HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-01-30 - Newport Harbor News Press--· ' ,'• .. QU~ FOR A DA\' -Peter Grant's slttk 46-ft. sloop Nalu 11, sailing under the burgee of the Newport H a r bor Yar ht Club, held liUe uf qverall winner of the Acapulco Race for 22 1:; hours. unly tu be no8ed out by St£-\·e NP\l.'Tnark, of the West Cout Y. C., in his llttle ket ch Evenlldc by lesa than i 7 minutes. Nalu 11 v,.tns second plac:c U\•t·rall and f1rHt in C1a..-;s I~. -Beckner Photo Grant's Nalu AREA MOTHERS MARCH Takes Second ON POLIO TOMORROW Overall Spot By :--T.Al. BIECllN"t:R Thj! Newpon lfarbor Mothe1'9' Mar C'h un polio will bot he&d be· twffn 1 and i p.. m. tomorrow. A11 Jamet1 Can1p'1 bt&' Newport Co.ta. Meea. PoUoe Chief Art Mc· 1-l•rbOr Yar.ht Club y awl f:acapade Kenz.ie Ha..rbor are& c hairman. look a flnn holtl on the tlnt to urged '•ll hou.N.holdera lo llfht f 1niah trophy in th e Ac11 puleu Hace I h their ,.on:~ betw"n t ha.e ou.ni to make \hi.a c:Umu: U the M llrch of Dlme1 drtve an overwhe!n1111c HAR BOD • PRESS 48th YEAR -NIDlBER 1211 NEWPORT REA.CH, CALIFORNIA, MONDAY, JANUARY 30, 1966 PHONE HARBOR 1818 HIGH SCHOOL FFA YOUTHS TAKE FIRST IN FARMER CO-OP QUIZ Newport Ha.rbC>r Unlon H igh B<'hool'e Fu1i1J re Farmera or America. group pl.aced flr1t In !.he Farmer'• Cooperative Qui. r.ooteat which ftnUlhl!d Thu1isday 1venJng, accordlnl" to their adviaor. R. C. Perrtn, who hu ca&ehed them. Jn lh• ftn&l te_.t J im &th or Santa AJM. Hel1hta, placed .econd uid John Amold or Lido lale and Utelr .core• •<Sdl!d to Uta.. or Ute refit or lhe grt>Up put Ute chlilpt.er ahttad. Bath alsu won aeeond 111 the public a))l!llklnr r1n11.l11, receivlnic a pen uid pe.ncll _..t bea1de.t a trophy ~d $!) In c ull. t-NE-WP-OR-TE-RS-IN-H-IG-H _, ECONOMIC BRACKET Survey Shows 60"/o of Ea rn More Than $4000 Families Yearly Newport, Mesa Council Races On HARBOR WEATHER Temperature. the paat 'A".ek ID lhr I l.larbor ....... we"': Tueaday. J -..n. 21' W edneeday, J 1:1n. 2!'! Thunday. Jan :16 Frl.:Mly, J11.n . 27 Satuntay, Jllll :llj Sunda y, Jan. 211 l>t onoay, Jan. 30 Ka.Jn t all " !':17 '" " " " A. L. Pinkley Will Run; • None File in Newport With couneilmanic ~ats up for election next A prt1 In :-..:('V.'J><irt Beach and l 'oista ~l l'sa , the latte r cit y's politic~ a.·11 .. 11 today l•xike<l fast~r t han the former's. No cLOd.i· J a tes as t•f noon today haJ ftled for office in New- t Special to the N e.,.,·port Harbor News-Press) Jan 28 8£1 J)41!1. J3:C"!iC'h but In Co~ta M('l:Ul th1ng8 were more &ctive. NEW YORK, Jan. 30--i:'.:cono1n1c dr ('ama uf 20 years 1 • p tor .. 1 • .,_ t<"n 111 :>:ewp...rt 1 ··A 1 , k , 11 R • ttr u now w I run ago hl\\'e become a reality 1n N ewport Beach. F'amiLiee MORE WA TE 7 H•·,., 11 111·c thr~.. ,ounc1l ., •. a t11 aJl'.H.ln 1 h•ven 1 made up m y that """t-re once in the $2:)()() income Cia88 have graduated to •--------------tt.o,.., ho:ld .L'i """"cHn>&11 G~r11.l<l nnnd yl!t " ' I l~nnett. 1·, A . ll•&b1., and Lt-c tn the S4000 o r ov~r bracket. Thot>t! that once had $4000 N St \\'lld.,r rh ............ l'l1jtlbl"' u 1...e .... t ,·.,rlll!n a t the moment la ew orm 'h ) , , ' ,_ t' f'•1un1·tln1 1111 K n 1r . M~rlln . ··1 lt }e1<r aro: 1n the !Jllllll $&u00 ca · I cl&a&u t\4,. had Ow etr~t of In· I "'et11 o l't • llllun a ti ..._. ' .. n<>rn inatinl( 1,,,. ... r,. llJI .,, Tilurs-lrLn't tell at t ni~ u mr. · he _,d ll'i;ory. craa11nK n1arke1.J1 chaz11'1nis: buy-.--II repo t Uly .,.. ul 1 <'!l p down If tt.:la\JVtly f<'"'. on t he nther in;:: h!l.>ll.t ruid r~!alnl{ the •tan-R eel D ..i11y. 1-l lJ<lbie 1nud today h.-'A'lll " 1 t! " ' e ruu HI. r,.rlllOln Ill the lt1W lncunu· J ard Of hVln~". eport ue nut tun. liennetl !1 ''thinking I ~ •U~tab!e rep]il<"Clllenl could M i:roups. than Ka tu the 1o;t111<'r•I The t ypiclll family locally hu 11b<•ut it" but h....,, not rle<:Jd<.!d but ou n · itlouJ bu ... nea.i i:ondttlone wt11ch mnrll Jn un\'y tu llP'!nd at pr-t I will before th .. F<'b. 18 deadline. !\'omlnallon1 clo•e a l noon. Ye h. h•v" prooluled 11 hill:'h e1·n ploy-and i. 111 the mood to ape.no it. H T • ht \\'JldPr M id tu.Jay he hlUI not yet 18. Ng,.unatt .. n paper11 , avaJla ble mtnt r1tt10 and better w•('I! Of lnterut 111 the manner In ere on1g mar1e up hill m !n•I lLA hf' inuat from City L'lerk Ar lie 3wmrll.. 11cllle11. wh.Lch the bigger ea.rninga 111.fe be· I f;i,:ur~ 4111t ~.,rn~ bu11ine11.!l i;u rnn11t · "'ll~t bP l<lji!Yll!(\ by nver flv,. per- ' th d • I" ,,,_,,,, <•cot. J'"n" an•! 11nt ni,.re thi n 10 per-DetallA o e • v11.11c 11 .. lni; ua.:d. Accurd1ng tu " FederaJ I • ~ar1111111• ''" l·11rril'd In the l96!'J rt~aerve &.a.rd 1tudy. thOl!le wllh SA:'>ITA ANA Jan_ 30 IOC'N3l CJn!y "'I•· of c..·0,\11 .Mesa_, thr""' 110n~. 1·unnui11er t.1a rk"'U 11.nnua l. ln· 1nuine. above $4000 are 60 per--A n"'w atonn 1• boiling d•)w n ,·nun< d,,,,.,, "hv~ tern111 tn•i 011~' .\l1<Vor f'!1101e :"el.tor> an,t C'oun- 1,Lu<led 11 ollilt" for evt!ry pa rt of cent niore likely than o ther& to on Orange County a nd lldVllllC" ~ .. ilr h~.• 1fphra \•'·1 h• "'ill 1\;n i·olll<.in A!lhur ~'"''"~1 1 1t1ll hava 1he C<)Un try buy niaJOr houeeholoJ equipment rron t11 hive torn the botturn out aga.J n for n ·o·lect1on on Ap nl 10. I twu yea r• to ""rv~ t.r their t~rrna. lt •ht;wa lMt tn N ~wport or rurn1 ture. ot local lhP:rmometeni, d ropµ1ng I "'" nvu11n1111 n t un.. up .. nf"d Th1J .. Le~·tltl;i "''lll nu1rk th 1 ll;'ic·h 80 2 percent uf I.hf' cun· Th~y blly four Unu18 II.A many temperu.turea laat n!c ht an a\·er-T t1urMd11y, C•Ju1wilrn11n A , L. P111k -1 rirat Lun,. !n Co.t11 !.ie1a • brief l .. umer un1t11 had BJ>f'nd•bla in· new a uto111ob1tea per JOO fllmll!M a ge or 20 Jegree.ll. ky re1~•rt .. d he h•~ •h•r1n 1l l'ly de· h1.<1tory tha.t a ll lh" candldat•• , .-ml!ll l1<.1t yt><r. after payment u lli<JIHI with !noome1 below The new Atonn. expect.e<l tv '••!tel to run •1<11.ln will ~ running tor full fnur -y ear .,f tax,.11, of $4 000 or more. $4000. .tnke tontirht with h igh "'nda ~;uunc1l~"''.'.... Bert 8 m 1th say1 : tern11. '11ley a lso buy be.Iler h.omaa. &nd heavy r..ine La nuw 1111t1nr ----------Thia curnpanea favorabl)' with lh~ a1t uata.1n el.ewhere Ln the United Statu. where 01.1 P"r- more el,.1•t ncal Kf.(lgelA. lllLt Wt· over S~ta Barba.fa. \\'ealhtr ter a nd do more travelln1. fOM!!CIUt.3 1111.ld lt may mOVl' !ntn Orange county artlll. by th!11 11 f· tenux>n. but probably will not "r· rt•e until alt.er nJ&;b tlall. J\'HYC u.o hail the over11ll trophy w ithin Ila ,111r1!p • w!'oen Pel'r (;, a.nt'• tnrn •lc.p r\.iu II croaa· <Kl th" llne 11t Bo.r• Chica. <'n Thunday •Ven!nlt' to .cor"' • cor · rf"<"'t"'•I u me "' 9 dayA, 17 hour!, ~7 1nlnu te1. 3A •econd,. fnr W1 all· 111re<l virl••TY ln ri ... "fl ' ~d 11 11 m n( chanre fo r the overall hon- More than 100 women hav .. cent ,·,f the cunaurne.r unLU a.re 111lfnlld Up ln Coat& M-. accord-In that 1nrome r laM In the l-'11.- 1111 lo M1.n:i.. Ch&l.rm.an Mrll. clflc Stal.&I 04 4 per cent ere ao HaroJd Knipp. A .tmllllT number lillled. ------------111 uptoe!::fi ta m&n:h tn Nrwporl TheJ erm oonRU!lef unit i. ua@'d M C II Stach, i!' M l"I. JQhn • 1'1bba, to dea1gn•l e f11.m1l1 1111 or lndlvl- Construction For January Hits S754r688 Tbe &dvance .tJ-oata of the 1torm Jaat rught 11ent tenipera- twu plu1nmetlng below l r..:t21n1 In Oranit111 County. A low of 28 WALKER ARRAIGNMENT IN SCHURR CASE DUE a n 0 apses Newport general ch&lrm&.D. dual11 m...tnt&.lnJng U\elr o)WTI e• ,w._.,whUe, Newport Harbor t"bluihm,nllo. ~e are 4300 of and Dl"es Wh1'le Union U lffh School'a m&M effort t.hetn 1uc11.lly In lha over 14000 ft which bepn. lut Wednellday &11d catego ry "" i. atUI be.Ink tabulated l"f'•Ultf!d I In t hf' group with !nC'tlmea Takl.ng Exam '".tot.a.I of 12100 collected with .. oo.,. $6000. then Ill"• -2480 a.nother $400 expe<:led by this un1l11 or 34.7 percent in Newport t1.ftern00f'l. a.c:cordlng to Dean nr H"'ach. \'lllh 19 nf the 24·bollt rle't yet to r1n11h. 1>v1H!on reporlll indlca le•I only one or two boat11 h11d 11.ny pouible cha nce to Wa t Gr11.nt'1 time. Nalu 11 wu literally "Queen ror a Day" and held her \\tie •~ ovtrlilll winner fo r 22 houra and 41 All or medical ICL<'nce w1u1 to no ava ll Friday afterntxJn when J-tenry Henderson. 54, or 2063 :>:11- t1on11I St . Co~ta M .. u. collap$!!d and d !eJ In h11 doctor'• office The 11.!llng m&n had been re· le1U1etl from Ho1i1.1 M11morlal Ho11· minute.a. pllal on J11n. 21 followtng confine· At. 8 16 pm fo~rlday i;,;enlnl" ~~e ment lillld Lra&Unwt ..rte.r a hart bubble burst a.a Steve ewmar • attllck He and hla w!te ha d made hllle 37-rt. k,.tch E\'en\1de ahpped I 1 U 0 , 0 a n n1un11 o r ice ca to r . .._.. . arrn11• lhl! llne to AA\'" h"'\ tirne 1 1. N. lu II h a mere UI nl\gu~e It , :\'el•<Jn where an e.Juun na 1on 0" • Thy L r 1 1 pnunpted the doctor to onler Hen- 4 1 .econd.11. •, o courae. " p11.r der"'1n hnn1e and t o bed of hand1c1tp racing a.n.d I t I• lhe11e ca..r11fuJly co111p11ted lime a llowa nc-A11 H11nder110n lert the nfrtce t.I .,..t.lch enable the 11n1aller and he '""'"cho•d lur U1e d,.>0r 11.nd be· Girl• Mn . Frobert H11.rb1eon, in ·ni11 hnpr-lv11 (Towt.h o[ the cha..rre ot coll11cUon th"'re. I middle Income Mti mlddl• rich COUNTY'S RAIN STORM DEPOSITS 'WATER CROP' Flood Control Conservation En9ineer Says Benefit Basins bo t t i.:><n I \• cnlla ~ He waa caught hell\"ler all o compe e on an "· S A",...A A NA J11.n. 30 fdcNS) FUllerton C.."re<!'k. Buena Park. even foolln( with the larger and by Dr. N('ll90n who Immediately .~ • ....... LY ""RtOl'S ' h d -FlooJ Control £n...-lneer H. G !li r~n.n "'"" '"racier" tyrw. or ealllng yacht• ror bei;i"n tr~atmtnt w t nxy.:rn •n 11• 0 1 d ··-m,.<hc•nt11 Lnd artific ial resplrll· Oaborne or Fullerton dle<:l011Pd to· 11borne revra e 11. 11er1ou11 top ocean racing honor•. tion. day that 11111t we.k'• atonn re-altu11.tlon ne11rly dtveloped Thur11· As the gala futtvltlt• (et uncle:-ll•lted In the collection of what day night. A break through ln h ti Th o se atte1npt11 e t revival ..,.y with the trop Y pre1111nta on he tenned ··llfl eJ1cellenl crop of the Coyote CtePk levf!"I!. ne•r L.!t. climaxing 1even.I daya meeting pnJvine futile. Or. N"'l110n opentd w11.ter in the county conaervaliun P11l11111 Av ... occurrt'd »bout 10 d ~I Id trl • d Uie che11t c11 v1t>· and n1•1$11.ged the 1 •-• an 11·~~~ ng o enu• an new. hea rt fur forty m inutell b ut ... ~ baaina." o·clock. Flood con tro crew11 .... L~ the crew• look back on a great unable lo llllve L':,. itrlcken man. 0 >0borne 11111d lh ~ \\"ellt St. Bae· tied to i;ie t the opening plUgf ed race and l()(}k foi-...·arct to the !n. at Chaii nuin A''" and \\est up. The tK11k 11ucceedecl Wil en the plea1111.nt coutal crulll!ng along tl1e H t•nder11un hol(I been an lnspe~'-St. 11 ,..d \hP l'lat•rn!i1t l3s1<ln 11r1tr water l•'vt•I in thr cr..-rk ""bAide<I homeward journPy tor Ill !hf': Ro1111n /._:orporRllnn on Orani;:ethoi pr 1tlld f'l!l renl!A Av"" llOlll<'"'hAL A he11vy downpour F1 na l complete 11tand1nga "" re· t hP Coai,it lloghwAy, /\'.,.,.·port are nearly 111 c1tp"clty wnu lrl h11vr cau11ed 11 t hre»l to poctoed from th<' r11ce comnott t .. e B<'nrh . Showini;:-hijl:h 1.-v,.ls 111Jn 111r r1."s1dentu1l property ln the lire&. 1n Aca pulco are aa follo.,.·1: FIRST the ot.her two fl ood 1·nntrol •1111-1 Flood rr1nlrol i;i11ng11 wPre bu&y (C-Uaued o a P&«e T_l __________________ 1t rlct con11erva tlon ""01·k11 "'"·•t uf 1no~t •·f the night"' of lhe 11t.onn. Anlllle1m llfld Aoulh of UlivP. 'l'n· r11t rollin~. 11nndbai;iglng b11n k11 and tala in aL·re f••Pt havl' nut b•"'!i lf'Vl'f"ll nnd n·n1ovu1g L'hllnnc l 11nd O UT OF M OUTHS .OF BA.BES W\Jllam Spurg!'Oll IV t1t rofttrum \\'fflnrlld•y 1111:ht tnld "-'lW'm· bled or-n.-• 11'.:mrlre ('ounril !'0.-out ll'adf':rl lh"'lr t fJor t11 "111 bol nNdf'd /1\Pre tha.n .. ,.,r th1~ \l'IH '" ni.a.1:imurn m ove ro""11t"fl. v.·1 1ham H p.. ngit. _, W t.&lk. -&Wt P llolo it"" \!•Ut'1 m"\'"""•111 SpUl(l'<.>11 Ill II ( 1 .. 11 con1p11 .. d . bd•h:r ob,.!n wllon.<1. CJborne "auJ h i" 11\llff hll!< j11•1 Th.-flow 1n C11rbon .:·rerk w!U atarted 1111111.\•:z;ing !hr rrc.,rrl11, \>f much luW•'I 1h11n 1n 1952. l\\'COrd· the big atonn, r.ih"<1 lh1nl IR•ll:t'"l in~ t" U!<borne. He 1111.ld Carbon In counly h11:1l•H) 11 .. •'Xpla111°·d Ca ny-..n run·•Jff re11r:he<I 11llghtly that "'hi\"' !he l••tKI 1u110•1 nt nf l beyond J,oln.r11. St .. Anshelm, and ru.ln "''IUI unu!<11nll v lur1: ... lhe ln-1only mlni··r d111n111Ce hn11 been tenllity or rat•· "I 1111nfall WK!< noted. low. I Uy n""" !':11 lu rday, MAXl.'~11 .\1 KATf: ?llllltrd nut lhe S1tnla Ana R iver t.t11x1n1un1 1 11!~ .,f rainl ;ill nn 11 no ... · hR<I rea rhed only ~ f11r u I0-1111nule b"!<'~ ""~ I ll 1!01 t"·~ Str111·k f\ Vl' Cnn ,.f'rv11tl nn 11pread· P'r hour. Thi~ "'"'-" n1ll<'io I""'"'. ini.: orf'Tll tlon" nr thr Orange tila n the 3.:lll u1 r hrs prr h••111 C'C1Ullt~· \\'M ier D\~lnr•1 Anrl "and \Jlbulat~ ln th•· J,.n 1;, I ll e! Iii. rr nHn•a l pit.• cut rl<lv.-n lhr now . 19:,2 11torm. O"bnrnr M P! o,.ho,rn•· AA l•1 thl! peak Sa nta 1'he flood ro11 t1·tol t np:1ne.·r 1 An11 l!iv•·t flo"' hll"' n"t &aid thf' n1B~1m11n1 """''Ill\ n t '"'" f'••ltlJ'lll"•t hut 1t "''ill b,. lnw. f11H1nl': In onl.' h••lll "'a.'I ,1;, lur 111 111<' 1111nnr fl ,.,,.,. levl'I bun wefl<'" ''''"·np 0ur ,,_~ BJ.:l\ln?.I IA'Ht"'" 1r1 !4an Juan C'n•,.k. l O:i 1nche" 111 J1trn1 .. r ;i H;!'i:! Ila;:., <'""''k, Ali.an L'rf'ek Arrrq <)[f\J.: !<>!)•I""'·"· ,.,111p.11 1 'l'r><l>U••• ("t i•r k Thrv "'·ere 9Qn .,..,'11 11 .·41.e1w• .-1"'"'" ,.r !II· l..:n•te<I Stn.r .• \\.·"ldl· r l1>11c.11 hhiWA l '°~ 11 <' pn .• : ~ .... nl ~ H. 1lty nr fh')<•I p1 "hh on,: ,.,,I"{'! n1.11 be tlXp<'C!~(\ < 11 :in ll>l':I';.<' u. ab •11\ ,..,er ',.,.,' 1, '" :c.or'• fr1 ·111 • "l•·•r lty Al 11 ny um~ •luring lh" ~1·•1111 . lh~ floofl cnntn•l en· ;· ",..,., i • I" '' t • · ! Hubcaps C'louted {J .. b<>r n•· ""~·II ,.•! olllrllo;.• ''' Th"fl ,f f•,U! hub••f'• v11h1e-d fl....,.l ,•nntn •L "n1 k11 iro the at"' no I fl t $-;-·, t to ~ o, : "''8" T''l>f" '" I 11to ll'n "'""~ r,.IAllV'"IV n11n•r A 1''";11111:1 Fn<lllY no.hi tr<lfll ll n 11 ut .. n1<1lult 11.r y e.«l1n111t•· .n.ru·~t~s. hP ,a ,d IJPlon~lni.: '" A (" UPR\t~· l:'J76 1 ll c"unt,, .,..,,l<l 11a m Ag,. \nt"I ur (!<'•.,•:• Lh·d Th<' , Ar "''A~ pArk,.tJ 111 11'J!ll "f l\1•10 I!\ ~ hfl ll1" Ylnnd c:onrrnl r '11'nntlll hl'lndhnl( r11n .,f• r1 on1 1r-p!ent111 l 1111 ,..." ""d t•u!l1n .. 11 "" '"'"-~ ...... , .. 1 ~,·~i Couc~ on Fire t .. f'1 .i11c1ty 1n rnaay pl11< ,... In /1. 1 , .11 .. 1 , • 1•111.1 .... 1 1n th .. r-k 11 ..... · ··.a1 "ll"'' a l 6••·· ~t~•.u"r •l,. A\r • w,.1·,. th~ ~nl11 A na ·I ~lhl ! "hA n J Sund ll\' r,.Aultl'fl 111 ( na~ Eaat TuatJti at.orm d..ra 1n lind dam&«• to • couch. I " .1 .. rl11n~ q 1n r 11 fAten~"r N lnety-nve bu.lldll'I&" permit. with a tcl•l valuation of STt:i4.888 were l11eue<1 by the N ewport Bearh buJJd lng department duMng the flnt month of the new year. It wu a eubala nUaJ decreue from Oecemwr ·1 thumpln( t lg'- ure of S l,lll,162 ~•uae no la rsa comn1erlr lu.I permlta were n1e<1. Fur thl.11 month th"'. building pern1lt categortee Weri': 19 alngle unilll. S367.893: two 2 • family. 137.1411: one 3-family , S21 .002. RPpalr11 to 11 ... ·ell1ng1 under SlflOo, <!Ii pern:ia11, 8382. and over $1000. :.!8 permtla. $120.920: two c11bu.nlll!, S3750, one ga..rage. Sll-00. lo'our new commercial, Sl27.8IKI ; rive re1'1fllr9 to comn1erclal, $74,- 886, Ano! aeven .!llgna. 52475, Delano Window Shot Polle" recflved a report of a BB Ahul through the window of the home of Charle1 A . Delano, 608 , N11.rn-1 Ave. ,._t ly. degree• w11.& r ecorded in aon1e S ANTA. ANA. Jllfl. !()-(OCNS) mer Ml1111 California In the !DI'\~ mectlona &nd frost-co.a.ti!\! a rea -The alleged at\11.Cker of bf':suty Ml81! Un1 Yel"le, fourth p~ lu1- ro<Jf.<1 uid vegetation. l t 111 not 1 !sher tor the M LM USA UUe In Lh1 known u ye t !t lha rroat cau11ed que"n Mr!\, Donna Schurr BT'l!tt, a&me conteat, on two oe<:aak>N. a.ny damage. 19, Ura.ngi' COAat Collece 111tudent Both Umea the defendant i. al· of Gard"'n Grove wllt be arru.lgned So1ne puddlea of wster -left over from Jut week's 111tonn - were. froun over by ths lil{hl frtt.r.e. County flood control off!· cla/11 report O range County hu le1ed to h••• u.ed a knife to forc1 ~~ ~~-ur-;:~·;~ ~~1~~~· 2,,~t ~:~ the brunetta Mauty qu~n to sub- mit to him. charg"'a two nf k!dn.\plng, two OC atlllck An d Ontt u( burg-lary. not com pletely reco vered from Fac1n1t" Judl"e Kenneth Morrtaon lhe cl~va.et&tlng rain11to rm of la•t wlll be Jack J an1ea \\'alk11r. 25, week and w1tet dropped on Or-SoonllL Ana. The h uaky auto up- ange County from lh"' oncoming hoL8lPn"r h11.11 bet!n In county )•II slurrn may do mu~ dam11.gti th11.n since hi• srrut Jan. 10. ea rlier. Ths area wu 111.rgety The defende.nt repc.>atedly h!UI drought·ridden when last "''«k"• attPnipt"cl to mu11ter the: ball f~ n..in11 peltt!'d duwn anJ Wf':re a.I -of $500 but ha.,. failed. He Is held n1<1~t lmn1edl11.tely sbsnrbetl by I ln lieu ,,f s~ 0011. u1 .. parched earth.. But now. Oood .I con liol offl<:i a lll uy, the waler H•' o riKln11.lly wa.., 11.c:hedull'd to ron!ent of lhe 110ll 111 hi;:h 11.nd ~ 11.rn11gnt•d h~re nf'Jlt Tu~eda.y. any further rain "'ill be ll hnu1!t Howf'v•·r. lhr D111lrl ct Attorney C()l1lpletely run-off. "81<1 jun ... Hc tlon would he loat If La.11t .,..eek'll 111orm c aulll'd t he th•• a rt11lgnme nt WM held on the ev11.cuatlon or rnore than 100 per· date l'tel. The Dllltrict Attorney .llOns In aeveral areu . M11.ny parta !11 Bllowf'd 15 d11y1 t..etwe'n the or th11 county 11.r' 1Ull 11uff11Mng time or preliminary h<eo:1.r\ng Lnd from an over·11bundance of water. Superior Court arraignment to flle The Santa Ana River 111 111Ull run-lntotmatlon on • detendanL nlng a heavy 11lream, even lhou1h I Walker t.11 a cc\l8Cd of for cing hi• It !.# d~ up--A&ar Corona.. attenUl:loa on Mn. Brett, Ule for- Mesa Officials, Edison to Talk SouUt~ California Edi.on Co. repre1entatlvea will m.et at 7 :JO p.ni. t oday with member1 of Col~ Mc1111. city council and the city a t· !orney to dlacuM adv&nced plana ror lhe ronnatlon of a city lll'htln(" dl•trlc t. The meeting wlll be held ln Ut• Newport Hell"ht. 1rr1111.uon otnC>41 which le al.ao Uie ofrlce of C1ty Clerk A rile Swa.rt1. Slnca Swart& l• aleo aupertn tend ent ot th• WIL· ter department, the dlacuaston ma1 aleo Include formaUon ot a ctt7 wal.l!r dletrict to aerve untnhabl~ northern p&rU ot th• city. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LOCAL BOYS PR EPAR E CREW SHELL RC'novating four-oar ahell u&ed by lh(' J 11pai1ege in the 1932 Olympics are memberH of the NC'wpo rt H11.rbnr Union High School Rowing l1ub r ·ro1n lf'ft ar1' Alla n C.1!:'ndenen. Carl P.f'r~C'ron. Bl1b n-i<'nC'y. J ohn Owens and J eff !i.1acNel.lledt:e. They have beC'n working on the ilhcll for t wo m onth• WJder dJ. rf-clion or Paul Baptiate. rowing coach at Orange ( ·oast C<illt>ge. They hope to race the abell f rom the Sea &uut bnsc BOOn. -Staff Pboto , N E WP ORT HARBOR .. MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women·a Editor Island Group Leaves for Phoenix Confab .. ~ . INDOOR and OUTDOOR l...oMYlll.J for Phoenhi: Sunday lll~owi to •tt~d the mid-year 1nnlln1 or the \\'omao·1 Society o f Chrl1U.n Servlce. Boutht'm C1lltomla-A rlM>na Conference of I ____________ .,.. __ .,.. ______________ JUM Methodi1t Chun:h, were M rs LIGHTING FIXTURES NEWPORT' HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PA RT I . PAGE MONDAY, JAN\,IARY JO, 1956 HARBOR STUDENTS NAMED IN REDLANDS SOCIETIES Thtte .tude.nU from the Hubor area w~re el~ltol lll ot- t1ce in v•rlou• Grttk lcttt'r ~l.,t!t:• •l U111v.,n1l1y ~ k rd· tanoh and wtll .erYe t or the •Prine temeater. They Include K ay Rttl!O!, ~nlor r· ..... daughter of Mr. 1nd M"n. Richard Ree•r-. !001 Nor th &y Frvnt , rf'cordlng .tecrt'tary ln Alpha 'nl('la Phi, Doral\ Sue,.,., j\1nh1r claas. daughter of lhs 0 . 0 . SuNH.11, 1108 Park Av,., ru•h ~h11 1 r· ntiln fur Alpha Thet" Phi -.nd Rt~v" Bnowkr )Ulll"r cl&3& Ill.Ill ot 1'fr and Mr1. 8 A Showier, 31:!! lrY!ne Av" Jf#'rgt•nl- 1t-11rm• for Alph.11. G&nu11a Nu r1atem!ty. FOR EARLY MARCH Spring F es tival Plans Inaugurated by Ebell \\'"'lJ yo u like t o Jo-.e au ele- phant • A "''lilt,. .. 1 .. ph&n \, l h ~t ,. f'hl~ "J'IAJftlll\JI)' W\IJ bt: a /rr.n)r>! 1 £b~11 111 en1 ~rl!I ttn•I lhi!IT l{U.,~I• wh.-n th.-"rl(al<LZIOto•./I I d·!" 11.; MU/\"'" lij.>ltl!a; Fr.•! ~-1 !>t.u 1h .. I a<"l·ur•l!n g t•I M r• \Vllliam I! Gambit' "'ay1 1n•I m .. 11n1 •\Ill• n11th'f• ch111r1n a n I LI :>.("HP:{1' A Wh~t .... , .. phan! b<o<llh \\"Ill "" Jwit ohc or the n.1<ny 1,al!.i1• • r pllllln •-.1 !or lf1 ~ •l a \ Th .. r~ 1~ !·• ·1 ~,. 12' o<!><"k J11n~!:~"" 1 , Ir tnl!o.,.,e.1 b)' ra1J !·!"' "Ith tabl,. pnz,.1 i;•11nl!J: !n .,.,-111 nr 1a A t.u• ·k .•ti.II ,.,h,.rl!" boukw nrm• t!K/i llltl~ )0\1/\i; J_.,. Al,~• (<r& r l• ,~!>·•\., ""'! Jt,,., .. Z +I< IJ JI II~ \01' !1,.: l>'f'Tf·, [ I,, 11•• •! •·•>r\<',.IT 1••8111~t ~t '.n .. 'l!r • t( '' I ' \ ·' I , • • rt I• I ' r • • ~I<. IU lllll CALENDA R OF EVENTS ~ '"' ],(j T~' \S r~I !ST!-\~:-;:-; I" I '" Cllf1 brt)W~I!" Uf buy •n •PTO!! bo -utr. 11 "") ll"IJI} I! •II" &nil a ..:ookl!"<l f'>t>o ll< t a ble ""'Ill b,. .l•n 31 mann~ by tthl!' '·a nnu1 •~11/Jfl I \\" C' T L' lu•l•lU\<' 111 ~ "' CALY l~!':iO F'l 'N -Posin,i;:' v.•1 th theme figure which greeted g\lests at Balboa Bay C1ub's Calyp:>u party are ,l.1n1. fli chard Burton and ,_i rs. Randall -Geddea. -Terry Bons r•hoto lt:aaer1 1nrJ their hr!1,,1·1, Mr• 1·11n~t 1·111u•h 11.,. 11 . .-!,.,. Gambll'! Illa.led. '/'ti~ llff•lr 1, t<l i;IHL SC•Jl'"1" l••UI" have !Ls 1"tt1n~ In t he A m enr a n t1un •l1nn"r Ii ·1., "' Legion r lubhouae s, nut Jluu.-.., JTf;.\IS !'CCUClJ ~ rh, (01Jl M\'ERLY l 't,Kl!MANN Grade Teachers Meet at Mesa February Rite for HS Seniors ;\I r llr"I !>!rll. A ug u•t E 1•r1rr man11. 2 1~! t)rani.:e Av,., C001l• M ...... ~I ,. !ll'lflOUnrin, the ""K•Kf!- mCl'lt an.I rumlnii: n1arrlll1fe of !l1t'lr ,i.1u1;h tt-r, iil'V,rlv :'>111ri::ucr 1'•', to R 1rllard L Overb1· .'!On or \Ii and !>fr1 Ez,.rJtl \' Overby ~UJ PalnH•r St . Cu1la ;\l•·Ma. H•th lhe b1L•k-e lf"1l 1n,! he r fl>ollcf' Ill'" ~··u!ur~ Ill !'e"''l"'TI J[,.Jb .. r l'n1.,n l-IL(h ~<""h'l"I "''h•r" iti~ fr1r1n,.r w ill .or11pl"'i" h,.r 1u1-.n,.,.. Ti>,. "·M dir>it \\'Ill h,. hplo;l F,.b 1 l In !'i! J n J!1,•h1f1l ·' C ll lhollr f"hurcl'I ('r.,.111. !>l Pl!ll jAdventists at Catalina ]q 1•, Any meinbcr ha\1TIJ: Hem• lo /,J \\r· J:;1trol,.n ..... , 1 ,,11 rnntrlbu\<! ltl 11ny ,.r th" t>oxith" • 111 , !iihh••u.•<' nioty • un l•Hl M r1. 0 an1blr or her I . . . ~ ron1m1u,.,., Mm ,.~. 1· ,\! Oe&klria :sr t~l .I ZAH~.r1i 1:•11!11 Fuchsia Society to Hear About W ay to Prune r ('. Oox1<1. 1..'t\1.rJe. l!:alon, H ill!· P no 21 ~ '1u n11uun ""ll Craig. Thnrn u S .';m!th, \\'II· r !'A1.H l>J.Jf' 1'Ul';'.;'Lll. !2 ;~o !Lani U '!rill, H}ruu \\'~II ~. !'.'i!I· r• Ill 1-ll l'Arrt•e! &on tlolm.,.·ood, H ,<; i\101r"i"'· R1 ~:vf::\s alLinl& Ba11 d r .. 1,rsnn an.! Roy Sll bln Eii.11 1erbr•1<'f hdtn~ J.ltrle Thomr!l<ln ot Cnro nL An1ung othf'r '""'"l" Vhftlul,.<l ~T A:\llRF.\V S F .. ll••,,.,1>hlp r.or the li:~ll <'l11b I& tll" F f'b i horllrulture l flf'!'IRlil t, will 1 e C•: rnP,!IMI( .,.,·tncll .,.,,ll hOllor fl a 8 l tur'" 11 nd demon~lr•le th,. be't lprl!"1ndenl• ot I.ht: local orr1.n1u.. prunll'lf: melhQ<1~ at the me,.tlng t1nn. At thl• Uma art ....:uon ur the "l ~aa -Bay Clllea brll.Mch or tile L'.•llfornh• Nat1on11.J ;."l..Llh1a .Srw:Lety T'ul!"~ay, F f"h 7. a l 7 JO p m Ln the E'·ere1t He• m .. n,~ra "''lll havt •n 101thlb1t uf t heir w ork, ••Y• M r• L .. w11 Mat thlll~ ... ,,uon chalnnan T o beg!n at I ·l:'.:I p no pr<>(rlUll "''l!J b4il (lY"'n h' l<O out- Harbor Re5t Memori al Pa rk :\l•u'••lr.-um-lnt'"nn"al 1 •• ro .. n •• c .. m .. 1 .. ry llarti.,r .. 1 l.l•lf'r Drug Stores Rug & Carpet Cleaning in DRAPER IE 5 i!i Upholstery Cleaned In Our Plant or ln Your Home SHALITA'S P•nlan RU<J CIHnln9 Works IN Dll'K MACK.ER'S HA. 542~3420 Via Udo EYH. HA . 4328 MID-WINTER SPECIAL · Feb. l•t to Mar. 16th Regular $I 0.00 PERMANENTS •7so 11"1r j ·111Un1t lflr h1dN'I. All "ork OuaranlN"d. "T. -"Pt:CIALIZF. 1:-.· A I.I. T\'rr. BI.A 1·n · ""ORK BALBOA INN BEAUTY SALON RAl_,801\ ISS ARC'AOfo::..-PJIOSf: llARROR Rl7 Larg.,t.. Selection of Dropery Fabrics in Orange County ot Populor Prices SLIP COVERS AND UPHOLSTERY We maintoi""--our own drapery w ork room. * 4 TH AND MAIN SANTA ANA Kimberly 2-9618 OPEN J'RIDAYS 'TIL 9 P.M. P'orlrf"V Tk•et• VoUdot.d at All l'orlri"~ lot• ' I ' Toft'! R HaUfl9f" and Mrl. Ro~rl I lbtx1t11Qn of Ba.lboa llland. 'l'he mee.Jns to Which rl!'pre- ..ent1tlv~ o r 1nore than 300 I PhUrchet 'ol'f"re expected 10 atten<I I wUJ be hel•I Jan 3 1 and P'f"b l "t tt:e Cl!'ntn1J M.-l hod1at Ch,1rch ! .. r Ph~n 1io; Mra.,J-la u1er 111111 t.1,.._ Jbbo!Aon Hrl!' p rl'&Uli'nt •nJ v1ce·J71"eilldf'nl .,f lhc \\"SC'S ot lhe Balboa l s land Co 111 rn u" I l/ Melhod1~t I "hurch They ll!'rt r .. r Arlz.uoa with thl!'lr ! p1u1tor, t11.-Fte\' r>< .. uald G Sa pp who 'o\"lll v1all farnily and tr1enil• tn th•t •t~te ~Ira. Ra.pp a nd •;r .. i: \\"ho t:.i•· .... i.~aJy l!,:Olll!' l o \rlk!OI• be< &uNe nr 1tlne1a 1n th~ r11nul), .,.,.,u 11·tu1r1 wuh th .. 1r1" 111'"11"' nr the two-day meel!ni. 1~ '"('hruuan l11•l'1pl.-1h 1p Tu- 1 .. 1 ' K•·y ~l'""k"r~ \\'Ill be t.lr·• \'.•It,., 1· 1;11!fllh1 11.nd f)urli. l \',.Jl1·11 nll\~l .. na11 .. "1 to Jn111,. \t i'~ ·rh.-r .. ~ u.,,,,er lll'ulllllll. 1\1~1'"' f ,,·l.J " 1k .. r "'''' ,,1 11,i, .. 111~ "'"' I'"''' 'I,,,. "' .1t.-th~~11,,t •1' rk (HI/II· '"''l?lfl/\V And l"l 11 ·\!• .I .r Ir..,: qu. 1'•1Jt1 r I" 11 ~· 1 'II I rlo ~ ' ' I ~h ~ \ lil.t'.,1!'t~ lL .. 11. 1: ... 1· ( ,JtJ j. .A < lhJVk &~LUL/1 S ,\~'I'.\ • Residential and Commercial LAMPS • Stt thf' Lar.:est and F1net1t Di!!play of Famous Ma.ken l.Jg htln,k t'txtures i: l..amJ>8 In tht Soulhlauwl. • Harry M. Whetsel '""'In llur ''"" ,,,." l\ulldln,r 1510 Newport Blvd., Co•I• Meso Liberty 8.6781 High Qualify Printing-Ph. Har. FUil CO. DON'T MISS S ,\ \'S THIS TO SAVE ON 1616 FURS in our January Clearance Sale at these law low prices COATS· JAClt'ETS ·CAPES ~A INKS-MAR TEN-MUSKRAT SLASHED UP TO 40% TO i ' ~llNK REG . PRICE $696 . MINK CLUTCHES . . . . $895 MINK STOLES ~IUSKRAT REG . PRICE $159.50 $195.00 MUSKRAT STOLE MUSKRAT CLUTCHES SQUIRREL REG . PRICE $139.50 SQUIRREL STOLE . . . s2zs.oo SQUIRREL CLUTCHES SALE PRICE S388 8588 SALE PRICE 888 SJJ9 SALE PRICE SJ38 FOXES l\lllr•. :O.'•tur.-1 \\"hit,. i'ill•· .. r . .,..,,,....,.,,,.n tun,. "' .. $195 •• $595 R#'llq<'f!4 ,, ~ SOC'/o SOo/o NECK PIECES )l11rt..n•, "•hi,.•, Koll"•ky• ..... , , $99.50 .. $495 R,.du.-.N. up h• f:'1ti rt> /11 r-t>11 t11r'' /)rn1tioolly RrdurP<I nl (;rrof SnvinJ1 For )'ou! T•rrnt of <01.1 '1•-lO•. Dn. Up too f1.1ll y•or lo pay SANTA ANA FUR 308 NORTH BROADWAY I COMPANY KIMBERLY 2-0652 ' ' I •' \ ' ---~-.. Raub-Harbert Couple United Laguna Rite • Ill New Balboa Islanders On Honeymoon in North Flowers in la.rge buket.e and tied at pew enda with aatin ribbon. adorned the Uttle Chllrch by the Sea, Laguna Beacb, for t he Jan. 21 wedding at higb noon or Sondra Lee Ha.rbertp Cout Royal, South Laguna. and Jack Goodwin Raub. h e bride ii the daugbter of Mr. and Mn . Kenne-th Marbert, Ca&11t Royl.l. South LA· Mr1. Frank Dowell played th• iuru• and the brlde.croom i.1 the weddlnr mu.le. .80n of Mr. and Mni. JaU: 8 R..ub, A T CLUB HOt.:8& 4Cle S.n &mardlno Ave. Gue•ll -re r9C'elv-.d at UM L&- WllJTJ.: LAC!: gun& Woman'.1 CIUbhQU¥ •h.n The Rf'V. Fran k Vow!!ll offlcl-the three tiered weddlnc calilt wu Hn'ed by Mr.. Carl Callow&)', a tt<J a l lh<" double r1n1 ceremony Kathy Raub and Rafla Vt.lent&.. tn wl'llt·h Sondni. wa11 ii;lven Ln F or the w9ddJnc M ra. H arbut kl'e.plng by h~r ra tMr. She_ wore, wo re p..Je ,-ree.n tlC"Neted tdBI a ll-over while lace 1n baller1rw. v.1lh pink &<'ClllollOTiN •nd branu orchlct. whlle M.-.. ~IJb ch~e •Ult if'ngth wfth br•c•lt:t lenKf,h t!Hvt 1ht.ntung t.nd a corMge ot ptak a nd !!COOP neck\lne. H1•r 1ho1Jlder and g-reen ct.rnaUon•. )f'n gth •·e1I .,.. ... attached to a pearl For the honeymoon a t Carmel en1 broldered coroaet and ahe car -and Sa.n P'rlt.llcla:o the new M n . r itd lfl err•n&;ernenl ot white ~ub wort • lhr"M pltce eu!t ot light blue wtlh dark blue a ccM· cam elhaa a.nd 1tephanoU1. She tor!e•. 8ht a ttended LA,.un1 8-cll w1a atlendfld by her cou~ln. Dia n• High School, Or&ng• Cout Col- Harbert., who waa (OWned In ec.-u l•C• and UCLA, her huab&nd a t· •mtxo&dend .tUt and ca.rrled a tended Harbor Htg h School and bouquet o( tw. tl1a. COUt 0Dlle111. ~~~~~~~~~~~- Kannetb KM!IL WU poommnan and .,,-. .... u.benid by Kaa-, nelh-. Orvmk7 and at.evan Jl'&rley. Irvine Gift to . Girl Scouts BALTZ MORTUARIES COlll'.6.. Jd&A CB.A.PmL lfU ~Ann­a.., x-. Calif • . ~ LllNrt;p WW CBAPICL BY THI: l!ltA SOJO I:. Oout Bl'Yd. O:m:ina dal Ku, Calif. l"iaan. Sanor u Drr Cl•alll!lng Reluwenates Your W .. obe ...... ; 2 Convenient Locetion1 in Newport Bee ch * --·--......... ft. liar, II • Oh, what a tbrtD to .ee a favorite ti.-. come ti.ck -• that ,.... criop, jao.._...,·--. box look! Ov export dry eks·••c .ervldl!I "orks woaden with YCHU" war- ~ OU. OOllPl.&TS 8EaV1CE IAmliir)', DrJ ~ Jllotlrl P .................. ohaiiica 8 ................. &'9 ............ 1' ... llM •W. o..t -.-...,. --,,._ ........ ...,, a. , .. ...,., a.a ... , ----- • HEADING THE HEART n1ND drive in thi. a.rea are the above chalnnen, gathered for a pla.nnlng .euion at the home ot Mrs. William Jabm, 119 Vla Koron. Left to right a.re Mr. and Mn. Leon Rudd, Mn. Red- field Dinwiddie, Mn. Jamee Edwarda, Mn.· Keith Rim&, Mn. Helen Mc.E!downey, Mn. Moreland Leit- bold and •ittitl.g, Mn. Jahn&. --Btatt Pbot.o INTENSIVE 2-HOUR DRIVE LOCA~L Y FOR HEART FUNDS I Vast 'Anny' Will Canvass H arbor Area February 26 lhir home It ront1dftf1 Ual ._. volunt .. r 11 not required lo record•. Clt.AJRMEN l.18Tl':I) o.nw: N•wpor t H1tght1. Mr. &lld Mre. Leon R udd. Ub. 8-Jt4!, Newport Be&eh, MrL Jam"'' E<l- warde, Har. 1~11 or Mn. Keith Rima, Har. 1~iM; Balbo& p ..,nln· eui. &nd Bay laland, Mra. Mo rl.'- l&nd Lelthold, Hu. llt:Z: • n d Beacon Bay, Harbor 1-.land, Svi y- lhor• aM 1.Tvtr111 Terrace. Mr.a.. l:ui GUiit.key, Hu. ttlll. Recruitment or a sizeable "a.rmy" hu commenced tn Nf'wport Beach.,·consisting of Hea.rt Fund volunteers who w1H ring · doorbell.I throughout the Harbor area on Heut Sunday afternoon, Feb. 26. Mmee. William Jahns and Keith Cordrey, both ot Lido Ule, have been a.ppointed to aerve u A• 600 worken art requir.-d tor the H•rbor area, volWll.eel"I ar1 urgftf!Uy needed. Thoee ""ftm.h· Ina-lo enroll ln the Heut Su.nday a.nny may ~ 10 by ca.111.nr OM1 of lhe tollowtng area chaJrmen: U<So llle, Mn. Redfield Dlnwtd· d.111, H ar. !3111 ; Balboa Iala.nd, Mr•. Hel•n Mcltldowney, Ha r. 'Ji.. B M.rt Sunday effort 11 to be the clUnall. and bl(h point of th11 month·lonr Heart P\lnd drtv11 which I• to a:•t under WA)' Feb. 1. feneral co-<:ba.lrmen or lh• oom- munlty·wld• oollacU.on. Laurene• Le.BaroA and Mra.. RaJph Tando.,.,- California Hobby Show Hobbyt.U a.nd collac\Of'• are tn- vtted to enter the IC!P,lh Annual c...ltfornL• Hobby Btl(l'lllt, which will be held a t Sh rine bpo11ltlon Hall In Loll AnplP. March 115- ~. It wu announced by J'red J. Tabery, m.ana~na d~l«' Uy. 11151 Heart rund co-ctwr- men ot Newport Harbor. iannow"I· eed today. 0 1'1"1:& 8UVJCE8 Wtut. It t.. U:PflCt.ed th.at mo.l llW'Qrker1 wtll bl recn.1lt9<! vta tel~ phone. M r 1. Tuldcr<nky M id ahe QUANTICO. VA. t nrrNC) To See Mardi Gras Mn. Harry 4 Nell) Wtllluneon and Mn. John !Emma HughM) i. hopeful th.at mu y ctvte -m ind-Sam A.. Bu.h, .IOn of Mr . and M.". Holt a.r• due to depart for New ed ruidenll will take tb11 lnl!Ja-H . Bl'own au.b ot 2~ Wal.nut Pl .. Orlea.n• Feb. 8 Their tou r will u~ by ~lllnf lhelr .,._ cl\&I,... ma.n to ofter two hour• of e&11-Co•~ M-. and hu.ba.nd of lhe tak• them to Salt L&ke CI t y, vu.ms. former M!M Mary C. Goodknight Memphl• and olher princ1pLI cl- "Wllh d1Maee.a ot !hf: bMrt u d' of Vallejo, i. atlendlnr the 0!11-Ue• ftflrout.. to. the Mt.rd! Gru . ctrcutaUon. rapana!ble f or more cer Candidate et ... at the Mar1n11 They ~peel to be etirout.11 bom• than ha.Ir ot aJI deal.M. and with Co~ Schoola. QuanUco, Va. to Newport Beuh by P'eb. 19 about one of 11a.eh 1e Am..-ic&ru1 Upon ·completion of the ten-· 11uttertnr from .10me form of week courae. th• student. w\IL re- heart dlileua, Qllr ca4IM •bould c<llve comml•lone &1 IHcond _________ ..... . • ' LATEST HAIR STYLI._ _FQ"-~E ~ PEltMANfNTS "---''-·-'·"-· Jf'--f'-'-0 IM~·11•111~ •.• lllDP :--MIW),,+ I , -' SALE o/ tJ.,, orig.in a/ 'fie Have Sileal 3 to 11 AAAAA to B orndise . SNOOKIE oft~n. imitated ••• n.e ver duplicaied This Week Only Reg. $I 2.95 Black Suede -Blue Suede Brown Suede -Gray Suede Rod Calf • AU siu. in t.be Group • MIO Via Udo, Now-- ' '·· 'lb'-,.ar Ula tbaw Will be .rreatiffthu l'ftf', !%'l1:1•u·y dec:ltr- lld, ~I k .000 aquare r..,el on ULr•e tloora ,,..1u. dramauc hobby dWplay1. h.&ve unfveraa.l lnterut and •P-Lhn1tt:na.nll In th• M•rtn• Corpa. peal". ah. Mid. The door·to-door coU1ctlon or1 ~ ~t. the f're.eTlt I• a.U If you're saving for their college education ••• r eb. 36 wUI be trorl-. ~-1 p. m. thou hUl • U aUIU&l. hobble• 1-nd c:oUectlont upeelally are ~ht t or dlaplay, Tabery l&ld, lnclud!nr thOH ot an anima ted or action nature. A 11 "nlrtM will be •elected on the w ith each HM.rt F'llnd TOlunteer F or thy eure ~lng : b<l!lnf .. 1,nad l~ to 2~ hom .. In Like the patrla.rch'a anr el hold tt him or her own nlllrhborhood. No tut sp.c:Lfltd amount of monay 1-uk-TIU It 11 .. • It. blua.nc. ed for and UM .mount (l•en at John G. Whittier. ba.i. of mer! l. Elite Beauty Shop ~hlbl t 1pace I• free to non- commercla.I ho bbyl•UI. Entr•ntl may repter by writing to the c..Jltornla Hobby Show. J t43 s . Hill St .. Loi Ang..,lee 7, or by phOJ1lns Richmond 9-1091. Thl• eatabllahmant I• t.-uly. unu.cual up.ct& A 009 ot. .naptng a.nd colorinr 11.nd perman- Baauty ent wavu and' t aclaltl. Salon wban: u:t.ra ear• and ape- d al attenUon are th• •lalldard. Th11 moet u p-to-dat. and aqulpm-.t are u.ed mo"'°"' .... "" PARKES-RIDLEY MORTUARY, The own11r, Mr. P&ul. and h I • tumlahlng"e and dllCOr u. dNl(n• MARIO'S HAIR SMART FASHIONS SET Permanent Wave Special Rerul•r 117.00 Wavee SPECIAL $12.50 Complete No Ex-rRA CJU.RO• MARIO & BEVERLEY 8TYUllr 3407 E. Cout Hwy, Corona del Mar I We Wi.h to Announce Startinq in February Our Now Shopping Hours ...... Tu11day thru Seturday 9 to 5:30 p.m. . Open Mondays 'Jil 9 p.m. Harbor !51()4. ---------· Where you save does make a d~ Tbe di5s:ua., you·n ftnd, ii well~ kick· in& into. BecaUIC )'OU IC( t})CIC important -.dvutqsl when you put your savinp io in- sund S.vinp and Loan A.-odat.ion1, •• E.xc-.IW.. rt twn.t from your money ii one .. _._. ModlrQ,. ~ r~ _,.. • -· And, ol coma. J'OW' mom, 8 _,. bsc-. fn imured S.viql and Lma ,. ........ J'(IUr" uvinp ans pr:OllC*id bf' mid ..,........1 and 90bltaati&I ,....,,._ n.,. -imund up CO SI0.000 ~ the ~ ...-:y fl lhe u. s. Gow!wut. No....,-~ -_,...,_of titer....,.,~.,.,...., ........... •-"'bi9. I ....... _,,.. ........ ,_,_.,,..,.._,..,.... il _.,...ta.....i llw ,__.. .. ............... ~~ ...... ,. ........ °' -..... -a ..,.. .._ • --,, a dW'9\ .. ~ ........... ...... ....,. . ........ ef'n. .......... .._ ....... ,. ...... _ ...... .. .............. ~.-.... ............ _., .. ,.._ .... ._...._._,..WI ........... ... .............. ---::.,~-:i~t ........ .._ .... ----·::11i .......... ·- (tEIPOIT -BALBOA SAVINGS ••d LOAN ASSOCIATION 1' •... r.-. .... , """"""'' 33"6 Vi• Lido . NEWPORT BEACH H•rbor 4200 CALIFORNIA ............. • • Home .atKJ Garden .. f • • ~ JUVENILE ·OOJNQUENCY Cl.ASS FOR~i!A,....-."V(""--,ENFO='=-'· R=-=CERs FEB. 1-, ,.,,_... WElfl?~ ..f COD~ wW. bl a ca... .nw.l ~ ...._ 1 llt.r Oturii eo.R Oclil)qe prt,marllY \0 .... t tn. Mildll -la.Jr ...rr •t pel'IG1Nl. n. CS.. wSl JJrie beN, 1A two MCUoM. wttb t.ba -. rnatan&& _,.... la _f&Ch ..ctkJn ta oNer t.hat otrtcft wtth ch&nsa ot ctuQ ,wtti be ab&. to coatbuta wtt.bout lo. ot ti.llM. The. nntt ..etton 11rlll meat w~,. from 1:a.a p. in •• U.. MeOnd alao ~ w.-..-1. ft'Om. ... p. m. ·---• :>-· • • ,. ~t 'll .. Campbab ot tbe Otus-• County SIMhtt'a ONQ wtD be the lmitlw:tor. ~b.mpb.n bu a bro.4 Mck-· t round ln t.blli WOC"k, .0. S. a ~ oL the cia-ID U • Ul!Ql.\eflF)' coritnW Hid ~ th. UM.~ al floW;t_.. ea.utw-"\ Satisfaction . . -..... ~ Rflstatn.Llcin WW t.alle place a. el&-. 0... WW l1:9 held In room 7 ot the &deece ~ cm tbe-ooc cunpuia. POUR IT • THE EASY e NIW GRAPES IN DDUT WAY AND SAYE e . . HC!IW -TO LINE DRAWERS M"oth·pl'OC!f drtMer drewer1 by llnlng them wlth urornat1r 1ed oeOa.1' do.et linln1. The fragrant c-....U.r aroma k~pa n1oth• away from w oolan• and otn.r it;;rn.11 stun;d In the dr11wrra Re-Mllly avat•ble tonrued and groo v~d p1~c~a or cedar niake l.be Job an euy one. 3 Varieties Available to Gardeners Wishing Vines OFFICIALS TALK BUILDING TRADES fo"or many Cl'ntur!e1 man have I Perh•i:-yf'lu •re p.M-t1cul.arly tn drl1ghtt!<I in grow1nr th~ 11 rape-teruted 1n grapr.1 tor w111e. Gr.-n- ror thi.., tru1t •·an be prt>pared in 11.chl'!, Muacal ~1La11!on . l'alunilntl. "111.ny dalh-101111 w1yA 1n v.·1nea. J z.in!andel. Blark MaJvolff. All · Jrllle11, Jl'"~"rv~•. J"''"~.a 11HI tre•h i <"lln te Bouach"'· r a rrl1rn11-n" 1111d el:ltlng F""11'r Sz.ali(oa "''" 11ood wine Off icia.la from the California lnatitute for Alen viailed Ora.ng~ Coa.et College re· L'CntJy in order to pbtain information to be u.sed in setting up a. vocalioral pro(T1Ull. Alter examining training programB throughout the State, officials from C. I. M. are pa t terning ,their course after the building cunst.ruction pN>gram devl!loped at Orange Coast. (I t o r> arc : L. G. Win os, Supervisor, Voc&tional Instruction : E . E. Bauen:neister , Supen<isor of Education: J. 1· Scalon_, Business Manager; E. J . Ober hauster, As.sislant Superintendent, all uf C. I. M.: and J ohn S. o ..-.·cns, Coordi- nator of Vocal.Iona! 1'::ducat1on, OCC. Ila\'!! us aimptUy your e(JfW:ft'I~ \.\ork \\lth • loa.d of P"""l•IOn-rnl~...t OMlflCI t . . . p f'epot.f't..J t.o your ont,.r at • ..,.,.lnit. liberty 8 -2283 "fhr. n..-w• o! thrt>e nPw varie· fruit li<!• In irrapea lhould pleaae. -11 '"F'"rom U'le vi ne comu the Art1'chok Rh ba b As a 11rdt"ner1 wl1w hav., ~ .. n r11.111ng g-rap.-' s..11 the ~pu l11r 11>Jng s•v~ e, U r ' p ra gus tht' fn.111 or "''ho plan to begin !la but from 111.-\'!n~ al11o t orneti 1 · ~~~~::~, ~-n.:.r::ed::u •• r:~~~ ~i~7"~ciu':llrl:ra:.11d Vl~=:n :i:: Plants Need Spot in Garden now Alaci n-11 Ruby Cabernet al'lady rtBllng Nfl'UI I•••, the Ca h-1 and Black H .... ae. be.kulituJ namaa torn1a A.Noc111.liun cit Nurserymen Ther" 1 probably not a. CaJl!fl r· 1 the 1011 before yuu ...,t In u1r. a 1- de9o<:Mb1n11: t&Jily trult. rl'COmm .. 11dl!I The. "m llmenta! ni11n i;.J 1v~ "''/1<.> "11.leMJ t .. n;uy "•t· I lL.:hok., 1u<'k er~ \• • p 11r11 ic u "' Grap .. va 11e11 .. a l&IJ Into aever· ..,..pe vine can be u~1 l() 110tt .. n l u,, "'t leut one vC Lht"ie lhiee c ro..,·11, an,1 r hubllrb 1ruv.·n 11Lv1 -I a.I caterortes, one la ..-e<ilm• and buUding Unu •nd o ver car port.a, Je.lttt11ble plt.nt.11, 1h.. artichuk.. •1un1 Artl\'hok~s ah-1ur 0 1 t..! ~"t 6 Included tn It a.re ThompMil'I S...cl· uUlJ1£rjan tancea anti b•l't'en per· rhubarb and a .. parag:u~ -, 111} lncbe1 de"p 1.,,.., ,. b o v., the 1.... Black Monukka, and, of rota. H adda raal be•uty -plu. when yoo planl them 1n your l{llr· kround, 4 fM\ apart and the courae. th• new Be.uty, Thllff delighlt\JI u!lni . o:te11 you·re awe cit appreciation rto w• ahould be 5 feet ap&rt; rhu· Cl"P'C• are ucellent tar tabl" You can obtain )'(IUr choice or for onl' !! not all thrtt crop&. barb, 3 fHl a part. 11t 1:round lev· UH ... are Bl.a.c:.k M•lvo111e. Em· .(T•pq from your nllreryman in The &rt!choke. rtlubarti and all· el, rows • f~•·t 11µart , uparall'Ua peror ltlld Mu-cat. Flame Tokay, bare root or boo.Ued rorm. In IMmle crowna ahould be !k'l IS inche• MaJ•p, ftfl<t Malap ~d Rlbler cue• you rnay gel !n balled or par•ft"ld are perermlal pla.nt. a!J1o ma.ke «ood eaunc r>--raJlon container form .• three which mea.na you can depend on apart In • prepared !r<'ln->i. A.nd Thl!re •re grape11 frorn all over year old i"f•pe vine which h~ •l· one pl11.ntlnr for m1tny yea.rs. And the world but the t ollowinr ue ru.dy begun beu1n1r Jt 11 due up the lime for planUn( i• now 1n A mancan varlt"Ue.11 . Calltornia from lh• r ruund wuh • larp baJJ thia mld-wtnler .ea.1on Enrich Conco rd. Chrtatm•.~. Delsware ~ or e.•rth around lt an1\ It pl1tnted allpakln type"' now a l'lould bear rrult thia year. A. llDU.OLE -Mrs. 1'red Bandel, Fullerton, mother ot Raymond F . Bandel, Newport Beach descM be. onal&ught or lugga&e, cushions, broken gla.as when Santa Fe die.el overt.urned Jan. 22. She credi"8 apedal church bleulng and prayer for her escape, wu uninjured except foe lll&lllled ..foot and ankle. -OCNS Photo THE IDRIES Bandel's MESA CONCERN PROTESTS NEW PLAZA DEVELOPMENT A Cn11t1t Mr•a appliance concem ha1 prol••lll ~<.l to the ptann1nii com· mLa111 on that ron~ln>tllr>n of the n,.,.t 11n1t uf th" C•iata Meaa l'litDJ. developm .. nl .,.·nuld block all •C- ('rlls In the Mr\•h•e department of their i.tvre E. 8 Davia or the Oavt&-Bf"'O'\O.·n Co . I~ Harbor Blvd., told thr ('Qnln\l"-"*"ner~ Jan :ll \hill a bulldln r pt>tmlt had ali-er;i.dy been la.wed tor thr new PILl.l bulld!nc but he waa mtkinr a lut-momt'nl effort to aee Ir the permit coul.:I be revoked bec&UIHI tt m~e no pro<r\aion for an alliry. Walter Weimer. chairm&n or the cortimlMlon, a&jd he doubted anythln1 could be done at thla El data aince I.ha J19nnlt wu al- dy iu ued and COlllltrucUon dy to be(in. A 81t8 8 £8810N Commiu!oner E. 1.-Pat ten.on be(IJ'I Jn •ddlUoo. he .. Id. would lllOl.ate tewaie and ei!•pool, create llll ac-cumulallon of water ln th' rainy .ea.on azid would c .... ate a tr•fflC" probll'm IM!r•·•ce dq>a.rtment Comrn1sa1oner Georra ~11.!d h(! believed '"1t wu a d1 •pute " D11.v1a' po!t lt1on po!nta out th' l'hu:.a ccin1tnicUon would corn· pl .. tely enclrcl" Uie Davl•-Hrown prtiperty on two 11lde11-th" north 11nd we11L '"Should tho11 propoaed bu!ldlnr be canstructffi, then tbe only open public acce.1111 to U'le D•Yl•-Brown prope.rt.y win be Oiroupi a doo ..... way on the .._ •Ide rroounl' o n Harbor Blvd. llmlt.-id to wtllk lnir !rattle. The re would be ao public acceu to the ..:)I.Ith aide of the property," Davi• atated. A n1eetlng W&ll to llavt hem held at 1 p. m. toda.y ti.tween l'1'!JI"' ,...ent.a.t1va,a cir both part.lea In \.he di.put,, PlANNDl-N-membl!r Of the eo.t.a Meu. planning com._ mlaalon, •ppolnted by the city council recently. 11 Harry Aldrich, one ot tha foun<1en1 of the Fairview County Water- DUlt.rlct 6nd 11. fomi'-r mrm· ber ot Ule COllLI. J.1 eu. Union Sclu:lol. Dl.atrlct boerd. Aldrich w11.1 for over 20 yeAr<!ll a member of the CaJ1fomJ11 Hl("hway Pat.rot. SL!lff Pbotci How to Select C11e Clan Very Important Mother Escapes Death in LA. Train Wreck propoAed that How-&rd L.aww"' de- velt.;ter or C<Mit& Men. Piasa, a11d the Davi.I-Brown orr1c1...i.. alt down and thruh out the problem or al· lecedly "bad planntnr:' D•vt• m&lnta.lned lhat It would be tm poulble for the fire depa.rt· m~t lo protect hl• pro~rty If the Harbor Paint Center Inc. Mn. Fred Bandel. of 133 South· Plaa (l()flSln..i~Uon WM allowed lo 1•te. Fullerton, mother ot RaY· l ---------------mond F. B&nde.J. 3111 Jaamine Ave., wu one of the luckler pu:Mngen lhe.,..ucent Sana li:a l!:a!n wreck,. Ml"ll. Uan".lel t.\llrltfH'd with minor lnjurl• t...i one leg, l.hl! tull extent of which •he .. ..iu not know unUI GARDENER'S CHECK LIST -ii.ckbeiTiU.-c-urr.nu. -,~. ber;r1e• u d r .. ~rrl•• fall ln th• c&ne berry cla.u. How to 11e- lect them Mid then care for them require• cornet tnfonna Uon &lid know-how -ot.rlel""fVI• t h e• e x-ray p1ctore11 rr,.11uJt" ve.led. At pre~ent sh'- home In fo'ullerton. ... Now that •prlq la •ppro,.c.h· lnir the Um• ha.s a r.lved lei brirhten and protect your home with a new coat or ):a.Int. \-Vlnt.ar wlndll •nd heat f•de and damaire the txterlor of your home and the Interior _Is 11Ut1Jeclea to a.rU- fi~i•I heat ILlld smoke fron1 stciw• -------------:---·l and hl!11.ler s. New pa.Jnt v.·t ll pro- I . l:)prout tubernu11 hegon1u ln.'lfde nov.·. Thi! 11prouted 1ubf,r11 m11-y l>I' movfld lntn t ht! g•rdl'n •ftl!r •ll frn!ll " varlou, dellctou. ea ting berrle• rtety of goo&eberr1 .. ., for Lhe I~ over. won't produca their maximum In your garden. 1 • • We11t Crnu1t 1.\11 t>w thornle1"11 Ore- gOn Champion The California A a- "'r.l<:'lat1on of NHT.'1<'1.Yll1en rtcon1· n1end• thll! Red Lak~ and P erfec- tion varlelie" of c urn•nll! !or &•r· dener11 tri lh!1 1tiate The &ysenberry L8 lhl' mo.I adaptable aa to climate anal Miii 2. Cunlrul pen. h ltaf curl by ~prayln11 nnw with !I .•~Ill · 11 t1le rlu1"n<11.11t 111pr11.y_ 3. Do nut Jell1y planting bare root Ro 1" 111 and ~~r~11t lte<'/11 of 4. Take cir all bramble fruit.I. Blackberry "bare root aeuon and v1u·ietiM are led Jn thl• •tale by aave! Thia LI the m1111t K · tect U'leae aurtacea •nd a n e w color achem.-wtll improve t h I' look, of your home a nd make lt aeen1 ne1v lllfllln. Harbor P alnl Center at 412 32nd Newport. Ph. H11rbor 2838 can supply your need11 with 11. huge 11tock or In terior pit I n U. 1ta!n... varn111he• and enamei.. They arr now featuring 11. com· plete line of O'Brien, Glidden, Hl· Olo, and Colorl.zer paints and ma - rine p&lnta. In addiUon they tea · ture a l&rg"ll 11.t!lectlon of waJl- p&per• from 111'hlch you may -· Jf you ar.i on11 of the ml\J\y who enjoy · "do it yoursel! p r o- jllCt.a iro .ln. to .re them 11oon and let tho!lf'n help you with ldte.'! o r If YOtJ. p~!er Joe \'laJk'r or Joe Starr will recomml!nd 11-relia.b!e painter or paperhanger t o you. Many pror .. 111on•I palutfll'• and lnterlcir decor.tor• deal w ith this flnn beca11H1 their merchlLlldlae 1~ top qu&llty. Prlcu are right and t heir l!eM'lee iA pron1pt 'llnd court«1u•. The.,,.. are the rtll.!IOn" we wish to r ceomrnenit them to you In our bullinc•a reVl''~'- -Adv Very lmpcirtant lo the 11ucceM cit berry lf'OWln( la flr•t •elect- lnr tha propv va.rleUea for yciur locale. In (niwlnr blackbrr rleio1. for ln.t.ance, your ~ a o I I mu•t not bl ._.t_.._l,rated or •Une. Ttl• apot wtlfl'9 ..70" plant blactltt.rrl• akWuld" have full 11un rnna March lo November. Ara1n In the CIUl'I f1f c:urn.nt. 1111d roo--- beniu the climate lai the decld· lnl' factor cool and numhl .-women. The mllllt dellratti ber- ry fruit t. Ule rupb4rfy. l t muat han • elow, w1nn. llnretlng Sprlns. the Rlmulaya aad T exaii varte· cinomlc-.l time lo purcl\&M tie. ar. ea.c&de., Olallle a.fld planta • u c h •• Ro.es . luH-'-- Thcim&eaa. li'ru!l Tree•, FlCJWerlng UW"I'" Once your ane berrlea are Ml Shn..itt. and i'T9ell, Bert1e.11 F\toNZ HA.aBO& llOI ROBERT FORBES Int<> your 1arden they requlr. Ill· •nd Gra pe Vlne1. I f,;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;ii::iiii::iiii:iiiiiiiii~ ";;:;;;;;;ii:::;;;;;;;;;;:iii;;;;~j I tie attention oUter than correct I r;;;;"°;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"'.';;;;;;;;"j Ii " p~ntnr.,,. propo• tnlnlor. In· JOHNSTON E '.8 JAMii D RAY •«la and d~ muat be • watched for and deflctroyed. 't;ciur M.5C1 Auto Wreckers nur.11eryn1an can g-lve you <1.Xper t GMMI Aalo Part. General Contractor & Builder aal v1« on •ll the11e m11 lter1t Aak 1 a!MI A~rl.M One. rou have determlnt'd the hlnl Whl':n )'OU obtain your berry 2075 Placentia A\•e. He c-t Blvd. r11o:"ro'E HARBOR 176! proper bvry vartetl~• tor your I l~P~"~"~"~;tro~m~~h~<m~.~~~:-:~~11 1 1~1~.l~bo::;;•~•r;,;•;-~";'~'~:::~Coo~ .. ~~M~-~,,J I ~~OO~&O~~N~A~~D~·~L~~>f~A~R=~~===:~~~=:~~~~~~ <"limate ar-you can then aelect -----___ _ v•rl•Uei &C«lrdlll• to your Lute. BE SURE • INSURE -- The ~ l"Ppberry r1avor 1a 6 ~ DO YOU NEED found In lbe CUlhbert and au nth-'lrith er napberry varlf'tle11 .... ("(Im_. MAlfRICI-: ~TA NLF.\" MORE INCOME? pa.Nd to IL Vary 111d11plable 1nol l1111uraoOI!! Only hardy the N-bur"h Is a g{)()() rh<mto Harbor 1f 'I .. lecUcin : Canby la t/lornle!UO an1I !1315 ~ ~·-·•,,-Co..._. Itel ..... ranlu In flavor witb U.. CUthl>ert. J ~==;:=========:::~ Tb• ~ Rupb4'rry 11 W£ CF'f'£R &El.ltCTl:D laT MCRTDAOll LOAN• WITM 81:RVICll MAX W. POPE Inc. Cl t:SERAL' COl\"TRACTOR8 "We Arrange Ftnanchig" Ready Mi'xetf Concrele WELCH'S READY MIXED CONCRETE Extra COMPlffi INSTALLATION By One Reliable Company V"I\ IP'/' 1t11nt t h..... U11e' f1h1.nlio nr•·ol " ,.,.._,I grrov.·1ni.: ~··H~"ll I BAY nr._, ... ,. MLX •. ,c. 111llo••08 !h~ 1"1tlo!•H l "li A !>">< I« 711 W. 17th St. !1••n .,f ~ur~ery rnen Inf• •<"~tint!} "nouf1:1'1 11rt1r hok··~ f 'O~T-\ ,'\ft~A S.ALE! SMITH-CORONA Clipper Save $14.00-Rog. $92.50 GUARANTEED FOR 1 YEAR H•r•'1 yovr onca in a llfetlm• opporiunity to buy o wonderful Smlth-Corono portoble o l ci r•duced plice . >.nd remember, at Tie rnon's , you g•I ci full year' ul'l- ccind ltloncil g uoronle• w ith every lypewriler. fvary new mochin• i1 complet•ly insp•cted by our •xparl s•rvic• d •portmant to ln1ur• ogoinst faciciry de-fecl1 :ind to m M t our 1tr!ct 1pacificotlon1. Terms To Suit Your Budget Tie · NEED Space? Add a ~OO#e -.. Kimberly 3-8231 .. ~ONO A.YAJLAAU TfflOUOH lon"e ....... "-" • NO DOWN ,AYMINT ~I 'la .. ft.9:,r ~ °!n th!,1~~!; MESA UPHOLSTERING ..,,, ....... a ,., •• o .... L • ..,,,.,,, ••• ., ... ritue T o rr .. a •OUOHT •HO aCJ lO Sen ·lnt All On1n1• C~unty 1021 IAST FOUITH mar SMITA ...... P' 1 r• U:C'-llet1t ~wlntt ql.lllil · ltt.a wh6ch m•y •vt!n f•vor It to th• CUlhMrt.. P'or SouUl•m ·call· forniane. th• Bonanu .!1ho111,1 bl!' con.-lde~ th• bHl 1·up1>erry va• riat;J' .. ST'O""· Tb• prden-9-d n · -. ,, t 'pttoi.teri ... • Dn.pl'r--y 1S34t Nwpt. IU'\'4,. ea.ta M-a Ubttty 8-4181 WM . B. Hill 9 •'"1:S ••M ltOtN fUSI-< Sltlll • SANl ••NA.(Alll. r11111tltlT )-111 1 AESmP:!'l'TIAL • OOMMT.RC T.4.1. • Dl:\"ELOP'MT.'.'lol f0'7 Bolla Ave. Newport Beocb Jmt •ll ;spt. Bl\"'-· •I l3UI l..a.rtr a..228! • • • • ' I .. ' --t..--. DRIBBLING SPEJ:D-Denny F'it..ipatrick ot the Or- ange Cout College Pirates demonstrales it again11t Sanla. Ana'g Dons, recent But \'tctim . In order to keel' pace with Fitz, Eastern Con l eri:n~ defense really hh t o d1g.-Staff Phot!J Pels. Bruins Remain Atop Sixth Grade Casaba League rhe f'ellil'-.!U .IUHJ !:lr l•lll.• I•'-\\1i<h lll~ rl11"'"11 up !hr :"'annys '""'""ti wide!catetl 1n ll it r b " r :17 -~~ i't••· ~· unni< rtln<l<•"'n ' B<J )'a' C h.lb 11J1.lil xr•1.h: 111tr11nHJJ -Pelll<'l:U13: flel tll \\I l:Job Nor- .. 1 ba1k•tball llJll l("Ue Tu.,..._l•.V t~• l~ Tun1 Gtll111H11 J1) , fJ.,nnl• p 1 . p JOO I CarJ)t'nter 10, ~nn!a ,\l<:~l 1Uan r~,.·k ett l 11 C'1iu.·an1 h Wl 10 llo L'lhol!I. Hiatt IS. o r, I I" l'll•t Ed Hlalt'e H"lllhor~ ::i2-a2 Srn!!h 10. H!ch l'\_e~I JU, Al Go- whl!• Tom 8 ryan'14 Bru11a re11.lty ~z 4 11n1J tu batU11 tor a :1&·2~ mu,.1n Bruin•: Bry11 . .n 13, Dave R.ouo ..,,,., Jon .C1.1rt1~· Coui;111.i..• 8, Stev" Hllrper ~!. B"b Pettit .2. In uth,.r •an1<•~ the \Vov.lr/ch I Couxara ~nnia J•errin to. Jim i; . Vern11 lyll i . Ton•· ~llum :I. \\n.r1•··J1t<!11 l1Jp~l,.,J thf' M.-t.11.rt)' fkwk \\'arrum 2 t"\irU.1 l T111 ' ~:,.18 a n,1 Gary Sthun ... · Why She Quit \Vh1rlw1nd.e. T oni \Voodrich 18, t.1 !kf' Patflck J. Tf'r ry McY.'elty I Tara: Mike !tlcCarty fl. Rodxer \V &L!Mln 11. Royr e JA , kaon 4. Roy llennf'tl :I (!K.AN'CE: 10CN"S1 "1'h,./ \V1 hlcats: S<hr1ne11 1. Brlaa I•• t that Orange will not b<I! the 1 l...ew1• l!'l, Jed Houaton 8, ~ 11.,,.L •·Uy tor \hf' J9:'J6 Amat,.,,r I l'al&t•rM 10. Nannya: Jim Cur- b ft JI A 1 v.· l !S i t!sll.LynCavinlO. Haro ld o llll al!Ol'la ion or• f'rn•a 1 Caldwrll 4. "'"" the decld!n1 ta •. tor In my de- ' 1.-ion to quit aoftball," Ruth :-Oi:11r~ a member ot U1e original • •nor•;.:e Uon .. tte squad and crack· '• J•tt·k fl1"9t bu~an at the 19:1!'1 "'"' l•t champ11. aald 111.111 we<ik. Gob of Giants H11rOOr Boy11' Club t tghlh 1rade 8tand1n1a: · Bn.una and Pelll- cans 3-0: Whir1wlnd~ and Wf)d· cal.a 2-1: Tar. and Nanny, 1-1; Hotllhota and Cougar11 O~; Neat Week: CoUfl"ara VII. Wildcal.'I, Bnl· ln1 va. Whlrlwln<I•, Nflntlyll vi. Hot•ha~. Tar11 va. Pfl!lcana. Son llerdoo Leads h•tre.n1u1 al ba11ketbAll le•gu•• Eutem Conterence atandlngs t:1ant~, capl•lned by David Peore•. find San Bernardino ,,.Ith • 0-0 run~1 ,1~ of Teddy Haddock. John undtfeatfli record. folJowe-d by Ful- l:ilnkie. 011.ry Evans. Glenn Miller. lerton 0-t . Orange Cout €olle1e D"v" McFa.rluid. Ed Leon a n d 3·2. RJveralde &11d Ml. San AntonJ.o \\ 11.yne Mayftatll. l-3, Santa A na l·4. Cha.ffty 0-0. -----• POGO HOB -Bob Chapman hu .cored h-vny thll .ea- aon on ju1np •hota like thlii tor C&&dl Stu Inman'• MeM con- tlng~t In f:&111 em ConterenC'•' competition A. rt"gulu Pirate Al.arter. Ch..ap1nan hope• ta do aome h.11av~ popping for the Pirate. al Ml. 8llJl Antonio court. t oniorrow night. ~Sta!! Pho<o ~~~~~~ BIDWELL'S LIDO 'SHOP ----.... _ c . ' LAST DAY .OF ONLY SALE OF - • THE YEAR • • MOST REMAINING ITEMS AT HALF PRICE! BIDWELL'-5 Sele et l ido Store Only 3421 Via Lido -One of the Udo Sltops • • • Comt.nc ckmf: but. not c~ ~ 'wilb a 1pa.rlLlln&' fourth qu.....,,. rally, Coaeh Bill. .. tn•'•\.Newport. 'llia.(bor HICh School Sea.fleas -reo buJUped Out fl1 a deadlock for, ftl'llt place Ill. Bunaet Ll!'l'U• pla.y bj lba A.n&halm fiyweil'bl.ll tier. Frjday, 33·31.· • , ·. ' I • Trallln1 n.i 1 et erid of I.be lhtfil Mana. the Str&Wl'Qtl:I\ pee~ by Mike Haye•, hald tne\maz Gva to • J*!r ot t._ld ro.i. '"1 ot the wt.y while 9CoMr l.O potn~. Haytta u.a wtui Rlch !llptno:.a or Anaheim tor MP.."°""" llf)Ot with 10. 8.a- flea acorlng: .,. ' John FonLlua 4. J im Jew& J; Cbarll• Taylor· I . Daryl Jtocani :. Haye.1 10, Gary ric•enii 4. "-lt'tlm,, ecore ravored Anaheim lt-10. FREE-WHEELING FOE Foul Shot. Sutcess Sinks Tarbabes 'for 5242 Loss •• A free-wheel.log Anaheun lightwtight squad 1muhe<t the po~ of Coach Jim Miller's Newport Harbor High Scb~l Tarba.~ ht:re i-'ridlly afternoon and &e&mpered atop the Sunt1et League B cage standings with ite fifth atra.igbt vic- tory. ~~""-2 Ji'ur )l!Jler"a 1nen It hanon of the tray wlt.h a total of Wll..rt f>rtl )OOp hAI a.nd left lhe1n 20 polnta. Btatdea ht.a Job Of irtft with a t -1 rttord ln ao:c.ond pla l. .. suc:c:eaaea. the •ta.ndout r iv a l AAn Oe1uu11 wa,., a buy Lhll' lo· NU>k lhrec. Or1t halt bMkl!\I cal le.ds 11rnply could not cope Team.mete Dlli.I• RaUlfl.ff potted With, lhOU(h J ohn Henrulln ur tis. iroall and three tltta tor rol · lhe Tarbabe" lrlf'J h1a be.It to low up poall lon W1tl'I 10. ToppVtr the k>c•1-wu Henro- h•d&dl•. He11rau111 c ot re<J hot tJ.n with alJr. 1o.Ja. for IJ markers. In the ~ond Dalt, l\tt:Uni:; for Theo game appeared aJL ow.r in llveo field KMlll. bul ~Jeaua 111.w thoi nr11t quartu when I.he Oolon· tlL. to •lnll hlll ,tl:Uft nu.Inly rrom the free ufl"OW' tfne." I llJt buketeoera romped Ultad 8-t>j What UJ.at Colonhit court ra i>er · in the f11"9l five minute# or play.I er dW. W'llh thole fUul a.hull ----' 1houldn't happen to a local l "11ab• quintet! He dunked 11 11t1111tchl through the eordm. Hf'Sl t h" :.lew - porter~ could do waa tunnect a n 8 of U wh\Jtle·toott-r award• dur. In;:-the t nUre contt t l. Deojeai.. captured h•l(h point SOVTB COAST CO. ~:&rd • s-·port Blv d. ' s s s s GOING FORMAL?. . ' - · '. ~ent' • Tux ' • .... • from •' • , .. • -. :-Mafo.r'i 'T . "'St -. ~ top • • .,.,.... llllnbetV ,..,,.. • 1•\i E. &tit 8t., a-. Aaa <>p..- -~A~ .:su11c1 Your Own Boat We Haw SIYIN Dlffetettt l'lom FREE For The AddncJ . • ,. 011 A lllW-'I•' J'OHNION • SIA•HOISll y ..... '; ...... won.Ii ~/ Let'"• .. ~Uat;,M• J,,,wu ··~·, -ntsxLlf'-•l••Je. Seo ... s ...... c .... c..· N-rt 111..a. lit -k --.Joh11sun ... :'. _ . POI DIPINOAlt&.llY -T our AdvvtllllrJ.&' Do.l1uw p t&rther, do more, aeU monr. wtlsn you adnrt.i.M 1n th1I perper ma.kea Uke a Klue-ftng-ered grtd!ron end u he reacher. for a lonl" pa1t1 down oouK. Bel· dom 11. .i.arter tor the Plratk1, Don g lvt"a Jnm&11 capable beonch ltrt!ng-th. And on that wood, !.~11U1on ha.I proven h lm- ~lf a 1nlghty 1-~aatern Conrn .. LOU REED 'S-LUCKY BUCKS! (.Ian. I t . to SOtb.J WARD & HARRINGTON ence mitt'. St.aft Phat.o Ir you dr1vt • 19!'13 Cheovy hard-top. 1n .-oo1.1 cond1t1on, Lou ~ wUI allow "P ta .I J.600 far 1t. on a ·3t1 ChryAltor W1ndaor Rardtop' T hal'• S6()() In Ll:t:KY B!JC KS, to pu t , WMIElt CO. T ry lo 00 to otbe"'* u you would h..ave lhHn do to you, &lid dlf not be d!11t:oura1ed Ir tlley tau .om .. Ume•. -Dlc:ke.ns back in ynur plcg:y bank: ' (OU.t lhh nut a.nd brin• It "'tth )QU) LOU It.EEO• A.SSO<'I ATES -1200 \.\'. 0.-t H...-y. ,~r -Plymouth .a lmp.ertal -LJ 9-1481 3300 W. Coost Hl1~way -Newport l111Ch Uberty 1-341 1 Wh en you say 'lll wait till spring~ .. Just lo_ok what yQn're missing !~-. ·~ It doen't <HI a penny"'°" to own and !!i!J tlils KING -SIZE DODGE CORONET r11•1 tliro11• th wllotor -"""! 1 E•tnt inonth• at no axtra co1t1 Your bit new ·56 Dodge Coron~ will carry the .aMt llioli rt110le Niu in the yeva ah~ad wllat.heT you buy now or 9.'a.it till S Pj"ing. l t'a flltCJfhl }ltaT .. 1k1t daerminflll reiiale ml11r. There is abeolut.ely nothinr to p in by "hol.dinr back" on th.is big, 1lamouro u• '66 Dodrt Coronet t.h.t.'• creatin1 such a 8!!Nlation. Every day yoo w.it you're IMowt.o O•Gf the pleu-- urw th•t can be youn "4;/U utt! 2 So much _,. to ..,teY I ThiAnew '!>6 Dodge Coronet is the m1lv t0r U. iU JWd to brin( you 11ucb }{JNG-S12E value ai. such • low p rice. II is lonrer. bi&re.r, more luxuri- ous than many can costinr • thouu.nd dollan1 mo~. Jt off~ you the /If ogM: TotU:.11 ol p!Jab. button drivinr. the bl:~ioor poser of the world'• reoord- hreakioe Red Ram v -8 enrme. the trflld-.ttinr beeuty of let.- Fin stylin(. Why aot art today? 3 SOMITHWO llO HA'"'8ftD fH TMI LOW l'alCI "8.D I That'• ria;ht -thil luU4ze, full- 1tyled, fllll-powered Dodi• . Coronet is priced down with the rmall ~•rt.. Here'• n o ltripped-down "price sped.a.I" ••. it', C091pldd And it brinp you the "Miiiie Touch" ef Dod&e puah-button drivinc ; SurNt. .,... ...... ....y to driT• you·..,. n-s known ! Step up t.o tti. Dodp Coron• ltrdnrl New'56 DODGE BEATTY MOTORS AL 1680 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA -Uli111ra.n12 > • ., ,, • ------------------·-... -·· .... .. ' • POPE~S GREAT PERFORMANCE NOT IN006H rAS ~ANAHEIM WINS ·58~1 -., I ' -' ' . -. -. F•llfl'lol lite .1'11i jier ·Fie .. , ~·,s. '~ "" - Hu>c A.lhb&U&'b ,.... 11 while Oll&J'd .... ~ ~ ...... 16.. Salkin "-"l'to 'M11i~llMJIO. "'"" ... -=' ... ~:="::. n.~.!!.!"'i.•.~\J.~~~ ' ' ~ ,-, ' ~-~·sa.med.o i mak• lb• om.~ Ot, ~ ~; ~ •• ~·-'ft.. ,,...... T01m•r•w ...... '-'3 _, ......... -.................... -·· ~ .._ • ..,... --~• 'IP · VIT V ~ f>, ••taN.• on.tM!r abUltj. On tbe ~ rr+,; ~~a....~ By BILL PHJiuPs . oUl•r band. cold -r.r ettoru b)' ~ Di&1t.L • t ' • 4 CapL Gt!or&• ., N.abee Md O.ry • AlloWms • Uae' rillttb'I& OU•r1 G""n and production of a •ll)rte JUI\ ""° pOJa'-d\U'tria the en• c<inaeetion In ' 7 ~ throw at-Ur-t NOOftd quaitv, the lndia.n t.mpta by Paul Lo!"Wltaen Jett I bll lbe w,_r l*lti ht 'mur<Serou..11 too much ot a lo•d rutlnl' upon mann•r f&-• ~Jd\ns M·t7 Pope'• ahoulder1. l ... '1 at the Mall. Tom.on-ow &J .emoon, the Sau Th1:1 lndlau' fin.I-vtetory ovu •••••••••••••••••••• • • • • : Now e• TY : • • • • > 'Even _th~ ll'"e&te!t individual cage perfo~ t"fer un· Jei1tied .)I~ a N"'l"P,'?rt f¥.rbor Rlgb sChool junior wu not -)\)to. preveo.t tile ~defeated Colonisla from ,o;m,Jng tbelr f1f"t.h atrailht Sun.et Leape1 baaketball game in Ana· llleim J!'r:141..1 . n&cbt. .u.:o-t . For DNplte lht., AM.he4m'1 1ur- Co&ch JW.. Oaa•"• Tar qu,lntet, prt.tn.-nv·e 1"1 all lh• wa)·. Tb&)' U.. ..tMcll lctl tMm UI. a tle for jumped la to a tS·llJ tint •uvter _,..d )llac.· ,.,.Ith Ow Or&BC"• lead and lncru.Hd It to lt-19 al PantMrJ and rul.lert.on with elm· haJ.tt.lme and 40-31 at end (If t¥ U&r l •J t.:orda. third period. TIM Oare (UYll out- ---0-lff·sdal•-Popa·W .. th&. JUn· llCOted Use -Colonist. only tn tb• lor who "madt local 1pect.ator• rtll&l canto, and then JUlt by a o~ t.tavel ti• Huntlne-ton Beach ll~n,toq ln P'ullerton 1ince to pollllh o!f tlrst rfund ot the lt&O WJI Witneaed be.fore ' -r- BunHt loop. Tlp Qtf time Ui Ml J.>'·lW$1 · &)'m. lt \\'U une of the t or 3 p. m. Wit h fttur teama ,•till wor,si tieatlllp ever admlnl.l'lerM in ttia mnning for the crown. it Jo the OUan by 1, f"'ullerton J:li&"h lookli llke •n exciting dog ficht ~· .-.,. "· r1g'l'lt !lawn to tl\e 'wtre· by 'AM · -rwi rd'Kent Nfttbrukt Jed 1n helm, Newport. Oran.1.11 11,nd F\IJ-f,l'COrinJ . "fill! ti, p:unu.. Cot.nte'r ' l THOMA_£;~ ~MITCB8Lt1 8Aiina OOUltT KING-Where the Newport Harbor H1gti School buketball quintet la concemed, th&t,'s Eddie Pope, junior cage senaa.tion who acored 24 pointa ap.inst 4oaheim Friday 11.ight~ Here he drivea io for a lay-u p again.at Orange Tueeday. Tars looking on, from left, are George Mabee and Tom Howrton.-Sta!f Photo . ~~~"·~~~~~~~~~~~~~! SAILOR JUNIORS GET EDGED BY COLONISTS A ~tr of hol quarlera r&Jled lo oftut a coup!• or .cold one.11 at Anflhe\m Jl'tW..y n 1 I l'l \, and Cl)fl.Ch Jul• Gat• .. JU.klr Y&NIU! T11.r1 nffftftd ..cond Mlr.ok or 1he SuftMl t..eacue 11n.110n, 41'.>-42. Th• reveraal left the Gobti w!tll a 3-2 circuit record. The Tu JV.11 outacored the rtv• .i. IA ~e flint &n'.d final atanua. 12·9 an.:! 1\-11, but dropped Ule middle duo ot period•. R-4 j<m;I ll-8. Win Harborites Deadeye Honors Trap ahool wtnner• l.ut Sun- day at South COUt Rifle and Pi.titol Club ra.nge on MacArthur lvd. near Corona del M1.r includ- ed el(hl from the Ha.rbor are& ~hlle five of the •even novelty evllfll victor• were alllll loca.I nlm- Carter Battles Andrade roda. The next trap llhoot will be C&p'-J&rfl" Ktm~r led the kt-l\eld Feb. 19, .11tartlng at JO a. m. c•I buc•'tt briga de. hlltlnl' for four fitld 104!.b ILlld thr'e free lhrow1 tor 11 po1nu.-Rlght behind him came Bob V!llag rA.na with four l'oa.l.11 a nd two glfl tosaet Cisco For mar world t1ghtwelcht tor 10 marker~. "" In laat 3unday'e trap trtgier- lnc wlnnera 1ncluded Norman W. O\lJ..,.orlh, Redman D. Jerrell, Frel \V Ku~ter Jr., Kenneth D. Ku.11ter. N. C. Ca.rlaon and W, B. Thumn1el1 ol Newport Bl!&di; and Paul G. Huffman -.nd M. C. Smith r hamplon J immy Carier of New Gene Hubb&rct 8'Jl11rked tbe rm- Yoirk a.nd yO\lnl' Cleco Andrade of al quart'r rally by Lh' loc&.l \&da. Comptpn meet In fl 10.round te1,. potllnf three r oala and one foul '>f Co.Illa Meea. v1aion bout at Chk:•cu •~u.m 1hot thTO\ll"h t he hoop. korlnC Novelty vicl(!ra Included H . r:. Wednesday. 9WldoWn.f • Wetaner of Newport Bu.di, and Cart•r. three tuMa bold• or .t>on"·Sabbll. on• 1oa1, tWo ,UtA. Virginia F•gley, .Paul Hutnn&ll. the lltllt'llt'•lf"ht cNWll, ~ac.twJ! 4.0.. x.npar, four ~... ~ft• J.. title \II a 16-round po.t ~·11 : ,Vtll~na. four 1oai.. J . T . Smith a.nd <Ill. C. 8mU . .I ot Wa.Jlac. '(8Ud) ~Ith lh J•a ~ stCU. 10; Jim. Bent.(): nrQ C:O.ta. Men. In a return bout ap.fa lolt•to IPq... l ;',Bob A1litp. .t•1t -eoe.M·l j;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 Smith Ln October. Illa Cl99'ran' N--nro ~ a : RUbbard. Uiree' cord ahO...a 9t bout.I With TO wtn.1 ~.~ fl.rt.. II. . 20 lOlllMell and nln. draw .. Re baa•!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; atopped 21 OPPQJl~nta. Slnc• tumtn1 pro In 1.84~. An- drade baa had an lmpr-..Jv•,.ea.r· rer, He ran up an unb&aten •t'rln&" ot ae ttahtll betore lo.11ln1 to Ralph. Oupa• lb JU\U&rJ. 19&5: Tbe aeo- ond io.. of hi• c•.--r rOnoWeo In a bout W'llh Lauro BalU"NMI then 11e 'ltoppe4 ICddM . Cb'ana In m . be&t Or lando Zuluela. Cha- ac•tn and In hi• l•.t al.&l't atop• ped l(.enny Davi.I. In 35 pro boute he llaa' won 32. loat l.WQ and fOUfht 1. draw, He bu WOii It of bia bouta by knockout-. THE O.UA.N~fUti C.A...N FLAY AT Of!CI:! --~- HAMMOND CHOAD OIGAN "l'llEBE'8 'A GOOD 'nla; COlllINO." • c;.uthor'1 name !Mlowl- , Eaell .. y .._...,.Chem· ·~ ""' Playalclw ... ~ more about yoar body. ~ew radio active l9otopea enable them to trace the ~Uo• of medl· -...... l!IU -·'!!" at~ .feet oL aay drug on even· partlof your body will 1"' enctlfkaoorn. The day ls aot too far 'd.19tant whm e'very dbril· 11°"9 will be poalttve' ana trMUnent wtli ..... ,. be the 9fecltle 'best way to overcome ea.oh p&rtlcula r dl8ea8e. Whf!n that "Good 'nmes" arrives, we will continue, &8 we do now, to cloaely cooperate with your ~ by alwayo .. ...,.. lac a oomplete stock of the _.......be .-ywloh, ... -' .. YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE · H;\RBOR 515 WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE • • A gre.at many people en· .t.ru.t ua with the responsi- SAYE SAFELY At Orenge"'County's . lnstiMiOn Leeding Home lending l CONTINUING TO PAY PER· ANNUM ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $I 0,000 bility of filling their'pre-111.----------, ecrtptiona. May we com· c ......... ,, ... lt19Ywwlf ............. ,.. .. .-.. -... tQ' ........... __ ...... °'.-.,.. .. ....... ••••••• -.. ,_ &II ...... Ba-mt 0rtw ID 1-llM pound YQUnl ' ~ ~" ~pletl......, ., ~ 1-hldlac DonlllJ' o...,-. Rea-....,,._ ...-....iBMM Gwlclerson Dl'UCJI • Balboa Bhd. & Main St. BALBOA rtti:@ClalPTION All Accounts Of>ened On « 8efoN Tho I Olli of tho Month Eom FTom tho I u LAGO IA FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN .ASSOCIATION "' 00-. ..... ..-..: BT &-Un rorset abo1ti Paul NeumanD'I 2t>-l8 mar(in. • .riowt.nr ot two .-aor. aro. Pope su11. Ana.helm had to Uck the tu.med In ~ thrlWnl' 1truggle'1 lerlori Mo~1ev .. ,. 11honld An•he.lm ---..., :-. ....:.• -- 1et by t.he P 11 nth..-i8 '"Morrow, · ' the Colon!~ will be In the en-"'"'ura. tt.ree ro-1~, 11 : Roy Dan- vlable ~1Uon ofiot16Cki ng the ctr -!el, tv.-o l "tl\a, t ; O~n. one go.al. • • Starri111 in ftn.t eourl .ier.wn.tt~tlon. dunk· local la4a f.rom lh• kn.tl Une. For tn, 11 buktU and •pall'-of t ree the 8,allon. paced by Pope, bit tllrow• fur 2f polnta. He hit for for 22 !leld fpil.b. .cornp•re<l Lo 17 for the, vtcton. But wtlUe lhe eo per cemt on h i• OelcieA . Gobs Bl• splurge ot tteld roala wu dunked T ot 1 T ~ lollllf:e m.ad• trom far <>utalde and by for, • 41 ~r cent av•ra(e, the dr1't1nl' deep lrullde the Colonial Colom.t. clobbere4 Lhe n•ta with ..,.... But at the aame ume. U of 33 tow llhota tor a Tl per Popo'a '-"'" .. 1.y veraed on the cent averal'e. Tbat wu d&tln.ltely cult flnt rountl aw11 y lnt».C"t. lwo c 1tt11, •· ln thi.11 !t"~1i:ue. lhat Jwt don·t 1 1,~:;~;!!;~~~~==== ::~:=,;::=:m ·.·:.~-.::'. Wil• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • "Hayor of ~ • OM cl:'t toN, 9 ; Mabee., one ('Oal. ..-·• .... ·"'f.•-n-2: Tom HOUllton, two' -'tta, 2, tenNti-1 aide. .. .... , .... '" .....,, •· the Town" 1 Stam' W1d . • • In £act. Harbor aru backere. Pope. 1"1 &O&.i•. 2 &ifta., 2i ; Daw R & Auto Clinic Vlvit>n Lei!ii:h In America's ~loved 1'ward-Winning dramatic ! ~~ar. Thoma1 M1tcheU. • • • lC.. ypur ca.r 1a bard to 11.&Tl. Harbor Bo!'I' C!Jb MN•nlh gnde at.alla In tr11.f tic, or bum. oil &11 d b&ak.11tba.ll quintet m&n&l'ed LO-caa· you need the iw.rvica. Or the st.av• off • ftere. to-point final ~ · . quarter rally by the Horace ltn· R A L Auto Cllnec at aDOl New· etsn aevent.h cr&den Wedne..:lay fO'"l 8 1.-d., Ph_ Harbor 4&0t. A att.en:ioon ln the En•l&"TI l"}'1Jl for f&ulty c.11.r la not only hard on a 20-19 'Cictory. The En11.-ra con-your n•rvt• but can actually ~ nected far but two point.a In the da.nferoua to drive In todl y•1 nrat M ir. tralllnr ll·l at re<:eu. heavy trflfrk Dick Butterworth paced the Quite often you can aave a KBC wtn with 10 po1nt11. P 1' t e gru."t ctea.J or money by a.ttand\ng O.tllng took top honor• for th• minor repair• when lhey are fln1l Bin.I~ w1tb 9. Qt.her eoorers: Jle&d&d. And It your car la In need ov«rbauJ the v.·urkm&n.llll1p la ex c:ell'n.t and only quahty puta a.re uaed by thia firm Thi• iuaran· leell t.Nt yoq wtll be ple~ with the reaulta. "The Blue Deep Sea" In (,'1ne:maSoopt> Color by lHLuxf' Plus - .loan Colltntt "The Adventures of Sadie" • stan 111 •Jut-moving. humorous show lh llt the wholie t•mily will enjoy . WEDNESDAYS 9:30 P.M. Channel 11 • KTTV RICHfllLDe ~cOft.ttrvritlo" of flt1/i.f'O/ rtM:>lnCt3 "''"'"' better IM"l 1"' :tfJt'.' • • • • • • • • • • • • For HBC: Butch Vtn•rard 41 , of major repaln a eomphite Ron Pa\aferrl 3 a.nd P'Ted )(cQav-(Or overhaul wlll ... ve the high r&n 3. i:nattn: D<an.nla ~n-ln .. jirtce of another car. The motto Kenny Undctffd 3, Bob C&Jli. ' ot thll rtrm la no )ob too larce a.nd Bill Twt.tt a. or t.oq: amall. r,n>m ~e up to The propt"ietor1, &re spee!allat.a on brakea. tca.n.111n!Jl41on and i(nl · tioo. work and we •u1i:geel you call lhin1 or go 1n to •e-: them .uon a.n'd aee the!r apic a.nd •pilll !llhop. You will find their friendly courtwu.. aerv!ce la complete, aad their price. 11re reaaonable, term• can be ar'111.ngtd tf dea!red. We wlllh lo recommend them to a.II of our readere In thla bua\n.._. ~vt•w aa the auto re1>4tr rtrm ot ouip choice ln Lhe uea. Tr y them ~d you wlU . qree.--:AdY. • • •••••••••••••••••••• • ' Here They Are f • New Chevrolet Task~Force Trucks for '56! . . < • Now there are more reasons thon ever wtpy • anything less is an old-fashioned truck! ~ . . ' . An ovtomotlc tnlnamllslon for •very ••rl•tl A auper-efftdent, lhort-•troke VI for every modell Higher powered, hltfher c....,.enlon 6'al New, hltlh., copoctty I Come In mid ••• oll the new th"'9• that'll whtttte down ...,..,._ ttnM, ond lflce your cos'ht . ~ New '56 Chevrolet truck& offer 1till more modem Tuk·Force Uvantages1 They bring you .new power-a short· atrokc V8 • for every model, and higher compressiof'.I 6 '• that pack • bigger power punch than ever! And you an haul bigg~r loads! These new Chevrolet U)JCb are rated up to a hefty 19,500..lb. G.V.W. • Tben there'• an automatic ll'lllllminion for every sctiea.-a wider range of Hydra· Matict m~ll. plus Powennatict. a new 1ix-speed he•vy-d11ty •uIDmatic. Come on in IOOO, and look •em overt Paell ,. .... About New 'l!le T .. k ..... oro. Tn.iOll:• HIOH·ll!Vfl V'ENT1LA· TION ANO CONCfAtfO 5AffTY 5Tl'51 AN AUTOMATIC OtlVf roll tVtl't' Hltlffl ~r NfW nvr. smo S'f'MCHIO-MUM ........... .-t " MOOflN, '"°'1· Snol(I YI POI: fVltn" lrllOOfll --YMVl-IN-MtAO SlllfSf f\MflfSS l!IH, ITANDA.tO ON All MOOIUI ftUH, M«:TlOHAl W()IC $Tt'UMGt •V,11 I~/" L,C,, ~. -ni..-d ,.,,.. ,..,,, ... .JJ oii.tt -"111. 9Q"'JoMJ • ~ -- j,. • .,,Mf<f "'1llf<f •f· ~I. ,.. MILLER CHEVROLET COMPANY . --, 1'11A.AMA.Cl' •QtK>U.tkMl.0 by Cl'lir1e. Mack1.y t 18M-lutl OopyM,-l'll 1~ 12V>4 1 _LA_G_u_N_A_B_EA_c_H_,.,1000 w-c-Hlgliway NEWPOIT IEACH Liberty 1.m1 • • Hew> City School Mame· Due for Selection on Feb. 1 Th• 'name or tM a ... Newport I on the nama t h&t It wtaha lo Rueh •Mmcntary 11ebool al l~lh 1ubmtt. a>L •nd &aata Ana AY•. wtll be By IMllRJ chUdren ln rndu .11111:1.ctad ro. 1. U!.• Board ot 1Sd· tour l.hro~b e.l.Jbt.., IL u bope<t uca tlon ~ to6&J. U..t nM»l ol lb. Mka,a ot the p&r• T he -.r.• wUI be. ~n from ant.a and clll&ena or lhe commu- • llat aubmlttod by pupU. from I he fourth lh"'(Nfb •l<blh g"ndu tn keeptnc w1lh a plan adopted by llle board l!Ome tlma airo DMdlln1 for aubmllllnr nunu I• Jan. Sl. accordlac to Mrw. LOu- ,,., t".enar, clerk of th• a c h oo I ~rd, In char1• of compL11n1 ... l"t'tlona. nlty w ill b& received. N&mlfl.j'. lh1 Khool I.I not re- atrici..d lo cb.ddren. how1,·1r Any c.it~ may aubm1t a n ... ne Jlrec:Uy lo lha bou'd but It al.tu miat be fKl'IVld by Jan. J I, J.lr t CHnar aali:i Special rt(><)1n1Uon w LIJ bot 1 11•- en lo lb1 eta.a .,.·hoae name 1• Uootflci&lly the ..:bool I• now called t::kmaat&ry School No. 0 finally ch<>aen or the Santa A.n&·16U\ l!lt. School.. Btudent.s were ... ked lo ,.et Irle .. for na.mee from llUlY pou1· ble -.re• ILl\d ~ them to o·laaa. J:a.cb clue lba:n lr!U dKl<M • DEATH NOTICE ACAPULCO TO FINISH -l:ec&1M-d•, Camp, .NHYC; 0\'t:KALL E ventide. Sleva Ne w m a rl WCYC ; Na lu U . P•tet G rant, NHYC, W.l.lt r-. 0111: Brow, C YC Cl..A.88 u4 •• t.e1end, e ta.ti .. Uuman. 1-AYL'. £venlnir Star, Gan• Treplt!, SDYC . Nam Sane. l...;UL• 8tatl'lam C fJY f" Nalu 11, Pete r Grant, NHYC: Vt.e· ~ncral &&rvlcM iot' Cla.rence IA"rvy Amtl'J'. n . la t& r~d1nt ot ("rf!&&well , Ore., fOTTnt!rly o r Co•· la Meaa, wer& h•ld Sunday ln Pllrk.,•-Rldley Mor tua ry Chapel, <: .. sta Mea11.. with Mr. Pau! Uar- 1'"' pa.11lvr of the Church of L'hr·l•t. Glendale, oftlc!a tlnt Th<I' dee~ .,..,... a.cfldrntall y nncrr, L H G1 a y. SWL'C Kl1.lo. '1ruwn&d Jan. l O In Sorth Bend '•'' II Clu.m, 8! t-·r &11cla Y{; Today's N. Y. Stock Report NEW Y9 RX NOON COMM.ENT Cornpll~ by B. C. O•r•ide. ~an W itter Co., 8&11ta Ana - Both prtce Ind Yolume Improved In the early lrMllnl" '111'1.lh a p 11er- al!y •lead)' Iona evident Self!Clt!d <J!ia and matala are f1nn In r&- 11ponae to qui-" tnveatm"nt buytnc. AJrcra.tU rallied unde r th e leaderehlp or Boetn1 which wu aided by new conlr&&:t •-Nia. Poua:lu. Un1tad Aircraft and North American tlrmed •ympa - theU~ally and a ppear ~at ailua ted t o ~xtend their p lna. Thetot Lt a ateady Inte rest In 1pecially type i .. uu. E !eetronie11 ti.re f&&tured by lntern at!unal Tele· phone and !:mel"9Qn l:\ectrlc. Th• laltl!!f' t. e::a:pect.t!'d l.il ei:penerice eicellent f!arnln1a Ult.I yf!ar w i th pn.1i.lucU.on for tht! n1 lllt&ry &.J1..11Um '.nit lncreulns lmport&nce. Hy th .. "nd ot the year an ea.rntni:a r11te of tw,1 te r than $!) l~ cun•lder- ed poMLble Ol'L which b&Al• tht' Luue. would 11.ppear to ti.ave favor · ablt •f""".'.U lallve attention llOLDCNG OAJSS lnt.,rnatlonal Trl.-pnon" 1r11prov- M ln a.cllve d"ahnp &11d l\ohla 11" 11:un• well. Relat1ve lo ul.h.er• Ju UH• croup lhe 1.aau,. al!ll llP· 1-"'••11 1n &11 a ttnoctlve buy!nli(' -,.,,ne .. 1th • cun<l'nt earn1n1a ra t~• loaf. \., Jl "Ill pPr Wlarr -~ . .i . 1 MARINERS WARNED apll• th.e fa.ct thetl "''el f I\() l)b-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I -PA'iiE l J«Uo~ ln a public ht!a nna hr hJ l~U.E BACK-Bob UpiOn. for· n1er JM)l!c., ofncer In I.he New· port Beach d"parlrnenl who hu been w orkln1 a. an ln~•­ Uptor fdr the Dtatnct Attor- ney·• 1.1ft!ce. wu re.conimend· •d for re-empLoymf:nt on the. IOl'a.! forc11 '-1ond1y Mlg"ht by the c1ty c1 v11 o.-rv1c,. ron1m•1- alon anJ city rounc!I. He probably will relum tn trll.lf!c w ork. Huber Captain l OFF~RE RRl~G I ~hW"lll'wt.UM held ....... a.m.t• lllUd Ult. ...._ • acoonUns to u.. u. a. O>ut OU&rd. 'l'he tol· ~ a.reu wlU 1M dm&d : c-t.i. Hoek. todly Lb.ro\llb PTldll,)' I L m. to m~; a.tur_,. ud Sunday, !IQ· t11ht hourw. Pyramid Cove, Tu&&day, We dna\d a y a nd Thurlday, I a . m. to ~ p. n1. ' DISCORD YET M1sic .fails to Sway Mesa Zoning Rule pnor to u.. ""'· MONDAY, JANUARY lO, l 'IW. ,But Mn. Man19 al.Ill ,_.. a 1----------'-------'-------- ch&Aee to ret l\ar .cbool, for the M~• nrlutceo appllcauon wW s o b&lon s... lb& dty coundJ .. Ht .•. PlumblllCJ Co. CAUU.8 STl.11. Th& men •ho op..-&t• U\U ... C!Olllr&et.11 owr tllM eatiN .,. MJ'9. HatTj9 c•uMd quite a allr l&bllahment a~ ma1t.r plumMrw and all work Iii ._,. W • S two W.U. •ro when ahe !trwt and .,.. able to offer th& mo9l to tba n-.Uc:mal ~ coalu ts ~ ber appUcalion to lucb p1. w 9llid&aW. on. au. • Unwi J.1:1 modtm plv.mblftc. They k .. p a to Ula d ty on''''MM aM ,...al Mr bom• at I& RON !IL, betw1N111 lar1• 11Uppl1 OC ~ and aze b<lllUl npJ&U.. u ,...,-.. ., lhe hours of 3:SO and & p.m . only. tn touCti w1th lha lMdln1 n'l&lllU· tbe •la.11darla of ...._ She ran from lhe meettn1 ln t11.ctur .. rt, ~h aa Crane, Kohler p!umbitrl. t-re wh~ planneere found ob-of Kohler ud Ameri<*ft Stand· M-Plum.~ Oo. llllll;, •· Jecllon.t to her home ent-iirta mJJa and ...rnoe1 I.I.I~ ..., and lnal&ted on a .public: h-r1n1 ard They can f\lmlall anythln& ter b•te" and U..1 allO .. n- Ctty Clerk Arlie Swart.I eaid I for which your IJM!Clncauona call pair wor:k OQ t.h~t. •• d he a~verttaed In a n1W11p1.per and 1 and If you don't know jutl exact-furnacu _ Erner1ency calla ta.aa.i aenl rarda to 4C:. p41r.on& In the ly whet you want, they Will aid 24 ho u.r• a day. •~ra but •Ull no obJecllona were you In MIKUon of mater1ala lh•t \\'e uaura you lb.at by 4olal heard. w ill be entlrrty Mllafaclor)', bualnesa her• you will be m~ \o'hl'n Commlaaloner E L.. Pat -Thi• fll'Tl1 11 localffi et ;ro.t9 Lhan plea»d. Tilat 11 Why we teraon cited prev!oua horne .. ,,,.,.,.. H•rbor Blvd. 1n Coat.a Meaa. l'h j r .. commend them to )'Otl tn our pri&e de.nlat. a dance •tud!o L1 8-7344 , and h•ve complet"d 1 bwune .. re.v1ew.-A.dv. and two doctor•' oft!cea P lan- ner George T obi.. counltrcd Mrs. Yvonna Harrt• picked up tha t '"each ... .,.., muat bf! Judred Murset-Fanderl•IL a few votu In her •f!cond attempt on !ta own m.-rH K & Co. to 1et her mu1lc achool appl!ca· Chairman \\'allet \\'rln1er. how . I lion lhrou,.:h lhe 1Jl&nn111g C'orn-e\'f!r , •111d ht• 1,,.l!l'V•"ll lh;il "I' n11&1>!on JIU\. Z3 but Ute "yt!t " I f"·uval ~·I lht! p. •no achool ""'"1'1" ,1,.. 1,,r whrn vote• were not ennu1h. all\rt " 1lanl(t>tOW. tr.,nd '\\)w1.. ,. '""' r ll ll " l&W\'er Uy a r<>ll call l'Qte vt • 3 th~ are yvu icotni; l<• 11t up~" h,. 11 k planning r..,n1ml1111on 11g11n r.-ru,.. 1!!<1. .. ci to break H• lt1n&:-•l1Uldln1: rule &1(11ln•t allo .. ·1ng bu11•nl°.~ .-nl.-r· 1'1<Yfl0.'ll l lf:t•t:<\1'Y.ll ltob.-rt \\ I) lt"I' pr11c:1 1n rea!lll"ntial J1etr1l l1 Je· Ull.IJ•"' u.uLWn tu l(ttolll tJ1 .. •;11 1 F'1>ra!1•1l1k (',, a t 2602 Newport. Tom Huber 1• t•apta in ''' llNr· bor Buy1' CJ ull .. 1;:hth _.,,.,1e •n• Nab Hair Dresser lln•I "''h"n ~ur•n•·r 1n all Li a Ultr\(l&l& ~ 1>1LJ ''""1-'h•x furrn• They w1Jl be ,,,,.,... 1tu.n "''1llln11: tn CQ over your ··l ~-IUllll'•Uk A!Ornf'}" t)nrc yo11 l',.,.,,01 i<.v .. r a"e and re<:i:auaend '"''~had U11t !1r.-vr ,,.,.,-,.\rn( 11 1 ~ny •-l111nir;es 1h•t a,.. nec-rr .~ '"" I"!" 111 "'' vut ""'l hu1 ln Ir "' IJ;·· •!lln<lp.,Lnl "' fully pro- ·u•·enr-e t(I ,.01 ,.r 1h., 1,. .. · ;-..""' t•"t '·• "'h~I _,.,u na ve worked i11rcl to , wn Jt ii ~bl& lM tran1ur1.I h •,.ketb a ll )eal(\1,.• ~A:"i'TA A:'lo'A 1(}1·~3 1 \111 lf Br•v,.11 ,.,,,.,1,,,11,.,1 uf ~ttv,. H t in· drt"•"r Au•1r <'y J,..,, \\"&lk.-r 29 t./\l•' (•Jt 11 JierluJ "' ""'" •~•r .. i !Pr ""'h1,.h 1t wuul.1 h.-r .. ,1 ...... , 1·• ~,.,, lf 11.ny '1 llJ+'• ~.011'1 ~1111 1i.-1·· J•,'1 ,, • !llf )hU h~'" ••+,l•blr u t hr t., f'I' k .• ~··•I trl!ntd• ·H> I '" 0r• Ht cam• to Coet. Me&& 1n <.IA$1'1 uc~ J li38 and maved t o Orecun In I E v•nt1,·1, !Sieve N • Wm & r k !947 flurv1vo r• a re 111& ,.,.,Ir. !!:th· \\'<"YC, t.flatrM1 nix Rro""' C"Yf" •I nf Crt.aewell, a d1 ughl~r M r1 ('1roua.,l, Alll Rown 9nYt" •t 71>!1 Hl'h •trnpe D11vr :"'.t.,..p•.>rt <•'h"r lnd\v1du1.! lllllU,.• he1n; •lt1 r •uk /(•f'J.J. \\toyn<' K ""·•f1r ••n WM arrr•1,.,1 t>·, 111,. tu;:n "'.."\! .fUppc.rted 1n<1'.itle 1;a 1r M1o nu11 I ('a.olll&ll, l'.>nuor Dray. Jo<'I""' !••lr<•l P'r!,\.o.y "" " ~n1nk :>•l\<inal Ol.at lll•t l A n,.<nn<lA ll l-1 A llU"r•nri, /'o"n Z<-•h111 &l L I Hi ll t1n 11n" rhar.lo;'" :-ihr "''~ h•...-kr<l Iha ,,,,1•p,,1 "'ms .1 .. r .. ~1 •·1 ! .. ,, r1·pr \"u!lnll: .... n , \\ 1!8'"' .... , .. T 1,u •• 1 "'· 1 II .. , ~,,, T r ,.. ti !rhr><•I vol,. , ,.,.,,.,,.1 .. 1 , r \v~,, ., .. ,.1 '"!'"""',"'>: 11 \\<It ' ,.,I u.pa.ny t.1 ""t up ,, .. r H NI •>' l\redl ! M.r &11:~1 ' "'" ' .. ll•Llr f.I\(" \HU n flW 1&.rry 1-lft- o.•l••\lUtlll' • , ,1vrr the rtatns "rl.lu• ., •n •·' ''"'' p!••prrty <"hMk lhla 11,· a , 11 !! 1 .. Hubor IUO. "nw7 'N!ll t.\Jl.J ••1\'lle )<•U OQ a U~ lD• ""an, r pr ·..:n.1n \\ • T'9"0rnm.d l~•·•n I•' ••f ' 1n'1 t ll for any U... fl.II r l\ I !,.r I'"'~ 1111·1 11 1 ,.r i '11!l•,--,,ton Harn,.,· , .• " ! ~l'<r, 11 .. ro lt>)· Jonr• of c·o•t• Mr ,.., ,.._.., l'•lrp •UHi v s !tubt.H-r llut r11111.(l .,... 'UT'ly JI.II Tr1.M ~;.,J f ~ulpnur ld\r,1 Up<•ll I c .. rnple llon of a la rge It'll 1.riJ"r 1.1i.l H•r~ Al'1rh·h ~ ! ... ,, 't , .. , .. , h ,1,rl.1'11n,_ I If•• ,,u,: \\ ...... ~u• ""'" !\Ve -.rui, t-.o brolher1 and flv" ••~lr1 •. all ••h1tnr out ,,f the •l•le eAc<"pl lwu •l•t~r•, l>l r• Hoelt Ba rne• or rOolta Mrsa 11.1Hl "''' Ova l 8 l•!r of :-<Nl<IF , al .. , 17 xrandch.Lldr"n Jn• .. rmfnl wa.. !n M .. lu-.t Ab- 1 ... , ~lemoM&I P&rk Too Late to Be Classlflecl .,.,,,Jr l\n 1encan Tel,.ph•>ll,. rrrl•·• I • (_·..,.u.a-s from l'lnt ....... "'""''Ir•~ c1r•·111a11"n nr tl"P"~ t•1 1 •l>l il l..hi.a yl!&r f.,1 2 p nl T u••.J•y In Hali..3; Cua· The m.a.rkel 11. ihow !ng 1'00.>ol rt \11. Meaa r h•peL Se&(&rlnx Lodie ! 1JJ1tancf! K> that •Ubj .. • t to n .. ,., .• :-;..., 708, Collta M<'••. w ill o(f!·1 ,..., 1.,.,1 a 11rle<.'t lon tlrn\ tonr car- MAN COLLAPSES ' 1a te. lntrnnent will f ollow in ti h th :1 \\',1tm1nater Memoria l Park , i::IPI t rouc e c llY. I Mr Hr nderaon WI• a n1en1~r ot j Uu"'-40...,.. I p.1n. A •f'tll("• Ma.onlc LvJte Nu .".>J(I or !:Jeri.-30 lndwoLri.ala •67 'l'ii "I' 73 ley. Mich 2•J H.•ll• l~• 11• 1,fl 3~ A na l1ve of 1tn1lan,1. oleceued JI) l'tilltlea 63 !)<'I up lZ -----------------l h•<I llved In Ca llfnrnl& thre<' I p.m. \'olum .. l ,IJ.f!Q,(H)G IS-Shani Your Oar 1 yea r • &11d In Cosla M...a on1. y1&r H t! r aJne lo Ca11 rorn1• from Mich· 11an. .•1;.,w l'ork I p.m . io.1Uo1·k,. l 'ri"""" \\.ANT TO 8HA.J\.t(_ CAR POOL 1.i1.a:una lo £.ut Loe M S•lea 6 clay•. g SO to 6. Cali CApltol 2 717 1. MLM L&.nler. <'I~ A mer1can Talephone l bJ Anaconda SurvlYOra Include the widow , Chry•ler Oorolhy , one -ori. Rot>.. rt. of Coa-DuP ont ta MeM ; !WO dau1ht1re, Mr&. Cenent.J E le('IMC' ----------I Joan Toder of M!rl'lli;:•n a n<T J.l r• r; .. nei &l ).1.,\1•1 • Batty S mith of Garden Gro•· .. hi• ~t.~ l-., mother. M i, R.>J lll' Tee. &11d t"''" N y c~ntral Lfl!'-IT Parl&ll"l, eh&rtre~ And brothera.. RolMrt'.;..l'ld A rch Hen· N o Aml'.rlca.n ltl .... n, n1ale. loat. ln \·1r1n1ty of 1 c'l11r&Or1, ot En.cl &11<1 ; a.nd flft Safeway 1 '" n n.ado • £dc',wat.._r H11 r 1 c r t.ndch!ldren !\c L:al EdUion l'""~·.M Rl:WARO 1\3"'"7 Nab Juvenile MA H C)O DRU P l.EAF 0 1.N IN'O An ll·year-oUI juvarula, on pro- So 1· .. c1r1t· St•rhl•rc'I OH l'r,lon 01! ot 11 s ~Heel nf C a.Ur. Ca li f. Crac:ken fired 111 1, 7 1 1~ "' 114 '.. " 41 .. '1 ar11, ~.2 "' !):,/', ~· 11:1 ~ "~ T ABI.i:. fl cha ir• V.'llh u tan· !!Lon•. -ta 12 Good c:ond. SM. !!arbor S7M·V.' 94cM b&.Uon !Tom th• County Juven!le Departmant, ww picked up by Nnrport poUca"a t 9·" p. m.. l!lun- rlay when otl'kers •a"" him RaporU of nracra.cker• bell'li c roucbad tn lh• re•r doorway of a 3;t-O...,, ClaiA, Peta da rkanf>d atora bullrtins. Condt- 1;;;,"':-i-iruL PIDIGRE!:D ma le I lion Of hll probation required the 0 od I " d vnurisner to boo ott the &ll"MU M l otr were r .. ported at 6 p. m Saturd11y by J.l rs.. 8:-P.:. 'T'1t,,..1~ 117 Onyx A ye She told po Uc .. the loud rept'lrla wa-a comlnr f rom a.cro .. the 1tref:l In !Toni of her hom•. tw1~er. & lo aTl"ll yaru I.JI . '"'Y stJOd wtlh chlldren $l:.O-by 8 p. m . H11 pare11t• woire 110- ll11rbor 3980-W ' 114rM llfltd ~~~~~~~~~-'-~~~~~~~~- Newman Electric 1~4 11 FORD I club. coup.. Id "''Ith ·Edelbrock manifold. total J111ca. M•ny horne owner• Ill out a.r•a hava round Lhem&<l'lvu faced with a dlf!lcu!t l!J hllnc problem ln their !tome. Too t•w or poorly placed w•ll plu11 onen malt• It nKu- commrrt'lll o r 1ndu1trla.I w (It k Thay are equlppt!d and qualified tor new conatrucUon, e.lteratlorui, r&palrin' and ra-wtrtn1 a.n d tree u tlmat ee are cheerfully 1'1Ven. 111'8 HUDSON Hdan (ood tOlld. The ownf!r Dick New man. !1 In I 1 to total prlc« COTION GOFF The Vo lkswogen Dir. S ewrort Blv•I 1'1 22nd !111·bnr I{ aary lo place furnltUrf! or 1.ppU-touch with lud1nc m•nuf1<cturl'r• 1.nce.1 In unhandy epota or force and haa •t h&11d 1ample• or 111! thf: u•• o r e•tanalon c<1rda that tha lat u t U.L.. approved llshttn11 r re•te walkln1 h&.&&.r'd1. C.Ulnl nxtures of the moat modern con- !Li:lurea becOm<I' anUqual•d ,ln de-alr\JcUon. In de•lcna and colors 1l(T\ An r1 are not alway• con1td1t-that will accentuale your decora· ed the. !)Mt 90urce ot preper lllfht· Unr ..::hemf! 1flJ Ir you havt1 euch a problem You a re 1ure lo be plea1ed by why not call Newman Electric the workm&111hlp and the rf!a.eon- ln Coa la Mua a t 'llll Harbor a t.le price& off«red by th!& out-WANTED Blvd .. Ph U . 1·<'1731. 1t andln1 firm The" a re the Rl-'.S IDl!:N":IA L LOT. 1n !':twport Thi! t)ll.~ell«nt firm c&11 help reaaona we highly recomm1nd /'OM. Balboa. e.raa. 1-'000 c.o-h., you -olvr any 111 .. ctrlc.1.I probl1m1 them to you In 011r bu•lneaa rf'· 1·a !I Har 0!)611 from Ii lo 12 noon. you might hav1 They a re Ileen· view u the ll:lectr!c Contra cton< u r Llbr.rty 8·1676 <1'1'1!!1'1. 8 4~8 aed a nd bonded for r ealdent1al.1of our cholce.-Adv. THANK YOU ... We sincerely think you for the warm wekome eccorded our new bakery as evidenced by your 1ttend1nce ind 9ood wishes at our GRAND OPENING i•st week-end. Our forty • five yean e1perience in the baking business enablei us to assure you·,of t .:>p quality products , .. • wide variety of taste temptin9 bakery 9ood1 prepared in • spoti1s1 sanitary ka.:h.n. COSTA MESA and BAKERY 1702 Newport Blvd. Juot South of Saf-.y Witt. Coot&)(- Here 's the Stor9 of Orange Coun.t~'s own. ,r Al.I. .. .,.,.. 9"""" •• ••11 ,, .... , •• 11 u 'rl.A c a111..,1.-. ••a.a••••••·•"',_,. .. ,, •• ..,, .... '' w.a••~ .. ut " O* • 0111ay. au••• ... .,,.,,. l•e ••• l'.UO.•l.'11' wo•KIO O!.&•e TO "'tt.K..l T•(•a D&f&l'lll CO""l t ave. l>rCl!LflOa C•fA,l'llllllY CO. w•• 0•1 o:r Y•I P11ta1 O•••··· TO PltT•••ur1 ITS ... OOUCT'I r .. a ou ... 4 1.0Cl•V 1 roa;ft .... WILL Al ll••tl;TLl' JO you• HOMI. fOOfl.VM"'"" '10 f'l.l Lltll TOQrlfl .. e aA""I l.fl+ll&l l ......... Of' 0•111.\11"0001 WHI• TPllY -"&I G•OC•lllY 1'110f'''"G at TMfY 00 •T MO"''-· O• 1.ral ,,.,.,. IJ1CO.. t•a•1 wr•• I .,01 ''"''~' '" OllA"'6e, fOPe 1• ""~r..••rO•,a•e O•l'I' •O:r:r '"' ll•lll llM. CO&OOIA O!r l """" W .. l•'r l "OI OH fPll ....... ! "'' 0 11-G.f! (OUHTY '"' 1_!11 Wf M0\110 IOlfO THI Pla tT S l cttOOI 0' OUlll ltfW ~11,l' IT,. l•IT Plll:S'T ST•fff, IOI S-1• &•• .. 1.l, ••O•I or TOI( we11'9 MOST M OOf&W. IM'l1 ·fQVlf'f'IO OA1e.Y f'L•"'f', l•C•LS'°"S PAMOUe ....... (II.fa ... l(f c•t• ... COTl•GI C"'ffll:,CorCt:ll .... , .... "'"" or .. r• o••l:'f "0001 "''l 11.-.. o.t.1110o'Z10 '""o """'""'Gr o """"'" '"' .. 0 1 r S"'"''r"•'f co .. on•O "'• 'o • vo ... • -otr c110" < 19~6 1s E.1.ct/J1iir t JOrh y~ar. T°"'1y1 os ""1-... \try Otginru.ng. I .1.rtlsiM Cr~"'"1f:r1 0 , ... i# "'Orani:e Co wtty'J Own'"-ail tlu ""'1· ,..f&HWPl!l.L f:ir:t11.t.O-~lltY CO.,. .. #11\19._ U.'1 IHOHT 0, f H& IMP(ll'f-T 1~1 f a.47 ~&MU; <O""tl PltOM 500D CO....S -f'•U:l ·Wl••llfC ~ T•#Ov...., TN I Vlaltt. IJl.C.I~~ 0--a.el...,.., nlMS ltAYl 'fllrl:CTIO THI (TJl.tlll tH fNC lbCaUIG« Nl•os. WNKM ••VI 111 4 llllTfON.1.1. ·~" .... tlllDll ' OVT o• " ~ ....... to c..r.1.1•0•••• ··~"· ,,....,... ---'--' LOOK AT THIS LIST 2 S<hwlM Blcycfe1 2 ptilr• Chh:qo Roll•r Sk_..1 1 I " Sweet Svo Dolli ~ DrOfl'Ml Roc:•r• WWMP... • Y-'t Volley ..... ..._.n •• ,,...., 0vri1 Ml•f II ll"Ml'lllll.V ...,.,_,,. 0' f a.t.lL,lOlt ""llLN,. ICI cat .......... o ,.Ola .. P'OOO •aOOUCTI. •acn.&:10111 .. llOfllll· OILnn•eD l'lll ll.k COM(. '" I Tl••LlflO ...... •o•UIS t•ACTl.1' rHf S.OOfOll: MtLlf; •• DfSTl.1•v1'IO Tlf~ .. o • .. •G'-COV•TY OAOCl!ltY SYO•t• •ll'O Olu c.&TfSll•S '"' ... ,.,, ... 'I'. SINGLl-Ull. ""l(HSTUll.•"'900• ........... T•INl•I. IVll.Y oi.1 0, '"''' ..-1 .. 1 '000• •• l'•ODUCIO •••• , H('lll ... 011&.0IGI: COu•TY •v aua&.l-IOll c•r-••v c o .•• t:Ulll TO wo..: '°°" TNl!lf ... ,, ... ~•OOUCTS .. , YOU • G•OCllll.V Ollt D•u• t?Otlll . HERE'S HOW YOU CAN WIN: 'iri ... of hc•l•*'a frff ce'-r ..... L J•st 0 1• for o•• at yo•r hc•l•lor dealff'I or feev• a Ht• for yo•r Ea:cels5or •II•••• w•• clellwers te yo•r •0.1. looks ... frff. FUI I• ceLor wfffl r::•cll, cr•JLO•• or watff color, aiul Mall or br .. to (a:celsler Ct••••ry Ce•p••y, t26 lost Fiut StrHt, k•t• AH. CelHoraia. .... re te fib I• yow .-. aad ......... YM wHI IN ... lflffl wit•• tli• wl•Hn or• Ml.c.t... Aw•tl• wlll IN ... wd pri.-lly •• a... .. ,, eH .cc..,.•y. TM tlKlllo• ........ 419 •• "''" Ito ......... "'"" Mc: ... ttt. prop.rty of bcel1Jor Cr•-•l"f' c.....-y. •. ' l - 'fA'GE a PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, JANUARY lO, 1951) BIDS HERE Suspect Charged with Crash ON NEW TRAFFIC SIGNALS CALLED FOR NEXT MONTH Bid. on tn.trlc eipia.l9 at N_.port B lvd. and V ia Udo and Cout H l&"hway and 8"'awa.rd Ro&.d will bf' OJ)f'ned ll'eb. 2~ at 2 p.rn. In Lo. An,.ek• office. Stale Hlghwa.y D!vl1!on, City Ellctneer Bert Webb announ("ecl t o day. He r~·elVl'd a letll'r glvinl' W 1 newa f rom 0 . l.-.1"9ner, dt.tnct enginetr o( the dtvt.&ton. 1 '~A~~~~~~~<~ ~'arl~~~'~"'" s~~~,~~c~'~"'' rlrh< l'r Juhn ~I L1T~tl'r. :l•l <'~ 1111/1!· """ "-"•·• HI >< ~h11•· l !I' "•• ifl• lngton Be~.-n Tul',•lllv ,v11 • "' 11 • 1 \<1tt'•I •r1 Ct•" ··ar r,·,,.~11 ><s V.'l'•ll tl"n("f'rl to f'll•nn f,,r thr ,,.1,11 pi.-Mr>< 1111r\·r\• 11n<l t \10 d111ucl'l1er111, 9'M'i~ t•y l11v.• lnnl Ill ,·~··""'! t lvt' 'I.vi.-11 n.1 t't1111 ... 1• .. r.r111 uit .. ,. r,~ !Pllltv J·lr,, "" 1 .. 1 .. n1 <l r .11k 1!1 1•·lni:-,·ount IJt"!••I Ill\>'"•,.,.,, ""'"/'If·'' \\'h••n Boy for Harts Sidi w lU be received &lao .. ~ .. b 24 on the O.· .. an Ai0t. an•l Main IL, Hunllngton e.ctt &Ll(naJ, \\'tbb l"f'l)OrtN ("l(y •'••Un· ("ii here hu allocated tund.a for U'h· c1ty·a ah .. ,., or 1t11 iwo s11n&J•. 11 .. "'"·~ .. ~k••<! t1\' :->u 1,,11"r 1',.un II• 111 1, \II ""'! .\11 ~ r. .. r,.h l t11•!1:1· t\,.nn .. th I·~ \1••!11.'"" if h.-11 .. 1r :'l,.l <'o·ril•·• ~I 1',.r'1t ·''"""· hu,1 .. n\·t1.i11i.; t" ""1 "" I"" h,·tiulf 50 ENTER Newport High Art Students Submit Works Wiit bf""" !'Xh obil In Ii Ll•11 A ng .. h·• l.1l•1.•'t ...... ""·" 111\'oJll•\I 111 H 11tore bu1l•hng '"' '"' ,, ,.J, "'!Ii 1f ,•1:n l lllt'I •\, \\'lnninic 1i..1·1u 1punl11 111 lhr 1._... ••·h\• "' "'1 11 11.:tl\1.•1· ~~' "' ,\!\1111•11 -ll'lnn&I "'•Ill b,. ""'"'If'\ KOi•! <.:1 r •.-, I~ Th" I.!!•! <•f !'u(nJu1 &l'hiev .. ment k"Y.:t an.J r•••1lf l<11l •11J""t .\l.11 1.t~ l•l•ol 11 •l•tl 111111 of 1npr1t. l!:nlnP• ln•·tu•le work In •I-'·''"~\ l.11-'l"I' IU1•t ulhrr"' 1to<'rk1ni; plctona! •rta, fi!•ll J•hh· art:< r-nn1-I $.~""" 1" ""111"'11:"" ,,r1 .r ,io 1.~ 111 Hu!IK Jl'"'J'lt"l 10 11& " Ii"!" IJ .. \ ·····---······-···-·-·~=,,, Private Police • mr11·111I 11rt . •l••l!Jol:ll ~l·!'ll'"•! •l!'l!Ji):'rl 111 I;_:. ,\loirrl..:•n 1lo!tnl~l f>1'tJb&- anr1 f'r11.ft,,, lhr"•"·•l11111·n~101111l &rt 11<>11 l" ti•• .i, t.·11du1•t hJ11·k1n,o.: <ii' '""' photo1Jr11phy l it, .. n"''""'""'l''"'!I nr th•· 1 ,~•! ... I -------.I GIRDING FOR AC.1101"-\\'. J.I. Chaptnan l:stanJ- tng) retsf'a.rch d irector utd aasistant n1ana~er of the American Tuna Boat ASHoc1at1on, addrc&:1eH Suu th· ern Catiiornia f111hcrm en '11 groups \11h1ch n1et V.'Jth the Newpon Harbor Gr<1nKL· Tupsday 111 tht' local Legion Hall. MrM. K arl McDougall (sitting at hea.d o r t a b leJ, chairman of the CaJ1Jomia State Gra.nge ra1hf'rif'11 commil lft', ur~ed the establishn1ent ot im-- port quota 1;yt1tcm un foreign fieh. Fifty Newport Harbor U n I o n H •gh S.-hool .,,_ etudents t111ve •n:b mittpd work In the HJ~ S<.:hol&Atlr Pqrkes-Ridley Mortuary Ari. A.wtirda l>t!lng condu("tCd Jn 11n1t' "r "''"•! ""~ •11i,o.e;,.&t '"u '1J.-l1• f., .~.:tr. 1 o1 t hroughout the n•Uon at<'Ord111,,; r•tl 1-',.rke~ lt1 ,ll•·1· ,\I 1111 .. , 1 "' '"'"'! hlrley le" Sto hlJ:'hRt("hOUL :..1t 1n .. 1n.ato1 1'1r~ /JIU ll!H8tl"h) 1· .. ~t 11 ... ,,.,, 1'11 '"I' . ,. • , .. 1 I •HI! , /\ '11 I ! i' I i ii MERCHANT PATROL ·and HARBOR BOAT PATROL HARBOR GRANGE JOINS IN FISH QUOT A FIGHT Legislaiion Meet With Proposed in Joint Southland Fishermen I 0·1,n1n11·H " I'" ""t11bll•hl11~ !nopnrt 'l""l..,. 111»!• 1' •r,... 1f1r<I ,.,,n,11tuJn~. I 'U> ,1 )( I'• luf,,rinfll d!"' '11>.'l"n !h" i,:1•·"1' 11 .. 1 .. Al•"! h••""vrr thfll Tt.r 1 t,.-lh ,,. t '" ~ I.ill t, .. ,J Jot!Jr t"'I " "' I "'~'I~·· 1 An a ll .,ut !l~l•l .,n lJu: tu•tiun.11.1 '"'"I""~ :i.d1' ·•1•··1 '" ,\1 <• :-, .. ow •;dl•·'I". 1 .... Art>:•lo·· 11 .• rr1vr ""'"'., "''" dr I t! !1!1h•r o•f- fo,1(~ !"~·""I.),,. ""'l"'"1, .. n ,,r ! l:.,-, llflO• \.].I llw I "·!•I' "I~ ,,,.,,r •Illy lll11l••I 1 .. .:• l ti,. u ..... ~u1.: /'It.""" f•! •h•· •' 1 \',I\"'! '"'"! .-fl"' I~ The Newport l~a d>o" l;r"""" \\Ll,111r,. Servi .• · ••f • • l··r·••I• ',, 1,, .... ,·\ n!o,,.J,, u!IJll' ... r~. , !I •·• l Tue•dl.y retter1t&d 11K>1 in 1l.• n,,.n1 ••! lr·l ,.1 ,••! ,,1,,1.:,~ I••• .... •ta.nd to Join <f'ln1n1 •·•• ·•! t.~h•·/ I '"'"I• ud f••""' ,.,. l•• !I,• A~~ l ltil 1 m .. n In U\e r,11/l~ll\K •' "<'l"!"•I '-N• '"''"' '' • "1 ~1'! II ''··~"!": t h:r11!11Uon f or th' ,. .. t~loh•hlu•·r" j 1. 1or1~ ,,.,-• .,11111 .. ·r···"' r.·h• ,,,,, . ., ol •quota 1y1tem ''' ,,.~i.1.i~ 1t .. "'"1 ,,rr,,,,,.. ·•· -.11·n~1r .•. ,, 111. ''''" importation <'If f ·1 •·1i;n t1•h "h··· 111°11 o/ 1 .• r..-11•·• ~···•••·nl "r 11·•· JllU/:lt' ~"ti\~!• ullko< .... 14.<·tn••ll' "'··~ ... 1.1 ... 1 !ov s.,1u .. 1.oh ol t•·l ~t!I~ \\,. /'l•,.llJ<~rl ··•v•\ 1r1· t .• ''" ~11< h " ).;'""l J"b .. 1 "elllnl( ! ... ',,,1 .. 1 .. ~1111.1111 1<111 hi."" been i;:U l\ini.: lh•· ':"" •·~1 .ur l•·•I • · ""'"l'· ·°'" ~··t '!'' mas ket. Th<' •tlln•I ""'' 11111.J.• .!Ht•ni.: ' A ""l••till" I'" "'"!ll1o•ll•"' polie~· m"<'tl"o: otl 1p .. ,1, '" «· ' ~1 ;,; I''',· port Bl!llll't' A'111'11' 11n !.•·.::"" JI 1t between m .. n1b.-1,. ••I rt" .,11.rn•t- \\'1 l~l"I ,, !I -~·· I" ! ,. j. , ......... •I u,.. I "''I" l • I• lll tin I" tu !(CJ 11 lnli;:: \O'l\h u~ lill·! ll"I' "'' !11~ b1<11·l" "I" 'n AJ.,,>t!I• 11lhr11.; ll>r 111• ··l1ni.: v.•·re dal fl1hlng 1nd1""''' • 1 :-;. n'h•r n Cal1 t••rn1a "1l·J r•·111"~"1;'L1\1 \"" • r the hnlll l;ranl(,., 1'1 r ~'"I ,\l ra the Richard Beeson Company landscape Des i9n and Construction &Ari ,.,l cOoui,:11 11 Mr11. McD<.uKM!I "h••rn\.!L n nf th• CalUornJa :-;talf' 1 :ran I! .. fl11t1 -1'110;'\"E llAltllOlt l l~ .. n.. cornmnt..... '"I·" 111 ... 1 tho> /,_:'===:;;;;:::::==::=====:;=============:i i th rM·p&tt progran1 \ht! "-'•ld•11 n1 .. Gni.n,11e prN<!nl•hl befur.-11..• "'"I llOn/\.J r onv .. nlu1n !n l "lt'""la11d. nam.-1y. · E.tabh•hn1.,11t ur "-" 1u. l"'ft •p.iot.. of nut nuire lhan "$> I''"' cent o f any lype fl~h; .. 11ta U I lo!hn1ent of the pGllt or lll!.llll!Jt11n1 ,,,,.,,,l.._r y for t l1hene11 prPfPr&bl" in th" Depa.rtment of Ai.;rlo;u !lur ... C!.lliten11lon to fl•hl'1m.-11 ,,, th" 11•,. ll<""y of ,Pv1.nit auhlll•lle" l<lll n.• •nd n!J'IPr ~ntflt. new 1(1\.,'11 to 111.1 rn· l<.rp.1lt~ • ~TARTI';ll H P:H f: Thl11 prn1ttan1 ""'!<.• nnl(!n.!Llly in •l!lul<"d by t h" :-;,.,,..l"'rt Harb"r Gr11.n1i:e. W . M . l 'h11ptn/\n, ,,.,.,.,.r,.h Ul - rec::t o r e.n'1 1u1Ml1l11n1 ""ut>1~tr o r th<I Am ericllll 1"\Jn11. &lat A11.<10f"L"· tlon, San D leic;n, who reo t•nlly r"- tumed from V.'11..<1hln~!·•n 11.rtr-1 11 1- tempttnc Ufl8UCC!!'ll~r1111v tu pro- m o!"' 111.giiiilaUon to o.-n,.fll f\1h,.r· men. pointed out to the group tha l thero!t w1111 new hope ror llll' f t&h•rme n ln prOp<Jllrtt J,.gl,.111.t lon to b.. lntnxluc~ In both lhl' St'll· at. and Hou" or Represent11.tlve1 • STAFFORD & SON :-.;~;L,.<.; lltt<I I.XX:. t~l_F,(Tlllt.:A I. (.'U~'Tl(A ("Tf)HS l'honf' J.Jbf!.rly K-t'!16 "' Ith•°'"' I de A ,·.,nol'I ·' '"' 1..,rt '"""' LIDO sHoPs .<\PPl~IA."'ici.s -Hoosebo1d l'11rt11 -Oeal!'r -l::lervlcl'I I.IOU P:LEL"TKlt.: 3424. \'la Lido -lllN'bot 4191 Al_'TO~tOBILE Dt:ALERS N""" and U•ed f"ant .'iJCIU:KT"l. :iT L:U EB..UU:H K.&J.,. ~ .. r, I~ l 'arta 3•1~ ~""J><.>rl Hh'd -liar. 410 BANKS l\ank t1 f Aml'rlc-a N'T & ~A S«4 \'la Lido -Uarbor S"3 CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY 1-~l'ltNITt.:RE 1111 K MAL'KER S l'!U \ i., l.Jdu -Harbor tJ28 lil .. T SHOP Hlt.'ll:\lt U"S LlDO '4ARKf;T l 4l:t \ la Udo -Jlarbor t:8t:8 L'iSt;l?A.'iCE AGF2'TS \\. 0 . Bl,f "K, IJl.'C. ll40(l \'ill l.Jdu -Jlarbot &.a« by \\"uhin(lon'a Senator \\"arren BARBER SHOPS G. Ma p uMOn INTt;umn DECORATORS IJLAX(;llE 1-'ULKERSO:\' A..1.0 . 3 116 \"la Udo -l:la.rbor 63H 1111 "K MAC K.EK "It la experted tn rnrnliinc lhf' at.ronger polnlt! of 1e,·••r>1 I other bill• now pend1ni,:: before L"uti· l.JIW S H • .\\ 1:-.;(l ,\fl "ll In Hld"'ell'• :-itore fnr M Pn .S•-21!1 \'la Udo -Jlatl>Ur S%3U rr~"" h e 11a1d. BE1\t:T\' l'ARWR.r:; Cop!e& of one ot lhel"' bill~. Bill 8001 o f Rep~1r.nl11li vo!l H.o- bt.rt W illton or C a llrur nla, W"l"P l,IUO t'AJ,().'i UI-' Ut~AIITV S•lt> Npt.. Bh·d. -H.11.r. 2616 pn &ented befo re t he ll'roup 111101 BOOKS oy dl...:us~ed 11.t great length HOUK CA~I': Chapman. Anthony Sokotlch, •PCn't&ry of Local 33 F1ahermen's union. rl"- c lared. hn"'"ver lh•t he ""cUd n\l\ t>aheve the blll Wll.'I lhe right onP for his group." ""It tryR to t11kP ln too much territory," ~11ld !'lnkolll'h, 11dd1n~ he hoped lhP t.l 11.£nu.<1~nn b!ll woul<\ p1npo1nl thl' prohlPm mnr~ clo11!y by "'spf'llln~ out' ~nm,. l)'Pe nf quot& "M:l'{.'ff <'OS C'f:KS J.;U" ""\\'e llre n1uch rnnrern.-d \l'IJ1rl! htll the Southern C11!lforn111 i::ro11p will pW!th," he 11d<ll"<l The Wlli80n blll. Uriefl_r. pru- vkle1 for a n lllldlUon•I 4Mlstant &llcn!lary or Commercf' for coni- marclal fl•herlee. tran111fer of thoae por tlooa or the F11h a nd WATER HEAT!:R8 lALll. SllVICI 1"4 ll,A!t J Jot1 .§if.6JofJ rtlMS. 1• ril CINl DOWN n ••• Har"-~ MATl"IU:8SES Bo.ta -HomH -Tr-allt'n lm1iru ..... ~ Ubforty 1-1303 OOS'I:.& llf'.8A llA. Tl1lES8 00. t lSG Newpo,rt. BIY'd. Ml6 \'la Ullo -1111.rbor 44-04 CA~IERAS & Sup(1Ucs \'1:'\C't:~'T Lll10 UH L:G~ s•e1 \'la t .ldo -llarbor .soo!I CARI~T.:."TS & Ol?Al'ERIE.S l))CK MA<.:KElt S4%0 \"la Lld..-tlarhur 4321!1 CATERING KICtlA.KD'S l.IJ)(J MARKET 1•3S \'la U d11 -llart>or 'l!!l21!1 Clothing·Ch.ildrrnM & l.11faots1 1 Jt:ttl'-"' OF 1,11)(1 S.&~ 1''ewp11rt Hh·ol. CLOTICTh'G -Men's Retall BID\\ ELL'S 8 H0 1' 1-'0K IU.t:N IUll Via Udo -llarbor 06'8 CLOTHING-Women's Retail LA RElJ'lo'E 500 Via lh1Ac"-.Harbor ~10 LI.DO F ASHJOSS 1411 N'pt. Blvd -Harbor St11 SHADDOCK'S S41! \'la Udo -11.a.t-bor S61l \'AOABO:\'D llOIJSE l n1ported Sporllwear .M.ZI \'la Udo -llal-hor 'IOOf. DAi~CING -Ballroon1 KIStl !'tTU DIO .... l«O \'la Oporto-Harbo.-6081 DRUO STORES \'l."'i'Cl'::\'TS LIDO DRt:GS l"l \"la Udo -H&rbo.-:SOOS ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS LI.DO t:u;c['RJO Ml4 \'la Lido -Ha.-bor 4 79: FLOWERS IUCHA.JU>'S UDO MAJUU:T Coru.g-Tabl• 41Tl.rl«tnlr.n\.I SUS V• Udo -Jla.rt>o.-!8!8 nlU1iTAJN, GRILL VINa!\T'S L1DV URUO~ Stet \'la Udo -RMbor 300J rnAMF.S II ALBUMS Hf:RHARl)T -"'Tl"lllfl!'i !11111 \la l.hlo1 -ll•rl"'' ''M :1120 \'la. Udo -llarbtlr 4328 HCl:-0 CKt~I G HTOX A. I. 0 . ,\fllh•"a l r11purt1 5lttl \ht. !\llt.las:a -Jla.rhor l!l21 !\Ir\ RKEl'S lllt 'llAltJ)'~ I.JOO MAKKr:T S.fSl \"la Udo -lla..bu.-21128 ltt:Al, i :STATE I'. A . l'ALME K I.XO, ,,,1SS t II• IJ<lu -harhor 1.50() \"O!O t:L f'O~U'AX Y .11 1u \111. IJdo -tht.rbot 4971 II,.\\' A SI> 111-:AC'H Ht:A.LT1i' \Ill I .It.In llrldi:-e ()fflf'f' SI l'l l.n t"ayette -l:larhnr 364.3 1.IUO ltt:Al.T\' A-""'t.X.:l.\Tt::S Li•!" :->111.-.s & Jlent11.J>1 S·Ulll \ 1,. Lido -flarbt1r 141• SA \11NfiS & WA_~· 1\SSUCIATIONS :-,, t:\\ l't)llT HA 1.IHJ A SA \'l ~"liS .I. J,OA__'i ASSOCIA'l"IU~ A :->a1·1ng"' l n.>itltuUr.n i .;ini; 'l'trni Jiom11 l..Qa.ns 3l66 \'la Lido -liarbor •zoo SERVICE STA.'l'JONS l.ll>Q KIOHt"'JELD .S4JS N e"·po..t Blvd~. '8t:7 SHOES-Men'• IUU\\'f:LL'!'I STORE FOR HEN s.a u \"la Udo -Han.or OMI SHOES, WOML'< Kl l.t :•s UF L!A_Lll"'QRXIA. l .&.10 l'la U~HA DSM nlEATRE.S Lil)() TKEATRI-: UJrault thi• paper for prngr&m \'la l.Jdn a t Newport. llh·d- llarbor 2114 l'Ol'S I.II)() TOYLA..''ll 34.&? \'la Udo -Barbur 211M J'RA YEL ACENCIES llAR.TIOK TkA\T.L ACIE!'lo"CV 141~ Newport Bl.-tL--Hai-. 642& l.;PHOIBl'ERING Dlt,1.. MACK.EK SU O Via Udo -llarlKw &121 ,,.ATCH REPAIR \'l ,'i('F.~T.!if \\'ATC R REPAI.Jl l,IHtl lll<I '(;~ :\-«! l \'la l.Jdo \\'JNOO\\' ('O,T.RfS(l Tiii. -.11 \U•. S Hiii' ,,..,1 '" ,.,..,, 11rn,.,.___11,.r ""4 1-fore th1tn 7000 1tudcnt art "'Ork• LI 8-J l.'.l 3 " l r " r a·' "-t'!t! 1ubm11te<J reJ(ionally Hl the l F tJf )t!lll M ltL 1~ f1t111 ti, • ..,,.,,,,, ''"' ltl ~'"'} d··•,111 I' " J\ta.~<>n CK .... F'11hermen ~ r'0<>1""r11· '"'"' A 'l..'lr>('111Uon, Sin PPdr": l'ete 29th annual •·on1P"'l!llun, •""rt•lu•t- 1 th•· r..-1-.1~ .. r h .. ,,..1,,.,1 1 .. ,,,.1, ..... ,,, f'<I n11.llnn•Uy 1n C'Oo;J>"r•llu n w ith h 1 public and flrl•'•t" lh-h<1nl• 1 I.• ,., .. ,, "'llh 111 I••'. ""I '' lt .. 1~•Vh h Alt.t111·ore A ... oc:1a t1on· 411 work , v.ill h,. 11,r.,.11~.,1 Mn•lj'l1i.:n·'• Tht•ll1<'!· ''• •I-' n•' ,,. H "lt•n X 1lf'<1 a.nll 1'1ra S. Crac-jUdJ:'e<1 Fet1 I' JH /\f! .. r "hl!ll l),.., 11111,_•,., , .1r ! .. "•·••, i I' • h1<1l". !'a\,. ""r Ft.~h .. rm,.n o·orr1- llt1lt ~··, S .\t B1un11neJ •n<I H. s b-l e:,un, l.'.vuuncrlu.J J.'1ahoir11u!ll II lrn°-r 11111111·"11' .-f:x, hllll,,;•· F r1111 '"" Z••luir "1·.J 1 .... ur11 1'ucc<J ~·1~h I ! ,,., , ,. " u1, • 1 •I ,\ , , I tht•111 ... 111 i,1.1._ ~ '''"i"''""!' Howard Gets Permit ' '1>!• " " ,, I" bl • " " I I ,. " ,. " '" ',;· ! CALL SECURITY COMMERCIAL PATROL l l••!•l""'"ll>t.ll• ... ' h"il .... 11 "'I:'' l.Juy,1 r• H 11.,.•1t trt r,.,,·rlll\' t • k llll tn" i•'t",J~ ... t,.,1, "·'llllLI Ol1l a l't••tl• \l••K <LT\ IHl,1·111 j,;l • '"'""·11 • \\o\"'.S ~:iu('fO,:<!n~y '"111· perrn1t fu r Sl-,36 U (.,, •·•'l>.:tl•u ·-l1tr ""t """'""•·••\ ,,1 tl11to! •1111" ma·~ ..... n! \\'11!1a.n1 )-farnl1ri, Al t'"" ,,, ,. ,. ...... ,.11,t """ ~1t••.:'" .,1 \'r·1"f .tl1o·.1,,.r~··•"1 •1p•r\·1•• •· ,•. "• ,,_ .-.. Kl 2-7027 l1o·J "l un .• A.""'"'"lllliun , i 67 E.~Ull'r SL .. r .\!t fu1k•• l!h\ ~"'' , "" ' -------. , , .1:DE NTIF·IED ' , •• en i ica Ion BRACELET In cooperation with the FNlf'ra.I CJ\'-U Dt>fen!.'M" 9thi<'h l"f'('- omm,.nds • stalnlf'!l!I "tee I identificat Ions for all Jlf'M\ODS rri,:ard- lrs."' of &ge, the NEWPORT HARBOR Nt:"·S-l'ltt:S.S is offPr· lni.: tht>8e Kmart new 1-0 Bra.celrt!I .~Rt~t; "·ith f'll.<'h new 3-nionth pa.id-up "UIJ8Cription, at rM) Ct'nts Pf'' n1onth, O r. you m•.r 1oPnd lo lhl" nl'"'apaJ>"r t l.Ot1 for """h 1-n llr11.1·f'l~t 11urf'h__..1 111 llh<>ol a p..Jd-up ~ul....:rl pllon. All otdl'n "'Ill be malled dltl!CI to you \\"ITlll.X 10 UA l"~. PARENTS : Your child should be properly identified ot all times with this smart, attroct;v• bracelet. We o re living in on oge when hotords o f t raffic accidents, p nemy attack, evacuot1o n , a n d o ther e m ergencies o re ever present . W earing of a permanent and approved Jdent ifocation Bracelet. particularly by 1chool children, is on important port of Sofety W elfare ond Civilian Defen•e and is the best means of promptly no t i fying parents o r ne)(f -of-kin in cor.e of ~j ury. NOT[: P~"' P<i"t CAllfflllll' ond CORQ[CTLY. • , To: Newport Harl~ar News-Press Newport Beach, California llEllGIOM SYMllOLS : P lot Pt0te1to,,t , C !nr Cothoric; J for Jr-.1d~t.: CS lor Chrf\. 110'1 !>c•<',,.-~; LOS IO• l oller Dov So,nr~. n" I Y for oll oll'>er •el•gion•, Plea.&e a.ocept my paid· up subtw-ription to the Nr"-port llarbor Ne1''8 -~ fo r "'hic h I am enclosing thr gum or S and at.art delivery to the foUo"'ini: addreS10 : Name --------------------- Addres. City & Sta"' --------------- It I• undf'nlood that I un to l"O!CY'J\'e on,. l·U HMU'<'lo·t l•"REt: 10·llh ,.,.,..h .S·rnonth p&ld-ov 1uba-erl11Uon. t-:.n.-1 ....... 1 111 lhl' lnform 1!1un lo h.-ln ... ·rlhMI on .--11 Br...-..let. ------ USE THIS SPAC[ FOR ORDERING ONE BRACELET Tovt; NA.Ml NPl~_., ... CtTl'. ''"'" •11TM Clll"I -·~ WllTE Wll4J' TH IS STI"' A•OUHD W•IST fltOM TIUS lHO TO GIT TOU• coa•rcr s1 zr L(AV£ II SPACE BETWEE N NAMES AND GROUPS Of FIGURES. r------------1 USE THIS SPACE FOR ORDERING ONE IRACEL£r Y04JI NAMI NUCT -Or--KtN I c•n•nAn WRITE JM YOUR WRIST SIZE HUMBER HERE USE THIS SFACE FOR. ORDERING -ONE llACEL!T T04Jl NAMI c1n•nAt1 lllTN Ollll <Ml f'MONI -- wam IH YOUR WRIST SIZE HUMIEl HEU I ·- • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS , MONDAY, JANUARY 30, 1956 PART TWO, PAGE ONE DEATll \'A l .l~f:\· rapidly as Khado\l.'!I ___ ., fr<•m ZHbrisk1 Pnint is onr .\fany frum al! over L'. :-.; o f Jir;!•ltic.st a nd mo11t VHlll here annually. _,... '• t'olorrul \'lt'W 8 '" t he M.ILLER CllEVROLET, is brought to irtop so party can aJmirr dcsC'rl. In back· ground ia t he Furnace Creek Inn, a landmar k in valley, as is !Jcath Valley Scot ty's .-••ce. ROl.JTE I'O OUnt VALLEY by Motorlogue party on Map. .. • llAK£1l l8 ouUined HORS EBACH RIDING 111 l'IJlOrt 1n l he \'alley Th•- m.All on 111 beh111d pubhL tn.iler park. ("olnri< rh'ln~r DEATH VALLEY NOW TOP TOURIST AREA , Death Val1ey, once the dread of prairie schooner pioneers, now da.nda u a majll' attraction for the 20t.h Century traveler. The same features that rt"JX-lled the '49eni, the bristling sun, barren flat.I, """"1 formations and colon beyond belief. today draw tholliiands or visitors annuitlly, from now through April. · We joined the throng in a 1956 Chevrolet Bel-Aire, from Miller Chevrolet Company, a ahining car that seemed to lt'ap over the n11Jes ..-.·1th 1la 170 horsepower V-8 engine &Dd Power Glide tra.n1mission. The trip started on t he Pasadena Frttway, which y,•e folloy,·ed to Colorado •trel!t 1H11hway 661, 111,.n ...... t lo San Be r nardin o. Ji'ro111 /\,.(",. "''° c-hrno.-d ov .. r 4'.j!;IL-fo.,1 CIOJUll Pll.>" Uu1 h1Khf'"l .,1, •·~- 11\Jn of \he i np--a.ncl c-<1nt1nu•·•I r., J{ar1\.J.J"'' •tHl lhl' JUllCUun ur I· s Wl-~M A l flaker Route l1i l'l"''lnj:.~ n urlh t., n1., .. t SL10le \WU bl l>rblll Vall"Y Jurnu~.n thr tu111urr 1 .. r t h" n"C1n11MI n1r;nun1f'nl lhn111~h 20 ~uJ .. Team l'anyo11 TK ·\11.t:K :-;1·~11 ... Th~!" >H•· l'l'lrtll' llllt' h• T• I, .n •n<I 1:r11r ll«trl •t )-U! IUU .. '"" ! .... 1 h v .. 11 .. 1• Atll'" ~· \,.u .. y J lu .. 11,.r. Jru1 ~ " I Cr•·•k f\11 1,.r1 1<nt ~,.,,\11 '-< ,_,-,. lh1>! K"" IJI" l!IO~"I"! " II •·r A ""·rl• "" ""'I ~.Ur • 1><'11 /1 1 ' ;, • ''n ":"t'""·" •tur "L"f> ,,.. .• ,. 111 F'urn11• , 1 •., ~ Jr.n 1 A IH•·f" 11.u Joi"" "tu·•,. ~· 1.d 1·i.1t1lor S• rn1ll lh• "·''"'~' r<-.o !" Ll~ • "11o f•orlllt!I,. Ttl; 1' I n .. I I"'"' l., ,.1,., bll<I "" I· rl'·r \ ''" 11 .. 1n l hlld•• i., 1• • h•·ll U.>1~ !r.1!1Uly ~11•1 II"''"''': !11 trw "t'l!nrr od t'lrf~ l(U• •' ·n,.,,., ""'" "' .. tu• .. 1 .. 1.ton~ 1 c 1!.l 1·~ Kll·I 111111 .. 1 "I'•,,• K l"'i•rtJ1 ~\a\.-, a1up,.:r .. 11r1•\ ·r11 .. inn 1 ~ ..... u,.11} 1 ,.d'• "'llh!n tlh 11&llr), Ullo! "~ "·"I<' mtu1V ... ,,y •lr1''"" l•• f111 nun" 1 ~11·l· 01111k~ ' .,.ht• nol u. 11.i rn1a1u.•U HI< lu•le 11 ... 1 ... ,.,1~ G;dl C·•u1~·· • r,.ulan· c .... llliN1.n11r 11f to11ur ... 1 1<111! I""" i~~ J:hFl \\'at .. r •h~ l1•w~ .. 1 I ·,.., the l 'n•t•-.J s1 .. tr~ :!!!U , • l>o·lo"'' """ j,., .. l ' "1 u r " I HI' II<:" A1\1:1t,. [ •r11·.. o;uldrn ~-,.,.,,.,1, •n,J ch~ }:t'"·'t tu,,..11 .r I!) I l!\'IOU lh., hnn1 .. "' 111 ITlUI<' 1 .... ·' l< t.•lt!ll" 1·11 1,t:t:1t 1.1101 ,. 'I II•· r., ,.J.,.1 '' a I u ,,. !"""'""" "t I "'~ "' '" "'J 'h ,. 'I'"' 11"""' • r Ir• 1: ·'" .. ,111"''' "Il l tl'•t 111 th•• I ',I •· 1 1 .. 1 ', a" " 11 .. ' " ••• " <d. ' •. It-I, ti• !11 \ t> 1\\ ~· • \1,..-h \'•I' I 3 J i(ol'l»t'' l' lip • t '""" .. ,, . ., ''"I II· '" \\I; "" '' •!I• .J II'"'" \\ 1·11 . ' ~" " I !lt'L> ~tut ' "" "!"• 11 .r1 \ r ... I \ ": !tH \\ • It ' l •.I ""l>I• I' I." /.• '" I• I ,.• I',. ' '""'" •·! '"'''' .\\ai·I• L1, !~1 " 11•• T "', I>' ~· "•, . h··' .. , '. " ' ' .. I!. ''·' '" ..... .,. •• , .. , .. >l• \', .• 1i...·r l'n•• n<• I '/., ,, Lo .1 l ,.~\ • , I ti" , ,. ,, /," 1• ' It,, \ ' ·, \ '\\II . 0~11 .I ' ., .\l1<nl_> .•h•I 1\1,. t' ...... • '"•I'""·' 1 . "11, .. """' 11 r'"'" :1o .. ~: ... 1 J ,.).11 I! •I:"', "'• t •· .. 1,., 1. 1 1., r on<1 ,.,.1 ,,11<1 .. 11., nutnt·l "'" •kirn"'n"~ 1111·y bn>ug ht •uppllM San fo'f:mando Valley 1 h111 ...,,,..,\ I h~ pl»'l-.-. s1, ... ,,~ .. 11 1 •., .. 1h v .. 11 .. y < l>t n1"··I n I'"·' "'"""K lhl' ,, .. ,,1 .. ,,. "''""' 1\11 bdrrf:n11 lhuu .:11 ul•lll ''""I 111 t h<: border· l/11( 1• .. u.111 .1nl ,\J,•u 11l••n~ •nd U•• "'" • .... .,.i,.1.: .1 .. ~,., t n1ni.;,.~ ">'.""I h" T 1\ th11I Thr 1101nbo-r 11., ',. • \1,,' '• • h ' " to ,, IO!w lolfl,. b<J<lk, J' .\1, ") .11 'i' .. n.i n ... .\l•nly I \•' '1 \\ . .;k .. r puh· •t I ,,. , · •· \ ~ l• 1 '"'! • 1 n· " ' lll•r" "r !•l111•!1 t'•J• •I ~l••1 •rA '"' "' ""'"' ""rt •l·•'I ' ..... , ·1 ,.,. ... " r "". " • "" . " ' l '"•' n 1 .. 1 ..... '" • , .. , ... '•) .1 .. 1. ' ....... \.• lh .. ,,, ... " "' t ... " ' '" •n·! ""! >< •~" t "h''"I b u t '·'~'"''""' I·);"" UH\1] Ill• re.: .. nt •!>•t'll fj, ""~ 11,.1,·,! ! d h>S 1!Ultl<!, .. •tru• lup• "' l1<'111U<l11 "" h11< o wn l'""·'''""ht\ ,.,,., '"' h•s ubvlOU• 1111! """'J•l"'""•I """Ith which h• , 1 .. 1111rd ""\" rr••n• ,. 11r< ret &old 11\1 " .. Jri l"l"r '""'" hnwr vf'r. lf.1 • "11 .n ...... .., '''1"'"'"1 a.• •n •m•· llld• >111•1 ,,.1,,,., '"II: n111l1on•lra wh•> 1 ,,,1 •1111rtlv · •t.<kt•! Ji<:otty, \11,. • 1,1 1•r""l>f'• 101 ton hi• w ild ""I ,..,.1 .. "r'"K fl!n.:~ S ! 1, ~ l ·.,,.\Ir rH'"' •• • holtil nr hn•I'•"! ll•••,rnn1••1bt1ona tha.t 1•rr~r1 '·~ t.11•· l '""'"r~C'IOna ot tha Urll(lrl"I .... , UJ'lllll W ith •n a.Jr that I:'""~ ""'' thr 11lf'a.<11<11t llluaion lh1tl l 1•11!h Vll ll"Y Srutty 1a hi• ho.st t 'l :-0.P:KAI. ,\to l ':-0.TA.ISS Afl"r •<h<1111n 1: !hr lr n(lh &nd breadth nf th,. \'lllrv. lnclud1n,: !hf: JCllM11hlv t·olortul l"'Uneral Mounlluns the hu<!a bf'lla lta """'"' "" lert P..•Ch \'alley on H..,u t'° !9H ·r h1• l<:d pa,. t t he aweM1111• •lltl•L 1lun"" ""'' Ovf:r T owne'• P ... !ii l'•namonC Vt1.llf:)' A ff:W mil• r 11.~t <if l'ru 1a 1nlnt Sprlnl'• w a tum"d 1 .. tl onto a pa vW ahortcut do" n lh" vall••y 1'h1• pn1rllc11.Uy follow• t h • triul ot Manley 1.nd Rogar1 on Lhf:1r d1<11h tor help tor their com· n 1de11. rhmblng lhf: 11lop<!a ot th• Sl11tl' H11.n11:" where 11 mf:eUr t h• Argu1 Mounl!f.ln1. and dropplnl' duwn lht" uther ..ide to Trona. l l '" r 11.11y hf:re to pau.e for 1. mnn1rnt 11n ,1 !tnaglne lhl• WM 100 Y"""' 11go Mnd lherf: Wf/te no r·•.a d,., no tra•l1t and-wor1t of all SAl\'D DUl\"&~ are very lntere!!Ung P.tudied 1n n eath \'all ey. Sand, heat and wind pla)' havoc with 11hrubs and roots making it practica lly imposaible to exist 1n dcsc-r1 clime. no "''•h•r Today, their andur- •n~e 11n.1 •lelfr1n1nat1on ln Lht. lonutken lund H'f'lll hf:rotc. ~'rotn ht re, Wf' d r o v 1 on throui.:h lt1d11~r,Ml, China IA..ka 1.nd lnyok<':rn to Highway e. Ula ma.Jn route home. ll Vt"ry populllr Rf)('f'lllf'Ular fnr - 1·an1pground and COWR•~UI . CHARA.CTt:R In Death Valley i8 Lou Blum, ahown with hil'I burro "Shorty.. J,nu came to California from Alaska If\ 1906 inn itearch o r gold. Olher prospectors h.ave been In a.tta for many years. -, l I ·I -·-____ ,_ " . ~----------------- (}overnm(!nf Gxcepf PAGE 2 ·PART 11 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRE~S MONDAY, JANUARY 30, 1956 ''God gro nt us the serenity to occe pt the +h ;ng~ we c onnot change : the courage to change the things we con cJnd the wisdom to know the difference." (A. A.non .) 'EDITORIALS County Rain Still Sees Us Against Flood Control Bonds \Vl' finally had n b1K rain. a r~ally big rain in Oran~1· Cuunty. It It> thl' rain that W illis \-Varner Raid v.·ould c:oOll' It 1~ t he r~un that the \'C'nf'rabl(• l'h.'\lrT!llln nf I he bn1trd <Jf ~upt•rv u;nrs ~R i d v.·ould 1nunih1.tc the lrJ •Nla nd!I and tht· 1·u :t!!l;1! llrf'as uf Orangt> County with untold ltt.'-1' nf 111'1• and pr•lp•·rty t.lr \V a r 11t·r v.·•1!'< ll l .. '<lk111~ u f hu; 1>t·l proJt'll v. bc n he rnad .. llH' d 1r1· pr1·dJC't1o ns H is l)('l prOjt'{'l !!I a .~·l :!.000 ,tHIO )J1.11d 1s~a1 " fn r fl.1od 1·11 ntrnl 111 ()r11ng" Cuuuty \\'1· ha\•· ql'l'":-<•"l th111 bond il'l'Hh' \\',. havo· ""ll- !r•nd•«~#ft or ~···~1 r s 1ha! t h• L.i;.1 n..I uf su p••r'\L:i•1r~ arHI 1t1•·1 r ()'r ;1111;:1· l '.1\llil_\' F l'""I t'<1 n11 .. ,] l11:.1trll't 1 1 !fa 1a l ~ w t·r1· 111·r1" !rat111g .1 lr;1111I 1q><111 1!1°· 1 ~·r·r d•· h v 1h1·1r '"'''11"•'1 •' 11•i.:I•(' ,.f th•·1r r!1it tl':-1't1 .. 1r dut11 ·i-. 111·h1d" t h•· d r ;1ft 1 11~ , f 1>1 11f',; ;, 11 1! •·nl••r ( ··nv·nt {•f •'f1Klll•·1·1111g ~t u.1 1 4 •.., l•1r rt11· 11r• 1,·11!1••11 •1f f1 ... ,.Ji111{ a nd 1nund11!Jt1 !1 11 1.~ !Ii· II l•I I.Ji Ill'" I'>'" 1h;i1 !.u1d I: l 'l'"!'t"r l~· i!ralll•"l, Ill \., 1td• q11 ;1\1• 1 111111110 I~ a,; I\ 1.-1 .!11\'1·l11J ot'd 1'hts l h,.y 11<'11"1" h.11 1• <l•1l l• !11 th· 11 '!..' 1 ~1111Ml4 I tJ .. n d 1~:-llt' t h1• l'1t) ,,f :'\c l'.· l·"rt I!, ,, I·. 11 ·ll1·1 t11. • :iJ!, d lli"'n t • I ;iy Jq p••r tT :1\ ,,f th1 t11t.1l '''"' 'l'h· r• l'.••:111! IJ, J:•• 1nvn1·y :-1 .. ·111 1n l h • j '1t:-'I'll" !'••v, 1 1···:-1;1 \!'""II w••\l!·l i•ci y ;, l"'r ···111 •. f t ht>, ••st •·I tl11 b0 11:.J 1,.,~u.-:1111 ! t " ;1JI int•·nts a111! pur· pvsPs 11•1 \\••r~ \~'1•1 d.t b,· 0!1111i· rh1·11· A ll t hl· ...,.1.rk t•• bl· dun•· 1s I 1r '' 111-,1··•l l rn111 !Iii,, 01rt.·a of nt.'arly ·IH ~~·n peuplf' tuid IMl rn1ll"•llJo1 .. 1 dullnr11 of asses..-;t1:1 valuat1v n. NtJ \.'.'•ir k h.1 s h•• 11 •l••!l•· <111 t hi.;, .\l1•Jia to Jraln lhc wal•·r bM1ni; that hJ\'I' •\1s t• d i;nJL't' t1m\: 1mmemor1a!. \'l'a r"); u i.;u !ht.• ••!Un ty 1•lanrunJ.:' county f)riod 11•11trn) n1 f1rr•rs. a111t the con1rtl1S8tu n, t h~· 8 <1ard o f Su J•"r - v1;>r1~. ,.,1i,.11!1I 11•11·,. r1 ·4 u1rt·d th,. r•1n1 I con1m1:>1>u 1nt·r tll d('!41~1l Mir• •·l M 1111 t h" t.l .. ~a ffo r stn r1n v.·ati..·r drainage chan111·l:-; 1-'u r 1ns tarit't.'. at J .. a,.,\ thrv ... and po 8S1bly six •lf the raHt ...,.,...1'1! 1-11 ri .. ·t~ 1·t11dd !1:1 \'1• l">o .. ·11 •·asily graded t o carry .11t 11r111 v.·,t t r r" u1 t11 th1· bay 1,n !ht' ··a.~t and into the river o n th!' "'1·st '1''1111 "'ll~ n"t n ri r has 1t yet be-i:n done. ThiR "'a!4 :'lh1·"r u nadu ll"ratt·d neglect o f duty by county f1ff1r·1a!s. 'l'o 1,ur k 1111\.\·INgf' there has been no enf orce- H.b lr> plan l"r <"n rrl'•'llnn ado pted by the City o f Costa ~l l·sa sllu ,. 1\s Jl](·11r p11 rat11111. Al tln.<1 li\tl' d a11· it "·ill be an exp<'nsive matte r t o rcd r a1t pl.u1s fo r !'ltri·t·t lc\·els so as to d rain the M("Sa . It .... ·1!1 ti.• 1n11r•· t'Xl>1.·ns1ve t o rxcavate a nd lay conduit.11 und1·r~rou1u l \n • arry o ff the storm. w aters. 1'h1 ·r1• n1 a y t.tt.: (Jnc bri1<:ht spot. N o credit is due to <'Ol111ty J.:"'·crnrn.·nt for it, no r t o city officials. The bright ~110t 1s this. the !'Ian n f the Sta~ o f Ca..hfornia to s111k th•· llig-hway 5;j 1-'r.-l'way belo w strC'et level through l 'os!u ,\lcsR I f this ,,.,.,.re done it w ould cer- !a in!y bl.· IH"CC'8iHtry f.,r lht• :--;tat r !J i\'i!:lion of Highway11 11.nd thP lJ1\"1~1un o f l'ulil1c \.Vorks to devise ways and m~anR tn drR.111 11ff water 111 the "chtch" they w o uld r reatl'. PL·rhnpM CoH\a ~l t'Ha cHy officials 11hould cx - lln1ine n1ui:;l cloHely thl· plan fo r th(' Nt'w port Blvd, FrN:'1\•ay bcfnrr lhf'y prott'st it out of cxistance. Edison t=>Jant Charged \vith 10 Beach Sn1og Violations A n 11n11bt1'\ls 11·e little itcn1 ;i.bout the Southern Cali· fn rn1a l·~d1!-ion l '"·"" l~•·dondn 11f"a c h power plant's alleged s r.1 11g \"11ol~1\1u11s 1·aug ht uur f')'f' thf' oth<'r day in a l..os A rigo• ll"~ 11•·1\:-1•a p•·r ·rht· a('rount noted the l'lectril' utili- t \'. \\·h ir h burni:; pf'lrolt'un1 products in it.s ~team gl'nerat· 111.r: plant 1vafl c hargf'd .,.,..ith 10 counts o f "emitting ex- ' ''"s:\I' ~n1.,k1 •" fr11 n1 fl\'f' ~tacks o f the sea.side plant. 'f h•· 1-:,1 1~•111 <..'<1 ''11h•:1d1·d 1nnocl'nt during arraignn1ent,'' th1· 11 1·1v~ fll <i ry ('hn1 nu.:li•d . And tr tal "'as set for 9 a .m. l•eb. 20 111 tlH· S<>11th l~uy ~lunicira t Court o f Judge Otto }t. \\"11)('\ 1 may have doubted an electric powe r plant could he a l:i m og contributo r . H owever, if you read the Jet ter t o the editor from Roger W at.son, Palos Verdes resident, la.at week, yo u'll recall he faithfully reported emog coming o ut of the Redond o power plant. And, when he com- plained to the air pollution control district officials, \\'at.Ao n claimed they said the plant "had a variance." But, asser1edly, the Bdison plant exceeded It.a al- !o wab!f' !Jmog contnbution or the fi nn wo uld no t h ave lx.'1·n "arraigned" on 10 counts and aBked for a muni- c ipal court Jury trial. \\'hich is to aay this l!i w hat Wt''ve been talking about, co ncerning probable limog £•m.Jss1ons from the 1-":dtsun Co plant at }-funtingto n &ach. Last Wcdne11- Jay, yvu'll recall, the Ne ws-Prt'Bd ha.d it straight fr1;m JJ1:ico 11 1'ubh8. our count y smug t'zar, that the Edison l "' o ff11·iall'.I have no t consultt.-<l his air pol!ut1vn control d1 Ml11ct u fftCC' fv r any smog [k'rn11t or ehn...,·n any pls.1111 v.·hatl-i1.lt'ver S1mlls.rly, th1.Y n f'·Ni-;paf'f:r has r~el\'ed nu L"Ull \ 111~111g argumenl.'I from E dl!:IQn Co. th:.it the prt,. 1k 1/o!t'll SOU 1111 !11 v n plant l'l'!ll n r•l t·lrou d up Orange Count.\' l'l't\ h unburned 1oetruleun1 hyJro ..,·a rO.ln11. Th(' f1r11t ec!Jtons.J this ll t''A'SJlBJM.'r printed a bout t hC' pr"bahlt· Knl<'"ll;:" ('rnan11.t1 nn l"''til'.llb il1 t1t.·1J the new Hun tin~· 1.111 l~aeh plant w ould c rL·att• 1·harged that thh1 Bame phint \.\'a.'"l not [l(•nntlt£'li t n bt.> built 1n Los A ngel1•s . ·rhat 1·11y , b••gge-J do .... ·n undt-r it.'"l ;;end bro wn blankrt ,.f .in1"K 11.ppart•nt ly hl\R h11d .. n .. ui::h o f Huc h plant va- /'•Jn.I ~" th111 o ne l'Olnee to Urangl.' l 'ounty. f·lave you hes.rJ any ml·n1bt:r uf lh(· county buaf"t\ nf JiUJ)(·rv1.'lo rs in the leas t l'Oncen1ed a bout the J)(l!UlL · biltty uf Orange County smog" W I' can't recall any trumpets of alarun1 coming o ut uf the Santa Ana board room . Anj: judging from that set of off1 r 1al!4. Wt.' won't hear anf. S1n11larly, Huntingto n · Heac h r ity 0ff1cud!i set'rn unconcerned about emog poaatb1lit1et1 the $60 mil· Hon plant w ill bring. They a.re not even going to hB.\'c that city's planning commi.s&.ion rule on the proposed p!ant. Thia decision will be made by H untington Uc s.ch city c ounciln1en. And , we daresay, a decision w hich w ill h&\'C far -emelling implicatio 11B all o ver the county. Yee, it's interesting to see our reader , Roger Wat- 11o n , backed up on his letter about the Edison plant's Redondo Il<'ach operation by the 10-count smog viola- tions flied against the finn. We'll follo w the triel with interest al&o. A nd. w hile \.'.'e can still breathe clean, salt ll ir here we'll ki .... p printing the truth about smog , ho ping the fo lks who have moved out of it in Lo11 Angeles County to Orange County ?,'Ill rr-aliz.e the 11&me can happen here 1f a.n info rmed public does no t demand smo g-less pla n t o peration of all indU&trial phases. A utomobile exhaust contributions to the emog pie· ture will have t o be w hipped by the auto industry and th'! oil industry at their re11pective headquarters. fJut "'here the taxpaying residents of the County of Orange can help is by becoming a ware of the incre11J1ing amog ~angers besetting their atill nlativeJy clear atmos- phere. And we d o not exclude New port H arbor area folk. I n o ur opinion, we have here the most t o loee should Kmog descend on thi.1 beautiful spot our Crcn- to r fashio ned. AFFAIRS OF STATE By HENRY C. MacARTJfUR S A C RAAI F::>:'l'O, rc :-:s 1 -1 Tht _,h <lf', or cour.11t, ,,. on th• r.ovrrnQr r.o"<l"·t n J. Knight l'.'rnng foot f<Jr thf' D•rno.-r11.t .... ll l'T•JmplUlhW two Thln'1:11 when ht I and ROK<'r Kent, \•icll'-l'hlllrnian •"ll lle1I 11peclll l eler tion"' In lhrtt or th" [J('.m0Cr11tlc St&tl' Ccntr1tl Cllll f()n11i. ll"'~Prnbly Ul11tnct11 to Cnmm1tlll't. Io d g • d • prote11t rnlnrlr1fl \l'ltt1 the June l:'i pr!· 11g&!n11t the 1A9t tll'clfon• by m11ry <'ltctlon.11 rharg1ng lhal lt "m&ktll 1. m ock - F'lr1t, he carrill'd out the rnlln· ery or !he Con.11Ututlon:' dllle or lhf) ceon.11lltul!on. wh 1r h lily• the govtrnor 11hall call 11pll'· cl Jll eltcUon& In lf''1:;lal11llve <l1~· trlctll ..,.here v•ca ncle11 occ1.1r. \\"h,.th"r lhla charge ata nrl• up or not. 1" dll'ptndtnl upon the dt· ri.!'1nn r>f t he at11.te aupre1na court, \l'hirh hll .~ tha qutatlon before It fnr dtcl~lon. Democrat• have 11oughr. to force Iha governor to t·•ll 1.he special elecUonfl without delay, fln(! weU they rnla:ht con- IN HOMETOWN AMERICA - Edit orial Circuit F~id e r Ry l "S IT t :I) l'l<t'.SS 11\ :->ympus1urn uf F..:d1t u r 1at {.'on1m•·nt fr••m ('altf• 1rn1a N1•wspapt:·rs 1 Fol1n .... ·1ng l'rt·!>ldt·nt 1·:1,..t·nll11v.·1·1' Ii r II :-t \\ li1t•· ! 1 .. us" pr<':;:; ~OJllf ••r"!H • 1t1 lllitli~ 1J t1 °n!hs . j ',t!1l •.i111.1 .. 0!1t ur " l.u .. t "'t.•€'k "'l'rt• \.\'l'l tl n ~ ab•1UI 1!1• l'rL'sld• n t a11d h t:-S t,11 •· •ii l'h • l 'nion ~lt·Msagt• Th" SOl n J q,..~,, ! I "'· tn1u1 "''" ,, . .,1r!1 ,..1 1 .. ltl' \\.h11 .. 11 .. 1.,. ' 1 .. 1 •)f Ill It k ' 11 ~ ( ~ •.. 1 .. 1 .. Thf'r<' n,.t tl b• '"' 'I'"·''' t1 Ill 'h" r•1o:11 rd Th111 "111 ""t h" a "'""k ur ll 1111·k 1·r~.•1·l · nl ("'h11·n H<'t•1ro! ~I I ~: .... 1\)10\\"' hlll clea rl y l•')'"~lt••I ~/11• ''""' tt11'1l ht 111IJo:hl ~ .. rv., "' " ~.,11 .. ( 'LOnsul t•nl" \,. hi.• t '11 b1!10•! !!1• p•.,-11/•llK) (Ull\1111•11111 <h"v. \Intl !10' b .. Jleve., l!.n ·~·~11 1•1tn! "' ti>" \\hit" Hou11 .. ~h .. ul<l ti-fol r r 'h" full · Ml ,.ll1'rt"' ! ( !. : • 1•:'1"• ''' "•I ~•H \\• H l11d•· 1, I I : .. 1.,,', 1' '" • 'Ii•· l"l<:''l"' ... n ,~ "' ! 1'j..l ,. ,. 1nl 1 .. .i,,, ···I 1• l•dll ""' "'1'•·l .. ~., l•·I ~lol•• J· I ''""I '"1 1•1·1 .,.,~ ... 1,,,1, l••··"I f>, '" "T• ••Tl"' It I, I Ii,. 11 ,,.1 "'I•' !·'• .,,!<t!lo •l1 I tJ.1( ! , I,, •'It •ol ,,.,,. J it n11·ro 1, l!.f'l''"'~I ~1 •• 1 ....... 11·' r .. " •.•. , 111 .. "·' 1 .. ,n .• •t•·.~r .. ,,.:. -.1 ..... 11,,,.,,.,. ,, l-:o 'W'nlu •""r h~• ot ~k •"! ''nKr<'•• tu pr<•V1•1•· $1 ~··ll !"tlir~l•l 1h fl'<l• !'!Ml lel lifl\O ••\•·I 0 10• Ii"•' f t \"t' afloul<I put h111.•t'Jf '"•! •f th• , .. ,.r. !•• ,.,,, 11,. ~'"l,.• "' l""\l·I plcturf' 1 0~ rn•·!•' '1,,,.p,..1n.• l\• .. hl•" 1,. 81lf! Fr11n1·1111·" :-; .. .,. .• ~n nl f' llJ[i( •Bi;u " •1"·•·1•t "" t.1 th•• or lkt 11 l'"lw1r" h,.,,. nu •I 1ro! au .. •ul\I .,f ,.,,1 !h" l''""'·lr11I k•p\ but we think .. n llor \•ll••I•· \hi' " •11••"1 ""' •li>l'l·•' "" !hr l•••H' p•opl"' 'l'P""'" ••f th• k1n•l ,,r j"'""hL•h 1 n •1~r·! ~.1 ... ,1 11 111 1.J""" 1 KV''"rnm•nl lk~ njlf•"""!" !11.•l '"un,!<'r in l)u• l·•~t 1·,,ni.;1 •·"''""'1 un!h minlahlni;: T'"Pt1l11r o'•• u '"'o-R"-'"'"11 n11 1tu•I\' v.·hrt),.•r A<"<•I tl .. n<:f' of th"\ \\<' th+nk •hi ~ f"•f•· 1111•" 11h•,uld lor 1(1\'Pn 11• •T UI"" uhu·1ty I• fJll ~r<! ru·t ••nl,· "" t(I' l•l•l •h hA•'" ""I l!n ••rr1ph•h•<I 111 1nnalf' •1 .. ce1u·1· "ll \ 1111 .. ~1 ,1v ,,f 1111 d~~··;:p·~n t1.1n ' lk~. tht 1111111, hut .d •" I" 18\11"' h" ."IT 1\1't: lJF t ,,·111, hall atOQll f <or ""'1•"1 htn'1:; Fi\IT ll .J!'.""fll'l f:ll Tu r l n<"k J•,t11·na l 'f't""''''!rn1 J-:1...,.n h""'"r !honk" th" f;t,.I •· "f F'ull1·rt.•n !'1111·0 :"•·v.• ·rrlQuri,.· tht {1111•o11 111 ""'"!, untl "" 11•· ,,. "l'11'.'1>1li'n1 ~:111•·11h•·v.·rr'11 drv1•!ion rqr\f'r! t•• t!11• ('<111,.lf''<~ llul ~ ... to •111\.f "!•.~ re!e<'l<'d 111 ~ \\'u uloj !1ki' lwllf'r 1:<rhonl.~. ht•tl t'I' J'P'~• ""n(••rcr1•··· Rf!•·r 111~ dM'i· nia.i,. Hild hfl ppler fRr111,.r• H e ~\•111 tr. l"\11rn lo• \\":.~hinj.'.!nn 1•·ant "' '1•·1l ]1 h;<ti,,.,. u1111n1R1n••1I H"th Mr ~:1~··nl1"1'''r 1•11<1 hill Joun ~ 11<'•"'"! •!•·for·, .H>·I r11nr11n1,; r11 J1 I•• 1u 11,.. t!O:·~ •1<t11·1 f .. rdi.:n .. 1.i '""111111111•"! :-11.•ll "'' Jl••l,1:'!1 •:"\1 x .. 11 1 hRI"" <Hltl•·<l l!1P(1• ,l:'"l lhf'm°? Thill rf'l!llll ll ~ 1., h<' ••Jn•f'rl~ ,,r i:••\···rnn1.,nt '"'"l••r ... ,.11 Jf ··n· u1.;h ,,, t ..... ,. 1 l k ~ ~h ip '"''' ff •1l••n <1111 11\i.; 11t·I!" l1k•· 11 .. v. .. 111,1 "''t•• "'"I ,,, ,)\,. l"nn, l•f u flu·" TI1" l'""Jll •·~ p!;o 1n 1,. ''" P 'l""''•!1 l>1T ,,., "' fRllh nn•l •••l\!1•1"11••' h ""'' ti•"'~" .. II•!"'""''\" \\hR1 \\•' Wllf!I b""'" JlHll>fird full\' ,J.,nl' ~"""' , t !! ... ~ .. ,.,,,,, d !•· 1•1 ~al1na., l'11l1f,,rnlfl ll 'Pr,.q1d,..nl •·<u•l•I I><• '" h1"\••·l F:l11t•n ho\l"ll'r°• !<lrnni.: f>l"fl In h1R ,\l.11ti .. ,f,, Tun+·• -Slnr I' h .. 1nt.11!111'1:;t tn l 'nnw:r""" fn r 11. c·on-l'r .. ~1oli>111 1~ ro~h l 10 hi~ H1'1""'" h tillllllnrt of 1h P f1~hl ll j.!"R!ns t rP · 111 th•! !ht• (;••V•·rnn\l'tll hk•' RI\ Uglou11 11.nd rile la I pr .. judlCll' !!h011l •I lnl1 1\·H111nl ""''I hi" '··•1 • 11~1 hl· (tve new CQUr11ge fln'1 ~trenJ',"l.h l for U"' •lrtil ~ 11n'1 !11'1011!'1 11 tr1''!' tn to the multitude or palrlo t1c A m-1 rf'duro• ( h •' 1r1 "~ n1urh and 11 ... ertcana •lrlvlng frir thP t>qu11.lil y qu!rkl,i.· fl,q ., .. ~111111 .. " of 11.11 cltlun,., reg11.r11l""" of rare Orni ill·· /\Ir r, 11 , v _ 1tri;::i•lr1 or creed," 'T h,-. 1•ro··,.;-1ol •·111 ·~ ).:1,,1 .. ,,r 1 h ,. 0 Ak land 1'rlQ11n!': 'T'r1"111di>nt I L'n lnn n"'' .oi.;a Ht11•n,w:th•'ru.•.i th(' Elnnhow,r, In hl11 llchtw'l pr P-lh"llt<r I" II 1,., fl <"RO•tl •!R lP At thl' gram, hlUI 1J1rcur11tPly rhai·!<'r1 thP Cflpltol, 11 "'""" •••idety 1111,.rrro•l••d needa for A1nerlCflI1 e(lur&Uon flll [a• 11. '11l11 lf•11111· f<>r thP 1i:o~.11 rlln•· far 1111 montha nf tt!<rflrch A.n<I In-pail("n. wrol!Pn by a n1fln v.·hn r11 · ve11tlgaU on r'venl, bul hia pro· Jl<'flt\I t" r 1J11 on 11" Those of yo u "'ho ha\'C' followf'd the News-Press' exr lusivc nC"\V9 and editorial accounts of the proposed J·:d1 :-;on Co.'!:I s team generating po wer plant the utility h11)1C'8 to cetabliHh on a big a creage at Huntington Beach Second. he catared to the <!P- 1lrta nr boArda or aupervi!K)ra !n the dl •lricl..!L 11.rf~ted. Th," e bouda we.re not anJL!oia lo go to :.he expt n•a ot apeocllll ,.1 .. ctlon11 , and Iha 001t of the 11pac lal. cnn1· Ing: on the day of the June pr!· mary, wtll ba comparaUvely nit· ei<!eri1u: the trend In the •lilt'" to· 1---------------------"'arrl 11Pndlng the Bo1.1rbon l'f'pre- Aentfl l L\'e11 to th• aenatt and ... .IO!WPORT ..NE-WS Formtrly lhf' Ntwport-Ba1boA Nt\l'•·Ttmt• ..-id thll' Nll'wport-Balboa Pru• Jo:ntf'T"'l'r1 ll.11 Second-Ci.a. MAlter al lht Poc!tofflce In Nl!'Wport S.aeh, Callfom1a undtr tht Act or March !, 1879. l'ubUab~ flT*l'J' Mo•daJ', WeclaMda.7 &Dd Fri4-y by the N.E"-'POftT llARBOR P UBUS HINO COMPANY !!'11 8alboa Bl-.cl., NEWPORT BUCH. CALD', P hone Harbor 1111 Quallf~ &o PuWW. Lflp.I Notklett and AdvertJIMllDellt. of All Kl.,_ By o-.ree of~ h .. rlor Court of O~ c .-. la ActiClll No. A.-!1101 Member oaafon'-N"'9paper PubllalM!rw AMoclaUoa. M .. Mw N'aUo-.1 Jtdlto11al A•llOdaUo• M_._ et o ,..1e C.U.t1 N_ .. ~ Bl!N REDDICK, PUBLISRER WJ.LL.lAl( A. MOSl:S, JCd ltor ORMOND Jc.. ROUNTREE, Advll'rtilllrlC Dt~tOT' l CHARLES A. ARMSTRONG. MKhan!cal Sur@rlnttndt'lt 1 __ • ' St"R8CIUP'TION llATJ"..M : J'fe.rport Harbor N_...~ Trl·"-·ee&Jy ()0011ty, fAnct P"' y...,.; s.,oo ,.i., mo'"-; $1.M Vl•llllde or ,.....,,., t'-"11111 $7.°::_ P<"'" (."'•'" "en1bly. nor. There w .. a •Uaplclon a t the Then I• yet another banerlt to Capitol that perhapa lht l'Ovamor the Rt1pu bllc-..n party, howt ver. had been promptd 1. bit through Thi• I• th• d&.rll'er of aactirlclnll" advance knowledge or the court'• more of th• GOP prutlp In tht decl11ion, with r..l•Ucr: to the ••.temQl y, whtre the line la dlln-mfl ntllltnry provi.lona or the eon· r•n::rull''y cl~ to Democratlo con· 11titution. but ao tar, lhla rumor t rot. !11 unfuunded. It LI not cuatom .. ry Polltlcal o b88rver•, of cour11t . for membtr• of the •t•te au. feel th•t the rovamor had th!11 in prem .. l"ourt to dlacuaa matttr• mlnrt when ha adopted ht.11 poliry pen•hng btfor11 lhem In advance or onlv calling 1pecla.J election.~ I or lJirlr d~l•lona. But nr courae when eo .-.quuted by boarda or thrre ."re both Democrat. and .upervl10rt1 tn the counllea Rf-R<'pubhc1.n1 on the fll•te'1 htgh- rected. At th• lut two sptcial11, I 'st J11d1<"l•I body. 0-mocratlo reprMtnlat!ve1 w<'rt Su th" ...,nure matter appeAn ll'ia<:tad, marking a IOI• or nne to ht rdma.r!ly a tf'mpMt Jn a Republlc-..n VQI• In the auemhly, trR-pnt, prlma rlly dut to thll' fa ct 1.nd malnt.a.lnln1 a bLlance in the lh111 1r 11n ll.ll•embly d111lrict d~a aenate. nnt v.•11.nl reprt•ll'ntlltion, the According to th1 tarma of tht ~1 11\e f'nnaUt1.1t!on do,.lln't force conrt!tuUon. th• ,.nvernor ta. of •ur h ,...prMf.lntaUon on the dli!i- eourM. th• final aulhor1t7 on !r11"t. ll"t on the nlhf'r hand. II whethe;r or not a apeclaJ election the r ounUe1 •re wlllJnft: to foot 1hLll be callld. Whlle the ba..,1c th" bill. the chitf f'X~utlve vlr- law nt lht1 1tat11 mandates thll' luAil\' I ~ required I n call a 1pe- gov1rnor to cal\ auch -..n tle<:Unn. Cllll f'l<'cUon 1n • re•aonable It conveniently neglect.II to men · 1Pn£1h nr t!me ~tf'r Iha vacancy \Ion ~h• number of day• follow· ocrur• lnllC occun-enc• of a ~ancy whf'n Th'" thru UHmbJym en to b<e the eltctlon aha.II bt cLlled, I tlPlf'd •t the 1pec:lal 11t:ulon C"on"""'!uenlly, It a gnvf'rnor lprob1bZy w\11 ht thP thrf'e to be w-..nlll lo J'lla7 poUUt.11, h" r ll n <lo tlerlPJ J>f'rmanently. At lea.st.. IO. q1,1.lt• l•R'a.ll y, &nd aaauml'd!v WI lhll ~lal <elf'Ctlnn nn the l thf'~' u·tll f'll rh 1et Ill\ additional llltt '11ly of th• n r ant term If he •Ix m"n l h~ 1111!1.ry, r h1t1 the <:1ther IG c~ emolument• ri t legtal.atlv• Qt'n ce cm('rgcA to \"i('W Carrizo R:tdlanrls on o ne o f mtfd hills f'hntn dn<'!<ln't rlt1 !Jl..l!ltice t n narrov.'Tlrss and clanj:'rr nf this J('('P track . Jrom BRUSH COUNTRY JOURNAL By ltORAC t: l' . .\RKER J t:•I. S ot .. -1111,. ,,.,hunn h.1 11 .. ,......,. l'•rlof'r "Ill d,.a! \\llll lht' U!t l•··kn•H•n h l~lvf"\t"al fll.-1• h1• h•,. 11 .. -.l1r1J "I' tn hi• n1an1 tr111~ lnl,. th .. llft•'I. r~u11l.r) In r,.,.,.nt .1"11,.... 1 IJn•· o f lhl' mo!'it l'>IH.'('tar11lar t1·1ps t o oc ni11.de 1n the Anz.a 1J.11d Hort'gu !";l<ilc l'ark11 11>1 the one through Split ~lou11t1un and up F'1i:;h {'reek '!'h,• F'1s h C ret•k range of rnounta 111s sC'parates the Bo rf'~O IX·srrt from the Carrao ant.l \·anec1to vallcy.!l. It is a fon:-bvri1ng region of weathered •lln•!.'1 ••n•· "11•1 '"'"~'l•''""rt•I" t"t<I• t"l'l• "" ,·HU 1! ·"Phi ~l uun tai n V.•11 11.(•l ')'<"l'f··I 1'."l\h lu t1&Jl\' I l•H\r b .. t;ro tu !hr h<'O<r\ n( F'1.11!. hn1••·n I• •••l to:I!~ ••f tl\ru~t np (·,,.,.k hu1 111 l'"""tr11 .. througl\ ru11111"· ,.,.? v.1111 I.. I'·'""! 1·11 • lh•· r.111.:•' ~n·I "'"'',.)" tne 1•1llt•.1 t•I~ 'I oddttoi; "' 1111'11 "'•hl l•·o.-ot ! r·~ri '·" •Ill \",.11,.,11 .. on ttl<l' ,,.IJ.,.., t•· .1n ,. 1 •l ,.. ·1·'1·1'11!1: .. 11,.·1 111 1<· 111 . l•·n~ t,.·,.n ''"' o f •r.11 1 • ~ •I•· .. 11.u.1 tu:1. !•;; to-. f' "' "'"'"t'""' \\ 1111 " t" 111klll' 111 t•I•·"'' 1,,,, <·I l·•·•·•I! '""'"" 11• t")<" "'h1t h I •lnlnl '"''"''al •ll' I· \•,I 11 .... 11111 0· '".:•••II •• ,1 tr.. tl1ur n: .. 11 lll'lll!l ~ n1y old •k l ,, ·• "•!1 t Wl•'n·~ "o•l1·~ ·h-~·r l ""'"" 1nv .. 1~lf'•\ 11\f' Into "' k1 .-"• .,.,,.i. '"'"' Iii• flHll ""' "l'"""'k "' " '"nyon '" •' l '•l•h "'I, •·I ll o <•1U o,: <'II •I ~l •ll ;·, • .,k \\'l\,•h .. I"'" .r I• 11 11 ll• ,.:1.• t .. ~ll!I • II • ll1t•h n•:'n1 W t ' " "' '" ,1,,,. · .. , rr .. ~K•d " ' " I ' I· c ~· ... " " " ' .. ,, 1~1.0· HI 1.1 \" t ..... " ·'' 1. ,_ 11 ... , •• , I I , <• '"" '• "" •' " ·1 h .. ! , . " "' 'I I'.: " " '" ,, ',.,. \ \1{1{11\\ • '''0' I , r !" J ,., I• n .. ~ .. I 1/\1!"1 ... 'I ' ' ~I ·,' " I ~·r, lll f>! tn, ',,,, !, • _ .... "' ... '" ' ~ ,,.,,,11, l.1 .1' \l'l \tl ·1·1••!11( h [ Jl lHI Uf ~:> ih" I"' I• M,.,.,. ",.," I I ,. I'/• ·•It· 0 llf1\ "n 11' ' 1 • •'.I o!i 11 • .,..,! h\' " ' " ' . '· ..... JJ I! ' l'I 1 ... •I -.. ,.,1-,,. ! ti'.·· <11(h 1n ..... 1 "' '"'I'" \· " •·t"' ~1 .. rr· 1n · "!I" •T.I f llJ,. <ll L\<·tl 1 r- I '<• ' • ~ I I l»ol ••• • ! •II )\](I ~. I, 111 1 < •111.ll\ ,,.,l:l:<'•lt·,I I .0.:" lflll.I ,, v.!.1 1"1 dl••• A• l l{U/lflt•J hC'!" 1 1 t"' '• 1 1. "1 ~I· J • 'h•• """' ! I) •· • •·t l•'•I• _. I· t " .,,. •·11·1 lll 1'1.t ''" '"I 'HI •·I l t '' t ... , n 11 , UP•• I '' ' 1'··•" ,11 •, r ,\ 11· I P ~ ,, I' .,,. .... '' ,, . ,1 1 ..... ,.! l..1 .• 't " 1 r ,, ' , r. ' . ' I "'' '" II.• '' jl ' '. ,, If., ,, .. 1 .. "" .\ '" i I.• .,q ! ! "' 1 ' , • J· 1 fl 11 "!•I '" I, 11• I( '•' ·1 !'" '. 1 ' •I. r ' t ' ' •.• ' ]., , , ,. J .... .. • •I' 11 .:J. T , I• " 11 "11/J 11"' H\!•I ti ,.,., I, ~.,J,. uf t l'l" J""I' ·r .. 1·· A r>•1 ",. t1a I , '" !J,,.,.. ~1 .. , p l•u1nr~ i., II" 1 Ii '·' <' • ' • ' f 11 f o i; . "1 ' ·.'' " ' . (•·• .. ~·" .,,,., .' "" .,, ' ·'' '. I•· lt " J1,.)l•ll ·' ' n • I' I Il l• ·~ ... r,.j I l~\t'•! l h~ .... ,,. ... " '.•11 .. r.,, ·1,. ·i•·"l l'·ar "'''"! 11 I .i.iu th" <1•11•1} c11,11,11• " 1 t I " ~ "' • ·' !>•11 II.• I• ·" Jon.: ·1 ,, ... ,.,,,' ' """ " •lJ\ ~·•11·1 """I \\,. 11.1 ••· \t 11n1t JI "a.I! t11y ltu1 tl I•">. -.·1""'" ""·II 1:. "'"II lioll I,, I, k ~•1"!\ "" lh1• Olh ll'r· ~1·\" "'' 11•··~11 ., ..• "11,11 1. 1 ... 1··· .• r 111· ,,, .. 1111t111n 1111 ., lfl .. c"""' ,i, ,,.,t ~t"''"' •''''"I' ti.•" l·dr•·1:t• 1 .•. 11 ~1 •. 1. tr fl f.,rl11Ji.lf'n, r111"1 -r1· 11> ti\'' ~·1~h 1 'o ~•·k "·''"'t "'"~ !• r. .. 1~1uni: rit ni:•· h11 1I nnt bl"•k•"! ,, ·<1• t-1•h ,., ... ,. \\,,~!• 1,.•.••·•r1 "' "''' "'t '"Ul•I l111•·e ~ ..... :,· l·'"'' '·• w: I """ l!l'l•l!Hli; • 11!!• '''"·I 1.-l•·•I ' u )••Ul·npy I I I! !:l.'h tt1,<' "' ,,, ... , lilt' l·1·h I 1·•k 11 ... t 11 !'p·•·k H•ni;e \\~ 1111 111\1.'" .•10! l"'"ll " l1 k, 11 h11 i;" '"'"11 ••11·r lh~ "'""r!l pa.-t ~r 1•I •t•"" Iii.•\ l\H.• •1,tH ttw ,,,.,un·1• l•HI \l••V.llh~JI !>lllll nt; Jay aht•A!I \\'RITltING O f' MOTIIElt t;A.RTfl-T hie formation thrust up the f."'i&h Creek llange f rom floor ot ocean thr-n opened them with a c rac k we call Split Mountain. -A ll Ho ract' Parke r Photo!! NARRO\\', n 1 ·~y\· .'11f '() \\',\Sii-Actuaily, thi1 is nalhr>r ~l1<1r wa!':h 11.!I it winrl!I 11.'I w11y out of FiAh Creek l~a dla nd.s.. • • I . ~ -----. ·---. • r Uµiversity Women to Hear Fourth District Expert-on Foreign 'Aff~irs Honors· Leade.~s dorona del Mar Members w .. """ .... ~. w- Birthdays Noted By Fellowship NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PA6£ l MONDAY, JANUARY JO, I~ Tab._ ..,. dlcorated ... _...,. Xre. .t..rtJwr ._,.,.., F 'f eL M-"-a ot tM OOrw. .. KN lnc with birlbda.Y JllOQt.W ot ~ tntnduoed tM Put .. •ti et. Womn·1 ~II•~ ,.a t.r.ai. ..cl. MCb. OO• laOdal" lier n.. pnicrua •ncMdeG • ••l•r ptllllld-.t. at a 1»trUad9Y kllld!aon &Mt.....,. ,...,.. a par1J17 tor MC:tl nm. .t..rtp. "'Good ..... _, Jan. I& In U.. chUl"Cb ..c:i&J. hall JMI" U .. otfettq.. Q~ ..._.,., i:o--cba.Lna.ul oL u.. ia1u'n&Uoo&l T B -H ---,-.. •-·---·-... -u.--.-o e 1n ostess uroup ·~• ,...-,. °' ... ""'" .. ~ rl;e American Anoclation of Univenity Woipe.n, San· ta Ana Branch, will hold lta annual IntetnationaJ Relatic.ns dinner, Feb. 9, 6:30 p.m., at Sant.a Ana College. Or. Rodger Swearingen of the faculty of the School of International Re- 1\tiona of the Univenlty of Southern California wtll di.scuM! lhit subject. "Cllll Souuu~••l Ml• Ch~ Far Eut. travellne to m•n)' r.main n eutra.I and IT'M !'" o r the ren1ote trouble 1poll or 81'.t.TI: OEPT. tht< 1re1 to 1ludy, lecture &nd ob-rew aulhortUH brt.n1 to 'their 1ervir. Pe r 1 on • I acquaintance l'UbJect • mon dlv•raifted, 1ub· with Ule leaders or the Far Ee1t 1tantllJ or latrlp.tnr back1round •no. <U r.ct cont.a.ct with Ule peo- tll&n Or. Bwaarlnl"en, 8\arllnc M pie Uter<' In their own lan11-1il.Se• 1 a 1tuOent ot Orteni..I \an1u1gr:• g1v .. hla le.:tu ru unu..Ull.I co:.lot. a nd hlltory, •rvlnc ., 1..11 tntelll· depth and per•pcict1ve. I rence officer In the Far Eut st•YIE"r POLJC Y durt.nl" and after the Pacific War Dr Sweanni:t'n currf'nlly ijll't'• I 1nd tater with the Department ur cuur11oe.1 u1 ~r Ealt<'t"ZI hlatory I 8t..l• In. Wuhlnarton, and fur • 11.nd Soviet l'"o rir1gn pollcy enJ 11 Urn. .. a •p«:l.al c:or~•pondenl allO coor<fln&tor o l the rellll11rdl tor Ul.e Chri..t.11.11 Sc:l•nce Mnn1tor prova111 of. th<' !:khool of Inter· In Japan, bl I.I quelUleJ to 11peak national Relallon. Thu• he brtni;B on A.91• .. a.re few American• Lu bot.er on the vit•l l""uu which Thie Far Eutern backKrounil h<" d!ACUl!l'f!• an <'Jllt'n•!ve bi<.<•k· la enhanced by aeveral yl'ar1 et ,;n>llJH'.I and tra1r11nK 1n Soviet an<t the RI.Miiian Re.earch Centrer at 1 Far F..a"t"rn arf1tlr1. •• W<'ll na H1rv-.rd Un1ven1Hy. wh<'rt n .. ir:-1 ~><lkHenr<' 1n 11;ov<'r11ment..I ~~r­ relvld hi.I Ph. D. d~,;r~ In !9~3 v1 r~ >111<1 unlvtr•ny wnrk &nd q al.a In 19M he return...:1 to "Ira G<'Qtt(P Kelly. Cor<1n11 ..ll'I Harold WtlMln and .. ,.. RoNrt Horn, at.o ot ~. d•I Mar, are ... 11Un1 with lb• deeoraUOna. AtT•n1•ment1 tor t I c II• t 1 should be m.O. wlUI M.r•. Kelly by Feb. 3. J)R. RODGER SWl:AR.JNGl!:N PIRATE FLAG FLI ES HIGH AT NEWPORT PACK MEET lloDoraJ'y lit• memberOhli». 1 .. hi&"-awvd, were be.towed !9 J'ourtb Dbrtrlet. Callfo!"D.ia Cong:re. ol Pa.renlli be aleetocl .uncs.er~ ..., .,..9l.eln. -TMCben. upoa. two out..t•Dcunc you.th -1.e&den at it.a QOl'l'A JD:M• ornm: Tb• ""'17 opaood rourth Dt.-Jan. 19 ~r in Bueo.a P&rk. trlcl otace, )ocalld in Ole .tatr- 1'}"-L .-0.Uir v. Wuwkk ol f'Wndef"I Dly lif'tA: and tor pub-p-oun41 at .Ul J'fewport ro1d, .Aaahtlm, wbo II -41.ry Kbool Uclly record booU. Mn. W. a. eo.ta Ku.a, will hold oplll howll ..me. cha..lrmu tor th• Ute Govr•u, Mil Kl.raha.U 8lr11t. J'tb. 20 from I to ' p, m.. Tele· orJ&lrluUon .. w•ll u ~u" ln Bumi.a Park, la new ohe.1'111&11 tor phone nwnblr .. K.lloberly 6-3149. dUllrlct and ~ PI'A, wu prl-Juditn.r publicity booll.a. Another future 1¥9lt ll a PTA.- NII.led a naU<m.al memblrablp l>Y Local imlta or lndivldl.lalr" d .. 'AdminiaU-ator cllnlc, to be hllld Mn. Ray Ill. nni.y, W..o.WYtar, llirt111 to h•lp flood vlcliml In r.b. 2lt at 9 a. m. 1.t C1.rden dlltnct preaident. D. 8. ltyll.anOU Northern CaJUomJ1. may .end do-Grov1 M•t.hodiat Church. ot Sanla Ana, prellid1nt of th e nallOl\I to the dlltrict treuuttr, llleclion ot ottkle.ra w1ll take ~ County 1\41t.anS.cf C h I I-Mr1. fl:lwtn Wood, M"ldway Ctty. plM:• at the replar meeUng F"eb. dttn'1 UIOCl&UOft, ,-.celv.ci a Swch tund. wiU be &dmlnllt.ered 11 1.t 8eAl 8M,.ch and • nomln-.t· •t..te aw.,rd n-om M.-.. C. C. l's.I"•· t.hroup the •late PT A tor t h • In.I" committee io prMenl .a ala Le Yorba UJ\da. dlllrlct ~ucatlon W•ltare ot c.hlld.ren. ot .otft§er• WI.I el.cted a l thi. chalnn..n, for bb work with ha.II-co u n t y Superintendent ot m11t1n1, chalrmMlll.cl by M r 1. dh:apPed°" drildNln. Schooll Lin.ton T . Blmmon1 1poke R. J . Graham, SI.Illa Ana. Spea.k- PAST Pa£81D&NT8 er at that meelln&" will be J udge Put preeldotnll h011orld lri • W.U1Ct FoUJleter• O..y ot»ervance &.rranl"ild by Mr1. W uttam Cl•¥"&" of Midway Clly were Mn. J . ltd· mund Snow and Kn.. Johll J. \ler· non, Sant. Ao a ; Mn. Claude ~by, Garden Grove; lilra. Ar- t.bur E . Siphent 0ran'1e. and Mra. C. R. \landenbu.rt. V\Jllerton. More than 200 PT A leader• from all over Or&nr• Co unty. wh.ich comprllel Fourth Oi.Lrlct.. attl'nlled the meet!n1 In the Bu- ena Pal1l Con~g•tlonal Chrl•l!IUI Church e nd a hmcheon at Knott"• B<'"rry Firm. The Rev. ltugene Coftln of Al•· n11toe P'Hend1 Church apoke on th<' day'• theme, "l:mphut&ul~ Mo,..I ..nd SplntU&I •l:ducatlon.'" aa..iated by Roget Boyvey or Nr:wp<:irt Be11ch. NV'n: MARCH 11> briefly on lha Import.a.nee of the: Kenneth M.orrllon ot Or•nKr J une prtmuy elecUon when the County Superior Court, wtw 11o:Lll county lay boa.rd of educl.Uon wUI dl..eu.e delinquent pattntA. Mesa Pet Shop 1'he popular pet uid, pet 11..1p-new bird c a.ge, i t.and, or aquarl- ply 11 or1 mertta prominent men-um, drop In and look over \h,.1r ti()ll w hen reviewing-the depend· able finn11 of thl11 aru.. The Mua Pet Shop at -ltT N. Newport Blvd. Ph. U 8-12~'1 . hu alw1 y• a\lher- ed to a policy at ta.Lrnee1 •nd honeaty ln thel.r bu.elneu deallnp and u a conaequence havr: won the contid<'nCe ot n1a.ny people Lhtvughout the a rea . l•rge •election which tnc ludee Lhe modern wrought Iron 1ta.nda. Th• •lAlt here w ill extent! y ou the utmoat ctJt1rt&1y and 11r,. nnly too glad t.£1 rive any l11.torn111.t1 "n you m ay dU!Nl or help ynu ~··· let·l a.ny thing you m;oy fle<!d t"r your pet. W11 a.igge•l. for 11ny· thing you may need 1n th111 line. call the Me11a i'et Shop Th~)' wtll be hippy to aa•i•t you Y.'e wish t o recommir.nd them l•i 111 j)t't owner1. Hayes Sheet Metal Th• plt.ci• to ro wblft you ..,. ~ do• "-.. ..s IOllf _,., in need of 1beel m•ta.1 w6rlr. .. u w.U Ml a l"'9te ... .. rwtaun.at Md IMt.GrJ' • Oil the a...r-Sheet Metal Oo.. at cur. be mada ud ...._.;: ~! 1131 Superior Av•., <:mt.a K..., 1.1 and ~ ILl7 tld9 --.! Ph.. .LJ. 8-'ij73. Thi• outlt&nd-lprle!l.c, ... •taaallm •l••~ ln( nrm hM for yeua hand.led work, thq ..i.o ...._ .U otMr, all type• ol lheet metal work tor tni-oC metal 9'acll M .,,....., raildentl or our O(>llUnunlty. Xo l>raM, &luai.lnum al' Un. ,,._,. .... matter wlat your nt!e!h, whllh•r llJ*?i•llml iQ beat!na, ._~ they are tor rutdenUal. or com-ud air condtlJollJ.aa". 1 • n1en::lal Nlabll.tlment.. t.h1' nrm Oper&led by Jl'l'. ll&yM ..-bu will do lb• work to yOOr •:s.1.el had many )'MR ap41r1•noe IA UU. 1peclt lcatloru. PrompUy and efn. lln1, this a.Ollhm.l ttrm bu • c1enUy, for thtae ani cr&tt.amen reputaUOn of quality work doeol or the blJl:lut calibre. a t "'"°"'bl• priciM. That la why N<>w I.hat the nUny aeuon hu w• reoommeii.d th.m to b o th bea"Un why not ch«k over your ~Ide,.. and ~-m1n I.I pn>J>"'rlY and -It you i re ln the firm of hlgl\Mt Q\lal.Jty ln need ot th.elr help. Gutte.-., 1ky-town.-Adv. Tarter Television Service Unle• you lave had •pec:ll.l mu1t be M.'lju.ted pr:r1ectly. A t raining 1nd have backie..I thla u11 cal.I t o I.hi.a t1rm will brtn1 • quaJ1f16'1 ...,rv\ce m1.n to your wtlh mU<."h actu1'l c.11perien<:e you hHmr T"he p.art..1 !hey 11.N arc Ole have no bu1nnr:1111 ev,.n t11.k1n1 oft h i@'.heel quality 11nd the workman· the back of your telev!11vn &el $h1p 111 r11a.r•nl~ They a.l110 rto You c•n do pt'rma..nent d11.mag' I rrpair work "n all Lypr:• ot r•· to I.he ... t 11.nd poN•bly l<> your · •11011. elth~r ra r ')r ham .. al!"l.I and 1tll 1111",_ha.nce11. Blue and Gold Dinner ,,,,,,.,.. an•! two 111 vr:r C"ai l :-ilromb~I ii:, who Dlltnct memberehlp 11 now 48,· •r row• •nd 1 8ti8. March 10 wu announced M iel r:l,·.110 a Je1.d..ltne for memberlhli;-.. t or They have a variety of p ' t 1 and a lar1e 1upply of ta.moue and nu1rit1001 pet toodl to k~p your et boUI healthy and happy. Thi~ 1nclude1 fOQd tor dog-•. C1'1.1. birdl, fllh, turtle•. chickens. r11 bh1t1 and pt1<10na If you happen to n~ a Th• owner1 her .. have rer .. r,!)y M:qulred the Ye Olde p,.l Sll"l.l 1t 2032 So. Main in Santa Aria tor your conven1~nce.-Adv. ~It Ju•t by t r.uching t'1e w ron1; ·"''' nlatt,.r wh•t t rouble you thing•. Slnrr: lt Is alw1y11 1 (DV<l m11v o.. having with your t'le· rule 1., ca l! the n1an who kno ... ·1, V1•1"n •<'l ellhr:r bla~k a nd "''hlte the man to c11 ll for exp•·rt rad1.,, or 1·1•l11r T1 rter'1 w1ll aervice It tell!V'lalon repair• 111 Mr Tarter tu y .. ur Mtl•r11.r uon Thal i. why ul Tarter TV. Servi"" at 2tt!H we w11<h to r'"'·unim<'nd them •• E . C...._,t Hywa)·. !.:orun1 do:.l M1tr. thir lta•Uu ILl"l•I T.,Jtvi,.on Repair Ph. Harbor !.tlil. Cunipany ol uur rhO!C<' Jn th I - To K•t the ut1n<>3! perform11.nce arr:.l!I Try th<'m end you w t I J trom yoll'T eoqu1pn1f'nl ev<'ry part •j(tff A.riv S ~ ·lol ,., ''"'' et for Mid.February 1, .. n,, .. r·· •tnpe• ..... er• a ... ·.rded 111 H1C'h1rd Denn!IDn and "-Mletant Tb "J 11 R er'' n n h ' h N "-h I 11.·nner·1 to Pitter Chuter, both. e O Y o g ag e w 1g ove r ewport .:x: oo J v i 11 .. n 3. while Danny HunNker Jan. 20, u Cub Scout Pack JM o f Balboa pa.rtic:1pated in an inti l;llily White rectlved .ervlce hilarloua Pa.ck meeting with "Pirate Waters··· u the theme. I 1t&r•. The •chlevement ud en.ft.I Cu rllKll were won by Oen &_ A.a parent. gathered. the ba explained their handicraft and After the iwa.rd111g ot the pen· hobblee a.round the craft -d11play low ... 1 by Stan Oelhnt LMrl1ng nllnt•. 1t which. unie Df'n 4 won table.. Amonl' the exhibit.I were community ~1ng1ng \tit' G<xxl Conduct fl•i. Den 1 con - knot boant.I by Den :I, puppet.I \\'l.'\Nl;li(J SKIT chi• tf'd the cloalnt: Cl!rf'n1ony. AJld pt.rate .won:11 by Dr:n I. tr'M · f>r:n 2 pre11l!nted the flrlll •kll Tiit)' a ... embled • ~1tUmed band 11Ur. m&p. l>y Doi.n 3. a.nd danc1n1 Aa the curllLn ro•<'. • Cub !•)' ot bloo.lthlrely prlate• who 1nr:•k- manon.ti..1 by Den II. dre<1mlng of e•rly n1w1.nnel!r d11y~ '"'J •1lll one by one rrom behlnd Th• P •c k cou1m!tteen1an •n when a large pir•lt Mlp appe:11re<I ti\r l'Urt1ln 1 nd ell rtp .. a ted. an cha.re• of t he eventnc wu John Jn the beckg rcuntl. Lat.er, he •nd r:ie lh. Uie Cub &out P romtae. O.rt11y, ... l•ted Jn Ute JUdJ1ng b11 frienda dug up. in1tead· of by Jack Bradbury and Mar t Y clam•, burled tree.sure to n111k~ Stromber ... 1"heu judce• •warded • dre1m <;ome true o .. n 3"• 1kll Win n ers at Oki lnmpectlon cup to ~ ~ Th.11 porttayed a plra tr: bllnd qu&rr<'I· a ttendance award w... won by lnl" and •IU!'Jltng over 1ha te11 of I B j b B "d Den !. which had 100 per cent burled lrff.lure, bul 1111 ended a oa n ge attand.ance of boy1 and p•renll happily 1.11 In accord lh<'y 1h.ook and they were a.Lw rewarded w1lh h•nd• u d ap Md to gi~ie II all •1r1. H ~nry Eggert Ind Race a 1peoc1a1 c•ndy trM L to a worthy calUle. Den 2 won the ""'Lit were •Ul-we•l wlnnr:r1 tn A8 OOURllEJl8 aklt nag with Den J 11 clo.e run-Ui ' recent eYenln1 duplicate Th• openlnl" cer .. mony w•1 con-ner-up bridge ,;ame ln Balboa.. while hl!lh • e ow • • • dueled by Den II after wb1c11L 0!11>-A• the Cu"-i werr: pr~ltllntr:d by .._.or"r• noM.h · w ul.h Wf'TI Mr•. , muter Roblrt S. G arJ ner creel-Jen•. CUbmuler t:•r•ln .. r award-~:dylhe it".l!lrlan1t"r and MrR B!otty way you save ed the paek and ll!"<i the annu•I ed th<' b<ldgf"• <'•m<"lt by the Doy1 C"°mblll charter roll call. Thi! t nUre pa~k In th., l•et two month•. w 0 Lr R11nnr:r•·up ·•~l ·w.11111 were }fr volunteitred to u.e11t the Mothr:r"1 t>adr• werr: awarded to Brl•n and Mt• C•rl 8en10n. Mr and Ml.r'Ch of DlmM by acting •• ~"'l.11her. Rlch•rd O..ML110n. Peter M111. Sidney Cnrt. M"'. M. E . courie r• on I.ha ..tt emoon ot Ju. Che1ter, J . J . Swll"art. g le v e Cleland and Arthur Brown. Mre Jl, ult!nc: lhat porch U1 hU1 IHI Simmon&, Biiiy Swift and Mike Robert R.oaa a•nd Mr1. Geor,-e tumed on tor the Yund drlv•. 0 1tlln1. OeUlng-and. Swirart &Jao Ca rroll. Runner• -up north -touth Commttteetnan Jim W•ydellch earned (Old l..t""!"OW,J· Wolt •liver werOJ Mr1. M•rt1 J.ferr\11 and St&n di9trlbut.od "C ub Caper•··. th• arrow• were preeented to J 0 e I Hu1key. Mr. and Mr1. Arnold pa.ell n....-..letler which c•rrled Br&dbury. Fruk Mat1h&ll. J im Oa.sar:r, J.f r1. Edna M1 cMuter1 parUculan on lhl Oran1e County W&ydeUch and 91.ephen Wh.lt~ and Robert Luek. Mr1. M•rgarel ,.Youth Concert to ba held Jan. 28. The 1.ehlevement tor the ni ne· Holmea •rtd LL. Th.om .. Holme•. whlcb tJ14 P•ck w11t at tend ., a year-old•. t he Bear bl.dge, wu Mr•. Georae Carroll and Mr1. unit. Th• potluek Blue~and-0 o ld r iven to flantiy Wl.l"n!n, Robl!rt P•ullne Sayre were el.It -Well dtnnw, ICb.cful.cl tor Feb. IT wu Bell, J ohtf W•ber. J im Barbee. •ll ~lM1re In Monday e.ttef!\oon"• .i.. t•tund and lhe paper an· of wtu:un al.a earned gold 1.rrowi. t•me while north· llO\llh hlth nOW1c.ci that the chairmen tor Allio l>ecomlng of Bff.r rank acorer1 wtre Mrs. Lou Rye\ and lhlm0 annua..I a tt1.lr will be Fruk were Danny Hunsaker. Stephen Jack Powell. Marl.hail and Jim Waydellch: to ""'hlte. Biily White and Rob Mee-R uniier11-up e111t·weal were Mr•. ba ... i.ted by Mr•. G•ylord To-Kay who earned Ule badge with P1ullne D11lk111 and Mr1. Mabel hill and Mn.. P1ul W eber ln cha.rce one gold 1.rrow and U!ree iillver Minter. M r.11 M E . Cleland itnd of food. •rr-owa. M111. M. E. Slew•rt. Mr. and Mrs. A hearty plral1 c rew. In t h. e TOP ftAOG!!; Carl Benaon Runner1-up north· pitr«1u ot CUbe trom Den 4 Hlgh11t Cub award, the U:>n IOUth were Mr1 E. J , Wickman wandered lhrou1b th• audience, bl.d(e, wu pruented to M 1 k e l.lld Mr•. Cul PD w e 11 , Pen::y linPI" a llaaty Min(, "'A Plrat•'•I Hod&IDn who allO r.celved a &old Cr1wley •nd Frink Yol"el. Bally Lit • ror Me!", beln1 joln.cf In a ud lhrff 1llver arrow•: Bruce Brown and Ralph Orave1. c.horu1 by ~ ~bly, and tol· Powell, who bad u w•ll, 1 g-old Thit group w1ll m ttl t.onip t at 414 J:ut Oceen Front In Balboa Lido Cub Scout s Stage Display of H a ndicraft It wu ah.ad" or Blacltbean:l. on Lido Lii• laM wMk! The lal.&.nd Cub Scout.I, Pack 37, deacended upon t..he L ido Clubhouse In reat prlv .. teer etyle •t their monthly mee«nc, wtth einu. pa}le1' -ord den dU•liftl" &11d .. trea.1ure cheat of choeola.te dubloon•. HANDIOLU"l' la k1epln.1 wUh lh• monlh"• thMn.1, ptn.t.e proj..::LI lnclud.-:1 buec&ne«" handle.rt of m an -, varteuH. De.n ' won the cratta· man.hip award wtth a dilplay ot 1"all1011 •hip modell. Followtng-t h • op1nl.nc e1~ rnony by Den 2. a new bobcat, O.Orce McOe.llud, wu Inducted Into lhe pack by Cubmuter Ger· aid McClal.r•. Wolf be.dgee wenl tn Harding. Timothy Vil.A.ck. Rouo and Gre& Per10n. badgea were awarded to M1cMa.hon and Bob Sawyer GOLi) AKRO"-'S Ricky Bob Be a r David Ellrnlnf g-old a rrowa were Ricky Hardtn1. Stephen Ou<'y. Bol> Roelll'l Ind Jeff Mercer. Sliver arrow• were prell<!nted lo Ricky ljl.rdlng {Sa. Gordon Reed, Bruce Reed, Bob R0980 (2 ), Jett Mer· cer and Mike Ober. David M•c- Mahon and Dick Vantlf!rvort won aervlce 1tar11, and D1vld Schnel- der w-. 1w1rded hi• wetwlo b&dlf. Succeitdin1 den 4"a rouaing ror· II.Ir Mil w ... lhi pr~ntation of the ifl~Uon fl•( lo Den I ii.nd 1tlendanCt! Oar tc Oen <I Den " took charge ot tbe clo111ng cere· with play lt&rUnc at 7:30 o'clock. Okay to Sell Lot Given Lutherans The Lo~eran Church bciard c1.n now .ell t he v1cu t property ba· hind the church at lhe toot at the bluff "to the Malone Electric Co., the city pl11.nnlng commlulon de- cl6ed on Jan. 19. Thi• 11.le had been before the planning cQmmlulon before. but at the meeun1 Roy McC .. n11e, repre- fftltlnr the church, es.plained that lh• church. property .... ould now haff .. n outlet onto Coa.t high- way. Irvine Co. and C. W. Maaterw, 140 Femleat Ave., wen both g11'- en perml•lon by the commlulon to m•kr: new Ind lari:er lot.II out of old one•. at the Friday •Ve· nln& mHUni: -The nf!w Richan!"• F"lort1t ofter• cal tlo.,.·er ... rv1ce bi · Wll<!kly . wtekly. or &.11 dl"lired-Phone Har- bor lA:ZS Adv. Al.9o on the prornm wu • knol·tyt.ng d1nw:n.tra.Uon preaent· ed l>7 t.11111. WeM!o. under the di· n<lUon ot their tra.lnlng leader. !HU Glbeon. &ya taktn1 part w•,.. O."t"ld Bchn•lder, J tm Hum· pert, Sct.ll Qe.t.M, Jim Cadw•la.d- er, Mik4 M&nj-. ft&n4Y R111• and s.... 8m1Ui. Harbor House Restaurant .fJ; their "r""t'tc• project, t h e W1btkl9 ar1 deanln~ up the fence IUtd parkln1• on lhe brld(e ap- proachlnl" Udo l11le. It wa1 e.n -......... N'l:W WSll&LO Wlk:om.cl Into Troop 37 acoutl by Udo Scout.mu&•r C. M. Horn wu Wlbelo Davtd s~. oa--.tll' Mc::ClaJr1 •-rded ~lllt blldJ'le to U.1 f o I- ~ cuM: d«Ul•"' Stephen BroJMa. 1'1mutt\7 Vlt.ck, Oltk V~ Bob R.o.o and Mh:h· ael ~; ~l d•1111•r., 8'1;tm !>My. OONoa llied. J.t"f Cl&rk, Jlrn Qwhn.la.Mr, Jiff Mir- es -4 Bobtl7 CbMlon. One of the nnut and m011t pop- ular places at which to dine and enjoy )'ttlrHlt ln the harbor are.a !1 thr: Harbor HOUh at lhe. corn- er ot Barbor BlYd. and Wilton In Co.La Meaa. Pb. LI. 8-:')Mf tor r .. rv .. uona. Thia roe.t.au!'Dt and c:ocklall ktun1• te recoft'llllld throoahout UM arM U a bMdquar"l•r. tor p)('I tood and fun. "they elllploy a t het W MON than ordinary ablllty whk:b. lll1Unr1 the ch.olcut of t(.loOIM cookld juM. lM w•y you ......... For your eaunr plM.lun be l\lre to ll"J' lb•~ •p •cl •I •le11tm, chop.1 or 1uthenttc Italian tood cooked Juel the way Ul"Y were .meant to be cooked. For yOllr mu•ical pleal'Ure Mir Ulllan Can.ilD •t the piano bar . The H•rbor Hou11e i. taat be- oomlnl" eu.lneum11.n·a luncheon b&a.dqua.rt1.-. ~ of l b• I r Buttel Style lunch M.-....d tr-om 11 L m . tll 2 p. m. TueMlay Uu·oup !3undl.y. Jn Uu.1 •11Ure l«'tlon no other N t&blUbm•nt eu.,,._ lhlto llPO'- for •Ulh.cllon and Mt""ri«. That ii wh,y w• ~m11nd Harbor tf~ lQ Ont a&d all t~ I" o o d rood a.nd • "'7 en.JOY&.bll alpt out.-Ad'" ' ' I U: YOU ACT NQ.W, YOU CAN CUT YOUR RRSI COST STn.L MORE. RECORD MERCURY SALES ARE NOW PSI.; MlmNG us TO ·oFFER UNUS.UALL y HIGH TRADE .... ALLOWANCES FOR YOUR PRESENT CAR ; YOU COULDN'T PICK A BEi IER TtME TO MOVE UP TO THE BIG M , BIG M PRICES START BROW 30% OF ALL MODRS IN THE LOW-PRICE FIELD* • f"trw-IW'l:FT·m V ..a engine with a new high In h~ ~er • New high in wabk power (.toc-qut4 for pd.up. P'"mg, hilJ. c:lim.bif16 • 10 big new Sa.fety-Firwt features · ... • ISglamorOUI new model&., includmga wholit&e.:ie.oflow Ac:a:ue hardtopa • ConMNeody highe8t reuHi ya}ue in fb 6dd ...,. _ _...,._, ______ ... .,~-.-.. ..... -..-,-... ·-- ~r1956_-ihe ~ bw"isTHE BIG MERCURY U-"'t ..... fM Ml W.•flln "' .,,. 9D ...... .&JI SNOW,•...._---., ........ -...... ..a' -.... I. • JOHNSON & SON, . Lincoln· Mercu..Y 900 W. Comt H~way NEWPORT IEACH Aa.. ,.._ lay C:lllb l.19112 tr 1-:5545 " ' PA6E 4 ·PART II -N~WPORT HA RBOR NEWS-PRESS t.IONOAY, JANUARY 30, 1956 ' -LI=-~-~~. , .. I'"' .~~~,:t."~~r~~: '"· l Melts,_ ! t .. 1 .. ~!~<J n••} •P'l-r •nd be hf'ani NOTICE or PCB.UC' llP:A KISO lh< 1.·(ln N011C!! 18 llI!:Rlo:llY GIVES j KAY Y COPk:LJ~ :..:ecn:lllry that Uae Plasuung Conuni111•lon of i Nt'Wport BC'.tr.-h i:1ty th• -Oil)' o;;f Newport Sta.·h w JJ l'll)nnln!( Cor,,m1-~1"" hold two pub'\c hfu rlnir;• on th\. N•i 6:'i~ Nev.•J·J'r"~'.• I JO :,o applic•llon ot E Mni;rlf' !'11.11i:f1 G( IOft Co&•t Hwy, C'DM---1to , l 1ul 11,.arln•: amend Ord. # 63~. tr9"1 a C·1 Z>11ln1: <:h:on-::• A ln• r1:h11•11t Zone lo C·IH Zonlnr, orftlot• 4 It :i, 1'n1~ri(!r111·n~ 1 11, llr·u .·!: •11 :r.'\91 Bl~k •ff• T'ract Co1011a del M11.i·. ·"0'?'11'1: fU~ t'l'Rl.1'' ll'~All l l•i'O IGC&ted at 30411 Cout Hwy . COM NO'rl<'E IS H i!:R ;::-y GIVEN Nolle• la herelJy further glve 11 th.ot !hr i>htn11111•: ('(ull..,,,.,. "II nf that •aid public hf"l1ing11 wlll be lhr !"'1t y <Jf r-;"cwrior t 11•·~·" will lleld on the 10th d·1y or Ji'cbr , h•1!1! two p1oht1r h«11 :1n~• • r• th"j year 'M , at the hour of 7 JO p M . 11p1> "'l:l ll<lfl "' P ' 1111111•; i'un1 n11a- ln the Counc!I Clutn1 b<'rlil or th··' ~11u1 ur t h·· C•t v t1f N••w p • t H ·~ch Ntwport Be11ch <"It)' Htrll al T i, a,11,.ud S ut>tl"'"'''" <ird r.r 6~ which time and 11IMct any 11 ntl ,,11 1.• r .. r u1,_;· ~r-.a tnltre11ted rn>1y ap11ear 11n11 I ~ .. rt1nn fl?~:; 21 S1d .. 1' >1 lk~ be heard thereon. !-\1•: ._,,.,k-• ~h•ll 1,., , ... 1,.11 • .i In RAY\', COl'~::LJN S•.<r•l.•ry 1:1,,•lt'• 1.,.;•1 ,,,,3 .. ,.11n· "1J1 Nrwport Bea~h r.1ty , r.. • 1•·•11"' ~-"1'1 '"'t h1 t t1' PllUlfl!nJI C'ommlf.aK.on 1·,1 ~· En;:::,,r1~ No &67-New•·l't"M I :111 ~6 I )ol,·•!!•:1 11~~>'·'..'~ I to,.: t . 0' l•r' ' ' HO• l lo l ' 0 I• ~·" ... I 't1I I',... 1• .. r1111t 1 h...,rln1 t• , 1•,,1 I• ,. 1 I I! , 01001 ---· ·--• • .. ' ~ ~~~~~~~-"~~~~~~..-~~~~~~-l ,ill-SIJloa""-~""~u-...;;o;;"'-'w~an;;;;;.ct,.i""-~~-l'is-"-~"~·-•~•-w_·_•_•l«l~~~~~-l-~~-"~1 ... ;;;.:;u~ ..... ;;;:;;;~"";o;..~~~--'30---'-'-~,,.....""~u~.....,:o:.c~"":....-~~ CI ., • d WOKEN: Otnc. >oo., OQIJl.Mlle. . -ss 1 18 GARDENING .. ~~hlnl4 .......... -- • • ODDN~JOJOBSB !.J'~". •UP. I&"'-l&lbo ... .-.., & <>tl{~L u ~......,. ~ J UNI! F J..RRA.R £mpl. Af~ncy---';;_------------------'----r BY HOOR. DAY OR WEEK 402\ft-3.2nd BL. Newport .. 0-..U '"'"''r ..... .._. bl LM WMnn*'7 N..,..Prw LJ MOIO or LI !-t.~• fan'OIJI f rom CUy Hart! 4 • 1---1 l..ertJoa $1.00 add'L l1DN ..25 ea. e-115 ~ .. ., BEAUTY OPCRATOR, ftr.t ck>U 4 IJn~ % lutrdons 1.50 add'L hM .JS-.. 1,,-~===,.--..,.-,---1 4 LI.es s ~ 2.00 add1. llnea .!.'I eL DA'( WORKER W&nt. c~ or .iion. Jtlnt. cllent11.. TOMMY % ::L.. ....._ 8 ., lronlnl $l." JlieC' tu-. & hn. day. WILBON BEAUTY' llALON, -4 l,Jne. 4 IDMrUou · -...... ,,_ ea. Good refrrcnces. L£a... 1-&611, :l)U Ji:.. eo..t Ht1hwa7, Corolla 81h,,.ll!MI \\'Ut.ed Ack wt.U -'''' 1 ~% llL ~In iMl\'IUH:'le olllJ. Ruby. &f.p63 del Mu. 82dUI Mll'flMUM AD IS 6 U.S£8 E::XPP::RIE'NCED cluninr lady' by JANUARY SPECIAL WILL HAND BRAID (your pattern) WOOL RUGS (I furnish all material) ( 1 per customer)- Ai $2.50 SQ. FT. Mention LM ad for apecial conaidera.tion NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdays DH:ADLINES for placing or cancelllf\I' ad1 are: •• ,. H.r. "" ., .. , ••. m. ••• 10010 employer retained Th] House~ of Yesterday & Tomorrow ~-:XPl!:RIENCED g\rl desire. hQuae wurk by hou~ <>r week. Be•t of ' agency l 13 SO. MAIN ST., CORONA CORONA 771 rtft"rr:nce•. I.I 8-6174. tlc66 NO FEE collected from &Jlpllcant ====~,..--,..,..-1'-'>-'"'' N ..... ,. "'""" ~ E HANDLE FARM HOUSE FURNITUll,E _ Beacon Personnel F or Mondo.y Public.:r.tion -Frld11y ~ p.ru 1-'or \\lf'Jn('.tday Pub!!catl(ln.. -Tue1day I p rn . ¥"c11 i.·r~4&y Publl1.:11ol1on -ThunKlay I p.1n. SE,\'"PORT llAr.nort P UBUSIU:SO oo. I PA RT Tlf.1E W ORK. Day o r night ------------~-'].'_ '-------------------------...:_ _ _,_ .... ·11ntf'<.I by rt't1retl genllerna.n. $0-.JlhcellaneoUI l'••rlo·cl heallh, colleg'e gradua te, I ~=--":::;c;;;:;:;:;:;""'::..-----1 SO-B-Aprliaace. SO-B-Appllanoee fnrn1erly 11ccul11ltant, man•g•-FOR SALE Two plot1, C'holrl! ' ' :'.!I I Balboa W\·d., S1-..1 port U-cb , t:atlrorala. 111r.11t, hot@! clt'rk Tirf'<J of being aecUon. Harbor Re•t CemeUl.ry. 1•1le o .... ·n car. Con1ider&bie for-Ha.r. %844. e2ct4 • -i11,.l'lal Nott"'=H Newport HarbOr 8. P. 0 . E . 1767 A!f't'IS tvf'r)' Thursdsy I! p RI Vtn tJpur\O t:r11t1a1 /'.v~ /\'rwpurt Be11ch -----------t»gn l fll\'<<l eJ1po!M@nc1·. (;UO<! ap- prur·a n, t< Phon., Llb<irrly 8·&21!1 TWO WOOD & GLA.!;S SHO .... ' 114(1'611 CASES. 6 tt JI • (t. w eech 221 Marine Ave , lla.Jboll lllud 10 to ti dll.!ly, "xcept 8und11.y11 FOi~ RENT I -------- -ik1 l1 s~w •. El<'• Onll1, J>nllsh~rs, I '{~ L l ABLE JAPANESE- all tYP",.. or Sandt"ri•. Wheelti.r-A ~f ER I C AN WANTS 'B'oY.'o·s HOWE GARDENING IN HAR- "430 \ ... CUA ST lllGH\\'A.Y I BOR AREA BY WEEK OR 1.1~"rty 3.iJ~:i~ Newport Reh 18t le ~fONTH. HY A TT 4-M 71 """'' F'RJGlDAIRE El...-•t rant;:I', rloc:k C'Ontrol oven, lllnt!t l" »I &rHI twin bed .i llJ l>f'lni;• Ll 8-3~~6 82t·O-t. JANUARY CLEARANCE Used TVs and Appliances 121 _ '• DU ~JOI\'T -Console v.•1th 1''~f 121 ~" EMERSON Con1Jo le NOTICE flt' l'liHl.J(' llt:AIC I~<: NOTICE IS HERJ,;l!Y 1:1v~~~ ttiat lhe P\1nnl11g ronlnH&i<lon ot th• City ur NewJ>'1rt H•'ll<'h will llold • publlc ho:.'11ru1~ .,., 1h,. 11-pph r-allon or l!:d••.' T He11.lv lot .. u.e permit #l20 I•> r""runl ,, .. w Conatrurtion 1n r !11<11nj; ,. ~·, "11.J atory, on 11 nnn -~·ont'>rm1 ng !11111<! Ing 11le, 11.ll 1n ,.,,1li.t1,,n ,,, s, .. l ion•: 91 03 37 < IM('k rt'Ojtll t l'd l'I• yardal 91 03 .l."l •h 1 ol 1&tk111i.; \•••11 aq. rt. P"t Un i! I \il !I~ 1 /(. 'p• ·•r•1~ 1h!1ll h<' "' ol.l"I v-olh J r ' :u/;(11 lu\•-U1 •lll•l "'·'''" I, lllfl('I •'l'I' •. ,, I'" 11 . r·,·~ l·ni.;.r. I Al:Jt•!l -~--1 PAINTING !'.tlp6• -----------_ SERVEL r~rr1i;;• ~~t,,r, lik<'l """'' 16" OLYMPIC Consol'-' /'.d•1 •r• ! n Sro l oufl '•.!to'o J/' 1 " I , ,,n, -ol I u l!I•'" I, ,., ~ ""'" ,,. <(Ill!"'' lo\ I h,. I'< 11011> '' ""',Hill• ·ll-,1•n I"' ,, II 'I' •1 oil ,,,, M l'l'I ·' t ' ' 'ol ' ~ "~ "' ' . :-,:,• 1.,.1 ... · l•P"''' <' I!<(>< ,i.j h· ,11 1 It qulrement .. 'u8 .. -p1·r11.11 r .. 1 .. 11 •,o,; I ,j I• ' ' ,. .. '"' + h• ,, " '" 11troctura1 chang"'' tln 1 .. 1. ~: & I , , f r~ ! 7 Ill l ' ' ... -, .. ·' ll!I, block # L~ t r11,\ 11 11 '" a. ·c -1· Zon., 113 1.'1\t1 ::.;1,.-.-1 Ba}bo& Pen1n1uh1 . Noucie 111 hrr,.by rut iQ'-• >:•I• n that 1ald pubh1· lw ou LJ,1¢ "dl ri .. held on U\e 16th <111 y 1.or t<.,t,or ll'~>G :.'.• al the huur ut ; .!•1 I ' ,\1 "' 'I" COwicH C..'harn t>-r~ ur i n .. ·"'""'11'''1 ,\.. &&eh CHy Hall Mt ..., h" h t ,.,,. s," ' •' , .. \ \" ' ........ 1 j • "' ' ~·' 1-1· 11 ..... 11 II oil "' . " ' " > I " • •Pf,.,, I '\I L I f\. 11•·" h I' ' "" ,, ' ' "~ ' I l-lruneral Olr1-cton ---------------~~~- MOTIELL'S AND PEE K ('nlon1ul ~1 ortuary J l>nl S. nl lo ' , '"'""'<'r l>len1Un!il /'1>11< A n •"""It" \ 'uunty 111 ~l1tu11u11 Sci vu1g fr.111 11•.~ ,,[ 11!1 fa!\ha Tel.'11/,-on .. «foll F1 ~e • ZEr11t11 ~12J l :-.;,, ,, ~ "''' r tu1n~ I 11...,u , I I•" k 11/ fund~ l l~BU !ooillt"!iS Guid!' '' •.\~ r lll f•JI r: J.1,Jt il'l\1 ";'.\l I 1I""'1 ol• r~ A,1.11n>: nut • h1nr• Experienced Gardener Apt . llll"' $Jl:>. LJt><-rty s.2101 1 I.,\NDSCAPING __ e<?ce-t. ' and CLEAN Ul'S l.Jbcrty 8-16.":19. FIREWOOD I p APERHANGING I Sympson & Nollar lOtt ..: F.l '("A I.YI 'Tl. :-i '" ~ l»I HI'•' E'.'-1"'' 11•11• Pd \\'nrkm•n Jiu., :!4"t , t 1">6; It 'Roy's Maintenance tr Hou•• cltan1ng-F'!l)Or wa.o.1ng ----\\'all wa&lt\nl!(-"''l.O.c1uw <.:!<".IU11lli: Painting, Paper Decorating \'('nruan blln(~. l 'phoi.ttry H•ngtng lit.'"''1·C F r<'« Ut1n1att'e GEO. BURKHARDT L l ~NSf:V L"t.)NTRA l 'I ( >f( 8j 8 \\/ 18th !:H . Cr,.\11 Llb.,rty 11 ·81i2~ l 4--l't' rsonu.1s AJcuhoh L~ A1111ny111uuai l.Jb,,rl >· o-'133~ l ite 1.t\Ulr:-.:. I•' •h"1il 'e-•• ('r "•·' I\ h.-~ I l:J:!.A X \T111:-,.'. r .. • :. Swedish Massage 1956 WORLD BOOK THJ.; 11:Sl.Y o;HAl•Vl• !.S\0 Y1·l.-'1· l'l·:!•!A. llh•t •I• U" U•]+ I 1,y "'!I I . " ' -- l·~ll! 'l ',\ 'J'J():'\,\I . t '()l':"::-1'.l.l Jf( )I,\/)< l, (:J:-;/!, •I' , ' SEIJ, 11:-; l"El~1>!S i'I ~~r IJ"-l.J{ ATl-.~::,.f..!'ol •it•f' Jl 'M • u.-:i.: d t t. r.·!1 i:•·/Mlur $.'II/ 1~1 "f"ROSI.F:Y tablt· ~f uJ v.•1th ).'~! ltad111 S :~1 !°)0 Jli" ~iCJTOROI .~\ l'nn.!!ole 1~ 1 :_! I - ~TB.01.fRE H.!; (·,\f{l .~U ;-; ;\.\! & 1''.\1 R•J1•• &· 'I'\ 1·0.i1d- ~11'l{U:\11~.C:ltt; l ',\!{J.;-;u!\ l 'wn~ .. 1 .. ~ 11 ~I! ! ; ~: r:i.·, t r11 11.an!!•' JJ.,ll bl" 11\1 n l..t!l r11,,,1, I \h.1 ...: ! l\l 71!1 111•!1!1•11. Jt,lllg'<'. DAVIS BROWN 1 O.SO !-!arbor Ul\'J ~h•lo• "' ( 10lllurul.1 ''OTll t: ·rt• 1·0...-·ru '' T1 111 ... SEAL.EU PRO l'<1SAl.)oi \\Ill ti<" 1•"•'1\•·I ·'' 111~ .. 11 '" ••f !I" •'HI C l•rk, City !fall. C:l\y f1f :-; ... ...,.1~irt u •. ,., II • 1111nnu,. u,.:,( t ••1 ".Ill<~ P.M. on the 20th !Jay hf ~'.,br11ary l&~. lit "h" I\ !HUI' thry v..11 lJ•• publicly Of)O!ned and r<'ll.U , ror j)l!rfunn1 ng ""or I< 11" r .. 110,, ' J lUJill< I< \tit~ :)llj l['llt•$ f SALF.S lt E ."T ALS lil:i IL·otbor 13 1\'!1 W n te I' 0 H••ll :iMl No:'""['tlrt flf'a•.,I. t:allt. Phtlne llart1ur t 795 Ill yn111 '"'"" 1•1 .... ~. 't<ll ! ! •• 1 .. ' or ""' ""r 711 I u Nt: l11rx .. j ou,111ln rl'fn.;. i ;.'.'i I 1 7'•~ I S!'ALl!::i fit, 1 r:ONIJ(')l.A 12~• 'l'.l [•~J i 1111 U"'"ller LI )l·f)2~J rnurnl nt:" ur itflf'r ~ p 111 or LI 1<-:,1 ea afl,r I l.lbt·rt ~ I., '.l-137 Fur tl.e 1111proven1e111 .,r tloe City 1'raller l'arl<. ln•·11t .. u l>tt...,·eoen H}lh 1tnd l~th ~I n rt11 <in UaJL>O,. Uh·d No bld w ill he rer rlVf'<I uni ~~~ 1l 1.~ rn;o•to· .. 11 , l"OJ"'-'l• u.riu 11111 l1hed by the (."lty E:n11'1 ll<""'"' ~:n.-11 Ill•! r1111.<I J.,. "' •>fllfnuu• 1,1 "11.•h i.:ertl11ed or cMh1rr " ·hr <'k ,,,.. 1,,.J.i.rn 1 .. 111-\• "•IHle p•~ City or NeWJl>Orl He1u h !<ir 1+n l•Ul••lllll .. qual \O llt l<:aat ' 1 LO', 1 ol the 111no1111t 1111!. ~'" ~1 i,:1111.rant;v to t.e fnrf•··1 teol ,. (" lll' n pero•rnt hu1d ! th~ b1ddPr to whom lht' ··ontr!lcl •~ ""'lln led fall t o .. n, .. r Hilo U1 •···nlra rt In accord11n~f' ""1th tho· p1 01v1~1nn" of lit·Ct1on~ 11711 tu 1 ,1 ,,r thrl Labor Code tht C1t v f'1uuwll ul tlir City of :....e"'l"-•rt H1'11! lo 1 • I.I\ cert111ned the Jl:l'nfral PN>''il1l1n1o: 1.11" ••! w11"'~ 1,l'r•l1•11to1~ t•1 I • ...,.,,14 to be r1one,.,. follow• l.nbnrera-G<>neral nr C"nnatruellnn Cement F'1n1ah .. r H .. 1u I• \V&.j:., I"• .d .. ~ 2o Reinforcing lron \\"ark'r . Retn!orclng I ron \\•orkf'r -Forem"n 1 li '~ 11•·1• hr. 1nore than Joumi'yman l Operator•&: Ten!ler11 <>r l'neun111 lH' & E l.,rt11•' Tooll. VibrB t1ng ,\l11c hlnet1&.1111u1lar111•• II anlcal l()(!l l not ~l'1»'r11trl \' 'la-..•1l1r.t herein Cement DumJl'l"r 1011 l yd <>r and handllnK hulk r•··11rn• • Cribber• or Shorer11 Alpha.It Raker IUld Ironer Concrete Cur<'lr-lmpervio11" MPn1hrBn,. Fln• Grader (H lway '* S\1 ••••! 1'1n·in1t Un l .~ • Fl&«m~ Sewer ptpe Layer 1 Excluding ('a11lkfl't Sewer Pipe Caulkrr ~ P!'lilljo': C'>111lkLng too!al Tllrtnan • M ort11rm11.n Apprentice F.nglncrr. in1·h1<1tn~ F 1ro·1111111. i 1,1, 1 Oreaaer Air Com1irt11$0r, l'11n1p "r • :rn~rnt oi· Opt!r11 1ur Concrete or A 11ph"lt Sprcsu1aq . .:, 1'-1<" il T~nq• Ing or f"lnlsh. !>!act• ur,.,ri.t<u COncrete MtJ<f'r Opf'rat<>r pa•·1ng: IYI'" an•\ moblll! mixer Concrel• Mlller Openllor Skip Typ•• Ma.t•rtal Loader or Convfyor Oprr1tor Pa•ement Breaker 0 1M'rator Pump Opel'ator Roller Operator . '., :l 20 :.:/'.11 :::l!l 2 6•1 2 62 I'.-. l 11r '" I\ .1 I;<' 1 ~ii•) '..':: •1•) ::~ .. o J!• 211 20 48 I ~I 2,11 1'1 I~ 111.411 17 110 211111' I !I 12 1.110,0 \.~ <Ill 1.111111 ~l I I Co~tn ,\1eaa l.Jb,.rty S-7 79t '" -- 1 116-T<&n>P" __ rtatio.n'----12-_BuUding Se1vioes -·- FLY cr--:11ENT & BUILDING f.>C " I} NON-8TOP All Ktn.Js ·"' y c 51'1•" r~J{r;r: E..'-''fl~·IATE.') 1'1111·A1,_:u $!19 LJbcrty .!-61 0H 'H1H111•l Trip t)nly l·'n,. !.l"""1~1 n~ \,. A lr]Jl!I t H"x !~uni IH'R r ,-.. e T ol k.-t !Jc!Jl'o·ry General Contractor LICE NSED New W<i rk -R<"mod~hng J .\I I I~ TON lilc K ENZJ E 1.-farbor 6399-W 58tfc P11;1nt1ng & Paperhanging \'Ve do the work ourselves. 30 years !'l!f.lt'rtence L lrf'n.,,1 & ln!ured. !ia1 1~ract1on i;11aranteed F.s1 11n!lle1 free Call Johnnie, l~I S-~6S7 & l~I 8·528Y 8ltJl Small Jobs Wonted "'••I/\ Llbrrty PAINTING rer .. nnul>ll' 11.:ieQJ PAINTING 1\ 1-"-;lj MARJN.i.; l'Ali'O'rl Nli 1.H'!-:~~!'U·:n !:"/Sl'R E:lJ ' WASHINGTO ...... 0 c;, $9i Pl--IJ[.A OEl~PHIA 51111 DALLAS ~ DETROIT 1-tONOl.ULU .'."fo;\\. YUlth: .:lllL'Al;U All F:tre11 124 W. Ocean "' Sill 510\1 "' Sfi!I l'Lu~ ·r1.1C Bl\•d., I~. B. I HE :t-641 ~1 ----'-,..,Ev. 6-4413~ ! Santa Aoa, 11 i E 3rd Kl .J.836!'.t I 18-&auty Akls REDUCING Steam CabitJet 1'1assagc -Spot llcduc1ng Co.!! Llb,.rty 8·1472 for 11ppu1nt· I• rnent. !';~ ~upcrf Ju utl::> Hair 1 i'"'''"M·•' 11~1 y t•"'"v~u from l&e1 11r1n3, leg•. Ey~tirowe and hair hne 1Dt1 p<'U ."lu 111ur" tweeUng. £LJ ,EN L. BH \"ANT R. E. •.1do 1 :)l\lon or Be1uty Ha.r. U.7e '" Call ''" Glenn Johnston I • .11•t St Newport Beach Your Relax-A -Cizor CU NSl'LT/'.NT rie1nnn111allon". 110 n hll((allt>n UO:-INIE \.\-'ILSON' ilYntt '. 641i4 li:Jp76 H11 r bo.•r 317,I> 4Dl!t:.: Floor Covering Wall Tile %%-Lost and Found -~'-'-----Skip t.o.der Operator~ Whrel Typ<' -Tn.ctor ·H1-t.tn !hovel Operator Tractor Operator-Bulld01er. Tan1jH'r. Scr11per or Drar Type Shovel or Boon• A ttarhmen\" '.! r.,11; Tl"encblng Machine OperBtor :: ;~; t '.!~ 211 ~'11 16 11' !I~ 10 ,i;o :ltl 16 !.'ol MO 2•t I fl 23 211 I IQ y.....,. P:Jl"'ntnre Ln·o'IUll'U Conlr>1ctnr Sall."lfac1 1011 r.uar11n\ee•I L! 11-!'!7:\2 112p75 LOST bro""'" 1n11le d11 r h.•h11n!l RZ\YARD 41."l ~A.at Edgewa ler. Balboa. Har. 1488 ev~n1ni;:~ 1--lnr :11;11 <lay" 113•'6~• Universal Equip Op,.r•tnr t !;;hn1•r!, Dra g11111· ~nick, I>errlck·barre. Cla1nahell. Crin~ or Pile Ortver1. .. Drlven1 of Dllmp Truck1< water l•vf'I 11r it'"" U11U1 4 ~"\" Driven of Ournp Truck!! 4 y r\,. l>ut !c!O" thl\n 8 yd.oi. waler level . - Drlvera ot Dump Truck.'! 12 yda. water le\·el Drlv'er1 or Dump Tri1ckio 16 yd1. weter level 8 yol.!' tlul leSll lhnn 12 y·l~ tn1\ )•~" 111:.n Drtvenr of Dump T r11ck11 16 y.!,. •"' '"'"e water level Orlvenr of Truck•-Legal Payload ~·Mpllrlty lea th•n 6 toru Drivl!nr of Truc~Le1al Payload C•pa.eity betwMD 8 Ind 10' lOM Drtvera of Truc~Leral Payload C•pacity bttwMn 11:1 and 20 lONI B lloclumlt!u ................. . Black1mttla J\elptr ..... _ Brlckl-.ytt and Stontimuon Brtclttmder ... -.......... _ ... . Eloctrlelan Eloclrtclan fo,oreman Plumhf!r . , ................ -.. ·· Plumber P'Or9m&n .• Driven ot Tnlcka-l.A!lfal Payload Cal)flr.lty , ... :t.305 2 46~ 3 125 'llO 360 -i.~o '" 3.4~ 3 J 4 '" betw.&n 10 and I:'! rn11.~ 2 l~:'> Any clas1lflcalion oml!te<I hrrf'ln, not !r!<~ lh110 .!. :,.>o 1i;I: 44 1 7. 72 21.48 18.44 U16K 19 ;2 '""' 23.2<1 '"' 20.00 30.l '.! 27 60 28. 72 215 12 19 1111 171111 All btda a re to be rnmpn11"11 "" t!1r IJ1<.o.l~ "' 1hP ('1ty F.n"111<'rr·~ eaUmate or the quantltlca o r ,,..·ork 10 hf' donr No bid .... ·111 be 1CC'1pted from a ~ntr•rlor whn hu not bf"n U- ~el\Mld In accortlane• 1"1U'l the provl111?n• of Ch.1pter ~ !)\vision Ill ot Bu.Inn• and Pl'ot'Na\Mlflt.Cc>o'Tt" ------~ COMPLETE PAINTING & Paper Hanging SC r\'iCl' EUG EN!!'.: 0 SAUNDERS ~·00 Jlat Slrect . N"wport u.,aLh H lirbur 2076 L!c CARPEN TER Repair Work l)oem toar Homa N'eed Repalf1n1 or Ramodellna ! Ca ll Frank, l.Jber:y 8-61JM All Worll Guaranteed 74tlt CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORK NO JOB TOO SMALL H 0 AMC<'lraon 1014 O.lboo 24--Schoohl'., ln.<!tructlon China Painting Day .ind ll:Vf'n ing Cl11.11~u Or<.ll'r,.. Tak1•n Now Phone Liberty 8-i'>G~8 94Uc JONES 'BIRK EL-RI CHARDSON ORGAN STUDIO. Learn to p!11.y t he mighty \.\-'URLITZER. EVELY~ JONES, Mer. 300 H oln1- "''ood Drive. LI 8·108l 57Lfc IC. Ba.lbo& Blvd., Ha.rbor 2450 SJttc 28--Sltuatlonl'I Wanted ---- Custom Building AT'm/'.C'TIVE PRTrES Your pL11.n" Dr •our" l..io:'en1e<:I I n."l11red FINANCJNr. ARR/'.NGi:lJ A. J. WELTY 2~i.1n S antll Ann Llb.-rly 8-6:1111 /\\•r, Cn.!'tJ!. HANO\" MA N, m1\ntcn11 nce • repe.lr or wh•t? H11r. 4~-W 40ltc CLEAN UP JOBS Ca.II Yard Mai ntt;nance Three year• 'xprrlenl·r thl~ \o<'Allty LI 8<11.»fl 441 t<' PJa.113 n1ay be aeen. 11.nd rnrm11 (•f ro(ll"'~"r !'<Jnd.o.. ,.,,nlr1<«l 11n1! apec.Ulcatlona 1nay be obtained 11.t \11,. n[fl•" •of lh<• <'1 ly F:n.:111,.('f <'•I ~ Hall, Newport lleach. Callfornl11. ·• Thfl apeclal atlenUnn of rrnAr"'f'lh r h11l0!rr, •• 1'<111 ... 1 t" 1 h ~ 'l'r.-. po19-1 Requ\T"t'ment• and <,;ondll1on_•' annu...-1 ,,, lh" 1•l1t11k rnn" "'I'"'' pouJ. tor ni.u dlr.cllona w lo bt.JU1 nl', •t~. ---------UIGHSt,;HOOL. girl ~11nt• pc1:0, tuin a .. Mf1ther .. helrrr Ll>'P ln A go to schuul Rer• renLc1 11111 ~1'100· w n re• ,,_ Oty ot Newport a..cn rffflrYN T!1e rl1tl1t to r•Jttl a11y or a.II tMde. J>t.ted J-. !'I', l llef city"' Nflwport H ... , h '·11 11r MARtll':.HY ~\."llKVl 't•FI-< \.~II\ N o. tM Ne-PrMA 1/30. 21e ,~ .. PAINTING M. W . ROSS UC.nwd LI 8-3!2 l 280 Avtl<'a00, C011 ta M•u .. ," Ko•t., "' J"h !,JI' .... 1, PAINTING 1J•~ k• ,, ~l l!'' IJ)' h <JUI Abl•· t" 1t•>1kr r•p&tni ,II ',!>1'11 &:lpfll • and I~ J u .,. -.· .. c1i"11'1" 1Ht.:: ____ _ ., KNI TTER S USED GARDENING APPLIANCE BUYS CLEAN-UP JOBS WANTED ' LIBERTY B-6139 I IA Y o o1I t I !o'I •'TIO ••• I I\\ ti 11•0!1 hl ,\ .. l l ~ "'"k 1 .. - 11 ·•ll•l•l•t1 _,. •o.:) •J~1 I l'~:,·1<~:Tr1.1tY ·11. ,,. ,,1 iu:.··I A 1,10 fit 1',,n,.o "'~!• ,1 .. ,1111.-..i 1"'"'11 .. n lla1 f.,,, 1.1 r" ( -._.1J lltu 11!.'7 .\! fl.Jrfl~ ~~'£.._~~~':_~ GIRL-~ HERE ARE JOB S Con1(1 1n &i J. . .,'*u 1 .. <urn pl(•lf n .. w li ne ut l:1~phu putt .. n i•. 1w-11.r liOTl'OINT \\"l{JNGJ..:ft WA~llr:n. ,,,.. '" Hr...nu .Ev1·r M.,.\•h yar111, Mor· ~I O NT(:O Ml::I{\" WAH.I) WA ~t-IF:J{ \\lrini-;•·r !\·1·1 rll I. llt'W <Jn·•a 1•o1.ll r rn•, n"'vrl\y )Mru~ & ~u•w .. 1111JuohniJ thc !KEN~!ORE \\'A$1-l ER 1~·1•u lar kn,t 111° • 1 ak1rta \Vr1nKl'f typ•• v.•llh !•U nl)1 .\IONTf:OMER Y \\I 1\llO W ,\::;HJ·:J\ Sit N' Knit 3:?tfc \Vru1g1·r tr P" o r:X1'C:I{ AlJTO.o\! A 1'1C \V ASl-lEI{ ln8talh.'<I HAND BRAIDED RUGS WF-'iTINCHOUSE LAUNDROMAT Jo,"l li'.:~~ IN!rrH UL"TJUN UHLiJ::IU:i TA KE!'{ A ll new mat~n11li avall•t.lP .\JAgY FAS !'.'IN, 1195 !" <"11l 1'11 r.-.i,:l.Jnll ll• h llYIHt t -789)! 60p~l lni;tallt'fl GAF'FERS & SATTt,EB. <;A S RA:.'1<:1·'. \.\1h1t1• Tabh· 1\ol' WESTINr.HOUSE Jo.:LJ-.:C."T. RAf\:(;J-: ' •i4 ~I '4 ."iO ..::~."1111 , 5;t') 011 I GIBSON 6 Cubic fl. REFRJt; Tha l \"'' ...,.,ll b~ J>rouol t » t,.11 A · L d i d ynur r ri.·nd• ,.i .. iui ·""w h•i;h ttent1on an or s COLDS POT 6 cubir ft. Rr.:Jo~H.J (; $74 $0 $64.!)IJ.,, ... S."if.1 .50 $79.50 .$84 .50 ... ~l:"ll 1·oupltol "''Ill\ Ill•' l•i<'iol l lfl)t;SEllULD EQl 'IP!llF::NT. for l S ERVEL 5 CU. ft .. l('ft hand d<,Or ...,.fltk1n.i:-•••nJ1!1oon" •d i np lu rf'nlal on!l1 TapJ»inntnj;•' ~t r<·-1 ' J"h~ "1th 11r .. ~ll~•· 1tonc r~frlto:. B1•nd1x .,..~ahlnK WESTINGHOUSE 7 1:ub\1: ft. R1'-:F'R!(; NO ir13 clllnf' lloll)'Wi\Otl o•lfl•' ln <•lll'r I ~·rrtnc111«1n p•i\L,ry, olcarrt flow - er patt.,rn. -.erv1ce fur I!! PLUS KNOX HARDWARE co. Start y nur """" Jnb 1n .. n•· of .. ur offi ce" nrar ~·011r horn e TELEl"'HONE OPERATORS Apply • 90011.1~-00p.m MI SC. ITE~IS. s .. e uwn~r. 3W 420 East 4th St. Santa Ana Signal Rd~"'•'Wl~-i-'_'_6ZJ'64 I--------_ -----Kl 2-23.Jll • OLD "Sl'l:'fNING \Vl\1-;EL S42.09. :12-Furnlture tor Salt: r.:!-1 ur11ltur~ ,.,,. Sale Antique org"n $1 Ill, Rc>und oak I =c:.....c:.::;;:;.:;;:;.;._;..:;O-';.:;"'----~'----'--'---~-==--­ ~11 ,, N ?ol!un St '. H:111 1 1 L S1111t.n An11 PACIJ·'IC TELI::l't-I ONE Tur ret Lathe Operators Sl\'l"°'l; s11u-~r. C'LA!--;S ''· u , .. ,. t lln,., I n~ pa~· CL/\-\"AI. CU . 17111 Pla••o•nt111, Nl'"''IMorl B"ihh 60.:73 tuhl"11 fr0/11 51 0. Old tlnle pllono 1 !qg hor111 $!<!1, Nlt"I' 1qH·1g-ht f1l"n" $\2.i, 14::<' arr()l'•ll.-.n $3:'.I \fl\nglng lamp" rron1 $!~. llna 111t>1l ti-la SJ!'... L.-'1111.~ or a11 !1 •1"t' rl\lna. •·urln~. lil•I fu rn , Jrv.·•·l r)' • l('l('k&, lllnlp!I, etr Vliilt nur lg<' aturr \\',. huy &r Cl!t h&11g-r .. n- tlqUl'l' CHAf<l.Jf: DA\'ll'\, 180~1 F. Anllhf'l m , L.U II~: 6·~11:)9 I -K.ENMORE Ironer, <1eluxe mo<trl. PART Tl.\tF. BOOKKEF:r'EK -IU!P ne .... · 59!1 1'nUqu .. Bohem111n Secretary ...,·•nted by private l!'.Bmet' ring $.'><I. nr11celet S%. p11rt y Tim" rsn bt:> nt yn11r .or · LI 11.77 4(1 f13r-&."l •·cnh•n•r 1.h1rlng .,.,,.,.k J11y!'l Box t;~1 lhll pa.pe r ' l'il"6~ Wanted IN~~.X PERIE :"it "Eli rr" I \\'ILl.. Tll.i\IN YOH \\'IUl.E YUt l t.~:ARN i\:'IJ/1 EAH.:"J $1$$ <:lt"-:AT~:ST AREA ()N EAH.TH A RT C. K ISTLER CO. 2\+111 NP"'IH•ft lllvd , ~pl 1-t .. rh<ir t>221> \YO!ITA:-1 ("LF:RK 3430 Via Lidn, I N.SURANCF. 63<:61'> Newport 6;!f'64 Ure Agent.I need<'ld. T op C'omml~- 1lorui for Ai;:nsaiv" A lert Per- aon Write or phone Burton H Beck. H•rbor 0'221 P 0 . n ,,x 100 Ntwport Bearh. C'All r ~(1('64 RP.AL ESTATE Broker EJ1perien<'rd Xev.-porl Jf"rb<>r ll.f'P,11. Top iur,.nlJ••e comm LSl!ion plan \\ell e5t11b· l!ahed t"O!p{•ra\1011 liar. !;it•9 62'r6.t R c11I Estate Sn l csman Fnr 1111r ll<'Wl'B! (offlo'e a fin., grounol flour 1i pportt1n lty. llur incenlive «1mm111.~io1n ll'h''"lule f<lYOrll th<>ae Wh<'I ><lli)' ""'1 1)1 u.•. Uu"'r "'ho f>r<>d\l('r , >1r.1I th""" "' t1••r 1n li~lH!.1: \\'.-nr" rrl~nd· Iv Rnd rnn("'r~tivr 8nc! "'" want !hr !'ll'lrnc from yoo Bay & Beach Realty, Inc. 3ro.10 Eut co..at Hwy . Coroi'l• tlirl Moar H.ar-P,1r St>&!i " l~•nl C loarunl( •l"">I)' 1..1 f' EA S m t 1'.'."T JfOTli:l~ n 1um1nJC'l-P<tr· m .. n .. nt "••rk ll!lr !'il:V. f\1,·fl• 30-B-Ap£U..ce< I • Refrigerator Hlll~. Phll<'o Dr.lux" llll'ge f1un1ly 11.12'.e, l'~·pu!ll'le&xed l1aa l111 ge <'Qlorell V<'g°fla.blr r rls- j>t'r, Shelvr11 In lh<' dno r & all cxtr11!. 5 yr. gu1u·aritee ~nothlni;:­ to ,PBY do.,.·n Ir rred!l 0 K by llank. I•' jl11yn1en1 ol S.'lll:ldur In 41'> •lllyM. H"l dut• !M SIG7 84 ~"'! "nytt111rn11yorEve.11t ll.41 \\'. C'h11pm1<n, Orsngr CllH Coll ect 1\1-; ll·~lj l 7. ----------BENDlX Econon11t. 3 yr11. old. Good condltlnn. Hlghe•t takea.~LI 8-2083 offer 112<:04 EIGHT By EIGl-tT rt. cnmb. walk1n rl!fr. • Free~er S6~. B•llx»l Tra.nBler Co Ph Liberty 8-56~ l . 62p64 G1'FFF:lll" & S ArrLEP.S 11.pt . 111i.e rang•', oven '11ntrol & bro1l- .. r. likr n r "'' K<'lvln"t"r 11pl 111t.'" rPrni;: H11r 2!Ktfl nr H8r 3i61 -\V , 8Jl'flfl O'Kee!e It .\1 erntt ,11;.u. ran gr 1gM dcluxr foltllng-1011 111<xlel hu all ..hronll' i;:-r!.JoJIP nn top. la.mp .Ir. , !rtt'k w 1lh u\·en tlm!!r, ebromt!! i::nll b1nll<'r l '11ed nnly J n1onlh11, lit'UlK 11 tu1aferr1'd ~Mt. talte c.vcr 1n Y rnn\ racl "'1th the Klink & r~)-ofr !he bal. ot $1 37{;9 Only 11,1~· 57 ~~ P"r 1nnnth :-,.'.n l'&Bl1 n•·.-.lrlf ~ly 1111ul!y t r""· •~,. any- 11m,. ll11y nr .,, . ., 11t 1441 W. l "h •pml'l l'I. Or"ni;:-e C':all c .. Ul'Ct KE fl.~11. Roney's Small Applionce -Repairin9 lrOtl•, tOUlf'r•, .;:arr" rn•lcer• tll :l'J:l:l r-: .. wpor 1 lt1Y•i 1 •.,", • M"'"" ttVI "' \'wt .. na 6 Npt Kl•d + LJ 8-~1711 t.lki'2H GOODWILL INDUSTRIES BED DIVANS, ALl~ NEVV COVERING, CO ~i- PLETEl.Y llEBUILT $4Z.50 DINlNG TABLE ANf> 6 CHAIRS PRACTICE PIANO TABLE-TOP GAS RANGES. REBUILT AND GUARANTEED REFRIGERATORS-REBUILT UNITS, 90-DAY GUARANTEE CLOTHING AND SHOES For the Entire Fomily-Very Reosonable "WE EMPLOY THE HANDICAPPED" 41 7 WEST 4TH ST. SANT A ANA 6&64 EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME F'urnishing!J, Toy&, Rad.iol!I, Utensila, Drapes, Bedding BED, SPRINGS, & MATTRESS (complet.e) ........ $10.00 WASHERS & J(ANCES ···-·················· ·-.,-···· $12.iiO up BABY BEDS, PENS, STROLLERS ---·····-$3.50 up CLOTHING & SHOES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILi' Constant addition of DISABLED Vl!."TERANS personnel in our shops results In wider !!!election of completely refurbished merchandise in our st.ore. VETERANS INDUSTRIES ~02 E. 4TH. OPEN FRI. & SAT. 'TIL 9 P.M. $0-B-Applla.oces O'Kli:EFE Ir Mll:RRI'M' nr.nl'e, '56 model. La.mp .Ir. clock wllh oven Umer. Chro1ne gTIU broUer, and that J!ft up top. b.ed tlnt mo11lh. 5149 80 C'IU!h. or pay $8 P"r mo. 1 4~1 \V. Chapman, Or&nJt. KE 8·Ml17 Lt Sl-Waated to Bay Highest Prices PATP F"OR JUl'fK ntOl'f ANO Mi:'TAI. YIVE ROOMS ot IOV'elJ -new fur• nllure With full alze ran1t __..A lnttlTTlaUonal Hal"l'Nler nfr1· i;(eratot, 6 pc. modern dinette, 7 pillCe UY\ng room l{l'OUJl, ;t complf'te bedroom aeta. Onl)' 1596. 8maU d01l'll paymr.nt with 104 wu.lu to pay. • H UH, boO W. ~l'l'T', Anah.em ..,,.. RATIA.N bl!ld davenport It metcl:I· inc chalr, eaoellent r ondltkm 11~ 1.1 l-4Mn. ese..'\ lJBL BF:ll, 1.prln111 6 m..ttr"""" WILL PICK UP r;i.ll u fl -&4111 I $HI :\ r bt'Om• bar •lfKll• pi. ftl ri't LI 8-3&7:1. ~cte ,,._. --.... . , . • • • BEDROOM '· • ' Foreign Cer He edquerters UTll 8 • I DRAWER d~, mln'or, bookNM h•dboans. h'Om Al.DO T \VIN Xapt. b.a With mat~ A bo:I: spnnc, onl1 ···-··-Nl-H -.. 5 A: I DllA. WU iqpt. m.....r, w1UI .rnirTOr, fr'Om --·-$7t.&O Lll'lnc Room Seta Modern 6: Maple • USED CAR CLEARANCE SALE AS NlCE A UNlt u 10U would tlnd anywher•. With O\IJ' low OYll!J'bead you'U be IW'prl.Nd hoW 1nuc.la w• can •ave yCK1. PMM tak• a look. lt wUI pa1 you. 0 000 TJCR.MS. RETA.IL J'URNITUR.l!: BR OKER8 'M '511 '53 JAGUAR .NC Cl>e- JAGUAR MC Road JAGUAR WK VII Sod. '52 JAGUAR MK VU Sed. '53 JAGUAR 120 Road. '51 JAGUAR 120 Road. '55 TRIUMPH TR2 Road. '54 TRIUMPH TR2 Road. • 'M ll. G. TF 1l!OO ':11 M. G. TD ll<>od 'M RJI.LMA!\__ Huky ·~ HILudN Convertible 'M HILLMAN Hard Top °Cpe '" HILLMAN Convertible '55 .RENAULT Sedan '52 STANDARD Va.nprd '49 SIMC A Sedan Open J'rtday Eve. JC1.. !·Z'38 3rd at Bpur190n Banta Ana '°'" Seveial Good Buye in American Cars Bank of A mcr1ra fi'inancing 'fHREE ROOMS of bC!auUtul new furniture for 119::0. Come ln look around. HARVEY MAYER MOTORS 2137 Harbor Costa Mesa HUB 000 W. C1nt.er, An•helm 8:lc8t fCo rnf'r \1if't nria) LI 8-2256 AIT Antique Ownen. :l4-M115icaJ, Radio, T V R • 1 h> J't-:n ~1 0:-.'TH 1··n1" 11 I:'"''' e pdlf · J>rllrtl!·e. p1 .. nu All !cnn r•·nl <"H'"A GI AS" & URIC-A-BllAC 1:111 u w "•I l>ANZ -~C'Ht.t ll >'r ..,~ • 4 ,-; l'H.l l...L.1 1'~ fill: I'll"'" S.olt' fl:LU •:l~anor O"K""'"' 1:1:122 \\'alkrr _..,.,, t.14•11, .:,lhnl.M An• ll1utl" «1 1 JAckAOn 7-2'T77 Cypr~• tr _\IJJ,..MJn ll.u1.!in 1an.J Kn11 tJ., I ~ti•"' ~Boata, Supp~ j-- :-;i.ir ,..Liit ltJ.:s·r ·-,-,-,-.,-,-"-,.-,,-111 I ORGAN SPECIA L' "n ftM\"I" oiuck ('1.ll 11,,r :Lt.')ll t>Hl:A~' "t1l1 $th1:, f,1tJ• ,,,1 (! "U' "· rt.r>V"flll'Ut t~1 IUJI ! .•1' aunJI lfl<,'.)U•l .. ,I Ari)'O/\I '"'' i'"'' !'.>l\T fo I:! 1--< 1\J"I' l: 11<~.-r,., .. , .\l ,·r, 11 •')' h • )'I"~ 111 1 Ir"" IUU\l;t1·~ ;\l 1!.1 k ::!H :-\<1H 8hlr lt•f <l '.\U\\ jj.I I~I 8-2257 63c6" New and Ueed TilUCK AND Passenger TI R ES 8-Hour Re ca pping . Service Complete Urake S.-1"\·u,1 ANI\ F'rout F.!!J Al.ii;:nn1t•nl t<O AI> SER\'H -~; --· 4.8-A~A B oaee. for ~t tl-.&pt:' a B1srt1 to-r &ellt Cabanas~- 5l RDPONiL&Bl.Jm P.al80lf ...a. • femaJ4..·f'rco tlW .......... l41d to ~ a-4 GOU«& rrom av&o- m&Uo .......... 'Ud'lee.e N• .u. Ute. As• .c -.ri.tW. ca.-, ,,.... I ...ace., ud MOO •°'*-ins ce,pt- l&l ~-T to U hCMtt9 weMJy net.. to PDO fuonlhJy. "-1.b,ly tul1 Ume _..,., """ loc&I lnttnotew (iv• rup p&rtl- Ctll&re, ~ Writ. I!. 0. Bo.a TMT, M1nnapoUa 1.1, Won._,t&.. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS--PR.ESS -PART 11 • PAGE 5 "MONDAY, JANUARY 30, I~ • Lido Peninsula, ~t-ait St., Npt. Beh. OJ'tDU! ' Deuct>t1u1 ltvinf_.l Apt..C-i.o~ utlHta pold. --· with y.J., Ufp a=moda!lona. .. 0&0;, 1{tle]dy, IPODuiJy, yearly. For appt. or retervation, Call Har. 2992.. :Utfc 41-Wanted t.o Benl 48-A-Apto. fM' a.at .,,., • M-81.one)• to Lou NO COMMISSION •No Appralsal Fee BALES -RJ!i11'1N A.NCI: LIDO ARMS APTS. CONSTRlJCTJON Call tor l'r. a ........ • Balboa t Bed room• apartmeot, plus t nnt&l.e. t lot.I. l vacant. comer a Bt. It. ~ trool. Low pr1c:e Phcme for det.alla. Costa Mesa 111 Cut 2llll 15L drive by, TKEN a good,.'b&rpin. ' a ... , ........ B/ B Newport Heights $1700 down OLD 3 an -Nt~ LI;)\ - Full l'rtce. $2000 d own $P600. \\'I' need U.Lln&• ot home. In NICI: 7 YR. OLD----60'icl 20" $10.7Ml Full Price. lot- Co•ta Mua • Newport. N.B.C . Realty $5000 d own WAN'l'ED TO RENT 2 bdrm. furn. ~ channel or ocean for tahilly ol lhriec; permanent 'yrly. renl•J Har, 007t . ,.-:1~.1t· & Morine VUY NEW Fut Commitment.II • on H.e.ta~c.1 ud Unit. oht1 32nd 6 Newport Blvd. Har. 1400 7 DR -DEN-2 bath~? tlrepl . 13,ftA.ND l"o'!:W 81~-617 Vlcto(i• St. Suc 2 BOO.mi. duplt:xe•. t<re- plac"' U11:m 10.11t•l ront heio! &r idt•~hen. j;&r&K<' Be•ul l•u..t.cliJ>...J Nu ya.td w1;rk $XO n1u. Ll 8-!1221 ur liar. l(Ht-J d2ptl• --------(J ~ E BEDRM dupll'X unturn. ';11r rllmpoiJ•l J(l\1 1u1rar<". w•tl!'r pd '.!60 ~ 21 •t $1. Coat& J.t .. ,, .... Uwner In rear IS3l~4 Wall 10 waif c:arpeUnc • dnipu, 0 . E. Refr1f., deluxe 1tovN. Each Apt. hu pr1vate 1arage. TenAnt. havr. 11.nt Ql.11 tw 11llp11. One ha lf blll. lo bua1.ne. c:e.nter. 3-408-12-18 I: 20 Via Oporto 0 (f1ce H.ar. 1002 aftl'r 0 p m. LI 8-:!1 71 Oltfc ---------' CORO:-I A U ~:t. MAR. :? l>e.!rrn Don I. Huddleston 173 F:. 17!/t St. " COSTA Mt>:SA LI 8-0~1 Ll LOA..S~ TO UUJLD. IMPRO\'fo: HOY. P.fQUERNIZE, Ult RE .. ~I N A NC E Y. e buy T n.1.1 1 L>e.-Us ~~::eK".t ~.~;, ,,.l'"'~,11 1Y11111/~';,1 11;~). N~~\l/l'OKT BAI-BOA S A VJNGS I: LOAN AS~\.iCIA'l'IUN •It llHl11o.l1·y rin , ttnced ;·l11J LIDO 1SLE LAlVll"IJ t bed.room with tore.a alr heaf. brick flr-ep~ce, l car rou-· .,.. and $\lnny .oulh pauo. $22.600 f • "Lido Speciailst " Have Waterfront.a Too~ Duncan Hardesty HEAL TOR JJt\6 V111 Li.Jo l'h IU..r t :tlJO ----.$1!1~• 1110 Yr Je~ 1r ole111t<"•I ~t>OZ N,.wpon Blvd . N pt. Bea<:h L'hoJCt! Wint er ll.enta.Js f'll (~,.u owner t-l ar i i lf tlr Hl&.r bor t718 Lialbua Island & l~1do lsle ---L-l'~· IS Lc7' I -I --v v ~ LO ANS f H f!Y ( 1\.\"NEH. .. 1 br honl• H"· ~u·a!l k f'uzy Or liuge It dl'I U.\e llAC.'JlELOR and one A t wl) bdrt•I Or omeS flol•re g11rb 1!1wp Kedwood $7~ to $300 rn011U1 a ptJL ~he-rt term and yearly I ::,n; :zo yr Loi&n11. fo:ncto<I . be!\ £11.1>t •Ide Joe:. Xnlt VO GEL CQ I Al-'>•J, LldQ Homee •nd bay F r\lllt C t t' L ~"'"' l-!!lt"r 11l terms Jnq :\33 • IJ .,1n"I anol 11 p11rtmenta ons rue !On cans 1<: UTOIH11t.•a y C M 6ll6:i :.:nis .'>flJtln fl Avr, ~wooa l.!ll~n·! f,JIK) REALTY Aasoc1 atcs ~"·i,~ 111,11 :iA'n·u--R ~~. \1 ;:,r1h";11;;_~·~·r 1111";·:."•;1~;;11~ ! :iW1• \'1a J~hJ<l, 1111.rb<ir 444-1 ~:I 1~~ ~.-AST l";JAST Hi.\ J+ NEW PO RT BEAC H t.t l!• b9tfc 1.t•JO/\a 11el .'rlllr llarhor ,)l,i, Thrre bt<(\rn.,n1 "IJLDU:"' ___ __ __ __ _ -J{~J' t'UIH.!Ek .\10 R'rGAl:t; Ct> F"'ull pnte $8000, Sea Shell Shake rf' Built-In klL J t7.9M F\.lll P rice $5000 down 2 \'R 0 1 . .JJ tX:EAN va:w HOMl!: Pita 4;e Gue1t Ht.:. 1.4e. l:?Ov KJt.-Dln R ~"'i repl.-Obl Gar. l'.!tc. -$111,)00. Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 16116 Newport Boulevard C1.>11ta M .. , •• C~rorru& U herty M-116 1, Eve~. Ll 8-3010 lN TUSTIN SCHOOL DISTRICT BltAL1·rt FUL 2 bclrrn. a nd de:n.,, KU,.,.t h ... u11e t-nd .. wtmmLnr pool A, lov,.!y 1'1011.e ~'n 11.rge lot.-- Jteaaon.t.bly pnc.:ed . 1 ~ ~~r urn.1 11• r<·'~'· ll\111n ,\l kke ,.t,,.r hi ;\"f"I'"'\ u.,.,, 1;.,, I :!11 I'll•·"" hlo '••"I) :! •~o:l i1p\'1i(r I Hyf1\\" llt)(oUl Jl•Jy!•• h'.r111,,..·!t1H1 F..:lt•c·trnn1t·~ l-1r.-•tnne 1Ju11~,., l'lll/I '""r• lo0r U1r. A.k.111( liiTI l•H1 .AJ"l' rtirrlll!hed lr1.-od...,n• t.letr<, I.lit. Jn,, ~Unil.lt K l .: ~Iii~ !>/an1' your t ~rn111, Apts. 1 ... , •. .,, 1 ·1111 11~ ... p11 i,! 1~!\ ,,... .,11 i, • fu I J.u111111rur l..••r"r111 ,1.,1 :'>l~r ------BALBOA BAY I 1 ~ ~ u~:l•f~"' 1 1~;1 .i·x~: 1-1 IL" r,4,,,6 CASH I A l'Tfi Tu p1.-t .-1r,·J lt'nwita $!\~ • , , PROPERTIES ,\. llj•, Ut1/ 1n;;I !:!~~''A" Ui.l,,.•• ~I H:"ISl lY.l• ,\l'TS J4:'i "'"nlt1 i ••P. Tl~l"ST l ii':EJi!'I 1.'.lO:i \V Ra.Ibo& Blvd. IN BACK BAY AREA • LDVl::l.Y :i trtnn .• nu Ul'.D on 7~ It. lul. Hoon• for 11wtmmtn1 pool. M•ny iJpec.1111 feature&. ;,,'l\IY 'I·\\ i;1 .... ~.1 1.1·0 ll1!hf)11 1a111no; •hn~r" Al•o I•"• 1 ,~,!'>·II h I' "'!I r,.1•111 I !··n • ll•u• '"•~I & I I• I' •·I"' I 11· ''"' TV REPAIR HOW AR D RYAN '\O \ -809 W . \:;:;t St !olA/\.-rA Ai'/A I Jll\••J, :-; .. v.·po•rt B•••(·h .".;\!r• \'•·Mt ,,,unrt 71\1 'A Hell.)()s lih•I \\.\\ B HULT HiirOOr ~188 or Har bor 12 18·J . P.IVHTCAGE l:i ANKL'-'t.. ,.,.., l--:11 t~.1;a ::rr "i~Ujl m i..rv.1••\< 1 .,, .. S.-o· "t~·TA c-'~~I-<;~1N <.ho•~~ t 1110 ,.,, I~ 84plll\ S I X C.:£ lll30 - 1.1 a 71<'.'•t 1>1. ••ti FA:iT )"(~'.t:\"ll"I:: HEA ~t ,:"/A Hl.t-' • II 11111 Kl J .33413 ~~~lcu.I, Kadiu, T_:.__ 1 h:nowltt•n l·:IL-clrun1cti ~<'r'", ,-,.1111 1•11 l.J II !12l•:I "I I I 3Jtlc TV AN TEN NAS •!'le11.r fl,.•n1 -H t (:11.1n1 l'N!.-IT ALLEU •·qinl)lete t\• _11.,ur s.-t.. $9 .95 31!\fC Piano Refinishin g · Qual11y wvrk only AXl{Hl",\1 f'IA:\°(1 !'>ERVIC'E: Kl 2-7!!80 4\ltf•· :,q l."~f.:D l'1ll ll•lf 111'11 ntt:<I t .. r .,ur, . _ -- r,..tt!u I ~ .. r\"• "' rr .. r1 .. 1•our pr11nn BEA lJTlFt: l. Splt1<>t p1 11n0, ti!nnu. ""it nt'w S1·111•! •;11111\1 "r l h11u-JLl"t like 11~,.. """vr 1::1.11\. 3 rent· "'"n•I C}rj:ku H1.i,:h1·1tl ,,.~h 1111·' eJ rrtiHn:t. ll&V<' $\J() to I U!O :~·~~ce ~·::;~~11':_,u[_~1~;11.l~~.1~ I ,,..,1"N'I •<>n•UUl"ln n .. w iuar11.n - ~.2u ;-.-,. .\l!lin i'lat1l,. "Anll tee free o.leliv.iry M11pl ... 1..1.i;ht ----·-j \\'11.lnut. i-'re~\"h l'ruvino.:l•I. M11 - 1:1-:,\ 1 'Tl~ L"L :'>l.n ~Ju1l\ io~l•'t. trun1~ h";;1o.ny Spinet Ctlse 11!.l,:-t1Uy • 1ri:-1<n ,.. 1~ .$~ 7"t .no! hl'r P.f1n· i ~h11]I l'I••••· lll•,!1111• Old 2 n111t1• '·"' s:•"!'t Pi\:"?. R1~11~1 1 1 rr - 1 lill.1.11 ''' "ZU l"u. "l1&ln. Sa n-1 1 a A l H Us 11111>.i;td In ~ippint 1487 U.-..JO.I 11 rarll~'t' pia no• frnm 1811. $(H , J I~.-.. $t i:. •~e lll~•• •l the . t:ro•a t ~2n•l Annlvrr1t•ry Sal,. DA.!\'Z • S('fl~llJJT • P HJLL.l l'S th" l:tlg l' .. n,, anti O;gan Store ~•2U l':t> Ma~11. Sant.a Ana 100 41-Auto Serv1ce I -- Motor Overh aul NO MONEY DOWN * with t his ad * 6 Cyls ·--_.$48.88 8 Cy!R, -.. --··----·-·-... $58.88 lnt•lurll'• bol.b labor aoi! parl11. N~w ring~. v.-r11t Jl1n11. v111lvc ~nn(I. f1tt!ni"S ot m1!n r.nd rnO U.•i.rtnt s. Eit~rt motor t1u"" up '1U-d11y o r •.000 mlle gusra.n!tt. (:"\'U t.tON"ET DOWN). REBUILT ENGINES -UP to I~ t.laNTHS T(J l"'A Y- flu1l! In our own factory by J.k!lltd m11rhlnt111.J1. Don"t contl'nl'I ,.·1lh the middle m•n. Buy llltt"rt. REBUILT and l:NSTALl,ED SHORT BUJCK FORD . -·· -·-1129 ~O CHEVROL ET -·-·-·--·· 1 1~9 ~ & urorurt1 n·ntal• 290'< ~: '' 1•111 AXA UY 0 \\1N l':H -R.r:1tnct«I lot lltg,h"""Y, 1'l1.\! ll-111t.....r !>flt!U I C.'hurinrnK l·lttrbor l-lil.\'"'n 1tlUll N :11~~~RL Y ~-~~~A "-II ltuprc.v,n1en111n.7:1 tt.fronl· 8?:•·dt ApartmentA -Patio~ __ ___ _ "l!l-"' :-..'e.r H!l(h Scbool • .Jt .wt:l. ---------------x t;'\' t 1!00:'>1 •tr ... el ll'Vt'1 NeHr REAL ESTATE LOANS Term• L'all l..J 8-8761 . e2~ C!1J{U .... A Lll':L "!AK. 1 br. rum h 1 h IL l I ~ ""ll' l.111,:r ln·1ng rm 17u 1ru1 II(' 00 "· • 'lP!HnK' ".'"' "11"1 I lnteretit Rat..e 5--:>'t'i1'" 1-----ph•a ..... nt ea• lu~lv~ t.111.rh1&1Cl' cl••-LOOK l 'tlt, p•J. /l.clu!t., Ha•b<•r 4•:ni pu&AI. laiin<lry, ~l'-'"i" roun" LtJ&na quickly ma.de Int.he Karbor 83.1'.6!) a i.rql' $112 W up (kfoup1n ,.n Are•. L&curui. and Cott.a Me•a. l • t. B!:DRMS .. only a few left' s1 ub1 0.-.:r,v.~oo .. r'7 lll.1•1.11•· -t1r·;, •tt~l OoQd •1•P..r .. 1f1,,11 $lnt1:!" or niultlpl<" unit"-N .. w EJ1tr& t·hul<·" location Jn c. t.1 \~'11.t1tc.1 )"ClUflK u1&11 to •hflff Mar · 1~1 H•»r:n P !rtc.-'1'I" <ihJ. B• <Mia,: a.nil &11.Vt by re· 6e.t.I ttr .. plat:em It extr.. lgt dbl ,.,.1,,.. Ji\fl 3(.H :1:.!n•l St , ;-1,.,.._ I 01...:k ~0 11th nt Hig h H•'h""J f1 n1tnrtn1; yuur P,'."e8lnt lol&n. g•r.11gee All Improvemen t• Jn A tj4tf•· Mhun1u.n1 r:xpenM". :.:o yea1• terin r Th l µ...rt 011<1ch. !)j\fc or UeJoJro:tl No ch•ri;e lor iire· fl&lll or ere wt 1 be no mor,. C°"A L-L c'DNA CR Al" I J1n11n11 ry ••PPtll.laal K l J -e9JJ like lh~•<' a nywherr. ONL y i.;.. '-' '8B--H OUMW for Rent J !O,l:l:Kr to J l12:.2~0. Terrn1. Cal) H.ENTAI. st1r..:CIALl:::i'I' ARTHUR A. MAY ~tr .Ll11l,..w11..hotke •CoJ.-.rove IO.llli "lJ OO IS LH:. 3 be<lmomi 2 ,., M ort"(e Lcr.aJ1 Uorrc.11pc.Dde~l 1-l 8-7976 62tfr b.9.t.h home. un llnnUJ:t l bl:lll•ll O..:c1de11tal W• l.nluranc• co. -DORIS BRAY , Re oltor 216 "!11r!1w, Ualbo1 l1ln tH! Har 20 Qf ~t 5::c7!1 h ,l8A-A.vts. for Real ----- CHA.Jl.'Nli:L rronl t urn. YEAH.LY RE:".'TALS-On• blk to b\1.11 It l.1<10 Shop1 2 t"lrm S8() unf•1rn St wh•i furn $:)•1, in• I l•tn 0()(.k .. ,.,.,laU!e l!lti l6th .St . Nev.•µurt ii li p tor 40 It boat, 11~ trf HI 11133 South 1-l&l n liant.a Ana TARl:E BURM., l"' balbl, 80al40 rt V lk lnJ run1tbout pow"r bof!.l, l)p Jot. K1ng1 Plact . $23,600. New. ;.! car car . boalJti(UUy furnl!lh· ---JXJr\ llL, By AProil\'TMENT ~. shruti. $700 per month. 2ND & I ST T.O. LOANS ~r1r.r Liberty 8-4o073. 52c73 Jnqul re •I 41 BalbOa C""""'· t Nt'wporl ·· 36V~ /;er• 111.i; 11JJ t,.lr•n"e C"uunty F S I b 0 ~WPORT H EIGHTH :-lev.o 21 w,. Buy Trust Deed• o r a e y wner bd{"n1. "°"~ ttrepl•c~. renc ... J Royal Mortgoge Co . LB.1'.~e_., vv'~,-w lot, Corona• Hirh-,. .. ,u. 11•r Ou~ 1:h!l•l l)k•v SU.$ "" · or canyon oe.an U blrty 5-i 632 601 rr 26U~ ;-.,, Jo 1~1rt Hh :"p1l lkh Pn«d tu .ell. JUr. 2421J..W. Horbor 1549 """ -----CLO!';F;. 1n 1111:.-Ly furn •luj!I<')(, I - Fihmorris Rlty. Co~ MulllJ11n lliung Brok.In 313ti Bwun .. .u iJroktt Et C•t. H"'Y .. Corocui. dd Mu lla.roor i 1~2 Attractive 2 Bdrm. $2000 DOWN Nll:AR NE'i\'PORT Jl.li"b Scbool. JW1t painted lna~• &lid •ltrao- t lve u11 ll1cl<', Large 1erv\oe rm. Fenced, (jUlet •lreojL E veryU\1D,¥ In. Ooocl cle6.11 cut hornft. Mo1·• n ght Ln. 11·1 vaclltlt, 1 hava the key. f'IJ.IJ prlc- $97~0. Ph il Sull ivan & Geo. T. Everson ISM N•wpurt Blvd., Soi l& M ean. \Aero-.. tron1 Cm:ta M <'aa. Bank1 P h. 1..l 8-6751 , E vt•. H&r. •366 . Liberty 8·2103 DO IT YOURS ELF HI-Fl l'1 11 nua PLYM. lt DOOG1-; .. J l~E-----ft2p64 turced 11r l~allnjt, aar b <lll JI ' ---.-- \llP & 1;arHll:I' \\ 111lrr "'!!!HI~ I ti~c&Bh L~;VEL R-1 kit wit.II all unprov• ------1nr:nt1 1n and paid. 1229!1 C&Sh.. J UST GOOD BUYS OCEANFRONT CHR'iS. A DE :SOTO·-----1170 STUDEBAKER ---$170 OLflS A: P O:'\'TIAC 8 --Jl 70 BUICK -··---.... ·-·-··-·--J 17!i HUDSON _ ...................... ,_._.. $17~ Lo&!I Car Free Towlllj; NEW CAJ't Gt:A.IU.--..,'TEE Block must me"'t our •lal'ldardt Plu• \.&Jlc1, .::asketa 11.nd oil Re11.1'1Qnablt' liar 3~M 62• t\'1. 6 1-IW-aJ FAtaUi ORA:"GE CO AST PRO PERTIJCS BAY \'f f:\\' 2 boJr rn •pt .. very 1111 .. •ly lun1 'I'\" r uhh,.r llle fir1.,' U" Y SHOH.~;s 3 1,,1rn1 ru1t1 1~l• It:'" w"rr!robe•. 1("1)<id "'""l ! lJ, l>l k ert 11•·111lrotile tlll .Jun,. 11th. s r:::-; I" ,.,.11 •• ,1. •·lv111· !<) ,.~rr-11t'nt lxh "('" Tll (J~A S Htulto•r \\1nl,.r $!1~1 .1r••r'ly 51l.,. 11111 22t \\ l "ofl•l lt1· ... ·11y LJ K t•.'>2~ I \~' 11,., AV<' liar. 3886. 60t fc ---·-- -• !'IE\VPORT B1':ACH. 3 b"•lml. JSt.7 Newport. Co11t. Meaa I.I 8-Hl32 1Cven!ng1 LJ 8-1400 CAPITOL GAIN CAN YOU ~'OR SA.Ll!I BY O\VNER. Duplu, furrii.tif'd ; 200 tt:'" from e..1 , AFFORD TO SELL'.' \\'Mt N~rt 1 bdnn. e&e:h, HOW A.BOUT A TRADE, torm&n· p.&nelrty he-.t ; $14,900, M.ra, 3 Nice Units .$8500 down Priced right -will payo!t NEAR OCEAN FRONT 3 B. R. -2 garages -2 iota $.50()6" down DAVIS-BROWN REG. ~uarter Hor~. m•re llOO. o r 1 17~> with n ddJe •iul brldh1. F ur n1ore inforrnatlon. 'plo•ft.U I r llll LJ 8·6223 aftl'r 3 30 Open Sunday lO a.m. to 2 p.m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS ' lo'URN. BACliH:LORJ AYI'. Adult un(um. houlll! dr 11atll.'!e 213 39\h St. Au;iO !urn. r 11.b1ri #'18. J:t1tyall<lr!! Park. Jnw rent. CH r"U.9 3-1092. 60p73 11.ger <:lpcrated cle._r Income prop-Nt!!I , Harbor t 897. 8tpM 111rty weet •nil of Lo. A nC"elu.1---------------I Valued •t $00,000 Wllh over BY OWNR:R -Older 1ar.-e 3 bed- Best Location 1~'1{1 11.s.rOOr Ulvcl. I 0.::ll:I r.t cill LI 1!·3437 63p6~ ,,,~,\ UTJio-U L n11rro~ ty~ upright 1-------------- p1.ltt<> In per Ce•·t l°"rullllun 120 """~'n & $!0 pl'r ino "! SHAFERS 1e1nr .. lfl07) 4:ll ·4'lJ N Syci11norr, S11nta •'hun,. li-l1nb~1 ly 2-067:.! An• RA DIO REPAIRS 40--Auto!li and Trucka -----·· 19 49 MER CUR Y 4 dr., Rod io -Hooter New tires -new paint STEAL THIS AT Open Daily 8 to 7 St!te Bond~ NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. S ANTA ANA NASM ·H UDSON RI O H HAH N'S AUTO ttADIO Rh:PA.ffi HYDRAMATIC SERVICE 409 f; 29TH ST. only. l 'r1 v11te. f ooo.J lu..::at1011. In· quire 7:.!l l.\i P o)f.y. Coron11. d~l l'itar H•r. 0635-M , •tr SEA ISLE APTS . f'l.nNISJ·IEll SJl'l & up Quiet. (;(}()<! loc:ll t10fl rri~·ate p11.rk!n1r !vi Con1plrtr lnunclty facllltl111, 201 E li•tboa i:llvl1., Balbo11. - 03<'66 B ALBO A lS LAND !urn. 2 bdrm lo10.•er rtuplex $7!i 2 bf'l rm and aun porch upper $1 00 unt il June I~. H•r. ~MS-\\'. 83lfc: --- 49-Rooms for Re.rr! !l'iL\tAt;l'l.ATEL'' CLEAN '"lew r~1ms a. 11 pta. with prlv11tr-h11.th fr,t p11rt1~ul11r !'f!<>Pl" !Ja ily mAlLI dr l••lephon" llcrvirc. T \' Ocean ~~r,,nt Hotet. :.!306 \\"e11t Ck:1!fl n f'nmt , Ne"''JIOrt B<'h, Har 6091 "' NICEl.Y nJRN. ruom. pr ivale en- lNl.nre • private b•lh on ground n oor N<"11r P011t Office. 32:'i Orl"hld. liar. 1'11 2-H. 62C"6~ $1 0,000 a. year income .ti: low room homt. $1000 down. NM.I' expenee. Am reUMng A am ln· Harbor Blvd. F'Ull price l !Tt!O. t ermted !n B•y Front prope.rt.y. Can Llberty 8-41781 . 82c:M Will lr•de u p or down. Owner, \\'Eheler, '1>961 or write 3907 Sou\.h Cochran Ave .• Loa An· , .. 1 .. 16. ,l:iROKERS JNVITED 43Uc View Lot I n :-;,.,.'JIOrl Beach-Not 11. leuie- h,..Jd_ Priced •l only "'6¥MJ fo r quick sale. NEWPORT HEIGHTS 2 B. R. Old~ Home Nice condition -large lot F. P. -$11,750 HOMER E. SHAFER--RLTR. 106 McFADDEN PLACE AT NEWPORT PIER. HAR. 14-0-EVE.· HAR. "38·W KAR. 26:zi.M TRADE DOWN DAN A. JACOBSEN, Real l:lltale•J------~------- H". "'"· w •-4Jl7 KI ,.,,., LA. ,,.T 'CHANCE NJCE 3 BEOR.M. HOME. Cloe. to -------------;) N . Bay, Balboa llllanll-1 \0 b.a., HOM!: A rNCO~ -NEWPORT FOR BEACH LOTS dining room. W.W. carpetln1.-HEIGHTS NEW 2 bdrm. houa, ~ ·, • E h: HO~tli: RADIO, repaired I"· r:ily I J.;;Q ln<"ludlna: p•rts A !.ltltll' 90 <1riy gi.ui.r•ntt"e HI y eani ~'.perlen(e White' Rad io Service . $299. 15 other etea.ls like lh1e Ji.arbor •720 .'lcwport ne.ch LIDO ISLi'~ 11nfurn. 3 bolrn1 ~er 1---------------· I apt.. 1o;:ar&gl!'. N1t·e view o t bay. ATI"RAL'"l'lV~ ROOM !or lluly 111 t'harmlng home Liberty 8-M>Ofl. ll;"\r6."t P LUS 2 br. f urn. •pl. -Trade firtplace. i"&r , !enced yard. for u"h-Yum . 3 b~ home: BAY· AIAO 2 bdrm. older hom.i ju.t Two 30 rt. adjolnlnc lots &On.ad Rr1 U!IOO -.ch. Tama. S HOR.ES or PENINSULA. remodeled. ren.ted tor 190 mo. ''ART" ADAIR_" D,,•,rr-• r.1 :,.~rn or LI 1'-40 11 :14lf 4Z-Trallen :;f•J:-.t;-r f'11no hke nrw w~th Or- J>tan11 S6!l!'l "'Ondl'r tul buy U•t"d ~n lovox $19ti OA:'l:Z·SL:HMlDT~ l'HILL/1'1-i B1i;-P i11.no 11.nd Or- gnn Sl<"lrl' :'i20 Nn M11 1n . Santa Ao• CHAPMAN MTRS. * PORT ORANGE * F OR THE R UM.PUS ROOM ! Alll PICO ELECTRI C PLAYER PIANO ln pl'rfec l pl.!iying cond.l- t lon. Loa of roli. Included. - l,.:onv•nlenl lerna at- SHA f<"ERS (Stnce 11Kl7) <21 -"13 N. SycamOrt', Santa A.na l'!tone Kimberly 2-0672 639 W. CHA PMA N ORANr:E KE 8-8181 63c6.'l Grant w. Musick Your Hudson Deal er SALES and SER VICE 253 N . Los Angeles KE 5-7278 A.nllhein1 42Uc F'ORn "5!1 Sunhner convtrUbl<". white, be1ut1ru.J bl ut' lnt~rior. F'<:lrdom11.Uc. RdtH. W S W lire. Original prlV•le party. $1900. H11.rbor :!9M-J. 62c84 OUR GREAT 42!'"0 ANNIVER- SAh.Y SALE 191' • 19~ $3~ b£1y1 Jov1ly Spinet standard m ake. Mlrro-type Splncit only $236-Balr!w1n A c roeonlc $4791------------~o CA.OlLl..At.: -62. Bl•r k 4 doo1 Kimball Spinet IMO Baby Gr•ndl $•91'i up. Douna of tedan-V•S\V -$1200. Private M htrt KnlltMI Steinway Ha.rd· party. Harbor ~3. 62c6t rnan etr. Th-ln11trt1m1111ll are VOLKSWAGEN" M . Sun roof, top lr•de·lns and rent&! return•. cond\Uon. $11'i:'l0-Ha.r. 2138-R or m any juet like new. DA.NZ-KEy•tone ~99!2 d11.ys. t 63cM SCHlCIOT • PHILLlPS Bl1 Pl· ano and Or1ran St.ore 620 No. Ma.in. Santa Ana.. J OO plan•• alway. 49 FORD CUSTOM 81' A TION WAGON, R6 H $29tl. Ll 8-1770. "3dl• 11140 BtnCK :I door good ahape $100. R, Dof'rt• IM>ll 31•l St., N<l!WpOrt. Har. l'i348 d a)· llm•. ..... HAMMOKD Orca.n• all model9. ()rl.i only 111,.hUy u.9d, allno.t like new. Thls I• a 9J>«lal. DANZ • SCHMIDT· PIULLlPS H•mrnond Headquarteni tor Or· ani• County 020 No. Matn, Sa.nta Ana. '61 FORD.Y-& Squire 61.A. w•gun. --------n---.--,.-_I Ji'.O.M., UH. Flrtt l08!'l tllkea HAMMONlJ Chord ...... -.. ....., It. CUh or terms. Jtl:I N~ 1~•t Invention •Hr In. n:w· port Bl~ Nawport. H ar. M2l •le. The whole family can plt.,Y <l•Y'-83c:M It at IJftCT .,.,-tthO'llt ~ T.u n1u1t c:om1 In and try ll. DANZ.. li6l CADl.U-o\C 82 tour door. 8CHMIDT-PHILUP9 Great Pl-R ' n . \VSW $1 4~.0. -623 ano •11.t Hammond Ote&l'i Store, l:Jikl Nord. U do hit' liar ltU 1110 "''n M&Jn . Santa Alll. ll•r flfJ TRAILER SALES and SUPPLIES 2200 W. Coll..8t Hi way. N ewport Beach I .. I 8-4420 ·~Q-28' AJrflM.t •!>t'C. . ~·-$1540 '04-27" Sh11•la. nuuty $2140 ·~4-!l:I' T ravell'r.e, 11w11lng . $309:\ "i\.5-3:1" CWJt on1 Kil :I BR. .$4250 ·~-16· Travcleu, s~c ......... $ 8M We nM<l cJeui used trade-in•. PAN AMERICAN Pan..mount-Kenak.111 Trav•lez:•-Terry """ It ~. HOUSE TRA.11..ER &n!!11- Uonal buy $3t 5. 2000 A.nahelrn. Coat" Mtea. W 8-4j8:). 62~t -17-Wankid to Renl Rentol s Wonted W.i need apt.. and ho\J.1.18 In all HCUon1 to r both winter and ,. .. ,... leaae. F'urn. or unrurn. Jf you h•ve 11. vac:anl'y , phone tod•y The Vogel Co. 3201 W, C•t. lfwy., Newport Bch. Phon'! Uberty 8-!•81 208 J.tartne. Balboa J11la.nd Phone Harbor ,••'- 2867 i:. Cout Hy., Corona. del Mar rhon• l larbor 17""41 Udo Offleto. 9416 Vl1 Udo Harbor t 97J 1702 Newport Blvd., f'otta Me1a LJberty 18-6.5117 '" -To rwnt • how.. Qr tM..11 a houu. th• elmpl81 way 10 nnd a pl.ac• to Ill'~. \11 lhrOU(h U\I" WIJll l.d&. He.r. 21 36 or Har 0139. 6:k8!'1 MAN S INGLE M-Stoms & Officell W\'l!'"G ROOJ'i.f. bedtn1. k1lcllen. C h F S I b on u.m~ lot. U 0,000 Terms ester • a ii ury Al.so Jar~er Income unit. New l&M H.E ALTOR & wr:ll located. h::icome .$610 per _ Newport Blvd., Cost& W... LI 8·3792 or LI 8-5684 ~harr: b1<t h .,.,·Ith 1111other m 11.n. Furnl•lleJ, lnc1 urllnJt utlhtle~ • $4~ mo Loc111!nn 211011 Nev.'pnrt Bh'<1., N e\\'/Hlrl Bf•H·h lfARDESTY. 2602 N.-.... ·1>orl P.h•ll Ha rbor 471K 63r6:'1 e NEW OFFICES • IDEAL FOR PROFES· SIONAI.. .. or BUSrNESS USE. Locn tC'd 1n - STUDIO AJ"r with kitchen. tile Harbor Investment Co. Bldg. JACK ANDREWS. M -.oo.:iate nioolh. By OwYter. U 8·7632, 3 I~ Marine, Balboa llllancl ft2tfci Harbor 0971 .E l'e.t. Ha.r. •873 531:6:) 62-Real FMtate LIDO R-3 THRK:E BEORM. H OUSE P600, p•ymenl• $63 mo. Term.11lo1ult. SEE 11.t 872 Victoria. Coat& Meea or ca.ti EXmont 1-2807. 81tfc ba t h. 1·,·ry nlt ely tum lnrlud 30th & Newport Blvd . ing TV. g11r1>. di spo11aJ, private H ar. 1600 tf 2 pello le (ftl". See lo 11.pprecll\.lr-1--------------- -30 f t. lotl on So. Bay ll'ront. $31.~ each. Call T. 0 . Ro1era, H•r. 1680-W. or RTan 1·0029. Corona Highlands $90 per mo. 2547-A E Ci.Ila! li ighway. (.' D :\I . liar. 5170-M . 113c64 Ul\Flo'R.."', nf'\lio' 2 &drm. i;•r11.gf' 11.pt. M od"m. be1ull(ul V"iew , bl(")Ck from Of'en n rnrona •lt'l P,,ier. Har. 3~•73-W or H11r 11 30-R. 6:t.:8!i !'OR RENT -I br. gar apt. 1nt'l ~reg .. 16:1. Y"•rly plu~ gu. No ci111dren nr pt"I•. l 16-Jti t.h St - 8:1p64 CORO'.':A DEL li-IAR )'flLI'ly. 1 bdrtn. furn. apt.. S 7~ Ar. J& ln· elud. util. garag-c 11V1dl. r..rti..rty 8-1038 •nr H•r. 4820. 63ce~ FOR RE,._.T GRO\TNO Fl.OOR O fflcl' 10 n ('YI' buildlng. near Lido. Ample pa1;i1:1nr. For in· formlltlcon C.11.ll 1'ofr1. F11y Hllr- 1264 6 2c84 BALBOA 8 1..VP corner bu.,ln"M •u1te :or me<11l"a.I. 1!enH1l or a ny profe111tonal llllf' Mn<J,.rn . heat· 1n r . p1 r lon~ Ov.·ner 14 12 l\'n. f'IOWI'•. s A. Kl 2-09:.2 trc 18ttc F OR SAU!: BT OWNER-• bed· room home, l %. batla, land· sc:llped It teneed. FHA loan. Fret"\.lom home area. C.ll Liberty 8 -6223 momlng a or 11.ner :I p. m. 15l!c: Lido Bayfront Lot ~llS-;:,.:A;;_~B::C:118~1~-='-'"""=="'"=---I 50 1'-i'. F"RONT AGE. VIA LJ DO S OUD. ~•l~le t or h(')n1e or income. Ownrr H~r. 0191 or Har. 3 106. Gldl~h NICE MODERN etore roon1 or :iftlce at 1888 Plact'nOa. l lOO mo. Including 11Ull t1e... Inquire e t propmrty alter ::. p. m week 1111y1 or 1ny time Sei t. I: Sun. !i7tt XF.\VPORT lil':lGH'TS ''""" L.ot-R-2. .. ,.. ORANGE COAST • PROPERTTES 18.">7 N•Wporl. Co•t• Mella U 8-1832 EvviLni:• Ll S-.li.00 Panoramic Ocean View BRAND NEW duplex, delu111e con· etru.-Uon In r1111Uc modem . 8H lhellfl ~ beaut. two bdrm. homl'I fully carpeted, h•ve ele<:trlc oven• and 1rUll. 8to~ to cell· lnl" fll'tplacl'e. Open for ln•pec:- Uon -•79 Momlnf Ca.nyon Ro11.d. Har. 3742·J . t.11'l6th Ocean Front THREE BEDRM. H OME, and 1&1. l dedrn\.. llep&r&le llou.ee DD r_.r, Mklnl{ 120.000-J.5000 down . SUBMIT. O wne r on xi ou1 Ll 8-6987 •nininp. BALBOA PENINSULA CHEEIU"'UL well fll.J'll. (aiapla), 2 bdrm. home on •O ft . lot. Only JJ300 down. FHA, '1 % Joan. P'u.11 prtc:e $18,llOO. MURll:L M. PINOVER, a..Jtor 20IU Newport BlYd., Npt. Beach. Harbor 4810. 12cU P'OR price A term•. tbl• 3 bedim. 2 tuU bath bonl• would be hard to but-Brand New. expoHd beam ceillna:a. UJe kitchen A: bath, Intercom . .ty.tem lhruout. dbloe. gar., 90 rt. tront11ge WJid- ec&ped lot. $2000 dn. Ar. M OVI: JN . ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 18:! 7 Newport. C:O.la MeM. Ll 8-1631 JCTeniDp Ll 8-MOO EASTERN OWNER WANTS TO SELL thl• month. l:.XCEL l...ENT IOC9Uon C.Orona del M•r. 3 .lxlrm., I bath home, nk• flt"fllpl., T .A. heat, oak CIB., 2 oa.r 1an.1e. Only 5 yr1. old A prtr.• and terms w lll •uiL 1104 WE.'iT Ocean F ront, N-- port Bea.ch. One hdrm. furn. ll pl, II: g-at. leQ m<l, \ncludr.11 1n ln1m11111 11t1l \\'lnler rrnt.al. Ph. Rlwr'lltde. Overlnnd 6-120. ~7ttc N ICE MODERN •lo~ room or office .. t 1888 Pl.a.c:•nU-.. $100 mo. Incl uding ul llltl••· Inquire al property ..rt.-r G p. m. week tlaY• <lr an1 Ume Bit. .ti: Sun.. or call LI U1e& a.ft.er 0:30 or WMke11tlll. .0711 BAY FRONT DUP LEX Near cerrt<"r ot Balboa. H•r~r 3608 .. ,.. O. H . LATHROP, Halo E. Cat. Hwy. H•r. 54•2. ltYel. Kar. 0680. a3ce6 1----,------1 -For a A•pendable uMd car, 9" your local dealer who will bl her• TOMORROW to back up what he 11.tll• TODA T ! Ch.ck the u.11~ w.rs In the c:l....Uled NlC\10D. ~ .. ,. OWNER By-Owner---13~.000. Terme. Writ• BU81N&8S ANO HOME. 4 room , __ 00_•_"-_._._,._,_._ ... _ .. _'· ___ ._ .. _,_,_, otfll"e •nJ :'I rWm 13 bed.roomJ 80 ft p I LESA TB.AK ON& T1l. OLD -fram• l10UM ~ Newport Blvd. f • arce 3 bl!drm .. 2 b&U\ home. hwd.. ca.ta Mt 1a. ltlMI ror doctor, N.-11r Bi r k B•J ot wlll HI! s -nou,..., 2 t N .. ..,..._ $12,600 l.w1u , 1"l'"AI ell.alf, tic-N-11 1!(1 II l:\Q lfl\I $..'\2:!>0 "• ltu Sltl t1t KnowWJ PL, 0oeu. .. ..._ ~1 ... 1 H•r 81&.6 151 \fl' Uc w ••tilt MUc • SEVEN UNITS P"Uft.N. PLUS O"#MT'I 2 M4ml. •pl Bte.lly lnc:om• $•SS .peor mo. Prlc:• J31,600, aom. lcnnl tTorn qwn11r1, 212 Vlctorl&. eo.,. ,.~ Rc'87 • ·I . \ . ·--~ . -. . \ \ • • • ~A~ • -Plf..T II -NEWPOIT HARD NEWS-mSs J!•!!:::!!!'!"!'!.' .!!~~!i..;..· -..,.--l'!!D!;::!•!!•!!'!.!"!!•!!' ~· !....---~•!!:::!'!!•!!1!.!'"!!W..!!!!•!.... ___ , !•!::::!':!!•!!lt_!ll~--!!!!lo!._ ___ 'I!•!!:::::•!•!!!..' !-!!!!•L--~...!•!i·::!•!!!•'!llL!!!J!l!!!!IJ!!!.~.---• "'<>NDAY, JANUARY JO, 1'56 1 ti ... , "I h • -~ -• B /"fi v r ~ .~ Corona del Mar S~ial ~alues ·WE J6K YOU-A Million Lights i .~IJTD'UL HOid: tc ,LN<lQftlE. E:uhui•• with Just Listed B/ B , . On.t .. like d~ tn:-UM 2 Ull .. C;all(ol1lia tivinl at.1\.1 tl..t ln tl\W ap&doua EXLNT. S BORN., 1"1. baUMi l1l "WHY PAY R.~NT"? -... ~-• ...._. ol 2 ~·-'-··-· h d ~-f"~0e---•· din n... ..... KW "-..... '"'" EXCLUSIVE Bay Ave. Duple.a -Unobl'l:.nlcted permanent View! Opposite fine baU:tln1 beach. Ne&rly new. Jmt tiated -Shown by appointment only. Euelkmt _ _ thkl ~ modf"!! 'ft-~« _..-w. ~ W • ~u.! ... '7:; • !'94....., -ttr•pl.., pl'h. dl..p. ..... ~ wtUl a ia,.. llMdmu.. UIS 2 -lac" room, laiii=Jiv, rtn. wit.A fillepL~lM.wt· p&uo • ~-trull lJ"MI. '>• t b •-Built · m d\lb_.....r. around beautU'ul bc:leked patio With BBQ. This feno.d. Ku ~'\ 0.1. io.ft ot Wb<n you "can move into one of the. two lovely rans•. oven, tnWrcom to «••ry prope.+-u coven 2 tuU lot•. PI.il.Js7 two l bed.rm. ltO.OOO. &u)' term• on U\Ltl 11\f!J financing to qualified buyu. room. &\Ito. 1a.r•r• door opcn.r, • ~~ -l Pf'~• $1&,eoo-.nd wGrth more' hornet with &mall dn. pmt. and mont.h\y paymentll w•ll to wall carpsUft1. Import• furn. apta:. All ~ unit. •re furn1abed complete. AU LESS l.ban n!ftt! Yet, we aaid LESs than rent. e4 <lr.J>M •l!ld wiu "9-P"' • • • 3 unita reoted. Ez.cdlenL income. BEST BUY OF WE . Every lu.xury Item )'OU de1!re OFFER TWO BIG PRICE REDUCTIONS In ia tn u111 muterplec• of • archt· THE NEW YEAR. IUn~ forces sale. Shown Newport Vista. Owntt11 leaving state, wa.nt fast tttturst dellitn and cONtll'UC· by appt, no telephone info please ~ just come to action. 11011· P'UU pnce '4S,t>OO. Shown the office with re..-on11.ble down payment. Priced b/ •ppointmc.nt only. for quick aaJe J27,500. · #1. Reduced to $89'75-witb $167!) down. Balanc;:f' only B 1. B $M month, including lnttrest at 4•;,j<. "''"'"' & '"'· ac• ay view Home 2. SHOR~-Juat listed -exclu~ive with u.s. '1\vo Yea.t't old, large lot 70' x 110'. Many extrM. On t11tt M:re. M~rn. ">vely 3 bed.rooma. You couldn't rent thl.9 for lea th11.n pauu. 3 bdrmti., completely hl't'fll•h~1 Can not ti. duphc•l· Thia imma.culat.e 2 bedrm. and deo home on fd orning Canyon Road with panoramic view of ocean, hllla a.nd canyon. FA heat. large flagatone patio, carpet.ff and drapea included and only $31 ,500. BETTER HURRY on this one -il won't lut. S9Q ~mo, ...i •I th.-.. klril" pr1ce ot J29.· 11(1() \\'Ill lradf' for lneome #2-S850 down payment on this large 3 H R h•1n)f', J>rQJ>f'rt r beautifully landscaped in larg;:; 66' JC 1 JO' t~L l,1•i;•: than 2 yrs. old. Just like new. Owner vn ll he ll' finance lh1a with low monltily payments YOU't..L HA VE TO H URRY ON TH E.'-;Jo:~ EXCLUSIVE'.: WITH FISHER AND COMPANY 2603 Newport Blvd N~Wpt"irl 8<-ach Har ·112!• Lido Realty Associates LIDO EXCLUSIVE I LIDO EXCLUSIVE HA r F'Rf i~T Fn ts'r T1~11-1.1s·1 i.:11 nY !hrtf' h•t ~l• l.1 1 .;~ •llJJ S61:t~OO sf'l'.:l 'IAL 1'•:1ci.1 fj BAYSHORES7 YY.S A \\'O:"'OIERJl't.:L f•nHI)' h11m o:: tt .. al clo...-tn p• ivate t,.,at'h F()Ut Dedn1<;Tl1. 11 .. e--b•lh• ~·1111 pr1'"• '37.&00 A ll wall 1.-. wall 1arpl!:"\ed to<J Y1)U C•ll 11111 )'(111t own l.>roktr •ln lh1• ont v.· .. !hlnk H 11 an •••'i'lll'ut buy 1 •. -. s rH1o...1-.~r Tu ~TH~:•· r I,< 1T :-;.,,.., n1·w lhrl'• t .. <11 •· '"''' j,~ !•~ H •·k" <Ill•~' .. !u I I •! f h.I\ • IU J•f"' f"! •jl•ll '> ~ ·I• J• t< l-..1\1 l ol'h "1: II l""ll "'"" "'' •lltjo<>aa.J ll""'I LI\•"' f11 .-pll«·.-!•1 •1,.·~ 1ru·l•hh'·i S3 1 ;:'.li,1 1111bn11l }"Ur 1.-rn ~ V.'e havr th .. kry ANU A-"flTHEH UUY IJ~' l..l l><J fuur br..h"'·"ll • t'"'" ''" l•rgo:: 11•hO Ju1t • '""" V<'ILI• <Jl•l Only J:l7,f)W Al-'10 T>IREE BEORJ.I two hAthJ1 phu drn on tlllr• l•t il" l.h!u 1·0111~r $33.0()(I t i!t pnc.- Lido Realty Associates 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 IF YOU 'RE SICK AND TIRED <i f l()<lk1ng"'at "Rar~a1na" only to find they a.re really l•·rnutc trnpa, you'll bt> agreeably surprist-d ..-.;hen you look at this Oll f'·ow ncr Balboa lsla.nd home on ;i full i,uu.·d lot y,·1th a sunny private patio and la.11a1 l'ik1m -a n.~al di11 111g room. used brick fireph'lce 1 hat really ""'orka, 3 !lpAcious bedrma., J ·1.1 baths, Jo'A heat. usa ble 2 car garage. SEE THI S TODAY ~ WM . W. STANLEY SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD Park A ve. at Marine, Balboa l Aland HarbOr 2482 ---------- COCKTAIL BAR General On Sale LiquQr License -equipment &11d all real property including 2 apartments. 2 cabins and awnC'r"11 living quartP.rs $35,500 plus liquor in ve ntory. THE VOGE~ CO. 208 M4rin~ A.;f:., Balboa Island Next door t o the Post Office EvfW Har. 1229-R Har. 4248·R Harbor Highlands OPll:N DAILY PM. 1919 Prtacllla Lane LOVELY 3 bf'<lnn., I~ b1Ul.11. brCc k nrepl., with r'l':llr ya.rd 1paCe tor •wlmmlng pool or lf'nnl1 court 51 7.~. A>.SO J bednn. l"-bat.ha wllh flreplace. lov1ly feoced tf!lt yanJ and patio. uqul1ltc-ly land-ped, llA,000 P'or private Mowing call: RUTH DAVJS -JEAN &KITH -J!:LSIE EBELING or JACK MUt..LA.N . -- Duncan Hardesty R&A.LTOR .• M01 Newport. Blvd., Npt. Beach. Harbor 4718 $1550 It.EDUCTION on U'il• l!:XCLU· 81Vll CLU7' HAVSN homa -a be<tnnll.. t taalhll Oii comf'r kit.. Roon\ for IWimmlnr pool l"\i,D price aow, S1t,t6(1 -'6000 dowll. ML #11111. t IN4tma.. 1 Mt.bl. work lhop and doUbl• prq'e, Oor. lot.. $11,7ti0 B/B LIDO ISLE NE\'V LIDO ISLE LJSTING, J bdrm• .. 2 balha and <lt-n or 4 b«lroom11. Large Hvi1'11" room Dl11hwa11hf'r d Ll!tpo.11.I, built • In BBQ. large wo::ll landacaped patio Thl11 su\Uble for large family. A.8king Jl.5,700. BEAUTIFUL NEW 3 bedroom1, :Z l>lth•. electric kitchen with com· pl•te bullt·ln ff'aluru. New car- p e l I n g thru-out. lmprf'•lve ~ntry J!Ml.)00. ONLY 70' lot fdt pn UdQ $2%.000 BEAUTWUL 40' k!t, Only lt:Z.7:SO BALBOA ISLAND f, BEDROOMS. CIOM to south O.y D\11~. dlJtliwMher. 2 car g•r· ap.. .Nav .. ly palntf'(I o.t.-rlor lmmedt1te ~ion, f'•celhinl value. 8ay & Beach Rlty Inc; A Horse, A Boy AM 1111 Doc Ground, .., Acr'I' •'<.>1T1plf'lcly fi!ncf'<l -C,i rr1l. KOi'n· nf'l•. Ph!• Larrr Modern 2 b<.lrrn 6 d~n Hom11 with aU Ult> T nmn1in1t"' incl w w e••'Pf'llng . Maui vi': •'l r~pl•c'I', Forced A ir I Hf'al ~"fl Patio ~ A n·a! I R.•no:ho /<tr only J i6,80u ) 3. DUPLEX. 1 corner Jot bedrm. ec.c h, one unit furn. complete. & only $17,500. Low duwn payment will handle. 4. DUPLEX : 2 B. R. each, corner lot , ri~placea, hwd. firs. & separate A good bu y at S22.:K>O Both have dinette fl. FIRST TIM"!~ OFFERED. lmmaculatf· 2 BR. honlt' Bu il d ers-Investors! pll.ta rumpus room, hwd. firs .. garb. disposal. A 1 level OU"rN R -~ :wned on Ea.At-ba.rgain al $13,500 -$3000 dOwn y,•ij[ handle. 1 •Hie ( 'o•t• MN• f'n('e.(I rl1M E Thi 111 i !!Ji/Oo ltcluai ve with UB 11 should sell quick!y. f" 2 1iu11n....... l••t .'.IV' .\ 300' on !" ...... , 17th :St Sm•ll hOUIOi' rent· .. d JJ~ rno l'n1•...:l 1:¥11-0w "••r k.-t .. 1 $!• ~.11(1 di•I ~ ?•1 liU•ln<'M Vlllf'd l<'lt f'ln •11 •1n \ho11 1o .. i;ll r•r~ $1$ Ovv F'•i.JI I'll• • Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 187~ H•ib<,r Doulev11n:I l'1•et11 MeN Callforn11 1.1 8-771• _ ~e•-l.J 8-31:'18 Corona del Mar 2 Open Houses F'r1day ·Saturday· Sunday • 71 2 Heliotrope t NnTHING Fl!'llER than tht• :Z tw:.Jr'tl'l hoine for SI0.!>00. I t hu II Prepl•ce, •unny bn,rht kitchen ~·1tn 101,11 ur ! lie •n<l c:upbo..rd•. Jn •llf nf \"h•r'MI lhr11-nut. Enclo1· l!<:I p1 llo • 707 Acacia M1::1'1 BER Oto' MULTlPLb: LIS1'1NGS. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T . McCUISTl(lN. Realtor 3447 E. Coa.at i·lwy Corona del Mar Har 47 tOffice loca ted next door to Corona del t.far BankJ Why Li1t It For Sele With A Re a ltor? I'll Sell It Myself! A D'o It Yourself Kit Won't Work . In the Real Estate Business. Whe.n y ou llat your property for Mle with a REAL· TOR you benefit by hiJi knowledge, experience and judgment. We 're going to sell . $1 ,000,000 worth of Real FAtate. each month during 1956 Multiple LlstinK Service IJt-.: SUR.J:; tv Ho:: thlA :Z bedrm phi.I encloeed lanai. C ho:-er1'ul l lr~place, dln1nr room, oul•lde J1l1tnlf'r, el<. St:i,760 I" a terrific ~rt1Ln on th!• one RMJ 1uod \onru• Newport Harbor Board of Realtors L'111L H•rbor 2'<14:Z now lor prt•ah(lwint Frank James Linwood Vick REALTORS :u2 Marine Avf' .. Ba.lboa bland Jl11rbot ·2042 See Me-Ta Nelson n1f; M'OST IMPORTANT AD YOU"LL READ TODAY. CORONA DEL MAR D A.RUNG 3 bdrm ., 1 bath home. llr~pla.ce. bt'a n1 Cl':ll!nr . hdwd. fir~. ~·uuy rence(I One blk. from _ oc•·11n, 2.., yr•. old. E,ncla.e<l p&\111. 1lbl g11.r. wi th laundry lle~•w 11!plar en1ent ~01t. , ~"fRST TIME OF'F'ERED, Atlr. la.rge llv. roon1. 2 BR. home, fire- place. beamed Cf'lilnl"•· rurwly de· 401 N. Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Only Once in a While Can we offer you ao much in beautiful Oiff Haven for $16,750 -You'll love the large liVing area with picture window over'l.ooking the well land- RCaped back yard -3 large bedroom11 with more than ample closets. See this one today. The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Coa.al Hwy. Ll 8·3481 <:Or•led • carpeted. Ample rm. 1--------------------------- f•ir 3rd BR. Oar. atreaaed for 1p1 Beil locaUon JI0.0-00. 11111 wun't lut -11'.t"ma. HO ME 6 INCOME A ITRACTf\'E DUPLEX, choice location. 1 & 2 bdrma. UNDER l'RIC l".:D. META NELSON 29(18 E . Coa.t Hwy , Coron11 de! Mllr, H1r. M60. 62c6' View Homes DO IT YOURSELF! ! ! Convert. this 4 bednu .. 3 bath home into two unitll with a minimum of col!lt a.nd effort. Well built e.nd close to the Bay, (Bay view if you look hard). ONLY $7500 down , WM. W. STANLEY SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD Park Ave. at Marine. Balboa. Island Harbor 2462 \\'" h•ve JUUng• on 3 bf'a11l1Cul vi .. w home11. Newport He\ghll wUh unobatructed view of •l•r·l --------------------------- bor and ocean. Call ror lntormat!Gn. "ART" ADAIR, Rltr. 1861\ Newport BIV'd., Cotii., Mf'I& LI 8 -379:Z or LI 3-0684 Ll 8-8.'.Atl E'vel!I. Bay Shores :ul72 Clrcle Drlvf' Open o..Jly -1"4:JO &:lcM NO W PR.ICED TO HELL :!I bdrm .• 1 \i. baUI, frpl., F . A. heal, all .,iec. kitchen. Spacioua patio -buJJt In BBQ. Over1IU' • IJ•rare. renerou1 ftorqe. LIDO NORD BAY FRONT ATTRACTIVE l etory horn~. livRble and conven- ient. Three bc<Jnns., 2 baths. maid's room and bath. Carpett1. drapcti and appliances included. T. D. ROGERS. Harbor 1585-W Or Ryan 16029 LITTLE ISLAND Newport-Mesa Rlty.1_'_"'_""_'._''_"_"_N_•'_· _""_'·_'_ .. _'1 RALPH P. MASKEY 1'" _Newport. 1Uvd .• ~ M•a R&A.LTOR CLOSE TO A FINE BEACH EXCEPTIONALLY attractive 3 bdnn. 2 ha.th mod- em home, with outstanding patio designed for comfortable outdoor living. Furnished and ready ...... ~ 1.1 I l<<I UVI: IN ONE. rant one, Low LI .,v. -3411 N-porl Blvd,. NpL 8 ch, (Sown paymo::nt mUq you l;uii:t- IRVINE TERRACE lord of 2 brand new f'urn. Harbor 402 ay OWtWr. cokwful py • chanJ1- l"I' J bdrm. • .tudlo-cMn oom b. Butlt·la n In ouut-dlnc drift· wood rock nnpl. WW -rpr-t, l moeUe tHe fir. b&Ula. OUlllde 111ti/r .• bit-In f'l«:, f'U,., (fWI• homM. .., b!r>Ck f'r'Om bMl;h Both h~V'!' ceramk. llle bath.a with Jiau f'ncDur .. , flre- placea. jl"al"l,c<"•-Cnme • tn-we wlll hflp you maka the bNt deal pc>Miblf'. waaMr. Wonny chMCt1Ul. bl.ck ORANGE COAsT waln'ut. oak pantlill&' Ce&lured PROPERTIES lllShlil:llta ot "'°"1L Jn~ 1&.'\T N<'wport Coela M<" .. Har. 417, tlpif I.I 8 1431 f'1'1n1 n&' L.I A-1400 ------- 10 ACRES H liihway rront•l'e on T\1 .. Jn A ve f'u'-U&.I ~ 1000 fruit l ,..... '4M>O ~r acre -20<t 1.,-n, PAN A JAr'088!:N RHI ,-_.i.tr U•r :-.591 LI l -fli:11 1 Kl l -:Zlfl1 to move into for ol'\1y $28.500. Good terms. WM. W. STANLEY SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD Park Ave. at Marine. Balboa Island Harbor 2462 OK:Sl!RT PARA01Alt. n-rum cabin, 2.., ICt'ft wilh JC*lu• ...--. ll m.il• In town 11400- 1611 klit• A {IO. .-. .... Crnot• ,lo(~ *•!JM COIOJERCIAL LOT NEAR MARBOR 6 lllth. !)811 163 lt1 tli<"V LO\\' PRIC1!: ()wn,., Hat,,_.,, J.1451 . ti I Only $7000 NEWPORT HEJO H1'S Ouod l br. flxer-upper In food area -oo '60 11 1<1& lot 8"' Uua b.rpln, 3 BR,. ON HJOH. U::VIEL t00x300 lot. R-1, can 1\1.dld IU!d'I, unlllll. SI0,600 with term• %331 Sanll An& Ava. OPEN' fiOt:Si: SA~ 1 .. ~ Lots j() i.. ll.IO C·l Hat:k Hll)', Vie'"' 10 11 l:Z7 M -1 •~~lUOH i New Duplex J~Ct!~t l:; HEAL l:\'\'P.:S'l'M Brlow rl'J>la•·rrneill 1 "'\ Nr•1· c:enll'• QI town !J<"h•"Jb • 1111-n .. p 11'" [ ,,,, .. t11 .. b•lh• & kit• 1111 ,l\(JI! t ~r rn• Mesa-Harbor Realty I " A!SStll'IATt:s ~ll\! ! •,.rHO::! St t:o11t• .~!l'lla LI 8 ·11\11 I 4' I.I ~·70&4 l.\"TLE !':''' l'h LI ~-2~4'.l Pt::-rrrr•; F:v .. l't• 1.1 11.:,4.'!7 ~~'{M!>P R. ~;vi' l'h liM ~~~!j\V Exclusives! Mr. Boat Owner Onf' ut lh<r t1n,1r h01flf'4 In L4a tbo• ()oyeoi l bdr1u.1 , 2 bl.th.a.. Wool t'arpeU•c thrU-Olll . El..clrlo Kitchen \\'aaher 6 Uryf'T Fon:f'd A ir llr•t l"'ll"l'pl•04 Hu«"' fl1r11nnt1 pat in Plar • 8llp l>on t 11111 lo '"'" th11' Beyshor•• Uhannlnl( h111110:: with 2 bl'droon111 l b•Lh•. rlrf'pl•cl' •nd o:umpLetely turnu•ht t J,;._.y term1. Move 111 to<!&)'' lor9e Lido Loi Barpln ' • View Lot t'flrtlnl< tlrt M11 r ranty' Th,ee Arch Bay One Of the tlne11t ucf'an front homf!'I nn lhe Ca llf(lrnia co1t1\. KILLION , reel eslole 3341 Newport Blvd. Har. 5500 OPEN HOUSE F'ri.-Sal.-SUn.·ll~. afternoons 2010 Crutv\ew Dr .. BAYSHO RES 2 b r PLUS gar unll-kn-olty pine int , charn1tng beach or Y"•r r~un1I hume. BACK BAY Bf.11t. vlew cor. lot, reducf'tl lo $1'.12~ rRR.EG. view lot 1 $480-0 11 0:.;IMJ, r..,.tr1eted-tf't1n1 $8000 N'f'wport Blvd. cor., IS(, ii; 72 C -2 -EASY TERMS Npt. Blvd. cor. UKI x \:HI - Improved -GOOD BUY C.:HOICEST VIEW L.OTS IN COR ONA HIGHLANDS. Claire Van Horn REALTOlt 2731 W. Coll.It ltwy. Ll 8-4%77 Costa Mesa D~plex T\VO I BDRM. llJMUt n1enu1. h<lwd, floor11. corner lot on Eut Sklc Total price J1 7.~00 with good ter ms. EXCLUSIVE Two year old home with magnificent panoramlo view of Newport Harbor. Near Newport Harbor Yacht Club, oPpoaite beat beach in Balboa.. 2 B. R.. convertible den, a dreamy kitchen. Two ape.cioam pe.tioa. nicely landscaped. Shown by appointment. EXCLUSIVE Bay A \•enue Corner -View! 2 B R. -Den , Nie~ kitchen, e.rtra lge. patlo. G•rllgt-slre88t'd for apartment. Owner W - Shown by appointment only. $26.000 -Terms. EXCLUSIVE Lido It1 le Bayfront Nea rly nt·w 3 B. R .• 2 bath home, plu.s maJd'a qu..,... lers. Unu11ually large !Jving roo m, 8andy bea.ch- $6.'l ()Of) -Foi-appointment to eee c11.JJ Mn1. Fay. 2 Oceanfront lots -C-1 Zo ne Total size -!)() x 125 -SI 7.500 r fJr further 1nformat1on call Mr. Rude .1.., R~stdentu!.I lo l clost-lo ocean 30 }( 8.5 -$4 ,250 BEA CH COIT AG • $1500 Un -F'ull Price $9,950 1-~u rnu-ihed 3 8 R. Huutie -(1011r-to Library. BAY & BEACH REALTY , INC. 14 ~ W. Balboa Blvd , Balboa -Harbor 1264 BALBOA PENINSULA 3 Bedrm. and den, 2 bath.11 . lge. hving room with 11repl&ce. Spactou.s maslcr BR. with .Bay view on 40' cor . Jot, JUl:lt a 11k1p from Qathing beach . i.oVELY corner duplex Xlnt. condition -3 8.1~. ~ bath ea. 2 aundecks, patio, comp!. fumiahed. $29.500. Low dn. lo quRlif1ed buyer. LIDO ISLE ~tosc attractive 4-bedrn1. and d~n, 2 firl'pl., beRUll• fully decorated home on corner lot across from Bay. Nice J>atio, l&rg e 30 rt. living room. Outatanding for $39.950 LlOO SOUD, R·3 vacant 50 ft. water!root. Don't let lh1e gel away, $36,000 BALBOA ISLAND Cute furn. 2 bcdrm. cottage on rear of fine corner lot. Can build home 1n front a.nd bave excellent income from cottage. Only $1 8,:>00 & worth seeing THE VOGEL CO.-LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido, Npt. Bch. Evea : LI 8"5297 -LJ Har. 4971 or Har. 4972 8·3040 -Har. ~1<2 LIDO ISLE BEAUTIFUL home on Lido Nord corner. Penna· nenl view of Bay, near best beach for awimmlng. 3 bedrma .. 2 baths. h obby room and den. Channing king aize master bed.rm. with alcove & connecting bath. large sun deck. attractive dining roolb, mod· ern kitchen -buill·in dishwasher, diepoeal, copper hood, ceramic tile and numeroua other features. ATTRACTIVE CONTEMPORARY 3 bed.rm. 2 bath home partially furnished. Only 21fi yea.ni old. BOTH PROPERTIES SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT WE A LSO have several Bay F'ront Iota on Udo Nord. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Bea.ch Har. 1013 PAR EXCELLENCE Balboa Duplex 1-~uR.v.SHED -1 two bedrm . 11111 1 one bedrrn .. :Z car 1e.race. xlnl. 'enl&J 11n!a. $0000 ~<JWTI wUI hi.lid Le. NEWPORT: Lovely one bedroom duplex on 38th street. 3 yns, old. palio, nicely decorated, rear unit fUr. nished. $15,450, e1u1y lerma. AL.<;0 TWO COOO OCEAN FRO!'IT LOTS $9500 EACH Coast Properties 301 1-~ HaltJ,ot 81"\I S..lbool HArbor 2&8 1097 1nd tGOO COSTA MESA : Spaci6ua duplex on Eut Bro&d.way, hllrd~rood floorR. dining room, Ire. bedrma., front unit ha.a fireplace. ~nt from one )ID.it makes· the payment.a. $17 .~ -reaaona~le down payment. Greerileaf-Severts Realty, Inc. Har. 2552 3112 Newport Blvd UNEQUALJ.ED Back B•J water Evea. LI 8-3!86. LI 8--5405. Har. J921·M, KE~ vie~· lot For reaaon1 ble price H ~str1c lt:cl Takf' Jl 7~0 clown. 1-------- ORANGE COAST f'ROPlt'RTJ!:S 15!>7 NewpQI'\, Cn•l.M Ml'llll LI 8-l!SJ2 1-~ven!nR:11.LI 8 ·1 100 BY OWNER -Larire Ol(ler on1; bf'<lroom horfl<r. OPPORTUNrrY KNOCKS with naw flf'Vl!lnpm.,nl. 1>-Ull pr1<:e $673-0. T•ke 11000 dn. C..11 Ul>erty 8-8761 112<:6t OON""T Mrss Trns 2 b ,-~llK"o:u. patl(); fl''1('f'd , lath h-Ou,... "'""' Hant• An• l.-0\1n lr)' Club Ca ll Mr Hort"alll Hathm' \t 18 tor BALBOA ISLAND TWO FOR ONE SPECIALS : Xlnl 2·unit almoat new, sep. dn. rm .............. $2.6,000 f you can 'l beat thia one!) 2-Bedrm. houae 1 tx:trm. apt. furn .. ---·--·-$28,:,00 j & dreamy place) C.rpeted hoD'le -cute apt. 2 rrpl•. . ....... $29,000 ~near villai• la bay) NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave., Balboa l•land tta.r # 502 or ~23 a l p.M:lat 1"'-1 on I hi• nn~ 112Jl'M /1 --'--~-~---~~~~~~ -i ' .. • n •• ,....._ a ••' r.w. It h•ppens to be yolJ/f move Aacl It wtl1 bo a a'OOd oao tor :roa. Wb .. )'Oii ~ lllt.o Wa i....ly heme ID the Back Boy A{'e&. Your • l'amDy wtl1 have the -with Wa estn Jars• ltv- i.., '-. lovely lcltdMo with m.kfut noOll. .n-lf&dous bdrm&., 2. ba1bo, !on:od air bqt, hwd. Roon. Iha.lie roof, cmpletely fenced. Owner 1-.U.c I.own hao juot reduced price to $Z1~ OPEN SAT. A SUN. 488 Emtber ·off Irvine near 20th St Corona del Mar Com.pact le charming 2 bdrm. home with Clrtplace, hdwd. floon 6: many eztru. A•klng $14,200, reuonable terma. Channel Front Duplex NOT MANY le.ft and thl• 'one la on 82. ft. of water- front with pier Ir Ooat. A roee garden for privacy, terrific view , and BEST OF ALL a low priee of S26,500 with e asy term111 . We h&\'e the key and will be happy to .11how you through. Cliff Haven 3 bdrm G I re1u1.lt', f1repl aee, hdwli. noors, imme- diate possession. Priced right $14,750 Of' EN f'.A ·r. & SUN. 41)6 Rt Andrews Place G.I. Resale $l1.950 -i '• -$73 per mo 3 bdrm. modern fully furn. including carpet. & drapes, built-in 11lO\'e & oven. Forced air heat, 11hd1ng glal!-& "''"II;;, 1n large h\·1ng room & dining a rr-a. l.Jrtacht·d gar large lot & only one year old. JACK BRENNAN, Realtor and ASSOClA T ES l320 W. Cout Hwy Liberty S,..7773 "At the Arches'' JANUARY CLEAR/,NCE -{ TWO BEDfih-f . BEACH hou•e . partly fumished. 14.: blk. to beach. $0750. Sl50CI do. might buy th1a ~ V LJOO two bedrm., "CUTIE" near new. F'A h('at, uud brick fireplace, double garage, etc. LeM than i 23.0&u ./ WATERFRONT-PlER AND FLOAT. 2 Bcdrm. home plu a apt. abo\'e double garage. Both com· pletely furnished . Only $27.500 -term•. 1 1 BALBOA DU PLEX -1 door from Bay. $16.000 ! urn1shed. A.. low u $3000 down may handle. ART C. KISTLER CO. REALTORS 2901 Newport Blvd., Newport Bea.ch Har, 5226 Corona del Mar Vogel Values Home le Income on i:S ' lot -Ocean aide of Hwy. A m09l comfortable 2 bedroom home wilh lg. Jiving room, fireplace, w /w arpetlng & drape.. Lou of cloeet 1pace, aervloe porch. Roomy yard bu patio. fruit treem, etc. Stove, refrig., rugs, curt.a.ins & dra))" In apt. included In sales price of $17,500 ThiB i• an excellent buy-be sure to call for the key. DECORATOR'S HOME Jul!lt listed -the be8t little buy tn t own. 2 bedroom home with excellent floor plan, fittplace & beamed ceilings ln living room, lg. kitchen, tiled bath. Rear door openl!I onto nice patio. Ga.rage prepared for a.pt. over. Tota.I price only $14,950 The Vogel Co. 2667 E. Cout Hwy. Corona del Mar, Har. 17il BALBOA ISLAND SO. BAY i B. R., 3 botb pita 1 B. R. apt. _ ... $59,llOO NO. BAY 3 B. R. 2 hath plus 2 B. R. apL -··-··$73,!iOO LIDO NORD ~ B. R. -2 B. R. apL ---·-----$89,llOO LIDO NORD 3 B. R. -Pier &: slip ·------··-·-~$5g,M>Q LITTLE ISLAND, Tropical setting 2 unit.a plua 2 B. R. gueat house -................... ·-··---·$3*,9W NR. NO. BAY 2 B. R. -····--·-········-· .. ·······-·$22,!iOO NEAR NO. BAY 3 B. R. ,_ .................................... $2:1,000 INCOME UNITS: ....... -... $2.IS,750 to ~.000 inclW1ive. Check wit.h ua on these and others. Har. 1775 -Eves. Edith Maroon HYa.tt 4-6222 John M.acnab Harbor 5359 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor. 22!S Marine Ave., Balboa hland BALBOA ISLAND BUSINESS PROPERTY CHOICE LOCATION $32500 EKcollent term1. WM. w. STANLEY SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD I a ••I Ee&M. 6Z Beel r.tate NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 ·PAGE t MONDAY, JANUARY 30, 1956 • p. a. palmer . incorporated ,developers Beat This on Udo If You Can! • yr. old 2 bd-. home with nicely Wed b8th. Godd •ized. robma. firepl., llt.ove & refrig. 1 bdrm .. tum . 2-car gan.._ge with built-in cabinets. Walled patio. All for $20,500 LIDO MODERN -INGRAM &: (X)LLINS went s ll out on thi. 4 bdrm. 2 hath home. The Livingrrn. 1~ beautifully papered, hal!I a Dl&J!IBive bouquet canyon atone flrepl. le 1liding doon to a lovely patio. The kitchen LI a dre&m with built-in Thennador OV("n & ra.nge, di.spou.1, hdwd. cabineU & match ing fonnica. We could go on a.nd on aboul thi.11 home, but you ahouk111ee it. Priced at $38,500. Now hu a $19,000 loan payable $160 mo. BUDGET CONSCIOUS?~ IT MAKES SENSE. R d~s1gner Is going t o go a!J out on his o-.•n home. HAL LACY has dune just that on this 3 bdrn1. 2 ba.. Lido IBle B.maller residence. The combuung of ma · t.er1all!I 1a done with thc1ught a.nd feeling here. Slid- ing glaas doors to patio from the livingrm. with its f1eld slooe firepl. Outstanding kitchen with ash cab· 1nel8 & matching forouca. Tiie 1n both baths, w .,_,, carpeting & dbl. gar , Cl(Jse to p<>rfr<-t beach. Se-c- this soon, as it will se.11 at t1nly $26,500 AU above are cxclu111ve .,.,.1 th u::! O)trtl• to 1-IF:A /J. QUARTERS for these & otht-r good buyi. Jn lut1' & homes. We art· the DEVELOl'f-:J<~ 0 1-~ l.IDO l~I.!·~ p. a. palmer, incorporated ole han1on co., sales management 3333 via Udo, hart:K;r 1500 of Udo Isle Ringside Seat To all the excitttnenl and a ctivity in the Hubor area, Unuaual floor plan includee 3 bed.rm., 3 bat.ha. Owner aays "'SELL!" at $40.000, which i.a way below repla~ment coet. NOT LEASEHOLD ~ CaJJ Davi(l Osburn. Balboa Island for Pasadena Let'• trade. Lovely 4 bedt"m. home on Balboa Is- land -large 11.nd completely furnished by a deco- rator. Even has a rumpus room with a hidden ba r for those Bum mer parties. Owner will trade for Pasad£>na, Altadena. or Palm Springs property. Price $32,500 Ca.II Joe Kincaid Start Living! Nu finer 11ett1ug fur real family living ia available 1han in this 4 bedrm antJ Jen home on Ltdo !ell•. :-i uch f1>atu rf's as 3 hflthi;. dishwasher, du1posal, l11\'1•ly cu.r111.:t1ng anJ r.lrap•'S. and 2 fireplaces mort• th:<1n JllslJfy thf' pr1cl' nf $39,950. For t.ieta1h1, l'all ll1 l1 Farnsworth p. a. pa lmer, inc orporated ole ha nson co., sa les management 1 :un .,.,, c<iast h1gh'-'·ay -hberty 8-55i3 PENINSULA SPEClALS' I !!ere'• a dandy home .,..IU\!n 4 dr..ort of U\e bay on th!' Penln· •ulL Permanent Bay view rrom larie llvlnc room with tlrepLaCfl. J bedrvorn11. l '\. bath•. Small l!Qat l'loute, 2 cu garlJI!. T•r· nflc locatlon • , • $111.700 Urm•. BILL'S BEST BUYS "L"' TJ l ()~!t\;.; "f'·· T flO \l \:0: BAYSHORES PENlNSULA DUPLEX ! CLOSE IN - 2 Ucdroums & lld.,.,•d flooni. i{ovm for :t adJ.illonal u1u!.Ji -vnly 2 block11 rr11m 19th and Harbor Blvd 1'·u11 i'rire ~11 ,f>I}() Terms. YOUR CHOICE - '. 21'1;~ l'f••l<l'l .. 11 l•t<\• t'harmln..: lt•nt•h t Ype l1on1e 31 lxlrm• plua cu~1l ruom, 11, Nl!I•. 'l'llCI !Anal, 2 ptoUOa ""'llh e~nerele block wall tor 1•rlv111·y lovely 18;e !I v. room wHh ra 11f!<l with 3 btodroom• up and 2 Md· rotl/"llJI down. Both un1t11 nicely fumlahed. Lovely property an1I only i yto&r• old. :l r ar rarag<' and laundry. Bnlh ll.pU nuw rrnled, $28.~00. terfr11. or ('ither of theRe homcff ;:it S500 tl!oWn three bf>d. I hearth fu·epl•ce Ii bhch p~ne1· 13ALBOA HOME ! 011e of lhfl nlcP.IL hume,, \n the 11 rett . . clu..-: l•l library 1U1d N 1-1. Y. Club RPCfl'llly remodel. .-d and rl&ht up·lo·date, 3 Dfd· r•-0111• and mo<ll'rn llv1111 roon• wllh !1rept11rr &oa u!oful large kit• h,.n witn cln•r U galor'!. A·l ('Ond! u nn . , . 5 l 7 ,m, term•. 3 UN IT INCOME ' rooms, ] I.: baths. new curbc•d 11.nd paVL'd streets, I Ing. din area. :i•tu111l klt•·hen . wllh r•rb. '1l•P "' ,.J,.rt <111h· acwers. Both lesa than l year old. :5o me furniture I wutier. w t u w !'•rp-111111: ~·A included. .FUii price only .$10,000 each. j h.-at, &h a kto rout s1:.:11x.i E Xco:~,~~~~1 ~1:;.~; n:~t; l~~~:~J ~.~~~.;~:;LURE I, Harbor Highlands o n 1 :: acre close to town, 1'his houer i.a lJulch Girl or~N u ot.:sE f.\11. & sun \-~ clean. Triple siz.e garage and another for I car anJ I 1998 1rv1ne A1,.nu .. storage room. Top location for rentalB. Here i~ a F:.1tce1Lently 1oc11t-d •111 tlt"11.u11ru1iy lovely home for you now w ith 111.nd for inco1nc 1 .. ndl!caf"'d rorn .. r lot. lg .. 1,,. units for now or late,. 0 1 $I '"~ I roon1 with 11l1111n.r gl••• door• n Y .... ovv onto compl,.l"'IY renCl!(I r .. ar NEED EXTRA ROOM? • • ya1<I , J bt"droom.11, l\ bath~ j •lln ''"""' w '" w r•rp~t lnr 6'. ---. ..,...-"" "We're Moving to Irvine T erTaCen Drive tn today and ace for younelt the many out· standing fe.a.turea ot th1a remarkable commwill;J. More and more Harbor area fa.mlliq a.re m.pectlnr these~xqu.18ite home• -notin.J their comfort, con· venience and central location. . More a.nd more tamllies who prefer a home In a n.- 1tricted quality community a.re moving lnto their lrvine Terrace home., Inspect the model homes, built by Macco Co rp. exq uis itely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert • Irvine Terrace iB located on Cout HJghw&y oppoatt. the new Irvine Coaat Country Club. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor E..XCLUSfVE AGENTS f'boc1' ~!arbor 4448 For Further InformaUoa • For !{<:>1•ommendation, we refe-r you to anyone v.•ho hold.!! a LeMe-hold Elita.le io Irvine Terraoo.. Beacun Bay, Bay ~bores and Cliff Haven VOGEL VALUES -COST A MESA • • • • • 1 ACRE RANCH HOME ~1 .. 1• 1 .. u~ :.! bl •Jr,;11n1 "1th rr·ar wall Mtudded 1n (or ;\dd1t111nal b<-drnorn lt.I x :!II hv1n,:: room, duu.ng room, large tile kitchen v.1lh breakfast ttrea, hw f!1.11ir, 11 ~ baths. 1'' A hf'1tt, 3 garages Fenced. Back Bay /\ rt•11 $24 .000 ,..'till r•r11•c Over 20 % Gross Income 15 M1)t~I units a.nd 26 traill'r 1111,1t·t·s ln Banning. Motel units arc 1 and :! bf>.droon111. Will co rtaider trade for incom~ 11rorx:rty or tratler park in N e-.'po11. ll.1 rbi-Jr area. $65,00U F'1J ll Price . THE VOGEL COMPANY liOO Nrwport Bl,·d. Phone Lfberty 8-5597 Cnsla. ?o.ieaa 1-:\'f'n1ng I.lbt.•rty 8-7457 ci~ to Ocean ln Ntowport. t....rr lot wllh n lc,. patio for a ll unit• Sw,.U renl11l pro~rty 11n1J r"nt"'1 nn1A· ... 11112 month~y lncun1e S !ll.~00. 1-rm11. Then let us F.hriw yvu tlus lovely Back Bay thrtt bedroon1 & den pluA g x 16 kidl!I playroom. Beaut1· ful carpeting ovl·r f"I. \\.', floors. l"1r('place, brcllk · Urap"• incl 1n ASK1.-.:c; l'JtlC:J:: ---- ASK TO Sl!:E THlS SPAC IOUS Pl:NINSUl.A HO>.tE with 2 bedrooma •Jn Beh·ue Lane. Hea vy fum1ture Included. l..arge lot . 2 car gar •1e. Can be ~ld on .. let contract, G. I. loan $18,000 WF.ST HAY AVE. INCOME Ju•t a boul the beat value po•alble Bea utiful and nearly new 3 bed· room homfl w ith • •P•CIOU I :l faAt & d1n1ng room. two bathe, forced 1ur ht:at and built 1n kitchen. Full Price $23,500 w1lh only $50()() down. w . A. TOBIAS , Realtor .. you'll like our fri endly service" 400 E. l i lh S t , Costa Mesa l~lbcrty 8·11 39 bfodroorn a p11rtment over a 3 c._r 1-----------~------------­ p r•i e. plul! a 1ueat room .,.·!th baUl. All unit. arl'I furniahed. Swell tor A nire ho1ne wit h !n· comt i nd 1 pl11ce tur your ,p1e1U. Balboa Realty Co. Qppo91le Bank or America Rou Greeley Ed Lee A.I ComfllU$ JOMphlr>e Wl!'bb 700 I:. Balboa Blvd. Ba.Ibo• Phona Harbor 3277 COSTA BEST MESA BUY I~ JI 6SO ON PI..ACX:NTIA. t1r.t par~tl JICIUth Ot BarJIUn Baaket. Thi• mu~t be JtOld wtth!n 2 week•, F 11JL price $1 8,?'iOO. "ART" ADAIR, Rltr. ttetl Nrwp<:1rt Blvd., Co11ta Me•a U 8·3792 or LI 8·.">686 LI 8-8~6 E\•ea. tl2c64 Business Propertv Illn-In farntly. M u•t .. cnlice thU n ice home &nd bu1\ne1111 on 2 lot.. In rPnler Coata Meaa. for only $I i::iOO--Good terrru1 ror qu ick P l<' DAN A. JACORS EN. Rl!'al Eat.ale H11 r. :'.>1191. U 8-6317 K.l 2·2187 C ENTER of Gardt'n Grov•. T':>4 ac,...,_ubdtv1dable llOOO.. Oood hom• and 2 bedrm. (U8t h~. 8ull.ab1• for ral•ing fl{)Wer• or prdenlnc . Will •ll for 1- lhan StOOO an 11Cr• on rood lum11. N o phone W o. plaue OR.ANGE COAST PROPERTIJ:ll 1~7 Newport. Oo.ta 11-• lJ 11·11132 E'f'enlnp LI 8-t•OO NEW INCOME UNITS BT OWNER 122,500-term•. 1702 .. JllOl Ha1'eh PW~. N-port Ktf. near l:le.mentar}' It Rlc'b 8dlool. U ~. &1p7U OVlCl'U.t(X)KJMO UPPllR BAT- ~MaU&I •lr>Mt to ·~ lot.. 100 J1 110. Hert to t2tt lt"lrw J IT.OOl\.-C&ll U a.lall. f:IJI'' SHORE CLIFF SPECIAL Four bedrooms 1 ·1 1 bath plug additional 11. bath, built in stove. Birch ki tchen, lol..'I o f tile and many other extra.!i. Located on large lot and nicely laod- acapcd, .,.,·ith a \·ery livable floor plan ror family living. A1uat sec this horne to appreciate. 345 Evening Canyon OPEN HOUSE SAT. & SUN. BACK BAY AREA Another FIS HER built home ready [o r that buyer who wantA a custom built home for a tract borne. price, 3 bedrooms. bath & .l 1, H. W, n oor, for ced air, eliding glass doon onto the patio. Used brick fireplace, plus out.side planter and many other fine featurCB. OPEN DAILY 348 Mira Loma. W. E. FISHER & Associates 3024 E . Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar HAR. 5032 HERE A LOT BUYS A LITTLE Little lot, that i~250 w ill get you an R-2 lot near schools, churches and shops. $5500 \~rill get a.n R·2 in a quiet block fa r Crom the Hwy. $8950 will get the lowest priced lt-2 lot 1n Corona 1-figh· land.I$. They'll .l!IOOn be gone. so HURRY '. R. L STRICKLER, Realto r R. B. HODGE . .Associate 3&:22 E . Coast Hwy ., Corona del Mar Hu. 2774 BRAND NEW OFFERING OUR EXCLUSIVE. Llght and cheerful 2 plua bedrm., large living room. fittplace. brick patio, doub~ garage. Close to N. Bay and ahopping area. On-abore mooring. Completely furnished $22.:SOO with~ down. DORIS BRAY, Realtor 216 Marine At"e .• Balboa Laland Har. 20 or M ------~ 1 °' '"''""· BUILD NOW ... MONEY Aj'.AJLABLE Bay Front w,. "" build ro, you • Jwo-b<J,~ o, 3 bed= IT"S OLDER' But In ~°"''I con<t1 j u"n and a perttl'<"t hon1e ror 11 large f11mily K1tcht"ll & batha ha,·e bel!'11 completely rr-1nodel-d Ii. n1odern1zed -!I be•lroonis - 2 baths~xtra l1e. Liv. roon1- cholce bathlnc beach -partly turnlahed --OUTSTANDl:-JG VALUE -129,000--Low tlown payment. Newport Heights D ISTINCTI VE RANCH STYLE ll l)t>t~: 3 he.:lrnn111 ~ pill!!: ~u••11! r.,om. 1' tlle-1 11•\h!I. full d 111 10•1m -11 llr11 ctl"e lnttr!<>r IJ""ut1rul ('OT lt1< 1111011 -cu rn· pl.,tely renr-J-A IH)!<I E TO BE l'ROUU TO Q\\"N $2] !"10\1 "C" THOMAS, H.EALTOR & ASHl)CI AfE!'l 224 \\', l'nSJ<t lll1A 8V I.I 8-~1~127 Newport Hc!trl1 "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS BIB Corona del Mar A .>.fACNIFICENT \llE\\' le the nlce•t feature •mo11g many Jn this JOve.ly 2 bedrm. -.nd con· verUble d.-n hon1e. 2 balh• o! counle. a apacloua modern home with •e<:luded patio, •II on two ltvela. 1Je11.n1 celllnp. perfect fl l'eplace. btlllt-ln kltrhen. full price, S315.000 Ple~ r1111 11htad lllr 1n •ppnlnlment to 11ero Just the Rig ht Size FOH. A COUPLE or •rnall fsmlly. I• 1 hi~ 2 ~drin. honie. lov~y \11 n•L. !lleti b•lh, roomy modern k llch.,n, an111!e 1toraJ1e apac". t!o11b1,. g•ra11:e, f1rt>pl•C", 111.nd· ..::aped and renced. Beat ot •II I.lie f ull pr1~,. fnr t hla altr•cUve cosy bon1!! ~ .. $t::i.700 with t.J1Ct:l· lent fln.e nc1n ii:. Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 3530 E . Cout H i&"h way Corona c1el M.a.r -Harbor 11663 THR"E'!: ~t•I• an l11r~ ~lo•e t11 )'11 Sll.000 f.JI. wlll t.&ke ll.".00 rl .. wn U JoC11d unrurn With Sl80 Jnn, lnt'om e you 1·rr1.&lnly a" ll""lllrig good return on unount invuled. OR.ANGii: COABT rROPitRTIES 18:) T N l!WpOf't. C.o.t.a J.f- LJ l-lU"2 r.-nlnp LI l'l· l•f"lfl homP. 100 °/. Financing 937 Square Foot Home-$4595 1155 Square Foot Home-$5595 Attached 10 x 20 garages ................ $29:S We are building on Wallace. Bay, and Avocado Sta. Starting shortly on JSth & 20th St.s. Call or Phone for lnformat1on .•. OPEN SUNDAY AF'TF.RNOONS & WEEK DAYS SCOTCH CONSTRUCTION of Garden Grove, Inc. l l(}\ t \Veatm1nsti'r Blvd., Garden Grove LE 9..oe33 WANT A REAL HOME7 PLUS a beauti(ul nearly new 2 bedrm. apartment v.·1th fireplace PLUS a 2 car garage. \"OU'LJ_, 1.I KE th1 i. ne,1dy redecorated i bed.nu. 2-atory home, E\{"parat1· dining room, .. dream" kit- chen, firrpla<.:i:, FA heu.t, and beautiful carpeting, Excellent terms to qualified buyer. WM. W. STANLEY SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD Park Ave. at ~larine, Balboa island Harbor 2"2 IF YOU INTEND TO SELL YOUR PROPERTY CONTACT ME ART C, KISTLE!l, a repreeentative ot the MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE OF NEWPORT BEACH & COST A MES>: (The best way to sell your property}, ART C. KISTLER CO. REA I .. TORS 2001 Nev.•port Blvd., Newport Beach Phone Harbor 5226 DAY OR NIGHT I Jl3e«I "QUALITY STREET" BAY FRONT Fine pier, 0 011.t and bc.a ch. One of the newer cleverly decorated home• of 3 bednn1,. 3 batb.. maid~ rm. & bath. Carpct11 "'nd lira~rl~ Included in the Inv.• price. ~l ight t rade. CALL LOIJ BOYNTON Harbor 32Y7 or Harbor 2878 EARL W . STANLEY , Realtor I i .1 PAGE I ._.,ART II -NEWl'OllT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS McJtc>AY, JANUARY 30, 1956 MART\'H ~IS.~l(J:S AR \' a11d ~I r~ :'\"ate S<.t1nt <irt plLtUrL·J at JUngh· Htal HHl, Stltill :--.lint v.;..~ i;!a111 by l nd111.11:<1 dur1n~ m1s!:!1011ary 1·:1·!··:i\•1r .\!:~ :".:1:!:! cause aii a rad in opt:·r11.tor al lliL· Sl<.1l 1vn, v. hLLll ii; :s , :1tTy:::i.; nr: thl gah:v. ay to na\,lgc .~uc:a hr-r bu!ibanl.!'s the Ecuadoran Nathaniel Saint's Memory Revered by Jungle PUots MissiOMW t• Slain bt Auca lndiam, Combined lnventincj Witli Pioneerin9 ISJ' 1 • .ElJI' .IOH.S!IOS 1 •! & N•w Yt!a r'1 Evt wiatc:.h ni&'ht lo'ULLERTON JA.N SO _ llt!rv1ce l)ec. 31, 1944. "H e now (OCNS) _ Wherever J~tle pl· h1t• n1y life." S&.!{lt wro~te tll t~e lot.9 tly the nlen1ory of Nath1111iel M1&1donary Avfal.lon Fellowmlup '111 be ~ 11n ,..,.,king l,{l jOln the group "'The 8•lnt ....,. 1 re'"".,.' , · , 1 1 Lo rJ hll..I given me an 1rr,.!rlltlhle One or 1ve n1 onar e• •an ~ir:.:•fieell~ '~~~g::.d':;'' ~:a,~r~ ~r~oe ~o.::k:e~e: °;;:;~ l~t U,o.e lovr" Nate Saint wa• a "pilot'• p!lot " a. weJI 1.& a 1nan who had di!d1· N11lt'1 work now I• riniahe<I eated. hlmaelt to t he 11erv1c. or Hut ln Ecuador. New Guinea, God. 1.1a! un other remole rl.11111 ot the .Aa9ociate.1 in the m!Mlonv.ry nvil•:r.ed worlct, nu u !onary p ilot.a avt&Uon t eno .... ·ahlp h<'adquart>,:ra I &U!l carry on. their contact w11h in Fullerton 1ay Ulat he con1h1n · n,.uve peopl"'' m-.:le f11r e8.al<'r I•' ed the ploaeenng aplnt or a rron· by !he devouon 11nd 1n1enulty ol t "- tler41Jlan with the 1ne-ch,.nlcLl Nathaniel Sa int . renlus of an air a t:e !n1•1'11\ur. l:ASf:I> f>IUJ'T'S TA~K Saini J(r.,1ttly 1>1n11'IHl,.,I thf' DEATH NOTICE ta.Ilk ~t by p1 lot 9 .. r the ~• 'f' '" i----------------the!r non· <1•·n,,1n1n11no111•I nun· profit prujrct tu br111,: th,. j!"~l"'l I :'11HS. \101.l':T lll "~lYHRl:Y ll'.J pr!t1l!\1V•• pt.lf)I,.'< In E• U&>l·•t F11nll!11!.I -rv1,·e11 Jur .\tr11 VIQ· Bom .. o. !"~w Gu1nl'11., llundt1110• l•·l v 1_.,a,, Hun1ptlro:y. :.io . .,t :tZl!0."1 11.nd ,"fl'llll"fl. I V 1~l11 "" ("11t<1.l1n11. Tht<••• A i<h Hv.}·. I-ii~ KO"'J !ri,.nd, C'h11r1 .. ,. t.l• 1· I!-;. ,,1h !.,11 ;:un11 w,-r., ~··h,..l•Jl"'l rnr I !l!!. ~ ... r .. t11ry·tr-·1U1Urr·r u r II•"~ 1, "'Uk.lily •.\l un•l<>\'I 11t :>t MAf-• 1·rt••ll1,, S111nt W<l !1 .1 .. \"1>tUIK A rull•""·" l·•r .. ~b1·t .. rl!H\ , • h "r' h >on l!!\"llil111hl•• all,.rn•tt,. f1J,.] ~1 •· rt.•· tt•·i·. Je.rri•·.~ .'-lt .. '.\'ll! l '"""" tu rnn l••r l1Kl1t '"'f'I~""'· nnn1rrur-<.,rr1,1 ~1,. !nt•·rl!lt>!ll "'"IL, lri ful-: HI );:" lh·· d.111,:r• .. r f,.,. .. ,\ lllri ·l· I""' 111 H!iib"' tt.· .. t ~t .. rnurilil 111 ;:• !n ,,,,.,,, n.<•t 1 'h~ . ..,1110 1 h.-"I lo>iu·k \nll.flJ::••lli,.11t., .,.,,.,.., h10n(IJ t; .... n IJJ.:\lr lnJ.: ,,11• li ""1" "' ... 1 1,1· ll11ltz M u ollu!.r)" CuronlO Ciel rr1,.un!in-: a ~··• "nd ""•"•fu• "" Uw \!Ar rq,.·r • '"""' 1,J .. ru·~ ..... 1 "' .\!AF J"h·T- flu! 1· .. t·h"J'" tu• i:-r•·1tl"•t " • ''·'" "t .• n tu~",.,.,,,,, to1 l1u"h )•Jl•o\.~ t""\'"11'· "' ,.,,. a1 .. 1 biuul(hl lntt11·>1l fn1n1 !h .. ,. s Air F•·•t~. WL~" tnrth· • I , r 1nt<1 II •J"•l•l'lni.:: ,. , ""'""" ttur k .. I ""'"ll JJ'"'r!" , l··1trH1 J( r"r '.\t 1• llunophr,.v I! ·~! r 11! J"" :; 1n J '"trntt .\l u h 'ti,.,\ "' :-h ........ ,. ;.,n,1 na ! A n ~·· I,., ltfJ9.i: b11ro l 11·~J !.••!" !nle "/\ t wa,, i. r•·111•l,."l.., r s.,ulh Lag·u1111 f<'r ~ .\ n1nnlh11 Sh .. ""·•.11 I .. 111 .. llliJ .. r •If lh•• J.l>l•J J~I~ \\u• "'"" , • "lub • • J MRS . REMLEY HANGS SILVER BEAVER ~1~. Arthur ft1·n1lc>y. Ncv.•port Ri•aC'h, besto'A't•d h1~h ~·nut1n~ av."ard . th•· :-:1h·1"t Reaver. on her husband, t•ent .. r. \\·~·dnv:.ola_v u1ght f•l' 1:1111111.d (11 .1ug.. l-:rn1 11 r~ Council award~ banq ut.•t -Staff l'h"l" Fight 3 JUST FRIENDS Rov ing Rzsults 1n HoJg Victi ms ,\' ,, ' " . . , •. 1 I 'I' ·.1 ' ··I .. " '" '" '; ! •• ,, 11 •l: . ' ' 'I· .. .. ' , .. ' I ! I< \\ t~ •ll Junglf'. O(."N!'i Photo • ,., hBnj(r ,.f 11rt1< I•·• 1u .. J n1e.'l..,llJ(· ---------------------------------------[f• f,t•I"'"•""" ll!r ltll<I ~IU\Jll<I Sur1·1~"'"' 1111 Jud.• h<'r hu..band. \\",.,,! M ll"•Hl'h•"V "' \hr hulll<.' aJJrr""' " ... LEC;;AL NOTICE Ct:KTIYll ATt: fl,.. HI ~l :'lot:~-. Y11·Ullou• t •lnn :0.MTI,. The un<l•·r.,.::n•·•I d•'•" h.,r .. tiy ltrt•fy tha t ''" '" l"fl•l<1cl..rnl( • 1 boAt '"n\11.J 1<.n,J 11~t1.ni-: 1111 kJ .. ''""I· nc~• 11t 4323 \\. Cn11.ll! Fl!vd !"•·w. port u .. a.c rr . Cal1furn1 ••. Llll•1Pr !he I f1ruuou<1 !lm1 r11uJ1r v r :>TJ.:Et,.. CRAfl I" !JP.I\"~; lltlAT R E'.'JT. AL C<1 11.n.J ll111t ' I Iorio! 1.11 , • .,,ll· f"lM•l nr lh1· ro dl<"''''K 1•rr,,.,i11. "h""~ nJ1.1l• .. • 1<1 !•oil a n'I pJ ac ... <•I re•l•l••1\o •" ,.,,. It.• f.,ll•·"'~ l<>·Wlf H t":-1:-0 Fl.L N . LIJl.K\\'()()0 ~ ! ., j ·,'ii al A 1·•·n11··. 1: .. 11,.,.. ,h•·,I • '1<l•!1orn111. \\"1tn,.•1 11 h11 n•I l h1.11 1:11 11 ol Jenu .. 1·~ l!l!'i•; lll"!'!!'IP:l.L N T.IH"'K\\"f'"Mlfl STATE,,~· l"Al~IJ.!•lt."IA cr11·.~rY OF f1HA:o.·r;f; 1•.11 n r. !h .... 13th ,1 .. 1· ,,f J.11n .. 11ry. 1 A IJ 11il6fl t><-rnr• 111" t hr 1111.J•r- Btgno·d • '.\",,(.••\' l 'u1Jl11· 111 t1n ·I !•1t th" ~!IHl (".,univ an•! Sll!l t". r"11Hl·1 lni;: lh<'r•in o1u11· '""·r'·'·"~'""'"'J llnrl 1wo1n. f'"'"'"1 1<ll.v f•J'l"."'·"d ltl:"S· SELL l" J.11f"\'\''"'I' kn••"'n ''"'I m• In bf' 111.-1•··1.~··11 w h""" n•mr I.a 111blcnlw•! t .. 1h,. "•thin 1n· 1tri1ment .. an.i It• kn .. 1vl•••h:•·d (n 111• tll11 l hf> exrc11tM th,. ... 11ni .. In "''•I r,.•1111 "b"' "' : I h:• unr,, "1:'I. •ny ~11<1 nd ""'* •1 afflr1n l it<>JI.! !ho• •111V ~I I thl• t:er·t1'1""·" flrf<l 111 .• ,, ll•·n . 1'1Al'.fAN 1.. Jtl1L ;>.·,.;i1;\' M y \." •111111!.•,.lon E."f'"""" .h ill" :!~ !ll~X No ll!'i2 :-;,.-~,. 1 '1 •·•~ V I II. 23, :\II :? 6 ll•:">fl ZonlnJ C'han11:,. 1\o..-n1tn .. •nt :: 19 ! ....._,.lnl'" l'fOTIC t: or l 'l.'81.IC " H r:.utlXO NOTIC E: IS Hf'::tt F:llY f:JVF.:~ Ur.at th"' Planning C"inm llM<lon nf the City o f N•·w1>0rt Beach v.·111 hold two publll:"" he11.rln g11 on lhr appllcalh:m o f Austin 0 . Sturt evant lo amt'nd om # ~. f mm · u· tn •RJ ' Zoning on lota F'orll<>na of Bubdlvtslon tr11.ct . Loc-fltetl at :">7:'1 :#1&.f j-16:; Block 63 nt thr Irvine teet Eaa!.t'rly from lhi' point with a r lJl;ht anale oft lhe r11di u" nf 17t h ~I Nntlr" 111 hl'"~by furth"r .i:i'"f'n 11\at uld publlr he11rtn1t:11 w ill be helrl on th .. 16th Ue.y of F"l'"hr. ye.ar "1'>6 "t th,. h"ur of i :in P f\l In th,. Counr1l Ctuu,,bt'r11 n( th" N•wport ~ach c·ny Hfl.ll. Rt wh1C-.h Umt and pl11r" s ny 11nrl rtll peraon• lntere~ted m11 y •ppe11 r nnd be hea rd th"r,nn. RAY Y. COPELIN, St'<'r<'t11ry Newport Be.11.ch Ctty Plannlftg Comm!911\on Nb. M&-Ntw1·Pre•e t/S0/.1'8" NOTlCI: or •~TENTION TO P.:NOAOE l:S Tfll!: SA LI: or AL<.'QROl..IO MVl>RAOF~ JMuary 20. 19M TO ~'HOM IT MAY CONCERN: Ruhject to ouuance or thf' llcene." a ppll• <I ror. and l·ommencing not kl.. ' . !l .. 11.y.1 llt°f'f t hp ''"'" po.11te I. nntlcr 111 her .. hy J h'•n th11t ~ 11 ndt r~i.1:"nMt propol'l'lll In H'll &lcohul1c t><-1·rr&a-,.• at ther<' prem- .... deacr;bed u follow•. Mt,03 Ma.rine Ave, Balbi,. l!I· a..d1 N-port Beach. ~ Pu~ant to such lnll"Tltlon, thf' uoder~lfTled l1 apply\~ to th"' Dep&rtment ol Alcotiol!c 9 ,,.vt'r11ge COlltrol r°" lMUat\c"' on orlJtlna.I applle&UQn of 1111 a.lc:-ohollc-bfv· ~ Ucenae I or llcen11tea • tor Urieea preml.Joell aa follows: ON·Mle 0-ral A nJQne dMirln.-to proteet lhfr &-..a.nee of 11uch Uc"n""' n111y f1lt a ~riM!!d pmtNl with lh• !Je· ,....tn'lettt nr AIC"'Oht.ollc IJ#venae (Jontm.I al S&rr11..mrnto. Cllllfonu&. atallnJ;: &ruWltla tor tJcn1aJ ., pru•·lde<t by 111. .... · '"'" rren1~•..., ..,.. now llcl'fl•ed fo1 lbe -le of aJcohohC bf'Vt'nlJl"• CL.AHF.NC~: I. ROARDMAN' .. RJTA ~ 80.ARD).tAN W..~•w•·Pr ... .i.,l~ AUTOGRAPH FOR MYFO RD IRVINE Ur. A rthur Schuck. ch11·f •·xu ull\",. B .. y Hcou111 or Aml'rw11 ~IJ(ll" JM!raonaJ t"AIPn1t11r to:l•·en .\l yfntd Jn:ine al W t><ln,.Blill)" n!ght "11 O n1.nge E m1'1r,. ('••un r 11 aw11nJa b11.nquct.. ('aJ .. nr111.r ~ho...,·• "Th,. Scoutmt111ter."" a Norman Hackwell painting. St11rr Pholo ttt ("KET S \'STt:,\f This Ii< ! h~ •Y.'111'1!1 Vl"Hrke<f O\il by S a int t<t\,.r rrif<ny 1•11.111•!.Jlklnt; <'l.\"U I': .... K ... I~ PRE SI DEN T CONGRATULAT ED 1·•' '" ,, .. !•( ' "., "..:· 111 ,., ··r1' "111111111 ',,.,.' ,J " ·' ·" ""' to"'"!'""' ;-'.•11 :-;uf'l !-'1·1•1• 1· I •0.1·• 1~ ·O\ , .• :-.; , •• , !" )l,irl>o r l "n.n n H11~h l"'• huoJI I •.~" rlo I "'' t" ,., • ·t '" 'i .... " '" .. , '' .. , ,., -· " '"I .. ' " ,, ,, ' 'lll' '" ' '· .. " "'' ~· · ·• .. •' ·" " " '" II• 1\t> • ., . " " " '" •• • II "i: '.1 .... !) ... ~" ' ' " 1··•' ,, . \\"~•I< 1 •H .• •. 11· " ' ,. ,,. ~" HI, I . r ~ ~ r., no:_ ..... "'" ,., ' •·1 H• "11 H•· h.• ! .. '•' I ,!,1 "! I' 111 1 "'11 ~ ''' I.·· Ed""r•I 1!"1•1• r ,., l 1ran1:r t', ,.,, All "f'l""llP"t ,, !•• .1,,., •HO· I M" j ' t. II•· lh1•!r "I•"• '"' d•"'''''~ ,11 ,. ll ''l""·~h•U .11 :1,.,1 ,.,,.,. hr •111•1. l/H .• , \ lo·!\~ I • I),' "! " ·'l"i•'il"''lil" "II I 1 I " , ' I ,. ',. "' I I">•· I" "I" •l'M''l !'11 ,.•1 ,. ..... 1 •t·•t l.11,. , .,., ..... ,,. n t , .. n.•ul1e•I ... f,,.,, .• , l·!·11 ··n111ry l.n th<' r.1.11'•1 RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL-COMMtRCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR SAtALL 230 30th Beach llarbor z.sss GREATER EARNlll'S - REMEMBElt .. SAVINGS received by the 10th of the month ... EARN FROM the 1st. HE. 7-1201 PER ANNUM CURRENT EARNINGS •