HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-01-20 - Newport Harbor News PressI • ' j 1 CJ • KICKOFF PEANUTS FOR :POLIO SALE Purchulng begs of peanut.I from Newport. Harbor Union HJgb ·School student body omcen &re the Harbor area mayors. From left, Vice-president Bob DeLong, Mayor Dora Hill of Newport Beach, Mayor CaU-, Nelaon of Coat& Jleea, aod Pnai- dent John Hopk ins. Proceedis will go lo the March of Dime1. -Sta.It Photo Bar Public From Violation Trial? Woman's League Asks Original Bluff Plan Use The \Voma n'a Civic Le&.(l•" of N l!WJ>Ort Harbor Tuesday 11ot~ to urae the Newport &a1::h City Councll to carry Lhraut;h on !he or1t;lna! plan or acquhing Hncky Point end l:lul.'k Gully. H "''•11~1<11- nounced today by l 'rt.sHl1111t ~!r1 Jo'or reat Allinder Thl:Ne att•ndln,r the m•m ber- llhlp •e.Une ln Villa Marina rll'· a rn ,..i the <n"&anl.l.a uon"• nrl· g!nalf endo r9e01erit of obtalnlnc ti'reM properUea. A letter l<J that effect JIN bHn forwarded to ~ty counclL Roe_, Polnl la otnc11lly )o:nown a• Blodl· A. M MM! Buck Gul\y M Bloc-C. , ' . Claim Attack Testimony Could C01TUpt Morals! Plans of Dlstrict Attorney Robe-rt P. Kneeland to close the trial of Jack J ames Walker, 25, Sant.a. An~. charged with attacking Orange Cout 'College student Donn.a Schurr Brett, 19, f rom the public and pre!lll we re revealed exclusively today to Orange County New1 Service. A loOurce cl~ t (I Kneeland aald 'aald h" did nol belleve ~uch a the move t.o bar the public ff"()m clo.1ng would M pernil.M&ble t.he Buperilw COurt ll"\1.l In •"ett-Wlder C&.IUornta Law, and further ru&ey wa• brln1 ccn11hlered. •t.&led he had heard of no •uch I UCh .cUOn would prevent the pend1nr u tJon. p,_ trorn c<;1vering the ca.e '"If !he defendant want• to clci.e Ule trial to the public.'" W!llJ,wn.t -.Id. ""h• can." CIDD' 800tlT -°'"-ArUal.r A. Bchuek, chlef Scout execu- tl"t"e or Boy Soout.t of Amert· ca. wW b4 rnaiD .tpeaJulr at Oranee t:mpl.re Council'• 14th annu.a.I dl.11nw Wednesday nJeht In Balboa. e..1 Club. He we.JI here durtnc naUona.I ScOut Jamboree hiakl al lrvl.1111 Ran~h atte a.kmir ...Um •ho~• of Upper Bay. hu many friend9 In Harbor •rea.. So11WJ MIO pe,.._. a.re e11,pect· .ci at banquet. --__ ,,. __ ' • ~-­•·:...----. ' Mesa Fight on Freeway Proposed - • . . • ~ CDfl& In an effort to obtain the facta covering pro~ shift of the Harbor Highlanda area from C08ta Mesa Union School Distr ict into Newport Beach Elementary School ota- lrict. a meeting h.J\..8 been arranged al 2 :30 p. m. Sunday in Hll rpflr School 11.t t8lh St. and I favor of the annµ.allon Lo N-- Tustln Ave., lt wa1 ~Qunced port. Beach.. PetltlOIUI favorif\&" today by J ohn T . Bo~ J r, re.91.-Ule a nne11at1ifn ar• .chedu.14'd ror 1lent ot the are&. I L'<Ml9Jderat1Qn Jan. 14 ln a public 01t1ci.t.111 or both tht CO.ta Mua hearit11" at 2 p. rn. befQre the Or· and Newport Beach .chOQJ dla-a.n r , County Board of SUJ>f"l"V l.llon. trict.. a.t "'"ell Lll SllJ)"r-vLeor Heinz! Approx1rnately ti)() fam1Uu Uv1 Ka.i&er hav., been lnvitPd to appear I !!\ t:ftP,-....,Highland.I n.,w. Anulher at thfl n1ee.t1ng 11.11J give the ir 114 J welllng-1 are currently belnJ' view• QI\ th11 boundary DatUe b.!!-planned for thfl area. tween the" board.ll ot tru.11teee over · 81JMMl:ft AOR.£1':..\olLST Ule terr\tQry. potential In hl1h Lut aumme~ the trueteu ot the u-Uf!(I evalua uon. two .tehool dlatncu 1nvolved ~ ~~ ~' PU"';~~RS.":'RES1ikiS~' REJECT STANLEY UNITS By BILL PlllLUPS Fed up with the state'• attitude and Lnar.tence on ' . &booting the S&nl& Ana Canyon Free.-ay thrqugh the BJ" BERT BRINTNALL .ti to know It the eteht·u nlt bulld· le f ea. u....... M.a Claire Plau Qf Ea.rt Slallley to baild lnp might not be run on a mot•l cen r o ta -. yor ·. Net.on today in(ormed. et.-ht·lllllt aput.ment..t on hla prop-but.t. SLO\Y RACE the New-Pre.a that he would propoM: .ending I. prolelting erty In N"wport IUIP,t. nn tnt.o The pni..nt thrM·unit bulldlrl1r• d~ to ~-to a t. n.a:.t the San 01 .. o l'neway. .. aDAC lUt. nlirht •t t..he meeunc eeemed to be lhe thom ln U.e tleah llam ..... , a meeunc of tbe Colt& Me-. CiQ" Mayor .Ne.190a pointed 6Ut Ulla of the Newport Beach Plannlfl&" Ql tii. proteata.nt. .. they k!'pt NeWJtil ~1" ~ . .-'-!:.£ . ..:ii ' f' --#". TTI>UIKTIOft ' w b•e h ln•olves ~ll&ek count. aca1Mt Walk'r IM t March and J Ml. 10. Reliable 1<1U1""Cee tn the Dlltriet Attorney "• oftlce Mid the ltlOV• i. under ron•lderallOQ be- eMl.M 9! thfl "l~ a11d la.c:L.-lotW" natu.r. of the trl&I. Such ckwll"I" «. \M ~L1 be~-90u~ -w_.on I.No rr'o\.lnd• Ulal t Htl· mdoit mlfhl lfl11.t1 to t he oorn1pUon Mt")'er told OCNS hi• client .-.;iu.J• IMl\llltaly mil rn&lle a.ny •uch m ov• and "want• an ope,n t.rt&1 to the publk: e&n learn th1 tlU4' ra.c:t.."' A ~ -wh•~ NCh a rrtO'l'e __. m~ on the part nt Ule proaecutlon wa.t th• trial or Minot '"l.t1ckey" Jelke ln New York Cl!y. 11 ...-IR eouncu. llAJD8 nu. "'WllMb. u.. •t.t. ODQSld-ConunlMtoa when about eo 1-1. r.runn.-to tn.n1 1n their talk•. "'I ._.. ~ --~ \all-an mo lJrlpotta.at," -.a b4 obtained den.ta el the.t .,._ tiled a ~ At the U. et lhe -ton Foote . Lead ii". • .. -~;a.!'Sl' ... ltit. ~ .....,,.... by a d•pl"MMlll tNeway under lh• ap.ln.t UY propoAed CCfl#ti-uction decland lM1'l!I .,.. plan• afoot to . A-• '( Ut -~r Nellon Mid. Clnn&"• County AJ?pOrt wbare go.a. and many td them n:.e to 'f'Otce ha•.-Uae am. ~d ... prevent ' ' '"niey work ta. u., We ~ UMtr Ible 1-ctJMnl• I( Ute nmw.,.. lllolf9 ttb~U<m&. Th.t p~ the erect loo ot any more muJUple I ' ' Perl'~ have beea made In of public morai.. 100 feet of tublnS on City of New-Wal!ur \11 charged with two port e.cf\ Ud•l&nda lfewport No. oount9 r-ach of kidnap a,nd a t t.adl- 12. Pump hM been .et and it ll jund one C'OUnt of bu11lary aglLln•l expected to be In production ov"r th' form'r Ml.si! Ca.l!forn1 a. .U:LKE CA.0 Jelkr. charge.J with pandering. wu tried behind rl~d courtroom door• on the ordt>r ot Judge Loul1 Valente. who 1t&tfld he felt the ~~Escapade Nell lalary. u t.hq"'"t"• ~bMrdre pl&c• •ould ti. a factor, "raU:ier than wu denied by the planllere. wut buildlna" .. where th•)' cannot •Y'lll JUten to 0.tla...,. -.f"'llce t .Appllca.Uona had ~ .tll.td by STANLEY ..a&PLU'A l.n what bu been '° f1r the Ill", rm Willlnr to bWt them and l·-------,-------=-'l aeorge F . Petera for the bu11<1ine• St.&n.ley'• at:&t.mllllt that hoe •ti.rid up t..f'Qni &a)' one to dQ IO." I I • w a t the corn••• of S• And-wo tho ht "" 1loweAt ra.M yet, leaden of the n er1m I ... '"" ug ..... 1 ap1rtment• would help Acapulco fleet wen. reported a t oo:;!~n~_.m)' ... o ... ~ ~~10ntMf~""0 N0:;-ay a er s"°"'t. &lid Irvine A ve. wilh Clay boolt property .-alue. ln the com-tN.1 w.U. end. accordlne t o Clly ~.EYER PROTEST !'. ~er John J. Sa!lor•. The new w-11 WM •unk Into lhll' lidll'landa by Monterey O!l Co. to a depth of 36&l feel. From the u.nd •tructuni encountered •rvl the preUmln.a.ry 1howtng• of oll It I• e:ii:pected to produce a t the rate of 100 barHll dally. Public Oerenqer N1ck Meyer 1ald today he would tight any auch move In the tntere•I nr him cllent, aay\ng "he h•• a rtght to An open and publlc tr11J."" Deputy D1atrlct A ttorncy Ken- neth William., wh.o haa been ... atped u proaecutQr In the ca.te, !fO .&UDlENOET -Donn~ Schurr Bn>tt, 19, Q,...ge Cout CoUqe atudent, aeen entering Ana.heim -F'UUer- ten MwUcipal Court with husband, Lloyd, took stand :W~. But. latest n:portl from District At- tome.y'• olfice •Y Superior Court tria.I opening Feb. T ...... her alleged attacker, Ja.ck James Walker, Z. S&nta Ana, may be cloeed to public and prea. cqp ..... ' -. ..,.... u• • . munlty met 'lrilh dttrialve l&upter. 8 a.m . today connrlJlnir on th• •hould b4i dl"t"erted down Mc::Arthur Plan Subm"1tted A mong t.ho.e who spoke .,-.Jul He w.nt QC\ to tell o< bu)'Utl" Ute Up of Baja C&lifQrnia. 1.Aadln1 Blvd. 'nia Newport Beach council e el1ht-unlt .11lructuru weni D. 1-:Kl ac,_ in 19'48 from lhe ll'Tine at lhl• point l. Nun Sane tol-I.I lnteni1t.ed ln Ule aune thine.'' C"t Co ., t.. Patc::h. 4211 Fullerton Ave., w. El"late, employlnr profeuicma.J lowed by .l:ac:apai1.e, i...cend, NC>-M ayor Ne!M>n la.Id It U. hl.t T9&-I y lftCI Stewart Foot.a, 412 Fullerton Ave., land plannere, .tale ot 1 au.. tw the via l)t,I Mu and .£ven1ng Star. J()f\lng" that the Banta A n& Can-Ken neth Hann aha, 4 IS l rvtne Av•., Hor&.08 .llnel,.n acbool and Ula About 70 mnu behind 11.1''11 Kia· yon tr&ttlc t.broU&"h Coet... M-Newport Buch Ctty CounctL Charle& F&Daler, 418 P'u.Uerton ..ctloll'• Mow development. He 1 N I Alt.&mar y Com d WM now C"Olnl"" to vvlow pla.c:u. ha. n celved. Ml tnt•rtm ~port Ave., Mr1. Robert McCowan, 43i flNt bad an R·J aonlq from. tbl te1t1mony •houJd be kept from the public. United Pr• ... however. brought •ult .tl"a.lnat the Judie and th' Supreme Court reveraed the convteUon of Jelke on the p-oundai he had been t ried Wlcon.tltutlon- ally. deprived of h1-'Tlghl to "open anJ publlc trl•J." Meyer •ald If Ule move Lii made by the tomey he wilt cite Prue-Vahentlne cue for objection. oa, au, ' 0 an But when I.he &an Dlll'eo <SepuJ-rrom Jr.m• • M:, Montrom•ry. FUUerton A ve., Frank .Atltln900, eounty. In the dl.teualon M &d- cloeed-court CaLrou111el. YedaJ rr-ay roe-ln, the Lo. Pa.t•dena coneulUn• e" .... "eer. 00 i:u l Kinp Road. Mre. Rlc:h&rd m !tted tt woold be dlttk:ult If -yman ~·1 bl« echobner ....... th • • ._ .. , · Dl.ttrlct At· Seadrlrt malntaiM her. couree ~'tl•I• tr&f'f\c will be dlve.rt«L e muter wat..-£_lan fQr th• Keller, 410 i\lll_l'l'ton An,, o . R. lmpoqtb1e to provide a·~~ I.he Unit-.. And bJ nrtn,.mi--th• Sa:nt&~ A.ii.~ "city. Kon~ _,.........._ a 2<· O lander, ·-st. Andrew• Road ·, f oP-e!pf cliri ·o~~. 'fjj:n.., -""' far out to .. ., 300 mile• off I ... --..---;JVU • M cround. More. Ca.nyon Fr"way c&rTytna San n. tran.amlaelon maiJI be connect-and Major &ruett, 318 St. An· W. M". Lon(moor, chairman ot DISM188AL MOVE Mt'anwhlle, Meyer alllO revealed that !le will move fQr at leut par· Ua.I dllml ... I of the che.rce•. .,.a1n1t Walker when the .tU9~t la brought up for Superior CouTl uralgnment oo Feb. 1. Meyer M.ld he wil l &11k the court to drop lh• charge11 on the croundll that not l'Ufflclent evidence wa• prodUced at the Anahfllm-Fuller- ton Ku.n.lclPftl Court preliminary l>e&z"lill" on Tu~aday lo bi n d Walker over for trt..i. ' A.n lnter•tlne and unu.ual Diego tratnc down MacArthur tQ ed to Ule 30-ln. transnJutcin main drew• Road. the planntng rommi.Mton aaMd t k •·--~ od OorQn& del Mar, the botUeneck at wherti It cn:i-..i 17th Bt., In or-St.&nl•• If ho .. _ .. •-v -•'""-• ~--(l(:curence oo p._ ~ .. ur ay N d OFPOSITION TALJl8 , ,....., .. ,, "'"'"' ...--wh~n H . L. Benboul"b J r. wu ewport Beach c.n be eliminated.. er to eerve the pre .. nt propo11!d for the ]Ql.t and e.t the c'°9e ot. removed from NQvla o.J M•r by I.ESSEN TRA.l'TIO •ubdlV!aion In the Upper New-Po .. !blllty ot. alum.t, lc>u oC the evenl~ Stanley referr-.d to Cout Guard CUtter Pereeu1 to "It wUI ti. an advanta&"e to IM-port Bay area and meet the fu . propt!rty value., clitticultlt'a with thll and uked Ule comrnlaaloa to cont.act 11. chartered plane In .. n Ole C0&9t Hl.f'bwa,-tn.ttlc," lW'e requlremen~ or the 1y1tem. treJ'fLc which ue alra.dy bad ruclnd !Mir action &lid Mil blzn M:ardelena Bay II.ad returned tQ Nel«>n Hid. "I a.l9o feel that the )(Qnqomery la.Id the city now enough due to ~ded condlUon. brlli.( In n-plan.e at UM .._l San Dteio. due to lllneu In the ca11t oC ob~ rtrtil.a-'Of--)' hu • popula.Uon oC 18,:Ml and •n In the Ulree-unlt •troctur1'1 In the meeung. 1.Gn,cmoor ratu.ed &o family. AIUlouih t.hwe i.i a harcl wtll be much 1 ... along MacArt.h-annual. water requJremmt of 3MO eu9!1!vlalon_ too tn&.11)' care In the c:onlider thl.t, ~ he -.id Ill Mid fut rule concerntne com-ur Blvd. than for a de~ f,.... ac~ feet. By. the 1 .. r 2000 the area nCIW beca.u-e of the hi.ch the protMl&nt.. had ktt toe beat•. pleUon of a race wlt.b. a f ull -1 throup the heart Qf Co•U. clt;J' wW appro..cb uJUrrui.te de-Khoo! wtr1' llOme of the r1'a.Dnl Stanley lnUmat.d he would. We complement of c::rew member• Meaa."' wlopment "'1th "" MUmated pop-rtve11 for oppo.ine the eleht-unJt dlffetent plalu, but did nol eliar.o. which, It broken can rNult In "nie .. ate.t l.tter on th• dep.--ulaUon of 711,000 and an annual bulldlnl"•· rat• on what theJ would k dllqualirlcatkin, NoV\11. received ed h Jghwa,y •ubJect .,. .. reoe&ved watv requinmezat of :111,806 acre The thrtt-unlt buildlnp Which In the .ote t\UTWlr dowia UM 100 J>ll'r cent permlsa\on from the by Ootita M-Ctty Council thll feet. h11 report continued. ire on le&11ed land dQ not draw apartment JlfOpOMJ. a'if I.lie COlll- raclng fl eet to coni.tnue w1lh1JUt week from Edw'wd T. Telford, di.I-The propoeed aibd!Ylelon In the the type of ru:tdent.11 the home mlu!Qnere voted aealnat It ncepl penalty. lrlct enlJlneer for the Dtvl.ltQn ot H&rbor H lchland9 Ut'I la only A owner1 want In the neighborhood, Ra,y Cope!Jn, who re.tuaed to voC. ---------------I Rlfhw•y•. For the !Int Ume men-0.thtoeG oa Pace ' •Ccordlng to Hannah.I, who want· ln each -.. Uon wq made of bridge. to be ln-J -------------::_ __ :_ __ ::_:_:_:__:_:_:_:_:_=:_:::__:::.:::_:=:_ _______ _ New Cables for Phone Shortage in Lido Area HARBOR WEATHER 9t&ll'lld b)' the et.at., provtdln( u.t-1---------------rflc aero .. the freeway norther!)' T&Qlperatume the p11.at week la the from 20th St. In Cotta Meaa. Harbo1 "''"" "'"ere: Brldge11 were 1ugg11ted to Cr<JM •t 22nd St., Sant. Leabe.l Ave., Monte Vlllla Ave. and Me.a Ortve. New phcme cableA for the l~ldo bUllneu d l•trtct And Lido 1 ~11' &NJ&1 are now In proce!lll of ln- 1tall&tlQn. movee which llJ'e d~· lllgned to ptvvldf" telepho nes for 100 app1Ltant11, Ted Hambrook, manager or the loc:al branch, P1' and T Oo .. 1•ld todey. N"" ca ble• have been run from the Balboa' Blvtl. phone ofNce to the Udn b1111lne19 dist rt ct whf"t~ they "'lt jQln 11.n elli11Un1r c:atl'l e which carnfl u nrt~r th~ bey to the M.lllern end Qf Lfrlo l11le 11.nd t An Ule l•ngth of l hf" 111.l•nd, he 1a1•l The new C'&blr will p rovide 11•r· vice for t he 100 p.er90n.11 ··a.,•Altlng teleph o n f!11 ll nd allQW b<i!U!'r l'"'df"• of •"n1re tor AOme .~O .11ubecrlber11 tn t h~ bu,.lne•s d1A- t rlcL •nd on th• l.11land. hi' rt'· ~rted. Thf' uU111y !!I 11pendln'f •bout 128,000 t.ti ln.11tall the new c.tblf"• and r~-•rr11.ngen1ent wurk. The new m11 ln r•bl!' c1rrieA 600 palno or wtre.11 tor a to tal of 13.2 conduct or fr el. ""Splicer• h•vl' ~n 'WQrklng 11 80me point. around the clock In order to complete the new cabl" tacUIU1& al lh.11 earu,.,.t ~ble date," Hambroolr c:la.lmed, .. y1ng mQre than 2000 hollr1 oC ipllclng Satuniay. Jan. 14, Sundey. Jan. 1:) f.1Qnllay, J•n. J6 T uelld•y. Jan. 11 w ednellde y' J a.n. 18 Thuraday. Jan. 29 F'rlllay, Jan. 20 HJ .. .. r/J 60 " " " " Rabies Law Spartis Pet Group's Meet Low " " .. "Folklwlng an flarllll'r meeUn,r In Santa Ana, lht' Pf!I f'rotec:tore A•- 1oci1tion Qf Orange County hM ..chfflult"d a Rt11lon for 7 30 p.m. Sunday •l t he Girl Scout H o!at!. 1700 West 81lOOa Blvd. Pot ra. Harold Ba11ter ot Co.ta Mua, preAldent of the group, Al•t- ed. ··a u lhORe havlnl" tn\.t"rut or their pet1 at heart 11hould wr1te their councilmen. protel!\lng the forced Inoculation or their pett b.-fd're the flret of 1'~f"hruAry when the ordlnanC"• ""Ill be forced upon th.,m.'" Locally the ordinance wu paued {)e(' 27 u a11 emergency mea.tUN'. ~I.nee I.he out brea.Jt In Oranea Coun- ty 17 C!lff!ll of rable1 have betn 1denUt!ed tn dot"• and In one cat . wQrlli. I.I lnvolYed. area. Part of the work I• dotte Mtanwhlle, anotMr jnb I• belnir aod or<lere have been "lt'-.-cl rlnllhed wul of the Udo b•l.linU.11 11.nC'I! before Chrtst.maa. leaYln1 dl•lrlct at COii! of about J3000 to only 30 oot ot 100 P"r.onl 1lUI 11.. ..-Yk!e ,. paragna .. t.bat walMa,i. Hambrook -'" , Telford nQted the planned l(l"adi deelcn woukl be"moat econQnOeal In that material t'rom the e:ii:c.va- UoD ot the hl,rhway could be u..d for embankment corutructkln cm $1800 MINK LOSS TOLD IN SWITCH Thett of an $1800 mink coat from VIII.a Marina Wec:l- oeaday night w ith 111 re- plac"en1ent by .._ mtnk dyed aqulrr~J prmenl ,.,... today under tnveattg11tlon by Nnr- port Beath Pollc:e. Victim of the awltch We.JI Helen B. Baum. 439 Via Udo Soud, who w1u1 attendlnr a dinner ot the Newp<>rt Realty Boa.rd tn a prtv:ate dlntne roo111. "nie victim Pld ahe Jen. her co•t In the :..djol'ritng pr1- v•le c ln1k room. Ttme of the th.,Cl w•.11 Mtlmated al be- lwftn 7 :30 p .m." ·and mld- n l1ht. The victim reported the theft 1t 11 :23 a ,m. y.- terday. nie mtutn1 mink waa de .... cr1bed .. run Jeng'tll with ion&. full aieev"" dar-brown 1n color, With the YlcUm"• name tnKT&"t"ed on I.he llnlnl". It wa.t purc.haffd la Loa .An- pin. police were told. ... FIRST-HAND INTRODUCTION ON MESA Shoelly and Chucoal, 2-week-old J.amb9. wen! probably .the first such anlm alt the. Co.ta Meu tot.a had ever 1een when ·a bottle-feedinc demoutration. wu COftflucted by their y.outhful attendant., BQb Bray and Jerry Clan. Mn. Mildred M.tnebardt, in b&cll:.rround, bel~ introduce the little people to the new born 101ma l1 _ 8tatf Photo • . ' _, • I I • I ------------_______ _.., _______________ ..;;... ____ ,..;;.,. _____ ...,.._h_...«_ ..-... ------_ .. PROGRESSIVE nINNER -Mrs. Vincent ~ta (right) la ho.teea for the salad course when 68 Lido lale homee wett open. Jan. 14. for the fund rl\i8lng evenL Over 275 gueata dined progressively and com-· Kappa Alpha Theta Alumnae Groups to Note Founders Day pleted the-evening with dancing &l the Lido club- houae. Left to right a.re William Tritt, Mn. Phllllp Stambaugh, Frank Miles, Mn. Van Clothier, Mra. Tritt. -Gene ROM Photo NEWPORT HARBOR ENTREE IS SERVED l<> lln, WUliam Tritt &t Udo hie dJnner by boot. Mr. &nd lln. M. A. A.ndenon. Mn. Robert Trembley WU ID cha.rge o! the affair, which netted nearly ~. Money will be Wied for Udo tmprovement wor"i: and for play· ground equipment. -Gene Roe& Photo COUNTY GROUP -International Leader Addresses Alpha Phis ' YES/ we deliver • Any i1ern ia ow nock •i.11 be pn:impdy dch~ 10 70 .. r o ffice CH" ho ••- J11.111elc-pbooe TOW' oeeda. Aod remrm.btt we C'Lll fo r prr1cr1p1ioo1, «>m!J'C)and •nd J .. i. .... r tM tnrdicine1. 'J hrrr 11 nQ c~ir• r har8c! "-"ef' o..ir numl....,_ handy Mn. Noel Keyea of Berkeley , International prealdent of Alpha Phi and Mn. Cloyd Mantha.11 of thi.K city,•national jur an cm.t.r«~ncy, waa a 1e>ehd 11edlon •11h tbe 20 Orange County Kappa Alpha Theta Alumnat' Ot.1b will MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE. \Vomen's Editor vice preaident, were honor guests when Orange County ot»erve "Fou.nden ' Day'' with a Juncheor. at the Greenbrier chapter held a.n evening meeting at the homt' of Mrs. Nadene m emtJ.!rl JlP'M"ntlng a •UrpMff r .. 1 rl ' obow" glh >o Meo, Lam "" I lfdW(Q(i S A lun~heon r11reUll,i' V.'lll ba heJ.J ~ F,.b I~ •l th .. hnn c or .\!no L A . PAGE 2 PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEW~PRESS Copl<KI, 27i2 Circle Drive. Plan• Inn. Ga.rdeo. Grove, Jan. 28, at 12 noon .1.8 11. joint .;t:lebra-w•r• ~ tor ··Heart eu.nday·. Hrart Sunday and e•plal.ned need tor volunteer• In coUectinl' o:!ona- Llun• for the fund Conlribut1una llarn1l1un, 2ii .\t >mLn11 C'anyvn 1 _ ....... ~ 1-W&tJ "''lth J.t r•. LlurU;n G Hf•-• .,,,.,,..-... r. tlon with the Long Beach Chapter. Thi s obiservance of l FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1956 wh.n 1oca.1 memben w ill aid 1n <'la.le. 32~ Monlero St . u ..... 111ru111: ... @. ... the occa.sion o! the founding of Kappa Alpha Theta wiU 1----------------------------lcollecUon of fund• t(lr lhe Heart -. ~- • W\tl l:u to the He.r.rt Aaaocl&Uon hoateu I I l.Jberty · •• .rn lu by only Oil• day date or the Logopl'dlc• •t To~k •. Kan., 'FOLLIES OF '56' PLANS OUE8T K£ILE towu:IJ.q. which occurred •l De which 111 the Theta natlon11 I pro-Earys Have Son x-12u J.f r• Marshall told ot her pi&m or Orange County . Pauw Unlnnilty, Jill\, 27, 1870. J~·t . an<I tht" new Thet• l'ha pter UNDER WAY BY JUNJORS Mn. Ray A.Ue. pre1ldent or hou~e a t us•;. Oftlcera uf the th• Loni' Be&ch chapter. will pre-Oran.re County Club lnelud". ln &Ida o ver the affair. which wlll addition to 1-t r11 \\'ataon, ).lm ea. ti. featured by enactment al th• 1-1. L. Ebe&. Santa An•. •t!Cre· rl tu~ ~d th• Penny .March for i.ary, WWU Ii. t'homp11un. LI· th• Frt•nd&hlp Fwu,. ' guna Beach, tr.uurer; Ho bert Mambttn or the Aaai.st&nce Leacua or N'ewpcrt BM.i:h, Junior AwUllary. wtU hear plan.a O\JUlned for t heir bl l' fund ral11ln1" e vrnl. the Folliet or '!WI, wheo they meet J•n 24, 1 30 p.m. In the Le&su e Center. H~te.-.. wtU b'I! Mmea Sheldon Craddock. Jame. L.aw11 and Jack Richardaon. Mrw. Keyem haa l>ffn ruut ot to attend tbe MllOCiallon or lle&nt J'roud parent• art Mr an•l .'llr1 FrM ' • ~fni. Manih&il .11.t her home, 322 of \.Vornen convf'ntlon to be held ft.ot>..rt E11ry, ~3 \'0 1 k~h1rr l'it Ot-H\l'f')' · t~or~ Ave., wh.lle In Southem Call-at Cincinnati In March. Sha will Co1ta Me.a, w ho llad a huy boiltly rornla to attend th• lrat&llallon attend &II Pa.nhelhenlc repreaenta-Ja.n. 17 Ln Hoag Ho.pltal ur Gamma Kappa chapter li t l . ..ong tlv• rroni th!.a area. I Beach St.ate Colleg e Jan. 7. Ne Tra B b lnlt1a llon o r new mem~r1 took ttOSOK PRESl.O!:l'li'T W V e rS a Y place that d•y •t the Bet& I>tlta Fo!Jow114f the bualn"• l.nter!m Mr. l.nd ).tre C<.!llln Tra~r•, I ·" b , b • M •re the p.11.renU of a gtrl ''"b)' T~e l'r'""'4'rlpllnn Pha"" ... Y tor 1he Harbur Ar,.a 1804 Newport Blvd. In th" ff Part nf COSTA MESA • Pre<:edlng-the luncheon the Or-Wiloox.. ot !l'le Harbor l'lrea, •nir• County Club w1U meet a t cba.lrm1n of the way• •n<I n1e11.n• the Inn at ll a..m. wltb Ule pre-committee: C, 8 . Rldl'ew•y, Ana- 11ldant. Mra. Kt liar Wai.on ot helm. pmgra111 ch.alnn•n; •nd Orange prff!dlnl'. A rtport ot the F. r;. Boolh Fullert-On. ruah The FoU.lu wu main toplr of d.lllcu.•lon when bo..-.:1 n11·m~r11 met TUeeday 11.r !he home of Mr1. For re11t Nl!lal , chalnna.n At \.hat Lini e Mra W llliam R.lttrr wa" appointed 1<dvtrl11lnc chairman for t.he FolH.11.a proa-r•m. Mra. Neal upreued l.ha.nk• to Mr11. Hul:lert Crowner, way• a nd meana chairman, ror llle work .,..hlch Ahe a.nd her com1nJtlre did Ui. snaking the aeventh ~uaJ Candy Cane Sa.!I .o •utceufu! •n event. ch11.pter houte. UCLA and wufol -1-~------------32t Orct\lr! Ave . /\' .. .,..port Bf',.ch.I ow-. y an even ng llnq ue~. "'· Bat Mi'tzva Ri'te "" 1.1,,. ~" 11 t,r,.rn "'ILfTIP'I Keya and Or , P. Victor Pete!"lon, l fbo~m~~J~•~n~. ~·~7~1~"...:."="":::•...:.H=o~•=P=":•~I ~============~ prffldant of Long Be&ch St•te Col-M l.et Barbara G•ll KUpm te1 n, ltge, were pr1nclpal •pealcen . daughter ot Mr. and Mr•. Henry a ppor Uonn1tnt of the Orallge cha irman, County c lub'• ah&re ot UiA pro. Rtiee~Uon11 •hould be nuode cet da of the ~netlt luncheon. by Ja.n. 2• v.'IU'l Mrt. Y.'1llla.m ,..,.hlrh wu given rK.enU:y b1' the KJppa.rd.. Sclllthem C.lttoml• P'tdfflt.Uon ot I--'------------ KATA. alumnae, will be ma.de. J<~und• ralMd In thL• mauw are d1atr1buted lhrett 1<.•ayt ; t.o Uw Ori•nKe County club'• own pro· jl'rt or •M1et1U1ce tor out-rot.nr polio patient.a: lhe ln•titu1-o r Baby for Talstras Nr. and liC.rL Jol'V'I Tal1lra., 481 M&rJ•nK Drive, Coa.La MeM, •re th• proud parent. ot a. ti.by 1 lrl bom J•n. 17 Jn Ro.g Ho-pl_t&I. POPENOE ASSOCIATE Family Li ving Confab SEALARKING at Chapman College W!th le&der1hlp pmv1ded by Dr P11ul Popenoe'• Amer1c&n 11Ltli- f'retldlnA' over the wnrkahop• w ill be Dr. Robert S. Hick.a, a.a• By GINNY (MRS, EDWARD U:STER) SMITB tut• or .. 'amlly Rtila tton• 11Wf, llOCl&le director or the depa rt- ment or education for lh• lnall· Chapman College will hol<1 • con-D t d ABOARD TYPEE: JUJ!lt returned from a lbrilling aaU lute , r. Mary Jane H ungf'r or , ference on mar ria1e and fiunlly marria1e and famlly Ure co n-aboard Andy Kirk'• lovely aqua· hulled Island Clipper lfv!ng Jan. 2~ In the Little The-1ultant, and Dr. B. J , Oliver. di· Frolic . , . what a day _ .. aun, pita a lulling &ea, pluA jual ater on the Orange c11 mpu•. rector or Chapman•• departinrnt the hghl amount of wind, add.a up to C1oud Nine. Tllree worUhop1 will be Jn l'lel-of Melology and aocl1l weltnre. •Ion alrnultaneoualy !n the after-The one-day conference w I I l OH THE WAY hom• 1potta.d ira.l• throul'h their pacee ... peek· noon ga&red to the topic• of .. Pr•· cloae wi th a din ner !n the baH-Dlck. Dwyer'• Traveller a.ti t)e.. I'd In yeeterday to a.ee M • r Y ~ I I 0 I pa.raUun tor Marpace," "P •rent-ment dinlnl' "• ot ran1e'1 decked ln har new pain< Job a.nd {Mre. Paul) But er, Betty (Mni. Child Relatlonahlpt" and "Prob-Flrat Chr111llan Church 11.nd a key-lookJn& ml&MY pretty ... ai.o Jlm) Holliday, R.lcky (Mr•. Ro- J -.... ... lem1 In Merrlllge." note addreu by Or, Hlck11. jWlt out&lde the je~ty came ~ong bert) HU"111, ean (Mre. noo.>p .. J ~-•-• d "'' M '--------------1 Admlaalon reMrvatlon11 111.ould •Ide the Wayne Harpen1 aboard .... ,uv-.... y, an ... een "'· 1• their Marway a.nd had quite a Redfleld Dinwiddie tr!pplng ISLAND WSCS be made to the workehop confer- c b.lt a.t Ma. about ln •hortA 11.nd N.thlnl' .ult.I. enc• and dinner. the workehop BACK AT ANDY Klrk·1 B.&.l- boa. bay front home, tucked F ro- . lie Jn tor the night &.nd cllml:led t h• Kirk ptl(Way tor COt":kt&ll• and dinner. A ndy·• HawaJtap pla)'T'OOm with lta colortul "ffal Wall" Mt the tta1e for irueat. to drop In and cha t. Good to 1ee the Oeor('e Walken ap.ln {their new cnll.aer P ollsea I• on the cover of COTIL..LlON patroneMea w I! J CAN ASTA p AR TY Lion., or to tha dinner and addr-. m~t Jan. 211 at 10 :30 a.. m. 11t Mr-. Kathyrn Drei&en, cohrerence the N!!wport Harbor Yacht Clu b The annual canuta party of coordinator, ur1e. that r,serva- with tbe director In the afternoon the Woman'• Society at. Chr!•-tlon1 be plac~d aa early as po111l- and evcnlnl' of the Mme day the Uan Serv1ce or the Blllboa ble with M,{s. Ann Shear1 ot COtlUian'a young lol'l wlU m"'t lllllnd Community Methodl1t Cor their MCOnd dllne1n(' cl .... e1 Church w !ll be held Jan. 47. of the nl!W 7ear. • S p. m. In Dearborn H~l. HOBO HOP .• Udo t.le AMO-Proceed.a wlll be u.ed by the cla tlon benefit hu th• clevere1t orcanlzaUon lo decorat e the Uckttt.1 . , worth the price of hall. toel&I room ot the adm!ulan to b•ve one , . Col. church. Mat a.nd Polly Ober buty with Thome a ttendlnl' ·wl\I have pla.n• tor llUCCea& or the Hop . . an opportunity to play 1can- among othere Ha.rry Ca.tea, who Nt&, bridge. and table gan1e1. he,1111 the ticket committee . . . Door pr1Me will be given. The Benefit l&Jlee place Jan. 28 . . event 11 open to t he public Chapma1'\'1 d epartment of opment. KElloirl' 8-23111. New Cure Child devel- Mr. an!l Mr•. Irwin Cure, &7S Conrre.1111 St., Coat& Me ... ••re the parent.. of a baby «lrl bom Jan. 10 in H oag HOllplt&I. llEA.RT ISUNDA Y Kllp11te!n or Sant& Ana. will crle· 1 Mrw. fUchard Ltt.l"UJerp. •oo br&te her Bat ,\.ti t~ with. N be lh Bel~ue L&ne, pr~ldu t, outllnffl 11ervlce11 Ill the Temple Beth 8ho- work t or the Hellrt AAaoocLaUQn. lam, 11th llnd Blah St.a. tonl(hl a t Mr• J.foreland Le.It.hold, ehairna.n. II 30 o'clock. A recrptl-On wHI rol- announ(."<!'d Feb. 28 u date ot IQW, AIM01f 1Yetgon1, 1t11gwh111 w1nft on1 AM1zl11g VOLKSWAGEN Mony people point flr1t to ~ormonce. In 1top and 90 cily dri...tng CN' crullirig the hlghwoyt at 70 m,p.h. the inde~nder.t torsion bor w1penlion with ,.leKoplc shodt abtorbet-1 plus the effortlet.e fl~r-ffp c.ontTol toke1 the t.ntion •.• orwJ the ttlt'l'IJ>H ovt of ony tfofflc. 2116 ~~!.!~~,. 22.'! 8-h l'Z'J Al.MOST t\lfirroNt IS TfST NJVING votKSWACfN .•. AM 'fOut lhe J&11uary luue of Sea maga- s.ln•) a.i.o Uler.-Pel'l'Y a.nd Wei Nu~ oC Beverly Hilla .. amon1 tM Udb1U, heard that Kay and Lyman l'amll had &tocked their Khooner Seadrift wtth 100 !bll. of coffee for the Ac&pulco Ra.c:e , .• "anyon• tor coftee" ! DINNIDt.TnOI at Liie Kl r k ~ found Dorothy CoWIMlmllll, Mel Pat an4 o.ors-8t.ev.nll ·en- jo711ls A:nctt'1. I u 1 h ba.rbeqUed pheu&nt Jn lhe bayrlew dlnllll' rooro r • , a nd wbal a view ••. wtU. a •poUll'bl tumlnl' Jl'rollc and .-urroundins -tUrront inlo • dA&m wwld. Th• tnlen&llnJ' etn.n... an .t&11ns at t be I r Bialbott Bay tnint bome but are a..Tin&' ~ortly for Dou&'Lu. Arla. when lhey own a. eatUe ra.nch. llO brln& out your torn pent.I . . a.nd both men and "'·omen rlppe'd eweater11 and Join the tun. ara Invited. Ticket• can be BALBOA BAY club membe.r pu~ed lD advance or at hoat.a &nd hMlM•ee to~ tonl('bt'a the door. CLEARANCE SALE! JAXAJCA INN. Bob '°ST&m'a •ew drMm eblld ~da terr1nc! ft&n Into Bot> With beauUou.1 Je&n Kc:Call~ (th• TV a.rt.lat) ~t the Balboa Bay Club &D4 heard Ul&t .1ul7 mark& the openln(' date ot the Jnn. Good too to hear tba.t the colortuf old Lido Wllart wW t&k• on lit• apin u Bob Dal- ton· .. The bolt .aenrtce (food etc.I Idea MUnd.8 euper t!lpt!Cl&l\J with U.. Typee mocr-.d OlllJ' • ,_ '"t &W'..,... Calyped' party wUJ entartaln be-O.neraJ chaJrman It Mr1. forehand With eocktall p11.rtJe• . . Harold Ja.me1. A.al&Ung her tb•y include Meura. and ).(mea. &1'9 Mme.. Francl1 Rll•y. Don Woodward, o . w. IC!tenk>hr, Ste,,. Smith, Wayland Dun- John Clark. E:. Korrla SmLtJ:. and ham and Ethel Coame. Ra.nda.Jl Gedde.. 1-------------- ~ivin9 Fence . Ab '1Poot•uwh>jW ..... _llMte A TttOUIAN9 Ula! na tot aatlo <II ..... M"1 .............. .....,, Jo~ ....................... ,. ............ . 11 _...,.. ..... -..... Now • .,'°' -._•.....,_LIVING ...... _... .......,,_,..,...., .. ,.,.,,, -~ . Final Reductions on Dresses, Skirts, Blouses, Shorts, Slacks and Accessories · . • Large Savings may be effected on all Winter Merchandise I I ladies , . for a good trim or Hair Shaping try • Lido Barber Shop • .f'hlld,..,ti'• flalr Cuttfm&" A Spt"MaJl7 tit -S?nd SL -(llr~I to P< .. t Ofntvl -:'\'-·port 8rM"h Final Clearance SALE! Group SILK ud WOOL DRESSES JERSEY BLOUSES v.iu .. 6.95 to 10.M NOW Various Fabrb socro COCKTAIL DRESSES &nd Sult. . ·········-··-·-------NOW off Wool •• • * ., ..... SHORTIE COATS ·-t ., Valoee to 39.95 NOW •2295 to •2991 lust antved tor luaa17 8ellaa Special -of 1- WOOL COATS Pastel Shedu -Blue, Pink •nCI 'S.i9•. For Only •3991 IN ,CRVlaINO aboliat l1MI ba,y lltopptd by thll T Wa" ti> cb&t wlU. lean (llrL lt&lpb~ Tandcrw- *7 wt.o Ml ap to her 9&n worll· .... cm UM H•rt Fwd Ori Ye ....._ t.all• pla.t• J'eb. M , •• ... worltinir ff.ff' tll• caUM aN ,Lti-lA Baron, May (}Ire Wiil.Lam ) Chrll;teuen, J-.nnlt jlifn. Wiiiiam\ .la.hna, and T'NTIB (Mr .. Burnell ) Jl'or1ty. UDO 18t..A1'"DER!I h.ava adt'led aftOtlMf' aoU.-llJ to Uwlr a.Jraa<\Y ... .-awnMr • . • B&.llet 1'1 111 • taJl• oftr th• clubhoUH eYery 'nll:Jf'ldaj' momlnr ..tu. an ei· ,_-t ot Ule da.nc-11 puttlnc' lb.• "'°-~ ... -.--........ ,... ...... _ ....... ___ _ ......... ,___.a. SUMSIT H 11+ Met .......... .,.._ ... ,...-----------------, I GINDN HUUllT CO. •~H-11. I I It e. ..... •·.i. """ .._, Cetll. I hne -w11hout et>.C .,.. obltp.Uoa. I W11te TOD .. T tQf' I r:::._ ,,._ ,_,._, e" HI• R .. lloM• .,.,ne II OW h .. ~ ... , WI ! LIDO FASHIONS lh• L I v I N 0 I N1 I rt:Nc •. •low)w1nt J I ll'IC'L•-4••eri... 1 1 • I uo-. •-•le. nh -· ttte.t• ~ I '------~-----::l~ 5'1! \'ta Lido -Aero.. from IUcha.rd'• 0.. el -Udo SMpo -N-port 8-b :1419 NOWJ>Ort Blvd., Newport llle&dl • One of the 1.Jdo 8hos-• , ' -~--,. ....... --,_._ ' -~~~-. ---·-------.. - • -, . . -~---~· ... ._ .. ····~-. . . -~ ::i::!S"'"'""""~·;:. ' ... .. -·-··------- • ·- ,. CHURCH C<pUNCI~ ,~S ;METHOi:>ISJIB FOR ~ONOR NEWl'OlT HARBOR NEWP!tm -'pAar·1 ·• 'p.A,6f j FllDA Y, .u<KJP.Y 211, 1956 CHURCH DUO HONORF:D-Newport Harbor ouncil of Churches at ila annual meeting Jaa. 14 nan1ed Mi"'8 Clara Kohlsted f Christ Churcp by the Sea. Com- munity Meth.'(.)ii;t , Hl:I "Church Woman oft t'ar" and ~1atthew V. Waidelich of Balboa Island C11m m unity ~l t't h odiat as .. C In center the Rev. Ray Carlson. p«i>lor of Christ Churc offt>ri> cunKr1:Ltulat1ons. Harbor Phot o Lab. Church M:an and 1 Church . ~ v;-,. Woman Chosen f :. . ote M• Clar• Kohlltedt 1 wu· ~ u 1U ~ Woman of lDM" by· the Newport llubo< Cow;.;jV ~ , Cburcbeo. She and 'the out.tandle,r "Cb'lf'Ch Kan" (Mat- thew Waidelich) receiv~ apecial award <atilicateo at tile Barbor Church Council' a• umual dianer meet.in& Jt&A. 13. Cbrilit Church By l.M Bea WU 1 bcMt. churcll for th• oceuiOo w:lth •ledt ~ f'Ctlv~ Mi UM U alt-4 Cbu:rcb 1 tb• women or th• B&lboa lalaod Wornm • CfO\l.P • Newport Har-bor and for MY--.1 7..,. hU .en-Clrcl• Rrvin& lb• dlnoer. «t .. 1 ~ ol u.. BarbcW llANY PRA8£8 Couadl ot CbUl'CML SIM bu Men M.J.aa Kotii.tedt h.a1 been a mem· elected lo UU. omc. ..,.U. for ber of CbNt Church tly lb• Sea Ul• ooznlnl" 7_,._ ln Newport Bea.c.t\. tor ei.-ht yean. She h.u been very actrvt i.. var-Dl&TIUor 1¥08& ioUI ph.-. or the local church wi.. tcotu.t.dt L. alilct rendwtna prorr-am durlhr Ulla Ume. Foe the outaUW<Unc .ervtce to·tbe lllJTe.r ..x>nd y-r ah• la Mrvlnj' .. pru-work Qf lb• MetJx:ld.i..t deoomlna: !dent or Ule l~•I Won1an'a So-uon. Bbe i. Hrvlng .. aplrltua.I clety ol Chrt1tian Service. Under Uh! cha.lrmlU\ tor the dU.trlct tor her !t"aden.hlp the aoclety hU a ..e.::ond yau, In the WSCS. Al.o n1&de a t1lrrul1ca n•. contrtbuUon to ahe la a men1ber lblll ye..r or one lh" work of the C'hurl·h, She l• or the Important ~nh of the rr~ular \n 11ttrnda111•r 11t wnr•hip &>ulhun Ca.li!omia -Ar I a on a »•HI offl<'lal rneeun1i:•. h"'lpll In MethOOl•l conferen~. the Board ni.any re"ular 1..-1pon11!b1llllee ul uf EvanieJUun. Th\ll board lfl.VM ~h u1l•h lift". l !llr'Mt1on to the m11.jor emphw1" In i·omn1untty !Ue Mlu /(ohL-un ~hrtslian \.llLtne.. no w 1n pro- -xroe•• In all Methodt.t churches In ------------------------------t he con!W'llltt. Fund Need Philhai:mon · A budget o f $50.(XlO 111 ne<·(·"8<!.ry pro\·1de a well- COASTLINE 51'H GRADERS 11'0 HA VE CONCERT HERE CHLTKCH KA. N Matthew V. Waldellch, named "Church Man of the Year .. by tha .,.ewport Harbor Council of OlurCh· 1111. le an a.ctlve layman ot the Balbva 1-Jand Community M'.elho- dlat Ch urch. He I• the teacher ot th.e eevanth xrade ci... in th11 Churcil Scbool &l\C, alone wllh hlll wU1. le advMoor to Lhe lntermed· tale MrlhO<li.t Youth F'eUow•hip, . ...._.. ...... ....... ' ,,.,...._,.... ••. ""' ................ TM • 1°s rt wlt!Q Ma ...... , ,.,.~'1'~ ... ..i• -.-.. • •''meta.. .. UOUI Jl"IPUll fW .U.. mtlN churd& ....... tM dlalr-'"*' ot1w ....... -..a-.... onlhe ofndal lloerG ud U.. puloNl ...- l&Ulma -au.. BOY IKJOtJT9 n.,tte bia busy dt,urcll ........ uJ•. Waidelldl deW'Otm a tnmdl• ~ aumbl!r ol hoUn to 1fo1 Bcou:l actJ:nU.. H• ill 8ooutmutM' Of Troop 11 Whlcla la ~ by \ba ~ A utf,.. ol 1IWdpa. W ...... lk:h .... '° ..... -Unity to r.-.. ---Mi ... 1.ttadMd ~ the u. a. KarUM ODtp9 at El Toro. He •w cw. 111a dllt.:J' In boUI World War lJ and the K or• a o War. Alter ht. dlM.h&rl"• Ile took up ht. p~war employment with the Paclt1c Telepdone and Tele- graph Company, whleh ha la now ~ In Banla Ana. F AJtlL V M AJ'lf W•ldellch and hie wile, LaRa.ne live at 300 Pearl Ave. with th"1r thrn children. Sheron. I~. Tt'rrl 12, a.nd Matthew V . Wa!dellch Jr . one year. \o\-'aldellch'• paator, the ReY. Don· aid G. Sapp, pleu..,J w ith ele<:tiun of th" forme r to thl' honor. 11111.t~•! •·Matt la an oulatand1ng Chriatlan man. He I• o ne of lhOIHI rare P"r- llOn• to whom rveryDne, younir ancl old allke, 1-' lmmedlateJy attractP<I Hlfl conl&«lOUol amlle and Jaughll"r en&bia .blrn to win tr1e.nd.I un1ne;l· la tely, HI• !ntereat tn people 1t.·rr .• tro111 ht. deep talth In God. Hr not only t.a1ka b11 rellifl,on. h" \lvu II." rounded Jirobr<tnl uf i;y11 1phu11y ruu .. 1 n Oru r ge-County. according to l\lorC'tanr! Lo:itht•l<l, 1• cnt of the Orangt• County Philharmunic ~lX'Jt•ty. All i: cert8 are fret' to th~· J1Uhllc, fund. being pro~"l"'I by tonun d 1u J p m 1n Fullerton eUb!Krlptlon. frnm 1nd1vidulllJt. or· j H igh uol fl.Ud1tonun1. All are i.:ani:u.Uon.a and lnrlu11tr111.l ··un· fr,.,. !t11· pubh( A youth c:vn<-f'rt fo>r f1fln grade studPnle trom Cap1 •tr11n•1 u ..... h. Le.guns liPI<• h :-if'V.'P''•'t Belu.Jt. San c 1 .. moent- :-. .. n Jue.n Cap1ettanu &n•I l 'Of!ta M"q. w ill be held Jan 2!'> 10 fl in at !"rwport H11"rbor Hign Schon!. Preaente<I by lh~ ,.,.h,..11\ra. t1nd <-hunlM:ll !r,,1n H•rbor H igh the prvt111un w\11 l••· ~··1<r .. d tu t h,,. 1nlo•/<'1tt>1 ou •d und~r.i1ta.ndU1g ol cl\lldrt'n ut 1lll8 &gt'. Not only W1 11 the chll1lren ll•ten but they will paruc111ate n \he pru..:r.m •t&tt:e Z.l rs. Lewta Kidder, mu'1r ifU.pe rv1eu 1 •! t h" C011la Mr~ schoole Corona del Mar Cub P ack c·erne. I t "tro l'!letl lhl>! th<' y ,111n" The chorus.r:11 tu <' d1rt'<-\,.d by MJ.eci M&1 ie ti1ebt<:h, vocal •n•tru(ll.Or al H11rbor H1gh. with Clinton Swain. 11.lllO of Harbor Hl1:h. d1rect!ni;: the-orche11tra.. Mni. Kidder, In an- nuuncln¥" the prognm lNlld that the rreat lkl~ or 1&111 ,,.,.,·~ youth concPrt. rr~sented by Ji'Ul!erton H ixh S r hi.-.ol 1.,r th1' chlhln.'11 nf ni1rth•·rn Or11nge County, prompl.-d " ~l~i~~S ""~~~ ~~. ~-,,,~~, .. ~w~~;.I TllRl':P.: \\ '\'~ It I• aln!i ot thl' croup to pro· \'111<' a thNie-polnt progn1m, oevoe- n1ng concerti fnr .. dull.lo th .. l'hll· harmonic W r.rk•~"'I°' lur fl•h'lll1l'"d etudents anti t hi' l 'h1ll1flm1!ln1c Cuncerta tor Y•1uni: l'•·ti pl .. !!r't of which wllf''t>e ;:1><·11 Jan :l 10 JO a. m In Coa11l L:<:illege autl .• 1·onrert11 n1e by lh+' pru· n11.I Syn1ph..,11 y or~hut111., c ctl!d by Z.t1"11 Frieda' Benn- f c. Tht-y 11.r.-... oJu,·attuna\ in the l that Z.11"" icklu1!1tn1., \!o'll1 lltll lnd1v1<1u11l 11111trun1 .. ntA J11.n 18. i. nu:t project Of Pack l.Dd C)lld arrow, I 11, Cub Scoul.9 ot Corona del M&l' Qt.hen to wln 1.wants wer• John according to Howard Rtchan:t.. Peter11meyer, bear b&dC• and gold 0111 the" orche>1tr1< 1<nd "''1!1 ex· '''!""l poerfom1anc ... th" ye11.r •t Anl.helm ror the M n1e a.r .. • C11h 8coutmwter. at the pl.Ck arrow; Hank Klepplnger, aervlce la in therr1 to r htldren ~'"I 1)ne ln Nrwport for \he coa•W a rea chlldh•n. merl!ng held Friday n.lgh.l at the •tar and A rthur Klepn1 .... er, •er· r\Ol 'LTS r\UfO ·-----------------------------·I Coron• del Mar Khool. vice etl.r. A reg'latrat~M~ wu It ts Ill"'° tmp{Jrt11nt that 11.dult11 I The pack trip to the soo will be aao prfft!flted Kim Ouenburg. are el<p.;< !eel lu fl • <'.'on1pany Liu!· L th w f N m"I" by t rain and W ll!l&m O'Brien dren tu thP , ... n.•·!l.•. ""'hl<h will ll eran o m en 0 ew Will bf' the commltteem&n In fe•turo· St':O'<'l1"1'' to"m Hllnc\t'), • chllrgr ot thle trlp. Aaalatlng him Rt'ep1i;t11 Sr hUb<'l'l Klld Prok •• r, .. rr c · 1 El Off. Wlll be Stacy Morlfllll and Carl Sub~"r1 pt lon.~ n••Y Ut l,lesii;:nalt'<I } re e 1 ect 1cers Ve1111trom. Otht'r pa.rent& of the The annual pack charter ww preeented by Harlan Burnette to Jamea P. Barrett t'+'pre.enta tlve of the Rota ry Club. 1porwor g roup at Pack 17. \n 1un1,. r11 n~1n g trnm i.a for th,. <'Ubl! wlll ai.o be ma.king the trip. children's 111tr11t,..r>1h·p through PIKATr: SK.JT N11nn11 ("1n·1<· nr Nrw port Hi.r· )fr• ).1cCauley at 72<1 Centrr St , w patron. •fl"JllJl"r. Loll «1enl011 11.,,.:I A 1k1t entitled .. Pirate a ter11" Plan• are being worked or1 by a committee of parente for a blue a.nd gold diruler to be held Feb. 10 Seoutmwt.er Rkhant. ald...that "more detail.a a bout tlioe dlnner will be rel•yed to Den Motneni •l a Luer <ht•." Revealed Mni. F'ayne C, H ull of gelu, fO'Tll1eriy of Hunt · ch, .le announcing the nl of their daughter J ill D1.v1d I... Ttbbetl.9, 9<.ln or Wiarn H. }'lei-ot. P••· bor LuLlle1an t'hurrh nu~\ at th<" t'u11111. J.lesa. to th,. sz:iu 01 n1orr or dnnnr 1 um" of .'t r~ )l,.lvln i:i trkl!on I A ac>cla l hour tollowM the bu•I· wu &freeented at the pack moeet- Chl'c k• ''" rnrn1heri•h1p n1e'' b<' lnK b)' De.n Four. Den mot.hen In :!.'\6~• 1!1 ani.:e /\.'•' ,-, ''"' J.1 rsll nPllM niertlng ... ,,,.,.,n, with ."1 1·•. 11e n! to th,. .. :.: .. .-u!•v·· d1r .. c-tnr f.l r1'c <'h•tle of the aklt woere Mra. Nor-.I nn I! Th" r1 1•••· "'dn tt'L•ntl\ F:11('kt0nser••l "'lg refr,._,.hml'nt1 The Karen )lflrgrela 1:Sq..n1n11: uf (_'a -m11.n ~f Smedegaard and Mra. Gari <iri:;~· \ t• II•• lh ~ ntf•r:;"r uf ' •ne"ll>t-r!I nll~,..,t "''" Franklyn rona .1~1 /\lar ' VPn1tlrom. Cub Scout1 takJng ··~ th,.,.; '"' 1u1•l \ .• ,, (·,,,1 .. ,. "' Hruza whn n11• ,,.<.,.ntly n1nv•·ll to r-• t he , 11.,,..h t San nimu ,,.,.here her huabanr1 were Mike Pehlke, J ohn Fr&nklin, Widows Club The nut pack meeting. alter Lb• blue and gold dinner, w ill be Macch :l and wUI be held at the Corona del Mar Khool. St,.ve Donald9on. Boyd Reber. t>ff1•,.1~ in•-lud" \f r,. .. ~ \\'dl1a m 1"''111 ~ t'nrollPd •l the Cah fum1a !-ltf':ve Htll, Mike Youngblood. (' . .,11• I 1·r111.dO'r1t ll;o •Y !lo ogh. Polyte•·hn1c ln11utute_ Hry11.n Sme.:tega.ard and Carl Ven- L h M t v1~~ ·1u ··~••l··nt (:""'I" H<'lnn1<'lllPr, P re11ent w<'re :.fme1t. P a u 1 l n • itroin Jr. f;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; unc eo11 ee l l•"·•ll U. • • '"Ii '· ... ., .. ,,11 ~·" rr -IC'ulv~r. Harry Uergh. George Burk-Award• p~ted went to Mike H b "'""'h' r• <)f ti.•· \' .. '"'""" All":I· 111 11 .J 1: :.1 ,1 bul··y p111.11. il} ha1·,Jt . /\forri& Laune, \\'1lllam Car-Pehlke. bear badge and, gold ar-ar or Rest l\ary or C11 lunq •1 t C'fl n111 X 1> 3\(1•t1111r1nnn n~tt, Genrl(e He~n•;illrr, Robert row, Rh.1tey Karp. allYer arrow ; Memorial Park St "·'• 11 \." •' , ,,.~ 11«h1-.t -Tho· 1oiect1n11: "'h" "1~nerl wit h ,Gron!un(I, J E. ,1cLauley, Suaan Mlke O'Brien. two year 11e.-v\ee. ' j ' ' t ' • de'"'"'"" luio.J 1•1 1'11• Hai r·y Sorum. Arthur Lucti and 1'1elvln •'••·, S'o•o Don&J"--n. "''"•--~ Mau9ol-lut.en1MGt U t • !\ )(,•\ • •I .Ill " "lt'I •"· · ~ • • E! _ k#(} • , • • ..,_, • , _,. The \.\'1d""''~ Cluh h•·!ol 11 pnl · l\rr)l'h r.1n:. 1•11 111>'ll 1u1noun<..cd -'-"--"-·-----------Gardena, c.emek117 Liirk l•in ~ht;"<Jn t••.--Jny 111 the lhiol c·•r~lt 1n••t11 IJ,.r>1 liuvP bf>,.n ep-Roo ts Attend HarboP At Olitler ti<!llleol M r9 .• Jo~ ~11.patr l<'k .Ana -pointed l•I r hhl!nuu1•h1pll in tti.-s d R't ht1n1 , J1<n, 28 the Patil PrNIL<lt'nl• Won1en of the ('hun•h • .., [ollov.·11; un ay I es Brother's Funeral Club "(ill meet tor luncheon :i.t Mmeii. \\'lllun l..ewton, n1le"'lon-N Gllrdt'n Grove. fnllnv.·ed by e bu~t-ary c<h1Cfll ion: \\'1llla1n Lan1 pt>rt. at ewport Mr. anti Mn, M. W , Root, 326 neM n1eellni;i: 11nd >0or!sl hour >.1 rs. l n111t ..,{1.e111on11 . L'11 rnl'tl. Th'ank· Santa An.a Ave. haYt JIUlt return· $({lit Hartland v.·ill be hoateu_ off e rlnge; c 1vr1e Harl"''ll{llOn. First Baptist t!ft from McGIU, Nev&.Cla, whoere Mr. and 1'1rs Bert Deck of Or· Chrt11tll\n Mf'l'\'1<r H11rTy aeqi;h. lhey attended on Jan. 11 t ?u! 11.nge. tor mllllY yrars arUve men1· r-·ev.· Gu1nl:'e ~11~~11•n" Thr rooming worship hour or the fUJl~ral of Mni. Root'a brother. ~re of U'le Orange County lintl.-d Cir-£1+' prOJt!<'lll fur rhe yl'ar will F irst Baptiat Chun:h. 19th a nd r\:;h•r Morton. Morton, who vtatted Spanieh \Var Veler&na organiu.-l•cludr th .. 111eking {lf t•h.n11tnut8 Balboa. Blvd W111 he held at Ii ln th!• CQlnmunlty la.at 1ummcr. lie n!!, crlebrated their golden v•ed· cRrd llf'r11.pbol'•k.~ ;.,1 \lie ,.holdrrn·11 o·<'!o;M'k w ith the Hev. Herbert G. wae killed lil 'a nilnlng accident at ding Je.n. 16. The afternoon l'e£:<'P· warr1 of li<'ll!lg Hu, f)•l lll. p 8 9 t 0 r Johnson, plll'llor. pre••·hlng . HI• "' hme Qu&rTY a t McGiii operated lien at their home-""'" elt .. nded RoberL Gronlund l'<'•IUf'sted u18t the lf'rmon wlll be on "D•n,Kl'rou. by a copper mining company, by many men1ber• froin the v11.r· circle make file11 o( church bulle-Living ." lou11 rroupa. De-ck 18 • J>MI com· Uni.. whlrh ,viii • boo 1\one during Church School will convene at 9•1ck Service roa Roller Shades Standard ~ Cloll:ul and Cu.tom 8pect&IUM • Drapery Hatdwv. • VmeUan WJ.Q!Mo CALL llA&llOa 816 THE SHADE SHOP mander of Calu mplt Camp 26 and t11ture meelln!'l!I 9 ·40 a.m Then-are cl&Aeell tnr all Id H ill ,...1de11 at the. Munl· a l'eleren or v.·orld \\'ar I M r• Bergh '' 111 rl'pOrl on "''ork 11g"'" ' al Trailer Park, Coa11t Hl,h· for the New G111ne& ,\1u1~lon11. Mni. Sunday evening wor11hip ... r\'lre Bible •ludy will center on the Crucifixion. UJ .... IL, Newport 8-dl Beltlde Ute Post Oftlce • and ~ crfldlt ~ for New Bla d Bab li:rtcit.eon report.e<J th.at lhe circ le Wlll begln with a ~onr 110erVtce al .. •• ......... ' . , ' . .. ~ ~-~e ~ Aot:>mc>N to .~ ~Qlll'"' lotlef!+'is ... compl~te ' end '.reedy to SERVE' YOU · , Our me c1-ia are-..:.:~lnd. h.ve • 1ot.1 a.f bvtR oN&~RED yws~ of experience end knoW haw, in serviciq ALL CHRYSLER PROOUCTS. Shop Pe.,..n"'I . ....... -~ Doe t.w1m u ..... ~ •-sr Maboee George Conoll Robe!rt Norfleet ... 11.ar. Eddie (Dolphla II) Offerto .. • I FACTOR Y TRAINED MECHANICS GENUINE CHR'(SLER PARTS FACTORY APPROVED SERVICE ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS REASONABLE RATE SCHEDULE COURTEOUS FRIENDLY SERVICE LOU REED ASSOCIATll Chrysler Plymouth International Harvester 1200 w. Cout Hwy. Uborty 8-S<l!G • Imperial True: ks COLOR HARMONY ••• sl•pfll/erl I oe,.,. color per1oaal1ty .... ith TIU-S HEEN ••• you aa'1 10 wroaal llAT WAil SIMl -GlOSS FULi Gtn!S Como In and lot "Roy Updllo" liolp You Solve Your. Painting l'fobloms. tl5ll!!fiiii 1802 Newport Blvd, Ooola ·-U11eRJ Noe We Give a Bedeelll <Jntra l!Mmmpe • Seani, Roebuck lltore In Co•la TI y l(l!IVI' $40 In \hi' won1tn of India 7 u'clock. "Holy Spirit" \!o'lll l>f' 1e11•. Her !l&nce ~, •laUoned 11 t Mr and "tr11. \\'iJ1,.,;,, BIA.nd. 1 ' Toro "'.rln. A . [• •---. . 1 llU!l yMr t "'"~ dt·l'ul>-.1 t" h<:1ld the 11ubject of the mf!rliL&l l.,n • ......., 166-0 Placentia A VI', CO$la Z.tesa, fu~ure met'ting.• flt I .JO p.n1 !n-hrought by tht' pMlor The. coupl• L• planning " Jane 11re the perenl111 of 11. boly baby ,,,,..., o t \2 JO p 111 T he F'e1Jni11ry The nlld-week hour of Pr11yrr \11 w~"'~d~IO~&~•~n~d~w~l~ll~U~·~·~'~"~'"~''§'~"~·~~bo~<~n§J§"§"~'~'"§ Hu11ii: Huspita!. !flt'•"'§'§"§'§w§'§'§' §"§"§'§"§'§"§"§"§"§"§'§'§"g'§"§'§'§''§'§"§"§'"'§"§'§'§'§"§Y§•§l§7§p§o§•·~·§rhe DID YOU KNOW Additional Tonight there will be a pot luck dinner 11.t T o'clock a t the church. Thoe' attendlni 1hould brll\I' table ..ervlr e and for further detail# phvnr ChaiTme.n. Mrs\> W iiiiam Hcxl11dnn or co-c:he.irman. Mre, Eu- la!& E:11lee. A program I• belng SPECIALIZING DRAPERIES • 1n A t1111 mln"'9 demonstration ride in o '56 Chrysler-Plymouth or lmperiol will convince y• that you'll NEVER be satisfied with less? (~I LOU R EEU for a df'mDtl~I ration l.Jberty 8-SolM Upholstery Draperies The Finest Crafbmanahip Plue FabriC8 at ClOlle-Out Prices EnableB Us to Give Your Old Furniture That NE\V LOOK at Astounding Prices During the "off RCason " CALL US DAY OR NIGHT Liberty 8-l!518 F'Of eeumatt!l'I or OM' of our derqrator~ w1J1 r •ll "'ilh .. mpl,...el your r@'(j\lffll. 98\'! W. o...t H wy. (Mari ...... Mllel N_,... - [ O~ean Front Specials! INA CAT AL BEAC TOWE H LS now s2 49 ,_ ivets l~O\'S Gold R Brown J eans l?r~. 2 .!lK now ·S1 88 • Open · Sut1clay 10 to 5 Wffk Days 9:15to5:45 - I I ----- Poll -Parrot Children's Shoes ·\••I. C'-Olo,.. C .-.tV'tl Tn C'._r Values to 7.M now $199 Selection of Ladi•s ChOdrens M1111s Sporhwear 1/2 price Bargains !9c ABLE Curtains Caps llelh Playtex Girdles New ShJpment Comal Cottons SPECIAL PRICE 79c yd. 45" wide Strlpeti. Plalda. c6.d. w. Give S&H larvest S.leotlon of Oropory Fabrics in Orange Covnty at Popvlor P"- SLIP COVERS AND UPHOLSTERY A~ail Yours1lf of Dllr Drcoratoi' Stn>lu fREB ESTIMA T~S NO OBUGATION • aaati re• 't-4 TH AMO!'MAl'4 SANTA ANA Kllllberly 2-9618 OPIN FRIDAYS 'TIL 9 P.M. ,.,.,,,. Tkhtl V•w.tM flf U ,._..., S.... ' , _n .l j • ·I t • ' • ·-----~ -·-·-• .. .-.: l'Att1 ·-NewPoltT HA~SOR NEWS-PttESS EVYONNE W.ARNEKA . FllDAY, JA/<4.UAAY 20, 1956 T ..UUeok ... ~~-t"• IQroclOn .,, .. ~ flf lht M!INlton wf.Ua..,.... TODAY'S N. Y. s t. .... fa~W. C...;:,:J ai:Uoa :.~: :J"o ,er a nu, p;,M to ll"llf-".l'iipiiiiiO~ IN !!E~~~ .. ~,' ,.., O-da 11 ·,..._ ,.,;..•..,_ at dM ~ --U.. lrff'WPO"l .~• ci:u. . , ... 4 .... ~ niDldll ... • ... ~,.,. 1 ............... . by dlQ1ac'eo.! ~ft:.. ,_. •t0 REPORT & "tx} s ,...,. ...,. wtdle w . .a. °"7-IO IAdv.CNlt ...... _ •. ._... • .s1 ~ w........, .... pon Karbor Vn.to• Hilb ICb6ol .r.uo:i.nt ot io1n ... ta >.na ~ .. BIU.T' .._ •0. I 1i.n... 1 411.# I''° 10 ~ ........... -.. 161.ti .,, .49 ~ .. tu:..,erw ~l." 1 , •ws nte ..u.ai.. o1 lt«ter 11 UtWU.. -·--·-tsa -. .i• •••·• Co.eta x-. .. doAn.c ltna, thanU. She 1-OM of JO Nelacn ded.t.t'9d, ""l.M ~M.at.'e pro-J -::=::=:-"."'°'.'.'"":::'':"=::--.~:--:-:-.--1\..--li'ii'"": ............. Ln ........ lar l .... \'.._,._ I .Liit.* poMJ ... comp~.., lllJb'... NEW YORK NOON COIOCENT ~ .. ddiatte off ... New Ywtl 1 ,.... a...11 ....... Wlt.b. tnttl& dlYWC.ld oMo U.. OOKPIL&D BY 'B. C. QAR8ID£, ~-~;~·::~r -,,..,... .. M ~0•9d lOM to t1" 4.m.t.dCaa Tele~ -JIO Olhl'f entrant.a Mltt'M. 1-. ... lltat•W1de COD'--t /#Ill tJt.e t"h•rrY p&• .. b&Jte..olr ~ today at Lam A..i.. lkpul..S. ~1 and dDwa M&c· PEAN wrr:n:R CO., BANTA ~ \o steMl)' ..... liaet1taaf ..-ptntQu ll!ld W•to Anaconde. ..................... -~-'II -, Arthur Blvd., N•19on -.Id I.hat ANA -The m&Tk•t wu et-.cty on ewnu&AUOQ &nd aw , .. ._.., J o I.I p&rticulu. 1'1-u..t bla7-Chryaler ................... _ .. _______ 110 Wlnntlf' of the c:anu.t ..UI rec•lve a t ree 'tr ip l.o lb• na- t101111J cunl:..t Feb. tJ. ill Chicago. Mi. Wa.mltb'• pl.ti WU the OUIA~ iW'OdUct In the h lch Khoo.I oon~ held hare rt1eenlly. Th• co11tqt la 1pon.-orcd by a.i.tir&1 &leetrlc and Southem OllJtfomla Edhon Co. w~ld lM•• only th• tratnc com• th• early tr&dtnr u -i1tns wu tncUV.. .._. ::.. COl'l:i:: ~ t=~~! ~ DuPont ···-··-··------tll '~ lng lo ·ca.a. w ... IJld. Newport aot. heavy. Thl.I allowed tor a _ . • OIL8"UNSftft.&O Gener&! Eleetrtc ····--·-·······-··· II"° Be&ch on. t.be hiw~ Ui.rws,h ep.-a1l1ht Utt In ••rlou1 un\t. of th• Oils • .,.. U11Mtu.d brl.tlJ t.,i rood w pport can bli u tlclpat-09Mra.I Moto"' ·-··-···-·-·-·-··-··-•• ta Meu. \V1dcnlnr and dlYldiftJ the 0111 dru ...... alrllnM ln:ran.. ud «l d11rin.I' IJTeCU).anty and stv.n Mey Co. -······-·········--·-·-·····-•1 ~ • •-· • a MZIY tn4.ln •• touowtns • u:r tavor1ible n..-1 W•ttn,.bOUH · .OJ.. hlgh-..y bf)Ow 20th SL WO!lld Lberi 1p.clalti• able to part.lclpata u ..U<Gft ln. Tex.u Comp&n7 °"1 00\lkl. <ally qul<kly. N. Y. Cent r&.I ··A .. 1 ·u-·-··-·--·- 80 fum.llll l.dequat.e upacJty for th• the preMul'tl eu«I. t-~ •Piil propamJ,. fte: No. A.m..-lca.n v • On ••·••·•••·· rrowtns Harbor·~ oommunJUu, American v~ and Nopco llUil had £.en bo\.lpt tn .. ILUlT TO STEADY S..Ccway Bt.ort!ll ...... , .............. !Jfoi. the ma yor judfed. Ch 1 _ _. .......... ...... ,__ Thi tact that Nlllnf ~ So. Cal Edi"" ... :!014 .n~m caJ were 1Timulated by ,...,. --a -..,er IPllt 80 that .. 'ml-'-"od -•-·"d -'low to• '""" -011 of r -•1r IT• •:1 ha•• I Hlt 1h:rdlu in.tanc• la.I ta th h ha ,__ utck lo _ .. _,_ ,,.. •...u ....,.., .. a ,u .._.. · ···-····-~ c COtnmVl at t ere •c .....,., ..,. •en Q -. .._.1 -··>ot 14o• Wo ·-••·t u .... ~1 of r -tlf ''" of •la te 1uthorltie1 t.Utns the aom llml o•-·--• --llot•· ..,_ ..,. ·---oaa ...., ..__ · --............ . • J"'e nary ,... .... ,Oft.I ... ..--r ,_. • .. ·-••••-to hold r-••• u.s et·-J ., .choola what they m~ do, .. Nel----'-----'-------·lpo1&111 i. have ffv.loped. !F=--=·--=•u=====-="='="':·=~-;;;;;-·;:; ... ;; .. ;:;.;;;;;;:; ... ;:;_;:; ____ ;;;;;;:; .. ;;;;~ Local Falis .... I Car Cowr Thefts Ttlefla or two a utontobU!I COY- ers f rom dtrferent Newport Beech ruident.a wer. reported to police Wedn-S..y llOf'I report.CS. "I t -11111 to me II'• .A..mollC" lDdl...tdu.&1 i..u. ~ Um1 for th• t upe.yer to have city w1U UN 2.0 acre feet pet OOi"pClt'atJor 19 wtlJ •PPor'l*l oe ~ w N nd G A R D E N s ~mothlnJ to MY about how bla city Will ulle 2.0 iere feet per acre -·-·• _ a I r "' ~ •••orablt Ml1Wtp &Dd money la •penL r m wtltlnc' to 10 per year. an ncr-o appro -t01:'~:~~ :,~ ~~r. eo.-:lat~ib~ ~::~Ttl;,~:: i;~J ·--D·l<-A_TH ___ N_O_TIC __ I__ \ INSTALLED Phone . " -ct•y """""" •••~·"' • "~ fM < mwupi. •~uy "'"'"1 ----..... -----11 AINTAINED LIBERTY 8-5671 lh ,...._,.,. feet. and oom merclal 4.0 acre. re90Jut1on r-.qu•Uns e ....... or· Th xaa. ALCIS ......... Kil nta Hl•h "'•a y CommlMion to ,..._ e norm.al tuncUOu of the a]-a&&o&U ~ • • ••• ·- I I ' DAUGHTER O PENS NEW LIDO STO RE B•rbara Ha.rrow. 2 1,. )ri.r ·uld ~u11:hte r uf M1 "'"' .vt •~ H K'' 11tabhe.h111.,UL •l ::l 'V~ Via 1 ..... 1 ... M:rv-~ tr•" HP 1)&1-l' (., h• C N. Mcll:Uthron, 2100 Ocfflt BIY!1 , Mid h ll s12.t:1 pluuc cov- er wa1 takl'll from h1a '8-r whllc It W I.! parked a t rt St. and Ocean Blvd M ra Lawrence Lamp, 4 4~ Sei. .. h.ire Drive, a&!d her nylon parao:h111e type ca r oover worth 1tl>o11t 5fl WM ta.k11n "'"hlle her 1..a r --~ Boat'• Tools GoM clncl. Ila action In deelarlns a trH-tam.ate lrlUl mmiuion pipe \tne run.tral MrVM:• fOt"" Mn. AJci. w•y bottw_... IOUr. st. and Pall· 11.NW:ld lbe r.<:cn Uy annulld Up-May H eider. n , 1181 Nnrport M(iee Road The comrnl.-;on re> per Newport Bay 11'(!1 would be Avf., Ooilt.a M-. Wiii be hel(i fin-.ct the r..olutlon to th• It.Il e I lo aerve 1ubo:Uvislona aJo~r the P'rlday a t 11 a ni , ln Park11- hi1thway enlrfneer tor rurth.er r-e · Upper Bay but 111 the evfilt a Ridley Mor tuary o:h11 pel Wlth the port , br~ •hould occur ln the u nder· R .. v. cti.rl<'ll F Jiand orf,u::t1t1nx. .. waler 24-Jn. Jl(lrt!on of the JO-I n. Mr1. He!lloer d1td at H~ lioe - 'relford. !n hl1 l•tler d1te.'1 Jan main. cro.ainr th" bay Jutt north ~lt..J \Vedu~lk.l•y after 11.11 ex t•nd- lfl, 1..tkt..! for A reaolutlon f rom o! lhe' preaent Co&Jlt. H ighway ed lllnellll. She w111 1 n.at!ve ot the Meaa l"u uncllrnen •1Tee.tnr to I br1dgf', thla propolte<J loop around CaJltorn!a 11nr1 n1ovlld to Sa.nta tne 1tat f''1 propoaed brld8'e crou-Upper Newport ' Bay w ou ld pro-Ana at tl1 e a,kf' •1f 12 y~r•. Sin'"" lnjta over tht' depreufJ>ll t~w1y I vlde an al tem 11.t.e route tor a pur-l ll46 alle i111.•! r~li(li!d 111 Co1ta 1 C-:lty M.anajfer !iMrgf' Coft•y 1'1.t· Llon or the flow requ1 r....:i !n th!! Meaa. She 1~ 11urv1v ... 1 hy a,.t,.ra . A bol( cuntalnlnr 1ne-c:ha11ic'1 pa.tcheQ a repll' to Telford, l'!al1td we1t<'rly portion nf the t'l!y T u Mra l-1a rthu f: l 'rf'ble uf 1-':l Cen- liK•ll v1aluec1 a t $100 waa tak en I Jan HI !lUCfnent the capa city or t.h., Up-tro Rnd Mn. Alrna M 'fnckey of JHlur lo \\'llllnee.Oay t nxn the Corte.i."• letter Infor med the (i1a-prr Newport Bay loop In the Sa crarnenta 111,.., thrtt n lKe11, 1il~ll.aur~ boa t Adrn1ral n1oored a t 1 lrk·t en .. u>eer . "I 'ntH 1uc.h Ume u event of a break ln the wio.r., l-tr1. Alln• F'uob.er ot Gr.-~ ... 1IW I N11rn1 '1 l...&ndintr. owner Mal J. lhe oornmi&alon may report lo ~ 1 W'llter portJOn or the 3().!n, 11ne. M.?"I. Lorraine "Wick of VUky I Jo-"111 1<, '"Pllr lell to p1 .. d1ce.. council the t lnd1ns1 ot the atatt a bypa&.1 ~a. be.-n proP<JMld Tho: Center and 1'tt 5 \'V1nona Yan.Or- ---------------i e/\Klll~r. I queatlon whelh1;r a.ny bypa.M cw uli•LI of a 2i ·!n pl~l mer or Lh1 l11ir11e , t ... n n,.phew~.' action w ill be lal!Vl oo tho! n-!lne connect.111r the 30-ln. main Mon11 N Tr11 k,.,y ot Sacramenll> queattld re.oluuon ·· Coffey added or the cny·a pre1anl ht.:-h pre.-1 and Andrew J'~ble or El Centro. I DEATH NOTICE tha t Te.J tori:r a lrtt 1r would be p r• 1ur• aone and the 24-ln. main of lntenne.nl will be ln f"11rh•vm A IJ01'~ n.ENl>LJ N' 1tir1t.ed to Lhe Meu counc11 a t lta 1the I.ow pru..ure J.CW!e. Cemetery. 1 1'-'llnrra! servlre1 tnr AUJ'Wlt 1 F'eb. 9 meellnf Opeo t:\·ery t:,,.nl111: 'til 7 P.M. l:irntll!n 'fl JL\ Roche1ter St , 1--------------- 1 c .. ~t• ~,., ••. w111 b# ne1d F'r1rt1y Horvath Dau9hter Mark,.L Mr• U \\ Hl\l\••<l ....,~1 .u t nr 1vl 11, lh• f .. l,. "'utl HIGHLANDS •t l p n1 1n Parkea-Rldley Mor- --\uAry r hapel C1>11U. M.,u Wllh Mr. and .\t r1. ltn11I Konrath. I v..-.Juu l wAnt • ei i ... er 111 1111 an-[111.-Hev. J1-n1ea S . S tewart ort1-171 !: '4'alnut St , 0:...ta Me•L I neaatlun but a ..,1uue<1 off "n ~ " c1a Uns Mr. Bend l1n died a t hla 1 ..,.., Uie pe.re.nll or a sirl baby H · h ,.. "' · hom.-Tue.day He wu a r-e Ured born :J u . 1 t Jn i{O&I HoepHa.I " ,..,ll e • vn11de .,1H1<lay 1 _ _ _ (•OGUauec.1 fl"Orn nnt P&a" mcettnr lnip •rt&nt rn•·u~~' to l Larmf'r a nd aubd1vuh•r. ha d re- llurt wh~n offlr-111.I &<.:lion waal bn'U olf a 0,. JllMul<tt! 1<eek~n(i n dec:I in Coata Meaa liflce 11!?3 WATER REPORT taken autho r lz.lnc-<luldr1;n of Har-al A Khranl• C-....... Uon 11, '1'reano 11 .. w a1 bom 1n Ru1111 a an4, came bor H1c hl-.nd1 t ro a tt .. n rt Newport to be •bl• to •ltrnd tlit h->0nda nea to VU. country :!17 year-a 1.10. He Beach .chool1 thL~ yea r. l d<botr II 1t1rv1vtld by hl• Wife , Nora M&)' ConUa91!d from l"tn&_J>ac'll Announcing Plymouth's $150,000 Lucky Motor Number Sweepstakes f I Geo ama.11 pa.rt uf th• complete de· But n1t1Unden1tL111l1nl" AA t o A 1\1lrml!nt 1 ... u.-11 by lirldlcy 11 ,",' Lorn,• .• twto ~ •. ,-. __ rs~. J an ucua .• >0th o .....,.la -e-,..elqpmutl plenned for Ul• Upper boundtlr1e1 ot !hr l•n•! lo b<' 1..11-8<-hwBr:r., P"'" trnt uf tn,. .\le"& N . two dau&hl,rl , Mr•. Manon Newport Bay area, 1·on.1eq\l cnUy n••ed lat .. r •ro&e /!.\eaa lni.•lt'f!• bo..rd, cave Ill· r_-,_,1H• 1'\ ... •11-<ll1-L ~·i:Uler of Cot ta M!!ia and Mra Mon t1romery'1 L11a iy1J1 w .. made lhoufht only th .. Ah ••er ot rWIJ. trtct ri•w1: Ht.iracr N immo ur :ii nt• ,._ 111 . a.I-of th• tota l area ao tha t any dentla.I arµ waa 1n •·ulved. NIW• 8CRWAllZ "(T4Tt:MEi''T · JO 11 icran<lcl\ildren I pr,.1oenl wate r ay11tem c.1nJrt.ruc- port Beach tru•l<'f~ we re under "'Willia In pi •nclple we wholf'-lnlerrnent In 11 .. rb••r l<f'•l Mt · lion wl ll conform to the t utur,. lm preMWll Ule a nnes•UOf! would h-.rt-1ly reept-t the w1i1h1·s uf I morLa l Park. mu ter plan run up lrvlne Av .. to ll•t St. In the lnd1 v1du11.l1 involved. hi th1 a I T h• lnveet1cauon1 and 1ludlf'1 Co-ta Meaa a nd rL<'n wu th1 bay. bw tance we !eel lh11t th .. t ra n1!er ut1h~ r<"Cordl uf the Newport teo p11blit .-dueat1•1n wi nur <111tr11;t r. N ewport e-r h !:lu ~tanlknt of ao 111rge 1. p .. rtien ot our di..,._ a. • wbole. ! '!ly l.RKUna Beach ..<Hint). ancl Roy Anderaen decla red tJl.M W'Mk ; trtct would bti • aen oue delrtnient Souui Cou t C•>0nty Wate r 0 1i1-"l n 1n11 coonM:ti'•n " r11ct not lncu · senf'raily re..Jlsrd L• that our : Available a nd llevelopable land ., acbool dlalril"t 11 not related In with lh<' city lln11ll ha11 become Tao Lale To Cl~ssl Y any wa.y tu the C:'1ly of C-01t11 J.1-1 quite umit.i Jlf"IOT" to th .. 1.nnex- an<l th•l our bloun.11r1e• •re not a Uon ot the JrY1n1 Terrace dl1- ------------------------------" cunt1 1uou1 with lh1 t .. r the <"lly t.rtct and Upper N e.,port Bay. . In &<tu .. llty , .. .,1 •• ,~•pt"ILtlon 1 The.le fUU\.l.X&UWl.a, M.Qol l(Onl•f'Y tor Kfln_t ____ ! 11g n .. d by a t(!lativ .. ly 1m11ll Mir· 1 point. out. plWI propoH<I future ni .. n! ,,r the population o! our en· annexauon or land w1thln the t1r•· 'di•trlct, c11.lh ng for the tr1111-boun<tary o r th .. CoutaJ Munlci- trr of !erT1tory ,.,mp11a1ni; 11lrn0gt pal Water Dt1lrict u tar aouth :,. per <""enl or nur area . P'ur\her-u CryataJ Cove 1twuld aUmulate n1or... thr area n1arke.J ou! f.,,. a growth In lhe nu t 4 ~ ye&ra CO>t ~-ORT A !l!~f: H AND BRAIDED RU GS TR.El: INSTRUCMON ORDEM TAKEN All new materlall •vaJ\able M.ARY Jl'ANN lN', 118~ 8. Cat. Bl Lecuzi.a Bch. KT att .,._TI U , &Op73 IO-Autoo and l'ruclu WlLL TRA Oil: "&6 BUlCK. White Super conv .. premium llrt.1, all -~ equip., -mil ea~ '" Sood 2nd tnut <Iced. tl ar. l.'li 9, 90cti2 --- 1951 AUTOEITE $25 0 0000 CONDITION. compl•le ....... chari er (COit "'' ... da7 to charreJ. May be 11ccn at 8a.ll t.a A.D6 Country Club. New- port Blvd. <IOcil2 ... CH&VROUCT t V-8) •la tkln •..-on. power 1 Ude, RAH. w•w. 6 two tono ...... color. Will ACrif!Ctl Sl97~. Harbor 0488. """ LARGE lll JO~I f'quippr<! for full lhln1: 11-n•l l''"Jk- '"' Call Har 1~4 ;.\V "' 71 7 Poppy. Corona .1,1 ~l•r 1\0.•ti:l ---- 5!--Sfores lo Offlr.l"!I UALUO A ULVl> conn•r l.u1a1n1•&1 suite for n1ed1c1l, 1le11 t.!ll ur ary profe .. tona l ~-.\I• •11•r11, he11-t- 1ng, pa rking t lwn .. r 14 12 No. F lower. S.A. Kl 2-iJ\1>'>2 "' --- 51-lleal Esta!:#. \\'anted ---------------O li:SlfU: UuUD UUILUJNV LOT R -1. ' " 3 from party who would con1id<:-r 1ubord1na tlon AJ90 an acre a rounll Back ••Y a rea M. Pulte, LI)'rty 8-221 1 or Uberty 8 ·4692 60c62 - 6'.t-Real "6tata O\VNER THANSF EHFlEO l B DRMS., GAR , nicely land- 1caped. fur<!'<!, p11 t1 0. carJ>"t lnr & drape•. 5!'t9(1(1, 4 •,.<J;. JI'. H. A. Subrn1t down. 2ot 9 ContlUCl:l tA.I St Llbf'rty 8-72111. 60c62 ------- 1 •M n11fr r rotnpn..-11 high a..s~"ri""d a ria.Uy 1urpaa11ng-that of the ,.,.,.lu•Uon potrntl11 I "''hlch 111 • put 4~ year1. v1t11 I nrce111l!y tn opera ting a.n I .Monlgon1('ry predict.a the &11· 1rnpo\('r11hed M:hn<ii diatrirt su~h 1 ne•11ble 1re11., w1lhln the L"o~ata! 11-:0 our~ MunicipRl Water Dl1trlct 'Will be "It would 11.ppe1r 1T01111ly unfair devo~d primarily to 1ln&le ra.rn- to lh" 1n aJnrlty of our popu!aUon lly ruldenUaJ 11..1a1e. Th1r•fore. t u burden them further wit h !.&.l(e9. ht. said, a alnrle family rNiden· "''han the only ertect woukl be to ttal population de.natty hu bee afford a llffisll n1lnorlty or ou r aulgned to the ll!il~ acr e1 e1ll· children 11.U day ..rllllon1 ln the m a ted to be drvelopa ble within Nr w1>0rt BeAr h School1 the p ropo1e<I annua ble area TAX R.ATF. JNC'Rt:ARF.~ I Thi pre1e11L populaUon ll~n•lly "Jl"urtherrnnre ll a ppears tlloe l-ot 2.fll per10na per dweJIJng unit c111 to tnirurpo;t children 11v1n1 will lncreaae to 3 0, becau~e of wit hin a few blocka of achool11 now the increa.lng t1ndency t o large c(lnetructed • in our dlAlrict, to famllh:• •n<I bftcauae the anne•- 1cnoola -everal mlle. dlatant. Anr able area w!ll tend to 1ta.b1Uze other raot or whL<"h ehould be con-t ne tranaltory nature of the vac•· •i<lered In the law , w hich provide• tloner populatlon lnnus , t he re· port continued. thii.t ijpon tran1ff'r or 10 per cent I n conalder!ng ultimate develop· or tb,. L'lee:Med \'aJU"lton Crom a ment of the 11.nneJtable ar,.IUI the dl1trlcl 1uch .. our1, the tra.n•fer-pre.11en t duU1;a, or (l"N • a mount rud a.reaa tAual M.&1ume • port.kloA of Wii ler have bef'n tnere•-1 lfl of the lnd•bledne11 or the old d11· 11.nt!cl pa.L,"on of Jncreu ed wa ter I trte l The pra o:Ucal rc.ault In th!1 I u"e Th~ tower portlone of tile .n111tance beln1 ,an ln~rN ll<' •n U1 e ------111x rah• of th" tran,.rrr"'nR prr- OCEAN FRONT HOME OPEN HOUSE Sat. -Sun. 11 to 5 p. m. L232 West Ocean Front Modern 2 bedroom furn ished. large lo t fenced , near 19ehool11, churches. t ransportation. Owner H&rbor 4043-J or Liberty 8-60'i4 RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL . COM~cRC IAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR SMALL ISO soth St., Newport Bea.ch Ra.rhor 2MS l !!nn!! of 1r1 <"cnt.~ per SIOO 11.11,...~aed \\A.Tt:K HEA.TE R~ S"tiS Jlt VICI •~' ll,Al•s valuation " 1 J B. /, "Hener . if the r-eAul! 111 h1Rher /{ I tAJCel Anil no btneflt to \h~· 1·hJI-O e l'Ll .•.• "f,h,.,,.0 G •lrc11 1•!! far _e111 1"1h1cat111n 1.~ ron-,.,., 1"Prnf'd. w~ feel lh<! lni.n sfer !!hould IE lMS 10 'i l Cl NT OOWP-1 Pbo-H••~•< IUO be d!M.pproved ." Brand New 1956 • • • lxec .. tiwe Cars and Demonstrators • lllLl.MAN A s 100 Low s • d A.GlJAH A s • DK\\" Down •• TRI UMl'l'i $51 p,.r month • MERCF.Dt::.""-Nf'w Cia.r Guaran ~ RENZ f>t>tl & lf1'HI Mi. t 'rtt Sc r,·I'"•· ~"' s t-:1-; a.nil [JRl\1E TODA\' AT ... HARVEY MA YER MOTORI 21 37 Ho ;,,, l lv d., Costa Mesa ( Comt'r Vk-torla SL ) I Jhf-rtJ· H-22.l6 luura.niN" Broker.- s.si rta1·.,Jdf' Drt•·,. tb."'°' .,,., s .. ...,,.r1~1 ·aJ1t . • FPRln 2" PRln I DD 783 Bll:taSI IN RIZES I All·EIPENSE WORLD TlllP '50,000 '1 FOR 2 BY -AIR a.. 0 0 ··-___ .,_ ___ .,_ ..,_.,,_ CASH pins $5,000 casb • "' -.,, $250 --.. -............. ___ .. .._ ,, ....... .... World's easiest contest-just go to any Pl)lllOl111 dealer and register the motor number of your 1950 or ••er llllldef car (any make). That's !!!· Nothing to bay or gwss or sahe. 11'1 o ur chnnoce to ceff:brnte our record-b reakin g !lll}ell-aod to nl11ke cveu more friends. lt'a your chance to win up to $50,000 in eaah -• thrilliag arowid- the-world trip fOJ" hro, plUIS 15,(()() -<>r any one of 783 other big c!ttlh priiea. And it'1 Ml euy 16 win : \Cu me.rely b.-i.ngproof ol owoership-f()i" you.r 1950 or newer model c&r -to 11n y P1ymoath dcakr , and copy yoor motor number onto the FRD.: entry blank. Stt rulea. Sweepstakn opens JantHWY 17 - hurry In ond •ntef ~ Th11 '~ oll lhcre i:e to it! lbere'1 DO c.hl:ig1tion-11othing whate:ver to b...y COf aolve o r rhyme. (Su ~. we hope. you'll look over the new jet-.1ge Plymouth •.• hi~8fllll car of the 10.,-prM:e three •• , Dilly low1nioe car •ith Piuh-8utton Driving. Aiod n hope ,.....,. _. .ilxJat Plymo.th 'a red-hot dc:.la.) Om. 't na. tN. obanoe. ~ OI' th.-t esciting world trip for two: Ho.ny io k> you~·. flOW'. Yoa .., ..... • ""*! motor namber! ... ,. LOU REED & ASSOCIATES \ I t r I I r .. • 1 1 .. I ' I 1 J • :> r 1 > 1i f • I • J r p ·-'' ' --,., .-...~ '~~~-~-· --• ._.. ----··--... -------· ----·- ' ' • Lmamc'IS tt.. OpHhicJ Saturday Jcin. 21 AND T•ll':Y'Ri'~ OFI" -MAYBE ! ! ! One or the ~~t •tart.a on record markM the beginning or third running of San Diego to Acapulco Hace on Sunday. as it took ntarly t wo h ours for the f leet of 24 boatB to work J.hl'lf \\'UY acroli!> tht· hn!' Practically nu wind and a moderate i;well r,_·~ult1·d 1n a (·omplell' lua.s of 8teer&gl' way for several of the boatM 1·au11u1g a n11X-U R eu eh as has St:Jd u n1 Ucen seen between yachts of this size. Shown heft the fleet la mostly headed in the right direc- tion u they struggle put the buoy markllig one end of the line. Froni left C&Il be seen Escape.de coming In ; Moana ; Resolu t e ; El.aita; Diamond Head ; Do' 1a-Del l4M: Astrea; Vaeringer ; Y Como ; Nymph; Carou11cl ; and Marilen. -Beckner Photo of the New Nantucket Room Breekf ast-lunch--Dinner ACAPULCO RACf START DELA YEO BY NO WIND Ry IACQl 'l r: flJ;('KSl':K A t 12 3Cl tht' rA('!ng nttt .... u T • , k t ,. S ,, !again JOCktyln~ frir po11i1Lnn~ nnl "' ul)(' 3 n ,,.. . 11n .,.1tgo, ., , Y&rht Oub ar .. qult't nl)''' aft<'r! L.t' ne": l::'.c bu: !ht' ,,.-Ind an " week of tumult, •houllnir; anrl W"lllher i.hOwtJ no lmprovem<'nt 1u·tlvlty auch aa 111 Ileen only be-and a n10t.1tratt s.,.,·rll added 11 a fore the at.art or a &Ta.at ocean-ha.zardJi lo Lhe f "neraJ contu•l"n rar lnl' clauilc. The Laat-mtnut• M tl1t gun sounded at I p m 11hopplnr. the trantlc chitcktnr of ll•t..1 for th!l'I(• tor"otten. a Laat dnnk and "bon voy&.l'e" in the y11cht club bar. the laat "let'a ,;o out •nd win It" fri;im the well w1aher1 on the dock u famllteia 11nd tr1.,d1 rllce for the •fl"'\'lator boat.I to .,.'ltne111 thti thr1Hlng 111ght a• 24 or the fin•at blue·""-· ll'r cr1.ft li:alher on the atartlnr line awaiting th" J1l~&J whl<:ll "''Il l 1cnd them on their way to Aj•a pulco. Me1tlco. All thta happentd on Sundlly. 1111 the thlrd runnin g or the S11n D1ego-Acapulco tlar<' KOl un<ltr way -..U. that 111. e11:t'ept the thrl!l!nir atart. The etart wa:t . .o1hall we 11ay, one or lh,. mo11t ln- tri.t:uln(t' In many 11 mann but h11nll7 what one coUJ(I call thrllt- lo, W. B. Clum'11 K1"k• Qf St. Fran- cl• T C ftnd G<>uhl Jo-;tldy'1 Y Co1no Of BMYC happened to be t!iht qn the hne and could be called rLr1t ovtr with J ohn $cnpp'a acr1tch eptry, Novtll J:ffl Mar. In a 11m11l priva te bree:r.e rir her own clQIM' brhlnrl Tbe re.~t 1.r the Ofl!t wu praruca lly ftt<·a l111ed. 110me or them two to 300 y11rd11 behind the lint . Nov1 a Ja.t hrr brf'er.e atler a raw mtnute11 an•t JOlned h. the fruJ1trat1ng !Ol!!I or 1teerage w1y theu b.-lng o:-ne.,untered by sever- al Of the hPll\'1~r boatJI J &mP!I Camp·, b1i;: 'awl EJic11pa1le made t wo ,-,.mpl>'1•· c•rrlr-a In her ov.•n !en.th ~fo1.. ><he could g't .squar,.(I '"'''Y t"r the hne while a hal!-do:r.eu other entrle• M!en1M det•rmlne<l to rrtum to their comtorta.ble 111tp1 at SDYC. MARINE NEWS NEWPORT HARBO R NEWS-PRESS -PART I . PAGE 5 FRIDAY, JANU AR Y 20, I 95b Jan. 20 SatuoiJ1ty Jin 2! Sunda y Ja.n. 2:.Z Monda y Jan. 23 Tueitday Jan. 2i \\',.dneaday J~,. Thul"9dey' Jan 26 TIDE TABLE TI mo ..... I :~ a "' 2:36 p. ni . 2 :~ a.m. i48p.in i :02a.1n 6 :17p.n1. ~:Oii 11... in. 1:11 r '" ll:Q) II m 1 ·::i:i r "' 6 :\J II Ill 8 31 J! Ill 7 '4'2 11 m 9 J•8 p rn. UL ••• " .. " " JO. "' 31 " ·" " " •• " n-....,. SI 00 a n1. 7.3& p n1 J0.J8 a Ill 8:~ p.m. 11 :4~ L m. J0·22 p m. l:.Z:J8 p. ni. ll;l.'I p. Ill l .:.Z4 p m. 11 ·.l.~ a m. :.z _n; 11 "'· l 29 11. rn. 2 17 I' Ill f'IKST f'{j l~L LAST Nt:W QUA.llTl:K MO<J'.'>' ~fJA_llTl:R MOO ~ .Jan 2U Jan :.Z7 F't'b 3 Feb 11 llL " " JO °' :.: 3 "' '2] " " " " " (Jven::ut akle• rl'malnf'd on Uw weather airand11. 11.s of Suod&y mnr-nlnl:' ll1ld the wind Cafltlnu~ pr11rUcaLly non-ealalPnt 1111 It had been for a"veral •lay• prec\dlng. A 11 the :.Z4 t'nlr1ea 1L1¥J a 11pect.tor fleet of rloooe to 200 boa~ n1 llled a r ound In lht main SIU\ DleKO ch!ln.llel off Sh eller l11l1tnd Uhe 1ched.uled atartlng point 1 It b&- 1·11.ma lncneaatn.rly evident that 11 H would not be ,..ell It the neet 11tarted undt'r tho11e condiUon11 M:i far lnalde the bay. An alterna te ata.rling line ha.ti been aat up out - aide the h&rllcH' .. juat ln cl.le" and 10 rn lnut• betore the ..cheduled h t•h -noon aun. an hoor pc19tpooa- ma.nL WU ca.lled a.nd all h&nda tooJl'Cttu for -While Spa.I' 2. the a l· Twe nty nunutea arttr the Jl'"n.1 ----------------------~-----­ Chuck l lllmltl•' I.Ag~ picklld up a ~phyr an<\ m11nalli'td lo 1:0:-t out In front Ii.Gd well clear of \hoe !Inf' but lt llldn't 1Ut long •nd ht Julned lhe .. altlln~ duo·k1·· about 100 J'&rda away. By nuw Nov1 a Dcl Mar W drtlled back 1.nd wu trying t11 work her· way up to the line !ur th" .~ .. ,· .. rut lhne A t 2 p. m. a chr.·k or Uie line ahowe<J but aev,n boats actually acn:>h th~e bein& r ... i.;end. Rux Schuh'!! Altamar, K1a lo11.. P eter Gr11,11\'11 Nalu, Bru e " !imlth'• N ymph, Y C':omo, and Do:o; l'lruw'1 Mlatrev. AL 2 .').'), almoet two • New Power Squadron Class Piloting Opens Monday 1n Night A.• H1tll,.,11 Sq1rn \rnn 1111.11 • ''" Tll,.~ n•" 1., rnUer~ arl' 1u nnnK bl'lni: C••n11,l,.l,.•I I·• ,.r1rnll ll n•,.·f th!JllP wt,o pM."M'J thf' P ilut1ng clll&'I In 1'11•,11111: ~nil l:i111 111l Boat lrour•e1 e.""1am1n11.Uon In December }l•ndlln.( n .. xt ~1 .. 11<.Jay ~1i;:ht at 11.nd ·• "o have niel qua lification ... Ne"''!><•rt Hat ~"'t YH• h! (IJub. r,,r 111e1nlJo#'r~h•11 1n the Unit!'d Conun11n•ll'r l.,.:url o• Dosh 1nnoun-ISt11tta Po,,.·cr 8<1uadrons. Jo-lfteen ced ti1at thert II«' n•J\I' 97 new womeu wlll be 11<.J,!ed to the ll11t mtimher~. n1alon1: the lulal nit'm-of thoM who hold Certlfl cftltll nt benihlp lllllH'>tcl IUO houni after the &Un, lht hut bo11.t, I;;::::::::::;::;::;::;::;::;:::::;. I J oe F1lck 'a Alltrea, worked her way aCroae a nd the fifl!l wia un- ternat.. line. Sundoy Dinner1 der 91'ay. Every Night DINNER SERVED 5 p. m. 't il mid nighl COCKTAILS -4 p. m . 'til 2 a. m . / · 12 Noon Saturd&y & Sunday Specia l S unday Buffet 2 'til 9 p.m . ao.d: WedaMday So.U. of J.Ap-. H\'att MARINE Ul'HOJ..STEIUNG HOAT COVERS HAI.ROA CA.."\'AS 8 H OI' l1••bO< JGJ 1Jt~, 1111 St ... l WPOl T 1£ACl1 FRI., TlfR U T UES. t'RIEP MM.M U RRA V l>OROTll'!( MAl . .0~1': \VA.LTl!:R BR EJ"o;~'A .... "At Gunpoint" A l~O RICH ARD MO!\'TALRAS "A Life in The Balance'' ST ARTS -M't:r>NESDA \' ..... ·~-........ -. GLENN FORD DONNA REED "'t .,. ,. G,. poc·u~r 4UU U I P CPS S A.1.-.0 MICK.El' ftOOSf:l ' '"The Twinkle in God'i Eye" TNIRl'I A NIW S ~ ark/e ~I,/ t I ON THI WATIR \'\S I \ I ~ '!I JO-HNSON'S NEW HOLIDAY B•ONZI SIA-HO•SES T hey'r e ,,,,,.,..,, Ther 1 Je.,..' The new '56 Sea· Horses styled in Ho lidar Bronze and Spray White. Come i11 a11d tff them • Nine great new modds -3 ro 30 hp! South Coast Co. Nnvport 81 \·d. at 23nJ St. Harbor ZGOO Jo/1nson .. , ' l!llH .. 1 .. (ti Pl .. It." Qu ... l!rlca tlon. havlnc ..i.e. puaed Pllollng. Ma.ny of the new (TOUp are all'eady enrolled \JI the 11.dvAil- ced coura.e• ln \\'.a.th~, Saa.:na.n· lh!p Engine Mll!ntenance 11nd Arl- vaneed P iloting, aU of whlcb will 1tllrt nut "''Mk. New membe:n1 wen1 Kheduled NOW SHOWING "The Desperate Hours" -plu• - "The Bridges at Toko-Ri" "'llUam Holdr n Orat""e Kelly t'r~•rk: Marr h Ml<'-k <'Y Rooney TechAl.colot' E~' OS SATURDA V I.ASA T VRSt:R Kl('ll.A.RO B URTOS t 'K.t::D !MacML"Rfl.A \' "The R,olns of Ranchipur" AL'<O "WI,. Tapper" Kid'• -Sat. 1.4.5 RAY MILLA..~ "Rhubarb" STIIBTS SUNDAY WI I.ADD AND mw. G. ROBINSON AND JOADE DRu AND SHOCK AFIER SHOC IN 0# Flllllt:O to ta.ke lhe oath or Induction at a dinner nireUn~ Ill NHYf' 1 ... •1 night. HOURS 9 e.m. -10 p.m. Ot Iha n•w iiroup ne.:t.rlv haH an, fr<>m tht 8111'1 Af'mardln"llr"ll I ~~~~~--,.., ................... --------------------~ "''here R l'i!ollng r·Hurae w1,,, .. 1 ,. H . h given by Halb<:ta Squ.ailron la>1t \ 19 apnng 11nd fall. Quali fy Pr inting -Ph . . ------- H ar. 1616 R~y Carver Pontiac Your Locol Harbor Area Dealer MAKES MONEY-SAVING b TRADE-INS e are the HIGHEST EnER c TERMS a are the EASIEST A RYER u s PRICES Bre the LOWEST e EAL 1111 1M Car of th Yeof' The 240 h.p. Strato-Streak V .S Pontiac An Modelo & Body 5')1es AvaAable For 1-diate Delivery See It -Drive It -luy It Today at • Roy Carver Pontiac NEWPORT BEACH 1400 W. Coast Hwy. I 1 • • • -R-abbi Trattner to ~Be Speaker for Method.ists An nu~ Church Banquet Wednesday Will Be Held Rabbi Ernest R. Trattner wW be the Speaker for 1'Ut. ~ annual rtve-Dollar banquet at Cllrilt Church By the -... Ja.n.. .~. A· turkey dinnu will be 1erved by the WSCS""'ln ' . ~--·-----.. -··-· ..... __ On Panelfor Mardl of.)aith. • 8p.1rttNHt •· ... ,., ....... n".._...r-.. ~"'"' ta Ana: u . uw-~. .., f ,Jt•r. ~; J. c. 1"1)1-. C.0-t& w-: lltt. Oar& KMl!Md\,, Corona deJ .... With PTUcla Ill. IAJ"1 I.A a...._ u moCieralor. Mr. and Mr1. Paul Todd, 212-l Monrovia Ave.. Coat& Mel&, be· cuna the prou.d parent& ot • baby J1r1 oa J an. 8 In Ho.c H OfJptU..I. F l Goodell Hall at 7 p. m. Thi.a tradlU~ dinner o.n,mated. ..._ &. L nt.a.ft'ND in 1937 u a meana or keeping up tu.ee and insurance on -----,-------- I.be lot.a tht:n htkt b)' lh1 chu~h. Ha • the auU.Or ol. ~ out• b.-.S llr JJM £Jal• NW"la;..,, Wbo Bin<..-. that tla.a U hu helped to •t.andln.&' boolu 1n tbe ntil4 oL rd· hu -"*' Al thJa ~l1 far 18 A courleou.1 driver ii a Mle 4l1v1r, aceof'dlnf lo the N•llon11l A.uto1nob1le Club. .\ BALTZ MORTUARIES • I I l di Jion, ot wb.k:ll bla 11\M. recent lll ...._____ t!DBT4 lllUA CHAPEL CHAPEL BY ,THE 8f;A provide aupport ror lb. buil nc Und!!rt1landt'ftc" tha hhnud. Ha b.aa COOl&e*.U.. ·~ T!la pilllrCl"&m ._ i1o11 Superior Avuiu• .!620 £. Cout Blvd. pr~nm of In• <'hun-h rec.elved ti.onon.ry aw.._.. frum commfttM con.lat• of t he Ref, Co.ta l.tua, Ca!U. Corona dtl Mar. ca.ht. ~bbt Tratlnery well known u I aoevera.J countne• tor his conlribu· Roy Cari-, M.ra. A. J. Rutter and Pilon• Ubert)' 8_21 21 Phon• Harbur u I a rellgioua IM.der and 1uthor. Jie tloia In the fldd oi lltt:rature and >H&~n>ld~~O~ta~·~•':_ ________ ~~======::--:==--=================--" haa been 1·abb1 of W.:atwood Te1n-Kholar.hlp - pte. Los AnS"eltt: atn<-e 19"8. He Al'T'anfem ma tor Ute annua tlr--------------------------------------------i t>egc h11 mlnUilTY In SAn Dle10 rtl nnt:r 11.t C.."'h r1•t Ch\ltth By the ' HARBOR COUNCIL OF CHURCHES is }}eaded by thia lrio, installed al Lhe annual meeting Jan. 13 in Christ Chun.-h by the Sea. !..t"ft to right are Mra. Whitney Wright, St. James EpiBCopal, secretary : the Rev Jamea S. Stewart, St. Andrew's Pre11byterian ~ president and Miss Clara l\:uhl!ilt'<ll , Chriet Church Methodist, treu - urer. The Rev. fWbert (~ronlund , f-larbor l~uth,·ra.n, ie vice preeident. Retiring prefSident is the f{l'\' ~! C l'ron1c, pastor uf th~ ABSembly of God, Cost& Mesa - llarbor Photo Lab Jehova h 's l Witnesses nwj Convention in 1920 and 11nce lhat Unt• hu Sea are In ch11.tge of ttie W oman"• I~ congrerat1on1 !n l~• AngrlY, Society of Chr1111a.n S"""1ce. The :-<ew \'ork and lio·vll!rl y Jil1!1 lll'ket-aalll!ll committee i. a.gain 1Film Shows at 'Ame ri ca n Indian ' Isla nd Church Thr dr'-tn•tic •Lory of " 11115-lr1butinn towa rd better under· 111.:>nary • wurk un 1111 1ndUl.n re· 1 .'!l1Ul(1!ng Of th" lnd1'f.n II.rid Of the. I aerv•tlon, "'lndl.11.n A.meJ""lean ," a rhurchell' re•pon1fbtlity In ht.Ip· r a thedr..! tUm will be prll!aented 1ng him to becom11 both a rood at the lh!n\ 1e&11on of th• Schoul l~·hrl1t1an and a i;OOd c1t11e11 of M.11111001 a l Balbol. l1l1..r1d C<lm· i ·he e.11enlnl(• 11.cllv1tia •Ill be· I nu1nl!y Me thodllt Church aJnday gin with a rt:freahment period a t even1n11". :. :.io There w1!1 be tnform1! A 40-min llOUnd mollon ptc· 1 hymn-1ln11"1nr. l.hen the ttlm will '. ~· !!unday, a t lha Ora.nge C-Ount;• !ur ... It 11\<>Wfl h,...... tt>e m1111tOO-i,. •hown 11.t &.JO Tht pruXT•m 1.1 1 ) .. ry not only bnnit• the n1t:,..,.lt 01•.in to th• public. N o ..Um11Mut>n 1 unda, C W . ftl<egtt ot ----------------,,--------------I A 1111 ou11 cem e11/.J a11 t/ t. ., ul Christ tu th•· lndi•n but •..., 111 c harred a.l!huu,:h an offll!nnc I ' ew York. d11trict m1n11l•r of p GE PART I NEWPORT H RBOR N "I 1 :,lehovah'e Wllneur•. .-nlhralled A 6 --A EWS-PRESS tfcachu Chrlall•nlly 10 w 1 e f"r Indian w ork will be rr<.'llll Vrtl. I A.mer1ca.n1 whu 111e"k tu 1.xplo<l ·Jln aiadte.nce of 2,4i7 tiy S.Criptur-F"IDAY JANUARY 20 1956 The mleeu>n pro1rarn will eon- ( ,•I proof th&t .t&Mt Utlt'd 1peech " ' ' their lndl11.n bruUier•. clud" J11t1. 2V wilh a m1 .. ,on pla y 1 I ~·overcon1lnc the F ear• of Thal ------------------------------The rHm in1kea • valuabl• cun· on J111a11, "'Beauty from A.sh ...... GeMrallon" f!flvloaone lhe llOfM: ot WJLL USE TOY AS THEME It will be it.aced by the youth otj ' ...-. tod•y. Hlo di--<li· Lo al Ch h '"' '"""" " " .. ~. "'~"'" ; ~ the th~}' circuit U-C urc es by "1t1r Lf!On •Td Ha.rgr&ve, ch&.ir- 1 : ....... ,of C.llfontl• Cl""'! o ... FOR UNIVERSALIST G ROUP G. H "'"" of <h• •~m•••Oo '" m•~ ! : Tha 131 deleptu from (.'OfJtA. 1 v en 0 n 0 r ~•t;nl. ; ~ .. .a-Newport Beach a.re.a 111.l\'1 Y.'!th t •flJ.:Ut' 1n • h"ek and .a1nc hl11 own li1venl1on u b c £ '-R\e("er'• deecr!pUon-'. lhll! worlol an Ulu1trat.••n , U1t\'l•l (JU:utn wilt i)r 1uu t apo·i.k,.t at the. y Q fl e rence ! ".m•la.dy well rellecled '"the ell• &lboa. Un ver1All1t F r llow11.htp on Sunday 11 1 ! a m. New Members •1 mal.8 ot fr1't I.a which w1 hve O'Brhi.n , or An11he1m, Both Methodist Churche11 or 1 _Th1ally, de:llneat1n1 .u.. Bible ! -nile th " t "Jel'lovi:ih preaerve~ Po111llve -1t Tny' Newp<Jrt Beach. C"hrtirt Church by ) at B I Ch rch lhe Sea .•nd Lhe U11Jlx.•• 1.~l11rHI • • U • .1rn:.i. ... 111·ho love him but the wic k , , Wllllarn \\'iley w11] hr 1n ch11.r1e ot the ....,, , ".-111·h1t·h t etl ht' wl!I de.troy I [ A.rn1age-d- 1:omn1unlty t.t<!tho<l111t Churrh, t were de11gn11te,l for ,.p.-cl•I rt't'n 11:-~-, .. ,. ~t80na n!'<:t.lved Chrl!'otlan nitlon tl"1! fll<inlh by th,. So.Jt1t11 .. rn b11pt1•rn 11t the 9:30 lf'n.·lce Sun- <"'al1fom 111 . A.n z.11na ('CJn!~r,.nc•· 1l11y. J11n I:'!, Ill t.he Balboa l•· 1 vr the Method11l Church I Jan•t Comm u n It y AtelhQd!1t f •1un:· Hlollk•·r adil, 'thlll •lr&ng~ 111·!11,tll' to!l""'"fl by thr W••·lcly "cOffc1 hou1 " f'1••<"<"<l1 ni: ~·I will pe1 1n~n,.n1ly 1emove tbe th.-I" ~llllt\ \<o'l!J l.J,· >luUy g1 oup. tor •ll •&e'> rh~ ,,.iu!t~ ; re><r• ot th1• 11:e1n·r1ttlun. There· be.1111: led by F r .. nk l\.!1r lntyre of Coeta Me .... t ~f!rr P"(•pl.-will llvt' lurever in • lh .. '"•r le~~ ~ew "''or Id of Jl'hfl" , •Ah G.,,J'1 c:re11.U on '' .•i t snJ Mr • Ivan Duncan .-.rj The Belbo.1 1'11 ver11.ll~t F.-llaw1hlp II thr tinly l(tOup "' lt.11 lt1nd !n Uri.1111:" County snd all p.•1·,.on1 1r r~r<"'.'!{Pd 111 hbt'r1tl rrl:~l"n 11.rt Invited t o •llend l!Ji me<"Hqg11 Th•y were pl1'ce-1 l•n th• C'CJn· Chun-h. th" Ha1bor A.re>< 1uperv11N lhr ------------------------------1.,, 1t!l11i;z: or vu1t1 11g mln!•l'"t~ t .. r,.nce Hnnur Roll for ha Vll!oi I They Wll!tt )tr. a n.t Mris Don · pai.I n1o re Uutn h•lr of th,. 1r 11hl E Srn1th and their ch1!,1rrn. ~n.,v<Jl .. n~r 11pp•ll tionmc·nta dur· Randi and Thdd, 41 3 S1crra V1~1.a.1 lnll" thll! r1r1t 111< month• or th• Co1ta M•ai a nd M iu G retchen I cont•rcnce yr11r A nnouncem,.nt Brut"'r1nl(", 120 Am ethy11t A v ... lilr, ot the honor ...,..., made by Dr. and "'n1 Rmlth an<I M1.1111 Broer-j Fr11 nk "''11\lama. ell<'<'Ut!vc """ rP-11111 lll•f're 11hto t~'"'"'"'° ainnll" with tary ot t he Ho11rt1 or Mls.11lon111 11nd -v•n n t.hera ILi! m,.mb<on of the • Youth Advisor Wi ll Preach a t St. James The R".v. Wllllam F' Light. youth &elvlao r ror lhe D1oceu or Loa An· , g11Je11, will oe gueiil preacher Sun· ! day at St. J11mes l:placopal Church J<~amlly Mrvlce. and Sund1.y a<"houl are a t 9:10 and 11 a .m .. with !toly Communion al 8 a.r::t. Youn.r People'a F•Uowahlp meeUi •l 9 :30 p.m., Adult Inquirers' clau a l 8 p.m . Th11 Brolhl!rhood of SL Andrewa meet.a Monday at S p. m The Oloce1111n convenllon will be held a t St. Paul'.11 Cattwiral, Loli Angelet, Tue.day, W9dnellday and Thur.day. OeleS"&!M, elected at the annual meeUn(. are J. Donald f'ergueoo, J. E . Pinkham. \Villlam 8. Kilpatrick. Mnlor warden and T . Hord Seel11y ; aJtematea. Henry Riedel. Norm•n Wakeman. J ohn T . 8te"'-on and H. A . Hall. , "Be Ye Doers" , i Stressed In • ! Lesson-sermon • • l~Sl!On -Sern1on nn all C hrl8Uan ~cienc'" I 1n lhe f ''Truth'' In ' chureheJJ Sl1nday. lht A p n ~ t I e : J&meill exhort• o.11 l o be "ilo!!r11 ot l th• word, and not h!!•ret• only, deceiving your O"'n 11tlve.:· and t h• &lflnn11, "Who"° lookelh int.o ! the pi9r1't c l law of ll~rty, and • C'Olltinuelh tllereln, he ~lnl" not ~ a fOf'l"!!ltul h!!.,l"ilt, but a doer of l the work. thl11 n111n 11hall be ble.'1!1· • If'<! In hi.I deed." 1Jame11 1:22.2:1 1 f f' A c ornilat!ve citation r r om "Science i(nd Hea.lth with Key to .i the Scriptuti:11"" py Mary O.ker Eddy •l&le•. ··we know th•t • dl'- alre ror hollnl'l\I: I• rrqul11itr In order lo g-a.ln h o hnep: but if we dM!re holinea. above all el!O!!. we t •hall 1acrirlce eV?rylhing-ror It : .. Pr11yer c11.nnot r h&nJl:f' thr un- i alt.en.bit T ruth, nor ean prayer alone f1ve u• •n untlentandlnK of Truth: but prayll!r. coupl4!!<1 with a tervMI h11.bll\111J <lr1urr to know and do U..·wlll or God, will brln« f Ull l.nto all Truth'" Ip. Il l. ' 'Mwo O<>ldrn Text from P1111.lm !!I ~ 18&:1:1) de<:lare1. "Thou, 0 Lord. r art • God fuJl {)f eomp••ion. 11nd I l",_cloua. Jong111uffr r ln1t. and plen· I i teou. In merey 11nfl trnt~·~-_ FllUIT CHU1lC H OY C..:ltkJST SCU:..YrlST ' »II "'• L1", ""--' ...... '1 A i..-tl <ff ~ ..... to.< Cll~~. Th• ~;,., Cliowd .. Cllftot, khfrfW. '• ................ l ·-• '-'"' ..._ ' IJ ..... t ~•t:f 1~'""'""----w;;.....-= ~I~:.:: .......... ..._ ._.._ .... Ult •i. U... _ .... .., .. _ _......,.~ II ..._ .. .• a.• W•<l-M" .,._ -'"" .. };4 ...... ,.,,.,., ·-1 .. ' ---"" ........ ...,...,, .... 11 ..... ..,_ ... c::t.do ........ - -"• ... -.. -. Corona de! Mar Congregational I M.tr 1·ommunl1v f'h11r,·11. 111·111 ~!ve • '<"Tmtor1 "llt1llr t ""'""rol f'ht.~· li1<n Sol•I" r·· The J un •l• '""' R"n· F"nr th• dupll1;11t~ ""rv1r"• "' "'' l'ilt-• '"' F'rllol'. .. J1•p i: ,. u up" , •ll••·l ,.v~ry !illn<l11v f'1.· .. n1ni: 1n !hP ""ur><h1p J &.n i2, ll'I,. H.•v B<lw1n 1·h•H• h el 6 SO tor wor.~h ,p, f"l· Chun.;h Exlen111un. churrh. Gnn1 ka. min111Ur .. r r·.·ron• d"l l 1°,11111!11p 1nrJ run Bt'nevolenr r' g1v1ng 111 tor wel- fa re and mlu•on work beyond lhe Joc11J churth. -------- -For the t!neat ln C<immen::la.J 1 Prlnllnll" Cll.ll H&rbor 1616, \ l)rrfcrt bomr lltbtlopment) In !he M'T"''" unh11nll"d lll"aul)" wl'Mc-b ""''Y • campo1 •ro-pt-r c-au oflll!f, your H......:;aQT home wUJ rdttt durlns the yean '° -,.,.,. lnhll!.m1 g...t tan... Nowlwtt elw non )'Ot> l .od "och an ~ orttinJ for the tn1>quil life )~' ""•nl k. )'OUIM<lf •fi<l )'OUr fllllllfy·. °' C'OU ....... n 1...it,. -r.-. •hot>-PNo« --... ~,.,.. aU •ses. ~ cl •II d..nom1noOOn,._,.,., clooe. But T"• H•L• CoM••NT r~gntu:1 th•t nn~h ..,.,..,. Is ln•·nh....J 1,.. • full Ille thlon the.r <.•o,wrntk>n•l f..Olili,... For that reuoe, y.,.,·11 find ln llAu.cauT Cowrv1 ErT.o.Tm • l••Je ptlvat• ••C•e•llOl'I area, Hak· <YQI P•rk-«omplnt with clubhoufoo,, Ut· till! '--«-hueb.JI pof'k, plcnk sroundt. tenn.i1 •nd r..ndb.11 courts. I.lid """""Inf pool-all for tho: P•Chi•'w .,w..,,. of ... ldf!'ni.. ... --...... .... 4-ACRE IECIEATIOI Pill POI llSUllTS NO DOWN HALEc REsr Campus Estates . - !l't ti 'Ultl U\ CO,T• UJV, ~----lo•••• I ••••• .:.,..,, "-'" "'""" -W•<I., I Lo ..... Tot•-1.1-,, I , .. l N l\IAC'f. tNiuelo ton 7 •it '0." llVflAGf • \t) (1\\\\)\ ... ~\\\)~li\l>.~~~' \ .~ ·~· Ckopr n v.1,., Pu1.,,, "••Im o • ·I ~"O•U b o t• l-1) A,,,oo .I l-H ..... ' 1-t "' ' ,., "'orh,. 1 Jr-tr Thw o J 1 I.of. -· ..... ·-··· ... ---... .. "' . JI This Church Feature Sponsored by These Local Ernie Church-THE ARCHES Union OU Oeall'r 84-00 W. Coast HW)·. Newport Beaeh Ll S...9063 HOWARD'S RESTAURANT Cottff Shop-Oprn 2t hour~ 8945 W. Coast 11.l'-{at Ba.lboa CO"\'es) Harbor 3820 GEORGE M. GRAHAM RugR and C11rPf'l• 122 Agate A\.·e. Balboa blaad llarbor sz.~ ART C. KISTLER CO., R,ilaitan Bay Front SJM!Ci•li1t1 2901 N r:wport BJ,·d. 'Ii e\vport Beach Hatbol' 52!:6 Mario'• Smart S.t Hoir Fashions Complete Styllnll" Petn1•n~nt W11.ving-ant1 Tlntln&" S407 t:.ut Coast II\\")'. Harbor 51@.t ' NEWPORT FURNITURE CO. Complete Home FumlllhlnK• 2620 W. Cout HM·y. Liberty 8-IJU Fred Orgeron Chevron Service Tire.. -R•tr•~t,.e .-A rt'-rl~e Con1plete Lubr1c•ti0fl 2100 W, Balboa Blvd., Neqx>rt Beach Harbor 1515 UNI(j)UE CAFE ~f'tl.t. -Lunr tl -Dtnnt!1" 110 ndn St., (Ac~ from (,'tty Rall) ' Business Firms STAFFORD & SON Elr ctr lcal C<Jntr11.clor1 110 Ri\'enldfJ A"\"11'. Newport Ubof't)• 8·2276 Laurie Woodworth Piano Co • Completa Line of New A Ueed Pl&.n°' 2610 t:. Cout llwy, Harbor SS82 ELITE BEAUTY SHOP Under U11 N1W x..n.renment of Mr. Pat DICK MACICll OraperlM -Carpet.I -Upholltery Completa Free DeooraUnr Service S4.20 Via Udo MAD MOORE NURSERY Cut Flow ... _:.. .Pet 8\ippli• NEWPORT HAAIOlt IANK A.n lnde~d..,t Hmn. Bank Corona del. ..,. Mktnl•ht lo )1 A. M... 2217 W. Cout tnwa)'. Newport 8-cb ThrM IOO!"l~' to Serve Yau N...,_. llN<h Corooa • del ... , ' • t I I - -! J I ' I 1 • ' I • I • ·.. -..... -·-:. --~ --·--_,_ -------·---. ...... -. .... --·. -• . ·--· • . ' . NEWPORT HAllOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I • PA6£ 7 FAIDA Y, JANUARY 20, 1951> ' ·su ~oo . . . tu·rn·ing the ·tow-n ':·.upside down! • ·15 ' OVER $75.00 WORTH OF FREE SERVICES, VALUES AND ENTERTAINMENT FOR ONLY $3.95! ' Nothing More To Pay! You .· May .Be Called Today! . BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE FOLLOWllG PROGRESSIVE MERCHANTS~ • Sl.9~ COVERS THE COST OF "-OD DELIVER- ING THE TRWURE ~ RIGHT TO YOUR DOOR TREASURE BOOK ADV. ' 206 W. 3RD ST., SANTA ANA, CALIF. Thise Businessmen 4re Co-operalng lo Bring You OVER $75.00 Worth of FREE SerYlces, Values ] and Entertainment for Only $ 95 A LIMITED NUMBER of people from the Newport oroo will bo called by TELE - PHONE to roco iv o thio,GET-ACQUAINTED advertising offer. II one of our courteous operators cells you, she will a rra nge de- livery of tho TREASURE BOOK if you so des ire. TOTAL COST, $3 .95 . FREE. FREE FREE FREE FREE . FREE FREE FREE ONE 1•10 IRONIETONE PORTRAIT VALUE $7.SO ROBERTS STUDIO NO. 1-0n• 4x6 Rug Cleaned MO. 2"-Two Dining Room Chain Cleaned VALUE $6.00 Hanlea's Rug & Upholstery Cleaning FREE FREE FREE FREE NO. 1-1 llDIPlllAD weshed, dried • NO. 2-1 TUI waahocl, driocl, loldocl, aortocl and wrapped VALUE $1.20 ·NO. 1-1 Woek Rental of• S.wln9 MachlYle NO. 2-Service Coll on a S.wing Machine VALUE $S.00 GORDON'S SEWING MA.CHINE CENTER NO. 1-1 S.,,.ice C:.11 .. e TV Set NO. 2-1 TeW. R ... lo RepeirM VALUI '7.00 QUALITY TV SERVICE FRIE F~EE 3 GAMES OF GOLF VALUE '1.U Garden Grove Miniature Golf Coune . HO . 1~1 Personalized Hafrcut NO. 2-1 Cnme Oil or Plain Shampoo VALUI $2.SO HA.RRiET'S BEAUTY SA.LON FRIE FREE HO. 1-1 Flot Tire Repai• NO. 2-1 Tin Trued and lalonced VALUE $4.SO CHRISTOPHER'S TIRE SERVICE JOHNSON'S LAUN~OMA T r --~--------1 ------·--------------·---- FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE NO. 1-1 Posien9er Cor CIHiHia.Lubrlcotian NO. 2-1 lolhlry Charve VALUE $2.75 DICK BLAIR U.NION SERVICE NO. 1~Day Rental of 1 Camera witfl. Flash Attachment MO. 2-0ne 5x7 Enklrgement of • N.,.tive VALUE S4.SO MEARS CA.MERA. & HOBBY SHOP NO. 1-11-1 of Lown Seo.Mr NO. 2-llental of Lown llollor NO. 3-Y,-Plnt of 1-·• Floer Wa• VALUI $2.00 CARNEY HARDWARE ONE PASSENGER CAil CHASSIS LUBRICATION VALUE SI .SO THOMAS MOBIL SERVICE FREE FREE FREE · FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE 0... P•--• C:.r C:••••" i..lwicetioA VALUI $1.50 BOB'S MOBIL SERVICE ONE SERVICE .CJ.LL ON ANY WASHING MACHIHI I VALUE $5.00 JAKE'S APPLIANCES - RENTAL Of ONE FLOOll. WAXlll VALUI $1.llO McDONALD PA.INT STORE . HO. 1-1 Tire Rotation NO. 2.-1 frMt W Wheel Allpment Chock N0.1-1 lreb l11111dlon VALUI U .00 . HOWARD RYAN TIRE SERVICE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE ·FRIE FREE FREE NO. 1-lroken Watch Crystol Replaced NO. 2-1 Welch Repair VALUE $2.SO RAY FIELDS VISTA JEWELERS ONE 2-LB. PACKAGE OF SPECIAL AVIARY llRD SEED VALUE SOc · ' u N c L E' B I L L I s PETS H'OP TWO PRIVATE DANCE LESSONS VALUI •11.00 ARTHUR MURRAY SCHOOi-OF -DANCING NO. 1-1 i...-in lody-l•llllllnt H0.2-1 Heelth ben:IM Porlod VALUE $4.00 HARBOR BODY. BUILDING GYM ' FREE FREE FREI FRIE FREE FREE FREE FREE HO. 1-Tlt-Hey Ridea HO. 2-Three '1-MiN kide1 on a Burro VALUE $1.SO IEWPORT HARBOR llff AlO WKH IUllRO Tit.AILS HOllSE lllDING ST AILIS ONE BICYCLE lllAKE OVlllHAUL VALUE $2.00 MILLER'S BIKE SHOP ONE FLO-TIST FOii ANY PASSINGlll CAii llADIATOll VALUE fl.00 BAY AUTO RADIATOR SHOP • THREE GUIDED TOUU ON HOllSllACI( V.UUI $3.00 NEWPORT HARBOR BlffALO UICll HOllSI lllDINO -4 IOAllDIMG ITAILll " ( • , • . . --' • . • • ' • . . l . -· -; • • . • ---. • • ... . -·..:.. ~~ _, lT frAaio« NEWS-Pll!SS AlY 20, ·1916 . • .. . • . . ' ~ .. J • •• • • • • <: I isten to ...,., _. • ..._ a .....,.. er vaaw • I'VE BEEN 1nighty patient with you., Mom. Haven 't caused the sitters an y trouble\ when yo u leave. And I've been a go od kid when you d ragged me along. But it's time,.IJ spoke up-and it's time you li stened to ME for a change. I'm talking about the way you do the buying for this family. Why do you go miles away to 'buy things you can l!,et ri ght here in our own community? Sure, I've heard you say you're trying to save money by go ing to those far-away sales . But you're not reall y s_aving at all. Re1ne1nber how Dad screamed about the extra-big car expenses last month? And the day you paid the sitter $1.75 , and still didn't lin9 )"hat you wanted at the big-city store? That's just the 1noney side , ·ORGll H \ • of it. Then there's the· valuable time you 're alwa ys wasting-valuable to me, that is-be- cat1 se it's ti1ne that you and I should be spend- in g together at home. And here's the punch line, Mom. You can find what you want-at iust as good a price- right h!1re a1nong the merchants of OUf' own community. And youll be doing business with neighbors-you'll be getting personal attention. You'll be dealing with the folks who pay for the schools and parks I'll be using soon. lnstead of coming home all tired out from fighting traffic and crowds, you can do all your shopping right close to home, and still have plenty of pep to en joy your family. ' ·RD .. l l'HE FINEST -MOST COMPLETE STORE TO BE FOUND ANYWHERE , Hardware ... Paints ... Wallpaper ... Appliances ... TV ... Radio r • A Good Friendly Place Ip Shop OPEN SUNDAYS 6 HOLIDAYS .. .... ~- • • 205 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 116 Newport Beach • • . ' ' j ' . I t ! I ' j I J • BROK.EN THUMB BLUE.>.-That'a wbat is trouhl· lng J ohn Font1us, high scoring forward for Coach Bill Slraw'11 Newport Harbor Sea.fie&&, u he •it. on the bench watching his teammates edge by Fullerton Tuesday afternoon. So eager is John to get ha.ck in action that he ts pract1c1ng shooting with hi.a left hand. It may be M"veral weeks be.fore his broken digit heal.a. -Staff Photo SEAFLEAS EDGE OUT 2ND CLIFFHANGER WIN, 35-33 Pulling another cliffllanger out of t he fire in the fad· ing second.I of play, the Newport: Harbor High School surg· ing Sailor c·. scuttled Fullerton ..35-33 here Tueaday &fter- uoon. It wu the second straight equeaker win in Sunset 1-irue comp@l1l!on by lhe Sea· margin al tnterm!11tlon f leu and a new 11et of ulci:r1 for T he lndlana kept i;-atnlnr . A! tnd Coach Bill Straw. of the third .nan:r.a, the k>cal.t le<I Hopu for ll loop champlonahlp by but a 11.n11e dlglt. 20-24. From took a 1udden tllilp\n foUowlng then on It wu back &.nd forth. the local C quintet '• 37-34' triumph F'\illerton edfed Mead 28-77. San- <lver Santa Ana lut wttk when che• aank 11. 20-fooler and Tayl~r high ~ring F orwerd John F'on· toaHd through 1 .... 0 from lhe foill Iha 1utf1red a broken thumb. But Une a nd Newport wu back ahud after lmocktnr over the redaklna 31-28, without Fontlua. thing• are oner Thal dldl\'t l~l long Taylor again looklng u p fo r the locala. w'nt out on fou!a. F'\illerton Uld E1pec1a.Jl7 1lnc1 Center CharHe the tilt al Jt-31 with 1 minute left. Tay!~ uaua.Jly another hJfh ~r-A drive-In aent them aheati J.3-31 Inc a ce for the loc.11 laW.. hlt for wlth the aecondl tlckln.( off_ Three • mea.cer 4 poln\AI. T1ktnc up the atralghl Tar be.P;et 'ttempta m lM- 1l1 ck were Ray Sanches and Mike ed before Sanche:i: h lt one. Then. HayM with ll mat ken M.Ch, dead-with the acore knotted $3-!!, San- locklnc with r1val McNamara of che:i: plunked through two free Fullerton for 110)1!1 hlch .t00re. throw1 to win It for the Sea.flu.a. Four :&.foot Mola by Haye. per-&fifi11 ecorLng: Jtm Jewell, two mltltd lbe !Hlfleu lo ruah Into a foala, •: Sanchez, five .(Olla. two l!-t lead In the t\r.t quarter. The g1ft ~. 12; Taylor. one goal, StrawmlJI connected for only four two g1tt.,. 4 ; Pl!te Stoddard, two point. ln the IMICIOnd period, h ow· &1tta, 2 ; H1ye1. ~l.x go&l1. 12; Gary ever, and jwit did cllnl" to a 17-12 Plckena. one cttt. I. ,J ARBABES TEAR OFF TRIUMPH OVER TRIBE OwnptUnc a 11tmation&l 50 per cent scoring average ill the tint halt ud &lmot:t equalling it in the aecond, Coach Jim Klller'• Newport fla.rbor High School B Tarbabet broke Jooee for a 70-29 triumph over Fullerton'• ligbtweigbta here ~ ..rt.noon. n P"• th• 8aUor B '• a pshet J-0 Swwet ._.. ...... John. &.nroUll. ~ the Gob attack lD. the ftNl halt w llb five tlUI ioel8 and .0.. &.. throw With Bob wtatt. taldnc o-.r ln \he eec- oncl half wha be hit tcw ei... rO&lJI anti OIWI ctn to.. Benrotln wound up u hlt'b polnt man with lil point. oompancl to Wldle'•' 115. Had tt not ~ tor a f'OOdly Phone lor numblr of foul~ llne opportunltlM by the Papooee1, they wuu.ld 9C&rcely have been In the cont .. t al all. The 9CUIT)'tng T&rb&bQ &1· lo1'ed them but thrire fleldera In the nnt hall and t lve atUr Inter· mlulon. Ml!&nWhJle, MUler got everybody Into the a ct. The local Jada Jumped into a 20- 7 le.ad in the flr•t •lan.1.11.. made It 3l-10 at halltilhe 1nd M -23 al the uu·-.quarteni pole. Tarb&be ' ' THE BIG THIS WEEK ancl hear our ·special offer# ..... ,id: ""' .... ""°'" -col w -..,.,. '"""" rifht owt wMI 1HE MGM. While.,_ drift It, .,.·1 ... l'Cll .. 'j'OUrCOf -ottd by the tiMe you COfM. bod, .. ·1 hove a apKMll trod ... in ~ thot COfl'I IN topp.d -lffP9Cto$1y If YoVI' CCK 11 .... thcwt .s .,.... old. Tb.• ~g lll!Y is THE BIG lflERCURY ' JOttNSON •SON, •1itc1lll Mire.-, -W. Owil& .. ,.ay, NCWjiWt a.e.11. 1 -,,_ ... Qlllli I D at)' 8-45&5 --__ ..... ___ _ ' . \ • .... .... flni,lr Ell ~ C1 ( '1~11 • U II-IOU l: -• i W , L L.e...tM 133 E. 11th SL Cotit& lleea. COLD STANZA Tar, J1nion lose looper . lo Fullerton Peoplt do read the Pr.. ad .. FROM ll&IDND Then the Tars came from !)fl- h.1nd 1g11.lruit c rown f1 vot1le Ful· lert.on on I.he lndlan court Tue•· day afternoon. 1p1rked by Center Eddie Pope'a but rarne !!Ver. to lower the boorn on lhe redak ln.'1, A cold ft ... t quarteT co1t th• Ntwport Harbor H l11h s ,'hool 8•1IVf" 1un1or v1111ty a 8o.m .. t Leaj{Ue lou to Fullerton '• lndl.ln 50-~'8 That t riumph .. followlnr on J V on the rival court Tuf'l!dly t hfl heel1 of one by the Anaheim attf'rnOQn, .'.i7 -~, It i ave the Gobll Colonllta. la what makea N.,w- • 1·1 loop m ark. port !i&rbor'a Utle chl.nc• look in thlll t rl rld openinar fan to. kl good. . But ~th. two meri -..tp~ to t ile Tari collected only thrtt Jl'ar the two quintet• Ga~ fir -fUl'd llt:m m001t of tha ....,,, Pope t i.::l·l coala for 8 i>Olnla wh1I., thf' ured to have the m~t 1.Toubl,. "'LI looktnc for that lflOee man T11be .,..a. hlltlnr for 1 ~ n1111·ker• 1 with -P"UJluton •nd Oranre an dunnc the contf'at. Gae"• -Id H••!t of the way. the \oc-al Ui.da now have •uffl!l'e(l I p.ir of cir-he COUlll9d 10 ffll><U Pope m.1.de Qu\.,., (>rll!'<t lhl foe by one potnt. cwt i.etb&c:k.. tor curTent 1·2 rec-to Mt up lood lbot.a for team- H11l thf' •lAfnare h•d a lrrady ~n ordt. That lf'aYf'I lh• Salklra ...at.. ''W• didn't ht! "" an of Jon,. T ile overall picture ahuw• that lht 1 are outaoored the lndl&Aa un tiel<ltr• dunklnr 20-11, and drop- petl the conte1t on the foul ltne 10-21 .,.,_.heeler, r1va.l forward, copP41(1 high -'<!Ore honor1 for the fr17 with 11 polnta. on aeven J Oila and four gin ahota, followed by team- 1n1te Enright with 14, on aix g011l1 1nd two tree toaeea. deadlocked with Anaheim at l --0, U..rn," 01.,.. admitted. "'but at foUowed by S1nta Ana •l 2-1 and Wut ••.had tllern.N H unUncton Be.a.ch •l l ·J. T h • Pallll Lorer!Uan, Oeor~ Mabee Sal.tit. upMI O rans:• Tu.-lay ad Da." T&mura fa.JMd to coma whll,e the Oileni bWnpcd I.he up to UM ~ tl'tey .,._ cap- Ar~ &Me or, INt Guard oar,. o~ W ith 115 ..conda to play and the ..:ore dee.dlocked at M ·.:.8. ra.me Capa.tn l.orenU.-1:&.Jl.ed I uma out at jut the rtcht mom- ent a.. tar u atn.teey w&1 con· I «med. H•vtnc ~on ot the hi.II, the \.Ml.a lhe111-1v• we r -r torn between lhootlng tor th e vic tory or freeslnc tor t.be tie. I lt appeared Ul•t I.ti overl.Jme would be aU 1n favor ot th.1 Sill- BE SURE -INSURE -.... .,..,., ftA!ruOY I •• <Mb"' p.._ llubor MT& Ull C. 0-t JllP.., Oo,_ 691 ' ll'Ar TopplJl&' tht Tar• were Don D1bb1 with 11. Jerry Kemper 10. Gene H u ll bard 9 •nd Stan Sch0t1e1 8. ll would -m thal U.. Colo-i..n.d. up W1Ua Pope tor-an nltlt.1 now off1r I.be T..-. the only IUlbeata.ble eombtn&Uon tor Ute bunUnk t.breat. Newport'• lwo-81.Uon . ~ Illa uuaD7 1JUt - rune .c<>rln&' record r..veall the ~ ~ pnw;, Ck-dunk- loca.I lad.I l'llve tanked 102 palnU «1 &ft &'0&-1• few 10 po.111..W and while the opP991tlon waa able to runnanap Tar ~ IPOl to collect only st. Anaheim hu n•t-Pop.. ted 1 Ofl marlteni aralrt•l 113 for I ~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;~ 11 !ti r1v1.J1. II After tralllnr 14-15 In the flr.t period, the Tara moved 1nto hJgh gear w tlh 18 polnl.4! In the ncond canto Recl!M tally favored F'ul- Jertun 27 ·:1l Roth aqlta.rta rlU'ked up 14 1:ounter1 In thl! lhlnl frame with the Ind1an1 outlhCJUtlng the 1ocal8 14'·14 tn the f lna l 1tan.1.1. Scaring tor the Gob jun!or1: TRIBE OVER-RATED'!' WORLD TIU.Vl:LOGUJ: BERlE8 PRJ:BENTS On the other hind, In thl'ff' ''COLOIADO ·-Today and YnNrday'' ramea, th• apparently over-rattd PLUS l tS6 ROSE p A,. •DE Indian• hav1. bal"illy outacored Ml\A their opponenUI, 187 to 182, whll• All le~ eel• 111.., -STAii WIN~IY, ,._ .. ., the Pantht!Tll tr9.ll. l l l -141. tli• "'•i0• •"·••.It••-'-.,,,, ~•«I•• ol ••• '"6.d1, ~••od 1.1 ... eftll l ied C••- Probably the m'-"lt reveallnr Tl•••..-"'• 1•• J~•• "!-•;..: w1111 .. o.11 ... Hletow•'· .-1oe.-o,.i.. •-.•, phue o f the Tar triumph over Col""'• Coo•• ••4 'tide<', °"""' .,.,. °"'-· """ I•-"501i..1-. ._. .. -• • the Trlbtl Tueaday w111 the acor-"le"' l.M, ·"· I.a , \,ti. Inc ot the aubetltutea. Whllt Newport HlcJll School, -Tonh)ht 1 :20 January ,., ...... te £7 aow Sport Shirts .... up le TIES 5 .. 3 ... OrtcfaallJ Up to, 300 BOYS' DEPARTMENT BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS REDUCED UNDERWEAR and "T" SHIRTS THE MAN 1831 N e.wport Blvd. C'karre a Budrrt ACt)Clunta wttb Commtm.lty Credit Ftaa -No CatTytq Ola.r)e ! Babb.,. four r oala. · lhru Jlft 1hoL' 11 , Kemper, ,tve ,l(Ollll, 10. Hu b~rd. one 11oal aeven glfUi, 9; Schone•, four _i:oalil. /j, l:kib V1\11- p1n1, tllrre goal•. II. Tenn Allen. three gAAll. 8. Gage·. Urry Harper. Tom Houa-1 i,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~~=========================~ ton, Denn y Harwood and RDy t · tc-0rt'r1 Included. Hen tolln Iii, Whit• ta. Oave Urlckner 2. Wade Randel 2. Jun Mulder ll. Jim Schonu 4, R1rh PaJ11.ferrl •. Gene Bryant 'Z, Jl'rry f-lulbert 2. 8 u rl Thomp.on :0., Al Lope:i: 4. Bob Hen· dera.hot 2. Your Auth o rised T H A LC 0 Flbergla.M Dealer lo t.he Harbor ..-ea. Bring yoW" nbef'. gluo problem• to llL Pacific fiberglaH !tell W. COM& Hwy. Pk.. LI 8-!4'7! Acro1.1 from AJl·Amartcan Hlrt- Da.nlet. pop~ through 13 coun- tera •mung them, the belt Ful· lerton'• bench cuuhl contnbute to the cause were two free throw• "acapaco iim ........ l Y AClf1\ "ACI 0 Y ~· N ·THE -T REPORTS 01 CT FR M THE I Oil 1111 ""llANO K ' BC ~\~.~M ' ~.i~ __ i Pl TEW~\ ., SHEAISON. HAMMILL '-CO. ............. M<•H,., >I•• T••' Sre<I, lu-••t• ··4 ..... 1,..,,., ....... .. USI VI.a Udo Ne""1t0rt n-c-.11 Har.'im Home Loan• 5% • 5Y,% 20-year Fibancing • Construction l,;oans Refinancjnq Free Preliminary ! Appraisals ' Life and Cor/ea~a for Cuualty lnaun.nce of Tennessee Company • B&nkera National Life lnaurance Company i.. . South. Coast llortga .. Co11ljMlny 1600 Wnt Coos! Highw•y -LI 9.n91 NeWport B1adl, Callfonila In die /,ow-price .field I 5 and ' • Ford's Thunderbird V-8 engine; the standard "8" in Fairlanee and Station Wagons, is the moet powerful "8" in ita field at no extra co1L Ford has built more V-8'• than:all other ma:k11111 combined! ' ; • •· ' p11Ce e In virtually every model, a Ford , : : equipped the way more and more people want i~ '·, :-coet& leee* than, any other full-cir.ed car in Am.ricaJ _COme in and Ts Drive the Fam in l!!!£futur9! --• •••' •• ,. ... --., ....... ,. prian . JHEODORE ROBIN.$ SlOO W. ec..t Jllgthra7; Newpo,t .,.._,. ( ........... • ... ) ., Yotra roao ••t..g ..... 1 ' . ,.,,,, 14tn ______ .._..,. __ Oa&A.T TV, P'Oa.D TH&A.ft&. lmCIA (4) ... DAY t!M P.X. ------------r J I \ 'I ' [ I I j I I j ' ' 1 l • -------·---·----------·=-----.----. ---.J ·~· --·r•.,.··t.,.i..,··· ~rom " ' . P~ll NEWPORT liAR,IOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, JANUAR'(,.20; 1956 us the MNftity to occept the thing$ we u nnot chonge; the coura<Je to chon9• the things we can..snd the · BRUSH COUNTRY ~-.J.OURNAL·-By w;sdom to know the diffe,.ru::o." (A. Anon.) . . BO&ACl: PAJUID , E"D IT 0 RI AL S Hoag Hospital's Doctors ·Still Remiss in Donations Campaign !or fund. with which to build the pro- poeed m illion dollar addition to the Hoag Memorial Jimpttal, P resbyterian 1.8 still underway. It iii within sight of llll goal. Some $400,000 hna been raised, -,ccording to a n port. rrom the h08pital. The $500.000 grant o! the Hoag F oundaliun will be added to tbiA amount when it is matched. Although the hoapit.al staff refueeti to aay how much money b u been provided by how many and whic h doctors, we have, by simple u!*' or a calculating machine arrived a t aome very sound figur es. The people or Newport Beach c.an be proud of the job they have done in not only providing the eX.1Btu1g hospital but in paying their way for the expansion of the factory and providing tools in which and with which doctors can ply their trade upon tbe ailing carcasBi's n f mere mortals. Reports .show Ncwrort Beach hM provided $18.986.35 for lhe nf'w building fund. This doe!! not include the contribution of Mu Epi.8ilon chapter or Beta Sigma Phi, or of the Cen- turion Club or or the l3a!boa 13ay Llons Oub, or of the Zonta Cl ub. For purpose.11 or the report we received they were separal.t'd. The contribution of Newport Beach is three times that of any other area of the county. Still the drive is one-fifth short of its goa l as $100.000 ie needed. As of today the h ospital is richer by some $2.200 as a result of the laat editorial carried in thU. newspaper. One doctor, retired, hu notified u.s, that although be does not uac the hoap1t.al., does not now or intend to use it, he i.8 offering to provide funds to the hoapilaJ at one half the rate we propoaied in our Jut editorial. Thia s&me doctor yesterday raiaed SllOO t oward the campaign t o build the new addition to the hoapita.L As of the latest financial figures we could obtain from the hospilaJ the 206 doctors o n the staff have pledged $64.970.98. (Thia figun arrived at by ~ddi­ tion and deduction to reacb the covered quota..) Accord.ing to our !igurea th.is m~ that doctoni <1f t he com munity h ave aver-age contrlbutiona of $31~.39 J-l ov.•cver, thi.8 figure is not quite t rue. \Ve do know tht' "J unior DoctoTH," those in the community leas than lS months, have plt'dged $500 each. This merely ntakes more glaring the willful neglect or the "Senior l>octon" who have wJLXcd pro1Jperous and fat on the community and hospital and given so very little. Doctors 11.s a whole give litUe, if at aU , to any cam paign for funds. Their stock excuse ia "We do our share of ch arity casc11 ." So does every merchant and every citizen in this community. Here is a case where it is a good INVESTMENT for every doctor to pay a ju15t share for the factory, and for the tool.a he uses, so far otherwise provided for h is uae. a nd particular benefit by the public and the Hoag family. It ia the doctor who gtina &t least t wo hours every day by not driving to Santa Ana or Long Beach to a hoapilaL I t 1a the doctor who collect.a more fees because the hospital is here. Certainly ea ch doctor has saved far more than $1 per day in phone calls, phu more than $1 per dny In tram portation , plus more than $1 ·per day in lime by the creation of this ho1pit.al by the people, the Hoag Founda tion and other la.rge donors. The doctors on the staff by merely pledging $1 per d ay per doctor for each of the next three years would complete .. the fund drive a.nd gain the right t o 1&y, "Our Hospital" We i;t ill o ffer to match what we ask the benefic- iaries of t he gifts of t he people to do. We will pledg e personally a dollar a day over the next three yean for lbe ho1pit&l, a.nd we benefit in no way; the hoepita.l and doctoni do not advertise or patronize in any way t his paper. There are at m08t & d ozen pieces of job printing work done over the whole year in this plant for either the hosplta.l or doct ors. We &re still willing to give as much u we would uk thoae greatly benefited to give. Formerly the N ewport-Balboa N ewa.-T'lm e• and t.he Newport-Balboa Pr.a A De~ t....i lucttl!Uon lor Over F orty T -.n ' However-it appean th&t the calloulled medlCOI have little lt uay pridf u & group-40, people.~ New- port Beach open your pune. .Ud maie your next deductible contrtbutJon f9r th'9 )'HI' to Roar Memotial H01pital. ,Itr ma'y 1&ve a Ute -youn or your loved one1 -by the uitte:nce of the fine eetabllahmenL Dur· ing the put year, H ospital statiatica •how there were 2017 bahiea born &t the hospltaJ ;.lO.~ regular·patJenf.a admitted a.nd 3000 emergencle. received.. (M. K• -'Ddl ... _. lty Bo~ r.Rw wtll ._. .....,. ... Miile .... laWorioaJ tact.a ...... .,..,,,... .. la .... ...,. ............ Moll -u, .. ,_, ,......, (Parl I .SAND8TONJ!: OONCRf:rlONS) • We have just come out or "goblin la.nd." Ag&in•t • bl.'Ckdrop of weird, barren, cla.y hillil we •tepped into • world that would make the D. T .'a u ta.me u a kid.a' Sa.t .. wda.y matinee. The land.ecape lt.&elf wu like a trip to the moon. Even a flying saucer &nd & apacema n clumping aero.a the barren v&JJe.)'I would &reu of varylnl" ah.ape• and heve. ffemed comrnonpl1ce. And fa rm1 harder than th• "mot.bu yet We could ae.! a bu,.thn Jt h•Kh· matrlll." ' R EA D E R S W RIT E N OST F1~ way only :I or 3 mllea away from th!a loat world In the weaLher on Lh• .ur11~ Moil ot you hAve &«n contO'm-of the earth lh• oomp.--.CS 1o1.nd· porary, lmpr0'&.1i!•1n1stic sculptur· 1tone1 1.nd mudi were ma.it nck· January 17, li l:lt the ordtnanca It you wt1h to do 1ng. Some "L<"<'e>< tiny , and a then I .. e -110meUme1 they h•rdened Newport Harbor N_...Pr..., I ~y thorourh Job ot It! weighing lunl! In whu.·h tor exam-1.nd ag11 ln they 90ttened r.nd d la- 221 t W. Baltio. Blvd. 4. D ID V ET ,RINARIAN S pie the art1>1t h1111 rndeavored t o •PIH:A.red. Wta.en t he ··mother Newport -Beach, CaUlomla LOBBY FOR nf\s AC110 N ? f &t ch the f!uwu1i; fet:1ll ng ot 11. aand.11tune matrix" .olteni It I• Dev Editor: Since the State ~pt. of P u blic fiih Othfr ObjeC't~ h .. )nulJ• !nta cut a .. ·ay by th,. bl .... un,-IUld of Cnclottei1 it a copy ot a letter Hellt.b 11 ~portad to bt I.he l>o<Jy lonui puulin11: l" ~ hi yman'i the tirrc.. d~ert wltlde. Water a4tlre~ to th.a city councll. It urrinar Lhl• leg1ala t1on. eve1:1 <"ln ryl! Oive • chihl 116"'me clay and 1ls<J pl11y1 1 part In this form' at .. 1 ,, ' 1111ve h11n work it into forn11 he will prob&bly be read 1.t the next ... e oc... eveJ, 11 cnlu n la only gentle ar hard d1·tv1nc rain.a and council m~t tnc . MC1nclay t vanlnc, norTTl &l lf hi! wonder11 whrther ,e1. l F """" •bout~lm slnipl,. th1ni:-• '''1th the hel11 ot vavHy, wuhe• J1.11. :IJ rd. ertnvlali cn:iup1 have been do1n,& A riend ly Gesture Misund erstood li ke bu•CUlt~ .. loAf <lf br .. a'1, • '"''Ii)' the llOfler m&lrtx. to t.he We hopl' you will be ab!I! ta 11 lltUe Jobbylni in .Sa.cramrntu horse. • snak and th,. lik~ Ge. lower pl1!n11 and valleya. U•!nl' publ.lah n be!orw Uuen ao lhl.l a ny U1lnl{ Or. Bower 1 tlrure ot "ne ~1 '"P furth .. r ha•· .. •11 th,. ~-the carnpree1ed Pndatone• 1 n d cllhenl bl.vine oplnlon1 for or ,~.000 00&:1 In Or1.nce COwity, the ! 1 ~'1" In the "'nrlo! mnl<!lni; "t:IJ"<"l• mu<! ,,,.,z:!'~ 11.'I "c1111Ung-'' m11 1enal. •1"&.lJl.lt U!.e ordll\&llce w1U bll a.ble 11 !nJecU011 bUl!neN \llttisr th e GOOl.l illlk 11.fl<I k1 ndP.!lt r.,gar<!a I vr U1t1r l!l"l<.. ~fol111r Nature ··c11eu" •lrl.n!l'.11 to attend U!.la 1nectlni'.. • ''R.able1 SI.le"' end" on Ja.n. 3 1itj RE ADER s f\UJJer \\'lltll'ln t "l l!:l.U YOll ~A T10S 11nd be11ut1ful o'b;e.ct., nf her 11 rt I IL•!. l'\"<il,. Mr \\'lll.'!On !!I "''rH· ·· d• _.. Vt.ry truly your1, •hou!d brtn&" an 111·en.ge uf clu... . Arl .. r v .. d,.., or 11,,.1r 1,~ •• •·' ~1u1 ton" concrrt1nn,, whl• h lin""''ll htreabutJlll Ill a 1•rupe1t) •r •, .. MAR Y R_ COLE to ~000 ~r year to each veteli-~11,11,1 an•·lht-r f,.w d .. .:a•lcs hrtv· lnfl e""I"'"'"~ pr,,~l·lly !or h,.r earth WALT!:R E . COLE na.rtan oper&Uni In the county. w RIT E u"'n"r' lni: 11.11 thia ··lt('"ulptun·•l 1ort "l c.hilllrO'n "° '""' &11ll mi ri·el. January 17, li o.6 And how du we know wha t the 1 ~"'"" 1:"0•! 1onu~ be t! '" 11 tt"r'"l'I Alth.,ui;h I h 11 v,. ~ttn many 1ee will be next yt 11r ! "I lle f.!anor. l:i)o!e. uv•·i 11 !t'"'' \.h<Jiuia nd 11, ,,.~ .,, 1·,.1-~11.n.1 <••l11.r~llon11 !n thr Rorri;:<) City Council o f tlewpon Be&<:h ~. RA.BIE S VAC'CINI!: IS STJU, ('h.,ltenh11.111 111,,n,11 •1"•"r! 1,...t 11 1~, f••r ~I U11.dl11.n<1.~ th .. v11r1 ,.!y an•l nH1gn1 - <'lly H!!ll JN T li El i:XPDUWENTAL (;L<.Ju~·e11leratnre rr •Lll;"n y .. 11ra lo w""th!'r ~n'1 ~·ure tu.J t: nt "''h11t we .,...., !nd1y ,.,..e,t Newport &a.r.h. C&lltornt.I. STAGE.. ~n~lantl a nil \·ou JI 1ia 1.,. ,.,,,,, .. •rnioll 1.1,.a n1" 111 I "tu r ... I 111y 1mag1nauon. Dear Madam Mayor and Honor· A th Bl. J01,.ph'1 Hoaplt.al, 91h Janu11.ry \9j6 uf tho• Vil~\ .. ,,1111,1,,1,.11e ~onrr .. ln)/l Tl'lis t oo, Js &n 10re11 th1t •houl!l a ble Councllme.n, top a u orlty In lhe coun~ Oran g,., Cah t Dear Mr. Redd11.·k : fl,.IJ ,,," .,.11 oow tnd""· be preeerv1·d. pr"te.~leJ •n•! art I• Dr. Je,mq A Ba.lter. director ot . ., ' Dear Ben· 'lou might r1::111ember aie• ai:v . · u1d .. tor 1"•lltr 1·1t y 11.s un .. or th• W1 wilh to commend you for the way you have condUcted the clty'1 a!fair1. W• fMI contldant ot your lmpvt.Ja.llty &nd abllit J to ~dlt l!ach problem .. It cornea up. It II thit c:ontldence thl.t ma ku u1 'feel tha t you wUI want to know wll.en cltl11e111 obJ•ct lo any of your -.cUona. the "Velertnary YlNll RMu.rcb · having come lo our hoUIC! et 1444 , \\ hi:n lhe earth "'Ti thed In the natural ,1,:nnder1 of America. llllUtute" t.l ComeU Unlver'91t y. Belnl" In bed tor 1bdomlnal llllr-Weit Bay. Jt 11Uly have been Jn s'""""' ur K"°]oif\CAI Unie, J'l'rf'hl."l- \"le would like to take u cepUon with you on thi.I r ecent ra.bl.• ordinance. w. do not be.llav• It to be 1n the but lnterut. Or th• community tix" the t~ re&l()n1: Thi. in.Ul14l• 11 the wor1d'1 ftne.t ge[")' and ruling, I would llke to connection "''I th a 1:11.thenng for ltort{' ureara. J1e1.1, rlveri and -clentltlc atatwin dedicated to Uta compliment you on lhe edlt.orlal Arl.hur &:hucll. Chio:! Scout Exe· I take!I 1nun<11led 1nuch o r the latld atudy ot dor dLH-.-D r. Baker concerning t he .object: 1 l!:t1190n cuHve A.nyhn"''· yuu ma de r.n 1111-tl\ll~"~" 1111 we "'e th!'m lhday 1lat.u, "Live vtnr1 remalra Un. P ower P lant, H untington Be11ch 1 pr euion then 1u1d IO datta yaur llugi" 111111'1 dun'"11 llUn11 beneith Tha killed tyPe vlrua I.I actu..Uy et.I! lh0'1r .~urface1 'r he wetght ot t he _,1 U From my preHnt home ln Pal· tortal ot Dl!<'1 mber 28th In re-watera. en·' , .. , w•lg"' .. , "••<'hy ""' ec V• only 111 monUU, or ln 11rd t th Hoa J.te ! 1 H " "" ~ "" v • oa Vero.a,. each momlng I Jvuked I J<; 0 e i' mor 1 0•· ov,.r burd,.n .. con11l11.ntly building ::• r:=c~p I.I ~::~."C;uen-= ~"•erb=~n~~~ ~~v ni'ongd ~:~o~~~~lp~~~n to~n~ee a:dh !ecn~ 111 thick l1yer ovrr th,. 1ubmerged Dr. B&.aer'1 iueoc:lt..te, Dr. Ben , with dJ l •lune. c:<"trn pre111ed and moulded. that come. from tour b11 11m0ke I :a.r;nl( your e t ori.a.I 1 ory <..'hen11rlll!! r e11.cled and forrned Sh elly, ha.I 11.&ted. "Wt need more •"<k• l-•'od .C '"• Edl·•n of ··1 e~~ 11 hu~y yl'tlr In Co1ta bu! --• ~r tin ..... .,._. Lu ..... i •• .. , ne"'' ,ompounda. c ,_,"''""' Gtl we ~· ltely P ower Plant In Redondo Be•ch ,-.,e$8. l'\"t'"''JX!rl Be11o r h· · can 1o1.y ttve viruf can. be w.d with I £nrl01e<1 la my check lo the J>"rom b<-ne1lh the aurta.ce of compla~ M.lety Wldllr a.JI con· At night, when lh.t wind 11 Ha1pl1.&I J>""und tor $100. Uae th1• I thl!~e i:eologtcal w1tera lhe t:arlh t'IS U A("(.;JOr:!'oiTA Ll.V \.\'e stumbled Into 1.hl1 rrg1on pur .. !y by 1 cctdent and lh~ lust fQr 1dventur~. The flr5t concrf"· lion• we noted hrou1j:hl t he )'"•P lo " 11,,llni haJt. On a an1 11.ll, flllll. Whitt .. ndy mPU. "'"ere hundred" nt J)e'riioc:Uy round, ""'hlte 1.1.n•I· 1tnn1 rvncretlrin11 They v11.n .. u In 81~1 trum a em&ll marbl• t o 11 l&fTt ball'~!. The delll'rt w ind" hid aandbla1ted everylh1nc clear until they 1tood dt.lntil)' pollPd 01·er the flat IOfter 111nrt1lon• l . THI!: INCIDENT Of' R ABIES dltlOM. The problem need1 rur· from th• northwe1t. tbe oil •moke check !n any way that you feel I in h•r n1ov11men t1 thruat. h L&h, "· ·'lod 1urface. 18 VltRY S MALL. ther 1tudy. Another Ll<IOC!a te at can ..,, am.,. way up on our w111 help tow ard Uie· aucce1111 of wet 11 nd gl!.'1tenlng irreat areu ot Accordln,-lo the ataU.t~ a t hl1 lnaUtut1. Dr. Lee. •lite.I. hill when la tlOO !ttt a bove the tha drive. I re11.cl very f11.voura bJy 1 e&nd anll O'ize bottom.'1, that hard· The!W' llttle fellowa were only perlCln i. actually ln more d.ang 1r "Uve vt.Cclne1 need more tUL!ng. ocean and a t leiut 4 mlle• from to w h11.t you a re trying to do in e~etl and !lne<l 1n th.e 11un. Jn th!! our prelude Into th• "concrr Uon rrnm t..Utng-atn:ra1t than. from U ve vil""UM# a.rt I.he canier prob-the plant. t.he lut parai:nr.ph of your edl-mud (.Ol.e.!I atrana:e 11yen 11.n<! t1eld1, · which -would ch1Uenc1 the po•lt11llt7 ot beln.( bitten by lem 1.t1d 111-poMlbJa reveraiOfl ot I ha.Ye compla lnl"d to the ooun-tc.r!!!l. I hive e blk:!Jutrly no lnler-"core•" of h11rder Mnd11ton., "''ere our 11111gin1 l1on In thelr llU, 1 ra bid dog. The t ollow1n&: tlg· the Ylnu to ti.a ort(lna.I capacity ty 1.lr pollution district !L.A.) 1!11 In ha.v1 ng 1ny nanle connected tonned. Eve11 ln the 11ndllone Ahapci .tnd m •&'."nltude. u~• wen1 turalahed by Dr. Bower , to Int.et. Dr. 1'"" doa. not ap-f.Olt_t hey ha ve 1ent !n1peoclor" out with Lhl1 1mall don!ltlon . It the bedl lh«n1elve1 were k>c•Lisetl tTo be continued Jan. 23) o range County H M llh a !flcer In prove of the compulaory va.ccl~->-t il.Jdnll"bt to connrm the 1rrl(tg. drtve fall, I.fie! the unthinkable ch11.rge or l't•b1u Control, lion P"'Jl'lll•. Thea.e 1<::lentiru' However, they eay the UJ1an Co. ha ppen• that cnm1 &nd pllld1u Jn ALL of O r1.n1e Coun ty, the ma.ke the atudy of dOf dlHLee• hu a yarlance and cannot be Mut &re r eturned, lhl!n use l.ht1 check t ot11.I number ot rabld dog-a a l"'! their Ill e work a nd thry dn not down. ln any way fn r 11 ny worthwhile reparted u follow1: In 1947-2 do&"" In 1948-1 doc In 1 i 49-1 dog ln l9:'J.O-none In 19el--non1 In I i62--none t n 1 9~3-l doc In 19!'.i-4--1 d~ Tn lhe a bove ell".hl yeara. a total of six rabid dog1 were pic ked up In Lhe enUre 0 r&nl"• County an&, lncludlnc all clUe1 and towna. Dr. Bower ..umate1 tbtl dog popu· lallon to be approx?Jnately 3!'.i,000 dogs in the county. Jt thla on::t!- n1U1ce had bl!en ln ef fect alnce 1947, we would ha ve 1pent around 11,400,000 tor l"ftb!ea !nje<.tlora to protect OUJ"9f'\Vea a1alnat alx r abid doga-&nd lhl~ la no 1ure protec- tion either because ma11y of the r&bld dOil pic ked up are •tray1 ff1)fl\ another an a. Now W 1 dou not me1.11 tha.t. we would put &ny amount of money ahead ot a human con.lder- 1tlan, but It dou at.rtke w M dm- UU to uain1 a tJiou..n4 pound lllld&e lo kill an &nL SUAI)' Uiare ..,.. more Ttt&l i..u .. nM&nr our eltenUon and ~n::eA r1C"ht now. 2. A. PltRM.,\ Nl!:NT LAW IS NOT NEEDED TO CONTROL A TEMPOR..AR Y EMERGENCY ';be Wit rabl.• outbrea.lt occur- red durtq lfft, ten yean &i"O· Dr. Bower l11\1 ua that It 9711.8 btoug-ht under control wtth emerg-· ency method&, auch a.a •tr1ct quarantine In effected areu and. ellmlna.Uon of a.II 1tr11.y1, ,.tc. Afier a tew month• when I.he ell· ua Uon. W&ll bf'OU(ht under coot rol, th• emergenc7 meaauru were re- lo.,d. Durlnl" the put two mont.ha we ht.Ye had another outbreak ot ra.bl~. Why don't we u1e eml!rg· ency mal.hoda to control It u w e did lrl lHI T Why ahould we t.g-tte to a permanent la111f' that wtll re- maill In elfeot tor ,_... to come -Ions after t.he em.ergancy hu ,.....,, I. THZ oftm:NA.NCl:I JS DIS· C!UllDf4'l'OltY. ~commend an ordln&nce 1uch u l'o'e"'P'"1. 1::1 .. a r h purpose to which So w• will race lhe ume 1itu-·11 h&e IM!rn ,.,...,ed. you 11re w1 1n1 lo donate your r-a Uon In Ba.Jboa. Co•l• J.t e11111. anti 1 '. WILD • -"'ALS A RE~· d per1ona m on'")' Ju1t drop _._,. . • n.a. lnl&n . I w ould hate lo J!v,. ln llne Mme Unu1 u to "'·hat REAL RESERVOIR OF RABl&S. "Ha.lecre1L" Har bor &nd 81kl'r. go tor. The purpo.e ot the rablu nrdl-w hen theee 1lll.ck1 1tart t h,. t r nance 1.1 to ellmlnatlt the cll11!aae. nl1ht o!fe11.1lv1 In H unllngton Yuur11 Truly. But lt -~to do 1 nally Kood Beach. •Ed John Henry RuMl!IL Note-~tr. Ruuell'a letter Job. we dotl't do j urt the euy Ta.ke ycur c&ml!ra up to Paloa convenient part ot It. we do the Verdee IOmt clear morning and whole thing . The rablea que1t.lon c et a picture from VlsUI de! Mar C&llnot be dllCUMed without the or t. Belva and you will h11v• r .. ter~ tu an editorial 1ug1e1t ln( ~oeplt&l phyalclr.na contribute funda to I.he drive ratr b uild the new wln&"). uparU polnllnl" to wlld Ute u the ample evidence. 90Uroe. Jt&ch one ot. the above ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Encl(NrUrl! -uoned Klentilt4 a.t Comell Un!venr.lty recommended putting- on • campaign lo control wild e.nlma.11 every ye!lr. Thia la be- ing done now tn many attu or the country. Dr. Bower a ll.led aa hl1 beltet ()la t r&b le1 amon&" w il d r.n lm&ll le t.n Important IOUTCI! of Infec- tion. 1. NO PROVISION HAS BEEJI( MA DE FOR P EOPLE WHO FIND IT TO Bl'!l IN OPPOSITION ro 'l'HEffi R ELJOl OUS BE- I.!EF8. Of counr.. & dOf' doea not h'ave a recosnLlled reUS1oo. but m<>ll dag owner. do. Wban ~·ou r do&" Jive• In your hom• with you. lhlrl!I your !ood. 1leepa !rt !n:>nt of your n~. enjoy1 your ouUng1. and l!vtrlu Un1ly •hows h it love uid affection. he i9 an Important Farmer McCabe Writes ... Now that Christmas is past all the older men and gay young things will start looking forward t o the Beauty Queen contests. T he first one to come up of coune will be Miu UnJverse, followed by MiM Asthma, Miss L umbago a.nd Mis8 Allergy of 1956. After 11.ll these contests ~·ill come t he National Pickle Week, the Pat • Dog Week a.nd Ea.t Oniofts Week . _ . a nybody want to join me in 'legging for a National F oot Wash- ing Week ~ Farmer McCabe member ot JOUr family. You c11n't l------------------------------n nd. tt In your heart to 11ubject him to a type or traatment you do not bellevl! tn. Chri•U&n Sc!entl.llU e.nd m em- ben ot otlll!r reUg!ou.11 group1 have been abll! to hive their chlldrtin ex.cl!Md f'rom va.cclnat1001 and lnjectlona th1t v\ole.ted. their re- 11&1001 belief•. DplCS OUR RELIGIOUS UB- ERTY END WHl!:N IT COMES TO A DOG! TN CLOSI NG, we hee rttly rec- ommend tha t the ni.bles ordlnt.nc• be repealed or •l leu t modified. Jn ii. p lac1 we urg-e I.hat the followln,g meuure1 to U k!'n to control the pl'i'.sent ~mergency : ErltaNd u llecond.au. lla.Uar a t t.ba; Poetonloe ln N.wporl BIM:h. Das ownen .,.. ..,uic, ''W?ly Strict quarantine of 1!1.IL dal"• In troubled ar-. Prompt pick up and di~ of a.II •tray dop - and e&l4. _ :Aru1Ua.I campaign lo control rable1 e.monc-wild animal.I. Ca\1foml& undtt tlMl .A.cl ol JluQ S, 1171. nqUln ~ do .. to Mn U:e In· --p;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;-.;;;:;;;;;;;;~;;~;;;;;-;;-;;;;-:--· ~U..T la It jult ~th.,. P ,, t11 eftl')' w--,. Wt,.1 h r ... .,.._,.~ IM , ..,. &lr.¢1 lUldv 0011tn>I through NSWPQ&T a •aaoa PCBUmllHG OOIO'Alf'I' Llmn""I a.n4 \tat mall• It coa- hll ...._ 8DM.. JQ;1Q'O&T ll&A.Clll,, o.u.D'. Plto9e Buhr Illl nntmt T Pel cat.. .U..,. ea.ta, ta.rm anl- ~ .. ~ Upl N ........ Utwl' • el Al m-. ID&la. lllwn.U b4 othm' WUd anl- 117 ~of u.e Bapeltor eo.rt el Onllp Oe. • A.eea.. H .. A..tl'f9J ma.19 CUTJ r&ble9 too. Wby Jhm.ber ~Rew a pr P n· • : A 1 • .._ ! Mma.._. lf..._. ••1 M A .. till• m'Or *'r they be mlltroii.d wiftr W• thank you tor yuur oourtesy In llatanlfll" to our point of vtew. Very t ruly yuura, MA.RY R. COLE WALTER. I!:. COLE 311 2 Lafayet te Av~. N"'port ae..c.h, CllU. \ M-bw ot ()ramp 0-.*J' If-,,._._ BEN RZDDICK, PUBUSHJ:R WlU.LUC A. K08Q. Editor Grass Roots Opinion , J c.ul'ONO &. RO~ ~ ,J>Lrwtor ' - -~ A. ARKBTRONO, VecbMSoal llup:rllltanderlt · 8 UBSCalP'nON JllATl:8: -Newport """'°" N"'"'"PT-. Tr1-W~ 1a ~ o--t:J, ..... ,... roar: """ llb ..-.: ,, ... , .. ,..... moa. 0. ...... .,_ 0.-p C--•1 ., ... "'\ 7-..- I ALEDO, n.r....--TDCES RECORD: "The combined CIO a.od An. would be ,,... to -tllat they don't kill the""'"" that 1aya the rolden egg. When factorloo 1but down, .trikes a:nd ft~ demandti teem pretty puny. Jf buatMll •utfen, la bor wW "lfrer ~ more." ( HOOi!: MN'DSTONt: OONCREl.'ION8-Tb~ atonetJ. wetgb inc tona, co~r the landlteape. -All H.orac~ Parker Pbi .o. TINY, PP:Rl'!lCTL Y PORIIBD BALLS -Tb- •ta.ndatooe bta.U• are conunoo ln concretion Held&. I • II i( I I I . I. I I • I j I 1 I l 1 ' ' J l J ' I ' . ---:-; •• 4:'"' ·--... ...; .. -~x-... -·~ .. -...... -· ~ ------~-·-------- . -. . \ \ Meu . Portio1 of M~ster load '-N-A-::.R_C_O_T_IC_S_P_A_RA_PH __ ER"""'."."'N"."'"AU-:-:-A~A"."'"N:-:::'D i -~U;:ti;;".AL:-;-:NO;:;:::;Tl::IC::l;--1 NEWPORT ~~~.~\SS 20-:-r~T II . PAGE-J 1-"-'-Su·--""per0""at;J'-'Aldo;;;;UO:;::.U8_._Hair __ Pl1l lets _Offic ~2I Approval MORPHINE TAKEN FR_ OM .@Q_AT at .... -::·:.".;;:;~ ': = OOun·'"'"' ... "·nJ • -' De.tad ,-_uarJ' JO. .ttM. DIUVIRY GUARANTIED ..... ,... "• --tw rt I ~ p ... , ng com· cou111y ruuU;r plan ot blJbw&yt ' Morph.lae l&bleU and olhu llAn.'Otia pan.~ we~ JA.MZS H. UTUI mLmf t.. DY.A.NT ft.. & m\M1ontn of Cotta MN.a n1~ In W.ilt.er \\o'~lmer. nce-c:L.airman ~ported Kolen a-om the ple&Wr. bol.t A.rJene r . inoond •l RELl:N L. JUNDDUaUIC'RT Delivery ot the Newport Barbor Nw.~ la Udo'• Saba ol 8-uQ-Jru •• ,. Newport JU11UC1 Cowrt 'tue.W.)' of lh.e pJa.nolnJ and ctevetopn11nt Han. Olckman'1 ~l landbi.J, polJce rev-.J.ed wct..J. Adlnlnl.trator1 ol th• JCalat.9 U. with COUnl7 ~tjql,"" 10 d~ conim•t-~ of V'4 ,,4.~lftl Ch•n1-Boe.t own.r DAzra1 i"ocen:w1, -~ 1WUA Ave., to&d of .. 1g ~ p&nnt.eed. ~ bop will Wher t.beir papM'I be- lti. Kw porUon ot Ult propo1ed lier.~ OommtN:e ot Onna:1Cowt· po.lie. h1 t°""d lb• ..wicaJ .upplkill tn.lulnc whee he check-HURWITZ • BURWJTZ fOl'e I p..m. (!It Maed.1\1, Wedne9d.a)' and. J'iidar. It your ------------''--lty, tn charge (If the mt-et lnf, .aid l"d hla c~tt:1 IMCllclne c.h~t.. Attorney1,at Law paper ia not deliftl'ed by that hour pleame call~ ';"Y !atheri In ll'l'nera.I were "ll•-Ml.a&l.,:, .he aa.ld, were one bOtUe of 20 morphine WI· HI 1 Newport Boulev&rd 1•1• ·-.a • ....o ... carrier will ......,..,_ vn.t• nar...p, ADLAI TO VISIT COUNTY FEB . 7 n Lootwt- 1 de<.! vdth the highway ntup. N-a>Of1. Beaeh, a.Htomla ~u...,,. 1.,.... -..,. .1--r-r-\Yeiml'.-pt;J the c:ommi!lrt! 111•111 ph.lt.e t..bleU, lhre.ii morphine 61.1rrett.ei, hypo, •yrin(e &nd Atto.rneye for PeUtionei-1 LOST -l'emal4 oat, w!ltltl wtUi pn.••ti:I u1e plan 90011 to th .. ooun. need.le. A~ Pf:lr Of bln0<.'Ula11, qther l)'ringe1 and a bottle of No. J38'8 8ANTA ANA iOCNBJ - Announced Pn!9idft!Ual (!•II· dldele Adl111 Steven-on wUI vl111t Oran(l:e County on Ji'f!b. 7 8 tevl!fl:11111 w lll tour thf: 11.r- ea and mike 11.t leut 0111' 111&· .)or pcillcy addre111 ty pllLilnlng commi1111lon for pub· n<"mbut.al Wtn1 left untouched. New1 Pre• 1/13, 20, 27, z;a, liMI !u,. 1.e...i.ng 11.nd !rum UH'I(! it wdJ martll.tip, 'Al' wllh name 1il•r· ta''. N .... Cun&uoo, C. D. M. CALL U UlJI .att... I p.m. °" J11 llt. .~ Pl~e•. Newpoft Bluh. ' Mcto 1 -bt: pre••·11 tlld tu the board ot •U-1 J h H R Off lnt we.t on Channel iw.it abOut pt•rY111'Jr8 fu1· final 11<lnpl1un. 0 ft Cal UftCJ 8.l:i p.m. Wh*11 he made I left Allending Lne 111eet1ng 111·ere .Al I Car, Breaks His Leg tum onto Mucua. ~. rldlng Koch. c:ounty rQ.11.d deput1ne11t , ru(Ull( the aide ot a hil'h •pe<Od· tbe runnlni' board and boJ.dUl&' on· Hairy n_ergh, Jl1tttor of <·aunty ing: Cllr ~Kl ~ •port to tbe wUidow, wu thrown off. All pJ&nnJng. K<"nn .. lh .Ha~paon , ._._I rnr !a.fell'-Otd .John r. Hau, 8114 llllbu.11110."ll.'U c::alled Lo tall• lllm .......... -1111 .. ~.. -.,,i.-.. .... ..... ,,, c ....... The an.nounce1nenl I ht' .................... , lorlhcomins appur&11e.. at the DftnO<'r•tlc pa.-ty 11.tlln· dard tiu.rer w.. m&d.J by county tlemoc:r&U(' <'f'ntral IJ•tant (11.-ector: anJ SUPf!l'YlaOt Chann~ RQ.d, M:ooday nlC--l. t.o• U!e •bC*Jiital. Heinz K&laer, : Haa1 e.flded up In Hoac Holipital 1 _ _. ____________ , ln ~Ma.~ ADdk:a· Uon of SouUMm Oaftfonlla ~ OolnPIQ.J' 'fiw ao\bor· It}' k> alt.er, ame9d uld ~ I~ ~ Rulel Md ftecu - la"- 1wllh a fractul'ed lett ler wMn he f"r an li: P~' Ca.,.., !ii , t•a .. 1:1 -I f ell tram the car driven 'by hi.. •l,.na' S1lv11.lu'n Arn1y t11tv11g" frlf"r-d, .Jukaon fl.t.&rUn Nl'V.'bury, lll<11kl'r--"'lf I •ll•ln'I "'"•k ""'" .. Y I 1-i 'Of t008 M.•~111 A \'r U!GAL NOTICE committ" chairman IA•ter Van T11.tt!Movf Jay I ti ~ d..-ad ln ''" • .. "h·kA :0-:rwtiury told pohce hi' 111·•• d nv-No, A-26177 xcmcw; TO ('Ht:DITOKS NOTICI Of H1A1t1NO NO'nC'J: LS HmSBT OIV- EN tt.i t.ha ~bllc OUlWel CoinmlA!on of the State or o.lltomia l\aa: M& UM hmr· Inc In tha •bo•• entitled matter before commlulollu Unterelner a nd bamh:1er Wamu tor MoodaJ', Janu-ary JO, 1116' at 10:00 a.m.. to th9 Oomm1M1on Oourtroom, M.lrr'OT Bulldinc, It& 8outb a~ 8u'ee~. Lo. Azlrel.e., Cal11'ornla., &t Whk:b time .net place a.II lntere.ted pe.rt.l.ea m.a7 appoar and be he&rd. ESTATE OF H UG H A. EST08. aka H. A. ESTU~ o.c....a. N'IY't'JC E IS HEREBY GIVEN lo t/le crttditor• of and •II per· 11oon• ll&Yln(I: c:lli.l1n• agalruit the s.a1,1 decedent or .. id ullltr to ftlr them with the n~.,-.rr ~vurhers 111 Ult uff\c., of the Cl1·rk vr th" f-iupe1·1or Cuu.-t of lhe St1 \f' .,f C•!ol<>• n18. 111 ii.1><! f.,r th" C•u· •11 ul Or11ng.,, ur tu p1t·11ent th..-~ "'""' with the nere~11t1rv vou,•h· ,ni, l" the uuJ,.rN(11"etl 11.t /11• ur hrr p!ar.. uf bUIOIOtM, 1,, -w lt JAMES H F.S1"l'S Md tii:LY.!" I, Hl'.'\UE:ttK .... Et.."HT c1o H ur· wit:& It t;t11rw1t.•, Attomtye at Law ~~II :-ie.,..·port Blvd , Newport 11 .. •r h. C•hfom1.. w ithin e 1~ ol!<onth~ aft,.r 1h .. f ll'l!I! pubhc:a!lo'n BY OROr.R OP' THll PUBLIC UTILITIIB ~ON. Dated at &.n rn.nctaco, thi.. ltt.h da7 of JanU&tJ. I~ R. J. P&Ja.Uch, Secretary Pubt.lc Uut1t1e. Comtnlalon ot the Btlte of Oall1ornl.a No. 1399 N ew•-Pre• I 120 .5-6 en ilea BRACELET la cooperation with the Federal CtvU Dt-(ense "'·hlc:h rec- ommeOO. _etaJoien ~tttl Jd eotl1ications for all penoq .teKa.td- ltlH of age. t.he NE.\\TPORT HARBOR NEWS-PR~ Is offer- lait thf!M Nnart new 1-D BrattlC"ls FREE M'ith ~h new S-month paid-up su~riptlon, at 50 cents 1)er month. Or. you rnay lifond h> !hi!! n<1w11pa1wr Sl.00 for .. arh 1-ll HH.l'O'/tl p11rch11 ..... t1 wtU.u11t a pahl-up •ubfwor!pti..n. All onll'HI 111"111 IM" mallf'<I dlf,....t lo you \\'ITlfl:'lo" 10 0Al'S. To: Newport Harbor News-Press Newport a.ach, CalHornlo Pleue accept my pakl : up subscription tu Ule Nr.wpnrt Harbor New• -Pnia for wlllch I am enclosing thf' "um c1f ud 1tart deHvf'ry to lhe following addl't'M: Name ----"---------~~~--­ ~------'---------- City a ~- 11 .. WMler.t-.1 U1a1 I am lfl rN'<'t~·" flrwl 1-D o ra .... 11·1 t--Kt:t : .... ·tth """h 1.__u1 paLd·ap aullllcrl11tkln.. P'nrh~ I• u,,. 1nrurnoa!lrt11 tu br lnwrlhHI oaNdl a-~. ------- USI THIS SP.A.Cl FOi ORDERING ONE BRACELET ........... MD'T~-llllM ...... ~9ATf .. _ .. WllTI __..., l'NIS ITl:tfl AIOVMO WI llT PllOM TMft IMO TO •IT YOUR OClaRICT Ill:( PARE'N'n: Your child"""'"' be properly iMtif;ecl at all times with ·•hi1 11Mit. aHNdiw brocolet. We ore living ln on age when hozord& of trofflc,occldents, •nemy attack., evacuation, and other emergencies ore ever present. Wearing of o permanent end approved ldentlfoeotlon Bracelet, particularly by school chlWre•, is on Important port of Sofety Welfore and CiwiUon OefenN and is the best means of promptly notifying parents or next-of-kin W. t:.0.se of in;IMY· MOTi, Plto~ p,;.,1 CAllFUUY end COl.lrcTt.Y. JtELIGION S'l'MIOU: P lo.. Prol<!Pont: C for Catholic: J for Jewttt-: CS bQ:wll., ••on Scoenc:e: LDS for Lotter Dov Soinu: ond T for oil otNr refigloru. LEAVE A SPACE BETW'EtN NAM£S ANO GROUPS OF FIGURES. YOUtt l'IAMI HUlT-o•-ICrM AOORIJS CITT C. IYATl WRITt: IM YOVR WllST SIZE HUMlll HEIE USE THIS SPACE FOR OlOHIHG ONE BRACELET AOORUS CITY• STA1'1 l llTN OATI Otl HIONI MO. Wll'd IH YOUI WRIST Sl.ZI NUM8Q HQE NEWJ>OBT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdays DEADLINES for plaelng or cancelling ada •rt!: For M onday Publication -Frld11y O p.nt. For Wednclda y Puouca!lon.s -Tueaday 1 p.m. Y or Friday Publlcauon -Thur9<!11y l p 1n. Nl':WPOilT HAK8())l PCISUSHl."\G 00. !!ll 8&lbea Rlv4., .\'-.!>Ort 8-.o/l, Ca.l.Jfonola. • AU Ol&Mlned Ada 111uat be p&ld tor CMh In lldv!Ull"C! or publll'.lltlon. The pubU..her• will n ot be iespons1blt1 for rnore Uu1.n one lncurrt"et Insert.loo of an ad, reeerve Lhc rignt to co~tly ctautty any •nd all &d.8 and to reject any ad not C'Qnformlng to rulea and r"acul1t1nn11. N ewport Ha.rbor B. P. 0. E. 1767 Meet.I every Tburaday 8 p m 12-BuJldlng Ser,·lces Custom CABI NET WORK Done on pr .. 1n1,....$ N o Jvb t.,,., !Ullall VI.a Oporto -Centra.l Ave. Phone KI l-3Ji 8. 46t&'lh ~-- China Painting °"' and ....... c:t-.a. Ordenr TU-. NO"llt' P!wn9 LDJ.rt'J a.-6141 fftttr JONES BIRKEL-RICHAROSON OR(';A~ STUDJO. Le.am lo pl'y lhr !llll!jnty Y.'URl-IT'ZER. EVELY'.'o/ JONES MR"r 300 Holni- \ll'jJOd Or1VP. I.I 8 -108? :'Jitfc REl~IABL E JAPANESE - A~iERIC A N \h'ANTS l;AH.Ul-:NING IN HA R- 80/t AH.t:A BY \.\'EEK OR !\.!ONTl-1 . HYAT"T 4·5471 !'J lf"I• Experienc ed G ardener l.ANIJSCAPIN(; N•wport Ba.ach enera on+ractor and CLEAN l 'PS l.Jbcrty 8-1~9 Albert tL Mattll...,•, l:xalted Ruler 1 G I C I ~Yuneral Dfrecton LICENSED ---------- JOUo MOTIELL'S AND PEEK Colonial Mortuary 7801 Bol111 -JWJl Soutn of \Vt1t- mln1tci-Memorla.i Park. An Oni.nce County ln•tllullon Bffvl.nc famllle1 of all faith• Telt'phone (Toll Free, ZEnllh !'1231 No oM 11ver turned away bec1u.te at. lack of tund.I. CO.AST OFFlCI: J;QUIPMENT Typewrltera Adding m.a.cbinra Dupllutore-Supplin SA.LES RENT A.LS t93!i Ha.rbor Blvd .• Co9ll MM• Llb9rty 8-7794 12-Bolld.lng Se.rv&oM COMPLETE PAINTING & P aper Hanging Service E UGENE 0. 8AUNDl:RS 000 8Ut SlrMt, Newport Beach Harbor 2971 tic FOR RENT SkW Bawa, E1ac. Dttllll, Pou.ti.en, all typea ot &and11'9, Wbeelbar-- ~.etc. BOYD'S HDWE. 2430 W. •COAST HIGHWAY Ubet't7 1-8436., N.wport Bc:b •ttc Pai,nting, Decorating Paper llulging GEO. BURKHARDT LlCENU:D CXIN'I'RA.CI'OR 171 W. l&ttr. Bt.. Oo9ta. Meea Uberty 8-HZfl CEMENT It BUILDING All Kinds FREE ESTIMATES Llberty 8-6109 2'U P&lnting & Paperhanging We do the work ourselves. 8-0 yeal'9 experience UcenMd A: lnaur'ed. Batiatectlon pa:rant.eed. lilltima.tu tree. CAil Jobnnle. LI S.2687 & LI S.5289 81tfc PAINTING M. W. ROSS Ucenlllld LI 8-33ZI 280 A YOC&do, C.0.t& Mega .. u, PAINTING 1-l ANUY J.IA:O-: "'il1nt .. nanc:e 6 New W o rk -Remodeling rrp111r .,r wh111 • 111111 4!'164-W J. MILTON McKENZIE 4!'luc Harbor 6399· W 58tfc CA RPENTER Repair Work Doe. Your Rome Need R9pa.lnnr or RunodalJ.11.r? Call Frank. Wberty 8·811:W All Worll. Guara.nteeid T4tto Jennen Plumbing Repair w ork, a apecialty Wat.Ir belle" on UIT\9 p&Jll'Atllll 28111 Newport Blvd.. )'..'ewport Beech. Har, :uM. Rei. lls.r. 4387-.I. f7c&OH. CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORK NO .JOB TOO SMALL B. 0. A.nd- 1014 IC. B&lboa Blvd.~ Balboa Harbor Z'60 83ttc Custom Building A 'rmAc-nvll PR.ICES Your pl&nl o r 0\1111. UeenMd -~ F'l'NANCING AJUU.NGED A. J, WELTY 2!'13-0 Santa Ana Ave., Collla MeM Liberty 8-e.315 Mlle COMPLEI'E PAINTING & Paper Hanging Service E UGENE 0. SAUNDERS 000 :t lat S l.rfl:t, Newport Beach Harbor 2978 tic:: PAINTING INTERIOR -EXTERJOR ALSO MARINE PAlNTJ.NG LICENSED -INSURED Glenn Johnston :Kil • Jl11t St. Newport Beach Harbor 3176 "9tfc Alcoholi<:11 A.nonymowi Writ.a P . 0 . Bos Pl Newport Beacb,, caut. Phon• Ha:rbor f,79(i Roy 's Maintenance HoUMI clt&11 fnr-1t'luor waiUnr ..,,..,.JI we11hin1>-w1ndow cJeanlnr Venetlan bllndL Uphol•tery ln•ured. ll"re-e F'-Atlmale• Wberty 4-1332. lUe CLEAN UP JOBS Yard Maintenance Three yean experience th11 loca.Uty Ca.II LI 8-37~9 •tttc WOMAN t o. y<>unr looking, a L· lra.c:tive, w:t.ne11 poc!uon u r<!- ceplloolilL Can type, operate PBX, keep 1Jmpl1 book.II. lnter· N ted ln ellher lull or part Lime ~"O'rk. Har. MS2. o.sceo THOROUGH cll'anln(, cooking, •t!rvtn c . BM.uu ru1 l&undrff.8. \Vork by dl.y, own. tran.-port.111· t lon. Cobr.d. Kl 2-8039. lWe&l J)o •houlden1 o r fe.t ache! 11 RELAXATION needed! M~KE Al'{ APPOINTMENT '°{ Swedish Massage In yov home. Pll!Ufl call Harbor 471CS oi:_ Harbor 70. ffpTJ HOUSEWORK St.25 per hour. A:f, Own tra.ntpOrt&Uon. Har. MOO. ... EXP. MATIJRl!I Wl'>m.&n aTall&bl• tor hOUHWOrk by day °" .-L AJ90 baby .tttlnl'--Own u.n... portaUon. U S-28M. ltp60 PRACTICAL nur11ln1. preflll' flU'S In home of dderly penoa, °" couple. Phone Ha rbor 5799--M. -· ODD JOBS ot all kinds. J10UM yard It Pr&l'e (!tear\ ope. NO J OB TOO SMALL. LI M010 or Ll l-41W4 ~9pll GARDENING end CLEAN.UP JOBS WANTED LIBERT'l'.'8.61l9 ------~ ... -....,P,_A..,..INT~IN..,..G__;= FLY ~ NON-8TOP N.Y.C. '8Q• CHlCAOO Mt •Round Trip Only Fttt1 UmOU11lne to Airport Box Lunches.. }Tea Ttcitt!.t Delivery IA' ASHlNGTON, D .C. -197 PHILADELPHIA ---181 DALLAS --·--··---149 DlcrROIT ·---.... -•rt HONOLULU _ l l<Kl NEW YORK "8 CHICAGO ·····--.. ·.--... -...... _ '89 AU Fare1 -Ptu. Ta& 124 W. Ocean Blvd, L. B. HE 2.-Ml~ --NET, ...... BY HOUR. llmall or Jars• Jc* .. a-..... bl• ni.-. ,...,..MTn. - PAPERHANGING Sympson & Nollar Belt llxperlf:nced WoTkmmi Ku. 2404 or IM7-R Sant.a Ana., 117 JC. 3rd Kl 1431C1 tt 15--Share Yow Car N.,...Preeo Cluollled Ado HARBOR 1616 Moot Roal Eotate ClaMllled """ The N--.~ pubU.ehu ..,,. eYM Umee u ~Y rea.J e.U.te ci..-tned Ad• u a.II OlMT loc:&I ptperY eombtned. HARBOR 1816 18 REDUCING Stam C.bi.oet Mauage -Apot ll«lueing Cll.1I Liberty 1·7472 for .. p~nt-_._ lll<l1 LIJ"ll lllOdallr ;;ated "' Mt 9Cbool W11&.t .... ciq~ aiM, ekl. '° ... D • t1 thi9 pa.i-. ~ EXP~Cl:O OQOk, ltctat ~ •..,-,11\f, II•• ht. hmUy of &. lop .....,. ' nt Nqw.r.d. .Barbor 1181. ' llkeO... • • ; I .. . . -. ·. PA6i 4·PART 11-N~WPORT HAR80 R NEWS.PRESS 1 .!!-~'°"'!!!!!•~•l!!-!!"'~-!!_ ___ _!30!!:;::!•!•~!!!M·~r~"~,.!.'-RIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1956 • --· - SPECIAL Bay · furniture _._........, lladJo.s.a r \I '3 PD. 'MOtornt rat. a rood pnctb pl&Do. AU t.-m l'Glt all 11 w ed. DA.N"E -ICHX!DT . PHiu..IPI Bit l"i&lio 3-Je. 620 No. M ala, &nla Alia. Home of ...... J:lamUn and kMbt Pi· ~ &O-.Auto. for Sale FIREWOOD GDU..S HERE AR E':leas r .. a.dy to 6'U< That 1ou WUI bti proud to tell EUCALYPTUS, Ory, your fE{end1 •b<nlL Nb-h.l:bl \!urn. Kl 7-tEtY.1. ....... coup~ Wllb lht ICl:aJ ,, ----- WOM!.ln1 eondltlona adc1 up 10 I I/Sb \'VQ Rl.r:J O:>OK Jot>. with pre1U1e. • JANUARY Will HAND BRAID (your J>&!Unil WOOL RUGS (I furnish all mate.rial) (1 per cuato~) ,, AT $2.50 SQ. FT. Mention thi• ad for apeciaJ co1111ideratlon NEW .S PC. 8EC"rJONAL.' to~ curved «nter. Dun.bl•. at~ covet. $269.60 V ALUll AT BAY f1'9.00 Sil VER 8 PC. UVINO ROOM OROUP. Piano Refinishing See the FABULOUS NEW BUICK WE ARE MAKING EXTRA LONG DEALS TO MEET OUR SALES OBJECTIVE. NO l:XPEIUENC..'E ftlOQUJRED Star t )'Our n-j eb In one o f nur ofr1du n.iar your home. TELEPHONE OPERATORS T!"!t!: Ot1!..'.' G""':!_O-:!"l r:;\C1'CLO. r'EDl1\ IC:.,....1rin1:.H'cd by tdll- cator.n EDUCATIONAL CCUNSELOR 1-L'\':.Et. n rs 11cir• The House of Yesterday & Tomorrow Modem bed dJvut' w/111a~lnl eoml'y club cit&lr. 2 atepC'.pd. I cocktail t&ble, l 3·way 'table lampai. I 0-way tlocr.r Lamp. Quality work only ANKRUM PU.NO Sl:RVJCE KI 2-7880, •&ttc CXlME IN -SEE & DRIVE CHECK OUR DEAL lli•·kory. 8 A. 1:1 1113 SO. MAl.N S'T., CORONA CORONA 771 W E HANDl:E FARM HOUSE FURNITURE 120.60 VALUJ: AT BAY $1~.60 J.~f12 .......A.ppJy - 9:00 to .. \JO I'· rn 6 14 'i N. Mtttri St , ftm l!l l Santa Ana "!-------------------DOLLAR BE.A UTlFUL ?.llnah&U JClectrortlc Orran u Lt $tlti, another M.in- ahall three monlha old 2 mas1- u.al '"6. DANZ -8CHlUOT - PHILl..IPS, 520 No. Main, San- ta AnL We Pride m Selling the PACIFIC TELEPHONE MAN for g-nierAt factory ~tk, run tlm•. g<......:l opp .. r•u1111y in e.J1~ndln1: bu11n.i•11 .t:!l.\l'r.1AN WAT'i:R 8PORTS EQUfPMP.-NT CO 2847 i., E ('Oa.!I! H lzt:'N:l.~', C. D M :..tKGI H1,., , !fl >J•l111u n '1 J $:2~!, ~~-ACJ>liaD~ O foJ o:-• •n ~ 11~, A :: rtc~:era t'l'Qnl :'"' l\'•l'!" , .. , .t r•'"ln" • S\:IJ. r rep'·,~ ~ t' ... 1J un·. u::u 11 unrn· '1 •tt' '' 1 ~·urto JANUARY CLEARANCE "'"°"', "' .,, 6 '" '"" >:>c<y ' Audio & •TV Tec hn icio n TO 11\'STAU... llllrJ SJo~R\"J f·~: J.ii;h :1dd1ty ~u1 1i1nrnt ~'u!i "' ll'"' t tlma. Ha rbor •lilll 6<1t·6'J HARBIC.R PAltT T IMI~ I.hi" H.11- bt-r 8hvp 432 :i<'n•! St ,.,..,, port Ue1H·h !':!>kt l" '"'"t ,,f:11 ... tiU• •.2 \'>(.':Qll•lll •!l ' 1, I\.::, •.• dffl: sz:, c.1,1 t, ..... r •1,n·• ~·1~· • :;1,•rr :-0 i.. .. ,tJ 1·!11·111 c.ti n • $Cl9 - • 'II} • l•I ""u.J l'lO\I" ~'\ .•nt1qut' •l •. ' . .J fl'UfH 110. Ul l \',11/n•JI J..··U trcfl ''Hh 111no IJI~ ,!li"l7 M . 1.., •. ;.., t1<·1·a .• 1.111 s 3·, 1111 ~ulky s.~7 •,n, 1.; ·r , l11b.• :; ':", •. 11 .,8. p1111I !o'•I $;:;,, .111'••/t1.ol ,,, \1 ,1~Jio:r i..:, l· ., •, 1•f 1dd <llll>-< ""lnJllt'm, ""'"I IH ntllJr" ,.;, i ~ ·: 'J,·•r· 1.. 1• h· " "Ii H 11 1:11ln• ;:,11 · •' • .J ,\Hl.IJ•: 11.\1,j,.; !SV,O I At "I •'·"I L H Ill·: ! ~J:JO 30-It-:\ i>llll.!Ulces Turret L.,+he 0 erator• ---------------------· P ~ 111\:.,~:"~" ~lt:1r!l\0:1u.1.1i.i;. H•~O llWING SHl~L·, CLA~S A 1 h•, 1 time, lllp pity Cl.A-VAL <'ti 1701 PJ.a""nll• Newport l1•'R< !' 1:11, 71 Re a l Esta te Salesman: RECEJl.'T i.;HA I •l AT~: /'H J-.~~ II RF.:D \Ve h•ve th.• '"kn"" t .. ,.,., for rnalunr .alee anol w;11 ''"'n ynu by h'!Jilng y9u '"':'/\ ~· ! Pro."pl!'C'tl from CQ11t&I! tllt••ll,l!h ea.crow. \\'c 11.n· an"""'t un•t,.r with proapecta (\.>In" 111 "n•1 read our •'0111111111111nn llr ll,.•Hll' There are no Idle t1u\1t1 1n uur ortlce. 'Seve n h la nds Realty & Invest ment Co. 603 UndSt., Newport Ue11och, Calif Har. 0148, alter 0 µ rn. H11r. 22\i3-J 6()l'll1 I J!:X.PER11CNCED HOTEL M A!IJ, .... 1 .. ,. 1 .. 1.11 .. i; l1J) "" •1' 1111 ... llll ''·'"l"t· .. 1.tJyl~ vri L••I l1 "! & il11k w ,\), '''~11 (un•• •l.ru/ue j.:l'.11 tiMll~t t •,,.,j t11dy "j i<\t!~ I l i.·111~ tr .. n~l··11• .. 1 l:;a&1 • 11 .. , ,,.r "'' ~unlr(I• t "''l\n t lot' I; ,.~ .t: p~1 ,./f 1/10: 1 a l ul $1 !~ •,!' • •nly l''"Y -'i "i • • r '"•·nth s ·•~h i'I••· 1.,.1 ~,, "l"' )' ,,,.,. ,,. '"' I 1,,. ... l•11v ~ ~:1·r ·•' l !l t \\' • ''111.1"""1' • ''""fll:f' 4'rtH ~· .. u·1·1t<t-~11.:i .. 1: :-."~;\\' lliltlfi .'\'Ut!t:E: "lll<nnotllC ""·'n'' He~ ro~t•1l p1 1<t· l~.·.u \\"oil ~··JI for $22~ IJCh•fll'd Hl Blitll1·•1 11.nd J.:1011,11ntt"ed t:OA .'IT ~:LEC'TH. If' 31Z '"''""Jl"ll lllvd LI !1-li.'.t I •l•!· 62 ~part Ume. w ork to at1<rt Small KEN NILES VIila .~artna ! Ro ne y's Appli a nce Repairing Harbor 1800 60c62 YOUNG Real J::.atat,. S•:eam11.n JnJn11 tuot~t.,r>1, l ,f(~ n11k .. f~ ,.,, I for active otn ce Have a proven J 223i ;o..:,.wp .. rt HJvd ! n•ta "'"~A •Y•Uim for mak!nc 1noney £I. 1cur •d Vu.toni. .l :-."11t Ul1·ol t eellent opportunity for a work-LI 8·8079 ~9r7:.!ll I er W• will train you. Harbor I - /)l:MI . ~It.re O'KE.l!:FE A,JofH:ltRITI ruige, '1)3 . Use d TVs and Appliances 12L•i " DU MONT -Console with FM 12 1~" EMERSON Console s 42.1)() $ 34.i)() 17" GENERAL ELECTRIC Blond CoMOle $ 69.50 17 " EMERS0!\1 B!nnd(" 21" PHILCO late '-lot!el '-f ahoK. Consol!:' 16" OLYkPIC Consol~ 16'' AlJMIRAI~ l:On.sole $ 64 ·ij() $144.1)() $ :>1.50 $ 5450 1:!1 ~"CROSLEY table Mod. wilh f.'}.I Radio $ 34.50 19" Jt CA table t.1 od. with m1:1.tch 1n~ b811c 16" AIOTOROl-A Console I:?'~" ~TRO ~lBERG C.illLSON Wfth FM & . .\~! Jtadiu Table Model • AM & FM RaJ10 & 'J'\..' comb. 17" ~1 UNTZ tab!(" Model 12 1 ~"STROMBERG CARLSON, Con11o le C. 1'~. El~·tric Range $ 49,1)() $ H .5-0 $ 34.1)() . $149.5-0 Double oven. Late model. Xlnt. condition.., WESTINGlJOUSE Elect. Range. $14 9,1)() Double Oven GAFf.ERS & SATTLER Range . . $ &1,1)() DAV IS-BROWN l 8.tSfi J-larbur Blvd. I ... Iberty $-3437 8 PC. MAPLE W OOD ARM VOUP. conai.~ of aota. platform rock- er, club chair, 2 1tepend, J cotfee t&ble, 2 wood ~ maple lamP", I R uttlf! 1h&ft@a). J319.t>O VALUE AT BAY $2111.60 VALUES MAPLE STEP.l!:ND OR C."OFF'l!:E TAHl..E8. $22.60 VALUE AT BAY Jlll.:10 9xl2 COTTON LOOP RUGS - R ubberited back. S.33 tlU VALUE AT BAY S27 :)() .ttT· 0 l'C. C'HH.0 1.IE nr VV.I. 01.NETIE ~I. 3Uxi 0 Mica top, vi:te.iuiLon tabh· i ro.,,m rubber 11eat C'h&J r9 Urnit !o fl.-....r aupply S89.!o0 VALL'E AT BAX $t 9M 6 DRA ...... "ER l>OUHLlil !JHE:5SER S•len1 flnlah, l'ru111ne111.I "'~ p u ll.II Knowlton ElectronJca TV ANTENNAS (Claar BN.m -H L Oaln) INSTALLED C"ornpll'.te. to your .et. $9.95 . O RGA N SPECI A L! Ul~G AN only $690. Liber&l tradl'.1, conv,r:ie.nt term.. l...ell· 80n1 1ncludr<1 , Anyone can learn to pl11.)' lr1 11. ft:W n1lnute1, Se.., U NUW Ill - • llAI· l::R:<i •~1nre 1901") i:.!l-i:2l :-.. sy .... n.ur ... Sant• An• Phune Kl111 t>.>1 1y :.!-\1672 (1r&nJ1 r r•ount1" Or~11.n llrlqtr•. DO IT YO URSELF HI .Fl J.tll:l t>ll VA l,l 'F..! AT HAY $~4 ~0 DL'l LlJ YQ l'lt U\\S Ill -F'I BAY 8 re lli:fJRuu.~ ·GH.OL'P Lnc']u<'l- 1!'• 6 dwr doable drcwer, 31Jx40 mirror, 2 n1ghl 1ta.nda, bookcaM! ht•dboanl Guar tnner1pring n\altre••. matching box 1pnng, meta.I frame. 1209.00 VALUE AT BAY $177.60 FURNITURE APT S IZE CAS 'RA~GE 120"1 Ovtn heat conlto!, ' burf\;'rl, broiler. r SlOll!)O VALl 'E AT H.\Y 171':)0 Bay Furniture "\\'tl!"rr pru'"~ are h<'ht 111 HJ<y" 4!1 1>: 17th St , Co.ta :i.1,aa between Tu•tln and I rvin .. llr« Stol'1:front Parking -Tl!'rma phonoir;re µh. using :-.'t'"''"ornb a. Har111on-K11.n !w11 A"f.J.'.\t tun,r•. 111npllfLt'r•. ll''Mkfra olr r~ord playrr1 C..'01ne 1n f\n<l aer t.herr1 \\'• "'Ill hel1• you iL\ll,111blf 1t.. DA VIS.BROWN 188:1 llarhnr Blvd . Ca.ta 1.leM l..J 8·3437 BE.A UTIFUL. n11rN.>r type uprtghl piano in perfell c:ondlllon 120 down • $10 p.-r n10. at - SHAJ.~ER8 1Since 1!107 ) 4.2l--t2:1 N . SyC'an<v re, Sunlit Anu. f'hone Klmt>oN'Jy ~ •i-61 2 RADIO REP AIRS 0 TUBE HOf.fl': HA 1110. rt'palre<I for only J~ ~ 1nclll•!1ng µa rt• Ir Jabor ~day J1.1•nuit1"e 10 year• fl'XJ;.!rltnce W hi te, Ra dio Service Best Buick Yet Also a fine selection of used cars al ree.llOnablt~ prlcee., TERRY BUICK f>TH ANJ) WA I-NUT, liUNTING'I'ON BF.AC!! LEXINGTON 6-4588 Foreign Car H e adq u arters USED C"tR CLE ARANCE ' SALE . ·~ JAGUAR MC L)>e. '5.5 JAGUAR MC Roat! ·5:~ JAGL.:Af{ ~IK \'!/ :"'et! '~l JAGUAR ].fh: \'II ~ti t '53 JAGUAR 120 lload ·~1 JAr;t.;,.\R 120 R<aJ. '55 Tl?I U ~1 PH TH.2 !load ·54 Tlt.I UMPH Til2 l?oad. .., I '.'.)5 Al (.; Tl--1.~00 '51 ~r (; TD Rn11.d '!);) !1 11.1 .. \IA:"\ ffui-k' '5.J llJJ_J ,:\l ,\~ C•J11>..:r11b!" H!J_J,.\IAI\' I-l ard T"I' t '!" Hll.l .~tA.°' c·,1n\·,·r1 1ti: l?ENA L'l.T St.,\an s·r ,\NIJAJJ.11 \"ang-111 d ~IAI L'A :-.~dan Several Good Huys 1n Amer ican Cano; Bank of Aml'rtl'a 1''1n1:1.nc111g HARVE Y MAYER MOTOR S 2137 Harbor IConH•r \'u•tf1r1ai I.I R-2256 GMC TRIPLE CHECKE D USED TRUCKS .aO--Aut1tto1 1tnd ) f'1 1t·hi- LO O KI I A Flig ht Ha wk rnodel. l..&tnp A clocK with oven W AN''TltD Boy, for New1paper tlmPr. Chronie g rtll broiler. and RouUI on the P'ollowtnr Stre;,u1 that IJ!t up tup. IJ.ed one ---10PEN EYE 'S. 'TIL 8 LI 8·0160 or Ll 8-4011 • 'i8 ~'ORD V-K ·~ l plck11p '48 GMC ~'t L plcitUjJ ]..AlY• ll.~ ~~'.,!d!) T hi' s ,., rl11·'1! Car In Cotta Me•a. A.nre-Bayvieu.·-month. J! .. 9.80 eaxl\, o r pay 18 Cypreaa -~eea Or1ve -Orch id· p!'r rno. li•l \\' <"hapma n, I 8pruce -Zentth and Pallnde•.1 Orange. KE 8-~817 ti Cl.Ii Mr. f'arker •11rbor 1616 ~ --tf (.;A~'lo'ERJ.; " S ATTLk:R ..... h It e ~------------table top (II.II ranice vdth grld,lle l3eacon Personnel Late n1od .. 1 Xlnl ron<llt1on J jl) t 100% employer retained l.'OAS'T ELEL,.R1r· ll2 Newport Blvd, LI 8-171'11 a.gency NO FE!: c;:oll~t.d trom a ppllcant ~------- 4.1.341.tt N•wport Beach Real Estate Salesm&n 1"or our n'""ut ortlce -a tine ,-round-f\oor opportunity. Our lncmtiYe comml.ukm 1chedule la.an lhC. who etay with u •, ao. Who produce, ag.d thou e.cu ... In U.Uri1. We ar" friend- ly and cooperative •nd wt Wllnt the am. trom you. Bay &: Beach Realty, Inc, WO Eut Cout Hwy. Corona d.i M•r Harbor MM u Rerrigerator 19.·,~ /'h1il'u D.,luxe large f•nti!y •1E.1". RtpoM1$1111e<I hJUI larce colore<J vegetable crlll· ~r. Shelveii ln the door & 11! eitlrM. !) yr. gu11r11nter-nuthlng to pay dov.·n If rr .. lllt 0 .K b)' Bank. l st pt1yn1l'nt or SR.S:: olul' In •6 d11y1. Bal, due l~ $167.8t Sre anytime Day or Ev!!'. at 144 I \\" Chaprnan. Orang,. C11U (~01 1 .. ct K~; ,11.r,1111 (l'K~:EF'F: .. .\1~'.Htt rrr ' "");" "'h!te t"b!e tuµ With • 'nl•·r i::ru.k.Jlr Lut,, •lh>flel A · l 1··1n Jotiun Si~ COAST 11:LE(.~Rl t: 312 Newport Blvd. LI 8-17~1 ""'" US ED APPLIANCE BUYS t;JBSON ft. REFRIG Old but good ft. REFRIG. $6'1.50 ............. $69.50 S l<::R VEL 5 1 ~ cu, SERVEL 5 1~ cu. ft. REFRIC. ........................ $79.50 left hand door WESTINGHOUSE REFRIC. SPEC. ... .... . ...... $8<.5-0 CROSLEY SHELF' DR, g1 ~ cu. ft. ONLY _ ...... $89.50 • COLDSP OT REFRIG, 9 cu. ft .......... . .... _ ....... $99.50 WESTINGHOUSE LA UNDER1'1AT .$79.M with Waler Suve r inst!ltleli DEXTER AU'f0MA 7IC \V.\Sl-IER KENMORE AUTOMATIC WA SHER in stnllcd l{f:NMORE WRINf:E:R WA.~}1:!'.:!~ ONLY li Al<'l'EJts & SAT'J'f-1'..r<. t,;1\S rtANGE . $74.50 $8<.50 $35.00 . ........ $74 .;,0 White t.abre top -oven control KNOX HARDWARE co. 420 East 4 lh St. Santa Ana Kl 2·2336 UNIVERSAL co~le , ... range. S2---f'nm lture ro r Salfi Oood OOlld. Twl" bed 1et, rra me. sprlll,p • mattrt-. Ca ll e\'""· 132.---l''urnltun for Salt' 52---a 'urniture for Sale ""'· 177,.w. ""'° BEDROOM =-'-==~=-='7-.-....c.--..oc.==-'-'-...o.:=. __ KNITTER S SETS BED. SPRING and MATTRESS, con1 plete .... $10.00 Come In A -. the Mlrnplete new 16 & 9 ORA\\"ER drtllller. 1n1rror,! WASHING MACHfNES --· $12.50 up line o( O raphlc pattern•; Be11r llookr~e hc!ldboard. from $09.:10 81'and Ever Matc.h y arns, 111 f>r·ITIVIN Mapll' b!O<l "'!th matlrMl! &. ell'1 new drN& pettem•, novelly box aprlng. only .... $:19,1)0 e11.I yama A et nt.w• 1ncludln1t the 6 & 9 ORA \\'El~ 1naple (lr""~"r, popular llnlt 11.cty tik!rtll. wilh mirror. frum ··-·· .. S70 ~,o Sit N' Knit 113 J:. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa 3%tfc I ... iving Room Sets Modern & ~1ttple The11e and a thousand other household bargains. Everything for the Housc-1''urni.i;h ingio, Toys, lladios, Clothing and Sh0cs for the entire family. Recent additions of s(•veral dii:;abled veleran p("rson- ncl-who have con1plet ely refurbished. n-juv~naled and placed iTl top condition everything in our store me.kc us say ·~o F ORD V-8 •, t. p1tkup '0.0 ST UlJEHAKl::H ~ 1 11" k1111 ·0 1 1,;3.tC i,, t. p1lkup F"IVE ROOMS nf lov,.ly nrw fur- niture with full s1z" r9ngl!' & Jntern"tlun&J Harv.,Jill"r retrt- ¥Cn.tor, 5 pt::. mocwrn dlna.t.lt. 1 ple.;e hv1ng room group, 2 complele bedroom 11et ~. O nly 0-0 USED P\11101 wanted for our M!'nta\ ,..•rvtc:t. l'n.de your plano nn H. nl'w Hpinet C:rnn<I or Ham- 111un(I Orji;'aJI. l:t l11he•l ciu•h al- IU"''1tnre dunng our Great Sale. DANZ · SCRMJOT · PHILLlPS '02 C HE\'ROLl\.l ~. t J-an .. t 1 Station Y./ dgo n I .tJ\,\' 1\6 lb9t>. Small down payn1l'nt w 1th 1--------------S PINET l '!anu likt new \\'l\h Or· 104 weekJ to pay. H UB, ~ w. Center, Anahl'inl gano J6Y~ worHlerful buy Use1J Solovox Sl9.'). lJANZ-SCHf.!IOT· ,tl9Gel PHl l.1..I PS Hlr P 1AnO end Or· 020 I\'o. 1.l&l n, Sii.ill& Ana . HOJl.M. SJC'l' brd complete, d,_r. gan Store tl20 No. Main, Santa nlte •tand. dining 11et exten•lon Ana. t a bll!', 6 chal1"9. bullet. O"K«fe ------------- "' Merritt t1Ulge, wftn griddle & FOR Tli.E R UMPUS R 001.I '. clock Umer-2:10 Magriolla, In AM.PICO ELECTRIC PL.A YE::R rtar. 60p62 P l.A NO In ptirfe-cl playing contll· lion. Lole of rolls Include<!. - ::i2 I:>."TEH.N ATIONAC 'l f I'" k •I "32 OODGE .... l. pu kOJp '~ CHEVRU LJ:'T '-. t i'" 11 111., llyrlra-MaUc l!"liln• '41J FO RD ~ t. pickup ·~1 F'ORD V-8 ' ( f!&tbtol '!\2 OODGE .. ~ t plrkuµ '114 GMC "-L pickup Hydra-At at!c t1·1n• . "t 8 CHEVROLE'T 2 l . HJl " "' ll. ·~11 IJODGI!: l t, I t ' flatlJol'<I, 2 1prtd, 8:2:. ur~­ '60 l<'Oll.D 2 1, V-8 2 11!",...1, 8:215 l1rf!.!I Jr ,.,.u Mre ln1,.1 ~"''"1 1n ~:o·r,~ <•M V. BF':A LITY .!\TVLI N•, ~1Hl QUAL.111' _ .. ,. l hc """ J l•.~6 NP!"tl llowtd ··••11 .. 111 l'llY for lr•de In nu" llnnu ~ JOE NICKERTZ STUDEBAKER DF:Al.P.R !1&38 Newport IOvJ. Npt. H~""h H11rbt1r !11\J F"IVE ROOMS of FURNITlJRE Con1·enle11t te.rrr11 •t- fnr 1~.!e. lnclud.. lO'cu. tt. O .E . SFIAF'ERS (Since l9()j.j '!12 OMC Model •o•. 10 wheeler. IP•t )fERCURY Stat.Inn '>."IHc.O'n 12 n10. old ). LExln~on 8-3171. •21 -423 N . Sycan1ore. S•nla An• B-L tran• ·r;2 U.\IC.: Model •O•. 10 11,·h .. ele.r, B-L !ra.11 .... <lump body Ta.kt &11 , 1. REAL. HARO AIN . Pbone Klrnberly :l·Ofl72 -_________ .. _ .. :._•1----------- 0UR G REAT 42.'\"0 AN!':::ilVER· See th·· lu1 !:'"-"t ~,.ll!l"tlon of U•-ed trucks !n (lnHIK~ Count1· '" un1!11 l<J •l!UOSt: 1ron1 fl.I µrlr!•• .,tlld l"• •11• tu fit Y»•11 nr P<t• A'IT Antique Ownen Repair t'HINA, Gl..ASS &. l!Cleanor O'Keere JAckaon 7-2777 BRJC-A·BRAC !622 W alker C..:yprUll lf SAR\' SA l~E 191t -195! $3115 buy1 lovely Spinrt 1tanl1Rrd make, Mirto-type Spinet only $231) Baldwin AC:tolOnlc l i7tl Kimball Sp In et $~ Ila by Grandi $49~ up. Dou>n11 or othl!'r;a Knabe Sletnwi.y llan l· nuLll etc. 1'hue ln11tnuntnt1 art. tra.tl<r-ln11 and rental re11.1m11. Open !iupday A.M rnany JU!lt like ne:w. DANZ· Trur k Hdqlr1. for Orangr County SCHMIDT· l'H.I LLIPS 81g Pl-ino Ult.I Organ Slore j20 N~, '51 FORD '"'O door, F'ordan111t 1e, SS-Boale, 8 nnll-Ma.In. San ls .Anll JOO pl!lnOa Rolr H. V,,ry rlc&n DriYe ll & -- 0 rr==: a lw11.y. y<Ju will bur •t 27ll 1<;. ra!1111·r J<'OR SAL.E. C 1.111tom bu!ll C AR-1-----------l C M . l.Jb .. rty 8·i671. :'\~<'61 VER·C..:HAF"r "Sweilt 16", gltua-ITAL.JAN ACCOl'tDIAN. 120 bk.II..~. ---- e•I lnahle • ouL 16 rt. Joni", prar liclllly 1ww 111)0 313 Arne-1Yj0 HALF TO,-.; F or<.I lru~k g uod 6' 6'" bea.rn. 2!\ H.f'. Evlhrllde. lhyal. iltt)boH IHll\nd. H11r /l.1~tl rondltlon. n1ut or jUMt rt•-tiuilt. Many l'Xlr llJll l mmacuhtlt . fi1)r62 _1.1 JJ·J308 ' _''-"-''-' 1'::•tellent con•lll1t1n 111•:11.:i r." , "rrl~r. •un v1~»r 1,1 •. •:. 01 110<"61 111~11 ~'!l rtl • l'onv l<&H (~IJ \',·1y /.:""'! r .. 11.1 11 .. , :!:l:d 11< "llAf• pllul 0l.h:62 :,1 11/,l1S ~u1>t<r 8-b :>~d•n 2 trin,. i.ru.. \VS\\'. lt&ll 1111n vu.or. lnw rnlh 11.g,. M-f!7i I ~; ... ,.,. pr IYAt., pa1·ty LI 09pfl1 41-Auto Service ·Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 6 Cylo. . ......... _ .•.•.••. $48.88 8 Cyls ........................ $58.88 Include• both Jilbor and parlll. H11rbor 49~-M. 09c61 HAM ltfOND 11rg111111 ntl mn<!r-111 . Grant W. Musick Ne.w rtng1, wrlat p1n1. v•lve -------------One only Alii;:htly u"ecl, 11hnoR1 ifflnd, ntUng• of rnaln and rod 1950. "1Al-llN~: f'AlNTlN~ by hour or likr nl!'w 1'bi11 l" ,. ~p .. •·1n1. Your Hudson Dea ler bear!ng-1. Expert motor tune up. Job. Many yea"' prore .. tonaJ-DANZ -SClfM IDT . PHll~Lll'S SALES and SER VICE PO-day o r i,000 mUe (Uarantee. Sllpe and Uock. a ljll!"Cl&lty -Hammond llt&dq1uu·t•·r1 rur Or-(NO MONEY DOWNJ. Movie Projectors A !'l NJC E A LINE u you \\'OUlft r!11cl anywhere.. Wit h CJUr low O\'erhead yo11"1l be surPnsl!'tl how rnuch 11,·e can •-\'I!' ~·ou. PleaM<l take a look. It 1•..tll pRJ you. GOOD TER?.fS. "BUY WHAT THE BOYS REBUILD" Can 1na ke repai.r1. Call l.1 8-099-i a ng• county ~20 No. }fllln. 253 N. Los Angeles KE ~7278 REBUILT ENGINES ' 15~1 s=~=":::..A_c"L=--------l--An-&1<_ .. _m ________ ._"_''1;;UP to 10 MONTHS TO PAY-1,. ---,..,.-. _B_O_A_T-,-,,-.. -·,-nlc.~.,,.=~-,, -RC 0 .. ,... SuLlt ln our own factory by &killed FOR RENT .. MM l ... MM M-MM K OBBT and MODEL A.DlPLANE SUPPL.I.ES Meers Camera Shop J'iU Newport Blvd., Qliata M'Ma P'Min• Llbert.y 8-70•2. pr tf Fresh Hearing BA TTE!UEI! Aid 1 W• 0!1'1 SA.II Orffll Stamp1 Gunderson Drug Co. K&lll I t. at B&!boa Blvd .. Balbna Jlu1lor 616. Pr OAJ'P'&:Jlta A 8~11"'I'Ll:R fU range w lU. l'J'ldcll• '36. L&qr" fl •lotm Maple uten1lon dln nin~ 11111111 ff&. LI l ·.J.S08. ~9~ I rtlR SALE--TO BE MOVED CUTS I.bl ' R EDWOOD 81.D<,: Dalt• roof. ldMI fnr orrlrr au.at houae or '1ttra room. 11120 W .... lboe. 8 1'1"11., N r""-port B<:h 61k-6 I RETAIL FURNITURE BROKERS Open Friday Eve. Jrd •t Spurgeon Kl J-i4J8 811.nta Ana 40tfr Mesa Woodcraft Unpainted A Juv .. nlle Furnlturr Janua ry Clea rence Co ffct' table.~ & ... nd t•bl .. a . .::lo!'of'. out.I, ('hoicr $2.96 Phonu r1·•·urd Cii.hlnl'lt 510.90 !~hllrlren11 ll!lbl" & ch•lr ll~t~ 1!! !•:, M1nwax II.nil Deft flno•he• Usr our !11y ""'•)' plan 2121 Jlerb<J1". l: M Ll ~ l64r, TJ-IRF;F. R001.IS .;f ll•·11utiful llt'W fumHUt~ {for Jl llr. ('nn1... In ll)()k arouruJ H U H :'JO() \\' Cl!'nt,.r. An'h'°lno t1{1r61 ------U:-.'F: T,\,X BED. con1vl1tt' '30, J.JJ-r w1th mirror J:.:O. Ill b•ck ('hll•r Sill, Kerun"r" ""l lnji;'f'r ... .,.•hlnc mi.rhln" S20 '"""" lllCLL ON Tl:RM6 l•l•I~ A Z r nd t 1blr •. 11.H ror 1211. lrt. Dl:LIC ATESSEN caw . S I ~. "'11 II"·• 11(ov,. 10. ; i..1<} 111.11111 OHJ1 t It. ...rrtc"ft"lltDI' ···-·. $W . a1.,.n.i $~ W A·4 IK3 !\io<ptl•) OHi: W.,.. conun91'C. r•fr". 11:; ---,. -- 1 IC+t.sa M6, J 001'o'DOL.A $2.'t / ~ \Ot~ON .,,,. A lha u "'Ith fllJI Orill '1WT14.;U 't--22.S mornlftr1 nr lo<n 111p •"\'~'" 1;,~.,1 •u•1>l1lu.n .it... I p.m. Ptfo · $1~ U ("-bUA ~v... ru VETERANS IN DUSTRIES 402 E . 4th, SANTA ANA Open Friday and Saturday until 9 p n1. tk --------- GOODWILL INDUSTRIES BED DIVANS. ALL NEW C.'OVERINC. COM- Pl.ETEL \' RE:BUlLT $42.50 DINING TABLE AND 6 CH.AI RS P RACTICE P IANO TARLF.-TOP GAS RANCES, REBUILT ANl1 GUARA NTEED llEJ.,RIGERATORS--REBUILT UNITS. 90-0 A \' GUARANTEE CLOTHING AND SHOES For tho Entire Fami ly-Very Reasonable "WE EM PLOY THE HANDIC APPED " ~ 17 WEST 4TH ST. SANTA ANA ~ n1~ 1:1••1\Cl"f appell.l'I'"' l)f lldil 1 ~ .¢. UI• "1'1-U't•-way•'" out ot 111 tn, NEY.'S-r'RESS i.. du" tu thl .... ,, th• want &d Wl.,J. cell 4u.1 Lll rPull• I ! Har 1616 m.k' •rr•r. H<r. ''5J·R ... ~. l:IAM.MONU Gtlord Organ. the. l!J:i-4 ME M -~ • EREY hard • rnadllnlat&. Don't COlltf!lld Wltb u .-... gre•le9t lnvl!'nlion ever in n1u-top. 011,. O'll'nt'r. Du11.l t)Chl.1.1111 the mlddle rnan. Bu:.· dlr~t. SL.JP ~"UR RENT on P•ni1U1ula ale. Thi!' \\'hole fs mlly r an play po11,·er brllke•-E·Z tye gl"U. REBUILT and INSTALLED It at once w ithout le~n11. You Healer .''6 plateA. Pn party. on private dOC'k. Call Har. 24l'l0. SHORT BLOCK 6Blfc rnu•lcorne 1n 1nd try it. DANZ.. No aalt.11 Ill..>< LI 8-3!36 aflt.r FORD -·-·-····--.... ·--··-·-ll2t.~' ~CHAflDT-Pl-llLl..Jl'S Gre.&t P l-I 5 p nl ~trc ...... Slip & Rowboat Spa ce for Rent A merican Legloo Z l5·l~lh St Meetings 2nd -4th Wed. 8 p.m PRU •no 11.nd Hainn1011d Org&11 Ktore, CHEVROLrr -·--·-··· ~ 1149,00 620 No. f.f&ln , SBnte Ana. ··2 DE SOTO ~-fir. aeillUI.. 6 11'.ood PLYM. A: OODGli: ... --.... _ '"' --l lrta, !IP&t co1• .. r!1 ... radln. Ji:i. CHR\'S. A DE SOTO ···--1 170 KnowlloD E lectronics TV REPAIR :.3& Tustin. .,-r11,·pvrl Hf'1ght.. STliDEBA.KER -··-·----· 1 170 Uberty i ·734l. ~60 OLDS .. PONTIAC e --$170 --BUICK --··-· .. ··-.. ·--1 170 AlJDSON -·-·-·--·-····---··--s 11:. Loan Car Jl'rM Tawinc C-H=Rcv=s=LE==R~CcR=o=,.=,N=.-o,-.,c-,...-UC• F'A!1' SERVJCE. REASONADl.E. :J2 CHRYSL.KR S•ratCJf a. WW TRAUE EQUITY for TRANS· POR'TATIO:i CAR. Shi at l ~ .Mont~ Vi1te, tl•711. l..J 8-i372, NEW CAR OUARA.NT!!:.E Block mu.1t meet our standa.rd1 Pl~ l&JtM, (Ulr:et. and oll Open 8und&1 l0 a.m. to 2 p.m. lion, Onan water cooled 32 V genr rator. r'lllher radio dlre(:t. finder H11.r. U198.J or A.fr. Y.'h~ltr Hllr 236°1. 60p02 12 FT Pl~YWOOU BOAT. P l!'l'fect conll!tkln 17ti -Ll 8-21)82. &Ot-62 F.:Xr'. LOCAL YACHTS MAN wlll pay yl!!'Ar M. e11p. on yqur ~ rt . lYl fl hG•t A keep in •lip hie Udo Home. ln vu:han.-f ur m11tu1I uN . Bolt f'-99 tba· pt~r. ...,., Winter Sacrifice 2.S M' MAHOO STAR BOAT. N ..... ty n.w ulle A tMal1H 1700, (.."NII k a l Al • Fru Boat Yam, 2711.'l Cl'Ja. .. I Hwy. eoce.2 Service c•llll till t p.n1 ""'° Ll 8-!1200 1r !10 M.ERC. Montcl&lt. bh1ck, with -------------cxtra1 12360. LI 8·1673. :'>8p80 BEAUTIFUL. Splnft plAllO, blond, )uat llkl!' n-aa111 S:lOO, l rent· 1.\ rttu.ma. uvt' JOO tu 12.~ BEAUTIFUL 2 munUI• old 81•-~ecl condition nt'w ruar•n-m .. .-kltt~n11 re.flMln•blt. C all lte fn:e dtl:vcr1. Ataple. l..:i:hl alter t p. m. Har. 2816-M. \\' ... ut, ~·rench rroYlnel•J.. ~t·-~9cill N:rrwiy Spinet caH allpUy TOP QU"-lJTT Slam-kltlnlll, dant~ In •hlppln1 $487. Good pl.IA bred, tmportl!'d •tock. Malt pncU'e piano. trom MV. 1'4. $1~ fem.a $10. Har. S4-..W. $12~. ,11~ .... th1 .. at Ui• 60da O'""t •2nd Annl"r1ary Sele. ------------- DANZ • ltC'HMIOT' • Pltlt.U~IJ th,. HI.I" 1"1.-.no and Orran &!ore 020 No. N•ln. Banta .\nA, 100 l'u1noe . -8ta11d by your k>cal DeWq>epen Ulty an the ~ fnent1& any ~ f'amnnmltJ ca.n l\av,. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open DallJ 8 to 7 81.&\e Bond.cl NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. BANTA ANA NASH -HUDSON o.mm RIOH HAHN 'S AUTO H.A L>IO f!ICl'AIP. HYDRAMATIC S€RVIC'F: t f/9 i-; 2YTil ST H111h<>r. t 720 • ' ' I I ' { I • ' • .~ .. -..... ..... _ _...._ .• ... • ·-N"' and UllOd ' "TRUCK ANO Pa11en9er fl RES 8-Hour Recapping ... Servic e Complete Bra.Ile Service ANrl\ J'ront End Alignment ROAD 8t:RV1CE l'tre.t.one Bud&"t Plan Youn tor the ~king HOWARD RYAN 801 -809 w. l t t St. S A 1'<TA ANA Kl l-8383 I ....., ___ , • '8;\f!!: a R-for Beot -Ap ... a R-for Beal. $.---11-J to Lou Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bcb. DeJigbtful Uving. OFFERS Al><..Cabanu. with uu11t1 .. paid . Yacht slip accvmodatiom. Dail):, weekly, rnontllly, yearly. For appt. or reservation. Call Har. 2992. 34tfc Ul-Apt.. & llou~ ... MO NEW Wa11ted yc.un~ u,me lnq S()i modtrn m•o 32n•I .... lih,.tt St port Bf'ach. ~·7trc ------ COii.UNA U E:I, MAR. ".! ll~clro••tn CORONA. DEL MAR, a beJrn1. i;i<:-t•it'.e ~rtly furn. Incl stove &-re.frig., or 11nfu.rn. Gar· ngt, l~undry rn1 , h~n.-oo y11rd. $.11.i rnn Yr. Je-1u1e •f de~1r"d (';d i <lll'llt't 1-lar. 17 lf (111pl"11t 11p1u·lo1.111. fully 1·>1qwt -- LOANS for Homes b~ -20 'P· Loua Construction Loans SEE BOB SATJUl!R 2!11l P:AST COAST BLVD. Oonm• dd Ma.r Harp 38&1 llep. POI'.RIEJ\, MORTGA1JE CO. Metro Uf• lna. FuMa Kl 3--6180 .f8U'c 2nd & 1st Loans Fast Action -Low Rates \\'e Sttvl' All 01'ang11 Cvunty Service In Your Home We Buy Trust ~B Tvp J'rll'f'tl plll•1-Cuh n11w: Ro ya l Mortgoge Co. 2 \ NH:;bo8;"'1·s~91. ~h. :ll">c68h OIJ. Gari> t!Uip . rii1h1na.'il er, IC fl Z.f nirc qullt nc"'· z br. un· 1--------------- tt.1\C~l p1110. CK:t:A:-J VJ~~\\" I furn Cluplc.11 . Flror-pl., !"A !1<101 Ca.II Har :l339·V.' ~8»1!11 11'-'tl. r!n1. Gar s~·p pauo $JO~ • , 10 MOUNTAIN ACRES ""' ""'" ................ .Alla Willi, 8pr1nc. f 600 haild.IM. 40 ACRl!:S RJver bt>tlom land. Good IOU f~ per ac::l', Ban Dlcco COUnty. SAM EMMES Real it.late BroJcer • 28!0 Vitia W ay, Npl. Bch. Harbor 10.fi·R BEST BUYS Near Newport Pier 0"'61 2·l!NJTS rum. l·B.. R . e&cJ:t. Dbl. p.rage. 1''lct. condition 123,!IOO ... .. .....••.••.... ~··· t enna. 4·UNITS rum. MUlll aee 119,000 , '"···-·····-·-tenna. :--UNITS turn. 2 lots -. 12e.ooo ternu. H OAtER E. SH.Afl'EK R H:A.t.1'0R B_y Owner OPEN HOUSE Buain ... A Relldmtial 6 lnCOJU Pro1'8rt7 Sat. It. Suaday.-J&IW&l')' JO • 21 Noon lo II p. nt. 1181 PlacllnU. -ao.t.a W- IN THE HllART qt a l&rce, n"' Moppfnc CM.tee. FOR THE PIJOPLZ WHO ARE L(X)KlNO ror & buaineu klca· tton an.d a home on the u.me lot -TBI8 18 rr, Plenty ot l'Ollm to.r uparudoo, It parking. F'OR THI!: INVICSTOR. he~ S. a pie«> of property that Iii lneru.a- fnl" dll.Jiy ln value ll.nd ahould eaaUy net a large return ()n a rniaJl tnveatmant. LJ 8·1'17&8 alter D p.m. or week-llndL l'llk80 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 -PA6E 5 FlllQAY, JANUARY 20, 1951> 81 . .. 11 --':! I Tr1lde?? 1. Going out door buainey estabHllhed over 10 yean, showing comfortable (!'OM and net. well 9eCUred bY, inventory and equipment , want.II clear hoUM 01'. vacant lot.a in Harbor Area to $15,000. 2. Beautiful custom built home in Cl!! Haven at $33,500 Want. am&ller home at approximately $15,000. This ie an estate settlement. The Vogel Co. 3201 W, Co"9t Highway LI 8-3481 "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS 62--BeaJ Eatate S3tfc ""' H~r. J68~·R. :.ll1·61 CASH ... 1111.r 106 Mchdden Place 1:1.t Newport Pier 1 40 -Eve H a.r. 1137·M. & Ha.r. 11:.IM·W CORONA DEL MAR C-2 TRAILER PARK SITE llAS FULL HATH with Tub 11n1J /Ohuwcrs fll1d toilet. 7 ~u. root Fri1r1da11·•·. 1>pl tJu!ollut! I!"~ .. 1r,l'e. rorc..d air l10'11ti11k with l h .,_,.m.;i11tllt runtfc,(, 1· .. ntll11!l1r f~n c1·11por11t!nli" .:oolrr. homc- Type "''lr.J e v.·ln·I"'"'"'~. to,1.o:ntng:. hot "''11.!rr hr11trr, •11n1hle f1nkf. rt1'1'r · < '" ,. ~"'II< h r11. ~n•I t11anv nthcr r~a1ur~11 1~1te n1"'1~1 1n1~k rully "<JUIPi""'l lH pv !I lhJ.11 ~ri•Uer 1.>ptlon11l. \l;o.;LY 1311~() $1 6~\l 110\V:"> HAL· A NCE. £ASY TEK.MS '. (•EAL \VlTU U\v:--·i;:n. D IRl'.:CT 1 A LL HARBOit 4·129. ~.9c61 F1lli SALE ---10 ft. lrl:'i:'i Thunder• bird. 2 bJm1•. ,...,00 11uwn. t~rn11 ~·r,h !Id" T raill·r l 'llrk 1:,00 l'l11.',.nt1-... !;He B6 :'i91}61 47 -\\·ant~ to Rent ----'="---- Renta ls Wanted \\"• n~cd apt11. and hou1ea In 11.U ••·!'U011' ror boU1 vdnter &rHI y<"a r·~ lease. Furn. ur u11rurn. Ir you ha.\'<! 1t vac .. ncy, phone 1rnh1y The Vogel Co. 3201 W . C•t . .Hwy., N<!\\-"pon Bch. Phone Llberty 8·3fi&l 203 Marine. B•lbo• U la.nd Phone H11.rbor 4.ffi ~f.87 E . Cout Hy., Corona doe! M•r Phone lhu·lx;r 1741 L ido Office, 3416 Vt11. LJdo Harbor 4971 1702 NT-wport Blvd .. C01t11. ~1 .. 11a Llberty 8-~97 l(t ~OUNG ex1>eutlve, w ife Ir 2 d11 ughters desire 2 or 3 bdrn1 unfum home In H•rbor ar~a to $1 60 per month on y,;oars lease. Call io~ronUer f.·9681 col· lec t, :'i9cf\1 YEARLY RENTALS WANTED on Balboa Ttland. 4 Bffif'lTl>S. fum. ()r unrum Will pay to $200-$300 m(). ALSO W&lll 2 &-3 be drn18 furn or unrum. C•ll Harbor r>97l . F U Hi\" ••ntv •1u1re ,\1,. r UA C1!£J.,(.)I{ APT A'!utt 1·~H·a te. gvv-J l<JCIA tl .. !1 In ~':l '• J'!J 11py. t.'vron• d··I H 111 1'6.1~-,\l tt BAL!l<JA JSl.A:'\.l • l J;dr1 n f11T 11 g~r "1'' \n Jn/'\<' \() I'll[ 1111!tl $•!•} n10 222 ·~ tJjllll Har ~l'li!!\'v\ <1r H"' l!P I 6<•pt12 \.'LEAN. ••nll t..!1T1\ duplex $.~:./ ~10 ln• ludO't< "t"I•· k r .. rrq{ 1.Jh,·1 ly 11 ·\:lJ·\ <Jr :l~U ('<>IO(lt ~f .. ,1111. SI . ('(1~\a J.!O'~lt , 60Pfl2 COKON A tJ E L MAH., rurn t bdrm apt with vJ,.w. $7:'> n"IO. Ine ll.Id ulll ll•r 2."-06·M fl(k62 '>!:;\\.PORT HEIG HTS ' b<l1 m hou."+e. rir .. plll.!'<', f1•1J ( "'! y1111!1 gar One child uKt<)' $l•:i r.11>erty 8·7113:! llOtfc ~·()I{ THl .!;T lJEEriS \\r!tf. n . JltJLT 1'H 1R'i't;AU~ HA NKlNU S INCE 1930. Bt.:~il SA.l\'T A 1-i:l~liEHLY 3-7JJ8 ANA NO COMMISSION Rl':AL ESTA·rir, valued :1l $."\00,· ()00 W. SC<'<Hity, W&l'\,I $60,000 Ill 6' ~.. \Vnt..o. Box C-96 •·u re of thlll p&f*r. 60c62' 1 ·~:::1.:-<SUL.A J>(Jl.""T \\"inter !IA VI!: l:'>TEH!:ST ln OIL \\'El..L r1·nl11 l. ~~u rn 2 bdro1 ll•tUll•' g11r. Hu11t1nKV>n li~a•·h to trade IUJ $1<111 nir1 1734 l'h1u 1 ,1.,1 :'>•H1 ' 1!n pasrn .. nt 011 2 nr ;; b<'<lnn r•!1one Atlia.nt!C 1(.)864 !>8c!l0 h••mr 19~~ !1fl lri<'rUtl., $330 • \\di 118.•IJHh• t u 18000. \.\'ntf' \ :.;"F'l'H, ..... 2 l!t-Jn n hu U•C r1HTl· UQX V·89 C•trl! zt11~ P•P"'r 1 l<'lel)' te•lrlu!dlt',\ F11 • jol!lO <: 6\!µ62 :-.tu~t ~~e to •pp11·1111t P 1'all __ _ LIO"tly M·:'l~:'i-0. ~tri.: Ill -Real E..~tate E1':change L'i\"F'lJ!t:-;". 2 l,.trni ,111f'l<':it. •II~-- J"•~lll . )(t<r N ice 10,~t1un •106 r"n1leflf Hflr 244~.\\' ~i!lctll B/B SEA ISLE APTS. ~;:;:~rT''"' coom. ~P""" '"' F "' 'l8tt"O 1.,. A Q 1 I lrsrl<·•·. lt ea.s<JU Htole t:11U ~lier v {."i .. " up. u tl. 6 n •. Har :t8:.!.">·M !:iflci:il V<>od loc11.tlon. PtlVl:lle p'lrk!ng __ P_ ---- Int Complete h1und1~· r11c·!litie11, 2<11 >: HllltJOM 6 /l·U .. Bultxofl. M-'ito~ & ()ffic~ :'i3r66 ~----------·---- LIDO ISLE BACHJILOR &n(l one & two bdnn. apt&. Sho:.rr. tenn e.nd y<"arly. ALSO. Udo HOm•e and B•y Front H omes and apartmf'nl•. LIDO JlEAL TY Associatei;i 34()(1 Via Udo, e NEW OFFICES • lDF.AL FOR PROFES.. SIONAL or BUSINESS USE. Located in - Harbor Investment Co. Bldg. 30th & Newport Blvd. Har. 1600 tf Exchange Corner 60 Un1t.,-F'iltee11 tour t;nJt A pt11. TV anJ 11h1ino •• n;tl~t.s. all 2 hdrms I yr '-'kl 112.100. t'qU!ty 111 each. Tr11.1t.1 &JI o r part for Hnyfrunt hon1e \If cattle rllllch. Thr"" <"0\tage>S t•n C· l properly l'.«nte.I" or L'o>St & Me!Ml. I<!t"nl for inv91!tor, $16.7riO. TraCle for Comn1erclal Income. Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 1870 HarbQr Boulev .. m CU.'8 .MeN. caurornta PLEASANT OCEAN FRONT 11pt. Nl ~·ely run1 ., will 11lee>p 4 r,,,.-,u FO R RENT: GltOUND FL OOR LI 8-';'il 4 Eve11. LI 8·31~ Ju...,. $6:'i mo., Incl. u111 h.kal rnr couple. N9 JW'f.'1, St'e It 170~ W. Oce!l'h Fr . Nl'wpUrt !kn. Ha.tl>Gr 4173·W. :'19pf\I Off1...,., :n new 111u!dl ng, nr>;1r L1du An•rol•· 1,s rk1111o(". For 1n f11r· n1atu•n ca ll ,\1 1'~. F!I), Hllr l~~H . f1tl<"6-0 FUJt !)A LE llh"I' with of!I<., $1~,· 110. Wl!:ST Ocean F'rnnt. l'\,;ow· r,oo <2000 ~'I ft.I hl ·I 7.une, port Beach One bdrr:n. furn. 8.000 ~Q JI. y1<rd , Or lf'11.~e $140 apt . .t: gar $60 inei. include• 1110. 1711 l'nrnn1111. Co1:1ta Me11t ni!n1mum ut,J. \V!nter n :ntal, Har, 12~M ·ll-! t10r·62 Ph. RJvenili.te. Ovt"rland 6·1:l04 1--------------- CORONA DEL r.tAR, 1 hdrn1. gar. a pt. wHh vl11,,.,·. Twv yr<1. old, partly (11rn. i"°O pels ut children, 180. lia chl'h,•r apt Just Tf'deC()fRl..d. Vf't.I' pr1v .. \('. 11tll. pd. $30 H11r Jli:.?1 ~v··~ f•likA 1 SPAHKLJN1; l'.l"lln 1 rni. <lfflce, plus p111k lnK & r1r!verl l~lng ~PH~e on bu~y :-,·,,.,,purt f;!lvJ , CVl!lll !'.le;o>; 11111 .)1J ti ~dlrl' CAPITOL GAIN CAN YOU AFFORD TO SELL? HO\\' ABOUT A TRA OE, tor nlAll.· 11.ger upe.r11ted clear incon1e prop- erty "'""t end of Los Angelea. Valued a t SSli,000 wit.ii over $10,000 a year lncorne & low expense. Am r('t!ring & 11.m In· tereated !n Bay Front property. \YIJI I r11de up or clown. Owner, t'i"'F;bAtf,r, "4..ml61 or "'Tile 1901 So11th <'ochr .. 11 A"e. LQ8 An· gi:lt•s 16. DROKEns INVITED 43t tc OPEN HOUSE SaL & Suu. -Bay~hores 2042 l '!rele l.1r l'h11.m11ng fl•tn!ah"d hOir\1· 33tl u 11ly $2:;,:,:~(1 E:-.,y t .. nns >1top b\''. K!l..J.lu:'>. ··~al ('~l11t\o ~ .. v,pt11·t Uh·i.t H.11rbur TliHE~: lll.JH.\I . I '~ ll11th!. ll0>.1 40 lol. h:tug, /'111~e $2:::.~v(I ~..,...,. f>01·t ll!M Hy Al-'l'Ol;.;Ti.t~::...1·. Own"r Llb<'•·ty X·ti1;J 6::<'73 UO!o!E "' j Nro i.1 ~: N ~:\\lt'C•RT HEJ{;HTS :--·E:\V 2 IJ•ln11 htiU"r l1 l""f•I•'"" wn'. !··n• <'"11 l'atd Ai&l 2 W nn ul<l•r· hnn1t• ;11 ~1 11·1t1od,.t.i•I. r ent•·ol f•H $11\l nio 01!1 ~lil1HI l<>t $:.!H 01;0 nwn.,r. Tr rn11< 11y llOt re Ff1R SALE or T• "11<' lilJ; H• nl" l:iab•H, i!lll't11~ II, U •vel L'•\ ~~· x 1:t11", 1 l1Lot l1 f1·on1 !>liark,•! & I bkx:k; frur11 l!<kt' T11tdc• ~:qu!\)' ur J,1~00 "~ 1h1Wll p•yn1l'11t 011 lb.It' rq ... 1 .. 1 <'Rf. C:•ll :)per·e LI 8-3i 21 bclw.,c11 8 & :'i. 60]AI~ BUSI NESS LOT ~8 x l:'IJ to alley Central t)u/\. l;o11t11. LI 8·37311 . Har • :1:1111 tr BY O \\'l'>El{ 3 bdtrn, 2 bath, 2 c:ar gar & .!!pt1ee tn bu1i<I 1 inore unit. $10.00\l ~,o~ ('lubhou1'!e Av.-. Ncv.·porl Uch l-lsr. !'Jlli'.!.I 61.rcti2 Bargoin of th e Day 3 bedrm. Oak flo"r-~, <'hnice loca· lion In C<lronli \lt·I Mar. J<:a.~tl'rn owner !91\Y!I "S~ll thl11 1'1nnth". !:.11clualvt 0. IL LATHROP. 363!1 E. Cst Hy . Har. 1'1442 Eve11 !liar. !1680. 0He60 R-4 LOT ON CANYON DRJV~;. &<I x 232. 13000 L'.~h BY Q\.\'NER l.I berty 8-7338. 6up62 100 ·1. Financing O:"< INCOME l,jr-,'lT 8 bullt <Jn your Jot. Ut us ahow you some fin· l•hed. Some under construction. C11.U WI teir det&Jl11. DAN A. J ACOBSl!:N, Res.! Har. 6691, Ll 8·6317, Kl T Y.·o STORY DUf'LEX, NE\V· l'ORT HEIGHTS. i;·or sale by "11'nf'r F or app<1intmcnt l'sll be· for(' noon or evenln.i:-~. LI 8·!'.flS:'i 1\0..62 HOJ.fE and I.NCOME -Charmin~ ranch atyle home. :l bedrour1ll!. ln terrific I location, with 8 in ch edge of prol"*rtY ' sewer line to ROOM for OVER 6Q SPACEY:l -land level, This l "'• bllt!'UI, ~ged hdwd. tluor~ I 1:!n room. t1r.,pla.:e PLUS lt•l'•'ly 2 lJ.ffirooni garagtt a pt :.!J.•Ztl garage--covt'rf!d p.a!lo f• '1· ..,.: 1':11t CPllt'fll t"rma -Ow·ner Wiil deal is really ready t o go •l $26.500 THE VOGEL co. 3201 W. Coast Highway, Newport &t r h LI 8·3481 c&rry. ''C'' THOMAS REALTOR • 11.ncl A.:i.:iOClA TES ·i24 \\' (;out Hiw&y-LI 8·~•/\:!7 ··c·· T l!Cll l AS ------ B/B Corona del Mar 1---B/ B LID O ISLE OPEN HOUSE 203 Vta Nl,·oe Sat. • SW"J.-1 00 to 4 .:iO ~ Bayt ronts ~ r111:; FuLLuY."J:>;•; ,.,,. ~"111• Uay tr••l\!11 h•te>d i.o.1•11 •1.~ F-XC'L1.:j!V~; LJ::fl'J'.\"•! nr n.'" Hil '"' Yo>:r tnl'<!sl1gat1"n w11) I""''. oea.-h ••f lll•""" l.; 1,..-11, J1~:1'·r \'ALU.,; ur the11 typ .. Ir. t11 •1r re~pecttv" nr•lt.' Beautiful new 3 bedm11L. 2 b&th• e L JDO N Oltl\ Wl••• 11'!.l·'. F <n·- A U ~le.ctric K itch"n "'·!th bulll· In feature•. r arpetl'd lovt ly entry. $36,!XJU. thMl·OU t, A MAGNI.F'"I CE:?-o'T VIE\V !11 lhf' 3 ~rwrnH. IH!) 11n<t 3 h•lh_. ot provmcial c h arm. be&\ltl!ul Oan111h Floors, P!ltiu u! 1J1st1 n• · tion, vtell·pJanne,1 Birt'h k l\r h~n w1th n1a.ny bu1 1t ·In fe1<l ur<'11, I ,.,.p11rMl1" d1nlng ruoHt!, t'IArJlcl,.d. 1unde~k. rall fer a ppt, $4!1 ~O" 11t lv•'ll.llun A t"'"" "l t..1L' ..;{,, ITY 11.n.1 •!l.,:t11l.V :i I 'I}" llO t/;" l>e<.1111\11 •• '"''<'!.\ ,,,.,, l1ip .. ., a sun rn.om nr nursery. Rll•l Z full tiath1 up11l •lr• AUrar !lve entry hall, hugo• h1 1n1, ,;<'fl. •ll r1!nr rnl ti"li•n• w11 h beth, l"'""'l"r qn , 11h"w~r.ll 'n•~ t'!• <lv1<'n.!lt111r11 1'1 1101~ 1•1•" J'1rr • rl""-t. $'1\• :ifHJ n1c4'1!1t featurl'J among thl>S lovely 2 be.Jrtn vertlble J<'n home. 2 m11ny 111 an<1 t'OO• bath• or cuur>Se, a 11pac1ou11 rnodern hunu' with St><'IUUOO pall\>. a ll qn two l~vel.9. beam ce1ll11g11, P"rf.,ct tir .. pl&ce. bulll·ln kitchen, full JJrice. 1:3.:'i,000 P lellt<e •·1<11 ah~au for llll a ppo!nunent tu 11ee Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 3530 E. Coll.Ill H111:hway Gol"una d~l ~1al' -H11.dJQr ~~ Corona del Mar Loh R ·2, 60 x 118 S~: c,-,rner Jrtt &: ~U\ ·-C·I, 65 ft. 26()0 block; Co..&t H"·y. IJ6,2~i0 H -2, Ocean U!vlf, 30 x 110 $1!),8:.0 Urive by .~JR !"arci~•U.'1. 2 Bedrin Clc1U1, r()(11n to build :lnd will. $2000 dow-n, Chester F. Sal isbury REALTOlt 3 1:'i Marine, HRrbor ~97 1 Balboa lllland Eve• Har. 4873 LAST CHANCE FOR BEACH LOTS . TwG 30 f t. &dJoln1ng lots ~oned R·l $3000 ea.ch. Term~. "ART" ADAIR " Rltr. Do you have a rlecend1ni; par .. nl Lhat you woul<I like to havt' cvnifortable -..·lU\ privacy atHl nut alone' ~ ? Thl'll .-all to l!l'e thi• unuaual 11rrangem~nt . A charm.r.nK hon1,. w1th 2 bt!drms . l bath on oue. 1ldoe, l bedroom • l .l/~(J :-.tlH!l J.l!•(l ISL!:: A thrl'C bedrn1 h•/ltt(' nwely IUHI cornpl f urn Hec-'l"nlly rPmn<'.'l~le•I A-re<.J«ur111.t ~l l1u .. L allp .. nrt 1n11.ny •Jth~r ptu11 '><>lUca to thl1 (lfl• 1'Ef>~ IT $~!1/>110 L 1w dn. l b11U1 on the ()ther. Dutch kit· • chen, carpet.a and dra perlel ot dlJllnct 1on. WEST BAY A VE . 8A L.80 A. P.l':Nl:-<"SULA. Thi.ll family home 1<•ith Charin l.!I hke new. only 2 1 ~ yr!<. olrt .ft is ln1macula1e. Th«e •re 3 delightful bedrma., 2 ~ b•. San dy bea.ch. Prln111 b!J11t 11hp C11rpelH<ff .ft dn1Jlf'I ot th" hlithoe•t d.,...orator qu•I· hy &re lnclud~ In U\1 prli:e, .... 000 Only '70 lot left ()fl Ll1!0 $t. to lilt. comer Lot 1:22,()()(l 113.000 BALBOA ISLAND ClQ-lle to South 8&y on Amf'thyal 1,. a lov11ly :l 11.Jry, 4 bedroum11 J 1., balhll, B•lher1 •bower llU!c\ .Jri:ulng room. Dishwu~r. Diii· pow!, 2 Ca.t Garagf', exct'llent ...,onatn.ict!on. Cali (or Appl. Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 3112 Larayettf', Npt, Har. 3843 See Me-Ta Nelson r llE MOST IMPORTANT YOU'LL READ TOD AY. CORONA DEL MAR AD e ?lo"EWPORT I SLAND. A llt11cUV11 &ma.JI home with lo t.II or paUo •pace. New Butkhe•d. Pier .t: floa t permlttl'd. Only Sli.000, tern1.11. BRING Y OUR BA Yf>'RONT ~· qulroemenlll to tJ.11. W" C&J1 help you becau.11 we have the BEST VALU E S on today'• mlrkt.l and SPECI,\.LIZE !n lhot1e h•rd to find DESJJU But BA YFRONTS HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. Jlf'al!or• THE •.AST ONE LEFT -" .. Newport Blvd., Coortll Meea LI 8-3792 or LI S·t.686 DART.JNG 3 bdrm .. 2 bath homf', f1r .. plai:e, bt"&m c,;oll ing. hd,,.·d. flt& ~~uuy fenced. One blk. from oc"11n. 2 i, yra. old. En...,lDlle<I patio. dtil. gar .• with laundry Be.low replacement coet. Newport B!vd. at 30th SL Harbor 1600 F.:XCELt.ENT RESIDl::NTIAL lot In Cll(f H111'en. P rit<!d Rt $9500. LI 8--6987 f'ven tng11. 59c61 EARL w. STANLE Y 1----------1 HOME. LNCOME REALTOR OPEN HOUSE ATTRACTIVE DUPLEX. choice !Ott\ &: l'"'-·lne -Lll>erty 8·21164 location. 1 It 2 bdrnu. UNDER Business 61k:62 3603 FINLEY AVENUE PRlCED. Property T huni411y thru Sunlf11.y 1·4 \VATERFRONT. (NEAR UDO) Cha rming 2 bdrm, home nicelY rurni11ht.-d-Electrlc range. F'lrt'· plac·e. Dout..le garage, top l<l('ll· th\fl . Pit"r At rtoat" _ $2:1,()(JQ OPEN HOt;SE F'ri·Sat-Sun-Mon. llftemoona 2:'1lll Cre•tVlf'W Dr. BAYSHOR.ms 2 B. R , knotty pine Int., 2 p&UOll, PLUS rar, un!l -channln£' beach or y-r rou nd h()l'l'!t. LEMON HEIGHTS 121"x2tl'l• comer - lli:e, room11, 2 B. R . room. fruit tree11. C'------------°'-'_61 BAY FROl'<'T 11pp,;or 1nn•I f1or11 NI CI!: l'o-iODER:-,· ~\"re to><Jrn ur orra·e. 11t 11188 l'la.-e-ntlll. $100 nio 1n('lL1d1ng 1111!1\I<'' lnq•l!t'" Look Carefully DIS.TRESS SJ\J~E:. nicf' house and boiolnell!!I in ~nt<"r (.'O.'lll< Me!\I\ on 2 JoU. IHnel!ll! !n iam1ly. r.l ust lll}.l'l"i flce ill $10,~0(r. Tern1~ for qul!'k 1111Je- IJAN A.. ,1ACOBSEN. n.~111 F:11tat" liar . li69l, Ll 8·6317. KJ 2·2187 BA YVIEW PROPERTIES IN LOB .ANGELES ~r Oren- sh&w buatneu center. modf'm all 11\MI 11erv1ce 1tatlon, Leaaed ten year• to OH Co. PLtJS 2!ixbO ,.,,n,.rel e blk. bldg. on r,;oar. al"'' 1,..uN;l, ror. lot 90JI" 120 ~how11 ~xrrllent relurfl.1'!. 01<>·rrer will trndt. down. for !ncon1f' proP"rt y 1n O range Cou11ty. Farrnhou.ee. den. d!nlnr b•t loca- $32,llOO 48-Ait& & Houw Choice B&lboa Winter Rentals on Island & Lido Isle Small A cosy or large &: d'luxe $10 to pro monlh VOGEL · CO. 208 Mirln'li A Vt'., Balboa fila.nd Ph. Harbo.r 4f.4i or Harbor 10111 Rte. H11.r. 38:Z9·R o r Har. 1229·R d.ftfc ~~URNISH.ED A PTS. $~ mu, y ear round. 719 W . 8&/bc)a Blvd .. Bal· boa aftoer 7 ·30 P.M. Of W<!'ekf'ndR. aop Sea Shell Apts . l A 2 BS:DRM. DELUXE FltlRN'. .APTS. To prt'ferred ten1uu.t. SM A up. utll. Incl . 1220 W . BalboA Blvd .. Newport Be11ch. b3tfc * * * ENJOY LIVING on Ula <Jctoan and gQr11;:•' $60 UtllltlNI !n~·l1a/t'<l 3 rT\I. bath ln""·er $1 1i runv. lot'~ti nn H~r -111!<-M ~!h·RO LARGE 2 bdrm !l"J!l•·x Hdw1t noor>S, )!llrbage di"P . r('lrll( & 1tove Water pd. 100 mo >'"~'-" leiure. Ll 8-7221 at!er ~ •. 212i Thurln Ave. C(lllt11 Mf'":i CLOSE IN. nicely furn. dupl<'x. forced 11ir h•atln11:. gartH•l{P dlsp .. tlloe. W inler renlal S67 f,Q Jfa.r, 35{)0 ~9cGI •t pr(lptl'tl' ,,ri,•r !'i p. 111 .,..,.,,._ <\~)'~ nr IH!V lunt• :-\Ill & Sun 2 !\El•R.\f., ru<'plit• "· 1 hath - !'>Ol f l 1~)lu,,.,·oet ovrr \ul.n . J <'ar a t· 1n•'hrrt g11r11J<:(' itln!. loc11 tton. rd0:-0 DARJ<HO?r..1. ~inl~h'""'I Ar•· .. pl lat1· rn i;drl <'fir lUt part ROQm & Sho.,un.i: Htud•o. lieau · r ; H !,.\THl'tOP, 3fl:I~ E. Ciit, Hy . tlrully det1lgnr'1 newly, <'O n~tnw·, 111\1· ri·44:l, F:,·c1. H11 r. r>680. 60C62 tr <l centrally l•••\ot,.d. "Phot og· 1--------------- J'apher"s dretim~'" Llll<·rt.y 8-l111:16 ' :;7 p:'i9 FtJR LEAS!!: S1'tAl.1. l 'AF~: I i\ UE:ACH AHIO:,\. ~t·,.l knt 011· portun1ty tnr tnupl<' 1·11.patlle ,.f 1:nin11: p1<11t1 y It: l1Htrt<' ,.,~,1<.r1i,: l~ARAPENA 1n ITN ITR, 3 yr·a ol<l. b ood Income. T1 Ro!<' ft>r clell.r ne""' h()n1e to $3:'>.lllJ{l I llu flor an•:\, :363 Pa.11&· •lf'l\I A l"r., 6<'1> l'Yr111111ol 1·206:'i P1t.SC1•lt·na. - - '°"'" J8tfc F (.JR ~A l~E 13\" OV.'NER-4 bed· roun1 honie. l '\. b11th11. land· ~raped a renc«I. FHA lo&ll. $5000 DOWN CHAN~EL FRONT cottage. piPr °" rlo11t. flrf'plllC'i". neat, 11tlr11.c. IS T Tlr>tE OFFERED. $10.7~0. :l:JO!} W . Balbo,a Bl1·,J.. Npl. Harbor 3371 Be11r h ri9~6l OPEN HOUSE Sat, 4' Sunday-12 to ti p.rn. 21 l Tualln Ave. CORTA z.tF.SA Spc-cial 100 JI" 300 BEAUTIFUL n•w horn~. 2 bdrm., lot $4200. 2 bllths. larg" sunrleck. Une.11ct-I· led vie"·· Not n1any like Ult.II. N. B. C. Realty Co. c an be •f'en by appointment. ""' " N••ro" s1.,. ""' '"" "ART" ADAIR , Rltr. BALBOA PENINSU LA !..'.UZ.1FOHT {i2' !<It, .• txlr111., l "• bfl.lhll, PRJCF:o tv 8El..L. 'rERZ.1S . huge putlo hd1<>'d, !I r~ \Vlt!l good ;<.fL"RlEL ::1.f. P INOVER. R~altor 21104 !°'1•'""P..•!'l fllvll . ,'\'pf H~""h 1111.rbor 4610. ::tll r61 .... N<'"-·port Ulvd .. Costa Mua LI 8-3792 or W 8·6686 69c6l EASY to buy 1,. acre Improved with 2 81'.'d1·n1. 1tucco home. Partly ruru. loo. W()rkllh()p, li:arage, 2 Dlk11. to town, Qwn,;or11 \\"Ill t11.ke $1~ dn. r.rET A NELSON ' 2908 E. Coaet Hwy. ::urona. •.lel Mar, Har. °'660. In 09ciH Tustin School District BEA lmFUL HOM.II:, 2 bdrm11. &nd den. Gue-t house and 1JWtm. ming pool. One or the tlnest avallable 11.Il}"'A'tlere. 1'~or the dt.ntl•l or physician need- ing Jn...aUon In Santa Ana. S"~ u~ about leuln g building: to be a ltered 11.11. you wl11h.' • Fitzmorris Rlty. Co. '" Multiple U.tln,g n.ea.llors SEVEN UNITS ORANGE COAST Buainesa Brttke.r l'Ll ·s nwn .. r• 2 bt"<lrm. PROPERT IES ' ••7 '" -Co.. M 313~ E. C.t. Hwy .. Corona del Mar °'-' ·~"""'PO•,, ..... e• 3 B. R., C•ft Rrdhill, 1600 *Q. ft .. ne\\: beauty .. $20.~ Trllller In LlDO PARK for nlo, or w!ll tra.de ()n Newport Helghtll or Newport. Claire Van REALTOR 2731 W. Cout Hwy. Horn Ll 8-4277 --·------------ Golden Rule Values LOW DOWN Extra nlc• 3 bedrm. homt", 1 yr. old, hwd. Moors, 1%. bat.ti., FA heal. 2 car pr&1e. Beauurut comt.r ]()t. Cloee In. Full price $11 ,9.~ . Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson 18116 N--.--t Blvd., o.t& Kea (AcroM from Coat& M ea Bank) F ront. K ltcht.net te apt11. • rm11. I -------·-- (',\FJ·: l'AL!JOA fn..ru I 1111 le:<!l"I' $1()1111 F rcetlorn hn1nr 11.rea.. Ca.II J.ltwrty ,8 ·62;::: n1nrnlng11 nr Uft<'r S p. 111. 16lfc LI 8-1 632 E1·enin21 Ll 8·1400l -----"-u_bo_,_2_1_•_2 ____ _ llpt , Siearl.v lnrorne $4:>.I) pf't 1110.1--------------- Pru'l' i :r;.Y11), st.>n1e lrrrn• from P"'nrr•, :l\2 V\~ton11. ("oi<ta Ml'•11 ,r 54,\\7 OWNER wanu. to .... u. 2 bnnd new rum. bomea, % blk. to beach. Both home• he.Ye n,,.. ph1cea. .-a,...,.n. imaJI dow'n 6 owner will Ca.n'J' Mia.nee. Ph. Ll a.e781 E'vea. Bu. 4.381 Liberty 1-2103 wtt.h prlvat. bath . Ma.Id 1erilce. TV. 220& \Veat Oiiean FronL Ha.rbor l<Kll. St'e M.E·TA It unl\lrn, H iC"llW&y, * • • NELSON choltt rentalll. 2008 E. C.D.M. H•r'1or f\1 1"!1 Coast """· !S&<-81 -ll'or • dependable Ullflf ca r, II.fl#' YOUT local dftk..r WhO WUl be hU. TOMORltOW to bllcll up whal n .. RU. TODAY! Checlc lh• u...U CA,.. ln lb• tl...tn~ •~tion tu· °"" "ART" ADA IR, Rltr. i\"ri.o.'poll'I Ulv'I LI !!·:>i92 "r Ll I '<•,,(IO ~1CSll ~·J6!1ti BY OWNER View Lot l~ARGF: O"l\JKe unf11rn ~ hf'<lnn 2 bath £81'!1.,tt' 11 pt ''ll)\"r l\llu n1trt&:. rumlMed. 70lli., Ms•· 1rtu•r1t" l;ornna d"I ,\f"-.r l 'Atl. u""·noer. Har 47 <'ORON A O!:L 1'lAH -1 &rdnn. ------------''-'-"-'1LES!:' TllA.N ONE YH . OLD -NOT A LEl\!iEH()LO. In ~t\\-·· :l h"1.lrn1 , 2 tt11.lh hom<'. hv.'d, po!'\ H•'><th Prn·~•I l'l'tY low tum •rt. Si~ lnr l. ut1111if'!I Ai 1 1 .'l:>--.~oney to Loan nn<)r8. z ("llr g1<r&ge $12.500 (Qr quirk c11.11h 1111.J,. Harbor Highlands nv O\\.~ER-3 bdnna .• 1' bath. J;1.nd11<'ape<I, lar2e brick p11.tlo, 2 y r,, old. l:11der priced Ill $16.200 ""·t\h $4()()(1 oo .... ·n. 1960 lrvJne Ave Ll 11· 7 fl f.. &opftl OR.ANC11t COAST PROPERTIES 1857 Ntwport, C.O.t& Meaa Ll 8·1632 EVd.lnp LI 3-1400 Under $25,000 62 ~ Knti'A·eU Pl., Cotrt• l>l~--DAN A JA,C,PBSEN, R~lll Ellt•toe LJ 8-61111 ~lfc Ha.r. Miil , i':1 8-6317 Kl 2·2187 , ____________ _ a tudlu •Pl rum W lncl u:11!-• ----r----~ ---- t!"• ciu u 8-e03(1 ,,,. H .. -bur 1 . .()Ar"~ TO e u 1Ln t~tPR OVE. Best Duplex 4k:l'O. :,~p(l,o BUY. ~lODER~f'Z!:, OR _ _ 10 Acre Grove OD T'u9tln Aft., patmUal ~ '41100 pn aani, Low dmm J*Y• -c DAN A. JAOOB8JCN, Rea.I lClt&t. Ha.r. Mel, Ll M317 KI 2·2181 R~F'INAS f"t.: F s I b 0 Lido Bayfront lot FDrEST 2 BDRM . 2 BATH hom• 2 bdrm.a. ..ch aid•. KWd. ~ CHA N'NK:l. f.~l'Unl furn y ~:AltL\' ~,·~ u .. y Tnu•t u .... ·11.• or a e y wner w llh lnco111f' In Ct>l'UO• del Mar a.para te 7 at'CIL AU t~ BAY FRONT DUPLEX H~:NTAl--1 .:-1 1~ l•rlil•' 1111,.I NF:\\'l'flRT HALJl11A SAVING~ 1.Al{t,fl: \HC\\' 1.v-i· <-.unna JUi.:h· 50 ~,, F"l~O:'\"l'AC E, VJ~L.J DO und•r· Sl:'i.000 Owner IO!SrlJ'W 1t•l<'. flllbmit bdrm, l"l'!lff'ora!••I l !l!I 1""" i1t LOAS ASIHICIATJON l11n.t.t1 \'1,.w r,f C'1u•~·on 6 o.:a.,, 80UD f)r•!l'l\bltt fnr 11" <' nr G )-f LATHROP, ~111> E CC!Ut yuur t•nn•. ' Nev C9nlar otb..rboa l)ol rri> SJ;C, ur J8I) unfur!l l.Jot'k II 3368 V1<1 l.IU., 1'11 H4lr. 1200 P1i.·"'I tu s,.Jt HllrlM•t 24211.\A' 111.:0111.. (lw11 .. r H•r. 91 or lhwy., II.at. 0•4.2. Evl!ll. Har.~ D AN A. JA.C08SIC?f, ft-.1 bt.al.<1 B7-0Wn1r '"'°°°' '(«11,1.L ,Wrlt.e a v111I. 8 1 ~ :\6th St. ~ltp6 l ----------~"~'.'... __________ __:'°'"__:_' __ ,,_._'_· -'-'-°"-· ------'-'"' __ h_• ___________ ..... ___ H_•_'·-""-'c' ._u __ ._ ... _1_7_K_1_2_._2_101 ___ &_•_•.· _•_•_tl'.1_•_••...: .. ...:"'_'_· __ .... __:.c.._' ( • I - I '-PA$1 '· PAn II -NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS FAIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1956 • -.11 ..... --.,-----Bayshores • ---* * February Special · * * IG!:=·~-~l~l:~•~la~la!_ __ _ ' . - Pl':NINl!Ul.A HOllES ! OPEN SATURDAY ·& SUNDAY CUSTOM BUILT RANCH STYLE. · ·Custom ·Built Home OPEN HOUSE Sat. 6 Sun 1-~ 2672 CRll:STVl.EW CAN A HOUSE FIT YOU •.. 4 IMdroom, 1 bat1a bo11W1 wtu. I bedroom. up and bn1 down.. ldMJ IOt" lar~• I . y. Ex\N Iara'• oom.r c.IUdf!d • • • .nUN Pl'oPe walled. Bad- 468 ESTHER ST., BACK BAY AREA.. Beautifu,1 3 bdrm., .,2: bath•. lge. living room, firepl., ext.ta lge. kitchen with break!ut nook, fenceci..yd., &baie f'09f. Asking only $22.500 and lhia is &n• BY OWNER • 3 bedrma.., bath &. b&lf (pink fV turesf I Uled brick fireplace tn Liv, room • Forced al' heat (75.000 BTlJ) • &dlt·ln Western HoJly R.nge & Oven • Garbage dispqaal and fan • 112S &q . ft. (in hou.ae) "" .. Lot size ~ x 125 • Completed with lawn • St&ined Rrdwood fencing 6' complete • No. 1 Select hardwood 011.k nooring • Shake roof • Service porch J1lun1bed for aulon11:1.l ic \.\'~~h··r • 2 car K•rage. 400 sq. ft_ • Patio stab •_Backyard n1ade for ch1ldl'l'll 1 lar~~ r1·J\\•11rl 11a.ndboxl • $16,900 ($6900 down l tl·rnu;; Pit yml·nt.i S69 per n111nth 254 Magnolia, Co14ta M""a. • --------- Voge! Va lues I.I }\-1!11!• .~~J·ti•ll I JUST REDUCED IN PRICE Three bedrmi;., :! b11.th hurn..-in r...: .. runJ !l1ghlar1d;"I Like new ins Jdt' f-lar!h~"·1 KI n.,,.rs, t•t1rn··r !II • plac~. brkfflt no )(Jk d1n1n~ a r•·l:l d1"""~11J \ 1·1,1 fan and OCEAN \'IE\\' Ju>lt r!'d~u·· d 1 .. $:::: :!.'"10 with 5 '1 11111urancl· 11nanc111..; COSTA MESA Atlractive. modem l bedroom home 61 apl, u1 •'X• cellent condition. Fireplace, HW fluors. lnclu.Je~ d rapes, Wedgewood slove & mirror ovt·r f1reJ.1lacc. L g ltll. Close to shopptn~. PrlCt.""ll at $1 4.1;;50 -- excellent financing. ·The Vogel Co. 2667 E . Cout Hwy., Corona dcl Mar. Har. 174 l • H£Rl:'8 A RARJ: OPPORTVNJ· TY to buy one of lhoM popular and 11.a.rd•lO-f.t l'l4.NCH TYPE , /\om• 111 b9au.tlf-UI &y~u. Tbla truly dell1httul home hu 3 1>«h·m1.. plut 11JMt room. en- o:io.eci la.nal 1.nd two ~UOI com - pl!::lely enc1o:ed with p!rfllanent concrl'te-biock w..i1 otterlnf ut- mo.t prl_vacy. / F'F.A TURES IN'CLUOX • char m- ing Uv1n1r rnon1 with beam c.U- 1n,i and r•l•t>ll hearth tuoeplace, b1r1""n "p1nelhng. waJJ-to-w-.JI car- ~\l!'lg, It l1a>i 1n attractive din· 1ng a rea f<u·cf'd-a1 r hU .inr 1\•1- \r •n, I'~ 1.. .... 1hlLkf' roof ar><J a IJ11i:r t.,,,·o t ar ~ .. rag"' 1 r1:·: t:NTJCJ~G 1<JT<"HE:N' •~ I 111 >11! ~·1.111veuie!1l!y arra:i•:l.'<l w1ll1 I ,., ,.~uards ..,r natur.;I 11.rit". t.;1&.-b ii . ,....-1 . ..:,h,.Ullt ran, O!L(. \\I•; !:":VITE YOU tn r-011>'' 1uu1 , 11np1are' Lilla t.-ul)' fin•· •·;.J ut .,.1th I!'• n•1·e1,U.11l1t y t" l-'HIV - ATE liEACH -d YACH"l'INtl I ~·A C"JLITl.ES l h4t w ill l}'I! a Joy tv tht WhOIO! ft.111!1y . t•ntL"E IS 127.~ Ttrrn11 l'!l,11 t, .. 'arr .. 11 w:~d Cal! Hiu ll<.>r ~Oi:i 11•J.,. I fvr I" .--ahvw•n11 ' Frank James Linwood Vick HEAL.Ti •H~ ''~ ,\1i<rin.-A\''" llnrt-.•r t T H I l)IA ~ H11ll>o11 l•l~rt<t ~(J•'1 I" TH11M AS I THOMAS EXCLUSIVES BA y t>'RUNT ~~I n<' oilier homt I :'I llf!drrn1 . 2 b.11\111, t xtra l&t h\' 1v1.un. 11arliy furnl11he<J <'II · I .-.-J!rnl tur larv1• hanuly dlo1c.- t>-Uu11v lot!ai..11 uu ... ta11<11ng "aJ ue a l 12V.~l'IO L.<JW IJOWn l'•yrn .. nt · llAf<h Oft 111(.;HLANL!ti Newport H'"""h 11i'h .. n l tl•~lrH:t, l'harnHng 3 l>drm, I\. bath hnrn"' on beau- t 1!11lly 1w.nc11u,;1,....1 '"' lot \V lo V.' c1r1>'"\lnl( di rio-11""11 t 1..,·, f1u11nc-•ng COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth .. ' s J!j :'llllJ CLIFJo~ 1-IA VEN -TR IPLEX 2 llr •·ach ::11.J .. . fireplace, 3 garagea. law1dry roon1 . i.:arbagt: i.11 ... - posale. One unit kept open f ur inspcct111n & 1mml·- d1ate occupancy. $20.500 with only ~3.000 down DUPLEX right in town_ 2 Br each !Ude. s('parate garages & service porches. large J1v1ng ruum. $13,750 with $2750 down. 2 Br. & den plus small rental on 1: acre 1 plt·oty of fruit trees) room for additional units. $10,750 "'ith good terms. C-2 Zone • !Bua111e.1:1S) lot 1•10 x 150 cornc·r· lorat1t1n $1.3,000 with terms. G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport Bl vd., Costa Mesa BALBOA ISLAND BAY FRONT, 60 ft., 4 B. R. pi er & float SO. BAY 4 B. R ., 3 bath plus l B. R. apt. NO. BAY 3 B. R. 2 bath plus 2 B. R. apt. LIDO NORD 5 8 . R. -2 8 . R. a pt. ------· LIDO NORD 3 8 . R. -Pier & slip LI1TLE ISLAND, Tropical setting 2 units , 2 B. R. guest house ............ -----.. -.. . NR. NO. BAY 2 B. R. ......... ......... . ... . NEAR NO. BAY 3 B. R. . ........ . LI 8-1601 $73,500 $59.500 .$73.500 $89.500 $59,500 plus $31.950 $22.500 $25,000 IljCXlllE UNITS ' . $25,750 lo $38,000 inclusive. qbeck with u s o n these and others. Har. 1775 -Eves. Edith Maroon John Macnab Harbo r HYatt 4-6222 5359 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 2~ Marine Ave .. Balboa Jalaha· BALBOA ISLAND Only $5000 down _ In a quiet location. very clo:o.e to the nay. Cozy 2 bedroom house on a full siz.ed lot Full price SI 9.000 WM. W . .S1.ANl.!-:'t SANFORD Realtors HAD FIELD Park A ve. al P.farinc, &lboa lsland 1-larbor :.llti2 ~~------------- OPEN HOUSE SUN DA '1:';1 I to ~ p. nl , 122 VIA ITHACA , UDO 181~E Newly decorated. large living room, den, 3' bt-drmi:;. 2 baUis. enclosed lanai. 3 cll r garage. l&r~e lot. Vacant, $45.000 EXCLUSIVE with • I OA\"~Hutth:S ~'"'"' 1.,r 10"'11- llvn vn K.1)'.aho1e 111 1\lr \'J~:\v "' '"'Y :\ bt'•l•·~1111~ 14,, bath~ ~'h•J:~lonr 11r.·1•l•('t' hdW(! f ir• l'Hlf'EL! AT $:?:\ .']•~l f"lfl •l<'!ilq:;nr•I /JV l•1rk l'lf'j.;f'r ,I b<!rrn ! , 1;11 hll . IJ(,. •"r" r•"r• h Y."llh nn111.-,. nr •·1.1pt>t111r<l11 1·,.,,,,. 1.,,,.,,.,,, S !!1 .~11) "C" THCMAS I REALTOR a nd ASSU<'IAT~S 2~4 V. C0a..t Hlwa.v LI 8-:'1:'117 Newport ~ach I .,, . THQ).iAS "C" TH0'-1AS T Harbor Highlands ~-Ml Dia.nil lAn<", Op.on Diiotly P.M 1 Blil:'-18. ! -,. ba l n11lllf' corner sr• :,oo l HI •RM~, I :0. b11 Nu·.-ly ....... l't'd 118,:'I[!(! Lido Isl e l AR . I ba :\:'!" lot . ('o;r.y S22 ,9~ I 3 l!ll , 2 bA. i4' Lo •. cllrpt'l• $3 !,:WO ' l!IJ1t).{S. '4 ba. F'!x"'r upper on a b:ir 82' corner lul $31 ,Sl~O 1 1 Brt . J. ba -t .. 101 h.g rm11 s :u1 .00'J 1 Upper Bay II J BIJR:O.t S. I;, hn Henulifnl lit'!-I ting nn 4R4-21.•t (JPEN !:i l'~ I 2 l3l1HM , I b11 •• H irk ,11 y built tunnt' Sh11.ke r oof E:1g l<ll s 111.1;cto Newport Beach I 7 IN'l.:0/\11': 11nil~. 3 2-bd,-ni 1<pl11 In tllt'h 11n1, Ith nn1<> s::n,111 r"' y.-11r f1·on1 •·11,•h 11n1t :0 2'.! !\(If\ "" •.1.-~1 reii.al 1 ..... •l\'"Y" r.,11 1 Costa Mesa 2 RF;l 11{(10r.1 l1 r:;<' rnn1tQrtalllt' I vldl!'r hunll!' B11-1ga1n Il l ll:l.>.l-0 Du:ic an 1-'.c:i rc!csty •·,,. 1;u< J ; _ __; .. 1.7! ).{ ~t,to:z •' \l./H•h ,,. I CLIFr-HAVEN I "'' ·1 I ' •• ' ' t :1' 'I ' I O'I I . .! ' I ' : ~ " . ,, '" "" .; h '•' •' ' '' ', ' ''I ' ••·I )' "'· '' >I"·•""'~-,. i • ,,, ,.. ... •.• 1 h • , :·" .i I •l•.I·"' "" ! h1 .,,., I.,, •1 ' ' ' , I ,: 1,,,r 111;:-;T 1·11s r ,\ :0.11 :::.\ i.r r r Ht"Y· I .. · ~,.I I'. ,.,.,I -1 ••t I"''• • llT ,1; p~l·I 1, 1. ·'·' lo 1.,•, {111J 1 S22'•: l1 l{A;\'(;/~ f'flA ~ r l'I !~ o·~.I\ 1 I r:~ II';,; ,\-.. w1,.11l l",,•:11 !>1r•" L.I li-1 1:11 ~-... .,11.,~~ LI t.-l ~t.>{! 1---. NEW I Like Your Most Comfertable·Sh6es 11 mUtlon c:oun. p&tlo 11.nd doubh! P"'I"•· I~.~ lenna. How about trying thia tor •ize ~ Ot coune you mWJl prefer e. Modem Style Home, Neat and Clf!an, Attractjve, Comf ortable, and on a Corner Lot in CORONA DEL MAR. THREE BEDROOMS -ONE AND ¥. BATHS - FORCED AfR HEATING -TWO ENCLOSED CF..MENTED PATIOS -STORAGE ROOM IN LAUNDRY -FIREPLACE -PLANTERS - GARBAGE DISPoSAL -VENT FAN -2 CAR GARAGE (Can build an apartment overt • -• ONE MlNUTE TO THE BAY THREE MINUTES TO THE COUNTRY CLUB . , . •nd CQAIPLETELY F"URNISl lED I f rom TV to Washer) LJS'!'Jo.;D E~~Cl-U:->1 V1':1. Y at $23,500 including title to lot. and furnished, with F. C. ANDRESEN, realtor 33·18 E. Coaat liwy., C. D. M. * * • * We l'xµcct this to sell in Janua ry, so leU muke an appointmt•nt Harbor 1540 A NEW LIDO ISLE LISTING • On 57 1 :..:' corn£"r uf Lido N ord • Three bedrooms • Dt'n • 'l'wo baths • • • • • . Built 1n SlO\"f' & O\en U1ah>A·auhcr &: lJ11:1po~I Built in BBQ H uge brick l'c1t10 F'u!l price $33.500 Thi~ ho mr pro\•1drs all the (•nvironment lvr another happy Lido fan11Jy. ANl> Also Another FIRST TIME Listing J l wo bedroorns, two bathe locat.l"d on Via Koro?i (street to str*l) roomy living room with provin- cial wall to wall carpeting a nd Iota of iriaide adjuat- a ble ahutters. This pleasant home can be your& for $26,500, term11. LIDO REALTY ASSOCJ.A TES JI arbor ~4·1,4 or 5024 COSTA MESA VALUES A REAL NICE home, 3 bedrma., 1 1:: bathfl, hwd , fl uo rs, fir furnace, tiled atAU HhO>A'trr, lge. l1 v1ng roon1, 2 car garage A CUSTOM BUI\_.T h11me for full pnc.-. of SM1J50 -Repeat $8950 BACK BAY LOT Only S6SOO and lt'rtnl4. l-1.ui 1KJme viC"w Md 18 on a paved street. 110R£ COSTA MESA \'ALUES F'or only $2500 down and $80.50 per rno. you too can enjoy life as a home owner. 3 Bdrml! .. 2 baths and I 1,:.: years old. F'. P, Only Sl 1,500, and we hitve the key. $1900 movee you into a 4 yr. old 2 Bdrm. and den home. Large lot, hwcl . firs., fireplace loo. First offer of $11 ,000. Phone U8 day or night. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa Blvd. Ha r. 5188 or Ha r . 1216-J LIDO ISLE Newly built 3 bedrm. 4 bath home. Large sunny rooms, patio, fllll d1n1ng room, built-in features in well planned kitchc·n, wall t o wall carpeting and adju11table in side shutt ers throughou t. , Full price $45.000 • THE VOGEL CO.-LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via l.1do, N pt Bch. Ev('H . l~I 8-5297 -LI Ha r. 4971 or Jllar. 4972 8-3040 -Har. 51 42 HERE A LOT BUYS A UTILE Little lot. that is-$5250 will grt you an R-2 lot near schools. churC'hf's and .s hops . $5500 will gel nn B.-2 in tl quiet block far fro1n the Hwy. ~950 will gel the lowC'sl prir<'d ll-2 lot irf Corona High- lands. They'll HO<-•n be gone, so H URRY ~ R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor R. 11 J--IODGE, Associate 3622 E _ C"oa.!'IL• H"'Y .. Corona del P.far Har. 2774 OPEN HOUSE Sund ay Jan. 22 l'v.·11 bdr1n., 2 Oath. ~laR.<> 1•nc loscd patio. lanai. CJ11 larg1· lot al - 224 Poin settia, Corona del Mar ---- LIDO NORD BAY FRONT ATTRACTl \'F: 1 story horne, h\•able And con\'en- • Here 11 a d.-..ay w1thL11 4 lSoor'9 ot the but Penlnltlla .wlmnUnac beach, permanent bay View trom Uv\njf ro<Hn. 3 bedfOOmt _ • . 1% bathl and a. 24x.J8 llvln& room. tlreplace, Small boe.t NM.ih, 2 ear r•ni.re. S&ti It be- t-Ore It I• too WI.tel Jl9,7W, low "- Pl:NINeULA DUPLEX with 3 bedl"JOml up an<! 2 ~nX.>1111 down. both apt.a. mc-.,1y rur- niahed. Lovely pl'-Openy ooly 7 yea,.. old. ~ <'Ol.r garag" 11.11/J laundry. Ttr-rir1c hOmf' with tn· com• ••• bl1lh n-nled. nuw. J21,~, ttr1n11. Spac!OUll Penlu .. ut,. hunl<' Wlth ! bedroom. and 11, bit.th.II. tin!· I flla.o-.• Ill lar11:.-h>'lf\K P"O•"lll •nd • cl&ndy value al 1 17.~ llJld u11Jy ~ UOwn. BALBOA l·I0!.1 t-.: ! Cl~ to Ubrury, N llY<.: , , . C)n Ana.de Slr"'"l 1t,.._. .. 11t!y 111•Hl- ern1ud 3 b•·d1<><1111 h ulllt Y.1lh 111.rge n1uJ"'1 11 l•o1n1t ""'"" f1r1'- plai.:O!, be•ut1IL.1! k it• h.-u Y.'llh r upt,.,.rcts J;Hl••I • l~·•111 n .. ,.i a r! d Ul ~I l•·11.i1,I , •ot•tl1\1µn 111.:.00. l··~•n & ("lrui.• tn r){"ea11 111 !\'"'1p .. r1 1-"'"' l1Jl y,•1 th n ur I ·•I•••'"' all \Jl'\1t~ Sw··JJ !<"Hf.kl I'" 1~·1!\ .. ,.,.j u ll "ni...u "'-"' ~in• h1•11.t1d)' 1nc<>me 116 ~1w1, 1. 111.1 Balboa Realty Co. Oppo&itt• R·u I\ ,r An.,,,,,. ltt"'" <:• .. ii•·> 1-:.1 r ,... 1 ,\j \ ·urn<'llUll J., ... ·1·l11nt \\. hb 7111-1 I': l\>o U»'"' 1•1"1 1-1 .. 1r .. ,,. t•none u,., t'"' J 777 e Announc ing!! .I I "The Pa cific " MOl)f>::L HOM!!: • • OPl-:N • • Slllurd11.y -Sunday 1 to ~ p. n1 . Harbor Island Road I • 3 boe(lr11(t OI• • 3 l>alh>1 • Shake rnor e H.11.!IO!<.I n>11<,tvn .. t11 .. 1Jl••e • Lanai d1nln,t "'"" e Lot 9IZ.O 6."> 11-119 • HO!llUtlful pan .. hn(( • l.A rge •unn)' 111111 .. j • 2 Fv rr <>ol 1ur t urn~<""" ,;orbu.i;ir d1~pollAI, \\',.•t1n1thOll•h• 11 l t II 1 WllJ!hf"r • Sep•ral f iorr\'I<',. r rNltn • Fin .. r 11lun"r 11u1t><llH'1"n" e B uilt In .,J,.1·trl! Jtlul'f" Jl fld .,,.,.rl • Delightfully .i .. ,..,11111 ... 1 • F.x~n"i'"'ly lA n<1111·11;,,..,J • Reftlrtl·teo1 111·.-11. l'l<"vtlo~I 13\" Chtren('f! I.. L:ob1><:1 lnr Buill By .John A rtt11k. Q u1o1JHy B'l111,1e-r f'nr prt'Vll'W fth uwl111o: tu q1u1.ltfh•ll r llenta other built by LLOYD C. HOWARD. A Home of Quality & Charm l~ "G" Sl., BALBOA Lge. Jiving room with ooeAn view, 3 •pacious bedrmt1., 2 bath&, FA heat, WW carpeting, full 1Ji.ze dining room, nice kitchen with garbage disp. & a lovely encl. patio with BBQ. $26,500. Terms. Channel Front Duplex NOT ~fANY left and thiil one i1' on 82 ft. of water~ front with pier & noat. A rose g&rden for privacy. t er rific \'iew: 141¥1 BEST Ofi" A.LL a low price or .$26.500 with ca11y tenns. Wc-have the key and >A'11l be happy to show you through. Income Properties TWO STORE.~ & 5 1:1pts. on Coast Hwy. each with view. \Yalk t•) beach. \YiJJ lihow 12'{ net on a.sk - ing µru:e Only S 15.QOO down will handle RLTS JNES~ BUJI.IJINI: l'lilr•·-lrN>. wi th net of 10',. l,t•asr . ..J to 6 g ood t 1'nH11 t~ l~·~t !<)('lltion on Coast, A 0-J ron<o.t rucllnn. ~tr•·S.'l•·d f111· :!nd flM r SI 10,000, JACK BRENNAN, Realtor and ASSOC1 A1"!-;.-; 33'..!(J \\' (:nai.t tJ"'Y L i berty 8-7773 1\1 11 11 ,\r1 t1o·i." CORONA DEL MAR 1''1lU ;-;,\I.I-'. l ilt 'J'J{:\I •!-' l/,L1· ~ti: d1 ·11 h .. n11 1n lr \111> "f•1 1,01• 11"11•'t 11.1ll \1;,d" SJ 11100 '1p111' 1•111:-. '·'"'h 1.,, ,i .. 1,,,. 'I .. 1 n·l'·r" ,\ ! ,:-;() .-..: .. 1\' hun11• u/ '.! fin.._• bdr111~. :! llu t!1& <·••l1\l'l'\1b! .. dt•n and +. Mth, beaut iful li1·1 ni.; r rH11:1, 111Pd f 1r1 rl. p1lnelcd wall. t!1n rn1 •'Xtr:1 i•!t•a .1 11: 1.,11 '"11·11 iu;h Y.'OOd,,..·nrk. Rkfst n rrorn fJfJt 11~ ti1 1•:1:11• IHi rj,,, M UR , largt' !'l•·r \'\C'P ptir'ch ~l ain r n1 1111i; bt•<t.u ' '1ol!v t drfH-•l•·J and all Jrapo.:11 1·~ ;i111 I •J.rp1·t::i 1n1.I s.-,0111 1 1·lUih may l:>•·eur~· pus!jt•,.,:;1••n \+1 ~ual 1 f1l'rl h11~'""1 ONE OF THE FEW BA YFRONTS l,arf!r· h "fTII' of~ ma:;tc·r sur!••i; 1111.t bath~. 2 guo •s! Rll.'.-! .ind balh llig-h ,-P1l1ng l .1\' 1<11 1111 <•f><.·r1s 1,, lg1 Jll'l\•~J tcrraC'f" \\',·It nrrani;1"I k 1!1 hr-11. bi·!<lst r n •Ill and l11n1nK r•K1n1 F'A fft.,1! l'lu.'1 a dl·lusP 2 Ii t lll t . 3 rar g:ar ()"·n··r "ill • u !t!i1.f•·r npl t1r Ull'Ofll•· J!ro- J)('rty 111 L1\ 11r \'itllc~ fvr $50,noo 1"JU11.\-' C:1tll Lou 13oynton lia r 3291 or 1-lar 1775 E \'f'll lt1r :.:~?" EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor ll.ays1dP Drivt ;ind c.·onst lligh11,:ay Look Here, People! SHORECLIFF'S l,Q\.ELJ EST ! WATF:RP"llONT ~ (•1111 John AIM-JI L.argt' lot, finest landscap- ing. 2 bdrnis.-& den. guest 3 BedrQOms, 2 baths: P ier & • Rllp -Boat inr!udcd tn thif> llnlboa Cnvet1 beet buy al HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. REALTORS Harbor 11100 Jl:ven1nga phone LI A-:'1:186 Costa Mesa Duplex T\\'O 1 BfJH1'1 ap1u·tn1enl11-, hil.,."I flnorft. cornrr lot <\11 ~:a..~T l"'itli' Total pnre $1 i ,l'JOO .,..1th IP "~I l<'rm11 Balboa Dupl ex Fl "HNISH l•:n J '"''' ll<"•lr1n lllld 1 one bednn . 2 r l!.r g ia1·111o1 ... Jd111 renllll Hre11 1.r;()l)l1 •l<J-...11 y,•111 ••fll\fll(' AIA'>O TY.'() (;()()fl (')(";.:A:\' l'"RONT LOTS l!:i:'J{)() EA('H Coast Properties 1101 ~: n11n.....,. Ulvrl. Balbrua ll11 rbor 2fl~li 2:'1A7 and 46(10 Corona !Panoramic ------· Highlands Ocean View I l:Jti'l!\'"1 1 !\'"E\\' ()uµlex, <leluxe C(tn- 1 :.:ru• lH•n In ru11-t1c inod .. r n. Se .. lh<'ll-f' 2 li<>aut twu bdrrn hou1 .. l'! lully t":t I IH'I• 11, hHVfO .. ll!'<"ll ·~· ov<'nft ~nd .:rill• 8 1on" I•• 1·r1I• <11,6 f1rPpl11r,,., l lJlf"n inr lll~!""f- 11"" i 7ij 1'1l•rnlnli L'11 nynn R w1t<I 1411 3;12.J . t.l ~'fi (h I Acr!ON !\'t>;~~DED ro own bt'auti I l ul Bark llll v \.'\'~!l'r \'u•t• rr- 11-ln<'lf'tl hom,.~11" U1 1y on 1!'11.•Y \Prmt -Only 2 J1\'8\lt1hJ,. OR.ANGE COA&T PROPP:HTIES 111-~7 Jll'f'Wpot l, ('011-111 M,.11• I rm. & bath. g0rgeou11 panelling. W. to \\'. viscofl1• drllf>f•s. unmatche<l v1('w of ocean & canyon. If yQu sel'. you'll buy! S36,000 LIDO BA \'FRONT RARITY A charming 4 bdrm .. 3 bath home, pier &. slip, all in first clal:IS condition. 'v'cry pn?t ty patlo entry and one of the c hoicesl locationa on Lido. KILLION, real estate 3341 Newport Blvd. Harbor 550.5 BACK BAY VIEW HOME On half at:re, 3 large bdrm.11 ., 1~ baths, upet.airs b11r-eil ting nn. Large cloaet•. fine cabinet.a, over- size gar. !radio controlled) Redwood fence, flag- stone patio, landscaped. All electric kitchen, •uDk· t·n fireplace & many other featuree. · $29,000 Te rm1J. LI 8-2036 for appoin'tment OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, JAN. 22 By owner, 2216 Tustin A ve. COURTESY lo BROKERS 60p62 $950 DOWN 3 bedrm. l ~,, ba~h. Lhcnn_ heal, ba.r kitchen, dining room, fireplace, patio .,.,,ilh BBQ, dbl gar. Owner transferred -Mua:t •ell. Close to Bay and Ocean 2 bed.rm. plu• deo home on 2 lot.. Cof'IW!r' location, charming nut1c styl\? with fireplace -double car- age. fi"IAJ price only $18.500 furnlahed. Terms. .._!OSBORNE -FORTON , Rea lty Co. INCOME UNITS - ---NEWPORT-MESA REALTY I!\" ll\.,;.:r:I{ BA CK BAV ARF.A if'nl. Thret' bf-Urm~ .. ~ b:&ths, matd'" room and bath. Li 8-111.12 F: .. en1n g'1 LI .11-1400 , 2823 W. Coe.al H wy_ fat Port Orlngt•I Newport ~h LJ 8·7662 HAr 515'4 t°''t':!I 14!.t.:.t'() t.-.. u~ l C'ar1•Plt4. th'llP"" an<I ap 11h,11nc~ 1nclud('<i EXTHA !...ARCE 1..0T 1799 Newport Blvd ., Co.ta Me.ca l~•1'l ~ ii."i HJ•ru l'h•·• • JJ 8 J7l9 •l•rb<,1 -:;3111 141 8-5508 Evea LI 8-7237 ~'""1""1 H!~ nr1r f.'.l.,n•c1'l•1 ~ • lk ~ I ~ ~ ltr.. •'-',Jt l..;. 11.cb<ir l ~!>-\V Ur H.y•n 16029 H llth S..hnol JJ 11.~.1.~ :'l~p-;: j I ,, VUf'. --------- ----------------------------------..+!'.--' ,., ·-• \ . ... _ .. a .,..., •• a...,_ • I • BLA1'Cllll A. OA TD, llMllM M ! .ROA lllLAJm MOOG & .. lll:AL BUT. Attr. tum. ...._ "-. Llrp UY. ra.. -_.., din. -. 2 ~ ---· 1 l>ath. Patio. Oarqe. $19,l500. Pdu J'IRlf .. •10,000 will handle Ihle io..ly 4 B. R. ~ botlla-PLUS boauL 1 B. R. apt. tum. PLUS (UC room 6 both. .Diii. pnae. Choice property. O>oioe loc:a.Uon. BAY SHORES -..1. 4 B. R. 2 bL b.,.,._ $23,7:i0 tor QtnCK fl.A.I .It TfD8 18 A .MUST TO SEE! BLANCHE A. GA TES, Realtor ME¥BEl\8 or MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Ji.arUM Ave., Ba.Ibo& lala.nd-Ph. Har. 1671 or 1072 ANNOUNCI NG OUR NEW NAME MESA-HARBOR REAL TY I< AS80ClA TES 009 Cttter St .. Cotta Mesa (OPIX*ite new U. S. Bank) LI 8-<1911 I< LI 8-7784 Connerly HOUSTON REA L TY Same location, Sa.me penonnel Our a.u.n i.m to give you !!'-"!. btat aendce in lhe Real Eatate Field lhniout the Ha.tbor area. MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING Th is Week's Specials DUPLEX lNOOM.E -An .exc. inveetmenl. Below replacement C08l . Over 17,000 eq. rt., plUJI divided garages. Sewerw in &. pd. Only 8 mo. old, near center or town, 11h op & tranap. ~U tile bathii & kitcben11, large nne. A rea.l value at $1~.~ LOTS & ACREAGE 60 x 101' R-1 $ 3,350 66 x ~ R-1 $ 3 .9~ 86 x 47~ M-1 $12.500 6 A cres County $ 6,500 per acre $7,500-2 B. R. only 2 1;-1 yr. old. Nice clean home, clo8e in. Large yd. enclosed with blk. wall OnJ y $2:iOO dn. G . C. SEYM OU R-Realtor-Owner Eve ph . Har. 5298-W A. C. !TONY) PETITTE -Auoeia~ L.I 8-6498 FLOYD W. LYTLE -AA80Ciate LI S.2M2 BILL'S BEST BUYS EAST SIDE BUILDING SITE Nice residential diatrict, clo&e to grammar 6: Paro- chial schools. All Improvement.a tn, partially fenced. One of the la.et lot.JI available $31~- YOUR CHOICE Cf ei ther of theae homes at $500 down, Three bed- rooms, 11 ~ bath, new curbed I: paved atreeta, 111ewers, both less than l year old. Some furniture included. F. P. $10,000 each. 4 BEDROOMS - Only 2 yea.rs old -owner leaving atate. Wall to wa ll carpet. cur yard enclosed with grapMt&.ke fen ce. Nicely l&ndacaped. Immediate poqeulon. Asking SI 1,950. Hu $8300 -FHA Loan with payment $70 per month inc. l.axea and ln.eur&nce. -" BE.'\UTI FUL, BACK BAY , , Spacious three bed-room and den, bard.wood noon, wall t o wall carpet in L. R .. dining room Ir den. Large aervice porch adjoining, completely built- in kitchen make thia: a boU9eWi.fe'1 dream-Let WI ahow you the many other fine fee.turea not mentioned lo lhia ad. Full price $23.500 with only $0000 down W. A TOBIAS , Realtor ll:XCLUSIVE AGENT "you'll li ke our fri~dly aervice" 4:00 E . 17th St .. Coat.a Mesa Wberty S.1139 VOGEL VALUES AT BALBOA ISLAND Delightful bay front home with fine beach. t bdnna .. 3 bathli, with apacioUI living room 41: muter bedroom. Plua furniahed aunny le roomy 1 bdrm. apt. over pn.ge. Good income. PriCe $60,000, t.erma. FlRSI' TDO OJTlillU:D by oat • of • town .......,.. Delua 8 .,.it a pL lDOtol complolely funliobod. Grou income $12,000 per year. Owner will t.U:e hom~ or income property u down payment. THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine A. ve., Balboa llland Next door to the Poet Office Har. 04 -Har. 1229-R Har. 4248-R OPEN HOUSE Saturday A Sunday 10 to 5 p. m. 203 Op.I. Balboa-1.al&nd ~000 \ TWO BDRMS. l * ~tha, P,..... N•ar South Bay $111,700 DELUXE Lido Bay front, 4 bcjrm., 3 bat.ha. Pier and float $e8,l500 DORIS BRAY, Realtor 215 Marina Ave., BaJboo laland. Har. 20 or Har. 64 . . ~.. ,.,._ -----· .. ......---. -~ ... --·-....... • . ' . . .!•!:=·~-~-!Z!!!'!*!._ ___ .!•!:::•!•!!!_I l:!!!!l!I!._,..... __ J!G~!!!W!!aol!!J!E!!!*!!! .. !!... ___ J!IZ!!=!!!•eo!!lll!'_~-~ .. !!...----JNEWPORT HARIOR NEW$-l'RESS -PART 11 • ~A&E 7. '. · • FaJDA Y. JN4UAAY. 20, 195' p . a . p al m e r i n c 0 r p' 0 r a f e d developers of Udo Isle Compare! Start Uving! Beautlf1al Lido Ille b_orM, a rtlo!lc•lly Jandl!Caped on V""1 ebolco alt.e. Gradoua llvlDc room and aopa- rale cllnloe room, lanai with olldlag II-· _.._ to patio for Indoor-outdoor lhin.g. 3 ~ and 2 bolba. Thlo lo a lovely YMr round i.oa., and only No finer metting for rul fa.m.lly UYing im available than 1G ~ i bed.rm. an.a Gen l)ome on t.Jdo I.Ile. Such feoturoo .. 3 batha, dlali ...... er. dlopooal, lovoly <arpltJnc and clrapeo, and 2 flree!&<• mor. than jutJty the pr1 .. ot ·sae.llllll. l'or detalll, $32,l500 with uaaJI clown paym•t. call BID Fa..ruwort.h. Once in A Blue Moon • Ringside Seat a lucky buyer beoettta from. the ma.oy S $ S S an owner baa jUll •pent for new f~turea. Suc.b I. the cue in µii. alma.t. new home. Tbermad.or oven and range, wall.to-wall carpelfn1-. ~I glau doora to patio from both d.inlng· areMand bedroom. Nicely furnlabed-you can move right in. $32..950. Term.a. to •ll the ezclteme:nt and a.etl'rity in the Hatbor area, Unu.oual !Joo. plan lncludel 3 bednD. S baths. Owner aay1 "SELL! .. at $40,000, which "9 way below nplacement coat. NOT LEASEHOLD ! ' CalJ Oavict.on Osburn Lido North Bayfront Balboa Island for Pasadena Pick out the best, me>11t deai..rable meet.ion, and then pick out t.l),e beat looking houM: you can fi nd. Then come in and aee ua-we have the key. Let's trade. Love1y i bcdrm. home on B&Jboa b - land, Ia.rce and completely furnJ.hed by a decorator. Even hu a rumpus room with a bidden bar tor thoae 1ummer parties. Owner will trade for PaB&- All above homee listed exclualvely with WI. F or theee a.bd others, come to HEADQUARTERS. dent, A.ltadena, or Palm Springe property. Price $32,MO Call Joe Kincaid. p. a. pa lme r, inco rpo rated ola hanson co., sales rn ona gement 3333 via Hdo, harbor 1000 p. a. pal mer, incorpo rated ole ha nson co., sales mana gement 1700 w. coa.st bjgbway liberty s.-:l:S73 B/B First Time Liste d }.nd Vt'e Ch..Uenct. You to Beat 1"'hl& Buy! lmm~ulat1, modern duplu Oil a lar11 bu.ullfuUy l•nd.-caped lo• _tu.t 2 blocll..I f rom ahopp1nl" •·enter Ill Coat& Mt.se.'• flne1t !:Ut.k:M k>u.Uon. Hdwd. rlool"9. rott~ •H' hMt-ru.IJy a D&- LUX.1!: INCOM".E UNIT. Jl'\rll Pr1ce $18,000. with JU•l $0,000 ,~. Cliff Haven s.ldom caa ... on.-tar the mGb· ey u !\ft• a houM; In u uc.I· le.'ll a n•l1hborhood u WU. 3 bdrm. ti.ome wtth uM'd brick v v Best Buys Corona del Mar 1. SHORECl.JFFS, large 2 bed.rm. 2 bath home separate di ning room, covered patio, hardwood firs., fenced yard. A BARGAIN at $29,950. See thiA today! EXCLllSJVE with ua. 2. SHORECLJFFS, J ust li!!!ted, 3 B. R. b ome plus sma.U den, 2 baths, carpeted WW, built · in atove, garb. disposal, encl. A paved patio. Belt.er HURRY on this one ~ Only S~.500 3. CORONA HIGHLANDS. ocean view, 2 BR. le den, . 2 baths. Paved &: fence<\.patio & yl.J'd. A GOOD BUY at $28,000 4.. DUPLEX. 1 bedrm. each, one unit" fw-n. complete, corner lot &. only $17,&IO. Low down payment will handle. rirepla.ce, thermo. cont.roll-.:! unll heal. hdwd. 0 001"'9 with 5. w;w carpeting In llvlng l"OOlll which Open.I onlo a cover-ed patio and beautitully la.ndacap· DUPLEX : 2 B R. each, corner lot. Both have firepl.a.ce11 , hwd. fira. & aeparate dinette. A BARGAIN at $22,500 ~ feneed. b&ek yard . • . All 6 UW1 a.nd more tor ju.al $17.:IOO. · wH.h a 0 I f.% loan. An Cllclu-al•• W• ,. .... proud at! Bay Shores ror u.. l&rJ• ~ 2.aoo -i-n.. tour bdrma. &Dd ~ plu. -.ep&r· ate m.IJQ quarters. Hug• m.ae- te.-bedr'oom w1th nreplac<1. •it.:'>00. WW exchulp for --.!· l.w 3 bdrm. or nca.llL Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 187~ Harbor Boule:vard C.O.l4 Maa., C&llforula LI 1-Tilf. r.U. U I-JIM Speculation We UUnk thle property to be a nn.e lA.,...llneat. T'w'o nk e tur· nlahed un!U br1n&1J11 l lS6.00 per mo. Mld. roQIJ1 to build mare on lh• nne comer lot. Excel· Jent condition, elx y_,... old, cloM In. Tol.IJ price 110.600 'lanne. Harbor Blvd. Lot 8lzty foot. ~-lot on c~ In Harbor Blvd. Lot.I like lhll an acerce better tee lhl• NOW. $895 Down Lon.ti" lhrM b«lroom 1tueeo Juat FIRST TIME OFFERED. I.mme.culate 2 BR. home plua nunpua room, hwd. fln ., garb. disposal. A bargain at $13.~ -$3000 down will handle. Exclusive with u.. Don't wait - SEE TIUS TODAY ! MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTINGS. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McctnSTION, Realtor 3447 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar Har. 47 (Office located next door to Corona d_el Mar Bank) BALBOA ISLAND DO YOU DEMAND PLENTY FOR YOUR MONEY"! Then aee tbi8 3-bdrm. com pl. furn. home. Near shopping and bay. Full price $22,500 wilb terms it de.aired. WE DOOD IT AGAIN ! Ju.at listed wonderful 2 unit property, very cloae to So, Bay. Practically new and in xln't cond. A money-mak~r ! $26,000 GOOD TERMS TOO ! EXCLUSIVE BEACON BAY Truly a home of DiatinctJon ! Thia 4-bdrm. home i.. spa.cioua and charming. Lota ot...3hutlen, for- mica kitchen, dlabwa.shtr, · many more extra.a. YOU'LL LOVE lT? $40,000 OWNER SAYS SELL? ~'.!'~.::::...:.=. '"!= NELDA GIBSON , Realtor n:s.tun.1 In bath, V bllnd•. land· 306 Muine Ave., Balboa lAland Har. 502 or 4623 .caped etc. caa .,. Mndlert ~th ---------------------.-a down Uld payment.II Uke -c B. A. NERESON 1182 Newport BlTd .• Coeta M- U:berty 8·1372 l!:vu.. LI 8-41:10 lJberty 8·Ml3 Ut>.rt7 8-3127 Bay Shores 1112 Clrcle l)rifti ()pm. Dally -l ... :JO NOW PRICllD TO SltLL I bdrm .. 14 balll. trpl. .• r . A. b.,,L, all elec". kitchen. 8pacloua p&Uo -built ln BBQ. Overs! .. .......... l'tzlel"OU.I slorllolL RALPH P. MASKEY R&ALTOfl Af.11 N.wport Blvd .. Npt. Bch.. B&cbor 402 IU.JmOft BLVD. l&f. z no. nu. ~ •'-can be tioupt ~ ,_ IL LD8 than ~ pe....,....U.. an bit.eel tor. Olt4NOI: OOil'T PROPl:RTtD lll'f K..-p:rt. ea.ta X.. LJ 1-llU -...mp LI l-lf.00 SEE YOUR BROKER uauno: tw q"1dt .-Jori : VMw locaUoll, Oi:m:ma dill Mar. 2 BR.. l % ~u.., cbarm. OOfT1• tort. PrlTMJ phMI lnunlldl&te OO:Vpulq'. Drh• b)' TSO Poppy ~ oall ,_,. ~. Reduced from l ll.300 t.o Jlt.IOO. OOod t--.. 67df BALBOA ISLAND • Heavy Shake roof and diamond suh. • Kitchen -the heart of the home, with used brick and every built-in convenience. • Living room ot extra 8ize, wonderful fireplace, beautifully panelled, and gla.as doors to lhe patio. • 2 bedroom.a With ample cloaet and 1torage space. • Carpeta and drapea of quality tbru-out .. Looking for a home perfect in every detail? Make a.n a ppointment with ua to see thia one. Wl4. w . STANLEY SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD Park Ave. at Marine, Balboa Island Harbor 2462 CpROtl!A DEL MAR 2 Bedroom home -South of hwy. on a 45" R·l lot , clOBe to etoru. Hardwood. floors. flagstone patio, BBQ, fenced. Apartment over garage for maida qt.rs. or gueeta. IA.th bouee, out.aide ahwr., in rear of beautiful ahaded back yard. Below replacement. EXCLU~E. LOTS W t: can otftt you the choicest of the few remain- ing level lotll .UU anilable. SEE RAY REALTY CO. 344< E. Cout Hlgbway .. C. D. M. -Harbor 2288 (A~ Crom Bank in Corona de1 M.a.r) J GOOD OLD LIDO ISLE! 1 ! THE ONl.Y SPOT ON EARTH thal ra n ron1~te wl\JI Hea\"f'n A l•r&e home <>"' • llLr&e tot aboul 3 y .. ara old, 3 bath.1 . 2 hui:;e bedroonu A den. Wall to ,,.·,JJ <;.AtpeUng-. un1y 129,MO But why lal"k 11t ... 1ut 11 when ynu {'a n ·~ lt • • • NOT ANO THER ONE LIKE IT ANYWHERE- A RJCOAL H OMJC On Lile Ba..lbo• Pml!Ulula. 3 bedroorru A huce den. Very larce ll vinl". d ining room and kltcln1n wllh b~tut area. lleavy I.hake roof. y,·alled In pa.ti-0. 3 car rar&l"e and a brea lh·taklnr view of the Bay and Ocean. Underprl c td at 1•9.&00. Owner wtll con•lder good vacant proptrty ror down pa.ynienl • • • A HONEY FOR A UTILE MONEY! ! ! l..1;88 nv.N 2 YEARS Ot..0.- 4 bedrooms, 2 ti.lh4, brick paUo. A doc:tor'• homa, weU kept. Only l lK>O down-Full prlc. 111,MX>. • • • OCEAN FRONT 2 STOR'!' APT.- YOU'U.. PINCH YOURSELF to 1ee l! you are awa.ke when you -IL Own•r NoYI lt'1 t ~ old. One apt. hu 2 bedroom. 6 2 ballu, one hw 2 bedroom• It J batl1. two a.pl.I. ha.,,. one be'1· room It 1 baUi ..ch. llicely turoUihed, J21.M>O. reuonable caah down Or owntr will take &nod 1 ll tl\Yt deed u down payment. . ··~ . NEWPORT HE IGHTS- OWNER SAYS "811:1..L."' Pr1ce cul Crom 111.700 to $10,000 on thla complete.ly furn1ahed 2 bedroom home wtU. 2-car ran&"• on a eJ • 123 'corner. Steel fenced. Submit down. • • • YOU 'LL NEYER KNOW WHY-. A.N R-3 -50 P"l'. LC7l' IO ft. d"P 11 a rare bara&in at $38,000 until you aee IL It'• on Udo Bay Front. Seven l1land1 Re alty & lnvealme nt Co. &01 32nd St .• Newport Beach, C.Ut. Hu. 6868, ..tter 6 p.m. Rs. 2:193-J COSTA MESA BEST BUY 150 ,;:. 830 ON PL.ACllNTIA. nm pvctl -.:iutll ot ~ Baaket. Thi• mu.t be 90k1 Mthln 2 weeka. J'\111 Pf1C• 111,GOQ, "ART" ADAIR, Rltr. l66e Newport Blvd., c.o.t.a M- l.I 8-3792 or U 8-6688 LI 8-&Me ETM. "°"'' YOU CAN OWN brand new I bedmt. WU.h 2 full ba.t.h&, In- t ercom myst.em, wide fro•!.-. ... land.caped lot for jl'lat $U:.800. Good terma. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1857 Newport. Coit. Ke• 1.J 8-1832 Evening• U S-1400 FOR SALE b7 o~er-3 ~. hotae. Npt. Hta., dln1n1 rm,. fir•pl~ tnm.nr... dl.tp089J. dbl. iarage. 4 % 0 I loan. WW tak~ 2nd. Full price $1.UOO, ~2' Redl.a.nda. L1 8-f.1 40. ~ LOT8 P'OR 8.A.LE by owner _,. th• hip .chool. 076 foot front• ..,.. lt'r..-ythlnc la and flllilr1 e- ted. ~ rood iooa.Uon. ruu rirl«> Jf.WO. c.an Llb.rty 1-1161 .... , ..... -a ......... -.. 'We're Momg ' to Irvine Terrace" Driv• In today and -tqw ,_IOI! tloa -otrt- llW>dlns fu.t-·Gt -....-lllo -Wllty. Mon and mOre Harbor area f•mDIM are ~ theee eiqulaite bomq -notin1 the.tr oomtort. oon- ve.nience and central location. More and more famm-who snf• a home ln a ,.... 1ltrieted quality eommunity . .,.. morin&' Into their Irvine TelTace homes. Inspect the model h o!I!es, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert Irvine Terrace le located on Coast Ellgbway oppoidte the cew Irvine Cout C.ountry Club. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4-448 For Further Information * For Recommendation, we refer JOU lo &1Q'm111 wbo holdt a Leuehold lilrtate tn lntne Tai w, Beacon Bay, Bay Shorea and Citt Kawa VOGEL VALUES -COSTA MESA * * * * * In come on Yo ur Own Lot! Lcl Ufl a.rn.cge for building a duplex or trlplez oa your lot. $300 do\\'lL Back Bay View Modern 2 br. 2 bath home with &'ood bay and mountain view. Radiant hea.Un& th.roqhout in handmade Mexican tile floor. An art.l.l:t.lc.al11, beautifuJ home, Price $32,!SOO 3 Bedroom Home Fonniu kitchen, 12 x. 16 living room. Fully land- scaped fronl and rear. Rear yard completely fenced. l year old home on good atreet cloee to grade school. $2500 down with $57 mo. payments. THE ·VOGEL COMPANY 1700 Newport Blvd. Phone Llberty 8-~97 Co.ta v ... Eveninga Liberty 8-7'-57 ------------------- SHORE CLIFF SPECIAL Fourtiedrooma 1% both pl'!" addltioml I> bath, built in stove. Birch kitchen, Iota of tD& and many other ext ru. Located on large lot and nicely land- ecaped, with a very livable tloar plan for family living. Mu.at aee OU. home to appreciate. 345 Evening Ca.oyon OPEN HOUSE SAT. lo SUN. BACK BAY AREA Another FISHER built home ready tor that buyer who want. a custom built home for a b-act home price. 3 bedroolllll, bath A-%. H. W. floor, forced air, sliding glass doors onto the patio. UNd brick fireplace, plua out.aide planter and m.a.ny olher fine f1&turee. OPEN DAILY 348 lollra Loma. W. E. FISHER & Associates 3024 E. Coa.st Hwy., Corona de1 Mar HAR.. GOa2 B/ B VIEW! BAY A VENUE EXCLUSIVE 2 B. R. & Den-1 * Batha. Large Flaptone Patio, Walled for privacy. Garage 1lreued for apartment. Nice view ot bay from Jiving room. Shown bY. appointment only -$2$,000 OCEANFRONT EXCLUSIVE Seuhore Colony, corner lot -R-2. 2 B. R. beach cottage fumiahecL Room for another unit. $3.000 du. -hll price $18,000 BAY AND BEACH REALTY, INC. 14.~ W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor UM BUILD NOW ... MONEY AVAILABLE We can build for you a two-bedroom or 3 bedrm. home for $4.60 Square Foot. HJO °/. Financing· 937 Square Foot Home $4295 1155 Square Foot Hom-$5295 Atlf.ched 10 x 20 garage. ·-----$.29C5 We are buildin1 oo Walla.ce, Bay, and Avocado Sta. Starting ahortly on 18th A 20tb Sta. Call or Phone for lnfonnt.tkm .•• OPEN SUNDAY AFTERNOONS 6 Wll!1!:K DAD SCOTCH ~ONSTRUCTION of Garden Grove, Inc. 1100. w ... r0...., Blvd.. ~a...... La I \ ' I • " ' ' . - • • • .. • ' . . • ' -• ' ' ~-at Nome FrOm ·rau(loca/New Car Dealer . ;, .. \ " . • • . K-ar-llor1'c1I .. 171 '';~ 65 llearly New Cars I -at \ " . I 195~ Oh .... V-8 _ ..... $2395 ... ~~0,..1 ...... ..-.-....... ____ ..,..,_ WHOLESALE PRICES 1955 Mere. M'cleir $2695 1954 Chev. 2 dt. .-.. $1195 ( ..,... pewer. a..11, 11an:.. waw. , ................. ...,,.._ _ &-H- \195i C.4. Cpe. ·-· S24t5 n.v...,,_.. ............ .u--.a.-e j955 Chev. Sta. wg. $2195 1952 Pontiac .............. $ 795 .... 1'4 tJ& ...... WSW U... . ' &.R -('&II ..,¥tac" Overdrtv-. 8o&d -& wft()ed ..,. ... : OMer&a. db &-di. Mid.. JL..H, Uy.,_, Lake M:W Q ...... out. ,.1955 ~ .. ; Bel Air $2095 '\ ' ...... ....._ G9ilio. a.11. wew If .. Quo a-.... 1952 Cadille,i: ......... $16'5 Fleetwood •-4r. H-B. HJdJ11., WB"'. nM .. U::88 u... ............ : 195 1 Nosh Rambler $ 495 Convertiba-K-H- '1953 Ced. 62 ....... _ $2595 ............ ..._,WU-. g..H, H:rdn WSW ..... ..._ .. .__ K&hltJ Mita. 1954 Plym . Sta. w9 . $1295 fl"l 'LLY P".Ql 'lPl"P.:D 195 3 Ford Custom . $ 845 Overdrive.. 1951 Chrysler . $ 665, \\'htdMf fl&ffllop <'Off\ .. r'llblP. K-H -Auto. d rt, ... 1954 Olds Super 88 $2395 ' " 1 0 5 ,... ftlll pMl'flr, JL-H, a.,4n- I *'-' -W8W u,__ l&-11.. ()y9"iriv., -,..U.l ! f"erteet --*•kM-llJ': 19~9 Chev. St•. w9. $ 595 K-11 -ALI. Mt;TA I- A ba.rd-11>-flnd-model ! ' 1954 Ford V-8 Cu ... $1945 ac.. .,.._ rwr . .._, A 1tra.1r.-Fordo. .... -waw '*"----. 1 ...,_,., 1953 Old, Holiday ... $1895 CcH.IP""-K-H. Hydra. l'ow.,r l!i-t a: bn.k,.. -\.lo'S \.\'. 1950 Plym. Dix ....... S 295 •-4r . ,_.__ ""wu i r-qulp1......i MeeDaQ.Jra.llj l'r.rf~t . We have OYer 15 used Pick-ups to choose from le Q•ick ~ Take Your Pick MILLER CHEVROLET CO. 1000 w. c-Hwy. Uberty 1-2261 Across from lay Club . ' Oldsmobile Chevrolet ·. MILLER'S KAR KORRAL 700 W. C1wt Hl .. ••t Uberty 8°2258 Newport leach JOHNSON & SON LINOOLN ·MERCURY · OONTINENTAL GO ALL OUT TO !:STABLISll THEMSELVES AS THE \ La .. est Volume L. M. C. -·~ Dealer in Orange County TO DO THIS JOHNSON & SON ARE "DEALING LONG ...... LONG DEALING .....__ ~ . . . . . ,You no longer need to drive out of town to get that long de•I ~HNSON & SON WILL SAVE YOU MONEY ON Brancl New 1956 Mercurys As Law As •259911 Plus Sales Tax & UcenH This price lncladft the follow ln9 acceuorles 1 ........ --l. H-A Delrooler 4. MercomaUe Tn.nA. 5. Tum Slpals · 1. Blue Coral Glaze ff. Suk-Up Light.A 9. Cigar Lighter & Dllted Olo• 6. Under &al JOHNSON & SON U.C•-MercS.,-.Cont"'•ntal Sales & Service 900 W. C-t Hwy. "More Car for Yaw MoMy Ut.ty 1-5545 More Moaey for Yow Car" tl•wpart leach Open EveninCJS ' N...,..rt Harbor Chamber of Commerce . CO.t.ST ~- • .. • ••••••• Dodt ·b• •STOBB up• by a car that breaks down! Our Selectlow " TO'PS Our Prices -LOW Our Tenns are E-Z DON'T BUY UNTIL YOU SEE US AT •••••••• 9IT" ~ IFOllD DIAi D STATION WAGON HEADQUARTERS . ·~ J'ORD VS n.nch wagon, R-R, adr. . 11096 '53 F'ORD 4-dr. Country Squ1re, R·H $1595 '53 FORD VS rnh. wgn., H. Fordo, blLUt $149.~ '52 F'OH.D -1 -d r. Cptry. Sq , R·H. Fordo SI~ ·~ FORD 6 ranch wagon. Fonlo ·-· ........... $11'4.5 '5-1 CHEVROLET 4-dr. v•agon, R·U. PG $179.'l ·~ FORD V8 ranch wagon, O'dr., R-H .. SI 1'95 'M FORD 4-dr. country oed&n, O'dr. --.•. $1!95 '53 FO RD VB ranch wag•Jn. R·li , Q'dr Sl-195 '53 FORD 4-dr. entry. ~ .• R·H, Fordo SI 7-lS THEODORE ROBINS ...,.., Fard Dealer Since 1921" 3100 W. Coast Hi411iway an Mariner's Mlle Uberty 1-3471 Used. Car Clearance 1955 lmperiel 4 Cir .... $3895 1954 DeSoto Cl. cp. $1395 1954 Plymoutn ............ $ 195 8edaa. l t one blue, It-ti, pwr. •tMrln&'. t tOftf} 1,_, Radio & ..__. ~ Coape. 1955 St. Regis ............ $3495 New York.er. Fully ~lllpped.. Dec:trie wtadowa, f'ie<lttic -'. P'"'· •teer, pwr. brU~. WSW U..... Ml 1eatMr •p.liio&. 1954 DeSoto V-8 ... $1595 Automatio tn•m'-*oa 1953 Chrysler ....... $1295 Oub cpe. Aut o. lr&IU. l.IJllt ,,_ H&R, r--·~ 1955 StuClebeker ...... $192S Four door -ia.n.. GN J It f'rld. Htr .. -ao. 8tatl<.>• w..,on. Low mlleafl!', ove rdrlve ,,_., P'"· •teer .. 1a mt. oomlldoll.. t io.e MQo&, ueeUea.t eondl& ... as low as 1951 Cnrysler -...... $1045 si.au-w..--v..a .....,_ ' 1953 Olds. ~ Cir. ..... $1695 t-dr. Md.. hlly eqat,.,.._ Jl..11-- Power ~tewt.c -r-w Bn.11-. New Plymouth beginning°' •1695 .Low lallk Flnalldag • lalmce New Chrysler Sports Coupe Only •299500 e Same Camparable Deals e ........... LOU REED & ASSOCIATES lmperlal-Ctrpter • ...,_~ -t.tenatla•al Trcclls saa. .. Sanlca 1200 W. c-t Hl<Jhwcy .. ' ·-· •" .. ,..._ .,,.,. -:.:i-·-00-. ,..-~ ---f)lit ....-:! .... flllll .. ()MlA•Dk*_ ... - /l.Y °"'~ "--a. • •• ,.., 1-3416 ..,....-a -,