HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-07-15 - Newport Balboa Press•t j CJllA~1 PIONSlllP STRATt!G\· -NC'wport H;irbor Yacht Club's deft>nding National Snipe champion Tom . ....Erost ( righU talks it ovC'r with his crew, Dick Lewis of Lido Isle. aft~r starting' on the champion~hip ro~ad again in 1955 with victory in the Pacific Coast Regatta in Sausalito. -Beckner Photo Frost, Lewis Sail to Win as· Coast Snipe Champions l8th YEAR r-NUMBER 41 . MARINER'S IANK IN · NEW RECORD ' I lndlcat1ve ot the fTOWlh and completene111 11t the Newport Hnrbor "Way of Life" I• the growth of new Marlnrrs Bank in its homr on Cout Hlrhway in the Mariner'• Mlle. Df'pol!ita of more than $2,· 000.000 and rtl'Ourcu 1n e11- cu11 or $2.~00 000 have been talllt'd in three months of Ill i-•uslf'nCC'. a crordlng to Edrar R. Htll, PreAident OFFICIAL New Police Uniforms Here Due in August N1•w 11111(orm11 fc1r lht Nrwporl RP .. rh f\llllC't fnrrf' arr being nr- 11 .. 1 NI, Pollet ('1111•( J ohn Upson, 11nn1111nr,d Thty will l>erome nr- rtn11I 88 M A UJ:. I. Colors ot the untformti wilt be th,. ""m" but a trop1ca.I worl\led matrr!11 I wtll br u111>d Instead n( j lhf' prl'stnt wool gl\barl11nr Col- la ri< Cln thr nrw 1hlrt1 will be morr' 11port~hlrl ty~ so they wtll look nuler In thP summer when thr fnrrt Is allowrd to go without tlrs, UJ)A<ln aald. The rop 1s in for a. change a!ao. with an t ight-point, 11'\ft hat bern1t 11ub.~t1tultd for the prrunt round, HARBOR PRe~ss ••••• p .... Clrculatlon Today, 5620 Coples NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1955 PHONE HARBOR 1616 FIVE CENTS INJURED WHILE DIVING IN SURF Daniel Castro, 16, El Monte. on stretrher. was takPn to HQa g Hospital yesterday afternoon for t reatment of a fractured n"ck after he hurt himself dh·ing in shallow water off 15th St. and Ocean Front. He .was transferred to <;:>range County Hospital, his condition serious. -Staf( Photo .......................................................................................... ~ Laguna Population Nalu II and Staghound Threaten Constellation Apparent Victor of Yacht Classic Newport H arbor's Nalu II and Staghound were the only threats to appArent Trans-Pacific Yacbt Race victor Con- stellation today. Carrying a 74-hour hanqi~ap, Nalu waa ap- proximately 400 miles from Diamond Head at-laat r eport.a. The sloop is owned by Peter Grant of NC'wport Harbor Yacht Club. morning. followt'<i bv Waikiki Surr. • hud rimmed hat. Freddie Schenck Entry Forced Out of -----~-SAFE CRACKER JOB FOR MESA DOES FREE UPHOLSTERY Guessed at 15,000 Stsithound. ownl'd by Ira r . Ful-1 Crt'w or lhe unofficial cata.ma- mnr. waii 111111 gwen sn ouuurle rllll rntry l'lalmt•I they would hl\\'tt l'h11nce for a reput victory In theJ l'ome In Jo hour11 l!OOntr for flrat 222~-mllt rRC't' the kfll'h csplu. rl'cf plare bul fnr a ltak 11pnm~ In mlr1- 1n 19!'13. But munllmt. f"onsttlla-ncean. Spt>t<llnit 11lnng al 3:1-k nntJ. lion ap~~ winner of t he n1111tt-the twin·hullt>d cra/l n .n tnto a cal cla1111lc w~h " rorrrr~td ume squall late Sund11y nighl Classic as Boat Mast Gives Trouble 1 s· New Faces A burglar accomphehed somethtn!l that .\fei111 Uphul,.1e1 y 23:10 Newport Blvd., had bl'r n 11n11hle lo itn fur (olur y«l!rs H t openetl • aafe which had bern locked that loni:; bcr aui<., DO one knew the combmaUon. C11y En1tlnt!er Crall! G. Leland. or 9 d11y11, 3 hours. 10 m1nutt>11 Md ~IDl"t:rnos <'HA('K~ U.e una Beach. thl_. week eatlm· 20 11tcnnd11. Before rhe rrrw rouM Jo,..,.r a1 ... 1 1h111 •'•ty's "area" population io:Ts Rt:<"OR fl the tllUI, <'rl\<'k• t1uddtnly •pllt BV l>ICK t.r:w•~ I see him forrl'd out of the regatta. I• M c·t Tom Frost. tw<1-llmr natln""l I t'IR ... T 1)\'EH USE 1n esa I y f'hamplon in the Snipt Chu111, won Merrill led lhe fleet acroM lhf' 1 Cla.rence Wesley Lahndhy n< 20:ir12 SW A• a1•111 S\ , Sar.ta A na Heighta, reported the brcRk·ln nt 8 a m ye11terclay, poht•r reports shlw. A Jimmy !uml.~hcd 11ccc11a t<l' thl' l'Omb1n11twn !lie cabfhei with 118fe compartnwnt. Fmdlng nothing wC1r1hy of the effort In the 11a!e, th' burglar dl'pRrted with a pAy- master checkwrlter, l&ken !rom an office dt'llk. rn•w Ill 1:-. noo pPr5c)lllt, l nMrpnr11t-j Richard s. Rhet>m'll Mnrnlnit unrlrr the mlrlll4'1'tlnn They •)'ltnt "'' l.a;:un11 BP&ch. h" 111'111 •l 9:100. Star. hr11t ll <'r01<!1 thC' line esrly rtmatndf'r of thl' night ihorlnK up n 11g1u .. he lhlnkl\ a •iwiclal fed-t I _. r I the ront<ion llild natr hln• It• skin e•RI t:<'n~w<. due IRIC?r thui vrer, Yl'll tr< ay, set " nrw reco:" or ,, ,. 9 • will r onfarm. The! cllv'• 19rio · cen· lhe rro10111ng II W!IJi 9 dny11, JO For the n<'xl two l1ay1, the rr1 r't back the Paclrk C'o1111t Ch11mp1nn-111t11rt1ng hnr and Tom followed Go ahlp, July 9-10. Ill Sau1111l110. C'ln11ely {In htll tail. Then Al the vernment Charles Mt>rrtll of Alam1toe Bay. far,,t mark. the dt>Jendlng champ 1111,. showed 6661 po. uhlllon. I hour11. five minute's and 11h ftC<" made onlv two or thrl'e knflt• ·----P on<ls. Cnrrtcltd tlmr WM 9 <111y11, through JO to l:S ~I. MA.II. 1 9 houra. 30 mlnutea and 22 att-John R. Srrlpps' Novl11 dt>I Mar' the dd<'ndlng ch1<mp, finished lost 11111 c1 ew ovtr Uie 11u1e and eecond a nd Ctark King Clf Balboa TClm, after a nearly diaa.Atrous jlbr, b land. 19:10 n11tlon1ttl champion, look over the !rad. Bul the f'le· took third place honors. menu h11dn't irlven up on Snow. The SausaJilo Yachl Club was baJllJ: a f ew aeronds later a pufC a bee h ive or he<:tlc activity Sat-caught her while 11he was ridlnr a.day m orning .. the 2' ~Kl•ter-down a trough: ln.tead ot r olnr ed boata were wetrhed In a.nd •ll• o~ the next wav. ·sbe dove ,...ht .,_ "F FF ....... Ill UM W • mto U.. ....U. Oil Jt. ThW ~t tfm• the wtftd bd chop wen! the bo&t to almost a complete rrally whooping It up. makinK It etop. and 11he Upped over. nf'Ceuary lo polllpone the flnt 0 1'T Al'D IN! nee until later In th,. afternoon. Tom jumped Into the water al· RA('I!: BW ISS most t mmedhnely. lf'st the boat Sklppf'rs and crews ahke wet-flit up with waltr, and a few eomt'd th1• cha.nee to catch 11 9"COnde later his crew. Dick Lew· breath a.n<1 most everyone knoc-ked i11, 11crambl<'•I ovtr the high 11idt>: otr for a bite to e11t. Thl'n •long bv Mme muarle or dumb luck the a bout 3 o'clork the wuthtr f'aged !~lier wound up 111tting on the rlog- off auftlrlently. and tht l'llCf' com-it"r ,l>oarit, arrtt hf!! we1ght brou~ht m lttee decided lo gQ •head u the bnat back uprti:ht. Sn llJll'r planned. Two lsp•. w1ntlward-ltf'· hanlly 10 l'le('Onds' loM. the na- ward-the race wu on ~ I 11on11I champ was bal'k in th!' lt was a 2:\·3~ mph north w1noJ racP: h""'-drt>pfwd llal'k ll'\ ."erond that camt> howling •lown Rwharol· plaee, bill pulled out 1n t rnnt a- 90n Bay that aft<'rnoon: the racl' I gain And finished fll st: would be ae.llt>d, All right. but mlll-M .111 t 0 . • ri I hap• Wfre pos.~lbll'. Frt>fldll' err go squ:ir" ti"") na - 8chf'nck whn lllw1'ys mllkr~ 11 ly 11nd finished w11h o vrry :<olu1 b l I · h h h lhiril pl11rr, JllSl nn lh" tr11nrnm g sp a"" w l'rrver t' ~··r•. 1:111 P ~ • the calutaatrophe paradl' off I<• ,,( Ho .1 am<'nl<'I or l-.nr1nal K init fl I t l h th f lo~t h1~ 111d<lt>r h.1lr·\l'll\' lhrlrnJ?h a y ng 1 Ar w l'n e mRMt n · 1 1 his Snipe Chequendeque flllll'd Inf the m ro anti the boel. comp c•l1• y compru11lon, The llttle flrc>ball 19 ~It o( i•n~t rul, w,·n; ma.lily au nund wl.dely rt>Copilzrd Ill! " lop-nott•h 1 l'lrrle11, but some hon· he got thl' crew, but he'I! dynamltr on the til-eltualion bar k In hand and fln- Jtr, too. Everyone wu 110rry to (C'ontlnutd on Pa1.-6) Five ntw f1tce11 can be sern aboul Co11t1' Mell" City Hall then day•. They belong to Biii Dunn, new city planntng commlMlon repre- 1enta Uve; Larry Glotatlne, electr i- cal and trailer park ln1pector; Mt.e Lorn1ne Bondlck. buJldlnr de~L •l..-clerk; rrad Jlay • enport. poundmutar, and ~ It. lveMIOn, police patrolman. Karam Wall Hit onds. bltw out two 11plnnakers. flnl11h- Damagt' to thi• Wllll of hlll new Con1tellatlon caml' In 13 boun Ing lhe race with a aplnn11ker La.hodny t.old tnvesllgallng offlcer11 no bla.nk check11 we-re m iealn1. parking Int by en unld,.nllfled and !'I() minute. after Morntn~ Star . fuhlonetl from a ba.lfooner, R11- woman who bscktd Into It Sun-Novi a del Mar wu third a.nd R&-mona • •pill a aall Mveral d•y11 day WM reporll'd to police by J im mona. fourth. Baruna. flniahed lbia ago. Karam ot 1 U Main St. Dunn. 31. of 2079 State St., I• ll)arrffd with two b<>ya, 8 and ti. He a.ttended Orange Cout Col- lege. During that period. he work· ed part-lime for Ray Hart&ler. Meu ftnancil!I officer. He raided EASTER WEfK CRASff "SUIT TESTIMONY MmORT -POLU IREll ·UP TELLS CONDITION OF SURVIVORS DATE WITH DOPE PEDDLER In Newport Beach t or a year, and SANTA ANA, JULY 141 (QCNS)-Thc stark tragedy brou~ht mi n 1'01111 on a •lrttrhn hu Jived in Coeta Meaa. tor the of an Easter Week crash in Newport Beach w as brought out the 1m-o~ would, thmk 1he wu la.at three years. a1<l""P MASTER PLAN WORK in Superior Court Department 3 l CSllmony here tnis after-"Shr ran'l l'on,w.se." hl' tel!ti- Sen·Lng as llail1on betwern the noon. .. flt'rl, .. ,.\'!' nt\'f'r hl'ar<I h!'r ll8\- Cops Surprise 'Pusher' Wllile 1Th1s 1s thl' third In 11 11 I'll· pl11nntng comm1A11ion and the c ity ! Dr. Samuel W. Weaver. nC'uro s.urgron. told the court n_n 1ntl'lhi:iblP wnrd Shp 1<1tA 11n1t H rllJlll\'I' lh•1 IP1< 1o( "rt1rl•'" on hall. Dunn 11 currently at work one of the teen-agers hurt in the oil tanker-auto smashup, lltan·io At tlme.11. Pr arm .. antf lrgs a n 01 anal' f'ount.v moth"r with City Ml\nllgl'r ~rge Coffty t r arP "1'11.!llir ·· "' on mtu1ter plan problems. Diane Doolittle, 18, formerly o 10. I •ri•. w. n\'er 81110 tullfittf tha t l<rl-who pl11yr<I th•• riilf> nr ,. n11r- Narcotic Agent, Deputy Hidden 11 normJ\I hoUJtt'wite with lwo ohlld· r"n B11t hf,. In hu famlly wu bl• J-''10 \f ~tl'>'TJIP.:H TO A OP::\'T Glolatlne. 4~. of 789 w. 18th St., BaJboa now of Santa. Ana LI un-w .. ,w,.r 10al1I hP hR• watl'hrrl thl' Inf,! , llffrrPrl a hrnin lnjurv In lht> co t1c undprcnwr a)!ent fur lncreMH peraonnl'I In the city CoMcioua .~n Orange County Hoe-OOl'lllll le i:lrl f<ir mon• 1l1Hn 14 mt~hllp. Tht> boy <llrtn't ad norm11l 0111ni:(' C'n11n1 '' Slw11 ff!< I I••-. ShP woulrl tuck htr chlldrtn in building depllrtment. Building Ot-pltal ~~d probably never Wiii Im· mnnlh11 He Mmmcntt>tl thlll "h" ror 'hree nr fnur dA)'ll 11ftt>r the r11rtm('nl In thll' "''"nunl bttl. and thPn hPr hu111J1tnd wnuld fklol A. J . Volz lllllcf Glolsllne hu prove. ml\Y 111•1• :or yc•ario. l'V<'n th!' n<1r-R<'<"l•l,.11l. He al110 ha.11 autrered from N"wport 8 "'1"h pnll("P rai;un• 11 drl\'" ho r tu " point nl'11r a pn'· I I r • H 111 I 11 h 1m •Jn a bo'Rl'h ro>ndrr.1·nu11 I a fine electrical background. The Jackie Yarnell, 16. of CostA '"" 1 e llpnn. "11 ' !< " as · emn,.,.1A . l'ChPlllllP<I 1r11d1•:ivou11 with 11 nu- new m1ui wiu1 pre,·lou..ly employed Men and Robert H. Matthew, Ill, rrn\'P•I ph~·11lr:1ll.v llinc(" the l'rlli<h. Th,. w1tnP.sN Mid Krlln~g never ny l'AT MICHAt~t,S I 1•ot tr~ p1•d1llPr H,.r J11b wa11 to by l'acaflc Motor11. of Huntington Besch were fatally but n<1t 01"11tally. will he nbl" to rf'C'llll the rvPnt11 A 11 1 1,. roll' "'"~ b••i n ,Javl"rl huy nan11t1r... r11r1111ih1ng rvn· Miu Bondlck of l 9ll Chur~.h St. ln jurtd In the colllslon. Five oth('rl< He l l",qJJf1Ctl 11hr'll hal'f• to ))o of 111111 rattrul ,.v~nlng 6 0P • ~hi w11•1hful 0 111nit" ''"11nty n11rrnlfr11 " ' I k I r b t I t 1 r I Ltl 13 h th r Y 11"' 111n11" c uunty m<il n er-•hi••< s t <'llnl \\'rl ht with th,. wm replace Mni. Charltt Kennedy betldea Miu Doolittle were hurt. no <!i 11 ler Y a nunw 11 r-iis · 1''1111-" l_l')t'I 1 '" •' ro ~r 0 ter hH f11 st t\\ ro month~ a,. an i: I: · I v 1 , d rt Bo 1 one ~rlout1iy. He wu car drlvl'r two hours " dnv In hl11 n p:nl11n, n a:uw. lnl•I the court th:il he 1111w 1n f,,ri1111t111n hr wouhl nt'ed to i111n n o z II Ppt. ment. m n I'• .• 81,.1 ""rllin .:ur""Oii.• h"\·e TI"· h h b 1 1 un1l,.rrov .. r 11.:,.nt f .. r th,. 011tnRI' Clinton. Ill , Miss Bondlck hu Jlvtd John M. Kellogg, 18, of Huntlng-'' " " " ... ~ " " ~ PRdit•• 111 ell~ nit c own on thr County J1henrr11 orflt P "i·nnvu·ti1on In Orangt County t or two year&. ton Beach. thin~ ldt lo offl'r." ra1 T hrn lh,. rra11h orr11rrert. Tl ,. 1111.,11 .. n.1 u1111nll\• 1 r11vrlr1t "l made u veral trips out hert," '850,000 SOUGHT \\'ea\'t'r Mid If the girl W"re knnrklng him unc-on11clou11. 10> ~Rid Th" \\'!>ma n WM • anvr~t11!ntln11 a luni; Wllh ~i;t \\'111:h1 whlll' " the ne~v at•no-cl•rk 11-'d. "and I •><1rlit'r he hn<I nollrrd br~r can• narcoll(i; nn1t h"t W••l k h11•I al· hRh\' ~II"'' ''•"k •RI ~ <if th" ~ ~ "' P•-•-t K 11 ""I D I t h rearlv rrsullr•I an 11 111J111h·•r "' I k d th II • tie, ~Mena .... tth~w 'anodggM. "1:.u "'a()l)rn~l-1 7 Harborites In l I' rPRr nr the C'llr hlll ('OUldn't 'IJIJ,•·I·· .• I t.1ldj •II JUSl f r 'c matt ' ~ _ 1 ~ I f'C!m<>mhPr hnw man,· H" ,,..113 on 11ri .,~t!l !';"n'e 2r1 1"'1""111" 111" 11 ... n ""PL a r p:• aR .... 0 1 fl hi ... b• t 1 , b 1 I C "'" 111~hl I h• "i;rn\ wa11 drup-~, '" ·" " •• ' have brought the t.~ue Into court. tltt' ~tanrl mrisl nt th" -i.,. n.. ..r .. " !> "•" rn11nn. "' 11' I th ll ( h II l J h 1·,.•I •. :1 .1t ;\'••\\)'1111 Bf'R<h lirr Jverllon of 616 Hsrnllton St. rt-Th•Y are 11eekmg a total of m ore Trl11I w&!l rec"l'llC'•I at 4 :lO p 01 a.. ,. 1l''U " rr ''11 Rn " 1h \\,'" 111 httv fl·tt'ntu ~ from " plAt'".!I Patrolmlln Harold Arnold than $~.000 damages from thP e N Cl to 10 a m. :\fnnl1ny b» Jud"r RA)" Huwe Vl'r thrrr l<"f•' fl •llll\ In ew ass • " . • ll. I' I.fl• 1 \\hu WR• r11rrf11I 11-on thP police force. tfrecllve tQ-Armour 011 Co. of San Diego anoJ monrl Thomp11on. r1Jmphrot1"n" in bnnl:'mi;-nh· •1' 1,.,111 ,. h 11 1 ,, .,,,..ir lh•• PXt hirni;f' morrow. AmoM 111 itoing Into prl-ill driver, Charin A. Bennett -------th~ '"11\'lt 't••n~ n•' •h• l• .. •t •f Villi' bu!linPl'll, Chtef Art McKenz.le ACl'Ordlng to the te.11t1mony 10 I wl11rh \l'A" h• r II r I~ I•• T • . I h.t•L II.• ,r; ii "1 up.. 111" I f C•t• Benson Towels Gone 1 1 1 .·111 •·· .11 ·11n 1 "" ... 1 ... 11111,.,1 rrrortl'll voungaten were packed Into the 0 ,, ... 11.11n '' hur ~ ... ,. I " •• i · I 1zens I "I I I I •• fl • .ic .. II h••\ \\ •• \\•II' lfl mrrl DA\·t>nport rrcently replaced C buslneSI coupe when It "''8.11 11trul'k ThPft of two belll'h to1<·els from un '1' .,,.,' w 'nl · '' 11 '•> 1' · , n 11,,. h• lu 1, A. I Goody I Oo<><ton u poundmaa-broadside by the lanker at Coa:<t lwr rlntht11lln~ anl1 11 f\81r of 11wlm 1 •ht "'"'1111' •I 1 •I• "f 11·11' ,,.,, ad· t .. r. Highway an<! Superior A Vf!'. Arri! S"""n :"rwpor t flarhor rr111.t,,nt11 fin~ fiom h"r \'aHI "'""' rt pnrlf'•1 •hl'I n111kina: h"r "11~1'"' • I • 1111• wrrP n n111n~ I I 0ran~r .l'otm1111n11 to p<Jlil'I' \\'ftln~1<tlll ~· by K 1-Rfn· •h •"I~ of n 1" • I" •I • ''"" n '" " "• I• who tnnk th(' nnth .. r Arn!'nrnn 1<00 or 1011 24th ~l.-I 11nr1\\111 • ' ( h• r 111 111•1' '• :. i 'h· r1 l 1l\l'n1<h1p T•1··•day F:11pPrtor •Ii" Iii. 11 ... I'" \ ' r I " " " •• C"•llt Jut111:e F111nk lln G .\\'t'~l Sanitation Districts 5, 6 swnlf' 1n ,hi' I'll\"-~. ;l1•f1tn1I lnrs:,.:ot B d t R • Abo t s In th" l'011111~· u ge s ema1n u ame R::.:~~:1.1 ~:~·~~1.r~ln!~,~~~~ Jn~:;~ B11dj?tll' for S11-01t ntlon Dl11trlct I tlnued. It wa.a flri<t levle11 :->o, 6 111111 6 wlll be nbo11t the umr year. for lht> r .. mlng fl~ral .yenr All tor C1':\11'LAT1\'E Ft'~H!'I lllM •C'11 1nl11 t1nd C'h81 It•!\ Vlnrrnl l'wk- ' t 11p Fr11m C11~1a M"~" wc·t c Cnrn- lh"' .w11r ju.•t p1111t, ve Ntl11on. C&pltal outlay fun.IJJ tire cum- l'l tit 1\1 \'1U1t, J,,.1rnni" F n111"r RArr. J 101 "1 hv Fl•ll'l"n and c;~ .. r~· Ray- mnn.r Al h11i:1on 'I J1o s:11 I \\ •• •II •l'I 1 ,,rr n• " ~1111 "'1 • I• l"Hflff" l111i I t.11 ,,,,,, , hll' rt1•·' • 11" \\ :,~ tu II\~"' 1C '11nlln11r1l mnn111rr nr thl' Onnj!e County ulatlve and can only be spc>nt for ! •H~tru ts MHI. Hf' 1111id the di1trlct1 llpr<'lfled purpo~es, 1<uch at thP rn- wlll b!' r•pl"ra t1nrc at the Mmt fig-lsrgemenl of trunks wllhin lh• Uri'.", dei1pltt' an uc~cted lO per c11strlcts and to arl'umulate monP\' <enl lond lnrrt'lll!I' for expan~tnn of lht trtatnwnt Trntatf\·e bu<ig<'lll t or thP two plant fR clllltes. F:x1•111f'h lnn.;, lhP •l••lr1 m1n- a t1011 ''" It~·· p1t1t 11r thP •la~" to iz111n tht> c "1'«11'11 r1 11~··n~h1p. we.~ Htl Jll>tlllu Jlln"~ Stru• kels. ~12'• 1-·,·1111.'" ( AV•' \\ hn rhM ni;:"<I h•~ n~ln•• t •J Kn vn1unol J111ws ~1n11 k.-1~ RESIGNS WATER DEPARTMENT POST M r11. E11ri 1 Dorothy t Glnw r of s~wporl Htl~ht~. o!flep m11n11i:r r of thl' r1l~"11 watrr <ltrartm«'nl. t o.lay 11t11mpt>.t her l11s t water bill "J'lld" and ltft hrr ntr1rt fin an rxtrndrd \'1IC'11t1nn enil hnmt hfr. ~tnl'r Jnln1nir t hr df'ra rt mtnt In l!H ~. !!hi' h11• lll'tn :-le,,.· port 'Af"fl< h w11trr m• Irr• 11'1 '"·'-" frnm lfl•'O tt1 l hr July I t6l11I nf 1700. St>me i i OWlh, Aht 11~rl'1'~ Sl11tr rhv\<1 \ •hi<t11cls wctr 11pprnVl'il \\'ednes· 1 "I el!ltma te additional lrl'11l mPnl I da~· 01,ht by tht' bOl\rdJ! Final ap-plant facihtu·s will bl' n"r·t.•il m prn,·ai will hr 1t1vf'n 111 the next about five or six \'l'llrli · ;-.:..i,., 11 mf'ttlng. Ju 1 1y 27. whl'n the new 1<1tid "B\· arcumu'llltlll,tt m,,111,., ' l"I' 5 •n OGr:T IMUes ttllf'f' to f1w• V('llf'\ h;-111 .. a1<l!l'&":l~M;~t\l•oni1 ·~,. k nown I now, we ~an fore~tall ha\'tng h"n I F or Dfstrkt :>:o. :>. \ht m tunten-ror that purpose:· he 'expl&intd •net 11nd oprrat1Qn bud~N ",II be $4:'1.184 ba~d pn a tu levv nf .064 I ptr $1 00. Fnr bon<I lntC'~tllt and l ................................... _ ... _ n-t1~nl. the llllOitt't Ill 11tt 11! HARIOR W£A THER $:111.390 ba11td on 11 levy or .09:14 ~~.~~I 0~ud1g;;4.111 $84.:>H "'1th a tu 1 ·twaperatar. ta.. peat "'eek !JI Fnr Di8\rlrt 1'\o. e. lht' main· Ute Harhr ..... we~: l1>nllnre And operation budget waii Hlrb Low 11rt at 119,260 on a t&Jt levy of Saturday. J uly t ..... 89 61 00: bnnd lnttl"flt and Tellrf'ment, Sunday, July 10 ........ 68 82 $!l0-,9~ on a tu levy of .295. Thie Monday. July 11 ........ 18 m aku a t ota.1 of 170,203 at 6:1 Tuald&J, JulJ 11 88 ~nta per 1100. Ntll'On aald ti. n!commtnded to Wedneed&y, July 13 18 61 81 ~8 th,. boAf'd11 l h• capital out111y fund Thuraday. July H -71 112 ltvy of 20 eenll per U OO ba con-P'r1daY,, Ju.17 U --··-19 Il l • l'h~ )'11111•'( \'11j?11~Jll \'l I ORll\'f! \\'H4' upt r&H,•d on t•nly 8 ft'V." t.ht~ ~ ht-'11111-lh" '18.!'I.~ \\'A~ t u r+-rP.\Ve II • ""th :o;irur kf'lll pair 11n1l dr&wn ,,. .1~ up frnnt Congressman Utt ~ Due Home Today- cnngf'ellllman JllnlU 8 . \ill Wiil be hom t In Orange Co11nly owr thl11 wtf'k end The rong1 "'1~m11n wu dup t o 1 rTIVI' thl• afternoon anrl tonight will rrown thl' queen of the ~luta for the Bll!ll!l'd Sacr11- ment Church tn Wt8tmlnster. The crowning ot the queen I• at 9 :30 p.m. Thf Con1Tea&man w11J .,. hooor- td Jatf'r In the enntng "1th a ~­ repllnn at a private home ln Gar-1 den Grove. ·' ORANGE. GROVE CACHE -T he first a rrc•i;t ,;f R nart11l1 ~' pr·d· 1lcr 111 <•u,.. ht 11 hriut by Orange County'• woman undt'rcover a~ent o<'currr·d aH r< !lull .. r 11 I rip t u th1R orange grove. The peddler had cached hi11 quant ity of the nll rrl)\ 1r 1n t hr· 11<1.nc1 1'>4-· neath the t~a. Above, "myl'ltery mother" who workPd a<1 11n p:11d ,., ol 11ntr·1·r for tiher - iffa office, point. location of nareotic hiding place. -OC:'\:S l'huto I - For Legio n Auxiliary Chairn1en Ro·port• of lhe Callfom,a Dr- l'•!'\n1rn! Arnrl'l<'llll Lt'rinn ron· 1·f'nl111n an<! annOU nl't'rnt'nl of nil!""' ' ~rs . Milliken Hom e from Europe Trip 1'1 1~. J uUt ttr Jil llll k<'n. 110 \'1• l\'ai:1rra. ha• rt'lurnt'd frvn1 · ..,.,. • •. 1·111 nl"nlh11 ln Europe "''here ah• "''u h<'ad of a party .~t 1ouri1l1. Stir "''role i..•h!l ·of O\'t'r th<'1• of In· "'rt'1t fn~ r11!~1. &r<'n'"~ and 1111l1t· un1a 111 t:n,1;!11n,I. Holland, Italy and Hl'lglum. fl ....... • lhrill to n>n11111t lrt'• f<'lllUl't'd the Julr 11 •tt lht1 "•tup.-ndou1" l'N' .. r\Lr>n 1t1 !N'llllll: of Am .. r1r11.n Le11l'i" Aux-1l\'1n Atnl'T1('11.n atn1rr Johnn.le 11111.ry, l'nl\ 291. lir•I • ....,.ton un11 .. r ,X11.y In •l•id 1-Allnburth, 11he r•port• 1 he llf""' prr11.1d .. n1. P.lr1. Albt'rt .. rt. 1...rut"'')'lrr. 1-------------- t.ln•, L,.ut""'J'ltr ,,. .•• one nr thr 11K'•I <lrh•11:11.1 1on au,,.n<t1ng th" r.in- l'fnl!on, hPhl 1n ,<;an D1r 110. OU\tra Wt Tt' Mr IA'Ull<'.1·1,.r . .\1 ,.a1r• 11nrl ~m .. 1. fuolph Honrl~. t\l'nny. John- .-on. 11.nd not.rl J Ari.re• Thr.v • --"---·h>hrou,rh1 b1u·k 1 rp<>rl• on 1·ar10111 -PJn•T1mrn<Trr11·111•r.--i~~~~~~~~~ii~~f---1 PB.1\CTJCl?\G WAll DANCE in proparation for com· ing Roundup are these young Lido Js!crs as Chief Push-ma ta-ha beats drum. Roundup, slated for J uly 29, is annual -Staff Photo carni\'aJ for residents of the ialand. • ~fISS CATHARINE ANDl{E\\'S -~1aggie Price Photo - AnnQUnretl by thl' p~11drnt u tr•l1' """'' romm!ttte r tuurmen l'l'<'TI : I .. _ -.,. 11_,. B11d gl't, ).!1•. Ral11h Randel. I •·h11.1rn1a n lll<'ll!l><>rs M.-.. R11.lph Bonde And M r1 ).lo 1·y1n !fl.Id.On; Amr r1 r an Jan1, .\Ira. Kf'nneth l Johnaon : "hlldn·n·,.. "'l!'lfarl', ~lra.l l{"'nnf'lh "'l•rkhan1; t"1 v1! dt'ftnl<'. Mr11. Anton li<lt'tlo; l!lt'll\b<'f'lhlp, ~Ira. Gil~r'l Of't'I; junior arll\'i• ll"''· ~l rl!I. J ohn John•on , m11al<\ ~rl!I. Jam~• Fro.t1t; pan-Amerk an . . \l:r11, Ralph Ren•h•J: rrhabililal1on, :.tr11. Bri,1:K•. ruua l !tam. Mra. Hrrberl Thomp10n an,J pa.•t prt'1· ldt'nll' parlt'y, Jilr11. Ct'el! Inna. "t>tht'r poA1llon1 w UJ b<! r1u~1 lat ... r. Jilrw. Lruh••Ylrr l!llltll!d. e Udo Ille M.oot.oe Mwa -• IM'dro<mU -1 b&t ha -ltk111 new. f~ ft. l~t-"'e Rll~\'OI Ill.ta ll) hto one of lo4ay'1 Rt:8T·llUV8. 8Hltl Askln9 $29,950.00 Call --.Or !too.• ~B:--a--:r .. b~.a-r-a--:B~an-. d-:-y-1==============::====1Britton-Andrews WHeardb. osr in Texas ·s ON ;;,~ t';f"o' ~~;a .. ~~~~,'.~~;;.~~;.~I High Graduate 1 of Mni. ~rge Norman Pease and the late George Lindley KING-SIZE TRADE-IN !iii""' •••• .-..... -- NEW HOOVER ~~ • JS Bride of Air Force Man MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Society Editor Andre\\'8, long time residents of Corona del Mar. Her mater- nal grandparents, the late Senator and J.!ra. John N. Ander~ J ust received by Corona del Mar relattiwe11 ia new11 of the recent v.·eddl.ng, in San Antonio, Tex11!I, of Miss Barbara Jean Bandy to Lt. Richard Keith Shh•elJ·. U.S.A.F., of that city. The bride is the daughter of Afr. and ~frs. liofaurice Lee Ban- dy, fonnerly of thia city, now of Abquaiq, Salldi Arabia. She. •u (iven by l'tl'r brother. Mau. lion •id and l'>l ra. -.'!"!11.n \\'llli•rn-rfra Banily Jr., In a double ring PAGE 2 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS aon of Banla Ana. came to Call-1 • Cit!h\' attt'ndll!tl N~wport H11rbor FRIDA"(, JULY 15, / 955 fornla fro~ Toronto, Can11da In the Union High St"hl'o! 11nd the Unh·cr- --------------------------...,.-• llate ll!!ghtiea 11nd lh·t"d . !n Sanla l!llly of C111il orni1t, aa difl her \wo ZONTA CLUB MAKES PLANS TO HOSTESS CONFERENCE ~V<"nlng f<"rl'mony J!<"rforml'd hy aon 111·u in charge of th"' gu<"•l t R S book. • ' Inllial p\11na for the f11H t"Onfl'rent"t' of Zonle. l11tem11.tlonal, he f'\'. , pent"t'f J.I . Adam!nn Ill ('t'ntral ChM1ti1tn Chul'(h_ B1t1b11r11. wor<" Vo'hlte 1tilk nrg1nr:a tlrlallt'd 111•lth Mppl1que Of ]&Cl!! !!r•Wt'f!\ 11.nd <'h ip<'\ train. Her fin· s:•'rllp v,11 w11,. hclt1 hy 11. cornnet cf f't'"rl!! 11n"1 ~he fllfflf'd a white Hibl" r•n 111·hi<'h "'~" 11n ~rr~"ll"-· "'Pnt r•f 111·tute oro:h l<l.!1 an!\ 11\lt'll or lhe \'\l\lr y. A.TTS.MUW •atur. !>l r.!1. !>!nutk•· f!an•ly ,r. Bl't\'<"d 11~ n•:i\1n11 'f ll'>l\"I' ll ~r blllll'Jina l<'n;.:th \!t<'ll.'I '"'al of white a;w1u t11111111t"I in !at:~ and ~he \<'Ot• a \ll'h1\e \:tr•• hat. L< :0.11111 ~.\' :\l r~lull ~n "'>ll!I !he g n·onn11111uu~. Thll ChiiJll'l \11'11.> decorated with whtH· i:;laol1"111 ... ion<! J<t.o•·k~. 11hnl· l11 r fLow t'r1 prov1d1ni:; background for !he TPr~ptlnn. h~ltl !n the f hurrh pRrlnr. ~l r.'1. [/•11 lhtmlltnn and M11<1 .J,.rr1,. Hudrl lent rtrrp· 11111 clalld~·! sn1art . he'.t izctling /,;, ~~ !1tJB * in tli c llCIV llalccrcst In be1111 1 r~1 COSTA ~IESA 'Hllfbof Bn11l~vud 6 Ra~rT -"""· u 1n ~,..11 -Jl'f!U• a 1 .. Ttl•f~Dllt -~l,,,_,.IJ ~·ltll JIARBOK GKAD F or hont'ymoon tr.t1·"'!11 th<" ncw :\Ira. Shi\'ely v.·ore a col!llum"' of blue raw 111\k \111lh beige 11cce1111or · 1,.a and a ""'hlte orchid cOrl!la1tr. She wa1 ~radu11.tf'd from Nt'wporl Har- bor Union Hij!.h School, al!ended th"' Amt'r1can Onlver11\ly "l U..\r. ut. Ube.rloTl, la now ettendin& San Ai>t.onlo Collece, T•a.iu. Her hu.· ......S, ,,..-... le U... eolt. Or Mn. IS\•"· lr-y Shw ffo;'r nf :\lerce<! 1111<! or Rily Shl\•ely of l~an,,111 Cl!y, Kan .. .,.,.IHI 1n11flu11t«1 from 811.n Anlonio Col· le,rll'. allll!lltlt'd th.~ Unl\'er11ily ol ~11.SM)uri fnr thrre y1••r11 11nd e•· Di1lr1..:t 9, \ll'tre nllld<> .... ·hen J.lni. 1'.:arl Stan!cy, gtoner.111 chair· rnan. t'n\ert11>rtf'd Sund11y \\'llh a p11tJo aupp•'t &t her hnm"' In B~11con Bay, Jlonnr gucst -! Virginia Ea.slllt"k of Yun1a, Ariz .. gn\·ernor of District 9. . ~fort' than 200 dl'lti:11tcs from Calfforn.11o llJ'ld Arlzon11. ue tlllN.'Clcd lo attend the conftr<"nt"f', to ~ held 1n Nt"wport Beach Ot"I. i·9 i..•!th th<: Harbor club a.s hOfite111 gl'OUp. Stt,·!ng with ~'""· Stanll'y on tne •teer\ni: commiltet' are Mm .... Herold ftobertaon. Jamff .Aapln •11d Albert Stockton . *'-din• •-'-' oonunltt-,.... ......... ~· Bena, ln· tormatlnn and hou11lng: 1'1a1com Anii;ell. <:redenttal1; A.r\'o H11&p11, pri~t 1 ng ind 11'l\'Jh1llon11. v.•ilh .O.lr11. Donald Hall &11!1\lll· In": :\!mew. Ro/Jert J11yrr<1. f 111anc\"; Ja.r k Helnerl, tra1111portll· l<·,n: 11·. H. Co!<"ma.n, pub\klly: Ruu, Bar-:umr, reg1:itratlon 11nd F rt'dnc. (Thelma P&•'ldnck 1 Hope, dcc:or,.tloM. ~ct11 lo ron1trlll(' Ill" eoJ1a·11tl<>n l----------------'------------- th.tP' llfl<"r hia: re!<"a.'lt' rroin th<" Air F'nrt"t' th!• fall. 111e !'OllpJ,. i..·llJ br Ill honi" 11\ :\O(H \\'flll A!!.hb)' SL, San Antonio, 1'1'lf/lJ!. Grand Opening Brat Shop at !setts Have Son ~lr. ~nd :\I r.• E:d11·&.n! S. lull. 307 l'!rn\e llond. aie p:•r<"n\8 nr 11 7 lb . 10 oz., boy. born J1ily D al St. JHftt'pha Ho.•pitnl. ON WEDNESDAY Of Social Is St. Impo rtance J a111es Bazaar St. Jame!!. palio \ll'lll bt' dntted coming ho9\e~s. Lunche.on. for '>''hit"h trMrvAl· ion.• hllVC' been rnade, wll! be ~rrv­ cd at 12'30 p.m. T1tblee are In a • • Trade-Wind Swimming Pools l..o<'al t'.om11anl· iwn·ln g the Harbor Arca. J'ool.oi df'sl,:;n ed and priced to rit. your re· •1ulren1ents. Tr rn1_• ('an ),.. Arrt.n1trd ('&II l,lbl'rty 1'-70.\i IH I.I 11·:14?11 4114 C°0•1• Mt'hlL !SI. CO!ll• M,.... BRING HOME THE BACON .... A-n11 11ln°" 1804. Also Snutht'rn brothcrl!I, Robert L. Andrewa and Callforn!a plontocrl!I Wl!'Tt' her pll· Aleo n V. Andrt'Wd. She .,.. .. an Al· temal grar.dpl!rl'nla. \hi!! !alto ~Ir. ph11 Phi on thr-Bcrkr-Ll'y campu&. Bolh youn~ f'f'Oplc aie n&l h'c Cali- and 1tfr1. A. V. An<l rc11·1 of Los rOi~nlana and ht1ve ipent \'at"atlona Angel ea. In tht' H11rbnr a n.'a mo11t of their Donald !.11 the 11on of ~Ir. find ll"c11: Cathy 11.nd Don h;-1\'l' many Mr1. Robt'rt Le"' Britton of Loi f tif'nd,. in lht' Southern California Anrelll!t. They ma(Je their home 011 Balboa Jwktnd tor four yearl!I, rl'- turning lo U1n l'llY '"here Donahl atttndrd Holl)'\\•ood Hlf.:h St"hool. and Loto A11gf'lt'11 State Coll~g1; 11!. ltr 1loln1t hl!I 11tlnl in the Na\'}' durln& "'orlJ \\'ar lJ. Ilia 1r•ntl· p..,.enl11 are Mr•. J n11 .. ph .Allyn Sil!• car of Loli AnRt'l~•. and the late Mr. ••pr. •"4 u. .. l•t • M~. and Mr•. W11ller Amoa Brlt!on or In- diana. Don J1a.11 '""' 111.~tr11, .O.tu1. Henry \lu17.,ni;a 1 Julie Brlll••n 1 end J.fisll J~i.ne Hr1t\on. · sa!llni; and akl!ng circlca. Kansas Picnic K11n1111" Stille Society or LJ:ing Beat h ia b1.l\1ni: 1111 mld.,..ummt'r picnic 011 Sun":iy. July l 7, rroni 10 a.m. to • p.m. •l B1:11by Park. 51roe;\w•)' .,.d ~rry .A.••· -n. .. r,. w\U be r"11tl11tratl""" for 111! JO!> r•iuntu I' f(J(1d t'~•l\{'t'l'll•"ll pill k, untl .. nl!e,to'.~. A wlll be in the Th• St1vff•r Sr.tern i1 1•/li"lill NEW FIGURES for summerl fl.. STAUFFER "Mlr1cl•" 11· bles w ill trim your HIPS, TUMMY, CAlVES 11nd THIGHS, !O qu it~ly 1nd .ea, Hy you w ill find it hard ro b1lie ve yovr own e y•s. If you would llke 10 b• bU'ying "zes 12 1nd 14 1hi1 surnmer, c,ll 1he STAUFFER SYSTEM TO- DAY for your NfV/ FIGURft C1ll PHONE NUMBER fo, a tomp\eie perlo~I l1gur• 11n· 1lys1J i nd 11 compli m e nti1 ry demon~!ralion of 1he l emou1 STAUFFER TABLES. 31 17 E. Coos\ Highwoy CORON1\ DEL ~1AR HARBOR 1742 It c'91rut tw>oa tn. •rea or an)' other cl-nt'r, without movh1al H -1tre1.ChM tw_il:a ita l_en&\b, yet lllik• no mo,.. 1t.or91a ~eel Juat a foot in dialDf!ter from. 1wivll!I top to IU)'·Jli<la buel , World '• DWH1t po-rful ci...aner -1eui more dirt with H 1- work \ Quick"t· t'itaieat bar chan1t'! E1c\u1iva tel- -.copins wan"d ! ............... . ,, ... lih't' Cro"' 11 Stunpa $9.95 WINA dO'll'n Mootfli.olf _ ... ... ...... _ .. " .... . OPf'n Trt9.r I!:\'& 'IJI t pm. FORD THUNDERBIRD ana. ,..,, • o a I I I Come in-2et your Entry Blank here today! Lee's Pharmacy 302 Marine A•• .. Balboa Island 7th Anniversary SALE ME CHECKUM YELLOW PAGES GEr HEAP QUICK HELP I WANT FO~ TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE IT PAYS TO LOOK IN THE "CLASSIFIED" PART OF YOUR TELE PHONE BOOK CONTINUES • Second Big Week • SAVE a rtgular amount from your pay -or "bacon" - ~t It grow "itb late~t. May q 1en ·e you today! COSTA MESA BANK "YOUR FRIENDLY INDEPENDENT BANK" 1111 New'Jl9r1 Bh·d. ~ .... ,, WE GET TOO MA~ MESSAGES NO GOTTUM TIME FOR HUNT . • \ 1 .. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART t PAGE l FRIDAY, JULY IS, 1955 Expected Hotne Vacation School at Island Church from Japan Euir•n• 8f'l'T)'. l!On ot Mr. anJ J.trs. U oyd B Berry, 8fi1I Arbor St.. 11 C'Xpecl•d homp th\11 WT<"k on a 3().c:tay turloul(h. & h.&.i be.en 1tatloned In Jap11n and will ~o to Long lllland. N.Y .. following his lnve. A patio barbe<.'ut and birthday party !or 2:1 ~ople wu helrt to celebratl' th• birthday or Mra. May Beri-y or Huntington Bcar h laat Wt~k at tM Berry home In Ntw· port Vh1ta. A 11 enthlllll&atlC' rupcmMll hat bt!c-n i-\Vl'n to thf' Varauon Church ~khlW'll oC the B11lb<•• l11la.nd Com· munlt_y Methodlal Church '4':,bich b'itan M11nda~· niom fn1t. Th" erhool. hl'M u rh WC'l'k·d11y fti>m II 11.m. until i 1 ·•!'>. wm ·continue throu11h Friday. July 22. Mr·•· Donllld G. S11pp, dlrertc11 hu.&lalf'<I th11t rf',1:l1tratlon1 ar,. still open to any children of tht community who want lo partk1· pale in the program of 1'llitou1 instruction. muaio, oratta, a nd ~- creaUon. for et/rert?af tea~l'I gel a HELENE CURTIS COLFF;RS AHOY! -Part1c1panls m the W o mens' Invitation a l Golf t ournament a t the Santa Ana Count ry Club last T hursday and Friday w er e entertain ed at the Lido Isle hom(' of ~Ir. ;ind Mrs. Paul Daniel, then t aken t o the Bay Cl ub a board the Dan- ieli;' II ft. c-rLllR<'r Orifish II. Ready t o e mbark h e re are II to r ) Mmes. Louis H ager- man. F:. 0 . Lea ke . H arold Olson, R osson Foote, R o bert V. Edwards, Geor ge Freuh- ling, and Ha rold Dcck~r. Alrradv aboard are Mmes. H arold Ayres, J ack Blaisdell. R obc>rt Fo rbc·s. P aul Ouniel, the hostes~ and Mrs. Rob~rt M angan. -Beckner Pho~o GUNS, ORUM •• COWBOYS and Indians will be the order of the daK at Lido lale's R oundup on July 29. Planni~g the annual family carniv al street dance ~re (I t o r ) Mrs. Ralph A h rens, decoration s : Gene Clark, Chief Push·ma-ta-ba ar.d Paul Mutter . general chairman. -Staff Photo ;CALL GOES OUT FOR _LIDO ISLE ROUNDUP • _)Jeavenf'I PROFESSIONAL PERMANENT. Fo r A ppointments H arbor 2844 slO ALICE of LIDO ~!ONA-RAF: BA HLO\V tilll"rs Bnlboa dinghy No. 100 in eaihng program nf Balboa Island Yacht Club. Sail· in~ ra~C's Rrc prog-rnmm('d for Monday afternoons. -SWf Photo Offers Proof Marlowe Was Bard 'Shakespeare Wrllillm H1rnrl1181I. 0 r H n g e ! t'l'llllful In plN1ding Mlt·derC'nl!e. c-.,ut C"ollr,1:l'. llbrnnan. here re-1 The whole c11.11e waa 1mml"1111tt'IY VII'"'" .. Thr M•ir.l<'r nr •th" M11n l rl111.,.rl. Ho<fmnn cnntrncls the \\"hn \\'1111 ShAk""I" 111 r" tl\' C"alvrn murrter was 11 .. Hoax" tlPlllfll\"'I tn H<>rrm>1n I ~plnl MllrloWP 011! or En1tlBn11 to W111l,~m ~hnk•·~p .. ere l'I 1tl'nt'ra..l· 1 Mve hrm fr<>m thf lllake MAr· h: rr<'OJ..'lll7.<' 1 Mt lhv i:• ••ttlt•~t IU1'r· lowl''• Athr1~t11 :oent1m,.nt11 w,.r,. AIY r<'•:><•n>\111\ ••( Rll ltmr 'HI!' irlowl.\" .Jnnn,1? him to th' lllllke ml\lt hlr~~ "'"' k hrt~ , .1p·w11trrl \\'l11h• a "'r1N1<1:· m11n on Ule con· .-nunt It'll.~ mull 11111<, in llu rrn· ttn• nt MArl""'" I!! 11uppo11ed tn havr t11n,.!I i<ln•·P hi• il••alh Hut w11~ wrllll'n the ~hakesp<"anan ":ork11. ~h11kt>!lpN1n• 1,.nll\" ~l.nkl'l'J'";irr; \\"1lhRm ShAkt>!IP"art' • whn W&.11 Th11t qu,. .. 11nn hlh t'nthr1111.-.1 ~rhn· hr? A rnnvemi>nt rrnnt. An!1 11 l11 r" f••r 1lt'1·11•t"" K " "'· 111111•nc l'l1mrl" Artor. • nt hc·r~. h11>' h• "" Ail\' 1 n• ,.,, ·'" t hi' Th1:1 bnok I!' h11(hly fal!rmatmg rl'lll llUth .. r ··I !hi' :--h ''" "'"'111 IAll fr11111 lllltllV 11nglf'S, 11nd Ill hlj:hly works. In ,,.,, • .,, ,, 11• 1-1111·.,n s l•'•nmmt'ndN1 for gl'r.erlll n •11d1ng dlltnl Ill' !hi' ··,, . .,1 · ~hnkr:-prllrf' lnl• 1r><I. 1rn.J 1111<0 frnm the h1stor· ~ .. bPen pu.,h1·tl lnr .. rtw IJn <"k· 'li'RI 11t.11nrlpn1nl. 11round by lhf' r•••/'1•nf'11111 nf - Chrillt.opher Marl1'", A C f b Mr. Hoffl\111n, lhf' n11tl11w nf lhl11 t t On a litrrary ctrtert1n> lll1•1y ~rnrrrrlv I Mr11. Georgr Burnett 11nd M MI. lw>hevc11 M11rl11\\(' t 11 h.""" hf>(•n J11ml"ll Stew11rl of SI. AnrlrPw11 thtt author nr works p111 p11rt1>d tn I hllve bf-en wral trn b\· ,,11,, \\'rlJIAm 1 C-hurrh 11ttcnrled the Pt l'ah~·terlan 8hake11Jl('.11rr Hnffmnn hA!I t1prnt Women's C<>nferencfl lR11t week at Y"lltl atte111ptmg tn ~olv,. r f\n· PArlf1e P111tu de11. r lualvely h13 t hrur1rl' 011t or thr~, ------------- r-P/lf&rrh h1w(' rnu•1 C•' I n\'rr A 'T thousancl p1u :<ll· 11 .. 11·~ ht'!Wt'f'n . ucson Guests ~lllrlow .. And ~hllk•'"P•'lll •' Hoff · 'Mr. 1111<1 Mr1<. Rnbel't Gamer 11nd n111n'11 rf'."<'Arl h ""'" , ... !hi' ht'NI pr(l(lf yet thnt ~l11rln"'' ''"" 11rt· ually lh11 11111h,,r of the ""'"'' rrle· bl"llted work~ . 1l11u,1:h1,rio Patty 11nrt X11nr~· of 1'11c3'ln. A rrz wer4' h"111<rj:'t1··~1 ~ Ill lhe Clay Summer-ell hnml', t9e9 ln U P:! Ml\rl1•\\f' """"' l'"""•llV Mnnrn\·111 Av" \<>HA ~te1111 lut rnurdtred 1111rr a hr;I\\ I tn 11 l.nn· I werk. lf'll\,nit 11 flf'r th,. Yourth of don Inn. Hill n111rf1, 1. r " ,. ~ur· Jul~·. WIN A FORD THUNDERBIRD in ~ew lpanff LA.Contest! •ll,100 IM PRIZES Harbor 515 Cowpokes and f,fope Make Indians yer. jWllor organlul1on11; H11rolrl Welch. cle11.n-up. Much Coordlnlltorll of the Roundup 'Wampum are Bun11ter Cred~y 11.nd GPori:r Hoag Ill. By coming In C'nstum~. Ltd1> comJll,t• 408 32nd ~t.. the P ost Office Street, Newport Beach. CRAFT CLAN GATHERS AT RING HOME ll waa a galherlng of thl' Cra!l COURIM which l<ennHh C:rafl Jr ho11ted ov .. r J uh· 4 al lhe H11dd Rm~ homl'. ·624 Ramona nrlvt-Mr anll Mr" C1 aft ant1 1mall dnughtf'r <::1- ken were herf fr om Phoerul( lo 11tAy with hi'r parentll By MRS. MATT OBER JR. reaidenta can "~hoot It out"~· Udo .lslandei:s are aJI w oun. d up over their Roundup! T. he 1 !!Oml' fabulous prii~11. whi(.'h w1 I •;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:=:~:;:;;;;;;;;;::;;::;;::;::;;::;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ \¥homping-big whingding."'8 J11lated for Friday, July 29. 7·mid-be 11ward~ durin~ the ~v .. nmi:. •; · h · . A 11urprh1e door pnu, Mlm&I typr 11g t when .all Lido cowpo k es, little and large, and their dead or alivP, Ill ahtn at'l ror ~ , BRUNCH COATS I ~uests_ \\ill be corralled m t he two bl~ka a djacent t o the I lucky wlnnC'r. Thert wiu awlmmm5' 1n thP pool r!UrlnJ:" morning houri! R barb~ue lunch"lln a nd after- wan1 at111lt11 "all"f1 to ~11n PPtl· ro to ~f'e the Honolulu rR•'l' 11t11r-t ThoAe pruen' rncluf1ect ~Ir and Mrs Mor~11n Craft Jr . or 'Wl'stwoort; the Mnrr111 H ll\'• 1 famllv. wl)lrh mr1t11'lr11 itW> dau~hten, ot San Lheg•1; ~Ir 11nrl Mr11 Wrsltv Nut11:n, Mr an1I Mrs. Tom Craft 11nd baby Lisa. Mr11. Gnrrlnn H<>lhng11- head, Biii Rlnr and Mr. 11nrt Mni. Ring. ' DAR Plans Fall Fashion Event Mrll. A. L. Ptnklf'v waa hostf'J\.~ a t a lunchron at her home, 1 ~3 Brolldway. Costa Mf'u. fnr mrm· bC'rs ot a commll\Pf' wh1rh made plllns for an 1>11rh· fall fa,.h1nn clubh,ust'. Roundup llcktl11 may be obt11in-I s r<Jnsur.·d by the Lido IMle Com. 1 booths or thPlr own choosing. ed from lhf' red·be·nbboned mill· Barn d&nr' bluu wlll M beat box Lid t mun11y A icsoe1otlon. the Roundup out b~· the Udo J unior Band on ea on o. ont o a 11trut, 1s th" l'et•rind annual nC'1ghborh<>Od thC' San Rt'mo ten.n1a courta which runcl·r8111mg proj~l I~ ii! follow-will be de-netted for a coloCllla.J I Host Natal F ete 1 uia lhe t ~11 or l_ast yellr 11 family convrr:11on Into a bam-stie danc.. M d ,03 fh·sta. the Sh1pwrec:k Ball. when hllll. I r. •n Mrll. Frf'd Jttyn~r , nvl'r 1500 L1do1tea sailed through Chow Unea wlll form at tbl' 40lh St.' were recrnt ht>8t!! at a! th , turn~tile• 1 blrthda) dinner honnnng Mra • • · anack bar In thl' clubhouM, but I PaL Tolanf1 of Cnvina. lnC'lud"d a· S"·~nty·two fef'l of boolh11 art art autt¥ntlc a ntique> popcorn vend· mong· J:ue11t11 were Mr Tnland, being a1·t up t o houu games of mg machine wOI also .be r nndlng al'° Mr and Mn. Jnhn Morruwn • 11k1ll and trll'ndJy g&mblmg with out goodle• on lhe 1<treet. ,of Costa Men . I confe<' .. rale bill.I el 11take. Shadl'll of Joe "Finger.·· CIJrr I--------------will be emanating trom the club-I Thr 111ue people will have thfir houat lounge when ahort movlea' From Oklahoma I own g·.mbol by means of paby acco na 1 d b I k )od burro rides. Their tour-tooled 11ta-m"'_n e Y a n c e eon are Mr. and Mr.• R \\'11\'nt' W1lh1le I blr-mates w11l be hoofing It around cranked up for an evenln~e run-Alld tamil~· • 1 l!l:!O °C11ntlntnt11l th{• lslar.d during the evening to mng. I Avf'., CMtl\ >-I"! h iw c> rc>turntd l<>ad up their hay rir;ll with local All hoedo'!'ln lowdown la In the lo lh'ir N'wpon V1st1.1 homl' after dud.-•11 who can't make the trail h&n_dll of Paul Butler. (l'neral spending a ye.1r In OklHh1•n111. cha.lrman. with t.he followln( aerv-r -------------on foot. Or boot-pinched pedea· lnr In top commltteea; Mrs. Ralph trltu1.a can 1ro tlrat·clau vi.a a Ah d I H "t l 160,000 Con .. top. •t•s•c~c.h n-rena, ecoratlon•: Richard n osp1 a booked for Roundup bu• -rvlce. Ma.cur, ..,tertalllment and mualc; I Mra. Don McCallum of 4.15 San Mn. Olady• •l&mbaUl'h, food; Bill Bera&rdnJo Ave. celebrated her The Lido Isle Yacht. Club. T9n-and ~\ldny Orundy, "°°~ and 1 blrthdll)' July t at 'Hoa« Ho.pltal nri< Club ancl Womans Club are 1amr11, Gene Rou, finance. Rob-whtre ahe la r«u ratln trom an ear h 1011talllng wampum-maklnc 1 ert Bogen, promoUon; Jame11 Saw- 1 Jpel'alion. pe g E d 4 h Y Anyone lntere•ted In orr;•nlzmg 1 • n s t ear a play group at COala MeN Park Connecticut Guest .show. Th" 11(f11ir will hi' ,:1vrn £ 1 '" '' tn cont11("t Mrs. Gordon Vu11t11~,1t her .s1i1ter, Mrll. MllbPn at 819 Governor St, C011lll MeM. G. Hill o' 2080 F .. drral Av~ <'n~t" of Miracle Cotton "No Iron" Pabrlu SPECIAL While They Last! Get 2 , for the Price of One 2 for s7s9 (One For $3. 99 > SPt:CIAI. Rl"l' OS NYLON GOWNS Wnf' Sl!.t!\ to 11•.t~ Broken Slue and Colora 2737 E. Coast Hwy., Her. TlOB Corw clef Mar Parties for Hospital Vets Sept. 2-8 by <.:ol. W ilham <"Abril 0 Chapter. DA R.. an•I 111 nnlv (unti· rll1111ni.: tVf'nt nf lhf' ye11r tr.r thr C'hapt,r. rrOCl'PdS gn tO lh!' ph1lan- 11 •• K. D. R. 01ckty al the pa.rk., Meit.\. will be Ml•~ lrf'nf' Krllmf'r Thf' pley group wciuld be tor pre· o! Jiac1.fnrd. ('t)nn. who .,, exp•·t·t· i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g achool childrtn who 11re not r over-ed this wrek for 11 lwn """''kl!. 1111 y f. rd by U'le pre81'nt recrea tional I throp1c anrt fdllr&tuml\l llC't l\"ltiP11 \\"hfn American Legio A Sharing ho11te1111 dutlc»• with th!' rhaiy, \;nit 21ll. enter~aln,..ux; vtcl' rl'Jtl'nt w"re Mmr!I \\'1ll11m1 Rl'flUJl from Long Beach VeteT&nll B Trill, reg .. nt Rnfl Anni' H 11r-lln!<pHAI on Wednr&<Jay It w ill be11on. lll'nPrlll C"h111rm11n of 1hr program. lf!!iil!Si155~i!S'l!m5i!SZ25C5ZS~i!S'l!m~ t»hr<>n ~how. mar k c-nmplelion or four ye11rs nf mrmthly parties for dlllllb)td vet· Oth<'rll prf'1<f'nt Wl'rl' Mmr11. er&nll and 11omelhing 11peclal Ill George 8U<"C<>l11, anil J11ml'11 B. being planne11 in th' way or en• T11ylnr, l1ckrt11, f'nn11ld P. H.1rt. lrrtarnmrnt. mndtl~: Rnverl Kl'ppen. and dP· R111•11ell Mccuen, U 8illtanl to l'Ora tlon,.; 8 . M. AdrAtn, A E:. 1 Col. McBr1en, chiet ot 11peclal eer· Stocktnn. lA011ter Vierling, print· vice,. At the ho11pltaJ ls upected lnsi: Ch11 llPn F'. LAn•IPr11, \\'. E to be present. Mrs. Roherl Fisher Hrlml'r 0 1t•kry 11ncl l;P ,1. Brig.1?1< is cha.lrman 11 n d B&rnf'll. I Ml'll Frl'd R. Joyner co-cha.lrman of the committee In ch&rJte. Mr•. B .. I. Methodist Picnic at Park C:1lbtrt Orel ill pl11nn1nir dl'<"Ora- 1 ttonll with other memt>eni H· !11 .. llOJt Th" Jun,. party waa 'hOlllUll~ by Mme~ P . J . Wl111<>n, Theo Rob· 1n~ I G. Gnr<ion and Clayton Th"MI'-""" Lunr heon wall followed by game!! and a trip around the b11.\· in the Martin Pollar<l bolll, ~k1pper"d by Lnira.n Hendnckl!On. Music Studio Permit A mu11lc 11tud10 will be built a t 180S OrllJ\ge A \'t. &C:l'Ordlng to a pl'rmll takt n out at the Coata Mesa .city bulldlnr; department July ~. Valw1tlon ot the 1tudlo wu 11el at $3672. G. T. McLaugh· lln wu named contractor . Son for Bradys Mr. and Mr1. Oeorre Brady. 1118 Marigol<1 . Avt' .. art' parenla of •a 7 lb .. 9 oz .. boy, bnm June 29 a l St. J nllC'ph Ho11pllal. Mrs. Spencer Ill Mu . Carle M!'8R waa a treatmenl In HoJOpllal Spencer of Coet.a ?'fcent arriva l tor Fullerton Coll&lf I Daughter for Youngs, The annual Church !'lrhnul p1r- mc ot th' Balboa hl&nrt ~"•m· mun1ty Methn0111t C'hurc-h 1s i<latrcl for \\"edn!'sday. J uly 20, &l the C-011111 Mell8 P11rk It "·111 he , ... m. btnfd with re.iru1Ar monlhlv fnm- 1ly ru1tht llUppi'r. · Act1vit1e11 will ~gin 111 4 rm ~hen the youU11 ltnP U)l for thPrr trad1lJOnRI nlCl'I! Rncl l;11me11. OM· aters will all!O haw• &n oppor111n1· ty to partlclp8tfl In the run. <:Pn· 'ral plan1 are IM>ln1t mArll' b\• ~I,,., IP. F. Balnu. churrh 11chool ·11upH· lntendent. 40 K'd A d Marine Sgt. and Mra. Roy Lft 1 S tten Younir of Coat.a Mu11 are par"'t• of a irlrl born J uly 1 at the U. S. Story Hour Class N11va1 Ho11p1t•' 1n corona • ~lore than ~o r hllflrtn llrl' now Steigners Have s~I attencl1nJ: the 11lory hour ot tht Mr. and Mr•. Marlin Stt'lgner. your .J) V jll 1: includes a Little Leaf!,11c baseball field in the new Halecrest h~:r@) S.i.1 A .... fl -W1l•1r & lH hl•...,_-1Clmbtrl1 S·lt1l Thi' picnic 1111ppf'r, nl"f'n tn 1111 p11ri3hfoner11. will lwitln el 6 :10 E&ch famlly Is 81<kt'd to bnnl! 1t11 nwn food &.nd ta blP ioi-rvl<"'· l'nft drlnk• and cMf Pe will l>4!' prnVidr<I. 301 Eut Flowt r St., Co11ta Mua rnmml'r 1 cr rea11on proirram of the are parent• ot a boy born In Hoag :"\cwpnrl t:nion High School 0 11· Hospital June 30. I Dils5ZS~iZR5i5i55!5Z55!5iZ2~5Z5iiSZSi~ trir t. Th1!1 l11 ~t we.-k Mrll. l.enna 1 K••nertliy 11~i11n l"Rptur .. '1 lh<' Im· 111t1nat1nn nr hC'r y<>ung audlrnrt' * featuring Catalina Swlmw.ar White Stag Sportswear A. G. Spalding & Bros. Shoes Belgimere Sweaters Wondame~e Sweaters lvan-Frederics DrMses • We Give S&H Green Stamps • Open Every Niqht 'til Nine 303 M ain • BALBOA • N ea r Pavilion PhonP-H arbor 509 Son for Whitmores wtt h 11 Mfarl t't nry run of w11'1 11nim11I< J <>rry &ntl Jo Ran/11111, P11m Brown and OIAnne Papint'aU Jfltntr1 the rloll w11rdrnb,. cll\1111 at «0~111 Mr•;• P11rk whtrt thl' glrlit lrl' ""' 1 ktni;: hllrd 1ow11rt1 th .. 11 f'rll.t'll whrrh IA'lll be in,·,.n rn th" \\·11rd· I rn~ rnmJ>"llt1on a t the doll 1how., 4 ACRE BECBEATION AREA ;vitl1 su:imminsz pool-tcnni.f courts- . ........ --- Mr 11nd Mr11 Rlrh11rrt \\'htt· mor<'. 81l0 N1111nn~I A\'" c·11•111 Ml'8&. 11re par,.nu nf 11 i lh . I '::- oz. boy born July I in St. Jnsrph Ho11p1tat. SUMMER IS HERE .. Time to ~w for all tho se warm weather neede. Sport.wear: Saikloth. P oplins. Twille. T errycloth. Cotto n. Jersey. Co ttons in fast color pr eshrunk. wrin - kle rMUltant and satin finish. - DreN up; Orlon and Egyptian Cotton both light.a and darks, Nylon & P1mas, Silk & Viscose. For that Co11t Dress: W rinkle resista.nt Linen1. Raw 11illl1"'-Cotton M~t('la88<', a nd line t be.m with the Pon- gee 'YJ>e mat<'nala. Bartine' s . Calico ShoP I I I East 18th Street-; Costa Mesa LI 8-20 r I handball courts-picnic area- club home-Little League field gives a -'bjlB* to reW/ents of the n e1t· HALECRES T Campus ' -1- PAGE 4 -PART I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY. JULY 15, 1955 BENJAMIN IUYS IONDS FOR $18,000 FROM SUPERVISORS 4 New Officen Added by Chief to local Force w1tll J.100 r aah ano1 ltl1•n11rk11Uon 11\e 1 .. ft It In th• ladltl l"OOlll anti pa~··• 10·&11 laken ln>n1 t he lad19a I when llh~ wtnt Mtk to pt tt. It room of lh• Hllrl•Y Bell. She ••Id wa• i on•. NEW POST OFFICERS TAKE OYER l!IANTA ANA, (OCNS\ -Th• Oranr• County 8'1•~d of 8 uper ... laor1 1\it lday 90id J,ll.000 worth of 1'rabuco School dla~ct bond.a to la....•.bidd1nr Korace H . 8Pnjamln or Hl2~ E. Balboa Blv4 .. B&l boa. Under Benjamin'• ofttr, the dl1trit't wl\1 p.i.y lh"M7~!M,) in intereat OVJr the 18·yeat ma lut1nr •pan. Hla 1nttrf.1t l"lllt : S% per cent. with a $111 pttmtum. Total n•t coat to the d!•- lrii:t 5:1378.M>. Only other bid wu •ubn1ltted by thf' BL>nk of An1f'r1ca. 11 ottered 1. f l?! prfmium •nd 11 3~ )A!r cent 1ntf'rr111 r•te, Total COii! to !he district : S829t.~. &ilnk or A1nerlc1 1nterf'..l'I totallr:d $8i 12.!>0. FQur n..... me11 'll'fre 11d!lrd lo the N.:11.·porl Btach police fore, toda~, r 4•llr" Cht,r John Up11£!! •nnounf f'<I. I Thou who 11.·111 ~ prob./lt>n1111.ry appolnltt'I to the force art Sa.n1uel 1 Ambur,1tP)', Curt11 Sf:Ut'l. Pll!l!p H11/l an11 Dnna.ld Graham. Hf\ll 11.nd I -::::::::::::::::::::::::"=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; C ta hs 1n hive .., l"\'td 111 re.wrvf's. -' The four new 1nen bri"k th' Hoinbrook, larn•• Named Group HeaCI• Amon1 thoae appointed 11 rom- mlttee he11ds to the Or1111i:e C(>UflY Auoc:!11tPd Chamber• or Commttce are tour IOC"al rt'llldtnta. \ T. M .. He.mbrook will l'h•lrme.n the rout crlalr~ commlttef'. Rob· I ert Barnea will head lcgl1latlon &nd taxation. Art ~!eyers "-·Ill ! head the 11s.nll a tlon commll!ee lllld J ohn C11rr will bead up pto(l'am,. · ThrY 11.-llt 9t'rve until July I. • 19.')tl. Zink in Cra•h votvf'-d i11 a "r1111ti recf'n!ly 111 1"1111 •If offlrers !!I :18. l.n addition, lhc ((11.:e II~ DUI'. paundn.1•11._, II l'!'!'-~~ln~ l(Ull!'o! f<1r 1rhl'.l<)l n1onlhJI. r"·~ "·orn~n 1·lr 1 ks 1nd • m11tron. Ne"'·~rt.__!1h•tl. !fl•! ,'!:'.!! _!d<1o, JX1l1rr r~portPrl. No l!rlalb "·tro• l•k•·n &JI lhl" Ch!n'I r<'ald<'nl h11d )Pfl the 1<;t"nl'. H111 car rec,.iv~d 12:1 In d1tmag .. 1 ""hll~ Z1nk"1 cRr, rr- moved by tow tntck. !nrurrt'rl SJOO Clayton in Crash e•tlm•ted dam&gf:ll. pohc .. •aid. ! ~17nor &•l'1ol.-11t ui:rurred ~f'nt· ---ly <iny un \ht 11<•Ulh<'ll~l r11.n1p to thf' $570 Loot Taken at Arrht'll O\'t'rru. ""h('n • t'llr drl1·-~n by J L. Lufkin of l,(in_g Bf'afh spparrntl)• 11u1e<1 o\'er !he double line. poll<'t 111u d. Lulkln'11 .o:•r hi! G11C1ron Apartment Burglary nf 15!0 "·orth of per-11nothrr ;lrh·fn by H,.rth& ~f. Clay- a()nf\I tff~ct11 rrun1 1111 apartn1,,n! Ht inn nf 7fl9 Kin1t11.Road ,,.·hlch wu 1000 E. B11lbna D!1•d. ncrupird by 1 i.;ni111; In !ht' nprn~itf' dlrert1on . J olW'ph H. Gearon Stlndll,V Wllll rP-~ -------------- ported to f>illlcf'. ] D p ...,_ft Ottlr,rs 1111Ld the "l:tt'en on t hl' 0Gft UfSe Ins" , - \ - SAVE MONEY On Auto In•-• with State Fann M-1• - "t 'if at\ll'l .. p\1111 Drl~lf • ,... ••C,of•ftl\ ft04\\Y 1P1"'~\t7 eo"•~ yo'~· u•• 'Pf~r17 • HEW A ··s· twp Do""' l'lo1t" ,..,.,,. C'.ocn Mid Co1111.1!~ _j lnstall:il ion of nf'w officers fo r F.xptore r Post 17, Corona del 1111.r, was held 'recently 11.t the 1u111ual pot luck Jinner at t}le Commun ity Church, F'ron1 left standing, Lyn B:irton, ad1·is1Jr : Bruce .\l aegurn, senior crey,· IC'ader : Randy Peeler. deputy senior crcv.· ll'ader ; ~like Gov.·cn and Kent Harvey. both crew lf'aders ; sittii:i.g. John Van Dyke, trcasur('r: John \'ale, s<.-cretary and Da\·e Harshbarger, quarter muter. -Staff Photo Cari dt1,•en by J11mea B. Zrnk, 40!'i Serra Drl,•e 11nd 11.nolhf'r by R.. L. .Ander&(ln, Chino "''rre In· front tfnor 1\·11~ cut tu gnln f'n!ry.I ~\a ry ~~1~r1nnr "Kllll<'" Doan of Ge11ron reported IO!UI of blnQc11-'.!721 t:. Con11t 11•,i:h\\'ll}". told =-:ew- lar11 , radio. j~welry and money J rort p<ll1cr on Jul~· ti her rurar Far Details CittH UIMrty I· 1011 tSS E. 17th st. Co.ta Meaa. Calif. W.L ...... ----------------------------· l1tfg N an attr•cth·• bu)'lnc oppor· TODA Y'S N. Y. STOCK REPORT & COM__MENT --- :;'.A'.\""TA ,\XA. J ULY 1:1 10C:\.St per!OO of profit lllklng anrt ap· :-.;,.". Yflrk noon i'fln1 n1en!-~11n ! peara &tlracth•e. A!1led by the \\"Jlt•·r & t ·,. "penlng of R<:Vcral new Uranl"he1, l'll!f<'rr• <i r '"t1·cn1c ~dt"Cll''ity lhi11 year's rt"cord sale~ >1n<I t'•rn· ront1n11t·~ ...,·11h .. <1t 1111y 11np••rt11nt ini:n are in prosp-t•rt wlth 13 .• ~I) ~r 1·han1;··~ ln thf' nv<"rai:•"· ll\lllvi· ahar,. l<"nl11!1vely eatlnn1.lffl. O n <11rnl 1,,111 ~ ,,r 111(• ~ll'l'i. rnot or lhla bll.-.ill'. the $1.80 dividend '""In· 11art.'I. < h•·i"" al. aJuininum and 11Jr-taJnM tor lhe last five y1·11r11 1n11y Ulll l.~ u~ Hlll'"J''N \\"1th a P•l of tie Jric re111tcl. J;flll'P rl'('l'nl l~· cu1n- ~1'"' 1:ilt1<"" "I"" 1111n. ,-.:ear h•ri\t 1nented upon the pole1111a1 In '.\!l\cy ~pht /'l"l'.>l'/l<'<l.'1 nre refJe1tr<I tn !he \\"hlch continue1 11ttr11<t11·r . l11~la•r' 111 h •<I !!'!ll!lt' .. l\"UCh "'" Ou-T !lfO\"t: A.Ht:AU l'.•lll un!I Heynolot11 n\t•lal.'1. ~:,. .... 1. !••nt ,.,x nlrinth" ll\ll.(inentlL nc•·nu' A111ong lhf' spcc1111tie1, \\'h1rlpool 1,,r i;fH n;;\h 111 l\Ppnblit• Sill:• 1 11.J .Sce,i;-er n101•ed RhPRd In r'e· ,\11~,:h,.r.i· Liiolhlnl anJ CrMI\<' ·'J"-'ll~i: lo go"alp Of R po~ible n1fr- ! '!\\" ~1, ,-i t '••!l!Jl;Ul}', v.·hit•h hiui I i;t<r. Amrr1c11n Bro11di;11stu1g.Para- I U.-.thl h n1<1Unl lhe111er11 ('lltfn<l"'•l ye~lrr-11n•cutt' inti·r• at Ir> e r m df\y'11 1ul\·nn1·r int" nr"· hiKh :-i (C•'I 11nd l ' 8. ~\c•cJ. June11 f.augh· ground ant.I 11ppran1 q uite itt!r11c-l111 1>'1• hl'•"!I lla··k1nl' Hnd ftlling rir an •·Xt•·wti•d 1,ri·iod, \\'h k h h!l.ll \!vr. pn.rlirulnr!y on dlp11. ha,•inr h•Hll IJ.(i!h" funi lm~e an•I 8rrord• completl'tl an t'lllende<l consolida - t!nn period . r•1•:;1IJv ra\"f•r11h!" up~ld~ J10lvnth11. Rece11t advunce or Eleett1c .Au-1·:111 l'ull!:.< '"P"rl""nt·e 1hl11 ye11.r la ,,, 11·,: , 1 ···I 11y 1norr 1 ,.1<[1 ~t•l" 11c-lohtl'! hua ~t1n111l111e<I cift hrn rd ru- .. 1,• 11111: l'"" 1· l111·r.•. ""hll"h 19 mak-· mon1 of 11 liuyout by C:hry11!er. 1 : 1 ,, ,, 1y f.<1"Hral)J ~ 0·o1npari-\\'hile !hi~ "·ou!1I be II Jog k al 0011~ \'1• 1,1 ,.,.111111111., 1 ... tl'!laUve l)' inove, It would app<"nr th11L the :····· ,. • ~ii l'"r rt·n! fron1 11 "'ell '''lllh appeanr to be f"lher !n the tunJt.y. \\'lth the 11.·eekend I.head, look for a quieting of lntl'~lt &11 the day prog rrsse1, v..itn. evening up oper- auon" contributing toward• a lhlx- 1•!1 cJ011e. DOl\' JO~t:l!l·I P.M..~4\""£0:.U<E!l)_ .'l•l ln1\\19trl1\1 ..... 460.~ up 1.112 20 Rails . 159.30 up J.27 1:1 Ulll!Ue• ·-···.,-·· 6:1.16 Up 0.18 l p.m. Volume: J.200,000 v1. 1,120,000 on T1Hlraday. l.Ot"A l. !-!TOCK LIST BID a ASK Hank or America J91i-f2 Beckmlln Jnatrurnrnt .... 21 '!4 Ce.llrornla Uank _. t.O-li.-&o°' Oillney l\\'lllti -·--u· . 06'2 •IHI~ f·irst Weatrm Bank 62"'·66 GIM.Sllpllr 2%·3" H•U Scott :\fotora . 4"'-·ll lnter!'!llte Engln11trlnr .... 10~-12 :\tark•'l Bllaket Com 23-24 Ji !>layfulr ::O.larketa 91'·10 !>tinute ,_la!rl . . ... J f ',li-1 4 ~ Se<:. l 11t N•t 'J Bank o53li-37 Thrifty Drug .... fl 4.·l0\,i Tre'"""·'"et ···-·· 1!i-8" V•n C•mp 5,., t'ood • -···· 71'o-8"4 U.S. l\•11t'J. Rank, S.D ........ 21 -22 'A'fu.rd Boat •••·•A 2·2% Cox Baby lay lom Mr. 1nd ;>.!r11. Pn.nkHn Cox. 16:'\ C<'cll P lace. C'oAta Meaa , are par- en!.<I of A bny b<lrn J uly I If\ Hoa.g- Hnaplt111. , , ', I .c'! d"'"l"n•f. whit h C'Ould thought llt thi~ !line l!u""'''' r f•n 1 .. ~nr'l·I ''~•::<•·I "1lh 11n 111t.J11ion· ii• o"·n el\rn1nj!11 n1rrlt fr .. 1 1h1u .• I 1 ,,. .. n J ,!~~l,,ll••·lll•·nl Arcord· F.:!tctr1r All!"lHe \~ R ,·,q·y 1 ,.11~ .. n-:-------------- DEATH NOTICE ) .••. t.•L .. ·~·"" , nt:.11b 11""11·1·all' abl" 1·11 lul', "'' lllu1 ""'"Id hp in· , .: "1 "., ·1111, 1111,. l"'tr·nl •:.I 11~ I clinl'<I In H~l' pen11c!• nf prr•f1I ttik· •l.1 ', i:· lL1,.:;;a1 ,\ lit• .. ll :--------------1 ·----::::7"-::;:;::;;::----\l i • ._ ;oll•1 ;\l;iy 1·1, im!'l'(i\•·rl rP· f"ARL lll "fiHE8 11. 1•·-••1••\.•,; .. 11!! "r ··~·•l/.·nt DEATH NOTICE G r111·"s1<lf' services t or Ca rl 11 -1"1 ~~ In u,,. Jr.11.10rt:tn t flrra ! 1--------'-------·l'''11yn•· Hu.irhf'.-.. infnnt eon of Mr. holl .'1 ,.. hn• ;, ... r n au!'J•:• t In " l•t:\\'t:•r t "AHl.t:\· :in,! .\!111. HRlF<>t E. Hughe&, 43:; I \Vest ll11m olt lln St .. Co~lll ?>1e llll II \lt01.U I .. llt;:-Tf'.RL.l" t \\'In• f'r<>mnllon I I NOW SERGEANT IN GERMANY 11111""1·! I. H r~T·•rly. SU!I "r )Ir. ltTl•t )I r~ t: I! ll r~l "JI.'· 2276 C!Ul~·on J"r1.-r. Co,ta :\!~•a f••t'Mll.1· 11.'I.• prflr.lntr<I h> •<'Tf:~1<n c 1n t;c1·n1any. "'"hrre hi' I~ IL l'"'J•···( clPrk '" !h11 h1.•\ ll111tu•n11 <>t(\'"I' "t tl1P lng1.•t,.·a\ lll't"lL<'I\ ~l Mt'K•l- fl\11\J\rr~. s .-.uth1·r n 1\rrll l'1>n1· 1111111·1. tn ),!nnl•·!1. Srri;:rHn\ Hr~t .·rl)· rnt.•rrtt thl' ,\111'1' in FPhlllllfY 19Hl 11no1 rnmplel<!'d !">11.•w tr11in1 nir nt F011t 0 ... 1 Th" :.'l·~·r11.r-o!d ~n!d1,.r ntt,.nrl· f'<1 0 n1ni.:e Cnu 1 1-nl1•·1:··· B~· fore f'n1rrtn~ lhP An11~·. ht. 11·11~ ~mr\ny~d •~ • lnnl 11 ri•I •ion 111:1k,~t f\~· r1.-.ui:l11~ A1r- rr11rt. lnr, In I.on~ ~•Ch. ll'S. AR.\!\' PHOTOl s,,rv1rr~ for I"lt'\\'"1' V," h-,\' r,11. "'"~ held tod11 y st 10:30 a.m . in 11·h., •tir<I Mld•l•·nlv \\'1·.in .... 1:"· 111 .\!\'Ir·•~•' Ahbry Crn1etery. The I the Sta>:l' .\lot('!, will i, .. ho>],! .\11m-11 .. , .. Chnri:ca F'. H and of!Lclated. d11y 11t th" G1•·,.nh1wn 1"h:•ro-J 1!11-Th•· b11hy ,,..11n born Sunday at l<l'r~r1~ld. lnl••rnil'nt will b" ut H•·n g HO~f'HAI And died t"'·o d•ys Cr.·enh1v:n '.\l~•n••l •lll l'.•tk H~ltl. nfl ~r hirlh He \a aurVJ\',(I by h111 Murh111r\' '·'in •·hnri.:•• ,.f "''"•ni: .. -r:iient~ fln tl thrf'r broth,r11 of the fll• nl.~. 11 .. 111e ad.Jr~11s. al110 hl11 gr11nd- A fnt nH•r 1f:~1·kn\ ur H"k"1~-r"r"n''· .\!r. and '.\Ir•. Ue H urhea f1,.\d hr hll•l 11,·l'•l h"I• n•111 Ul"n· nnd !>I r 11nd .\lrll. Gro•·er Oo"''ll· lh". Mr 11·:1~ a na11vc ,,f·T,•nn•·.~·"''" ria.:. t•r ;<.!1s~oun. PRrkf:~-R!rlley Mr. t •arlry lell\'"~ h1~ "·1fr, :<.!<'' tu·jf}' llf Co~la !-1e•• v.·111 In Tlallna f.: F.11!•••' Jl.~k· t•!u•!.J rh:i1i:•• .,f nrn1ni;:••n1rn\,, GET-UM BODY SCRATCHES AND NICKS BEFORE RUST DOES I IXPIRT, ICONOMICAL WOllll ON Milo, Botly HepaitS ,,,,,1 "11nf 'fi11cll .. Up! 1Jn!1 H•• t" .. 1tar ;, •i14t' Now i1 1hc 1im• If> "I'''' •nd rcr-1111 Md~· o.:r1«h•• 111d ••Y ni• m noel•~ t.11 l 'J .,. 11\rrn Mfnrr 11(,:ST d<Mt! h"• mu<h mllr• Knnomi1.C 10 KF.FP ,.,.,,.,cir •ni1h in J<><>d •'-!"" 111111 ;, i1 10 ''"'°"ii 1hu W int•r'• ~.--.J...Ji,1aJ.101d t.a h.J ho~• door 1lnir <!.m1i •· Our • Roo!y [•!"'"' dn f1•t •• ~Ttii\. ~-<fulli'l ....,,11. • &ronom1<1\, 100! A11L 111 for '" 111im111! No · • obfii1tlon, of tou111. Corntr 2nd ~ Sycamon -1 ---- ' • ' to -01STllCTIDI! ens At Chapman and Weot in Garden C..Me ~The Beverly Hilu of Orange County~ UN MATCHED QUALITY i1 youn al Beverly CardenJ in 1he 10lld con11ruc1iou, di11.h1cti"e 11yling, and cullom •ppoinlmmh of thn.e top Yalue home&. Continuoua concrete louadatitm wall1 {no 1!ahl): genuine lath and 1>l&1ler intcrio~ (no dry '1f&il1); oe.lt hardwood llooring laid on raised a11!>-lloo1t: ffoor·IO-t"ei!iog firf'· plaeq-hcre is 1 IOUDd inveatm,nt 11 .eo•iblc pricr1 ••. JOI.I" 10 enjoy for a lifetimf ~ VETER ANS •. NOTHING DOWN plu1 imJfllundt om/ cloo;ng c<l"h Morithly Pa~·ment• t72.10 r•ir.riro! on<! In•••••' NON-VETERANS f'.H.A. TERMS Small Down Payment Monthly Paymcot• S6 J ,3S P""""'I"' ond 1n1•rt•1 Full pri<'e fru m ,!:!.,,00() 3 and 4 ~d.room1, 2 Ba1he 3 lkdroom• and Or n, 2 Bath" "So,>«ioU.U~ ;,. "Jitlf1>/ia.J conJll"1J/'I"'" M rh'"'-l""''<llr<>IU of~.¥.•_,..,,. Ad-1/v '""" ~~o kll«h4 !IM.'• t•ROM LOS AN<;t:l.ES : TU.o S.111• AM ftte••y 10 Euclid Avrn1>•. 111m ri~h! to O..p1n1n, tMn left lo made! homtt. r ...... H.rbof Bou•~···d tom 11~b1 onC-.•r'"•" •n 1110tlrl h0tntt 11 W,11 Sir'•'· t·ROM LO:'l'C BEAC H' Tile 5n .. uh !:!tf'tl •·hirh rijn• in10 c.,d .. 11 Grn•·· et.d, 1urn Irk on N1n1h or "\\'eo! S1"u 10 CMpmoti ond W~t Surri M1Virur1 Lo..:•, f..olor C-,.,"4111 Can.,..•tional IJP" br ""'· <;. o.o...au, Colou"'fKl"ory IJP<J by PJ.rwr & Kn.HI. A I A. CENTER Eb in •n Art• of G~al Orporeunity ! -....... ....... Modt.l Ito""' fumiolitd by M c ~AHA N°S San11 Ana and Niw-oll S,U11• • ' 20 Floor Pia~~ .JJ KlnotiolN INCOMPARABLE IT.A'TUllES • • • lor you UM ol U,,..1 • Two-<okiftd -..on. ....... I.th -hU-c..w... ~ .... '"'It.-" 1 COLORm PWMBlNG ...._ i9 .......,,. bat .. 1 JUll.Y-TIUD MD SHOWD:--' 10-. ..... r.b i• -•• , cor.Jitt ..a. •PAYNE~ 1ir p '-'iag. 75,0XI BTU • nllEPU.CES, brid ond 11-s-r-. ,_. lO c.eiliag • ARC\OlA -i tlidt111 P• door 111d 1Utt11 to UNAIS • Btt..AlR beec.hwood ki1ch.,. ub111e11 a NUJ'ONE copper loood, ligM., .~ l i1chen ai.. ... 1 w. • MONOFORM r;enui11t Foninca d11inbM.1tk • ARM'1"1.0NC •r-t1rr liaoiitr• in kilr~n • '' ASTI: KING '"b.t:•.d'"J-<' 1 HARlJ'IOOO P""'""J i11 l1~..,; '"°'"' tnd den ' • ORNAMr.NTAI. ~nu:r.r ucHTS • Url1r WOOD St!INGU: rn<>f• (l1rg• e<>l"ttrl roclo eta \ht ......ittn1) • CEN'Jt.R HAil. Pi.ANS 1 ROf.K•'OOL INSUUTION • 5'f"'r•1e SERVI CE PORCllf..S • Sf.1l'f.R S 1..d an c11y 1111l111n k ...... ~ ,.,,v.._.,..._.."1 • • I ' PO'tVw ReaU.r Compa"w: Sa.Ju Agmtl Salu 0~1. °" CM:pman at Weit PMM LEltiglt 9-90'0 It takeo experience to ' ' build • good home .•. "'e have ovet 30 }'ears of it .. _... . \ Ii .. Good Funny on Residents Humor Isn't ' M~. Report T he Goo<1 llunH1r """' 1i;•paren!· ly pro,·~ •nythlng hut runny 10 re.-ldenta nt Confui1•f!l11t .'H Ill Cruit .. 1'l e•11 Thuraday, )lie•• p<JI••'" 1t>por111 1tcou t a dl,.l ur h•m>-f' con1pl11.1nt at I 4~ p.n1. that day. ''The Good Jfumor l)l jlll pl3.y11 hlJ! mua!e 110 lo1.,J fl rlialurb" !ho• n1•!gh - _barhood.." J C<cla ~b.i:. tlllllnJAl,'ll of~:~~! 1~r ~ .. "'~::~t;,~·~-a!,"~'.rd 1tll [· Rod LaShelle Will Go to Davis in Fall DA \'!.S Rudera k l\!eX a dmL\1"" t" the l'nl•·,.rr,.11 \· n! C111irorn1a "t IJ"'>'!" f1>r thr. f11ll ~ .. m,~l er. Hi!l(l<il!ac l j•"''ll r.t 1:1 Shn11tz 1tnnu11nrP : I I • , . •. \ ' -·----1 \ \ I • ,, .. . ' N.11 . POl ICE t:o•llnllt!d ,..._ t"lral ra .. Th11 t '"""" !o 1(1\'e S,!:t. \\"nght •nd 1h•• hu11b11nd !Im" I t> rru1 ke lh.,ir "11t.ake-out" In the \'\1'11uty of the tran11attlon. 'nie n1e n u.id th•)' .,.·oulcl d ig foxholf't in tht! bt-11·11 sa.nrt, whrre th.:ry cuuld k11•·p a cvn- ~tant .,,.., ,·,n 1>1·h1t1 ,,,.·l'nt on. Thr 'n1<'l'IJn• "''lt .'l '"'l'll-plinntrl 11n\I thr 11:11 l ,,. •• ,. "'ell-]ll'trl~clrd Bu: thr l rJo fi.i::u red "''lthout t1te. NY."'~lkT \\'ATCllt'C L 'n,., h"<'nM" nun•brr of the eou· lr'I r11r h1'1d br-rn bf'f'tl•i"'"~l··•>\'l'r lh<• "'""11 .1·-1.-1'1" P"llr•,. n1d10. ~:1 •·r·"'ll.\{'hfuJ J>Olll'e ln ron1111Un1 · !Ir~ th1 .~u~h-oul the a r<"11 J.<•'Pt an "Y" "l"'n fnr thflt \l'\'eu9., numhf!r . 11n1 kt1n""l1f.: [hf' i:trl "·•11 .,nl'plny· "<( hy thi• sh1•r1fr'B nffor<', but be· t.e•·zni:: h.-r tu bt' R n11n.•otu;1 1d· hrt llUH •'"'l. Appnr~ntly. lhe 11irJ '"'"" follu"'" "•! h)' '."l'WJ~OI t l:leu<-h 11 .. !•re fron1 !h" n1nn,.·nt th1'y drn\'•' Into thr r it\· "OH:-0' I~ \\'Al.Kt:K (irand f:xalfNf Rulrr VIRGINIAN TO HEAD ELKS ·~ Do1111y lrldC)es-Umles Treatment 111 Marla SA NTA ANA J ULY 1:1 tOCN81 ---Orange Cou nty'1 polio t oll for the y .. ,r n1ounted lo l9 toda y ""'ith the addicton of a 4t.,,-year- old xc .. 1:>0rt Bt>•f'h My . County He•lth Ofltcer Ii:. L. nu~U ... i.1 he hM bt<"n lnfnrm~I b~' J.tarln Cuunty hl"al\h o ft1rL•I• lhat D•nnr 0 BndJ,":e•. 21 1 :?8th SI., \II u nd<'ricn•ni: \1"1'1tln1ent !n U1r 1.l11r1n f'r1unty G .. n .. 11•! H~·~pl · tal. H<l!l•l'l\ gw.1,I hr ... ,._..n·1 · \f\lol Qf ths: t.e,·-=.111s "'the l11·\'~ r .. n1h11<1n. Th<' l>o,1'·11 on ... ·t Willi J une :?ii, •c· ft>t1!1ni; In J{uR~<'ll -.EWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I -PAGE I FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1955 and· an lrreJUla.rly •hap&d· p&rOfll of l&nd and 1pproxlm•lrly 1100 feet Into the hlU• bal'k o f the hlfll• -y. . CC -Annexation Pl~ to Laguna llelllfJ St.pped Up Udo ,._ .. ,., Pipe Ca.mt'O 6'vt am , luah horn• Stol at 'G devrlopment or th1 Irvine Co., ltlll rove bf!lnr "•l e pp t .d up" anntxa-SA?o.'TA AXA Jl'LY 1:1 tOCNa) Uon • w\11 ·by La1wi.• Beach or--Soil pipe valuN at 150 .,a.. f!ri1l1 "·ho hope to btin1 the halt· 1tolen yeatrord1y fron1 a •ubdlYI· mile b...a"h etrip •d}i)lftln1 El>!ltr• alo.n undu CQQJlln11;_1ll"n al Gllti.rt llid l:l&)' Into the city bl!for1 Sep· a.nd Joyzelle St.i., Gankn Q;o.,. tembf!r. A n,.w California Jaw on a.Na. •nntxatlona then g~• Lnlo .. tfect. The virtlm wa• Lrdo Ph1mb1A1' thal 1 "huy · "'~" 11p1>ar .. n1 ly bring Th• norlh end •trip wlU add Oo. ot Colla 1>1eaa. Tllkron ,...... m11cl1• al u1 .. b~"rh r<'n•l!'t •·ou~. 7Ml fttl of owa1t.line to lh• city 12 .ff<"tlo111 of plf"'. 1h .. y ..... r .. fl05ln~ 111 for t h• •r-l f"'"'"'~::::;;~:~~:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 f .. 11 nQ\ k ntJ\\'IPI; lb<l\11 thr lhtr- lff h!<l<lr n lfl th<' >tfl.lld~. "Th~\' .. h,~>k UI doy.·n. h•lr· ~:i·~ lhty knt"~ lh<' ,.11~J"'rl had thro .. ·n MI "• """ ""''"""" ""·'' """'' , ... , . J..•Shf'!IP, ll"ll Uf ;\!1 lllU( ,\l!,i A rtl'lllt (; \\' !..11oS hrll• .,f 1)1)11 I Blltbon Av". Hnlh"" I !»no! W•ll ~ ent• r 11.'I " "' animal hu.•1,,,n•h ,. II•• 1, ;, ~r.1Ju­ •I" <ol .';'"l"''t ll.1:1.,,, l 'n"'" H11.th School 11nd h:o • tk• 11 a11 .. r.du't; OtanJl:t '«.r1~! 4 · .. :1 .. ,. .. !>r,t. \\'.ri):'ht 11.nd lh,. wun1an·li. hu.sb;ind ,,..,.,,. 1n 11111•" "' n1••rt1n~ 4 tun .. <il'l'V.' nr•r. T t> .. ~111 ,.t .. rlt<I .. ·11.lk1n~ ltk•/\i:' th"' b••Ar h t o rnm· p\o-t ,. 1ho• ••·rt l•·z•·uu'i, A lr•ne 111:· u r" 1t1 •1wr.1·,,,\ ••U l ••f !ht• •lh1kn•'.'l" :l" I \\'folkPIJ hl\\'!tn l th•• J.:lfl E IKttd Gr•nd Exaltt>d R uler nl th• Bor<nor<1·01rnt and Pn>t<'r• tn·l' l)t<ler o f E lk11 Rt t ll~ !!lMl 1.,;1 aod L(Jt\g~ · Cunvo·nllon in r'hL(ftd,.lphill, p,. \\'•• ~9-Y<'•r­ nJ<J !11,,.·y"'r J ohn L. \\'alktr or Hl">1tnok~. \·a. lie a11r"r"d~ \\'11- lu1n1 .1. Jill n11·k of ~111!l~y. =" J \\'a!ker 1.~ t!urd \'11 i;-1ni:111 In hr a d the F:!k" ~1nr" t ht nr- rl<"r \0°Ji.1 fou.ndaf1n 1S6S =--r"· hc11•I nr t he nation~·,. t.J('i0,(l()(I E!k.• h11,, ,,,.tl'l'•! on the Grand l.ollg ~ <..:on1n11ttl'l' on Juo1icl11 ry 11n1! "l'I Chl<'f J u&llt't! of th<' G.-11nd Forun1. hr11rtf'jly" 1/1 .. ~1rl r"f'l ll.4 "Btil. 3 -NU ~ ........ '" ...... -..... " ... '""" -lu'St··e-IAl_,,.rf, 1111!1 t f\r~· ..-ntt+.ln•t n1a.U UWr •r· _ I I rru.1, r<"tt ·· Th~ p«h.-.. lrft , anrl ao did lh" ~U.•f"""' l\'rr~·ht ll ll•I !h r hu~­ b:o11•l 11r 1• r "'"'"•<! ""'Ill \lwir h11I· lnl! p:ll•" .\ 1111 t:sT ~ t:( ·t ;SSA n ,. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Too Late to ae Classified 20-llr-u.Jth A.ids -------------~l a ,.;sag<.' l.A DJE8 U'.\'l.Y Serl'1ni;: hnnl('. !hr ll111 hor A1"n Fnr 11 pp··t , r111l In your Har hur 7.lic-~0 l..OC.:."-L BOAT ~IA\-\\.IS ('urrcnt prog:rei;s of the Trans-Pacific l:tnce uviicnt<'H l\'tr r Grant's Nc\\·port Har bor 'Yacht-Club entry Na!u I I. abl l\'C', 1s in a good U-..~itt111.lio.~~~antf'd position to take first honors in CJ .~ss C and still have RES IPF.XTIAL. p111nllnJ.': 11011e a c hanr e f o r an O\'Cr:ill w in on crlrrectcd timt". -Beck riln«klr & W<'1l. l<ca,,,mnhlf hput-1 n C"r Phot o ly n•t". L. !'<:>as ... :;!1:12 !0 nl1•n __ _ :r\'~·pc::i• .\fel!11 LI 11·74 !~,11~f~~1 FROST, LEWIS I',',,'.',,°',,," sProncl-place h"nur!O. "''ht1" <1rn11pc1I ti"1·k l et fifth. turf' o r Sil f' !.--CoaUnUf'd frum f'lrat l'a ae h<'hl \!>l•I aft~·rnu••ll "n' lllp, 111_ 32-f'umJ f I I Tl:•• fu11rth and r1nHl rar\' "'·•~ O'KEEFE-~--:,~~P,P.;J;.-,8nJ:e 111hl'•I lhl' rat'I' in toiuth placr ;ini.:ul.ir ,..,111 ~,., Th•• v.·in•I, 11 '''f~l· F gtd i & m!Ul g t111iini;: rm Th., 11ccon<I l'll<'I'. orq,:1nally ~.-hr-o·rly. h.1<1 dl'"flPt"I lo 11 bnul :; n1ph •• ", ,,,'. ','., '""· ·: 0 · Jul,. I ror thrH «·1u11· u'tern'"'" , , .. " 71Jc!IO ' ' · • · ' · qf lo·~~ Ht the 11\art, lll\ll ln fR f'\ "''"-.'! po~lp<)ned until Sunday mot)l• ll('\'('l'al 1,.,;,t.s v.·or<r•• \•JWf'11 1111\ to SS-Roats, Sul!,P_li~'""---- CLl'.\'"l!:H liuilt 1\1nghy ll·fl. lo ng. tlJl:Jl:'l'd fnr 011tt>o11.rrl. Sult11ble for f h!HI. $:;!~. Cn.ll Har, J93i-H 7Sp80 '6--Auto. tor Sale '53 CHEVROLET in;: '"'Ith ih .. hop<' \hilt co.nd1tu.n11 l/w J.ne Bt .. w1ni.: •lo.,.·n o\'er th\' '"'ouh1 be better. The 1lt·r1111on pa111 hill ut.1<•1·~· ,s,.u,'>l•l itr>. it "'all \'l'rv orr. !nn unAt•·ly. and U1e racl' "''"~I 11hitt1·. 11 n•! 111<,.111,..1 lu ln11irovc ,,·.'! 11~He-·1 In ll. 1~-1 5 mph 110Ulh, .. ,.~~1 Yuti .n1uvr,I Clll-"•'r t h lh•· Golol••n v.11111. T om ....... 11111.n ;: h!~ fl('" Ga\•' All u '""111\, n\OM\ .,, l h•· dacron o.a1l11 for thl' lirst llml'. '"' southtrn C:11111utnH1. lx.11.la. unfa1n- wt re many ct the othl'r ~kipper~. Hi11 r with thr local rond1Uo11.'l, r.terTIU led the fleet lo the rtr~l 11tRrlrd at t ho ..outh r nd of th" mark or the two-lap trisngular hno:-, 11.nJ a lth<JUJl:h th"~ d id "-'<"ll caur11e. Tom wa11 ... ('ond """ Ll'l' for a "''htlP t h"Y aoon •lOJ>J'(''t Thomp~n or Alllmlto!!. B•~· fol-d<-ail . The "·l n<l. wh:ot little o! It STAT ION WAGON'. New tfre11nd paint. $1 17:1. ?<1:1 Kin.It'• Pl•r e. Nrw-port Ht1. LI 11-2418. 7!1c!IO lowed ln U111"d place. \h('re w~. -•n...:I In bf! com•nll:' CH.ASGJ: AT J,lr,t:WAHU fmn1 all d!rr rtlon!!. Bl one<"~ Thor< The ordf'r .,.. .... uta'hllng t"<J al !hr lf'ewani m•rk, but on the nf'xl '8--A ta. & R leg. • reach. Thomp.on .. iLed "''ay "''---"'E"'oc'-'"-'o"oooe~•'-----' low, pi..ytng the Angel hila.nd cur- 2 F'URN. hou.oekeeplnl' rm•. a vail. July 17-no childl't'n. no drink· el'I. LI 8·2"9t. 78c80 l BDR1>f. hou,.. tum. or unturn. Aleo vna ll runi. art. Both yrly. lnq. at 116 -Jlet SL. :-.e,vpor! Beach . I.Ambert :1 ·1:11 3 a ft.-r 6 p.m . 111p80 \O,'ll.L SEl.L nr trade hotl'l lt>U<' 6: fti m1llh1ng1 for cll.llh or equity In a horn<'. 103 ~rFl!ddt'n P l . :\'rwport Bl'•Ch. Har. JO~tl. rent and beat bot h Tom and Chllr- He lo lhe nf'Xl m11rk. The ln!ter two bola tousht h.ard on the next l11p to work Into lh<P. \f'ad. hut Thomp110n '"'a11n·1 11 bo11t to let th'.•m co by 1 nd th••)' f1ni,..he•I 111 ju•t that ordf'r-Thon1p110n . .\!e r· riU and i-"ro11. K1n11. n1f'an"·h 1lt' wa11 1tl1! Wf'l\ In the running. ind finl11hf'd lrixth... Tom really put on the pre11ul'f' ln the ntxl tal'l', lhat 1111n1t n1orn· ing. he !f'd t ht' tltrt to t!•e f1rlll mark of tht thret-lap, "·lndl''IU'<l- lfr\O'ard cour11e. nnrt ."te11dlly mrovr,I c.ut lo fin18h five nlll\Ull!ll 11ht'a•l h<">lll.• "''hich took the north <"nd ot the ll n._., hnwevf'r. k••Jit r ii:h! on ~<\In~ wn,1 m<)vt~l "''rll nut.. on thoe loea<l. Rod P1n>ent'-'I t ini11hl"d rlrtt •n<I Kini.:, v.·nu lllllO plllyl'd lt 11mart a nd •tayl'd upwin d. w•• hot o n hl.9 tall~ Grofjfe \.\'&Iker f rom A la mttn.. B•Y ftnlahed rtg11t llfl<'r "ini:-t"r JI :<111!•\ th!rl\ plart But Toni, n1,.nnv.·hi1P. rln1~hed • !· \" nr h ni:h' beh1n,t .\f•'•Tdl ~ In th•-f n d .-1~11 '•n .. " hOW•·•·rr T "'" w .1:< th•· 11\•••1o;1)! 11·1nnrr "'1th a l<t\Jl <lf :,:;11 Jl'•lll!!I llnd Merrill, v.·nh :,1:.1. WI!.~ ~r<"nnrl Kh1~·1 lf'f'• on•l pln,.oe in th,• l~!!.t n" ._. mov"rl hnn 1n1n th111l 11f'<1\ in th<' .•rr'"" l\'i lh ~,'ol I potn!.'i .wh11" .lul".• \'o••r· I':" or l~ik" .\J.·11111. w.1\ fourth .,..·ith lilJ~ nn•t \(°alkrr lg~~ pnint11, For COOL Summer Nights "Jfktrlu,ne/r! sweaters 611 9f'<"lll'l'l1 JliST . .\RRIVEJl lm Ne"· Summf'r-t·au {'oloNI A long-1lee,·ed cardigan • thr prrl'nnl11l fll,·onte. a.!"'llYft in lllahinn, lll'tl''I Ror<nart·,. \'rr!!.1on !!<'In~ tn wQnderfn1, .. ·on<l~rful fnU· f1ahio11l'd \\•011dJ1nu·rt, lh<" yar11 that's •o much likt c-eahmftr only •n expr rt ran tel! th" ditf,rf'nt'f' ber .. •ten thor< two . lt" ~J1111a1c lrrw" '""'"rt ~nu~r! 1urntd·b-t'k r11 rf,. In "'l!!'l!I 311 rn t fl ". A\·111l;ihle ln "''h1tc. p1nk. 1111111,r, blut'. nll,·y, Ui:-ht <>-~fr>rr!. ariua, t~n hf"ll!hrr. hrown n1·rw11r!o, rl'(I. 1·fct1 n1'. rncd1un1 oxtord. hllM'k, "hrln1p llnl'I h!Qnlf<1. Cardi.:an111 J n.9.'i Slip-on• M.!t;\ OthE'r Styles from 7.95 * \\'" 1.he ".tR G.--.. Stamp• * Comm~· Cl'f'dit • Plan C'ha.r•f' AceoantA ::i,:t \\'i1i.:h1 11nd rrw hu~ba11d n1u"t ha~·· h·n.•~.J In tl\t'lt rvxhv!r.• ns ll'i•,\' 111111> th• \w,, o'n1 hr:t,·•· 111 lhP Jll""nJti,:hl l HUI Ill tt·at !llUflll'lll lh~y da!n°t h ll1·•· Time'" r111nr1,.r t he n•''""-"~•t\' Qf tl1e ort_ · S t'.\\'l'O K'r f 'Ol'l' Al'T F l'Olll th,. <VI nf"r of hl~ <')'<', th" I U"!"'<t lll<W \h~nl Th~ J>:ll'I 8HW t hen1. too. Tu·o rnen "'er-e r11c1n;: n cr,•1<1 the lllU\d to••·11n.J thP 1·ouplt' fron1 the 1•1cin1t)' (Ir !hP bt'ar h parking Jot. "·av .. ~ !hat poundi•d iga.!n!t. t h<' be11c-h. "\\",• hn""··" tlw i.;u! NI.'~ "\h11t th .. "'"" "·"uld 1h111k 1 hRrt ,.,.t nr UJ• .[,RI > • lh•' '.\'.-11 l"•lt .,!fll'rl.• i'n11:.1 ·•Ii. .•I t ""· Ii<' .ii.int kn"w !11"\ I \\;1.-n• ~1.1111,•d ,,~ho'"''"" "'h•'U lh<.) !U~/I\'\! VU! JI/JI)'" T h<' ~u.-pl<l•>n lhH\ •·"\ll.t h11•·e llri"l'n f1 uru lhl' ~llUHl!nn .... ~ qu\rkly l'Rlrn~·l b.I' SJ.:l \\'right. ."\'.ot 011ly 1111.I !he i.:u·J 11r1>11~l'd th" enmity or /i<'r 11eli;hl>Ctr·1 llnd th•· poJir,. bv her 11nder .. 01·tr r<>lt , bul 11n"' ~he rnuh1 wrll hr xu~p••rted by thr· 1·<'ry l'~"l'le ~h<-h~d &t1 out to ~n11r<' "'AXING"" e "'ASHISG e l'OLl~lllSG STt-:.o\M Cl .t: . .\SL'Ol_; Special Polish & NEW POLICY with Wax this ad $12.50 up CLEANER CARS ' Opea 9-5 Dally 9-t:SO Sunday• AUON from Pott Orang11 Aln\•••l .1nsta1111y-the 11usp,•cl JlU!!hl'd httk rron1 t he girl. Illa a rm 11wung 1n a h1tgf' a rc. lll).d 11 1!.'.ei,i:hl&I -1•11.ptr b111; fHppM IO· w11rd the cra shing. lrride1cent Th•· two n1tn 1topped. It '"'emtd 115 1f r 1·or<ryon,.'.'l pJana had !!'One w rong for the evening : The two mC!'n ,,.·ere Ne,,.·port Beach pclice offk tr1: Re~ognl.r.ing Son1ething t1111! to b.· !IOnl'. Srt. \Vi LJl:'hl did 11 . To allay .ruaplcion. he J'lll l hi" prl7.or<d 111111,.rrn,·rr agent In jail ! 2244 W. Coast-Rwy. Newport Beach • ' ' IT'S HOT! M ERCURV'S-RISING I RECORD SALES MEAN RECORD DEALS tMI NIW l't-NOlllPOWU MONJQAll: MAIDJOI" COWf, •hown •f>t.,.r.,. on!! of .\l•1c11rf1 II model&,,•• J .._.,._, n-it-a,Mncll.'1' prtood to fll ..,7 b11dtrt. As Mercury·sales go up_your·cash outlay goes down Dorit.miss the biggest summer savings yet I • YOU SAVE 4 WAYS AND LOOK WHAT YOU GIT THI MO MOYl'IS TO MIRCUllY No Fummcr ~1u1n~ hrrr'. ~!r rr ury •air~ are &ti ll hoominR. Thafl'I ""hy .,. ... rari nff,~r ynu i;u rh 11 j:.'Pnrrnu' a!luwan N: fn r your prr~('n l t'3(. ~f Ptfury rrir 1•• ~t:lr\ f>l'IHw 1.1 n 1ndf'I~ in thf' !nw r rirr fif'[d•-sn ~(•II f'.U1 ~.!\<' f'\rn mnr(' l'~l'h. Hut tliat'i j11•1 s ~t a rl•·r. '.\l•·rcury's f'1mnu!I np<"rAlini: trrnnnm~' and In ... · ur•l rf'r ~a 1·e ~·nu l'l ill mnrr. )\nil rr mrmhrr: ~lrrt·ur}' r nn. "i~!rnt!y !rad~ ii!' firlrl in 1·a!l!C' 31 tr.1dl'·in time -11~ in<lrpr nrlC'nl ~ur1·ry~ 1·1,.arly ~hn"''· f~rrl11sirr ~1~·linF l'h.irf'<I by no other car. I I models in .1 "erirs lo choose from. A b iJ:¥•'r·11ll · over \fr rc:ury-in lenJ?1h, 1¥idth and ,.,·hrt l ha-r . A '"''"' "llflt'r-ron1pr•·~•inn ~r ·p1:R ·TOl!Q1·t \·.8 ructnr-:-l'l!\ l1nt!"l"'""r 111 l h" \!,.rrur~ ri,1,,11t rl.i1r (~b.>wn nJ,.,1·r): IHH hn rscpo""Cf u1 thr .\lf't<"nry l.11~1 .. 111 and \lo nl•'Tr)'. l'li1• a!! lh r •r r 11 lra-1 :1l11!! frnl u~r• Ill nn f"ltr;i rn•t; ft 11.-harr<'\ \'aruum c,1rlnirrlnr , •nfi.fn11lin,11 hii,:11 rnrnrrcs~i nn ~r::i.rk 1•!11!'.•· n n all m(•l•·I·; 'tlu"al l"Xhllu~ts on \h111!rl:11r~ an•I \fnn lrr~1·•. ~,.,. 'em! Try 'rml Trr •1'•" tl.C' mo~t, 8• t nrow . ltlercury •S ~!line ne·11 ' -~al•s i~cc•1> ''lt•v r•R\~ j "'N• I~!~ ?OO'lfPn "•r·~·.: ~I- h'~t bftn boug~I s1~c~ ]'1~~ "n •• i I I I / / /I I./ '.J ••-·~--... -... -.. -~ .. ~-·-··-.... -.. ~~ ..... ·-·-· ... -11~ I I -.... ·--•' --·· ... _, ~~ ... ,.....,-....,, ... ~ ...... , • _, ,_ l_ ~ 1-1-~ I I I I IT PAYS TO OWN Am ER cu nv-FOR FUTURE STYLING. . SUPER POWER °""1 -"'°' ... .....W. ... ~ M"-'t ""°"""Of Jt4ll 'POW'M," """ ......... IM'-'~ -\to•-•M'1 ~ ...... ,I • Liberty 8-5545 - ' PLACES t::VERl'ON.E -John Callen, (back 1.o cam; en. I director of program for famed Pageant of the .Mu{en in the Festival of Art.a atarting it.a twentieth annual ahowing in Irvine Bowl, Laguna Beach, tomor· row night, aupervieea the final touchea of a dreu re· PONDDIS PART -Although in hia ear!)' twenties James Blacketer' prepares for hi• seventh appearance in the Featival of Arta-& Pageant of the Mastera as the di.teWl thrower in "1);9Cobolu1". Blacketer firat appeared •• a living reproduction of the statue by Myron u a teen-ager who found it neceaaary to work hard to build up his body to the developed proportions of the ancient Greek athlete depicted in 500 8 . C. Shown above ia the Laguna painter •urveying hi.11 •tage p~pa. Gt..'78 KEA.u\· -Shedding hi1 atrect attire Blacketer he~ receives the profeuional touch from make up man to provide the "dead wh ite" appt'arance of a 111tatue. It ia a water BOluble body make-up t hat ia un· hannrul and diaappean quickly under a shower. CURTAIN GOl~'G VP ! -Blacketer has usumed the authehtic po11ition portraying the Alyron statue under the w11tchful eyes of producer "Hap" Gr11ham and di~ctor Ca.l ien and posea in front of the blac k back- ground ready to appear in program "A" tomorrow night Bt 8 :30 o'clock. The New Just Dellclous ·Food! SICK DIXSU !lli~N ffirru.a PlllCt:'s Merinor'1 Milo-2332 W . Co .. t Hi9hwey acro11 from Port Orange Newport Beech 1=01n ... v llH ,. IC 101;,f. .. • hearaal for "Blind !i.fan'11 Buff", a painting by Goya: Standing at right is Carl Ca llaway, chief electrician fo.r the artistic spectacle Y>'hich will show nightly through Aug. 14. -Staff Photos by Jim Matheny MATHENY'S MEANDERINGS 'RED cRoss .•LooD 1callow1y Gets A1os cARoL DOANE 11-monlh Term Two unlt1 ot blood IJI Vtn )1ondly to Carol Doan1. 11· )·e•1-old Newport H1rbor Un· Ion High !khool llonor 1tudent. hfll)<!d to b1·1n1 about th• ch~rfu\ report today rrom Ho111 Ho<1pltAI, "condition Im· proving." -The !Mood w..-. made avail· 1bff through the loca l ehaplet ut tlw! An••rk an Red Croa1. Hut it 1.1uat be rep•IJ, In ana.,.·er to the n11ny fntndll of C1rol .,.·ho have l lik· t•l, "\\'h•I can .,..e do to help!" Th•y are urged lo go to the lo- r.•I Red Crc;u 01fice. 207 I•· 11111d A w ... .ind make an &p• po1n<m1tnt to rt"place thto blood .,.·h1ch i" hrlpln,1; C,t,rOI to"I re· •·o•·,.r. aANTA ANA JOCNS1 -Ten month.I tn Jal! wu the t1rm d .. n io'rid•y to J1.n1e1 r . Calloway. 111. ot Nortll )Jollywaod, .,..ho a.dmH· t•d vlolatlQ( prob•tlon rulu 1et down by 8uper1or Court Judie Ro- bert Gardner. • Calloway, who .,. ... &rrr1t~ by X ewport a-...a. poil0tt DH. l-0 Oft 11. martjul.h.11 JK>alUllon charit. .,..a• con\•lcted ol v.,-rancy In Fr.,•· no. H•. &1-.i lalled to m•k• proM· lion rej>oru !n May 11.nd June and littl the •lltr .,..lthout ~rmlMlon. Tht" drfen d l!IOI Wlll elven 1lr•lJht ptollallon after he ('(!· operated wll.h poUce ia roundin1 up nar<:ol1c1 ptddltor1. Ht wu lo~nd lo bt In v\ol&tl(ln of that --------------· lproblli(ln, I __ ---------- 1•Noble Experim-ent' Premiere Set for Aug. 2, Lido The:atre \','orld premiere 1howlne of .. The proceed•. ••peeled lo bl •bovt Noble E•perlment," a co:>lor com· 1 S7000. to Ult f'"amUy Service. Al· edy produc<!d by Tom Cr1ert or aoclatlOl'l. whlrh wu orsanJMd to Corona del Mar, with 11.n all Or· provide l•mUy cqun•elllna: 1ervltf' •nee County <'All, h•• been HI fnr to thOH In neefl. Mn. Edwarc1 lhr evening or Aug, 2 at U do M. Hall of Sula An• 11 pruldtnt Thea.t.i::e:. w!Ul the "Banta Alli. Al· ot t'll.mily Sef"'rlee AMOdatlon. truu Club ,.. 1pon10n . - MARILYN 'AT LOOSE ENDS' Marilyn Monrot' and Tom E.,..eLI .... "' p.!'etinic 1round In lf'nd helping hand, ,.~ cn.atarrt(t al Lldu Thratre .,.•hll·h I• llOW 1how1ng "The Se••rn Yt1r lt rh." • C1nen11l&·u"" p rodurtlon. County Fair ''The Noble Eicperlment," a year In the n•lklna. portr&yl .. younr Manager Says hu•band. browN•ten by hi1 moth· 'l!r-ln·l•w. and un.succeMrul fcrrort1 e11t1.blu1hm,.nt of • "°''" <>entr•I mill 11 ln~rtl.ll'lng lnt"'""'t amonj:" <"Qncf'!'!l'i!)fl1in•11 tor 11p11.::e, Yo>f pointt(I 0111. P tov1slon hill M en mar1e fnr 1111 tnl11r11.rc1 tr1.llf'r 1ho.,.·. The 11hnwlne. t111>pec:ltd to be •l· \ended by Hollywood film celt· hMUt• . .,..Ill ~ a benelit tor the ne1~;ty.formed Family Servlc-e Al· IOC\aUon of Or•n1e County. Allruu Club will donate all net at th.-u .. to r u tor. peace. The Sp.ace Dwi"ndles •~ .... ,. •••••• "'"· """" • . Hartman Cash Gane •'formula .. which not only -.iften1 COSTA MESA. !OC~SI ,;.,. 1ety of ofrer!ng1 down &t the cllff· h•-•h \ \ b ' \ th B<'l!y Jo Hal't11111n, 19, or 162 .. Mo er-n· aw, u • ao t hlb!t !!pllce In l.H dl'p11rtmrnl1 rnr RO>c:'.hrllttr St., Cn•\1t ~lf'N , J unO' nel(hbora and town1people, wllh th.. 6~1h 1nnh·.-rl<ary OrRn,;e. -------------------------.---•lh&nflng, OCl!&n viewing dlnin.g-en· hU&rlOUI re•ulte. County f'Nir 11 nf'•rly rtll nc-A\f'<l 27 rf'portrol en O'lll ry inlo hf'r Graeff play1 lhe huab&nd roll!. for \h,. ftl1t ·<la\· ""'ll"'"'li~·n np,,n· hou!I<' M•'~" pulit'O' ~ .. i.1 S~ Cl•h with Phyllll Y&rwood, Coal• Me ... Ing Aui:. 9. aOth Lnd1\·lc1uab Anti wi" •ppllrrnt ly t"ktn. By JIM MATHENY Things N'ally are sailin g along t his month. Sloops, yawls, schooners and ketches are pl}•ing the waves 'twixt here and Ho~olulu. Snowbirds perform their annual flight come July 31 and many other locals and Harbor visitors are emulating the crfift in th'Cir !!\~rift ·course of happr summer tim~~ Ir you're •o.\ncl\netl. Y"U might llHunt or mRny vh!ltlng KoUywood lowf'r your J1b 11nd J>OWt'r into , C'elebl aa w"ll aa a mtccl. fot the porl at ont' of lhe H 11 rbcir area'• guy yo:>u iw.ven't •tt.n •Ince th• l&1t f1nt t"atcr1N1. Al any of them pro-clnu ttunlon, vlde dancing. cocktolle._ t>ntert•fn-The Tahitian ~kyrvom al The ment ,t,nd O'lltr• C'Ur n cular run 11u1 orr!'r1 a flne view of the 'billy •loni; "·1th lhf' 1!:11·~tronnmlc de-nnd your favorite food •nd grof light11. 1nay l>t! had a t the 11i ghte1t •lg· Llitin-Anier·kan rt.ythnll provide nal to:> Al}'Ct Y.'hO wave1 • magic the le1npo tor Jll11c1ng at Ralhua .,..and o'er the place uptt•ir11. Ina (;air. f'"e l1x •nd U o are !he Johnny Vtlf'Ue'a The Archft la purv~yor11 of d•1nce11ble tune11. Dick o"lpen from IO In the morntng' until and Kate ~nt are your ho11t11 In 2 a.m. the fo.llowlnr day. or cour•t :;~~:.~r,~~nh~;.~nt~Y th ... ••• on ~·~:· h:~~.·~:::~~db~~ ,r~t .11111:i,: Kate polnll out the ava1l1bihty pipe cinch many HIU'borltea enjoy of the municlp11l parking lot whlch /••\'ery •Ingle mhiute they do 1pend 11 cloJI¢ to thf' nce!'nlllde en\Nnce In thL11 pol'ular Hlghw•y re•t•Ur• t i> \hf' Joa, Park r11.~y ind pauae l CU1l &IHI bar. for a 1:ood tln1e. al th" Otnt'1 The Doll 11-dinntr• atart a t Balbo9 Inn ('a rr. \ ;, p.n1 , However, Georgt and E thel $Jl<!•k1ng of parking. Nnrt in B•I· Strebe aer t o it tha t the door• are boa. too. J im Karam h11 provldrd ""°'" •l 10 in thr mom lng tor thollll! ample ,.uch •pa.ce for thoae who 1 .,.•ho de11ire a bit ot th!nil·quencher. dt1lr-e to part1kr of fOOd and drink I Doll "-rol&hll)' entertain· '"Khls pL•.er. rnO'nl 11 thr high 1pot fur m11.ny aram 11 h"~ • huge par·king lot . folkll hf'relllx!Ul• .,..110 i4re f&m!!- ao d<'n'l let th11t worry you "'hrn lar .,.•\th the hlJ:h lr\'el of fun •11 thf' urgf' for fine rot1d r.alhi you r~atnred 1t 1he"tr Palm Sprln111 1n<l your p.tr1)'. n . II. Ir ynu h11•·e rontpAny com1 n' un· You l;'lk Art St~man Y.'hlt ht f'llf!<"rt~Jty xnd ~·ou"rr not >n tht ff'Atur<'ll Ill \hf' Cnlonla1 kf'llaur· mood !" <:o.,k. y~t ynu want to ttr\'P 11ump1n• t t111ly ,1;<'.J<ld. here ire • few tir " t:ran11nun·, .,..ill pte- pa rr dehcin1111 lt1ll11n J1ptc1eltit1 TO'&dy to J:": Th<' C'hJro....,. C'•dno wUI ~er\"<' th••lr y un1rny -g no d IJ"t rrrib~ for y<1u ln takto homf': th• ~urf t·1~h }"ry y.•ill re1!ly •en f,.,.·~t 1 .• urh 1111 jun11')1) 11hr1mp11 •nd fl1h 'n rh1r111 fnt your l•k1n;.: an1 and l.oon1t,.. ht <1nJ1Y."f'rJO. '"Ju•t dtl!r1otu; fnod!.. I That. ln A nul•h•ll. (Ir to bt 1 n1nre "P'f'"Lf•c on 11 lovfly bit of r hln11 . b a nf'At """Y of putting it! \'nu 1nlg ht ,l;!\"r Art'! c·nlnnlaJ R,..· 1aor11n1 • y,•hltl and •et. fnr your- "''I(! Thr1 e's d11n<:•ni! ,,·cry n111:ht <town fH<llt Laicuna Ill ~"•fl"' home . l,<"<l&r and K..,.taun1nt. Th" 1um· Th,.,.,. Rr,. but a trio ~r ~h .. "'"ny n,,.,. 11eai.on h11• he,.n In hi h ear pll•r•·" th11 l wlU 111<1 11n1l 111).ot )'"UI" 1 f k c1 .I: I fllU"' ••I ~<'t\'lfll? l/Uf'.•IJI ... ·11hout l no ..... or. , ..... Wl'f'. 11n th• VllT- ynu hl\'1ng tn ,.,.., .. S.:11 r !h<"m 10 --- mln<1 y,·hr n th .. nrt>d nr -!h,. uri;:t> a rrt\'r11 On hn1 Ju~l11yf when r"u .l:'"I !h" uri;e tnr ~ s.:I• ... • n! •h·11!11o":ht h,...r think of Th" l'lr&t,., Ja~kll<ln Gn .. nt y"11 t<"n<l~~You" Ill on 2Sth "lrtel nr11 r lh!' ~..-. fl11herman•• .,.•h•rl. \""r1n't n1l...1t·l1. Look fnr lhf' b1,1;. hnhl 11knll 11 rr!'lllll b"ll"" on bll'll•'k Jl"n,,.int '\ Ar1 l,11Sh,.IJr·.• 1· rl~ILu1·• llul 1~ Qnf' rir !II•>.«' pl11.. ,.~ Wh<"rt' you nlrt'I pe•1r lr ~·111 h ·i:n·t ·~"•·n ion or otr thr ~.,1,.,.n , •n fnRny moan~. It ~""m~ !" h" •~•h·r " !1,.·on ie JAM SESSION t•,.aturlna •=••I f'<>~•I laxz QutnlO'f SAT. & SUN. AFTERNOONS !:00 p.m. MONDAY EVE. 9:00 p.m. BLUE ROOM :-; ... , ..... ,.,, -~- 1 fon ner ly or Herno·t J complete menu fo r the fetnil y l'lZZA • 8J'AOH.t:rr1 e l.ASAl;.SA HOMt: ·MA.Of: RA. llOJ.I e STt;AK!" e 8 F.A FOOD l"OOD TO 00 511 lalboa Blvd. BALBOA Harbor 4839 ort:x J)AIL,. I? ~OOX-l ! MJOXIGHT, MOX.~ p.'m. Tit. MID. DELUXE LUNCH ll :M a•. -l :OG p .... CHINIH atlCI AMERICAN DISHES l :ot p. rn. -1:00 a.•· FOOD TO TAKE HOME 1lHl &me Pnoe.. the \'ear Around CHINESE CASINO J 11 Main SI., Balboa Harbor %W3 ' ll!rt &lnmrnl •pa .,.·!LI prove &mple tor m&ny of your n~dl 10111e 1umm"r ev.,. lntere1led" Jn r:ii:oUc forelp me· nu1 !, Ita::an 1tyle I• th" fulUf'J at KOM.1'1 In Coron1 del Mar. Rral Mexican food 11 the 1log1n 11 LI. F<)&t& out on N.wport Blvd. In Co1t1 1'le1a. At lh"H ch<irmlnr pla.c~• onf: .can "e(I -.iuth of the bcirder" or "u.il lhl! Alli•ntlc"' In fancy a1 they &ti.orb the 1\m(l1· pher• &nd rr.U1h the food. whOlle beauty conleal Utlu In· group11 de~i1·1n11 ro partlr111atr I .-~~~-;-;:_;:;:::;:;:::;:;::;:::;::;:;::;:;; elude Ml .. Or•nce County, Maid 11hould rl'~rrv .. ~!>fl•·;· and f\\r rn- ot Callforni•. Prlnct11 of Dllnty· try fnrm1 lmmf'<l1•1.,1y. H .\I (' I Tl.:"'TI S l'l .. ~\"ff()X land. Marton Deforul. Sant• Alli<. F'u!l~nw ifltt. f•ir n1M1111~tr , ft11 · l"ln11.I 11r•·k "Th .. ~llky \\'1.y." who hu workedl:With .Bant• An• nounced. 'rll'lo.rl• •I t\hir :"iiJh• Hal, Community PJ.ayera. take1 the role In lh1i flon cultur.. 11av1hun. I 'All,...,.,, n·-r\"f'OI. fl.G.0 or mother·ln-law. ne11rly N!I "vetll•blt cutn111~n 1111 ~lfl ~o. ··c .. :-;1,. Tu"ll• Olh"r cu t meniber• !n<:>hide lp•ce 1~ no"' r1i""rv..:I Sup•'r \'ill••r Dennie J . And~• &nd Mir J . A n· Harry ~!acre• "llPf'C'I• tn t... 1111·n· dr•wl, Corona de! Mar: A lbert K. ln1 a .. •ay apph~•lH;n~ b1· 1nut· Eichler. 01.,nda Queen. Mark C. J uLr. Shea~r. P•tli Smith, Virgil o . Sonlt ~pol• ~l11l ATf' 11·a 1l11bl<' in Smith, Kathy Snow, Robert L th" newly C'onipletf'•I eumn1<'n:1MI Company Comin"? Having completed • 1uccto1ahd run of th" aerial pix J ohnny 0Jt· ford &nnounce1 • · double fit•tu re •t the Port ln Corona del Mir. It'• "The Pr0clle1l" plu1 .. Klu Me De&dly." Joe Ha1n1n •l Th" ~·­ lnt'roduc11 "'J'lu1 AnnapoH1 Story" bltlr-d With "Shotcun." Crail Phoe· nlll &nd M1eon Sfler have col11bor· ated lo brtnr to the Udo that mo- \•le vtor1!on or the f1U11ou1 1ure pkly "Seven Ye•r Itch" with Tom Ewell and you know who: M•-.>n polnt1 out to local movie hounde that hi• B&lbn-. thealre 11 now •ho•lng nightly. ""h\b1l11 bulhhri1;:. 1r.t'Ord>ni: lo S I Slipp. Rick Thun1tmm, Gene .\V. \V., .. oner 1.nd Arnold R. \\'hit-~·· Yo1t, B~e111111" nf h1,1;h lo\r••'l!!lll ney. 1.ll of Co.ta Meaa; Thomaa L in !he ne,.. IOC'•t lon. lh,. rhnu~" Fi•h 'n Chip• Jumbo ~tto, H:;', T~~nc'.;hu ~:"'n:.~ ~~~~.:~·: ~~'nfn::e~:~"'' 1nler,.~t ( pen.cu · r n .. !among f:'omn1un1t11'11. •n<l or111n1· or N'•wport Bea.ch; Ol!<lrae Lewia. Jo&tlOn•. and to ac~omn10Jalc the Donald Mets 1nn J ack Net10n, an JUnlor ft11turt hoolh ~. 1 new i n<\ of BaLbol.. long~r tent .,..1 U bt 1n&tall,.!I for Fried Shrimp To Go Anlatlng the club with publ\clty the •i.:rirul!urt f!'1Lt11r,.11 d .. p1rt- l1 Mre. A. E. Rogen. C<111ta Me1a. menl. 1&dj(.,n\nl( t he ftature11 e:t· Surf Fish Fry Dimmitt Lack Theft RLlph Dimmitt, 321 Amethy•! Wh~n )'OU •• tht 1lgn11 along Ave., on July 1 reported to P<Jli<>t i' the hlehway1 It mt1ht pay to be•r lhe theft of • door lock fron1 11.n tn mind that they an really I open K•r•re "l 1~9 Vi• "'u:lera. 81GN8 01" LIFE. By obltrv1ne Ht ... Id th• boJt contalnln .. the• lh•m )'Ou .._,. aa•• your OW'l'll 1-k aJ.o h•ld key• t11 u .,.. lhe Have fun! re•ldtnr~·w (l;lltage door lock. "Superb Food"- PARKING in Our Lot FULL COURSE DINNERS SERVED FROM 4 'til 11 p.m. NEW HOURS 4 p.m.-2 a.m. •-la ('art., Dlnll•r• a.htt 11 ~118 p.m . ]Jarbor -· lou.s~. '"t.t~. { 11. .. t. """" .-eoc' '"" ~.,...,. h1h!t~"bofltlrni:. nrar :\"l"wport l'"r Relo.:atlon of the n1a1n i:11.t" •nd THE· PIRATE Ne•pori 8eM:lll Now Open E\·ery Day la the \\'eek BALBOA THE Open 10 a.m. DINNER SERVED from 5:00 p.m. DANCING NIGHTL\' ARCHES Cafe and Cocktail Lounge Ol•t:S 111 A. !W. TffKOf;fifl I A.. If. • S""'I'"'' ffhd. on ('n••t Ht1hwlll!I' SJ:\\·roRT ftP:.4.CH • t \\'" •• ,. <·1.-.;t ne ·nuw..ta.:r-J PreJenling fiii~!li6 3i)i.iiji 1 FELIX & LEO 2260 Harbor Boulevard • C.... Me., c.lilomi.a T 09ether Again DANCING EVERY NIGHT BARNfY LANTZ & Iris . mus1r 9 to l:IO a.m. Open 1 Day• A Weell New Menu Includes ltallC111 Dellcacln Mey We Su99e1t From Owr New Features \'r:A.L llCA..LLOPISI e U8A.Ol'lt'A e PIZ7.A Acc1-... U a1 • ., ....... ter PARTIES, IAN9um ... CLUI DINNERS u PRON& Youa mav&no!f• KOW Harbor llvd. at '#"-LAl•rty 1-5543 , Latin. American Rhythms DINE & .DANCE NIGHTLY Except THSday "A -Great Ac;_t -Fintt Food" Balboa Inn Cafe & Cockt"tl Lounge la I boa Harbor ·0963 ,.SP: !W'l'NICIPAL PARKl!"r'O LOT ' • i .. ; Toastmast'rs 'Join in Dinner Meet, Speeches ll·Home •• $l4',000 ADDITIONAL IOATS NEEDED Mesa Proiect Told FOR MALLORY CUP FINALS Harllor btatee y .. tarday look · out lS bulldinf pumlll from C<>•la Mesa city building depart· mt>nt for co nstructlnn of •ubdlvl· NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I· PAGE 7 FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1955 Keatl119 lajund I P•ten•tt In Cllanie ~ TO MODEL AT FASHION SHOW P rt'tty Tlud1 Wuvrr, abo\'e, 1hown modeling hl)mt'spun cotton t11r<'r1 d •lack ,, torJ'<'d by nautical jackt t of h nen type tlo'ntm, w ill bt-on" of thn~e «1lapl11ylnjl: olhH Ellg-t'nt''a lslt' aumm t'r anti f'arly fall e ppa1 el J uly 21 at Park Ave C'afe'a monthly fashion ~how luncht>on. "Lady of ~ day'' wUI receive an orchid. -Jad < R11rc-us P hntn r-r-. l.~ .... .SOHX ••• LAXGll:~llt:IM (Mldn. l"lrat l'llWll Lawrence Welk Set to Play at Masonic Dance Lawrence \Velk and ha orchu· tra will provide the mu11ic (or a (lanc-e ispansored by the S t'afnt 1ni; Ma~mlc Bulldin~ As3utlatlo n "l I ha Rendtz\'OU!I Ballroom , Btllboa J uly 26, 11cco1-d1ni; to Ralph I' ~tl\Sk<'y. prt'111dent or the 1U1~nr1· allon. Proc~ds of the danra wlll i::n toward flnhthlnR the new Ma~nn1r ll'mple . nnw nearing compll•t111n al t:>th St. 11nd St. An1!1 1 "~ f'ls r r, ocro, .. tlw ~lr1>rt f r<1m 1 h" T n a ~ t m 11 y t ,. r • C'lub• joln,.d 1 slon dwelllnga valutd at SJ Hl.000. Tu1•11<•l1iy night ot :-;,.wport Ha1b<'lr The hou.e1 range f rom $8000 to I \'arht nub for a dlnn,.r meetinl':'. i &:IOO I.II con.lruc tlon cost.I. :>:i-wf"'rt Hart>11r Toaatmastt'r11 I 01k1 and Coltn'Ove u e con· I """r" l'•·~ll to U do Toanrnutt" tnlctora for ~ ru tdencu which with ~11'\'f' Smith, pre1ldent. pre-will be loC'll~ at 1981 and 1H3 I 11cs1ng liLe)'u...l'lau.. &t04t-.8·:12·a-t0·6• De\\'ltl \\'orrtit.tr wu tablt to-Rau St. 1982·94 Arnold Ave., &nd pica mutt>r 1tnd Sandy Steiner ~l·!l'll-"-\9-4!1·41 Sul St. w Rio tou tm1u1n. Speakers lnclud· ed Rlrh•rd Newman, Neal Loellt'r, Ora--Ave. HHrilMI Bob Johnaon, Ed Soule, •'nrt Bill ""'2-""'2 Con<!aC'rt'. Evslul!lOl"ll Wttl' Ray I on Rno"lng Aug. 8 MrC'l1t~"· Ell cin Harne I t Bob Mc· I CIPRr~. J a.rk Pt>nney, Chuck Ary, A publk hearing on ruonlng nt , t.n1f Jack :>.tulroy. 1 Ora,111::1> Avr., between Eul l!lth Richard :\"l'wman Wit• \'Otl'd anfl J6th St$. has bet'n stt by I mn•t improved ~pl'akH with hi~ Posta M"sa pla.nnlnit comm1ulon spt'tl"h. · Food P r1cts ""ti f'am1 for Aug. 8. D. W. McMlllt.ll appur· E conr;>mll's". Rest "P' akH wu ert a t the co mml111lon meeting 1 :\°<'al w •.,ier, hll! suhJl'l't, "Lel'a l :a.ronday nl~ht "1th a peutton t or W11t ch the BArk Door". I rtwnmg to C"·2 from the pruent I l"PJCl m ttltni;: fur ral'h club will reshlence stntu .... be 7 p.m. July 19. N~·purl Har· 1 Vanancra wtre granted Tico'a lwr TOB~tma.stera Club ml'et1< at Taco Shop anti B I< K Homee lnc :'\ .. wpnrl H ar bnr Y1.1rhl f'lub. Lido I for •lgn,a, at the commission meet· l'lub mr et,. 11t Harbor Hou~r. ing. Murman Buys Cafe I Sale of the properly a t Lafay· elle onrl 30th St In :'l:e\\ port Ueach to Lester Murman "'B!I re- \'Pale<l recently :'>turntlUl has Hughes Have Son Mr. and M rs. Hallt'l Hughes, H:'I West Hamilton Sl., Coal• Me· 11a are parenla o f a boy born J uly 10 at Hoag Hoapltal. h11., lwen operating tho cafc-anJ iiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii rockta1I lounge known u "Snu~ Ha.rbor '' for quite snme umr a nd has now acquired the properl)'· owner ms.Jong the Hle wu \\'oil· l'r Long moor and Msoclates. XOW !'HOWl:'l:G Jf'ff ('handlf'r "Sign of The Pagan" _._ , I Rory f'&lhoun "4 Guns to the Border" s1·~ .. MOS .. Tl"ES. \'an Hl'nln "Tangan Yika" _..,_ Augie Murphy "Destry" NOW SHOWING M-G-M'a ''The Prodigal" Clnf'm&..-~ope a.nd Color ~tarrinr LANA TIJRNER EDMUND PURDOM r!tl£l:m Xow Sho\\inl' * * •.• * * * * * YOU'LL LOYll llVKRY THI<''-' 01' ITI 8t'COnd P'f'alure SECURES RING ON CRUISE AT Sfo~A I FHTNC t -\\'Ith t "" !m •t ~tl<lshipman PrnC'l h e Squr.1tr on n ( !!'I:>: •. :'\11\'al ,\l':I· d"mV :'>l t•ln I " J nhn P. J..a n· f:Nthf'1111, son of )Ir. nnd ~l n1. Hay ~n~enhe1m of ;\;l'wport Jlr.trll, I'!'• 111 t'!I a l1f" 11ni: at,.1;11 d ll1P b11Ule1h1p l.:SS J'\c'4· J t 1 "''Y· ~!01 e lha11 :01111 .'\'l{OT~ :>:ewpnrt HArbtlr L'nlon h1.:h achoul, Mukr y J'lal• 1J. I T1ckf'tll for the .folnce 11rc lw· In;: ~nl<! by mrnib1•1 ~ 1 f Searn1 mi.: l.•uli..r ,Xn. ";u'I Ft"' nn I J\f'rf'J'I• I ~lt1~o1n:< a n1l f•f Horh• r ~tJr C"'h:tp· l<'r :'\11 ~s. Ordrr oC th•· En~1. •n Rt11 r Th" tlrk"I!' nlll\' nl•n ht-,,1,. ta•""'' Rt 3 111 :-\t'\\'P"''t lllvli. -s>lu- Mkk"Y ~pUlan.-•1 8tarta WM. i..ore_n 8-e&U Rkhant Wlclm&rtr ''The Cobweb" 11n.1 :'\a\al J\cadr my :-.t1ot,.1tlr · Cpl. Link Member 111rn lrft ~orfnll1, \'a . Ju111• s nhnarrt 111 "11•1~ .. of the J\t· -of Security Forces Jant11· Fltl'l fur a l\\'O·ltlonlh <'1111 .. c. Tht ,\' "rt• unolui:nrn~ J.0 :'\t; BEAC'H 1FIJT:"I'1 l'rn· J>I 'H l1cal lrolntn)::' In llhtpbmird lll!\tt'•l ln hi~ ptc••enl rnnk rt•• nl · I•!<' ont1 <111t 1e.s Tht M11!,.h1r· Iv Ill th" :"11va! Oa~c h"t •• w11~ 11wn a rf' 11:!11rJc l the tippor· :>.t.11111e Cpl. 1;111,lo1n f: J.111k. •• 11 t 11r11I\' or \1~111111; tnl•'IP~t111i.: >lf M1. an.I :>.tr ... ~'lr""" A. l.1ni1 an·I h1s1onca1 !'IJ:hl" durutJ: 11( 71110'2 0 1 f'an 1-·r .. 111. ="•'\\ ; .. ,, t ••ti• .'llr•I "t"Jl" 11 l J"lrllf 1n Hf'llrh. i:-:1·111n 1'1111 E n,i:l.in•I. 1;tJni1••1 y H••fnre rnterln)( th<' sf'rV1• • In p1.i.11rr at 1;1111n1anAmo Un" ~1 11~. 11ir1~. l.t> a1tenued Alt1J·1.1o1.1 ( 'uh11. Wiii rhn:a\'. t11 .. <'t uJ.~,'. 11111,h SdHl<ol in Alhamb1n !fr l!I t11•f111c-rl't11rn1ni; tn :o-;11rfolk, 11 111i•111 h<'r nf thr ~1111 1nl'.' ~t'l'lltily Aui: 2. fur"''~ 011 the ha.•\". I Showplace of the Coast af a rernae LODGI AND USTAUlANT 8110 \\'Pl.ACE OF THJ:;C0.~1' I HYatt 4 .5;11)8 Fabulous Food hr our ~""' C'hd GEORGE GORTNER 7 \'ears at Palm Sprln~ Racquet Cluh Da.nc.IJI~ to Music by JERRY KENT TRIO f:\'try Slgh1 but WC'dne9Clay SPECIAL SUNDAY IRUNCH }'rom 11 :00 a.m. SEAFOOD -:'-<.:::::::._ _Ie • ' B lJ F FE T "Kiss Me Deadly" the Se'Jen ,...,. itch o ........ ScoPE _ ... -....... , ... ... llUITll .-.. 10M IWIU a.nd Raymond Muwy Debn. Pacrt "7 AllCJry Men" < I J Now Showing 1st Run I .. ~ll'ln·IOl""1UIT1 _,,1.,•:m tttu.-.i..,.~.,._.~..,...- .._.._ .. Mlf•Ul• ... wOICl •·•~• ....._ .. -:::...~::.:.:-;.::c:.::;:­..._,1t,......, ... Kids Mat. Sat. 1 :45 "MY DOG RUSTY'' louth•m Oeltfomla Yacbl Aaaoc:Jatlon ell1•lnauon raC'I'• toe U.. Mallory Cup !lnaJa wW be held 8aturua.)', July 30 1uw <leoro &durUdt, HA SJ I 7M, N Y• the auoc1al109 nf'Ou;s elghl more boat.I for Ula juni.ora under 1 T yeara of age. tn 11a1l. Th<>le wbo Ila .. alre&dy voluntttred thrlr boata ln\'ludr Y.d Lamar, Jack Toon. Jetf Deever, Georre Schmidt and Ftank W ond . \VlAner ot Ulla race will 10 lO San Oltfo In Augu11l to com~u wtUJ Wflulen1 In other <'0811 race s t1nd th<' w1nnu • at s.n Dt•eo w\11 tben co 10 Bootl\ Bay, M a., t or Ul• nauanaJ c:.hampiOl\ahlpa, Winner ot the two day ra.ctt1 held durl"'l the J uly holiday WU Jack Deav.r With the Chall•nce. Olhtr aklppera a nd lhalr boat.I flnlahed In tltt follow1nc ordu: H. 9 011ri;co1a, Puff: Jld IArqr, ltnMd; Frank Wood. Showtx>.t; J ohn Biby Jr_ Blue· Qllp; Georra Schmidt, Rt'la.x 11: 111.n Murrt1)'. Lou; n . Heninston, Vivace: Herbert Allen. Toi tug a, .1:1. l'olk111i;h..irn, Sllpatlck. 'J'N~ ~ntOn• lncu1nd minor In· I of New MGM TV Show:: JUrfH Friday wh•-n lhe autol'l~ In ; which they were ndlni; 1un1""1 I l.t,;lle l'i'l<'r•<'n, Balboa ~ 11ver on Ill left aide on Newport I ~nil l.J1t11 h it" l't'Opetty o'l'·ner Bl\ld, north or l ndulltrlal 'Way, t<flUM.lllil lc•lll lrnt, hu ~n nam..C Coat.a Meea puh~ reportf'd. ln· I . . •--• JureJ were d11ver Jatnea K Kf'll· U ''ecutl\1' produc:u ot Meuvt. ing, 13, 11f 20i6 Maple St . C.:t>i.\a • """'" 'n·MKyt'r • flntl t elevla4o&'. Mf'A , anu pMWng .. r Jam"• B. :Jt'lW01 k elww. ll bl to be. knowtl Kl'atini;" JO, of R~ondll !Ha\h u "M~~l l'arlill.e" an.t w1U &p~ar The &<d dent occurAd at !1'48 ,,"f'r Affi."T\." """t s .. pt. U tol· p.m. ,Friday. to" Ing 1'1~orJ la nd. _ $70 Cash Stolett l'f't.•r11rn "'ho la dlN'<'tor ot Mar~ tn<-r".11 lillnk, hu h~n a t'llv• ,,. lllr11! propN1y dPvtlopment. He hu- Thell nt '70 caah J.rom the un· 1tt11<tf'1t lll<lM ;c 1i>ltw1Alnn a.n<l ra1hn lOt'kad drawer In u;J office ot a I llvl11in11 for " numbl'r or y~n1. motel at H Ol Coast Highway waa rh«it 11hnw wu de<-hlr.I upon at a reportt'<i to police Moaday by Mra. Wtt'kPnJ mf'c'llng bo.twf'en Prlt'r· Lewl1 Nt'wcomb. She a&.14 the dra· •<"n an•I h igh t 1Cf'f1Jl1\1e1 ot tllm wer wu behind the c:ountf'r. 1J'Kt lt'lf'\'l~1on !frnu ln\'oh ·ed. -------------- -Go -places with Studebaker ... tlie•Num/Jer 1 quality1car ! Priced right down with tlie lowest! Loofi?e8t wheelbase car in the lowret price field! M08t awards for style of any car in the world! 1\f ost power per pound of any low price \'-8 t The No_. I economy car, proved in Mobilga8 Rua r C.omt in now. SH S1udrbaktr1 "m1rt. far· a hr a cf ~t ~ lin!• io~icff! nn1I out. fJriH a nrw Stmlt'baL.t r. anti tlt"!'O\ ,.r it" Ill''". (!n-plart•8 f""'· formanct. Comparr th,. otbrr rrally hi~ valur'S StuolrliaL:rr ~vu }OU ••• ulra lmf?1h •.• IAw, ruaJ -l1111q:mg Lalane«", 1u11c·rb fJUlllil )' ruft1'- 1l1an•hi p. Yi'~, any "a~· ~uu lUf'lli'Ure \Billi". tllt" l'mart car to huy i.& StuJd.tal.l"f'f' · STUDUAKll DIVISION OP ITUDllAKll-,ACICAID COOOIATION .•• ONI Of THI 4 MAJOI fUll·llNf PIODUCEIS Of CAIS AND TIUCKS Studcbeker ••• so tfutrlr INtt~r maJ,.,.: u!ortlr morr u·lrr,, ,vo11 tradt I USED CAR-USED TRUCK IUYERSI ::~=-": Ctlll/Jttl USll UIS HD TIUCIS JOE NICKERTZ; Local Deale• 3636 Newport llvd. at Eatrc111ce to Udo tffwport leach-Ph. Harbor 510 :_ U II I.Ill. • OPEii HUAY. JULY 11 IT 11 A.Ill. • IPHI llOlllY, lllY II IT II I .•. * IPlll HlllY, JIL! H &f 11 A•. • ... ~ • -.: • • • 0 • .. • ... .. • • Ii • • -.. c • .: c 0 • 0 • ... • ... .. • • • c • .. c • ...: c 0 • 0 • ... • ... .. • • • • • .. • • ...: c Ill • ~ ... • ... .. 0 Ii c • -= --~ • -: • • ; .. • ... .. • JULY 18 . ... The World's Most Fabulous Wonderland Comes to Lile in Anaheim, California Fu n, thrills. ~antasy, adventure await you in this exciting new world of Walt Disney's most fabu- lous dreams. Never before has so much sheer enrertainment been brought out of the thrilling past . .. out of the mystical future .. . out of the mysterious unknown .. . out of the enchanred land of sto· ries, tales and fables to entertain you as you have never before been entertained. In this fascinating dream-world· come·true you will find treasures you will prize for a lifetime, cit· pcriences you wiU relive for years to come. Until yo u see it for your· self, you'll never believe there e:<im such a wonderland of won- derful entertainment as awaits you at Disneyland. UYI TV parv11w Don't miss the coa~Ho·coa-;t televrc.ion preview oi Disneyland, Wall Di~ney's Magic Kingdom to be telecast live from Anaheim, Sunday. July 17. 4:30 P. M. to 6 .00 P. M. KABC·TV, Channel 7. Entertainment Beyond Expectation I VISIT 160 ACRES OF HAPPINESS ADMISSION .ADUl1S1 S 1 incWlrtt ... . CHllOUN Uflder 121 504 ... free P.A•IONG fin 12.000 cw" OPEN 7 DJ. YS A WEEIC 10 A.M.-10 P.M . IHtaurantl for every telft •n4 puree MAIN IJlllT 0 , ,.. • .. • 0 • a ... ;c -c: ,.. ~ ; .... -1 0 .... • I • 0 , ... • .. • 0 • 0 ... re -a .. ~ ; ... -1 • .. . I !I, •i • , ... • .. • 0 • 0 • ;c -• ,_ ~I .. ... -1 0 .. • ~· 0 ~ ... • .. • • • "" .. :• I t~ -c: ,_ ~ f j\•.:y ; .. ,~ .. -· ... ";~ -.. -_,, .... ~ ~ • . • IC 0 ..... ... ... • .... • Q • • • ;4 -· • ~ •.•. , ll 1' ,, Alftl 'UUH ......... ," "" AlAr 'AYUOll 11140 •.•. , ll n" ,,,., ·nu°" UJ40 •.•. , " 1' ~ • z1' PAGE I • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEW~PRESS FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1955 "AND THEN WE USED TO KOLL 'EM'' -J im New- lin reminisces over the old flyin~ days of World War l and the years just following. The Newport Harbor Realtor piloted DeHav1lands in the first war. -Staff Photo ANCHc;>R. CHAIN BURIED IN MUD . A submerged a nchor and chem which hlive been foul· mg boat anchore In Pynmlct Cove on San Clemente Jaland are believed by the Cout Cund to be burled ln the mud u no traee of them wu founol 1n • recenL dr•JllnS o~ratlon. A temponu-y moor1ng buoy for use c•t Coast Gua rd small put rul naft has bet'n eetab- lli.hrd 900 yards, 133 degree• true from Culno Ill 72 feet of water, thl' Cout Guard an- nnunced. It 18 painted while 1mH will be maintained untU Octo~er. 'CLEMENTE CUT UP lifeguard Head Pays Fine for Bashing Scales A San Clemente llferuard cap- U1111~ Raymond Herman Larkin, 26, rtcaJl'tl guilty to 11n intoxication ·harge and paid a $~0 t ine levied Monrlay fn Newport Iusllce Court EARLY FLYING DAYS wtTH 1 :~la~~ ~~~2~· c~Ef~h:~~ NA VY RECOUNTED BY NEWLIN t~:·~~~;~?,J:~:!::'i·~::,~:: I Police &Airl the man drove hi• Realtor Recalls Days of Jennys, I ~1:t!l;~il:S ~~e ,~~:· o~a!e dc:!ug• .r::~ N II · Bo b• G • E it BaJhoa Bh•d. and Main St .. then Oitern m 1ng roup lft urope ran With his two companlonl Into .. • 1. nenrbv re,,taurant. OUlcer1 fol· " ~ PHYLLl8 J . JACK~OS 1 ht wu !erryfng pl&nu from Eng-lowed the tno to find lhem 1lt· Back in the day1 when a pilot land to '"J.mt>rlcan ba.&H In France. Unit at a tabll'. Lark1n'11 tl1l wu n-more by lha uat of h1~ rant!! A v1at111n has bet>n part or S rw-'ll<'l'<iing and he had wra pped a than by Ute paltry ff!'W tnstrumt-nls l1t1"11 hie off anfl on up ta-the <"loft~ naplun 1Uourui 11-the poU.C. aaid.. on th' panel In f ront of tum. Jim ot Worhl War 11. "I didn"t go nelti A pollct b!ldgl' from the San Newlin of Newport Harbor RPalty I_. plo.n1• for l'lght years aftt>r the "lrrnentc PnUce Department wu WAI flying for the U. S ="1tvy. 11r~t wsr., h .. 5ald. "but it kind J'inne•I In his swentshlrt. otflcer1 It ""-,u dunng Worltl \\'11r I In I of g••l:1 you so J got ba, k lntu owl Th".X r<'t urm><I IL to the San Pen .. cola t o be a navy fly1•r. Th"Y f'U :JJJ ~IA NA(.if:K 1H1rcr11 lh•'I e 19J 7 when he tra1ntd at MIT an•l I n1mm~rnal flymg then ·· -1ement•· d<-pllrtmrnt at requut of flew Jennys w11.h pontoons an thull1' ------------ day•, for tr1unC'r!I. I No•\\ 1111 we.~ a cha rter pilot 111111 to )tl't baC'k lntu aviation. but t>M Nt>wh n WM w ith Uk l•rti:•nnl flyan1: rn~tru<"lor tor .~evPral Yl'flr~ . .;r1 \"It,., told ham hr wa11 Loo old. northern bombin~ group or .-.=avy 1 F•Jlluwini: thal. he bN am!' ,. f1t•ltl tlyer1 who tralned to tly lht' !:\a· 1 ur• r111•1r and 111Hna'l'• r of th" l'hl· vy·1 first IArld m•• i.incs. H•• train· lailtlph1.t airport. In <'amd .. n, ho' ,.!1 for that over11eu with F r .. nt•h handlt'<I 1111 flying lll'r\'1<'es Bl the a nd F.nglu1h pilot&. field ~O.STLV 0~ PATROL ln 1929 h,. won a 21'>·mlle ral'e Hi• flying duty wu mo11tly pa· ror r la.n111 under ~50 • ub1" 1n1 h t rot work In which he aald hl' ne· di.,plaC'ement In 11 mmutea, 4 I :1 v1•r had oc~11ion to tire has guns. arconde. It was part of an 11lr 11how H e new the old DH·4 and OH-9 h,.ld al the municipal airport bl Engllllh 11hlp1. Phih1tlelph1a. Wh••n the AnniaUce wu &llflled During World We r 1I he t fli'll :'\t'\\ tin tut ne.I 111st1•nd to 11Ub·aa· ...-mbl)' rnunu'3ct11r1ng In South Cate for se\·eral llUijur aviation plant ... H" k. Jll at il until the end of lhl' war when hr jolnl'd hi• wife. Snlly. 111 the real l'State bwilnua wh11 h she had started when the r nurk mn\"t'c1 lo Newp<>rt &?ach In 1!113. '"A j<>t? Suri', 1'<1 hke to go up In a Jet."' hP smlled. .. \ Follow the crowds to Se a rs Santo Ana for Summer Savings Specials ••. We-4ve got every· thing under the sun for you and your family during our exciting Allstate Tripod Jacks ........................................ 3 .91 Regular 49c Allstate Spark Plugs .......•.•..........•.•... 6 for 1. 91 19.95 Allstate Plastic, Seat Covers .•••.......•....... :: .•..... 16.11 Regular 69c Oil Filter Refills .....••....................•...... 49c •24.95 Best Plastic Covers ..........•..........••........•... 21.11 3.98 Car Compau. Airplane Type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • • . . . . . 2.91 Allstate Heavy Duty Mufflers ......••..........•.......••• , , . 1.19 Allstate New Car Radios ................... , . , .............. 29.95 S""'"'',. ?1111 AT HOME Ken~ore. Corppletely ~utom~tic Washer ...................... 209.11 Fam1ly-S1ze Y{~her With Wringer ........................... 69.11 Griddl•Top Deluxe Kenmore Range .......•................. 167.00 1955 Coldspot Spacemaster Refrigerator ..................... 229.88 11 .4 Cu. Ft. Coldspot Upright Freezer ....•..............•..... 269 .88 U .7 Cu. Ft. Coldspat Freezer .......................... , .... 2-9.88 Regular 199.95 Console TV;21-lnch ..........••..•........... 177.00 69.95 Value Kenmore Canister Cleaner ......••............... 49.95 199.95 Value Rodio-Phono Combination ...................... 87.77 209.SO Modern 2-Pc. Sectional. ~ ............................ 187.88 Regular 179.SO Modern Divan Set, 2·Pc .... , .................. 159 .18 Regular 78.95 Bedroom Group ............................. 69.88 Regular 69.95 Mattress and° Box Spring ....................... 49.88 Regular 33.95 Unfinis.,eef Oouble Dresser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29.88 • 6.95 Value Cotton Carpeting .......................... sq. yd. 5 .49 Regular 9.98 Shag Rugs, 4x6 Ft ............ -:--:-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 .88 98c Sq. Yd. Enamef Surfac.e floorcovering, 12 Ft................ 69c Regular 1.59 Magazine Rack, Wrought Iron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89c Harmony House Traverse Rods .......... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.19 Regular 4.95 Non-Oscillating Fan .••...•....•.. .'............ 3 .99 29.95 Value Hassock Fans ........••.•.•..••............... 19.95 Kenmore High Velocity Fans ...........•................... 34.95 12-inch Oscillating Table Fans, 3 Speeds ..................... 26.95 Regulac 11. 95 'Catalina' Dishes . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 .88 , LA1t\11t at Sears Santo Ana\ ........ ,, ... ,, ,, sail -- 2.49 Value S.mberg Rayon Cami~les. Nylon Trimmed .....................••.••••. 1.11 Regular 6.9.5 Part Wool Blanket .....•••••.. 5.77 Boys' Pucker Nylon Shirts, no ironing •••••••. 1.37 • 1.19 Missy Brief Su its. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14c 3. 98 to 4. 98 Men's Spart Shirts . . . . . • . . . . • 1.18 3. 98 Fabric Putter Shoes. . . . . . . . • . . . . . • • . 3 .44 Men's Army Twill Pants ...•....•. ,...... 2.19 Men's Western "Roebucks" .. · ............• · 3.65 21 .95 Men's Sand Suede Jacket ........•• -1•'"-- 3.49 Men's Denim Slacks ........... ·• . . . • 2.11 6.95 Men's Rayon Gabardine Slacks ....... 5.11 Boy'.s Cool Pliue Shirts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99c Regular 1. 98 Pliue Pajamas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.67 Regular '.4.95 to 8.95 Watch Bands. . . . . . . . 3.95 12.95 Wool and Nylon Blanket, washable ... 10.17 2.98 Women's Denim Canvas Casuals ........ 1.99 2.98 Girls' Cotton ShortaJls. . . • • • • • . • • . • • 2.44 3.98 Milano Suits, 2-Pc.................. 3.44 4.98 Women's Swim Suit................ 3.66 Padded Sun Bra, Sun Panty, each .•.••..... 1.91 4'9c Yd. Broadcloth Prints, Solidi ...•••••.. 37c yd. 2.98 Value Be~berg Rayon Slip1 .••••.••.... 1.n Knee-HI Nylon Hase ..........•••••••••. nc pr. 1.98 Plastic leather Handbags . . • . . • • • . . . 1.54 Su,,;,,,,,. ?1111 PICNICKING Regular 19.95 Portable Radio ..••••.••..• 17.n 9.98 Ice Cream FrHzer .....•••••••.•. :,. I .II 2.49 Beach Bock Rest . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1.99 Regular 7.49 Picnic Baskets . . . • . . • • • • . . • . 6.44 62.95 pflueger Reel, Heddon Rods •..•. Bath 37.95 69.75 Mitchell Reel, Heddon Rods ...... Both 42.75 24.95 Value Bay City Rod, Penn Reel •..... 17.81 7 .49 Camp Jug, 5-Qt~ . . . . . . . . • • • . • • • . . 5.99 164.95 Outboard Motors .....••••••••••. 149.88 Regular 16.98 Camping Stovn ...•.•••.•• 14.18 Regular 21 .50 Ice Chest-Cooler. . . • • . . • • • • 17.99 Su,,,,,,t,. ?1111 PAINTING, BUILDING 126.25 Bench Sow, 1 ().Inch . . • • • . . • . • • . • • 94.11 79.95 Craftsman Band Sow ...••..•.••••. 68.88 74.95 Kenmore Disposal .....•.•••••••••• S9.88 179.95 Cabinet Sinks, 66-lnch .,, ••••••••. 154.88 89.95 Water Heater. 20-Gal.. ••••. , .•••• 74.81 56.00 Jointer-Planer ...............• , •. 46.99 51.SO Drill Kit, 47 pieces in steel case .••.. 43.99 4.95 White Toilet Seat . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . • • • 3.99 10.95 Deckmount Faucet ................ 7.88 10.95 Medicine Cabinets ................ 8.88 5.50 Steel Tool Boxes .....•••••.••.• , • , , 4.44 4.79 Hand Saw, 26-lnch . • • . • • . . • • • • • • . . 2.99 44.95 Fan-Type Coolers.· ••.•• , •.••...••. 38.81 1.39 Fan Trellisses, 6-Ft.. . . • • • • • . • . . . . . . • 99c 4.45 Open End Wrenches. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3.44 110.00 Floor Drilf Press ..•••.•• , ••••.••• 87.99 8.95 Redwood Arbor ................... 6.99 6.98 Plastic Hose, SO-Ft.................. 5.44 9.50 Plastic HOH, SO-Ft.. . • • • • . • • • . • • . . . . 6.99 2.89 Plastic Hase, SO-Ft.................. 2.19 1.85 Galvanized Gutters 1 O''x4" •.•.•••••••. 1.33 11.SO Aluminum Door Canopies. • • • • • • • • • • 8.81 3.15 Homart Roofing, 90-lb .••••• , . . . . . . . 2.88 A1bestos Siding, 100 Sq. H. .••••... per, sq. 13.81 14.90 Casement Windows ..••• , •........ 13.44 33c Ti_leboard Panels .........•..•. sq. ff. 27c 1 Sc Picket Fencing, 18-ln. He ight ..•••... ft. 12c 109.95 Rato-Spader, 1.6 H.P.. . • • • • • • . . . . 88.81 35c Chain link Fence ..•.•••••••••••.. ft. 27c 4.59 Flat Wall Paint ..•••••••••• · ••••. gal. 3.66 2.09 Snowf\ite Enamel. ............... qt. 1.51 4.29 latex !ase Finish .......• , • , •••. gal. 3.81 ... 69 House Point Und.,coot ..•••••••. gal. 4. 11 1.85 Enamel, 4 Hour ......••••••• ":"' •.. qt. 1 .33 3.89 Flat Wall Paint ........••••••••. gal. 2 .99 13.9.5 Craftsman Spray Gun............. 9 .97 Jvtt MY "Chore• tt, ". 0 \•-'' u .. S • o r 1 ••volvinc Cho r I• "on. 6 M •nth e te '•Y 1716 S.. Main St. Santa Ana Telephone Kl. 2·3961 .. I ./ • . . NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS SALT\' l'A.SUl~AMA -Lt•oking down from atop the main conveyor belt, !"alt farmers Fred Teman and "Shorty" Harrell take a breather from their mountain- I FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1955 sized loading job. Shown at left i~ on<-of the plant's seven ls.rge ult beds. -Staff Photo:-; by Forrf'~t l'rf'-.~ and Bill Durkee SALT FROM THE SEA .. l By FORREST CRESS Many me.n of the aea live in and around the Newport Harbor area but none can lay claim to being more "salty" than four, land- locked men now working along the shoreline of Upper Newport Bay. Employed by the Western Salt Co., San Diego, the four men spend their time cultivating seven, reddish-hued salt beds and oper- a(ing the plant's crystallizing machinery. Straw boss for these salt farmers ~s q, ~· Dill, of Santa Ana. Dill's harvester& include his brother ~bsta Mesan Fred Teman, C. E. Hamilton of Irvine, and"Santa Anan "S horty" Harrell. Between 5000 and 6000 tons of rock salt are produced each year at the plant, according to F oreman Dill. ''None of this salt is refined." om explained, "and all of it is used as water softener by companies like the Culligan Soft Water Service, Servisoft and the General Petroleum Co." "How much salt we produce each year is largely dependent upon climatic conditions," Dill said. ''For example, p!'Oduction would be low if we had a lot of weather Hke this week's." Each salt bed covers approximately a small city block and con- tains a foot or so of water, depending upon how long the beefs water has been subject to eva poration. All the salt is produced solely by solar evaporation, which in simpler language means the sun evaporates the bay's water , leavin& --~· _ .... r , ••• PRODUCTION TEAMWORK -~nit w .. 1 •• ·r FrcJ Teman shown s Mn•ling salt from .ad ot CODVe)'Or beft. Mechanica l loader. at right, ia operated by electric motor. it.a salt content. Foreman Dill aaid it takes a year to cultivate a salt crop in each bed. A tractor hauling a float drag is in constant operation al the plant, cultivating the se\·en salt beds. This ''smoothing" process keeps the salt deposits level in each bed, insuring equal evaµoration by maintaining the same depth of wat er over their entire s urface. The maximum amount of salt can then be taken from a bed at a single harv.est. Once a crop of salt is taken from a bed. it then goes through a crystallizing machine. After being crystallizC'd, the salt drops onto a long C'!nveyor belt and is carried to a height of more than 60 feet before being dropped. Thi& is done to allow large piles of ~alt t o accumulate with little manual effort. The sail can also be easily loaded. T he men simply s hovel the salt from a stockpile onto another conveyor belt which can drop it~ load directly into a dump truck. One of the biggest problems the men run up against each day is the damaging effect salt water has upon their machinery. Driv- ing a tractor through a foot of salt water each day doesn't contribute to its durability. Keeping the tractor. convr~·or belt s and crystallizer in running condition requires a lot of man hours spent Randing and painting. • This interesting little plant was built around 1937 by t he In:'iilc Co., and Western Sall Co. now oper ates it as a co-partner. READ\' t 'OR MARKt.:1' -Truck driver C. E. Hamil- . too. stand.in( on top of loaded trailer , deUve~ t ht" PART TWO, PAGE ONE l . • ~ ... . . .,..__ .. ,,. ,_ . . --. ,. ..• .. . w" -..--""'-• , ..... ..._ ... , THROUGH J<~OR THt~ DA\'·-Plant foreman 0. D. Dill nears edge of evaporation bed aftrr complC'lion of leveling-operation. Dill cultivates his "crop" with a fl oat drag hauled by'a small tractor . ' - '· • LAST STEP -Fred and "Shorty" dig into the big rock salty mountain with shovel and mattox. ~horty ia atanding next to the mouth of the main ronveyor. plant's rock salt 'to shipping point.a or dlrect1¥,lo con- sumer where it will be uaed u water eott.n.I. \ .. ,. .... (}overnmenl . 'rf/one'I Gxcepl :J.rom PAGE 2 -PART II NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS FRJDAY, JULY 15, 1955 "God gront us the aerenity to eccept the things we connot chang e: the coureg• to chenge the things we can and the wisdom to know the djfferenc.e." (A. Anon.) BRUSH COUNTRY EDITORIALS JOURNAL By HORACE P~UKt:K Community Hopes, Prays for Carol Doane's Recovery There a.re fervent prayers being repeated in the Newport Hvt>or area tbil week.. Pra~.rs ot t.hankful- neu for the continued improvement of the young peo- ple who were battered in the terrific cruh at Poppy Ave. and the Cout Highway in Corona del Mar 18.IJt Sunday. More th.an that are the prayers of gratitude or the parent.a of Carol Doa.ne. ThiA couple have seen their only chUd maimed a.od battered and bn.Used as the result of the crazy antica of a v.ild Marine in a stolen car. The Doa.ne family are grateful, not only for their daughters stepe toward reeovery. but to a considerate community whose residents have extended every effort to help them in their hours of sadne88 and desperation. From the unidentified young man who rendered emergency t int a.id on the atreet to their daughter. to the kind neighbors who have offered every human aHiat- tance the Doane family is grateful. Particularly, say the Doanes, a.re they th~ful for the fine facilities of the Hoag Memorial Hospital and to the great hearts of the Harbor area who made it po88ible. Ca rol Doane is not out of the woods yet. She has m ultiple fractures and dozens of severe lacerations of her body. The doctol"'ll spent two hours picking glad from her wounds and sewing up cuts. Another two hours was spent in surgery and X-ray. Carol Doane could well be aUve today be<'ause the Hoag Memorial Hospital ia situated where it is and that there was a\'aiJable there a supply of human tllood from its blood bank. This blood must be repaid. This is a way other residents or this community and friends of Carol Doane can express their concern for her well being -and through aid to her our concern for the future well being of every person in this community. Make an appointment today at the hospital to give blood !or the replenishmeqt of the blood bank. There i• little anyone can do to right the wrong caused by a wild Marine on liberty. Wheth.er he stole the car -or whether as he says he was invited to use It, is of Jillie import. He has no insurance and probably no n .•sources to pay·for the damage he has done. There ia no money, no coni;ideration great enough lo pay for the damage that he has done to ~ee young pE>raona who fell victim to him in hia wild ride. This is a case where the armed aervicee of the United Staie. ~ exerclM the power of general court martial If found guilty in civil court for the wrongs U· &'ssed to him, drunk driving, f elony hit and run, reck- IC'Ss driving, and ateallng a car, this young ma.n should be placed at ht.rd labor with his pay allotted to those he ha.a hurt .until f.uU payment u determined by a civil court. baa been ma.de. Perhapa 11Uch a program -instituted by the mili· tary, would atop some of the ....ltd forays of their irrea- porusible pen10nnel and protect the civil population from them. Grass Roots Opinion NEW H OLSTE IN, WIS., REPORTER: "During the conflict between J oReph Stalin and Leon Trot.sky for con· trnl of the Communist machine in Ru.uia in 1924, a blue- print of world conquest wa.a drafted by the Sta.linites. Stalin wr<'sted control from Trotaky and later had him murdered. Thia blueprint et conquest, accordlng to Dr. Fred Sr hwarz, I he-noted Australian scholar on Com- munL..,m. calls for the conquering of Aaia first. then Af-1 rica. then West.em Europe, then 'to i8C'llate, degenerate nnd. if nK~sary, de,·aslfl te the U. S .. ' " NO COMMENT By \\'ALTER CHAMBLIN lR. \\.Mhlnt-rtnn··t\o ban r•n union I Rhode lllland, and Gore, Tenneaeee pollUcal !'Ontrtb~lon11 Rl'lrea t • &11 Democrat.. ing qulc-kly befofe object lon1 of But It didn't 1tay there long. J11bor u nton11 a ~nate F.lectlon1 The aubcommltle<', reporting to SubcommlltN' hu alrlcken from the full oommHlM, propoaed dru- 11 blll p rovh1lon1 whkh would have ti<! revlBlon of the Corrupt Pree· prohlbltt'•.I labor unJorui--d1rectly !Ices Act, but left out lhJ1 pro- or ln•hrcctly-from making con· vision. tr!butlons or a~ndlturf'a IJlr<on· The evident purpoee of Ula necllon with 'federal electlorll. memben ot lh• al&tf who dra.lt.ed The p rovision appeartd In the lhe bill wu to pJqhlblt l~r union bill lntrodured b7 .. n. H UU1lng1 tvaalon ot the law. Undu pre· f D.·Mo. l 11.nd epouored aJao by 1ent law, botll corporatlona &11.d Sens. HAy<lt n, .A..rtaon.a; Orevi. unlona an prohibited from malt· Entu-ed u Second-0... Kalt.er at the P09t.of:nca tn Newport 8-ch. California under the .Act of M&rcb a. 18711. QuaUned to ,....... IApl • ...._ ... A.lftt1S r••la .r All....._ By Ott~ of ...... .cw o..rt.,, OrM,e ()e. la Aeca. llf .. A-Intl Mf'mber Oallf4lnM ••-I= P S "rt n AM1dallo9 ....... !feMwl -~ ........ .. ..... .,, ~ ClamtJ x .... aentee Harbor History • ID Making Harborites who have lived here'over the put few years may not hu•e 'thought about lt but they are wat<'hing history being made. We speak of progreu ot the area which is one facet ofo ur locaChistory. It hardly see.ma po88ible when you think ot it but JUSt drive through Lido Shopping Center and look around. Only four years a.go hardly any ot it wu built. Ric-ha rd's Lido Market and Lido Theatre, of coww, loomed large in the undeveloped area of sand while P. A. Palm<.'r's offices and the adjoining Newport Balboa Savings and Loan Anociation quarters faced the bay. But there was little else in the are,.. Now you have to find a chink betw~n apartment hpu.sea and shops to sight \'a nderbilt's maje&tic sqiooner Pioneer. Of course, the Lido area~ juat one instance. U you want to become even more a.ma.zed, drive through Coat& Mei.a . YCuein lose yourself in a.11 the home development.a and th<.'r<' arf' new light indwslrles which moet of ua hardly know are there. Then there are many new store• and businesses lining the varioua eectiona of the Meaa. Yea. we art> eeeing history being made before our eyes. which, if we raiae them beyond our Harbor area perimeter. can behold even more progress throughout t he <'OUnty. Jn years to come we who are still living here will look back and say, ''Tboee were the good old days," Actually, it would appear, the "good old daya" are the days in which we are striving to better our communi- ty ; t he "good old days" are now. Tboae of ta who will be able to look back on them with pleasure are those, who right now are doinr t1tm1etbing to make Newport Har- bor a better place in which to live and work. What better time and place than now ? Harbor Our Best Asset The 1955 Trans-Pacific Yacht Race is now all over but the CC'lebratini.;: and, as usual, Newport. Harbor yachtsmen acquitted themselves with honor . Although no tangible a ssets accrue t o those who go down to the · sea in ships. our Harbor's blue water s11.ilors have done much to carry the name or Newport Harbor into the tu reacbe11 or the Pacific and Atlantic. In the sa me manner our commercial fishermen have carried Newport Harb<'.>r's name across the transoma of their harn-workmg r raft wherever they sttk to harvest fish. Our working boRU. are known the length of the Padfic Coast wherever fishermen gather to spin ya.ms. Whereas most American cities are living "near the aoil'' so to speak. our solJ ~ our Harbor which furnishes a base of operations to some 5000 boat s of all typee and ah apes. - Trimming Down The "Wuteline" Sacramento Sidelight 8A~. (0CN8) The 1 ployeu w hich normal bUlinl'u power of veto «Jven the governor dot1 not take, not to menUon t he In the ,late conatJtullon may .eem d.atly time off tor cottee break1. at Umea, &11 &!front lo the demo-Ont' of t ht vetoed btlla wu ktll- cratlc ayatem of ,ovemment. but ed a t the requut of the 1pon1or1, ,enerally 1p1&J<l6g, governors do Ule Unit~ Cruaadea ot Sacra· not a buae lhla authonty, and a.I-mento, when ll wu dlacoverefl by tbourh aome lecl1lator1 and com -that or(&lllullon a.n amendmt'nt munlllu may ,et lhelr feeli ngs to the mea.aure would have cloaed h11rt aublequent to a lecfal&t.lve j .llAte payroli. t.o pultlle 11eruhny. au•ion. tor Ole mo•t part lh.e v.. On Ole othna, th• covervor tell t o puts a dam~r on exces..~l'll 1'.'t that ~l&tt' poll<'y would nut ~ the lei:'! l11lurt, and tenr1s ln the ~ervc.1 If th!! lltllte wr re allowl'd Ion« run to aave mon,.y tor the t'l make deduc:tlona for other taxpay<'rll, 1 d 1ar1t1ei1, union duu . &Late .m· :'\tlLLJ'O~S Ctl p!Qy••e asll0<'1allon dUt11, snd many This was amply proven In thr nf thP olh!'r dl'flucllnn11 that woukl long list or vetCW"s 11nriounc~ll by h :\•t-c-om" within the purvtrw ot Governor Goodwin J. K nlg'ht on the measurt. the day he <'IOSP•l up his actions The nto or the com l<' book hilt on lt'g111lnllv!' b1t111. To be t'it&d , la now, of course, history. but tht $21,9~~.022 In l'pecfal approprt-veto goes to 8hOw how 11n enlll't a tlon blll11 ff'lt lht> 11wing or the lt'gii1lature mli:-ht be ml1lf'•I All· gubernatorial ax, and t his 111 fl 11emblyma'h Bnnl'tll'11 prlnclplf', ll( gum tll.Xpayers Wlln't be worry· course In prumollng t he mt'Mure Ing •bout untll t he le~lsl1H11re ' bsn horror romar b;;nkio. \\'Ill' .st1111vt 1et.a tocether apJn and per'h11 na but hi11 llJ'lJl!"nllt'h to thl' f'H•blem ·enact• anme or the mea.•ur!'s I through the bill t.h11t paAeed t.ht Not all th<' at1dt'd ••IM"',.' of legildature mer•ly b<t<'•11M It .., .. r ovttmment. ho.,,.•tvf'r. nv"r 11n'1 the popular way to volt, vtrlua l· abovt the budget. comes out In ty tranll<'Pnde<1 th" t ree<lom <'f th,. the r p,.C'lal appropraa tlnn brltl' f'l'l'l!S, and had It betn wrlll•n Into The ,;ovemnr vel~I'! severa l m l''l · l8 w, would havr txtabllshC'd a 11ures which woulll hav,. permit· d11ng,.ril4111 pr!'r .. drnt. led the 1l ate to act u bookkl:!eprr ntf:El>O)f or Pur::.s for th" C'h11nt11 ble ll<'tlvft l"!! o! Governor Knight, hoWl'\'f'r, u.w state l'mployers s n<I emplovrps· the da ni:er In.. the bill, anrl Nl'r· LMOClat.n>n• Lhroui:h the t,.g1!<l11-r lstryir; his conrot1tut1on11I rr1v1l"JP:". llvt enar tmt nl or m!'uuru p m-helrl that It coulrl not become IAw, vil11n« for d,.d ucllon• tor bolh For th111. hr will hn\'r rh .. ~rA1 1- c:ha rtty a.nd dut'I. \ tude r f 4'\'l'ryunr whn hllP\'l'll 1n Al..1. ADl>R r-r lhl' primary pr1n1'1ple or fr eedom (Ed. N• -'I'll.la_._. " He,_ Partl•r will dral "Ith 1tle ltltle-l!DOW11 •ltt~f'iil fa.eta he haa dN'dgecl up I• hi" many &rtpa i.to tlM Nek eountry la Ne,..& , .• .,...) One of the natural wonders or our Californ1t1 (11•!>\'rta that·singa a song or poetry t o me 1.8 the DeMl't Fnn r .11111 llr Waahingtonia filifera. When Linlrude on -thl"tr ymm ry around some desert spring or aeep thl")' ~mind ml' nf white clad Arabs squatting silently around an ouia. Onl'l' I <'t1t1~ht m\'aelt t11lk1n ir; In a whls~r Tf'· Amet1r an !'olumn b) 1 "" 1· 1hr· •pecltn,c: tht t olltudt and hauihty om lanu• under P iro 111 ,:.;,.11 1 ·11.~- 1tnnd!'ur of the 1t•n11t1\'t1 duert rual -· dwelln • 111 arf'lll whrre tbt\' tol-Th• WaahlnJ'tOn\a h11" I•·"" • .1r• low the 11rrps up tht hlllall.lu In rl,.d 111 1111 J'l&rtl ot I hr \\"I I I In "'1111 r11nf11• 1,.n th('y 11ppt>ar lllet llaw•ll It• ,rrowth 11 pl ""' •111·11101 A111b n fl!'mt'n ~r1t'a1I 0111 In a and to th" Hn~·•hara 1' 1• 111 ..... n .t1k1nnl1h·hnf' Allcf w he-n they hi· &3 the Hula r elm Tho I•' M'l':n8 traUy choke & ca.nron l1U t.hr LO ~ All ll'reaaUlla w .. c lllll .. nC Palm C&n\'On abov" Palm Spr1ni:s p11m111v .. u well aa , l\'11111••1 11111n thl'y •eem In domln•tt s ntl tilkt lll drt11 .. t h11 llklrh nr lh•' 1lf'•<'1t O\'trth ,tnttrl'renyonwath akan •I palm 'l'h<' u rlv l n<ll.1n' thn11i.;ht Of elht>rr•11I· t ~· pe ot owner~ll1r t hat by bur11tn1e thf'm 11 mn·I" Ille tith'. with man as a lr,.spAu rr fru it •W<"t'ltr Mt•cht• \'"II' ""·'• PAl.~I ~OT ~ATl\'E anll i;a1drnl'n w11h1ni; 1.1 1111p1ove One ot i hl' talu nf tht Dt'll'rl nn n11 t11re tn mO<lt rn •'.1 ''" 1'11 t1rr Palm hear1l up and down the bum nr prune thf ,.1<1nio l!'"'"lr brutth country la that It la not 1 t ht Hula Palm 1 nalt•"I 11nol un· "native " With !ht' Cahtom la.ne' n11 tur11I look To t hr n:illl r.111•1 th• prldt' In n11ttv11y t h111 &llo on t hl' 11up1<'mt .hl"luly nf thr l1l'r rlln• anct>etry or the palms th«' 11111. n11t be enJny .. tl un lrJt """ 1,. t11ll)• 11rall1t 10 quick di-frnae Tht'J f' ts l'lot heel 1n hl!r lr11 (1•. Mnl hrr 11 111.J- a lrg<'nd •mon1t lhl' lnr11an• that bard •lreu . • the Spanish P&dl't'• ph1ntrd thl' l'IASV Pl.lU 'r: !\ "u: .. pa.tm1 &round the draert 1prtnc • Palin. uatd In 11 plnrl' 1111 1111' nn a nd Et'"P•· But tr on" wHI lake " our 8()u1h,.1n C"11hfvn 111• olr~tl 11 moment and an•lyze 'Ul111 lt'l;<'n•I lhorougloly C"C'm(u~ans 1t1••1 r Ill" It becom,.a mOlt ndlculoua, J'l:Ot any number of Palm 1'1111\nn' \\'e only did the Par1re• have n<' tim e 111J!.o ha\•,. Tht•Ullllnol J' 1lt11~ 'T\"•n· for thl1 Herr11lea n ll•k. but with ty-ntne l'a lmw. 1'11lm ~1•1111~·. 11,., thrlr love of fruit a nd fruit t ref'a •nil. Trea f'alnlllll Sp1111i:,. I '.11111 they would hardly have planl-Oe.5trl, ~Yt'nl/t'n r11 lm11 ••hi a ed auch & 1pari1.-ly-frult ed palm u tn)'rt•d nt olhe.._ U•lnt · 1•111111 · In the Wuhlngltinla f1hf,.r&. I Ult' name l:vctn thou Rh the fruit I• aparH Thc1 t 11 &n old ln1llan t n111 and conatall of a thin 1urface ot whlt'h 11lmuAl fo>ll11w11 lth' l'11lm• "meal'' o¥et-a gip.ntu: •l'f'·d th!' to Pinta H ighway from l'alm IJ<.11- deet rt Jndt•n• rell1hrd th,.m for ert lo l•l)'llw11!1, pa.i ll«ll'arh on fonil, grint11n~ them In lhf'lr llt•m e the 1jl1•r r 1lt8Prt <1ldl' nf t he m(llln· mortara •n•I pralle11. Th., rtbt>ni ta.ma. \\'llh my t11•..,.1 t ~11'1<', K11rl from Lhe lt11vt'' furniahe<I maler-l lknnl.11, we 1Jr .. ve lllt11 Un11 £'11lm"11 l&l for l>llskel•, nell, rnat:1 and a1tn· Spn n g8 wha h -.•rvel! a.a ''"" of d11 lll, ThP ll'RV!'~ th•·m~rlvrs w~r!' lh!' w111erani: nlaC'<'• 11lnn1: t hlft old woven and llt>d Into ~a('eful, rnn-ln<ll11n t noal. l.••:&\'ll1J: l<arl In thr lral·~h&pl'd kl,,hs I rallfornla lnd· 1.'llT, I v. 11 lkt'1I t111\•'n lntrJ th!, little inn word for hnu11e or '""re••), ru<·ky 1·nm·nn, w11h lhe p11l1nl<, Whll h hlrnJ,.,t Int o thr <try (!r~erl llianznnlla, 1'11111" pln1 11 1•11•1 th'~"l t lanl'li<rRpe &lonr th" pa thwayll of ">'lllnw11 J:'TnWlng bn1.•t!'r .. u11ty v.lth the pn~m~. I U.Plr fl'r l in th,. wnlrrs l)f this llt:s• ~tAs\· :4PF.CTf'Ai r rt ~r11 n1: nnfl 11rr1• Allhn11~h ti\ .. naming arul !Jent· t11•1Tf:HrJ.\' 11on11r. lf1r8l1nn nf t hi! pll Im!' thrnugh,,11l Thn11~nnd~ or Ill t11> b!111:<h·R rny Lht' w .. 1111111 In 1<mnrwhRt nf" r t111 -b111t••rfl11'" 11111s,.1 thl' 111111:<t11t n Ollc ~lat•, lh<er• hl\'e Mrn bl't wt'rn frnm 11n &lk 11l1n,. """I' In lh .. r •n· 12 and 1!)()() 111rr .. r-.nt ~pt'C'1U 111!-· Y<'n'I! floor. (,1111111 whlnrd 11111 nf l•rmlnad definitely, T•i• pelm /th. dump nf ""-rt Wiiiow• an<I was first ob~er\'<"I br M•Jnr \\'II fln""' ru•lt!'t1 r-...•tl,.••h· In thr 11h,.I· Emnry In Nnvrmbf'r nt 18411 In • l<'r or a pin• n pan!' high on th<' lt'ep ne•r lht' twaJ n! Ce rt1z11 c-anyon's v.aU. rrl'"k 1111'1 It "Il l< hi' "'ho 11amr<1 Ttie r1rntun• nr th,. dr~rrl.t arn•I t,1 \\'u hlngtnnta 1fter Oeora;e mountain' "'''(' h••l•tmi: fo1 lh ll• \\'11hln"1on t.-ltlt dh.I Jll.ajnr F:m-round 1h111 htll,. 11n<p111lrr1 ~rrm11. "'TY rf'llla7• lha t Wllhln a few d11y11 an'1 th" "lltnl plllm!l bor,. nul thr 11fler nburvrng this Aet1\r ... ~n-old Arab 118) IDJo?, "ll'<'ar he11r111 In rr od laty hi' w-nulll p11rtlrtpa te in, t he fire of the tl"lltrt J111n 1111 I &loni; with hll r nmmandlng l\ffl<l'f t hf'lr f,..,t In th" cool "'lll<'I" Gen1'r11I Kr a m r. the dtff'llt nf tht I ~l'llh As we near the Golden Anniversary of the City ot Newport B<.'ach we should be mindfol of the Harbor's early-day boosters, Harry Welch , A. B. Rousselle and the many other men of vision whose persistent effort.a brought us the Ht1rbor in its present usable form, Tne first fifty years W<'re fraught with hard work and st ruggle by those Harbor boost~ra who planned what we today <'njoy. Now that Upper Bay development is hem ming nearer the starting stage the present civic and county ciffi rials ha\'e a great public trust lo uphold. It is most nec<'si1ary that Harbor de,·clopment Ind con- trol be planned wiselY for the future so when the City of Newport Beach obser\'es its centennial those who cele- brate It will han real reason t o rejoice. ~The cost of hookkrl'f\lng wa.& ot lhct press, anll "'Ith the publi· dtaer1bet1 a11 mtn•ll,. t n tht' le21s-r 1ty l'n,11endrr<'d ll~11rn!!t th•· hnr· , Latu re, bul ·;,•cry 11dded rh'lrr gl\'· ror 'book11, It LI qu11~ llk('IV t hilt tnlh,. at3l(' !'t>nl roller. whn IM!l I rrgul.atl••n• will r111nh111u h11.11dl,.,,. mnl'lt of tht l'lt111r's pR\·· the. dl.lmllitl' l hl'y ,.,... """R'"' 111 Mllll, ntea n11 &d•led help, llr1Jed do. A I~. <'omntunll V ro-.•nl11H•nt tund.I pa id Int•> l hl' st11l,. rrttrt'· agitln~t lht' nr w11ta111ls. orur; mt>nl fund, Rn1t 11<11leo1 nblli;~l 1on:1 storP!I, Md ot hl'r JllH r<'11 what'h ~ .. 11 to lhe employf'e• for l'lll"\t ~&vt', ~11ch bonk11, 1~ bn111vt tn h~ keep and lh• holld9ys given 11Utte r m-' thrm urHlt'r cnnl rot. AFFAIRS OF STATE By HENR\' C. MacARTHUR SACRAMF::'\TO. t rnor Goo<lw1n J . Kn111h1 ·,. vt>ln "' lnic pnllllr11I cnnlr1bul11m,. I fl'n~e Deparlmt nt Approprlt.llon the 1111·'"1111"d Omnthll!'< P..rk Rill Bul labor un1on.s l.ll•lrd IJ\' Bill. As adopted by lhe Hou.k which appn pt latt>•I $1!1.!l12 ~.0.1 r.1r I the p11rrh11.oe nr new io1111 ;. pnrk• rr.endly I e g a I lrlterprel.allona, Ulb &mendment would have "" and bear hl'!'. 1, 11n inr1irlllinn that have lcnored or l'V&ded lhe Intent 1 oul rl'd congn mslnnaJ a&ncllon be· lh• chief exerutiv" I• ~uhm:ll aniz of CongTns By 11ettln~ up J>fJl· I torr t be defen11e department IUcaJ committee. and c:l&Jmlng could Abolish or tra.nafer top rt-to nelt hr r poht1rat r•r r 11mm11n11 y lll•t tl\ey are lndependtnt: by com vate b1lsinePs M Y of Ila exl1tlnfl pnuurrs. peillnr; union members to make actlv!Uu . Thla bill we" l"""'"P"'I liltl' In lnd1v1dual conlrtbutloni!: by m11k· The Senale Committee made the leguil&tavr '"'«ann lln•I al-lhOUKh thrrl' wrrr 'nmnult•'r lnr direct e:11pendll11ru , llnd by thle Important <'hMge: It leavu llnu,.d, r11'11Jlll" th!' uri;ln,c:• h" hA<I r rnm lt"t11lalnr!! 11n'1 r nmmunlll .. • l'l "ten t he m"11~11rl' nn tJl,. l!t"un•I plPnl,\' nf mnnt>v w11• A\ 11l.1hlf• an t he fund to buy thl' pMJ"C'l• wtlh· out requ1nn« the ~al gnvf'm· menlll lo cont rlb11te Knlitht 9181) po1ntf''1 out th11t there Is no re&M>n wh~· C11htom t11 11houlrl not have & 1y11t~m rJf park~ and beaches r.econd 10 nnnt. In arcord11nre with a sound and pru· <1f'nt muter plan. other mean• the b ig labor unions the dep11rlm"nl free to Rbollah hur1nfr!I "" It. t h•• ~'''" r n"r pnml· pour mltllona of doUan Into u c-h M Y activity or tnln1ter It t c-ed oot In hi~ "''10 ma.~~8~" lhat "IM) fer llS f kl"o\\' nu M'tl"11~ 1•II•1 Hr H id allocallnnt l!hOllltl bf' pollllcal u.mpa.lrn. prtv&le bu111neu . provtded tha t Conv1nc1nc evidence Wlls given acth•lty haa been !!tarted within 1idn&tlnn wnot JtW~n In nr.v ni;: thr marte throug)l thr rtgular budget the wbcommltt• that the bag la-the Jut 25 years. If the acUvity commlttN·~ wJj1r h h•·Ra <1 t h111 hill proce11, In arrord11n<'e with a •Y•· bor union• In the Jut campaign wiu pc~ed prior to 25 yean lo the vi-rv lmp11rtRnl 'l'""•t1"TI or tem or prtnr1llu, u In othtr c&p- '1ol.ated the ap!rlt of the law In 11"0 the Deten~ Dtpartment then abandoning lhe nrn trh int: prin-ital outlay budretang. and "1hould Michigan by putUnit larg<' 11um11 of ha.& to report to Congnas I~ de· cJple." not ~ on 11 buui "' rnmptllUon mone behind labo ba k d d I to t.alt It d .n C Sf:W rRO.fT.('TS I among rnemb!'ni ot the l<'Kllllature . y r· c ~ can 1· 11 re cur a.n .,.ve ongTua through llP<'cl&I bHli.' datM. Thia would have betn pro· an opportunity to pau upon the For tt 1 1 t 1 rn hJblted by the word• "or lndlrt'ct-dtp11rtmenl'1 dec.l1ton. acqulaltt~~ ~/'11~::~~ f ~0~1<'.,:: pro~ In other word•. ht has lntllcalf'<I ly" 'IV?"ltten Into the prohlblUon. While opponent., ot tne SIKH jecta ·without r ttlPh, l'<•untl"i< or tll•-t pork·barr,llng wtth buche11 ,. A.Dd the bis; UIUona would have Amtndmt'nl would rather have prtva le pnrti"I! Jlllltllii; up a~ a nd parka won't ~ loltrated &nrl none Of thla. nad ll ellmin&led complete1y, It much money nr prr·r~ rly tn rnalrh that legialat.ora can so thro111(h Th• retttat of lb.a aubcomm1ttet la now gtnt'r&.lly admitted th.at tt.e .amount '"" 111111 ., wnul!f ha\'P reg-ular channel• to promote their w111 make any revtaton appro\'td the a mendmt'nt I• not particular-put Into ,.3r h r r"Jrrt h"'' thP pet t ommunlly proJe<'ta by Ule tull Senai.. Committee on ly harmful lnumuch u mos t of me&aUrP bor-rn" lgn,. t 'The governor a l110 vetoed &n· PrtYiltgl'I and !:1ecUone a mere the bu11tneu competing acllvfllu The ma t<hinir prln• ipt,. w.u d••· Other parll project, which hu moc.kery. of U'le ~fenae Department on(1· vetopeJ In l!l:li, "'hrn " :;tat" park ca~ m~h comment Thl1 I• lhe Tha 8-&IA ~prta\iona Com-natt'tl in either the J etenae pro-bond l.ollut or SB MO,O(IO was ,·ot~rl purd1&.ae of >Jtlomar. In Mon- mltlH bu mat.en&lly /Improved gT&m Immediately precetilng or by the P"<'f'le Thf' pn n< iplr tho·.n t.erey county, tor 1360.000. a ~ur­ U\e Bllc.M Ammclmmt to the De-durin( WOl"ld Wa.r ll It.Hit. wu, &cn•I 11 n••\'< r A,,., h"• n Ahan· Ce• I Ion Which ti.a l)ttn tll• ---------------------------doned. U1111 nlh"I" ~n\'<'rnment II· hau.eUvely lnvutlg&cted by th• de· gtnrlu or rr avatr rnr .,,.. wo111o1 1 pa.rtment of tlllAllce. double lht 11m,,11n1 ur '"''"~lml'nt TUllH OH "HEAT" made by th,. -t.il,. Monterey county les;lalat.on MwP Water Flows Again Thi• wu vn th<> i;cn<'f al the••ry really "lunad Ui. heal" on Ule th.at tht' prnjl'r t waa o! more use governor on tbe Aallomar pro ject O.pend.ence ot the louthlalld on wu ta the Remtl and PN?U v&J· t o the commuml1c11 tnv"h'P•J that Re waa told, It wu learned a u· lta "'-UC>poUt.an Wat.er Di.tr1cl ley1. Newport Buch, w1tb I~ It w ould be t o t hr ttnl lrl' ~lA •'. &.I· tbortt&Uvely, that "they don't like 1n1pp!7 or water wu e.mpb&liMd 1a.r,tr aels;hbor• In the Loe An· l.houfh the park "YSt1•m hM1 Pome you •ery m uch In Mont.rny count)' t.bla week when crews worked 1elaa Metropollt.&n a.rM. conUnued benefit to all of lhr P"OJllt' nt ('al· anyhow, t.nd they'll like you a lot quicllJJ to ~p&ir a Un.It ~ t.o receive lta wpply fT'om [AJ(e ltoml-, no 1l'l8llt>r ~·here lht pro-le• unleaa J ou a1cn thta blll '" b)' earth ahlft at tb4 CAM Loma M.a.Ua.-., %0 mUaa weet ot C... Jtct la IN'&ti-d. However, the 1overnor held out atphon MCUoa. row au.· w..t Loma Blphon. n. lake now bu IO In 1945, whtn 1ome S l~.000.000 1 &«'&ln•t Ui. pre•ura. Oil ..... Jadnt.o tuaMI ...... a.n.at. blWoll ~of wa.ter Sn~· .... lAkt'n from t he •tale's gen· MMllwhtle. It'• s otnr lo be Up U.. b'9&1l cauMd a.use of eoo 8oftle f ,000,000 penolUI Aft etrnd anJ f\lnd for addltlontil bPllC.hta lo tbl lt&tAI cllrialOn of bea.c:het ,..UOna a DUaute t• a llbort U... b7 tbe rtant Colorado R.lnr acque-and park•. thc-matchlnt; pr41clple 1U1d pa.rka to ~eeent aome concr.lf• 'l"lllil ......,_ WM WI# ... IOO.-duct 1)'81Am. Newport Baacb WlaSdl wu QOnt.lnued. I pla.n&, other tb&ll the V&,(UI five eee p!Jou Of ...... tNllUt.e at aleo .... ft.a OW1' ...a.a.. t.Mab t.o OO~"TJ'St"E PlU~CJPU: a.ad ten ,..,. pl.au Ui.)' h..,. IU«· Ult' polnt le~• occlll'nd.. 1 wlae management. could ha-re \IMd The l'Ovemor. theretort. velned ruled ln the put. to IUl!O\trt> or· Only portion of MWD a.na whfre 1 It.a O'IFl\ under(T'Ound 9UpplJ' bad tbe emnlbu• blll on the lhf'nry the derty acquta&Uou of new be&cbu water wu tem~ lbDi oU tbe laJLt 1on1 d17, hna~1 pr1Adple ahould be con· and ,parlca. • INFRA-Rt:D ..i.... This film enhances the my11terinu1, dramatit ~a uly of lh,....palms <1 t IJ011 P11lmu Sprinr11. gi\'ing a whitl' halil<'d effect to th1· green vPgctallon and making a Jei>p blu<' sky ,jet black. Even the buahy manzanita apr~ars CO\~rOO With hoar frost in the heat of the d«'sert sun. -Hora& Puker Photo Farmer McCabe Writes ... J see whue the J WJttre J><·pnrtmPnt 111 uk1ng Con- ,reu rer ten million Frog S~tn1 t" bu1I~ n n<·w Alcatraz type of prt.on. and from all I've bt-1-n n·11 rl 1 11~ 111 the pa- pers It .e<>ms that the pri~ms arr u tl\'I r -r·rowdf'd u the public achools .... Maybe one of lh<'Me d H}'li some or our acientiata will take time off fronl"lhP1r bu,ty IS(·hem~• on how to git a Ro<-ket to !ly lo Man 1tnd f1g~n out a simple plan on laow to make a gci<><i c1tw·n r1ull1L tht common criminal. . ' • 't ' EXPLORER SCOUTS VISIT LOAN FIRM Jt was an advance lesson in thrift for the members of Exptorcr Scout Post 17 when they visited the Newport BaJboa Savings and Loan Association building Tues- day morning-. The boys were invited t o arrive for breakfast with their ''Golden Years'' Chevrolet Sta- tion wagon so employees of the institution could share their plans for the cross country trip. ·From left, Tom- my Baume. John Vail, Doug Unruh, Randy Peeler and David Harshbarger see Paul Palmer presenting metal savings bank images of the Savings and Loan in front of the exhibit of home models while Agnes Blomquist. executive vice-president of the loan firm and Mrs .. Fred CrQXon, escrow department officer. look on. The itinerary of the trip that wilJ take the members of - Post 17 more than 10,000 miles this summer carrying forth the message of Newport Beach's golden anniver- Hary in 19~. was r_elated to the associates of Palmer'• Savings and Loan. -Staff Photo Stuart Hilt Serves ' Newport's Finest to Go Tie-less f Official summer uniform for all ATLANTIC FLEET I FHTNC) -Strving a board the 11ttack 1ur· craft carrier USS Intrepid 1s Stuart H . H ilt. aviation 11tore- keep<'r third l'la11s, USN. son or -, I Mr. and Mh. Don 0 . J ohnson or ~~61 Alla Y.is_ta_ W11y, ~g~na I Beach. I I l ntr1.>pld, which rPlleves thf' car- Newport Beach police officers on duly oulllide the department. ot- fke will be the rtgu~t!.2.n ~!!!.!'.! w1Lhout lie. Chief John Upson an- nounced. TONY IS YOUNGEST DEPOSITOR Tuny 11 .. 1n<1ll. g1 a1,.l:-<1n or :\Ir. and Mrs. Al Horv&lh of Xewport Hi 1i;:hl:<, wall th•· younJ'rst Y1s1 L11r lo Ofll'n a n•·w act•ount al Ncwpru t Balh1m !'ann,:: ... d1111ng their 1•<·cent open hnuN>. \V1th him 11bm·r 111 )lrs. H1•1Talh 11ft1•r i;1g11mg his first pas.cibnok. At 11.>ft 1s Tdlrr Vl'l\'•,1 Bruwnfll'irl, ''"~"' 1111111n dir1.>i'ln1s and th,.1r \\'l\'t'S JC\ln•"l lhr :1:, 1'l11ff n11 111ber" in \\'1>lr11m1ng huntlre<l!l nt g\Jf'lllll during the all-rla y t•\-.•nt /Ill lh"Y h<'gan a sl'ron!'I yea r in lh<-lr bayfrnnt hC'arlq11Rtlcrs·here. Scholarships for Sheetmetal Pupils at OCC l"i:e sh«'l'l m<>litl fabnt·atioo ""llrse. The Or11n1.te. Co&St course 1s a new vocat1on111 o ffering at the rt•llPl:f'' which is being ottered in 1 C's pr1n11t> t.i the increa8f'd de- m11 nof for trnmmi: in lhts field. Be,·aust> "( the• dema.ncl for wo1 kers in thr sheet metal t rartes Four 11d1ol11rshipl'< Ct1r voc·11t1on-1t is anll!'1pated a large number al shP!'l mel11l stuc1»nl>< arc bC'1ng or students wUJ enroll In the new sron:-r>r<'tl 11t Ornni:r C'ottH Coll· Orange C'Oallt training program. ei:;e !'11111ni; 111;.;;.~6 h.1· the joint The rla,,9 will be l8UJi?'ht by a ppr .. nt11·.-~h1p i·.,11111\lt l••e .,f "hrl'l /\ n11t1111y .J. :'111lly. J?raduate of l,110g B•"i. h :=;t11te ( 'nlleJ?" Sully Metal T1Adf'll in Orange <'••linty. h>:tll 111111 ,. lhiln 1:1 y•·ar>1 or expPr- 1t wa11 oh:<elosed tqcJAv. 1rnre 111 t11fl··r,.nt aspPrls nt the The f,,11r a\\anb. • 0 <1l'h Jtt l h•• ,1wrt n1 .. 1"t u11.i ... 11m111mt ,.( S2<1. '"II bt• m 1d1• l" Rt•i:1~11 at1 .. n ,,,,. thr Orttni:e crlltftl'il ~hePl nwl11l . pp11•hl1,N1 ('m•:.t t11·1~r11m will start A11g. l. who 11tlt•t1d th!' Or:1ni:-f' l'orht C:ol-:tl thr ""II··~,. COLLIARD IN JET TRAIN'R Air f\)l'<'" ROTC Cndf'l John ll Cl1lltard. &On Or Mr. M d M·rl. :'>!. H ('.oll111rd or :-;,.wP<'rt Bea, h . prC'pAru to ta.ke ott on an orn•ntnt1011 n 11o1ht m sn Air Force T·33 "11hoollng star" jet trnintr A st1i<1r111 A' Lo~·,,la l'ntvPrBtly, he hu completed h i• Jlllll•'r \• .n in nd\'1111• »d Air F"r"t' ROTC •Ind 111 attending a ruur-1\ l'd, i1ummer tr1mung course a~ H1.mllton Air Force 8&M. rier USS Randolph. arn\'ed in C1brallar June 8 and u; due for a sUt month tour of duty "-'ilh the 6th Fleet ln the Med1t~rr&nNn ANNOUNCING • • • HOLLY VISEL Officers serving in the office-will continue to wear ties. with the shirt uniform. The summer garb follows present CU8tom in many c1lles. I• openlnr a Studio or DRAMATIC-ART & SINGING.at 204!1 APOU.:NA-BALBOA 181...AND DO YOU ... w-t .. .aa.-. act. •peak Wf'll, 'appt:ar publlcly :' ! ! Mn. \'l~I hM had ll2 yeal"Jt .. x~rlence lD ll'IK'hlnic thev art11 for conrt•rl, entC'rtalnmrnt, and cultural uw. C'all HARBOR 2890-R for appointment Doclte Re elected: clerk ot the board. ln other recent aruon. Joe Hamblet. vlce·princlpal. wa1 Jrl"en the Utle of al'tlf\C principal of the .chool for the next year. d'fe<:ttve fall term. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I I • PAGE 1 FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1955 Halftblet Ptll1clpal .. Judre Donald J'. ~e. veteran prffldent of Newport Harbor Union Hlch School boa.rd of tM.Yt-. wH re_..,lected to the poll July 1 a t the annual orcanl...Uonal meeUnc. M.ra. Ronald Barlow , wu named Thi' board has set lhl' first Mon• day In Au(U1t u date for the achoo! dt1trict'1 budget hearing". Murdy Committees 1 ·1c.>xt two yt>1u• to l'W<lommf'nd 19:'>7 lt'gisl1111c-n. Mun1v hu been Senator John A Murdy has b<'l'n mimtid to the t du<'•t.wn, cotton named to ftv.e more interim <'(\m· 1 problem11. marine affair•. wr,tu m itten (\f tht' 1talt' senate. They probfl'ms 8.11(1 aplculture an4 u.,.. will 1tudy probll'm• during thC' ~lock C'<\n11nttteea. . -·YOU G&-T MORE! Moat llZI! of any.iow-price car, for a truly big·cu ride .•• most BEAUTY with beautiful, aft.new ForwtJNI looli tt:tling ,. •• m~ COMFOR_! in the roomietit 'intt:rion in PJ.rmouth'1 6eld • , • ma.t s.nn anc1 ICOl'IOM'f featurea ••• T"O TOP ENCINES: the ~ylindcr PowerFlow 117 or the 167-bp Hy·Fire V·S. YOU PAY LESS! In fact, you can pay u much as $500 more for medium-price <:ara that are Jmall~r than the low-pi:fce Plymouth! Model for modtl. medium-price cars co11t much more than Plymouth -chf'C'lc priee lap and eee how much more ,.or Plymouth gives you for your dollar! Drh-e a big new Plymouth .00.yl ·LOU REED & ·ASSOCIATES 1200 W. Coast Highway NEWPORT BEACH Phone Liberty 8-3486 N11111kr nint in ~ strits: ACFllEVEMENT AWARDS ••• SURE, BUT LOCAL TOO! Here 's another way we serve Orange County ... G., L2st year our b2nk di5tributed $17,600' to high school srudcnr1 in its Southern C2lifornia Achievement Awards Program. Cash 1wards, certificates and engraved trophy rups were presented to 2 number of O\JtStanding students attending hi gh school~ in Orange County. We believe this program benefits everyone in tho Oran~e Co~nty a~ca by encouraging high scholastic standa rds, good citizenship and individual achievement among its futu re citizens. le is another way in which ~ank of America serves Orange County • ANAMllM llANOt ..... c-ew ..... 0 ............. LA MAllA llANCll -·-c......•-......... ..,, . 1&uttk of .Amtrirn NATIONAL l!~~TNA6'~(ASSOC~ATJON ....... 0 HDlU~ D&,Oil1 •••u•uic CO ••OU1101' IAUOA llANCH ,UllUTON HANCH LAOUNA HACH IUNCH ... ..., ...._ ...,,_, ,...,.,,,.end ,,..,.. J90 Coott lo~l .. ard ..... .,, M. M. ............ H. M, Wet••~. ""9'· H, f. Coword, Met. NIWPOIT llACH llANCH OUNGI HANCH 'LACENTIA HANCH ,..... Y1e ll4'e I01 North Cifou•H $""' Wttl ~o~!o '• I'••~,,. lllle94' A. w,1..,., -.. o. z,,,....,1d. J•:: ,.,.., t. i-.. t ••••"· ~ .SM aMlBm MANCii ....... c--.... ~IANTA ANA HANCH •·YOHA LINDA HANCH "07 Sov!h -;n $1,..1 ---"~..-. ... 1 ·~ ' \ ., I ·-· ..-. .. HARBOR \)O~ BfLL PHILLIPS, Sports Editor . PAGE ... PART II -NEWPORT HA·RSOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1955 FULLERTON JR. LEG10N --. NABS HABITUA COUNTY CROWN F ULl.F:llTON, I OCNS I County 1·hn111t1a for t he 4'11(hth time In "'"' Ae11111111s, Fu'll11rton·~ Junior Ameni·an Legion b1<ll t club tanglu \\1th H1•111o:t 1n thr 2li;t Dl1!lrl1·l playort's at AJnt'rlgt r ark t nmotTOw a-rtf'rnonn at 2 Sund&~' tM pair met! at Htmet 11t I p.m. Ir nec1·sS11ry R third gamt will foll ow. 1 Bob Martin Tallies 27 for Hardtobeats Monday Night 8-0b Martin of lht hardtoboU ,Thomp~t:1n 7. Walkert: 8uttord 7: toppect Hatbor Boya' l"11Jb A Sum-1'1tr~·t 4 0 Pmona t tl I -O.nl;t mer Ouketball Lftg-ue l<'Onni: 13. Lop.a ll. AIMn I ; Lope& • t.larlm 12 Monday night with 27 polntM. 1 .. ad· I Lt>n~•holl IM l-Loren!.Mn 2:1 ; Int his-qutnttt to a U-~ trlump.b ·Rt nr.-l1n 10: H~ 13: Peter- over the Hou1hot1 The Lon1ahota aon fl. Trounceni (IM>l-Knlpp 18; bumped th• Trou.nce.ra IH-~ Vo'bll.4'. ralaferr1 9; Tamu,. 11: roat1ua t he Pacemakl'ra 4'clged the O.mons e; !lliequttl• 7. 42.41. Hardto~ata (Tl)-Hou.t~n lt: Trailing Ma.r tln for high acore Komper 6; Martin 27; Bryant ': l'lonor11 wwre P8111 l..onntRrrn>f"'the e.um I.. \\'.bll&.-11. ...ll~llJ L<mrahol.8 with 2~. Tom Housten or Hnr11tobf'11t1 and Vlllag n.na of Hohhot. with 19 H eh, and Eddie l'.,1"' of racemallera with 18. Sronng rundown by tt llm•. Pacemakt rt t 42) -Pope t8; -Hllrper 16; VII~ 19; Naw - \clr'k 12; M11lder I : Koatetln '· Stllndlnga ~ Monda)" Hudto~ata and Lon.phot.a 1-0: Hotahot.. and Paoem&Jtarm 1·1; Demona &nd Trouaeen C>-2. TYPICAL YOUTH CENTER SCl:NIC The Fifth Ari'& tournamt'rtl. whleh brlng11 togl!thn chllmps or the three Southern L'ahfom1a vicuin dtttrtclll, I• ael for 10 a.m. July 23 in Ame11Re Park. The batter is up o n the Coron a dd M a r Yo uth Centt>r cJinm o11rl and. t he c r owd is rt'ady for the pitc h. Team · matC's line the bac kstop to to ke 3 good look at what the rival pitcher has on that b all. Behind t he b a c ks top are a dults and gir l friends. -Staff Photo 1A BRAVES. RED SOX. GIANTS TOP LEAGUE The Braves, Red Sox a nd Giants we r e all knotted up for first place in H a rbor area A Midget baseba ll st andings a fter I W ednesday n ight's gam es. All three c lubs s ho w ed six wins, t wo losses. . • Hemel. R1ver11de County LA-g1on champion nine. ca ptured the title Sun<ll1y with ll 7 -4 second game win ovt'r. Corona . Coronll nabbed the fir.st tray 15·4. Fullerton def\<ati.'d Orange Sunda y ~-2 for IL• 12th 11tr&lght t rlumph ot the 11e1111on. Lo.st sea:.ori Fullrrton downed Hemet In two atrafg'hl games. .DODGERS WIN PAIR Covault Hurls Perfect No-Hitter for Indians A ft er t he G iants knocked over the Braves 3-2 Monday, Still u ndefeated, the B N atfonal League D odgers added the Braves bounced back Wednu-I · h · rd · h · · T d d W d day to down the Red Sox 4•0. In wu top hJtter for the loser11. with t w o wins t o t e1r reco w it v1cto r 1es ues ay an e • other trays tbe Red Sox beat t he two blnclea. 1 nesda y. The Dodg e r s d umped the Braves 12-2 and Cubs 8-2. Yankee8 lB-4 Monday. and the B Btan~~d t115 rourhd wClw~c:_ad6~r Meantim e , the American League topping Tige rs split Cardinals look Ute White Sox 11·2 n.ve11, nc Oll an an..., . '· and the Indiana the Dod&'ers 9-T Cardln&Ui 6-3; Indla ru 3-4: .Yank-a pair lo rem111n ln first place up the win. Cary Magner drove ln . , -J -6; While Box J-8; Dodgers deaplte two llt'tbacka off the sea-three run11 on a b111u lollded aln· I Tue&<JR~ 1•7, son. The D<><Jgrra have a 6-0 mark. gle I llO~R ~IARGJ1' The Tlr era ll 6·2 record. Steni Wlnalow of t he PITllte• A home run uff the bat of le&· P F.1U-E CT f"RA \" paced a 6-2 triumph over lhe gue leading batter Steve Simon-Tornadoes Outal&ndlni per r 0 rm a nce In Giants Tuel!day. He drove ln two son p1ovt•d the wanning margin for g&mes Monday through Wednes· runs ~·1lh a alngle &11d double. lhe Ciunl.ll against· the Bravea. d hit! b 1 dl J ohn l;iughes and SimoMOn p ve llY wu a no· er Y n an Only hll wu collected in the up only 0 e hll to the Brave• a Edge Past hurler, John Covault, which atop· T1ger-Ath letlc fray Wedneaday. n • ped lhe Tlger1 in their t racks Mon· ·Tom "lllman w•• c .... dlted Ith double by Gary Plckl'nl. . I . "' -,"' w · i But Wcdnesdav night Pete Stod· day. Covault chuck"d a perfe..:t lhllt lone blow off A •...lohn....M.al' ttllrd ""lfnl:l-f"lcln'ns -tell mei! up ti) 1..-~....-iy_.u . . 11.dtltance. Gillman re: A H t frarrtf'I. The Indiana ~ nn 6-0. J am-Ct'i\'ed credit for a no-hitter in the !0111 8 two-~il.ler at the ft.rd Sox orne s u Martmd11le's do.uble with lhe 3-2 bllttle. 1'he Ya nk11 edged· Ute for th.. Brine 11h11tout. RoMle uags bulging wu the key blow m \\"hi Sox 6·:'>. Ky<'s 1m:gl,.d home the f1rat Brave I ... ........... I fl I l le -Bv Ula akin of their teeth the u •t • • '""' s 11 x run rat nn ng. Dodgru-hurler• Tom Anderaon tally In ltl" 1>pening F r11mc. In the -,. . · · . .,. · llll\lh. :-uiJ:kM by Ronni•· :"llugeiit , torrid Tornadoes ttmal~ed unde· Not to be outdone. Jim Curtis Md \\ oody Brooks. collabora ted on 11.nol Ky• 8 ttml a double by Wayne I rc~ated In Hutr>r Boys Club Ft pitched a no-h iller for the Re<! a. no-hitter agaln11t the Cuba 8-2 \\'hllnt'v a<lu»d thre» nw r r 11eores. Summer Baaketbllll 11a(l.le T ues-Sox In a 6-4 Monday victory over \\ ectnesday. BroolUI, Guy Magner I · RE day wit h a 41-40 victory over the the A '•· Curll• jom,d Mll<e Cle-and Andenon led the Dodger bat SEASON ENDS JULY 25 IUCUIA'LY thrilling thoroughbred RACING· coming this Saturday, JULY J 6 s100 -HfTGUAUMTUe I 10 WINHfl HOLLYWOOD GOLD CUP Ow of 1Jw 111or/,tl'1 frlMJI '""-1 c"11it1 /111twit1t Af1Nriu'1 {tru11 Tboro.thlw#.1 SAME ADMISSION PRICES HHDSTAMI ClUIMGUSl 5219 l <"f.ORRE l> I Hornet.II. The 1econd plllce Bom· ml'nce with the mace~ both play-attack. The Red Sux d c.ibber,.tl the bers nudged the PanUlera 47-45 ers 11lngled acro81 two runs. B standing• through Wednea· ' Yank1t with nine run.s In the third I and the Lakers downed the Hawks J eff Smith tossed a three-hitter day-American : Tlr er1 8-2; Red Hollywood = .. "i AYl•H pa r k ALWAYS A COOL ullanz.a. Top sluggeu1 In the 12-hlt 611-62. to match one pitched by Dlnk Sox 6-3; Yankeea •·3·1: Wbllct'"Sox barrai:t• wer., Richard Wat.M>n. I Bob Wtllte'a 32 point. for the Felker and Biii Burnett, but the 3-4; Indiana 2-t>: Athletic• 2-6-J. Jerry Lawic:-nce nnd C~ne Lund. Laker• garnered high acore honors Dodgen 1ot the runa 12·2 Tuea~ay. National. D<Xlgera 6·0; Bravea 3·2· Earl Lewis a nu Bob Trllpp un-for the night. Teammate Bruce The Dodgers unlea.shr d a five-run 1; Plratr'11 3·3·1; Cub• J-3; Olanta Hllln llYI .. SH HEEZE '"""" \i i lALt; OF A WALLOP -Larry La wrence, White ~ox pilther. takes a real riffle at t he rock d uring Coi:;ta Mesa P a rk B game, juat t o aho w Yankee bench Jockey R andell Hanvelt, in back g round, h ow it's do ne. --Sta!( P hoto Sox while Trapp blltted lhe Ca.rd.a ter with 112 marken, tna.lled with ---------------------------------------------------------- f urled R one hitter nt the White 1 . Knipp, league'a hottest po. lnt-get· f1r1t and a 1even-run thJrd to wrap 2-4; Ca rdinali 1-6. THE SPORTS WATCH By BILL PHIL~ to victory. Trapp laahed oui a 2e . . ~mgle and double. Gary Clllrll 81\l'~'T SECOND tripled with the bues la.ded ln tht' lai;t Inning. but Ute Dodf er rally failed e nd the JndlllJU won on a lone base blow. Greg WIU!on Off the 8CUOn. Gene Bryant follow• Knipp with 90 ; Jlm Mul- der ha• 80; J ohn Henrot,ln U ; Mll<e Vall• 67; White 66; Don Pierce 62; Rich Plllatem 411; Don R d Bl • Bt:'&tty 48 and Bob Martin 46. e s, ues ID Scoring rundown by team1: Bombers 147) -Gene Bryant lor 10: Ray Pion 12. Panthers (of:'>) M•ldgel Tri·umph a.t 0on PiPrce 11: c harue Tay- It's n ow official. Tod Whil e, Newpo rt H arbor H 1gh.'s -Rkh Palafen1 21: Bob Wlllker Bolh Hu bor Buys' Club en· 10; Kemper 8; Geor1e Mllll'kan st>nsation al miler. h as definitely decided to attend Occiden,tal. tms in the orange County Mid· LOOP LEADERS Mrs. ~trolll'r White was kind enough to flash m e the n('WS . ._,.t Lt Jgue cnpp<'d v1r torln Wed· Tomadoea !4l)-Buddy Thomp- "H e h ad a ha rd time deciding." Mrs. White reported. "but nt>i.ulay. The undrfel\led Reds aon 3; Leonard Lopez :-,; Terry rap1><'J Hunt1ngtc.in Beach there Hall i ri ·. Cary Gru n l2·, J im we think it wi ll J>TO\"~ a hap11v combination. A "'000 sc-h ool, 12 3 h 1 th beat•n Blu-_, h • w 1 e e once· ~ ~ Schouea e. Hometa (40) -John 11n1l II t:11111<I ~r tu·k tr llm untl!·r T'ey-, R 0 yd. rt' lay record of 1 27 6 .!lt'l Pd it rd Ocean V1Pw ht re 9-8. Henrotln 17; Mika Vaile T; Bento tun Jur• 111 111 '18. The new ma1 k: 1 :27 .~ Three hit hurling by Cary Clark 2; Bob Martin 10; Bob Hender· Thi• 11rr;.:inaJ t'c•nl'eMu~. 11fl(•r T EX Al'I, Sl "tl Rnu Roy Dnlton held Huntington shot ·"-· T1nJ br11k1• t ilt• nat1nn,tl prep r~· 1-;dthe Soulhern e>f SunA<·l Jlit:h. liNith do\lm. Meanwhile the Reds Lakers (69) -Bruce Knipp 28; [) II T lit I ... th were bashing out 1!x blnglc1. ln· "ob White 32·. Don B•atty 11. 1 ord w11 It "" -1.:rn mil,. in Lnll An· 11 1u. Pxas. wa~ cr!'c ec "1 n • "<'II"' 1 ·ulli.t•llm, w.is 1 hat Whitt' two rrcc.in1l!-He \led Je~~e Owcn11' t•ludlnt: doubles by Dave Ham· Hawk11 I 52)-Dave Pettit 8 ; J im " 1n33 1 f 2fl -I th 22!) nn J monrt and Richard Schllchenmlly• Mulder 22·. J im H oatell•r 8 ·. J~ would ;1tt111d •1lh••r Ch~· 11r l 'SC: "' inw" " n e · t d ~ ~ h k 1948 • •o vd d11sh mRrk er. Gary Pickens a1ng-lr acroaa ~cClut1key 12·. Jim Schon·• 4. a fll'r ,i.:1;tol111111 .. n. :-.:.11t• \,11\\' t luse rri I' a ,, ' · '· f h R d .... "" t hn TrnJ lll>! 1 11111, ln , 111 .illann thl' n( 4 •. t:nlng-t he J1sta nt·•• '". 172. two nJnl! or 1 '.' ell. Stanlllng• through Tueaday: , ,.. J\u T th R b l I:: I Dt>!tp1le a soc-run srcond frame. ToTMdoes 5-0: Bomber& 4-1; Lak· t hr•" tup h11.J1 ~·Jwol n111Pr~ of lh!' •o i5n t'XAl'. t' "i r 11 .!'I' the Blur!< "'r" <l1•11dlocl<ed untl1 \era 3.2. Ho-·•· 2•3 .• Panthen 1•4 .• 1111,..1 t\\,. ;.i ·''·II. Th•,. a h• i ih' 111,i.:h ~ rh .. ol of Buytown b111 •· lls J l' 1 d h J hn , , "'"' h.l•I ~1 •• x T ru1 x <•f \\ ,1; srm. ln1L IO\\ n lflj I unc mill' r:lay rlnt long .:uni~e.s ~x a:~n!: the n;;hth ofor Hawk-I! 0-5. who I"'" rt d lilt' 111otrk l \l 4 20 I o! 3 .lfl S w~th 8 3 ·1' 9 effort. lht! triumph. A double equ~u play ------~------- In 1!1:.1. ;-.;, ,,. Ill•,. I! t Tum Skut-1 Charles T1dwt>ll of lnd<pen1lcnr•. txrrut"d by J•rry Mllnn hJgh· L• k L 2 I \(11, th!' ;-.;. w .lr1 ;, v pr• 1' \\ h11 ml Knn' dad t he lBO yd. low t:ur<l11!!1 hi:htf'd the Fl"t:Ond Inning out-IS arru ps I hnl( a ,,,,11,tl ,.11: Toti ' mnrk ,, 1 m 185. Oltl n•rnnl '."a.' lS •. J\nd bur~t. \\"'"k .. r .. r \\"htlr I\ ff'1•ton l llr.·uk-J11mP! Brl'\\'('f nl !"'orl h l'hO<'ntx --------------Homers ·1n Loss In , i un. lll~h In A nz11na hf\t·t1 h1msrH \n ~ l"l~t: TlllS O I 8. new pole V8Ull ITIArk or 11 rt. 2 IOC)an Poles, Reel Gone lnch1·i;. • ,\ r ti wn111.1n t THAT hn•11k y1111r How 'belut t hnl • i1w kid11 k""P h• 1r· • E1~hl 11•'\\" ri·• nrll!! w··r,• "I'" i:-.-ttm,i.: h1~g-er an1I slrnng<'r 11nd r r· \··ti r• • 1•ntly bv the ::-\11t101ml bu~t more 11nt1 more mnrk11. yet .... <I• rnt 111n of Hri;-h i::r hO<'ll Athlrt1r l'rri;1denl Ike h11s lo r ;ill a 1t1Pl'l· A~"''' .. 1l1un l'lrn\k·\ n! :\Ion Ill in .. with \hr country's 1<'1nhn1t Jilli,, :--:. J _ p~' into thr' bnok1t 1111 11thh tic lummarii'll. The pruhlrm: t h• 1 urrrrt nulo r<• 1Jrol lt11l1kr 1 To get t he kuls out of the i1lontls "~ 1lh a 4·19 :'> C'irlC"kmg. Sm"· Toti nnrl onto the !irhi nt pla.\· hri1k., tlw record. but ht• ti ·lr\'l Th~rl'·a no prr>blem on thnt l!('or(' ,.,., n hav,. tune t o Kl't <"rt'dll for in the H11rl>or arrll. ;"l;ol with the Holph BogRn or l!H3 Whittier Aw .• l:O!lta l\le~a r!'ported thtrt or a Calcuttll bamboo pole &11d a Penn 400 yl1. rerl from rear of hl:1 pickup truck J uly 4. Bo$tan val· ue.1 the ltem11 at $17, according tu Coi1ta l\!Psa police. The pickup "a11 pllrked In his driveway Ill the tlmf'. B_o~n 1!8111, It in blark nnd Whlll'. J\n•I ~klltkll H11rbor Boy~· f'h1b And :--lf'Wp<'lrt Local YacHtsman thdn't i:1vl' White t1m1> en(lu~h for I Hl\rbor H1i;h rccrl'e.Uon d••fHU'l· • rrb11tt R~ bl'fore \hl'y b<lt h w rrl' rttrnl in Ot't1on and tht' whl'll" Tells About Bi9 Race &Tll•hm~.t. P11clflc millpond at nur doorsteps. :-:ow Ir Tod and Tom n m truiglr IA<"nl 11blrbnd1l'cl kids who play• St rat Enright nf South Coast In " tm~h mec~ of 11onic s1•rl con11· 'buebaJI or bllskelbRll or i1w1n1 or I Company wa.s epeaker on the Hon- nrxt rsnder lll'O!.-'lln, \\"C''ll rrnlly bnnl or fish hf'rt' don't nN''' hrlp oh1lu yarhl TllC•' at the mePtlng of han' 1111m<'lhlnJ:. Trouble Is, l'kut· l itt'tlJng onto the !reld of play. :'\o.1 the Opltm111t club Tueaday noon l<I\ 1!' lh" fourth child In a f11mlly l str. Mom hrui troublf' grtllng thrm 11! Villa .MJlrlna. He wu lntro- c•f l l A1•t hfl lf'amrd t o run 110 lo comr home and 110 some work! I t1urNI by Jrm Jenn1ng1. Richard U ak ot 471 Broadway, Co~ta Me11e, hit two home runs for thr N<>wport Harbor High School CIJIM c lndl&JlS Wednt11d•y morning. but hi• team atlll lost. The White Sox (Ot credit for a 6-5 vlr tory L111k wu losing pit· r her. Biii Brockma n the winner. Steve Shedd of 1520 Klnga Road homered Md Chris .Pll'kUp of 2932 Clift Drlve doubled to pace lht Brave~ to a 13·4 win over the Red Sox. Bob Chilean or 208 VI• Palermo doubltd home three run11 !or l h.e lOIUI<. Harbor High C atandmg1 through Wednt9day: Ghrnl1 t>·l ; Ca.rdlnal11 and • Vankt ell 4-2; Bravu 4-3: Tlger11. Cub1 and Dod· irers 3-3; R•d Sox 3-4; Jnl11ana and WbltP Sox 2·~ 11prl'•hh· h•'CllU!'e Whl'n ~tom y1•l------------------------------ 1 ... 1. "C"nme and gl't It''' you h11d t•I h•' rn.~l' to krrp from bell\( t r 11mplNI. • l t"<H 'R BEST j .\ nol ""1th Onh $raman of RA-r1l· I ), ~ 111 t<•mhni:: \ "CLA, ~·011 hnve 11j:ilt In th.-L1111 Angelr11 a rro I.hr f, 11r b,•J't mil<"u up from high "' ht•l'll rn nkio In rccrnt yeRr!' S•'ll· n 1.tn hrl'kf' Louie Znmprrim·s 19· \ r.1 r·ot.1 11111rk of 4 :21.:? with I\ :. '.:\ ~rnnt In l~ll. Why botl'ltt• .:uini: to the Australla.n Olymrlc.' !ol ll('I' lilt" ~rel\tci;t; l\"e g(ll a mrl" c•l11N11.: .1,.,·d f'\ping here 1n our o" n bM k \'\lr<I -It 110mebody c•111hl ll•'l t h·l,. quartet tOft"t'thl'T' I lntl't•··t•'d in r<'mal'ndf'r qt thle , .. l\lltin s rr .. p mr.rks approved for \ t ht rr cord hf'\ok ; Th<'rt1 we?"f' eight In 1111. twn frnm C11llfornla. Chari"" n umn_, of Cr11trnnll1.I High, Comp· 1"n. ht>lll 8 1!138 high jump leap of A rt 7 I . rn With fl Ol'W hrlght l'f OPEN BOWLING Thursday-Saturday-Sunday OPEN ALL-'NIGHT Friday and Saturday VAN'S BOWLING ' r• !1 '• in Thom11~ .fdferaor 170S Su~rior, C09ta Meta l\~h ~ Lt>s Ange~s smaabed ~1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! •J .. a top deal on ·your old truckl ... for America*s ~ IOwest-priced V·B .. pickup •• FORD ! ~ TRlfltE ~ 7llllOtr lriftt '"' .W rnd 11 ,..,, It's wri • •l•P ., .... , ..... , .. tr-" It,., ... ... ro.o ,_,,. "''"' I',,• THEODORE ROBINS Youa roao DEALER srxcr: lttl -(ON KA.aDrl:U llJU:) 3100 W. Coast Hk)hway-Newport leach -Uberty 8-3471 fV •t ftl .... , Den't Min •fenl ThfftN• KICA (4), Tlawat!ey, •.IO p.M. • WHOLE COVEY OF CUBS I JENNINGS ADMITS JOY RIDE COUNT f:,tw11 l"I LI• ) I J,.i:mn'-" of 84) ahnres TTllllt'r l'ar k plt>ad· tsl g111lty . J une 23 In !\'ew· Jl"rl Ju•lll'•' C:1111rt to )"~· r1J.- 1ni: In " n1r nn whll'h It ts al· 1 .. g ... 1 he ha s ra1lt'J to re.\• tht' IJ.1l11n• <' 1111<' 11.. """" ftne•I $..';() ltn•I •hua,. lo "l>KOJ l (J Jays an :-ie...,pv1l nty j111I Tlani..t Tu, kn t"ld pullet' l.1· 11r•l1I lh,. car to .i .. nJdn• for $3~ •town Turktr M hi thl' .1c1.·n1.htnl ra11 ... o1 1 .. p11y thl' I b11Janre un th<' r ar 11 ml Tuekl'I' rf'p.,,.s.-s~ed ii J i>nlons a:>· ll<'MN!ly took the cnr rrom a ftt>rVlt'•· station i.t 2300 Coast I mKhWll~. e w1f!I arreste~ In l:ien Diego by ofr1C'HS the1 t!. I AIRBORNE 4GAIN I Washington Sees Flying Saucer Over His Boat I R tport or a flying AAUct>r RI'•'" 7 milt s nH =--f'wpor1 Bt'&1·h waii I m&dl' to l'. s eoa.~t C11ar<1 J uly 9 al 2.30 pm. by Gat>rge \\'ashing. ton or San Bernurdtnn \\'a:<hini;· ton was In hu1 bnat th,. Lu<"ky W JI wnen ht said ht MW the saul't'r. He '1f'"4'rllw'd thf' thing 84 rount.I, "I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE 5 FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1955 FIRST FOR llDI SO •'AR -This 13 lb., 9 oz. albacore held by Richard Hehr, 1432 W. Bay A \'e., wh irh he boated on Ded«.' 11 June 23, gi\'es him first, albacore honors for junior $alboa Angling Club member. -Kent Hitchcock Photo Here are the Costa Mesa Park B National League Cub11. From left to right, top row: Ass't Coach Harry Bressert, Kent Anderson. Bill Scott, Don Horneman. Bob Thomson, Danny Arnold, J erry Chase. Middle: Don Fox. Greg Smith. Tom Schock, Steve Harper. Bottom : Randy Felt, Don Flockner, Leonard Riley, George Austin, Jim Gallagher. Doug Rhoads. -Staff Photo Top at ~y":·~~h 1~1d:~1.0~;·~~~d"1/~~: County Supervisors Approve 2 turning on ll11 ax111. The C'nAict Guard 11ent a plant Stamtinp m Harbor Boyl' Club to investlgatr but the pilot said New Hale Company S .. bd1·v1·s1·ons B AmtrlrlLJ'\ LMguo ba11eball htt w11.t1 unable to set' the obJt>Ct..· II through S11turdlly fnund th• T1K· Waahlngton radioed bllek to the era 11top the ht'8f' 'k1th ""• win., Coach Hue11ton Harper, Jim Bushling, Bill Armstrong. Pope Plunks 20 for Richard's Co811l Guard at 2:46 p.m. that the Announce.ment ot two new Hale one los~. C"hll'f npr•u•lti"n llPf'!'llr· Mucer dls11 pptared Into lhe clouds. e Company Dewlopmenta to total I'd to bo the ncd Sox "'1t.b a 6·1 He said It Wllll flying at l\bout Stever ln1ured 224 homr• for the Costa Me11a mark oft th.-lll'ftl'Oll. 2000 to 2:100 feet when first ob· • C I C h area wu made yesterday when e S Remlt.lnder ot the loop Jook<'d 11trvtd. In ye ra lhe compa.ny rl'cclved tract .. ,,. Ilk• lhl1: YILJ'\kt't'a ll-ll-11 V't'hll• H • The Coast Guard s11id they had SANTA ANA ..OCNS) _ A • lproval from tho Or&11ie County Soit l ·ll: Albl&tlce l ·ll-ll India.NI Down Untll'igton no onwr reporu of thr object. • • cy Board of Supervisors. -------------! chst M<I hl8 JlllMl'nJ:cr sufCertd in-One unit of l88 hO!l}H Ii acbed· 1·5. Harb0r Juniors ALBACORE MAY, THEN AGAIN THEY MAY NOT 1 I Jlln es 111 t ' un J u 1 Y :, when ulf'd to be built at Baker 1L11d Col--------------Eddie Pnpe Tuf'~dlly n1J,!ht Wildnelll on the part o~ H unt· L. I . Man looked on th .. 1r \'\'hlrle plungt'll lllhl the fl'&r lege Sta. The •ttond (T'OUp of 36 plunkt'1I throu~h 20 points to 1,.ad lngton Beach P itcher Bill J ohn· I of 11 ll'fl·turuln~ p1r kup truck at twme. 11 to be built on th• north Truck to Ibbotson Hichanfs Mllrkrt. to, 8 46"33 son oJ>('ned the gate Cor a 2·1 Drunk Rap in Crash Main 81 1U1tl · Hu ntlnJ;ll•n A ''l' • 11lde or Bakl'r St. •a.et of Harbor A --Liie R~· KES SMITH I triumph oVl'r Alll11on's Markl't. 0 C 1 J 88 b 11 H unllngtnn. Bf':tt'h 11rra Blvd. The tra.cta adjoln. to New utOlftuv GARDEN GRO\"E, (OCNS) -Veteran albacore b The wan kept R1C'hllrd's Xev.1lort range oun Y umor .~P a I Three cara were uivolved In a n Unnr t'nnrlt'l! E JllmP~ ~3. o r O -Jiarbor qulntrt 1n r1r!lt pl:irc in League victory by ..Harbor Boys' I ~cldent u1 ly July 2 on Coast \\'hltth r nntt M onrorct H S tt'\'er servers expect this week to tell the story whether the alba-Annht>1m summer Baskl'lball A Club nine Tuesday. The win lt·v· Highway between Baysidt Drn·e Jr. 1&. 3 1211 Apt c. v ia Oporto. New Lawn Roller core will come in locally or head out on the outside of San l.A>Rg111• eled ort th• local !alls' eeasonal and Marine Ave . pollrl' reporle<l. ="""'f'Otl ll1·alh w l'rt n1aht>d to Clem1·11te Island bypassing the local waters, as they did .last In ntlwr games T uesda?'· -F.,uit· rl!<'.ord at l ·1 ln t he county loop Booked wu Meh·ln N t1I Cla)1on. Hoag-' Hn,.pll•il. th1 <'ahforn1a \\'htn a city traah trul'k block• l'd Opal A vt., Jfllllu C. Jbbouon, 112 Op&J A \'e., nnt A C'lty employt>f', bar ktd It out o•lh<' way --but. ni<ht Into a 1955 aulo, pour_. re- porltd. !01<!,. f'lub 1J.1wnt'.t Carats 4•1-32 • 22. Long Beach. on a 11runk chargt'. J-t11:lm·,"· l'.111 .. 1 ~11·1 Thr\' bnth year "lrt boat skippers rate chances,Jligh for a big,season, l!Jlt.I ~IUcs droppcJ. Hunling\on 1 ... fohnllOn chucke4 a one-hlttu. ! He drove one car 1n,·otwd, pohre suffered eorupuuml fiactures ll) ont , h1ggut on record. Thl' I J!Jl'S the brst, w ith few fish brtni;: l!l'll' h 3~-:H. LP:1i:-ue atano11ngs I Terry Hall did bf'tlPr while eC'at· i sa1d. th"ar lrlt lt•J?I< Tiu 1r r•1ntl1t1nn~ are alh;u t prl'al'nt 11.re 11c111tned ta.ken on b111t. The situatl•m Is t>X· lhruui:h 1'11c"«l11y: Rl!'hard'!! 6-1; Olhet drh·ert lnr l11clt'fl Ste,·e fair 1 .. oln\' oul t1 1:111.i11tupe !~Ian<! In Ml'X· J'{'t'I•"' to rhunJ1'e as tht• "":l!'!on i-: .. ~1-11J 1'1111• [,.'.!· Allhon's 4.3;· terlng flve baiie knnr)cs ovl'r lht Alan De lliaut, JJ,8ll PPS'"rork Op• rnt< 1 ,f lh" tr11• k wn11 S"m- lro t1t :11 •• ~A.•l <·nd nf Son C'll'· progrl'SS<'l'! Yellow and w hit•• J11p H1111t111i.:1 .. n :1-1 Cn1 frn t;ron• t't'I-se\'en Inning route at CNta Mesa Court, Garden Grove a.nd Erntst U"I Fa1 to , 5 . of u •s A ni;elr.• ml'nt>' Ji<lunrl With n1tter or lhe lleads hB\'e bef"n tho• bt'«t Jil:-. tlr~ ::-:-1; <'Ill .11 ~ I ·Ii. Park. I John Acuna. San Pedro. I SIP\'l'r Ill n th·· l'::-.-. r. \'Ml 11chflOI hl'in~ nl'ar Cnronlldo CIU:('K TAC'Kl.Y. I - .l.l!lnn•lll JllSt off Snn IJlrgn. Sk1ppn11 rernJntl fl11h1·rmt'n 1 tu Dod On~ (flllllllt'ICIUI boat r 11 me Into check their l.aC'k.le before gettlni: I gers Remain l'o't'wporl Harbor last week with on th• boat. More fl.sh have been ftl'Vt'n a nrl I~ hrl.lf t11n1< ()( nlb11rort'. lollt by bad Une than 1myLh1ng" Undefeated Nine The 11~h••rn1on 1<l11lt•tl 111!' 111·hnol ellle. B "fore ~olng out, be 11ure tu Harbor Bo , Club B ?l:attonal h" fi:<hr<I in J\l rxkn WM 41) m1l1'6 ha \•e a good lane. It Is be.~t t o hR.ve 11 Drn.l )!I I d their w1rle' un<I 4.0 miles Ionic. the b1ggl'9l two outfits when fishing alb11.core, I ,,c:~l' t rl gerii ~na ~~In<' with 11rlwol or longr1na he hl\d St'('n 1:1 light outfit with 20 or 25 lb. un ea: 5 rP1C0 ay th Pia •Ince 19~. teat line and an outfit tor troWn1r I narrow -v ctory over e - HAND C't l'IT.EK · with 40 r 45 lb. teet Unt. The new ratu. The Dodgers poeted a 4-0 0 . . 1 •'l'Ord with t he win. An•llh• 1 1 01n111• tt 1111 bo"t hit lhl' No>wport 110 .. k11 with 111x ton ll bnaNI •nrl h!!• hnndio rut up rr .. m pulling In tht rtsh. He hlld 111! hP could •'llrry. Olhrr r• p<11l.~ on th!' s.1me hrP "!",... mAt!" hy thl' rt1mm,.rrial bnn t.a. develr•pm1'nl In f 1.11h1ng 18 u~Agl' 11r Pink F'l'lkl'r an.I Tnm Anderson monor11ament ln.!!tea.u or M hne. 1,..,.,.,1 thro·e hit liall at the Pinuu The mono actually /;6\·n mr•m•y but 11t11l coul•L iihow nothing belttr all you need nnt use a leader. ju11t than ,1 5•5 tit' al the t>nd of two lie t he honk on on the monor1l11· m"nt inmni:s. f>avo Rllu knocked in th• tilumphant tallv tn the third. --..· !'\ewport S..ach Lawn Bowhng C'lub welcomt d ntw member, Har· old Shandll'Y ot Balboa Island. in· IJl lhPlr Wf't'kjy AUllt.l'allan SlnKlet tourntml'nt TueM!ay. The winnen wne Mr11. \V. Pearann first wtlb 12 points. Joe Slllmp ae<:ond With 11 , Ja.mea A11pln third w ith JO •point•. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • The car received a 11i ·CL lonit llC'ra lrh In the panel behind t he drlvt'r's door. Tht1 C'ar wu rt g-111- terf'd to Kirkhtll Rubber Co., La Verne. YOU CAN PAY A lOT MORE MONEY ANO STIU NOT GET All THESE CHEVROLET ADVANTAGES! • lody tiy Fidier t•r ln 1htf' thl' rnmmrrr11tl boat.ti ha\ r 1>1•,·n t11k1ni:: the blgg• iot 1 8 ll h1 ~. 'I' Ith II"' 11poru bt>a lll t10· 1n1t .. nl\· ln1r The fll'h llre hitting \\'hen trolling, ant! not uiims; mona, a "~' lb. ur i.trong1 r test lt·.11lc r "' R•h·rioabt... \\'ht>n ftqhlni: with ha1t an I or 20 lb. t• 1<t lead- In FnrlR\' ~ ~•·rond rrny, thl' Gl- .1nt11 bnnnl'Pit thr C:irdinnl:t 11-8, :-: n t I" n A I I .t a~"'\11• ~t11nrl1n~s thmugh Saturday: Dt•l~erii 4-0; l'r ~ b<·~t . Rrav.-.. :l-1·1 Cubs 2-'l. G1:rnts --12.:1: P1r111r11 2·3·1: CarrtmB.11 1·5. in the luge economy size! Found In m any o{ America·s costliest cars-you only in Chevrolet low-price field. get it in tho ROUNDS OUT STAFF Murrel Replaces Inman as SAC Court Maestro Walks, Errors Ruin Jr. Debut \\'alkH 11 11 I •'rrur• r 1111w1I \\hat ollwrw1"'' wnulrl h•ll'•· hf"rn a top nr1trh h11rl1111: <h it 1 n11 H.1rbnr Hny•s '( 'lub J11r11111 ~ rll'<•J'IJ'f'il ll 17·2 . 'Or11nir1• 1 '1,11nt ,. J,.·Ai:,"lh' i:-.111ie AA U ball With Kiihy Th11111t.l.1\' to Fulh•1l•ln. l'<sllftnce j SA:-.:TA A NA, IOC:-<SJ-Elect· !10 pl11yed !>albes Rnrh1·•·111•s while l!1n or r . w. Murrrl All Oll~k•·tball ~hoe/I ll.llll .. r 12 \\ alk'< W I\!< 1111\Jllf' 1'J1llf tn a l"O•r h Wednf'1tdAy "ompll'll'll rotlrh· earrung his gener'l\J iwr,,n•lai.v rr··· 1:,.111n third 11111111,.; t. r thr n v11l1t. •lent111ls a t I'!'('_ 11111 pnC'llt'•' h 1ng a.•..ignm•·nl" al S11nta AnA 1 11 11 1 H 1m1· 1l rind fn·r l'ITnr:i nrl•Joorl to tear 11ni:-Rt · n \""'""' 1i:h In· tlw nunih•,. •·! r:illi•·I'. t'nllcge for thr next 11d1(;(.>l )"••at. r lutlrol """r hing , h11re:ot h" w11q an Tht' Ro11 r:1 • ,.r F.~Ju1·11t11in hir!'J .tS-"l~lfllll f•1.tt h rll Cli.1pm:u1 ill Murr"! t n isuccted Stu , l nm11n. 19r11. 1·•1R• h•··I thr•·e \"Pl\r11 for th• whn mo\'ed Lo Orange <.:o11.Sl Col· Molh••r or Gnn.J C'n11r;~. I 1'01•wh1o1I l!l'hflfi) In Hnllyw nn,J. an•l hal' I"• n lrge a ftt'r brini::ing \hi' nons up a srnrts supr n·iqor for ti-!' 1,.,,. tllh• t\\h•, l•ual .111111 .. r plt<'h,.rs Ten,. It.di and l;,.,,, ,:.~ ~In bee m111 1 h"cl F'1111"1'••'· ~ ~flk" .I• Wl'tt 111 IW•~1ni: tv. ... 1111 1'1111 ll<ob Hf'lm· hnlz nn I • 'n11 hrr • '11-1 tt• ri:rron rnllrr 1 • I I hP r \\"' H.1 rl)(>r hn ... f rnm F.1111t"rn C'!1nff'rrnrt' ~nrm111 Ani;:rl"" C'"o11nt ,. rt•• rra inn •I• p:11 l· to " hlllf·w11y wtnnl'r mt>nt th!' 1!1_•t ft ur \ • nr" I ~turrt'I. 211 hr1..~ R hr1lliftnt bn• k· · 1 TI1 • h1r..:• "' M;lt, 1·:uk In \\"a.sh· i--rountl nr tlAYlnft anu roa rhlntt Hi .. !';A(' 1"3' hlni: "ill '"' hl'lt' tni:1 ·• '" 1• J •r!• 11 t .. Ill' \I ,11nt lit C'hllpm:i/r c'l'flri:t NI AA\' drl\"'~ '"111' •ll"·n Hi· \\ill '' "' h S1~0k.u1o II '..!t :llt1·11• tr 1•l;,~1-I• und INlmrt 8n•I m thf' :-:11\ \' pr1ur tn lh" 1 '"11~ '" thr l'p;u "11~ nP.ll J:~ llt· J1o1 ·''"•I ol I II ii• • 1 u llhl'n.,1 nf Spo· {° hl11 cnmlng to ~AC from Mark Kt'ppel H1i:h SrhnoJ In AlhRmbra. H" w1111 ('<'ntrr on & iitroni: llnlly· wood H li:h team in lP~J-H, cam· fl&llfnl'rl W1th I hi' C'll\ .. 111· f1iftnn'11 r·srtttria A AU te&Zn, t hrn plnyed t"·n yeau In th" !'IA\'\'. He Ptarl'l'd at •II J'IOM!t1on11 fnt Chapman Collel('e from llH6 lo 1 P~O. whrn C'harm11n rnnkt<I tnps Arnnnr: lh• •m111lrr 11r hool11. Ht' R..1- Receives lad Checks ~·o f1rlltlc>111 chf'cka were-rr· • ported rl'Celvt'd at \\'lpg11nd'11 Foo<! Market. 2380 Nt wport Blv1l. Co11· t a Mf'H . by Wllhl\l'T\ L. \\'ll'g-and nf ZJ:'> E. 19th St .. Mel<a f'Ollce re- .... tl'd 5'rtcllly .Thry \\'<'11' fnr J I O 11.nd $15. In .. rh <'lllle, Wlrgand 11a.td the C'hf'Ck• ""'l're pn11•<'tl in paymt nt tor •rrroxlmRtth· S7 worth of food p11n-hJ1!1l'd h,· a w:ittt fl'malt' J un" 2i ·:?'< ra1i<111111 i.1·:tli:1i; :woo ttr i.;,1111•·•1. kent• SOUTtt GOflST CDUSTRUCTIDD CD. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LAP.GE OR TOO SMALL 230 30th St., N~ Beach Harbor W3 6 . () *·~ Surprising, how little it a es o put this big dreamboat in your driveway for I keeps. And your dolla s couldn 't begin to buy more pure pleasure anywhere else. Here's oeauty that's putting the high-prilld cars in th e shade. Here's ~ct ion that'll have you dri yi ng the long way home just for t he fun of it. You owe yourself this new Chevrolet. Come in and see how easily you can _swing. ·u . ' 12-Volt EIKtrical Syst•m · .... Delivers twice the punch for quicker starting in all weather; hcttcr i~ni11on fnr fim·r per- formance! Ball-Race Steering Spcciai ball he.1rin!!' in the 'tecring gear rcdule fnc- trtm ..• mal..e Mccnni; a lot easier. High-Level Ventilation Tal..rs in air ahmc m .1d he.JI. fume' JnJ Ju,t. A ~pccial chamhcr prC\Cnt.J rain frnm entering tht' or, and supplies a more even now of air. Outrigger Rear Springs ~· ~ ~-. ' Spaced wide apart tn j:ivc you 'Ure-footed •t;1hihty on curve\, Anti-Div• Bfalcing ,~I Chevrolet\ the only car in the indu.stry that stops v. ith 11 \ heaJ up! An ex. du,rve Chevrolet dnelop- menl ~Cally reduce' "no'e dovm" under sudden stnps. MILLER CHEVROLET COMPANY 1 1000 West Coast Highway NEWPORT IEACH Uberty 1-2261 ,,.,. Morning Rites at St. James Th• Rev. John fl. Parke. tee· tor ot St. James J:pUlcopal Church, Via Udo and Latayet~ Ave. ,will preach Sunday Qn the theme "Happy Ar. Thty Tbat Mourn", t he Mnnon 1U tuln1 MtHltlvlty lo the lffllnga -d nffda of South~rn Baptists Will Hear Walcott Guut apeaker at bolb worehlp .ervicea a t the First Southern Ba~ liat Church In Coat& Meaa. Sunday 11 G~rory WaJcoit. a popultr rn<>- vte ltar. Olh&1. 0 -k hedule fOI' ...... en 11~ l :!le a.m., Holy Communion: t :30 a.m., family Mrvlu and aennon: 11 a.m. morning pnayer and aermon. A ~•Un or Rocl<y Mount. N".C .. Walcott la known In Hollywood aa a man wbo t.aku hla work and hi• n llfion 1ertou1ly, The Prayer Ou!ld meeta eub T hurtday at 11: 15 a.m. followed at :0:30 by Holy Communion and Mrvlce ot heallnr. Walcott taJte1. an a~tive part In the or1ani&aU0119 at the Firat BapU1t Church of e.verly Hilla where he ta a member. He la 1peak· Inf Sunday ln the ablence of the p .. tor. Dr. Richard Pou . J un ior Choir rehearaal will be a t 11 a.m. Friday, J uly 22. Dnctory of HARBOR AREA ·cHUICHES The worahlp lt'rvlce. are at e· leven o'clock and eight o'clock re· apeeUvely. A nuraery 111 open a t each 1ervice for the amall children. GREGORY WALCOTT et. Aadnw. Prabywna. C1lurdl llllh St. • 8t. 1:4-"drew1 Rd., acl"Olle from Hl&h School Liberty 8·3773 P utor: Rev. J ames S. Stewart Commu.alty MetlaocUat UO W. 19th St., Costa Mua Liberty 8..,.552 Rev. Joseph W. Mc8hue Tbe Chutth of Chrtat 1050 Orurch l!lt., C09ta Mesa Liberty 8·6711 D. G. Hurst. Mini.Iler Chrtat Church By The Se. Community Melhod11t Balboa B lvd. at Hth. Newport Harbor ri229 Mini1tu: Re.v. Roy Carlson 8L J oachim Chur<'h 11164 Orange Ave .. Costa Mu a l.Jberty 8·1091 Fatht'r Thornaa J . Nevin 1'1111& B&ptJ1t Churd1 of Ne'4•port Balboa Blvd .• 19th It Court St.I., Newport Harbor 3~3 Llberty 8·3072 Paator : Herbert C. J ohnson Nawpcwt Har11or t..Uter11n Cburdl 1~1 Clift Dr.. Newport Helr hu Liberty 8·3931 ReY. Robe-rt ~onlund Aa.mbl7 Of God 12nd l!lt. It Elden Ave., Coata Mua Uberty 8·37el llevertnd M. C. Crome. Pu tor a.v.tll-dat AdveaU.l Newport Blvd. at Bolaa St., N•wporl Height.a Elder Richard Sern1 Liberty 8-1532 Cb•rela Of UM Na.- 188!\ Anaheim, Co1ta Mesa Putor: Rev, Clive Wllliarn• U berty 1·7191 Finl Cb•rdi ., Cbri9t. 8d e.Ullt 3303 Via U do, Newport Beach Harbor 2428 l"a lve.....U•l Co..imu.DltJ' t'ellowablp E bell Clubhouse, 515 Balboa Blvd. M lnl1ter: R,v. F . W. Rlnr• T- n111t 8outhen Baptl1l CbutC' .. ~ w. Hamilton, Co1ta Mu a Liberty 8·2483 PAGE 6 • PART ff -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, JULY 15, t955 BAHA'I DUO WILL SPEAK TO UNIVERSALIST WOMEN The Unlvtn1all~t Fellowahlp Churrh hu 1nv1ted local 8ah11 i.3 to speak t.o the UnlverNllst Woman·11 All110Clat1on 111 the home of Mrs. Alma Morris. M7 Bro11dwAy, Santa Ana. The Rev. F'reder1<'k R1nge, putor of th•' lor11l Unlvl'raal· 1al Fellow.ship, wilt introduce Mn. Len Rov1n and Mrs. Edward Mirkovich ot Costa MeN . who h11v,. been .Invited to 11peak, ,..,1at1ng aomelhing of the Baha"I Faith The UnlversAhat Fellow11hlp holdb regul11r SunUay 11erv1cu In the EbeU Clubhouse, Balboa Blvd. The B11ha"la hold weekly prayer met't1nga at th<' hC>mt ot Mia Edward M1rkov1ch on Fnd&y evenings. and In lhe homf' ot Mr. and Mrs. Kt'nneth Rutan, ~2 S. Bristol St .· Senta AnR. elll'h Tul'11d11y t'\'tnlng a t 8 o'clock. PLANS APPROVED " Garden Grove Will Get New Adventist Academy SANTA ANA. 10CNS1 Thr gym al~o 111 lrwludell In the plun1t. wAy haa bffn pavt'd· for th•• erec· F . B. Jrn11cn. p~lor of th!' S11nta lion ot the Onrnge County Unmn Ana Adv1>ntl11l l0hur<'h 11nt1 ch111r· Ac11.demy. church school ot thf" l l'V· m11n <if tht> $200.000 bu1l<lln1: pro- enlh-day Advenll•t faith, In south· irram, aaltl he hOP"ll to ll'l'l enough ._ .. t C arden Crovt. rl1'11111mnm11 tr,.cl••d lo 1t111rt 11chonl Favorable action on the a dvt'n· I in th., fall. tlst requl'st for a condltlon111 p<'r· The plann1nir 1'11mm1~s1c111 rerom· mlt wAs taken. The sprawhn11: m"111IP1I 11prrornl 11r the 11t·honl IMlllution w1ll be localed on the Jtevernl we<·k11 111:0. hut R<'llon had l'lllt •Ide of Clinton AVf• 720 fl.r bf>Pn dtlllyed un111 pint plRnl! were 3-0uth of Traiok Ave cl11r1f1f'd. Capaclt)' for gra•lt11 1 through 8: 2ft0 student!'!; 9 through 12. 400 stu~nts. E1i:hteen clal!l!roome will be conslructt'd on thP 9.18 1 •cre parcel ot land A 50 by.108-!t. Baptist Pastor and Family on Vacation Pu tor : Dr. Richard H. P o• IF 11 h. of --an1 0 rcla e OWS Ip Cero11a del MuOom:" 1 'Y u • • I A J:1iest preachPr t1 orn Rarlll<t C~gl~~at :n~n. u ntversahsts hNHl_quartl'rll In Los ·Angrlr11 will 811 e rop preA!'h 11t lh!' 11 o'clnck 11ervlre Harbor 5237 On July 17 M. H. Thompicon oC Sunilay in f'lr~t B11pt1~t Church Paator: R l'V. Edwin C. Gomkt_ Corona del Mar will pl8y 8 ''1nlln of j'l;ewport Bt'8<"h. The RtY. Hrr· Finl BaptJll <:hur<'h !1nta Anll Ave. a t Magnolia l'oata Mraa Rtv. P. G. ?l:eum1 nn ChuN"h ot Our l..ady of Mt. Carmel HH W, Balboa Blvd., Newport Harbor 0214 Fath<'r StC'phrn K 1lty, Putor F ather Ctorgt 1'11m1llo!us As~t. PAi<tor Chrlat L11th,.ran t'hur.-h of ("osta M"M ( Ml!!.!!OUn Synod I Costa M""" P astor : Rev. Lothar Tornow S t. 'amtt Eplll<'opal 1208 Via Lido. Newport Bcarh Harbor 1230 Curate : Rev. RAiph Pose St. 'ohn \"lamte)' 31!\ Marin('. Balbo11 ll!llln!I Harbor 0214 Fath"r Stl'rh<'n Kii,.~·. P11~ltlr Father Gror11e P11m11 Mus A 1111t. Pu tor Crntral 8lbl11 C'hurr h OranJt't Avr. at 23rd St. Co1ta Me111. Liberty 8·!\303 A. A. Kader&. Putor ftal h<la bl at1d C~mmunlty Mttbodl•l J 1!\ Agate Ave~ Ba llx>a hland Mlnlattr : Rf'V. Donald Sipp 1chil~f ftellffoue 8denr:e '"Sc!Pnce of Mind"" 1.-,un a Bl'•rh A rt Gallery 30i Clift l'rlve-H Yatt 4·7284 Rr'· Jn1 T\irk, Mlnlatt r 11rlt'cllnn to open eervlces at the b<'rl Jnhn11<in and ten11ly left T\11'11· l n ivtrstthiol Community Fellow· tlllY fnr hill home tnwn. Morn via. ~hap. H,. will bl' 11ccomp11nlerl by Io~a wher" thry wilt 11penct thr Mr11. F rederick Rlnge. who n11 pl· rPst of July. returning about Aug 11n lM tor lhe group. The 11ermon tr. llUbJl'Ct for thl11 aervlce Is "Better I Than Averag .. ··. and will -be the l111ot sermon pruched by the min· 111ter. th,. Rev. Frederlrk Ring!' until hi' rt'lumii f rom an extendl'tl I var i1Uon trap in th!' mlt1-wP11l on Sl'pl. ~ Stl"Vl('I'~ du1 cng I hr SIX Wt't'k v11c11t lnn 1nlerv11I "111 he hell1 R!I I UJ11111I. On July 2• Ham1t1 Br~-. paio· tnr At larj!'e tor the Cnpt11• Christ· lsn Churt'h in the Unltrd Stales, will prl'AC'h thf' ~rmon amt on J11ly 31 the sermon wtll be prrach· Pt\ b\0 the Re'· w M. Groom of L..'l~na ~11rh on °Tnl\'f'r•Bll1t P11lnP1•11°0 • nunnJt' the mon1 h of A 11gu11l Prsnk Mr lnlyrt ot C11qtri Mt1111 ""Ill bf' 1n charge o! thP s .. n ·1res I Th" Ftllowiohlp mPrts Nlr h Sun· 1 1111.y m••mlni: at 10 ::10 for S11n1t11.y !l<'hnnl l!nrt 11 o'd ork rnr mnrnmi: "·or11h1p at th,. F..hrll Club Ho1111e. r>t!\ \\" 8Albo11. Blvd. At Costa Mesa First Baptist Thr MPn°11 Bmthrrhnnd (I( the I r hurrh will rontluc-t the evening M'rvlC"P. Harry Hamburg will be 11pe11kt•r. The Wt>8tern Gospcl111rc11. who 11lng ta<'h S11turrlay n\"t'r rAll10 on the Chuf<'h ot lhp Barn program will prov1rle the m1r.1!r. Baha'is Note Martyrdom of the Bab 811he'I~ In 239 cnuntnu mrt on July II tn nb~erve lhe enn1\•t'n- 11ry oC tht mnrtynlom ot lhP 8A h lhP hl'ralrt of lht Bah1111 faith Th• BRb tGlllt'I WAii r ubllrly m11rtvr· I'd In thP barrll<"kll ~111111rt nr T11· bnz. Per!llll In I SM. the f1;:al 11rl an a <lrRma th11l bri;tan 11lx ye11t11 e11rlirr In t 8H ht' m11dt C'llum to ; h110 du11I misllinn 11!1 11 Pr11phrt I)( 1 Gn!l 11n1I th<• ffirlc'n1nnl'r !'If I hf' rom· I I nit of I hi' pron1111ert onr nt 11 II rP· lf~lnn11 Hl!I 1111c:rlt1C'I' 11ervt'fl Ila lht> 1:r n· er11t in1: 1mpul11e tor the oll\bl111h· The Rev p G. Neum11nn will ml'nl or a nPw rrhl!"IOllll l'rll that rrtar h a t rhe 11 o'rlock hour on rulmin11terl in tht 11ppc11r11n<·e thrtt Sunrlay U.!!lng the themr, "The )'Pllr!I l"ll'r or BJ1h11"u'lla.h tThe ;\°'1'Rrnr1111 o( ooo··. Th.re will bf' CICltV of ~I. WhMe 11dvent thf' s~c111.I music by 1hr f'h11 nrPI Bab h11d torttold C'hC> r TodAy his follower1 procl111m A~ ·6·~ the Pastor·s lnstn1c11on throuithnut th• world h111 tr11ch· rhlM w1 ~emblr with thl' Youth lngs (If tht C>ntnrM Of thl' human l'ra1nin $:TOUps Il l th,. AAm,. hour. rart. and the ontne~11 of rthll'lon At i 3(1 pm. young P"orl,. will be-Th" local B11hR l!I mf't In the hnme 1 In rharge ot thl' rrnr;rRm untlrr di· ot Mr11 J. A. MarDon11h1, :>21 LArk· ("hur<'h of '"m Cllrt•l ~ct1on of 8111 A<"lnn srur Avt . 1nrt romml'monitetl th" nf Latt'l'r Oa:r Salnta W Pdnud11y 111 ;;JO 1' m. thf're dlly w nh pt11ver and rl'11rl1ng1 FrlJ 11v A flf rnoon Chlb Houlf Wlll be the usuaJ hom of Jlrai11t, from the 11r rlpt11rN. co~t• Moa Llbforty 8·3788 and Bible ~tud,. At 8 :t:i pm. va- 8 111hop· J'!'tf'r Dalebout n ous dl'pllrtm;ntll v.·111 mM I In Llons Disc uss ---OF c --1·T pra yer irroups s I t ' A f"flll~T CRt'RCH .-..n "" Saturday at 7 .30 pm thue v.111 a. Va lOn rmy ~CIF.STl8T I uot vie lido .,. ... _. '"'" be a rAmp raUy In the Youth C'An• ActJv1tlu of the S1lnttoa Ar· A ll•t Mh el tho Motto•• Ch.,th. Tl>e ""' tor. C11m r v.,11 bf' Ill Humr LAkf my were ttatured at the mttllng Cfllv1c• et Ctiirht, h it ••ld, 1~ ..... -.. Meu•· t th Ht h .. Fr t N H bo C •••••"• n e f( .. 1,.rnu """r P11no o ewpor 11.r r· 011ta• Mee• s.. ••• , kllo.i __ __ t ll • 1•1. on July 23·:l0 wht'n B11rt111t yo11th Uon11 Club 'T\ll'lld1ty •venln, In '••do s ... 1,. -11 00 •·"' I f(Toup11 will 11~11emble in confer· 1..eglon H11l1 A dlrPctor"1 mtot\lnK W•d•ud•' f•••1•• 1.1 .. ,,., t·to ~-''" A '-~ -~ • I h Id I ' •••"'"' •••"' 1 ... 1.,. •' uis vie l14'o, fn<"P. r ovnu ,, ~nllnit peop e are wa 11 ,. 1mmtdml t y •ft er t hf ..... ,,.,. h oc•. io •Po• •ul ""'' ,,..,. txpr<·t,ed 111 ~" tr"m thr Co11ta regul11r mtftlntr. lf ·N • "'· '• 'GI , "' w ......... ,. ...... M h h A I t d I I h , .... • ,., ,. 1 4 , "'~ ,,10 , e••• 1 •• '· u .a c ur<' . nyonf n erestt n Amonll" ot er bu11lne111 FoM'est s ••••• r -1 •o ~ -Cro.,d .. e ••·• the ('Onferenre prog-ram mAy ra.11 1 Fo1ter. l"'<'retary. report~ on tin· "'• """'" ·• ... .,,.,., , .. ,._., .. •"••• MIM FRy Coia d, Miu Carol Crain •n~•. partlcul11rly thoae ot th• ::: .. ~"''" '°'"'" ••4 ... "'" , .. .,,.. or l.Aroy Orauer. P'l11h Fry. ' A wards Given Children at Church. School Seventy-six chiJdre'n prcudly marched forward to receive awards for perfect attendance un<Jer the watching eyes or.I their parents at the closing exercise. of t he Dally Vacation Bible School of Newport Harbor Lutheran Church. In addition to the attendance honors, awarda were alao •l.veft--{()1' -outsu-ndinr work In Iva , Patricia MacMillan. 1olln memorization. Theae were won Wood1. J oAnn Mann. J t'an Allen, by Merilee Klmbrourh. Garry I Da vid R I.on, Teddy l!llerman, Martin. Karen Tollet11on and Ro11t'· Butch McC•rdle, Donald Long, a.nne Seddon. Clas• award1 tor Mlchul Kremer . Ronald Long, a ttendan<'e were wp p by Lhe tn· Larry E. Bra.cf. Ltnd• Sue Oen· termedlate boys. Pa.tor Robert li. to•I, Jlmml,. Manning. Lorene Gronlund. teacher. and the klnJer· Lewton. &b Kapenhefer. Steve garten <.'1&118 taught by Mra. Mrlv1n I Zlmman. Barbara Jo Oento.I, Erickson. Gordon Kahn. pebble E:rfckaon, ('OLLU'T ~TA~l'~ Ru11ty Rantbourh. Rk hard R un· ln add1Uon cancelled po.11lage nelll, Larry Richie, June All9ll. stempa had-been collected bv \,he I Marty Dennla, Kathy Hotfard. Mhool to be sent to ~lh<'I . Ger·, Tommy (\radley, Sabra Jamleton. many whert' t hey would be ~par· I' Jeanne Brain•. Sandra Kahre. ated from their envelopes. llOrted Dlan::-e Sonateng, Merilee Kim· and sold to stamp collectors b\· !>rough, C..rry Marlin. Roseanne the aged and infirm re11lden:.ii ~t Seddon, J amu Rogney, Sharon Lhe Cenna.n Luth<'ran Welfare Arthoter, Sandra Hayden. Sonja Center. Thi• stamp conteat wu Hayden, Barbera Part1. Roxanne won by the junior· girl•. taught Smith. Bonnie Trulty, Donald by parish worker Mavis Koenig. l!:rtckaon. J erry Mann, D&lllly Art· with individua l prizea being given hoter, Bill Tn1.1ty, Oary J'eUbeum, Stanley Lord. Barbara Jo Centosl, Carol Rogney, Kay Miller and and Kenneth McCardle for bring· Rou Marie Ruerer. Ing C1Ver 1000 ata.mpa. AltogPLher 10,852 •lamps were collected by Ch • t Ch h the children during the two-week r1s urc achool. IM a· Winners of the Individual at-, etho JSt tenda.nce .llwarda were : Sandy Lee, Larry ln1kuchi. Roberta Truaty,, ··sa.crltlces ot Love'" i1 the tllle Diana Miiier, Jimmy. Brulna, Lani 1 ot the sermon to be delivered by Spund, J ack Boyd. Marilyn Brace. the Rev. George Reevea J r. at J olaJne Munck. Tommy Moaer, 1 Christ Church by tbe ~ea on Sun· Karin Neff, Carla Wedeking, Ter· I tlay. Thia will be Lh._ -.cond In a n Lee Jewett, Barbara Silva, Don-, IM!rll'a ot aermons deallnr with na lvea, Stanley Lord. J)onnle three ot the prophets from the HeC<k . David Zlmman, Richard Par-j Old Tealament. Mr. Reevea, a.utat· 111. Bert Jamleaon, Jack Runnelll, ant mlnl•ter at Chrlet Church by Jane Allen. Diana Lewton. Cllf· the Sfa. wlll be occupying the pul· ford Maxon, Crta l!:llerm1n, su .. n i>lt during the vacation of the n ev., Lee: Koy Carlton, mlnl1ter. ~IORE AWA.ROS Rabbi !:meat Tra ttner ot the Alto: Penny Innes, A rlene Sil· Wutwood temple will be the g\IHl speaku on Sunday, July 24. Sunday Text Is "Life" The lhourht that-God lit ete rnal Hfe and the aource ot 111 true life and being. 11 emphuiud in the Lesson-Sermon on "Ute'" 1n the Sunday chur<'b achoo! cl.aaae1 w111 be In aea•lon llmultaneoualy with thr t lr1t 11ervice whlch begin• at 9:30 1 m. The junior and aenlor high ac.bool M .Y.F. groupa will meet at th.e church a.t. 6 p.m. n. younr adults g-roup 1 Mannera) will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs . Rusull Rau e at 8 p.m. I Chrl11t!a n Science rhurchu Sun· c1·rcle One Has day. The C-Olrlen T('xt 11 from I • J ohn 1:"1:11) "Thi.!! 18 the r.ecord, Coffee Hour l that God hath given to ue eternal h!e. anrl thia life 11 In hia Son." More than 40 member• and . •. . fnt>nd1 of Circle 1. Coata Me ... T)le Scriptures record. A cer· Methodl8l Community church. a t· 1 lain man w11.3 11i<'k, named Llu•r· tenrll'd th(' "come aa you are" cot· UJ•, of Bethany. · · · When Juua tee hour la11t week al t h11 home ca.me. he found that he had lain of Mra. R. o . Chambers. 112 JC. 21 In tt.. ~ave four da)I• already .•. •l. Dupnuta. cooklu, nut bread And Jeau11 lltt<'d up hi• eye11, and and coffee were urved In the paUo. uld. Father. l thanl< thee that Mra. Chambers plan11 t o make th!• I thou hut heard mt' · · · And when a yearly affair tor Circle l. he thua hAd spoken, he cried with ;.=============~ J\ lourt voice, La.urus. com!' forth. And he that wu rlesd ca.me torlh"' IJ (lhn 11:1. 17. 41. 43 ,H I. A correlRt1ve pusage from "'S<'ience 8nd Health with Key to 1 the Scnptures"' by Mary Baker Eddy rt'ada, "'It Jesus awakened Lauru11 Crom th" dre1U11. llluelon of d!'ath. th111 proved that lhe Chnst could Improve on a t111M\ S('nlle. Who d11rtl'I lo doubt this conl!umate tut of the power and Y.,llfngness ot divine Mind to holll man forever Intact In h11 perfer t state. and to govern man"a entire action?" !p. 493 1 BAHA'I FAITH Prayer, OllC'Ull.ion, 8tud1 "Thl1 Ill the: Da7 when Ood'• moat l'lfflll'at f&\'O,.. !lave ~" poul'f'Ct out upon me:n. thf" Day In whi<'h Hla m Otlt mlfbty rrac-e Hath ~a lnfu!N'd Into aJI C'"al· rd lhtnit. "-Baha'i Wrttlni•. t•rtcl&y, 11 :00 p.m. 144 RO("hnte:r l"trttt. Co1ta MC'!!&. CaUt. PhoM U 11·$618 or LI A-1%15 BALTZ MORTUARIES COSTA MESA CHAPEL 174 1 Superior Avenue Cost& Meaa. Calif. Phone Liberty 8·2121 CH.APEL BY THE SEA 3520 E. Coa8t Blvd. l:orona del Mar, Cahf. Phone Harbor 42 CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE Ernel"t Holrr.u. founder. author of '"Science of Mind '" SUNDAY SERVICES 11 Lm. .JanJor Church and Nunen• Care 11 Lm. R .. , .• lri11 Turk. Mfnl11ter LAGt.;XA BEACH AllT GALLERY HYatt f.728' I07 Cliff Dr. Try this •••llci•• fer ··0R1V1U NERVES•• srrain o f p i lo t ing your c ar through M:avy traffic ... hunring for spece in jammed-up perking lots ... or trying to fi nd a n empry spoc along a ronveniuu curb •.. rhis is b.J u bor. Why 1ubjen younetf ro it, whfti Mer:ro service offers a simple, pleasant remedy? Jlide the bw foe a chanse. Metro rakes you to your destination comfonablr. quicklr and •fely ••• and at far ._ coec. , l I • Llttt• '"' '"" p111t .. .,.,,., b .. th1t ie oval lfAC• o 11>1• h ohea a -..et w A•4 M "•r41J cetiai. •• ta,.ctt4 t• \Utdtnt1n• •hJ I• e ~•"'••• II• II 1.-~ll i..o .. ...i-.. WI• crt11 ot 1 dpu•a ••••· and "'"'"C N11h1p. witch 1t ndt •• H t """' ,._, '"'' ._,,.~,, d'l¥tt n 111tn to thor. A"d if. ,.., .. t he"ct·, •hf' th )'• u,r11ht 1n4 l\lrn1 •a•i• ..... h• lt '""'" , ... 11 ....... htr .... -o-rthn••n '' pnm.-r·tly e Met-tn of hev11tr .... fll h• ...... The C1p•••"'• tit• w 1U .. -........ 1htp t Ha II hi ve 10 h u •h• bu1ktr1" roll J\OI •• tht ,.,, ot Wt do. Wht1her he rem11n1 updah\. 1t•4Y for tht ftt •t en1lauch, .. of 'WU~tl Ufl 6" tt\t tit Uh, h I Otftl t• d'"'"d on the mo,1t t l'\d 1pu 11u1I wndu 11,d1n.1 of h•• Iii• Wt ,.,, t t •pt et th1• C1pt1tft to It.now how uftp.etlt At 1 lattl '"' •• lw1 ,,.,,on• ••PHH hh putnu . wn)t tht h tlp of tht Church. 10 •r-•••d• ..... Wu h the ~·• lattl • 101i1na "'"'"' u a ~."'..._. potuf\tt, couu11ou1 h ut. 11 God,. o., ...... ~ ... d•'···-ill(u1r T Oftd1)' ••• Mttt. w~udo, · · • M•rlr 1'b~~a .. d"p Luh Prid1~' '' tohn I , ... , •ra•1 HGrd11 • '"'•• • This Church Feature Spomorecl by These Local Business Firms Morry's Shell Service l600 E. 0--t Blvd. S&H Gl'ffn St&mpA Coroaa del....,. Harbor %710 NEWPORT CLEANERS Dry Cll'anlng -Laundry -PrC'llHtng 106 Tustin Newport Beach MARGARET'S CAFE Spec1aUze In Sea Foods -Orders 10 Go !614 Newport Bh·d. Harbor 2286 NEWPORT HARBOR IANK Corona del Mar ROSAN INC. Seacralt Division & t'orelltfl Moto~ Vincent's Rexall Dru9 Stores Three locations to Serve You Newport Beach, Balboa. Corona del Mar Alice of Lido Beauty Sal~n Hair Styling for the lnr1l\'1duf l 408 !2nd (on the PO St.) Harhor 2~-14 RUSSELL W. BANGERT Heating. VPntilatlnr It Shef!l M,.1111 Ul ·s18t Sl Harbor 4446 RADDSER & PONTl~G '°RR hi~ '11 f'lll• 1'00 Newport, Reach .... H1trbor 2:>1 THE CLOTHES HORSE '"Shop ot Dl~llrctl!•n'· %15 Marine Avf'., Balboa IKland Harbor 0707 Harbor 22IO HARnEIN FLOWERS J'or All Occu 1nn1 l4GS E. Cout Rwy., CDM. Harbor 5071 IOPPll KmLE • MARINE IEAUTY SHOP PeraonaJJ&ed Sarvt~ IA RaJr 8ty1&nc" 127 Mart.. Ave.. -.aoa ....... Barbor 151 NEWPORT FURNITURI CO. Complete Hom• l!'umlahinra Z620 W. C-Out Hwy. Uberty 8-lllS MARKET SPOT ZOO Marine A\·e., Balboa lalaDd llarhor 1000 Reinert's Newport D.,t. Store "Your F amily Store Since 11114" Ocean Front at 22nd. Harl>M 18.'J SEASIDE MALT SHOP 2100 W. Ocean llarl>M 913 Newport ~.a.ch R. WASEMILLER "Th" Workingman·• Store 1~941~ Harhor Bh"d .• JOLLY ROGER Balhoa ltdand IA YSHORE RICHFIELD F rre f'1<"k 11p It Dl'livery 17th & Co1&Ht Hwy. Liberty 8·9145 Boyer's Balboa Linoleum Co. Linoleum -Tile -Carprl -1-'nt n11ra 2301 W. Ba.lhoa Bh·d. llaroor 5ll89 HAL COLLIER & SON SIGNAL SER. STATION Free Pick up & d<'I. -Wnf"I B11l11nte ~.'~OJ ~""port Rhd. Harbor M50 GEORGE M. GRAHAftt Riii!'• anti C11rpr t11 122 Agate A' f'., B&lteoa 181and Harbor a2;Jfi H~USE AND GARDEN Comrl,.te llnme Jo•11m111hlnJ.!• llrnpr11~11 -H ciz, SOJ7 W. Coa."t lfw~·. Llbf-rt.r 8·5618 MAC'S CAFE • f • J;'lfl'l on light t11w11r11 H11ntln1tton ""•r h • 6204 Cout Hwy. llarhflr 225Z.R High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 I. • .. .. .. . . . . .. __ _.,..,.,. : 120TH ANNUAL FLIGHT · OF SNOWBIRDS JULY 31 Hu«Je Entry List Predicted as ·committee Announces .Race Date VYC Holds Big Summer Regatta in lay, Ocean Th• annual Voyas~l"I Yadll C1ub 1\llTUT\er" re;attu for boat.a ln Ula ocean d ua and amall ~la In Bay cl-.-• wel"e held Saturday Rooh PC'Oh, Rill Tw!~t ~Klf'J'Pr, ~o flrpartmC'nt, ''lr11 • p n••Mt nt and 2~ 111·u N"ConJ "°'llh ii pv1nt1 10'1 I Mn J .. hu Mar(J()nal.t nf t he t n· At •'E m. 8 111 C'..ir bt•1 lry •klpp .. r.1 i;i110."•111i,i d<'rrrrt ml'nt, aecrfary. !'\•• 3;.:1, wft~ 1h11 •i with 12 p .. 1nts In lht' F &kon,. 1.11·,. Mo111," Worry, !'o. :><>. pk1ppu t'll by G11<11t l Hoac. wu fl1"9t with 21• P<11nta NI City Employees ~ost io Southern California Cities I Harold I. Johnson l'rt•l~ll•r ~f'palN (.'olumbl.an an.d F~ral .\lt'"l1r y Pbnu" llarb<lr HO tlH l \'Illa \\&)', NPwport lk-aclt -...u..i:~;:..._.1_..:.iTh~•...xY.a.clU.lng ga perpefll•I trophl .. u and Sunday. w ith 30 entr!ea In lb• N'elA>-port Hu bor the .naruu of Lhe wtnntta ocean ucu. ldnl cQll\\J °'"" a :-• ewpott~ r.11 emp oyeN .A tor~d clo1 ·-•-d h t hoated the aouthf'rn dlvl•lon of lhf' Commerce ha. com plt ttd final art •nl"'ftY""· j • f-..;uig an P o o Thl c odo AU fl 1m.. Ti Call!om l• i...ar.u• of City Em· arr11ngtmtnts for th• twenli•lh • yNr omm re en n . • " In potnt 9Core1 OC• ployeea A.uoc1auon .. L .a Jl.lllltr • t Annual Flij!'ht or the Snnwblrd• I Campbell of the Voy agere Yacht . curred ln ma.ny clu1e1 when •lapa· m~•Un1 July T at th• VIJla Mar· w~~ ~II ~~W hu•~ ~ .. a~ ~II "rw u ~t~ J~P·'~i~a·w~:1:•~~~·~'•yt~~~~~~~===========~~=~~·F~M~~~~=====~ day . J uly 31. All youngattrs and Commodore k-.ti.-U ~ , · ·· oldatera from-th• Balboa Yacht Club will Mrvc Committee boat tor l 0 he ocean Twl'nty cltla "'ere preHnt t o KEEN ·COMPETITION SLATED A large turnout in all the classes is a certainty t.his week end when Newport Harbor Yact}t Club plays host to the small boat division of the Yacht Racing Union of Southern California for the third annual Championship Regat ta. The three-race scr· ies will be sailed in the bay off, th~ NHYC clubhouse t his Saturday and Sunday with a dinner-dance scheduled for the skippt>rs and crews on Saturday evening. The lnttt· national 14 class -shown h~re -will be out in force, using this series as a final tune-up for their class championship eliminations which start later this month. -Beckner Photo MARINE NEWS Harbor Master Repor1s Busy Month for June Dale TIDE Time Httb· T;.30 a. m. 6 26 p. m. 8.27 L nl. 1·20 p. m. 9 13 a m. 11·13 a. m. 9:0:1 &. m. 9 no p. m. 10 30 a. m. 10:3!) a. m. TABLE Jlt. 3 2 fl 3 3 6 67 3 9 3 11 4 2 7 I 4 • "" Tlme Low 1:10 a. m. lJ .4.8 a. m. 2.01 a. m. 12::50 p. m. 2:4A R. m. :?·4,q n. m. 3·31 a. m. :l·H p.m. 4:13 a m. ~ 13 a m. Ht. 0 0 2.3 -1•6 2 2 -1.L -=1.1 -1. 1.11 -1 :5 -1.1'> The ~Pwporl Beach Harbor De· parlment rec•lved a total or 2:56 call• t.lurlng the month of June. but only two tor f lrea and one ru cue call, ac¢ordlng to Harbor Mult>r Ru!>9ell Craig. ' Friday July 10 !!a turday J uly 16 Sunday J uly 17 Monday J uly 18 T11e1day J uly 19 \\·e.1ne•ul11y July20 Thursday J uly 21 ll:HL m. 4 6 •;53 8.lll. -1 3 The lll'p&rt ment a1111'5tl'd thrte large aml Mven small boats dllr· 1ni; tht• month and had report• uf four boat.a bl.'ing broken into. Twt lve arrut. were made, 10 for 11pt>t>d ln g, 23 der~llcls found and uestrnyed and 38 complal.llts were rf'Ce1,·ffi, 13 of t heae for 1peedlng. 10.33 p. m. 6 fl 4 :30 a. m. 1 :-. -1 0 1.5 11':54 a. m. 4 R l'>.32 11. m. 1"urt..y·11evt'n rowboat ca.su were handlt'<I during J une, 1:5 were held tor 1dent 1ftcaUon, 13 reported lost and not. recovered and 19 were fo_und and returned; Eight (UCIJl vessels visited the harbor and tour 1hore moorl.ng11 wne lnet111ed. 11 :20 p. m. G fl !L Zl p. r1. DAYLIGHT SA \'IXG TrnE FUlST QUAJ<TER .luly 26 FULL MOO~ Aug. 3 LAST QllA.KTl:R Aug. 10 NEW Moos J uly 19 Reports Boat Entry NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11. PAGE 7 FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1955 Entry of the boat Max.Jne, 28·ft. cabin crulBer owntd by R. F. BYOwn or L<>a Angele.a, waa r eport· eJ lu 1iul1u: July 3. Bo own said the born wu brokt•n In to between J une 27 and Seturday. He 1ald no- tblng was missing. FIN FACTS; TRAIL TIPS Woods Have Daughter "By THE · OLD SPORT The Hol].s \\'.11 dir, 1;)59 nc,an BlvJ .. teleb1 at t><l the 4th With the birth of ll baby ~1rl at Ho&g Hoa- p1l8I. from the bea ch and jelly, dig your- 111•1! up S 10 an<I get a license. You ran't even take em for your own u11c, unlcs3 you ha\'e Ii IJcenae. That k ind cc>Sts only $3. And lhal g<>es for g1 union too. There'• a mag1c word c1 opplng up out t here ln Neptune'11 balll· wick ll'11 being htarol !rum San Dle&o to l'<'all11•, Albacore 1trf r unnlni antJ ll looks hkc lhe boy!! are hard on Jong !in~ The aeuon •hould bt off to 11 flying 11t art w ith that OM Ma~tt>r. J oe llecm of f)<1t L . Otll l'f :'\1•w· p111 t t11klng the f1r1t load r1t tin• al•ason. J oe. who ~kippers the !1111>· et home-built hnat eHr l o i:l1ol1• of! lhe w11ys a t ~outh CtJBst, br•at- ed T lOn!t la11t W!'l'k. It loilk.11 like ll nt>w ear Iii In r>rdtr for t hi' Ill tie Mr.11 . Joe t~ n n ; A n ; w P on't undt rn•llmalo the r•IWPr of Oynsmtl.f'. That llttll' t>oin \\1th F ranc11 )1. Gunn at the hr ltn tnok Ill own 7 tona nt alby 111.,l \\'l'"k. j;pven ton11 111 " lot nf f1:<h, fl"rtl· <'lllarly w hen t he:ir b<•ys fish alon" wtt hr111t rrt'Wll. H1i;ht ll'"'-. Llwy·re bn11t1ng tht'm 11ro11n(f !j1111ilal11p!' u li.nol. Skipp• r l.Jeem U1ln k11 It's i:11lng tn be TH E year for alblf!tt and "" dou 1·'111 Guloijord. llo M d hll'I C rrmltn Mo'k •are of~ 1 J tons ;\Ion· day 111i;:hl. T h11 1·11 n fair 111ght ':< work Alhlr11 haven't taken the '' hol<> 11pntl11tht. Just tlllk to Ashley Knc•wllon. That hoy'a lntllng 1 hr r ark with n111dcer<'I flshJni: on his Ring n ewt' Look for lhl ng~ tn lrnpp .. n any· tlrnl' vo11 ""'" J nck \\', Turl~v takP hlll l·ii T1cle out o( I he ha rhor· Mu s lr<' Turlry'11 hnr•l on the m11.c· k•rel11 Bt'tWrPn him 11nr1 hrothtr Know lt<"n. t ho.•e fl~h arP •!"A I ·d urks. . Tho~e 11lblrN 11ttln't knQw wh11 t -'-~t 'em l'r whll'h halt of lhr H11lrh t \\·Im• """ lrlrl'<I t hrm t hr ol hr r nli:ht . ThOl'e Joni: !inl! Wt'r" 1 r111lv !!!'~Ing dl't1ble wJ1en thr v hll th',. llt'r k (If ;\l11rlha J11nl'. B11t II WR• .T,.r ry H11h h 11n llH• nlh1 r enrt or the line anr1 he bo11'te1I i•~ ton~ Kii.LiO~ HARl'OO:\' Wllo'a th11t we·,·e ~""" \\'Armlni: up hi11 thrnwlng arm~ l..<'IOkll like .A rt l.:illlon. Wolll!I hn~ It l.:Ullnl) SOUTH COAST 00. 1?S'rd .t llitm port Rh·d. ' har('.>Cloned his fll !il l;roadbill off :'\'eptune. l~t \\'!'!'k h,. mllll!t'd on l\\11 others ·whlrh W<'re tno w1lo! But the g-urs~ going amuml lhe Harhor 1$ thM r bro11r!b1IJ~· tiwlm· ming <IAy11 11 r I' ~non fl\'Pr With 1111 lhP f111h1n,.-i B• ll\'ltY 111r ktni; up, imme of lhl' lin) .• 11 re grt11ng a hi lie 'nrell"ss. t run·t n.•k r1111r '11tl11 f<tr a pnltry lcn b11t k11, h11~1<. 'ca u~' the lll!h en<I gnme r. lla.s are I "ally getun~ around. Thrre 01· four or 1 h1' rarele11!I fl~h· ermen i;ot pm• hf'd Jlllll thi:i we"k for hnnn~ no 11,.,.n~e for ll'g'l!!lra· 110 11 f11r t h<'1r 11ont:i. A nil reml'm ber. <'Veryun1· e lmar1l, f'\'<'n wlf1e when i.h!' goel' out w11 h yn11, hM lo hal'e a lll';>nso 1! y.,u rxperl to :-C'll I h•>~r f11<tJoo • llP1·t•11 11 \\'tortl Cor t he i.,. 111 b,echt omber.s w h11 h mny clrar up ll little llll.;1\lll(INllltu1'11ng. Jr )'Vi( expect tu sell tho:se sanllcrabs and m11,o;sPh 11.11<1 l'IWk worm~ you g..t C..ET \'Ol'R Ll('E~SE Some private boal ownert run JUSl the other side or the law w hen they 111ke pa.~acngers out who pay lhetn for gu. food a.nd OUlt'r 1'.Xp•nse11. 1'o can uo with· oul r<'Jtl~tH1ni; I he boat for ten bwks anol i;tl'lllng a $3 paiut nger permit. T hal 11 get1111g pnid tor your r<crnces, boys, JU6l like bl'lng h1ret.l. :)1nro the 11.Ilnexatlon ot u pper Buy, u1ell· 11 been a r11n on ~out Guard-apprun d fir<' extmgulllhers -a nd for a good reason. The new or•hnanre gtJ\'rrning L'pper Hay re')u1re11 all boats going into lhlllle waters h~\·e an a pproved e xlln· g"U1~l11•r •boarrl and proppr life 118\'lng equ1pP1ent Betle-r check )'Ollr gear, sklpper3, '<'&Ulle t he Harbor MRster 11 boys are t n!orc · ing that ruhng ~lrenuowily, a.nd It's for your own proteclLl.m. MARINE CARBURETORS H•·pair1t -Salf'~ -Part" ZEXITH & STROMBERG GEO. J. MEACHEM 2439 \\'. Coast Hi1;hway Liberty 8-lS-13 LEARN TO SK America's Fastest Growing ....... The 11toter fer wotw tldl"9 Water Sporl I _.,,,.o.:=.::!' TlllS -11US·JOI int w.,,,.r 'ldini: ii a tport 1hat aU the famoh . r.<n rnj<lv ... wnh •pttd """ 1flriU. for aoi""' people ol &11' "JlrJ. Yrt Ir'• ••Y to karu aod ln<'•,,.-P.•l\'C.. FREii rhr Evinrude .. How T11" &o1r or w.,a Sliinc t• I I. '""'' l\ll vnu D('M to Ir now 1 from ~pn.na to ••pr1)." Come rn and get )'our copr. • 1998 Harbor llvd., Costa M... -U 14162 io entu thltt ru te.Jlt of "ma ll u 'u<18'e or -ilielffl.li'll"ll. Crml·j _._ -wa-. cOnn-W•t:t.•-hm'e:: folrr m t:h~¥fl!1nt-'• lttl4'UN10n ot .__ t hllfh 1 •• 1 modorl' Ha....-v Mann or the Nl'w-1 D11t1ht In a nd for the Bay <'Ollrae th• lntprraUon or atate retlremt nt .,.,,. 1-are~. w c 11 a nnu .... v con· · 'J Bl v • •· ductl't1 by the N•wpor t Ha rbor port Harbor Ya~ht Club wlU serv• wu l I 011el a Mo"".'a. former lnto aoclal u cur1ty. Ch11m ber of Commt1·ce The a.s jud&'• of thf' l!tart• and Com.· Honolulu racu . Troph)' reclp!l>nta Offl~l'r1 ot t h• N.•wport Bea<'h Warning Gun Is lll'I for l :30 p.m. modore M. A. Andel'90n of the LI· will ti. notified by mail of pr"· City Emplo)'eN AHcxlatlon au "'ltll tht> rac~ 11tartln1r a t l :40 p.m. I do lalt Yu ht Club will H rve as J eentatlon datt. Dick \'hit.on •lectrk al lru1~clor, 1..lrban Bl'h, Chairman of thl' I Jude• of. the COUrH . sa1ar Rabbit. Charlfl R u.aper, prealdeAl; C.I Gomu, of th• 1treel Yachtlnr: C~mmltll'e annc>1mcl'd I <.."OHMl'ITEE HE&1BER8 •kipper, wu tint In t he Stu the Cl'UM!e v.111 t>e the 111m e u J.lembera of the 1eneraJ com· claaa of Voyagera Yachl CJub laJ1 t year' a cc>une which l>rov1det mitt Pe v.•ho wlll direct U\11 year'11 ocl'an T'llC'I'. v.1th 3 •• poln 11: f(ll· a wldH !!!tarting line ant1 more j event Include Mayor• Dora HUI, lowtd b~· St~ml)', \\'. P. Fhrkl'I'\ tnltru tlng 111tHlng for the aklp· J&.mf.'!1 M . W ebster, Commodor1• ;:1°· 1~61). • ". points ; yacht No. ptra. J . A. Beek, Rusaell Cralf , c. F , .~Q2, 8 polnlll and Wench Ill. O"n MORE F.:'1."TIU1':8 8EF.S Landar1, H&rwy l!lomfrl. Richard Eld!'r, .!'o. 2:1Z2. 9 polnlll. Th1•n• F L. 8 R'1'1~ It I t were nine enlrlu. According lo Hay Lll,ngt nhelm , •ftton, · rry, a n • .secretary ot the chamber, thla Cteero. Howard B. ~.. P•te RHODE8 WISSER ye&r'.11 race Ii expected to exceed i'leker. CharlH Ullman. Converer Jn Coaat Rhodl's clu,. of flvl' prfvloua years In the number of 1 \Vurdema.nn, 0 . 0 . 8ueaa a nd Ur· l'ntrles Sea Bee, H. F. Bcardslo>r l'nlrie" due to the greatly lncreu· '>an Beh. Chalnnan. The Sea Ex.-N". 8. with l '~ polntl4 w 11;:1 ftri-t · l'J activity In the Hsrbor area on plorers boat, John Poole: will bt' llu\h. Barbl!lra M f')'l'n!, l'\n 20. :'> the part of m any new Snowbird j the committee boat. I points -;r by t'lapsr1I t tn>I' _._ IUl•l Skipper• who havf moved Into F olly Il, L. R. T&rr, !'o. ll, ~ Uie area 1n th• put.. yw . ~ New Lllttr.. pointll Entry blanks and new courae Ill !"llC'lftr claJuJ with i1tx en· charu m ay be aecurtd at the ·New· Wash Operator Here triu , Sln bad, r:rt IA m ar. No. 38, port Harbor Yacht Club Balboa wes first with H• polnte; Pi1<t. Yacht Club, Lido tale Y~bt Club, H enry Brook• has moved lo Harry Bourg1ol1, 1'o. 63 •was J. A . Beek'• Office on Balboa Lt· Newport Har bor area from Bev· llPcond with • '-polnl11 and nluc I la.nd, the n'ew Harlxir Ma..ttcr'a crly Htlls t-0 take ovl'r the m an· 1 Chip. John BIKby, No. ~3. t h1 NI Office, The McNa lly and Valley agement and operation of Lustrt'· with 8 polnt11 by l'lap~f'd tlmt'. boat rental docks and the :->ew· Waeh car ~inc facllltlH on the F'our boats "nlerl'•I lht> rAwln ll port Harbor Chamber of Com-Mariner'• Mlle. 16 rare which was won b~· z,.ph~'r,,1 li's today's most , powt rful r rodtKtion • ~p ou1board.1hc Mercury ~\1 Muk rn Super· :t.\ lllTlOOth po"''Cr 0ow, LJ~ silcocina. ~- new Dyna-Float Su,pcn\ion for ......._ IUl'(f qu1cl ot"fA· Mofl, whot a motor for fohifl g I Sme ll, compact, light• weight, fill right In .tht trvnk of yovr cor. Jompock~d with big• motor f~o tu rel ... ~mooth ... ond QUIET! Come on in ond •••the$~ today. Thifl, l•l'1 go fi11tin9I Buy now, u1e our timt PO)'• . ment pion. merce Offtct', 1800 W. Coa.st Hlih· Brooka a nd bJa wile will be u · Dix Tout'll skipper, ).:o, 168. by , way. In or<ler to u.~lst the com. 10Cial•d in the newly acquired 2 to.. poinl.~. I mlttee and to avoid wt-minute v•n ture. Both are native Oa1.1tom· There. were six f'ntrles in the I rush and confuafon, &JI thoM, who l&M. 8hf attended UCLA and he I MerC'u r~ clM.'1 whir~ wa,, wrm t'Kpect to l'ntl'r the race are ul<ed attended Woodbury College In Loll by, Fraoch Eilean, \\. 1'1:wJl"n11ld to complete their , entry blanks Angl'lts. 111kipper v.ri~h 1 "2 1m1n111 with llld to tum thl'm In to the ch.am· Rlssa, F. );. J ont's lll'l'nntl with A Ma.rint Corps veteran of six p ln•0 b • la d t • ber otflcl' a t the •arllesl poa~lble 0 "' ) e pse Im< mome t . World War U, Brooke t-x prl!Hed I N'A:SCY WISS AGAI:\' I comp/ti, enaioc ~-· ~ tioo "'llliout lou ..../ of performance. "!-!::;:. ••"• Wi1h Full ,,.,.,.,~0,1 Jeweled Power•! J!il'!.60 South Coast Co. 23rd & Newport Blvd. . n · hl.1 plea.sure ln making a new home ' Ol'TSTASDISO RACE In thl.1 area and working here to Lillie Cork ey: !'~n;r Corketto> DAYE SPIES J11/Jn11111 The Flight of lhe Snowbirds, provide local ur owneca with a skipper, boat "0• .6., was '1irst %510 \V. Coast HJ~hway which wu t frst eatled In 193$ eu~rior u rvice. ot lhe Lehman n .nJ;he)s 111 the Sea-Horu Oulbo1rd Moto11 v.1t h -18 entries. hu grown contln· Bay l'eries with II·'· point~. srron·l ually until It Ls n ow the out.stand· woa No. H . DQJly New port 11klpp<>r r 1ne-arTJall boat race In the nation. His Wallet Empty ·w ith 7~ pnont11 anti llllrrl Nu !'ill() The l!YeJtl it.aelt bu been. A m ost ~ver t ook .the wallet ot Ro· With Sue Fk ker sklppH , with 111 1mport&nt contnbutor toward the bert Grtlmah, 919 Ollk S t., Costa ' points. I devl'lopment of aatlini: in Newport Mesa., from the glovl' compartment I Or the SnowblrrlR Zomhlr, fklp· Harbor a.nd ls re11ponslble for the I ot his car, wu doomed to d1aap-r :rl'd by C'ra1,; C:idwalader , ;o.;u eaf'ly t raining of boya and girls polntmant. Gritman told police' 216, wu fir-Rt wllh 8'• polnt11 who Jateor have taken their place there w&a no money In the wa llrt , 1 ~=======;;;;.....;=.=..;;;. among the most capable and ex· only Identification papPrll. He i-al<I perll'ncl'd H tlors on the P acific the ear wu unlocked but the lock Coast , &h 1lad. on the glove compartment wu A total of 16 beautiful trophies broken Lo g&Jn entry. The car wu and 15 •maU plaqu• are c:onteated lll Chrlatlan'a Hut parking lot tor •.acb )'l'tlr In addition to the whe the burclary occurred. THIS NEW 'PLA YBOr IS ALL FIBERGLASS -AND SPEEDY! An exoui\ile $peed and pleasure boat you'll be/roud 10 owoi A l ng'e bonded foberglau unit ... Heh ao ell. Made 10 t~\ e rough treatmenf-kfl eeleu lranJom bvolt for lhe moll oowerful mo1or1I S.e the Perf.r-r "Pl1yboy" todey. OTHH MODElS AVAILAILI St:t: TH.EM TODA\' AT SOUTH COAST COMPAN-Y :Sewport Bh·d. at 23rd 8t. Newport Bt-.ach l.H J. llOSKIX ~ SON J?'.!O \\'. t •oast UW)'. ~t'wpnrt flt>~b WEST COAST Fl~rtr;l&llll Co. 159~ Newporl Bh·d. If CoSI& Mt'!Ul You Want Bait Alive When You Get to The Fishint · Grounds. 00 AS HUNDREDS DO * Depettd on * EVERGUARD BAIT. TANK t.'w•rltlJanl U n Bait Tulk• anllable for In· hoanl• or oothoai'd,_from 12 ft. to JOO ft. boat• at your local ..._ -or - Merine Line e Everguerd "belt sever" Live lelt T enlc e Everguerd Neoprene Doclr lufftper • Everguerd Neop,.,.. loet luMper e Everguerd loet Fenders • Ever9uard Doclr Wheel1 .. ..... Hat. 4174 - \'our A u t h o r I z e d T H A L C 0 FU>f'rglass Dealer in the Harbor area. Bring your ftlwr· glus problems to us. Pacific Fiberglass 2601 \\'. C'nH t fh•y. rh. u 11-:?11n Ac rolls from 1\ll·A m!l'rlcan ~lkt. We Said It 6,000 Boat Before ... We Owners Can't Dock Has Done Repeat .•. le Wrong It Again Dick Wino kier, owner of DICK'S DOCK , left, with crew, Dave Winckler and Jack Kn ill dis cuss ·haul-out of t he Dick Stewart motor sailer wh ich 1tart-ed~the b~sy Mariner's Mile b~at yard on its 6,000th job! Owner of the "do-it-yourself" or "let Dick 's Dock do it'' yard wanh you to know his boat yard is humm in g. Dick 1ay1: "I'm deeply 9ratef.ul to all Harbor yachtsmen a nd fishermen who have u1ed Di ck's Dock facilit ie1. They ho ve a llowed us_ to establish this enviable re cord." DICK'S .._....,.~Mile UJI W. Cocnt Hwy. -DO.CK Newport Beach Liberty 8-4441 , • PAGE 8 . PART 11-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1955 Lerche lal..ct 111 Truck, Cycle Crasli UGAL NOTICE UGAL NOTICI P..-Umln.ary to buyine • motor-follow•: •tt•r the nnaJ ~ thereof. cycle lhla week, Charlte E. Lt.r· 1 Section 1... Se<:tlon• 71lta. The above and fore101r~ ordln· foot and lee and hie rifhl hand d111••ll1nr houte anll of ~t-h ~1· lowlnr vol•. to wll. DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery of the Newport Harbor New1-Preu la g\laranteed. Carrier boye will deliver their papere ~ fore 6 p.m. on Mond,y, Wednesday and Friday. It your. paper ia not delivered by that hour pleue call Harbor 1616 and your carrier will brin1 your paper. che, 3&9 Broadway, Coeta Meaa. 71Ub and 71ltc of the Mun1clpel an~ wu l.nlrOducl'd al • reaular l'Ode the cycle Into the •Ide of a COde of the Cit} of Newport mttllnf of the City Council of tlle truck. driven by WHley It. Stan-, Buch. •re hertby r .. .,.,aled. I City of NeW]'Ort Buch held on field, 1127 Knowell SL, Cott& Me· b. . TheM ah111I bf no char&e for 1 ti\~ 27th day ol June. 19~ and wu aa. and waa taken to Hoag Ho.p-the Uff of each M""-'t.r connection I finally puaed and edopted on the It.a.! where &brulona to hi• left I araln•t the occupancy o~ r:ach 111 th day of Ju.ly . .)1!111. b7 ue fol· and elbow were treated before h<1 !teq etrucluno .JL2m 1..YJ~ 1 :> AY • CQUN~jl..M~; 1--....;;-----------------------~----11 was Kn ome. ---t o the dfecllve date of this or-BENNE'M". MACKAY, STOD· The motorcycle belonftd to Carl Jln.ince. OARD, HIGBIE, R I D DI: R· Swe.lls, &&O Weel Hth St. and C. s,.cllon 2. Section 7219 of the HOJl'Jr, HILL. A. Will1am.e. 660 Weal 17th St .. Municipal COtle ia heN:by amended NOES. COUNClLMEN: both Coal& Me ... The truck drlv-lo read u follows. NONE. er repor ted _J_Q ~.that. h_~ had ··~cllon ~2-19: UnpaiiLeh&rgea. ARSENTi COUNCU.W.EN: etopped at f8lh and P omona Sta., Thi! auptrlnlflnJent of lh<' municl-WILDER. -~-1LJllAJlW!U1.-&1~i.mi_aip.i.n w.hcn pal w•tel' •)'•tern aha.II, on or be-A'I'T!!ST: the motorcycle rllll Into h it truck. roN: the flnsl day ot tht' month MAE L. HAIT nut aucceedlnl th<' bl·montply City Clerk. h DORA Q,HILL .. Wlroft ·-.-1.•d Oft bllhni ptrlod, mall lo U C con-1 I •'I'-· UUll aumer whote premi1ta are c•onnect-Mayor Drunk DrivinCJ Rap ed w ith tht munlcipa.l water •Y•· No. l338 Lawrence Herbert Bergeron, :'>O, Lem. • true and accurate etale· Newa-Preu 7 l:'>/M ____ _ of 401 38th St., retired Loe An· ment of the unpaid t"ha.rgu due IS THI: SUPERIOR OOl'RT OF ~Id -ttreman and a council can-I the Clly of Newport Beach tor ' THE ~TATt: OF CALlf'OJL'lilA dJdale In the Jut municipal eit'C· water furn111hed to euch premlau, JS A!'io"D t'Oll THE C'OC J\'TY NEW DINGHY -CLASS STARIS tion here. _. booked on drunk aelllng forth that unles• ea.Id OF ORA~OE driving chargu July 2 by l>O' rhargu are paid on or befOtt the ~ l. 1 Uce. • j lOLh day of' 11ud mrnlh. the •a.me I :\'o. ~3'9' HERE Something new has been added to the local racing fleets. The all-fibcrglas Metcalf Dinghies showed up with five entries for the Newport Harbor Yacht Club's first Twilight Series race last Thursday evening. These µup uJa r sundown races will be held every Thursday throughout July and August sta rting at 6 :30 p.m. off the NHYC Non-Calm dock and are open to all centerboard sailboats h aving three or more entries in a clwu;. There were 42 boats out in four <'lasses for the first race. -Beckner Photo They ~ported tu. ca.r wu (Olng 1 ahaU thereupon become dt'linquent Sl 'MMOS~ OS t'IR!'4T down the w rong eide of Old New-and that unleaa aueh delinquency AMESDt:o CO~l'l.AIST port Road toward Coata Me-. cholrge~ are paid prior to the 2:'>th t"OR Dl\'ORC'I: day of aald month, the water will .------------·be tur ed otf from aaJd premlllel I Action brought In the Superior n I Court of lhe County Of Oranfe, without furlher notice an d will not 1 and finll a.mended Complaint tiled be turned on arain until aa!d In the Off11:e ot the Clerk of the charges, torether with a tum -on ORDINA!liCE NO. 161 charge, u iped Oed In Section Supertor Court ot 111:rl County. AN ORDINANCE JU:PEALINO 7218, havtni been paid." ~ ES!ELLE RUTH LAN NINO LEGAL NOTICE Marines Ask Housing List . for 1400 New M.en Expected A.n urgent a pptal w11 s m11de to Orange County r ea1dents tor a p1rtmenl11 and houaes to rent In 4 letter rtcelved by t he !':ewport Harbor Chamber ot Commer<'•' Hay Lanlt'l'nhelm, aecret.ary ot the J OCIL) chamber, ll&ld a hat o( he>ll'l.8, mo•els and apartmenllf was 11ent to Co W. L. J . Baylor . ex- ed1Uv.; nlt1cer of Ult' bue. Lang· enheim 11atd he also requested the :"\Pwporl Harbor Board of Realt<irll send a a1m1lar' list of pnvatt' home's which might be availa ble. -F1>r the l'tnesl In Commercle.l P r1nlln1o; ••all Harbor 16111. Job Prlnl ing Dt•pertmenl. LEGAL NOTICE 81JC'fiONS '111'6. ·1114b, aDd Section 3: 11111 ordinance 1h61l PlaJntttr, 1l14c -d AMENDING 8J;C·j be publl•hed al ll'a.st once In-the PATRICK AL~;N .LANNING TJON '72111 OF THI: •UNIOI· N~port. Hubor New1-Pres1, a Defendant. PAL CODE OF THE C1TV OF newspaper of g-enel'el circulation I THE PEOPLE OP' TKE STAT!: NEWPORT Bf:ACll. 1 printed and publlahed ln the City OF CALIFORNIA Sl!:ND ORJ:J:T • The City Council of the City of of Newport Bta.ch and •hall bt-In lNGS TO: Newport Beach does ord.aln u force and effect thirty (301 da~ PATRICK ALVIN LANNING llE.PORT OF CONDITION Of Defen<lanl. You a re directed lo appear 1n an action broufhl ar•ln1t you by the. NEWPORT HARIOR IANK above named plaintiff. In the Su- perior Court of the State of Ca.11- fomla.. 1n and for the County of Orange, and to anawer the flnit amended complaint therein wtlhln ten day• alter the eervlee on you LOCATED AT OORONA DEL KAR. CALf.FORNlA A~ OF THE CLOSE OF BU81Nl!;88 ON THE IOtla DAY OF JU~"E. lt66 l'ubll!lh~ In IM'<'Ordanoe wUla a eaU made ~ tile Sapertatea4knt of Banke ASSETS COMMEBCIAL SAVINGS OO~"ED ot thla aummone, It HJ'Ved within Th" letter, from tht AllllOCIBttJ Chamber• or Comm.-rce or Or&ngl' Countv 11a1d lht' l'nolf'cl Stlltl's )fArln~ Corp• Air Station 111 ex- pectlnit 1\00 (&m1lll'S lO 1110 \'l' 1nlo Orange Coun1y belWe<'n J uly 10 a nd. Stpl. 1. No rt'L'IOn wa" lt'•V•·n bv tht' Mar1nr: Corps for thP In· Cuh, balances With other banka, lncludmc reaerve ba.I· The Manne Corpll sauJ an e''" enct , anu ca.sh llem8 1n procua of OQ,llectlon . .. $ 537,432.39 J>t'Cle•I l200 men and 200 0"1<'"rs. t r s Go\'emment obllf:Ullons, direct and l ully ruaranteed 1,754.328 92 IM,1188 77 :'>03,892.76 893,099.18 2.2M,021.67 311,7M.8:'> 160.000.00 1.3M,M8.2~ 38.271.:'>9 750:26 the County or Orange, or within Ullrty day• If Hrved elMwhere, and you are notllted that uni .. you eo appear and tJl'N'er u above required. .Ole plaintiff will ta.ke judgment ror any money or dama1u demanded In the n ret amended Complaint, u arl1lnr up- on co:n~ract. or will apply ~o Ul• Court ror any other relief demand· ed In the fl1'11t amended complaint. ~flux. w'!ulol arrn·e al the atst1on be-Stale. county, municipal e.nd achool dl•lrlcl obllgatlona . . 311.768.M tween lhn6e dates. Olhrr bonds. nntca and debtnluru .... . ...... -· . 11)(),000 00 --------------------------Losn11 end 1hscounts (ln<'ludte $72.77 overdratte) -.... -.... . 828,970.93 528.:'>97 32 We Now Have Fac.ilities • No Ja9ut1r Doretti as tnr Down low as Payment Triumph Hillman Sl445.00 Harvey Mayer Motors Corner Victoria & Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 2137 Harbor llvd. Uberty 8·2256 SAVE! SA\'E! 8A\'E! SA\T.! SAVE! McCarthy's WARRANTY Used Cars •·••I lhl' Rl>til Dfoal In thr ('ount ~·! '53 OLDS. lolupn Holhl•y 1111 ('our,... •·1111 Jl'•\H'r. Orllt'ln•I I'. !'. Rn,•111 \\hltr .. 1t1r"•ll tlr"'" Down $690 '55 BUICK '54 MERC. Montrr,.y Hard top. R.tR. 0\'""'"''"· ('h,.rok,... RMI n\'f'r Pnla r WhllP. Matrh- ln« % tnn .. wathfor lnt,.rtor. Down $690 '54 OLDS. I I Fum1t11rr:, fixtures And equipment'......................................... 38,271.59 Other a.Mt.a . .. ...................... -................................ 760.26 Tnlal lllOIOl'll! • ..................................... -................. $3.817,:'>12.94 l.IABrLITrt:S Commercial depo111ts-demand I lndivlduail, p&rtne,..hlpe, rorp,. 1 • Othl'r' demMd depo111t s (cnlllied and offlcere' check•, t>lc. I . Sttvlng8 depoaula ~····--------..... ,,. ··-:.:·h····-·-···-·--·· .. ····· l l S t;ovcrnmt•nt anrl po11tal savings deposit• ., ................... . Slat ... l'ounty 11 nrl municipal depo11lts ............................ . Other l i11hililll'11 Total Li11b1lllin t excl. 11ubordlnAted obllratlon.e 10hown below l ' f 'l\rlTl\f, A<'<'Ol'ST8 Capltlll pllld on 3,0515.953.91 77,980.&0 77,978.941 177,500.00 3U88.98 U ,t.24,5-02.U b Common fltO< k :uoo 11ha rP1, Par $!10.00 --.................... I 75,000.00 70.000.00 33,973.32 12.037.29 St11 pl1111 . . ......................... . l 'ndl\·1dN1 profits --nl'I . .. -.. ... ......... . • Rri<l'T\'l'll 111nd rrtlrt'ment acrounl for preferred eapit.a.J) .. Total C-11pll11l AfC'OUnts .... .. . .............. . Tnlal LIAh1ilt1r11 an,1 C-11pll Rl Acoounu ······-··· 193.010.61 3,617,012 94 lllEMORANDA I PINl1tetl a11.!'C:U 1 a nti 11t>eunl1e1 loaned) (book value): a. t' S. Go\·rrnml'nt obllgallone pledced to eecure de· r oio1l11 11nrl nthf'r llabllltoea ................................ . b. Othrr M:<rts plf&lg1>1I to 11ecure deposit• and olhr r lhthlllllPio 11nrl11rhng note11 and bill• redlecounlt'd 11n•t :1Jt>r11r1l11·8 soiltJ 11n11er repurchue agreeme_nt) Total Slat e of Cnllfom 111, <.:ounty of Orange. ""· .l amea T. \'an Uykt', Pre•ldtnt H J,, H Plrtl'k , Cashier 316,23:'> 3fl 37.llt:I 711 3:'>2.801.1!1 J.187,91\6.S• l .0111.458.U n 1.rioo no 30.000.00 16,000.00 •r>.000.00 1.187.968 84 10"890 62 37.586,80 142.'68.42 •.805,469. 78 l .OM.9:'>3.91 77,980.00 l,{)J:l,406.84 77.878.M 300,000.00 3:'>.388.98 103.000 00 8:>,000.00 33,973.32 12,037.29 23&.010 61 t .80:5.469 711 420.12:>.98 7:5.131.59 495.2~7 07 of N!'w port Harhnr B11nk, ruo ing duly aworn. each foe hlnuc-lf, nya he hu a per11e>nal knowledge of t he mAllrn! MnlalnPli in the foregoing reporl of conr11tion and achedulee pert1.lnfn1t lhflreto and that every 11lleJ:11tlon, 11t11t rmcn1, m11tter &nd thing therein contained 111 trur to the but of hl11 knowledge and bfllef. Sevrrally a11hiw'rlh,.t1 Anl'I 11worn to before me by both l'it'ponent•. lh111 ~lh Jfly 11( J uly. J!l:I!\ J. T. VAN DYKP: A. K. PhPlj'I! PrHldenl Nolary Public In a ml fo1 ~11ld County of OrA"I'•· H. L. HETRICK St11le of CBllroml11. Cuhler Correct-AtlHl . Directon other Ull'n the otnctn elgnin~ the nport. BRADEN FINCH JAMES D. RAY 8. E. RIDDERHOP' Given under my hand and aeaJ of the Superilor Court of th• County of Oranre. State or Call- rfomla, lhl• 21 day of June. 19&6. (SEAL S UPERIOR COURT ORANGE COUNTY) B. J , SMITH, County Clerk and Clerk of lhe Superior Court of the St1tte ot California. tn and for lh11 County or Oranp. By WAYNIC A. DRAOll:R, Deputy Nn 1332 News-Pr~•• 8 ,30, 718. I:'>, 22. 29, 81:.. 12, 11, 28, 19:'>~. SOTIC'J; TO CRP:DITOR8 So. t~ Estatt of CAROLYN C STEV- ENS. dt c-easf'll !"oticl' •• hPreby irtnn by th• undt'r~1g-ned Mertha Baktr, Ad· min111tnotr1x of thl' Eltate of CAROLYN r. STEVENS, d~eu­ ed, to th" Crr:d1tor11 of. 111d a ll pen10na h•vlnit clAlma •Ralnat t.he aald d,.ceu ed. to pre1tnl them wiUI the necuearv vnucher~. with· h"I'. six month• after the flr1t pub- llcal1on of th1e notice, to the aald Martha Bllkt'r at lbe office of Davia It Ptnney, Attorney• at Law, ~4 16 Via. Lido. Newport Beach. California, City ot New- port Be1tch, County or Orange, State ot Cal1fomla. which eald office the undPr11gned 11tlect11 u a plact' oC b11alne~• In all ma tter1 connected y.olth said utate. or Lo me lhem with the neceuary vouchers, within 11lx month• after t.he flret publica tion of Vila notice, in Ole office of the Clhk of l.he Superior Court at the Stat& of Cal1tomla. In a.ltd for the Count1 of Ontng-e. DAted Juna 20, HI:>:> M.ARTHA BAKEtt DAVlS It PE!'\NEY ~~la.I Rhl,.,.. Hard tnp. t"ull pto\\l'r. % tlln,. J',.l•r \\hlte m,.r turquolw . \\!"\\' II""" Tlnlf'd cla•11. C11•tom lntf'rtnr. ~ll!W'r Holiday llA. AtttlC' "hi"' o\·er C'brrtokrf' rPil. Mat<'hlnc tntf'ril)r. Pown 111~,.r. t"ully .-qulpp<'d. Bani! No 890 By Jamu F. Penney • Save $500 $2775 Convertibl• Sale! Rrlo• Mf' "''mf' of thl' HN'11te..t Buy11 .,,..,.,. f'\ .,, offrn-d ! '54 Cad. 62 COii., loaded w. xtras, dn. $1175. '55 Buick Super Conv., Power, Sava ...... $1000 '54 Ford Cresttine Conv., R&H .................. $1775 '53 Ford Cresttine Conv., Auto. Dr ....... $1575 'SJ Chev. l•l .~ir Conv., R&H .................. $1475 '51 Buick Super Conv., Dynaflow ...... M .... $1075 '51 Ford Cust. COllY., R&H ........................... $875 50 MORE GREAT BUYS to save You Money! 1420 SO. MAIN-SANT A ANA t OJ>f'n Ennln~s 'TH 9 -AD Day Sundare. Buk T~nns .. . . ,-, Serving Orange County tvith Complete Inves tment Facilities I \ I IOAID IOOM DOW JON£$ NfWS TICKER TUNS-LUX STATISTICAL LIBltARY DIRECT ,.IVATE WlllU COAST TO COAST 'Ol'TfOLIO ANALYSIS We cordially invite you to use our Investment Facilities DE-AK WITTER a Co. llAllO NIVATI .,,._ S16 NO. MAIN ST.•• SANTA ANA • KtmiMtfy 2·1147 TOU ................ -N..,_., ...... -C... ,._ l .. ,. ...... ~ , __ • (hi ..... H.w ., ............ ~ • ......, .......... """ lo ...... h • ..., .....,. • Let•,.. ..... • '-.,..._ • .._.....,.. • '-~,.. • ......,,. ---=I' . :->o. 1326 l'\ew.s-Prus 8 2J, JO, 718· l~. It~:'>. ~OTICt; 1:-.i\'ITISO BIDK Nollr~ 11 hereby given that Ula Boa.rd of Trusttu of the Nirwport Beach Elementa ry School Dllllr1ct of Oranl'e County. California, will rteelv11 bld11 up lo and lncludlnr 2.00 P.M. on the ht dRy nf AUK· lllll. 19:'>6, At lhe bu1lne11.1 office. (.'llf! Orl\'e a.nd Irvin' Avenue, I !l:t wport Beach. C&llfornla, at whlr h time blda will bf opened and rPivl for lhl! fumlahlng11 of the fol· lnwinlt' homt ecnnomlcs appllancu : Fl\'E GAS RANGES Said Item• to be ruml1hed In AcrordAn ee with apeclflcatlont notl' on tile tn the office ot u 1d School District, )('lcated •t Clift Dr1v" Rnd lrvlna A venue, Newport Beach, Ca.Ufomla. The :mcrtellful bll1der mn•t de· liver eald Item• aa 111rected Jl'nd· Ing completion date of the Home Eronom1u Room, on or abeut Septembtr 9, 195:1. Ea.ell btd mut t be a.ccompa11led by a cerWled check, or bond. In a eum equal to II~ of the bid: eald check to be made payable lo t.ht Newport BMch &ltmentary School Di.t.rict, and ahall (llarw.ntM that th• bidder will entei Into • con· tract ehould hll bid be acceptl'd. The Boa.rd of Trull.-.._,..,," tlle rifhl to reject any and aU bide and lo ....,,,. any lrT91Ulartt7 ther«n. Dated! Thia 14Ul -ot JlllJ', 1965. .N'mWPO'RT RAO'H ICL.EMENTARY SCHOOL D18TIUCT R&L&KJ: CSE'!'fAJ\ Clerk of lll• Board • of Tnut .... No. Ul6 Nl'ft-Prelm T/11/D, 1111 llassilie_d __ NEWPORT· BARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Monday, Weclllftday a11d Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesday• Voual Mlopllff Ada,,.. la tlMI Wed11Nda1 N f'_..._ 1 laeutloe % la.ertiou S lue~DI 4 luertlou ·tl.00 1.50 %.00 %.50 add'l u .... ·" .... add'L 'llite. ·" -.. add'L llDfll .!5 -.. add'L ll11t1a .%6 -. Slt-uoa w .. w Ao ""Ill .-h'e 1&•1. dtM'O•t. Caall I• ed.-...,. ML'-"Dll'JI AD I~ ' U:SEM AU C'l...afW Acle mua& ~ pAicl for Cull la a.ih·-el palall.UO.. The publilhen wtll not be reaponelble for mor. than one tncorr«t lnaeruon of an ad. reaern the rlfht to correctly c1 ... 1ry any and all ade and to reject any ad not conforming to rule11 and ~JUlauona. Dl!:ADUNES tor plaelnr or can<'elll~ adl a.re; Foq Monday Pu~LicaUon -Friday 6 p.m. For We<lnuday PublleaUone -Tu~llday 1 p.m. For Friday Publication -Thuf"9day 1 p.m. N&WPO&T llAJUIOB PllllLl8RINO CO. 1111 llAlbo6 Blvd., Newport Beach, C.UfoNI&. Classified Index l Fii.Der.i NoU- 1 Oard of Tlaaak• ' Fuaen.I DIN!Cton It S-1-GuWe 11 Bui~ M.Wrta.le II 8'alldbla Servit'N HPe~ H Sia.are Yoar C'M H Tfaupol1Mto• 11 a-nae 11 llMaty Akh H Hee.IU. AJde H Loet aad F otllM!I " ~ .. l•tntt't.lo. II fUNatto-w .. t.M It Help Wut.d IO~ IO-A 8wape IO-B A,,U- l l w ...... le 11417 11 hrmlt•n fOI' We n-A Alltl.-e I I lloUa, 8a~ I' ._.eel, , T\' 16 Dop. Cate, Peta Special Not.be Y Newport Harbor B. P. 0. E. 1767 KHU nwy Tllunda7 I p.m. v .. o.-to -O.tn.I ...... Jf_,,.t ~ Alai.rt B . Matthe•1H, l:x&Jt.d Ruhr CEMENT at BUILDING All Kinde FREE ESTIMA~ Liberty 8-6109 House Plans LIBERTY ~1 Jtt1 lOUe BION RICE, INC. General Contractors Balboa & Palm Spring• Plana -Financing Harbor 69•-W 7~llc PAINTING l:NTE'RIOR -EXTERIOR , LICENSED -INSUR.ED Glenn Johnston 501 • U.t Bl. Newport 8-cb Harbor ll Tl ntlc FOR RENT l51dll S awe, Elee. Dr1111, Pollabere. all t>'l*I of Bandera, WllNlb&r· row•. etc. BOYD'S HOWE. H30 W. COAST HIGHWAY l.llMrt;y 1-3'35, Newport Bell 21tlc Painting le Paperhanging We do the work ourselves. 30 yon experience LlcenH<I It Insured. 8atl1facllon ruaruateed. Eatlmatea free. can J ohnnie, LI 8-2687 Ii LI 8-5289 81tfc M Poultry 11 Uvwtodt .. 8ptde.I Aa.11•-·-· + 19 Autoe Wuted •• Aa&cM for 8a.IOI te-A Ttne a Pana 41 Aute &entco. ti Tralkn .. AlrplaMe t1 Wutecl &o "-' d Apt&. a 11-fer .... '8-A Apta. for a-t U·B a_. for llftlt ~ TrmAMr 8~ tt a-for Rfet •A Keet a-.._a a..,, a..,.. M 8-t. lll8c\. u l'ltnn. a om-u-A .B 'n-11.-t.19 N .... ,, Oppoc .... t6e9 16 .. _, '° ..... M llQMJ' 1''AUed 51a..ll'.atMeW..W . .__ ,..,.,..., II-A C -dlll,lg' IM 11 Reel f;etat. 1:s--.. 11 ... ......... COMPLETE PAJNTING A Paper Hanci.ac Semce mtTGEHll 0. UUNDl!Ra 500 llet Street, N.wport ...... Jlaftoro .,. -~-,,.... .,. H. H. HOLBROOK Dl!P&HDAB.Lm PLUIOmfG . ..,...,. a.pur •moe MW••• Pboae: Barbor .a. taos Balboa ~ Jf.-,..t .... .,.., Elec. Tool Repair 8kll 8awe, DriU.. landen QUICK 8ERVJCE LEWOO ELECTRIC 00. f:'>e No. Newport Bt'f'd., Mpt. Bdl. Liberty 8-8383. "tie PAINTING M. W. ROSS LI 8-IHl • LI 8-Tlll HO A~ ec... ile• TOp83h CARPENTRY MINOR REP~ WORK HO JOB TOO UUU. H. o. Aacl- lOH S. Balboa BlTd.. IWbo& llarbor 2.ao lltle CARPENTER Repair Work Ooee Your Home Need ~ or~f c.&l Franll. 1..lberty ..... AJJ Woek Ouuwlt.Md T•U. ASPHALT TI£$ A lumlnum Wall Til• MfRT•· Dl11tributnrA Whnlf'lllll" prlrf'• tn ("ontr11r lnn A 'nlf! 8ttl!•r11 LI 8-7493 88lfc "A's'' VENETIAN BLIND General Contractor LAUNDRY 'rHlr. 11a.:w in11rh1n" prm •·11a mf'lh· LICENSED od Rl'1111nn11bl" prl• r11. A veras- 'New Work -Remodeling 2 ta~ ,,.111t1 .. ou111 bhn•I J. MILTON McKENZIE Only $1.00 Harbor 3tf-R 58tfc Bhml11 rl'ru11 •·1I 11nt1 ro b1J1I\. ' Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging GEO. BURKHARDT LICENSED CONTflACTUR 171 W. 18th St .. Co.tta Meaa Liberty 8-8828 Pleue CALLON US ~·r,.,. 1'11 k up ant1 tl•hvrry Y.'ork 11"n" h\' 11ppolnlmt nt Ph"n" l.lh•rty 11-:1i OI or Klmbforly J·ll:lH pplte Alcohohu Aoooymoue WMte P. 0 . Bot 311 Newpnrt Buen. C•ht. Phone Harbor '796 .,. Wh•n we c1.n help you w ith your advertl•lnf problem•. A tra ined 1 6--Traa•~~!l_?_n ___ _ eourteoua wecja.llll will gl•dl7 help you prep~r• effec tive adver-)~Beauty A ld!t Uetnr. ----J---------- Our IJ.m •• to provlt!" •l)Un<'I ad--Superfluous Hair •rertialnr coW1ael and help you Stl Permanently removed trom face outat.and!AJ ru ulta. •nm. MC•· Eyebrow• and hair NEWS·PRESS lln• abaped-No more tweutna. a..tfied Ada ELLEN L.. BRT ANT R. 1:.. HARBOR 1e1a Udo'• ..._ °' a.ut, 11ar. •_:: ~Mtt1eeftUf'GUS S!-A-An.!Iue. LOST an BaJooa Long1me. la.d1e11 l sALESL.ADY. ru11 ume. Mu•t Murph y Kitchen S l 'old wrl·t ~tC'h, blank band '"ave knowl"<i"t n( !lf'Wlnr Aae Private a e 0 -· ~ " " NEW Condition coat ~. uklni.; Liberal rr.,..ard. 6HS E. Balboll 30 to 40. S:-JIP 6 STITCH. 209 132~. Ph. Har SH~ 78dl0 Antique It Mode rn . v v Check these Used Cars \Buy from a loc&I dealer who wtll be hel"t TOMOM OW to ba.ck up what be .. 11, TODAY! NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I I I· PAGE I' FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1955 Blvd , Balboa 76p711 J.tan n.e, Balboa l&l&nd. HAr. On 17th St , between Br1atol 6 0233. 7Htc TWlN SET · WNtJn(bOUM a uto E 11 .. San .. AnL On." HoUte c ha M • LOST On Balboa Ptnlnaui. point, • ng .... .... ··-· ... ,. ... ·-__ ... --L "'" ... _,._ __ ... Tracka a nas ar1nas .... 1r ot "~f'11Cr1ptl<A1 aun "'.lauta. l.aundennat wuh. A dryer , Ilk" lluly 16 It 17. 12 noon • II P m -n a--·~• -n.u-- r-,, ... C IRLS new $183. Six yur •lat cnb It CO"E b ound .-0 away Brvwn l'aAt. Rl'wa rd. Call Har. • malln•a. $10. Har. ~. 7k&O "'th rowld ·~-~~ hi' -~ It NOT T d I S • II 4370 t Vtftlnr;a °'"Har. 322~ days.. YOU :' brl:·a ·:=· c na, "!,2~;; 0 ay s pec1a . Lido Peninsula , East 31st St., Npt. Bcb. 77p18 v.1U hav• an opportunity FOR SALE 1 FCC approved Dia· k II - -----------·--to •wane• In our nrm. thermy. 1 YT· r;uarw1ttt. 129~. CRJNESI!: 1nurr botUu, Porcelain. NOT This Wee 's Specia . OFFERS r LOST •mall brown ll'elhtr ~lence becauu ot our pruent u -call Lone Beac:h s-~313. 78p80 - ....___.. ____ az.n°"d._He&Jlh book. Ph. Hya tt 1-2 p•nsion program. clocka, con:imodea, Cl\sttr_ ·~ &.--8\:1-T ---------Dettgbtfut living; Apt-Caba:nu. Utilities-paid. I 274 co llect. tlcfM[ The atartlng aalary 11 COKE MACHINES, 4 J.tula rup back luuu Na tJonal ~r.aph-• with Ill I dnnk marh1ne11 wttl\ changer•. tc1 ,uaed book• It tum. Hou11' Th B f th y I LO~T-=-Panokeet, named Rickey. gr ood antd i:ou w ~:,e vt R, Hogarth, 1&109 I!:. RuAffU, ot Jol'da.n, 2272 Newport Blvt1 .. e uy 0 e ear. Yacht alip a ccomodatio na. 1 -Charlru~ color talk• and la Jr~uen ,crHM•, · Whltttu . Phone ox 7-2863. Custa Mua. 711p76 quit.e tame. 443 lrv1n•. Newport TELi PHONEr .OPERATORS 78p80 1 r-"-.......J!l l ----D ii~ weekly.,, m o nthlv vearly._ Ll-=:=:!.:·=-.::~-="-=e:;;;iK!::h:r.~;-::· U_8_·7140. 7Rc79 -A"'P''-----------.---!-~. . ~. •unrillH= 52 ~aall ac . 'U.u:.J~Llu.....ll.L~!!:!2..!.lll=!io...ll~'--!..!~...ka::.¥.SJ'---3·'tfc .. --•• "" • 1.1.. _ :=. ~ u:.:.:: :.___ _For appt. or reaen 1tion 1 eatl Har. 29921 ... . I ~H}l. No. Mam Street Me w W-0 ~f-s<t-'fi"P-:-Sf'6R1"1"1Sttl!:rt, ne-w-ew 1--62-00N-\'ERTIBl:.E-Radio,~ter. llydr~matt ... , ~ell..-. IMtnletioa I Rm fil -Sant& Ana UnpalntPd • J uvenile F m ltur11 glne. new gu tanks, 35 watt electric windowa, po wer steering, electronic eye, - 1. 1.~ - 1~ l N TRACTORS 9 ·oO to •:OO P.M.. LGE. rl'JC'llnlng patio chalra 13.90 marine radio. Equipped for 11''" white s idewall&, etc. NeeJa aome rechroming and U-Auto Stirvlcfl 43--AplA. ~ Hou'" for ~nt CO PACmC TELEPHONE PlXE HEAIJOOARDS -$8·90 bait 6 deep af1l trolling. '~4200 uphol"tery work Y ou must see lo believ•. ' ALL CLASSIFICATIONS 4 OR. PINE CHJ-:ST _ $8.90 Tenn11 or '3800 cuh. U 8-1002 ° · "' F C'R RP.!'lT ON WDl tTUDY In 1pa.re time for conlnic:- tor'• examination under a &'en· ,ral contractor with 26 yeart Pxpertence. Claaeea Tuea. llnd P'rl. tVH. 7l30 p.m. A ttend nrat MUIOG freL Begin &JU'lime 73Ltc Minwax and Ddt !lnlshea 7~c77 \ $1945 Motor Overh•ul 3 BD•t MS . 2 hall110, l'nrnt'r Jut \111- u turnfl1hPd Y "" rly lratif' $I 7'1 J'f'r ATTENTION ALL BOYS -Order11 taken for 1huttera NO MONEY DOWN mC'lnth THE NEWS-PRESS is now ll\kln& 2121 Harbor, C.M. U berty 8·164~ TRADE • A J Tyler School ~~~~ern:f:~~ar~=-~':'.:, routt'a 111 CH EVR01~--r 4 dr. deluxe '49. one Beo1utifol 70-ft. aux. 1c:hooner THEODORE ROBINS * with t his ad * Balboa. Wut Newport, Balboa owntr S480 15 rt. Kel110n Craft, Fully found, ~o anywhere. Wiii 8 Cyla. ----.. ~·$48.88 la. Newport Heights. corona dtl mahoi;r. nti oB gl&Mf'd, Nm-take equny tn property or ama l- 3 RDRMS , ~ b1<tha, f11rnlalll'1I f'or A 11111~l •'I on a yr11 rly l•a••· 1111 l No. Broadway, S&nla Ana Ph. Kimberly 2-4%26 or Kl T-3~11 ttc Mar and Costa Mt!IL lrol11 wllh T!'t'nt'e TraUrr, both ler boat. 1220 w, Balboa Blvd.. Your Ford Dealer Since 1921 8 Cyls ............ _,._, ____ ,~.88 If you are 12·14 yrs. 0111, and have xtnl LI 8-78:1:? 7k7ll Newport_ Har, 3032. 39tfr lnrludu both labor and partll. BAl'HF:l.l)R Af"T. l'\rar l,.a!M - $itl 110 pr r mo on I~'"'' a bicycle. apply at lhi> Ctrcula --"ON THE MARINERS' MILE" Nrw rtn~•. 1,ni•l pma. \'aln t lon Dt>pt., N'wport Harbor HOUSEHOLD rumlsh1nga Paint· WA1'"J'ED TO RENT 31 OQ WE("T COAST HIGHWAY ~ind. fitting• of main and rod ' Bf'RMS . t111nl.Jhl'•I '"' AuJUl't. $1\1)(1 prr mnnl h Rea l Estate School Santa Ana J"ewa-Pre~s. 2211 Balboa Blvd.. lnJ:s Garrlen tools. • m~. This BALBOA BAY. Pitr or •hr rnr ..;\ ~arlnp. p;11pert motor t une ur. Newport Beach, betwren 10-12 "'""\< uni\' Hu. 11110-J tnr In-22 ft. Albatrou eloop Priva te or LIBERTY 8-3471 90-day or 4.000 mile iu•rantte. a. m. or 4-5 p. m. only l'Xcept tnrmat1on'. 77c78 rnmm'I., space, "Tilr 8 011 R· 7. (NO MO?llEY DOWN 1.. ... . 1n M11N .. WOMIIN pnpare tn 1pare tlm e for unlimited opportunitlM In Real Eln:ate. New c:la.aau weekly. Al Tyler tiiatructlng. At- tend tlrwt -inr tree and Ital'!\ about t.hl• S"At field. Call or 'Wl'tt~ now. S aturdays. tlc this paper. 77p7b REBUILT ENGINES Mov ie Projectors \\'A~TEo 16 to 18 "· Lyman h THIS WEEK 'S SPECIALS! -UP to it> MONTHS TO PAY-STENO.: bk'kpr.. payroll l'lt'rll. WE f.l..SO ha•'I' 2 bdm1. apt&. and Wacer trol'ltA BAY It IU:Al.'H REALTY 1.lf'O ISLF: Al Tyl er School 1611 No. Broa.dwav, S &nta Ana Kl 7·3:511-Kl !1-3~ff9·KE 11-21113 ttc China Painting Day and l!:venlng Clueea Ordtra Ta.ken Now l'hone LTberty 8-11648 c 04tle ~ltuafloH Wantro _ CLEANl:-JG Ir IRONI:-JG hy lhP 11ay £xperll'nl't'd. B"lbo& )i'111nd prrterred Kl 3·fl096. 7:ip7i B ookkeeping Service ~F.!'\TIO~' ('ontrar tors. Stori-ketptt" Jl\l'"•I ltllll('nne tn rrllrv .. ynu nr thflHI' monthly bookk.:tpmg wot· 11t11 ! A llk s hllllt 011 r rral!<)nabl" r11tt'I' 11..ir. t688-J 701 2 Universal Bldg. Mainte nance \\'All~ & wlnrlow Cf4'1lntng Flonri1. Janitor Scrvicr l'hnn" llarbor 43 18 67p80h Roy's Maintenance Hou•e cll'anlnr-Floor wll.lllnc \\'alt .,..ai1h1ni:-w1ndow clte.nln& \°<'nellon bhnl1a. Urholatery lns11rt'<I fo'rre E~ttmates l.lbl'rty d-1332. lt!c Expe rienc'd g arde ner LANDSCAPfNG and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-1659 30tfc Bk'kpr mach-oper11tor. rare help. Ho1U1ekr eper-l"ook. a•·t·o1mt· a.nt. boat bulldtr • coMl. help. JU~E FARRAR EMP. AGENCY 40212 -32nd, Nrwpnn 1opposlte City Hall 1 i7c79 MAN WANTED wt th mtlhng It furniture u~embly experli·nci-. l.l 8-6332. 771'79 READY TO WEAR Saleswoman w\lnlN1. ~lust have 3 yr11. exp. A~e 20 to 50 C"hance for l\d· vam·emrnl. 1829 Newpc>rl Avr., C'osta Mt>1<a, 77c78 CASllJF.R. o!J1re • .llOnte typing Ac- l'llr8ll' 111'ptndablt lady age lo 41). Gond working rnn<!ttlnna. np- pnrtumt y (nr advanr!'ml'nl STROOTS HARDWARE. ll!th A Newport Blvd~ Ct>sta Mua i71'i9 WA:frl':n Part tim .. Call LI 8-71!1P. i1ecr•·tary. i7c79 LH'F:XSF.O re.al 1'.'ltate .salesman or brokcr who ta ra mlhar w1lh the area and not afraid tn work. BA r It BF.ACH RP.ALTY 3112 Llltayrltl' Xewpurt Ha 36•3 711'79 AUT O BODY MAN Newport Harbor area's largest B ody w orks LJ 8-3303. CaJI LI 8-2416 after ho urs. 7&80 CONTRACTORS B-1 hcPnllt work· Ing superintendent $1000 per month. Apply In persnn 9 a m. lo 6 pm. Thur11. F'rl Sst , Sun. 130:'i l"o Matn SI , Sant.t Ana. Kl, i-1171. 77cill SO-Misccllanf'Ou~ F"nr thnse who want the but K o nke l 's Interio rs S fo::l' St••no llkkpt fut & Ill'-L'pholst1>ry. •hB~ru.'~. llhflC'nvrrs. • 11nUI' sh111 thnn<J tit typing Ry bl'tlioprescl!O. th<'h .. 11r dll\'nr"rek 1..111-21~3 1 ~.w phonl' 77riB LJ b!'l'ty 8-7!•73 1111\'Sl-:1,f:fo:l'fo:R. 1 ook Livi' 1n 111 l\'t'. Ft 1·111 h. a1;e 26 Br11n .. u11, :160·1-;', 21st. Costa Ml'st1 iipi9 Es11matea 431 E. lith St . (;o,la Mrs11 71p84h ORI GINALS H11w1,. kl'Pf"'r Mme rnolllng ll\'P AnERNOOI'. COt'ktallr <11nntr 1n '" nut or day wnrker. G•1od 1lreMes & Coordlnalell rd•·rrnre" Kl 3-1!)6r1 i7ci9 C ust om Dressmaking ---· f'h. Harbor ~268-R 7lp84 r.iamt~!~?n~;!~dN•~an-up. Envelope Special Klmbet ly :1-:102:'1 t111y11 nr Harbor Ht~h quallt\' =6~. what" r<'R"JlRr 303~ 'vrn1ni;:s 6t Wttk emt~ · 7:,p80 I rnvel• 'Pt'll. pt 1nL··d w11 h ""' nl'r 1 t'lurn. LICENSED uperlMrtd iok1rrer $3.95 per 1000 avallRbl,. part t ime nr ynrl\' Har. 1129-W i 6pi 1 \\"II h th" a... F:xrlrt11 Jul~· 22nd. M1111 '"'•r\' 11n 1 •he• k tni1a .. · WORk,NG-MOTltERS'--C"h1i°d FOX ai.lv 71\tl E <'"ntr r, An11- ctlrl' 1n m~ homr dav t1111··~. hr1m i:l1 i8 ~rwport Ht1,;ht11 arr.1. U 11· i67~ • i6ri8 16 · r•i:: \\'Al.T !'>,\\\' ••n lla1l1' -SITCATION WANTED Gari, t 7, wanls wnrk tn Dortor':o nt • $:100 !'lee kl ~<• I, Ralhoa <'"''"'" 6'ltrr fact tn Hartx>ra 11r .. 11. l'11ll LI Fresh 8-310:,. 76pi8-H e aring BATTERIF:S Aid MA:": It WOMAN will do generai houaework. floor wiu:lng. win· dow cltllninir. F'a11t "'Or ktra. white. 194 E. 20th SL.. Cnl!ta Mua. U 8-2683. pptt GOING ON A VACATIO!'"! We G1v' S&:H Green Stamps Gunderson I?rug Co. Matn St. at Balboa Blvd .. Balboa Harbor 5 10. lllt!c YARDAGE Inventory Sale RELIABLF: BOY wall rare ror ~''"" yard. ('a ll JOH:-1 OA \\'SO~ Harbor 42 4-J 7111' _ on DtslgTit'r's Fabrn·~ SKIPPER -l':itp<'nl'nri-J. f'arl or at iWh11IP•1tll' Pr I• r1< run tlm,. Sober. rellablP. air" 31 M ARCJF. \\'EBB LI 8-81142 ;sr1111 •1P~6 So l'o"-•l Rtvo l..llguntt Rr11ch I Ut~ llPORTFlSHING lktppt'r 11v,.1l· ~ _ able u ~'-•Id•. cOAr h and •k•rr«'r. t EAS Y ~r111net wuhm.: m11r h1nP Prtvllt• bn11t11 onh· Bv 11rr.,111t· 1 h1.:h rh"" bah" h•1i:.•· Alm""' m'nt for 1 day or m<'rt Mru hn n<>w l.lb(ort•· 8-flHO rn•ntni:~ & f111lunc • lp«lall)'. IA ti·H 21i wr~llrntl if\r 78 GARD~NING .AL.IQ YARD CLEA~ \'P PLA!l.'TlNG. By Wttk oc-~Of'llh Llb.rty 8-70711, 78p80 and v.• A~"Tl:D: Girl ror part ttmt hou••work. LI 8·321:'1. 711c76 \1\'0 )ilA.N to Md m other tn hOUff- hold ctut1u .\ N re. of lhr" r htl· dren. 10. 12 • JI, yre. old. Five day "''ffk. Mu1t be capable or a t llmH a.111u n11n11 full r~1pon1- 1bllit~·. Sala.ry 1210 mMth plu• ca.r • t XPfW!lea. Hu. 28'7-RK. 7~80 1 Q\JO EM BOSS i::n husinrJell l Ii I ls $3.99 3 L;nt Hubbt'r ~tamp H I'll • Ltne Rubher s:amp Wtlh ('Ill $2 \)(l I 1\8• Clltl I Bonk ~!11trhr11 L \\'. WHITE Liberty 8·•011. e\·ea. LI 8·~150 ppttc ANTIQL:ES -014 tunuture, cut glll.l!a, 18.mpa. old plc:turea. cloc:lu rte. Bargalna p.lore. Bl( dl•- rounta to dealera. Charlt• Da~ 1806 E. Al\&Mt,m St., Lo~ Beach. 65().1311. 29ttc CASH REGlSTl:R. OAS HEAT· ER. Mwlnr machine. lawn mow- er . lnc:ln•hltor. etc. A ll f ood rond1 tl0fl. Reuonabl•. Uberty 8-7569 ~Otte P'OR RF.NT 1ant1rr, century or y114'ht tendn Built In our own factory by 11k1Utd 8-MM 16-MM 35-MM 1116 Via Lido Nord, Npt Btaf'h 1953 CHEVROLET 4 door Bel A.ire, light blue, machlnlat1. Don't contend with 3112 LalayPlt", Nt"'port, Ha. IMS Ha.. 7lllMI F:v.-11 HOBBY and MODEL 771' R & H , power glide transmissio n , power the mlddll' man. Buy ALLdJrrrtED AlRPLA.NE SUPPLIES REBUILT and INST F URN. !I M t 111. hn1111r and fum. ALSO Ce1grr Counters .tor rent SAf'FlFICE, 13' boat. 6 hp. motor stt'ering. Excellent condition. · · ·· $1425 SHORT BLOCK 3 bdrm. ar1 1417 w. Ba.lbna Mears Camera Shop 17 hi;;'. ~;1('· • :e:'v .. ~."''~r ;1:: 1952 NAS H 4 door sedan, 2 t one green. over-FORD ............................ -... 1t2uo _8_1_v_t1_ .. _N_r_"_'ro_rt_Bra_rh ___ 77_"_7_1 wine · I! 1'1"' t> 1 <· od $ 99• CHEVROLET ............. -....... $149.~0 1782 Newport Blvd .. Costa Me11& UM. 1:'l l2 N. Baktr. Santa Ana. drive. S h ows very go care ....... _. "' PLYM. It DOOOE ·--·-... -.. --SIM ROOMS, COTTAGES. APTI. Phone Li berty 8·7042. Pru -----------7-7p70 1952 CADILLAC, 4 door , 2 tone grey. A truly ~~~~e!K~ s.~:.~ .. ::::::=-:!~g CHR1S CRAFT 26' bridge derk. f1'n" car $279~ OLDS • PONTIAC 6 ............ $1 70 ' 0 •t o· SO-B-A~pllan_c~..;.._--­ W ashinq Machine DAY OR WEEK Excellent New canv11 s. radio, '" BUICK ............................... -.... -117~ THE RLL'E TOP ,.f Tr.. •· 4 ~ h I Newport Blvd. jWlt above Th• ball tank. fishing c air, e •·c-1951 CHRYS LER New Y orker, 4 door , sedan. HUDSON ............ -.......... -·--·· St70 Arrhu 7•ttc <>ER VI CF tnc bilge pump, rock g&11, 110 Sl195 Loan Car Free Tow1n1 -------------volt battery rhargtr L.J 8-7920 L ight green --····-· • · ---· NEW CAR GUARA!l.'TEE 1-yur guarantee on Joba done and on ulled wuhera. 248814 (n!arl Newport 81., Cost.a Mua. Liberty 8-4503 or Liberty 8-4327. 64Uc Hc90 1951 DOIX;E 4 door sedan, light green Tip top Bloc:!< muat mtet our ata.ndard• 14 FT. ull F11>erglu1 boat kit A II ribergl.ass deck It hull. iO·ln. bum. 2 not11llon chambtr11, •P<led or .f!) mllt1 hr. s.r .. tor the family. Start •t S 140. L( 8- 6304. 77r79 BALBOA ISLAND Used Automatics S39 .50 to S99 .50 Oellvcrrct ln1tallPd. guaranlted. Term1 A vaila ble W e Sen •icc All Appliances Specializing in Automatica A uto .• Was her Ente rprises 2648 l'\t'wport Blvd .. Costa Mesa 1.lberty 8-7808 (~Mr Golt Co~.11d Upp SPECIALS ' RA NOES WESTINGHOUSE, eM!ctric tale model 38" . .. • 1911.M> Pro11perlly, rln .n 36" $29.~ O'K & Merrill. txt't'pt'ly. good 1·ond1t1on '59.50 K••nnrnre dPIU1t•'. Top rover 40" $64 !'>O RF.FRICF.RA TORS :n-M'. SLOOP. All ma.hog. ,Seats 8. Xlnt. sa1l1, nutboord motnr It trallrr f'rire S87!'i. Har. 6284. 7ic70 5 H P. JOHNSON outboard With nf'utral. SlOO. Youtha II (l. ftbtr- Klll.<t~t'fl boat, upholstertd l!t'at, remote ateermg $100. 4006 Rtvtr Ave. Harbor 1606-W. 78c:90 WAN'T'E'D SteelCra!t cruiser to • $2300: Round bottom Sa llJng Drnghy to $200; •mall outboard motor 1 tn 3 HP to $2:\. D. H. Kelton. 133 Mesa Grandt, Re- dondo. 78p 34' CA Bl ~ CR USI ER, alttps 4. Twin sc:rews. head and 1 g'&llty. For 81ilt or tra1lr for $1Tllller b<J&t or rf'al ••state. 188~ Park Ave., Co.!'ta MP,a Llberty 8-7112 78<'80 $ 795 Plua taxu , guketa a.nd 011 shape ·· · · ·· ·•··· OPf>n Sunday lO a.m. to 2 p..m. t nrurn yrly rf'nta l 2 llory h<•mt In chOt<'e ln1.·at1on, clc.e t n bay 3 bdrma , :I ba th• plua df'n It lan111 Sl8:'1 per mo. LOU REED C HRYS LER • PLYMOUTH DEALER 1200 W. Coaat Highway Phone Liberty 8-348'8 34-Muslcal, Radio, T V SPll'\ET PIANO. Beautiful CUI! A tune Llttl" used. Save over $100 on lh111. Another b&rgaln. MJr- ror lype Spinet only $290. Many oth"r wonderful buya. DANZ-SCHMIDT Music: Co. 620 No. Main St., Santa Ana, Always 100 plano1! H AMMOND Or.:an. Sllghlly uae(!. Good big saving. Another won- derful buy, Hammond Chord Or· ran. Lillie U&ed, The Orga.n everyone can pla.y. .&0-Autos for Sale G. M. C. TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS ':l-0 GMC 1., T, PICKUP '50 CHEVROLET i,, T. P ANltL '01 CH.EV. ~1 T. PICK UP 'G2 INT. \.., T, PICKUP 'G2 CR"EVROI..rr \, T. PANllL ·~3 GMC t,, T. PICKUP BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open 'i>aily S-t o 7 state Bonlfed NEW LOCAT ION 310 East 3 r d St. SANTA A N A ATTENTION Nash -Hudson W . W. S ANFORD, re alto r It AuOCJ.&lU Park It "111rtnP HAr 1462 74lfc: -----NEAR BAY 6 O<.'EAN 3 rooma. Slt'Pf'• c Anll11hlt now. $!'>0 ... 11. 2111l·llth •Ml\ llsv A•·r , nlllbnll • iApllCI F'l'H~ Af>T •lrtrJll• :l al"" furn hu\UH\ 'A'tPk or rnont h f•1ii1u1u· ll blf' Wiii lf'llll>' lhr 241'4-,I owners i8l'llfl Rioh Hahn 's Gar age· CUM Sum1111'r n·n1111 n117 2 bilt m. Aulhor\z'd Part. It Service furn hou11' mu. A Ill( 111 l•1n i:r1 ai.o Good T r&.ru!porta llon ALSO Oelux 2 Ix.Inn unh11n cJupl••x Can Far Sale yrly Har 168<\-R 711• ~o Auto Radio Repair Choice Summer Rentals on -409 E. 29th St. Balboa Island· & Ltdv Ihle DANZ·SCHMTOT Pia.no Co . 020 Jlio. Maln , Santa Ana TRL'MPfo:r, Bra~s Conn. Pan-Am· t r1can. l'~td 2 WtPks. cOBt $200, aarntlce $12~. 317 Ah·arailu Pl.. HYDRA-MA TIC TRANS. Newport Beach, Har. 47:16. '02 CH EVROLET 1 T. PANEL 3~ttc 8mall It coay ur large A deh1).f '76 to $300 month VOGEL CO. ':13 DODGE 1 T DUALS SPECIAL C-olllspol icr :"orge 6( f ntns ok \\'P11l1ni:hou11r 10<-t latt Balboa. Har 0190-W. i8p8Q :~: ~ PENGUI~ SAIL BOAT A Trailer Pl Ano A benl"h. GEORGE STECK No. 3484 ta1lnr made 11&11 a.nd upright Cra.nd Slll{) Lib. 8-1213. '!'>I FORU 2 T 12' BODY. 2 SPEED, 8 2~ TIRES ·~2 CHEVROLET 2 T 1711" WB. 2 SPEED, 8 26 TIRES DURING J ULY F o r e ign auto valve grind by expert 20I .Xartne Ave .. BaJbu9 Jelan·I Ph. Harbor 44' or Harbor 2161 Ru. Har, 17Ml-R or Har. 30l't9-M m011~l WASHERS s99 ~O ma.n:v r11tr ...... $400. J . B o w,ns. .,.. • 76ci 8 255 Ktnnt'b"' A vt , Long Atoarh 9-4069 78p80 '54 DODGE 2 T YO DUMP, 8 2!'> TIRJ-:S, 2 SPEED 14Uc F:n ~y spin '" ll'r. eactlltnl i1h11pP S~ll.~ B1•nd1x Auto )'Prfect $49 50 Uther m1~1·I "ppllanrta .. Tnm" tr'I AUit P.vrry,t)nng irua.r- 1tn1,.r<I. WAXT TO BUY. Dinghy, about 8 fl "'ith io~ll Call H11r 25~4 78c STEL'I;\\' A Y GRA!l."D. Gorgt0u11 tn e\'tr)' way Parlor 11z.e. Thl1 wonderful instrument at a big H •·ing. Manv olhl'r t;ra.nda. ~1a· son &; H11mlln. Knabe, Story A Cl&rk, ••tr Pm·r:. $4P5 11nd up DANZ-SCHMIOT Piano ':12 GMC 10 'WH EELER DUMP. 9 00 TIRES m echanics ' C\'L uh ,·11h·~ IRbn1 ph1i1 pt<rt:< DO COME Dtlllrable 1ummf'r rtntal11 a11ll ava1labl" By wetok, month nr llPllllOn. S22.oo. 1 COAST PROPERTIES F't ee Delivery STROOTS Hdw,. Hou11ew11res 1802 :"'rwp•11 t Blvrl. Co1<ta Me1<11 Lt. 8-3126 WAN'T TO Rl'Y ~lereury 10 h p. uulh-011111. lh11 l11•Ant or reg11l11r Harhnr 509!'> Tki; 1520 l'\u. ~!sin, SAnt11 Anll. 100 piano~ \\'e hsve ovrr 30 uniu t.o choou f rom, plckupa, pa nelA, •la.ku and dumps. Our prlru and terma ran not be btat We r1rry our own contract•. 4 CYI. fh1 I hrn'1 l'nittn" IAbor ph1io Jlifrt11 I 301 E Ba.lboa Blvd. Ba llxt• $28 60 Har. 211~8. 2~97 It 4600 71 t fr, FOR SAL~ C.:nlrliipol rf'f. with nr"' 111111 , $40, Call KI :'1·:?742. t< WF:STl~C HOUS,.; l .aundrnm11t 4n ,;rtnd Mnd1llnn Si:'i. f'h Ha~ 1i69 i8r80 PIC or Ll'DERS Aplnnak,r an1t t1lorm M81I. 7 hp M:ar•ttn. D1111rd' Ing iaddt>r f<•r 311-40 fl hollt Cheap. lnq week·l'nds. IOI! \'la ~lentonc, Lido Iiol(', or C Rrat- view 6·R6!15 "i-ell 1la~·11. 70p82 S PECIAL BUY! BF.Al'TIFt:L hl<mde Spinet Jr1Rno. Famous niskc 11Pnl:il rrturn. Lik~ nrw !-.11\'P S22J C11'1vrn1,.ot tl'rms A' SHAFER'S .\111,tr l.'• !;1n<'I" 19071 W.W. WOODS GMC m-:ALF.R 61~-19 E. Hh St. Santa Ana II 1;\' L nh Vitln• !'11,lllllt . h1hor plu11 p11rt11. Op'n Sunday a.m. • 1 VOL.KS\\' AGO!". • lfttior pll111 r111 Ill. Truck headquarter• tor Or11J1ge <.:o. i2~ .• 0 I RENT AL v ., , SPECIALIST S Call Edna Cr•I& Blanche Gates, Rltr. 311 Marin• Av11. l'SP.fl 4 JTtflnth 11 mwn 8dl th111 w~k: 1 ~rirt R;otr11:. 1111tnm w'"h· rr 8t f'ar k1trd Rtll TV. BlnndP 1 r11b1nrt • I 16 F'OOT Snip" sRllb<111t, ready to 421·123 ~ Sv 111101" ~"n':i Ana i<llll Rnrrnt1ful t'lln<l111nn. \.ood !'l•one Kl111hr1 .I 2-01171 ~RllA. Stalnlf'~!I lilt'"' rlR~tni;: .. bow sl\tekl, C.:npp"r bntle>m & J ubber I 11'•••1 olollv OrftCf'r bt· 1111: lransf"t rNI. ~lu11t i1cll Ph Long B"a1 h 34-1014. 76p78 nr78 I We F'eatur e SUDDE N Service ------------~ l Hausken Mot ors Inc, Ha.Ibo& b la.nll, Har. 1671 T2t.lo BALBOA ISL.A~lJ HJ-::-<TAL - l"hsrmJnr; hOUl'll', 2 bf1rma. &\'ail. now to July H th. w .. 11 r11rn.,lled. Cat h1t.ie •h.•ro~•I. F lrrpl. it .... 110n11 hlr Har 2M7·W. 69ttr Al.SU flJCl2 Ru2 & P11d. l..e1111 lhan 11 p 1r,. 1.1 8-11~24 . i8r Si-Furnitur e ror Sale Nl'a r -Nu F u r niture Mart I :nofl· l'!'F:[I F"l'R:"'!Tl'IU.: l 111 lh"lll I •la •'h<'•I ''hrt1UH) I hRllll din• I tr u2..;~. S!l ;~, (Rhl4' "nf! 2 S24 foO ~"''t"rlll 11> t ~ or dtnlnR t nnm r hn11 i< $2 T:l '"'· firu1d i.:1t11 ra1ni:e" $27.:iO lo S3P llO ~FOil :"'· wp••l l Blvd H11rh. :1:1112 \\'At.KEH r11r ln\'8lld with Patra 11ll11rhmcnl", H r1, IW'> C burnn •tnvr" with uv,.n.~ S2U & ~:10. 2 GOOD 111,,·~. 25 ft. 1:»0 hp A: 16 n 211 1 • hr hllat11, both ,,. hcri:ta"'' I 111 •t & J:ond 1•nnd1- t inn Hto1t \ In R•• Al!'IO !1hcr· 5'1ll,.!< • llllh 1 ri11 n elr A er<1jf'I ~1111 inP M• ''''"·J ohn ~r,rrk, 21!06 Thr Rh in" 1 L1•to P!'nn.1 Mar 2•13;, • i~ttc 40 CAB!~ t~pr r1shlnl( boal G MC •l1esrl "nll -'ttill•blt tC'lr l'hltrt'r ra.rlte~. $i'l'10(l KJm 2-3~!'>4 7~>c80 Sli p & Rowboat Space for Rent vRn1f\' \\Ith 1·hn1r Sli Hatl.lnr Amrrn"tn Le~H'IJ 21~1-l :ilh St, 121;.J 681tc Meetings 2nd· 4th Wed. 8 p .m --1·n1r ~•~t.\!O:-.:s Hpringa for Jble b4'd, t:rr;n•I Hnt<'I m11ttreM 8ph'n<hd ~ ' • ..nn•ht1on. S3~ Hu. i 83 71i.-80 I S-1-Mmoc.aJ, Radio, T \' ~f:\\' ~·ngtdtllrl' tlrytr S2CIO a nl1 WA~TEO ~O l-SED J'IA ~US tor "''"'I f11rntl•11t lnrl HOVI! rr-our h1g rl'nto1I d"l'l HlJtht~t 1'1111h fn~ h•lnn rt.thn1n2 t11hle •nd Rllowan<'e In t I B•lr fC'lr Or,;11n. • h111111 Sol \\' B&y B11lboa H11r Sptnrt r1ano nr Grnnd piano :lll!ll 78p 0 l lA:"'Z·SC"ll~lll •T, ,. ~20 ~"· ~!11ln, Ssntil An11 [ll'.•CA~ f'HYrE 1lrop Ju t din· --'4-----~------ tni;: !Ahl" stllll 12 4 1tralicht SMALLF:ST STl..'010 P lano ~·1th r h111r11 A 2 arm rha1r11 full 88 kt~ boar •I '" rrn.. t"'n· ALSO Bl"l'akfront A am all buffl't thltnn Termi1. S4:'1 3~ down and hkP new 1120 Kang• Road. l.t 8-SHI l'i per mo. l l 11008 week end1 only. 78c60 SHAf'ER'S MW!tr L'o 1 Stnce 1907> CHERRY wood low poster dbl bed 421 -423 N. Sycamor,, Sa nta Ana SM1. Dbl mattrus aet H~. W"-'· Phone Klmberly 2·0672. nut d~u,.r SI~. lOI V1a Ssn Rf'fT\o-U do 1811'. 78c WOW! Read This! 78c BY OW2''1:R, 11161 8 cu. tt. DtlUH S!'rvel rtCrtir.. hke new $1110. SOW D MAHOG. bdrm. ..t - Twin poeter bed•. lg. drute r. Hlfh bure.u. drea1lnl ta.ble and chan. Plale J I._ topa Sl&O. 8-uUtul In la.rre Colonial brm. !"or a pp t. to • ..._ Harbor 27G7 alter ~ 30 p m. 711c80 I We repair televtalon rerttvrrs and rai:lloa. You pay 10 dlya I•· ter. when Mllltled. No parta In· 1t&Ued not needed. LargHt ExchlAIVe RCA V1c1o'r deal'r In area .Parta It Labor ~rantted for 3 full monlh~ 2904 E, Cout Hl(h11·ay, Corona Dtl Mn HAr :H91. ~·1~ \\' TARTER. Owner l t trt 54 Volkswagen 12', .. P ACKARD-BELL T\'. Table I mndd, nnl\' $311 !')0 sos n11,j,0 & F:l4'ctm· l • ., SELIA:'\, (Vl'f"tr rol<ir Red plu t1c 11132 Harbor Blvd .. CData Mees u 8-60~1-Ll 8-6381' i7c84 322 Mllltnl" A\'I' R&lh<1& l"l:ind lnt,.1rn1 R"11utl1ul cond. $144~. H 111 bnr 7110 i 7r 711 M0TOP.Ol.A C-onl'l"I" 121_" r;ontl f"' :ut" SOS R&dto A-t;ln1•l 1,r I 'u :l22 M1111n,. A'" lh1lb<•" l«la11u llart>ur 78'1 77r 7h --------- ORGAN S PEC IALS HA ~n!O:"\f• ~pln"l "'1!1111~ 1111 .. nf'W ll1j.: l':l\lnjl~ ' I LO\'ELY ~111.i;I" 11.1tn1111 I l'lr u1nn1r 01 ii11n 1n p«1f1 .. 1 '""'"''"n 81\\'I' lt<tll <'""""lltl'nl lf't t11~ l\t ~llAF~':R~ M11~1t <'u 1!';1111·r H»•71 421-42:1 !'\ l-\tamnr•• !'110111 A•1t1 l'hnnr l\l111h• 1 ,. 2·111172, 50 Pont iac llne owner Ra•ho an1I hl'atf r car. $490 *PAN-AMERICAN -'-l Paramo unt-T e rry ·~~-4., f'an Amn 2 htlnn COITON GOFF l'M•A ~::~ .. rrv sPEl'IAL \',OLl\SWA G EN DEALER ·:,2 -2;· Mob;I~ T"n.i .. rn bRth ~111) ~ .. "1'"11 Hlvll , Nrt Bf'll<"h MA NY MORL 1:. .. ~ Ter1111 Td<'flllnnt Harbor 8 18c80 Y -j Port Orangt> Trniler S:\lt'lJ l!IM C HRYS LER New Yorker de 2200 W . (".,1111t Hlj.rh"·r.y 11.,,... l..r1ru1 Car . Exr,.llrnt ron· i f'llunr Lllwrty !I· U:l(I d1t1on l'owtr 11\P,rlng. Wl'W !'>~11.p••rt H,.,., h i2f'l3t h Owner Liberty 8·7664 78p80 -1 2:\' TRAIL.Ill.A ZEH Awning 1rlr, -..-l"Tt'lJEBAKER ('ha mp1"n r .. 111 11pl stovr, •"1111rat,. h<!m1 <:"'"' $~PER ~tl J 1rnt~ i;oo•I p1iu·t11:i' l'l••lln nrw clul<h,RMrt llrf'l'$2~10 5119:,. H11r1°>'1r ~r'lhtle Hnm""· l.;11t ---- )'IAnl• '"'' '"" k idol I"" l"R In A... Llb<>t l,\' 8-3:•82 ;sr71' I 'I, I :>:15 f;11pt'nl'lr, (. ·" A FTF:R ply 1"1111 11•111 1111 1 •111 h1<1••' 1;1.11•1 11 a m. iflpMI '"'"! ru11111~ F~ ~~lt, 11Z!'I $1~7 l~l!\4 SL"N VALLEY J.fERCUHY. -.., ••1c Lo\' ,.,l l t-rnoc II I) ..,, t, t ,... 11 j a p wttr _,,u1pm•n Prma. '11 •7-Wanted to Rent OA~l.-St 'll~llPT. O\\nt>r, LI 8·3663 or Lt 8~223. ----~------·----~:?11 :->11 M.1111 ~an111 A11.. , ____________ M_u_c Rentals Wanted A lwa'" 1/111 rninl•5 ------ 21 ·• RC-A \ 11 tnr ""'"'''"' w1\h full rr1111tl" «•II' I• I , .. .iu, t•t '1 21 Rl' A \"wlnr Htgb F"tl1• hly rhnnn ~IAhvg rull doora, 1!14.i. 0 1.IJ!'\MOBILE l'A four dr ~.-dsn, radio hu "f•r h)'drnm1 tlc Xlnl 1nn<llllon Pr!t• $39~ We need a pt. and hou.n ln &JI aecuoa1 for both winter and year'1 leaae. Furn. or unlurn. U JCN ba•e a •acanc7, phoa• today 4R-A-Apls:_!or Ren_t __ _ Summer Rentals • Exdueive Bay Front.a + oth e r c h oice p roperties 11111 bt1r bla.nil, U1y l:ihoru, ~a­ ' 1111 Bii)". l'Jt1llht1"11 dll'nl11 only. Ha rbor Investment Co. ff111hnr 11\()1) t t;\'r11. LI 8·153881 27tto BAY \'IF:V. Al'T •>n Lid'• r .. n1n- ~•1l11 :-;,,,,.,, I. Ill t !"RI llVI' l'A nl'tl_,1 11\1111: r<11•m 2 l»lrrn~ F'11r Y"tlrl.v lr.1•• I'll Jiftr :IU.1 m· H"r RO. l!~llo ~'J ~1 H~;A(.'(JN UA Y -Sununrr rnntl\I Sp11r111u.~ f1nn. 11 p1 . 111~"1'' 4, ••v"'""•k1n11 h"Y .11111 .. IMh - s .. pL 1:11h, Jr.oil. mimth Al.Sr I "tll lak" r-•• rvllt 1•1n '"" "mtrr Hnr. 247 I, r rn1rt .. 11y In 1 g•nla 43trc: Balboa. Furn. Apts. - OA y -Wt:F:K ~n~nt H~:u t "' town 11 hlt1r k l'> bll) I hlo• k tn or .. •n ,, pl••r 1117 F: B111llfla OlvrJ Harb<lr I 720 J 73, Ji8 rttlu1 ••I SI 0-0 F" ~1 . T .. ble r1d1• s 11nly $29 95 T\' Rt ntsls • Ser\·tce 18 STL'Df;BAKER Conv :-Oew tnp. 2 n~w ltr"t Cl~n all thru A~llm~ S•~·ll 509 E Balboa Blvd Balboa. Har 2182 711p78 The Vogel Co. 1201 W. Cit. Hwy~ Newport Bds. BALBOA ISLAND-Phone Liberty 1-3481 JOI =eH~:~~d SMART ~E:\\' morl,.m "I'' ~l""fll 4 2 ••r ir;a ragr 212 A1t•t11.. 2$67 r;, Coe.at Hy., Corona del Mu I Avallable now SI l'l • """k. Phone Harbor I 741 7~,.;~ Udo Otrlc~. 341 e Via Lido I • I Harbor' •1171 32t.lc l _S _ _.;.__b_dy_' -W -t --ome o ans WA:'\"J' unfum 3 bdrm. hous,. - Coata Mua Of' vicinity C-1111 that ui.erl !urntllH,. bnt·&·t11er. Harbor &o9o. ':'Sp80 rte. now t•klnir 11r 'I'""" in your l(al'llltt' Tarte r Television Co. s:>-Dop, Cata, Pete TWO LO-ATJONS TO Y Pedlrree Pekentt._ S3ll Mur- 2004 f': <"ou t lir . Corona dtl Mar pl\)', 712 remleaf. Corona del It 274 Broadwa y. i..a..-una Beach M&r, Har. 3043. 76c711 Ph, Har. Ot 91 or HYatt i-~~u ' - 72ttc P arakeet.a -C heap! ------------OPALINI 6 NORMAL.I ORC AS. J:ltt0lronlc:! UMd but In •H 1q Jkma.rdtno, Npt Hta. excellent condlllon. Two ma n-L.n,.,t1 1·3Mt. 77c711 uala, F1ne for church or home. You a&11 M Y• J800 on thla pur· chaH -J'or a d~dable ~d car. aee 1-"ln•l I\ buyn With 1111 11•! 111 ~e"•· your loe&I dealer who w1U be here Pr•M l'lu.111111'1! J ••\ ph"l1" llar· OOBERM.A.N pupplM ti, •r• of TOMORROW to baC)( up whAt he b<lr 16111 • MY •I "llnl w plac. Storm AJCO cropJH!d and lnocu-atll• TODAY' ChKk the UAl'd fl Clu •1f1,.d Ao! ' 11nt1 11 1 •>urlftlll• lated. 1123 Arbor St . Col1.a MN& cara In the cl&.aailled Met.Jon to· ad-Ulk .. r will 11-11' you v.•ra'• a n DANZ·8CKMIDT .. Uber\¥ MM7 78e&Oday. I .ttecllvt all. • ·120 No Main. Santa A11a . - - - I I j PAGE 2 -PART 111-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS 5.t-Buln"'" OpportunlffN FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1955 ------------ 48-A-Apb. ror Rent ---~----------49--Roorns ror Rent LEASE Fl SE LOCATION in Corona dtl M~r. Curnpll'lt'ly rqu1pptd tor balung or '1t'llC'ate.aun. Phone 1 Harbor •~63 fur a pp'L 6:>t!c For Sale acrif ice! NeWJ">rt Bt'at h T nrln 11nd Uu plex. $H.000 '19.:100. Terms liy O\lo'ner. Call l.lberty 8·H 09 i i ttc -:...--+-~~~~~~~~~- L ! So uth Laguna I ot hway, O'xl20'. ocun •Ide ot Hig .. one R·I U .000 d!lwn. 8 owner, Harbor 6111-J . c1aUy al e by atttr BALBOA ISLA ND MOTEL APTS. Taklnj? rre,rvatfflnit d 11y wrrk or mnnth. :l~f Munne A"'' Har. TWO room• for w<•rkini: m .. n Ho 41 cold walt'r. pr1val11 1hvwtr 1:.0 pt'r month. 706 Mui;un llr Cor011& dcl MAJ'. 76pT8 FORCED TO SELL 60-A-Co~rclal. 1JldWthiaJ1_1 _11·_m_. -----72p84 ~118 'ti p&t ~iott.S .t. Olfkes -------LIDO OP'P1Cl': SPACE -W lll SUMMER Rentals 11ub1et space auitable tor attor-nt-ys, enfint'ers. rte. Approx ----··-··-00\.\":'\T<'>\\·:-: C'OSTA M !:l'IA 1--<:'-i . tit\ltii"fl W't+h ~ In· rome $22 71't(l. $7NIO rlf"wn 2 C·Z. 109'x!)~', r n1 ncr. $60.000; $1T ,500 d'own. Commrc 'I bayfr ont arin• a. EJc· f t .. IUAe fUI f1 llp! & Tl'!'IOl!. ===-=...._nn-y,·w~k o r mol\th l:'>x30 In shopping arl"a on Vin' 0-.£a.lt..~Col§.. &!lflllOOn.!l only, Har. t.6.:10. llllltc I (' • St t• CREENLP:,\lo' SEVEnTS REAi..· ~erv1ce a ion ~· T.!: INC'. :ll12 :\'ewpt11l ntvtl . 11\ewpM't. !tar, 1:1~~. Evu Lib APPROX. i ll tt .. tnel11dea m waya, bo11t ahop, moonng ctllt'nt Newport loc•Uon. 16:'1.000 -Cull prl~e. Writr owntt, P. 0. Box 917 . Bal· bot1, C'W1f. 72p84 .------.:.:l•.:...l".i:..1..J.:"~r;.!!Bj,Jlfln !1 (••W !\lt[>I l Q 8 pumps. l n·ventory on~U;.M. 8-St86. • Pve1·y th1n1:. IOt F: Hav Balbol\ liar !.':1 I · 17\f,: 1 BflRM turn. upper a pt. Summer •'r y1 Iv Rf'1'Mn11 nl,. l'\...,r ~arh. r '!'lmna •lei Ml&•. H" r 3'126 E\'elo. T6ci8 UAc·111-:1.c1H A111 . """" l\llt"ICll\'~ $711 Ir• lu•lln1e ut1I c·uronR •l"I ~tar. Har :uu1 11fttr :, iiciO ------------ 41M~--HOU!W'lll for Rf'ftt -----------VA CATIONERS WE HAVI-: a vllrlrty nf ~ew nice· Jy f11rn. rf'nt.al.\I avA llab'e In N ewport & LIJ i;una. $JO. wx. & up. Jnrpur" :iOl-:12n•I l't . !\'rt J>h('lne Harb<tr· 12211 77pP<lh JlA l.B()A 11:1\ 'hr 1t·!1 'J h<lt111. - 11111<l,.1n fu rn. hl'lll~,. .B\' ""''k llnlll Srpl. I~. A lt>O a va ll&hle \o·lnlt'r 2612 rrr~'\'lf'W Drl\'t' illri8 SHCJHEl'l..11-'I-=' -\\ atrrrrvnl. l atory • bllr111 . 4 b11!h, ~rvant!I qtrr. St>p. t.hn11111: 1111. ;i car Jtllr- agt AvaJ111ble A lli.; I A (I• r Sept. I~ Wlnl"r lrasr. !'ho" n lly appt. C"our U•.!!y lo broke~. Har- bor J~ j, i6p&l -W A TEHFROST, :\'c\\ ll<Ji t, furn 3 bcrtm. & d"n :? b 1ths. So linen~ or dishes. $10:.0 11w on n11. lea~ An1lable Sept. I H11rb. 3:i40·H. 76Hc---------N EAH UA l.BCJA (.'0\'ES:-B111nd new 2 bdrm., f urn. hume, !1rr- pl1're, W.W. c1trpet, dlaposal. A\'1ulahle for 11umn1rr •09'i 3/jtll .St, .\1.-wpart l!llsnJ 2 RI •IO I. tu1 n. house -•n9 38th l'l , :'\rwpnrr. i:'.!p81 Modern Harbor H\33. 7Mtr ------------ ~OR RE:'\"T. S7~ per mo. r'i.rklng 61-JW.aJ E8t.ate E.chang!_ !&clllUes, forced air heat, 11utt· 5.'>--Monty to l..oan Store atilt. insuranrr. m1J mnte, ~1Cts OWNER Will.Trade etc. J.nqulre •08 E. Balboa Blvd LOANS f r H Harbor 20i0, 119ltc 0 omes Equity In 3 ll'ltll With 12 rrntal I 6" -20 yr. Loan. units for Mni:le rr111cli>nC'l'l!, rl,.nr C or not. l:mts C'an bt> d1v1Je,1 It For Lease-onstru ction Loans Lra.ard aepa1att1y. SEE BOB SATTl..l:R Owner at p1 oµt>l'ly S11t & ~11n !';TOTtE H 'x35', 6\1ll. for pro!t'a· •lonal. beautv Bhup, real l'Slalt . XLNT. LOCATION ~16 E AST COAST BLVD. TRADE NOW. -CollN:t l'orona dcl Ma.r Hubor 3888 Summf'r Rentals~ Hrp. POlRIEP. MORTGAGE CO. J BE="TLEY, 151)7 E. Bnlll<la, Metro l.ICe Ina. Funca Kl. 3·:1185 Balbn11 Harb. 3600. 7!'1r77 '8lJc NO COMMISSION N o Appralsa.I Fee SALF.S -REFl~ANCE CO~STRUCTION Call for Fru Fast C ommitment• • 62-~ E.-.tate ----~------..._..~-C-1 Zone 2 BEDRM ohl<'r hOU!!<'. E&lll l8lh St.. Cos la Mtaa. Call ownt>r, LI 8-~769. 6~c78h 53·A-Buslne81't Rt-ntals on RC'etdences a.nd Unit.a qnly -L-i"A s E"--iDon I. Huddleston MODER:\" 3 J>roroom, 1' bnlh, 1480 11q. ft . 11., yr. old OJ>EN FOR J:-:SP~CTJON SAT k St:~. AF'TEl1NOON 11n1 Fullerton Ave., Npl. His. 173 E. 17th St. H tfc Fl~E LOCATlO:O.: In Corona del J\tar, c nmplettly f'qU1pprd tor I brtking nr del1ca!l'Mr'n. Phnnt 1 COSTA MESA HRrb-Or 4263 f'1r app'._ i>~tfc Ll 8-!'i:'>H Ll 8-6:562 $7,950. Pl'~fl -Bl..0\1-( s;:11 ai;e bldg. Ill f•ESIRABL~~ .... R :\'flt. 8 1 h "1th S2~0I> rrr•nl t-ml altgnnwnl mar h . twin post hlil~lll. all stt't l new hl'nrhr$. Rl'&sonable rt'nl U h. 8 -610•. 761 i& Quick Cash Loans on furniture. auto, salary. New 3 bdrm.. hwd, noor/I. 283 Avocado, C'1~ta Mf'!!a. Phont Lil>c-rty 8-7807. 72tfc FURNlSHED duplex. 2 htflrms. S50. t o S750 . or mo re. Pach. F ireplao·e. Dbl g11r11ge. One day serv·1ce I GoOO lora_uon. ra11t 8l~t Co11ta Mesa. SI, noo. Ll 8-1 281 LIDO ISLE 10 ~()() 3!'> FT. LOT. PRICE .. .. 5 ALSO comfortable 2 bdrm. h rl'plnccl. lnrl <'llr(l\'\s & •I On St to St. lol. $20.~00. t Phone owner, Harbor 4123. homl', 111pe• . erni .. ':'6pi9 Udo . 4~ Ft. lot <1n Mcnt.onc, U3. 000. Harbor 0221. 73c78 C"O:-.'STR t:CTIO:-.r I ln· lOlll \'Ol'R 110 :\fE or re111d ent1a rumf' b11lldini.: MhouM not ovrr sn JVr sq n. Fina to 100 r:. Hnr. 33it nclng 78r80 bed- L. 4 I.OT CORNF.R, home has 2 rm11 , J:.!x21 tl<'n. 16x31 12xt3 tnlry cl 10x30 lanai, ly hulll. Flntly lanl1scaped lll'n~ 11nrt fllrnllv orch11r (irf'plnrrs & Jo' A.' he111. Fe Pr<1p,.rty can be built up 3 rent11l11 without apo!hng vac~" $3:1,000 Loan <"Om ment Jt~.000. Ownl'r, M. lret~. 420 Guldenrod, C dl'I Mnr. Hllr. 2!l81·R R. nC'W· i:-ar- rt. 2 need. With prt- milt- Ver- oron& 12c84 ea.n tine type SHORE C'LI F'FS. ExcC'llent oc \'lew with all details Cor a. hor.lt' Pr1rt't1 to se\J. RanC'h 6 rm11 . 2 bjtha, a rht surpr lae! • OIUJt .5680 C H LATHROP, :If\~ E C Highway Har. :1H 2 evea •8c80 New Store Bldg. I tor lrasf', 3-:1 yrs., l~x54 f t. pa1 k- .shoppmg area. left 50 ft. '.I\! rs • II .. _ d ·12 84 "'flfl cation may ""'ma e ln ~r--P 1 2 OF THE CHOICEST LOTS aon, by (lht.1ne or by ma.II CALIF. ACCEPTANCE LIDO, 123 Via Genoa . nrw J bdrm. on Lt Jo. 40 tt on cen,,a & 2 balh hom". ElrNrlc .111m·r .t-R-~ on Lltln Soud. Call CORPORATION oven, large lot. Sacr1flcr. Owner Edith AhreM, Har. 0191 or write Ing .!f)'ll'C"e. l\1tr]or a.rtf"Ty. Jn Lido 1898 H&rbor Blvd., Cona Mesa H&r. 6284 77ci9 115 \'la Sill\ RC'oio. BLANCHE GATES Ll 8·1i:i1 -Opt.n Frlday1 lilt 8 R ealtor l:loscd Salurdoya-Ul!c 62-Beal Eetate 62.-8-1 F..etate I LO ' ~~~~~~~--~~_.::.;.:__;:::.:::::._::::::;::=_~~--~ 311 Ma r ine Ave , Balbml b lnnd ANS TU B Ull..LI. IM.PROV.I: Harbor Hl71 68tlc BUY, MUUERNlZE, OR -I REFINANCE We Buy Trust Deeda SHOP SPACE NEWPORT BALOOA SAVINGS • l..O AN ASSOCIATION anJ power tools for It-Mt' C'en· 8368 Via Udo. Ph. Har. 4200 1rnl location. Exc<'pt11Jnal 11ppc1•· u tun11y, for <'Al11nel & wond work· 0 Ing bUllin~Sll Harbor 39i~. 7if'i 8 I REAL ~TATE LOANS Inte rest Rate :>---5 Y2 % BAY FRONT-OPEN ~HOUSE Balboa Isl e's Best Buy 522 So. Bay Front (Corncr of T opaz) F. P. $31,500, Excellen t T erms S HORP. C"!.l.FFS prtv&tt 2 b<1rm. (111 n. h Mnr $22:i P"r month. ~·rlr. __ ,,,.__ '""~'' ('!'j"'\\'111 llf'll, $29,900 un-~ ~ f111n. CnJI 0 v.'llt'r. H ar. 3209·R . .c C-2 .BLDG. Loana quickly made ln th• Bay R.MS. plu• kllchen 41 b&lh Md Arn and Coeta Mua. Bingle or $1 ,000 E>n.-F.P. $6,950 .. 1'11~1 f<: Sl'.\l.\lf.;n RE~TAL: LIDO JSLE :I h·ll111 . 2 bath homr. A\'Jll A111:11•t In ~ .. pl 1~ •. After Srpl I •• YNU ly l la r bor 021 ~-J ;~78 t':->r1·n:-;. 2 HOHM. HOMP-~\\' to \\' I Rrpt l. ~l"'illtl(lll Ylll~I. r11t10, '"""'''' •·. i;.1r $.l'J', 111onth. !.,.• •I• n \\'Ith (.rrplao,. c\ hath l.lt>t-rt \' ·f>il'lll llflrr :'> 74r'l2 J-111{ 1,1':,\l:'E TWO P.F Al'11f"t:L new lrvlne T••rro1r• 11nf111 n. ''""' homr.~. :I BPP.~1:-; , :.! t-:i I h~ n11d :.Z B~;nHMS , 2 hllth.11. Call Hnrh11r Iii:• or ll:11 bor •118. EARL. \\', ~TA:-;LEY. l:rnltor Jn;n,. T"rr111 !! OfffC'o Cmnna d• I ~lnr. J3Lfc AT'TRACTl\"I~ 11nr11111. :: ~ .. ~ hmu•f' F;nrlnl<('ol l\tl1•1 i;:•1111i:•· $1111 1n1h1111ni: 11111. c-. n 1na dr•I M 1tt J!11 r. :l!l'l 11 111 r :1. iir iD -("Ul!t1:>:A l'll::L MAI: :"11 lly f11111. I rm. '..lnd Cir. :>:ewl.)I deco1atPd mulUPI• unit.a. New or old. ~ \\ise a.nd aave by re-!lna.nctng aound proof CC'lhng,., 1711 mo. 427 your pruent loan.. ~lln.Jmum Vt 31 ~t behind P. O. Ntwporl. Har1 M 5t or 280 I J . K. i Spfll I pt n11e. No charge for preltrnl nary appraisal. Phone Santa Professional I Ana Klmberly 3-6933 or ..... -nte ARTHUR A . MAY or Business Men I Mort~age Loan Corre•pondvit lnl r·rf'lll Pd 10 oC!lrr ~p11rl' In nr" Occ-idtnlal l.IJc lnaurance Co. p1 op1H1f'•I liu1Mlng 17th i't. ;-:rRr 933 South Main Santa Ana T hrift\• /lr Alpha Dela M111k•t.. pp Call Hnr. n2i;!l, ;<.rrc _ WOUl..D like to buy lit and 2nd 5.J-Ru~ess 0e£2._rtnnitles ASSOCIATE AC'll\'t o r not ', lntc>1 <'.!•t npl'n In "''\.\' t·nmpnry 1NVESnlE1'iT !'T l.LY SEC"UtED Th111 •~ all~olt1ll'lv nt1no1·un.f'• llf11·~ Tru:it Deeda. Ct.11 Har. 2326 •8tt<' 5i-Rt>al f:!>tate Wanted S8LI~ Y O T'R PROPERTY! \\'" h • hc•\'t' !he q11lrkc11t way to ,;Pll .v••ur prl'lrrrty I.!! thro11~h n11r "0r••n ltou~r Syin,,m". \\'!' \\ d I h<• J:latl In lnllfM'<'t & hP)p ynu t>~tuhh,.h I\ rorrr('t 11e)ltng prlrf'. ('clll 11nw ri.r tnrorm3llon. Ill) 11nl1,1t11tlon JAMF:S -V IC K , Realtors 7!>C'88H Partly furniahf!d Beach H ou11e . ..Weet Newport. Two blocks fro m ocean front. FOU R FURNIS HED UNITS : on ly $16.i 50. ~000 dn. 1 h ou se o ff Bay Front, 2 block~ fro m Fun Zone. ART C. KISTLER co. 2901 N ewport Blvd .. Newport R ea ch . H ar. 5226 78c80 CORONA DEL MAR EXCELLENT INCOME -4 furnished units: 1 bdrm. E'ach. No v arancies in ovcr a yrar. Rcnt is $65 eac h. G ross S2760. Clean property. $6000 t a k es. R ed uced to $19,050. ON HAZEL. 2 br. view h om e. Private pathway to little Corona bea ch , $25,500. SEE US for BEACON BAY and BA YSHORES properties. H ar. 1775 -Eves. Edith Ma roon . HYalt 4-6222 J o hn Macnab. H a rbor 5359. 2 n. .. trnr•n· $I :?., '"" nn lrl\~•· Art111:~ H• r, rl'T\1 '"' r • '1 Hnrb<>r H l'l:l nfter T• :t11 i7r78 • nntl w ill Ml ~nrt r1i;1•I 111vPi.l ls;!i· u .. n. l'nn.-irul• 111 P \'rrv t>•qwr· 11•11• •·ii In 1111 rill\~• s or thi~ husl- 1'1"!<.~ There 1:-o nn llm1• lo rxr:1n· l'lllh I 1r;:trnlzallfl11 Is t'nt11pl1 t ~ Wllh !Lil nPCE'!\381')' farlltl I•~ & t>'JUIJ'lli'·nt. l'er~nn sclt•• \Pt! must he <'n~y tn ~•'t Rinn~ with. f:x- pertl!llce not requ1rt'<.l. This op- rnrt11n!ly0 nf'f'n ll'l l'l\h~r mAn "r \\t•mnn S11lnry If AtllV('. Thl'I Ill fl \'l'f,\' inlt>rl'~llni; enjnyn hit ,., .. '"tl"I ~,,:ifl0 tn $51101) rtqlllred, ',,, \\,ti 1d i1111 ni;ht to nintrnt ' 'I tal 11•!.• m11y \'Pf'Y w .. 11 b<' th•· l:t~l ail Y"ll • 1·cr ,.,., I nn~­ Wt?r :\'o C'llli•1,11lty Ill'• K•·n1 plr.1!'e \\'rite S nit P-5 tor JlPTllOn11I Ar· pnlntmf'nL i7r 79 "'"ST IO bto\' fr· In ownt'r. Gonrt EARL w. STANLEY, Rea ltor 2 l><Jrm. """" l'll~L sale ot C!lsta \'~:AHL\' RE:>:T A LS Mua. Aroun•I ~1 2 000. Writt 225 M arine A ve., Balboa I sland 75c77 ,Bnx 0-4. lh1~ rnrrr. illp 71\ ---------------------------2 hrJrt>t>m, 1:ariu; ... 1rn·l• rn furn- •~h· d 11pl , <11tt11m11•11· wn~I . r ::1H 1:4'.!r l :-.:1·\\p .. r1 ' Al.:-<I) I h• 1lr1 I Ul"'IUI! l•h• I h U"' I U.rrr clr>111 <, fru111 <'• 111. r btt~•'" <...• rh:tl t1• • '116 (;ot I•·? I~' I t .,.,,HI .,,.I ~l •r l'h• • ,. rr r Arri . tn ~1 .. w I U h< rty ll· itllli • r , .. 11 ·•l :: •I ~nnl,1 Anl\ '''' S; 1 llo·;o· 11 ":'7r 7B ~~~<'Of!>!:_~~~rtr. ____ _ HOME and 6 Uni ts coon t:-:C'O~lE. $:111.0NI 419 Ham-1 llton, o(( H11rbor Blvd., CMta ~lr,.;i. 7!'1p<.8h ::2-:::n".'.'r,-:-H-:::-.-=-1--:-11-1-11-:-".'"·1-:-,11-11-1--~ ... ,-1 3 !_ !.l~~~"!~~..2t>!!~~n it if'14 :H--BusinM8 ~PP~~~u~ Newly •lr•nr'11r•tl !•Ho· llHh••r 0033·:-.1 -:~. ,., BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 1 BDll.\r. FL'I~~-h"111"" n11•r <'ii\' B(l('r and R E'staurant shows $4500 mo. Good stcadv Hall I.I ll-:l •• 1, i~r·"!l · CORO:\'A !•El.MAH. J 11>,.111 l"l: t11ge 1wnlln 'tit' f t1r 1\ 11~. ~ 11111 m<' nr• $4,'}. "'"")(· 1)1111 FNnlc-1t1 7\pC.n I'AHTL\~ Cum '.! bt••Jr •I Ill hon.~ fen<'t'd y&,l"\.I. plllt('l, rtrc1 I. It.;" den BAr J<ftth,,n. ltl1'1I rnr <'hlldrrn. ~l• wrl• ''"'" ,~111ly )f'M P SIM mn. lll\r Cli(l'l-ft ; ~so BAY F"R O:-.-r. 2 t>drm fl,. n h• rrt 1111.tl, l'<'<'htoteJ prl,·Me h· nt'h - llrtr. :l!:'i-\\", \ol"' nl\ o!rl ~lllr -; ri 9 F l'RS L"IH'TA(:F; $100 l" r. "n iolo "I'' '.! Ml<r Ot l 1 ~· •, !-'Urn h ''''" $7;, lllct'rs 1 "':\•r ~-rt 1 "· }'-!I r"r m11. r r :! ;21 1• ~·.rt'~· 1•rmnl\ ·1111 ~l.1r Har 003.1-~I 1;1l1 'c t,;o.;FTR::->IS'HF:l.> :l t>Nruom ,,.,111 •. Rr1111.1 n.-w • S l'WJ'lt•l l \'l•t11 Trn<"l • llUml'lhl\l<' vccupann • n ... 1r .'lhl'pplni: t'f'nl"r. tr1tn$p"r· lllli•'n • Ytnr rnt1n1I -S :'I I'• r month. LI S· iOZ3. 71\lfc 49-Roomi for IWnt R OOM "Ith prh .. tt balh • en- lr&MP, J~O mo. Llb. 8-l\Oi8 . 7&c78 rlientde -Hwy. locatio n. L ea8C of $175 m o. incl. 5 rm. apt. with ocean \'il'w . A s king S6500 for fixturt's &. equirm<'nt. Traile r SalrA & ~ervire -a m oney mRkcr with In- c r easing potential. S150 mQ. lease 0 in good location . Asking $13.000. Dri"r:Jn R est a urant -attr ac tively cicsigncd & <'quipprd. Show s $55.000 gross. Lease St50 m o. OwTier M YS t o l'arrifice for S8750. F or these and others s<>e- THE VOGEL CO. 3~01 West Coast H ighway. l'icwport Beach Llberty -34~1 Ens Liberty 8-3580 ASSOCIATE ACTn'E OR NOT. young Natio nal Corporation v.·ith t l'rrific success bac kg round bu opening for one individual capable o ( investing $10,000 cash. Retiring partner r esponsible for thia opportunity. IC active, st.art.init salary will be $5200 per year plus regular di\'idends. Party selected should eas- ily n et over ~25,000 !int year. Open House-Sun., July 17th-1-5 only 2215 Pacific Driv e, Corona del Mar MAKE THIS ONE YOl'R PENTHOUSE IN THE S KY - T his ho m e a ctually a fford s the most outstanding ,·iew in the e ntire H a rbor Arca , and today y ou can buy it for less than actual cost. Let us s how you this large 3 b drm near new ho me and you'll agree that it canno t ~ duplic ated for the asking price of $45.000. TH E VOGEL CO. 3201 W est Coast Hwy .. Npt. B ch . LI 8-348 1 BALBOA ISLAND • • e ONLY S5000 T)()WN e • • Tv•o bdrm. h oUS<', lari;c lh·ing r oom . fireplace and s unny patio. Com plctely prirnte 1 bdrm. apt. onr 2 ('ar garage. Excellent location . b<lt h uniti; rnmplctcly furnished. Full Price S2<Ul00 WM. W. SANFORD, Realt or And Associates Park at M arine, Balboa IRiand -Harbor 2462 WHERE A LOT BUYS A LOT Seems like only yesterday that a little wouJd buy a lot, but we ju.st can't hardly get t hem Ye9terdays no m ore. We have a couple o f Iota hidden away at todays prices, bette r see them, might be just what you want. But don't wait for Tomorrow, To- m orro w, NO Iota at any price. I • 6i- • Spectac ula r ! ! THE. ~OST )tAGNlFJCE:-.1 mar• ltW 1.n all of Sou\hem Call· a-and a borne to •U•l tht' dl1crlm1.n&\10i' bu)'C'r. Re· appotntrnenlA -1eparatt t houae-U t\'ante quartt1 1 me \' fornl moat flM tt IC11H Can ~ •h nwn only by 1pp(1111(· F'Or ht IITT\•tr Wl\('I fa l('lok tor lh• "'l'at. we urc• to hla rroptrty mt'nt U1~ lltt t \\'E A l..SO H A \'1'! S oldrr Jlrlllll' pl'l'J'tl\lrl! 0111' With 3 runs llnd .ten at St~ 'i.~00. with 2 bedroom•, a den 1rnd els room. t•omplt!tfly furn111h· $7.1.1500 • anrl • branrl nr"'· ~·1ew bedro one nu11 I!<! 11 I .~ brrt r(M)()m home wllh rumru11 lit $152.r>OO room • CANAL FRONT LOT O:\"E OF THE FEW rt'malnln,:: front 10111 In t he C11nal :o;rc-- Zont•d R·2 "pter pt'rmllltd 000. Wlltt'r lion S10. • NEW DUPLEX WPORT BEACH NE ::;oon COR:-\F:R l..o<'ATlON Nf'ar 11n11 n .1)'. $111.!IM O!'ean • • SHORECLIFF LOT Dll:At;T JFl!L locatlC)n on Morning n Ro11d-View of Ocean n•1ne Hiii", 120,000. Con yo and I • BA LIDO NORD YFRONT LOT co· ::->E Pi tr XT TO ~TRF.ET ENO J't'rm1tled. U 2 t500 • BAY 3 BEAl" g\l1'5l LIDO NORD FRONT HOME I Sew 1.i11llni: 1 Tlr'l 'L BEOROO:O.fS, Plus q1111rV1 i<, plu., atrvant'• rs Uf't11ii:11e•I ror pf'rn111n· cnl and 1,'TaC1ot11 living P1tr & <Jllllrtr .!!Hp <nr 411' bofll, Huytt ll'llll'l Ill' quahfltd so nn rhon" lnform11· lion please-. Thia la PRfME prop· erty and priced to sell ALSO. Lido Nart1 Bityfront -with 3 h~droome. 2 b11tha, pll'r end 11llp. Mmp. Cumlahed, priced' at $63,:>00. e BALBOA COVES 4 \\TA TERFRONT BRA NO :\'E\\' :J • BF:ORO(lM 2 hath honie. \"c<rv r lt'\'l'I' dr,.1i:n \Y ht'r,. \'1111 "an h"'"' )'our O\\·:-; lloa t sl•r"· S2!l.9~1l, e LIDO ISLE $5,000 Dn. 3 REOROO~f. 2 RA THR, ltke nf'w 4~' lntr \\'r hrll"\'~ Onf' of lttd1\'S f'lE~T Bl'\'!'> !'tt> th1~: Askt~g $2!1.!l!'J'\ OTHT:R \\'F.U. ~F.l.F:C"'TF:fl fl,"·. FROXT r r11prr1 IP,. •'n I l.1111 .. r l~lnntl. P.-1 ll><1R Ray,.h1H Pll 11 n'1 Ballmll I'• n1n1<11la. Harbo r In vestm ent Company REA-l..TOR S Newpo rt Blvd. at 30th ~t. Newport 13t'arh Pho ne H arbor lGOO BA LBOA BAY SHORES OPEN HOUSE 2601 Bayshore Drive SAT. & SUN. 1 to 5 P .M. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY l,o\•o•ly 13ay \'lrw yr111 roun•I homt' rnr rl'l11pl" w1lh far1 lllll'I for \'ll!ltl ng LISTl::->G PRICE -$2tl.!IOl1 TERMS tffr pr~'"""' 111lnw1n~ C-111 ll11rl>nr M no or l'\'1rn1ng11 Lil>t r1 v 8·:'13~1\ ;c;c $18 ,500 Bargain Ownr r Lea\·ing S latc f.J)(' A TIO:>:. 4113 Mor nlnit Clln· von Rl'l11d. Coron11 Hl.vhlanrt" Th.111 prl<'" lnl'ludt'i< new 11aa ran1o: ... 1 etriittrMor, v.•a11hln11: ma- rhln!', w ll'l w <"lll'T'"ts It rlr11rr11. Prl<:t' Is brlow ttpro<111rtl11n M-1 Loan commllm .. nt $12 ()0(), r,•,, 20 yu Exr!'llent ocron "'"""· Exclusf\·e with 0 H LATHROP. 3113:1 E Cout Hlgh~·11y, Harb t5H2, evrs. M M il\c C-1 Property "6(>M tor working man. Hot a.nd ' told wattr ln room. Prt. en- l'M« IS pt'r wRt•k. l23-2!th St Ne"'J>O~ ppUc Muat furnish good cbuacter & credit referen ce. & be easy t o get alont with. F o r penonal intervtew, ·write Box Q-6, care t.hia newspaper . Inc lude phone number & brief resume. All replie. strictly R. L. STRICKLER, Realto r Dick Hodge, Aasoclate AT OORNEJ\ ot 191.h a.nd Pla- cuU&, with J bedrm. houae and cnall at.or._ ,, SUBMIT ~ C&ll Uberty l-t6t 1 &Otrc confide ntial. 7ic79 ~22 E . Coast Hwy .. Corona del Mar. Har. 27H Balboa Island VOGEL VALUES I'll BE LOVING YOU-ALWAYS- ..IhJl~ i.Hvhat BEACH li.OMES & aa_y1ng_to Lotl_o t _ penplt. Bf' l!IUrt>. C'Clme in. and 1n\·t-st 1~ntl' our wide aelect1on . Choose the area th11t Is Bl1st, All Yel\r Aro wid. A\'erage prk~ ~ ll5:T56. ~iT.000. $1T,9M.-- $18,7::50. $23.000. $27.~00. $28.~. $39.~. ~3.SOO. ..;r- We can u,_ually arrange tenna to auit. THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave .• Balboa laland Harbor U4 NEXT TO THE P ost Office LIDO ISLE NEWPORT BEACH INCOME 3 BDIUfS. 2 bath•. 6:1 t i lot Fam- ily home. H x26 lh1ng 10<1m Wllb exlr• la.rge p&Uo. 2080 1q tett. HERE IS one of the be~l r11ytng ptecu of Income r rorerty htre. Ill! on B11l boa Bh·d. -anJ 1111 trt'llhly decutaled. Ready tor the aummer bu1lneu. 4-Stngle Apt.a. 8-0ouble Apt& 2-Single Rooms 9 Cange Spaces J29.&00 HERE JS ANOTHER 3 RDRM , 2 balh Pro\•lnr1a1 type.on comrr, quiet 1treet-hu dlapoa~. dlah- waaher. cu·pet.a 6: drapee-on• ot th, nicer hnmea-nol too bl& ell her. 133,1\(l(I J l'ST LIRTED on ft cornH tot. LET US S HO\V THIS TO. \'OU on excellent atre~L $94,000 "i th lenna ALSO -On Lido 1.ele >Ge have an a pt. house \11 l h 4 Slnglt• ApU. 1-Doublt Apt. '4·1th F P $~9.:'100 C'HARMlNO 2 bdrm. houae fU lr<1 with rare p<>1s1bllllle.11-ready tor the r1ght family to occupy - overl!l:r.ed patio .wonderful for <'h1lt1ren and adult enterla.lnlng - nl<:tly tllmlslit<1. On •!I toot lot.. ONLY 122.600. BAY & BEACH -Lido Office • 3112 L arayette, Ne~"J)Ort. Har. 3643-Har. 2999 EveB. UQper Bay Area OPEN SUNDAY 12 -5 P . M. 484 -21st STREET LOVELY 3 bedroom, 2 bath with a -wonderful roomy yard., well land- scaped and planted. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor "Lido Specialist" l'se Onr Fr~ Parking Lot 2602 Newport. Blvd., Newport B each . Harbor 4718 OCEAN FRONT HOME 6510 OCEAN FRONT 4 bdrm. 2 bath lg c. living r m .vwith firepla ce. Also family rm. with bar, etc. This beautiful ho me is o f brick construrtinn & cnn rasily b.-. convertro ln dupl<'x. E X'rcllrnt ''icw from all ronms. Large glassrd in pa t in with Bar-R-f!U<'. Cnmplclely furn. including W. \\'. rarpcting. 2 T Vs., w a8hcr . drier & frrr7,<'r , 2 rnr J,::t r;ig-e. Owne r anxioW!. ~32,500. Sub- mit lnw rlow n Pay m f'nt. E.Z. T e rm•. DELUXE APT. HOTEL R -J bdrm. plus Z i;tudios, grosR incomr $17.000 to $ J .fl00 year(~· lar~C nPt r lus nwnpn~ 3('1\rtm<'nt. 2!1 '' d nw!'l. F.Z t erms. &st location. close to beach. and sh o ps. J. M. MI LLER CO. 2025 Balboa Bh'd.. 1'pt. Bch . Har. 4091 Attention! Do .You Want One of The Show Places in G:liff Haven at Below Reproduct ion Cost ? 1. Cu!\tom built 3 lgP. brlrm~. & 2 h11thR. 2. R ustic Li~·1ng R oom & Den op"ning n n beauti- ful k ing s1zf' patin. 3. Over ~2500 in pr of PR!\innal la ndscaping . 4 . Its a b<'autiful q uality h om e on ;1 pr1u corner. 5. T h is is no t a p rofit 11eekmg rrsalP. but a legila- forccJ salt. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W est C r1ast Jl1ghw ay. :'\r•w p,•rt Tkach Liberty 8-34~ l f-:\·,.~ LI ~-1421 L I 8· l 616 NEWPORT HTS.-COST A MES~ BRAND NEW 4 bdrme. 2 bath h ome. W to W car- pet. This h om e has everythini.t. l mm,.di11t e Poues- 1ion . $1 2.600 TC'rms. -Can be ~('('n anytime. 336 Ramona P lace o r call Llbi-rty ~·7tl76 T7citl • a.-ReaJ r..eae. a-a.a r..w. ;.a;;_--:R;;:.;;tea1:;::;..;;;l'll~1ita~t11.;..._ ___ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 1 • PA6E 1 ::::~.~. TB-~AOMASYSH-~O~.~R:ES-~;~.c:· mol!ASI H~;...._,....~...;_;U;;.....s_t~-~..;..-.;;._._.V_a_lu_e_s I ''We're Moving -----I ~%~~~~r~!~ .. ~ ~,,_ ~~ID>.Y, JUL:~~~·:..~e.;:;_ __ _ Full Price $9,100 f~ ~~~e'a::a~y"~~ BETTER ACT FAST ON ~THIS BARGAIN Open Daily 1 to 5 2471 Bayshore prive MOVE nght into this sparkling brand new S bdrm. -2 bath home on BAYSHORE"DR~lth acettent- unobatructed view or bay. PRICED at $29,7M with LOW down payment. OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY & SUN. 1-5 2580 Crestview Dr., Bayshores DIS11NCTIVE RANCH STYLE home, paneled llv. room, entry ball, raised hearth, prize winning kit- chen, 3 lge. bedrooms, 2 We batha, beautiful patio, w to w ca.rpcting and pa.cquel !loon. custom 9rap- eries, lge. cor. lot -$38.250. CORONA HIGHLANDS UNUSUALLY nice 3 bdrm. home with circular floor plan, rear liv. room, venetian blindsi hdwd. floors, fireplace. lovely patio, fence<! -Excellent financing with 5r;. loan payable $84.50 per mo. ONLY $22,500. ' CLIF f ·l HAVEN 3 bedl'09m. 60 ft. lot, w to w carpeting, drapes. hwd. floors. fireplace. rdwd. fence, immaculate condition. 4% loan. good terms. ASKING PRICE $16,500 and Worth it! "C" T .H 0 MAS, Realtor 224 W. Coast Higbwa,y, Newport Beach Llbe.rty 8-5527 ··c· THOMAS "C'' THOMAS "q" THOMAS. :·c· THOMAS Lido Nord Bayt ront Here is 50' of the finest land on Lido. Availnble with a 4 yr. old 4 BR .• 4 bath borne. The living room ii 18x30, a den, full dining room with the second firepla~. large breakfast room, bar or butle?'I pan- try off the modern kitctten. New pier & alip and of- fered for juat under replacement coat at $125,000. Bayfront-Udo An exceptional bo~e in every way -Thia 3 B.R. • Den home haa three baths. a tovely covered patio, a new pier & finger slip and many other features found only in a home that wu quality built just l 1'2 years a.go. Priced to sell at $64,750. Just Listed 3 B. R., 2 bath home completely furnished. Disb- wuher , di.apow & lovely slumpstone comer fire- place are a few of the attractive features in this 2 yr. otd home. Well located near the clubhouse and im.medjate posaeesion may be arranged. $28,500 - A Lido Value. Lido Lots 52' Lot for just $12,000 - 50' Corner St. t o St., $15,750 -· Two 35' Lota side by eide. $19,000 taketi them both. THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lldo, Npl Bch., Har. 4971 or Har. 4972 Evet1. Har. 2191-M. Har. 2998-R or Llberty 8-5297 BALBOA ISLAND SEE WHAT WE FOUND! 2 bdrm. DOLL HOUSE comp'I furn. Beaut. patio. step to Bay. YOU'LL LOVE IT! $22.500. Good Terms. CORONA DEL MAR WANT A BARGAIN? Lovely 2 bdrm. CUSTOM bit. home. Lge. Ii\'. rm .. huge frpl. F. A. heat. dining room, closets galore, beaut. patio. OWNER BEING TRANSFERRED -ANXIOUS. S18.000. Xlnt. terma if desired.· NELDA. GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave., Balboa Island. Harbor 502 Tradin' Today? Balboa Island 3 bdrm.; 2 bath home plus apt .. located on tine cor- ner near Bay & stores. For Corona del Mar. Shore Cliffs or Pasadena to $35.000 OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach (at Port Orange) LI 8-7562, Har. 5154 eves. ' " BEAC t:f LOT R-2 rone, large beach lot. 1 ~ block to surf. Buy ... lCJdAy, -enjoy torever, $2500. Submit some terms. ORANGE COAS·T PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUILDERS 1857 Newport Ave .. Co1ta Mesa ~--Liberty 8-1632 Liberty 8-HOO E\'es. 0000 2 b.r. home 1111·11h dble. pr. on u c. comer lot. l blk. off N~wport, clo.e ln loc. tnu111p. A •choola. Room to build another unit, s ome furn. lnclud~d. t r;c, 1 loan, A real value. Own.I' anx. 104•• Sec A. • .m.&ko o'u'"..ia.....··-- Near Golf Course to lrv·1ne Terrace" tru Lncludlnc built-In r&nCP It oven r o w11.b tht. plc111rUQUI' home at only llt.&00. We haYI' t.he key! More and more Harbor a.rea f amlliei are lnapectinr theae exquisite homes -notinr their comfort, con-"' Horse, A Boy veruence ill cen ocauon. JtNn--ttts-Bee . .-; Arottnd ~ irctl', C'Ompll'ttly 1t'nctd cnrral, More and more familiea whc prefer a home In a re-kennels. PLUS large modern 2 ' 1 t t th I bdrm. 6 den home w!UI •II lh11 atrictr1 quality community are mov ng n o er trlmmlu&• Incl. wa.IJ to w111t r u · LOCATED ON KINGS ROAD CLIFF HAVEN Lovelv 3 bdrm. or 2 bdrm. and den, P .. bat.ha. Wall to w~ll carpeta It drapea. Landscaped and fenced additional atta for swimming pool. This 11 truly & ~ap-quatity'h~in~· rlttatl. - - WE HA VEJVST HAD ANAPPlG\1SAT: HOME BY THE ORIGINAL BtnLDER AND IT IS PRICED BELOW ACTUAL REPLACF.MENT \\'ELL BUlll 2 B. R. home only I )'r•. old. AU larl'e rrn•.. hwd. tln. c:lble.. (&e. Nktly , __ .. _ft ~ fenced. Ailkinir S!J,000. See Ulla, make offer. l!:\·e. Int. on above PICT11TE, l.J 8·~48i. · Terrace h.Qme;;;s·~------------=--=h~= I · nu1.111l ve flr~ace. <on·ed air ht'&t. lt'P patio -a rl'al Drive in today and at:e for yourself the many out-Rancho tor only $16,800! Hurry atand.lng feature. of thi• remarkable community. on this ~in.,• -OOST. 6WNER-SA-Y-s-&sbb.-Gill tlOW f-0r-tull detalls. M-1 Site ON Pla.cenua Ave. A t>eaull!ul cor. J90x290 lo 20' 11l1Py. Alao S6xl76 tM f12.600. Only ~ dn. anct baJ. EZ. Eve. Int. on abc>vl' LYTLE, LI 8· 21'142. Houston Realty Co. Inspect the model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely f urnished by Martin & Von Hemert I rvine Terrace la located on Coast Highway opposite the new Irvine Coast Country Club. a-"ASSOCIATES • EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor :109 Ct>nler St. Coala Mega U 8·69ll LI 8·i78• LIDO ISLAND Betiutltul 3 bedroom home wllll 2 ht11h11. l<'lreplace, Dishwasher, G11rbagr Dl11pou.J, wired for Elertrlc; Range. Landscaped, Ap· prox. 2 1' year.i old, Located on Piazi.o Lido. Thl11 la a top qu.allty homt . See thl11. COSTA MESA EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Further Information ' -, *-For Recomdwidalion, we re.fer you to anyone who holda a Leasehold Estate in Irvine Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bay Shores and Cliff Haven BILL'S BEST BUYS t BMroom11. 2 bllth•. just 8 monlha OWNER SAYS SELL--old. 1~ aq. fl. nice corner lot. Full prlce $12.960. Good term1. Large 3 Bd. Rm. home on very nice 1lreet with all COSTA MESA $8000 buy1 a nice 2 ~droom home, lb'at I• juat 2 block' from the improvements in & pd. Carpeted L. R .. D.R.. & Hall. Fireplace & loada of cloeet11 & paneling. l>'ull price $12,950 with terma. propo.scd All Amer1can •hopping UNDER CONSTRUCTION- center. Thrs ls a good home. Be Three & Four Bedroom homes. Garbage dispoaals, sure to 11tc this, lerm1 c&n be a rranged. ) exhaust fans, ash cabinets, two baths. la1'ge double W S N EED LJSTJNOS • gar~ges on some. F. P . $9375 to $10,695 -$375 • "ART" ADAIR REALTOR 1666 Newport Blvd. Co1ta Mt1111, C11ll t. LI 8·3792 REAL VALUES down & up. 3 BEDROOMS -$10,750 Top location on Magnolia between Tustin & Irvine. IMMACULATE INSIDE & OUT. Obie. garage; Paved alley ; Spacious closeta: Parquet floors; Sewers. OW.!'/ER tranaCerred. .Mu.at atll lhl• lovtly 3 bdrm. home. Hard· A 2 BDRM. CUTIE wood 11oor11. u1 .. ki tchen and Near markets, bWI and achoo!. Good terms can be bath, flreplare. BeauU!ul la..nd· arranged with $1750 down. 11ca~d yard, !el'\ced. Thl11 l11 truly a buy. Let ua ahow )'OU lid• to· day. Ma.ke otter. S e.:OROOM l'lom• with .e.xtra Joi l"'M t han I block to Newport BJ\'•I. Complf'tPly f Mced with re<lwocx.1 fencmg. Thi• must be eun lo be appreciated. Full price $9~00. Euy tenn1. ATTENTION! We have ca.sh buyer for 2 bed· room homP, Plea.11'. pit a.st, call u1 If you h11ve nn<'. B. A. NERESON REALTOR 1982 Newport Blvd. Costa Mt11a LI R-11\72 Evu , Ll 8·4120 INCLUDING OIL RIGHTS- ONE NEWLY furnt111!e1l and f f\•e untumlsherl units In HunUngton Bt'ach. Pply. J08x122. Good lnc, F OR THE MECKANlC -Auto tune·\IP ahop In Co1111t&l city. Work for two men. Prfre open. Fitzmorris Rl 'ty. Co. Realtor• Mulllple Ll~ltng BUAlneaa Broker 31~ E. Cout Highway. Har . 21~2 Corona dtol M11r. $10 ,000 Full Price BEAl'Tfft:L g&rage apt. In CO· W. A. TOBIAS and A.SSOClATJCS, REALTOR :•you'll like our friendly aervice" 393 E. 17th St., Costa Meaa Llberty 8-1139 VOGEL VALUES NEWPORT HEIGHTS Very nice, clean, 2 bed.room home -HW floors, furnace heat. tile in kHch. & bath, Jarge Jiving room. nice breakfast area, service porch, walled yard, dbl. garagE'. 12'x14' utility building. Only $13,375 - easy terms. COSTA MESA A real home -3 nke bedrooms, HW floors, sunny dining area looks out on covered patio with BBQ. Tile in kilch. & bath, furnace. Nice cyclone-fenced corner Iott near Country Club. Be sure & see this - only $13,000. 4~~ G. 1. Loan. BALBOA Lovely 4 bedroom home in choice residential area. Very expensive W /W carpeting & custom drapes throughout. Lg. kitch. with riisp., dishwasher & space for auto. laundry & deep freeze. FA furnace. 2 sundecks. Locker rooms. Dryi.::g yard. One of the nicest homes in the area. Low, low price of $29,500 -good terms. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E . Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 1741. Har. 1477 ron& del .Mar. Corn..,. lot, alu ----------------------- 30xl 18 R·2 zone. Room for 2nd unll Co nta~t Russ Patch Kl 7-4406 or Harbor 4383 eves. & weekends With Arch & Balcom Associates 801 W. Jith St . San t& Ana AUCT ION! , Lido Isle Home PROPERTY SETI'LJUG:NT re- qulru a PUBLIC At:CTION or tbla very dMlnble 2 •t.ory, 3 bedroom home, Udo Lile -on 070' lol -Aucuon wUl be held on the preml ... MONDAY. July 18th at 10:00 a.m. Thia mJght be the very opportunlty )'OD have been waJung forl For lntonn11- llon OIJI Harbor 1800. NICE 3 bdrm. home, l yr, old, w hl ,., carpeting, tfnct tl .va.rJ Good conlilllon, $10.600. GOO<! t'nn11. Owner. Bertha V1nl'On, 226 Collage rlllce, OOtta Mesa. 76p84 PR1CEO TO SEU.. TWO ~'"EW MODERN Trlpluea, 1900 HAVen Place. Npt. Beach. LI 6·432'. Bay -Sandy Beach -Permanent View 915 W. Bay Ave. Thi.a UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE home i8 an out- standing buy. There are 3 bdrms. and plenty of baths. Nice living room, lge. dining-den, BBQ and an additional den. Western Holly Kitchen. Large planted patio. You will like the interesting decora· tiona. Out of town owner says 9Cll. Ask1ng$32,500. OPEN DAJLY 1-5 P .M. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa Bwd .. ·Newport Beach. Har. 6188 CORONA DEL MAR C-1 LOT on corner, bldg. has 2 offices, heart of Corona del Mar, priced to sell at Sl 7,500. SO. OF HWY., R-2 lot only $4500. 3 B. R., BATH and ~, ava.Uable on year leaae, im- mediate occupancy. Small 2 B. R. home, eueUeat condltion, 8. yeara young, full price $12,000. G. L Loan. RAY REAL TY CO. 1 3"4 E. Cout Hwy .. Corona del Mar Harbor 2288 Two Fireplaces IN THlS BRA:-:o :\"EW 2 b<lml. and den, ~ bath home with built· In kllchtn, hdwd. f1ocm1, 1011ch · pl&U.. clrc.LU~ -L lal'!f&. cll.lllom built home close In and P RICED RlGHT •l $18,tiOO Wll h txc:ellt'nl tem1s. $2,800 Down \\'JLL Bl'Y 1hu1 nearly ntw, 3 bdrm .. l '• bllth m<>1lf rn hnrnt wllh flreplac,., fo1cc1•<1 Mr hf'lll. r aro. dlsp.Jsal, bar k1tchtn, ·lbl g u . on 6:1'x203' 11'1 -a rCAI oar· grun a l JU~l $1 \,1}1\0. $2,000 Down 3 BDRM .. hdwd, floou, tllrl. ga r , choice nl'lghborhood on Eull!ldc. ~l us show you thru this buy! Bay & Beach Realty· 16~ Newport Blvd. Cost& Mt11ll, C11ll t. Llbt'rly 8·11 61 Evtll. Ll 8·3161\ BACK BAY 3 !.> r .. 2 bl\lh, xlnl. II)(' lfU~OO I Bayshores -$5,000 Down ADORABLE RANCH HOn\8 (Nt-ar the Balboa Bay Cl11bl Il's not \'<'l':Y often tbnt )·ou get an oprortunity to buy a cozy little 2 bdrm_ hom<' tlkC' this one In Br&JI· ~iful Bayshor<'&. Shake roof. la~1' r:iisl·d hearth fir<'· plarc. lovrly enclosed patio. Double garage, etc. F'ull l'ricc is onl~· 22:500. Call for 11 ppointm1·nl. TRY AND CO~LPARE THIS ON E IN CORONA DEL MAR We have j ust listed an exceptwnallr nice 2 bdrm. home on lo\•rlv OrC'hid Ave. (The bdrms. are largel. ll also has a fir<'place and lot~ of t ile 1n kitchen and bathroom. Therl' is a double g11ragc on a paved at, ley Rnd enrloserl yard. Our E'xcl u11n1c listing prlee t\( only $12,500 with a F:C>Od 5r, loan Rnrl pa yment11pf only $8i.50 per month makes lhia truly an outatand-· mg buy .... MARGUERITE A VE., CORONA DEL MAR Owner leaving town. Just listed this moJern income un it. (onlv 5 vrs. old I. \\'nlking distance to storl'9 and tran~portation . RF. SFRE TO ~EF. THIS! Full price $13.500 with tt rms to sdl fast t Exclu11ive Listing I. LIDO Harbor 2042-Harbor 2042-Harbor 2042 3 b r. & rumpus room. dbl. Jot, wfll landl!ct, lge. So. P•llo 3:1 noo. \\'alerfrooL 3 b.r. 3 blllh Ai.king . ~;S :100 3 B. R.. & den, 3 helh.9 plu1 11pa-• clo11.9 gar. opl. un 40' lot. \\'\\/ carpet, built In k itchen (iood patio. A bargain at $39.600. LEMON HEIGHTS New 2 b.r. 2 balh. plwi family room, 2 fireplacee. h11r. large lol-b1"1111ty 211.i:IO. CORONA DEL MAR 3 b.r. 4" rumpu~ !'()()Ill, h1Jl11ldr, vtew . 27,600. Claire Van Horn REALTOR 2731 W, Co..st Rwy. LI 8·4277 Cliff Haven FIRST T IME OFFERED -Don°l jll-'t dn\·e by 4tll Pirate Roali. You c&n t 11Pe the 3 good·1i.zr b<lrms.. fE'nn·d ira1di>n. or 1t11• 4 '. G I. loan f mrn thl' st reel• F ull rnc·e SI :I Mil Corona del Mar AS I!\\'ITATIO:'\ lo Set' lhl' rrnN!l TRIPLEX. So. of Hwy, JOi Mar· guerlte hu a !IOUnd prlce and a •olld lnroml' lo r arry 1L Compllrfl Balboa EXPECT TO BE ENVIED with a 62' lol. a "F lower·Show " patio and the most pleal!Allt s b<lnn. 2 b~lh home on the f'tnlnsula. Asking $2!1.500. Muriel M. Pinover REALTOR 260-t Newport Blvd.. X pt. Bl'll.('h Euy Pa.rklng Hubor 4610 NEAR CITY HALL S Ui\"ITS, 2 lut.1. Income '163 mo 2 blocu to ocean. &nd c&n bu!IJ on• more unit. $111.~00. term• 1. '6' WAT&R FRONTAGE. Pltr, rtoat & bo!lt. Plua bee.ch cott&gt 2. $19.~. terms. WATERFRONT, pier and lloaL 1 br. Like new, ~t!t location. $18,600, l enn11. Homer E. Shafer REALTOR 1()6 McFadden Place at Newport Pier Har. HQ Eve. Rar. l 137·M Costa Mesa BllAUTIFUL I bedroom ho1111e, 1urroWlded by new home•. not far from bualneM dl1trlct &11d bus. L&r~e lot, only $11,000. Gtl tlnan'21g. D.ilve by 228 COllagf Pla.ce, then -us. Multiple U1Ung N. B. C. REAL TY 32n<I • Newport lllvd., Npl. U<"h Harbor 140~ WHY PAY RENT WHEN Ctlt• 11JhaU fUJ'll cotl..811' ' .,;th r~e on R-4 lot 66xl2~ ca.n be h-.d for 16600. or lea. un· turn. .An e'xceLl..-i t In VM t.m'" t. !pend )'OUf vac&Uon &nd IAV, at He I:, 15th ll, 00.t.a MIH Newport Hgt.. dl•l. 7llp80 Frank James-Linwood Vick REALTORS C. B. Russ -ft.yW. Rayl~-Cha&. Travi.I A~ociatrs 312 Marine Ave .. Balboa li;land H11.rbor 2042 BALBOA ISLAND'S BEST BAY FRONT VALUES ON THE SOUTH BAY Gracious large home on 2 lots with view from every wine.low, 4 B.R. 3 bath plue maids qrtra. Huge den, 2 !irepl., pier & slip, $30,000 down. " MODERN furnished duplex -2 B.R. each. Excel-- lent invrs tment. $36.000 full prict>. CUTE fu rnished 2 B. R. cottage with all, modem conveniences and patio. Room to build in front. S31 ,500. .ON EAST BAY Spacious 4 B.R. 2 bath home with 60' of beach, pier & float. To qualifird buyrr ~25.000 down. LARGE 3 B.R. home with ,·cry attractive apt., pa· tio with BBQ. pier a nd float. OffcrC'd a t $6 ,500. ON NORTH RAY Modern 2 B. R. home plus smart apt. w 1t)l \'iew. Both furn ishl'd. $3~.500. LARGE: 2 story furn. 4 B.R. home -close to Vil· lage. Offered at S4 7.500. MARINERS ISLE REAL TY 318 Marine Ave .. Balboa Jsland. Har. 4781 CORONA DEL MAR OPEN HOUSE DAlLY 1 to 5 448 Riviera. Corona Hi~hland11 3 Bedrooms, l :i 1 bath~, Forted air hc:al, Hwd. floors, lots ot tile itnd many other features. Outstanding view of Ocean and hills. Will consider a trade>. CORONA HIGHLANDS 2 Bedroom, 11 2 baths. hwd. floors, forced air heat, newly painted & flapere<J. Lo\•ely patio and a per- manent Ocean view. Open House Daily. -520 De Anz.a. RENTALS NEEDED • GORDON WALKER , Realtor W . E. FISHER , Builde r Geo. Raban -Bob Gervais • Pat Pattison -Dick HiUJard 3024 E. Coast Hwy .• Corona <iel Mar. Har. [;033 & 5032 Trade , 150' on Newport Bl\'d. -downtown Costa Mcaa. \\'ill tracle, wiU assume. This property is clear. Want income or commrrcial. Submit. -ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES lN!:it:HANCE -SALES -LOA~S -BuILDER~ l ~i N eWJlClrl A\«· .. (.;c1sln ~f1·11a Lllx-rty 8-1632 Llbi·rty ~-1400 E \'eM. • NEWPORT HEIGHTS Newly decorated 3 bc.l.rm. home -HJliU:llJUH lot - <lbl(!. i;a rago -gMbat::c c .. hspveal -:.l:W w1nng ·- fcnct:d yard -fircpl. -Sill mo. pllyH mt .. prmcl· pal. taxes on 1 " Jst. 1'.IJ. of $~700. Move ·fo now With S2000 down. THE VOpEL CO. 3201 W. Coast Hwy., 1\pl lk h. Ll 8·3481 " -I ' ,AGE .-. PART I 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS ft-Real Estate FRIDAY, JULY IS, 1955 a . P. a 11 m e r .i n c o r p o r a t e d la ••~ BLANCHE A. GATES. Realtor BALBOA ISLAND FIRST OFFERING -CHARMING 2 B. R. home p. developers Your dre am home on LIDO ISLE? of Lido Isle Shore Cliff Lot with gueat room and bath. Lge. living room and din· .-:-----~r=-~Jn. flwd. 1h'e;-BeaYt.ifUI pad o and BBQ. W..!._ '- Could be -and what a beautiful dftam ! One o! tbt most exciting modern homes on Lido. EltceJlent de- aigli with t barma. ..arutl:!>aths;-1>1l ~rflvUlg a good aized encloaed patio. Fully carpeted, Tber- mador oven and range, disposal, al.iding glau doora t~patio, ash cabinet.a, Formica count.era. It'• a 1pa- One of the few remaining level, view lota in thi.a u - clusive district. $15,300. have the key. $27.!500, BAY VIEW BEAUTY -A comfortable yr. round .,,,,,,,..-----.J101mc...a 1l911u throw from our beet beach. PLUS an apt. with lovely view ot t1ie ay. COmymoa'tivety new corutt. Thia will not Jut! See it now!..$!.2.500. BEACH COTTAGE -A Jot o! fwi for a little money. $14,900. LIDO ISLAND UDO LOT BARGAIN -almoat 2 TOta, 01' on Yell&. Eut end of Island. A buy at $15.500. WE ALSO have a beautiful atreet \o street Jot , & atone'• throw f rom Lido a ubhOU.le. SHORECLIFFS. PRIDE OF OWNERSH1P! Outstanding 4 B.R .. 3 bath home with pnvilege of buying an adjoining large view lot at a reuonable price. One of the few Jeft. Let'• di8cua it S42.500. ASK TO SEE OUR COLONIAL "SHOW PLACE'' bu.ill on 2 Jot.8, beaufiluIJY andieapedlJfd-tattored fop gracious living . • BLANCHE A. GATES . Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 -cioW1 home your Tmuly wttt-leve::-~ The price -$36,500 and excellent tenn11. Immedi41-te possession 1 or 2 years lease ALL ON LIDO ISLE l . 3 bdrm. 2 bath. fine home, carpet ing a: draperiea .. $200 a -mo. W'lfltm. --.- 2. Bayfront 3bednn. 2 bath apt., carpeting a: dra· perfes. atove & ref rig., $250 a mo. wifurn. 3. 1 bedrm. furn. apt . $125 a mo. 4. 2 bedrm. furn. apt. $150 a mo. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via· lido, harbor 1!500 X..t Dave_Q1burn show you. ------. Newport Heights View Home Pract ice.Uy new 3 Bedroom, 2 bath home. Drive by 24! Ocean-vi~. Then call Bill-¥arnaworth and let him expWn the attractive terms that can be ar· tanged on the price of $25.500. Shorecliff Ocean View Home Thia ia an outstandingly beautiful ~rly American Home. The rooms a.rel:li'iUsu&rry1a1ge and decorated to perfection. Completely landscaped and room leJt tor a pool. 3 bedroorm a.nd 2 baths. Aak for Kincaid when calling. please. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales managemen t 1700 w. eout highway -liberty 8-M73 -B argain =Bargain ---;-0pen-House Daily-1-4 P .M. , Peninsula Home 4 Bedrooms! Undoubtedly Ula be.l buy In a home m Coat.a Meaa.. Different. -Attractive -3 bedrooma - t\atdwood noor -1.arge living room -flrepl.ace. · -two car garage. On Eut11lde Of Town near Jrvtne. Compare thl• hOUM tor value with any other home In town. Good term•. It'• aJeo carpetact_, Fu.II pr1Cfl -'12.600. 112 Jade BALBOA ISLAND - LITTLE ISLAND Income High! Bank Balance Low ! I Owner of th~ unuauaJ ~llerbroek built 4 B. R., 3 bath home on Little hland will eelJ on term.a to auit quallfied buyen budget.. BALBOA PENINSULA DOC'TOR'8 HOM£. Cut In pri<'t' lo 130,11-00 for quick action. 4 bdnna., 2 balha. On 2 lge. comer lota. Nktly landacaped, walled yard._badmlnton court. Bf'autttul carpeting a11d dra pe• lrlcluded. Terma. Bay Front Duplex! B.ALBOA LOCATION. 2 bedroom1 BALBOA· ISLAND HERE IT IS -Bay view. 2 unit.a. 4 bedrm. home. l bdrm. apt., home Ii apt. hJYe. "it-w of bay. Shtl· tered patio. Quality constructlCln. Apt. fumi.ahed. Home p&rtly fumiahed. New In 11M8. Jn beautiful condition, $10.000 down. Owntr wiU carry baJanct for qualified buyer . • CHOICEST BA YFRONT BUYS BALEB..ON:'r...HQllS.E-.ILAPT., NQ. Bay. Betutlful beaeh. SJ0,000 down, balance euy. B A YFRONT. Ll'M'LE lSLAND -60 ft. bay front• age, pier & float . .f bdrma. Superior conatructlol\. gooaWuy ! DUPLEX"-Sotmt BkY FRONT -Luxury home and Income. $6:5,000. WATERFRONT -2 auperior unit.a. 3 bdrm., 1 1~ batha, fireplace DOWN : 2 bdrma. 2' batha UP. Bay view trom upper dedr. ~.000. °Submit down. ISLAND COTl' AGE -Obie. garage. Fireplace. Reduced for quick sale! 4 BDRMS.. 2:\4 batha. New furniture. North Bay mooring. Showa excellent income. $24.950. Cottage near South Bay. 3 bdnn11 .. 11 :: bath11. fitt· place. large living room. Attractive patio. TWO UNITS nr. So. Bay -2 bdrm. houae It 1 bdrm. apt. Beamed ceHinga. A little pa.int will do wonders. $5000 down -$22.500. DESIRABLE 4 bdrm. multi-bath home. Cloae to beach. $26,000. SEE US for BEACON BAY and BA YSHORES propertl.ea. EARL W. ST AN LEY, Realtor Har. 1775 -Evea. Eaith Mal'oon HYatt 4~6222 John Macnab. Harbor 5359. 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand 75c77 S4,(KK) Down Close in-3 Bdrm. EXCLUSIVE -Firat Time Offered. New England Cottage Completely Furniabed ! B. R. A Den, 2 baths, Forced Air Heat. $25,000 -Term•. -ch unit. FUmt.hed. 3 car tc•r· -------------------- - 307 Fernando , Balboa CompleUly !urniabed. Ready to m Q.Vejnto. Bay vie}" from Jiving room with fireplace. a· bedrooms pJua large rumpua room. 1 1 :.i ~th•, garage. OPEN DAILY 1 · 5 2631 Crestview Bay Shores Large living room with fireplace. Full dining room, 3 bedroom.. 2-<ar garage, completely ~ecorated.. Good Tenm. Price Sl8.500. f IRST TIME Of FER ED 1112 E. BALBOA BLVD., BALBOI,\ BAY FRONT PIER & SLIP 2 :YEARS OLD 7 ~EDROOMS 4 BATHS He~·• a nice U\ree bedroom home that 11 only one year old. A t· tra.cUve lln,.11 -Has attached two ror pragf'. Hardwood flOOl'll -likeable tlreplar e -ca rpeted Uvlllg room. BllK'k yard com· pletely tenct'd. Nicely landltca~d with iipnnkllnit aylllPm. Look 1n· to Ulla ••• It's 81rlghl for only $12.1100 Watch !or our First in America Home nearing completion Phil Sullivan & George Everson 1868 Newiiort Blvd .. eo.1.a Meaa (AC'r<W!8 trom C011ta Mt.'lll Banln Phone Uberty 8-6761 Eves. Har. ~366 -Lr 8·21 03 CLIFF HAVEN ThrM bedroom. 2 beth, hwd nra ' la rge dbl. gara~e. Elect Ther· mador kitchen. Room for ll'Wlm· ming J)O"ll. View of ocun and htlla. S29.SOO, tenna. Balboa Peninsula F our bedroom. 3 beth, 2 rtr.-placea. Good family home. Only '2~.· tlOO fuml11hcd. WE Af..80 hllv• •llt'Pllent huyl! hi b • a c h cottagPs pt'rmanent B_..ay .Avf!. Income 3 Unit.a -Completely FUrnished. $5000 wilfbandle. &lso 2 Unit.a -Bay Ave. S6500 Down. Completely book· ed for s ummer rental1. BALBOA Ocean Front Home & Income near CathoUe Church -2 B. R. Home, fireplace, patio -Plus >-Two 2 B. R. Apartment• completely rented for summer. CORONA DEL MAR OPEN HOUSE -VIEW ! ' ' SAT. & SUN. 1 to 4 P.M. 3104 Ocean Blvd. Owners moving inJand. Beautiful 3 B. R. and Den home. See thia one! Your Ho.stesa -H. Baum. Newport Heights-Exclusive 3 B. R. Home on St . James Rd. G. I. Loan. low monthly payment.a. Priced to sell quickly at SH,500. Newport Island HOME AND INCOME. 2 B. R. house, with 1 B. R. Apt. (never vacant ). Both neat aa a pin. $16,500. -Good financtng. BAY and BEACH REAL TY 1450 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Calif. Har. 1264 age. Fl~placu. aundtcka and pier. Needa a lltllf' flxln' but the lut or the ~ay front.a near Ulf' prl~. 137 .600. terrna. Balboa Income and Stores! CONCRETE BLOCK, PLASTER· .P.:O, 2 STORY BLOG. Downt.own location. 4 reslclt'nllaJ Income unit.a and two bualnua rt'ntala ground floor. Parking area. Only 8 yrar.11 o.ld. Pr~nt Income 1280 ml)lllh Qin bt lncreaaed. 123,000, terms. Beach Home! JUST • DOORS FROM THE OCEAN. Dandy 2 bdmom home. Furnlahed. Ga ra .. e, too. S. wra and Mt' this one al S14.500. Only lLOOO down. Balboa Cottage! ON EAST BAY AVENUE. Cloae to Lown. On" bedroom pita (W· aetl·ln front porch SIPepa 11x. Ideal b-•11<"h home. Splendid con· dtuon. S12.500. $5000 down. Balboa R-3 Lots! 3 nt them. 11ld,. by •Ille Cloae to town on Balboa Blvd 119.500 for all thrt'r. Ba lboa Realty Co. Opposllt' Bank of Amrrlc.t ~Greeley Al Comellu1 Ed Lee Je.ck Pinkham Jo11ephlne Wtbb 700 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Phom• Harbor 3277. LOW PRICED LIDO LOT We have exclusively listed a Via Cordova lot and we believe that it is Lido Isla nd's most reasonable lot at the full pr ice of $8,000. We invite you to visit us to discuss our "Lido Realty Exclusive Listings" Lots & homes center & Bay Front. We have t hem. Every pr ice range. Our well exper ienced Lido s taff u- sures you of a sound pu.r chue. LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES W. G. 18111) Kempton * J oeeph H. Grotiman * Virginia Manson * Gene Vreelan<t * (Lido IBland'a moat experienced a.Jee penonnel) 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 ' I Acro88 from Richard' a Market) MARINES 3 CAR GARAGE FURNISHED 'homu & IO('Qme proptrly, -------------------------------Vets Here's Your Country Estate BAY FRONTAGE 40 FT. This is an ideal summ er or year round home tor the executive with a large fam ily $88,000. NEWPORT HARBOR REALTY Jim and S11.lly Newlin ~15 E. Balboa Blvd ., BaJbOa Phone Harbor 1607 Coast Properties :101 £. Balboa Blvd.. Balboa Harbor ::teMI, 2697 and (1100. ---~-~---~ OPEN HOUSES Daily 10-5 :30 p.m. Corntr W11lnut It n11ymond Betwf'f'n Santa. Ana 8t. Tunln Ar,.a ~o. of 19th St. New & Beautiful OPEN HOUSE 478 E. 21st St., Costa Mesa Sat. and Sun. attemoona. Shown anytime by appointment. RAMBLING RANCH style 2 bdnn. a.nd Den.home z yrs. old with fireplace, 2 baths. dbl. gar., service rm., picture windows and large patio. on 60'x150' lot near Back Bay. Priced at $21,000 with terms. Owner is &nXiOWI. See it. .. • W. A. TOBIAS. t.nd ASSOCIATES, REALTOR "you'll like our friendly service" 393 E. 17th ~t., Costa Meaa Liberty 8-1139 $565 down PLUS IMPOUNDS USE YOUR G.I. LOAN on 4 yr. old, 3 bdrm • dble. itarage, tenc· ed. Wonderful paUo ~ laundry, yard. Garbage d111poaal. AU freshly painted. Near Upper B11ck Bay 2372 Palluc1e11 Rd., Banta Ana Phone Kl 1:1·2693. 60t!c Lake Arrowhead NEW HOUSE-Furnl1hM, ale+J>ll 10. Redwood atdtng. ice. living rm. with hut.alator In flrepla.ct. kllChf.'n. btdroom Ir balh. He.ury t>eam1 In ct'lltng thruout. Large 1111nd~k. l"pstatrw-2 B.R. alcove Vets; NO DOWN Immediate Occupancy 3 or 4 Bedrooms • Forced Air Heat • Muelve Stone Fireplaces . Built in Range and Oven •.• actually e,·ery luxury feature and in Orange County'• finut location. B ig Estate Sized Lota auitable !or pool and patio ! Drive out First Street in Santa Ana Tbru Tu.ltln and Turn North at Red H ill Ave. THE NEWEST Ir mo•l attractive 3 BR , 2 b11th home.11 In town· Hw!l. flr!I., 11hakt rf , F.A. he11t. flrt-µl. lllt K. _. B. Wlflt·OVtn Wt"atgll. built In oven &, rtlll~t'. --------------------- A b&th. 2 rar gu .. lndry room It 11tora~e rm. Wall heater• fn every rm. Houee fully 1n11ulated. George M . Holstein & Sons, Builders Designed by Cliff Ma~ Pr tf ~xcl. fl:. 111de lor. l".H.A. ·term• un bt arr11n~ed. Hurry on these. Only " few left to chooee from. v' Corona del Mar Bargains ~~~~;:·"·~:~~ry co ... 1. $1500 DOWN M9 Ccntn St.· Co11ta Ml"llll Prime location 1 blk. from ocean front. Large_; bedrm. garage apartment, PLUS.Bachelor apt. Both fully furn. Room for home on front of lot. 2. BALBOA BAY SHORES Four bedrm. 2 bath home. Lge. living room. fire· plact, BBQ & pa\'ed patio. 100 yard. to private beach . Exclush·e reaidential uea. $29,500 firm. $10,000 down. 3. HJLL & OCEAN VIEW . 3 bednn. ne"''• comer, 2 baths, Ranch home. Beau- tif ul Exclu.Jve with ta. $28,~. Low -down. 4. RE DWOOD BEACH HOME Cute, aound, clean, 2 bedrm .. Lge. liring tQom, kit· chen 6 dininl area open onto pav'ed patio. $13,250 f urn.iehed. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRlcET. KcCUISTION, Realtor 3t47 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mu. Har. {7 (Office located nen door to Corona del Mu Bank) LI 8·6911 U 8· 7i84 R'9 om to Breathe! ON U oo:'>ni,. hirgrllt Jut lrft -7300 11q. ft. on wide •trett. Plenty of mom tor LARGE home A .v.·1mm1ng p()OI. with ~r"r' lrft O\'l'r Ha~ aprro''f'd building plane. Will atll • not all ca~h re'}. Down J>ftYTTlCnt. Or wlll lrac1e for home on U tlo. Broktrll &11d prlnclfMJ• ull owner aL &11y hour, Harbor 4274. 78<:81 LIDO ISLE HOME TO BE AUCTIONED! ! By court order lhl11 4 bdrm .. 2 bath lo,·ely home on 72 It. lot with w to VII c&rpl'Ung will b., a11ctloned on rrl'ml~rs, July 18 10 a.m. For lnfonnatlon • •r- poin tmen t t.o 11ee call Ha r. ~232· v.·. 76pi8 Mull •t ll yur olil 3 bdrm. hou11t, Liie tltru-out. land11eaped. FHA tenna. Low paymtnU. 191100. 2073 l"aUona l. Cowta Mua 76p78 All year 11ccu1lble, few mlnut u 4 Bedrm., 2 Bath Home on Your Lot-walking dl11tan~ from lake '• --------------------- mile W. of village on LAke Edge Ro311. Lot S o 113. S22.000. 'COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth' $11 ,100 • 1330 sq. ft., forced air heat. hardwood floo.rs, fi re- place. Real plMter. Large picture windows. natural hardwood ~abinets. Phone for app't. to see our model homes- ,-Soren90n, AT 8· 1286 or SY 4·1\32• 78p80 CLfPT HAVEN vn;w LOT B4!a utlful Panoramic: vlt w of lhe Harbor. l~t 1 .. 11.1e for 111.lt. BALBOA COVES 120' on the waterfront with tt•· wall. Lovely modem home with lnp llv1ng room, lanai dlnlnit MARSHALL t:iOMES room. m odern kitchen with • bulltln ra.nge. nreplace. patio 20 Yean Building in Orange Count y wHh barbeque. land11Caped and Klmberly 7.3293 Liberty 8-4073 tenca<t. Pr1ce 139,000. CHARLES P.: HART. ~altor 70C83H 1420 W. Balboa Blvd., Npt. Beach , 77cH Corona del Mar Home of umaual charm on beautiful Marruerite Ave. Sunny patio can be e njoyed from Jiving room. kitchen and bedroom. Hwd. flooni, beam ceilinga. Fireplace, Wl"tb wall in satin-finiah redwood p&neI· ling. ·2 furnaces, dble. garage. A quality home! Immediate po.eulon. SH.850. Keya at - ST AN SMITH, Realtor 26f7 E. Cout HtV)'., Corona del Mar. Har. 882 78c80 5 Acre Ranch ON-!lAKJCR STREET CALL tor detail., I hll Vt tht' k l'yl . DAN J ACOBSEN, lJ 8~317. 7TcT9 BY .OWNER Corona Hlfh.landl -I bdnn . 2 ti.th tannhou.. Pb. Harbor 78-J i6tfc 7 UNITS -all furnished & on sewer. Cloae·1n 10<'&• tion -One acre with room for more unit11. Monthly income $380. Price $23,750. • 3 Rr. home <9 yrs. I fl ag11ton<' fireplace. ~aragt, lot 60x138. Price $9750 with S2000 down. Resid~tial lot 66xl 75 ... $24~ G. N. WELLS, Realtor Roy R. Mccardle 1810 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. LI S-1601 T radln' Today? LIDO Exchange fine waterfront hom t' with pier & alip, 3 bedrooms, 3 baths. Value $55.000 for 11maller homt to $30,000. To aee & 11ubmit, call the- OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach (at Port Orang,. I LJ 8-7~2. Har. 5154 ~ves. r