HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-01-18 - Newport Harbor News PressI " .. Donna Tells court of-_,·-- . c,.. Her Attack • Says She Prayed But Was Violated by Jack Walker ...... -.... · .. •·· , 1 ' ' . . '. om s NO NEED TO GO TO T-TOWN; THERE'S H --IN NEWPORT NOW! Newport poUo. would tut. to know wh.,. John H. Hoeldu, 19, of Barba' Qty, ~ .1$ bffoln. lloskin• •M tn-couaty jail today OD ft&f"ClOtie. IUkUctlon and ~on ~ &IUir & JOlnt ett~rt by 8*llta A.A.a police a.Bel llbVltt' • deputl-. The auape<:t reportedJr admitted. buytng a cram ot. heroin In Newport S.ach ye.si,rctay. N!W-port police aaJd lhty knew or the au.specl bUl ha.d not made any local afl"'illllta of heroin pU4heni. ANAH-EIM, <OCNS ) -Orange Coast College student, Mni. Donna Schurr Brett. 19, of Garden Grove and former Mi88 California, took the stand this morning in the open- ing round of the preliminary hearing of James Jack Walker, I 25. Santa Ana uphuliot€r('r, accused uf twu counts of attack, twv of kuJn11,pu•~ ~" J "ne ~ount ot I 1,,,,k pl at'~ llh,. ~aid when ~h,. rr.ll.I• hu1gl~y ~n A »lll1••1111·~ ll.Jl ertwri 11,.,1 ,,_.ha t "''"" s (l tng Lo bapiwn' ,.t111il(lpa! Court. ~11 .. ttJld lulu, {;,,.1 11 .. v., 1nt>rLy un I :\I r•. Br .. 11'11 teztlorn""·' Will~"'"~!· Y<'IU 1:1<>1'] lY J1 m1t"1 t" <Je•" r\lnn;: dcHu l~ 1-•r Ht1e tli,.n \<'llt111r•I that ah .. r<'· lh., two all<'~•·d .. u ar-k11 m•d<' UJJ-r·11,,1 th,· 1~J1'<1 ~ l'11t)'l'!r "" \\'alkt'! ort her by \\"1dk••• onr,. un !I" Ir"" 1·d 11111 11t1t't11 """ l'.>n hPr. I night or :\laro·h ;'ll bl1<l ";:111 11 •·II :-h .. nd1 -,1tl"'1 lhat ~hl' t1Hln't J l<.11 JO She 1•nt1•1e•l lt•r i'uurt klH•W "''.,'" 11,,. 1'1\1(" Walker w.I· q111<'t ly •hov.••n ji! 11n11tr 1u;:n>J pf 1<»:•"111• <Kt !l~•I "''"ll <1unng the 1 ""' \'••UIWl<':!lll , I •u11ni: h.-r Lr~ll•<l"I'\" tune v f tin· a l!ll' k. Sh•· ~l1<1rn .,,\ I lit\" l'hull.ed Up ~~'"'fa! I Hll"-11..'l •hr "''·•" :;:•.!!_!r•t I•• d "!tlh" >1! rti" s Building Official on Pan !h,. r .. calle<l the ""'"nt3 l<'•H111•g u11. tu ,. I w 1 k H Id (!,,n .. ,i;: 11-nd fo!low 1ng the 1-... li u· ~·\·11 .. n q ..... 1,on ... 1 by \\1ll111-~l! Ill! I a er e t1u k11, In V."tll>I Q<'l'Utr••d f Ctlh>Wlri,(i U1e a t· ACTS BORt:J) 1 ... k. IJunna told the court, ··1 f Court Tr"1al The dt!trn.J•nl \Vll lkrr 11t•rffl ~'""· ···~n J ~el out l'U!W " n~fernn;: or !!1 1he l'11r. "Hr !Wa!k,.r) >111-l<J '"/\'v. • 81 '1,J.P;TIN 11!·•,.tltly a t tho C11r<1en l ~rnvr bt":uity v.·h.1le •he w11.11 Qn tt1r 10l11n<1 •! ~ 1 .... '"ht and t un 111-r for yo11 I \ri "'1tli1. · " Jo~ULLER1'0N. JAN. J.8 JOCN Si HI' showf!d no r n1ot1nn 11 <•'-''"l'•·r I '" k ,.. '-' , 2 Councilmen Criticize Volz in Daniels Attack By LEONARD SARGEANT ------· H-~RBOR ··• PRESS PHONE HARBOR 1616 FIVE CENTS • School Districts • 1n Boundary Battle! STRIKE MESA WORK OVER , STREET BEGIN S Things art: looking up for mutort.L& nvw 1ravel Btrik., 111 Co.ta M<;:&& the rork and Mesa · Schools to Protest Harbor Highlands Annex j ~f 1sunder!Handini.; 11f bo un<lary of ll proposed 11.nnexa- uver. t1on t o the Ne .... ·purt Bo.:a t h Elt!ml"ntary Schuol Di strict today City counC'~lmen Monday ae- cepted 11. bid or S3 a-Lon ror fuund the Costa Mf'Sa Un ion l;;ehool D1Rtr1ct ready to battle "-•Phalt from th' SuU y-M 1U~r tor the-territu ry 1nvvlVt'.<l. Co. to patch Co11la ~e"ll'~ This wa:s d1scloscd f o llo w111 g: a rneeting laKt night in mueh-pllt.-..d city •lr~ta. About 400 tQla of the uphalt lf,.ri<l·e Ena1~n S•·!oonl b<'I V.'"'"n the 111 .. nL~ ""'f" m.ad~ Ill th11.t n1 eeUni; have !wen ordered. The prl«t l Y,v b011-n !1.1 "' trll~t""" •·!l t h., ~\l b with l!<•t h bv1u'tl!I ~lklllt( otti<·••I wu l"OB f&ctor-y. C1ty Mali-J•·c 1 or t>oundan .. ~ ,.,·t nHl HulhvrlZJng ehilUrcn ot 1h.- '11-gi:r George Corfe.y aald re· Trw ,-.,1JL1t .\lt>1il t:u"r"''" ...u<J .,,.,.,. I•, a.t tenn .'lr."''l"•rt 8Nl ll pull' work w !U atart \n1nic-!h.-y w uul<J "f'f><!lle Uh· H1trb<:>r ~•·ho<ll11 during U1., o.:urrfn l ~<'ho!il dlately, H1gt1l11-nd" 1u1n ..... ,.1 ,.,n "t uic JIUl. l )'<'sr, l·----------------12-t hc.1Lring betvrc th., Orang•• 11111.1 WK.s w!th 1hf und.-rst11nd- County Bu11rd of Superv1110ni. 1·.--1 lng that ~t «p.t "uult1 be t ail en by lltiuna have bet:n ftled by ree!denl.11 H11.rbvr l-UghJand r.;11ldcnL1 to a.n· ot HILTbor H lghlli.tlili!, J\!IW a part ne>t the 11r;,,. tu th~ N<'wp<;>rt lf.l:lll'h WITl'.t 2 TRACTS Sh•· ul110 tr11llf!l'<.l tt•Hl !n order Ja• k -•nH•11 ••&l t:r, •-'• .. 11.ll a Ju~l bf!fore J udg,. Ruru1l•I 1'odMy -•-• h t" t 8 tu r r,.ate ,.,.,.J enee ilhe ··1,retenrlrd Aria t•T•h""' erf:"r, waa e ..._ o u· c•lled a lO-n11n,,te ri:Cl':,..• Ill I I I t < h t ri make up tn him llf!<'r the attal"k l""'u' ("uurt <lr r111 un t n r.I:"'' "rn. he bf!g-an 11how1 n~ ll•gn~ 0f <>n•l ruh~d her lll<.Nx!y t1and on h1•J !h11.t he a lt11<1;ked tht1 l 9M ,\!1~ b.,redOfTl or tt11tle1111nl:'flfl, o·l1ltht'$ whll e "'IU1 tn1· r,t her hou"I r•,.11r .. ri1111 !·le w~ he ld at •·on- Jlef'Ul)' Dl1tr!et Attorn<'y Ken· iu t•·mpt t"I 1,, .,1,..,, !!•e , •r iJO(ir 1 · !u,.1 .. 11 .,f a preli minary he.inng neth WHIJa nv1, whf) l'un,1u.-1c<1 the 1111,1 g~t V\ll .. 1.,.111.y ,11 Ana h,·un·~·u!lettun !>tu· Rumblings in receat weeks in the Costa. Mesa buihling department erupted into the open Monday night when Building Official A. J, vo&1va, reprimanded in the city counc il meeting by Councilman Bert Smith who declared : N D i ••f tht: Me1111. dtstru:'t, fvr 1U1neJt .. -l 11ehool d1•tr1ct bef ur, ,.~eb_ 1 Our· ew ra nage llCln lo tl'll' N;owp<Jrt B..,....h d>•lrl~l 11n1> thla achuol )'l'l(lr , tne Ntwpo1t "\\le don't hk.,_ thti ~lk ab<rut achuols v.•crt: U.k111~ U1e young• I a 'st~al' being tnvul\'<'d In the-pru·' st<·n1 w1Ulr•11 t ll'!f "~llitl l&.\l,es, with Headache Due 1~eiJ ...nn•·xat.un "_N'!"''P••tt Heat'h the und"r•t&.noJ1n" •1,. y """I.lid '"' Superu1te-ndl'nt ot sch~ Ruy An· r.,ive th., l ~xr» 1 •. xt )'•""'· A11th•r• dersen tuld the N.,w!l·P'r«Jll!I. "The .a~n ~.tld. "The building department lacka a. Jot i.D public rel8.tions." q "esttonlni;:-•)f ~Ir~ llr<'ll tlH"I IS ,,((,JtT(,j )\\!\' n•~tt -•I 1·.,urt mt1mlttg', uked htt, 'sjld he~ Wail<· \\-'hC"n 811k,.d what •1,,.. hail het'n 1-t~ "•II b" arraigned lo I'll\• r a e r1 force you to g o ~~.dltl Y"ll l" wr r.!lhl!'. llhe r•·ph,.•I , 1 wa• "'""'~ pl•·n .1 I) :ill 11 n1 F~·b 7 lhl' or )'Ol,U' own !ree wU!. Belora •II ~ ed In a !lannel night .-oat whkh t!~fend<1nt'" bll-l! wu cun!Jnu .. tl ul 1'hc statement came u the re· be finally tumed tn, aald he found "1Jll of a public biaat at the off!· elcht page11 of eorrrctlon11. Ht !'llll by paint and flUa c~trac· ch.llcklld Utl• w1th hi• faUter, a • c t M ur1g1nal propo.ia ! Uuat ,..e tak" ··we llfl•!<'nl!OOO the 00,111111111,.8 In Os a esa Harbor H ighlanda 111 Wat! rrlolde by of th .. Jlto •P<°'"Pd !Vlnexatlun, orii; Everett Re11. Co~ta Meaa Superin-1™'1Jy alf"'ed 10 tiy Cost.1 M""e'• ~ndent or Schuol.. I ~hool b<.>1Lrd , gave U$ t ile ILr"• "I' C'Ould reply N fc l'. J.!r y er. p11bli, I b '''""' •l·•w• >h· ''""' ''"" , a~.wu tur Robert H Oanlel1, 449 IC. qoaJtf!ed t:ng'lneei', he a&id, an(1 dft" dlil'I \\' lk • ! ~ ~ " ~ " j Broa d\\·ay. who had hi• day In llefotl'I ha.n « • era '"· brown corduroy ~Qllt "'hll'h 111~·• -"rO•Jr\'' durtng the m~tlng, de· /"ll89t objected, aaying that 111" buttOWI do··-the fn)nl an11 whu-h .. n uld I d t t !! n.. N . D I M rent.ling hlma ... Jr from • charge q1,1coo on""° ell o e"' mony he made me put on hefore leavlnf ov1 a e ar j1rve1,..1 at hun twO w"eka 11ogo .._ to wtwt.t mi., th!nlu and not tho ho""'" Ml d1d ._ .at a ,·1t y C"vunell n1ttllng that he Wt!llt 11 · De.re~ Attomry ~fryer;11 a~aln St"ll L d• ha(I vto!ated t~ty buHdlng Springe Sr. offt:red to do the t:n- glnt:ering job on the bulldtng tor S300. Dan!t:la. tlroug'h, claimed that he had receh'11d t!ng-ineering estl- mate.a up to $1800 tor coat.a to bribe" the $226 wall up to code . Coata Me.11a n1ay &AUrm! an ad- ditional clrs!nage headacht: soon !n order Lo elt~dlte tha conatruc- tlon of two huge new 1ubdlvlaiona ln the norUl part of the city . A 1taten1enl r1 11rn !l•c Nt.-wport Irvin•· A v~ to 21 1t S l, •ii C••"!" Ek-11.ch 11chool duitrkt n.Jd that 1\1e1111. 11nd •traight 1Cl'•.•11 t h .. b11y · during the N mmer ot 19:'.I.::. re51 -AndPr"l!n rl!J)Orted . dQlltB of tbe Harbor H1gh.lflnclll "But w ht:n we d!M:U>1~~11 nu,._ area revea.led lntentlon to file for w!th the M"aa board, tll•y -"1 &N:leltation td the Newport dl8· that wa.a not Utt: way thry undrr trict, alnce tJie area wu the-n Jn .tood th e bo~n rleL So It " 11n proceita of •eeking annexation t o unfortunate nderstandtng .. \\'r Lile City ot N "wport B"ach.. don't want a Iver of an •nne>ta· lJ...ertblng u.. llYlltlU preceding objectlld to thtl 11t•lernent, aaymr . I ea 1ng codo by putt1ng In a wall wilh· the attack on hllr Jan. 10. Mn. "It It> not known if he made her • y h R ~111t obtaining a bull.dine pumlt. Br-ftt leltlfled that &fter Walker put tM qoat on. She t. maklnc a 1n ac t ace COUNTJ:B Cl&A.aQU broke Into ht!r houa.e and cut her it.at~· . t u to what •he Lhl.nlu " Volz denlt:d the aJleptlon that hand with lht: knife be w ... carry-J Tklay •IUt&iaed the ob-...._P l•t~at ,.,,Jiu rep<lrt. or U1e •• •• ood ~" h e h&O faUeod to e~ w1,,.. lnl" .... e "'5nlff.Nld her bl Y l'llt.nd Jt:tt1 " 11tru1;tlnJ" Donn,. to lfll San D l«gn to Ara1111l n, Ya,.ht race • " ... _ b Dfln!tl• In reao!vln,: hUI buuwu1g on the rd clothtnr and on •tAer--Whait h11pp<tna.J, not "''hfl t she were r.-t.,l\'e•! at noon tnJ!l,il,. as di!ftcultiQ a.n.d mada a few objecta ln the ho use inl ~, (lffort thought ha~. fo\lr,1,·1. ch11-rge11 of hi• own agatnat Dan- to ereate evidence, lnc ud ng I_.,._ The hear.1-r waa reer••·••I •< Th fl , < < t h < O"t with Ing lhe front door open." noon an,J 11ch~du!ed to reJ1 Urth! lhla Ui:i rear1~.'I ~f; ~~l:g.~~ler1: Bay, !el.'1. ASK .... MF.It('\' afternoon when \\"atker 111 ellpe<'t -81lj11. Californl!t Th.--1al:lt h,·,11.ts are sa Db~:~~~&'cl:!;:'tm~:t ~:.tah::~ \\'hen !he atirl Wallo•r, who W8-e<l to lake the J1 llu1d The court · .'111!1 vrr 1 '"dro,. l sllln•t. ly qualified ~o make the 1lrlnrent drh Ing, a rrived at the dark acent room Willi Ja mn1ed "'llh 11pertalOr-3 8tlll leudtng thr flt'<'t art: Nov!a lnlil<!<:Uona they aJJegedly _.requlr- wh,.r11 the 11.!Jr getl Jan. 10 a ttaclo; and new11men. Del l>l"r, N111n S ang and ~:scapAde, t:.1 or h li C'ONltructlon project at all "'llh1n 8!ght of eaC"h other \!184 Nt:wport Blvd. Next in (.:111..'111 A i~ ~vening ~:Hilt, DnattJrman Clyde z. Sprln(e Jr., .DEP.utTME.NT CONFLICT l)u.Wa ..i.o -.Id tht1r11 ~ a OOlllltft t In th. building tleJl.art· nnint"-Oftr Wftether he would ha.,. to ha .. the wall engineered o.t atL He aaid.. he told workmen who had built the add.IUon to do every· thing it could lo bring t he acid.I· lion up Lo code. Daniela queaUoned Sprtnre·1 qual!ficatlona to ch«k tht: plan• he aubmitted on the addition . Springe told the councilmen that a plan checker did not have to be a llcenlK!d engineer. architect or CdM Business Association Distolves. Joins Chamber" a ~ittle farther oul t o sea, and the Coat.a Meia plan checker, w b o Sea.O'"Ht. which hill! choaen a went over Daniela drawlnf that courll(! \-\·ay <HOl to •ti.., e11tlmated --..,-------------------------------200 ml!ca oft oho11« (Cootlaued on Pqe T) Corona del Mar Bu11tnesa AM0· 1 ahell<l. It ts a very heo.rt!'nlng elation memb<'ra thl• momlng p iPCt of newa, not only to me, but &C"r~d t o dlqolve their group and lo all hut yt:ar'11 chamber ot to rt:pla~<!l !ti •ctlvit1e11 with the commeree officers Rn•\ tl1rector11, Corona dt:I Mar ll(!ctlon of the who -.grN with Van Dyke rn h\a N t:wporl; H arbor Chamb<>r of Com-an.nounced progro.m of lnnt Friday merce mer chlllll.9 diY •sion, Karen night that the chan1ber thl11 yea.r Marta.Nita Bruning, chairman 1.1t should work to bring our '''ic!e- the area '1 dlviMon an.nounced. spreo.d bullln"u di•trlct a cttv1 Uea \Vilh the heavy "'llllill and high ..,.... of yesterdey, i avorill-&" lha Mvler boal.9. LeJ;-rnd hll.!! ·dropped lo eixth pince 111 CltU:Os A. How· ever toda y"s r~portl! of amooth •ea11 a no1 hgh\t:1· wlntl!!< will un- <Jo11btec.!,_ly ~ In hl'r favor, , CllU!s B leader~ 11re Altamar, Nalu ll,e.nd Astera with Evt:n 'l'ide repo.rted well ahe.aJ 111 the Cllillf'I c t.Ql.tl'!, ANNIV-ERSARY YEAR IN HARBOR DAY KICKOFF 50-year Celebration HUCJ4t Aqua Committee May 26 Sets Event lra Murray or the Murray-San- de.-. Corp. ot Santa A na told city councllrne:n Monday n!1rht t hat hl11 tract ot 70 acres and the Rov· en-Spelcle tract 1.1t 200 •cTe• on Fairview R-0.d noTth o1 the city boundary are 11tyn1!ed by • new demand ot Harold S egeratrom, owner of property throug h which the propm1ed drainage ditch will nin. Seger11lrom aay11 he will not al- low the dltch to be con11truC"ted unle1111 t he city glvt:11 1ome con· .flderatlon to the malnt-1la nce of the porUon or the ditch whlclt lro.vt:ntea hla land. COVERED, OPEN Murra.>"• portion of the drain- age prbject w !JI conaiat of a cov· ered conduit, he told councilmen. The portion through the Se!J"'lr- •lrom land will be an open-dltc.h. Coste ot mainllllnlng It, though, ahould not be t:xct:uively high, he deClllN'ld, A 18o effec ted by the blncked development 111 Or11.ng11 Cotl!t Colleg11 which a.!110 plll.llJled t o put !tll runoff water Into the d itch. The city ha• ll.lready egl'eed to maiii'taln all the conduit through the new 11Ubdlvlalona b\lt the Se- ge111trom land, cot1Sl!U11g Or some 400 acre;ll, la 11tlll In the -:ounty. The auoclaUon'a member11 and cloaer t ogetht:r_" direct.on &Jito decided to hold the Van Dyke, who waa crown community'• colorful an· Friday night a• nev.· nual Lof:Nlter Bake a.nd Treuure pre•!dent. ll&id : inat&.lled re.11ult.Ji not only thl.• yro.r but in ch!Unber those to comr. J welcome eo.ch former AllllOl'l&tlon ldl'mher lnto Daya ce.lebratlon durtnr the week· "The newa thlfl morning tha t the end11 11t.artlng the City of Nev.•-Corona del Mar Bualneas A11110ch>1.· port Beach 6oth anntverauy nut tlon voted to d!Mr>lve and to th"row September. lta great etreng-lh into thl' <"h11n1- Gn1'1<'n jublle' c'lt:br11.t1on ror the ctty'• goodwm m._.ge tar Rt::PORT ORDt::Bt::D f'.'ewport Bt l!.Ch will kick oft wtth and ":Ide. Since the ditch maintenance Maurie Stanley, outgoing cham-her'• Corona de l .Mflr "crt1on nf ber p re&ldent, aaid loday: the mercho.ntfl di\'islon '" fl wun- "I think th!a pr.,gre.a11lve, con· derful o.tep tor.•:o.rd fol' our r-ily. 11trucUve ..action of our leading ln g-c tllng our n1erl'h11 nt_, to v.·ork Corona del Mar n1t:n::hllllt11 g1vu together for a con1n1011 object1 vr, our new prea!dent, Ja.me11 T . Van euch llJI th., g"'6ter dt·v~l.,pn1t:nt D yke, a fine ai.rt on hl1 busy year of Nev,.port Beach, ""r will ""e Hne the chamber and l'lln a"sure eo.ch mv utn1oet roopera.tlon." ·MeMber11hlp di"l11inn workers of th,. Newport Harbor Chamber of Comn1erce will nu:•et for o. hreek- tllBt and k ic k off l!Pl'lllon al thr Balboa-Boy Club, ~-ridny, Rl 8 a . m . The Kl"OUp wlll ti(, tile !!park pluga for the n'embrr.~h1p rarn· pllli;:-n nf lhe cho.rnh<'r untler the new preeident, J .. mr.~ V11n Dyke. 11 hu1-e Hi.r·bor Day celebration Tht: "xecuUve committee auth-coat11 may be to.ken over by the here May 26, lt waa decided o.l ortzf!d purch11.11e ot goldt:n o.nn!-County Flood· Control under a thl.~ week'11 golden 11.nntver!Mlry ve/"3!lry po11t office caocellalion bond laau .. In the futurt!. the cfty execut ivr committee n1eetlng. 11to.mp~ to be u.ed by the city'• Willi fo.vorabli to Murray'$ aug- J oe BPt'k , R. L. Patteraon and tour pot1t officee. They will c<>11t ge11tlon. CI t Y En~lnef'r Pon H11y Langenheim Monday were a total of Sl•ll. Recording to New-Southworth wa11 lnetructe d, nMmfd 1111 o.n trrgo.nlz.ational g-roup port Beach Pha~aater f-1. Payne though, ~ lnveatlgate and rnakr to ae\ up o. mano.grment comlt Thayer. ~ o. complete report on v.·hat th" t'-'<' \\'hich "'ill l11C"lude eommo· Other a cUvitle• were dl.scu1111ed city would be a.<111umlng-coo.twlae d<>re8 of local yo.cht club" and o.t Monrlay'11 _.ion. includfn"g __ w __ 0_,_,_~_Y __ ._,_•_>o_" __ '' __ ,._k_~_. __ j,L)1er n11uUcnl lro.der.~-po.llble mU11lc11.J program~ 11uch \\·111oan1 H. S pufgeon Ill, rep-u o pt:ratie productlon11 at Orange r,.._..,.nt111g the I rvine Co., Dr. Ba:J· Co1111-t College nt:Xl Auiru11t. Some II P ete r10on, Orange CoaBt Col-diacua!lton t r.uched on movlnr the lt'gt' And Roy Anderllen , 11uperln-annual Loblltl!r Bake and ~&· tendent. Newport Be11 ch .El,.men• aure Day11 celebrMion up to Sept. tary School Dl11trict, werl! electe:d 22-23. to th,. ac tive golden annlveraary · Official annlveraary of the city commltttt. will t>eg'lln Sept. 16 with a large Un a n I m o u ! recommeNla-religioua aervtce at Orange CoaBt t lon W(l !I votrd hy the "11.ecutive College rt11dlum. Thia would in- comm!ttPe to J ll y cou ncil that elude a 300-volee cho!r and out; thr proponrrd golden annlver .. ry 11tandln~ leader• nf Protea~t. ~(1-ye.ar 11e11I !<'!n P.11i:e 1. NeWl!· Catholic and Jrwlsh faitha Prc~a r111n1e pl11te l bP. Adopted all The Re:v. Jam"" Stewart, pre- thr fiftieth yeo.r otficllll celebra-s!dent of N~rt Harbor Coun- tJ,.n ,.n1bl·•1n ft 1~ prupo_.,,,,t t hl\! ell of .-:hurcht'-1, wu gtven chalr- N t"''l><•rt BeRN1 bu . .,nel'~ hnu11e11 manl'flip o r t.he rellgloua program o.rr1x th<' "'"" l'!PRI to lheir 11ta-to plan and coor dinate the 1'er- llon,.ry 11nJ "nvelopea to carry vtct:a. ALL AMERICAN 'NEW LOOK' IN CDM READY TOMORROW ed. The Van de Kamp S.kery wtll be a l!!Plf-.ervtre, gondola behltld the: check -11tind11. Allanach Gets Porch · Varian·ce .John Allanech'• trouble• I.Te over. F or tht: Ume be.Ing anyway, untll Victoria St. 111 widenea . T he rlty counrll Mond11.y night granted a variance to AUanac.h, p"rml!Ung him to completP. h ill h11.U-ftn!$hf!d porch of his flame at 416 Victoria. after the pl.at>ning commlaaion had prtvloaaly dt:nled h im lhe: prlvlle:ge. AORJ::F--8 TO MOVlt The condition. howevt:r. th&t Allana ch m1111t obeerye I• th.at he "'Ill avee: Lo move h!11 home back t o comply w!tb the 60-ft. Mt.back if and when Victoria la wldt:ned. Thia may bf' neJ.:t ye&T, 10 year11 trom now or neirf'r, coun- cllmen told him. Councilman Bert Smith. apokM· man for the council on lhe mat- ter, told Allu.acb that the city attorney would draw up a docu· !C-tblmed. oa Pap T) HARIOR'WEA THER 1W& .USIWtlld a. -Lin«" ol UOfl, but • td ,OU .Qlle." merubera of both toehool boarda to Should the .upervtaor1 dl••p· cQJ)Blde r tempora.ry adrn1allton cJt pl"O't'e the UU1ex&Uon requeat. A n Harbor FUghla.nd children to the deraen said, chlldf'en trom the Newport .:hooh1 whlll'l awaltlnr Harbor H lghla.nd ~ will be; re· reeulta ot the anneu.tlon peUUon, quired to· reg1at.ff In the CNta Ute atatement ••y11. M esa llCl'loula. A Joint mt:t:tlng .,r the board.II Boundary ~on. at l"ll<:ent waa ht:ld A ug. 6, 19!1!1. A!Tllllge· (ci-u.u.ed Of ~e T) LOCAL GIRL, 15, FOILS WOULD-BE KIDNAP TRIO Police Who 'Searching Kicked Her for .Youth Stomada • In A .1!1-year·old Newport Beach man, who Mt ht th• mlddl11, wu girl wu the victim yeflterda y deecribed 11-11 ahorl; a.nd .ftocky, morning at an a ttempted kidnap-about 18 and had been 4riatltJn.I. ping anj asaault u &he waa waJJo;. The car wu dr1ven awa.y a.t a Ing her dog near her Conona del h.lgh rate cJt •peed.. Her 11-M&Uant, Mar home. dle aald. h.&d dirty, sreuy hand.I. \\'hen ahe reruaed the advancu Police lmmedie.te!y put out u of an 18-year·old youth v.•ho trte<I e.11-ca.-. broadcaat for the appT.._ to dng her Into a car, he ktcked heiwr.o.t ot the IU!rpeCIU. At 8:t6 tier ln the 1tomn.ch. police ... id. p.m. yeatt:rday oltlce:!'9 pteklld up 'I'he Newport H arbor High Srhool four JuvehUea from Buena Park, 11tudent wu 11bl" to t:~ape to her agee 13·18, drtvlnr a e&T ot hon1e where Rhe waa found by a almllar deecrlption. frlt>ncl , Robt:rt Lav_erne Pf'tkin11, 19, Theee awipecta were releued of 1930 Anaheim Ave ., Coata Meeo.. when It w aa determined t hey wer. FOUND 80881,NU not ofi tht: .cene a t the time.. Th• Perkln11, who told police ht: iau-Juvenllea admitted dltchlnK" echool ally plck1 up the girl In the morn-to come to Newport Lo go tlahlna. Inga to take her to ac hoo!. aaid They wtre reprimanded and nt- wbt n he came by 11hortly after l1111-1t:d. T:SO •.m., he fvund ht:r aobbing The youthful Ylctlm M.ld her and In " hiM"hly nervous 11tate. pattnta werl!l away at work at UM The girl told pollee ahe wu tit l\e of the attempted attack. Po-- walking her dog to the Oee«n tront l llce •howed her tile plcturw ~ wht!n a dirty maroon.colored coupe poulble •uspecu but ahe w u 1U1· pulled alongwlde llnd one or the able to identity any, three occupants ordered her tn ge:t ~O'l'Hl!:R MOL.£8T'Ek into the co.r. An 8·year--old glTI, w&Jklnl' bom11 When ehe refuse<l, the youth on fr-om echool at l'i :U) p .m . Monday, th.. right aide Jun1pet.I 011l and w141 cha11ed by a man about SO but g-r:tbbed ht:r by th,. ahoulder. rond -the younpter waa •ble to cet lln,. her, away before any harm ~fell her. She 1truggled and pulled away pol!ce reported. 11nd In ang<'r the \\"<JUl•l -tw otlar k· The attempted moluUng oecur- t:r ku:kl"<.l al her. atrik1ng her ln red near the vicinity of Mira.mar th<' 11lo1nach . · llllJld I Sta. Th• v1cUm &&Id when HAI> nr.r.N DRINKJN4l •d1t ran Into the front yard ot b4!r The !lr1Vl!lr of the car, who &he home:, th• man ahn1r,:ffl bllJ to.id v.·t11 darll. complext:d and ahoulden and iefL v.·rire dark clothJng, awore and call· Police were unable to find a ed the 11ttacker ha.ck. The lhtM rruapect ~efins hla deKrlpUon. Si1Tow' s Opens Doors Here T 011101TOw1 in Ribbon-cutting BUl"O'W" •. N ~ Harbor' a new· ltl.anaclnl the n-,..._tuJ'&' wUJ be e.t, modem dept.. atore, will open Mn, Kennt:th O . Cootq, Beacon to'llOn'OW at 9 a.rn. followlng rlb-Say. ANOTHER $7000 GARAG E, CAR BLAZE IN CITY Firemen Above batUe s moke and flames Monday night in garage of Henry S. ~fc­ Gregor, U23 W_ Bay' Ave, which saw 1955 sedan, foreground. destroyed, Interio r of garage chArred ae wu roof on which other fi remPn v.·ere war.k ing, 'Oamagc11; were eflltimated 11t $7000 by Fil"'f" Marshall W . C. Noller •·ho reportl'<l rausc or bl&ae UQ(ietermlD.ecL Home wu damaged couiderably by smoke.. -.Jta!J Photo All Americ•n. Corona Del M•r Ml'rket re-open11 Thuraday with " cQmplet~ "Nr"" Look'', Th!! mark"t w tll be twlrf! a.. 111.rge An,J wHI fNiture. !'o-0 r~1 vt butch• ,r a .. rv1ce. a ~rr1grrated meat oounter and a hright new prool.luc.1 rlrpa rtmt:nt and froi.en fooda. 1'"1ve autom11.tlc check atand1 w!li m•ke ah<lpptni ea..ier than .,,.,.r. Bob Moore, manaa-e.r, re- p(>rt...:l N~ Nauonal Chang•>- rn11111 .. r <'111h rlllirlalt n1 !hat not "nlv •h"w the total purrha"'t but •l.11 11te chlWlp due \Ml.ell to thtJ G!Utomu bave r.1-o bMD lNlt&l.I· The entlrt: Interior h11o1 bffn done in plllli.e.t !'olor hannorum wtth all new flxtur .. 11 ln colora t.q matc.h. The: wart:ho1111e haa be:oen enl&rpd and n'!W froM>n f o o d IDr&ge room and meet cQtlle.-. bave been adrlf''1. Moore. friendly man111tl!r of All A mf'T'IC'an Corona del M.ar extend· fd ll'li \n\"lt1otlvn to •ll In lhr .,.,... to Y!-ll 11.nd enioy n<'w &hr.pplnfl ........, In hta •uutu.1 uwi, r .. Temperahl,_ lite r»-t _.. Ill U.. llarhr a,... -: -Thul"Ml•y. Jan. 12 63 Yr\4i1¥, Jan. 13 --~-T2 Sall..lrd11.y, J&n. 14, IHI 811nday., Jan. I~• _ 67 .... .. .. " " "' .. hon cutting ceremonlf!lt by .MNI. Amoni' trlerdtandlM tn stock 0 . W . Richard. 11.Mlated by Bar bara wUI be a complete line ot ~ B.l-rrow, 21.1,·yeu-old daughter of "w1ng •uppli• &nd patlerna. th<' owneno, Mr. •n<1 Mn. Rorer h6u~hold llnf'nB. Infant"• w...,., lt•r'""'w 11r Co111• M""· firi•· Weat" fto lt) and boy&" war 'J'hf' 11ew 11-t1>r1t, r-ot>\atnlnJr 3000· 1to 121 The nf'W d~nt lll-ol"ll 11q rt. of rk)(n-apace i. 111tuat<'d i. on one levtl and oUen am.pa. at 114'>4 Via l.Jdo ~mi. fro"' Rich·] pe.rklnl" ~· 111 U.. .._,. tor ~fond•)'. .l1t11 16 80 TuMdaJ. Jan. 17 -· fll m•Mcl m.rbL ~ WllCln.U.1. Ja.n. U -M .. M\J'• U4o .N&r-.va.nd p&rk.tn1 lot. c~. . • ' .... ' l • -~~--···· .. ~--~·~·~·---·-·-· -P~E t · PART I ·-NEWPORT HAl!BOR NEW S-PRESS WEDNESDAY, JANUARY . 18, 1951>. 'GOINGS ON AT THE BALBOA BAY CLUB --' 0 By'DANlIXYLESS-' ' -- U you 11bould run into the Old ,Muter Painter Frorn The Far Away Hille:, woWd you do wi a favor and eeiid him -lout auile -to,1221 West Coai!t Hi ghway? Thank you. There are six ladie15 over here who ore up to their pretty' n08C8 i.n bucket.a of brightest hue, painting against time. \Ve're 11.rraid theyF e going t o expire of lead poi.son· Ing if th<·y don't get some help. The l atli(-s~Mmes. John Ciark, Don Woodward, Toby W&~ O. \V. E.Uienlohr, Morris Smith and Randall Geddel -have been wielding brushes fo r a week. They're bent on finiahing a monumental task before Friday, January 20- the .night of the big Calypso l'arty at the Club. They're paint ing -and gild in~ -bottles. Rottl~?I Cert.aJ,n!y. r:verybody kno\\'S you can t ha vc a Calyp8u Party '''lthout brJghtly painted bottles to hol d candle:; on each and ~ery ta.ble. So the ladies, hostPl!1>es for the evening, are on a do-it-yourself. kick to provido._· the nt'cessary at-. mo11phere. Ir th~ Main Din i1i,g R oo n1 rl oesn't look like Sloppy Joe's in Hava~'a wht•n they i::•·t through !•lacing d \'t·nratl•Hl)O 1111 th" tahl•'S ur1•l 1!':1 \'•·1 pc.~t~:ra f'ITI th1• w:.illH. it v.:on't bo._· lh•·1r fu1!1t ·r11•· v•la.1 .. 1·1'<'Y.' 1:-i <1 bs1•l utt•ly dC'dl('Ut etJ. T he lad11·i; itt'•·m to cn;oy tht•1 r y,•1.r k, thuu~h Tht'y St•lt'<'t~·d t h•· Th•ril.'· ft•!' l ht 1•:i1t y, i-•·ltl•d •·ti.\ n11·nu ••I pr1 n1e rib:; uf IJ,.,.f 1•r J,.t.i;ter. ;;ugK•·!'l'.1· I u 11.i\1\·1· l ;nlypM• band. t ile "Caribcc·s," ;\>1 tli!" orrh•·ntra l•· all• :nate with tlli: Bl~l' Rounders. and directed that invit:.i.U t ll~ bt· pr1ntt•d 1!4lrtnd ~ty!t· IHI li1 11\\/! 1.• .. l";J.]'J1 JI~ 1•;q" I ;H.d di'['·•'' l1 t·d tn 1 :,, ··11t1r ... n1e1n l>t·r~hlj•. 0 111• •'1 "ur 1111 r11b11:-i •11 .. ri···I t11s and C.d!d "\Vhr·1·L's thl' l•LJ\llH! '! bruu11•J l••t:ll.! !ll· Y.';l:; a !!~ ghty dun1.ppcnnted man until he rr·a d t~11· lint' about p1·1m •· nb. l-lt>'11o conung. \\'hdt· 111,. girl_-. h.i;•· b1.:•·11 bll.o;\ ):··ttin:.: tht· 1 •art ~ 1vh1r· p1:d 1nLI.> l'lh:11 •<•. t h1•1r t111;:baodr. t!Jt hui;I"' h:i\'t·;(t t ofl\t•J a hand. All t hcv hav. 111 cl" 1s i;h"Y.' u1 • l··rirla, .. n 1~h 1 and have th•· tan« tif tlH·1r l11·1·i; 1'111:< I'< th•· k111.i •II nl f1e1al duty Y:e ;•.:r.ul.J l1k <' 1,, 11*'rfnrn1 tn.:: 1 . h ty h~:· :':t·!11"! u~ Uou't knto v.• rnuch abvut till~ Calyj ,;,, ri.u;,11 1 ~t.:1·pt that "'"' !ik1· 1t l~rillL:int. t·X.<·1L1ug :ond J .:;t1n.i;u1:-l1L·d by a rhythmic beat J1ff1cult t•) dt'a1·i:1b., "Ca !~ J'sv · 13 t h;· naml' of lhe sea uympb vt ~rL-e.k legend who Jct~1neJ Ody~UB on her island for SC\'t'11 years. The C:~1·1bbt.•an f<>lk mu-.t I have picked up the tt rm because of thr· i!'l llln•l .. 0111 t"t,1tiun . Rut then we als0 figt1rt' that it wa!'I Ol1 y!->HCUS v.·ho "'rlltt• the ! 11ong, "&ven Years \\1 1th Th(' \\'rnng \\",.1fl;H1" !-\" .ic.n't c(l unt on us to set yuu fl lr:1 ig ht. • • • Say, nov.·. this IS.a n ;u·t1vc rnonth' 1'hc l<'•·:1•agrrs art' all .bet lu gu thl'1r t·ld~rs ult(' b\·ttC'f' \\1th u. ~lan l1 111 .the Bay 'Q'indO\'.' Room on F ri.lay 111gli1. J arH1.1 1y 2i T h• f1r!:i t nf tb"fk'.! m o11thly affairs. held 1n Dt·(en1b ·r. v-·a~ :I fat i-u<."- ce1>.11. r".-.'t; l (i 's.._..,, the you11~:;t•·rs 1•n,J• \ t h\'1111'•·h'" l:iu hugely. • • • As you may recall . we p1'\:J1ete(l th:t t 1 ·c·L1\ W!•Uld win the l\osc Bowl. W" .wantt...J tO rcfr1un I ron1 mentioning nur prediction until everyone fini~hed saying, .. ,J~y ! were I yo u wrong!:_ Now evpryone ha11. And bny V.'t' n·:dly y,·erc '.: BEADY FOR HEARING-Jack Ja.mes Walker, 25, Santa Ana. &ccused of attacking, kidnaping counts, plus burgla ry, aga'.inst Orange Coast College student Mrs. Lloyd Brett {nee Donna Schurr) is shoy.·n lcav~ ing county jail. Hi~ preliminary hearing l'>·as due today in Ana heim justlce court. ~ OCNS Photo D. A. Says Walker Still Faces Donna Sc hurr Attack Charges SA.NTA /\N/\. (0CNS1 -Af:!nh,.111•1 "'ilh pl.in.~ rnr th(' ptrl1m· t ~r a irni;:thy ,..,,,r, 1rn<r' "·i1h fli -1 lrH•ry h•·arini.: \\"('<1fH!-"d11y In Ana· •ng'°' c ,)111t ('fll lrg<· •tu•!t'nl l.ir.•u· I ll"'n'-' ty quef'n 1-l r" Oonna 8r~tt . t!.1. to,,,,f'rlv ™""" ~"l'lurr ,.r i: .. r-Tea9ue Arra1'9ned drn Gr~1·e ;.~J<l•·r·l.i ,1·. l•1;ot A lly . I R'1bf:rl KnHland Ill.HI "thf'rf' wall SANTA ANA, iOCNS1-Gullty fl o lndlca Uofl of droppinR t hr f'hllltlt!"" "Jl!!lln•f Jilt k .l .1 ni,." "'"~ !h .. l';~,. "' R i,·h11r•l ,_.... .. T o>ll· vi.·a1k .. r. 21\, nf i:tnntJl Ann. , S::''"· 20. {If f'o•11t.~ r.lro.A \l'hrn hr \Vflillf'r 1~ ~•'fn•~! .,r nl tn<klnJil: 1\·11,.. 11rr1t li;:nr,1 t ... roir ~11r"r1or and ).;1du11r11.11i.: tht• l""tl} (l1 .Judfil:" h'.r n•,.•t h ~!(1n·111"n Jan. 1() a.nge ('(l41.'.t t•nuci:t -"\\r l·•nl, "h" "n ,. l;\1r'i,:l1t1 }' cu,,,,1 wu 1>U"1 l'J11ltorn111 ln.•t \<'.11 itnd 'rhrmi~h pnli!•,• o1 .. rendf'r Nl~k I ftni!ltir.f hl11t1 UJ) '" 11 ... M1·~ 1·:-;A t.h'1 •·•. l'r•J::'l" 11 •ked f11r 11 pn.-1 ('l()flfNl. 1 t.1111 "11 h~11r1ui: llf'111 1·1n" 11n<l llf!n· ~ K.nffl•nd llQ~<l. All f11r ~· v.r l lene&ll§ w"'" 11! .. 1,.,J fur Jan, :\I ""' boncerntd. lht< ('._ 18 .i.:o"'k 'M1" .1.t .. n•t"-nt i. 111 <'oulody. ~'•I aljud Il •1.1 • rouune cul\fl'r· a..dmllled 1.>uti.;l•rl&lni.: •. 9l!!f''1c111 ence . lhL._ ~ \\'e'r• (OUl.I: •tatton at I 4002 r :oo..r 1!!.vd. -' ·-- -·----~ • . .. . -r.---:-.. ~ stur-..1 Heads SdlOOf·COllilJJtTee -.• SPECIALS "Onti of t... l..ldo Rhopa n 3,IGl Via l:Jido, Newport Beach HARBOR DRUGS FOR THURS., FRI .. 19, ' 21 SAT., JAN S30l ~ Coaat Hy .• Coroaa del Mar "Soaps VOGUE and Deter9ents" ALL 10 lbs. $2 .19 11 .. trri.;"ut 40iaDI R<.•1 47c Palmolive Soop Re9 . Bar 7c Barh 10c Cashmere Bouquet Re9. Bar 7c Barh 1 Oc .. 1 --... i ;: 11For Paper .Products" KLENZO FACIAL TISSUES Reij. 29c e~.-5 for $1.00 Zee ·Napkins· 8-0 Cou.nt 2 far 18c Kt:Y;'lo'OLO'S Aluminum Foil ~c \\'Al .l>OHt· T"llrt T1 .. ,,.. 4 Roll• 29r "For Glassware'' Assorted Glassware \ uu t l 'hole,. l\nu1(jy, (nhtrt~. pLIM'n<1 r, win ... eh&nlpll(Dfl ":-;parkllng v 1 ..... .. \'A.L.l't:S TO I.~ "l••rkllnit t<I-• -I-pl""" BOWL SET 39c: 9 ' ' .. 7'J«: EGG PLATE u .. i:r . lllh· 4. "'"'f'<e 79c: RANGE' SETS "''"' !1111· DINNERWARE SET 4 1'l1p~ ... gaur~NI, I IU1tar. I •·f'0'111mrr. 4 plalf'll, 4 •l...,wr\ l ru•<'r -R"itnl•r IS.18 269 l !O•• _ ....... Helena Rubinstein's 2 Estrogenic Hormone Offers for yo unge r looking skin LIMITED TI ME ONLY Rel~a Rubinatein'• F..trogenic Hormone Cream t an help your compleaion look ye.11rt younger-l•y help· ing the unJuiliu. to h old prec:iou• 1noi.t1.11"rll, fillin g out the 1urf1ce and 1n1001.h ing wrinkle&! ·rry 1 com· pkte 1:1igbt •n<l day trc•Lmcnt for (ace anti thl"O•t- try lhe 1awc lfC.lltmeut plw (ahulo1.11 eAlrogcnic male- up-at .. vinp too n1•.-velow IO mU... Co me in oow- UU. NLDual olfer liolJ1 good for a U1nited time only. SAVE 2 80 Night and day treatment Ettrn1.,nk Hormone Crt •m for the lace ... rc1 .. l50. Ettroge1uc Hormone Oil Lo 1mooth the delicate .kin nf the lhre>al .. _ .. 1 lue Z.50. A complete treatment for tbc pr1ee<1f juat 1he CICIUI. 6.00 value now 3 so SAVE 4 00 Night and day treatmen1 , and mak U1ro1enk Hormone U;Um for the faGc ... tta.1.1.SO. Ea1101enie Hormone Oil for dl'licate throat 1.ldn ... valu 2.SO. Silk-Tone'• Spcci.tU_ Foundation wiLh f.atre>cenic lformonct for be1ulf·lttllt• in1 make-up ... rec. 5.00. ?.00 v1!ue now 5oo c.za N•m• -"'<· •~• 125 HAND CREAM -··------- Bonnie Bell -Ph• 30 -Rec. 6.00 HORMONE CREAM CLEANslNGCREAM I .. "" ~ .. 200 ~J lb. Rt!g. 12.60 . . 11.U. C:harbert Bre11.thleM -Reg. 6.00 EAU DE TOILETTE HA.iR"coLORS & TINTS ~ PRICE 1 "'hltfl Caamel Bol pl&r f!.&i ·1 99 "'lib li1aek Trtu1 . Diaper Pail • BANK 1Jc: Home1ttnd Deslgtt i\lr tal Waste Baskets "Lu xury" Double Bed Size ELECTRIC BLANKETS Single Control Reg. $32.95 2-195 $6.9~ F;l .... •1 rl·· HEATIN(,Y PAD KITE STRING J4f ft. Sc Schaal Supplies 499 For Second Semester CARRY-ALL CASE -$2.99 lillTll>n coa.l""IJ. "'a tt'r rt"pellt'nt Tweed Cover"d -Her . f..B~ 5 Hale Filler Paper Reg: I Oc -6 for l7c ZIPPER BINDERS -S 1.19 Friendship Notes e 0..le y in rot11J11hi n1 a phy1ici1n 11117 r.-1a lf i11 •1rinu1 co1Dp"lic:aQ•a•- 11eedl111 11rrerl•1 a•• added ei:p11101e. So, '" yo•r Doctor I t. ell• k•t ••11-••ti~• of-1\l••••- ud a1 •• ,.. WUia w. ,_. .aiptio .. here rw ,,._,. .nd p...a..co.poudiq. m COMPLETE LINE of LIQUORS and Wl,..E • VINCENTS ICE CREAM C:... 5c DROBPl'T Vodka IO PWOOI '1"11 SHADY GROVE BLEND P'IJ'TH "J'· Old 80 Pi.001' Kentuck1 Host Kentuck y &OUltBON • YUIUi OLD 100 PR-001' J'lFTH s3" -· r Silver Ripple -Gin It'• SO good! Kttfl 11. frtti:er Pftt:'.k nf l('f' cret1m haA'l•IY J:krUm{ltlOIJI 01.YOf• ~--1D_c Hanel Packed Pints » Quarts Ste l Gallon • • • • • 79c n n.A vou TO CllOOIE noN I j I ' ' I' " • • ,, ·. ' -... -......._.-... --... .. "'. . .. -. ~..,.,..; ........ ""'"""'·--·~--~-~--- .. [. St~"'L\'•\'J•:o~ lionna ~l'h urr Brett , Oran~1~ Coast College Mtudent. i111d<'rl '1kC'!-i fir:>t of new domestic dutiCl!l for new h11!lband. Lloyd. !;h01t.'n 8ampling her cook ing . c·vupl~ \4'as n1:irr1 .. o1 in l~ai; \\_·xa:-; ThurHday. -OCN~ Pho1to TO AVOID STUDENT INJURIES ---UCG l~ro!1p for Jr:-rf c Council Signal ~sks Mesa Cr ossing ,\ •h'lo•;;:11t 1•U1 ,,( ("''(>. J(••ll /\rt•I• 1111 .,n~ pr1·,1·l,n! ,,r ttw i\.•11•" 111\,.,1 i:;1 ,,o1 .. 11 1~. ,,,1.i 'S i•1"·" Hu"h pr•i.•· !!• •1' nl I ho· r ,.n •'tl''"n!, "l'f'"Elr · ~ lo,.fQ1"•· • ol I <</Ill« illi"'l1 .\t«:>•l;iy n•~·hl Ii• l"''l .. ,.l t h,.ir.tV(''!J\l .o•l1<'1., U1 l'lr••·• 1; dt•"'·11 111 .. ~t11,i.•nt"' ,,.. Q''"•I '"' ' tr10lf 11 h"ll\ ,.t Ha rh"r l-lh ·I ,u.,1 A<lf1t1t• ;:1 T1,. ~h·K•'n1.lf• told ti\<' r·nunr ll U1 11l •IYf'" ()f ~ll{ll!ll W"UliJ b<' pl>\<'"'I <ll 1 th~ .. w,i.i1, . .,f 11 .. r1.i.r lflvd ov1·r ·.1 h1• ri·l.11~ • •ly of i,;oat11. "''"~" 11 ... ~ rio• j1Jrl~·I" 1,,,11 Th" .•lot•l•·nt~ v.·011 1'! )1:.ve l o ~(I bPfOrP th" hn11.r11 ,,( eu~rv1Ktr,, he p .. 1nto>•I n11r, '11 ,.,.,. !),,. ms!ter r .. 11to•1I l lnlv ''"" rnrn1·r pf th~ !nt~r• .. •·· 1 •1•JJ1 l~ a•·tually In tho· •'11y l1nlll.• Th" ••tl11·r ttir,.,. "crn.-r'A 14re 111 \ii•• <1•11111\' II• 'tr I\,, I' '"' 11 1,.,1111~,. 1!1 l~H' (1r111 ,,11 •·I l'n .. , i "111·f A•t ~11·­ K · 11.i.· u .. ~rR lfr· ,Jr.i n••t "'"'11ant ll ~•.:"al T11e .11lu·1 .. n1~ h··~~·,1 l•• •H1f•·I' Fog Causes Crash· Arnu1t r<>•H: und ltu~n 1·l•l•"! 111 !\'•·l~nn ~f.ou!ler Stllffonl Jr of 111 .. nce .. nf sltl'lt:nlB ht1\'1ni.: ,i.,~e ~<!!! JJel Alar Ave. Coal.a Ale11a. c11l,• nn f••h~1 1n1~1""1-'." Tl'"Y fll.Jf ferP.cl 11. bloncly no~,.. 11t 2 :~0 a.l!!o p<>inl '•! ""I 111111 1300 Rl\I· "· 1n. ~'rlde.y when the car he wlUI dent' \"ent !Q the r"llt'..:'-' that way I dnv!ng ran into a te lephone pole "'',>ry rl"-Y 11n<I !"'11·,. l h!ll num™'r' 11t 2[50 NewPort Blvd .. rt>ports et nl~h t. ~"""'• ~I P1111. pollre AAld Stafford .1\rn1~t1.,ni;: .<;11d 11 lh")' +nuld r"n off !he roar! <Ill~ 1r1 hf'a.vy fog. • • / .. • WHEN WAtKER ADMITTED 4,1 lACK, ~~f.]:~1 N __ ew_PO_R_TWEDN_H_A_R_1e0_~-"-~-~-J~t-~_~_A_iiY_-_"....:~-~_,k.:.· _ 1 ·_'_"_61~· ~ DONNA, MATE DEC IDED TO fLOPf , -~E~;:'J· =~~~ Drive to Make .... -Hrie• of MvertiMm•lfc l9 n~•paper capt.lofted. •'ii 1 Express Surprise Defendant 'Now · ·IUoic.,;..,c;.~-o-=-..rr.cu " miiiniiii Pt!bl~ .Aware - Att k .. Jt t>Hn hlm.v ..ne u.id. "•nd Lh1.t'11 f 11 c ac wun't until he talked to how "' found out that mothei 0 el l"rs ~ CS.t.nM &llorn.y J C~ that wu not ·at hon'le. Thi• wu a.bout ::! D les Char ti' •tar14d •)'tng &ll th ... Hill 10 p. m. At 11 p. m. t hea.rd • A<:COrdlng to a rettiil 11Lucly ell · CJ9S ch&rru are ridiculo!J.I; he'• Jtat rtqi.t. llfl<I.. ~c d.oYm the twlll to m11.de by Elmo R.oPf'r ' a.nd A_,. • N)'tnr that to defend hlmetlf, .. lnveetlpte and J .. w hlm com-··iatea, nallol\8Uy-knoWn rese1trt'h lll a ·...ooNed 1nterv~ witb ~ cla.hue(I. ln& at me wttl'I 1. knife. rirm, Amerlc1.t1.t do nQl reahz:e That -Reoountin<· N•rclt )I, tbe n&ght -"1 -•m' ed .-ho t?kt ine w h-o>cotK1ml~ "'-·lltom i• Wine• !tJ.NTA ANA ({)CN8) -Re-Rad.lo ICW1Z Monday, Dollna Mae ......... .... .... .. li· Behun-Brett recount...i uw ll)e firat &ltack wa11 W have «· ahut up or he woukl kUI .1ne. I a\·u1ally 11.re llJ HELEN CONJ.IN c ... n y wed Callfom\1 ~11.uty event.I •ot both ntrhLB 'when a1'e curftd, the young M "'. Breu Kid Md hold af the knlf•, I clldn'r Thi• tioint ts being emph••~ed quetil Donn& Sc:hurr Butt a.ud w-UMJ'tAMlly alt.eked by th• lM 9\l.lpect, whom tihe II&• ldenlf. pant my throat 111it Uke my ht1nd I by at 1eat1t one ni•Jur pro4U('er or her huab&Jl.d, Lloyd, Moud11.y told Sa.nta Ana upbolltercr, whom fled M Walker, hid In lhe ~ek ,,....... ahe n111.\t1ta!ned. ahowlng C11h fomi• wine•, l;he Cl.Jllornla OCNS that th• reu.c.n they ran ahe denied 1111,, lil:now1.nr. of bel" Crotley -1.l<n. her left h&nd, whlc ti Wl!.ll cut In \.\'ine Auociatlon, "l'IU• aJlllOClaUon off, to be married In Lat Vegllll CAN'T ai:MZMIU!:B "He h!d ln back of the b•Ck .everal pl•cet l f'l'vdu<lel! the •wanl-w!nning Ele- w .. that th ey aa.umed the .. t," IJhe uaertect ,"lh•e'a plen• &A.CK TO HOUSJ!: l vi:n Cel11:1.r11 wlnu. which ~ll her"' ''W, e "' ng wu over. can't remembtt hfm I've beet! ty ot r"OOf'l there to h\de." Tfie g'lrl •aid thal again thl~ at low prieea. ~I .-1 .. "I never kn.,.. 111.n\ bttore. J e al.ltted Uut.t 11he 11nd h~r hunting for him ev.;. lllnee 1-A(l Brett N.ld 8heritt•1 deputy, night Walk~r fore.cl he r to 11ub-Acconhnf to Marlo' P .. rclh Ml· were relieved when her Mareh. Now that h8 hi.ntioni ft Oa.nny Rio., wr.11 a ble lo coneo:oa l inn to him That alter thl1 ht' nett1, riner&I man.ager nf I h -t liltacktr, Ja~·k 1 J am<l.li he proGr.bly wu there when 1 1hunult In .the back of the car <iro~e her b11.ck to her houoe As f'11!1 f o rnla Wine A.1111<"'i"!lnn ha d been apprtn'ended. modeled 1 didn't no tice him w ithout being 11een. tu prove . It W•lker illeget.lly drove u~ to th .. ""''h .. n wlnea or the quality t'lf "Gi'ttifl< married '#a.e. the hap-Th ' •• lh•· Y.'flll poN!lble hhu"e. Brl'll •.• w ttie c11r and th!' Etev"1\ Cellar• Cl!.Jt be bough! h•r at wa..!11 two years 11.K<), ., ·-ple11 t thing we ever dld," llliHl .. t~e new Mr•. Briett nuunt iun.,d. I ""." w11 s "" ."'"II hulden the t former t.lu•,. S<'h11n· l;ihe J\Hlll"•<l wh11t amounts lo pocket ehapge. brun t'llt:. beauty qu el'n . \.\e Hl'r hullband, L l<.1y.J,,cla ini.,t1 ht' """ <>f lhl' u.~l1t'1~ frnnl th .. dr1ve-l rroni the ca r .. h,. ,.1,.1rni; .1c·r•·11111-;,IJ Amencan:r 11hould be m11.d e wouldn't have run off like w .. did had beien ,.1ulng uutiud" the fnt·l in "''l1t.1 <'BnH• ()Ul to help n1e 1·),.,.11 in_t;: to Hr.,\!, "l:l'I 111n1, ~t·T hin1 .1v.·a~e of tl W1nf' add<! to lift·'• btH w,. Lllc.u~ht thal e,·eryth!r11o: • ,.,.,r ~I JSll S<'hurr's hou~ tn G1;1r · olr !!le Wln•lshlt·IJ dHI not ev.:n 1t'>1 11 green l'l_yrnuutt1 " •'/\Juy1nent, and E!t"V1'!l Ce!lart wu over 11lnce they .;aught lllrn.,,h·n G rn\'t' hoping to spprf'ht•IJI\ 11"" h11u batk th•'!« , B rt•!t i;a!.! h<' <'hllMl'•I \\Mlk"l l ~hn1JJtl l!'l&ke '*''lne II part of every- '\'" w .. r .. Vt'ry 11\JrJ.<rli:w:<I "''ht'n w•· 111., Jlll.~p .. ~t ,.11,., th" V"lllli.:; 1:·rrJ "I did •l"l kn""'' Ill!}'""" w•" l!l •and rinllll) w~, ,.t,k 1,. Jud! 111, ••ll"." dally J!.t•ll vlllt'll ' . r"1ur'i11•r1 to '<'I' wh11 t had tJ,.,.,,.1. 1.,.,1 ... u .. i.:r <!I\· b...,.n .. nu,k .. <I 111~1 \he Par u11td l "'"''• 111 " dHtk «or · f·Hr st th" ,.11111 11 ,. h~ld ., ~UI\ !h•· !Viper 8urv<.'y. "'·h1ch wa1 clpl'd " Mr•ro·tt '.lti • nrr ;,i nd 11111 '-'k 1-'.I"\'~" n •11r•heil , un lh,. ·'"·'I"" l 11.,1,1 111,. 11,.1,,,,1 ,.~ •i>"n . .-..ued by 1h<t ~·11 J1lvrn1a \\'lnr 1~1 \'l'llf·OICI (ittttlt n t;r<,\'" ·rh~ llr .. lla d e>·lart"t U••rJn!!"I\' Pll0\Hl'I In\ lh1u11t HllLl ;..,. !1 .. Jtl ll lllTlV"d ,\•l\'l'•<Jry Bu11trl 11111<'11.l .,.1 anulh· 1>,,,.ur«•I Ot',\18 ,.h,. y,,,11 1.J lh1:1t \\'11.lk,..r. h11.ol ,.,11,,,,.,.,-.,1 .,,11 k11Jf,. 11t n11· lht,,111 ,\1111 ttr<•lt ,,_,,11111 ,.r ..... 11 .. ""~ !'• 01 ,1,,..,, 1 1 '' "bll!ll('le. to 11\"'" 1;0:11 .. ra.l w1nr I g J k .. u,,~ ... 1 "' l«•'nl.il\l M,, .. 1 Al1lo1ll!.1Ul!< !l P''·"" ''"' "" lll!;llJn,it 11' U1e ~l"H (" Sh~t~lf'a d"J'lltl"·' I 'I j>!•ll11,.1L11ty h"•<.JIJ.: t .. t,,\ I•!,,.,,_'"•• ,,,A•,l<•O-I. jl<>I il•'"'I "<"k Jrtnll'!l \\'lllker, uf !'!11nt11 Antt ""'h" ''"1d !n t ,.,.,. luru, •l """"dark I h " -'"~ ~· v.. u•" At llr~! h<" (j,.n1,.,\ ot I" I'"' Ml\<1 J <!Ill" I .,. h<m ""l<I h .. ln ('()IJJ11,Y jllll \\'II k "r I' ,. \jl'J:"'! ••I Wlllf' 1111•~ ,.n•<<<•h rotn~e>-~!l"K'''111' 11tt10 tkt'd her rm. \!lr " ~ " l k " .,1 1>\~i•·h :t6 Hn,J nj1;1>in J ,.11 wh··n l ,. .. ,1gl1t up With 11.111 t!r-'\" Ill" bb<'k !n tr'" tlrlV,..·ln l wllh fho• \'"''.i' ''1 "·ar t_._,r ... r.tlv t)1,. ~:t, ,,.n ('.•ll"r' p~ li•>'!I ~\lll<"d "H-t li•hl n•<-I "·~1 '!'1 ... li~·li!s fla"h,,11 ,.n hill fllr,. I glur'' a n•! kt•!na1 •ni: .. "''' "'·,,11(1111: T11 inf<~,,, l<l•»'"!l ot>1l) J-111\ Ill!"'":)\,.,, th« •1«fH !••U(•I 1«'" hll• prurlle !in•! J l'"TI·1-o',. <I~ ;.irH• !< I 'I' nj T) . .-lUlll<I l 11~~ <1u .. ~t1unt'd huu ilt Uw II'"'''., ren t"r~te,! tJfl h!~ J••atur ,..•.'<'la 1n1-Curneha Oto" Sk111n.,1, &LIU,<1 .i•'ln "'l1t!1 ~l.••/·1.,.1 ~ 111 l.ooal i.:t <.1 I an .. >1l the llt;r.tW,11. h~ c1,n r .. 11~•"I lr.i th .. \Plln;: i:;lrl mo,·1ell<lrev 'A w 1nn11n. 110 1,, .. ,, 1•••\ "n,1 llqu.,r •h·f•'• ·r h .. b.-Hutv q•I"""" v"'""'" ,.~ Hl<llKt, '' 11 11.\t r: t.-r hr.>"'' l;ea1Jlof11I, will nu! 1, .. ,.r,1,. 111 .. ~:!"'"" o ·.11.,,~ "'n"~ h~\'" lnlol tn 1,1·:-:~ C(Jll\l'od ~it with /1~r On JHJ1 !(I. tile v1<11rfl 111l,.i.:et1 ' hOJll ho:o r 'l'*''I\ \J'11"~~ !lh" ""~ 1,.~n !n<'nJo:l•I ,,, tt"• ~ll«Ht11"' ••! hu~b1<n l1'• · I ha! \\',.lk<'r tJr<tk ~ 1n!u llr1 11 .. 1roe 1•.,111elhlnJ; l\• uff"r llll,.ll"('l \J <t li'• t n" l"'"l'I~ •II Th'"¥'"" lhr<Hl);I\ • ,---------------- Von de Kamps SPECIALS f6•,ooo _ .. Perelli-MllletU daclat'M ca.at• (otnla \\'In .. Ju•t U~ u beie.r....,,d tit# lht' ev~)' Uf• of the. Am erican family. KPOP: 1020 ON TIO!: DIAL KEAB 1 Fran!t Burle Former Editor S.nt• An• Ret)ister DaHy at 11 a, 111. Monday ttwCMKJ1i Fll•y 11 a. m.-NOws aad CC'91M'Dt 11 : 15 a. m. -Varied •u.bjedm MONDA>' (11'15) "lat. ..... Re\•enue lnfo.rrilatloa" Tl JF.SDA 1· ( 11 .15) "All Oki As \\'"-Tblnk-Seaior Cltt- z.en!i" "'t-:DNESDA\' (11 :15) .. Dr. ltadl~\·our Health .. THL'R.!iDAY (11 :15) '*I..y - mp.n's llour'' Ft<lllA \' ( 11 : 15 1 '"The l lniW l't'Ople In APtlon" KPOP 1020 ON THE l)JAl. Jan. 19, 2!), 21 STRICTL y . RtESH GRADE A ' - .. ·•,, ... . . ..:.,. • ". --. -· ..... .. ---·-... ' f 4-Layer Lemon COCONUT CAKE 89' k lie,. .... _, ""' ..., Bear Claw COffll CAKES 2 lo 25• ~ 2 lw 7't) Maplo "-• COOKIES • , •• 33•,.. ( .... ,,, ..... ) ~~!~I~(~~~~~ ~ UJRONA Df:L MAK 9-0S Co&At 11 .... ·y. ACORD'~ t.A(lllNA u .. :AC H 'ZR9 Hroa.1 .... ·ay BALBOA ISLAND 200·~.A,·o:o. Xt:\\'PORT Bt:ACH , . " l420 C:oMI tl"'Y· ORANGE JUICE 6-ol. un GIEEN PEAS IO.Oz. plg. CUT OQEN HANS 10.oz i>lQ. SLICED OltfEN BEANS to.oz. pli;g FRENCH RtlES 9«. pl PEAS 'N CARROTS fO-oi P:~ CORN ON THE COi 1-e•r .plg . CUT GOLDEN COltN lo.at k. EVISCUlATlD YOUNG FltYERS Cut Up Pan Ready PORK SAUSAGE ... ....... .. 49--::3r 541..:f f oatern groin fad pur• porkt Grand --.d W Gt J •rt' *= br.aklaol ond S..ndoy aupperl sw1n·s SAUSA'E .:::.:-:-.:-.::. :0:.''IS' VEAL ROLLS .~.::·.::::.::. .. a DRY SALT PORK 0.1•'=~.::o.. .. ,29' GROUND BEEF ...::~-:-~ .. 39' FILLET OCEAN PERCH ~ ::; 39' FILLET OF SOLE c:· ~ ' . IRA '!;29' -· MIXED VEG fr AM.ES 10-ot ~ i ._;;:::-=:=::" ==~~~~-ROYAL SATIN ~tblsis OH TOOTH BRUSH ES 11~m11111111111M""mot1~1111111111111111111111111111H1ni111111mmllnllll!ll .. ~ -,,,, 514.dO '"" ~ Ovol T<lml "~ ·-·· 5 5· LARGE 'AA' EGGS lty brv•h•• bti11l.d w11h Ou-fw Pont'• o-n Tyn•• Nytonl CRIAMO"TMIQOP '1.-~ 63C ,,.,;Ja.poc'-ed. STRICn' .. ISHI ""'·. CAVITY-RESISTANT TOOTH PASTES ~ ''"' -n ,._,,, ir-r•"*-" Np •- 11ryr FUOGE-tem ' GOLD <:MC.£ On a Wonderful Brand New REG. $92.50 Now Only SO· lnclvd;ng Luggage Styled CARRYING CASE Take advantage' of this !'pecial S.1.le today! \\'onde rfully styled Smith Corona Clippers 111'ith all the latest fl'£l tures and 111·ith the touch-and- go of fin offiPe" typc'.-\'riler. You'll love Smith· Corona's famous "Page-Gage", eliminates guess-,,·ork rrom ~gt>-end typing: Speed Boort· er" helps ,\'OU to type !'as tC'r than you ever tOOui::;ht you could: "Quick-Set" mnrgains - simple to iiC'l and convenier.tly located: ••• plus dozt>ns of other ff'atures that will give you yl"t'lrs t.r typing pllO'ASllrf>. Come In and try OOt" 10011.y. EASY 911n~11:T Unconditionally GUARANTEED FOR 1 YEAR! Rigidly lnapected READY FOR YEARS Of SERVICI! • TERMS 902 N. Main, S.ta "'f'I" Kimberly 2-2365 1 ·-------.. CREST :::: ..... ·~~ 4 9' S~?'. CiL£EM ;;~ ·~=. 4 9' '.:.::., ~!» ll!llllllDlllllftmm111111111111mmttH11H11H11111111mtt111111111111 ~NBERRY SAUCE ~ PINE~L~LEJ~~! OCEAN SPRAY BRAND DOLE LALANI Who.,.Of'Strolne>ef. Un1u<poiuid l~_: .. 9c ~~~~I~) 21< ~~-~!) '· 19' 01 a 1auc• wilh thitl<•"• turkwy, -I L.....:•:•:'•:m:'..1~~~~·~~~~~-:--:::-::-::--:::-::;::-:::::::::::::::;~ --PORK 'N' BEANS VAN CAMP'S IN TOMATO SAUCl 2 •:.;:: 25c ... :;; 15c -:;; 1~ .---ENRICHED FLOUR KITCHlN CRAFT ALL-PURPOSE ·~ g....,bok.lne'""M 9uora,.t.ed whn any r.O~I 5-lb. -39c ·~ 77c MACARONI 01.-.N~R KRAFT'S "MEAL-IN·A-PACKAGl 2 lk•· 25c BEVtRl Y PEANUT BUTTER HIGHWAY fiOLDEN CORN CUT GllWI llANS lfCI 0...---...... TEA CiAllDOI SYRUP DRIPS ROXIUIY MllTS =::.."~" TOll.O SOAP ~:.-:=:. ........... ~ BROCADE TOUT SOAP ·zn TOILET TISSUE BWCiERMEISTtl Ell 3 ''";:; 49' .. ,,~ 15c 17::: 10< :.!:..: 22c ";;: 39' 10 ;:: .. ;::: 25' •9' 29' llKll lllKIWI -. IL 161.. -It. lt, n, tt56. Al YllWM -• .. 111.l. °"''"" .... ~ !twt1 0,.. -........ -.-.... .-.. -___ .......__,._...__ ' w111111111m11nm111111111111111111m11111111111111111111111111uimm11n111m111111111111111m1111K MAYONNAISE BEST FOODS ARIZONA GROWN Sw .. 1. juicy! Packwd with .. 1tomin.tich 19ood health h a m th• 1vn.dr•nch.d °'9•· ertl Me1h bo9 po<lt.. -GRA1>E 11/i CRISP CELERY ANJOU PEARS fr~-'11¥1 all.11 .... ~I ...... 89< ' !TOii AOll) llHO 0-151 S1oner'4-form .....,... ..,..__ Wllll'! lllll llW ':::; 211 Enrid>ad Whhe 01 ~ tAl!ll 11111 llW ::. 211 Slo:ybk boiced. 111611!11111111! lolotd by,,...,., __ UTAM TY,I Cr~p. meoly 1lo llu le.< ........ " toup1. tolod1! Juky. "f'fcy-101;; ... All·pv<f'O", fW,..,._d JMD<t • •• •' ·, • . ' .. •• 7...0NTA PRESIDENT, Mni. Harold (Hel~) Roberlllon, receivee the flag of Chile from Mn. Maria Correa, president of the Zonta Club of Sanlia.go, Oiile. Afrs. Correa, clll88ified a.a a !armer. wu delegate to a P an American conference in Washington, D. C. -Zonta Photo NE WP ORT HARB OH • .,. WILL HONOR -ACKSON AT CONCERT O.well J &Ckaon will bCI ~al oo• of the m tl4lc•I treat& ol UMe Y•r In i....a,.una 8eAch A rt Gallery, lhe con.' c.rt by John Crown, planlllt and Alexander ).furray. vlolin- 1•1 Saturday at It p.m. H!gnlflcanoy It wtll 1&ao b"' a te11Umon!al to Jackaon, w4ll kno"''" curator of Ole fCILllery, who le retir1n1 •hortly. II ·Will alio b.. a chanl-e for arl- !at.a. a.uocu1ted mernbeni and hla many rr1enclll to e11.pr•• thtrnulvea Jn a t.ngtble way tor th .. many year• of devoted 1en·1ct ll'.l the gallery The proitram w11J cona\et ot work& by .l.foJl"l1. Beethoven, Dvorak 1u1d, M"lkl<111 Roua. 1'h"' n1ll!n hKVfl IJ.ttn concf.!rta· ln« for n1any year• loirether 11.nd Ill.St y.-11.r rompteted a •u<'rell8fu l l•Jur ut lfexlco unJer the 1<u•p1ce• o! the "ht- slllute All ,n<lf'' OPDRM'ER Girls ••• loys GffiLS 3 -6x -7 -14 -SUB TEEN • Dresses ' SALE GIRLS • Sove Up to Blouses Play Clothes 50o/o Boys Jacket. Reduced -l off Famous Name Brand \-Vatib&ble -Fl~elined -Zip)J('r Front Beige or \'\.bite -Odd Sir.es Balboa l•land MRS. RUTH BA.{{CUME. Zonta pa.st pret>ident, r1 • ceive• rrom Mni. Carleton ~f eaNI, last m1Jn lh's W lll/ll•t lh• "Flowera for io'nendi;h1p., -corsage a t a pru,;t• Money rl.i•ed will go to aid a f11re1gn <leleg<1tt' t" attel\d the international L'<Jnvent1on ~1f 7 .. onta !" Ii<' IN ational Head ,Speaker for UDC Chapter Everybody Reads The C L A SS I F I E D held tn a weaten1 11Late Zr!n ta l'hot" Zon ti ans Hear President of Chili Club • Ill Woman Farmer Advises Study Other Co untries "Get acqua.inted with other countries. see lhr--1 hings that are happening to them and with thi!> understanding, alart a new drive for peace," w a.<i part of I he m1•:;sagl' de- livered to the Zonta Qub of Newport Harbor by lo.tr~. ,\!a ria Correa. of Chili, pre11idenl of the Zonla Club of Sant1!lgo and delecate to the Inter-Ameri- can CornmL•lon or Wom1n, a Wiil or the Pan Amarlca.n Union In Wuhtnrton. D. C. CHIU DK.LEOA Tr; Mr1. CorTaa. wu the d1!tln· .,il•hed l"Jt't uf Harbor :Wnt• J an 12 a t th• Villa Marina Zon· tla.n• rea.llz.ed the active part wo- men take In the 1'U'l'emn1ent uf Clltll ... hen told It ha. 2i womt n judre• 1.nd two w omen s uvernn r•. The tonta Club or Sa nll•&u h•.s 44 membl!'r•, lncludlnx: cl&Mlllc!!· l ion• o! la..,,yer. a rdllle<:l. broker. a(t~••. da.ru:er,, mualc, c11.blnP! member and member ot Lht U .N . Cur t""o yeara, and Mra. Correa.'• own cl1.11111nca.llon ot ftrmer, Her lW() fll.Ol'h~ which I h" ST•pea. ('OVo•r 2 .. 111! rr1n1 1p.11.I fl~,,.. "n t'r<lp j,. a~rore retum1nr l•> hl·r hqnlf'· l&11 d Mr .. Correa hs• ~··n l'n- Joyln1; a Y\lllt wltt1 twr IMln an•I c1-.u4 hter·tn·la"'· Mr 1.n•1 M r" Jlnl Ct.orrea ot AnBht1m. •nd th1>1r t"'·o-munlhll vld <laughter. · l':ARJIAHT t·1 :'l.'U Mr• E4d !r>lildr~d• Sl•nlty. dl•lrltt rhairman of Amelia £A r· hart 81 holar~hlp fund, paid tri- bute Lo thi1 .,..,,,11 ,.n of nttiomi.I fuine tor llf'r fH 1ll1 l'OUraK'e. rn- thual11J1n1 11 n <t 1·111\nn "'llh.,111 w hh;.h •hi!' 'u11hl rl<'l'cr hR\'t' >l!'- compll•he<l her recur!.11 1n th c e vla.Uan f!f'l!l . I I ~1l{S. WlNIFRED BARBRE, Women'a Editor I -PA_G_E_< ___ P_A_R_T_l __ N_E_W_P_O_R_T_H_A_R_B_O_R_N_EW-S--P-R-ES-S I WEDNESD AY, JANUARY 18, 1956 HS FACU LTY W IVES FETE GRAMM AR SCHOOL C LUBS The Faculty \\'IVl'!!l Club or !\:e.,.•porl Ha.rbor ~hool lll~·ld It.. firt1 t rrie-eUng n( th• ye~ at the Home ~:,,.n,,(,lh l'•1t!,.io:•· un the can1Jn.111 Guf'11\11 rur the 'ven1n1: .,..,,,t' 111r111!•·•~ <>f t.11 .. to'aculty Y,'1vc~ t.:l11b11 I'l l the Honu:e t-;n111gn and Newport Elemtnlary S<:hoc.11< En1ma Sanso n1 Mein be rs Hold Annual Luncheo n l"attonal ant.I hlate officers wf'-re (,"Ut:i;ta .,..·hen Emma Sani;om Chapter 4·19, Un1t1·d Oaughtt:rlf of the Confeder- RI'}'. ht'ld 1t·s annual !un1·ht>on. cnmmemorat1ng t he birt h- days of Generals R ubert ~. Let "Stonewall" JacklK>n and t-.fatthew fo-r,ntaine ?-.laury. Jan 11 at Sant11. A na. The <'h1pt .. r -wt11 hnnvrM hav1ri.1: ln a ttendance the t('cent- l)"'!'lrc ted n11tlon11l pr,.!ttlflnt c,f \J 0(", Ml•a E<1na How&rd i.-, .,.._ Callturn•u I.I." STA.Tr; B<IARIJ In intruduclnfi: lh~ 1pe11ker uf lhe dav, MIH• F owler, M l•• Mont· 1:nn1ery tku! -·, :et·•<'quiunted'' p mu were play~J wher• everyone h1HI a turu 10t each of th• e1shl gl\m., ti.bJe8 "Whllo: rl,.11hi.111l" · were exchanjj'.ed !l.S the 11..nit·" pru~rea.ed l«·rrt'l'htnenl.'I were •erved by lht1 ho.t-11. Mm.-.. 1<111.:"1 ~ \\'h1ten .. t·k. Juhr:McGowen, Doru&l(.I Burn•. Web•ter 11t11 lr preft!drnt, 1'l r1< M!lfl(U•·n le "T,1 rnr • vrne" U1e 11\l(Tlal hurl"' .,f !utrullu,·1n,( a n1f'n1ber o f m\ f<1m 1rr otr1< l>d boar<l. "''ho I• nu.,. J ,.nl'll. J o,hn ~:\·l\\ernach. (.•JlntOn S11. ... ·1n, (:'ha r]el F\Jnn"-!l Hlll\'k Jarne11; flr11t VICt"-J'ff'lll•J,.f\l I f'T t'i<i 111>ur ur !hr n•tlrJru1J org11 n1 .. n.1 1';1n1I N•'<'n•~ The next me•tlng or the Club w\11 be !n M r• t-'a l(f' G11ym11.n nn•! rn~g11z1nr z11.t.vn llll ,\liu ~~uwlrr wa• itatr \1.'l r• 11 i.l lrf'rtor, ~r~ Ruth Kr•·U,.. h•·r all hl•tnrian •!111 '"" 1111· rei:t111 ,. •t.• ------------------------------ll'lf !..->" A ni;;"I"~ j~tuti• pr e11H!1·n1 AT LAGUNA Potlt1 ck & Travel Films for R. S. Church Group f'1fty m,.mb•·r~ •n•1 i:11•·•1• ,.n j r., ti er 11d•lie,,.. M•1111 Jo'l).,.•Jo·i J•1yrd th<" luntht.'<Jn Jer'·".i t•• lllr f'111 <1 lrlbut,. 1., l~cn11 1 11 111 1 ..... "<'co111panun .. nt n f re cn r (l<'d Ja~·ktto-.n. "n'! ,\f11ury, nnt a11 n1 ih I "oulll,.rn 111 u~,.. The bo•a utHully-l l11 rv lle1oe~. b11t a11 private 1n1!1 ""111,11~ .,.,th 1h.,.1r r"rnrd nf 1n- dt<'t11111 .. rl t•bl"" fUl d th•• 'otl.,n· lel{•>ly , . .,1,.l,.~\' 1111 11 lbdlty Sh<' 0011 plure • ar•la wcr.-111l' "''"rk ,.],.., •J"lk• uf thr ol.!U)tllll ht1arl - 11f lhf' ro1nm\l\1'e, ~lr11ea I. A 'l""rt.-r11 hult1!1ni.;. now un<lrr <'un- Arn• "'" ti \\' H•1llbln~. 1''"'"' ,,lru• 1•nfl 11! H.l rhmnll•!. v.. 11n.i M·!nl K<•tfh'ry l'-F. Loi.;\IP, I. I>•! UT~P<I kllf'I"", .. , the n..11n•llllJJh A "P•'f'llll prOj::'rllm h11.• brrn po<'l fron1 ~f11wa.JL. a oldn'a.~r<I th11 C' I\ !'.:1.~11-0n (;111~1' "1'1'~ uft<"r,.•I Jt,.Jtrr fun'1 "~ l:ln 11lrl !" l'l "f't1\ pli1 nnf'rl (Q r the fi r~! pol lu e k l e0n,·enlion Tue.day evrnin1r; 11 mt l l') ,\lr1 _c. (' V1ulet\ and l-1111 Suulhern W\U)l"U dinner nr the !ell:.un lol be h'!'l<1 !!.har'!'tl th'!' rO•lrun1 With lhf' Hf'\' H•·Ulllh ~Prber lfllVe !hi!' li··netll• \\t';l 1111:..1i 110\\,, h)' t"llUn"h nf R~1 1.., .. 11::< S· lfnCf' a! lrl• Turk, who "•ve an ln.~fHrlnl{ l iun. < 1 .,. ., Int' "' t ,.. h11:hJ1,11;ht1 (tf 1 h r the \\'•tml\n'JJ (.'Juh 1...,1-.'1.ln11. Bearh, c!a11lni: rne<l1tallun. l'fl:l'l.P: 1'~ . .,.S A \' at1,.ml><•n •.•rrle wht'n Mu Charll!'JJ Jan 20 al 6 30 11 rn . Mor11an .\lenlber.~. l'rU"::<l!l. 11nd fnen•!" of F'nllo"'·l nj(' the lun<h•·•••I •hap· F /1'enn111on nf Blllb<>ll, flr•t 1 t'utb~rl.aon, worl•I tr11v .. lrr. 11rt· the c.hurch whu a.re Jlll(ltnn, l•l !••r l"''~H1t'n! .\frA J ohn Yuung, \'If<' preilldl!'n!. "PP"l.rt(f Wf'l.ruig lat. 11hut!,.rb\<,I( 111<\l 1nnu11!aln 1 i.:: prr,.,.n(etl th~ dl1Un1ru!!lhl'•I 0111 •n h .. 1rloom 1vot)' 1111 t1n w,;<ldln l('. 'llnlh"r ( H l!OO r~ut!.r~l 1>r"""''11llng participate a nd ... ·ant Lu k n 0 w I' Pl'~ an•\ other gue11t..s. !htn turn-dtC!IS, 'IT<'• 1823, hand-f'n1brolrlrr- 11lto1 ney in 1...(.., At11:<'h:11) w 111 what f<>Od Lu btHljj'.. call 1'1 t!l., A lJ ,.,! t11e meet!ng over lo thl' prn-eil in 11 1tvl'r !hread, with • Ion)! !!.how C'llor picturr " ot ,\ilei;lco, Ba.ker. ho!\ptl!:ll!ly rhainnan .11.t Jo(ta1n 1·ha1nna11, M iu G••1 trur1e 111<:., trunm!!<I train M••mbrr• Gu•ten1 ala llild olh .. r cauntrte1 In HY·4·701l . Montgn1nery. or Bulbo11, a pas! .,.•ere permllted 11 cluH .,;ew r.f During the "''!'ek or Jan. t i wlllch ll• 11.nd Mr•. CuthM rUian BlUl;.> president Uie ,1,. .. 1111 aor1 It'll wee.rer snd pic- e11ch yc11.r. the •nnlvar,.11 ry or h11ve traveled <1 .. ten,.lvely, MiM Mont ~nmery pr""ented ln ture11 were taken of !he outfit. Cub Leaders Pow-wow Amelia 's fl!gh! frorn Haw811 to 1·he Lravelu111ue will Include OCP A Host ess turn Mrs. H. w , Robbln11. "'ho the United Stat"" n1alnland in r11rr an.I unusual µktures taken 1f1<Ve extract.II t ton1 her n11tlunal 19!l0, Zonta c!Uh::< throuihou l !hi!' in Ache hl&h S 1ern1..• 11nr1 remote-Mni. C. V , Turner, 257 Magnolll\ prize winning essay on work of "'Orhl relebr11te "Amelia EarhRrt rnount•ln rt1.ngea •e!J,1n1 l'il'llted Ave .. w u hoste,,. ui n1•·n1h<·r• of tht! ~· lJ,J., eapec11llly on the !'louth- D1.y" Jn w h11:J1 1h"Y honor both even by "•rmchw.lr tn11·eler1..'' the ne"l·ly Or,lllLlllz;ed \\'.,incn'll ,.,,, l'll•h'. "'""')( Th•· "''"r t,..tw<·en . .11 .. omrn and "'"" 1,. 111 .. fl('hJ r.r n ... 1~g111<'1< r>l r,.. \\'nller Pre•ton l the "l11!e•, r.1r" l\'1i<11un rea<I Un- a vl a.tlon 8nd ~= A. Patty w1ll 1!ve brief ,\u..<(IJla ry to tho Or11.11ge ('ounty cle Re1nu1' "Tar R11h\'" "r1 er Cub IA&deni Pow-wow for the Ht1 bor and South Cowl dQtrtcla ... ·111 be held acain tht.. year at Mrll. RU!h BJJrcum.-. J11!l.~t p1e- 11ldent , w11 ~ pre,..,nted Lh•• "F'low - r~pnrl" of Lht' hl!l;hlli;ht.11 Of th'!' Pharm<H'tUlll'a.l A.811<11. ial1on 1<l !Irr "''hlch 11 t ale pr,.,.l,1ent ~Ir~ Jnt .. rn11t1on1.l t:unvent1on of home on Wednr::<d11y_ Thi!' liu•lnc""' .l11m•'!'l. g11v .. !n ac•·uunt u( lh<' ('h11rr h or Rellgtou, Science held •e•••on wa.11 followed by a d,.u rrt n11tloin11l con1·.,nt1on heh! 1n $en Hurace En11tirn lkhool ln Nrwport Hf'i&hl•. 1 Ip 8 p.tll. J11.11. 2 I. ,.,.~ ror F riernlsh1p" i:c;;rJ111g,. Cur Cl&Mea tn the major ca le&'CIT'it!!. her e11cept1oattl handling of n1•11•"-1n Ten1ple .Sln»I L.o!! Angel"" lut hmcheon. I Antnn1n Trx11a, l1<!<l :\'01"1'111 her t re l'l..IT'le•, b11.ndlcratt, plCk •drnln-trallon for the Zonta Dt•lr11 I wetk. whe ra Don Blanding, ne>tW Ultra Uon and ceramo"1e•. which Conrerl!'nc-e l11.~l !all, by Mr!I. C11rl-l ·--------------ton Fnncea Me•r!, last month'' will beg1n a t 2 p.rn., tollo.,.·\ng .,..inner. re1rt..tr11Uon and tun on the nuJ- way. They will include a 11klt by CALENDAR OF EVENTS a Cub Scuut dt:n, tllm atrlp11, cert-Mr!!l J•ck Relnrrt. "l'•Y" a n •I mun!• by ''The Order or !hi! Ar· mf'11n11 1·ha1rn111n, r"porle<I f'll'ln~ row," demOl'llltratlona s nd llpt't:l•-for a pot lurk Uinnrr fur 1nrn1- tur p.rtlclpaUon In ram111 a.nd ~r11 11n<1 i:ue~UI 1tnr Feb 29. an1I handicraft.II. •r. Af\ernuon r 11 r•I Jlflr\y fur JIUI. 19 HF:f'\JBLICAN \VO.\IKN -9 :30 All Den Mother•. com1n lt1e .. 111l'n March 1~. ll. Hl V•u l.lda Soud and parwta or Cuba are expe<:IO!d lo not on\)' rain by ttlJa f'X~r1- en"e, but will ha vt f1111 Mri<, Mllrx:aret Bruning Rn noun- ct'd lh' d11t r of the rlrst concert f,1r ynu1111 pt'Ople by thl' Oran11c County l'b1lh~rn1on1r Orrhe8tJ'fl , J11.n . 28 !11 C"ti.~t C111Je1;<· lludllor-p ium, 10·3(1 R 1n N . 0 . G. \\'. -8 p rn . C. M HU(h Bolton, aul,.t1nt fll!!l trtct comrn!Mluner. i. c•neral chairman or the commlttP.e. >II.II UJJl11t11nta art1 J ohn Hutton, Ben M1.dt110n, IA!glnn Hal!. B, I'. W . -6 :41'1 NllYC E l'SILON Sltrrn>1 Alph11 Ill. li'N IVH:RSA l.JST \\'uman 7 JO a t rr.nvenUo n .,..111 be 1hown . IF YOU LACK THE WILL TO POWER REDUCE HIRl'I THI EASY WAY TO DO IT 11 redu.c1oc bard !or you! Do you w.y i( u too much of •n '!'Iron 10 get tlim • A "dorl't c•rc:· la.zy, W;:k ol • dl power •Ui1udt<c iJ; frequcnUy re1pon1ible for chat "<"alt• ... e igh1 look'' ... moM t'\'ery ... Otnan ... and m.-o. too , .• ... i1hn 10 •vold. ii you really want l.D •Hraoive, deodt-r liaure . a you •te •ired ol beid.r ovrr ... l!'i&h!, o l no1 looking unart in )'Our cloi_bu ... herc'1 •n t'll.sy way 10 cakt<c h•.rd-10-low inches lrom your anlo.l•1. hip., thiKhl and 1ummy. W i1 h •he STAUt'FER HO ME REDUCING PLAN of p!Utive c•tr(ille •rid cslo rie reduc-1ioo, you'll look be-ner-•t>d 1lim w ith rrlall•!ion .od COCllfort. rUI Ol.otffTl!IATlON. l ... lt•..H•• .. ,...-~ -""'"• r---r ......,,.. ......... ,._. ....... ,._ ._ .. :::.:r.!•.._•w ~::::, .. ' ...... i...-._ .... ,,.... •• Kl 3-7010 or HA 1742 STAUFFER H•tnlt> Rt•clLIC i11~ Pl.in 9'll \\', 17th St. ~1•11ftf'r hum " pl~n loun1'" •.• a t-utlful a.t•d prM'llr a..I rrirt fur hf"r or fof' him. Santa Ana ,, NOW!! DRESSES · Jvan Crtm. Kr, and Mra. J ohn Duba, M rs. Fred R. Cern1ak. 1'f r~ A.rthllr Ktlt• .and0 Mr•. Herbert , .... r.11P11L11 sl !ht' lun1·heon .,., er, Mn1ea. F.vel)'Tl Gr·ee11. Sh1rlr;· S111ilh an<I Ali<:" B\lrk, Mr" ~hu'. .J::i p.n1 4 14 Uel Vue l..11ne, Balboft Jan. !O EHELJ. •'ard ""rtlon 12 pm. • Robes • Loungewear e Swe11ters e Costume e Hosiery Jewelry Oil Man Heads NSGW Parlor K .wport a..ch 011 developer JOMfb A. U... Jr., WU in91alled .. pl'Mldant o! U.. Mother C'il'>lony Parlor, lfo. Ill, N au " Son• of UM ~ WMt lhlll put week. Tiie ~---la look place •t l'\lllwton vrw ball Ll•b a. 'rice pruident of t h" Golden Weet Oii Corpor•Uon whiob ,_Uy ~ e•t•n- .. .,. ~ on couni.,-owned lalld at Bwulel Heiirbt&. .!!!llln&" ott one cf th• blcl(Wt oil boam11 I.a ~ etate. lMtaU&ni' otncer wu Glenn WUlll• "' knl& Ana P•rlor. a•· mtAd b)' a.a-ti.rt Bandlck or the eane:. Ana •P"'"'kla Ulld Jack WaJl:tMm dlatr1at 'dapuly to lha North 0n.n,.... Ootlnly Parlor. Dot lites Chld 111. Corr,a •nd M n Jim Co1TeA, NeJlt Zonta meeUng-wlll 1)-e Jan. 26 •t 7 :JO p. 01 . Jn the hornf' or Mr.•. J olin lip80n , 4Q.I Catatln's. Drive. clubhoulll!'. Jan. 2!1 Lf:GION Aui;ll!ary giun Ha.ii. 8 p ITI l.e· I CLEAN . SWEEP SALE! • • • • • • ~· • FASHIONS at Drastic Redudions ! • DRESSES (,'OATS SKIRTS SWE.&TEllS ROBES HOSlERl' l.EATllER HANi!BA08 Mn. ~ O'°MNftl Cf 221 1 Vta ~ 90Utl9d polk-t l'rid•T that hw ehJld wu btttfll 1 by a I .... QU&ra.lltin.d ~ ... a dot' OWn· ~ •Y Pip.lticia W~ktT of 11 1 VI• K.,,_, ,.r~ •I._ '~-------------------------~ IF Wl·I RY LA '····· "<.I . '•• ' • ..., . ..,.... •'Q'•• "' ~ ... °"""'" -,....1 • ,._~. """'''' All Sa J.i Final LID 0 '·W l"r.i r\t •• .>.,,{' ,.. ...... ,.t .. ( 11 •••• 1 ''" ···-· JI 1• 1, e Hats • Handbags STORE WIDE SAVINGS .toc k • /\II s,.1,.. t'lnal-l'lr a .... no ~.:rha.n.:r•, ....runtl• nr <'ha.rp ..... \ UP TO socro Includ in g all -of our fomous brand n ame mercha nd ise 1n o u r regular .•. All lale•I sly!.,, fabrio & color" Fashion Apparel Liberty 8·7431 1767-a Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa • 01 ... 11 rrld•r r., ... ·111 1 • I • • I . ,,..,.. ........ __ ,.. ... _____ _ -------~ ....... ... • ' Wetzel-Hoover ·v o~ Exchange in· CdM Church Home 1n Newport After Stay at Lake Arrowhead • Mr. and Mn . Robe~ Charles Wetz.el honeymooned at 1...-i ke Arrowhead afte r a candlelight wedding ceremony in Corona del Ma r Community Ch urch. The Re\/. Edwin Comke officiated at the vow and ring exchange which united Carol Hoover, d11.ughter or Mr . a.nd Mra. Alvin Leslie Ho<Jvl'r, 2:'13D Wf'•tmln•tf'r AveA nd •nd u•hcre wtrf' CharlN R..i!~n1lcr the ~n t•t ).I r 1tn9-Mr1. Charle• Jr., Rone.Id w 111terbom111, and Wll- F Wi:tuL, J:.!7 V1r11n1a l 'l&cot. J1an1 Wetul. lx1!l1 (".,111 ... f.1e•a f~rujal n1u11c lnclud~ tavor lllll T l "Ll.t: (00\\.' ,.,.;eruona "Thr<•Ul!'.h the Yf':ar1", IJ.,liv 11.nd t:re"ni:ry adorned th• "Alway•'" and "8"<..a~" i;jlllllU~r y iu1,! •·11 n•lehshr11. 1>1yvld-!UOTHt:Kl'i IN l.J\("t: in~ " "''Inter •eltintc !vr th" rit". For her dau"hter·a nuptla.U M r• 1·,.r,,1. 1:aco1·t•-..l lu th•· Ol.llar Ol n(l l H"°v"r wu g o"''lled 111 blu1 lat'e ): ,,.,1 111 ke.·plni; b)' "'" r11.t l'lrr •n•J t .. rret ... •lrl>t"t len(th. whlJ,. ""I r 11 !l•.,or ll'nKtrt K""'n lilt' ~Ir. \\'ell.<'I .... urr coral cry11t<i.l1ne ,,,.,loJ•·<I bodilc haVlllfC hr1rf 11lee\" .. I •U•! 111<:~ Bvth 1nvtl1<'r• h11<1 whllt' ..... 1 " &• ""il n··· k'•n·· <>•Hil!l •··I .... 11 11 I IOHllltlf'l/l C'(Jtall)(~ll •·»•l•ttJ1d•·1 ,.,1 1 .. ,,i 'l'r".'" !"h,• 1~1111 · 'lh,. '""'"Pllnfl wa.s held in 1111: J' ,1 fl}"lun 111111• ,~111 ''"Ll l"" c-htu• ti µ,ioil vr 1<1ll> M1"11 Marilyn 1,,.,1<111 1°r lh• .. 111tl1u!olr1;, A po:•rl I ).li•ko.,.ky "' charga or the 1ruut .. ,,,111"1•lf"1• .. 1 lla1• •••ur1,. ... 1 <•111 1 .. ~~ 11° .... ~ .. r th .. 111 .. r1 ... 11 .,n·1 o ~ 11r1d 11 1 l•<IH'l ''"I W it' .. r If" I ""'"" • ··n - 1•·• "'T "' \h 11 "'I •T • "' • t "I < •l ~"Kl" :,11a" l••il i'lltl<• r "'"1·! ••f hunur "'~• J;''""""'1 1n t111 il1·.-in1. l1:11i;th r1 1l•I ta.lfo•l d \\llh 11111 a nr\ l!I· ,,.. 1" n1al• h /lr• fl~, .... ,.,, W#,.. "'1-l r '"rn .. 11• "" ,.,jf1 ~pr ay1 uf h '\ (" II ( 01i/ l¥1 "'I I"" _,3 lu:'31 IHll!< I ur !h .. h"n .. \n1 .. 011 11 ! \'1llat:" lnf1 J.11k~ Arro.,.,hea<l. th• nrw .\1 •• \\•·tz.cl .,.,.tll " r~d wc.ul "lt~. bla< k ,., ,..,,.,....,r11:~ Lnd llle wh111: 1>n-hi!I rron1 hf'r w·l''1r!•n r bo11tru"t HOU• yf'lung P"Qflll: 1Ut1:ndf'<I r.: .. w. Poll tl1roor l'n1on High 1';chr"'I an J ~Jra11gP •'<l&.a l ('ull1:1"e. Th,.y "' r nu"' re11l.ting al 100<? W1"1 l 1 " .. an Front C:i\RD LUNC HEON Lido Is le C lub Wome n Anno u11c e E ve nt Slate Thf' l~ido Isle Woman's Clu b will meet for luncheon iuid a va1d p.uty Jan ~-1 . 12 1111un at t h e Lido l!!l C tiubhouae. ·r1"· p1 .. ·:r:in1 o( cards will be MUJ"le rvised by M mt'ti. J ack :-.1 1d ()on lfart Ir, "•!I• ,.lnh rol"""Y to al-Apr!\ 2 •h •trlt·t m .... uni: of th" ,,.,.,,.,, "'''" .11rd JJ&r-Or1ogi-c .. unty \i!lrc!en r"!ut.>t Thi' no<•lllf.~ i;atlir 1•ni: w1 1! 1h1 b w llL prov!tl1: • <10<Jr prlZf! I~,~ .. ii I. < '111•1W<:'ll. I<:'"· 11.11<l bring a fluw"r 11r rangl'm1:nt • , for the e-nL •tra. Wa tch1:r w ill '"' '" lllHln ro·i.:,.rrt!ng b"h\'· r1:prl!.ll~nt the club at Lh• annual 1 ~ !''"' i.t~·! <Jnnni:: 1 ll .. 1 mM"Ung ot thl! Ca lLrornla Gar- 1,. r• nu1v r 11 JI M r ~ ! !lf'n Clubll ll'I bf h1:lct a t the Bllt· ,,, r t 111<·11111)ol 1 lnnch .. i,ri more H otel In Lo. Angele• M&y 111 · I I. PA Pl:RBAC."KS "' ' I ' ~" ~•M lun will he All LJWC m~mbe r& •.re 11r1eo-I I '',,.~. m. 1n '''"'to brine peperbaell novel11 t" ea.ch J .. hn H1t1n1JL••n. t"l'i1Ul1u· 1neetU1(1'. ol tlu1 duh. Trie " , • 1.rc11 .. la ... 11J cymbid-1 nol'ela 'A'W be di:nat.ed t., the •--•l< •·l'I •"\'mhl•ll"111• ll<•ll¥ HOllp'l ta l Aux.lllary for uae 1110' l'''''lng JI n II bv hoapit&I patient.I. :-..-n u ,.,.,11 M At·rve-d The FaDrua.ry meeting nf lhe • , a.rel luncheon group w ill bf' h1:hl ,, n 'r:o· TVl'lt H+fl.!I. ~ 1'111v ...._u ,.,fr• I.I-F'eb. 1 4 at Lhe Udo Cluhhou•"' Ir v-and "'·111 b1:g ln at 10 a 111 .11harp \<o'11I 1'n1111' acrOrd1ni: lo Mr1. 1.lar!Ln Loc1"· ne)'. r ha.1rmlln •• 'lid, '"l'r'11ef\l!:'o.I by Re1erv11Uon1 or ca ncellaUon• In by F eb ll. to or Mr.. R a Ip h hr• pr,..!1!<1Pn\. nlu .. t be "llllf'<! I t .. >1.•~1.•l w l th 1Mr11 Lock ney '"" !ho• tr>rl hcnmlnl( Holden, l-< id e rs Breakfast Nets , $200 0 fo r Dimes March ,\!!• 1 i~"•l•ni: n-,.,,,, thsn 2000 wu an ,ntert11ln1ng Haw111an hitn ·,, 1i.,1 ""'"" ,.,,,\ 1 h ~ 1 r !Mnce n oor 1how. The prog-ram .. ,,1 ,., hrncf!I bre•kfllllt 11l1;0 Jnc lu•lr a a ... xophune 1101" by 11 " 11 poRt-poll patlfl nt, voca l 11el cc- 1., _, :n.1 :11 , A:<!lt1(·1<1tcd Rilling ttoni by a •In ger who ruu b1:<'n •'111!, , ' () 1J1t'.<' <'•.,nty turn,..d on lhe Lawrence W elk 11how: ""' r 111•PT<•Kl111>ot tly S2000, o"\· tu nwnber11 by Ow Hom e towner1 nr- T~;· '1 uf •J1mrl<. 11cc"r<lln): ,,, 1: ,1,. llarn1n.n, publwlty chair· m 11 n lr>t'" thr ndtn~ clubll. llulln<?. ··lub cook• "''ere kept hu.I\ .11.~hlni.:-.. ut ..an.~agP. b•u·on. ··i.:i;:<. hv\c .. k1:ll, cuff•'f' 4lld juice& rr .. n1 7 11. m t o 12 30 p m. J\wk 1_..n ... noted TV announc- ..... "'"'~ on th(' Jub .11.~ m.11ster of ccr•rH••l\!e11 l rom 7 until I I, whetl '""'\hrr ena aJCem<'nt c•llt-d hln1 <\••1•n111p11.11yu1 1r the ><I ~unnv H iii• fJ:1rn hreRkf1url, Fullerton, Fire Auxiliary at Costa Mesa E lects Officers Mr.<1 Henl'y Amburg.-iy ..-u ll.lect - r.J prt•sidenl of the \Vomen's Au•l- lt•11 y to the (;oat11. M1:aa Volunl!!<!r Fur olf!partnlef'lt •l th• n1•t-llng In 1 h,. t1r1: h111 Thur..,Ua.y evenln11. ·flther oftlC""fa &r!' Mra. Harold !-~by. \•let'-pr1:1hlcnl and Mr•. Al- b#rt Oti::(l•n. &f"('rf'lllry-tre&11 ure.r. A n .. w n1e.in ber. Mr1. Wiiliam ('.la1 k. Wll;'I "'t'-lcomM ln ln lhl' club M r~ \\'Hlla n1 Clllllll w a. ho.te11.11 for the eY1:n1n r A .oelal mHlln« followfl(I •lee· I! 1n, w!Ul g-am• w1nn1:n being Mnu!!a, Lowt"ll O"Oara., Bertran Sn1l th a n<I Haro.Id Ellner. Mr•. p:,\1c-k, a formf'r mO'lmber now JIV · tnic In O N!gon, w "-' a g-ue.l for th<' l'•'l'ning: Other mf!mber1 pre- l'lent wert Mmea. Ha rry KlUla rd, M S McQuiN!, \\'llllam Lord. H11 Ntltl 1.h'Cort.I. I.AO Prtrocchl. J ohn ~ur un1 &net Emeet A mbW'- ,irr'" chealni. tor tha Tri ctly Club and the Gary FUU1:r orchestra, 11.nd nu1ner0Us !.nt.erTiew1. Percy F'Ullet, Saal& Ana. wu g1:nen1l ch.a irman for the event; Hern1on handled publicity; Lloyd U n ton hea ded th• food pr1:p11.r1.- tlon oornmtttee, Frank t.tl'rtlll the food procuremen t. Oue Fir- min and Br adley Smltll. Ule t&ble11 lllld chuck ...._g-on. Gene Thom11.s, •'llptalo of Orange CoWlty Mounl- td G roup, ma.nned one li ne of .•love•. F r11.11k Co::oc wu chalrm11n of the &fternoon gyrnka.na and Lloyd Shearer headed the tlnllnce committee. <fforgr Ph.Jl!pa Lt pr-Nldent A..ocla le<I Rldinr Cluba. Oxy Mothers at Club Meet Mra. C. Hub<trt of Bay Shor .. Jt. ch&.Lrman of th• Newpor-t Harbor- Laguna ~h dlvi•lon nf LM Ami,..._ Club of mothfln or 1tu - tleol or Occident.a.I Coll•&'•· a.nd eeve.raJ local m •mbeni at~n~ the monlhl1 mttUng of th• ora-n- lu.tlon at th1: cullege lut w•eek. Gu1:•t &peaker WM Dr . A rthur O. Coor1'1, prellldent of Oceh'le.nta.l, who dMCrlbed tha pvt to ba pla y · f.<I by LM Am..l,_s In th• future da~lopmenl and •lUdl'!n t •"lectl(>o or Ule coU.,-e. H arbor e rea mothera a!fUlat r<I wlth Ule STOUP Inch:ada .Mme11. Miilard Mel•r. Roboert Smit h, R.al,pft R. O."r. Cart O'-:. 8l.n:)f- 5er WliH.e. UMI Tbomu J'rolrt. ot U\lt c ity, Mmu. ..J:d•U'(I Mlrko- •lch and C arl 'nlornaa of Co.ta ...... ~==============~ BALTZ MORTUARIES l'llHT A MAA.A CIU.PJ:L rr •t S.Upotr lor AYenue t:utta w.e-. Calli. f>n,,..e Llb<l'tty 1-2121 ~ BY J'Hll Sl:A 3620 E. Cout BIN . c~ IHJ Mar. Caltt, t"hnnt' Karbor •? ,_ MllS. llOBERT CHARLES WITZEL -J a.ck Davia Phot.o •poneclftd lltf tbe ....... tbf'4tNJoa ol ~ o,.,... O:luot.7 puMle: adKlol.I muk ~. • 1tmk ratr ror ~ or ch1ldru tl'OID kin· darprt.-t.o ~th ~ wtll be Mid at Huptr 8c:bool, o..ta x-. Ju. 21, at 4. p. m. Dtvided Into nve l'J'OUJM. "er.&U•• llan6a iand 0-C'ft." wtll be dlncted by Vtqlni& lOddw, Oomta ){ .... ; "Learn lo P\ay th• 8oq: ,,ute;• by Dorl• Nyqw.t. Fu.Uerlon; "1-m lo Play the Aut.oh&rp," C&&J. Ellan 8pelm&.n, New· port 8-cb: "W o od.tr lnd Cltnk," c.d1 Toae.r. Pl&oen· U.; '"hehnlqu. ln Usina" Or- a.A .. • Coll D t y ft.Kordlnr., Ora.ct. & and t." Edna Jo Adam&, Ouden Onrta. New Director of Girls Club ~ ' Bol.nl n1ismbera or tht Girt•• Club of I.bi &rbor A.re& m •t Frl- 1 day a t the /\()(Jle at M.ra. l!tdw•rrl Lewtt, 1364 Eldf"n Av•., lO re- view of liA~ of 1ppllUJ1i.. for I.be J~ltlcm ot PXPcutlvl! dlt1:Ctl)r or I Lhe club. A d1 r,.,.l1v.-of lh1.11k1 ,.,..._. ••wl•<I !>!1"8 J-:i..rl l'lprr funn .. t ,\\rrC'1''r """ f'll thf' !1.1U11•l,.r1 o! t.h•· 1hiri Mr• l'1 ptt"r ,.,.,. fu11 .-•I lO r"'Co;ntJ) !Jo,~.o.U'"" •J( 1\1 ih• l:irl~ Club "·111 b• 1 1,,..,,1 bo·,i:1nnln11: L1'11• "''""k· 11nnl ).!onn .. > F.-1, 4, to •llnw f r01 rcn" v a t11111 llIHI r"p•!I ~ I Th .. 1,.,.,,1 RI'\ Jan ~-; &JI'! ~& iu •.l~\ea lor a run1n1 a.c e Md<' to t..: 11 .. hl •t u 1,. hi.wr.r ntxt t " Ule 1------------------------------f\J r111rr t.;(,..la ~li!N Dank blllld!niC 'BASKET BALL BOUN CE' "" N•we>rt "'"' '""""'"""""' WU IIlllJ<' of ll J lO )(If\ lo Lhc FRIDAY AT HI GH SCHOOL ~: ~n:.=nyt~=~· ~1';.~0r:,.r1:~ Th .. "l:luk~tbaJI Rnu11• ,. a olan•·.-i 11poo1ored by U\r •• 1uur cllUl.I of !\"ewp..irt lla..i l.<lr L"o1on H ll{h Sc:hool, will be n. .. ld J.'nday 111 the &"' 1&1 hall l'r 01 .. ,..;hool. f l w1ll follow lhe ba..4k ttb11..U l{&m" "''th Gard1:n Gn,)\'t. the nnit horoe nl&-ht leil-&"UO'l giUlle ot the .euun The enUre student body l• 1n- 1 11.-d, with a.d1nlM1on 11.t ~.:. '•·nlA. S1:nl<>r cl&..,. ortlc1:r11 A-rt' l>1"11n.1• Hi<rwood. pr .. 1d~nt , Ja..i·k l')11•lth, v!ce-p1-.al1h·nt ; J 0Ann1: !-lacl!n, ~rolary. P&t K"'!t-.r. tr,.llL'!url't , and Dick (h'•rhy. h1:ad of U\1: bot.rd u! oontrol. Jucluded ln the d1:eora.tu11: comrnJttet-11.r. Per le Holla.rid. J•1}l ~ \·1tt1:, Jc.y~" L'hung . .,.,,.,.ma Hr uner, lolar rc1e 8tc.vall, !:ihclby 1\1nnel!, LauN"l \\·,~~-f'"'" Schulbtrf, l.ynne 1i..nn.,r anll Theim& Hutfr11an. ."-r•. Ii.ex .Uraridt n 'Jlt<"MnU t ho1-f'ar,.nt -Teach~r Ali'"O- ciat1on and LeRoy J tll.->n. th1: facul\y. ANNUAL EVENT Valentine Tea Plans of Bethel Moth e rs' Club Va lenUn1: l"n llnrl fund ral1LnfC plarui occupied •Ul'nlll'n o f J ob'• Da ughti.ra. Mother" Club meml>fr• when lhey mrl J1tn. 11 at the home ot Mra, J081'ph K.Jncll.ld . .1 14 Via P a.len!lo with 1'1r•. R"x AJ- bnght pre.1dlni.:: Tiie tea I• s-et ror 1-~eb. 12 e;t Pomona Trustee to Attend Meet \Yllll.&.m A. Johnaun, 806 \\'p11t Day A\"e., Balboa, 11. tr111tee of Pomona Col1Pg1:, will parllclpatl' In a dinner aeajton Tbu...da y ev .. ntnir In the Univ•rSity Clu b, Loa An- gele• whe.n the collcga'1 trual- hoet the eoller e Alwnnl Council to exchllllgfl ldeu on college &ffa.Jni. Mr•. K1ne1!J • home on U do W e, :.! to 4 Jl. m .• "lnr. l l arold Beebe. l ea chAlrrn•n. bN•U(hl r"por-ta on t1.r ni.ng-emerll• b"lni made by her vanoua commltl~ .. Mi" Blanrh1: Parr\1 dem on- 11tr11tt:d houaehold 111.id:o to the gr oup •• " mon•)' m11..klng pro- ject which w ill he u ndert.a.kl'n by lh& women. Dra ... ·1ng tor n1:w eecrl!t pill• concluded lhO'l busine•.11, aft.er w hlch re~hmel)l :o .... ,re .11erved. H oateMP!I u.•rrt' Mme-~. Ralph Hrrr, \\.llh11 ~llngcr &nd Paul C'oop1:r . Th.,,... 11.ltl!n•l1ni.: wtre; Mmell. S w~t:t would ictve another of hf!r 1nfom 1.itt1ve t•lk1 un "'nrk Hf Lhc G1tlt' Club •t Ulf' 11f'Xt ffi""lin( ot the L.lonetl1:a.. Ph otograph y Progr am for Lady Kii s Latly Kill ll'1med UlU~'h •l>11Ul phll\\1graptiy "hrn t11rv t><-gL'l U'lelt n"w y"9r wtth th~ nwnthl)• m1:f'llll( h1:ld Jan \I Ill lh" h"me ot Mra. Richard l.. N~w·man. Mlt Pa1011t a l >Mve . l rvlnr ·r .. rnil'<1 wl!h .\1r• Uonald T. W"h)'ll! I.II cu-ho&· le"". !-ll$"hl1ght (If 1he 11vr11 1ng ,.,.u 11 talk g-lven by 11:111>111 1pc10kr.r 1'\r" It L. &an1llll, 11ror9'lll hJ•I•! ph"t" Jl'T•J'hf'r, who rhOOle llll her lnplr "Portr1lt uf 11. Fae-"' 1!111pl11y111i: many beautLful portra lt.!!1 "''Ith 1:01 phu l• on the pr<lgTl:llll th"l hn..~ b.:"n m.11.dr Jn photoarra phy ()•.,•t the Cf'nluMN _)Ir•. A. o 1t.1r1e1d, of!w!y ll,11t11!- led pre•ld1:nt. pre•lded Ol'er " ah<lr t b1ainU1 ml:i3tlng and """lcomed new m1:n1bera. ~1n1e... Charle.a B. Herter J r., V.'l!11an1 S. Lee and L..1 E . Spr aru". al&u a 1rue11t, M!'a. C. JL !..a.Cler. Other member1 allend- ln& w ere M mu. M . F . Autder· Haldc, Jlarley H. Burnell, G«1r1 e CoCfey, W!Ua ni Courtney. Robert A. Cr awford. Ray H Da.nJ&"1:r. Thomu U. t DtFor1:aL, J0&1:ph E. 0-:hlln•. Tom W. Doari, A. O l(&lf•~ld, Gonion Imler, Hs.rry P. lu:nour, Herbart Fl. J1:nlta, Jeffer- .on Srovill• and Gord Bflw rts. The next meetinr o r Lady K i111 w1 1J b~ held l"eb. e, at the home o r Mr R. Clll.IN! M.. NeJllOn, •Mi Bern11n.I S t., Coeta Me.a.. w ith M ra. Joaeph lit ~.cbenee u oo-bOlltMll. lie/or• th11 -Ion member• ot each group will preaent quutlona In wrlllng to the olht"-r fTOUP and lhctie qu•tklrlll will bl An.wered a t the meet:in(. ft.. J . Wlg, San M•n no. pualden t ot th• coll1:ge beard ot tru•t"' and P omona Preeld.,nt E . W Ueon Lyon wlll di.a· cus.e the tlnancta.J a.nd s c&demlt' program. of the collefa. C . 0 . Ja.cob11, Glenn Dy.art, 0. £ White, H"rr, E. V. R•~an. Ernest Craln. Klncaitl, Chu . A ry J r ., 8 11.nger, E rne11t Church, C 0. A n- d en-vn, J ack H arri•. C, R. Cham· berl.Rin, E . L. H obel. 0 . R . Carr. Beel>t'. Cooper, A .. 1-Robe41on. Al-1 p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I ber-t ~penc.,t, .Albright lllld \V, L. M lllu. Nl'.Xt rne.ittni.: "'11! be Feb. 8. 7:30 p . tn ., 11! th,. hnme of Mrll. Erne11l Crll1n. ~.1.~ Via Marina, Colla Mesa.. Horbor Rosi Memoriol Pork ,\fa...ol-intenm.at Oanlema. C:-et.er1 llarbor a t Gt11lPr • CLEARANCE SALE! Final Reductions on Dresses, Skirts, Blouses, Shorts, Slacks and Accessories large Savings may be effecfep on all Winter Merchandise ~Oo..dd.oc.k.1s Tnb. cf:-i.d.e 'C~ S412 \"la Udu -A.crtlM from Rlcha.nl'1 Onr or the J.i<lu ~hOP'f' -:Vf'WJ>Ort Bnoh • . • •• WEDNESDAY, JAN II, 1956 'E~PORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I PAGE 5 • • anuar'I 19th Some of Our Opnlng Specials on Sale Jan. 19·20·21 RACK EXTRA WEAR TOWELS BY CANNON O n Our SPEC IA L Children s DRESSES Save 198 with 1 d1:pUl .. t l'•le r a r1: at -cl ILW a pr!c:a : sn1111 l d1~sonal ,1obby-wtlv,n bordera. "-"It · I J ~ HAND TOWEL ,,.,,., 89' l!r 1t . 4,'I..· WASH CLOTH ,,~.., 35' SKIRTS PUSHERS i u .. ,i: .. 1.9:1 MAT .• ,.. .. 1•1 s319 O ur Brend Fi,1t Quolity DIAPERS 298 peq/Jof plus MUSLIN SHEETS . servrce 2.39 2.X9 \'tll 7:! x 108 twin ~lr.e ' ~h"l'l~ J11~t l1k~ your g r1ndn1othtr ~ to t 1>•1y Th,. •he"l• tl'lat have be,.n fsmou• tor )~Ill.• lur U I•!• l01n1 .,.,_,In&, •turdy qu.alt- 11•--" . , p lua • wonderrul!y rl<»e woven tu· tur~ that gh·e.. th1:m a lua u rtoia fHI. 144 thr1:a.o!• I<~ th~ Inch g1v1: a un iform amoolh· llf!~•. 1n e.11t r a. •lrenr th. Snowy whit• with tu1tr1. 1\ronc ftelv1:dge. Sa..-e to 41.00 ds. 3 ()V reK 8Jxl08 do11bJe •iz.e , IM 2.89 r~r-twin fltte<'I bottom• !.!I 3 09 r•r double fitted bottom. I M Tic re&. pillow CUN, ilJl.34!" . -·-·-6h Special Purchase CLAN PLAID GINGHAM ,'-iu1-r.rlor qu.a.1111. Flne oombood, p,...hnnik. TIUa LI LnJ,J' a ~Ud vaJIJe. Rf!c. 9!k: yd. On-l 'ard Print OUTING FLANNEL Special! Scout Tex TEE SHIRTS SU.l·S Sbo3 -6 Save VJ Get Your Door Prize Ticket- You Don 't Have to Be Present to Wi~ Drawlll'J Salwclay, Jan. 21 5:30 p.m. lie.re's your opportwdty to save at the very 3peclaJ prioie Prbel for The !Ude too ... Hf!&. '"" l'd. Many Oll&•r Specials "'\ ) Throughout the • Store Blore 0,. 9:00 • 5:llO 3404 VIA LIDO NEWPORT IN. Tf,£ UDO SHOl'l'tN6 CENTER • . . ... -·· • .1 AGI -~ -PART I -flEWllORT HAltlOli NEWS-PRESS SAINT llOM t: L'' t_;('l 'Af)()J( At Sht>ll .\!.·ra deep 1n Jungle, lhu; 18 homt' ba.i;c fur pcrsorint·l 11! Mi1:1eionary Aviation Fellowship statinn(·d at out post ~ IJ1 the ar(·a . It was 1n th1:i /'Jjlt:r l 'ub Nate Sa111t piloted ~irs. Dornthy 1'1ch:C'n:1a uf l'"runa del ~l11r a nd membeni of her party 111tv tht' to:rritory of th .. headhunting J1varus. The plane also carried !Saint DEADLY BLOW GUN -Here Cerembo demon- atrate& the blow g un. So1ne 10 feet Jong. and made ot h ardwood, it shoots with absolute accuracy up to 150 feet a thin sliver of bamboo. The dart is tipped w1th poison and' Its baae is bound With kapok. In killing a mah the Indian aims a t corner of the eye next the nose, never misses. IJVARO INDIAN -Cert>mbo servf's as interpre- ter and guide to the sc1pn fist, Will Ferguson, who bu for many years studied the herbt! ue<.>d by the hea.dhunting J lvaroe 11.nd Acua.s in i he interest of medical science. Slffl Tape Tak.., Th~fl o( ._ ~ !L 11lcel v.·hlt r lape. valuf!d at $4.!)(). v.•M rtpqrt· , .. d to C'oa!a M-pellrt 11111r•1lll\ by Geonr .. r M•M•1-. "' \\ .. ""' n , A uto liJupply •L l!Ua N-.•pon I Bl ... \ NEDNESDAY, JANUARY I~. 1956 -- BOYS' CLUB TO . FO~ MODEL RAILROAt> CLUBS TOMORROW Two or mot"• modd N !lroad elut. will be formed .a. th• Bofa' Club ot Lh• Harltor ..,_ at o:.ta ....., on Jan. 11 at 7:•6 p.11'1. All boy9 lnltt'Mi.d ln orp.ni..t.n1 ¥d Joinins th ... cluM rnay ronte to Ute orsuIMUon meeUnc". Dona.Id O&rich will bOI adivbor tot" on• Club. Other adult model raJ.lro.deni will advtM Wllh-Uii'""ottie"""F club.-· AUto 49ency Hit for Third Time i,y Car Cloliten , For th• third titae ln reee.ut weeka, •n .,.utomoblle lot at tOO I W . eo .. t Hlchway, wu entered by ca r •trlppera. Wheel.I and Uru were at olen valued &t $253, Nrly I Saturday. repoJ"tedlY lll ~Tin1 eome mea· aure ·ot auceeu. J'rom him ah• learned the proc... of head- oh..w.lq. I Robert W olverton. N.les m a.De· ger or the lot owned by Clyde C. J ohn.on, 178 Shore Chff ~d. 11aid lh~e c&n had been jacked up and & Lill.al or fuur rear Whl'l<l'iM 1111d t1re1 had hl'len taken_ "Sometime•. but not atway1, he&WI &Te IA.ken In N•en1e." ahe atated. "It ia lule.d, & part of their ~U~n. to"'f:rgu90n hu·Wh.at t. believed the larseR lrtn1"I• c:ol- lectlon ot ahrunken Mach. He brou(hl n.-e to .now ua. caretul- ly W?'9.pped. for he keep. them eecret from the l.ndlana. ( Ch&nc· e10 are food that lt It WU. di.a-- covered he had them. the coll«- tion {l'"ll(ht C'hange hande .udden- ly &nd with o ne new •peclmen re•dy for prc.ce.11.ilng-. I •·smallest h<'ad wu &bout the elu of a KDl t ball and w .. uf a 1 18-year-uld n11t1ve boy. Another I wae of a prll'al, probably Spanh1h·, and a thlr•1 W!UI of a Ger1nan. 1 whOM 11.ory we were told. So lifelike were hl1 fi!atuN!1 that the head had brln recognized by a man who klll'w hun. MISS CALIFORNIA WIN S SPEECH AV/ A RD [krnna ~1h111T 11,.I!• I• •)'""n 1• ••\10,,: 111•! pJ,.., .• ,,.1,11 h<·hl WI tJ111ni,:~ {"u11 ~\ l'•·ll•·i:·· Wllh <>\"<r 1:1.'l .~\IUl•nt 11 •!.t•·I"'' Ill !h•• ·'' 1 o.on "" .. , .. ,,.~, " '·'·"•II~·-[' 1··~··•" .t ". •• TM car1 were dropped to the ground after the theft.a. \Volver- ton nld lhe car1 wtre stored on lite vacant lot nert to the 11.gency ur Johraon'a, They a re parked clu!I' erw>Ugh t Ofi"Cthtr, he uid. tu otter aniple cnvera11::c fur 11 car r lriut1nr open1uon -----------1.>AH TS Sl:AK F.\'E " ,, Mrs . Roper to Teac :1 Churcl1 and his four 1nias1onary companioris far into the JO.n gle Jan. 6, where two dayil later all were killed by Acua Indlan1. On the steps are Emi!le Co!Ungs rif Travel World , leader of the party, and Hanni Heyerdahl of Norway. -All pictures Ne.,..·a-Press photos from colot' shdei! by Mrs. McKennL • I Weis Window Shot u.11u11uy w1u1 " blow 1:un. th" •hut t C . l'lnter!ng lhi> hl'ot.d 11.t Uie corner a ommun 1ty Hal Wei., 2319 J'ac1f1c Drlve, of the .. )'l'l n"'" r .. 111 the na~ and r1>porr .. o to pollt·e Jan. 10 thAt u 1111 hol1> c1u1 boo ,.,..,n in ne••lv 1, r . , ~ ~ ' I\ BH had bfocen flr,.d throui.::11 lhl'l 11.IJ hl'llt.ds ... · 1·,c_I•' t • \!' -" H· J •, ,,, ' " r.-.. r h,.rlruon1 w1n,\nw l•c1ni: '.';e""'· ··or ""h11 t c1v1hud people ru11 · \\ '" purl Bay, The .11hul """&II bo:heve-l j tlder con\illn fl<!'\'U!1 ar AIHI 111ui11 11 l!J· I Lu i.;onH1 trum th .. 1llrect1011 <J! 1 ll•rv habitll o r pnrnillv<' P'""'f>I~ ~111 .. 11 "' liM \'~irli> fi,,,,,. _ ---llhl"V arl' Ill r!'>1li!'' 1,,n1pl,.lt :, 'h•• 1 "·"·~· ... " • "' •1 1.. ·-.... ~C•<"nl 1 f"· !<<, ,.,,11 ni.: i., Frr .:11., .. 11 ru~n." · • LOCAL WOMAN VISITED NAT& SAINTS :·;.~."~'.,",";',,.,:,•:;,:~·~~le7 '.,~";',.: ;•:.,,.::,':,"' '' .. \! '. ' llJ•>IHhl<•\\,111111!"1"1 1ld l~l l' \I !; ·-r tJ.,. • 1111 I fho"\" •II,.,,. • "~'"'" ' • I ' 1,..·!1\' .. -LI\'!<, th•·!l .. 4111t't ~ 1t "'' .' •.,;· •h I BEFORE HEADHUNTERS KILLED HIM '""' <I Cl'/11 "hl•ll l"Pl"•l< 1-• . ... ....... ,. . " """ . """"''" Dotothy McKenna with -hllerton Tells Sojourn Jun9le Pair -In By WINtF'Rt:O 8AR8Rt: It was only three months ago 11.nd it set>ffi.8 bul yeste r- day th1tl ~I ra. Dorothy McKenna of Corona del Mar stop- ped at the hnm£• of F'ulle rton·s Nathaniel Saint in Eduador and it waM SaJr1 t who pilotf"d thf" plane which carried her pttr!)" into 1h1> J1 .. 1rn lndl11n co11n-1tt nd b<lugalnv1J111ra cllmblng over try wh1•1 e ht' •n<l rvur 111IM••<.,n-1 the pur<·h~,. 1111y llllr11 wert u !e• lo1l tht'1r llvf'.'I Jion 8 abloom In the. 11rn11ll hNg• e.nd & It !1 11n 1nt1nll•lr .•l•11y wh1r'"h 11 .. 11r .:><r•l~n ~luprd to tall !"'I' Mr• Mr K,.nlUl tella ,,r th.. hfP r~rn.• r,f thl' Jungle and 1rt•v1ty ur 1Sn1nt 11n,1 hiM Tf>\\"S l 'SN1<J 1rr1.Y ron1pMnlon1, ma1nbl'r1 .,f 11 '81n11lt non-•1•·nom1 n11toonal g r .. ul' th,. 'lt ,,..,. h..-a ted at th'" end of M1 ... ion11.ry Aviauon F"<'ll<lW!lhip, Sh'"H M1>ra 1.nd the l&nl1Lnf !Mil d 14"A:o •t"rOl..I th .. Btreet'·. 11ald Mra. which h111 1l11 h .. dqu&rlt>rB in ~1• K.-nn11 "The town w&" 11.n ew-F'ullO'rt"n S"111e 'l4 h11></\ ,,,1 .. 11• r,., rl""'! jutu:le fhi:ht 1r .. 1n 1ni.: "" lh<' F•11!1,.ot1111 111r•l1lp K<hl \,,.,. pl11.n1>~ ,,..~, .. 111 F:ru;tJr.t ' r•l"c'" JU~t "wful Thf'r• were ,-:!Cl huu,...~ 11trUnJ( •lonlf lhe ~ •l1 rt slrePt with !he Jun11e 111nt1t1n<"r 1>··~·1 • 1l ••Ut ,1"""' '' IJ \",.r l')(Rln •ul I 1·.,nt1nu,. th .. I"'' w ht ch he had ,!I(> n• u c h ! o:c,,,,. Thu .. th" 11111.iih I• ....... 11 IH.,..- .. nlhu.11 .. m . I r•I ""11h cl1 1:•·~! l\'r JUI•·,.~ "'h" h llldll In f~r11•rn!>1llll/l 11.n<I 11 YI'!\ ""Nat..;, c-.rne in neat d11.y and It i 1.11.rd 11 nJ p .. 1 .. nt liquor ,...,,ult:o w .. he wtw plloted lhe l1tllc J'lp- .. r CUb which took our party 11n l "li t; ·"'·'LALL nt:u s hour•• fll1ht Into th;,. JUn,l:'le t o "A]thoUJ,:h Ill lhe trup11·11 t h" Sul'\la, on the edge of the J1v11ro country 111 h11:h 11nll <"r,.;J. "''•·n counuy, the ht>adhun1.,r• of whuh ,·.,Id 11t n•i,:hl \'l't th•· Jn,1 111"' lhe .Acu .. a.ti! a clan." W••llr altno,.1 ll•·th1n.1; " f•·w """'! It wu Pcter.Flernlng who k,.pl fettlhet* .. ~ h'"lllldr">!.'1<'11 an II the dJary which the heltcop!<·r 1>rn11n1rnll•. h.-,.,1,. • 11n•t >1 r .. ,,. se•rch party round at the t,11~,. I Mtreak11 or puinl. 1 h•·• 11lc"p on carnp and 1t de11et1bed tll<' rir~t ~d11 nr W<:iv"n h11.mb<o0 ~hortPr contact Jan. e with lhr A<""" I than lP ni,:lh ••f \h,. prr..,.,n .. 11.i the pl&nr "" a 200-y11rd 11,,.r "~"n ii.\ the f•>Ol to • f<1ntb11r bell.ch anit the Indll&ll:O ... .11 \'ltlll' I" hen a n11111 cn111eM horn" Ill f rom •cru.e the •lreani. n11:hl th" )'111.:111 14'1fc bulld11 11 ~1nalt rire ut the t oot of h1• ~d Sunday. Jll/l. 3. lut "1,."1111~e for 11 .. know11 th,.! !t h111 fet>I e r'" wu received &t the Saint h11n1•· 14,arni h oo will etay CVell." wh11re Xate'1 w ife wa11 unclouht- etlly monitoring the radio. It 1t11t- ed ... Here c<ime a gl'"OUp of Acua11 we have n<lt known befnre."" and t hen all wa1 blllJ'lk. BOUlr:~ Ml"Tll.A.TEll Salnt'1 headl,.u t.tra. .\lr K•·nn>t •1,.l11r!!'I n111ny banJ8hl p1 11 nd ol&111:r"'-of ""hh"h 1hl' thlnk1 nothlnJt at th,. tln1r on h~r !Jll lur~-t.r.k1n,1; lnp~. l.11t· er !ill" 11h••"'"' h,.r C•>l .. rt-•I t1ln1"' a n,1 t .. 1111 or !hi' rountn,.,. .. n•I tht>>r p.·u11l0'1 Rl foru11 1" 111uj club hf'11<lht111t,.1 <vunt1v l••r "'l:ht yea1~ kn .. w 1 1 .~ 1!11n~Ptll ltnd h .. d on<'O' .-.. 11, th·<! t""' ~1o·v1v"'" ur a n \l'Ull. ln.J1a n llll rH k Thr A !'UMM 11r,. H '""" uf \hf" J 1v"n'11 11nd 1! w11.11 >11\ "tlempt to makl' per- "'"'"' <••nt1<rL "•th lll<'"nl. 11fter week,. of pr<·par•ll<Jll by rlylni;:- "Yl'r th.. territory 11nd dropping i.:•flll, th.111 endl!d 1n de11th for the 1n11111lon1ry party. found b@1lde hL• planr, olh"r mu-""·e-llng,._ Th,. tn1,....1on"r1"11 were localed UJatl'ld. bod1e1 w<1re found lat Pr Sh8 1.• n""' 11rr11n.i.:ing hf'r at l""l:I~ oulJ.t'Jllt.I l\n<I 11 w1.11 J t w--. at th<' Saint hon11> that 11lu:l .. J1, :oou11e ,,r whlrh 1lJ11,.trnt" .\tr·• S•unt·11 oluly to n1ake r1dio M l"ll. M cKenna niet an Amarlcan. Lhle artu:ll', of her tn p tu R11.1nt"!l 1 conl11 r t e-at•h morning with them . \\'Ill f.'1-r11:u,......,, a 1c\,.nu11t "11u 1~ country. Tho6e peoplP 11re t•lu11••i When the m1>n "',.n\ un "11pedl-etudylng the headhuntPTl!I and ·In h,.r memo ry. Of lh,.111 :oh!! J11ly11, 11on1 lhP "''oinen 11ntl Children l.hrlr proce•• of .11hnnk1ng hr1ul" "Th"Y WPrtl '\!' y'1un1:. 10 full of 1 w~r" flown In to the Sttlnl home. by u11e of 32 or more herbs. Hl! l'nthu11aiim. Their w oik w11 ~ thl'1r TI1e night "''" a rrived Nate w11.1 hope1 to shrink m11.llgn&ncie11 1.nd Jlfe··. Now Jt 18 nver. out but ht n1dJoed he would be 1;::::;:::;.=;;;:::;;;;:::;:::;;;;;;;;;;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;;;;;;;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;;;; home In thC' morning. P t>te f'lem - 1>1r11. McKennll. Hanni Heyer- lng wu In from hl11 po1t, howe•- r:r, 11nd 11., llpenl the evening: tell ing ua about hie w ork, t or dahl or Norway. he.r houae gueat I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,I I 111nce Septe.mber ind compe.nion I j nn lhr trip. ~T111 M•lhe11tffit of San G11br1el. ~:n•llle f'nlhng11 of l..01 An1t:ele1 11nd an E:ru .. dorlan Kt11.1 .. wer,. membl'r" nr the party whic h w~ taking t r11 vel p1rture11 Mr,.. McKenna nwnM Cnron11 • dPl M11r Travel Service. S11 ld MrB. Mc Kenna Rl!:Al'H !-'AI N'T ll lJ~I E '"\\''" rr1chr1I Quito, l':c111tdor. \hr rnld<l!P of Oo·\r1btor lln•l hail <'~l•,.rte-•I ln !Ilk" 11 ron1n1 .. rri11I pl11ne Into !h" JUnj!ll' ronnti;y 11 .;i~·tver. the n1uunta1n• 1t1e llO rl,,~e tht b1jC' plan ... • •·1<n rl~· nnly "'h•·n th .. "'t'lltht'r ,. 11..:111 "" 14'" w•·nL by l'~r 111nng th•· "'"" rnMd . b11111 ontu Tho·· 1uni.:l<' ll\ .IWI ,111 '''"'f>"ll\'. Miid , •. ,,,.,,,.,! ~h<'ll ~lt'lll ""h .. re II" :~ • ., ·; :.nln• i11 h~1t•l­ q1u1rtf'r.• fr;r· th~ Ill,"~ 1 ,, nary 1:ruu11. ju~f 11ft er lf11r·k "l>tr.~ S111n t rAit"· 1 .. 11l"<'t n1P 11cru .. ,. th~ llv1n.: •·~•no of hf'r huu\ .. r.n,1 I 1"1111<1 ho'1" a h .. 11ul 1fu! Y'>llllj: W••nlH!\ "'h''"" ,,., . ., -~<'<'111 .. <I tu 1:111"'· W•lh 1111 1nn1·r l1)(hl [ rf'- '"l'!!lh"r !ll1nk•n~. "\\"lu1l Hn Mp· pl"OIJtlH\f' n111111> 11hl' h<"11rJ0" Sh" wa11 jC h•d lo h1tvr io:uo·.~t ~ 1111<1 prt'· p111!'<I •IHHlPr r.,r u• ··1.11~t v .. 11r "" Hd•htu1n h111I b<'•'n h11 llt !n 11, .. l"""-"'"''Y hull~" ••f l•u1tr.1 ,.,.,1~!1u•·l io•n ll h11 rl 11 '41'11 ... • ur 1,. .. 1r .. •1n111 .. , •. ~1 .. ,, ... "'llh l""t1t1<J11" open 111 1h .. <P1hna!. •""'"hut '""11 .. rl 1<lol,. lr·d~ and ,. ba!h1uu111 w1Ch n1nn1ni.: \\ltt"!'"' ~I r• M•·Kf'r>n",. l""!..-1•• .~h''"' >1 rM:h .. 1 R\ll R• llV<' w a1•ltl"'~ ~hR·h·d b\' r .. nu.:>11.-d •>V•·rhan i,:JO , --------- PARKES -RIDLEY MORTUARY l'honl'• T.I N-rty !l-:'14:'1!1 LI 8-S4S4 SAYE SAFELY At Orange County's Institution Leading Home Lending CONTINUING TO PAY PER ANNUM ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $I 0,000 All Accounts Opened O n or Before The I 0th of the Mo nth Earn From the I st LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCl,0-TION ?!! 0.0.... Avrn .... Vhoroe: H\" •-I I ~~ LAGUNA BEA CH FLUSH-MOUNTED CORMl:R .-rstJAL Tfl'fS BOWED FRONTS uuu SHAPES CIRCULAR CURTAINS, IRREGULAR SHAPES STRAIGHT SCREENS 6-Pc. Modern ·Ensemble lleA\"y 11:11u11:e m<'~h curtllin l!CT"f!<"R, 11nd 4 I"' rnntPrn1>"rnr\· frrt"!'l'l, ble<"lc ~A11n f1 n1•ll :?o ·· ~t .. ••I ~~ntr lJ.nilefl Bllflrly only s2500 :t.uaaft BARBICUIS SANTA ANA ,lSAOEU-1215 E. W1lnt $1, RY 1-1067 OPEi 1101. 11d FRI. EYE . LEE'S WHEE L & WHEEL • ALIG ~ ;~AENT WH EE L B A L At~:;nG MOTOR TUN E-U ? • Openin9 Special BRAKE REL!NI:! $19.95 <oURtlOlll •·•·d 11.,n.1 .. ,1 l.lului,: I '"" •1 1.1 1 :' \u.' \I ,i,,. 1 '" WHEELS REPACKED and BALANCED ~, "" 1•,.1 \\ h•" I 1·1 .. \ \\ ···~ 1.1~ 105 Monte Vista ot Newport Blv d. f':a..;;t A r ro"'"' fron1 t h1· H ;HtM' Phont" ( ,.,·r n in t::"' 1 l~il 1l1• ( "u l l••i..;1• l.l tlf'rt~· 1'1·"7:i"7'.! \\i'r r N-0111n1rod To anyonl' desiring a carf'\·r in l/11> r:!1·1·trn111cs f1,.ld ELECTRONICS FIELD THREE COURSES ... being offered by ORANGE COAST COLLEGE COSTA Mt::.~A . C A l_,JF'ORI\"IA Thl'M" NIU""'" ha\'!' h\..-n prf't>•N'd u·llh lhl' IU'lh'I' p11.rtlrlp1tllnn o f "'"'f'tal l1>a.l - inl:' ,.11>rlronlr man11f.,.lnr1·r" ""d ar,.. ""'"ll:'n•ll'd "P'N'.lnl'ally lu quality nwn and "0011'11 fnr wori. In 111111 lnrln,.lry . ELECTRONIC FABRICATION 7.00 lo 9 30 P.M T\11"11 -Thur• l!ei;:-1n .. lun. 31. <'n•llng June II ISSTKl'('TfJK ; ,\Ir. Hriu·•· .John""" l«•n••ru.l F urt•n1a11, ft,.llJ>ul C<lr)• l •LA('t:: Koo•n 4. T...-hnoloicy Hulldlnr A ll't:LUrl' l11hnr11tory t yp" rno •r!!IP !or f("rnale land n1alo•1 "11se111 Ner lra!n<'"l"I!. CoV<'t"I !h" use ,,r basil' hAnd tools ancl 1neuuring 1levice11, pra<:Uce in ,,_~,.e•nbly opPr11llon11 typ!r.al to the ~;1....:tronlC'~ lndlllltry, No prl'\'lou.11 exp<>r1ence or cour•e work requirl'd. DIRECT CURRENT FUNDAMENTALS 7 Ill! tri 9 30 P ,\f >.t9n. & V.'ert bt•gln. Jan. JO endln&: June 8 I SST1l I l("f()ll1 Mr. \\'llthun Ko1ta.n f'l ,A<"t:1 '"'""" lt, T•·rhnnl"rY 8nll<ltnr A 1 ....... 1c euurv In <1l1f!'('l rur- r•·n1 .. ll'Ctrh·lly M•llh ln&jnr •·11111houJ11 "" •ppll c.UonJO In lh .. F.leclronleti •~l'llcl. A ttar.Jr;- J(Tn11 nd In lllrh Meho"I Math \n,.l11dl"lt" llOflle al1tt>h"' ,...... qolr...I. A kno .. ·lt-dre Of lrtr· uno,. .. •ll'}' df.oolrahL"- MACHINE SHOP PRACTICES 7 :1~ to t :SI'> t'.M. Tt-. anrl Thul""'I. bf"l{"lnnln.{ Ian. 31 end .Jun .. 11 [\'STllllCTC)R : Mr. "'llllan1 A ckr-nnan l'l...AC'•:: Room V, Tf'('hnololO' Bulldln.11: U.."C lure shop course covering all ba..sic machine toobi and speciaJ equipment used io the Electronic industry. The course is S<'t up to accommodate people with no previous related background, and also for the training of f"M-'OplP with some machine shop ~xpcirience. HO\\' TO Rf:fl l~Tt~K Regl11tO'r by repnrt•nj(' ln the fl rat n1eel\n11:' of th• clllM, Add!\innat Information i.11 avall.11ble at the "'!alt edure.llon o!!!re of Orange C()Ut Collere. Our nPv.' two million 1loll11r ra c1J1!y In Newport Boeach >¥1JJ be romplrte;! Jn lat r 19!1!'1. l-\014·ever. we 14'111 iuil(tn hlrln1t ~pl~ \hi• 1'Un11ner for WQrk In lt>rnpu1-ary qu•r11>r• In (}range County, HELIPOT DIVIS IOS ltF ttt:f 'K ,\t-\:"li 1 '"4TKl"M f:ST"'. I.,<·. lllftl t .11 l'Olro "41 . • • ., • . , '• • I -.,_ ........ _ ' . ·. .-.. - " ORl~INAL 'SCOUTMASTER' OF RoawELL OISPLA Y DUE HERE MESA IUILllNG 0 ,• @I~~ .... .,.,...,....., . BOY, 2t, HAS BALL AWAY FROM HOME Akll:ich.. Kftpatrlck "~ fo . Mesa Ovk Positions NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I -PAGE 7 .WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19, I~ llmnl.J' addJ', '"·.Nd • pod lime at lb• poUt8' ·~· U on toUowlol' hi. ~ away from bome, ~UOa lt ~ •IMll tb• M)'W'll, wu.s!M'ib...ter• lbMt ..... W"ldmed.. pe.rtmreal .a ,..,.., ... ~ Or lb• l'fnrport l:larl>or area will have a dYtilea to "tew th. ortstnaJ palntln,: MSeoutm..•t•r," by Nor· "-~ ltoekw•ll, Which WU lnapitt(I dUrlnc ttle n•tJon•I J&m· -... ben ln. J~. Th• pJtn Uni wlU be on ~bit at "1 ,..a1lM W. city LI ........ j"T'C'Wfnf patna,.. • • t d Daniell. "'but it ha.a to ti.ave a lltUe bJl ot <Uplomacy ~ torbearanc.. ).fr . Volk jUAI ®-n't tt.¥e It." By pu.t~ lb4I ·~ onto He 11 .um¥9CI b)' bl. ..U.. utr • Harry Aklrlch, 0011 of lll• which lat.el' 1*mn• th Otllfor-the variance, tbouch, A llana ch ot tile home; two dacAcb.~ .._ touoders ot the r atrvi.-w County nta NaUonal-Guard. He 11.b been W'!ll be ab.in to tlNfih enclocln( Ethel Htrnncton ot. a.... --4 Water Ol.etrict, bu bffn a ppotnt · a eo.t& Meaa ~t •Ince lMO. hle porcb and l.lM it -tor a Ume. M,._ OJtve J . BaramaA et ~ ' ' ·AMMnl'• U do ·Maril.el from I to 6 p. m. l"rlday. ' Lattt the olii;-tn•I. aruJ a living plcturt w111 be UM>wn ~ cr .. t ed durlnc the Orance Emp:re Council 8 . 8 . A. m.Mtloc on January 'a& •t Ba.lboa Bay Club. Al the metUng lll• Lacuna lka.ch l"eetlval Of A.rt wUI c rPate a Uvlnc "l!ICOl.lt · PlMtA.t" tor thc.e Jt>lnln1 with Or. Arthur Schuck. pruldent of Uie BSA a t the 1net"-UJ\6. Councllme,a P. r u...c t J..ta{tlll arree..t With Smith that th• build· Inc tltr!pa.rtm enl'• publlc r•latloiul were at a .ore polnL '1 .UC'll:Ut," t •ld Martin, ''thf.t Mri Voi. co- operate tn e""7 manner \.o cc.t lhl• buildln• eapel)lted.." .. He wu well bundled up with a red T-Ahirl. Jeana, J~Y jac- lut and bhie cap wtLb eu· mutt. when b• wu tound Ah<lrtly alter noon Tue.day by 1'.tr.. W. C. Bndlord, 3807 Se&· •idc. :;:.:n~;m~~:-:.i~ ONta M~:: ~;t =•Ofwe:, =~e:l ---~·---------j ~~~~J-ud Appolntad at the -.me Ume, oommerclal de-'°"'*'t. ,. DEATH NOTICE lntemamt wu ht ~ * 'f Ula advenlw'e e~ &brupt· ly ,al 3 p.m" bow•ver. wh6i hil uupen.tld mothtr, Mra. Robert Dickey, 109 26th St., came and plck eQ up tht child. d.urinl' a meetin g ot the cttyl=-::-:::-::-::-::--=-=====-1 -------------·/plot.. u\., ou. Cem11tW7, -...,tt eoWlell Monday n.lll:hl. wu J aine. PORCH PEIMIJ Ql:Oll(if; c .. FJUEND ro'1a.. • ' Kllpatrtcic, tonner member of the c.o.ta. M ea Park Board. who will -l!"uncr.i 9Vvlct11 tor 0eorse C. The Ortflna.l •rt work wu obt&lned by Hubbard "Nap" IU<:bter, locll n-pruentatlve ot Bro.,rn and B1a;elaw. who .-.produced Lhe ~·Na.lion on ttu:1t1a11ndif ot calendars. t.oc&IJy tM ca.Jenda?' wu Wl..d and ctlatrlbuted. by the l rvlne Co>. Mesa Master Plan Inspection' Comm ission Head Invited by Smith add..S: 'There ht nolh· lng t u bt gained by tearing down lhl• bulldln1. It would only be re· butll •.!:Bin. Let'• &"et tht. m&t· ter 8".tt led &Ad p t It out of our lair .. "I •lon't t.blnk we should lei ~fr OanieUi otf entirely." •• 1 d Smit h. ~OTA.Rill 8TATEM:EST A ntollon then wu p11.Mu!d for I )11,!lh'll! lO get ll 1tatetnenl f ron1 lh,. ,.,n3tructlon conipany IO.'ork· 1)wl1 ,..,tarlz&.l "''hl1 h lh•·n COUl•1 Property ownt'rs and re•ldent.11 1 lut year but the council 1leL11y t«l h•· ,., , ~pte<l by th.-bul)<ling de nf. Co.ta M t',.. will Jl:"t an <)J)p.:lr· 11.Cllon until Jlat r ecently, l•ttrt1rirnt for lhe IMU-.i1ce or 11 tunlty to pre&<'11t lli+'lr op111Ulll" \\'euner 1\118 uq:-•·tl .. ar!y .,., "1" u10iJ•l1n~ Jl"'rrn ll .. bout how tht>lr rlty will look In 1 \otnre Of th•• pktn l,w1·11u"" It wo11kl I 111 !!le:. hour·l•inc hear1n.1: o n Lhe the future. , 111-..ke IO.'(or k "' the con111111U1•"n v1olllt1"n, J)anielll told \he co11n Planning-t'omml.olx!on rttaJrm11.n \\'alter W r11ner hu r .. que•le<l thfl' public to 1n11.pect t IL·· <'llY'• """" 1T1a&ter wnlng p\J\n l'""r t,, th" .i .. t .. r.--.r public llfllfl "!:~ ,...q olrt'J bv c!ty Uaw -•ii ;u1d \be UMnibled 1 .~ clliJ::•'ns tt•~T 11111 lrouble 1H1u1.ed 11. )<•ar ~1:•> v.h'1rl 11 cement blork ""'u\J "'"' r••ll llp by .,..,,rk1n .. n ,,.,m ll•f IS u\!ih <.,.,,~! Con•trucU{ln l.:<1 h!r· •·d ! v hunacU. I !•n111<·I~ f•d~t1 l •• t ~I-." '"'' • Soft Drinks Heist Suspect Booked N Qwport. police-anuted a Loll Ang ele" n1an a t 2 a rn. Lh111 nlorn· 1n e on JiUajU"lon or burglary 11.fter he "''>1.11 ob11f"rvc-1t lc.tll'tnb ,. lunch &tan•J 11.ntl bl!.lt hu u""' on Ne"-port Pier wh.~•·h l•a<l JUijt b._.,..,., burKl1.1 r- •.i:e..:i. Th... llUllfll"C\ 1. Lun y /)t'lln HoUll.-. l\) T lll <'l' ,,r H;,w;,.'a rn1n- panlon~ 1n<'lU•1lll!; Jtu!Jcf'l J B••- ber, :tu, \\'h1!t1••r d"v"'r ut lh<' qut1rt«l0'i •·a1· wer~ qi.10:11t1on ed Out N!'l~:u1·"" POii t ~ Sal ! U\1'\' 11uap .. ctpd l rou&~ ot t<1kin;:" ,,...,,.,.j,.n ,.,,ntaln~r et.:>n· t ll!1u 11i,: :O:'d <..•n.r1 nt aoft J rl.nk11 .. nd 1.,..·' otr111.1mt-nt11.l .!rinking n1ug~ till a vacancy on the o rance 0-" I 1.-..,.. ... Friend, 10, 110 28th St., Newport ODunly Moequ!to Abatement Dt• rnent Which Allanecb mU11t ad(n Beach, w ho dtad at 8 40 a.m~ JIU1. trlcl bo&rd of dlrectora. a.nd wbich woUld be t r&nderred 12· while vac..lionlflg 1n P a.1.m ON P ..ut& BOARD Aldrich .. r-v«i on t.he C:O.ta Meaa UnlCln School Dlatrlct boan.1 for two tenl"lll tola llng six yea.re a.n.d. wu elected tor a third term. He w~ orl"the boa rd durtng U'I.• pcrtOd ot the 11133 earthquakL He retired a.s a member ot lh11t California HJg"hway P11trol •fter 1erv1nx :ro Ye!U'• IUld tow-monu:... AJdrlch llvt'ld tn Nt'Wport Bea.ch rrom 1921·2tl l.fld moved to Ca.ta "!eaa !n Hlt5. In add1Uon to aervtng th" ,....,... \'lew County \\'alt'r 0111\r!ct aa 111anag,.r, he WIUI also ll director ot lla predc-cell.-'or. the Fairview F'arrn& \Va ttr Dlllh°ict. H t. home 11 at 114 \\! \VU«m ~L wh ich he and hi• ,,.·ire pur· chL'led 6hortly •tter t.ht'y arrt~ed In Coat11. Mua... with U... property, pro'l'tdlng It S11rtnp. w._. held at 12:50 p~ w .. 90ld. M\"ndl.y In \Vee Kirk O' The AJ!iotl!tt r-..m wtty council· HN lller, r~oreat Lawn. Offlcla Unc men •lre&d to let A.1lana.cb go Wl.ll tbe Rt'v. Richard GLl!lldon. ahead la beeawci hla propo•ed Mr, F'r1 .. nd WU a former H&r· porch la a vut lmpro"'9blimt over bor ate& barOO,. V>'ho had atu>pa In the decrepit porcb he formerly Coau. Me:wi. 1and Newpor1 ae..ch. had. lie wa1 native {If Log&ll, Oh.Lo and SAOGING PORCH hsd li ved in Cs.!!romia l t ye&ra 11.nd Newport for 12 yean. It waa thla Jecrt.'p!t cond!tion I:niterrnent ""•" In Forelll L&\•rn. ot Uu1 p.oicb w W~·h i:1i1uaeJ llll ll"~ Surviving ar& the widow , Vlr· trouble In the 11r.11t place. Alla-g-inla Adela of the home; dat:tir;h· IUlCb lore It out w htn It began l•·t, 1ot r11. Virg-ml.& G. , \\.olt&, to •ag from dry rot and applic-U licverly H ill.I, ,jlJl(1 tllret1 granll· tor a penntt to repatr it. Building O!tlclal A. J, V o I z <.!nldren. Ill.Id A llanadl atarled to rep111r the po!"Ch. found the job too gn;at and began remodellin~ n ln•Le&d. Voll atopped the work H e oexpl&.ln"I lh•l All>1nacti.·11 porch wu only 34 feet trun1 thl" <.'ent"r lino of the atreet !n~tea .J 0 1.J\'t:lt llAS'.'.'Alf Flint-ral s .. 1 v i;;t a vr ~1-.· he lei I T •a•saay «l F 1111l 1~re11t1yter'lan C un·h Munrtov 111., f<ir !H•".'1:1' f' H .111n~. 69 ut ~!JIU Cl1<•nnel l 'la~e • Weim an Inno cent Pleads to l"11Lur;~ p .. 111111 th1 u k.or1 v 1 ti~ Rr;TJR f.:D SOW of tha r .. qulrt!d !10 but ~in<'l" 111 .. Jil•n •l"e d!Jo~v"o:re\I IUld corr«t~ I B r"1 bery Raps 1 ··v11~rna·t 1on t-n1plo•«·•·• 1111.J •l<Jne Paris Permit Okayed Kllpatr1ck, \\'ho now live.a at I houae had been there bef·-·re th.;, \Ir !11tJHlRIL ·!.· 1 Hi011'l1t\ 111 l.<1~ I Angele". ti~ h,.<1 livt•ol in li11.~ • Lty . T •I f•V <" }'t.';,r~ .<fl'•" rt·tll lllj.:, !f•·lll "•· ~l .. nrov1a • '•t}' 11·/lrer <ll'pA r t· ! b"frtA the publ!• h"><1 111 ~· !h•· ''Iv I•'' !'11 .. workm .. n t l1•·1J~ht r ·~n 11·1' 83V V1~·1 on11. ~t , 1~ th" reur .. d 1cuy "'IL'I 1nrorpun.t .. tl tt1 .. , •lf·ll .... n11ld be P "•"I 1'1••11•'\' d \h .. l•-1'l; hi 1 l"k"I> ..... t !tl<"' 1•"'"1 11 ~A.-.:J •\ ,, .A ·OC':"-.'>/ Ap· OJWfl• r nr lhe (_",,,.ta "'""tl ~!'f"U~t' lion WIUI allo .... ·.;,,j t i) r«fllll!U r1 ,. r un \-.:T\ A:-:A IA .-.; l!l <U\'.'\:~' 1''· , ·n~1ru1t1 .. n w .. 1k .1l~d l''"''' •! ·' •1~· '"rl•nr •• r"'l'·"·l 1~"1u Sl"r .. and i" n<>w ""•J<l<tl "'1 Lily <Jr '11n11_n c-.. p .. n nlltt'd "!11> "nt lit·" . ...,." J•.,!•'•· u f 1~,,, An· ~· l ~ HU•J I•" .. ! •11 .\!unl'u•·!.01. fur • I I Private Polite • MERCHANT PAJROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL SECURITY COMMERCIAL PATROL Kl 2-7027 • I llllta.IJatiOO Th" pl•n niu~ , ,,rr,11,,.;~i.1 1 , , n• 1--• '" 1 .:."" •1 r·11u .·r" ,. ! l 1 ., 1 "')'' 111 Ui.· ""l>·''"I .. tr '", !,, si .. 11 'ii; I'••' ,,, ,.,.,,•)"''·~! w:lh tt1 .. Cv:1l 11. ,\lu.ll l 'l..u .le-1 re~1r1 -nvl rc..r11 udt'!l111i; ,., plelAd w wk un 111 .. 111u\.f'r pl&ll \\"''"'"" ..,:., fv1 ui.,r Jt;puty l UWll) 1 t .. ,.,, IJ<'i.J up by p1p11 i..ulu"ulJI l<J I Cull\,. lolc ... • l•j l"''""l e>l<1.(.d 1~h· ( v"lupnHnll enillr&"lng. i..,.i-111 . ..; "111r•n11·n1 tn~p•<t•r 1 .. to .. ! .. l•·I 1n .,..l!h the bf<"k «oil nient nr,. • •n>11J .. ,,.11t h•ll"' ,.,,.J ll~ v.·a,. !ru1trumtntaJ In the C1ly offlcllll• Monday .. iq•ll!.111· •IJY 1,1 .. ,..,,.,j !UU•~r"\ ''" l(J p.,1"''·" I, ""'I' the Wt'ath"r "u! "1 U<h !"'"'l..-llJ tJu1hhni; •·II !h· .,..,.,, ~l·fr ,·relllh•I\ "f lhe Cu11\14 Me1111. <:1\y e<l tu All11.nach that he h!!.•l ,.,1 •I 1,111• 11n.J .,,k .. d fur ~,-·!}.,( i)·· 1.~,-,,~,J"n ~1 vn•l11y ~·a,, «fl· "t ~"1 ••'11•" /\'" ,.1 .. 1.1 l',IJ to•I'! 1•ark "'h!l ~he W1<11 ,. mf'rnber of 111trged thl' por r h by 1(1 ="! rt BORDER FIGHT STAFFORD & SON 11111\ ·•rn ... t "'HI\ the re!n torct 1·1.,11t f<1r ~""lhl'i c•l .,1 l 'l"'""!i 1 Al'·· .,.,.~th" p1u k b<J,.nJ. He lllao workect J·.,...hen h11 ren1uJ en .. .J 11-Thi~ 11,.· .-. ·I-"''' ,·,, ,,1 .I "Ii<:!' F1t111kl1n 'II:• "~II ~,,,,.,, )o:~f,,1 •!11• ''" lh" '"!"!·'' «lll..,!li;lv .. ly V.'llh the R<'d C rvl!o'I l'llY cotild nu! &.lJr,v.· ~in~ .. it 11, .J 1 "!'.-F:L~ ll.11<1 J 11 M'.''" l':l.F.<'TKJ("A I. ( 'OST K.-\('TORS l'hon.-l.Jt.ert·y ~-?1!16 r; \\ .. ,.l ,.,.,-,.,,1 .. .J th., pleu 11.tt.,1 r·11 ' F.:n;p neer Don .~ .. lllhw(!r th ! hu l-f•l '-'! •llJJ«J""!,..,r.-1u 1d h~!pt'd form th& militia be put to & greater u p.on;..: fu1 no IU1·1·,..!01t_. A\ t'UIUI ;:.,· "" IM.lrt. t •o1ta M ~~~ ,,,.,\., .. 1 !)'•;r ri 1::~~11ne• \.\""'"'" •t.••.,•>;I• t1 •~ 0.1 .. r11 .. y ~:.i-""' ... ~~.i Al a n<!•\\,, I·~·• H' 1i. .. 1 ,,,., . ., lndka.\."t tllr M~~ .• !nL•t~ .. , "'/I,. ILr"f Pf 1~1 ui: H··n1h h1uJ r·lnfl•· ·H bmllt<"'•I b;, f )!ln(r t. I .. ,., I \\'IUlt Iv .... 1 11~ ,,,, ~ ... , .......... ot.,1 ... llll ......... 1 l•.,l·lH1.; 1•1 .. !:l•U"I J\.ll)-' 1! (111!• Wt><& enuu~h 1e.11~· <I!<<' I"( l\Afle• wh11 n "''uu ld l•Ul hll ~:.,J In lli•ll•\l•-•OJl H;( . .<lfl.•I l.l lH l~l ,o!ll f'1 1'l'~ll S.,ulhwut!!1 ""~ 1111n"••llon:r1 t,, th•· S •w1•11t u .. ,,, n <hlll!IC t. n" f!l11.ll <'r h\J ... lh" <I!}' J11r1lt1 ot the '"'" (111"" 11 0 h•ol1;" 11.-~1 "''\ l\~.u1a"" lt'>•I .,n,11Jh· t .. '"rll'<' ur a ,.,, . .,j .• _,,,.,. 1•1f ~! ;l1• • rn ~1 ,1o•·to io 1111 r<"qu;•11t "I :"-Ull'l.11,\l,\Tlt " .,r A11v 1111! ~11r1 11ancu o neJ hy DnnlPI~ .~aid Vnli 1n rr1rll1f'•1 h im I I•.•! AVY H .. i.~rt l(n~land, Wei-o r th .. IHilUr~ tu 1:•·! th. IBOil-hni: ft..a hRa poin t1·'1 "ut 1" th .. l ruH nHHl I\ tinl! wio.• 1, ilu~C!d trom ~ permit a..fter· !h~ 11 'rl1t 11on ""'1>~ II"'• tha t Cn.11t1L ~\~.11a 11 <lll!tron llAJo tu $1 •><"' Th .. •!ef .. nilant ha been o:o n1pleted but in 11n 'undi1•!"01!1 J.,,,t rotJ<:h hlgh i. .. 11e-""""<I v11-lt1"ll"n , 11···· ,,,. r, .. 11 111n.: .. h i• a rrest. I tic ma.nnf'r.· •lu" to p!l.•t a.nP\,.>tll l •<•n~ 1'' ~ ....... \\,.,1111111 ,. •'ouruu!l produced 11. ··r,,e 1h:Jt with 11.ll t')"·• ,r 1 1 l"Jrl achool '1181"'1 1<1,"1uro1 i<:'t tf'r t"Jhng of a 1er10W1 'bu!ld1n1<; 1n1pectors, "~"I l !"'"~I• I ~H .lfWAKZ STAT t~,\1 (::0.T ,,u•ll il• \'und•th'll'l IUffl"red by tlie j·llntl I thought I l1aJ 1~1un•·•! t • ,.1 !• f~nr!Ant •lrlre h111 indictment l\'ln111rh thl"m. But ~'' V til ~.'1 llr'Adlf'y SC'hv.·,.,--z 1''~111 '1"111 I 711,. fr>rm~r QuJl.:\ln·· doportrn .. nt !1nad" the Other& llt'fl"m l•k•• :0-:V1'1· ~ t h" lif;aa •l'h<>••l t~•Kl•l ll<'"'l''"I " "nl/'lu)'PP r l!mbed the courlh<'.>U!I" 1 d&y School .. ~tiol t'n1ent tOo11l}' t .. tt11· .. rfr<l t/ull ~ ''"llllft-r ot "'' lll11;"., "n ar•n rr.,111 :\1~:·~ Aln wty Ho:-.,. . ._,, xtded by !1l.'!l 1 bl:;!, t~-:1;"~~c~~ .. dofhell~:,1 ":~.'.':1.I 1111 1 n1povtrl~h"<I •l!5tri• t l1k" •"'" \\',.1rt111n, 1,. ~lt&a wou l\) h> i.;11,_,~Jv 11nf.,1r 1 1~ pouitt>d ntil ll•<' 11,.n,.,.1,1.,,11 •~! r.t 1u ••l)lln&" girt.~ 11.lld money l "~l t>i•na to N"""f"•rl JJ rt<h t1Hv•· fl'•l!?l lll!(""n 1nen 1n ,retum tor uain&" '""''' sig ned h ~ nnlv ,. ~rnall 1,~1 !"a tirf,." 11-.~ •lgn !W<pector c h!et , ~r1111g e ot th~ 11.rt~ •ni·i.iv,.,I I to ,i.::11.1n pa111111.ge n t their pennllll. T<1t11! va]u,. of the gift& .,.. . ._. 11 .. ll&HI 1111 tri ... lr11n11f .. 1 .,r l•n•I , ··~t•nuit .. d ,.1 anHin•t $400. None ''"'" the <h~tnC't ""•Uh l afford <1f th ~ ~ign 111,.11 ""'" oncl!cted _ """'let b• tull -.-111 1· ''"""'''n" for "I-_ .''11'1111 minority <It COllA 1>\1'1'111. ~ New Mesa Duplex nln" ~,.parlll" 1ttemp\,. tn 1-,. ! Da niel• to 11.ke out 11. pern111 1 , lht' unnuthonze<l lmpro1·en1 •·11T Th"' Alartl"d a bout M11 rrn -.:"\I • ort1·reJ 11. ~u~J t a ~ .. l h"n "'"-A ~lur\l".J !" h11!( of 1l." s.-ri,,.·arr. p~r ~nn w ho ut ple and "" 11101 take 11.(.p!1:Ctned and Pnde<.:l on May l') wt .. n " ,.,,,,1 pl•lnt v.·u fl)e.J chari:1"k 1,1-111 1• 1" wtlh lhe building , '"I" v1 .. 1,,1 1,,1, Danle!.11 p11r ld a i 1CM1 lln,. 1n :-.: ........ port Ju1tice Court """h •nuth•·r ( SIOO •uapended on cundlt!On that , ri,. r,btain a correc t Al"t or p;11.n1 j n ~1 H l1'kA Ill.lit '-''"Ck Lnok qui ~' trl<' building 'l~fl/l ,Ln1 t'n! r•oulr! an SISJ.l6 ~ulld!n~ µcrmlt for 1.:un-1 1n~p1"ct Illa addLl~on IUld al.so Ob· I' atrut llon of 11. duplex 1uH1 l(""'lo:" ta!n " llulldln g flt'M nll at 242 E. F lower St., Coi l• f>lu<t. Dllnlela cla !n1"d whl"n he wl"nl TODA Y'S N. Y. STOCK REPORT & COMMENT tn C'011 rt. Jud,i.::e Don.,ld Doclg" 10- tonnetl hl1n "th\,. wu the t\rxt t:<!U!!t: ot this typ" and he wa1 gr,. Ing to make 11n ""11n1ple of him " ST l.1.1. NflT RIGHT Mo•t ot Daniel'& cutr<'nt ·trou- ble Atemmed from the tact that until Monday night he 1UJI b•d n.ot •ubmltted a u tl1fact ory H I of plan1, el1ht montha .l'.tter hill MARKJ:T COMMENT -Dt· Way appears tp otter Lnlere•Ung court a ppearance, ahow!nc w hat r &et trom Nf'W York via. 8hl"Lr· •peculatlve trlr.dlng pollalbllltle1. he Intended to do with lhe bulld· aon. HA.rnm!ll A Co.'1 P rtvat• The road probably earn,.cf around tnc when tt. wu t1nlahed. W ire -$4 to S-4.20 pe r •hare lut year When Da.nielB Jaat nll'hl fln11.l· Todl.y \\'111 Stre"'t waa domln· and may !nc r"••e ltll t1lvldend ly llUbmltted olia-1nal plan• d,rawn .itf'd by the C'lean 1.1p of the F nrd f rom Sl.50 to $2. The markf':t Vlll-j for the building wi'if'n lt wa1 con· 1olotor Co common •lock offar· ue or !t1 l1old!n1"• of New Ml"lllC'O •tructed 10 y"ar1 ao, Mayor ing. the 1arge11t auch offering ln and Artz.ona Le.1111 and Central Claire Nrlaon u.ld. "It W• tn- thP h !etory o r lJnderwr'lthtl'. Railway of Georg!• amountJJ to tonna tlon hat! been provided 111 l'OLIC\'-SHORT Tl:RM an:iund $7 per •h&re ot St. Loulll· A.n e•rller date, thl1 trouble would Monda y'• declUle took the Dow· San Franciaco. have 1tttled m uch aooner." J one. lnduatr!111 average down t o Pht!C'o Corporntlon 11.t rurr .. nt '\\'hat typf' or ocr upany ia In· the klwer level of the range thnt 1 .. vel• around :l:l la not f&r frorn 1enoled ?" Vulr. 11sked Daniel~ hu pr .. valled ,bfl"twe~n 47~ anrl •t• low of the plllll '""'" l"at11 ""1j agHJn ~lon•tav nlght 490. A bree.k through the rt7,">1 \•ield~ OVl'r ~<.., r"r CPIJ! ••nth.. Dan1el11 r<"'pli<'tl Ini Jtning to 11upport 1,..,.,1 w ould lndlcalt " rf'~1lar i I f,O tlil'l<ll'nd Tt\e di .~· t1.~e II per:oonally for lln ofricr rnr ma<Wlt down trend unlll aucti lorltd re11ulta !or the p>l~l t.,.·q n1y p;lla t an~\ cla.q,. bu1lrw.iu.'' time a1 Ell.~nhower n1llke~ cl,.1 r yeRr11 hav" ob.~r11p•tl tri,. r<'lm· FIRt: 1•1tDT•:c"f'IO.'I h i• lntefttlonll. p11n.v',. bll~lr prn.-re . ..,.. hut 1v11h Whl!n Vola Wt!'nt on to n y lhert! kcONOM"IC', fll ':'ll:O.'ESS ~t:\\'8 "~rnini;:-11 experl•'d to hf' up ~h11r;'· ""flll inadl''J Ull Lr f•re pro\t'cl"'" S.njamln F'R1rlees of A merirun ly next ye&r, lnrrot.-1lnK r~,.,~gn1-l'.~p .. ciRlly for 1h,. n1'"'"K 1>f pio1111 . Jron A StePl ln11titute r<'renUy tlon L~ likrly tn b<"' J:l\'"11 I<) l'hll-DRniPll!I 11H1<I ht' rl1d tH•t pl1.111 · !" j oined Mr. C urtlc<' nf Genl't11! 1'.lo· ro·~ 1trong ba11\C' po11itlon •n ... 1 .. r-1111x paint th"r~ t or1, In annou ncing ~xpanaion tronlc& rt-."i!arch , Con11,.q11 .. ntly. "tr I put up a l·hnur fire wall pro&"tams reprr-Aen tlng 11n outlay the l!tork 11 pp.-ar1 11n 11 ttrn<·t1v,. ~gain.at Lbe pre~rnt nnrt.h "'ll11 , ot $2.2 billion, or ~n tncrf111e of ca pllal &"aln!I medium. will tha t me"t th• r«q<1 irf'rnenl ~" 60 per cent nvfr the expenditures ADDITIO.'IA L Sf;I,f;CTTn;-.;-:-; a1<ked l\anirl11_ Vol~ f!.gTl"•«I Lhal ma da by Gl"neral MotorJ and th" t rrefll'<l"t'v" of lhe ~Pn"r"I lt prnhably "·nul<! eteel lndu11try lJl.'l ye•r. OP!pll~ trend of Uie market. oth•'t ~t ,w k.' V<1Jz saul h•' rna<1.-. n1an_I' Ill· a predlctl"cl d....:llnr. of 13 per cent th11.t llhoul•I rPllpont'I tn r,.,·nrH blP ten111t11 afll"r tht-COll•1 01.!er t" In 1968, the 11.utomohlle lnt'luatry developnientl: i n c l u cl t': ChHnl'" i::rt Da niela lo nbtain a permit. a ppear• very optlmiattc for the Vought Alrcr•t t. Conl!OliJAtl'd o.J l without ruult. h r u.ld, Di n· Jone• W m . Cen1,.nt. fntern11.tlonal Tel. ,. T ('I. •el.~. however, deru ed thet h' h11ct The ortier blcklog for paptr· P .. nnay!v-llnl~ Salt. P otomni· E!l'C'· be,.n approachtd by !hi" huildlni:: board ts continuing to ln~re•!lf!. trie, Sl(Tlal 011. Texa.s Gulf S•ll· df'p•rtment a ftl"r lh1tl althnui;h CUBllENTL\" FA\'ORED phur. he 11>1id hi" h11.d talk~tl lo City p a CI t I C Nl'.'rthwest P lpt'llne11 DO\\'-.IONI':~ I I'. :It. AVt::KAGP:l'I Att<Jo·ney Don Dungan 11·ho JHl- h•• ..,.i .. -.o Ph!lllpo P f"troleum In vlaed hlrn t(t obi.In • P"nnit. -,.~.,... -30 lndu11tr!11l11 477.17 otr ~ the CO!Llt ructlon o f 11n 11.mmonla 20 Ralls 1 ~11 24 nff 4.'.i pl-.n.t In the State ot \\'111hlngton. J:i UtHiU~a 63 -" 11 It lhould add rea.suno.bly to the "" ·•· up I p m Volun1P 1 1 00.000 earnlnp of P t1citlc Northw.,!ll when the ntw pipeline ha_, bern :\°"" \'ark I I'· ni. SW<'k Ptil'f"l'I completed betwffn our 0"'" 1to:tulh Am. ~melllng & Refining wecrt and the CanadilJ'I. bor.!tr. l t A1nencan Tel &: Tel I• a.ntlclpated the growth pattern Ana.conda 70•:11 NOW SRO \\'l!\'(; ot thlll lntt>rn•tlon11I Jt•" carrier Chry.-ler l:ll '• 1 llumph,..y could parallel that ot .ur h com· G"nl"rfll Electric pan1M u El PIUIO Natural Gil-I Oener.i Moton and Tua• Eulcm 'T'ransmtalon Gln1hle 8 rns durlrls" their tom1atlve P"rlod. Or-till North l"rn H. R NaUoAal D111tll1r-ra f'rod11ct11. N•t. Dlatlllera et~ In rect'nt aeaalon•. h11 & f'hilco Corp. been ('Ding through • ptrttxl of Pac NorU1we11! Pipe con.olld&Uon. llh·,.r11i flc&tlon. dla· Sln<"\alr Oll poa!Uon or nonprv!H•bl" units Sblndarcl Oil of Cllllf and s-ral lmprovt'm<'nt !Olnre a Tran11-Amerltto ~ In man•i:ement In lllill. u . s . st .. ~I The c.b~lc1I div\11Jnn h•1 r-xpano;I· 9d, rapidly, •n•1 •hn111.1 cnntn bult"----------------.. 1 lmport.utly to .-&rnln«• In 1,.,:.'I. \\'lndo .. · t<la>ill Plat .. 1;1._..11 ! wlU. t\lrt.her vi1:orouJ1 1:ro.,.·UI 11n· Aulo t;I .. • l'>h<>"'"r lltmr-io I tk lp&ted nver the l<1ng•r \erm. Th• C..."tlpuiy nolrl' •pp t • r • ··~ , ... ,... to ca.pll.&llu on ..... nUbtllt.attoa ~ ot N- oent ,...n and tlle .tock repre- Mflts llUI attracu.,..• "tall" on tu· l ure potential Model Glass Co. MIJUtOll8 A...,_O OLA88 TOMI Uberty 8-4533 al'Kletrl.AnV& l'llADll'lO It. J..oul.a-Sazt l'rallclsco Rall· I ~-·----------~ ... • Desperate "The Hours" "The Bridges at Toko-Ri" Gl'M-'e llell7 M'lrk~y Rt.on•) T""•nl«>kH • / ;. . '/•. -' . ·-~- IF I WON ·t·S64·,0.o .o ••• l'd•still .go for Eleven 1 Cellars1 at~634 It wouldn't make sense to pay more for wine -once you know this secret: Eleven Ce liars Wines are produced iii eleven 4-ifferent wineries. Each winery specializes in t he wines that are made best in its district: Cal ifo rnia Po rt in one wi nery, Muscatel 1,D another, and so on. These eleven wineries joined forces to bring you good wine a t a r easonable price. Today, you ca n buy fi ne El even Cell ar s Wines fo r just 63c a fifth for sweet wines-58c for dry. Enjoy the low.coot huury of Eleven Cellars-tonight! MORE PRIZES F'OR FLAVOR THAN ANY OTHER WINE! if~'J%' For the 1h;rd ,,,.a;ght year, Et...n Cellan hat :C. ~~ '!"'f1 more Awards for bcet!.nce than any other r• wine at its prtc.-Sp.cJol Divisions, 1955 Cal~ fOf'nio State Fair and l<M Angeles County Fair. (In Special Divisions." somples judged ore octuolly tok9'1 from 1I01• a.he!"".) ELEVEN CELUIRS WINE • • r . . =-' • • • • I . • .. " • ·-- • - ·WITH SALLIE Oh thh lrorse • powered age-! LJkr.. death and taxe,., car lioeoiw" 8hou1d be add- ed to our li11t of lnevltab&etl ..• , Brigtlteet 11pot oa our 'anuary 193& license plate horb.ou, i!i our 8Mtk uf America, acroM thfl st.l'tlet ••• so ltd, st;t.unch -iind-tru@ ••. "'IH:!re for lhf' n1f'n> JNt.!Witl~ o f ll few liut"1's O\"t'r tl:w oouoter, any of U!i cau pbtaln our nt'"'' hu·on11· tax exrn1ptlonl't for '57 . . . Notict' I !'t:tid "ft'"' huck!i" ••. nu 1·ht'f'k~ pltitl'if' ... 10-3 ;\1on1lay lhn1 1'hur~­ tla.y, JU-fi J-'rit.lll)' . . :\"o, )'OU du uut Dt't'd t o h ll\'t' llR M"COllOI at tht' 1~11.nk of A.llMlrira ..• Anytin1c thru Febn.1at\' :l. 11.dd "plrk up .I~ lk.:n~· plult'"' ;1l l~ank u f An\1•ri1•a" t o \our l't h up- Jli~ lil'll """ anot.lu•r 011,. o f the lhiui.:i. )OU e1111 du in our l.ido Shops a l !ht· •·fl · l ra1u·t· lo Lido 1 .. lt• .. , Suri· \'llU ('an 1u.ld it afl f'r l°f·h· M.11:1.r\ ;, if \oil n :1111 tu, hut • ~VII 0 \11111 '1 .Jil..t" il '. A1~1· l~n:-;tt-r 1s <·on1uig 1 .<\nd a Htl]•JIY l·::.Hil<'r i-:i-:i-: t" "ur new Jiarrowl'! acri>s:i t }if' stn>ct ... Ope1n1 ton1orr0w, Thursday, th1· 1fJth . . ~lc­ Call and Ruttt·rick patterrui •.. bolta and bolts of beat\ti· ful varduge, wit b all t be matchable notion.Ii to go with 'en1 ... Sprinc's earlic:;t crop ... Sheets, pillowcaz>L'S and bath towels too ... And children's 1:1nd infants clothes up to size 12. Rod and Dorothy Barro1,1.·s are not new names t.o th~ who have lived in thct>e part!! since the late 30'a ... Rod operH.ted the Fitzpatrick Oe- , partmcnt Store on the ocran front in partnen.hip with his uncle the late A. E . F'i(z- patrick from 1937-19•i3 . In 1939 he open<'Cl his o wn Barrows Department ~lore' in Costa Mesa, which wa!! man· a ged by wife J)orothy . Thf' one we all know r1ow as Rrtncrt's . . Hi J ack and Peggy ... \'ou've got a nice store too . You i;ee Rod and IJurotby sold out in 1949 and retired to Northern Cali· fornia and 80 acre!! and the .raising of pure bred beef cattle .•. Now they're back! Rack to m}' cooki'n ~! Back to my Grocerie!'! But I don't want t.o cook! I don't f'\'en "'ant to Shop ! So I pick up the telephone • ·; . dial Harbor 2ft28 and a.<1k for Eddie ... "Eddie," I 'll ~.r. "\\11l at's cookini:; in the l.k'licates!l('n t oda,\''."' "Corn1'tl l~-.·f 'n Cahhac;e •.. Jlow ntany ,,:::al.lll1u1 do you want! And some lla r- vU'd beets 'fOnld. be Dice • • • A pbat! Aod how &bout a lovely mixed garden 88lad! Two pin~ •.. fiae ••. And let me see, J bclie\•e the Bakt'ry I" mak- jng coconut -rream tartM , today ... 3itst a mom~nt and I'll find out ... " Lo\'I' that tAldil' of o ur J>elivr ry l h>partmrnt . , . S(l n·illini:;. ~ che<>rful, so SU~J.:f'Sti\'I'. Those of you who shop at home n1iss t he thrill of find- ing ~ new jar of pickles or p icking up a carton of clam t·howdcr whose-aton1n you can't resist as you walk by the steam tables in our Deli- catessen . . . Eddi& fills in the spaces in your !'!hopping list ... Ready-cooked foods in our Delicatessen vary daily. so do the goodies in our Bakery , . Eddie knows ... He'll s uggest different fresh ve~etablcs and fruits tl.8 being particularly nicf' today ..• Let you in on all the gTocery lore, whether it be R pie k led potato chip or a gold J>latcd can opener . _ . ..• His order board is open unLil 11 in the mon1ir1g for delivery the saml' aftrmoon ... F rom 4-:l :30 for dPlivrry the next day ... Sort of a rnce litUe tidbit to jot down for future refrrence when you are without a car. havC' .. ,. •• • NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS VIEDNESOA Y, JANUARY LI, 1956 {;,,.,"'JJag ~tap/@ • a .... Pure fr'~h Derigold. B~tt; __ ,,, ·--pOuncl 59c Ric h4rd's R4nch Fresh M larg~ Eggs ·--·-.. ·-·--·----·-dozen 62c Gold Medel En,iched Bok;ng Ffou , .-·--.... -.... --·-·-.. -·--->lb. bog 45c Nabiscci Fresh C risp Snowflake Crackers -.-................... -·--·-··---lb. 23c Libby's Tasty Corned Beef Hash ..................................... -··-~------lb. 27c Swift's Strained Ass't. Baby Meats ---·----·--·-·-.............. _ . ..,._ ll/2 oz. 19c Uncle Ben 's Converted Wh;te R;ce .... -....... -... _ ............ _ .. __ , __ ,_, 14 01. 2Jo 28 os , packace ................... -.................. of.Sc ............................... . • • TODAY'S" BffiER UYINC HIHT : • • Peach a ncl coconut puddin8 • • • 0 l'tl'fllll' • pa\·k•,e u1 Yan1 lla pudd"1i a. 0 : d11~t·1eJ. ~!Ir In l ,, CUjJ loaned COCOl\UI 0 i nd I cup d1a1n~<I. tanned tl1eed pe1chl'• . I ,~,I. then (htll '-'•Ii"'" 4 to 6 Krr1ng• 0 On 1ale now llTfo UVllC -at : • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • -- • Recipe of the Week Heinz Catsup $5,0otl Prize Recipe . Listen in ••• Acapulco· Race Reporh shce prC·COf)ked sn1 nkt..'<1 ham appro:.;imately 11 ~ lbs. 2 lbaps. fin ely 1•hoppt·d 0111on tbsp. buttl'r ur n1a rg-:l r1111 • :l PggR, hard cuokcd. i;l1eed c. Heinz 1'omato KetcHup 1 '..! t!:ip. Ani&! see<l 2 tbsps. finely grated proc('&! American cheese llr~t n•·en to 400° F' 11nod 1'T8\t'ly h"t 1, l'll1ce ilftn1 in lU" x •i" hakonG: 11.1111, ;,pnnkll' "'lt/1 on1on1, dot "Hll 1.11t1,·r. Hako· I .~ '"'"· l..u"'t'r l1<•1<t 1r, :;;;, I". c ..-.\'l!t' han1 \\'llh 11ho c•I ••..:i.:" .'<l'ltr k<'\Chup over egg~ Spnnid• 111•1\h 1U1111e .~eed and chee11r Hako· ~u rnln. or unUI i:hee11e 1nelts and ht11n IR hol. 1'1ake& 4 1erv1ng11 . • tt :OO I'\ oon -1480 on your Dial ' :l-rui~ & 11•ria/,/u ..-.... ,... . 2125· Al'l'LI SAUCE ··-·-" ... POiui°iANS _ __,,: s11 _ 11' -w-21' PUREX II.EACH .... ~-.y, ..- "'"'r..,., 2123· AJAX CLEANSER .. ,. "'" 8-.WMt~ .. , PRUNI JUICI! A -··-··--..... ToUT SOAP ....,.. 3123' 8-.._..L.,_ ~ . 31' Al'l'LI IUTTER -··--··---J-'"' A.._I_ Ji"oU REYNOLDS WRAI' . !5 fMt 25 t 2127' .... p..,_ 8mkll'1 PWa •r OMl&9 43' FRl!NCH DRESSING _,,, ·~ ae to a box IOOK MATCHES • •• Uttle Rodi Opp, llOn of Richard's employN>, lli1·k l>p1>, lo\f'"i 111 .. Todds Oalry milk. It'• 80 g~ -80 fre8b -day lu JUHi dtt~ out. Monun) Shirley, io\'tfi ll too ••• beca.ulHI It comes in the new Todd,. "It",\ lu IHJllr and t<iu.) 111 l'l>l•parutt< twin pa.ck qoarte.. They help keep the rt>fri ~1·Mlto r l'k-¥.n and tali•· l'O() llttlf' roorn . E \'t>-l')"One'1 diAOO\·etlng it's re..Uy smart to ust-TiKJds. ;\II !ht-(luH.IH y plu" ~rf'tt.I · er conveoienoo ! Start mlng Todds today, fr1>n1 Ricln1.nJ 's. Delicious Hlclcory Flavored Manhattan Smoked 63c Kath'• ftlaekha111k '6" Fr..,.h, lUpr, l.11~lou'°, ll1nn,ll11 n 10' PINEAPPLE It.. l\irJ"•'Y"" t huj!p••d .. r SPINACH n lnl ..... l'" FISH STICKS 'JC ' IH "~ "" ("hark'" I hlo•l.•·11 "" T urk•·.1 2143' PIES ('oll(an .. • \Irani:•• JUiCE PINEAPPi.E ICE CREAM ":,. 2129' '" 23' HAMS butt end -· flood so ffi8JI}' WR)'!! • , • Try 'OW' reclpe ! HAM SLICES center cut Boston Butt PORK ROAST ------··-------- PORK STEAKS ----------1 lb. CANNED HAMS .. •\; ••· s % lb. tin .. IS.9~ Ral.b'• Bl.,.kha14•k--NununM· A 29' PARTY SALAMI .... •1; •• 98c lb .. J)erby 43' PIGSFEET TIDBITS .... , ••· c'ii"io"oA'R CHEESE ... 49· POTATO.SALAD ....... 33' lb. TRUR8DAV 8wf!<U•'9 APPLE CAKE _ 38' lb. ............. 6 16' DINNER ROW . .... . 10, YRlDAV . io'Ys'ENiiii RY PIE _52' S ATU ROAV Ai.n-.d Topped--0-lM 4 25' BUTTERHORNS . '°' AP'Pu'sA'ucE CAKE _87' • sprained )'our ankle, nr just feel plain luy .. (No rt'· flection meant to the doz:rns o( hnppy. bu~y people who uae our l)eJi vcry I:>cpflrtmcnt regularly f or f'onvenie nre aake) ..• at the entrance to ll''1l2i<Ai;<il""~~111i'::'> Lido ·Jale. ll'liCLU.11 FOR 'ANllARY 19, :IO and 21. 1956 I • • • • • .. I • V FOR VICTORY -That's what this trophy mearui to Coach Norm Stillwell, left, and Captain Bill Freuhltng of the Horace E11aign School C ba.a ketball equ~d . The En8igns won the trophy by capturing charnploMh lp of the Seal Beach cage t ourney Jcu;t w~k . ~ Slaff Photo ENSIGN.~S ROMP ArA~ WITH CROWN • , H-A.LI 0 R court where l.he En-'&"* llp •r•tntt i.. Jo11a. otl .:!hl!du!ed to r t .SO p. m. Pwb. I •p..tnat 'J.UIU•. Aidln,a: POllt ID out.aortAc C)r.. .A ~ OUUftS &p1Aat Ru-an1e W•re Jt111Ua N.,.fllk<O. UlrM 11or Boy.. Club Le ~ to r;w.Lt. I ; Doa. 8waNIOd, ... s-1. Wile ,_,.,. al'-UlaL Net. lloln9 I ; Btl1 ~ ona peJ. I ; -... p ftW u. IDoal a.ell b and 'h-. --..... ........ I. FOREIGN CAR SERVICI •' With D I ck Bult<nrorth, • BILL PBILLIP8, 8pa1ta - BD1 Fn>uhllng and K e ntJ-.... -------------..... -:--::-::"'.:"°'.~11 Bodpon pacing the point NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PllESS' -PART II • PA~ I pitching tor the local lada. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1956 • Sp1d1.1 I I -, Coach Norm Stillwell'• "' :.r:c:h~~ c.:~~~·: .. lo: VICTORY BY ENSIGNS Capture the Se.al Beach cage , tournament'• Clua C champ-PLACE 10:~:;~~ ww-:1~~ lho oo•d> MEANS FIRST . for 22 polnu In the trto of Ult• while ~uhlrng, t~ captain. and H<ldg10n hit for 21 1narken each. And Ui-f!r1t lltrlnreni uw only llrnJt.,J llL'l.iun tn ll M'C- On.,l 1uu11o.J runte11l with Ocean Vlrw Th11t un" thr Eruilt,:na cap- turo•<I hy ll fl1 -26 ll'COrl! TOITH'.\'l':Y OP~N~R Th• En.algn11 Ol)<!llfl<'! th,. tour· ""Y \Vednead11y l£'1Ua t the Hunt· ini:t•)ll Beach jt1n1or h11h f I" a - wel)(hl11. ov.rwh .. tnung them 4 7- Undiaputed fint place ·in the Orange County EJemen· t.ary School BuketbaU League belonged to Horace Enaign'11 vanity cnge lKJU&d al'ter Coach Norm Stillwell'• "'hit kida slipped pa.st Orange junior high Thureday 28--27. Ceot..-r Denny Po•t of the En- 11.!&na proved lh• man t.be rival• ~ould not atoo Po.t potted lh11 <'Ord& tor ll5 potn~ .,. II•• O.iJ g~la and 11• rre.e throw1. F'rev1ou&Jy knoll~ tor top 1pol 11o•lt.b Newport Deuh, Oran1• dropp.d Into a currtlnt tie t o r MtCOnd place "11.h W•tm.1nl1t.ar IUld A.nahtl1m. Th~y. SUUwell le&dli htt; Uoop1 to Piacll:lllla'a PORICHI· .. 6 V .O L KS WAG 111 Lube and 01~ · Parts• and Accessories ' ' * 20 Years * Servicing Foreign Cars MERCHANTS MASSACRE FOE. 12-1 honnr11 "'llh 9 on a p11.1r of field =' '-D£R. 16. H o<lg"'°n ··opJ>e'(I hi(h potflt ~ I wllh 1 mark.,1 1 each. ------------------------------1 goal~ 11nd f!v~ rrl!r thruw.11 up by ii'reuhHn1 t.lld J1ohn Hu1hu l'1r~ ~ • YOUNG KIMES DRAWS BEAD ON '"'"""' '"""' '"' °'""1 L<M 'AL ""''"""" co I Open Tues. lllna SuRday EveRIRCJS by Appoillfmlllt AWARD: BULLSEYE' :;::·~, ~·"·:~. ~:: •• :·~:'.t· ... ~;· .. ·;:·.~ "''°''"' .... ·'"' •oc·' •• ,. ~~~"'· .. · ! F. £Cli~alirf R'dlif<ier TOP RIFLE t"~~ •·II '" !II" llrsl <i""'t"r f,,,. "!:"'""( !lc•·an \1 .. w WU Jonti try l ~========;;;====~ 11 , , .. ,.,,.11 n ,,.1_,,,,.n """ nt;!.I I Ftt'UhlinK ll ."lunn C<1.r laon 3, ,, 11 )~·" .. J,J :-;,.,.,11 .. rt 111111,, JJ.,..11 :'•h'"'I h .. , 11 .. ~ t,, •. ,, b,.hln•l B.ll with 10 p•>1nt .. ,-,11 11, . ., 111rk Uutt~no·nrth ~. Jim Butl"'r MARINE l•·d \11• l«xhl'"l JIH.H•J n!I. • 11...-11rd '11 lh•· !>>ll "•lo ,-, .. 1~ i" H odi!;llOn 10. U•ry We•ttm ... 11, "Jo,1;·aJ \\'!lll""' Kiil!•\, ~· .\Ir und />!15 \\ill"'" K /I "ll" UtHl"r"'-onti 111 the fin· HU!!;h"' 4. Gary Curt i• 'l, J lm INSURANCE , .. l'h" ."1~~a .\lr11 n, .. 1\• 111• 1.. •I twu .ttr&1,hl 111 .t«Wld ball of the 111 .. ni.:~ 1: .. unt•· \\·in,., Bll•~t,,d! 1 ... 111:ue 111 hrdulf' Ill (".,~!i. .\\e1111 J'.<rk 811nd.iy "'h"n 111•·~ lila~t•·ol ""·I• lht Le .,,,n,i.. 11.11 .. , r ~~nt" Aria 12· l ' .. ' • " ll \; ' " ti ,1.1,, ll•· !Ji•l:t•.; ~!~ ,,..,;,n~,l"'il !1t>l•!"'' .. n·I fl,,. ( .rr11111n ~ 1 8lnootil ~ ft •• ·tu""" 1"' 111 .. •1nl3. a~ t-'!di-Ag111111t Lii H .. tira F reuhllnjj:I o.bo,__,•r&o. lle&lty Co . .2RJ5 Villa Way Harbor 5185 Between U th &: ?9th St.OJ., A<"ms8 from Newport Mattnr i~ f'"-'port Beach In vrd.·1 I•• J"''n lhr cuu nlt) 11 ""! .. \•\ icroup o l h11eh r•nk 1 n~ , 11rk,n '"' '' un.: Kun•·• h• ! (, ./,.~·\ !.u1.<J1<."1l~ "~ t•1.;•IM '"'.'" y.11,,.J 1~"'<'l'•l11u.1HL· "'' l oluh tnrou.;h l l !""""' qu.d1/u·"l'"' '•' nal Rif]., A ...... 11·1.,n j•Hl1(1r 111\l'·I;·• :'Oext S11bb11.th. th• 1n1•·eJ l n t:J ~l •i.J<"na GRADY SLASHES SECONDS c·ttl ("f\ ( l))!Jl<l A p11. h1nK '•dUl.>IU·•! I 'n ' r ! 1'11) l.t'l)(h \\M~JI<' 1~><1i.:n try an.1 J,.r l 1~· Hi.r !h•' llrnnt;P (\oa,.1 ~·,,i 1>·11~ f,.lt.r.'li•rn,. thl•O'!!<>"'" ~11f!<!•l l 1,,. ~·onua h.t!~ lo but tv,·o blnK J~11 11n errur •nil ""lllk 1n 1 h,. H""I 1nninJL:' ti..inio: !&ri,:f'I)' r··~1'"" ,.1hl,. f()r lhf' lun,. nval run FuHertnn Harrier Busts Larry Ca~tro~s Clocking U11t blo" .,f lh' b.1·th· • 111.,. Ff !!,J.~;P,T ()~ i OCNS 1 -!'ffnr1 "". • r.ff th .. blu<i~~·•n nf •',1111.i•'I\ v.: •·n h,. slanun,.d out a ho111 .. run 1n th~ fi fth lra111 .. "'l lh th•· ~11,k.~ 11a•u rR\f'•I Th,. ]•,.·&l l11trU/lf'r~ w .. , .. le•<liril!" 3-l st 1;,.. 11n1..- !:, •>I> ;,,,.1 t. .... 1 .. .it ... 1111111••· 111• lo. lh•• F'ull~rl•Jn "''" runn"'r 111 tt.l' h.s!uij ur ~\.]I( t_.n l-•t1•.,J11n1< ~el·,.n ,1 ""! lh,. 1 J·i•,.:.1 H1•h,,.J1. "''" 1npl.•h•·,J one ot S:1,r1t. l•'P •!ll r, {'h"•i.. .• 1·J11t k th .. Jul.,,l 1IJ·~la••1l1Lr 1 ... ,1s ur hi11 Ful10·1t .. 11s H on f•,t/111 1J.1e·l'•! 8llll·yu1 u ,:.: {'1<r~···1 !>!"" IH)' 11 .• he lh1r<l I bn;J.;., l h•· 1.1·1 •. " '' • ,,,untcy i 111 lh·· JV"'""\· t!w l111t11.n1 !f'COfd l>y l:Ul lllll.htll~V•blr 1i.:. t.lll<· 1 ........ ,1ed W111"t·I' l'<-4°1 Hf:lt8t:1, 11rr.-. Th,. triumphant tAlll•·~ tronPl1 ~ ''"~ the pl.'llt•~ 1n th .. ~,..,·,,n·I •l.•t•l..11 t>t·urio:•· li1,.!1P•f' 111·"' ~ ,,, .. llotkf'I !11 f ir,.!. !.~11(11 ""' '' : ... 1 fihh 1·1 (JI ' ;!\.:!1 \ I •I)' h\ , I '" ;~ .. 1 ..... 1o .... th·· ' l ! u' ' 1.n.1 ',, ·I I h" bol l' 111 .. .,_.: Hill !.a111b "11•1" D11vr :-\•ot'ln fli;;ur~·I 1n • !•.llot uf f\rl•!••t'• r hn1i""·" I ..... \.1·h· , r ,.1 1ulle·I Hl1J (:£1yl .. llf1b"I t1.1111 11 ,.,,.,1 nut .11 tut ....... nt,. "" lh .. 1.,,, <ill ' " ,.. .... C' . I • -::-.~ .:~!' . .,,,':MS1llp J11 !LI.Ill.,.,; llJo• I' 1 .• I•· ,.,,,., .... 111 (" :1 1 ~.-. ,--;.,~1 .. nn. ,,.1,.,i llP· oltl .l;fl·"n~h l' r :.,. ,(.~ .. r l)r •1•11·11I1,! Jl1 ''1: <,: )!••'11 ))' h} &llt:·· ('1Jh$t f•<1ll.,,:,. 1nl1111IL'U "I ll1111~··lr .. n,I !.•n_, 1' .. ~l1•1 Of 111~< 11 I'~; bil.~kf' b1tl1 11 It 11,. h•·ld :-.'""p.irl l li"lkor l •t .;..,," Thu111•U.)' lH th" ,\lrJOll Brlnre Cou~htry bv•ll"<1 hi11 nut uf th• lo!, T11n1· J_..unb"l"'I" "'lllk· 1 ln ll.d•l•l1"r1 t" bo·l"lo: ' f'llh I• I · ••J1u"J ,,,,,.,1, .'\~1.1 .. ',r 101 Oflt'll \ '" , •I~ lOJ• Wllll ~,.f,. r.n .. r1•·ld•·r·. •ll"'''' l .••ll(h ol t, "' 11. )111 ••' , 11) )\II I!~ I 'I 11LI• •l\11 ),., .... ,,., ... n.J l',.ugl1l1> ~"\lied lhe I"" ' \L,.<1 ~'oil•" !!111• "•l•I• 1>1~•· t ' .. • ... ,,. "' ' .. 1ol•· Mnd I ""h with •lo11hl"~ !h><hnJ• \A,lf li t lll 1<11o1 H"h L>.t'1l·t1u. Boys' Win, Club Lose l\'s Goes H111rbor Boyif l 'lub A btu1ket- hflll l<}UBr\ t.Jefe"t"d S1tnl.11 C YO 2~~19 ~lnndn'S' sftrr drop- pln~ a JQ·J:? !rar to H u ntington 1 a--.r h SRtur<l•y In "a' h nullni;: Ct1rl fh•rgeron ""Ill' l<><:'AI h I 1• h I point produr,.rl' h1tt1ni.: fl')r -"Ji:"ln•l lh,. Oll~r" 11nit II In th• pr111:t!ce li\'O w1!h S11nt11 An11 The H untl111:ton . Bellr h J,,,.. <'OUnlf.'d in O ran11e County Ba•ket .ll'ST TllE BEST Q,,,·1cl~n - ball Lf!airue pllly. Lal College th1nk1 lh111·,. true The Ollf'1·11 jumped ou t In rront or Glel'\n Thom11.11. f'X·l l1trtJoJ r 1().8 ln Lhe tlr1t period and awell-Jllgh All·Suns<:t Lt:11i;:ur i;:r1<I· ed th!• to 19·14 at Intermission. irun t;Ulllrd. who W•11 n1111!'!1 Harbor manql'd to ouu1cor!' lhen1 be.ti ftP11hm11o11 plgiok1nn.·r Al 11-4 ln the Lhtrd 11tanza. but the I the college th>., M'll"tln Sl11ff r lv•I• pined that ~k 1n l h e I Photo tlnal ca.nto and l"'O morf' l:M!aldt1. ·--------------Aitalnat $ant11. An•. It w1111 the Boy11' Clubbf!~ all the w11y. They QXY led 13-2 in the flt!<t qu1<rter arvl J7·10 at r ece.u. Other I o r a I !'Coret11 ag11ln11t Huntington 8(o11ch . J•rry 1...ttw- rence 2, Cor1t11' Ankeny 4. R 11 y Fleeman 4 Jim Moody 2 • n d Y.'11lt Andcr110n 8. A gllin~t S11nt11. Ana: l.11wrenrf' I, Ankeny 2. Fleeman l!I and Ander10n 4. Orange B Five Beats Ensigns H orace ltn.~lgn'R B b1111ketb11ll quintet ff'll into 11 t i,. fnr 11ernnd p\11ee In 111,. Ot1tnl{e County ElP- mentary BKsketb11!J LP1tJ:Ue r•<'f' Thurll(!111y ''"hen the Oran,l!'e Jun · tor INgh lll{htw•t1thl11 W\ln :l3·9 on the rlval court. Usu11lly high IM'orinir Dirk But- len..·orth of lhP E""'l"n~ ""'"-" h~t<l to a J>1eM! pair of fN¥ throw"· whl.::n gave.him a11 mAny poinll! .... lln}' or hi• teamm11\eR garner· 9d durtnr UM! rray. Tom Markham, Mike U nclJdet ., •nd John H11ghe1 each roftet·l ""<I a baakel aptece. Ste~ Hl"nro!ln hit f nr a lone (lft t o11.11. And thRI WU ll. The def-t left Nt'wport Bt'arh deadlocke<d w it h Anlll ht'lm. Hunt· ln,-ton Bf!«ch a.nd W.tmlni1ter In loop play, ' Saint1 Nip o,....,. TABS GLENN THOMAS AS TOPS G ll'nn Tho1n~~. ,.., -'11p1nln of th•• Nrwp<'r!. l-l nr!Xi1 l!•l!h ~chool R11llor ••l<'ven a n11 A ll- Sun.!let Le8gu" 1:uanl in 1!1!'•·1. h111' Deen 8\A,'11rdet! thf B" ,l CuUyrr pt'rp1·tuHl trophy "" Lhe out1tHnding Ocr1<li1n t11 I Co!IPge fre1<hm•n f..,.ol l>s ll player for 195."i. Son of M t . nnrl Mr,. C11rl Thoma11 of 21:'.ll lrvlnt Ave . CQ.!lla l\f,.s11, Th<lm1110 1A'l11 11 cl11u ntfh:er during ''11ch nf hi,. rour year• at N,•11o•porr H"rbor H it:h an cl 1'111rlpnt t.....ly v[('('·prr~ident in '!14 -·~,;, 1'hl.• y1·11r h,. I.• K<'l'~·lni.. i.• virr·prl'~Jtlen t of, the frr•h· n111n chuia. TOP ATHLETE Flyin' Flynn Tabbed-Best County-wide SANTA ANA COC':".'S' Thp "Ort1ng-f'l County AlhlPte of the Yf!«r" award liut nlght wwt lo the "F•bulowi Flynn" ... AnUtoelm hlg-h K b OOfl ~Uora.J rrld half- btl•k , Ml~key Flynn. • Ul!j' 1>< l-;;'111 -1 1,,, ... 1···. >'~ ,, .. , •. ,1 ),\ 'h .... ,,,111~1 I JI .. .,_.,:,. I ' I ·1 '"' r ... 1 '1y " , • !' "· 11· pr,.~en! "'I !•) \,,,, l"lln I. ,.1 S•liowol f'1"' (Ip.II ~ r.,. ~ 1 ... 11. i: .. 11nd r .... 11 Ill\ h1!1, ,. I l·J, "' "'•11 ,,u· 111 •··•lllfl"'l ltl11n 1ovr, k.i. h •ar l ' ".,. '·.Jlul(y "lh 1 .. 1,.. It~ "" l.o•lntd·•o ,\l,11(' Jlr>1r/1 t1 .11k1.11.·1 1>1<111 v ~ ""''1"1'1"1, b.1.!lf'• h11l' .. 1· \;,.y:ie t"n·.•;'1'1V and all-ar•iun•I athlo."lf'• l'u-,1 L•>ten!:r.<·n f~"'I'"" ,\f"Y"t Fly rn.;.~ """"' ·~ II ''"' u111rr1h .. <J on lht"' r czt"'"JPI ir .. p•·; the 1Ht1cr n."\111e is t111tl nr 1 .. 11 S"'i11Sh<Jh11, Santa Arie H1<:"h "!lllnter of 19~4. THER E'S A NEW sp~r~1,~ ON THE WATER \ I I I I \I I~~ '\'~ /! JOHNSON'S NEW 110llOAY BR ONZE SEA-HORSES They're '"'.srt! T hey t fr-1 l "he ne .... '.56.Sea- H o r ses 11tylrd in Holiday Broni c-and Spr1y White, Come in i nd see them. Nine grea1 new models -3 \0 30 bpi South Coast Co. Newport Bl\·d. at %.1rd St. Barbor 2800 well's chanc.,. took <'&re of l.R j ; Butt~rwntth 13 H O<lg:ll<ln 2 !:121 w. eo...i mc11- 1 ll111lro ~:\-11 f or th" \•Uln,.\ \\'fc~tun ~ ll u i:11t 11 1, l.A>rfman 2 S.7Ml2 ~····":': 1lutt .. 1v,•u1lh "'"' 11.,, k•·•I \\'11)•n,. 1.uu1v'."~"_!_' _______ __lli'!!'~~ ., one or ' Just pick up the phone and call us -we'll hurry right out with THE BIG M. While you drive it, we 'II appraise your car -and by the time you come back, we'll have o special trade-in offer thot can't be topped- especially if your car is less than 5 years old. .• ear • PRICES START LOWER THAN 30% OF ALL MODB.S IN THE LOW·PRICE ARO* °'4''2092" buy1 the • ._,. ....... --· ~ ........ __.. _____ lr_ . .._L -_......., .. ...,. _____ ·~-... .. , ........ -'-'"'-·-... -""' ... -"-<wy-,.,,.., ----------. \ The bid byy1'fsTHE BIG MERCURY JOHNSON & SON, Lincoln • O RANO!l t OCN!) -The Or- Mll"e Hl«h S.::hooi ~nlher vanity dl'Qflped a ck>H 31 -~ contNl tD the Sa.nt.. Ana B&lnt.. yeateJ"daJ" altarlKIGCI 1n I.be .. ~PR'- The ,..t•nt trophJ" w11.I now tranafer from the Sa.nla Ana H l,-h School trophy cal-I! tu that or Anaheim Hl&'b School. The -.n· nounefme:nt ., .. m.ad11 at T'u-1ay'a th1rd anouu oooununtt.r football Johnson .. ' ~ '' ''"' r .., "'''!' 900 W .. Coast HiCJhway NEWPORT IEACH Acrou frOlll lay CW. ·Mercury Liberty 8-5545 .. ----- I I i ,, • ~------. ..... I,-,.,,.,,,. .... .-. "----·~~ -.' ---·--·--)'-· .... --. -... - •AGE 2 • PART 11 ...,. NEWPORT HARllOR NEWS-PRESS WEONESOA Y, JANUARY 18, 1956 -, THOSE TRIUMPHANT KIDS! Herc thC'y arc in typical scoring action. F'orv,,arJ Justin Niemit:'<' of th~ Horace r..:n.!u~n vana ty g0£'9 up in th•· a ir for an und,,..r-baskt1 ju1np i:1h0 t and anothJ'r two points for {_'oach Nur,:n1 :->ti lh•:ell'» learn, 110 \\' 111 f1r nt plHL't· 1n Ura11~1· l'.ounty l!:!<.'mentary cage 11tandinge, -!Staff l'huto NO USE \VAlTIN,' BOYS -That's a bUcket being scored by Rich Palate!"'ri of Coach Jim Mi ller's Newport Harbor High Tar B's, Just to be sure. J ohn Hcnro· tin (2) waits beneath the netting, Y'estcrdlly. the Ta r light\';cighte won tbf>1r 11CCo nd straight Sunset League victory, 70-29, from Fullerton. -Starr Photo Hornets Buzz by T robabes for 15th Seasonal Triumph Chapman Quint Drubs Bulldogs \\'inning their thirr\ ~1n1li:ht 1:11me nr Thi' 11<•11:.:0,nn ~nt11r•\11y 11.~ FUf.LERT{l'.\', tOC'.\'$1 -!'a· turtla,1· nl~h! ~'11Uerlon'• Homet,, dl'ftlll<'d 11 ~ood IJSC Frueh bla>1 · k etball t'11rn 11t the !'an Pacific audltorlun1. 92-6;', F\IUl'rton "nnt nut In "'" 11 ·,~ Jead, hut ~forl' lt1r y coolcl M'I 11p Jan ad .. qu11t .. d..,f,.nior, !hr .,,.,.,.., :wq J 2·t l, US..: 111 Tmnt. Jars Will P~ir N~ Rarbol''1 C quintet Jwit out Fullerton In • thrlll ed 56-M fray here ye1terday v the 8a8or 8'1 romped o\'rr -fin,) Ugh~ISht. by an O\'l'T· 'Whdmb.f 7()..fi #Oare. ---. ._ I' F'utltrtnri :.-r; 11t th(" half, 37·32 thry r+'•1•r:o,"1\ II prt'\'"'"" 011~ !..ate tn the game, FJC 1 .. <1 ju~t point lo,,. to Rrdl11rn•h1, thr Clutp· H6·6."t. The v!.•1t-0ra lhrri conn~l · mi.n l'antheni ,..,uridJy rlrubbed cd on 20 l!lln.lghf point!, 1111 ob·J the Bulldop 66·~7 , ... t11rle 1.-.0 gTf'llt ror the TTnbab•'ll C"hnpm lln (''°n!f'r J1nh li11mb!ln, lo <::'onquer, 1 • 6 ·5 frf'11hn111n, conl 1nu .. ,t 11111 a t· N'e111 Stnnrr marle 18 J'('!inL' fnr ~Brk on the l'•lllher tP<;nr,1 book U\P llf>rnr\.!<, "·hllf' F:a r! f{"""" II~ mlllnl&lr>t"d his 17 pol11t J'l'T rnnnM:h"1 r .. r i ; ('Jiu• k (;rt'<'r ,i.:11rnr ,.,.,.111.i::c by l•'•d•nj: hoth Ce?ltar, plll•'<I Q<.th tet1.m!ll w>ll• hL11 team~ v.it h 11, 28 point .coring llJ poll!t11. J 1 coming in the t int I l'ffot'I H" 1t!.•n ~t a ntrw Chap- h•lf. n1an •ln,lr l(&ITl• rebound r~nrd ,,,; '1ctor\· WllJI Fulterlnn'1< by graLb,11,11: oft 18. . I ln ll'le J V pre_hn1 the Radl&nd l ,1th of the llf'Al'On. Th .. y hl\'f' F'ro.h preM.rlt~ a wtrll baJaru,:.,·d lllAt l~l'H i;:am""· tn f'rr11.110, UC· 11 llack l("I <1own tht r~th"'r f'ub~ LA F'ro.,h and f1i Bernardin<>, )M-73 In a hard fOUl'ht batUe. I Eiihth Gra••r HIC Five ••• faf; of a .... A pa.Ir of 'riclorlN wf!ir• added to th-. Harbor 8o)'ll' Club etchtb re& car• f'Kord when th• klce.I qulnt.t dvwned WMlem .Junloi lllp of Analtdm 66-41 latw-de1 ~d SM!.t. Aiu. CYO 3S..24 Mon· day , Brian Lucu WU the bl( men with the buck.eta tor lba k)c&J 1ad9.. Re. fiippltd lhrouch 16 pol.Ala aptn.t Anaheim and I aplrut Santa Ana, A 23-point .-co11d quarter .aor· Inc •plurge gi.ve the Boy•' Club- berw the Anaheim conlMt atter the le&m• were deadlocked 10.18 &l ft'ld of the Initial •taru:a, li•1t· time acore f'vored H•rbor 33-18, Acainst $&nle Ana, It WILi a 17- point oper1lng l·anto which ep•rk-Sa"lnfs Speecllar ed lhe klc:af youncater• to tn· J'5 ··~··••, ... . .w ....... )(,. 1 .. -.... 1 ...... .. • ...i .,.., ... ,,., '"~ ... .. fl:t!oo".r ~ Har.P,~'!f Po~ ,.... ...tty tM pme'• out· !:::"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'""'"""-"-""-lt&ndiAI' p&a)"ff. Re look KOrtng -F or the rlnett In ())run1e rcLaJ hoaon wtt.b lt potaU. Prtnttns call H•tbOr 16\b DID YOU KNOW umph. The rlvab colltt\ed only l ANAHEJM, tOCNSt _ 1lie 4: d!gll!I during th•t ~rlcxl. At Santa Ana Saint h11rrrlel"ll eaetly ~el!ll, 111" 1~·1• led ?:'i :JS, lout·r•n Anaheim 19·02 In ll Slln· A '*" minute demonstration ride in a '56 ·,1'1 Other ecun"r.! f o r lhr Boyt ' 11et Le•KU• olltlng 1'hur11da y Club •gatn~t Anaheim st" v" Ch .. rle• Clark of the 81.!:'ltll look w c c . Chrysler .. Plymouth or Imperial will con- Rob1118(ln 9, J'°rry Hehn 0, T om ILr•t place in ttie v•l"llity run 1" H'fer 0-apfalft • Hllber 2, Tom S11ndoV1;I 4, Bob 9,24 o ver Anaheim'• 1 8 mil<' POMONA. fOCNSl _ Leroy Ytnce you that you"ll NEVER be satisfi•d llJ'' Seig .. 1 4, Jl'TT~ Queen .. r 4, ~ete cou"e \\'Nver, named mo1t lnsp1rauon with less 1 .,.i Featherston 8, Chuck B•Uman 'l Victory put the Saint• !n a t1r >111ye r, h.a s be'°n el~t"d rll·l·ar· 1111 Agalnat Santa An&. Rob1n:l(>ll tor ~e<:ond pl&re., wilh Gan1rn rtln or nellt ytar'a .r.11 San An-i 'aJI I.O P H t~t:11 rur • 11rn1un~1t•lh•n 1, H<'lhn t , Huber 5, S11.ndov1J '/, Grove behlnl'I h r•l place Newporl ·,.n)() CO!lei;e i.:rld equa(I, tie ii II Llt"·rl~ M 31116 Si!ige/ 2, Q11e,.nPr 2. Glenn Mlll¥t 11 ~r1>or Anah .. lm furff'tted lh• t-rq\her nf AnaMPlm High SrhonlB •1,1'~~~~~§~~"",-- 4 , 'rrd 1i11ddf>C'k l ,..~l\lhr r•l "n l J \' l"ll•" Vt"tlll! \Ve,avpr t.:'t1l<1111al Pfld ~ ~--.:::::=:---==--~ ~-. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~-- GENERAL ELECTRIC ... its DISTRIBUTORS allcl DEALERS ... are reducing thei(margin of profit to give you ... Amazing on The prices lieted here are only poeml>le u a rt'Su1l prices sharply through engineerinJ, manu!actw· Today, you can buy General Electric-the fin. of long:-term planning: Lo brine you helter and ing and marketing economies. eel, moat famous. most dependable electric port· better applianc::m al lower and lower prices. N ow we are taking the only additional pomible able appliances at new, low Fair Trade prices, Over the past few Jie&!"'ll General Electric Port.-11tep-furtber reduoad priOM to you. General Never before have you been able to buy such fine able Appliances have been steadily improved in Electric haA reduced ita margin of profit. Your appliances at Nth low C08t! See them t.oday at featuree and quality. And deepite the (act thal C -E distributor haa reduced hie marlin of profit. your General Electric dealer' a. Houaewarem •~ UU. waa a period of riai"I ex»t.I for mAt.eriala and Your local G-E dealer b~ reduced hia margin of Radio Receiver Division, Genera l Electric Com· labor-General Electric baa managed to reduce profit. pany, Bridseport 2, ConnecticuL EVERY PENNY ·oF THESE REDUCTIONS IS BEING PASSED ON TO YOU I Look for these outstandinl[ values! PORTABLE APPLIANCES Set y our nearest G-E DEALER today! -~ .... ..., .... Al a 1team Iron, ~ withollt a dampclath,lron1 "'°'' f•bria withalJt $1495• sprinlrlio&-/u I dry iron, Mollol ,-90 ~rfett hell\ for any (1bric, Automatic Vl111all1H Iron 8 F•brk-di.11 let• Y°" uled the corr"'! !f'm~r•lure f()f •ny f•bric, Wo:ith• le• lh•11 two ind• half M odo l ,-33 '1X'Lind1. Lllrtc .olcpltta cut1 your ironint t ime, 'A1111inatlc lvd1et ln1n Qu•lity iron •l 1 low, low prke, Strt:1mlined for increall:d dliciency, Plu1 O.lt. •1 ramow beltnced ror lroninc '9W. -191s"' M"-' ,-32 "DiaJ,tha·fabric" C(:Cltrol M o<j•! "120 Pcttt.We Ml•H Wci1h1 ln:i t..,.n three pound1, Don 1l1 mirin1 job.. Th~ 1P"(b: bane• OI\ kitchen wall: 1it1 on httl rat, Available In (O\l r color•. All·P11rpo1e Ml•ar Lcr:ad1 1 dO'Uble lifr M1y be u.ed •• 1tan<111rd nu•er -~ •=o"d r.om """' $ 2'7 9 5 • for uw •• • h•r>dy. h1htwfi&ht porttblc mllltl Tripl1 Whip Ml11•r Oivn you complete mil.in& every timcl three bt•tn-1, mixn thorou&)lly: t""'lve """'"' buil•·"' ""'" s399s • h•nd,r juicn1 two· •nd four.quart bowl1, S,..cl ICl'ftte Botb w•tcr •• fa•t ••you ~n UH it for in1t111t coffee. 1,a, <'OCO., IOUpt! Twi;i C\lJllJ In 1'1 m!nute1. $1695• Wh11tle.. Automal•t 1hut·off. Holda 'l}i qutrt1. P'ortabl• StN"" •n4 Dry Iron It'• compact; only I'' pollnd1, (Remove bulb, and It'•• dry lroo!) Handle rokh, WOl'li:I on AC and DC. llk&l '°' travd or Mod•! C ff Mod•! P31 ~Is Ovr Nost lmpo!'Nnf 1'tollvd GENERAL. ELECTRIC OPIN IONDAYI and HOLIDAYS \ Thcnnott•t control m•lrM fry1n1, coolr inc c••Y Ju11 dial lemJ>C'r1ture, No ..noldn1, et1Clr•n1' (LW. $1 oo• c~tr• ) Avte1111atic Toa1ter The mo.I dcprnd•blc automatic lo.1t•n1 mei;h•n11m cvu devtl1>f)fd E.ttr• h11h \()~•t hft S1i $17 9 5 * J>O'lt•on l'Ontr••I •nd snRf' <> • crum:i u ay, o.Li,•• A1110 .... 011c c~. Maker Malrn two lo nine cup. pcrl«ctly, No watchon &' No t lmint1 Sdcrt• 1trcn1th-$27 9 5 • licht M&n1l1 you when rttdy Coff~ •l1y1 hO! A u!•m•tic Coff•• M•k•r M1kH thr~' to nin~ cur- No w1tchin1I No timint' s199s• VO\l Klect 1trtntth-coffct ii kept hot until w•nlW. FORGIT HARDWARE 2 ·205 W. Balboa Blvd. Har. 116 ' Newport Beach I I , i) l •• I • ( ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .·&LL AMERICAN! •. CORONA DEL MAR! THESE SPECIALS EFFECTIVE AT BOTH CORONA dol MAR & NEWPORT BEACH ONLYI • LAURA SCUDDER'S LARGE 18-0Z. JAR P-NUT BUTTER LAURA SCUOl>flt'S -QT. JAR -F)\RM.fRESH MAYONNAISE C,AMPBELL Colored, Quartered SOUP SALE! 1-LB. CAR TON e Vegetable e Gree• Pea e Pepper Pot e Asparagas Campbell's e Beaa llr Baco11 • Celery TOMATO e Black Beaa e Vegetaria11 SOUP YOUR CHOICE! TALL CANS! Toll C•n• ' Those Luscious Cooked LOBSTERS 2t to 3-Lb. Average NABISCO SAL TINES -ALL.AMERICAN ALL-MEAT • -SNOWFLAKES : FRANKS 3 1-Lb. s1 oo· 1-1.b. P.kg. 23c · : Pkgs. CORONA clel MAR & JfEWPORT BEACH MARKETS -• . e NOW we have hufje gorgeous Produce & FrOHll Foods Depts.. ~ easy selection! • NOW there's a SELF-SERVICE Van de KGft1P dept. within the grocery· area! e ~W 5 automaffc checkstands! e NOW a giant Houseware & Drugette! • . ' NOW the market • • • • • • that iust "GROWED & GROWED" is a color-harmonized ioy to the eyes - because YOU like fine things! GRAND OPENING I I \Gide Kamps I I I I S.W-S11rice BAIC~IY I THURS., FRI., SAT., SUN. I • JAN. 19, 20, 21, 22 I I I no... V• de K-. st-W. -.. ooly .. -·-... ,. 1,..00 A.gel FOid l°'9o 69' ... (~Rog. 7'c) S.....1 39' ... (s-ill Rog. 45c) l'lAIN AHO suo.u&> Dir~ 1s 6"' 19c ,..~u.25c1 r ••• ~ a.a. Ws , .... , • .., 6• 17c .. 25c .... -.,,. , •'23' , .... 11.n•. .. s1os • J ' . \ I ~ • .. ' .. .. ' • .· ALL-AMERICAN OPENS .,, . J. "MOTHER-LODE" OF GOLDEN SAYINGS! ~ SALE DAYS! ' . . e ntURS. e FRI. e SAT. JAN. 19-20 -21 Veal "Makes the Meal" . U.S. Grade "Choice" Northern Round-Bone • . • • '' . '' ·er ~ ,.,. ~ DOZEN IN CARTON I I I . ~ '\.\ ~ KRAFT SALAD DRESSIN \I \1 VAN CAMP'S GRATED c I lb. I c MIRACLI I I .. I DEL MONTE GOLDEN lli. i CORN 'n I PEPPERS I 29 I TRI-VALLEY FRUIT ~ .,; COCKTAIL N~A~~ GROiJNOFREsBEEF 29~ FRESH VEAL & , PORK L1JAF MIX iiiiiiiir . 39~ FrMh, L.1n LAMB PATTIES . All American or Luer"s E•stern SLIQD BACON •ll·AMlllCAM LAllL ll9UOIS All PllU T 6UAIANTUDI All-Americon 80-Proof VODKA . Full Quort All-Arnerican -A Blend WHISKEY 86 ~r;f - lmpomd French Table Wme VII ROSE . 1 Fifth 29~ 39~ l.JOUORS 49 c _ Fifth - s3s9 REGAica'PALEa..:.n. s1 14 • 99c BURGUN Y Rfth 39c I All-AMERICAN REAL CREAM ICE CREAM ~-GAL. CTN. e Choe. e Vanilla e Strowbeny e Neopoliton PILLSBURY MIX FOR TENDER , LIGHT PANCAKES 2-1.B. PICG. 3-LB . PANCAKE MIX •.. 43c ' I CRESTO -NO. 303 CAN -CUT I GREEN BEANS I I CAKE SALE! POST llllEAKFAST CEREAL (Trvck & Trailer in H . 12-0L Plrg.' GRAPEN.UT FLAKES F1lESH REAL CREAM TOPPING REDDl-WIP IN l'lASTlC l'llfSSURI CAN WHIP c:u:~t W. don1 ...,,._ to te c n-l&W ii the Co ho .... food world - find it ot P,ri<M I THAT'S BIG S& W SUI • GOLDEN Cl c e GREEN PEA • STEWID TC NO . 303.I CAtilS c S&W • SPINACH • KIDNEY IEA -ospector M All-Ameriuin to shelvH are k»aded with HV· ·burros and mme • 'runnin' e All-Antenc-Gold Rush - • -. - SCOTT PAPER .GOLD MINE OF BRIGHT 49er SAVINGS! Lo0k what you can buy with a 49c piecel WET-STRENGTH FACIAL TISSUE TTIE 400's 200's 2For49c 4For49c SCOTT PAPER TOWELS SCOTT'S WAX PAPER CUT-RITE LGE. ROLLS REG. SIZE ROLLS REG. PKGS . •I I/ I I I ' C 1 Fox Deluxe Chicken FRYERS 1-1.B., 12-0Z. PACKAGE c Simple Simon -AD Varieties FRUIT PIES· 2-0>~~ Mlnate Maid Sections.;.... ,, GRAPEFRUIT 12-0L c PKG. BlllDS EYE •PEAS & CARROTS LARGE STALK ---------, y_ .... lloc ol cptolrJ ...... ,... ~~ ~ M11dow Gold Grade AA ~ !/;/ y •GREEN PEAS PkC)s. . "'-- HIWll hilll9d Q 31510 PREAM' ~ 29c . . . ~ . UTTE 1'8' CtL-111 9varters ~r \'1r ~1/Jj~ ~ ~~ i'' // I rH1 DB.JCIOUS, CRISP BUTTER CRACKER RITZ WAFERS FRENCH'S SALAD TARD 6-0 Z. JAR 1-LB. PKG. c LIPTON TEA THI '"MJM• TIA ''"·'L l7c I ...... 19c ;:J L ~PTON SOUP MIXES ~ -~-:t.'...."'.'~11l1J_, 2::" ..mlUlTmi 35c ·--31c llOIPU 2--31C • . / I. CUT CORN I y_ a.o; ... L----------' LUER'S AU-MEAT FRANKS All-American Kraft Miid CHEDDAR -----, 1 GRAND TASTE SUCID I 4 ~.: BOL!!GIA : : SALAMI I 45c i ~~ 45c: lb. I Wrapped I L... i:_ec:~ - - -- -_I HOFFMAN BOLOGNA ALEX TAMALES LUER'S SANDWICH BEEF - 5-0L SIZI! =~ .. D ... SPREAD c ADO Ill' TO SA1AD9I BLEU CHEESE c ..... ilol 8-0z. .. "-·~~ . ........ ...... DI? ..... ..._..,.,_ e DOWNEY e NORWALK com• MllTOlm • DOLMI CO«J• " ,.,. a PIOI o,... hi.,. 'HI ''~-·· -'"· • s..""' ....... .,.. w.y '111. '·1an -· .. ~~~~~!!I ..! £C?!t?." •• • ... DILT ., ~.AR.. • SAN t:I NIN 11 ~ _.,, .. ""' ---· -a C'?Flm-...._ • DA&Y .,_ A.M. TO IHI P.M. DA&T .,_ A.M. TO 1-P.lt. 8iiiili1111iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiliiiii111ii[:liiiiiiiiiiiiiiii11ii11ii1iim ____ y • 19 t P.L A W t IO t NL • , • _\ - Gxcepl Jrom , PAGE 6 -PART 11 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS WB>NESDAY, JANUARY II, 1956 IJ'ITl.S (llf TllB) ~ SCHOOL HOOS• ' !"God .. • grent us th• 5erenity to o..:.cept the thinqs we ..:o.nnot change; the couraqti to change the th in<;Js we con ond the .,..jsdum to \now the d ifference." IA. Anon.) THE CAPITOL WEEK· ,. By JAMES c. ANDERSON United Pre88 Sta.ft Co!Tftlpondenl EDITORIALS SACRAM.ENTO, Oil Discharge' as Well as Smog 'Looms in Edison Plant Work ill proceeding on lhe Creation or facilities f or the propoeed Ediaon Co . generator plant to be bullt 1n the Santa Ana lowlands. Althouth tht.-conlpany say11 no eommittmt-n t hu yel ' been made for land lo c o m - pnse the 80-acrP 111te, apparently the City of Huntnu:;· ton Beat h u1 sufficiently pledged to i;ell 1t11 40-acre air- port that t he company is bu1ng its upcr'ations on that t11te . One Jefirnlt· tie and commitlment ci! tht> l"u!npa111· l.i> seen 1n thl· hl·ar111g &et for Jan. 2'i 111 !,os A u151•!1 ·~ when th~· II ~ Am1y En~net·rs w ill h,•a r any J•ro tl":;tM agatn!il the ··111:.ibh.shmenl uf a 'i(Hl!J !t l••n g 24 -111r h rl1amelt•r Rubrn;trln•• 011 line fron1 a 1"•111\ 11oea ward .,f l-fighway 39 and 1h1· ('ua:-t ll1ghy,•,1\ t"" i-horc Rt<1t1 1111 thcrl' ·r.,~··Lht•r with the smog th11t :-it1·a111 plantR hn\•1• OM-n fan1f'<.I 1 .. r d1t1t•l1a rg1ng 1ntJ) t ho: 111r 111 t he t A1s An - g eles <irf•1t., l! 11ow appc•t1n1 t h;it t h•'" .... 111 be a t!u;t111ct pos111b1hty l)f nil l"lfl1tu t1 ng thf" h-·arl11·N "l l Jrangf' County 1•r1a.ilal •'ll 11·"' f\1·1.:urdl•·:-.!I <•f rt!! Kafety prf'1..<t.ltll""" that can bo· tak1•11 111 th .. 1 r1•fill<Hl •1f a subrn;1r1:\• 1, r111u1a l a rr1Jlt> and u half 1Jt I sh11rl", th1·re are l, .. t111 d t " l>•· a cc1dl'lllli Arctdl'nts off i.h,,r,• v.·.th t;•nk,·r" ).,,.,;,.d """ll h full ... J !'Ind 1•11d.·av11r1n i:: t 11 1l1,.;r h11rl::"•' thf' >11tn1.-tntu a p1p+·l1111· !••r 1lt·IJ\l·t·y llll ~h"'" "I" I!,. f"illu!t••I• 11 1 l!il' bca ..:hcs l'1•thup11 th•· l·~l1s1111 t'o 1h·al 1,.; n"t :dl set but l.'.l' y,•ould Ilk·· tu "'" th(• <'o mnuttn1cnt..s hard and fddt t·j1rnm1ttnit·nt i; n1adt', legally t'Xtr:H I• 11 lr<1 rn thl' com- pRny and 1t8 co11tractn rM and su ppltcrs-lf'~ally t>11fori.:l'- abl£.-thrc•ugh the criurt.R. \.\'e spt.•ak ilr l~lll courts, not th'-" .l;!l•1blydl'l;"'•k and dl·lay .,f l'uhlu· I 't1 ht11•s Co!'n- -...rn1ss111ns, ··t1· An10 11g t h 1' committn1f'nts w f' w1111ld I•~·· t•• "''"" th1• ~:rlison ('un1 pany mak .. a1 ~· I . A hard and fast agr1•1·n11·nt not lo 1l1s«harg l' 1n t to the atn1•1Hpher1' any pollutants of any kind 1,r naltlft' 2. An ag ret>mcnt of thl' E:d1:.1.u C•J :u 1d th<' V\11!· »hi re Oil Cu. to recompen!!c fuHy any o r all ('I ll<'!<. 11r tilt' l'<,unty 11f Orang1· fur any 1:ust11 the 11.gt:nlll"lll n11ji:ht bt: put t o c lean p°topt•rly th£' beaches of any d1:"1i.:h11rg£' nr 1•o tlutant in the watt•rs o ff !!hore i•r nn th" bf>a 1·hl·!< a!- ! r1butable to their o pcrat11)ne, 3 An agrecml'nt of the cnmvany t H l'fH>JH'rair l n th<· utmost with the various santtary, !'an1tat 1<1n, and ·l r;una~e ag(·nc1et1 in thf' handling of 1!:< u\1:111• ;u od Jischar~e of water Ullo or from Lhil &ea 1.r· ~uh1n11·f~e ir1. n(·ar or under the gt ncrator plant site . The nhove arf' requirements thnt w ou ld b1 11.r1t1'~11 tnlo any "UH<' IX'rmit" g r anted !ht• 1·.,mpan\' l t<I' Auch an operation by t he ptann111,1:;-rnm n1111!;1t•n .,f any c 11y that guard~ 1tH public tru:-;t . 1'h" ri·<Jd1r1·m· nt>' wr-sug· J;:Ps t arf' jJIJ{'H that the rnnq1;1ny ~hou!d hi~ \o. II ling tn ag~ t o and commit it~l'lf tu sui;ta1n if JI valut'H iUI public relations. Ground Observer Corps in Call for Mor e Volunteers Nl'wport Beach unit of the r.round Obs1•r v1·r!'· Corps-a volunteer group which devotea mHny hourR throughout the year p rotecting you fro m poss1bl1· i;ur- prtM? attack by eflemy aircraft -needs )'nur help. With 125 persons signed up as ground observers to eerve in Lido Clubhou8{' tower a.a aircr:ifl ~potters. only 50 of the toflter can be dcpt"nded upon to fill their lhree- h our sh1fls. ?o.l nny o f the remainder a s w\·ll a~ s cores of other local reaidenUI have given their tiine tu this u11· paid July 11 f reporting all airplanes s"•'ll fro m I.ht> watch IO\Vf'r. R cai:>un for t hiR "bird watc hing" as siom e te n 11 tt 1s that the radar network o perated by the \'ariou 11 arm ed forces unitR tn\"olved 1s n o l 100 per cent tn1stv.•nrthy. It is quite possible rnr enemy planes to come in low and no t be detected by the radar . The 'British people proved efficacy .,f _gr()unJ (•b· .ervcr work before, during and after thP "Rattle .,f Britain" when 1-litlcr's Luftwaffe rained death and des- truction over Engls nd. Without the g round ob8ct\'1•rs' F .. r n1l'rl1· lht' Nf'WpGtl-R11.lho11 wn•l Uw N•"'P"'\ n .. 11>11a 1·1 .. ~~ :"l•'l"'"'l·\ '\,1 ~.• ~l~ltl'r ·~t th•· l'<woloft1r, In Newpnrt ('oUf<O!fllll und..,. \hi' Ao l o f ~l•rl'h 3. li!7P l'uhlh•h<'d ,.,·•·ry ~tontlay. \\'~lnf'Nla~· anti Friday by th'! :'i't:\\"t'OKT llAJCBQH l'l'IJLIS lllNO ('ll~IPAS l' Bt-•ch. , watchful eya and quick reporle the Royal Air Force would not have been &11 quick to Btop air attack ot bomber.. Similarly, although thle nation is outwardly at peace, our armed forces of the &iT arm and al the variou11 Nike 8taliona must have advance warning of a.ny un· Kientified, potentlally h 06lile aircraft if they a.re to in· tercept the planes befo~ it'8 too la.te. ln time pa.st Newport Beach citizena, many or them 1n retired or eemi·retired statua, have been abJ~e to de- vole bundred.11 of hours to telephoning reports o f air· t:raft to •ll' filter cenlera. Once again their loyal, gfJti.tl se£"\·ice iA needed. WASHINGTON REPORT Ry l'our Congreti!imAll dAMt:S B. U1T ~, N"'NC\1'\.. ~u~t>EJJ5 fU.P.) -G<>v. lZO-day -Ion 11'•.-d ot a~ Goodwin .J, Knight 1'.lniad,y I• be-30·day 1neetln11:. lnr bnmbarded w ith a num~I' or One requqt already "1&11• te t he govemol' fol' a ......... ,&! .-ton reque!lt• to Of>4m up th• 111arch -.---In )1an:.h Involve• the Long 8-ch budget M'&11IQn ot the Legielaturr t1dellu1~ ,.,1 ~·untro+er1y. to a 11u•nbo=r or co ntrovertth1I Th,. Us. N•vy hu Lllk<'J the Items, 1ovo:n1ur to Include In the M'a.t<'h The .. rtety of the requesi.. In· JO-day llt!li!llon l@tCIMl&Uon to ap- dlcatea once llg&ln that f11.>1t-prv11ruu., ..,.ve r•I niilhons o f ~­ irrow1ng Cahtorni:t. Iii retU.nK to lar~ tQ finMnC'e the t11ht agalMt the point wherl': e K'-'nenal R8· ttub!l!d .. nc., in the Long ~h wlon of the Legislature """'Y t"'·o 11, . .,11_ J~SiH 'F."iT PROPOSAL yean. 111 in8urt1c1ent tu 11rn\"HI" Tnr the or<Jt'rlv ~·uno.Ju.:t ul" th" st11t.··~ bu111ne~>1. \\"nil.· lfl.tt 1111"'-'''''" propllSlll I• n ... "'·•v H up,r·atr" tl••\\, lh .. 11111·.,···nl .. n,1111;h. 11 1\ V."<'ftl ln• Leguilatu{e ineeta ev"'''' u <l ll-olon.h·ol un th .. 1·1111 1 ....... ,,11 1,J OP"!'n numbf'~U ye11r 1n a tull-Urc~~ 1:.1tJ 1"'' u, .. +•nl ir•· ~ul>/l'•L "' Lo ne day ,. .. ""•on 1n which .inv t .. pi.-1~··11• 11 nl l IU1Hh• '" l1•.,:1,,J,,t1 v .. a r· mw.y be c .. n111deted, 11 "" ll-0-l.IA\'. Mf:ET 1•1 11!" l><llt r,:l'Jot-•111 lt'el!ll<lOn, thft tnll t.. A"""J11l!lv1nnn Hi 1"" F'. But Jr1 "''"n • nu1ubt'P'oi '""''· ,.ll•n •R-~11n J••~"' '"' u1;t ,la te th" L•·r.:J~)"\Hr<' m .... t,. t•nlv 1011 :11 1 ''' !H k" UJl\1·11.1 •1 • ,,r s-.:ou1 1ir"1,()(1(1 ol11)'11 a rut un1h-r lh•' •·•·n~IH111 ... r, ,11,, ''""" h•·ld n1 1)1 .. •it i· ,,, 1,.,11.: m ay l't;ll.';1d~r unly lht' buJ1-:1•t ..,,,,1 1-:. "I! .,.,,,_,.th .. 111.,~1 l'•in!l"v'"r~IJ;l l ---------------------------------! r"latM ,.,,.,.,.1 rn11t\~r~ 111'• I'"'' ' 1 .. 1,1-1.1,, 111 .. I 'fh,.t'8 w11.,r., 11,., 1;01•·111.,r .,,. ,, l'O~,, .,, .• ~1 ,,,, A i; t h111 18 being writ tea , Congress hae ~n 1n &eu1o n r.01ne~ 1n. H .. ha.., t he P"""'"r t•, 1.• i.:111 ~h! l11t\~ 1,,, " ··,i, .. 11,,11ned • for a f'('rlod o f two week8 dur1nr which time W f! have re-I llll<: •P"'<'•&l se11"1on proclama11' n• 1o.I th·· I,, .•. ' T 11111• K "1,. ''' 1'l·1v~d lhe State uf the U[!IOn meSl'lage, the 11ropol:IC<l agr1 ·I "'~1"'h ••p••n, "Pa t.ii dJi:rl ~·--~•·" h•• :-,,,,, ••·1111.-~t 1,., '""" "I , t" ••(h"r I.'!""'"'· "°'"'' '" ••dl1J•io'lt'i\ .!• ~11-.eJr.,... tultur•· !''"''gram. and the t('C11mmendat1on11 on the aid' t~· -~========~=~=====:::=~~====~~=~~~~~~! Kn1l'(ht ti •t y • h·• t .. ""'"" ,r, h, .. , 111 .:.-,,1 ,,1,..111 n~ ,,1, itH• lcduc:atian program . •t1t loni; tu th .. 11p•n t or 11, .. 0o1"'1 1'Ju•lf.•I ..... ~1u1\ tu "'·ner11.1 1 •• , ... 1. I n•· ! ••l •r t h"ll'" .,...,~ r•th,.r ,. •• 11 .. n11 .. r "'" •••Unt rv •nd t" b,. all!nl\()ri "'"! r~1<!rl<t<Jllo: th•• l>u<I •11.n lr "li:ll" 1tlld au1unl8-I ui• !ht-pro-u of ! b I COURTHOUSE BEAT ~··I ~"'"' '''" ~· 0111• h "·' t·• '1th ~,.,., rnur z1,,l•·<1 j,:lll J.lf"!l•fH HI\' It !"YI,..., \I• ' l>i\' 'Kii I <Hl<lll•li-1 11!1"11 H1 "" .,J ' '' "' 0:'"'• 11 ~d; '" th' !11 •l tt•tee "'"l whil'h h.ad Klre•rJ v 11 .. ,.n pr<" ,,.,,,1,., ni; ,.. 1'1"""111 "1 I 'h .. • A O • • 1• 0 , •1 .. n• ".Ill """''"'"" '1""' l~l ~.-~. !I d ll1~1R ,~•"IC•• It' boo• ii '•hi•' I 1 ., .. II'~'' . e 1:.L•t'nnu"''" n11 ri · ,,.,,.,_ .,\' "" fll"l'IOUll It n11 n1• ra Bl· JACK KOl.""l'TNER I •~1 1 .. l oiMl ;i.n<t lh"n In gf'nrta l tuu1 ,, Hu: H ·~ r•L• ""·' I' oil 'llJ· I"• "Ult' 1" \..,., 1(1•-.. t •ll lilt! ,,,.,.J 111•· •••l•t' I Ud Ol O • 1 .. r111• ••I !ll llh !h,.1'pt~1fll'rt>eom -After ll Vtr\' r.,,.. lilt)'~••! f'X · \,•l<•'lUll>" "'"!h I I>•: t•·~ujl lh"! ,.1,.,.1 :.r,:,.,._""~~'..~<l ll~lol~ n1.11!.l;1 .. 11.·•ti:.n 1<. .. uJ.J r_.., .... ni tv an.111 .. 11o ... I') u,,..,. 1 ..... f.11 .. 11 .... 11 'J'wo oeon ti1gns y,1h11h never Jim C\'1·n in thl' darkt.-t>t 1 1 - ("1•n1<r .. u u nJ.-r ,...11arat e "'"'" .-XJk"•lll 111 .. y "'"''" th,. th .. n 1..111-. ' ,.,. K"l ''""'''1111 1' ,,.,,.ni '' •' I I I ' '' I • II mght or darkest hour. arc b('aCOll!> for thl· truubJ.·d a h.:inir ,,.,,. , .. ,,1 .. 1n···! ~.,,,,1 ,.,J.t11t·•··•I .,.,.,.,,,,, ~.~._ ... Tl• .. ••1"·1uni; !"'""'ra1•h "' 11""'"' 11t .. ""•''" •·• 1 "'"U' ,., ht/l 1'1··••••\<> ~· ., .. ,~1 "·b I"'" h ' ' A '"I'''• """h Uu•t "" ~·111,.1• Jll lht '""""lll<e ••"''••It h quot1n.11 llll<J be 11h•• lut•·lv ,,,,, .... ,,1.1,, 1., t>nn,: "'' ·ta1 <-u 1t .... t ., ~anta na I 1 1 . 1· • ""'" '·"''\ )I ""t l. •• • pllrl "'''"" !• i.:rnr r11lly 0\"l'r· t h.-liudi.:"1 1111,. hal"'"'. Jur 1<t 111,.111,i.:1,,, Jll "J .. ,I 11\'l•r I"" tlll\ !'ou1·t~1 fl,1\'tl ~"'top 11 ~lh•·~l ulr 11, J~•d, 11,,. 111~1 1,,,1.,,1 ~,.,,..,11 l~11•.t1t 11,.11. •l"•l ),, lh!hl.• 11,.. 1'>1.J k•·•I L\ l"i"•rtrt• wl111 •tt1·1npl lt-...,.l • r .. ur )""r J•"''"'I d11.-l" of fh.~• at 111 \\• ith 11.nJ JU8 \.\. vC U..1! ~roounlo on ~·u1111111Jn In·.. K .,. , •1 l'"" •~"'""I 1,.n1! Knd llH•1 "" 1,.ni: · •1unn1: n111:·11 ~ ,, .. urn 1<·1wv . ~ · U) )(IYI' Thi! \"flllt"~' •JI ~ long th .. IJ1lt1un, "' d••ll11•· •oJ!!lllll!!o·d ;1h lt ~ .111J('<.l .. •trl' .. t Al'IUMI-t1111rl"·fl~ 1'h•~ J(rt'1ll lv fl JL.l:< +n " l!"U'" W"'" ll l(!Utl•·L.l Jr\ !hi .. •· "I" "" !lh· ,,,ll.•lll l1 !1 .. ,1 t•••LI• I···" int>•llll.Xt> In 111 ff'w worJ.a II I• tor p1")''1" f,,, "hu t1 "'' '"""'1"1·lh ,,11 niure o r an •lley~j)'J<k •h·l,.n•l<tn~ 1i .. 1ni.: rl'i .. 11-'l"•I 'l''"'kly lr•l!I ~,..,~1"" tall' ,~~u.-d b\" !h •·f "•ln•·lrd ~ .. ...,,,.., 1.,. -1,, .. .i.1 ,.1. W<or\to H·ll•IHll( -nd 1~•ll•l,.r1 ng """r h"r:I l>-'t-n prP\'Hl••<1 I 11111rk•"! 1111rrow 11 n!'t lined y,•)lh !! r,., m"1·l11 th,. qUH!lf l• 111101111. • I l<"ll!!•! '" l.••IU ttnwn '1"' ol 1 .. 11., ,. , Ll•ovrrn.,r. rine o tneru, r·~·r ~""' n1Mn y 1"""" I I her.-1mn1e>11111r1y ~g11.n "l•'llr!I ilur1ni.; tne d.11.yHght houra I •·1t's n•1l 11111.t w11v a1 other I r " 11 le. •11\•·•i.:•'nl"'y l1'gl!lh111>no .. nlv .. :r.11Uu11 '' tne quor rorilr"I :M:\-' Th" "J.'"nln" of lhr-n1•w ''t'lf r w111lni.;·d()"" uf "~l"""'!l!l•t<"~. 11nd At no,ht !hi! blarktopp.,t Blr<'el counllt-!1, J've furnl~lu.,1 n .. 11 In • 1 . , t:•1 t lh<' h<'at 1 .. ''" lh" ~,,\•·rn"~ Ill'. ""ll.• o rn•Jw( rup<,.t.1rn... I ' nnut "'"11,.,-Ill ui. <di ~·1•t~/ul" •!~1u11 u,1 "''"" rtll•'!"' upon ~v~1 y 11 • ,1,,,1,, pla.<:11! It'11 m11 1n Jlgh! lul .,r them, Jn Lull Ani,:eh·11 one ti•· 111 Jo.ltnu"t 1•1·t111n lo! j;:"I !,.· !hank• !" ~ kl!l<I l'r"\'Hl••!lt'" d•'f'"rtno<>rl! [,, llRr"il~• lh<" ~ffl, •~ ••lpfdi1•.J hV r!l)'!I fr'llll C"UlllV 11111" ot lu•·k rt< .. rn:.>1n 7" 111 (() l,TllJo~H ('i\.Llw.. lqli<•>.111 11, pu1 11t·41,,.>1l!t"ll •f wh•_,,..,, l'"l•••\\"n h•11 l.oe"n ~""'i'''"ll<_I ·of!!~ "l'"''"i '"" "'•!h.,u1 Ja il •tll~ 111ul Lhe n••11n a11;n1t 7 p. no, t,, )>(l!t a 1n•n H'll •1t ]II.II K11 1l{ht'" <'MllA >n l!•:>'I :11,., 111 ·i b•<l'h•·.• 1tn<I p1uk11 on lhr r<,I Aroh pteK•'l•I nnoJ Whn~•· h"ll!ll\' h11• "''r"k•'tl<ni;.,UI ll 9ll•!l\AI d<'ft'l111e"I 111" ~11:n.• r·~n•I ~''"f'l\' 1111'1 11•••1ho't'l1 111 JllOI l••t Tiii"•" Lll<\'11 •IUd•"I ''"'""~IOlo: ll!1••tnplj1y n 1•111 ,11'•"!Lolll tJo•••n u1nl1•iHll .on-I ahunotAnl '!1\" !Llll!\1!11( !ti•· "·r1·n•·• \" "'hl<h •lflrk!v "hi"! lii,11 ,(s Th··'wn\<"f "F"r 111.•!11"" bull fqr <lr1111k 1n,1111111'" !;"ri"!1I.~, It n•w 1 .. ind J .. µi•l"U<on nn th•' f·,.1o!l..-r R i· ~1 .. 1~ "r 11, .. 1·.,, .. 11 1 ... 1 .. v •l"1'1"11·l r<""l11~ .,.,,.,,. ··nt1tJ,d l'h•• •~~1111 -11,.~ 1111 ....,1.,1 th>'rll .,fl"n •t 1 .. :0..t .Jnv1n!$ 1,. S;: .• u. l l>1 S!'!ll l•;r I"',. 11.-..~u .. l<• llnnlh •' p11hJ1,· '"ti. .. d r"""'"'lr l'l")''"t pr'11udoll· "111 "" 1 8llet f'~ "hl\1 I If\ l'l.-,,.,·om [lll .. h.-U l"'J H1 Th" ••l,.'111)nh,,n ,,f lnllll) \\•O I••• t\ .!11 \ Nf'Vtr }'QVt' t)1,·1Tl "ll>il••ll 11 r ll h"•ohl\110 hl'\'>·rll~f';I h\"l /ilrlll"il<ln """ prupoatt!~ l.-. Ill• 11'1•! ... ll! itl!li"Uj,;h !O•"l lO•n H!l t\,,. utir\ .. , .; .• 1 tJ\" ,,, ... f"'"l'lr h\ '"'"Lll Pf""~ "l""'''\"111~ .111<! !h•· nuhh l ti .. ui;ht 11nt1l 1h" 11thf'f Ill 11 1n1nur. 11.,y,~v<·r, i i ~ S:.'.">l• l•~Ll ll'f"111"' J!"'"''t'"" l••r UhfL•ll h< y,.,. ~'H I' ••dolil lH· n1ntKlll•·d Ill ll"I !h,.,r ''"I''' Tl"•T '"' ·•~t•uPl1ni.; 111,•!111li.t1°'"' •1 '"'"'' ·11111+•111 J'"' L~•H•·•orl w hr n J ~•un\<'n·•l l11L" (It" f»r ti><:'. ,i.:uy ""'' "''''* 11,,. ~turl Jat1,,n' tJud,i.:•t 1tnd thrro·hy II''"'!,, .-11 ... 'of n"11o11,.1 pr 1d1 l••I•~ •11-11 1111\ln -l 1• .. 1l • SH\'oni.;• l"•t:nn l u KPl•""I 111 ,.11111 11 .,,,,,,. lln•l"r ,. a1,.,n ft'1td1ni.: 1., th•· 1111nnr, S1n1pl" 1t.•••ult rr.-SHIHll "' \ht" llt"no.to lf\ \ho· l"li!.l •llll. 1 111" tll•·•• ~rl r ••·1•111"" rh .. or "" .... ,.,y tl"P"''""'"t 1\11.i 1n ~r•t•· ··v.·1111n11111 11,.11 H</•l•lll ' lljUltNI a SlOO ho"ln•I ~per.:1111 ""II iwun<le•I 1r11'11<I, .. u1:h s .. ,,.,.,,,,., tr•1111 u ,,. 1 .•• ~ ,,,,~,_1,.~ 11111·11v f••• ...,,,.~ ·'"" 1,1 i11 ~1r ••f t h r l•<I 11111.t th.-.r" ~•II ho:"n 11 .. h,n>I 1, ,1 .. ~k •i"'''trf,.c! by h is JJ1or1U"""'n '1' f"•S 11r" .,.1 lly ti•" ll>j • c111J 'to con111u .. , 11.noJ '"l u p-art-a 111 a rln<lt 1,, :0•1< 1.;.,1 1:n~ ,,, w1 1!11'~"~~~ l 1• ~ .. 111(1 ... "h•·llt'\11'1 "n Sii tull""' '"'l\Jt·11011 111 tt~l••r11I 6-tt r.11 11,., ~·arr\·ini;: i'IYer 20oJ lnsur11nc,. 1•001n11.'lll1on. ltN" tl11l on lr~lsl 11l 100 rt-l!itl\'I' t<1 1t1· ,,,n-put s111n~ l'Hlll•nl nn ,1 •p•·• t i~··~· ~8•11r .. r 1• nf'r•!•·,1 1,.,.,,.., """'II .-n11 "I'1n Junr "'·1t h pnun•I" .. ,1• Henri· M un11 o n 10 p4'r of'nt, ph111 '!O h1tnd Un1: 11tru<·Uon of a"'·n1n~•. <1.t111.n.•.• ~1cu1 b11!!1.• v.•h\I .. "!"•'I '"'l"~"I" HAl.\'"<"1:11 1t 111<.t:r ":<U1f'lu~ 111 "X••·~~ .,r J I hllllnn i Jl,.nk • \\il1i ttll•.~ " fo ·llu"' I r"" r.,r 1...,,,.i.., und<'r s.~011 In IC "tl· """'lbt"·ak" 11nd buol·ltn i:~ "~ 111-"'"111 f>"Ur 111 .. n !ht' l>:"''••n"r bf'· T •t 11,.. 11 .. tu,o:hl•.,:ht• "' ,, ""'" l',\TKlllTll' l .t:,\l1f":k:-.lllt' lhPll" I fl•·~··r hfl•P t •l l>l"~l In ""n-t rr11I , t! '4 Ii !<tra1~hl Ill prr ('rnt lachn1rnt1> )u, ur w1 \h1n .~I X l•·~t furl! Jl.l11 rrh ;, lh~ f;,,1, l hol ~rr,.1 ,.,.1111· ,,..,,.~ \\',. ,,,.,,.1 fu,1 h,. .,,.11,..,,,,,1 "''Lh nr•ll•>n ""Ith hll' bu .. 111··~11 l fc•· f!•I h<•ll<la nvo·r S:!IHO. of, t iall.,r (rtl<<'h<»I " ·rf1e 1(11V••ll"r un<louhl•d lv "''Ill .,, 1 .. 1.•1 1u11u1<.ni.; ,1r hll>li:-•·I Lil l• but ,,,1181 ,,,nlinuo• 1 .. run 11 .. nk ,. f••rn1rr U. !', Jl.fstr!11.-. 'H11 1l I• .t .. t•r"""'"1 l1y ,h,. 13ut •1111.ny "'f•r., "l "'Ill''" "" h11l .. •li!ll•ult,· •l••kln,i.: to 11 pol- '*'i'I ,,, t•r'l•Jo•hl 11.t" 1>.d uH·~ bv th<> (;n\•,.rn no ,.nt .,n ,. IHl~ln•·"" 11.n<I lfil<'k t11•nvP r nu"''" at 108 llh \1·111.•11 ,,r ''"""· l"r1111,.,. b \' r11r1· .. pnttllllc" ""'' f>r"b:ll.Jlv "'"Uld hit\• u•y n/ 11·~11 u•1!11i.; tri• IHHIK"t M lt.- tlP , 1 , ! •r.1,. J""' \11t.n; .,f hll~'" 111111 .,,,. , . .,r•ful l"n•t pru-J l<r" lh,. ••nh· bo;i.11 bon•I 11io:cnl!" in 1111>1 v1.,J0·n•1·. ,.urh ..,, '"'"l\llll "1t h llef'n •11•1r" lhurnu>-;hfv C••n•l<l•·r.-.1 ""'"' I<• nun -11•n1r"'"r~1 11 1 !ri;- \"!1\I ... ,11 .,.,,,!! !h~t .-.v,.1 11 ,.,.nr ltJ""' ni .. l l'l•>'I~ 111 ~p.-n•llni.; lhr Sttnla A.nu And th .. v'r ' bu~\' It •h!AJly ...... 11.pou, 11.rlu<!\I rol,)hVl')'j lia tl lht',) b•"ll ht••ui;ht up HI u 111l11 l1<•n. ,.,,.!,. 1.,.1 • "I:'' J 1., .. ,1 .. 1 •• ,, ir,1,. t•:o.JH•\rl,. 1,,.,n,.1 ~,,.,, 1<.llh i:••'l•t 4 11:'">·~ ~ .. rtini.; bu11•"l .,. th,. an·! f1 r~t dri.:r<•e burKl.•r·v r"lf'"r" !111 .. ·ol "" Tl'" 1.,,. ~i:·· ,,, !h" 111-. hlll'on""" "'"""'" ,,,, ,.1 !h•• 1i .. 11.j11 1,,.u11!v K'""·" IJH•f'" h111\ t h><n do rrHl"'" ln !hr •~Vl~i"" lo I"'"' II "''<1 1Hn ol • \''"' .. , lh•· .,.,.,,.,.,. d•·p~1l111.-•n~ Mt •II.AU TO TA LK .,.,,fl" <&.t<'gury. !'"I:"~ 1• ,,,.,,, .. 1 purutl\'•' 11\ll•~ i.:ro·11t P•"l'•••n,11 '"' n11<•'• tu th .. n1· \V1H111n1~ ..... 11.., onlv 1,.,, hHI'!'." l o "~11•T' ltRAf'KF;T Sacramento Sidelignt wh1•h 1,,.,1 '"'l •i•·l"'! thr ''"l'"""l·""lvr~ "'"I th<>•t ''""l11e•. Jt 111u1 talk 11 huHt h111 hu.••n"ll:>. :,;,,,,,.. "' 'Jn th.-"l'"rr ·· br11 r k .. 1 11.r' ~•Ph i.u111 •ii 1,., • ., .. ,~. 11nrl l •u·n111hed l'O~\ f{"''t•'l"I\' \\'il!IUn rnur" lhlln thr th1ni.:11 11•· llfllcl 1110,i.:-ht .-... •on-aa ~•'<••n•! ,1,,i.:rP<' hlori.:l ll•v In•• oncrri\!\'•·.• f,,,. 1·,,,lh hll,.111""" •n•I a n11 11onn 1h dl11.r8 ho 11a•1une thf' p .. r111n l l•I tho~ "'r'l"r "'"'It' ol11y.l ""~"f'"" LlM"d 1 lJK•l 1 hc~k.~ ""J JJr\ $A('l<'''l/_.,,TI), ,,.,,,., i·~ )'I ' ,. " r 111~ 1r 11 tru .. lee "'"r" u~1ni;; 1nd11·1•hh•ll 1., ,.x,01111.i n n·I '''""!" tll.•k .,r r1.1nn1n, l)H• lJ.-(4'1\"'' Oe-1 Mst ~t,.. tlH·y !lll"ht lie t" ,\nH, (100 ly t.11" I" 1111 lll<ll'>ol""I , .... ,.. .. ,,,,.,.,., ''''' 1 " \\ f k I n" " tll.~l n!••Tt l".• l"I' purpn~P~ "lhPr new J••h~ p11rtmrnt. a nd whlle n1a.ny ({.>111· · Und.-r lhe Ulll nr lt1ghtll' 111111111"~ "1"11 l• ""'" f'n~' \n lh .. 1t11te fn11y 1111.''" ll!l llUlll! luo 1h11n d".•11p111T ..rl In the t ru.•l, It l1nn1•'\h11.\••lv art,,r th~ "l!<:Tl•n K no,,,n tatora ahu11t• him. hi! h11~ th,. \\'dh11.rns le11ne<J rorw11r•!, ··1111 the "<'" hour~. \\ha! 111 '' th"l '""''h 1tlrea,I\' 111 privu l•· 111,,..,11 .... , would 1,.. up 1., thr Altnnl,,.,V gen- or lh1t tioll th•·•~ w11 .. " ~r,,111 ··unr1<1ence vf no le1i11 ttu111 80 per riiad.-i.;l~ar t.h11,l onr he.11 t.h~ right lhnu~hls lhflL ~o thri•ui.:h 111~ the 1n1pu,.1t1.A1 r;f a 1..: .. · "''hll·I; ,,ri;_J tu •h·t••ru•I"'' wh!·!h"r >1ctinn 1>xpnn•lo1n r.""" "'lllt·h <"••·ntl'ol t'"l'n! .. r th" ,.fen1b<'r8 ,,f LJ1' H11u11e to trial unflt-r tht <luf! prorefl8 o r mind ? pula il rudher l11 to the f!n11.n <'l11 I """hi he L"k"n "!O:flln"( the trul!- &l}IJl•( lhro•t• 111ol l1n11 rirw )Oh~ fnr l l\l\ll \fl(' St>nAle. The Dl.'fl!n/l.f' Or-t he r ourt11. One l.'J preinuned to bf' "Flr't T want tn grt 111" ch11.r~e lrKn,..ctint16 of prlYrtlr iridovl-It'!'.,.,. not An1l'rlcM1 •'\\1zen~ 1111.i t<'ll•lt<t to p11.rlrnent 11pcr1<!1< tlO p'r 1·,.nt of lnnul"'ent unt il ple11.ding gu<.lty or 1'!.ralght ·· hi' 811id. "Then I a ~k dul!.111 may aeeni lo be IJOllH~"''hlll SO-C-ALLf.:IJ CHARITY 1nete11.J1e lhr l(tn<'tAI pro(fuct lon of 'n11 r entire burl11:et . 11nr1 ""h() l.'I lk>lng convlc ltd. niy9elf what~ M haw. to fl':llr out or llnl'. T h•• p:or t1t·ul11.r Ii."' ,.,1,.)'1,,11 hv "'"ttlth. Tl" l 'rl'll1r1 .. nt fu rt h"r '""'" "hlt-ti• run ll P 0 p11111nent 1·11:-i.· ... T ITl 'T IOSAI. J<l(IHT'fol ir he .:oes to !'nurt~ Ji ow tl!llp<>n -However, rhi" 1.., not the I'll/le th• J""'"lltturi· r.·~u ll .. d 1,,1111.,111 v ~t .. tc•I thA t h,. wi ll ••1~1"t ''" ll b!f.1-Ilk~ thal th><n 11 rnr111 \~lh•• hfl.M ·A 11111.n h11..~ th,. r1i.;ht ln pre-fl\hle 111 he. H""''ll hill <'rPfl •t? In th··· in.•l>uu·,.. uf the ChltT"•!llble frono tlh• 1n••i•.'ll li.;lll•••rlll n,,.,1,. Ir\• I b I l ' lh I ,. ._ HK.~ h" b~n An·•·~T"d ~ Is ht' m,.r-p 1•n<I ln!f'nd,, tu m11.k,. 11 •11.:ht !>'-tic bu8111,11.., 1 rl"" 1 11 1 r!'n "" 1'lllrl'1v l' .. n1-d h I I otOCf ! ucg .. c1r "nun1ni;: year m•.,I! 11 ~urc"lll! or,,,.,,,. . ., ic 1i;11.n-!'"rr hill dl!f'"""'" htl•" Ile hall been l ,,. ,1 11 •. 1... urpo!<f'll A<I uf 19~,:" which wllA tn 1n.-l funds <'•l1<hl!!<h,.,t ,,..,,,, ch11ri:•"I w oth 11. l'r1to" Thill riJ;:hl P""Y l<st"/11 ,. • ., a r<'n"t to ·™' thr 11 U)ll•d I !ll" e1:1~ature 111.111 pt oo•""'I~ llf ll'J-l'lillo•d <'hllrl!y day• •luc t\on In 0111 11"t1nnnl d• bt Ii" I fe<>I Ult-F:111enhow Pr A •l11,1n1~-I/II , 11,rrlf'(I 111 tht" f"•lrr11l ""ns11tu-jUdf:I! ~d wc don't .. ·1tnt to lll' .. ~'<'•r ><not "'hl''h 11.·,.nt ln1n t'frect .11.t th.-rHre tr11r k11 Et l<.'IUI c!is- 1 ;~~~~~~ th11t th!11 "houl•l 1r11.pon h11.a brou11:h t • "'"hn..i: nr rlnn 11 n1! brought on clO"''n into I \\'!IU11.ml! llnd the Surrty ~·,·rll· J11n, I. 1·ov,.r">i during the probf'. whl<'h 11nnthPr Rl'n!'r•I re-ronfldenc" ~nrl lnt,l(Ti!\" t" t~ll' th•• Rtlit" .""n11Utut1on . pRny hll''• hlld to forfl•lt hnnit.'l :rh~ nt"'' a11 requ11·<>>1 tn1.qlel!.'I "'""" .-.. nduf'to:'•I hy tll" allurn;y lol urtlnn In IA><•'·• II I!' i;Jll(if,)llljt (;nv<'rnm,.nt lh!\t h>t!' n"I .-(1.~l•••t • ~,, 101111,.r n1e•n1n u lol <lcllVl!t Of C/1111"111\hlf• lrU.•tR )(, ft"•!.•ll't ••t'n••raJ, l'•l l"e , •.. , .. lo,•I "''•I'• ... ·- . ... "''hen \hi" 1terrndl\nt "klp""d .... 1. " ... " " .... r l•1 lln1t thsl 11 bou l ;:, per cent or f11r m11.ny ''l!llTll F.:very "''"'' h11.• in the f "rf'nch, w' act _to guaran-but nnt too .,ft,.n. lie 11 ~·;, hn"''-th" trust "''ot i'I lhe attnrn.-.y-grn-finite l.nfonnru1un on !he lrullt.8, lhf' P'o plr in lh1.• l'onntry lll'(!et' be,.n n1st<le tu .-.hnlln1<!r )J"Mo<l!' nr tee !h•t 11. def~nd11nt wtll bf! ptel'-ev"r, i.:nn ~ 119 f~r 11.., O kl11.honu1. 10 <'r~I !ln.t RI~<· rr•"!'llTl'!' lln ~nnu111 no knuwlr clg" Qf how funds 8"l I "''H h that pr"P"""I f<•t 1r "''~ 1'11.n · rrl"'" 11nd ln .. 111nin11l t-'In --.~ hAt -""' 11.1 lhe lime tor tr\111. return 8 dl'f,n'111.nt y,•hn ntn nut. report lo thr 11.llomey gt-11era.J up for •P""-•fu· purpnae" w~ni ~· no t l>f'itln '" P"Y .. (f ••ur p,bt" In rf'll bf'tw""" 11.n11 a n1ong ()U r cilt-··Bail m11y bf' u111de in 11.ny onf' run<·f'rn1n" lh~ 11.tlm1n1st~atfun of ini;i .\IJ>f'fll. <>r "'h l'.lh~i· th' p u r· , 1• tlu•• o r hlJ:h 111"l'P~t1l.I' "''" "''tJJ :r:en". IL 11 ...... ndl!llv.:tn•d lo 111·11-or live d!ffrr,.nt 11.·ay,.· I by One thing •bout \\"!lll&•n!I' bn.'ll· thr -ln.t.~t. pooi~ nr 1he t rlllll "'rre l"J.f'ing c11.r· •n1"ll' ,.,.11 1•''~" 1n r n1 ttf 1 .. ,.,. 1 , I I d ' n<>-"3. st!lte llnf'11 fir,. no l)Mrn ;•r • ,. fl ' ,. mu g11 I" 1"11n I< en1:" an rr~prc !llt'dgin~ ff"Rl J?f<'}'"rtY by the di!· LAllflE S I"""' Mr•I •lll\. I ' J ,. ··· ..., '"I c o;i.n g<> l·leM r In l\"f'w York t" pro~prri ,y l nr our rl•Uo,,..·n1an. Tv 111e Lhtae fl'.n1\11.n1 . 1""=-hv r11Mh : .1 -by A tturnPy G.>no;.ra1 &.ln1un.J G. Thu.i, 11 C'oulrl not bf: <1ef•n•lf'ly 1'110.\111-if: K t:l"'T th111x:ll .. utw1>111h "'""·'' ••f lh•• I""" .•un•tv bon•I 11.'J!lllMTl<'e nf " p(>IH ·r bring b11.i·k 8 plaln drunk, If l Bro~ "'h" 1nslig11ted thf' Iii"'·· dl'.l<'nnonl'd "''hr!her th~ pooplo 1:hno.<1e,'" \Vlll111nl.'J .. mph8'11z,.,1 I! IA 1111 rr;.~l1n.: t .. '"'"I! th11,! P"""I~ "' tll<" ,.Adn11n1~t r•\l1"n l0 llnllt"•1 to,. ~P<'<'lflC JHH'l"•"C fl.II \/ Afl"r A !rlal ll(llrt.'J !hi' bBll t~ pn1n nut that therl'!' nl11.y hr w,,!J uf thl' "lllt~ WPtl' bl'in~ fltte,.rJ rhr 1·,,.~,.i .. n, l""'"''"'d \,, )),.lall•,. wh wh I ""' "PP•'~"d n1,.ku1;: 111.-11ell'n•lf<nl ,. pnnr 1pal n•• 1,,111<:,,r in ,.,,,.,., "V•'r billion d()IJ111;. 111·1 1 ''P in or n"l lh•• ""''l<"t 1n h1~ •11.lllplliJ:n nf \ l.lll"AI, \ISITOH:-0 Rn ·! \hi" ••di!! th,. l1•·n··f1 l'lil.rv An d i Tt 1 f n f ("r•hf,,,·111 R in ~"-t'llll•·•I •"ll Hrll "hl•• fln 111•• 1h•"1rv ThH ! l•!h<'1 Tru!'\fl I ~ hi . io· ,. .... l'UTIJofl~I' ~""1"1: \J'Ulll!<, f1'l\'11tPI\' ''1"'1'11 lt'<t. A J, f!X l-'lt<'d, 11 nd '"'' ,11 ...... ,, 11!~2 ~111 /l\' llHl Ul(tll LI ('1)1,111 tlf'. l 'll!lll):. l.h•' H"l"T'!I~ "" ....... (' n IJ{I'.". 1 UI a r.•1'<.>):Tlll'.!llll't' lh"l t\ {l('f•'tHlltnl. j.;Ptll Oul •in hAll v • ...... •Inn~ In lhl' r1r.oit 'rA t. h•"'.l...r~·~·t t .. hn\"<' lhr full'1Wlf\)( l lhl' p!l'rl~r l>y !hi' dr.fendant 11 r-1 1..,"" he '""n adrlj!lltl4,1\' !ll•'PlH"P though t!1" "><!l.ct f!l:Hre •~ nul q 1,.,1" Rh<olll•! 1,,. ii. .,,,l(l"I of rr •• 1·1111 1hal. "'""' .'Ir· n ... 11,:e ... ~1 n ,,,. fru•n th.-. 01~tr1rt . Ai.,:11.-.,. ><ll.v thnt "" w ill Appe11.r 111 1 th"1 hill ,.,.,.,._ tal~e care ot hi.A bu~lr>!'.'J.~ known 1:11 th" prciw.n~ t11n0:'. •I 11rd. Browo 1<.~k .. •! rnr t he f!llng1J l•,'1"<'11"•1 ~· ftudl:I'! Dltf'rt"r ancl R Ct1 ... n11 , B11.lbnst , Rsty \'. ("opl'· rnurt d"'-"'KTI"ll"d tLITI\' ,.o•I p Hl'I'. !Ille! fnrn ili· 111 1111,.,.,, '*''111 bl' )';nown Ill liO dll..\'8 wh1•n l'@l:Ul/l.tlOn• '" <'llstlllf' 1he lllalo },~,ll urnphn·.•· w11.~ •hflll<"!l .,..,:'l,.c-hn. N.-wpor! H1·11r n . D It ,.,,._ iinrl !'.I "'rlltrn rr<>nJ;:"nizan<>•' J AIL l'H(K'f':Ul 'llV. th,, tr·uA1." ""i:'llft"r 11 "il 1t .. c li11'" to d<'tcm1fne If lhr wl .. he11 or th•i .-~ ry "' th•' T1<'.111111v lt!"Y rnrn<' ('!ur,. ll.1>d r1"11dy f"n,!A ,\1ei<!I . !'11.n1.-. "" n ral 0111.v tt1 e rlf'fend,.nt \\"d llBtn~ ro>nl!l rk<'<l , 'If ''"" lh" •muun1 w1fh \hi' 11lturn.-..1• Or l~inalOl'lf i•f ll trHAt W'"fe beln( Ln \'>•.~hon)(1"n pr n•1 I" t h" t un.-,F J (""l".l''"it\<!, l,11 ,i.:u1111 Ho>111 h wn!f'!' hi.~ pll!il~e W•'•" 1,,,.,k,•d ontn 1,.,1 \o•nl>:"lil . l:<'!ll'rlll'R vlf1"'' C81"rl"<i nut it,., ! t•:•~""t.""''' 1\d1n1111•lr111"n $uu r th•· h••i.:1111nn1o: ,,r ttu.~ Sr!< ··1t.•1n1·n•b•·r 11. batl h"n'I ):\•Ar -, . .,,, ,..,,,J ld h,. fllll:"l"flr•nl••,I 11.n•t Th<>•.-i~. l•I ' ,-.. 11r~0·. n .. 1·.-;:11lr1-.,LF': Tlt l "~T f"()f'\' ' • ' I ' " ' o I• h ·1 l'<O 10" I • ''''''"' 00' 'hlo• •ol ••o• '"'"'' lo"" IJ~· lll<' NI><\!' ll S t" hnw "''"" UOd"o o·"R"l•<O"OI• loo ,,.I,,•, ''"~ ""''' II '''' "r '' 11•.,U ~lll ·"''' 1' '1'' ''' ·'' '1 ·'""l"'' r ,.,, "' ' n111,i::i,:"d l \'"!lr l•lf•lurr tMk••n) a• · ~ ~ "' II· \l1o·ru .. rl\'1>~ with lh• 11~1nl 11:111-llf'11 •h 11!upp"d by th,."""'" nnl.\' that the dl!ff'ndant will t he !KW prul'1<ll'.~. y,,11 the•i would li·u~! "'""'"-" 11hall h<" llp•·nt Th i~ every truatee mU8t Ille within 11.ppcar In court nn lime " bf> l'"nn•ll,.d 10 l'"t 11 11 bll•I ror dl!f!'.•~n11t 1on 111 111c luded ln l hi! ~1x nu1nth11 11ft;r 11ny part or prln· ----------------------------------! C,.,.._,_, 11.,.11,~ lern111 Of lhP trust. snrt lhl': l11"'' I ci11lr ur lnt .. re,.t 18 11uthool-•" lo" "·'""'" . r...., .... )'""f r,.J,.1111e . U }'!•U ,·.,nu• 1n un-~" ' G R t 0 • • Thf' b•ilbond11n111n PXpllllnf'tl lh·r !h•' romrnou hail !'l"hl!dulf' Wlllt 11.dopte<t .nn ti'" thpnry U11.1t •·hantllbl•• IJUrpolM'•, 11 copy of th• rass 00 s p1n1on hond Ill II ve,.ted righl In all ca:se~ 11nU wi•ren't 111111.-r thr infh1P.n•'" tt lfl the oblll':llLlon of the 11.ttor-1 tru .. t Lo11trument, 11.nd then ll\I" ,.1u ·f'pl rh11rge8 an\•<>lvini.: cR)Htal 01 ,..,1'11 .. 1,,rr., ,.f lnlnXll'.~llnt nr ""Y i t'n,ral tu know whether the nu1llly, •htttl fllr under 011.lh, wri.l- ---------------------------------l l'un1,.hm..,n1 Then 11 ·,. up to the sllniuJant. II in thr IHllPr .-onr!i -lenn" ot Jh,. t•·u8t 11.r" bain1o: Cllr· ten rf'Jl'-f'I" """""rnln1o: the U•etll KETCl-IIK/'.N. ALASKt\. DAILY N EWS · ··The p~tcrnalistic RIJ.itud{' exercised by the Civil A <'ro nautics 13oard (CARI 1.vrr commen:ial airlint'S iM more oftf'n a handica p thRn u b...·nefit Tkie (."AH arb 1Lrardy dec1dt'M v.·hat roulcs ;urlinl'~ must run and 1.0.'hat t•1 tn - pa11it•s may operate. 1'o our way of thinking _ .. airlinf'!< ~h could have the same right as othro r e11nl'l'tnB to operate where thE>y plc11sed as Jon~ a.8 th(•y main· tained Aafcty sta ndards lie! by. thr CAB." court to der111e If the deff'nd11nl lion, 8 ··r""llni.: off" p+•rtnd t11 put rted out. held fo<" cb.&1·1tabt.• purp.IM'~. &nd 18 to be stJm!tt~cl to bRi l, tL<:l'<l rd-inl'• err.., t. The law 1111tr11 bac k In hi11tory •llOO for acln1ln1111r .. Uon uf th11~e lo old En1o:l1~h J11w, when an "•t· Mffts. tot'ney ror !he J>ftlple'" w a11 on-111~ lo \\'lllillln•. TI1e only t1rn .. 11. jud,Re 1ntty ln- q111r" 1n !o 1he pe1· .. nr~I ba<·k· l(r<ounol "' !hf' d,.fcrl<tAnt b<:'ful"\" 1n11.l •a to Mltl~ the l11.<n1e uf btf,1] That 1n4uiry rnu!I be washed rlrttn wh"n trial bl'l\iM. "~'otk'a onen 1111k me.' W1 1ii1'.m~ w,.nt on. '"how mu1•h i" my b!lil •·· F""" art" !let by ln.'JUnl.nCt <>ntn- m iR.'l(nn 1n Ca.Urorn1a. All a,Rrnl.IO If y .. u v.'ere un11.hle In pul 1111 tht' 11••• l',..IU )" r><"h ln nlt'•'t lh~ bJU I l"l'<jUir-nll.'nt-"> )"(lU "'"nUld be 11lin .. -,.,1 t!I 1'1111 11. bail bond~man. ~n•lt!'I . Tho.• attomey through th.-.'"""'"·"• h11 ." l'ome hi bf' kno"'·n on th i~ coun try air 'th,. 11.ttornt-y i.:eneral, lin•t h•K obHg11 lion 1• to 11ee tha.t the 11111.·111 tu1 they affect lhe f>l!"'pl ... 11r .. 1·11.rned ouL !!) lllr ev .. nt of non -•·1\fT\pll· ance wilh lht-lttw, th• 11.tlnmey K~enil fill \' 1n11l.JlUtf' leri:•I ,., .• tlon ag•h1.>1l thr tnattt,; AlllU, "'Ii '"X••mpte[I l'lll ,.~lfllll• Uona 111011! ff'l(llllt'~ with lhe Ill• torney .1tenf'r11J -'~ Wm~-- ---------------------------------lwhl(:h hllnclle h11ct prOff'11~\on11lly "Re I UNf)if'IOJUll if ll llV offll'L!'r ""'r trie• l u •1<-e1· ~·ou k> Hny !pO'tlflc bnnt1.•m11n." '\"llllllrn~ d& cl11n.,J. "lt'11 pi u vf'r to otf1c1'r!!I •Jr jAllP111 lo p rt-."<ell( ll•f' r!,.rcnd11nt y,·it h a ll!!!t o f b11Hbondllfl1"n 11nl1 ll't hin1 ch<1011c one. A ph•inr l"&ll will tw ~rn1111l~ l n1ru the )11.11 to thr bo11t111m .. n" do I ha:~. to IC" out. 1.f t rlt1n 't I courllf!, I• In corn~Uon wtth traf-' "1 told hlm no. It WM#' hltt rl,i.:ht Any per90fl who h&.1 been ad- ~re Herne~.• of lht-C'Hn1mi11~lnn, %!1 1 B&lbt\11. llh·ll~ !lrlf':.\\'l"C>RT BPlAC.,I, CALlY. f'hon .. llarflClr 161«1 Q11aUn"'1 '" 1·nhll1&h 1,..c•I N"ltt·N altd AdvrrtJ"e-•• o;-AUK1 .... 1• I Ry ~ff'<• nf th,. S·il"'rli>r ('nurl nf ().-UC"" C'o. l.n A"Uon P.:n. A-1179'2 --------------------------------- Farmer McCabe Writes ... 11.nd cveryHung ~e •lo 111 for pro t,.clirin p f Lhe ~1'uJt''I." Th" nffll'rl Pl \V11l l11n1• lh" ,n1t •P ll"lrkly •P p nJ11\bl e, 1111 hHl !),.nvf'r, who bou.1tht uut E n"" l'N k~ •int H11nta A na man fOt' to dr<'lde. I 'm glad to h,a.r yn u 1T1ltted to b111I h1111 a nl!W "J&ller." llllY that." he .,.id. "Th111 ill the In th• J•ll hr .. In actual cu•tody. flr11t peace I've h11.d In ~J yc11.r11 Out of Jall he I• ln (uatody n! ()f marrl~ Ute. ~I J 11.·Mnt..•I 10 \\'1l!1am• or In cu•tody of Iha do w•• have • c:oople o r i,.. .. ra Surety Bond Slcne-r•. Mtmbrr ('allfnmla Sr11•paJM'r Pubfl.tl~" A"90C'lallun ;\lf'mho.r )liallnn-.1 l:<lllorial Aa..,,..lallnt1 MMnh-r 1)f ()._...,. ('nnnly s .. -~rvt...,. Al:N RE'OOICK. PUBL.ISAER \\•rt..LIA~t A MO~F.S, E<lil•·r ORMOND CHARL.Dl A E ROUJiilTREi: A \lvt-rtl•ini Dlrt-f'h •1 AH:)Ut'flt<)N\., M.-c::hanl"'I ~111-t111-ntl-Mll • S1T~KIPTiflN KATE8: f · N"wpott ti..,..,."' Nr"'· ... 1·~ 'tri·~· .... •11 fa 0..-p t'.>--tY.! fl.M ,.... ,,_.-: $1 ... ~ -.: fl M t~ 0.1.-. -' 0.-19 ~ .., .... ,_ ,_ • Went around the village wishing some of my fncnda a Happy Nev.• Year,~ M~t ot em \l/UZ so bleery- eyed they didn't seem to git ttre hang of "''hat I was a&ying, A few wuz so sle<>µy I gu£'Sfi they didn't realize tbey wuz weanng Ice Sage f er hats. rm sure that n one or e m drink cause thf>y'l'f' all regular church ~·J­ ing f olke . . . )t'l!t st 11 y1 ng up le tP me de em l0<1k I hut way nr. doubt. ., Fa.rmr-.~M.ct.:a be la.II rt&' ... .-an"ed) \\',.bh, "r" npt-n 21 h"HfA 11 d><y I u1~l11nrf· Prv .. n dA y• • w<> .. k ·I wu 11-...·:.ke.ncd at 2 a. m . "I <lnn't lh!nk ()Ur fnlm<l•nK ""'" d")" 1111<\ ~·ear tJy a '*''Om,.n," '•lhf'f "'"'' ta.lk•n i;: alll'lut It ~0-\V1lh11rn11 111fllli!'d. "Hhr Nll1 her h .. ur w,..,.k w hen th' ""' 1111 our hu!lb11.nJ \VIJ 1n jllll nn a drunk ••11hlA.·· IA"1lll-.n1" "-r1 ... 1 (11''1 \I)' •h•rJ(f' Y.'h1>n I !U'UJr1 ... 1 ''"'"'"If ( l Kll'f:RATl\'J: Jl 'IK•t:l'I I ,.,.,., vth!nJo: v,, 11J In "rd• r 1 1<n1.- , \\'"''"luck y 1n Or11111( .. C'<1unt v l<1""'" '" 11'1" "''"" \\",, h11v .. JUdl{f'A v,,·h,. "'" ~\ I "'''" t11llf•n~ ""'''11111. "''"' ,,.,.,,, .. 11. ••>t•P"'r•llv•. Juol1>:•· It"" ,,, , 111 •. ,A•I r-1,,.,,. I .. ~ " .,, .. ,, T'lf111\ 11n•I J1uliff' Hflv.• .. HI ("1111" •1•1>o·Ann1: n1111 1n 111411 ;"4,,. I ~·Int 11n 111non•e Silnt• Aw> •11•1 _,,..,, t>• 1.i.! 1nl,,•11 at ... 1 I ~•pl~un· Full•rlon Anllh•lm M11ru~1ra L 1 -'.I why 1 "'f •• tnrr'I'. lie •Mt11<I &11d watch or hear bu11 lnl(" on Fri-'VHUama protect. hLmaelr bf •1•y nl!Jht.., but ahe ~!tin'\ W9nl obl.!\.lnlf\£: algnaturca of frttnds or rn• lo." j r,.J,.!IV1"1 or employe-r• often JfOW ~!lfJI!: PT.l.T ttn>f'll 1n wrltln~ of a bond. Ha The wife "'"9 enre.g"'ll "'"h"n I ,·11n l'll\I on th" rlf'tendllnt baek· 1nrom• .. d h.-r hu~bltnd l'hull" J.tool • r ~ tn "''k" 111;1>0<"! nn th• bunl1 1n prf'IPrf'rH , \(; thrlr h•·..........:..__ 11n1· !•n1.. h• l><'rtna tn r .... 1 ~"' .,,. .. s>•r ••lll 1n 111 know~ 1 "'.,t!t"k)' 1h"t ""\" '"'"""""" '""'"111 hi•• nt-~'""r ) .. 11111 .. rn...-k ..... t..11 r~.-~ \\ 1Jl1a,.., •• i. .. 10 .... 1. H .. ,,.,...,...,., h1A pl,.ruur" """' \h'" fa<>t "•JlLll+nl'll that ,h,. m•jorlly ••f 111•1 R•lna\,J ('to<1k.l1ar1k l'lu t>M!n auto inMJnonr• l'l>mpenl"• 1..w-h•d•f llJ>llo"llntl'd n•w fu•l11;• f<>r lh• ... u • ';. a (lllu,.. t" lhAt t'l[\'("l. Tt11J1, n l 111• q•*I ••llU1 h"'' ' . . PLAN FOR M . .\Sf)NIC TEMPLE DL'iNEH -Among Lhe 33 couples '•'•ho already ha\·£> nlade re~·rvalions for the $1UU a coupla. dinner to be held Jan. 26 al the Ne.,.,·port Harbur Yacht Club to raise t unW fur new lla.9'0nu· temple at 15th St and St_ AnJrew~ Place are, (I to r I Heinz Ka1i;cr, .\1n>. i-i:au;cr , l.I~. C'harle11 TeWinkle, seated, Te\Yinkle, Ralph P. ~l as.key, president of lhe Seafanng ~1asunic.Bulld1ng r\ssoc1at1on. ,\Ire. U:·Roy Anderson, BE.'ated. ~!rf!. ~1 11.skPy and And<"rs(•n 0 \\I. Dick R1chani "111 be 1na..,,lcr of l'Cl"t!ffiOIHf's -l~t..'C knrr Ph11tu HARBOR HI LITES Masonic Lodge to Hold ___ n.r_"_"'"c_·· c_""-'"B-EL.l_. ---!Fund-raising Dinner lfere This wef'kend the Tars engagc·d in a number (Jf at:t1v1- t1es, varying from t he college entra11cr-L·xan1111atH1n tu Jo10mc fabulous p~rtics. I The h ome of J1n1 Taylor wa~ the scrnt.' of one uf lhcsc I parties. Denny l-11.'ntJ(·rsun and ••erle fl ulland, Tun1 :-."1quctte !l r"J Jut!v 811n•I.,, l't•I•· ~•hylhi'r);\11 1"·t.y• ,.,.,,11, .. .j •I ,,.·•ini: l1k .. 11.n°1 TIH•'"" Jht ,~. J .« K !'nl!l h , nol .r•n' Jan. 26 Set for SI 00 a Couple Affair to Gather Holf, Remainin9 Temple Cash \\ •llT .. n1v th.-fu11 .•h1n>C 1.,1,. h•·•th,. n""'' t••mpJ.· 1• bt••ni: h111!.-f\ 11~ t t ttu11111ni.: lrJ lw "'"11• 1,,•(or•• Un• '""' .. r th" tln•·~l ~1 11.,••fl\, ~ .. !~(' "'"' 11.,._,,,nl" l,.n1pi<• ~l 1;.1n 1'1 1.u.1.!oi ri,;., l<> !1 "." 1,,.,,n • ,,., ""d 111 .. n.i ~l An<l lot\lil 1·1 ... ., t'hll II<' .... 1"> .... 1h .. 1n ('~l·t· Ill.II ,., ,,., ••. nt 11 !\'1 J•"1v l~i•h t.nrl Jill• Ill\•! .~11'.·I S11turr111.v nll!'h! ti"' i'l:PJVI Hnu"" llndll Cl,.mnion• t.ll "'nJ"l't•I l.ll· fn•1 n'1 ~,.v;•r11.! nl lhr H11rbt.lr i;:1rl~ ··up.~· I. Uol h ·11.~ .. r 1:1 .. i. •. ,,, '"h 1· .. '1-•. "' ' ., '.!I ti J( t' ~'··~k·'Y l"JlllTJI:' to '>"ITI•' lln .. jlU>,.:•P!\llll•' J:l>l:ltl'lg l\f.I Ill r• ~.11J •llU-;1ni: ~l w" '' t1.1>l•l.ng "'""'ll,t\l••n thl~ \'.h•I< I\ 1~' f.r\I I" I ti_,. l"r11plt' ;11.z;z 1<n1t •·lltl">: ."1r1, Ta)·lo·r·, '1" ,. , ·•:otU••IP n l'.1 . .,, 1h .. 1r rill nf ''""·le 11.1'. l'""nu•K ,,,,. . .i "' h 1,. "'II ti.: \'.1l11•·•! "' Jill""' $1~.i Ml hrPJl.l!!. llume nit.de r1t ke11 nno.I p!:U..t wt'rf' Lat:ra) \,(J0.!~"11. Judy "•I 11 1.111,."""'Pl\a f 1 ., iu"..i r ... ~-1 ·,.~h , . .,nznriut lo>ii~ 1,,.,,. ,.0111 ,. ro•k"" \'<.lr·n~n ll•at:1rr J.••l!l\f' Jilin,,.. 11p,.-,., to .. l1•·ld J"" ~"' 111 1:.,111 11 .. nu•u.h·r~ •I :-; .. ,f,1r1ng Tt.!f A11 Wt>0<1 thn·w op"n h1•111111111 :'\'110•·1 f';orn1•M!1 f)111n11 ·"' •; .. o1t lln•••ur \ ,.1.1 t•luh 1 .. ,.1i,:,· •lld lh<· Jl"r lo•1· ~I.it <h:ip· .:,-,. t• r .. r " p . .rty :-;,,'·" !1v n h1 II :!111.111 t>.,,,,., J •·• ,, ... 1 ('n,1.. It .... 1 I' ;.: .. ,,.•.\ 1.,,.,.,,1.,,~ .. r \•·r to! :n<· •Jr·~"' , 1 ,,,,. J:i•~t "tn 11 L•· l/.tvlni; 11 K"'M ' t1n1" in Th .. Ii: r•i: 1\H,...~ •!inn··-1'1•\ rl ''l'D' llh•· r ... ,, 1n.: , '" .1 1111;. •111• .·:.or ,\J, · "' Lhe !1t,.,1 .,n th•· At1 ,,.•.n<1~ ..... 11 rqu1pp• .. 1 plA\PK•ftl NI I" ll" .. ,\\ .. ,,,. Tl: .. Mlt .. \\l.•·1· •d ! ,, ' "'''"'} l.1>!1'•·1111J!" t .. 1~ bt-O'fl tl"nl' b_y lht --·~re T•f 11nd Glem<IA Qli .... n. 'hr 'R M k And flt'!ll j{ .. , ........ \\'/I, h~rn '.1 ! IPI I'· ll• .1 H r .. 11,,1 .. ,, 'rnh .. ,, "' t' .. · ~'"~"'"' Ind;: .. 1 ;~urg• Srhu1tt An'1 Ja0 k1r l\'A\ p!H<1ni: •lll':,.•t" ·I l·'"l) ... , ... ,,,.j "I' '"hl!'Aii!v_ ~l~kl«•; ~\.J\.•I T h" .~.,n. \'an l'v111er11v !Ind JIH!\ K ii HA~li.ETl\Al.I . HOl .... 11': P'••'lrl''·' ••• 1,11 , .,,1,., l•1 ~\!>'lld lul1lo]I;.;.: h"~ b<· n unJor •<.tlll>\l U•· ""' ()11v,.. l'elll ••1°! 1.1ndfl·\'.a1n"1 :\'••:ti fo'ridA\' n ii:hl lllr ,.,.,1,, .. ~ ll1<· fun., "''Ill'"'' •r•I Ill 111•(1111 t•t•n [.•! ol""J! 1"• '"'"'U1,. It 13 N'obtl \\'11rnin1 .tnd !Jn .... Otl'r-1 • t h'" hr~' "I: Mn<'! ';)' .1!1ni,: l!l.J.<• l•·••ll•••! ,,fl i.:••·nn.1 i. .. 1 ... ,.,1 i., the , . , "'" plll•!ll J( "" " <111.IK'" All I-til t" Jn ':. Etl<lw !'<>["' 81!1 bu<' ~t {\ult boor "tud'l'll'll ~···•IT\'.\•·,) 1 , H\t»n•! 11• lo\ In Tl• ln11lol1111: rtll•I "·'~ ',,_ oq;,;.ou17.I< 1"11 l,1 )-.Hl l \\' Sl,1nh•y S1,..ve \\',.lrher and Un:nJ>< ll111 n: I\ \\'di h" h··I ! '" t!H' S·r •I Hiii! ('t".• 11111 h•• ""'d I"' Ill" '"KIT\ :d \)I•' r~l" •·1 SI ,, \'1·1f n~•·r 11. ,. .. H uv••rcl ~t1 l•.h"!I an l Ju,\r;n· !IOd i:ul~ f;Y"' n!to•i t.u· j;,,~K,.t -l•h,. lullJ;" 1•l.n1 1.-,,, )""r I"''' d Su~•8· R od Zwoibellb 1111'1, T,, ny ,hAll l('UnP \\'l!h Csr"P:l r;r'"". 1;Jt'11A/'[I Tll t'.\ff'f:I': \l .\./IJH l'l!()Jt~l'TS Sn0v.·d"'11 Dirk l'"r v All• 'e"-,,. .. ' ,· Cb ,· K,-t" Rnrt l l t !!< appn1pna.tel_v n11n1e.! the 0 '!)irk f{;.·h1r.1 Wiii hf' T}.,• ua)"' l"")'''I; lf'lllt1ln1ni,: ""' Pf rrm11.nn. ur "' " " • b ' 1· ' ' ' ' ' ' B di T ) n r:>lol!lil,.I Al ·«l<!lt't' A!! <1 IH ""'" rrTll.'IPt '' •'<'l<'1Ho•n'·• Hl l1r '"n · tu,., '"'"l'•"i.J b~r .. 1·• 1h .. l"/ll• K1<thy Snow. u 'y ' \ulTlJUl(J !o'l r l{l,ht.Pr 1:nPrlc .. "l'lol, . r 1rn·· ITf'r , Mn."K"V ~t.11• ·I 1;,-.•rrv1J1.l"n~ plP '11/1 11 .. " ,,,] rur ,., .... ,,,,. Jllf"'\• CArl B""'"'ron. Rn•l \\ 11."''" .ll'r· I ,. f•J th(' l~a~l<f'I J~ull 1loun1 •'. JLJ.•I tnr th!' ~rlRlr 8t'P ""'"" t:tlcen 11t 11\~I' 11n· Ill<' 111~1.,JIH l l••tl uf ht'Hl · ry S a1n11el. R nn Tht.trn, ()"n" Huh· tlrlbbl<• in v.•lth your rhll••' MM.'ll<rv'i1 1•fflC'+" :1111 NP11·port•1ng 11n,1 v<•nl 1lHl•n1< ,;yn!etl•i'I. \ht' b11.rd. Brurt' Knott. Ch11tlle Br rry I d d M!k J h blvd. e<trpt'\. an.t a ppm11:1n1ately 100 a ·aig \\'arrlel an " n n · Th" """' 1~n1pl" ,~ "l"l'"C't"f! to , h1ur.• :\IA.·k".' ""Id hi' bi•l1e\'o'd aun. DEA.Y H NOTiCE I)(' rn1 rl•"•"I lli'llh,n !W•• nionth!< l hR I tu:i.J.• :•lt ••;••l.1 ~tnr1+"ol rr.r· ('01.1.t:OE t:XA~!il An! w ho•a I! ,~ n·~ 1-. 11 11i·.ll ~f'rVP tt1"~" l""J~' l.• lli•nll 1 t•o1,11 rlu~+' Saturdoy mnrnlng, 8.~I) n·,.1."rk 1 JOSEl'll JJEl.l -l'.C olll 11~ u, .. 111ef't11a: !;'"" r"r tr ... s~n-1., $Ji1"'" "''"n tlL •'Y nr .. 11ever1l hundrf:<l H1~h !hh.,,•I s .. 11-1 Jn~··ph n.. Loq::io. 1,.1., ,,f 6111 ranni: M1111••nir ln.,1:•• 111!' H11rti"r f1n1,.hed 1nr1 from all nver l)r•nKP l.'n•1nlY1 Alrl'"llll i 'I••'" l"l:'lli'f'OTt H•ac h ~t"r chnr ~"I ,,f Iii•''" .rr r.f !hf' 'J'h" •IHllH'r a t :""W!J••ft llaJb<>r l!ltood on the S11nta Aha Collr i;e hu~hlln'l or 1 r"'ula r ... l.'lrQ'in, Ea11tcrn St:or th•· c•n.~1,, "'"~" Ya• ht ('f ,h J.111 ~fi 1 .r h11lf th" campu~ 1n fron t of room 300. A I talhM" of Janln"'. Kll rrn Hn~P-1 B<!lh"'r of Joh.• <lll11j::hl••r, nn>I Ui " tt•nu,1111nl( fund1< """"l•·.t. 11 ~II"'' ntrvou8 buzz w•nt through th!' ma iv. JnsJ>ph Jr 11 n,I r ianl"I 11, UrAnJ:" (_:n1111l rh11pt"r (,f lh" Or-~·utl nil( fun•! n•1w 1n "~'"''"' an<t rrawd. There w .. aruilety on a ll Lur~1,,, bruthf't of Alary l'o!l.•bilP dt'1· o t [lt;\1 >•k \' C..-1 !'.;11 oth'r a third funoJ b('1ng -r .. llt·•l•"t by flll'"'• and a t"'nll<!nea11 pennet.tf!'d I :"lichola.~. 1111 n1,.1 an<1 RiH·,·u 0 , I '""l,.rnal J:rnur" hit\'" ln<llc11t.••I C n . ~!<>nil', r .... •·nlly 1n~t!l1Jr1 1 a~ the air. Suddenly Uie dnor lo j 1.urwlo R"rll•Llon or '"" Jt-•,llry l!lfl lntl'rf'lll in u11!ni,: th .. 1.lulldin,.: Junit:tr \\'IH tl••n uf St".1fa11ni: IU<Ji:t. rc>om 3CJD open...cl and all wa e 1.,11,.. Ill 8 p m. Tuf's•;"" in Utt..,r·l for rnertllli,:l!o . !for th"' •hau~. "di ··nable Uie qull!l. f" i\lch:•nlf'y :\lortuotrv C.l••n<IAle: R "· A fttr univ twn pubh1· op..,n1ng~ ll'mple tn b" tf'8•ly r.,r u11e 1n _ T]1e 1entl,n:!•n 111 thl' •lnor, tolrl quipn1 nia1111 w 11.~ 11,.tu 11 t 1u a. n•. -,~\_:'fl tnonth.•. M•U1kry Nlatc<I. the irroup to come !n 11 nd ln l'lll tnt\11.y from Holy Famllv Church T h s t M • down. One by o n"' "''e f!lffi Glrnd11le. -. ec . g • orris Thl'r~ arr R('\u1111y thr .. , pnlle11 thrCiugh U\oae omlnou11 d onr" 11n•! -1n Antar,•t1ro 1l1t' >:Mjl'Tllphlc took our places. In lh"' front or LEO:'\'AltU u . l.EAl 'll Leaves s . 1so11th l'(l1P lhl' rn11i.:n1·\lr Svuth the room were two large boitf'~ F'Ulll'Jl!ll lll'l\'lC!'S for L•"'""''d erv ,ce :1·01~. llnrt th .. "polP of ln•cce•· We knew th!s "''II.JI our rtnom . D. Ll"a•·h. 50, "f 217 \\'~lnut l'IHrc H•t11 t1t,1". · 111_ th,. ,.,.n1,.r nf Aurorll Some lr!ed to pll.llll It oft ·with 11. Co11la ,\le,.,., 11i•lll lw held w .. ,1. CHERRY l'OJ.\;T N c . 1F'HT · A u11tr11.li' Jo ice. or with c••Ut..l oonveraa.tlon. nl"11•1Hy 11! 2 .30 p m •l !"nrk.-.~· N C'! 1'-lartn .. T !'p,! (;+•or,i:" \\'. But eoon Uie laugh& ind thf' ron· Hid!•-y .l.1ort uary ChRf't'l. c·,.,.t,. Mor r•:< '"Ill! r·•·)''"·""'I 1n inlll'tivr v•~Uon be<'nine •tralnf'<I "l't\Pn J\f e1111, "'iU1 lhp Loynl Uid"r ,,f rlutv D<'r JI) u;,.1ro •••n1plo \1011 flf the m onienloua O('CA!lll!n 11rrlved. lht 1'1001!1:' Lodge 1·1:'17. LA<ll•'.• UI '~y<?n ra nnd lll>C rnonth.'< /!"tv1re 1 "''' rr1tr:sst:l'i Holll" -lfnnJf'8 -Trllll~~ Th4o r enUeman and hi11 u11l11ta.nt11 Aux111,.ry. ass111l!'•l'by !hf' 1{•·1· T Si:t Morr1" 1" lho S<•n ,,r l rr .. gul11r S ha1H!>a tore o~n Uie boxf'S ThlJ< w all the Charle~ F . J-i and. 111 «h111·1o:" ,\l r. (;,..orJ;'t \\/ 1.-f,,r ,·1,. of (',·nt"r'·illr , Llberlf 8-1$U., moment -had all t:t&<en rtrf'ad-L!'ll«h paurd ll\Vlly 11l his h,.,,,e 'M•t . And h11•b11nrl nf i\lr11 Ann COST,\ ~lt.:."'A~ATrnt:SSCO. Ins. Aa he pt.a.Md among u" di-'· F'rlday. He wu $. nath·e of 1111 -H f>forrl• of 33U Oll;'IP St , l'o,.u11 2 11'0 ~flM'J>Qr1 Blvd. trlbutlnl trMJy from thoae 0011e11. nota and had lived In llll11 area Mtt111 . ""::;:=::::;:::::;::::::;;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::~ every on• .aid a allent pni.yer. fo r I~ year•. 1-te Wal en1plOyl'o.I by A I thf' l llllf' Of hi" lt'tirement, r For now what we fu.r.d W"8 no th"' J . J . r'O!ller Compll"Y 11.• 11 hr wa11 al\ t.1r•·r11ft n1f't'h11n•!'. 11i·lth lonp:r far away. but rtirht !Mfore .heel mell!ll v.·orker. Jntern1.•nt Mllrlne A ll r r1 r1 Hl'p11lr Squ111!ron ua..'Tb.n ., .• •eltled down fo r four will be ln Harbor R "'sl i'ff'n1on11I ''· hu.""9d al the f>1arint Corp~. Old E'.slabll•hed lnaura.nce AgMcy tiou~ of the cQJ.leg-e entrance ex-Pt.rk. Air S tation. Chrrry l'o1nt. r.: l:. A 11 llneii wr1tll'n, HOWARD W. GEBRL9R amlnaUon. Be!ore "'n tenr1g t~e Af'r.·ice in Cl.A.RA O. U:AGM 1808 Ne1••port Blvd .. Coala Mte.a Plltr'\'J>; U.JU>~TY ~l &I! P.\.....,_'"BEIL paOORA.'f un..,, 1936. Mnn'IA t.Uend('rf Cen-P'une!"RI l!l!:n•ic,.... fnr C111i;a G terv111 .. H1,,:h 8<'h .. oL Sat\1ro.y attemOOIT\ thP Rar ltor Panhell"'nk put on a prowram fnt all o r th• s.nk>r l'lrla from H11r· bor lill(h. lt coMlaLed or a fl.J'lhlo n .iiow and a talk f rom !he he&d co-onllna'.lor o r 1110ror1Uts on the USC, Santa Bub&ra , a J1d LDn& ~ Slat• carnpu-. After th"' pn:>(T&ttt, ret'nt.hmP.nhl w r re .erv.d. an d th• 11rl• n1!nglt-1I with llbm• of Ule alumni J1ow ·•t· tendlnir var1oua Colle&!'• around tha country. Many fact. Wl!re le&med and many queat1on1 ~re &nnl'end concernlrir collere• l!re and .c1roi1ty Uf•. It can be .... 1r1. that &ll att<!?ldinir had an enjoy· •bl• &nd enltl(fllentnr ttme. 1.-.t 'l"'ueeday the Khool W a I rocked wtr.n thfl oldeat croup ot 1(11'1.9. the a..nlora. 11.lt eame to achool curytnl' atutfed anlrnal.9. Teddy !Mara. dop. of all atsea •hapN and colon. K.lttys, a n d •"'8h .-im• octopl. •en Hen 11U o"" UM eamp~ l O?erheani on. C'Oflb 111'1 n.mark. .. .A.ad ... art Le11rh, 48. of 217 Y.'t.lnut l'IHrr Crlf!t11 Meaa, will be ron dirrtr'I \V,..dntwtiy at 2 ·30 r '" in Schonek Ucensed 'off N s To N E • s Parke<1:·Rlrlley Mortuary C'hllfX-'I. SAC RA M t"..NTil. (!';'lSI _Th'°' Costa Me.a, 11y the Loyal 01.i"'r Mesa Auto Wreckers -=rfll&TY ot at.t .. ·a orrro. a.n-ot Moo.e Lodg"' t f :;7. Uie Lad!u VM!CI Auto r.rt,, n'ounced l.aauance of 11 no tary pub-A ux!llary to be &aala\ed by I h• a.nd A~r1" R9Y. Chs.rlu F. H11 nd Mra. Leach lie comm!aalon to L. \V. Schontk, 20i5 Place.otla A\·e. paia!N!d away 111 her home Friday. ~21 San Bernardino AYe . Nl'WJXU"t LllK-rty 8-1013 COllla M- She v.·a11 11 na t 1 ve of M I M t.Ol• 1 ~-:;;:~<~b=. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I F;;;;~::;:~::;~;:::::;:::::;;;;:;:;;:::::::;:;~ I and had lived in the Harb-fir t1rea for the pa11l I~ yeara. She had MESA BE SURE _ INSURE b~", • r;a terer in !hit. 11re11 ln r..,. UPHOLSTERING w11b cen yeara. MA URIC£ ST~"LEY lnt<!nnent Will be Ln Hartxir U.Ur.-ce Only Relit ,Memorial Park. U pllolat.n"'I' & D~ P•-lb..rbur l•14 lSGt Nwpt. Bh·d~ Co.ta llleaa 1315 1:.. Co.lit Nll'hway Stffls Tool lox Tbett or c~nter toolt and a tool boJI from the back or an un· locked pickup trut k w .. reported lo Newport B fl a c h police by ~rca Adama. Garden Orove. Adam• ald th"' 4~ Ot" more Ile.ma. "-hied at Sit.CJ, ...,.._ takt.n prtor to T o. m.. 0.0. 2&. • Ll'*1y 1--4781 Clo~ cw.I Mar Newport Yan.ty J'OUR I ud 1e 81'08..E l\'e Gin Orowa ~ 0-. ,,_l N-Pier ,._..,.... 11&.UlB ROBERT TOUBY PLEADS GUil.TY fO , ARMED ROBBERY OF CAFE NEWPORT HARBOR ·NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 . PAGE 7 WEONESOA Y, JANUARY 18, 1956 &AlftA qA., (~1)--o.tm.-t.oed ~ .. 'n:ltlb7, "· OI. 1IOI Bupu'IOr ...... ec.ta x-.. ~ ~ pDty to Utt &nMd ~ 0( Ut9 &.c:n\ RN'-~I k»umc•, llOOI 8. Barbor BIYd. ·eu,panor Court JUttp Xenaet.b E. KonUon ~ th• phil. Ad Mt probaUoll ~ uJ -tencJ.q-far 'l'tlubr on Feb. t. ' . Teull7 adadtt.ed ~ rob Donald. MUckmtll&ler, lllar- teodw. at rwolv.rr potDl. • . . TOOK TO DOPE IN AFRICA Louis C. foster Gets 6-1110nth Jail Sentence BANTA 1ANA, (0CN8) -A former aoW.,. who ~ he irt>t •tarted on narcouca while eer.- !nC' "1th the army ln NDTth Af- rica Y•t.vday wu aenlaneed to ahc monUui In JaU and put on n~ yean prob&Uon by 8upl!rtor Cuurt JudJ"e Kaineth E . Mon1..,. Bdora Judea K orrt.:Jn for pro.. batloa bearlllf ..,.. Lou!& Charle. FDaler Jr., 2'4. or G8l l &aahore Drive. Newport Beach. Ae Wal cilarl'-1 with ,O-lon Of .!!'I manjw.na clprattea. H• pleaded (Ullty. I Piibllc Defander Nick Mty,.r Congralulations to Jerry Hall on his appointment as new U. S. Royal Tire Dealer FOR LONGER WEAR ON YOUR TIRES • Front End Ali9nment e Brc~e Adjustment e Brc~e linin9 e Wheel Balancin9 • • • • WE'RE RIGHT NEXT DOOR • to Jerry Han -the New U.S. • • • • Rayal Tire H-dqua"9n Lubrication Car W11shing Oil Chonges & Serv;ce Accessories • Quality Union Oil Products Union 70 Uni on 7b00 Royal Triton • f.'RE:f': PICK-1 '1~ & J)El.J\'EJ{\' BILL ELLIOITS UNION SERVICE Bra.ke Specla.lbta -Complete Hydromatlc SenicP • • R & L AUTO CLINIC 3001 Newport Blvd. • ·76 Harbor 5432 Harbor 4600 ..... , ... • A Grecit NewT1re -eel J erry Ha1L ''lt'e a real pleasure to bo teame-d up with U. S. Royal Tires. F or now I can offer to every motorist in the NEWPORT BEACH area, the world's foremost tire life and safety plus friendly, efficient service to help you get full mileage value from your tires -Jn honor of my appointment as U. S. Royal Dilltributor, l am offering special trade in allowances on all sizes" I I I I I I ... -·----~, New Sat.ty Age U.S. Raya! Master I I I the .teat tire ever I ballL The St.el "&I&-I ty Crowa" .-lie. It BLOW-OIJT PBOOFI =-~a.n 8 U.S. Roya I I I I OtJmw 8 lotlllly dill' ... ent advaJ1t.agea. yet co.ta ., "'()f'T ! -------- WORLD-FAMOUS .s. ROYAL TIRES~. NOW AVAILAILI AT Jerry Hall Tire Service Harbor S8%3 .. ·~ • ' I ' • -- ' .. .. I / , -- &E I • PA_IT 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1951>~ URCom,. J_te~t .. ~· •. Bil ,Joli 1aili bJ .Qttzens ' ' • C111111d1re .... T• How Loail .... c ... n.. . ..... , ....... • ... ..-............ -..... -'""'· -... Mesa loy, 14, NOTl<Z ll\">•TINO ..... Tbe auburUI at tm. i.a 1-.ni MM llCf'09 tbt: JtottJ to u.. roa an.-UM nnt hn~t ot ~ ,,.. 9Ql'Q Whkb u.. (l(lnl• H rt . F Ir 8TltEft UOl:i'rl!llti th• •t.ranm chanMI. rouad. Ulat mttt.M Mt .:. a pal. fJ0,000, I 1n I ST~"D.U.08 A.ND wal......, ., 9llloa)9d '°>' l&Dd ._,.. ...... mlaD now, kit to ~ LUMlN AIU:S tll&l •t low ~ u..r. ..,. 1em who Ud to ~It. It provM any-I p t NOTICE I8 HEREBY crvEN I.bu 4 f..t or water at lJM O\lter thiq but an Wipltlc&nl a.mounL 0 avetnen THAT. -led bldl wUl be rTt'ei•· .nd -••--•---ol snd •-.... TIM dly coundJ rtnally found It ed •l th• offtce or the CUy C'erk, .,.. ~ w--A 14 -YM~-old .. Calta Me 1 a 2 r..c. Ob th9 illDlfr b&I' op,_i.te polllll:tle to ~ flOOO to lb• youth .,..... llnOCKed uncon.c\oua City H all, Qty or Newport B~ach, th• Marin• ~ talion.-cau.a. r9Cenlly wben h1ll foot pt ituck C.Ufomle untU 7:30 o'ck>ck P . M.. tory. nu. eondilkln made tt lln· PalVATlt DONOlt8 In the movtns whM-I of hi• on U1e 13th day ot February 1"4. paeaibJe to tnter or i...v. the The Axet.on llrothen (o.lbert bl.c)'1:1e. f llpplns IUm to the t or turnlllhtn( •l~t UghHn« Harbor at &nJ' t.tme dccpt .. t &nd J.C.) eve 11000. Mr. J, J. p-.vement. C:O.\a Meaa police •tanda.rd.t &nd lumlnariet . • 11 ....... ' Tho oltuou-• .-.--•-.o Willon, of Lido lale tnteret'ta, b ll"n1 No 1 " .. ... ... ... ...,~ gave an &Mi•l t.o t e youngater hen>Ul roeuuru. 'Jbe -y It ..,.., M.nl b1I check for ~. LouUi and took him t.o H~ HOllpital 4 each,1 Marbellte type 66-ll met bu aot belll pubUel.Nd, bUt BrlsP oontrlbuted. UMi comm!&-when they found him wandering llght 1•la.ndarU. prOYll\td 1-a atory well W'Orlb u.. telllns. alon from the aale ot &n expen-the Jlreela In • !laud condition. with \ I ,1rm " manu!ac· 11.. pie« Of property. J . P. turt>d by Pacifi c lJntnn ~& 00~ Greeley made a ~nerou. conlri-The victhn waa Ford J , Brown, Mel•I Cn, ot U. Anietd To meet the emersency, a.nd to bUtloo, u did Dr. P'l'rry, of the .on of Mr. aud Mra. Gary ~1-Hern No. 2. prepare plant Cor tlitur-. 4evdoi>-Bank of p.albo4. Clarence White rlckHn, 186 CabrUlo St.. C<.111t11 2 t'><Ch , ~hu·behle tY I"' 62i!l· rn!':nt, the city counctl c..-ted a of Redi.ndti, and the 811.100. lit-M-. Al·-2112.s pro•·1ded with 121 Cttlsena' Harbor Committee of 16, land lmprov10:n1ent Atloclallon. Off1ctr• ea!d they found th., 11.rrn.!I ll..I inaJ.iufactur,..,\ by •ppolntlnr a chMrman whom-e City ~p1oyeea, the commercial boy walking home 11tter tl\1! al'cl· p,.,.1fi c l "ruon Met•l c;., 11t flr11t dUty wu to Mlect the 14. fllhennen at Newport, owner• of dent In the 1700 block of Orang!': Loll A.rlgele•. othllr memben. The eb&lnnu· aportflth.lnJ 00.te and num erout Av!.'. They took h.im hon111 1n • II .. m No l al)!p ol thl• eontmltlee fell to the y acbtamen nallled to t he caiae patrol ear and later to Hoag H o•· ti .. 11.eh. i.tarbf-1111• ry 1 ... ,:;g. writer , who Mlected ~follow· ond -t lo ,._,, <h-ko. -m• p it.LI. They walled at the hu•1>H><I I , 0 -"''~ ~ ..., ~-ti !lghl 1ti.n<1:t1 .!$ JJl•"h "' In&" r epreeentaUve cl to Laree. aome ame.l! Even the child· ll.l\ll brought h im home &i,;11.111 11.f-, I• t1rui ll.i rn><rHH><• t!U•··! II\ ..,,.,,.. wilb him: ~ ot the l'ununun1ty 1ave their t.er it Wl..!1 donernuned h•ll ll>JUtie~1 1'1'ilf>, 1·111 ,,n ,\l•·t,11 '" ul Dr. Conrad RIChter. l"rank L. qu&Q-era. dime11 11nd nickel•. not were only 1n1nor I.oil Ant;l'lt'I> S1nlth, Lew H. Wallace. W. t.. one of w hll'h. wUt tefutoe<I. and ev----1:, '" :-;:., • J torda.n. Ben Cope, iCrne.1t Grill. ery penny of '"'hlch ' ... •pent on Dark Cl d p 0 es I li eeth !11 1."T"f'llf\' \'~r<·r Dr. Hermawi. ~er. H. t.. Shu-tM &etua.l WOt k of clred~n, tllf. I OU r y L•un1f;Krl"'4 11\ -"'"I ···1 ... 1 zna.n. H•~ Welch. Stuart H . ..._ I Lucu, :;:·p. Greeley, Antar De-c";'~~ the Uat or th011e who I No fire Hazard 1 1 11'i.:' .~.~;, !. 11 .. 1111-·-'•" 4'"' r1tga. Elmer C\lbOOn and J . B. holp<d lo ""' I 1 •-• ' "ng O ""' r~orue. A !11r~., •!1trk tloud of llninkt' l\'11.tt ~l··r<"uty \ "J-..r l.Krnp MtNally. -erved here. thero •r" t-•rtaln onea whol wu r~r.vrted aniini trvin llle( :-;., "'! 1,,111,., ,,.,,,,, .... 1,,,... 1t \\'hile llll• ooinmittee &lded IO unwJ!lahly ,IU\d «> effec- 1 back bay irea about three rrHIU u1 ma.J~ .. n A prol'•'•h•>i '"11n lur-'°' yea.ra tn connection w!lh liar-ll oly •• •· d 1• v . -.., elll!'rve more nan nortn or B«yahur·e bntlge Satu•. n ~1 .. t 111 Lht· '·"\ t.•·A:ltl• • • bor developmen t, the problem of ~1n1r menhon. It !a proper that ld.!ly arttrnoon bill lhe 11 ,,. .i... ~1 ... ru11 11111·11t .. ,11 .,1 p1·»•l ""lr1~ R \hi 1•ntr1.11ce Chllllnel de1nantle<I the name Of J.B. 1>1cJ\'.aHy .tiould partnlt>nt fnu~d "" atruruu~ "' L.1tl•\o''" ,,. ,,.lJr•I 1,, \.,,1 .. 1,1,.,n, p A(,71Ct: MAHE.IS PEJ<••t :t 'T-J)or othy J o Dant'" r•rat•t1..:in~ L.lu:lr routine are, lt•ft tn rig-ht. San dye l1n111all•te llCl!Utlon. P\&IW hMI head tlil• !lat \\'llh hlrn •hould b<JI\ Lil tl .. nKt>r. ·•Ill"''''" 1 .. ti.·· 1.Iu :ik 1"!111 •11 l'f" atudio of Nc"'porl Beach will supply some of th• S wanson, Oa\'1• ~1.11.ypole. \\'anda Traulwe111, ani.I Uoug t,o.-en ~tf&Gled t<.1 •t•rt th,. lfon•>-bf'c menuunl'd Mark J<.1t1naon IOOI'" 1 ... ,1 1.,1 11111 ,111 ,., ~, .. ,,,. ,.~ ,,, 1 ,.1 tulu race or 1928 fro1n :-<ewport to becume n iayur, Dr. H t';n,l<.fln l !n,.t .... .i !la·y •l•Jl<'(•ve•l'<l 11 !'Jh ~ll:r t alent for t ht: Orange Coruit l ;(!lr1J \'11.rll'ty :-;huv.· HeddLl'k. -:Staff Phutu H11.rbor lot' th1t fir-et time. .-.180. Hilmer, Don Dougl11.• w hA P•~ gJ•llun Jrurn ur •tc itl h><•I ,,. ... n o ... ~ · h In\) Co -" I I I " l tp• ,.It \' .. 1 .\•'"I'',. fi.,,,i. I• ~twuay n iv t • ra.ngti a.st ( ·ulli·ge a ud1lor1um. In 1927 v.•alton Hubb.o.r<1, rep re-viaec1 lh• coniniunity wol'" /KJ "'1111"1 int .. tilt· r!>M• n'"A 1 " 1" "' • ., II >. 0 0 h ~··J\>•'4 tl1•· Jl.l(h\ !<1 l"j H\ >ln\· "r --""---------------------------------1....-nting the ewport Harbor Star tnany b.a utltul Cl.II~• s nd Snow ua y lllh r(,J t',J .J<•>"n t u t • """t"r ··II ,,,,,. -J 1 ! lei\ l b " • t" """' '"':-' 1n•·n11•.d1') I ··-~-\eel, had ..-on the lnt1rnatlon al bltU•. )"'rank 11.nd st.-v,. Smith, of 1 ''° 11.ni 0 urn. Woman Hurt in Car CoUislon Here r1,.,n V"'h1.-1 .. ""fl~ "lru•k ''' • p d F d I B d I M f•i 11 1 t! lull l 1" h"l" ur '" n•'"f·I ""~ '~'" 111 ropose e era U ge ea ns Star Cha.mpionahlp•. thua brtng-Smith Brothfra Marine Supply "' ien ..a u 1"' •<J "11 n 1,,,. "oJ ' ""r 1!r1'""1\ IJ}' Aubrey ~•••Ir,. H••y· !'.: rt H bo h L tht' barrel '"a!I ~1n11l&.r tP th•l " I Lng to· .. w po 11.r r I' n-Comp&11y, 11&.rry V.'!lhama.ton, ·""l'.•,"'.11\" S~'I O :iil l•t:I{ n••LC a J t. •~. t;,.n.1.,u l;H,,,. 1 1 S'" "-11 1 l928 u~ed ror ounoke bo1ub~ 1n th•· 1 • " • .' S202 M.,,. c t Sh 1'rnri. Jona ..... r n..c:ga a 0 · Curly J on:llU"I, ind, atnong the M.Jnor llljllrle• were suffft\'!I t1y n1 .. fh'f'aflJl!dc <1r1~ ... ~1111 .. r.«I I 100 In oun y are ll ..... evtd~nt that th•e event• yachtamen, Con1modor.. Gi."or&:"e armed aervlrea The fir .. fll{ht1'•8 1 (I\)' ti ..... a woman tJnver, t 'rluil L111erett11.1 r h··~t Kn·I n"" k ,njun"" .. h .. , •h•· cyul<1 not t.e COflduc:ted with t he Vibert of the N11Wport H•rbor poked hulell Jn th<' aide or tlw b1tr-~·i~y ••f :-;.," f)'tl!\ !t.-Jt• 1' Mo:Cla..! 23 °' Id t •• :iu , .. ,, ... ,, •·--1 1 od I... rel Knct 1 .. r1 HI•• burn r1~ .. 1f out 1·,.111.,ra1 1 n • t<ana ea ... i'"'·1 f,.ll torw11rd r11t<.1 th<' ~l•"!ll!lt T h" 13 1.1100 f>"')PI" or Orang'"APt'<nllng .bll~('<lnl'ltheprf'aid .. nt'1 "~" cn .. uie ptiic:g w t" Yacht Club, Herbo!rt Worce1ter .. t<.1n:l11.y when hr 11r '""u '" ••••d. Th'Y tHlrrl the bflrrel cr .. aled nu TIK\rrl l \J ~16 "' -~ ·....., · Wll•·,.l. 11011,.,. """I :ih,. "'"'• t""t"J Cto01111y "'U p .. y ,.n .... ~11111•1•"1 b1:t1get. v.111 r.,.,,.h Sti,244 .IJ-Ov.O(J.O ~ of the 8&100. Y11cht Club, Le<lll fire hK.!.><r,1. I i'o'" bl :-. ..... 11 r~r .. ~' \ 11 111 191\6 v olved ura cuu1.1un ... ,lh llnutherlby her .. wn ,i.,.1 .. 1 S2il:.'•~JO.()Ol'l aa thl'ir Jltlar" •it lh<' ·1111,. 1n,.1111,. 11n ,.,·t-rage 111.Jl load "'AVS AS"D ~AS~ He1e.m&n, Secretary ot the New-veh11::l1 on 17th SI, Ne-.1.••"rl __ Al I" ''''' m-11-r ,. ~-om l;;;;;::....;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;._;;;;;:c... ____________ ----, .--S66.~M.1~11l.1J00 E11t.'nho'" P• Uudg .. t .,f 11b•1Ut s I~"" f"r I\ fanil!y of !tour "" ~-" .. ..,__ -port Harbor Yacht Club, and ,4.d- Belleh, aroortlrnic t .. l•K"! ,,..i1ce. D J•rulJ'i>t!ll fur 11~,,,.1 J!J~i7 Cll!.f.,1111 11 in 111 .. l'l!>t" •, 1 11~1 .. ral 'f>••n<l•nK b~r. lll:t7, the Cltu.enll' Commit-mlrlJ A lbert Solland, Potlcf! ..aid the O.:e1n111! .. w•,r11an oran Suess Hotne ( . .., <.'11.nVlla&o!d w11.y• and meana .~·L .... ,,,,.,,,.,.LTI·." .. DELIVERY GUARANTEED I T":\l'>tl'•'f' .,.,,...,. ,.,u,,n Mllll ! t r~1a1• ul•1!1'' Ill•· T'"'l"'l "I~ "~"'"·1Kt1<.1n '""-'""' • r • .-. wu •t<•J>ped behind a l"&r Jr!l'~n L· 1 1 "1 1 r c fur tl!medyinx the aituallon, and Ch 1 I .1 6.'.i t Du11on Jo4u_,. JUfltor 111 1"1\•\·,.r· r u1 t ''" !.i · .,., I'"' I! .. o i.11· eJ1~111111!,.<I 11! llr "'" «:: ,~:. Ulrhter, · u, l •It) vi Hl'-ll•nol.., •n•I ,11111.:111,., , rl forn1K th•· 1,...,, ,..,,\ .. r l!f.~~ r .. .i .. 1al ~:"'"." h1!l1 .. 11 .1,,IJur" r1f f\'<leral Nppo1nto!d J. B . .McNally and A n-The w inter or 1927·28 provld..ct 42( Hully IAn . au. 1>1...,a ... ,,..,, . . ___ _ -1•Jl•IH.llllg ,,.~.,11 . 111,.,"1 S1<0u•MJtJ1~} t•r Der&IJ• to in.Xe an Imme· w-. ..,..aJUng for a fourth car to I.he 0 . G 8uet.'K'•. Balboa 1 .. len.J. • • 111 "'""" wt11oh 1•11111,11,,1v11n,. h'11.ve 1l111te inveatlpUon and report on fl 1!Ule. left turn., wbofn the Ml--·l'lN ~~~!hi" h•1l1J .. )•._ Minor Accident ... !'"' . the cu111roi11n g dcpth1:1 of the t'.n - ua with ,.xcept.on11 11y guod .. ·ei th· Delivery of the N ew port H arbor News-Press 18 l.'r for 011T work. but OJlf'ralln&" a guar a nteed. Carrie r boys will deliver tht'.'l t pap<>rs bc- dr10<l ~e In a ruorr•>w c h11nnel with f ore 6 p .m . o n M ond1y, \Vedncsday and Friday. If your SOUTH GOflST CDTISTRUCTIDTI CD. RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL -COMlvltRCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE SOth St., Newport 8eac.h OR SMALL llarbor Z5U 1 h" 1-.p1,, nr t alifornla piy tranl·e channel. 'fh,.y took 9tt und- Mars Mesa New 1d~•UI 9 .~ 1,,., , en( (,r r,.,1,.r11.I La.11: lnKH and rf'portec\ th11t 11t low , .. •l• ,.v,.,1 t11<,ui;:h '"<J 11 rf' , . .,.,_ Ude lht're w•• only 4 f.,et of wa- 1.11h·111hl)' undt't x ).>t'r rrnt ••f lh•· ter on the outer bar and lelll l.han Y ' T ff • :I feet 11 t hll Inner end ot t he ear S ra IC nation's 1 .. t11I 1~1p11lauon, the a11-~ .... 1,.lo••n "~Plltln .... t l hannel. nwi. while we had a r h11.11nel 20 feet deep throughout (°)nly on" rn1n"r lflJUrv ,.,,\,!,.nt the 1 .. ng-th of the b11y, our con· mar .... 1 ('0111 .. ,, .. ,,.,, .,11.r.•·1.•r DEATH NOTICE !rolHnr tlepth w•• ar!U1'1ly 2 fe-f!t. lquu•t ·""w y,.,., .• w,.,.k,.11.J •-~ far lt w a.. obv1ou1 th1t dre.·lgtng ... tnu ri.· ..... ~ • ''ll<e1 n,.d. :.1"·"" would hive to bf: undertaken at po.ihr .. r,.porled l"rllllkl1n l.4'!1t<'! l·lt f':llt:lf l<"K TA\'l,111( \unce, to 11.voir! t h• net·..ulty or ~n1<lh ~6 • r ~11nt" Ar ... '""'~ 1,. .. 1 ~·r•·•l··rl<'k lt11ynH111d 'Tayl"r 76, C:llnteluii tcbeduJe..1 ev1<na IUld lo ! when 1,,. ta..r ,,. .... 1n,,,t-L11 .. 1 If\. •'or :t.f HAlhn11 I "o••es. <fl<'lf :.1<:1n•lll\' pennit local frs.hermen tu cuntLn· t''lllllll'•n .. ,1 th flll•·lh•r llU IP 'lt01~<1'11t 11<>1'.>: ll•tl<JU\Al .. n .. r ll J;l1'1rt UI! In bu1une11!1, hy fOl••<•ll ~·11.-1 .,ci ~1.,,11..:1• 111 •line~· H"·"·•·• 11 1111.lil"r 11r <·an-t •1·:o.;0 B SC£0P:I> 111,.,, "' !'a11\11 An11 .. Jn r111°1 li\'C•I u1 !his ~IJllP ~O N<>!ther the l'llY nor the county 11 aw1 rt-r11nnln11: trd11t ,.urrent 111 not th1t ea11r .. .'lt thing In Ut• paper 1s n ot delivered by that h our please call liarbor world. Many d1rf1c11ltle• h1u:! to 1616 and your carrier w ill bring y our paper. be ov•~ome. anJ •um .. t1me11 m!!!l· i:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::= understandlngw aroff. I t WM ru- mored th•t th .. ra were t!me!I when the ~h•!rn1an of lhe com- mttt ..... llllr! Al Sp1rk11 111t a ~te dl11 tanc,. 11p11.rt ) exch11njfe<l com menl• which had nbvlo1111ly not be<en ltf'leo.·ted f rom the b<lo k of Common Pra~rr. f<.1r thl' m(M!l part. b.ow"ver, tiler• wtll>~ ~ed co-op.,rllUrtn. Shor!ly hefor .. the llt\11' dr"dlo':" reechoerl ln" f'nd of the Jetty a combination or aoutheltJJt -.... 1 n ti an<1 out1101nl!.'. lldl' brouicht 111bout 11. ••tua tlon in which we thouKhl "'"'"' Wl.'r" a:olng lo loll<' L it t I" A!o':RI,.. Th,. :io.rt. tni1Mr V11mo11, Clas·sified Couta.1 Shop~,r Adi nlJI ln th., \\"ednesday -"""·1-l'rHt11 4 l..hu_"!t 1 lnAertioo $1 .00 add'L llnett .25 ea. 4 UneB 2 luertions 1.50 a.dd'L linf'!I .:t.> eL. 4 lJ.nes s laltertlooa 2.00 a.dd'I. llne!j .2:; ea. 4 Lin~ 4 loae.rtlons 2.50 a.dd'I. llnes .25 e a.. Situation \\.anted Ad• wlll ~il·e I~~;, di"t'nunl. t;aab IA adl'ance unly. MJ.Xl.M CM A D IS t. LIXt:S Th .. 11''''''"' ,,.,·n1••"i nt :-;,.w !.,,,·11rs "'"I HI th .. ,,. .... 1111•• \"f'l\r hail arry H•rbor runda with which pon HIV<! an•I IJ•·l ~l~r A••r tit Ho'.,,.,.~ ••\\n••• tof thr T11yl"r Auto to psy for· dredg!na:. llO Jt wu .!1 1!'1 p ri. ""'••n 1110· """'an .r .. 1v · 'l nu1~1'"rt '•TJl'n'lllng 111 !~·ni: llUKgetolN that l.h<' co1nm!ttf'e "n- .-r ... ,. .• n»1k1nl{ 11 1 .. tt !111n J1t lhr fl"ltth t••r :Ill y .. 11,."' 11 n•I "'11.• a dert11ke to r•l.'le funds by prlv11tl.' 1nt .. 111('•tl"11 l'"I"'" 1<K1ol !'nu1ii 1!"li'll1b•·r uf 11J ttek11l :--;hnn" of aubscrlptlon a nd proceerl w ith • wtl<• '"11 • ~·"n1:: n'l1th nt ·""Wl'''rl lh8l •'1ty dredging pn>g-ran1 l o the e:o;tent 11111d he .. ·111 unJtbll:' to "l"I' 111 1 H•· '" 11urv1~· .... 1 bv h111 "·1re, to! the runtla which could be rat1-~~r~~ii~=~:;i~==~=~~~f:::::::::::~~~·~1~l~m~·~=----~=------G11..vn"11. ,,f 'th..: 11orn ..... ,...,n. 1"'.I . Thi• w 1111 not a unan1mo11 11 de-~·ri·•t .. ru·k Hnymund Jr .,.,,r Loni: rilllOn on th!" pa.rt ot I.he commit-a B<'Kt'h, twn i:r111lllllon11. I h t f' e tee. Some ther~ were who <"Jl-' ·e. bn)thcr11. \V U .,r \\.JhtHnji:tun, pr..-S lM lhou(hl that It the .., 1'1f& ••• ·,0 , E. r of Loni: Beach 11.nd J H. ~itu,,uon got b11d enough to ('om- which had served 1111 ,·11m1111 t tel' bo1t and tow boat during moat of the time the '1r!!dJC1ng Wll i< Ku- ing on, found Its powen1 l.llxe<I to the uuno111 to tow the drf'<l.Jo:r up the ch11 nnf'l agaln1t 11 ('urrt>nt that Wall runrring down to ll rn1- nu,, Ude. \\'1th both ,.ng!nes n1n- n1nl( full 11peed ahead 11nd t h ... tow line ta ut. then~ ..,.,.r.. tlnle!I whl.'11 It look(•d u if the !Id!' h1td NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -\Vednesdays ~--~~~--.,--~-.,--~~,--~--DEADLIN1':S tor placing or uncill111g •4' !Lfe : .. r ' ~ IV~•• 1'Kylo"1° .'.;1111 ;\1 £1,.,no. twu ~•·•ICrll.jn1 11 nd public 1\tention the .. Gov- ----;\fnl ;\ta11.1,. S("ut! •rt l ll1n•n• wnd I '"rnment" .,.,.0u\d t .. el \mpeH"d to M r~ llRZ<'I Ur"K'-'n of IJhl1>truo niov,. In and do l!omethlng 11bout Sl•rvi.-, i< '""1ll b<i' ht'!d Thur.•ol11y 1 ii . Ho'"'l'ver, th!' wa11 not the 11t 2 p 111 ui ~lelr"!!'" Abt>o·\' "'th l'!<'w or the m a){)rlly "nd did not \hr n,.,. Dun11ld G Supp. l'",t"r reflect the vlewa of the y11cht1ng of Ballxia r" land l!ol f'lll•"lt~t fraternity. r h11ro:h, off1 c i1<tlnx F nend11 1nay T he f!rm of Spa.rk1 lllld Ml'· c"ll Kt Ualtz Costa 1'fe.~• rhotpel Clellan owned the only dred~ In 11nt1i shurUy before the ..ervw!':, the ('ommunlty, the Utile A ggie, " 11me.ll 6-lnch dredg,. noL de&lgn- For Monday PubUcation -F rld11y 6 p .n1. F or \\'et:lne!M.lay Publlcat:ona -Tuea<111.y J pm. F or Friday Publ1c11.tron -Thursday I p.n1. :o.;E\\'l'ORT llA.KROK l'UllLJSIU • ._G CO. the b.,al or lh•• arj{Umtnt J.J11t %?1 I ti.a.Ibo& Blvd .• 1'°"'41>0rl liear:h, California. gradually, lnrh by Inch, f[)(lt b;< I-----------~--~~-,,--~,---,----_--,-,,.-,~-A.II l]l,.!111lll<ld Ad11 mu11t be p&ld fur (;a1b In e..:h·aw~ 11f publlcaU11n.. foot, way ... ·19 niade 1g1t.inst the The publishers will not be re1ponaible for mor11 l.ha.n one in correct cu rrent. Ind 1't la~t the dretlge lru1ertion ot an ad, rl.'a.erve t.h11 right to oorr~ly clll&l!fy any 11.nd a.JI wa1 able to anchor In !!lhel!,.red adi anll 'to reject any ad not contormLni-to rul"' and re~laUon.. water untH g.x>d weathtr c11me apln. Special NoUoM y Newport Harbor B. P. 0 . .E. 1767 .. Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging GEO. BURKHARDT 1-IOW ARD "HOPALONO" 1·As-ed for ocean work, but 11 mach· RADA Y . ic:nd lllllr at S. F. Shnn!' ln1t which. lef t RI! Indelible tm- ;:1111i.• "Ir Oh•o Sitt\" hadn't won print upon the niap o r Newport " l•1t ur 11"•rne,1 in ','.){ a.ruJ. ·.:.:., I Allrbor. Sparli" and ).fcCltllan V."<•Uldn"\ hnve bt'Cn on 1111t All· agreed t o do the dredging at 11. Amer1can tean1!1.'" n-d 1 $1000 f hi·' i;=:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;:"';;:;;:;i:;;;:;;:;;::...:..~~~.:...:..;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:~1 -~per rem cn1 . u w ''" l h,.y would c=tribule U tht1 com· F inally C!l.ITle t he da y whtn Al Spark11 •nnounced ttui t he h 11. d reac hed the w~1t Jetty fnd, w ith 11. l'hannel 100 feet wide and w ith a !'fifnimum dtpth or 10 f('l.'t 11.t low tide. ~Toni lhal d11 y to thia there h111 never been 11. um,. when w11 have 1111.d lesa ttl11.n fl feet nf water In our rhannel. Sub11equent ha.rbor lmprovement11 brought u11 lengthenl:'d jetti,.11 11nd de<'per 11.nd Mu ll every Thunday I p.m. Vla Op1,1rto -Centn.J A VII. Newport 8ff.ch LlCENSltD CONTIU<..."1.UR 878 W. 18th SL, C09l.a. Meaa Liberty 8-8628 • "COTION BOUCLE" BROADLOOM CARPET 4. 95 Sq. l'd, Nyt..t VI~ .... ),95 yd. 4.95 yd. W"°' Mykl" lle"d' 5.9S y:f. II •••utlfur 0 1<0<0Uvo e.1 .... ,... r•~· ~ .... , Innerspring Mattress ACA 'l\c.k Only ...... . . •-'" 2495 "° .. ....... Offll ......... . 5110111 OP!lllit lO yr. h•1•""4 FURNITURE· APPLIANCES & TV'S NAT THf P'llC(S YOO WANT TO fl'AY" . phon. MOST MAKES & MODE LS COMP\.ETE HOME FURNISHlNG5 l'tD DISCOUNT CARDS N!EDEO TRAVERSE DRAPERIF.S A.-.,...,_ lO·P'oot ~'hid<'•. Onl1 , ••....•.. , . , •....• HundrM. •• 0.-NI '11 ll ffl """"" F"or 1fft -.... ·-HIY!CI 3995 1007"• .-u l.l.Nll:I& Cl.I JllD fTITC ... l.D 4" Mf;IOoD INQI "'filO!<!Tl!:D !<!&:M$ I f..I TRMS WEST COAST DISTRIBUTORS 1206 NOi™ MAIN, SANT A ANA JOBBERS & WHOlESALDS KIMBERLY 7-2368 mltlff c.ould raise 19000 more. .\.lt>..rt H. M•ttllew1, Eza..!tl!d Ruler I Thi~ agri.ement WM eutered ln· to. and work w11.11 1Ulrte<l Imme· <!lately. Member• of the commlt- !rf" used their bollt11 ant.I gave I thrlr time to the v.·ork. Help wa• .,.,;tler ctl11nne!A, but our 1n AJ1lr &-t"uneral Dlrecton !':venl.ll or the yl'ar 1928 were c11r- ried out •ccunl1ng to 11hedule anJ played their JJ1trt In <i'Nlabll~hlng our bea utiful lht.rbor u the yacht· MOTTELL'S AND PEEK l IKll•cltffi by letter. t elephorre and pPr!IOna l lnterv\ew w ith all ancl ~undry ""'ho might be counteil nn I<"' a1il ln "uncirklng-N ewport Ing mecca or the Pa.cir1 .. Coll"t Colonial Mortuary T he totll! amount of money ra~ed 7801 Bolia Juat South of WMt.- 11.nd expended In this enterpr\ae w111 SI0,463.40. Jnclud!ng the S lOOO contribution by Sparks and McClellan. Ha.rbor." ~·o PROF'f:8810NAL8 \' ACHTSMAN "OOLO" n1\11.11ter Memort&J ~rk. An Onuige County lnalltuUon Serving tamllle• of all fe.ltha Tel~phona (Toll ll'rMI) ZEnJth. 6231 There w1111 Jillie In thl1 pr&- gram to elicit 10:nl.hu1iaam on I.he part or prufell&icmal Harbor prn- motor11. llll!f varloua lndlvlduala who have been prom in11nt In oon· necllon. w ith th11' advllllc.ment of I t \11 lntereatlng to notice the No one evPr turned away becll.u.., num t>..r of reaM:>n• peopl... c a n of lack ot tunda.. fliid fo r refu.slng to contribute to Newport litu"bor were corapicu· a public lmprovf ment. In the rund ou1 by their fatlure t o 1n1pport ra llllnir Cllmpall{TI recountl'd here l~UllneM Guide thi• progT1m. There ,..n'l no t he o"'-ner of a fine. aea • 11;otn1r pl11J1h publicity J6ba, commlSJllon.8, yacht ...... 11 pproe ched by L' on 1lltl&rl,.a or f..e!I. The d redge ww1 HeMman and a~other n1em~r of • np"rated a t a bare coeL A ll other t h11 ,.,.,.wport H•rbor Yacht Ch.i,b 91.'rvioea we.re volun tei!~. who outlined th11 urgency of the CO A.ST OFFIC E EQUIPMENT Typewrltel'l!I A!'ltllng: machln• DupllOlltor....aupplln ~neraJ Lu\alnir Bellch. a notl'd aauaUon ud reqoelted aid in 11.uthor1ty on Harbor developmerrt, !Uch amount u the itkipf>'"r lelt WJIJI contulled and geo11roualy dl11p<leed to &"Ive. Thl• 1klpper I made 1 .... 0 lr1pt1 to lhe Harbor a l dldn'\ feel d~ to glv1 any· no C(Ml:t to th11 comm lt tae eircept lll.ln1. He "8.id the Harbor •houl<l that aome of lta membera had the be lmp!'O'ftd, but that It lhQukl I pl~ur,. o r driving him ~ck and be don• with publlo runda and forth and t!11terta tnlnf him at the that If It w,.r11 ao done he w ould I Newport Harbor Tacht Club. 111• pey bt1 #l&r1 al the tAJLe1. but 0 '"'1eral pr<:<nnu'1e~ untenable the he dt.dn't b.llM-" that pubU~ hn· l\rl(um .. nt or 9'0fT\e ot the l'OllUillt~ provem•t. ehould b4i made al 1111' that the .... a y to better con-privai. C!Ollt. , <ll I 1nn• W(U t o let them get 1-Lhe man"Ten tnl'lde.nt to SAL&S RENTALS 1 93~ Harbor B lvd .• Colt& ...... l.Lberty H'TN l~BjdldlDJ S.rvlc8 COMPLETE PAINTING & Paper Hanging Service EUG£NE 0 . SAUNDER.ii :")()(I l J.et Street. N_.porl. Beach Harbor 2971 Uc FOR RENT lklll ..... Elec. Drtlla, Pol18Mra. 1.U typu ot Bandera, Wheelbar· row•. etc. • ... ·orlltl. Jte N ld I.bat the guytrn· Ole -..rtin&" ol th• Honolulu R&r-e n1enl waa much moi-e llkety to on the 30th ot the follO'liY'lnc May tntere1t llMl.t .. a re11ult ot con-the one yacht to wander ,..nt.1t ot UnuoU11 local enterpriM lh•ro aa the c hannel and 11;0 aground wu the r"•ult of an ap,,.nint l•P*f! of l.h•t of thl1 Y•f'ht.man ..-ho didn't I I ltoe:;,1•~.~~i; d 1 believe ln public lmprovem,.nt Ill BOYD'S HOWE. rf'<" f"' IOQk out t hl', priv11 1,. e:o;p'°"""· Thi' only boat 2830 ?.'. COAST HJGHW ,,..y 1 lnn,.r bar fir~t. •nd grLdu&lt)' av&Jl•bl• (apabl• <.1f lowh'!Jt" him LJbtM.J 1-343.:), Newport Bcb 'l8Ue '------.. ----------------"'------------------------..,If..----------' WWked It. way tMW&rd pa raJlel 1 Qll waa that uf h1a fl'I~ yac.hl.a- 4 • CEMENT Ir: BUILDING All Kinda FREE ESTIMATES Llberty 8-6109 ''"' Painting & Paperhanging We do the work olrsetves. S&tl.racuon paranteed. ~atea frff. C..IJ J obrulte, LI 8-2687 & LI 8-5289 81tfo PAINTING M. W. ROSS U ctin.d LI l-3321 280 A~do. eo.ta Meu Mtfo Custom CABINET WORK Dotie on premllll!'t No job too un&ll. Phone Kl 3-334.8. PAINTING PAPERHANGING Sympson & Nollar ~t l!:xrertenced Workm~ Har. 2604 ur 1~7-R .. " .. .l • { I I • • •• ti . :·, .. ,,,-, 16 • -.r .. a... ~Nilwe for l!oJe ~i. £:!factor New wan ~ ltmncWtnc J,..;¥JL'tON MclCFJiZIE w.-!! !Nf ......... ' »! 4 (!! '"! NEWl'OlT HARIOl NEW$.PIBS-l'ART 111 . PAGE I C'.A.A llOOI tar ~ t.. A.. KANDY ~~ •• ..,,. .. 6 •••,.pp 1 wD Ml ... OW..-6..._ ... ._. ._,:!!;!!!~Wlllfig;·~··~tA~Y.=,~-,L:,'·=H~~l.li;,,,.~y;"~-~'~1~'9~116~====1 • ~ '' -·~ ,..,.. .. n.&:? ..... ""4+W. A'ITSN'llON ..... , 1 .,.. .. ......~.......... GOOD USED FURN. I I ...... ,.... .. ----....,. ,....... MUW"e ..-. "' :r~. ' • • - • • = • ,. . ~ . ..-... ~.;1 ---------.--'--I .,,_,_ma. •• *I'll.. ................ ~ - -IE SDOIONS.BID&-A~«Ml R ' Meirt -· -·.,.. ---.·--· ... """ -... ..._ --· • 68tfc DIUVINOTOTUCIOl'I,.......,,.. oys enenee ou"" __ ... , _._ ... , .. _,__ JANUARY SPECIAL L.lwsoN sor... $:IG Ja.a. IT, ntl&l'1lbW J--. IOlh -.... I 0 ...... _..... y to/~~...;~-· ,. ., , ......... tM .... • ...... ~ pod ..-d.. w..u. ~ ...... Mutlilr IJU. wau -ntt4 -7 a •'err... .,.._.for......_,...,,. D · ... OllltM-t.i.•ltlf•.~ •· WILL: HAND BRAID CARP E '"TE R ,Mell v...a.a......, Vft. ,_, can...t _,fair a~-,. "..1:1 .-__. Ho _. lJ'OV pdtwa) r..-~. ~ ... -S20 '"' 1.-.L ... M:' t.. ___ ... _._ -...-.L M7 .... \7 rr-. .... ..,... -. -- Repair W k uioat> .. ._ '"" ':.o..w• -~ ,... ""' --• -et uu "" WOOL . R.U6S -°"""°' trom -WI ~ or .. 18~::: ....... =:i..:•:::*::..----1--~~------1 ...:=:::.._ _____ _:=-1-ao71 .... ...._ _,, ·-~-·-~ n· ......,. _Y~ ·.-:.:..:::f~S--='-, WANTED Boy. t• ..._.,... . ~ aou.t D Mllf. (I fM .. all ..arlal) orro-~· urn. -:: * ; ""'' ,.,,,.., . --, • -· Superfluous Hair CLEAN UP JOBS ...... _ ..... ,_ ,...,,. n par -•r> • ~-· ~ y 01':88ftl . marrT,....... 'M -....... , I ...... All Work pu.rantNd 1•ttt Pffm&ftf'tlU, remo.M trOCll fllC9 ud Maintenance 1Q eo.t. Mua_ A.llUl't-.,.,.._ ......_ iamp·• dodl wttl ..,_ AJ $2.50 SQ. FT u .. -i... n....---.L.1-* • niree ----~ Cypl"d. • Ne1& Dr1v1 • Qrdlid· ·--,... __ -11 -... • -.-~ .1.•---.. e&. • v ' anna .. lep. C)'l«Jrows &.!Ml: ...,,. , __ -...----.._ ..._._ •·-, Jenne" Plumb.1n9 .......... -~ ...... .-,. """ ..... .,. .._ ... ., ....... ,,__ .... '11tt .,. ,... u .. -K-"-w. a.s r .. ~-·-on NEWPORT' £1..L..CN L. BRT ANT fl .. cau __ u __ .. _ .... _______ .. _u_. I Ot.U Mr. Pt..rllter Harbor . lil t . monUl. •t••.ao cull, cw p&J' .. ~ Rep&1r worl-a 1pedalty Udo'• ....._ ol Bea1o1t1 Bu. ~~: RELL\.BU: coloNd led)' we.ntll ----------,--u·I ~~o. ~·!..~· ~·t The House of yesterday. & Tomorrow ~:.~ ~ ~1:~. ~~ day w<M"k or •Y ...at. ~ Kl Beacon Personnel WJ .0. JUIK .r. 00RON4 OO&ONA n• --..-· --r-J-<Ml l . &1~ l00 ~ lo _.,,,_....11 '"1tt BELL I eu.. tt: ilGlvm.. · ......_ Her. WO. """· H... REDUCING ~ omp yer ~....._. RlmUO. !<....,. -· ......,, WE HANDLE FARM HOUSE FURNITURE '311..J. •7cCIOH. WOMAN f.D. J'O\&ftC iookUi.J, •t-agency cond.J.tJon, fllO--IOO v ... on ..... CARPENTRY Steam C.binet tracUve. WWh .. po.lllon u re· NO F'llllll cou.ct.td trom applicant LI 1-70&7. a7c59 -n·L c..n lJ1llo Opt;rala •u -111.t N.wpon a.en MINOR REPAIR WORK -HO JOB TOO BM.u.L a. 0 . A.ndat"IW>ll 101• II. 8&.lboa Blvd~ Ba.Ibo• Muuge -Spot Reducing c .. 11 Liberty 1·7471 tor appoint- ment. ~Tl Barbor UlliO "3tfc U--Lo9t uu1 P'oad Custom Building 4Tl'RACT1VE PRICES Your pl&lu or oura. LI.cm.Md -l.nwred rlNANCINO ARRANOl:D A. J. WELTY LOST -F°f'm-1• cat, white wtUl mer1unp . t•g wlUI na me "Mar- t.a", Near Carnllt.tlon, C. 0 . M CALJ... Kt 'l·820C, 9 a.m . to 4 pm or 211 St A.ndrc-wa Place. Nf"WPOrt &a.ch ~&O PBX. eep tlmp1-book.a. l.nter - Mted either f\il1 or part Lime work. HM. :if.12_ l'.l8ctO R eal Estate" Salesman F or our newut otnc. -a fine THOROUGH cle&ntJ\f, eooklnc. C"round-!loor opportwuty. Our •ervinr S...11tlhll Jaunc1reu. tn.;11nUve commiuton K.hedule Work by 4-Y. own. traupori..-tavora lha.r. wtlo at&y wllb us, tion Colored. Kl :Z--3039. ~kel thoae who produ~. and lboee i':.Xt'. ~tATUft!C w oman a~·al\able active ln H1tln1. We are tM•nd· for houaework by da -l' or week ly and cooperative and we wt.nl Alao t>.by .tt llnc---Own tran•• the Mme fron1 you. portaUon. µ 8-lQe. l)~P60 Bay &. Beach Realty, Inc. , 3!1.30 1!'.ut t.:out Hwy. Bay Furniture NEW 3 PC. Bl:CTlON.AL. 90% fU" tM!11ter Durable. attracUve COY.,.. $2.)9.IWI VALU!l AT BAY l llMl.IO 2~~ San!M An.a Ave., Colt!M Meu. Llbart7 t.-6318 ~lt'c PRA t~r1CAL tLU••ln.c pre!f'r C.IU<' In home ot elderly Jl'"rMln or !ouph: Phuue H1uUor .:.-: .. ~\I :;~,ill Co1.,~ def MJU H•rbor ~I) Sil VER " COMPLETE P AlNTING 6 Paper H&ngiog Service E UGltNE 0 . SA UNOCR.8 500 11•t SlrNt, Na"'port Be.ach ~ m1 trc PAINTING INTl:RlOR -EXT!:R.10R AUIO MARINI: P A lNTINU LICENSED -lNAUREO Glenn Joho1ton H. H. HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt R•Jl'lr Benrtca Ka.111.t.ained Phone: Harbor 4824 China Painting Da7 and E'Yf'nlna OU-. Ortlc-ra T •IU'-n Now Phene W bc-rty 1<664i8 Ob Yul' !\'El::D TYl•1:-0G vi::;.,: .. r will do 1l In my 11vr11e liar ! Ut) J !.Sr!,1! U1.JU JCHJS o r -.JJ lundl tl<~u•"' JONES f BIRKEL-RICHARDSON y1r\ • gaf"'iige cl~&n ui·~ :'llU J ~>U 1'lAI SM ALL. L J llo•4U&IJ or W 8-4.)i.t .)tptl GARDEN ING a nd CLEAN-UP \IOBS WANTED LI BER TY 8-b 139 the nu1 hty V. L.:itWT'ZEH ICVEl~\'N JO:-<ES MKr :100 Holm-t_."OW ..EG£ Gl.rtL wt.11~ ruCJm • wood Unve. LI 8·1082 07ttc FIREWOOD Et.:<..'AL'l'f"T l'S, Ory, b<.1 t •l Kl 7-4&\lo. ready t<.I 63Uc H t:A VY maple tJlnC"tle tf't, hut< h e ~t1a l•s-l a ble JU i; 41 In eJ<· lrntled JO x ~ l 100 P'urtytwu inch Ho1""r l' I• •" ran.;.,, •l•l(J!,.lt'<I t"I' hurn<'•·11. l11 rge bro1!t't . .!lt'r1•1ce drawer $1~ Ll 1:1-';&MI ~;c~ll ----------- 2801 Balboa 81Yd., N~ Beach 1-------------I ... W•r•I Mon thru i'rl 111 r~· r.h4lllf' tor ll&:hl lloll.k .,.·urk ur 11,.i,y ,nung i.:.1 3-tll:Hl2 11 l'I fl p 1n. 67c!:lll V.'e DU). aell. anJ eachani;e a ntiq ue•. rLocU . J"welt)'. l•1np1, p1rtul'~•. oltJ Chula. ul'1 t urnl· turf'. g.auv.11.re. t"t t Vl1lt our 111.rge ator•. lirln ic !tun.I 111. (;HAHl-1.lo.: DA\.llJ. 1800 ''A's'' VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY Tu. HSW machhla prot'ffll met.h· od.. Rw.eooabJe pr1CM. A ver1.1e 2 ta.Pl rM&dlt.nl1al t>llnd. Only $1.00 Bl.tndt ~ and rebullL n,.. P idl: np and ddlvery Work dOIUI t>y •ppointmafll P1*it Lb:1ert.J U70l or IO.mbWty a.an•. ppUc %8--Slluatlou "'a.aled RELIABt..E roupLe, C"J:p_ M(r. nt epll. A C(Jurt• Ava.tlablt' Marl h I AOO will t•ke ch•rce ot 1•ri borne In ... ..., o' a bltt'nre :-:o children. 06 not drlnk or amuk• Guod local 1f'.l<'rc·n1..e1 \, 1jle P. 0. J:l.o:r.hol;ler 142 l 'o1t• w.... :01p.611 PAINTING BY llOUR Small or l•rK" Jul>ll ok. H.e....onable rate•. Uberty 5-%722 Z\J--l_lelp Waated GIRLS Anaheun, L.D. JlE1ni0<.:k G-.)0311. ,, C.:A~~F'l!:R.S •SATTLER ru ran(l:e with criddlf S~. LArKe s..iem l lll•PI"' ,.11.1 '-11111011 dinning l•ble S6.'i LI 8·3JGli ~~~I Ul"!l.,!t..:1:: ''""'"d gl~ mura l 4 11. ti II ML • L..ake .cene •d•p· 1111:11.-tor Rt'-lt<lr photograpner (IT lt\iuq•\lll l\><1111' l L!I Harbor Swedish M ·--assage HERE ARE JOBS ,,,,'FOR SAL;;.:.To BE MOVED l..ad.le1, by appolntme.nt LI' ·rh•! y001f "'"Ill b•· l''vu•J l<> your home, your tr1~11.tl• •IKlut I-:ew h11h L:ll 1'1>.: l:IK\4 Rli:l.J \• uuu HLJ){., Formarly m a.ueUH at Arrowbf'a.d wag"• ... ouplf!o.1 wlth tJ1~ hle11.l 8h•lte rouf. ltJl!.Lt tor office. dpftll,I"• Hoteol. workln( cond!tlOn• •tld up l11 1ut"•t howie or <r•tra room. li20 !l~i!::~·~·!!!!!!!!!P!!,:-;<~•=•=•:·~·~-::.-:._:• ,.,__call l!ar'tlof' "t7e IX lh.rbor Job~ with pt~!llUI•· "' U..lbvl< BJv,t. Newport Bch, --------~---·-·-•_72· NO li:XPl:RI EN'L:E ltl!:QUIRl!:O ---~ o&eel RE LCAB LE JAPANESE 4 St•rl yuur nf'w j<JIJ ln oo• of .,ur FLUORES<:£NT l1 1hla &: unit ror Aloollollc» ~ .. •ru. I'. 0. -Ill H~ --.CO. caltL n..e a..c.r '"° 18-~ FLY DC-3 NON-8TOP N.Y.C. JIO• CHICAGO Mi •Round Trip Only ~ ~ t.o .A!Tport ... Box LuDcll-. rr.. Tteket Ddtvery W llaHJMOTON, D.C. l tt7 PlllLADlll.oPllIA "' p411.+1 U1 DlftftOl'r 579 HONOLULU •109 NEW YOU -··-$18 CHICAGO -·-·--····-5811 .AU rw. -Phu Tu LU W, 0ceon Blvd., L. B. "" ...... -Nm.... &-4850 lanta Au. UT 1:1. lrd KI J...3386 ' url11·f• Qf'•r yt.u1 hunle. at.on md~e. d l•play. New -AMERI C AN WA NTS ~v ~llli-...crlti.oa C A..RDENINP IN HA H-1TELEl'HONE OPERATORS U9-HY1<1t 4-7401. ~k BOit A.REA BY WEEK OH. A pply ---SE'LL ON -.... 9 00 In i UU p 01. -• "'~ MONTH.. HYATT t-5471 Experienced Gardener LANDSCAPING a.nd CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-1659 3attc Rl:Ll.ABLJC malur1 woman 11(.a,nll J>Cl!lll.Uoa " oom~·. >"'-lo tni.v-el Reterencel. Excellent driver. Har. :lo003. M cM ALL aroU11d wornan cook wanLa work In cate. H•r. ~2~. 07p,'I~ COLLlilOE atudent. VeterlUI wl•h- e• work •!ler school It week· end•. Call L.I 8 -1716. !'.17p6i ~1 4 '~ N. Main St , Rm 211 IV'T. 0£UCA.TICS8&Ne&ae,ll~ Santa A n 1. PAClFIC TEL EPHONE · RE.A L ESTATI£ !IJllt"•man or Brokt"r. ~per1 enroo Ntwport Harbor area.. 1·op !nct"n Live ec.mmla&l()n pl1tn. \Vf'll e.1 l•b- llahed corporall11n. liar. l u11[J 67 ... j(I WANT Fully experit'nc~ record zirl ror part lime .. n1ployment. Apply ln peraun -HARIJeR H I ·Fl. 3333 Newport Ulvd., Newpurl ~ach 67c!'.lll TUR..RET LAT HE OPER.ATOHS Sv.·l n& Shift. Cla.u A. Over- Un1e, top pay CL.A-VAL CO 1701 Placentia... Newport Beach. b7C:.9 UNt:: I fl. retrtc erator ·-···-100.. ON!:: la rr e comllltt'C. retrtc. f 75. l SC.AL.ES. 5&6. 1 OON 001..A 120. C•h C.Wflf'r LI 8·622! rnorntnp or ,.rter ~ pm. itfc MARQUrM"E Art: \Vf'clder , (ne,..) 3 tip Air u.m1prt"•..:>r, 2:10 Voll •!n&"1e phue. !See at PATCH'S 17Lh 8L at Placmtla. LJ l -7ct08. ' 21U I 95b WORLD BOOK TJIB Ot.JLY t...:AUEU ENC YCLO- PEDIA. IRe.::onlnlt"nded by .du- calor11 f. '" EDUCATION AL CGU NSELOR HAZF.L UIS HOP Hlrkory, S.A. KI 2-3302 " 111 PC UVJNG ROOM GROUP Moder11 bed dJv&.11. w/mat..chinc t'flmfy cluo cha ir, 2 atepend. 1 eooi<l11l table, 2 l ·way !Mble l1uni>-1 6-w•y fl<MJr la.tnp l:l~f:I M! \'ALt.:I: AT BAY 5 1 ~60 DOLLAR 8 PC. MAPLE WOOD ARM CTOUp, ron•i.tt• of .ot1., pla Uorm rock- f'r, cl ub t halr, 2 1tepend. l cottee table. 2 wood Due ma ple lamp•, IR 11ffle •h&dt11 ) $3111~0 \'ALU£: A.1' liA.Y 52\"~ • VALUES MAPLE STEPEND OR C01'~P'U: T A Bl.JCS. $22.!)() VALUE AT BAY 116.60 llxl2 COTTON LOOP RUG8 - Rubberl.&ed back. 130.00 VALo\_JE AT BAY $27.tti> AT I) re CHROMJt or w .1. DINrJ"J'E lt'l. J.Ox40 Mica lop. o;tanslo11 table. 4 foam rubber M&.t cha.In. Unut to tla« aupply. $8i.OO VALUE AT BA Y S411.!)() 8 DRA .... 'll:R ooueu: DRESSER. Salen1 nniah, Provincial br .... pull•. $.)i!.:.Q VAL UE .AT 8.A. T $44.60 BAY 11 PC. BEDROOM OR OUP. Includ- e• 6 dwr. douhla dre•u. 3011.40 mlrfur, 2 night 1l&ndl, booi<caae !IN.dboari!. Ouar. lnnerwprtnc rn.ttreu, matchln, be-. aprin(, melal tnune. Sl09.60 VAl-UE A T BAY 1177.60 FURNITURE APT. 812.E OA.8 RANOE l:ZO"'J. Oven h ... t control, • burner•. broiler. $109.60 VA.L UE AT B/l'T 571.0() Bay Furniture "Wher-e prices '" ht'cld at Bay" 427 I!:. 17th 8t., Co.ta M•M. between Tu1Un end lrvll,ie F'rtt Storel't'"ont-P arklnc -'l'erm• OPEN EVE'S. 'TIL 8 BEDROOM •! ···•: - JANUARY CLEARANCE Used TVs and Appliances 121h " DU MONT -Console with FM S 42.50 12 1!1 " EMERSON Console S 34..50 17" GENERAL ELE(IRJC Blond ConAOle S 69.50 17" EMERSON BlonJ1· S ft.I 50 21" PHILCO late Model Mahog. Con.aole _ ~144..~ ,16" OLYMPIC Console S 54.50 16" ADllIR.A.L Conaole $ 5-1 .50 12 \·:.:" CROSLEY tabl" t.1od. with F~ Radio~ 34 .50 19" RCA Lable Mod with 'tnltching base 16" M01'0ROI...A Con.llole -··-···-··· 111:;" STROMBERG CAJlLSON s 94 .50 s 59.50 s 44.50 With FM & A..\l Radio. Table Model AM le FM Radio &. TV comb, 17 " MUNTZ table Model 121;1,"-STROM:BERG CARLSON. Console $ 49.50 s 44.50 s Ji.50 G. E . Electric Range .................. . $149.50 Double oven. Late model. Xlnt. co ndition • WESTINGHOUSE Elect . Range. -·· ·-·-··-···· $149.50 Double Oven GAFFERS & SATI"LER Range $ 64.50 DAVIS -BROWN lW Harbor Blvd. Co9ta Men Liberty 8·3<37 USED APPLIANCE BUYS GIBSON -CLL !L REFRIG. -----------""l&..50 Old but good SERVEL 51> cu, ft. REFRJG. ···--···--.. -..... -... $69.!IO SERVEL 5 ¥..: cu. ft. REFRIG. ··-·····-----·--···-··$79.50 left ha.nd door WESTINGHOUSE REFRIG. SPEC. . ................... $84 .50 CROSLEY SHELF'DR. '8 1/:.: cu. ft. ONLY .......... $89.50 COL.DSPOT REFRIG. 9 cu. ft . ·--···--··--·--..... $99.50 WESTINGHOUSE LAUNDERMAT ....................... $79.50 with Water Saver in1talled DEXTER AUTOMATIC WASHER --.. -,--$7•.50. KENMORE AUTOlo!ATIC WASHER .................... $84.50 installed KENMORE WRINGER WASHER ONLY ······--~.00 GAFFERS & SATTLER GAS RANGE ........... -. .$74.50 White table lop -oven control KNOX HARO.WARE CO. t20 Eut <th s~ Santa AD& Kl 2-2336 WOMAN book-keeper wttll book · ke•plng n1achlne exparluice or w\llinll:' to learn. fm1onedl•te opanlnc Ora.nee c..:.a....i. CollaH•· Starting 1&lar-fl.2T8 per mo Apply 1n perit6il. Bu•lneu of- fice In Admlnt1tn1tlon Bldg. 19910 H•rbor BIY<I .. Co11t& f.t t"s11 UNIVERSAL corwole ru range. Good cond. Twin bed •fl. rra1ne, e A 9 DR.A WER dreuer. mlrror, S2--Fllra.ltun for SaHo SZ--r'andt11n! for Sale 1pnnr• .t. ma tlre•se•. Call eves. bookc ... he.adboa.rd. from 509.60 1 -.::::~;;;;.;~;::.=-::=..:;='---.:::.:;::;::;;::.;::;;:::..:=:..;:::. __ ' ' J 7c:,9 rtEAL ESTATE SAl-ES~t.AN or BROKER. io·a1n!Uar w ith H111·bor a rea. Top cor.1rn\>11\011 \Q lli'{•Od worker Multop'" Llating Q1 ,·1re Ml!:SA . HAf.i30R REAL7Y - ~ Center St, C011ta M'°:>' ")ppo11\tt' Ot'W U.8 . Bink O:lr6 I WOMEN: Otflce joba, dome3t le. and other-.. · Har. l7':'9.\V. 68c60 "TWIN Maple bed .,,,th mi.ttr9M "A JANUAR'l CLEARANCE SAI .E Large selection J :1 lo '".: off. box qrtnc. only . -··· "9.!Ml -· e A 9 ORA WER maple dr-er, with mirror,, !'rom .. ST9.W Li ving Room Seta Modern & Maple AS NICE A LJNE .. you would DON ALDSON'S fi nd anywhere. W ith our low nv~rhe•d you'll be 1urpr1Hd h°"' 300 ~,'Jain, Balboa . much w" can 11ave you. Plee8" 67l·69 take a look. It wlU pay you KNIITERS Com"' 1n & Ill'~ the complete new lint" of Grnph!c p1o.tlerna: Baar lirnnol F.vr r M11tch yam•. Mo r - ell'• n"'" d~u pattrrn1, nO'Velty yarn• It st r9w11 includlnr th"' popultr kn.L lact"y 11k 1rU1 . GOOD TERMS. RE.IAIL FURNIT1JRE BROK.EM Open FMd•y Eve. Kl 1-1438 3rd at Spurgeon Banta A.na '°"' Mesa Woodcraft BED SPRING and MATrRESS, complete __ .$10.00 WA SHING lo!ACHINES ............................ $12.50 up Tbetie and a lhouaand other houaehold bargain.I. Everything for the Houee---Furni.things, Toy•, Radia-, Clothing and Shoes for the entire f~ily. Recent &dctiUo118 ot aevera.J disabled veteran person· nel-wbo have completely refurbiahed, rejuvenated and pla.ced in top condition everyt.hin1 in our 1lore make WI aay "BUY WHAT THE BOYS REBUILD" VETERANS INDUSTRIES •02 E . •th, SANTA ANA FURN. -w. oo.r.. BJ.a'tt-.r Ll l-ll.11 Newport a-cJt. • 8lc51 on TWIN BED, complet• Q O, o,._. wtu.. l'lllrTw no, Hi tiac1t tha1r 11a , x.~ ~r wNh~ m.achlna IJO. coNe- table A t md tabl•. all for J.%0, am. (WA atova A . 1 way lan1p alatld '3. -LI 1·4lQ. &lplO LAWSON mta • cl\a.lr ..nt11 cW1- tom .i1p co•en. Good oondlUon $1~. L.1 1-1)888. Oi<:'l O !%-A-Antiques .,.,. Antique Owners Repair CllJ:-..\, GLASS "'-8HJC•A·BRAC ~:Je .. nor 0 '1-:ttte ~.~::z \\ atliler J Aciuon 7-~7'1 7 ~_Boa_t.•, Supp_u~'"'----­ FOR SALE l:U•lo•!I built L'AR· Vh:H -<'HA~l "'S"· .... t ID (I• .. ~· ~1 ill3l•ir & !)IJl 16 I: l•·l•i.· ti II IJ<l'•OI ~.) 111' ~~>'l'llU<lr ,o,tany .. ,.tnu1 lrnma1·ul11 ,. -~)h \l.\J.,,,,., ,'Al." i"J!'lv b)' huur vr J"b .\$11r:y }h•l.t 1Jl u1~•"•"ll&l Shpa 1111•1 u•~ k" • •I,... 1.ilty C.n n1 1ke rl'pal1s t'•ll t./ 1!·:01111 4 ~11~1 BOAT SLI P FOR RE!'IT Balboa CO¥ea. H•r J260·J ~ir~ll l O FT BOAT. •f'boan1. S3.Yl or nle.ke oft .. r Hnr !'.14:,J·h f:i.31>60 \\'ILi. t ra,le ltfl l>u•I. ':.;) Mere 11la Uon wa1ton nrw \.\'5Y>·, HliH, mercoma t1c One uwner liar 37fl. tl7t6~ SUP FOK R£NT 011 Pentr11ul>1 on priYl tt' dock Ca.II Har 2t M 08tfr \. $3 Pl:R MONTH rent.. a cooU pr-.c:Uca pi.no. .AU ttcn1 rent a 11 ow• d. -.b~Z • BCHMllfl • PfU.L.UPB Big Plano i•I•. tl20 No. M•U., 8a.Jita A.na. Homa of Maaoo-Hatnlln and Knabe l't- ~~. Piano Refinishing Quality work only ANKRUM PI.ANO &ER VJCE Kl 2· 7AO. 69lfc BEA UTlivL Mlaabe.N D.ctronlo Oiya.n u lll f.470, tt.noth.-r Kln- •ha.11 thrM m onths o.ld 2 man· ,u•J llMJI. DANZ • BCHMlDT • PHILLlPI. &fi No. Main. B&n· le """' Knowlton Electronica TV ANTENNAS !CIM.r Beam -HI OLUI J INST~ complete to JOW' Ml. $9.95 LI 1·41<»1 J8Uf 00 USED Pl&noa tra.oted f~ ow rental Mrvt•a. Trad.I YoUr ·pl&llO on a naw 8ptaet Oran.cl or Ham· m~~.9!1~--~~t .~ al- \o'Wue. dutlaj"'o• <lf'•t. S.111. DANZ • 8CIUIIJ;>T • P HlLLlP&. 030 No. M"1n. kill.a M •· _ SPINET Plano like ~ wtt.b Or-ea.no .. 16 wnnderf\l.I buy. Ull!d Soiovox Jl90. OA NZ-SCH.MIDT· PHl.LLlPll Btc Plano aad Or· can ator• &IO No. Main, &a,n t.a ,.,,.. !"Oft 'fH6tJMPUB ROOM? AXPIOO lllACTRJC PL.A. YER Pl.A.NO In puftcl plaJlna" condi- tion. Loa of rolll Included. - oonven.ie.nt t.ern'll at- BH..AFEKB (llJJ:lca ll07) l21-U2 N. 87Cbl0re, Santa .Ana Pliona KlmbarlJ 2-0t72 HI.fl ~OROS How no MALE : J.fachlnl1tll. ·lab. technic· ta n11, lathe o; ... r:itor 5: olht'r• JUN;"; FARU.A ~ F:rnpl. A!fe,cy 402'-'i ·32Tid St . Nf'\Vpor t iac rou rro n1 Cit y Halll INSUi1A Ncr: Sit N' Knit Open Friday and Saturday until 9 p . m. ttc AND RECORDED TAPES ! Sell,_ Home. •• • c. ... ••• • .TRY CLASSIFIED YI ANT ADS ' Call HA. 1616 Uft" .A 1enL.!I n.:c·d•d Tep Cornn1ls- r1ont rnr A ~rr1<slYf' Alrrl r~r­ "°ll W rote 11r phvnt 3urlon R. Mt"<:'k 11',.Jbor 0221 I' (), \;011.. 10~ New port Cearh, Doltr # :-.it+! WAITR&.q~-F"ty C'""k n:"1m b1ne· t.l<tn. YOUNG. Mu11t ~ t ••L Jnq. monllnl(I to ICOW ARDS. lfit Newport 8 1vtl .. Colt.a M e•-,..,.. EXPl:RIENC!:D cook. ltpt bouM lt•plnj'. llor. ln. hmlly or 6. top IUary, "11. Nq\llnd. Harbd,. 111"'. llelO 313 E Balboa Blvt1., 8Alb<>a 32tfc Roney's --------------------<L---l&NOICL LOl<DOll GOODWILL INDUSTRIES BED DIVANS, ALL NEW CXlVEIUNG, COM· PLETEL Y REBUILT $42.50 DINING TAllL!J AND 6 CHAIRS PRACl'!Cll PlANO TABLE-TOP GAS RANGI'.'!. REBUll.T AND GU.ul.UITEED REnlJGJCRA.TOllS R!!:BUll.T UNITS, 11().D ... Y GUAR.UITEE CLOTHING ANO SHOES For the Entire Femily--Vory RN1on•ble ''WE EMPLOY THE HANDICAPPED" 417 WEST 4TH ST. SANTAANA - -Ott tM .,._~,.... out or '*"' .. ,. tM •-l M .. ,. Cl&D ..,. 1111 WUTJ<INllTER U1Ul<IA vox AUDIO-rIDELl'l'T Kl 4 l'l ·&TC, HARBOR HI-Fl WI ......... 8h'cL Har, .Ul lO,,..i. ai., Ball) ~ II-. .,.._ -l\«:ot'&i ..... OUR., aa&A.T U1'D .Al'fMIVZ:R. LUlT UL& 1114 4 11M ..... bQ'9 krnty 8pCIMt llaaMrd ..u.. ~ lpla.t oaJ.)" pa llUtwtft AeT'090llkl MTI l(lm.Mll l pl ••t ~ ...,. OnDlk MN up. eo.n. o« OU... lCaab9 .......,. ~ iMA -.c. ,,.... ....,_..,,. .. ll"4lda ... utd ,..tal ..--... maly PM We. -· D.um-~~ .. 1. .... -. ·-..... ........ ., -· . ·>-~···~ ..... . .. ~ • ..-......... ~·· ' . ' I • ' ¢R6.4til SPECIAU !•!:• =•!!!!!'~·...:·!'~·!!!·~·..!•L!'l'~"~I PA6E 25 PAlT111-NEWPOIT HAlllOA NEWS-nESSJ ,!•!!:::!All!e~•!,!•!!PT!!!!•~ .. !!!.!•!!"'!!1·!!:::::!!1!11'"=!!:.•!,!•!!!n!!•!•!lw!!_!•~-~ 1:'4~-~~· .. ~-~·~-~·~-~--I.. . J .. .._ wa>NESDAY, JANUAllY 11 • 1 • .. 5 ' • • ·~-'---~ Man'nas uv~..:. ::-i~~ LOANS for Hom,s -a...,_.. ---·-'"""-'------ CMc1Uf ..,. .... 't.AlnJ ~~t-. i.... .,,,... lndu.ckiil. A.a70M CIMI ..... to ,.,. ill • ,_ m.i...t11i1. ... •HOW at- .._...._ for a.le M , ... t. a.It \AllJCllCJl, r 0.t• of Co.ta M.. Larp '"' -IO yr. t.ou. · ,..._ .... .,.. '" -Con~·-tion Loans 8/ B :.. ••. • ....... .# 1•:.c. 19011 fll__.:ll N. 8JC&aaw4, a..,.i.a A.¥ P'Tlont Jl(l'mW.~7 2--0l'lJ . 0.-•nc• C:»Unl)''• <>rpri ao.tn.. DO IT YOURSELF ~ Hlsfl . BUILD TOUR .OWN H.I ~ J'J thonoS"raph. ta'tnc Nf'Wcotrtb A H&r-rnon-Kanlon AM-FM lu~n. •mplitiars. •f>ellkt'rw 4r r.aord p1-yer1, Come In and aee th1m. We w-111 help you &aHmblt It. DA VIS-BROWN 11186 Harbor Blvd co.ta M .. a -Ll 11-3431 . B!:A UTIP'Cl. m irror type uprlfhl p1&n0 ln Pf'rl.Cl cOndllion SU Gown A $10 v-r .p>o. 1.t -) 8HAP"l:RS \8L~e 1907J 421 -f 2J IS 8yca.more. Bent.a. An• Phone Kimberly 2-04'7Z RADIO REPAIRS 6 Tt'B!: HO ME RA.DIC>, repaired tor only $3 .M lnclutt(n,r p&M.• • !•bor PO day ('ll•r•nlto" 1~ y .. ar• expe:r1enu. Whites Ra dio Servi.c.e 1.1 ~·llll'>fl or u 8-•01 1 .,t!f 8HORT \''A VP; Rad!o Model S ~A Halllcrarter hke n-- $4.). Har 2013-R. 09p HA~IM O!\'[') Ot11na al! mod'l.I Orie only •l!&hlly uoerl. almost llke nrw ~ 11 a 1pec1a l, DANZ -SCHMlDT -PJIJLI-JPS j H..tn:nond H1adqU&1trr• fur Ur• ,Liii• County 520 ISO M•ln, Sante Ana. --------H£MJ40 J\.'1J Chord Orr..;;_ the peatut lnvenUon ev1r 1n mu- sic. Th• whole !•mlly can play It a l ono• wlt.hout J-.in,,. You rnu1t come In and lry Ll DANZ. SCJiMJDT-PHI~'PS Great Pl· ano and Hemmond Orr1.n Blore. 020 :.·o. Main, Sa.ate Ana. Knowlton Electronics TV REPAIR YAST SERVICE. REA80 NABUC. Service calls UH II p.m. u 8-020G See the FABULOUS NEW BUICK . WE ARE )(AXING l!:XTIU. LONG DEAU! TO MEET pUR SALES OBJECTIVE. COME IN(_ BEi: • DRIVE CHECK OUR DEAL We Take Pride 5 In Selfing , the Best Buick Yet Also a fin~ 1electlon of used cart at reuonable pricea. TERRY BUICK • 5TII AND WALN UT. HUNTINGTON BEACH LEXINGTON ~·~ CLEARANCE SALE of EXECUTIVE AND DEMONSTRATOR CARS SAVE SSS HILLMAN DKW TRIUMPH JAGUAR Set Llld Drive al HARVEY MA YER MOTORS 2l37 Harbor (comer LI 8-2256 Victoria) LI 8·2W7 57c59 tt 40--Aato. for ~ ~.,.,.,~~-=.,.,.~~,--fO--Autoe ud Trucb .. Lido Penlneula, F.ut 3:i.t Sl, Npt. Bch. onaa llalfchlf'11 lh1DJ. Al>t-~banao Utllltlao pal4. . wltll Yodit lllp 111wao•btio111. Dally, w.k17. monthly, )'OOl'ly. a.rt..-AM. 11 lfc a 1 I """ OPEN HOUSE ~ kl. .. BWL-1:00 to f :30 BMuutut l'l•w 3 bedrme., 1 batM All •iectrtc kttc b•n with . buflt- in.. O&rpetM thru-out, lovely Mlry, $H,~. J'Or a.ppt. or l'Mll'Y&Uon. Call Har. 2'182.. '3-A-Apta. for Beat: !! _, .. _ -ROOM for worklnC" man. M Uld .f per Wetk. Private «tt.r&n.o&.- lU 18th St., N"'JJOl't."' ppttc FIR.8T TRUST DEED fqr .ale. 3 1&368, payable 170 mo. l:uep- tlonally well MCUred. U S~S31 bedroome. Del. IJ\.J 3 balha or provtnc:lal c h a r rn. bM.utitul Da.nlah Vloor1, P a tio or dl•tlnc- !lon. well·plann.c!. Btrcb ltltchen with rnany built -In r-turea. Hp&f'llte aintnc room. car-peted, su.ndack, ca ll tor appt. '49.000., *PORT ORANGE * TRAD.ER $Al.£S, and SUPPLIES )!200 W. Cout Hl-y. . !{~~~~~ 'Of.·27' 8ha.ata. Beauty .. Sll 4D 'M -3D' 7'raYel.U, awnlq ·-· ~ ·~-16' eu.tin Kit 2 BR .•.•. tfZ5-0 '~·10' Tr-a•tle•, •pee .... _ ... I 88!1 , We need d-.a. u.9d u.de-ln.I.. PAN AMERICAN SEA ISLE APTS. P"URNlBHl:D fl(! • up, Quiet Good localloa. Private pa.rkin.I" lot. Complete laUl'ldry tadlltlu . 201 E . Balboa BlVd., Balboa. -.,., .. L1DO 0 18LE BACHELOR &nd one • two barm. apt.a. llhc,rt te.rm. &nd ye&rl,.. AUIO, Udo Rome.a -.n.ci Bay rro.nt Home.1 a.nd apartment&. A.Tl'R.A.C'TIYm room, ~Le -- tn.Me. R.euon&bla. Call alter 9 p. m.. Bu. 21J6.M. l!lkel e NEW OFFICES e IDEAL FOR PROF£$. SIONAL or BUSlNESS USE. or I f& Ocl• Bt .• Cotta M..._ DT~i CAPITOL GAIN CAN YOU AFFORD TO SELL~ HOW ABOUT A TRADE, ror m~­ agtr oper•led clee.r mcome prop- erty wmt end of Loa An1elea. Valued at '60,00-0 wtt.h over $10,000 a )'&al' lnoome • low Do you ha Ye a deocwdinr p.a_rent that )'OU would llke t.o ha ve cornfortabl• wtUl prtvacy 1Ull not a.Jone! ? ? Thin C..11 to ... lhil {inuaual arr•ngement A charming J-.ome .,.,1th l beoJl'llU•. l b•lh on on" lld"· I bedn:>on1 I bath on tll• other Out<'ll \11t· l'hen. tk~I• 11.11!1 drart"r1ea or d1Al tnct lon Paramount-KcnsklU Tnva.J.,..Tvry LIDO REALTY Auociatee 3f00 Vla Udo, Harbor•••• '"'" " Located in - Harbor Investment Co. Bldg. 30th &c Newport Blvd. u:pen.e, Am reurlnr • •rn In-Only '70 lot left "n ter<ealed 1n Bfy Front property. 1 !51 to St Corn"-r \YUi trade up or down. 011.-nrr, 1 V."Ebster. ~961 or write 2!il07 SouLn L'ochran AVf', U:.. A11- cele.1 I~. LJr1o 122.000 I.Al 113/\00 16l ft FOR SALE BY OWNER BEAUTIFUL 40' TRAILER at $1,450 LESS THAN COST 190• COLUMBIA, 2 bdrm. treller wtUI e••ry «mvtn1tnce tor lux- unou. living Jn ablloult•ly p..r- CORONA DEL M.AR, Z bedrm pni.re a pt. part.Jy fum. incl etov" • retr11 , or unl'\Jrn_ Ga.r· age, laundry rm , fenced yard $8.5 mo Yr leu.e lf desired Call owner Har. t 1 tr fect condH\nn NOT A 8INGl.E J:IRAND NEW Z BO!<lrm_ unfum SCRATCH ON IT, INSIDI!: UR duplO!x ept1. Bar Kitchen. f'lre· OlJTSlDE~ pla<:"e, i' A heat Beaut. land· HAS nILL BATI{ w\t.h tub and llC&pO!d. GARAGE. '80. Ca.II LI ahower1 and Lotlel, 7 ru root 8-322l or Har. 3041-J. 67p69 Fr!(ll1elre, 1pt butane gila 11..0v•. toroed a.Jr heatlllc With F URJ'l;JSHl!:D A\'a-116~• nQw, prl· vale ama.J~cott.ace. Do& OK. thennoet•t oontrol, ventll1t1;>r 708 lrta. I.SO Bach,.lor a pt tan, ev•pora1111r cooler. hon1e-a v•ll f'tb Har. 063~·!.t In- '-""" w1d1 ...-Jnrl<'lw1, 1wntn ... hot • quire at 72r•-. Po ppy. C D.t.t. Har. 1600 tf FOR R.!:?>.'T Ottlce1 With Ja.rce .1torage ep•c' .. ample parktn~ at 812 W IDth St, CoAta Mea11. Llberty 8-22~1. :'17r~9 BUSJISE:SS BLJx;, -Cent'r 111 C..ta ldeaa. uppoalt• new to&nll buUdlllg On, roo111 120&&4 l<'et. 3 otflt e roo1na 20io.30. LI .!!l~!lii~ ; titk~ll watO!r heater. double alnka, mer· ~.,., "" ' 53-A-Bua..lneM B.i-.JW~ cury awltcheto, and m 1ny oUler l--------------1 --~-- BROK1':RS l:\'.\"ITF.:D 1,RA:\'.GE COA ~T l'UOPERTil-~S t Jtf" 18~7 :->r .... ·p<1rt . Co11ta !.!0!11 J.I II 11132 Even1n~a f-1 b·l •QO LIDO R-3 fealuru Ulte mudel truck fully CHANNl!:L F'ronL tum. YEARLY equfpped l(I pull lhl.I trLller RENTALS. E:.tra large one optklnal. bdrm. rt:d«"Orated $80. Two 2 -J O ft. loll!. on So. Bay F ron SPAP.XU.:\'.G clean 4 nn off lCO!. $31.~oO O!At li. Ca ll T D R(•i,;er•, plus p a rking: & adverU11l11& Har. 1~-W. or RYar'l J~29. ONLY '3i6G--S I~ DOWN HAI; bdnn. 135 or aao unrum. Dock •pace on busy Newport Blvd . 18lfc Coeta Meaa. Har. ~l:..tl Ottrc -------------ANC E , l:ASY TERM8J av11.1l. 91D -36th St. !19p(lt Dl:A.L \VJTH OWNER DIJU"...c"I'. CALL HARBOR ti28. ~9clll NIC~ MODERN 1tore room o r FOR~AL£ BY O WNER-f. be<!- FOR SA LE-40 tt. 11166 'nlunder- blrd, Z bdrm•. MOO down. t..enn•. f':bb t1\Je Tr111l,.r l'tLtk l~ PlacentM. Site B II !18p&l 4.1-Wao.ted to Rent R..,tal1 Wa nted V.'e n,ed apt•. •nd hou.ea ln all •ec:llon• tor both winter and yee..r·a leue. Furn. or unfurn. PLEASANT OCEAN FRONT a.pt. Nicely furn .• wHJ $1Mp f . c;.-oo IOC. $8.5 n10, !ncl. ulll. Ideal tor couple. No peta, s .. ,. It -1 17().4, \V, Oce~ Yr , N"""'P"'rt office Ill 1888 Plac .. nlla. $100 mo. lneludlnr utllltle•. Inqu1r" ill property 1fler ~ p . m .,..,.,k dll.)'I or at\)' t1m• Sa L • Sun. tl7tf Bch. Harbor 4113·W. ~9pfii 1------------- PHOTO DARKROOM. Finishing 1104 WEST Ocean Front, N"-W· Roo1n .t. Shootln( Btudl.o. Beau- port Bea.eh. On• bdr1B. turn. ufully de.o!lgnetl, newly con1truc• room hom.,, l"\. •"'11.Jlf'd It tence.-1. r ·r,.edom h1;>me Liberty 8·6223 •f l,.r n p. m, balh.1, la.nd- }-"JiA lo~. ar""-Ca !J mom1nr• 01 llltfc ~---- NEW INCOME UNITS apt. • gar. "O m l), lnelude1 t O!li centrally IOOl.led.. "Pholo&- mln!mum ut!l. \V\ntO!r rental, n.phtor'a dr&am: .. l..lberty 8-31181!! $22,600~tttm• Pti. R!ven!d<i!, Onrtand 0-1204 ~7P:,9 1~02 & \802 Hav .. n Pt11.-e RY O\V:SE:R ev'b. ::07trc --------------1 Newport H ts neat Elem .. nt11ry It Al.'iO BALBOA ISLAND 1·1 .. M" lo :-iouttt l!.i) oin Aa1~thy1t 1.\ • 11,1· .. 1 ~ 1. .. 1 .. r1 i br !rt:>on11 1', hlth.!1 H•th•i ' ~h""'"r And .. TlltlMAS .,. CORONA DEL MAR HOM!!: ani:'I !:>:COME ("ha 1•mJng n111ch 1\yle hon1.-.! IJr·ln,oma 1-\a b1t1.,., ptg&:O!<! f\•h••l fir.or~. <!1 n roorri. nr,pl1r,. l'Ll'S J."~!y 2 bO!<lf0<.>m (ar ege Apl 2t J1;:!l1 g11rage 4'bVfr'°<! pall'l r.-r'lCC.d l':><r~llrnt t~rn'" ~'""'l'IO!r "'!II .:a.nr ''C'' THOMAS REALTOR a nd A880CIATF.S r l AN 0 player, Ba.Jdwln, mahor. Exptrt appral.er reported u:cel.- le nt tonal quallllu . Good "IK· !Jon roll.I. HY att f ·S77S evea. ...,.. GMC TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS 'til OLDS .uper 88 811da.n 2 tone blue, \\'SW. R•H. 1un vi.or. low mlle..,.e prlv•le P•rty. U 8-t771 Eve.. 6~1 If you have • vacancy, phone todlly The Vogel Co. 3201 \V C•t. Hwy, Newport Sch. COR ONA DEL MAR. l bdrm. pr. a pt. with vk'W. 'Jlwo Y"- old, p•rtly rum. Nn pet.e or children. $80. Bachelnr apL jU11t redKorated, very private, utH. pd. SJ ti H1r . 3li21 .. vea. ~~eel JliMh School. Ll 8-643!1. ~7p10 '" "C" V.' Cout HJway J_J li -~>-'27 THOMAS .. C .. TH(JMA S M-BDAlnNA Opf;?rtualtles -----------1 ------------ Ba rbecue Dinner House Corona Highlands LAST CHANCE FOR sr:ACH LOTS 'JEAUTITUL Spinet JH&no, blond, '411 f'ORO V-1 \.i. t. pldlup Ju1l Uke n-•V• I ZOO. 3 rent-'f.l!I GMC h t. pick up el mlfnla. 1&ve l lO to l ?M '&O FORD \'-8 1-t L pickup r-erfttt condition new ruar1.n-·e.o STUDEBAKER •-. l. pickup \~ !rt• dal.Jn ry. M•ple, Light '61 GMC i., t. pickup PHltN'OM:r:NA.L BUY ot A UF'!!· TUCJC ! A-I ThundO!rbtrd P"d., 'M lMAGtNE only 1279~. W ill fln•nce .-nail down. Har. e~. or 16Z9 BLlOO.. Blvd. G7p611 Phone Uberty 8-3f81 208 Marine. D.allxia t.Jand Phone Harbol" f.44. BAY ~"ROJ\.'T upper moo. turn 29117 E. Coa.lt Hy .. Coron. dO!! Mar 3 nn. ha.lb. 1.11.d 1fU11.ll'e MO-- Phone Harbor 17•11 lower $4.5 u trlllle• Included. -..ido OfflcO!, 3ttt Vla U do c:onv. loca tion !far. 411'11-M.. Bldg'; Equip; "' 8u111tn-... Ground Le1L111<1! J l:'><I month. F'. P s~oo PAPER PRODUCT CO Bu!MneM, 'T'ruck ,. Equtp r . r $.J~UO. SJ :ioo do ... •n. 7 ROO:O.IS. 21.., BATHS. XLNT. Two J O fl AJ1j'>1n1nr Lou sonf'd R·l VlltW. Low down, t p. undO!r I ,,~ h T l 2t.000 .>.""' .. ac . erm•. G. ... LATHROP. ,.,. E . Cat. Hy. "ART" A' DAIR" Rlt Har. ~4f 2 Eve11 Har , 1'>680. 66c~ r. ~\.'alnut, ,.,_.c:h Prov1nclal. Ma-'1!12 CHE:VROI.Er "" L panel 'D2 INTER.NATIONAL""' t. plc:k up hnrllll.1 8plnet c:... •Ll&"hUy 'DZ DODGE ~ t. pickup tlam..,.ed ln •hlpplrl,( J.487. Oood '6<1 CHEVROLl:T ~ t. pickup, New and Ueed TRUCK AND Pas1en9er pra.c:Uc:e pluoa from '39, $1H, H)'dn.-MaUc tt"IUla 1ua. Sl7D ... LbQfl at th• '4;8 FORD °" t. pickup Great Und Annlvena.ry Bal•. 'DI FORD V-11 "' t. flatbed DANIS • 8CHXIDT • P HU.UPS '62 DODGE %, t. pickup ~ •r Plano llJld Orpn •tor• 'M owe " L pickup 120 No. Main, B&nta An&. 100 Hydra-MatJc lran•. -_......_ ___________ ·•a CH!lVJlOLl!TI' 1 L. 181" w.n. -'"9-D000.111 2 t., 14' flatbed, TIRES Bm.A:crnr uL .2 mC111:1Ul• old Bla- me. ll:fti.ut ~I•. Call eitt.r I p. m. Ha.r. 282&-M. 2 1peed. 8:2D tlrta '50 FORD Z t. V-8 2 •Pffd, 8:2& tlrea 'DZ OMC Mode.I f 04, 10 whttlet, B-L t.Tana. 'OJ OMC Mod•I 40f. 10 wheeler, -------------1 B·L tr-an.., dump body, to-.&*-a8d Tnlcb S.. lhe la.tpat HlecUon ot ua.i ;:;..;::.:=;.;;:;;;;;...:===---·I trucktl In Ora:ir• County, f O 09c01 .195 I CAD. 62 <DOOR ~ Atrro. TRANS. $1595 MARK ·D.OWNING FORD JIWT 18 It PA.CinC CST. HWY. KUNTJNC1'l"ON BEACH Ll:XINOTON l-26et Grant W. Musick If our Hudson Dealer SALES and SERVICE 2113 N.LooAngel .. KE~7278 ........... _, 'U OLDB N , 8edanett.e u cep- tton&111 ddn., all u:tru lnclud- ed. '395. Ha.r. 1087-W. 67c.)8 195' JIERC K ONTSJ\l:Y hard top. On• ownar. Dua.I uh&ual ~ brak•. »-Z eye rlaea. Heater oe platea. Prl. party. No Alea tai. W I-Siii lltter 6 p. m . Mlle nvo '49 ff'udaon• for .,,Je-1&() It 1130. 2&ta BH.view. CD M. Har. llJlO-.W li7C0:8 WILL Tit\oll '$1 , 8liadeb&ker Camm.and.er hard top coaTUt.lb!e t or ptchp truck. LJ. l-Ul2 be- tW'M.ft 3:30 a IJ:SO p. 01. 67c!i8 ''I DE SOTO f -dr. Mda.n. D fvod unit. to chOOM t rorn •t prtc .. and ten;m to nt your n-... • W.W. WOODS GMC DEAL~R 116-18 I:. 4.U. Bt. Banta Ana Open Sunday A.M. Truell Hdqtn. tor Or&nlfe County 'tiZ nREDOM'I: V8 o-ot.o f tlr, well C&l'ed for $896,-Tenna. H&rbor lnl. D8c '01 FORD t'lll'O door. J!'ord&rn•tic. fUUI. Very clun. Drive ll • you w111 buy IL 270 IC. Palmer, c. M. troerty 3-707•. 011ce1 lOM HA.LP' TON J'ord truck rood condition. motot' ju.rt n1-buUt. LI S-3308. Nc:tl LOOK!! A Flight Hawk Low u $2206 The Sportieat Cu Jn America Station Wagon Low u $2480 Ir you •re lnter.t.ed In ECON- OMY, BEA.UTT, 8TTUNO lllld Q UA.LITT, -the IWIW lllN 8tud,.t:iU;er, Need ..,.. c..,... wlQ pay bceu• tor lr&de In now, U..., Mat ~nn • ""10' ll~ JOE NICKERfZ 611 Tu.IUD. N.-wpori H eifbt.a. i..n.rt.1 J..T3•s. GICfO STUDEBAKER DEALER scse Newport Bt•d., Npt. BMch 1900 PLTMOtrl'H 4. dr. 6 lPM Jl&.rtlar IJlO ~ 2 dr. Both Uke ••w, 7'-==~-=--7:-=c-::-­I .U beet otrar. JIOt Rlnr, New-'00 P'ORD CoiiftrtJble RAH, O•w - BMch. liTp:it drtn no.U•t oond:ltto11 123~ -f 3rd Bt.. Nawport Beach <mllTm.D Sat.top.. WW att. 6 p. m. 67c611 9QUJT1' tor 'l'ltAN8- .l.'ft01" CAA.. ... at 100 195' CADil.l..AC COftTH'tfllle.. rra 8-Hour Recappin9 ... Service Complete Bra.ke Service AND Front End Alignment ROAD .19ERVICE nreatOne Budi'•t Plan Youn tor Lbe A.tk.lna' HOWARD RY"N 801 -809 W. 1st St. BANTA ANA Kl 1-1333 33tfc Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 8 Cyla. --$48.88 8 Cylo. --~-88 lncludu both labor llJld part.a. N.., rln&a. wrtat plo.1. valv• p1nd. nttlnJ'• of main llJld rod bu.rtnp. bpert motor tune up. to-.d&J '(Ir •.000 mRe ~ar-ntee. {NO MONJ:T DOWN I. REBUILT ENGINES -UP·t.o 11!1 MONTHS TO PAT- BuJlt ln our ~ Uctory by akilled m•Chl'lllla. Ooll't contend wlUI U.. mlddla ma.a. Buy 41reet. REBUILT and INSTALLED BJIORT BLOCK roan -·--·-·-··--·-· 11n .M1 CBK'VJtOLrl' ----·---1140.60 PLYX.. A DODOS _ .$1 66 CHRY8. A DI: SOTO ··-·---1170 8'nJDEBA.KER -··-··---$110 OLDe A PONT1.4C I -·--Sl70 BUICK. ·-·-· $1 111 llUDBON ··-·--J17D Lou Oar l'ne TO"flq: N1iW CAR OUAJU.NTl:E 8todi: mUl't raeet our •tatidard.I Ptu. tu.. pAll.ilb and otl Op.-a.da7 iO ~ t.o J p.m. BEUES ENGINE REBUILDE:RS • ~ °'1'f, lJ 1-7172:. co.lor, ~ J0.000. SJ8IG. LI Open .oau.r • to t •ta.te BcJed9d Nc:tO wraa or 11:1 J -:1111. 17t6t itatcWr, blMllt ~ 80UD II rtins Oooup. -nma _U......_ -~dqMOUMnL """' NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. ............... Harbor 4971 69c60 1702 Newport n1vd .• Collta. Me•a I ~c-:::::~-:---:-:---:-"7--:c-:--c Liberty 8-D097 u.R.Gll 2 bdrm_ duplex H dwd. Ooora. 1arbll&• dl.sp., refrlg. • •l..Ove. Water pd.. $11Q mo. y~ar1 la&.M. Ll 8-7Z21 •tler !I. 2.1.24 Tburtn A ve .• Coeta. Mesa. !19cill C AFE BALBOA Wat .. r Front Full Equip $4 000 "ART" ADAIR, Rltr. , ... Newport Blvd: .. Coalll Meaa Ll 8-379Z or LI 8-~811 YOUNG UICUtlve, "'lte It Z d11.ughtera desire Z or 3 bdrm. untum. home ln llarbor a.rea to 1180 per mooth on yeat9 ltu.e. Ca.JI f'ronUO!r 4-9881 col- lect. ek61 ~7c~9 C.D.M. nice quite new 2 br. un-------------- turn. dupleit. Flrepl., FA heaL Hwd. flni. Gar. Sep. P•Uo. $1 06 mo. Har. 163'-R. !)9c61 APPAREL &tore fixturu for only I J900 (c.-...l $fl900J 1uu1 tall" OVl"r gol111r bulJlnesa fru Ill! bo.nu.1 .Boot w-i....una Buc h. • :'l9c YE~Rl-Y_ R.E}\'TALS WA.NI'mD on B.:lboe. lala.nd, f Bedmu1. turn. or untum. Will pay to 1200-I JOO mo . ., CL081l rN, nlc-ely-tum. dupleit, forced air het tlng, garbage d!ap., Ule, \Vln~r renl&I $6750 1-------------- AL80 ~t z ,. '3 bedrm•. rum. or untum. Call Harbor ~971. H&r. mo 59..-:61 56--Money to Loan \ ll9(:fll WANTED 2 bdrm . • den or S bdrm. houee to $1 00 per mo. C:C.t& Me .. or NO!wporl LIDO ARMS APTS. s~s,1:t;T 0D~ED8 & Marina VERY NEW w 3-2331. ll.rea. Wall lo waU carpeUnlf • drapet, ~7c!l8 G. E. Refrtg., delu.s:e stove11. ---------~---Etch Apt. ha.I private 1ara1r•. '8-Apta. a B~ Sea Shell Apts. 1 .. 3 Bi:DRM. DELUXE FURN. API'8, To preferre<I tenanta. SStl " up, ulll. lncl. 12)() W. D1.lboa Blvd .. Newport Beach. ~ltc C.O.M:. NEWLY redecor•ted, ni ce- ly rum. 1 bdrm. apt., Include• waaher • dryer. To July l•t. H•r. 0881-M. 117c~9 Ten&.olll. have flnt C'&ll for •llpe. One halt blk. to bu&ne-.1 center. :u-08-12-11 .. 20 Via Oporto Ottlce H&r. 1002 ILfter ti p.m-U S-2171 Dllfc FOR BALE and FOR RENT. Du- plu tum. l bdrm. apt. •vallabla. Gllrare. E•cellent loc8tlon. Own· er pay• w•ter. S~.00 -CALL Liberty 8-lf.09. Ollfc --------------1 L.ARGE delw:e unrum. 2 bedrm. * WM. 8 . H OLT MORT04G!t BANKING SINCE li30. le09 N. BUSH BANTA ANA KIMBERLY 3-7118 2nd & 1st Loans Fast Action -Low Rates We Serve All Orange county Service In Your Home We Buy Truet Deeds Top prtcea pald-Cuh nov.·'. Royal Mortgage Co. 2602 Newpurt Blv.1. Nptl. Deli. Harbor 1549 D~cll8h * * 2 bath garage apt. Stove !Uld CN'JOY UVINO on the Ocean re.trig. fumtshed. 70914 M•r-LOANS TO BUILD, IMPRO VE, BY OWNER u:as TI-IAN' ONE '\"R. OLD - 3 bedrm., 2 bAlh hOmO!, hwd. fiool"ll, 2 car ga.rage. $12,MQ a~• Knowell Pl., ea.ta Meaa. Ll 8-81111 .5:it!c OPEN HOUSE &L ... Swuiay-12 to ~ p.m. 211 Tu11tln A ve. BEA trrIFU L new home, 2 bdrm , 2 balh1. l•rge •undf"('k. Unt'x<.'el- Jll(\ ~·l ~w. Not 1nany like th!•. C•n he ae~n by appolntn1t!nt "ART" ADAIR, Rltr. I ... Newporl Bl vd .. Coslll Mua W 8-3792 or U 8-6686 Ol>o<I OWNER ""'lln~ to MU, 2 "brand ne ... • t urn. home., i.-. bU<. lo b"-ach. Coth hom,11 have f1re- p111.cr11. gar11.ges. Smell down It O'"'n'r v.·lll carry bal•nc". ORA:>:GE COAST PR0Pa:RTIE8 18.'.17 Newport, Coata Mel& Li 8-1632 Evening• L.I 11-lt.00 SEVEN UNITS 1'"UR.N'. PLtl'!'l: awnen: %, bednn. apt. Steady Income $f36 per mo. Price S37,1100, aorne tarma trom owner1. 212 Victoria. Collt• 1~60 Nfwport B lvd., Coet1 M ~..a LI 8·J782 or LI ~-~ LI 8-fl887 .... ,.n1ng1 60c61 OPEN HOUSE 3603 FfNLl:Y AVENUE Thurad•Y thru Surn11y 1-4 WATERF'RONT, !N"EAR WOOi Chamilnx 2 bdrm. hom• nicely fumillhlld-,.J:l.ac:Uie ·AJ11'9. Fire- place. Doubl• ca.race, top loc•- t1011 p,.._r & float $26,000 BAYVIEW PROPERTIES 23()1) W BalOO. Blvd., NpL Buch H•rb<:lr 3371 ~8~1 $5000 DOWN CtiANNl:L FRONT coltqf', pier • noat. tlrepla~. n-t. a ttrac. JST TlMJI: Of')"ERED, 118,TIM}, COSTA MESA Spe<"lal 100 ll 300 Jot JflOO. N. B. C. Realty Co. J2nd al Newpc:>rt Bh·d Hllr 1400 BALBOA PENINSULA COM.FORT 62' lot, huge patio. 3 bdrm .. l 'i. b11.tna, hdwd. tlra. PRJCB:O to SELL. With good TERM8. MURIEL M . PrNOVER, R"-11.Jtor 2804 "Newport H!vd., Npt. Be1eh Harbor 41110 ~8ctl Front. K itchenette apta ... rfllll. (UO!rtle Corona Oel Mar. CAW. B U Y. MODERNLZE, OR with private baUl. Mata aervlce. owner, Har. f T. REFINANCE M .. aa, Df.cil7 I-------------- TV. 2309 Weal Ooea.n Fr<>nt.1--------------1 We Buy Tn.u.it Deeds Hubor &Oil, CORONA DEL MAR turn. 2 NEWPORT BAl..BOA SAVINGS • bdrm. duple.it. t\lm•ce heat. te-A LOAN ASSOCIATION * * decoral.td. W a ter .. IM paid. !3&11 Via Udo Ph. Har. f.200 Choice Wrnter P..entai. on Balboa bland &. Lido !Jlle Small • _,. 1Jr iarT• • delux• S~ mo. yeuly, 2~28 Seavlew. • ' tt c "6<09 1------------ S7D t.o p00 mOl'll.h VOGEL CO. CORONA DEL MAR -l Bedrm. furn. llpt. $7!'1 lncl. UtllltJr. • l •tu.dlo apL furn., ~ incl. uUll- tlea. -Ca.Ji Ll 8-2039 or H&rbo>r 208 Marine A•• .• Blllbua Wand 1-------------- Pb. Harbor t.ff or H&rbor 21!)J RM. Har. 118&-R or Har, 3068-M f820. MP60 488--Bome. for Keat .. u.1------------- J40 MO. Nl!:W modern hOUH. \\'anted younc min to ahare 11&rne. lnq. 30.f-32nd St .• Nr.,.•- porl 8"•ch. :i7tfc: CORONA DEL MAR, 2 ~room duplex -•pactoua, t ully carpet~ ed. Ga.rb. dl.lp,. Dlahma.ater. tence<t patio. OCEAN VIEW. Call Har. 23311-W. 68c60 Pl!:NTNSUL.A POlNT -Winter n'nt&J. F'um. 2 bdrm. hOU9e, pr, · $100 mo. 17lf Plu:s del Norte. Phor'le Atlantic: 108fl4. 68c6-0 UNP"URN. 2 Betlrm. house. com· pletely redecorllted. Firepla ce. Must -to appreclat.. Ca.II Liberty 8-DT!)O. betrc WINTER. Ocota.n Front 2 bed NO COMMISSION No Appraisal Fee SALES -llEf'lNANC!l OONSTRUCTJON Cili tor Vrea Fut CommJtmenta on. Re.1ldance:a &lid Unit. CQl.ly Don I. Huddleston 173 E. 17th SL COSTA.KUA U 8-5541 U M!.41 REAL ESTATE LOANS InterMt Rate 5--61'190 Loan. quickly tn11.de In the Harbor ArO!IL, lquna a.nd. c&.t.a MU&. Lido Bayfront Lot :)Cl F'T, FRONTAOIC, VL\ LIDO souo. Oe.llrab.&e ·roe-borna or Income. Own.et" Hu. 0181 or Har. 3106. D2d6h For Sale bv Owner LARGE VIE\Y JJ:YI, Corona. Hl&"b- 111.ndll. Vl"w of Canyon • oc ... n. Priced to aell. Hartior ZUO-W, .... , Best Duplex Z bdrrns. each 1114-..Bwd. noon. Separat11 yard•-All ft:nOl!d. Qwner leavtnr at.te. !llubmlt yCKJr terma. - DAN A. JACOBSEN, l«•I Emta.te Har. M91. LI 8-8317 Kl 2-2111 View Lot See )0:-TA NELSON chol<:'e rum. .. un!Urn.. ~t•l.I. 2808 ~. CoMt fiun. hou.., ,-uqa.. S.e •l 1408 W.etl Ocean Front Ot C -11 Har. li143·W 09p Sinrle or multlple f"1la. Ne.,, NOT A LEASEHOLD. In N-· or old. S. wtae a.na •"• by re-port Beach. Priced ,......,. kJw Hlatiw•y, C.D.M. Ii.arbor tiMO. ~Uc1'lrtJ=c::RNcc:.-c,,-.,,.:-:-=--·c"cP7<u-."'...;: '""" ~-pr. Nice klcat.lon. •oe Pernl-C. Hu. 2•••-W. !lkfl '84-Ape.. for &eet ---..:.---------· 1170 UNTURN. Z bdrm, dup!u:. IMALL TURN. P"OUnd t\OCX' •PL. Yvd. f&.r. Cloee to eto,,_ and .Wtat»e f or 1 or 2 ectul~28 .-chool1. A~I. Feb. l•t.--3.M ~ A--., 0oroM dal Ma.t. I: 14'Lb Plaoe. C.K U f:-MTt ~ AJf-W. lltC!ill Nall flnanc lnr 1our ptMent ~ for quick cub Mk.. Minll:llW'll. expenaa. 20 YMI" term "DAN A. JACOBSEN'. R.e-.1 r.tate if d~ No ~ for p~ Rw. 6'81, U 8-alT KI 2-2J87 l1minary appralM.I. Kl !48&' ARTHUR A. MAY lolcir1pc'e LOlll OOn-r•+detnt OoddmtaJ LUe l.MUraAce Co. .... loulb Maui a..nta ...... .. 'IV.'O. BDRM. BOUSE, bardwQO(I tloors, redtooraUd 1.Dlllde aa4 out, $10,7~ aM ~er Bl-Co.I.a M-. non. 1..DMirty a-1aor ..... 10 MOUNTAIN ACRES Le... than 20 mlles rrorn Santa Ana wl\ll Bprlnf . J500 h•nd l"- 40 ACRES RJvei bottnm \a11d. Good .on '"'° Pfir 11cre. S.r'l Dlr10 County. SAM EMMES RMI Eat.et. Broker 2816 Villa W•y. Npt. Bch. H•rbor 1044 ·R , . .,., BEST BUYS tiear Newport Pier 2·tJNITB rum . 1·B. R: et.eh. DbL rara.r•. Nice condJ Uort $Z3.000 " ... -··-_ ......... ·-····-ten'll.I. 4-UNIT8 tuni. Mu•t Me 118,000 -··-··---............... tenn11- ~ UNTTB tum. 2 lot.I SU ,&00 ................ ··--···· \•flail. HOMT.R E 8HA1"9\ RXALTOR 104' Mchddf9 Pa.. at NlfWJIDrt P\af ~lar, 1.0-Jin H&r. 1117-M. It Har. GZU-W LOTS YOR BALE by own..-a.... t he h1(h er.hoot. 76 tocit. fl"Oll t· ..,._ btt}'UllnC In and r..t.rtc• led. RMI l ood locaCJon. 1'\l1J pnc.e U.000. Call Ubertr 1-C?tl _, -. r .. ' !! !!.::!•!11i1!1J!ll!!!!!I !!!0 !.....--....!!!::!•!!!~~E!!!!!0 !!!' !.....---1!•~7!!•!!'.!!E!!!ll!!•"~--_:.·1 !•!:::!!P!!•!!'.!1'!!!1!!1 l!!,_ ___ _!G!:::!•!!!>l!!.,!1'!!!1!!!0!!... ___ ,~!!!!:::!!!•!!..! !1'!!!1!!!1!!.... ___ jNEWl'QlT HAUOR NEWS.PRESS -PAAT1 U. PAS& l Custom IU1t Home' . Bayshores . . A NE.W UDO ISL! LISTING , ~ -I WBHSDAY, lANUAllY II, 1916 . ' • BT Owm:R e I -._ -6 bolt (pink &-) , e Ulld brick ~ bi U.. roo01 •-r~ o1r .,_t 11G,ooo BT\ll • 8allt-b> w ....... Holly a..,. .. o. ... • Gf"bop dla-1 and fan • 1128 oq. ft. (in bouoe) • Lot: •• 50 x 125 • Compi.t.d with lawn • &••ned Redwood fenclnr I ' complete • No. 1 Select hardwood oak ttoorlnr • Shake root • Service porch plumbed for automatk: wuher • 2 C&r carqc, 400 IQ. ft. • PaUo alab • &ckyud made for children (luge redwood ll&ftdbox) Sl&,900 ($6900 down) terma. • Payment.a $e9 per month 254 Magnoha, C.O.t.rM-eu LI 8-1919 59p6(1H BALBOA ISLAND B.A Y FRONT, 60 ft., 4 B. R. pier &: fl oat ··-·---..... $73,500 SO. BAY 4 B. R., 3 bath plua 1 8 . R. apt ......... ~.500 NO. BAY 3 8 . R. 2 bath plua 2 B. R. apt ...... $73.:SOO LIDO NORD 5 B. R. -2 B. R apt. . .. ...... $89,500 UDO NORD 3 B. R. -Pier & 111.Jp _ ................... $!19,500 LITTLE ISLAND, Tropic&I setting 2 unitJI plu.a 2 B. R. gueat houae . ····-······ ·--_____ ......... $34,950 NR. NO. BAY 2 B. R. .. .. .,. ...... $22,500 NEAR NO. BAY 3 8 , R. . . ... . .. . ....... , .. .$25,000 BEACON BAY attractive 3 BR, 2 bath tfurn.) $34.500 INCOME UNITS : .......... $2:i,750 to $38,000 incluaive. Check with u• on these a.nd others. Har. 1775 -Eve•1. Edith Maroon H''att 4-6222 J ohn M&cna.b Harbor $359 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa I.eland COSTA MESA VALUES A REAL NICE home, 3 bedrm1., 1 1,:: baths, hwd. flooni, fir. furnace, tiled ala.II al'l.ower, Jge. living room, 2 car garage. A CUSTOM BUILT home for full price of $8900 -Repeat $8950 • BACK BAY LOT Only $6800 a.nd terma. Hu eome view and i11 on a paved •treet. ' MORE COSTA MESA VALUES For only $2500 down 1.nd $80.50 per mo. you too can enjoy Ute u & home owner. 3 Bdtm.11., 2 bat.hi and l ~ year. old. F. P. Only $11 ,500, and we h.ave the key. $1900 move. you into a 4 yr. old 2 Bdrm. and den home. Large lot. bwd. nre .. fin.place too. First otter of $11,000. Phone ui day or night. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1005 W. Balboa Blvd. Har. ~188 or Har. 121&-J Trade?? A 1. Golne out door butlneu ettablilbed over 10 yean, abowl.n.& comlortable grou and net, well .ecured by lnvct.ory and equipment, want. clear houte or vacant Iota 1n Harbor A.re& to $1a,OOO. , 2. Beautiful custom built home ln CUtf Haven at $33,500 Wa.ota ama.lltr home at approximately $15,000. ThUI bi an e11tate settlement. 6 I ....... wltlt. 111111!:::!•!!!!!1.!1'!!!1!!1~----..!!'!;::~!!!!'!.!"!!!!' !!'!,.. ___ ....: , aa•a a .. 4'aiit w ...._,; - - -• • OPEN 8009 lrt. ·-1-6 e °' IITT!o' -ot Udo --... --· -. , ~ 'Darw bldloc•. · ..,.. ......... "1• ., ••• • CORONA DEL MAR 2112 cal8iYlilW HD.S'8 A llAQ M'fiMIUdJO. TT to louJ' _,. e6 &-. ......... u4 ~ Mxcll '"" 'bonie9 ta '; 'N ..,....._ ni• trul1 teMpdwt tio.. u. J ~ ,._ ..... '°""' .... cio.e ...,.. ucl Pre ,.Uail OOGlo' plel41)' vdvr1il wtu-~l ~block wall otf..-tq Ul• mO.t prlY&CY. RA TUl\.EI mCUJD& a clW'ftl- ~ llvtn&' room with beuD celJ... in.I' aa.d r~ b""1..b. dr•p&&ee. birch puelllftC', w&n-U.-....U ..,... paUftC. R bu M M.tnctlw d4ft.. , 1n1 ..--. l~ Ma~ •Y• ltO'I. I ~ bL. .i..ktl root ud a 1.&ra-• two car .....,.. TKE ENTICING Kl it:!H&N 1t mo.t oanv.U..Uy &.rTIU\led wb.h c:upbo&rda ol. UUJr&1 pttl•. sartt. dllpoUJ, ~\lat fll!I, rlc . WE INYITIC YOU lo come and compe.n lb.I. lruly tine T&lu.e with 1t•1 acc ... IMHt)' to P!UV· ATE BEACH &Ad YACHTING FACll.JTil!S I.hat will be • Joy to lhe wtioi. funlly. • De .. . imtiN ..... e, ....... au-• --•ti. , ---...... ..,uo ... ..... &WU .,.,..... ..... ..... • Ba11111>ston•o-_;,;_. __ ,_ • Dllllnnaber • N.-1 •• u...... tr h ~ • BuDt tn BBQ ~,. .... ..,. ..... fnlm. • Hu:p brick Patio ~-I .. '"19 ~ • . run price P4.l500 ,_ -....,. """' Thia home provldeo all the environment for.anothef , happy Lido. family. AND · Al'° Another FIRST TIME' listing two bedroom&. two hilt.ha loe1ted on V1a Koren ' I-ls> -I roomy Uvfna room with pl'O'ria· cial ...u to wall ca.,..t1nr and Iota ot lnolde odjaat- &ble ahuttera. Thi. pleaaa.nt home can be yoW'9 for $26.:SOO, t.erma. LIDO REALTY ' ASSOCIATES . 3600 Via Lido Harbor '"'" or 002'l .... ml' ......... ,ti. -. jt .. toe 1a11t1 t it, no. 1ow ....... pSNJ:lftULA. DtrPLIDC w1tb I bed&QOIDI up and I tMl4roomli ..,,., both apt&. moeq f'Ur- 1lllbad. Lant7 propert7 mly ' J'e&n el4. I ClllLf ~ and la1&DCr7. Twrlfto bOla9 wtlb ln· OOIDll • , • botb nfttAld llOW. StT,000, t.rma ·~ p.!nmla ~ wtt.b S ~ and 1 'A balba, ttni- JM-,dn iars-Jtrilll' room and a d&n4J' -n.l\Mo t.l $17,&00 and oniy ....., ....... BALBOA HOME ! PRIC.!: IS .JrT,tlOO. Term• C:IUI b6 "'""'"'· "'"'' "''"'" "" oow COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth .. tor pre-ehov.11\&. ao.. to library, NllTC •. , On A..nade 8UWt. l\eoeDUJ' mod- enil-4 3 Mdrooln J:lome With l.arl'• mod.m um.-room, nr,. place.. be&uUtu.I kitchen with eupb<>&rda plof-e. Good heal a nd 1n •plendld condition Jl 1.500, lenn.&. Frank James Linwood Vick R..l!:A.J..TOflS 31 2 lit&rln• Ave .. B-.1~ t1land ttubor ~ ·•c" T HOMAS "C" THOM.AA THOMAS EXCLUSIVES CLIFF HA VEN -TRIPLEX: 2 Bl". eacb aide, fireplace, 3 garagea, laundry room, garbage dia-- poeai.. One unit kept open for Uapection 4: imJ:no- di.ate occupancy. $20,500 with only $3,000 down. DUPLEX right bi town. 2 Br. e:acb aide.. aepa.ra.te garages & service porcbea, large living room. $13,750 w ith $27:)() down. 2 Br.&: den plu.s tniall rental on ':-';. acre (plenty of fruit tree.) room for additional unit.. $10,7f')4) w1Lh good t,enu. C-2 Zone IBua.inMll) lot 140 ll: 100 corner location. $13,000 with terma. 3 UNIT INCOME ! Cl090 to Ocea.n ln N.wporL Larp l"t with Dk• pe.UO f!X' 1..U ut1lta. Swell rmw property 1.nd 11.11 rent.ad nDW • • • 1113 monU!ly lllcom•. $111,000, terma. ·Balboa Realty Co. Oppoall• Bulk ot Amarica R..au Greel~y ltd Ve AJ COrneU\18 JON:phlne Wrbb ;oo z:. !!&Ibo& Blv11.. Balboa Phaa. li&rbor 3277 BAY FRONT -P'1n• older home ~ Ndrm. .• 2 ba.U:U., ulra Ir e. G N WELLS R It H b H' hi d "'· ~m. ""'' rumi.ho1 ~" • • ' ea or ar or 19 an s c:ellenl lor l&r&• family, c:ho!c• 1810 Newport Blvd., Coeta Meaa W &-1801 ~ Ol&o.a t...ne, Open O&Uy P .M. betl\1n1 beach -Out•te.t1dln&l -----------------------·ls B DR.M.8., 1"" bL. 1Nll<1• c:omer v&lue at $17,600 $950 DOWN 3 BDRlolB., "' bL Nl<•lr lud· liN\.BOR 1-llGHLA.NDS-Nrwport BM<:h aehool dlatrltl, Charmin• 3 bdrm., I% bat.h home on beAU· tlfully l&n<19c&ped· ror. lot - \\' 1<1 W ~a rptitln& 6c drapoa. .-.,,~ rtnaneinir . $15.600 • f.JA YSHORES -Choice C'Or ]Qt.I.• tlon on Bayahore Dnve---VIEW or bay-3' ?MidroorNl-1 \. batha. f'lar1ton1 tlrrplat•. hrtwd. nra. PRICED AT IJ3 .~ • CLIF~· HAVfo:N Bea utiful mod· ern de11cnf'd by L/l(k Pl"iter l bdrm.. 1 "i. blilhe. lse .• "9r-Y. po~h with oodlt:m o t c:upboardli Prime location $1 9.MIO . "C" THOMAS REALTOR and AS80Cl.Ans 12i. W. Cout Hlwey -W 1·6e27 Newport Beac:h "C .. THOM.AS "C" THOMAS OPEN HOUSE Fri-Sat.Snit-Mon. &flernoon1 21Hl) CrH lvl1w Dr. BA YSHORES i 1 8 . R .• knotty pine Int,. 2 patio•. PLUS pr. unit -c:hermlng be&cll or year l'!IUAd home. 3 bedrm. 11• b&tb, therm. but, bar kitchen, dining aca'*' 1 18·~ ' room, firepl.a.ce, patio with BBQ, dbl. gar. Owner transferred -MU.SL aell Close to Bay and Ocean 2 bednn. plua den home on 2 lot.. Corner loe.a.tion, charming rustic atyle with fireplace -double gar· age. Full pri~ only $18,500 turniabed... Terma. NEWPORT-MESA REAL TY ' 1799 Newport Blvd., C.O.t& Melle& LI 8-5508 Evea LI 8· 7237 59c60 WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS INVESTMENTWISE IN :561 Want to buy or tell. Bui.Id or leue. Exchange or Finance. A store or indUlltrial property improved or va...•anL Whatever your needa in commercial, iDduat.rial or acreage, consult & specialist. SEE RUSS FORD, Realtor. 1600 W. Cout Hlghw;ay Liberty 8-61U -------- Lido Isle 2 BR., 1 b&. sa· lot, c:m:y 122.950 l BR., 2 ba. '-t' lot, ,c:a~t.. $81.&00 S BORllS., • tMi.. Ftxv uppu on • bl&" 12' eom•r lot •on 181 .9~ J BR .• 2 b&. ,~. lot bl .. mi•. »6.000 Upper Bay I BDfl.}(8., 1 '6. be. Baiaut2ft11 nl- tlng' on • i.8'-111t. OPEN BUN. 1 BDRM.. l bt..., Hlc:kory built bom1.. Sh&k.• roof. B11lot 1 10,600 Newport Beach T INCOM:J: unit.a. a J-bdnr1. apt.a. ln N.C:h unlL Inconui POOO pe.r year trom each unit. $22,IM)() N.. Be.t rental t.re•-&lway1 ruH ! Costa Mesa . 2 BEDROOM lul'• oomtort&ble older hom1. Bvp.ln at l t3,7GQ. Duncan Hardesty '... • fl.EAL TOR H02 Newport BJ't'd. Hu. '114 B/B Exchange Corner n>R 8.ALlll OR TllADE ' N-h02U ot 2 fine bdnna., 2 botba, --le den and I> both, i-uUA&t Urine room, mod. flre- pL. paneled ...U, din. rm., extra pl_,.t kitcbeJi, uh woodwork:Bkf•t. room opta1 to patio u doe. DR., larp 'oervlce Porch. llalo rooma beouUtuliy cazpeUd and all draperlea and carpeta incl $:!000 cub may MICUft .pol'r?Nion to qualltled buyer. ONE OF THE FEW BA YFRONTS Large home of 2 muter suites and baths. 2 gu~t BR'e. and bath. High ceiling Liv. room opene to lge. p&ved len'ace. Well an-&nged kitchen, brkfat. room and dining room. FA beat. Plus a deluxe 2 BR. apt .. 3 car pr. Owner wiU coiWder apt. or Income pro- perty in LA or Valley (or $5"0,000 equity. Ca.I! Lou Boynton Har. 3297 or Har 1775. E vt'1l Har 2871\ EARL W. STANLEY, Rea ltor Bay11ide On''' nnd Coa.at H!gh...,•ay Quality Speaks for Itself EXTREMELY SELECT' lsla.nd &y!r.pnt borne. 3 bdrma,. 3 baths, ma.id'• rm. & bath. Pier & float, large Jot . Completely furnished. The best. BA YSHORES FOR YO Lt! Well-kept 3 bdrm. A den, 2 frpls., 1:1 , baths, nicely land&ca ped homf'. Close to priva ~ beach. Don't ex1at -Uvt-! $23,750 Good ternl11. • LIDO AND SPACIOUS On A larg-e cO'mer lot with 2 patioai. 3 bedrma., 2 baths downst..a.ini. 1 bdrm., l bath, large playroom & aundeck upstairs. Dining room. 3 car gan.ge, uid bea.uti!ully landacaped. One of the beat buys on Lido at $4.1 ,500 KI LLION re al estate 3341 Newport Blvd. Hubor ~ Vogel Values JUST REDUCED IN PRICE Three bedrm.a., 2 bath home In Corona Highland.a. Lill:e new ,inside. H.ardwood floors, corner fire- place, brldat nook dining area, dispoKl, vent fan and OCEAN VIEW. J uat reduced to $23,250 wikb 5% l.naurance fin&ncing. COSTA MESA Attractive, modern 1 bedroom home A: apt. ln ex· eellent condition. P'irepla.ce, HW floon. , lncludes dr&J>e8, Wedgewood.•tove A: mirror over t\replace. Lg. lot. C1oee to ahopplng. Prtced at $14,800 - excellent financing. The Vogel Co. , 2667 E , Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. ll&r.17U LEMON HEIGHTS 121' x 215' comer -V&nnhouH, le•-rooma, :t e. R., den, dtnlnc room. fruit t~. !Mil ' loca- LOOK 80 Ua1t.e--1'1ttean fl>Ur Ualt Apt.a. -----------------------TV and phon• outleta, .n 2 tion ·-.. ······· .. ·-··-······· ..... 132.600 3 B. R , off Rt'dhlll, 1600 aq. fL, ONLY .$295 DOWN new beauty . . ......... $25,:foo bdma. 1 yr. ok1.. SU ,'400. equity ln ucb. Tr~ all or put f or A Bt.ytront botn• or cattle nnc:h. Redhill Address! 2 Beeutiful Contemporary Ranch Homes Ttl-ll•t . il'.I. yDp PARK for aale, or will trtO." Oft Newport -----------------------! Hel1h~ or N""port. The Vogel Co. .3201 w: Cout Hlgh-y Ll S-3<81 Phone Mr. Gales Day or night Ll S-7976 ThrM cottar• on C-1 property center Of Collt.& Ke11&. Ideal f~ 111....-tor. I ll, 150. Trad• for Coaunettlal lnc:om1. Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 3 BEDROOMS 4 BliDROOMS $13,800 ''-----. $ i"-4,200 B/B Corona del Mar In T astin School District Bl:A UTlJ'UL HOM!:, 2 bdrna. A KA.OMD'ICEN'l' VDW ill th• IUld den. ou..,t hen.IN and ~Im· alctiet Mtur. amona many ln mine pooJ. On• ot th• rtnut lh19 lov.ly J bedrm. and con-availabl• a.nywher•. ,...Ubl• den bome, J bat.hi Of c:oune,, • fPMl'OUll modem h.om• For the denUat or pay1lcl1.n neM· wtUl ..chadld patlo. ..u Clb two Ins loc&Uon in 81U1l1. Ana, 8ee ,_... Nun .. 01...,.., pen:ect ua .ix.ut leulftl' buUdlnc t.o IMI ~ built-bi kltcMn. tw1 alw.d .. rou wtah. prtoe:, pa.GOO. P-.. call &b-.d ,_ Ul &f'POIA\Dmt to .... Fitzmorris Rlty. Co. MulUpl• u.tln( Re&lton Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 81.WJln-Brok•r lllO II. Oout. Kipway ODroe& a.I Mar -Harbor &NI • Balboa 3116 .E. C.L Hwy .• Corona <k!l Mar H&rl.oof' 2lf>J Corona del Mer Loh DVPIZX. tumW!.lld 11,,MO. Two R-2, to a lJI BS corn•r lrW A •lh ~Wrrn. apt&. All oa on• noor. l6000 Wa.lkinl' d~ lo downtown C·l , 85 fL 2eOO block eo...t Hwy. a.JlloL 5howtftl' l'Oftd lnconiL $11,260 au~l oa terma. Ocean Front tlJ,000. QOOD TJ:'.RMJL I bedm1. ~ Mme. pvt1&llJ' tum l.aMd; ~l --. J\9*lt ot Balboa. J car ~ lib 11 111 for apL abo,.._ Coast Properties 11.ACIC BAY A.llaA EX'nU. L.UlOJ: LOT U •·ITU Ba.rtlOI' Ull .,., R-2. OcMn Bini., SO it l I 0 I t!'i,8'0 Dr1,.. by 017 Natt!NU .. 2 Bed.rm. Clean. room to l:Ntld ind unlL IJOOO down. Choster F. Salisbury Rl:ALTOR Sl~ Marin•, Balboa IMnd K~ 61111 1:"9 Hat" . .a;a Bargain of tho Day S tt.drm. OU floors. cbolc. loca· Uon lft Coren& del Kar, ltutem own..-•ra ''lkU U.llo MonlJ'lM. -.. 0 . K. LA TKl\OP, ~ E. c.t.. H7 • llat. MU ..... Bar. MIO. llceO Claire Van Horn REALTOR 1731 W. Cout Hwy. LI 8·'4271 See Me-Ta Nelson THE MOST IMPORTANT AD YOU'LL READ TODAY. CORONA DEL MA.fl OAl\UNO I bdrm .. 2 b&Lh home, nrepia09, beam c:ellln1. hdwd. fl~. P'Ully !enc.cl. One blk. f rom ocean, 2 \ii yr1. old. Encla.ed patio. dbl. car . wlth laundry. Below r.pl&eement CORL HOME 6 INCOM.E A.TJ'RACTJVE DUPLEX. cholc. loc:atlon. l 6 2 bdmu. UNDER PRICED . > J"-'EW 3 bedrm. 1 Y'l bath home, Coat& Meaa BALBOA ISLAND Only $!)()()() down In a quiet loc.a.tion, very cloee to the S.y. Coty 2 bedroom hou.ee on a full siJDed loL Full price $19,000 ' WM. w. STANLEY SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD Park Ave. at M&rine, Balboa llla.nd Harbor 2<62 11711 Hubor Voulwanl C0111ta llua. t&l!/omia LI 8-771• Eva. LI 8.-3158 BAY FRONT DUPLEX N MI' center of B&lbo&. By-Owner-486,000. TennL Wrlt.e Bo-. I:. &8 tbiJI paper. 69p7'l Golden Rule Values LOW DOWN ltllra nic• I ~ horn•, 1 yr. old, hri floors, 14 blt.U.... FA heat., 2 car prap. :euuwut c:omer lot. Clou tn. J"ll.ll prlc::• 511,950. Phil Sullivan rN L08 ANOEU:S ..... C>••· -------------------1,& Geo. T. Evers.on .... ""''-<Mlu, mod•rn Corona Highlands Bli Owner a.J l 1t..I Mlf'VIC'tl 1tallon. 1-Rd :;.;,:;-b~o~~-;~,~.= Ponoramic Ocean View OP N HOUSE leeMd. Bu.in-II: R..idenU&l A COR. wr 90Kl20 •how• e:x.c:tllllllt BRAND NEW cluplex, deluxe con-lncom• Property Own d • 1tru<:Uon tn rwiUc modem-'a.. Sa• " Sunda~r--........ ..,. '"-21 return.t. er will trade own, '" r-------.. ... -., '"" • IMO Newport Bl...S..... o:.t.a M- (Acro. from co.ta )(-Bank) ft. LI 8-l'Ttl l:lwie. Hu. •He . LINrlJ' &.-210I tor \ncom1 property \n Oranf'e I.hue 2 bMUL two bdrm. bomM Noon to 6 p. m. CowltJ. f\IUy 0U1NLed, h&vt •lectrlc: 18&1 PlacenU. -eo.ta M.-. 68 a IM to alley. Cmlral o•en. and rrtllll. St.on• to c:ell· Uon. eo.t.a )(-., loea· Ja:l'A N$1..80N' lflC' ttreplaee.. Open for Wpeo-IN THJ: HmART of & larl'e, n..,, a.I HT•. no8 E. Ooaat Hwy. Uon -479 M6mlnl' Canyon ahopplnl cant..-. Ha.r. 1181 l1 ::Orona 491 Mar. Har. MIO. 6~1 Roed. Har, S742.J. !llc:04.b FOR THll: Pl:OPLll WHO A.RE -----------1------------1 LOOKING t. a bUllJMal; Joe&· 10 Acre Grove • t.1ot1 aJ)(1 & horn. OD the .am• Jot -THUi IB IT. Plen.t)' ol. room fOT ai-nafoa. 6 pantac". A C'nON Nl:EDl:D to awa MM!U- f\1.1 ~ Bq W&.IM V'9t& ~ etr'lcted ~ta. ..,. -...,. ~·-~ • Bulll·ln R&ng'.i • Owen. Flntpl.&oe -l'oreed Alr Heat Plaru1'"1 tor PllUO Uvtnc NatureJ F1niah CablneU NO DOWN TO vrre YOU c:an Qua.lit)' lf T OU Earn "21 J40dtbl7 Kua&" nrepl&c9 Mut.r 8.ciroom 9"11!.t. Oi..ed-ln Tile llhowv Bul.lt·ln ~ "' °"" NO DOWN TO vrI'8 You can QuaUty lt You • llmm ft.11 M1X1thl7 Call Liberty 8-M-48 tor olher' information or Evening• LEbJ&h 9-3023 Seo funtialled model at Redhill and lrviM. -. man at homes daily 2:30 to 6 :00. Sund&ya, 10to1 HERE A LOT BY THE LITTLE • Little lot. that la-$62:50 wlll pt, you an,Jt-"2 lot near acbools, churchea and 9hopa.. ~ wW set an R-2 1n a quiet block far from the Hwy. $89«50 will set Iba -priced R-2 Jot In Coron& HJch· Janda. They'll eoon be eone, 10 HURRY! R. STRICKLER, Realtor R . B. HODGE, A.aoodato 3622 E . Cout Hwy., Corona de! Jiu Har. :nn C-2 TRAILER PARK SITE ' In t.errlflo location. with 8 b>ch -u.. to ed1e of p1opt:1t}. ili ROOll for OVER 80 SP ACES -land lonll. Tlllo deal i. really .....i, to ro ot P8.l500 THE VOGEL CO. llll W. OlUt lll(hway, NewpGrt Beach • ' PAtll'· PAllt Ill-~ HAllOll NEWl.PIES$ • Pod -G -· -, ,!Qllf•SDA°";>JAHO.Alr .T1, l t16 . _."!.~!!!!.. --~---.!!:~!!!..!~~..__.,:.._ a ••. ._.. i ru e wt .... ceo.-.,.., •• I -. : , , . . • - , · , . -.. , · · .p. a. P. a I _~ e ·r . ' -i o· c o r p o·r a t e ·d -. ' BUNCID A. GA!l'IB, ••'*°'i . .J .VI.lop' l"I ' BAI.BOA lllL.\IU) CR •; of Lido Isle • l8000 dn. A RJ:AL JJt]'C. Attr. f.....,_ opoeiouo -~ ~ UY.·""·· IUD ........ db>. room, 2 ~ "°"'""Tent lilt:cMi,, 1 bollL Patio. a.,....: $19,SOO. Pt1ee FllUI. $10,000 will handle tbla lovely 4 B. R. ~om&-3 bolC.-PLUS beaut. 1 B. R. apt. r......_ PLUS guest room • bath. Dbl ca.race. Choice property. Choice locaU... .• BAY SHORES . Beaut. 4 B. R. 2 bo. home. $23,750 for QUICK SALE. THIS IS A MUST TO SD! . BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor llEMBERS OF MIJL TIPl..E LlSTING I ll Marine Ave., BaJboa laland-Ph. Hu. 1671 or 1672 ANNOU NCING OUR NEW NAME MESA-HARBO~ REALTY I< ASSOCIATES 509 Center St .. CoElta Mesa (opposite new U. $. Bank ) LI 8..0011 & LI 8· 7784 formerly HOUSTON REAL TY Same location, Same pent0nnel Our a im hl to give yo u lhe beet eervice in lhe Rt!al Eatate Field thruout the Ha rbor area. MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING This Week's Sp ecia ls DUPLEX IN(\OME -An exc. inve11t.m~nt. Below replacement coat. Over 17,000 sq. ft., plws divided g1.rage1. Sewen in & pd . Only 8 mo. old, near center of town. ehop & truisp. Full tile baths & kitchena, la.rge nna. A real value at $15,500 LOTS & ACREAGE 60 x 102 R-1 ·---·-S 3,350 6(1 x 90 R-4 .......... $ 3,950 M x 475 Af-1 . __ $12.MO 6 A.crell County . S 6.500 per a.ere $7.~2 8 , R. only 21 ~ yr. old. Nice clean home, cl<*! ln. l.Arge yd. enclosed with blk. wall Only SzeiOO dn. G. C. SEYMOUR-Realtor-Owner Eve ph. Har. ~298·W • A. C. (TONY) PETITTE -A880Cia te FLOYD W. LYTLE -A.l580Ciate LI 8-5498 LI 8-2542 Bl'LL'S BEST BUYS EAST SIDE BUILDING SITE Nice retidentlal diatrlct , cloee to grammar & Pa.ro· chl&l mcboo'"l.. All improvement.a in, partially fenced. One or the lut lot.a 1.va.i.la.ble $3150. YOUR C)-tOICE Of either o! theAe homeA at S500 down. Three bed· rooma, l ~ bath, new curbed &r paved 11treeta. ..eweni, both leu than 1 year old. Some furniture included. F. P. $10,000 each. 4 BEDROOMS - Only 2 fUl'J old -owner leaving state. WaU to wall carpel, rear yard encloeed with gnpeet&ke fence. Nicely landeeaped. lmmedi1.te poaeeuion. Aaklni $11,950. Hu $8300 -FHA Loan with paymea.t $70 per month me. tu. and illlun.nce. BEAUTIFUL, BACK BAY Spacious three bed·room and den. hardwood flooni, wall to wall carpet in L. R., dining room & den. t.rse .ervice porch adjoining, completely built· lD kitchen make thill a boUBewife'11 dream-Let ut 1how you the many other fine feature11 not mentioned. in thia ad. / ll'llI1 price $23.liOO with only $5000 d0wn . W. 'A. TOBIAS , Realtor E1<CLUSIVE AGENT "you'll like our friendly aervice" 4-00 E . 17th St., Coot& Men Llberty 8-1139 VOGEL VALUES AT BALBOA ISL:AND Delightful bay front home with fine beach. 4 bdrm.a., 3 bat.ha, with spaclows living room & master bedroom. Plu.1 furniahed sunny tl roomy 1 bdrm. •PL over p.race. Good income. Price $60,000, tenm. J'lRST TlME OFFERED by out · of -town owner. Dehu:e 8 unit apt. motel completely furnished. Grom. income $12,000 per year. Owner will t.U:e home or income property u down payment. THE VOGEL CO, 208 llarine Ave., Balboa lal&nd Nest door to the POet Office Evm Har. 1229-R Har. 42.a:R OPEN HOUSE Saturday A Sunday 10 to 5 p. m. 203 O\'"l· Balboa I.i.nd :20.000 TWO DORMS. 1 % batha, garage. Near South Bay $18.7:!0 DELUXE Lido Bay front. 4 bdrm .. 3 batha. Pier a.nd fioat $69,500 DORIS BRAY, Realtor :US ll&riDt Ave., Balboa laland Ru. 20 or Ru. 84 ·-·Compare! • Be&utlflll'Lldo lllji..lMP. a.rtlotlcaDy ·~!"'"'-~~ . wry ~-1111a. -GnOJoaa u.m, room ud ._. st.rt l#in91. · No -!!'lthir far no! tU!lt1 lltllic 1" ·- tl!aa ID 11111 • heclrg --~ ... Udo W.. Bud! f.O-u s -. dloibw-. d"' o-1, _, carpetlnr and dnpoo, Ul!I 2 llNpluM ....... rate ~ room. 1ulal .nth lildlnr rtaa doon to potlo rcw liidoo"""t.door Uvtng. 3 ~. a.od 2 bot.ha. T!P!a 1" .• ltlvtly yeu'round home, a.od _on1, thaa juotlty tbe prieo of ... -.... -... $32..!IOO with lllD&II down po,me>t. call Bill l'anlnwth. Once in A Blue Moon Ringside Seat ·. a lucky bu~ benefit.II from the many.S: $ $ I a.n owner~ ju'..t_ •~t tor new feahirea.. Such i. the cue in t.his aimo.t new home. 'nlttmador oven and range, wall-to-wall eupeting, .ildmg pa. clooro to patio from both dining area and bedroom. Nkely t\lrnl4hed-you can move right in. $32,900. Tenna. to all I.ha -11114 aettnty In the -....._ Uo-W floor plan loel•-I boclnn. S botbo. Owoe.r-...,. --sELL!" at l'(),000, wtµch ii way below repltop--i. NOT LICAllll:llOW ! Call Da'ridoon Oal>ura lido North Bayfront Pick out the beat, m09t desirable RCtion, and th'9- pk:k out the t>e.t looking houae you can fiftd. Then come in and eee us-we have the key. Balboa Island for Pasadena Let'o tr.de. Lovtly 4 bedrm. homo on Balboa r. land. large and,completely tunrlehed by a decorator. E:pen ha.a a rumpua room wttb. a blddm. bar for thoae ouD>mer parti<L Owner will trade for Pua· • AJI above homea U.ted exclwlively with Ull. For tbeee and othen, come to HEADQUARTERS. dent. AJtadena, or Palm Sprinl!' property. Price $32,SOO Call Joe IGJJC&id.. p. a. palmer, incorpo rated ole ha nson co., 1ale1 manage ment 3333 via lido, harbor 1000 p. a. palmer , incorporated ole hens on co ., 1a le1 ma nagement 1700 w. oaut highway -liberty 8-61573 B/~ Firs t Time Listed . A.nd We t:ha.Jlen l"e You to Se•t Thi. Buy: lmma.cula l<'. mo<ll'm f'luplu on a lara::e t>t,a utitu!ly land9Caped lot jual 2 block• rtom ghopplng center In COflt& Me<1a"a rine-l Eu~de-loca\Jon. Hclwd. rloora. forced air he•t ----.ree.lly a DE· LUXE INCOME UNIT. l'ull (( Best' Buys Corona del Mar 1. SHORECLlFFS, 1~ 2 bedrm. 2 bath home eeparate dining room, covered paUo, haniwood flra., fenced yard. A BARGAIN a t $29,~ .. See t.hia today ? EXCLUSIVE with u.1. 2. SHORECLIFFS, Just lilted, 3 B. R. home plua am.all den, 2 baths, carpeted WW, built · in stove, garb. dillpoB&l, encl. It paved patio. Better HURRY on thla one! Only $36,000 Prlc• 111.000. wtth Juat J.),000 3. CORONA llIGHLANOS, ocean view, 2 BR. & den, down. 2 batha. Paved & fenced p&tio & yard. Cliff Ha ven Seldom can we orter ror the mon- ey u. Cine a hou .. -in .. <'Xcel- lent • neighborhood .. thU. 3 bdrm. hon1e wlth UH<! brick f1replat:e, jllermo. controlled unit beat, hdw<1. floor• with w;w carpe!cng in Uvlng room which ope1111 ontu a covered )Milin •nd ti.eauu rullv l•ndacep· ed fenced bac.k y ard . All th!• and more tor J.UJIJ 117 ,M'IO w ith a 0 I 4 r~ loan. An Exclu· eJve we are proud ol ~ Bay Shores l'or the ~e t&lnlly 2,300 aq. rt., tour bdrm.. and' dn\ plu.1 Mp&T- ai.. m&k1a quarter•. Huge m .. - lflr bed.room with flrepl•ce. '311.MIO. WW l!Xckani"a for am&l- lt1r 3 bdrm. or vacant. Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 1876 Harbor Boulev•rd Co.It& M ... , C&.li!oml& lJ 8-771• Evr:a. Ll 8-JlM Speculation We thln.k thl.I pr<>)Mrty to be a fine lnveatment. Two nice fur· nlahed untta bMnJ1ng $13!'.l.00 per mo. and f'OOIY\ to build men on the !lne corner kit. Excel- lent c:<>ndH\on. tilt yurt1 ol(I. clo.M In. Total pricf! $1 o.~00 Term•. Harbor Blvd. Lot SUily root buftneu lot on ckiae In Harbor Blvd. Lota likfl thl• a r ' 1can:11 better -th!• NOW. $895 Down Lovf!ly lhre• blldroom 1tucco jUlll like new . Beauuru1 cabinet•. formic• draJnbo:&rd1. colored !lll\uru In bath. V blind.I, land· acaped etc. Can be handled with S8'le down. and payn1r:nla like rf!IT'l. B. A. NERESON REALTOR 1982 Newpor t Blvd., Co11ta. Me1111. J .lber\y 8·1872 Eve11. LI 8-4120 Wberty 8·&613 Llberty 8-3727 Bay Shores 2072 Circle Drlvt Open Dally -14:30 NOW PRICED TO SELL 3 bdnn., l "-bath. Jrpl., F . A. !le11 ., all elr:c. k itchen. Spaclou1 patio -built ln BBQ. Over11u gar•1e. ,enerou• atorage. RALPH P. MASKEY REALTOR A GOOD BUY &t $28,000 4. DUPLEX, 1 bedrm. each, one unit tum. complete, corner lot & only $17,500. Low down payment will handle. 5. DUPLEX : 2 B R. each, corner lot. Both have fireplaces, hwd. Ora. & .epa.ra.te dinette. A BARGAIN &l $22,500 6. FTRST TIME OFFERED. lmrnaculate l BR. home plus rumpus room, hwd. fin., garb. dilpo81..L A bargain at $13,500 -$3000 down will handle. Exclualve with WI. Don't wait - SEE nus TODAY ! MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTINGS. CORONA -DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUlSTION, Realtor 3447 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar Har. 47 (Office located next ·door to Corona del Mar Bank) BALBOA ISLAND DO YOU DEMAND PLENTY FOR YOUR MONEY ? Then aee· this 3--bdrn;i. comp!. f urn. home . Near ahopping and bay. Full price '22.500 with tenwo if deoired WE DOOD IT AGAIN ! Ju.rt Uated wonderful 2 unit property, very cl<>M to So. Bay . .,Practically new and in xln't cond. A money·m&ker't $26,000 GOOD TERl4S TOO l EXCLUSIVE BEACON BAY Truly a home oC Diatinction ! Thitl 4-bdrm. home ia epa.clous and charmlng. Lot. of llhutters, for- mica kitchen, diabwaaber, many more extras. YOU'LL LOVE IT! $40,000 OWNER SAYS SELL! .NELDA GIBSQN, Realtor 306 Marine Ave., Balboa hi.and Ru. ?>02 or 4623 BALBOA ISLAND • Heavy Shake roof and diamond aaah. • Kitchen -the heart ot the home, with used brick and every built-in convenience. • Living room of extra aiz.e, wonderful fireplace, beautifully panelled, and glau doors to the patio. • 2 bedrooms with ample cloeet and ston.ge 1pace. • Carpet.a and drapes of quality t:hru--0ut.. Looking for a home perfect in every detail! Malte an appoin tment wilb WI to aee th.I.a one. WM. W. STANLEY SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD Park A•e. at Marine, Balboa Ialand Harbor 2462 3•1 1 New~rt Blvd , Npt. lktll.\ 1----------------------- Haf'bor .-02 HARBOR BLVD. 18-1 It: 23() Thi• bulldtnl!( eJte can be bouxht $25 p•r fl, Llt8S U\1.n adjolning propert1'• ar11 !lated trir. Oft.ANOK C::>A ST PROPEftTIES 1&'11 N~port. Co1ta Meu.. LI 1·1832 f;Yenln .. 1 LI .a-t•OO SEE YOU~~E R BACRl.'1Cll fM quick ........ ! V lllW kM:aUon. Corona dd Mar, 2 BR.. 1% ~Uuo. charm. com- fort. rrt•aey plua lmm~l•t• ox-.iplaq. DrlY• by 7SO Poppy lh«I c:aU J"CN,1' brobr. Reduced from $tl..50dl to JJl,IOO. Good t#'"'TNl. l 151o61 • .. CORONA DEL MAR 2 Bedroom home -South of hwy. on a 4.5' R·l lot , cloee to 1torea. Hardwood !loon. flagstone patio. BBQ, fenced. Aputrilent over garage for maid11 qtrt1, or gueats. Lath hou11e, out.aide ahwr.1 in rear ot beautiful shaded back ya.rd. Below replagement. EXCLUSIVE. LOTS \Ve can offer you the choice1t of the few remaJn. inc level lot.a 1till available. Sli;E RAY REALTY CO. 34-14 E . Cout High"'•Y .. C. D. M. --2288 r Acroma from Bank 1n Corona del Kar) GOOD OLD LI DO ISLE! l ! THll ONLY SPOT ON EARTH Ulat can compete with lleaven. A l&rf• horn• on a l&cl'• lot a.bout 3 yea.r1 old. 3 balh.I. 2 hug• bedroom& • den. Wall to wa.ll carpennc-. oroy 12t.eoo. But whJ t&1k a bout It whui you can aee It. . • • • NOT ANOTHER ONE LI KE IT ANYWHERE- A 1t!XJAL HOME on th• Ba.lboe ~ 3 b6drooma • bul"e den. Very la.l-1"• llvtq, dlnJ.n&: room and k.ttcben with br-.litut an.a. H-.Yy ahak• root, walled ln paUo, 3 car prq• aoo ii. bru.th-l&kUI.&" vt~w ot th• S.y and Oc.-n. Und •rprt c ed a t S•9,500. Owner will con•lde-r rood 'l'ac&at property for d()-.;n p&tm•nt. • • • A HONEY FOR A LITTLE MONEYI ! I LJ:SS ~ 2 YEA.JUI 01..D.- ' Mdrooma. I baUW., bMck paUo. A doctor'• home. w.U kepL Only $900 down-1'\ill p'1c• 111,&oo. • • • OCEAN FRONT 2 STORY ..APT.- TOU'LL PINCH TOURIELF to -It you a.r. •wake wbal you -It.. Owner MY• lt'a I Jea ... old. Ona apt. bu 2 be<lrooma 6 2 bath.I, on• hM I bedroom• A l bath, two apt.. have on• bed· room 6 l bath e&c.h, nicely tumlahed, Pl.~ reuonabl• C&M down or owner w111 take rood lit lnl.t. d-.ci aa CSOwn .. \~ .. "-NEWPORT HEIGHTS- OWNER SA YB "81:LL." Pric• cut from 111, 700 t.o $10,000 on l hla completely turni.hed I bedroom bome w'lth 2·oar ,.,...,... on a U ·• 120 corner. BtM.I fllQced. Bubrn.lt down. • • • YOU 'LL NEVER KNOW WHY- AN R·J -eo rr. LOT 90 ft. deep I.a a rar• ~rtain at $M.ooo untU you -ll It'• on Udo S..y Front. Seven l1lend1 Realty & lnveotment Co. IM)3 22nd 8l, Newport Buch, Calif. Har. &HI, after o p.rn. Hu. 2298-J My Goodness! . Arter au our huntinr, HERE It ta. Alnt tt amaainr •hilt mon11y wUJ buy! Tou'v• looked at, and wanted, lh-f1ne ' B.R .. I ba. homtti at 112,000 to $11.000. Here'• )'{)UJ' chance to r-t OM for only IU.000. Naar acbooll and .lbopptns eomter too. --. Fisher & Co. ......... YOU CAN OWN bnnd n-J bedrm. Wtth I full bat.ha. ln· t«corn syllt-., w1M tronlq'e ~ped lot fen:-Jun I U,000. """" ....... OR.A.NOii COAJfr PKOPatTUOr 1M1 Nnrport. eo.ta .._.. LI l--113.2 ~ U 1--14°' FOR a.u..g by OWMf'--1 lMdrm. ~ Npt. Kta., dilalAS nn.. nr.p&.. bwd.flN.. dWpo-1, dbl. prap 4"' 0 l .._ WW tAk• 1114. P'llU ,.,..,. 1.uaoo. 1111 Red'-"--U M t40. DldO • 'We're Moma to ,;lrYine T me" . . om. In toda,. &"4 .,.. ror ,.....-tho ~ oat- ..... , -of tldo tomarbb1" --11;1. . Kore llDd more llanor area f am!Ha are m9p.et1r1a .-eJrqulllite --aotlnr their ....ron_ OOD· -~ a.od central Jocatfoa. . M~ and more fa.mllle. who p"6!er a home ln a re- lllrleted quality community are moving Into their IrvlDe Terrace homeo. Inspect t he model homee, built by Macco Corp. exq~itely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert lrvtne Terrace la located on Cout Highway oppoeite the new Irvine Coast Country Oub. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSrYE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Further lnfonnatlon * For Recommendation, we r.:efe r you to anyone who holds a Leasehold Eatate in Irvine Ter race, Beacon Bay, Bay Shore• and Cliff Haven VOGEL VALUES -COSTA MESA Incom e on Your Own Lot! Let ua a.rra.ngf' for building a duple-x or tri plex on your lot. $300 down. Back Bay View Modern 2 br. 2 bath home with good bay and mountain view. RadJant heating throughout in handmade Mexican tile fl oor . An artlat1caJly beautiful home_ Price S32,5oo 3 Bedroom Home Formica kitchen. 12 x 16 living room. Fully land- acaped front and rear. Rear ya.rd completely fenced. 1 year old home on good street cloae to grade achool. $2500 down with $S7 mo. payments. THE VOGEL COMPANY • 1700 Newport Blvd. Phone Llberty S-M91 ea.ta MN& Evenings Llberty i -7 ~7 SHORE CLIFF SPECIAL Four bedroonm l %, bath piua &ddlUonal \.1 beth, built in at.ave. Birch-ldtchen, Iota or tile and many other ertra.s. Located on large lot and nicely land. acaped, with a very livable floor plan !or !a.mily living. Muat eee U1bi home to •pp~iate. 345 Evening Canyon OPEN HOUSE SAT. & SUN. BACK BAY AREA Another FISHER built home ready Cor that buyer who-want.a .a -CUetoDJ. bunt home for • tract home price. 3 bedroom., bath Ir ~. H. W. noor, forced air, sliding glau doors onto the patio. Uaed brick • Ci.replace, plus out.aide planter and many other fine features. OPEN DAILY 348 Mira Loma_ W. E. FISHER. & Associates 3024 E . Cout Hwy .. Coro .. del Mar HAR. 5032 Bl B • VIEW! BAY AVENUE EXCLUSIVE 2 B. R. It Den-1 % Batha. Large F1aptone Patio, Walled foi-privacy. Garage •treNed for apartment. Nice view ot bay from living room. Shown by QC~~~~~~ ~~~SIVE Seuhore Colony, comer lot -R-2. 2 B. R. beach cottage furniahed. Room for another unit. $l5,000 dn. -i'llll price $16,000 BAY AND BEACH REALTY, INC. 14t50 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa BUILD NOW ... MONEY AVAILABLE We can build for you a tw<>-bedroo'm or 3 bedrm. home for $4 .60 Square Foot.. 100 °/. Rnancing 937 Square 1155 Square Foot Home-$4295 Foot Home-$5295· ' I Ata<hecl 10 x 20 garag'" -·--$2811 We.,.. building on Wallace, Bay, and AYocado Sta. Startin~ ohortly on 18th .. 20th BU. Call or Phone for lnformaUoo .•• OPEN SUNDAY ilTERNOONS .. WEEK DAYS SCOTCH CONSTRUCTION of Garden Grove, Inc. 11041 W-ter Blvd., Glllden Grove LE 9-0833