HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-01-13 - Newport Harbor News Press~ _,..,.,_ __ _ '-"-~ .... ~-· .. .... ( ' -' ... \•\"•-· ' . ·• • I _. ' ' ' lleaUt;~t-4ml.a --. ; ~om · . , RARBoa • --· --- I, PBONJ: HARBOR 1eU Doml 'Scimr • wa1er ~";;.~ ~olice locate Shotgu_ n Friends. He Says In Jail. ::E":.'=i..::i!-!i? -· B7 P&T lllCR&ElJI SANTA ANA, JAN. 13 --(OCNS) -Jack Jamee W&lker told bi. aide o! the atory "x.clwiively to OCNS today u he denied attack cba.rgee ot lovely Donna Schurr. Or- ange Cout College atudent. H e la In Or1.11&• County Jall, tharff'<I with two rounl.11 o f •l- Lack . k1dnapptn1 &lld one count of burirlary, •1a1n•t beauteolUI M iu SchUl'"r. of Gardf!n Orove. Sheriff'• depuu .. e flatly n:J'••-1 t<> eUow him lo be lnterv1ewffi. OCN8 obWrw.d the atory through a lf'~J', h&nd- ....rlllt'n d()('.umf!nt M>Crelly dell•111r-1 to the n"w• Rrv1ce in S&nta Ana. . -fi~in Mesa Pair's Slaying H&rold W. Wr11'hL I A.C. WALkl:R au.,..-.rrcu The 2!1-ye11.r-old youth -who 11119 ••tounded >-.Uen wllh hi.I 1trlk lng rlNMlmbl•nee to OU.tr1ct Attorney Robert P Knee.l&nd - cla.uned in h•• eta l.,nent Ile i. ln1:10C .. 11t of th• cbwr• a,,"1Mt h!/11. He clelma en Lntlmat. ~ qu&lAL&.nc• with tne for-mm-Miu ~ C.llfomla and ninn,,.r·UP In ti.a Ma.o U S A finale r f lhe ~ LJ'n1ve,,_. contHll. for more than a year He .aya he wu tnU m.Jdal· td and tnreatened :r.to Plabo,..llnl' on atatem enl• lh•t !5h erift'• oft1- · <unfeaalon.~ c.-. have called a He n \UY den.Ju menl..I at trtbutl'd m akina-et.ale-- to h I nl 1'I t.he ...--Tha Santa Ana father of one-- whoAe. wile I• expe<>tln( anolbet thlld In a !f!W n1onlhe w .. .,.rut• ed Tueaday night a flf!r alleg-edly abdul"!tlllg Donna, forcibly ~klnl" bt.t a&blJllt to bip:i., &Ad teturnlnl' ~he ctrl to her boma. He a.1-o I.a charred wtt.h IUdinC ln the Mick -t Of lhe (irl'a rnlftiatut11 C n:>e-- (Ooau...i • Pace 11 WAI.KER . WORKED WITH DONNl ,,1f LLOWS CLAIM : .a41ft'..\.~.A. 10Clfit·-Qo-. Trtc Taylor, O'limC"r ot Taylor 1iirMit Of Jack Jam• ,..'Wi!kitl&;nll Tbomton. Aun, Upholalery tnJ 'l<dl ~ wtUl &n earllar....-ata"t.-Santa An. aald ymtuday W alk· rnent t b a t bM.uWOU. Donna er had bef'n aulfTltd t.o help pollt Bchurr-, Onnaa COIUt Collere Sc:t\urr for the publlC'itr •tudenl ot. O&rden Grove had ne-J>bolocnptt. ln 19M. A few Ytt ...a ~hllli M.fore h~ allt&edly mon\ha later. the g irl made her a t t.ac:kad h9" t.n tier little Cro.!.y nm report or an •ltac:k. •ed&.n la.at JU.rc.b 20. "Jack w11.11 one of the ftne'1.' The workar1 cbar1ed lha twu VTiployee, we have ever had.'" had woclUd tocether to create Taylor told OCNS. "I can't be-I ad.,art.iCl&c ptiotol'rl.pha tor the lleve t.hla of him. He went lo a uto upbolal •ry flTTn where church. H I• w!te aan1 In lh'f' c:holr.1 Wallrlll' wu employed. '"He ht l<l He had never bffn Jp a bit of f-. ••. th• pto119 rw har and talked with trouble:· I ~"'" har t!M" a liollg Um<!l." they MJd. O lher employeoea reca ll ed the Dr. Beckm&I\, pri!'ll!lldent, Beck· l'"\an l natrum .. nt..1. Jnc .• and Helt· pot head, w ill brinl" to the Cham· b<or pre9Jdency many year,. of e•· pi:rienoe In wurltlnl!: on ttw. •·arll!d ! and c:u1nple:11 prublema ... -hlch have ! a n Mn dur1ng Loa An,gel.M' ro-cord ptriod or .i;ro"'"lh IUIQ ~:11pan1!on. H11 put C"Ont11 buUona ln the l t>etU~ "«11.!n1>l a ir poll•lion h•ve pla ced him r ur•·m..,..t amonr lhOlllC .,., . .,fk1r1g c,n 8. con.11truct l"" pro- l"ra.rn to ..... tv .. the-~rnog problem, ...,'right &a.Ill I : Sovde Named New Chainnan .of Red Cross I Carroll "M. Sovda Sr. ot Balboa Jllllifbd. aa&ll&nt cuhler Unll~ State-N11Uoria.I ot tha Bank. • Cu.olta Mua office. wu elKted chairman of the board ut the 'Ne.,.·port-Ca.ta Mua lira.uch or 'lhe Southem Or&11ge county 1 chapter. American Red Crou.. at I thf' monthly luncheon miHUnl Thur.,.!ay at Hu-bur KoUM. I A Harbor a~• r•1de11l tor m11.ny ye.ara. Sovde !11 a member I ot ~.11tari.ng t.oa11:e No. 708. F• AM, I• a 32nd deirree M...,n, a Sllnner. a member of tM N"w· J><lrl Harbor Clk• c lub, Coat.a Meaa N•wport. Ha.rbor l.Jora C.1uh and lbe co1rirl1\llllty Church or Coro1'll del Mar. He r eplacN Mni. Vernon Ma\Mwa, reaigned1 U ch.a.I.rm an •f the b<.>ard. \.~,. WHl:RE WOIUN'll BODY wti'l'ftimeb C . K. Prlr1t, vtce-c:ha lnn•n. pre- .tded at the meet1n1. The board 1 Wf'IC'"Omed Mn . A C. Ba.ettr. a I tran,.,fer from the Paaadwa chap · :.er wh<'re &he aerved v ver ll.000 hour5 u a TOtunt.er w orkeT". Mr•. Laura H Warren, ••ecuUve dl· : rt'C'lor v t Southern On1nga county c:..h&pt .. r. 11poke on lh<' comLnc funds ca.mP9-1(1'l and tha goal.<! > 1· ~ "" I 10 ~ ar hleved. ,• .•· , • I Mni. Robert Kep~n report.f!d .I -·":! • 'J on lhe blood 111erv1c:e; H.,.ry Har· . I I ~ • • '•· "f VfY, public: ln!orma.tlon tbrec:tor of ! : .J ~~ I the lllOUthem COWILY chapter, • ~· U ' :t &po ke on pu bllclty and n-i tor ~ , J)"rt.lnent lnfonnallon to reach the -"'----''"" public. Mr1. C. E. Zamk>ch. local DONNA Sl't lURA bni.nch HCNit.ary, ri!porled on l"Und• received at the locLI office Fox, Orange County dep\ity col'Oller, inve8tjp.t.ca bloody rag• in t.he hallway of the Leach home In Oocta. A1et1& where the body ot C1a.ra Leach WM tound sprawled. Tbe body wu partly in the bathroom. at left of ha.JI, where one of the murder weapooa, a home-made up, wu ,a.tao discovered. := Start Photo CHAMBER INSTALLATION WILL REVEAL LOCAL 'MAN OF YEAR ' Annual lJutallatlon <.>t new offlcera to (\lid• Newport fla.rhor Chamber ot Commerce will be conducted •l to'.: 11lgbt"a ba(lquet Mt tor Newport Harbor Yacht Club e t 7 o'cloek, J.U.urle Sta.nley, premidellt of the chamber, announced. Watker wu a1Teslod by Sher· two talked tog•ther tor a con.Id-' lit'• dapV.U.. and ta cb•rced W'lth era.bJe ume on I.he day the pie· k. a ttack. ...-ault and k ldn•pplnr ture waa taken. '08 h• had Juel tollowt.nC allapd attacka on the won aon1e co.nlA;lt out at 1.h• atr- O&rden oro.,, beauty qu~n-Tue?-port." one ot Ulen\ n ld. ""and ah• day and on March 28. menUoned th.al 11he w .. going le Walker Attack Record Turnout tor n ood relier wor k". In &ddJtlon to luataJlat.i.n ec-~ Van Dyke M new prealdt!\t and lnducU<m of other new o ftfcerw and direct.or&, the chamt>.r will make !ta aurpri.., "Man OC the Year•• annllUllcement, It was diacll>Rd. Weapon in Son's Room Examined by Art McKenzie S laying of Mr. and Mrs. l.oonard D. Le&ch, appa.renUy la.st Fnday in their Coat.a M"8. home, today led Police C.'hie t Art ?.f cKenz1e and Sgt. Dean Pollom to Balc:eratleld where they ex"-mined a shotgun found in the hgt.el room (lf Willa.rd Duane U>acb, 27, who hangrd himM:lf lhent A!onday. Mr-Kent.It" advl&C'd the Newa· !'re&• h!a off lC'"' will hav,. an1..J yal• in.au .. ol 11kin acraping1 un •ier Mra. l,.,-a,·h'11 f1ngerna1b ron1par'"'1 wllh ..:-n.lC'h,.• on her 111)11°! tar e. a.fli:r he v1ew~ Ul~ 77-year-old pa.t.nt- '"r'I body in • &.kerd1eW t'un<:'....t hon•e. The p&l"1<nl..I were t o u.nd dead yeaterday . "~'rom all •PPf'llrlUlc"' there. 111 a dennlte ~Uon•• bl!twe.n tha do\lble •laying IUld the IOl\"a w l- c1de. J.1 cKen:t1e dt:cia nod. A 12-JL ahOlgwi found 1n 1.-ch "• holf'.I room waa bn:Nght back here tor uam1n•t1on of ill tu.lh•l1r1 and romparl.on Wllh !IHng pin tmpr•- aiona on two emply ahel.L. found In the home a l 217 Walnut ~ 01JE JN MESA Mr-a, WHLaro Le&eh. wl!e or the .uepect, phoned Co.la M-poik:a •talion trom Wa.al"tln&'Um at e :•O p. m. yuteniay t.h&t ahe wu leav· 1.nc tor Colli.a Me. and would notity pbiioa upon anival N-port pohee e&Ued. X... po- l.lea Wedneeday, report1Qg nic:.ipt. ot. a. t..i.type from Ba.II.~ at.ailrr.c th&t ycoung Leach ha4 conurutted ,.Wclde by taa.Pi". n.. body wee found at 8 a. m. Koad&y tn ~ 206 of the Te(ler Hot.al, BU.antield. Al noon U..t day. ea.ta M- polka called at the (W alnut P1-ee home to nouty tile p&l"6n1a. No one •ppea.red to ba home. A later call waa made. Ase.In. no .:inti anawered the door. Tht. Ume a. ..ate -. left. Finally a ca.a wu ncened rrom Mre. Roy Sherman. a neJCt doot" neighbor al 221 Walnut Place, ,.... porting an open window &rid the fat'!t the pn.ge door 1*I been left open a t the l..each bOUM. 8he uked police to check. BODIEPJ Dl800VE&ED W. L-..D.. 1 l!ACll When ahe reported the flret In· cl~t to Sherltra depulle•. J.f l11& 8d1111rr tokl officata ebe h&<t never belon -the a\lepe.Ct and M wa.a oompleleJy unknown to her. However, ah• dr.w a.n amulntrlY ru.nblant d atc:h ot We.Iker for dapuU... Sha denied any other ~Mdr• llbout the m.n. take flying, Jeaaon1. J11ck told her he w.A lnleremled Jn rlyinl( too. and aa11!~ he'd IM'Je her at the airport IM)ffle day. CAN-i' Bu.R:\'E IT All the worker1 at the one- room eala..blbhment ei;prened aback and dlabe.llet a t the charge• (C-Unaecl on Pac• 1) Hearing Set Seen tor Bay DALTON'S NEW TAVERN for Wednesday l:l~.~u,~~!~: .!~~.~., TO OPEN HERE APRIL 15 Sjl"t. i..terf"l Coe. 11ccompa.nled by ornoer Jack Jver90n_ dkl ao yuite rday a l 10:10 L m. Wh~ Coe a pproached the open IMck window he reported he oould emell an odor eman.Un1t from tba hou&f'. He pr!ffl open the ecl"Mn, entered t.h111 h~ and d:laconred Bemjs Alleged Attack« ~ with 5 Felony Raps BANTA ANA. (OCN8) -The "'O~(e Co u n t y I>Wtnct .At· tomey'a otnce ye•terday leveled tJn ~&r(N agatn.at Jame. Walk- •r, • 16-y~d Sant.a. Ana mar. Mad 9911. wbo allepdly twtea kid- napped a n4 a ttaclt9d Orange COUt College bea\lty qUMn Don- na 8c:hurr, 18. ot Garden Grove. Dep. Dist. Atty . Kennet h Wtl- lli,ama .id he hu charred the .-,..Ct With two count.I of fortl- W. attack, two count. of k ldn•J>'" pmc ud GM count of bur1lary. JCarHer. Sl'lertft0 • lnvemU1ator Duln,y JUoa; upreued bellef the lt&le would Mk tN d ea th penal· ty tor WaDuir . 0.. father of one child "~ wtta la e:ii;pecl&llt. · Whln WJJ.Uama d19cuued the cue witb OCN8, he uld ht WU •U.n.d I.he caae did not come under the LttUe Llndbersh Jaw. Walker, ac«>rdlnc to Rio-. con- 1.-.cl att.ackJnc the ctrl. Th• ~ allefedly told lhe aeme •lorJ u Ula victim. xi. Sctlurr, M l• canramla. ot 11~ and fourt.h pl&c@ •lnrter ln th9 Ml• Unlverma eout"1. last" ~ • .....-t.edJy wu a:u.acktd by Wallr:.-°R March 18, 19116, and ~ ii.l(ht. TM defandut al· ..,.U,. forced har to )'l•id to h la IMtYUC9 at knt.I• point on both Ut.-OODMtona. ~ Ml4 the Tltlm .. , ··mo- llan up and. eatn:me.ly 1H1n>ou_.. wban M queauc.wd her'! Sh• wae tnated by U\e family doctor Wed· '..-,. att•moon. , IM'COr'dlnl to ft-. ''bu.I. ~··· Lil r1&ht." M* Shurr waa confronted taee to tao. w!UI her alle.pd u- .0-l at t.ba!. um. and 0'pOli- ..., 'O 'llJ •1'" Mm u the cme who 'forced hill way Into her home abQut 10 p. m . Tuud11.y &nd whl11ked he r Into a 11t'clu<1ed !!pot. MlM Schurr &aid the 111u1pect broke lrlto her home at 12(11 2 J011ephlne St.. O.,.den G r o v e, Tueeday. She c:lalmed he ca.me at her with a knlte In h111 right hand. She «f&ppled with him. cut- ttnc her left hlLl'ld palm. T he vic- tim &llM!rt.I Walker clamped a hand over heT'moulh and 1rowl- ed: ""Don't ecreani and you won't set hurt." The ~auty Ulen contended ahe wa11 forced Into Walker'a c ar. driven to a Weal Garden Grove aubd!..-lalon altttt ILl'ld ravlahed. Walker drove her home. ••• told deputiea. A• thf'y nearerl h'!r pl.ace., hu fla.nce. Lloyd Bretl. 21, al-.;> drove up. Sh• acrM.rned ILl'ld lea.peel oul of the car_ \\"&Iker drove oft with Brett fUrsuln11: al hl1h •JIH'd· Alter a c tw.ff lhNluih Garden Orove Streoel..I., Walker r1na lly wu hauled to tha curb by BretL 8"tt •1u1 picked up by Hl(h· way patrolmen after he wa• aoeen advancing toward Walk~r with • . 32 ca liber glln In hl1 b&nd . H l«h- way patrolmf'n took Mm Into cuatOCly tor caf'f":rtnc a deadly weapon. The aher1tf"1 otr1C'e ll&ld Br.tt had no ptormlt tn carry • irun. but 1t will not file ch•rirea apln~t him Rloe ""Id a •Ult~. blac:k muk. hood type waa found In lh• r1 1ht re&r pocket of Walll:er'a f ar .A.I· ao found In th• vehlcl• w.-re a ptt.Jr ot 1or11-ranc• Mnoc:Wa.n. • ptllr o r CS&rk ,1uee •. ~b. bil- ly club and ~ d?ivar . an-khUIT aid W.a. WM the wttk·end, a record-tumout FUUeERTON. JAN. 13 !OCNSI of car tanc:lere la ei;pec:led at the Charged w ith flve count11 of at· fou rth annull.I BalOOa Bay Club t ack. k idnaplnc a.nd burglary, Auto Sh6W scheduled for Sa tur- J amf'e Walker. 2!1. Santa An&, ~ dey a nd Sunrl•y. lloUfl a re from fused to waive preliminary hearing ll'J 11 . m. lo • p. m . In Anaht.lm·Fullerton M11nlcipa l The 11how h1 open lo the public. Court thi. morning onoa charge but free llrk"l!I n1uet be obt11.lned he alleg"<.lly a tlat'ktd Orange from p11rUcipattng ctealere. More C0&mt Colle&"f! •ludenl DQnn11. th•n 20.000 ducai. -a r«ord Schurr, Oar<len Grove. 1911~ Mllll! number -hav~ beton dl11lributed Cfl.llfornla. lo 13 ~howroom1> h1 Newport S tony-faced and ~ 11llent .,. he Beach. Cn~ta Meae. • 8 11.nla Aria, walked handcuffed Into the court· Lllg11n1t Bc1t ch llnd H11ntlngton room. W11.Jker wu hclcl ovrr ror Beech. Prl"vlou11 •llen(l!lnce high hearinrr Jllll. 18 11t 10 a 1n . In th<' aame c:ou rl. lie waJ1 t'&<::Orled In to cou rt by one CHP offlcf'r •n<I left a half·hour later th .. 1111 me way \Valkl!.r l• aC'CUll"~ l ~,, ""!Ill.Ullin~ Mi• Schurr, 18. l:ia< March 21i and again Tuffday nipt. w&.11 Ln 19112 when an eatlma l.6d 10.000 people !U\W the ahow. Crow<l1 attending the odtcloor ev,.nt thl.11 year will 11.-e •iRl•mor- oue dl8play of dome•tlc and (or· elgn C'ara -~verythlng from INT1all four·!!f'.at .. ta priced Around St~ to h11nd -rrafte<J Sl0.000 modele. The c h•rl".., &g!llnal Walker, E:mphuis will be oo converUblea. rather or one child and whOIH! wife llporta Clllr" a nd h\1th·fl'1lhlon four· l• e:ii pectlng •not~r. are l\ll"O door,., tor south CC«11ter11 expreae count.I of forcible attRck,' two a prefer,.nc~ for •tyl\Bh n1odela. count• o~ kidna~inir. •nd Orlf' count I St'n.-ing fin the <lelllv"11 l'om· nf bur1tl•ry Miu Schurr. did not nlillt'f' 11 re l"•rl Mll ll'r 1tnd Theo- appear lrl eourt. !t()t l" Robin• ()f :"\•'""'llOrt Beach !Ind Tfltn my McV..an ot Santa the M me man who attacked her Ana Marc.h 20. 19M . Sh.-told deputte~ I--------------- th11t the IM-lb. a~t had t1 1d· 1 den In Utf' rear of h'"r Cl"l:r.'h~i· HARBOR WEATHER car wl'llle 1hl' w a11 11 work 111 '--------------- counter e ! er k a( the Orange Dr1v•ln 'J'hN.ter "'ack her. '111• YIC!im claimed W"'Ute.r ro.e ur when •he drove a w a y from the U'ltatu. held a knlte a t her lh.roeo t and fo0N:ed her to pul1 Into a loo•IY •pol where he a11- IM!'rledly a th1clre(I hflr lie tt-en tqpk owr thf' wheel •nd drov~ to the the"'t~r .,.here he co t out. \\'alker wa. quotNT 1111 t11lUn~ deputlN \Vf'dne..-lay that. '"all l know le that I w l11h I were dead." The 11lender. beapactacled detend· ant wu di!'acribed by dtputle• ... .. remnf"9l!f11l 0' Dtputle. hllvt been unable to Ue \\'alll.ar, an upbo&atere.1, lDlo uy oU.. cnm-. Tempt>ratu""' lbe ,..t w·-911 I• l1le Ha.rlwr .,... '''""': S11t ur-day. J an 7 S unda y. Jin. 8 t.t ondl)'. Jan. 9 Tu<'8<ia}". Jan. 10 \\"edne.~•llly. Jan 11 Thu raday. Jan 12 fo'ttday. Jan. l!J . " .. " "' .. " ., LonCJ Gm Permit .. " ., .. " " .. ~rl Loni Tuead.ay took out • SM•8 COtJta .Meu city butldln1 permit t o C"Un.atruct 11. realdence and garaie •l 184.:'.I \\"allar C" St. Jack Corna.Ir · w u named t"Ol'l- tndo• 'Hodsdon are In remodellnc work Bob O&lton. w~llknown South· 'ArchJLect Fred land reatauratf'ur, today ILIUloun-ch&rge ot th• ced he w ill open hla new. 0 l d undtrw&y. Engll111h \\'aterfront • type tavetn ln charge of the operation w1U be Ken Cawthra, fotmtrly maltt r'd at th& Balboa Bay Club. Caw - thra will be manAger a t Dalton'• new apoL In the old Udo Wharf buildlng ahout AprtJ 1!'.l. The new cat• will 11t:11.l 200 ,arl!IOl"la In the dJn· tnirroocn 11.nd e«:ktall lounge, be uJd n.J\on M.ld the cuiatne will ln- ch1de ~rcoe.J , broiled eteaka &lid chope. eeafood ILl'ld other tare. lncludlnc M.al ne lobl!l l<'r . Of the 200 peraon •eat.Ing cap&clty. 70 ot lhla a.mount wllJ be In t h e cocktail lounra. · Som& montha ago Da.Jton WU open for aboi.it atx week.II In the building to keep 1)11 liquor Ucenae va.lld. H• bought the Lido Wh&rt property from Max Crocker at a reported price of SIM.000. The de11l lnclu<lM .ome 13!'.l feet of bay t ronta11:e. Thl11 will be dJvllded ln-1 ---------------· to • 10-ft. wide, flO-tt. lone pier wh!t'h w I I I 11tretc:h llcr<JN the front of 08.lton'• cate. The new p lllct w111 cater to yacht ~ftc for food and bevera.gee. D&lton plal'lll t o proT1de apace tor 17 luxury -cl._ boalJI In el.ht •II~ on the bay frontage. Croft ILl'ld NevtOe ~-n.ntah1q n tw p1e111 and docka fOT Dallon • The ntw reetaurant. In be1nc remo<~IO"d tnlo Utt waterfront tavtm plannNI wUI contain an addition•! d!n ln1t room to pNi..-1- oua d-rn aa well aa new kit- rhen11 A ('lft &hop I• planned for the bulldln1 alao, Dalt.oo tla1d. plu• e~t IS.'\O 9q. n . of ofnc:e •p11r• up•talra. Thla will ha rent- ed to orofelUll<.>nal mf'n. he -Id. · Conti .?"tor Gordon l"\ndlay and Girl Cyclist Hwt in Cnnh wltlt Car A 10-year-old ll:itl bicycle ·rider r«:etved a brulaed fool at 4 :30 p .m 1'11Mrtiay W"bel\ heT '")°Cle tanl!;"lf'd v.•l tll • car on P oln9t:llLa An. near Second St. Ule bodlf'•. . - The body of 1-xl&rd Lea.c:h'wu found lying In the kitchen. a ahot· run blut. through the ~ Deputy C.oroner Wally Fox -.Id the man •ppa.renUy died lnslantly. The body of Mra. Lelll.ch WU found ln the hall. Sbe reportedly had bee.n bealen eeverely wllh a he•vy home·made aap. Coi;oner Fox a&id the womlLl'I had 26 lac· raUona over her body, then appar- enUy had been •bot by a ahotrun blaal through the neck. I t w .. believed the WQfYl&n waa ~•ten and killed • con•lderable lenrth of Uma alter th9 OMtb of her huab&nd- (~tblued WILLAllD D. J l!AClB Th<! motorUl. Dorothy Afm Roam. 23, of 182 Sun.Mt· TttTaCf!. Laruna BeaC'b. trlkl police ah• took lhfl victim home an.er th• •cddU>l Ano ther cyclltt. com - pallioa to Uui \l\Jurecl ctrl, .,. .. ........ tM ......,,..t., llUllDER sCENE -·Set-llttd Coe Of Coot.a w:-police ~t llnli. into the Leach bome at 10:10 L m. Tbur9day morning and dt.:overed the doub6e 1layiog .oene. He lnveatigat.e. hett the ~lntcheo of the home where Leonard Leadt'1 body wu fOtUMI. COY..-.d wilb & rug. -SWf Photo .. ... · 1 ' . . ...... ' ····-·-· -·----·--.. : .. ~:t .. : .~ -..... " ---~---... • Ma5ter Point Grune Tonight ,,. lk1llioa . ~~ ..... a. Will..,.. ............... --··--.--......... .,.,-... 1-s at T~ o'QDS. "' Mr. and Mrw. Doq ~ -~--' ~ la lM .nio.ot ....i.ac ....... 'frhUe ~~ ktsti _.... ,.._..r• Mu. ... KcCo!li.ber Mid 111,..,_ a.ari. M .. .......... "'-.. \If~ ..... ,,... ....... cam. .._ ....... Mn. Carl ---... lCa. A.reb Mo- AJIJ.tw and 111..... ~..,. ~ the W . .A. 8 t.mberp. Runn•l'I • 11.p north • .OU.th wen ........ n-ank ft.-1 -4 ...... p""' Jo~ Jlowoard ~ ud .-...-=·""'-' ........ ...,. WlaMra ol Nab la NEWPORT HARBOR YACHT CLUB'S pl& New Year's Eve party ,... oparked by the PY group gathered at Commodore and Mn5. Harold Pearcy's table. The group included Staff commodore Harry Mann and Mrs. Mann ; Mrs. H a.rry Y:arcb and ot.hen . -Beckner Photo W:onda7 att•r••o•'• ~ m.nt wv. acn. ....... Dll9IU and Mn.. Ma.Ml Klatw, Kn. ~ -'lyel and Jadl ......a. ,.._,. •ecoDd WU'tl Jrln. Jllebert .... and Otto Hart!\flld. Mt., Ran-)' Sch.U11a.c and Pffcy Cn.w\ey. ln uu.s poc!Uoa -th• Bten:ibersw: M n. Ann• MU.chell and Fted M.orrt..on. M1ae t.•111• r owter azr.d Mn. P6tt)' • Cr-aw1ey, Mn. 8&.lly Brow-n and Wllll&m Gilbert placed tourt.b. AT SAINT JAMES Ebel! F estival WA.I.TEB A.. Ml.LLER, head of a Coeta Mesa fi rm, and new pre11ident of the Girl Scout Council or that city, receive• a co ngratul atory ha.ncbha.ke from Mrs, Tbomu Chtld.e, retiring president aa other officera Business Man New President G. S. Council look on. J'rom' left to rfcb.t are William B. Johuon, ch&irma.n of hOUM &nd croandl ; Mn. Charle1 OX&..ra.rt, .-ecretary ; Mn. Cbilda, ll.iller and M.111. Ro hen Speth, _,ad vice preoi<Wit. -'swt Photo .NEW P ORT HARB O R 'Church Faces New Age ' Says Bishop Remington Planning Session On• of the nna.I e-...nH• ot tht !:btl!I Club yea r. und•r I.he dlrK· Uon ~f Mr1. W1ltlam Ofl.mb!e ·1 !'ommltlt1•, will be the annu•I ~phln.&: te1t1v1J, .te-t for March 8. I AIL mfl.lll btlr1 ot l h• money r..la· Walter Miller .A ssumes Girl Scout Direction MRS. WINIJ'RED BARBRE. Women'• EdJtor The Rt. R ev. William Proctor Remington, retired •uf· d ean of the Long Bfla r h Coo~•-1n1 ,.roup a rt to meet J an. 18 tor fragan bL6 hop of we11tern Pennaylvan1a a.nd presently vicar lion Ho1t1111.t1 for th,. huu•h.on " 10 30 a. m. brunch 111 th• hom• "-11! be m t m bet• Of St Ct<t.lla"1 I or Mra. Camble. 701 ~ H•.l!otrop. of St. Ambrose's 1fus..ion, Cla ~mont, waa guest •peaker Guu11 A Yt1. ·rue.day at the Ja.nu.ary meeting of the W o man'1 A\lli.li&ry l ;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ of St. Jamea Church. He wa.a introduced by Mre. J oeeph n 111•. a uxillary pruldenl. follow· l.nJ a luncheon 1t1rved by SL Eltu- 1----------------------------11>t.lh"1 Gu..Ud. M:rL Remlnl"l01' WM al1MJ an honored lfll"t. lN H O!lri'OL UL U cau.ed a trend "lli'?Ui::h i. -..Uy vta~ i ible to n1-0•t ot ua 1 "'Mur• money ha.II been (1v•n, mor• people have a ttended church 1ervlce. than ~Ver Wor .. Tbe In- er-ln lntercet o n lh• put of MCular journaa such .. T'lm.e and Litt1 ha. be-en out.tandlnJ . Amon..- Prote.t&nt bodlee the E plm»~ Church hu made JTe&t sl.lu. neuly IS0,000 ln UI• vut yMr, Ladies-for or HAIR a good trim , SHAPING PAGE 2 • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, JANUA RY ll, 1956 Th• couple cdtbrated the!r ;old· 1----------------------------f en wedd1n1" •nnlvflru ry ,tn HOno- lulu w hile atlenrtlnr t he General Con v e ntion or tht E piac/.pal Chureh ln Amerl<:1. U1lng M h U. the.me "'T he Church F 1.cea a N•w Ase." Blahop Remlngton .aald : GOP WOMEN WILL HEAR ABOUT GARDINER SAFARI Cut for Home Permanent.a too TRY LIDO BARBER SHOP l :"t 'I 10) P.0 .1 AIM> 432 . 32nd St. Newport Beach CHI!J)RE NS HAIR CUTrING A 8pt'clalty "BW J ohll80n hu been in Gi rl Scout work fo r seven years &nd he wanted company," aafd Wa lter A. Miller, in· 11talled yeeterday a.a president of the Costa Mesa Girl Scout Council. In reality the Mesa b usine88 man, father of two boy. a.nd one girL la greatJy interested in youth work, a ima for "Mtltr Scoulll\,( l or more Charle.a Tt\V1nkle, known .rrec-(irla." • MrL Lewi• Ga.n1Uit1r will f'fllat. l.nterutin( expert•ncee ot her re<:mt trip around 111• world, J.ncludlnJ h•r Atrican ..i .. ti tor bis pm•, wh•n U'lt1 RepubUc1.11 Wom•n'a Club ot tlle N •w port Harbor ana mtiet. Jan. 111, ll :SO a.. m. •l th• horn• ot Mra. Robert Mareha.ll, 881 Via U do Soud. ""A.a the church facee a new •1"• It would btl well to mark th• trenda suddenly revt.aJed not aim· ply ln lht year pu t. but ln thtM po41t war y ... a n . We.tern clvllla.- Uon \11 beln&" tried by I.he Cold \\'ar. \Ve are becoming co11vlnced t ha t l ll rvh·al I• drprndent upon our retalnlnl" Uloae element. a.nd v1lu111.11 fofuid In the Chrl•l!an rfll l- glon whic h art1 e.aent !a.l pan.. of the J."'r"ledorna tor which we havl'! 1trug1 led. Atomic w ar tllrt a ta ha.v• a roua&d man)"' Jnd!frerent peo- p1 i · to m urn to the rel1gton of thelr ancu tora. HR.f1 v1va.l ot C'l'"ftl"•llun with Biily GTaham M a new type, ifrowth In church buUdlnl" and \., __________________________ -! IU:n&l.NO OFFIO'Jl& uoqa tely .. "M t Coitl• MNa," Bruce MuUn, city i:ouncllman ~Urtnr prMldant, M:f'#, Thoma• and prealdent of lhe Uon1 Club, Chllda., wtlo hu bem th• work al Willa rd C. Courtney, prealdtnt or Co.ta w ... for e.llf\t year•. 411· Klwlllll• and ~erett Rea, 1uper- 1taUed tht1 n•w oft1eers •t a Pl• tnlendent or MM& a<:hool•. lun<:.heon In lh• Girl Scout hou.te 1--------------1 At CdM Church Th• bua!n ... -ion will r .. ture election of otn cer1, tollowlnl" a report by th• n.rnin&linl" comm1tt1!11. Mr1. H. Payn• Thayer wtU &ao report on Jooal pr.ctnct we>rk . A butf•t lum:heon wlU be aervtld a t 11 :30 a. m. T o 1erv11 11111 council ln •t• t !rth y~ar (It WM opent~ pr t1'f'loua1J ... a Leaden ' Clu b) arti: Miiler, prMldMl ; Mn. John T eal"I'-" tir•t rlct1 pr.idant; MTa. Rob.Vt Bpeth, ..con(! YlCfl p!"MI· dV\t ; Mr-1. Chu te. V. 01.an.rt. 1ecr«al')'; Mrs. Rand.all A.Loom. t,....,..r ; Mn. Hal'"'Qld Knipp, ~; cll..irmt1n , Mmel. Da v1d nttJl, eamplnr ; Frank PbU1Jp1, or- p n••llon; Ohln•r Clawson, lraln- tds; .A... l... Pinkl•Y, publ6c re.l a- UO..; n•l1"hborhood.. Jobn W. Mc· o.u.n. Geors• Barnett and W&.1t· er Miutr: nomlnat tn.I" commlltM, huJ Huttman; pro(Tun, Plnk.ley ; lll9o membtln a t Li.rs•. Mr1. Ray Ludl and alN. Pa.U.l Norman; Mr. Jonn.on, hou.ti and JTOunda. "The Ktncdom or God"' \1 t he l ---------------------------- a.rch.ttecture, m1-lon&ry t1n1pha.a· LI, aU •how lb• Lrt1nd. The Oen- t1rlJ Convention In Honolulu t urn- ed Ui.t1 1nlnd of th• church to-warca. th• wlnnins of AIJ.&. We are toUowtns the 8t.ar In th• E1.1L 'Ilia l"ood earth, plu. man'• tnvenliv ... ntM, unhampered, w1th free enttr· pMae can and h" berun to rtrht azr.c!ent wron11 ot uplo!latlon and prov1de a blc"ti. •tandard ot Uvtn1 tor all. FO• rourrrz LOW ••rmon topic that the Rev ICd- wln C. Oomkt1 wtlt UM 8unday for both d upllcate eervicee: v·111 and 11 a.m . .Mr. Gomk• La holdlns a Paator'i Cl...., In h la Study every F'r1da y at 3 .30 p m .. untll Ea.alU All high achool young ptiapL• are welcome to attend. New Marks Son Ill blby boy ,,. ... bom to Mr and Mr•. Oecirr• Marki. 7304 W Ocean F ront. Newport Bel.ch, on Ja.n. 7 1n Hoar Hoepll41. Carter Daughte·r J.tr . and Kn. J ohn Carter, 211 Apte Avt., N•wporl S.ach, an tlle part1nt1 c t • baby (lri boni Jan. a In Hoa1 Ho•pltaL Crispin Son KROLL SPEAKS Beta Sigma Phi Benefit Event CA S 8EE TRE~'l) '"T'h&M t 11.ru amon g·othera hAve Civic Plans High League Tour of School HUST OH.ANOE "'EconomJc and .octal Lmpllca - Uora, balaneti of power, are be- 1"innln1" to ehill In Ul t ra c• of all th-f1ctor1. what mu.t tht church under the ,.,.Udanct1 ot the Holy 8plrlt do 1 A tUtude or thlnk· Jnf mu.t ti. chanced, nflW tlduca· Uonal 1tan<l&rda &nd method-, n- cun1culum are M"'1Ual." Alt er h.ta •pt«.h Blahap n.m1ns - ton aaked Mr1. Rem tncton t o 1ay Memben of Omicron Rho Chapter of Be-ta Sigma P hJ A tour ot Newport Harbor Un· a tew woro.. She nrnarked I.hat w en! the honored gueata of their 1ponaorlng chapter, M u 1on Htch Bchool l.11 on th~ agenda ah• ii.ad betln a ttendln&" Woman·• Epllllon, when t he •orority met J a.n . 11 at the home o f M l"ft. ror th• w oman'• Olvtc League at Auxiliary mH Unaa to1-ISO y.ar1, their 11ext m eetlnJ, Jan. 17 W•I-told how much •h• enjoyed Ul•m. Robert L. Benne tt, 535 De Ania Drive. Joseph Kroll in· cc.med by Prln. 8h1n'y Dav1d.on how m u ch help, plea.ur•, and h•p- •tructor in the department o! peycbology at Orange Coa.at at the Homemaklns Cottage ot ptne1• wom en l"•t from btllnl" put Coll•I"• a.nd councellor for t h e the hll"h echoo1 at 10 &. m., mem· of the irroup. eldtnt ot Mu !';p.11llon. called an btl,.. will be ·• rr GUILD ~ • Family .. -•·•• •·-lalloo ot .. rv9U co eti, then · ..... -.nJRMF.N • v1.,. --.... ex~Uvt1 board mttUng at h er ah-throu~ th buJ1•1 • Orange County, 1howed a "'1Und hom• on J anuary II. Tha ntllt u_,, •" e u ng• anu Mr11. R!1"(• a nnounced tlle n'w r rounda, w ith a qut1aUon ptl1od Qu!ld ch.airmen u tollow1 fl lm tflUtlfld '"A Ft.mlly Affair"' gtnl'!ral ml'f!Ung wlll be Jan . 2:'.i planned a t the conc!U&1on of thfi SL Joan•a. Mra . .J. Doria.Id F•r- •t the home or Mr•. Oacar Tlly· • t and e•pla!ned the funct!on11 nf aun ·t1y. l'UllOn: St. Margaret'•. Mr• . .John Joy, 421 Momin& Canyon Dr1ve. A b••••·•., m,.ll • J h ~ newly or ran1ztd Family Ser-.... u. n1 &nu unc -W. Don nelly , St. Cecell1'1. M r11. look now fvr Slimmer • 511 I AMlllCAN . IXPllSS European Tou~ fot 1956 W~tl t'l tr ~eu w111! to 10 l• lYIO(lit.,. whal .. 91 )'M -1 le ... . '*•'• JUUi dloktl " ,... ll ~1d i nd l 111~rel~ A111trlt111 Uprm lllljn It t.M ~ U.t l " .,....... ._,.,..... llU!tM , ... r. ' . lwtur1 pnncpel c.otltl and tu1111(r111 of (uropt ... like 111 all tit• llfhlicfll1I .. ·11 ~5 lltyi .•. ltect"*" 6tperturet ... Ajlfil 11 to Stlpt. II. • , , 1,0IZ up. I ts~ r ... 1 ... ..,.O.rlztd to sui111udns' l111erem 1nd lalla ..• l•h1re 1111nopM eulturtl 1nfldioln! •.. Sl,f!J YJ, c..... ""' •• ... -.Nerlinc E.llropt1'1 l11110111 sllrifltL .. __ T_, ,, •Plf1IJ pl.nned te 111~ )'Ml 1~ tlliltl . , • t .... ih-11• md •lm1tt1 eubnlitled lot ,...,, 1pprOl'll ... l OW, Off ·SWOM lATIS fu1lrc F•ll, "'* llld -4y s,n,,.1 HARBOR TRAVEL AGENCY -3415 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach In the Lido Shopping Diatricl Phone Harbor 5524 Ma.ft)'" Of lM wom.a 'ft'Or• whlltl d.IJ.at• on U. ~ of tht1lr •m&rt ll'ffn unltorma, .lhow1nc thay had glven a dona tion to the J uliette (Dally) Low bulldln( tund 11nd convuiuon experaN. A.Im ot th• naUonaJ O'"l"llnlMUon la to r..t.or' U.. btrt.bplaca of Ila foun d- er, Mn.. Low. AUeadlnl ~ &ttair M ""1ored .-Ueet.11 .-. Mn. Howl.t'd a.ruh, A baby boy wu born Jan. 4 Ul Mr. and Mr11. Kenneth Crlapln. 382 !:. Co1l4 M M a St., OOata M•a., In Hoa.1 Hoaplt•I. ton Wi ll be htlrl I t Villa Marln• M " .. v1cta wroup. ara ...... J L. Ketler: St. E lltabtlth"a. I :~::::::~:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:::::;:;::;;;:;;::::::;;;;:::::;;:;;:::::;::;::::::::::::;: •· H b" H d following th• hlJh e<:hool tour. ~f l... A 11 _,1 Loc•I ch•p .. -of ~'i\a 81-a ar JSOn ea S H I re. . . a,.,. ton; SL Annt1'e, , • D<ll ,..... o.t..,.,• WI I btl M.mea. C. D. Mn. PauJ P'. Kanetin. P111 are Jointly planning to give Cunningham, Ha rvey D. P-. St. Margaret'• Guild la plennln( .. nl b h r hi • D t Cl b JoM N ett and Jack Curn-·. SEALARKING a ne rune • u on •h o w emocra U u-a llt>OrS"Mbord t or February. St. and card-party at the Nt1Wport !:.llu.bet.b"e Gu.Ud t!llpec.U to hold H arbor Yacht C}ub Feb. 1, at 11 Robert I!:. Ha rblaon of Newport At Honor Event • deMert c::ard party i nd ruhlon '· m. The theme wlll be Valf'.11· Beach htad• the Harbor Demo-f C J b. D I.how A pril 0, It WW annouii'ctd. BJ GINNY (I08. EDWARD LESTER) 8JllTll cratlc Club aa p~Bldenl th\1 yflar , Or 0 llffi Ia U Q AT RECTOR\' Une'' day an d t he J'llfoc«da w ill ~r'if t\ec:Uon being held JllU\. 3 .. t H•r· Mr. and Mr •. Arldrew Bailey. Mr9. John Jl Parkt1. "''lft or ABOARD TYPEE ; H ow did y ou like lut w eek-wd·a Co toward the chapter pled1• lo per School. 2211 Channel Rolld, Ba.Jboa penin· the rec:tor, announced that 1he and t • It •-d ff<>l.I' Memori al Ho~lt.al bu!ldln&" og . W"U u-. enough o n s ho re but worse out at Bea ... tund for a room In the tumor Olhet'tl named to 1111rve were t u.la, were gueeU Wednuday a t ~tr. Parke were bavlnl" open bouae with many Sunday 11&ilors c reep ing ha.ck to their 1Uip9 clinic. Mr1. fl'rank Oowll•• or Coel& a cockl.IJI par ty a t the Pau.dtllla. al th• r ectory F eb. 8 trom .. 7 ·30 Meu vice p~aldent ; J.lre. Clan. hom• of th• Kemper No!ilanda to 9 p.m .• wlth aU parll.hloner1 ln- wltb zero viilibilitJ , only to "put the boat to bed" about lf.n. John B. M"errlll. chairman A•t•l"''"· 8ecrttllry and re-~!ecttd Sr. The 1.nvtt.atlon wu ,from Col-vlted. st. Joan"• Gullrl wtll ht1lp thrM o'clock and pre11l o lht aun May ~ w hen th'Y ar• due back of w•y a •nd means or Mu JCpal · u tree..surt r, Mr!. Belle Lot.tet. lumbla Unlvefflily Alumni Al.lo4>-Mn. Parke In hoat.e .. dulie~. Mr1. Ion chap t.r. prt •ented a rt..,., rt on I u r s •" poured t ortll Palm 8prlnJ• 1ty l•. 1t their Lido Penn allp. .--and Fred 0 1.tori. ll'!rgeent at c • on o ouuiem Call!ornla Ri&"I"• announc ed Ult .rue•t apeak· pl•fll tor !ht bentf1t . Mr•. Vivian bl·" PHILHARMONIC 8o c lety a.rm~. &II <'.>f tll!a city. Harrl11C>n P. w "'" wu honor ing footbaU er at the ne11t a u•ltla ry luncheon AC.A.PULCO-bou nd are ma n)' 8odn11u1. of Omicron Rho cha.pier t Lo mtmben of Qranl"• County art 8 11.nborn and Gotlfftty P. Strom-_coac t, u LltUt1 and Mr.11 . .LltUe, would btl the Rev. \Vealey A. " ___...... _,.h•· whl"" ''' •u• to I• ... 11t1nr Mra. M"rrr lll. M r•· ill l r •"• I "·I H ·--·· ~-·... "'"' u b11atllnS a bout a rra.ng1nJ tor an-110n 'w lll aerve a. del~g-1.le• 1.t .rec o r o l.uu•t ce, '""'Ph Fuftly avermale, r11ClOr or the Church -·-8 ••· -• Dl r John H. S toia of Mu 1Cp11Uon will .. ~·-.... . ........ un.._ .,..,m •n er o or olh<'lr of thf'!r g lamorou. charity larp. an .. ,.... •. "' ... rey. of t he Me•.11lah, Santa Ana.. and t.e tlle f .. hlon commfl'!ta.tor. u-I ii"';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;O;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; th• tamtldl Mu:lca.n Race Claa.alc. attain . . thl1 time a Val•nllnt Candida te.a for var!oua otncu •lated by Mr•. R.oti.rt Hendt n-011 It wu t1xc!Ung to ltf! lht motor Ball, Feb. S a t th• popular RI.I-of Ornlcron R ho. FL'lhlona fr nm apokt briefly on tht1lr p\1.111 for ;--.um Dahl Bflli. stJd•. into a boe. Bay Club. Cute TI.A {M.r1. the Udo BbopplnJ Ctlntera w1ll be the yel..r If elected.. • .Up an ... a 1Jtorm7 voyq• l'rosn A1tNd B.) Payn• of llrnerald ahown: Tlcll•t. hav• btlfln dl•t rl-N ext metitlnc will be Jan. 17, 111• bom• port. 8an F'faDCUeo. Bay Ml chairman · · · OO<ha.lrmsn 11Utad and wtll be 90\d by m•m· 8 p. m. In Harper School cafeler· atoppJ.ns on her way to ..,,.. tM are P•I" (Xn. Cari) ~l 01 ben ol bot b chapt•r•. 11.. Mth azr.d ·-:ruatln Ave., Coat• nee. OWner .. ktpper Tom Clrr_.. •Y BbOl'Q and Ivo (Kn. Jrilu:J Mn. .le.ell iii. Qul9e0berry. pre-Mees.. doa Jr. wu aopp\aa" wet, u .,.... 8turau of U do Lele. What an ll'-1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Ua. ya.cht . • and louorwt.nc hoW ray of attract!.,. and .tnc lmt 11 "'"Y 9MWOrth7 llM la, thtl aeu VIPI! .m.uA ban been u.cheroua. (Do CALYPSO party Jen. 30 a l th• you nmmiber lM EIJfit e.&18 Balboa ky Cll.lb premletls fl"t'tlry· wlwla aha btkla.pd. t o Ralph Roel lhln&l InYltaUona .,.. la the and wu Utlotd the "ChtrT)' Coft ma1.i. &OCOfdin& to Dorolhy IM1'9. Cly Hall" T Bh• t• j uel u beMI· Oeorp) Tardle7 wtio bu the tiftLI u -•r. deconUOM Ut.&U.r comlnl" out A..KONO otMr ,.obta 4\M to ot Mr Mir . . , ta taet Ca.lypeo jeGi * A,,,..._ 8'et an OWck ~ bot.U.. m91Wll and w .. ~ l,..a. Lou&. Ital· ba .... pr.cUc.ally ta.k.--IMr ..... ... . ..... ~ hr-en.my MW "l'IOF)' 1'bwv"' .t• ..... .....-&ft. .&a. ~·· Car-ftN btib abon U.. BaJ' Wl.11._. .....:. .... Orut'• Nalu n . ~H: Did JOU know lb&l Jun.. damp'• -padl. John BtJI and 1';1by WUOOJI wtU IOOD XeUoa'• 11'(1 a I a r )I and l'tua d...-t Udo Jal• ln tayor of p...,_ ...,.., .A.6.mar. Alll°"I' the defte. u..tr fonner hom•T In hct ...,...... lllCOmlpal\11"1" th• •llora wW .,. Mort. Kt.U'• '°~ Vlaj•ro Ulq .,.. nally JuM. dotn1 a tum· - ..._ ~end-·• Qiall&nt about, for UMy ban alw-.ye apt 1 "" a Puad.na \crWn ~ tor week· ~ 9 . find ent•rta1nlt1&'. but ftO'll" will rr w u nm eM. t tin&" w1th ha.,.. a Bay Club aputmeat ,_ Jmn~ Bill J on• ud Jll• witell-flnde and ralllle Uletr pet"- wll• Bonn.le who hU .topped ott maftellt a d d r ' 1 e Paa4-a: a a t ti.. aalboa Bay Club t~ lundl· lo'rfll y IM'W conl.emporfl.17 a.o.e .,. 1aet J"r1dey a nd wer• bound whleh a r tlatlc Bill la ln lll' pro- lor ~ •board U'lf'lr pala· cem of dflfllptnl", Mardi I I.be Ual J'W.11.l K-:,tllfl.l\IL n,, pl ... V.'llco•'• are ott '"" N-OrMa.n.I. to tU9 tn the race te•llYilles at Ha•rt". P i rie IUld Swtt.Nrland. th• l(~ port and then rnil,. ~ V-0y1.ire , • . OVER A.N1> ...,_, • 9oulhra _l..,... unUI OUT CUSTOM HIGH FIDELITY MUSIC SYSTEMS • l et us show you how eosy it is t o ho ve the finest music in .. bus iness e nd y our home, offic e or et reosonoble cost. HARBOR HI· Fl l .fJJ NetopOrl IJ/i-4. (oppoftt• Citll' H rd lJ H11rl>or •i l l Rl-n ~ -M.oMc S)11t.fim:fl -Componm ta Throughout Brightest Africa with Dr. Giles T. Brown summer* .. 1956 From Cairo to t he Cape From Z&nzibar to the C.OngO 59 days l..t.a\'e New York J'unc 27. 1956 AU lnchwi\'e price only $2~95 For complete itinera.ry and reaervatlona C&U Giles: T. Brown, Ph. 0. or write:· ••• '4 1 l Cat.lin,a Drive Newport 8eact C.lifomia Liberty 8-6597 {• u 4:00 p.m.) lo .. -tl ..... -1 ... •"lu C4J '1-lo .&,.Lc...'ou.I-' ' Annual E Dorothy Gray NIGHT CREAMS 8peolal Dry-8kJn Mixture SH It -· ud .oft• dry. no•P -ened 1k.la. FstJ It -i11urm d1intJ ....,.. aroulld .,_ sad 1.....,.1. IC- r•u"rs tresr11rinJ your fo111plet ie11 1rid11he ri.-:betl c:ream ca"" • ...,...-,..1 , .... jtl .... ,., ··~~,, ··~~' C•llog•n Hormon• c,....,, -pwiflClt fw olLi• 1bat'1 -.. 1..n..c"' IM !161, £•trs·ridi -1.JJ.1., pl111 10.000 ..alt.& et .. ....,...;. ......_ litlp !irm 1frsd ios1our• ... s-till , ... , rlny Ii-. ..... ,,, •2•0 (~MM} . Crawford's ~ Fm> U _ ~llf4, sC::. O.Uve.y ~~. U S.1242 ~ • The Pn.cription Pharma.cy f or Th,. Harbor A.rM 1804 Newport lllvd. -In Ille Harl of Coola •- • • -- ... TALENTED BEAUTY -Lovely Dorothy Ledger, meuo-eoprano, Ua one of the a.rt..ista slated to appear in the Chapman College Artiat·Lecture aerieti of 1956. beginning Jan, 16. She ha.a just completed her aecohd coruiecutive year in the Loe Angeles Muaic Festlv&J wilh the Hollywood Stnng Quartet. Her Chapman preaen~lion wlll be Monday evenmg, Feb. 13. PEO at • . String. Trio Fi~ Ev.etit bf Sch9liu-ship .Benefit · ' . 0....-..,. ti.. E4car Sboland.... •. prbo pocbp ot Quharai •ttrOetloaa. u.. Cb•P"'"" -ot • iww-wiu open J ... u o.1' a.30 p.111. 1n u.. uw.· ..-i.. with the Shapiro-Oottlli!>-Beri<owtu ~ Trio. ~ ot tile-_.. wtU be .April t , ~ otr Wbolll &r. con- t« ~IPll.. acoonttq-ft. ·Dr. ......._,, ov.tlt.Mdiq vti.-. tn the 8holWu1. ,~ dinctor. m.w1o WOl'ld. .&..~ on tM . ooaotPWY 1 =e• w pnpaa wttia. _Kim' D.le.n 'lbMe Uaw topNPt .,,..ct•u wtll tat ai.pe•'e owa On• wtll be foUow"ed tio7 wortd tn .. .a.r; ~ .,.,... u.. lb4ripl 811'1c· owtpt J.io1W aM Mt GOlier tUm.. .. ....._ tbe dtr«UaD ol J..,.... "P~itk .A.dnnt--,,• Jaa. U., •d Iii. McltefT7. th• bM.UUh&I draaatie ~ ...... dep&.r'lln•l 0( dev.lopal•t .opran(o DorothJ .t.drcw. rM. ll.. al C>Apman ill eel»n,: ......,.. Hunziker Child Hlmsfil:er. Coat-. Kee&. are th• proud pa.rent. ot • be.by (irl bom J&n. 2 tn the Coron.. NaYLI Hoe- The I.Mid• .tor)' ot """*" the Nr.n Com• "'°"'" wt11 be (Taphlcally to'4 Kuch " ..,. a new11rnan In a p!MtUOfl to knoW- Leol\Ard Slater, lf-....Jr. M&C"a· atn•'• Loe AA1.i.. IN.-.. chief. He hu repruettt.ed N-.wMk, Tl.me M~ ~ HBC on .ame 1-------------"-pltal.. of the bll' -• ~ ot the p...t 10 yean, both hen and In tur<ip.. NEI....LA B&"ITINGD Loni' w1U be followed 'Y Pl.an- i..t. Nena Betunrer. 11.udl tl. t.lld hlll""p.ilchordillt, AXCle Ehler•. Andrews Birth :W:r. and Mr1. Robert A.o.dre._, 8()4 St. Jamea f'a.c1, Newport a...c.b. a.re l.be prQl.U'.\ parent.m ot a be.by a"irl born Ja.n . ' ln Hoa.c Ho.plW. ' DRAMATIC PROGRAM FOR BI FAMILY · NIGHT SUPPER A. p~ of dT&ma.ttc ~nl'a and pootrruo by Mrs. HoUy Luh VWI w lU be pr.-ent ed WeOnud&y '"enin(, Ja.n. 18, at UU moat.b.ly Family Nl(ilt aouppmr ot th• Ba.lb<J.. !-.la.rid Conun1m1ty Met.hodtat Church. Mn. Vtaei. a tee.eh.er ot aqi~ a.nd dramatic:: 'uta, r .. cenuy directed two l'l()lld•y relJ("klu• dramu tn the HarWr A.r"'a. The pf'Ol"ram be(ln. at 1 :ao p. m. The potluck .upper, Opt'n to th,.. church and comntunlty, i.. mchedu led tor 8 ;$0, ThOM pl&nnlnl' to atland the IUpper ~au.Id noUfy Mn. Franc!• RUey. Harbor 18~3-W. by TU...S..y. • .. ' '. IBEW Hosts First for Meet Annual Mesa Mission The !int annual meeting of the Epiacopa.1 M.ieslon of Co.ta Men waa held Jan. 5 in the parish hall of St. J ames' I Church, preceded by a potluck dinner under the eponsor- ahip o! St. Margaret'• Guild. I Th9 meeUnlf opeaed wtlb a pray'"° by the Rev. Wealey .A.. Haverm&le, cleen of the Long ~h exin .. oeatton a.lld r.ctor of the Church ot th• M-1&11. s..n.ta Ana. Mn . Clarenca McCoy WU e.lect.ed t.o Hrv• .. clerk fa. the meetln(. AA WAJLDEN' 0.,rg• De.Roulha.c, building com- mittee; Kr•. lllabel S!mpavn. chol!' llinctreu: M.r•. Robert Mil· ler, pubMclty; H. R. Hern:tr1,, head uaher and Robert P'tty. .upermt..ndent of the church ochool. ... Ooruielly read a letter from the blahop'1 of!lce etat1n1 that . •' .... . . • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I • PAGE l FlllDA Y, JANUARY I l, 1'156 roa •OOL atM:a. ______ ,_ ~ c:.l. .. _.. Col. Ni.ff (....,_ ... , . •I.Ml UlOI N-n lllvd. Co.ta 111... Ubony l!-Ml6 We Give & Redeem Crown 8tampa Group Santa Barbara ANNUAL MEETING Dean Havermale IUUIOWlCed the re-appotnt.ment by Biabop Jl'n.Dct. IDrlc Bloy or John Donnally .. warden tor 19~. Una.nlmou.aty r..- elected WllNI Th9'>dore J oh~ M clerk and La.nee Yarwood u treuw-er. Elected ... delept.N to the Dloceean Convention, which COnY'llll• Jan. 20 wen Mr•. ctar- enca McCoy. delega te and J ohn Teagle, a.Jtema te. l!!lected u del .. p.te• to the Long Biia.ch Con1'o- caUon.were Meura.. Robert Petty, Alex Muton and W!Wam Jl'laher and Mm... John Donnelly ao.d Henry SHiiey. Btahop Bloy wW m.et with the ~;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;:;::! M.liaaion coa(T1t1aUon Jan. 31 , at j. Ei.lht members of Cb.apter NQ P. E . 0 . were gue11ta of Mrs. Cla:dd (Gl.&dya Brothers) Hannon for the Foundel"tl' Day ~ at the Mont.ecito Country Club i.o Santa Bar· bara. beauutul horn' o"erlook!nf th• Th• .ia-. (lft\l:ei-9 and mllflY iult cour.e-, t he ta:nou• hln! r• ture and lh~ ocean and a.re en· Joytn1 ~ant.a Ba rbar... ao local frie•uU learned. l{Uett.a "''"" Jir-nt tor a pn:.>· 11'.'&.m ocipun.mora.Ung the beg!n- n!n'g DI P~0. 41& Mt. Pleua.nt. (('IWll, la J.;919. Onr "1'6,000 .,,-,.. men now wear t.bll emblem of th• cw,..mu.t!OD, • ~Id •tar. Amonc thetr JlloloA7 accqD1pl1ah- ment. t. .. ecNcat:lonal tund tor (lrla OC ..,.. 11 mWlon. th•r OWll coll•(• tn NeYMSa. Mo.. a mflm· orlal abrwr}' bl X t. Pleuant a.nd (tve.t' 108 lnlamatlona.I ..:bolar· ehlp-. Calttomla'e own project I• the baauutW P. E. 0. home a l .Alhambra. -11Wd at 5600.000. Mr. and Kr&. Ra.rMOD have a Family Gathers at Ring Home ~ 1'9C*lt bOttday pther- lnp wu • butfet llllppell' a t the Hadd l'Uaa' bom., Irvin• Terrace, ·•tth ~ ,-u.-. and member• of U. famlJ.y ~ tor • &Illa feut. Mr. and Mra. Kennfl.b Craft Jr. and daU&"hter Eileen. w"re over tram Phoenb: tor -evl!ra.I week8, '8tt J\llt attar the new year. Kr. l\b:r.I'• moOler and her h~, Ute 1-Bowen' of Oak· Jud, ju.M Mick from a c:artbbean crul... -re ,U.U tor •ftral day.. Othrt . ~ t.be PM'LJ' were Mr. alMl Kn. Klk• Roebwr, JeN- rt!"f _.t~. of C..Uop Pal"k : 8lll Nnt. ~ O"Obl U8C, and Ml••l.¥!a Stahler; Mr .. ud :w,... .A~ -1 M&· '"' e.. x--. Kr. e..nd Mra. Otto H<>elf, )fr a. Oordod HoWnpbead and )( r a. -w- ThOH who attended the ~fair tro m Mri!! were Ule pr~dent.. Mni. ~n Man,-ol d : M1M Eve· lyn Alvord -.nd M.mee. O. I!: Sailor•. M. A. ~rown. 0 M. p.t>ell. c. A. Bowan, E. "" WUUama and C K . Boardman Council Scout Plans Banquet Election and Mr•. T.-d Hanibr()(\k pA81ded at the Jan. a N ewport Harbor G!rl Scout Council board meeUnc at the Uttle Hou.e, her t~ -- lion an.. lhrM y.an .. , pr.I· d!!nl. Ptu. tor a b&.Dqu.t a.nd elee- Uon oC 11M061 orno.r. Jan. Jl were ditcu...O. e.n.d. committee., headed by Mn.. .Sidney Sanden, !lret Tice pr.adent were appoint· "' Nomlnatlnc . oommlttee 'Chalr- m-.n, Mn. lVWlam 8. Tritt and her co-workerl, kt:nee. r.-Nott, &bert Trembly • .Al Invla. 9mllb N_.Nrry and ltmMl lkhult.t. will lllfft Jan. 11. A courae ln troop carnpln( to be Mid at the Boout HUUM Jan. 11. 9:80 to 12, wu annouDced by Kn. C. Wayne Cn:rwl. P~t at Ula boArd meettnr were Mnl•. 8ldn91 !J,anOen. Ted Hambr«>lt. Neva 11.onuu Jack Qu!Mnber'ry, J ohn O.rUy. Ralph Wiicox Smith Newberry-. W. B. Tritt. C. W. Crow l, Everett Nu- nan, It. C . J)o&ne &Jld Arthur Remley. United Church Women Induct New Officers Mn. Glenn T . Wi!lin, ch&.innul of the Long Bee.ch are& for United Church Women, wu both gu~t apea.ker &nd inel&tling officer for l)few port Harbor grou.p which held il.8 annual m~ting Jan. 6 at Cornna dd Ma.r Community Church". Con(Tep Uonal. wv. l) t.Q• bUd("t. adopted aa l:UCT OVTIOJ:U pr-nted b7 Mra. Fo OOm. r1tlr· M r .. Cheat.er Fl•h.1r. ret1rtnc tni" tr.....urer; ;!) r.vt.lon &nd pru ldent. pre11ded at election of ~&r1dment or the coneUtutlon and officer• followtn11 the n'pQrt or bylaw• a• r~mmendl!d by KIM Mr1 R l1lh Allen. chairman ot tM El.al• Newland, rellrln( tlr•t vice nomlnatln( eommttt.e.. Named prMldiant and publicity cha.Jrman were: a.ad with re,.1-j coplN pr...ent.ed Mm ... Loyd T. ,.olaom ot S t. mt1mher• o! the ei.eeutlYe toe.rd; Andrew'•, pruident ; W. B. Wrt(ht, 3 ) announcement of th• annual St. Jll.lnee, "1ce pre•ldent: D . C . bwietlt t.., with a poo1l·Euter Wedeklnc. Harbor Lutheran. MC-d&te to b.. "t by the chalmian, f"fltuy and William Trutlty, Chli•t Mn. Wr1(hl. Church by th• s-. Colnlllunlly CouncU project. _,... review.id by th• followinc chairmen; Mrnam. l'Wl•. h-.d of !-he t-.chJnc •tatt Method.I.rt. tnuunr. OIVE ILl:POR.1'8 7 p.m. 'Phe Rev. John Parke or St. JamM' Cburch ottered the parlmh h.aU tor t.be mMlln(. Don- nelly utend&d an 1.nvlt&Uon to thoH preH.nt to bring thl!ir h161ldii t.o hear the blAhop. Sl. M.arpnt'• Ou!ld w ill n rve t e- t~enla followinl' the tneetinr. F'IR8'T OOl"FIJUlATION The f!rltl confirmation l.nAtruc- tlon ~· for the M l•lon were announced by Donnelly .to begin Jan. 16. He Mked t.hm.t lhoee ln· t•r•l.ed contact either Mr. o rt .. - ,... or hlmMlf. Report. were ma.de by the fol -AU children, fir•t throuKtJ lowtnc : L&nc" Yarwood, tn1 ... u r-fourth ~u. are lnv1 ted by Mni. er ; Mr•. Theodore Joh~. clerk'• Donnelly to join the M111llon report ln the a bmence of Mr. Cherub Choir. wl\lch w!U be or- JohMon; th• Rev. Robert A. pni-1 the ftrllt of -'February. 011-r 8r .. vica r pro t1m, cu 1--------------11 the m1ulon'• (l'OYl'th and pro- CT-: .Mr.. J ohnaon, BL Ma.r- pret'1 Guild; Woman'• Auxiliary of IJt. Jam .. • Church. Mr1 . .Jo- •eph Rlo-: Mn. John Teqli, "ObMt." 811ver Te& cb.a.lrman; Mra. lisll'J' 8Mley, ..A.lta.r Guild; Steffens Baby Almy PFC and Mn. Donald Vernon. Steffen&, eo.ta. Me.a, be- came p&renla Jan. S when a baby (lrl wu bom ln Coron., Naval Hoeplt&l. Mn. Welln •poke of the provam and powth of United Ctuln:h Wo- men and \ntrodueed Mn. Donald Pe.ker, delecate !'tom the Lone 8Mcli unit. to the ~auonal Aa· Mmb!y ot United Church Women, b~ld No ... 7-10 in Clnctnnati, Ohto. Of ~eekday RAlll(iOWJ llducaUcm: -------.--------------------:;..."; .~ ,:.:...::;:;:: CHAPMAN COLLEGE OFFERS EVENING COURSES raU.(1oue and rtlCl'aUon ~; P . r . B&lnee on retrM.t 0( South-,,.MANY Vil C&U!omJ.e. Uplted Church Wo- &EP011:1'8 lCEA-.0 Hl&'hltPUn( the yearly {9JIOrU men. held eac,....-yur at Mar Caaa. Chapman Oollep .,w 'ottu-28 eftftln( COUl'9e• beginn!Jll' ~~. ::~~ a~ ~(•th~ :::-aln~' ~~"': d~ tod&y by Dr. Buel F. Enyert, Evwlinl' cou1"9ee will be c1ven ln art, educauon, En<ll•h. Surprise Mekhers for ' Mn. B&lna• I• retreat chair-man for the council and Mn. hi.tot')', l&n.('uace, library, mathemattcm. mua!(:, phtloaophy, Wrt(ht i.. parUamentartan. pby9'eal tMJuc.UOlll, poUUc&.I mclence, ~ch.ology, f"flll(ton , on Anniversary MUSJO PROO&All bloloJ>', .eocloloeT, and •peech.. TbCI bwilneaa lnterlm fOllowed Cou~ otfeted lead to the be.chetor or art deci-or a luncheon aerved by mflnbera ot Uu.blnl' credenU&U, or both. th• Women·. hUow•hip of th• 1---------lr------------------ Honored with a. buttet dinner hoet cht1n::h with MT•. Georg9 Ir";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I on their •llflr weddlnl' annlver-Da"1•• u chairman. A m•lca.I Nr)' Jan. 8 were Mr. and Mra. pn>IJT&rn wU pr.,Anllld by M:m ... WllUam Melcher of N~ 11-8mlth. J . lAalle Ste!fenMn. Wal- ~d. The party, which Wh a tu Spicer and Miu Helen Spann. complete. wrprl•e to the couple. Mn. C..tleman Smith. chalr- wu ('l,.en by their eon Ted and mu for the d•y , welcomed th" dau(hter-ln-law, M,.., Larry Mel--.-mbly whlcb Included repre- cher. ..ntattvet or IO lo<:•I churche• Their 110n Larry t1 Ln th• Unit-and el.l'ht d•nornln&Uona u ref· ed Sta.tu NavM Tra.lnln( Center i.teAd by Mn. W. 8 . Hu~er, at San O\ef'O and ....... unabe to and •poke on Ula a1gn1tl0:ance ot We're Two Years Old! Help us Celebrate! I Saturday, January 1 '4 Come and hear Joe UttletleJd, "Rad Star" TV ptden apert talk on "Sh.ad• Tree•" at 1:00 p.na.-Frutt TreM a t 2 :00 p.m. Shrub• at 3:00. Brtnc your quWUon. to Joe. • Free (ltt.. -Cort•• C•ndt .. for the Cbiklrlft'I Many epeota»-%, otf on all btc" t reea. Ii gal. C.OCO. Palme. R.9c-S0.'6 Bpeclai $4.60. Bare root ellllde J'rult Tr.-I LOO to $3.90. CALENDAR OF '·EVENTS attend. l:plph-y. Trusty Son Born Gueata enjoytnl' th• dinner and Nut meeunll' for th.a rroup BAY NURSERY 48:i E . 17th SL ~LE BARGAINS -BARGAINS for W-al Wool Skirts and s-t•ra, R .. aed l to I Playclothe1, Sport1weer i OFF Dre••tw. Robel.· Boa.,,,,. .... amuom .... K Miwly Buplm .. Llqelte -···- For Girts, loys, & Me.1 ' Girla Dreeaos ........ KEDU<Jm .. l'.99, %.98. L• Wa.nt.s and Girla Pajamae A Gowns __ From .. Girla Corduroy J a.cketa ----lteg. 7.98 N-'-'II Boys A.Mort.eel SJX>rt.ahirtm --....:...----~--Now M Men '1 Sport Shirt. Ii T-Shi.rb. ~.,~on Closing Out! Men 's Khaki Work Pants ...... 2.tt YardaCJ9 Specials: ' 7i)c & 69c · Flannels ·······-----··-.. ······-···········-.'8 A Group of 98c,• 89c·, 79c It 59c Prlnta S yda. 1.00 AH«Md Slloe llortJalns ···--·-··-· .. ·~-1.tt AD-rm! No Green 8tempe OD 8aJe lle,......ndJee einert's DEPARTMENT STORE 1818 Newport J1mL. ~ - Mr. and Mra.. Robert Tru•ty. beautifully decor•ted cak1 were wlll be the annual World D•y of 2M )(.&cnQUa A..-.., Co•ta M!!llL Meur1. and MmN. Otck .Alle.n. Prayer. Feb. 11" at the SeYenth---------------1 are pa.rent.a or a aon born Jan. i UM &:hlmmer 11.nd Robert Albee da y A.dvenU1t Church. lliL 11 at HOA&" Ho.pita.I. H" Upped I.he o! Whltllar; l:dna Britton or Bel!-I ~~;;~~:;~:;:;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l:;:~;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;:::::;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;i"i::::::;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;::;!~;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;:;;;:;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;; ...... ;:: ,~ OF CllU!\CH.a .cale• at 8 Iba. II o•. Small Ila· flower. I.he Orville Parkhurela orl• 11:30 P· m . ln•t&JlaUon dtnner, tera Bandra and Diana &r. being P ... dena and th• On.nt McDoug- Chrlat Ch.un::h by U't11 I!-. c'red !or at lh• home of th" a.I• ol 81.,na M'&d~. Meura. a11d A.Mal.DUI Ll.l'MCRllON club-l'f'andpannta, Mr. e.nd Mr•. WU-Mm•. E. A. Burt Q/ ~epe(. lJ noon NBTC. Uarn Trulty. 12• Tuatln .Aw .. !or ('.an.ad&, Carl Coppin( of Mon· pt PHI BOOK ,..,,..... JO a. m. whom th• new baby I• tlrllt te, John Meter of CNt& and NBTC rranct.on.. W. ~· Merrill of i:h.1. etty. J... l• r1:;:::11111~~~~~~~;"---'-----.. ------~ CA.Lmp"IT CAMP • Au.. - T:30 p . m. Santa An& Le~on Hall. RORAC1l: ltN8fGN P ·TA.-T:JO p. l'I!. tn catetor1um . ..... 17 WOMA.N"S CJVJC i.-r.ie -10 -. m. Rip Bchool. SOROPTDmJT~ mf!et.. RARBOR DEMOCR.A TS -8 p. m. ffarpl!T" &:boot. Coat& Men. -" EBm..L PROOR.lll880RS 1 - ctn ... n.ma. bum i a. m. Rlchard'• m&ttr.t. Pfvl'"NIOrm 2 -Lunch ~y \Vllahlre. lour Mom 1on Temple: bua 10:30 a. m. JCBELL c~o ~. -12 noon. l!ttla clUbhOU81!. .nmtOR F,,.. C. - BT.AJt8R1GHT -12::\0 ., ....... p. m. R.J!:PUBWCA.N WOKl:N -9:30 ., a. m. vi. Lido 8oud N. D. G. W. -I p. m. C. M lAIPon Rall. 8. P. W. -t :~ NHTC llPlll.DN 81pna A.lplla -1' :30 "'"' . Uphols~ery Draperies Tbe ·Fin~ Cn.ftsmanahip Plua Fabrica a.t aoee-<>wt Prices Enablefl Us to Give Your Old Furniture That NEW LOOK at Altounding 1 Pricea During Uae "of! ...on" CALL US DAY OR NIGHT Liberty 8-MIS For Mtlrnal• or one of (>Uf' d«oratora "'111 c:&ll W1tb a.mple9 at }'O\I'° MlqU•t. aon w. 0out a..,.. <*'-"' -> N•rwt - .. CLEAN SWEEP SALE! e e e • • • FASHIONS at Drastic Reductions ! SAVE UP TO . . . • DRESSES 00Al'8 8&DIT8 SWEATERS BOllDJ .-BO!llEKY e LLU'BEll BANDIU.08 Last Two Days -Jaa. 13·14. 5•s LADIES' SHOES -DRESS & CASUALS 1195 Values. Now 4'° .• 6'° to Sllies 4 to 10, AAA to I • AllSoloo ....., lf• :S.S.+•·a---• NotAIS....lalvarllyle oi- ll'ltda7 Ile 2 p u- t :OI I "For Tlie Finest In C.ai•• enCI O.ildren'• Foot-er" 17th and Orange, Mesa Ce11ler, UllDll ...,,. • • I ' • PAVE 4 • r.AAT i -NEWpoRT HARIOR NEWS-l'RESS fRlDA'.1', JAN IJ, 1956 HALF·WO~LD OF . DOPE ADDICl EXPtOREO ·BY OONS .'flEPORTER ... Cotlly'a lew u .... u ..... llitW ·larH '. u°""""" d~nd ~ontln-to .a.c. -.. Lb. 18 M'! " ..... a&... aw taai u tv .. Oft. --*'--.... OOll......S. n.. ................... ,.. ..... -· ta Olup ..... ..,,_ - M•lm Tefft ShrJ. of .., l'SN1<Y ..... ...__ uat••wro. '(C89J" -• ftsm, .... y;..,..._ ...... •.w.11~-.. l -S.00 tab tar Udli -.Wt"' a1 m1M. ... ......._ el ,! • I .. t. A J.c.t M "•• poUwJo Jin'T , MomflJOIUry I dOO't Jaiow. bow lag" I'll M --tll -......... la ._. ._ talml Ina U.. Min• ---Q•d c.. -~ --... rw ""' °'"""' -· -.. _ ...... -··-· """ ........ r-{wr ~ -Jo__:p. .:r. J-.. ~ Jdm.-·to•: ·a .. !?1• at ... .N""PGl't llMQ ~,. ....-~ -cl U.. only W&J' .I lncrai .. ta Jl;A ,._ wu -· 11.lq. AJld. tor a P'AY lluik, the ,_ ,nipunar. ""-1 rtmmlbfl' cu. ii.Ip 0.0.. u.t ... .. u.. w.imoed _.., • .-;... llUAro. haw wu ~~ -mo 1n .iJ th tlatnp I did. 1Mp1,rO bud •b&tt 1'..Jo WI _,, M.ory, dlr9ctot al t:llit ~t al al· bWa and CIOIU. The .tctbn aid -Wd pt me eo doptld u,p oa Somehow, Uiqft Sot to bow CICIMUo bnwe,p e.OoL her ,........ ap&l'tm•t -. Uaor· "Coke"' that l didn't bow wbat U.. borrora .,d tbe, d~ 11\UU'o PWM-li ..c¥a oqhly rMMck., IA U.. hour~ ANAHICDl' (0CNB) -TD4ay thl• reportar l"UI. Into on1o ot th• 11109l fututlc and blood -cud· lhls atori• •ii. Ji-. .-eaeount- er.ct. a.a ot A..n&belm'a c:l.U..n._ who I• ai..o one ot the natton'• fonmOlt be.al play•ra. decided, alter )"M.l'S ot hav1a1 the "monk- •J on ht. ba.dt,.. lo underJV one ot lb• ~hul journey• In th• I WU dolnC'. All be had to do .U It )Md,a to." . oft...,. ......... Dee p w MW WU l'Oftl.. AIM> rru..in.---1:~ "" ti&. o,.r -d r d do It... '10 CSU1WB cany u.. pnytMp ot •:ng = l wiiii•ii._,iiiiiiiiwwu.iiiiiiiiii•iiiitotaliiiiiiiiotiiiiliiU>i;;;.~-~ JllTll BIO ~ "'WHn l ~t oat ru ro. to the liquor, tor ce.DCeP••lon ot ort...i.11 church -d I'll lM.Cb uy or all beer w wtn. Ham- DILIVE-IN BANKING -A apecial window for drive-in depoaitors la one ot many innovatkma at new U. S. National ~ in Coeta Metsa. FiNLt Lo try t.bia .ervice on openinr day were ¥n. Wm. L. St. Clair and her three aona (from left) Don&ki, 3; Timothy, .5 ; a.nd Dennis, 7 who are fourth generation native.s of Lhe Meu. Mn. Jeamie Ver Planck 18 the tE'ller in tt]is s pecial booth at1d the car is a 1956 Ford Sunliner fumiahedJ'or the occasion by ThC19 RobinM. local dealer . -Beckner Photo 4-Car Wreck During Fog world. Tt\11 journey ha.ck rrom the halt-world of the do~ "6dlct Ac• Kont.romery 11 l.n, a rut ho'™' ~. H• ltnow1 UMr.'1 a bdllaob ro&d ah.ad, ()O~ f\Ued wlUI ailent 1o1:ream1 •nd se•rtni:" n•rvu. But be doNn't care.". He'• 1olnc to do It becauae, a• ht 1ald, "I "In the rn.uume l wu hlttmc lhe blc ttma wtth biC-M.l'IV ~ but I ... O.peadent on Bb&plro tot m1 dope,,111pply and ba 0- ll. J ..,.. .. under .b.11 thumb tor atx 1KrW." H• looltld a t -. a ar- doftSc half-emll.9 on h1a tac.. "Rlrtlt no.,.. J'm knoclled out - I 'm kicked. l 'm c oUit to "cet m1 head &hru11k" today but I wanted to tell you my at.ory flrllt. l know you'll teQ the people the truth. Thea• teenaav• wa.Jkln1 a round have rot to b4l helped." love theM: kldl lfer1 In Ana~ Ha u:plalned lh&t lavln& "your helm!" Tears rolled down htJI hea d lhrvAk" iT.ea.nt 1 01 11 c chee~ .. he went on, "l .ee throu1h the Mire. Hl1 doctor, he thea k\.dl walklnc around the aald. plan. •hock treatmt.nlll at 1treeUI .uid J know lh1 oner that t1 1'11t. 'rhil. and ~ othl'r ma.n- •re u•r•. but n1e. the w1y J a.m . ne/'11 ot 1.ree.lmellt ire tnvolvl!'d 1 1 c.U.'t do anythLn&' a bout It 1 I In hartni-"your htlld ahrunk" know who lhe pu1hel"'I art', theyl KJl:t:rs l.'r Mt'MIC t"ume right up to 111y rront door - try1.n1 to 1ell me th.air 11tutf. r I h.aiJ one QU1!'1\1Qn myMlf. I h&t..e Uiem t J hate th• whole dirty "How dld yuu ma na.ge to keep up ••c.ket but until l 'ni nM' U1e 1turr wilh your :nusjc vdth all th!• I e1.n't do a.nylhlng: •bout Jt!-taktn.c ~ lf!Uch ot your t!me ~·· 11 nJ·ures One I GOOU ... " ••K ,,::.·~~:,•-:Jo; "..~~~m~~; i 'I'm • &ood .... ploy" Dow "· ""'" wtU; U oool H~pton, Leo beat ra tea me •• one of Ul,e ~at Brown, a.nd mo.t re<tently, Cha.r-1 A fl)IJr·ca r trattlc 1cc\dent took I In th• l"OW\try" He bald out hi. Jey Rey In Long Bea.cb. I've lived plac• 1r1 tha r.c1nt 101 at N--banda. "S " my r1n1er1 • Sea Ul1 Ln rear. Sh•p!l"O ll!d he would get J>•>lt Hl,·d i nd P1 haade1 Road ca llouae. • 1l'lat'• from yean of I me It t aver breathed a word I 1nt•·r,...Ct1u? bt>l on ly one rn\nor hlttlnr t.l!:OM atrtn11." Ha Look9d •bout CtUcaro but you 'ill'on 't prtnl •niury w11 reported, Co.ta Mu.a up. th<!' tlol.1'11 •t ill tn h1I ey ..... I I anythin1 th&t might get ma"'k.ill· ! s1 ld even play my baM at church. ed You won't name any £Of the I An 11uto d rh·en by Kenneth You'll probably Lau1h at m• when Jnbi I wu on. y know you won't M•f'vrl H11r r111. ol 2372 SW Al:ure I l•U you that I'm a Junlof' chap-r o to Lh.e cop• etther. you're a Ave , Santa A~ H•l&'ha, w&a la1n i n a chW"Ch in 1'"'\i.l.Ltrtotl. real c•t r atarted haUnr cop• tn tr•velJnl{ weet on PallMdu Road. "M1!" He potnttod at hlmHlt In SLn Pedro." HJa car 11pp11.renlly •talled &a he dltigti.t. "rn rot to Uek the h&-"I w.. pl.dled, up u..r. .. a. atlernpll!d tu t·ro.1 th• N~rt b!t for r ood. You don't bel11TI1 1u~t on a robbctry ch&rrL Blvd 1ntera.rc uon. me, maybe, but I won't 1n bl.ck. \Yell, f had nolhlng to do ,..Ith H11.rr111 was •bit to nair down I God k no,.., I won't r o back!" Ha the robbery a.nd they fln.ally b&d 11. ca t r1n ¥en north on Newport ..odld th.at hf''• Htollsad by the to let me'&o but not bd°"' they I Blvd by T!'d Harold McGrath ot kld1 arourid thl• art& &nd can't h&d torn my c lothea ort iny back 81• W Qo:,,.n Front. Newport •ta.nd UM bypocrl•Y or lha wboo19 and acraped my flllgeni.a.J.Ja and Bea<""h. but 1 vl'hlclr driven north du.!. .toena.111." , by l!:".r;~nr Ii Albr1 11:ht ot Peoria, NOT MAI NLINER I Uk4'd why they had. \o du llt , ...,.ll,. 11n,.blt tu 11top A cha!n Rollins up hll i leav .. he ih.ow· thl1. ~::;::;; ~~"~n ~:~:~"'1R1~~k:~r1:~ ed m1 frl'..Jl needle m arka ln hl• . 1.rm1 ''I'm not a 111&1.n-lln~r. I INTIMATE SCENE FROM 'RAINS' !b:v C h11.r le~ Wllll11.m Euterllnr of dont r o tor lh•l 1tuff." Pi.nally, Richard Burton •nd Lana Torner share r o"1•n•e ut .. ,.nh-.. "~7 W RPrna ro! !'!! COl!ta ~le.I, 'he a dmitted that lhe hard 1tu!f 1,.1,..., ,,.., nmin11: 1n¥<Jl vl'rl he !ni·ect-1 w•• oplun; ••d It w•• 1haklnr dlmen.tlotl• In 20th Cl'nt oty-Fox c1nem1acope •J-"" Alb h r ..., ..... -· -, r l• 1 •pp1til'ntly 111 fl'rffi • hard to 1et, "I've been on It tor tacular, "The R.11.!l'UI of Ra.nchlpor," upen1ni: Sunrl•y Rt 1.1•1<> n11n nr rut nn !hr for~h<l'&d •~ re-HI ye&ra. Alway• re!t 1 couldn't Th-tr.. Tal• ot mOdem I.ndia !llao 1ta.r1 Fred ,\111.l.'Morra y. I ~u!t nf rhe I< rutrnt but refu9e-d pla y w ll.hout 11 " J~ Caul!\eld, Micha.el R'nnle ~d Eug .. ni .. V..,ntOVl(h. trel'tment A<:I' !1 only 12. Ha 1Urted llfe ---! Ln Ch1c1.t;o and w.. rear-.:i ha • Mix n nr or ~ to play m-...c. l'or nolh· ln.a'· l don't .-.at aaJtNnc out of IL You've ju.it rot to bllleYe me WUn I •y that &U 1 wiut to do le hfllp!~ I've trt.a ~ "CWW-' be-'°"' -.JI l .ant to do .. ~p !°' H• wtped ht. ... .,.. aero. bi• •)'M. "1 ou.'t I~ u.ymo~ J19Y- cho •t.l'da. J've been ln allF:-N- Ywk. Chkaio, Lofte Beach, Ana- heim &Ad iMnt& A.aa; uw,,..·. a.n.- otlwr oo. .Olll• pi&o. but 1 e&n't tJ\lnk w!ur• rl1bl now. l'v• b4et1 In t.b.a cne 11::1. Sa!lt.a Anl. alJ. ...... .. Ac• M y1 all h want. to do la lj91p. ~•II, only Urn• wtll tell Kicklnc' lh• do~ h1.blt i. no .oft touch a.nd I t.h!nk that Ac. Mont· &<>m•ry linow1 thaL BuL 1.n•r meetlnc Ui!~ 1111.n. I know he'• tdck 1.nd lltrd ot the whole rotten bullln-. He Aid that U.. new otf--11 IJc.i-. would po& PtOO, oom- pend to the U0.000 that tnrui- ,.... ca.t tn lha OQW:lty at tM pruant Um•. Prevlou.l.y, Monro prof'OMd a lottary lo determine who would reel.Ive tha now ott-...i. uc.n- IOUCht. On the ba.ata of pop.i.la· tio.11 lncreue. hi -.Id lb• df!J*rt • rnent ·could i.-i.1 09 n-orf-aale cenera l llcenaea evui attu h11 p~ u:c.Ju.n1e hall. bean ef- fected. "No uU.f1rtory method," hr M.ld, "hu been devl.le.:I tor de· Lermlnlng which of lite •pplu:llllt• ahouJd r.ce1 ve licenl<!a to tha eJL- cltalon ot other ehai;1 ble11 He pointed out thet tl'le ~ll· ch&.ne'I woold meet .. Uqi;e pa rt or the demand tor off-u..le I!- But, .. I aid bet:ore, only t !11111 c•naM, redUce t.l'L9 pnce. Lnd per· will tell. n1lt the deputment. 1! It Mod.I a1t Norton's CAPE COD H 0 USE . --OPEN For Bus iness Friday, Jan. 1 ltti Houn: 5 fo 9 p.m. Closed Thursday • • 11861 Harbor - In Gardem Grove Opem 11a.m.to9 p.m. u.Dy euiept 'lb.unday $135,226 County De Roo Makes ~m";';'.'.:,, ·;;"";:,'.'.; .... "'..., ";';";;! Share of Use Tax Lewd . Act Plea :~dp~l~~~&'u~h: =)I w::~.ev:; ~= .. hi. ,.f WI& dOlnjj: all rlJht", Robert C l<lrkv.·00<1. sta le con·: t railer, tod1y atJ\'1aeJ \llul Orange Thtn he n1et Chlca,io'a leadlnc J'.&ng1ter or tha da y, Jo. Shapiro . 'He w11 the hlJ IJi'.U l bootl•rau In Chlcaio durinJ Ula aarller day1 or prohlblUon. Ha took me u.nder hlao w1n1. 1 wu 17 t.h.n. 1 He STtnned.. "J can -. 70U're not hep. "He Pplatn.4. "You have to "ma.nlcure" rn.ar!JU&n.L that LI, ml.& It wtlh your tlftC'l!'ra. ln dolnS UU. the atutt irata und• your n&IJ.. Som• bop-heM!1 mll 1t with th.etr toe• t.ry1.nc to avoid ~ttln1 It under their tlnlft'rn&.lle In c ... '7f a ahalr9dawu, But thON rop.11 know all tha trtclu. Well, wheo they pick~ ma up th•y C01Jldn't Pf'O.. a robbe.ry charl"I but they k:nl!W I WU a "J\D'lll:le'' .o they really worked me over.l ~'==========================,,!1 Tiiey r1pped my new '~ Jacket r11'hl otf me. tore the aleeve1 O\l l 1 t the ahoolder .-ma and ripped the llnln1 oot. They didn't find ~O NEW -Pat ~ ol lllatjori• Hale •tud6o. IDOCklli P .. IY Hunt U.. ol. multi -colo.r !lora.1 prlllt. Plctun WM la.ken ti weekq n-lay tUhlon .now lunduon t•tUNd at Johnny MaJIU1'• Barbor Houee, Coat• M...._ -Don .&u.h Photo ~ANTA AN A. !OCNSl-W llllam (;,.,.rlJi'.•' l» Roo, 21 , of 110 8th CoUll ty ""'tll rC'('"rlve $130:l26:l\ IUI St Se"p<•rt 11 .. 11ch [),.r .10 pleall· L ~ 1h11.re of t he $5,1'~7.812 "' hl,.;h-e<1 l!\'Ullty to commHttnr a lt1wd way u1e rs taxu •pportlonPd to vi un • juvenile .r;ld the countlu in l)c.'("ernber j H,. ent<'rim hl11 pl<"a Qefore SU- NEt highway U11era taxr!I for pt-r\11r C-01.1r\ J11'1i!•' John Shel' m onth ending .'<o" JO 11.rnounted har•. to $2f .877.l3I •nd wert apportion-I Af\Er 1A;Cept111¥ the pl-Judl'e ad In Dtec."mb61' u r0Uow1· 1tate l!lhea ln1utot.ed aeK paychop&lhy highw1y fund for l'itlea, $2,:mt.· procedlng-.'I 011 Ct Roo He ordered 107; counttee, $!1,7!17,Rl2 ; and it.flt~ two doctora td ~Kamlne Uie tlet1nd- laicbway hmd for hl1hway1, $1!\,-11.nt 1nd m•ke .. reporl Ja.n. 3f. flll,212. De Roo 11 char1~d with lll• Bike Found ntfen11e Dec. 14. He 11 in Cl..Wltody, ln 11f'u of $1000 b11I . A r trl'1 blue and wf'ille blkf' w11..1 abandoned ln front of ,. vR- cant, house ln 2100 block or O;:ean Jl'rout, poUc.:o were 1ntom 1Pd recently. The bike wa1 1n1pou nd- Vega Dau9hter Here A baby g irl WU born lO Mt. and .\lrl Hlrhard Vega, !:129 Mon- r ovia Ave .. Coal& 1'1 r u., in Ho1.4r od. llt•~p•tal Dec. 26 afare LODGI AMD lllTAUlANT 8Jt0\\'PLAt 't': 01" Tiii: COAST Every Night r)fNNER SERVED 5 p. ni. 't.il m idnight COCKTAILS -4 p. m. 'Lil 2 a. m. 12 Noon Saturday & Sunday Special Sunday Buffet 2 'til 9 p.m. Big Grand Opening! DICK'S HORSESHOE 2394 Newport llYd. l..llU:ltTY Costa Mesa HOUSE WITH ALL THE FOOD 1'-119l 11 -1 DANCE 8110...Y aad .llJUfl"S WESTON IAND OPEN THAT GOES WITH • • BEER 1.11y dope.'' H• mlJbld. "A fr1end of mine 1 • ' .. . ' . • • ~ [') --!_~'1 1oui_,~u o ~-·. ·' ""· •• ' :,,;;: m..o&Eo MONDAY•_. WLNta:a l&A.80N Ol'fLY For retlU\'&tiom -Harbor 2'728 Fashion Show Every Tuesday 12 :30 p .m. Buffet Luncheon Next Tueflday Eilrene'• Jo-En'• Brit Shop $1.25 Cloeed M.1nday111 Pruent.ed By Marjorie Ha.le . St'udio 2260 H&.rbor Bou\~\·Rrrl •~ta ~ie.a. • Lll>P-rty 8-~43 , l I 0 r:. -:.. • ·, NOW SHOWING MONBl'.ER _..,._NM · mu nuon · -.. .. .wx IM'.lD ,__., llJOJ M. fRCSCO .. MARM BCAKElfl'-r 1 ---AU.-. Al...80 THJS BIO FEATURE Ann Bruter, Jeff ChUldlcr, Rory Oalhoon ... ,,_..;'THE SPOILERS" ......, .. 1o. KID'S MAT. SAT. 1:46 "WAIL OP' TllZ WO&LDS"' STARTS SUNDAY 8111tin1 Ille lltod'311s of llllOU. ... sialllrilll 11 barrilrs of race ·•d tille! APO RT -;; ... '. COAl}NA DEi. MAil tlAll/lt'A/819 , NOW SHOWING "Good Mornin9 Miss Dove" Color by Dt-hu:,. lo .ClnrmaScope -Plua - "The Livln9 Swamp" NOW SHOWING F.~'D!<l SATURO.-\V At.80 A,_ \\'()~St: Ot; CAllJ.O !o\CHAJI\' l'C'OTT "Flanw of Th,. l11larK1 " ' • ' • .HA.1101 ,. , NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I .,,PAGE 5 FRIDAY, JANUARY ·13 , 1956 SAN FLYING BERDOO BATS DOWN HORNETS IN 57-46 HIGH GO ruu..ERTON, (0CN8 ) -Runntnr Into a 1p&edy an4 ah&rp-PooUns 8&.D Blmardlno V&lley J C team 'I'Ue9d&J ntcht proved dl ... lrout fOf' Fullerton'• HorMta. Coe.ch Alex Oma.lav'• YtllO'\ll Jacket.a frll to Ray 81.Ue'• lDdlana ln the MCOnd Eaaltm Conference claah Oil Ole ae•· aon,, ~7 ·46. The lndl.&n11 led at the half, 26-2!. Fullerton nenr led l.r1 ll'le aecc:.tcl period. Froln t.he floor, t.hti Home;t. attl'mpt.d 83 ahot.t and. made Just 18 for a field goal pe!"CWlaf'• mark o! .286. TtMO \'ictorioua Indian. flllh1hf'd w i th a n1ark of .3i4. lJl other clreu.lt game• P"rlday ntrht, Sula Ana. !eU to R.ivenide..13·72 1-()d Clla.!!ey wu bl!aten by ML SM! Alltonlo, fG.07. COST RASH ·YOU t~G BUCS AT FUllfRIOR. T1>NtGRT Oranl" Cout CdWce'• rub "'°"' S.... plan to nm and ball-hawk I.be now·taniisbed ~ Hornets dlay t.onl8bt In an .aort to ._at the u~ pu!Jed. oa u... Eut.eft\ C..,nfenmce cap favorite. by San Bernardino. aw.c-AN CO&ch Stu Inm.u Diave Bldnldr. th&t b.a.t bMb. ,.. will Uuvw ~ do9~i'IOl at· 9P011.1U•i. tor tae tine NOOnl o1. ta.ck , ~ .. tor qqe ~IA l! 'riotortu "*' but thl"M 1ome1 th• RJverllde loop opun. ~t -pO.d b)" u.a Buca t.b-.a tar the J1vaJ• abortly &ft.er tip-ott lhla --..on. Um• at 8 p. m.. In Hornet gym. T'lli. attack ~t.u.r'99 1-:i Bill 1n1oea aod M a 'f.a Horn. Who.M tan4*1<-'1111Cket •UC. tn the Rlvtn!M 1am• 4".tded tha la- IU9 frw tM Pln.tM u T1pr Cen· ter Jerry Dueker 'll(U completely auned by the brlliaUl&' pMr. H owever, It bu bean. the a.r· rn-tv., duhins' pla.J' ot the )lleM.mft!,, lad bJ' ball • •t.Mlln1. hl&atllq petui1 J"l1.SP9trlck and Sunset Melons Bounce in Form Revense fM a pHvioua Uck· J.Qg by 0.. Hom•U will bli lb.a iD.'*1t ot <>nr.cp Oo&at'a rr.-. ma.fl loaded outllt tonJfhL ~ p9d&Uy Upwl ~ lb&t lh17 doW'D9d llaa Bt.rdoo 82-60 ln the Chattey toumamen.t lhJa ...on ln a doUbl• owwt::ilDe thriUer, Obl7 lo fall bdOA P'Ullarton the ne:ir.t nlrbt T1-4t. Inman'• llt&rttn,. crew o( court swaahbucklen wW Involve tbur treahmen and one aopbornore ag-a.in.t the H om..tlt. The tTO&b ar• Vltspalrlck, top Pirat.e ec:orer with 221 point& ln 18 ouUnp . IU\d Don Minion at th<' rullrdl wtth Bob Chapman and Jeddy Ope:n.bll' SUD.Ht Le&l'Ul!I vare.t.ty Young u forwardl. Lone aoph i. buketba.11 •t&ndinp AQpnred to Van Hom In the po1t poalUon. Pect-itc.t to ah•re In th• !Sue actJon ..,, TN O>ulta.. SW. ~t.M.I and ..... ~.,,. W. L t.-.ll. L I!.. Cain.o ISS E. 17th St. Costa Mesa SQUEAKER MAY Tar C's Win But Broken Thumb Benches Fontius be rumrinl' pretty much to pre-Olher capAble performt1r. u - dtc:'ted form Ne'WJ)Ort Harbor. I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:; P'uUerton and A.ll&b•1m were I 1 Tuesday'K squcalr.c r 37·36 triumph over Santa Ana in the Nt>wport Harbor High SchoOl'a C basketball Sunset League Op€ner on th,.. rival court may cost Coach Bill Str1tw's charg~ a. chant•c for the championship. For high I •coring Fur ... ·11r•I John Furlllu• r11pla.c1 Fontlua t or however m.a.ny I Mufftre,! 11 br"k .. n thumb in th., :a.me~ Lhe able lad will mu.a .,.1th de&dJocked tod•Y tor t lrst pla<'e I v.1th on<o1 vlcLory •ralnst no de- feat•. lo aecond pl.a.Ce were OrBILi:~ Ga.rd<'n c;r.,vo: llnd Sant.a A. ri 11 \•1nh no ... :1n11, one defeat . llunl- 1n[l00 Bea..:h dr.w a bye 111 llr!lt da y'• eompt<UUon. On Tue.day the Sailo r• tr11.vfl to F'\lilerton ror the fray t!llpecl· ed to deo::IO. opeatn« round leader w the l!loOP· Other ,razne. al•ted a t th.lit tune 11end the P ILnt her" to ~anta Ana M!i:I the Ollens !o G aNie.n G M:>T1!. Bye for Sailors I I final thrr.f' mlnut~ ot play ~ I J im Jf'We.ll. putting Raynvxid San- ~tore thf a Cf'lr!enl Lvok F nn ·1 ehe~ Ln I.ht o~r forward •pot. tl1.1.1 from thr f ray, hf' nabbfd 1"hal will UU'ow lha l.&lly burden high ..r.ire hunor• with ""~"" !i.,\d on Taylor In the pivot pott. i.;u&l.a llll~ on., free llirow fur 16 The Ullng that ma!'.lll Lhe acore SUMCl League caga tavor1tf I poln~. Hi" T11.rba be &eurinJ tvdn. clo.e wu the foul ah<>ta;. Whl.}e F ull e rton traY11ls to An&hetrn CharHe Taylor, followed with 12 Lha Sailor C'a coUected Only 3!'J ...,·hJJe O r1U1ge hoal..I Gartlen G ro\'t El'e.nlnC' markere ma.de on four 10&1& and per cent, ll out of 31, Ole Saint-tonight. Newport Jiarbor draw• II.I 'til 7 P . IL HOT ACTION IN PIRATE VICTORY Above, Big Bill Inloes (33) a-pparently get:; a pal on the bead from Rivernide'a; Jerry Dueker, Tiger ace, as he lets go with a hook shot. Below, potent Pirate Denny Fitzpatrick (22) goea \ligb above Ducker for jump shot. -Staff Phot~ • quartet ot lifl t-• let. hit for 83 per cent. 12 out' :~Y~•~· ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~:t:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;~:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;::::;::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;::;:======~ Straw Mid~ ~uld prot:i&bly of Ji, The Joe.al Jada were netd ----- goal deadeyea in the aeicond half llller ahowtng 11 33 ptr cent aver· age prior to ln terrn1Mioo. They rllll up a 66 per cent perform.an~, .corlnc f1v1 budteta Ul ttlne a.t-WHA' HOPPEN? Jesters Jive with Kids in Casaba Show Points Hung Up by Pete Important It wa..~ a f ()(k1 lhlnf for S-.n· r!aval'11 Ca.rd1nal1 that Pele Feath- t.nlpl..I. Tar JVs Jostle Saints, 44-27 H C>ldlng lh• opJ)Oo'ltlon to a murer ..ven·poO'lt lleCOnd halt, '"r11ton wu on Lh" tetrn when Co&ch Ju.lea Gl.«'e'• Newport Har-. the eighth lfTSde baak,.1ball lntfll-bor junior "aralty captured Ila H1hu 1vu1 g.:nnjpl' on W~n! the .,_ n A , ..,_ 8 ,,._, "•--g•-• r-mur11l1 ope.ned 111 ~rbor co,y1 ~,.... ---.....,__ ...... .~ .. ordar .,r bu•lf!•••• In Ncw purt C y SanL& Ana hera Tueaday "'-%7. Harbor H ii,:h Sclu~ir II""' \\'e.-\· luh T\1e.9day t1le .corBd N V<"I\ poln\JI, anol lh•l waa a ll Lilt Carda Th• aha.rpehOoC:2nC of F orward t n.....i .. y n1g h1 w111l pr.,..,nt11llon nf 11:am,.re<1 u 8,,12el'a Red 8 0 :a Don Babtr9 and the tlOOT game ot en a n11u1ng i;11rne bcarui..-remotf ~u<k "•I ••m •2•7 Gu&n1 Stan 8ehonee ,sparked the r.-.,.,u1bla.111· .. a '" b11.11k .. 11.N:i ll It wa.:o 8 t:if:nf'l ll <'ulllt'dy (tO I Hl\lfl1n1e 11~<Jr~ t11voretl Lile vie-JunJor Tar quintet. •punlKlr"d by lti.i l,.•r 11,,ye' Cluh tor11 18·1 <•plain Ho b Se1ge.I Local llCOl"er&: Babbl 18. JefTY HAPPY NEW YEAR! ! ""-All of Us to All of y OU Open .l.owlin9 Monday thru Thunday, 9 a .m. to 6:30 p.m, 10:45 to Cl0slnq AH Nic)ht Frida~ & Saturda~ Day & Night lowlin<J Stmdays VAN'S BOW·LING ~LllM'tng lh~ Holly.,.·v;;t Jellltr~. !lp.arke<I thf lted !Sox allack W'llh Kemper 8, .I.rt Bm!Lh 1, &ch~ " 18 po!nl.i!I. Othtr 1eorer1; J 1rn Mc-7, Bob Allen l . J ollD Lewi• ~. 1705 Superior, Ooeta Mesa BILL KLOTZ, Mgr. lJberty g.5292 a team boa•l•ng the llt:rvice• of no l'"-'111 ~'"" !our 1>•-memben1 ut the ramou11 Htt rlern Ulobetrotter11. But prob•hty lhP oppo11i tion wall Ula tnOtlt 111Artlinl( th111!{ about the a ctlv1lle•. t.1ah.&n I~ Toni Grah1n1 6. DUI i°""'==-H=u~bb=ud:.:..:.'~· -------.'..'============================================,::J Kennedy 4. Dueker Dunks 36 Points as Tigers Rip by Dons. 73-72 frft throw Mid the ball p.mVw1111 over for the Don1 •ho gave tile T'lpra the ec:are of their ltYft with the bTlll lM!t MICOnd hair comeback. V<JI TTJI MO\ Y.~l t::ST A ll the H1rbor Bt:iy11' Club team11, rron1 th .. v.· .. ~~11t peewee performer or eil{hl to the Double· A hlgn 1:1ehool pl11yl'r 11, tangled with the (')f'V'l!t opponent.a at one lime o r another. TalOng the floor "' tip -off thne lll("'ln.111 th,. jlv\n' J e.!llt't·s v.·1.1 ll Double-A 1p1in!~! compo11ed <if Bill Lamb. Ono P letl"I!, G 1 l etuirp, Wa!t HO"l'llld l\O<! l.arry Lynr h. To Sh11rp wf'nt thr honor of 'coring-lhl' Rrn·11· <'lub'11 Io n<' flrrt hlllt b ul"k <'t ·In the :wcond quart<'r. Wah An<lersrrn i;arnl'r~ a fl"t'f! throw """ r1nally bulg)' .Ietll'r ball·p11lmer T om Smith t ook pity on lhf' IO<'lll lto1$, who lf'pl dfm!nl11h1n~ In 317.1' 1u1 half· t1n1e 11 ppnlac'h•.,,I, 111111 )11ld onf' in the wron l(' hoop. 8f:t.:Kt;T \\'f'..AJ'O:o;' l t w~ til lh11 point lh11 t Coarh !tort M11r!\1111i nn rf'veRlcd th,. Boy11· Cluh ~r1 ret we11.pon. He "". 111gned 11 q1i.11t"t nf p.-.ev.·,.e11 artec<' lo "'1u·h n1rn1h,..r of the Je!lera, 11.nd talk 11 bnul b,..11 l"f}ll· t rol, tho~ 2!'1 H a rhn r f!.reR kiri" aln1 ply "Wllrml'd "1 1 nvrr that ca1111ha. ~<.~pl for on" b11trh nf f lvl' ,)'nung11ter,. a1111!!(1'1ed t" 1r1111 rrl Jar kle Y,'hlt" Thl'V h"rl Ir. pur- llUI' Jar kle up Into t h" blf'11rhf'r,., You """· Whtte h1HI IPrt th!' rourt aru1 ~ne up t.o \·1~11 W1t h the fan ... Anft t hrnui;hout the acllon f ~ f Je9tP.r Bill LortlNJ m11.rle w I th In other game• Tweddtll'a Pi· rlllet!I puled Chalk'• While Soz Jll-32 a nd Huber'• Brave• bu•tt<I PeN!2'• Giant.A l~-26 . Scoring run!.lown : Plr'at.M: Brl- a.n Luca/I zi. Jel'ry Quee;ner 9, \Vayne W11deking 6, Ron K.Jrby 2. \Vhlte soz : t.ee OU• 9. J1rry Hehn 8. J im Chalk 7, 8111 A r m- 1lrong 6. Tom GUbert 2. Brav&e: ~ t eve RoblnllOn 12, Tom Huber 12, Manual Ce.11111.U 6, Dick Rapp ~. Giants: Cl~nn Mil· Ler 10, .,tohn Slnk!e 7, Gary l!:v- 11na 4. Ted tladdocl1 3, Dave P .. re:r. 2. Ensign Team Cage C Triumphs Coach Norm Stl11well'• H or•e&: E nsign Sc:honl C bRJtkclbllll quln· tet Wetlnead•.v cllptun!d f\r.11t round rr11,y ln the Sr.al B each Ele- n1entary S chool caio:e toum11ment, dek•ling thintJni;ton e .... ch'a JUnior high fle11wtiio:ht~ by Rn ov• erwhelm1ng 47-16 Mon> Kent Hodgaan pal'..d Uie :O:ew- rorl Be11r h atl&l'k, accounllna for 9 po1nl1 on • pil!r of tll!ld goals !Intl rivf tree lhro111,·a. G11ry Curti.i 11dded 8 m11_rker11 for the local l11r!!'I with four field go&-1•. Other En11!2n talller11: B 111 Freuhllng, one fl'oal, one g irt to1111. J. Norm Carl•on. one i <>al, 2. Oit'k ButterworUl. two l{CMti&, ont gift, '°'· Jirn BuUer. lhn!.~ iroe-la. 6 : John Hu&hea. tvoo guaI.&. 4, \Vayne Ooutv11.n, two goal.a. t : IUVl:RSlDE, (0CN81 -A l 1 but counted out early In the aec- ond tialt w!ltle Mhlnd by 18 p()lnl.t, 8Mlt& Ana College'r Don Buketb&!letl rot.l'ed back wlth a lhrilllnl' rwh in the pmt'!I lut •CCCNl.lh at Rlver•lde Tut-'ClaY nlcht. but ..uccwnbed to a 36 point oulbur1t hy giant Rlvtr&ldt1 Tl~r Cmtfr Jr.rry Outktr. Tht final !ll:()re wu Rl•·,r•lde 73, S11n- ta Ana 71. -TTHI! lOll" lo Rlvrr11lde gav' thf' Don1 • rf'COrd of on• win an•! une loaa In Eaal•m Conftrenct pl11 y. The Don1 ho11t Ult tall IUl•I tal- entf'fl Camp Pl!'nrlleton ~1111·1n t-' al Bill Cook gym Il l 8 fl nl ta· nlcht ln • pr~lk• tLIL magic ltickll •nd Dnbble w .. riutUnx on one-n111n exhit:i1tlon11. Jim Cottman. thre(I goah~. e. Young I---------------·' Colder than l h 1 proverbial maclter&J In the lnlUa l halt, th• Dona ........ bdllnd by .. s point maiytD at halfUme, M to S3. On!y a -1.• of WCC'l'Uf'UI f'nle uuow. by Don .-Orward .Ilm Stutl17 lltpl U..m that dOM to the JU....s.61 nw. Points by Post Provide Ensign wlttt n:14 Win ~ by J"t:>nvuda .Ilm St.Ml· With C•nler Dviny Poat pop· l•7 (JI polnUJ and Clluek Lnn• ptnr lhr-ou,.h JO polnta 011 four •l rlbble O h, Yl'I. Fina.I "<:Orr barelv fl\'· nre<\ the Jeater• 21 ·22 .. nmebool)' .'Uthl. Onnu;i• JVs Cop Go ORANtlE. 1lfNS1 Onan;:t Htfh School'• t'91{P Jllnlf•r vant1lV <lt'fealf<I Ptill•r1on·!'I ln<!111n!'I 48-4:l F'rllla}' ln l hf' o~nln2 or lhf Sun· aet lAMi,:ue batok1lh111l ...:hetlul<". Hl1h j>lllnt n1o1.n fur U ran1;1 wa~ F vrwa n l U.1>b D11y with 22. Oilers OP"" 1.eacJue Defending Sun,.t'\ Leag ue cham· pton Hunllngton Beat h ope.na loop ""II'" rompetltlon tonight i.Klllnal Sllnta Ana nn the nval t'OUrt. BE SURE -INSURE ..... M-'UfllCI': !tTAN'Lt:Y ln~u,..eoe Only J'boqe llarl:>or !474 S!l ~ J:. l:"'•l D l.th"·ay Oorona del Mar tJll poblta), tb1 Dona cau1t1t nre n.id lfO&la I.lid two r.-t hrowa. Olle C too late In th• pme . With & min· Coach Norm 8Ull'tlr"1l'• Hott.Ce n op Outlnq ~'~~,1;~.~1c':1'~!~,'!;'., Ut.9· reniaill1n1 to be played &nd l:rWJ1' A baaketball team W ed· H un t 1n1 1 on ~ach defeated J B. /, .... 11 polnta. Bta.nl•)' and Lew· Maday downed Weatmlnlltff 23· N'orth T orn1.nce 19-Je 'l'ue9day onPLvx"f~'·o'o ~I .. ~led oa a Mrlea of Up 10 ln • practice ('(Int.at. nt1bt on Ole OU•r noor. Don ., h d 11111 and Mt 1hot.t to p11ll the Dona AJdl.nr Po.st In XWIJ:l.I' rolu tor Jfqr<I of l.h• wlnn"" ........ high ~-·---...... or ... n--~th 22 Tl•~'. II "' Cfl'U DOWN .,..._., .. , "" •--· Eziailp W'frti Don 8~ two IOOl'f'r .,., J)OUll•. ,,,_ Kartit-PM lbn 8t.&nleJ aank 4 ~" J'0&1&, on• &ift 10&9. li; BW Cbam· I :;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;~;;;;::;::;:::::;~ I e:Mri\J to.ee t.o Ue !JI• KOni pion. thl"ff 11n.e. 3; N.,,.._U 8tkk· Ii ...... m ............. , Am&ln· '"· ••• ""'' ,, Ronni• -••IL LAW N and G A R D E N s i.s .. Dueker aank .. Yitai Up ln to OM ,...i. I : Biii MeCatUly. On• q... (1vti the ncera • llllm 11114. aifl. 1. Bob Hunden. f'lnt)' Don e•nter ' OUier m•mber• of the l:'n•lp INSTAWD PhaM trom Oranct. m a tched OuQ.ra A aquad ar• JUcb \\'a~ Jim ;:::. ~'!,;:::: .''"":' ..=1 g:~oo Tom Blo••no ... Bryon ,.__MA __ IN;,_J_AJp;;,;.N,;.E;;,,;.D_U;;.;,;l;..EJ;;.;,;R;..TY;..;......; .. ;_;56..;.;.J_:l_..J' ' { _Jlerfect bomt J)~bclopmtnt) la ttie-. ~....,. .... ,_jy a CU'lpUJ di!_,,,_ mu c:A.-, ,,_.. ~IKae-dlrdeccdwmc .. ,_.,_,_........_,_ ...... Newt.. • ma JOU L.d -" -ldael lllettUIC ... -tr_,..il life ,_ --Is ,_.ad( ad,,,.. t..nUy. Of -aD ,...,,, _.,_, ... pin&~ ..... b.U ..-.d..dlm cl .. ,_ t ?k ___ ct... ... n.. H.t.u c;o,.:p..,. ~ di.t .... -.. ...a-I •• w "" dllla .... -• ·hw.J biBJida Por the' -, JPl'Dlnd a ~C.-bT.o.na ' ~ prt.,... ncneti• •r.. HU.. .,.. hdr.:~ ............. u.. tla 1-pe ....... pad;. pbk: ..-... ..... -' "-iball llO<ftl, -.ii ....... Ill pool-allbllb. .......... ~tl - ....... .... ·-......... --- ... ----..... ----- 4-.lCBE llCUITIOI PWFOI WJJUTS IODOD ---............ ........ -.,. """" ........ .... -·-·- -ACT· --7,GI SQ."' ·---........ -_ _,.T ..... -... ......, ...... -_,.., • HALEcREsr Campus 1111 H.aUflJ\IL G0nA Willo. M•W ~ • ..W 4- .......... -W-•~!......._~ ... W-1 • • . , ' City Has Bright Future as Golden Y ~ar of '56 Starts "The Golden Year'' in the progreu or ~ City of Newport Buch la underway. Tb.la °'Golden Year of 1906" bkta well to be juat that, judging from the •t+rt that h.u been made. Thinp' att going weU with our city. An eJtCellent IKJtution to our water au pply problem teems at hand. It la the propoaal of the Irvint Co. that citiea of the Cout&.I Municipal Wa~r District band together in cre- ating' a &00-a.cre foot re&ervoir on ranch lands the com· pany im willing to make available. A re.ervoir of tbia aiu would eqw..l the Orange County ReBervoir at Brea that now 11uppliea the entire county with Metropolitan Wa~r. lt wu thu;i re&ervoi r and 1maller onee too that wmt to the very bottom of their capa.city la.at year in mld aummer. Oty councilmen have ordered a atudy of the entire water ayst.em by a competent coruiu lt ing engi~r to determine what eltW l!l hou\d be done to take cart o.f lhe future. Thia t. progreaa on the march . There ~ to ~ a wanner temperature building up between the City of New port Beach a.nd Lhe P11.c 1fic Electric Railwa y Co. that might lead t o a reasonable 110lutioo ot tb.e blLghl that the con1pa ny ha.s c reated tn the heart ot Newport. Eliminatio n o f thui haurd to 1. proper municipality cou ld w ell serve both c ity and railway. Cert.alnly everyone in the city w o uld bene- fit tax.wiae by getting thi.ii destitute property on the m&l'Cb in keeping with 'rct1t of the aurrou ndtn ~a. ( 50,000,000 Stockholders There ue now aome 7,000,000 l'lockboldera In Ame rican lndUltry-in the c~rpora.tiona that p rovide goods and Mr'Yice. we all u.e, and employ a very largoe proportion ot our eeople. Tb.al 7 ,000,000 ia a much greater number thaR there uHld to be, and it iA grow· tnr at a •ubetaatial rate. Yet it la n owhere ~ eno ugh -and, fo r the w el· fare o! the country, the number mW1t be enormotlaly inc reued in the comparatively near futur!:. Thill point w aa made by the h ead o f a leading manufacturing· company," in a talk be!o re the annu.aJ convoention o f the lnveatm.ent Ba.nken A aaociation of America . Hoe &a.id that waY1 muBt be found to raiae thl" number of 11tockholdera to 40,000,000 o r 50,000.000. Ht added that pa[tlcular attentio n mWlt be given to oenco uraging fa.milie • 1n the i,:i,000 -$10,000 income brac k et to tnvest part ot their aavinp in cor porate enterpri.se. The w eight o f fac tual evldenc oe i• behlnd 11ucb views a:- t hese 11tart!Jng u they may .eem. \\'e wlU need billion11 upon billlona o f new inveetmt'tlt each year in o rder t f1 Jc eep pa ce w ith our soaring populatio n-and, also t o at t-.in the goal o f 11till higher living and w o rking standudii M uch o f that m oney muat come from the uvinp o f masses o f people -peoploe who have faith t he future, faith 1n o ur producing oenterprUes, fa.ith 1n r country. a nd w ho w ant t o have their o wn peraonal a ke in the e-co no my Th111 will do m ore than provide indwltry w ith the funda 1t neech. It will vutly strengthen the deten.es aga.inat thoe enoernie11 wit.bin and without our country who w o uld wreck the 1yatoem that hi.II done more g ood for m o r!: people than any other in, h istory. •oe~l .tlectrio Co. = Editorial Circuit Rider By UNITW PRESS f A ~yn1poeiurn of Editorial Comment from C alifo rn ia N e w11p.apera) • ' • -. cu.· .... -a. ........ ~ ..... ~ ...... --... ow.~ Mill bl f aeta .................. _,. trip& ~-.. ,.... .... "'7 la ..-t y--.) (Part m. lllW. Hill and Battle of San r......:ii . In tbi. hiatorical w ork one lea.ma to attacll:. any prob- lem with a.n-open mind. Aa an Illustration, a trieDd of mine from a fine "okl California fa.mi.11 onoe a&id that her gn..nd· father rode the .. Pony Expl"fJl(I," through Temecula. ( poohed-poohed-th~ ii;ta.temtont, becau.ae the Pony Express never wai orputa.d over the bruah country tolklo"' a.re Uttl• Svuth•m Turn• Ttail. Urac101JJ1 11ldtilfht. on the Battlf "' San lady &he wu llUwl al&id, ·•No doubt Pucual, and •lthough. thf!y 11 r8 (Talldfalher w.a mtataken •• Le.-unatJtht!lltlcalrd. there mual he lhari a wffk. lat.er J ran aC"rou a germ or tr uth In thf'm be!!<'••l~e &.o account of h~r VIU\dfather I have h-rd ot lhf'm from \'ll.f· carryLnJ" mall ll"Dln $an Bernar· 1ecl and wide IOOu rt·e• dino to the mlntng can1p of Ju. The first c.>fl,. i• in re,:a"t !<l lla.n, &nd th~y callf'd h!nl (I. "Pony the lnd\11.n that a ri:urnpai. I f",.,., .. l!ltprea1<" rider . In th, •llirt t<"~e and C*TllOn to ~•n O("f'" All "''" •I the l•nn hf' waa n"t ll "Pony dta rt~UI ot ti:,. .. 11p-r.Jil l"tl 1 w Expres11 nder." bu\ 111 thf' uld-lk11,,.,.·n 110 no'lt 01"111.rv in .. !!•·''" timer! he wa.. ra!l~I lh•t and \ l':.a rh' hl&toro a11, 1.\,.ntif1..,, th•• : M!rve.1 111 .. n rne fun• t1•1n "'' •>n" •ll•n ,.~ •n1r nf •n•· !•"'"" .. nt"Vier k•\OWll • !'i('"\IU. IO."hu ,.,.,.""•l•••I••··! Wht'o l wu hun!111 1t f111 th•· A r1nv Qr tr... \'.~•t ~n,1 ~r·.• 1 ,., e.w.11.ct !.xatton Uf Mui" I-loll in Th"l r.,j.>vrt ~L•t,. .. he IO.'a. 1 .,,\ 1.t Ea<·on•thl11 coun try. P"ople k ~µt uf 1.inuten .. 111 U.·1'c Hut n , t11.lk1n ~. about "S1a r¥,.t1 .. ro p.,, .. ,. 1n1 tu ~h" bn1 .. 11 ••lunt11 ~1· an.1 "~ltlc Muunt.1r.11i'' .... 111eh 111 h"'-wa• a lV<·1<I 111,IJ111 1-11. 'I"' llV!Ue m1!u dUi tant IUl •I ''"''·~"the """non""' th .. h1!•<.Jn1~11 .,r ·f., <'l•·rk front Mui" ll•ll •H< tn111 Hh•Ul1t1<1n l wa• 1uld n;,.,.,,.I ~ Ar1"y or tlw: \\'<"At 1r•l• .. I unU1 1t1 .. 1r r"9C\le by ( 'on11n1,..1,,1 .. :-\to. k· t••n I M.artnea •n•I ~•ll"t• "h1(h (5 lh~ lden l•t'•I •lUI\ ,,, ,\1 011, 11111 11.l'ld I "'"' th .. 1,.uv1Hv •••l'l- 1.,,.,.,j I f~l.d Jtnrl l><t,.·•·I lhree &L~"unt• ut th .. f\lt.\\\r .. r !-11.1n Sa ,. 1·1o .. cu>1.I !rlh"' na11H·•! 1'•<11' (Jn,. "' lt1r l'•la l nri.t\!1• LO tolol '""' h .. IO.'&• • r.,1,.ttv .. "' I '" 1'ortuK• lr..ltoo.11 ... uhl.,r "' T· r uh1 tn h~"J('.nn~ ',.,..,~ l 1 1 •I know D1tn T1or111~n·~ (111111\ I • ,. tAJl hf' l1JUJ<I ha\"" lJ,.,.., <>ii" ••I '' ,. <1"'-'"'"'ni.Jan t11 "' ""'"~ ur 1n .. s "' PAll<'Ua.I t r1b.' INDIAS~· ROLE Pa.cu•!. and no 11La; r 111 l hen1 C alifomia ·a disaatrous Chriatmu week floods drew an rould 1 rind 11. 11>0t 111<·11 .... u .. tue MounU.ln or StR•Yll!"u1 1•,ak \\'e do kn11w Lh•t the lnr10 .. r1 avalanc he of editorials U1 the 11tate'a newapapen la.at w eek : whi ch w1u m't ~l ule JJ ill Mrrl\'•••1 Ln !'i«n ll1 r1ev fir~! l,<•i:•· San rn,.o Tnbuna: ··w enuon Defena. vrf1claJ1 a"' not llO far 1 B " Kf',()(IRll :-:TKAH,ll"r 1·n Iv 'Ille an 1 I ''""n "'''ill•l .,.._ ot the flooded l!'eathe.r River .• , wronK orpntu u on n1W1l M: I In de.'l""'r!l llon J "r"l•• 11,1 i:"'"J "'! • .i:uul e f1urul:11r wolh rt .. r.ea!L. the tremendGuaJy "I t a I &haped tip I.one "'°roA dL•aater ,,_ 1 tr 1 .. nd. ·unrlr ' tJ••n l11x"n ,,1 l'\11n 1•·"untry tn g\U<<' th"m '" "'e r-lher RI" 1 r P roJecl from •trtkea In ordf'r tor !t to be et· whlch Southe.m Callfom!a hOFHW" fect!ve-'' 1.)1 .. go fnrn1,.r Arrl11v111t ol !f\. .. 1 "1•.Y 111181.une our tn<'lll ,\I i.•~•"" -~, .;,.rra Mu~euin 11.n•I rr o·f>j(lllt"'' ln1h11111 p!ave<I II p11rt In r~~'"llfllt" There are big developmenu lurkin g ju.et on the fringe. et 'deciaion fo r location in thia community o r on it.a outalrt rt.. All a.n of the beAt nature. to ret w&ter to awitaln ta B4ketllfleld Californian: '" 1 ... ~ •• 1 11 1 11.uth,,rily nn !'111.n n1 .. i,:,. 1·r,11ntv ,.e ... m ... .,,ans on ..... u e 1J .-----------------------------·I ''owt.b. Had th• ~rvolra envl· n ood1 demonatr•le, beyond the I , 1 The Callf'lml,.n<No d\d 0 1• pre•• I .. •-'"1 J t "' ...iy U hi l •-··bt --r history Unf' l' U.-n 'Y'l rn,. ' a on '" "''a pro ec r a I ea ......, . '"" n.,.,.. or pro· ltr•l(ht their a11ack on the Am .. n•h••• R E A D E R S W R I T E befon In ~e at thla tlrne, per controi ot our nvera. a/Id lh,. 'The name Mule H ill WIUI 1 com· the nl11:ht aftl'r t he American ..:e~ pcirh.apa lhe aco~ ot the flood ~ .. .u.uon of •ec::Uonal and prov1n· feat lit San P-..cual A•cordln< .. •• . • bl k mon one among t he campa1gne n1 SoluUon to Lbe crowded conditiona a t New port Harbor 1 Union High School i.ii at ha.nd. A new c a.mpus will probably be underway befo re the year is o ut, The "old campwt" will n o t be thf.ndoried but a new c.ampua created to provide fa.cilitiea fo r the r apidly grow ing population of thill community. could ha ve bMon llrntt CllLI c: ertng Ule.t llt'rve11 only to J.ndtan le,end. the JnJ1ana .-----------------------------·! of JM8-nd alway• refer red to 0 I ··1.o lo ext&nd our au~ptlblllty to warned the C•ilfnrnla ns not 10 all and T ribun e : ACo rea th-m.a..teTa t.lld to depnve u• the rnule -eaU.ng l!ltp<!rtencl!• of 'continue thf'lr at tack on the • "' ~' ~ ~ ~ Ii. I ~ Tbinga look good t o r the e ntire Newport H arbor area. Problema there will surely be , but buaineae ha.s been good. and tenda to be better. Good bus1neK11 1a good bu.ti.neM fo r everyone in the area. There ia no portiQD o! Ca.H!ornia w ith a f uture ao brlcht~d rigbt at band-u the future that iB un· folding for Newport Bea.ch u It a pproac hea lt.s goldtn annivenary .' And the future o f Newport Beac h w ill be 1U1 bright u the determination o f ita i:itizerui will11 it t o be. Research Yields Progress Private In.du.try in the United Stat.ea bu spent over "$11 bWion on .cientilic reaearcb aince World War ll. it bu been e.tim.ated by indu1try lea.den. Much of the money flo"Ned into blind alle~ where nothinc but nep.tive reaulta were obtaJned. SUH .. U.S. induAry, which ill the la.rgeat 1poneor o f sciepce in tr.e world. continua to pour m ore and m o r!: billiona into ......ii. Why! Beca.UMJ the tbroup. 1treet.. of .ucceafull re.earch have made U. S. industry the ED09t proftt&bl~ in aU the world. Profitable f or investon, w o rken. and the oatfon. it Proof ~ • JI Look about. Muc h of the apparel you and your ~ (amlly w ear &re better becau1e of reeearch. yara, their lrs ~ bra.king, viaion , all &re Wer. Ho~ applianc eA i)o add to the convenience of llv1ng. Medical adv ances help •£ ti'. you live a. healthier, long er life. ~ llllliona of oew jobs have been created. Look I aboaL P eople you know ue producing, eervicing th ingB ;raa. me which other pnentiona only dr!:amed abo'"L it..euch by pri..U induatry bl &n important part ' . If oil tile !Ne enterprioe ayst.em In action. I JllEWPOIZT ii ARBOR ii RE-WS PRESS 't . {f P'onnerty the NlllWJ)Ort·Ba.lboa. New•·T\me• arid th• Newport·&lboa P.-.. BeM:h. Calitornta Janu,.rr 11. lllM May J laJtt tnlA opportunity ot con1r1tuJallnK your .,_per tor the ftne edltorl•I on the pro~ "Edlaon Smo1 Plant" that •PP<J•r· f'd Ln your p..per \ut nlc ht. j I rnoved lo N1wporl Bf'ach from -ll{•Jlywood, when. 1 have llve.:I: tor t he 1 reater part of my life. berau .. e ot the tact tha t 'Smo:ic .... ,.. wr1owil7 atte<:t ll'I&" my wlte·e h••lth u weU ail my own ey .. i1hL Wf' round tn Ll1lo l•le • \erit- ablfl pa r adWe tor oor home 'life A lovely homr. nn., rit iaen• for nfll{hbora, excellent cllma l •. & liP•tJllful b•y for our .wUTimlnf ind other water aporU. th" oc:ean lor our C"ru l11lng . fine •rhoola for nur rUuldren, 11.nd beat or 11 11, NO SMOG. My wire'• he•lth here In Srnor F ree Newport 11 now eiu:e.I · lent and the Ol'llY tlme my eyea bot.her me 1a whf!n I hav1 to 10 into the 1mo1 -eurnd c lt7 ot Loa AnseletJ Alter h&vlnl uproot.eel a wt1ol1 l\fellme of bu.ineu. aoclal &n<t communlt.f a c:Uvlty to r et away from lh1 '0Aerlal Sew1r·· o! '1110,.· lnfsted Lo. AnS'91e.. you ,ca.n well 1m~ine my rr•ve conc:em over the rf!!:ent wveral da y• of Smor 1n our Newport Bu.ch parad1". Azld now to find that our public oftlclai. in ,O ran11 County are coin,: to •pprov• an oll·bumll\I'. 1n11t11 productnr 1J9l'laraun1 plant In our commuolty .. aJmo.t. u.n· believable. Why. even the Loa An(elu Cha mber or CommerC41 haa laaued an edict acatn.t any mor• •ITlOI" produclnf plant. In the Loa Anrelea eree. A.nd Loa AncelM Smor offlclala are atlet11pUn1 to force the hure de<:tr!cal ataa.m 1el'leraUn1 plant In 8&n Fwn&ndo valley to conv&rt Ile tueJ. ·.OUZ'OI! from oil to cu.. lncld.-it&lly, lllM• II no ff& wa tf!r ln 8&n T9n1A11do valley •nd U.narn1-lon ll n .. oan continue to brlnf In aJI additional ele<:trlc&I 9l'ler1 r ne«led In Oranp County. Jt Ui my tJlaU.t that It lhill r.n· eratln( pl&nt I• approvad ~ buUt. 1t wHI 80 blanll:•t thi8 U"M with po'90ftoWL .uJ,e.ur1c add tum• and othw air poll\IUon~ from the bam- lq ot mlllknl of b&rN1a ot Olli- tomt&'• tamo.a "t "-n&Jpllur" oU that ttr• will ti. untt.&nhl• to t.hOM ot WL who nlua °""' rood hMllh a"4, -Will ti. ~ to Uquktl.t• our nal •tata boldtftp 911d mo-.e .-Whwe. t predict that If thla plant t. l:.\lllt and put Into OPfr •llon bum· Inf "41)1. Sulphur" oll. th• rNUlt· ffl( aJr polJtJtion wtll ca.UM UM h11 to bre•Lh• th• pol8<:lnoua 1ul· phur1c acid t'\Jmu I.bat 111'111 be ~Yen out by lh11 propoHC! ff!ner at. 1nJ' plant. In 1904. 1 wu r.M.Jrn1a.n ot th• Lo• Ancele.. County GrlUld J ury'• Gott1mmS1t al Honeaty and Ef· rlf'n<Y CommlltM, Shortly after lh• ramoua •inotr ••BJ.&c.lp Th\lnL- day" In October ot that ~ . ..,, conducll!d a -.ere!. h....tti:ir on Smar E v1df!nc. ancl lMUmon7 wu r iven by t?le m~ra of the Count7 Board of Supervtaora. the Director of Lhe A.Jr Polh.1t lon Con- trol Ol1trkl. Mayor1., !ti.e County Counael, ouU land1n1 medical le~· •r•. a nd other lop governmental IM der• and a uthortue .. Th" •tu tlmony ttlvton 1n ~rel waa ~ 1hockln1t to n1e ._. It &r- tecled the public health and •arety of our cit~ that I demanded an o pen h.ea.rlnc of t.111 Orand Jury '° that ~ peopla could le&rn the truth about amo, a.nd hoW their hN.lth and ...tety ..... "' In jeopardy. ln my opinion, the .. Po- llUcal P ower'• of th• major p~ 1ucera or Smor waa ., mat that !'lot only wu t hla G r•nd Ju.r-y "Open Hea.rtnr .. on Sm~ defeated. but •hortly there&ner, In an un· prec..dflllted move that had never before haPPf!ned In C•Jlfornl11.. our 1964 Grand Jur7 wu eummartly ''F1.rwt." My civic and rov•mmental V<· JNrlenc• oYer the p.aat thirty 7aara h.ave taucht me lhe v11lt1e to a community of ari h0one.t. new•· paper and • COUn.ftlOU• publl•her IUt:• Ben R«idlck who dare• to lei.I the truth about Smog and oUi•r Important pubilc Luu.ea. even lhouc h u. mlcht r-etult In m ak.!ng en•mlea of powerful poHUcal tn· l•rMW. Hollywoocrwaa fortunate tG have in boneirt l'llWa.,.per aryd a cour· .,._.. JlJd«• Palmer 1.1 pubJlah · .,. to tell lhe truth to the peoplfl ol Hollywood. Nnrport ctU~n• ahould be moat grateful for the Newport Rarbor Ntw•-P r•u 11.nd COUn.f90\lt B•n fteddlck and mu "-· WJUl yotir f1<11torial lea.darahlp. parhaJ» our cltl .... wtll awaken lo th• danp M llT:lft&'" In an °'A1r- U&! ...._. .. and demand that our pu~ ottlcl&lli · plmublt the pro- ~ Bmor pl&nL It ta my con· lrlde:nd j~mCll that only 1tupld. lrnonmt or COTTUpl public off\. cla.I• "'111 110 atni.e their power u to tnnct an ·· A9'1al Sewer" upon ttti• community. Jf your r.•deni •re lnterf•lfrf, I will be r t•d 10 •ubmlt a plan or 1ctlon tn I.hi• \•Ital matter Retpectfully Your1, J OHN B. KJNGSU!:Y • _ _,.A Depeacl9ble 1..-1 lae&ttattoa for °"'r l'ortf" y_,.. ..--.. u S9cond·Cla• Matter at the P001totf\1:9 ln Newport Beacli. dM(ructlon .ot len• or mtllknul ot dollara In deJll>ecl•ted hom• valu• ITI tl\e N•wport Coat& Meta ar••- IBK HL C.llr~ under th6 Act of ~h 3. 1879. ;I PalWllillMld "'"'T lllMM,J. w~, ...s ...... ,. by tlw r~-NEWPOKT. HARBOll PUBU8 JflN0 OO'MJ'A.NY ~11 ...... 1Uv4.., NS\4'PflllT ft&A<,'tf., CALIP'. ~ lta..rber 1111 ~~ .. PU......._ ~pl Nutaee. MM1 Ad~at. ~Iii.I .. ,_., o.ur. of U11e su,..nur Co\&rt of O~ Co. la A.eUoa No. 4-ll'Jl'I t ,._.., OltJUanaJia Nm..-.pt"f' h~" A~UOll---- : Ill_.._, Nat'-.! F.41&o r1a.I A_.lallv11 I Ill"""'°" of Or&11 p <'Ml•tr s .... , tw'"""' l ; I l -----BICN REDDICK, PUBLISHER WlLLlA.M A. MOSES. Editor OIUIOND IC. ROUNTRJ:E. A'""rtlainc OinoctOf' CllAJlLD A. AJ\M9'11\0NO . Mecharilc.J 8uJ"'lr1ntenden1 lt wtU al arr .. ct ln aome d t.Jnlfl the health of eYery cltlMn who John B. Klnpl"'Y 3 19 Via Llr1o Souil. Udo 1111" Newport Be•ch, C&lltorTila Grass Roots Opinion AHEIM, BULLETIN: "Jt might be w ell fo r the p ublic power force. to glance toward the Stale o r Washingto n , lo ng a c itadel o f tbeir phil090phy. Ju11t recently the voten of Steven• county ·d@Ciaively rejected public power in favor of a private untillty. The iA11ue. briefly, wu : ahould the private untiUty buy out th~ public utility di111trict operation~. or Yice veraa ? The quertion or rate. dld not enter Into thti pk:l\1.n" l l wa .. llt.rictly an kieolofk:aJ quellti.oa. -private enterprla>e va, pubUc Co11lroL" ., , or al"M.9 where thel"1! w .. re no of both prot ~tlon from the torrell Keamy•a little dl!tachment Star· d1 ke1 M lev-• the reault ..,u I p--• l"' AmOl!lrlcana or lhe lndlan• wnu1d ""' of de•t rucU-·-d ot l"• vat on .,..... wu 11no n11r nazne , de111.1ta tion. m!.ery IUHI d t. a t h. ~ .. .,, " JI P)Jl'"r "'hlch cam e to ,,.,. 1.1 1\a ched to •llack lhe C11.llfornla n• Thia I One anny e.nl{lnee:r e-Urn11.teod dl•trlbutlvn or t he water 1 h • n both Mult Hiii and S.ttle M11Un· h•v"' he11rd tron1 a nun1ber or that complett!'d control prO)eCtA ~m~~-from the re.aurct!9 or the lain. ..,hlle and lndl11.n .ource•. 0'le -vfld mllllorui of dollar• In cl&m· 'The Old Tlmera knew t.Mt lndlan vera!On ev,.n «O<I!• ao rar Mod~to Bee· ··coo ..... e1111nian ·-•-••t ""•t t" 1 ·•1 , ace A good pa rt o r the ll ~.· ... •1t1l• H iii waa Starvation Pe•k .... .., ...... • u. ..e nu ana • · Clair t':rlglfl of !he .ll!"Ond r:::all fnr· • •--kod t•e C•l>l-m l... d • 000 000 dama,.. cau.ed by I h e but the Boon1en1 or lh1 elghllea, ..-. " " an ,.. flood. toauJ.d hav<" bel!n pr•¥ented nl• dlatMct "Pok• 11en 11 .. l'o11"n h"' not knowing the loe&l tn1.!1Hlon, tually Mvfld th-.,. Tirnnant. ot lh• .,.Id : ·1·m In faY'Or or 1 ...... t11lk A:;,t ot '" W ~ 8 '-·-.u nt had prompter •cUon ~ ta.ken 11.pplled lhe n!lffie Stan<allti ll 1•,.,.k .,,. e-. u~-.. e ancl more ceme.nt and •te-1 We eve 11 ~ .ueh •• the Pauma Maa-on lhe proJecta &ut.hol"Ue<1 ot con· to t.he blg hill acr1>t• lhe 1:rttk tamplated." .... 111 ~ wuhed Into lhOl!I r aC"lflc The lat.fl Col. ltd netc:h"r ..., .• , ~~re might bear th\a out: how· ocean If "'"' dnn·t bull<! Mm<" 1lRm• ev<"r no mention of It i. ma.de In •pp&rent to need a rert>reoce or ellplanatlon. Some (flOUlne pro- Jtr-hu been made In the gl · cantlo tuk of Oood control and conHrvatlon ot ·wat.er for lrTlP· tlon arid ~er development pur· pc>Ha. Until that procram '• car· tied to IU e-0nclualon. natur"' ~r­ lodlcally 11 apt · to runlnd u1 all ot her latent pow1!!';' V a llajo • nmu. • Ren.ld: '"Tbrourh the ....Wef provided by the Faden.I. rovernmflnt, w1 all pa.rtkllp&te. 'l'1\&t It be adequate to tha need& ot tbe flood v1cunu i. the deadr-e or all, and even th• mllllona of dollan requlr«! will be a 11maJJ contribution In com· (*ri.t0n wtth the relief "'" haYe {t'\len to the de.ol&t..-1 people In H;urupe and el..,where. Certa.loly the Am..,rica.n Jlf!'Ople 11.re 11;l•d of lhf!lr ablllty to help lh•lr neigh· botll ln an hour of 111.lnlctlon. and more than willlng to •hare wtth the unfortun•te." aan J Ollt! Newa: ·~ .. dl..-1.ll!r of recent d11y11 Hrv• u a CJ1m reminder ('Olltly might Civil re•ponalble tor lhe name 'S.ttle bl!for• we .ettle all th .. 11.~· rn.e.ntA. legal and oLherwillf!. about Mountain .. be!!tng applleod to th•t Callfornla'• water. We ha ve to hlll on t he topogr11 phlcal rnap~. The D::olonel. lnclJent•Jly, wa.<1 Ill· 11elU• tho.,. pr oblems. but l"t'! build while we •qpie.' •• '° rupon1lble tor the State hAv· The N•pa R.e(t.ter: "Had the ln.g ma dfl a 8t11.tfl Park out of the ll'e•thu RiYie r dam above Oro-Sa.n Puqua.I BatUf'neld it1r a comer or It):• ville ~n ready. Yuba C!ty would havfl eM:11ped !natead of eufferlntt Pe~ Pa~;., w~:~:i ~: ~~~~~ IMl.000,000 w orth or dl\fTl•fee. Hill h.u no mor• ttirtot1c:al •ignl· Tennlnua Dam on the Kaweah flca nc:111 than 1 thowiand other River &11d Succua Dam Ol'I the bllla In Soul.Mm CallfomlA~it 1\JI• .... ould h&T• •par&d tM VI· .... •II a blc mlat&ke' but COO• .all& ar.&. Leveea could have aaved Santa CtUL Dam• on the ~Ins to l&tflr hlllorlan•. BATl'U: 81.DELIOHTS F,if,1, Klamath t.lld at.her nor t h Buried ln lha &TChlVff of the cout •tr.ams would have I et t Humboldt &nd Del Norte county communlU111 lntacL "All proof of what r111.m11 ea.a do. engineere point to S h a 11 la Dam on lhf' Sacramt!rlto north of Reddlnc and tha New F'ol..,m Dam un the American Rlver ... They note th11.L Red· ding and Re<J Bluff, below 8haata. both eec:a.ped: So did Siu:rarnento. San J oaquin River flood1 would hav1 boen wor-e witho ut ~'riant Dam ••. " AFFAIRS" OF STATE ByHENRYC.MacARTlllJR la.Ing llceo1>ea l.o lndlvldu11l1 "'ho ~t•ntly never •hnuld b .. permit· led bo>hlnd the wl1e..J <if ,.. car. Thia Ill not the fault of the 11L11te depArtmen t of motor v...hlclc11. which 11 dolnit thfl h<>at job ll cllJl wjth lhfl lll'l'tOunt nf monf!y •nd 11.w tt h.U. Rather It I• the fault ot the !Aw lt.Mlf •hlcb m&l!:ee It to0 ea.ay to obtllin a dt1Vltt"• M • the A n1erican report. STORY 8 1'rl'RL88P.:D f El!hf"r Ke11.my lcoew no thtnc ol lh& lndlan help or it wu .up- preued In the publlahed dl&rlea.. And perha.p, the l.ndJant •mply wanted to set on the '0batfd wa· 100." and .. into th• act:• c.nd •t&rte<l the rumor. But Ulf' .t"11"1I• that tool!.: placfl on thDM mUity day• In. Oec::e1nber IMI. had their l'9Y'IJf'· be~etlon• up and down lh• lenl'th and bre11.dth of th• Ullltld Stal•, and ha.a eau.e<t m&ny an ar(U· rn.rnt amon1 later ttiatorian& SACRAMl!:NTO. -!CNS\ - Oneil agllin. tt •~m•. th.r, Clllltor- n\11. lefrlslature l• 11;olng to <1hw:~u•11 the problflm ot 11pef'd upon the hlchwa ya of the •late. "111la la n.,t " new aubject. ln tact tl hui come up dur1nJt 11.lmolt every _,.,.,n of the legiaJ11.turf! •lnc:p the lncep- Uon ·of 11.u tomobllea, but It I• a 1JUbj6Ct wh\c:h artecla v1rtu11.1\y eYel'J' paraon m the ata.te of Call· fomlL. Wheth.w-It will be: brou(t!t up a l ll\1 budpt .-Jon of th• lee · t1lature. or lh• 19~7 r-erul•r -· 11lon. •tl\J I• a qu<"atlon but th~ prn11p..ct1 ar~ tor the 19.'.17 rl!l'J· ceflllt!. Oatlfoml&'• prim• fr.cle ·~ 1&1111' I• UTirea\laUe at ~t. Ir 11. car tra~l• f&llt.er than M mph It I• up lo thfl dr1V4!:r to prove a.nd Mtabllah "by oom.p..tent e" t - df!fla." that he -• t1"vellnr •t • •peed "'?llch waa ?'l!&AOnable or prudent 11.nd havtnir du<' r,.11:...rn t'or the tn1.t f!c Oil the 1urf1.ce and width of a highway. and In no event, at a IJPffd which end&nJt· er1 the ....rf!ty or penK>n nr prop- erty . CROSSES -These mark gra ve11 of once numeroua Indiana o f San PucuaJ. sad and pathetic m o nUineot to American conqu(lllt. F ew, if &ny, of large Indian populatio n fo und in va lley over century ago rern&.in in It. environa. -Photo by H orace Parker l•r M!811lon. B. R. C•lclwe!I , comm181rlontt of the Callfort1 l11 Highway Pa· trol. ha.<1 11.nnouncf(I he will Beek "" a bHolute maximum uf Mi mph on the hi11;hw1y11 1n 11.n eff<irt. 9r rou,...., l-0 rut down on lhr num- l>f'r•uf i1 .. a rh11 lnj,1r!e~ "'"l prop· +'fl.\' r11n1age cau11._...-.1 by !li•'•'lrnts.. Lt I• de b at able. hvwe-ver. \O'hf'tber Caldwell'• •u11MUon tor a m&X'tmum •peed Umll of 86 mllec. 11,the complele 1n-.ir to the accident problem. Jn ract. tt la debal•ble whethf!r l> I" any •n.,.,.er a t ell. tor lhe •lmpl,. rea- F'ew lndivhruai. charg"1 t raveling f&11tf'r lhan !'>!) then. would car<-to go lo court with a Jury trial •nd f,.w rould, even If they wantf'd to, "elltAbHah by rompetent 1'1'1dance", U1e !•ct that th•y were wi thin thl! llmltll of lhf! prim• facle •peed law. Un· !Ya • driver had a ca r tull of !JO" t h•t the highway patrol r om-pevp1t!, h• could ret no wllnoM!• ffl1se1011er appa.1·<"n! ly '" r ln :um· •nd the lncl1naUon of court. la lo venllnK wh•l 1ppea n• lo 1,.. Lhe like lh<! otnrer'• wvrd prime c1.u111;"11 of the numl>f'r or th1.n lh1l rif the cttl~n. 11.M"trlf!nU and <lfJllth11 r•..'l'lllUnc When Caldw ell ll\JK1f'rla jtJmp-- frnm automobile cr•aht>~ lnll lhf' !ll"l'llt to 66 mph 1.1 • m u· Prime Cl.UN , ap~r...,U y, t& the lmum. he would rflmov" the h•pha.urd manner '!ti whlrh rtr 1v· prim• fad" provlaion of the law .. r·~ ltcen1P11 a~ lllMl.ed. the/ aim· and J1.n hi. otf!flen ""'"'" more rhr•f1 with W'h lrh i "l <triv•t -\I. npJYtrtu11lt7 than thay h1.v,. ll I.hf! r<"nae ean ~ _.u~ llM tM LOI · pr-nt Um• lo hand out tlr kttta "r9.llC'I 11'"'"1 .., 11'\e ~PIP of U'l'l l for ~· wtilr h mlrt'lt ti.-,... •ta.ta llJ ll'I• }1(1Mlltura In •utllor · Mmabl.• Un.kt ~ eoadlUOIMI. MULE HILL PUQUE -Thia wu placed by mem· ben of Matrtt Cha.pt.er N o. 2 of that fine old Gold Rliab frat.ern1ty, E . Cl&mpua Vitua ' I .. \ ' ' ' MESA ·SLAYING C-tk I I rr-........ W Wiant lAM:h. the .,,.Ult - ot the eouple, wu ecbed~ to appear In court lh1I --oa a TODAY'S N .. Y. STOCK .REPORT & COMMENT NEWPORT HAUOR NEW>Pll ESS -PART I FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1956 PAGE 7. WO.IE. ..... ., ... ''"' ..._ ....... Bntt. ll, ot Oardal °"°"" .,,. tt w lbe -S-:l bad ~ tM C-. d flW. l'\n& .... strl to her home. Brett ~ bad chitck COWIL !-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NKW TO!lK MOON COJOIEHT u tk:tpat. .,._ lrTfllUlarllJ' du11 1-'#ded ,....in.t U...' accUMd.. "H e ly P " chue u Walkw en:r., Oil.AM Wii IER 6 00. -A -to ..... ~-• -•·~·p ol wa.m.'t lMt k lnd of ma.ti," wa.i away and wa.a touDd ~· CALI.ED Fa.IDA 'I' Pubbc Ddaoder Nlck Meyer .-Ad 1•tenk7 the youn1er lAach ~· ~ P'rida7 afternoon to Mis .. '"'°'a to travi!I to Wuh· ~ W .. his family. He re· ~ bM & WU'e &11d children ... ta&ait ..u.ni lt&te. · x ejV ~ Ui&t he a.nd lh11 4llUkt •ttoneY'• ott1ce both told t.b. JOUth M oouJd not t o and mu..t &watt hla trl&l on bad chttk COWi.ta. lft · addlUon· to betnr oo puole trom. .. w ... hln,-ton penl- i.uuy, IA&Ch .._. free on ball -. the baa c:h4lcll counta leveled -.,.1Nlt blm by Costa MM& police. Jnv~unc om cera at lh• ecene ot. tha t:rl:ma ln Coet& Maea rep(>t't.d th.at u nidenutled pereona tn a bol1M M Oran1e Ave. heard two Mot.a between 8 :30 a nd 9 p, m. J"rlday. Two ahotiun 1helLI were found In a wu tebu-1..et ot the W alnut Plia.oe home. Leon.rd LeM:h wu appt.rently ehot al cloee ran&e, for w•dd1ng w .. In· aide him. Th•re had apparenUy bMD DO strunte. GLA88E8 BROK.EN Hi.I wife'a l"l&aae• were broken IUld lhrown Into the W"&atabuket. There WM blood on lhem and blood ha.d .tplattered onto the 'T'V ut In the Uvtn1 room. A 12-ga.. ahotgun we.a found In Ui,. hou11e but wu not cona1dered th" mur· der weapon. HAN I> S L.AS HY...Jl -Pretty Donna Sch urr, 18--year-old OCC atudent a.nd Miss California ot 195.5, s hows fiance. Lloyd Brett, where h er pah:~ wu allegedly cut when 11he wae attacked Tuesday night by m&.n 11 he identified u J a.ck J ame. Walker. Santa Ana. The L..oa.ch couple recei:itly rt-· ported ttiett of a rifle, 1evrelry a11<1 knlc -kna~ l l""Ofl their h oine, friend• ~ported. Ne!rf!bOn told police both had apP*renUy ~"'n ln good bu.Ith &11d eplriti. Lea.ch eenlor bu beell employed by th• J . J . B'oeter Co. tn.ulatU.6 firm u a plant worker. Hie 1· ,e, accon:lln&" to Kl':llftelh IL Ort ea_ -----------------------------,--------------1 pe..rtner Jn th• nnn, .,.,. a cat.e"'r DENIES CHARGE many occu lon.1 pr1or to the aU11-at Rtchard'• l.Jdo M&rkeL Neither OonUniaed t:rom .,,..t P•f"' l1y Hd&11 Jut March 26 &nd.-ton:· lbly Laking -.d vant.1.1e of her after 1he drovfl trom hrr work at an Ura111o:e •lrlvt"-1n thealfe. t •w Mr; K r.Ar:M.ri1.ASl"t: On the tlr1t occu 1on, M lati 8churr c!a!med to 8herlff'1 nffl~ t<l a ttack. Althouc-h be dOH n:>t DEATH NOTICE ot the 1-chee had reported to admit to any "formal date.,~ W-.Jk~ work thla wetk.. Foeter ttrm'• er clatnui he ta..lkt'd lo the strl foreman vlelted the lAac.h bcXne un te>"eral O("CU!ON by t•lephona. M.&8. A.Aft AllEY but found no one there ...,.uar t1WI He tald he h.,. ridden In M1ae Funeral H rvlc.. t or M.ni. Arte WMll: wben Le&ch did not oom• &hurr·a cat on ''''era! OCC&ldOl'll c. Arey, 77, of 108 M tb BL wUJ to work, Ol"Mll. ea.Id. n.J atatf'• lt woold be Lmpoeelble Onan wu authority. tor th• re- to hl<le hi.a 186-U>< bullr. 1n U... back be held tomorrow at 2:80 )i.m. ln port~ lMch horne waa bufll&r- tea.t of the glrl'i mlnlatun .ffd&n, Pa rkM-Rldley Mortuary Chapel lad ot it.am be dMCri.becl M u claimed.. Coeta Meea wtth the Rev. Roy ·A. "'pawm.bla.'' 'nl1-oecurnd. lut t:f'r• that •tie had ne ver before Y.'a.lk eJ"" 11-Aid h e m'l Donna "offr C&rlaon, putor of Chriat Church '111"811k. On«i ea.Id. addlns he did •een her attacker. Howeve r. 11he ' d h ~-• ..... _ it a police -.... • year a go.' and he Ml l • by the Sea. ottlclatin<, ..... ~ ,.....,_ ••!"'•'- drew a 11&1tch. • roemarkahl"' re-rne,tlng took pla•e In ihe T a ylor fUed by the Le.ache&. •emblance to Walker. for rlf'puUee and Thomron e utomotiv._. uphol-Mre. A r ty died Thurlld&y rnom-H're 11 evidence potntlnf to U.. -•a ytns ehe mana,-ed lo Kllmp>M> •lery ahop In S&n ta Ana. where hf' Inc-Jn a San Lltei-o ho1p!t11 I. She Un1e uf el•ylna : hi• r .. turu lna1d1 \hi! dark 1u10--work.cl "l 1ntro-lu•·~J ltl}'&t'l r." he t111d ~n vttltlng fr!t1nda 111 that LJeat h waa clad In bla work n1ob!lt . aa.ld, "•nd talked "'"1th htr for c11y and waa 1tr!c ken 10.-H h 11 h .. 11rt clolhea. hl• wife In 1l•ck1. A pa.r- \\'a lker cl-.!rTl.I MW Sctiurr knew quite a ,vhlle She "''11.t th+'r' twice allnient Sbe wu a native of Blue tially flnlahed h!ghb&JI W1U on a who he waa on lhe·rtr•t occu lnn and bottl t1mfa we h•d 11 cheL" Earth. Minn, 11nd carne to Call-t&ble. t wo Clgllrettea had burned tit 1ald he t.a.lked Lo her at t he ftA C'K t"ROM oc·c' fomia "''hen •Ix months o!t.l She put in an eM tray, A coUl'ctlon h •mb~r11r 1tand In the thHtre on A• to the lnr ldentll i~1:1<lln1t to had Uve.J 11'1 th!a rlty for 11 yeart, o! nt'WIP*per• wa• p\!ed by a hi.I arre1t on Tueaday night. Walk-waa a in,mber n! Chrt1t Cl,urcti neig hbor who noticed th« couple'• ~ ··--lb• S'Men..I ~-t(M:le canted tbrouch ln lb• early ~ Tb• pretty ll-yM.1'-0ld "POrt· on Walker wttb a .U oallbw ,_ ~ with Mlacted OU.. (\l'Up, o.w.,,_ 1 p.a. •......-ed.l.y .... attacked on lb& nnt oo-ln hie hand wban lt.opped 'Y U... raila, t.ot..ccoe, tuW., and •PllC· 30 Incfu.lrtri&bl __ UJ.16 up .35 CM1.0ll arter Walker u.ertedly h lP,w•y patrol Th• e.i..ttr'• 4lfll la.IU• w.U •upported. '1bere la an hid ht. 11&-pound.bulk in the rear n ee aatd v..te.rda1 no ·•·-........ 1 .. 11v "'~U•• inter"'"'' In tho :io Ra.1.ll -·--·-1•1.U up 1.01 J --.- ----J --Ma.t ot Doona'e Ht Ua M!Clan. H• wouJd be pl.aced ..,..in.t -:...I kl-..r priced "9uN, lncltJ<llna unite US U.ti• M.U up .21 !• cll&rl"ed W"'l lh comtns out ot --, of lb• carpet and entert.alnment ' l ~· ~· 1,JT0,000 hi dins and .... wunl' the I' t r 1 tor C&n')'lnc the 4-dly 19h&Ze. M•-f Ollll:...J JiliL ~ Pn-aft.er •h• had drlnn a consider· Amfticu. Bro&deMtJ,ns Para· An...ac. ~'--·· 181 able dlat.&nf• from ttM!I Oran111--"'-ick Servlc moimt hu eaperienced a fairly A.n._da --·-T0'1'. Drlve·ln Theatre whero1 .tie ,,-• • aha rp corHCUOn f rom IU hl&"h and Clal"Jll9r 821' workeil. "'I didn't -hln1 unUI FOA 1 appee.n .nlltled to turthu reOO'V· OUP.pl ·-' 2:27 he oame out from hlcUn c ." •h• Roller Shada• olt"J. Na tion&l Olalillua le -.not.Mr Genen.l Jllec:trla -----··-66 WU quot.a.d aa aaytng a t the Uma. "'9 volume tuue which.. h&Ylng been General Moton -··· "" The aeeond a.uault le a lleged Standard Shade OoUi.e .ad dotpre:Med by tax eellln6. la In a Ma.y Co. .......... -t2'4 lo have QCCurTlld Tu~day nL1ht lone term bu)'tric area. American N. Y. C.nt.ra.I ·········-··-·--······ "" wh11111, the (lrl claimed. Y.'-.Jker vi.co.a la belnd' very llfeil 1upport· No. Am--. A-riatloa --· 82 % broke Into her home, abducted ad on 11\Wl&lned tnvertm.i.t bu7· Safeway ------·-. 66 her in hit e.r and then ..... ulted tnr . Rel&Uve to ee..mln8'• thle I.a-So. cat ..... 60% her. allege<lly a t lhe point ot a Cu.tom Speclalti• • Dra1*'7 • H.r.rdwara • V.neU&n BlmOI C ALI. HAaaO& II& 1ue appean 't"vy reaaonably Sn. Pad5t -··-M knife. The knife waa nevl':r round, priced with llttUI 1n the wa;y ot a Bland..-d 0. t'6 Ca.Ill. --·-··· 92 Sherlft'e depu Uet dce!at"l':d. U l THE SHADE SHOP U-•--•rt....__ ... ._. Und Kl~ Newport 8-dl premium betnc paid for th• <>.OUll ....,.. '-'------..... .,. NO WEAPONS CH ARG E U 8 •·-llNJ.d.a the Poe& Ottkoe gTO'Wth potential. I j;~· ~-~-=~~~-·~;;~~-~--~'"~;;o~W~&l~k~tt;..~~~po:;'~";;;:"'"~~W~M~~·~·~·~·~===~i~;:i;~~~~::::::~ LUL8 1'lRM I 1 Belectlod. raU9 an ftTm Uu:ludln&.. Banta F e, SL Lout.-San rr..nci..; II.lid N ew York, Chlcqo-St. Loma. The latt.er I.I anUclpatlng fa'f'<ro able n9W1 from tbe dJl"&C'tof'I' meet. Ing due early nut week.. ~ tob&.cco. continue to ,..... nect detmuilva buying. P htUtp Mor-- rl• ha.. had • re.1tln( per1od t.nd -.ntlctpat!ng Improved earnlnp this year, ·u In a poa.itlon to .UC· ce..atully teat iU tormer hll"h. PhU· lip J.forria h ... b41en rela tively .... gal'\\ In compart.on w1th previowl atrength In R. J. ReynolcU &D4 American Tub&coo and otfen a relaUvely f ar'IUOu. retum trom lh• reg-ula.r $3 r a le. Specl&laed bUytfll" ot Individual !Due. u noted &bove la matntaiD· lnl" th• market &nd a..l lowtnr tor at:.orptlon of protlt taking. ~ the day progTeuea, however, w11 would bMn c.1e&n6d up and the ooupla w-.. at boma tor U.. ..-.ain&· Mn, Clara i...cb ..... M:ti'M In W omen oi U.. Kooee.· aha WM triendmblp cha1rm&ll f<X" u.. dta- trlct and YWJ' acUn in the k>al lod.r.. .Iba bad ...-nd .. ehap- La..ln. Junior nc-1-and beld .eev- •Nl ~pa.. - 'lb.a M-O)&I~ JIQl'Chued their horn. 1n Oet.olMr &nd moved tn NOW". l&, Utl6. n..y bou1"hl the Walnut P1&ee f'Mf,dence from Henry Btot.a ot lW Mainolia Ave .. Sant.& An&. Every victory of ec.11111~ reYeU. more clearly a. d.lvtne de.tp In na.. ture, a ramarkable oontormJty In -.JI th.lap. from Ula l.ntln.llff.lmal to \.he Jntlnlte. -D1.v\4 S&rnoU Attention! Tra9•dy May l e Approachin9 Your Home! Maf-hll4 Glau Uned WATER HEATERS f, your wa ter heate r le a kin g? Do you not ice ru5t in you r wa ter supply ? Sudden fa ilure or leakage in water, 10 Year Guarantee • Now avallable at thNC SemaUoaal.ly LOW PRICES ! GARBAGE DISPOSALS ma y ca use irre parable damage! WHY TAKE THE RISK? SIZE ·Gallon ·Gallon ·Gallon 20 30 40 50. Gallon REG . $ 86 $100 $121 $140 Imme d iate In stallation (A\l'r•f(,. t ·c,.t -.8.:'>0) Moat maj or hrand" no" 1l\·-.Jlablf' al ltif' ...,.n,..,llun• &Jly low pr\c-., of , , , , • NOW $69 .95 $77 .95 $87.95 $98 .50 Lido Pluhlbing • Commercial • Residential 1530 Placentia • Ub.rty B-3441 • Costa Too Late to Be Claaslflttel %3-Sltuatlou Wanted t'r denied any ttirt'al.<I or 11,ny k ind 1 by the Se" abeent·e. agaJn•t th~ girl In aildlUun"'V.'iUk-Sur~·lvor~ •re lhre-e 90ne. Cla r-NEVLR V N"'RAPf'EI> 1 ""' ti .. ••"'' Oie g lrl "" 1, .. 0 0.-. Y; of Gri.u .. y, Lu.-1l'n \\. "' t 'uata newepaper, 1U!l wr11pped neaUy caa1r,na 1>n ttiat night The firat Me1111,, " daul(ht,.r. ;\1r11 Arthur IJ in •19 rubber band h•d never A .. j .. ?JI I l l 8ay1ltt8 Ort•• ,r ,.,,e,.Jed !ur the 111.-1. time. en<·e :\1 Arty o! :"ewha U. l'h11rlt'11 But, 1\gnlt1c&11tly. a. Jan. e 11 ln.sura.oce Brokers •·h.n M111a Schurr returned rrom rL&"ht c-randchUdren neat-no dlrty dl&hM, Uie be~ Harbor •'71.) tlni ... hr 1lat P<I. wu at 9 .JO p.n1.1 ;\\cJntyre ot Studio <·1ty, and I been <1pened. The hoUMI wu · -vi COLl..1:0 1: GI RL wa11U room • • 11pefCh cl...., •l Ora.nge Coaat ~~lo~l!•~'~"'~'~"~t~w~>~ll~b~•~p~'~''~'~'~'~'~".'.,'.w~o~~~mad'.<:.~~~~J~~l:' .. ~~U>~oo~<~h~d=l"~"~'~'.l!r::::::::::::!:==============~===:1:=~~~~~~~==~~~;:~==::!~='~·~,w~po~rt~-~~~· ~c.l~U~-~ board Mon. lhri.i P'rl. tn e.x-Col:"'I"•· ~ said Donna wu dree1-Eve...-reen Ct'n1etery. Loe An.-•188. ha.d not bee:-11 eaten or, It eo, had c hanSt' for Ucht l\oUH work or ed 1n achool clothes a nd told him baby eltt1n1. Kl l-8ti82 1.fter :I to return In about an hour. p. m. Olc:l9 V.'htn they retumM. tti e auepect JANUARY CLEARANCE 1tated, \tie ~rl'1 flance. Lloyd Brt-tt . 21 , or Oard.en Grnva drov• up. ''That'1 my boy friend." Donna U. NJ4 to have ahouled. "atop and let me out, quick ... SALE IA.rre .election 1f.1 to V:.r DO NALDSON'S We ll•er Mid when he let the p.rl out ot hie cu. 8r1tt •potted (! hln1 and cam• afte r hlm. 0 · After ht. arre1t, Walker aald 300 Maln, Balboa. !!l'U!l'ltC1 dt-pulle1, Brett and lhe Schurr ctrl wer11 )Judd.led 1nto an ot't1ce lo«M.l'ler. "l don't M ow what ===-=c-==7'~-~ ~7cl!.9 they claimed I conreaeed," Walker PHOTO DARKROOM, Flnl&hing •lated. "but l dld make 11. etate· Room "-8 hootlnl" Studio. Beau-me!ll that re-.Jly went bt'yonrl th8 ..... ,._ dNl..,lld, newly con•tzue. lrua tacu of lb.a c-." ...... ._,. •·· DEPUTU!8 fRUA. TS led cenlnl!7 10<».ted. "Photo.-· rapher'I ttre&m!'I Lrberty &-JSle Walker llald he made th• t Ule· mente bec&ia. at tb11 Uireat.a ot the a?p69 Shen tra deputies and the ple1111 SI lloolo, sapenoo TOR RENT BOAT SLI P ot lb.a c\rl &.11d her boy-rrlend for no publicity. "I WM lnUrnl- da ted arid Induced by promi11ee or no publicity . light 1entepce or pro baUon," he e&ld in hi.a eta tement "Ml11a Schurr anrl her fle nce 11.11l<eo.I -.Jbo& Cover.. H.r.r. 32&0...J e7®9 that thl're be no publicity Alld t he $ller!fr'1 oftlcera ••l Jf I'd gO ~Autos f o r Sale a lonr wit h th,.m -•lrel<:h tnf' tri.ith a blt-H could llll be 11vo!d- TWO •41 HudlOn• for aale-JIO ., ed. Al110. U I didn't go 11Jong, they told n1t I could get t)o" gas r ha ni -$130. 2828 Sta view, CD M. !>et." Har. 10 10-W t.7C09 ---=-~ __ _ _ Walker 11ald If he •ll;trft n111.kl!' WILL TRADE ':13 Studebaker U1e 11ta.lement. I.A v.·rltten out by Commander hard top convertible otflcflre. ..tht'y to.Aid they 1<.•01dd tor pickup truck . L I 8-~1 2 hi'·, throw ttje book at "'"· 111111 n1 •k• t-n 3 :10 "-:1:30 p. m. ~lc59 It N tough IUI J>Ol'l!ible 11.n!I U.B-B~ tor Beat: Nll'WFORT HEIGHTS Ulf\lr;> I bedrm A den home. dbl. ,........ LI l-M1 2 between l :lO 6 ll :IO Jf."m . or Har. llOl-M ITall a FOil IA.LI: by <"Wll'r---T'wo bed- l'OOftl 1tucco houae. hardwood noo.... lhermoet.1.t he•t. Two car ~-R.euonabty pr1ct'd. JOI K no:ir•lll1 St., HunUngton Be.a.cl'I. ~7p SEE YOUR BROKER BACIUl"JCI: tor quick ••le! V..,,, }()cation, C<lrona de l Mar, t Bl\.., l ~ b&Ule. chami. rom- t ort. Pr'L't"&cy plua Immedia te occupancy. Drive by 730 Poppy U.. call ~r broker. Reduce<l from $11,600 t o t ll.800. Good ''"""' OPEN HOUSE Sunday 1 · 5 400 Senta Ana Ave . N-Clm Drift many other thlnp." Th• _,.et. n ally d..qed mak· Inc ll ltatem.tit. rele....d by S her- ltr• dep.10.\Alld pubU.abe4 w:l dl'· ly. 'nN ltat.lment ..,.., "I knew I WU p&nc to get e&~t tl'li• Ume, but I W.t al-4 antt I did It •nyw-ay." WaJk,.r •mph•tlcally denied any auch romml'n:. A• to hlll l"l'llctlon to h!J t1rrr 11t. Walker r;&ld, "l"n1 etunned lh•t thtnp t urne<l out ttie "'llY lhl'y did. J.flg Sc-hurr 11nd J wt'rl' rrpr-nd11." H• 1&ld he lo\• .. • h le l•d ft' en<'I le mHy &11d had a "wonderful tiome llfe." He Pid hla wlte hu ~ to aee him at the county J--11. "She beUev .. a me:· he 1tated, ""and 111 ~hll'ld me all the way." Come • • 101n For a wond~• ful Value.full FVnffwe SALE Here'o OW' story In a nut ohell: ••. We're ..placiDV -of oar """""-c:balra. tablee and lampe in the next few montha ... ao our floor modela must GO! ••. U you want to make a bu.Y you'll b0C1Bt about for ye ara, be aure to ...:ome early and chooM 11ome real .aTin1111-padted p iece• otftbe floor ... firat come. mea na tint choice! Moder~"Qining Sets Drop leaf 11iten1ion ta ble1 •.•.•.• ..:. •. roul'!d e rlen1ion teble1 Buffe t with H 11tch Top ·······----··-··· Sid• ChaiN 203 off BRO WN SALTMA N O ver1i1e Sof11 ... "" <98 .50 299.95 BROWN SALTMAN FURNITURE I m•td.iti9 Occatlonal Cha in. 2 <>c.c.sionel •••-••·•Were 91,50 IJpttolltered d!elr-1 -·--···w9re '4.tS 2 C offee leb/111 I "warmer" tiyt• were 89.50 l F.-•a form •OW 69.95 \ ... 34.95 ~ 59.95 .. 49.95 ... tier t ablet !Ii pieca OlnlrH1 Set ···--·--·····-·· w•l 287 .SO 199.95 FVRllTURE 260Forest A•eaue Laguna Beach Hyatt 4-1071 • • •ERll IROUP Slye ., le &Oo/a H 111_ •Ille .. 11l1oe1 NOW 2 F-m Rubbo< 139 50 Bi.euit Tuft Sofn _....,.. 1n.9S • ... Fo.m Rubbw Bi.cuit Twit d\•ir ____ .w .. 19.SO Sped.& Hot.& bu;tt ...- Md Mi tpfitt9 ... ".50 $in..,. H~ehd ______ ... ,,. ... Slri'"'OI• HLda••~ W89 249.50 Modem kdrooM.Mt, cMd, douW. cit-._ wa+i mirror Md bool~ he.ad- bo.rd WH 2fl.50 I ~m~bbof ....... __ s. .. TV SwW ...... ------54.50 Oc..doool Uphok t•.d c:Mr ____ .... 54.95 49.95 69.95 129.95 199.50 219.95 39.95 34.95 EAlllL Y AIEllCAll UOUP Save 20°/o on all pieces WU llOW 'Loun9'10 chair __ __.47.50 119.llO Diop Ann Sola __ 157.50 119.&0 WAI •ow I a.•_ Bodco< ---~ • UIUU IUCI F'.i"MIUP.E STORE .. CASUAL SHOP llOUP SA VE UP TO 50')'. ON ALL PIECES NOW 2 ... atchM-tg l ove S.ati, Blad: Iron, 49 so ftarlie wphohtwy ....... __ • .,.. 74.50 <> .. . 2 ConV9rlw S.ti, contJsting o f '129 95 2 tofe1 end t;0nter tab!., w .... I 92..50I' • ... e':.,d Solo •H ..... 49 • 95 ........ ... ~ •• ,, •. 24.95 ...... ~s.+-1,.., ... Fus '11 fop --141 .. s--.......... doon __ _ ·~ -•.95 ~ ____ ....... ll.95 79.95 199.95 5.911: 10.9~ Card r.w.. -1_95 5.9~ ! = c:erd--·~~-~---·-·-51.ni 39. 95 Let Iron -t pladicttd., ~=~=~d;;·~ ....... 49.95 -Nbi-W• 59.9S 39 O 95 ....,, s..o.. __, ............ __ l •. 9S 14.95 Set ol 4 T.V. 6 95 .. .., .. .,,.. ----.. .... . FirftCf'Ml+I ••• .Md r...p.c. .quipmeM _...203 off • ... ' • t -. J. . ' "; • • l ! ' •• ' ' • • • ' I ' ' I . l I I I I I ! ' .; --...__ --,; .. --"'"" .... ·····-··---···---··-·---··· ·----··-'······- . ... ' ~ i ~ \~ . ' ' I • ' • YESSIR, I'm a busy man, with important things to do. Roems to mess up ~ toys to tear apart -cereal to spill. I don't like to have my schedule upset because . I -Mom decides to drag me along to some far-away sale. Now don't get me wrong; I'n1 willing to help with the shopping. In fact, when ifs done right in this commun- ity, I sort of like it. I ineef lhe othe~ fellows~ wlio are helping,their folks with shopping, and I give the girls a big hello. And it's my chance _to meet the local business-, 'men who are paying for the parks and schools I'll be using, That kind of shopping is fine. But going out for ' hours at a time -through mil es of heavy traffic, and into jamm'ed-up, strange stores -I'm against it! Mom "' ORGIT '. -\ ' .. · ' . \ • , thinks she's saving rnoney, but she can't kid me. By the -time you figure gasoline, parking, wear and tear on both Mom and the car -where·s the saving?? And that's just part of the story. Actually, in 9 cases out oE 10, Mom can get the SAME goods -at the SAME prices or lower -right here in town. She would be get- ting-~rsonal attention and extra service from the local merchants who are building up regular patronage from the people of this community. Mom would have more tinle to .spend with me. I would have more tinle at home to get things done. I .ike I said, I'm a busy man . . . 0 RE THE FINEST -MOST COMPLETE STORE TO IE FOUND ANYWHERE . . Hardware . . . Paints ... Wall~aper .-.. Appliance$ ... TV · ... Rado·_ .' ' A Good Friendly Place to Shop • • - -·...--l • ~,20!.W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 116 Newport Beach I ' • I .. • • • NEWPQ~t HARBOR NEWS-f.~ • I' FRIDAY, 1ANUARY EXPWRING -One or many interesting narrow paasageways along Lake Mead shore, party en~ tera cMyon I ea ding many yar<U lo a. cave . , • .. 13, 1956 , PART TWO, PAGE ONE . •' Lake' Mead· Offers (Jnlitn.ited~Winter V.acation Hideaway • • ()CM))[ -Fran.11: Mullen, left, •ervee up Mme fine pancake11 for breakfast t o Ranier Bill Randall and Natura.liat "Wally" Walli.s, center, at camping site . ' w.rrH A SHOREtlNE of :ll50 mileo -the dlot&nce from San Diego to San i"rancisco -Lake Mead offera a.n almost unlimited opportunity to winter vacationen, bo&t owners, fishermen and thOlle who ju.t want to "get away f rom it all." ' .. 'DIE SOVTE--Map ahO'W9 roads taken by Lincoln party to Laa Vegu. Hoover Dam and Lake Mead. Fl8HERMEN -W o odrow Ashley, Clyde Oaks and Ed H au&er ahow nice string of bass caught in J..ake Mead above Iceberg Canyon a p- proximately 75 miles from dam. Realizinr lhi.., w• have Jonr nourlahed a dream to crul•• thl.9 hur• • iue behind Hoover-D11.tn and explore 1lJI numerou. c.l'ltf· •hrouded ~nlelJI, beachea and can- yon• A8 the lhorellne •lipped by, un.- Helinl" .teenic vlew1 OD eiUMtr aide, .. Wally" WllJIU. dlKIOMd .ame lnl.ert!llltlnl" ataUatle• 1bo\it the lake. "'WdDlaUJID"" -<Amerunan Reed Binsba.m meab up and photograph• I ••.l!ldill .... l!flll a, m, Part.y eiGt ""'""'IY. IA bop .. _..ed:r. 1*ch, I j,, .. ' .. , ' ' , • I LAS VEGAS 81'0P -Party ha.lb 1900 Lincoln. the offtcial trip CJ.l', in front or El Rancho Vegu, popukr Lu Vqu hotel. Both the hos t And gu1det1 for our exploratory trip u,p Lake Mead were .eecW'ed. hue Irom . tbe ~t. Thu1, the opportunity to dr1ve a IUllur1ou• 19~ Uncoln to Lai Ve~. Nev., -,rid 11.ll aboard El Rancho Vega1 Holel'1 motor crut.er came ... a welcome event. t.hank.1 to .John-• Son. Lincoln Mercury dealer•, N.wport Beach. Our roote lay over Hlthway 63, entered vta Santa Ana Canyon Jl'reeway and lo Ban S.rnardlno. then on U . S. 91 frmn B&ntow througtt Termo and Baker to Lu Vep.a. There we checked In ;.ith A rchie Loveland. general mana- 1"" of El R&ncho Ve,.... one ot the many n ne hotei. In the ~ ert re9<1rt city. Then, aner a ttending · a few 11lage 1how11 th.al e•enlng, we left early Ute ne:a:t rnontlnc" lo embl.rk aboard the cnJIMI' at Boulder Beech. 8 MOO'nl WATF.ll Skipper W l\lla.m J dfres ot the El Ranc h o. ve,.._. Introduced Ran(er Bill Rendall and Natu~­ ILat 0 . h. !Wally) Wallla, who were a.uipfld to ...i1t our jour- riey by r a r ll Bupertntcmd.._t Charle1 A. Rlchf!J'. Lak11 Mee.d. It wu t1Xpl.alned., 11 only part of a NaUona.1 Park Ber,. I c 1 -admlnt.tend ncra· UonaJ area that 11 th• MOCllld ~ in the United 8tat.M. Orily Tetlow.tone NaUonal Pan: la l&cter than thl• 3000- .,quare-mlle eecUO. of lake, rlYer, de and plat.e&u.. BoMt. w10: an M.tt eanaplnr ,....,. -.nit n. tackle _,_.., •board. we I o'l'er th• amOOlh w atar1 t our ad· It la 1115 mllM iOfll", h• u.Jd. and hu a m&Jtlmum depth o! * fttL Allhou(h the ll.kJi now 11 low-126 feet below hll"h -tar mark-11..11 rec:reaUon valuu an unaffected .. Low "'ater cau.ed by three dry MUOna In UJ• Coioraclo ha.I •hru.iik the · lul1!"• len&"lh to to mUtt1, but .~•Uy •Id two or th(H wet )'...,. 1houJd, ,..tum ll lo nonnat. · ~ 'NI tn."led alon&". Wally and B!U pointed out the cokntul Paint Pote. Fort.tflcaelon HUI, th• old dirt road from Kinpan, A riz., lo Laa Vep.a, and .1111 •it• ot. a tonner ferry thl"re a.c:roea th9 Coleta.Go. Lt. Joeeph C. J,.. of the U. 8. A.rm7, who attempted to llnd the bead oL navtpUOP ori the Colora- do in 1151. wt u latarwl.i.n&" It b:www a ect pf'9dletton e.bout lhU. ..... Ol'ft<Za'9 &ZPORT Ria nport to Wuhlqt.on u.Jd. In-· "Ou" ...... the nret and wt1l doubt-.17 be tbe 1a9l. p&rQ" ot White mm to ndt f.hi. prottU... Joeallt7. I' ..... lat.-ded "7 _... tul'9 that · lbe C.Olondo River alon&" the sr-ter porttou ot JU lonely and ma.jMt.1.11 way ahall ·be tor'n"tt unYlalted and undi.C.urb- ed." Mee.mrhlle, -. wu. puMnl" lM!t"'HD U.. ebeer we.Ill! of Bou1d· l"r CUiJOG., 1'1Mr. HooTer Dam Of'\ctn&1l7 ..... -··-Uwl Mo-n.th the ...._UolW t.t' Ne.po- leoe'e 1'9"'"-Del Jfu Butte.,.~­ T•mpie llftd the lknt&cka. Lunch wu ......i 111 Ytrrtn lO.U._, .. hp I rwt·llJ • , • • • PA6i 2 • PART II -NEWPORT HARIOll NEWS-l'RESS FR)OAY, JANUAR Y 13, 1956 lobi11 Repo rts '55 Top Year i1 locil Sales · Tbeodore l\oblN todaJ I •· ~ tut 1Mti .... lb• bl1· ,_ ,._,. lA • b.t. •n Uri Mrvic. u Newport. ll&nor'1 J"Md • deah.r tilDOe lfll. Thill TOIWM f'9COl'd ,..a.r tnch.t• ,_ car, \--9 cu ................ ' l'OllD VIOl'OUA -ftlo UCl8 ~ Victoria bu open --plm addo4 ---ol four wide-~ cloon.IDd ThUJldorlllnl Y-1 _... porfor- nwiee. It IJu·-oofoty Md lmey f•tur. ol l'airlane - JtobbY •llrtbu.tel thla &ehN'""' -------------------------=~u: :9u.. ac:::~::: c,.,, ~ c ... Kuiur'1 KU. and UMI lncr-...d ... Ii Local Dr1v9r YVIWM ln Nllel ol MW J'orda. la ""*' h.. ~ W'IC'On alanlad ott Tu.Ua A.._, 150 tMt .out.b. ol X~dea It. ud ~ed lnto a coacreu. C\l1"rt. aecordlns to a report of tblo Cl.ltf'ornla H1Piwa.y Patn>I. Th• ln,JUf'ld drlftl' .,.. tuea to OOftlle(ltlon with thl# ..a.. In· Kana. II. ~ 41, ol u.u. the )ocal aa-ey will re-117 aw.tnc 0u.7m aa.d, .w" • eein a lurer allotment of n-,_... ~ ~ • JAD. c OU"9 ID. 1111. .,,,. .............................................. .,11 Robin8 a1-o announced tb1 COID• lnl' ot a uw 1168 J'o"1 th• ro,.. dor Victoria. OfJfertn,' all tbe open ~ of the tamed J'ord Vk:torta, p.lu. ~ adde!t CIOnYen• llftCtl ot tour ~~ .. doors, thLi nl'W mcioe.J st•ea Thunder· bird T -I 2~ h.p. perlormance plu. au ~ addJtJan&I ll&tety fo- t.wq and lw:ury appointmenlll ot the F&irlan1 ffr'I-. Theft of liouse Furnishings · Reported on Mesa SR lt~ Docl .. & Plymouth tlac Auto Show tlle :0:1 '"·G Dllifanury a.ntJ lat.._er ~en.d l9 H-c ~ 1tM drt ..... claimed ......... CU' rw.:.d hlr oa a. ro.4. There's a wng, l,o ng deal MASONIC OFFICERS INST ALLEO BY SEAFARING LODGE . At fnltalla.tJon ceremonies S..turday nJcbt at the new lduonle temple at 15th St. and St. Andrew. Place, O.Ca.r E. "Hqh" White, front row center, wu ln- fi.&lled u wonhipful muter of Sea!artnr Lodge F . It A. M. tor 1966. Other1 inata.lled we.re ; fro11t, Cl to r ), Mu A. Owen, senior deacon ; Lester Smith, tenior warden; White; Corwin Horne, junjor warden; Burrl•ry of !urnl-.hlnc• from 11517 Sana. Ana Ave .. Co•ta Mt- 11a, wa.. reported t o police by Mni. P::mtly McCarty ot 28.'l•, Pal.mar St.. Co1ta Me-..., recently. awaiting Saturday uvt Sunday .la.a. 14th .J&n. 16th OCC VOCATIONAL COURSES 1WILL ST ART ON JAN. 30 A Mrl• ot YOC&.UonaJ education dament&l.11 c:oune Ja 1eh9duled f'Ou~ d..q,ined to meet a llV""· Monday and Weodn-1ay nl(tlt. ln1 nHd In Oran1e County ror l'rorn 7 to Ii .JO p. rn. •kl!Jed elec:tronJca workara W"U Tbe collere .a.Jd two compl•t• announced toaay b)' Oran1 • Cuut Jaboratortu would be avallabla Coller•· !OT tbe Ele-ctronlc• P'abrtcaUon Th., cour-, plannad by tha and Direct current P'u.ndamentaJ1 «illr111 a11d repr.-,entatltt• rrvm eour.e.. A vanety ot modarn lo<-•I 1nduatry, t>-rrln J•n 30 and equJpment ,..111 Ix> •vaJlable t or run thfOU(h J 1rne. 8. Tha lwlce-llU(lent u&e In wnrk•hop aeulona. wellkly, night rla~• will be ron· Thr ernph&.11!11 will l>e on veraa.- thl< te<I by CJran(e Co.al ln•tnic· tiltty In the Machine Shop eoutN. tnr11 OLntl \iey peraonnel rrom the arcon1ln1 to roller• otnc1.a.i. . .. 1,.r tron1c• mdwiery. There will be Spec1al attenUon w111. be d~oted no tuition r~a to •bop m.atharnatlc1 and blua· nr Norman Wal.M)n, aaa111tant prtnt r-.d1n1, In adl1ltlon to Ula 1111r,.r1ntendf'nl of Orl.ll&e ~t many OJ)ef'ILUona aucb a. latl'Le f 'nlle1re. •111d three rnurM"• would work. mUUnc and pr9Ci-rrtnd· h,. nrrer""I. r::1 .. r tron1r• Fabrlca· 1n1. Col.Jere ofnciW 119Jd the aim I ion. Dlre<"t current f'Wld&men-wuvld be to proTtda atudent. t11 l11 anrl t.l•rh 1n11 Shop. wtlh a broad b&clllT'QUnd a.dapt· l'l<..\(TIC'AI. A.NOLI: •bla to any kind ot m&d'tlna ahop '"The rmpl'IU1 WUJ be on pn.c· work. tu;"J rducauon !or joba.;• Dr. Wat· The count, open lo both bq'\n· -=in 8&1d . ..There ta a .,..awtnf nen and world.Dr m&c.hJ.nWta, will n~ed for ~lectronla akW.. 1n tha ba taurb.t by On.nr-Coaat In· 1 01,1nty an<! Oranr• Cout Collet'• atructor W 1 l 11 am Ack•nnan. 1~ka t o &n.wer that ~-" Clauee are achtlduJ9d TuMd.ay Th~ courae In El«:lronb hb-and. 'Ibu reday nl1bta l'rom 7 to ,_ _..,_.. II :IO p. m. '1r11 llon. • !!eld ... _,....,, ma.ny PLAN SINOS I UNE w bmen find empk)ym.nt. le de· 'Mia vanou. COUf'M9 ha•a bMn •lrned to prov1tl• ln.rtrucllo n. ln In the pla.nnJnr •ta.c'• atnca lut the varied opllr•tiolw needad to Jwie,· tbi C<Jlle,-. Mid. The Hrt" u.embl• pr• t I 11 • n al«:t.ron1c WU;, mapped by a.n advlaory eqwlpmant. lt will be taucbt by commJtt.e b'eadad by John Owezie. rep!'$Mlll&tlvee Crom the H.Upot coordinator of YOC&Uon&.i tlduca.-•01 \'U:lon or Beclnnan lnlt.rum.lt., Pinc. The •tan WW Include Jlruoe Uoa for Orana• Oout OoU ... TM otmun.ittea &i.o lnduded J ohntca. H ellpal 1ener.J foM>-from N ...... _ .....,,.__bly. William P _r 111, ~tau... o ..... v., A.Ntkm, the BRluna.n and Bali· RJchard Wella 11.nd Oene Supre-pot diTUdaa. of Beckman m.tzu,. n~~ectronlca FabrtcaUon wlll l11· =t., ~" &ad Robertabaw·F\ll· .elude such opera.ti~• 1U1 eolder· R<l&UtnUon for t..11.e cow-. ~nf, dallcate tap welding, -.-in-WlU be conducted at tlrat-ntpt bly, t•Unr IU'ld care of . equip-~-Collar• authorltl• Utf· m.nt. Th• cour.. I• echaduled ed pro.pMU" 1tudenta to con· TuMld&y and TburWay nl1bt. .Wt U.. A,dlllt &duc&Uon Offtc• f'rom 7 to ll:SO P. m . at Oranp C...t tor further In· ~t OUT.nl rundammtala. talll'b.t b7 0r&n1a Cout lnatruc· _,._...,_•_''°"-·---------tor IrYtA JCot'an, bl dMtrned to cuaJlty 1tucimt.a for eorn• tyPa Waterfront Theft ot alectr1~ lnapectlon Lnd lay the lheor.Ucal (T'OUlldwork f o r furthw .WCtrontca IJtudy. St U· d.nls oompleUn1 th• cou r•e can MeJt addlUonaJ. tMtructlori In var· IOU• pha8N of "lectronJcti work. .uch .. lnap«Uon Lnd INUn1. MOU COUQl!:l!!I Oranp eo..r. omc1&11 aald ad· d1Uon&l ®W'M• would be otter· ed ln thl• f!•ld If demand wa.r- rmit..d. l'!I• D1rect Current F"Un· " Theft ot barornater. compu.11 and lifeaava cualliOIUI from the 3~·foot ya.cht 1.aParra. anchored !n the Balboa )(&rlna 81tp, WU reported by ewnar G.orra J Kock,, San Bernardino rancher, Saturday when he c:am a to Lhe Harbor area for the tint Urn• In a month. PoUca a&ld tha llllef 11· not.a • marine radio .tter ran- •ackin1 a cabin. Kock &&I d hl~ IOM wu lj~I. Al••ll '"'9'''· ''''9"'''' "'''' '"' " A•1zl11 VOLKSWAGEN •.. ond ak..o.t •-fOM .... '* por1kvr. ,_ ... W el .... M .. "'9{te4 r1ocWi:lllfy ., Yolb••"-buh p1,.,.,t "°"'°" bor .,.anaion pl11t Angor~Kp ste.ftnv mobt ll'IOl.ontoin podet. ~ rooch. halrplft II.KN OI ....,..., · .• .. .... .. .......,.it-411_, dming. Jo.epb Antlata, junior deacon: Mflwood A. Berry . Meret&ry; b&ck row -Harry L. H 1ltia.rd, marshal , R&Jph lrwin, tUer; Eme1'on Hill, chaplain; Carrol Sovde, organiat ; Henry Deiater, trca.aurer; Marshall MeGu.in, junior •tewa.rd; and Oscar Hulat.rom, aenior ot.....rd. Complete Une of New lMe Dodge &! Plymouth Can Now •• ' lack Hurt at Dance I when 1he tall while a ttendlnl • Nrv.· Yur'1 l!:ve dLnce a t the American Lt(ion Hau, 10th 8 L and Bay Ave, Newport pollca ,... port"". Mr•. McCarty &a id the vlcUm- 1.r.td houw wu part or lhe ealate of Orvt\le Maynard, o r wh.leh her •l1ter-!n-Jaw, Anita Mayer o! l>~:i Tu1tln Ave Lii ..ole heir . 'rhe ~f11.ynart1 belonruiga were beinc pa.eked for nmon.1 Lnd Mn. Mc· Carty waa prepartnl' to mova In. •he told ott\cen. Xnt:y wu pl.nee:! by reach.Lnc th1'ltl1b. a bola In tha back acrMn door and unlatchln1 it. 1n .. e1Up· tlon abow9d. TU.en wera box 1prtn1a and rnattr... and '111:!.t l&mpa. Mr&. MoCarty Claimed. AL BEAnY MOTORS Emma Ja&ll Brecktnrldae. JI, ot Oe.rde.n Orova, .uttarad. patnt'UJ back lnJun .. a t lJ:t O a. in. Jan. Costa Mesa 1680 Ne~ llvd. Uberty 8-2291 ,p 0 Fo r your circulation, you owe yourself a '56 Ford.,. the fine car at half the fine ca r price • Epidemic of new Ford buying in thia area ia at an all time high-making poooiblo !"'ico and poyment deala that aro the ""'eot on the market! Th.Ill meono you can give youroelf n.t>t now the dalJ,y No "'nk ar Thunderbinl "duh" and "du.i." which .., • other Clll' (<=pt the Thundorbinl) o&n! appointment ,,,.. ... an --ireocription"' tab. C.-and - bow --it la ri«hl now-I<> afrordl necessary.... , visiting hours every da y at your FORD DEALERS Your Ford conoN GOFF . ,ml Nw ,.t-. , New,... - MMPJI,~ IS rur~ ~SWlt_OlH ... AM rour 3100 West Coast Highway THEODORE ROBINS Newport had! Deljl/er Since 7927 Ubeu I y 8-3471 • oa H..t.JI. MU. TV at It o k ill Don't Miu 'Fanl Jhemre• KRC A (4), Th""c!ay, 9:30 p. "'· • • because our (Quick Turnover) • • gives us our - profit from volume sales of the NEW ~UlllUf ! ~WIJul ,. ~UhJUt! r We'I S.. Ya. at 11e AUTO SHOW Sat., ...... 14 s..., ...... 15 at th e lalboa lay Chill SEE '56 FORDS Theo4ore lobi11 Tour ron1 Deaa. 8blOe lftl IUMI W. Cooiot Rwy. on Manner. Mlle Llherty 11-1411 ) • • " LOS ANGEii.ES' MAN'S DEATH INVESTIGATED Deputy Coroner George Lillia toveetlgater death of a Los Ange1e1 doctor, JOM:pb Ovadia., found alumped over in bi.I car Dl!ST the Balboa ferry landinc 'I'Ue9day 85 Officer Doo R. Mwwon offer. aainance. -Statt Photo • • luu 1u1 · -· ' -o r '.,.,__,... a, ~ a .... -.. ··-.............. , .. ,-..... ...., ... ~ -.. -Tbat allbt. a..t·Aq, alWQ9. o, ............... . NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PA6E l FRIDAY, JANUARY 1 l. 1 '156 a..,.. Wllilr'a -Cd the put1 "" tM c:nd9W .. • ..u llO&l cw .. -. .... -~., craw1btc into '*" &It~ ..u.r.-A LDI ...,... ,._.,_ who ~ 81"4-~ ~-· .sot. 1 ol 111' llrMplq ti..&. tbm oper.ted a lhop .. °"l cllJ' tor HO.nv, u many othitn !law wUMrc up MJl-troa.n two bOCltt' IO )'-.r'S U. .oW Ida llutn-Oon., bt ~ckd to make N_. 09 & ..,0 libat. ln OM of lM lat.ft'. Hla ~ CC)nlldff'.cl a U... Md f'tCllll\l)r ~ i """' port b'8 Nb-Uma homt. Bo lb --..t' ~ ..... ,.._. -ba.,. ~ WU. *Oet tn• ocat ot W. ,,.....,.. llMp llt •.!' _Jfewport ... ....._ •t fMr, Mr. and Wr.. ner -· -lpOtl lal' cov.y• •1 ~ Jkk•l!" Bl'rd,., NeW'pQ!rl 8MCdl. Jet\IWlll Malm• ~rmane11t N9W• ~ ~ ~ -t.M bOy• t Tbt flak ~. an.. 8ClllDe t.. B. JMMD tialtt a IMllp.e al port ~-Th• new lbop f~ liOOll limJted \IP wtUI 10 bl..U ·~ but ~. we MM!-•10 Ch&lmM Piae4a. Jrrf..,.,.ort In lowed. ..m. ' , 9d Mck to our t.M te eomplete 'tttT. lb ..,_nl Mil w11k.a4' _. Phunblftl' rep9lr wo,rk afld -- TMt ...... t ya ~ aboU.t • ~ ai.4 U....lW"-• nct.UljlU W. "1i. NUin( bla l ter ~1'9 are h19 •pecl.&ll.1, J•- ft .a. ...,.. lbl -... "at 8t.n6J ovU.... .,.._blq ----at UtO"' W. oea point. ouL ... t. ....,.~ ....... ,_ "" , .. u, -..,..,......._ ...... broke out ·- Lt. Mnw• Ha•• Lt. A1'hd ls. J(.nl1, .. ot Mr. ud Mr9-IAWt.I r . 111.nu. •n Hobn\rood Driw. i.... be.an boml. ,.ne ftO&Uoa. b-om llllqton A.tr Pwce But, Houaton. Md will " ln.&lf~ \0 Ma.tbef .,~ Ha rac.i-i hUi ~ .. MCOlld lieutenant.. U~A.I'. oa Dec.. "· U. ftlldmc t.dl*9 w1illa Jrnnk ,...._ -48( a ~ Job ooolt· ... ~-...-. ,...,. .,. .. ~ lo sO f&r-u.. ..... ..-.. .. pk* Wal-., -.W 8UI waB9d Ul&t bidckn ,._.. _,. would Mooma d&n- SEE. THE · BEST BUICK ~n -11ow-. lklppe:r Jettru pU- ot.d U.. eruLMr u far u lceber1 Culyon and I>rtft,irood Cove. •b•re we -r• eurpn.ed to fl.ltd a Lons 8-&eh couple campi.nr In complete and pe&Uf'Ul taolatJon. aotb 1poU. lnel<MnWly, •n <ill- .crtptlv•ly ft&l'Dlld. IoehmrT C.o· yon LI t•med tor It. Lilted t.nd •roded • •tn.U. wtilel\, under cer- tain 11sht OOhdJUona, ~mblell (1pntle lceberp. Driftwood Cove la :i-mm'»d W'\th tr• Um~ and debr~ nrept lnto the lnltt by the apring Ooodt . tumlahlng t.r1 ..imoet •nd· • ' ' ---------------------------------------· 1 L•• •upply ot n reW'OOd.. 1956 Cadillac Features Re-Styled Appearance C'!id.llUt1. ~ l1n" or I QM •ut'lnio-Ca dllla.c \1 readily ldentlt'1ed by b ol"" ,,..-11.-nt• 11 rninplt'lt-Jy ,,... ll• hill:hly diatln cUv• extenor .ty- .iyll'<J 1<ppt-11 tt1n< I' 1 .. e.tur .. • an ling 1r11pr~~111v" 11.•l .. r 11np .. rt•nt en-! !'"root tnd •ppear .. nc• !a mar ll - g1nttr1 ng 1.dY!l.n• efl1/'lll>I, 11.n.d hill .,J by a nt-w del!ca tely 1tyled ah.1- tw-en i!ltplLiltlbJ lo lll.:-luJe twu new ' uolnurn 1rill• v! narrowly JIP&C- bo-1 y 1lylt'a 111i;1·urUl nii: lO 'fornm y l ..d relh.Jlar deficn which , .. 1na M r L,,.an. ot Mcl.oe11.11 Mo to r Co 11he rp dertn!Uon from the m il.Mh•>! Sl<nta Ana. Ca(l\lh1c d11tnbuto r . yet ii:ra.ce.tully U.periffi ne.w ft"OJll "'Wl\lll' coaal11tent with Cad ll-bwnper guan1&.. lac'• p rogreelllv• atyllnx cont1nu-Matchtn, the ee.lh1lar te•tun tty. Ca•lllla.c'• 19M mo<lell ._~ 01' the rMlle. Wl\icll U an.Hable d r11 rn•ITrally new In appe•r&.n<.:e in t ither r old or-•liver color, il both 1n11de and ou\." McUan re-e newly patterned co.,..1-w tdl!I, ln- porte<1. ""A 11ew. n1ore powerfu l. take ~Mlh \hf! wln~ahle.ld. W ld· 28:1 hor11epcw .. r engine a.nd • J~ er front tendtor. wh.lch teat.u.re hora<epowu Eldon.do er1rtne coop-new 1111a.rtly ~ hood.cl. h....s. led w ith a vaatly lmprovird la.mp ~ bavt bee c,...Lecl t.o t ra nam lu lon 11y1te.rn I r e typical blend w1lh • lower hood. br the m•ny <"J\)1:1nttrin1t devf!JOp· F'urlher a.cecnUnr the n-ciar'• tncn ll!I de&!lfTlt!.d '" 1n11urc the 111.'.MJ road b.Ul"Slnl" sta.bUtty Ui a hlS"hlJ C•<hJlac owner the 11reale•l poe-dl1tlncUv• !Ilda p&ne.I trN.tm.nt. a1ble driving 1at11f•c t10TI ·· ·nie new ~ar fender •tyllng", Ml l,..•n announced tl11t to pru-ch•r..cteri•Ucally Ca.dlllac, tncor- .,de add1Llonal coveh.1e of the pora tu _s.hrorne trimmed taJ.rlnp flnc cir t'1eld r.nd to further ex· which flow ~I.rd to the IWW- panrt cu1tomer aelcc:llvn. Ca (llJ U!c ly crM t.cl. OT1LI exJl.auat ouU1t.11 at la Introducing two new body d ... th• outw and1 of tha r. -atyt.d llgTI!I to r 19~. bumper . Bpecla.I u.hawit port& ara Pr,.~ent<M! tor the fl rat t Im e featured on Eldorado modela) Costa Mesa ' eacb Coast In Acres SUbdivided ea.ta Mesa led th• Smith C(W..at a.re• In th• nwnl>tr ot •c· r•a 1ub<llv1ded int.G holYinl" d•vel- opmenla dur1n,-the ~ y....-, •e - cordln f to l:.d Hal"{hrop, publlah- er qt the Ora.np County Rtport- er. • Leral publln.Uon. Tw•nty tr.eta wtr. nled for CIXl•tnK"lloa In Coat.a M-dur- ln( 19M. calllnr for 161 loU on 197 . .Mt acru. .J Newport BMch Haled OM".,lT.ct or five loU. M t .• &el"• ..,cl La- cuna a.a.ch had on• tract.lot 11 bou.e. on •-•a acn.. LMdJnr the oounty wu O&rden Grove wbe.r. T1 tract. WW'9 tiled call1J1(" few •611 boull.-oa. 1777 .· 411 e.cr•a. Tb• ordw ot nnlah ... b&Nd Oii ~ SIU.bet DI. 1.C• ~· . lJI the runn..-up 9PClll ... Ana- heim wt th mor. h>t.a tlMWa O&rd•n Grove. 8lllty·four tr&c::l.l!I _,.. fll· ed In Anah•lm on 1116.IU -.a.. with Iota numbl!lrlnc 4NI. 8'Mna Park copped the third pol.lUon iJ'I Ula bulldJnl" n.C'e. It llhowed 27 trMt.e. •203 lot.II -d 111.411 ac-,_ are th .. Sf"dan (le YUie, a tour-Block l•tt.n a.bo•e • lrider ------------- door hardtop , •nd the 11:ldorado "V" •rllbl--. a.,.. mOW1t9d on the Rt vtl! ... • IUnlte.J produc tion mo-othenrl.M. unbrolr.en apanaie ol McElroy Pots Taken •lei 11uppJementi1t11' ca.diU &e't di'&-the l'M.!" deck lld. Mn. Jana E. McEtroy ot. 1* n 11i1.llr E ldorado converUbl•. the Deep formlld flut9d chrome Bl arnl~ whee.I dlac., &1ao n-Ln d..i.rn. E. Ocean rront noun.cl." NllWJIOr Baach pol.Jc• De<:. 2t t.b&t whit• now. pol.II 11.nd a ~ .... ;;,~.;._,..; 1 p1-t.er hlod b-ri t.a:ken h'oln her paUo ddrtrll" tM lut two .-ka Sha Ml •ah .. DI. tha m....._.<l'-11 at U O. police aaid. Y,"1th the addtUon or the lwo .... 111 ba •t.andaztl eqvlpment on &ll new n1ndet1 C11.dilla r now offtrl a. modela uc•pt th• 111.dorado wh\di 10111.J "' 10 bOOy 11 y1 ... In s HrlM. W'\11 nitaJ..n l.hll actu.iveJ.y .ty!,ed l)e.~IRTied l o convey • feeling" of t orred aJumtnuni 8a.bal" • ~ llWl"<"p1n1: lo"·ne~11. the new li:WI wheels. ARST SEEN AT BALBOA AUTO BAY CLUB SHOW p-'JT DISTINCTIVE DI' ALL 4 -DOOR HAl'!DTOPS ALL-NEW ... COMPLETELY Dll'l'ERENT ••• ' BETTER VISIBILITY ... EASIER ENTRY AND EXIT The di.lt.inctive stylina, Club and beauty of the glamorous Mll!f'CUIY Phaeton tell you at a ~oe that thia car was designed ~ u a 4-docr hardtop. The low Kil houette ... 1JUter riAibility ... Hae of entnnoe and u:it ••. the thrj.llint "0119n air" feeling distinguish the·.Montclair Ptu.eton tr-om all ot1w 4-<IOor hanltop oedaM. See the new M.......,. l'Meton-,,,u'U ... a roal thrill 81!1! ANO 0"1V!: THI! GRl!AT Nl!W 1119 M PHA.-TON ON DISPLAY NOW Johnson 6. Son C..l211atal •tc1a. Mirctrt "More C.t fOr Your "4ottey More Money for Your Car" NIWPOl'1 RACH C-'..--.._ ..._, <lab) ... "'· ~ lllry. • PERF"t:CT SPOT 'nlu1 It La n1lur ..i lha.t a point wi thin the co•111 would .u1ak1 a p<erf&ct c•rnp 1pot for 1uch • couple ... Mr LDd Mr•. Den11L11 Rlcha.rda. Allhoufh her hu1band w•• oN f\ah1n1. M·r._ Rlchardl 1how<ed ua t.helr neat camp •nd d11pl,fyed • •lrtng of tUr• b&.u lh•y had C&Ul"hl. Ea.ch y~ .. r. •h• aald. they launch their 1m1.I\. outboard-pow-I •red boa.t &nd come tnto ttie c&J\-1 yOfl W"1lh thelt" Peklnreee dos-tor two w-k• ot r•t fir from clvl- -Uon. CAUOR1' <lATP'l8H -ot-• In my optnlon they were enjoy- lnr an ••c•IW.nt va.ca.tton, 't.nd INndndll ot '-~ •nUw.._.ta oould follow tbab ea&mple w1th- 0Ql tTOWdlq" u.. c..mptn.. ait• Moft&' tba IU•. * BALBOA BAY CLUB AUTO SHOW * SATURDAY & SUNDAY -JANUARY 14TH & ISTH • a..t Uao. ~I to n.b. mlJl!ll obtalll a ~-rMk!Mt Uc-. DOl!lt-- in,. P tn>in Nn-ada pW. a J2 A.n.ona aa.mp t o eo.wr n ... day1_ Allother J2.60 buy1 a on•-year permit. ·c. E. SIEMONSMA BUICK . -. w. ..tunMCI te 111.aclY Pelnt tha.t ......U.,:. -.! Buck Und1.r- 1Foocl &Dd oUMnl MoUd .... alca eut\lll ott Ute bMeb while Your South Coa1t Bakk Dealer (Auoclated with Buie&!: 1lnce 1921 ) • 310 tr-dway HYatt 4-1047 ONE 15-MILI! DRIVE WILL PROVE IT Vour drivi~g · is easier~ you feel safer_ in THE BIG • , Easier riding and handling on sharp turns-new comfort on bumpy roads-..t'idest choice of safety features in its field help explain why THE BIG M ~the. big buy for 1956. R~ ii 10 much better thin readin&. Tbat'1 wby we in-rite you to take a &moo. Nration dri•e in our me 11. Then you'll feel nn: src 11'1 ~ actiM. &ntheod-how t.}J.jolnt £ront 1wpentioo Mljelu ittelf lrllu.otJy to rough ~ ruta. aad C1ln'99. And you'll upnmc:. tile n:lu-actioo 89fDW el'ma.-: ~. aew ausn-wc V-8 ...... bo..-it t.a. du tlmioa,out of pu•it\3. ruake. hill-climbing u effort- 1-.. •·lhing.. . You1J ctiaco•er the new peeoe of mind pro-rideid by TRI: Mt; 11'1 new Softty-Fil""III /Jaipl. For thi1 year Mercury offers 10 new safety features. includini the only impKt-.btorhing ateeri.ng wheoel in ill 6eld. So lee ua for 1 test ride. Compare our prine. and you ·n find that TIR me • ia u euy to own U it i. tp dri•e. •IO 4 (,p TH8 •IO M t ,... nPUX-ACTIOfll ~JUNCI.. THE ING M ••tpO!Mf1 to YOio" -., o~~-~-M-• .. 4-... dop, d lmb, PCIH-quld CH Git gfMet.'1 rwfloea. 0n at! rOod1 and c:vrv•t. ,.._., a djvm .,_.,....,., auto- motkotly, for yow -Clltd CClftlfort. a 11'13 M IEAUTY. New loftg, low profle. ~ Ao-T-eo£o, otytlftt. 0.on-"-1 b.ovty fw )'°""'"Gl·IM!ded peopM; 3 HEW SM!TY-"'ST DnlGK WWMI dlClk:9 of tcrfwty f•--.1 lmpoct·•~ ._..... ~ ......, 4--loch est llO •lttr• .... pedd.d ~ ...-.&, ..t.t,. Wf1,, .......... 4 NOV.UU VAUL Low ll"'ce ..._ )'OU ""1-'-.,,., ..... "°"' ......... for-' y•on Mot'-" V-.. llil ltsfWd. MCMy cfMMM tecrtur .. for 9..atw .-hw-.... Cllfl••'•r-- For 1956-the big move is to THE BIG MERCURY ... " ............... , 1 ... .,.. l:D -.&l'Nlll -.· ..... ---.. .......... -....... IOllT -._. .. . JOH,NSON & SON, Lincol.- ' • W. Caal ~way , NEWPORT IEACH Ace e e "-a.y Cllll ' ·Mercury Ub11lr ..... .,S "' . .... -.... -• • PAGE •• PART " .:. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS ·siEMON"'.--~JI· 1 1.. 35TH YEAR FRIDAY, JA~UARY ll, 1956 )MA "' a..i--ce Slmaonama ta tn bla Acoordirac to U.. Lq'un& 'a..eti 16th 7.-r o1 coMln!olOUI _ UIO('ia• 4-Jer OM of Ml muy pleuant tia. w~ B\Jidt. Bt.&rt.bal ln 'lft'l puttm. LI .-t.1.U111 ..rtth Ralph De.Palma. on• Umf ~ k\Jl.1. a.tur snduaUhr tnim Aanta Ana while ~Y r.mtnWc9 "•bell.It th• HJp School SIW'IOn.flm& bu work-old da)'I. r. .. ed wfth autOrnoU•• productl ot C. I:. etern.onan& BuJc:k la du- BuJck lo hi.. curnni po.GUO. u cr11-d Ill u.. worcs. of It.a owner hUi61 Of c . m. llemOMSN. lhlidl. ,U ... W>IUm• ~tp t.bat A dfflp~r. b~ "'™\ .. rae.., or •tancb betdnd aYCtl')' W0"1 of ad- IP<Md cara. Bl~ ha. a wltM viartiaing and dMtlns tMt I• etth· -.cqualnt.ance In the r•c lnr neld. er prtnted or apoken." '.~ More Wealth, ·N~ Pop1lation .... . . . Bodes Well for Orange County '-i:f PTo.pecta for 19541 for .tJie now 1'6,f.SO tor 1154-M to "60.1!ie.- bi4.IOO people ot OrvJ&"e county 770 t or 1966..&e. LOOKING INTO BRIGHT FUTURE H"." c .. ,.vrr. Harbor a rr-11 PonUec dealer, above, while 11tudy!n( pl&r .. • rr.r nt.,.. 1:n.:fture 10 hou1e Pontiac operation on Co&tt H1gh.,..a y, r~porta Iii~ flrat \Kl cl11 y1 !n bia1ne•t here exceeded all e~pe<"l tol!OM. Th11 wu n111de po.i.!!ible by trltl'ldly publlc accept- "nre •I f new d .. lerehlp. Don Bu•h Photo LOU REED CHRYSlfa AGENCY EXPANDS ~HOP an pod.1 lt popuJ.auon and local TN.rd, u..,.. ta the aven.,.e pro~f'l7 ~ IJi&M .,,. any tndl· wealtb ot UM oowit.y, mea.w,ttd by cat.or, Cal.ltornla Tu~ye111· ..-o-the propeft7 tax bMe tied ln with claU?n 8ald todt.y. population. Thia i. ahown lll the '1Nt, there l• the r ood-al.10\d ••aeMed ,,.Jue ot. taJEable property populatlM 1rowth or the county per capita, •toh 11 f I &8~ tor dw1114 .. ltteO -91' lor:reue ot 90ffll! lll66-M. compa"lld With .f20ll for 17 ,000 ptqtl• t..tiir Indicated be-19M--66. t"wMn .l'&.o.. l. 1960, and Jan. 1, --------------1 1 , ... Seco nd. U'ere I• lba lncre._ !JI WM.Ith, ru mKeunrd by toltJ value ot taxable. pro~rty wlthl.o the eoan ty. which went trnm ~IHI,- Optimists Hear Mesa ~ Plan h c ta on the tuture exp&ne1on of Cotta Mua el•m<1 ntary 8<:h ()(IU! and how It wUI att..::t la.lte• were explained by mv-Att Rea aupertntendent ot COata w ... ... U nk>n Scllool Dlatr\ot, dUr1fll' Newport tta.rbor OpUmtat Club'• noon n111 t I n I rece.nUy. N 11U W&rUn WU p•OS"r•m ch&Jrm&D. Opt!m i•t Oeorl'• Bur kha.nlt baa •la.l'ted a dt1va tor t hti 'riciUma at the recent tkloda ln N ortheirn Callfornl• Burkhardt u1grd the club lo donate SlOO to the local Red C rnea r1.r flf1Utl reli er a nd ria11 het.ded the progn.m to col- il"Ct dona ted cl\Hhlng a.11d blank- et&. H eadqu11rter11 for the clothing col!l"Ct1on ta e t 301 l l. Co&.tt Hlgh .... ·ay. • Drivers' Car Tires · Slashed A t i.w t 10 motorat• and O(I" I u.ted-car de&llr ·werl' v11·t1n111 ••I tlni al&Mhera OYeM'l lght J\.lun<lay Cott& MM& poUce n ported. 'f'lru on can., 1n09l or which wt'ri; p11.rk- ed _,. the Meea Thea.tre. Y&n'• Bowli.n6, t.Mi U...lill.c r1nk and on a UMd·ear lot at 1630 N,.wpoi rt Bl•d., had .-even.I. holes ptir1t·hed ln. them w1UI a abarp in•tnl!n,..nt.' V l.cUmi...d. w1n1 U r..11 bf'!nnglnc to Robert Xontc-om1ry or J\.111lw1ty Cit)'; .A.ndNW JiicOool or 170 De! M&r, ea.ta M6M: M1u1rlc" Rngl'ra ot 319 ll"\l'tmo Ave.: Arthur C. Davi• or 100 v i .. Rav .. nna : Ed- ward Tracy <Jf Laruna Bea ch; A rrnand C H ern1tnd~ or S•nta Ana ; Me.rlnia Conway, Sa.nta Ana; Howud J . B&.l.1ner, 334 Cat.a- Una Drive, Donna J¥n Ca.nnon, 131 F lower St., Coflta MeM; PhUllp 0 SulllV&tl, 403 Victoria Ave., Ciollta Mela.. all the Ch.ryeler-Plymouth drlv.n Alwy C &aUy of 1 ~78 Oceu l..ou R"•'·I Chry11 Ler -P lymouth I ln<'~IM ln the u.lell or C hryaler Blvd utl~ 1· 1 l"d n.,11 ler or -..:~••tport Beach thou)t"ht prodtll"t~ It he.<i fnrrf'r! Ull In to Jn gouthern Orange county /i.,... th•t · h ~o had : 1°" ye•h:i ~1 h" h11.cJ r1 1t11ror'l out h" nl C",.11ll3r V 1n~n·as1nJ: our ~hop ~pare adt!1ng lcended •111 u~ \\'hy ·we 've .Mr -1th to n lh en punc II •hup arf& 11,,.!l.I "'"II .,..1,,,,, h .. '11,,.,t: 11.,1.,ry-tralned m~hanica 1 vic.,d rverythine I.a r k to the f!rat 1r~ 1 r~~on relo~ eepa111te a uto. 1 0 1 f model Plymouth 1·ver built a a u1e u ....... c•r ~. O?"nec t "'"''r" n h•• '"'W build · .tlld IH~t11l!1nf: new ht'iiVY oiqutp-1 ·-·· o#•-• ...... , ... "" . .. . ' .. . . ~ -·--· ... _ -·~-· .. ~. . ·c-..· Drlw• ,.. F•llulous. '56 Pontiac willl ... S••ICltli•rl ll111f1 Nl*r ffv••Matlc ' . AT ROY CARVER PON'l,'IAC .( •ciou the Highwey frq_m the Bey Club I Pontiac Ster Chief Custom Two-door Catalina B rrn.rll · '''ki"U fl " a 1o1 r y r1 11 d Strato-Stre"k v .~ perf(>rUUl"r" urc co:n11/;o.,·d to pt;f big-t·11r /uJ 11.ry '""' pul' .:r wit>un r<!aClt. <>I tirad11 t \t'r:;oo,.,.._ C'1m b1n .. a ·"""'-0th S rrutr> -F'!"1~t llvdrfl,o n •lllie 11-i th t t7 h p Sfr'lfO- .'l rteuk 1·.~ • Pontiac Star Chiof Convertible Coupo Po.o.-red by 1'<1bt<W... 1•1 ,\, ,. ltr ..... tr-aillk v ...... ~ ..• ca"4 _., 1moo11' IJMJlo-/1'g1't H114ro·Mofio 111v.sUa.ble ,,. Ml oJ PoMiJc'• wgM f~ oo1ort. , • invitation thrill to the This 1s an 56 Pontia c power and Smoothness .. to Strate -Streak V-8 Strate -Flight Hydra-Matic Roy All mode l• aveilelole for immediate delivery et Your Local Harbor Area Dealer Carve.r Pontiac NEWPORT BEACH lni 1,.,.l J\1n~ 1 ll••"''""ei Ju.~! 1,, .. ,,1 ,-.:,,t tt•Rt 1 rnln·t·· he' •d<Jt'd atnt.igh t tour ln 1928, Th<! maln --------· Tl•~11d11.y n1nrn1ni.: the bull•\•,,.,.,. ··,,ur ""r""'' rtrpar11 .... 11 t .1• th~ thing wr oni< W\lh nur product !11 Chan"V Camwa Gone Uberty 8-3466 a nd l\l t h.11nlmf r~ ll n'1 thll'l l r you take t 11.re or them, -·· 1 1400 W, Coast Highway m l>. .. rs ~11111,.d "''•VlnK r,'~'" :;~;, ~::~l 11~11~"~d;~~t~:,n "1w1'1'111 r,..n~~~~ne;~ they'll run f<lrt've r ~" Theft or a ca mera wt t h flash f ~=======,,...===========..,..,=================================~ t:r•t1n1 quite 11 rurku11 next to'tn give quic ker a n,! bfotter •er-At any ra t<1. It look• Ilk• Lh• boldir and bvlbl wu r..port-i,tt PhyJl111 Chur• ""' ,,oly n!fw<' v1,,. 111 '".r ru~torner". n,..,.. •<1dltlon will be rea.dy f or CMta Me.a poll c& re-cently bi 1 P hylli11 111 ft"""~ nr11,,. rn11 n11 >:,.r 1 . i..:-cu panry In •bout ten daya OT Mra. P.-..1 Charry of 81,g Be•• •n<1 rr .. fer11 "'Jft ttHI"" ln 11n 1111 rh"t " 1:' 11 .<i;;:n in, t he •hop lhlll 1"'"' we<1k~ 11.n<.1 \11 11 dUllt a.lid Lall•. Bhe N.ld ah. parked he: ha mnler\ '"11 '1~ ~"'1 ','ry .AflprnvP•l f'a rta no111e will be •I! cleared out, &11d cu at l 72e Super1or Ave. to tak• 11 "d 8Prvie" V.9ltrr· M1·t.1 u!J!'n, 1 P hy!11 , r11n Ji:" b4lrk to he.r quie t her .,.,rla to the roller rink wher "All th1~ crimn1n!l"u" ~e••I !..010 ... ,,.ir~ nnuia, 1 •·••·~ I •• "r 11au · """" WP cont<' mp 11.tlon cir Guy Lombardo I t h<1 theft occurred. Value or u,, "1• berau"r nl Lhr unprecP<lente-•! put !hat I k I 6 ---"'gn up it llffml"<1 I e •n<I h!• .. Sweelhea~ n P arade". c&ITlara w .. •t t.t •lo. ' .. See The New 1956 • c p R y s L E R L '< M 0 U 1 H , At the Balboa Bay Club Auto Show .January 14 • 15 • l 'ou'vt> iot a new t.hrlll coming whf\n you tnsJM'-ct theee three new Cht)'91r.r pl'(l(luc~ at cJoee ru.1e, ' for each 18 the nnet1t in it. field -darin~ly •• with "Flight SwttP" s tyUnp: that makes ~ with the "boiy" look old f11&hloned lladeed., But There's mor&-moch more--that 111 new in poW'er, la driving convenience (8uch 98 Posh Button Drt'ri.nJ) &nd enJ;int"ering ad\'UlOementa. Take a look at the new Chrysler, Imperial and Plymouth, and yoa'U want to take I.be whf'iel. We lllvtie you to do just that! Lou Reec1 and Associates ,. ·r Acrou from the Balboa Bey Club -Llborty 8-1486 • ·- ) -------~---- '. > . - . ' ~±~s\· ' ' : , ··-···~ .... ...:.. ...... ~ .. -- 1'1u car lltlVI H ond the priu won't rt.op rmJ Invest ill JJependability. get~ Bonus ill Go I •• You can buy it on its name alone- thie big, high-powered 'Mi Pontiac- and be Mfe in the knowledge the.t you ooultin't have made & better inVlllllment in yean 9f dependable, cuwtme motoring. 'Ibe good tltings you've been heitr- inc about Ponti11c for yeani ai.un you that. But "~·· it the uU'd for '56! Per. (ormanoe llO new and dfl'lmlltic it mUllt be e.aperienced to be believed! A lhort. spell behind the wheel will nail that sUttement dmim AA s fa ct . ~ along for • driYt! and 110e. • Wlliting for the light. to change, you can't hMr the enpne. But touch your toe to the aocel«&tor and in • apl it l!leCond there '1 • tommt or power, sp&rked by the ID08l advanced engine ot them all-the 1JWint m . b..p. Sin.~~ V-8. 'f'M.m Ulil terriftc ~ pillnt rib PonWic'• all-~ Stnt.o-Flicht Hydrs·Matic:• and you've rot the smoothe!Jt. t&ke-otr that evtrr briclit- eiwd • highl'l'"Y. And remember-th» f!8117 han- dling dn"tlm U. 1tctll.!llly amonc the bigpt, buakM can bulltl Now for the ftml t.t-1..! b u. open road and .om9 ..... , ... you can ~. Wtp. out a b&: Strmgbtm ·a lcurw. 8mootl1 Ollli a ltretd:i al fOUlh road t.bai' • buM I ~ you for,.... • Now -...by tt.y°M tllllll"I .. u. ~ ''ro'' oa ~ Mon tMn Uiat-ii·• U:l9 p r 1 Ou,)' OD wl:Me9! And *Mt too, .. ..., to prove. ThMa .a·a kx>k Ill tha Ill'-...,_ & dl8dl; oa OS dMJ . Nothin(willotop_..,_,.. 1-uty bom be&nt youn! . ... __ ..,,..... 1 I ·"'\!) YOt4CO'n aduallrlw .. abig,gfa_;,...l'Ollliac 860 far 1-n/)7\ TmT ,,i · ~ than Wo" .,.,..u l"'f for u mod"" of the I-Ow-priced Uir..i .r v.i .v 1 LL1 <P ROY CARYElt PONTIAC 1400 W. Coast Hwy. N E W P 0 R T IE AC H, Llbeu ly 8-3466 -~- For the lest Reslilh in Advertising Phone Hca bot 1616 • ' - / •) • " • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-Pr,ESS -PART·! I PAGE 5 . FRfAY. JANUARY IJ, 1956 lope Case Story Contllct , .... Court lnvestlgaflon • BANTA. ilfA (0CN8) -llU· puWr Court J\\dc• KanneUi Xor- rl*-1 ...... ta to pt tM •tol7 Oil • ll&n:lOtka &rftlt from UM .,.,.__ inl" otncer. Th• twtc-• bu called for the N ...-port 8ea.t.h polic. otttcer wbo a.rr.1-d Louia C!lulM J'oillw Jr:, 2"-of 6811 8Mahor. Dri..._ N.,.._ port BMeh, lo appear b.t°" b1m l&IL. 11. Del. Capt&La. V. L M.c-- IUnlJ"d and O.t. J~ llp.Utn W•r• art'Mltin&' Ottlce1-. ft.euon tor th. j\14i"e Mkln&' to!" the otneu'a t.ppearanee I& a con· ruct between a probation report &.nd the det~t'• tMUmony. Foster told tbe ,.,_, ~ that the otnow'1 -.ory tb&l he d9- nlec:i tnanJuan..a found in h1a ~ wu hi& i.. untrue. H• c iaun. h• rMdliy admJtted OWl!,Jn.bip of \.ha oueotl~ ~ ..... tbe7 found .. tllftlwn paper bq Wddm ,tn tbe ~­ rtery. It ~ oontam.d II ::tpntt• ldeattt.Md .. ~ ro.t..o WU Wot. J"4q lfot-. rillOa. JConda7 tor a Jk a dee: ~......,.... Th dahadut'• ....... ampk>yed at Oran,s. OoMt ODl- 1 ... ., told J1141"• Korri9oa. ... la 1ure the boy OOU1d m&ac. ,_. CISl ·--H• aooepted the bl&nMi tor Mt lflvta.&' th41 boy .noqb. .attm.Uab Nl:llle b41 •WU a JOw:i,..1.U, ,.._..,Mo . .ua ..... A..aia u..a,., A..U... Kwrie .............. NZW CIAa SALESABE&VICE Cl.ZAN Uuo CA.Ra Imported 6 Do~UC K EADY TO RETlRE-No. One, onginal school bus at Newport Harbo r Union High School, ""'111 1>oon bt- retired when two Crown cµ~tQnlJI lilif.e those in back arrive fron1 tht.· fact ory. \.V 1Jl iam Frink, left, head cu.i;todiun and one of the· first bul! dr1vt-rs 1n the dis· trict. sfill goet1 on a run occu iona.lly. ~Obert (Bert) Shannan. head of the i>c hool bus driverH . haa been a.ruund only a few months less than Frink. Both l'a.n recall how the bu.eel! kt"pt running through e11.rth- q u.akeJ1 and all sorts of bad wt:ather. -Sta.ff Photo NEW JACK SPEEDS TIRE CHANGING M v11t revoJ uUon1.ry chanKfl In dulcn ot auto jack · .tac. day• ar hJgb preuur. t.1("(!19 If. l•\ured w •t&nd&rd equ.Jpment on -.JJ 1~ Buiclu. Jack u a1m11ar in d.ta-n to lh094i 1.1-1 by ~·· 1e&t urtng t wo ~ Wtud ot one. Jt e&n b9 operated with the tout. J..:klng polAt.. ban bee.n mulled on tn.ma lo .um.tn&te llLllY doubt about 'A'Mre ne'llll' j&ck If. to be placed. C. E . Blemora- ma B wic k dealer, lAguM. Be•ch, "Your SOI.Ith Co&at Bukk Dealer."' e11n t*ll ymi a bout them. Foater wu 1topped by ~ el ::out lfi&"trw•y &lid &lboe. B!vd. ln Dee. t . A ml8dem.ea.nor Wl..M"allt N'U out tor hi& arrut LQ C<W:l- aect!oa wttll a tratnc YlolaUon. In ff.&rcllin( lh• IU.ptci.'• C&T, SANTA. ANA Kl t -&TIH ltOI 8. Mall! Harbor High' s Old Ho. 1 Bus Retired by Trustees District's. Original School Bus Naw Be ing Replaced by 79 -Passenger Job hll~ pla;·ed Jn hnncinlt'. thn1111an'!" nf ~hool children aafely to •nd f n•m !.heir hnn10:-~ 1 .. w.•r gra.d~11 There vr ere 13t> ~1\,.1., tll 1n ,,..t,.,ol then ;-;1.,.r•n11n 111 nut ki•JLl1ni.; 11.b<,u l !11~ t .. rmtte~ One IU\d lhr"e hf.ve ORIO l:->A L DRl\'ER prrlty muih co11!11H·f\ t<J M:hnol th" 111 ... 1rH'1 " rlnuhle tnr ay11tern 'DH" knnv. 1 .. 1Jo:" '" "h11r,..I hv bu~ln"M. h .. ~•1r1 v.·h1rh h,.,. Qfo•HI ln .. rt..,rl 1\noe \\dl!11m Frink, hf'11r1 LU11tod1a.n, ,.""' Th,.re y.·ere fq11r )lu""'" ,1ur1n1: the ..ch.-><11 11\u1le<!. A11 11\r'P'i<M>d "f th,. !lr~t nf th .. ~·hMI'~ h l1~ 1h .. t1r~t d")'~ 11r dh·"'I. he 1111.1d. I enrulhnent u1 rxpe«t,.,I next tern1. d1 i•·,.r11 and !h .. qnly o ng-1n11I tln1·-1 but one .,.. ...... nai'd t'> tran.11port 1 Sturman S&fl:I, An ,1 the 17-bua '"" 11llll on fluty. Frlnk h1111 been ~··nJnra to Sllllta An" H •.:h School fleet . !J k,. th .. rt.'lt or t!J.e ~hool. ""'f>loyt'<l by the <11strlrl "'nr e betau.l!W!! Newport taurht 011.ly lhe h•• to be N-&dy See the Models Beautiful All • In New One Plote 1956 at the 4th Annual 'Balboa Bay Club AUTO SHOW ON THE BBC GROUNDS AT 1221 W. COAST HWY. NEWPORT BEACH Saturday, January 14 ITWO DAYSI 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Dally Sunday, 15 . January Come ••• and prep&re to be duded by the 8Uck oonver1lblet1, the glamotoU8 ha.rd·, to1>9, the sport. can ud JOB«• regal 4-doon! JS leadiq .SOath Cout automo- bile dalen have choeen the cream of the dome9tk and foreign car crop for di!!· play bt this unique uto llhow. So clroP, in ud browMt a.round -compare !ltyl· In&. oo&on, ea~ and oonveateaoe featurea. You'll enjoy every minute of ltf i... Pick up your FREE TICKETS from any pf tho Participating Dealers li1tecl below: \ 0. E. SIEMONSJu Mii.i.ER CHEVROLET HARVEY HIERS ..... 110~ ....,..._ WU REED ~PlymoUUll·lmpert.J A~ from BBC ,,....,..,,_. '.l'HEOOORE ROBINS Ford • 'num.derblrd JIN W. eo..t Blvd. Newport S..Cllt MONTE E. fETERS De~Pl.J'tnoulh llt"N.~ --- Cli.,,.....nlet -Oldamoblle 1000 W . c~ ... t H1••y. ""N~"fl!'ll"t f\.f>M'll McLEAN MOTOR 00. Clad.111...- tol N . Milin ~ta Aua MAIN ST. GARAGE Rlld"n 410 llat. MU-t H1111tt-.rt•n BMK-h • JOHNSON II: SON Ullt"Oln ""rT:llQ' • C'1111tln.ental too w. ('~ u • ..,. ,.._,...._ AL BEATl'Y MOTOB8 [)ndce-Pl)'moatlll IMt N-.iert ftl•d.. .,.... ·- .. .... Uni • C llppeT 8?6" \\'. 17lb ~I. ~ta An.a HARRISOfi PONTIAC f>untta.r !nd ., 8yramnr,. Satita Ana llAUSKEN-WATSON '1J1C:uar-MG-Au!ltln·Jf-""1 19!! 1-larbor. c·n•t• M._ !?01 !t. !Waln. !l&nla Ana CO'ITON GOFF \ olk•"·~hrt'th<! :;.11• s~ m,·d. N"'lMrl a-c• .----------------~-----------' . . ' ' • Son '.s Arri val Sees Smoke in Firehouse ODE 10 THE .. VOLUME .. DEALER (pottn) Did You Know, That •••••• I I • • SALE EXECUTIVE CARS DEMONSTRATORS 1955 & 'Sb "Hillm&ns '' "Jagu•ri'' •·r tiumphs" "'DKW" 8.EE .. d DBlVE roDil AT . • • '(.'aotoe It ""ould be oor ctUtome,.. Who'd fliav" t.o IC»Ot U. BllL l I -HA.VEY MAYER MOTORS LOU REED Chrysler -Plymouth -Imperial ' 2137 Harbor Blvd.,. Costa Mesa 1200 W. Coast Hl-M"llf U R-S486 (Comor Victoria SL) • Speaks softly and ._ ~·. packs a p()werffit wailop ! ...-~~ Whether idlin~ at curbside or cruising, this ne~·~Cb('nolet ta1ks in a ~rell·mannered whisper. You scarcely ever hear more than a soft undert-One of power from its deeir chest.ro VS. (One reason is the hydraulic· bushed vaJve lift.era now in aU Chevrolet engin~-V8 or 6.) Soft~spoken, yes-but this handsome ttave1er packs a wallop that ranges up to 20& h.p.I H's charged with ab...-acli<ml Acf!on that can save you preciom seconds for safer passing on the highway! Action that lets. you take ateep hills in atzide I • Action that belpe Y"" room out ot troulile spots almoot .. quit!kly .. they develop! ,-· ~ And adion im't all. Chny. hold. the road like port of the pa...,,..tl You feel oddod ~ m: ~ ... ,. it cliJlll to cun11. Of -Chemilot ~ 1"" tM oecurity o( safety door lald>eo Ill iD ~ Jnguummt panel · pwld!nc 1114 -bollo, · with .. witllolat obollld.---... offered a~ "'1lt. • Ccmoinonddriftan.,.ClieflOM. Wtln aot "°" ready aad 1"lltUlii (()f ,....._ MILLER CHEVROLET CO. .1000 .Wnt .Calllt H...,cy . NEWP.ORT llACH , ' ' ; . - . • J • . • . • • . • ' ! .... -• I LADY ANGLERS n.. .A.miual ·-·of Otllctn -Tnlplly ·~ lluq1lot ~ tho floborplo' ....... for Uk ,,.. .... ~ .i.u ocbodulod Jaa. :111, tu. ,.... ~ Mc-'t Hu1>o< Ylcht Club ucl will bit• -'ldp ID tbo -' ' area. .. (~) ~ ........ ,, 1111it mutu.IJ IDtenllt'daal timdl ... .U. ('11/iah 8eDt> ~ DW1f la\o U.. .,.W cunw-.,._ pr1lf••~· Kn. em. t~ lldlri• irroap .. ~ ... ln ta.) IDmfatMr, flC1"11t11i7; ... wt.lcb tllA 1Ad7 .An...,. Uc.I-J{arold1 ( ... ) CJnMm. ~. lt 1 a.ra aot bollltlq. o.pAt. UM ..... '°""4 et dine.ton tndMM MIP..-d\T poor ftabb:l.c MUOft. Kn. JU. (A.bee) 81-~ Kr& \ pa.a tak' note of UM 1 a r J e Fn4 (llalb-) Jollit.aoa. lll'a, Rq .................. U.• ll'ophlem &l"tl (at.all}, ~nMQ. Mn. ow. ,....... ( ,.._tec1. • pn't.J IOdm, Mn7 ~ ,.._y In'ritatioM baY't~ Men ut.-.ded ltMkr. Kn. fta7 (LU)r) o.!l w - to mem.bera, tne¢a. ~ u d Kn. a.. (Dprta) VU Dam•. hu.bandl to atl41nd th. blr 111ctit. Bonte tmponat su-ta Ja., •• We a.peel • bl.I' tran.tonnauon hMlt. bt.tttd &ad our erDCM. BW ln ~ , ..... nJ &PS*U'l'OI of OUT Owynn& nMda lntroducf..ioo. mesnben UI. tturlr be.t bl.It and odftee ~ 111 well ~ ill· Yldto J~ Men '"'1clr. out ! Our U!.eme """· ><i la to be carTled out In w hat Fath-;:: :. abls:.!i_ note. f1'c he • NeptwMI ba,i to offer In the pm: wa1 ot table deeor&Uoru such u The Y e&t1>oolr. Ch&trman, Mn. . ' . . -.-- • ' ( +-~I \old flllL Mil (lhq'll b9 well C&lJ p.1&m tor Kent Hit.chcock ~). driftwood, et cetera. (our otflci&I photo() to capture 'n.. fTOUP whkh will ti. rupon-the ,u.mour of the ('lrlA In lb.air Ill.bk tor OU. d.cor will b9 Chair-bow' of trtumpb for a gl'OUJl pie. man Mra. A ndy (Phooeb<e l Andre-ture of the trophy wtnneni and ltfn and her capable committee. Uw. new SO.rd of DirKlor• .. Lel'• Th•Y b•ve •urpn.u ln •tON! t or wtnd up a b ig year wlth a ht-' WINS CLARENCE · BEEBE TROPHY Harold K eno yer receives fishing h on ore fo r landing the largeJl marlin of Lido Isl" Yacht Club f o r the y e ar. Comn1odw-e M. A . A nderson made p r esentatio n at annual banquet. • ' • I ' l I turnout a.nd •tart a i:t!ll blg &e.r -0 F-F-1c-ER-s-;N-" '"-L~-~c-·~~-: -BLA_c_K_. --1Planes Now Used at Night s~sPEcT w As KIITY ! to Spot Sch.ools of Fish Newport pol.Le• otf\cer. Che•ter Cuny &nd Ken Thon1p· NEW BOAT DELIVERY DELUXE ~" '"'"' lwo hou" loc&U"I • bl&<k ~· w h> .. '"'""' "' Three molded fiberglu Lehman Dinghies in kit fornl w ere l.oaded a board J o h n Mc· which &llegttlly bit a 3\i,·year-old ¥!..fl at a city playg-round, A new development.. in the punie-· af'1n e night f1~h.,ry for 11&rtt1ne1 off ltle eo&.1t of C1ll(urn1a 111 th" u..~· ,...,n.·i~ nn ~arohnf' ~,.,,.,.,,. ,,~, n1i.1.,1 '" l"!~I llbuiJ' :'.'•I t"n~ N bb' ..... 1 tlal 11" I di I h S •I w~eport~ Wed.nnd.ay . ot wnall 1,111.ne. fur epotllng th.-a • ,_.a ..,.. t. eM yac t, t e Ua , P olari&, lut week for delivery in M-. , -• ···i•--. 1 4~ Vt& Undlne, told ofhcer. her dau-.tf'r, -··'-•• ...., .,.. ...,., " A-" •ch........, and \JtriH:llng thi' .,.,tl!ng 1 A ul M . 0 '---I build W D '-h k , h h . I h ,,.,.,.,,,In;: "n in .. ~f"•"','J.: 11,.,,,., C&p co., exic . LJIJ'<.A. er . . ;:I'\; oc 1.1 11 o wn ere paurng o ne o t e St•ph&n lll', ?ad bffn bitten by the cat wh!I,. •he W1U1 pl•ytng of the ~lne. The .ardine ~hoot~ 1., 1,.,,,1,. ~•u<tui·· llllol 11,,. k•·ro·! At \ll" pr<'""•"lll !IU"· ~"· r ""' 11 .. 1r , • tn .. p11r~o:-,...in·· fl• •. , unfinished bulJ• aboard to the o wner-skipper, J o hn M cNa bb u two m o re d inghies •t the city pla yr round on Vta Sill! Remo. e.re clearly v11uble frorn ui;• a.ir 11.1 ,,. 11 • .i.. h ,,. ho ·Ji .. \••I th"' i h.~ awail loading f rom the NHYC dock . Stella P ola.r.s a.nd h e r party will be in Am1.d with a J ... ..:rlpU"" of th• cal. uff1lera cLnvllM<'d a.ltitudc1 or rrc.m ~00 1 .. ~.000 ff'et ni• Ln, .. 1 or ~ru1111,I! ""'' ,. .. t\lni:: ,.n uJ · th ,. · b f h the net(tiborhood a.nd f\na.lly loca ted the cat at Ill Vllll. 11occonJ1nl" W \h., Serv1ce.1 Market '"h•>'·I~ ,,f 1,..htKI•" f l•h h"" IP· A cap co t o v ie w e tnl8 O l e race from San Otego. a fter w hich they will R.f,no. th• home ot' Paul w. E lniQUl•L. Th• cat.,.. .. qua..a..'1· New• tt.Pf'Ort.,r al S11.11 P!'"dro. 1 ni .. J\•l••U" f"....,.111111 ;1~~ ThrP· ·''" cruiae on t o Chile with t heir retW1l here scheduled fo r eome time in M a y .-Beckner Un91i at • pet twMoplt&l. Alte-r lhe schoolJ of -rdlnea thr...-plane• no ... · "f""r>•l 1n r;; uut of Photo 1--"----------------------------la..e a.potted by the -.lrplanea, lhe Sa n l'fflro. •Uhl thf'y •~·uut 1n.1 -:o::=c:--::=".':'-::".7::..,-,-:::--:;:-------------------------------p lot 11, • .,. detailed ln1•rvcllona M 1 enlirf' Snuth!'m Cal1fnm111. fh•h1nr;; acn.tor llltM Kefauver, •pM.k· SAVED FROM SEA NEAR 1,SLAND to w~n the net U lff •hould be I arr•• a ll n•Kht lnng v.·h,.n u,. lf1I" la 8 .J".-'"8t.e"-'*ln'1 out tn drvpp<e'd. Lnd the circle around the [ ...,.,,,.,n~ 11.re out '""" -. bul ..... m~lh.o .. & MA R I N E N' E w s 11 p Se" c e M b '"" m&d<. Durtng lh• <OO~• or. c•nlury ln pollllca.. ~ une 1ner r w em ers •lli:-hour n ight. one pllot In ll .1ma.ll The .itrph•ne pHOl "''"rkH un 1 1h11.r;, ba..s111 of .') per ~"nt or the gro!WI Nlock and ll !11 .,11t1n11\t .. •t that h111 11h.ar" of the pro-"''"ti .,f th,. lr1pa will overar;;~ cl.--!" 200 dollara bit.&td on !l11 it\"Pr111o:.- LEGAL NOTICl Cit:RTIFJCA.ft or B U81NE88 P'kitttiow P'tn11 N-. PAGE b -PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1950 Rescued as Genevieve H Burns plane w ee-fully .et n ine puTlle. N•wport Harbor'• C04Ul Gua rd .1ea m•n t o san Pedro, Th• cr•W eutter la.It nL&"ht aided In rm.cu• wu unhurt. ~ clltr h or JOO ton .... Runaway Cau9ht at Balboa Club opw-•UQQll w hic h plck911 l l men ot The .elner caur ht tire In htt en· Thi~ aea~n thert !">ft" ti.-.. n Rn 'Cornelius Perm;. " " '" •I !I~ 'Iii ,. ..... ~,1~ \' 1r . .:: !" •1. I !,. !•""I 1 i, .• ,.,. ~·~•1<;:•· lo' !~l !••I \!.r· Alo· H~rol d I. J o hnson 1(~ K l'r"p••llar l(1·111&lt• I .. 1un1t.Jan •"·' t .. ,l~ral ", ..... ~ l•llun , lla'Ph1>r 11"~11 ~!Il l \"Illa \\".'• :\""J>"rl l\.·11o•·h CAREFUL SERVICE r--.i... for your S"ea·#~ ~ Th• und~ doee he.r•by ceru t y that b• la conducllnar a School ot Danclnr bualneu a t TIDE TABLE th• burnln1 . 73·ft. pur.1e .1e.lner r tneroom and a May Day radio lnC'n·1111e in lhe ll.•e vr 111rpl1tnt'11 t" Genevleve M. Sa n P edro. out or ca ll was .1ent out at 4:20 p.n1 . A l 4-year-ol<l boy who hacl run lor11t .. 1111.n1tne ll{"hnnl.'I an<! ll•·t !h,., Expert outboard motor repairs 3440 v i .. Oporto. N'-port Beach O.te Tlme H'-Time c .. u rom la, under the n ctttlou.1 Hl&b Low H their •klff 16 mllea ea.1l of Ca ta-Both cutter• a.nd the ~t Guard awa y from h i ~ 1lon1o:1 ln Tuc.1011. J!l<'!nt'ra "" f1.'lh. SC'o u t1ni:: plR.n•"" llna l1land . plane reeponfled, the plane drop-Arlz. WIU! p11:k.~<L up by Nev.•porl 1n the pa"t have b<'l'n u.~eJ tu " tlrm nan1 e of Kin( Studloa of F'nday • 8 4.'l a n1. .') 8 2.3'1 a m. 2 t Dancing and that aald firm I.I Jan. il 10·1111 p n\ 3.11 8 4:, 1. m ~o.e compoeed o r lb• followtnr perton.1. Saturday 9 1~ a ·n1 .":I 1 J .12 ... m 2.0 The cutt•r 1tood by thf' fla mlnir ping-flltre.1 to keep lhe II men, B&&eh pollce at 8alboa Bay Club .'in1aJI l!lllf'nt In tile dKy\1tn,. ri~h~ry boat u the cutter Morrl1 out of lncludlr1a own• r Roy Hug ,v, 47, at :'.:JO a ni. weclr"1e...:t1y, l ie wu I r'°=';;;;"="='='-"='="·=·.;;;~_•_"_'.'_' _k_'_"_'c· ;;;;::; l.Anr Beach returned t h• reacued San 01,.go. In •lg ht. -----------------------lbooked a.1 11. run11oway and tr11.n11-whon n.&mM ln tull and placf'll of re.11dvic• are .. follow•, to-w it : Jilli I ' 10.,8 p.ni. '·O 4:19 p. m --0 4 ferred E LGIN T . 0 AT"8·'3'2 Ollbort, ....... , .... &,m. ,. , .. L m. z.o one of Influence Buciness AnL A.naJ\•lm. J an I~ lt ·17 p.m . 4.1 4•4!1 p. m 0 2 'fh• poHc• ha d recelftd report.II W ttn-hi.I hand thl• 19th day Monda y 10 :20 a.m :10 4·2.') •.m 2.0 Approved by Mesa Planners tha t . boy. de.1er 1bed AA •pprox-ot Dec. llM J~ te 11 ·47 p. m_ 4 1 !1 :13 p. m o 1 lma tely 1:1-yefl r•-oltJ. wu, •e-eklng ELGIN T . G ATES 1'ueaday IO :M a. m _ 4 :I :I 12 a m. 2 o I I d r• d W91"k loca lly and hllrl no money STA.Tit O P' CA..1.JFOR N lA. Jan. 17 :<.:41 p.m. O.:I T'Wo bu.M e ... enlerpn1•1. •~on· p oyett lnc u lnr o n «.I a n trla day M fore. John 8i11.hop, COUNTY OI" ORA NGI: 111111 W 4n d va l•.::ent home and a heavy con-trea.tm,.n t rooma for three due-night auditor al the Bay Club, Of thl.1 19th day ot Otoe . A.O. " '' •Y 0:2l • m. 4 3 e .10 •. m. 2.0 1trucllon company yar4, In t h • t0!""8. Bedr!Qd~, ..enlle. IUld .. mbu-took th• boy tn cu•tody early t hhi to Jl.IVenJle hall In Sant 1:' o ur BOAT OO\.EK8 HALBOA CA.N"\"AS SH Ot' H••-111"1 U.,/J J!" ~ "'{W,Ol l IUCH Auth o ri se d 1966, be.fore me, STANLEY G J an 18 II 4.":I a. n1. l 9 fl II pm I 0 z.one of tnnuence ot C.t.a Mell&, latory patient.I w ould u11~ th,. fa~ morning. The youth exp\ftinfld hLll ANDE R.BEN, I. Notary Public in Thu""1ey 1 :02 a. m, 4 ~ 7 .2e 1.. m. 1.9 were approved by the Me11a pla.n· ctllUea a nd tile.re would be • pre11ence In the Club by .. Ylni TH A L C 0 Flberglass &1"ld for the aald County and Stale. JUL 19 12.tll p. m. 33 e :,8 p. m. 1.4 nlnr com miulon Monda y night. nun e on duty at all t!mN . The tie w&.1 walUnr for 10mwne. J>Mler la the II.arbor 'di •• _, d '" 1 1 8 11 P&" r 100 M&J 8 • preant county son inr Jn the ~a TuCM)fl pollce were notified and rM nc u 1•r ... n. ,..y comm All on· t•r ng ••• o n .... 18 R.-. r Midentl&l. ed and rworn, pe~nally a ppea r-• J @ (f • !'lewport BM.ch. applied fOT th• Tha Sm&lley Coa.1trucUon Co. a.ked to Jntor m the l&d"11 parent.I. area. Bring your nber· ed SLOIN T. GA. T.1:8 known to va.ri1.ne• tor th • convale.c::ent ._. _ _. -1....... problemo to DI, rtlQUM ....... a .... ance t or a heavy .-rne to btl th• penon whOM na me hOlfl• about a ,...,-&Co bl1t alknr· ~ , ll wMorlbed tQ tha wtlllln ln· ed hi U &lion to 1&p.e COIUltrueUon yard along P a llaade.1 ,,._ p jfj Fi..__,_ ruurr rvu.. I.AST nw • a.pp c · Road. near Banta Ana Country (OP-~f>!ll. ac C _.. ~-ss ~~t ..... ~~ .. -.to m• q UAJCT&& llOON' •~a.urru ....... TIM ham• would M looa'-1 oa Club and "'jace.nt to a re.tdentlal HOl w. Coal& Rwy . ..,.. _, .. .._. ..... "" · • '"""''" 8uperiof' A". below th• lnttlr-~ N o cmut.ructl.on equipment In wtcn.. ~. l h&v• h«• Jsn. 20 Jan. 27 J'ab. 3 Jan. lJ Uon ot Plaun.ua., clOM to Haq-trl.11 M •lMtld lher.. lhey main· Pll. U M·M'fl Our m«h•nin •r• Johnt-0n- 1r•inf't:I in th• us• o f JJ)e(i1I f1 ctory·IYJ>C' 1oolt. They UM Joh nSOll J»rts from our l•rp 11orl: • .1uuring you of only 1he 'n~r m.1 int•n•oor .1nd rt-- p.lr work o n your ou1boecd mOfor. Lookln,1; for • ""., Sn-Hor.e? Wr h•v• 1hno • pt"iu. ro u"ll 1ppreciare.. ' South Coa•t Co . I Newport 81\"d. at 2Srd St. Ha.rhos Z600 . UD\o Mt mJ' band and atnx414 my 1 -------------------------~--I Ht111p4t&l. ni.r. woal!. be provt· t&iL Parkln1 WW btl provided t or SOUTH OOAST OO. AcrON trom All-American Mll;t • =:~ ~ae~ New Port Woman's Car Hits Wall 9'one~~·~"~"~ .. ~"~ .. ~ .. ~~~'~'~·~·~m;..·~'~'~'~~~========~::::::;::::":::: .. ::::·~·"::::::;N::::'"""::::::;::::"::::::;B::::'·::::··::::::;~~::::::;::::::;::::::;::::::;::::::;::::::;~::::;:;::::;:;;:t;;==========;;:; ~ 'iU" .. ":""' ""•'~ as Local P d t · I · -d N o. "" ,....,_,.,._ e es r1an n1ure ' ' • ' tJ/23, IO, I.NO, 1/t, 13, 19M No. A·28T7T NO'nOC TO CJa&Drrou aTATl'.I or BUGH A. EBTU8, aka B. A. mTUB n.ee·w. NO'I'ICll la HERZBT QJV°CN to th• credit.on ot and au per· .:Jn& b.&'f\n( clallru .,..Intl tile Mid d9o9d-.t or a.Id utat• to ftla tii.m wtlb. the neceu&ry YO!.>Ch.w In U.. ofhc• o f the Clerk of th• Superior Court of the Sl a te or Callfomla, tn and for the Coun· ty of Ora.nee. or to p rue.nt the -..n•, w1th lh1 nec. ... ry vouch· a..-., to Ute Wld•nlped at hl1 or Mr pl&c9 of b\»lnua, to -wtt : .JAMJCS H. S8TU8 and HltLl:N L. RINDJ:llKHIJCHT C/o Hur · wita A Runtita, .Attorney• at Law Hll N.wport BJYd.. Newport Bea.ch, Calltom.la within •Ix rnont.M an ... th• ftr•t publica tion ot thl• not.le.. DalAld l"&AU&l""J 10. I I~ . .JAKU . H. CSTUS BK:LSN L JUNDl:R.K.ND:HT Admlnl1traton o1 Uw it.tale ot Mid dec•nd•nt HURWITZ 6 HURWITZ ,. Altome J"' at Law t 1t11 Newport BouJev11.rd N.wport Bea cl'I. California .Attom•Y• for PetlUoner • 7 No. tste N-. Pr-... l /13. 20, :tT, 2 '3, ~IM Vuta.. l ~ NO'DOS or P UBLIC H&A&.lltG -i Notice I~ h•reby 11-ftn th.at UM ! pla.nnln1 eom rntaidon ot the d ty i of Newport S..ch will bokl a f pubUc hMrin( on t h• application l ot KA.CCO Corp. for • ~ ~ #Ml to )Mrmll: 0.ta ch-1. ,...._ ; on UI• h'ont half of th• lot. On : )ol 48 trt1ct #ITOI 11),30 DolphUI ' •l ln1M i-......-.oe. : Nollet l.1 h•nby turtlMr 11"" ) that -.Ad public bMrtnc .-111 M I held oa U\e lllth da y of Jan. ltM. • a t ~ hour ot T :30 p. m. In UMI f ll!OUIMliJ chamber• of t he N•Wpot"l I ...... CU!)' Hall at whk:h UiM : -.d place a ny and all pe.rw>NI 1 lai-ted may &ppeAr &hd " : ....... t.Mnon. ; i\.A.T T . COPEl..J.N. MCrd&ry N.wport 8-cb O ly J'\amllnc QDmm mkln 1 Ho.l•1 I ;,_ J'-J1r411im J/l&JM -~ .... I A Newport w o I'll an dr1Yer amaahed her car In to a brtek w1.U to a\f06d Mriou1ly lnjurtnr a pe d•U1an Tuea<lay afternoon. .lane Ca.mer-on Han.el. 41. of 100 3lat 8L, told otncer.1 .1he wu driv!Jll" Into RJCllard'a )( a r k • t parkJnc lot, Newport Blvd. nQU nnley Av. .. and hanked her horn lo warn the pt!de.slrllUI who w .. Cr<llllllng th• driveway a t th• .1ame ..... She told police the pede.1lr1M. Dera Dibr ell, 71. of 204 '6th 8t .. Yacht Burglars Plead to Guilt apparently became 11.artled and dartttl back Into the path of U.e 'fehlcle. Th• woman driver .IWUftf ber car Into th• brick wall but w11..1 unable to avokl hlttlq the ped&ltrlan, lhe aa.Jd. 'l'l1• Injured penon. wa.1 l.&llen to Hoar Ho.pita.I for trutment U mlnor-tnjuri•. The drtver wu cited for drlvln&" w ith an ln.truc- Uon pennlt without a llcen.ed oPera tor pre#t'nl . IMt lurglory Two •·r•llon out~rd motor llink• were taken from a boa.t ownr.d by L. C. D11nver. Newpon police "·"re ~ently. The ·Harbor ment. wbo re.ported the ••Id the bolt WU docked Penln11.1la Ancllora,.e. Arcadia . informed Df!part- l be f l, at Udo BA N'TA ANA, C0CN8) ->."c eu.lled or burrta.mm. the yacht "Mrnf'. Leone ll"' at 1100 Balboa Blvd.. Newport a..hh, Dec. 18, l:u('!na M. QWltalton. ti, and CLARXNCJC J' A U L K' N I: I\, John L. Btenna. If, boUl of El o.Jl:land, reUrlnr; 1.t.ler ca&ier- Mon te. ple•ded pUt y Tuf8day . '"l'V• handled mllUoNI of i.ttan They were arral(fled be.fore and I don't ur. If I ne.,.r - Supt>rlor Cour t Jud(e Kenneth another one." Morr I.on. p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I At torney.1 ror Gu•l•f.10n and SleVl!R.I applled for probaU0·1 hea.rlng.1 . Judr e Morrt.on Ml t:'!o a . m . Jan. 31 a.a the time ror prob&Unn he.rtnr a nd .. n tenctnr for the d•fe.nd&nta, Who are frM on b&ll. MARINE • INSURANCE RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTIUAt. COMl.4ERC1Al . NO JOB TOO LUIGI: O& llO-M..N_,_._ • .. • ~lmberly l -9'421 1956 CADILLAC ELDORADO SEVILLE An lnapiration to beh o ld ••• a reve latio n to rid e in .•. a n edu cation lo drive- tbill ii the f&buloUA Eldorado Seville . A.. n e w and exc lusive additio n t o Cadilla c'• royal family o f m otor cal"B, the SeviUe .i.a, in t h e truest aense. a "dream car'" i.n actual production. I t bear• all of the uniq ue E ld o rado •ty ling c h a ract e ristics ..• inc lud ing the f a m oU8 high-sw~ping rear fende rs, "Sabre-Spoke" w h eels, and lhe opUo n&l gold grille and wheels. A .1pecial grained Vicodec hardto p roof pro vides a. crowning touc h o f gla.mo ur. ILB interio rs a.re luxu rio us and graciou s almost beyond deacription ••. and the perfo rma.n ce o( it.a special 305-h .p , en gine o ffenr"' the fin.a.I. reward of the indue:try'11 l ineal e ngineering . Deliberately d esigned and ma.nufac tured aa the m o s t exclusive m ot o r ca r of o ur lim e , the Eldorado Seville repreeenta Cadillac's hig h est ac h ie ve m e n t in autom o t ive qualit y a n d cra.ftarµan•h ip . Free Tictet~ Avoiloble in Our Showroom mcclean motor Compan" 4ulhcwired Sdles and Service Cadillac ..• Oj.DSMOllLE ·' 2n<I & Mein SI. Sente Ano I I ' • I HOUSE OF YOUNG LAYMEN 1ant ·from .U u.u ot lwUMn Otltt<lrftlt. tootr put 1ll -• ., con':fl!!.Uon proc-o•naa ~ llU9!:.... ud 'orpntaUon 191t· NEW · GROUP. IN. DIOCESE .... lermtaat.ed 'lrith -......... t•~ trorn t to 1. P""'-a. .... All llalnt#' ped&b" hall. "' Saint Unit J runes Larg~t With 72 MembeQ:__ H.rbor ll .. t Memorlel Perk BALTZ MORTUARIES CHA.Pm. HY THE DA ADULT CHOIR of Newport Harbor Lutheran <lturch: (trant row, I to-r) Kay Miller, Carol Rog- bey, Diane Fellba.um. Gert Anderson, Dale Young, Marie Borgman, Ann Bergland, Margaret Neu.m&11. Second row : Ann 8.ru.%a, Marge Allen, Dorothy GronlUDd, J'l'O\I Jbrti11, Blgr1d Ndf, Collott.e Runnels. Oara Hinderaker. Third row : F.dytbe Erickson, Wilton Lewton, Jim McCauley, Gene Pilkinton, Franklyn Hruu., Jayne Mann. 11'1 Superior A.nau• SUD a rcout Bl'l'd. Th• new Hou. of . Tounr Lay-The newly formed Bo-. ot eo.t& X.... cant. ~ dll Mu, Ca1Jt. r OUDC' ~elected u.. toUOw-----,_ a. ----- men wW oomblne wttll tb• preea. 1 ~ ... ~-~-~~-·z-=~,.~··~ ... ~,~-~~~·~:;;;;::;';::-;::;-;:;;;:;;v;:;;;:;;un;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;';;;-;:;;:;-;:;;;"';';::";;;;;;;;;~ Houee ot Yount p:bllnlhm9n. oom- poHd ch.telly of Hlliar-and JllAlor hlgti .chool at~lJI. to torm a bl- -------I c•mer•l orran'-ation wh ich wtll •---------------------------!be called the llp..cope.1 You.n&' Rev. John Black Preaches Sunday at Christ Church -, First Appearance Here of New District Head The RA!v. J ohn Black. 1:1upertntendent of the Whtt l ic r Dlltrict of The MethoJiiit Chun:h 1n Soulhen1 Ca lifurnia, will •peak al the morning services in Christ Church By the Sea Jan. 15. Hia termon t heme will br, "Chriat.ian.e Are Lea.den." The combined Sanct uary and Choralier Choi rs Wt.II ~ the ulhem, "Lovely Ap- peu'' by Gou.nod at the 11 o'clock aervlc•-Paul El.suer wUI &lrl( 11. b&rltone aolo at both the II .JO -4 11 o'clock Mrvtcea. JJlllTlAL APPEARA.~C!: llnfe County. '•••hLch w ... e form.,rly lsl the San Diego Utatrlct, w ere added tu th~ n.:w \.\'hlttler [)1 1· trlcL M r, Black had •<'rved \ht pr.,vlou1 e1"ht yee r • u paator of the Trinity Met.hod1at Chur~h In Pomona, The Bla~k.• 111.v" now e.• ta blll.he<I their horne 1n Fullertun 01"1'::-." 1:101·sr: The Rev. and Mre R..Jy A Cwl· eon of Chrlat Chllr~h 13y the Sea Wiii hold op.en howie at their pa.r- 'NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART Ti . PAGE 7 FRIDAY , JANUARY 13, 1956 BEDDING PRESENT NEED IN FLOOD WELFARE WORK W ord h11a Just b<.~n r .. ~·tive<I from the Sev~nth-dey Ad · vi:utlel \~'elf•~ Center !n Arllr.,(ton ol the n~I or qull~. hlankelll, aheeta and pillow ce.aea for the nortbern C ..Jt1or· r1!1l f\O<>d a.re.\, accorc!Jni: to M.ra. Berna.rd Ehrlich, local welfa re dlrectQr, The Newport Ha.i·lxir se ... enth·day Church w!JI 4ka & load flf needf<:l auppl!ee MQM1y moml.ng to add to the mil· tr.n•l to "" taken to the flood 11.roo.. Anyone who would llk.111 t a contribute .uch !tem• to the flood vtcUm• either hr\Jlg thrm tv the Seventh·day Adv.,nU•t Church, 3262 Broad SL, ''! c1.U Ll 8-7628 before Mondly morning. SCIENCE THEME ThJ.s wtl! be the f !rrt pulpit ap- pMr&nCa of Mr. Black a t Chr!at di.utt.b by the B<l!a •Ince h• IMl- came auperlntendent or Uie Whlt- t1er Dl&trtct Jut J une. The new dlatrlct wu •t.abll..lhed u a r .. ault of J.Aer .... lnl' &'TOWU'l ln the number of Method.Lit church• I.fl tha -outhland In recent yeer1. eonage ruldent e Jan l~. from 21----------------- to O p.ni. All men1botr1 1.nd rr1end11 of the churcl1 ar" be!nlf lnv1te<l lO altend. The CarleQn1 ha ve re- cenUy completed • new rarnuy 11nd f.,llow1h1p r<X>n1 w t11ch will be of particular lnt.,re.t. '-1r, Ca rl· IKln did much of the con~tructh>n All W:•lllodist churchee In Or· New Tri-Hi-Y Group Elects The newly formed Kappa branch of Mewport Harbor School Tn-Hl·Y Club h eld rou.rth meellnl' at t he home of Lout.., Harper, 4300 Ocean Front. Jui. ll. Inclllded wa1 th• elec:Uon ot oftleeni u follow•: work hhnaelf. Spiritual Obedience Can Lengthen Life The LeRSOn-Sermon in al! Christian Science churches Sunday is on the subject of "Life." In a Sc riptural citatiop it is related that Caleb, the aon of J epbunneh, came to Joshua and reminded him of Lhe promise which God had given him in the time o! the l'.lf;odu• o! lhe ~hlldrtn of J11rae!. r wu In the d•y tha t Moee1 aent mt.." At the age of e!ghty-ftve he wa.e able to aay, "All my 11tromgth w1• Lhcn, even llO l• my 1tr.,nfth now." (Joehua 14 :10, 11) Churchmen. THBEJ: DlVl8JONa Th• propoeed pattern U! ln Uae "''Hh I.he Youth Dlvt.ton Pro«ram or the National Council or t.h.e l!:pla(;()pi.J Church. ca!lin(' for a centraJtz.ed. thrw -dlvtaion youLh a.el-up 111. dlc-. The third d:IT1· 11on la th• Canterbury A.oct•tion of eoller• •CU49nta. The n"wly formed &'J'OUP will eoordlnete Ill e91len.l pro ,.,·!Lh the 1LCtlvttle1 ot th• h.lfh 1oehool atUd$0t1 ln the Ept.copa.l chu.rc.hu In Southern CaJ U'omla. The two or,.anl&a.Llora ot younr peop le "1!1 work to&'elher aa Lh1 J!:p1.acopa.J Young Churchmt.n o! Newport Beach Baptist First Mornlnl' wot1hlp .een1ce at Ult Flrat Baptl•t Chu~h. lilth and Ba.Ibo& BJ1'd. will bectn at 11 a.m. The Rev. Herbert G. JoluuK>n, pulor, wUI l'peak on the 1ubj.ct ''The Body of Chrl.1t. ·• Sunday church l!Cbool WUl oon - v,.ne al ":40 L m. with cl&aMS tor all ere.. Ev.,nln.r wor1h!p will beJ(n a t ae"'an o'clock with a -one .e.rrice. The medttaUon tor the •~ I wUI be "Chrt.Uan S.pt!Jm." Monday at 7:30 p. m. Ulen will be a •eiullon for teachet1 and ottlcet• ot Uie church Khoo! u well u all member• of tbe T-B.A.. program. Th!a ·meeUng will be held at th• putor'a horn.. 209¥ C«iUnll!fllal AYe ., CO.ta Meaa. F or tr&nlport.atlon call Uberty B-3072. Wedneadey evenlnr hour ot prayer w!U be h&ld a t Mvan o'clock.. The Bibi" 1tudy will can- ter on the cruetfl1lon. New Members bf B. I. Methodist Preaident. Sue M.&n(LD ; vie. pre.tdent. Glen<1a Price; ~re· tary. ~nna U oyd; treaaun.r, J u· 4i• Ban&'tl't; eornspoadlne eec- retary, Patty ~; NT&'e&nt at arma, JUdy z...Jklle and chaplaln. VlcklV~. Lha{ I! he w ould follow the com- m•nd1 of the Lord, He "''ould hh•••> him. He 1111.!d, "And now , behold. the Lord lu•th kt'pl me aU ve, ll4 he n ld. the1e !orty and rive yet.ta," &nd he addtd, "A11 yet ! am a11 1trong th\1 day u Ten peraon. will become raem-Thl• Blbllc1I l.Mur&nce ot be.r• ot the Balboa laland Com- len.(lh ot d.11.y1 t1 •poken of later munlty Methodt..t Church on Bun- in the sermon b~ Ma.ry Baker dey, aceoNllls to th• Rev. Ocmal.d Eddy In .. Science &lid Health with G. Sapp, Kap'Plo Deu memben an: Sue M a.nrui. Glenda Price, Lonna Lloyd,. Judie Baft&'erl, Patty ft.a.. Pft, J'\ldy lABtlle; Vlcll:I · veren- 4ar, l..c:ltlYe 11&.rper, Bonnie Blair. Mucln• Cbun1, Mary Con.alt &11d Su• Lwnbardo. lkmi·monthly meetln,. held u d the memtt.n are pl&n- ltlns tutun actl'Yltl-UV. J ORN lllACK No Hope Held for Missionary Flyers Ropa-tuckllrtd out· toda)' that a runerton flier and aome or hl.e mlaaloa&ry companion• may ell~ ba alln in lh• licuadorian Junrle.. A n... niport yut•rday ln· die&ted tbat two mci waYinl' a white a._ bad bMn ltll'h~ o.n a beacJa ...., Ula plane ~a. en," tor three d&y1 In I.heir tree hou.ee. The reoordJns. m&d11 by th• Rev. C. Richard Sllub. Community Bible Chu~h. v~rlflt.d tha t non• ot the men hal been found. The plane. be 11 eve d 1trlppad &lid am&ll'led by lndian1 i. only 10 mlnute1 by aJr from lhe neare•t Jandinl' t leld. but two tay1 by foot throueh lntenH jun&'I•. The men apparently were be1rd Will Show Aid Key to the Scripture•" when ahe .u.umtnr church member.hip wr1te1, "The undenit&ndinl' that VOW• at both tbe i :3d and 11 ure Is God. 8plrlt. lenJ1h"ra out o'elodc .ervtcem ot' wtlf'C11p wUl da)'l' by 11tren,gUienlnr our 'Uu•l ln the de1thlau reality _ of u.te, be Mr. u d Mn. Don Smith. Mr. Given Indians and' K r1. Robert BlaJr, Mr. and Ill a lmig-hUnea1 &lid lmmortel!ty" Mr•. J ohn RoM, Mr. &:nd Mr11. (p. 487). ~Win 1Draper, Mre. Lawrence David R. Davey, 1 local re1\· The following vtrat! f rom a •·•·-David.on, and Ml• .._........,, dent wl.o hu made rrequenl vta· Pl&l.r:u {42:8) la the Golden BroerlJ11'. Ila to Artsona to a 113t1t lndlen Text: ''"The Lord will comm&11d I ;o======r:===== Amer1cane In ne«I. w!Jl tHJ the hla IO"ringklndn""111 In the d,aytim•. u<J In· th• nl&'llt hl11 1one 1haJl 1pe&ker at lhe aecond aea.tlon ol ba "1th me. and my priyer unto l.h,. School or Miu tona of the Bal· the God of my Ute.•• boa JalMd Com'fnunlty MethodJat 1-------------- 0iurch. The Pl"OCTam la .:hed-G S ak ' uled for 6 :30 p.m .. Sunday. UeSt pe ers n. ve:r wt ti 1how colored ._pk;. tUNll and will hlghll~ht what I• at Costa Mesa br!lln&' done to ul!ist "the Indl&D I. The even!n.r'11 activities will m:: Fi'rst B • t rtn Wllh ll tree refreahmeni: pot· apt1s lod at 6 :30: and Informal hymn aln.r l1 planned tor 6. The public 11 lnvltt.d to th11 entire program. No rectatraUon toe I~ charged. Gamma Phi Beta Plans Benefit BAHA'I FAITH Preyer . Discus:1lon Study Nate 8&1nt, M*".onary AYl&tlon J'.uowabtp pUol and former Fu.I· lerloa l"Mident, wu OJ1i ot flv• rq_all hand mua&.c~ by NV&&'• ...... ...__ Wnii:kap ot the W.l.1' pan. wu .s,tated' on a l&ndbu on th• Olpa JU.,.. and bodl• ot two m-. t elltatl•d.)' ldenUlled .._. T . Sdwud MeCullT ol Wi-.tn &11d ~ Youdarin ot Kolitana al*> ... ,,. bean lllcbtad. rrorn Sunday at 4 p.m. The record· Of'anl'e County G•mma Phi ln( ea.Id lhe 1a.t word.a from the Beta Alu.mnaa group met J•n. 10 men were that Lhey had met eev-•t the Anaheim horn., of Mrs. en.I tl'lendly l'J'OUpt of lndla.n.t, Roy Butl•r. Plana wer" made tor but ~·t had Juel 1lshted another a br1ds'e luncheon to be held irroup ot Indiana unknown to them. Karch 7, 12:!10 p. m . ln Dlsney- At UH! 11 O·CIO<:k TT'Omlnr WOf"' a~p •ervlce J&n. l~. at the Ftn.t Baptlat Church of Coll.a. MN& the Rev. P'red W . Bartel. (U..t .peakl!r, will have as his .eermoa. topic '"T'he Difference Bttween R leht a nd Wronr". At 9 :4.5 a .m.. Sunday 1chool tor all ~u .uJ be held. Alao at 11 o'clock the Junior Church will be meettn1 lD. thetr department. Baptllt Train.In&' Unlou CTOUP9 WUI meet •l 6 :30 p.lh. In their d1ften!!nt Miulon.a. At T:SO pm.. the eventnl' .ervtce 11'1.ll ba bl charl'e pt Ute Gldll01lll ot orans- County. Th• cue•t ilpM]t•t11 WUl be ·11:. S. Goodner, Frank Bl&l:ltt, and A. P . Le Tourneau. 'ntere will be apec.1.al mu..dc.. , 'Tb.ere la aMd of a new oon- cept of rell110u. lll>ert)' In OJ"der that th• true cOIJ of splrltual nohltion, the untty of all tll• peoplee and "1Jl'lonl ot the IVOf~ be achi••ed ln thle d.,.., ~ a oonoept and Ul• Dlll&DI. tor It. tmplementaUon &hi found ln t.he B&ba'I P'alth.'' In Obeervance o< w~ JWI. p:in .o..,. xi. a.rtta eamm,. arco wW speak oa Jte1tp:llu U.berty at 144 Roch.ta Btnet, eo.ta Men. II :00 P .K. Th.en th• radio went deM. land Hole! re1ta.ur&nt. Thi• ls a Orady Parrot&. pn.1!dent ot ·~!It tor the club phllanthroplc MAP"-, Jett. Ful.Jt!rton Tu.,.aay night project, Orange County Fuully to t&Jc• ol'er c0titrol ot M.AP" flying Service,. A11!!0Cletion. opt.rattora ·•nd &dmlnl1tr11.tlon ln IC------------~ -""-~-"°-'-· --------1Son for Swensons Church Class B. I. for Youth Proud ;art.ntJii 11.re M:r. and Mra. J ohn Sweiaon. 128~ Mth SL, N ewport Beach. v,·ho he.d & baby eon born Jan. 7 In Ho&g' 9011J>la.i. Wedneed•y at 1 7:30 p.m. the PralH and Bible Stud)' H our wW be ln -ku1. At S:a.G p.m. prayer groupe Qf the varlowi depart• met1t. will meat tn the.tr l'Mp«l- Uw roolNI. .A Quito. :mcuactor bro&.dcut mon• It.and by KWIZ 1tated Oat an- oth• l"ullft:t.On pUot. Johnn)' K ... Dan. bu f1own OTW the -ne wtMr. ti•• mlaionarl• wert l•t nported and cont!nned an ee.rller ~ tll&t a bod)', pierced w1th UL br.dlan tanc.. le ~ nu;t to lb• plane. Kec\&ll, a oo-worker wttll ..... airman Nat• S&lnt, Ill ftp.:t4d jollUQ& In lb• hUl• ~ 'tbe w:cu.dorlan Junr1• to UWt ...... n. bik• U! be:inl' made b1 ~ um)' t•&D'UI. latnt Jaad bM... H'9tJlS w1lh the tribe. ..... ..... Auca IM&N "'kill- A 10-wHk cl&u In chu~h mamberah.lp tor youn1 people 1Ytll ti.ctn Friday. Jan. 20. at the Bel- b<* 1..&and Qommunlty Methodist ChUTch. It will ti. held at 4 p.m. each J"rtda)' until March. J3 . ~a. .• &,..·,,.. ... -.................. . 1'11• Rel'. Donald Q. Sapp. •ho will ln.elNct th• cla... hN an-.-r WOW <W Cll&lft ttou.nc.d that It l• open to youth• WWWIAI 12 yaare ot ag• or older wbo d~ • ..__'!' ~-0:.n.. """ .dre to Join th• ~al chu.reb on ~ ......._Ill M-Palm Bunday, Ma'rch t i\. -~::;;~=== t ill ., -. DUrln1 the lr&lntn&' period ci.... ..,._..: 11• .. "" m9mberl wt.D l'llll a Rornu ................ -•• .._-. Catholic dnadl &ad • Jewlah -tli:-:: "..:I".::: i;::i =-:'.-. • ' :'.: ~ ~ ~ wtto dntN to enl"Oll ~ t_: ...-.. ""'--t. u.Mr ~ .,.. ukad to nour, ""'-,.... .. ......, ~ t. .,.,. tM Clbun:b omoe .. KArbor USl'I, ::S.,ClmJ* ....... • • .. ~ ..... • a .. ,,.. it,. .. .. -...--.. . Jl"J1da1, .laa. II, 115' ..,._. LI 1-1418 -U 8-llU ' ............... ' • " 'rht1 mlllt pratty penerne on the •no•, · th11a ffJ'ce1. Bui lh•y •tre Mt b'lllh .. for look•." Thar ••r • at'Mt<ld for protactlon. Th•>' 1t1nd a• bulwuka ll'Ailllt lbs ph~i~al aJem•iu .. Thera 1r1 othar kl!Mla of bolwHh moct of 'Ill netd in our dilly li••-pirhu.111 hulw1rlr1J. Por cvtn tha 1tron&'••t of u• cannot elll.nd alone. Sometirnn w1 !bin.If•• Clft , •• bn th• momant com.e1 when •• reall•• bow much •• .,_.., halp. le 11 than that we turn tow•rd tbt Cb11rch. And. no m11tar bow raml11 -Ina)' he.•a bff1'1, the Cha.rch e11nd1 th•r• with dooni opan •id1, r••dy 10 recelv, M. But •boa.Id •• ••It aatit we rully ' Htfl a epiritul bll!war•1 Ho• much better to ••t1bU11t Olltwl••• IA ti.. Chwch QOW and t>• UIUted of ita i Mr•acth . and coafort Uito.p all ow 41,... 111is Church ~ spOnsor.d by These Local Business Finns UN19UE CAFI ThrM JocaUoM Lo 8an• You '10 SZda St., (A.._ b<Jm IJlty Ball) Now ..... lleoch Corooa del Kar Ernie Churdt-THE ARCHES Union OU Dealer Laurie Woodworth Pino Co. MOO W. Cooot Hwy. Newport lleocb Complete Um at N.w A 11.led Pa.o. • u. 8-9063 mo E. Clout l!Wy. -118:1 · HOWARD'S RESTAURANT Coffee Shop--01*1 2 .. Hout• S945 W. C...t Hy. (a& eon-Co-). llorborll820 GEORGE M. GRAHAM ,.,,.. ... ,,..,... U:Api.Ave. • .._._ --ART C. KISTLER CO., Realtors Ba7"'-tl~ HOl N-pott Blvd. '.Newport llwla --Malo'1 SMaul Set Hllfl''91l l•1 """""""•'l""'S Powe e=et ..,..._ mil 'l'tllatc Nll'I' -.~ .• .,.. -Do& NIWPOIT FUINRUll CO. """' ..... __ -w. ~ u.q. IAmtJ WlU Freel°'""* cr-r-Sawlce .,... -Batt.wMI -~ .,...,,....~ 1100 W. ••• m.d.. NW)Wt ._. -1116 El.IT! llAUTY SHOP. Uockr th• N.w ~t of Mr. Pat " IN-An. •7'9.1117 ·· MAD MOORE NURSEIY' ' Newpon- NIWPORT HARIOR IANK An 1Mepmdat Dome Bak 0.-delMu lO*slct't to 11 A. K. - .. • • 111'1 W. ~ ~. N-pori -, STAffOID It SON 'm1 ctn.a CGatreCltw9 llO .. , ..... An. '1!"• lj • .. -' r:' ,, ,_ .. , .. PAM I -PAlf 11 -NEWPOll.T HARIOll. NEWS-nESS FRIDAY, JANUARY ll, 1956 .THE ' SECRET'S OUT ' • Every Day More and More People are RndlnrOut About THE · 100'• a.ncl 100'• of DOLLARS ' THEY ·CAN SAVE A I . -Eddie _ llopper Chevrolet IN IREA Yes. Folks-It's true that at the Southland's Fastest Growin9 Chevrolet ACJ911Cy You Too Can Save lOO's -Yes lOO's of Dollars L-0-0-K! 'SS '52 'SO '53 '53 '50 '51 Chewolet 'V-8' lel Air Chevrolet Stvllne -""" -... f..w.w ....... ---,. Cacllllac De Ville • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ 8-t.er, Power Stieerta&. A.1.1tronact ~ye. U. IL a.,.i NM._ White \fall. Very Sharp. Chevrolet lel Air • • • • Olds "98" 4 Door Sedan • -, a.a..; Hydlw-lle, W-8-W llno. Ford Custom "8" Victoria 1164Bo, r.e..et, O'd.rtvfl.r"'lie&utttul black Md ;rollow -__,r • • • • • '51 Nash "600" 2 Door • • • • • '51 '51 '51 Chevrolet StJline 4 Door • ...... -· powergllde, -light., ~ --Orlstaal -....... ~ • • F;rcl Custom "8" 2 Door '• • ··•~:'pp ... " a.... ... •-lgk '~t'Wlh, . v..,. .... ..... It ... -to call It ...... ~~ .. !i!!t:."J.s-~. ·o,;~ . -1 Smrpl • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • WAS $239' $ 899 $ 699 $259Cl $119' $ 69' $ 89' $ 59' $ 899 $ 799 $ 899 • NOW $1S99 $ 59' $ 39' $2299 $ 899 $ 399 $ 59' $ 299 $ 599 s 59' $ 699 • --.· A..1&•&-' lS-J! ·~7~:.I . • ., "'• _.., .._.... ......... ,........_._, r. Wa4•a, ...... ~ X.. ot ., 1 7 --' ._..... ........~ II. "' ...... -"Jib. II .. ., ··-=· . L .... -L.,_,, __ . ·.-__ , ·i -• . -.... mas m *!~•-·"'~··.-. -r>· i ' ,. ti 0. M ...... ! >a tWr 1 I•... ~---;=p;G;,;t .... a i:'9." • .:C.'.r!..:: .......... .,,ry'Q", Wqb llQ Fp • .....,.JI~ C..,_. iohn:afoa o.I a..I ...... , I .rlt. ........ ,, ...... .,. ...... ,,jlf-.a·•pr ••a.t& I Jkw;at ....... 6 ... eo.t.. --~----....... -....... . ....,. .. ,. --. .... • · P ' 12 6 .. 1 s_. ••••se ..._.. .. euta . ~ 145 cc .... wtr -., ..... "Cllll Xl Cla ~ifiacl·l·we ~'!:,_wmll o;a¥-_.._ ,,,.. . ,. I., I s di'...l. •• S . ..·nm• -I 1L W9 ml1 °1V185ACJe .,, ._ ..... a.are . ~ -.., .,,,tr •• ,• • U: aan kU aolla llltfll --.. ' · ,.._..-., •· ILO a4 .Aa1wt ·ad c rtrf M--•••, ._,. .,._....._ &~ 1( Mt '1M :J:ft?-'a-.· PAINTI. NG .._...,__.,,..~r 4 Ltlllle I,., "rn Lii ....._ -•-. te. '8p&a ,.._ 1>1. .... ~-·--· • • W ROSS a.l.BT azii-. M&tuNd: ~ ,.._ ,. 11 ..,. .....__ .. _ m. • .-,__Bar ... ....,. II' d W I IA*_......_~ ~-.... . ...mllm AD• 6 U:W:. t• S U a.mt ~ ~'NEWPOBT 'Bi'i.JiO& NJ.:WS.l'api8 • .. _ ""'" ---=2:' .:!"..;;.";f· .. = lv.y M1a.-V,, W1 .. 1itlat aMI ......, Custom ~~~UOn. ~ COMTAL ~OPPER-Wfldneedays c AD a........, ~ -* M ..... tw <lMll .. MY--. .C ••'"m..,__ Tb• publiaMn wru not b9 rwpou(ble tor "'°" lb-. --lllooJTect lnMrtJon of an ad. ~ the rtcbt to oornclly c1usity uy and ..u a4-11.D.d to n_t.ct any ad not coaton:nlna to ruJm l.IM\ ~Uon.. V' Newport H&rbor B. P. 0 . E. 1787 M..u "Wl' Thur.i.1 • p.m.. Via Oporto -Oultn.J AY._ Newport Be&cb Albert H. M.atthetn, Ez.alted Ruler CARPENTER Repair Work °'°" TOUT Bmn• l'fMtl R.tp&l..rtn« or RAmodtt1tnc f Call Frank, i..n.rty s-ao. All Work Guan.at.Md 14t111 ABINET WORK General Hou1..:leeninn Done on premt..1 " No job too mnall. BT rwo YOUNG WOJn:N Pbon• Kl 3·3Sd. •k60h $1.60 hr. Moeh. Harbor 0802. H-.._ Alcoholic. ADonymoua 'Nr1t.9 P. 0 . Sm Ut Newport 8Mc.D. CaUf.. P11one B&rbor 'no ]~ban! You.r Cu "'"'' YOUNG Wllllll&ll wtUI r"9«pt.k>c- l11t. tyPlnr • book-keeptn& u - perlence d•lree tull or pert Ume work In bl.atne•• m pro· feNlonal office. LI 8-4901 PAINTING lnlerlor • ealenor by the or JOI/ :'\6<-~A tiour J Pl b• C AR JIOO.!l t or downtown l.. A ennen Um Ing A v1 r1 n11y ·Houra eppro1un1al •· P'RE:I!'. EST! .\1 A TICS Htr 2687-J MOTIELL'S AND PEEK Colonial Mortuary 7801 ~ust we•t ot We1t· muuter Memor1&J. Pa.tit. An ON.n1• CQunty ln1utuTJQn s.rvtq tamW.. ot ..U. f &J.U. T~ {Tull F'ree) ZEnlth OlJl No 00o9 ••er t.umtd away becau .. ot. lM:k of tunck. CQABT orna 1:QUIPMJtNT Typotwrilen Addinl' machines DupUcator.-8upplie1 SALES RENT ALB 18~ Harbor Blvd., C:O.ta M en Ll~rty S·77P4. RepL.ir w ork, a 1peclalty Iv ti lv :> JI m. Call """• Har 38!ia-M. ~7r~ll ----Weter h.eatere on lltne pe.ymentm _ GARDENING ond 2819 Newport Blvd. Newpor t Beach. Har. ~3~. Rea. Her. JS..--..:Trampertation CLEAN -U P JOBS f.387-J . 47ol50H CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORK NO JOB TOO SM.A.LL R. o. And.•~ 1014. £.. &Ibo& Blvd., B&lbo& Hubor 2"60 &3tlc FOR RENT Skill Saw-1, l!:l:ee. Drtlla, Pollaharl. all type11 oi 8~ Wh"1bu· """' •'<. BOYD'S HDWE. lt30 W. COABT IDGHWAY l..!bwt7 I-au&, N~rt Bcb 21tn Painting, Decorating P&per Bangtnc ' FLY WANTED DC~ NON -STOP NYC. J80• CHICAGO J'lll •Round Trip Only F'ree Llmoua.lne t o Alrpvrl Box Lunchem, Fre-e T\o:ket LieUvery W ASHJNGTO N , 0 C. J 97 PHlLADEU'HL\. . -• J S8 DA.1.LA.8 -····------$411 DETROIT -·-·-·-······· ..... $711 HONOLULU •. ·-· $109 NEW YORK -· ·-·-· $1)8 CHlCAGO ....... --_ $11\i AU ,.._,._ -P lu• T u. 124 W. Ocean Blvd., L. B. HE 2-641~ -NEv 11-463~ Sant• Aftll.. 11 7 E 3rd Kl 3 83& LIBERTY 8-6139 29-Ht:lp \\"anted HAJl\ORJ;SSE RS w1tn tollow111r . A TTl!:N)'-wN B .. III bue1n .. 1• f•tr yourself M•n o·• 11n;i ar1 •et otfera you lhle vppo1tun1ty fnr •ecu11ty Har CIHH ~t r.: \'Ot.::\G nee f Utele 8•!1Uman ror at·llve oluo:e Aeve • proven l)'~tem fvr 1nak1ng mon .. y. io:x- c:ellen1 Opportu.nlty frn a wur lr.· er \\"e Will train }Vil H11.fbor bl~A! ~I lle GEO. BURKHARDT ~l%=:!_B~n~lld~!a~g~liel'v1-~!!'!~---1 WCl:Nl!ltD CON"m.ACTOR CE){ENT 6. BUU..OING 971 W, 18th 8t.., eo.t.a M- Superfluous Hair WANTED B.iy, r11r New~p•pe.r Route on the Follvw1n1 Strtl'll In Coata J.l ~Ba, Azu1 e ll•)...,JeW· Cypreu -M., ... r"1•·t . On·hlll- Sprure -Zenith •n•I P111 .. <h·~. C&U Mr P1rktr Harbor 1611:1 All Klndo FREE l':STillA TES Liberty ~109 General Contractor LICJCNSED New Work -Remodeling J . MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 6399-W ~lfc PAINTING PAPERHANGING Sympson &.Nollar S.t Eltptrle.nc..:1 Workm11n Har. 2..cH OT 1M7-R LfliAL NOTICE tt l..I.bert1 1-8428 Elec. Tool Repair W1 Sawa, Drtia. Bander. QUICK SltRVlCI: LEWCO ELECI'RIC CO. "06 No. N11wpc:>rt Blvd., NpL Bch. .Llberty 8-8383. pr Custom Building A TTRAC'TIVll: P RI C&S Your plan• or oura. U eenMd -ln.sured FINANCING ARRANGED A. J . WELTY 2~ Sant.a Ana Av11., Colt.a M t.aa Wberty 8-'3111 Mlle COMPLETE P AINTlNG & Paper Hanging Service EUGENE 0 . SAUNDERS ~ 311t 8trHt, Newport Bee.c h Harbor %978 or Har. •••11. ttc . LEGAL NOTICE Pann&oeoUy removed from tlC• •l'llWI. 1.ep.. Ey•brow• 1.tu1 Ila.Jr Une ehaped--No more twee&ln1. Cu..EN L.. BRYANT R.. £. Lldo'• &.loo ot BeaulJ H..ar. ~71 '" H--Lod aad Found " \>,"OMA N for llfht hn•l•,. work 3 hour• a mo rnln.t ~ (l1y• • wel'k 1'-:ewpor\ He lJ:hta •re• l.t A·Mti8 ~._.8 --------·-HOUSE Ke.ptr , II day11 " WMk L.OST -Ma.le '11.rk" tiger ilrlPf 8 30 to 1).30 . Kl 2-7277 d•Y• or ea t. !'ull grown. ChH<1 '1 pet Her 31103-\.\' eve,111111• ~<:e:i8 C1U 31 i3·J alter 3:30 p 111 :1;p ,,.,,.,,.1, . . - · 1 · ~ul~~ ~o".·-~~" '·~ m"uto,~r;e;:: ~hools, lnSfJ'bcUoa R • f •r e n t e 1 rr:t .. ''" • t 8TKVE. JOHNSON • BON China Paint·ing I 1~1nct)Jn Me.-cur)' t00 w r•oa.tt H l'"'"Y ~!>8 o., Ind ICveritns ciu.e. -... ----- Onkr• TU:eri Now \.\'A ll'RESS -F'ry N>Olt C'OmblM· Phone WbertJ A-6648 "4Vc t1on YOUNG. MUii be f•.1 t. ------'-------1 lnq mornlnJI• to l:DV.'ARDS, JONES • ) 169i Newport Blvd., Co•t• Me••· BIRKEL-RICHARDSON ' . . _ '""" ORGAN !!Tl:DJO. Leui\ to p11y the mls-hty W1JR.Lr'l'Z.ER. EVELYN J ONES. Mg-r. SOO llolm- wood onVfloo_;..u a--1oaa !11th! WANT l"\llly e:xpertenced recottl rtrl tor part Ume e.mployment. Apply ln perlWI -flAltBOR H l -FI, l.333 Newport Blvd .• Newpo'rt Beach. 07cbll 28--Slttt&tiolul Wanted TURRET l~ATHE OPl!RATORS REPORT Of' OONOmON :;::_;:;.:===~=:.::::.... __ ,I Swing ~hHt. Cl•11 A . Over· ot Nl:WPORT HARBOR BANK. loe•ted at Corona dd Mar. Cal!rom lll.. HA.XbY MAN. mt lnlenance A time. lop pay. CLA.-VAL CO u of tM cl<>M of bu.tn-on the 311t d•y or Deeember, lif>O. repm.lr or what 1 Har. 4:1-f~-W 1701 Plar entl•. Nf'wport Be•ch. PubUah..:I 1n ~ordanee with a c•IJ made by the •~tic ~7c:i9 Sup&notendent or Bank•. -----~-------- "16 CllEVJIOLl:r BEL AlB SPORT COUPE equipped with V-8 1-e.=-gllde -·radio, heater, p.....tum W-&-W llno. SAYE s1028 ASSETS R • M • t WO MAN OOok-keeper wllh book· Cuh •. be.lance• with other bank•. lncludlnr rNl!rve oy s arn enance keeping m•ehlne experience or -- A hwy ud twquoloo. 'l'blo car hu 3618 actual ...U... ------and llaancln1. balanee. and C'Uh I.em• Jn proc ... Gt coUecUon ............ -.. 1196,7•2.90 Houee cleanl.ric-noor ~nl W!lllng to / !urn. Immediate U. 8 . Government obllg•tlon.1, dlreet t.nd !ullY g'U&r&nt-i .. 2,81>,823.30 WaJI washlnc-wtndow cleanln• Qpit!n!ng Ot.'.111:' C.0.1t Collegt. State, county, munlc lp&l and •choel dl•trlet oblla-•Um-t1 ........ 370 ... 30.33 Venetian btlnde. UphollltUJ Sla:rt1n1 l•ry $278 per mo. I...o&M 1.t1d di.count. (lnclud• $40.W.28 overdnlll) -··-·-··-·· l,•SA,708.111 Insured. """ JteUmattl Apply ln raon. Bu•ln••• of· Fumllure, fll.turu and equlpm~t -------····--·-.:..._____ 34.1127.03 Liberty •1332. ltle tic• In Admlnl.ltntlon Bld1. Other .... ta ···-··············--···--··--···-···--··--····-------3.387.77 ------------19910 Ha:rbor BJYd .• Oo1ta M.~ TRUCKS '50 Chevrolet '!2 Ton Panel ~ lnide ud oat. '51 Chevrolet 1/2 Ton Panel $ 699 s 39' • • • • • • • • • • • $ 79' s 49' • • • • • • • • • • • '48 Chevrolet 1/2 Ton Pickup a.Do, bieMer, 4 apiieed tranamlMton.. s 59' s 399 • • • • • • • • • • • Yard Maintenante TOTAL ASSETS ·-·-······-····--·· ············---···········-'""·'""' CLEAN UP JOBS -'---------"'-"'' LlABJLJTlt::S ... · COmmattlal depot.la-demand (lndlv1d~. -part- nen.hlp1, corp..) ···········-··· ············-··········· .. . ..... _. ______ 3 ,2111.7IHI 98 Three year• experi11nce other demand deposit. (certl!1ed and t.ltlcere' t.hl1 loea.l.ltJ. checlui, tlc.l ......................................................... ···-.. ··-··-··· 77,380.02 Call LI 8-37:'.18 4"tfc 8a'ri~ depol'lla ····•·-··-··-·· .................................................. -... l ,100.626.fi7 ~=-c.,-.,=-:~~c-c"°'"'"°= -Thtl you will t>. proud to tell u . s . Oovamment and po.t..i 1avtng1 depoaltm -................. 86,916.711 RELIABLE JAPANESE-your trlend• about. N.,, ht1h State, county and munlelp&l depoelll . ·············-- AM ERIC AN WANT S wage& C<JUpled wt th the ldu.1 ... f I.all 1 t • t ·• b -•d 2"" .... worldng eondltlon1 add up to ervee or e1, n eTM.,. e c., ac<:ru...... ul un.-. ··-·-2!i. .......... GARDENING IN HAR-job• w1th pr"UI"•· Other 111.blllllM ... ......... ....... . ..... .... ... ' . ................ 311 ,817 .0 .. TOTAL LIABLLITlES . ·········-·. _ ·········-·--· 6 ,043.741.111 BOR AREA BY WEEK ORLNo ICXPERl!:NClt IUlQUIR&D CAPITAL ACC01JNT8 MONTH. HYATT ... 5471 Start your new job In one ot our C..plt.e.I ~d tn: lllpl" offleu near JOUr ~ome. G!RJ...s HERE ARE JOBS 100~0 FINANCING Common •lock 2100 tharea, Par $11().00 -··-·····--··-·--JM,000.00 Surplu. ...................... ·-··········-······-·············-··-······-·-·-.. ···-96,000.00 CLEANING a IltONlNG bJ tb• TELEPHONE OPERATORS " AVAILABLE FOR THOSE WHO QUALIFY NO ·REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED .-.~ YOU MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS- NO SALES TO DEALERS EDDIE ·HOPPER CHEVR·OLET 146 s. TM 5ow1Mm11d's Fasrest GrowimcJ Cllenolet Deoi.r Ave., lrH PomollCI JA 9·2115 Und!Y'lcl..:I prontt-net -·····-···-············ .. -····-············---·-.. 2.A711.M IUJ. bpert~ Ba.Ibo& Ial&nd -Apply- TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS ···-···············--··-·-··--24.2,8715.M preferred. Kl ~ tf t :ob to .. :oo p. m.- Total Uab\llUM and C.pll-.1 Aoeountm ·····--····-······---·-·· 15.2811,IU7.•9 1114~ N. Mein 8L. Rm. 211 MEMORA.N'DA : Experienced Gardene ~ Banta An• Pledl'ed &11etm (and ucurttlu loaned) (book v..iu•): LANDSCAPING PACIFIC TELEPHONE a. u. s . Qovtmmtnt obllpUona plft('lged to ~UNI and CLEAN· UPS depo•lla and other llabllitlea .............................. -·-····-lll7,797.69 b. Other ... elm pled&:ed to aeeure depo.llm m.nd Uberty 8-1~9 REAL Jt8TATJ: aale1men or Broiler. Dpertenced NeWJ)Olt Harbor &rea.. Top lncenuYe other l!abll!tlu (\ncludln1 note11 &nd blll.m rft('lt.- eounted and aecurlttem .old under nipurehue •&T"menl) ········-·-···-··--·········M··-······-····-··~·-·····-- TOTAL ......... ·········-··············-·························· ·-···············- STATIC OF C ALIFORNIA, COUNTY OP' OR.ANOE. M. J . T . Van Dyke, Prm:ldent H. L. Hetrick. Caehler 7~.128.19 732.923.34 ot Ntwport Harbor B&nk. beln& dulJ sworn, -.c.h for blmHll, MJ"I he hN • per.o1'&l 11.nowled&"e of th• m•tt.n (l()nt&ined 1n th• tore- (Olnr nport of cond!Uon II.lid 1Ch..:lule11 pert&lnlnc thertto Mid tha t every &llesaUOn. tlatement, matter and lhlDI" t.hertn contained la true to I.he lint ot hla k.nowledl"• and belief. 8"'tt1llly 1Ub9c:ribed and swom to befGre me by both ~ta. t?-i. 9th dQ' ot January, llM. J . GreJl&m ~otary PubUo tn cd f« -.ad Count:r ot <>n.nce. l!ltate of. California. J . T . V111 DJ"Jte., ~t fl. L. Retncll. Caahler OORR.llCT-A TTEST: ' 8. E . Ridderhot JOtto R.l:LlABLI!: mature trunan wanll commlalton plan. Well •t.&b- PQO'IUon u companion. YNle to u.hlid oorpora UA;n. Har. lHf. tn.vel. Reference.. Elu:ellent 67cN dr1.,.r. Har. tiOQl. Mc68 l -------~~----Rea.l !'.Kate Salemt•n ALL a.round 'l"W'Ol'Tl.an eook ...atlU wwll In eare. Ru. lllM. 117plit COL.L.ICOE ltudenL Vettnu1 w1.M.· -work aner tehool 6 -!l- end&. Call Ll 1--1718. 117p0t EXPERllNCED ~. ~ • Meret.al'UJ 9Cbool ~. .,_.r. pos!Uon ln ~ or 8-nta Ana ~ Bc:m. A ·f4 UU. paper. ~ 50p6T PAINTING ror our "9W•t otnce -.. nn.e (TOW'ld-noor opport.Wllty. OUr lne«iUYe oomm'-"on lclw!dule tavon 0.0.. who .c..1 wlill u., uu.. wbo proclu.09. lllld UM.»e &eUYe la u.ttn&"· W• are ~n4· ~ u4 coopen.U-aad we ..-nt Ultl -.JM from J'GU. Bay • e..dl Realty, Inc. WO Zut Cout llWJ. OonDacWMar ~-" Op•• lwery Doy I a.ft.. to 8:30 p.111. S.iidmys -9:30 ..... to ' p.111. 8.. z. MeKtnnq 1::=·,.,,,,.,,,,.,,,,.,,,,.,,,,.,,,~,.,,,,.,,,,.,,,,.,,,,.,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,J IJ. Le.n.tt " Bank No. ltO BT HOUR. Bmall er la.qt jottot oil. ~bl. n.l- LlbwtT 1-2722.. W-ClallflHlll S.Ctloa Ill .HIM QUAUTY .. lllTllffi PHONI HAR89' 1616 . ' OtNCton otMC' than U.. otrlffrll ~ UI• nport.. Ila. IDT H~ 1/WM ; • ' . I IF. -----·-_ ... _ --·-·· -·-.. -. ... ------·-.. ..._. ----·"--"-·--~~ _1 ' J I ' NCED actiw ,W ~ ...s-- mu Wbo llcaowt .,... CLAIR.IC VAX BOll.H, LI M rrJ. McM REAL UT.Aft l&le.nu w Broll.er. r..rtlt&t wttb Harbor ..... Top ~ .. to rOOd 'lll'Odl•r. ltuUpl• l.Mlliill omoe. H OU9TON J\&A.LTT. 609 Ccn· tt!r tit.. C:O.ta Me••· Oppo11Ll• H..., U. 9. &p.k. ~~ WAN"TED Aut.o m•t&l man. ·i:;;r; ot won: on hand tot' U1• right man . .Apply In pt-raon. THEODORJ.: ROBINS f'ORD 3100 W. Cout llwy, Newport Sch &6c07 -------·---WO WZN : Offke jobtl, fartol")' a nd domuuc. M ALI!:: Ha.le.. drart~meu, ma• cb1nl•tt It other•. New )Obi! dil.J.11 . J U 1''Y: FARR.AR E:n1lp Agr nr y 4.02.,..-atnd St., Newport l•cro. from City 1\.a.J.11 .A UTOMOBfLE 8 AL..J:S).(AN zo ·~ Of grON profit See Biii Sinf'• a t Mark l.)owninJll' l<'Ot(l t1 •11y 311 1 It Pacific Co.lat )'fwy , H unt ng'· Ion 1:$.rar h U ::io. tl-2~M :°>6('!'18 Beacon Personnel 100~(, employt!r retained a gent.:y N O rE.11: i 1.1-:11 11 collecled from appltcan! ~rw1"-'rt ll1•11 rh I \\' A .... TEIJ AI Ei..'llA="ll ':!, rnu•I 11&\I! t~•·i:nt ~i:nrr11I u111rin~ /f, 1na nn .... ng1ne f1per!flll ,. A pr ly In 1wr ~•n1 l1!JATS\\'A!N S 'Z4J l \\' COa•t lllghwft y :.~,, .'\7 • ~1 ~:('HA N !rA.t, llr11tl111PHln ,., 1!:11 ;:111 .... r JO yr ~ •·A1,..nrr«~ 111 '"''"h1tn~•·a l 1tn.11:tural a H y tlrMllllf' '1r1 .. 1J1n1t • tM,x 6&\i. ! ·lolta M<'l'lll. ,'):,...',; ~U-M lsceUaneoua --'"'-'-""----- FIREWOOD E!'C"AL~'P'Tt:s. 1.lry, bum t\ I ~ 489<1 Knitters WELCOME to my new •hop Corne In and h•lp me buJJd tow•rd your n-11 for nff<1lecra.tt. Sit N' Knit 313 i!l S.lbo1 Blvd., B•H>nA :121rc Fresh Hearing BATTERIES Aid W1 GIT• UH Gr1.n 8tampa Gunderson Drug Co. Maln St. at Balboe. BlTd.. ~ Harbor 61~. Pr K!\'liTINO MACHINE, knit• 11. Knit dreM ln 9 hou1"11 M1rl1 In V.'e•t G4:nn&IU'-LJ 1-12•• 67c69 H EAVY ma p1411 1Hntitle 1et. hutch II cha..lr1-tabte 31) 1 42 In e11 - tend.O. 30 l 911 J lOO Fortytwo Inch Ropu C P ,._. r1nge, •t a.arel"ed l<JP humer•. larce brnll•r, MrvW:il dr awer J 75 U 3-7988. :'17cll9 8£1..L ON TltRMS JANUARY SPECIAL WILL HANO BRAID ~~~~>;u~s (I rurniah all material) I 1 per customer) AT $2 .50 SQ. FT. Mention this ad for speeia.l ~entlon The House of Ye sterday' & Tomorrow 1113 80. MAIN S'f .. COROl'fA CORONA t'Tt WE HANDLE FARM HOUSE FURNITURE ~AppllanttS USED APPLIA NCE BUYS GIBSON cu ~ERVEL ."i l :! CU, SERVEi. 5 1 ~ cu ft. REFRIC~. Old but good ft . REFRIG ft ll F:FRIG. -1 WESTINGHOUSE left h:ind door RElo'RI(-; SPEC. CROS L E Y SHELl ... 'Dll, 81 :! r·u ft ('Ol~IJSPOT REFRJ(;, Y cu. l l V\'l~TJJ1JCH 0l1SE LA UN D l·:P.~fAT ONI~Y J •l::XTE:H. with Watr r Saver 1nstnlli!d A U'J'O hlATIC \\'1\:->JiElt Kr:N.\·l(JJtE .~L'T0~1A1'J(,: W;\:-illl-:lt 1ri1't;1llf'd J\.!'.-:NMOJ-tr.: \\'ll lNG l:'.:I{ WA S l!i':f{ <l:Sl.Y GAr·r·F.:R.S & S ATILt;I{ t:A:) ft.ANGE KNOX HARDWARE co. $64 .IO $69 50 $7950 $84.50 $89 50 .$99 50 .$79 5U $7-l 50 $h·I Ju ~35 f!O $71 5q 420 East 4th St. Santa Ana Kl 2·2330 ~'!-f.'umitUN' for Sa~ ~.'.! -• 11rnifur" '"" ~"' -------------------- BED SPRING and MATiliE.'5.'-5, WASHING ~f ACHINES complt:te $10.00 $1 2.50 up 'T'bett and 11. thous11.n~ uth .. r household bargains Everyt hing f or th* H ouse-f•'urnlahingK, TuyK, Radios, • Clothing an.d ShOCl!I for the entire fa mily. Reeent additionK of several d1"'1JbleJ veteran peraon- nel-who ha ve cornplctely refurbi11hed, rejuvene.ted and Placed in top c:onditlo n everything in our st ore rrui.ke us say "BU Y \\IHA1' THr-:: BO\'S llEAUJl.D .. VET ERANS INDU ST RI ES 402 E.-4th, SAN1'A ANA Open r·r1day and Saturday until 9 JJ m. ' lfc O'Ke~e. A Merntt Ji:&• range IEl~:i MAHU(iAN \' wrltln,r: •l~k d"''I' delW!e fol<1lng·t up mOOel hit.a e ll l lnl \\1th lllri.;~ l!l•\•<'I In l •W chrome gndclle. on lop. !amp A '""n<1lll"n ~J:, 11p 51 8 11 ~ 123., \\' <:IO<':k 11o•1th oven tlrn•r. 1·hrorne B,.Jb<,. lll,·.J , :-.:.,.,. ~u1 t s .. 1u h v UI brQH"r U1ed only 3 1nonthtt .">ilp!,; Being: 1r1.1111f.,rn•d 1':&11l. t1M" 1.v,r I - my contract with tht' Bank "I 32·A-A ntiqu~ pay otf the h•l. ot $137 69. Ouly ----------- pay J7.82 p•r month. So cu h ATT nel!ded. My equity fret', •ee 11ny~ time Da y or E v, a t 1441 W Cha prn an, Orange. Antique Owneni C a.ii COilect KJ!: 8-6817. Repair CHI.NA, CiLAliR &r ORIC·A·BRAC l ll'i'. Dl:l...ICATJC881!:N cue.J l:'.i0. ONE 8 tt. l"l!rtrer&t or -··--··-I~. ONE l&.rr• commere. refrlr . 17~ 1 SCA.LES, fM. 1 GONOOU. Slit Call owner Ll l-•22a m omtnc• or attw o p.m, 9Uc S2-FuMIJture for Sale -=.:._:_::::::_~~-=:1-~~~~~- ll:Jeanor O'K1:e1e 8!'>1Z \Ve.Iker JAckaon 1-2777 Cypre•1 tt )U..RQUWITm Aro l\'eldv , (rteW) I hp .A.Jr Comp reeeor , no Volt .in&"I• phe.M. Se& e l PATCH 'S 1'Tlll St. at Plac.nu .. LI 8-7608. >lU GOOD USED FURN . ~ ~13-Boata, Supp~-'-'---- S IMMONS HlDE·A·REO ISO With double bed mattrt"•• -----------1LAWSON SOFA BOAT DOCK ror rent H arr> .. r 1100 \.'.' l :'>."ip.'\7 1951> WORLD BOOK THE ONLY ORADED ENC YCLO- Pl!:DI.A.. (R9commendltd by edu- ca ton ). EDUCATIONAL COUNSELOR IU..Z.EL BISHOP Brown tweed, pxl cond Lawson Lounge Chair Good condll Ion Studio Couches from LQunge Chair, brn. O'M'OMANS ea. $20 $1 5 $15 ! 5 W A!\'Tl':"D . •m•U dinghy or row bo11t. M011t be. t ea .... 11111hle 1510· $2!'1 ) • •"•woT\.hy P11 •n l not lmportlnl C"'111l l.Eh1i;:h 9·1 llU. ------.----· BE.AUTJ..FUL MJMIWl Ellet.raalc Orpn u bi Ml&. uother ltl1n· llhall OW.. ma:i.tti. oW 1 m.a- Dl ..... DANS-8CiDODT • PBJJ..LIPa. IDO N .. Malit. SU- ia .._. Knowlton Electron!a TV ANTENNAS ICJet.1' 8-lll -m O&ta> CNST .A.1..LED comple'te to fOW" Ml. $9.95 u 1-005. '"'"' ~ US J!lb Pla.Aoa wanted for our T"*nta.I .eniee. Trade yl)Ur piano on a r:1ew Spinet Grand o.r Ham- 1nond Organ. Hlghe•t ca•h •I· !owe.nee during our Greet Se!t' DANZ • SCHMlIYI' -PH1LL1P8 52() No. J.l1ln. Santa Ana SPIN ET P iano Ilk., new V.'Llh O r· g11no J89.5 wonderful boy U1ed S nlovox J lll6 DANZ·SCllMll>T• f'l-JILWl'S Big l'1ano and Or· J•n t>turc =>:lO Nu. Main, Senta A11a FtJH 111t:: 1t 1•t.1.J'LS HOUl'tl ' AJ\11'1('0 ~~lj;(•rltl<' Pl.AY .. ~n. Plll='iO t••·1f..-t pl1ytn1" rnndl· tHu1 Ll.ih• 1.•f rull1 h1l·JuUed l''J ." 1cnl te11n1 Ill SllA~r~HS 1ti111,1· lltll71 i '.?I .;::J =-.: ~y1·n""'t". !-C1t111a An1 )'ln •:i~ l./1n1J .. 1ly ~ ·~~2 HI-F l RE CORDS AN!) 1~1':L'0 1{LJE1J 'fA Pt.:S! A!\°\iEL l.i"l!'lfJOS \\·E~T.\~RTER l ltA !\"IA \'!IX AUDIO·YIDELlT\ H I · VI E'T'1 · HARBOR H I-Fl 3333 N.-wpt1rt Ulvd HAI tdlli I UJ)!•.,&Lt• I 'It)' lfal! t ''11~\U!U M Ul!I<· 8) •\.,nil! H~ti•r•\3 :'.)j d{I tJl'lt c ;H~:AT 4l="D A!'INIVER- SA/(\' SALE 1111• -1&69 $3115 bu"' '"''"!~ Sp111otl 1tandar.J nlllkr !ollll"·l)Jlr l:;p1nr t C1nly S'l:iO Baldw\11 A<'rO.On1c J4 711 Kimbal.I Sp 1 ne t $:.!JU Haby t.;r1n1!1 S•ll~ up tJnZ<'NI ot olhPI 1 K n11M! S1elnw•y H1rd- 111an etc Th"se 1n.11run1tnl• 1r' lted .. ·lns lllld 1•·ntt.l return•, 1nany Just like nev.·. DA;.;z. SCli~tl lJT ·l'Hll.Lll'l:i Big l'I· "n" and Orga n Store :.20 No 1'-lain. Sant.a An 11. 10-0 piano• •lwa.y. -------- ORGAN SPE CIAL' only L1 twra.l t1 ,.\], i>. ,..,,,. .... u1enl t"n1111. I.A.,. "''n~ Ill• 11;•!rt! Anyone •"-II leam 10J pl11y 111 a few 1111>\ut., ... Sc~· 1t NO \.\' tat ~ , ..i 1Sln<:e lll07> \_J 4'.!l:.; !:iycan1<'1,ri', ::;ant• An1 l'h.,., .. hl1nberly 2·-087 2 <>ra ng .. Countv ~ O rcan Hdqtra. DO IT YOURSELF HI-Fl Ul'ILD Y01 'It O'A'N Ill . Fl phonu@;r•ph. u~lng Newcomb A H11.rn1un-K11 nlon A~·~'M 111ner.J. sm11Uf1~r~, 'l''ak .. 1 s a rttord pl•Y•·r• <""''C Ir' 1nil •et' th,m , \\·e "''II! htlp you 11A11~1nhl~ 11 DAVIS-BROWN llill:'i 1!11rhnr Ulvd r·..,,.1 .. 1>1 ~•11 LI s .3,37 -----. ( "0-Auta. for 8&1e ~Aato8 for Sal& ----------- CLEARANCE SALE of EXECUTIVE ANO DEMONSTRATOR CARS HILLMAN TRIUMPH SAVE $$$ OKW JAGUAR See &nd Drive at HARVEY MAYER MQTORS Coot& w ... 2137 Harbor teamer LI 8·2256 Victoria) ·10-A utM and Truck.a ' GMC TRI PLE CHECKED USED TR UC KS 4r, l "l!EVRClLE'r "-,, I pic:ckup '4b L"ITt'Hl\'ATIU NAL \,, I •!i 1;M tJ 's t pickup ·~{l i·H ii:\'ftOLET • .. I plck lip ~l t iM•.: 'l l 1111 k"f> :.:I lJ\)11\;t; ·~ I f.Hd•;up :12 CHE'v1l0L£T 0,,, t. panel ~' Ol!f.:\'R l)LE"'I' ' t plr kup ,. " 'II' (;~It• \. t pickup, Hy1lra·1111 tlc trl\n• ·~l t ·Ht:VROl..rf I t '4{J j)1 ~1,~:~; :l t . 14' •pc~I lo, 2~ tire• w ~·c11ti... \'" 2 t Ure• t!at~d !l•tbt"d, 2 '33 C MC <:Of' 2 I , 17il" wb , 2 Jpeeid. e 2~ Utt• ·:12 LO MC model \\'•0,, 10 Whffler, H·L tr&n1. W " hllv<' a ll.l"gr •toe}( ot I.II 1l-:r:e1, typea and n\akm 1t pricu lhat ran not be n1 atched. 'l'l>U will ••ve um1 and mun~y by •toell\i' 111 flrllt W .W . WOODS GMC DEALER 8l~·lll ~: 41.h SL Santa /I n• n p<>n sunday A.M. Truck Hdqlni tor Or&nC"e County Hausken-Watson SPORT CAR CENTER J AGUAR, .W:.O. A\'STIN-HEALE\' MO RRIS, AUS'Tl.N ALFA R OMEO l\ENAU!wT ~ew C&.r Sal~ A: Serv:lc1 Clean U ted t:ani, Al! 1'1.Ulu. lm• pvrlt'd and Dome.tUC. :1201 $0. M.AL'l ST SA!\"'TA ANA KJ 2·07:i6 1932 HARBOR BLVD. LI 8·22:17 5,7c59 11100 PLTMOtrTH -t dr A Dodi"• 1 dr. Both ltke. Aell bul otr .. r , 380t R iver port Beech.. 19:'>0 new, :-.~w- 57p59 • New and Used TRUCK AND Pas1 en9 er TIRES 8-Hour Reca pping Service . Complete Brake Service A ND Front End Alignment ROA.D S£R VICE F1rMton1 Budcet Plan YoW"ll for lb• A..lklnc HOWARD RY AN 801 -809 W, lot ~L SANTA ANA Kl 3·836.3 !3ttc 41-Aoto Servkle Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 6 Cyla. $48.88 8 Cyb. __ ,, __ $58.88 InclUdu boU. labor &nd part.a. N!!w r1nca. wri•t plrul, valv1 Cf'llld. ntUng-1 of main and rod bea.rl.nfa. Elfpert m otor t1111e up. 90-.Uy or •.ooo mUe ,u.a.ran~. COSTA lllltSA LI 8-6061 U (NO MON.ET DOWN). CAD. b2 < DOOR lfEATER, A UTO. TRANS. $1595 MARK DOWNING FORD H\\'V 39 .. T"AClFTC' CST; HWT. HU NTINGTON BEACH l~EXINGTON 8·25116 Grant w. Musick Yo ur Hudson Dealer SALES and SERVICE 253 N.LosAngeles KE5-7278 Anahe!rn 42ttc REBUILT ENGINES -UP to Ill MONTHS TO PAY- Butlt tn our pwn factory by akLUed machJn11L1. Don't contend with I.be mtddl• man.. Buy direct. REBUILT and INSTALLED SHORT B LOCK FOR D .... , .. ,., .. ·-~-··--. 1129.00 CHJ:VROLrr ·-···-·-Jl49.:'.i0 PLYM. • 000011: ······---11M CHRYS. •DI: SOTO -·-$170 STUDEBAKER -·-· ·---·· 1170 OLDS • PONTIAC 8 ---$110 B UI CK ··-·-··-·-----·-··-J17!) H UDSON -··-·-···-··--··· ··-· S l1!l Loe.I\ Cer Frtti Towing NEW CAR GU AR.A.NTICE Block mu1t meet our •tendard• P lue t.Lllt•, .1u1111.1 and ~I Open Swiday 10 Lm. to 2 p.m . !Dckory, 8 .A... Kl 2.3302 Ma ple upholatr rt'<.I 723 ··-~c!'>& 55l-----·- D.li:AUTIFU L. Sp111et planp, bLOll~ j11~t hke 11"". """e S200 3 rent· jill ret11rn ~. 'nv~ SDO !tl 1 2~,o f>l!Tf,.rl , . ., .. olltl"n ntw g u111 ll n · t"e rree cl• 1.~ery Maple, L1i.;bl \\'&lnut. Fr1•n•·h Pru•'Hlt:IRI Ml· hog11 ny Srlnel Cll.."'4! •llRhttY •la m11:P1! In 11h11,plni::; S487 Good p1 al't!C(' '''""''~ rro111 $!ii9, $94, i 1z:.. Sl 7:1 a...., these 11t th• Great 42n<1 Ann1v,ra1 ry Ssle DA NZ -SCH .~llOT -PHii.i.J PS the lllg P1nno ind Or811n Store !.i20 No. 1'l n1 n, Sa nta Ana. 100 }'11nu11 47 BUI CK 112!'!. H11 r t1reft ."i~57 BELLES EN91NE REBUILDERS Open Dally 8 lo 1 . tit•ll Bonded u Maple Occas. Tables ea . l>"L,A.rr1E t.:LA S$ RLOOP 2 11u!lll 6r ',11!111 MUST si,:1,1) THIS _vy~_· ~i•rlxir Jfi\! • _. C>f'H':\7 R A~l!>I ONI"\ OrgHll• all n1odt"lil flnr ••nlr 11 1i i::;hllv u~f'•I. ll.lmo•t Ilk~ nt-w Thi-" I.• ,. 11p«l•I. OA;.;z • Sf'll1.llllT ·l'[ll Ll.ll"S H11n1n1un'I J J,..,dQu~rt .. r1' for Or· 11111>:" l'<1unly :.20 No. 1-l•ln, Sa11111 An" NEW LOCATION 31 0 East 3rd St. W1 buy, M ll. and •ll.chanre ant1que1, clock1. jewelry, tampe, plct~. old china.. old t urn1· tun. ,1 .... war•. ale. Vlalt our lll.ra"• 1tor.. Brlnl' Item• 1n. CH ARLIE DA VIS, 1806 It. Analie.lm, L.B. HEmlock e..ooaa. lt T HI!: N!:W WONDltR WORLD bookl your children will Ion , Ptofuaely !llu-t•ted. Let u• 1how you without obllratlon. Ph0t11 1-0c&l repreMnla Un1, Har. 1784-J . Mc68 Movie · Projectors .-01'\ RENT l ·MM 1e-M.M M-MM HOBBY -.ml MOOl!:L AIRP~N"E SUPPLIES Meers Cemera Shop 171!12 Newport Bl~d .• Co8ta Meta Phon11 Uberty 8-7CH2 . pr l1 Rafrll'l!rator 1860 Philco Delu1u1 lar1a r&mlly 11ae. Repo..ua9d ha. larse wlor.,;1 Vll'let•ble cr1•· Pftr, 8heivea · tn lbt o:ioor A all 9J!lru. ~yr. ~ara.nt-nothlng t.o JN.Y down. It credit O.K. by Bank. lat payn1ent of $11.83 due ln '6 da.)"t:" Bal. due la I Ul7.84. See a.nyt.Lme O.y or E v1. at 1441 W. Chapman, Ora11111. Call Coll.et Kit 3·61117. ------------O'l!CEEP'!: a M.ERRITT ranl"lll, '!)5 rnodial. lAmp • cloca with oven LI.mer. Chrome a-MU broiler, and that lif t up top. UNd on• IDGrltb. 1149.IO c&ah, or psy JI per rno. 1tt1 W. Ch•pmM, ~ Kl: l-6817 Lt ,MUST ~ 7.:u. f1 , Slt.R\'EL QP'RJ(]. N4ariy new, •-.c;,ellUtt ~ta. ttao--toO w-bn .... ..... 7067. 17c611 ·--- NEWPORT FURN . 2520 w . LI 8·1113 r out Hlghw•y Ntwpo rt lifflrh r,;r :'.iff COCOA IK>fa like. llt'''' !•031 $279 tor $1 35 · 1!'>20 K •nii!:~ Rn1u1 LJ 8·5991. .">f'c BEDROOM SETS 8 6 9 ORA WE.R dreNer. mirror, boolr.c-.M headboud, tron1 J 69.MI TWIN Mapl• bed wlth m altre.u A: box: 1prtng. only .. s.:111.l!O ea. 8 A II ORA WER maple dreul!'r , wltb minor. from .. .. J 711 .!'IO Living Room Sets Modern &. Maple AS NICE A LlNE u you would fl.nd &nf\'o•he.rt'. With our low o\·erhe&d you·u be au.rpr\N!d how much we can QVe you. Ple.11..t" lake a look. lt will ;r,ay you. GOOD TERMS. RETA.1L FlJRNmJRI!: RROKERS Ope.n J'riday E ve. Kl 3-2438 3rd "t Spur1eon Sa nt• An• 40tfc Mesa Woodcraft Unpalnte.tt .I: JtrtanUe F'un1lture Cleora nee Boat . Repairs ROHb;RT VAUGliAN ffe t'O, lGOO W. Coat.t l·lwy. ':'IQ ~"'ORD (;onvert!ble RAH, OVt'l· drive '.c.1·,llent condition 123\i t l n l St . N .. wport R"11 rh Rf1f'r :, ft Tll ~7t>l!EI SANTA ANA J'lt~~N(l M EN AL ouv or A l..JFE-l:t-Tralkra Tl~!E' A·I Thundrrblrd Fd., -------------- ·:;,:, IM AG I NF~ on ly $27~~. Will (1n11 nr,. ~1nall d<>wn H11.r 6091\. ur 1:'>211 B•lboa Hlv(1. !;7p59 * PORT ORANGE * TRAILER SAL ES Newport IJcach pftf ------------ SliR & Rowboat Space fOf Rent HAM ~I\ l!\'11 • 'hnr•I nr1:•n. the ~1 ··~11 <'.q t 1nn·n11.,11 l'Vf'I' !n mu· ~!~ 'fh,. "·111.il" (JUlHly can J'IBY I\ ~! ""'"~ w1!11t"'' l"lU!l•!nll. y q11 I 1Jl.\.1 FORD l<I H11nch IA'11i;:on Per· 11111~1<1•11"' 1n 1111d t1y ll UANZ· feet f'<>ndlt1on. R It H, $14911 No SCH~1H JT·l 'illLLJl'S Gresl 1·1 .• 1111.le~ tn:>1. ""''Ill ei:cepl clunker and SUPPLIFS 2200 W. Coast Hiway. Newport Deacb LI 8-4420 a.no an•! Hsinmonr! Organ Store, part t re.d~ ~·1n11nc1ng arro.n g"4i'I 52· 15' 1-f•pp)I, 1-lo me .. . JO~ l!Z\) No 111~!.n. Sant" AnR , Week d11y1 Kl 2·i607. Eve• Har . :;;:,.1:r Tre.vl'lc~ ... S88l! --l 75ft•R. Mcl!7 ~-.16· Ken•lll ref1r·br11.ke11 Spec ~6-4 l' Paramounl, Big DL1eo11nl \\'e n~ clean u.ed trade-I.fl•. American Leeton 211'1·10lh St Meetings 2nd · 4t!i Wed. 8 p.m RADIO REPAIRS PRtr 5 T L.BF: H0~1E RA DIO, rl!'r1url!'d ------------,,,,-,, tor L•n ly 13 !'10 h•t lu<11ng p1rU1 tl V.'ll~L trade on bo•l. ':.J 00 llt&tlon w•gon nev.· \\"S\V, R&H , labf•r '1ay fllar&ntiet" m .. rroma tlc On• n"'"n"r H•r White s Radio Se rvice 3741. rl7c69 LI .lj·515f'I vr I.I 6-41\l \ --------·------------ BEA UTIFIJ I~ llLO:-<DE OAK Spin-- et pla.n~ R"nta.1-r,.tum In per· r.ct ....,ru11tlon 8111•., I J<JO Knowlton Electronics TV REPAIR Convenient t1:rnl• a t F AST SER\ IC'F., HEA SbNAllt.~: SH AF'l!:RS 1S1 nr" 19(171 421 -423 N Syc11111ort". ,<;.iw'-"""..An• P hon' hl1nb1:rly 2 Of>72 S ("rY(tP ('fill• 1111 II l .I !j.:'120~ I''"· S~ PER MONTll r""'" • gnod pr1C'tlre plnni• All ll't n1 , . .,nl 3.">-~~ir.".=__~~~!..!'.!'_h ~ ·-- --!904 CAD ILLAC c:onve11.1ble, ir\a r .. lnr, m•l"""" 20.000. I J;J9'1. l~l 11 ·278~ or Kl 2·:1339. ll7cJ9 49 OL!'S 98, R.,d1ntlte eac<'p· uonall}' l'l<•/111, •II ra1ra11 In• luil- ~.l s;Hl;"J li"r 1091·\\' ::,;, .. ·,9 PAN A14ERJCAN Paramount-K ... nmkll\ Travlle:i;e-Terry -'l'IJ 'NASHUA. 23 rt. s1•C !•L\.!ol•H "(ll I' 111.11 ~t •I P•n 1~&11, tlnl,.•I 1tl•1<~ J l 1:.(l I.I !) ••• ::26 .. ~ .. nln~.11. 1!1'1,11 F' 1R l1 pickup 1:ood ron(ll· I t11•n ll•r 28fH·M 11:trr ~ p m fl,frl( bathroon1. "'"''lllnt ~A · < rl. c-ond. Sl360. Lol -t o Broad· n1oor Trall"r llnnl"ll 20All :-.:~w . port Blv<J , Co11ta r.te.•11 H•r'(>ltl ~r•rwLn Ll 8·64114 !1 1&)".~ !KlpMJ I :'>6r:0.8 ------141-\\'antftl to IWnt I 1,11 t.11•:1tt: •'nnv Nrw motl>r & ------------------ r 111l1h ~:x~i 11111 11r,," ''"11"•·1 Rentals Wonted ~t rry Rn•l1n II J ll'll t<'r 12:89 or . I 1 , 2"38 J '>-0 •7 \\e n1·r 1I llpt • 1nd hOUM!ll Ill •ll >-'Ill 0 ff'r hll' •' • ·· I>-• iecliu1111 for both winter •11d y c111··1 l"M"'· ~·urn or unfurn. l r you h11 v1 1. vac.an1·y. phone today al l o w ,.rl lJA:"Z ·SCHMIIYr · A rH1LLIPS IJl,c l'1:•11n S:\le. :120 1 No Main. S nntn An• Hon'" of ~1eM1n·ll 11n11l11 •Pl•I t\nlbe Pl· ~~. ct'll"nt 3lOC k li:I J .l :\08 or 11: .. y . .i.anr. ~ 8300 attrr 6 pm. M l57 On ~~1•1 :xm.11 U l!'ml, Chlldrf'nll rum. lnC'I. t able A t>halt 1et1, ~ dulu, rocilt'rs. cbuLI. butch, wardrobe, doll bed•. er.die.•, tl!tc . Alfi'> llhf!IV~ 9pf('e ('l btl'll!'la. ------------1 4~Aut.o--ro .. "'a.I,. Piano -------------- ~,.'\ !'\T\'l•E t•r.,Jidrnt coup1:. full)' rqt1lpr•"l L&.000 miles -SllOO •l1~uunt, 11.',0 'A'. JOUl. S11.nla A n11, li'.l ~ 3116:1 l!Ck,)ll The Vogel C o. \'!JLl(8\VAUL.,...: Ill~. Like 3201 W Cit. !fwy, N"wport Bch Phone Whf'.ny 8·3481 n""" Grrn1an r"l11o. eboony black . "''1th red interior. Harbor 4872 ..... 208 Marln•. Balboa l1Land Phon• llubor 444 ltOOllt, •tC. Uae l'lll r t.lly away plan 'll:ll H•rbor, ·C' M LI l ·lf4~ ONE Sf'o:-Uonll coi.rch. bh1e uphill· 1ttry, i49.~ Two mil.II t•blt'a J I 5oO ~h. Call U a-$ltft ....... ---1 Refin ishing Quality wotk only ':">1 BU ICK .. OWnt'r •hivl'n J."i.O<ou m1ll'll (;n("J -------------- r1obMr A motnt S•rr fir,. 2800 119 i4 MEHC MOITTERET hard t k'ean1 8 1..:1 , Qd)I II•' ~2 10 R 1nr i'tn,. nwnf'r l"l'li •I f'llh•llll A.NlCR\TK PIA NO S!:RVICE flt11.IV 3"1 ~'<1r<t ('n•1r-- pt}v.tr br1k.. P.:·Z •Yt c ia ... hr•I"• ; .. , r1a 1~.. l'"t t J .. rty "'" .. 1 .. IA.JI.. u 8-38341 llJl~ ~rm t M vc l ::I 1 -7880. 411Ucj "4-Fy day s in l..l II 1 .~11 ---·---~ --- Ml'T E CoNl Hy .. Corona df'I Mar Phon• Harbor li41 Lldo Ofrlct, 3416 v •• \,1<tti 1-la.rbor ••n 1702 Nfwport Blvd. l .Olll• LJ i.-ty &-.MIT "' .. .. .. . ~-----~-_ ......... --~ n1 , • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 111 -PAGET FIUDAY, .tANUARY l l , 1956 ~a Bomer for a.t.a ~a81sr11tw._. Cabanas Marinas ' Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bcli. OfTll2tll . llellghttul living. ApL-Olbonu. UWW.. pUI. -Tacllt .Up oc«>-i1t1rcw Dally, weeldy, monthly, yearly. For appt. or rt9er'V&tioD., Call Har. 299'2. Mtfo •_1 __ w_u=t.i'"'---''°'-Ren~"'---I 48-A-Apta.. for Beat W ANTlC.D 3 b<lrm. • den or 3 bdrm, hoWe to $100 per mo. Coeta Me ... or Nrwport •I'd. u 8·2331. 117ll59 Choice W Inter P..e.nta..18 on Balboa l.alllJ:ld & Lido tale Small A cosy or Lar&:t! • de.lwi:1 '75 to $!00 montb VOGEL CO. 2~ M&rtoe AV•., Ba.lbua la1a.llJ Ph. ilalbor 4~-t or l:ia.tl)Or llOl Rea. Har, 1786·R or Har 30.:'JY-M STUDIO a.pl. reptio~ly tr11.n<·~ c .. !l &4tlc with flrcpl1n~ Ea nL•·e Prl\"11.t~ .. 11 Ll 8·57:..0 !\6tr.· LIDO ARMS APTS. & Marina VERY NEW W1.U t o ""'all carp11Un1r A drapa. 0 . It. RefMI"·· delUlll tlOTM, l:adl Apt. h .. private c1.r•c1. T~ have flrat mJ.I tor 1U~ One h"lf blk to bu,.lneiae cen1er. 3408·12·16 4t 20 VLll Oportu ur!1ce Hlr. 1002 Mftl'J ~ p m l..1 8-:!17 1 RENTAL " SPE CIALISTS t'11IL l• •. 111" c.·1~11( Bla nche G oles, "'":tll MMrlnl!' A\'t' flh!t..·• J ~t;r.n•t Jl1u 1671 Rltr. t.."ORVNA DEL l.I Al-t, U1Jf11rn 2 v Ur1SAW:: ii.1111 FOil RENT I.JU bJnn duplei:. rlour lurna.; .. , t!r" plare, redi'r<'lr&l•.,1 1:1&r y ,11rty S7:i ~1 1 J1111n11ri .. H111 3549-J eve,. !o7•·~EI 1•0 t.ttJ Y.'ant eJ youn11: llAnle 1 nq ~fl4 port Be11ch ,,, .... 1.·1ri IT\MI\ (., air111 "' ------- * * * 11 .. ~i..~ •h•re ~"••W • !•ill• ENJOY LIVING on the Oct'l.ll F ront. K1t.::hen,llt' 1pllt. 6i r rna. w llh prtvat., bath .. MM.Id Jlt'l'VICe. TV. l3tie \'-'•t Ocean F ront. Harbor 60l:IL * * .. Channing Har bor Haven Apartment.a • Patios Nl:W • ROOM., al.rl!et level. Near «hool•. llhoppln& d1etr1ct. Quiet.. plfuan.t, ei:clu..!ve. <;11.1 bage d i.· poaal. Laundry, llOra&"I rOOl1\1l, c•ra&•. 182.0-0 up. Oc.cuplea 1n· Uri 1treet. Good •uperv111on. M&T. l~l"Haven Place l Block South ot Blf"h Sctlool ALSO l'URNJSHED APTS. pie,. rum 1 1 .. tr11i •IH '"'Rll•Ule ll11rage £arell .. nt lor•\l••n (• .... n .. r l>aya "'•l~r SMI ~ f 'A IJ, l.Iht'rty IJ l 4"11 ~l tfr V."J!"TEH R""'"' :! t>d1rn Ap! un Ul July l•L $~ per 1111111tli \\'~· I"' p•J 5,),.,ul ~.:• <l11l(llrU .,k,.\ V33t, Y,' R•IDV• Bh·I !\'•WP••lt Uea <h :.t..:.7 ~;l,'H!\' S INl:LE Al'T'. pn••-e t.lllr&ne it " tl&lh 53:'1 yearly t·111 Jl'1 301 £ r1A)' ,\\'t' fJ11I. b<.m Ha 1'br>r 111!'19 J r>5c:'l7 LARO!::: d1l \lJl1 unturn, 2 bedrm 2 b•th irarsge •pt ''!five an1l retnc turnlthe'(I, 709 1, ~111 r· £'.'Ul'rHe l"nron.a <l,.I l>h~r !"ALL ownt'r, U1r (j f'fJllO:-;'A u~:l. )IA.It , I t ... unn. •pt rum , JM 1nl'l 11111 l bdrn1 •pt turn $76 111cl 11 ll &-1 1t11<!lu ~· t 11·('1 S :, !nrt u11I !~I 8·203f or1-t11 4820 ~~p67 -. CORON A .OEL MAI\ 1urfl Z txlrtn du11lex. furn11r1 h.,111.. r.,. d..c:or.ted Wattl r " i.:•• paid. Ser. mo y1arly 2!'>28 Se1,·1,w """ WINTER RATES 5ttc 1-------- LIDO ISLE 438--BoOM"a for Rent BACHELOR and one • two hdrm...1--------------UNnTRN. 2 Bedrm houBe ronl• apt& sru.rl. tum &!ld yearly. plelal.y rN-=on1tl'(! F""it,.plac ... A.t...sO, LI-do Home1 ~ Bey i'ront M uat .ee to a.ppA'<:lale C.JI Hom" and ipartroent.a. Uberty 1~7~. 56tfc LfDO REALTY Associate. 3t00 Via Udo, CORONA DE.I.. MA.It, :l bedrm. Ji:ftrl.ge a pt. pa.rt!y turn. Incl. 1tove .It refr1J , or unfurn. Gar- ,,.,, laundry rm., te.nced y•rd. S85 mo. Yr le.ue ir de•lred. C11l owner Har. ,1. 11 NEWPORT BEAC H turn. 1 bdnn. apt . $60 1np., Y'1Lfly. lnclud. u til. • gRr. Har . 08§9-R . ll7cl)lj 1Jl'l:A NIJ NEW 2 Uedrm. unfom, dupl,.11; apt1. Bar Kitchin. Flre- pl11cP F A heel S..e.ut. land- 11caped, GARAG E . J80. C.:a!l LI 8·3221 or Har. 3041-J . 57p89 l'.'E'A. t..1edern I bdrm. ep(. 18th A Pomona, COllta. Meae. Har. 1896-J after 3 P; m. l'lep68 C D.M. nlc. quite new :l br. un- fum. duplex. Flnpl., FA heel. H ... ·d. 01"11. Ol r. Sep. patlo. Ha.r. l"4·R. :wk:ll8 BA LB 0 A ISLAND Charmin g fum. 4 rm. apt. for 1ppolnt- ment Har. 3!14-R. ~p."i7 FUTtNISHED A.vallt1ble now. prl· VAie ~m11.ll colt.11i;:e. Oo1t OK. 70!1 lrl~. A l..SO H11 r hrlor 1pt. 11v11ll F' .. b. :, H"r 0635·1'>1 In· quore "t 721~ ·P op py. Cn llf. L?VABLE A roomy. Unlum. l bdrm. homill on Nnr.rport Blvd. c .. nter or Coil& M.... ~rt • ya r d, K•r. To be r.c:lecorat~. Hubor :1168. l!ltro ··u.oo ISLE, 3 bedrooma, 21Ar bath home, on aii.nual b&.11111. Sli p for 40 n. boat, UM ot 18 ft. Vtldnc runabout power boat., 2 car pr.. bt!,auUMly turnieh· ed. ahrube. 1'100 per n:lMth. lnquir• •l •1 B&lbo& Co•• Newport." 38tt• BA \'S HOR.ES -3 houite. Avail. to monlh, bdrm. Jun• 1 L "C" THOM.AB, Realtor :1~4 \V Coa•t Klw1.y -U 8-6&27 Newport Be•ch LAD T 1 lone hu r oom home tor employed 8-5848. In nice illdy LI. 2"U< e NEW OFFICES e IDEA L FOR PROFF.S. SIONAL or BUSINESS USE. Located in - ' , :i6trc· t-larbor Investment Co. Bldg. SEA ISLE APTS. F'l!RNISH.ED S.'Kl Ir up. Quiet. (;nod location. Pnvate parking 1111_ Co1nplt1e laonclry ra.c11ttle~. 2fll fo: BalOOa Blv1I., R1lboa - 63c66 Sea Shell Apts. ... 2 BEDRM.. DELUXE ~·unN. 30th & Newport Blvd. Har. 1600 ~'OR RENT Ot!Lc.e1 v.·Lth la rg• 1tor&g., 1p11ce A an1ple parking al 812 \\' lljlh SL , Coil.I Jote1111 l.lbf'rly 8·:12!'!1. !'>7c~t) SPAR.KUNG clc11.n 1 rin Qflu P, ph111 par klnt .C. a<lverl•~•t1Ji: •pa c1 on buay Newpo1 l Blv<1 . Co.Illa MeH. Har. 5 1~ :.iur Al'T8 . To pre.ferr .. <'I tma.nu. J&:> ... up, utll. lncl. 122'1 \V 8•100& Blvd, :-;,~·port Bt'e.ch.. ~Jtfc --, front NICE MODERN 1tore ruom .. r ortlce •t 1888 P1uenu._ J JOO mo. lncludln& ulllltle• lnqulrr 11t property aftl'r 5 p. m. "''Ct'k dRya or 1ny Um• Jila t. 4 f'un. 180 UN ll"URN 2 bdrn1 trlpler . Fireplace, g:•r.t..g ... di.~p. a utomatic h .. .11t & i;:a r. \Yater p d 2!2 Brna.dw11y C. M. Wberty 8·2779 an.er 4 p. m . 5.:it fC' P~::-<J l'.'SULA POINT vne br-dnn. fum. •pt. IM. Two bdrm. furn. vif'W •pt. 16!'!. H1r. !l'ltl·J """" I HM Wlt8T Oc.-n F'ront.. 1'i'ew- por1. Beech. One bdrm. C\lrn. 1.pt A p.r. MO mo. include. minimum uUL Wlnter f'Vl.lal. Ph. Riverltd•. Onrtand 1-1204 nu. l!7Uc S'TUDIO apt. $45 mo. lnclud. uUL 11u11.J1bl• tor on• buelneu per· aon. &08 LarUpur. Corona del Mar. See after 4 :JO p. m . 56c:M CD M. NEWLY redecorated. nl("I!'· ly turn I bdrTn. •pL, ln<:lu6u ....tier • <try..-. To Jwly 1.t.. Har. 0811 •M. • 6Tc:et -~ 571 r M-BuitlDt.98 Opj!>_!hanltie. Barbecue Dinner House Bide: Zqutp: • ~--Ground i.. .... J t~ month. P'. P, •8600. PAPER PRODU~ CO BuatlQ-. '?Tue.Ir. • Equip Y J.3MIO, 11:'.iOO down P. CA I!"!: BAL.BOA Wattr rrcnt ruu Equip J4()0() •• "ART" ADAIR, Rltr. Nawporl Blv.J . C.01ta :w ... u 1.a111i or u e-~·J ~ 1Tc6t ... .. . -' · . .. ~-----·--. ,, PA6E 1. PAlT 111 -NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS.PRESS a a..i - FMIAY, JANUARY 13, 1956 •• , ... om- FOR LEASE Ultra Modern New Store Bldg. ~ x 00 Parking •p&cf. On M&rinerw' Mlle. 2946 Coa8t Hiway, Newport Beach Owner -Lee Haven Motel. Llberty 8·9121 .1\6-Money Wa.nt~'-----~--~M-•o."'~Y __ w_ .. _t.d~---- $60,!XXJ at 6% Fony acres T he riael t 11tturity In Orange Co unty. facing Harbor Blvd. Value -- • $500,!XXJ T ennft, Htraig ht in terest, amortitatioo. Box C 96 care of lhia paper. Write M-Honey ~ 1...-a i 61-Real FAlat('!_!:S-ch&dJ!_ LOANS for Homes "A Goon TRADE 1s BET-•~i--:10 )'r. l.oan11 1 Tl:ft THAN A POOR SALE" Construction Loans ' :-ivRTH s Hu R£ AR.Ro w tti:A o S E£ BOB 8A TI'U:R 2.\10 EAST COAST BLVD, Coron& d•l Ma r Hubal'" l1188 Rep P OIRl l':R MO RTGA GE ('\1 Metro LI.fa hu F unta K l 3 ·018~ 4.!ltf c Bf:aut1l ully !UrMh..:I 11 Yr. "Id 1 yr. ~und) Cu.tom Uulll homa. ' li~nn1 phu apt. • l'"loat1n1 i)oek Sitl (1()1) V.'111 tr•d• !or hornt-, Income or 111bmlt HA8TINC8 RA:-<CH, P ASADENA -------------1 Yiv11 y eu old 2 Bt.lrm.. A Den 2nd & 1st Loans Fast A ction -Low Rates W• Serva All Oran1e County Service In Your Home We Buy Truat Deed. Tnp p rtc.. p&l!l-Ca.h now I Royol Mortgoge Co. 2to2 Newport Blvd., Nprt. Bel!.. Horbor 15-49 •"u11t11u1 -Hull! Lo~!y B-=tlon 126,0W. S~I loa-n, will lr•d• t'lear '" .... ume tor n1:a r eq.Jal value near nc11•11. \\'l.1''TELI l...ar(e 8 u1lnut or lf!come prop- erty ttiat W11! trade 0lor SLJ\ G•brlel Va.J ley. "WBT IT FOR TRA.Olt NOW'' Gordon L. And row, Rltr. LI 8-~a &. ev-. H&r . 1:.t7l·J . ,.., .. OPEN HOUSE ~ .. tt..W-.UaJ .. h\c:lonl.• PTo,...ir .. t ... IYDd&J-JlnU&l'J' 14 6: U 1'1009 to 6 .... 11U~-eo.ta~ lN THE HEART of a 1&Ts .. MW Moppin& ~tu. J'OR TH!l P IXlPU: WHO A1lE LOOIUNO tor • bu.In-loe&· Uon AM a hj)m• on th• aame lot -THIS 18 IT. Plenty of room f0tr ~on • parktnr . FOR. THI: INVESTOR, her• 11 a pi ece of property lll•l ill tncr .... lnf Ca lly In vlllue I.lid ahould u..Uy n•I a l&r&• r.turn ort a 1maJI l••taun.nt. llp67 * Newport Hts. COMP'ORT ABLE older 3 bedl'Til hon1• In cholte a.re& on 6 af'll& Ana. priced tor q ukk .ate al Ji 600. 11700 down. Greenleof-Severh Rlty. 3112 Newport B.lvd., Npt. lielich lt&rbor 2662 t~ve• LI 8-318', U 8·1400 Hu-bot !i l l -W REALTORS ATIENTION RUSTIC R..:lwood O/flct bulldlng &.dj•cent to n1y well ••l•bl'Nlod rkl e.9Uta otnce. L&rfe parking lot between th1 2 bldf• (_'om · pl..:tl'ly .i.ped. Y.'-..nt R,a Jtor w uP""nt.te l hll l)ff\Ce lnd1vldufo.]ly on peroent..,._ b&ala. Good op- pori unny for couple ROBERT V. BROSE, Realtor 112() V.', B&.lboa Blvd , Npt Bch. ~r '072 ~c~7 TWO new tu rn. hon1e1 '11 blk to beaeh. BOTH M r:1e11 h.ve tlrepl&ct'a. 1ta .. o:k>oTa. ceramic lilt • h-tf'd bath,.. Ga raae• Sp!er1CUd ch&AC• IO buy home Wi lli Income Wi il. S~ll down. :So tlnanc• ch.a rfu. OR.A.N Oi!: COA ST P ROP!:R.TIU 1~7 Newport. Co.la Me.a U 8·1132 E •anln ... LI &-I'°° SEVEN UNITS L0~8 TO BUILD, nrPROVt:, B UT , M OOERNTZE, OR RZlMNAN'CE W e Btly 'I'tu&t ~~ N EWPORT BALBOA SAV[NG8 • LOAN A880CJAnON 3366 v~ U do Ph. Ka.r. '200 CAPITOL GAIN •UR N. PLUO o~"' Z bod~. I a pt. Steady incoma J•J.5 pu mo. "' CAN YOU Price S37.!'JOO, aom• tt.rma from AFFORD TO SELL! owner•, 21 2 Victoria, Co.ta Meaa. &4ee7 HOW ABOUT A TRAD!:, for mart · 1------------- ' OUa!ity Speaks for Itself EXTREMELY SELECT! -Ja1a.nd Bayfront llome. 3 bdnm.. 3 . bo.lha, m&ld'• nn. It bath. Pier I: n oat.. large lot. Completely furnilhed. 'Mie bel:L llAYSBORES l'OR YOU ! Well.apt I bdrm. 6 don, 2 ftp&, I" bo.tlul, 11lcely landacaped home. O- to privat. beech. Don't ~t -live ! $23,7M Good te:rm.1. , LIDO AND SPACIOUS On a large corner Jot with 2 patio., 3 bed.nm., 2 bathe downatain . 1 bdrm., 1 bath, large playroom 6. sundcck upel&Jra. Dining room. S cu g&rage, and beautifully landac.aped. One of the be11t buy1 on Udo at $(1,500 KILLION re ol eatalo 3341 New1)Qrt Blvd. Harbor ~ $4750 DOWN 707 Acacia, Corona del Mu OPEN FOR lNS PECTION FRI., SAT, SUN. l · 5 \o\'e have j u.at lilted thi~ cute 2 BR plua lanai home. So. of 1-lighway and walking difllutce t o market.II and transportation. Fireplace, WW ca rpE"tJs, dieh· muter & d111poaa.l. Double g&r. Built by J a.mea Ray . Ne&t a.nd clean u a pin. FRANK JAMES & LINWOOD VICK REA LTORS Ro bert W Rayle--Chas. Tnvt&--C. B. Ruu, A.NOCi&t.u 312 Marine Ave., Balboa l11land H&.r. 20-42 VOGEL VALUES CORONA DEL MAR Attractive modern Lwo bedroomJ1, fireplace, Uvmg room. Cloee to 1hoppiog. Only $13,~. COSTA MESA large Charming 3 bedroorru1, 21..Ci yea.n old, on a 60'x l35' lot. Hardwood tloors, (irepla~. 16'x.21' Uvmg room, garbage diapoaal. H ome in u cel.lent condition. At · tractive F'H.A loa.n wit h pym'ta of $64.2() per month. Tot&! price only $12,7~. The Vog~I Co. --r.- • Announcing! ! • vThe Peclfic" MODEL HOim • • OPEN • • Saturday -BW>doJ lto5p.m.. Locatod ... ............. • a bath& • &h&ke root • lla»ed flt.a"llcne tt~· • L&naJ dlnln1 &na • Lot .i. ~. ~11 • 8-uUtW panellnf • J..&rf• •unny paUO • ~ J"orced air ru nw.ce1. p rb&r e dllpoM.1, Weet1nt t.oUM d t a h· -·------' llZ __ -...;11...;eol=-;;Dllo=l.o.• ____ -• !5-.... _ ~:.._ __ COSTA MESA VALUES A REAL NYCE home, S bodrma., 1 'h batbo, bwd. nl>o,..., Or. !Urnace, Wed otau obower, le<-tivtns room, 2 car pral'e. A CU8I'OM B UJ,t.T bome ror fu.U price of $8960 -Repeat $8960 BACK BAY LOT Only $8800 &nd term.a. Hu some view and t. on a paved at.rttL MORE COSTA M'.ESA VALUES For only $2500 down and $80.~ per mo, you too ean eojoy life u a home owner. 3 Bdrm.1., 2 bath• a.nd l int yean old. F . P . Only $11.500, U\d we ha v~ the key, $1900 moves you lnto a 4 yr. old 2 Bdrm. and den home. Luge lot, hwd nre., fireplace too. P'inlt offer of $1 1,000. Phone m day or nigh t. BA LBOA BAY PROPERTIE S 1.505 W. Ralbna Rlvrl H 11.r. ~l AA or H a r 1216-J ""~•r ~ • S.paral• HT'ftce room ----------_ • Flne ca binet lnmot.allatlon.t • Built In eh;<tr1c: atova &11d ovui • Daltf?ltt ully decore.t11111 • Espcnalvety landacaped • R.e.t.Tlcled ar1111. Developed Hy Clarence L COOper. lnt Bul!t By lohn 8 C.11rk. Qua llly Bttllder t>"ll r 11rrv1ew 1ilowlnr to qcW !f1P.•I chetll• Ca ll HA RBOR INVESTMENT CO. REALTO R.'! Ha.r lK.tr 1&00 l:venlni" phone LJ 11·~38-e My Goodness! · v v Best Buys Corona del ~~ar 1. S HO RECLIFFS . Ocean view home11., aPvcral l·x clu SIVe liat lngs Wllh U8. 2 3 D U PLEX-2 bdrmii t'll 1·•J1 l!il 4. CORONA HIGllLA1'l>S Ju..;t lLst~d 11::l·1t.11 v1 1·w immaculate 2 bdrm & +J.,n 2 l>111!is Cluly !':'.:, 1 11·1 SEt: \JS F'IP.ST fr)r b• t t••r bu~~ In h '•n1~·· fJ ),u 1.1 Mi t es in Corona th•l '"!,tr boi f-:M BEl't (lF ~1 1 '1 .Tll 'l ,": J.l.<.:1'tN<::-" CORONA DEL MAR REAL T',' CO. P RICJ-: T l\!1« 't ·1:-.TI ON. l{cs llor 34t 7 E. Coast l-1"')' 1 ·.,r.,nA il•·l !>l.1r l l.11 17 (Office loca tffi next d 011r tn t,."tlrl,lln d•·l ~I .r 1: .. :ik 1 BALBOA ISLAND ~A Y FRONT , &0 ft , 4 R. R p11·r & Ooat Att.r all nur hunun1. HICRJ: it ISO. BAY 4 B . R ., 3 bath plus I R R !!.pl te. Alnt It IJl"MLalnir wha t mone)' NO. B A y 3 B . R . 2 bath plus 2 D . R , apt. will buy~ You've loo~~ i t, and LIDO NORD 5 B. It -2 U l't . a l . w1nt..:I, Lh u1 t ine 4 B.ft . 'l b6. I > p S7 3 !°Jftn ;:,5!) !) Mj .$73.50'.) !;.'i9.5'10 homP.• at s i2,000 10 113,000.1 LIDO NO_RD 3 8 R. -J 1er & ~hp •lere'i your chance t.o 1,1 one LITTLE ISl.AND, Tropical M~tL1ng 2 tl111t.5 tor only l !l.000 Near .chooll 2 B. R. gu~t houl-lf• &11d ahoppLng cttoter loo. NR. NO. BA \' 2 BR NEAR NO. BAY 3 RR. plu~ S59.500 S3 1.9:iO S2~.5')o S2;>,000 fisher & Co. BEACO N BAY attractivt' 3 BR, 2 bsth l fu m I S3·l,500 fNCOME UNIT.S . $25,750 to $38.0f}O 1ncluist\'t'. Check with u.s on tht se and at.hcr1. NO COMMISSION No Appra.J.aal Fee SALl'.5 -RmJ'IMAN<::m CONSTRUCTION <#> C..U for rr.. aier opera \1$1 d a&.r lnCQme p rop- erty W-1. and· '1f Loe An1el•. V l.l\lbd at Jtlli,000 Willi' ov•r 110,000 a yUr lncam• 6 Jow U u.paiH. Am reUrl.nf • am In· tereeted In Bay Ji"r ont propert1. WUl t..rad• up or down. Ownar, BACK'" BAT AR!:A t:XTIU 1...ARO I: LOT ~667 E. eoJt Hwy., Corona del Ma r, liar.,l 7i l -------------------------l21J03 N_.port Blvd. Hs.r. 1775 -Evl"s. Edith J ohn Macnab Maroon H'"atl 4·6222 F ut Commitment.. on R.uideDCM aad UN.ta Oflfl1 Don I. Huddleston 173 E . 17th SL COtlT" """" U 1-5641 LI M64l ~. "6iel or ' W11te 1907 Bo\Jt.h Cochran 4•e., LN An· 1.i.... te. · BROICKR8 INVITED 4.lUc 8·37311 Hubor 3381 Open For lnapection 3803 nNLl:Y A VENUE Th urlday thru 811!\da y 1 ' "' 1-~~~~~~~~- ?>o"rwPORT BCH. {NEAR LIDO) 62--RM.I F..tat.e Channln&' 2 bdrm. home partly ------------·I rumtaht!d-Electrtc ran~. Fir•· BEACH con AGE plaee. Doubl• irar qe. top IOC&• CASH •~ Uoo. P1•r • na..t .......... $25,000 • • • 2 Bdrm. -Sleepe I or mort - F OR TRU ST Dl:EDB Cha rming '"beaehy" vaca tlOI\ BAYVIEW PROPERTIES WK. B. H OLT •pol or home. N.w wall rumace. 13()(1 W. Balboa 81....t., Npt. Beach MOltTOAGll BANKINO 14000 doo.vn Har, llTl McM , BINCll 1130. B.A.YVI.J:W Harbor 337 1 l&ol N . BUSH BA.NT.A ANA Kc68 TWO B LOCK3 to lOWIL ~ acre KIMBDU.Y 1 ·7111 1----..,----------1' 2 bdrm. home, puUy turn., LIDO SPECIAL 6 Bedroom•, '4 Both• 62 ~ ft. Lido Soud corner. Lot &lone worth $22.000. An older hom11 with beautiful •pacioua patioa. You can tou a b&ll t o the Lido Club. F or qulck aa.le $31,000 DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor LIDO SPECIALIST 2602 Newport 01"'1., Newport Beach. Har. 4718 -~Waated • •' f1repl., pra&"t, work 1hop. (all LEVEL lot, •tre•t paved ._ c1..1rb· tool.I l lt.Y J Sl!KIO rln., MO mo. l-----------------------~- ed. Be-.r1 1.n • pa.Id. flO Jl ISIJ, Good VI.Jue bera. R-1 .sone. BEST LOT BUY Ln OR.ANOE COAST 0-..ta Meea. $22911. PROPERTIES ORANOli: COAST 1807 N1wport. eo.t.a Men PROPJ:ltnl:S LI 8-l UJ S Y.run.-. LI 8·1400 CHANNEL FRONTS ! Bayfronts ! "OR SALll ~ year S2SOO Second Tnut O.ed &% tnleM!al-$!& per. month. B..t. loc.Uon, LJ 1-2128 aft.er :I or w•ek ~da. ...,.. tS,,7 N-POrt, ea.ta Man U S.1112 ICv.nlnp LI ll·l tOO ------------rs:z roU.OWINO are 90ml" ot th• DUPLICX ON" THE Waterfront , $10,000 wW handle. On11 J yr. old. ALSO, home Oil lalancl watarfront Harbor 5&>9 Balboa EARL W-STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island DUPLEX, t\lrnWltd $14,MO. Two 2·bdrm. 1pta All on one noor. W alklns" dl.ltance to downtown l---------------- BalboL Show1nl" (ood Income. Submit on ttrna. Ocean Front $111,000. GOOD TERMS. 3 ~­ oldar boma. pe.rUaJ.ly tum11hed, C· 1 zone. Hea rl ot Balboa.. 2 ca r iran.c-nr-d for a.pt. above. Coast Properties 101 I:. Balboa Blvd.. Balboa He.rbor 2'68, 21117 and f.600. NO DOUBLE TALK HERE SELL YOUR SELF ON THESE LOT n•ar Beacb ...... . $4.2W A Redhill :A.ddress! 2 Beautiful Contemporary Ranch Homea 3 BEDROOM S '4 BEDROOM S $13,800 $1-4 ,2 00 BuUt ·ln R&nl"• 6 Oven Mual•• P'lreple.o. Ylreplaoe -ll'orc.cl Air H ~at Plannfll'.I tor PaUo U vtng N'alu ral finllh C.blllela NO DOWN TO VETS J ou on Qu&11f)' lf You Mut~r Bedroom Bulle (MUJ!fld.tn TU• Bhowt-r K11Ut·ln Ranire 6 °"'" NO DOWN' TO vrra You cllll Quality If Yoo Eam $427 Monthly Eam St37 Month!)' Call LJberty 8·55-4 8 for other information or Eveningii LEhigh g.3523 See fu rni11bed model at Redhill and Irvine. man at home11 d aily 2 :30 to 6 :00. S unday•, Sales· 10 lo 7 J'1R8T TRUST Dlt!:D tor ..i .. ...... ,,.,,.,,. "' mo. ''"'P-Corona Highlands UGP&lly 1"11l HCUred. Ll 1148.Sl -Udo Bayfront Lot 8&7froo..; '"'"" '""" ~ ~" '" EXCLUSIVE LISTINO bUll. :.0 rr. TRONTAO!:, VIA LIDO Your lnYMll(&llon M ii prove only 119,000, LOT, NeWJ!Orl Hel(h~ ..... ltl'l~ ---- or 341J 0 ,1. St., Colla .M-. Panoramic Ocean )#iew 17p09 -------------I BR.AND ~ duplu:, cklu:ir..e con· W ANTJ:D °'"' 9r two 11.crea M·l .sone, Co.la Me1a or Hll.Tbor are&. Write Bo• ~Of:S. N_.port Harbor New1·PreN.' l'l:tp:57 W A NTJtD BUBINE88 PROPICR· TY to $100.000 c:aah. P lea1e submit, pr111c lpal1 only. New· port, Balboa Area, Box 216 rtlllerton. McM •truc:Uon ln 1'\19Uc modem. See th-2 bMUt. two bd.Tm. homea rully ca.rptted, ha.ore elactrlc: ovena and irW.. Stone lo eel~· tnr firepla ce. Open for ln•pec· UOf\ -4711 Momlnr Canyon Road. Har. 374Z·J . 0Jt"t-4b View Lot NOT A L.B:ASltHOl.D. 16600 cub ror quick 1ale. DAN A.. JACOB81:N. Rtal l:at al.( 80UD. D..trable ror home or each or the.te to be the BEST Income. Owner Har. 01111 or VALUE ct thetr typ. ln Ulelr RAT. !109. ti2cfJ~ re1pecUv• u .... BY OWNER • LIDO NORD, LIDO ISLE. rlnl"- •t loc&Uon. A homl'! of QUALr JTY &lld dlflllty. 3 very lt.rie bedrma .. a lo•ely View 1-nai. a aun roonl or our.ery, and 2 ASK ABOtrr OTHER.a .. [F YOU WUIH TO BUY or eELL property &11y ..ct.Ion-BU US FIRST. N. B. C. Realty Co. .S2nd a t N•wport Blvd. H&r. 1'°6 U:SS THAN ONE TR.. OLD - 3 bed.rm.., 2 bath home. hwd. noon, 2 c•T "(•rq•. 112.!K>O t24 Knowell Pl., Coata Meaa. u 1-6119 65tfc ruu bath.I u~talr.. Att ruttve 1 ____________ _ ent ry hall, h•1K• !Iv. nn., H p. ------------- LIDO R-3 2 -30 rt. loU on So. Bay FronL 131,600 each. ~l T . D. R orer•, Kar. l.&IJ&.W, or RTMI l..to29. l8Uc dln lnc rm., bed.rm . with bath . po•d.•r rm., ahower • rm1. etc. down1taJra. Prim• v\t'llJ. P ier 6 , n a..t, $89,WO, Looking for a Dream Home LARGE BATTRONT HOME foT CASK mu11t be bar1alfl. B&Jboa Penlnwla a'""a. Write Box 210 "'1Uerton. Mc:J.8 Har. W I, LJ 8·8311 Kt 2·21171------------- e UDO NOR D, LIDO lSLI:. A thre• 1*1rm. hon1a 11lcely and compl. tu m . RecenUy remodeled A: redaco ... ted. Boat 11lp •nd m any ot her plu• valuee to Uii.. one. S!:IC IT. $09,600. Low dJI. u dellred. with Swimming Pool? HOM:J: and 3 MODlltltN APTS. 4 t"&r 1•rare. S..uUtul pe.Uo A: Bar B.Q. Wonderru\ location. IJl ,000 Low Down. L~ IJ·34 17. ..., .. 70 Jl 100 J"T. on N. MaJn SL, Santa Ana. Rtpti for n orea or ottlc.&. Mlfbt UH. 90m& I'll::• ch&llft. h.ct.o17 bulldlor. Coata Men. 4800 tl Len l. lar111 paved load· ln1 &,,_. Lii••• 1360 per mo. A.&Jdn1 m.ooo 1ooc1 teno1. N MI" Dian•71&nd II unli.. 14 buUdJnp) A.JI 2 br. apt. i:.eel· lent r.ntA.I recor'll. 113.44 0 tn · oOm•. Aak~I 1114:000. $36,000 caah lll'1 band,,._ Can MU 4 or to unit.I. 1,Call Lou Bo,.atoo ,....._ Har 2111 ,Pr Jtdl.Ua .Maroon, BTa\t 4-63.22 ~ W. STANLEY, RM.Jtor -J1'1111dto Drl" omc.. Jiit or au. l T15 FOR SALE-By Owner $1000 Down La.r1• olde.r ! bednn.. hoifla.. \'o'ell bl.lilt .•. and bUUt to raa.lly )IV• In. Hert'1 a ra&L Sood d ... I tor 90m.on1.. Full prlefl I.I onty $.!llil60. Call Liberty 8-3781 Mc~ ONLY $11 ,000 2 bdrm •. n nplaee, n:ctllant In· cation, alt&cbfld l&r&f• A. La un· d.ry. Terna. EXCUJSI VE WITH G .. K. ~T'HROP Ha:. E. Cout Hl1hway Hu. 6442 ~ ... Har. MIO. 66<~7 FOR SALE by ow••r. 3 bdrm. houM. Newport Hale.ht.. ltl.nlnf rm .. nr.p1ac .. HW"d. n oon . dl• po.a.I, dbl. p.r. 4,._ G 1 k>a n. WUl t&JI• 2nd Tull P r'lt:t! $13,· ~. !)U lbdl&nda, 1..1 1·41t 0. 114p:l7 10 Acres ON TUBTlN AVE. Pot.nUal bu.I· si-$'600 per a.a1.. Oood l•rma. DAN A. J AC088&N, R..I ....._l, Har. 0691. w ....i11 J[J 1·1 11-:' u,. ~ ~· "' --~· ..,. .......,.,,.. ~ ..,, • ~ 94 WSJ". call J!lldl.laC !l protlU..W. Co'*' NJ:Wl- Ulf PftD8 ckMa.d .._ . - Selective Lots EAST SIDE, COSTA M'll:SA. Call ue tor n.. • price. DAN A... JAC088EN. Real !:1tata Har. 0691, Ll 8·'317 Kl 2·2117 LOTS Jl'QR BA lJ!: by owner nrar the hLf h school. 7~ toot !rofll· ~·· l:Ver)'lhlnf In and rMlrtC· led. Real rood JocatJon. F'ull pr1ce 1'600~ Ca.LI Ubert) 8·fJ7 8 l "'" FOR SALE-By Owner $1000 Down l.4r1r one ~m hom-. \\'ell cnnatrticted •.nd • rul nice ,.om•. Buy thll ror hom• or apeculet1on. Now 1'8\ted tor S.C4 eo • month. Ca.II owner at UMrty a .. 1e1 ' M e68 For Sale by Owner t.AROE VIllW LOT. Con>Da HLrh· Janda. Vi-of Canyon A ocean. Prlred to M il liarbOI" 2420-W, -~~---------- BUSl.Na.1 LOT tll • 163 lo .u.,.. C-.lnl..I Unn, eo.ta M-. LI I-ITU -- • WEST BAY A VE .. BALBOA P ENINSULA. Thia family horn• llrilll charm !Ji like new. only 2 ~ yn. old 6 !Ji 1m Jnaculat1.. There ate ! dell1httul bedrrna., z ~ ba. 8&nd7 beach., ~ boat 1Up. Ca r pet1n1 6 dr11.pee ot Ule hl1he11t decorator qual· tty are tncl udfld Ln tilt prlc•. 16:1,000. • Nt;WPORT ISI...A NO. Attr•ctl•I" •mall home with lot1 ot patio apa.ct . New Bulkh-d. Pier • float pennitltd. Only SJ9,000, ltrm1. BR l NG TOUR BA YPRONT re- quiremen t. to u.. Y.'1 can help you btc&UM Wf have th• BEST VALUES on today '• market ~ S P.:ClALIZE ln thoee hu d to nna DUffiABL.E BA YF'RONT8 HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. ...., ..... N'-POr1. B!Yd. at JOth II. Hubot" llOO WE HA VE IT In the Tu.tin 8ehool di.trlcL 2 bedMNi.. den &11<! ru..t ho\IQ. BeauUtuJ and very comfort.able. Fitzmorris Rlty. Co. Mu.ltlpte u.tlnr Bu.tin-BToker 3130 !:. C.t. Hwy., Corona. dtl Mar Ha.rbot' Jl l2 OPEN HOUSE Sal. 6 Sunday-12 to I p.m. 211 Tua un Ave. BltA UTIFUL new home, 2 bdrm .. 2 ba th•, Jara-e 1u11d.ck, Unu cel· Jed ~·le.-. Not many \lit• th.I.I. Ca.n be -n by appointment. "ART" ADAIR, Rltr. , ... Newport Bl•d., ca.ta M- Ll 8-J 79Z or U 8·M8e 06'M NEW INCOME UNITS BY OWN'rR Q:3,600---t.rme. 1TM • 181)2 Raorm Place. N"~ Htti. DMJ"" E:lern.cntary It fl1c'h &cbool. Ll ~ 1Tp70 2 BR. older home near Beach &11d Bay ... ---···-····-·· l l!IOO down I UNITS near Pter .. ·····-Slll,:KIO OTHER GOOD BUYS GET A SQUARE DEAL f rom HOMER !:. SRAF'ER REALTOR IOfl McF adden Pla('e at Newport P!"r Har. 140-ltve. Har . 1137·.:t. 6 H u . G2fJ8·W "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS BAY FRONT. $29,500 SPACJOUS 0 bdrm. older home, kit chen A bath.a hi ve bMn com- plelely rnodemlMd. aict t • lf•· Uv. room. partly rurnllh f'd - •xcellent locaUon °" Bay P'ro11t. Only 1211.&oo. f ood terma. "C" THOMAS , Rltr. & ASSOCIA 1'ES 224 W. Cout Hlway LI 8-M27 Newport Beach "C'' THOMAS "C" THOMAS AMAZING VALUE 1n fine "Ranch" at Balboa Island Thic k shake roof ranch etyle home. Separat.e ~r· mador oven & range, large beam ceiling•. and pan· eled waJJs. 2 bdnn. a nd one i11 king 11iu with big wa rdrobe cloeeta. Drapee, c urtain11 , & wall to wall carpet all O\'er for $28,500. See the fine det.ail.8 here and bu y thl11 distinctive better living ge m . THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave., Balboa illland Next door to Lhe Poat Office Har.~· Eve. }1a r. 1229-R Har. t 248·R LITTLE ISLAND BUY OF THE WE EK ! Lot 60 x 60, 2 unit. plua, Ez.ceUent income -excellmt fina.ncing. Price $34,95() LITTLE ISLAND quiet location -ready for diale occupancy. Recently remodeled. F'ull price $15,450. DORIS BRAY, Realtor imme· 216 Marine Ave., Balbo• laland. Har. 20 or Ha r. &4i Pri ce REDUCED $1 250 ------------O.!'JLY $ll'Xl0 DOWN buy• thl• 'l Corona Highlands MP'O. ZONE 330 Jl HO, tra.ll•r partt alt. on Pla.centla. l l&,000 ""'"'· OR A NGI!: COAST PROPl!RTI.1:8 18ti1 N~ Coat.a Meaa LI 3-11!2 ltl'enlnp LI 8· l 400 r'OR UL.II BT OWMm\.-4 bed· room home. l." bat.h.I, l&nd- ~ • 1-.-t... J'HA k>ea.. rr..dom MlrM ' .,... c..i.t 1.Jliert.1 J..UU momiAp or attv I p. ra. ltt.tc - bedrm~ urpeted modern hom•. WM 1 10.~. now Si2W. Ju•l 2 ye11.n1 old. M!Ml Mil. N•wport -Meso Realty 1719 Newp()rt Blvd .• Co.ta Me• t.lbcrty l-6009 -E••. LI ... TZa7 -- TWO out.tandtnir-oom 4!'1"1 1n Or· UL«• &djotnlnf r,._-.y1 for al• W ITI • 1 bulkl fl)r Jvod t.enanl. run lntorma Uon ft.OBCRT WR..:ELER A(«it u ~ Oruip Ph. K1: l-172.l 1 ROOM.a, 2}; B 4 TH8. XLHT. VllCW. Low doW1l, f .p. t111dtr $2l.000. 0 . H. LATHROP, MM It c.t.. Hy. Har. 6«2 11:-.. Hal". MIO. Neot JllO MO. Crom • I ""1l "4.t.ta Oil bait &CTt, HM Harbor Bl.,..,. Room tot' 4 .dd'l wUta. f U ,000 A.ekln1 ,no.. WiU. o.Ll7 f'OOO dn., S 11.000 urd\ara,. Oft.A.NO• COABT PllOPJ:ftiiU 11117 N -por\. c.t-. M- LI fl.tA"l l:nntn,-LI 1-14•' -.. -.. -• • • I I • II,_....._.. --- ' R E A L T 0 .R S B/B Lido Bridge Off ice ' Open House 203 Via. Nice Saturday & Sunday, 1 t o 4 :30 Well con1tn.1cted new 3 bdrma., 2 b&thA. Electric built-in kit., It"'. patio, carpeting thru.tout. $36 ,500 Lots Street to Street corner -$13,000 70' -Only one left -low down 40' -on Nice -$12,750 A Grand Family Home 4 bedroolDJI or 3 and den, 2 batha, larg"! patio with buUt·in BBQ, copper hood. Ca~Lll and draperies Included. Lg. kit. with many built-in txtru. $35,750 Just Put on the Market A lovely provlncial homt, street to 11treet. 3 bdrm.IS., coov. den, 3 baths, la.rge li\'1 ng room, aepan.te din- ing room, b1n:h kitchen with built-in feature., 220 wiring, wall to wall carpt>ting, Da.n!Ah hwd. floora. buutifuUy pl&ntttl. patio, &un dttk. Garqe •t~ for 2 11t ory. Ca.II for app't to 8tt lh1a unuaua.l home. $49,500. Nord Corne r 3 bedroom•, S ha.the, large living room \\'ith fire- pJ.a.c.e. Sepe.rate dining room. Penna.nenl view of bay trom 1un deck. C&rpet..s and draperies. Owner will trade tor amaUer bomii: in Newport a.re&. Balboa Island Oo.e to So. Bay on A.meOi)'SL 4 bdrm. home. Ex· t.erlor newly pa.ir:lted. ExlnL corutruct ion. nice patio.· Owner will con.Ider trade -$32,500. 3112 Lafayette, Newport -Har. 3643 B/ B Corona del Mar Off ice , A Magnificent . View . • la the mc-t feature among many in t.ht. lovely 2 bedroo.ll1 and convertible den home, 2 bath. of coune, a. speciou.. modern home with a eecluded p.1.tio, a.II on two levell, beam ceilinge, perfect f~­ pla.ce, built-in kitchen, full price, ~.000, pleue caU ahea.d for an a.ppolat.ment to tee. Choice Income Ken ta a nice clun commerclal property to a.n at· tractive and busy community. It'a 1.lmoat new and problem-fr-el. On t!ie ground Door a.re two 1tore fl"QD.ta both modern and outata.nding; a.nd both are leued, although one will come up for renewal next ,..,. u your pl&nl include a buaineu or your own. Tour netghbon are the be9t store. and 11bope ln CDM. Parking in the rear. Upetalra a.rt four modern hl:rnJl.hed .tn1le apartment.a: (one now a.va.ilable). 1't1e location and relatively low rentals will keep thl.s bo:lldtnc occupied-yet the return la adequate on the aalr:inc price ot $56,000 and we can work out 111t rate terma. Call UI and come in and ace lt- lt'1 good value. 3530 E•st Coast Highway Har. 5565 • •• ----· ---=-----.. ~Y, JANUARY I), !'116 a ......... a •..i-. a,_,.,..... ......... • B A Y A N D. B E A C H R E A L T ·y, I N C. B/B Newport · Balboa Off tee " Balboa Peninsula Open House - 1 to '4 p. m. Daily 113 G. Street Ocean Front Corner Seashore Colony cat. llttlo I bdrm. New S bdrm., 2 bath home Ocean view -rUce p&Uo Radio and tntercOm to a.d rooms, many extru. $29,600 Exclusive $2000 down buya newly decorated two bdrm. home cloee to jetty. Full price $17,500. Exclusive Al.c:> ne&r ~tty .. 3 bdrma., 2 bath modern home, furni.ahed - F'ull price $19.750 Owner wl.U &ell on libenl term.II. h-.. Room to~./ anotlMor unit. !Aw &;;,,, pa.ymacl wU1 b•nd:le.. Furn. -flS,000, Balboa Bayfront 3 bdrmo., 31'.i bo.tha plu. mal4'1 rm. 8-t loc&tlon -very &tb'aetiTe and homey. E:r:cellent pl.er 1.nd ..Up. No t.el~hone lnfonnation. Price ill firm at $M,!)OO. Balboa Oceanfront Wonderful t&m.Ily home. • Open House - 1 to '4 p. m. Daily 1703 E. Ocean Blvd. • bdrmo., 31'.i batha - Beautiful large living room, • Beautiful Cape Cod home on large corner lot. Owner bu moved inla.nd. 3 bdnna., 2 bath•. Lota of clOBe U -wonderful patio with cabana. New -Modern -Unusual 3 bdrm.II. and den -2 !ireyl&.cel Luge built-In kitchen - ntce patio. $32,500. Owner will consider t.radea. Just Completed C hoµaea on q uiet 11treet f1t.cing city park - 3 bdrma., 2 bath!! each - Bu.ilt.-in kilchen11 -dif.hwa.ahen, uaed brick fireplacea -large patioe -$23,500 -good financing. Peninsula Ocean Front QUALITY ia the keynote for thla 3 bdrm. and den home near jetty. Owner la ill .1.nd mu.et move -will consider all offer11 and will Lre.fie up or dawn. Shown by appointment only. - .. den -dining room -2 flreplacet1 WW -Outdoor L. R. and oncloHd p&tio -Might oonaWer exchange for am.all bome Harbor area. Bay Avenue Income Duplex -Upper 3 bdrm. leued for one year -Lower 1eued to June 15th -Hu exoellent J..ooome record -Full prtc. $29,600 -~ down. ' lncom-Near Grammar School 7 unita -100~ occupancy -• Winter and •um.mer -Owner need. more room for increued funily. MUST SELL -iJ!dn&: $G2,000. Exclusive Just Usted PENINSULA HOME ' 2 bdrmo., 2 ho.th, lge. llv. rm. with fireplace, spactoua kitchen, brea.kfut bar -•Un deck -Thia will .. u fut -$18,000. 1450 W . Balboa Blv'd., Balboa Harbor 1264 LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH THE BIB OFFICE IN YOUR AREA NEWPOlT HAAJ9R NEWS-l'RESS -PART 111 • PAM I ........ a••- REALTORS B/ B Costa Mesa Off ices Harbor Blvd. Office Sweeping View BM tho bre&tht&Jdng unobotructecl vtaa from throe efdell and both tern.cee ot thla modern new home of many windowa -3 bdrma. and 2 b&tha -Un- m1tched for ttu>9t-wanted location in Clltf Haveo, thli luzury home otfer1 the t~eet in planned archi- tectura.l construction with many extra& incl. built- tn range a.nd oven, diahwa1her, complete W lO W ca.rpeta and dn.pa, imported wa.llpaper, intercom throughout -a kitchen you ma.Ill see! Priced at $4.3,600 and ahown by appolntmep.t only. The Executive with a Large fa.m.!Jy will lmmediat~ly see the tre- men.doua value in t.hia 2·yea.r-old 4 bdrm. and den, 2 balh home ll>'1Lh an excellent v1t-w of the OCUJJ. a.nd room gl.lore -over 2000 aq. fl. hvlng a.re.a. wilh 2 firepla.OM and all the utru you can th.ink of. Price will amaze you at $2:>,500 with excellent term.L We have the lir.ey? I 875 Harbor Blvd ., Co1ta MH• Lib. 8-7714-Evu. Lib . 8-3158 BIB 17th & Newport Blvd. Office $1000 Down! 3 bdrm. -1 ~2 __ yea.n old -clean -nlce lawn. Low monthly payment.a include taxes! Out-of•tate owner muat ucri!ice! Full price $9000. 2 Houses! Heart of T ownl ., Ju1t lieted -2 bdrm. e.ach -clean. Patio -BBQ -G&rb. diap. -fenced·-Widow mllllt ttell ~ Hurry ' U 5,9!10 $9'45.00 lln Acre! 90 Acres StnUclcally adjoinb>g new orubdiviolon ! Going raJ>Cb -3600 aq. IL metal b&m -Lee. 8 bdrm. and 2 bdrm. bome1. Cone. fioon all bWp. Machine ehop -&elf-feed •ilo -120 head perm. puture - lots 'Water plus pumpa, plu.e 550,000 gal. eoacret.. 1119ervolr. On r&ilro&d a.nd freeway! 86 acre under cultivaUon. Owner MUST retire acct.. b•ltb Su)>. mit any exchange -bus. or ree. Or&n&e County. I 696 Newport Blvd ., Costa Mas• Lib. 8-1161 -EvH. Lib . 8-3010 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BROKERS -MULTIPLE LISTING BROKERS CORONA DEL MAR Now 1-the time l9J 1tart that new home it you in· ta:!.d enjoying 1t6nmer on the beach. We have a fww' cbolot, level lot.II, but thty a.re aca.roe. ACT NOW. Home with an apt.. for added income, perfect lo- cation, .ome view. Ltve here while the ttntal makee the loan payment.a. $21,600. IRVINE TERACE TIMI choiCHt VIEW h.ome av&ilabLe In Irvine Ter· nee. Hich up on tbe clilf with a front 1eat view of all Harbor acUviUe., plua ocean, bay and ialand Yilw. A qualJty 3 bedroom home with protected patio, and an unmatched view. $il,~ full price. All ucluaiie with RAY REALTY CO. "" & Cout'Hlrhway .. C. D. M. -Ra..b,;r 2288 <Acro1a from Bani: in Corona de.I Mar) IF YOU CAN AFFORD THE BEST We think thtre ii no substitute for the EAST BAY ntONT ot. Uttle laland. Sheltered. UllUlually quiel k:>c&Uon with fine · beach, priva.t.e pier, large ' patio. ueabki ~ (face. the etreet instead of a nu- -olloy), J'A beat. BBQ, dhllnc room."'"" apL -1n abort a real home. YOU'U.. LIKE IT. WV. W. STANLEY SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD Park Ave. a.l M&rine, Balboa laland Harbor 2'82 LIDO ISLE 124 VlA MENTONE I B!:DROOMS, 2 baU1&, larl'e tf" loL South patio, $3 1.~00. 11& V1A ITH!CA LA.fl.GI: I bedroom Hoi..teln built home. t.6 n . lot • .aulh pallo - Ill.I' i"OO'IM. Only 110.000 down. UPPER BAY AREA 20381 CYPRESS l BEDROOM. Rlckory bullt hnme. 1•"1'• lot. ah&k• roof. SIO,Tt.o. NEWPORT BEACH 10211 W, BALBOA BLVD. 7 8&0 ROOM8, a b&UY, eo x 100 fool lot -Good lnllOmt. under •20.000. COSTA MESA, The Best Town on Earth! 3 Br . home, J lh bath.II, Hwd. !lOon. Wall to wall carpeting, fireplace, dble. garage, good location Ea.st 19th st. s12,1ro. Te:rtn11. C-2 7.one buaineu tQ,J, juet off Newport Blvd., ·140x150. $13.000. 2 Br. older home Ii: double prace all good ooodition, cl~ln location, "n.rRNlSHED''. A rMl barpln but will need $3000 cull down. Pr1ce $8000. DUPLEX 2 B"r. each aide, cloee-ln location ne&r market.II Ii: transportation. $13,750 with $3000 down and balance $111 per month. G. N. WELLS , Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd., LI 8-1601 HALF ACRE w.u locatitd haJ.f acr .. Ju.t lit.• •pol tor ft\l.lt u-ud nowen plor.. Bulldinca lnclud• a c;ut11 lltUa two badroom cottq1 and larr• doubl• ,..,..._ with eJrtra al.aplac' 1'00ll\ att&cMd.. Bou.e 'Which ~ ln r-.r of lot h.u two bathroom. ona wt~ ou~ en- trance. Total prtc• only STOOO Tsnn•. Deluxe Two Bedroom S-UW'UI two "4room bOlllM ju.t aft Harbor Blvd. Clo. to ".-Y- thln(; Kbooi., markat., t.ra.n. port.aUon etc. 'l'hlll nn. bom. hu nrep1ac1, la.r(e room.. tll• tut- cb.n and bat.ti. cam.ant paUo loVe.IJ yard "I.lid prq'I. Tot.a.1 pric. 110.2&0. Tft'Tl'la tt d..u..:t CALL' ELSIE EBELING,------------~-~~-----Busineu Lot LYLE POPE, JACK MUL-BALBOA ISLAND Fin• to f M t •~•·-lot on <'- LAN, RUTH DAVtS or ln H&r1ioM mm .. JEAN SMITH Comp'J rum. 2·bdnn. 2-both beauty! r.ce. patio. bbq . dbl. pr. You'll IOYe It! CON to vU1ace and ·Duncan Hardesty b&y. You mue the term•! $29,600. o~ SAYS REALTOR SELL? 4, M02 Nt-iiort BIY'd. H•r. f.Tle IF YOU ARE TIRED of lootinr &t intl&ted prieea, l&t x »O ON HAR.SOR BLVD. m&ke • date with UI to 9ee what $18,7&0 will buy. Lari'• bultn-altf'. Wiii dlvld~. 2 bd I ti -•-•t loca"--• -nne. ge. pe o, .uu ........... ... u. 1-or bvHd lo .ult ten· ~L OJt.A.NOlt COAST PROP.liRTIJ;S ll.$T Ninrpor-t. Cc:Jat.a Jol- l.I 1-J&D bimiin.p l.I 1-l+oO r'Oft 8 AIA °" wUI l"4t fM In• c.«ne. ArUft.k I Wfm. >ioua.. K'wd.. nn.. n,.,L.nic. p-.tie P"1nct4 yd.. llf.tiOO. Ow'Mf Har. ..... !lleN •• LIDO ISLE Unusually n~ 3 bdrm. 1%. t:.th bcme! Lee-HY. rm. with be&utitul •Woe !r. pL Prioed t.o siell $.lS,600. . NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Mari.ne Ave., Balboa Wand Har. M2 or ~23 Rentals Wa ha•• a r.,.. cholca rentala. ..... A. NERESON "1U.TOR tM2 N'twpOrt JIJYd.. co.ta w.. Llberty A-1872 JC...• LI 8-'UO 1.Jberty l·I011 LIDe!'ty 1-JTIT BEAt.rnJ'UL Wa~ Tiit& ~ 1lf'fft rrom d&lu:u ~ on M .. Dr1n. Cur1Mld .U.l. !N7 an t.-.... ,,,_ dft.." ~ -... ORAMOI: OOAaT PllOP-..U 1~l N..,.art. OMt.& K- U .. 1U1 ~ U 1-1400 VOGEL VALUES -COSTA MESA , Triplex Near new 2 Becirr:m. each with 1arp llving room, tile kitchen with break.fut area. ~nt laundry room. All rented. $240 mo. Income. $21,1500 full pr. I $2000 Down M'ovea you into new 3 bedroom home. ~x19 liTinc room, dlnlng room, F. A. hHt. rtreplaco, ballt-ln kftchen. dble. rarare. F'ully landecaped. Belt rut side location. C-2 Development Opportunity 1.4 acre1, one block ott Newport Blvd. ~than 1h property developed with monthly Income ot $21.fJ. ClOM to eo.ta Mee.a aty Cefiter." wm 9Ubdhide. THE VOGEL COMPANY 1700 Newport Blvd. Phone Liberty 8-6097 A REALLY SCARCE ITEM 4 bodrma., 1 % batlul, 2 nl<4 patloo. D>mpldoq fumlabed on Balboa l.aland for only $24,8C!O. nn. "'"""-Don't procrutln&te on thlo one. WK. w. STANLEY SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD Part 1•e. It lfarlJ>&, Bolboa l.aland Halbor 2462 ' . • --r ' • , • ,_..... • ""1:f 111-NEWPO-T HAQOR NEWS.fRESS .AY, Ji'NIJARY 13, 1'51> • ,_....._ t:I BnJW. ., t ¥ f ~ ,.. t • .. 1 ~A. gA"I;f.S.}lrl\'!< , . BALBOA LSI.AND SIOOO down. Most l"&tti;i tu home. La.rge liv. rm. wit..b Fr. pl. &Un ml, din. -rml....2 bd. raw. convenient kJteb.m. 1 bath. Patio. Ga'rage. $19,600. Price Finn. A REAL BJJY., . , ... 124: Sapphire. 8-ut. bom~. ~a1:1t. turn. 4 B. R. Patio. Open Sat. 6 Sufi. 2hown any time. We have the key. Priced right, Mu;t xlnt. tetm.11. , $10,000 will handle .. Beaut. Home &4d lncome. Well built 4 8 . R. home. 3 bat.ti.. di.J'lfng rm, with extra rum rm. & balh. Dbl. gar. PLUS Lovely 1pacio1U1 1 B. R. apt. SEE TO-DAY. • TOP LOCATION -2 bedroon1 home, wall to wall carpet, fire place, extra large living toom. Dining room. Pio.a 1 bedroQm apt. with fire place. '11fIS WON'T LAST AT $29.500. It 1ntert>sled in Bay Front homes, let ua show you our liatinp. We have t>Orue beauties. NEWPORT ~EACH-FINE INCOME PROPERTY 2 B. R. deluxe home and a 2 story duplex t 1 R. R each). All three units att r furn. This is t>e-aut1fully kept property 11.nd nr 111•w . Top ln«u1n .. & t up lu· calion. 1 [ilk. from Ray -1 Blk frorn 0 ;,.'i'll.n $27,500. WliAT AN JN VEST~!ENT. ' -- 81 ·----~--,-- . ' . ' P. .. a. ' p a l,m e r. i n c o ·r p o r a t e d . ' \ . developers of lido Isle Beautiful Lido ' Residence ArtiatlcaUy lan~&pt;d on very choice alte, 92 feet on Centro Strada, eo ft. on Dijon, 4~ ft. on Strada Dijon. EnouCb 1"09m tor pool if' ~ired. L&rp 3 bed.rm. 2 bath home with lovely lanai for lndoo~ outdoor living. Thia home la aet ai)af.t by It.a charm, eve.a in tht. aoctJQA ot lo.vely bame11. $32,500 · -with 17,:SOO'down. 'fm;.;i fy Gro~og7 Do you deaire the many advJiitace. of living on Lido Isle for your children! Iiao 11ee thia! 2Jttory family home, t bedrOlJI. 2 balhl; fume.ce, lnfonn11l kitcht:fl with built.in range and oven, flrepla.ce, fine hom'e and only $30.750 i O x l 10 BAYVIEW LOT on Lido Soud $14 ,000 Of .DER I JOO home, good location, no built1ns or rnodern g&dgeta. but a lot of house for $24,950 fur- nu~hed. $5,000 down. p. a. palmer, incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via hdo, harbor 1500 • Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Bright a.nd ahiny nrw S bedrm., family rm. 4: baQi-. room.a, carpeted, draped. and in the center of Heavenly Udo Iale. Never for Nle be.lore. How Wonder What You Are Thia ii silly, 'came we tnow you are a tot in Shor&- cliffa. What we really want to know t. who will build a hou.e on you. Only $1Zt800. Hurry I Up Above The Bay So High with a view of everything from here to there. Three lovely bednnm., 2 with the view. You c&n buy thia for $1{,000 le.. t.ha.n it cotJt. ( yrs. ago. Like A Diamond In The Sky Diamond shaped wind.OWi invite you to eee the Har· bor lhrough them. cute 3 bednn. 2 bath home. yard, 2 patios, a.nd room for a pool. OnJy $24,500. p. a. palmer, incorporat ed ole hanson co., sales mnne gement 1100 w. cout highway -liberty 8-5573 BLANCHE A. GATE S, Rea lt or WE 'H l:: l..OAIJ ED \\' t 'f H ., Nt:W r .l!:rr1 NL:s 'l'O ST ART I T l-i i:: NI<\.\' 'l'f'.AR . SJ~!!: LOOK LOOK LOOK Houston Values 'MEMBERS Of' ~f U LTIPI .E l .lf-'1'1NG 311 Marine Ave., &lboa Laland -Ph Har 167 1 or 167'.:: L'.:-> r·11ts·r· ' Duplex-Income 6%-8-1 ~ .. ·==---- nWe're · Moving to Irvine Terrace" Drive in toda.y a.nd lee ror youncl! the ma.ny out- .tanding fea.turee of th1e re.markable community. MoI"e and more Harbor area fam.illee are lnlpecUng theae exqui11lte homea -noting their comfort, eon. venience a.nd central location. Mon!l and more families who prefer a home In a ~ •tricted quality community are. moving Into their Irvine Terrace homes. Inspect the model homes, ,built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & -~on Hemert Inine Terrace i~ located fl n Coast HighwHy opposite the Df'W Irvine Coa.Ht Country Oub. ·'I EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor E..."XCLUSl\'E AC F:N1'S Phone Harbo r 1410 f or Further lnfor n1a t1on • 1'~or R e('.um a1 f:rH.h 1t10 0. we rt'fl·r )'ull t•J llll\'"Ol' "''bo holdg a l....ee..s C'hoJ1! E'Jotatc 1r1 lr\'1ne ·r,•rrac1:, Beacon Bay. Uay :-lh1J'rt·:; 11nil Chlf t·la vt'n "" l !'l l"" 111u1 1 l>l"•lro<•rn h·•m" nn < - I BA('K IJ A Y beautiful 3 bcdrm. 1 a ~ bath, Ranch Ml_\·ll·, built by l~!oyd C. Howard. Large fenced yd . nl<'~ly 1!1ndacaped. Asking $22,500. SEE TODAY , BEST BUY In Co.La 1.leaa.. Only ------------------ LIDO IS LE Completely chanrung, beautifully decora ted 4 btinn 6 den W;firepla.ce 3 bat h home. 30 ft. IJ \·1ng room - unu.ual ya.rd -l'at10 -on corner lv t. Thill hun1c hu everything for gracious living -\.\'Ith a luw price of onJy $39,950. LIDO BA YFRONT LOT R-3 on Soud -50'x90' -only $36.0VO. BAYSHORES Do aee thla "Bayahorel!I" home ii you desire an ex- clua.ive, quiet, delightful place to live. 3 bdrm on one of the Ja·rger iota -roo.m for 8\\'1mm1ng pool. -Huge patio partly covered W1 plexlglu . Comp. turn. Home or excellent income property. HARBOR ISLAND &.teat att racUvt", bea.uti!ully furn1ahcd 1 ·atory homt" on 62' lot -pier a.nd alip -4 bdrrns. -5 baths. Thia is one of the ahowplacea of the Harbor Area. H&B everything. Priced at $150,000. Some trade conaldered. BALBOA PENINSULA /lrl\Loe L•ll». !·r11•) I 11111 I 11>' 11,.·luoJl"\l. la rr r. lu\ ILfl't ! Jr:.•r•1<r $111 ()V(), r H"' 1<>111'1 ( :-:,, 2 I bt'<ln...,rn, 2 ~Jal.ii l 't nH1•1.1la l lutrlt' Jdt•I lllrl('c t &r1u!y \\&IJr,J '"'""'" 1,,, 1nr1u<11'<1 u ...... 1.1 ... 1 11ru~rly •~u.:WU l• Ill.I ="n J 1111 A1u1,!e Strtfl ~•tp l•1 lll•Y J tle<h •Xtln11. lar,tc kJ t<llen. ..ura.:Uv1 J1va1g runH\ ""'llh flrt1placfl, fl"m<kl· .. 1 ... ,,i 11.!•d •< tuioUy a Juvely 11.,rne fc.i r 117.VUV t.-rnu1 I ="o 4 ()n ., hft1ll'u<1n' Jxoa('h h0"1t' w ith 1 llt<lro<Jm b1rh.-lor 1n j rt•r On 7th •lt~f'\ Pl'J~.ii ll t' ="llY t.:lub 1w etJ li..a Uun 1r you hll\'" • DO•t r1'• l~l(J 11nd tcrrn• !>.'11 ~ I •an<1y 3 unit lncQn1c , I :>;o loll rrnt e<.l , namt.il to month. $1112 •11••nth 1nt.,Jn1r. <:•l'f"1 rr11l1t! IHOfl•~l'ty $l15.~>"'· $.:0~"' •Jow n II H,.1t '1t lU1• In B11l hna 3 tx><I· •••Jn1 l1v111,. "1th 2 b«lrO<Jm 11 p•r ln1r11 t O\'l"r 3 '"''~Hr •.:e all furn 1eh•'<I 1.:;u .. 1t r01J1n w 1111 b1111 t.>" '32.r.no. terrn1, :\'o 7·lJuplu . on Ana 1Je •.. rlo.e lll t)ay l t>--•ff{)<Jn11 •In"' n ~ 1..,,,,,.,~n111 up I 111r11i.1}1 ... 1 S1111a!,.•l •111 Z l11l~ 2 er RE."iAI.E . Sl·l,950 -4 "}. -S73 mo. J bed.rm. niodt"'rn, 1£'a.t than 1 yr. old & fully fum , incl. carpct111g, drapes. built-'n stove & oven, N"frigl'rittur F'A heat. sliding Kl&J18 walls in lge. hv. & dm1ng area. Til e bath, Lge. lot & detached gt.rage Good Co•ta Meaa loc&tion. Will con· aider 1rude tu $20,000. 3. CLIFJ.' l·IAVEN -. 406 St. Andre~. $14.,750 with payments of only $65 a mo. me!. t:u:ftll. Fenced yard, brick patio. CIOtie to grammar &: high schools. Thui 1a a muat -aoo today! 4. INCOME PROPERTIES 2 11torea & 5 a pts . un Cout Highway each with view. Walk to bPach W1ll 11h ow 12 ~(. net on uk· 1ng price. Only $1 5,000 down will handle. 5. BUSINESS BI~[)(:. Care-rree with net of JO'l>- Lell.M'd Lo 6 good tcnan!A. Best JQ(:at1o n on Gout. A·l const. S tresat.'<1 for 2nd .flr. $110,000 JACK BRENNAN , Realtor and ASSOCIATES 332() W. Coaat Hwy. Liberty 8-7773 "At the Arches" 3 bdrm. -11.aAed-in pon::h -2 balha -King 1oze muter bdrm. w1bay view. 1 blk. from sw 1mm111g beach. Af&k e offer. Live In one N'nl the other ! ----------------------- 4.0'z80' R-1 lot· -ideal J ocation. THE VOGEL CO.-LIDO OFFICE 3U8 Via. Udo, Npt. Bch. Har, 4.971 or Ha.r. 4972 l!lvoo: LI 8-!1297 -LI 8·3040 -Kar. M42 $:O.u110 lei nuo I :\'u 8·i't'nl naul.a dup l~)I •od • r 1p- l•LI! J h~\r•Ktlll" 1111 2 Ir\ )o"'"'r, Ill• rly f\u'lll•h~d b .. th rrntrd nil"' A mual ""'" 8l 12j :100, grooo l tt>rnis :\'o SI l'<•n1n1111a ci, ran "ront IJ11- pl~:< 11.n(I Ult: bay but a •lfJI· \VeU ti.*ni~hffl, l11rr11 cnrner lnt, J11.un•1 r y with WL!lher anti • •w1U r•nler. $ll,GOO. -------·------------------·INO JQ.f'11.n10u11 trnt11! property .. _,. ,.,,., lioublr find ~ 11tn)!'l1111 A NEW LIDO ISLE · LISTING • On 57 1:.: · corner of Lido Nord • Three bedroom. • ~n ' • Two bat hs • Built in Stove & Oven • DiKhwaaher & Diepoaal • Built in BBQ • Huge brick Patio 8 mo·a. old. 2 l•r l{e 11 R e.r h unit. Jl'ull l!le bath•·• k1chtn. Dl•poaal E;>;cept o(Jnally wrJI h!1 In •luwnlown ar~a OV•r )"/ll(l sq. rt. 11.~cL ot gara3r• Y..'al'k1ng duo·t. 1toru . •.:haoll • t r •n~" lnc. $1W 111u 1 1~ :.00 -!-:' yr ..... Only $7500 8TUCCO, pluteN!d lntorlur -2 bdrm .. blk ...... 11 f~nre, z•, yr• old. £•cl. du.L O n 1ewer, Wl M.&12.a. $9500 3 BDRM.., aew1r In, ] "' YMI old, S120Q Oown, &e• rno. p&)'ll Lil , • i,. 'H loa.D. Excellent Lot Buys 70 x 1~ --·-· 90 x 102 •. Mx •76 . .. R-• $~1 W ll.·2 •Jr>~ .\ot·l 112.WO Open House 2331 Sa nta Ana A vf!: 3 Bk. on rNr nr 100..JOO lot. SI0.600. OPEN SAT. l ·G. Back Bay Beauty 380 La Canad & \\.'&y Extra lge. new :\ bdrm deluxe OPEN 8U N D A 't' 11 ·G. Houston Realty Co. .t. ABSOCJA TICS ll<XI Canter St., COila 1.tea& LI 8-11911 .t._ LI 8·1i84 LY'Tl...E -E ve. Ph. Ll 8·2~42 PETl'ITE -F.ve. P h. Ll 8·1'>4tl( SEYMOUR -E ve. P h. lia. 6298W "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS BILL 'S BEST BUYS ONE TO BE PROUD OF Tu·o year old, 3 Brm. hon1e ~·n tar~·· e(1 rner lot \\'Ith lle<l wood fence, lb'x24.' l'at10, 15'x l!S" I.I\' Ro"m, Ii\\', floors. LllrgC' Tile Kitchen. Disposa l. t-.:xhRUtit ff1n. large wardrobt-s and Cab1ne1A $12,bl.IO -.... ·1th S3500 c1o¥>rn . C. I. loan 1o1t•ith low int. rat . $75 mo includes Ta.xea and lns . NICE HOME CLOSE IN Two B rm. Home on 57'x203' Jot. Two Obit'. Ganlgee ILOd room for lncome Units. Hw. n ooni, Pla11tered interior and Serv. Porch. Newly decorated inside and out, Close to ahope and bus line. l'r1crd at $1 l,500. Arrange t erms. LOTS All 111izetl , Pri<:e1' and Location.a . NEWPORT HEIGHTS 4 Bedrooma -F . A. Heat -Fireplace. Not a lease- hold -1 Y.i yean old_ S&crlfice at $14,850, S.3300 down. "' W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor EXCLt;SIVE AGENT f'"' "you'll like our friendly service" 400 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa Llberty 8-1139 ~~~~~~~~"~~~--~~--• WANT A HELP US AGAIN? / El.al Bay Awnu .. , .• c-lo~e BUILD NOW ••• MONEY AVAILABLE • F'ull price $33,500 • BEST EXCLUSIVES A kind·bearted buyer helped u11 this week • end, helped that poor old grey haired lady lose her 11blrt on her hoUBe. Ju11t happened to have one more owner who is buating to lose a buclL Hu a 3 bed· room, 2 bath home for a. surprisingly low price. · ~-I(f' fppointment, We'll gang up on him. " ~.' W1 can build for yau a. two-bedroom or 3 bednn. bome for l'.80 Squ.are Foot. 937 11!i5 1()() "!. Financing Square Square Foot Foot Home-$4295 Home-$5295 Attached 10 z 20 gan.geo -·--$29~ W1 an building on Wallace, Bay. &nd Avocado SU!. Starllng abortly on 18th & 20th Sta. Call or Phone for Information , .. 01'CN SUNDkY .AFl'ERNOONS & WEEK DAYS SCOTCH CONSTRUCTION of Garden Grove, Inc . 110'1 WMtml.nlter Blvd .. Garden Grove LE 9-0633 HOW GAN YOU LOSE? ' \\'htm 1um.iqer rent. will ma.lee a. whole ye&r'l!I pay- meota on lhW cbanning knotty pine hom~. Cloee to the Bay in a good Balboa Ialand area with con· genial neig"hbon. Large breakfa.iit bar, beautiful patio, gang& bu an extn bath and ha. been deaiped to carry a.n a.pl. above. Best of all. the down payment ia only $5000 -Full price $18. 750. Wll. W. STANLEY SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD Pa.rte Ave. at Marine, Balboa Island Harbor 2462 CLIFF HAVEN OPEN HOUSE 1000 Clay St. Sa.t, & Sunday 12 -5 p. m . I bedmi. brick fl replact', lovely ye.rd dbl. gar. $14,500• Mu8t sell, low do'vn payment. H•r. J755 -Eves. Edith Me.roon HYatt 4-6222 1 J ohn ~acnab Harbor ~9 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 1 225 M.artne Ave.., Balboa bla..nd ~ l •l h11y G<Jvd heat. Roon1 lnr '"1r11. hull,llni;:, t~ $lfl.OOIJ S l I )\IJ(I dv...,·n Balboa Realty Co . Oppoo11!e 13$nk o( An1,.rlr 11 1'.011& Gree.lly E<l V e Al Com1Uu. JoH'phlne \•l<'bb 700 E Balboa 13Jv'1 R11 lbf"1& Phone i'l&rbor 3277 ' 2515 Crct1t,·iew Dr. B.A YSHORE.5 OPEN HOUSE Fri., Sat., Sun ., Mon. I -4 .30 2 fl R. .. knotty plnr Int . 2 pntio~ PLUS gar. unit. f'h11 rn11 ng bcoti.ch. or ye&t round hon1r . LEMON Hti:IGH~ Comer 101 >i: 21 0, new P ro v!nr\111, • l~e. room1. 2 B H , 11~11. tlln!n11: room. ~•l lo•:•tk1n S.12 ,GOO 1 COAST HIGHWAY. 132' C·2, nn the Bay, FOR SA LE or w!!l j 11...., and build. C·2, OOx300. 17th Rtniet, RE· DUCEO. Claire Yan Horn ,e lt~ALTUI\ 2731 \\', Cout Ill•·)· IJ 8-~2j j Bay Shores 2~i2 C\l'('h: IJl'l\'e I 'I'"'" IJJ l l)' I · I :Ill • :-:tJ \~· l'RJCJ.:O T£) st-.;1 .. r .. 3 bdrn1., l "-b11<h. l rpl, I>' A , This home pro".idcs all the environment for another happy Udo Cunily. AND . Also Anotlrel' FIRST TIME . Listing two bedrooms, two bath• located on Vi a Koron (street to s treet) r oomy living room with provin- ci al wall to wall carpeting and Iola of ina.ide adjUBt- e.ble shutters, This plc&11&nt home can be youn for $26,500, Lerma, • ' LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES 3400 Via Lldo Harbor 4444 or 5024. INCOME INVESTMENT Earns better than 10'/V on your money. 6 Beautiful TriplCJCee all in a row. 2 Bed· room.s -garbage disJX>MI -garagee. Lo- cated in Newport Beach, a short walk to grade or }figh School. The very best rental location in the Harbor area. All unit.a occu- pied -Seldom a vacancy. Grose income $18.000 :yearly -Moderate rents. Total Selling Price Sll:S,000, Ex~llent term.a. These 18 unilR arc the beat in the area. tXC.1..USIVE WITH DUNCAN HARDESTY , Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd., Npt. Bch. liar. 4718 ll t'!l .. a ll olrr ki.i-J .. 111 :-.p111·10111 ---- pall., -b11llt Ill li[U.,i, Uvon lv WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS l llt&j:-R. scnerOUil 11lor11g .. RALPli P. MASKEY REALTOR 3411 :'l/ty,·porl Hlvd . Xpt. Bch. H11r bar 4(;2 f>'Ot rtt F"lJKN t rnllll r kae to ahllppln1: A lw•y~ rent ed J.,. r"me SUO n10 14.'100 dri. SeU..ta will CAI ty l)&l•llf'f' O RA.NOE COAST t>ROt·~n~~ 1167 r;-port. coeu. ,._. IJ l ·l&ll l:YWnp Ll l ·ltOO lNVESTMENTWISE lN 56 ! \\'Ant to buy or sell. Build or lease. Exchange or Finance. A 11tq~ or indualri&l property improved or vacanl Whatever you.r need.I in commercia.I, induatrial OJ' .acreage. consult a apecia.list. SEE RUSS FORQ. Realtor W. Cou:t H1gbway Llborty 8-eHJ HARBOR l.ilGHLANDS--Ch&tm• Ing J bdrn1., I ~ bath ho n1e Li>- caled on bla.utltully l•nd•ca11ed • !C"nced cor. Jot, w lo w car· R. L. · STRICKLER, Realtor R. B. HODGE, A880Ci11te 3622 E . Cea.et Hwy., Corona del ~1 ar Har. 2774 pellng &. dt•pe.a . $18.GOO ------------------- CWF'F HAVEN -DlallncUve modem 3 bfdroom, 1 S, bath home dnlped by Dtc k Pl11er. parkay rlaon1. tlrepla.ce, F. ~ he&l. dl1po13J. 80 fl. cor lol. nicely landacaped -$19.~ - term~. BA YS HORES -Exc~llently l'J· caletl on Bayahore Drive v.-!th VlE\V or bay -hleal 3 bedrm .. l-\1. bath family hon1e, din. rm & bre11.k rut roon1. hdwd. floor•. tl11g11tone flr,pl&cf. PRJCF.I) AT ONLY .. $23,000 e "C" THOMAS, Rltr. • • & ASSOClA TES l24 W. Cout Hlway LI 8-0G27 Newport Bea.ch "C' THOMAS "C" THOMAS Ready to Retire? FREE W\'1.NO In new 11 bedraom home. lldwd. nra. f'.A. heat. Payment.I m&de by 1 unit. on rear o! t., acre. Room tor 3 more unh•. Wa.Jk to 'l ownto...,'TI. F. P. lll.000 -SJl.000 loan i:ommltment. Newport • M esa Realty 11StSI N1wport Blvd., Co•ta M~M Wt.er! y 8-~ -ICvea. LI 817Ja7 ...,.. THREE Bli:OR.M., l '-bath, 0 J r•&ll. 4% lnt1rest. 114.900 tuII prlee. lnnlat.a • w0&lh1r1trlp- ped. P&tlo. Fenced NU .JlLT'd.. Side drl"- ORA NOE COAST PROPl:RTiltS 1~1 Nnrport.. C.0.ta MOllil. Ll 8-1832 £1.111.lnp Ll 8-1.00 A "MUST SELL" Duplex nvo BCDfUC& EACH. HdW'CI.. noor.. All nlC41J feoctd 'll'lth Npara.le p.1'9C'• $16,4.60. Low ........ 0.A.N A J A COBU:?f. Rt '\1 .... l.4. liar. Miii. U 1-UIT KJ 2·21117 MONEY TO INVEST? 2 U you are inte{'ested in n. SECURE long range in- vestment with an almost certain capital gain of from 50 to lOO 'f-within the next 2 or 3 years-- Phone Ult for information about our INDUSTRlAL ACREAGE in Costa Mesa & Santa Ana WM. W. STANLEY SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD Park Ave. at Marine, Balboa Island Harbor 21-62 ON "UTILE" BALBOA ISLAND 200 C:yetal Ave. 9PEN HOUSE 1-5 SATURDAY -SUNDAY , Jan.-'!f. & 15 A m06t distinctive year round home! Unuaual and charming 2 11tory living room with beamed ceiling., huge atone firepla~. 3 bedrooms. 3 baths, mod~ kitchen with dispoeal & diahwaaher, wall to wall carpeting. F. A. heat. BE SURE TO SEE THIS. Offered at $36.500 -TennA. MARINERS ISLE REAL TY 318 Ma.rine Ave., Balboa I.111and Harbor 4781 500 FT. FRONT AGE ON WEST COAST HWY In the 0.ty of Newport Beach. Parti&l!y developed for tr&iJer park or could be uaed for deluxe motel aite. Price, $90,000, with 29% down .. The Vogel Co. 3201 W, Cout lllway. lJ &-348l • • •• '