HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-01-16 - Newport Harbor News Press• ' ') ' , -. __ .. __ --__,,.,. . 1'2WPORT xews -·---- • ----HARBOR PRESS NEWPORT BEACH, CALIJ'ORNI.l. KO~Y • .JANUARY 18, 19156 PHONE lj'.ARBOR 1818 GIVES HER VERSION -Af rs. \Villard Leach, widow of Willard l(uane Leach, 27, who hanged himself last Monday in Bakersfield following the s laying of hia parents in Costa Mesa, arrived here 1.aat night to give additional fac~ ••n the-k illings. Interviewing her are Det Sgt. Lowell Poll om, center , and Police Chief Art McKenzie. -Staff Photo Wife Tells Story •' in Triple Deaths Legend Ahead in Acapulco Race Classic Willard Leach Widow Says Mate Had Violent Temper 1 'MAN OF YEAR' -Joe Beek, •landing at right, 87 IACQUU:: M:CK.."'f.:R 1.-fn. J uanita Faye Leach, 24, widow of Willard Duane with Mrs. Beek, left and Preai~t Maurie Stanley, t.edlnc th• lntemauonal ya.cbt Leach, 27, who allegedly killed hia parents in their Costa cente r, look over c~rtificate proclaiming him Newport race .oulh, Chuck Ullman·• hg-ht 1 Meu. home Jan. 6 and then banged himself last bt nnday H arbor Chamber of Commerce's ''Man of the Yea.r" dh•plbuacement ,•I~~ ~rcn, d Yny1nhg j m & Bakersf1cJJ hotel room told Costa Mesa poh<'f' tnda ,, I l'~oreground, Mrs. J amee Van Dyke and Van Dyke, t e rree o .....,., "'''e e"' "'' t • J . <"l ub, a t 8 pm. today r .. port~t ! ahe believed her husband waa mtoxicated and g ol n1lu a new cham~r president. -Staff Photo h•~lf 28 rn'''' ""''"·w•.C "' "'"I 'W"'" "'""'"" """ ht. P'""" on >h• 1><>0tmuk w., """""'"bl< 'MAN '"'Of YEAR' BEEK Aen•da. a ccordlfli'. lo radio repQrU prior lo mun!er1n i; them J.f rll IA•ch •lllO rtv,.11 1,..i thnt trorn the yacht Pa.laa.no, one of Kni t..i•ct1 "' rlV~d Jut nl(bt Mrll. Levnard Leach, one "' th~ !he 81.11 Dll'&O-Acapulco race e11-after "' hu ~ t rip !r<orn Wuhlng-ton v!Cl!nis ,~f the !11.111,l 111,,1111..: ,,, <'l'lrt veaeela. Twenty-fO\l r yv.chLI ln con1pa ny with h•·r father. COll!.a t.leK•. wai ln the hllh•t of ~~=-~~:,::;:~an~~ 1;:~l~:~~1; waS11h•anad~l1':ohot1Jhral111~der w=:•i:;~ ~~~~)"~:~. ~~·,.i;~.~~:1: II(:;:,<-1,1,1;·',~~ LAUDS. LOCAL PIONEERS at l p, n1, cap&)le of t11lre1ne violence, al• Secood In c1 ..... A I• Lou1a tbc:rtfth t he t"Oulrt remember (:' ;';~~ey ~~:i.U.i":.e:~~·l~ir'crw:~ .. 1"~: 8 talh11.m'11 Nun San!(, with Juhn rcl't>Ul lllj!;Uu1.-nt>1 he hall with II killed. Scrtpn~· !ICfll.tr h entry, N'1Vl ll. Del pa.ren,,.. Con1n1r;>dore Jo,. Beek, BalbGll.la· " I • fl!'!•TY OASllF.D c·ttt :rK fl>trl•I p1u11~r. rt:Ct"IVOO hLt c1ty"11 M .. r. third, N.-11l 111 h114fla Jam• . ~~IUIJ .. The ~n1p't1 yawl, J<: ... ~apll.de, Nev.·part 0,.! SgL l'u!\orn. 111, chaf«"e of died, youngl!'r .Leach. lwfu!"" he 1"1' a ,n]atltl--"'t-1110 of the \'ear" H llrbor Yacht Club. "l'l'n kn«t.~ of th,. 1n v .. ;it11:atlon f<or Cultll Meu l'llghed h1., last l'~l~h••t•I;, tk:"i::nat1on Fr1d11y night by the h i·ee.z.e lUid tine weather wu n:· p•ollt'P, ~111,! h11 department 111 lll<l· the ~aid P olice aunn1~"d h<" inust :--:c" pr11 i.. llarhor l'.ha.rnh<-r or Com· ~ !sfletl that Leach '" guUty of have glvrn hi• Lain cent w!l"n Joi" nictcl!' 11.t thti. a.nnual chamber ba.n- prir · k illing h ia pareiilA with a l 2-ga.. pre11umably ni11.!1e,1 the l~tl~r tn 'l""l 111 Nl'wporl H.arbor Yacht 1..ead!ng a .... B boat• 11t the shuti,:un l1tt rr rounJ in Lef ch "t hl11 w ife .. 1nre they wer•· un11 bl<1 tJlub. ;.J"''' chamber o~f!ceni, head· •ame huur _,, Pel#r Ora11t'1 light Bakerifield hotel rooni. to f ind "ny cash In 111(' hotel •·d i.y P r•·""lcnt Jaine• Van Uykf', dl1placement aloop, Nalu, of New-Mrs. Leach aal(I J:th~ received room. w.-r .. IJ!t11cntcd 11t1d certificate• o! port Harbor Ya.cht Club. Second llJ'l envelope on Jan 10 postmark-M r.,. L"&Ch 11111,1 th"V C!Ulll' lo rnedt w.ere ,.warded local lee.dera. 1n thla cla.a. la W, B, Clum'1 yawl ed from Baker•f1e!d d.nd contain· Co,.111. 1'1,.,.a 111 S <>ptr·nl b<>r from Ueck, ri r~t secretary of the form· K!&Joa. St. Fni.ncl.a Ya.cht Club. lnK Sl70 tn ca11h. There wall no her native >1ta!r "' \\'!L'!hini.;ton er 811.Jboa Chamber ot Conimerce, Sa.n B"rand.aco., •tt.h Bruce Smith"• no~ or a.ny kind with the money. I..ea ch worke-1 vrdy ntru• d(;)'l'I lo <'nterllllned the audience w ith (Collu.-4 on f'a,., fl ahfl a dded. Po li ce ~a l\l the dale. two wttkit <lf t1 ll l h ~ tllll<' they l'U.rly-ilny recoHectloiu of competl· ------------------------------[were her ... "hl' 1u1irl. "fhl'v were lion \\"idi the Newport Chamber ·~f ported principal)y by h1~ par· o:ir Com•llflr~ll. then beaded by .Lou <' 11• \V11.lh1ce. Uel'k aeeeptetl hill "'Man KAISER SEEKS LEGAL . OKAY FOR PARK PLAN M r~. L<'arh t"ld Si<:t. P1'11om of lhe Year·· i11varrl on behalr of i;he ll'ft lJf'c 2fl t .. rf'turn l" her \\"11.11111 e 111101 other '"men of the p11r.,nllt' h"ni~ in \\'11.~h111i.:to11 bl'· yl'a rs"' -local OOOBter11 who illld c11 u!lfl she no longrr "·:onted I(> be plan>< 111Hny year11 l!.go for thl• l!UpporteU br hi~ p11.re ntll. Lllfli JH"-":1<.;llt llarbor. IN ~f:R \Jt'E :-.1·1·n1ot :o:-.· S l'EA.KS county Coron,.r Earl Ahhry \\"lll\ani J·I , S purgl'on W . cueet N tlllOll SWford J r. NEW OFTICERS N,.w otflceni, hea.ded by Vui Oykl'. Include WUUam O'Bryon, first vice-preeldent; George Und, aecond vfc e-prwaldenl; }f. P a y n e Thayl'r, tre11.1~rer an't Hay Lan· genhe1m, renafned for hi. el~lh ycflr 11.1 aecretary. \."~n Dyke. in hia t1peech outlln - l11g plana for the eruiulng ye11.r"e work. a.a.Id he would lllk U!e cham· ber &11d it• committeemen to w ork to "til.ntl Qu r Widely ••pa.rated cu..- tricta tog-ether this year." He &l.IO 1a1d greater accomplithment.. -.r• prom.J..aeG by the new n1t.a.!J mer- ch&11Ut divl.!!lon, llnd an expan4ed chan1ber won1en"11 • ;Hnittee. · St anley. In a b. .'1Un1ming up New Trailer ~Park Plans Prepared HARBOR WEATHER Temperatur-8 the put •-k Iii tbe Harbor .,... .. •'eN!: fll<b l.6w 'I'uea<la. Y, J~ 10 " .. Yo'e<Jne&d ay. J&n 11 " " Thun.1lay. Jan " " .. F rfOOy. Jan. 13 7' •• Satut(\ay, J1.11 ... " ~.:I S unday, JI.I\. " .'17 " Monday. J 11..n.. 16 " "" Rr\.flliT"-'·L J•n 18 '" D. A. to Talk with Donna, Mate Today Williams Says 'New Fact.' In Case Considered SANTA ANA, JAN. 16 !OCNS~ -Chiet Dt'puty Otatnct A ttorney Kennf'th Wtlllama aalll tollay he h&.1 moved up the acheduled tn· tervtew bet ween him.Bel! 11..1'\d Don- na EU• Mae Schurr Brett and hr.r hu.1ba.nd, Lloyd. Or1g-ln&lly -.cbeduled tor tomor· row, Willia.m• said that "new fa.ct."' had c.au.ed him tu uk the cou ple to mee' with him at hll office a t 3 p. m. today to -lf II r It t • c u t lo a ahould con ti.Due agaln•t the t1rl't all•&ed a ttacker, Jack Janie. W&llller, 8¥ta Ana. Thfl Bretl• w.re ma.rrt~ ~rel· ly 1n Laa Vecu on Thurad&y. Jn n111ktn"° hi" annOUQCement. Wll- 1111.m.1 heatedly denied 11talemanUt 11tlrlbuted to him In a Ga.rden Grove weekly new•paper. Tb• pubHc&Uon has 11&ld Wllllam.1 h&d m,t w it h Walker on Y'rlcUy. "'I wouldn't know Walker Lt he ca me in t~e door. J"va never teen him," he 1tated &dama.nUy, "'There"s not a word of t ruth to the!r atory."' WU1iam1 did, however, ... Y he hid been. In contact with Walker'• attomey, public defender, Nick Meyer. "I ca.n"l tell you what we dl8c111.-ed," he said. "Not at thll urn,·· \\"alker 111 accuaed of e ltacklng the Gllrden Grove beauty queen on t"'(> occa11lo1UJ, e.fter a llegedly ab- ducting-b er eech lime. He i.a alao charged with breaking Into the i;ld s honie. The IUtpect 1• 11Ctiedule<1 for pre.llmlnary hearJng In Anahelm- B"ullerton Mun!clpal Court Wed· neaday m omlng. $91.200 Income Estimate Told; Bids To Be Called Pla.ns for the city'a lush new municipal tn.iler park w ere unveiled tu the press today at the city council'• , adjourned m~etmg held at 10 a. m. in city hall. The pla.n.s I were not approved by the council u they a.re not yet complete. They will be 11ubmitted for approval next Moo- 11•Y nJght whea bid.II &r• u;~ w !U bring tn the uUl1tJN Wider. tu be calll!'Ci . City Mana.ger John S&Jlor,, and j City En~n~er S.,rt \.\'ebb 1howed I lh"' plul vl•11 l<1 •<'J.'Vller8,. ""l•lain· 111g how the M Ira.Iler 1lte1 will bl' pl.aced und.,r the Cit)''• own de- "fgn tor th• 'l*C"'· Under the CUPPW.nt plan. Uu 68 tre.ller altu ... -111 be d!Vlded lnt,o 12 "court11." e.acl!. alte h.av1n1 &11 unre•trlcte<l vie-.v ot Lhfl bay. Tot:eJ ,.,.umt.ted Income trvm city le.-.ea ut the altea la .lflt at l il,200. Tiu11 1.11 ba&!od on prupoeed t it.a rftll&U ut $1&00. i 1.'.'.IOO and i 1200 each, dependinc: on IOC#.tlon trom. the water lronL Th. n-pkn1 Wer? .. t&thared." by Bob Crowell, tn.1ler pe.rk m&ll• •g•r, ln concert ¥•ilh the c::tty en· gineerlng-department. The city manacer aaid ea.rU.r pla.n• dratted by Charle. Peyton W(IUld be pe.1d fo r t $4 100J but not. ulled ... th• Clty"t1 COflCflpla (IQ the i:i-rk h&d ,,,..,,.. ... Und•r ~' plane U. city rrourid, 1 ... 11u..cap.e and JT&d• t.M new ttaller pa r k. But ea.ch trllllar •!te renter wlll ha v1 to pa v"' hi• owu .eecuoo 1r he wt.he1. 8 ...Uora la.Id. Th~ uti1Jt1e1 wi!I be g rouped In poe.aibly 3 -fl. "block•" "rvtnc" e&ch tr&.tler. ln &GdlUon to th• &8 altee there will be apa.ce tor the ~k maa- &(•r"• tr&.ller &11d rutroom.a, A. fence wW enclo.-e tbe park'• 1-d 1ide•, S1llur11 -hl. Tbc ,_ plan. c:tv• flach "court,·· cont.&la- tng-12 t rtlller Sta, L.11·P-tronl• are. which makee a i2t • tt. b&T frontage. Depth w Ul run about 200 feet from t.M .outh line ol an a.lley betwee.n Lh• pe.rlr. and Ba.Ibo& Blvd. Ali altff are to be ttaccered., &1vtn1r m&XJmwn bay .. _. Today'• m•unc: Um1 WM c:tven the N-•-Prua a t 3 :30 p. m. P'r1· ~ by the c;:lty m&llqer·1 offlc•- t.oo le.lei for ~bUc;: noUce to be ma.de, -------------~--- EWL 'tWED DONNA SAYS WALKER TALE 'FANTASTIC' California Amc11ed Miss Turnin9 at His Confession from Rnt By MOLLY BUIUl.ELL wu ta. -.Mr ot a mlx.S re«p- GAROEN GROVE, J AN. 18 tlon 8und&y when alle and ber (0CNSJ-Beauuru1 Donna 8cbun-bu.b&ild arm.id at tba BNttbolrw "Brett plck.S up the lhreada ot IMt' &tt.er ~ llU.t'plUe 1Ae V ... n~w llfe today after a wblrlwtnd we<.ldinc Tbunday. Lu Vegu w edding. hooeymoi;i.n WhU• I.he~ CO'llple al:t' t ii and hon1ecomln&' w\ th a vow ""\o .-"Vl.c:.a .at the ~ ~ eleer mv name completely," 11'11and.e Cbun:h, &ett'a ........... Both Donn.a an. Oral:I.&'• Cout. Doima"a mc.>lbw, and B...U.'• bnttllo- Co!lege atudent. &nd ber new hllll· er all rec:eJved &nOClymou.t t,a&e. band. Lloyd Brett, -2fi-ye&r-old _pblXJ• c.U. that "'Donna'• • Jl&r.'" drug clefk, declared t hey w ould Mta, Mina Schurr e.J.a told ._ work to clear the record on the daughter th&t one of tbti ~ attack lncldent which puahed Don· uaed. prolane la.n~ na Into Ule h~&dltne. l.ut week. H owever, the nicepUon a& SM She expreued amasement a t the thurch wu quit.a dl.t181"911L Mesa Park, School Districts ...--t"tope for Coopercdive Buys d!l!covered dlscha r g<' p•per11 1ndl· ~peak•ir. del!crlbe<I the pre.hiator ic ca tlng Leech had serve(! In the running ot portions of Newport Armed Fure~. lie will probably Har!J.oi·, ini:ludiog later change1 of tie b\1rlf'd in Baker~f("ld by the \he s~nta. A na Hiver bed to ee- Veterarl8 Adminl11tra t1 <1n Arrange-\ahllsh th" local bay IU"ter ll\e nienllt are at!Jl pl'nd1ng nn runt'J al of hls yl'a r In ,,, , u:e, told of a '"hungry charnber being-a worklnc 11hamtier."" He aald with 27.'.'.I mem· ber• thlt time lut year, the rotiter la now over 600, with an 800- mernber mark eoue:ht. The fact the chaniber broke even on !Utt ~ponaorah!p of the la1t crew nt.eu wa_~ deen1ed progre..e. "])Lit ·yee.!"11 ha ving &een lOllaee, he aald. He I--------------- action of her accua.ed e tta.cker, "We got not. trom MY9nJ pe... Jack Jame1 W.&lker, who did an pie telllnc:" wi how c:-J.ed th'7 ..._.. about-face alter Sherttre ofncera to 1ee wi there and boW UM)' 'W"ft"9 reported hl1 c::onteaalon. &Jl-,Wllnd ue," Mid BntL "'Ona eit. 'Vlth Supe"tvlllor Heinz Kal11er thur H. )',f ~yl'rll, ag-reed th at If It checking the county couruiel re· ts po81tible to ll'g111ly dri ao they arr ange men l 11 for the eldl'r ~~~1;;~1;:~ w':~ :.0~1=r;o. ':~~ U.achd. gardlng-th• Jeg11.I a.!~cUt today, wlll tell 11ll but 11ppro11in111tely 2 1 t>l r11 . L"11rh, ""hn 1.'I iotll ying at co11 ta Me!18. Pa.rlt boa'rd hu en· acie., o r the 6.3-acre park site 11. local motel Wilh hr r r11thPr and lhu,.iulically g one on rt'cord as off Victoria S l. beside Slll\ta An• one ,.f h"r t1•.v l11•!".~!\. 1v1il take llUpporting propolle<'.! cooperatioll Rlv'r ancl obtain 2 acre11 ot land chari;:e of h••r tnt,..bun<I'>< pe1 sH1ail or Me1111. park pla.nning in conjunc-at ea.rh the new Cost11 Ml'AA \Vil-propl•rty bet on• r1'l11rn1nh nurt h tlon with Coat.a Mella U n io n $<'.)n St. Schwl anJ lhl' projttted to l1vl' in Wa.!hlng1on. ThP <'h!ld- School l)IRtrLct lllChOOle. Upper Bay 8<.'hool or l'o1 t>Rll Drive. ren are II boy, 4, anrl " girl. 2 Al a me-etlnc tn Balboa Bay "However, we thought ll n1lgh t Leonai·d Le"rh ;,. ~iuv"·"•I by Club .Wedne.day morning. the be bell~ to wall a year before rour broth,rs and 1-f '" 1.CU\'h hy park board, chalnnan11e11 by Ar-{ConUnoed on Pace 6) her mother a.nd a 11stec µollce --------------------~ said. Jntr()(luced by outgoing P re11!· dent .Maune St11nll'y. Heek ler111etl tl1~ award pool!!llly '"a tribute to n1y old sge .. or hill 1..la1m to hf:ling the charn ber"s oldest memher. lfe pointed out tha.t through the keen rivalry between the Newport a.nd l::albua chan1her11 about the llrne of \Vorld \Var 1 the bt'auUe• of U1 i~ llP'1• were 1•1"ln11ta.ntly ma.de k1 .. ,wn t+> th" South\a.ni:t .l:l e men- \1oneo.I lh11t 11l t11e t11nr lhe n1en uf 1·,s1"" llU•'h ll~ Al JlousseUe, \Vallacc, \\" .. \V . \\"tL"<ln and other11 Hlllrled promoting thl.!! area. '"Th!re wu nothing here but poMI· I bllltle11:· Beek pa.used, -then said: "l find there come. a dimming uf the eyPs when 1 think ot them." \'A.Cl.ITS OR COMMERCE D~e k rl'c&llt'"<I the inter-Cl!.¥ bat· lle11 betv.·, <'n t«1th old c ham~r11 u !u whrlh<'r the Harbor wopld be ~!eVotcr1 to Y"•·hL" or con1mercl11.l U!le. Urbun Bl'I•. ch111rman of the r ha'lob.•i \";l!'hl!nJ; !'<Jfnznlttl"e. pr "'n1Pr\ tli•• ;11 11101-yrirhtlng trophy :o l(t"r1n~n1 1~1ng~1ry. Lido t111e \"l\•·ht l"luli. wtin a <·r·rpted it on 0~11~1( ,,, llO\\!l.I•! II. l""'wl•. Udo, •\'hll 1:0 "" 11 t1•1p f".n.•t The senior yru ht 1ni; tr,,ph ~· h~ .l:""'"e to Com- 1n11'I"''" J!;irnl<I \\ l'l'lrry, New- io(lll H •fllor YRcht ('lub. A Ctt· l.lf1rat" <u"t""ompanll'd ea•·h a ward. f"<"r\1 f1c ate11 of n1erlt werl' award· cd uutgomg directors K<"nnl'th Al · brl ~h ~. Don Cameron. KennO!'th .-..:1,-h,.I•. n \\' Rl,._~r•1, •nrl l.nnn!oi V1nrl.'n\ More certirl.:"11\f'J ""Pnt to 'i.iliA.illlllo ........ ,_._~'-'=~-----._•._ __ ,.._. ...... ..; ......... ,Jll1,\fonlfl ft . Griniea. Or»ille t-1. Scti- • l1Jeter. "\.111.rol<'.I n Lf'rld.Y. t.lrs T . MURDER ·WEAPON -Examining shotgun, w}\ich was probably the murder we&pon uaed by suspect WWard Leach in double slaying or his parents, Mr. and Mre. Leon&rd Leach at 217 Walnut P~. Costa Mess, a rt Sgt. Dean Pollnm. pointing out blood ata.ln•, and Costa Mesa Pollet' Chier Art McKenzie. Mcl<enz11> and Pollom broUght the s hotgun back frOm Bakersfield where youn g Leach Mnpd hW-lf in a hotel room. app&reoUy in remorae at b.ie deed., -St.a(( Photo / - Duncan Stewart 11.nd MUo G l...acy. Stanley announc~ hold·o~·<"r dl- r..-cton tnrlude Peter BArretL ! :rime.a. Harv'e)• Sooner• 11n<I Rt>- :.nd \l.'rlghl. whllfl new dlfP('torR "'ill Include Robt.rt A.llen. 11.!r(lld C&ldw..U. Roy )Uypole. Bt'o lled- ihc;:k, ik:hl\U!ter, M.lt.rk 8ro<hu1 a.nd thought t h; largeirt at<:p forward llU!l year wa.a Cfllabllahmenl rif the chamber'• retail merchanUt d1v1slon, He pn1l~ed Langenh~lm"11 work through the ye&r. Larsons Sue Ruth Brown in 4-lot Deal SANTA ANA -(OCNS) ~ A oomplatnt tor epeci!lc performance 1.nd damage. WU·'lod&ed in Su- perior Court here Saturday In con· nectlon with a Newpor t Beach reel estate deal. Brln&1ng Ule complaint · Went! Tiiford Larl'On ahd Mary P. 1Ar-- a-0n. huJ1band 11nd wife. T hl'Y didn't give their add~. They named t{uth M. Brown of 313 :12nd St., Ne.,.'pQTt Beach, u defendant. The plaintiff• clllim they enter- t"d Into an ag-reement whereby the defendant wa.e to p~hllM! 3l:l. 3t:S, 313~ and 3H~~ 32.nd SL. Newport &ech. for a conalderfl· lion of $4-0.000. Thfl complaint &911ert8 the de· fendant g-&vfl a cheek tor $2000 to .teal the deal and. lben trtoppt!d payment on It. The plalnt1 tf1 oon- tend the e re arurlOU11 to go through with t h e tranu.ctl.on e nd have tulnlled their end of the 111· lf'Jed ba.rg&l.n. H owever, the pl&.in· tiff• .-1a11n the defendant ha.a re- fuffd to culminate the agl"l!(lment. Thi! Lenon. further a llege they are lndl'btffl to real eetate man Dan A. Jarobeen of N-·port' Beach in the amount of $1660 eom- miMlon on th• -.Le ot the 31nd St. property. • Bouaht by th• pl&Jnutf• lll pay· menl of the $40.000 purch..,... prlre l& tull. 12000 ~ .....:I $~ CQQU'RMYi.OQ.. Youth Talent Show for 'March' .set Youth ·'t11.lent from the New- port Harbor 11.fea wlll pa.rtlclpate in the Or&11g e Couit Pollo Variety Show. 11pon5oretl Qy thlt' CQat.I MeJJ8 police rea.erve•, al 7:30 p . m . Sa turd11y, ln Ora.nge Coe.at Col- lege Aud!torlum Coale. Mesa Police Chier Art McK,nzole, who head• the March of Dlmea drive, ~•lcl ticket. an ave.li a ble from 11.ny Costa Me&& officer or may be purchued at tl11:1 i.l oor. The Dor othy J o Da.nce Studio of Newport Beach wll! provide local La lenL In addition U!ere wlll he tour profe.118lona.1 111c1:11, Ken How&rd, U.p and modem ballel: Janice MarlrQ.n, tap; J o Burrlick from Anaheim, champion btton twirler. and an acrobaUc group from San Diego. Proceeda f'rnm t he mow w1 11 be turned over to the Orance County March ot otmea camp&lp, Mc· Keni:ie t1ah1. Walker, 26, Santa Ana, 1e tn Or· the ottloara took u 111 tow &ad. ange County JaU awa.ltin1r pre· really made u. feel at boma. l!mlnary hearing on cb&rJ• of SAKI: ClHUIMlll a ttack, llklnap!nc:. a.nd burrlary ThU la the aa.m. cb\U"CJI wtalcllll fuliowtnc -.an lruildent. -ru.d.aT Donna hu att.'lded to-r ..,.., 791'8 nl&ht In Garden Grove. and the one •beni the two Md .NOT GUILTY PLEA pl&nned to " married ~ ... He repudlat~ •latement.e term-le l"raduated from Oranl:• oai..t; ed .. conre.uton and lndicated he Collfl&• In June. wlll plead not S"Ullly to the char&· Donna. r.wuant but eompomd e.. &ft.r a becUo "Mk, lltW. pea,_. The lovely M.laa Ca.llfomla In -i her le!t lland wtwr. a c:se..,_, U!e 1966 Miu UntVt"crM cont.ut (CllHM =A • r.p t) HELIPOT ANNOUNCES 3 BUl[DINGS LEASED Temporcry Eledronia Operatlom • New for Starf Firm Due to Thfl HeUpot D\Nlon ot Baek· Duncan Mid th• temporary man ln11trument.1, Inc ., announoed qu&rten would a.ccom..rnoa.t.e up today It haa 1~ lhnMr bulldinp to soo em~O)'Mll. The ti.lldlnp under OOIUll.nlcUm:i ln Coeta Mea an ju.I. a few bk>cke from the to itet up .arne tempon.ry opera· .it.a near HO&&" Kemortal Ha.pttal ---------------1 U~ In ad1'&tlce ol. It. move to "h<tre He.ltpot ..Ul erect a new "' on, Hubor .,._ W. \h1ll yeiu, 12,000,000 p&alat. Boy, Girt lfli .... d The buUdlnp, now under co. Dww::a.n at.o urpd men and Two young~iera were •lightly at.nacUOCI .at 114t PlaoenUa Av.., women lnl«niatAd In c;:&AttS ta lnjurt'd at t .3!\ p. m. Sunday Coat& K-., wtll provide 22,IOO elect.ronlai lo tn~te a •rte& when their au.tamoblle went out fMt of. noor ~e. Owned by T. of even'-' echllol coun.. ldMtctul· nf control while tumlng the cor-E. Thal. they are llCheduWd tor ed t.o at.art at 0ranp C:.O... OOJ• ner at Oran&e Ave. north ot WU-c:ompleUon by 1a..te aprtng. lep Jan.. 30 wtdd:a an ~ llOn St., Coeta Mu.a. and ltTUclt H~pot Oea.....i Nanqer D. C. to pnpan ,_..... fW m:i~t 11 uUlLty pole. · Dunc.an .aid certaln departme.nte J.n U.. a&ectt...... twd. 1beo Injured were the driver Jerry of the eleetronle11 f\nn woWd •t OOU."8119 u.-8 -.. d..r,n.d by I.be Dean Leham, ie, &11d a f..n.e.le up pert.l-1 oper&Uorul In Oolta collel"• and ~..,. ot the pueenger. Karla K. Myer.. I&, M-. ... eoon .. lbe ""' bU11diJll"ll eLectroalcs btdtlaVJ. Th.• -one. both of Santa An•. An ambula.nee •ere cosnpl4tted. H• aa!d the lit· bl Electronic.I ftbrica.ttoe, OINct wu called to the mcenfl but medi· tenll-On w .. lo make a llTedual CUn-ent .F'uadamelitala &lid ...... cal ettentlon wu l'l!fll#P.d. pollc• •art 1111 lhfl COMpany'a p«Wtln( · Mi•t M1 ... Myer1 told nCflceni •h• move to I.he Ba rbor-•.tff. fr"Qm I~ ch.lntt 8hop f'n;ctlo., will be would b•v• • cbed!.up by M r I p,.._,.t K>ceUOCl.I I.II lioultl r--1 t &U4.bt by O~e 0::... lutn»- t-UJ.1 phl•kt&ll. llftla ud '11CinUy t«s ..id ~~ rrom. M,... -· , : • ' -. .........--... YOlJTH CONCERTS progt'fft ii expl&ined by MiSH Frieda Bellnfante, conductor of the PITilha.rmo nic OrcheMtra. lo Harbor High &hoot st udent!! and parents at a P -TA prog-ram. In foreground arr some of tht' membt-rs of the school orchestrll. Da.a Pierce P hoto FIRST YO UTH CONCERT DUAL EVENT ON J AN. 28 In • • NE WPO RT HARBOR .ms. WINIFRED BAJWRE. Women'• Editor -·· PA(;E 2 • PART I - NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, JA NUAR Y lb, l 'ISb , Lido Islers Turn Out for J.'.estive Event • • 1U1('1 l'lor1 d&e\Jvrc,._ 11 d 1 n'1 er I Ir "n' ... -m.i h1 "'t 111"''" n.d 1n l'f'OUpe, C<Nnpo.-d or t• ptrwom ~"" f1.1tu1.:,, lel bin1 11,a1U! !hit ft\ull l Mtob C11ftUnu.ed Wl!Ja UM I a I ad Of lhe ~L -Ma.r7 BakM' = '!M ..... ,... -... 1'""'0==·=======-==. A.t 10 o"caodl .U -poupe con't'-.d at Ula Udo Clu'Nloul for Ufll*ll'll ¥4 ~· ~Mn.......,....,. ... Kra. C. S. V•n t1 ••t. oo-da&tl"- Al&lll ot th9 ...t. ... ...... , ... ,.. •.. ~ &btl y .... 1pt Udo hl4I b'o m •• weN OJ*lt4 S&turd97 evlNliq, to Jal&IMI..... at tc-rutlas CM ~ ....... dtnMr-d&zw:: .. benetlt ..-.or-I r""..::;;; ...... """""""""""""""'11 «I 11o7 tb9 Udo i.l• Womaa.'1 Ou~ tw9ttOND , CHOlD OIGAN ' Mea1y r&1aed trorn thto ennt.. •ccordinJ to ....... ft.Obert T'Nmb- 11)', cb&1rmu., will be donated to th• Udo Lale COm..inunlt}' A.Mod· ---------------------------1.uon to be UMd for l.lland lm· Permanent Waves OCC FACULTY ~IVES SEE SPRIN.G FASHION REVIEW some eo occ ra.culty wive1 Ho•l-• ror the everuns we" UICI U..lr fUNl\m met Jan.. 1 l . In Mmu. Robert O.borne.. nom ... th9 8tudenl Center Blllldtn1 on 0-1:1ome, Ray Rouo. John Owef\.11 tbl cones. c a m p u 1 to vi-and Jamtt McCa uley . a tu..bkla ahow prteent"° by Jo-ui. Udo dnu thOJI. Mu.Sc wu pre-M me. Wendell Pk:kef\.11 and Jo- -t.cl by Biil Cavanau1h of lhe H ph K roll a re pruldtnt e..n c\ lle!C· fl.arbor HJ -J"\ ihQp Medell Lan· relary • tre••llrer rupec:uvely of nJ1 Barr, Reve Coeley. e..nd racul· Jl'a.cully Y.'lvea Club. ty -.rife Mra. J ohn Owen1 1howed Book H Ctlon or the club w\11 a variety of 1pring ruhlon1, de-meet Jan. 18, ln the Corona del acrlbed by Jo J ordan_. ------'-"-'-'-"°_m_•_'_'_"_'_•-_Donold ___ P_•h_ll<_•· CLUB IS P RAI SED Mrs. Don Fuller H e ads Kamaainas provement. 11p1 c l & 11 y need- ed play(TOU.Qd equlpm.at tor lhe ....,. ..... r our eoun.u w1r. •!"\"Id more than 275 rumta. wt.r.o n-.rly au becam• ho.ta and tio.t-u part.le. Pr'Ql(t"-.d rrom bom1 to home. S.(tnnln1 with cockWll U niversalist Women Sl ate T ravel Progr am Th• ANOt"l1<llOn or Untveraall1t \.'.'01nen. meettn & Jan. l Y 11.l the l hnn1<" ot M 1n111 J R ll1U •nd ~~ ~~ 1.'hnetC"n~u11 4 1 4 lit'I Vue r ... n, Ralbfoa ~l 1 'j() f' n1 .... u h11ve t.8 BJ'"ll .. ,.r 1'111' C (j '.\'~l- 11.,•·k or L'••r .. n .. !l~I ,\1,.1· 1olr11 I \\"a l·l,.,k h1<,, Ju"t ,.,.1 urn~.1 f•••n1 a lr•J> t h""'lth €\lr••pe &.nd .,.,I) 1ll"~tr11t!l lier lalk with ,-ol"ted ~l!dc• SPECIAL January -February .Regular $12.50 RAYITTE P'ERMANENT WAVE._. ____ _ 750 :l:11 S , ~ewport Rl\•d, ~ 0 r•1so roadi! V1 Jla g<' Cenler Bl dg. ()pl..Oi!Jt~ Hoag Miemorial Hospi tal l.!bo..,rty l'S -2-1 1'.? NoN ..... ...... ,__ Corne In and !'rove It to Yourself We &llMI b1'1"" JN &o come lll -.9d try the a-e .,..moad 8pinel Orra-!'io.... Av.ua.bl. DANZ -SCHMIDT l'llli PIA-"0 a OROA..'l 8TOIU: lleadqua.rte.n for A..U tilode&B Ka.mmQod O ri(-. K l ~1•() Orchestra Will Play North , South Areas A brt~r bu~111,.~ m rftlllK "''II f\~y •'•r•,J Yn Sc<i1t J1.11t"t L11n•1~ Mn \\'llliam Preslop&ky wu hoateu Ja.n. 11 t o mem-1 prtt,de t ht 1 ... 11.1., An'"''"' 11,, .. 1 ant.I u .. rtiar11. F\l.l<'k Th,M" \ 1u1i; bera o f 'Kama.a.Ula Klub a t the home of Mni. Edward KeUy, I l!•fi: 1ran"vort1r.11pn 11111.11 , 1111 ~h .. "''tor.itn undf'r M r• A !l'y • •I'"" h A J T11)lor l'>r M rs I ~\' Jhi.t<1 ••<>r•l11p, ,,.,. p .. rman,.ni uah .. rs rnr 219 Onyx Ave . Mrs. KeUy served 8.8 CO-08le81!. I J 1 ___ _:_~---...:....:...;;;·...:._::.::::.~==============:.::;:============~ r.ll "'"' .. ,1,. or 1h e Or anli" l'<·unty After finishing buainesa on the put year'1 agenda ~1 di h f " h l'h•lh•im<1nt. Society otrtceri were eltcled for the ctJr-wire Mr a nd Mn J W Hood, r n: u ng l ~ ln>t symphony conc£·rt in 1t.1 new yriut Mra )fOr r11 Sla ck , ha irrr 11n of rent year Th"Y incluOed M r 1 M r an<1 Mr1 Kenneth Dell, D,,.. Promm, a trio of i·ounv artU1l8 enl ~rtained mut1~cal!y la!>t tile a11t:!"t>·'~ Conc.,rt.~ fur Yuuth. ·c 11 s p t e·-o 1 Don F\J!ler, preaiden\, M r•. S&.m-mond •arrol, \VL Ll.tn hope, a week in the home of MrK. A .H . Booth. 11281 E La~ Fak11l8 ""•·• I r"'"nt \\'l'dnee<la y .. v.·n lng uel 1tmn1e1, vice pre1\dent. M111 J one•. a ll of thl• area e..nd John U I!•• 11<l •W1.1c ~ )fla:o B•·hnfa nt" anr! t "·k ti I' ~.->'· ert Th 0 t •" t f th -1 !~bet Birch. 1e-cret•ry. Mr1. IW· Sn11th o .,. en e u ur1 v.,, u on. e ev.-n 1<.' " a rece1, ion or e pr= -"' u11 cu•• p!an1 tor youU1 con-bert Smith, treaaurer , Mr1. Roy Next 1e11lon will be 1-""eb. l 11\ d11nt 1 flt Oranl(11 (\,un!)' A ••l,.-(I\.-n1•n"non):" prul(t•l" 111 th, •<i!ll· ''"ft' ""Ith the «1-1<'11~ M r~ 1'111.ck h 1 'h 'h Ktene,, publicity c a rm1.n. 206 itut R•y Ave. home ot Mr11 !Ailee l..earue rh11p\f'r~ 11nrt 1to .. 1r I l p rouno at < 1ran1e ~111.11\ Coll".:", 1nvi1 .. d ln<'nrl11 of t~ ' i ar · huat>..Adto. 1.nd the artern••·•n p1or;r•1n 1.t lh,. rTHlrlle tn • Kick-Off Bru.kfut f'AMll-l' AIUP:I) Robert T RJC"ke\U PllOM \\'O RK!ilH()l' aud1tor1un1 of the Junior l::r>lltl" whu·h htr commlttM held J an. ReUrln1 prNldt nl, Mr:. Nor-------- Pl•Y1"I the ,r,,81 Hiy•1n l'r!o in Full•rlvn 11 Ht th,. fl11lbn1 Bay <"lub "''here ma.n P'l~r~Jd. te.&d , letter . -. h •I t 1 rrom th• club 1 '1dopted ta.mtly C 1 d R In three movement. the Y'"Jnl( I f'llO~ 'l.A1'18 1('H ,, ..... rn~m .,.-r1 1r~ wert' 90UI: l n 0 ora 0, ose I mialclan1 uhlb!tt'd a r1f'llra te l M 1w Belt.r1.f:1.nt .. to>hl CUt'•ll lha t lh,. 11a.rtlcula r 1nteru t nl th•1ot lhe pa•' year e:itpreatin.11: , th&nJu tor &Jd r iven It wa1 the • I ~uvity In lnters:iret•tlun •nd I m1.1-1ic for the ctul•Jren" cvn,.ert )OUth 11e111 Chri11tnit ft the r1.1nlly ha d Parade Film Due ln1troment comm11.no1. Th"Y Wl'te will be c1"111en lrom Lh e r1r1l AT Rr:("r,J>Tl0:-0 evH" had, th,. mother ~l•le.-1 and. 1 Mi-M•ry JUlll P'tn<1!r y at \hr c1'.'!1lca l worka ,.,, l'rnknfler( the Cue11~ •l the rKepllon in' ~<l· "''Ith thit l llUllllOn now bet1"r "A trip to yeaterd11.y"' nn a I piano. J oan Lund ... , .. u11t, i nd \\ al,._r .. .-.1u.,.. t't ·-ltandel Re•· ,1111 .. n l " .\f•~n JJ,.l1 nra nl,. a n,1 t he ahe fl'I~ i ld WIO• nv !.inlier nttde,1 1.nrtlel F:v11ia, vi0Jh111t Mla.1 , plgni 1 The ~o n!ft 1u1U the flr•l f'hl!h•nnOrllc T .. en1 "''ere Mttlrl na trnw "°uai;:• r11llroad throu11th I Lund• ll a 11t1de~t of 1-UQ ll"iied1 niovan•ent uf &tlub<erl 1 Untini&h · '"'I M11:1 M l'.lrri ~ Slar k, G"<!qr;e In cunl!ll"'111n ~ht "'")te, "It the <'(l!(lrful San J u1 n 1'!ountaln1 Bllllnf"1ll11, P"rm11nent 1unductor1~ Synlphony Jt pl'flo.I •1! 1111cr1 -M11r1f, 1-'r .,nk \\' C'hano;-... Mme1 "'"'k"• m., vt•r.'<' h•r rv 1" knnw y,•Lll be tlep1"t"d ""h<"n Stan Mi<1r -1 ot the Ora no:e couni.y l'h!l.har· 1 lion wdl 11upll)~1nenL th1 nllll\IC 11! J C!4..rrnl! t:one R"hert 0 1(1lVlf', Gur-1 that I '"' an Am.,ru "11 ant.! thl'.tf ley ahnwa hi~ wnrl11 tn1.ve1011:1.1t n,, "" ~o"'l(',,.I ~ fl/1•1 """ "'"' M •.u th.e cuncert 1n •'tiler t•l ••quaint tkln Mct'.'nnln,.r 11.n!l Mr~ B<:l(_•lh. 're l\lch K"•11r~ •• ynur lH\Je roll)r f1ln1, "Colon d()-today 1.n<:I Lvaini. vi All«heu11. iir" nit 1nb,.ni new l1 .•l.,ner1 "Ith rnu .. 1• or 11:11 1111 c·r Fu l!trtnn 1ol r 11nd M r • ~ruup l" h"11'--P~··r1" 11 ~ '"" 1111 v'" Y··~t,nt11y 1t :-; .. wport t Tn1"n •r 111 .. U11111i.;•· ~···unly !'hllhtu"· l11 l1 br" H11b•·n !•11ily <>I Anaheim •n<I 'fhe 1'"r}' b"~'. l •J th .. Kamllal!il Hli:;h Schc1<•l fl •H!ltnrium. S.20 pm n• •n11 ~ur1,·l \,. \\'1,,lt•hOp Jerou11 I M1hlrr•! All"l' nr !'ian!• Aria j,,. Te..l l1eJOn nf ~t.11\1 A1111 !nvn ,.,I Klub In Ill~ Munt.!•)'. Jan Zl .\\•~• u .. 11nl.tnt .. •h!llU~ll<:I pl•n• lrQilll• .. ·1 '''"""""'!A '' nig ht • 11rl·ll)Ut nn11h! .. to 1!\enU 1>«11 """ uf Ul!\",..,Y.K l>A"'("t~ v1~11..,, wlll bl' o!<l golrl cami•• 11. .. fu•t ·, "1'"1 ,,,n,rrt .. r i.t~ ... 11., are rn .. <111).-1~ l'l f lhf (Wt•thr r ("Qn111uon• .,..., .. otht'r The cluh heltl ll~ :->··w Ye11r·~ r ·~ •t·lfM1, .. ,, \'lann ... t fnr Jan l rholh1rnuJn !1 Tl'rnw nn ... r r!l .. tll·I A .. ta lance L"°'«"" prtal•l.,nt• nt 1dinnrr da nre Ill ll~1hor ltuu~" o f Cripple Cr .. t k, Vl~lor, oun.y _ •11,n, '" ~··~"'I to .. l'r,.•.,nl · hl'r• nf th .. T,.,.11, hro•I"•""·' fnr lOr'""" t.'ount•· '""'n" """ their a u ... t,. pre~ent In a <Sd\Uon to n1ajnr cl!lt•. l'1ku PMk 11.nrt tht ,._ J ,., \•\ Jll ,. ~' _hnd 3 p m., 1t111 ev,1'1 1!1¥ ..... .,,~ .\1 1wf• Jra n husban·l" _ _ --1 mtniber" and their hW"ht.nct~. G1rdf n of !hf G<YI •. Meu. Verd" 11.lliJ Rocky Mou.,ll!n Ntllona.l Olsen Child Par k•. L...-a<lvlll • •-id Aapen Thf Dange r s 0 f Rh e Ulll a tic F ever ~~.~!r ~~:~r~a~rtJ·r"'~:11~::~1~. ~~~.:. ::~ :;""";~!~. thre•r::: ::~·~,~~; a re the pa ren\a ot a baby d•ill':'h-60 float.a 1..nd 20 bandt w1!l bf' O utline d at P-T A M eeting ._'"-=""'"=J·-=· 1;;;...'"_"0~··_"""=P'";;;...' '_""w_"· 0..;:..;1 ";;;;...'"_'""...;;:' ='""" All Throat Infections S hould Have Attenti o n I M r~ fln1<lbu1y tf1n1n(I .. <! th~ ~u· .Jlet)lr ur 1h~ • nnun1t ~lnthtrJ' 1 M•rch • r 01n1 .. 1, Lln t.,d tor J a.n 11 Dry Cleaning Fou1 ll'l ~ta<J .. rnv111 moth.,rs 1 "BecaUBe of its threat of la.sting dama.ge to the heart. 1 '"rved 1111 ho1 te~ . ..ea fr.ir th e 11.tter I h ti ( h t be k h!ldhood' t noon . ,.Has Emrna Mi.tllH, iw.:hool I r euma c ever a11 come O nown 11.B c 9 grea -nurs, on the g"ner•I 111.rr. a.nd 11et enemy", cautioned Da vid Nicl1Jon at the New port Ele-Mr1. E rn ll J . n uth. roon1 rnnther --tary P-TA. meeting J.a.aL weak. ch11.lrm1 n tor tourth 11r•<Je, puured. ~peaking in conj11nct ion with the sobering film, "S~op FAC Calendars Rbeum.a.Uc 11"11ver", N lelaen point· lid out U'la t di..,..,.,. or the ht•rt Utd ctrcula tory a y 1 t e m are &mOlll the Jet. d l n g cau!le11-. of dea th and dlub\llty In childhood, a.lftclins mo~ Olan MIQ,000 Am- er1can children. P'llOH RESE.ABOll Oa • moc• e.ocooraglng-plane , N\.i.an p:pi&lned l h a t now. lh&Ab to re-rch, rheumatic re· v~ W l.n l&rgt. meaaur• a '"'1tallle di ....... pre- A m o ns UI• recml bitr.er1111 ot 9dtnutle ruearch. h1 1tated, hil-I beui. the d•ve.lopment o r new knowleds • on the u"'e nf "'1trtp"'- \ kllllnl' drug-• to knaf:k oul throat lnltcUom which ma y c1u1e rhrll· mallc fever "'h \ch In turn ll<'lmit- urn.. develop In t o r heum11.Uc haart daeue. OONTROL l :'O'"E<"TION 1'h• hea.rt11 ot untold nunlber11 C ALENDAR OF EVENTS .J-. Ill CAl.UMPIT CAMP • AU•. - 7:30 p. m. Sant11 An11 lA','!l'-'n K•ll KORA CE ENSIGN P-T A-i ao P• m. ln r.11.fetorlum. J&.n • ., \VOf.IAN'8 f'lVIC • n•. Hl~h School SOROPTI MIS'r f'\'f'n1Ull "1""' IO H .\.RBOH DE~fOf'R A TS 8 p. m . Hl'rper Schnnl, C<l•l• 1'1e&fl.. Of i::hildrrn CN'I I)<! t("U11r<1e<J by prornpt a tte-nt1on to enntr ol11ng ·· '1t~p' intet'llon", he 11a1d ID' s k The mee tll'lg, whleh WU ~Qn· Inner pea er dueled by pr,1ld ent J.lrs J a r k Bradbury. waa opene(\ with • nag I Featured •p111ker at the a n- ctrernony by C\lb SC'outa or Pacl1 lnu1.J "Gue1t Nl1tht" dinner pro- .5, Den tOS, with Mr11. H . J'•y,ne .-ram or the Cotlta Mt1& F'rlday Thayer In cha rge. Aft~rn onn Cluh J11.n . l O w ill be M.1111 Bernice Vu\t.l, prtncipal. ! fl'n'd M JnrtllOn, 0 O. of Santa ""'11!1 lntroduceil and gsve the In -Monl<"a . Arcli.l1n<'tl tllro11ghoul 1plr11U-0n.al. l h• 1ta te tor hl• ln1plt1l1ona! i nd F'ollo1'dng the reading or th.-humorout lei'lure!I, •·u ·, a Ote•l mlnute.11 by Mr1. Peul Jto&!lt l 1"11 Life". hl!I fnplc for Frldaiy ,,,,_ a tre1J1 urer'!I report by Mrs nlnv. promlar., •n ,.v .. nlng of hu- Phelpa Men cke!. ).f rlJ Bradbury n1nr a nd entertainment. I pres"nletl member• "''ho w t 11 :.l r!I Robert M,.on~~. memhr r •e rve on the 11fe men1ber1hlp C"m · o r the Junior F.A.C .... -,11 p1 e.'>el'lt nilttee. Choaen to •elect an out-& proirarn. of plll no 1elecUon!I •l anding cltken .ror life nu·mbrt · ~hip ¥.'tre l\f mes E 0 Nunnn, Jo~eph Nlcke[lJ:, V"rnnn Edler 11.nd Ml.!11!1 Vr.11l~I MOTlf~R~ M.A fll."H ()inner wlll h" at 1 p m. a nd the comnHtt .. e in c h a r i.; e reml11d~ I m .. ml>era th11 t n!1~rvt.\lon11 n1usL 1 be made tu Mra ~~lorence Eigh- mey, \on11t"t\t 11t l1te.11t. Meet him next Monday night,. , ''-11t~ Starring BARRY SULLIVAN os 10 10- Now .•. 2 -C o nvenien t Locations irt New po rt Bea c h * Balboa J1land ~101'1' :?18 ~111.rln., J>h . H•t. 10 l'tllLin Orflce 2HOI LA S AMlG AS II p 1n J.~ 81.Jbo• COVf'll -"'""&LI picture• ,.,., 18 EBELL PROQ RESSQRS I - C1neram•. rh'a.rkt:l. bu1Pa n1 Rlch•rtl'• Lunch Mormon vision's mo•I colorful man of my1tery in excitin g half-hour adventures from the ,,.;.orld'• news fronh. Filled with drama ... intri gue ._. a ction ... •uspenael Be,·erly 'hmple: rrnirrea11<J 111 2 \VIU!hire. l\•ur bua JO 30 • in 1tBELL CA.RD S*c· - 11.lU. clubhou.e. 12 noon, .lVNIOR F . A .. C. - BTAMRIORT -12 30 r m lu. It Jtl:PUBUCAN WOMEN -t •30 L m. V• Udo Sou11 N. D . Q. W. I p n1 C ),(, Les1on H.an. .I!.. P. W -8 :4e. NHl'C llP&ll.ON 81p• Alpha -7 JO .... DANGER Is hi1 con1tont com pani on SECRECY is hi1 way of life THE WORLD is hi1 field of operation 8i30 p.m. KHJ-TV ~Channel 9 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON ' .. -· . --. So. Rejuvenates Wardrobe Your ""'" Oh, what • th.rill to~ a fa\•orltc dreM come ~ "''Ith that fre&h, · crh>lp, jwtt-out·of-t he-b&nd -bos: look ! Ou:r t1I}JM't dry cleaning \,·onden1 d robe. 8en·ioo works with }"OUJ' M'&r• * OL'R COMl'l.t:Tt: Sl:R\'ICr: Laundry, Dry (;lflanlnr. Moth t'rootlnir, and t"ur Cl~l.lllfll( Ii: ~k>ral"e avall&ble to .< Rf.U'"r ~r,·11 \'ou. 1100 \\'. c11m .. 1 tllgh .. ·ay M:rOH from He.Ibo.a Bay Cl ub ( •·CM"Tnerly C-l'w-a) Ma.in St.. S&ata Ana • ' S i\NTA FUil co. cv..-~rythirti~ .:ocst DURIWG OUR JANUARY \\'e n1u.<1t clear our 1tock In ar· cordance 1'l1lh our polir_,. uf nut carrylna It O\'er Into next ~·­ Aon ! Now It e\.·e r l' I.hr: ri~ht tlme to buy: COATS· JACKETS· CAPES MINKS-MARTEN-MUSKRAT SLASHED UP TO --50%. TO J ' MINK REG . PRICE SALE PRICE MINK CLUTCHES . 5388 $896 MINK STOLES . "'" .. , ... ··-..... ' .... '588 MUSKRAT REG . PRIC E SALE PRICE $159.50 MUSKRAT STOLE ........... . S83 $111&.0D MUSKRAT CLUTCHES Sll9 SQUIRREL ::::csQUIRREL STOtE .......... . SALE PRICE •88. $225.1111 SQUIRREL CLUTCHES •138 FOXES :.':!;. ~:'.:':'-"'::.. ............... $195 NECK PIECES =:.-.....,. $99.50 .. $595 .. $495 ••••••• .... ••••• .... , [ntirf! ln ofrnlory Drarically Redmeed at C"'* Seft"ll For 1''*/ ,~ ...... -.,,,.""-FUR. Up .. • f1,1ll Y"' .. l"Y SANTA ANA COMPANY ' 308 NORTH BROADWAY KIMIUL Y 2-0652 f I , \' ' • I 1 I ' ·• ' • ENGAGEMENT and coming nuptials of Miss Jetta Anne Gannon, daughter of Mni. Margaret Gannon, and William J. Gannon , both of this cit y, to J. Wa rren Lennon 11, aon o! Mr. and Mn. J. W. Lennon of Laguna Beach ii &n.nounced. The wedding will be held Feb. 11 at Mt. Carmel Ctiurch with reception lo follow &l Balboa. Bay Club. The bride -elect WU graduated from Harbor·High School a.nd attended San Jose CoUege. -Terry Boria Photo · ---------,~----------~ Saint Andrew.s Pastor Heads Church Council . . Methodist Duo Named Church Folk of Year Newport Harbor a.nd Coal& Mej& church leaders and members met at Christ Church by the Se& Jan. 13. for the annual dinner meeting o f the Newport Harbor Council o! Churche&. The Rev, Paul Travis of Wintersburg. world traveler and lecturer, was the featured spea.lcer and d.iB, t1iis11ed problem' of tl'le Holy Land llluatrated by txt<:-Uent 'llde11 h.e M.a taken on triP5 to the area.. Educ•tlon Prorram &nd P"Neiu- luit Rcllet work lo tuLme but a few. The Council ls compoMd of mlni..lllters and laymen from the majority or Protestant Chi!rciiea In th" Newport Harbor -Costa Me• Anra. DUO NAM.ED Moat u cltin&" mOment of the • ' • Players Slate Co~edy ~l~sjc 'You Can't Take It With You' A. ~elr nnt production or lUGe, calendared for Feb. 9. 10, 11, 17 ud 18, tl>e N-rt Hubor Community Playen will pre.eot th&t eomedy claaaic of the American theatre, You Can't Take It With You. Producing and staging the ,bow will be Kebt Andrew•, permanent. director for the Ptay.,.. du r I• s Uieir eom1a1 yea"' a proreulOlla.l l"Mlk> acuir. •prlnr ..uon. Under hhl (\!!dins hand t h e Chapel Theatr. at On.nee C.OUt On• ot ~ mo9l dpwter:I~ Collere hi alive w1Ui .et dealJTl· And-' er•. earpaiters -d p.Untera build- ,....... w .. a membft' ot thl apeecb Ing and d«0rating the old V\cU>r- 0.~anta oti Iowa Stat• Unl· lan alttiar room of the Vanderbol ....tty, Or1nnd Univaraity a ad family. TI\• prGp eommlttM, h&&d- ed by Mi-a. Goldie Joaeph, i. on Coa Collel'•; a follndtr of l h e the 1ea..reh tor 1uch odd Item• &!I Okobo.lt 8u:mJDM' T'Autre at lplr· • l.ll&ke aquarium, a cat with It Lake, lo-; and tw-many the.Uric amblUona, a cnllectlon of B. C. and Mexico Cruise Films as Kappa Program. A crol-e In a 86 tt. .all boat a.1nonr the 1alanda ol Puret 8ou.D4 wu ahoWn In m<'l'Vte1 by M r 1. Richard Stew.rt at th• la.It m Mtlnl[ ot the Kappa Ka.ppa Giunma Alumnae A-..oc:tatlon of SO'UU\ern Oran.re Cowlty h e I J Jan. 12. 'fho me-et!nr, a d.caaert lunch- eon. wiu ht lt'! •! the home o! M rll ){Ary Loli 'fonne1~. 1710 K 1nt;1 tto.d, w ith Mm.ea Gta!"ge fl.l,r- netl and \\'JUl&m l.!lgela llCting u cO·hO,lt'll•ll. PrMl(ftng 'llW'tWI Mr-a. Robert Str&llU'f, preondent. Mr._ Stewart, ~ huab&nd &nd thr,.... d•ught.en. 91Mnt two w-.ek.a 1 .... t Augiat n.viptins thrOtJ¥h the wat.cr• of BriUab ColwnbJ.a 10 :he!~ bon.t. Da.r.ter. wtu1:h w •a huilt by S1-ft.rt.. T'll.oi problem uf fuot! wa.a ralative.ly alrnplt , 1u1 they found clama, oy.tera. crab. ,.nd "'·\Id berrtea ln a bu.nda.nce. Jr\ ani:;ilhu 1'.ilru M.ra. SLewart atww- ed ,. l:WO mile lrlp dO"Wn the CQIUt Of M exico. Keportlnc-oa mac.an.a aa.le11 . Mn. J . Tb~ ~wanaori, clLalr- m l.ll, -1a Ul.a.t tha local Ka.ppa.s }lave -.:>id 17.W"worth of rna.r•- i1ne-8lllt• Jut May, which i11 slxUI In Ula oountry among alwn- nM -....oclatlonL ~ W1U g<J toward pro'lidillr camp<?fllhlpti tor the Or11t1ge C-owity Crippled Chll- dran"s Society. tn tlU• conne<'.Uon Kappa.!1 w 1 II help on the Eruter aeal campe,1gn a.t t.be,ir nest meet· .... The na.Uon&.I iDr,a.a,lsa.Uon h•• Lutherans Meet Tonight Tba .nn\l&l meeUnc of the con- v-e,.Uon ot Newport H&rOO.-Lu- th:er-.n Ctrm'9b wUl ·tie heMi to- nl&ht at 6 :"0 o'clock ln tha Par- lllh"'HolJJle with a d_,-t NM1 eo- c\al period. To be d~ at lhe b\lal- IW4• _.ion a t 7 :15 p. n1. will be the coat _.rnatlll: ot tba MW edu- cation.al unit. a Nvi-1 CONltitU- tJon. elac-~ ot a.-cbureh ottl- c•ra and a new clr..urch cow.ell. church pro&Tam U.d plaAll t o r 1~61 and & revt-uC tbe &COOIJ:l- plielunllrlta ot. 19r>Ci. Mcmea ...,w be lhown the children durtnc the meet.lnr and nW11ery c.,.. proftd- ed tor 11m&ller chlldr.._ ncanUy '1~ a rahabll.Ltation aciu>l.aral'rlp lo a youn& Korun woman doctor tor a y"r'a atudy In UU. COUD.try. Alt~dilll( the pl.bcrtns: w .. re Mmt'1, W&lter-k SD•IUl, M.lir· ah.aU Beacb, Geo.rire Ba.Hey •11<1 8 wMlM!n o t J..A.¥Una B .... n; Ja,"' D . ll\Jton, Barton Beek. !LIHI Georit1 B&rneU of Sarita Aua.. Wa.ll1r H&ltb a n4 St..ewart of C~•­ tt.a J.l•-.: Joa.pn E Kelm. Stral- Utt, Toon.-n, Lou.1 .. Callagh<"-r, Sl.l'OUu W b.lta, Rt:ibert lllackmar, J-.m• B. Stoddard, Roboirl !An- ker. W . B. Dtckln•on, R P . M at· rill, Dick Ora.Xe. M.J.altea Mattie 8 . L.a.cy and Ruth R.. Maxwell. •!J Of tl::U c~ty a.nd Kn. Lealle Joru:a ot Evanaton. Ill. Church Folk Plan Series of Breakfasts Tbt' Servtca Guild ot Cb.W"cb ot Rdlgiou.. ~ ha. 1nauiura1..-- e'1 Jt.nlM.r)" i'rland.Mtlp Bru.k· rut. .. a pt-..:Quaint.ad mea- aura tor U.. ra.pMlly irrowta« llat or church raemti.ra. Tbe Ou.lid pl.aruled UM ~'-.. an Ideal m~ ot. lnln:lducins DMlmbtn Wbo U-in t.h.I um.a era. f'rtend· ah.I p. a.n 1.lllporta.nt t.anat Of the eburch, LI the k-.ynota ot t b e bt"Ntld.Nt.a. to t.. bald In t.be nrt~ oua Ue1U1 from J n L m. t.o 12 m. Memberw Ct'om Corona del Mar • co.ta ll.-. Md N~ will ba r u..i. ot Mn. Walt.Ir ~ 627 M1let.r Dr\l"a, Corolla de.l M.a.r, J-.. :.17. Jl.rL Jeanie McKJe,, a.ao Mo•• Sl .• will aenoa m.unti.11 wbo live .tOUth of The.!1& tn Laruna &ach Ja.n. 2:>. On Jt.n. 28, Mt.a. M.Ichul Collfortl, lil60 Rip o n.,... will en· te.rtaln mem_.a livtn,(" north of Tb&lla. Raeldent.9 o1. San ci.rn.ot.a, DA · na P oint an<t South IAcW'la W1ll mfft at 31636 Third Ave .• kouth l..e.i1Jna. on Jan. 2' -guest. of co-boat'•ta Xra. On.ce ~y aDd Mn. A. D . .s.ku. All msnbcra a.11d trienM ol. the cburc.b are lnvtt.Ald by th• boet-- e• l.o attend a J"riendallip :ar..k- tu t &nd I 1 t M:QuMnted with nelg-hbor1 wllo all.are a mutual ln- ter'Mt tn tbll @urcb. upendablil ftrcworka ari.d • h.aftd prinunr preu.. AT PilAcnCE Bomewhare tn th• conlualon &rt th.I .ct.o14 p..a.ctlcinc b&Jlet d-.nc· ll'\I", e&r1c1y makll'lf and oil p.tnt· Inf, all or theu acUvllHI• ~•n1 aa ltnport&nl lo their character11 aa the line. ot the play , Durint th• trequ..,_l c o t t <' e I break• the chief topic or conver· 1 •tlon mllf'ht w•!I be "And what did you do bf,fore you c.-1nt1 to I CaJitomJ.a !" tor a .-reat maJ'ly ot lhfl cut have ,-llln&d the Ir theatr• trpe.rlenca out or atate I Sidney M:onla, who atar11 u tile k>vable old Gr1LJ1dpa V-.nderhuf. hu ht.d many y11tara of atock in I the MidWeat, headinr hi.I own I repertciire company a.nd dir~unr I tor II. prufeAi<i.ial nu.. <.:Olllpoul)' I in Ottiver. P la ylllg-hi• daughter. I PenelQPe Sycamvre. 1.1 Mildred W•dt', • drama s tudent fmm Ml· Ami a nd Columbia Un!ver1.1t1t'• YROM Jl.ADIO LM!la Guatati;on. tht' cr•nd· I d&u(hter with ballet 1U1plrat1on11. r.omt'.11 rror11 Chicago, whtrt' •ht' had ht'r uw n nr.dio ahow A ri!.Qnll anl.l Ukllilluma &re repre•~nlt'<.l by Marg•ret Ma•~k. 11 nd EvangeJ Da ,u, th" l'niv.,ralty o! M1nnetota by June 8!nyk 1n . the !!~tl<:-lM· alrea 1n 1~enn,,y!v&n111 by Mtt.ut1tt' • R.olanr.1 tnttrpolaun, com m 'n l 1 on "h vw we o:iu ll <>UL h"I e "1!1 h~ C.:ne lkn..:ltcl and Jo l..tmo11, vet• ar1.n player • or both Lagun• and Ntwport. Jack Ntll!On rnun P&· !Yl.dena P!&y/wu~ and R~lAn'1.h Utt.le The a t r c , -.nd J •<.k1" 'fackabt'rr-y trom use. R. E. Heodrlcka. D.C. THE HEADACHE 'Ther1 &cfl aeveral t ype. of thi. cl l • l re 11 In I" malady. Everjone know& the tmpoqtbllity or wwk- illl" ettlelently or eTm remaining on one'• Ifft with a apUttinl" haadache. Nerve lnt.erference la a cau• and la rBQloved by ChlropracUc adJ1.»t· _ ... The Rev. M. C. Cronic. rt:Urin&" pruldent or t h e Council of Chi'i"rchu and mini.liter or the M - aembly ot °"'? Church. Coeta Mesa conductltd the bwJLnea. &nd e11ter- talnmi!'rlt aeS11lo n11 following lbe dloner .erved by the women or Ba.lboa lalMd Circle. St'Vera.I choral numben preHnted by the choir of lbe Southern Ca.l i.fom la B!ble College In Coata Mee&. evenlnr came w-it.h the a.nnounce-1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i"';m""il tnent that M l•• Cl11.ra Kohlatedt Harbor Rest Memorial Park For ~ Haith .aee your Chlm- practor, R. Jt. Ha.ndMclu, D . C. ~II Ha.rbor ~71 or 4.01' Jl'or A p- polntm11111t, 700 C&m&Uon, Corona dal Mar. Nt:W OBOU P Mr. Cronic CQnduclacl the ln- atalla.tlon ot lb• l~M CoW1cll of- ficer• who a re: 1bt Rev. Jame. S. Stewart, St. Andrewa. prea.ldent; the R.ev. Robert B. Gt'OAlun4. Har- tMir-Lutbera.a, vice-pr-Mident; Mrs. Whlt.ney Wr1P,t, BL Jame• lCpl• copal, aecretuy and Ml&1 Clara Kotll&taclt, N e w p Gr t Methodlal, tre&alrer. Th-ottlcus a.re c~ 'lrlth lhe responsib1Uty of laad.inir U.. Council In tta aponaorahl.p of union or lnterdenomlnaUona l .e.rvlcea on d&.y• ot •pecia.I Chrla~ obllerv- ancM, the R.al.M.-4 nma Rellt1ow. Navajo Films at Ensign P-TA The 8C)l'l;09 .._.l'TI p,TA wW hold Ila reruta.r meellllls tontcbt at 7:30 o'clock In I.ha -.boOI O&te- tol'lu.rn. Wl.lUAm r . Kirn• w 111 ahoW p~ of an utead94 trip thnnq"b Ule Monument Vallt'y N•wJo ~lnd..lp COUDtrJ'. Commttt .. 111 cbarp tor uw evet!JDC wtll bs audio-vhlua.l and Wll!ltanr, Kra. LMt.w anllth and )Ira. J<*n Bo)'d Jr., chatnn.om. or Chrlat Church by the Sea and Matthew Wa.ldtllch of S.lboa ls· land Community Church had been 111electt1d u C'hurdl Worna.n and Churcil Man or th• Year. Baby ~aved by Fast Acting Patrol Officer Quick w~k by a Newport Beach police otrlcer-· 1n applytng artificial reeptr .. uon probably w&.11 rts ponc1hle ror aavtng the IUe of an 18-month-oW ha.by on Ja.n. 1. Olficcr'll Robert J. Brockie &nd Robert F . J"elen.1ky were calleCS to the home ot Mra. Okey lf'unll, 121 Bl. Balboa BIYd .• at 8:06 a.m . W1Ui Uie report that a chlld "WU h•Yinl" oon'l"tli.lou. - Tbe of'fl.oe.r1 found tha · tntant. llaen Susa. hrnll. Md •topped breathinr. eroata beiran. s1Ylnc uttne6al l'MplraUon and ,,,.. .at.la ·to at.a.rt th• cta1ld tir.i&tblnJ" ,...m. The r 1 r a DepM'tuilllt llllllf"l'lllCJ" unit. alllO called to tha .c.i•. an1nd mom•ta later and sdmlni.ltend O&y~. Mn. ,.....u ...ad' Ula tot had ti.. IUfl'.artns trom • bad C1:lld &Ad l"lbnblg a llllfb tev1r. TI!• lll- t-t wu later turned ova" to tht cara ot. a phy96ctan. BALTZ MORTUARIES OOftA MD.A CIU..PSL 1T'1 ..,._ AY'eN&e ._.. -Oollf. _........,....,.. CIU..PEL BT TBl1 BEA IUO E. Cout BlYd. OerOllA chi Kar, oam. __ .. LATES'I: HAIR STYLING FOR HOME ... PERMANENTS DAN'S IAUll SHOI' a.u.llOA 'IWEl\n&: N.DO. BALllO" ()ptle ,.._.., ..... _.....,. ---- Now Our Annµal Store-wide SALE Yl off Any Item in Our ENTIRE . STOCK PklMe -A.I. &-.. ....... Naillp b ..... ~ orGMm .....,. MN1Ar'c==-lllMmM111\ a.rdm', o.-l;el"J" -.. -- JanuarySpecial ;. * Permanent Wave & Restyle $25. Value -$10.QO Come in • • • with or without •n •ppointmentl Tinted •nd blooched hoir aoghtly higher. AUCE FRANCES ALICE OF LIDO t08 !2Dd St. Newport Beach (ra. om.. St.) We W ish to Announce Storting in Februory Our New Shoppin9 Hours ....... Harbor 2844 Tuesdey tliru Seturday 9 to 5:3 0 p.m. Open Mondeys 'Til 9 p.m. , 'JAH "·,'1'56 NEWPORT HARJO~ NEWS.PRESS -PART I -PA6E 3 ' . ·' • anuar'J 19th Some of Our OpenlnCJ Specials on Sale Jan. 19-20-21 EXTRA WEAR TOWELS BY CANNON On Our SPECIAL RACK 198 Ca.rrea:.1111 Jy 1ort . , • w ltl1 • depth o>f pile rare' al ao low • price' Sn1 a l-t diagona l dobby·'\lo'Oven border•. ~I · I.II) HAND TOWEL • ....., 89' "-"•· 'lk WASH CLOTH ,....., 35' W...t . 1.IO MAT • .....,_ s319 pequof plus MUSLIN SHEETS . service 2.39 2.89 val. 12 x 108 twt. abe !heat. ju11t Uk• your f"r&ndmothu UMd w buy. Thi 1heel• that have bet'n ta.mowi for Yt'-1.r• tor t heir lonr wee.ring , •turdy qu.a.ll- t!M • . plua • wonderfully ckiM WOT't!ll tu- tur• tha l a1VN them • lu.a.ut1oua teat. 14' t.h"'ad& to th• inel\ r iv• • unuonn amootb· neu, a.n u:tr-a atren~. Snowy wh1ta with. extra •tronr aa.lved&:ee. S..ve 1.£1 IS.00 d.1 3.0i rt(. lllx108 double aiSI . -···--··-%.61 2.Si n:.-. ~ t1tted bottom.a "······-······-· LU 1.09 reg. double f'1t(ad bottom. .. ~··-·· .. -· JM 79c rec. ptUow i:...., 'JxM'• ··-·-··········~ 6h Special Purchase CLAN PLAID GINGHAM .,.. t8e yd. .,. .... l •a.nt._., ___ _ .... ... Print OUTING FLANNEL Yd._······--················· .. ···- • Childrens DRESSES Save SKIRTS PUSHERS Our Brand First Ou•lity DIAPERS Scout Tex TEE SHIRTS Get Your Door Prize Ticket- You Don't Hen to Be Pr• .. nt to Win-- Drawhi<J Scot•clay. Jaa. 21 5:30 p.m. Many OllMr Specials T1trouC)hout the Store -0,-1:00 • 5:18 2" 3404 VIA LIDO -NEWPORT IN THE UDO SHOl'l'IN6 CENTER •• ' , • ·- ' ! I • . • • P~ .~ ~ 0PAAT l -NfM'ORT .. iAllOR NEWS-MESS Ardiery41b' . • liill:INDl.Y, JANU..nY 16' 1'56 · 'e • I , • < j ""I • ~~ atf.DIW.COUC" ...... talltllQt7 ARCHERY CHAMPIONS -Jo McCubbina of Santa Ana, left , and Leslie Speab, Costa Mesa, re<:eive the Orlllnco Bowmen championship trophy at tpe annual banquet of the organizatio n he.Id Jan 6 in Hunungton I.n.n. Huntington Beach. 11111~ r natD. ::-:=:cc:·=~~ ' d .... tru.1# ............. t ol .............. 6-..... ' ... U.. ..... will ....... UMI. lb• ...,. ,.,..a.tau.: ot. tM ~ ~ Uaenton wW ti. paid .. ... ·-'o ~ ot <>rup. at 10 :0. o'otodl L IL, 00 tht aotll "0:.-ly ti.. .... J-. ... lM _, ot .J......,-:...a.111. at. tJMi - lhmti.,i. i..... II• n l In I' too crow depU'Ultmt ot 81l1 lllerow 8e&c:h. ~ n.tp. at 1m aup. Oo.. lae .• •\ •a S. eo..t BIVd., ·....,.. Av ... o.t.a M.-. wa.o wu Corona del Mar, lA the City ot ....,.,.tly ~.ned. '-u.. n_. N'.wpot"t Belaeb, Count7 ol ~. ,.._oent. , ltat.. or C&Htomia. Dattd Ja.nuary 13, 11161 EMEJ\80N W. CHAJU.a, v..- Joe l'""9 ot Lo. Anr-'•· na.- UOAA! cha.mpka arcb.r, wu tQ b9 (\l .. l 1pe&kef". OUle:r ne. ol'llC«a. l"nak W:e- C\lbbin.1. S...ta Au, riff·pr..i. hnt: Mary ltwauon. Buta A n&. Metetary; ~)' ~ au.ta Ana. t teUUl"V. and Bud a.nn.tt, Co.ta Meaa. nn1• capuJ.n. ArnOlllr Hatbor 'r-ea memt..n who •tt-1.,.t wert Robert Ben- nett. 2031 Prealdf'nl Plact , Coat.a ....... Awatdtl Wtt• f"lven to win.- net• ot th• •veril dlvi•lon• ol the champion an:hery ahoot held Dec. 11. About 100 Oran1• CounU&n.1 &f'IP. ml"mber1 ot Oranco Bowman'• a nd toum•*'enta are rep.lar!y )Mild a t th• lrv!Jtt P atk tanse. Young GOPs Plan Campaign Year RU88EU. N . LOCKWOOD, Vende. l'JTATE or <;ALD"ORNIA COUNTY OF OR.ANGE )M. On January 13, 191141, betor. m e, th• unlkrstpN , a Nbtary Public In and for ... kl County I.lid State, per.onally appee..-.d. EMl:RSON W. CHARLfl~ A RUSSELL N. LOCK· WOOD, known to me to be the p.ttl"9Gnm wti.o.. nam ... •ubmerlbed to the within Instrument and acknow. 19dCtod th.It they e•~ured the aanie. W itn... my hand and ottleal ... 1. (BEAL i No. atil MARlON I.. JOHNSON Notary Public In i nd for 1a!d County a.nd Slate. My Comml••lon Expirfll July 28. !Iii~ Nciwa·f'TUll 1/18/IWI NO'nCE OP' IXTE!'\DED S J\LE NOTICE JS HEREBY GTVl!:N · w aia OJ11:r • la oltM ._. ......... ,. .... of Lot 18. .,. ... __ '1'IMt. .. ,.. mt.p recorded ba Book I Ill 1*S9 M ot xi.- ceUuaeou. .....,.., Recorda ot Oruc"• Oow:lty, Calltoml&. u llhown on aa..t :t of th• plan.a .. ~~to; and In :t'TTH ~ET bet.WMb Ba.lboa BoWtvard and UM Pacltle l:lect.rie Railro&d rlsht of way -..uiwmterty ot Balboa BouleY8'hi, u 1hown on Bh"t .1 ot Mid plam: and In RIVER AVENUE bet Wlll!n Channel Place and 42nd Btrwt . u ahown on 8hMt. ~ of Mid plan•: and In NEPTUNIC A VENUE between th• northwMl«ly lln• qf t TU! S trMt and lh• eouth- • ~1t•rly line of 4fth Street, u ahown on Shfft • ot l&ld pla.n•. SECON D: Gt&dln&', pa.villi wtth plant mlx. pavement on rock ba.H, eldewalU, curbs, l'Ultarl, vtt.r1tted clay plpa holae conneetiM -- et1, togeliler with appurt..enallc. and appurtenant WOt'k in oonnac• lion lh1rew1tb. tn 3JRD S"l'Rllrr between Balboa Boulevard a.nd the Paclnc Electric Railroad r1C'ht ot way touthwe1tuly ot Balboa BouJtvard, u lhown on Sb"t I ot aakl plarui ; and ..... -.. ~-.---­~ -SUU.. -...$.._. WO ~--~l worll: ta aoallMC:Uoa u...r..w., ta ............ al llll l:n~ wttll Pan lAM. ....... -...... at. .uct ,.._ - MlMTll: Oonet.niitdm .., 16- .. ., .. tiori ot o.rt&la w.erc•otioe NlUl'M ... .i,. .... t;opu.. wttlil Qi I C•11 ·aad .,.,..n.- Ml wwlil: tri, .,......_ taei'ewttll. .. Bil.BOA J!IOOLllVARD Mt.,.... Uloa ~ aa-""' Ul9 Au.,. lD. Block u. ~ Mewport. &.oh 'l'rM;t. and IUtrW A'nllU•, _...terb' ot Bal• hoe. Boulevard, u ahoWll on !lhMtl l , 4. 6, e. t . JO, U and 12 and 11 of -14 pan.. TllN'l'll: Oradiq", paYb\J wUh plant mix pa•wneat oa rock bUe. el,lrt», S'llt.9 &00 atom1 drain, t.o- ,.0.-wtUl iappurt.enalH'M l&nd .,.. ~t won. In oonneetMltl tlwrewlth, tn :saTBBTRDT at .. tntcrMcUon wtt.h Park L&ile, .. ..a.own oq llheet e ot .a!d plan.a.. mLSVWNTH: ondinc. curt., and ruttel'9, tot'tllll• with appurten· aae• and appurt.na.nt work In con.nK'Uon tharewtth, In TKlC WEST SIDI: OP' 48TH ST .. &3RD 8TREET and MTH SIT. at the lnter.llC:tloa Q/ River A vanue, .,. •hown on Shte~ 1 and 8 of Mid pl&111. TWEI.1Tff ; Grading and pav- '_LHAL ~.I 'rn.ot. ...... -... ~ • ., ............. .. • AUJn .. mo.el .. .. ,... I.a.. TrMt. ...... _ ..... .,, ......... : Md .. Urie • .t.U..n . ....... ""' mid W.W,.,t ~ Tnc::t. -....... .. ....... 10"111..W. .... udla ... . Auar ta mock 114 of -.Id LaJta l'nct. .. abo<lira oa 8bMt. 10 et aid plao.; ..... u.. Auar bl modi le of Mid Newpon. '8-dl Tract.. .. Mown on 8bMt. 11 of Mid p&&1\I : and le ""' Au.ET . . --. -LMAL-NOJICI- in "Bklck Q ot ~ River s.c~ Uorr. Tnct, ... ..,.,. OQ aa.. u ot Ill.Id ...,,.: -a ln u.e Au.l:T DE80atf I iOW CW 80ND8 tn B.loc:k U ot -.Id Riv ... he-SP.X:TION 4... Th&t ..na.t bond&. lion Ttact, u rhown on Sheet bearinl lnter...t al U.. rate ol lliJt 1! ot 1aid plaJT.1 : ud In the pe:r cent (6") ,.... annum, •hilt ALLEY ba luued tQ ••Pt-t w b &t -~n Bk>ck •4. of l&ld Rtv• s.c-MUmenl of hcmt1·ft•• Dollar• Uon Ttaet, ., Mown (Jll !JbMt (Q:i..00) or l1Mml. ~ un- 11 of laid plt.ru: and In the pald tor thirty (SO) daya after the Au.J!:Y data ot recordiJll" the -rn.nt. tn Block *& of aid RiV•t Sec· SiUd ..-tal bondl ah&ll utend o.,..r UOll Tn.el, I.I 1hown on Sheet • ,.nod endlnl' nlna 4 t l Y'•t1 13 of .. iii plan1: and In lhe t N>m the MCOftd day of Janua ry ALLEY next .meceedloC" tbc nelrt Octo~r In Block 14.2 ot 1a.id Canal Sec-ntteenth tollowlnC' their datf'. tlon T'l'al't, u •ho¥.'Jl on Sl>"'l P11yn1enla on t he prtnclpal of un· 11 of M id plana; and In lhe p111d &a~~menla an<! lntere"t ALLEY t.htr .. nn shall be made by properly ln Block J43 Qf .. ttl Canal S«· 1l""ntn1 to thci City Tr-.eurer. a n<1 lion TtacL. u ,,,0 ,....11 on Sheet the ·••m~ 8h•ll be d11b1Jrae<'! by i Jtmbe.rkinr on their •f'venth y.:ar, Young f\epubUelll'UI of Or· '"-"I• County wtll mHt at I p m. Tburtday In Co.I.A Me.a to plan &II acUv• 1)-moa lb pro1ram cen- tered on the eampalp yu r Tha t 0 I .' CRUTCHF'IELD, \'endat, ••thOM addrf'M !a 2101 Harbor BJ\/(!. Jn the City of Co•I• Me.aa. C-0unty ot Oran1•. 8tat11 t>t Calltomla. I nt~ to Mll to CHARI.ZS I:. TRAPP, Vendee, whOM addr eaa 11 $60 W_ llllh .Street. In the City of Cotta MeN, County or Ot-..ng e. Slate Of Call· totnia , the t oUO"W!nr deKribed pl!'l"80nal property. to-wn ,.,.,. STRJ:J:'T betwl!lfln Balboa Boulevard arrd the Pacltlc 1!'.:lectt!c R.atlro&d r1 (ht of way .outhweatetly or Ba.lboa BouJ•va.rd, •• ah.own on Bhff't I of 1&ld plant; and ing wlUt plant mll pavement on rock baae. together with a ppur- ten..ncM a.nd appurtenant work \.0 ~ Ulerew!lh, In the l3 Oil •aid pl11.na "•1<1 C'1ly Trtuuroer 1111 •• pmv1<l FOURT~E!'>TH . Grad1ng. p•V· !!'\I In !.hf' "Jn1pro\·e.ment A<'l nf •, ' - , • Knight Appoints Owens Judge of Anaheim-F1llerton Court ~ A ttom.ey Cl•uda M. 0....., 0CJ. today W&I &ppolnt-.1 n11w judC'9 ot the A..n&helm·P"utl«'· -K1mk!t~ Court. Oonnor Ooodwtn J. Knlfht made the a.ppolntmant. Owe11.1 w!U tett. Oftr ~ MCOnd dlvtaion ot lh• Munid pU Court. J udi"• Ron· DEATH NOTICE OEOROE P ALMER ~ M rv1CM tor Oeotie puin.r ot 110 28th St., who die<! Thunday m orning while YllC&tlon- lnc In Palm 8pr1np, WeNI 11Ched· ul«I at 12:30 p. m. t.oc:l ay In For· • La"'1'L Mr. P almer W&I a ald T1day !1 jud&e of that court now. Owen• t1 • former Oran11 County deputy dlltr1ct attol"ney. He l&1t week wu named prMldant of the All&helm Chamber ot Corn~ mttt«. He •lllO 11 put pre1\dent ot lhe Anaheim Rotary Club. Ha 1tud!ed law a t Stanford. Un!ven lty. SliCJht DamcKJes School Bus H~. A minor lrarfle 11celdent ln':'OI· vln11 a :-;ewport Harbor Union Hl(h School bu1 occurred at Har · bor Blvd. aoulh of 19lh S t. at 2 :~ p. m J11a. 6. Cwita MeM pollcf' reported. 1-• Harbor IU"f& barber who A p•tked car ¥1ven lly Wei· had llbops In Co11t& Meea and lx:orn Ray Anrler.'llO of Box 677. tf.wpot'l Beach. C011ta Me11.. b11.0ked Into the l.-~~'YOr• -!Qelude the widow. echool bus whHt. drlvf'r Ch•rlf!ll ,.v ~ Oil the home add~1111. • R.alph Funnel of 71611 Tustin Ave., cs.wpw, Kra. Vtrg1nla Wolt.a. of Collta Mua, "''aa 11toppt!d at th• i.o. ~ a.nd t hree C' r a nd-tnteraecUon. Police 1111ld Ill.ti• The llr•t bu•lne•a meet1n1 will •ef' th .. torma uon of comm1ttciff aad !ht out!Jntnr of the year'• 1 acllv1lle• Headllnlng lh• •rend& 1 for the m eeting wll! bt dl-.:taalon <:Jf re1K1lut1<:Jn. lo be taken to lhe Younr Republlean• 1tate convcn- ti<:Jn . Meettn1 1n Kennedy '• Re1ta1.1r- 1nt. •01 I:. !Tth 9t., a ll()Cla.l hout wtll pr-de ti);• bu1l'nea1 11'1.etlnC'. R.uan-a Uona ca.n M made by c.lltnc l.J bef!-Y 1-7".1. Fllllertot{;' HOf91 Sold FULLJ:RTON. !0CN8) -Sa.le ot the Calltom1a Hotel bulld!nr. 903 N , l!padTa, to a rroup of blS·te•l-dev•lopera who plan ex· te.nalve remodeling e.•.rly ln 1110.S. wa.. a nnounced recenUy I l I• one of th• bi1"1H l metflaJ plot• tn dOwntown F\1.1- l•tton. No price wu C'iven. LEGAL NOTICE CERTIPlCATE or ftU81Jlf£88 f'iotltlou1 Finn Name The under.tpt!d doe1 hereby certify lhat he 11 oonduct1n1 a bo.lt nint&l a.nd flahinlf ta ckle bu1t- neM at '3l l W . Coaat Blvd .. New- port Be-.ch, C&lltorn!a, ·under th• ncuttou• firm name of 8TICELr CR.A.BT U-DRIVE BOAT RENT· AL CO. and that -Id fltm I• com - pn..cl of the followlng pet1on11, WhOle name1 in full and placri of reatdenc1 a re u fo!l<:Jwa, t<>-wlt : RUSSELL N . LOCKWOOD 71~ Cry1ta l Avenue, BalOO. l •land, C•tifomla Wltn.:u "'¥_hand thla 13th day ')f Ja.nuary . .z:906 RUSSEtL N. LOCK~'ooo ST ATE OF" C ALl.F"ORNJA J COUNTY Of.~ ORANGE 1 ... Of thl11 13th day of January, All 1tock \11 trade. nxhu-•. equipment and gl'!Od W\JI or a cer- ta in Serv!oe St1tlon bu1lneaa, known .. CRUTCHl'"IELD SER· VICJt !TAT JON, .,.d located at 2101 Harlx:or Blvd., In the City or Co.ta M.... County or Otanre. l!lta ta of California and that a Ml•. t ran.t'er a nd .,.lpmmt of the uma wtl1 bto ~. and th• eon- .WS.n.uoa lhutfora wtll b9 paid ii.t 10:00 o'clock a .m., on the 23rd da7 ot J anuary, 111114. at th• ,,_ crow department or THE M ARI· NER8 BANK at t11T We1t Cout Hipw&y, tn the City ot Nr.irport Beach, County of On.nr'e, Bl&t• of C&Ufornia. Dated January 10, l~M No. 0 . F . CRUTC'ff1i'"UtLO. Vendor CHA.RUH E. TRA PP, Vt ndea 860 Ntw""Pre. 1/111/M o a:wtlfiClATS or BUBrlriil!I nDI NAJIE Th4I undeN!ped don hereby oart.ltT that ba 19' conduCUnJ' a l'eneral ahlp yard bu.in~ a t 8211 Bay.Id• Drtv'. Nf'wport Beach. Oallfom11, und11t the firm n~e and •tyle of BASIN SHIP TARD, and that .a.Id nrm 11 compoMod ot th• followlnl' person, to Wll : SPENCER DOWNEY and that thf' atOtU&ld 8pencflr Downey rMldH at '18 St,nal Road, Newport Beach, C&lllorn.Ja. W Ltn llM my llC'ft&lure thl• 2i.t da y at Deccmbtor, 1906. SPENCl:Jt OOWNltT 8T ATI: OF CAI...ll'ORNIA ) OOUNTT OF OR.ANO.I: l a. On thl• 21•t day of DlfOClmbet, llGO. before m.e a Notary Pulillc In a.rad for the afo ruaid County a.nd !!It.ate, peraon.ally appeared Spencer Downey, known to me to be the pet llOn whOfle name La •ub- ecrfbed to t he wltHln lnatrument a nd acknowtedC'ed to mf. that he executed. the 1&111,. ln Wttne1111 Whf'teof I hav1 Ml my hand and atr1xed my offlcl&J M&I lhe day and )"t!&r In thl• Cer - unoate tin t · above wrttt.en. TOM W . HENDERSON Notary Publi c ln and fot the County of Otange, Stli,tfl ot Calif om la. No. 641 . Ne• ... Pre• 12/26. 1eo:o. 111. 'ii. 16, 1906 ~luUon of lnW.nU011 N o. «t i J\f:80LllT IO N o .. · T HE (;JT V C-OUNClL OF THE CITl' OF NEW PORT BEACH, CALIFOR- NIA, DECLARJNO IT8 IN- TZNTION TO ORDER TIU: '" tOTH STREET Mtwffn Balboa Boulevard and the Paetf!e .H:lectr1<: R.alll'Qll.d rlj'ht of wa y IOUlhWN\..t!rly or Balboa Boulevard. •• •hn""'l on Sheet 4 ot 1&1d plan• THIRD: Grad.inir. pavlnC" with plant ml• pavement on rock bu1. llidew•lk•, curt.. ptters, vltrlrt6d iQ!ay pips hoU.M connectlon •ew- er•. certain eoncr•t• alley •pron.1, togelhu with a ppurtanancu and appurtenant work In eonntttlon th•nwitli. In SITH STREET betwaen Balboa Boulevard and Pacirlc l!'.:lecttl c R.&Hroad r!1"ht of way aoulhwMlt rly of Bal· boa BouleYard, u 1hown on Sheet 3 ot 11&.id p!IN. P'OURTH: Ora.dlnC', pe'l'in& with plant ml• pa'l'emtnt o n rock b&la. tldewaJ~. curba. and suttfln, to- cether wtlh appurtenance1 and ap- purtenant work In connection tbvewith, In 43fl0 8"l"R.Err ti.tween Balboa Boul•v•rd a nd the Pa.ciflt 11:1..-:tl:"lc rallrOll.d rllfhl or way eoulhwosterly I'll Ba..lboe Boulevard, ..,d betw1tn e.Jboa. BouJavard &Ad the R tvo A lto, &1 shewn on 8~Ml 4 or M.ld p lant : a.nd In t lST STR!:rr Mtwean Balbea Boulevard and th• Pac!Jlc K:lectrlc Railroad right of way touthwe.ter\y of Balboa Boull!Vard, u •hoWll on S h-t ' of •Id plan.I!; and ... Mtw°NCt Balboa Boulevard and the Pacit\c El.ctr1c R.aliro.d r11ht of way eouthw..tarly or klbo. Boulevard, -d bttween. Balboa Boulenrd and Channel Pia.cc, u lhoWn on Sh .. t t of Kid plant; and In <OTB BTRIOET betwttn Balboa BoUleV11.rd and th11 Pacific Elactrtc R.&Uroad rlC'ht or way 1outhwe1tei:ly of Ba.lboa Boulevard. &1 11hown · on ShM t 6 or Aid pla.n1: and In •6TH STRl!:ET between Ba1bo& Boulevard and the P &df1c llllectric R.&llroad tt(ht of -Y 90'\.IUtwuterly of 8&.100.. Bouleva rd. u •hown on She&t ~ of n.Jd plan.11 ; a nd In CHANNE L PLACE between Balboa Bauil!"Vard and Riv11r A venue, u 11hown on Sh M t 6 o1 Aid plant ; and In 42ND STRErt" bttween Balboa Boulevard and l he Pacific lllaclr1c Railroad rig-ht of way .outhwesterly of Balboa Boulevard, u ahoW'n on Sheet ti of a&id pl&ft.I. OONSTROCl'ION OF C~RTAJN P'IP"I'H: O r&dlnl'. p&vtJ\I" with r A V I N O, 8 1 Dr. w AL K 8 . p lallt mU; pavement on rock b&aoe, CITJl.M, OU'ITERS. SAN1TAR1' curbol, p t ten, vltrtlled. clay pipe sr.Wr.RS." DRAINAGE STRUO-hOUM connect.km -e~. t~thet T l l R 11!: 8, WATER Sl:RVICE with a ppurtenancN and appurtep· CONNU:TtON8 AND AN o"'" _..,work In connection the~lth, MTH STRlCltT ,..._ .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~·-~~·-·-·~~~-"-"-"'~·~~~~~~~ A. D. li~&. before me. the unde.r- a:l(llld. a Notary Public in and tot U>a -.11 County and Sl•l,. re11Jd- lng therein. duly con•m!1111loned and aworn, per11onally appeared RUS· SELL N. LOCKWOOD known to me to bt tile pflr11on v.•ho!!f'. n•m• i. .ubecrlbtd to the wilhln 1n- 11trurue11 t, and 1c knowlf'dged to me th11t h• executed the ••me. NAMENTAL LIOHTINCI 8Y8-In TEM IN ll8'r 8Tlll:ET AND 0 T ff r. R 8 TR E g T 8 A ND bet.WHll Balboa Boul•vard a.nd RIGHTS OF WA 1' IN ~AID lhe Paclf\c IClect rtc Railroad s ~ r .NEWPORT HARBOR tRE-W.$., PRESS fn v.•ltn'M wh,rf'Of. I h&l'e here- unto 11et TT).}' hand a nd &fflxed my offlclal "eal !hf! day and yea r ln !hi~ Ct!rtlfica .e flrat 11bove ¥.'ritten. MARIAN L. JOHNSON· i P'o,nnf'tly the NewpOrt -Balboa Nf"v.:1-Timea and the Newport-B&lboa Pn-:11111 My Con1mi1111lon July 28. 19118 No 862 iNew111·Pru11 1/16. 23. 30. 2/6. I~ ;"'ri'OTICE OF INTE:\'OED S AU: NOTJCI: 18 HEREBY GIVEN : ,..,._., u Second-C-... Ma tter at the f'o«tQff\ce in Newport C&lttorUia undtt th-. Act of March 3, 18T$. Beach, That E~I ERSON \V. CHARLES, Vtlndor. "'rl'ddreu I• 4328 W. -----ICOa•I Blv<l., the City of New-.,. ....... ""l'J MOlldaJ, Wt!'Cl.neaday &nd Friday by tJwo P'JT't Bf!'arh, ounty.......rf Orange, QWPORT RAADOR P U .. U SJll NO COM.PA.NY 8tat, ot C11llfornl11., intend• to ••II ..... ....._ NW:WPORT BEACH, CAUF. Pb°"" Harbor tllt to RUSSELL N. LOCKWOOD. ------------------------------IV•nd"· whOJle 11ddrea11 l• it& of All IUl\cll CtyaLtd.,..Avenue. BAiboa l aland, ln l:~~==~~~Eg5~~[]~~E~~~~~~:N:L:.W:~l~T~a: the City of Newport Be•c h. Coun· ty of Ot1n1t•. State of Callfomia, • OllllNtal&.lrew I p ~ ,, 'en lhe fl'.IJlow1itg deec:ribed pet.anal S -· W.01••I Se1rtaa ~ pr.;>per1y. to·wlt : M I ~ OrMtp o..if' If ... ~ .A.JI •toc.k In trad•, tlJ;turw. eql.itpment 1,nd rood will. t.radt name. &11d nll(>n elm . toc~r wltll. B&N lu:DDJClt. PUllU8RD , WILLlAll A. Moea. .Edi~ ORMOND £. ROUNTR.EE, Adnl'lUllf\J" l>lrtttor Cll.t.llL&:B A.. AIUIB'l'RONG. Mecb11nk»J. Superillt.endft!ot ab: :18' 1tael S.ftteralt U-dri.,.. boall ot t.M followl.nl" f'IC'l.lt•recl 11umbet1~ 27•K-'lt : 27-J"'-Th ; J1. D-M9; 27-0-87&: f7-F..&18; 27-S. 833 RNL of a c.rt&iJI boat ,.._laJ and ttal\ll'lf taeki. bualn ... knqwn • JJTltEL • CR.A.Tr U -DRJVS BOAT UHTA.L (X). aM ~ crrv, Dr. c LA R 1 s G THE tight or way 110uthweeter ly ot \\'ORK TO e r. OF MORI: B&lb& Boulevard, ·u •hown on TR.J\N LOCAL OR ORDINARY Sheet 3 of a&id plana; &l'ld In p11n 1.1c HE:'<l'F.f"JT, DF.~it"f8-.... 311TH STREE'I" l :\'O Tlf "'. of~TR'rT TO ftl'.: 8~~'1:.f'ITED· ~l' S.'.f D \\'08.ll A.S O TO P .\ \. TllF. (lOST8 AND f.':XP?':S!'•:~. AXn l"IX- JNG A Tl1'!F. A1'"D !"I.ACF, FOR HE.\r.INO oe.n::CT~ONS TO SAID \VOR.~' ANT> F OR THE 18SUA:"ll"un OF CO:'in:q. The City Councll or th .. C"uy of NelVjlOrt C·~~h. pur.1tu1nt ll'.I lhe pn;ivlslon1 of the "Improvement Act ot 1911 ", betnr Divlatan T of lhe Street.a and HIC'hway• Codt of th-. 8tat• of Calltornla. ~ N-- 110lv• u follow•: SmcTION l . Tha l the public ln- ter•t and convenlericl! tequ1r-e, and It .. U.. lriten Uon ot tht Ctty Coun· ell ot the City of Newport S-ch. C&J.ttorrd&, to order th• rouowlnc- "or1l to M oone, lo wl t : DIC9CllUPTION ()I" w o aK. J"IUT: Gndtn1. pe.vtnc wtU. p&ut Mill panm..t M rock baM. 16dnralb, curbe, S'lt t•ra. cert&IJI oone:M• allty &Pf"ONI. tcc•thu wtt.-&l'Pllf1M&n~ and a ppurt•ri· ant .,. .. bl oonnt<tk:ln lh•T-1tll, .. .. l lft STft.Em hetwetn Ba.lbo11. Boulev11.r!1 and lhe Pacific Electric Railroad right of way 10uthwe11terly of B•lbo11 Boulevard. u •hown on She..t 3 of a&id plan.. SlXTk · O radlng. paving With 9lant mla pavement on rock balol, L·utbe. ,-11t t•te. 1torm drain plpt •nd ca tch b&A:tn. together With a.p- puttena ncu and appun,nant work In connecUon ther•wlth. · In PA.RX LANX: bet....n M th St reet and 3fllh ~reet. u ahoWn on Sheet 6 of Mid p l&nll. BEVX:NTH: Gr.ding , pa.Vlnlf pl&CJl tnhl pavemot on rock ba.M. curbl. ,-utt-.n and vttrtrted clay ptpa nnlta.ry MW•r•. to~ttlet with a pputteriancM and appurt•- ant wor k in connact.IOlt th--1th. In ~wten Balboa Boulevard and a llne approalmt,ttlly 40 fMJt north-..i..,-ty of Ute ot.nded cent.at lfne ot M UI 8t~t. u llhown on AettAI T and • ot --llJOBTH: an.cUns. paY\nf wt Lb AL.U::Y tn Blook lU of Lake Trai.•t. •• p.r map reootded In Book i , P-.e 13 of MIKellaneou. M.ap., Recotta -0t Otange County, Ca.l ifotnla, extend!n1 nort.hw•ttrly f r o m 32nd 8trMt, u 1hown ori Sha.I 'ii or a&Jd plan.: and In the ALLEY In Block 233w,.of aald Lake T~act, •• ah~ Oil Shl!ltt 'ii ot 1aid plane; a.r.d 1n the ALLEY Jn Block l6 ot Rlver Sactlon Tract. u pet' ma p recorded In Book t , Pag fl 2& of M l-1· laneoU11 Mapa, fte.ootda or Ot· an.re Cowity, CaUtomla , De- t ween th1 alley tn 1&ld block !yin& aouthwl!llterly from and parallal with BalOO. Boule· va rd and the Pacinc l:ifl<'.lrlc Railroad right of w ay, u •hown on Shet\ 10 of tald pl&n.1 , and In th• ALLEY In Block 37 at 1aid Rlvf!r Sec· uon TTact, between 38th Street -..nd ~7th Strttot. u 1hown o n Shcat 10 of P-ld pl&n.1 : and In the ALl..EY in Block 3T ot Mid River Sec- tion Ttact, betw"n the alley In UJd block, lying-aouth· weaterly from and pa.ralteJ with .Balboa &wevard and thci PaeU1e Electric Railroad Ji&"ht -0f way. u •hown on Sh,el 10 of aald plan.; and In 1h• ALl..EY Jn Block 38 ot l aid River Sec- tion Tract. u ahown on ShNt 11 of a&Jd pl&.n.1, and In the Au..EY In Block 39 ot M.ld Rlver Se.<:- Uon Ttact, aa 1hown on Sheet 12 ol 1111.Jd plan.: &tL d In th• ALLEY ln Block 4-0 ol •&Id River Sec- tion Tta.ciL, .. ~ on Sheet l :t of laid plant : and in the ALLEY In Block 41 of -.id Rtvar Sec- tion Tract, u lhown on Sheet 12 ot Aid pla.na: -..nd !n thfl A LLEY In Block •e or A.Id River Sec· Lion Tract, IJ.etween Neptuno Avenua a.nd Balboa Boulev11rd, .,. t hown on Sheet. 1 3 of IS&id plarui: and In the AU.EY in Block 236 of Canal Sec- tklo Tract. a. per map record- ed In Book 4., Pq • 98 ot M!1- cella.naoU11 Mape, Recordt of Orange County, Ca.JIJomia. u 1hown on Shl!lflt 11 or ~al<I plant1 ; and in the ALLEY In Block 236 or ••Id Lake Tract, &1 ahown on Sheet I ! ot aald plan•: and In the ALLEY In Block 1311 of uJd I.Aki' Tract. &.1 1hown on Shttt 11 ot aald pla.Dll : and ln the AJ...Lll:Y In Block 138 of ..Ud RlVflt Sec- Uon ~t, u abown on She.t 11 at •Id .plaNI; and tn Uie ALl.llY In Bklck 139 of -.id Canal 8ecti0ft Tract. u abown on Sheet 12 ot: ~ plana and In th• ALI.ET In Block 140 or .. id Canal Section Tract, .. •hown on BtlNl l Z of a.Id plan1; and In Ula ALU:T In Block l•t 0( lald Canal SeocUon Tract. .. shown on ShMt U Iii. MJd plan&. THlRTEllNTa: Oradln&. paving with plarlt !Db: p&Y..nettt on rock b&M, ,...ttr M rvlce conneetiona, tocethel' wttib •ppurtenanOlir and "PPUrtal!M)t work In oonnecUon thf!rewtth, In lhe AU.l:Y In Block It, N.wport 8-ch 'T'hlct. u shown on 8hMlt t of •Id plan.: ind Ill Ula ALU:Y In Hlooll: il of A.Id N~ 8-.eb 1'nloct. u 11hcnrn on ShM\ • ol laid pl~ and 11t t ho ALUl:Y 111 Block 1.at ot. .akl Laka Tract.. ~ Lella A ftnllf and a.Jboe ~ .. lhawn on 8Mtt tut Mid pl&nlif .......... olUIC1'. .. .... la "' aUd Lall:• lng w1tn p!ant mix pav•mt'nl on lllll" • here.1nt.Jt,r referred to rock bue. v1 trt tl~ elay pipe hou.e T IMI': ASO Purr. C-OnnK tlOn srw~r• 011'1+1 Wtill'r 11f'!• C)}" HT.AHISO vtce conne<t1un11. lvg,thcr v.a h ajl· SF:t"Tl1•S ~ :0-'0TlL:", IS H.l-:R~~ purt11n1 r1.:"~ i.ru1 11.ppU fl<"ll•rl! wurk RY 1:1v1>"::-.: th"' on !hi' 1:tl h '1111 Ill C!>rln<'• tlun thf'r .. w1 th 1n lh.. lof l"f'llni11 r' >(tt.I. Il l thr h""1 ALLEY lor ~ 31J I'M , 1n Lhr cl1111nb"r" nr tn ft.!nrk l:tl. r.f u 1.1 1{1v .. r J'l..,•. t h~ (;u \• ~·oun,·11 1n th" Cilv 11 • .t! t 1un '!'1 11, l. iaa 11hov.·n 011 Sh~l't 1111 ~II·'! f'lty nr N'""'"f'fl! I f1""' h !t 1ll &11,l(I plana, at>tl 111 thr l•nv •ntl •H rer11on• hHVIT1( any "h ALLEY !""11oftll t o lh' prnp.1~~ wo1k '" h1 Block 137 o! 111.!ct Hiver lit"<'• l llllf<r""en1 ~nt <'.l t ti'! UH' l'lll .. nt f'>f \1011 Traci. a• ahuwn on !ihtet th~ 11,1~e1111n1,.nt 111.,,r1r1 nr tn th" 14 nf aaid ph1.1U1 !'1'";"'""''1 f(t .. r1•••. 11v·y ll Pfl""" ,..,.1 F!F'rEE!"TH Grading pav1ng 11n"w c11111e "'"hy till!! wud \ •h"•1t·I With plant nux pit1>e1n~nl vn r<..>< k nut he r!Onr-nr ru ·n~<I .011 • In •• bv,•c, eurbt, cutter•. 111d .. w1l,k11. r.0 1<1J1.n<'e with th 11 H-Jh.1t•<1n of and v1tr1f1,.d clay pipe •li111lary Intention PtnL<"ata mu.'1\ br 111 ••wer1. togethf'r with 1ppurten-v.•riung anl1 mutt be 1¥11,•er...., to an~·'·' IU'ld 11ppurtenanl .,.,·ork in th.-C'1ty C'l,.dl f'ri '" io Lht l1r11" conn.,..-.uon Lher<!Wilh. In ~"l rur th" h•11.11ni; BALBOA BOULEVARU IMJ'KI)\ t:.'!t:.~:T A!"f a t the Intersection with 4':"th SEC'TIO'.'I> & 'rl .. +! a ll •>I th.- Slre<"t and River Avenue. 11..11 W<Jrk herein propa&e!1 $h•ll bt-t\o-.~ flhown on Shee~· 6 of ••1'1 a nd t.11.rrle<l lhrough In pl.t !~1u·.- pl•n•. and 1n or an Ar t or thf' 1..-;;1~1"· ,, ~ nr ~:'TH STREE:l' fh" !-11111e 0r c•1<1 of<'.lrn.11 . .I ~' ·nq\,.•1 tlf't weflfl N-.pUlne Aven11e •(\fl thl' "'lmJTto"'n1f'nt A<I rot l<lll ', Balboa '8oulevar<I. u ,ho,,..·n bt1n1: P1vl111nn T f\f q," )<\ .. ~r,. on She"t II of 11&1!1 plan1 11 n<.1 H 1ghw~y~ r .... 1,. "f 1h.-t:;t.t t~ SIXTEE NTH ConstrurUon of •1! c .. 11f.-,mltt. an omament11 11tr"flt t1gl'lt lnK •Y11· 1_,.,.f::-ITltiATlc):-.: Ht:roRT tlm"I, to(ether with 1ppurtenance11 ~Efi'I ON 1 Thst th" ro:>por t11 and a pputt,nent w ork fn connec-tf'(l!Jlr"<I bv th" ''~P"'"'"I A.ur •. •· Uon therewith. Ln m~n ~ lnvl'.&li~ll!">n , T.ltnltl tl1>11 "'"t LAKE STRl:E'T t Mlljf)Tity Prnt""'\ Act of 1931 " ~:" betwe..n a li ne a pprnxunately On fllr in !110• l)tf!re "' tht t'11y 2 feet southeL'llerly vf ULI' Vierk "' n, .. r•11y nf :>:•"'!~"t aout.h .... lerl)' Une or 36th At~Hh. 11.nd rni.y . ~ ~·:am •n•«! ~t Street. an.I the northWellff'rlv §<lid <.>f(IC•· Th•· l'lillo,1itl l'r1 <'"1'1 PC line or 38lh Str~'"I !Hid Ill • U1e ln•J>l"Olle!n"nl "' l !li,601'.120 38Tli STHE~::T ' 1•t•tu.1c ·.TIO S ()I. between IJ1e northe1uoterly ]inf' of L&ke Street, 1n('I !he ex· tended IOUUIWl!lllterly line~ O( R'vet Ave.nue ; and In RrvER A VENUE bttwetn the .outhea.,terly line ot 33th Strttt 1nd Channtl Place; and ln CH ANNEL PLACE · IJ.citween Rlvt"r Avf'nlle An!1 the eouther\y e.xten11lon of the weet~lyo 1.tne of Lot 1, Blo.-k 1411,..a&jd C•n11! Secti<'ln Tr•el . and Ln JlST STREET hetween •e northeaatrrly l\ne of Lot 9. Block 30. 11a1d Ne,,..·- port Beacl} T raet. and the !l011thwealerly line of Oce11.n front ; all •• •hown nn Shel'lll 3, 0 llnd 14 of ~•Id pl&n!l. SEVENTEENTH: Consttuctlon of certain ornamcintal l!ghtlng ca ble. co11dult and junction box. together with 11.ppurtenance• and appurtf!nant wark In eonnec.llon lherewlth. In OCEAN FRON'I' betwttn lhe •Out:hweeterly ex· ten11!on of th .. northweaterly and ltOUtl'teuterly Hneii or 3111l Sttetl, Ill 1hown on Sheet ;i' of 1ald plane. PLANS, PROf""n,F.R, ORAWINOS ANI> Sf>t':CIFICATION!il SECTIO N 7 All of t he uld wo rk and lmproveml'nte to be donfl 1hall tJ.e conatruete.::I upon the C'radu, 11.long the llnea, betwH:n the poln~. of the dlmen1lont1. at tha placet and In the manner ah01Vn on the plan•. prontn and drawl11g11 lor the conattuctlon of a&kl Improvem en t.., d8ig-natad - Plan No. '4.0. on file In the Ottloe of the; City ICnglnaet ot a.Id Ctty, a.nd e•cepl ... otherwi.e provided on •Id plll.1\I. In turther accoid- flnC• with the •peclflc.Uon. for thfl oonatcuctio11 of aakl lmJ!f'O'"" mentl. 11akl sp«:!Noauona belftl" on file In the Office ot the City Clerk of o ld City, and to Which plaJT.1, prof!1et, drawing• U1d apecl- rtcaUoM heretofore approved by t~ City O:l\lncll of ea.Id Ctty ..., fetence l• her.by madt fot a flll'- thet, full and mora parUculat d• 9Cr1ptlon of 11&ld work, and they 9h&JJ ('OVlltn U ti'> &J I det&IJ.. The CS.IJn&llo>n "pMllnl'" 1h&ll tnclude the tecorMllNCtlon ot n:tattnc w:i- dat..,.ound .t.tuctune to ITWd• .. Indicated on the ato,,_UocNd plan. and profllu. DEACIUPTION OI" A88E8SIO:l'fT DISTalOT 81k.'710 l'f •• That UM. aaid con-- tanplated work and lmprv't'.n'.l•t. in u.. optn.km ot Mid at,. 0oun- c11, i. of l1ICJft tM.n local or ~ nary public bea.i!U., and the aid C1t7 Council benby mall• ttie •· ~ dt I.ha aid WIJl"k and tm- provament i!MryMblo11 'IJIO" 1 dta- lr1ct. Which ~ dblrlcl u.. Mld City Cc'>wtctl h-b1 ~.,_ to be. UM d&Arliet bl!Mfttad by .aid work and lmprcwem.nt and to be ._ -- KJ,:~Ol .l lTJOX OI·· l!\'"Tt:XTIOS S EC TJON 8. The Cl ~>· Clrrk shall ce rtify to the "pa.u•ge t'lf th1" Re~olutfon and Bhall CllUIH' tht 51unci to be publll!h!!d twice, by t"·o con•~11t 1 ve 11.ncl :Jtpar11le 1n- •ert1on11. In the .. NEWl'>ORT HAR· BOR NEWS-PRESS", a J1ewepaptr publ11hed and ctretil&Led In 1aid City. The first publlcatlon •hall l>e n1ade nol le .... tha.n ten ! 101 da y• prior to t.he publ!c he&rln&" 11tll.ted her!'in Tht1 Ctty Cll'rk 111 dlrected to n111.1J not1,.e1 or the· &<.lopllon or tht~ Re110!1Jllon or Intention ta a.II per5one oy.·ntni real prope rty pro- po!lr<I to h" u•eMed. who.e na me. 11n<l 11rld•·f'1111ee apJ)"al" on the Jut equali7-l'fl IL8lle&11mtnl toll for city taxeJi, all In the manner and rorm ptovldetl tot under SecUon• 0070, 11194 11.nd (11911 o~ the W<:t .. Im - provemtnt Act of l9ll ". or Mid Strfflll and H IJhway1 Code. POSTIN O 01'" NOTICE 01'" l!llPRO\'EH.F.NT SECTION 9, The Superintendent of Street11 or the City ot Newport Bea ch. California. 11hall e&UI• to be. con11picuou1Jy po11ted aJOJ\I" lhe lln11 of aald contemplated. work or Improvement and along aU open atree~ Within lh• dlltrlct liable to tJ.e ........ eo.:1 fdr a&ld WOt1t, notlCM of the paaaage or thie Rt.>lutlon of I.ntenUon In tha UnM. form and manner provtded bY .Ud Code. APPROVED AND ADOPTl:D UU. 2Tth day ot' ~. HU, DOR.A o. IDLL Ma,ror ot ta.. Cit, ol !<...--~ ATTm8To MARall:aT *"**>OiW Ctty Cl•k 8T • 1'11 or O&.l..D'CllUUA. OOUNTT OF ORA.JfGI: )-. ClTT or lQl'WPORT B9ACB J 1. llU..ROl!RT 8CHROUDSR. Oty Olerlr ot the C1t7 Oil N.wpmt Be&C!l. OLmomil,. do --_... U t)' thd the Wbol• D~ ol mernben cl U.. Clt7 eo...d,I ol lha Oft¥ of lf.wpxt BIMtt Ja ....... aad' Diiiiat u.. ...... b4 1 RMOLUTIOJ'f, b911:nt" Bm0U7 ... TION Ko. "'21. ... dal;p' 911 0••1 .... i--... _.,. Clt7 <bmclJ. ... Orid ... by \he ~ ... •u..i lir Ctty a.ta, all .a a ....., Ln1 °' ...,, OtJ' o-.a ..... -27th d&J' ol Des loq nm, u.a.t u. ... -....... adopt-s br ....... ,,.. ~ .. Wit : AYll&t O; AA BllNNlll"r,--DA.ftDt ~ aw(-d(#,1 mu. JfOD: Os -A.BRHT1 ..,,,, .. ..,..,.y o.ted tw. .. -., o...w. ..... llUJtGl:R1: _,.,,.,,,... CllJ' ~ °' u.. atJ of Newport 8-ch, Calltomk <81:.A.L) No. IMi New.~ 1111. 11/1 .. -•A • • , l'-lt fOf' Dllplex Gall• L. J'\ulll tut --" fndt J I ~ produc. tor u ion,. u 29 H' ' • ' -_J /"!'. J . ~ ~ Y•~::. '°'"' n._.. lo..,..... Ome ;mu-uatu.en Pnmtng,. --~ ·_-_-Due--_· :..-::lq~.!°°:, ~,~~ :w:. ·~l ~ ~ _ .. lnM .,. Mar ..., ft'Wt UCl ..,.. a du.pl• al ill O.ia M .. at. a ,,..ur -.u.r.c~ to fO'I. \-------.------:\ R. ,J. Wood WU um.II OOI!.~ W2M8 tb11 W .. lllJIPJ' nd I ·"";;;:';::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::, tll• tro.t aipnadi °"" wtndow-G .. ·-NER'S , , ..,, .................... ,.,.. -Ull NEwPoRT HARIOR NEW>l'RESS -PAAT I • PAGE 5 MONDAY, JAf!UARY 16, 1996 MESA BANK 'S TO P MANAGEMENT CLIMBING-+iYBRID TEA ROSE VARIETIES OFFER LOVELINESS Th• eUmbi.na' hybrid tea f'OM, locW a f&YOrtte for artloJw an<I percoliiul, I• UAually a development ot U.. ~ rOM ot lh• same name, tbA cane oonttnu• to crow LO to fMt oir lonrer. It npniMJlll a ch&np wbereb7 Ult t.ennt.nal rtoweT bud 1-r epla.eed by • v~t&ti•• ~ -beDC9 the snat l"OWUl Qf the cane. nowen oi lll• cUmblnc lo(\rt an mmt1&r to tb09I «i. the bUAh but the blooni i. nc.t ~ conll9uoua. Another tyPti of cllmblnc rOM 1-t.h• ptllar. eat...,n-.Uy, It fa.Ila betw .. n tJl,a cll.mbaT and the buah., combtnlli.s ffllll.lllr. ot. both. It I• beat due rt bed u a Wnr-c&n.S buab J'MCbJ.nc elfht !.et or moir• wtUl can .. th&t l1'QW flr9Ct wttbaut -.ip- port. Cllmbln1 roNA ar. n.aturalll to bt tra1n.c1 apllWt wa.l.U, on tre.lllsea, over ubor• and perioi.., .u&"INt the C&lltomt• Auoctauon of Nurserymen. Tha e~t-(?'O'Winr pw.n mU• f\ne cover and blLCk("rou.nd planUflCL Popu\Lr clUnblll&' r'ON9 ot the bfbr\d t.a n.rtaUQ .,.. P eace. yellow edged In appi. bl~ plllk, a.Dd Bt&l't'• 0.- a!te, Cha.rlolte Armatron.g a.nd TllilanaJI, all ln ba&Uttful v&ry· !ng 1hadu ot red. Pink cltmban ._,.. c.dM Brun.Nr, ~ l'lnkle. In pill.are the DeM:fl.nao Nlllll' 1-acclaimed for U. C()J"l,f· 1C'a rlet blooma. and High Noon w1th pdlln yeUOW Qowera wu 1. ... ·ar lle.d the All Affier1ca r&tin(. lf you're a ro~ lallcler thee• dl!tef'allt Ln-ol ,_ wtll offer you (U"denins c.h&ll-.- := "'"" '" ..-. .,.._, CHECK UST n. tm~t Udlll' to ftllleln.• w 1.n t'Nlt u. JlrUlll.nr i. u.t -.ch lf'M hU lt9 OWft srowth CJ • 1. J"ra.Cl'ant •rr.cft ' t.lt.&c. CIL The ,..,,._... alloat to PMllli• are • vailable -at mo.t m u.it know hoW .U.. tndt lll boru n urMrtu. '.l'hue p I a n te oa UI• wood and bow Jlluch bear-..,... mo.t reuonabJ.o, at 1q' wood t.I prodllotd &nnlJ&l.ly, um urn.. while llw7 ara .tat.I U.. C&Uf...... "-oel&Uon &till ba.re-rooL ol N~•· I . Jtven .mall prdena C&.ll TedlnlflUM of ~r may bl have t ru1t t.reul Tb• IM.rntd b7 ~ demoutra· dw-a.rt nwt u... .,.. tb• Uou or by l"IModblC boob. lrl both -.nawu where ..,.ce i. c:.MI a~ &N Of MJ:p to llmlte<J. pl'dlnen for bOW' th.y ue hold· I . You oui' ITOW t.b~ to ins pnualAS d~ and t:lve va.rietlee ol. a !n.Llt on la addlUC.n Ui..,. haft a we&ith ot a •ln1le troe. AM your ~ avall&.ble DD p runlnl' llnd nur.uyman lo tall you all t.b.9 otha upeet. ot prden· &b o u t Ula oombinatlori lq'. t.reee. W1*a )WWIJ.q' ~ .ad neo• t . Bpn.7 trult treu uid ro.- tart.n.• a ·very complat. job mu.t. • now with • cood tlor" be doll<t .anually lW tbe hMrln1 mant 11pray, porUoa 1-atretcibed o.v • gTU\ 1S. Sweet peaa can 1tlll boo a.I at new wood. ThU hll&vy pl-.nted. 1' hey llke lo prun.tnr wUI for-oe out long ntw •prout and get tllelr 1nlua1 l'f'OWlh u u;I keep Uw con.mta.ntly growth wt11l1 th ll weattwr ~ beariAc aru cloM to U eUll cool. tllll center of th• tree. 1-------------- IJI tM cu-of a.pr1cola a.ft.er Loe I fj the tree .. on• 1N.r old moat or a "rm Licensed I.All tnllt ta ~-on llpura Of° SACRA~'>fENTO, tCNR f Th~ ~ on th• old (Towth. The..e COllLnwtore •I.ale UcenH b<111 1<t spun uaually prodUct1 fruit for no 11.nnoun~<t that SymplOn a n•1 :-.·ol- lionpr than fOtUr y.ar. .o re1:11lar Lar, IHI 38lh 81 Nev•port Be11.rh CONCRETE Satisfaction l'OUR IT THI -.UY • WAY AND SAVI e lla \·a ua llbuatlU7 7ov ooncretft won: wt~ a load of pred:lkMl-mb:fld ~flQl ... prepa.redto yoor order a.a a •v&..I· Ui-ty 8-2283 BAY IUCADY llCIX """ • • • 711 w. 17th St. ('08TA M!l!IA AmQng the many vi11itoni to the new Colrt.& 11.lesa branch of the U. S. NationM.l Bank at their open loi.ou&: recently v.·l·r<' the o ffit·t•r'!-1 .,( the Bank's head office in San Diego. L. tu R. a.n._. ~1 el v1n W1lsun, president . l' J \\'1tuner, cashier ; Mrs Walter Mellott, wife of the builder of the Costa ~t ei<a branch ; C . Arhnolt Smith Sr., executive \'ice-president. ~I rs. H.a.IJlh hl askl·y, w1fl· of a member of the local adviBory board : and C. Arnholt Smith Jr., a11s1stant l·ashier. These women t1.nrt wives of other local officers acted as hoste&t:!; fur the ncca.aion.-Beckner Photo .-----------------------------·I prwllnf la nec....ary to "'Pla ce hAll qu•llfled tor 11. p .. tntlng and them co nt In u o u ely, and old deco!"'9Un« rontnctors llcen,... br&nchllll ca.rrytnc "Pu"' ne1.rJy I i==~~_;;;;.:.~;:~;.:.::~...:=======:::;::;:"""";:::;""~ lhNUCh bearulg, ahouW be cut SPEAKING OF BEAUTY Get Shade Trees Usable out.. Plumii be&r trul.t J.n the ...,.,, m ai1nu ... a pr1a:it1 e:icc<!'pt Ule I •pun uau&l.ly bc&.r lonser. ~ thetr frulWig ahooll produtt1 for 10 to ll year1 Swut I Cherrteai TeqUir. •-pnmln& tha.n any other dt1elduou.. fruit. Apple• and ha.n e-n 11..l.o pr1.>- ! 'Garden Grove • !.~ .~?~~~ ~~:~~.!1~5.,!~.~~,.rn El to s t Jllant of beauty but In our clt7 Fllll. Cold ln dw:i. fn.ltt -.ch 7..r w1thout an a.nnu» p~. Appl9 •pun or-ec Ion e JUe •It mll!lt al.o be a h1&11 · A very .c.n.tsht trunk topped '1 Jy arlaplabl< pl•ol of ''""' ll by a br~d =•O<I <ro~ ,,,.,._ haa t o contend with .,r!Ofl'.(Y and actertu.. thfl Amer1can Unden for March 6 am oky air, bot pa vernent3, over-(Til!a .,mer1can.a). Thi• tree 11 head cablM iuid power h nea it It dacidUOUA, tut (l'OwiP.( a.nd m ay I la to runM.n a thing ol beauty. r.-cb 100 fMt. Jt. coualn, th• S ANTA ANA 1oc:-:s1 Vot-Therefor• when buy1nf 1hade Little Laat Linden, I• a 1malle!' en; ln the Garden Grove a r .. a w lll trt1t111 chooae a tree wh!r.h ca.n veTaion ot ll Ii '' to the polls Marcll e to cletPr· adapt to theee condlUona. Uprtpt IUld utrn ln ti. g-rowth mine 1f lh .. y arc to be 1n•·"rp"r· There a re many ahade tr~ habit the Amer1c&ll A•!\ !SOrbtU a te•1 Into 11 11J1.lh cl1t.19 <'ity. Ur · that c1.n bf1 gTQWTI 1ucceas!ully Jn Aucup&rt•) crow-frorn 1!1 to 30 •nio:e (_'r,unty'a l7Lh. (HWl'll and CHle• throughGUt Call· !Ht. lt·· decldJJOUll NW a. n.pld The rounty boeirt'I nf ~u pcrvi.-forula. U you are plarulln!J to J'"I,..•. ur11 Tuel'llay clo•ed • publ11 tie11 r-1pl&nt 1omt 1h.11de tre"• now In W hen you Ml~t the I.bade lTee lni: "" b(JU!'lcl&r\<!'11 1n<l ,,td.,red. th., bar .. root 11ea~n be aure to you want, a. cood rule to remem· U•~Y b•• rna tnlalned all ~urin11tted 111k your ri urHnn•n for th• ber Ill Lhe amaller tte• hu mo" I b1 p .. ut1nnt'n1 for l>t<'\lr1~•ntt1>1n 111.mt.1 ot the a daptabl<'I tree•. Ex· cha.nee lo aurv\ve becauat1 It with· !'~v1·r1tl re,1ue•ta f\11 .. ~, lua lon pl111n the growln1 condition• and •lands th• .-bock l>t tran11plantlng w .. ,.. apurne•I by t h., bo.1r<r,1 your nura.ryman can guide you bttl.tr ttian a 111.rrer tree, F or hot Th~ vote fur acr~p 1 1n l( bo1intl· to tre .. w1th pr oper .Ul'. &TQWth dry &.rflU the cautom11. ~•· ar1t.• a.• propo11ed by prr1n1(,\eni h•b1t and •peed ot inuwth. N o Uon of Nunerytnan recommend of thi" ell.\' and s11nrtlnni"•! hy t he dot1bt h!!'ll r.eomm<'lnd 11t1veral ot ~ AMI, K ulb.-ry or the Pillt.:.. Orane, County 8 oun cl1tr1e3 Coin-the followlng whl<:h the Ca.Utor -hlL Re:idy Mixed Cont: re le mJu!on w11.3 t our t" one. Super· ni• AllW!IO'e!atloo ol N~r.uyme.n To plant b&N root .tyt• ~ Yll!lnr c M . F~therly of S !lnta l'U((e11l . pa.I'• Ua. pl&ntin&' liliola 1M!'01'9 )'OU E c H, s Ana r11 11t th,. ,JL1111tontn1i.: vnt•• i·1"t 'Al.f,Y f;\'[;R(lRf:!:N pick otJl, lb• lrM• If poulbl•. I f W L you can't, ha" a. place to heel C. M. Woman, 57 Others Given Citizenship Crow1nK to a ppro:iclm•talY SO reet the Cttin•11e Elm (Ulrnu• th• lrMa and kMp Ow root. cov-REA.DY MIXED •red and moUt bG'oNI pla.nt lng. purnila ! la uaua lly eftr ST"«Jl t.l · CONCRETE l1 the trflN you'"e '**ted aren't though !t ml'l y drop Ila leave• for " •h"rt t1mt In cold Winter areu. pru.nld you mUAt prune roou oosif ~ ~·~1 Ila follllge 111 brlpt (l'Mn and •nd bn.nchoM bfltol'fl pl&.ntln&'. eon.abl.e baJa.be9 betwHn th• aiJle n1o!~ture th" tre11. w1ll do well· or Ula rootll and lh• al.&• ol thot au.~ ... A Call Time Can Save Plenfyl HARBOR 5330 DAY & NIGHT JETGLAS Tenmz 103 down Wakr Heat#Jr Salee · Service II ...-W • Plamblac • J'ltty-,.1,i;:;ht r,.r,•on' t rr•f!j ror· el.gn la nds \\'edrie~d11y .,.,.,.,. .. 113t· ura!l:ted 1n F< 1Sl'1S3lun nr Sup,.rior Court held In Santa Ana. College .(ymnaalum. grareful. lri <!'ilher dry hflllt or nirnciberln( to mainl&ln • ~ ~ a a.,. •jfii and Jt iJo con1paratlvely i.oo..-uv-1AL ....._ •d. ~'~''..:""~ .... :::~·~ ... ~·:.._ _____ .... ...!.!~::::~~~============~~~'."'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::"'::::::::::::::::::::! A a!ow·grower ta t U Golden· ra in tree ( Koelrente.rl& pullcula· •· LOCAL MAN PROMOTED Appolltlment ot W. r. NftllDn .. director of 11Llea ror Columbia· Southern Cbemle&l Corp. hu bflen .nnounc('(! by IC. T A9Piundh, p1"'911tdenL Columb!a-Soulllun ii a wholly-owned .ubeidl&ry ot F'Hllburg'h Plate Glau. Cu. P rior to hl• appoint · ment.., N •wton had aerved u mll.!lager of market reaearch 8.n<I de-velopm ent •lnc. 1846. Newton ta th• 90n ot Mr. ancl lofr•. Robe.rt C. N.wtoG. MO S&n Bernardino 8tr-eet.. Newport Beftch . H• Lt a crMlu a te ot tht1 Unlven1lty of California w1th a B1u:he- lor of &:Jene• <le(rM la chemllltry. 21,• New Meters in County Predicted by Gas Company. Jn lln• w ith conUnulnir growth A.nother major llein 111 S7 l:i,429 Included wu Mary Guadalupe Davila of Costa Mesa, forrn1rly of Mexico. 1'1ore than eoo look ed on u S u - perior Court Judge F"ranklln G- \Vest preftide<\ 8.t the ISPrvit·e. AU were adulla With tQe PX cep· !1011 or three m1nor1'. fonnerly of Ger1T111ny, now o f flrll.flge. Dr. 0 . C. Mc:"iaughton, director of the colle1e. and Don Bea 11dry, student chairman or th• program, repreaentM the colleKe ln brief tlllka. J .. J . Oantwork of tht1 U .S. Na t" ROBERT t1.1 whic h ree.ch•• ao ffft to an opeu atyle nr 1rowth, 1~ k dec!CI· UOUA 1U1cl rather lonr-llnd. "nle Ma.ldenhalr trH ' (Glnk(O blloba ) i11 a ta.II (TOWC', uua.ny re11.ch!ng 74 tee t. The only llvtng genus In !ta family It SJ'O"'I erect 11.lld pryam!daJ. l tll Ian 1bllped , ur11.llzaUon l!f>rv\ce alao played a rol• In \be. c;eremony. TI!& nt w clllun-each wu pr ... n\ed. a Uny Amt1rlcan fiag and ooplM ot the conatltutloo. Tea.n wera In the eyea ot many. FORBES Builder In th!• ar...-. Southern Count!u fnr rerla.cement of n111\n!'I llnd &er-PHO:'lo'E HARBOR Slot Ou Co. todlly nport<'ld It .xpecll rice&, reloca.Uon nr racilitles. ind I ~;:"""""""";:::;;::====:;:::;:::;;::~~;:;:;::;;::::;:::::;::::;;:::;;::::;::::;:::;;:::;;::::::;~ to add a. rflCOrd 28,000 new meter11 diatnb11tlon ay11ten1 relnlOJrcemenU, ]1 tn Of-anC• County tn ltM and hu Q\'er·all the ron1p:u 1y'11. 1966 bud· bud(eted a. whopping $15.012.916 et anti number of 111<"lCrft It ell-1 tor UI• ye&r to ""• Ii. local JlOCl• (O o:onne<:t 1!11rlng th11 yeu ,curtome.ra. "'''ent ntw r•r,,nl~ Numbttr of new mtter eonntc· The Sl9.6t 6,000 bud,l<'eted for lloM •cbedultd th1ll year la u p the year l• 22 ptr ·cent g re1.ter .000 ove!' tha 24,000 new meten tha.n lhe prevto1111 re,..on1 Sl8,000· which th• a:iinpa.ny expected to 000 !!let a11ld11 for pl11.nt budget ln add bet'll In 18M. 1906, While the totll l or 68.000 h ew I m1"tel1!I RChcduled for connection 'Ib4I bud&"et t or On.ngfl County Ill thla year 11 211 p<'r cent gre.ater ! by far th• l.arj'fft tor any ol .th• than t he 63.000 I'll"\\' n1eter i:on-1 sucompa.ny'• 9J&:htoper•lln.J d iv-. ....-.tJnn,. Of lW§!i 1-lona.. &COt'dllle to Division MM· I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; &l'W Ju.tin M , Kennedy, and. r~ ~t. neuly a thlrd of the ~'ATER llF:.-4.TF:R~ company'• enUNI J9ll6 bud1et o f SA.L'S UIYIC~ ••d •l'Al•S s1e.e.a,ooo. 0 J? II GI IA.rf'lll'l tt.rn tn th• o ranst1 (J'Ollr(/L.:J1.,.'".c,h,.,, .. old Collllty Ot'riaion bud(et. $.IS.1 •2,600, U tor connecUnf and ~ervlc l ng TE•l.4,.Sho!~ '~:,~:~N~_J~WN ne• c ustomen , Kenn~1y added. IAMEI D. RAY General Contractor & Builder MO OoMt Bl•d. 00&0N .&. DEL MAR PllO~'""E HARBOR t1h MAX W. POPE Inc. aDIDENTIAL e COMMERCIAL e tO'l BomA\•e. hilt .a brpt.. ..... ... l5lll O!:\.!:l.OPMEST Newport Beach Ube.ftJ' f-1l31 ' Build Your Own • Boat We Have SEVEN Different Plans FREE FOr The Asking • WARD' I HARRINGTON LUMBER CO. 3300 W. Coast l'f'91iway -Nt.wport leach I llurty 8-3411 'A hamburg~r~mre J/ ond ~ ahoaolote shok .' L ... OOllDON, AGZ.NT JMI ....._Blvd., N -.orl ..... _ X........ & O&OllGE It;-Jloa.\N, JM.I. ..... Al'- 1 .. L tlA St.0 ... 1-A.M -*;l J..alll • • ' ---___ .. __ --·-----------.....:.. ··-=..:=;==~ --_ ... _ ._.. I • .I '"" PAGE ' • l!ART I.-.NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Aslles, Flower Pok ----------------...;.;· -'-Polke 9'* loyl '°'"" 10 ,111 ~ •• :· "'"""" "" • , "~"· 12191 MONDi<Y, JANUA~Y 16, 1966 Pla)lii . W lsadin ACCIDEJ:'IT !l'!IJURES WOMAN .,."::"': :!:"':.. !':;.,;: ::;"':"" ,.::S~;::,:...~ :.=t.:!"'.:,.'",:.. ~ =r'" •• .. _.TODAY'S ··N. Y. STOC .. K-.. ~~ ... ~·..::a!.:H~~~<;,~~!~~~~ ... ~.;-a;_i~~s~~""=~~=-~~~= over the~ ot ...,.._,.,Wbo 11 .... \ol tw -· ··-laa. 4 .._ ~--IMlta AM. .... w. »-111 -~.'*._,.•••••ta... IMt!lli Xilit o..w-•-,<brrolli .t. "' .... 1Mea .cQaJ'n&' a PlllMACe ot --•-... -';.II----REPORT & COMM• ENT hlrwlt ta 0ae YlW!. o.... Dtbftll. n . W.. on Umd. t.o \are tr:. ~ ud ... ..,.NI front u.. Bcr1'9 ft•J aHe .. cw.a. tM two .,. lht-s ~ ...,.,.,.... ....aw ..... · 1en ' pLM:• ot, •• ..,~.t!J' .o.t ~ IA bell' ~ \ 4 --* wnh U.. "°"' .._ ~---.. ,__....,..,,. ~ bat aaoo. Q now... • •i.or. al 11, M'..arine Ave.-Bul befon .._,..,Bradford Jett Ho&C'Jlolplt&I Monday KJ'9. ~ la Q;lM rt ..... u.1-;:.;;;;;:::;;:::;:;;:;;:;;:::;:;;:::;;;;;:::;i;;::;::;::::;:;;;;;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;:; ' ' ' two ,,_... .,., ,,... -...,.a lh• told poUc. that on tw9 oc· Dibrell wu & pa.U•l tit.ere berHlt. ~ ,.._, a.. IMtltutlola. flo.. lfSW' ?QI\¥ NOON OOKIONT Chry•M.r ...... ·---.. ··--------... 80% ~-,... ot· ...,,. ha ff l>••UI ~ ... ,., D1'1NJl. ...iattin&" MN tram eo·-u, Ta-. Hot I I .. tM J'GqQf ~ • COXPUZD BY B. C. OA.RSIDIC, DuPont ·----········· .. ····-·--·--··-··-··· 223 duml*f ·fat.o bM', ear u ll wv strace ~.' 10.,.... ~k by Ml auto while lltM -. ......._ .......... llllt _,....... a.. Jrmtt.. D EAN WlTl'ER 00., 8.A.NTA Gener&I Electric -··-·····-·-·"· 66-'A. PM'ked tMclk ot tile book •lo re, ¥M:*I U.. ft.lcbard'• M&rlret drtv..._,.. 8b.e .un.r.t tn"•""-~'NA.--.A W.ak...t t«nnical nnal• ,.. ___ , ~-·--... •• ,,., the t•-N-. Oft n.., ... --~ , __ r-.....,_.... _.,...,.. • -,. ..... ~ "'" .......... ''"'° ...,.. which included a cul to the bone c.i. one Jes. EWLYW IS ~ wh.Sr.h """"'1ted from tM low May Co. . ____ .,, ......................... ,_ 4.2 •pin on ,,.,., 7, II E .-01u-N.ll)I" ot tat:. tut week N. Y . Centre! .. . .. ...... _ t.2'WI t..teitt ~ p&ttem ot U!oe mall· Kn, Br&dtord -.Id her motner-tn~law wtD have to IM II , _ com~ •Ith a Wall 81.HetJour. No. Amer1c-.n Aviation __ .!12 oi:ou.--m&.ecblet h .. chupd'. ·lld cared !or I# retum·now. , o y I,,_,,.,.._. ..... naJ articltl concun~ the lel· 8,afr: .... ay Btorta ........ -·-·· .. _,._. II~ ZubcJ or.-tt1,e , BaJboa ilal&nt1 nr. ----------------------------1 r;:n In a1,U.omoblt. produc::uon 11.lld So. C&I. Edi.on ... -·----·-·---·-· r>O % •H•llo n MJt1 on ·Jan. 9 an UA.lden.U-Boal ML....I loys' Club Plans Jaaed. pllll .. ~-ft&-pllb.. I ord•rs .--Wted In an {r~ PM:lflc ,,_ ~4.% ned JIWll(lll. · uu .. w • ttower pot iiWWW In 1111, 11b9 a&l4. -wu the ......it·ot' an ._ lar OJ*'lnS wttb price• drllUnf Standanf Oil of Calif ..... _ .. _ .. 89% Into tile walkway betwMn tta. ••":II OOUDtM wtth • imll• Whk:h her k>wer. Whlle P~•ure 1' not u pec-Union ou ot Callf. . .. ~3 ' Look .tOJ-e &net the Copper Kettle Mnv Have Fallen Archllrj Classes awted attackw u.-4 to· force tally h•YY uncertainty over the U. s . St1:1:1 _ • G•\4 R-ta\lf'WIL Another pot wa.· two-. -1 , tis lato..M9.eu. po.lltic&l qumJ(in 1' keeptnc buyera ken tn trdnt ot the rutauraat Off L I Craft Arehery e,,..._ will IM lt&rte<I ~Donna qaln denl.d 8UDda.:f that l6 the fidellnee but •lected 1 .. uu Saturday, he ald OCG _ •rain on Friday• at the ·Bo 1 I' .... -... Walkar prior to ~ ftl"at are meetlJ:I&' the KILiedown lllpport. KA ISER SEEKS Tbe -... peraon ts otUllpectllCI Club ot the Hu6or Ana at Colt& u,.,. M ~Y au.dted her lut 8HAU:8 •-ADY ln all t I A bc>at hand worklnl' on the M-. A llmlt.d nurn!Mr of -be-..., __ ,. • • ., our M lallcu, police ea7. yacht P ink Ck>u4. moortld at U do -_.,.._, 8ott goodit ~ are •teady In CofttlnlU!d from P1m ra~ gtnnera Will be able to atp up 8M ..n.tb lbe may haft t&lked lht. i;1 With Pennhuul• Ya~nchuraae, wu lbl• Fri.day at 3:30 p. m. to-blm "'a1oo.s with MVcral other regar .th.t t1ruga, uttll-d!•pc.111ng of the Sant• Ana River LEGEND AHEAD T'f!ported m\1sl111' at i :30 a. n1. U•, t obac<:oli &lllO favored due to Row_a rd Smith WUl be In charge people 1n thto room" on the day lbeU' t1efenaive n•ture w hile lndl-li!lnd." Mtytr reportelL 'The pro-B•tu rday. ot the Jr")Up. PrM:ue.. wtll be when Me~ for llOme publicity v&aual oil•, a.lrlln~ a nd •peelaJtlta P"rty va lue la •till going up a nd ~thl.Ded from nrat Pace f'ollce a re Investigating the had on the b&Hb&ll diamond a.t pjctu,.. In Banta Ana alter wtn- WE'VE MOVED ••• • ro -11...,...ii...pr~at 120 ·lndushial Way . Costa Mesa P'onnu f.oeatlca 2111 Newpo-rt 81"1.,. NflJ])Ort BMda • NOT!!: OUR NEW TELEPHONJ: NUllBEllS LIBERTY ~'7111 From 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. HARBOR 6138 From 6 p.m. to 8 LIL 24 Hour Towing Service OFt'JCIAL AUTO CLUB GARAGE aH ILi• twldlni-well. we don't want to move too tll-9t.." K 38 l)Offalblllty I.he nian. 1..u.LI Beatard, C011ta Mel!• Pa.rk. A rcberi may ntns & be&uty cont.cwt. __ 81nc• the J>rtMllt reducllon Jn ltt':TAIS f"AKCf:L .. Nymph running th i r d , 6t , ma y have fllllen off the era.rt bring their own equipment or ca.n .,I me.et a lot ot people 4urtns ~~!i.,"'tj!:_~(~u:~lo~ ~u~Ctu.b u., a.uto uJea p&oe LI expectM to Long-. time JJrk bOBrd mtm-l'iymph la a San Diep Ya cht Club 111nd drowned but indlcetlona are. uae t h1.t f\lmlahed by the Boye' my modallne job&. I eoulcln't pou- ba offHt by conaume r buying of ber Hugh b a vui euggeettd Lh11 L I en~ry. they 11ald. the boatman may have Club. lbly ~bar a.II of them. He AUTO REPAIRING ...i &ood., H lected luuea •uch a• approxiniately 2 iu:ree ot compar-owever, tht re hM been no re-l.:oft the Job ot hi• own a ccord. mad• no particular lmptt.iakm on NEWPORT AUTO WORKS ~m1can v i.co.. a.re likely to be 11.tlve.ly wH,1 1!<11.1 nea r the. river port fro1n the NH YC eloop A.lta-Own .. r Robert Vau1tia.n. 426 m• at lh• Um• • , . lloN anybody favored. Thltl oompany inMle an should bl: r"taint-d tn any clllle fur I mu , •kippe red by Ru.x. S(.•huh, 30th St .. t ul•I offl~r• th., m in Wallet Found think U I bad r.coplaed him e&eellent ellrt'lingl r«:overy l.ut 11 r8mp1ng 111l., •n<t archery r11111ge who, wh,n l!uit aecn. waa well up WllJI le.at 11et'n al.>Gard at ~:30 p.. m. Bill Covt tlt, ot Newport Beach that n ... t time I would ha.v• wait-,i,,,------------------------------------------,,_..,,.,------------------------,-J ,._,.and ~e ouUook •llj'geata con· io.nd U1 ~ OO•rd •greed. oun"n.-the ludcra. F'rld•y When he c h«lolM Satur-itre"t dep&rti'nent. f ound a wa.!-td a minute to •lgn a complatnt." tbJlatlon oJ a t le.ut the ea.me ratt Putcha.,.., <lf the Vi<'tnr111 St ( Ahead In CllWl.ll C h1 C'.ould day n1ornlng he fount1 t he cabtn lt't ln the Fun Zone Friday mom -'"FAN'TASTIQ" STORY la 1966. ln addition lht>re la ln· parJ.I 1111 .. w .. ~ ~ppr<>vt'<J bv 1 n ,. 11ddy'• •pukling n_. Y Como. il•>Of unlocktd and water epiu.hed. Ing. It bore the ldent!tlca Uon ot She addtd: "Ha 1tory !a tant&a· .... 1.ng invu tment recogniuon ~u i:> .. rvll•ur11 J1111t Ji',.brusry .. 1 11 Santa Monica Ya cht Club. She I• around !n•ldoe Ule csbln. Bclbbie RApJ,.. at Santa Ana. Po-Uc-It juat lm 't true ••• and thl' Wng give.JI the com p~y-11 •h•ni rv&t r,f SJ.1 iZu frf1m SAndy F and " i::utll'r Aah Bcwn's C&rouael, B"ina rd, d,11Cr1bed iu heevy llce lnfonntd the owner. thing Lhat &hocked m e w u how 91 undatrJbutad ear 111 n g , 11 r ~ayb<'l l H .\t ll.<'K!'l ,V The ''flll!rer l r1.1tter, SDVC, LI rtpqrteo:l 11econd "'°t and wet1rin1; Navy blue cloth-quiet ant1 ce.lm h e wu dO""'ll at c..m.tra.nd. R.iatJvt1 to coinblned I r1t!Jf',1 rou· SZolWl ,.,,,.,.,.11 an•1 thrr•· 11n I.his rl1t11~. 1'dth Moana . ~k1p-l 1ni;r, ln•etl at>oarr1 the bna.L F'tMlce the police •talion_ \\'hen hfl ce.n1e aamln,-. whJch .,.0 e•llnieted &t,. '>ea rly P"""'""\~ beg 1 nn1ri ~ n ua p..r-::-d by Bill V<:>g,.J. Voyagel"lll tsau1 all hi~ ()othing v.·1:1.s millll1ng. IJcycle Theft •l m e tn the hol.llle th1tt night he M n.t• ap pea..n v ery reu.onably yea r. I Ya.cht (.'tub, ut third 1K>pL 1111r!1tatlng the pou 1ln1lty that J . Bi-eiffmeyer of lli Vta Or-w ... tarrtty1.ng. I t hought he wu priced with the potentia.J QI/. •n l..'rod1t for 1!\J1lJgat1iig thf rw-Btst.n1 may have lf!ft unharmed Y1eta Friday mOf'nlnc repor ted cft.n nul\Onld ,,._.&er of hovural;le operi!.ll\'" p•rlt 11cll'l•·l t .. nd 1111r·i-F or tt1e ttnut In Coinmerc1a.J &!I nd ot hla ow n •ccord. lhet t of a three quarter •tu d&rk llJ)l.C'Ul&tlV• t.ctor. 1 ··llaioe!I l((><;.f 11, th" ~1 .. ~,. ~, 11•.,,l Pnntlng l'all ltlltbor 1616. J ob [ 'l'he Karbor J-...t.rol WIUI nohtted r..i bicycle, Yalu~ a t $60. New· (..'OJUU:CTla PHASC h"&rd 1u111 :'lup,.r1nten·h·11l ~'.v •. ; .. 1\ Prtnting OepullntnL of lhe dlae.ppea.rance. hUWf':Vt!'. port Beach poHce repon• •how. AJ thoup th• .. rly •elllng may Ilea, The 10</l•10! dlalrl• t h"I'"~ to ...Wt In a .nc-h t rally we fee.I that ! turn uver ~ '"re~ of tb.. \\'11.•"n U.• Jl.& i.-tn a eon'ectl'1,. ph~f' Sl So·11r-..,1 property tv t h•· 111.ik -.nd b uytng-can beat be a('<.,ompl!ah· b<>11nl A-1 eyrn1_,<a1,1 lllf p>1rk h.,~1·11 ed on we&Juiee.. 11!1KJ ,,. cun.•t<!e1 inf: Jlurr tu1,~e pf z Dow-J-1 p.m. A Yf'r&(eoi or :1 ar r"a frutn Irvine ,·,,, tw~hle 18 lndl.llrt.ri&.l9 ---·-'178.18 off 362 thf'. 11"'"'' Upp<'r Ba,)1 !k_•hr~J I 111\\• 20 Raia ---l Ml.99 of t 16'i l){)AHIJ ... A'flS l-'l l';IJ ltl UUllU.. -··--63.M3 otf .18 ''Evero:ll H.t'a 1a .1111ll11f11·.! the l p-,,...._ l.110,900 park boa.rd and a.ch0<1l 01"t1·1r,:l <'lln N-YoJflr l p.m. Mtock Pr~ l'OOpt'r&\t' on lnnd pur'<'h11"'-'" 1n A.matlcan T•pbooa ---· ·-·· 180"% lhl• manner." Meytr.!I !ald. "A111.J Anaconda -··---------------69':4 the whole park board 111 .. 111hu""d Too Late to Be Clauffled at the pro.ipeo::t. Our boundion .. • are approitlm•te\,Y Ule ~&'"" &S the llC.hool ctJ1tr1ct. thtrefo1e thr t ame taa:~yer• are 1nv<'ll ~•«I Thia mean.e the Uut n1oney ci.n ~ r:qult.ab!y dl1Hrtbute.1 a nd Klve the taa:p&yer ot ~u b I• 1u1e tor hill mon11y." M t)'t-r a pulnlfl<.l nut tn.. park d•atnet c11.nnot buy 111.n•I 1l h11.• to pay tor Rt the Un111 "' purcha.!le t T he nioney hat to be ob\•1111.,.d Open Bowling All Day Monday thru Friday Open Day VAN'S Starting All & Night Night at 9:00 a.m. Friday Bowling & Saturday Sundays BOWLING L?ST -Female cat, White •ith m11rklnt'91 Lac' wtth name "Mart ta". N•r Carnat ion. C. D. M. C AL.L Kl 1-8206, i •.m. tc> 4. p.m. Ot' 211 SL.~ PIMle, Newport Bee.eh. IS8clO l'hat a tht rta.aon w .. would h.avl' pe to buy t he !and fro1n '"-1n1tun,. like BlU.. KLOTZ. Mgr. :ron1. t he neitl y.-ar'" t<U<ea.I 1703 Su rtor, Costa ~les-a, --------------l l rv!ne who ell.fl ea t tor a y~&r or --~ ---- Liberty ~3Z92 t9---Haho w .. tied two .,..hlle we'r• 11aylng f c,r il," ---'°'~---------·I Mt yera u.Jd. EX PE Rlll:NCH:D oook, lll'hl hOU•e kflepln(, Uv• In. F a.nilly ot 0. top NJ.a.ry, rel. requ!rtd, Ha.rbor l &.!17. M cGO When Kal"'r obtain11 t he coun- ty coumr:I;• rull ng, Mf'Y+'r!I eaid. another park b o a rd 1n aaung wOUld b• cslled to <'on111de r th e --------------! cooper1tlve 11hlft. UNIVERSAL console gu range. Good (l(llld, Twin bed 11et, frame, 1prtn,p • m.attre~•. C~l evee. Har, 1719-W. ~c60 l2--l'araltare tor Sale Juvenile Booked TRUCK CLOSE-OUT Private -Police • MERCHAN T PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CAU SECURITY COMMERCIAL PATROL Kl 2-7027 s ONll TWIN Bl:D, compl•le $3-0, D~ wtU!. mirror $30, Ht ~k dlalr 'ltl, Kenmore w ringer A 17-year-old Ne .... ·port Beach Juvenile wa• booked Into ;all a l 10 . 18 p. ni. Frida y on &n intoxi-1 catlOll charge. P lckr:d up at Park &n d Marlne Avea., tht boy told I of!lcera ht had t wo quarts of bter I purchu ed for , him by a aallor. f'olice rele&aed lhe y outh to h i• p&re.Jllt. UP TO -*la&' m.chlne $20, coffff f";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, t.abl• 6: I end tablu. a.II for $20, .n. ... •t ove s~. 7 way !a mp stand P. -LI 8-• 183. !;8plj() SAVE SA~ELY ON TON CHEVROLET PICKUPS ' AT let WNG DISTANCE keep fam ily and friends close to you 'Yplca l low frorn New rotes New York c· P:Jrt Beach Cleveland rty , . . $2.00 Oa//11.1 ••• • • • 1 • .90 Seattle . : • '· • · · • . 1.50 s1~11111 10 ~n · · · ' · · · · 1.Js m1~11tn "tlf ''11!:1, llllt 1111:1 /1 6 p.m. •eel.O"fyJ .~ '~i 1•1. ,01 J En/oy 0 lo. 'I i1ra,r Sun.:111 "" ~ ,.. . tonight h , un'°" )" ,.,.""- @ .Pacific Telephone YOUR LOCAL ·- BLIP J'OR RENT on Penln•ula 9ft prtYat• dock. Call Har. ~41!-0. 66tfc Oldsmobile Dealer MILLER CHEVROLET CO. II lb9ieal, Radio, T V ftANO pi.ayer. Baldwin, ma.ho«· apst appr..i .. r r eported UOl':l-._t i-aJ quailllet1. Good -.lee-'*-rolla. HYalt 4-3773 evee. 68cGO 12 CHRYSLl:R Saratoga. WU! nu.DE l)QUITY for TRANS- PORTATION CAR. See ·~ 106 .Mont. Vitt a. day a. U 8· 7372. "'"'' II Kl:RC. MoQtclaJr, black, wHh tatn. ~ LI 1l4'673. Mp60 ! ='!'!':·-ooaoNA DEL MAR. 2 ~room • .... -spaclcua, tully carpet· )d. Garb. d1'p.. Dldlmulel". ~ p&Uo. OCltA.N voi::w . bu Har. mt-w. a&-&0 -· 4'•---..t.plll. tor Real At Orange County's Institut ion Leadin-g Home Lending CONTINUING TO PAY PER ANN UM 'l'URN. BACHELOR APT .. clean, ocean View $tlO mo. lnclud. utll. Ttie.rly -Har. 18741·W. Mc ALL ACCO UNTS J!!51~8!! .• !!.,.:!!.0!_!a~Ottlceo~~---\l INSURE D UP TO $I 0,000 BUllINESB BL.DO. -Center of ea.ta M..._ oppoell• new bank wtdhtc. On• room J20xM feel, I oatce roorGt 20130. Ll 8-898&. llS<Ot PAlllS ·RIDLEY MOllTUAltY fjlll ........ .,. -Co.ta ..... t -,sz .,... UW"6 • A ll Accounts Opened On or Before The I 0th of the Month Earn From the I st LA .GU·NA FEDERAL SAVINGS • LOAN ASSOCIATION ''' ~ ...... ,,._, RI' 6-Ufl LAGUNA llEACH #8!9 .:-.:-738 ;;S26 #884'1 #'tll :845 -#8411 it86.") #862 #777 #75:l :it7'4 #886 #784 :::MO i:c852 #IOI :<8&1 :t:-751 .:t:-71 2 ::8·11 ~todel ~~ Ton P. U. Y.: Ton P. U. Yi Ton P. U. Y..: 'r on P. U. ~ 1'011 I'. U. !t<i Ton I'. l J. Y.: T on P. IL V,i Ton P. -U. hi Ton P. U. Y.? Ton P. lj. ~Ton P. U. ~ Ton P. t l. Y.? Ton P. U. Cameo Y.! Ton P. U. Y.l Ton I'. LI. !~ Ton P. U. ·'Mo Ton P. U. :r.t Ton Stak~ II. f)_ 2 Ton II. 0 . Z Ton Color ' Dark GreP.n Dark Uroon c. Red 0 . (irN'll Ivor}' I Bei_i::r, c. Red lvor}'/E . Blue- C""'m lv/C. Red Beige Llght Gret>n Li,'1:ht Blue l\-'/C. Rfotl C. Red/lv-011· lfU'k Green c. Red Ught Green Dark Blue Ught Grtto Ll.i::ht Blue Dark Grtt"n Option• None Nooe •·oam f'oam f'oa.m f'oam Fo&m Full window Full window Full window Foll window Full -.tndow Full WW<>w Full wl.Ddow -Auto Trans. FuU window f·oam Full Window Auto Tran•. Fnll window Full window C..'ust. C.b WAS $1857.16 1857.16 1901.76 1894.SI 1912.•t VII 650 6 ply n-2077.76 vs eu.~ Cab 2122.116 HD Comm. 'J\re8. 2045.76 V8 Cu"t. cab chrome 2 146.3L V8 • 2209.01 Bumper 1926.96 Cust. Cab 2211 .0l Chrome 2018.26 8' Bed Foun 8' Bed Foun 8' Bed vs t•oun Full window Full wiDdow vs 2333.!16 1938.<16 2045.86 2001.26 2066.75 f<~oam Dua 825 TlrN H. D. Sprtnga & Engl11<> 825 Tiree IL D. Sprinp & Engine 154" w. B. 112" w. B. 2196.70 3136.SO 3197.90 ••• NOW SA\'!: U581.16 $806.00 1581.16 806.00 1592.76 309.00 1584.70 SO!l.00 1600.41 312.00 1729.66 348.00 1749.96 373.00 1704.76 341.00 1781.Sl 865.00 1889.01 310.00 1612.96 ~1 4.00 184-0.01 371.00 1680.26 338.00 1949.96 384.00 1620.46 " S18.00 1708.86 34Z.OO U168.26 3..'IS.00 1715.15 Ml.00 1814.70 382.00 2.5.53.SO 583.00 2600.90 697.00 ~ . •Alf Tn1('k ~ Equljlped "'~th Dual Ek<clrie Wipers, Dir. SlgnaJI., Dal Vl80rs, and on ¥.!-Ton Pick UJ18 6 T\1'98 We are Save up closi ng out to $100.00 our e11tire more when using stock at these outstancllftCJ savings ta you on Trade-in~ gladly ' f •• oui low, low GMAC terms. use your financinCJ or ours. • Memo : ~ Add another$ ~00.00 t o your savings on ""Y of these pie~- ups , "s o~r fa ctory ha' just notified us of this incre.,se effective January 5, 1956. si gned Miller Chevrolet Com pany N ewport Beach a fint come accepted, you basis. may Nobody but, nobody, can make you a better deal on Chevrolet or Oldsmobiles than your local dealer, Miller Chevrolet Co. ' MILLER CHEVROLET CO. • 1000 W. Coast Hlway NeWJMlf' leach u S..2261 , .. ' • • - , , ' . I • .. ' • •. I .IOISTS REALLY JUMPLN' -Above, Guard Gary Green 1 l8J let• Oy against San- ta Ana Saint.a aa George Ma.bee t32J cuta acros1:1 camera while, right, Paul Lorent- z.en (24) hu al 1t, 1n each case to the absolute amazement uf the Sailors' Sunsf'l League tivala. Below, Gene Hubbard !211, or the junior varsity Tars, get11 into the jump shot act agairuit the Santa Ana JVH. -Staff l>botos I RAMBLERS ROMP TO WE STMINSTER WIN "' t · ..... 1 .. \1 ....... •l··f.-11 1 •• 1 111 .. ~ ... 1 )ol,.,.,,.n1 .. n1 "' \\'r·~t1Hln!~t1·r 'tt -Jd Ill nri I H u11,·1· t ·.,,,,I!\' CYfl Son1!tu1u D1Yl<..,n 1.,,.~ kelhodl i;; a rn .. \\'eoln"~·1••} Th" tr .. y lvo k p l••i.." 111 H111 · IX•r J:uy~· l'lll b i;) n1 l'lf111rkln1: the :.1 ..... 1 H11111li ler' ""•• 1:,,t> gl! 1:1·1 with 11 pt11nt1 Ulh.,r l•M'l!I M'(Jfll'll<: WIUI oiHt)•• h \' J 1t11 .\!• ~'"'"'" 7, /tl1 h11 1•! l ,J""•J!nl> I •tn! U ill h: .. n l'!"tl': i fo'rtd•y tht' lt~rnlili·•., f11.. ,. St Ann .. ~ l•I ~~n t.1 Anll 1ot M11l r r !lo I H 11<h S111,,,,i SLATE HARBOR ~o~ BILL PHILLIPS, Sports Editor .. Anaheim Knocks Over FuHerton Tangney dropped In a With nve .econda to rUgbl to sin. th• onl•t. • hea.rt.-1 lnr :)2-41 v\c- tory OYer ~ r!X>n'• l.Dd.taN. Playi_,. betONI ...., O•trflow ---------------------------·!crow lo th• OolonJ.U' ()'m, >IEW PORT t-;/, ,J:QR. NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 T ey'• •hot r:am• alter Roy I •verui' mlued rre. throw with MONDAY, JANUARY I b, J 956 -~ •lrht MCOn<ia te r o had -ml.al'· ------------------------..,.."--llY ,.,.t th• cam• tor the horn&-- 'BUCS HEAD FOR CHAF:ccv:; :f!.~:::. w:,,.:u.'."":;. ~ 9COf"tl chans1nc b&.l:w1a t wiee be- DR op FULLERTO NTEST '"' A n&hMm mond ..,,_. to • ll·i ttr.t quuter IM.d. l'\Jllerton ca.me bl.ck wtth· a A 11 •·Vl'll in Ea.stem Co rence sta.ndinga wit h one v1(·tory 11.i;a1r1sl iiru.' Joas. 9"fich"'Stu lnman1s Orange Coast C<i llt·i;c l 'iralcs haJ tC'i<fily sha.kcn of( the 70-66 j olt de- b\'t·i·ed by cage fa rite F'uUerton F'rid.ay night and were 1r•·;ody r"r t•·•n•"r 'nl~ht'.'!I jour- 1 \\', .. bl'r a nd Mlke Bl!'aC'h, the Hor- """ 1 .. ~·!11&fl •• . rourl , nt'l triumph enabltd lhen1 lo \\'ilh u.-fo,,1· F 11z111ttrlr k. tht brt'•k fl two-ram ... IOfllnl' 11trt'.a.k. v•ngence In Ui.• M~nlnl' of th• IM!<Xlnd period. to rack up n!nl! .tralghl polnt.. a.nd move ahead. 18-13. Tha t wu the pattern reel O( th!! COfltl!at. High point honor1 were llhared by Kent Pembroke and Rocer1. -.ch of whom racked up 1 e polntA. Tanpey "tallied 14. whlht l"UIJ.erton'1 Mar• h a 11 Stenton made 11. CROWN ·CtlOICE HOSTS TAR FIVE TOMORROW "· • C...b Juloo Gap la tlopendlng upcD hlll Newport ff.,. .... High School v&nity Sailors ab•klnc oft the letbarv that _....'to grip them In their Sumet Leocuo opener lut week when the Tan tip ott qatn.t crown faYOrlte FWlerton Already, lb a t pr• • eeuc:c awarded k>op crowu bu bloom• lanliabed. The lndlan.9 C'Ql by Or- IUl.I• ~ ta, lbelr open•r. then wve aurprlalnglJ edged out l'r1- da1 nl1ht In Ana.helm whfln th• Coklnifl.e nabbed a beart-etop- plns 63~1 lrtumph. Had tM Tara made.a balt--1 C'2Wiltabta M<IWin&' aca1n11t k>wlJ Sant& Ana., they would nt• l'ame fa'nlrtte afa.lnM t he Tr1be. But alUK>u&h th• Ooba prnered I.he wtn 43-31. the offenae atumb\ed and atutteNd. Th• Tu• "'•Ill have to niturn to the form ••hlblted a pln•t D celalor and Lo:Yola to- m orT()W lf lhfl)' are go01ng t o top- pla the P'UUert.on five. ln tbh .econd conr erenee out- ln1 for t.h• Goti.. C•te phU•• to •tick to Ult1 atartlnir ilnl"up ht' aent apln•t the Saints. For the F\.r.ll•rton tray Eddie Pope wt!! I><' at eent er. Paul Lort'ntu:n an<I O.Orire M•bee a t rorw•rtl• and Oa.ry G reen and Dava Tiunura 11 parcla.. P ope hu been ln a tem- pof'U)' &lump, but Gat;e hope& th1!I wtll bl t h" iram e In which Udl• will •tart eu.l.Il!' In th~ batch• ot bucket.. a .ira.!n. o.pite hU ..iuntp. , Popa waa lone membrr or the Sa.iktr• wl\O reirt1tflrM rrt\re than one field goal In the fir•t halt aga.1111 l San- ta Ana.. He ma d• two . But LI took / Orange-Arc;io Sc~ ORANGE. 10CN~ -Ora.nre H lgh School ~t~ Garden Grov• in Jun}OT "'\lar1!ty ba.lke~baJl e2-n Friday. But th• Arra B'• nud.o/fu Panlhera li-30 wbil4 ~ver C 1 won 3~-20. MARINE INSURANCE --()abcu·--ron-. ae.l.t}' Oo. ins w. c-t Hts•-1 ~~~LI~-~~ ._,_ 'OBNSTONE'8 Mesa Allto WNCken UMd A.ato P.n. ... .._._ 2075 P1accntia Ave. Uberty S.1011 Cotl1a .. _ LIDO sHoPs APPUANCJDI -B- P&rtll -Dea.Ju -sunc. UDO ELE<mUO MU VLa UM -S..... 47tl a tour pe.J ..,...., by LorenU- t.n tha thtn1 quarter lo luck the Wt awa1 for UWi Tan. Th• Goba ballltme laad waa buely notlce- abl. -10-lt... THIRl'I A• •IW S'i arkle p,,,,, O• THI WATIR \\\s I \ < I ~ I I I 'OHNION'S NIW ffOLIDA.Y llONII llA·HOISll ' Th•1"re , •• ,.,, Th•r t'--1 The ...,.. ''6 S... HorM1 nylecl iD Holidriaf Brome a.od Spray Wb.h:&. C.Ome lo e.od '" tbtm.. Nloc put aew model.a _,to 'D hpl South Coasr Co. Newport Blvd. at. 23rd St. Harbor Z600 Johnson ... ' ... , ........ ' . ' ' ' ... " CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY FURNITUBE DIC& KA.Qm WO Via LWe -...,.._ USI Oll'T &BOP JUOIU.AD"ll UDO llA&DT Ur.II Via U.. -..,._ 1U1 ~·,..,,.p.,r· /Jhuli •r fl11~h . .Kll rtng Thl11 lefl I.hem w1lh 14 vlc:tortea th,. i>i nP !.~ 1n .i .. a 1h. the. r .... h fllll:'11in11t thrt'.e lo.11e11 F or th• 1 n g Hue" y,. ,.,. th• ,.. t11tm p fl!. v-Pira te11 It ...,.... tou rth et bade I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I oi'll"l!I 1111 th,.1· <·f'lU1'1 h11,n1!lt1. Ftl%l ag11 ln!I! 13 win1, two r everaal• w11.lkP•I .,fr "Hh ~""'~ h11o:h 1JCUre lc:on>1 nl( at the hsnd11 of Fullerton. AUTOMOBILE DEAIJ!:RS New and "1..i1 Can NICK:Ell'l'Z 8TVDEB4 Ira .................. INSUBANCE AQl;ND TAR HARRIERS' HURRY ATOP.-SJJNSET LEAGUE N~Harbor High School's brilliant cro11s country 1tquad ,,.....umed ita natural unoppoee<I position a.top Sun.set ~e dual meet •landings when the Sailor ha.nien1 romp.. ed,..over Garden Grove'• v&r11ity 22-39 a.nd the junior varaity 17-11 on U.. r1n.l COUJ'M -ryaur.- day a.tt.emoon. The tr1umpb pv• the Oob gupen Ulr" vtctoriea ap.lfl3l no ~-ta In the 1oop and extend- ed thtir dual wtn aketn lo a.n am UlllJ' 37 1tnl1rhL It wu BIU Pl&'&' all the .,,.,. fOf' the "and~y ninner11 ... he ,.et a noew Arirunaut record for the Mort 1.7 mJl• route in ?:tlT .8. PN'riowi record, accc:>rdlnl' to Oa.rden Qron lll&U.UC., WM 8 :~ 01.I. Bob O>clptt ol th• AfTo.t ..... eecond In 1 :06. Otia Boline third In l :U . llonte Weaww ot Garden Oro,.. tourtla and att.w Ul.at came four TU11. They were Suna4!!l 1-- (11• record tloldtnir IA.rry C...tro In 8 :18, Randy PHlar In 8:19. Jeri Htlllard In 8 :24 and George Hood ln 8:38. Bob Sh.annori of th• rtv11..J11 n11.tlbe<I ninth ah•ad ot Auc1• 0 •- troek l'• 8:U . Chris C a rcia I.ct UI• Ooba to Ylrtory In the J V go In 8 :211, ln.l!ed t o th• rlntah line by lNm- mate.a Ruftfl Ptrley In 8 :3:1 and AndNI Riou In 8 :37. Tall.In& tlnh through tanth fC>I" the junlor Sail- or• wtoni Bob Van Slckl•, Bob O.LDnir. Darrt11 Hart&hc:lrn, Orel' Hu.ghM, Gary Fol!lL and o.rry Noira. DID YOU KNOW A -1111MM de111-tratloe ride in a '56 Clllrysler • ..,_ .. ~ w• c- 'flllce '°" tllat YM'I be eatldled W1tll leu7 hon.,rs with ~~ 1"11111~. 1no11t o f th<'m on lonl! set shol.'!1. Pl11.yed betore 110me lft-00 fan. S1111rk••i! t"· lt1P 11ho<''•f1nl! of Gil !n the new Hornet IYm, lht pme - 1 1111 w the Yellow J11ck~t11 ataylnir ~1u111• 111 ~··Y.:1,.rt 111,r bot !Ugh u1 th,. 1.,ad n1o&l of the .,. .• v Web- high ."<'h<>?J..-A qu 1n l"t~ 1un111ht tn ,~,n··••I i.:yn1 1"1'1 v• .. i1nr•'\llV er pll<'t'd the Yl('\or.11 with 1e tt:.e So · Cluh ~1m, •I ''""" nn-1r,,11 ,1.1 the 11:0 111.,1 1toy1,. Club point~ Nt>Rl S toner niade 1 ~ fo r not1 <I by A lhl,.11• !11•"•1flr Huo! 1 ,.1xt to i:rnd('r,, ,:111•.'~\lnl( Huntlnl(!nn l MLlll11.n Hea• h h v a n •iver••ihelrn!n>( 40_~ lhfl H•irnet.. while B each connect- \.','l!ClnrAth1y' al .'.I 11 1n tnt Bo y1<' rn&rl(in It I:"' ... th•· lor111 1111\11 ed lor 8 Beach look Ju11t •I• Club ffl'"nlh io:r•d"r.11 lip ,.f f fh><t )J ilh'P 1n lhl' O tHnge C<1unly i;hut, 11nd made good on rour, au again.Ill Ulfl Santa An11. l..ttthrop l..1'8).:U" In the f irst hall, Junior hl('h quintet on the M~ll. Brv11n Ll-wl.11 11 n<1 Tnm Bry1t n j;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 11 followed by a Kame ~lwetn 11 t op1ie-I .'<1'oru111: for thf" Ylctor1 A '1. At 7 p. n1 Wt>'1 n1"1Ml11 y, thr WPrr l >,.oru.11 l'11rpentl'r ·I. Gary :::;;' ~DEil L&lhri)p five 11n•1 thr t1Li.:h 11<;'hool "''i!n 8 )H.nnt 11 ··11ch. Other at«H'l'r11 ~ Boy1' Club Ooublt'-A cRgtrs h111·r g~h•"'ll'.~ ~-.. nll Davi" Ro~~. Lyn f""::..... • n out ... 'Ith F'ull1"1ton In lhf' h~lll l CRl''ll'I, Jrol ll••UAtnn J()hn 1•1rrt111.1 - gym. B<1h :'\'()1!1J1, ~like 7'l cC11r!y Steve SOUTH COAST CO. M••h". "I•• y.,, s,.,, l u •••t< '"' .. ~ .... .,, ...... ~ ...... Result~ of prellmin11r} Rllnll" to Harpl'r ioruJ D~nni111 l'errln, •II I !Srd & Newport Rlvd. ;·;·;·_,"';;:;";';''~l~<~O;•";"':;:·~~b:M::.:k:•<~b:•~ll~-~·><~1~>~2~n:>•~>:k~,.~··:...:·:·:•:h;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~::::::::::~ "COTTON BOUCLE" BROADLOOM CARPET 4. 95 Sq. Yd. N.,ten VIKOH ' ' ' . J . ts ytl. Wool A.Jm1ll'li11e,. .4,95 ytl, Wool Ny~l'I 1!.Mh 5.95 ytl. U .... ,11ru1 Do•0<•U•• c.1 ... , , ... reu• ~ .... , MATTRESSES Innerspring Mattrne. ACA 1'kk Oftl7 -·' ...• HOTll. UANO OHlY , .. , •... , , 2495 ,. ,.., ····••t.o FURlllTllR£ • lPPLUllO£S I Tn "AT ntl P'llCB YOU WNff TO rAY- If y~ kno .. II•• fot rti. Pf''"· ............ Artid• >'" with tr. purcl'loN , , • .,_... a ~ ,!; , i::.',J -r --• , . -. .. , MOST MAKES & MODILS COMPLm HOMI PVIHtS... NO DISCOUNT CAlDS ,_. TR& VERSE DRAPERIES ...",... lt·r.R WW... o.tJ ··-········-··-···· .. MSAOIM• ...... ,.. ...... f-I T!llMS WEST COAST DISTRIBUTORS 1206 NOl!TH MAIN, SANTA ANA JO~BERS & WHOUSAlfRS KIMIOI. 'I' 7·2361 ..... '"'Im • 1416 Newpel't BIY .. -Bar. llt BANKS BAak of A-* NT & SA 144' Via Udo -ll&rbor l6'0 BABBER SHOPS WDO 81lA VDIO l(_UO la Bl.dwell'• 8tof'e '°" .. _ ld8 Vla Ude! -B&nor llN BE&UTY PAJILOlll!I UDO S.U.ON 01' Bm&trr1' 1410 N,S. llmL -Dar. 1111 llOOll.8 llOOll"OAD 1'11 Via lMlo -llArlMr' MM C AMQAS. 8applee VINCKNT LIDO oauoe Mil Via U4o -............ • OABPETS A DRAl'DllE8 Dia& MACm tut~ l'ds ~ &IS8 O.\TElllNO IUCllAllD'8 LIDO llA&l[ft J.&U Via Udo -Harbor ut8 Clothlog-Cliild.-. a Waala IEJll'8 ciT LIDO NII Newpar& lllYd. OLO'l'lllNO -.._ •• Betaa BIDWELl/8 &llOP FOa Jl'.E.N 1611 va.. Udo -~CINI CLOTBING-Wome.'a 8etall .... ...,.., ... Vt. ••'•p ........... 11 LIDO FAABIONlt Mll Npt. lllft. -.llartriM' llTl ........,..,.... MU Vla Ude -........ "1'1 VAGABOND BOUSE Imported Bportawear Kii Tia 1.11611 -llNhr ,... DANOINO-IWlroon IUJlfO llTUDI08 ""' Tia otiw•• ...... -· DllUO 8TOllD vnr<JSNT'9 UDO muoe , .... """ I.Me -......... EUOOnUO OONmAaroa LIDO~ MU Via I.Me -..,._ '"' rLOWEllll 1UC11Aau9 LIDO ••am ~.-::.. ... ~ l'OUNTAIN. GRDI. YDf<SJlfrW UDO Datl'09 .Mil Tia u.69 -........ W. 0. BUCK. IMO. ... Via &Me -_.., MM 1NTE111011 D.xx>uroa lllA.NOIDD rt7LllSaaON .&..LP. MllVta.U..-..,._Mll DI(.'& ll+cwwa N.HV\&UM--'-... DON O&&IGBTON .&. L D. .._. ... ,.... 60t "'-Mlllap-.... .., llAB,ICEl'8 &1084 _,,.. LIDO ••am MUVS.U..-~- UAL E8TA1'll: P • .&. P••MW& DfO. llllMU.-.._...llM VOGEL OOllPAlf'I' NH vi. LAM -......... an BAI' AND u•m ma&Ln' v•u..~om. llll i.r_,.... -...._. "" LIDO UA.LT'I' •MOOl4TP. Lido Bal• • Ralatai. NM Via UM -~ MM SA VINOS A WAN A880CJIADON8 ~ M14C)A.&AVllSGI • LO.AX ~·nOJW A. llaytnp I-utau. I.on&' T.-m Home i.... .... Vlra u.. -_....., 6111 !IE&VJCE 8TADOMI UDO........, MU 1' ....... ..._..,., W'f !IROEll--• BmWEU.'8 BTOa& roa KS111 MUVa.LWe -...,._ .... llROl!l!I. WOKEN · auufe or o.u.m>a>nA Mlf Via 1"011 BAo ... l'l[EA'DlQ. LIDO nnr:•TILI! ec...lt t.ltl9 ....-rw pro1rr1m v .......... lf_...n llml. _,.,. l'OYB UDO 'l'OTLUtD .... Via U..-.......... nLl.VEL AOl:NOIDI •• •909 DAVEL AO&JlfC1' NII ••x.-a •ot. BM. NU VPBOUrrmllfO Dim IQ<Wp ... TiaU.----- " .ll'Cll aEPAJa TillfODll 8 WA.%al m'Am LIDO---~ nu""' A AUIUll.8 os•••&DT 9'l'UDI08 NUVlo,_"D __ • "1IQlOW ODVDllllO - mu•gw_. .......... ~ .• ' ... • ' • .. .. I .. ... ·-. " I"',.. .. _.. •• • PAGE 2 ·PART II -NEWPORT HARIOR NEWs.tRESS lt-T~. ··--llelp "lit!" _. ... --'• •• MONDAY, JANUARY 16, lff6 , I' L~Y-~ •-=-• -"", .... ~..-a1a. ii.~1.-.. tlilatt ••,_ JJ.Y.G..... ")OU Ill ....,... ...t -' OD?t.., -..... ,.. °'9' .:r:.. JwltJ .... ..... ~ °""" 21 .,. ..... ... ~ aiDCAlff ri'U&; -· ....,, .. ,...,.,. 'p -~ Yotm0 ,._. ......... , --.aT1*. • 11111' ._ 1.;ne-. l')li9111p1& ~ ,_.cu ............. a ,...._ w.n _,.. .._.-.---. WAAIUHOIOll, DA -.... .,--. tvr ....... ......,. .. 1 ~ • a '8 lit. ..,. ~ tll ~ •»» .. , tw •,,.. ~ •-• • t lOI.. ratttw D Aii .AR .. w --- ---c p tmntorr "' ... • . ... ...... HOJtOU1LU fltl llA lltlc .......... t.9 .....,.,_ ....... . -AREWOCX> 1 WANT AD will cost you $250 only a nd it will run -.. !•!!;::!•!!·~t.!!!!!!!•~·!.--~,.--!•!::"!!~.~5'!!!!~-~ll~l~G:._.:. ____ II ~..!'~ 8 £1 !!! . . JANUARj,. SPECW: ~ ·:;:::so~-:" __."':I':' ... • ,;;o: ,.,,LL, .... ~ .... ,D .. , • _ • .,.., . ...., - .,.., .---_... -Call .._ WU> . (Jls '"''' a)• -' WOO,( llU&S (Iba'¢ .... , .... , . . u,.. .. 1 Wrl AT $250 . SQ. FT. •• ~ , ' ...... r• .....,.,..,.. ..., ..... o-'X-- .. pl--. ~ NtwL ta ,.._ '"" ocmdlUoL ll&Te •M>O. Coe~ term. .t:.- HWW TONt -• ~. -"** *--' tn U ~CHICAGO ' .. w='• ::·r::.t•.t= .. ,... ''~ M..tlm W. 114 .fot 'l'dz' ,,........tion in a ll llHAl'&M (atnc. lteTJ Ul~ H . a~ ll&ISta AA& Phone Klmber17 MleTI ... ....., ..,. "'"' -'" °""" -........ ,...._. ,., . ""'· .... ... _..... The Hou1· • of Y. .. J.-..day & Tom .. -w 126 W. Ooeu. Bhd., L.B. cnr--w.-°"" ·. Of'cbid-•utu-. ~. ,._...,.,....,,., at., var"' 1D1 >-MU -Jia.. ........ .,.._.. a.tUl ud ~ ....... old eblaf. Old fUnd.. UU 90. ILUll' ft,. CCllLQJll CX>IU)ftA. -m JD PSK MONTH l'llllta & aood pre.cue. p&.ulo. A.II twm rent • I I o • 1 4. DA.HZ • 8CIDIJDT • PHlLLI.PS Bii" P'tano 8a1e, '610 No. Maln.. Banta AAA. lklni• of )(UOQ•Hamllft ~ ~" Pi· a-ta Au., .UT a. lrd Jt1 1-1M11 Cd Mr: htku Jhrtior lflt. ban.,..........,.., 1U.. vi.It our 11 ..,.. -.. """' """" 1o. WE.HANDLE FARM HOUSE Fl:IRNITURE I. • ·.. •~ · -0-.. -,-.. -1--.,-•• -,-,-hO'l-~-.,---.,-,1c I CIU.JU.DI DA VI& llOO m.1 -----------------------A Minim um ad 1s 4 line s. l'holie Harbor 1616 Newport H &rbor Ne'"2P'reu Monday, Wtid.nMday ud Friday~ •• PIUA the C-ouW Shopper! ft'~Y9 DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery ot the Newport Harbor Newa-Presa is gu.ar&nteed. Carrier buys will deliver their papers be- fore 6 p.m. on Mond'\y, Wednesday and Friday. If your paper ta not delivered by that hour pleaae ca.ll Harbor 1616 and your carrier will bring your paper . .Classified I\ a...& .. ,, • .&M ntt1 • tM W~1 N_..,.,_ ' U.. l luertlon $LOO add'L 1baea .25 ea. 'lae. 2 mertiou 1.50 add'L llnee .25 e-a. V ' U.. S luertlou :too add'L Uae. .za CL ' IJnee 4 l.uertlona 2.50 add'l llnf!e .25 ea. .. _.. ...... ...._ w1D nor.Jn 16~ cn.-t.. Cull ta adnoci9 W1. .uiDIU M AD l8 6 Ul'li'ES NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS hery MOllday, Wednesday a11d Friday COA$TAL SHOPPER - Wednesdays I f)ILU)LINU fOT placln&' nr e&nc~ln&' MU an: 7 or lilc:lnoMy PubllcaUon -Md.er O p.m. ro.-W..m..day PubUc&UOU -Tu_., 1 p.rn. For J'riday PubJ.Jcauon -Thunda.7 1 p .rn. NJ:WPOAT llARBOR PUBU8BINO 00. llU n.1~ lll'fd., l'o"owport 8-da, t.n1orwia. .&..U Ole•'n.d .A.6' ••• a.. pMd ror O.U la Mt-.-.oo of ~-­ Th• pubUAbeni wW not be re..apona!ble tor more t.h&n ona tlloorract lnHr'llon ot a.n ad, ~rv• lb1 ~ht to cotTflct.l)' ci .... 117 any and &1J a d• 1&11d to reject -.ny Ml not contonnlnr tn ruJu and rr.sula unn.a. l& l -J W or ••e' A··h••. L.B. K&m\oM l-6Clf. .. ~ a faOl'Tltnr. 11 Mys • ••Ill u Superfluoua Bair· _ .. ..._ a...,,.. -· u · rs-a.:-tb' ra .... tr.a, "taoe ....... *61 ~ NSW WONDER WORLD ·--------I< 6 •• ,.. boolu )'OUr chUdren wUl loft. ---. --.. BOUR ....-, .... ,111 a "' ProtuM1 WIUt.ralfd U.. ••p-l Mo --. ~ 1:11 to ll :IO. KI 2-ml c1&y1 or '1 · Let w cu..cN L. U TA.HT Ill. & Hu ....... W •YenU.I.. 66cM llhow )'OU wtlhout obUp Uon. Udo'• kJoa ., .... t:J a.r. llTt Ptu:iae loce.l npt"MU!tatJV'I.. Har. U. WA.NTED-plek·up del!Yery boy, 176'.J. l!l6c4' -------------I nqulnd to ride rnoton:ycl., REDUCING Stea.In Cabinet Mauage -Spot Reducing Call LnMrty a.7~72 tor &ppolnt- 01enL Neil China Painting De.1 &ad 1:'1-..tlll a... ons..r. TUaa How ...... UbutyMO<O ... ,, JONES BIRKEL-RICHARDSON Ol\O.AN ITUDIO. 1-.m to piay tha mlJbtr WURJ...ITZER. CVELTN JONU, Mp. aoo Holttl.0 •ood on-. •. u 1-1012 r:.1uc RANDT MAN. m alntt111ance • ,..pair or whet 1' Har. 46'4·W. •:.Uc Roy15 Maintenance Houaie eJMDin-..-l'loo!-WUinl Wall wuh1.D1-wlndo• i!le&n.Ul( VenetlA.n bJlnda. Upbolat..., lNlurM. rr .. i:.tlm&U• Ubertr .._11s1 ""' CLEAN UP JOBS Refer•n<'e• requlr•'.I Sn ITEVE.. JOHNSON • SON Uncoln Merc:ury-900 W Cout Hlway. ~M W.t.JTR.ES8-J'ry cook co1nbln•· UOll. YOUNG. Mu•t ba fut. lrul· momlnga Lo EDWA.R OS, l eH Newport BIYd., Coal4 fdt .. ,.,,,. WANT P'uDy ir.llpirr1enced recor<1 1trl tor p1u1. tune r.ntploymtt1L Apply In ~r.on -HARBOR H l ·rI, !333 Newport Br'Vd . N-port Beach. !:i7c&V JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE Large aelection '1a to 1/:1 DONALDSON'S 300 M aln, Balboa. oU. !17cOD PHOTO DARKROOM, Fl.nlahln1 Room 6. Shoot ing Studio. Beau· Ufully deal(Tle4. nr.w !y eon•tNC· ttod rentnUy looe.te<1. "'Photor · r•ph•r'1 dru.m i"' Llbcrty 11·3336 !:i7p09 -1-------------TURJU:r l...A THJt OPERA TORS. 8winl 81\ltt. Clau A . Ov,r· time. top pt.)' CL.A-VAL CO 1701 Ple.cenlla. ,-.;irwport Bee.ch ~7~D WOKAN boolt·k1irper wlth book· keepln& mAChlna r.11per11nce nr Wlllln& to lea rn. lmn1tdl•t• ope.nine Oran&• <;o&.t Coll•1ir .Startln( ...i...ry •278 per mo Apply In per.on. Buainr.• nt · Mcfl tn Admtnlt t ratlon Bldlf . 19910 Harbor Hh•d , (..."'Oal4 M- :,7Qll GIRLS HERE A RE JOBS Th•t yov w ill ~ prl)IJd ta tell ynur ft l•nd1 about. Nc.w lllt:h wa.1 .. couple\! with Lh ' l\lelJ working cvnd1Uon& •dd up lti Job~ with µre11tlgir . i'J(J E.X'.PEH.JE:-;CE REQt:IREO ::\tart your ni.w )O b 111 <1nc ot c•ur 0~1cu nr.•r your home, KN I TIERS Come ln 6 ltff the compleU. flew li ne ol On.phlc pattirrn11 , S....- 81'Uld Ever MAI.di y.:-ne, Mor· a.11"1 new dre .. pa..ttr.rnA. nov,lty yarn• 6 •ln.wa lnclud1n& t.J\.r. pop!Uu knit 1-ciry aklr~. Sit N' Kn it 3 13 i:. Baleo. Blvd., BeJ~ S2Uc O'K&ete•M.errtllCUr&na-e IllM d~lu.xe toldlq-top model h.N all chrome g-r!ddl• on top, I.amp • clnck with ovm Umu, chro nle crtll broiler Ulled Ol'lly 3 month.ii Belng-trana!err«S Eut. t•kr. nver my contract •lth the 61111k & pay of! the bal. ot $137 61i Unly p.ay ST 82 per month, No r a11h 11e,.d111!. My eqvlty frr.r., •efl 11ny· time Day or Eve. at 1441 \\'. C::h •pm&n. O r11..nae.. C&J l Collect KE fl.Oflll- Coll Yard Maintenanttt Th~ yell.I"• u;prr1r.nc• th!1 loca.l!ty. LJ l-l7~V 44Uc TELEPHONE OPERATORS Special N-U-Balldlag s.r..-RELI AB LE JAPANESE--'----------1-'---~-"'=~=='---l AMER I c· AN WANTS Apply --• 1100tn 4 .00p m . N . M•tn St . Rm. 21 1 SACRIFICE -I.ate modr..l, Ulto new G. Jr.. n.nge .Ir. refrtg Both tor only •199. Har. <H J1·M.. ..... V' Newport Barbor COMPLIITE PAINTING GARDENING IN HAR-Sll.l"lla An• PACIFIC TELEPHONE Rerr11en.tor 1960 Philco Dr.hue 111.l"(e famlly •tte. ll•po-...:1 h .. large colored v,1r.t&hle crl•· per. Shr.lv .. Jn \Jlfl donr 6. all extru. 11 yr. iiua:-a.ntr.-nothlng to pay down U credit O ,K by 8&.11.lc.. l•l payment of $8.83 due In ~ d4y1. Ba.I. due I.I $167.84. 8u a,,,ytlmeDay orEva.at 14.4 1 \V. Cbapm•n, Or&ngr.. B. P. 0 . E. &. Paper H&ngi.o&' Service BOR AREA BY WEEK OR 1767 l:UGCNE 0 . 8 A UNDK:R.8 7 . 600 31.tt Street. Ni.wport &"rh MONTH. HYATT 4'~~~1~4 rtEAL ESTATfC u..lean111.11 or Mr.et. IYflry Thur8day II p.rn. Vle. Oparto -c.ntnl .A."'· N1wport a.ch A lbrtrl H. Kati.hew-, IXalted Ruler MOnELL'S AND PEEK Colonia.I Mortuary 7101 .,,.. Ju•t WMt of Weal· 1 mlnlter M11m0rta1 Pe.rlL A.a Orell&• County l.IUIUluUon &arv1fl& !a.o:UllM Of all faith. ~ (TQU Freil Zl:nl.th 0231 No CMlo9 nw t.wued away becauar. ot la.ck ot fund.I. .... w Gulde Harbor 2976 I.le Broker !::xpr.rlenctod N ewport Sl<IJI "' FOR RENT Sew•. Elec. Drtlll, PQILltiera. typq ot S&nd•r., Wbee.lb&r· row•. etc. BOYD'S HDWE. 2e30 W. COAST HIOHWA. T Ubfl.rt.1 ~. Ne9rp0rt Bell 211ltc Painting, Decorating Paper HLDging GEO. B URKHARDT CL.!:A.NlNO 6 lltONINO by t.h1t day. £:xper1en1.-r.d. B&lboa l•l&rld pN:terred. KJ 3·&09e. U Experienced G a rdener LANDSCAPING H1rbor ar'L Top lncir.nuvr. comm1111i nn plan. \\'tlL dt&b- l11hed corporaUon. Her. 18IXI !:17 ~11 Rea.I Esta.le Saleama.n C&J.l Collect KE 8-~17. For our n1twe•l o(fl~ -a till• 1------==~~---~ I O'KEEF'E A ME1UUTl' r"a.nl"•, -~ r round·floor opportWILty. Ou.r modeL I.A.mp 6. clock with oven and CLEAN UPS Llberty 8-1659 lncenl!ve commJ.p.inn •chr.dule JOU -Ull!irr. Chrom• srUl broiler. a.nd -----------~ _r..._von1 thOM who tt&Y with ~ thal'> ll!t up tnp. UMd nne Rl!:l.fABLll ma h.1r1 wnm•n want.I thOH who produce, an~e month. Jl411.80 cuh, or pay 18 acuva In ll1Un1. W1 •r• end· "°"':!";Cu cnmpa,,,lon. Frer. t o per mo. 1441 W , Chipman, tri..vel. H.e!r.N!ncu . Ellcellr.nt ly I.lid cooper,.Uve and· e want Or~e. Kil 8-6817 tt oJrl h!r. . ei.oo3, !:i6cG8 thir 111.mr. trnm you. LICENSED L'ONTRAl..."l'OR 178 W. l8tll St., Co.te MeP Liblrty l-86ll A.l.L krnun<1 woman cO<.Jk w11nll ------'-------·I wo k 1.n C&te. l!ar. 02~. 67p~V Bay & Beach Really, Inc. 3:)30 Ea.a t Cout Hwy. MUST SELL II cu. tt. Sl!:RVEL REFRlO. Nearly new. ir.w:.cr.llent col'ldltlon. $1!10-300 A!ua Drive. W B-7007, 07c!:i9 Custom Building -~--------COL't.F.Glt 1tudent. Vtter11 n With· ir.e wo rk. aner •chool • week· end•. C&ll LI 11-1716. :i7pCl9 Corona d,] 1-t•r llarbor !:158.:I u l-------------~----~-,-,--:-~ JANUARY CLEARANCE Used TV5 and Appl iances ll\S" DU llONT -ColllO!e with FM 121,S:" EllERSON Conaole ...... $ t 2.50 $ 34.50 17" GENERAL ELECTR1C Blond Console $ 69.50 17" EMERSON Blonde 21" PHILCX> late h1 od.el Mahog. 0-Jnsole 16" OLYMPIC Gonsole 16" ADMIRAL <:An11o!e $ 64 50 $144 50 $ 54.50 $ 54 .50 12 ~" CROSLEY table Mod. ¥>'1th F'M Radio S 34 .50 19" RCA t.a.ble. Mod . with matchh1g bue $ 04 .5-0 16" MOTOROLA Con1ole 12 ~-· STROMBERG CARLSON With FM &: AM Radio. Table AM I: FM Radio & T\' com b . 17" MUNTZ table ~todel $ 59 50 $ 44 50 ~l odel $ 49.50 121'.!" STROM.BERG CARLSON, Con1'01t' $ 44 .50 $ G. E. Elcctnc Range Double oven . Late mod~!. $1<1 0 50 Xlnt. condition WESTINGl-IOUSE Elect. Range. Double Ovc-n GAFFERS & SA ITLERS Range $ 64 .5-0 DAVI S -BROWN 188:) Jiarbor Blvd. Liberty 8·3437 USED APPLIANCE BUYS GIBSON ··-cu. ft. REJo~RIG .... -··-$64 .50 SERVEi .... 5*!_: SERVEL 5':.: cu. cu. Old but good ft. REFRIG. ···-··-····················$89.50 ft. REFRIG. -•••••oo--oo•••••••••••••oo• $79.50 left hand door WESTINGHOUSE REFlllG. SPEC. ··········-······ ... $84.50 CROSLEY SHELF'DR, 8 1 ~ cu. f t. ONLY .......... $89.50 COLDSPOT REFRlG. 9 cu. ft. ··-·----·--··· .. _ ...... $99.50 WESTINGHOUSE LAUNDERMAT ·-·················$79.50 with Wafer Saver installed DEXTER AUTOMATIC WASHER ..................... $74.50 KENMORE AUTOMATIC WA~ -------······-·.$84.50 installed KENMORE WRINGER WASHER ONLY ............ $35.00 GAFFERS & SA TTLJ;R GAS RANGE ·-···· ......... $74.5-0 White t.abl e top -oven control Piano Refinishing Qua.lit)' Work only ANKRUM PlANO SJ:RVICE Kl 2· TAO. 49Uc HitAUTIF'UL Mlnaball Dactroalc OfTll.ll u t1 ••7~. IAOthar Min· •h•ll three month1 old 2 mu· u1l 1990 DANZ . SCH MIDT · i'H ILl..1P8. !'.120 No. Maln Ban· I• Al'la • Kno¥>·lton Electron1c111 TV ANTENNAS rClear ll!!ani ~ Hl Ga in! 1:"1:S1"AIJ..f.:!.1 r-0mp!"t" ti) your ...:rl $9.95 JVttc !'.10 l''-:11:1• P 111n"• ,.·1nt f"1 l'lr ollr r eiot al .,.r,1< f Tra<le your p1 11.t1•1 on • nrw Spu1r t n r1nl1 t'lr H•rt · !Tl"lll !JJ>;lln H111:hr•! <Uh t l· ltt\l."anre <1unn.i: nur Litr.<1 l i:t•l•· LlA:>:Z :o:r·H~ll'>T l 'H!UJP~ :.20 :-:1J t.11 111 . ~•n ta All& Si'l!\'t..I 1'111..nn t.k"r rlrw with 01- ~ano SOll:l wondr rtol huy l}91t,I !i"l !J '"'~ $1!1.', [•.\;"/. Sl"ll'.\lil )f· l'!ilLLrr~ n10: r 111nn •n•t nr. R•n Sl,•rr. '1:!" ·""· J.l•Jr1 !'\11 nt • '"' f t>ll T llE: ttC ~(P I"~ H.l)!.)~l ' A !.I I 'I\ "\j t..LJ::t.-~rltl• ' l'L.A ''f:R PfA:"'O 111 ,.,.,f,•rl p!ay1n.i: ron1J1° t1 .. n L11l11 .,f r«ll11 I!\• ,.,,Ir•! (.;"Ill ,..111""!\I !•I /ti~ II\ SHAFER.') o!i!nr e 19<1~1 421-423 N Sy1·1111'"""· Santa Ana Phone Klmh<'tly ~-M72 HI-Fl RECORDS AND RECORDED TAPES! ANGEL LONDON \.\'E STMIN8T'ER UK.ANIA vo x AUOIO·f'"IDl:LITY • ffl • FI • trc. HA RBOR HI-Fl 3333 N_,,orl Blvd. Har. 4611 rOppoalt r. City HrUl) Cu.tom )tu.ic Sy•tanu -Record.I ""' OUR ORJ:AT 42N..-ANNIVER· SARY SALE 1V14 • 1958 ,39~ buy• lov1ly Bplntt .Und&rd mu .. M lrro--typa Bpi.net only •ll& Baldwin AC~le: H 79 Kimball a p In 1 l ~ Ba.by Granda $4110 up. Do&eM ot Olhtr• Knahe Btlllin••Y Hard· man 1U . Thue ln1trumant. are trade·ln• and ~~ mu.ma. many just like n..... DANZ· 8CIDUDT·PHlLLIPB Blc Pl· 1no and Orpen 8t.nre 620 No. M.1.ln, 8a,,,la A.nf.. 100 p!UlO! alway. ORGAN SPECIAL! ORGAN only MtS. UtMral c;:O A!T OJTlCll EQ\JIPMENT 'rypeWTlttfll A.ddinl machln• Dupllca Lon-Suppliee A 1"l'RACTTVBI PRlr;:ES Tour pllll'll Ot' our1. U ct'nffd -ln.ured FINA.NCINO ARRANGED A. J. WELTY R.ELlABLE couple. e:icp. M(T. or apt.I. • cnurll. A vallable M:•rcti I. Al.o WILi t&lc.e ch•rgr. nf prl. home In clafl of llbarnce. No ch.Jldren. Oo not dr1nlt nr 11mnke Oood loca l rr.ferirncu. V.'nlr. P. 0 . Bollholdr.r 142. Cn11tll Mu&. . •• •· ~7~9 NEED act1vir real l'llL&Le a&lr..11· SZ-Fttrolture for Sale m•n who know11 ~rr.•. (."LAlRE VAN HORN. LI 8-4277. ~c~8 G OOD USED FU RN. KNOX HARDWARE CO. ""'~, ',M,.._"'"'1:' 1"-· ~ '°O ~-·t 4th St. I .oiu "cu )'Ol'le c:an a.u.&8 R.IINT AL8 1913 H&rbor Blvd., ~X-LlbartT 1·77D' CEllEN'r A !!U!LD!NG .A.II Klnt1.t ~ FREE ES'I'Il4ATES \_.. Liberty Ml09 "" General Contractor LICJINSlDD New Work -Remodeling J. MILTON McKENZIE ,fiarbor 8399· W 118'{0 PAINTING PAPERHANGING Sympson & Nollar ~t !:xpr.r1rnrr.d \\'orltmirn Her. 2404 nr IM.7·R CARPENTER R epair Work " 0oee Your Hnm11 N'~e<I RAp&lrtn• or Ramode.lln,i ? call Fr9.nk, UMt~J 1...f86t AU Work Guarantirtd 741.lc Jennen Plumbing Repair work, a specialty \\'•ler h.e•ter• on tlmt peymenl• 21l9 Newport BLvJ.. Newport Beach H•r. 6JM. R'B tt"r. 431'17·J . 47ct<\H. ' -------------CARPENTRY 2530 S&nta Ana Ave., Coela Me.~• LJberty .S-6311'1 f>!llic COMPLErE PAINTlNG &. Paper Hanging Service EUOENl: 0. SAUNDl!R8 MlO Sl•t Stre41 t. Na9rp0rt Beac h tlarbot' 29Tf , tfc PA INTING INTERIOR -lilXT!tRlOR Al.SO 1>\ARlNE PAL.'ITING LJCENSF.I> -TNSUl'lEO Glenn John ston !IOI • Jl1t SL N!!wport Br.•ch Harbor 317& 4trrc Painting & Paperhanrfng We "do the work ounelves. ao yu.n 'eaperllrflCll LlcianMd • ln•urtd. BatJlllacuon viaranter.d. Estlm•te1 rr11. Call J ob.nnl1. LI 8-2687 & L1 8-~ 81Uc PAINTING M. W. ROSS Uc•naird W 8"-'3321 280 Avocado, Cnal& Mu.a lll'lttc Cust om CABIN ET W O RK Don• nn preml"• No Jnh loo 1mall. Phon• KI l·SS.S. AJcubolu.:a ADonymoua Wr1ta f'. 0. Boa Pl N ...-port 8-elL, ca.JU. Pbntl.1t Harbor 4795 ... -. i:.ca. Sant& Ana KI 2,2336 to play In a r ..... rn111utM. he REAL ESTATE Sale1m11.n or Broker. Famlll&r wilt! •t.rhor 11.rea. Top cnmmtulnn to l"ood wot'ker. Motlple Ll•Ul'll" o(f1cir, H OUSTON REALTY. 509 Cen· tr.r SL Coal• M1!11l. Oppo11 t1t New U. S. Sank-56c)8 SIMMONS lllDE-A,BED $50 tt NOW at - Wllh double bed m.11.t treu !2--Fwnlture for~ SZ-f.'u.ra.ltun for SAie 1.,.i.A f'Es:.S (Blnce 1907) LAWSQN SOFA ............ $50 1....::.::....:..:::;::;.:::;.::.:;:;..:::::;c.. __ =....;:..:::.==o:...:=_;:=c...--I 421 ·423 N . sycamore, Banta Au Brown tw~d. good conci. Phone Klmbtlrly 2-0e72 Law&On Lounge Chair ·-$20 BED SPRlNG llfld bifA TIRESS, complete .... $10.00 Oranre County'• Orp n Hdqtni_ RELIA.BL.E d•y work 3·0410 colored ll•rly went.I _ or by w'!!k. C11 ll Kl V.'OMEN: Office Jnbli, f11.clory IUld l'l7p~9 domettlc. ------------).IA.I.I!'.: 8 11.J,a. <:lratltml!n. rn•· Swedish Massage l..a dle1. -by appolnlnienl I.II yuur tiom,. ctiln\1ll 6 other•. New JOhll dtl!ly. JUNE FARRAR li:mlp. Agency- 4Q2i,..·32nd St.. Newpo1·t Qootl condition Studio Couches from Lounge Chair, brn. O'TI'OMANS ···--... -··· ca. Maple \1phol1lPrr.d Maple Occas. Tables .... ea. $I5 $15 $ 5 $ 5 Fnrn1l'rly mM!!CUl!fl Ill Arrowhe•d l:lprlnga I-Intel. (arrn .. rroni Clty llJ1lll RT A.UTOJ.tOBiLE-.-.-1..ESMA N 20"'; N EWPO FURN . Plfl!Ule call Harbor 4790 or Harbor 70. 4~p58 BA.BY ·-i:lll"'Th:R. Melurf"d ""OmlUI reterr.nc,a. Har 0145-J . ""'"' -----~--\.\'OMAN 4G. young IC'Oklnr. al· \r11cllvr, wlah'• poeltlon II.I f'I'· rrptluni11L Can typr., opr.r"tr PBX. keep 111n1plt-ho<lk11. lrlt .. r· r..e1 .. d in r.1thr.t full or part time work. H11r :'682 58ctl-O of Rro11a pr·nfll 8r.!': Hill Slnr~ o\ Mal'k D'l""nlnj:" fl'nr<I. H I\':' 311 6. Pacific COMt Hwy .. Hunllng· ton Buch. LR:x 6·2061S. M c68 ----·-----Beacon P ersonnel 100% employer retained agcocy NO FEE collected frnm a ppllclUlt 41J·3l•t Nr.wpnrt &ach E:Xt'l'";l.1.E:"o'T {"l,.11 n•nll" cooktn11:. ~Uaaeou" ..,.r,·1n1t &. hr.•ull(u!I l111n11r .. ,.11 I -, , f',J\l•n 1r11nJ1por t11l1"" l'••l"r"<l K]':tTTl:-i'G J.!A CHINF:. lin l t~ • Kl :\·5993 ~p~8 Knit drcu \n 6 hour3 ;\lll•lr In _ ' I \Vr.11t Gr.nnany. L.I 11-82~ ... G I H I . 57c59 enera ousec ea n1n9 , FIY T\VO \'OUNG \\'O;\tEl". I . SEU. ON TERM.S $! 00 hr t ach. Harbor 0802. ,IF'T. Oli:UCAT&SSEN cue, •150. '6<58 I UNE 6 fL ntr11irrator ......... J!IO. -------------ONE la.rgt commr.rc. retr11. '75. YO!r.-;"G woma n w1th rwctoptlon, \ SCALES. '811. 1 GONOOl..A •2~. l•t, 1yp1ng: 6. book·ltf'tpln& ir•· cau ownirr W. 11-6223 momlnr• or p~1 ience d•lrH full nr part artr.r \ p.m. t Uc 2620 \V. Cout H ighway LJ 8·!113 Newport Beech oTaa9 BEDROOM BETS & 6. j ORA WJCR dreNU, mirror, hoolc.c.11.1' tifl&dboard, from $!19.1)() T\VIN Maplfl bed .,.·\th mattre.a 6. box •pr1ng, only -·-.• J59 .:W e&. & • 9 DRA\.\"ER maple drf1t1r.r. wtth mirror. f rom --·----· $79.60 Living Room Seta . Modern & Maple AS N ICI': A WJ\'1i: u you would find 11.llywhere. \\"Ith our lnw overtie11d yo1l"U be aorprtl!ed how n1urh .,..e c•n aavir yo~. Plea.ar. lake a look. lt \0°111 pat you. GOOD T&:Rt.tS. RltT AlL YlJRN ITURE BROKERS Open Yr1day Eve. Kl 3·24MI 3o1 at Spurgeon Sa.nt& Ana 40Uc time wnrl< ln bull.tntat . c;r pro· frM lnnlll offlc.. W 1-4901. M.ARQUIL1TJC A.re We.Icier, (nr.wl ONlt Sectlnnal couch, blue uphol· 3 tip Air Compruaor, 220 Volt •tery. $49 bO. Two ~m1dl t11ble1 ...,,,. GARDENING end CLEAN.UP JOBS WA NTED LIBE RTY 8-b 139 •Wo •ln,-111 phll.lr.. Sr.111 at PATCJl'S SI !IO r.aeh. C.U LJ 8·1'1326. 17th St. a l riacentl&. U 1-7508. ~ Jltf ------------ ---~--~--195b WORLD BOOK THF: ONLY ORAD ~D ENCYt:LO· PED l.A . I Rircommendei1 by -.du· eaton) ATT. Antique Owners WASI-llNG MACHINES .. $12.50 up These and a thousand other household barga.ins. Everything for the House-F'w"ni.ehinga, Toys, Radios, Clothing .and Shoes fo[" the entire family. Recent additio ns of several disabled veteran person· nel-who have complctoly refurbiahed, rejuvenated &nd pl&.eed in t op condition everything in our store ''BUY make us 11111.y WHAT THE BOYS REBUILD" VETERANS INDUSTR IES 402 E . 4th, SANT.A ANA Open J.~riday and Saturday until 9 p. m. tfc GOODWILL INDUSTRIES BED DIVANS, ALT .... NEW OOVERlNG, COM· f'LETEL.Y H.EBUTLT ... $42.50 DINING TABLE AND 6 CHAIRS PRACTICE PIANO TABLE-TOP GAS RANGES, REBUILT AND GUARANTEED R.EF'RIGERATORS-REBUILT UNITS, 90-DA Y GUARANTEE CLOTHING AND SHOES For the En tire Fa mil y-Very Rea sonable "WE EMPLOY THE HANDICAPPED" 417 WEST 4TH ST. SANT A ANA 58c6{ ~Bo• ... Supplleo FOR RENT DO IT YOURSELF HI-Fl OUlLO YOUR OWN HI • Fl phono,.n.ph. u1in1" N~cornb • Karmon-K&rdon AM-FM tuneni, ampll rl111r1, 1pr.-llkr.ni • reenrd p\1yrr11 Cnmfl in and 1ee them. We Will h,lp YQU !Ul•en1hle It. DAVIS-BROWN 188& Harbor Blvd. Co.ta Mr.111. -LI 11-3437 HAM.MONO Or1"&n1 all tnodela. One only •ll1h ll)I uaed. almo.t llkfl new. Thi• I• a 1pecLa.1. DANZ • 8CHMfDT ·PHILLIPS Hammond Hee.dq\1art,.n tor OT· •nre County ~20 No. Mala. Sant• AnL HA.M.M ONlJ Chnrd Or1an. thll: (Ttate1t lnvenUOfl tYer In mu· •le. Th• •t.ol• tamuy can plar It •t nnce without leMOnL Tou mwit corn• In &114 try It-DANZ. SCH.MlDT,PHlLLJ"P.! O~l P1, a,,,n and Hammond Or,.an St.or.. 020 No. Main. a-ta Al\&. RADIO REPAIRS & T1JBI: HOMll J\ADIO, npalnd /or only •s .a.o Incl~ pa.rt.I 6: la-bor. fO d&J ,.uuantM. Whites Radio Service LI Hi&<> or U MOll. Mt.I Knowlton EI""'""11ca TV REPAIR 16--Shaf't' Your Car MINOlt. REPAIR WOft.K COLJ...J:CE onu. w1U1t.. room • EDUCATIONAL COUNSELOR Repair BOAT SLIP WlU... trade on boaL ')3 )Jere. 111.Atlon wa!fOrl nlfW WSW. Rlt.H. mercomaur . OM OWJ\.M". HAr. 3741. 6lc89 J"Arr .!ERV1C1C. REASONABUD Service o"&ila tHI V pm MO .JOB TOO SJL\LL CAR pool ror ikJWntown ls. A bn9rd Mon. U!N f'r1. In O!''I · J!I. O. ADChnaa • v11;tn!11 -Houn 1ppro11.nla tf'-• tia,,,1,. ror Urht ho\a. won: or HAZEi~ 8J8HOI~ ""° 101t i; 8alboa mn.,. Balboa. ly I to ! JV m. Call irvu. H•r. hahy •lllloC Kl 3-M.112 after & i23 Hl,.ltory !ii A Kl 2·J.l02 CHlN A.. Gt.A.88 6. Eleanor O"Keet'• J.Acbon T·f"T7T B&lboa Covee. J-hr. 11280-J BfUC.A-BRA.C ----------70 rr. BOAT, ln\Dan1. ~ nr me.JI:• O(fw, llU."Mal~ Mp80 I t Barbor 1'30 t13tle JM.3.M', &1<:$1 p. m. STcM ' t1 •·..c:1:1 .... ,.;...;.:....:...:. __ ..... _ _:__..;,_ ..... __________ ...; __________ -;-,----------------'-----------------.,.-,-~,, u ._.,,,, ' J I t Ii l 1 • . .• • I BMVIVUL ~ »'ADO. blood. ,_ ......... i JOO. ,,, r9l- al ~ ,.... "° to 1230 pa'fJlct COftdfUcxl ... ~ 4~pta. & 8GTll ·for &eM 43-AJ!la. a Vrs 'I lor lkM. ~-!!::.~-~1t_!W!!u~ ... ~-..:.·:,_,J!6!!;::!!K!'~~'!l7....!W!!..W!!!!!.,._. --1 a .... ~! .. NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS.l'RESS -PART 11 • PA&E l' WOND>.Y, JANUARY 16, 1956 Cabanas Marinas ... "" ~· ,..,,.., '"''"' Lido Peninsula, East 31st St.., Npt. Bch. Wliiml. ft-21. Pl'orlnCUl Ma~ ......, 8pln.t CMI .UshUJ OWERS damapd In •blpplll1 1417. Good Delightful Uvtnr:. ApL-Cabanu.. UtWtlee paid. p1"9d.lcl; p4anol trom .... 89, IH, with •uo. 117~ -tb... •l th• Or.at U nd Annl•eraary ~ Y&ebt 11ip accomodationa. DAJIS • llCIDll OT • PKILUP• the 91s ....._ -d ary..n etors Dally, weekly, month ly,' yearly. uo Jfo. Kaia, 8uta Ana. 100 """"'"' i __ F_o_• __ •P_P_L_o_r_......,. ___ •_li_o_n~,C-w_l_H_ar_._2992 __ • _______ 1 .~ ___ ,_a. __ •_••,_r .. __ ..,.~--- CASH ... Stue CLEARANCE or SALE STUDIO •pl. wtt,b nreplac. Ell· c•pUon•lly niee. PriY•le m - trlU\("t!. CUI ltl 8-3700. N lfc U'NFURN. ! Bettrm. bouM. c:om- pielaty redecx:INted, nnipla o., Muat -LO appr..c1att. Call U tM,rty 8-51M. a.euc FOR TRU8T DlllEDl!I • WM.. B. HOLT MORTQAGI: BAXJalfiO UVABLIC A roomy. U Slfurn. : BUfCI: lt30. bdrnl.. home or N~rt Blvd. l&oi N. BUSH 8..1..NTA. AKA ~nter or Colll• Mesa Large ____ KnlBZftL ____ T_a_.nu ___ _ yar<I. l"•r. To b9 rectecon.tad. NO DOOBLll rALK llJ:R& m:u..YOUR SELr ON TBIZl!I LOT------.--1.pt, M.wport ll"f .... ~ l6IOO t-.. ........ m.r-.. .... - -.... ..... J!IOMllR IL 1111.UZft RtiJm>R lOI Jild"a4d,m Pleoti -at >f.....-t .._. .... 1 ....... -· 11.IT·W. •a-. nu-w • ....... a .,s, T t t vv Best Buys Coroqa del Mar L ~JJ79,~Ylew"'-,-­ -IWI p with a. 2. DUPLEX -One bodnn. oeeb, _., lot -'17,l!OO 3. 4. CXlRONA mGBLANDS -Jmt lillAld...., ,;.w, immaculate 2 bdrm. " den, 2 ball>&. Ollly $28,000 SEE US FIRST for better bu)'W in home& Iii bulld- alte. in Corona del Kar. V1!:1mi:R OF KULTIPLE LIBTINGS. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. EXECUTIVE AN D DEMONST RATOR CAR S <'tlHON A DEL MAR, unfum . l b<lnn duples. floor t urn•ce. fir• J)l.,:.. redeeorated, C"•r. Yr .. llJ' 17:i, ~Ji J&a1n1J1<1. H•r. '.l.\.t9-J eve11 ::i7c!lt Harb(>r 5J68. 61 tfc c!Mlc...~M~"""l="---'W'-u"•;:.W=----I ''C'° THOVAS "'<:" THOILAS PRICE T. llcCUISTION, ROaltor SAV E $$$ HILLMAN TRIUMPH DKW JAGUAR See and !)n\"I' at HARVEY MAYER MOTORS 2137 H arbor 1 ~om.er LI 8 ·~256 {~o,..tn ~t ,·sa \ 0 1l l f1rl;\) I .I .i.,.~257 I -18--'-AptA. fOT Rent ''UDO LS LI!: 3 bedrooJTUI. 2 ~ be.lb home: on annual b&AU.. S lip for '40 ft. boat, UM of 18 n . V1klnr: run•bout powu boat. 2 cu ,...,., beautltUUy tumi.h· FOR SALE 5 ye.r .2l500 Second Tru•t DHd ·~ ~t-4M per. month. BHt location. LI 8·l829 art..r o or w.u ca.d&. - 3447 E . Cout. Hwy. Corona del Mar Har, 47 (Office located neU door to Corona del Mar B&nk) SEA ISLE APTS . ed. ah.l"\lb•. J 700 per 1nonth. --------------1 BAY FRONT $29,500 BALBOA ISLAND Fl "l-\:.ll$HE'D J3:5 It up Qulet 1: • ..,,1 I01.0 11tlon J'rlv1te p!:lrklng l•1t Comp!et• Llt.undry fa<:llHle11. Inquire at 41 Balboa Cove•. N .. wport:· 315lfc :O•H ~: ftalboa Bhrd . B•lbo11. BA YSHORC8 J l>drn1 t um !'.>3··~r n .. uaf' A »1u1 to Junc 11 s12::. Sea--S-h_e_ll_A_p_t_s_.- 1 •nu~t; .. T110~1As. R1:a1t ur I .i ~ 11~:nn.M. DELt·xE ~-ITJlN :-~· \\" L'n••t )l!y,,11y LI 8·:'l027 Al'1'8. 'ro prete-ITed t .. nar1t L $Ml It up, ut1t lncl. 1210 W . e.Jbo& lilvd . Newp.,rt ~acb ~life .,.,, UN ~·t1kN :l bdrm rr.,11 1 trlplo: Flr'<'pllM:e, 111.rtoaa .. 1h,.J\ llU\•11nlltl• hee.t A ):•r ~Y1!rr pd y1tr1I m&Jnt•lnc<I l.Jberty 1'1-21715 after 4 p 111 ~~h NewlJ'.Jrl Be1H·h ..... :>;}o;\VPORT H!:JOJfTS unfum. 2 ~nn A. d&n h"'114', dW. i llU"l.ge. 1-.J 8·&411'2 between 3 :SO "'-~' 30 ~ n1 "r Har 1706-~l ~i~:i& 49-Room.8 ror Ren·r F"CRST 1"R UST DEED t ot M.14. 1~9. paya ble $70 mo. ICxcep- UOn•lly well aecured. Ll. 8·t 831 or 3415 Osl• BL, Oos\4 w ... 67p011 57-ReaJ. Est&te Wutt.ed WA..','TED 8U8INE8S PROPER· TY tu 5100,000 caah. pa...e 9ubnut, fH'1nelpa.I• only, N~· purl, Balboa.. Aru.. Boa iHi Jf'ullerton ~:i.ll 1..ARGE B A YFRONT flOM:E for CASH must be ba.tp ln. Balbo. 8PAC10U8 IS bdl'ln. oldu M m•, llitc::Mo • biatAI ha,.a been oo m- p.1"1&iy modemiaad. u:tra 11""· u ... room. putly 1"'nllahad - a:ceJl&.n.t locaUOn on Bay Frot!t. Only $%11,&00, Sood i..rm.. "C" THOMAS, Rltr. & ASSOCl.ATES BAY FRONT, 60 tt., 4 B. R. pier&: float ·····-·-$73,600 SO. BAY 4 B. R., 3 bath plus l B. R. apL ___ .S,W,500 NO. BAY 3 B. R. 2 bath plus 2 B. R. apL --·-$73,500 LIDO NORD ~ B. R. -2 B. R. a pt. ···-----·--~9.500 UDO NORD 'J B. R. -r;er & •lip ... ··-.l59.500 LIITLE ISLAND, Tropical s.ettlng 2 unit.a plws 2 B. R gueat hoUBe ·---···-·-····-······ ..... $34 .~ NR. N O. BAY 2 B. R ...... __ .. $22.500 NEAR NO, BAY 3 B. R. _ ··------·· . $~.000 n 4 W. ~~~ u. a.taen BEACON BAY a ttractive 3 BR, 2 bath {furn. I $34,500 Puun.1 ula ...r.._ Writ.. Box 'll~l--------------F'\l.Jlerton :>ecM INOOME UNITS: . -·· ····-~,750 to $38,000 inclu.1ve. "'C" THOKil ''C"' THOM.AS ~k with ua on the.e and othen. Har. 1775 -Eve.. Edith John M&caab Maroon HYalt 4-6222 SEE YOUR BROKER Harbor 5~9 40-AtttOI' &od Trocb 1-11 -.1\nto .~rvlri> 1 1tJ<1 Y.'H:ST Oce-!Ul 1-·~11---:;;; ..... j -:;:_;;=:::;::::..=::..o.;.o.""'-------p<irl Ue•r..h. (>ne bdr 111 furn l..ADY •lone h&Ji room In nice 60---J.noome ~ Motor Overh iu / s;1i '" g-u . l tlO mti. incllid··,.1 h•:rn• tor ~mpl()ye-1 lit.dy. ,'.:~ l!l.A.C!Un.CJ: tor qUldr. H.lt! STANLEY, Rei ltor CAO. 62 u ii.1n1n1um uul Wlnl<tr r .. nlal 1-11-:.6(8. 2 .... HOME and S MOO!:R.."'( APTS VWW Joca.~ Oora.ia de! Mar, g EARL W. 19 5 1 4 ()()()tt I NO t.t ONEY DO WN l'h lt1v ••~LJ.,, ov .. rlo\t lo1 tl ·I Z~ 4 e&r Jt'U"......, S..UWul µ.uu 2 BR., l~ b&lha. dl&nn. l'orn• 225 M arine A ve ., Ba.J boa lloland • B&r B.Q. 'i'l'Olll.lertuL locaUon. t-Prt -... •---• Hi:ATt:R. A t:T\) ·rnA:-0$ .. ,~~ ·,~11, 5$-...Storefl &:: Omcefl ....... Y&l:T ..-...... -..i1a1a , -------------------h th • d I 121,&IO Law j)gwn. LE:1 15.3411. occupanq. on .. ~ 1JO p,;,ppy '· MARK$ ~~~NING 6*Cy1:it ·--····I·~-.. ~. $48~ ! ~ 1~'.1 ,\~~~·Pf~f "o~em~u~7~~~: ~~~. • NEW OFFICES , _____________ , = ~=-~~ed= FORD 8 Cyl11, , -··-· _ .. . .... $58.SS ::'0 6,"8, ..... ,,1·11•P,";0· L:Oiun!.. '~"',1 1 e IDEAL FOR PR OFES. l 6~l ::::!B-1~!!:!.,~&~talo~!.._!E~•~•~h~&D~J0~-1_:""""~:'.::__ _______ ,~7~':':" .~.11.r •· er .. , p rn. ,..,c.• Jl WY l9 • PAc Jnc csT. ll\\'Y lnc::ludea both labor and p61 la.1 -----SIONA.L o• BUSl.NESS USE. A Redhill Address! 2 Beautiful Contempora ry Ranch Homos H UNTJN"G1'0N BEA.("'ll New rtn,i:;a, wnat pin•. velvc ('!•M N~\\'LY r .. d .. <'!)fllt~. nice· . "A GOOD TRADE IS BE'T- 11'.rtnd, fitU.,l• u/ nlll.l.ll Uld ruJ t Iv Furn, l bdrm. apt 1nrlud,., Located in -TER TffA.N A POOR SALE" t..i:XINOTON 6-2* :'i~r!)9 be•r lnga E.x~rt ruutor tune up y,,11"1ltrf It dl")'er T., J •ilv I•! Harbor lnvestmenl Co. Bldl'. ~.<f•y ~r, f 000 ~11." ri11r•nlf'r ll1u 1'.1181-t.I :'J':r:'J9 • 30th & Newport Blvd. NORTH SHORE ARRO WH.i:AD (NO MUN l!:Y IJU \\ :-.; I , -----I H 600 lt Beauttt"u.lly turniahM 6 •r. t•ld REBUILT ENGINES ! * * * ar. l jyr. &r<IWldJ Ci.i.lOm Hullltwme. -UP to 10 Jr.I UXTH~ TO PAY -F.:-tJr,y L IVlNG on t he Ocean "Be<irn11. pl ua1 apt.• l<~loa.lln( FOR RE~'l' Offices wllh larr• ~·runt. Kitchenette apta. " nrui. Pock. l •0,000. W !ll t.ra.de f or Grant w . Mus ick BEACH COTTAGE ....., 2 Bdrm. -l!IJ.eep. I or morw - C'harmlftl' "bu.chy" V&Cl.llCln l'pot or home. Nr.f wan turnace. ..... -. BATVIEW Harbor 3371 - 3 BEDRO OMS 4 BEDROOM S $1 3,800 $14,200 Built·ln ftGit"• 6 Qv.,. Your Hudson Deal er SALES and SERVICE 253 N .Loa Angele11 KE5-7278 Built In our own !actury by ak1l!eil U1ach.Jn11t.a. Don l run\f'nd w1tl1 the middle 111•n lluy dl"••'l ~li·rlli.;t' •1111.c" ,\ a mple parlu111 w1.V1lh ~;~,v;i,.\~.·.',"· 0w,,·~~ ... rvl~,. •I SJ:.! \\' 19th St Coal• Mf'lla bome, lnco111• ot" 1ubm1l. --------------1 ....,..,,, -· ~'runt. UDrrty 8·'2'2:.01. !.i7..:0W HASTINGS RANCH, P A.SA.DENA l..EVEL lot, ai..n:.t pa.•9d A t urb- Ftr.p&&c. -J'oro9d A lr H.._t Planned. for P &.Uo LlvlJ'I&' Na tu ral J!'lnla.h Cablneta NO DOWN TO vrrs YOU ell.fl Qu.allf)' lt Tau M&aal~ Jrlrepl-.c:e Muter Bedroom Sult,. Cl-...ed·ln Tl.la Sbower Bullt·ln Ra.nJ e " ov,n NO DOW N TO VETS You can Qu.allty ll \'to.a Harbur dO!li ed. Sf'Wtt1 tn 6 -~•d. ~ x 136, I ---F ive year old 2 6'.lrna . A Dtn _. • • * '--11 R RENT. GROL:ND F'J..OOR R ·l sone. B.E8T LOT BUY In Anal'letrn ~:!Lfc-REBULLT and INSTA Ll~f_:o 8HUttT BUX:K £&m $427 Monthly lCLm. $'437 Monthly ','o\J FORD t.•o nv .. r1 1blf" ttAH, uvct· <IHv" e11 o.;cllcnt 1•nn1~un I'll"~ FORD CHEVROLET LIDU lSL.r..: •3 rd St, Nrwport li,.a,·ti PLYM. It DODUE ·-··--l l!i!.i HA('HE!,()g lllltl one a twq bdr,.1 .. ttrr ~ p . m. 07c!IV CHRYS. 4 l..11•; SOTO -··-··-$170 1 •ill.IL St11.rt tenn e.nd yt'uly. -I TUDEBAKIOt ·•···-·•· J t70 AL."10, Lido Homes •rHl U11.y Front l 't-1 1<.:NOM l!:NAL UL:Y of A U .FIC-OLDS It PONTIAC 6 ...... -·-117{) Honie• IU\d ap•rtnu!nt.. T l 1'!E ! A ·I Thunderbird l"U ., BUICK -·-··· -·-·· ·· J J7:) LJ[)() RE.ALTY • :.::. IMAUl!"J!: only 12711~ Will HUDSON ·--·-····---111:, Ai>SOCJ11.tes finance C11&ll down. Har 11(.N~. Loa..n car FnM T owlnf 3"00 V1• Lido, ll•rbor 44 44 or 1:129 Halbul. fllvd ~7p.">ll NE\V CAR GIJAH.A:<.;TEI: • 81:1lfe Block must meet Ou r •t11ndan:ls I ------------- .1\:1~4 L'.A O ILLAL.: .:onv1Ert1blt. ln8 , ul<:lr, mlltae;e 20,()0Q 13.~!I:, I.I 11·'2183 or Kl 2·2339. ~7c:l9 '41:1 OLDS 98, Sed•nette tio:..,,.p. 11onaHy claa.n. all ••lr&11 u1cl•ld· f'd 139~ Har 1087·W !)11:!19 PL.YM.OUTH Pl.au. St•Uon RAlt. tinted glU•. 11,i :'lO. LI 8·:.326 P'IUI l•J1.~•. g1t1keu 11..nd oll O~f\ Sunda.y 10 a.m. to i p m, BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open Dally 8 to 1 St•l• 8ondf"d NE W LOCATION 310 Ea s t 3rd St. S ANTA ANA ~lD&•· Mc::;8 -1--------------11131 FORD ptekup. fOOd eondl· 42-l'railcn Uon. R•r. UM·M &Jter !i p. m -------""'-"-t* PORT ORANGE * TRAJLEB. SALI-:S !>ti STUD£. PTe•ldent eoupe. lull)' equlpP«I 18.000 1nllc• 1900 dtacount, 1160 y,· 10th, Sant• Ana. KI 7..$882. Mc::.8 1 9~ MERC M'ONTE'llEY h11.rd top. One. owner Du•l e•hauat power brake&. E-Z t-)'$ g lau, I-feater !lo& plate~ PM. party. N o .. lea ta•. LI 8·38Jl5 aft('r a p. m. OOtfc !OLIO 38 Ford Coupe -run!< every day J40 Ll 8-4 778. :'>7e59 and SUPPLIES 2200 W. Coast .. Newport Beach LI 8-4~ ·::;o.2s· Al rfloat sf>'"" S L'.>·1·~· ·~·27' Sh1,sla, H.t•uty $21 1!) ':'it -ii!)' TMlvele!,., tl"''"tni.; S.1011~ ·~::;..J!)' CuM.om Kit 'l UH 11 2.'>0 ':'lo6·1:1' Trav .. lc:z.c. l!Jlf'c. $ 88:. \\'• n!Hlt.I Q•an ~ed tr11tle·1na, PAN AMb:R ICA N Pa.r•mount·K ensklll Tra ve.la.e-Ttri·y TWO '48 Hudllflf!JI f<lr M.le-160 "' • - --8:0.tfl Jl30. 2828 Bflavlf"W, CD M ':'l3 N A SH UA U-tt. •pt '"111: .. Kar. 101~W !17c!l9 flefri~ balhro>unl """'"II-t•X· WIJ..L TRADE-.-~ 8 tud1Eti.ker •·cl. ~un d. 11350 Lot 411 llr<)l1tl moor T•\Oll••t Hor11 .. 11 20li0 X»w· Oomman~ h..r.rd top conn rtible r~ plolrup t ru-ck. LI s..fA12 bf'· potl Blvd . Cu•l• MC'!l.li. Hruuhl Corwin LI 8·6"04 '111.)'• ~~8 t-1 :30 6 II SO p. n1. 07cll9 ----'42 D E SOTO 4.<ft . .eda n. ~ good CtJ/tONA D EL ~I AR. 2 b&ltn1 i.:•u·•i:" apt p11r! I\ furn 1nrl 1t .. vc • r1Efr1j,'., .. r ""t um Ga r· 11g-,., la un<lry rno frn<"t"l1 y11r!!. 11'1:, n10 Vr 1~-1r ,1,.111red ''•II IJ Wnf't H•r 47 tr ll/tANO '.'.'E\V O' Bfilrn1 W1tt1rn. dupl,.11 •pl• U.r K1lchen. Fir"· plaCt". Ji" A ht'&! B·e•uL land· l;t'11ped G ARA(;~_; $80. Call LI 8·322 1 ~·r H•r 3(H l·J :'17p09 NEV.' l\lo,leru J bdrm a pt. 18th Ir Pomona, Coate. M!"fl& H•r. 1'196.J 11.ttcr :i p m ~p08 (" D M. nh'e quit .. new 2 br un· f 11r11 duplex 1-'lrepl, F" A h"1tl HwC. tlr1 G1r S~p. p11.uo i·il•r lf8~·R 56c5S F1JRNl8 H l!:O A va1! .. bl!" now , prl- Y11te •mall l'olt1111;e O<lit OK 708 trl• A l.80 811r h"l(lr apt. &V>Oll Feb ,., Har C>e3l·M In- quire al 721 •~ l'uppy, C 0 ~t. .')8tfc LIDO ARMS APTS. & Marinai VE RY NE\V W11.ll to wall cerpetlng • dra pe.a. G. t: Re rri&'·· deluxe •lov1·:11. Each Apt. hu prlvat~ garegc. T!"nllnl.• h•ve nr1t L~tll f"r 1hp~ One halt bll(, lo hu1!nea1 cente r 3i 08-12·16 &. '.lO \'111 Oporto Ofrlct: 1-1.'lr. 1002 Aflct :0 p 111 LI 8 ·2171 til'9, -t eo-~ It Ad!O. a 7:">. &SI na.un. Netrport Hetcht•. Liberty 8·71143. ~o Ren tals Wanted Wr nt'ed •pll'I an<1 hou11c.• In All I ________ _ l) 1 tft: JllMf° PLTM Otrnf ,4 dr . It I~~ ooap 2 dr. BoOi Ilk• new, •ll bmt otrv . 3808 River, New· pcd ....ai. !17p6fl N..,.. and Ueed TRUCK AND P•11e nge r TIRES 8-Hour A..cepping ._Service Complete Brake Service """ J'roat: End Alignmer1 t .RQAD m:llVIClll J'lr.toM Bud.pt Plan Ta.a tw tM A.llkinl' HOWARD RYAN 801 • 80Q W. lat St. &A.NT A AN A. Kl ....... ittUODtl t or bolh '<A'ln1r7 (I.Jiii RENT AL 1/ ye•t'• le-Aet' f'"lln1. or \lnfutn. It you ha•·e II. v11r•n~y. SPECIA L! STS phone l.ollay C'•ll P.:ilr.11. Ci :.i1.i:: Th e Voge l Co. .Blanc he Gates, Rltr. 3201 \V, O t . H.,.')' .• Ney,,·µ..11l Bch. Phcine Liberty 8-34111 208 Marine, Balboa l11land Ph<:lne l'larbor '"' 2M7 £:. Coast Hy., Curon• del :.rar Phone }f11.rboor 17f 1 Udo Offlf't . 34 115 Via l.ld<> Harbor 497 t 1702 :J I I ~f . ., ,r\e Al'C 13alboa l•la;1J, liar. 16j'l 72\f(' FOR SALE a"d 1"01{ Rl"JIT Do · pie• turn I b<lrn1 1pl 1vt1llable Garagl' E11 cellt<t1t lnt"•T u1n Own· er pay~ ""•Irr $~6 ~O CALI. L.Jbf<,.ty &·1 4\W, Oltfr ----Nf"wport Dh·d .. Cost• Wberty 8 ·5:'>A7 lfc L~R~~hd~l~;:gpu"!~~n, ,.~·.,\~eJ;:~i \\'ANTED 'J bdrm A df"n ~,,. :i rll'frlJ'. furnlah&<I 701)',' ~lnr· ~Prlte r'nJ'Oflll rlf"I ~111,. C A LI. owner li•r t T bdrm . "'>ulol to $100 pf"r n•o Co.la Mc• or New port •re• LI 8--2.lat . r,7,.59 I -------------- Choice Wmter P.er1tals un B&J boa i.iiiand &. Lldo Isle SrnalJ A cos;y ur larp It dalUA• JT!) to $300 tr1<111UI VOGEL CO. 208 Marta• A"·· Balbue l.alanJ Pti. Harbor 4« or Harbor 2161 R... H.a.r.1116·R 01 .H•r. ~·~I CORO!" A n1·:1. i\IAH furn 2 b<lr m rlu r l"'"· furn11 rc 111"11.t. Tl"· dt'<'ot11,,ter\. \\'et"r " i:.-11 pa.Id . 16~ mo. yf"1 rly '2.'128 Si!•Yl •"'' ,, 6f<:l)l• ---,-----CORONA DEL :\IAR f\itfl 1111' $j'fl incl. Ul1i1!1,.~ • I 11tuc11r> apt fum 5Mi 111< I ut1h UN C"'&ll W 8-263e or H011rbo1 t l 'JO 5.lplO &4Uc '88--Houae. for &tot '""'l"'rl\ hl>11l11!1 m•n '" ~h•r" 3 2nrt !'It • !': ....... PENINt!lJL.A t'Oll'IT -WlntPr A11ta l f'um 1 bd.nn ~-p r 1 100 m1'1J 7:!;4 Pl.au tld Nort" r C'Wltom • Built. Lonly Section. 126.~. Small Joan, w ill trade Cc.ta M-. Jnt!I. IHflCf" 1n rio·w bu1ld1ns;. near l..ido Arnplc P•rking For lnrur- hl1&tl1u1 C"all Mra. ~·11y , H11.r 1215~. ""'"' --------- 5S-A.-8ualnesA 11.entsla SPARKLING rtean ~ rm. oftlce , plu!'.I parklnit: .t-1u.lverlla1ng •pAce on bl.lay Newport Blvd , C'll8t a Mes.a. H ar. 01:.06. :i1ttc /\'ICE MOD!:RN atore room o r 1Jf f1 c" 11.t 1888 J'la..:•nUa. 1100 c.le.a.r or .... ume for near equal value nea.r oce&ll. W ANTED lArl'• Bualneu or Inc.om• propo ~rty Utat wUl t.rade tor S..n Gabriel Valley. OR.ANO.i 00A8'T PROPBIR'I'Ir.8 llllT N-iiort. Co.ta M:eu Ll .. UJl2 mv.nlnp LI 8-1~ Corona Highlands '"LIST JT >-""Oli. TRADE N OW"' P•nc.. Jimk Oce•n Vie w Gordon L. Andrew, Rltr. LI ~:'127, av-. Jl11.r, 127J•J . '"'" ltltl lncluthng utllltlell ln(jUlre __ C_A_P_l_T_O--L--G--A--IN-- 111 prop .. rty a rt .. r ~ p m . .,...u BRAND Nll'W thipla,. dalU%• eon- •truc Uon In rwiUc modarn. See 01-2 beau t. t wo bdrm. homea tul!J carpeted. have electric onna and rr!ll&. Stone to cell· inc ttnplac-. Open fer tn1pec· Uon -· 4711 Montlnl' Canyon Ro&d. Har. J742-J. l!oloMh <.I KJ'll or any tUTll! Sa t. a Sun CAN YOU 07tf ~~~ OpportnnltJea Ba rbec ue Dinn e r House AFFORD TO SELL'! ROW A.BOUT A TR.A.DE, for man· acer opuai.d de&t' Income proJr arty wMt ~d or U. An&"eiN . VaJufld. a t $56.000 wilh aver l.J $10,000 & yeir Income A low u~ Am reurtiig a: llm In-: BACK BA. Y ARl:A IDCTR..t. UJlGm tnr 1-11~ Karbor 3"11 "' Call Liberty 8-5548 for other information or Evenings LEhigb 9·~23 See f urn.iabed model at Redhill and Irvine. Saleai- mao a.t homet daily 2'!30 to 6:00. Sundays, 10 t.o 7 AMAZING VALUE in fine "Ranch " at Balboa Island Thick aha.kc roof ranch atyle home. Separate tber· mad.or oven A: J"&DCe, large beam ceUlnp., and pa.n· eled wa.lla. 2 bdrm. and one t. king mu with big "udrobe ""-lo. Drapoo, clUUim, I. wall to waJ I carpet au over for $28:>00. See the fiDe detailii here and buy tlUa diatlncti"" bettor llvln& cezn, THE VOGEL CO. Bldr : Equip; • Busuie.1, Ground I.ease $15-0 month F P 58600 tereiite<l ln Bay F ront properiy.1 --------------1 Will ~ up or down. Owner, B • f th D 208 Marine Ave., Balboa llland Nut door to the Po.t Ottiee 'VEblJtu . "".19el or write 2907 a r9a1n 0 e ey S<:lulh Cochran A ve, Loa An· J bedrm.. Oak tloon, choice 1oca.· Hu , 444 Ev,__ Har. 12211-R Har. illS-R P A P l!:R PRODUCT CO Bu1 1nc~~-Truck It Eqwp ~~. P. ll~ 11:.00 dfl'"'" <;AP"'E BAJ!BOA gelu Ill. Uon In Corona d•l Mar. llaatern l----·-----------------------Bk OKi:RS INVI'l'ltO owner •Y• "!left thla Month''. W111 Ler ~·runt li'ull Equip 14 000. , ____________ _ 43Ll c "ART" ADAIR, Rltr. 62--ReaJ &i.te , ... Nt'wporl Blvd .. COllla Me .. L I 8-3792 or LI s.~se """ LOANS for Homes TW O new furn. homea. 'iii blk. to beach. BOTH homct· have n rcptace.. fl..,. doors, ears.mlc Ute It heated bat.ba. Qaragu. Splendid chance t o buy l'lome with Income unit. Sm!Ul dow n No fina nce ch•rge11.. ORANGE COAST PROPERTI E~ !\', 20 yr. Loarls C L 18.'17 Newport. Co.st& Meu On struction Qan5 LI 8·1632 Evenlng1 Ll 6·1400 SEE BOB SA TILER :!~l!I EART COAST BLVD, ('oron11 olel M11r Hllrbnr Jij88 1-t .. p P• lJHIEtt MORTG AGJ-.: t.:O. ,\leh·11 L1fo• ln1 1-~und• Kl 3·11180 '8tfc ----------- 2nd & 1st loans Fast Action -Low Rates \\'" Ser"e A.JI Orange County Service In Your Home We Buy Trust Deeds T ('ll) 1•rlr,.s P•td-C~ now' Royal Mortgage Co. lAfl2 ;\'.,•"'Pilrl Hl \",1 :\'pr! R<"h Harbor 1549 ~!'wf!Ah LOAN~ TO/f,JUILL1. bd.T'ROV E. 11l"Y, ~I OOERNIZF., OR RE!<.1NA NCF. \\'p Buy 'l"rt1"t °""tlfl NE\\"PO ltT BA 'S!!~ SAVIN08 A J_,()AN A ~JATI ON :1:1&8 Vl• Udo Ph. Hsr 4200 "' NO COMMISSION No Appraiu.I Fee SALES -RE F INANCE co:-:STRUCTION CaJI for~ Fut Commitmer1t. on RMldencu &1¥1 Uo.11-oal7 Don I. Huddleston l 73 E . 17th St. COSTA JfQA SEVEN UNITS !"URN PLUS owneni 2 bedrn1 11.pt. Steady lncome 1'430 per mo. Prlre 137.rio<>, .ome term.a tram owner•, 2ll Vle totla, Coela Meea. 01~7 Lido Bayfront Lot IHI F'T. FRONTAGE, VlA LI.DO SOUD. D u !r&ble for h ome or Income.. Owner Har, 0 19 1 or Hat 3106. 1'i2ce6b View Lot NOT A LEASEl-fOLD l~:'lOO C"-'h for quirk aal". OAN A. JACOBSEN, Re•l Eet11.~ Har. M91 , U 8·6317 Kl 2-21 87 ~~:a.~~1~ ~ 04<?:~,:: lllllds View of Canyon 6 oce&n. Pr!rM to •ell Harbor %420·W. '°"" l..<n'S F'OR SA. I.'.£ by owner ne&l'" th• hifh Khoo!. 7:1 f oot front- ·~ ltvl!rythlng In and rostrlc· 1 l!'d Re.J f ood Joca Ucin. l"UJI price S4.500 C.ll Lll>ertr 8·157151 """' MFG. ZONlt 330 • MO, tn..1ler park •II.fl on r laeenUa. l l !l,000 --ORA NGI: COA!'IT PROP£R11F.S Exclual" 0 . H.. LATHROP, 383tl I:. Cat.. H y. Har. MU JCvea Hu. MIO. IS8cOO FOR SALE,.-By Owner $1000 Down Lug• ok:ler i bedrm. homt!.. Well bullt .• , and built to re&l.ly Uve Jn. Her11'• a nal 1ood deal tor 110mt!Of\t!. Full p r1c• I• only 1s»oo. eau uti.rty 1-e1e1 IS6c68 CHANNEL FRONTS DUPLEX ON THIC J I0,000 Wlll hand.le. old. W'atwtront, Only 3 yn. ALSO, home oo 1.-nd waterlront only a19,000. ASK ABOUT OTHll\.I. IF YOU WISH TO BUY O!' Bl!LL prope.rty any HCUon-BEE US FIRST. N. S. C. Realty Co. ~lnd F Newport Blvd. Har. 1"°6 TWO B~ lo town. 'iii acr11 l bdrm. home, pa.rUy turn., flreJ)I., g lkf'&le. work •hop. (•U toola at.ay) Jl500 dn., J&O mo. Good v..iue here. 1--------------1 ORA..N'Olt COAST PROPERTl.E8 l&:i7 N 9Wp0rt, C.0..ta M_. U 8-1432 l:venlnp W S,l'°° NEW INCOME UNITS B Y O\llNER J 22,lK)O,--terma. 1702 It 1801 Haven Place. Newport Bl.II. nea.r l!lnnentary A 1-f.J«h School LI 8-M35. D7p70 LIDO R-3 2 -J O tL ~ on So. Ba7 Front. 131 ,~ ea.eh. Call T. D. ~ H ar. l-6IO-W, or R YM 1-4029. llUc T\VO outata.ndtna: cornen In Or- anl"e adjolnlnl' ~· for .. 1. or m • r bUll4 for l'ood t en&nt. run tnfonnaUoa. ROBllRT WHE'EL&R A C-t -41 Pia-. Oran ... Ph. ICE .. 1723 l'OR SAL& BT OWMIJR.-4 bed-- rootn boine., 1%, ba.Uw. l..ad- K&ped It: fmc.cl.. .-HA k>ul. rr-som ~ .,..... Oa.11 Llbed.y I-Ctn momlnp or a.tte:r 11 p. m. lttfc 10 Acres ON TUBTIN A VS. Pot4111UaJ lllalil· n..,. U600 per .er.. Good L.-m.a. OPEN HOUSE Bat. A Sunday-12 to IS p.m. 211 Tuatln Aff. BEAUTIFUL llr.f bama, 2 bdrm., 2 b&tla, l.ar&'• .uMeck. Une:a:~· led vinr. Not m&IU' llk• lb». Ca.n ai. -n b)' appolDtmanL "ART" ADAIR, Rltr. , ... Ntwp)rt Blvd., Co.la M- LI J...1792 •or LI l-6lla - Open For ln1pKtion 300I FilfLET .A. VlllfUJll T'hunlday' thnl 8und.ay l ·4. Price REDUCED $1250 ONLY J 1600 DOWH ~ Ulla J bedrm .• ~ ...oda"n ,._, wa.a JJOMIO. bC1W '8'JIC( 1uc 2 yaan old. X.. ..a. Newport . MHa Realty 1791 N~ Bl~., ec.ta M- Balboa OlJPLEX, fum1ahed J14.MO. Two :Z.bdnn. apt.. All OD ona OOOT. Wmlil:ln&' dl.-tance to downtown Ba.Ibo&. &owing l'ood lncoma. Submit on tuma. Ocean Front l lli,000. 0000 TllRIO. I ~ okler home. partl&lly Nmt.hld, C.l SOiie. Hart ot Ba.Ibo&.. 2 car C"&rqe ..tr -d !or •PL •bov ... Coast Properties 101 Bi. B&lboa Blvd., Balboa , Harbor 3868, Ja7 and uoe. FOR SALE,.-By Owner $1000 Down Larr• oaa bedroom boma. w.u comlnlcted and a ruJ nice home. Bu7 UU. tor bom• or specul&.tJon. Now nnt.d tor JM.liO a month. C.U own• at i.n-t.7 H741 liecill i 110 X O. f'rum I f\UB .St.II o• ha.2f acn, MU' ll&rtlar Bl'f'd. Room tor ' add'L ~&&. f ll.000 A.alc.ln&" pnc., with onl7 14000 ~ lll.000 msftlnl.. . """-oo.wr ftllJll!;•eaw H'ighl.nds BY OWNER l!Ue U O MO. NF:\\" "-'•nl9dl )'ounr ••me lnq. 304 _ _,.. .'.i7tr .. Pbor11 AtlanUC 10864 llolO W ...... u I 11-"i7 N~ Coilla )laaa ~.u .. iw 1tv.Unp uu.1400 DAN A. JAOOB&DI'. R-.1 ~ Har. Miit , U .... IT Kl 2-1111 Llb&rty MIOl 1' ..... u = • ···-·-..-··-~·· ..... .. ,A.=-. PART II -NEWPORT HAltlOR NEWS-IHSS ' MONDAY, JANUARY 1•, 1951> ' a , ........... a Beel "We . . UDO ISLE . I . Completely eh&nnJnc1 beautifully de<oroted 4 bdnn, A dell W /fireplace 3 both-bome. 80 tt. Uvtnr room - unusual yard -Patio -on eorner lot. 'I'hie home bu eve~K' ror gncioWI living -with a. low price or only '39,950. · LIDO BA YFRONT LOT R-3 on Soud -!)()'xOO' -only $36,000. BAYSHORES Do aee lhil "Bay.bores" home if you desire an ex· clWlive, quiet, delighUul place to live. 3 bdrm. on one al the larger lot. -room !or swimming pool. -Huge patio pa.rtly covered W /plexiglu. Comp. fl1m. Home or ~xcellent inconw property. HARBOR ISLAND Most attractive-. beautlfully f urnished 1-story homf' on 62' lot -pier and slip -4 bdrms. -5 bath.11. Thia ia one of thf' showplaces of the HarbOr Area Hu evt'rylhing. Prict"d at .$150,000, Somt' trade conaidered. BALBOA PE NINSULA 3 bdrm. -gla88ed·ln porch -2 balhs -King size ma.nu bdrm. w 1 bay view. 1 blk. rrom awimming beach. Make offer 40'x80' R· 1 lot -ideal J~at11J n. THE VO GEL CO.-LIDO O FFI CE 3416 Via I ... 1do. Np! l::k'h Har 4971 or Har. 4972 Evea : Ll S·5297 LI B-3040 Har 5142 COSTA MESA VALUES A REAL NlCE hon1e, 3 bedm1a., 11 ~ balhs, hwd ~ floort1, fir. furnact', liled stall shower. lge. hv1ng room, 2 car garage. A CUSTOM BUILT home fvr full pr1c(' of $8950 -Repeat SSOOO BACK BAY LOT Only $6800 and tenns. Hu sonte view and 1s on a paved street. MORE C.'OST A ~fF.SA VALUES For only $2500 down and $80.50 per mo. you t oo C&ll enjoy li fe u a home owner. 3 Bdrnu .. 2 bath11 and i 1~~ years old. F. F\ Only $11 .500, and we have the key. $1900 movea you Into 11 'I yr old 2 Bdrm. and den home. Large lot, hwd. flni., fireplace too. Fjrsl offer of $11 ,000. Phozte us day or night. BA LBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1~ W. Balboa Blvd. Har. 5188 or Har. 1216-J BUILD NOW ... MONE Y AV Al LA B LE We CU\ build for you a two-bedroom or 3 bedrm home for $4.SO Squarl' Foot. 100 % Financing 937 Square Foo t Home-$4295 1155 Square Foot Home-$5295 Attached 10 x 20 garages ............... $205 We are bai1dim.g on Wa..llace1 Bay. and Avocado St.A. Starting ehortly on 18th & 20th Sl.8. Call or Phone for lnfonnation . OPEN SUNDAY AF"TERNOONS & WEEK DA 'lS SCOTCH ·CONSTRUCTION of Garden Grove , Inc. 11041 Westminster Blvd., Garden Grove LE 9-0633 VOGEL VALUES CORONA DEL MAR Attractive modern two bedrooms, fireplace, large living room. Cloat' to shoppin"g. Only $13.500. COSTA ME SA Channing 3 bedrooms, 21 ._. years old, on a 60'x 13..'l' lol Hardwood floors, fireplace, 1s·x21 · living room, garbage dispoaal. f-l ome in excellent condition. At· tractive F'HA loan with pym·t.a of $&4 .20 per month. Tot:aJ price only $12,750. The Vogel Co. 2667 E. Col.I'll Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 174'1 HOW CAN YOU LOSE? When summer rents will make a whole ye11.r's pay· ment.a on thia charming knotty pine homf'. C'I08'1 to the Bay in a good Balboa l&land a.·rca with t:o11· renit.1 neighbon. Large breakfut bar, bcautifltl patio, garage hu an extrll be.th and has been deai.gned to cal-ry an apt. abovf'. Best of all, the down payment-la only $5000 -F'uU price $18,750. WM. W. STANLEY SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD P ark Ave. at Marine, Balboa Island H.a.rbor 2·162 ' LITILE ISLAND BUY OF THE WEEK! Lot 60 x 60, 2 unit.a plu•. Jtx.cellent income -excellent financing. Pric< $34 ,!J:j(J Ll1TL1t ISLAND qqJe.t loc•t1on -ready for imme- . OCCP$*11Cy. ~y re.mode~. Prit• $16.~. DORIS BRAY, eaJtci'I;. 11 M-4 Boll.,. laland. liar. llO...-Hu. IH ·-· ---·. . ' ----·-···-• I " • t --·---·-----... •·-- I .......... .. ••allll!!!l!•~·!....~~~~-Jll!::•!!st!'!.!ll!!!!l~t!!!_~~~~Jll!!:;:!!•~·!·~·~Wll!!!l~·~·!....~~~-1 111~::!·~·~··!..!!W.O!!!!l~·~·~-~~~..! ..... !:::~'!!!al!!...!ll~ .. !!!! .... !!..~~~-~ p. a . p a 1 ·r11 ·e r · i-n c.o r po r a t e d dl!velopen of Udo Isle Udo Residence ' Twinkle Twinkle Little Star J.rtlltlcally la..W•ped OD ....y cbolco olte, 02 feet on Centro &Inda, eo tt. on Dijon, 4li ft. on 8tnda Dijon. Jl:n\>ucb room tor pool It cleol"4. Lorro 3 bednn. 2 bath home with lovely lanai tor indoor· outdoor llvlnc. Tiu. home la Mtt aJl9rl by lta charm, even In thU aectlon of lovely b0Dle9. $82,600 Bright OUPd oohiny new a bednn., t....Uy rm. 4 both· roomo. carpotocl, dnped, ond In the -ier ot HeaYmly Lido hle. Never fQf sale before. How Wonder What You Are with $7,000 down. Thit ia ailly, 'call91 we know you. are • lot in Shor-.- clltta. What we really want to know .. who wtll build a bouae on. you. Only $U,800. Hurry I Family Growing? Do you deei~ the many adva.ntage.s of living on Udo lale for your ehlldren! U to, ee. LbJe! 2 story (amily home, 4 bednu. 2 balhil, furnace, in!ormt.I kitchen with bWJt.in range and oven. flttplace, fine Up Above The Bay So High with a view of everything from here to there. Three .. lovely bedrm.e., 2 with the view. You can buy thil !or $14,000 leee than it cost 4 yn.. ago. Like A Diamond In The Sky home and only $30,7~ 40 )( 110 BAYVIEW LOT OD Lido Soud $14,000 OLDER UOO home. good location, no builllrui or modern radceta. but a. lot of bouR !or S2t,9!:SO fur- niahed. ~.000 down. Dia.mood shaped windoww invite yoU to aee the Har- bor through them. Cute 3 bedn:n. 2 bath home, Y'--rd., 2 patioa, &Dd room !or a pool Only $24,500. p. a. palmer, incorporated ole he nson co., sales ma na gement 3333 via Udo, harbor 1600 p. a. pa lme r, incorporat ed ole hanson co., sales mana gement 1700 w. cout highway -liberty B-~73 WE'RE LOADED W IT H NEW LISTINGS TO ST ART THE NEW YEAR , .. SEE US FIRST! NG 1-Sp&.elOUI 2 bedroom home OU Belvue l£1te, heavy tuml- ture Included, l•rt• lot and l'•rac•. ~8.-000, r .H.A. 1oan ~ ... l ·' t>.droom. l l>alh Penln1ula Home. Id .. ! lM"I• fam.lly Wall«! corner lot lllcluded SulltlC'UI property. '30.IK>O. ternui. No.•·l·On ~e BtrMt ••• .tap • to bay. 3 bed"rOOflUI, I.arr• kitchen, attn.ctlv1 bV\tl( room wLUt t lr•pl.a.c•, r.mod· ele<I al1d actia.tly a lovely home tor •17,000, term.. No t ·Ont bedrvom beach hom• With 1 bedroom ~b•J.or IJl r1•r On lth 1treet op~lle NHY Oub •. , 1w1U loca · lion It you h•v1 a ~t . , . &J-L.(I()() &Jld t•rrn.. No l'l ·l>and)' l unit Income •• all r1nled, month lo monlll, l llJ:Z month Income. Good r1nta.J property •Hl.600, laM4. down. No S·Be•t v•lue !n Balboa. 3 l:M:ld· room hom1 with l bedroom •Pflrlment over 3 ca r rar· •r• , , all turJt~hffl. O~•l room with bath too. J32,600, lerrn. No 7·D11ple1t . <>n AJ1ad1 •. clOo11e lo bay J bedroom• down. l ~roorrui up • turnlAhed. Situated on 2 101..1 l.Jve !n on• rent lh• oth•r S20,000, ttrm• :-Oo. ll ·Ptnlruul1. duplex •nd a pip· pin 3 bedroom• up. 2 •n lo,.,•er, nic ely tumlabed. both rented now. A mwot tte •l S2l.O-OO. (ood term. No ~-Penln•ula Ocean Front Du· pie• and l he bey but • •lep. Well rurnl1hed. larfe comer lot, la11ndry wtth wuher and • •well renter. 122.llOO. No. IO·F"l.lll4)Ue refttl.I property , • one <loubJe •nr1 e •lnirle• Bl>•l re.ntal ar•• .. , clO&f! to bay. Good he•t. Room tor ·extr a buUdlnf. too - Slrl.000. I 11 ,0-00 down Balboa Realty Co. O ppoo1Lt1 Bank ot Amer!~ Ro ... G""'ey !:d Lee Al Cornelh1• Jottphlne \.\'ebb 7f\O F.. Balboa Blvd .. Balbol. Phone Harbor" 3277 2515 Creet view Dr. LOOK LOOK LOOK 1. BACK BAY beautiful 3 bed.rm. l a.Ji. bath, Ra.nch atyle. built by U oyd C. Howard. Large fenoed yd ., nicely landacaped. A11king $22,500. SEE TODAY. 2. GI RESALE, $14.~ -4-k -$73 mo. 3 bedrm. modem, leui lha.n 1 yr. old & fully furn., Incl. carpeting, drapee, built·ln stove & oven, refrigerator. FA heat, alid.ing glau waJla 1n lge. tiv.'lc dining a~a. Tile bath. Lge. lot le detached garage. Good Costa Meaa location. WU! con· aider trade to $20,000. 3. CLIFF HA VEN -<06 St. Andrewo. $14. 750 with payment.a of only $6.5 a mo. incl tau.. Fenced ya.rd. brick patio. Cloee to gra.mmar & h.igh achooll. Thi1 l• a m~t -Mt today I 4. INCOME PROPERTIES 2 •torM Ir 5 apt.a. on Cout Highway each with view. WaJk to beach. Will 8how 12% net on,uk· 1ng pnce. Only $15.000 down will handle. 5. BUSINESS BLDG. Ca~-free with net of 101,t- Leued to 6 good tenant.a. 8e8t location on Coaat. A-1 corut. StreMed for 2nd fir. $110,000 JACK BRENNAN , Rea ltor and ASSOCl.ATES 3320 W. Cout Hwy. Liberty &-7773 "Al lh4 Arche." A NEW LIDO ISLE LISTING • On !51"112' corner of Udo Nord • Thrtt bedroom• • Den • Two bathe • Built in Stov• It Oven • Di•hwuher A Diapou.I e Built in BBQ • Huge brick Patio • ,Full price $33,500 Thi1 home provide-1 all the environment for another happy Lldo family. AND • Also Another FIRST TIME Listiag two bedrooma, tivo b&tha located on Via KorOn (1lrttt to alreet) roomy living room w ith provin- cial wall to w&U e:upetlng and lot11 of inaide adjuat· able shutlers. Thi11 plel..l'lant home can be yours Houston Values Duplex-Income B.H:ST HUY In Ca.ta M~ Only I mo'•. ofd. l larJt li.R. •c.h un1L F'UU tlle baUt• • klchena. Di.poa.aJ. i: ... ~ept1onaJly well bit In downtown a rN.-Over 1700 .q. tt. b cl. ()f riu-aces. \Valk1n1 dl•L alOrl'•. tochoc:iY • tranu . Jnc . JIM> ino. $1~,l)OO -l7 yr. ....,,_ Only $7500 STUCCO, plu\e~ JnU,rior -2 bdrm., blk, wall fHice. l"9 yra. old. l:xcL dea.1. On ..war. lot ....,.,,_ $9500 3 BDR.N .• aewer In, I h yl"8 old.. J2200 down. 5114. mo. pc.ya all, ·~~loan. Excelle nt Lot Buy s lO K II)() -··-··-_ R.·• .2100 !JO K J02 -·· -·· . _ R-:l 13600 8e a •76 -··-··-· •.. M ·I 112,300 Open House 'S.331 Santa Ana Av4, J BR. on n.r ot. lOOaJOO lot. JlO,MO. OPl:N BAT. 1·6. Back Bay Beauty ISO La Canada Way l:a'tn J.c"e. new I bdrm. dellJ.l.t.. OPEN SUNDAY ll-6. Houston Rea lty Co. 6. AS.0ClATl:8 &Olil Center St., Colla M- Ll 1-IJ!illl • L1 8-7784 LYTLIC -ll:ve. Ph. L.t 11·~2 Plt'I rI I e -!!:••. Ph. L1 8-6487 SJCY)rf'.OUR -Eve.. Ph. HL t.NllW "C" mo¥AS "C" THO)(AS BEST EXCLUSIVES HA.RBOR HJOHLA.NDS-Chann- lnt I bdrm., J ~ ba!JI home. Jo- ea lll!d on beauUtully l&Jlcllcaped A timced oor. lot. w lo w car- pet1n1 6. drapm .• _,, ___ 518,600 CUFF HA VEN -D\•Unc:Uv1 modern 3 bedroom, 1-\, bath home de.l~ed by Dick Ple1tr. parkay Ooor•. tiraplac:e. F . A. CORONA DEL MAR FOR SALE OR TRADE Have 2 • den home In l.Mno Twnoo, -will u.de Sll,000 equity ~ua cub for detue 3 or moN unit apartment. AUi() New home of 2 fine bd.rmi., 2 bathe, COllUW IAM den a.nd ¥.! bath, beautiful living room, mod. f'he.. pl, paneled wall, din. rm., extra p1wt kttchm. uh woodwork. Bidet.. room opens to patio u do. DR., 1ug1s aervice: porc.b. Main f'OOIU '-utlf'1lly COfl>Oted I.lid all dnperte. ond cupe<a Incl. $:!000 cuh may 11eeure poue.uion lo qualified buyer. ONE OF THE FEW BA YFRONTS Large home of 2 muter •ult.ea and ba.tha, 2 ~ RR'a, and bath. High ctiiling Liv. room opem to 1ge. paved terrace. Well arranged kitchen. brldst. room and dining room. FA heal. Plua a deluxe 2 BR. apt .. 3 car gar. Owner will corurider a pt, or lneot:rMi pro- perty ln LA or Valley for ~.000 equity, Call Lou Boynton Hu. 3297 or Har. 1775, Ev~ Har. 2818 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor Bayeide Dr1ve and. Coa.!lt Highwa7 ' BILL 'S BEST BUYS ONE TO BE PROUD OF Two year old, 3 Brrn.. home on large co rnet" lot With Rrtl wuod fence, ]8'x24' Patio, J5':ic.18' Lav. Room. Hw. floors, Large 'Ji.le Kitchen, Dulpoaa..l, E:x.hauat fllfl, large wa.n:lrobeti and Cab1neta. $12,800 -w1lh S3500 down. G. I. loan 'Nit.b low inL rate. $75 mo . lncludea Tue. and lna. NICE HOME CLOSE IN Two Brm.. Home on 57'x203' lot.. Two Obie. Garages and room tor income pnit&. Hw. noon, Pla1te~ mterior and Serv. Porch.. Ne'ffly decon.ted inaide and out. Cloae to ahope lllld bua tin•. Priced at SI 1.500. Arra.oge tenna. LOTS All sizes, Prices a.nd Looationa. NEWPORT HEIGHTS 4 Bedrooms -F. A. Heat -Fireplace. Not a leut· hold -1 V.1 yean old. Sacriti.ce at $14,MO. SJ.JO() down. W. A. TOBIAS, Realto r EXCLUS1VE AGENT "you'll Like ottr friendly .eryice" •oo E . 17th St., CoolA Meea Liberty 8-1139 Oua!ity Speaks for Itself EXTREMELY SELECI'! laland B&yfront home. 3 bdrrrui., 3 batm, maid'• rm. &: bath. Pier & float, large lot. COmpletely fu.rniahed. The beat. BAYSHORES FOR YOU ! WeU-lr:ept 3 bdrm. & den, 2 frpla., 1 ~ balht, nicely landa:caped home. ClDM to private beach. Don't exiat -live 1 $23, 750 Good term1, LIDO AND SPACIOUS On & large comer lot with 2 p&tios, 3 bednm., 2 baths downst.&.irs. 1 bdrm., 1 b8th. large playroom & •undeck upat.a.inl . Dining room, 3 ci..r earare. and beautifully ILndac.aped. One of the best buya on Lido at $41,000 KILLI ON re el H lete 3341 Newport Blvd. Harbor 5500 BAYSHORES OPEN HOUSE Fri., Sat., Sun., Mon. 1 • 4 :30 for $26,500, term.A. hu.t. dl11poaal. 80 ft . cor. lot, I----------------------- 2 8 R .. knotty pine lilt., 2 paU01.-- l'LUS E"r unit. Ch1rmlng h....,.rh <>r ye&r round home. •LEMON HEIGHTS Corner !GI 1t 2 1 ~. new Pro\'lncl&I , lge. room•, 2 8 . R., den, dlnln1 • room. bel!ll location S3:l.O-OO COAST HIGHWAY, 132' C ·2. on lht Bay, Jl"OR SALE or W\JI l1!lu1~ and build. C-2, :)oil a 300. 17th 8tr,.e!. RE· DUC ED Cla ire Van Horn e ltF.A!.TO H. 'll.11 \\ Co&lll llwy Bay Shor es LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES 3400 V 1e Lido .., Harbor 4444' or 502-4 -INCOME INVESTMENT Earns better lh&n 10 ~ on your money. 6 Beautiful Triplexee &II in a row. 2 Bed· room11 -gubage dlspoaal -garagea. Lo· cated in Newport Beach, a 1hort walk to grade or High School. The very best rent.a.I location in the Harbor area. All units occu- pied -Seldom a vacLncy. Groaa income $18,000 yearJy -Moderate rents. Total Selling Price $]3!)i0()0, Excellent tenns. These 18 unita are the heel in the area. EXCLUSIVE WITH 'l(l1'l Ctrcle Drh·e ,/j[;",;{i'~'~o T~~~u. e DUNCAN HARDESTY , Realtor 3 btlriu . 1 ~ btilh. t rpl., F . A. 2602 Newport Blvd., Npt. Bch. Har. 4718 l1 ell ., 1111 elt'.;-. l1ttehr n. Spoclo\1• ---- p•1 h~ -btull In RSQ Over•liw i.;1 r.<gc. gencrUua 1tor:.o.i;e. RALPH P. MASKEY J'Ji:ALTOR 3•11 N'-port Blvd . NpL Bdl. Har ber 4.-02 YOUR J1.11'N. Unit.II clOH to thoppln~. •Atway• rented ln- c<Jm• JNO tno. J.tOOO dn.. &elll-rw will N"J ._.._ Oft.ANOE OOA.,- PftOPltft'ftSll I~? N.wpon. Olilta W- U a-:e.u lr:TWUJ!!P U t-1.op WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS INVESTM.ENTWJSE IN ~? Wa.nt to buy or aell. Build or le..e. Exchange. or Flnance. A stort or indU1tria1 property improved or vacant. Wh.at.Pver your need.I in commerci•I. indu.trial or ac~ consult a •pecla.U•L SEE RUSS FORD, Realtor \i\Qo W. Cowt Highw•y L.Jberty 8-614J --- nicely landAcapt<I -519,.)()() - \erm11 BA YSHORES -ltxrellerttly Jo- l'i.\t<I on llay11hore Drtve with VIEW of bay -Ideal 3 bedrr11 , I '4 bath f1unlly home, din. rm. &< brea.J<fut roon>. hdwd. rlooni, 1111r1tone f1r,.pl•ce. PRJC E D AT ONLY 1 2:1.~00 e "C" THOMAS ; Rltr. & ASSOCIATES .'l~ W Cout l llway L.J 8-6627 Newp<)rt Beach "C" THOMAS "C'" THOMAS P•yn1ent1 made by 2 unit.I on re1.r-()f \'I at re !Worn tor 3 .more unit•. Walk to downtown. F . P. J21,000 -&13,000 loan commitment. Newport • Mesa Real ty • 1 7~ Newport ll.lvd . t:o.ta Me .. WbertJ' &-611U& -l:vee. U 8·12!l ..... WANT A HELP US AGAIN? A kind-hearted buyer helped UA thi• week · end, helped that poor o ld grey haired lady loee her 1h.irt on her house. Juat hapr:iened to have one more owner who is busting to IOAe a buck. Hu a 3 bed· room. 2 bath home for a aurpriaingly low price. Ca.II for appointment, We'll gang up on him. R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor R.B. HODGE,A.Moclo~ 3622 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Hu. !117' MONEY TO INVEST? 7 U you are interested in a SEX:t.TRE loni' nn.p in- vestment with an a.1.mOflt certain oapttal p1n o( from 50 to ·100% wit.bin the nut 2 or i yean- Phooe \lll for information about our INDUSTRlA.L ACREAGE in Coat.a Kea. 6 Jl&nta Ana WM. W, BTANLEI' SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD Park lt.•e. at Mllrlne, Balboa la1and Harbor 1'82 THREE BJl:DR.)(., 1'-bath. 0 11----------------------- r•al&, 4':l lntereat. $14.9&0 tull price.. ln11Ul•lil"d 6 w ... Utwatrtp- ped. Pat.lo. FeDC*2 rear pn1 Sida dM'n. OR.A NO E COAST Pft.OPDlTil:ll 11&1 Newport. eo.ta M- U 1·18Sl 1;.,..1np LI 1-ltOO A "MUST SELL" Duple• TWO BEOR.MJI.. EACH. iwwcl.. ~ AU~ f---S wt\111 M'parala pnc-tta.4.60. Low ·~ . DAN' A. JAOOMEPf . ..ll-.1 llmtate Hat MQI. IJ 1-1111 ICJ S-1l.t7 500 FT. FRONTAGE ON WEST COAST HWY In t.bo City ol. Nwpuit 8-ch. Putl&lly cloN>ped tor trailer pllric: Of' coU:t be UMd for delm mot,t.I o!U. Prioe, $90,000, with 2U% dowu. The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Cout Hr..y. LI 8-3481 ' I ( a •NJ r..tate R E A ~L T 0 R S 818 Lido Bridge Off ice Open House 203 Via Nice Saturday&. Sunday, 1 to 4.:30 Well con•tructed new 3 bdrm.a., 2 bat.ha. Electric built.in kit., lge. patio, carpeting thru-0ut. $3&,MO Lots Street to Street corner -$13,000 70' -Only one left -low down 40' -on Nice -$12,750 A Grand Family Home i bedrooms or 3 and den, 2 batbs, large patio wllh buil t-In BBQ, copper hood. Carpeta and dn.peries lncluded. Lg. kit. with many ~uilt·ln extru. $3!5,750 Just Put on the Market A ln\'cly provincial h nmc, street tu i;treet . 3 bdrms .. conv. den, 3 bath~. larg(' li\·tng rorim, separate din- ing room. birch kilchl'n v.11th bu1lt-111 featurt·s, :.!:!U winng, wa.11 to wall carpf't1r1g-, !Ja ni~li hv•d. fli•l'lr,_ beautifuUy planted pal 1•1, HUn deck Ca.rag(: 11tre&aed for 2 atory. Cdl for app't to SC(! this unuaual homr $4!l,50f'I. Nord Corner 3 bedrooma, 3 batha, 111.rgl! hv1ng ronn1 \.\'It h ftrf'· place. Separate dining rourn. l'f'rrnanent \·1ew of bay from Aun dt!i·k, which cuuli.1 be conv•·rted int<i ;in· other bedroom. Carpets 11nd draper1c-t1_ Balb oa Island Cloee to So. Bay on Amethyat. 4 bdrm. home F.:x . terior newly painted. F:xlnt. tun.i;trui.:tu.111, llH't pa.Uo. Owner wili consider trade -&32,000. 31 12 Lofoyette, Newport -Hor. 3643 B/B Corona del Mar Off ice A Magnificent View ill the nicest feature among many 1n this lov~!y '.! bedroom a.nd convcrtibllY"den homt>, 2 baths of course, a spaeioll8 modern home wit h a Reclude<l patio, all on two lt>\•els, beam cc11ings, perf{'ct f1rC'- place, built-in kitchen, full 11rirf•. $.35,000, plca10· ralt 11.beaJ for gn appou1t1nent to ~ Choice Income Here 11 a nice clean commercial property in an at- tractive and busy community. It's almost new and problem-free. On the ground floor arc two store front.a both modern a.nd outstanding; and both are leaaed, although one will come up for r enewal next year it your plan.A l'Dc lude a busineas of your own. Your nel.ghbon are the beat atores and 1hops in CDK. Parking in the rear. Upeta.irs are four modern .!tl?'Illahe!1 aingle apartment.a (one now available). The location and relatively low rentala 'will ke<'p this building occupied-yet the return i8 adequate on the aak:U:J.c price ot $55,000 and we can work out 1st r&te term.a. Call ua and come in and see it- it'a good value. 3530 East Coast Highway Ho r. 5565 T !I' !In!,' I • •iol.F' ---· ,_._ , a ._,..._ ... ~ BAY~ A·N·D, BEAC-H .. RE .AtTY, I N C. B/ e· ·- Newport .• Riha Offk:e Bel~ P111Jnsula Open House -1 to 4 p. m. Deny lUG.- N.., 3 bdno.., 2 --- OeoOn ---patio -Radio IDd IJ>-to &I "°"""'· many -· $211,000 Exclusive $2000 down ~ newly . decorated two bdrm. home clooe to jetty. J.l'u1J pri<• $17 .l!OO. Exclusive Also near Jetty, 3 bdra1s .. :.! bath modern hf'l meo, fum u1hed ~ Full j'r1ce Sl9. 750 °'4'TIPr "''1!J sell on Ubt.>ral term11. Open House -1 to 4 p. m. Daily I TOJ r..:. Ocean Blvd. BeauUful Cape Cod home on large corner lot. Owner haa movt'd inland. 3 bdrm• .. 2 bath11 l.ot,11 of closet.a -wonderful patio with cabana. New -Modern -Unus ual .3 bdrma. a.nd den -2 fireplace& Large built-in k1tchen - nice patio. $32,500. Owner will coneider tradel! Just Completed 4 housee on quiet street racing city park - :t bdr1ns., 2 baths each - l~u1lt -1n kitchens -dish v.•uhe~. usC'd brick !1replaces -large 1•at1os -$23,500 __._good financ ing. Peninsula Ocean Front QUALITY is the keynote for this 3 bdrm. and den home near jetty. Owner is ill and must move -wiU con1ider all offen and wW trade up or down. Shown by appointment only. • Oceen Front Comer ~Colony o.o-•-_..._tobalkl Balboa Bayfront 8 bdrma., 3'h botJia plua maid'• rm. Best location -very attractive and homey. Excellent pier and allp. No telephone inform&~. Price ia firm at $6:5,000. J Balboa Oceanfront Wonderful family home. t bdnna , 3 1~ bat.ha - Beautiful large living room, den -dining room -2 firepla.cea, lanai -Outdoor L. R. and encloAod ~ -:IC&ht conaider exchange f or IDl&ll home Harbor area. Bay Avenue Income Duplex -Upper 3 bdrm. leued for one year -Lower leb.ed to June 15th -Ha.a excellent income record -Full price $26,:IOO -$6500 down. Income-Near Grammar School 7 unlts -100% occupancy - Winter and summer -Owner needa more room for 1ncreaaed family. MUST SELL -Ailing $:12,000. Exclusive Just Listed PENINSULA HOME 2 bdnna., 2 bath, lge. liv. rm. with fireplace, ap&eloaa k itchen, brea.kfut bar -•un deck -This will eell fut -$18,000. ' • 1450 W. Bolboo Blvd., Bo lboo Harbor 1264 LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH THE BIB OFFICE I~ YOUR AREA NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART II , PA6E I '! f19!1 ,....,, • .. ........ REALTORS 8/8 Costa Mesa Offices : Harbor Blvd. Office · Sweeping View Boo tho breath~obotructed vista from t)I,.. atdoo ,aid both -of thla moderu new i>'1"'o ot many windowa -3 bdrm&. and 2 batba -Un· matched t or moet.wa.nted locaUon in CUtt U..ven, thla IUltUJ'Y bome often tho fln..t ID planned arcbl- tectun.I construction with tnany exbu iDcL built· in range &Dd. axen, diahwuher, complete W to W carpeta and dn.pe1, iinported wallpaper, intercom throqbout -a kitchen you muat .ee ! Priced at U-3.600 and abown by appointment only. The Executive with & large family will immediately•aee the tr. ' mendoua va.lue in thla 2·year-old.t bdrm. and den, 2 balh home with an excellent view of the oce!Lfl a nd room galore -over 2000 aq. ft. living area with 2 firepl.acea and a.ll the extra.a you can th.ink of. Price will amue you at $~~ with a:oelient terma. We hava the key! 1875 Harbor Blvd., Cosio Moso Li b. 8-7 714-Evos . Lib. 8-3158 8/B 17th & Newport Blvd. Office $1000 Dow!)! 3 bdrm. -1 ~ years old -clean -nice lawn. Low monthly payments include taxes~ Out-of·state owner must sacrifice'. Full price SOOOtl 2 Houses! Heart of Town! Just listed -2 bdrm. each -clean. Patio -BBQ Garb. diap. -fenced -Widow must sell! Hurry ! $15.9:1() -. $945.00 an Acre! 90 Acres Strategic.ally adjoining new subdiviaton ! Goini: ranch -3600 sq. ft. metal barn -Lge.. 3 bdrm. and 2 bdrm. h omes. Cone. floon all bldp. Kachlne 111.hop -sell-feed aiJo -120 bead. perm. puture - lots water plus pumps, plus -5:50,000 gal. concrete reservoir. On railroad and freeway! 85 a.ere under cultivation. Owner MUST retire acct. ~.SU~ mit any exchange -bus. or res. Orange County. I 696 Newport Blv'd., Coda Mesa Lib. 8-1161 -Eves . Lib. 8-3010 ·-. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BROKERS -MULTIPLE LISTING BROKERS CORONA DEL MAR N ow is the time to start tha~ new home if you in- tend enjoying summer on the beach. \\le ha\"e a few cholC6, level lot.a, but lht'y are scarce. AC."f NOW. • al.so H ome with an apt. for added income, pcrfrrt lo• caUon, some view. Live here while the rental makes the loan payment.a. $21,500. IRVINE TERACE The choieat VIEW home available in Irvine Ter· race. IDJh up on the clllf with a front seR.t vif'w ot all Harbor activities, plus ocean, bay and island view. A quality 3 bedroom home with protl'ctf'd patio, and an unmatched view. $4.2.500 full pr1l't". All eJi:clusive with RAY REAL TY CO. 3'« E. Cout Highway., C. D. M. -.. larbor 2288 (Acrosa: from BanJc in Corona del ~t ar ) IF YOU CAN AFFORD THE BEST We think there ii no subltitute for the EAST BAY FRONT or Little ltland. Sheltered, unusually quiet loc&tion with fine be111.ch, private pier, large patio, ua&blc ,.a.ra.ge (face.a the &t.reet inst.cad oi a nar· row alley), FA heal, BBQ. dining room, gucsl apt -in ahort a real home. YOU'LL LlKh: IT. WM. W. STA.NLEY SANFORD Realtors HA DFIELD Park Aw. at M.ari.ue, Balboa Llla.nd Harbor 216:.:! • LIDO ISLE 124 \.IA ~1EN1'0NE J llF:ORt111~lS, :! llnlh~. Ln rg~ t4' lot. S<:>uth pijt,o, 1-::1.f1U!f "' 116 \t JA JTl·flCA LAHC.:E :; l)e\lr"<!I>\ ll"l~l'-'"' hulll hon1~ t f) fl lol. IM1Ul h pallo Ulir r00!1\ll Only $10 000 <lu\\'1\ UPPER BAY AREA 20381 CYPRESS a BEDROOM. Hickory built home, large lot. •h•ke root, $10,760. NEWPORT BEACH 1 1025 \V. HALBOJ\ BL\'J). I BALBOA ISLAND Comp'l rum. 2-bdrm. 2-bath beauty! Lge. patio, bbq. dbl. gar. You'll love it! Cloae to village and b11.y. You make the tenne;! $29,500. OWNER SAYS ~c:1.1 ... ~ TF YOU ARE TIRED of looking at lnfl&ted pricea, make a date with us to see what $18,750 will buy. 2-bdnns, fgc . patio, }('.ln't location~ LIDO ISLE Unusually nice 3 bdrm. 1 ~ bath home ! Lge. Jiv. rm. wi th . beautiful stone: fr. pl. Priced to aell $26,500. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Manne Ave., Balboa Ulland Ha.r. 502 or 4623 My Goodness! After !.ll our hunUnc, HERE U la. Alnl It amu.J.nr what money Will buy! You've looked al, and wanted, Ulue fine ' B.R., 2 Ila, horn• •t $12.000 to $13.000. Het'tl'• your chance: lo J"•t on• for only $1J,OOO. Near 11ehooi. a.nd llbopplnc cen.ter too. Fisher & Co. 2eol Ntwp0rt. Blvct. HllU'. ffJll 7 BF:IJIU>O~t.i, '.l 1, · :is. l)fl " JIVl '""' Int -Gorwt lnroTn l' orn<lrr I S'lO.f\00 BEA UTJFtH~ W11 ter vh1ta acrou CALL! ELSIE 1;:BELl NG,,----------------------1 •lreel from dellu:• ra.nch .. oo LYLE POPE, J AC K ~1UL-Men. Drive. Curbed lllreoeL Buy LIDO SPECl/J..i "" "~·· """' ·"· "''"'''"' LAN, RUTH DA VIS ·or homNite. JEAN SMITH ORANGE COAST Duncan Hardesty REALTOR :itoJ Newport Bb·d. Har. '718 16t X 230 0:-< llARDO R BL.VD. Laree bualrle.,, 1tte. WUI divide, e~ll. le1~ or butl1l to Nit tert· ORANGE COAST PRUP~TIF.S 18."17 Nl'"'"JX)rt, ('r.,.tA 7'!!'!111. I.I k-1isa2 ' . Evl'n!ngll W 8·1-«'IO F'Of\ !.\Al.IC or wtll tr.de for In· r<.>m._ A rtl"'-lf 2 bdrm. ho>UH. If.rd fl1"11 . ft'1'1 ,fl k-e pt.l-lo l ~·en"'1 yd Sl i~>OO °""™'r H11.r &8H ' ~M 6 Bedrooms, 4 Baths 62 1 :.! rt. Lido Saud corner. Lot alone worth $22,000. A.n older h ome with beautiful apacioua patios. You can tOBll • ha.II to the L ido Club. F or qu.ick u.le $31,!l:IO DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realto r LIDO SPEClALIST 2602 Ntwport Blvd., N~port Beach. Har. '4 718 PROPl:RTii:B l 8.'I T Newport. Costa M..- U: 1-1632 E ventnc• U a-1to0 BUSINDB LOT ~ ll 11'>3 to •.ll•J'· CaltnJ aoca- l1on, eo.t& M-- Ll &...JYJ9. Har. Jail ' " Selective Lots EA91' BID&. OOIFl"A K&IA. Call UI fOf ..... 6 priee. DAN' A. J.ACOB81:N', rt.al m.tate 111.r. Geel, LI l-a1T Ill ~IUT VOGEL VALUES -COSTA MESA Triplex Near new 2 Bednns. each with large livin& room. tile kitchen with break.tut atta. Excel.Jent laundrY, room. All rented. $240 mo. income. $21,roo f1lll pr. $2000 D.own Move. you lnto new 3 bedroom home. J&aJ Uftrs room, dining room, F_ A., beat. ~ ballMn kltcben, dble. gango. Fully l&ndacapod. -- aide location. C-2 Development Opportunity 1.f a.cres, one block oft Newport Blvd. t... than ~· property developed with monthly ID.._ of $2lll. Clooe to Coat.a ..... Cit, O!nter. wm --. THE .VOGEL COMPANY 1700 Newport Blvd. Phone Llbe.rt.y ~ A REALLY SCARCE ' ITEM • bedrma., 1% bat.ha, 2 moo patloa. Complotoly funoJo1!oc1 "" Bolboa Ial&Dd for only $2UCIO. """ term&. Don't procruUnate oa. t.bJll one. WY.W. STANLEY. SANFoRD Realton HADFIELD , . / 'l'A&E 6 -PART 11 -NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS -__ MONDAY0 JANIJARY 1--~ - • • • HEY, REF, BLOW THAT WHISTLE! And he did, too, when Ri versi de's Jerry Deuker fouled the Pi1atc.<J' Ez Van I-lorn in Orange Coast College gym la.st week. The Pirates hckl'd the Tigers, but were un· able to get pa.at F ullerton's Hornets Friday night. --Slaff Photo Wildcats Cuff • Wolves for 34 Go Score Runntnr up the hi&heat acore recorded ln open!nC" g-amet of the al...:th gr a de lntramura.1 buket· ball loop. Schone& W!!dcatA curr- ed th., Woodrich Wotve.. 34-2:'.I In Htrbor Boya· Club gym 'l'uelld!ly Bry an Lewla took high ecore for the Wiidcat• With 17 -potnta. Halftime acore favor~! the vic- tor• 21 -li. Other iu:orer11 !n the oontMt; Wllck:at. -J ed Hou1ton 9, Gary Bchonet 8. W olve.111 : T erry )(cNlMlh,y 11, Tom Woodrich 8, xn.:. Patrick l!, Sk.Jp Marlett 2 Jn. ot!aw ,-.me•. Bryan'• 9ruina .acqw.lied Hlatt'a .H otabot.111 32- 11. th• McCarty Te.re tarnl11hed U.. Curti. ~g-a.r1 20·16 and PetUt'• Pelllc-.na pecked Na.lm'a NlllUIY• J:i-li. 8cortnr In lhe~ tzw.y•: Bndna: Bteve H11rper I!, Tom Bryan 11, Bob P ettit 2. Dave 1tc-o 2. Hol9hota: Ed Hiett 2-4 . ,._.. Flor .. 2, J oe Donofrio 2. 'l'an: Roy Bennett 8. Mike Mc- Carty 5, Rorer Wat~n l!, J lm Norrid ~ Cougan: Jim Vermilya f-1· ~ Wan-um 4. Nlleam: Dtlnnla Carpenter 8. .... ?ion'lll 1.2. Dtclr. P eUlt 2. ~I Lyn Gavin 7, J im Curtia '-ll&rol4 Caldwell 4, Grant _ .. SAINTS SURGE BY HUNTINGTON BEA CH SANT A A NA, 10CNS1 Forw•rd Milt 811rl":t0n p11r~·! ., balanC<1d .'K"Orlnl( 1t ll11<·k fl'rlda y nie-ht aa Ille .S1<nt1;1. A11"-H J i h School S111 nt.• •urged to & ::>J-39 Su n..,•·! ~11.g-ue b11.11ketb11.!I v I ct'' r y over dtfendini: <"h•mp tl unl · lngton Bellc-h_ S&nta Ana Vl\Ult"rl 111~.-, 11.n 18 tn 7 f!rBt qUN!"l•·r 1~11.d F or.o.•&rd DQn He11rcl 1"11•1 th" OLier 1eoren wHh I ~ pninU.. TROPHY TAKEN Results in Fem Fairway Tournaments Mn_ Roy Ha.llb-:rg capture<! the Elstt M i ller Troph y in 11 pl11y- off tournament among 12 fPm g-olfera 11.t Irvine Co11st Country Club F'rldll.y. She llCOrerl a nt't 71 to become Ille f!rtt tu get hl'r n•me on the trophy twice In the regular F r!d1<y l11.d1e11" ml'dal pl a.y tournament. ctuh cllamp Mre. l!:dwar\l Lf!111':lf.11 won Claaa A low gro1111 with 8·1 and Ued w ith Mary K . Browne tor low net at 78 . MESA UPHOLSTERING riu11 U l•1w nrl ,,.-~nl tn i.1 1~­ Forn·11L ,,e .. 1 1<·1th i'J Mr11 .-.:~.._1 ll[.lo(J .. hot IH) l:.IJ i;r .. l'I~ lh•· llflll time 11h e h>1.1 hroMrn flO CIR-'ll r low ~ .. ! r1r j:'l ,,..,.~ '•·<.:\•rol~J by M r~ \"tn<"t'tll !-;alrJ1'1.•·1u M111 Le111h"n 1<lruloe.J her v.1<V lu Cl>tl'll'I A luw gro&• "' tit !n )Riil TUt• ... d1t)'°K 111 ii~· ).:11•-"ll d11.y !•i,:11.lu~I ~ flt•ltJ "f ~~' p111 y•'r~ fJth- er v.·1nr1 ~r~ "'"••r .. P.1 1 ~ J ,.rry l-h•l· perui, H11l)•h S111.~k ~I r.• Ev1·1,.tt M1n1.c·1 ... ~t r• /",1••11,tun. Mr8 Hru ~ p ~1T~ 1t .. 1iu 1.1 Vall"l} 11.nd M r" <lr1·11J S\t'\\"r! r.~~,. STARTS "'F.O. llumplu-.. y t'tt.drh: l\oicarl .\lurc h "The Desperate Hours" -plu~ - "The Bridges at Toko-Ri" \''lllhun lloldt·n li ra<·•· f\o·lly l"r"'<lPrh· ,\l ,.~<'h RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL -COMMtRCIAL NO J OB TOO LARGE OR SMALL ZSO SOtb St., Newport Beaeh Jlarhor 25.~ •' if., a.,., &...·'"··· --~--"' .. _ -.. --.... ---.... /~ ..;._ __ _ ,_._ __ _ - • BOYS' CLUB SIXTH GRADERS -Ready for court action are, front, from left, Tom Woodrich, Dick Pet- t it, Mike Patriclc, J on Curtis, Dennis Carpenter, Den- nis Perrin, Dave RO&BO , Mike McCarty, Rodger Wat- INDIAN QUINT LONG DENIED CAGE CROWN eon; middle, Jed Houston, Tom Bryan, Lyn Gavin , Jim Curtia, Bryan Lewis, Tim \1ennilya, Roy Bennett, Richard KiBel ; rear, Ed Hiatt and Bob Norris. -Staff Photo Santa Roll Ana Dons over Foe Orange Panthers Paste Argonauts SANTA ANA, 1ncss1 ~ TI1' ORAN(;J,; 1r .r'.°1:8• Orang~ Sant. A nd Dona rr1lloed uvt>r v1~1t-H li;:h Schoo! a <."~~" P a nth•-ra •le· ... w•• YOl '.\'~rl J'\•••1 :·M ·:f'" W'l't\ P"unu llC'Ore1 se~arnl '''" Jo-"' • wuct Ke.n Pupr<::dl .with -11 ·t.a.J.iled . MAT?H.ESSES ao..t. -If--T1'&.11 .. .._ lrl'l!(Ular Shai- Ube.rty 8·1 SU <XNiTA MESA MAtta.Ess ro. tl50 Xe"·port )U,·d. BE SURE • INSURE whh M..t.URtCr: ~TANLEl' I JDJHlr'llQfW) Only Phone tbrbot t i1i 3315 t::. <.:n .. t H11 h\O•.•· f'(trona del i'ttar DO YOU NEED MORE INCOME? W C o rFl:A SCLCC:T£0 lST M ORTOA GC LOA.NS WITH SERVICE ..... ,,.,.,.._ '"0 ..... a .... .._ •O<.•C .. •t>D~• TltUST DCl:D• 9 0UIJHT AN" •Cll-0 WM. B. HOl I 1!1(;19 t j &l!.,,., ~11!11 • ~A,..lA A.N•, Cit.I If ""'&fll • j /Oii --DEBT-~ COLLECTIONS AC<'Uunl• -Soi..-. -(i.alon• "' """Y kind of debt•-IUl)l•he re in A1n,..rica. "S o c...11,,,.,tlon• -::-,•., '""'·"' \\e Mil'aD<>I! ILll coll!._ C tlf:lllT Hl"Rt:AI <>f \\•·•C..:r o t.lrance ('ount1 fotn1,.rly ("1,.dl1 hur .. •11 Qf Sewpott ti<-1u·h , l..a.i-u.n• ~ a.nd Lu.I.a. )f_.,.._ \!(U Rh·•·,,.hle A~ .... P .(). ft.o• S&fl St:\\"l'OllT 8 E ACR, C A.Ll.t·. rl' .. ted G11nlen c_,,,,, ... !'!7 ·!'!~ Ft1-1 Ing C&mp Pendleton Marin"• In I day nlC"hl in Jf•><1 E. cr111mticrH a pn.cuce buk e t~!I ga.m.-7:,.17 ).{e1nu•h•l ;:y111 her.-j FrlO...y nlg-hL The Don1 acored 42 -~H~lg~h~~po;;m~l;;;;~m~•~.,~~fo~,~O~c~•~"~';'~==:::::;===::::=:=~ point. l.n the aec-ond half ._rter ----- boldtllJ" • 11arT"ow 22-17 halftime lockfll. for It 0¥1ce, Oran.re ca p--!Md. Banta. Ana Center Bob Hun- tured It thrioe, Sant& An& twtce. dan paced M:Oring w!Lh 18 poluta. dea.dlocklt1g tor It once, and Ana· TomoITow n!g:ht, the Dont F'lJLLERTON, (0CNS)-Fullerton'1 high achool lndian quintet is favured to capture the Swuiet League cage title this seli8Qn, a trick the Tribe baa not turned aince 1943. HunUngton li<'lll<'n, 1lefendln( champ. hu hl'lrl the crown al! by !Lii lonesonte for .'11.0: yeara !n the 12 lnl"rv.,nuis while Santa Ana Rnd N"ewpurt H11rbor have ~en unoppoaed in poi111e1111lon ot the cha 111p1on.t1 hip tv. 1~e. Anaheim 11.,,1 f ror the title wllh Santa An& Ill 19:'>0 a.nd With Newport in lllGI, The overall champ1on11h1p re- cor.J •Ince 1938 d1s~lo""' that the (J1Jors ha ve copped the CL'lllba cr<rv.~ ~even tin ~M. t h" 811.1.lort h11v .. ,.-t.~hJ It lhree 1tn1es and d"11d- hein'l. Mt Ued. tor th• Clll"e UU• twice. 8o t ile lndi&M ~ but f'Ulkr'tOQ htrfl at 8 p. m . onoi court bunting'.. Dont hav• a on.e w tn, one ['aotng the Fullerton attack thie mark in. Jtutern Con.Cete11ce out· aaaaon 11.1 Lh• Tr1bot attempl.9 to lnp and a -..onaJ record ol rectify th!11 me.,-.r melon lhow-1•_•_rh_'_"'_'_""'_•_._n_•_•_'"-'_N_,._· __ Ing a.re G uard Pal. L.o.ug and Forward Kent Pen:1broke. Lonr la the leading Inell.an po1nt malM.r. h&v111g-dumped In 230 poln.l• In 1:'1 pr~'·Ui-., tr a y e for a 17S ~~~~~~~~~~- the Richard Beeson Company Landscape Desi9n and Construction COil.ONA DEL M.AR PHO:SE HAR80R lM ''Ive got room for 9 of us'' ' Chevrolet off.e rs 6 sp rightly new Station Wago ns-all with Body by Fisher- includinu two new 9-pas.senger models! These Chevrolet stAt ion wagons can knuckle down and work as hard and aa long aa you like-and they've got the cargo SPllCe to prove it. Nearly 9 feet of it with the end gate doy,·n. But let's face it, they'd much rather take off for a good time-amt' they've got th~ power and. perform- ance to prove that! A zippy, exciting kind of power that adds fun to aafer going I C<>me in and drive one aoon f ''Two·T•n"' ... i,wlll.-4 DoorJ, 9 Pti1_..gw1 Section of ll'liJn. _, folch for 9111Y -to rwul •••1111111-"'1• i~ _ _. ._ 1 ~fJW":."., .. ,.,.~ .. :','."V,.: --. ,. ... --1 c·:-"---'-.'.!::.,...... _• ~ ~· •·i---J· "'T-T•R"' l'-Mf111•• 2 Doon, 6 l"cn""""'" .... _ colon, MW two-toftir.g in OU fht .. Mri911 • .. , Alt NeMod 2 Doon, 6 '°1Mn94''1' R911t _, bock ond cwthiotl fold le....i with ftoorl ••llM -.. 1111' --·--• . -. ·";--·-l • 1 ... ~ ""OM-l'tl'tr" "•Mftc: -2 Deon. 6 ~ Choke of VI or 6 o..d l drivet H'I o tl nooct.111 THE HOT ONES EVEN HOTTER "T--TM" few_ .. .c Doon, 6 "'1,...,. Wolhoble, olkinyl interior lo1h al'd_lo•!il MILLER CHEVROLET CO. 1000 W-.t C:-t Hlgliway NEWl'ORl IEACH -- , , I