HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-01-25 - Newport Harbor News Press------·. -·---- ' ' • Chamber Gets $2400 Sum in Council Grant .NBWPORT HARBOR Newport Hartao.-Cb&mber of Comme,,::e ncltt...S &n allocation ot S2400 Monday nlc'ht from ctty councll alt• .om. lllM:uM!on. Vote w•• ~-t tor the m..ure wlln Counellm-B&ndJ MM!Kay vounr "No" and c.ouncumut BIAlll•y Rld<krhot' u.trlt. RE-WS PRESS '. '18lh YEAR -NUMBER 124 NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFORNIA. WEDNICBDAY, JAN. 2:1, 1906 PHONE BARBOR 16lll The cb&m ber, In & letter frvrn Prellldent Jame. Van Dyke llOUJlll • contrm.c:t u . the city publk lty •rent, ouUlnlns varioua proJTe•- •IV<1 piece. oL commu nity promo- tion completed durintr the year. 11'le 11um w u ~Pit by Feb. t aa the chamber uportedly wu run• nJ n If ahort of fund.t. ......_ School Boundary 1'he tri ter Informed the rnllnr il th<' rh11.m!Jof'r hu l'rown Ln n1t'111- t1er~hlp.11, on an ln cre-...M tt'e ba.111:11, lr'•n1 2711 t o ~ plua "'lh lh"' I <lr1v., conUnuln&'. ltven ..... •t .'lll•!··d, c-un-ent lncume l• 1rl.'luff1· c1ent. f'htimber l fllary cula wer,. n1en- llun<'d u needieod by Counr1ln1an J U Xtodd1rd. 111d reply w11.'I 1n11<1e r. H,.n Reddick, charu~r tJ1r ... {.,,, •11· 11 11l~··••ly hart ti-·,.n .. rr,., l •·d ~' ··l•l!IP I Mid hr Ill\• "1•1l• '1 " Changes Approved • • l , . .,r U111 • hiuntl<'r t1u•1;: .. 1 !••" .,1, ll on. ~ ra r "'llh"Ot ~U• • ,.,,. \1 ,u Kll). in ,.,, ln1t11lJ 11, t1 u1 "' I! """·~ dl'frll tf'll n"""t I ll ~.· '"" '" •kill· ·I until th•· • ~·"" t• HARIOR WEATHER -pel'alurw the peat w-"t In l "e ~~were: Thunday, Jan. l i .. 1'T1da y, J a.n. 20 Saturday, Jan 21 8,pnday , J an. 22 Munday . J J1.Z1. 23 TuQday, J&n. 24 Wedne~y. J LJ" 2to !Och " " " "" " " " ••• " Supervisors Vote to Let Highlanders Join Newport Thr1-e bar~r.11 uSt'd in offshor(' o LI t'X pl11rat1••n r1n <;ulf ,,f ~e x u.:o f~•ml this plat fo rnl Munten •y ()ll (~u may us .. "untlar typ•· Jn 1t11 ;1ppr<1\'•·d of f15h orl· barge v.·urk v•t·t1t uf Santa r\n,; ft ivt'r Sl&.ff Phutu "I• r • Th·.,. r .. 1lr•t r!l" '··• · 1. 1. 11;: !ll• l<'I' "' H~ .. 1 , "! <' •1•1'""'\lh A l•!l'f' IU••Ll,•n ... ..,, t;r a l\( llll: t t,.. '"", >111\1 11 &•IJ<>ur 11rol 11n!i1 l<• a "' " ~d 03 , .. " "' T he Oran~e C o unty f{oa rd uf S upervuoo n today ap- p r oved un11.n11n11usly lhe ch11.ng1 ng o f bou ndar1e11 n( t hf' Costa .\!t-sa Union Sthool D1.strtl't and the N e w port Hearh Ele- mc:nlary &houl D uotrict, a llowing l larbur H 1ghlandens to JOlfl Newport'~ d!atrict. ••n K,.a w rut,. tlil! 1 .. tt•r wa• i)' 11H•r-IHlll( .. 11 .. n pl;u ,,, "" 1 BACKS BOL"NDAR\' CllANGE -N ewport Bea.ch E lementary Schoo l Diatn cl Superintendent R o y An- dersen. s t&nding , appea reJ befo r e county board of supervi..so f"H yel!!lt etday t o 1'sk their approval of boun- daries sw it c h . -OCNS P hot o FOR YEAR l>t eetln&'. ln a.n a.d Journe.;I ,....,.. th•t n .. f1irured tha t lh• CUit. Oil Barges to •• lo• ~11 .. n• t nr 1t1 .. n"""' 111un ! Tt M 1 .. ,. 1 .. rk arf' rxp.-. It'<! 1 ' , 11.IJI .fhr 11tUtly <1!HI <'Pl'"'~"J Leads Escapade Acapulco Race, Nears Finish ,\! 8 11..m t<">dl y JLJn"ll r@.m p's N•• •p.,rl Hul!t•r Yllcht C!uh l'nlr y E,.. ilpade wa>"I hold1nl( her )Pad 1n ti\•· A1·1pulco Jt;i,,. b.11 " n11.r11:i" •. r ,!" 1n11 ... OYl'r h<"r n,,,,..,,t ll\11 1 4 'I •rk L:tlm11.n '1 J ~i.:entl E•• ><fll\<!• ·~1 .1uatl'd h+-r J)081t1nn 11.;"I 711 11 .lea fr•·lll 8 01·" ('hlr• 1•ntranr .. !o A• ll NEW PLANT PLANS GIVEN BY HELIPOT $2 Million Modern · Facility Procludion Late in '56 Sets Pedestrian Auto Death Mesa's first Cbarl• Qeor1 e Aikin, ll. viii· tor f rom Orecon. wu dead on ar. r1va.I a t Hoag H oepttal ye•lerda y aft•rnoon alter he w.,. h ll by a c:.ar In front ot h la daU(hl eT'• hom•. l !IOO Newport Blvd., Coeta N-. police n ported. Tba ~b- Mvn, tne •ul)l'r "'"°nl ••n< !luned th ;, awtlCh on \ 1... n1ot1on of Su· 1>erv1.ao r He1na h..a i,er. t-.:alaer aa1J Ulll.l the two tr1ct boar<la ln•·uh 't!d haJ m•dt an 11.p~ment a.nd ahould ala.rid by IL He aa.Jd, · M111y peop le bougt1t In the Harbor Hig h!llllda a rea on the •1U1umpt1on that their ch11d ren would be 1to!ng lo Newport ~a.ch IChoot..•• On BepL 7, the Colta M e 1 a L"nlon Scliool !Jlatrict 00..n! o r trwrt-voted una.n1mouaJy to per- n1!l ch ildren !n tha Harbor HJ&'h· la.ncla area to attend Newport Bea.ch ..::hool1. Th" vote wu ma dr With the u ndenilandllllf that th e &rM. waa to be annued to lhe Newport Bea.ch E lementary Bohool Dtltrlcl. Operate P•ll·" Hurhur W~ll< h n1 ea.rv. ll ~1"""'\ r'lan• for • 12-mill\on contem· arehltecta decl&r• that tt.~. ttr I.I Mrll. J ohn K .. la.n. ~DAY KEA.&l1't0 "' 11prn•~J1n.1te ly 7 kn1•lJI w111;1d "•·I porKry·atyle.i floc!\1ty which wUI roof decil:a 111d other m odem fM· Dr1ver ot the car ..,. )( r 1 . 8 upervl.<tora he.Id a hea.J"tnl' ,._ Near River r •'• ··~aarv l•i r her to tla thr •·1!11\t · b" the la rJteit nu•nufactur1nr bl· t i.Ir!!• Wlll give t he H ellpot pl.a.al PhyUla BerllowU.a. n. or 10142 t enlar .rt,..moon on th• boundary '!I-: '. .. <.."Ord"' .t o day.~. 7 h•lUT.'1 h .. ld l atal111.Uon In the Newport Harbur mora th• appearanc• of a larl" Crla Ava., Anaheim. Sha waa not cha.nee lu ue. Th•Y took th• ma t-,,.,.}< rt>d All•·n a P'alrweath··r !'1.1r e 11 r.,11 w<!rl! N veaJ...:I today by the office blllldll\I' t han a manurac.-held. t•r under -.dxni•lon. F11t.rw~11th•·r took ch>lt" l!J 6 h"ur1 H "llJl')t l)k.1111on of Beckman lll· (eo.tlillued • P ... '1) P olice aaJd t.bat Aak:ln llad ap-4ft« Ulla hoe.rd l'leant both 1., rn!k' 111,, 1 11..~t 2~ n11 Le11 '" th•' ~lrW•\enb. lnc. , ~U)' l'ODll --tl'M st rMt to ~ -which formed tile J.arc- 19W ra<•' f'.11r~pru'lt "'ll ha v~ tn Hcllpot, n1anufacntrer of •• .L't..-_ ...... U -Tallon lrl&de tiy ..S CJ"'Mrd Ill 0. bcw.1'111 ~Ill n11.ve con111Jeru.bly mo1c w!nd to 1 c~ eJeeUoclk:: oompoo ... 91n workmen lll'I~ Cl"!Vllng Uie over t-p.&.rm -• Ult .._, Monterey Gets State Okay to Explore Ocean Areas Mt tl'r th•' r"•"r•l flom her ,pr,.~··nt ,.,,..t lhe pl1U1t on a lf>-arre itr..rt to ~tum l.o hla daUl"ht.,..'• C'h&Jrm&n W l l l l • W'"'1er a.n· J)Oej !"1n luu the m-overlookln1t Newport Ord"nance Noia. home whe.a h• ... hit. nowi.c«t UMt ~•°'*I tMe ""' F'111 .... n 1111!·~ brhlnd Ltg.-n.i 111'n .. ach betw•n Sup••n or Al't-and I II lt waa Calta X•a'a nret traf· malt.er under ·~ Wldar a N1ln1 S•nl: w1t l'I ln 1mon<1 H ~a<1 lfl :-;"•·"p<>rt Blvd. ln1u11\ hu1ld1np n c fatality of the ,...r. The body mot kJn by 5 upwTI.ar Hmn. Kala- mlll':a l>o-hu•I htr Son1t 180 rtule!I Wiii •·ontaln inor• Ulan 150,000 Un .. er Scrut1"ny WU la.ken to Packu-RtdM!y Mor· ..... "nM board w'IU ruJa be.Xt T\ie1- rrr)m the f1n1 ~h i~ a itrou p "'"n· 1.,1 ft nf n oor a~ce. m!t houl(h the 8 tuary where ~em. art day on ttle -... 1>1>Bed of !\'ov111 f),.t Yar, l'.,.11.irin, 1 1 ,.t11 wu1.,anow expll1l!IOl'I Lo ap· Doc ownera wbo don't wa11.t pendlnr . ~ cro~ed ~ room. ho.m- Al t11mar, !\'alu .,.·1Th thf' 1·1~.•• 1·· pr!J x!rnately Jl 0.000 aq. fl. their canines vaccinat ed tor r-.b-l -----------------1 w t h exctemenL Atty. J""d .. r11, \' C1un" t1nd C1truu>1r! 11\1!1 I l'ereira lllld Luc kman ar l! t he 1.,. had their Um• at bat ltonday Marl!: Soden a ppeared to p~t w ,111 200 11111··~ l" g<> 1l1'rh1tl!'Ct1 anti M . J B roi:k Md nlr ht before city councl.l which Mesa Free a the cue ot tb• Harbor H lchl&nWI A ttem pts a l oil productio n f r om offshore p latfo rms or R .. p.,r\Jo uuJI• Hird t h .. nl':xt grc,up Son•. Inc. of U>11 An&el~11 h•" voted to have the city a ttomcy W y realdllllt.. Soden aaJd on r eb. 14 buge8 westerly <i f lhe S anta A n a R1v1•r and sc•award of 1'" V11~rlni;i:.,.r. ~;,i;ht 1-1 .. 1111. EL.~11 11 , ""~·n aeleetkl .. the 1enl':tlll con· •tudy wlth ht• r11 b1ea expert.ti com · an l':lectton. will be held and U!e l k l ll l l tuu• or a.nnexallOI\ of the tol&l P k .1 c . d b "d :>f.,111111 :i•·n 111 "I" ""° u P 11 l I trll t'\1Jr n1Jtt ee a way to provide poulble p Ge the H unt in gto n 1-kach S t a te a.r V.'I J II';;! ma e y m l 2;0 n11le11 frHll1 .A<>lf'Uk'• 'fh"' employee force will number rtll1tf. 'J!hl11 would be only for dog• rotest ts ...--. lncludlft&' Harbor Hlrlila.nda. summer . l'errnililti1 o n h8H been g r anted by the S t a t e of (_'ali· s e ... 1ri tt is 110111~ 120 n1llc11 out. about 1000 when lhe new rac!llty .,..hoN .. l lvl':• mtg ht be endangered of t he Upper Bay wlU be conMd· f ornia to M o n lcr e y Oil Co. a nd its aff iliates, J-lumb!e Oil !'IL11! <"nrnln1< in '" ~h0r<' Lll."lt n111;ht l(l'l.• Into production l•lr tht• by lnocuJ11.Uon. erl!d. 11h,. rep,1rtet1 niilkfng .'lpeed or rron1 'f'"llr. Wltb full expa.nalon, thr A nunit>e r ot ... r&0n• ttpoke on Counca"I Okay "About 111 ptrr cent of the Hazo.. a.nd Ref1nln&' Co. an.J the 8e.11· h , l '" c '' , .. ' II 1 l rox.I ,,_ bor Hl-"l&nda resident.a haft a&id I 'i' prKrt r" n <-,u <> ,.,l!X· tJ to 10 knol11. 6 In 7 knot• Ht II ,,o l'lll nt WI accomnHM •I! 11PP · the J1111ue Defore council 11.pproved •" boalrd 0 11 Co. lo <'itplore th!! 121Hl-ll I I l 'I -lhoy ar• t ot' thW l.Jlllllt&Uon lo l1'u Iv .:ut o l ll' "Ii!~ uf 1 1•• 'ex-a.n1. toda y. 1'hl11 ln<llc~t.•a llh!' !a 111 st~ly ~"""· a motion by Counrilma.n J . e . e cr" leate fi~>nl a '"Dt•l..onK a" i'lat ro1·1111 ti.o lo"'' tht' h·1..i of gettln)o: n1uch belt<"r winds than St:\'t;RAL Ll:\'t::LS Stoddard 10 have the preeent the city ot Nf!WllOrt BeM:h. 'M'le9e Barge." th,. oc<:11n flOt'>r "''h»n 11 V.lt.< nee-the ll~ht. vari11.b~t" llreezes en1·oun-C lean, contempol'1lry llneg kf!'Y· e rn ergf!ncy ord!nanct' exanitned Jn Co•ta Meea Ctty Councll Mon-people 11ke Nl!'WpOrt s.&ch 111d 'The bar¥" w!ll b.-of tho:> l!Jl me I l l l l Th d l hl d oUon una.nl It. .chool •""'lem and they w~t tr-1,,.,..1 in lhl" c;ulf tif .\l r xlt·u •·.'l.~lll Y 1 .. n ·11111v•· "ne tf're•t by bn111,. 1 I""~~ 11hore 1v11 .. thP m u t1-eve •rue ure t llght or t ht:l r proteats. The coun-RY n g P!l.lllf' a m -to be part ~;r lL '"We have 216 .-~ Th .... 1,,. 1,.,,,l: 8 ,.,J(" h:•• 1,c~n ril Hl\IWf'r'l!'d opponent. or t he niuualy to eend a deleption to a nd first p1~U•rt'd In th" ,-.;,,wpurt s acrRmento to proteal U!e rout-•l~aturH now on th!! petition Htrl>or N~.,..·s·l'r""" Apnl 14, on-!rr"'' f nr •trllvrrv hv Julv I , NEWPORT GETS EXTENDED n1andatory vaccination progrrun by lni;i: o C the 611.Zlla Ana Canyon for annexation," Soden claimed. J i:)!). D!mt"ruui•na or th.-KIRnt l'>~tl r1un1 " '''" t""" • ,,,, 1•••"•! of rea ding a 1ta te department of pub- unll v.-\ll br ltjt>,. llKl ~ 1 ~ 1,,,.1 lh•lll)' T•bl>ttl.'! 1•1,11 •!11ut1"n r,., lie health ruling w hif'h dec.la rffl Freeway Uiruup the cent1tr of CITES AGREEMENT F rom ~•ch r nmer of !ht' tl<>1•llnJ:IHa)111nn,1 Conr rrto· 1•11.-c·., .. nd c U(ING 0 1'11\f e County an l!fldemtc rab!e41 the c ity. lheSod~tamai,;::edunJ'!:'t :hr: d rilling Jllatfor nl• twin c;MlU'"' ''" IA•n1: c·n1p ... t1h 1fP11 ly Tlb· SERVICE IN PU R a rea. ' Spe&rheaded bJ Mayor Clair. lf!C"• .... 111 boo driven lntu th .. llllhi tutt' "''ling "" L:a.l1 fo1 n1a l'nme Dr. Paul "'lee. reprel!llen llng 1111! Nelaon. w ho told the NeWl·Preu Board and the Newport Beach bot tom of the oflaho r" 11,1,.landll conlraetor. county veter1na r la.n•' UIOCtatloo. Jut week he Intended t o mak• khool bo&rd m et llult A U&". HI •poke In d,..t ... nse of the vaccine the propoN.I lo the council. Coun-tbey both acned that cbildren Ln to "anchor" the bar1e "'hllf' drill· ~{Onterey 011 Co ll!1'l II.'! llf· Rat I eas sRunn1"n~from5cto$l prol{rt.m. After the objecton IUld cilman Alvin Pin kley moved th• the He:rbor H lgblanda a r ea, lnlf procet'd1. flhllt"~ hid n1nrr thRn $31 .. ~>llOfl e ftCr e \\'lee Jett council f'hamber11 a v,r. committee be appoint ed. Hla mo-would come under the Newport The drill bari:ee 111·11 a •!11 pt:1b],. llbV~·c their n,arf!llt c11n11>J:"tll••r tlon -... -dod by 0o"•"ll---Bl':acb Elementarv Bc.hool oi.-l baJ f1onnybrvok enau«I In the city .. --..,,... _.,,_ .. ..., ·~ tor uae ln \.\'at ,..rH up to ~11 r~t rur 1!nll r 1i;:htA in th .. ffHh'>r<' All d Ph C Toll Fee LOSS e.-Sml". trlcl, Boden preeented a letter to Owe One 0 On ha.J I foyl':r unUI the police aoergeant · • • ... , ln depth. The dlffere1h·e bet.,..·r•·n Tufl':lllnds front ing th .. I nl1n,ton I • •l·•rn'l• &.11lted the two-teor e de-SaJd Nel.on: "We wlll hi.VI! to thUI •ffect to th• board wrlttan De Lclnr !Jarl{f'• 11nol nr'1ln11ry l,{eH •'h ~l11 t r P11rk "'hen Ill•!.• "'"re " , .. by Colla M-School au-rtn- 1 d h 0 l d 'l'•d•d •• ,,k, batP.n1 to conduct the dlscu.a1 lon dMJ w1lh the 1-.ie forca tully " •· ''T,..xaa Platforms .. r e<:<'n tly in lhe l'•ll"'°I by the !'tale l...tn•l" Coin· N!""'l"lllrl lr;11·h 811 ot er r· Kr11n" " " m • le d l Ev tt Rea. n ew• aa loc•lf' nr Allant1c Cu11.'I\ n11ssoon IR"t '''•r ~111•.. th11l anl<(e !'uu n1y l t•lt'Jlh""" 11uh.•rrth"r" llu.«1°""-~ trl,..phonr r:.te11 will tM! oullll<lf, which lhey dl!l. we &r• to be hl':a!'d." ~':ii co~~ented that the re&· Ra;111r Hla \1011.• '"' 1h11 t !hr l>lll'gt'I t!n1 .. t h~v h>1,.,.· <lrtll"d nr1 r "'J in.'( fH t.:I' a monthly •nt•r•'ll .. ~>' In lhPir urJ""d frnm 2!'. ccnl.• In S3 1t> fpr a rt 11elf·•Q11\aln"'°1 nu'l h!I<' nnlt.• )1111.,·· tniv lhl' lid"IHn>l,~ Rnd Ill phont• bill.~ •Jf frnm .'> CPn!11 lo Sl ,.1111;lr pllrty fl11.t r•t" .'ll:t \•1ce 11nd Wllh rnech1n111m tor w llhdra w lng prc.!lent are und1>rt11kir·i:: ,.nnlh<"t 11cronllng In 11n Rnnnun~·rm,.nl ••! from 2'> rrnL• t o 7:'1 <'1!11111 for t heir o·al111J011 leKll rro m th,. nrean f1.•hln ~ Jnb In th<" 1101 .. r.,, Lost the r ,.ur.,n11 ,. Pu bllr Ut\ll!i.->"1 \,.i11i:I" pllrty n1e••llg•· rlllr ~t tvlee. bottom , C u•tom11r 1ly It hllll bt•e n tr"''" CornlTill'111"11 111 1t.• n1 l1n1t wh orh l n<'r"llSl'll In rate.~ IU\llOllnced by -------·---lhr ,.,,mm11i'iilnn r"r Nc.,..·pc>rt Beach EDISON CO. STEAM PLANT SO FAR HAS NO SMOG PERMIT, CZAR SAYS 1lrr rron1 $!'..!'.() ll month fnr bu!<1 · n''"" phnne• I!> S.'l.7.'> a nd $3 80 ror r".'lld .. ncr phone• tn f;3.8!>. The $~ 7~ 1ncrewie for hU!<lne11s \11 In \\·,.,.1 m1n11ter wherr lht• reml<lence ra t" fl! upped $1 a 1'11onlh Thi.• tlt• ;,.ion lo up the-phone rat"s w11...~ ll rrivt'd Bl by the r.om· m1AA!on follo"'1 ng a 11ubHc hearing Tubbs Filed; No Reports Secret Gas Application Meet Feb. 1 1nduatrlal pl11nt11 to j<'Pl thf'lll lo in Sant& Anll 11rr L ~• 1n~t 11 H rn0olr1n f'f\U>J'•ll"llt to,,· Ph· l'n11er lhc n,., ..... r Ktended .'lf'rvlce mlna t .. t h<'ir n1urky .'ltllf'k ou!pu•, ·'u h11c11bfor" in N e"·porl Bea.ch, Sonlf' of thrm. hf' 11Ay.•. h&•·e vnly llt,.ll. Rurl'll f'll rk . FU il erton. Gar- k•ndr~11r\t'n kn('"'l"'lli:" nf ~.,,.h llPn GrO\'(', SanU.. Ana. the Cypna pn>1·f'•lllrf' oonr rn11 n11i.:,.r tell•ll! ,·,.ntrRI llf"ll n! t he Atlffhe1m ex · By BERT BRlNTNALL hln• tha t ""h"n h,. .,. an1P<1 lu' 11<'• k 1 rh11n,e-,., v.·,.~tn11n~t er. L II I Un a Soulh e m Califo miR f-:dison Co.'s imme n se sleRm·I C\.lm bu111l'ln rllLH• >n h•s 11l11n 1 t.•• Hearh, Huntington Be.a.ch, and . lt'lPll ou\1!'1<1" ,.,,.1 10o•k11 Al th•· 1< !' r11.~t•·rn p<>rt1nn11 of t he Dow'ney. e lectr1c plant, sch eduled fo r erectio n at Huntingt on Bea c h <>f the 111a, k , \\"h1tl1r r anti L.!111 An11:e lO"A """ in the inunediate f uture. is lik e ly t o g o in~o roduction w ilh-1 Tl n n .... h t.t:i·s Q1·1t;T ichanl "" 1<111 RH be 11bl" to f'Ol\1\ . . . , -, ~• I h , 1 e11o:h ol h••r v.·\tho11t toll.•. Thi• 1 o ut sny o f f 1c 1al a pprovHI of t:quipm ent .ign"'"' to contro \\'Ith nn "°K'n"•·r, ~ r rn11~ "n' a rrrrL• ,.h .. ul 70000 i u hllcrlber• the •rnount of 111nnJ \hilt may be trnl.t IQ "hn11nate a<.J,t1\1,,n.• t" lhe !lu·•·•· 1n\·,.1t>l'.;ll1•1 r~ in fl1.~ nff,. r · • l'l'uhhll Lii .'lhy ,.1 pla<'lni: hi >"I fin:-• r lhl': romn11"81on el1J m,. 11nd lln an-apewed lntn Ot"11i,::e County 11r •n1llg cloud. 11 d . 11 t nuAI lll.'UI nf $4j .000 111 toll charge• frorn It• 11t11r k11. Th\1 y.•a11 ev!<lrnt l'l.A:"':"'l':R!" Rl'·l' . .\S S f:U ,nu !"Ol't ipol• 111 '1 '-"111' 1 i;i will reeull tQd11y 11ft!'r a 1urvey of otflrla l.~ A further ehf'C k .,.·1\h ll un11ni:· 11 .. n1•y he wo1rk1n11: on 'Th•' nur'1· · ,,.·ho m!trht reculate the t ype o r In· tnn H .. arh nff1 clal11 ehll"·a that a h<'r nf plant~ he l11 lnvf'11\1,.::11t1ri: II 1~ •·•p,.r led to ro11t t h<' phonl': II I pflrmit tor the plant v.·il! protab!\· 111 ln•l,.flnlt,. ll nd thetr na.m~• pn-compa ny 11bout $GOO.OOO fnr n,.w •l~'"\111 "" W Tubba. ('O\l nly ,1, pol· b'1 11 .. ,., .. 11 b •· the rHy C"ounril. gi~.11 •'Hlt fKC"LI 11> ,. pubhr f'Jfflf"t. I "<.Jllipinent to handle t he cl111.nge· ann · I ' . 0 h hl Am ple 1~ th,..IOY•r Wh••h will 11ot he ef!f'C UYe lution cnntrol c rtlcr r, ••Id he ha ll 1n~ t h" pl11nnlnJ1; C"Orn1n1~11lon 11 nir1· 0" ori 1 " e• M h 11.,~ nol r~e lv""I a lly •ppllcat lon f('lr 11ruund J 11hn L. Hrndrtc kscn. r 1!y ,.lrr\n(' plnnt. •t 5 1'&1 lJll'!•< I' unlll fu nund •re l , l · permlu lnn tn build 1 pl1n t In th!"!, I'"' k 11n.J al.'W c!,.1 k of !he pl1n. I" hl!:"h haa b<>en ll •n1oke n11111nnr:r ~-- county frvfn !:d!JOO n. He d"\.'plort'<! nlng .·on1m!...,.ln11. "·ho he.s ha•I 14 1 for yr"'" llnd which 11~ ownet!I RiYO AJto Bulkhffd M'aa ...-h()(.1.11 were loa d•U a.nu at t li.: tu11e ='-'•"'"'Jlvrt Uea..:h IC.Ok th• <h ll,1r~11 In ev,n Wlthvut • t u tuppu rl. So.Jen !la.hi a. diaput' Ll'OM i,.,. c•u•c lhf '"'n1ber1 of the Co.~ Me11a 11ehool boa rd could not agree. H,. aaid too thl l all N•w- 1)(.ifl Beach ....:hooJ botird n1 emben unde r1lo0d t ru1n the J"lnl .cboal boa.nu n1<·t lhll{ that th• whoi. Upper Bav Mr<'.a. w1• to bti cbanS"' ... 1 BounUll rle•, h~ aa.&d, were J,... vi11e Ave. to the bay Llld fr°""' 2 1t l St . II) the pr!of' 11eeeu 10. arell, 11 •. 1t JU•I the Harbor HIP · l111da. S upt. Kea voiced IJ'lf' oppoe6• tlon lo U\f' uinexa lion Rea u..ld th.al Jt 1••aa a 0:.ta Mt. .. .chool board policy to a.ce1pt "'1lhout qutietlon "the rl&'ht a.n il prt..U•p of tlox'd•r ..,.-. to Heede troi. tll• dlatric.l" .. llowe..-.R R .. counta-lld, ''al· tboup U.. Cloe~ M -. K bool dla- tnct coacw-red w1th Newport a-ell. .,. -pt the Rell JS , It -....Et ~r . ...,_ A.... -' 1 'I· 19M lhat UHi Oil ot. ~ HiPJa.adr accentuated tlMI ..,_ ~afted t:c.ta. ,._ dYbWt. .. R.l:Vl:aHU POLICY The eo.ta Me• board ~ Jt. policy, aceGr'l.l!nc t• a..., • aau.e of "IJ'le unro,_,. riee ol educaUOM.I and t 1n&ndal _. queciCM o'i U.. HipJ.e.ndll - alOl'I." Rea ~t.d ftlaallcl&I ,,....._ to 1upport hie ("OlltenUon ~t UM aec-lon would 1v•n mon lm- po1't r1ah lhe C:C.la. ,._ .cboo1 dl.otrlcL Hi1 nport aid reeld•ta ot Harbor Hl(tllancb tc~t II per cent ol the lol&l ... -a Tai· ue in the MC-e.:lon ar.&. OtbW ncur .. tn th• rtport •hOW911. u - cordlnr to Re&'a conc tu.aton. tMt "Colta Mua ranka wtth U.. t h fff poorul IMeNed nJu<1 ,.... av•n.I'• daily a t lt:ndance &mOftl' I.ht S2 dlatrtcta In 0ran1"• Cowl· ty ." After otnclala ftnU.hed .Ulollr nporta. ruldent.. ot u.. Bllft- ILlld• and lhe M•• ""4 U.* oplntorw &Cl'OM the j&mm.d ._. ~. On• Barl)or mpi..dll r rt1 a •, a Mra. Smith. wb~ chlldreft iWw attend Harper 8dlool, proi..uid TOClferously, "Our d!Udren wvn'l p to la- fer1o.-.choola llll en.ta ~" ah• a&id. "Ev"' If UM board do-. (O.Ua---..... '1) La.ck ot •"oojHlr.Lion "'lt.h hla of· ,· .. 11r11 e"r><"rl•'n r"' In <lPf'r11 tLun of I pr.,n1t,.""'1 to r~van1p rour Y"l'r• fie• hy rl•rU1tn r commt•11lona .ln 111r11:•· .. 1 ... 111 .. p lanL•. i11 ron.,i11r .. ,1 1 ',.i:o. The onl\' troubl,. 111 that It county rl!ff'lll and th,. ('OUJ"llY p lan· th•\ th,. n~w plant w\IL ha.-.,. CQm· .,.nuld f'nat ... v,.ra l \lmM u mur h nUl,; t."Onlnllaalon 1taelf l-le aakt pi<":" ro1nbu~11un of it~ fllf'I 11n<I !n r~ra•r 11 •11 thll'! plllrll l1 "'·orth U'lat If thtN! bo;.llea w oul<I ronsult lh•t th,.rr .,.-111 I)" nn rr,.,. hy<l.-n· Anoth,.r troubll" 1.& lh•t th" la"· with hla on'ice ~torfl 111.~uln( prr·j "•rlw">n~ ad'1 .... 1 '"'th<" pr .. Hnl p11 ll 11~ tilt rur •• • IHtle on'.~" lt~"'" mlt. hll could hl"lp th!m cherk alJ· Tubb!< rlll.lm• to hav,. i-n "'nrk· a•d". lt'l\on r th, 0"'11"' a r,.al'fln ~ ,..._ .. ~ OOQ• Lq -..dlJ,y with Oran&• Count1 (o-t-.... -hp ,. \\1nn1ng bidder tor the conttruc- li<'ln of 1 C'o nrrete bulkhf'"d lllong a pot'Uon uf the Rlvo Alto ~lon'1ay n11thl ,,. .• ., Croft • N,•·1!1r Inc wn h a. Ln"'' bu! nr t tl,SJ7 i i . ""·!11<'•• rity N)UncU 1ppro\•ttl Sl1mr l'ld• rui u b.1fb aa $39,000 1X1 u.. work. COSTA MESA SIDE TOLD Everette A. Rea. di• lrict auperinlenden1 of ea.ta Me.a achoohl, read .everaJ pa1• to OOWlLy boud o! aupervilton.. He implo red the board not t o a llo w any n!CA" H ubor Highli.nden Jn fa \ur o f w ii.hdrav. .. Co.ta M.eN. achool diatr u.:l. -OCNS !'bolo t 2 • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PR ESS WEDNESDAY, JANUAR Y 25, 1956 GOINGS ON AT THE BALBOA BAY CLUB · By DAN BA YLES8 Lee Thompson Rates as Top Racing Skipper of Season a,. DICK LSWUI Tben he a.nd bill competitor• pkk i-'nlomJlllll\l9 Ol ~lt.Qa Ba.J out thelr ten but perfonnancea. came .out -. ... aa a n..t ·of J1 the one wtth lhe IUJl;hNt number boeta tn U.. UM radoi' --..on of polnU rettlnl' the trophy. to win U.. Bow.rd Didgon Hi-Th"' citt of Howard DiclLl90n, U 'd ij•-••-· l' ~ f Palnt P.,..,.C:uilJ 'J'Nplly . .Award..d Snipe enthlWut llDd model mak· , )'OU -Lo put a Utt.le reain on ..,._ VIO In uvwO 0 t>y tbe ampa Jt&dq ~illlon t.,. par e•cellenc• the made the te Orange County Phjfbannonic, you can do ao next of lkrutbe'iD ~ f'ft!•ntly, trophy hlmee\t>. the perpetual edneaday, February 3, by attending the ''Give Your Hca.rt. t.h.tt trophy pu to I.he lQp t.klp-l• a aca.le n1odt'l of the Sn I p e, the Philharmo nic .Ball" at t he BBC. Dinn.er and eve-per oL tJ119 ,...,. rulJng on a t.r•ller .t.nd a.et in " niu'a a.c:UvlUe. alane are well worth the price of a ticket, T1'e UMaiatkift ..,,,. formed 1,. rlaM eu11. ln •ddlltlon to th I• ait1f fund.a rai.sed go t o aup port. the fine senet1 of f ree con-Deeember of 1v1M1 to co-ordlnatr. !,'QVj!ted pr11:e, th .. firat place win- certa aponeorcd by the Philharmonic Society t.broughout. Ule rac111.-a.ctlvu . .._. ot u. t.wr ner recelvea •• a take-home tro- t h e county ... "Free" reminds UR that m ember. of the ao-loeal Sn Ip e fle.tta _ Cabrtllo phy a pa.tr of cuff links which clct y g i\1e eu or moUJI amount.K of l ime and effort to keep Beach, Lo• An1'el111 Ha..rbor, Ala-th•m11t:lv" a "" mlnlalure repro-A mltc. Ba.y a-4 N.-wport Hubo ducUo>na or tbe Sni pe:. !l!mll&r th~ kett le ,dnlm.a roUlng and the French h oma blowin~. l"lttaeh oltlc'-1 re lt.u ll1'lll .:: repllcaa 'are •ward~d tor ....::on!I r tally dedicated group and an ~xtremely worthy pro;ect . lected u.cb )'Mr f:c:n UM rll.Cinc a.nd third plM:<'• -a li• clip e.nd * * * calendar Md each •ldpper partl-1 key chll..in re1pecUvely. Thou.sa.nd11 o f N~wportcn poured ov"°r the 26 cani o n <:•pat ea ln u many u he ('an. B ill swenlngMD, another Ala- d1splay a t tht' 1th Anuual BBC Auto Show , JJl'uv1ng once again t hat no ttunJ{ captur<·11 t hC' public fa nr y quite like a 1leek four -wht•f'l1..'CI. lA'a uty w ith well· turned hub -caps . Cr owds were pa.rt1cularly big o n S und ay, la.st duy of the •h ow, when m o m . pop and 111! the kids turned uut tu in1:1pect t he fo ttign and dd91est1c product. • • • For L ad1 e11 Only ·rhf' C'lub'H popular informal fa.shion 11h ow lu111·h1·111 1s r·<'l'IU m•· 1111 \\'l'dn('11da\·. 1''l'bru at")' I, and w ill continue un th1· 1n1J-"cek Jay a H a rt.-gula l' f~ature t hJ"oughou t the la t t· w in to:r 111111 s pnn g se8..8Uu . ti tyleH drt' shown by the L ld11 and B RC' t<'a.ahion Sh op s. • • • Thl' ::iJ>Q rts l .u11 :'11 1 \\'p•1r-1'11 c;ei1rg-c Ya rd!Py 111 rlaV•'<l In the profe1J1t1o na l ba11 kt·1ball A.JI Star-game tt.t H.(..>("h1•t<l 1·r N Y , yest.•rday 1t1,• 1'11·~·,.1 1d 111111· 1n h i!l t h rt"'' -\'•·~1r pru c a n•f'r h, 'R t ..... ,; ~·· h,11n•11·•! 'l°h•· l1,rn11 r :->t a11f,,r<\ i..:;r1•:i t MONEY FOUND UNDER TRASH SOL YES MARKET 'BURGLARY' A.ftl!r CO.tti. Mto11a pollCJe had laundMd lnve.Upllon Of What wu or1gtnally reported •• a bU~ of approxt.mat~ly 11300 In ciuh and chec-k• Thur«ily, recovery ot Ute nU.tns mon., brcu1bt cio.e ot the case u "ulllounded." C.Or1e Ii. 81.&hr ot 21~ Me .. Drive 'nlurllday mOrnlnl" reported Ute •pp.aunt bur1;lary or 11000 In cuh and l300 Ill che<:lu trom St&hn Mark<'l al 2120 tlarbor Blvd. But •I 1.10 p.m . the &11.m• Gay , he notified poUoe that l'IL9 wtta dl-cover"'d the n101u1y and checlu whUe clu.nlnl' out • back room A .. 1 .. r k h•d 1pp11r..,nUy gotten Lh11 mtMln.&' mon~y mixed up· with pw.per• which were to be thrown 1.w1y. Stahr elll pre•Nd l>ell<'f it had be••n ''11n hone•t nil•tak ... " ia havJnK a f1flt' """a,;()11 .\lr a 111t ~l r11. AnH"' 1\l,,nzol f'tagg ""'1·rl· rt·• «Ill i.;U .. >l \;, ill t h" ( ·1u ti J~(Jt b 111 ll1r 1r , f~l's ,; they 1:1ttll 1u.i.111t.:i.u1 .in a\ld 1a t1·1t·:.t l!l f1,,1 lbull. ~1 1 ~tai;g , play•·d i.t Y<1I" , ''•" l1•·it .1t tl1• 1 ·1~1\1 r•ity ,.f f 'hi· u.:·• ·1n rl thf' f'<il !•·g .. nt t t:" l'a1·1t 1• 1111.i '" lh•· t•.111 1.f th•· i.:.1111·· lit' IJJ th..: <inlv !l \;111 • \' r l11 rt·1 • J\'" H IL!< ·tLHI•' b1:n h uu l he im porta nt · N'l AA l<ult•t1 Cu 1nu11 tlo:t· . , l'a11!11 An;:Jera i pa&11f'1.! u ut, uf"' 111 111,.,t y1·0 1 " 0..·st 11 .. !1• 1n1~n at n ... 1~1 11ual ll.V.'&rds d1 nn•·r " i t•\Y n1g htio a ~<>. ,\h·nliJO r ""·ho w•·n l h01ntt' v.•1th th!" mont J ... 1\ ..... 1s H \·t i\ l~uth t 1.!.an1a r ~i1·· trM.J. 11uc. t rophu:s . UH lu,l111i.: •Hlt' 11;r firl'lt ;il ba1 or1• 1tnd .1n1°th~·r for finit marlin !I) t h1• !ail1e~ 1l1\ 1s1o n . ~!(·rlc A fO .. r baugh w 11.11 iru1t »ll ffi a .11 prt·~l·I· nt Pf th1· Ang!1·r-. tA k 1ng r.v .. r th•~ gavl'l frorn fl ;i r (1kl I\, 11 uy1~1·. f)th1·r ".!fi..:l't li 11/'f.' Fr;u1k j Ui;edo m. VJ\'.:(' jH'l.'.illdcnl, ttlld t :eor g1· 1,r1 ff1lh, !>i't'ri:tary- treasur('t. N (•W d1rc.·<.'l11rs 11.rt· KPu,,y!'r, !lay lJiko:-. K en !-le lninge r . ~t arUn P ollard. Ln r11•· f{•·y1111lli1', ! )r l!1ll /{ub1n· "One ot lhe Udo Slaope,. HARBOR DRUGS aon. • • • R BC mt•mbers on 1.llets a rc pf·r fl·ctly v.•r1c(1mc tn C"at Spartan f are at the C1 u b, but v.•1• Ah <1u!d wa rn them that th•· tempt at a•n t o cat C he f c;abric! s fu1c 1'~rt·nch cuuku1 g m ig ht pru\'e \u., much ... At Ju1a.:h•·"n the otht'r t4.v ""'C h1'a r-d a man "rd1·r hard boiled t·g,.;s and a p1n ach. \\'he n 11 t her 11 ea ting \\llll him \.\'f'r•· l'il'r'\l~l dt•l1c1ous di~hes f n•m the regullir mt::n u. our n n111 a1111•1 unc•~! h•· couldn't ! 11t a nct iL a ny lo n...::•'r Whereupon ht· t•i<J k a nast y spill .,ff h1,. h1 i;:h protein da t H e was roundly c het:red , a n d L:abriC'l \\,,,, <111k1 't.I ,,, • ••11••' ••UT :i.nd takl' R b(<W. • • • r r1d fly night'~ l'luh-'>'•irle ''Caly 1•"u t'nrty'' ti.Ct a nC'""' h 1~h 1n 111 11 i\ \ •·ry h1 ~ <'rowd tuJ"ll.t"I lJUl tu dint.', dance, -tt n.J h•.11 1ht' "C:.111 0C.."•'' play their fa u\111"1ti1', llff-bca.t nnl!>IC. N o·xt n1uuth'• ~cl ·'.i.Jtj:<.!l her will be "A l"'1g:h1 a.l the b.!a rdi I ; /'ll.!I I M-Ol \'la Udo, Newport Beach SPECIALS FOR JAN. 26 27 28 KLEENEX 400's-Saves lOc 23c ea. SCOT DELSEY . Towels oilet Tissue Big Roll conom39~ck of 4 27c Save Sc Save 21c Assorted Colors S30 l E. Cout ll y., Corona de.I Mar --~ An~erson Says He's ~e,orkinc Pinto Mines BANTA ANA -(0CN8)-Bel· boa Fun Zon., <>per&tor A.J And.,... 80n LI ~ Ole re-d•Y•lope111 ot tamou. mtnee ln tha Ptnto Moun· tatna, ~t of 29 Palma. Ande.r80.fl baa ti.era II.ell v• ln Yutta Valley 9ubdlVl<lln1. The Balboa man u.Jd the olct v1rr1n;,. Dale. Boll Broclc.ly11, Loe Ansir.lea, GoJd RoM, Grew GI.ant and JV&A• hoe Min .. will be work9d •rain. Anderaon reportedly la &a&IAted by a mlnlnr auperlntendent from San Diego a.nd u.pert hllnlfll' l!:flJl'!nura in hLI effort.. ta revive I.hi.' mine• The lvanhoe. Mina already LI tw1 ng worked by a.n A.nder-.:in er-. It wu reporttld. A ,._.ton ti.II mill 11 h&ndllfl-1' th• operation. BUill lD 19,7, LRe !vu.hoot Wll wM ked lntunUtl•nU7 tor .......i 7ean. Th•.hiltor1c Brook1711 an•1 I.a. An&el• rnln• w•re d&eco1r..-.d In 1193. Tiiey WU• worked trom 1901 to 1911 and Ul Ui• l lrlO' .. rree rold, l.f'Oll ox.Id• &Ad oop,-r _,.. lncluded b\, Ute ore. A •lMYU vtUI wu found In °'41 Oold Row. It oont&ln«I pyrtt., ral--4 ..,. .. lrhcoe IMt•l•cl la New Couty l'ost OR.It-NO&. ( OCN8) -Oranc'• nre Chlet Georra W . Horton wu lntWled aa prwldent of U.• Of.. a.np Count y nr• Chier• ~ elation Tlr.unday al rrtedm.&AA H•ll hen. Otl!.er otncen ln•laUed by ftan• l'er Joe 8ehennan 'lll'eN C. .II. Suddaby, R9d H ill. rioe-preAldea.t. and Ja.n Briacoe. N"!JIOft a.ch. eecretary-treuurv. Econo1ny Siz e COSMETICS ........ ,oo ......... REVLON BRECK SATIN SET Shampoo Ha ir Spray Economy 52.00 51.75 Save $1.30 Saves 65c Large Economy Size Save SOc HAND LOTION II or .. RINSO BLUE Giant Size ''"'"' ~ .. ~ I Ci' ]jJ;' ,,.,r ~ .. ~ ':::"' ~ l ........ • . \\!lh 011-1,..11-••r, -'""" 1,rranlun1, 11111., cor .... 1 110 SURPR15E PRESENT FOR MRS . ME LLOTT Mn . Walter Mellot, •bove, had pl<'uant 11urprl~~ JM . 17 wh<'n her hu1band, left, p ve her Ch,.vrol11l Bel Air Nomad In bl\r k- grou11d. Carl Miiier, local de1ll'r, had :k11y111 handy for pre11en- tatlon In tront of \\'hlle'• Park Ave. Cll-fe wherl! they e tl61ded r.nnueJ game dinner. -Brckn11r Photo So1th Coast Makes Sl Million Home Loans in Three Months ~t!lent n.&n Bradford of ... u their n~t oorTeiJPOndent South Cout Jlortg&&e Oo, Uii. ln C&.lltomla." I week announced hUI !Inn bu 'Ille Tenneuee oompany 111 one oomplett.\ mOl'e than a million of the naUon'11 lar ... at ln the home finance rleld. e,-.dford said, d0Uar1 wort.ti of home l0&n.1 In •Ith n~ly a h•lf-bllllon dollar• Oren1e County during the U!.ne· In t oiaJ r..our!.'e11 and more than month period endlJ\I' Jan. ia tor a b4lllon dollar• tn pollcle.1. Ll.fe •nrl cuuait1 In.suranc. Bradford w.. r~ently n-.med ComJ)llny or Ten.a..-.. The l•t· Pr'Nldent or the r~t·irmwtnl' t.,. recently named South Coaal. mortl'•&"e lending firm. emonl' JIOO W. Cout Rl1tniry. It. tlnt Whoee dlr«to~ are aeVt'Nll bu.al· oorreirpondl!lll nrm ln Ollifomta. nN.1 and clvtc le&de~ of th• "We a~ proud to annou.nc:e Ulla County. They include Jl'rKI J . H~ record loan tll\lf'I of two na· warth, vtce-prMlde111 ; Tom Hat· .an'" Bradford ...W.. "'Flrtl. It fanMUt. .eecret.ary: Mid William repAlllMt. a hip mark tor I.hi.II W. Sanford. Hein& Kalaer. LH l•r re ln•urance. Orm. which ii Bolin. ¥/UJiarn 1-ler, •nd Oud- nl'w to the OUltonli& lendtnr ley F\il"ft. Bradford -Id that ;,1. m11rket -.econdl)', beeau.e It comp&l'ly will conUnue In Ill~ to rep~nte • a1cn.iftcant ahan of 9P1cia.11-e throuch lhe lna!ranec1 th" total llome lo&na mad• In Or-t"<>mpanJa they repre11ent 111 ~ per lllll'" Count y lo •upporl ot1r hoon•· <""l'of. 20-yra r lr.•nl! fnr hnnir-ron- ln1: hom .. bulldlnl( klduet ry cl ur· 1 •ln1C"t1on and .... nnanc1n1 ThP Jnir l.h<! fln•I qu•r'er of 111:.: •. \\'r f1 nn !• a!.,, cortt'1'ponde11 t for •re 111"" pr<J\1'1 ,.., 011r 11r l1"1"11on fl11 nkrr~ N11tlon111 !~re ln"ur anr .. b,y l..lte 11.nrl l0Allllllt) vt T,.n,, .. ~ 1 C-nnor""~· ' i PALMOLIVE Giant Size lOc Re9. Size 7c ALL 10 lbs. $2.19 Economy Size CLOTHES .. DRYER ... , ',, 59s r 1 .. U<1 t.:lotht'tl Line Idea.I for d.,nl' day•. 'l &M• (:a.Juornla l.Jcen-t'la.te HOLDERS .... ,,. ••. ....... 158 CflROMP': P l.ATt;D RaJclM Electrle HAIR cumNG SET VICKS Va-Tra-Nol t:C'0"0M \' Sll.E 59c Saves 15c Brylcreem 7'r SQUIBB Mineral Oil t:COSOM \' i"IZt: 51.09 Saves 29c Aero Shave 99c • SUPER ANAHIST LAttl:E t:C.:.O.-.;l)M \. ,"i l.ZI'.: 51.79 Saves 32c Rapid Shave 99c ANACIN I.."\ ttfl•: t;( 11,'IJ,\.fl. S l:t.t: 99c Saves 49c r O ~ MENNEN SKIN BRACER ' 51.00 CREME RINSE ,,,.,·"•'·" ,..,,., .. " 1. .. 1~·n1t 250 COLOGNE ,'"'"·'·" u" ..,, J\oolall&Jk>l. lndl&ereet ltuhhrr Tlp1lf'll BOB PINS 2 ..... 27c FOR YOUR CAMERA NEEDS •·:-;.,"· , ... n .. hrom,. r11.11 .,,Im" . 95c DUO-PAK K od•k '" -'"' .. 14 HO l'R !'I P:R\'l r t: O:'\' nr.M Dt':\'t:LOPTNO 7" ~. 10.116----3 ?<'"'· comp1.,t~ "1t h cupJ>ol"r, o:om1>t1. t_Sa;;,,;;'-'v-"in:.:.;i;:s_;o:;f:..:5:.5:.c:-~-Sa-v_i_n.;:g:s:o::-f_2_9_c_~_Y:.o=:u;;Sa;;v:e:--:4~1~c:.,_7"_.:Sa;;v~e~s~3:::1~c--i thNorw, butr h a fl.a.-Jlml!nt a.nd ln1trurllon11. "Ju"'l w hat you need for api-n.nH:. oomrort ... eonom y .. at Lido Fountain Grill FOOT SCRAPER MATS llravy ltubher II. cord In ~rted color•. x 25" Reg. 2.49 13" x 2 1" -Rog. 1.79 .,_ snP STOOL Rer. IS.M 1.99 1.49 .9"9 Whll Me.tr &o --uttllty dlal.r or hlt• ma.Jr. ~ plMUo ~ lllnd mdi: wit.II pullnut. •t.p. Ptlilr. blue, ~low.-"ONLY THRltJ: U::P'T." LAJIGS Cone •• Qua1 Is ..... .,... l GaUon. 79c • • • COLGATE Dental Crt!Om EC.'ONOMY ~IZr. Saves 14c · PAYLESS. DltOIKT Vodka • PllOOI ",.,,. t.arre J:conom y ~h.r l .ar1r Jl:oonomy 811.1' Saves 20c Saves 58c ·-.. ·---·- 1 .. A Rfll : t'.COSOMV l'IZE T l:-." 51.00 Saves 20c KING SIZE DOUBLE BURGER 65c Served with our de lie iolll :rench Fries ............................ .. "A penny ICIVed " COMPLETE LINE of LIQUORS and WINES is a penny earned SHADY GROVE BLEND J'l1TB 4 Yr. Old so paoor Kentucky Host Kentuc ky t'OURBON ~ Il4R8 OLD 100 PROOF rrrrx s399 - '8~ • Silver Ripple Gin IO PROOF ' 267 --..... ~. ~····--····-····· . ___ .. ___ .., • • NEW Dl~OR$ DUE; ~GUE · 0 ~· AGAINsr JIOllllCOS "' ---OllM'b? ~ ., u.. .......... ..,.-............... .aa .. t111ie arc .,._. ., ._.t •• a: Gia rtMar. a..un, · ., ... .. , •• .......,.. r....pe aw,s ., IMnc.ton. Two ,,..,.,.,, ...... .,,.... ........ u..-,.. ··-Ut&--...... .......... ...... tts~tbt.: d vtot ..... 1 'Ct t..c:Oairfti., ..... ' . ~ . wM S. ...... to DO~ cou.nlJ'• - KAIDM fl# ti.a apfOlat.M9 wtll M _....... •lU ottieW -~ "1: ~ -...-:._ .... ~ -~ _ • u.. )leN'd wiQ. .g_ tor • llJ*:~ ~ tA? M ,.,... t11i1l ~u .witty • ..,. and ~ t.o ·~ trom. pdtiUo .,ai. 1 tboM No:atnr ~ on tax ..,,,.uaau., ae. hu'tJMr ~ ttaat &A1-~ p.lMCl t,,. W. oo.alLt.i'. Will M .... tbl ~ ot Onnp Comal,)' Ud that u.e lM!iant 'MMll wtu .ot ._;.,. ~ poUuca. I WHO OWNS THI IUICIC7 • SU IHJTY-Carl 1-c'aPw.luDo of Balboa YC la-ct,U..·~,....., · boata ueompany!Dg the San Diego to Aca puleo Yacht a.co. Siie-• • - boot tor at&rt after •rucb •be dlloembo.rked her~ atllDYC~~ ed to her appoin~ duty u patrol and eommwllcatlona ._i. Uader -'.tNia- Cout Guard patrol boat Peneus, Paiaano alao originate. the Jnformatba for tbll ' noon broadcaat on KW1Z where the positiona of tbe yacht.a are siYe:D dalq. - Beckner Pboto H..i.y Yo•pt•• ILepMn e Keh'rr e1 e I 0 "Mi a Dealer Bies 'Suit. A,galgs~ lane. Gar Owner PUrthaser CERT~FlCA res: A WARDED FOR GOOD WORK ...,... ....... (OC1<8) -.... -· • , ...... ~-, ...... P.reaideJat Maurie ~er~ left, of New:port, lh.rbor Cba.mbu ol Commerce., at an-parlor Cowt J udp Jl'rukttn ~ lla7 Moton and Terry. Police reoel'ffld a oomp1abtt at lO~CT p. m. P'rlci.y tbat young- •ten h&d rolled a tdepbone pole Into tM atreet at Rtve,.&de a.n d (;o.u;t Hts hway. STAFFORD fl -SOii "NZUI Uld DOC' EL1Xl'l'ILIOAL OON'fta.aroaa n-l.n-17 ... ...,. • H Sch WNt >-t~ pr9ided ovv a ~ 16. NeenUy wu IMten-nual meet gave out chamber certificates of merit to Otville · lueter, Mrs. court. dlllpUt.e ..,... UM MJa of a oed to au: "'Qllth.. ln rounty jail Ill Rl•enide AvellQll Newport lleedil T. Dwaet.n Stewart, arold D. Leddy a.nd Milo G. Lacy. The Jt.mes T. Van Dykes 1164 auto. aft'tir .pleMtac' pllty to "rand a.re in left foregro d, Mrs. Stanley at right, eeated. -Staff Photo ~°"9 4l4d. croaa.-aU.S•· lbett,.•~··-.M c;:-<t lhett. The ----------.+------------------------------·I Uc.ta haye beta lodcM. D. C. Tu-dd'e.dM.t, a<:Uve in the Harbor ry, Huntin.rt,oft 8-c:tr. ai.ao dealer, area waa ah atr h>rce capWn and ntad auit e,(&lut George H. I.Ane Dew J'U bombing-miaa$pna_ ELECTRONICS COURSES NEW OCC OFFERING Harbor High Sets S1000 'Dimes' Goal haan't been roa.de good. H~ &Jle111e.e Lane sold the • ar to Mary A.ah a nd •h• ha.a reru~ .. d to fl"tUrn It to him. The A~h,.~ claim ownen1h1p to the c•r. ~~ sertJng th~y paJd Lane 1371 0 f,,r 1 CONCRETE BLOCKS Kl 2-41754 T1 ... 1ay. the entire •tud"nt body Practical education tor (-tl1pl.,y· taught by ~pt!<'tliltBl!J from the ment 1n Or11-nJ,:l' (~<lur.ty'11 "1tp11nd· Hehpot 01v:~1un ol Be<:km11.n ln- lng eleetronlc• 1n~u!ltry k<'Yn•·l~a Btrumenta. Inc lnt1tructlon ,,,111 a t<'rle11 of vocetlnna! '"'"11.e• cover !he n111nv IL'l~emb!y optr.v.-"' ·",."i>Ort H•rbor Union Hl(h .-c;lleftuled to atart B\ 0 r 11 n Ke tiona n.,.•e1111111r}.' 111 lho:i manutac-1 <:. J,uul will m•k• a rn&u flffort ,('.,il---~t COl~egt' ttlls nior.lh c<1 lh·i;:<' lurl! of pr<-'<l~I''" .. 1 .. ,·tmnu: "qu1p-l!u: !/'! .. M11.reh ot Dime.!. ciff1c1ah1 till.Id toda} rnenL No f>!•'\'1'"'" •·xperien<:e 1"1 , ... ,.,1 .. nt1 were excuee.1 at 1 1:i "The coUeg" 11nLI n•pre>1 .. nW-req111r .. ,1 . r tu 11ell b11g1 or peanuta Uve~ of the el('<'\ run.re.~ tn•!ustry Orang<' Cui.~t t"lt"ctrQlll<'! •n ·' tll1 ">:hvut the hl,11;tl •chuol di.· have thmftned \ht" p!"llgr11.rn to ~tructur I rvin h:o.1;11n w11l t,.a ~ll lrl• '. un a hou•e to hl'IUM!I b.al.!•. prepa.re man 11.n<l W<\1nen for ~n•· the 1:our11e in Oiroct Current }'Un-\\1th over 1900 1tudenta p11rU- pk>yrnent In thl11 Kruw1 ng field.'" damanii..i.... The courae la design· rlp1<t1ng, tht i OaJ hu bf'tn ttt a t .. 1c1 Dr. Norm11n Watr.n, a.wist-ed to qualify atudent~ for certain •!Ool(). ant ........ n .. tendent in harge of typee ol IMpectlun work and to _, h --r-· r-· 1 f Tne )uea ...,.,. propo.e<:I by t t 'YocatJonal edllcaUon . "The en1· pl'O'Vlde bu1c n111terla or more }Jaroor arta March ot Dime& Ph11.11l• 1• on u11eru1 aklllt ror adv1nced elf'CtroJJica atudy_ lt will cut rn1ttee headed by Coet.a. Mu.a which thert' lll 11 ready market in be roJlo.,.'<'d by 11upplenlentary p.,Lce cruet Art McK.enr.lt . Orange Count y " coure;:i, 1f tht-re '" 11ufficlenl de· J Or11nge Co.ut \~ ~rfer!n i: 17-n1ll.lld. w etk c:our~ .. ~ !n 1 :1,•,-1r~ni.·~ fo'•b--'l'he counl<! In Machine Shop r1clltiu:i, r ,, .. ~· 1 1111.·nl Fun,111--PracliC,.11 w!l! !.><"given by Or11onge ni.-nt~la JUl 1 :".-lll''hJt1•· Shpp l'ra<'-Co jfat lnetructor Y.'l lh11.m Acker- t lrP11 1titl"tln1: .lnrt , :10 !l"d ru11n1ni:-rnlln Studenlti in lhle llt'Ction will t ltr"" :n J11!'1' " ' ,...,~ 111 , 11r h l'tlC"lv" broad bll.~ki;round In nia~ f'<Hl rr1• w,l! h"' h~·I I''"'' n1 Kh\11 11. ch1n1nai: operatlr1n• d...itllrfled to v:,•·k 1••>1• ; ,,, '-' ::11 p n, prepare t hem for 11ny kind of '"f'" ,, 11r1·•· "'II ~)•· t:t11);'hl rnAChlne Ah<Jp work h ,v .... pr,, I,\,,,~ .. 1 ... •t, •!lit'~ 1 .. ·ld The J!:le<:trOtll<:B F11brlC1tll011 a11 W•·'I .. 1 t.v '"'-''"' Oran"e •n<l Machine Shop Pni.ct1ce1 i;,_.ur- C::a~1 1u.;:•11• '"-~· r11· \\1ttaon 1ea are achedul.-d tor Tue•d&Y &nd Jftt '" 1 1,\1:. 'Thou1\/1•111 ,,f dol-Thurllday ulgh t.s each We<'k anti @tr~ • .,,,, .. r .. 1•r:1, nu· ~uip-Oi.r91olt ~r""t l'u001lment1l1 r@r m'r i ~ I' , 11·, 1 ,., .. r .. u r Monllay •n•l "'edne.!<1ay_ J!'IOdri• r,u,. hl•H ,)i, I' will b .. av1.1l-Orange Cout otftclah1 urged •l pro•pe<:Uve 11tudent.t to ron.eult 1 J '•'' 111 """ .,.n brl· th,. Adult Xducatlofl Office at l!'l e Ctll"•O, JI. 1 • ..i J!'l 1 l11l'h 1n any collese tor ••hhllonal lntormaUOn w un1 r n (• 1;ol,,1 1·d. "Ill be on the coun~11. HARB OR HI -LITES 6~· NAN Cl CAMPBELL Victory was the Tars Friday night as their baaketbaU team soundly beat the G&rden Grove Argonaut.8 in the Harbor gym. After the game the senior clua put on a dance called t he Saaketball Bounce. The band did a fine joy playing music. to dance to and Pete Henderson, a mu11!c department atudenll went to FuHerton to ctVe an e•cha.nre l..S-llemhly, The ta I en t varied rrom L.uraJ Wood.on who 11-1.ng Autumn Leave• In French to a rlotou.1 11ktt called "Ja.I A'rvit HI Jlrur.." The ahow went oft won· Driven Hurt 2-car Crash in Here Two driven weni hurt when th eir car• hooked up on Coa.t1t 1!1ghwot.y about 2 mHea aouth ot (·or on a del Mar recently, 1 '11.!1tornl• HIJ'hway palrol report-"'· PhyU111 Madelyn Geol'l'trf. 3t. nt • Curona <lei M11.r mot4'1 and Alex- ander r . Morrow, t ll, or 21..80 Cata- Un•. Lacuna Beaab ware b!l.ken t.o Hoag Ho.plUJ. Thy Wfl'e Jatet' "'leued, The George!! Cll.l' reportedly w.,. In th• proces• of rnaktng-a U -tum when Ule cruh occurred. Fuller's Cars Hit by Vandals Here A vandal att11.tked two can on a aervlce •latlon Jot Monday. Grant Fuller told police three window• In one car were broken out and the tall llgh1-of Ole ve- hicle ripped orr and Jen tn UM tront aeat while the aut.o w a 1 pa.rk(d on a M'lrvlce 1tatlon lot at a10 E. Balt)()6 Blvd., owned by Fuller. He OWM both can. f, aecond vehicle ot hia parked In n-nnt "f the BtaUon wu alllO attacked and two of its wtndOWI broken and th11 lgnJUon inMrt waa pl&.1sged. H arbor Jil: r,. d'-now attending U .S.C.. d I (I l!H)nut entertfllnlng· w ith special numberl'I that he had written. Se"'' having 11 terrU!I: time w.,.re Jack Sanlth and Jody Lieb. 1'om Niquette and 4 u d Y 1 and11, Chuck Kolvl!!lo and C..ryle b rter, R,()d WlllKln and Pat Fruehllng. Donn Waldron a n d Oay Arrruitroitg, Ronnlf: Keeler and Gall Wh\l-e. Ptte Sch11lberg and · La.Urie H endrlckt, Richard Cro•by and Margaret H o p k t n 1. Bruce Knipp and ()&role D&Wl!On, J',Phn Jlopkif\ll and Nanci C&UJP" bell, Ron Thome and Sue Sowd<"n. George Mllybe and Sandr11. Swan· l!On, O..ve T11.1n11ra a nd G 1 or Ill Chapn1an, Tom Houston lllld Toni B urr ough"' Jim Benl.Q and P11.tty Riley, D. n 111 y Hender110n and Perlt Holland, Bob Johruon and Trlllh Knapp, Buddy Thomp110n a nd Judy Cornn.an, Alt.n Ryptn- ak\ anti Marcella Kelter. Carlton l>aw110n lllld M arlyn Hammond, IA.rry Quilro and J l\I Ta.y lor, J:Xck Hatch iand Ma.rtan Koerner , bob Chl!.ney · and Lynn Peue. Nik• Johnaon and Unda Dffr· tnr. Davtt Bricknet and Bonnie JsltJr, \1)9~ Stern• and Margaret Mcl<UrleJ, Bob Allen and Cyn· thla Smith, Bob Whli. and-Jallen Oreen. Arlia Birtcher and Jeaii i.onr (Palm Sprlnpl. derfUlly well except for one lltUel-------------- THE KJ:B&LS &alUl'da)' -'fht lhe Rabal Club had a par ty a t the home ot Larry Harper. ~ plailns pinSJ>Onr Md dotnr c•nl trtcka were Joh ll Hoplttna and Ma:ra-te Btonl. Dave Tamura • n d Gloria Chapman. Tum Hou1t.M and TOllt ltun'OUJht. .Qiuek Van&tivort and Sandy Cole- man. Roy D9.nle.I and eaf.olyn C.lll.11. Buddy Tbomp9MI &n<I Judy Corfman, Rod Wlt.oa and Pa t boy In the front row . K 1. y I a Hunt prompUy took cl.re of him wheo he wu rtvtnc her a bad time by •tlck ln( her tongue out at him. Thl11 brou r ht down the ·-· N AT10NAJ. H ONOR Congr11.tul•llo~ go In great quantlliet to Mona-rae Barlow. Mona •nd her fr•nch horn were not only accepted for the all CAI· lfomla O rhestra. and the A 11 Weste rn ~ference Orrh"..11tra, but now have been accepted tn the A.LL UNITED STATitS OR· CHESTR.A ! She leavea In Aprtl tor SL Loula MiMOurl, where U.e will 1pend a week of hard re- hear~ng IUld a lot of fun. Con- rrstulatlont aga.ln Mon a. you have brought much honor a.nd credit not only to younelf, but to yt)tlt 1 c h ool and community. We're re.Uy prvud of you. Many of Ule gtrt. In the P . l!:. department a.re now Yirorously reheantn& few the oomtns Dance A~bly .to be held in F'ebruary. Ma:rgie Stoval I• the dance ma.n- ager IU'ld umh!r h.,. direction It M ould be a rtne and Intricate "'-· Possible Assault on Paper Carrier Reported on ahsa Pn.iehHnc . JohA.,. R9Gl'Otltl • n d A .poMlbM .-ult on a paper Nan Reyn~da, ._. -II~ and' boy w ... today wuH!r ln,,..up.uon h e Bowden, ~ Bari-' and by O.:.ta Ml!M pone.. Douslu J&JI mum; 'liliir• ~ •• -d a.or,. o.trotid of ITT Ja, 19th Ltnda J:>eei1 .... Alaa R yplmkt Mid 9t., ~ .be WM rldlfte hlJi J!ennle Blair &H caritoll Ila-JiMi,ollf .ouU!. om 0Nns'9 A ... 9CJUUI. end Pa tty 9rtdtll. ot 211t 1k. ..m-. a OU' wtth tbrM nan.ra yCMNM JH!'H.cl •1••1•14• .llllQ,, 11'our fflllor atrla pt Into ..W "•line ·~ 20 mpb. :,·::aJ~; ::tu..::-~%! .;:: = = ~ ~l!~ele ~~ J\ldy Coleman and HM~r Ud· 1T&bbtld at hla Arm. Hla hand dll!. \Yllil"l the Tarry ddb took In •IIPJ*I off lM d•U-ry boy'• :rtJ kl William• -.nd :.Arban. Fee· Jackr.t hut aJ moat u~ th• Aty. ryr11111 {'bltrNkl ~•irl the cu ttwln t-t ~9dl'I..,.,, 79 drama a.nd '"'"I 1·~-, ... ~~~~· • """ c1e l<diiip's snctALS Jan. 26, 'J7' • --• Appl.- CMI. • • • • .. 2'fs-. --• Cnzz• ... -. DOUllilllli llil/'" ......... · "-•"-~~ OOllOKADKL llA& ... Ooaill aw,-. AIOOllO'fj LA.OUK& MM:lll" .......... IMUIOA llL&JID .............. N'E1'!'POM' -..._CR AtO C:C-.. n.,. • Jr. and Norman Now-M, dolnl{ Terry clalma L&ne iaveo him a bualnua w Ba' Motor•. and IJ~a-0 cheek tor a Buick R o ad- Mary AJtfl. ma.ter. The pl11.lnt1tf contend.!! M ary A.th and her •lrter, j...t.ura the che..ik wa1 no good and •till " SUClD PEAOIES •lllUTONI ·~ 19' SUCCOTASH UMU ... COON ''::: 19' SPINAOI CMOP•ID ~ u.u 2 . ',!; 2.S. o..drA ....... YOUOl9 apiMKh. ~hty cleoned.. C0C0ANUT INOW WHITI CAKE .... ... _., 77' ----................ ,"a I ..... aJP CAKIS -..... ,...... M--.. °'°"°'9· 7.10' c-anatBar• -Anlll ~~ ~25c ..... =-" "";:: 27' ~:;1:--:-. .. -.--.11.•-·--· .._ ----""""'-.•-Gia-........ --. ................ _ ......... _.......,_ PUMl-!)LOOK OOMPANY -ine 8. Main 8&.. S-ta "- l'liMJC.t: -OL,'DEB A."iD 00.SC&.ETJ: 8LOCll.8 Kf:L,TORCING STEEL and SUPPLIU C~~E~~~~EACH~23' ~~~~~IX .o,;]]' FLEET BISCUIT MIX 29' A Ulfllll........ .... :t ... clell tl1u1 ·.t=• ' I ..... AIRWAY COFFEE AIJ.lta•rtian l&encl ill Whole ~ Mild, Mettow, ...,,.... o.w at .... HElll KETOlllP :::;; 19' SAUERKRAUT 2 '!::" 25" lMy'a. lrMll 27---. -, .. . WESSOll 01 :::49' . MAYDAY 01. .:::45" MJI WHITE RICE -.:;: 19' SHOwtoAT m-.::: rr llSTANT ComE -;as· .......... ,_ ..... LARGE NAYEis ... -a-Ii PEANUT llUmR ._ ..55" ........... c l9'TOll"S TEA ".:a -. .. -.... BLACK TEA ".:• c .............. ... COlll RAUS '";:: 19' ...... ...,. ........... "IESJW .6:=11' WlhR Pl' -f H"'"' flf .. .oti'"9 Of°"9"1 Wonclw- fvMy '"'"'· """ _,,~ ....... ~io-......_ ............ ,//A- -CRISP LEnucE •• -:-.~ .... EMPEROR GRAPES ._ ... I " • • --------_ _,_ • . I ' ..,~·-·. • ~·· AN'l'JCIPA'nON RUNS HIGH -With planH for t he Oranp County PhUharmonic Societ y's second annual fund Nlling Valentine ball almost completl'<l thtH group or cha.irmeii ga ther(•d at t he-Balboa Ra y t.'lub to add 1ut minute details for the bcnwfi t event t• • bl' held there Feb. 3. From left · Oli Yf'r Mil le r, C'a rl f{,.,,. weU &nd M.n. !.idler , co-chairman !Jf 8J>ec1al ~·v• nl!-; Youth Ce nter Open H .ouse Woman's Civic League • Mre. Frances Hardin, co-chairma.n of the cocklail pa.rty precoding the ball ; Mrs. Boswell. co-cbairma.n of lhe ball ; ~-I ra. Alyne F ields, co-c hairman of the cocktaiJ parly und Thomas Wood, all of this cit y. Although i10Jdlng no official titles, the gl·ntlemen uf the party lend \'aluable moral support. -&cknC'r Photo NEWPO R T HARBOR ~iltS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women's Editor to Hostess Sunday Event P.-:GE ~ -PART 1 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ' I WEDNESDAY , JANUARY 25, 195b The Wohuul'• Civic League a.nd t he newly formed com- mitt• fo' the Youth Cent0< will eo-ho,le'6 the open """'e N01'A BLE SPEAKER SLATED to be held at the Community Youth (\•nter, fifth and l1u; · Avee., 2 to 0 p.m. Sunday. Tho"<· .;crv/ng N!freshm'"'" FOR CATHOLIC COUNCIL and d.Jnct.tnc inspect.Jon of the Yuurh Cent~r during th(' ~:~1.,1i. !)purkft nulllt.anding peraon&J1ly ill lh~ Oa1hol1c .,. . .,,It I .r i n } ,. ''' w!ll bt· JunL~n ~p.·1tkt'r F"h I for \l'le C1tholl•· \\', rn•·r.·,; ('•.,1ri• II, !!.! .10 pm in f.tl 1·11.nn,.I Pariah JlHll 1-f, I •lll•Jt!<l I'd! h,, "l;f.,Ujl JJ.\JI U1'lll·1t llll lll!M'U>illetJ 1tl !h• r ~••·fl\ \\./ill• /1•1U J<< outLf,.f<'rl\'" In \l 1L~h1 nglun. [) (~. ~l •.•>I :-;l'•'•ka l~ t1r11t \'ll'f pre1td••J1t p.ntl <1rJ,:i\.(llD1Uon •nd •lt•Y1•lo•f1lt1•·r1t 'll1t •ri\!Mn f.,r !Iii' !'<a l.•> 1:1J 1·,,un,·•I Of Ca tholic l ---·. ·'---·-··---·- Auaim. Cndle to ""' Mediterranean YOUTH CO NCERT plans wm= dmcribed to ed.ucaton when Harbor ara. chairmen held a breakfut in Balboa Bay Club. The llOUth county C011Cert will be,h eld Sat- urday at Cout CQlJ~ge. Sealed 'are Mra. Robert Ha.rbiaan, dean of girla at Harbor High school and Mayor Dora Hill ; standing, Dr. Baail Petenon, president of Coast College; Mrs. Fred F errey. Youth Concerts chairman for the Philharmonic So- ciety &nd Mrs. John Neff, harbor a.rea cha.irman for the Youth Concerts. -Terry Boris Photo Seiling Sept. 7th eboerd the CARON/A 43 Days 17 Ports Cqncert, Ball Plans Occupy Attention of Philharmonic 0\•'I' J 3.000 1nll 1·~ $!)7:'! oo up Society Directors in Drive fo r Membership With Mni. Fred Ferrcy's group occupied with plans for lhe two concerta which the Orange County PhLlh a nnonic orchestra will play Saturday to yout h groups and r..l rs. Alfred B. Payne and her committee chairmen supcrv IBing µJana for the Valentine Ball F eb. 3 at Balboa Bay Club, lng~r. ruervatlo1U1 : Mnt. C~lbert-! s .. n. de<·nr11.ti o1111, wl'lt• "·11J to.-11 .- "lstt!d by J'll r1. t;unn1n;: Uu!h:r, l'll r1 B N Dt'aenb..r~ uncl ~lr11 Jack ('nm; &.ir1. A lyn .. r 1rl•l11 and ).1r1. Hllrdtn, re>1:kt1t1I parly A rnone uther11 &.ldl11K 11r .. J.l r:!' \V A Cutbert1u·n. !>Ir:!' Kan•n Margrrta Brun l n g, , '-•·,·utl•e dlrox-tur nf lhr Phtlh11rn1,.:11< So- Clt'ty, lll!ol ni.u.ny ruurt' Corona del Mar Travel Service flar b .. ,r \:.!\ti '--------l .lll::WREK llk.I\ t: I I rn•mber1 ot On.nse C.'Uunty Phtl- h arm o n I c Boc'9ty 11re whl%- r.Jq arounu 1n a bffhive ot a.:u- v!ty, Fir•t .iympho"y <•"<•rt ~r '"' -t p11)1 o rc11.~ ti\~ "ar.t ~ au concerts an1 free. f\uid1 " v for the preaenlatlo111 arr. by sub-I ;;;;;:;;;::;.:;;;;;;O;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;.. ________________ ~ 1criptlon lllld m em benthlpt or various der-ree1. ),foreLand IA:lth· M:lM ll"rted& Bellnf&l\te w!ll con-old, pre&ldent ot tht Plillh.annon1c <luct tttie prof.,.lona.L orcheatra SoC'lety, !11 1trea11!ng lndllllrll.J at 10 ._ m. Sat un.t.ly In Onu1ge mem bel"llhlp11, •la.Ung, "Jnduatrlal c .. 11•l Cotlega auditorium arid 1upport w UI ffiAke Ii. tunda.ment.al l"•un at F\Jller\.on Col!e,e audl· di~ferrnc" in the well-b..!n,g of <> the 80Ciety In that Lt will e•t.a.b- turnun ltl 3 p. m. No ll<!n)1;o1119n I l111h a llOUd f\nR.nl·l a.I Daae tov."al'd a charge.J and c.hJldttn muat be our recently devltloped budget o f a.ccon1pan.LetJ by &dull!!. At an $Ml.OOO.'' e<111caUon Al fea ture ~11:ui Behn-\'ALl:N11.VJ: RAJ..t. ranlti. v•lll at tlme.e aelect cer tain 1n!!lrumt'11t". Uemo111U11te U1l'm llnd ~JCplaln tht:!r pa.rt 1n lhe 111il!'CUona. t"ROORA.\t: Y..'orklnK with M l':ll. P a}"ne and For the Oiicriminating a double feature by NIAGARA • T HE RELAXJNG Ci-IA IB. FCJ J~ T l lF: lfli:.!J·: -plus - e The Thermo-Cyclo Pod A h,.a t-n1a.uage unit for I 1r>··l 1n11.., Jr,.. lltld go<-"I Clr•·uln• 1n11 T u be ftt!•'•n now 1t uur ,., . .,.. 11•1•11 • ~,. Co1ne Jn and rela>; Nu obllsnthon a (lemoa. WW b:u::lude Mmai. For· re1t B. All.la4.r, pre•ldenl or Wo- n1a.n.'1 Q\'k: ......,..,, I~ J. C..- nar, J..._ T. Van Dyke. 0 . A. H ooper, Ottnr G. Huw.U, Frank K1.rJI. WUJt,am Kll pa trlck , A. S. Brollrll, K•on•tb 0 . CooUnr. Oll· ,,.., Wll •oa, Duncan Stewlll't, J ark CUrno.r, Robt-rt Marshall. Ph1hp J . Burt.en. A M a r b'j '"I' Y l!!rk11, C . R. Mowwr an.d DeJCtf'r c.omplMl•u", but I ht' ~t11 i:r haft i been ,,.>I hrd Wll•·• e the !n.111,11111: la Wlel hlr· Th.-l'o1(1th l'1·111er boaru. a~1!lated by the ~rl k!pHI ln1r W•>ln t'n'• or1e1.n lzat1vn• holduta \l'l;>, Opt".n nvwi.e In .. ,.i .. , to honor Illa ma.ny bumne.. r1nn11 &lid lnd•Y•dual1 .,..llo ha ve ,., n1r1- bUtf'<I 1to"'"rd the rn11,·erN" u .,f the or•Slnlll 1truC't\11f' On e or the lmport&nt rund ralalnK e"en l1 11 the annual ValenUne O.!I, top IOC:lll.l event I nf nut WM'k, \\''"'"II itnd n11l1<•Tl"I ~l••1 n11 •r1 "' V.'M r R,.11,.r :-:Prvu·.. In The prvg ra ni .,..111 lnchJllt' ~tr•. G. R. \Vlnder, the laltrr th" •!iu• , . ..._. ~11. < I"• ~•dc·n1 "' 1h .. A rchidO<"f'Mo rounr11 tl11• "\''atenntatr~ from lfandel. R ell· co-ch&l n:nan tor north Oran11t I Health Studios J acluon C>WNUU8 OltOUP l '1· h•1I \\ ""'"" ~ I ·1u ll n n<I I· . .,,,, 11!•'1 rut\ "' t 'hn•l•"" I"" . p1i;hi'1 'The H.l rd•", Uie t irat County, ar. MrL ca.r1 BOIWt'LI, In A boon'acka bu1l.t.11J,: ui.•••l thH-, .. , , , 1 mo"•m-• -• "'-hu--. "L'n-cha.rg'e ot prt.u., wllh Mra. J"ran / t•n" ·"''''I ·'''' '' • l.urrn•n '>( t.•t11\Ur•· /•.r th•· C'11lltnr11 I" • """ """ ....._ .,_.,, lnit the u1r.:l N,.,,,,,,,.1 H,,,. :'!••"'' ii~i-"-I s-np•--y ' ·-d ~,.~ Hanlin; Mr1. Jtolmu Wehrley.I J ~ .,i,., 111r.n ·•t \Vom~''" Club. ~.J I# 11Ul/1.,r ur ""• '••• ""''"" ,.. """"' .. , 1 · ~ The woman'1 cornrn.Ltte. C'halr--.mburef', ~\ Wlla rrluved rron1 ,._.I Pn· ... .i, nl .., u kot1ef'1 ''Cla.Mka.t Bymphony". l .'~"~'~'~''i"'i"~m~~~<~:~>i'~'i"~J~~~~pi'°~'in~-~~1;iiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~====:---" man ned by Mra. Al'l'ln !lpeneer, orlcln•I locatLon lo lhe pr• a .. nt Said Mayor Dora Rlll o! lhe rur Yi. Yolllb Cant.er la an out-11te oloo&tlhi Qv ltu• b<•r•I al IMJ~-·-------------------~-------! C Yot.&th Cono.irt.e proirT'LOt. "!'a.rent• 11:rowt.h of t h• puka and recrea~ te .. 1. or thl' N<'.,.'Volt i,;1rrut'nla1 y Girl s lub l at thl! houat' n.~1 LO the rornier do not 1'9LllM tti. heritage of l 00 Main St ., Balboa t•on cornmltl M ot lh• Woman'• 8 ct.ool Di,.tr•rt and ~"f1U11e•I ""' Ct11il& J.leaa H1111k bulldln, 00 • ••-•-lh c 1 .. 1c Lu.rue. to ,..hlch nprt'wn-lt'iu1vr rel'l •b1lltation ·rhl' "'ork Rummage Sale New port Blvd. 1 he Girla' Club. mu c ....... y llave ucre--11 ia •11 tatv• from oth1r local orrutu -h&.1 gone forwa rd uo•lt'r the •h· H11rtJOr A••·• GirJa' Club will 1819"1. H•rbor lllvd , w ill reopen ~:rtuc::::,~or ~•r;nrt~:ceg•:;l tlona have~ lloddt>d. Jt Ji1 e>;-rer!ion ut A. Gr•nt Howland. pre-cond\h! 11 2·dn1· run1n1u,.;~ 1<11 1.-on I Feb 6 art.,r h..in, c lOffd f o r heartn ~ ,._.ted the -~ittM will , on-1ltlent ot the Youth Cent•• Boa<•. "' J m c COl'ldlleted a od Jn • ..-·-~.. " r r!dr.y un.I !<\uTunlay of tlus .,..eek rf'n.,val><111 Hn<I <•""Bir~ t ....,M!led. b "'· •-Jlnf t " unu.e to entar,.., to taJt:• In repre· I r""""""""""""""""""""""""""::;;::;;~-=--::;;;.;;;-_~~;..~~~~;;;;;;~;;::~:::_::;;;:::._~·-:::;:;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:~··~·~·;;;;:;_;'~;-;;;-·~~~~~ .. :;;;:·~·:;;; -nta11n. of all (l"OUJ>S wbh.lnJ to ,..,.Uclpa.t• tn buUdlas the T ~ Clater Into • lllinlncant reeJW.Uonal f'uthty Df' Newport Harbor. Siad&,..• ba.t. ... drawn from th1 eonunlU. wW 11\Clude Mme•. Sp&!ICV. L&VWIMI lA.ll .. Jame. D . Ra,J, Harvey ~. Jack Flower. Karl .A1.at1r. J . P . Caakey, C. ~­ ter Jcx:i•, 1-William•. J&ml"!! Whyt.s, W a 11 a c • C..Wer ht'&d, ThomM H. WUll&m..1, •C . E. Ho.I· Jowa7, A . 0. Phalpm, I:. C Mor- pnf'OUI, J', B. Qlockaer. Georce Wit.on, Walter• Peanon, M I a a J~ WU-an aad M\M R u t h a-.. 80NOa WOa&P.:RS Dalllsn-4 • a recr..tional "~"· t1r fW all ot N\wport Harbor , tb• Youth C.ta ti lllll tar from Junior Ebell P lans Benefit · Jmdor lllbell Club will m&el tomonvw ror a 12:30 p. m. lunch- eon la Harbor HouM with Verna Milin ......... r on "ChAMTI". rnd&y ti... Will be a c om- mJtt..t rn•tirt« at the home or Mr9-Ch a r J a• Woodward. 1130 Paut Ave., to plan ror th• l)e,ne-nt br'l,IDcl\ • bndp -tuhlqri 1how Mt fer r.11. l• at Balbo& Bay CJub. Jfra. 1*ri Oort.on la fftl•r- &I che1nn&n and M.la Miiier wUJ IHI commentator with fuhlon.11 by th• Bl.>" CJub ahop. 800 Wl·lS.J llol.aucllltu._ ,_ .. JJ Snrfsiders Dance 8urlaldna w ill bold a d1nc1 Frida7 1.t 9 p. ~. in th• Elk.I Club. Thia l.e ftnal da.ne. 0( lh• 1 1.-oa and i. to be u tntonnal record •-nL, accordtas to Mn Wllllun 8table. pubUclty chair-I m~ St. Elizabeth Guild BL D ..._beth'• OuUd of St., JunM Chur'('.h wUl mMt at the bora• of 111"11. Roblrt Orle-r Sr .. Jlfo CarnaUc. Av•., Feb. l at IJ:JO p. m. Plana wtll be made trw a card part.)' and faahlnn show lllatlfd tor AprU. In HoepiW Roa.rt ODUMr ot 1121 E>deo A--. ea.ta I(-la at Ofit.n1r9 eoua~ u.,ew r.uowm1 a heart •tUdl Jul ..... Shake Hancls With Yourself • • FOR MAKING THAT BIG SALE ' RESULTS COME FAST WITH WANT ADS YOUR CLASSIFIED AD APPEARS ' . \. TIMES WERLY IN THE JllBWPOIZT ~ HARBOR RE-W~; PRESS CALL HARBOR 1616 • • FINAL DAYS!! • WE'VE MARKED DOWN the Marked Downs! DRESSES • • Rob es • Loungewear • Hats • Handba gs • •Sweaters •Costume • Hosiery Jewelry STORE WIDE SAVINGS UP TO SOcro . • AND MORE Including elf of the fomou• brond name merchandise in out regular 1tock .•• Alf fete•t 1tyleJ, febriCJ & cofo,. • All SaW 1'1•.J--Plf'.,... "" uchan1r-o, r,.f11nd11. .,, f'_~Jtl •Ill-. Fa•hion Appe,el Llbe..ty 8-7431. 17b7-e Newport Bl vd. Costa Mesa • Open F'rida7 r.:v ..... 'Ill I • -- " • - • • " -~LIDO ISLE TO ROCK · IN HbBO HOEDOWN • Shantytown Shindig for • Fun Areas' Financing .... --....... .. .. -........... -.v &_,--.a o. • , m Jt',. ,.-OU-. ... .., T ........ w . _... -. a. ....... ,...... ........ ,..,. old ...... 11, ' 11 - -:.!=.~;..~ :;,,;_ :-... ~ -:..:.=:...:::· By HU. MA.ft OBER IS.. a.Jp11. ~ Ull x. .. ..,..,. -., Mr. ud. lb-. A. ~ __ __.__ . Jr. ~ T.._ Tbe Dlltal 1111,rrtt. AD.other Lido. torpedo.i di~ divWiou • a bout to · · .,.. ai.o et•nfed 'tq atll7'• uplode! It'• the Hobo Hop! Slated tor 81.turday nieht, , fido lalandera and their guesta rit be m&kinc tncJra to Lido J.t .. nod _.'!' W...& •• r ._ ~ Uld W. ..., ............ ...., . .Jam. Botlldq llDd lV-.U, o.r-lt.wvt. ot ~ ~ th~ clubhouee terminal for &n· evening of 1h&.olytown Mrdt, 1*d. tb. cbow ..,.n..L YOUDC cwt. t~ ~ •huftllng, Mulligan 1te# and sen-of aoiio.. and winller-. of dance runa. 'fc:.' tM H obt Bop l'O tn-&ad ONO ... ..,..., DlmaT a ad uat trelrbt-yard traternlstnc. cont.MU, atonr with door a a d to a wpedal tw tw ftn·s±s U.. tany. OU..., ..... ... Ona ROUNDROUSI: TONE noor· prta.. Penon, 8W,y #MS JoQ ..._~ .A h&rd-Um-atmosphue, com -BUD ID:1.PE&8 owrb&ul &ad r-epa.lr ill Udo llM Cbuieli Plnbrton. K1b N...toa. plete w Ith ~erage cabo<>M. ~ .,... 8Uly .,u_. and ~1 TCtr. l '~-p;o,;;;;;;;;;;.._..;;;;;;;..;;;;;;.J 90nl' ahat'k and dn.im -bU•llng Gen.eral chairman 1-Malt Ober' _______________ .:.._.:::_ ____ .:.._.:.:__;_=.:.._---~''---------- -.net d fecta will prev&ll at the J?. a.,.,,. Gato hmb the tlcbt Udo "d,.pot". The tlnal tillp 1-ocmmlttee, conNtinK ot fluoold belnl provided. by Vlr(l.I Partch Rf&'p, la.ell: Da'ti9, Gerry lchuc.b- who ll dolnc aome ot hill ct..,.tc t•r. V\nce Healy, J'r&ncll Daw- cartoon work with a roundhouee .on, O. M. Horn, J-.cll: • c..r.on. toll<! u part or the trapptng•. Art RHtHTIC, H•rTJ K•lan, Arn· Roju and h I a Frant.ic Five old Broy!-, Bob Harrta. Jiin Kil· have been l.ll.K~ed to proridc fool · roy, Lee W"cClcll&n, Joe Frein· •lOlllPlllK rhythm• betltllnic the Lnc:er, Jo.b.o Ol&M, Ed Smith, Dave MOO ~n. QJnn.lftgbam. G<eaa Bola. J oe J"er· Being • C011lu.rnc ca per, pMltefl KU'Oft a.nd MmeL Burnell F orge1. will be aw11rol"d for euthenUcily M&T)' Bell Robert rralJey, Gia· and .croun11ne•. OlhCT pboons dy• !t.amb&ul"h. M.upret White will )(o t•1 the King and Quee n and RJch&.rd M11Zt:.iha. \lam Nichol•, J o hn Mc.Millan. e .. rry. H n Tri-.1, E . v. Rapn. ?of A Owen , Hernke Knies, J . Y . 'Presl.de Over .,utrtnbar.-er , tt. M. Peu.e. A. E . f'!tunome, K. £ Young, H . F I Hllvlce, Lmu~ Ryera, V!rie.n Ed· St ar bright ,.,.,Hua 111111 E. 1~ 110M 1. ! :-:l;!w citt1cer• prr.icted ..... nei: the Dendel Guests 8\.llrbrtg"ht Club ot f!arhor l..:_~ap· I M..f anct Mra. \\'lltrf!d Dendel ter, Order uf the !!:&&tern ~t•r f Alie ~f hL J .. n. I& for lunche<Jn In the 0 gU11, • IC I ll.I\· •" •pe:nd· F,.11.,.,..,. Hill!, Ct.>11l11. .,1ei;a Lnl" Ule Wllll,.r In CO.ta Meaa u Th~ Kruup wa.a electe.J &I t Iv•· GETTrNG CI.OS EI~ Y ACQUAII\"TED \\'It h the '•bum" 1::: 1~nl:' of the Lido' Isle Hobo Hop, ~ched uled for Jan. 28. ar~. left, ~liB. Ned And• r~n. decorations and Dan Wedman, promut1on. Dan 1s the one on the right. Staff Phot o I JnK •e..a1on ol l&at year It 1n· elude• Mm H . IC L. Hobel, pre•I· dent. Huold F ink, vice preai· dent ; Gcorl"lt F011:, -'ltl;telar)'. r.: I ?of<XJre. re.elected U eJUrurer . Mt lwood Berry, p.erlla~cntar1an and H. I!:. Young, publicity chair· m~. guuta of their aoa and da.ulfhl.er- ln-lar. M r. and Ml"9. J o Dendd of 220 E.. 18th BL I New Meaans Recent newcomer. to Custa ------ Plight of Utah Navajos Told Ensign School P-TA William Kim es Shows Monume nt Valley Scenes our own you n g s lt·iB. with Chris tma s ~t flil . the cold ground , gra te- I• tary ril a httlt' ln<tuu1 ~1! I ,,. ' r>t>t ,.. .. "t 'liAk('ll (JI' IJIMt~."i l'r f!&l!l"nl 1'1n1 Jo&•'Ph l.:Mr\<"f unnu11nCe•I that 11.ll thi" ~··TA ~n1u 1• h•,·e ~en <'llllef\ up"n to '"'~'"t 1n U1e March or 1.>1n1e-~•m· pl>IK ll BtHI •hf! urgc<l lhAt a ll thf! n1.,ther" ,,f the ~:rall'n P-1'A lend /ILi for gi!J,.a or bea.rui~a nd potatoea,·'.Sfi-id WU\i~m K 1n1~·H o( .. ~t'ry Al'l to the rolio funrl a nd 1111<nge Cuut Co llege ..,. h,. a•l-1 . 1 •~1..-rlally tu II " :'o1o>lhrr '11 ~ler<"h ,.,,.,.1<f!"I niemtl-P r• ot u ,,,.,,.., ~:::n-nf><i fruit •ncl .i;n1<!1<•n• .,r tr>)"• of l!,"'lf'A .111.n 31 ·"lo:" !-'-T A. tu tllf r h!hlr»r \\,.. f011n•11!1o1t Lhl"I :'o1mr.• ttlri\AJ ! [.Jheithal y,· "I couldn't help but compare y,•arm and happy a nd s urrounded "'1th t he Navajo chihJren sitting o n h.olllt'I a n•! Cl!nton En1mer•on ~e11o le•l i-ift "e l<JU!J i 1"' 1". tht> 0 llun1•,..,n A11•1 .... 1ou c:in F:tl-l Nameo.l at the meeting .,.1ert telephone comm! ttt e m " m be r •. Mm111e. W . H . Boult, Cl1de J ohn· aon. F . 0 . Maytteld, Lew P et titt. Ernut P oup&rt.. Ca rolyn Bulh•r · land, Stuart Price, H iram Ander· llOn , Jl'r&nk Batu and E'. W. HUI Lunchf!On wu ~rved by Mmea. 011<:a r Hu1'trom, chalrman; Uf!tl· 1ue Eby, Elli• Por h•r 11nd l!:mlly H enley, Otheno preHnl were .\lmeL Ora Llllian Church, John Yale•, Evtlyn B uech ner, M 11. r K are t \\'rlj~h!, Jolar111.ret Clark. AJU)le \\'alker. E. J Moore, A. A. Voor· hM>•. W , H . Randall. C A Lytle, Phillip Orth, J ohn Walker. \Vil· Me.a are Mr. and )(ra. Edw ud JaJ.tab&clta. formerl1 of s.n Ber· .oardlno, n o w reald1nJ' a t .5oM Plumer St. Jl.ll&b&ck& lJi employ· e-d a t Roa&n'• tn N.wport. B..m PARKES·llDLEY MORTUARY 110 Broadwa]. -eo.ta Meu. Ul-MU LIDO FASHIONS .,.,11h me111ber. ot Lhelr fa.rn1Ue•.1 · a vaJu "''Oil.<" '•'' T<' pu r~·· w11.ter n0.11 u1 .,•I tu lhe n"1n1nal ir1g l ·~·i. a11pphem to the .1Jul1ana of YRO~I FAK A\\"A\ jrommtn f'"" I ,\l.,n11m .. nt Va llf')', Utuh, clunng the A n1ong th" 1ec1pient. ,.,·ho• "n1e Harry Kai1n ~ !!.>y ~cout l'r"OP 1 '·hrl~trna.~ holiday• Rpf'•klnK of 1 from m a ny n1ilea lo sharf' u th•' 10 prttil'nted tll<' • nlors and J .. tJ lh<' help i;tlven Ule•e• ~pie by Chrurtmu pttrty were ao1n.-In · the r1er aahHe hru the sen.!ational 11,.rhor arra re.aident•. he rontinu-'ll&n• from S11n Ju&n Rivf'r 'Tlll!y ----were 11<> unl'l \'lllud,"' 11&1<l K>1t1ea. "I don't think they even kn.-" tha t the white 111•n ha d la n•ll'd 11.,re yet." "' .:-.·o ('kOl'l-' There a re 110n1e brig ht ~l">L• ln their Jive•; th1a la the f1rtit time "There h•d been a c-rop failure 1H1d Ille Indian. need""' help. They "''ere f11ct:d with tlyinr ot 11tarva· \Ion bet"at111e of a nutritional ll1ck , J.: x ten 11 v e a rr angement.a were ln their hll1tory that th11r,. have 11111.de for pnx:urlng and traneporl· beelf 1utflclenl ec:hoolroom• for the Ing el(hl ton• ot bean• to them ch lldren , &a.Id Klmu. He al!IO told which provided a aac:k to •Ch \of the Walt Disney St~dloe n1ak- hog11.n. In a ddition lo potatOM. can· lng a 1novle. ''The U\tle Navajo'", Zodiacal Theme at Installation McLaughlins in W ashin gton Mr. and M ri1 :\'.ewtun Mcl..augh- Hn, 101)(1 1·u11Un i\ vo·. Cnirta Me••. left Mondi<y h_\I pl11n1 for \VAl'lh· l11gton , O. C "'"hl'rl' ~lcl.a ul(hlln will att~nd th .. NaUnnal A uttr n1ohlla healers convPnt1on T hey wlll then gn to N••w Y"rk Mnd Bo1lon to vunL frh·nd11 an<l rPIA· lives. Dur:ng their •b,...nr .. ,.d ~le· Lau g11ll n 'a 11lJ1tPr 1tn11 h,.r h u 11- tNand. ?.f r an<t '-t r~ A D. Go<id· win. wHl atay •l the home with Mra. 8cs11 Bl11ckburn. mother ot Ole two womtn Thi' Good\O:iN are froru Ohio ~n<I >tre tpl!ndln g 110me lime in Bf'\'erly H iii& "''lt.h tht.'1r dauithtt'r .,Signs of the Zodiac" was the theme of the Harbor Tout.mi11treea installation dinner held Wednesday evening at the Newport Harbor Y&.cht Club. Black, 11ilvcr and I r-;;;-;;;-;;;-;;;~-;;;;;-.. __ .;;.;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;; ~white were carried out In astrologlca.l symbols as ctecorative theme. Mrs. Nadine Hill presided and introduced guests. 1 Harbor Rest Me moriail Pa rk f.lr•. J aye I) McKlli90n :.1 ec\1ng1 ~re thl" ~econcl IH \fl fno•11h :.fronrtav nights Rt Mo~pHal\1)' I!'"'·"" 11rid are 01><-n lo s ll lntrrl"~l ···I ""''ll\<'11 Ma11.1>t1IPun1-I n'tf'rm.,nt COKT<l<'n ~. <'~rni-l"ry l horhur n l 4 .lslr r BA LTZ MORTUARIE S :J/.ank 7}ou new girdle that slims you while you walk! 'NEW SLANT' by Gll Cl ~ll "r;'.[W SLANI by Silf Skin o\lme yo11 .. hilt you .. ilk .•• bttauff th" k nh'• Oft the b iu. It'• tht ~l cornlor11 ble. lrtt·..-•lk•n& s.lrdl~ ""er! With ~ llffP yeu 11kr ... ii Msh'eoM 11 the thiah AND dr1•• i11 JOllf 1111om1 ... bofh II tht •t'l' Nmt •• ! "NEW SLANr b.a1 n --· no bona. no t"lt1' p111tl IO ~ ,ou. Ir worlu IH fipN ..... ;., ..-u. ... 1 klky _,..._pend. ol lakk , .. i>I'• nliONT 1ad llEAR f11ll-!1ohianrd. h,ht 111d toll 11 • •hilipt1' S-11. --U-, l1r1e. Oelr •500 , .. 111'-..... 11.JI • .._..I &11•'•* _.,.. C111 •a-... • •• .. .. FAMOUS SUNDOWNS with new "Safety.Step• feet -c-. -$2.95 $2 .95 lo,,......., pcm.M ~ ••. ond odd ....,.. ol ' .-lro ...._ -.• C'..artw'1 ~ 4vrcble not"l·1kiddlne "'Sohty ~ plai* ... tlO.....,,.. fHf. No dlppen _..,_ wipe ... ._ Git MdlWe I G..lfty •Jollie/zed ..... Wd.......,. 5'9p" '-' !ft ploce. '-' '""""" -... -1 C S:Sb -··~ I .... ......a..d:,....~lttle cut•upl Wi>lttle...._, ............ _ .._..,_ TWl>pi.c., ., .. 7 •• ...,. b..__..___..~~-.......... _ r ! -~~-,I "'" ', Mltlldrecl -II I 3 ,, ---.... Gld II• A .,9f'O"'f.atw-e", I • 1 •• pcJ>t •• 0 lli'i\ tPt•-of ROSI MIDS ~=· $1.75 ---· _, $2.50 • 3404 VIA LIDO---NEWPORT IN THE LIDO SHOPPING CENTER • ' _, , • , CHAlalER OF COMllERCl!(-Preaident 1&m,. Van Dyke rr<e<& Mn. Thorldld Knudaen, Los Angelel C of C committee bead, apeaker at the woman'• committee luncbon of Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce in the Cb&rt Room. of N~~ port H&rbor Yacht O ub. At right if M.1"9. T. Duncan Stewart, dia.lnnan ot the committee. -Staff Photo ~ ..... • ·• C OF c -WOMEN HEAR ' .... ~"";-·---~--.., ... ···-. --- Ulmp Fire Leaders Fonn· Harbor Area Association llra. Pa.ul AocMt. lU ... Ba7 If..,.,_. t41 Mn9 wl" Mn. t.fiOo • &.-. wa ---~ ~~l ot t.ba -rill --. Mn.. EtUott Mom.. at. MRS . _THORKILD .KNUDSEN LA Ci·Vl··c Leader Lal.lds •--"' ... " , -_,, .......,. -....... •• ll>"o dty •• .,. ...... , ... wu ....... at.Wart.•• t • r "'i c.._, ,S'.&111 t..d.IN'9 .u.ocs.Uoa ~ A:9Rnetb Chubbucll ot Ooi1ta ..,.,. U.t tt• c ., c w ..... ·, at • ·11H.tun1 bolll b Coal.a Mua. Ma...,, ..eM1t.ary. ThlyAtu be """ Beauti"f1·cati'on Efforts ftl!IMttt• ... --dai&!pllffli r orrnrt7 • PU'l at the Orana• 1taUM at .. dinner meeuns ..... , to ......... U.. .,., > o< ~ C..W,. ""'""" ·-'"''°'· ll In Feb~'l'· __ . _ • 1 . --B~ ~ -...'t! ft.-.;-tc:t· thlt 8.p:ll CroWth of lntrod\K't<I, al chairman tor tb• A pat oe the hMll: for It.I ftf'llt two-y_,.. ol--work'-and Dia.t Utl9-U.it"'bettL fjurned cww to Crr.,p i:tre Olr1-.>ntJ Slue Bird oomtni p.i=anul •le ,..., Mra. a hattu.I of new ldeaa for eervice lo the Harbor &rea came ~park qmml•l()n, whidl lu JD:t1~b'p ne-cellodt.atGd • loc•I Ralph \\'atermin or co.ta M-. -to the Woman'• committee of the local cha.in.her of com~ \M.m _ad~ UU._ ~ OClm M<:.::el.::i.:ioft. _ • She •nneuncf'd that the .. 11 wi ll _ -MIU. Ui ~-wnn U. pro--Ji4J'a. ll:."Dl n A. Laurin. •25 cunllnue until Feb. &. Camp nre merce tropi Mn. 'rborkUa Knudaen of Udo ble and Lot JeeL .rut 11..h Ct. COl!ta Mrw•. chair· Girl• IJld Blue Bil'da wilt • e 11 -J~ )fra .. -'Kn~ WU (Uell a~er at lut Friday'• IW.~A."D8 '"'!ll.n o:_Qrn.n",.c C;:unty. !Aaden p.anu.,. Iron' cklor lo door an d Juedieon In th• cllut: room. of lh• •kl he W•• llO llnpiUMd , with b l!bect1ra,s~er.t .aa at.o 1lvt-n,. A.rwQC!al!on. «"nducted Uw bwit· Mveral booth• will be tnalnlal~ ----y -•t Clob ••d _._ oJ t In th 1 I a, lti:.1...:::cn In Ua ipat.t.ar neaa ~ .... d oftit"er election. 1t vartOUll city lw.-aUona. Retul"TUI H"'l'Ort a.a......-a ... , -· \l>W " ue 0 coord.in.at I · e ~ coolrol of bnll~oardl. abe out· will aid In -.end1n1 <ho 1trl1 to _ .. work the women membe.n c an tnlipl.-.d t.be n•rl1 ZOO Wbo he&iu do. that he w ill •p}'Olnt at In.It lined the atei:-1 ,t)' which l..oe AA· In M da y Clllmp thla aummer, bar. She i. a paat p....tdent ot one woman lo m011t of hi• C(lnl· 1eleJ bad NCured ordta~ to exico City ' the woman'• Dtvtilon ot Loa An· mitleff. C\lrb the un.slghuy hl&hway and Mr. llnd M ni. K . H . Holbrook, 1 ~ Cllamber o( Comere41 ind 01'JtDEN TOl'R freeway blllboarde. 200 Vla Mentorw, are va.cattonlnl' -· .. ·-t of Loe An1elee e..uU-Bo lnlait i. the 1oca1 commit· at the H.ot"I M/ Bemer tn Me:11 · I ,.....-..._ Mrs. K.aren Brun1nr -.nnounco!d Cl .,.,, a a.-1&.1• commltt.. repr.. 1 tee In W. Olrectlon that Mr•. loo t>·· ·-r ·-the Youth $)'mphony conct>rl& -Uni' all or1an1Ad emu.,.. d M G N p Charle!' Limb had made ma Jl.1 l:Mlailn-and pvemmeat aren-a.n ra. · ' -.w. r•rden lltlle blllboar~1. Ju•t Uk• UlooM that "We ire happiest when we ! Ciaa lA the ct\]'. tour chairman for the Ch•mber on th. blghwaya, a• tab~ decor· Rrve". committee, announced t ~e date•) U , lh I h •-_._ UNIFIED &PTOllT tor tJii' spM"I' ~im tQur. whkh • ona .or ' unc t!Oll. -.... -y CIT\' P'1..0141':R Mre. knu.i.en ducribed the w111 be M1y 12 and 13. She 11tated1 Uttered thf l.'lt.le It WI.I brolJCht Mra. Ste""*rt announeed that I ..-.Ju.&Me teat""' Of all JJl.l.oll~l-that U>e l,our 1a designed to be a home to all preient. how nee•· the pm je<:L& of a clean elty, a eel PJ'OS1"8D. to.rard a cl-.ner. "pUot project'', to ahow reliden11 11&ry It ia that •tepe be taken to m ore beautiful city. the carden Mtt... ~ &Ad _,.. at.tra.e-and tM.am-. houtt!.11 what plant· rid our JV.&hwaya Df Ulla mere-lol.l.r, a , plant Ii. tree week and the u.-. city. BM pt"llJ.Md the "clMn Inca do well ben and to 1n11p1re ~~~O::."~~· 0~~ c~~tr~auly and aelectlon of the city !lower wlll Up wlNlc"" pl&nn-S he!'B for F eb. ~d educa te the comnwnnv 1n the Y be amon, the immediate aclLvJ. 20-21' uackT the au.pk • ol Ol e dtrectlon of more and mOre •ult-Mra. Knud.ten •lated that pro.-liea ot her <.'tll'rl mitt~ JW:Uor Eball NMI at.r.t.d U!At •e able planting Kreu on all problerna can b<e.et be Me1nben1 of th f' .-:xecullveo had 0'""90ld our SOUthern CLll· In her talk Mra Knudaen em-made by a 'lhurion commit tee of bottrd of the Woman'A Cf1nin11 ttef: foruia llnd were paytn1 for It wtU'l pha11iaeo<1 the beaul1t1c11.tf<1n wf11·k •II concerned and by "t.alkln1 It are. in addition to M t a, stewiu·t. Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL crowded cond lUona a nd many or lheo Wl'>men of lt,., Lo& Anio:el· over" in 11. !;'rOup ot people who eha 1nna11, 1.lmea Ralph Ahien•. problem• to face. She -.Id thal '" Cha1nber and ••1<1 that Loe An· are "atrong rerrl'•'1l•tlve1,'' and Paut1)av1a. Clarence l-f1~b1e. Ro·, -------------·)"Utter" will M U'le number ooe gel~ ilflauUful will hold a "plant by people wh& ••e lnrormed and t>ert M 11.r~h.ll.lt. Hey l.llnt;"nh('!in CAL' ENDAR proj.ct of Loa An,-el• Bea.utlt'\11 a tr~ .,.._k" a n<1 "'ill puHh It. un11elflehly 1n!t<reiited 1n the beat Challen !.andera, Fro&nk M ~('l•r· I UU. )'ear, ..:> ..-loue bM U"8 altu· provam of atrel't treeo p!11.nUng lhlnt:• tor all the people. 'Ille ff· mick. J;,.n1eoa N .. wlln Ph1l1p Hur· I atlon become. and m11.1n1 .. ruu1t·•· l:ihe ••ltl that ,cret ot /'.ln1 Knull ... n'• many Jnn, Pea..w , Earl Stllnlty, Te•{ Q F E\TENTS Ouut.e lntn>dueed by Mra T the prn;:r"'"" •l t planltn~ ,.,,.1 )'llllra ot outllllln(llng At!'!"vtce to Hiunbrouk a11d Lamb All ""'"111 n 1 CALL SECURITY COMMERCIAL PATROL Duru:a 11 Stewart. chairman of theo bt'.aullfil·•tiun rtnnl' by indu~try I her city. of ht>t "'0.~ld ~!de fame, ,who are 111emberi1 of theo C."hamber I -------.,-------) kJe-.1 C of C wom.a.o.'1 COAlmlltee, and bl.ul1neee e11tabhshmentt was 0' her ~~lua>on 111 Who• Who In are autom11tically member• nr lh .. I 1-. i a ..,..,.. Mr. and Mn. Ja.mea Vari one of the n10At '"8\!11f1artor\' 1<c· America · of h.-r roreJen govern· \\'oman·~ Comnutt.,. Thll' l'Olll- Dyke, Mayor Dora. H UI and Cot oompllahment1 of th'l1"" ·.,..h<Jl metlt decorellonft and In her lof11 nnttee w1H work con~tantly <o rrvr; 001...l...A.R. banquet -1 ·30 11 t r C Secntary Hey L&Sl ... nh.tm work on, •nd with Lu11 Angtle11 •I o awenlll •nd honor1, in 1um· 1 ncrea~ thll' nun•ber or ChamlM'!r Goodell Ha.IL V .11-. ll &ll DJkt, n-C ot C pl'Mldenl, Beautiful t med up in her own •l_•_l•_m_'_"_' _m_•_m_ .. _r• both men and<~w'.'.""'~"~':"-'!~=::=======o=--:=.=.=.;:!! p m. Meaa Kl 2-7027 1N hA WAII for an extended vi.ail ia Mn. Viviag. J. Bent of 1020 West Bay Ave. Mn. Bent, who arrived in t he la!and11 via the SS LURUNE, is pictured above at the Princeu KaJuJani Hotel in Waikiki with her cousin Mrt. J a.mes V. Guthrie, left, formerly of New· port, who ill now making her home in the !Jllancb. - .t'rinceu Kaiullani HoteJ Photo ZONIA ('lub T;30 p.m. t.04 Cata - lina. Onve OPTl·M.RB. JUNlOR EBICL.1. 12 :~ p.m. HO&&' Aua. -10 a.. m. St. .4A- dNW'1 Laun&"•· ST. JOACHIM Mothera-l :JO p. m . et acnool. W. S. C. 8. CANASTA pa.rt,-- I p. m. I>ea.rbom Ha.II. S:QEU.. l nbetw..,nere 12:30 p.m . ne Ptllnaettia,_ BALBOA ANOWNO elub • a.n- au&I dinner, CIDck CDWllrY Club. F .A.C. Brldf e------12 .S-O p.m . club- YQL;TH CENTER---OJM!n hOUM 2·8 p m. F'ttt h ll lria Avea. .11-. IO TOASTMJ8TRE88 -T .SO p .m. tr&J favor• f or 'rarkM&a bolplital& Boon t he Junior R-.d Croa.e wUl 1t&rt mt}llnc vaJentlne t ray tevora. 8QIOOL DANCE L&at Prlday, Horace EMp bad It. HCOnd elchth .-rad• dance. It wu aponaored by U'le P-TA. Mra.. Berry a.nd Mr•. Carlyle .old tick· eta In the IJYTn lobby. The leac.b- en pnaent were: Mr. Jol\nao11, Mr . P'arrte, Mr. Ritter, Kn. Mou- teLler. Ml• Dulin a.nd MIN Ter-,..._ -------------------------) Led by Mr. Kidder. the 8wln1 "'L""M1'...i•'1' ARY SCHOOLS Conference Delegates, 8th Grade Activities Band wu the main aource of dance mualc. Dave Kampert, Jobli car- lyle, Bob Ander90ft, Oorolhy Wood- WorthJ Dav• Lourie. Paut Snyder, Don Swanaon. John Hulbert, Mr. OJ.aon. Jetr 8m1th . GeoN &harp, La.nee Rowan. ChrUtle Carver, Bev Ryadale, Gall Ora.vea, and Steve , Serl play~ In th.a 8'Wtftl' B&nd. M m . Betty Trine .11.nd Mrs. M11.yme Kimes will repreeent Th• door pri:w1 were won by t !ic r·~r.--0'1. B e a ch ·~mentary School district at the annu&.I lJob lnl"Old a:nd Pam Twtat . 'I'¥>' · lioth r.celved • p&a for two a t Cooj ':':?::-.c:1e rs' cc 1 • .:rcnce, Jan. 27 and 28. Thia confer· th~ Udn Th-ter. Later there wu c:1 ~~ i: t;xinsored by the Califofnia Teacher-a Aaaociation a broom dance. Diane Meyera, .Mlc- 8 '"d t h ~ld on th:? USC carnpua in l..o8 Angeles. keJ Bramble, John Hulbert a.nd Pe.m l:llinore all ha.d to einl' ·-nir.,. i · ·.J i' 1"e. w:io te~cht• ~~d (; ·~ r t l'le 1:1'rbor View School. , "-l :. ·~.-.·,;to repre;;:-nl the New· r• •. i.'c::c'.1 IACttl:y. Mr1, K!me.11, v. 10 tC ·c"'lcll r Rtt Kr•d• at the Co- " •a <.~1 Ii.tr. ~c:hool, hu Deen ln· , .. cJ to p~1 :lclp:i.te In the e::i:ifet· e ~:-a ' co-c:111! rm an or one ot t he 1U.JCllll.llon i roupa. Thia i roup will p 1::t thr.::e tlmea during the con- fc1c.,ce a 1d h•r 11eleetlon for thla poll lion la 11 rKOl(l'lltlon of the ,.·ork which aha hu done In the local achool 1y1ten1. Mli8 10 GROUP A II or the ten nfth era de cla- rrom tile Newport Beach Schoolll wtll M rueet.e of the Harbor Hl&'h ~luak l'?'OUJlll Jan. 28. The1 wtll join wtUi the r1fu. crade chUdrwi from San J uan Capliatrano, 8a.n Clemente, Lapna. BM.ch llnd Ol»- ta MML Jn P"Jlllr&tlon tw thta event. the boya and rtrlll-]lave ~n ,t1tdylq tn1tnuneal,lo ot the orch- t ra a.nd llMri111' 90ITle or the mu.k which WUI b. .,,.-t.ect. Clint.on Sa.win, conductor of U.. tul'h achoo! orch..tn AM Ml• a Marie HJ~ cttor&I dlrec:tor, ..,. wortlirlC wtth their sroupa lo tn&k• tbe "Youth Ooacvt" a hlpupt for UM l'ifth (Tl&dere. The enUre ntt.tr. er-de a.udJenoei 1lriU have t.be opportualtJ of eil'll'l"I' lolWthal' h'Olll u... to time dul'lf's U'le pro-.,.... l11NIOS MD <JllOM a.Ip Pon., etpt.b ...... Ill• ...... tH II-. a.ten ...... ....... ......,. tbe 1loNeei .... ,_.., ftad er... Wd ~ '!"ha Mica ... .,..,,,.. .,.,.. el9ct..t; pt-"itmt, 0.-Tllompaon, ........ th......,. (Ki.a _Mant.oa'e l'OOla)i nee p,.,...,_t, SU. IUbky, ~tll rwk fllfn. earp.l'lter'a "*"'-! i aieeret..ry, N.ncy Oardnw. el.l'htll (rl&Ch, fMlee Dulin'• room 1. ftdr lN:il II to b•IP plall Red Croo• 1ct ivllle• for the reat of the Bllnd Mice·· Nancy O&rdner and year. So far thill ye•r. U'le 1tudent.e ot Horace Enalrn have m•dt! 1201 John Baker both did v:cellent Jo- .. mlatre .. and muter of cere- mon.1-. SALE! SMITH-CORONA Clipper ·So.,. $14.00-Reg, $92,50 GUARANTEED FOR 1 YIAR Here'• your once In a lit.ff,.... opf)Of1Ut1fty to ltuy • wond4nfvl Smith-Coro"° portabltt at a rMYe9d prlc.. And ,..,....mt>.r, at'Tler"°n' .. you ... • full y.crr't un· concUtlonal t uarontM with wwy typ.wrt'9r, fvery n-machine 11 eomp .. '91y Jn1p 1c'9d by our expert Mf'Y~ cMpa""*" to lnaurw •11olnet factory defect• an4 to ~ ovr ltrict tpllCI~•· T-To Sult Y-luclg.t 1·F I ' WON S64,000 • •.I'd stlll go for Eleven Cellars at 634 It wouldn't make sense to pay more for wine -once you know this secret : Eleven Cellars Win~s are produced in eleven different wineries. Each winery specializes in the wines that are made beet in its district:1 I' California Port in one winery, Muscatel in another, and so on. Theee eleven wineries joined forces to bring you good wine at a reasonable price. Today, you can buy fine Eleven Cellars WinM for juet 63c a fifth for sweet wines-58c for dry. Enjoy the low-cost luxury of Eleven Cellani-tonight! MORE PRIZES FOR FLAVOR THAN ANY OTHER WINE! !2'~~~ For the third straight yeoi:._.fleven Cellars has ~"" s 'I 0 \' won more Awards for Excellence !hon ony other wine of its price -Special Divisions, 1955 Cali· fornla Stote Fa ir and Los Angeles County Fair. (kt Sp•cial Divisions, samples judged are octwally tolen from stor• 1helve1.) / ELEVEN CELLARS WINE , , • • • I • t1>rnla by tbt •lfl<'ll'Of\lc• flrm. du.Ir)' Lt Wt>rktna nn M>mt new a.,.-1•~d h)' tn~ It"" '"•••~• ,. "Alkqtate ·~• tor f\ltur. .X· ty~ ot conn.ctk>n lo prevait U\la, &ad. pe.NilOn, atlt"actlv• ilVlAI concll-bal .a r ... DOrH1 i.... beotn t.utatled. Mr. Collier died J&n. It iii ()r.. BOUNIAIY C1 " I r.-"'"" ..... Uorui tor out employ-. • pod rM MJr\41~ ba.Pf>tNI evuy Um• ant"• County OeneraJ Haiitplt.&1 11ot 'fOt4I for UM llMU&U.0., our klcaJ labor .utt« ud propmuy ~ .UUOo \&&U an ti.lied, an.-. lJf'W tUo.9; a. _... Mn ,n11dNm wlll .UU 1o to lM N--to ~ carpc.lnk --..~ ol 'hM:w ~ ..... aAlo -" tlllM bl I~, IU. ud taCI v..11 tlll 1.on. BM.ch ~" BeclilJnM Iut.rumeat. at rwMrtol:I • drt...-IN7I • r... ..,_. ot p&. U.S. A&t9 t• M ,_..., ta Ocwta Mra. a.-Uia Tayktr or -u.e •ve prtad,_i ~lknUON tn a.....otlM' dimtl't~ an wortl· x... ror JJ ,........ lh wu ....... Htptaadl a&1l'I •b• and ber bw.•· our ..U.CUon ot~a pl.ult .&It," a<:-Inc to perl111:t new eqvJpment that p&oylld tn the rn.t.nt...anc. dtp&rt- cordlnc lo Hell~t Cener..t Man-wtll •top all ttlim r ood ruol1ne ment ot. the cbW'cll. H t wu · • ti.nd U. put"tbaMd a home lhlh and .._ told at UM lhna that •11er D C. Duncan. "We laund turnlnc Ullo b&d INl\Of, TUbb. Wd, membu of \he <hurch and an u • lh.ir chUdren W0\11.d bt alal4o to Ult Harbor ar• \o bt m. ·Ideal bill .o tar nothlnl' hw com• ol Lt. llO<:lata member of H.a.rbor }tar • .. -•-·I ,_ H answer to our~ and w• h&ve l Auto mt.ken lie a1ao •~dint: mon)" Lod&e. JO.O ,P"., t-02 of Co. go _......, .. , -port ~h. "'Wi would ,._., )la va bouiht pluuiad I.A llldUatrlal plant Ulat hufe 1wu to ptrfact en(1nu that t. Me.IL Ha la 1urvtv~ by hUi wl!l be an attnct1va ..-et to tt,e wlll not pour a conttnuom •t.._m "1fe, kabal, of the l\ome'J"d .. a home t here lt wa thou1ht we <'ouldn't !lave our chll<ken In cOlnmunlty." ot J>Ol.on Into [ha air. but 110 far da ughtera, Mr•. Sylvia Neu · Hellpot will COM10Udata all II.Ji eyN continue to am.art. mann or Orecon, M"-Ruth M. New~ IC:boola. .. c.lalmad Mr1. prnent Southern Calltomta faclll· THE BUOK PAUl:IUI R1ddl1 of Chlno, Mra.. Halen 8. Tll=... )lcOUln'OCll VIEW lie• ln the n-bulldln1. CUrrant· Bur k-paaainl i. ~ oil t.ba wor9t Carpenter of Loni Beach., Mra. M:ra. Doflald M cClin tock, truin ly, Lt operate• manufactur1n1t teaturl!• ot .rtort& at NnOI' oon-Vivian V_ Sharp, J.fr1. Mary J . \ WtONESDAY. JANUARY 25 , 1956 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PA RT I -PAGE l Main lkhool In Co.Ila Neea, vu~c· faclllUe1 in l• locaUone 111 p..,.. trol. Tubbs balln.., Nona ol thf' Attierberry ot Pomona and Mra. f!d Mr opinion over Ula propon· de.na, Soulh Puadana. Ban Oab-1 three la.....-t oftand.1ra wanta i., &rbara Bennett of Co.IL.a MN&; r1el &114 AlhambrL Hellpot w 1I •d1o!l Illa '""••Jt, but point& at tbe ent& obj«Uona. d •-alao by 20 grandchildren and thrtt ' oontinue to malnt.&J.n ottlct• an olh•r two u cau.tnr all th• 1mor. N"EW llELlPOT PLANT -Thia ia pro--' Hellpol $2 million contempo~~ etyl--' ...... ., .. , _ _._ . ..J_g __ ., "Althoufh we are now CK1 a d 1 1 cll t ln M ta! creat·C"rllndch lldr"'11, .......-·-,,-"""' ~·i.u.•••a.lU"UI .i.-·· o.obl• -10n La ~-, ., ..... , 1~ a pro uct on • 1 1.. oun n· ln the maanUma llla acrid bl&n· home to be co-~--~~ on a'" -c•e •ll• In Ne~rt 't ' ·u·a11 ill tai' th l~ 000 ft. ot ""' ,......,., .. Mde N J and T(ll'OOlo Cll.nada Interment w!ll bile In Pomona 1.111u u .,;"""' ...,..,.... • "' --""-I Y lnJ Y W COil n more a.n """· lq. •:oupla montha th1r1 wUI be a ' .. , ' . ke~ oonunuea to •prMd a nd i.. Beach by tbe Helipot Divialon or. k1tman ln.stl'U· n d will h -•-000 I -· n...-ldiool which wlll rellavi thla Principal product of H•ltpot 11 rrl.dually U.lllnc In more and more Ceml!tcry, Parke•. Rldlf'y J.t or· oor space an Oust .....uUt 1 emp oyeeg. o::111- •ltuuton," mM malnt.e.ln.O. • hellcai potent1omat.u, a hl1hl)'· of Oransa County. Mur-h. or It 1.1 ti.u&.ry tn c hargie menta, lac. Designed by Pereira and Luckman, the pverlooks Newport. Blvd. north of Hoag Hospital. P·TA member of the UJldbetl ~·~a:C:"~:~:hl~~ C:.:~~1: comtn1 tron1 Lo. An1elu County, -~------------------------------------------------------------------------­ !cbool, Mr1 Bum1Ldf'.. 11kad, palJ. Jt 11 a widely·uud c<>m-Tubti. daclar91, but admit.II that lt · J~t where will th1• 1:radual ..,.. nt In lb r Id f electroni....-1• mlxtn1 wllh contribution! from neutton ot Newport u tac b "' u" le 0 I v•.,oua Orance County e1nten. ----------------- SHOP MONDAY & FRIDAY NIGHTS 'TIL 9 °·"','c~~;~::~t.~'~'''c '"' IK'hool dlltrlcl •lop•" lnatnunenta on. Concentratloruo or car•, •Uch u Another polnl ,..... ralacd by aaJILM.A'.'o' ()£b;JON Dl1n1yla.nd, ar1 bound to produc" •noth4r P ·TA mam~r. M r 1. Th• Hfilpol w .. developed 13 11 mo<1ll'tlm ot 1mor and thtrie a r" O"Brlen who told the board or yiear• .. o by Dr. Amold O Back· ~111! off,.ndln1 lnduatr1al pJa11t• In 1u~r• lh•l l.he U ndber1 men, fwnd•r and prie•ldent ot 111 •ni• Count)' ln aplt1 of lhe al• School will be rha nr ert to 11 Jul"I· Beckman [..-tnlmMla, Inc' Udo l"-'ll utlon office, ha ·aald.. tor hl1 h achoo! ft'll• M id lhl• plan !ale . lu m•t the pre<:ta1on raquLrie· will he.Ip lo aiJ•vtalE the duubL<' I nlienla of a Beckman pH meter, eie•lon burden a.n 1111trum1nl wbicll. determlnie• So41t1 d rew a fiew Lau i;h• from a<:!!hly In '°-'"-'-'-•_•_•·------ 111.e crowded board rnr-.rn whien ht - DEATH NOTICE JASPER MAJlAfll.L atat.ad In riebuttl l "whf'ther Pr EDISON co Funeral HrYICll'• for J .. ~r '>''11- nut the llart:JC"lr H ll(hl ~n1\1 18 in c,r 1 loarn Mirable, e.t , Qf l t"2 So out of the C-O•Ut. Meal!. ,,.;•h,~ 1 •ll• I ('nnt1~---' from ,,,..t I'& .. )t1rbor Blvd., S1.11ta Anl, w11r111 trtcl won't •hall~" n ... 1r pl11.n• " .,.....,.. ,, ...... A-h G • '' In"" • uu ... y at l e amu\' . Of • f.II)'. Thty l11ve .. 1r .. a dy ~t "l"•l, aLI!! lengtn pl t1m1 to pul Ln I t oJa ry ln Lomlt..a under d i!•" t!nn nf thet lhl'lr ...::h,..ul~ .,,,. '"ltr• f""'"' om•lk<' 1·.,n\rul rt .. vl<"f'a or ha ve hl1 i'ilrku-Rld!l!y Mortuary .-.t , ni t• f"1 and we are iuat \r\•1 ng 10 rt· 1.i~nt •hut unv.·n So tar. Tubl>ll :Ole.a The Rev H"rbf'rt 1; J.,~,11 !1ev1 them ~ .. y •. the t .. ur .... ar• lt evl1l•"tly I ..-in. pa.tor of nret &ptl•I f't·LI•• t I •UH • "'......,"at;J., Al lo:a•t thi er thla c-lty, ott1c1ated. !>fr ,\111 r pl~l l1 atlll 1<·l•l1n1t 1l• •h•r~ to ~t>l r (Ued t"rtday al hi~ h111n" ,.p,.,· HELi POT th" gPn"r"! u111.i ....... n1n r.... , 1 · . .-f 111n .. ,.. 11 .. """·" ,. '"" 1 ~ I The th• .... 1n•!f1 ''"U""" .. r •n•"I(' r """' ,\1 .. x1co H" 1~ ~•Lf\11<'•1 ~} OonUau.ed f tnll'I t,r-. r··r: TUl•b• l\<C•l•tf'" ,,., •••I rrflt:Pl lf'.• ... 111 -"""''" ••f !!If',,.,,, .. 1 ... I 1nrlu1tn1I p1 1 n!~ •rl·! a ut><n1nt.ol• .• J1>•p<'r ~\ 1u1am J I l•! \\ 1J 1urtn1 in•t.all1 t1nn H<'l1pot pro· d ,. I tA nau.at A11dc to ,;e '"'" r• ,.,.,,1 11ri-1 st .. ff sg· ('"r<>I <' tlu~t eolor1-turqu .. 11ie bhJ,. bl ack "•"•! I• i n .. g .... uhn.-lnc, ,.,. ,,8,. ,~.,,~i.i .. I" 1. S .., ~· \I ,nil• •nd whit.-Will be <'ntpha••.&r•! in an•I its '11,.1r1huUon In '''""~,. r .r,!hf'r l'ot r• BPr'ha (' ,\l•r t he rolor achf'"'" c.,unly 11uo11oe tlnks hul•tlnl(' .. 1 ... r l~J J'aav, Tot.X"a rwn 1 11 'f'hree m a J 0 r ltllf'rrr,nnf'c te.J I 4n ()f)() ga!l,.na •nd le.o• do n1•1 ''" 1 .-! ~1 . )'.f 1 ~ (""Jo "'"" !'t"ll h uf E l unit.Ii ..,., plann<'ll, arr an ~e(l 10 to0 hl \'e v•por JO<"k,. \f'u Ar,.! ,\t r~ l ..ou!~ .. !''""!' ••I n1ake m1J1lmUr>I 11M> ot th' •lop 1.,, .. :-.t AUtr. ~M·~• t~/..\K I••• I n-.• vv !>1 r 111 ... , lwo gran1lr l11I· 1n1 mMA •It•. A lllrc~·l•v•l •true· Thi• 11 th" nilr tn f01°1:'" 1n 1.Jo<)\h ,1 1 ~, ture, houaln11: ,.11n11 nlllr11 t!V• 1n1! Oranrt an•I 1~,11 Allll•lu co1.1ntiN /l!l rrm .. ul .,.. .• ,. in r.r .... n H ill.lo ""cin-rtng otli"''""• w\U domln•le Tubb. orlg ln ally lntrn<Jed to llll Met·IHrlal /'11rlt San 1'~1u "''lll'l a two-le vel \mlt devoted tol the •1.,. ta.Ilka r•-qu!nni ... ,.1M,r ' 11.N entbly Opt!raU11n1 end ll •Lfl (lf · J.xk• tu ~:')Uj •O 1:1111 .. ,, .. tur U11ni.;.. 11<11tt:nT t:. 1"0 1.L l r.H 1 .. vel bulldln1 l •! h<lUaot 1h op t u11 c-county IJ\Jt •tlm!t~ that '"P''""'"'fl\ I ! 1n.-r .. 1 ,. .. r1·1e"" f<11 Htlbert 1':'1 · !lone. l•t1>e. trorn \\'t••tern UH .Ii. 1: .... "'~ J C.:OJJLer. 74, l J llil F.:J<)en Ave .I At.m.~herlc '<)ntroi. WI.II ,;ov-A..,JC!lll')" t•lke•I hlfll Int" lh• < 't" ,..t,.••. "''Ill bf' h•·IJ ~·nct1 y 11! 'rn temperature. hUfflL(lJty and \llrger fl;(llrie Iv «dn(l<le w nh 1h"t I ! n1 111 lh<' r·,..r11. Metia r,,m· 1 11u1t to ln1ure 11rudu1:tlon qual!ty of W a Aniel•·• County. m .,,Ll)· .\l ~l h•"h•t •'h•irrh with w .. Ktt•I eftkl1nry. l·f•l h·levf'I hg'ht· 1 The nurnb .. r or tank• In Q ranl(" It-, J n11 .. ph M r.S~An• urn ... un" tn r n~ ... f)' far prf!Cl•l<in "'"'rk County M the prucnt u mc, "''lh <I ,,..,ii ba a.chlev~ through " ""ml· I or w!Utout v apor lo....-k• ill 1ru~,.f1-I lun11 noua (Illini.: w \ln r..:u iie<i ntt ... TllhL• at•t"<1. hut the \\ •·•!· ~------------- J1 1:ht1ng nxturea rrn O!I & c; .. rn<'n h11 v,. R<h"<l'd"'t CQ~-\~l'..l'iR S\'!o!Tr:)I l a !ll .. rt1ng w!t h h1n1 for F"h 'J ~I A mec. ....... 1ca conv~yor •Y• cm I whirl\ lhl! numbtr .,.. 11l h.-•It · .,..111 move ma.nutactured parl.Ji t ermtne<J Thui nlf'~lln&. he •ll l•l. 11 om •hop area"' lo aa .. m bl:t ind will be elo•«l lo th<' pieu rin!..tlad product.I rrom .. 11embly 10 11\\pptnc. l:rnployeiea wLIJ dine \'APOR Jl'.8<'Al'I: 111 a Ml *.W Ul&t a!fordli & tull The n1a 1n lrou~1 "'!lh theH I ,.1 .. w ot the ti.e.rbor area and opien• tank• i. not th" •mou.nt or vapor , nlo 1 lat1dlca pcd 1erT&C1 11\r y n11v !ht.,,.. lnt n \hr •lf b~· SC'leeUan or the Niewport Beach ....-.",.., lhry l•ck v11por lock~ T ubl111 Aite, which waa purch .... d 1run1 nr 11ie•·.-A. bu t 1<r11111• r ro"1 "'" •·11pu1 Actt:1r Ja.me1 C arn'Y· r lln11J1.l!d an th•l eacapie• "''hien the tank• Ille r io:t enlll.va 1un1y of SD'lllh'rn Ca ll· I be1 n1 nllcd and emptied The Ln· j TOD A Y'S N. Y. STO CK REPORT & COMMENT T ODA Y'S NY. STOCK RH:PORT .It COP.lMENT COMPI.LEO BY S HEARSON. H A~IMILL It CO. NEWPORT BEACH -The anti· ,.lpatlon an•l 11ub~<'qilcnt rf'l tlllll' of th" Prc•ldent'a E conom1<· H< po rt .. e1m11 lo h&\'C prn•·ldied a n l(lf'1t.I hac kg round tor " worthv.·hile r11ly 1n the Lltock m"'rk11t Short !'rm ~elllnl haf1 \mprovf'd the techniraJ poijlUon i nd ll can be concluded that th.a rurre11t 1tm011phiere .t· torda a 1&fer op"1>ortun1ty lo buy 11lected laluu than hu baen aaen rac:ently. BOND MAJlKJ:T Althou&h th" hond mark<'t 111 ,uu faced w ith 1n air or rie11tra lnt. 1neur.nca company• 1.nd pe:n1lon fund• contlnu" to tAke a ttra ctive l&11UM oul ol the n11-rket. ThQ n•l'allve n'IC'rVr bAl&n(M of Cf'll• trll ~k• dropped ann1twh1l !ut WHk. Deaplt.. polltlclJ unr,.rtaint7 1111d bualn~ ln1b11l1ncea. ,.,11rh &a that tha automobile lnd u11try I• W\l· ne11atng. our e-o.:o non11c-underpln- nLnl'• 1een1 tn ba 1trong. ll.n!! a tlrm note ot conftdancie •till pier- m Mt•a the bU•lneu front. continue. Since lh• Chan.gr in ·"""'' York Cientral man ... geu>"•H 1tn•I with llnproviemcnt ht lls v["!r•· uoru and e•mlnJ!•, there h;l~ l!l!<'n eonaldt'rit.ble ~pC't ulll.ll''" in!~tri;t ln thlll "tock. ln uur 0111111 .. 1111 lht' 11turk ha.• rl\"'' a•l•·e.ru1-.1 "'~I! out or hne with r111 !1Qa,J ~tn• k~ 1-:"rt "r ally 11.nd hnlrlt'r" WOlll•I b" """ii I d· I vla11'1 to l•ke !hi• oppril'1 11ti1tv tn •wllch Into Grpat N'orthf'rn. 1 hf'rf'· by 11nproving ho\11 qu11l•l)' •UHi In· com<' return" Do,.,·..Jon .... p.m. A>,.rar,f'" JO lnduatri•la 21} R.alll! .. 10 Utilltliea I p.m . \"olW'llf' Amerir fln Amer1 r 11n Anacond.a Chry111~r DuPont Snl<'lling Telephone (;"n<'ra l l-:l<"r tri<" Ocnieni.I ,\1o\c>r• Olmble Bro~ 4;n 22 "I' 2 3' 1:'>6 :,9 up .68 ll:l 0~ "I' I~ 1 .1 ~.ooe .. .. 180~ .. ~ ,. ... '" Oreat Northern R. R. ~~~I . "' ., " N. Y, c,nlral r.1ont~riey 011 Slnrl111r Oil Standard 011 Qf C11.l!f Tran1&m11 rlea Un.loll Otl of Calof U. 8. 6 trf'L 32~ !lll-\0 '°'' '°" "" :\4 '~ Anaconda'• 60,000 tnn a luminum Ingot plant In Montana Mould m alt• an tmportant contribution to 1168 profit•. DLvldenda tht1 yeu ---• th ,, l.'i "'ATER RJ:ATJ:Rl'l -m likely tn ex .. ~ e · U.llS SE•v1c1 a..i •l,,t.llS pa.yout of 1966 F.vien on lut year'• J IJ. /, dlTidand (he currf'nl market pro-// ~ / "d• a yleltl of over • pier cant. oe ech 0 d Detroit Steel lhrou1h II• n-PLJ.;NfUSO and v.-7 modern taclllt!et1 al TtlM,.S,,.,!.~ ·~~ ... ~H~3~,.. .. Port.emouth. lJ! tn a P""ilic>n to I ~;::::;::::;:;;;:::;::::::::::;:::::;::;;;::;::::;::::~ ahow a markM Improvement in Ii ------ ffTftlnp In 1961 A1 much u IS.JO MATTRJ.:MES ~1' ilhal"I hu bttn forK Ut tor ftoata _ H omf'I _ Trailf'n the y ... r . At approidm1taly 111. the y11ld on the rurrf'nl $1 r•te pro· Jrrel{1'1ar !'ih•P"'" vldee lhl Lnvie11lor "''Ith over 11.0 l..lbrrty 11-1 ~0~ per cent, tort her with a "ery 008TA M J.:!-I A !MArrRJ:U CO. ..... orthwhlle ca pital 11:alna pn1 .. nt laJ.. !1.\0 .Se•-po11 Hh·fl. In .pl~ ot the unpopularity of l ~=============:O: the tnd'wltry. dut1 to cur,..nt pro· I j Old Eat.abliahad in.ura..nca Arucy All Line.II ... ·r1Lt~n . JIOWARD \\'. GF.Rl(JS ll 1808 N11wport Blvd . t.:o•ta M'aa rHO~'"t: Ll.Bt:KT\' 11·1!11! ducUon cutb11.ck11, It !a 1t11l ttlt that Chry•ler ahould nnt 011ly f'llm eomeOitn1 o•·•r J.10 pc.r 1hare. but allO provide 1urh g 00tl n•w11 &11 • 1 •tock 1pllt or a n lnrriea11e ln <llvl · '1and. The rompany hJU1 rro••i<lffl I the .tocllho\diera with yo11n~ dy· nam\11 manaren1ent and a....-c11ptab1' [ ~:;::::;:::;::;:::;:::::::;;::;::;::;::;::;::;::=: automobile 1tylln1t. SWITCH f'JlOM S .\'. CE~'TRAL MESA NIW' TOl'k RuM.tch condt.1d- "'ln "'°'....,. ,_,, ~••" th• ,.. UPHOLSTEllNG rord ot OrMt Northern hu be-en U~t.ertltc .a DrapuJ HOME LOANS I LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS L LOAN ASSOCIATION TWO OFFICES To Serve You LAGUNA BEACH ANO SAN CLEMENTE QUICK 24 HOUR SERVICE LOW LOW "REDUCING'' INTEREST RATES EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS -. FRIENDLY SYMPATHETIC SERVICE FREE CUSTOM ER S' PARKING ESCROW SERVICE, EFFICIENTLY OPERATED LAGUNA BEACH 222 Oce an Ave. PHdNE HY, 4. t 177 SAN CLEMENTE 60 I N. 8 C.mlno R..l ~HONE HYKln+h 2·11 95 or HY•cintt. 2·11 '4 ~~i::: r:O..::.t l: UllN=l ~:: 1 UM SW)lt.. Bl,.d~ C<4ta M- l_.J'Mrty 8-47111 l!::===========!..I In fa'""' o( Of'M.l Kortl'lun wtn '--------------' I - . . . . ' . . . ' save on appliances R•g. ll'9 9S Coldt f"'f 19frltowot..-. ;lolftOt'Ollt. 11..3 ai. ft. dnig.i. .. un d<'ep door 001091. Sllda out bottt. bo•ka1; Ml-~ .50-lb. l•ee1ar che11 119 95 Volu• 36-lnch Gqa Ran9a, oulomotic [ighti1"19, fully !n1u· loted D"'•" ••11 th Y11i SoJ.e d00t. Ela<tn< d 0<.k, 1-hour Kan-timer, 'mo~el!!n b•c.ler Cenlet griddle t 2n .a 14'1.88 l •lil· 119.,5 Automoti( Wa.her. J ust wit the dio~lori>et ora woihied, r1ntcd ortd 1pvn dry 011tomot1co lly Gentle wo..hing ocl!Dn for oil fob11c1 l•I· l19.9S K•flmo,.. kwing Madalna, mochone doml wlthoul oottodim.,.h. H111ged prauure loot 11\JtomOhtolly odt'Alt; to fabric ttild:neuat. !"utl _.. of cmcichmarrtt 168 .88 I 17~~ needs for the home at savings 1-o. 29.90 Automatic l lonk at1. 100% wool fo <• f0t long.er weor-lull 5 'r· goua " On ie•. 100% nyloo 1otio bindong. T ... in 1iz1 26.18 1.19 Value Jumbo Both Tow~a, ,...par 1b1. 2 4•46 inchH. long fluffy loarry cloth loop1, 11ttra ob'°'bam. Four colon ond whore. _ eadt n c l"'U. 16,95 Kanmora TMSt.r , automatic heot cortlrol Thermot!ol corttr ol. Hinged tr~mb troy Rag . 3 .91 Nylon Dusi Mop1, c1111 du11ing Cma In ho!f. Lorge remoorobia ht<Jd for eo•y wo1hlng. Smorl cla<orotor color1 Reg. l .•9 Staa l 1-oth HDlflljMrf, smooth in.id, 1urloc11, rovnded edget. Perforated !Of" ventilot ion. Mildew r11hlont, Sova 1 .05 . . . . .... , . , , ...... . 89.95 Vo lua 2 -pc. BedroolT'I Sult•, modern de1ign double-dra1Mr with certter-guided drower1, plot1 g!on ,,.;"°''· Bookcu1e heodboord , . . ....••. , .. Ra9. 129.00 l lYlf'llil Room Sult", o choir ond 1o fo in rich "'"'ollic loced n~loo boucle cover. Long lo1tlng cOt11tructio". HorTT1ony Hou1e color1 Rag. 79.95 M•ttr..,. Cll'ldi loa Spring , 312-coil f~tl ~Je mol1rew, 116-coil twin 1ue. Mo1ch1ng :: 17-coil bo• spring Cotton tlckinv cover . . . . .....•...•............. l .g. 9.ff Charmode All..in--OM1, a lu•urioui gonnent wd boned, royon o nd e lall1< 1'de1. 3 hip typet, bust 34·48. Pin~ 1.n •.98 Vol11e Orlon • Fitte d Cordigant. looped Ot1 ier1ey ribbed dou- ble collar. Oceon pearl bullo"'· Size1 34 . .CO, "DuPont'1 ocrylic fiber ].88 Rag. l .'95 Woman'• Dra11 5ho•1, leather or 1uedie1, bore loe1, open 1!rop1. opero pump1. Choke o f heels for e.,.ry oc<o1'on . 4.44 12.88 2.99 7.4'1 69 .88 169.88 S9.88 l!a9. l .91 Plo1lic Ha ndbo91, coif-groined in glD'*ing colo r1. fale1, .. voni"e•, clulche1, 101chel1, olt leodiri.g fo1hion1, 5o¥e 1 '2 1 1.77 ~ Rag. 2.79 Girl1' l inad Jaon1, co tton flonnel in novy dert1m or red i" (Olton !'Nill. Me!ol riveted pockeh. Si1e1 7-14 2.ll Ret. l .29 K1rry-IMn Denim Jaan1, 1ub·le&n 1i)'le on red .,, novy twill, ploid lining. Riveted pac/tetl. Bvy "varoof a nd ,ove 2.77 _....._. -~--~--~ floor covering and drapery prices slashed 14.91 Valve t ined DrGpari", heorywe>gh1 rayo n ond cOf!Dn bar\-doth.·~inad . Goyline Modern, Corle Ion Floral, Mi1ortline. S.:anic printl. "48•84-incK.1 . 7 • 99 R ... 9 .SO R•v•nibl• lapp OraJMrie1 to gl .... yovr wind0W1o "beouty lmuronce ... 14 1olid co!or1 to chao1e frDf'I'; 4 Inch buckram top pinch pleoh. A8•8"4 in Pait , 7 .99 R11g. 4 .9S Sq Yd. Cotton Corp.t, tig h1ly twi1ted 1hort loop• firmly loc~ed i" kilt-• boc~ing . f our Ho rmony H1>1J •e col0f"1. 17-fOO! wid.+. Sq . Yd 3.29 Jl eg. 9 .95 Sq. Yd. Wlhon Corpetinv. 100% wool wrfoce pHe of 3-ply yumt Nlr,.. tightly wove n row1 per 1q '"· ln 12-lool ,,..idth1 Sq, Yd. 7.99 ltag. 29.95 T11ft•d lugs, 91 17-h , ]t;nv loop 1urfo(a P'le r111J1 ,,..;,h s.ilid.,..1;,1anf la te• bock. Five lovely color\ Save 5 001 24.95 Reg. 1.49 Sq. Yd. lnloid linoleum, morblei~ed, eo1y·to-<l•on 1urlo<e, Co n be po1 tsd di;ectly lo wood Aoor, ·1.-. 3 colon , b-lt width Sq. Yd. 1."\9 .... 1.19 ScoHar lug1, ,.,ode from broadloom ramnon!1, firmly 11i1chad. 18•'17 ind•,!, In 011orl<'d tolo<I, Sove 40c: eoch ol Sear1 79( •it.v., 1.1' Ovol Broided 1.,.91, 1evertJbla green o"d red, to odd color lo o.-.y r- col1on broid, 17r79·1n<h I.Ira. Pre!ly bl.,e, ................... '' ................ . 99• 2nd Big Week! You owe ii to younelf and your budget to come o 'runnlng to Sears Santo Ana, and see these o utstanding values. specials for men and boys Rati. 41 75 W a.,tlda Worsted S1.1lh , foW.1011 ta1lorad for !hot 'b.:•! loo~! Ho,d fin•1h hokh pr•u. Groy1. brown\, blue1 37.81 ttag. to l 98 Men'1 Spor1 Shirt•, royon1, docion1•, gobord1ne1. long 1le0Ye, lion! bunon 11yle. Solidi, chedu., plo.d1 1.tt .... 1. 49 M1n '1 v;..,,, Cap1, of fine pinwola torduroy. ,Jol,ol,;., Q comple1e outfit with corduroy 1t.or1 DI' jacket 6,...,,,., ' "" leg. 1 .19 l omb.t Joc*ett, r....ggad twill lre<il•d to repal woter. ~f ~I; qullted royon linin-g; tlmton collor. Solid t!llofl l .ll l99. 4 .91 ltoyon, Nylon ~oclr:1, for work. tf!Ort\. Of lei1ure wear. Moc • .hrinkoga 3%. 8.S~ rt1yon, l .S% nylon. 5iu:1 29 ritru .fl. o .. 1y 3 .81 199, S.95 ky1' 0.-ford Sho ... Goodyear ..,..h. l0t dreu. w:hool o r p!O)'. Fr°"' our 1'"119Ulor 11ock--choic• of color ond 1tyle. So..,. 9X Po" 5.00 Reg. 2.49 &oy1' Sp-G,, Shirh, <otton 1hirh in pwo.ro- 001ko1 weawe. C01"1!1na,..tol1 in plold1 ond 1l••pa-t. 6-18 1.4'4 I - You• Choice of l-fl41tlofta411 R-;~•­ Noh•I• .. 10. or O~dle.-......t -.tel 5 Ho-reb. i... IX''"' ........ _,., • ..,i.....i, o.i.<11 ......... lw,.ed. Yo"' Chotu of t.<:oftdltlor1..d u,.ff,.,.....i "4odol 6 o• L C. s-111'< S..-. *"'""-" •.,- bo<udt. lowc:i. .... Klor. ••v-or i.-... i.wi..... Your Choi .. of le>cand l!loftM Royol Model ~'"'M or MDot., U...,_,,,_.., • .,, ..t ta•,.j,,.•o•. l ow•• Sr.at Del~, •-Pi ...• ,n. i d•o••• ri,. G•or li"loh; !<>' ........ ., •"loo R-iii. 49.95 l-ar Co•IP11!, Olo•••· ~]., _ .. ~'" .,..,., ~<>uh .. ;, .. IO"'b•ea••"" 10<1 I . C. Alie" Adding Mo<hine. olo-ulwM• <'t>1><><1ty. d;._. tvbo.-...l.on.. '1,, .... s39 '59 169 automotive and building needs Reg. 18.9 5 All1tota lott9ry, 51-57 p1ota for full power longer_ E.11chonge . .(.~, g uoronlee . lillfl. 79c &Wk Mot.or Oil, ptllJJlivm quolil)' -nt"• cleort ond lull. Fighl"I engine 1ludga. 1n Yo"' (ontoiner, per gallon All1tala Sila11t Cu1hion Tlra1, buy lit Ii"' ot 1!99, No- trode-l n P,.ce 27 45 Ptu1 1011-Get 7nd !Ire /or ONl Y 12.88 plus •o• ond old tire. d .70x15 Reg . 31 .95 Sond•r·Poli1h•f, ao1ily lih in one hand. 2S·1q ·ln, Qf 1onding or11<1. Witt! 1aciprocol motor .. Reg _ 4.98, S-ft. SteplGd!Mr1, ,1ap1 llael braced. light we igh!, dependable 1tr1ngth. Sova 1.37 Reg. 63.90 Point Sprayer and Cort, d1~va•1 2.15 (U. h. of o;r per mlrtute for 101! pointing. Yr h .p. mo!Of" Rag. b4.9S Gorbog• Di1poaal, continuoU1 feed typto opetolion, di1potel of oU food wa1'91 ond bona1. Reg . 1.49 Ro<k Wool ... n .... 2S ~· ft. covar~. F"eprool. rot re1i1tonl. NDn.d.livcred pri.:.. bog . Ra;. 1.S9 Mahogany Plywood, baovtiful 111 .. rior grode, 3-ply. Co" be pcioted or 11oi11ad . Y.•36,,,72-in. 17 50 WolM K.oter, 1G-aoJ. _.....,, G• .. ., 1;.1"11 1.,...d .,. ... .i Jun. A-ti< S6600 ..,,.,.., p.lo• 96 50 Walat H-tar. JO..,.i ~p.doy. Ol.- 1 .•.• 11 ouo·-·-· 77 .00 46 OS Gat Weter He.t.r, • ..._.,,_, 1..,. $"'8&1 "de o•d ov• ,. 51"' ....,, ..,.,..,;-. 1 .... 1...... ~7 . - 56 OS Wot" Heater, ~1.. ....-...... "ot..,,..,,,.,, . . 49.11 10'150 01011 u .. act Heo'-'r, )(4t"4. -laaDO II<><;.., ... _.., .... " 42 .,.it-. -"-· -• .., .. 12'1.50 Olou ll"ed tt..t.r. '°'9•1 .. ,_,.,.. 010,, ... .,...i 1.,,,10•'-. lot.00 44.0S Electric H .. tw. ~ ._...,.,., $'~ 1.:i ... 1 ,;, ..... "'""' ...... ltvi'dl..... .......... .;rit•. .................................... 1111 .. 111 171 6 So. Main S1. T .. aphone Kl 7-ll71 14.tS 59• 12.a '""" ,_ 25.H 3.6' S4.a ., ... 1.11 1.09 I • WITH SALLIE January %5, 1966 Newport H.&rbor, Calif. P1o diddle diddle, Lucky u..t tn the mkldle , .. Bub- bllag bet'A·~n two cru&la . . . like the Utt~ dog .)'OU1J laugh, to taste AU(';h J•I~ ... But don't lt>l the d~h run awlly M'ith your caJ..opt":nrr or you won't ftt:I llke jumpink o,·er the moon •.. Thrn4f' f~rocery Rhy mf"M nr' er did ma.kt> an:r Mn-;I' •.. rn1 tt.11 rannf"d up "'Pr a neM' Jin,. of Mlar boa.rdrr:io .-·ho arf' Jl\·\ng-n-nt fret' till :rou Lakr thl"m off our ~hel''""' ... l ,uck~· I.Raf In · •Lant l"i,. tiWn~l'I . R1.t.1ii1r1 Plf" Fill111~. nrn.'-' t hert: ri ~'·rnelh111g 11••\V f .. r y o u t" r.1C.pt:11mcnt \lo"l th ' Jo~1r~t of all tL ntuHn pie. rt:8.dy to !:H> company a <'Oup!e 11 f rru~t~ ovcn-wa y11 al aOOut ·1it0 dt·· greeti , •. Or Ht·rve 1t rol<I 111 a rt.:a dy ·baked cru:H top1>(·J with "'hq1pc<l crt"Am , ()r ma.ke som.-. tarts ... Or cub· lblers , , . Or flile-J 1:ook1t.'s , Raunn tQpping on ICf> r rean1' R&ialn sauC"l' for bnkeJ h11.rn ' RalHin fllln1~ in f'ht.c,1lat•· ca.ke ! Say what Li1J we.: Jo before we had Lucky Var lnat.&nl Rai.81n Pie F'tlhng . We cooked rauuns and add•·rl l emon juice and th1i::kf-n 1n~ a nd hoped we wouldn't gl'l 1t too thick or too thin ... l.uc.ky LN.J lnsla.nt Applt- l>if" •,Dln,i: ! But don't M'Mite It &lJ on apple pit.,. . , . Though you'll find It to be thfl cf()8egt to 111. frf• ... h apple pie you'Ve "''er n il,_.. bled on a piece of ch~ M'it.h ... F..at plaln "·ith cream, or lf't It get !U'• q-.inted with your brealt.- faa.& cereal . , , Ever ha,., apple flap jacka with pork cho~ or pork ro&&t . , , Add ilOlllf) a.pplt> plfl flllin.11; to ready prepartd panCAJ(e ml.:, .. Blueberry, llAHpberry, Apri- cot, !:itrawbcrry, Bla.c.kberry, PiI'lcapp.le, Peach. Cherry ••. L uc ky Lea.f made certain no· body's fruity feeLings would be hurt ... A.nd they come in 11uch fine big cans! Plenty f or a full 8 inch pie ... What fun any of lhese delicious fruita wouJ d be atoµ a prepar· ed aponge cake mix wilh whipped cream , .. And with 11. vanilla pudding in the mid· die you'd have a . Bo@ton Cream Pie ... So you like an apricot or pineapple sauce with your baked harn ! Well you got it! In muffins, tarts, cobblers. jelly roUs . There's that sponke cake mix again ... To save you from looking. Duncan Hines makea an excell ent one . , . A Symphony juat for children! The Orange Coun- ty PhUhannoMc. "·Ith Frieda &llnfante conducttnK Two Coaoert& on Satw.nt.y, .Jan- uary 28 • . • 1 0 ; $() in the mornln~ In the Orange C<>ut Collf'ge AudJtorium or S ln Uu• a fternoon at Fullerton Junior Colleite Auditorium , .. Th" pl~ wiU he 11horkor, the ln11tru- rnent8 will hf' demomtratr.d, the pl~A playf'd will he f'XplaJned ... But naturally adults a~ Wf'lco~! Jn fa.rt thlA p&rti('ular f)'pe of wn· cert hu bf'.f:n requf':8ted by by adults , .. There will be a oomplrlf' M"rleA, If the rf'- 11ponse comp&N't4 with that of the l"f',1t"t1lar con~rtt. ... How m uch ill your t ime worth" Here's some inter- esting figures for you to ab- Hfir b ... I f you art' cooking foir 11. family of four you will !'la \'(' 2.-i hours a day jf r•iu use partially pN'pared foods, but you "'ill Spt'nd 90 cents mon' .. If you use rcady-to- sen·c f11od!I you "'Ill sa\'C 3.9 houra. but you will spcnU $l.80 cents mon> ... If y(lu r time is "'Orth 371 •C (l n hou r by all nieans use partially prepared (cleaned. canned, ready-mixcdl foods . If your time ia worth 4 7c an hour kef'p up with the ready- to-aerve, heat and f'at varie- ties ... Pretty cheap serv- ant.e, I'd say, espcc:ia.lly when they're built in and never have to have "' day orf ..• 1Uchud'11 1!1 only oor of the Udo Shops. NEWPOltT HARIOlt NEWSnESS WEDNESDAY, JAN\JAltY 21, lts& So much ~r so 1ittlo when you purcht1se Better Living Mogazine. Food, Fa shion ond Fiction with added Features and Bea uty Tips. Jam p4cked with recipes ond f~ in-brilliant colof. Truly a value at onl y Sc per month ... 60c per year ... Pick up your copy today .. ~ bt Richa rd'~ ··----------·~ .... -.t1 AnJ a cop'J o/l?etler cflving .. SMART! I I J_ What's New & Good ':/).,/icale:J:Jen Tuted our Ba.rbecu.d 8p&rtrlb• ~ ':' B• rbecued eoach d.ay in dellcl•)WI 11& vury aauc••· A r-.1 di.Ml -to delli"ht , CREAM CHEESE ·-----' ••. 33' ........ -.0w. 49' BEEf ENCHILADA'S , 1,. ,,_.,. ROQUEFORT DRESSING ••• 49" t""""'b 811-.1 Natun.I SWISS CHEESE . 59' .. -·-··--·Jb . Luer'• ~oiled 59' LIVER SAUSAGE ---·--·-----••- /,.e:Jh anJ moi:Jl Jroze11 /ooc/:J h "" •••• 2123 ' QUICK STEAKS ,.,"'- ,,,, 2125 · t.1i:c 11 TOA~Tt.H. WAFFLES l.Jbby'• ORANGE JUICE !\ol lnutfl Hald j ,JtAJ't:Fttl IT SEGMENTS ll uL Libby'• GREEN PEAS "'"'· 2135· lJbby'• CUT ASPARAGUS IUuL 33' aliAPifliuii boc 39c 'l'llU~J)A Y t.;~··ut ~· 54' l'lN . A comp1elt n ne of J an11 "" ,ll'lllte, Steakhou~e Me .. l 8 11.Ut't. -t.nd your tt.b!e, tr.o! MiiiHiooMs 25c CUSTARD PIE Pvkl'r H...-6 '"' 15' DINNER ROLLS t~RJDAY (1u)rl0)1-,"°' C'.Jllp • , .•.. 37' EXTRACT PEANUT OIL HAM & LIMAS ·-73 ' "" 25' Ho'"'°'I'• L.11nrh M"at IZ M., 35' SPAM • ~ BrMlld PAPER TOWELS 2135· "" 1.-Brand TOll.J-:T TISSUE PAPER 100 ft. • "" 31' 2133· l\.'Mhday ftll'M"h CLOROX " ... 27' Armour'• DIAL. 2133 ' SOAP Rl',r. Z/'?Sc·K&th .... "~" 2125 ' DOG FOOD 18 .. -Flowers Wedd ings-Parties Anniversarie1 I <"a.JI th"' .•• l IU!'hlLl'd'• l',orl1t Harl»r !828 Wat ch the Meua.nine S hoppe for bright new housewares, gifts and prac· ticala. Shop now for Val· entinea .•. sclectiona beet! ----··-·---~ _,, _____________ _ Llhby"• P1llftbury·1 Gerber'• Slra!ned FRUITS for SALADS ENRICHED FLOUR BA BY FOODS 2H oz. 5-lb. tin 49c 45c 3/23"c IJllrlgnld AA Plllllbury'1 Pl&11ttM1 FRESH BUTTER GINGER BREAD MIX COCKTAIL P'NUTS lh, 14·0!.. 7%·0L 59c 2/49c 33c Plllllbury·• Sun1hln• PEANUT BUTIER NEW KIT CAKE HYDROX COOKIES IR Ot.. jar pk11:. 16-os.. 49c 31c 37c l.lhhy·~ l>f-f'p Mn1, Webfor'• PURE MA YON 'SE BROWN BEANS EGG NOODLES ljUart 14·01. 12-os. 49c 2/2Sc 29c I COOKIES ' tln•.-.n 35 ' l'laln or ~NI i ... ,23~ RYE BREAD '°'ATl "KOA l' Vreo1ll B&M.f!d 6 "" 21 ' CINN. ROLLS Hana.no :\'"I ... t'h 87" LAYER CAKE C,, Ji:Jfenl/u ch . " Otce nzea{J A Mao • • • 1_t(iii' To0 1 T-BON>~ 98 Su...i,, lb. ,.~~, c 1-'I!. ruRka;~·.K-, 6-5 -""u 0•11o 5 • . b. ~ii~sJ-lifK--5-~-fta c e wfu. 8Hoe or~ ~-71 C §R'D 8 •nd 1o ... 1o, --- a • .,.. R -llF lb. 2 7 P ""«>7 r l'ry t.bio u c ORr1,;ij~ -... ,, -~·. ~ .. k • SI lb. 98c ~J!. ~~CON " 4j. SPARIRfis .. 4j: KPllCl.UJI i'O& JANVA&ll ... ,. _.I&. MIU , __ ' WRECKING THt: AJ«IONAUTS -This is a good demonstration of how it wa~ done by the Tar varsity, 48 -39, above, and by the Sailor JUn1or yarsity, 66 · 2:l, below. That'a Guard Gary Green 1wilh a JUmp abot uptit.&lrs and Bob Allen with a drive-in downatai.rs. -Slaff Pboto BILL PIGG ATTEMPTS TO TOP NEAL'S MARK Reed's Unbeaten Harriers Go Aft Agaimt Oilers Tomorrow Bill Pigg gels a chance t o beat Grady Neal's time on 11 11111 n~t , "''l'Pk the Huntington Beach 1.8-milc cross country course tomor · 1 row a.C-ternoon when the undefeated Nt'wport Harbor High Bl , School barriers of Coach H.alph Reed take on the Oilers in • air Net Victor FRIGID . TARS TOPPLED 49-45 BY . ' POTENT-PANTHERS .IN .SUNSET GO 1,()Rt~'.'\'Fl.t;:'oi Sl't:C.'IAl. -Pattin' Paul didn't let up on th~ Garden Grove quint('t when he bJLd poaeea:ion •if that µt•lllta Friday night. ln fa.ct, Lorentzen held 1t JWll long cnuugh to pr\1rel the caaaba goal-ward. Whirh t'xplatns v.·hy you dc'>n't see the ball. The Argos didn't l'>t.'1' much of 1t. either. -Staff'Photo HARBOR \)O~ BILL PlilLLIPS, Sport.a Editor I NEW PO r-T HAR30R NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE I 1 WEDN ES DAY, JANUARY 25, 1956 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-1 1CAGE TEAMS HBC REQUIRE LIKE THESE FROM BARS ABOUT 'EM 1;nl· "' ''"" ""'" • w ar with .. n1m 11.l11 llll<I lna!'ct.., bt11t 111.,111 th·· H1<rbor U.>ys· l'lub g-y1n wh.,nev"r 11e•·enlh lfTllde lfltrarnural b~~ll .(lln1 ~ are ... it' ~ed th"r•. On the ;it!W:r h .. nd. Oil p n111 hanteni, ~ Ool.Wttora, dug lovl'r• iwd FrH1u '" 11\o· T>1.tk ln11 M ui .. would IMl.v!' • r1•ltl o.l11y l''""'ll!ly. 111 .. •lll(r. •Landin ~• Rre headed by y1tpp1n' H u!!kh·"· " t,un• II ur Apl'• . ..ome aharp -loolh S a t.era and \ho.•~· atubbom ~f ule.11 all undtreat.C w ith 3-0 -~IUlt m11.rk,.. Jn .90·con<l pilll'" .. rt th" ll[l'l!oetly Antelopea ~I the chug-ini:: Hull.~ 1<luni.: .... 1tt1 th~ i.:11 t1< h,.p, of c.un.e, "''1th 1-2 mar ks. TI1 .. 111p)nl1R A ut•. '111 ... ·1 n1t Panlh1'n1 and ha.1ry Sp1dt:ra '"~k" 111r,u111e h•·olf"ll""''ll I" the ba1.Pn1ent 11.nd 11imllar 0-3 re<eor rl.'1. Hut U1tiu,i.:h lht· t .. iun nan1•11 a re larJi("Ply r11,.n 11c1n«. !he ptay.-r rus\"'" ar., c<J1npo,,.ed of k!da -the k ind who oos ·T ""1 1·1lll11' LASHES BY LOMBARDO Mesa Nine Remains Atop Loop; Play Here Sunday •. T ony Lombardo's lumber lashing thundered the Mesa Merchants to a 5-1 Oran~c County Winter BasebaU League ! victory over 1'.'.I Modena Sunday, leaving the local diamond warriorB undefeated in second round horsehide play. The 1'ferch11nt11 11 re de11d lo.-kW for rlubl!. contrlbut"d 11. p11i r of dou· loop top RJ'«l w ith fln•l round hlr 11 lo the loca.I cau.w. ch11n1p Or.in,.;<:-. L('ad1 ng in the fifth rnan1e by t he m11rg1n "f one Ullf'llmt•ol ntn. re1111lt of tht "~ El :0.1o•·h·no 1•rru111 In tht: ~f'COntl !l\1tnUl. the 1'1 l'~A · men WTll J!j)<'\I 11µ the runflirt when t..onliJK,.lo u .. ,11.,,! 11 t"''"·r(ln doutJI•· T h1• h1i.: i:ur'.• t r11•\!• In th~ ~llllh llf'nt '"'" mnl"P 1n11tir 11n~r cutH1!Pt~ trut!•n i.: 11.0 ru1111 \\'Y.T'LY.L \\" A.1 ,l .411':-< 1'111n11ger lli•b \Vet1.rl, "'"'n t n bf' 1"111'1nfi: thP~1• p11rt~ rnl' ~1•ri111.: Lra1nlni;:: >••Ith t he C'lnr 1n11\U f11 r n> r-;,.llt Sundlly, th" 1'1 PM m11cer11 n1lll "''ilh F'UllPrton'R nine 11t Co· 11ta. 1'lf'1<11. P11rk . 1tart1n;:-al J .Jll p. rn . A"ah1~t E l 1'1ndt:no. J im N,,.. •. kirk opPnPd on the m ound, twirl· ini;:-r••llf" hi!IPS.,·/llC(lreJt:ftit JnnJni;;a. Don 1 ... ·,~h l·•ok over rP~I or the wny, i;;lv1ng up two bini;(lflll' and I h·• nv"I 1lngl1•l!!n. MARINE INSURANCE , • .,.. A.utG r..n.. And A~nn... lm~ P1-.cPnt~a A\'f\. 1.11.,.rty 11·701!\ LllHCJ Rcmp .,.,._ for \ FlrllMJ Rips Gacp Drive-in Dltlts _ B7 J11LL PlllLLIP8 K&bee hit for two s-ta IU!id -• N-.t ll'--"--v1-Loraitaen for °""' whlM Tum.ln "'"" the ...... ,._ ... .u&nNr ~.ueh School Sailor quintet ,could only conlribut. • foul llbol. La one ot lta periodic cold apeU."'and the Ort.Jlge Pant*'8 llleenttsn. Ne!r•r CGllee'-1 a fteld· potting them in trQm tbt out.aide in deadly manner, the per· .,. while th• Ta.rt' p ..... tns att&Cl: fn ..... era ot Coach Ju.lei Ga-aulfered th . r· t ·-----t at lhl& point P .V• th• P&ft~N --· •-ell' U"l9 ~ nve t.\IC-rul fl'M UlroWl'a. League 9f:t.back ot the .-.on in Sailor gym yesterday 4~. auu the Gob• •"9 not tn a Md 'rb&t kine ranp bGTap ot U1111 G~ nn&Uy connected with field. pomltlon In the ovarall Sun..t Pa.llthtin 91.Dl IJlem c:llarStns lnto et1 to g.it Ur.e undefeated t lvli 1..e&l'Ut picture. P'or tn1tanee, the & 11)-S le.cl .&ily lD lM tlnt b&ck lnto tne gotng:. Lorentun Pv.nt~t1 ha...., no better Ut.n a quarter. It provtded the; JnarS1n a.ddlJd two frM> throw. tlO tha t 3-2 n!<'ord whlle the Sallo~ have ~ Tan -N n1ftr abl4i to c«n-Oranre l<'cd only 13·8 at conclualon uu-~ trlumpllr1 a galntl thta alnc'f p1et.i, O¥tlf'COll'IM ln Ul.e f1nal of Ur."' q uerter. That ~ juat .aetback. The•~ 11 no queallon but au!,.... about the di.c.anee they kept ahead what thl.1 preoent Pa.nther quinte1 ar.._.•1 klnf ~ tactlca c.r the Newport cn:w ma.ior1ly uf le bound to l;nock over aom e or dr'eW out ca&'Y O&ftl'e heretofore I the conteat. lhf. olhfr Loop contender•. ·~~ d8tmae &l'ld opened In the N:cond perkid. R"Y All t~e Ta~ have to 1-.. • u up the f!llddl• to r th• drtn-ina Diln1fl.a hit a 30-fuott:r to p<JU l h" tun1b!e Anahe-fh Jo""r tday n!;ht .. 11 Uul.t found TOfD J"if\lero& te&nng Goll3 w1Uun Ur.r .. .., p<•tnta ,.f the thp 11 \•al flr1:i· 1.1 th .. ~r ' t•n• lM Tl.n to p&ecee "'1Ul four fleld accr•.a•ive riv•l8. A roup., ol fashion th•)' urSt:t F'ullerton. a n<1 ~ i.-Uie third 9tanaa. lay-up. by PoJ'l'I' a nd tn·I' thr•l.,,.·s <"..ag:e .1nd hla ~Y• are ."ck 1n F'ifUlfD& nabbed hJ.&t1 acore for by Green, T om l'Hiu~tun 1 11..i 'ha1nr1on~h1p hua1nt1111 the ..... with 19 potnla on aev•n Geo,.e 8(,huitt left th .. U•i:~ i.::uy.11 fOal.1 and two tree throwa. J->etf' lll.actly that tar beh1nJ •t 1n1 .. r-CARE ;:UL Maldona4o pltched ln 11 polnl.1 tor 11\lll.flon U'le Panthtra and Terry H rnnann l Hcrrn11nn .,r th~ i'11nt1Lrr~ 11ppar •ntly lfll 11orrv J"' !ht (rli;ul tJP !""'1l1fJn ""'1 lil'I" ·! Ill """ itf1rr ~ Saoh,r 1n1 11~ ul1 11 f:"lll l ry 'II'" ,,, , 11111ny • <>Jii i)' Ml "P~ !)1" I•~ 11l l••I~ h i d Ulruui:huut ll•<O bl>.ltlf SERVI CE . not on.ly .cored ii d!l'lla tor Or ance but conlr1buted a bukft tn t.he SaiJor cau.e ln the third ~no)(! --by accldt:nt. ot courM. l!,.rr111.n ll<'Of<'•I '''"' (tir (JrKn 11~ tH1! l111v,. T1111lLir~ , ut tllie bo.•' k tn <::t-'.lJ tor lh.-rl\',.I.~ llnli (:r"<'fl put !h~ T ari e.h··• .. l 1• r ti!" tint tun .. 'l!'l-2~. for your "6(j ·~ Sea -¥~ Eddie Po~ and Capt. Gef'lti.::~ M•bee were particularly chill)· when It came to itµnklnl' the p<·· lota throufh the cord•. Seit Guur<! Garry Green a.nd Paul Lorf.nlt .. n rou.ld do by way or tollnl' the load ..... 10 marker1 t:ach. Gr.,.,n collected four roale a.nd a pair <>f fN!e ~a ; J.,.,orentHn th~ fl .. ltl· Thi ~ (11<\n t l>t8l IHnll: frir lilll:"f en and four rttt ahota. roa found th11t hr•l,. up th .. "\"t w i l ~~ outboard motor repairs Ex pert Ma.bee came throu,:h with thr a..nd hit for !hr,.e •lr•1i;:ht bu<k1•t 11 fir-at Bailor bucket or the rray. on a Jump, t1p-1n 11.nd •1r1vr -1n 1 out Ul.l.t proved to De hle loner ut 1tral from th .. !umhhng !·ngrr .. ct the nret hail. Lorent.... and.I Gob9. So thef"" "'"ll that fn'" point dltfer<"n llaJ 1tg1tln Pope connertrri o n a p11r ol toul •hot.a. ta.k1ng care or hu1 111.lly- 1nJ tn the t.hlrd ~tanu.. 1'"1i:U<'rW I decld.M th\11 "'""Ul•l """"r '''" ,.,1.1 r ot the ctltrtl!l b1<r k w ith 1nuth••r- 'i 1teal trorn th,. J•tt~ry N <"w11orl,.111 rt••ned in ihor ui.e n! •p.!'Co•I f•nory-1ypt 10011. Thr• usr A Jun1p allt>l bv l;r.,,.n WRll oft H I by II jump 8h•·! by Jlrn !"Plj::<'! 1 Und•unt.-<1, G1ePn g•,\ und"r th,. 'b&aket f r.r a f1~]d,.r f >)llOWt·,t by Lorentr.t!n ll!ld, Ji:"H i: into U1t-f11111.I ~uarll'r, lh" ,,..,,,., 1~1r·•IY tavvr•d On.nl'e 34-33 1 J ohnwn p•rU from r>ur l•.-11r n oc:k , •'1u rin11 you Hf 11nly rht finnl m a1n1 .. n1nrr 2nd rt'· pair .,.ork on your outl'!"l'Olrd motor. 1-Qokins frv 1 .,,.,. ~•·llor~t:"' \'('e ha•f ihl'n> If pri<:e. you'll 1pprffi•1r. South Coast Co. W ith Green apparently hot 11t I 1-..t.. It 11.ppear,.d thr Sailor" I ml.J'hl pi.It lh~ ont: nut nr tht-tire. ~l'Mport 81\'d , at 23rd St. de-plte tht:lr ragged play . I 'n- fortun•tely, Ga.ry Joel tll" t ooth too. So ~"iguerna e.nd Ken Purc,.ll popped In • pa.Ir lo g"'t that mar- f1n •l"aln. A Jumper by Tamura an(I ,,.... .. lhrow11 by Ltlrwt.un made It 39· 37 b<!hlnd Ole pot,.nt P1.11lhen . ff.a rbor '.!600 = ----"'---. DID YOU KNOW There is a· remart.able article on paCJ• 16, of the January iuue af "SPEED AGE?" Get a copy and read it. It tells with FIGURES, what we've been tellillCJ you with WORDS!!! LOU REED & Associates Chrysler ••. Plymout h . Imperial Uberty 8-3486 OR.E.ES SOM!: MORE-G11ry acoru thoee g0Al1 every which wu.y w hen he take.1 ,. c r•ck 1t ll. Here hP hl..ll d n ven b<!- nrath thP nrtllng &ntl I• on the vl'rg~ of m aking a 2-polnl df.poalt to crt-dit of the undr- feat..d Sllilor1 of Coacli Jult:a t Cagy) Gage. -Staff Photo --== NEW CAR on your mind? '\ \ \ ' I I I Put it ;" yOVt clrNeway wi+h a COIW'9Nent, to. cost •.• AUTO LOAN fro• U. I. llA'ftO .. L .......... ---1e •• ,_.,_ ............ • C-,,,,,_ .. • I •-o.r-• II C.,... ""'- ,_..;. '""'' . ,_'""""" UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK Newport Ave., at Barbor Blvd.. COSTA MP.:sA •f ot lft fllfl&' el,01 1 1 •lltfllM (I (0 t~, • •1•1111 1111 11 lllllYt • I PA&Et -~~~~~~:~us DAVE BIDNICI(' SPASJS BUCS TO FORMER ATHLETES IN REUNION HERE ~fr. and 1'.1rs. Amos Alonzo Stagg, above, were gut:sta ot the George Yardley J ra. rt-1.:entfy at Balboa Bay Club during meeting of NCAA Rules Committee. Stagg i.~ un ly honorary life n1t·mbcr of commitlt'e. From left. Ya.rdley, Stagg, 1-.l rl' ::;tai,.:g and ~i rs. Yardley. Stagg coached Yardley in ba.sketba.11 a t University of C'h 1~·ai.:•• 1n 1920 -~I . T<'rry Boris Photo RAMBLERS UNCORK VICTORY BARRAGE Jl<Ul'l"d agairut U11.rJ.,11 t:1 0\~ "'hen t ho> S 1uJ .. r JUnlHf Viti •1! \' <luv.nt'•t C:i.n!en 1 •rvve 6!1 -:ri II•,,. Frlolll ) ilubb&n1 llU..:O I''"'' 11 1<..• 11ble un lht' '"url ~ /\C wa.. calltnK 11g11all! !ur th " local prep fu0tba.il aquad. Staff Photo TAR JUNIOR FIVE GAINS 48-41 WIN caae ii'• 1ol lke H.ay~s prepar- lnll' lo 11ink one from 2~·fC nul for Coa rh BHI Straw's St•· flPi.11 B(alnat l"l..t lltrton ll11 ye• wu hot, hltl!ng for 12 point• .... tht' 101·1J11 dunktf\ the PapVU11 .. • 3~·33 ln ,. thnlltr -!'l l,.ft l'h"t'l 1Jerry Webster ·Mesa-Built Car at Drag Show H ',. .i. ... 1 1, .. ,1 1n a ,·urr••1l ''~''' r 11 n11t 1"n~I •ut'""' t11; "'·'~·• 11",. ~· Lhr r .... tf-11 ·~(·elrn.t,n,,; drl""r "" 1'11.rth. · w11~ "n" .. r 111" hon<'lr,.,t ltlh'l"\1> •l Lin: ! ·•~! 11• I Eight 1nttt1ng of tilf' J111•l•" ('h11 mh,.r~ "r Comm<'t•" .. r Or· 11.ng " !..''•li nty hen• ye.•lt'r'I"' Spotlighted at lht ~··N'll•·" w<·r.., lhrq unu.;iua.I ho t ·rl>\J~ Ill! !11 :111;.: lhe ~1J1tntry·~ fll.JIT ~st <lr><g~l•'• "Ttie H!lry l;pe.:.al 1"1\~ ,,,.i,J .:q • pearlu,; '1r"ll:Mlf'r wo~ built 1n tl1 ani.;e C'ounl\' 111d r«ceuu;· ~p,.<1 50-46 EC WIN OVfR SANTA ANA .. -.. . it """"' .. Ulllil tbe IMt f-•In-<>f pl&y lo l¥i 0.-..,. Cout CGlloP CY"' -. lut alP1. ,... might ~ -labortnc l.IDdw the lmJll 111km. botb tht Mna ~ aad tbe lnYad· ~Jl&!!ta ~ P9!!I ~~!Ix Jn>rfiliic for a tie ...... l'ar neither appouod to am...l1y want I<> w1Ji the cooteot. But n.all7 Ole .. dedded, ' ' ·~ .,.u, tt llllFl .. w.u lte -. .. th• PiraU. we,.. bahind n..2:1. u4 •peel latG & IO .... IMd befOH QutO& LULY tlM ftna1 lW. ftllaute. ot &elklft. Th1U-rally wu quick and et· Huac* co~ pme We\_.. WI.lb 14 polne&. Topit ftw lbe Or- &ftl• eout conu.na-t ... Bkl· nkk -th• baa'-ol ~ tow ,.. and UmM sttt t.oeM1 ts-11 tnaril· . . .... ~ Bua tail.Jr rundi>wn: Cba.p- man 8, Y OU"I" 7, Btdftiell 11, &a Van Hom 8, ru . .,.t11cll 10 and Mlneoo 8. Fw the DotY Jt. wu Stanley 12. Mike O'Br1ea T, JOlln "'lik Da~ Bldnlell: wu Uwapark recuve. l1fid J'O&l-by Jitddy who t'Urniahed th• n.c_,.,-.cw--Youns , Ea Van Horn a.nd o.n,ny Kombtl II. Hundtn 1•, 1-lUlh.,...• tn.s punch. H• Miik two ~Ke l"ltspatr1ck popped lhroUl'h ln lbat 7 and Jim Markham 1. and • tr.e throw when th• chlpii ordu to tie th• Wty a t 28-28. w.,.. doWn, Llded: by 1 cO&l by Young dropped In a tr1e throw. Bob Cbapma.n. then with au. ,.... rollowed by Don )(lnaon'• Ju mp main.in., dWlked 1n a pair of trff ahot and the Bue. had ~Lined ChrOW• to mak• \t concluaive. th• lead, Sl-28. TllDlD v1croaY They bUUt it up to 3i--U beto~ It WU the third triumph a1'alru1l Ute Ude cht.nl"ed .... &in. A CQ&1 two louea In Mrat round Ea1ttrn by the Hunden and fre. ahota and • long SO-footer by Stanley u d the D<ina had It aU knotted on.c• Tb• Pire.te Junior v..,..ty drop- ped a 72-'3 pr.tlmlnllrT to La Fond&. Bob Norman o1 N.-.port Beach WU hl.rh 900t'9 rn&n tor th• loMni with 21 poblU. Ot.Mr OCC ecorvw : Bob Mart.111 a. Jeny Rlc• JO. Tony Baca Ill and Sonny Coa.na 8. Con.t•rtnce competlUon tor Coach Stu In.man"• Bue.a. For th• Dora. It wu fourth lou agLLn1t 011e wln nlUre •t 3g.3g w ith 7m 34•. to l'O· I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; E&rly In the lnltlal period, the came &JM> appt'ared eonrluelve. and one-aided With floor general Chuck L...,wl• or the Don11 rteclared BAYSHORE RICHFIELD e Waxing • Complete Automotive Service YOl'-:SO, VOi:! Fron1 that point until the 5 :60 me rk, neither aide appe1.red will· Ing to ~Ort The D<:lna haa a H l · KING'S LIDO RICHFIELD BE SURE. INSURE w1 .. KA UJUa: 8T Al'"lZ'Y laauraAoe o.t7 Pbo-ll&rbor !f.1' 1116 r:.. 0-t Hl.-11 • ..., Col"OA& ~ )(.,. Don Martin RICHFIELD St. Joachim'• R&mblera un- corked a 14 ·point barra1e In Uie f!r1t quarter a.g11.ln1t BL Anne'• ln Sant.A An a Wednu!l•y r.,r "' 2:1-16 VIC'· tory. It wu th" R11 mbltr11' fifth ""II" "1ct nry In alx 1tarta.. 113 11111~,. l'"r h•J(•f in i. ~u1<1 t .. r Capt J .. rrv Ktn1ptr r 1ln1 .. r1 the ,,r , 111;1 ,. r .. u11 H ;<1t1u 1•!H11: a!ll.1 r :\'.ewport H11rbor H t1o;h ::ichool Sailflr JUnl"r var1Lty to ,. 43-41 to l.Je •t 1111 •·nitllenKe1.o. 1n a na· sun1u·t l,e&i;ue vwlnry nver .theltu•no<I •!n1t;·11t.np ,..,tnf"'\11 •'•11 0rflflg" Pl\11ther11 In 811.llnr l(y•n 1'\\•n nth,.,. .-ar~ i\n~ H ~"I""'" h"rl' )'e!lt"rd11y 11rt .. rnoon. 1'he r h1t r t.;l'il f"llrtlll11•· • P''"''"r".i 11•• .. •, tritJmph alh,..,etl the loca.I JVa to l l"r1r•1 l•lrk·"fl 1ru,k v.t!h" h1··lr • catch up with their v!&r111ty co· 1 FREE HARBOR 4827 for Service Calh SERVICE Our Specialty Heodlight Adjustment Wheel Boloncirtg Waxing W1: P1Cll·Gf' ... d DELIVEIL rllEE hurla a.nU apurt "111n11U1.r. reconlln111tk tltt1·". IHI•! I< h•fll"·lr•"•h• .,r three v.uu. une lu llll 1n loup ru,.tnm rrin v,.r!1hl" huiLI hy 11 l•i cornpellliun. }"l'Rr uJ.\ 1·0.uth. Jt"rty \'.'. t,-\,.r .,f 1 l th d ("0 11t11 .\l"~" "''ere "n •ll•f'lll )' f•·t Pick-up & Delivery 200 W. Coast Hwy. at 17th St. Liberty 8-9145 et entrance to Lido Ide Harbor 904 .... I:. Cloul a.,. 1 Corona &!ii Jiu- Don & Bob UoJb Seigel pact<t th., at· lack ror th,. llambl,.r1 wit h 11 markt'rR Otho!'r 1corerw ror the Coat.a Mesa •chool w•r• Hill Kennedy 3. Rich lAComb (. J im Atc1ofahan 4 rred Martin 3. SL J oachim led 111·10 at h..trtlme. F ive tln1ea 4 \Jr n1> r ~con the JlllCtt'I' Jn,.ptc tiun h 11 I f Kern pr r 11 llhQ\ 11 0 VI' n llm" e I • ~ C--------------------------------~=============~~=============""~=============~ lh•'r t a• ~curf.~ .. r l'llnthl'r lee.J11 - TRIO OF WINS HBC Five in Amazing 32-2 Cage Victory \\'h,.n the t1n11.l tP~ull.1 w .. ro• In Jerry h11d j11 n t •I \hf' npp<111 lt1nn w ith f'l_i?hl r1 .. J1! t:olllll IUld tw<l tr•'t thro"'I t•ir 18 pu1111a 11.nd high sroca h<•nur1 for 111 .. fl'>1 \'. l>A\"'S \\Oll.K Bob Day with aeven ru:l4 g oal.a "-'llR hi gh for th<· Ju11er1 11Jld be· hln·I hi.~ 14 pninl.ll v.·a1 ho0k-ahot 1trll.11t J11-r k S«!1rr .. ,d .. r {Jf the Pan· t.her11 wlth 12 {Jn rive ~n11l11 and two rrtfl t O&l!IC'.11. The Junior Tari g ot off to a good 11lllrt f nr " 10-4 fi rst qu11r· A trlo of triumph• -one by tcr 1 .. 11.r1 At hnlfUn1 ... th" ~r.ire an amull'lK 32-2 1cor ........ waa the bi1rely favored tile l"r•\11 17·16 . lnt ot llarbnr H"I"~· Club qnintl't11 1 ,,rRnge tonk eare or th"t &f ter I Jn Or•nge ( 'nun!v l:SIL.'lkttba\1 rr<: .. a•. JUnir !n).," 11. he 11 rl 21 -19 Lee.gut' pl11y "s:11 in~t R11nt11. An11 h'.tmper •lt11.U!nckrd th•• count . Recre11.t1on IP11 tn11 "" r11111I rourl!t I the Panther• cLawtd 11head 2:1·21, Sat11rd11.y. goa l• by Ken1ptr 1L1l(I Hnb A llen l l v.·~ lhP PIK hlh i;:rade~ v.·ho k notted ll 11t 2::>·2:1, Rn<! lh11.t'a the racked up !ht rh•111.ll anrl 111lo"·ed wav It went -back and forth. but one bue ktt. th11t in the third j .,,.t btrore end of the third quarter. The Harbclr klda heir! a pt"rlod, a .goa l and two tree to111- 30-0 h&Jfl lme m11 r~1n. They didn't e11 by Kemper and 11. £'.Ol!.I 11nd bolher doing more than h olding gift ~hot by Don Bllbb~ put 1 ht their .o wn 1n the A<'rond h11.lr. itror-Gob• 11head 32·29. BOB WHITE IN FLIGHT No. ht"~ 11ot I\ bird or I.he Mille n11.1ne, but a member of Coach J1n1 .\11\lrr'• Sunaet ~ll1J1Je-!e&cllng T!lrbabe.!I' bucJJitt br1,fBdt. Jio1\·e1·er, l""l hln1 lll'llr th<' netting "'"ith the ca•ba an'I ht!' n1akt" llke hl11. rf'11.ther"<1 nameMke ""'hlle &011..rlng up tor a 111.y-Jn. ~111rr f'h"tn Full Court Press in Last Quarter Hands HBC AA Win 1 A pair or vlr1nrlP11 In Or11ni::<' 111n<I thi~ p11.1e\ "rr. !>n d1aturi-1 C-nunty 13&l'lketball compttltlon .._.,,rl'! the Uli,:un11. b<1y,. by the RK-1 V."llll n•cnrlled by Harbor Boy11" gf"t'l'll!llon of t he Hoy1· Clubbera Club qolntf'lll 11i;:11ln"'t l.11i:nn11. \hr\" rnttld !lf"nte only 4 r<>ln\-~. fle11r h 1'1onday 1vhen the l.Jouble· Craig \\'11rfi,.I(! pN."""I I he A r\l'e <'dl"!d lbe r ival• 44-41 and Harbor' art11 ll<'o rinK h~r<J lie the A 11qu.ad .-on 27-10. u.nk 4 po!nt.s 111 the IMt t w o lknnl11 Allan or ~a'a AA mlnutea. Don F'if'rre tnok h I K h I tean1 IM all .c:orera w1lh 21 tally ~Unn fnr HBC wllh 13 1 1 ~lnt11, but the local lad.I apre&d m.a.rkera, toltn"·e<l. hy Olli Lamb e!rll out rurther. l...&(Una jump. with 12. Otil'"r \l}("AJ ..-nr .. r• fl.nh Into a t•-6 tint quartet' lead Walker 1, \\"arf!tld 1' anJ lt 11 1 d held U throufl'.h 1nterroi..aion Sharp 8. lnl" 11. baakel In the l hlrd pt"nod 1111d none In the rlnnl l'lloto. HR(~ nu; (;1·s Stl'V" H•lllln ... nn "'H.• h•K i.: u n tor the liBI' flv" v.·ith 12 po1nt.io 0U11',. PIJ.:h!h i.;rHdl' ,. ... ,H"t'r" v.•rre Brl11.n Cuc l\11 6. J"rry Hehn o. 1'om Hubr .. 2. Jim Chalk :i, Dick Ra.pp 2 find T"•t lf11.drl<1ck :l R0h- h111on 11cnrrol Ill n111rkPr~ in th" ~I rat perind Rn•I l"'<>Tt'<I 1 ~l" Inn.-. lor11l n<'!tlnK H1 tho l<<'COnil hfllr Thr Un_yil" C!ubbrr11 "'"\·rnth J(t11(lei·11 l1c k"!I SanhL A n1< l.~·21 but the H11.rbor A·,.. h11d th" Ir trouble• berore coining out or It with a 3:'1·31 victory. J ohn H Ul{heii led the way tor the aeventh gTade victora with 19 m1L,.kf'r11. Other talller.1 fnr the local ~t'Y. enth grader• w tre Dick Butter· worth 4, Ron Plllaferrl 2. Butch Vlney&.rd II, Rua~ll Rapp 4 a.nd XfJll McMll\a.n 2. The HBCer& b11.r•IY led 14 ·13 at lnttnnWion but a 12-potnt third canto c-lob- BOI\ A881ST8 Onl'P 11.galn Ore nice JfOl In front w ith K>'1n per k~pi ng them In r!:lnge. 39-36. ·rtien Bob \'l!lagra· n11. of tile Newpor\f'fl'I llf'c\(hhl to a.~•ll'lt lhfl eklpper. A q11 1kc dun nr g°"l.1 by Bob. 11.nrl the! Unba h11'1 w11ni;:l"ri IL 43.39 mlU"i;:in '1."lth two 1111nute.~ remslnh1g, berf'rl S1tnl11. An11 , Ql"TCK RECO\'F.R\' The loc11.I A 111quad got ()fr to " alow 11.nd a 1mo11 t dlafl.ll ttnull at.a.rt , trslUng 811.nta Ana 10-4 at end or the f!r1t lllan'-4.. But "" Immedia te recovery hl!.nded thP Hubor k lda the v.·lllnlng marrrtn when they out.acored the r1v11.1,.. ll·l In th\'I secon•I quarter. The}' IM at rece1a 10·1 I. H BC A aquad 11Corer11: \\'11.ltf'r Ander90n 10. Jerry l,..wrtnr"" P. C &rl ~rgeron 7. L#Jfry 8hr11.der 7, Dave Moody 2. -.sourtt GORST . conSTRUCTIDn CD. RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL. COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR Sl4ALL -17. ~ k>cLL lada ~ed a Cvl U.rgemn. \Vslt Andtrl'<lll Uttle grou.nd In the third •taru.a. ant! 011\'e Mno<fy ltd the lt11•1 "fralllng 3j·JO. prtuing A \1rtory for HBC . A ll • Coach R od M.ac ~Ulll &m th~w three ecnN!d IS point" 01.hC"r 11eor-!30 30th SL, N~wpori 84each t!M f'Ull co ut P"'U ap.l.nlt tht I er1: J..arry S hrader :.?. Ray Fite· I \ . Harbor~ ooposltton ln t he la~t quarter mall :'I 1U1d Don Bolllni::er 2. 1 ____ ...,::.i;:;_ ______________________ J -. ' .• .. RICHFIELD ETHYL FUil POWER THRUST is that surge af EXTRA POWER yau get only fro111 Rlchfltld Ethyl Richfield Ethyl unlocks every ounce of power built into your car! In starl·and~stop traffic or on the open road -you feel your car respond with maximum power. Without Richfield Ethyl, you're not getting full power thrust! .'f"he years 1960-56 represented the great· e8t horsepower and compression ratio increases in the history or the automobile. Nineteen 1966 car models now have motor• between 200-250 hor1epower, and thir- teen have motors of 2M>-300 horsepower. TOP OCTANE ..• MORE MILEAGE Cre11 ted to meet the needs of the newest high compnssion engines, Richfield Ethyl also giveo I older cars a new lease on life ... develops eztra power ut any car. Richfield Ethyl is a basically finer gBBOline to begin with-made from superior petroleum stocks. Into this is blended an exclusive formula of elements which give it top octane rating. You get no knock ... no ping. But you always are sure of quick starting, smoother J:>erformance, longer mileage. Ask any user of Richfield Et.hyl what it means to have full power thrust under the hood. Even better, fill your tank with Richfield Ethyl ~ enjoy this experience yourself. In your car-whatever the make or modeJ- you cannot buy a finer gasol.ine! ' ' GROCERY LABORATORY AT COAST Qpenlng• exist in daytime clauea tor trajnJng in grocery mercbandiaing at Orange Cout College. A laOOratory, equipped with automatic and, conventional check elands, cuh register, IC&les, and dummy merch..ndise, la utlliud in the DCC train· ing program. Shown above ue ~tudenl.8 R&ftaella Valenti &nd Judi Banks, ln- .tructor is Ray Waaham, graduate of the 1<::hoof of BuKineu Administration at Univenilty of California. Studenta may regiater now by cont.Acting the oa:;_ coun- aeling offi ce. Time Allowance for Yachts In Acapulco Race Listed W ith the San Oter o to Acapulco yacht rac• ln Ila rtnal at•g"flll, a aludy ol h&ndlc•p Um• can IM UM<!. to compute the boe.ta' at&nd- 1np'. The New .. ~ tode.y print.a • 111Unr or each boe.t, owner, yacht clutvand tlme a.Uow&DCe. Th• ll1t follow.~ Cl.A.SS A 12h 2!1m th; Evening Star, Gene Trept•. 8DYC, 19h 67m !ih. Loeg· •nd,' Ch11.rl• UUmL'l, L.A YC, 2lh 21m U.; MarUen. Dwu1.i. J ordan. St. F'r&ncla, 2th l8m 4S.. CIAB8 a Alt.anw', Rwt &Chuh, NJIYC, lih 19m 11111; Kialoa. W . 8 . Clum, St. Franct., 30h 02m 06a; A11trea, Novi• d11I Mar, J ohn Scrip~. Joe Flick, WCYC, 36h ?em 0611 : BDYC. Oh OOm 00.: l'.Kap&de, NaJU. P~r Grant. NHYC, 36.h J&DMll Camp. NHTC~ 3h 24m 091:· 46m 1111 : Vaertnsv. 1.. R. Gray, Ol&mond Head, M. H. Wyman, Seatu .. 8h (Wm lb: S&adrln, Ly-BWOC, 4!h Slim 2U~ -Nymph, man J'uw•ll. NHYC, 8h 4!1m 10.; Brue• Smith, SOYC, 4tih 22m 299: Nain San&'. Louia Statham, CBYC, E ight ,Bel11, Tom Cleverdon. San FMr. .• 46h 111m 3&.; 1t1.1i.... J . K l:mmel. BWCC. 4llh 08m ha. Cl..Alil8 C Y Como. Gould Eddy, SMYC, '8b Olm J.U; Carou.Ml, Mfi Bown, SDYC. !11h 08m IS.; MLstrem. Dtx Brow. C TC. 64h 06m Ml: Mll•rro. Bob Joyce. BWCC. Mh 02m 31•: J!:ventlde, Steve N11wm11.rk. WCYC, 39h 3-Vn 3811 : Moe.na. Bill Vor11i. Voy. YC, &ah !19m 4h; 8-Jafk, Jotln KelloSJ. Voy. TC. Ml!. 22m :zh; R.-lul .. l:d Fabt.an, C'BYC, Nb oom Olk. Smith S.nt•nc..i on lad Check, c-..1 SANTA ANA (0CNSJ -Pr1· M:"n , tar ·01e ,liirrn pr.crtb«t by law (1 to 14,ears) w .. t h• nnd- 1nc ye1terda by Superior Court J·1d1e Kenrwth E. Morri90n .&Cler denyin1 p~•Uon to Fr&nk Jam• Smith, 53, ot S83 E. 17th St., Col· la Me .... Smith pleaded guilty to puell!A' two worth.leM checka in Coata Mea 8ltd Se.nta Ana. According to a probaUon report. the defend- t.nt flit out 21 bol'U' check-. ranging t t<:Jrn $8 to 06M.M. The defendant i::--ed three b&d check• while on ba.11 awaJt1n1 S u- ' perlor Court proc-ing U1e ~­ port revealed.. T~CHERS CONTRIBUTE TO MARCH Jiifn. QoHDa S. WeTtll. rictlt. pneldent of Newport Beach = otary 'l'Mdlen' .A9oci&Uoltr, ~ts check tor MN, ,,. ... CQllt.rtlluUoa oC .U U.. teMhen ID the •)"It.em to u.. ,,_ MAl'dll ot DIJnM, fteeetYbli' °" w.acom. c:oab1bU- .._ .. ...._ V'-' ac..ol .. X.... J'oU W, T\ibbe, Rutt« ...... t 7 eh -... llllOtO NOW SHOWING Cle•I GABLE Jan• RUSSELL Rob•n RYAN in "T1wl Tall Men" Cinema Scope Colo. by Dolu •• \ . ''" Will .. •••••te• •WEDN65DA Y, :JANUARY 21, lt5' . .. .• .'~ HAllOl ~ -PAltT 11-PASE J •' ' .... :a ...... I ' .. ~··Ill .... iry Uft.A. MIA! '(OCIQ)-OU .. a-a. .. --. eu. ud DmMI ........... ~ -~ '' --.... ~........,otaH_.. .... --...., W•t• ··~ON_ ...... , ..... _,,_,~~~m .. * 2 -0. Np'!!: ., ... p.111-. • •r Ir • ~ lilon1i.on ..-t ..... Md .-.t.-ciq .......... T. ,...,. ........ retibtDc C a r I ~ a.. q.o.. el Mil N. N-i:iort • "-..&. • n.. ... ~ deteDdanlll ' .... ellllOd;Y • ...... --·- -IFI AJrD GIAM TOPS_ "l*erty' M53l I · FAST, SLEEK AND BRAND NEW HM•• d •·..a.-.,_ .,_ at T•11lerMr• The f...., ao.th 0raMt Co.11 . .., I 1 1 • lw• I flW atJ •• -bown U the ""BllM .... .,.. -wm bl dlllo•t& ~a 1 h ml Tb9 proud owner t. Bert Dnwe! 'p au Z..... .,... = Md oil .....,.,,Y ew:ndtff, who hM named 0.. ....,. -... ho -oC .. ~ ud apoodr. tnft ---KPOP t• O!f reE DIAL RU.• leek · Files Sult Money Action / •Note ••• We bring to ec.ta Ilea ~~~Ive _ yean u:perieoce in lhe -bo•efrsas. 0-blnlftc our old ta\POl"9d Help.a wllb th• ntw IDOdem lftsndle.nt. and equipment, we MIUN you Of delectable ba.k.ry prod'llcU Ul&t .W 6911ctat your fe..mU7 It h1.w:tia. • In the -Oooot C.. food ..... In N -Bee-J'l>oto \ Cookies To Ch.lldna wtth Adult. Free l!lunplooof ov DEUCIOUS Cakes • • 3 BIG 3 9-INCH • Two Layer Birthday CAKES FRIE 0-11111 ..... ,.~ ..... Ne ,_ , s1 _. 1'7 a ,_ .. .--..--,._i ....... WU.WINO ftll>A<Y NIGHT Laoll;J N- wll •*"'-•ow Wlll:t "' Salarday • 1 Franl Burle Fonnec Editor s..t. AM Regis!• Dally .. 11 a. Ill. .... .., •lll••gli Frta1. KPOP DID YOU KNOW I JW -p1i1y a raclo JW -drfv• a '5' C...,... • ~ :r .... pat a IMlt• .. --.01 • • - FRIDAY 27th •• Costa Mesa BA ERY 1702 Nl-.IOl't • last South of s.tewa;r. ~ ldl ~-18 Opening SPECIAL Our Famous Deliciou1 DOUGHNUTS ... -.. .....,. ... ,. , 45c - • . . • • ,. ----.... --~-· .. r ·-• :r . - -AU.MBIC>H fAHR/ lll lH W19N con~D PORK SALE! -~~---~~----------LHll, Meaty Eastern Corn-Fed Pork RIB Kiflgan's Eastern Hickory-Smoked HOP Roth's Ready-to-Eat, Hickory-Smoked Pork COTTAGE BUTT Rath l~ckhawk First 'i)uality Eastern SLICED BA 1-Lb. Pkg. · Armour Star-With Balanced Seasoning! All-American 'Tip-Top' BNllHI Pure Pork ~·~ snCIALS . ..... "'·rt. 2S cAa ...... 7" .. .......... • =.~ .. 29' • .. _ er.-. • DOU011NV1161w25' ARMOUR STAR 1-1.b. Cello Roll BREAKFAST BEEF Cured to • TA!fl'AllZING flovorl 101'2.0Z. BLUEBERRY PIES ... 4 for $1 c ... FREE!_ 6 magnificent I full 1ize Pol m I Trees from Downey Ph one Bloyne Hutchison, TOpn 2-1674 t lb ... DIY Cl lAM 29C PREAM 4 'h-Ch. "-· .. -------, I Reese 1 Hawaiian I POI I Tloe .-•f l'M T•,. l'\.-t, ,. ..... t• • ~ .... -"" ........ ,._ , .. , t1o1i -,ll MINTI I I 16.0L JAi 69C .: L II• •• o.iic.-o.,.t.l _j ---------·----------. 1 Marcal 1 I White Paper I I • I • .. - . - . , . _,_, -· ' : IT'S 'HAWAliAi .. DA SUllllY iMllES Ill Al DOLE SLICED HAWAIIAN C& c ' PINEAPPLE NO. l l FLAT CAN • YoU'll w1nt to 10-L BA C "LEI-AWAY" I plenty at this Haiw1ii1t bootlood pricel Pure Vegetable SP 'Rf 3-POUND CAN f - S' 'AGAIN : COME SOAK UP THE L-AMERICAN'S TROPICAL AISLES! H HAWAIIAN CANE S & W FIRST QUALITY AR CO:ffEE • ' FLUFFY-RUFFLE or NORWOOD FERNS • • All Grinds -l·LB. lcle•I for Ind-Of Outdoor Mndeome How•ii•n effectt Wonclerfvl light-ii,_, frilly texture -you1f want severall c ~HAO* SAVINGS! T CAMPBELL -s . !-~~~-~.!~.~ e GrMn Po• e Vegetoble ' • Pepper Pot e llock lk.•n e Veget•ri•n I YOUI °CHOICEI s l suy'emin I e M.-h,_,, e Mock Turtle e a-f e Chicken Gumbo e Creom of Chicken e Chicken Noodle e Chicken Rice e llMf Noodle e Cl•m Chowder . el:on10mm• • Scorch Broth YOUll CHOICEI '1 IOY.i-OL _ Cans ' CAN • r .... ,1.+10 .. , courletY' of IONO HAWAII IAUICUI 151 J I Hert.or 11~t1 • ... ...., .......... AOLE PILIKIA* to Speak HAWAIIAN! *Wll<I WIKI ... Hurry (to All-Americon'I 'WELAKAHAO ... Whoopiel *KAU KAU .,. To Dinel *HEU MAI , .. Come Here! * AOLE PlllKIA ... No Trouble *ALOHA KAKAHIAKA ... Good Momingl *ALOHA AlilAHI ... Good Evening! *ALOHA AUIA OE ... I Love Youl *PEHEA OE ... How Are You. *MAllCAI ... I Am Finel *LAK-A-MUNEE ... An •ffllction -111 suffer from. C•n be cured by shopping weekly at your friendly All-American Mork•!I CINCH MIX -1-U.. Plcg. CORN BREAD VERMONT MAID PANCAKE SYRUP 12..0.. 1ott1 • • PILLSBURY -141-2 -0>. Pkg. HOT ROLL MIX NEW MINUTE -3'!'-0L Pkg. Mashed Potatoes PILLSBURY -71'1.0.. Pltg. Fudge Frosting._ 19c 25c . 23c • 21c 31c PILLSBURY WHITE 7!:>.L 27C FROSTING ..... -- LUER'$ SMOKED, COOKED HAM Whole or IMlfl ION--., KIMl.D1 -llMT 1'0 U.n • ALl.AMRICAN Au.MEAT FRANKS II PUMP WI--Ill U. l~ ..... UA1. OL' FASMIONID Ullll KRAUt . ~ ••Allr M-0&. Mm A1WUllPOSI: QIEISI LONGHORN • LEO'S-~l'Kkage 79:. • CHIPPED BEEF 35c • • C--' a ....... -... d•• .. I •st keel • MAMA ROSA'S GAltUC 39c • SPREAD 39c • • a1u.T POtl M.U9le ~ lOAm • ll09DEN'S , 23ci BISCUITS toe 11 ~ mcem • ~:• . -, •. ' 47~ ; !1!!!8!'~~!5 r--HEY! --, UOUORS r·-------, I ........ ...,. .. ...,...1 I ML L:lll .. e ... rwoa•• sr ........... I 1 ., .,, .... SCOTCH I ...... PERNOD : ..................... . :C.oiR 57c: I 100 Proof Liqueur I ....__ $119 ,.._.,._ _....1.RUIY PORT .... ~ ........ . '_ .. ____ $746 , .... ....., I I AU.AMalCAN I :~:-s3st; MAjCC................ I '=-~:::_ __ _; M'AN1sciii'Win ........... 5137 L.: - - - -...;,· - - - -"' • DOWNEY • NORWALK Cc:GDIMlll•• .... IGI• A DOL.+JI CG•• RPI 101• I f'IGll 0,-..,tr 'Ml 10111.•. -M . & s.. 'tM Mw.h ... MILT "T1L EE!bii • GARDIN GROYI .• CORONA Dlt MAR ,_ .... .._. .... (kjsa .... INf COAST lllllWAY AT MP•• .._, fltt A.Ill. TO 1-P.11. -.y -A.Ill. TO -P.11. ) • • NIWPOIT llACH ... OM.a llt!JWAf ,., -·· --A.Ill. 10 -P.111. DA&Y e iAN c:t"llNll . •ac•:::r-. , ...... ,.,.._ ....... • . - ' - • ------ • • -~--~----e. - • . - I 'flo ·· m~J · fjT,~· ~I · :it ~a'J PA&l 6 • P.uT II Nl\T.JllCllf llPJIOI NIW$'IJ&SS WEI E Oo\Y, JANUAAY 25. 1916 --•• " i E P -1 T 0 ~ I A LS ' - ,, f U,roria.:itel Mai Merchants I in Move for Greatir Cify • C<>rona deJ MU lliorellaata Ul .-put !or- w&rd a moot ~ ,._ Ct cll8in-.ed com- munity· aervlce ln our opaloa when Uae bu•"-auo- clatioa. of UM crown community ¥oted to dlleolve and 'v become lb.at &rM'• 9flCtion ot the merchanta' dJviaton .. of Newport Harbor Chamber ot Commerce. Tbi8 wu accompu.bed tbroucb Je&delwhjp of Ken· netb Brandt, ueociaUon pf91dent, Fn.nJl Jordan, ~ Karen. Mar(areta Bruning, Cham~r P'rMldent Ja.me. T. V a.n Dyke, to nune a few. We feel unity of action and purpoee such u our fellow toW?U1men eepoQ8Jed with UU. moTe deaervee wholehearted pr"&i8e. lt la one more roadblock removed in the onward mudi ol the Oty of Newport Beach - de.tined to contain 76,000 penona by the year 2000. accbrding to estimate of a water raoun:es engineer hlred by city council. The intervenin1 yean augur well tor population In· crtaae, the water expert brought out -oext stop being a populace of 2=),000 -by 1980. To prepare far civic a.nd commen:ial growth we need ooncenlrated ~ united eff ort. The unaelfiah, broad-guage view of Corona del Mar Buaineaa A.uoclation dfaervee every conatructive- th.mking citu.en'a approb&tion: Brandt, a leading merchant in hUi a1'S, gracefully' 11.pproved the organiution which ht' hea.ded dilaolvtng and pointing ita potent effort into the over-all cham- ber of commen:e progr&m. Thia wu indeed ~ nice gift to h.ia fellow town•man Van Dyke, newly-Uwt&lled chamber premdent. who only a week aco tonight an· nounced plau for eucb a pthering topther of local bu.1ineu into a common exp&naion. llle---il l•-'-bed ... •llle--be .,.,. ........ .. It" t1te -wbo• -tlte profit. ~ w. .... nbotlt; tbe ..u Meptt•)e that ICIODt doeton tl:lo··atw. bave built aad manac«L (All far removed f.,.. thle area.} It &sdoctor from tbia com- munity ......t tbeni, COOld be take bio C1U1IA1men Into the hoofita1 owned by other ....UC. and ._ t1Mir fa· ctlltJee and tWr toola ID order to collect him f-! We doubt It. No, it ii about time that the member. of the medical proleooion, wh°"' oaniliig capacity have boon greatly enhanced by Hoq X-Orial Hoapltal. pay juot a oma1J portioll of the: in..tment required for th.ia next in· atallment to enhance even more the facility for their e&minga. • The driv9 to obtain a -million -CSo1l&r addition for Hoag Memorial ·Hc:.pit&l ii at.ill almost $100,000 from realiution. The Lnve.tment by each of the: 200 doctor. on the ala.ft of only haU of $1 pU day for the next three yeara would carry it acroea. The citizenry hu and will ~ it.a •hare anyway. Yea, notice lb.at fi(Ure above, one halt of $1 per day? That t.. $15 per month I rent, if you pJeue, for a factory and too la) from ea.ch doctor would provide $180 per year or a total of $M0 in ~ yeani_ With 200 doctora providing that much the boepiW would gain $108,000 and perhape a little toleration and respect of the community for the aelf-etyled "chiaeling tJghtwad.I." (The $15 per month amount.a to one martini per day.or perbap9 a brief relaxing on the beach for one week eaeb )'NI' 1netead of &t IA.a Vegaa, Hono-- lulu, or Acapulco). Souoda euy, and brother doctor, we'll atill put Gur money where our mouth ia, but the amount ilil growing smaller. Your Car License Due ' U you're like most motorist. you'll buy.oyour 195& / The Double.Cross AFFAIRS OF STATE . ·:t~~-=-.. .._.--:t:·•,; _ .. ~ ..... ,'7>1f*-1 ..... II! ................ ~ l. ................... ~ ........ ,...._, \ -::;-' .. (Put n. , .... t-~ J ~ ScieDCe bu narer tuUy· explained the formation 'Of tbe wierd "undstone eoncretion11" found aa our Co~:X,.. ert. The teller ot tall de&ert tales always oalla °"1a·i>atri- fitd thi11 or that. -Thett are petrified fOlt balla. ~ loav• of bread. aod my old friend spfke"' C"Qnc.reuona. In ~Pt thq Eddie Duva.II of DoreiO hiu 11. hull« a re llke • lapertU,.,spik• wllh • petrified <.luck. bell on lOp and all pob:it dowo· John Hilton in a ralher Khola r-<1trea1n h, the p~hLrtortc •-..ah. ly pltce tn ~rt M&ga&ine of The lheorie.I of how they .,.. fOS'tD<" Man:h, 1939, advancn aome .c1en-f'd i-un the uaual ,..mut even 1" unc theorltA and lhen adnil l.I they I LMerUnl" they ..,.. tuaed by llstal.o- a re only hypolheucal a& rerarda nlng alriklng the •nd. the formation of roncretlons In varlou11 areu of !h•' Boregn Badl1<nt.!Ji. "e ha '"' th' J..,dacape dot t,.rl .,..,th 111rg<" round sa n<l•tone cono·~C"t ion.• th,. 1111 .. r,f" bH.~k •·ttHllJ l\'HA.T TO DO~ w,. nnw con1e ti) a quuUon Wh ll'h haa ~n bothennl(m~. What -,hould be dunt with theae a&nd• or ll'rg•·1 ,,.,ll:•·t. 11,,,. i·an•Hi.111)" ~lone ronrretlon flel!U! Few peo- kn""·n "~ lhr 1i .... n 1 ,~ ro•nrr .. tion pl!! know ot their vuo1tenr e and ri .. 1.! , •IHiun-t • .<11 ,,.11,.1· · 11 nol r a lur• ln1•en1 •re prett y tlght-llp- 1 l'l'l 1nut11 .. r ltltl)' bt-l"'lllt'd the I~-"''hl'n I . r<"ntmed w11h my jJ\luikir. 1,,.t, t. 1augl1tl'r• J WJ.rriffl them not \n un~ !Ii !flt' • " ,,.. n 1 liter ur !lMtroy ltunia lht-y w~re -~f"".!I ' •·tt· 1 i;o1ni; to 11ee Th• "'htlle ball con-tlM•I '"! ...... ~11 .. p···! ... n, 1 .. u .. n~ 11.r~·ul 11,, ~IJ.t' ul •~ ,,.,,..11,..s clnd c n~ll1•n f•,.lda," ... n be de.tr<>y..,1 t:y 1·a.ri.ll1.J1 in J"~t • few mLnult'a '"'~ht loo '•' n .. ·.i '\IH• <1<''111 1""1" lll'ld It 1111.1 talu-n ~ature th0Uo1&nd• By llENHY C. MacARTHUR [pi), ' A1"1!nel' •!'"-'\ "lllJ (IU\ter<'d of yeflr~ to n1 .. uld •nd diapla y • 11t11 wha1 hl•J'•·li.o·! lu tw 1••&1 \a ,,f I then1 T'ruck1. pl• icu1:... and t ratl,.r11 SACRAM..!:NTO iCN Sl -Th' bt>rallon1 or ,,,:h1r h "'ere lo ~ a lq•lar,.. "'"'!;·~ ''" 1 pro1'"1101" 110 rould ~load~ "'11/\ 1on11 of thMe umion. of the 11 .. n•lt rornmll· wit..nh eld rroni th .. public. would ,,.,,. '•'11 "'1 '1 u,~ 't1uph•n"' Junk queer rorma. S huul<I 1hey be earl t" on lobbylnt. headed by Sen· 111111 fCJr only half •n hour ,.,.i al.Of' Jame. CUnnlngharn of San I Huwevt'r th' half hour ll'ngth· 1 t .. ,l'OSF.: :i.AXU~TO.' ~ Befa.rdlno oounty, provided an ene<J 1nlo a full llay, 111-<! "'hile '" ,1 " f•,.;,., W11.3h Wd!t o! Htg h,,.,·a1· a.Jm~t lnaol111tbie puule I 11.1} j the w1tn"""' Wlllh·d . the i:•J•ll· i,,9 nr a r Truckha\'en .,. . ., rlln <1nlu week when the romrnittee met 1n 1n1ttee wrangled all da y !l".lm, ,.t .. rtlln aan•llltone conc~f'­ aecret .ca.ton in &c ra.mci1LO on Al 1. QU&rt.er LO five. C\Jnning-1 l'On~ "'hi. h l . .,..1nd and "'•ler the report at Ule atlOrney gener· han1 appeared before the Ueplel· hed , . .,1~"'•'<1 In Lhe ..antlstun .. ,,n a.I on the Lone Beach oil p ro blem. ll<l conUngent of prospective wit-!he 1 . .i .. ,,. .. t lhe wiuh It yo\l li:i ve Th• l'41port, announced !n ,s.., neNea, and annou11ced no bea.rin' «•n ~fil!d ren at tht-11euhore drop Bernardino IOmt time •to by would be he.Id. wet 1and Into pUe• ..oo bloW, Senator CUnnlnS"bam. wu mack The aenator made It clear tb&t thMf! would be !Ike 90me or lha av&ll&bla to the comm!tt,-e by th• tom.mlttec would hold no Attorney qian.nl Edmund G hearin"s ber•U•t ot the law1 Rrown. which give 1m1nun1 1y to lnd!Vt - Seoator Cunningham 11um1non-dual11 te•tl!y1 n, t;ef.,~ 11 1e,ial1- hard conrreUOns expoeed in Palm Wuh One g-roup atu~·k ou t of t he side .. r the aofter •a.rulltone mat- rtx l•k•· alert C41lnon from the gun •• ,.:;i.y Lor lt'!\ 111 thf'lr natuntl n; 1ronn1ent • 1 r .. ~1 lh•~ ,,.,.~,, ~·it h•·t !\'111 ur& la borto111ill' f~h1onf'J atl•t 'l1aplay- "'1 Uilll a rt wnrk, laliuflJt 11:eouJ011cat ;1me lO ··on1plett! t h .. ta.sk lnu· !llU<'h u Jihf' .,. .• ,, klnol l'l!Olll(h lo let Ill ~ $fC" thlll (l!splR}' I lllO !l!Jl ~olnir I n dh'Ulg,. (ta IO<.Jatlnn. Ir you hunt for ll. you too wilt rome to an a ppt'<l!'<'i•lton of Natur ,. 1111<1 her -""'Orka. arid the o1ecrel of the '"'L\h you But to th .. ao·rall~ "moo.l,.rn" Only by such intelligent. forwud-loolr:ing action of riur d ty'1 merch&.ntl and buainesamen can we proceoed 1n conatructive, orderly tubion to thi; 1oaI we all 9Mk -a pro.peroua. well-operated, greater Oty of Ntw· port. Beach. c&r licenae 11bortly before the deadline which ia FebrU- ary 4. But while it would be euier on you to get it now when you won't have ta stand in line m loa1, the principal thins ia not to m1u the deadline. After hb,. ruary 4 you. pay more -considerably. ed an lmpoelfll' l"f"OUP or witneu-Uve rommlttee 1 f)(Jrla of a YankM privateer. • lo appear Mtor11 lbe romm1t~ Ha read a mouon by Senator tee a.nd g1,,.. t.Umony on lobby-Earl De • 111 o n d. Sat"r•mento, la..t a.cUvlU• .Ue1M lO have whleh when adopted by the eom· bKn committed by lbe Cal!fornle. millet!, aent !he enUra matt.r 'ndela.nda PmtecUve Awioria lion I bar k to tbe otrire of A. tlOmey and a.190 by th• city o f Long General Edmund G Brown. 1tnd Bn.ch. atter the committet> •dopte<I tb.e Mother Nature ln her gay mod- rl! 11.~ o! the roncrellcma aeem.11 to tlU • el~agitied are& •IUI a b.J.Jc de.:icn. !"l'ar BIP*J v~ ta.ti!. on the CalifornJa ·W:-1can bor· 1er a re found the f&JnCll.'9 "511d 11culptor who behe1·e1 he La p10· .,eenng "" entl r"ty ne.,.. nelc! of torm and rhylhn1, Mother Nature bellt h1n1 LO It Dy • n111l1un or ao yeara and bu cl!lttfrred W911 th• deaert landac.ape• wiUt the fruit.a at her to1L Medics Cursing Column Say 'T ightwad' Label Adheres • Memben of the medical profeMion have been moaning loudly and cursing out thill column protu.eiy u having aincled tbem out u a bunch ot '.'chiaelhag t1g btwe.da." The deecriptive term ia theirL We a1.1u-t, however, that without further delay you wend yGur way to the neareet. office or temporary agency or the Department of llotoriVebJc1-an·d take care o! your llceaa. Ta.ke along auffk:ieot cub. or a bui money order for the cotTeet amount (ahown on the form you received through the mail) becauae per· eonal checka are not agreeable. And don't forget to take the form witlt you al.lo lt'1 euential. Do it today, ( RepreRntaUve• or both 11de• DMmond moUon, 1t adjourned of the controver11y. wh.ich 1in1ply without heartng 11.ny wJtne-. •tat~ la whelh'r part or all of Thi• ended the lnveatlpUOA In· UU. ex~1111 revenue from tideland 10f11r tl.ll the 1cn1He comm.lttee •U dr11Hng in Long Beach 1hould waa roncernKI Ho\,"ever. the a.a· belong lo the •late. or to the c ity 1en1bly lobbying rornm ittee head- of L o n I ~1tch, •ppeRrl'd in e<l by A!l.Mnibly""!P C."harlea l-11'Y· 1tren11 th to l~•ll fy en1. "' ~"" &jju:tsco, .. Id it One of the doctors who choee to berate ua aald. Senator Cunningham. ho.,..,.v .. r. would K Kk fnr " copy of "the re· r !lled a •«ret meeting nt lht port f ron1 Attorney General comrn1Uff, and Invited lh<' .. ~. Brown a nd condUC!l It.a o'Nl'I. hMr- .. mb.ly .-::wnmfttee on lobby1njl;' to tnp on the !ltlbJec:t, If ~ry. alt 1n on tile di.euulon1 I Mt!)''r" 1ntlir.11 tf'd the &a11embly ,----------------------------! Orlg1nelly, Sena tor Cunning-co111n1flt'e would make an lnveit- "Doct oni Ml far have been able to .teer clear ot all or the drive. and campatgna and if you keep up we'U.-be pe•tered like all other buaineu men." To that we uy, AMEN. ' The doctoni OD the at&ff or the Hoag Memorial Hospital .till have not come up with any juat ah&re of a contribution toward the building ot the bpspital. In tl)e tint drtve the total amount aubecribed by the mec11 .. cal profeeelon wu . ._ than $25,000. That ia a very amall perOent&~e of the mJJBOn dollars pl1111 upmded building a factor)' and providing the tool• for them. to work. Here ii the situation. Let'• iuppoee that you, John Public, declPe to give $100 to the Hoag Memorial HoepiW, or any other auch institution. lt and when you requtr. the facWU. of that boepital do you ret a reduction of rate., a percm.ta.p off, or 1peclal care! Certainly noL It makee no difference wbe~er your oontributiop waa $100 or ten timee that amount or a hundred tlmea that amount. Your room cbqe will ~$12 or $20 per~. an.upirin will coat.you 50 centa. a lilD&ll bandage $2.!Kf and each other need wW be charged pl<)portioaatoly lnchldlng all • .,_ and ourgi-• cal and medkal fees. They'll not touch you until ade- q~te and iatiafactory arra..Dceznenta haVe been mads with the •!bi1ahe• office." Now bow about• doctor, his family, or bia nurwe ! Check Into the d:IMounta "1!owed llll "profeeaioo.ally connected eue1." AaJt why. No, J~ Public provide9 the boapital, the tool.a, .llllWPORT BARllOll RE-W:S _Ress Editorial Circuit Rider By UNrrED PBE88 (A SympotJum of Editori&l Com.ment California Nmpapen) from The Preaident'a farm meM&p to Congrest came under lhe .1enatlny of many California. editors lut week: Huford Senllnel: '"Some how, aomt way, Con1rr-mu.at 10IY11 , the fann problem before No.em· ~. Th• p~aure11 ha'ff nP'er b4tan 1T•ter. Too klnl" t.?M fv· -ha.a tr.. at tM end ot. U.. Ii.et ol Am.nc&n pro.perlty bm• ni.. He annot lontrer be ~ulred lO take M9a and q>and DJONI -.irbUe otber •irm-.ta of the ecoa· omy ere proeperlntr &a they n-. r. han." Bf.ller.rteld Callforntu: '9nle m...,-a on the farm prosram call.a for no d~Uc rnlaon ol tna pruint plan. becau.. the Pre- cldent atlll belle.,.. lt to b9 IOWld utd be h-.. nic.1-red no oon't1nclnJ ara-wnen.LI to the contra.-y. Ha baa 1111t· forth cert.a.In pl"'C'pONla fOT moderate cil&llol"U and Im · Jli'O"Jl'lenta to meet curr•t and fon~le tiature need.a, and th-appear let be 90Und and r..· .->nablt." Lorqr Be9cb Pr.. Te&ecranl: "Ona nDda It dttftcWt to aYOMI •• ,ua-111 , ~ aa.7 -riw. loll Bank P\a.n. ...... -•• ln t&Jrn-to tbt Adm.tnl1lrat• more than jwt a dod1 e lO meet pollUCa.t compeUUon 'Mio Reptib- llcan admUU.tnt.Uon Rt up houae- kMpJnl" tn • jerTy-bu.tit IJtn.r.cturt put lip by tbt !arm policymakers of the prrriou. admlnlltraUon, only to ha,,.. the roof gT&duaJJy ,oollaptM, ~ ,-.rplu.ea encOUf'&I'· ed b7 tbe P'i.lr Dul drove farm pnc.a toward the Vound llOOn at- tar Preat<ient l:taecnhower took ottlca. The Praldent'a addre•• •• wun't Of:le of ellCUAU. But he did dnota three Mort -tem:M to the pr1nclpal cawrea of Ule prob- lem. The n~ ot thMe ..,,. .. : 'Pn>- ducUon and market diatortlona, Ula reault of wartime production IQca:nUvea too M»i1 continued.' The bualnl!IN of •urplUa waa com · plle&ted furth'-r by 'current rec· Ol'd llvNt.ock production and near rwoord crop harv•Ui piled on tap of prevlowly a.ecumulated ca rry-..,.._.., U81: OF LAND prop.ed ~ tum pro-Napa ~r: ''It la by no pam. ~ of ita ~ mM.n9 act"eed lhat the govern· di.Ip or tht wortJdrMm ol. 1'9 _. meat could m&Jce a worthwhll• 1 u.-. II~ u. ,.,._ ia _. dmt ln farm prciduc Uon by rent· proj«:t wtt.lr. ~ tM ..,..,._ ... l&M from Ule tannerL some -t bu w ......,....""' ..e-ol tM ez.lalln1 aubatdy prownuna I ~ ror a blc tame. ..rioua haq d•mon•trated that acreaa-e f&rm .ch-.. ba.,. .,__ tned, rwno'f'ed from production i.oln't and tounct ._tt.s, -..a,. • nearly a.a lmporlat1t aa what the caUM U.., c..-ted ooa ..t ot tum_.. do wtth the land renu.in· protiMm. WhlM ~ to lJlC after a llotmenta. Jntena-!Ye ---.:-;;;;;;;;;,;;t;;;;J;;;;;;;;;;t;;;();;;-F.";;;:J;;;;;;---1llOIT9 ~ .. t." cultfn.Uon o f reduced 11creaJM .t. D1p:••O .... 1..-1 ........ ._ tw 0-Fol1:y Yww bu bpt t.vmper crop• rolling-In sv-n.u1 l'&OllL&ll ,.. .. after year, d-.p!te th, fOV· I.a ft'llDCUeo lf-1 • • , , tbe: enunant'• effort. at curtailment. ~ .. '9 8"" rid ot .-..una But lf It ""re .-UIDed t h11t • re-- h'M' 1__,.-~.1"111111117 ... r.w.., ..,.._.. ~.::...._~ :C~":!; =u~u:-"c!: PfSW1!0n Maaoa l'1JIRaRl!lfQ OOIU'4NT • ,.._ ... ._. Ol9tplt, lbere aUll w ould be _.. nu...._...,,.. JfSWPOaT as.t.<JB.. O&LQ', ...__.,_MN --........ ~ tr!"INl\d.il tor mlqlrinp." "i;;;i;;;;;-;;,;;;;;;;:-;:;;;.-;;;;;;;-;;;;-:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;J;;lijN;I JillFI jara -W.. a. Dlef'G Vnkm : ~ ~ u hcond..ciu. Matt.er at the Poiltomoe lft N~ BMdl, ~ m:idlr-tha Act ot Kal'Cb I, U7t. _,,..,. ............... " ....... A.f'llal' a ., All .......... o-p-.. ea.Ml • '--qukk ~..., an.wer lo uw ~~D:•:·~-= .. ~·~~·~·~-5~0~~·~ .. ~0o~~-~~o~Oo.~~-~'~1t~·~1a~-=~ .... :l: .. :1...,.. deefpe4" to _._ IKlth tMtn protMm._ But It wouk1 ap- ....... el U.. PD'I.•; al. haat ,..r ._.. '°l'O&l to -11: n- ·-tw fi·o • ••• z:r= .rr·n t • • or 1 JIM'U&llJ'. lie w-aiS ~ "*" •lllM •, ..cb u UK:.e offered !f..._. ... ,_. •• w;I I W .. eOW ........ tr Mr, Klwitower, than to ,,._ .. ~ 0.,... .... ........ la. ...., -............ ..,. ... to ... old f'lltnedl,-"'hlch to OO.tl'J' -e' ... 91' fll1mit.-a ........ dei'Ne Cr'fttad Ola p,..._ h&m aald that the meetlni.;. d•·ll· tlg>1 tlt.0 n. PRIVATEER'S CANNON -A1 moulded by nature, these project from two sandstone aides of Palm Wash~ All Horace Parker Photoe llllH ~ PVBLllHEI\ \J. WMMI .._ u.Aod ~ ....,. •t ~· Rllfd prioe aup- WQH•N•Ao MW."Wor OIMlld -. _.. IW ta.. ..,.t port;. M bMtorMd bJ U.. Demo-. -~~~~-~·=~;~ ... ~~-~~h~n~~-~-~·~;,.,,~·~·~·~·~-~,..;~,.;-;·:'~,..~~~=-ll1-~~~1~·~;-~ ,_. ... t s• a.Mi. .,.tt. 'sS aap, _...,.. flOt..,.... cs.uu.m A. ~ ac s· · 1 -..nai....-... ~ tbli "ea:~,.., ...... ~ ..._.,..a••• • u.. ,.._ 1oo • . ..... , ....... mtt at...._... .,_ tr.. farm.u.r decr....S aow:aze••• ~' Ua• ,._ • -,_ ....,. a.. -. .,.... w-.. .... '. • - . .. ........ _ --4J .... .._ ....... ..'" ., .. ,. "Ute ,..r ---ftmdbile .. o,..... s::J.';L .. .,_ ,;:1' ..... 111:~tf'.(a Mtrw _ p1MMtt.." ~--.. •-..uhitiocl • DMi f OftliMa M a...p o...t.7 f1AI ,_ ,... 'Ontano--Uplia.M .Da.11.J ~: t.W.. npl .s-it:J plaa." -LOG -Oa• might .. a thlo a aandatooe coocretion.· STRA.."'JGE FORMS -These clusters of sandstone concretion emerge from softer sandetone around them . C~ON BALL 'V AILEY -Thi.I area. la etJ ewa with round aand1111t6be coneret.iona appearinl W.. cannoo balla. • . ' -· NEW 'BLUES' FOR ASSOCIATION WOMEN F'eminlne sla.ff members at Newport Balboa Savings and Loan Auociation greeted the new year in 11martly tailored new navy blue 11kirtll and J&cketa, adding va riety to their reguh1.r costumes of tans and greys. Left to right nbovt", t hey are Mrs Paul Silva. ~1rs. F'rtd Preston. "-trs. [)()y\e Gilbert, Fl orer1rr Huqunr, Mrs. Oroville Hudaon ~rear ), Catherine h'.it·ster. Agnf's l\l omquist. 1'.Iar:!ize F'ulbri~ht, Mni.. s~wf'r Clark<', and Mrs. Jinn Aakhus . The 8.SSOC Ull l!lll r"UJ\l8 11un1r-2:) wnm~n memben of the staff. etrving in a ll de partn1ent.s . -Bc···kn•·r Photo ------ Stockholders Gamble With Raclcal 'Wingless' Plane NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 -PAGE 1 WEDN~Y. JANUARY 25, 1954 Fec11ral Grand Jwy's lnclic:huent of HortO.. on 15-C~ Was No W011rf ' .,. 1112.EN OONU?t_: . .., nuamu, "'oal.J a TidQus att.&ck by the 1ov.rmmeni." SANTA ANA, (0CN8)-ftepre-March lf.tt. DtYialoa ftnalli f1Dr 11entat1vea Of Ora.n,p County a.er-th• OraA.ca Count,. ..i.c~ will Vice clut. and Ule prf'M l'buralay ti. h-1d b9t•-March M aad attcn!Md a kick.-oCLdinner bu UM .April .. he Mid. SANTA ANA. {0CN8) -The f..Seral cr&nd jury', 16 • count ln· <Uctment as-&U\llt WU!ia.m It. H or- ton. lnwt."ltor of t h e Horton "Wlnst-r' &irpl&ne. lan't WOl'TY- ln( many Santa Ana "Wlnil-" •lock.holden. It ha.a nown rro1n the county airport. "We're ln thl• w ith Mr Horton and we·n ride It throu1h," con1- m ent.ed Mr•~ Elbert Blowf'r , 2:':12:':1 N. M ain SL, one or lJ\e eaumated 100 Santa Ana ttockholdera. Local •tockllolder1 who claim the •tock waa tpeeulaUve a ny ... ·ay are pla.nntns to hold on to H a n1I camble on ti.. HunUn('lon o~ .. r h lnvenlor ani:1 ru. "radica l" pl•ne. a lthouch h1a atock haa not ~ .. n rega.tered with the Securltlea Ex· c hange Commi•lon In Loe Ange- le•. •nua a.re pr.-ure• trom oth· u ~ ap!Jurt Mr. R ortoA,• oontlnuff Appllnc. decllitln&' to 11an1e the "~ ... "l have known Horton for many Yffl'• and be ha.a alwa,.. be6n ho11a1t llJ1d. above bo&rd In the put." IUUl.ual MB-America COllle•t, co- Hortol Pie.... I oponoon<I In o..,,., <»=<y by g Southern Countle• Gu co. Rtpr-.ent auv.-•l the dUlner 11,........,11 on 15 won m=bon Of S~C. An•, La· 11¥91,;j guna Bu.ch and F'ullerton Junwr Chamber ot Comm1ri::t1 ch.1bll, th• a Pn>f-0"""1 W=•n·• Cl•b ~<I Fr.I .. Charges UunU~on Beach BU.line .. and Appling. one ot the nnt •tocll: the Ana.helm and Ga.rd.en Grove hold,.r1, •lated that he purch&Hd LOS .A.NOl:Ln!I. '(OCNSJ 20-JO cJubA. Comta Mu.a JunJor •lock In the WlU•u&l ~lite H unt1n(too. Beach airman W 11-Chambf'r of COn1nu:rce 11.i..o I• ac- phiuif' even "be.tore It «JUld fly." 11&.m I!:. Horton Monday appe&red Uve ln the conleat. STOCK BUYE&S ln J'ederat DUt.rlcl Court and Each of tht organiuUon. will 0th• r •lockho ldera. however, !~~ed not ruUty to 11~.~Uonounta of pick a \ocal'h ome-•naker lo com· ••Id thf'y bought mtock after the .-.ecea ma1I traud ., .,... a. . plane had bef'o airborne. Many U, S . A ltom•y L&u(hlln \\'11.lera pete In • county -wide d lv111lon aald llley had aeen 1t fly aru1 one aald Horton ., ... not reprUll!ntedJ coin.-t v.•hlch ""'111 •end a &"lrl to •lockholder went akin. wtth Hor -by cO\JNlel Two co-df'fend&nU, lh" •late fi nal» n~>1t April ton !n his tut run of the "Wlnr-A.rma.J'ld HIUU<m or s..nta An a Hv:il uf llu> r v,.n1nl" W83 J u1u n le.11," ""'hich In lhl• run e&rTied and Jo"n.nk. MauetU or Puent" I Ko:nn8dy, m&nt.l(l!r or t.h e So\Jth .. rn no c•rtto •board. HortOA .,..rt.I aao ple&ded not .-ullt)'. t'Qunt10:11 C111 C'u rilv11Lon 111 O r · <'HA.KO!'; \'10 1..ATll)N h1a craft will carry double the Afte r making hli plt'a, the <1f'-an g., Count}' , Speakrrt. l~rl~d,..d Thf' ff<leral ,v;overnment ch•rlt'e• p.w.yload or other plane• at haJ.f veloper ot tht1 radlc•I H•1rton \l..el ter Diun .. v.OoJ a.nil H. E vr1r- are that Horton and tll• &.II<'..)-the roat w1th 100 per cent cr-t-wlngle11:. airplane 83ked the r ourt Hn .uf Uie ronipa.ny's pruin.,tiun cu1.te•. violated th" SEC rule•. d i-er r.11.J1ge and "l)<"ed. The govem-fur ..... much tlme a.a poa.ail;lr · 1 dt'pllrtmt'"flt, K11.v K"rYun. Chinu "erttod funds for their own u11r ment ma1nta1na theM . clalln• are bf'fore • trial. Horton told 1 h ,. hu •t }'e11r'a ~It • C1.J1f .. rn1:.o :' llll•l and ua«I the 1n11l1 to defraud ' treuduJenL court he wanted t o ~y hl& r11 cJ-~l ttry Gudz.&nl•• ur An11h··1n1 , la.•t The wlnn•r or tha cllYLlloa ccm· tut wtU be Mnt lo the It.ate ftM1a. and tr Ma wt~ tbw., wtU l'O to Jl'1orid& for tb• naUon&J naaa., Bpeakeni ~ the tact t.h&t eontut entrant. an not ,..... • bff.uty, but on horne-maklac abll: lty, 1'9Cl~e and r-naf'&! rood loo.._ Driver loolied In Hit-run Colllslon Parke-<! car• were <lamawed by two h•t·and-run driven Sundav liut Ne-.·port IU:t.ch police wer.• .11 1,1., to arre•l only one Charg-..t '"''llh drunk dn vl n( &IHI hit-a nd-r un '"''•• Haruld D Coon.a. 11, or :!CIJ ', Pf'•rl A\·e Hla ra r aJ. lrl{i'dlv 111 1 a park\""d car bf'lon.-inc \" ~''" I-rt"I \\'.11ta..:1n, 124 Collin• A.v,. l'u l1r .. h<onk,...l Coon~ when 1111'\' fuu11<1 the ,1a.1 n•~~ 11n hla car "••U·h.-.1 paint 1n"rlu on th• Wat- "'" Mll \0 Arr&i~m ent tor Hor \nn and 1 l'11 ul J.Jool!tlle Santa Ana. Ser-1ca ! c ralt for night berore t h ,.' Y""r's "Mn A nah~lrn .. the two 11l/\!!r <lffrn<la nt.a, A.rm11n•I vice .S tatton ni...:han!c who heJiad ~a"" l'Ufllf'I up, "lo prove lt 1•11 11 Jlu rllftWOO.I urii:~d lhe loca! ••r ""'"81 H !-l t)~r . 6.~ of 21'.1Jl Hana(.ln, .Santa A"" aiJv.,rti~U11( Hurt un Uu dct the "Wlll!Jl.,.11" h.11 fi y · TI1e plan., w83 tl•n 1a 1er•I' i lj./U.f.a.tluna to l>f'g1n l.C<.tpUn~ •'1•· Se<'•lfl'I St ..,..,. alao !h~ v1ctlrn n1an and Fr11 nk Ma:r.:r.r ttl, Pur nl~ bet"n 11 atock ow nf'r too alncr whlll" l!HhllnK liut 11urnmf'r, H"r trlll1l1 on 1'h111<J11)· r.n!l IH•l..t !u,11.l ,1 ,. 11 11 •n·t·nin dr1vr r. n ..... Jd. ~t ock promoler. la rl u t lll"•r.! a bout 19::.J Dooht tlf''ll commenl ton hLll 11prnt 1·ona\(ll"rable th11" r•,utcata f••r 1.....,.1 11tl•11 o.l urin,o: .... h .. n hill ('1<r 1>•t ke..t 111 front ot ti•ontn A.II t hr~t •le rf'n•litnla 11 r,. "11 tli '" <'fftt l nr !hf' rn••nl rot-0 .. r1t l on f<'!Ja.lr~ 111111t the ln!'l l•·r.! r.., ~1<.1,,1e ..,.,.,.hi! A ,..0man driver tr~f' •;11 Dllll. 1n•ll!'l11Lrnl "'""· "l m n"t ""rr1 .. c1 Tn11J WI.A &et ror Junf' 2r\ llf'-yrar Dy • f~lf'r!l.I t;r,.nd Jury •t••rp .. ·I 10 n·1 ah""'"'! hl'r Ileen•• Two Costa Mesa Robbed I ean BlvJ. ,.·•re bui gla ni.ed a t 900 8 1.ll>o11. Bh·d . 1\ wll~ rt:portM t11 pr.!1•,. T hu1 aday n1nr n1ng Thna~ accu1111 11ona11 llr'!'. 1n !hr )&r""'t thr pla n' I \'' got ra!l/1 Jn for' Federal J u..tge Ben J-larri11••11 1 wh.Jch chllIJ<'d Lh f'm "'Hh m111 u111' nur 11 .. l••re 1h~ 111rnrm•l!on couh1 !•plhl<Jn of another atn<:k h•-h l~• 1l UI Le;'* A n!iirl~a . u! lhe f&<'lrt•I n1a1IM 1n 11~ll1 n,o: n,. t A k ~n r1.,..,.·n ~hf' gal baclr. !nto .11, "· l'ollce aa.loj Ul-.re we<e 110 )Andy A.pp.ting, Ba nta Ana bu11-I Cll!Ori,::e Bors-•. another 1erv!ce The tno wu !ndlt:;ted l&l• l.uil •l<><'k 1.n \.toe Hur ton 11lrcra!l r1m1.l h~r !'llr a nd dro,·I" a-.·ay, he aa.ld. 111~n.~ nr f<>rca-d tntry but tha t a Offices I T,.k,.n "'"·' $8 in 'ur r'"''Y fron1 The offlC<'• of Kennelh Hal!lel Allen I\ o tC•<:" anti $12 ln curr1"ncy Jlmm v Yl'UI 11.pparf'nt!v U•!!•I tn I t•·r ~ ••fl'"" """ c1r~k-<lrll."'',.r __ or 415 1 L.A urel l'liLee r ,1•l1t Me1>1t , and I ll\ w•1rth nr ~ r ent 11 ... mp11 -IJ,·e rnercnan\$ a.re tnoae and J ohn l!I Allen nf l 7211 I: \X-1 f rnn' H•m~I'• n r r Ir " r~rort,. ad\'l"rt11e-patn.>nt:r.1 them. Get Acquainted and I The Garden Spot Nursery (Formerly Burry's) Now Under New Mana99ment Come In and look around ond meet THE SAUERMANNS BUDD I the loll one) HERB I the mua culor one I end on weekends .... JEANNETIE (the pretty one ) OUR CLEARANCE SALE IS ON TREES. SHRUBS & SPRAYS UP TO 50% OFF Because of an entire new stock must have room to . . coming 1n • • we New Houn - Dally, 8:30 to 5:30 p.m. display it S•ndays & Holidays, 8:30 to 2:00 p.m. The Garden Spot Nursery "Everything f« Your Gardetl" Nut to ,..,_., nort.t sloop 7Cll-a Mtllio Sir-, Hlllltlft9IOll 11••• .... l&ingtCMI 6-7022 Ia. coopuatlon \\i th the Federal Civil Defeme which rec- ommends 1itainlCM stttl idf"nliflc:sllons for all penions regard- less of age, the Nt:\\'PORT II.ARBOR NEWS-PRESS Is offer- ing these smart new 1-1> Bracelets FREE wtth e.ch new S.-moeth pmcs:up RtMciipUon, -.t 50 cents per mouth. Or, you ma,. -4 to Utl9 a-.·apaper fl.00 for eacll J-D 8Ntt"8t PQJ'dlaeed "'itltout a paid-up aulMcrtpUon. All nnlrr• "'tll l'N! mallNI dlrf'<'I lo you \\'ITHI:S 10 DA\'B- ' To: Newport Harbor News-Press Newport Beach, California Plr,Me ILOCf'pt mr paid -np suhM!ripUon to thf! Newport llarhor Nr"'" -PN'tils for "'hlch I am enclo&ing the sum o f $ and start deU\•ery to the follo\\i ng a.ddrr:M1 Name ------------------- Addre88 c;ty & Sta~--------------- 11 IR undf'ralood lbat I -to ,...,... oae 1-D BNal&et P'R£.E wt~ Midi :\-mont h pald·up a.-.atpOoft-l'=d•1ell la tN .. ,_,.._ t. ... 1-"btd on !'a!'h n.-...-.1 .. 1. N ()!f,Qf .klN AOOflW ClrT lo lTAT'I ...,... ••n .. ._ .. Wlln IH YOUR WRIST SIZI HUMID HUI WU' THIS JnlP .AIOUMD Wl15T ntOM THIS INO TO GIT YOUl coaua SIX• PARENTS: Your child lhoaltl h properly Identified at all tin101 with thl1 smart, alt1ocllft bNcelet. We ore living fn m age when hcn.ords of tmf'fic cxddents, enemy ottock, evacuation, and other emergencies ore rfft pr~nt. Wearing of o permanent and approved ldentifocotlon Bracelet, particulorfy by tcllool dtiW.... it°" luiporto11t port of S.fety WetN,. ond Ch'W.. Daf1 11 ond Is the bed meon1 of promptly notifying parents or next-of-kin in cose of injury. MOTi: PJ.,.. print CillfUU.T and O-•CTLY. R(Ll<OIOM SYMIOU1 P for Ptotintoiot; C fotCathollc: J far ....... : ab 0-.. ''°" Science: LOS !Of' lcrttw Doy Soiflfs; ond T b oll other r.t1Q1on&. LEA VE A SPACE ~nWllN NAMES ~ GROUP$ OP AGURES. CfT'l e ITAY'I l l•TM MY'I ---Wlln IH YOUl WRIST SIZE HUMID HOE USI TH IS SPA.Cl FOii ORDEllHG OHi IUCEUT ...... ..... ....... , .. ..,. MTI Oii "'°"'' ... WRm IH TOUR WRIST SIZI NUMA& HUI ' ' l'jl.6£ I -PART II -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRBS ..... ~ __ w_EDN_Es_oA_Y._JA-;-:-;-1;-em-.-IC·lassifl !!s-!:::::J,Wil,,~-"~1~.~""!!!;~•1!!1~,•!_ ___ p~::.!~!!l~~~"-..---l ·t3--lli-""--""--..,._===..;w.;.;::u::.t..i='---•'!<l--P,.1rtw __ • .. •-'-"'-'------ C::.alom i WOlllEN: 0tth.1• '°o.. dom.HtJc. DC4 '""'-<!TOP GARDEN1~G ~• .... ~ -CAI~ WORK ><,~c. .,.. !"' ~ ............ "'· ·-.,.. .. Pl •...-CRICA.00 ,_ ODD J OBS 6 aiiu.H UP. lazw, lat.be operator • OUler&. Wtf job too .--U. •ftoand 'T'rtp Oa1J' NO J O B TOO !WM.A.LL Jl1NZ r ARRAR !:Jnpl. Al"'CJ-• ON BOAJlD -Newly ap- potnted member nr Ole Count y N <»quito At,.temenl D latrlct I• C...•la M.--11 J•1nt:• K ll- p-9.ln<'k. furrn .. r 1nern!J.tor o r !he M ~~ P•rk h<\""' A 1.n r ... 1 m erchanl. Klll'•lrlrk I• lC- tJYe 111 • rorurr1.-rc•11l develc.p. 1n ent 1n Cn,eta Me•• SW ! """" Staged for fifth Grade -~•r 1%00 firth 1raden from l he South Coul area of Newport Beach, Colt.a Mese.. L a i u n a 8 cach, ~an Cl•mente. and San Juan C a p !atra n o g athered In Newport H..,.bor Union H I g h School auditorium thi1 mom ln& to hear a procnun dea!1ned to •Un1ulate lntere•t In elenienlary aehool mua1c. In r ha rga of t he pro1ra.m !a lri!!ne Scho.<pfl"'. Or•nr e County achool.11 coordinator of music. Choil'll under t he d1r«llun of Ml• Marie Hlebach .nd lhl hl&'h tchool orchq t r. under th .. d lrec- llon ot CllntOll Sawtn. :-:~rt H •rbor Hi1h School 1.-ach~r.t. wlll hlx:hllc hl the pni1CT•rn Hafner Birth Mr a.rod Mr• i)\)•n,. ttarn<'r. l.:)31 Fa1rw1y Dnv~. Co~1• t.f<'R•, are the p•renUr or • b•by t'lrl born Jan 17 In H-0ag Hu•plt•L Manager Coffey LEGAL NOTICE Now Commander 1------ on "'0TI•r. fl t" l :i.'TI':!'lo'T IO'' T O r,:-.,GA1;t; 1:-.· TKr: ~Al.P: OP' A l..("CJ HOl.JC' ft F:\T.RAl .t:,'I Active Duty C r 111111 .. rt da l<' Vo"t.,(l "'anii.ar) Ill, l t.\41 11y M•n•t:"r ~....,rire ("nfr"'y ro \\•Ht'I M rr MA y rn_..,., ·r.R:•• ~~urday b e r • •r> f' ''"n1m•n<1~r S>ilJJf<'t t•l l!Y\l.-.nce ,,, 1ne II•""•" r,y Wh<'n hr l.>.•n t .. n f.rllv,. •rpll•.,I r .. r •nrl rom m'""'"JC n••! duty t r•~n1 n11: or•1 1'r" l ··r I ~ •\ft \'• le•a !h•n 1 ~ ''"YI a!ltr 111 .. <lll Lr H r rei'••v~d h1 " "r•l"r• b)' "P ... puat~. noll<:• i. h•r•b)' K"lYf l1 U\.1.\ f'la.l delll'11ry &t 7 30 • m J•n \th .. u nd~r9l(TI~ propo"lfl .. , I<> er ll I&. He r'portftl.l 1•1 th<' A•"1-'t•nt •lr<.1hollc brv .. r•I!:~ 11 t th .. 1r r1 .. m- t:•u r 1 e Adn1lnl•lrat"r, r>:•vy l•u deerrit>e.:t ••follow• · N ational R e .. JlU't'lla f'_.nr .. rf!llr •, ZO(ll) V.' Biibo• Blvd :-;,...,..J"Qrt IJwl n~Ue Hall, l'n~ver11ty or Beach 1J'.\'1 ' <..:ah rornta. Berkf:lry I P1.1r1\l4nt tn •UC'h Intention tlle tmJy l .:'.I lo 2b 11rt ll'e ra In the \lnlltori:gr.~<1 u llpplylllf 1., thr ll'h N a va l P 1•tr1.t h•"" bren ... 1ect9d to a ttend l/1e '11t1onal ft ,.•<>Urc:M Contftl'nC'f! Appm 11t• m•l<'ly 200 prrJ(l,,• ""'II 11tl1n4 i ... ruru l ll'f!ll by m any nf th<' re><1ntry'1 top ~llperta In v•rled ti~ •I•. r m•nU.o ned th•t I ""UIJ!tl h kt: tri •'lend .ome Ume •10," ("'(lfr,y IWl •<l "But 1 n"'v'r dre1L111ed I 10 n<1J<1 be H!lecl t<t Burned Out House Again Threatened By Fire Danger o .. p.rtm~nl ut A.lcoholJl" &.• .. rag .. t'<•nt rol rur lMuan c' on or1.1;1na l 1ppl1ra t1on ol an l.lcohollc b<!vt r11g11 Uc~n .. ~ tor th ~ prem1ae1 a.a fOI· luw a (If( Sale C'.eneral U cen•<' Anyone lll'•trtns: Lo prott>11l the Ju u.-.n< e or 1uch Jlc•n•• m•Y l•l• • verlflf"d prot•t with the Jlr- ;>9.rtment f.lf Alcoholic R<'Vl'r•i;•• Con!rtol 11t Sllcr am ,ntu, C'•l1 t•ir11J ll. NCYrl(.'I: OF "A LE AT t'l.8U(' AUCTION , NotJl'e I• hereby l(tl'en th•! on A fir" wl'llrh lil'•lr"Y"'I 1 hom,. ti\" t th d•y or Febn.iu y, l lt.:Oft at I I 107 Orchid AVf' nn J ,u, I] thl""'ti-0ur ()f II 00 oclOC'k A "' 1nr .. •tr n<'d to 1t a rt ui• "iC""ln J a n <1n ••Id da y •l th<' Pt<'ml••·• IU'IUwn 1.:0 when ~p•r~" ,,..,.r,. ob~<'rvrd I aa RA.SIN S HIPY ARIJ, 81\ua tM rom1nK rnim th., \>rinlty 1,1 lhe at 829 R•y•ldf' D n vt . Nrw-pt)rt l')\l r-n,.,I out hulk Hr•rh, C'a hfom11.. the urt1!"1~1a-nto•I ).l r11 f:m llv RJ rha r•taon 10~ Or-I Wiii f<'ll a t publh: •uct1on ()ne r b l•I railed ;irem"n w11,n' a~ Sl\W I \"''ertty •Ix root motor hu•t f!1 11.nu- 1ti... aparl<A emlt tlnK •bout 11 • m r11 e1ured by Dodge Brolh•r• Manu- fl"trr n1<'n determ ined th~ •park... r••:t unng C o m p • n y, heretofore """re coming from 11 wine wh!rh •10·&rdecl CQl.al Guaru number had Morled •nd ,.lillled the Ed\l'On 27C61):'1. a.. S111d aucUon and ••le w1n bf> :'fh"' dw t lLln .t "'•• UeRt roy<>d m1111e un<11'r i nd by v!rtU f' of 1tt, l•t WM k to!lo"·1 n..: an l'Xpl03ton t!ona 30.:0l , 3001A and 30tl2 of the o4 iru a.ceumul•ted ,lnlllde thl' l.'•v1J Co<Je of Ca lifornia and for tRllldtnr. An under rround, cut the purpo•e of -u.ty!n( t he llen ... line waa localall •nd r~p•ir~d nf the under•llJTilld on aald motor '' w ... thll! -=onr1 ba r1 real(lentl•l boa t Jn the 1um of. Ji l.025.90, los Oh 111 N~rt Be•l'h wlt hln 10 lfthrr with ea.ta ot aale, laid ~·· On J ui. l a garage a t 244 2 1um bl'lng tor HrilCN ramie.red or-tvt-OMve rontalnlns: • new lhe owner thie«of hr the under· ,.-and two boat• w•• do111troyed l l(nM , • ahlpy&Td operato r t or ~ a 17000 lo•&. 1111 compenaation In rurnlahlnr to -:c--ccco---~--~--~-I lbe owner ot the 11.Jd motor boat Gerold Comwell, eonfe1111'd 0 Ak -1upp!i"" and H rviC"111. ICDd 1l•Y<'r--··1 don't wan t " trLIJ. J)a tll!d t hi-1 2l d•}" or J 1 nua ry , t knirw wha t I wu rlnln K" wht n I 19!>6. dl4 tt. and 1 k now what I 've got SPENC ER DOWNEY ~Jnr." /\00. 86 New•·f"r.,.• 112:;;:-;e .• o-...1 • ¢jt &at~a tae W I~ ....... hw JO a-.Jl.68. teclQb """'14"0'1tfne to....,_... BT HOUR. DAT OR WEEK '°2 ~42nd 8L, Newport Bos t•-cf'M, n... TtcUt O.UnrJ' LI MOeO or U M&l4 (acroa rrom Cit y ~t-4 tam l •·• 'le Sl..00 ._ .15 -. t. U.. I •01,rt'1 1 1.60 Md'L .,_ .JG -. ' u... s --2.00 -'L -.Ill ... ' ........ ' --%.50 lldd'L -.%6 .... ~ w·..w .. .,. ,......... ''" ..._.t. Oult. ... ..., ... -tJ. lllNDWll AD l8 a .LLNl'.li NEWPORT llABBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Moecllly, w .. 1 lclliy and Fricllly COASTAL SHOPPER -Wedne&days DEADUNE8 tw plutq or canceUtna" •da u.: For Monday Publication -F'rld&y 0 p.m . For W~y PubUieat:3GM -Tu-48.y l p.m. Y or B'rtday l'>ubUcatton -'n!.urWday 1 p.m. Bi!EWf'OKT H 4BJM•K PUBLl8HJNG 00. !!U &lboa &lvd., N~rt 8-dl, CaW'o rvJ&. A.I a.-tfted •• •ad M ,... tor Oub bl adv.-of pabllcMIOL Tb. pub.IJ4her1 wUI not be rupo!Uible for more than one lncorTect laMrt.loa ot •n a4, Nlel'""I'• the ri&ht to corre<:Uy cla.Mlt y any &lid all ad8 and lo re,te<t -1 Ml not con!onrilllS to n.d • Uld r•f'Ul•tlona. Classif"aed Index f'unf!ral No~ t Card or ThUIU S !Special A~l 4 f"u.aenJ Ol""'lon 10 RuRln~ Guldfl 1 l P.killcllDI Mat.er'-1• I Z Bulldlu• Sf!rvlc,.. I' t'en.oaaJ• I & Sh&h! ''our C;.,- 19 T r&111por1.&ll•_,,, 11 tc.oo rtn1 I~ ~aUl)' A.lrt. t:o Utoaltll Aid• Z? 1.. .. 111 ai1d •·ouod t 4 ,,..rht>Oll, ID•lnirtl•lll !II .~1tuatloni1 \\"ant.oa 19 Help "antni Ml M.lao!'U....eou.a :JO..A. 1'wap1 S0-8 Appli&aON 31 \''a.a tM t n Huy J t Yurialtune tor Sa.le SZ-A Antlq~ S3 &al•. SupplW.. 14 Mw.lr:al, K.Jlu, T \' J3 Uv1:•. C:at1. Pet. S8 P ou.l tr1 31 U l'.,.lfl('k Spodal Notlceo Newport Harbor B. P. 0 . E. 1767 MttU e v...,. Thu?'9day I p.m, Via Oporto -Centra.1 A 'fa. N 1wport Beach "-lbert H. M1llh11!wl, lt:l:&Jt ed Rul11r 1 0-BU&ln~ Guitle ------1 rnABT ()f'"P'fr p_; EQL'lP J.fENT I l'P<'"'rll<'r~ Addlnl'( ma<.:hlnr.a DupJ1ca tor •--.'iuppll~• SA1..E8 RE!'.'T A.LB 193.:0 Harbor Blvd , Coat& ).tea... Libert y 8-1794 12-BulldlnK Servieet FOR R ENT SkJU S4w1, Eltt. Dn llt, Poil.IMra, ..u typt,t or Sanders, WbMlbu- row •, etc. General Contractor LICEK8ED New Work -Remodeling J. Mll,TON McKENZIE H&rbor 6311&-W 58tfc PalnUng I< Paperhaagtng We do the work ounelve&. .................. Uc.n.d 6 ia.und. 8.ltlafaction suan.nte..d. Eail.im•ta• f'fM. ~ J oluulk. LI 8-2687 I< LI 8-:1289 Slife PAINTING M. W. ROSS Uc~ LI 8-:Jl:Zl 280 Avocado, C.O.ta. M~ .. u, Sm all Job s Wanted CA RP!:NTRY -P AINTING Good w<.1rk -rel.aOnable Llberty 8-MCl3 Flo or Cove ring Wa ll Tile l fl Y<'•r1 flll:perit n('e Llc•n.1ewt Contra ctor, S.t11ta.:t1on Guaranteed. LI 8·67.:02 92p7ti PAINTING PAPERHANG ING Sympson & No ll ar WA.&llINC1l'OM, D.C. "1 , ----------'-tp:.T_& l ----:==,,..,=o----P!IJL,\..Dl:LPHU. 1111-INstm.ANCE DAU..U ---fd LU• Al"!nlm n...S.S. Top Commt.. -OrntOJT STt PAINTING akin• tor A,.,_.lve Al.Prt Per• B ONOLUIAJ •t ot Boot&, d-"-• h llOn . Write or phon• Burton B. _ y~-... ......... • pa. 87 htM.lr Beck. H•rbor 0221 P. O. Box .,.... ........ Or job. Abltl \o MMe .._,,.. t oa Q!llCA.00~ .. .. 0b9rlT f..&tH. ··u;... Newport 8-ch, Cl.Ill, AU ,..,_ -Ph111 Taa 69c64 ill W. Ocean Bhrd., L.B . Do llhoulden or f eet acht ? BE AUTY OPERATOR, nrst cto.a Kii • ...,. --N'Ev, ._.... i. RELAXATIOW-neededl' ••Ion. xlnt. rllent 11Jle. TOMMY Banta A-. llT II. 3rd Kl J-Ul6 MAKE AN APPOINTMENT for WILSO N BEA UTY SALON. 18 B•.ty Aide REDUCING Steam Cabinet Muuge -Spot Reducing C.a.11 LllMrty 1·7'72 f or appoint· menL 61cT1 Superfluous Hair Pftm&ileDU7 remov~ rrom f&oe "nlJA, .... EJ•brow• &Dd halr tla. elLaped-No mM• twwsln1. ELLEN I... BR Y .A.NT R. JC. l.44o'a SakWI ot BM.uty Bar. 2~71 "' %2-Lost ud FoMd c._ __ LOST -Blua. .ti x:-ray Par akel't, ha.e a' leg ban d. H11.rbor llllHl-J 62t• Swedish Massage In your born•. Pl-c&ll Ha r bor or Harbor 70. ., .. 09p72 GARDENING and . CLEAN-UP JOBS WANTED LI BERTY 8-6139 PAINTIN G !>2ttr 2~1a Jl:. Cout H t1hway. e orona del Mar. 92<'f4 Want Cleaninll!' Lady. Q C EA ~ FRO ,.,-r HOTEL, rnorninca. P~r· m anent work. Har. 61M fl2c!l4 REAL !:STAT!: salean1J1.n or Broker. Experientf"d :-< ..... ·P'lrt Herbor •re•. Top ln(·en llw• rnmmlg\nn pl•n. \\'~II .. ~1J1.h­ l:1li"'--I curpor •llo n H11r l~I"' 921 6~ EXPER l!-~ ..... C ti:IJ l t l)T~~I . ~I A l ll. part lh•I<' ""'k 1 .. ~t11 rt Kt::" ._.11 .E~ \'tll .. \t"'"'" 1-i•rhor lS(W I Beacon Persor1nt•I 10()'; •·m nl1•:\'•·r 11·1.11r1P.! "' t ' " 'l4-&hoobl, lnatruction 1-----------1c 1R1 .... 5 China Pa inti ng O.y atid rvenlng ci ...... OnJera Tflken Now Phone Uberty &s6&48 Hile JONES BIRKEL.RICHARDSON OROA N STUDIO. ~•rn to play t h e 1nlghly \VURUTZER, HERE A RE JOBS fhR' Y"'l W!ll e... pr.1U •1 !" !"ti >'""' r, 1 .. ,,.1., "l>''"l ,.,,.,.. 1 ~h ""o:ea ~vu p l"j "'lth u .. ., 1,1c::-.! w.1rk1n1: {nnd1Uuna ••l·l u;1 1., J•tllS IO J1'1 l'r<'9\l!;f' '.\'() £..'l,;f ·t;;P.!f:!"C~: R~~~l'!Hl'.:I • St11rt )'·'"'' n<'w Jt>b in 1•r.~ Lo! .. ur ••f:11;r:o n""f )'"llr h1Jn1r ~ "' "Hi I!"",.~! '''01 ,. l:"•lll·•I fl, .. •r • 1·1 t ,, • .,, I'' f'r•li\1· ,,.,. '''"" •/ ~"·' " tJLU5e \\lo.• p11 .. IU•" "'"J "'1!\rihl"'"i; \\, .<'• h llU•I I ' prr .. 1 .... "11 ·1 ... 111-•11 11 ' fl ' ' " ,r I !Juy ,\.• l ~<'IU h !~·· .. II \ ln1 ,\,'o:h• f:1t~1 I ''"'' H\\, TEL EPHONE OPl::P...<\TOH.S 1·r,,..,,.." .1 .. J \1111 A pply H~ •, 1 ,•,.•,i;:, " t•OOW i OOJ rn .:0 1 1 1~ N ~t1un St, l lln ~ll Sfllllll Ana --~-~---------------I» Autt>I "'anted W AutOI h>r Sale 4&-A 'nl"N • J>u1'1 BOYD'S HDWE. 2630 W, CO AST HJGHWAY Bu t Exper1eru:ed Wo rkmll!n liar. 2'°' or 1~7-R ti EVELYN JONES, )(fT. 300 Holm. P AClFl C TELEPHONE FIREWOOD 'I Auto l'loervlce '·' TT.iJr.,, Ubert)' 8·lol,:l~. Newpon. Bcb 28Ue 1-------------- • 411 Alq11&n"" t 1 \\'&.n tl'd In K<'l\I 411 A1•t._ • Hou-f(J r '8-A Apia. fi>r Rl'nt '8-t!. Hou.,.• fnr tlllol ,II,(.; Trall"r Space 49 Koom• fnr IW-nt 4!f.,\ l(Mt ll o.nw.9 411·8 R....,,., • Boa f"1l :IQ KPll .• M.IM'. 4S sw ...... 0 1nc- a1-A tswUJM: ... K.en W• .... M Ku.In""" Opportun.l tleil ~ Mon .. y lo l.o&a 69 Mon<'y \''a.atl'd a1 f{ ... a.1 t:11al ... '''a.ntN "3 kf-aJ ~:1tat" S.0-n l<'f' IO IOI'-P mP"rly fOsA ('omm,.rlt"al, lndutlr1al 81 Rl'a l F.tlat<' 1':1C'h&.111e az K.....i r__.r..1~ CQMP~ETE PAINTING & Paper Hanging Service E l'GE:-.'ll: 0 BA UN DERS Mi() 31,.t StrMI, N 'wpor t Be•eh H a rl>ur :nrre Lfc ! Painting, Decor ating Paper Ha.oging GEO. BURKHARDT UC..'ltNSED CONTRACTOR 878 W. 18 th St., C.0.ta Mua Liberty a..Mll CEM ENT & BUILDING All K1nd1 FREE ESTI MATES Llberty 8·6JO\l "" H. H. HOLBRO OK ~~1!~~----1 DEP ENDABLE PLUMBlNG MOITELL'S AND PEEK Colonial A.tortua ry 7!!01 Bola• -Ju1t South of \\'e•t · m ln1ter Memorl.a.l Park. An Ore.nre County ln•titu tlon Servlnl" tamlUe1 ot all faith• Telephone (T oll Free) z.Enlth :i23 l \ A P rompt Repai r Service M.l.Jnl.a.lntd Phon,: Hubor 4624 2801 &Jboa Blvd., Newport Be•ch ,,.., 11A 's'' VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY THE NEW machln• pnto. .. melh· C ARPENTER Repair .Work Doe. Tour Home ttMG Rlpalrtnc or n.-.oeuna-l' Call Fn.nk, UbutJ IMP0-4 AU Wor .lr. Oiaa.ruit.-d 7,Ue CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORK NO J OB TOO UU.l...1.. H. o. ~anoa 10 1, &. BLlboa 11J'rd .. Balboa Harbor 2'~ 83tlc Cu stom Building A~PRICES Tour pla.n8 or our•. U cen.ed -Insured FINANCING ARRANGE D A. J . WELTY 2530 Santa. Ana. A v•., C:O.ta. t..lbuty 84316 PAINTI NG M •u 6.:0ttc INTERIOR -EXTERIOR A..L80 MARINlC P AlNTL'1G L.ICJCNS!:D -INSURED Glenn Johnston M>l • !lit St . Newport B<'a~h Harbor 3179 'litfc No on• ever tum fd away beca'bM of lack or tun<ll. od. R elUOnable p r ice•. Avera,..1--------------- -\\'llt ther you a re in but lne .. for your.elr or work tor .omeone et.II!, y ou can Uff lhe cl!LU!fled ada t o your a d vuit11x::-.. lo •ell your 11er- v1ce1, produce or mer<:handiMl. 2 ta~ ~a!dentla.J blind. Only $1.00 Bllndll repaired i nd n~bullt. Fr ee P ic k up a nd delivery \Vork d one by appolnunent Phonl!I L.l bl'rly 8,!1701 or Klm berly 3-8274. pptrc AlcoholiCli Anonymoua Wr1ta r . O. Bcm 111 N~rt s.acti. Ca.llf. Pboa• Bacbor ,796 GREATER EARNIKS REMEMBElt .. SAVINGS received by th• 10th of the month ... EARN FROM the 1st. ... wood Dr1v•. LI S-1082 67Uc 28-Sltuatlon11 "'.a.nted R E L I A BLE JAPANF.S E . AMERI C A N WA NTS GARDENING IN H A R- BOR AREA BY \VEEK OR M<1NTH. HYATI 4.54 71 :i l ptl4 Experie nced Gardener LANDSCAP rNC and Cl.E AN UPS Llbcrty g,1059 HANDY )d.AN. m a in tenance .r. r~p•lr or wha t 7 Hat. 4ae;4,W , 4.~ltr Roy 's Maintenan ce Houae cl<'uitn,.-l"loor w&11n s: \\'1.Jl w a.Uung-wtndow cle•n1n1 VeneU&11 bllnd &. Upholstery lll81.1rtd. Frea E•Umate1 Llbert)' 6-1332. lUc CLEAN UP JOBS Yard Maintenance Thrl'e yea r etrpf'rience this lo !J ly, Call LI 8 ·37.:09 •~ti~ FINE IRONING pick up di: dellvl'r. M rt \\'l lha n11 12i 26Lh St, ,-..;ewport llll.rbnr 3378-J . 621> HIGH SCHOOL. g1 rl w•nta Jl-Ofti - Uun u t.fothf!ra hel~r live ln .ti f{o to 11ehool. Ret,.r ence11 H Rr f>2!f0-\V 62r64 Real Esteite Sale sman: l f:1·(·ALY14·1 ~ r•r1· 1··~!1 '" ~ q re ltECEC\1 GRAOl 'ATE: l'H.E l"ER· IHl1n I\! 7-~lo.f'u RLLJ We ha ve the "kn n""h•i"'·' r1.<r 1na.klng-sa_Je• &lid Will \rl ll1 )'(>!l r>y ht:lp1nf( ynu "'ltn )<)<Ir pru~Jlf<.'.lt rrurn cunt11ct th ruu..:h e.cruw. ?.'e are anowed unt1 Pr will! proepecll, Con1e ln 11r1d I tea.ii .. ur comn1lh iun 1eJitrll.1l~ T n•rr• a re no idle J1ou r• 1n our 195 6 WORL D BOOK l'HE "·'I.I 1;HAJ•Jo;JJ 1::\'1 .. , 1.•)- f'E:fllA i l<e<:onul'l~nt!l'•l ti)' ~·!11· F.DUCA 1'IONA L <'OUNs r::J,OR llA 7.E l. 11!.Sl llH· ;r~·~:n Isla nd s Realty l '23 & Investme nt Co. IC1r kr.ry, 1) A h I 2 .1.l112 " .:003 32nd St.. Ne10·port lle•~h . l'io.IL t Har. 03&8, alt<'r :'.I pm. Ha.r. 229l·J """ II FT l 1F;l.Ji'A f'i,_:s:o;Jo:'.'.' '""" $1 ',fl Q • ...;E 9 ft r<'h >&<'••t"r 5-..0 ---------------1•lN E l•r1" ~ommerr rr•• lf J 7:i Aud;o & TV Te chnicia n TO rNSTAU. and BJ:RVICE hlt h rldf!!!ty equlpm<'n t. F ull ur p•rt time Harbor 4e.81. 61lr~:t Turret Lathe O p era tors SWING S HrF-r', CLASS A. Over, Un1119, lop pay. CLA-VAL C0.- 1701 Placentht., Newport B<'ach. 6(k'i3 k:XPERIE,..,.CE D DHl!G & <.;(JS. ~tf:T lC C LERK Gundereon P n1g lia lho11. H11rbor tit!'; 61 1'61 Beauty Oper ator Liberty 8-;032 "' I ! SCA LES, I~ I GO:-<"l11 1LA IZ:\ ''110 nwn<'r LI 8-G2 23 t1.f~r !> p rn "r i./ 6 .30 4 week•nl1• n "r1 u1:~ ••r b • f:G "!lt:r t<I re LADll:S llftlt88ES •U•l• ,.\, 51 ,, 8 tu lO in bf'Jll "' ''""!1!1""· 1 .. i .. ~vn,1lll•· H•r 112JtL \\ ti l1 G3 KNIITERS Ctunf" In & ,,., lh~ cun1pl~l f' nfw 11 11 .. vf !:1-•phh· pMl l•'fM, Bear ll r.i.nd ":"er Match y •r na. t.h1r· 1'11"8 nl'"'' Jr~..a p11lt f'rn•. n111flly ya rn• & ~t r•w• 111rlu•l•nl{ lhe pvpul11r krut ll(·•·y ~k· t• Sit N' Kn it 313 !t. 811lbu11 IJh·d . B•lhrl11 ;,J2tfc FOR SALE-TO BE .\fO \'ED Cl'.Tl: l 2:it l 4 r<F:IJV.'VOll BLUG. Shake rW ( Ideal lnr ofr1c•. 111~•1 hou&I' or "x.tra roon1. 11120 \V, Ua lbo11. lllvd :-.;e.,.•port n.-h. 62r94 fif.:LL ON TERM ~ 8FT . DJ.:t~JCATESSEN CILM', it ~ ONE 6 rt. refl'lge1 11tor $~. ONE la rge con1mt:rc , r<'trlg. $15. J SCALES. ,6.:0. I GO NDOLA S23. C.a.ll owner Lt 8-9223 mornlng11 or &tter ~ p.m . 9tlc H A ND BRAIDED RUGS f HE~~ INS T R UCTHJ'.\' OR DERS TAKlo:N All new nlaterla!1 1va!l1 ble M.A.R.Y J.~ANNl :-1. 119.:0 8. c.1 . Bl i...run• u .. 11 HY1lt 4-1898. 4'-0plJ Attention La ndl ords PER ANNUM CURRENT EARNINGS H OUSE HOLO EQUIPM.£:-."'T for rflll tal unil.t. Tappan ruige. F ire· aton" retr11 . lkndlx wu hinll; m.at·h in<' l~ullywO<,ld ~ler br01ler. F rAnt•1•··11n pol lf'ry, de-t'rt r1ow- .. r p11 ttf!r n. aervic<' lor 8 P l.US M Js j• IT F:J.IS Sf'e nwner. 30V 81k"nl l 141 . Ne""'f'Orl }flt 92p64 1------· ------0 1.l.} BPJNNING WHEE L l t 2.60, An!lqul!I or1 •11 11 t:'l. Round o.k tabl1111 rro m 1 10, Old tlme phonn t bis: hom t "66. N lce u pright piano I JU , Lee. accordion Sl6, Han,.inr l•mPll from Sl:'l. HOI· plt•I bed• S.1.0. l..olld• or a ntlqu• f'hlna , rurln1, old furn . jewelry, tlCW'~lt. l11mp1., etc .. Vl11t our I&•· •IOI"" \\le lluy &. ex.r h •'1J:~ 11n- llq11<'1, C HARl.1"£ OAVIS, JSO(I .:. An11he\rn. l~.a H E 9-M139. l"K hll l•AIH.~: l':lttl r•n~e. ci.ock runlf(•I n•·rn. <1111"1 le ~l 11.nd twin IM'd &-iopn nf{~ LI fl ·3~'46. fl:tdl4 ~~;R\I EL r<'frti:,.r•tnr llkt nf'W. Apt Ill.~ Sl2.'\ Ubf'rly 8.'i \97 fl:tc64 ' J "- I ' • -· ........ ~_ .... _. ....... .. .I .. PAm·I ·PART~ I _.NEWf'OlfT HA1t10R NEWWaESS 511!.!:=l!!l!!au!!•!..!•_!CJ!!•!~!'!•!!·~---In ••• .._ !! !?!f! WIDfllSDAY, :.IANUAIY 21, ,,.. • NEW OFFICES ' .!!!!::!!e!l!!!!1.!•!.J•!!!'•!!!.! .. !!.!'!!!•!!J!l!::~!J~e~•!.!•!"!'!!'•!.! .. ~•!•!!. I• ml:Ab roR -CAPITOL GAIN S10NAL or B1J81NW 1ll1C. CAN YOU • Cabos Marinas ' TJdOPelihieuJ&,Eut 31.st St., Npt. B'cll. Oft'l!:llS llollchttut ttmr. AP..O.bonu. Utillti<o pald. with Yacht ollp ....,..od1tloaa. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. J'or appt. or reeervation, Can Har. 2802. 34tfc Locoted lo -A.170RD TO 8ICLL ! HOW ABOUT A. nu.DI:, tor mu-Harbor lnul ta1Gt Co. Jldc. ... opa'Uad ...,.._...prop- 30tlt. • Newport Bhd. -v ........ 'OJI. Ll3ili ~ -fl.-JIU. 1800 · · -a· -Yc:.o -at -.oot wtUI ~ $10,ooi a ~ IMl>tM A low ape-, Am ntlrlq, • am tn-- ter'Mted ta 11a7 rront poperty. W1D tr.a. up °" doWla. Owuer. WZllltWi -61M1 o--writ. BOT South Ooehran Ave .• Loe A.ft- c•l• 11. rQll 8.AU: ebop WI.th otO.O. J lf.,• &OU (2.000 .,q. n.J M·l 110n4. t .ooo .q. tL yard, or .._ tlf.O mo. 1711 Pomona, Cblta X... Har. 1294-M. tOceJ BAUK>A BL.VD. ocwa. IXY!MU •utte tor me4lca1. dellt&J or aay prot ... lonal u.•. MOdern, hMt· lf\I', parklns, Owlt.er lf.U No, """"""" n<Vmlll> Look .. .-... • ·~ llZ .. , ....... a ........... a ·Ju~:ivs 8 / 8 SNloeUlllta , '8l!GO -.. UDO ISLE . hb4 ript -wlU po)'lllf NEW UDO l8U: LlifHMQ, l ,,.._.u J!'RQ\N"I' bdrm&., J batu Md .. « •L.-7 • -... .:. r a • 1n a Only ~e While .I ·-- ~-~~ ~=7~-l--•••••"~••aan••o.· ....,...-..... ~ .-., =---~ 3 B. R. -·2 rarac--2 lob D!Mwubw, dYipoeaJ. bunt _ bl ""411""'We offer )Ou '° muchlii-bM.utitul aJ:ff Karin $6000 dotrn BBQ. s.r.-e ..a >•w'11·np-d for $16,'TSO -You'll Jove the 1arce uvm. area tJ pa.Ho. nu. Ntu.. tor Sarp ~ p~ window overlookin• the W.U l&nd-BMt Loca on tamlly . ......_ '36,TIO.. • leaped b&c ya.rd -3 larre bedrooDl.IJ with more NEWPORT HEIGHTS than ample cloeet.a. See this one today. 2 B. fl. Older Home Bll.A.UTD'UL lRW I bMIOOtM. I batbA, alectric ldtcllull\ wtth OCID· Nloe condition -large lot plete buill~lo t.atur.. N•• cu-- F. P . -$11,750 pet lar Ulnl-olll. llltJlR-1•• «itry Pl,500. HOMER IL aH..U'&R-RL'IR. The Vogel Co. i!201 W. Cout Hwy. LI 8·3<81 U--Tnllera Flower, 8 .A... Kl 2~. llc t&-A-Apta. for Bent ==-'==..;..;"--==---1 BUSINE88 e14. Caster ot eo.ta Carefully J BE.DRJL, t~ 1 bath - !dlower 01'er lub), 1 car at - l•cbed (Utll'4!, lllnt. k>c&llon. A.co.pt latAo enod.i car u put. ONLY TO' lat M1t on Lido JD,000 1--------------------------lot KcJ"ADDllN PL4CI: AT NrNPORT PISR. , * PORT ORANGE * TRA.ILl:R BALES &ad SUPPLIES 2200 W. Cout Hiwa.y. Newport Beach LI 8-4420 ':'16-21' A lrlloat epec. • $1~1S 'M ·JT' &hutA, S..uty $2163 "M ·J.6' -rr.v.i-. a wnlnr $JOiia 'M-36' C:U..om KJt 2 BR. $~ ')9-111" "l~avt.lez.e, apec. S M.5 We n-1 clean u..ed trade-W . PAN AJlERICAN Para.mount ·K~•klll Trav11le&e·Terry ~tft -----.------- .f.'1-Wuted to Rent Rentals Wanted W1 need •pt.I. a.nd hou1e. In •ll MC:Ucm.ii tor both wLnter 1.nd CORONA DU. M AR, 2 Mdnn. M-., oppoeit• N-Bank bUll<I· P41• apL putty tum. lncl. 1na. One Room :w x f.f feet, .-tove 6 refrlt. vr untum. Gar-J office roon11 30 a SO. Wberty •re, i..uttdry rm., fenced yard. 8-6986. ,. ltp $8!) m o. Yr. 1....., l! de.ired. ca.ll owner Har, •7. ti FOR RENT .GROUND ll'LOOR LIDO ARMS APTS. & Marina VERT NEW o rnca 111 new btllldlnf, _,. Udo. Ample parklng. For ln· formatlvn Cali M.ra. Fay R&r, I ~. 12cM W&.11 to w•.ll carpelln&" A dr•~a. M-A-Buslneu ~k.19 C . .IC. Retrig., delUX• alove.. !:ad\ Apt. hu private l &n.11•· Tenanta havl" flr•l Oii.Li tor •Ill'•· Ont! hlllt t»k. to buanees !'l"nter. 340ll-ll-l8 • 2'0 Via Opvrto OtflCll. Hat. 1002 r.!ll"r :I p. n1, LI 8-2171 NEWPORT flf:A CH. ror ~I r 1;r rent. One Wrni turn apt gar uw.:lud. ~o U 8·1 409, 1i21r, N'ICIC MODS::RN •lor!! room or ofttc• at 1188 Pla.cenUa. l lOO mo lnl'lud1n1 utlllllu . lnqutre 1.t propl!rly arter :'.> p. 10 . w11dl d•Y• or any t1m11 sat. A Sw1. :i7tf "'UR I.EASE S1'1ALL C Afo"E I~ ll~:A CH AREA. J:icellent op.. p<irtunuy for rouple capable of '" •tng pu t 1 y di home C()(Jklng KI 2-1412 evenlng-•. 60cf2 ; NICE MODEHN 1ture r00111 or yaa.r'e 1-. rum. or unrurn. u you have. V&Ckl'L~)'. _,,LOVELY PRf'i VINr lAL fUrri pboll.11 od bdrm apt twin ~ •. oc11&11 •lf'W t r.y 113-lGth St N,.wport H .. ll ~h olflt"e Ill IS&i l'lac.enlla, 1100 The Vogel Co, !l~t "l.1 n10, lncludtn& utU!!lt.e. Jnqulre '201 w . C.t. Hwy . N e.,.·port Bch el property art~r .) p m week Phone Ubllrty 8_34!1 FOR R...li::NT -l br ga1 a pt incl <I•)"• or &IlY time S•t. A Sun )()I Wa.rlll#, Balboa b land l"._••g'f' 18.b y .. 11rl,v l'!hl~ I"• N" .,t rflll 1-1 8-8766 l..f t.l!r 6 30 or Pbone Hubor 444. children or Pf'l• 118-ltlth St I werkenrt.s. ~7l1 JNT I:. Cout Hy .. Corona de! Mu I------6 ~Pl'4 I ------lJ l Sl"'l:.SS AN'D HOM~. 4 room ~ Harbor l r.1 Udo Ottl.c•, Ulll Via U do Hartior 4t'7 l lT02 Neiwport Blv4 .. C<l9ta Meu l..IWt)' &-.116i1 '" CH ANNEL YR 0 NT, lower, 2 bdrm 1.pt lnclud1nlC u\11. p1rr 6 rloaL Jde.v.L hx.aUon nrar Udo Shoppln&: d~trlct $7.'.l 1>er mo. u.nt!J Jone I. 34.00 Mart ua Newport. Doug!.,. 7·4041 Qfflcl! an•I ~ 1"00n1 j3 bl!droom ) lrll.nle howie on Newpor l Blvd .. Co:!Ul ltlua. ldf'r.l tor doctor, lawyer. rr•l f'll&tt.. etc. Newly llHoraled Hllr 0166 flltfc ----------1 G. H. L.ATKROP, MM I:. C.l. H y. Bar. NU, Ev-. Har. 1')68(), IOct2 PASADENA 10 UNITS, .! yni. old. Good Income. Tn.d1 tor cleiar n_. home to utl,000. H.&Tbor arM.. 363 Pua- dt'na A.ve .. So. Pu.adena. -- PYra.mld l -20&!.. 80pll2 LOOK l " 4 Blt:DRMS .• only • r~ '"rt + Exu-. choice location In C. M Real flrep!11e..,. 4t eittra t&"e. dbl, 1u...-ea All ~111provemente U'I 6 r•ui tor, There Wit! be no more hke !ht.all. •nywherr. ONLY $10,900 to $12 2:..0. T erm• Call Mr Call"• wtlh Dtk• 41: Co1e,-rov1 LI 8-7978. 82\!c Under $25,000 FIN' EST 2 BDRM , l BA TH horne With income Lil Co rona de! Mar under $16,000. C. H. LATHROP , 311" E. Coul Hwy., Har. :'.14(2, r:~·u. H&r 6680 .. ,., THREE BDRM., 1 \, bath., 80al40 lot. Kln(• Placl! $23.MlO New- port Rte. By APPOlNTM..l!:NT. Owner U~rty 8·tll73. lllc7J 112peJ '8-A~a---------LlD<J ISLE M-=-M=•"ne~yc...:too_0Lc""~ .. ~'-----1 FOR BA.LE ti\' OWNER, Duple11:. turnlllhed; 200 rt. fron1 Bey, 208 Ord., W ut Newport l lxlrn1 -.di, panelray he•t : $14,llQO. At lee.At half down. MnJ. N~•l ~ Harbor '897. lllpll'2 Choice Winter Re.ntabl OD Ba..I boa Iala.nd Ir: Lido lale Smell • eocy or J.ur • A d111w.e •111 to POO month VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Av .... Bal ~ 181&nd Ph. Herbor 44.4 or Ha.rbor 1011~ ~. Hu . H»-Jt or Har. 1221-R 64t rc Sea Shell Apts. 1 • 2 Bl:DRW.. DE.LUU rtJRN. A.PT!!. T o preferred. lt'nant1. $8G A up, UUl-incl. 12JO Vf. Ba.Ibo& am:s .• K"'Jl'Orl B.aeh. G8tlc BACHELOR and one A two bdrl'l apt& She.rt term &nd y-r17 . I A.l..80, U4o Homu a.nd Bay Front Homu ar.d apartm•nl.a. LIDO REALTY Associates U00 Vta Udo, 1104 Wl'.81' O.:ea.n Front. N"'''' port B1.11 rh One b<.lrm. hn·n a pt. A g•r. '60 mo 1ncl11o1,.• ml.nlmum ut1l. \Vlntf!r rent11! Ph. R.lven1d1. Overl•nd ll·l2Q~ evu. ~7tlc YEARLY -Partly turn I bdrm. •pl C Al'I niake Into 2 bedrm. Sir. mo. t 10·32nd St , ."JpL Bch fllc63 NO CO MMISSION No AppraiaaJ Fee S ALF..S -REFunv.IC E CONSTRUC.TION Call for f'ree i.~ast Commitment.I on Re•Hlenc•• .nd Unite oaly Don I. Huddleston 173 E. 17th St. COSTA MUA LI I-~ l LI l-4Ml2 LOA.NS TO BUJLO. IMPROVE. BUY, MOOERNIZJ:, OR HEFINANCE OON'T MJ.SS T HIS l b.r. 1tuooo, pa Uo, fenced. lath h oUH ~e•r Santa An& Country Club, Cl.lJ Mr Horva th, Harbor lt.21 for a apec1a1 deal on thl• on1. fl2p84 For Sele by Owner L.arge View lot, Coron• H t1h· Jand• v1,w of canyon 6: ocean. Priced to 11!11. H ar. 2420-W. '""' OWNER TRANSFERRED HA.R lo&o-l:VZ. B..Ul. '"3!1-W ~· !Ott-M: UPPER SAY l BEDROOMS 1" bL, Ln • aetUnr ot tall euca.typW. u.., nu. dfll\~le bo111• h.u all th• charm a.nd aer.a.lty tor counlry ll•lnl" a t I~ bit.It -Tet only a t1w mlnut..,. rrom downtown. Price 121,GOO Duncan Hardesty REALTOR 280Z Newport Blvd .• Npt, &e,,h H&rbor 4718 LAST CHANCE FOR BEACH LOTS TWo 30 n . Mijotntnc lot.e $tined R ·2 J.S600 eadl. Tem1.11. "ART" ADAIR " Rltr. Ne"'"J)Of"\ Blvd., Cost& MCM Ll El-37R2 or Ll 8-MM Ll 8~~7 eVe.nl11&:1, Lido Beyfront Lot 60 t'T FRONTAG!:, VIA UDO SOUD. Du lra bl• tor home or Income. Owner Har. 0191 or Hu. 3108, 112o66h FOR price Ir t.trma, UU. 3 bedpn. I full be.th born• w-outd be hard to but-Br.n.s N-. expoHd bMin ceillnp. tile kitchen A ba lh. Intercom. aya!A!m lhruout, dble. gar . to ft.. f'rontag• land- itcaped lot. I UOO <1n. 41: MOV& IN, OJU.NGm COA8T PROPICRTIJ!:S 1M7 Newport, C.0..ta J(- U 1-1532 Ev1.ntng. Ll 8-1400 SEVEN UNITS F URN. PLUS ovrn.n 2 b.drm. apL Study Income •~ poer mo. Price $37,1!(1(), tom• tw-nu from owner•. 212 Victor!&, Coeta Mua. 5'cfl7 Bl!i.A..trrDVL to' lot, 0n11 $12.180 BALBOA ISLAND ' B.EDROOKS, ck>M lo 8ouUL 9.ay. ~. dlahwa&hv, 2 c..r po.r- ap. N-ly p&!nted axt.11.rtor. Immedia te poeH!Nlon, uctllt.nl ..,.&Jue. Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 311 2 Lat•y•tte, NpL Kar. 31143 Harbor Highlands OPEN DAILY PM 19li P rta<"llla Lane LOVELY 3 bedrm , 1 \r. bric.II. •P~• tt=nnl• t!repl., with re•r ya rd tor awtn1m1na: pooJ or court $17 ,:100. A LSO' 3 bcodnn. l !I.. bath.I with flreplac•. lo1•ely rencf!d rear y1.N! a.nd pt!llo. uquleltely lwd.l.oapcd. $18,:0.00 il'or private atiowln&: c..J.J. RUTii DA VJ S --J ltAN H M.l~ -EU\IE E.Bl:LlNG or JACK MULLAN. Duncan Hardesty Rll:Al..TOR 26-02 Nf'Wport Blvd.., Npt. Bee.ch. Harbor 4718 Newport Bea ch •12,eoo lmma.cul1.te 4 yr old 2 bdrm.. at~Uve hQfl11.. Oc:1&n view, R 2 loL Term• lo .tull y!M. W& h&va th1. key. Costa Mesa Income 514.800. B UI.LOERB ATIENTION, two 2-bdrm. modf'm h~ Oii O rana:-• St. Jncome 'llKl pel' mo. Ltl..r11e lot. room fen on• CORONA DEL MAR LOOK THESE OVER BEFORE YOU BUY . Only a few choict> Iota ft..2 North Side Id!!al for duplex R-2 South Skte 35 x 118 ft . R-3 South Side for t riplex BACK BAY LOT View of Back Bay ~ x 14.2 left. RAY REALTY CO. $5.51..ll l ~i !150 $9.~ 3441 E . Coast l-f1ghway, C.D 1.1 . -Harbor ! Ac rose from Ra nk in Corona de! ~1ar1 BACK BAY VIEW HOME On half acre. 3 la rge bdrn111., 111 l>ath 11, upi'lMll"" bar-aitting rm. Large c l~eta . fine C li.bin.~t •. , ,\Pr - su.e gar. (radio controlled I l~t"J wl)od fenr r 1 l!tl,'.!- stone patio, landscaped. All c·l~t4 11.: k1trhc11 ... uuk en fireplace I. many uthe r feature;,,. !29.000 Ttrm.s. LI 8-2036 for app1111.tn1r n! By owner, 2216 'I'ustin A\'t• COURTE.S'I' tn RROJ.:!-:::.:s ti0p6:! "QUALITY STREET " BAY FRONT Fine pier, float and beach. One of the nt'Wl'I cleverly decorated h omes of 3 ~nno., 3 bath;. maids rm. & bath. Carpets ll.Od draperlr11 includrd in the lo w price. Mj ght t rade. CALL LOU BOYNTON Harbor 3297 or Harbor 2878 EARL w. STANLEY, Realtor more Wllt. A.II lhl• tor only Bayaide Drive & Coaat H ighway JOOOO down, S76 per moath.1------------------ THUI 18 A BU Y ! Newpo rt He ights J ll,iOO. Clean of. yeu old 2 bdrm- l'tucco borne, ttr.place, paUo, •mall lot, dbl. pr. Only $1POO down.. Ownt'r lllllLlow to eell. --------- UTILE ISLAND Se. ME-TA NJ:LSON cJ\olce rurn. '88-HoUSN for Keat We Buy Tn.uit OeMe NE\\'l'O RT HALBOA 8 AV1N08 • LOAN ASSOCIATION 3388 Vta Udo f'h. fkt-. 4l00 3 BDRM.8., OAR , nlCt'ly Le.nd -1--------------1 CLOSE TO A FINE BEACH EXCEPI'IONALLY attractive 3 bdrm. 2 bath mod- ern h ome, with outat.L"ldlng patio designed for comfortable outdoor living, Furniahed a.nd ready A unf'unl. r.n~ 2909 E. Cout Hll'hway, C.D.M. Harbor 6660. 112c64 1-40 MO. NEW mod.rn houae. Wanted J"OlUll' m&n lo llh•r• .ame. Inq. 10t-3:tnd 8t., Nrw· port lkach. !!7Uc CALL EDNA CllA.IG RENT AL SPltCIALIST ''"" DORIS BRAY, Realtor 21 t Jrilarine, B&.lboa Ula.lid Hu. 20 or t.f. 112c7bh CH.A.NNJIL troat tum. TICA.RL Y "UDO ISL,.£, 3 bedM:>OJn•. 21.., bath home. on annuaf lx11l11, s u p tor 40 rt. boat , UM. of l8 rt. Vlkln&: run•bout power boat, 2 car l"•r .. beAuUtully turniah· ed, .Jlrub•. $700 per month. lnqWr-e at 41 Balboa Covt11, N•wport." Jet re $i & N!:W unturn. HOUSH: -3 bdrm., 2 be.th, a:artt.r • dt.p .. t~ced yd, Co1ta MeM. Ll 8-S0..0 110c82 ]'JltWPORT HEIGHTS New 2 bdrm. hou11e, fireplare, re.ne ed yard, car. One child okay. •9CS Uberty 8-7632. llOttc '" .. LOANS for Homes &';"!, -20 yr L<>ane Construction Loans SEE UOB SATTLER 21\IG E AaT COAS'r BLVD. C<Jron11 del Mar ti•rbor 3888 Rep. P OI.RlER MO RTCACE CO. Metro Ute ln•, F'unrtl Kl 3-61811 ..Sttc CASH . . . F OR TRL'ST UEED! ec1.ped. f1.11ce<l. patio, carpe.tlng A~~. titoO, 4 ~% F. H . A . Submit down. 204i CooUnent.e l St Llberty 8-7281. 80c82 LR:V~ R-1 lot with all lmprov,. ment.e In and pa.Id. $229ti cuh ORANGE COAST PROPH:RT ll!:S JM7 Newport. Co.ta M,u. Ll 8-1632 Ev1.nlng11 Ll 8-1400 FOH SA LB: or Trad• Blf Beu C•bln. •let.pa II, l.Avel Lot 4:1' a l M', l block from Markf't It I block tl'QITI lake. 1'r•de Equity NEW INCOME UNITS BY OWNER 122.600-tanrul. 1702 A 1802 H.av•n Place, Newport Ht.I. ne-.r Elementary 6: Hl,-h School. Ll 8-USll. :S7p70 BY OWNER -Older 11ll'J'• 3 bed- room hom•. 1:1000 down. Nea.c Harbor Blvd. Tull pt1c• 1:87GO. C.11 Liberty 8·8761. f.2cl4. of l l&-00. a.. down paymcnl on late mod'I car, Can Spl!re LI Ln 8-34.21 between 8 & &. G0p62 View Lot R.lt:NT.A.J..8--0ne bl&. to bu.. A WINTER -Ocean Front rurn. \\'M. D. HULT r.fORTOACI!: HA.NKlNO 8INC~ li30. Newport Beach-1\'ot • Jeaae- hold. Priced at only J6~ tor quick W e. Udo &ho~. 2 bdrm, $80 unturn. 8 tU<Ho tum. JM. Incl. uW. Dock a vaJl•bla. l lG :seu. Bl .. Newport . 112pe4 BR.A.NI> NEW 111:1 ·117 Vlctor1• !It. 8llc 2 e.drm. duplexea, flre- pla.c• thenn01t.al cont. heat. Ba.r )l;ltt h•n. 1ua1e. Be•}lt. landllCaJ*I. No y1.nt work. $Ml ... U 8-3:Ul ~ Hat. :M'.Hl-J . ·-Apa. fol' .... NEW MODERN l bdrm. apt,. lge cloeeta, ear port. yard. ORIVE BT 41: Sl:E IT. lllh A Pomon•. Omta Meea, Har. lllff·J arter a p.m. 110pll2 aA T VISW 2 bdrm. apt.. ••ry hou.e, gara.a:I!. forced alr heat. Clea.n. 8" 14108 W. OC11an fl"'nt. or call Hu. !114 3-W. 62p 2 BDRM. unfurn. ho1ae. \V to V.' carpet, tlrepl•ce. d1epoul. yflrd c.-rt.d ror. Adult.I. Avail. Feb lOlh. Showln&" now 709 Golden- rod, Corona dl!I Mar. H11r. 3821 W "' CLOSE In, nicely tum ('luplt.x. forced e!r heating. J(Arb dl1p . Ule It prllg-r . W1nl~r retil1l11 160 A 117 ,$0. Har. 3:1.)0 82e64 HA L 8 0 A ISLAND, atlr&("tlvr complet•ly furn. 2 b<lrni. hou11" C all Har. 384-R. 62p6J 1609 N. BUSH 8.A.NTA ANA K.JXBl:R.LY :1 -7118 REAL Ei:)'T ATE LOA.NS Interest Rate ~ \.(, ?'o 't.olln.8 quickly rnedt In the H arbor Arf'a, L&<(un• and Cost.a Me•. .Single or mult iple un1ta. Nf'w or old. llt' wl11" a.nd •"Vt by re· ttnlln<'lng your prrlll!f'lt loan. Mtn1n1un1 ··~-· :iO year term tf <le111re<I. No char1"' for pt"e- l1mtnary <1.ppral•al. Kl J4RS3 AJ,ftilJR A. MAY i.tort~•ge l..<JLn i..:vrr~•p+Jndent 0 c1:1Je!ltal 1.111 LI1aurllJ\cll UO. BUSINESS LOT M It 153 to all!!!)". Central lion. Coeta M-. DAN A. JACOBSEN , Rea.I Eltale I~•-Har. 611il , Ll MJ17 Kl 2·2187 Ll S-37!9, Hat. 3381 HOME A LNCOME -NEWPORT ti HJCIOHTS NEW 2 bdrm. hou.-e. BY OWNER .'I bdrm., 2 bath, 2 car rar, A •pace to build I more Wiit. $18.009 -608 Clubhou"" Ave.., Newport Bch. Har. Ot!'i2J ""'" LIDO R-3 2 -30 ft. Iota on So. Bay Front. $31.~ u.ch. Call T . 0 . Rogt'r•. Har. 168~-W, or RYan l-eQ29, J8ttc fireplace, cu., fenc@d yard. Aleo 2 bdrm. older home ju1t remodt!.led. r1.11l.ed tor $90 mo on 1ame lot. $20.000 Term. Abo larg•r Income unit. New A well located, \.ric.ome $61 0 per month.. By OWner. W 8-7632. 62tfc IRVINE TERRACE ";i;i South Mein Santa Ana FOR SA.LE BY 0 \\'NltR--4 bfid-LIDO HOME. :'J l)rd1'TT1. 2 bat h.!!. Compl. and t &.11t efully rurni•he'1 pp To Junr •tOO mo. Ownl!r leav-_ tnl" country. H.a r. 6613 or 2ND & I ST R.E. LOANS Har. 11143, 12c64 nto.17 ti.Im. TV, rubber Ule OnJ., 1 ---~=--~-,--,-~~ .... ~pod h •l. l ~ blk BA YSHORES 3 bdrm furnl11h- to tcbool. ckieil to •~llllllt bch. M , available till June I Ith, $1 2.:t. ServlnJ •11 Or1.n1"' Count,y. We Buy Trust Deeds Royo l Mortgage Co. room home, 1" -p.d 6: fenced. Freedom home Liberty 8-11223 atter :'.> r. m. baUa, lllJld- FH.A loan. arl!•. Call morning-• or iettc By owner. colorlul l"•Y A charm- ing-2 bcl rn1. A 1tud.lo-d1.11 comb. Built -In TV In out.ltandlng drift- wood rock nN'pl. WW cerpet, 2 moaalc UL• n r. bAlh11. ou~lde ahwr .. bit-Jn elec. range, di.h- wuher. WOfT'lly chPlnut, black wa.tnu.t , oa.lt paneling tu.tured h!.J"h.llg11le °' f"OOIIUI, .~.!KIO Hu. 4872 111p74i \~tar flOO, yearly $116.-1119 '"C" THOltl AS. Raaltor w . ...,. An. Har. S8H. 80!.fc 22-4 \I/. Cout H l'NRY LI 8-6&27 BY OWNER Ocean Front FURN. B.A.CHELOR APT. Adult onlJ'. Prtnl•. luod lou.Uon. ln- qutr. 721 ~ Poµpy, Corona tlel K&r.•Har. OQG-M. tf JlA.LB()A J8LAN1J l bdrm. l'Um. pr. a pt_ to June 10. VtU. paid. ... mo. in"-Opal. H•r. 2SMW or Har. 1171. topt2 OOIWNA 0 I: L MAR. rum. l '1drfn, apt . wlt.h view •70 mo. lnclvd. uUI. Kar. 21Klt-M. 410c62 SEA ISLE APTS. rtJIUCl8HmD pa " \IP. Qui ... Good location. Prtvat. par llln,t Jot. Complete !au.Wry fM!IUtln IOl •. Ba.Ibo& B ini., Ba.lboL - """' -nw a it••••'•.._ ..a ear,"" rour »ca& ...._ wlKI wtll b. Mr• TOXOIUtOW to N..ck up what ht! .a. TODA T l Clald Ule \-.d c.n t. DI• dUlllfted etetiofl lb- NJCWPORT BEACH, ' bedrm. unturn hou.., 6 1t•r•11e--21:i 39th St. ALSO tum ceb1n •28 Bay&tlorf' P •rk lnw rf'nt Cltnu• 3-1092 fl0p7~ 49-KoomA (or ~nf A'ITRACTIVE ro0m. 11epar.tt: f"n - tr1.nce. Rflll.ton,able Ca ll ri.ftf'r I a p. m. Har, 282~-J lll c63 21Kl2 1'rwport Bh,J, :o.'pr t. ll<;h. Harbor 1549 LESS T HAN ONE YR OLD - -•h I 3 bedrm . 2 bath home hwd. -------------noon. 2 c •r garage. $12.500 ~ , f'd 824 Know~ll Pl , COit& Mesa. ·-__l'!~:-ll!.):_'~~nt ------u 8·11119 ~tfc O\\'N!':R wUl ~ll $1 2.000 16'~ I Ll£SE~'f PARADIS E , Tn1~t '1"t d <Jn HNlondo Beach 1111b't,..nl1 "1 h"'"~ Her 41\78 new furn. c.abln. Tu·o r cre,.r with Jo.hua trMA. 3 mllea to town. 11119 S1nta Ana. Co•l.a Meaa t\lp83 ""°'' --RE.\ L ESTATF: v!lllll!<I •l $:\.00,· BAY FRONT DUPLEX l..ARG!J: CO ~{F"ORTAULE ROQ,\( equipped ror (\Ill living and eOOk- lnit C..11 H::r, 1847·\Y, or 711 Poppy. Corona de.I Mar. &0cea. f't0(JM for workln1 ma.n. $8 1.n11 $7 P'r \Vttk l"'rlvnt ~ ~nlran\'e, _1'1J ~t .. Ne';'"PQ~-·· __ 1>pt/C' I MMAf:lJl.ATl:LY r l.F.:AN vl•w ruo11111 It •pt.a. wllh prlvl.l• bath fAr partlf'ul11r p.ople. Dally ma.lit "' tell!phon~ "r.i~. 'FV Oceen Front Hot~I. '1306 \Veet Ocean 000 ri.!I r'Curl:;1. went ~60,CHXI &l er; \\'rl!~ f",(llt ('.{)fj CIN' or l h•• pnpcc 60c62 II.AVE INTt:RJi;..";T In OJI. \VELL HunU01i1:t on B'11c.h t6 trade A.!I dn. pay•n .. nl '>n 2 <1r 3 bedrm h un1 t. 19ftl\ n,.l 1ru•on1e $330 Near Cf'nter of Balboa By-Ownf'r $3:\,000. Term• Box E. 118 t hl11 paJlo"r 180 ft . Pa rcel Writ,. 511p72 Nrtir Back D•y or wlll 111!11 3 - 80 :r. 130 Jou $3260 ea, Har. 3381 '" \\'111 •M'lnle to 18000. Wrll• 1 -----,--~=-=----- Box V-i9 care thl• p a pt"r. R.4 LOT .... , F ront, "''""'"Jl(lrt Bch, Har llmll ON r ANYON DRJYE, llO • 2.S2 THREli: DEDRM. HOME. and lg-e. l bedrm. at'parate house on rear Aeklng-$20,000-$5000 down. SU BM IT. Owner onx ious W7 C Ballloo8 or E ve.a. Har. 0823, Harbor 3606 ..... T\\'O STORY DUPLEX, NEW· PORT H E IGHTS . J."or a.le by ownel". F or •ppolnlml!nt call be- rore noon or 11vmln&: .. W S-~980 .. ,., THREE Bli:ORM UOUS& sa:ioo. pllyrn•nl.a 'N rno. T t.rrne tot11ib SR:li: •t 872 Vleto..U.. Co.ta Me.a or ca ll i:Xtnont l·J807. 6 1tt c HY OWNER -IW•trleted Jot. All Improvement. In. 76 rt. front. •gt N•r Hlrti Bchool. J4MIO. Term11 Cl.11 Ll IHl7el. 82....e. '"' [.l&!JI RE ooon a11Tt-OrNO LOT '3000 (:Uh BY OWNER ~------------·! R-l , 2 or 3 lrom party who Ube.tty 8.7))3 tl()p82l -------------- NtCELT "1f\N. room, prlva t.t e n• would eotald9r 111bordlnalllln _ OVl:l'U.OCJION'O tTP'PICK llA T- lranee • private ~th on V")Und A.lllO 1.n .en a.ro\IM 8&ck S.y --8t&nd by your lo«I n-irp11pe" R.4!9h1~tll..I •VMt to 1treet lot noor NMr Pnttt Offle•, 3~ a,_ M. Pull•. Llb.rty A0 U11 lh•y an U\e M.at fr1t1:1(111 any 100 11 170. Neat tn nit lrvinr REX RECHS. Realtor 23{}7 W. Balboa 8.lvd !Urbor 61~ Attractive 2 Bdrm. $2000 DOWN NEAR NEWPORT ~ School. Ju.et P.lnted lru11de &.nd &lt r&.C• tlve out.e1de. I...rg:e •en"IM rm. Fenced, quiet atreel, Everything In. Good clean cut home. Move rlg:ht In. Jt'a ••cant. kry. 11\111 price- $97&0. I ha vt I.hi! Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson 181)11 Newport Blvd .. Soeta Men (AcrOllt rrom Cotta Mt.ea Banlil;) P h. l,J 8·11761. Evee. IW. 43611 Llberty 8-21 03 ·IN TUSTIN SCHOOL DISTRICT BEAUTI.FUL 2 bdrm. and df'll, g ue11l hou.ee 1.nd llWlmmlnlJ pool. A lovely homl! on larre lot- RellM>na bly pr1ctd. IN BACK BAY AREA LOVELY 2 hdnn and den on 70- rt. lot. Room for •wlmrn!ng pool Many 1pecl•l fe•turt.11. Fitzmorris Rlty. Co . Mult lple U.Unr Broker• Bualne• Broker 3 1 ~ E. Cit. Hwy., Corona dtl Mar Harbor 21~2 $1550 REJ:5UCTION on Ult. SJVE CLJ:PT HAVl!:N ICXCLU. home - 3 bedrm.1., 2 bath1 °" corner Int. Room tor IJWlmmln.f pool. F'llU prl~ now, lli,a~ -$6000 down. ML #M2J. 4 b@drm1 .. 2 bll.thll, work ehop and dooble pr&&"t, 0:--. lot. $18,730 Newport-Mesa Rlty. to move into for only $28,~. Good terms. WM. W. STANLEY SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD Park Ave. &t Marine, Balboa l•land Harbor 2462 LIDO ISLE Lovely 2 bedroom wtUI toro.d •Ir beat, brick rtrt1p1-et!, J ca.r pr· &I'' Md. 1runn7 aouth patio. $22,600 AL.80 J bdrm. l % bath, one of I.he belt hcnlea ln thl• tuhlc.i.able ne!&:h· borhood a t 131,MlO FIXER UPPER & bedrooms. 41 ba.. on a ll:i tt. cor- ner kit. nJa older homa hu a )"&1'd ot. encbantlnC beauty llJld i. a b&rp1n at $31,i60 HOLSTEIN BU ILT l..,-1'• I bedroom home w ith all ov&rtiq room11. 4~· lot v..t th &Ol:'th paUo---on.ly $10.000 down. "Lido Specialist" We Have Waterfront.a Too! Duncan Hardesty REALTOR 2802 Nt"wport Blvd., Npt. B~ach Harbor 47t8 Balboa 2 Bed room 1.partmf!nl plUJ!J 4 rant.a.I.I. 2 lot.I. l vac.ant. corner B. St... 6: Ocean rnmt. Low prlef' Phone ror detail•. • Costa Mesa 4 rentalt. 128 Ea.et 2 l•t SL l"ood Income. dr1"• by. THml'I au US for a ,cood bare-Jn. BJ B Newport Heights $1700 down OLD 3 BR.-N lce Lot - l'uU Price. NICE $2000 down 7 YR. OLD--!!0'11:12.11' '10,700 Full Price. S:SOOO down lot - 2 B.R.-DEN-2 bath-2 flrepl , Shalte rf. BWlt-in k1L 117,960 Fl.I.II Prlcf' ~ $5000 do wn - 2 YR. OLD OC!:AN VlEV• HOME Plu1 Lge. Cue1t H11e. J..«1!. 22Cv Klt.-Oln, R . F'IN'pl.-Dbl. G;i 1. E tc. -$1 8,&I)(), B<ly & Beach Rlty Inc 111911 Ne~port Boulevard C<Hlt~ M eu. Cahrornl• Uberty 11-11e1, Eve•. LI S-301(1 Newport Hts. Two Bedrm. home cv~r dble. a•r· •re. comer Lot In the beet u1111 Situated ~ th1.1 1. new home een bl! built on tront Prlr~! at $8250 We need llttlnr• or hom'a COat& M-6: Nl"Wport. '" "ART" ADAIR , Rltr. N.B.C . Realty 32nd • Newport Bl-vd . Har. 14G:I Corona Highlands . ... NewPort Blvd ., C<Wtx. Mq ll LI 8-3792 or LI 8-~88 EVf'I Ll 8-8.fle.8 '""'' BALBOA PENINSULA 1799 N!'Wport Ll ...... Blvd., Co«ta M-Panoramic Ocean View ltvM U 1-14..f.S C HEERFUL well tum, tmaple1, 2 bdrm. home Oil 40 ft. lot. Only 13600 ctown. nu. "'~ loan. FuU price '11.CW>O. LJVI: JN ON'E. rent one. Low dOWTi payment m alc:t.• you le.nd- Jord of 2 bt"IL,,11 new turn homl"tl i..,, block rrom btach. Bath have ceramic Ule bllth• With a:hue encloilµrf'a, flre- plac:... rara..-. Come In wt w\ll help you m&lte the Met dMJ poeelble. OR.A.NOi: OOA.trr PJ'lQPIQ(J 11:8 1M7 Newport, OMtx. w- BRAND NEW dupJ"' delWle con· etrucUon ln natk: modl'm. See th-2 bMut, two bdrm. home1 tully earpeC.IMd, lu.v• elecl.:r\c oveu and. 1"11t.. Ston• to cell· Inf flttplact. Op«i tor lntpe.c- t\Oll. -479 Komln1 Oulyon Road. Har 3742-J. Stc:44b NEWPOl\T Kl:IOHTB Lot.---A.·2. ..... ..... ORA.NOE COA.ST PROP'l:RTIIC8 1857 Nf'W)llW1. ("Mil.I M- MURJJCL M. PlNOVER. tt..Jto r 2e<Mi N-port Blvd., N pt. Beach. Harbor 4810 12el4 Harbor Highlands -· °"'11d. Rv. 5l2-,._ UC&4 nr IJ!Joorty 11--'6@? toclt orpni&~ .-ommw.lly can t'L•" 117.000 Call LJ II-Miil. illtpft 1..1 1-1812 beatnp u 1-1400 U 1-1812 ~n.p L1 A-t+oO BT OW?O:R-! bdrrnt .• I% beth. landecaped. 1.ar,.. bric.k pauo. 2 y r• old. Unditr pneed at '11.200 with $4nnn 0.--n ltill<t lr..-tna Ave lJ 8 ·7114 topll ) • ' I • 7 Tlltkl WE ASK YOU- 'WHY PAY 'RENT"? 1 Wbm )'Ola ca.n move lnto one or these two lovely ~ with ama1J dn. pmL and monthly pcymaiu I..-tun rent! Y~e aid L£88 tht.n na~ wrb~ BfC-PIUC!: JtEDUcT'!Ol!S In Newport Via&: OWncra leavlng state, want fut o.ctlon. # 1. Reduced to $8075-with ~I 675 down. Ba.Janee only MCS month, including tntueat at 41/;:7tJ , tax.es, Ii: Ina. 1'fo yean old, large lot 70' x 110'. Many extru, 3 bedroom•. You couldn't rent this for Jeaa than $96 per mo. #2. $850 down payment on this la.rge 3 B. R. home, beautifully landscaped in larre 66' x 110' lol. Leas th&n 2 yn, old. J uat like new. Owner wil l help finance thi1 with low monthly paymenU. YOU'LL HA VE TO HURRY ON TH!!:SE! EXCLUSIVE WITH FISHER AND COMPANY 2603 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Har. «29 ~~~~~~~~~- Lido Realty Associates ' I • • 8/8 ' ._1.! ... !!!.._!!!J.,!......_. __ ...,!•!:::'!!!•!!.'.!•!!!'*!!!J~!....---1~9:!:::!'!!•!!!1~1j!!o!!!i!!~ . .:.· ••---l~T· HAalj!)lt ~ -PAAT 111 -PA81 ti v Best Buys r ......... del lJ-o Three. B1soom 1-:" ....... ,............-~--'-._Y.---'·Jf4HJ=--.u-Y_•_1 .. __ \AlllllG r...-i.p. "-" w. ...._ _, • Dtil.!.!!@l!!.!~·.-----.4!•!:~7!!!!,!' ·:l:lc,.. __ • __ ........................ .W•U..17 Me- .... -et • 111 )It. .... A MHtion Ughts Gu.ten Wu ir!e= ait from UM I t.rn.c. Nd ...,. wtltdow• 0( t.nlt a..-"'°4*r1l yWW ti... wt\h I ....,. t.dnu. ud I b et b a. aunt-ui dbi\ ........ --"""TIUlp. ~tma-tom 10 • .,,..,. niom. auto. ..,.._ door openw, Wall to Willi CU')l«lftf, Import• Ml dtapu and w•ll ,.Pflr , . • 1:1'9ty hular)' IUal JOU dM:i" I• i.n Ullt IRUlerpl-.. o1 UChl• U!'c lur-.1 dellp a.nd conatruc- tton. ruu price S41.l>OO. Showli by 1ppolntment only. , 3 .. ck Bay view Home On half KN. Modern, Jovel:y patio, 3 INlrma., oompl•l•ly tumlatlld. Can not bot dupUcat- ffi at tt.. ult.Ina pric• ot an .. 000. Wiii lnd. tor tncome property. .. A Horse, A Boy 1. BllAVtDUL 110M1! 6 DKXnll:. Sw• ••f 1 with ue. C&llori6& Mntc at b~._. la tM.~ipie'-- 2 ballnn. home, lnrd. nr... 1 \j, batbo, -"" &! i,,. rOnm, larp llY. na. with ,,,,._ !lnpl. - aiound beaatltal brlclied i-tlo .itli BBQ. Tllil '-p:evpeNy C0f&8 l""fml-iat:&.----ftt.Ta two t bidt& tum. apt.a. A.11 S un.lta are twa 'abed oompW.. AD 3 unit. .... tec1. l!:>tcellont -BEST BUY or THE NEW YEAR. ru-f.._ ulo. Shown by appt, no telephone info ,..._ -jut come to the office with reuonable down payment. Priced for qu.lck aale $27,MO. 2. SHORECLIFFS. Juat llilted -uclualve with ... Thia lmmaculau 2 bodrm. and den home OD MomJnc Canyon Road wtth panoramic view ot ooee.n, biUI; -~·r and canyon. FA h .. t, large l1agatone patio, carpeta and drapes included and only $31,!M)O. Btrtl!!R r HURRY on thia one -it won't lut. 3. DUPLEX, 1 bed.rm. each. one unit tum.. compWe, corner lot 4 only $17 ,&Ml. Low down payment Anti Hla Ool'-Ground, ~ Acra com plelely faiced-CorrL( Ken· .. ntl•. Pha IA.rs·• Modem 2 bd rm. I: den Home w ith &lJ tile 4. Tr1mm!Jil'• incl. w1w carpeunc. t.!u..lv• J"lreptace, Forced Alt Heat. Sep. P•Uo -A tea.I ll&ncbo 'Cl! only •1&.800. will handle. DUPLEX: 2 B. R. each, corner lot. fireplace., hwd. ttn. It Mpar&te A good buy at $22,!500 Both have dinette. :'.i. FIRST TIME OFFERED. Imm•cul&te 2 BR. home plwi rumpu.a r-c1<)m, hwd. On., garb. dt.poeal A bargain at $13,~ -$3000 down will hand.le. Bu !l ders-lnvestors! 2 )l'\'el acr•• -R-4 aoned. nn r ...... t . ftW ,..,. ... .... -· .. cbaiAl9 i rt Ke ....... .. tdl ............ W 1 a llailJ' ... ,.... ..... , ......... um 1W p-.1. . '81-. UOTIO -~-· .- Two Bedroom a.uwt...• ca • .._.,_ a *cir 0... BU'tMlr ~ ._ to lldlloolA, ~ tnuparu... u-. 'ftll4i a.. .._. u. n .... pi.. ...... r'OOIU, tUe kttcbe Mid b&UI,. eemml ,.uo lf.rs1! yvd Md ptq'I. Tota.I pnc. • • .., wtth low' ..... Doll .House W• an truly proud o1. W. u.- cen.nt horn.. Two Mdroorne, niot l&9'd rooa1 and many u - triaa ..a:ll .. ~ &pou.J and aut.am&Uc ......_ mU:e uu. a rMI T&llM •• u r 1UrTOUDd- ec1: by bmutUUI J'&l'd with ftatl pond. J'OCqvdm al:ld .-.eloaed b:r • Murdy ~)' fence Tou.11 lQ• thlli oo.. Harbor Blvd. Lot We haWt a rtn.e \N.1111~ lot llO x lS,, OQ bU.ty Harbor Bl vd Prir,ed to Hil. We &ao h&v• • f~ r.idential lot.I. 8/ 8 EXCLUSIVE -•.._n.'•-Umrt 1 utad·pa t '.'llwt Oppaolte tlllO both ... ......._ Noul:f DOW. Jaot lliltod -8'o..,, by appoinbwit aaly. -t ... . fln•'MiDc to quaBtW baJw. EXCLUSIVE Two ,.... old home with mqnltioomt pano....UC view of N""i'Ort Harbor. Near N-rt Harbor Yllcllt Club, oppoalle -beach In Balboa. 2 B. R., convertible deD., a dreamy kitchen.. -r.o •pacioua patioo, n.lcely W>dacapod. Shown by appolntmenL EXCLUSIVE Bay Aft:llu.e Corn• -View ! 2 B. R. -Den, Nice kitchen, utn. lge. patio. Garage •u..ed for a~ent. Owner ill - Shown by appointment only. $26,000 -Term.e. EXCLUSIVE Udo ltile Bayfront LIDO · EXCLUSIVE LIDO EXCLUSIVE Rl<1<' r °"'"' MMA Priced r11h t at l lU,000 ExclUBive with WJ. Thia a.bould 8eU quJckly. B. A. NERESON Neuly new 3 B. R., 2 bath homf', plu11 maid's quar- ten. Unuaually large living room. eandy be ach- ~.000 -For appoi.nlment to &tt call Mrs Fay BA YF'RO NT F!MT TIM.I!: U STl:D BY OWNER . . P'our bedroon11. U'lr•• bath•. l•rre 111p. Jll9,600 l!Pl:Cl.A L T!:RM3 BAYSHORES7 TU -A W ONDD\.Yt.'L family hom•. Real cloM to prtva t• M&ctl. Four bedroom. thrM balta. F'ull prtc• U T,60(), AU wall 10 wall c&rpMld !,DO. YDY can t&ll your own bro k•t Oft Lbt. OM. W• lhlnk It la an n caUent buy. O N STREET TO STIU:!:T LOT Near ntw lhree bednn., two ti.th• Huge mut•r bed· roo1n fully <"•r pt"led, 1pac1ou1 •un dtoek Kitchtn 1•,.llh bullt In llO>'I! OVl!fl dl1h wa•h - er -d l&PQ9a.l U•"" bric k f\repl.ue. Dr•pc-11 Jnclucled '31,160. 1uom11 your l•rmt V.'e nave the k•Y· A ND ASOTHE R BU T ON U DO. tour l>f:dre>om•, two b•, la.rs• p.uo J ual a tew ye•r• oht. Only J Z7 .600. A L..<;O THRICE BEDR.M.., t wo b&Uul plWI <kn on utra la.l"J• U 4o corner. '33.MIO tuU pric•. Lido Realty Associates 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 OUTSTANDING buys in Costa Mesa * $17&0 down -1 yr. old lt\lCCO, cvpeted n oon., lge. bedrnu., FHA term. at $60.00 per mo. * $2000 down -Corner stucco, nearly new, -i bedrnui. 1 % botho, junior..i.e co ....... awimmlng pool, fenced yard, l'HA i.nn., $74.00 a mo. • $6000 down -Spe.ck>ua du.plez on E . Ji{'oadway. hwd.. nn.., dining room. lge. bedrma., f~nl unit hM ftnpla.oe. Rent from 004 unit ma.ka the pa~nt.. Greenleaf-Severts Realty, Inc . 3112 Newport Blvd. LI 8-M06, Hu. 3921·>1 COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth .. Three mnall rent.ala, tundahed on ~ &en! lot and room for ,..... UD!m. $12,000 with $4000 down . 3 Br. older home In N-rt Helgbto $9580 with $1700 down. Bal. $711.150 month. 3 Br. home, double rar..-e, fireplace., W /W carpet, l \> ... tho, IOOd loc&tloo, $1.2, 7!50 with terma. Trl-pla: one of. the best.-A-t loca.Uon • a bargain at pO,aQO EZ terma. C-2 Zone Buain-COl'MI' (jult off N"1"p0rt Blvd.) mooo G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 N-rt Blvd., Coat& M-LI 8·1601 Corona del Mar Vogel Values Home 6 Income on "3' lot -Ocean aide of Hwy. A IDOll oomfortahie 2 bedroom home with lg. living room. tlreplace, w /w carpetlng A: drapea. Lota of doaot apace,. oervi<e porch. Roomy yard bu patio, fnllt ~. ot.c. Sto-.., rofrl(., rup. curtalna & dnpeo In apt. lnclnded In ...i.. price of $17,!500 Thlli hi an excellent buy-IN sure to call for t he lr:ey. DEOOR.ATOR'S HOME Juat listed -the belt little buy in town. 2 bedroom home with ev••Hen' floor pW>, tlroplace & beamed ceillnp in living room, lg. kitchen, tiled bath. Rear door open. onto nJce pado. Garage prepared for apL over. Total price only $1.f,900 The Vogel Co. 21567 E.. Cout Hwy. Corona de.I M.ar. Har. 1741 LIDO NORD BAY FRONT A'ITR.A&rtvE l •tory home, livable and conven- lent. Tfu.ee bed.mu., 2 bath1. ma id'• room and bath. ~ drapee and applfance. included. T. D. ROGERs, Or Ryan 18029 C 1 Bu•lne .. lot UI' -x JO(I' on ~.1u1l 17th St Sml.JI hntut rent- e1l 13:i run. Pncell CH!low in1 rk<'l at 19,XlO. eoo· 1 80' BWllntM :ion&(! 101 (In 1n&.1n thorou1hf&r• $11.000 F't11l MEMBER f'F' MULTIPLE USTINGS. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTION, Realtor 34;47 E . Cout Hwy. Corona. del Mar Har. 47 (Office located next door to Corona del M.a.r Bank) REALTOR tan N~rt Blvd .. Coet• Ml!MI Llberty 6-1812 J:vel. U S-.f.l:lO Liberty 1-Mll L.O>e.rt y 8·3Tl7 2 Otta.nfront Iota -C· 1 l'.onr Tota.i 1nu -50 x 125 -$1 i ,:>00 f or further informallQn ca ll Mr Rude al&0 Residential lot close lo CM.::e.an 30 x 85 -$4,:l.50 p~~~ -----------------------Special Values BEACH COTTAGE-$1500 Un.-F'ull Pr 1rt' ~9 !J!,itl Furnished 3 B. R. HouM: -L1ot.e to Library Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 1876 Harbor Boulr••f"(! O-••ta M-. eaurnrn1a u 8-77t t eve._ w &·Jl ~ Corona del Mar 2 Open Houses Friday -Saturday -Sunday • 712 Heliotrope NOTHING F(NJ!:R th1.11 lht1 l l>Mlrm. horn• tor 1 10.:0.00 . Jt h&.1 a tlrepl•oe, sunny br!aht II.it.Chen WIU\ lot.I ot Ille and cupboardl, loadli of eharm thni-out. l!:nclo1· "1 ~Uo. • 707 Aca.cia e.e: SURI: to ... lhb 1 b.d.nn. pll.UI &nCIOQd Jana.J. Ctlff.r1Ul tlreplaca. dinlnJ room, out.aide • pl&11t•r. etc. $16,T60 II a l•rTHLJ:: bara"ain on thla orie. Rial r ood l•rm.. C.ll H1rbor ?Ot.2 now for pre-1how1nr Fronk James Linwood Vick REALTORS 311 M&rtn• Ave., Balboa l•l•nd --,.., See Me-Ta Nelson MU: M08T IMPORT ANT YOU'LL READ TODAY. CORONA DEL MAR AD DAJU.INO S bdnn., I bath. borne. ftrqil&c•. beam celllnc . hdwd. nr1. f'ully fenced. On• blk. from OCf'&n, 2 ~ yre. old. En~I011ed paUo, dbl ,-ar., w ith laundry Below replacem•nt co•t. F'IRST TJMl!: Ol"F'E:RE.D. .Attr. larp !Iv. f'OOm, 2 BR. home, rire- pt&ce, beamed ceiUn,-1, n<'w ly de- cor-kl.cl I: e&rpat.N. A mpl• rm. for 11"11 BR. Gar. elreued ror apt. s..t. loeaUDrl S 111,600. Thl1 won't 1 .. 1 -lel"llll. HOM!: I: INCOME A'M'R.ACTIVE OUPLllle, c:bolce loea Uon. 1 6 2 bdrme. UNDER PRICED. META NICLSON 2508 E. Cout Hwy. Corona d<'I Mar. Her. MeO &'2~ View Homes We have HatlncJL on 3 ~•utlful vi-homN,. N~wport Helrh t• ~Lh unoNtructed view of Har· bor and OCMll. Call tor !l\formatlon Look Here, People! Just Listed EX.I.NT. l BDRM., l\. batla In tine &rM., HW n oon , dble. l"&r , fmtp.L, 1"Prb, dS.p. S-uUful patio It landaeaplng, fruit lreea, BAY & BEACH REALTY , INC. 1450 W. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa -liarbo ir l:l&I SHORECLIFF'S LOVELIEST! WATERFRONT! tanced. Hu 4" 0..1. )Oa.n ot -------------- Large lot, fineat landecap- ing, 2 bdrm.a. & den. guest 3 Bed:rooma, 2 baths. Pi.er A alip -Boat included in th.hi •10.000. z...,. tum. on Lhll! run pm:. $.lll.800-an41 worth. mor• I Only $7000 rm. & bath, gorgeou• panellin&", W. IJl W. vlaoo<e drapes, unmatched view of ocean & canyon. U you Balboa CoVftl beat Duy at NrWPORT Hl:IOHTB. Good 2 br. ttx•r-Dpptir J.n good are&-ori 80 JI 106 wt.. S.. UU. barga.ln, good term&. $36,000 • see, you'll buy! LIDO BAYFRONT RARITY A charming 4 bdrm., 3 bath home., pier 6: aUp, all in first clau condition. Very pretty patio entry and one of Lbe choice1t locat.lona on Udo. KILLION , raol ostote 33il Newport Blvd, Harbor~ S BR., ON IUGH. LEVEL IOOJl.300 lot. R.--i, can build add'I, unilll. •10,600 W1th terma. 1381 8&11~ Ana A.ve. OPEN HOUSE BAT, l ·tl. Lots :'I() Jt tllO C-l -· ··-··· -·-·-·-· $4200 Ba.ck S.y, vl---·-··-··-$'86() 10 J1 127 M -1 --·--·-17600 711 ll 300 R-4 -·--·--· ·--· J:liOO -----------------------l&o JI lO'l R -2 -·-·-·-··-.. -Qa-00 Why Litt It For Solo W ith A Reolt or7 I'll Soll It Myself! A Do It Yourself Kit Won't Work In the Real Estate Business. New Duplex INCOM:ll. REAL INVESTM. Below r-epla.ccnant eo11t. Ne&r ce:nter ot town, 9clloot. • tran.tp. Le<'. mu., We bet.he • kite. 116.000. t.rme. Mesa-Harbor Realty .. A880CJA Tlt8 BALBOA PENINS~LA 3 Bed.rm. and den, 2 b&tha. lge. living room \Vlth fireplace. Spaciou.. muter BR. with Bay v ie~· on 40' cor . lot, jwit a 1kip from bathing be ach LOVELY corner duplex. Xlnt. condition -3 8. R. 2 bath ea. 2 1UDdeck11. patio, compl. furni.J!hed. $29.500. Low dn. tQ quali fied b uy er LIDO ISLE Most allr&t":tivt! t ~rm. and den, 2 fircpl . bC'aiit l- fuUy decorated home on comer lot acroM from Bay Nice patio, la.rge 30 ft li ving room. OutJrt.andlng f or $39,SM> • LIOO SOUD, R·3 vacant 50 ft. waterfront. 11on't Jet this ret away, $36,000 BALBOA ISLAND Cute fum. 2 bedrm. cottage on rear of .fine com er lot. Can build home in front a.nd have excellent income f rom cott.a.ge. Only $18.500 & worth seeing THE VOGEL CO.-LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lldo, Npt. Bch. Har. 497 1 or Har. Eves : LI 8-6297 -LI 8-3040 -Har. 4972 M42 When you list your property for ale with a REAl.r TOR you benefit by hi• lmowledp, experience and judgment. We're going to aell 60ll Cent•r St., Coat.a M- Ll M t ll .. LI 1-T78f LTTLll -&Ye. Ph. L1'. 1-2642 Pitfillil -Ev .. Ph. U 8-6417 8EYJlOUR -h•. Pti. Ha. 112MW !------------·-------- $1,000,000 worth of Rea.I Foat.ate each month durin&' 1956 Multiple Li.ting Serv:loe: Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 401 N. Newport Blvd., Newport. Beach COCKTAIL BAR General On Sa.le LJquor Lice.nee -equJpment and all real property including 2 ap&rlmenU, 2 cabi.na and owner'• living quarterw $36,600 · plu.. liquor inventory. THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave., Balboa laland Next door lo the Post Office OPEN HOUSE Frf.-Sat.-SWl.-llOD. &ft.ernOOIUi '111111 Crtietvtew Dr .. RA T8HORJCS 2 b.r. PLUS gar. unlt-knoUy pin• Int., eharmlnl' beach OT year round born•. BACK BAY But vi_.. co t. lot. r.c!uced to $12!!0 IRRmO. Tl-lot -·~·-······-1"830 110xl.60, reetr1ct9d-term• l;8000 Nr,o,port Blvd.. cor., 1&11 ll 72. C·:I -AlilY Tm\.Ma Npt. BJTd. cor. llO JI UC - Impn>ved -OOOD BUT CHOICEST vncw LOTS lN CORONA HICHLANDB. Claire Van Horn LIDO ISLE BEAUTITUL home on Lido Nord corner. E'enna. nent view ot Bay, near but beach for swimming. S bedrma., 2 bath., bobby room and den. Charming king aU:e muter bednn.. with alcove & connectinir bath, large aun deck, attractive dining room, mod- ern kitchen -built-in diahwuher, diapoaal, copper hood, ceramic tile and numeroua other !eaturt!il. A'ITRM~rIVE CONTEMPORARY 3 bocirm. 2 bath home partially furniahed. Only 2 'f.? years old. BOTH PROPERTIES SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT WE ALSO have several Bay Front lotJI qn Udo Nord. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Bl vd .. Newport. Beach Ha.r. 1013 RJ:ALTOR l731 W. COa.c. Hwy. LI 8-4277 !----------------------- IF YOU'RE SICK AND TIRED Costa Mesa Duplex Ha.r. 444 Evee Har. 1229-R Har . ..US·R "ART" ADAIR , Rltr.1-------------TWO 1 BDRM:. apartm.-.ta. hdwd. noon. comer lot on IDut 1Dd9. ToUJ prtc• $17,600 w1lh rood ot looking &t "8a.rgairu1" only to find they are really termite trapi, you'll be agreeably wrprllled when you look at UU. one-owner BaJboa laland home on a f'W1 9bed lot with a sunny priv1te patio and 1an&.l room -a real dinJng room, wied brick ti.nlplace that r;e&lJy worn. 3 •pactoua bednna., 1% bat.ha, 11 .. Newport F.llvt.I .• Cmta M- W 8-3792 or W ll·~M WI-~ Evee. Bay Shores 2117:t Clrcle Drive Opatl 0..Lly -l·t ·30 112c64 N O\V PR.ICED TO SELL ' 3 bdrm., 1-._ ball\. t r pl., F. A. 11,11!, all "lee kltctlen. Sp1clou11 pa.Uo -built In BBQ. Over1lu pnic-e. ,-cnerou• slora1"1. RALPH P. MASKEY REA.LTOR 3411 N9Wport Blvd., Npt. Oeh. H•rbor '°2 10 · ACRES lttrtiway ftont&.Jl! on T'lllttn Av• Potentlel bu.Sn,,... 1000 rrult 11"9#.& ..... m Jlll!f 1u::re -20'\ down. DAN A . J ACOUEN. R-.J Eatat• Har e:e.1. LI ...._,1 7 Kl 14.111 • DO IT YOURSELF! ! ! Convert lhia i bedrm., 3 Mth home int.Q two unitA: with a minimum of cost and effort. Well built and close to the Bay, (Bay view if you look hard). ONLY $7&Ml down WM. W. STANLEY SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD PILI"k Ave. at Marine, Balboa laland Harbor 2482 LOOK ONLY S295 DOWN NEW 3 bdrm. 1 1<, both homo, Coot& w ... 0..y or night LI. 8-2857 ''""'· Balboa Duplex FURNJ.8Hl:D -1 t-wo bed:nn. &nd l on• bednn., 2 CU' p.nt.C"I, alnL renl&J al'"M. s.&000 down wUI hand I .. ALSO TWO OOOD OCEAN VRONT LOTS SHOO ll.ACH. Coast Properties 901 IJ. a.JOO. BIVd. B..r11o-. Hartlor 3861 2607 &11d &400 tn<EQUALLICD Back Bay water n-lot. Vor reuonebl• prica.. R.elt.rictad. Take SI T~ down. ORA.NOS COAST PROPEltTml UliT N.wport.. Coata X.... LI 1-101 m....1.np LI 1-tfOO BT OWl'n:R -t.,.. oldar-OD1 bedroom home. OPPORTUNJTY .XNOCJCS w1lh -~l. P'\lU Jlll1crl NTIO. TUe f 1000 *1. Ot.11 Llb.-r1.y a.a7tL ac.4 FA he.t, uaable 2 car garage. SEE THIS TODAY ! WM. W. STANLEY SANFORD Rea1tors HADFIELD Parlr: Ave. at Ka.rine, Balboa lalAnd Harl>or2482 BALBOA ISLAND TWO FOR ONE SPECIAlS Xlnt 2-untt --...... da. nn. ··-·-··-$28,000 (you can't beat th19 one!) Z..Bedrm. houoe 1 bdrm. apt. turn. -·-·· $28,!500 (• -7 place) Ca.,,.u.cI home -<Ide apt. 2 f.rpla. ----'29.l500 (near vlllap I< ""Yl NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 308 -... , Ila-lolud"""Jiar. G02 ... - • . -. . . . l ::!!!!!LZ!!!!'!•!!., ___ .J•!::::!•!!ool!{.' !!?!!!!..... : .,.,,..,,,.&-!!!It! 19, '. · ~'!-' ~----...;;;o""f1•!!!!!•!!•'!'•.!-:I !-~-~'!~.~;.;: __ , -9!!'. ===1=· ,__ __ _.. =· _ -.. . -... • s , S' , 3 ;..__ ___ , ·p .. a .. palmer i~corporated .· "We're Momg· • &&J1CBS • '"W'ls1ra. •A•BOA-..m> BAY llHOllD.~ .4 llJLl!;.':,IJo-_Al.'118 ---~QU!at . . ~ OWNBll WllL ft.ADS ~ -Ooll: K_aoll bome Ill l'OllOJllA fGr Butlqr .,... -tJ or _.falbL ....u.. -· ,. -• REAC I . -life Ii no "'1ii;py ~ It lo P'""-S &nd buUt for. 9'ery -wu st-- deolg•lflr and baDMac . tblo ..... , hoone. - .. approslmatelJ -...;. of ........,.n, land- ocaped level ft'OWld. wltll & neepll>c ~ •'-ot u.. v.oe,., tblo 2 UvirJc room-· dlnllll' room -8 bodn>om -3 bath home, with !up rumpua room, flreplaON, PJ'81'111, out~f~oor Uvinc and pl&,U.C ....., often Y"" ltriog at lta beoL COME IN and talk it over. BLANCHE A. G~S. Realtor VJ!:VJ!EP.S or ~TIPLE LJBTING 111 Marine Aft,., Balboa tal•nd---Pb.. Har. 1871· or 1872 OPEN SATURDAY & SUNDAY CUBTOK BUILT RANCH STYLE, ff8 ltS'l'HER ST., BACK BAY AREA. Bs1ld:ltul 3 bdrm., 2 b&tha. Ip. living room, firepl .. a:tr. Ip. Jdtcb.en wtt.b brealdut nook, fenced yd., -root. Aaldalf only $22,!IOO and thla lo "". otlMr built by LLOYD C. HOWARD. A Home of Quality & Charm 12!1 "G" St., BALBOA tc-. IYtng room with ocean view, 3 1pacioua btdrma.. 2 bath.a. FA heat, WW carpeting, full IUI dlniD.s room. nJce kitchen with garbage di8p. & a 1ao.i, ood, patio with BBQ. $26,1!00. Termo. Channel Front Duplex 1'01' MANY Wt and thJ:m one i1 on 82 ft. or water· f'raat wttll P. •float. A roee garden for privacy, i.ntair .-. and BEST OF AU.. a low price or SJl.b wtth euy tenm. We have the key and will bo hof P>' \o ohow you through. Income Properties TWO STOR.18 "6 6 apt.a. on 6>ut Hwy. each with 'riew. Wa.Ui: to beach. WUJ show 12% net OD uk, Inc prlea. Only $16,000 do"" will handl•. BUSINDIS BUILDING car&-tree with net of 10%. Lea.led to 6 good t-.aotl. &.t location on Cout. A-1 corwtnlction, ltr eel for 2nd fioor. $110,000. JACK BRENNAN, and ASSOCIATES 3320 W, Cout Hw·y. "At the Arches" Realtor Liberty 8· 7773 * * February Special * * CAN A HOUSE FIT YOU ... Like Your Most Comfortable Shoes 7 7 How about trytnr t.hia for aiu ~ Of course you mullt pnifer a Modern Style Home, Neat and Clean, Attractive, Comfortable, and on a Corner Lot ln OOIWNA DEL .MAR. TllllEE BEDROOKS -ONE AND'% BATHS - 1'01\CED AIR HEATING -TWO ENCLOSED CD0:NTED PATIOS -STORAGE ROOM IN L.UJJUlRY -Jl'IREPLACE -PLANTERS - QA!tBAGE DISP08AL -VENT FAN -2 CAR CU• •GS (Can build an apartment over) ••. ONE KINUTE TO THE BAY TRRD KlNUTES TO THE OOUNTRY CLUB .... &nd OOKPLl:TJ:LY nJRNISHED (from TV to Wuber) LUtriiD EXCLUSIVELY at $23,500 includin1 title to lot, and furniahecl, with F. C. ANORESEN, realtor ll348 II:. Cout Hwy., C. D. M. * * * * We expect thili to llell in January, 90 let.I mate an appointment Harbor lUO BALBOA ISLAND BAY l'RONT, 80 ft.., 4 B. R. pier 6 float ····~·····-$73.MO SO. BAY 4 B. R., 3 bath pluo 1 B. R. apt ......... ~9,MO NO. BAY 3 B. R. 2 bath plua 2 B. R. •pt. -...... $73,!IOO LIDO NORD 5 B. R. -2 B. R. apt. .................... $89,!IOO LIDO NORD 3 B. R. -Pier A .Up ·······-···········$69,MO 1.JT'J'LE ISLA.ND, Tropical aettlng 2 unit. plua 2 B. R. ,..... ho ... -·-······-·-······-····$34.9(1() NR. NO. BAY 2 B. R. -~--·····----·····--$22,!IOO N&.Ut NO. BAY 3 ·B. R. ··---··--·-····--·····-$25,000 INOOMJ: UNlTS: ----'21!.7!50 to $38,000 lnclUOive. ~ wttb u on tbe9e and · otben. · Har. 17715 _-Eveo. Edith K&roon HYatt 4-6222 John M&co&h Harbor 5369 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 22:1 Manne Ave., Balboa I.eland BALBOA ISLAND BUSINESS -PROPERTY CHOICE LOCATION ~ -t t.enna. WK. W. ~"TANW:Y SANFORD HADFIELD B&rbor:ue2 . -. I cl1TJ'810pers IMt 'Alia on; tido If ·Y-ou c.nt , ... cilii~'lltiiiLipiiITTillli .... -~ Good of UdQ w. · · · to lnkle Te11~" . . R!t_gsid• S.et . --thpL, -• 1'1fric. 1 --im.. To all tho -t """ aetl.ity la tho --. u.uoua1 t1oor p1u -a boclrm., a Drln Ill '°""' """ -,.,. ,...._ tbo --•1Mtnc feu.n. ot th" rtmarbbM 01·0··~. 2-r -~ 1"1Dt-la .. -. Walled p&lio. • --'---.t.11-f« ~c c.'----·-+- :--IllDO llOOllRN -"1!1mlllf-. OOLL1NS -t ill Mtba.---Owa:w ~ HSJ:LLJ"_ at~.~~-· --...,..y""lloloor..pi.,....ent--. NOT"t.J:fimotDf Mon and more Bartlior area fam!HM aN m.p.A••1 _ll!!o!l G<11rJait&..l>01DM = notina thoir -foot, --VenJenee and central b:atloli.. -"" Wo 4 ..... 2 --· 'l'lul Uvlqna. lo 1>oaut1fu11r ~ llu a ma.iewe bouqDot ....,.... -11np1. a. ~ doon to a io..iy pau.. no lrltchm "' a clnaia With built.la 'l'bonioad<>r 0...... .. ruce. AMpwl, IMJwd. cabineta a: metehtnr taltnJCL We could So oa ad on abotci Ulia _home; but·you ahOQld -It. Prbd at $311,1500. No'w baa a $19,000 ..,... po:y&blo $180 mo. BUDGli.T ooNBC:ious! -IT KAKES SENSE, • dea!c-lo "Soioc to go~ aU out on hia own home. HAL LACY llu doae juat that on thla 3 bdrm. 2 1-. Udo I.a. .,.,...,. ~-The combining of ma- tA!riala lo done with thought and feeling here. Slid· Inc st-doon to potJo from the Uvtncrm. with ita ,.~ flrepl. Outat&ncllnc kltdien with &oh ..i.. lnets 6. mat.chine fonnica. Tile in both t.th9, w /W carpotlnc .. dbl pr. a .... to P"rfect bead>. See tlll9 .oon, u It will .tell at Only $211,000 Call David Oobum. Balboa Island for Pasadena Let'• trade. Lovely 4 bedrm. home on Balbo& i.. land -large and completely fU1'11iohed by a deco- rator. Even ha. & rumpu. room with a hidden bu for thoee IWllmer parties. Owner wW tn.de for Pu.adena, Altadena, or Palm Sprlnp J><'>P"riy, Prioe $32,!500 Call Joe Klnc&jd Start Living! No finer .et.ting for real family living I.I available than ln t.bia -4 bed.rm. and den home on Lido !ale. Such featuree u 3 bath.a, diahwaaher, diapoaal, lovely caryeting and drapes, and 2 fireplaces more More and more tamlllee who prefer a home ln a ,._ ltricted qu.Uty community are movina" into their ln1ne Terrace homes. Inspect the model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert Irvine Terrace ls located on O>ut Hig hway oµpoei te the new Irvine Coast Country Oub. EARL W. STANLEY , Realtor EXCl..USI\'E AGENT::> Phorie Harbor 44 18 For Further lnror mttl un • For ~'Qmmendation, we refer you to r.11 \'"•1(' who hold.a a 1.e~hold Estate 1n Irvine "l'<'.'r .1· ·:. Beac:on Bay, Bay ~horet1 and c11 rr t!:i vw1 AU above an ucluatve with ua ! Come to HEAD- QUARTERS for theee 6 other good b~a in Iota A bom-.. We a.tt the DEVELOPERS OF LlDO ISLE. than juatify the priee ot $39,9!50, For det.aila, call Bill Farnaworlb. ~--- p. II. palmer, incorporated p. 11. palme r, olo h•n1on co., 1ale1 management 3333 via lido, harbor 1000 incorporated ole han5on co., sale, management 1700 w. cout highway -Li berty 8-~73 PENINSULA SPECIALS! Here'• a dandy home within 4 doon ol. the bay on the PenLn· •u.ll.. P•nnan.nt Bay vi"' from tatTe llvtni room w1th nrepl&ce. 3 bedrvom.., 1" balha. 8m&ll boe.t hou11e, 2 car pnr-. Ter- ntlc klcauon . , . •1il.71W> 1.ernlt. PENINSULA DUPLEX! wllh S bedrooma up wd I be(I, rvom. <lowh. Both unit.a nicely turnl.ahad. Lovely property and on.ty 1 y-n ~d. 2 ca.r garace and l•undry. Both a pt&. now re.nted. $28,600, term•. BALBOA HOME! One or lhe nlct•l home. In the area cloae lo l!brary and N. H. \'.Club Recently remodtl, ed and rlrh.t up·to·d•le. 3 bed· room1 and modem hYlnr room with tlNplace. Beeutltul large kitchen with clOMta g-Llore. A-1 condlUoo , .. i 11.ooo. term•. BILL'S BEST BUYS CLOSE IN - 2 BedrooD11 & Hdwd. floors. Room for 2 additional unita -only 2 block.a from 19th and Harbor Blvd. Full Price $11,!'K>O Tenm. YOUR CHOICE .- Of either of these homee at ~ down three bed· rQOtna, l 1h b&th•, new curbed and pa•ed streets, .ewers. Both lea than 1 year old. Some tunliture included. Full price only $10,000 each. EXCELLENT HOME with INVESTMENT FEATURE "C'' THOMAS "C" THOMAS BAYSHORES O PEN HOUSI!: S.l It Sun 1.5 21172 CrntYlf'lv D r ive Charmine Rot.nt h type hon1t . 3 bdrnu. plu. iuut room, l ~ bat.ha, encl. lanLI, 2 paUa. Wit.I!. conc:reta block wall tor prtvacy. lovely Ire. !Iv. room with re.tat<! hearth f ireplace • birch J>&llel· lnl'. d!n. are&. natu~ kitchen wtth l'f.rb. dl•p. It. elect. dW!· wuher, w to w carpettnr. r.A~ he.a("" ahake roof-1%7 .~. Harbor Highlands OPEN HOUSE Sat, It. Bun. 1·0 111'98 lrvln. Avenue VOGEL VALUES -COSTA ~1ES:\ • • • • • 1 ACRE RANCH f-:OME Spa<'IOUs 2 be<lronm v.tt h r•·ar wall sturi • .:'J 1 t j,,. a1ld1uunal bt-dro•)!ll 16 x ~u l!\•111x r11 , 11 .I n n.~ r\J11n\. largl' ti le k!!rhcn v.·1th brt"l!kfrtt-1 :.r•" hv.· flour J 1:.: ba ths. }-; A hl•ll.1 3 f;.irag• · ~·· 11 I Rack l~ay Arl'a ,.2·1.000 !-'ull Pr1cf· Over 20 % Gross Income 15 f\l otel unit,~ 11 nd 26 tra1lt'r spni.:eH U1 Ban1.t1 '. Motel unit.. are 1 and 2 bec!roon1M Will cp· 11' r trade for income property or trtu ler p.rk 1n Newport Harbor art·a $65,000 !-"'ull Pric<'. THE VOGEL COMPANY , 1700 Newport Blvd. Phone Lfberty 8,5597 ~vening Costa M.:>sa Llberty 8·•457 3 UNIT INCOME ! Cloee to Ocew In Newport. Lar1t lot with nice i-tl-0 tor all Unlta. Swell "ntal pl'op.rty and rented now , .. $Je2 monthly income. Owner built nea.rly n" 3 B. R. and 1 ~.l bath borne OD 'h acre close to town. 'll!.ia bouae ia Dutch Girl clean. Triple aiz.e garage an.d a.nether for 1 ~ and storage room. Top location for rent.ala. Here is a lovely home to r you now with land for income unit. for now or later. Only $15,800 BUILD NOW .... MONEY AVAILABLE IXcelJently locat6d on beauUtully _ land.caped comer &ot. lg-e. Uv. room with •lldfnl' rtu• door. Ol'lto completaly f ""ced rev yard, S bedrooma, l" be.th•. din. u-. w to w cupetin1 It. drlll~ lllcl. 1n ASK.ING PRICE •1 e.~. term1. ABK TO SEE TH18 SPACIOUS PENINSULA HOME with 2 bedroom• on Belvue Lane. Heavy rumltur111 !ntludt<I. I.Arce lot. 2 car gara(t. CM be 90ld on &&lea contract. G I. loe.o. 111,000 WEST BAY AVE. INCOME Ju•t about the be•t value poaalble. Beautiful and nee.rly new 3 bed· room home With a 1pa.clou• 2 iiEED EXTRA ROOM1 Then let us abow you thia lovely Back Bay three bed'room &. den plua 9 x 16 kidl playroom. Beauti, rut carpeting over H. W. floora. Fireplace, break, fa.rt &: dining room, two batha, foroed air heat and built in kitchen. Full Price $23,~ with only S:scMJO down. W . A. TOBIAS, Realtor "you'll like our friendly aervice" iOO E. l 7tb St., Co.ta Meu Llberty 8,1139 bedroom apartm11nt ov11r a 3 c•r -----------------------1an.ce, pha a irue•t room with oath. All unlta a re fumlahed. l!lwell for a nl<:e home with In· come and a phu:I! tor your .. ...... Balboa Realty Co. Oppc19ll1 Bank or Am_er1c:a RON Greeley Ed Lee Al Cornellu1 Joeephlne Webb 1'00 I:. Balboe. BITd., Balboa Ph.on& H.ubor S277 COSTA BEST l MESA BUY 11~0 a ISO ON Pl.:A.CJl:NTIA., tlnit ~eJ aoulh of Ba.rg-Ll.n Buket. Thia moet be 80ld within 2 -u. trnll pr11'1 1.18,500. "ART" ADAIR , Rltr. IHI Newport Blvd., C.O•t.a Meaa LI 8-3792 or LI 8·Ml!I LI 8-861111 H:vee. Costa Mesa SHORE CLIFF SPECIAL Four bedrooms l ·h bath plua additional 1h bath, built in stove. Birch kitchen, Iota of tile and ma.ny other extras. Located on large lot and nicely land- acaped, with 11. very livable floor plan for family living. Muat see thbi home to appreciate. 345 Evening Canyon OPEJ" HOUSE SAT. A SUN. BACK BAY AREA Another FISHER built home ready for that buyer who wanta a custom built home for a tract home prioe. 3 bedroonu, bath·&: %, H. W. floor, forced air, aliding glue doors onto the patio. Used brick fireplace, plua outside planter and many other fine features. OPEN DAlL Y 348 Mira Loma. w. E.· FISHER & Associates 3024 E . Coast Hwy., Corona de! Mar HAR. 5032 ·ot 118.:IOO. Bay front IT'S OLDER! But ln (ood rondl· lion and a perfect home tor • Jars• funill'-KJt.c.hen • baU1• have bee.n CQmpletaly remodeled It. modern~ -6 bedroom- 2 bath---.e:11 tra l1e.. llv. room- choice baU!.tnr l>e&ch -pa.rUy rurnlahed -OUTST'ANDING VALUE -$2il,t100-Law down peym11nt. Newport Heights orsTtNCTIVll RANCH IJI"YLE HOME--3 bedrooma plu• (Ueftt room, l" tiled bath•, run din. room -a t tractlvto Interior - - be•utUul CCtr. loc•tion -com· pletely fenced-A H O M !!: TO Bl!: PROUD TO OWN-123.600 ''C'' THOMAS, REALTOR It. ASSOClA T'ES 224 W . O:lwt Hlway U 8-~7 Newport Beach "C' THOMAS "C" THOMAS B/ B Corona del Mar A MAGNIFICENT VIEW I• the nicest f11atur111 •mong mw y Jn lhl• lovely 2 bedrm. a nd con· We can build ror you a two-bedr oom home. or 3 bed.rm, 937 1155 100 °/. Square Square Financing F.oot Foot Home-$4595 Home-$5595 Attached 10 x 20 garageti .... . .... $295 W e are building on Wallace, Ray. and Avocado Sta. Starting abortly on 18th & 20th SUI. Call or P hone for Information , .. Ol!EN SUNDAY AFTERNOONS & WEEK DAYS SCOTCH CONSTRUCTION of Garden Grove, Inc. 11041 ~stminst.e.r Blvd., Carden Grove LE 9·0633 ----- COSTA MESA VALUES A REAL NICE home, 3 bedrma., 1 1 ':: bathe, hwd. floors, fir. furnace, tiled stall shower, lge. living room, 2 car garage. A CUSTOM BUILT home for full price of $8950 -Repeat $8950 BACK BAY LOT Only $6800 and terou. Haa some view and ia on a paved etreeL MORE. COSTA MESA VALUES For only S2500 down and $80.W pe;r mo. you too can enjoy life u a home owner . 3 Bdrtll8., 2 bat.ha and l 'l~ years old. F. P. Only $11,500, and we have the key. SlOOO moves you into at yr. old 2 Bdrm. and den home. Large lot, hwd. fin., fireplace too. Finl offer of $11,000. Pbooe ua day or nighL A CHARJ(ING old•r 2 bedroom hom1, With k>ada ot •torac"e apaoe, Slowtfll" wtlh wumlb and comfort. Short walk to Bank.8 It. ~opptar. Priced at SU.600 ::::.• "d:;ac':~:e~~e~t~:;! BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES Duncan Hardesty RJ:ALTOR 2902 Newport IU't'd., Newport Bch. Ha.rtor 4111 Business Property lllm. in farnlly. Muat •crttlce UUa Dice bom• ud buatriea on HERE A LOT BUYS A UTILE Little lot, that i&-$5250 will get you an R-2 lot near achooi,, churches and shope. $5500 will get an R·2 in a quiet block Car from jt.he Hwy. $8950 will get the lo\ve11t priced R-2 Jot i# Corona High, lands. They'll aoon be gone. ao HURRY ! R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor R. B. HODGE, ASBOCiate 3622 E . Cout Hwy., Corona del I.tar Har. 2774. 2 lot.. in center Coeta. Me-. -----------------------tor only i 11500--0ood term• for quick aal•. DAN A. JACOBSEN. Real Eet11.tt Har. 6't1, LI 1-4317 Kl 2·2187 Cl!NTl:R of ~ Gron. 7 '4 ac.._-eubd!Ttckble .:ion. Good home and 2 a..drm. l(\H'9t ho~. Bultab1e tor ralmlq Oow1111"1 Of" pnMaln1. Will edl for 1- lh-.n $4000 an a.ere °" rood BRAND NEW OFFERING OUR EXCLUSTVE. Ught and cheerful 2 plu• bed.rm., large living room, fireplace. brick patio, double garage. Ooee to N. Bay and abopping area. On.aho~ mooring. Completely furni9hed $22,!>00 with $5000 down. with ..eluded pattc.i, all on two 1505 W. Balboa Blvd. Har. M88 Of Har. 1218-J lev11I•. beam celllnp, perfect -----------------------flrepl•Ce, bullt-tn k itchen, full price. 130,000. Pleue can ahead l Of" eJ\ appointment to fll!e. Just the Right Size F'OR A COUPLE or 1mall family, la tilt. 2 bedrm. home. 1ov11ly lanLI. tiled b&lh. roomy modern krteh~. ample •torag11 1pacie. double l&rae"e, llr1pl•ce. Jand· iteaped and f911ced. Be•l ot Lil the full price for thl• attr•cUv1 cos:y home la 115.700 with 1ace)- lenl flnanctnr. Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 3MO E . Coe.et Hl,-hw.y Coron• del Kar -Harbor tlM3 TR.REI: ttonOlla on J&rp cl,.. In lot. I J 1,000 f.p . wUI '"tall• Q500 down V .aid Wlt\JM'I. With f 180 mo. income 70U c.rtatnly are pWflC' .,od ......_ Of\ amount .. _ ... OCEAN FRONT HOME Modern 2 near Owner OPEN HOUSE 1232 Weot 0.-.. J'rcoot bedroom funtlahed. large lot fenced, oehoola, chorcheo, tnnaportatlon. Ha.rbor 4()4.3..J or Llbert7 8-60K. WANJ' A REAL HOME? PLUS a beautiful ne&rly new 2 bedrm. apartment with fireplace PLUS a 2 car prap. YOU'LL LIKE this newly l'ecieconted 4 bedrm. • 2~tory home, llep&l'&le dining room, ••ctr.m" kit- chen, llreplace, FA h,.t, Md he&u\ltul carpotlag. Excellent t.erma to qualified buyer. tame. No phone Info. pl-. 1 oRANo& coAOT ·DORIS BRAY, Rea tor oRANoc co,..BT PllOPEIITTDI 2 6 A '-1 d H•r. 20 or ·~ PROPllitllU WK. W. STANLEY SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD l Marine ve., Ba.lboa ui a.n ~ 1Clf N.wport. 0Mi. M.Mll.' 1151 Hewpof't. Ooet. M.- U ... lAI r..inp U: .. 1400 U 1-l&U ~tnp LI 1--ltOI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~:...:..::=-...=2:.=....:..:..::..:..:.~~~~~~~~~~~~-'-~~ --• • -