide l..s lower Orange County. I t han the pre<-edlng night. J'emalea DID YOU KNOW ••• Gru:ilon hunte,.. muat have aport -------------nshln~ Uc~nsu. The fish msy lw WATSON Tops la.ken on the beach or In t..he aurf by hand only. There I• no limit. j HIT PARADE For b!'st entlng. Broll or tr/ after 1 rleanlnit a nd .eallnc. Red Soit Catcher RlchU'd Watson 111 lead!Jlr A League alucger1 Ln Harbor ArM BoYI" Club 11UJ11mer bueball at COa~ Met1a Park, accordlnf to ataUsUc.a luued 'I\ieaday. Watson hu fwt h1Ls In elghl tnrs to tht plate for a .62~ avcragP Heavy Anchovy Concentration SW of Newport SACRAMENTO -Thi 1tate department ot fl~h and game re· portrd Salurilay that a Joint air ant1 lie& l!lll""!'\I haio d1srlose<1 four h<'ll\"~' ronct'ntrat1on1 ot a.nrhovie1 ort Southem Ca llforn1a and Baja Cah!orn1a. You can buy a .new Mercury for less than it costs for 13 models of so-called ''low· priced" cars? s .. y04lr Mercury dealer I • l.e•RU• 11tant1in~~: Carda an'1 C1ents 4-1; Tl&era, Cubs and Bravta 3-2: Yatiks 2·2: lltdlana. Dodgtrs and ~d l!IO'lt 2-3; White Snit 4·0. -------------- sPonEss Other top hitters •• ot Tur 11· day; Terry Bagwt'll, While Sox, .600: Dick Bulterworth, dtans. •,:,6, Ron Jts8e. C11r'111. .~oo. Earl Lewi.s, Carda, .462; l'at Hl'lrr.holz. Gian ta, .4 H; Slf'\"e S1mf'Mon. Giants .. ~29, Pt>te Rabbitt, l ndlans. .400; Bill Rui<h, Olant..ct .. 333: H nr· <>Id Caldwell. Card~. .33:\ a.nd J ohn Hughes,· Giant..,, .300. The main ccincenlration1 W"rt off Ventu1 a, between San Pe<1ro an'1 :-O:ewport Beach, off Coronado Strand. and betwren San Ramon Ray anrt Cape · Colnett tn Baja Cs1trornl11 . It 's the' thnflJ thing to do-siart sa ving now! Tigers Rap Yankees to Head B Boys Rapping the Yankeee 10-CI. Co•· ta .Me1a Park'• B American Lea- gue Tigers remained undeJeate<l Tuesday &Iler fl\"I' traya In Har- bor Boy1' Club summer ce>mpeU- tton. Tom Gillman or flt I Al Oun P lace. Costa Mua. spun a two- hllter for tht' \·ict.ora. Larry Diab~· a nd Jim Smith paced lhe Ttgera at the plate w\lh two for three. Gary Dunn and John Mart.In •flt'llf'•I tach otht>r on lhe mounti fc•r the A thlellra. and whal }hl'y l!fl!'lle1l Wlll' a ~·2 \•1ctory over lht' lndllllfs. The Dunn-Martin duo rhuckN & one hitter ag11.1n•l Ja111· es ~cu1ldtr"1 t" o hit ef!orl tor thf Tribe. k en Wallece 11la111med out a triple for lhl' b1dla.M. Uacu• 1tandlngs .Tiger• 11·0: 'White Sox 3-1: Red Sox 2·3; Alh· lt'tlta l·2·l; Yankee& 1·3·1; In· • dlanA 1·•· Webster Tosses Second Shutout in Row at CDM John Weblttr of 302' Ocean Blvd. hurled hi• aecond 1tralg-ht 1-0 ahutolll win !or th• Corona dcl Mar Youth Center 1.A.'11.gue Cubs TUeaday. Thia time lh• tnwnph wu O\"tr the CuJm&U. Friday, Weblter unleuhed a 7-0 non-hitter over th• ldlan1. Only • paJr of Indian runnera reached nret but on wilk1. Kim Oviatt of 127 E. Bay Front -wu loel~ toa•· er for the Carda TUMday. Wayne 01.l&lt of U O J'emle&f wu lhe whole lbow u lh• Dodr· '"' 1hutout U11 Ola.llll 4-0 Wad· nuday momJ.nc on the Youth Cni· t ef' diamond. Oauld amu hed a tv .. o-n1n homer In the flrat tram•. Junlon Lose OH Harbor Boya· Club Junior entry In Oranre County Bucba.ll Leairue dropped an l 1·2 pract.lce contu l to Anahtlm TuMday. Coach Wen- 'ttll Plc\\ene &aid tie uMd all 20 playel"ll on hi• ~er. . :je ~~a~y shod Ut. * Weyenbe ... g Casuals * -You'll thrill with {'ride wlwn you sttp OU\ in a ?tir of these ullra·smart cuuaJs by \\7t ycnberg. Thty cen'c be beat foe 1.U-purpose we:ar and •lippct·sofc comfort. Come to our score -round out your wardrobe and give you.r fee( a treat in one quick trip. WEYENBERG • '-"• , .. ·LOAFERS-9.95 TO 11.95 OrJen Sundays 10 to 5 S AR o ..... .... ,. Oii .. 0.-. ,.,... .. lht. ... i NEWPORT llACH O..All't~ .... ,,~ ... -/ OPEN A NEW SAVINGS ACCOUNT OF $100 OR MORE ••• AND YOU'LL RECEIVE- The TOM THRIFT COIN BANK is CRYSTAL CLEAR-, -FREE! To1n Thnfl Coin Bank PLUS fr/emorandun1 Tr1allct f-°"' • ,.N: Of "°'C:~ ... :·· ~ "'"' ..... . v.~.-~ ..... . .·. \" "Ruild • /nrh•n• wl1A rnur ,,,.,,., '"""•"-'' Onlr Z.'it: 11 tin.-11mnu11,. In 11/mmt 1100 '" Oftl.v on .. r rar. c ... '"'" Bank ''"'""! * Each account in~ured up to $10,000.00 . * Acco.unts opened by July 11 , 1955 eorn interest from July 1 * Current Rate of Interest 3V2~0 per Annum SrrTi"ll Sanln Ana ... Ornn'" Cnvnty .•• Soullwtrn California ••• Sint:e 192.1 ~~ANTA --ANA SAVINGS ~~o ... , s~ and Loan AHoriaiion ~-\ ~ . . ~...:..-1416 N .. Main Street Phone Klmberly 2-8806 ~.ft 1._,,• Ampl• parking space at rear of bvitding. lntnlnc. to parlcln9 tot Oft N. •ycamoN Strfff .. • •II PA"GE I · PART I -~EWPOttT ~ARBOR NEWS-,RESS FRIDAY, JULY I , 1955 Too a..te to .. EASTER WEEK C .. --....... O..U.llecl fnm P1nt Pap MESA SCHOOL BUDGET SET AT $1I183,526 I STATE OFFERS I the Il"''1ne Co, tor their tn~netrt l tl~vated lntn place Oii pre·eo. nltT'\lt'· on an Upper Bay dtvelopmtnt pro· tf'<l pihnga and footlnp.. This Coetllnwd tYOm nn& r~ rrsm llattd co1t1 ot a n t•pptr would a«ount for a fNat portion thtt exten1ion ot Marine Ave. In· Bay High Brl~r• at Ule locetJon ot th• aavtnp Ntlmat•d to bi' t-e· land from the Cout Highway with now •J>«ltled u a pproJUmately all&ed. a JUnt'tUre at lhf' main road ('On• $1,:>Q0,000. The Jn'lne report pro· ' r attuct!'d by Jrvlne for tht Boy The 1tate lmprovemC'n of the anl't, It 111 rro umM!, wn111c! ~ pre- v1d ... 1 bv t h i' l.'M1n1 ,. "' Oranirt. Ill HAtl>\ir Dek•rtm!'nt and the ""1n• Cn. ('Ol.!\T\. ISA("flOS AHemblyman 1-:Mrl \\°. Stanlt1 hu <•onsl#tt nt)y I Mt'd to s·et a ff'l!llble rt11n •n<i d••&lgn prtpuf'd llO that roat ot an UpJMlr Bay Bridie !'OUlil bfo enllr«-ly borne by th• Statt c>f. C11.hfornla. Ttlf plAA wa• nr,•rr fMChC'nm1nc mm ~· county. ..... the council he •xpecb court co11t11 Cotti& Meaa Unjon School Dt..- trlcl &&rd of Trusteu Wednu· day night llf't publlc hearing date for the dU1trlct budget tor 196~-66 u Aug. 3.. during nut ~&r meeu nr. Tentall\'e budget approv- l'd Wednuday -,mounted to SI,· 183.~25 ., compared to lut yn.r·e budget of 11 .00l'l,4i3.18. H-1.o.t ud Poaad for tryln1 the c.,.. to approx1mue 11000.. Mayor Hill MJd the city owe• It LOST. Freri~ \:>ooc)M, Dari{ rra1. to youth to pur.ue Ute matter. bl\MI collar. NewJ!Cllrl Bch. Ile· Councilmen and Davi• &(Tffd the """ '-1392. Named "Sunday". put Eutu Week wu the fine•! R.ewaid. Har. lMa-J or LI 1-In the Harbor a.rea and cr~lt.ed !):\ff. 7~77 th• ordinance with aJdJng to keep order. Charlea Rart, prealdMt ot ~-Waatecl th• Newport Harbor Realty Board, .-- "Thia la within two or ti.-ee cent. of lut year"a C041t per pupil," Bu1111eu Manager Harn10n S.n- bomt Informed the boud. BABY STM'INO, anytlm. ot d&y told th• council hie g-roup 11 be- 1 ht k d ln lud_.. hind the ordinance 100 per cenL or n f . wee en • c .... All SfN. tl& W. 18th SL, Colt& 8TODDAJID CllAJll' J.teaa. Liberty l-6N8. T6p7T Only dlatavor toward the ordl· A l11t of propoeed capital out· lay expt>nses amounting to $337 .776 wu app?oved by Ole truateu ln conJuncUon with the budrel. San- bom explained that 1( capital out- kly monlee wer~ not earmerked tor definite uae. the State Depart- ment ot Finance would request the amount go .Into the d111lt1ct building program. . ~Help Waated ? ! RETIRED ! ! Tlred ot i.o.nnr ! Want to enter a new field! Ref~rdl-. ot .... If healthy A ~ti•• you caa at.art a new aell· lnJ cani'er. Proteu1onal back- rround p...ttrl'td, car neceM&1'}'. Wrtte Bo1l N·3, lhl1 Mwep&per. 7!'><:77 HARCO 40. Fut. RadJo, auto, pl· Jot. 11lec. range le retnr. I te.· 000. Set at HJnch'9 Be1&con Lending, 1301 C<Wl1t Hwy., N.B. 7!'><:77 ~Autoe for Sal«! 'tlO M.O. T .D. A-1 eondlUon ;Jru. out, radio A: tonnea u cover. 11886 J!:dfewood Lane, Oartl1>n Grove. LEhl&'b 9·M88. 76c77 nance waa e1tpreaaed by Stoddard. Ht que1tloned Davia on what other me&ru1 could be 11.ed to lJ\apect the rental• and not Invade the right of privacy, which la the ma.In con· tentlon again.at t~ ord1nance. Davia Mid record\ show Super- ior Court will not IMue 11earch WUT&nta unlest facu preaenu4 Indicated tomeone In the premllle• hu property In violation ot the law. "I do not care much for thle dell.I." Stoddard u ld before he en· tered hl1 yea vote to not appeal or amend th• ordinance. Castint for Musical P reliminary cutlna-for lingers ud dancers lo pruent "Bouchard Returna", the annual pirate mwil· caJ revue at the Orange County Fair, wtll be conducted In the Fea- ture Exhiblta BuJldlng on the P'aJr- grounda today at 7:30 p.m. LAR.Ot.:K RE8ERVll Included In U1e total Mesa bud- get 11 a ~0.000 rt3erve. Sanborn eaid Ulla had e>een lncreued be· TIDELANDS CoaUDued trom Flnt Pap :iome area.a of lh~ c068t. In an effort to go around UM Shell bill which dou not ~o lnto actual law for tome day1 yet 110me 11ta1.e la.nd1 have &lready been of- fered for leue -llJ>«lflca.lly 3000 acre11 betwttn Santa Alla Rlvw and Huntington Beach. The atate la.nd.I ~ommlaelon thb week. overrode req~•ta of MV'ral 1tfl 1Wl>80N Super 8 !'ou~ '+8 5V-BeaJ ~!t Wanted • major on comp&nle1 which urged engint. See to appreciate. Sl2S: SELL YOUR PROPERTY! ! the rommlulon not to Jeue the LI. l-1928. 7&ciT , • anHge weat of here until the M.G. LATE '63. Nixon manifold, new condition. Mllen:e 19,000. 11296. 920 W. 20th St., Co1.1ta Mesa. Lrb. 8·3W7. 7:'>c77 48.-A-Apta. for ~nt · NE'W untum. 2 bdrm. ncl'an front a pL, very modem. Wiii lease by year. C&ll PAUL C. JONES, Har. 2313. 7!'>c '88-BoaMe for Rent THREE B.R.•unfurn., garb. di1poe· al. thermo. heat. No pet•. 165 mo, on leue. 366 E. Walnut Pl.. Colt& M.e-.. Lib. 8-3180. 75tfc UNFURN. 3 bdrm. oce&ll vt'w home. Yrly. 1-..e. 460 Sierra Drift, Corona Highland. 7~77 We believe the quickest way to Shell·CUnnlngham btll became law. MJll your property 18 throug'b The comm!Nilon went l\h<'4id with our ··open House Syt1lf'm". We lta dt>chrion. announdn' It would will be glad to Inspect It help reject aJJ bids If it flnd11 it would you utabllsh • corrttt 11elhnr be more adva.ntag-eoua to ~e ltate price. Ce.II now for h1format1on. lo I~ land under the Shell-Cun- no obligation . nlngh8Jll mu.1rur". Now the com-JA~ -VICK, Realtors mission apparently v.rill have to Harbor 2<>42. • 76c88H a bide by the· meuure. DAl81El'I -Apt~: E•tf'r R4l"f'd ; GrrberM; \'r llow a \\ltt~ Mar~u.ritH and Dlmorpbothrra ..... •~ up R•~D ('ASTOR BEA.."S . ... .. .....• ............. . 80c WIDE s •:U:CTlOS OF OU:ASOERS ..... ················-···· . llOf, up CALffOR!\'IA SATl\'t: S \'C'AMORt:s . ....................... . 13.75 NEW-PAINTED 8 FT. PRAM .... ................ . 1100. ~~XsT~~~!Y ~I:. 11th (n..-r ln·lnf') LIMrty 8-50tl A FOR YOU • You receive an attractive, guaranteed Trave' Alarm Clock free when you open your new savings a~unt of $1,000 or more. A handsome genuine leather billfold (either, man's or lady's) is yours free when you open your new savings account of $500 or more. AC'J' J'OOAYI Offer ii limited one to each new occount. lxpl'" July 3 l, 1955 1. f.dt ettCMHlt. """'" .. $10,000 ~ .. ,..,,.. ~ •'"' l-11 '"'-c~. 2. Mow. yov ~ ~ cMd.a 4 llM9t e yew Ofl ,._ full'•"' C9rlltk91e ~ "'-t .. , Morcfi JI, J-30, s.,....._, >O, ertd, Hi "-fet Mitt Ch""-', ~ IO. I. Y-ecCW11t -I~~ ..,..._ _.,.. re.tr '°"'· .,,._., .. _.. .. ,,o~_...__,~~1~,.,. c. y.., ~ _.., .-... ... -,.,,....,. ...... ..,.. s. '"" ...... '"",....... ..................... cltd -'-velly, ..,.. ... _._..., Mde4 • ,_ ._.,..._ '· l!nfe7 ................ ......, ................... COIN Mtwt eftlp ,._,,, --'· s.vt .. 1Aw...t1 OpeeH ... ,.., '"" _....,.d,,_ ,..., .... INTEREST """" ...,, .... 0,.. letw..,, My .. CW,-tlOO AM te 1.00 M 11ftNcw,...-..a. • c....-.c.M.•~l-M91 I S J bo Th h ... poaed us!Jljt Ule \\'a.shlng-tQJI Statt pre•ent Upper Bay Brtdge 11 u · cauae wt year'1 130.000 reeen•e cout am ree. 11 u -en hllCI run "tlfht " t oward the end tentauvel.v ldentlflt'd In county l)'Jle ot brldfe. Th11 bridge a• pro-tlmated to ca.t In the aru of ot tn. flacal yau. I pl•~s •• Irvine Blvd. It 11 pie-poled could ba lar1eJy fabricated S26-0,000. Tbil would make 1tal!' ln other buainNI, a petition lured u a main 1econdary road in a ehlp yard in lha Loi Anc:eJe. coat.cont.rib.uUon to the tlpj>f'r Bay lla:n~ by 37 ~nrwA ~bmlt·l rarallC'lllng'·the b11t'k bay and Mee-or Long Beach Herbor erea and High Brtdr• approxlmattly on~ led lo Pruldent Bradley SC'hwand .\rthur Blvd. This road 18 oµtaid«-fln•led 1n here on bargee and t.he.n eJ&'hlh ot the total COIL The bal· uklnl that George W. Sutton bt• th" city of Nt>wport Rl'RCh except con111de~d for appolntmrnt to the 11t It• connection wHh the Co••t I tru1tee poet vacated by R. W. Ml'· Highway. Clellan. Schwan added that Ult Rev. Rqberl Gronlund 9, the Lu·; Pruumably 1rv1nt will get thl' Ule"1l Church had alto been w g-cloverleaf overpa11 to furthtr hi• &eated tor the poel. The board j t'pptr B11y hmd u11e In f'xr hange ag-r~ an executive ee11111on wns 1 tor rights of way conrt11slon1 Jin neceuary before announctml'nt ot hl11 bu111ne11s devrlopmt>nt on· the the new truatee at the Aug. J l Highway y,·e11ttrly of the l'p~r mffUDf· BA.;• Croumg. NEW WORKERS BRIDGE F.STIMATE Two new non-certificated em· 1 When lhe studv ot Up r Bay ployeu were hired, Barbara Chap-• ~ man. Rea School clerk·typl.i. and oll'velopmtnt prepared by R. L. Mre. Lucille Wlllo~. Harper I Patterson wu pre11t>nted to the School clerk. Accept.rd wu J ohn County ot Orange costs of a high Mahan'1 realgnat1on .. can1ener.1 bndJle v.•er~ u tlmatr-d at some- Htred to replace Mahan waa I where betWt't'n l.3.~00.000 . and Oeor1• Harper. 17 .000.000. The report prepand for SL'llllEH SCHOOL MORNING SESSIONS ONE oa llOBE SUBIECTS-EN'IER ANYTDIE with great new developments Only new Chevrolet T aslc •force trucks bring you all these truly modem features. If you don't g~t .. th.~'m in the truck you buy, you're actually getting an old fashioned trvck. ~NEW CHEVROLET Task·Force T _RUCKS ' .. NEW CAMEO CAHIEI • MODEL I; A truck like no truck New more "'lt•d standard 3-1peed Synchro-Me1h transmlulon ········--~~~·-~~--~~.('.~ -~~~·!·······-...! -----····-·-·-·-·----· Naw distinctive 2-tone color stylint I ! NEW lOW-CAl- FORWAID SHIES Replace. the old fuhioned New 7-lb. radJater pre11Yre ciap I l ............... :··· C.O.E.t ........ ----l·-·---··-·--·--··-·----- New parallel-dHlgn I framH New 12-volt electrical 1y1tem 1 ! i New lon1-wh••Jbo•• % -ton pldtup mod., I ..... ·--····· ..... ············-·----:·····-···-··-·-···----·---'----. i New ~ I New heavy-duty I New cfomellght switch concealed l alngle-spHd rear a xle I: Oft lnalrvment pon.t. Safety Step1 1 ····-·· • ·······-.----···--· ---- Stay fm of . NEW OVERDRIVE ! N•w optlonol ace or muJ. Optmnal nn \.~·tnn moikh ! f 11-V' · d at c.i.tra co.t. I u 1ew rMtf win ow .. : ..... -···· ......... .... -·········-·-r··-···-····-···--·-····-· New deep-drop l·beam : ; If front a xle IForword · New Flite-Rlde De luxe Cob1 j NEW e. ~. Control> ...... ······-..1.--~~~'.:.~.~~-~~-t-~~1~.~-~-~~~----' ~:~;~~I~ ~':. , New Power Steering ! Ntw High-ltvel ~ ·········----···-· ···• -·· --· r .. 1,0 co•I op••o• olf•r•d '" all i • ... ~od:'.' ••ctpl forword Co•l•oll :--·-··Ve~~.il~~l~~-~y~t~~ ....... J ___ .N~-1~~:.~~~rm~a~~-- New higher gron torque I and horupower rali"g' , New If• -ton Forward Control chaul1 New wide-tread front oxles l fa : Now, Hol<h;;,;·~,,,;····-1 ~; , power-pacote : New ftuibly mounted m11fRer and tallplfte on All Modtls I 2 L d : ..... -.... · ·-···-···-······-j VI englnH-j New New greater 1 5 siut 1 lon9er frontal area radiators I I fro1 nt ! spr n91 New rebound- controlled Hot New eiderior chrome option ·----·-·--····-- New greater wh.,lboH rong•-104 to 22Q lnchH New stondord 34-inch frame width ··-··· ..... . ····-··-i'" . ·····---····· .. ---··· New stronger alloy-lfeel : NEW HIGHH MAXIMUM N~ smolltr twrnlng . t b 1 ! G.V.W.-U, TO circles for nearly oll sprang cen er 0 11 j t 8,000 LIS. convenlionol model1 ........ ~~~-tw--~~~~~~--~-xl-.--.-~-e-~-.-~::~:~~:::~:~n-se-.,-. ---;~IEL~~;" TIRES -©· . control on gearahift In.moat model• 1 U r ,..,..,,,, .. t/J ,...,. ""°"'•'•' .. New.~; •• ., ··~ ·-i ---···N ti , ·-----·· ··-~.w saftr double- q11ieter ~w 0~ ona wropp•d fbed •YH slow.speed fan Airmahc Hat on front •pring• --...................... ___ _. __ ... -~·-·-· .... ······-----·--·· 1 New 4-pelnt NEW lOWH STEHIHG NEW PANEL IODIES I engine mounting j: GEAR RATIOS FOi system CONVENTIONAL MODELS . New deeptr, ttroftl•,j NEW .fOWH HAKES ·-l-·--~.:·-~~nd lever frCN't• 1Ml•·M•'"ben ~ Scand.ard on 2• j1 for porkin9. brako 4 ton dlodrls, an -·--·--··---··· • t e_xtn-co,1 op-l --------- ..... w hf~~~-· I.JOO 0~-~~.; ,. .......... -__.-r r--N-ew .......... ,,__~·.,tor New dual cltwit ~•allot ! T• .. rvn• "' fJW ll9htln9 dtewHt -MILLER CHIEVROLET COMPANY NIWPGIT llAC .. • \ • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS JULY .s, 1955 I FRIDAY, .. PART TWO, PAGE ONE Religious Drama SCheduled for Performance at Chapman SCENE OF SWISS PRODUCTION -Though thia will only be the aecond time that "The Great World Theatre'' ha.s been performed in the United States, it is given every three years in Einsiedeln, Switzerland. uaiJlg a caat of ovv 500 residents of the village. The play is presented on the grounds of the castle in the city. A new chapter in the cultural history of Orange ideal locatfun for the performances of the play. With County win be written tonight when the orchestra plays its classical architecture the campus would add gre¥ly the relude to "The Great World Theatre'' in Orange. to the color of the play itself. But many problems aroi;e. ts w ·nn~-..-0!.the religious play that will Ticket handling, ushering, arranging seating. getting run for seven performances at the Chapman Cottege---act.ora....lfill other personnel, all these were just a few of campus. The first note of music w111 be sounded at 8:30 the jobe to De ac~mptitlhed-be!or.e the _play could be p.m. to announce the first of a yearly series of religioua p~nted. In addition to the jobs to be don~,·th~re .. was plays to be produced in Orange by the Orange CommQn· the matter of expense. No small production is The • 1ty Drama Festival. Perfonn&nces will also be given Great World Theatre". lt ia operatit;g on a budget of Saturday, Sunday, J uly 15, 16, 17 and 22. $7000. Written in 1675 by the Spanish playwrite, Calderon In May & reading of t he p1a'y was held at Chapman de la Barca, "The·Great World Theatre'' baa been her· College. Many professional actors o( stage and screen aided as the greatest of all religioua plays. Through the participated in t he reading. They were l\l'IXious to pre- centuries it has been presented many timea throughout aent t he play u be.t they could ao that local reaidenta Europe, and has become a tourist attraction in Einaie-would become ebthuaed over the 15tory. The public waa , deln, Switzerland. where it is given every three yean invited to the reading and heard, for the first time, the in the little Swiss town. For that production over 500 cl-script of "The Great World Theatre". · tizena of the little village take part as actors, dancera, Since that reading in May. calls ha \'e gone nut for musicians, stage hands and other necessary jobs. volunteer actors, dancers, musicians anJ other help in In 1952, Professor Harald Dyrenforth, then at the play. Orange County res ponded well to the idea~ Mount Saint Mary's College in Los Angeles, wanted to of the play and the firtit production of "The Great World produce the play at the college. He had the script tran,a. Theatre" will open in Orange with a cast of over 125 lated and an entirely new musical score was composed people. all but a !ew of whom are resid°t'nls or Orange for the Los Angeles production. lt was the first time County cities. that "The Great World Theatre" was presented in the While rehearsals have ·been going on C'very night at United States. Chapman College, a group of hard-working behind·the· Dyrenforth lat er became a member of the Chapman . Keenes workers ha\'e been acth·e in trying to insure the College faculty and came tn Orange County when the play'8 success. The job of distributing and sellin~ tickets college moved last summer. From the very beginning of bas been taken over by the Orange Kiwanis Club. his association with Orange County. he had in mind to This gl'oup o( m.en. with their wiv<'s. has ~een to produce the play here, using Orange County people as it that tickets are a\'ailable in e\'ery city in Orange actors, stage hands, mu::iicians and dancers. The job County. In "Sn effort to helpt the Kiwa'nians, the em· was tremendous. No one in the county was familiar ployees of the Orange Post Office volun tccrctl to man with any production of this particular .play. lt needed , the tickE'J. booths on the nights of the play. The com· a. large ca.st, and how could that many people be con· munity aspect of the play was beginning to catch on tacted? In short, the problem of presenting the play and many individuals and organizations brgan to con· in Orange in the summer of 1955 seemed almost tact the Orange Community Drama Festi\·aJ to see what impossible. it could do. But u the idea was presented to different people The American Legion asked to be ault' to ~rve the around the county, it began to catch on. the first prob-project in some way and was gL\len t he job of super· !em waa the job of producing the play. Who would bear vising the seating and ush<'r ing. O\'er 1600 scats are the financial burden ? For this purpose a non·profit being set up in the quad of the collC'ge to ::iccomodatc corporation was formed and given the name of the Or· the audience and they all have to be tied together in ange Community Drama Festival. groups of fi ve. The corporation •·as formed for the purpo~ of To help in this tremendous Job. :111tl also to help producing yearly a religious play. The proccccls from during some of the nights in usher m}!. two high school any production would be dc\'ote<l to acquiring better car clubs volunterred their help. The teen-agers arC' equipment and facilities for future productions. and to members of the Equites \'iae and t hl' Roy;1J~. and are pro\'ide drama scholarships to Orange County students. happy to ha\'C an opportunity for tht-ir tlubs lo b(' of Chapman College was agreed upo n as being the service to the community. .. SCENE OF RELIGIOUS PAGEANT -"Th~ Great World Theatre'', outdoor reli· gious play of the 17th <::entQry, will be presented tomorrow night using t-he back· ground of Chapman Colleg~ aa the. only "scenery". Over 125 Orange County people a.re in the cast. · The story of the play is. the story of life. In the openin'g scene the voice of God calls on the souls to arise. take their places in the world. and act their res- pecr ive parts. As the many cbaracteni pass a.cross the stage. the audience can see themselves in different parts. It is truly an experience to witness the pageant o! life as it is presented in "The Great World Theatre". A symJjhony orchestra will play the ecore and be· cause the musicians are hidden from view, the music seems to come from henen itaelf. No acenery will be used. On.ly the imposing facade of the college a.dminis- t ration building will be used. together with the natural surroundings of the campus. Canvas walls eight feet tall arc erected around the theatre area and this, lo· gelher with the ~topping of traffic in front of the col· lrge. will give the ''theatre" the quietness of an inside sta~e. 1 Ticket.a '-re on aa.le throughout the County and allo at the Orange Community Chamber of Commerce. Tick· els will also be sold at Chapman College on the days of the performances. Phone reservations may be ma.de through t he Orange Chamber oj. Commerce. • Local Woman Choreographer of · 'Theatre' Staging_ B~· RERT RRIXTSAU .. B;i1 k LO the h"flrols again ,bul ant;" ("t111mumtv Otlll!lA f'c~ll\'AI !his 11111" All 1·h01 ,.111:1:irh .. r. M ri1 and 1r tl 1·al<'hPA nn will bt i:tvf>n tt .. ·h~t •I Rm,p1111n 11f :'\ewport itnmmlly It will be Jitlvo•n thP ev· loltoti;:ht ~ 111 rvmrmb.,r1n~ thP de~·s rntl)j!l! or J uly 8. 9, 10. I!'!, 16, 17, n11L llo lonl( n1:n wlwn ~hP henu>lf a n·I 22 ot 'hapmnn Cnlltl'(e. \\'II.• 1111" O( lhP J.•l\dHil tn 8 pfl>;"<'Bn\ f'tnrtnCi'J<, Wh lr h hllVl' plll\'l'tl m !lull nvnod Buw l leading parts in ~n rni1ny pt>oplPll f"hnn:,,.:111phr1. shP ~nys, 111 )USl hves. l(Ot Mr,.,• Simpllon Ill\<> dnllr· 8 hq.:h toll•"' "'""' fc.r ~horui; d lr-mic t· .. n 1mi; rr .. m :'\t•W Orlt•anll llll ''tor . R rhilol wh1•11 ht>r porenls m11vl'•I In th18 <ll!!P th•• rho11u1 of h,1 l1Pt to H ollywnnd, :\1 n<. !'imp11nn &n•I t!Oll•'l'S I~ !I p!tt l or Gr.•n t World n\hPr l'hildrt'n W('fP i;aven '111nc1n:: Tht'ltlf'r, ('nld1•ron .:(' Ill Barc:11:s l~s~nns bet'8U!iP Ont' or th r lending i:n flt fant11sy whtrh hr J;:ll\'I' thP olanre l•'IH'h"t ~ of th!' ttmt' oweo1 wu1i.t ,11,,1 tly aft"• !"h11kl'~r~nre's mont-y whu h shr "'""' l\blP too P"Y t1nH' \\ 11tl1•n "' o1.:1nnlly tn ~pan· 11ff in IC!!SOlll' li<h tl h!l!< b\'' 11 lll\ll~IRtr·d anto j\flpr a <'&lllJ'IP or yellrl! or lhU! nw.t., n F:n1;1t-h l h•Pll F"nrth ha\'· ~11:< Slmp•on rnunrl hPr~Ptr In 11\j! Ill)"' (P•I •r11111• ,.( ht:I fl\\'ll vr•tb· lrn1• With lhP 11 rt 8lld \\ hPn 11he I lj.;t· 111111 ti tn f'Pf' 1! up whrn hP I\ r 111 to t 'nan•t ~l(V flf !'1tlllhHI\ W'I• ol111m.1 , ..... , h 11 ~lu11n1 S( 1".1hfu 1n1n ~h" rnniin11 .. 1I her aturl· ~IA I\ ' h • Ill dt ollllR \I<" 81lf1 ofanung &n<f fH't: TCl.lllll:IHI\\' '"''" part 1n pla<ys thrr,., Amonr: II " """ ""'":: rt•'•• n'•'.f ,,, an !hf'~" wq" 1tn an wharh !lh" d&nC'l'S 1111lllor11 r• lli;1u1111 l'"l.:'"'"t hr Or· a $ymb<tltc ballet. "Vo1cl' ol War," ., . ' j HACK TO STAGE -Mrs. Richard Simpson is choreo· g-ra!1 hcr of the dance parts of "The Great World Thea· tre." big pageant being st.aged sll\rting this week at Chnproan College in Orange. This is a religious spec· tacle of Spanish origin which has reccnlly been adar>l· ed to production on the California stage. t unf'd t o lhe ten11enr~ of th" F r8llf'r, wh<r phrnn,.•I t n\<'rlaln l lrnl'S jlllll be(OrP \\'orld \\'ar 11 Io\ r '" •"I , l'!t\llfO" 1111'1 Mrll Slmpso1l'11 prPsent <•tfnn .. 111 ""'' t11nr l-a·I " ~111•hn 111 \\'11 .. h· 8rP d arertf'd towa r.1 P"rr .... ·ttnl! llj!\•llt fl(" Th• rr llr,. "b<Htl 100 lhr"I' n11mbl'rll fnr lhP h,g p:lj;• f"I "'Ill' Ill lh<' \\ h11i,. f'HRl'Mll\ an•l l'llnt \"''" waltz.,.11 with nanr •lanr· ~11 • l-'111tp'"" 1' •l,.laa;:ht,.~ v.•11 h f'f~ an • A•·h 11nlf 11 Spena~h rlan<'" thr 11111•1in.: 1nt .. 111~•nl ~rr·•rt ti,.· W1!h l\\'O d1:1ncer.!I. ThP p11ma Ill:! r111 '"'"•hr rt"""' 11 .. n hv th• dOnnA or \h~ 111e1°l' I" :\(1•tc•,..,411 l'""l'''' (If ()f(ll\l:P 1114'1 ltlhrl' DIBECrOB TAKES PART IN PLAY -Harald Dyren.forth, often teen· and heard , in televU!on an~ radio plaf', and in moviee,•.uch u '-rbe Magnificent QbleuJon", will be cut as the beggar in 'The Great World Theatre". Dyrenfortb directed the only other United Statea production of the play and with his wife, a former radio ~ direct.or, ii directinl the preaent production. in Orange. HOLLVll'OOD ACTRFSS \i'ISITS REHEARSEL - Miss Anne Francia. currently appearing in "Black· board J ungle" and "Bad Day al Slacl< Rock", recently visited one of the rehear sal.a! of "The Great World Theatre". She is shown above talking with the musk conductor of the.play, Dr. Will Garroway, who 'com· J>Ofled the score to be used. Many Hollywood actbn and directprs are intere8ted in the revival of religioWI plays throughout the United States. TWO ON THE AISLE -The mayor will be very happy t o go, thank :.·ou. a" M~. Dora Hill recelvea a pa.ir of ducats to The Great World Theatre from 0 . W. "Dick'' Richard in the preeence of Mercedes Fra~. prima ballerina of the rcligiout1 fete which i1 being given at Chapman College, Oranl{e. July 8. 9. 10, 15. 16, 17 and 22. with the curtain riaing at .8 :30 p.m. The cantata is being 11upported by Kiwanian. and other buaineu men throuchout the cowit1. --St&ff Photo ; , ~ . • -# .. .-, (}overnmenl f:xcepl I PAGE 2 -PART II -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1955 "God grant us the serenity to eccept the things we connot chonge; the courage to ,han9e the things we con ond the wisdom to know the difference." (A. Anon.) EDITORIALS Tidelands Bill Now Law The California State Legillature puMd the bill which wilt control oil exploration oft ahore and ln ahore Clf the tideland area.a. The bill which wu puaed wu a combination of a. whole aeries ot billl introduced largely by Assemblymen J oseph Shell and Earl Stanley and Senator Jim'Cunningbam of San Bernardino County. Gov. Goodwin Knjght hu atgned the bill into· law. The8e bills were designed not only tp protect the coastal areas in need of p1otection, but to ~rotect for all of the people n[ .California, their vested rights to the realization of any capital whatever in the off shore tideland oil pools. These measures which were consolidated into the one bill entitled "The Sbell-Cunningb•m Bill" create • reasonably good frame work of operation. There will be no bf( shore platforms, islands, or other structures aouth from Newport. Beach. There wiU be no islands, plat- forma. or other structures, down the coast from the San- t a Ana River to San Diego. This is true of certain recreational areu toward Northern California from Orange County. It is certain, however, that we will have platforms or islands off Huntington aeach. Thia will be for a multipli- city of reasons. Certainly the people want their rights protected and it is therefore right and pro~r that they should be. Among the rights to be protected are not only the right to recover the tideland -oil, and to realize wealth there- from, but the right to protect the shoreline, the natural resources of the area including all flab and wild life, and the facilities poasible to.operate and maintain along the beadl. . ····· lt&nd ready to protest long and lol¢ly If any careless contractor abuae1 · their right.a and privileges and poaaeaafona. The Shell Bill and ~e policy of putting up for lease the areu to be drilled will give real competition to that field of endeavor in thia state. It wiD also tend to keep the oil companie.a on their toes. If there are several oper- ators which ever one may be a bad operator will prob- ably be through and finished in such fields of explora- tions in the state of California. We do not speak on be- half of any major company, small operator, 'or any ~·ild ca:tter. We feel the people of California are to be protect- ed, both in recovery of the wealth that they have below the surface of the sea, and in the wealth that Mother Nature pro\'ides upon the shoreline to that aame sea, and in the wealth in sea life within the waters off shore of our beach. All the&(', jointly, are to be protected and de- veloped for the greatest good of all the people. Let's Clean Up City Entry Upon the northerly limits of our City of Newport Beach is a little sign of welcome. It's Splall and clean with neat black letters upon it.a white face. It is the cus· tomary "City Limits -Newport .Beach" sign erected by the Automobile Club of Southern California. Jfowever, there ends the nice things we can say about it. It is situated on the Newport Beach Freeway and ia the first greeting of our city. As the eye puses beyond the sign or around it or over it the optics are dropped right into the coQ>Oration yards of the city. The yards aren't to bad, but that awful garbage hamper! .. ~AFFAIRS OF STATE , By HENRY O. MacARTHt;R SACRAMENTO, ·ICNS)' • The growin~ trend towards 1ecr~y In government haa bl'l'n brought to tor~ful attention by a rerenl re· port or the Senate Spl'r111t Com• mlttce on Governmental Adm1m11- lratlon. "!1Je rt'P'Jrl, produced undf'r the charnnanahlp ot Sl!nator (;porge ~filler Jr .. (•f Contra Costa county, ~urveys t h" t x.IJ1tlng avallablllty of· 11tatt )!t>\'emmtnt recorda to public Vlt'w, a nd redtes the pre- sent law govt>rnlng the pubUc'a righl to ln .. p.•c t such records. SERl~S OF 01'1:\'JOSS AppcnJed In t he rt'port. ls a snit's of 1•pinlnn~ on the Auhject, pubUshi.'1! l,y thP 11ttomey general and thl' lt)l"islallve counsel. While the n•1w11 t 1t11elt otters no concl11'11nns, or 1 cco111mend11t1ons, • i>natvr Mtllrr h1111 announced that he Intend• to 11c1> that approprt- a t I' ltg111l&tlnn 1~ orrrred at the 195i iies.•loh. Miller ll't\\'l'!I no r1oubt as to his !'0Sill9n. Sau'\ th" Senator : "I hold str1 ""·" 1n government t'o ht> the J:'T"4'B l<>•t I hreat to the Ame- rican form ot !:O''ernmenl. for it brel."d~ 1h~huntsty and arrogance and rrP11lr·s s1t111Uloq1 which play Into t!:e hanc1i< nt th('lse who wish l t> bnng 1<bm1 t the downfall o! & governm1mt of, by and for •the people." · AWrming the t1locan. "the pub- lic buioml'SI< Is the flUbllc'a bu.SI· n e 11 s", the ~nator declared fartht'r: IS!\l't<E HOSf.:STV Publlllhfr'1 auoclatlon, once for "merltorloia l!t'rvlcl'" for ha\•11\g won a court tight to krl'p state rovttrnme11t reocprds npen to pub- lic \'lew. e nd <1nn1 fvr "~oncral l'X('l'llence In tho tield ot "'J'Ol'V Ing." The Miller committee report leavu no quullon that there la a real nted tor t0me Kerioua thlnk- lnc on the problem of open public record I . Ob11taclu thl'Dwn ln tht p,ath• by public ott\cllllll are constantly being encountered by f!ewgmen In their tHoru to keep the pu~lc Informed. •. ...... :J.rom BRUSH COUNTRY JOURNAL 8)' HORACE r:\IU\ER ( tAI. Not• -Thlt c;_1l11mn h~· tlur1wr l 'uk.., \\Ill ''""' """ the llltlr·kn<mn 111 .. torkal fart" "" hu' tlr>'J.ll•'\I llJI In hi' n11•n1 trip• Into tilt' bad, 1'011111 r.)' In ,,.,,, 111 J ··:er,,) Not'hing can. !)O grapl}kally depi<'l a ino nu't\l 111 h1:tnry as a photograph or a series of phtl logrttphs. Thi• 11111"" mg photographs taken on .May 12. 13 and 14. t!l():~ ••ll gl:l11~ plates and resting in the archi\'t'S of th<' ~out lrn • ·l .111 ,f'um depicts the e\•iction of the Cupcno Jndinns fnin1 Ii, .. A!:"llll Caliente <Hot Sprint;) on Wanwr·s Rant'ho. Th.~ 1:; 11111' M Uie most controversial chapters in C'aliforn!a 111,\N':· These are sacred right.I with which we have been endowed by a bountiful Creator. They are all just u much in need of protecUon u is the atate'• right to pro- tect the financial interetlt of the people in the recovery of tideland oil. Bulging from under i.ts copiua upper lift are strapds of greenery and refuse in various stages of'decay. That is the welcom~ sign to one of the most pleasant small towns in America. It would seem to us the City of New- port Beach could well invest in the purchaae of a dozen small trees. poplars, evergreens or even eucalyptus to be planted along the fence of the yard. Anything t o of· fer a pleuant scn?ening for that unpleaeant neces~ity of our so-c aJled civilizt¥f way of life. ••The paramount purpo11e kel'plng rP<'prJll open to the pub- !Jc·',..~ ln;ipl'ct1on lit to ln1111re hone!'ll, eHkrl'nt 1tdm1nl~t11tl111n tit i.:ovrtn• m<"nt by pntillr 11(fld11lA. Nothrng .serves a:< n gre.1ter tJcterrf'nl 10 malfl'll.sam·r. . ml!.fra\llnC'e, nn'1 nonff'a.,anrt> Ill n(fJ,·r thnn thP r in· slant knowlrtli;<' lhall,i thr 1 <' ••rd ... are orrn to publk , . ., " ~v l••n;: • DRAMATIC-Tl:iis showJJ the la.st oI tlle Jn .wan wa_.;..1.1s Wamrr's Rancho whilE' onE' of the over.te ... s look!I h:\r l·. t i., tr \, ,1_,-l t . Ill t t • We have aaJd in this paper for many montU that we are not afraid of of! shore islands. We cu now put with that phrue, "We are not afraid of oU ahore plat· fonnll". We do not propoee them; we hope they do not become neceuary, but we do know that oft shore lsland.t and platforms could be an advantage to the coutline, a.nd we guarantee that we would rather 11ee thoce oft 1hore islands on a clear day, or from a bo•t ln d1ltreu off ahore than we would even on a clear day or a murky day aee unalghtly oil derricks and operationa 'on the silver aanda of our beachN. WeJeel that oil can be properly produced from plat· ~orma. aa coutnictecf in the G"11' ot llaico, or trtml lalanda u con.tnaoted off &hore of Seel Beach and Lons Beach city limit lines. We have no far of pollution from either islai:rd or platform. We have .een how ca.refully they ca11 be built and wh&t definite aaf eguarda can .be made. We hope that the people ot the coutline will ac· cept quietly an~ with careful e,T111:ilnatiom the explora- tiona to be undertaken, but we do hope that they will WASHINGTON REPORT By Your CGngre&!Hll&n .JAMES B. lJT1' Well, we did It agaln l&11t week. Jf there la one th1ng lhls Congres.t1 will ~ famou• for. It will be mar· chlng up the hill ancl dn\\'TI Again. We p11811ed a concurrent re11olutlon wlth11ut a dl!lsc>nting vol.-to the effect that the U.S. 11hould 11<\rnin· 18tfr Ill! foreign p<>hcles and pr1>- 1IT•ms 110 M t•> suppotl otht'r pl'O· pin In t heir l'ffort!I t<> ach ieve ~lf·JtOVtrnment (If \nclrpendence undrr r1rrumstam·l's wh1rh w\11 •nal11e them to a~ume An *'riual 11t1Hlon among the free nation!! of the world. That .. ·1111 11. fairly high-sounding resolve, and l thought, "\\'I'll, here'• a rock to which W I' r ill\ Rn· chor our 1-,1 n-11way fort•l!CTI aid program" which find thPir way tntn R115l!111n 88trlhtP C'Ollnlrll's as well a11 many countne' whu:h are promollng rolonlahsm." ~~~ \ l ,'ll' ~ER\'10: But ls turnl'•l ""t l•> ""!!Imply lip at IC'e to an Ideal. for whtn we attempted t o remove the au- thorlutlon In the Forelpi A Id Bill ror " few hundred mllhnn 1lolh1r11 to Y11~011lav1a. which il1 ;ll'flnltely within tbr nrb!t of the Comm11n- l11t world, we rould not m1111ltr more than one-third o{ t h!' ~lem­ ~ra or the !louse. who but three "day s prt'viously announced the doctrine of aldl.ng only Ulose peo- pie to achieve Hll-r overnment and Independence. After HI houn ot debate the Hou~e ... ated 273 to 1.2'8 to author- ize $3 billion dollal'8 In foreign ald !or the next f l1eal year-all this In !lplte or the fact that thert' lze ui., billion dollan in foreign previous approprtatlona. making 11 tot&l ot 112% bllUon. It la upect- t'd that not over U bllllon ot this wlll be expended durtn~ the next f1llcal year so that It we had not 1111l hnr1zed or appropriated a nlc· kel th1ll year, th• prorram could have proceeded for two years. The big argument that la advancl'd 111 that we have a.lrHdy 11pent ~o ma.ny billions of doll&n that we musl continue to spend more to rresrrve our tnveatmtnt. This reminds me o! the man up In MR!IMchU:!l't u who wrnt Into b&.nkrupl.4"y ow ing Ule leading bank S38,000. One or the l'lirecto1'11 called the banker on the carpet for making such a loan and the 'banker rtplled that lnlUally he har1 loan"d nnly $2000 to the man, lef rr SJOOO t p protect the UOOO , ... tJ In the cour.!11 o! time he had adv11.nced a total ot $36.000 to pro· ll'cl the original $2000. That might WPll be w hat we are doing In Ulla caeP. Many of the countrlta to whom we t.re glv1n1 rreat 4Nlll8 Formerly the Newport-Balboll New•-Tim• and the Newport·B&lboa Pre• A Depeadable ~ IAttltutJoa for OYer Fer1J l'een Entered u Second-Clue M1ttter at the Poet.office lft Newport 8-cb, California under U\e Act of Ma.rcb 3, 18i9. Qaallfted to hbllell Lepl Notseee Ud Adn.rtieeenemta of AD 11JM11 BJ Deene uf tM 8apertor 0oGrt of o,..... Co. ta Aed09 Ne. A~ll- Mftllber Oallfonda N~r l'allUllilen AllOCllMI• M-ber Na&aOMI EdltorW "-odatloll Mf'mbe.r of O~e Comrty Ne..-. 8en1ee u pubhc <>ff11·1ali1 Al P art1ni: ef1 I<'· liontly, hont llll,v l\n1l 11lncl'1 rly, lht>)' have i Olhlng to rr11r (rorn 5uc·h a pollrr,· • Working with tha ~nmm1 • · t•' de ... elop a stroni: lf'J:1~1o't1v" pn1-I IJli•·•~1M•~~ gram to m11kl' sure "the 11un will shine on public n cordl'." will l>e the commlttee'11 exPcut1ve 11ecre· tary, E11rl C. Water1'. Official City Flower Needed Seems like Newport Beach, kno9m fo~ her beautiful gardens as well as Harbor, has no official city flower. This waa evident when local women ~gan preparation • of &n exhibit for the county fair'• floriculture building. With all the lovely varied blooms we have in our gardens it would appear something could be done to rec- tify our flower-less situation. :At la.st Monday night's Costa Mesa City Council session the fuchsia was adopted aa the neighboring city's official flower. The News-Press is sure that when local flower lov- ers, who are legion, know the situation they will come to the fore with some suggested posies for the -city council to winnow down to an official choil'e. A ntwspaper reporter 11ind eol· umnisl or wld' PxpPrtrn1·e 111 ("al- lfom 1n. \\·l\len1 h:u been a rru • ~du In th,. flelt1 of thf' "public'8 ni:hl lo know." As 11 \\'orlr! W11r 11 combat correapondenl m tht United Stal•s Marin~•. \\'ater• re- ceived among othu derou lfon• the Pur pie Hrart :0-:svy Com· m"nrtatlon, a nd f'r<"111t1enUal Cl· latlon. TWICE ('ITF:O As a rep<1tter-8n•I former wrl(tr of this column. \\'111ers was twa:e r1tM by the C:nli(ornl" :0-:ew:<paper hr r electrlr Iron turnPd -on, end the housP. In '' hlrh i.hP wns hvmi:: caught flrP For th1:oi Rl't ~l;•• 1s nr.w ot money have been able to have t d Th 1 c th belng proMcutrd umter the C'nm-prOJ1eCu e · e emp oyers ot e inal laws of Japan. l n 110me of the 1ub11tantlal reducUon" In their St•te ,....·partmenl "0 Into th •• 0 ..,.. " e~ countru.•s thrrr la nil prohll11t1on tut>a a nd do not appear All opp-countries by choiC'e while our hoys a ga inst cruel and lnhunnrn trt!ll· re11se-d u much or our own coun-who are dr11flPd arf' 11ent thrre ment, a nrl aonv• or lhl' r rnalties r try ls. reg&rdleM or wheth~r lhl'y wish for robbPry lnrludl.' the rnttini: t}(f I Much or 01~r military equipment to go or not. of tha h11nd~ bPr J111111e they com- 111 !'lent to 'I ugoelavta. M d Mar-Most torelirn countr1cs c'lo not ndt terl the offen~l-. shat 'ftto will not permit our mt-have law11 requi ring trlRI by jury, A frw week~ 11i.:n r Int roJU<\l'fl lltary mL"lllons tn go Into that the. rlghl to a l!}lerdy trial nr tht' a resolution 111oni; 1\·ith S<'Vt>ral country to find e>ut what llMI 111 rlgtlt ot habns corp1111, all of lother Mrmberl' lhlll tlw f're~hle.nt being made ot thlt1 equipment. It which 11rf' l,'\laranteed to Amntcan reque11t " rC'l'lllion nnd moillrtc&· may even be going . on Ulrour;h to citizens under our Constitution. lion of ArlirlP 7 fl[ tt-r ~Orth At- Moscow or to eol'll.e c-f the othu ,Aa a result hundrefb ot our 8er· I 1&11llc Tre111,. M rri11t fnreign n telllte countrlu. ...1c:em'!' have been thl"OWTI Into I countrlf'll will not hai·e rnmlnaJ STATt'S Ot" t~ORCt:S torrign J&llll for minor criminal JUni1tJ11·t1on nwr Amer.ran m1ht11ry Many of ye>u hll\'t' neara a great lnfnu:tlon" 11nrt ha,·e bet'n hPld pH11onnPI ~1,.t1on.-.1 w1th:n t hl'1 t deal about the Status or Forces tht're UJ' to fi ... e months lncom-1 boundanr,. Thi~ r.-,011111nn will be Treaty which prov11l1'11 that our munl<'adn. Thry ne aJlowt'd one I he11rrt bPfnr thr F'or,.1,ini Afflll1'3 military for ces and lhf'lr c.lepcnd· visitor !';r month. SuC'h a thing Committee within " wcrk or two, enta when stationed In foreign could not happen In thlll country When tht' :-:a11onnl R rserve Blll countries shall be undrr the crlm· ASK Gl'lUOTl':lt'Y.. wu ron11ldered, we Wf'.l't s11ccen- ln11l jurisdiction or th11.t country In one ratie in France during fuJ in J11d111nl{ 11n nm~nrtmrrH to for any of!1m11es commltled. Thi" a strret scutrle Involving an Amer-it Ill the tHort thsl no person un- means thllt lhey <'an be' arrested lean 11olt1ter s/lmPOnt Wlll! lolled, der this pro,irTRm MUl•I hr !ll'nl to for minor nffrnl!P!I. thrown Into and now t ht' Communist prPse In 11nv tor«'1im countrv 1n wh1rh tht foreign jail~. an<I pre>~ruleod with-France 18 rlemortn11: t o have thl!I Status 1,i F oret" 'wu In effect. out any ot the protPr tlons pro,1<1· solrtler gulllotmed. a lthough It Is We carrlrd the amt n•lmrnt abr1ut ed fn our Conittitutinn. Howrvrr, his contention that he was In thl' three to one. But the Rl'S"r\'r Bill If you a.re employed by the State 11cufne in ~tlf-drfen1e. He will not I did not J"l!l!l!I \ht 111111•" dn<' t, A ~pllrtment In " fort1i;n co11ntry be entllle<1 lo a jury trial. Jn Jap· non-se11regal1nn 11m~n•imrnt lOV· you cannot be 110 arrr11ted and an the .,.,;fl' nt a l!<'n 1ceman left !'nng tht' :O-:allon11l Gu11rd. . '· SEOOND CAllP -Ra.ncfl;roe killed beef at former Indian village site on Pauba Rancho near Temecula, lcrlown u the "Pear Tree," to feed Cupebo Indian.e who con- tinued their journey through Plchanga Indian Re.ervatJon. Tbettce they went down Pala ~ to new h ome at Pala. A !int worry at Pala wu whether there wu water to bathe tn u CupenOfl. with their fa.moua hot springs. were one of Califorpia'• clean- elt IDd1an tribea. ·SCHOOL ot:~KS -En·n thrlK' , .. , It' p.k I h1._h I ti lflll' ll( tlw J11d1::n route from \\'arner·s R:ind10 to l'al:i. : . . , . ..... . . . . , ......... • , .......... _ J.... • ..........__.•--"'_.....,_._ ~- FRINGED SURREY -Four Indian matron!\ rodc-1~ th1~ 'eh1clc when tivktc<l fro.m their childhood home on WnrnC'r Rancho to Pala. FIRST CAllP -lnd.ians camped here al old Buttnf1<•ld StnK<' !-= ,111..\n at Oak r;rove evening ot May 12. At tint they rr rurted to <'llt foo<l 1!'~11,.d by t h•· ;::rnrnm,nt p:u-- t&king only alter much coaxlnc. #I ... . .. .. ~ , I . ..... -.v If "' ·r; ·I r . • I ~ HOW LONG WILL IT BE? Hook Beardslee and Strat Enright (left), winners of first and second an the Rhodes fleet in the NHYC • BYC Fourth of July Regatta seem to be wondering how long at will be before t hey will have to reckon with the tiller prowess of Nancy Corkett. Nancy, unperturbed by all the hpssle al~t·n<.lant on getting her father's H ·ft. yawl Flying Cloud off on the Honolulu Race, sailed her Lehman dinghy. Li'l Corky, to a second place in the 24-boat fleet. NHYC Commodore Harry Mann made the awards following Sunday'::i races. -Beckner Photo t TROPHY WINNERS IN SNOWBIRD CLASS While many of Newnort Harbor 's sailors were busy with lai:.t minute prcpartions for the Honolulu Race the Fouth of July series co-sponsored by .:'\ewport Harbor Yacht Club an'i Balboa \"ac·ht Club proved there were still plenty of sk1pp<'rs l<'ft to keep thinJ?s inter<-i;tmg. The 35-boat Snowbm.I fleet led the hi;t in number of entrirs over 15 rlasscs in the two-dav evl'nt. Winners in the Snowbirds wt•re, from left : 8111 Co- berly, first: Craig Cadw.alladcr, second: Commodore HHrry Mann nf NHYC who presented the awards; Randy Hall, third: Bill Twist, fifth. Jim Warmingtun, who placed fourth. was not present. -Beckner Photo TODA Y'S N. Y. STOCK REPORT AND COMMENT A nrw plttnl ln Nl\llhv11le. Tenn .. rcl'ently '0111rletel1. uugmrnta thr1r rnlarged &n•t m1Xlr1 niud Orange t:ounty Hurbor Rlw1. facility. A rrnflt 11tilt' OJ1Prlltlon In the new 111·1 .. lon r"f)Pi-t11 Abl•• m1tn11gl'ment. An·orrtln,1:' to L. C :SriJ{Pr. general manager. 11ales ar" runn1n~ 30 per r<'nt M "llrl n! l1111t ytar. GltlA'!p&r, a l01ader In lht> laminated F1bl'rglllll 1n1h111try, togrthrr with Or11nge County, lnd1cate11 an unlimited future. SANTA ANA, July 8 fOCNSl- !tock markl-t, M. T. Swift ; Dun WlttPr and C'omp&ny After a relal1nly study open· tng the marktt C"Ontlnutd lt11 high· Jy erratic pt rfonnen<'e with 11 few 1p<'cfallln helping to offMt prof- it taking tendt'nCll'l! G•nPral M<>- \0111 11nd Sl11nd11nl f)ll of C'11hfnt· n ta 11 rt 11\lll 111l)ll!!llnit fnllowin~ J>fP\'1011~ l<hll 1 J1 j::aln!I. Whlfe rhr)"ll• ltr art\'anc•d 1l11rtni: the early r111rt of the lll'l"~10n 11s 1nt,.rr111 ruU\ted. f'or thr mMl p111 t. nm•·· w•1 ll'n· dtnry 111 a 1lr1ft 111w11ril11 low,1 pn<'NI 1\mnn~ th•lllc 'll bl"• I t .. nrW!I ltt'mio. A llWl ll'.111 lt1tdll\11)!' a<1vnm'- ed fnllo"-ing I he rttvlden11 lnrrt>>IR" whrlt> f]rrrh A11 rr11fl rr~pnndrd In f11 vor&ble l'l\rmngi> 11nt1 opt 1ml1'1 lr torl'<'al't hy nrnnni:"mrnt Otl~ 1Hr off fr11ctln1111ll\·, 11lthnu gh 11tork 1~ bf'inl' rr l11l1nl)' wrll tRkrn in view or the IPlhlt'r!I '" l'\'11111~ ~It '""· ;\. moni:-th15 gr('lup f , II lh11t S1a ndnrrt of C'11llf!'in111 11nd Hovnl nutr h a rr allractl\"f' C'fln1h1lRl•:11 for M·11lt down pllr<'haR!'ll ;eel to profit taking. the m11rket a ppears likely to contin ue its cor· recuve phMe. l nd1vi1lu8J 11per111lty l~sun msv n<!•et this tentlency to a degue • :t on btllanrr look fnr an lrrei: • 1 m11rkel. with up· WA rvl t rtn<l I • be f::OVl'TnPd by un- <'"rts in wtek1>n1l dl'vel<'J"'nlf'ntl! A rl'C"rnt rP!lnanctnR' prog-ram by the company rn e11t11bl111h adequate working caplt&I !or t xpa.ntflng and gro...,1ng nee<111 hllll brtn 11urrr!l8· f'ow Jnnr .. I P m 11'""n1.i::• •. fully complPlt'if Th~ 111o<·k 1r11•f1><1 ~10 Jmh1i.1 rial" l!'JI' !l I OF~· 1 2!l nvl'r the counter 111 quote<! 1n thu1 zo Ra1lio 1:11 f12 OFF 1 l!l rolumn. t ~• l"tlhllPi< 64.rill l'P (I 08 LOCAL i;!TOCK U T 1 pm Vll!6me t 380.000 --~ 1.-C8ld and Allk) f'\1\,000 on Thursday. From 811 humhle IJPglnnlng a frw B11nk of Aml'rl<'a .. 39"'!.·42 \'!'llrft ni:n lo a posltam nf lell<fn· Beckman lni1tn1menl .. 21 i.,.221~ !<hlJ1. F1 t>m a .•m all huild1ng thP Callforn11\. Rnnk · · ~~•·1'.19~ :11,(' 1 or a •hi11bll' i::arage to two I ~:lln"\,!e~t:~ Bank ·· •. ~O~~~~~ ''''" Hll plant~ '-'"''l'nng over threr rel 1 1u•1r~ 111 lt\i' 11lory of <JlasspRr of IGIR.•spar · · · 21\i-3 2 ~nn~11 Ann. Hllll Srott Molon . . •"'-·!'> lnteralale Engln!!eriqg . 10:\o ·!2 The i<tory c•r ellll a young 11n11; MRri<l't B11eket rom .. 22~·24 i.;. vti:or1111!' tompa ny. anti a 11tlll Mav!alr M11rketa . . . 91,.10 ~"uni:: nntl \·ti::<'r-<•1111 lntlu!lln ~ll~ute Maid . H i,..14 1., I· lll•'1 gh1." I Ser11rhy 111t Nat'!. Bank .. 62·M '• Clai<~pnr . .sy 1wnymm11 wllh the Thrifty llrug . .. 91,..11 h""t'"!: 1n•lu~l1y 111nce 11~ mrrp-Trt'Nlwrrt ...... 7'.·11\6 1 hm m Orange County an•1 typical \"an Camp Sea Food ....•• 77 •• s~ 1f the lC'IHnt~ s g rowth and m<lua· l" s. :-;11t ·t. Sank. s D ............ 21·22 tr:al dln•rflily 1";la~~rar hll.c .itaint'tf Wtr.&rtf Boal ......... 2-2 '• ns llonal rr<"lllfn>llon in flf')J!' othn th 1U1 F1brr_1tlM bftlll~ LEGAL NOTICE Atcordlng to W. R ·Trill. com· p1ln)' pr•~1·1t>nt Gla!<l<pllr now aC"· rpunls fM J!'I to 20 per ctnt or a ll SOTlC'I: TO c Rr.orroRtl LEGAL HOTICE I 11· II• •In W1lh thl' nf'l'l'll.Jll y 1 • 1 h•"S "'11! .. 11 $\'IC nwntht a tlPr 1n1· 111 •t pub'1n1t .. ·n of lh111 not" l', 1n th .. ""·'"r <•t th~ Cl•·1)< of t)le s111 ···•1 •I ('111:1 I f>f thl' ~I B It uf (. d1ru1 lllill. 1n 141 •• 1 ful !hf c .. unt~· t•f U1Hn)t••,.• LJ11.tltd J 11ne :to, l\I;>:; nAnTHA B.ar-.r.n UA \'l!:i 4' PF.:'\Xl!:Y By J1.me8 F rennty :\11 1 32~ e:il! 6 2J, ao. -; &· t:i, t9f>5. --------t: l'll"l•t:RIOlt t 'O l.RT CU" TA·n ; OF ('ALffOKSIA . ·n t 'Ott TIO; <.'01.ST\" Ot ' OJ{ASt:F: 0 1'pl, I Su. 8Mlllf S I' l ll lOSS OS F'llt:'l'T AMt::-<l>t:I• COlll'l.Al:-.T H)tt l>l\"Otu ·f; Anion brought 1n .the Sup<>n or ~uurl of the ~ounty of Orang,., &nd (11111 amended Cornpl&Ult ftlt'd in the Offl<'e of the C'lnk of lhr 811pe11or Court vf 11s11i County t::STF.LLE R t.TH LA~NI!llG Plamu ff. \'1it, PATRICK AL\"JX L.\:'\Xl:-.IG Uefentlan t THE PEO PLE 0 1-' THE ST A TE 01" C'ALlrORXIA SE:-\D GREET· IXCS TU PATRICK ALVI!ll l..ANf'>lr\G P efendant. You a re d1recte<1 to ap~ar In an arllon brou.s:-hl agalMt you by the above Mmed plaintiff, In the Su- perior Court of the State of C a.11- fornia: in and !or the County of Orsnge. and to answer the ftr11t amended complaint tht>reln within lt'n days aJttr the aen·lcr on you nf this 11ummons, It l l'l"\'l'd w1th1n t ht County of Orange. or within thlrt.v de.y11 If served elsewhue, and you a.re notified that unl-..is you so· 11ppe11r and 11nswer as ab<Wf' requ1rtd, the plamtllt will t&kt' j11<!gment for any monty or <111rnage11 <ltmen•1etf 111 the fln1t amemtl'd Complalnl. u arising 11p· on ronl ract, or wall &pply to tr e C()llrt f<1r 11ny ot her rrllef demant;J- ed In the llrl>l a mt'ntletl complaint t:lv<'n 11n•l<·r my hun•t an11 11eal of lhe. SUJlt'rhor Court of the County of Orange. Stale of Cllh· forntA, this 21 lla_y of Junt. 1965 1SEA!. Sl:PERIOR COt"RT ORA!'\CE COl'XTYl R J . S~IITll, County Clerk llnd Cll'rk of the Superior Court of thl' S tale oC Cahfom1a. 1n and for the County of Orange. By WA Y!':E A. DRAGER. rJPputy :-:o 1:132 !llewl!·Prf'i<l'I 6 •30. 718. l~. '22. 21l, 8 '!\ 12.. 19. 26. HW\ . S OTIC'E OF Pl'ftLIC SAl,l': OF' P llOl'ERTY Public notice ls he reby ~1ven that the Bo&rd of Tru11teeTOf thl' Orang,. Co ut Junior College Dis- tract. County of ()r11nl!'P, SI.Ate of C"alifotnia. hy ·and through Its Bo11rrt of TT'Jst<'es. "ill ... 11 at pub· I hi' l)1tf npenJn1t. to th" h1gh .. 11t buJdPr, In accordanr t with C"nn- d1ll<"ns ~t fnrth below. al JO no A. M. on J ulv I~•. 19~~ 111 lht Boat 11 Room ·of lhl' A<lm1m11l rR· lion Ru11'1mg lht' property de!'rnb- t'd herein The property offtrert for J<11lr hereanundn 1s lncs tf'd al . 1,xt h and Fa1rv1ew nn the Collei;" 1 am- pua anti 1s to be removetl fn>m lhP presPnt !!Ile within 1lxty d11ys, end the JtllP rl,.art'd to thf' l'«ll!'· f11-1•lion of the Orang!' Cm1111t Col- l.•;:.-Bm1 n1 nf Trulli Pf'l' A prr· tormance bond of $1.000 mu~t bl' given os a guar11ntc-t of sale clPllr· 11nc1?, which will Include th~ fol· lowmit: A 11 bundlnF"s !4h111l b.. r"· move.d to lhr founda tions but removal 11hall not include con· rrete floora on the ground. foundations. or aub ·surf tire 11tilllil'I!, undHgTound faclh- t1e1 of the buildings p11rch1111- "d t1nd rflfTlovaJ .sha.Jl be per- manently cApJ)t''1 1n a m&11- ner seUsfactory to the Oran.re Cout College Bo11td of Trua· lets, two fret ~low the nor· rnal ground levPI Winng 11 to be cut off to tht' satllltac- t 1on of the Orange COll•t Clllle~ Board of Truatto!•. The. sucrt>i1sf111 . biddt>r aha II romply Wllh all fire, jt'\lt.rd. An1I 11afety reg1.1latlrm1 In ef· feel at Ule preml!'!r a; 11hall re· mo\·e from. th,. 11te a II acrap lumber. roofing. broken con- crrte, and other m alert&l11, and/oT dtbris I t>x~epl founda- tions and concrete noorlng I: ~hllll Je1we the a rea Cl<'ar of 8Urh mate..rals ~sultln1t from removal of the buildln~ a nd dean up tht' site of the build· tog to the eallsfllcl\on of th11 Oren,e Cout College Boarrt ot Trustees. The prop,.rty is d racrlbed u fol· low11. F'ormPr the11trr building S11nta An" Army Air Bal!r. le1111 11eRls, curtains. gsrage door. and Ct•rtaln s ma 11 llppurtenancl'l! Wm ten propo1111ls mu11l bl' s,.alt d and ftled with Walh&m F. K1me11 A ~ 11 t 11t a n ·l · ~11pt'rl'll enrtl'nl In Char.gt' o! Buslnf's11 prior to tht t1m .. above-mtnt1oned. Each 11t11l· ed bid must bt accompa nied by Ml curlty In .the form of a certlfte I check or bi'1dtr'a bond. mil.de pay l'hrm1c11I 11r1 uon Ill btmg rl'lll · ti\·rly Wl'll •urportttl With Alhf•I Cht'm1clll. Olin ~f11th1r!l<'ln a n•I t·n- l<'n C11rb1dl' 11nd iitr11<1~ Split r<>· tC'nt111l And tmprnn•d e11n11ng11 out· look l!hould br a s11st11m1n~ fllc· tor mak1nir-t ·n10n C111 b1dt att ra<'· tl\'e on d1p1 wh1I• A lhrtl Ch<'ml· cal has lhl' favnn•hlr r r<t•prct« of r"•'OrJ e11mm11a 11nd a dl\·11Jl'ntl In· cre11st. thr F1berglu rbo11ts St'lt.I m the S o. U8M l·n1led St&tt!!, ..nd ar• ~:opon'1ble Eat.ate of CAROLYN G. 9Ti:V- f<•r m11ny t~hni<'al firsts wllhln l!:!llS. d~ea.sPd. able lo Ult Orange Cout Colle~,. Bo11rd of Trustees~ ..n amount equ&l to twenty-five percent of the total bid. S aid chtck1 or bond• will be rl'tllmf'd lo the un· eucceuful bidden. and t he check o r bond of the hlghe~ b1d<1er will be held to ~re payment of thl' balance of the purch&M price. the Jo'lt>t-rgla..'' Jn<1us try :-o;ollce 111 ht~by given by th11 underslJtlltd Martha Ba.ker. Al\· LEGAL NOTICE "Rf' or not lf'a& tha n $~:1 000, and tor wurkm<'n I l'llmpen•a\l()n. Tht 01 •n.:e \oasl Colltli;e Boa rd ot T111111er ll •1'1111 ()nly Ila ve11trd 1111hu sn•I 1nttrt1.~t 1n tht> proptrt~ A II pr•1prrt y 1i1 offt'rf'•1 on an •• ,,. 11' anJ •·whert la" ba11111. The pi C"m1se11 are now 1ubj~t l •l lllBJ't'<'tlun by pro•peNIVf' bid· tl·1• Arranpemenla for lnspec· lion may bt m adt Wiii) }.tr. F't 11nc1~ A lbera. Suptrvlsnr 11f Ilu(hhns:• and groundft, Orani-:e C'oa 11t Colltge. ln1pM·t1lln hours 11rr Mnni!ttv through Friday, 8:00 A 111. In 4.30 I'. M Th<' Or1rngto '(I a ~ t Collexe Bn11r<1 or T1·u19t.-e11 relierVH the r11:ht h• ll•JPl't a ny anil all bi•lll or t.1 w1thJ1.Aw the properly trom ~111r A II bids .11ubmiltf'd 11hall be dPemt>1\ t11 ha ve bet'n macte with the lull knnwledi:e of au of the termll, tonJtuons, and require· mrnts hP1.-1n con1 1une<I The l111lu1 e of an)' IJll.lder to In· sprct. or lo bt> fully fnfu1 med 1u ln the eond1t1on o r all or 11ny por- tion ur the prenll3e8 or pwpei l)' offtred. w 1 11 no l con11lltute grounds for any claim nr dem11nd for 11.i11111tmtnt or wllhJl'awa.J of a bad atll'r offt>rini;. :-:o. 132.~ Stl?lh-•1: H. li. PETERSON Seely . Bourd uf T ru11lees NtWl ·Prt&s 4F23, 30; 118, 19!'1:1. Harwood, H effernan • Soden Allornrya at Law Suite 6 Birtcher Building 20 I~ Ea.l!t COGal Highway C'orQT111 del Mu, Ct11lforn111 Harbor 1330 Attorney• for Receiver JS THt: !'il"f'EIUOR ('Ol 'KT Of' T HY. STATt: OF CALlf'ORXIA IX A."'0 F"OR THt: coni;n· OF ORA:i\GF. so. aai11t S OTJC'£ OF' 1'4ALt: OF Rt~AL PROl'ERT \. AT f'l.81.1(' A IT TIOS DOROTHY GRONSKY, Plaintiff a.nd Crn1111-Defendant, ARTHl:R 1~0\\.ARO CRO!llSKY.1 Def,.ndant an<! Crou·Complaana.nt. Ry virtue oL &..urt&in .Amerul.ed Onler Appointing R eceiver Issued 1 out of s nd un11er the 11eal of the Sup .. nor Court ot thf' State of I California. an a.nd for the <:ounty I of Or811gP. UJ>Qn 1 rerla1n lnttr· locutory .;udgment of Olvorct- rendered on or abo\ll May 20, 191'.>5 I 11nd entere<I on or about · Ma v 23. I 19:111 In Book 35, Page 421 of julfg·' menlll, 1n 11-n &cu on wherein Doro- thy Gron11ky lit plaintiff and crou • defendant, and A rthur Edward Gron•kY la defendant and croa11-complalnanl, the underalgn-1 ed, u Receiver, will 1ell cert.aln rea.I propu1y owned by 11..ld p&r· llet ellUated In the City of New- port a .. ach, County Of Ora.nge. State of Cahfomla, d<!eenbtd u follow" • The Southwf'ste1 ly 2() fetl of I Lot 1035, all ot Lot 1036 of , Ti &ct :>lo 9117 a• 11hown on a Map rf'COtd!'d In Book UI. PKges 25 to 36 1nclu11;.-e of Ml&etllaneou11 Maps. Rttords of Or11nae County, C&lifornlK. and t hsl portion of Lnt Jl'l:li I of H id Tract No. 907 de11<'r lb· e•l as follow11 Brg1nnlng al the m ost East· erly <·nrntr of 1a.1t1 Lot 1037, Lhtnce South 29• 00" West ~~~~:::i.,,a:~~;g lh~~c;~~~~~ 1 • wuttrl.v to • point on t he Northwe11terly line of said Lot 12 :11 fert Soulhwe11terly from the moat Northerly corner of n id lot: thence Norlheu terly 12.0 I feet to . the uld moat · LEGAL NOTICE NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE l FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1955 Northt rly comer; thtnc• S outh &1• oo· Eut 8813 ftrt to t he rolnt 6t beg1nmn,:-. LEGAL ~OTICE , LEGAL NOTICI commonly k nown .u 2n9 \"111 f'1 )on. l.,1clo Isle. Newport u .. &<'h Call· rorn1&.. &hall pay t ci H id broker from t he ~. at 21'9 \"1a nlJOJl. Udo Ille. rnwef'<ls of aatd' nle a <'omml•· ~~port RParh, Caltlornta. Notice Is hertby gw!!n that the undenngned. ae Receiver, will aell th• a bove·deacnMd real propuly at publll' a uction to t he IUJ:h!!at bldder tor cull. lawful nlOllf')' of the t •nltrd S tates, 10', ot the hh1 payable at the Ume of 111\le a nti lht' bul11nre upon ex.cul1on bv thti un- dl'rs1gne<1, as Rt>ce11•er. !'f a dred cnn1•ry1ni; 1111td 1t'al prnprrt~· to the purdllt l!er the1 rt•t. or upon such Olht'r tenna as m 11y be Ill'· ceptable lo the und1•nni;-nrd. 118 Receiver; that. tn l hc t;>vent ,_aid sale shll.JI bt' mst!e 10 a pur.,hruer p1·ocurtd by or through a rut ta· tl\le brokt!r, •1uly llc-1·n~e<1 by lht Slate of Cahforn1a, s1t111 Rec~1ver a1t1n not to u r@flj r,•, of lhe pur- chu e price for aa1d ruJ prop· c.ru:: tt111~ u ld .a.le aball be con· ductrd t'lr the und.,..tirned. u ~ relvj'r, In the '{'anner p~ecri~ In Stttlon1 89t, ete, ete and 697 of the C\,<1• of C1v11 Procedurt. State of Callfornta ; that upon the paymPnl of the purch ... price tor Bald rea.I property, th• underslp· ed. aa Receiver, 1hall uecu~e a good &nd autflclent deed conve y- ing H id r.al property to Ule pur-1 .:ha1wr thereof: !\'otlt'e Is further hereby liven thHt the under111gntd. u Receiver, will ronrturt a&Jd aale at 10:00 o·r1ock . A.M., on Monday, July 18, SA\'E! SA\'E! SA\'E! SAVE! SAVE! Dall'<! Jun• 11, 19&3 THOMAS F: KEF'P'J:RHAN, Rf'<"elvn No. 1:U1 N ew1·PrNa t 23, 30. 7/1. 1931. MERCURY SALES RISING U1ed Car Stocks SoarinCJ Takt-l' our Pkk McCarthy's 1 at Tbe.e Bar~aln Pric8. 11953 CHEY. 1 0 0 ~o WARRAN.TY 1420 SO. MAIN-SANT A ANA Opt>n El·en1ngs 'Tll 9 -AIJ Da~· Sunday• Bank Terms '54 FORD . C ·uatom '.!-c1oor. Orli. Tuhf'· 1•·1111 tln ·a. Culltom Mat C'o\'• ""'· Only U ,000 mu .... $1675 '55 BUICK SpN'lal Hh ll'ra Hartl top. t •1111 vu""'· ? Ion .. Pnlar "hit<' o\l'r turquolv. \\'S \\' ti,...,.. Tlntf'd Ji:l~to. Cu .. tom Jni,rt11r. Save $500 '53 '\ CADILLAC 82 lll'\"lllr roup... 111.noo milt·"· ( ·.K Roya l ~..,.,,., tlr-f'•. l'•UH'r •H·,.r. l'"ulh· .-qulpp,.d. :?-ton" ~tldnlihhl hlue twn ll.t:. Blul'. $3195 LQO.K SAVE '55. BUICK !'lupn ronvf'rt tblf'. Pown ittA>.-r. P1""''t'f bru""· •·"·a y 11nw..r M-at. Tlnt('(f irtau . WSW tlr"•· Save $1000 . '55 MERCURY I llontl'lalrto hardtop C'oU(H'. \!·tunt' hlari< O\"l'r h·on·. f'""'"r •t..er. J'n'l\l'r l'lraJ<,.;.. l"ulOI. 2-ton.. Int. StW!'<'lal \llrf' 'l\h. WSW ti"'•· Ukf' """. 1 1<><'&1 o\O nf'r. '54 OLDS. "'"f>rr Holiday 83. Al"t'tlc whit,. oHr i 'hl'l'flk""' rf'd. Matr hlntt lnt.rtor. Pown aH·n. Yully rqulpped. $2775 PLENTY LOOK 0-0,. '51 Olds. 98-4 dr. Full Equip ......... : ............... $290. '50 Mere. Cust. 4 dr. R&H .................... , ......... $250. '53 Chev. 2 dr. R&H. Cust. S.C ............. $350. '53 Olds. Super 88 ................................................ $690. '53 Ford Convertible, R&H ......................... $490; '53 Chev. Convertible, R&H ........................ $390. i52 Olds. Super 88, 4 dr ............................... $390. 'SO Pontiac Catalina, R&H, Hyd ............. $275 •. -- • dr. Pow.r GUdl'. Hl'&t•r, ""'"- "''d•"·all T1N'a. Low MllM(tl. $1395 1954 FORD Club <'Pf'. O'dr., R&dlo • tlf'a ter. $1395 1954 MERC. S tation \\ ..-nn. \\' .!iC. Urc-1 aaK. f'.S. M<'rromatlr. Almnt1t 11-. $2699 1953 MERC. •-d.r. Srd. \·r ry t'ltian. tl,000 ml. Mf'r<'f1matfr tranaml11lon, ~R. $1895 1952 MERC. 4-dr. Srdan. Ml'rcomattr. Radio & H,..trr. %1.000 mJI-. $1395 1953 WILLYS Hard top. Cpe. er..... Low Mlle~•· $995 1953 FORD ...... ~ ...... -~ O'clr. C..... 1-~ .. . $1695 1951 HUDSON fluper Sb. M r. Hydra. ftadio-llMMI". a..... $799 2.5 ota.n-..\U dMa .ad.,n.o.I• ..... fcw qukok Mlto. Hurry to Johnson&Son Uncoln • Mercury 900 W. Cout Hwy. We are Set Up to Outsell Mercury Is Rising . ... AND WE'RE OUT TO SELL 25 NEW MERCURYS by the 10th of July We're Making Top Deals-Come Right In With the Deal we have to offer YOU ••• You can buy HERE durinCJ this GREATEST OF ALL DEALS SALE a brand NEW MERCURY lower than the "so-called Lower-Priced Cars" ••• and WttAT A DIFFERENCE in TRADE-IN VALUE 2 years from this date! For instance, a 1955 MERCURY Custom 2 door 1edan-orily $2719 and with OUR OVER ALLOWANCE of $700 this CJiYn YQU this brand NEW Custom MERCURY with 188 h.p. engine plus factory equipment at $2019. plus sales tax and license. LINCOLNS-A $PECIAL DEAL, too, with an over allowance of $1300 ••• for instance, if you have a trade worth $3300, WE WILL PAY $4600 •.• makinCJ a LINCOLN actually costing YOU less than $3900. Yes, a CAPRI Coupe with call the e~tras, at that! IT WILL PAJ YOU TO SEE JO.HNSON & SON IEk>RE J(JLY 10th \\"h1le nul11 havf' btl'n rlli-appotnt · lni;r , n<'lt thllt ~orth~1 n f'ac1flc h•• been wPIJ Pupportrtl. F:11m1ni:11 for the :v•11r hA1·t! !)!'en urticutlly fortcut 11 l 7 00 11ni1 1 hi~ f1jZ\JrP 111 fOnmdtrrJ to b•• ron!ltr\'llll\'e. S11h11tant1a1 nil s nd mlnerAI pnlen- 11111 nf W llh!<ton B1u11n h<)l1lin1t8 len.111 11d'11t10MI l<'ni:er ltrm r rom1n u wtll a 1 timber, r•ll and other a11stta. Act onlang l o Tntt "Gluapa.r "'.._. mlnlatl'tltrlx oil lhe E~tAte of the nall(ln s f1r11l prodllcf'r of 11 CAROLYN G. 8TE\'E1'S. dtcee.t· production F1berglu auto body'· I'd. to the Credltora ot, and all an<! at thl1 time ue neAnnr <'Om· Pfr90J\I havtn.r c\a.lnUI ..-1nat t.he plPtlon on tooling for the ··A1cot," aald dece&Md. to preMnt them their newe,11t 1p<>.-t.a car body. The w1t.h t.he nece ... ry voucher•. with· \'•'"1PMY hu taken ~al •lridu In silt m onth• alter the tlr11t pub· 1n t he lmmenH potl'nUal 11eld of llca UOn of t ht. notice, to the 11&ld Ffbforglu product.. for American Muth& Balcr r at thfl office of lndu.try. DaVI• 6 Penney, Attorney• at The aal• 1hall be tor cuh, by certified cnec:X. cuh.ler'a check or money order, m1de payablt to the Orllltge Coalt Collere Bo-rd of ~ 1'M1at~1. upon dellvf'ry of • letter This Sale Enck MidniCJht July 10th, 1955 JOHNSON & so·N Jn1em11ttqn11J 1ulver 1dvanced Oil r rl"l'l'f('l.9 ol II pc>Nlble 1plll lhll Yf'IH Eamlnira llre ut1m11ltd at $8 00 11nd the $4 00 dlv1dtnd It· fllnll' a rfturn ot d o&e to ti f'"t ·rnt \\'1th lh,. mllJl)I 1ty of 1tock• allb· Work for the United l tatea Law, 3418 Via Lido. Newport Navy, Fibuglu <Ab; for mobile Beach. California. City of New- hcavy lndualri&l equlpmant, Flbl'r· port Bl'ach. CoU11ty ot Orange. itlu kayak•. topa for 1p<>rt cara, St.ate ot Califoml&. which Mid nn1t honey combed hght"·rfg ht re· I office the underaig-nf'd ...-Jech u 1rf.,rC"1ni: m11tr1111ls ,.,., but a few a pJa c<' of bullln<'l!~ In all mailer• uU1er company producla. connecttd "''llb a&ld e1t ale, or t.o of award. With an AIT""*"t of St.le ta· follow. B lda to purchue an fM an ln· dlvldual buildinr u cm.·~ The purchuu 1hal.I pro.141 eer· Uflcate.1 of Uulurance ahoWlnc ec>Y- ersgt' for public ll•blllty of $100.· 000 • '600,000. for propert.1 clam· LINCOLN -MERCURY 900 W. Coast Hwy. Newport leach Uberty 8-5545 .. PAGE ... PART II -NEWr0RT r~.\R BOR NEWS-PF\ESS 29-Rt lp _w_u_tlld ____ %9-Hel[1 \\'anted FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1955 · DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery o( the Newport H arbor N~ws-Presa is guaranteed. Carrier boya will deliver their pa~rs be· fore 6 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday an_d Friday. 1f you.r paper i8 not deliver~ by that hour please call H arbor 161 6 and your carrier wiU bring your paper. Classified Rates •ffectiv• July 1st, 1955 NE\\ PORT H AR BOR NEWS-PRESS Every M_onday, Wednesday and Friday COASTAL S HOPP E R -Wednesdays Coa1<tal ~twrrwr A1t .. "'" In th .. \\ 1•1lh•'"1lay """ ,..f'r1>,.. f Linn• -I I.in~ 4 l.inf"!4 .\ Lint-II l Ins.-rt ion 2 ln~rti1.n'I ~ lnM>rtions t lmwrtlon .. $1.IHI I . .-,., 2.00 2.:>t1 add'I. linMi .25 ea. adtl 'I. linf'S .2.'> Pa. add'I. lint'8 .25 ea.. adcl'I. linf's .25 t a . .-ttuallon \\ 1u11 .. ,1 ·'''' 11 Ill rc••···ll r 1:;v;, 11i .. 1·oun1. C'a.,h In ~1·1tn1'# onl~'. ~ll 'l \11 ~I .\D I~ •& 1.l~t:~ .\II C'la,,ftlt-cl All" nm"t IW' paid for ('a•h ln ad1 """"'of 11ubllratlon. ..> -The pt1l1_li~lw111 "Ill l"l••t hl' 1 •·~f!i.•11811 l" l"r 11101 c than "nt• 1n1 nrl l'l'l lnM·rl1nn uf "'' 1111, rP<!••rv1• lll•• r i~hl I•• <'•tit"' IJy chu11111y any 11.1111 11ll adiJ 11ml t11 ,11•J·•• 1111~· nd 11111 '"''1!11rm111,1: 111 rul~ and rt'~Ulallon11. 1W ,\l tl.l:'\t-.S 1 .. , J1l.11!l\g' "' l"llnl"t'llln!( a dli are. • h1r :11011<111, l'11ltllebt1on • F rltla_v II p.m r"•ir \.\'{'tlr11•:"l"\ 1>111;111•11t1r•11s T11r1'!1nv l I'm r ••t' F11d;o)' J•111Jllrallon Thlll l!dll\' I p.111. ·' f;\\ l'OICT H .\kfJOI( l 'I 1\1.l !SfflS c; <'O. WANTED FuJI time men or women Real Estate salesmen 25 to 60. Will a.aaiat you to get lic;ense, and train . . you in Real Estate sales. Must be financially able~ to exist for 6 months or a year without making a sale. Experienced personnel are also wanted. Must be workers. We have the most 'modern office in the area. Come in for personal interview. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd I ~l'ersooaJa AJcobolic. Anonymous Write P. 0. Box :S81 Newport Bueh, Calif. Phone Barbor t 7D5 1 tr.-Transportatfon Newport. Beach 74r76 28-8ttuatlons Wanted Bookkeeping ATTENTION! Service Contr_actore, Slorekef'per.s Uo Ne•'d aomeone to relieve you or those monthly bookkeeping wor· r le"? Ask about our reuonabl" r alt'8. Har. 4688·J 70<'82 \\'A ='T o:xp hou!k' k•'C!l·er for gt>n h11111<f' wnrk petl\nn11I W8$h\n~ t\ lron1ne ~ hlll( 1111)'5 a "'"f'k Sl.2~ hr Hur l!l68 • -;3, i5 \\'A ~-TF.£1 CLF:A :'\ IXG wv111an "'1lh rl'frren<,. Z <111y" a "" • k \'t'llr 8ruund Jflb Call Harbor 736 betw .. rn 12 and I o'r!N'k nnt•n. 7Jp';"5 \\' A:'llT F.XPERlE~l'EO rrntomo· l btll.' 81lellman. T<l<'l\l w11rkit1h 1 r<or\11ftlnn11 l'l'rmanl'nt Jl<'"lllnn l for ll hnnl workrr HAl'~KEN'S MTRS. 11J:l2 Hftrb<'r Rlvd. Nr7~ 30-Mhttllaneous BHAIOEO TUJ:'8, ham} n111J.,., all , "'""I. 8xl0 $200 Sm11ll ;,12 .. s. will 11111ke to or1ler LI 8-:133'.!. 74 r i6 UF:llltl >O~t kl, d111ln..: nn lttble 1 It l'llher p1~q·s. H Ar. 03611-\\', H c76 j SI 'ttl" HO.A HI> Rt'autl!ulh· lam· ln1lle1I b3ls11 ancJ r.rd\\O<;.,,, just 1 rt'Clnl<.ll•lll "'•lit $8:100. Sacnfif'.t' I 'Jr s 10 uo SN• •l Duke'3 Bay ~horr Ruf\\ Rental~. 100 F.. l'ua_..\ Highway. f'hon•• Harbor 0879 74p76 l'ADDl.f~ROARD. Sl:>; Range, M&R:i<' t 'hf'f, 1tood condition. Sl!O; A•hrunlliH·k rhalr!I $1 0 copper 1 plant"r t Rbll' l!1mr11. 2612 C{rcll' l>nvr, Bayshon•s. Newport Beach. 74p7:1 1 ANTIQUES -0 1<1 furniture, cut glaH, kl.mp1, old pictures, clockJI l'lC. Barsa.111, galore. Big dl.a- count.1 lo dealC'rB. Charlie Davi•, 1806 E. Anaheim St., Long Bcat:h. 6:10-139. 29tlc n-FuraltuN' for SaW APP LIANCE SPEClALS! YOUR DOLLAR Rf-:FRlGERA TORS .. s .. rvl'111 ru. tt. \'try 1.'ltan s:19 ~o I Buys More New e oJdApot 7 cu. ti. Gd. nin. S•9 ~o OlbM>n 7 ('(. I.All' ml"ldtl $71160 FURNITURE at BAY Wf'.'lllnichou~ 9 rt 1'1C't> $91)~ I S1'rl'l1 2 11r 12 r f. Lall' mc:\d S2tl) 60 Double alu r .. llrc ~ 11 \ IJ•'<I """'t· I • RANCES 1 aprlni: 11111ll11'3.<t Prospenty 311". CIC'\Jn '29 W St9 ~O Valur at a av J:1:i :10 Cnlv'trea.t ell" ... t. df'luxe. ll Qwn Bwik t>.-.U. SlU.e1u hwd <'ompl ~9" $119.:,0 laddtr. 11u111 J rail, i 1nn••rspr We11tinihou8' e\Ht 38" 1Ate malt... A 'J :ip1l11A:s rnOt:lt>I ... 1119.bO $1 29.~ \'alul' .At B•y $71' :'>0 O'K-Merrttt 42". T op covtr 11 Dr. dbla> rlre113er Saltm tlnlah. SH.60 mellll pull1. We.'ltern Holly apt. llr.1" 21", •x· ff7.60 Valuf' at Ba su .:10 rtn1!'h. U ll.!l:'I mttftl lra nl<'e '34.:IO Bookcu e htadboard. S11ltm Ett~y Spin Ory wa.,hc-r -rerfocl 27.60 Value at lilly 169.~ t Dr. deak. Salem# rtnl!!h, Benduc auto. waehf'r. CooJ cond. pulls. S:\9.60 $43 l)O Value . al Bay S21l.95 Eltcfrolux var Lale m11J. with 11 Pc. Maple wood arm L.R. group. iott. .. 12:i.QO gncetully matchlni eo!a . plal· Olhen trvm ss,:,o form n><'ker. <'lub chair. 2 1tep Term11 to 11111t. Everythint: l(U&r• end and coffee table. Ou~l,. anteN1. tweed cover. Free Otllvtry $319.~ Value ... at Bay 1198.~ STROOTS Hd"·e HouaewAro 1802 :-\twport Blvtl. Coata Illl'M Llb. 8-3426 Washi ng Machine SE.RVlCE 1-year guan.nlee on Jobe sSone and on Wied waahera. 24&8~ (rurl Newport Bl., Colt.a MML Liberty 8-t503 or Liberty 8-4.327. 64Uc 20 CU. t-'T. uprilo!lll aub zl'ro frees· er. $2:\0. Go<ld cond1th11t. l!l.'14 Caf!ers &c Satller r1tngl'. auto, nvrn and hurner l'On lrol S175. Good ""ndJUon. Har. 776-J or Ll 8·1089. 75c77 Swivel baM plat fom1 t()( ktr. Coil 1pr con•tr. For eue It 4:0m· fort. $69.50 Value . .. at Bay $39.9~ 2 Pc. Modf'rn 11ect , pure foam rubti.r CUlhlon w ith sipper. Stt It In Ulla top grade newest CQ\'l"r lee-pink --toast btlge -tur- quolee. l26D,60 Value .. at Ba~ St79 :;o GET THIS Rli:LAX-OPEOIC QU•'en •rz;e t 7 • (t I rnn<'r5pr. mittL A box apr. IM!t. t'Xt111 firm JO yr. guarantet. Full r>r t" in alu. SIJl>.50 VlllUI' -OPEN EVES. TIL 8 ~ BAY FURNITU~E BABY Buggy, Te.-ter babe, ll8r 11eal. baMlnctl. w1 lngl"r type AC GAS Rans:e Oood eond. Old. ~·R.l!her, 10 gauge llhot gun, Roll-$20. 20. l, Apr>lrna, Balboa 18· 427 E , l 7lh St Costa Me11a Bt'tween~ Tustin cl l r\'lnl" FREE STOREFRO:'\T l'AHl<l:'\r: a-way l>etl. n •asonable. KI 5. land. Har. 2690-R. •~c77 ------· ~l'l~~:"r l'IA:-1\' J\,.a11\lf\1l l'fole .. \<lne l.11t ,, "''""I Sn'" cw~r • t(\O "n (hi~ An,,th,•r h·11Jlf\\n t.hr· r"r I 1 t•t Sp1ntt 11nh $~~ MAil)' nl hrr ""llll•tflll h11\'~ l'A:-IZ·Sl'HMll•T M11•1c;-<.:o . r.zo ~" Main s1 ~uita Ana. Alwa\a IO(I r11n,...•' $!1 l'~:H ~10 1('111• C•\Od practice l't11nn l..11'1. th" kldJI • 'lu(n. AP- l'h' ltrm Nnt "" purchUf' Good ll•<-id llllUll~ '7b. $8~. $126, $117 et\' lo.11\ cal tcrm1 11 A !'>i".·SC'll M ll>T , Cl~U :-lc>. Main. l\Jlnta Ana. AIWll )'I 100 piano•. SMALLEST STUDIO Plano with full 88 keyltoanf In fine con- dit •<•n Term•. $4:'1.3~ tlown and 118.17 fl"r mo. al SHAF ER'S Mu8k Co. <Since 190-U 421-423 N. Sy.:1tmore. Santa Ana Phnne Klmbt-rly 2-0672. HAMMOND Org11n. Slli(htly ~ Cood big U \'1ng .Anolher won· tlerruJ buy. H11mm11n1I C'horc1 Or-ran Lll llr \l.M'l1 The Orran evt1 yone ran play DAN:t.-SC:HMJDT P1a110 Co .. 6)0 No. Main. S•nlA Ana LOVELY SINCL• manual alee· tronlc org11n h1 perfect condl· Uon. Save S IOO. Conn.nlent terms at SHAFER'S Mualc Co. fSlnre lto7) U l-423 N . Sycarnort', Santa Ana Phone KJmt>trly 2-ll&i2 STEINWAY GRA:'\11. Cnr11:t0111 In tvery w11y. Parlor 11lu . Thi• w<'mlerrut lnstrnmtnl Al a blc 1111v111..:. M11nv olhf'r l>rlUlda. M11· inn Ii Ht1mh11. Knnhe, Story At Clark. t'lr l'nc1•s $4.115 and uri OANZ·SrllMHYf P lano r>20 Nn M11l11. Sa.nla Ana. 100 p\anlW!. \ WOW ! Read This! '! ! 11 U11lh11a f\fl 11., -'''" roort l\••:u ;h. ('allfornla. LADY wl11hl'll ride to Morl'lla, Mex-I 1:190. 72pi7 --- 1 TABLE top gas rangl', gOOd oon- TERMS 7~r76 We repair tekvlalon rect'1vcr• and ra1hu• You pay JO dhy" la· ter, when utlsrt•·d. 1'o p•rt1 In· 1tallrd nol needrd. 5,j-)lorll'\" to l .uiu1 -----.·--. ---. ----- M O:'\t:\· ,\\'.\ll.1\lll.F. l••I ~r~•'lt· latllln \\ 111" 1t•h'• 11 1-•·r I' () Snit ~ 16 V ur """ •h'I ~1111. ~Jc;--;~, REAL l·:::>TATt-.;0 LOANS Interest Hate 5--5\::';o Loans quu kly made In th<! Bey Ar('8 Md Cltllla MN•ll ~1n1;le 01 muluplc un1t.s. New or old. 8( ""'"° and 1a vc by rl.'·!lnancmi: yaur present lnnn. Mlnlnwm tX· pen1e. No t·hnrge ror pr,.llmi· nuy apprai.,nl. Phone Santa AnB Klmberly 3-69:1:1 or wrlle -ARTHUR A. MAY Morti;agc Loan rorre&pondent 01:1>1dental Life 111surance Co. 933 sOuth Main Santa Ana . I '.!-Building Sen·ic~ House Plans L.lBERTY 8·62:;1 1ouc H . H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt Repair Service Maintained Phone: Harbor 4624 I 2801 Ba.Ibo& Blvd., Newport Beach pltp I H111u11> R"pn1r11 Boat Hep&lrs ASTOR'S REPAIR I SERVICE il'o. s16 t1on wagon or roomy <'a r WOMA:O.: Wlltlll housework by needed. Ph. Ll 8-4476. 7~ day. Llllilln Meyer, Klmbtrly ~- ~Beauty Aids Superflqous Hair Penna.nenUy removed from fllce ama, ''''· Eyebrowa and haJr line ahaped-No more tweezinr . £1..LEN L. BRT ANT R. E. Wdo'1 Salon ot Beauty Har. 2676 Uc 22-IA>Ht and Found LOST: Llld1es lrnlhrr 11houlder str11p bllg at :'\ew11ort Harbor YAt"ht Cluh .rontt'nt"' valuable Rcw;rnl. Call HAr. 74. ' 2939. 74p76 MATURE businu.s ma.n ~llnts morning work. M11nutactur1ng or mer<"h&ndlslng. Phone Harbor 0652-J evenJng1. 7~p EXP. 18 yr. old white girl will as- sist with children. hve in. Rer P hone Puadena. SYeamore 2· J IM or SYcamrore 9-4330 <'OllecL Dee Britton ,1818 Laurel. So Pa.aadenL 76p77 GARDENING M11lnten~ce anl.1 yard rlun-up Klmbt'r'iy :J-:\02~ dnya or Harbfu 303<l evenings .It week en!1s. 75p80 GA.Rl>ENlNC • PP CatptnlfY I.OST· Vrrv Jar~c broY:n & w hrte m11l1> rnlllc. S11n A,,mar<ilnr> ll<'· Your ya.rd maintained by month or tlay. Cll'an up .t: plant1n~ by exptrienced g11rdener. LI 8-71'>79. 811ecial Notlce11 .... Newport Harbor 8. P. 0. E. 1767 Mrrt11 every Thursday 8 pm. \'1~ Opw tn -Ct-nl r&I Ave. ?\'cwport Beach A lh1 r I H Mallhew,i, Ex"lted RUll'r 12-1\uilrti~~.:~!~!"!~------­ FOH l{E:l\:T Skiff ~:"\'\" F'.l<r Orllfio, Pr ll:shen, nll t;. p .. ,. 11f S:\ndrrll, \\ hcdbar- ru\\ "· , fc· . BOYO'R HD\VE . :?IO:lll \\ <'<.M ~1 llfl;ll\V.11 \" Liberty 8·:: i:l:i. ~cwport Bch 28trc CARPENTRY MINOR nEPAJR \\'ORI\ :"\O ,j()J: T(l0 S~lAl.L Al\e~atinns ,.n~e. H 1t11 l"l\r infection • .Rrwarrl. Remodeling Hnr. 3~68. i5c77 Har. ·1729-J. 62p7:1h - Elec. Tool Repair S kll Saws. Drlll..!. Sanderw QtJICK SER\"ICE LEWCO ELECTR1C CO. 4~6 :-:o. l'><'WJlOrt Blvd., =-:pt.. Dc;-h. Llbcrt.v S·i38:1. Htfc COMPLETE PAINTING & Paper Hanging Sernce 1-:n;Ex~ 0 . S.\l '~;nERS :;11<1 31st !'=rrert. Xrwrort 0 1le11ch HBrbor 2976 or liaf. 4H6. lfc PAINTING 1:-.-n:rnrm -F.XTERIOR LlCENSED -I:'\S\:Rt-.:D G lenn J ohnston 501 • 3 1~l St :'\C'w·porl Beach Harbor 3176 22tfc CARPEN T ER 24--S<'hools, lnstroction CONTRACTORS ALL CLASSIFICATIONS STUDY In spare ltme ror contnc- tor's exllmlnnt1on untlcr a gtn· eral ('Onlractor with 2!I years ,.xper1tnc-e. C'las!ICs Tuu. anrl Fn. eves. 7:30 p.m. Attend fir1t session fret. Begin anytime Al Tyler School 1611 No. Broadway, Santa Ana Ph. K1mberly 2-4226 or Kl 7-3511 tfc Real . '" Estate School Santa Ana 711p77 :$-Help Wanted SF.cRETARY • sTp;NQGRAPHl!:R. w1lh 11hor than11. Some knowl· edge or record• de:nrablt for lor&l rea l esta te office. Ntw- port Beach. Real estate experl· <'nee not ne<""MBry. Apply Jn ~rson 1505 W . Balboa Blvd . Saturday. 73c75 GIRL for part t1ml' molhl'ts hrlp· er. Call Ll 8"6036 75c77 A7TENTIO:-J ALI. B<T\'S - THE N E WS-PRESS 1.!I now taking carrier ap)')llcatlons tor route• in lhMe ne1ghborhoodA.- Balboa, , Wl'st Newport, Balboa ls., Newport H eights, Corona del Mar and C'o.sta McM. H () 1\ n•'Prpnn 1"14 I·: fl:dh11:1 lllvd unihuR Repair Work 1'::rf" Doe• YllUr Hnme ~eetl Rep1Ur1ng or Remodeling ? MEN & WOMEN prepare In 1pare time for unlimited opportunities In Real Estate. New clauea weekly .. Al Tyler Instructing. At- tend flrRt evening free ~d learn about this great flfld. Call or wrrll' now. , It you are 12·H yrs. ol!l, a nlt ))ave a bicycle, apply at the Clreula- tio,n Dept.. Newport Harbor News-Prt118, 2211 Balboa Blvd . Newport Beach .• between 10·12 a. m. nr 4-5 p m. only except Saturrlays. tic Ca ll !-'rank. Llber~y 8-69:>• All \\'ork Guarantre I 74lfc WOMAN u dry cleaning mark,.r. Liberty 8·4381. 7fri:I Al Tyler School 1'.11nlmg 1.\: !'01 pl·rh1111~1t1~ I \\'1• tl11 ti\\' '"'r:: .1u r.-;< In:-~. -------------- 1611 No. Hma1Jway, Santa Ana Kl 7-3:'Jll·Kl 6·3469-KE 8-2513 trc SALESl.ADY, fUll time. Mu1tl ·'" ~ ltl 1 '\"1'"1l•0( ~' l.,1 ,·J' t ) ,\• ,, •lit• J ~.i· '~I • " .. ; I ,,,,,. I I-' !t'l•lt•• 1. .. I 1'1 l•J11111r. LI ~·:.!lh7 •'• I.I ..... ;)::'"!' 'llll A:'l'i I A LT Tl l.E 1.1 :\'Ol.Et:~I I 1n ·nn lhr •• 110\'t' rl • 11•1'1 t han t -..· .. \'... 1 1 ·~ I.in,,• u:n 1\ut.· 111 1 .: ' \ ~ n •'I' t l•·n+ 1 I c·, :\q .,.. ,.t .... ,. (llLJ. I 'I 11.;1 H 1101 l"i:''< or Lt•n1; 6lc71h , "A's'' VENETIAN B LIND LAUN DRY Tiii: ~1-:w m" I inr prn. ro11 m• lh'- ' 1 H• ,, :·•ht,• r1111•• A1 t>rai;t 2 l!\f'• 1 "~' 1. n1Jnl hhnd . Only Sl .00 Hl111·ls I • p11ir"•l an.1 rrbu1ll. F r .. 1'1 k up and tli111·,.ry \\'01 I< d· "" by 111•11111111 m~nl l'h••n•• I th.rl\' 1'·{170 1 or I\ lmlt<>rly ::-b~7 I rptfl.. Bion Rice, Inc. China Painting Day 1tncf" Ennlng Clueee Ordera Taken Now Phone Liberty 8-11648 HUc ~ituatioH WanW Universal Bldg. Maintenance W11l111 .l window ('Jenning Flo11r3, Janitor Serv1('e. Phone Hubor 4318. 67p80h have knowlrrl1?e M .!'PWlni: Age 30 In 40. S:"IP cl STITCH. 209 Marine. Balboa Jalantl. HAr :>233. 711fl' BOOKKEEPER. ma le, f\JU l1mr. Good poi:11l b1lllltll for a<l\·ance- menl. For arpomtmcnt call LT· berty 8-3416. .7~ci6 WA.'\"TEP : Baby l'lll• r (Or 5 d11ys Wet>k. HArb. 1654-R afl!'r 6 pm 7Hi[J WOMEX wanted . $3 00 j">('r hour. easy sp&rt' t•ml' Tel. Conlacl lady. Your own phon,. C'all KJ 3-2H 8 fe r lntcrvtt>W. i 1p76 Painting, Decorat ing " Pap('r Hanging General Contractors B11lboa -P11l111 f'pnnl(~ f'llin.!1 nnrl Flnnn. Ing H111 l1<•r 4111 -\\' YOU Roy's Maintenance Hou!e cll'antng-Floor waxing Cl.RI..S Willi Wllllhlni:-wlndow cleaning V<"nctlan blinil1. Upholatery ---------------- GEO. BURKHARDT LICE:->:~u:11 t'O;l;TR.llC'l'OR 878 \\", 18th St, Co11ta Mf'sa LIU.•rt\• f!. ~:?R RESULTS <;,.-;T R.E~t'LT~' Thi• ;'\: e\\ 11· 1 '1 rii.• flUlt b&h"ll 1114"'~ \ 'IK-~!<tru•t1 Ao!~ lh11n 11m· nth,.r 11• 11 ~p.1p1•r In lhf' 11.rra Thi~ lo .1 ll'r•hlf' \' n~ n; 1 11n~ I h(-.-.111•r '•"·••·l 'r••N> ('J11..~11.r1r'•I A·b ltd r•'c' Jt.•" I (All ll11tbor 1'116, llrl\ '1 want lo r 1111, • "'""~'""" A<i .. 11n•1 111"n • A h'• rt1~m1t rrsults comintt your WAY Somebody Wants t hal 11il'•I furniture. br1c·a·bra(', f't<'. nnw tak inr up tpaN' In· your gani.ire., I Find 11.buyc-r wll.h an ad In New•· P~u Clu"'81Cled. J 1111t ptume Har- bor 1818 It ""Y' "I wllnt to plarr a ClaMtrted Ad.'' anll A courtro118 ad·t•ktr •Ill h"lfl you v.Tlle an effective• ad. i :ttrC' l n11urrd. Frf'c Estimates wlll have nn opportunity Liberty d-1332. ll!c hi arfrnnrc In nur rirm, General Contractor berause o! Ollr piet1rnt l'lt· CLEANIXG .It JRONING bv the p1tnslon rrog-ram !.ll'E:"\SEO d11y. F.xperlcnc:<'<l. Balboa. island Tht starting 11alary lio New Work -Remodeling prrfrrrPtl. Kl7·60(l6. ?:lp7i' good and you will rerf'l\·11 J . .MILTON McKENZIE . , frequent lncrruu, too. Harbor 3122-R 58lf Exper1enc d ,;ar dener Jobs now tor. c LANDSCAJSING TELEPHONE OPE RA TORS --------------PAINTING M. W . ROSS LI 8-:t3:'l -LI 8·i823 28-0 AVO('"dn. t:<'l.~la Mt~ 70p83b CEMENT & BUILDING All Kind1 FREE ESTIMATES Llberty 8-6109 29t.f ASP HALT TILE A lumlnum W an TI.le M<irrs. Distributors 'r\'holna le pricu t o C'ontrartors It Tile 8~lt""' LI · i 193 68tfc and CLEAN UPS -Apply - :11 4 "' No. Main Slrrrl Liberty 8·1659 Rm. 211 -Santa Ana llOtfc P 00 to 'I 00 P M MAN A WOM.A.~ wtll do gene"1 housework, floor waxing, 9.1n- dow clunlltg. F'a.st ""orkera. ' ""h lle. 19• E. 20th St., CO.!ta K ea. Ll 8·2683. ppt.1 HSKPR .COOK. 28. Dr111e. Live In. Newport Arff.. Bruneau, 3110 E. 21rt St., Cot1ta Mr3a, 74 pi 6 ICXPJ:RJ.ENCJ:D white Klrl dHlrel' chlld Cl r'f' WHI live In. C11JI J AcJu1on 7-2730. 74p78 J'ULL chl\rr e bookke.pu 6 a c· countant.. presently employed, dtlllru lo make a ch&nJe. R Ar · bor 2:>-12 a/lpr i p.m. 74p7:i HOUSrwORK by the dlty, own t ra.n6J>Orta Uon. 1Colored1. Good rat~rence~. Kl J .9283 -;4p';'t5 ' PAClFIC TELEPHONE ilt ft' WOMA!'\ lo aid mother In hAu11~­ hold duUu A care of three rhll· rln-n. 10, U A. 11~ yrs. nl1I F ivf' day week. Mu"l bf <"11pa bl,r of at tlm1111 auumlni: full tr~pnns· lb•hly. Salllry $2 IO mnnth plus c•r It upen-~•. Hllr. 2367-HK. i~•r80 POS ITION open for YCIUOI( mnn lo aaslet In circulat ion dept. l'rr- ma.n•nt. t\Jll Wne employmPnt. Not a llWnmer joll. Do nol apply It not permanent. ~e Mr. P&rry, N EW PORT HAR· BOR l"E\-VS·PRESS. 2211 Bal· boa Blvd .. Npt Beach. H arbor Jilt 75Uc For thos" wh11 want the bc&t dltlon. SJO. Har 3960-J . Konkel's Interiors 75c77 U11hol6tery, d• apc.rlcs. altpco\'1·111, RE FRIG . late mode!. Xlnl. con· l~dspn•1ul8 dJClon. S95. 2701 "!5e&v1ew-Ave., :-.;, w 11h11nt• Free Corona de! Mar. Har. 2:>72-J. 1.lhe1 t~ 8· 7!17:! EJ>t1muks i !lc78 131 F:. lilh St . Costa Mesa ii p8~h I PHILCO 8 cu. ft. freezer, 1950 --------------model A 1950 J<elvin11tor rdrlg. ORIGINALS Both In good condltJon. Llberty 8-5400 73c75 AF"TER:-.100:-1, Cocktail,. llinner dressea It Coordlnales~ Custom Dressmaking Used Automatics 32' Lohman Sport Cruiser ! Sleep. 4, fully equlpt. top con- dition. A•klng $4250 or tradt for Joell! property. Submit ofter Ph. H u . 796-M 7Jpi5 30-F"l' SPORTFISHER, new en- glnt, new gu llll"lkl. 3:, wall mnrlnt radio. Equ1ptwd for lln bail It dt>ep llf'll lrollln11;. $4200 Term1 or 53800 c~h. Ll 8-T0~2 75c77 Envelope Special $39.50 f O $99.50 .... urut T!,A~E «h~ ... I Deliver ed ln11ta.lled, ruara.ntced. Fully found, co anywhere. WlU Ph. H11rbor ~268-R 7lp81 High quality ,lt/i'\ whit•· reiruhirl Terma Avallable take equity ln p roperty or smal- envrfr1pr1< p11ntt·d with t·orncr We Se rvice All Appliances ler boa t. 1220 W. Balboa Blvd., rl.'lurn. Specializing in. Automatics I Newport. Har. 3032· J!lttc $3.95 per 1000 Auto. Washer Ent~prises , 22 rr. CABIN cruiser. plywoo11, \\'Hh lht/t. 1ut l':xp1r1"1< J uly 22nl1 2648 Newpnrt Blvd .. CostA Mesa ' equipped for 11pf'Pd lt fll1~fn1: M111l <'nrv 1111 I rhP•'k today • 1Lrberty8-7808 (1'."ear Golt Cour.•e 1 Chry11ler Cr-O\\'Tl 11:> hor~epbw .. r FOX 11dv. 709 E Crnln, An11-tfpp motnr. Sl7.'10. LI 8·6-HO. :121 hrlm i:lr78 Fullerton, Npt. Br h. 71pi6 --------------1APT.11rz:e atove a. rr frlg. combinA· 16" nE WALT SAW on tratlrr. Uon. Nu.rly new. Colt $22~ 5300 5,. .. nt No l, Balboa Cnvt>"-new. will ull for $12~. 307 63lfc Palm Sl .Balboa., 74c75 Fresh Hearing Aid 131-Wanted to Buy We Gf\•e s:::.E~~ S tamps I \\' A:"TF:O: 2 1l1y tw<t <1lv11n1 " · I bflhy fum1111re. Harb 6392, Gunqe rson Drug Co. 1~('11 Main St. at Balboa Blvd., Balboa , Ha.rbor MS. 98tfc 32-A-Anti1u~ PIC or LUOERS 11p1nnaker 11nd l lorm Mii. 7 hp Martin. Bortrd· lng l&drler for 30-40 tt. boat. Chea p. Inq week-l'nlt.11. 106 Via Mentone. Lido bll', or CRrlll • view 8·8655 week days. i 0p82 SAILBOAT 17 rt. :O-:a11nnal One De· AIK?l lnboar<1 ru!1der Cu.,,J S:tll!I Ir ('h\'f'r f, 1:1(1 Ph<mr LI hrrl v 8·[>298 or 8·36H 7J p7!1 LarRHl Exd1111Ve RCA Victor dHler In 1tr"•· Part• It Labor ~v:irantrl'"d ror 3 run mnnlhA. 2904 E. Coast HIRhway C-or1>na 0<•1 Mar HAr. Ml!I. l.EWl S W. T AltTER. Owntr ittfc WAl'\TEU ~ t'SP:O PIANOS for Otlr ltlg rentol 1lrpl ll1ghe:ot rA11h allowan1 11 In 1ratle (ur Oq:fl.n. Spinet p1ano, nr GI anrt plaM. OANZ·SCHMCOT, 520 f'o. Main. Sa.nta An11 17" Coneole Tl'levl~•on $4:'1 21" RC' A Vidor ct>ll .. lf' wit It lull re mole control, rNlttretl $) '2 RCA Victor High Fltl• llty . phono. M11hoi> full r1c•or:1, rl'fh1crl1 $ t 00 F. M. T11hll' rA1lln~ 01,ly $:?9 !l:I TV Ht:nlala /, Serv11·e Tarter Television Co T\\'0 LOCATIONS 2904 f':. 1 ·1111ill Hy .• C-11mn11 d<'I ~hr & 271 Bn111•hvay. Lai;:1111 .. Ul'l11 h Ph. Har :ll!ll or HY11ll 1 -~1:.ie i211c ORGA:-.'. t;lt't'lrom• ' l ... I but In ell( rlftnt r11n•hl 1r.n. T" o man u11l11 Finl' !r>r rh11rr h nr hnmr You r11n 11a\'e SflOO f'n t h1a r11r dill.!<•' !)A :"7. S<"llM lflT b:W x ... \l.11n. 1'11nl11 /\u" ------ YARDAGE Inventory Sale LO\'ELY an11<1t1t' thop lt'a! labll' b••aullful w11lnul hot ruk 2 ~tontne)" tyre t•ho1 r•. H11r. 16A6 Sl'RJ.~ HO A RD 10 fl loni. :tO II}!<. ~,._noi:-~. Cab, Pf'ts S4!l :>a. Ll 8-:i8!l8 73pi:i -------------~-· ---~ --Nt:1-:1 i 11111111 h•1111• 1t (••r '"'" <111 rhn~ on DeKlirner'11 Fabrics at Whnlrsl\le Pr1r~. MAHGIEC WEBB aft•·r 6 p.m. or week l'nd!<. 7[1ri7 1 32-Fumiture for ~ale Slip & Rowboat SP.ace for Rent k1tt.·11~ tllll "'""~ 1'1111 ~. ~•·w· p••rt His I.Ill. f!.6/111:! • i11 -;-. ()Al'llSH1 "Xl1 flllPf ""' :-:01 PJ>t• Ii•!• 1t'<I, hut ~11011 brt'""· l.lh i.. l!l!.6 Sn. Cua.~t Ulvcf. L6gunn Beach 63 lfc: AmPrinm IA'J!H'n 21:,.1:,th SI l\ll[d # 7:'11·i7 Near-Nu Furniture Mart Meetings 2nd . 4t h Wed. 8 p.m ----- Apricots . GOOD US~D .FURNITl.;JtE PHI( !19--Auf.M WanW 4 dr. t'hPlll . $12,7~ ~---·------- :> dr. chl'lt -... Sl:>.:10 F.l,r'<J <..:RL'ISER Pl1ST WAR :1~,·. f"'RIVATt-: l'A0RTY ,;,nnl.8 to buv :i dr. C'h,.i.t $91:, ~li·•·r" 6 1·111..i1a~"'l 1ww by own· 'r>4 or ·:1~1 c'la\·, l 'l.1·m. or Ford We srerii1ll7.e In tr,.,. ripened Royal 11rrirnt!< (1•r ''"In" rnn· n1n~. Z~> lb lui,; and !'> lb bu· kf'lr! \\"alnul l!l'l. bt••I, drrlll•l'r Wllh I rr HAs 2 1 'hry~ler Crnwn Spr•.. 1tal1011 w:tR'•n. prdf'r 6 cyllndrr. ff(('. mirror & I h• !<1 SI :'>!1 lnl~ t '111'11 Ullll'. 'IPtlfl>'Nt 1)(11\l Ill Nn r• .. W• r i;l11I•· Un!1•'r $2000 Bt~!!~S!~~ nn•~~;~na~,~un J Chrome 11tn••lle table an•.1 2 liil\" arf'a \\'111 .-nn1'1der smsJl,.1 C'R.11 H11rbtl1 JIJ:.!O rvu. 7lr77 r ha1r11 S2~ :.o l>oAt or llo1\' n1 . t• ! 1 m t1 a'11 Ave, C'osta M~!'a. iOlfc I Several 11.-ts o! dln1n~ ronm 1 t'halrs $2 7:\ NI Goocl gall ran.ccs $27 SO tn s:m 0() 2819 ="•'WJ'MI fllvcJ , :"pt Rrh I nr rmght ~\ntp for h1111~" or n11v 11rl'I\ lnrnfn,. prnp<'rt v F"r 11 prt to i;hnw. c11ll Llh 5-ii:ll wr"k· d11y~. W ill tma.nrr. -;:1r Movie. Proiectors ------------~~ Ha.rb. !'.t:!Jl:l 7~ 77 71., HP F:Vl :'\Rl'OF: nulbnartl mo- FOR RE~ 8·MM 111-'M"M 35·.c.f HOBBY an<I MODEL AlRPLANF. SUPPLIES ALSO Gelgrr Counteni rnr rent. F OR SA LF.. 1hwrnpor1 & chair. b••tlro<>m !11rn1,.h1n1:11. Oil I rha1n & \ables. Call HY i · 1 ~67 01•.m· Ing~. i :lp77 Mesa Woodcraft Mears Camera Shop liR2 Newpnrt Blvd C'osta M:tlla I t:npn1nl•"I & J uw nlll' F'11rnt111rP Phone Llbfrty 8-i0~2. Pr t1' MAPLE WPl11h C11h,. $:14.~0 tnr Brllnrl nPw """"r h,...n un- P"• k•'•I SA VF: m11n1>1• 1111 thl• 2r12 Or• 11n. H11nt1n1;t11n flea1 h LF;x 6-:11118 7[lp 40' r.ABIX •Yr• ,,,1.iri:-h<•a t. G~f(" <il""''' rni: Sun 1111~ for 'h11rtl'r pllrll .. A $:1~100. Kim 2-J 1 ·.1 ·~1180 ' 0"' I Hw<I. Le!ldt•r c>ha1rll, !lbfor 2 GOOO bll''"· 2:1 rt l :.II h p & l 1~. l'<'llt . $4 :10 ., EMBOSSED li1,1~ln1>11s rar'1s $3 99 Hwrt. 30" Bar 11ll>f1ll1, 16 fl 26', hr b"nl•. !)11th fl· 3 L I R bb4-s $ 1 oo I htri;111-.J1r1I fn~· A: 11""·•!1 r1111'1I· n" 11 r •tamp f1hrr ll<l\t S•.50 tlnn H"R·!v '" 1;, AIM t•h!'r· 4 Line Ruliht'r Sl11mp wit)) Mtnw11x nnrl f>l'!t r1nl11hf'!1 C'UI $2.llO 18.1\4 <'Ut$) Orders t1<krn !nr llhlllterll I ,;111.1111 rlnth rf•Nln Pf •• .ll<'r11J1•1 • h Mhnn•• :-.1 .. 1·11~ .1 .. 1111 :\' .. , . .,k 2><n" Bonk .... fntr ~~ ' 2121 Hl\fbor, C ~t. LTherlv 8·164:'1• L w WIJITE I -I Th·· lth1n" 1 l.l1lc1 l'r·nn 1 lier U hcrty 8-4011, eVP/I, LI 8·51:\1) HOL'SE Fl'L.L <)( turnllurl' In· I 21l:l~ i!otf•• J"lptfc rludmg •lrapu, ru11tom Frenrh , , • , --------------provmrHil, ovt>r,.lllffl!ll Ar nnll·i SNll E No .1!1:1 1 In <'Xff•ll.-11t con- GLADIOLAS, ques. llurbnr J6C.i. i •piS ll1t 1 .. n. l:l11"l 111v.-r 11a1h 11n11 tra1t-t'r. ()wnPr 1••8\'ollV & will tdkr br11t ntrrr, liar [JO:l d&}'ft. H11r. 2306 R rve~ .62lf1· CUT FLOWERS 50t BUNCH l i ~!\ Orange A,.,. f'M tl\ ~!f'AA 74p7~h VERY H1'ASO="ABLE l.lr11.nfl , n"w Hnlr<>lnl dl11h\\'¥hf'r, (C<l~t S3 10J will srll (nr $200. Li.tr Dunclltl Phyfe mahoi; <1ln1n1t tal>ll•, 6 cha1r11, Si~1. Mt.hog rn•I t11hlP With l11 mr. SIO. Hotp<•lnl 11 cu ft. refrtr;. In xlnl Mnl11· • TWO bl'111111r111 hand hrn1•l"d all t1nn. $!~ \\ 111nu1 aecret.Ar-. 27 FT. Aux. "'"')P with. ';ray ~"" s. ""l • 111:11••'. (ltll ~1111 " 14,t I SAii• 2 h1.1 kl\. 1;al!• y l\nd 11· 11•1 ~ .. ._... t<t.,trf• .. ~ ~I'" I 111:r;: n£ Jll~ p8tnlrd <• mpl• lrly :l W<'<'k~ 81::" 13100 LI 8-Jll 7 fWfl' wonl rui:-• nl'w mlll• rui l. w,.11 nnl\' S50 \{fST Allll-0 Al't Llh!'N\ mll<ll'. 6'~ hv 11 1• rt. S3';"~ l 8 '3233 61lfr 15 fl J>E:":'\' VA:-\ n11tho11r•l r11111· 11~10 fl $tOO -l\:t~ ()s~m. I K Aflf'E.'\ bf-ti •fll\"t'np11rl SJ:,,' bit l'P•lllr pl11nkNf. r;J1111 NI. R11.t \\. Cnvln11. T'h Eolgtwood :·~~! 1.abl" top r.llllfe S25, !'hunt liar I t11nk, m"1r1r, ~1nrJ>"rl mah <11 .. k ~A:-1lllP:GO1111~ ~lnr WIUlt• car. ('M,h If' pr '"' 1-11tht.. Mw-l bf' rlo "" lit I n i.;oo.l m~ch r11n•llt1nn. '18 tor lall'r model Li b. 8·8:t71. 1:\c -10-AotOM for Sa.111 '51 CROSSLEY Sl PF.R Statum Wagon. Bt•autiful con. d1l1t.n throughout , includ. mg tires & nt•w paint. Load. <'If w1l h cvf'ry MnreiV8ble extra' $395. COTION GOFF VOLKSWA (;F,N DEALER 211" ;o.l•w1,1ir1 Rini, ;'llpt. B,.arh HHrt..-•r /( · 71ri:i 19:11 l 'l.Y~lf)l"l"fl ~ olr Al'!111n. <..:AMHftl l>1;f; J"IU:1 I.th, 8·12r17 111t,.r :, t• m H r76 1{1:1!) f10t >1:~; 1 •lllflf". 47 O\t•ttot4 1-:x• rll .. rl 11mnanic rtln•lltlon $7fl. <'all 1 l·•r u•,11; ./ 74pi6 n11I•" r; .. , I r '"I S-11•, 2l·ft. (;,~, n n ,.11,h1n ._,,,,.fl 11~.,., H,.J ... 11)111., .... <' 11 M J,ll}r~v 8-71110 74p78 ;,, J ,\<;l'A lt XJ{l:.!0~ mo1llfl<'d """''. llko n"w, p< wl<r bfllf , ____________ ,_3_r_•;i 1 o.'.89-J i3•7~ '269. LI lHllh2 7Jr7.') CAM ERA. Argus 7~ fla.•h & CU<'. \\'A l.KF:H fllr lnVllll!l wtth ext~'. l5 J.J' M01'tJll Sl\lf, 1111.,!t' li.V Whit~ ur l1.n l11f> n~v,.r rart't1 SI.'\• IJe.arbor~ htlllt J. 25.00<.I I Atlac'hmcn!.A, U l'I, two 4 btlTilt'r 01'1e T11wne Co 1.:<1nn . bo•a11t1111I low mll~"""· '''lit Ina I <•wn"r. H11 r BTU, s 1 .• 2001 s . G&rn!l!)'.~S~: •loVf!I With OVl'ntl S'2o Ar $:10 hne11. ltl!U<~f'tl 8 ft 11!•• k. l.s<1J~11 r,4-;z 8:\r7l ta An•. i5<'i i I vanity 'l\'1th <"hair H H11rhM pontonn~ In hull. Jl•·n•h~ 111••tor -:;: CASH J\EGISTF.R. GAS HEAT· 1217-J 88tfe 6 11llll. SUS II 11111•1 th• wt,.k JAr.1•A1t '•~ ~t"r1' \'II A••·litn whl ER. I -M rn &\ii S• J'trnrin1h With 1••1 l"·•'h•1 , 11tll1ma!lr • !lewlng m1rhlne, awn mow· 9icl2 OVAi.. braldl'd n 1g. painted ,.., 1 g .• "· ~ -· l J ti •~r 14ll \\ 3c lrrir.,m. '·"n I'• r fr • 1 ""I . lnw er, nr1ncrn!M. l'lC'. All goo hut.ch, m"ple ta blt, 2 chllJr• It a!.,,, , . . • ,., cnndlllon. Rea.•onnblr. 1.Tlrl'rtv ottoman. iron • hoard. Univrr-mil,.~P nr1..-1n1t1 flWIH'r H11r1Y1 8 6 9 ~~ f WA:'\Tl-:li 1•• r• n• tn• n'n d J•.iJy ~iii'..: ~!li7~ ·i 6 1. l c Ml loU tfr, amnll lamps. HAr Snnwb.rt1 nr 1·rPf,.rnhh 1.'lA'--------- MA_N_I._EY ,.-0-fl<';m -;ll•'htn"'. Ilk,. ~tti9-J. 74cili mmlnAt~'1 11nlllY•:"1t. n .. ~r,,.·n~lhl .. l !l~.1 !-I I '~ \'Al l.F:Y \tf.n.rt.:RY new, v,.,.... rtll!l<lnllhlr 4'11! E. 11ailnrf! P rtYlllf 111nl•·~ R .. lti-."l ftlt P'•"H "'Pl 1· ~~r.•trrm ~ l'1tl 18th SL. Costa Meu {I a m tCI Ml)llY a big dtal h.u been m ade : IAl"nd ff'•!•l<'nl' Phr1nf' ~11t11rrlA\" rw.111•r I.I 11·3M't "' I.I 8-'122:1 1 p.m.. 75p77 through a amall clusifled ad. noon, Hu. M 98. H r ";"-6 fl&llr -~--------~ .. 1 I \ v v Check these Used Cars Buy h'om a k>caJ de&ler Who wUl be here TOMORROW to bull up w~t lie Hila TODAY.! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS! 1953 CHEVROLET 4 door.Bel Aire, light blue. R le H, power glide transmission, power steering. Excellent condition. ... . $1545 1952 NASH 4 door sedan, 2 ·tone green, over - drive. Show1 very good care ....... . . $ 995 1~ FORD Sta.lion Wagon. Runs good. looka well... . S 195 1951 PLYMOUTH Club Coupe, deluxe model. light green, R le H. AU new nylon tube- leu tirff. Only . ---· $ 895 LOU REED CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTH DEALER 1200 W .. Cout Highway Phone Llberty 8-3486 GMC • • Trip le Checked Used Trucks 'M CHEVROLET i~ T. PICK· UP, POWERCLJDE trana. 1:11 CMC 1-, T. PICKUP. ·~2 INTERNATIONAL 1,, TON P lCKU'>. ·~z CHEVROLET t,t T PANEL ·~3 GMC Ii T. PICKUP. JiYDJUMA TIC TRANS. '.'13 FORD 8. 17 '1. PlCKUP. ·~3 ooncE 1i T .PICKUP. SPORTSMAN T OP . '~0 OMC l T . DUAL. FLA'rBEO •r,z CH£VR.OLET l T. P.~'\r:t. '[12 CHF:VROI,ET 2 T .• 179" W. B .. 2 SPEED. 8·2~ TlRES. 74c76 ALL STEEL 1urr•1e trailer S76 Harbor U.23. H c76 *PAN-AMERICAN* Paramount-Terry ·-.l '6~!1' Pan Arnn 2 bdrm. - A BUY. '6f>-18' Terry-SPECIAL '!12-27' Mobile-Tandem-bath. MANY MORE -Euy Term1 Port Orange Tr;iiler Salee 2200 \.\', Co&.st Highway Phone Liberty 8·H20 Newport Buch 72c84h 19~~ MA YFLOWEtt Complete bath. e Bolhrar St. m beautiful U do Park. Nice cJea.n Jot for cab&n.a, C..h or terma. 76tfc 'M DODGE 2 T . • YD. DUMP. 41-Wanted to Rent 2 SPEED. 8·25 TlRF.S Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS DeligbUul lh'ing. Apt.-Cabanu. Utilities prud. with Yacht slip accomodatians. Daily, w~kly, monthly, yearly. . For appt. or reservation. Call Har. 2992. l4ttc NOW VAc,A.NT One I b1lrm. & 1 2 bdrm. fllrn. By week. month or year. Rf'1111onablP 2110 W. Ocr!ln 1-'ront .t 104 :!!Ith, Nl'~'T'Cl' t. On prrm11wl' Thurs •'V•'. & Fn. 01 lat•·r rall l'pl11n1I Yucun 32· 1 lrll l-'l:lt~ GAHA~E J\PT. A \•alJ11bJt> for July After Sl'pl I, by mil 1 h.roor -tt~9·J 74(':1; ATTRA('7JVF. 0t·ran v1,.w 1 bdrm apt., parually rum. Suitable for 1 uupl", S7~ mo 'rly. S• e rv •. ,.. & Wl't k ,.,.,1, w.~. \\' 16th St . ('usta M"'<I\ 1 turn I<'! :ll rn'1 of \\' l6Lh St.) 7 l c76 -~~~~~~~~ Summer Rentals • Exclusi\'e Bay Front.'I + other choice properties H Arbor ll'lanr1, Rav Shorea, Bea- con Bay, qualttle•I clwnts only. H arbor Investment Co. Harbor 1600 (Eves, LI 8-ISS86) 27t!c BAY \'IE'N APT. on Lido P enin· sula. New & 'attractive pan1•llrd living room. 2 bdrm!I. For yl'arly Jras<" Ph. Har. 27!H or Har "'l. BALBOA ISLAND MOTEL AP'PS. VACATIONERS \\' K HA. VE a varJety ot new nice· ly tum. l'eJltal..e avallablt• 111 N'1•wp-0rl & Laguna. SJO. wk. &. ur>. lnqmre 301·32nd St., Npt. l'hunc Ha1bor 1226. tllpHh Ut. I.HOA OCEAN FRO.KT year· l\'-Parltv tumish••d 2 bedrm. It i.:111 sf rni. Ava1h1bl1• J uly ~th. 11111 11'..!<l E. <Xl'IUl Front, lial- boa. i :lp75 -19-Rooms for Rent noo~t for working man. Hot and roltl water In room. Pvt. l'O· trance $8 per week. 123-28th SL Xo·wport. ppt!c LJDO OFFICE SPACE -Wiii 1mblet spa<'e 11unabl' for attor- n••ys, en~1neers. etc. Approx. J:,x30 In 11hopplng a.re& on Via L luo. Call Don Colo afternoon• only, Har. 4650. Ml!c Modern Store ~'OR RF:~T. Si:\ Jl"r mo. Parking fa, 1hl1cs. fun <'•I air h1•1n . isU•l· atile. 1nsura.nr••, real l'"81ate, glftl 1•t1·. Jnr111Jr~ •OS E. Balboa Hh•d. I l11roor 20i11 69l!c For Lease-T aking 1'1!servatlnn!I day. Wtt'k <•r month. 321 M11nnt A\'t• Har STCIH.E H '.x35'. s uit for rrntrs- !108!1. ?lp'I •lonal, htauty 11hop. real !'Slate, ·:11 c~tC· 10 \\'H F.Et.F:R DU~iP. Rentals Wanted lH,, TRAXS. 9 00 TIRES. 1 We need a pt.a and houaea In all NO. ~ BEACO!'\ B.i\ Y -Summo•r XLNT. LOCATION j Quick Cash Loans on furniture, auto, salary. $50. to $7W. or mo~. One day service AppllcaUon may be made In per- eon. by phone or by maJL CALIF. ACCEP'l'ANCE CORPORATION 1898 Rarbor Blvd., Co1ta Mua Ll &-7751 -Open Friday£ till 8 Clo1ed Satur~aya-41 t!c LO.ulS TO BUUJ). IMPROVE HUT, MODERNIZE, OR REJ'INANCI: We Buy Trust Oeeda NJ:WPUJ'.lT BALBOA SAVINGS ll WAN AS!'IOClATION S3&8 Vla Udo. Ph. Hu. 4200 Uo 51-Real Estate Wanted W A!\I' to buy small :? b<lrm. house ntar t'lll!t 011t11klrt11 or Cn-.tn Mt•l!a. Will pay unJer SI 0.0\)(J 1·a~h. LJ~rty 8 .... 933. 74c76 Want to Buy 00-lnoome Property HOME and 6 Units OOOD JNCOM E, S38,000. 0 !! Ham· llton, off Harbor Blvd., Co~til Me11a, 75p 8h 61-Rea.1 &tate Exchange OWNER Will Trade Equity In 3 lots wilh 12 r1•n1.1I unit!! for smgle re!<Hlence:;, , ,, .ir or not. t.:n1u CRn be d1vl<l1 ol & traded aeparately. OWn~r al prop<'rly Sal t.. :-<:in. TRADE NOW. -Colkct Summer Renta18 ! J . Hf;XTLEY. t.1\7 E Halboa H <1r1> 3600 9s"f' th" la r!!r~t ,,toe k Of used eectiohl for both wtnlU ~d I rrnlnl.,Spac1ou1 !urn. 11pl .. 1111 <'P~ t 10\C\IO\\'X COSl.3 ~fesa. Hubor 62-ReaJ Estate trucks 1n Orange County, •lock f Year'• 1-. Furn. or untum. •. O\'crlooklni: bay. June l~ih :!996-\\'. 68tfc ------ Inc I.. plckup.'1, pantls, st.tk1•3 ar11I If you haYe a Yac&ncy, SrpL l :..th. J f,00. m nnlh dump11• You wlll !Ill.VI' time and phone today ALSO will tak1• r<'S• r.1111on !• r ,)3-A-BuslaeM R4-atal1' rnon11y by ming-u• flrat. l The Vogel Co. :~~~~:: Har. 21 7l, cCllut~si::t~~ ;VAILABLE -Abou~ &000'-;. W W WOODS 2201 W. C.t. Hwy .• Newport 8clL ft.. lli;ht lnduatry llJ):J.ce on Isl ll • • Phone Liber ty 8·3•81 SVf>U.H:R tt.E~T,\ LS -Art~! ' ?n<i. floor. U. s. Htchwa7 101 C Mr DF:A LER 208 Marine, Balboa lllantl Bt'lll've It nr nnl ~ ! l"e"''ll' ! I II/Id Bay F rontaj:;f'. WtU le&N •II t11:1.i;19 ~; 11h s 1 !'i~nt" Ana Phone Harbor H• li"llCh. :-;ewl,v de<;oratcil l 11n I "r any pa.rt • N'rnodl'I lo lluJt Open Sunday am. 26'7 IC. Coeat Hy., Col'Olla del Mar '.l b('drrn. 1tarai.;1·s. !\'car bay A ltnunt. \'oi;t'I Co., 3118 Via Udo. T1111'k hritdq11arter11 for Or11nge C'o. Phone Harbor 11'41 l O<'Pan. S[)O .t S60 .V."l'f'kly Call Uubor 4!l71. 28t!c 7•c7(l Lido Otfice, 30& Via Lido owner. Lllltrly 8·1409 7111..: Harbor •971 32tfc L E ,4.. S E I $1295. I WA 1'1 TO RENT, 2 b<lrm. un!urn. ho1111P llllrl i;:a rage or 11 pl. w11 h p11t10 or 11mall yd .. Corona clel Balboa Furn. Apts .. I Fr':P. r..cx·ATro~ m ·c orona 11e1 DA y -WEEK • ~10:-\TII H f'lll'I M.u . Compl .. tcly equJpped tor or town. 111 blf'l('k In b11v. 1 b11k1ns: or d"lr"1,.. .. n. J"'hon• blC1rk to n1·p11n & r1n. I Harbor 4293 for app'L ~Uc 917 E . Balboa Blvd .. Harbor 17~ 2 OF THE CHOICEST LOTS IPft on U do, 40 ft, on Genoa It :>o fl. R-3 on Lido Soud. Call Mrs Edith Ahrens, Har. 0191 or wntr J 16 Via Sa n Remo. i :lr 7 • JAYT CORNER. home h11~ 2 !)(><I- rma .. l2x2• de-n. 16x31 L R. t2x13 l'ntrv & rnx30 l11ne1. Of•\\'· ty buH1 F1nf'ly lan1lsr11pcd ~ar· dt!nll and tamlly nrchrlrrl. 2 flr1,placca A: F.A. heal. i-•<'nrNI. Properly can br b111lt up with 3 rental11 without 11po1hng pri- Y&ey. $35,000. Lol\l'\ rnmm1ll· ment •tS,000. Owntr . .M . Ver· trffe. U O Goldenrod, Corona del, M.&r. Ra.r. 298l·R 72<:8-t. • Lido Isle $5,000 Dn. 3 bl'dl ()()"1, Z b•thi hk1• M W 4Y Lot. \\·r bellr'\'f' onr• uf 11•· . c\a~·s BF.ST Rl:YS St>~ lh111' Asking S29.9!;0 · e LIDO NORD BAYFRONT LOT 40' n.IJi.~ LO str.ret rml l'1rr r~r­ n11t t•'•I S!l'<~I! I"'' fru11t m•h . e LIDO NORD BA YFRONT HOME t X1•\\' L tl'>lln,,: t ~ ht'lllll1flll H1·oh rn11111< plu~ 1:1111.i.l {jfll•r1t•r1< pltr~ :wl\llllh 111111!'1••1" f W,.•J'rwd ,,q ~. t:t11outt l1,·u1..:. J'J,•r und ~hJl I 111 IV' IJ,111\. Ul•\'1tr lllll>l b·· qunllf • I "'' 1111 1•h1\11~ 111· fo111111'1nn ple11ik, '!'hi!> lit I'll I '.\ll · lllH)'f'rl\' Ull•I l'I 11•1 d t" ~l'lf Al~u "'" h1\\0t• :! tt1hhla•1t\1d ,.,. ti M h•, 41 ,t I.tit'' I•.:•~ t l\Ult htlll\\"1t "nt \\· 1 • h 3 H• I.Ir 0o n • •• 111111111 rwr lllhl .. 11,. ··•1111p f11nu•h ... t IJI ll'•'•I l•I St;: ··IHI .111 fl/JI' l\Jlh 3 ll<·J1 '"'I ~ ·.,n I :t 11.11 h>< with 1 wr. pt h 4·d l •••u~lu tl ttl S ~.· ~10('1 e BALBOA COVES WATERFRONT :: 11.ilh 11111111• \ .. I\ I ll'\'1 r tlP•'lr.;'1 wh,.11• y1111 1.rn ha\1• ~11111 ll\\ ;\' boa l fill p S:!ll :·.u. e Ollw1 "· II ,.,.i,,..,, ol B.\ Y • FRO:'\T 111111•1rl1•' ''" 11 1111<11 l!.l.rn.t. au lhw1 6uyf.h•1J l'I' &till Balboa l '<'nl11~uli.1 • I In 0"1 manv y<'n11< nf 1•l(prr- 111nn•. '' .... h~' V•· ht•• n ~lk1'•'S"'!t1l Ira hu't1\H1~ Ii 1111)::1' numhl'r nf \'t•ry n.l'•• fttllliill'~ Into rhuw1• llll}'fn nl f'J"fl"l lll'lt l<•l IJh l1-f· tt ntJ hi If' \'loll I . l Harbor .Investment Company H ~;A l. T 0 R ~ 'l""'l"•tl Hlvd 111 ::Slllh St :'\'l'wp111 t B• a ,.h J•n11n•' 11.11 h111 1uoo OP EN HO\ '~ES fl;\ 11. r IU· ·, :in I' ~I Cnt nl'r \\';tJ1111: & Ila) 111on1I Hetwrrn !'Rnl.1 Ann & T11~1111 /r,_,,ft i'\o of J!lth l'I New & Beautiful THE ::'\E\\'E~1' Iv mu~\ ollr11rl1\~ :i BR . !! l1o1• h h11n,1•J1 rn tnwn· llw1t. (11 .. shHI<" 1f , FA hMt. t11 "r1 11r .. K ,.., B "'"llH•v•·n \\'PNll:::t1. b11dt Ill PVrn & tan,::r F.xr l K •ldr I•••· F II A tern111 l'Bn b\• Rrr:in$:~d 111111 \' t•n lh<·~r Only ,. fl'w ll'fl tn •'h~'°"' from A rral buy 1:1t $15.~. JACK BRE;\:::'\A:\' un l 'H.EMlSF.!'I I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART II · PAGE I FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1955 V6GEL VALUES Corona del Mar Ouplc:it. 2 BR each, 1 unit-fum.iahed. Cloee in. One apt. vacant for new owner. Marvt>lol18 opportunity. Total Prire $1 3.500 -euy tenn1. China Cove Plans ar<' being completed for a lovely 3 BR. 2 bath home in this area.. Fine \'sew of bay & Harbor area.. Inrorporat.e your ideas with those of one ot the Harbor areas finest builders. See us for particulan. Cliff Haven Triplt'X. ExcC'llent im•omc propcrt~· in rho1C'l' n.•ntal url'a -fi r<'places. disposals. many ndrhtional fu· t 11rl'~. S:!5:?.50 income f.*r mo. Total price' S2J.9!50. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Coa~t Hwy., Corona del Mar. HAr.174.l H ar. Hn OCEAN FRONT HOME 6510 OCh:AN FRONT ·I bdm1. 2 bath ltte. living rm. with fireplace. A1ao family rm. with bar. etc. This beautiful home la of brick con::itruction & can usily ~ converted to 1lu pl t"x. ExcellC'nt view from all rooms. Large g'las.!:wd in patio with Har-Il-que. Completc:,ly furn. 111clud1r1g W. W. carpeting, 2 TVs., washer, drier & frcczrr. :.? rar garage. Owner anxiou11 .. $,32,500. Sub· mil low down Paymerit. E.Z. Term.11. INVESTORS A TIENTJON Wr h a\'C listed exclusively a modern bwiinees & a11t. bit!~. &•st locaUoil. A -1 construction Cwitom built furnishings included. Full Prioe $39.500. Terma iC desired. · J. M. MrLlER CO. 2025 Balboa Blvd .• Npt. Bch. Har. t091 T5c77 CORONA DEL MAR F.XCELLENT INCOME -4 furnished units: 1 bdrm. each. No vacancies in ove'r a yl.'ar. Rent ia S65 each. Gross S~i60. Clean property. S6000 takea. Rc·rlucC'd to $19.950. ON HAZEL, 2 br. view home. Private pathway to little Corona beach, $25,500. LUXURIOUS 5 bedroom view home. Lwah tropical patio a nd yard. $15,000 down SEE US for BEACON BAY and BAYSHORES propertlee. Hu. 1775 -Eves. Edith Maroon, HYatt 4.-8222 Jokn Macnab, Harbor 5M9. New French Renault I 4 °'""I Jl''•l11n !.11 m1lr~ per i:allnn l111~1>1l'nl ~ J:lll P"r mil Mar or Harbor area. P•rmant'nl tenant.s. Call D. K. Murn.y, Har- bor 31 e.t 74p76 ROOM A-BOARD in quiet Chris· t 1an home for llf!ml·ln\'a.1111 eld· ,.rly lady. near ::'\Pwporl Be11rh. Box L-1. lhl• p11~r. i :>p 13 ..i 18 N Bid 2 BDR~l. furn. s rt. Wllh xl ra !><>•II ew Store 9· ava1lablr for .Jul)'. $100 ,,..r f••r lt'•llll'. 3-5 Y~ • 13a:~ t't park- MODERN 3 ~11ro0m I•, tmth. 14110 aq. fl I •.,. yr. old Houston Realty Co. 1 EARL W r.nri , .,., •••r i-:t "'"'" ~r. -1 • STANLEY, Realtor wet>k. Har. 21 l·~fK 72l ;'°I .. 11npr111~ llrl'a OPE:'\ FOfl lXSPECTm:-; SA:r • st·:-;. AFT~.:R:-;oo:-: 501 F'ulltrlnn A. \'f', !':pt lit!' 1.1 11.,;ri11 u 11.77111 225 Marine A \'e .. Balboa Island 75c71 ms llJ'3C"-MaJOr arttry. In U do I H.,nk uf Aml'l11 a fmanrmg C-O~FORT A Bl.~: m:AC:H A PTS .1 furnll'lht .1. Summt-r r"te $1\!'i "" 4S--Apta. A Hou~ for Rent_ :l~H W, Ot't•an F'ront.. Harl .. •· BLANCHE GATES 711 fr 45' Water Frontage BA YFRONT 1•1° r llv •t 11. i. ... t 111111 h<' •<'h PIER AND SLlP FOR •5 FT. rnAFT1 ~al tor $7,950. 31 t ~,u1ne ~ve. Balboa hh1.nd .,_<!.~, Hnrbor 1671 68uc New 3 bdrm. hwtt. n onn< -.W17-M. i:?p7; Hausken Motors Inc, 'ROOMS, COTIAGES, APTS.I CORO~A m·:L '.\!AR ~tlhhtl a pt~ · DAY OR WEEK furn ;o.;o cooklnJC. R~s1 101 auon. ---------....,..---A \'u<.Atl••. ('"1.111. M• .-.a. J 'h• "'' Lll>l'rty 8·780i. iZtfr rnuc .. 0:~·~1111 M;;a I Everchanging View l ·B H & o11 1. ~.11.i.s:•· F.~~.n I SHOWN BY APP'T. ONLY tl'J:l Hsu I).., Bh·•I C:o't" "'"'" \\'rrkly nr-ye1111r. Hftr ~1~.~ FOlt t.F.ASE: Small r a fe rln!ng THE BLL"E TOP MOTEL, 41l3 Rf!t•r .~\:in 72r 7:; Xlrll. hll~(n"ll!I. ,rond location. LI 8·6381 :-;ewport Blvd. just l bo\'P The --1.1 .. ,.1 f .,r 11ood ''""k At pa11try 68tfc A~he11. 7•tr<' SUMMER Rentals ""'•k. w nie Bo" 1< • 99. 01111 n .. w,,rnr•·r H c76 -------------I FOR J EA~E _ NEWPORT Deluxe furn npt .~ rr"'m1. ~·11rt ~'' LF: •11 TRADE for bt>at 1 ' ~ _, Day, week or month ( 'Alf•ll•H '17 112 1·<1r .. llj?ht rol· :-\<'w un!urn111hed I b<lr m. •l11pll'X, ltlral lorat11111 a r~w st• I'·' '" 11r l':xrtl l'un•llllnn, Hnbor $6:'i month. cvc1 ythinJ(. 104 E. Bay, B;\lh•· 1 !121G·ll 73c7:>, . _ I H ur . .')3~1 J71 l• -------.New waterfront furnished 2 hf'•l· _ _ _ _ room duplex. pier Anrl !10111 • .NH;~:LY tum art. 'I. brlm1., pa.Un JJESI-\ l'l'ArE with phone 11cr\'fc· ... $'.111 munt h. :>07 F:. Ualbo11. Dal· h••I l 'ht>no'• llO~W··11ng !<l'rVIC'e aJ. '" :walh1ble. J. Bentley, H arbor :11106 7l!c77 41-Auto S..r\•irr ~-----~-~-----$125 m onth. 1111n dcck c\ ga111~e. next tn !l3--.'i\tore!l & OffkK 1'1\nl\I !'111mm1 r or )'rl). lr•a•r ------------- 1 BDRM. H OMF: pl1111 I li•IJir gar. Apt. to pave•I Rll•'\'. f111n· 1.5htrl Ann 1"t'Om" r1111 1?0 5:111~1 Price $12.9:)0. E11sy tr rm~ ll t. 3371 71<7~ HAVE YOU OlllKfuwn yo11r ~mn ll home? \VQuld yt1u hke 11 b1:: Rark B11y mnC'h h1>11s1'. :J ht•il· room11. 2 bRlht1 with R gl11111111~ view ? Mi,::ht trAllP fnr Y••Urt1. H s1t, <':'Ill Harb. 51~16 & IE-UV\' ,·11111· numbrr. 7.1<'76 M t 0 h I C111l or s1•r tflll C'luhhnu.-r '\•·w·rnr t i :li ;·, 2 ~TUHF:S nr oCflecs. One 28x30. 0 Of Ver aU ,,,,.. 12l<2!'J. L<lw n!nl. Sultablt> for y DOWN THE VOGEL co. Ft"R~. APT r11'11n !'11'<'p8 :'>Mm· I r• l~1l b11~m··>!8 Cir O!fi('C. r.01 E . Take One Good Look NO MONE :1201 w. Co-.1t Hwy .. Nwpl Reh,, fClrlllbly. l>n~-. wt>• k 1>r mnn~h. I HalhnR. J . Bentley. Har. 360~. BY OWNER. lt>avinu Jul.v 10 * with this ad * l.lbrrty 8-3481. j lr 711 1 Rl'H!ll'lnllhl1>. :w1 :!:.!nr1 !':1 ~(II 76<:77 ,, NOT A:'\OTHF.R l.IKE IT for Ulla LOW f'RJ(.'f; s 1 •;.r,11n 2-I< t{ ''' I• • sr.••:.n 3 B. H. J itc .. 11 .. w S11i1"11 ~l\)jl11 11\\'X Homer E. Shafer Rf:\ l.T<11t 111f1 .Mc Fa•lol• n 1'1111 ,. 1t1 ~P\\'}11111 }1lt'f lfnr 110 E""· rt11r 11 :17-M OCEAN FRONT Opc-11 ~:11 . & !'iun ::! t>-11 :11. :! \I' ol I 51JJ J !-;1·ai-no't·e Ori\'c Art C. Kistler Co. 6 Cyls ...... ·····--···-S48.88 I BALBOA ISLAND l o:l~r~~•l::.m tu;;.sh• it avt~~·::~ ~&-R::: .. Opportunitie:- 8 Cyls. . ................... $58.88 t:nfum. yrly. rental 2 lllory ult.a Call Lib EJ..1l r•6. ;'.'1\ 1 -BEA 'TJFt:(, Lh.yr1 c . H1lwr1rrl 2!1111 :-..-.•wpor lllwl . !'rt n, h II 11 11. 5:.!2!i :·.1 Jn1 li.J c11 both labor and parta. I home JD choice JocaUon. rlo.-1> to L E A S E Id b k h McUon. eut a e llE'~r ar 11)· ~ .. w 1 In~~. v.·ri1t P1n11. valve bay. 3 bdnns .. 3 bl\ths plu~ d!'n I 4H·R--Hou~ for Rf'nt FT~E LOCATIO;'I." i.n Corona del "1 '"-" fllt1niio of main Mel rod 8t lan:n. $18~ per mn. _ --_ twarmi:~. F:xpt>rt motor t une up. W .W. SANFORD. realtor :-;EAR BAI.HOA CO\"~~!-\ Ur11n•l !ln .• 111~· 11r 4.000 milt fr\)atante-e. & Al"llnc1a1 .. s n1•w 2 b~rm .. rurn. home fll· CUSTOM BUJLT. 3 bdnn .. 2 bAlh~ ~l.1 r. C'nmpl• I riv rqulppec\ for h:ikrn:: , r •I• lu AIP~~· n Phnne RanC'h·lype homr, shake I• 11f :! ••• ft I\ • I 1 J !\f: ~ 1.1 ~ttltt H ·u lx•r I :!fi1 fur "pp'l fi:;tfc t:O.'O ~lll="F:Y no w:-;). Pnrk A ~fanne. Ht\r 21112 plftcc. W.W. rarp• • . .t1•f"lS:'ll REBUILT ENGINES I 74lfr An111:il I<' I• r •or•• N -11111•, I FORCED TO SELL 2 i,,..11 ,, . c "·111•1 1 11 ,~ 1 1 .t~ ~I'> r.1111 I LOVELY LARCF: k1Lrh<'n, \\ • sl· 1:: 11 .... 1. 1 • , , •·11n fr• 1 • ~·.~ •,11n ern Holly O\'en .tr ga.1 r1111o•s -""l 3 l1ru h.Jt· 4.• u• • 111 ,.,, \ • ll' ro11t1 • • , , • . I 3'>th St. ~t•\\ l'"''I J l;1r•I -l P t o l~ ~f0:'\1'HS 'rO l AY-SHOREC:LlFFS ·-l nf~rn. home. 2 J;UH:>I l'llln. hum·•·_ II'" :l'>'I T fl''''~ hnu~el'l .. e.mnit bus1ne!lll. RUii In our own fsctory by skilled 3 bdrms .. 2 bath~. \•':Ir h R.~t' St 1'. . t -, , 1 t lrJ><•rtunrly tu nrnk.· ir<•«•I mon- marh1nulJ1. D<>n t contend w llh I SZ!>O mo. Ph. J.J 8-5i1i:: 71r 76 1 · •\\P'lf •·l' , y f.,r 11i:t.T Jl'llt)' ~t.iki• .. rrrr thr ml<'Mlf' m11n R11y tl lrr<'t. - -. -St~l:"llP.ll P.E:'\I H~ .. 1 • ., p -1'. ' 111 H·" 11 1'111. th1.!I P·lf•H 7ltfc REBUILT and INST ALLED Choice Summer Rentals on htk t•• <'', ar S•i•' JI• r \,,.,.k- S HORT BLOCK Balboa. lal:fud & Liuo Isle Fl!'HEH "' 1-. ~·•11.1 :'1:1•\\jl•·rt \'l-IE\'ROLET ........... -....... SH9.~ •76 to $300 month 7~• 71i In BRfC'K \\'A LL :, uni!.-sr;:,.01111 1967 A lll!O Ave.. Liberty 8·:1233 61 !fr Lido 46 ~"\. loll un ~flonton•. Sl3 ()(\II H11rn11r 0221, T:i .. ;-s C. II. L1\ Tl IH• 11' :lrl.: 1 E t'llll'I I h•·v . t'1 •r<111a ol1•I ~l.11 Hl\rt,,,r :otl:t IC\(' l1111 , :il1!-I01. ~·,. $2500 Down l 2()0 sq fl -:i hl'lrm 2 hn I h homl' t.)lt.xl20 Jr,,t. :t 1 111 i: 1rnr.;c nn South Laguna lot all•) I 'av ... 1 H111•1 1111.i rur\t• • F'OHD . ... ... ···-'"' s I 29.50 Small " cory or 111.J'ge " dfllllle Bt\'d .. l"t'~·p<>rl lif'lH h Har. H2!1 Serv·1ce Stat·1on ~ll,1\R·r.\~S· "'11.0001;.0SEO.TO .... -.-·-··· $Sll!'i71>0 VOGEL CO. S llu ttr: i ·ui:-F·~ imv~t .. :l-lid1tii. R l•lllhp• T1n'••nlN'Y nnl\' $27~0 ' · • "' .. ·-····-furn II lHl t·•:.i:-> p.-r r nl h vrll• ~Tl.DF.RAK E:ll ....... -.. -... Sl70 2<18 Marine Avt., Balboa lala.nd l ~n 1, ~·:r ..... :1j1 11 ;1.~llM!. l!\·1 llir ~l:) 7[Hfc OLDS & p o:-;TTAC & ... -.. -·. $170 Ph. Harbor fH or Harbor 21!">1 . 11; ~ 1~1111 Clw:'r · H. ' ~.,;,,.1 ,; -&O'x 120', OCtlth ~l•I" 1>f H1~hWll\', Bl'lCK ....... -· ....... ·-·-·--··-$17:> Ree. H.ar. 1786·R or Har. 30:•9·M I r " · nr '· •i;tr · 1>!'>--.}fonc \· to l ,oan Mnc R · I S'l ~110 1lown Sale I"· • SON Sl7:\ &4tf ·•· r ' • ownrr. H 1u lx1r 6!11-J daily Rfl"1 ~~ C&r ......... .. ... y.;;;-T~win~ c UEAUTIFl.Lt.Y rum. :l bolJDl.,l'X· LOANS f H m I p.m. 72""" NE'W CAR ClJAR.AJ\'TP:E DO COME tr11. bt'ol, llu•nn tr.mt hnmf' i-11m-or 0 es ----- Blnck ml.Ult meet ou.r atan4ard1 Dui.Mlblr ~ummrr rentRI;. M\itl mer rN1t.il. Hllr. 2:\17-M or Hnr ~~ -20 yr. Lo&N Commrc'I bayfront Ph" t&Xtll, 1r.uker.. &Jld oil a va 1lablt . By "''ef'k. month or 2011 Sat. llll•l Sun. : 7ll'ili Construct"1on Lo.ans /\ IJ }6IHIS1 ill>dlj! Ill 111d111l1n~ J.11 s.:•· flit t " \\ ': 11 ~li.J•hr.: r.: ,, .. , d 1or tt.c 1 •\'-,,, "hi.: h1;u .... ' I•,_ l\tl•'"· ~, ••. nl H-':':t t~th• uun\· J>l.or P, c·,, la ~I· ••1 Ct"'li•••' 1.1 fl· 111!17 ,;· 1 r.: '.l F t'R:">. t':-:IT~ 11u1' 11 .. 111 , ••I !Jh,. 111 ·11 v S~111111 <In II.\ :1 71 ~·. ' :>HIST (Jl'TST,\SDl~.1.-h •·l••"·I }{1 r k l~I\' :I h• Ir~ •· " OJ>f'n Sunday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m . I u A rPROX. 7~ ft . In< lu1les mRnnr 8t'l!.l'On. St ~!MF:H HF::'\TA t.: I.I Po l~l.E SEE BOB S A ITLl:R • wey~. bnRl i<twr Jl)ll<lll~gs. £,,.. BELLES ENGINE COAST PROPERTIES 3 bdrm .. 2 beth hom" . .A\'811 1 :!51~ EAST COAST BLVD. r .. n. nt ~ .. w rort lnrl\t 1ron REBUILDERS I AUF:lJ1'l tn Sflpl t!S. Aft1>r !'!Pp· Corona del Mar Harbor 3888 Sfi~C'IOO full p1111• 301 J: Balboa Bh·d .. Balb<i11 l!I Y"llrly. Harbor 021:,.J Rr p. POIRIER MORTCACI: CO. Wnte owner. P. 0 Box !117. Ral- Har. 26."\8. 2697 .tr 4600 711fr ;'!or7F. Metro Ute Ina. Funda KI. 3-:'il& boa.. 0 111r. ;z1,s-i n•·!•r h.c•h• f·t•t•"I Juan n. ,,,,. 11• ' /., n 1 1, ' 1• 1 ~Jn• •l '" 1 116 'It.• Fii \ H11r h :.1·,t; :1 71; <>p.A D&ll~ I '° T State Bonded ----,8ttc RENTAL {, t..~~TR:-.'. :l BDRM. HOM.~. W to NEW LOCATION SPECIALISTS "'Cllrpl'l. l3t"Ut1f11I ~-.frd r"''"· NO 'coMMISSION 310 East 3rd St. f1rrpl111r 1rar. Sl:!'i n 1on1t.I 8.A1'.,.A ANA 4Tl'ENTION Nash--Hudson C&1l Edna CraJr LJCt. den w ith t1rcrt11(',. '" b111h N o Appraisal Fc-e Blanche Gates, RJtr. Llbrn\' 8•117M 11fl"r ti 71r"1 sAI.Es -REF1:>1ANC1: 311 J\l&nne .A•e. SUMMER REXTAl,-Furn. hnznel CO:'\'STRt:CTION M&lboa Llland, Bar. 1871 T2ttc 11lt cr11 4 /nr J uly ,, ~··rt. l ,,, 1 :, Call !or Free -------------111.!IO ..-1n1rr r1>llrn·1t1lon' 7.:11• Fast Commitmt>nta BAl.DOA ISL.A,"10 RE:XTAL -Poppy. r.ornn11 dl'I M11r H 1r. c•n Rr~l 1enr,.s and Units nnl7 Ri~!.J!.o:;~G.!..~ge ~::i~1f ~:Tu!~~~; ~~~;!t"""'· "'" ,:·::'Don I. Huddleston .-Oood Tn.nal>(>rt&Uon --Tt'trace unrum. \i~"' homta.. l 7:1 I-~. 17th ~t. C..rw F'or 8Me -For a d~dable USt'd ce.r. al.'4' 3 SDRMS., 2 bAlhe &11d COSTA MES.A A t R d . R . }"our lor&I dulrr who ~111 be here 2 UEDRMS, 2 bath& • LI 8 '5.41 Ll 8 6512 U 0 & 10 ep&lf TOMORROW to back up what he liall Harbo; 17::, or 'H•rbor f<l 48 • ·-> • Atv:i E 29th St 9l'lls TODAY ~ Ch~k tht used l::ARL \\'. STA:-.11..EY, Hnllor WUL"LD like to bu7 ut and 2Dd "fV"J • • I <'111"1 In the rla&!'lf!t<I ~ctton to-ln1ne Tcrrare Office 1'rulrt Deed& call Bar. 23H X twpor t Beac.h. Har. '7:l5. -'!\tf<'tl"Y· Corona dtl Mar. 33llc ..Ue .. ------ &'l-Rf-al f4'tate --------- T radin' Today? • Balboa Island 3 bdrm., 2 bath borne plus apt.. lor;iterl on f1nf> rnr- ner near Bay & at.ores. · For Corona dt•I Mar, Shore Cliffe or Pasadenll tn S35.000 OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W. Cout Hwy. , Newport Beach (at Port Orlltl~e I. LI 8-i562, Hnr. 5154 eves. M1,drrn w<'ll arrang<'d !l room r c.-1id<'nce. Living and d111ini:: arl'a O\'C'rlnoks bay and be-nu. landl'IC. p&tio. 4 111\'t l\' bedrooms \\7ith bath for each. Xtra large r11mp11~ & t<'lc\'ision room, the kild1rn will dcli~ht the l:irly. SC'parate laundry room. Forced llir heating. o\'c-rsized dnublf' garage. Priced for immedJat.e Bale with good t<'rmR. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa Bl\'d., N<'wport &ach. Har. 5188 COSTA MESA CO~tM~"RC'IA_l.. PROPERTY I ith Street. 62 ft. fronta~I'. 3()() ft. d('('Jl. '1 well con · strur t<'tl blllgs, on Rlab. 3.fl~ sq. ft .. all utiliti~. nmple parking in rear. ~fult iple 601 2. S35.!)00 CORONA DEL MAR ~hort 1 bl1><·k fr<1m OC'Can 61 I.:Xl18 fl. lot. 3 bdrm!>. //.: d<'n. 1 1 b'lthfl. U1ning room. brcakfaat 1111nk, largo lf\'1ng r o11m. fon•,.fl Htr hNll. rlbl. garage, CCl\'<'r<>d 1rnq, patio, en<'101;ed play ar<·a. Gueat houte nr rna ids qri.. S36.700 RAY REALTY CO. 3·1 H J<:. C'crnst Hwy. C1rrona d('I Mar Harbor 2288 ------------- $1,200 Down $6!i per month . acre and 2 bdrm. hum<'. -J>n vr by 300 V1ctorlll t h•·n <all to st-t· · $6,850 Full Price Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson l ;,6 ='t'Wp<)rt Bl\·d. 1 acroSA from J>h11n" LI -6761. Costa Me"" C'r1st a Me~a Rank} f;\'C's. H:ir. 4:161\ -J.1 8-2103 Corona del Mar Jlomr· of unusual d 1.1rm rm brautiful Marguerite Aw" ~unny 1111t111 ran hr "n.111::1 d fn1m l 1vtn~ rr><•m. k11rhen and bi·dro1,m. Hwd. Dnors, h .. am c1·lltn~s. Jt~1 r<•placr., with wall in Ratm-finu~h rerlw11<1rl pr1nr·l- lrng 2 fumar·1~. dhle garal'<' A riu1tl11 y homE>' lmmt·d1ate p r1i-1x1•si;1r111 I'< YH ;it STAN SMITH, Realtor • 2647 E . Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Ha r. &22 . . T5c77 ' a a..a r..tate Balboa Island VOGEL VALUES "') '"C'' m oMAS "C'' THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C'' THOM.AS BALBOA PENINSULA BALBOA ISLAND-LITILE ISLAND BA YFRONT TIME ~LIOO -ISlf WATERFRONT~-· J" E~CLUSIVE -First Time Offered 3 -m R., Den, 1 :"& Baths. l'uU Dininr Room, Proyin· cial decor. Owner hu moved &nd will .ell fumiShed for $2!>,000 -Tenna. lncome_ High! Bank Ba l&nce Low? OWT1er of thl• unu.aual Ellerbrwk built 4 8 . R.. 3 bath home on Litt~ laland will aell on tenna to 1u1t qualified buyera budget. IT'S HERE'S A SUlOIE.R SPECIAL. 2 bdrm. home, patio 6 gange. Nicely furniabed. Knotty Pine in· terior . All for $17,000. Low cuh down. $4-000. ~~ intereat on balance. .. Open Daily 1 to S Until 313 LIDO SOUD Sold " 9J>t'n House Daily 1 to • p.m . -112 Jade ------. OWNER MUST SELL MAKE OFFER EXCLUSIVE -3 B. R. -1 1:: Baths Choose your own colors. Thia new home nearly fin- ished. Built in atove & oven. Ueed brick fireplace. $:'>.000 down -Full price $18,500 Immacula~ 4 br. - t wo atory home on large lot. Uncrowded ·•tmo«J!here with lovely pat.Jo, pier and float. Large livlng room, den, a.nd eeparate d1nin1 Channing 3 bdrm. 3 bath home completely FURN- ISHED. New w to w carpeting, cuatom draperies. tile batha, lovely patio beauti!ully planted It con- venient built-in barbeque. Can be bout}lt furnished or unfurnished. Pier & float for 40 rt. boat. . EXCELLENT TERMS BAYSHORES Open Daily 1 +o 5 2471 Bayshore Drive NEW attractive 3 bdrm. home vith view of bay. Lge. liv. room, din. room, ·fireplace, 2 baths, built- in thennador stove, mere. awitcheti, nice patio, shake root and PRICED at ONLY $29,7:SO with LOW down payment. Corona Highlands Lovely 3 bdrm. bome with circular fioor plan, rear liv. r m. overlooking patio, h dwd. floors. fireplace, many attractive features. This home can be bought with very good terms :._ ASKING PRICE $22,500. .. Cliff Haven Nice 3 bdrm. on 60 ft. lot, hdwd. floors, fireplace, lot• of cupboard & closet space, rdwd. fencing. car- peting & drapes included, 4 r ( loan & monthly pymntJI. of $63.00 -Total price $16,500. "C" TH 0 MAS, Realtor BALBOA-BAY AVE.-EXCLUSIVE 2 B. R. home with attractive apartment over garage. Nicely furniahed. Full price $25,000 -$5,000 down. BALBOA COVES-EXCLUSIVE 3 B R. -1:1, Baths. Nice u.ndy beach. Finn price -$34,000 LIDO ISLE 1''urn. 2 B. R. home on 45' lot. $22.~ -Temui. NEWPORT HEIGHTS 3 B. R .. 21 2 Batha Qn large lot. Forced air Heat. Flagstone Fireplace, Beautiful Wood Paneling. Used Brick. Shake Roof, Pegged Hardwood Floon . Low down p&yment will handle. F\all price $26,500. C.ORON1' DEL MAR-EXCLUSIVE Beautiful 3 B. R . & Den home on Ocean Blvd. with permanent unlimited view. Thia la a truly fine home. Hardwood floora, Fireplace, .Lota of Tile. Dining room, nicely land.ecaped ya.rd. Double garage with extra parking apace. Owners moving inland. Shown by appointment only to qualified buyers. Bay & Beach Realty 14:SO W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1284 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BROKERS -MULTIPLE LISTING BROKERS CLIFF HAVEN OPEN HOUSE Sat.· fl Sun. Drive by 1021 Cliff Drive any llrnc a.nd su thl• new 3 bdrm .. 2 bAlh fuo<!,.·ood Ru.tic home de- .111~nerl a.nd built for U1e moat dtl!t'ermng buyer . . . THE~ LET US SHOW YOU the epa- cinu• living 1-oom -larfe bd· rm11 -and thl' pitnoramlc view !rnn1 th!' rooftop ol>Hrvatory '26.!>001 Sweeping View "We're Moving to Irvine Terrace" More and more Ha.rbor area familiee ·are inepecting these ~quisit.e homes -noting their comfort, con- venience and central location. More and more tamilie. who prefer a home in a re- stricted quality community are moving into their Irvine Terrace homea. Bay Shores ·S5~(MX) ·Down BJ:TTER CALL u. now A malce an appointment to •H t.hle ador· able ranch lieu... HNvy ahake roof. lAl'l'e ra.nchy flrepl&ce. Picture9que paUo, fully encloe· ed. Forced alr beaUn1 ey1tem. Double l'arace. etc. (EXCLUSIV~ LJ8TING> Marigold, C.D.M. TN C OME room. Cub down, untum, $30,000. '· HERE'S A SWEETHEART. 2 br. A den with fi~ place. Very nice private patio. Hu eepante lncom• unit with a aure Sl.800 yearly. Better hurry .to 1et thie one. ' LOA.PED -Well located Balboa Iala.nd 2 bdrm. home. Nearly· new, with Jots of wardrobe 6 cloeet apace:-We think It's loaded for good yur round tiving. Dbl. garage, forced air heat, Jovt;Jy petJo, extra dining space in kit chen - PLUS complete 1 bdrm. gueat apt. -all pleaaingly planned for a minimum of housekeeping. Can ~ shown at y.our convenience, day Olr nJ,ht. Top fln&ncing. Full price $28.~. THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine, Balboa Iala.nd Harbor'-" l Corona del Mar Bargains 1~ G. L RESALE Attractive Modem 2 ~room home. Dolible garage, paved & covered patio, fenced yard. PLUS-w&lt to wall carpeting throughout . Garb. diapoul. ahower over tub with tub encloaure. Priced a.t $14,500. Call for appL to see. 2. RANCH TYPE 3 bdrm .• bome. Shake roof. Comer lot . 2 batha. Drapes and carpeting included and only 528,600. Low down payment will handle. Call for an appointment to see. • 224 W. Cout Highway, Newport Beach Liberty 8-5527 'C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS or !':twport Harbor and tht' blue rac1r1~· from Ull• nearly new Mort!'rn 3 bdrm . 2 bath home oC inany 1>xtra11, ind. dishwasher, b111lt-in rantte and oven. mere. •Witches. wall to wa.11 ca~ta. pMvatl' offll•e or w ork1ho p In tittra large carllge .... ·. Un- m1<tr ht'd for mo:il wanted loca· t1nn' $34.~00 fU ll price. Drive in today a.nd eee for yourself the many out- atanding features of this remarkable comJJ1unity. LOVJ:L Y 2 bedroom .It den home plu.e very attractive rental Ir., 3. OCEAN VIEW come unit. nxi• LR. Plue den 6: extra B.R, Modern t\replace. Lido Nord Bayf ront Here \8 50' of the finest land on Lido. Available with a 4. yr. old 4 BR., 4 bath home. The living room is 18x30, a den, full dining room with the second fireplace, large breakfut room, bar or butler• pan- try off the modem kitchen. New pier & alip and of- fered for j ust under replacement coet at $125,000. Bayf rorit-Lido An exceptional home in ev<'ry way -Thie 3 B.R. & Den home has three baths, a lovely covered patio, a new pil'r & finger slip and many other features found only in a. home that. was quality built ju11t 11: yean ago. Priced to sell at $64.750. Just Listed 3 B. R., 2 bath home completely furnished. Dish- washer, d1spoyl & lovely slumpstone cor ner fire- place are a. few of the attractive features in this 2 yr. old home. Weil located near the clubhouse and immediate possession may be arranged. $28.500 - ' A Lido Va.Jue. Lido Lots 52' Lot for j ust Sl2.000 -. 50' Com ('r St. to St., S15.i50 -· Two 35' Lots eide by side. $19,000 takes them both. THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido. Npt, Bch., Har. 4971 or Har. 4972 Eves. Har. 2191-M. Har. 2998-R or Llberty 8-5297 OPEN HOUSE Magnificent Back Bay View An "Out of This World'' Ranch House" THIS nearly new home haB everything. Shake roof - redwood -3 bedrooms. 2 baths. Beamed ceilings. Built-in range & oven. G E DishwaRher. Wonderful closett\. Sliding glass door11 to patio. Garage hu automatic electr ic eye to op<'n. All This and WHAT A VIEW!!! Price $26.500 -May trade for smaller horn(' OPEN HOUSE Thurs., Fri.. Sat. and Sun. 257~ Tw!tin, 2 blocks off .Mesa Dri\·e. ' REX RECHS, REALTOR Harbor 5156 EXCLUSIVE LISTING BALBOA IS.LAND 74c76 YALE -b\lilt -Early Engl~b architecture. A fine family home. coot.&ining every modern connm1ence. Three bedroom. plus lge. n.creation room with fire- plaoe Ir .eparat• entrance. Charming patio -double oer g-&l"qe. • •. • Rff.eoaable Tennie • • e W • Invite Your ln..,.ctiocl 118 .Apolma WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And .u.ociat• , Pa.Qr at Marine, B&Jboa laland -Harbor 2462 .. 1/2 Acre Ranch w ith honte corral -dog ken· nela -I.rite mo<lt'rn 2 bdrm and dt'n home with wall lo wall carpeting. t1rtplace, forced air he1<t. JWduced from 1111.000 to $ J 6.800 for quirk sale. This 11 a sltcp!'r that .,..;11 ffll but FAST ! Bay & Beach Realty 1696 :Srw-port Bh•d. Costa MeA&. Cal,jf. Ll 8·1161 Evu . LI 8-3158 BEAUTIFUL VIEW or t he ()('f.'an trnm 3 b<lrm. home nn •:i·fL lot In Corona dtl Mar. Msny u lra fraturtt• .. For l!llll' in Cou t &l City-Motor tun•-up 1bop. comp•t 1\lon Low r~nt. No Fitzmorris Rl'ty. Co. Rt-altora Multiple Listing Bus1nH11 Brokrr 313:1 F:. C..:l'IUl Highway. Hu 21112 Lots , Bu1lct111K -it,.11 •~ •can:t>. pr1ce1 i:•Hnli( up f:Rfttern ownrr MY• J111rrif1ce \nt nt11r IX'""" for S24M : bu1lnl'll8 Int 30th St . o.$4,· llf'll). oc,.~n rrnnt lot. IR11t onr 8V811Rblt. $8,000. • Channel Front Vs, 11t1nn hnmP nn lh• wettrfl'(.lnt. S 13.flf!O, towN•l prlcl'ct one now S:l . .'IClO clown Oth,.ra 11vH1l11blr at h1ghn pr1rt11. See ua for m11t- t1ple II"""~"· N.B.C. Realty 32nd and l'o'twp<>rl Boulevard :""wport Btar h Hu, 1405 Costa • Mesa 0 r RESALE 110 m . l:llClll· •1vt 110 tt lot, J bdnn.. hdwd fl r11 . dbl. ,-araa-t low down and SM per mo. - Inspect the model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von. Hemert Irvine Terrace ia loc&ted on Cout Highway oppo&ite the new Irvine Cout Country Club. • EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone H&rbor «fS For Further Information * For Recommendation, we refer you to anyone who hold.a a Leuehold Eetate in IrVine 're.rrace, Beacon Bay, Bay Sho~ and Clift Haven CORONA DEL MAR TRIPLEX. Finm eo. of Hwy. location. Fully furn. for top aummer and yearly rent•. Askinc ~.000. EZ terms -Income carriee. 2 for 1 Pair of duplexea, ( 4 unita) 2 full Iota. $295 per mo. income. Newly decorated. $27,500 full price. $5000 down. BALBOA ISLAND OUTSTANDlNG apt. double garage and gueat room on rear or lot. Room to build in front. Owner aaya Sell! MURIEL M. PINOVER, Realtor 2604 Newport Blvd., -Newport Beach • Eaay ~arking Harbor 4610 LIDO ISLE COSTA MESA SPi:CJAL _ Comt'r lot on Soud 5 Acru M·l. 127.~00 Street Lo Street. SJ.2.500. •~ Acr,.• M·I. UOOO per acre. W to W cupeL Venetlane. Encl. yard beautlfuJly land11Caped. Rental unit le turnlehed. Top flnanctn.r on thl• outalandtn& property. (!:XCLU8IVE LISTING I From this 3 bdrm. home. 11 :: batha. Large lot com- pletely fenced. Beautifully land.ecaped. Paved patio. Drapes included. AU the work ha.a been done. J uet move in and enjoy 1l. Truly a bargain at $22,500. We have the key. • -4. SHORE CLIFFS Heliotrope, C.D.M. We have betlt buya. 8e'e u.. ARI: y~~~ ~~ourtelt"! 5. VACANT LOTS? Need• paint It rtxln'. Good ne1ch· Yea we do. let WI show you what we have - borbood. Zoned R·2. 2 BR. dbl. carac-e. Full •Is. lot. Milke ua an offer. IEXCLUSIVE LlSTlNC) JAMES-VICK REALTORS Ru.. Rayle A Travt1 .A1900iatt1 CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McClJISTION, ReAltor 3447 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 47 !Office. located next door to Corona de! Mar Bank) 312 Marini', Balboa Ialand ------ Harbor 2042 H c 76 CORONA DEL MAR full Price S7,200. 1· $2,000 On. Bal. $60 Mo. Ttlree bdnn. rum .. 2 blocka fn>m IMM:h, "nit 11\e up" cottq1 on 2. t-30' lot.a. P'ul'nlahed duplex on Penln11ula po(nt: one 1 bdrm., one I bdrm. apt. ruu pnce •18.~ down. - Thne tum. hoUM9 on two 30' lote In Corona del Mar. '200 mo. yr. round Income. Only $11.7110. 3. Me.Jee offer on tum.e. .... -- Bay F ront, BaJ~ llla.nd, two bdrm. tul'l\iahed honle on come,. lot.. '31,500. "'i cuh. Bal. 1130 mo. Art C. Kistler, Co. 2901 Nl'wport Blvd., Npt. Bl'IM:h Har. !228 7:Sc77 CORONA HIGHLANDS 4 Star SPECIAL. Ru.Ille, mainificent view, 2 bdrm., 2 baUl, ltl'pa~t" din.Ing nn. Hdwd, fl,... M O 1q. ft. b&Mment wtll m~k• a ,-ood rumpue room. 127.~00 OPEN HOUSE DAILY 1 to 5 448 R1v1era, Corona Highland• 3 Bedrooms, P.i baths. Forced air beat, Hwd, floors, lots of tile and many other features. Outstanding view of Ocean and hills. Will consider a trade. HOM E WITH INCOME 618 MARIGOLD 2 Bedroom h ome on 45 fL lot plua 1 Bedroom apt. Fully Furnished. Priced at only $16.500. Low down payment. CORONA HIGHLANDS 2 Bedroom, 11:.: baths. hwd. !loora, forced air heat, newly painted & papered. Lovely patio and a per- manent Ocean view. Open House Daily. -~20 De Anu. GORDON WALKER, Realtor W. E. FISHER , Builder Geo. Raban -Bob Gervais -Pat Pattison • Dick Hilliard 3024 E . Coast Hwy., Corona de! Mar. Har. 5033 & 5032 SPECULATION? Not Here LJDO -I bdrm. A n.tmpua rm . :i1 f't. Int Strtet t i) Strut n•l LOOK what you can have for dbl•. lot BNullfully lanrlacap~ 45-plus Acres zonerl for manufacturing. 2 H1way frontages -Splendid location for large or IM!veral smaller plantR. $4500 per acre make th1a outstand- ing buy. $25.000 Down to handle. end of th-lslant! 118.~. only. 111,900 with 12800 Down. Lr•· South patio. 13~ 000. 3 bdrm•.. l '' &aUui, 1'1replace. NEWPORT DUPLEX NICE 3 Bdrms. -J bath•. •O Ft Garb. dl1p.. )!:ercury lwltchn. Good tncome •... Lot. p 1ed brtt'k flrl!pla~e. 1«11100 EncloM>d pat:o wtt.h l ·ca.t JV. Good Income ..... $14.750 126.500 Down. nn a lot &5' x 202'. BAY & BEACH REAL TY -Lido Office ' . 3112 Lafayette, Newport. Har, 3643. Evea. Har. ~ LEMON HEIGHTI -New I bd· nn.. J b&U\ plu1 family mi 1380 eq. ft.. 1,-1. Jot. Beauty U 0,760. Claire Van Horn REALTOR ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALES -LOA.N's -BUILD~ 1857 Newport Ave.: Costa Mesa Uberty 8-1632 Llberty 8-1400 Evea. 2721 W. Oout Hwy. U 1·4177 -------------------------------J bdrm ~ r•nce •~ loen. ---------...,..---------------------------'$! 0.000. t..01' &O'itl80' on t:e.ot Un! St 12~ 1&00 down " '21 J*' month. Call Mre. J'\ltit>acll. U 1·5101 or evu. l..J S-3989 With FRANCIS HOR\.ATH, Rtlr. 2211 N~rl 81\rd . Cbltt.a M- 74p71 3 81'0RT D UPLEX, adjacent to oc~An front • Income Ulla IUm· m•r SIOOO. U200 cfn,. 173 mo. HA 3371 74c73 GARDEN CLUB PRIZE .WINNER See thi• beautiful 3 bedroom and den Qitf Haven corner home for younielf. Will be open for your in· •J>«tion from l :30 • 4 :30, Suriday, Ju1y 10 th only. The addre. ii: -. 621 Cliff Drive Don't forget to brinr your checkbook. ... It. you'll wut to buy it. • THE VOGEL CO. m1 w. Cout H.lrhwq $18,500 Bargain Owher l.A&vinr State LOCA n oN. "' Mor-nine C&n· yoa R.o4ld. Col"Oll& Ht(Mand•- Ttlie price lncludM new 1u ran,., ntr1pr&.tor, waati1~ m•· cht.nc. w to w carp.la A drapu Pri~ Ja MJow reproductlOll cMt Lou eonunibMftt 112.000, 6~. to JTI. boeU.t oeMa .w.ir. ltaichlafft wt tll 0 . B. LA TKl\OP. 1116 S.. Oout Hlpwa7, ll&n. MO,.,,.., ~O 7~77 MAKE THIS ONE YOUR PENTHOUSE IN THE SKY Thia home actually affords th~ most out..Btandmg view io t,pe entire harbor area. And today you can buy it for leu th81l actual cf'let. Let us show you lh11 la.rge 3 bedroom 3 bath nur new home and you'U &grtt that lt cannot be duplicate<t for the uk1ni • prlc~ of $45.000. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coaat Highway Liberty 8·3-i81 . I ' .. • BLANCHE · A. GATES, . Realtor BALBOA ISLAND ONE OF THE FINFSr Colonial type homes on the Ial&nd, ia now ottered for u.le for $3:5,000. Thia home la on a 60' tot with spa.cioua rooma. beautiful patlo1 and land.caped grounda. ~e are three !>drma. (muter bdrm .. II' 20Jt30 with fireplace) and a targe dining room. Let wt lhow you this today. U you want a real home with lot. of ~harm, t.hJa ia it! LIDO ISLE OUTSTANDING LOT. If you have been •aJting for a large lot priced below the mark.et, we have it. A CSl' Eut frontage on E. end of bland. THIS WON'T LAST! CaU ua now. BLANCHE A. GATES. Realtor MEMBERS OP' MULTIPLE LISTING _ Ill Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1571 or 1672 Country Living in the. City 484 • 21st Street, Costa Mesa Here'• a lovely dream home w!tb plenty 'of space for child~n to play-3 bedrooms, 2 baths, fireplace, garbage disposal, 2 car garage and everything for comfortable living. Priced at only $20,500 and xlnt. financing can be arranged. Alto A 3 bed.room modem home at 2177 Rural Lane., Moderately priced at $12.950, -t-hia haa a 'l~ G. i. loan of $8,500. Alao 361-22nd St. in process of completion, 3 br., 2 baths, built·ln elec. stove and oven. Large lot with fruit treea. Priced at $21,500, euy terms. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor "Lido Specialist" URe Our Free Parking Lot 2602 Newport Blvd., Ne9'P<)rt Beach. Harbor 4718 'COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth' 7 Income Units -All Furn. One acre-. Good loca· tion -room f~r more units -on sewer. Monthly Income S370. Price S23,i50 with terms. 2 Br . oldC'f home, ser\'ice porch, large garage. sewer in & paid. Nice garden. fruit & shade trees. PLUS 11.n extra lot all for $7700 with $3700 down. R· 1 Rcaidential lot 60xl35 ····-······--······ .. ·-····· $1850 R-4 Rrsidtntial lot 66xl 75 --········ .................... ~2450 G. N. WELLS, Realtor Roy R. McCardle -/' 1.810 Newport Blvd., CostA Mesa. ~I 8-1601 4 Bedrm., 2 Bath Home on Your Lot- $11,100 1330 sq. ft .. forced air heat. hardwood floors. fire- p!a<'<'. Rel\I plaster. Large picture windows, natural h:miwood cabinets. Phone for npp't. to Ree our model homes-- MARSHALL HOMES :!O Yrarft Building in Orange County KlmbC'rly 7.3293 Llberty 8-4073 70C83H A Pair of Winners Ouplex -2 R.R. f'a .. fire11laccs, HDWO flrs .. gooci hc3t. Dbl. gar. All in good condition and in handy location. Bclow.rcp'I cost (n $16.500. • 2 unitl -2 bdrm. & den home. HDWD firs., 2 fire- places. lg. rooms. plus 2 BR. apt. O\'er dbl. gar .. on l~. lot. Couldn't dup'l for ~26,500 -Priced at only $23.500. R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor 3622 E. Cout Hwy.. Corona del Mar Har. 277-t SEASHORE DRIVE $10.~ full price will gh·e you a three bedrm. home and a aummer vacation. PENINSULA POINT 3 br., 21 ~ bath. 5 yn. old. Clo~ lo your own bay bathing beach. View from 1W1.0eck. Completely fur· nlahed, too. Only $24.500, urm11. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1~ W, Balboa Blvd .. Newport Beach. Ha.r.~188 I 1 • p. a. pa Im er inc or po tat e d JG~·~-~·:!*!! .. ~---~·~·!!•!.'~llllil!!~te!._ __ _!a~a~.a~r..e.!!!!•L.---1NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS..PRESS-PART II· PA&E 7 FRIDAY. JULY a, 1•55 I developers of Udo Isle ) . Beautiful Udo Residence Art.iatJ~ally landacaped on very eholtie a.it.e, 92 !ttt on Centro Strada, 80 feet on Dijon. and 45 feet on Co~ova Strada. Enough rooni tor pool lf detlred. Large 3 bdrm. 2 bath home with lovely lanai for in·· door-outdoor Uvtnr. 'l'hi• home 1-eet apart by itl charm, even in thll aecl.ion of lovely homes. $32,500 full price with terma. " New, Different and Dramatic Modern In every detail, with many bullt·in featuret. In the manner of a French Tr&diUonal home with Ne" Orleans wrought iron and louvered gatee to planted off-street entry. Nylon,viscoee 'wall to waJ1 deep carpeting. Sliding gl&M doon to patio. 3 bdrma. 2 baths. 2-car garage plua llDl&ll car, boat or 1hop area lOxH. A fine home you ahould see without de- lay. $34,000. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hans<?n co.,. sales management 3333 via Udo, harbor 1MO Priced for Quick Sale We offer th1a cute a bedroom 2 bath home l.D BAY· SHOR~. The owner bu been tn.nsfen'ed and muat tell immediately. If you ·~ a bvp1n buntei be ewre to ... Utia one. Price $1S, 7M. Aak for Bill Farnsworth. Scarce Item Shore CU!f Lot -Large and Level Ocean View. $15,300. Call Dave Oaburn .-.. Udo Bargain 3 bedroom, 1 % bath home on a 40 foot lot. The muter bedroom bu a aepar&te drualng room with bath. Carpeting and drapes included In the price of $31,600. Thia home la available for trade on Flint· ridge, La Canada, or Puadena property. A.alt for Kincaid. Newport Heights · 2 bedroom, 1 bath home with double garage. Thia home bu a complete 1 bedroom apartment in the rear, suitable for qed pa.rent. or guest.. Full price ii $15,500. .bk for Hodgtinaon p. ·a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout htghway -liberty ~73· Peninsula Home! THlS A 'M'R.ACTIVlJ 4 bedroom, 2 bath borne hu eye appeal. • Bill's Best Buys Houston Values purse appeal and heart appeal WE ..• Ideal for laJ°l"I family. Mod· SCOOPED ANOTHER ONE ef1\ too, with OeMA ¥1.ew ttom 'rh~ Jut home like th.la eold in leu than one week. UpataJra bedf'ooml. l23,IOO, -al Choice- Harbor Blvd. $MOO down. Exception ly large 3 bedroom with aer.vice porch lA,.e, w.U bUUt 2 bdrm., bOlllt and 2 bdnn. cott&re on tta-r - 1a • .,._... a ••• r...tat. BALBOA ISLAND HERE IT IS -Bay view. 2 unita. 4 bedrm. bom.. l bdrm. apt., bome Ir apt. have view of bay. Sbel· tered patio. Quality conat.ruction. Apt. f\mllabed. Hom. partly turniehed. ~ew 1n 19(8. In beaut.ltul condition, $10,000 down. Owner will carry balance for qulilied buyer. CHOICEST BA YFRONT BUYS BAY FRONT HOUSE 6 APT., No. Bay. Beauutul beach. $10,000 down, balance eaay. BA YFRONT, µTrLE ISLAND -60 ft. bay front· age, pier Ir fioat. <& bdrm.a. Superior conatrucUon. A good buy! DUPLEX -SOUTH BAY FRONT -LUX\lry bob\e and Income. $M,OOO • WATERFRONT - 2 superior units. 3 bdnn., 11..4, batha, fireplace DOWN: 2 bdrms. 2 bath. UP. Bay view from upper deck. $45,000. Submit down. ISLAND COTl'AGE -Obie. garage. Fireplace. Reduced for quick aale ! 4 BDRMS., V~ baths. New furniture. North ·Bay mooring. Shows excellent income. $24,950. Cottage near South Bay. 3 bdnns., 11':! baths, ftre-- · pl~e, luge living room. AttracU!e ratio. TWO UNITS nr. So. Bay -2 bdrm. hoUM I: 1 bdrm. apt. Bearned ceilings. A little paint will do wonders. ~ down -$22.~. ' DESIRABLE 4 bdrm. multi-bath home. Cloee to beach, $26,000. SEE US for BEACON BAY and BAYSHORES propert.Sa • EARL W. STANLEY, Reattor Har. 1775 -Eves. Edith Maroon HYatt t-G222 John J.lacnab, Harbor 5359. 225 Marine Ave., Balboa bland 7~17 Balboa Home with Guest Qt'rs.! and double garage. Living room, Dining room tit Hall Carpeted, clock controlled thermo-heat, exhaust fan and loaded with extra cloaets and paneling. Full price only $12,950 with ·excellent financing. Excellent tor proleNional ot---------------....;;:...-=-,;___....___,_ ticea. Owner demanda quick ac· NOT tlon. AaltlnK '21.000. BubmJt your down and tennL !:XCELl..El\"T LOCATION, nur TOO LATE! Bay and Ocean. 2 bedroom bomt NEED MORE ROOM .... 1t11 a detached .fUMl room with bath. Both tumllhed. Cara&-•, We have a tull acre with three homea on nar ot loo. Jt coal11 nothlnf lo -Jt ' ••• c1111 todlay. s11.1Joo. terma. loL Room for a JJ!ce home on front. Income at pre-- Bay Front Duplex! BALBOA LOCATION. 2 bdrms. In u rh unit. f<''umh1hed. S car sent ia $240 mo. Thltl property is close in with all unit.a hooked up to sewers. F. P. $22,500 with $7,500 down. garagt. Fireplace•. 1undeclul A WORTHWJilLE WAITING FOR- plt'r. Nt'ed11 a little fixln.' maybe, but look "t lhe price, •37,eoo. • New 3 A 4 Bedl'oom homes with 2 Batha. Poueeaion term a. . Sept. 15th. All improvement.a are in & paid. Ch01ce of colon il you act now. Startinr at $9,375 with $376 Down. Corona del Mar Duplex! wr. DON'T HA \'F: 'EM o~ W. A. TOBIAS thtre unleR11 lhl'y're good This and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR one ls modfm Md cute. 2 bell· room hame with aeparlllt 1 ~d· "you'll like our friendly service" rnam apt. over ll 2 r11r R&rage 393 E. 17th ~t., Cos~ Mesa · Liberty 8-U39 Lovely 3 Bdrm. On Cost.a Meta SL, buJJt by South C.out with a 4 ~ G. L loa.n. Low down .,id f~7.54 on bal&ne4. Thie is an eac.llent buy for $10,7t>O. Duplex, 1 br. ea. sid9 Cloee·ln, C"tnly 1lx yellr1 old, ca eewer1, neat corner lot on allty, dble. gar. Only SHOO. Owner nee<Je acllon, worth aHtnr thlJI one. ror e-n. lnfor. on t.ilo'M, LI. W41T Beats A Duplex M-1 LEASED FACTOftY ON PLACEl'tTlA • l'l'U 20UI St . 63lit x 290 to 20' alley with 2100' atMI bldJ. Only S15.000 toll.I price. Hu 11pecu· JaUve tutu~. Clo~ lo 11hopplnK. Perll'~l for --------------------home with income. $18,6()0, term•. Bay Avenue Home! EAST BAY AVE1''UE ... clon to town AttracUve ltltle plare with 21; bc<drooma and heavy Curnllore lnrluded. ldMI bellch home .•. only $14.5-00. 14.5-00 (lown. Balboa Realty Co. Opposite Bani< of Amtrlt'a Rosa Greelty Al C1>rn11llu11 Ed L!'e Jark Pinkham Jo'4•phlne Webb 700 E. B11lbo" Blvd .. Balboa Phon .. Hubor 3277. • • BAY · SHORES • • Open House Sat. & Sun. 1-5 EXCLUSIVE LISTING • Corner Arbor Dr. & Vista Dr. • • Bay Shores' Cleverest Ranch Type Home 2 bdrm., raised used brick fireplace, dishwasher, disposal. Charmingly decorated. Crushed rock lawn. Full pn'l:e $23,500, terma. AND • • 2601 Bay Shore DriYe • REAL VALUES 3 bdrms .. 2 baths, bay view home -All electric house. Built·in range & oven. Carpet~ and drap-Owner Transferred ed. Ideal home for couple with visiting relations or ~tu~t sC'll thl• channln~ s bed-friend!. Full price $29.500 -Terma, room home. only l YT· old. Good For preview showing, <.all Harbor 1600 - M-1 83 x •7~ on Pl1ctnUa A~ .• at 20th. A "New Bot S pot. f 12.600 29~ down. Hw-ry. For eve. ln!o. LI 8-2M2. L~. Houston Realty Co. • A880CIATE9 509 Center 8t. Coat.a Meaa L1 9-9911 L1 9.7794 CLIFF HAVEN ThrM bedroom. 2 bath. bwd OrL. lug't dbl. 1arage. Elect Thu· mador kitchen. Room ror IWim- mlng pool. View of OCt&J\ and hJill. SZ9,500, temu. Balboa Peninsula Eut aide dlatrtct. ne&r Dacie (Ev Libert 8-5386) Bay. Full price U0,650. Small ea. Y Four bedroom. 3 balb. 2 flrcplacea. down. See thla today. HARBOR INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS G<>Od tamJly home. Only $25.· Harbor Blvd. Newport Blvd. at SOth Sl, Newport Beacll 500 rumlsht"d. But. BU3lnua r<>mtr on Har- bor Blvd, 63x123'. ·Owner m111t sell du" to poor htalUI. Priced way under market value. Don't wait on ~his: Attention Attenti<l!l _ Attention I EABTSIDE we muet tlnd good 2 bl'rlroom home tor c&Jlh buy· tor. It ~·011 hav11 one. PLEASE . PLEASE ca ll U8. M-1 Lot Duplex on rear -room to build in front. 1n strate- gic Newport location near the bay. We belit've trus to be a real value at SH,500. With good terms. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coast Highway Llberty 8-3481 WE ALSO hava u cellent bup In b • a c h cotta1e.. permuent bom• 6 lnoom• propert)'. Coast Properties 301 El. Balboa BlTd., Balboa Harbor H~. ~117 and HOO. LIDO ISLAND B. A. Nereson --------------------<Beautlrul a badroom home wllh J REALTOR 1982 Newport Blvd.. Co1ta Mes& Phone LI 9-1672 Vets $565 down Pl.l'S IMPOUNDS USE YOUR G.I. LOAN on • yr. C"tld. 3 bdrm . dblt. p.ra,;e. !enc- ~. Wonderful palJo Ir laundry, yiu d. C11rba1te dlspol&l. All ttt lhly pAltlte~. 452 East Broadway PRICE $15,0Q'.O. Prospective buyers of a 3 bdrm. home should see thil one. Perfect condition throughout. Large liv- ing rm. Fireplace. 1 bath with atall shower, 2 car garage. Call Liberty 8-2664 (Eves. Liberty 8-7056) EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th and ln·ine, Newport Beach batha. J'lrep!ACe, Dl1hwuher, Oarbare Dtspo11al, W'lred tor Electric Ran~. L&ndacaped, Ap. prox. 21) yeer.i old. Localfd on PIU U> Udo. Thi• 11 a top qua.lily home. Ste th111. COSTA MESA 4 BMirooms. 2 belh11, jU1t 8 montha old l :iOO liq. tt. nice romn lot.. Full price Sl2,960, Good ttrma. COSTA MESA 74c76 $8000 buys a nl<'e 2 bedroom home, to get fast possession..tor a glorious Lido Isle summer holiday -YES you can move right into this cozily furn. 2 bedrm. Lido Isle home with its extra large sunny patio for only $22,500 terms. This one will ·not be on the market for long you can be sure. LIDO REAL TY ASSOCIATES W. G. (BUI) Kempton * J oeeph H . Grohman * Virginia Mauon * Gene Vreeland * TOfll Campbell * (Lido Ialand'• m08t experienced aale9 pezllonnel} 3400 Via Udo Harbor 4444 , (Acroee from Richard'a Market) MARINES Here's Your Country Estate Vets; NO DOWN Immediate Occupancy 3 or 4 Bedroom.a -Forced Air Heat · Mauive Stone Fireplaces -Built in Range and Oven ... actually every luxury featt1re and in Orange County'• finest location. Big Estate Si.z.ed Lot.a suitable !or pool and patio! Drive out First Strttt in Santa Ana Thru Tultln and Turn North at Red Hill Ave. . George M. Holstein & Sons, Builders Designed by Cliff May BALBOA ISLAND A SUMMER Bargain Pr tt Sharply reduced -4 bedrooms, 2 batla, Larp yard. Dbl. garage. Completely furnished - $26.500 OPEN HOUSE -JULY 9 -10 -11 to 4 128 Opal 2 bedroom knockout -furnished - choice location -with room to build - $17,950. DORIS BRAY, Realtor Phone Harbor 20 -Days & Evenings Nona Hyer Clarence Lake Chet Salisbury 216 Manne Ave., Balboa Island l'\~ar Upper Back Bay 23i2 P111l .. dea Rd .. Santa Ana Phone HJ 6·2893. 60lfc --------------------that ia just 3 blocks from the --------------------- C-1 Property AT COR!\T.R ot JO&h and Pia· c11ntl&. Wllh 2 bedrm. bouae and 11mall rtort. SUBMTT ucb&nf'H, can Liberty t-~91 &Otte C-1 Zone J Bl:DR.W.. older ba\ule, C... ttth 8t... ~ M--. Call ~er, lJ MTll. Uc.Ta OCEAN FRO NT propt)11ed All Ameriun ah.,pplnit • C'enltr. Thi• Is a good home. Be Very nice 3 bedroom. l' ~ bath home on a lsrge lot. 1Ure t.o 11M1 Lhl1, tenn1 can be Lo,·ely view, gMd neignborhood. Comfortable arra.nit"cl place for the tunny -either yeu round of for summer. Room for add'l units. Truly the best buy on the ocean front at t.h,e preMnt time. Full Price $21,800 "ART" ADAIR REALTOR iaee Newport Blvd. Cort& MM&. C&Ut. LI t ·37H PAUL C. JONES, Realtor ~~s~~.1rib~ ,=~ 2S2() N___. Blvd.. N..-nnrt Blach Har 2313 G<>Od location. ••t llde Coat& ...... f'Y9'" • ~ r--• 7• ' MeA. 11 T .000. LI 1-1281 7:X: Q i3pM T radin' Today? LIDO Exchange tine waterfront hor:ne with pier & flllp, 3 bedrooms, 3 baths. Value S55.000 for smnller home to $30,000. To .ee & aubmit, call the- OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W. Cout H.-y. / Newport Beach (at Port Onllge) Ll 8-1562, Har. ~~ evea. • PAGE 1 -PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, JULY I , 1955 TORNADOES ·CLING TO FIRST; EDGE I.AKERS • TralR .... Offer YOllJIC l"Mn, 11 or older. who ue l'OOd awtmmen and would b9 ln- teJ'elted tn tra1nlns for a boaltns C&Jnp job tn the Harbor are& next 1111m!Mf' .,.. 11.d'fteed to -tact Dick Wartena a t Santa Ana chap- ter ot American Red Croaa. atJtr · Ible yout.M will ban tbetr w-.y paid to a Santa B&rMN acquaUe camp for tratnlnc. Noller In School ""' h n1hall W111\am N(\ller attended tht' fiNI arl\>n lnvu- llptlon . M O"' l'OUf'M held at th• Unlftra:lly ot CaJlromla at La• Anplee. Squeelinr out a 33-32 win over the L&kera, the Torna- doea rem•ined atop Harbor Boya' Club B baaketball It.and· -Tn1a Tueeday nlcht. The Bom'6era and Hornets defeated oP:- 'ponenu to tie for aeoond apot with 2·1 ncorda. . GOING INTO HOT CORNER Chri\ McLachlin of the Braves charge.a into third at Corona del Mar Youth Center, carefulJy clutching hia tongue in place. Waiting in vain for the ball i;8 Dodger Third Saclcer Bill KiJUan. The Bravea defeated the Dodgers 8-1 recently. -Staft Photo Assign 57. New Performers to. Midget Baseball Clubs RISON ROUGH ON NAT HURLS Rtcha~ Rlaon of the Can!· Ina.Ill la leading IW&tamJth ln A total of 67 player. have bee,n Three joined Newport Harbor ~ Harbor Boys' Club National &Ill ed to Cius A B and c High Scllool Clue C team1: Ted-B aummer b&leball league, &e· gn ', dy Whllt'neck~ Car4•: Gery Bolte. cording to staU1tlca relleued tea.ma In Harbor Boy• Club aum-Glanta, and Mike Hom, White Tue9dl<y. Rison hu b&ab_ed mer bueball program •Ince It.art S011t. .,. out !Ive blowa In ten appear·. ot the 1euon. The ualgnment1 Enterlng·coata Meaa Park Cla.ae a.ncea for a .600 aver&g°e. were made to replace playera who A competition were: Dean Pease. AllO boaallng-.000 aver&«ea .h&n withdrawn (ro~com tltlon B~~: J im DeErrlco, Dodg-ers; :;: f~taTI!~~~~~~.:_ f or varied reuona ~y were CbVlu ryan • Carda: an<rJl!lm · Johneon, Peter Lombardo and fortl; and DOug Trapp. OlanU. made by a new ualgnml'lll com· Mark Conaty, Yankt'es. and Steve Holllster. C&rd1. mlttee compo-.d ot Rod Mac· both with three hlta In m Millian. Wt'ndell Pieken1 ud Jorui' New B League pertormera: attempt.a. Lan.e. Jett· Ola•. White Sox, and Ricky Other .top llWingera: Keith Of the tot&l. '1 younrstera were Webb. Tank1. In the American: Jacobc, Braves, .429; AJlen added to team.a In the Corona del BIU Armstrong and J lm BuahUng, Jone.ti, G1anta. Woody Brook• Mar Youth Center C loop. They Cuba; Kent Edler, Carda. and,Ter· and David Rau, Dodgen .. 400; included: Tom Andenion, Dodgera, and Brave• •• Dou11a1 Gonake, Dav· ry Glaagow and Eugene Shafer, Bill Scott, Cuba, .333. fd Andenon, Pet.er Flaherty, O.v· :P:lra:tu=·~h1:._:t.h::e:._:N::a:U:on::Ll:·:_ __ _:=;:===:======= td Burt.on, Richard Cuquero, Pat Us-er and Teddy Hunter. Carda-· Roger Hartly, Stephan White, Bobby Zuckerman. Allen Zucker· man, Richard Clauae. CtlJp Green· lng. John Newman, Bruce Watt.I. Larry Tatu. 211 Entrants Snag 385 Fish in Angling Club's Junior Tourney Cub1 •• Herb Stutt. ~o~~ ::~· A. total of 305 filoh had been lbe. 6 oa:.\ Bill Lang. Pacific ma.ck· •ncia, Jam .. Morgan,Jt . g • caught through Monooy by en-erel. t lbs. 4 oz.: Jack Carpenter eon. Joe Oonohio, Sleva Arm· • Dod Bill Su..,. tranta ln the Junior Ftllh Touma· jack mackel"f!l, 4 lbs. 4 o:r...: Ray 1trong. g-er• -·-to Ra Olk d c I · Jerry Cook. Mike Bolt.on, Jeffry mmt. a.ccordtn& Y e an L. ray, 1pot fin croal<er, 6 b1 .. ~ St 1 H n Oary 1.A&d· Foreet G. 8m1th Jr .. Balboa Ang· Kirt Hall, yellow fin c~er, 9 u . an ey anao · Unr Club oo-c:ha.lrmen. With 200 o:r...: Hal Stem , ae.a t rout. 3 lbe. a er.Giant• -· Ma.rk VanDyke, B:dwin boya entered, the 1poneor11 edvlM oz.; Jack Carpenter. whlte ae& Q JI Giraud Calvin that other younpte1'11 are welcome baas, 3 Jba. 8 oL uarry, mmy . • to try UleJ b&nda ------------ CUpp, Wiiiiam Durante, 8&m John W:t 1ead. enl~ta wtlh Downing. Wayne Alexander. Ind· on lane •• Jim Whyte, Phillip Reynold, the hlpel'l number of varitUea Bruce Rted Roy Kellum Danny caught, 18. Bigg-eat flMy ftllow Lehe Staniey Brown. ' wu landed by Bob Michaeli'. an y, lS.lb. 10 oz. halibut. TIE TILT • Braves Gain Other prize catchu through Monday: Jim Ra~r; barncud&. 9 lb&. 16 01: Iaac Porur, bU!I, 8 lb&. 12 OL; Jlm Harold, corblna, t Mesa C Cubs Hang on to Win Record • Knotten Solitary on Hit Hit Albacore With J ohn Naylor and Carl and Ftahermen aboard Frontier out Don Marcell8JI or Santa Ana of Balboa Pavilion had t.he thrill Height.a sharing the chucking chore, the Costa Men Park C yeaterday of rwu\.lpr Into first fA•vi•e Cube bung on tor a 7·6 a.lbacore of lh• aeuon to come In -..-victory Wednelday over the Red Dupite a one-hitter unfurled cloee to •hore. Skipper Spike Taft Sox. The win gave the Cubs an -•--t th th C ta Meaa aald he located a concentration under•ated "·0 record In aeaaonal .,..... em, e 0 ' of elWlive beauUea off San Cle-~ u Park B NaUonal League Brana fnente ·Ialand. play and undlaputed poueuton of ea.me up wtlh a 3.3 tie My &«&In.el Reporta ahoW 20 aJbacore were n rat place. UM Plratu Wedneaday. Shate.r landed bet-10 Lm. and noon The CUb• held a 7-1 lead when w.it t.be route tor the Buca ~ the aocklng Soxera came 1uri:1ng J --Sm'th and p .. •1 M•~kay of •'-e yeaterday. ''They were very thick.~ .... J IU -u • Tat d rtbed th It ti F back wtth f ive t&JJlt!I In t!lf' thlrd Br&YeL Smlt.b and Mackey pve l eec e • ua on. 'ron· frame. Two runnen got on In bot· up ttir.e hlta. lier 11 an &Jbacore 1pecial. leav· em Sanborn collected th• lnl' Balboa Pavilion at 3 Lm. tom oC the !Ina.I 1ta.nza for the 'dall Sox, but the Cuba managed to r• Bra•M' I.one blncl• and drun 1n y. tire. the •Ide unaullled. an a.11-tmporta.nt run. Johnny Cucchiara wu big CUD Wal.kl aulltd the Cube In an Martin Cycle Gone ror tbl' Cardinal• In a 17·6 rlct a.s victory over the Carda. They picked up three talllu In the M · Theft of a motorcycle 1tolen of the Tige1'11. Johnny Jarred the cond frame on one hit and five near Bay Ave. and Palm St. re· opposition ao badly with a triple atrolla. Kent Anderaon or 916 Via cenUy wu reported to police by lhAt he was able to 11tretch It Into Udo Soud alngled acro1111 two CUb Jostph Martin of 1991 Newport a homer. Red PelUt toued lht runa In the tint. Pitcher Ml~e Ave .. Co.t& Meaa. triumph. Pope 1tarred for the IOMn. He ------------------------ •Jnsled In all three of the C.rd'a counten. Standings: Dodgen 3-0; Brant! l ·l·l: Cubs 2·2; Plratea J •l ·l: Olanta 1·3: Cardinali 1-4. Prize Chance bonator1 e.monr fan. a ttend.Inc Harbor Boy1· Club awnmer bue- ball ltague ra.mu have & ch&nc• at prlzea under a hat-paaalng •Y•· tem which went Into effect thl.9 wtek. W lnnera wiU rectlve auch award• u a pair of box aeata to t.M Laguna ~ach l!'uUval ot Arll. sporUnr good1, clothln&' and other merchandiee donated by merchanu of the areL And all do- nation• ~ toward paying tor bata, ball.!1 and otht'r gear enjoyed by m ore than 900 Ht.rbor area young- ate1'11 pla ying aummer baaeb&ll. SOUTH GDHST Opening Tuesday July 12th • CDTISTRUCTIDD CD. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL %30 SOtb St., Newport &e.r.b Barbor !SSS SUPPER CLUB JOHNNY RICARDO end his .. piece Combo Forwrly M1od1ted wttb Deel Alw .. ,..._.... at Mommbo, <lro'a ud Palm Sprtap Complete Dinners Start at $1 .95 Dancing Nightly 9 pm-2 a m I>Mplte Brue• Knipp cuttins the cores. with 11 potntl f« the L&k· Richard Pa.Wern, 27 : J im SchOn•. ers, o.ry Or•n with 11 and ~-Tornadoes. 2~. Tuuday 1100r1ng n&rd Lopes with 10 ~ to rundown by teams. otf·Ml that tor the l~e-leadera. Torn&doea 133 I -Leonard Lo. Kn! with 59 markers In three pu. 10: Green, 18: Terry Hall, 2; rra pp to ped loo .corer• t.o date. Jim Schonu, 3. Lakert1 1321 - )"I P . p BLAST K.nJpp, 21 ; Moller, 7; Make Hayea. BOlllBEI\:' 2: Mike OAU&han, 2. Tb• bombers dnibbed th• lut Bombera (44) -*rya.nt, ;•; place H&wu H ·2t. O.n• Bryant Pleru, H : John Font1wi, 4: Bill wu bl( (Wl tor the wtnnera, dunk· Co:it, 2. Hawka (29J-Maurlce Mor· Inc )4 dl(ltl. hip for the nlsht, a lea, 4; Dave Petti( 6: Mulder, 13: throup the hoop. J lm Mulder WU Jim Ho1tetk!r. 2; McCl~ky, 6. hlrh man for the low flyinr Hawk• Hornets (41) -HenroUn, '19: With 13. Valle, 1~; Vandervort, 21 ; Ray CtlarJle Vanderwrt'• U and J ohn Fleeman. 7: Bob Martin. 3. Pan· Henrotin'• 19 paved the way for thera (33) -Palaferrl, 6; WalX· the Hometa' 41·33 victory over the er. 9; Parker. 2: J im Jewell. 4: Panther•. Bob W&Jker . with 9 Jerry Kemper. 7; Georp Milli.kin, counfe1'11 topped Pant.her bucket· Ci. eera wt th ·9, Standlng1 aa of 'Tueaday :1 Tor· TOP TAI.LIEU nadou , 3-0: Bombe1'11 and Hometa. Top point gett.ra ln the nrat 2-1; Panlhera and La.kera 1·2: three court traya: Knipp, 68: M.lke Hawka 3·0. V&lle, Hometa, 67; Green, Tom&-1------------ dou,· '-9; Bryant. Bomllera, t7: J.USS JCDrI'H SPJ:NCE, 8. F. Henrotln, Hornet., 46; Xul~er. I echool princlpaJ-"To be effective. Huro, O: Don Pierce, Bombtira. teaching mul'l be lied In with the 12; Bob Wa.1.ker. Pant.hen. 29 : life 1ltuaUon1 of the 1tudenta." Paint fOf' your home ·-· .. ·····---··--···· ................... -...... '" ..... abcMlt le per sq.~. Take adv-t.ace of thla aped&! oa lop-41..Uty DuPoet Ho-Plthlt.. , \, ~ .·. (' n I • • :. •• ' .. t SPECIAL!·--· ................................ $5. 99 ::;. In hOU114' j-Ob lot•. Whltf' aad Moat ·C'oloni. UMl TIED TIME ONL\'. McDONALD PAINT ST08E PUT YOUR SAVIN.GS WHERE 1HEY EXPAllD--WITH SAFETY! Our functiona l modem new home (aJI pa id for) is a marvel of economical efficiency. Come and see your money at work. Toss a peb~le in a pool. See those ripples expond in ever· widening circles. Well - that's just the way your savings grow when yov invest them with us. They grow and grow in evet-exponding figures in your passbook . . . ... and remember that they are withdrowoble, always at par. Accounts are insured by the Federal Savings and loon lnsUfe once Corporation, an agency of the United Sta tes GovemmenL Savings received up to July 11th earn from July 1st. For as fittle as $5 you can OPEN AN ACCOUNT AND SAVE BY MAIL Ample Cuatocsw , ..... Safe Deposit Vault Private Coupon IOOllla C..ference Roona Complete. Escrow S..M Money Orders Ameriun bpren Tr•velen Cheq"'a Collections Savings Accounts U.S.Govetnment loftde Over 19 years of regufor divide nds ••. now paying 'Loam to luy' Build, or Remodel Insurance Apacy 3 Y2 •/. per annum ... .C poyments per year on all accounts. Our 38th Consecutive Dividend • NEWPORT BALBOA SAYINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION P.A.PALMER,President 3366 YI~ LIDO.• NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFORNIA TILIPllOlll HARllOll 4200 co•O•A DIL MA• OFFICI • 2407 UIT COAIT HIGHWAY • TIUPHOMI HA••o• 5220 01•1cro•• ........ •AllRL A.MUia P. &. PALMla ae .. 1 aLO• .. llT WALfta I. IPICla .., .. •· w•n c. w. T••••u· · A .. U aLOMOYllT aoa11n L MllLD V1u·f>,,1"'4ttl Co,,,ptro/l,. PUL A. PAI.Illa IPat.allle L IAITllAll ROal•CI IAaL p,..,;u. VtU-rru.6'1.-0~., E1~11v O/liu• WALftll .. IPICI• n ..... c ... c•o•-•. ITIPll .. ••mt v-.1H.-. A1n/Uffl ,_ o~ Af'f"M'~ •"' ,.,,,,,,,., l_.IL A. Mina L YU U•e11 . r,._., s___, MIMlllS: FEOERAl .HOME LOAN IANK SYSTEM • • • FEOEJ-At SAVINGS ANO ·lOAN INSURANCE CORPORJ.TION r • I