HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-02-10 - Newport Harbor News Press,,. • -., • ' '8th YEAR-NUMBER Ull JQ:WPOltT llEACB, CALD'OllNU, ft!D.\T, J'll:BRUilY 10, llllfll PHONE HARBOR 1&8 FIVE CENTS ' LANDS COMMISSION ro-OPPOSE COUNTY PLEA FOR OIL INCOME llCRAXENTO -ICNBJ -fte .a.t.. 1and9 CICllll ......... ku di~ Ila at.aft to ~ a ptOptMed t;t.w...... oU 1MMJ ~ent bt'tween \he Oranc-county Doud. ot. .. P9"' vi.on and • Tt-lC&I oil 1'1(m. Palmer-Buck Suit - IWU"l'i8J' TO MOBll.IZE -,Let;& than half an hour !l.fter first Boy Scout m()o bma.Uon call went out la.st night, Explorer Post 17. Corona del Mar,'wu ready for judginc at the high school athletic field. J udg1:g. left, count up the points for, fl"om i-ear, Tommy Baume. Dave H arshbarger. l\:<'nt Harvey, Mike Gaughan, Bruce Mal.-Curn, Ronnie Keeler and Randy Peeler, st·n1 or crew leader.-Staff Photo Col Ri.lt\YI \\.'. Putnam, u:ec:ultT• otne.r ol. tb4 C IE m•.- .ton, ..Ud M w .. Informed that the C>raftc• Qou.nty COUMll. W!ued an opinion 11taUn1' that I.hit cow:it)' board ol ~ 11il4r. haa J)O'l"r to ~Ur Into ~ ..... -U~ oU lh• Onulp ooonty cor.tt. CHIEF SAYS Cop Burglary Ring Broke n HARBOR SCOUT MOBIL!ZA TION · SUCCESS WITH QUICK TURN OUT By BILL ..... LU .. S ·1 in Santa Ana La»nch ing of a Hoy Sl·u11t 11l•1b!l1zat1o n l."Xp<'rir n• 111 11\ R • ff tt I the Orange Empire C11unril Ill 1t1e H arbur Distr!t"t J•f<I\• I owing ,ega a ~ASTA A~A.. Fl·'.H 1•1 10C.'{SJ C A 1.:-noe1 utw r lo.urn,. A na police an unqualified liUCCC!:i.'i at th~ ·"'"'!"'rt t-la.rbor L'n11111 JI J t1 ancelled for ''"'i.:t 1r\ !Ill~ ....... ,.''" ··•I i..,.-111y School athletic field lru>t night \\'Jt h1n a n hour aft•r t !.• l"11.l1 1111n"u"'-'"n1ent IP "' ~llnta fint unexpected m obiliz.ation phone call t n local tHHl s ...,. ,. I 01 • N d I Ana PvL•ce Cluef r:.dwa1,1 J , Allen IUlldt, 230 Of \hr' Lj!jol••~U'1lll~•} Ull' ;)• 1U, :\l vrf' J. ' ym p1c ee s ,l,,.t h-.,.;!J Oh•rl !hlll llf~l'l10011 J OU Boy SC"Ollt" 1n Ll•f' J 1.irtlQr hM•, U.-• 11 dUth · hi·ir •IU-. "' "LI n lns tru t Atturnry H .. bl'rl P. , ... ea had ._,.111bl•.,l 10 lull uni· l>t •t '·"'" 111,.,, we~" 1., ,.,.1 ·r11 .. \\'•·~l.,rn Sp .. on t t:luurq• ,,,,. 1~nr,·l~n11 to 1hecu.<a 11roeeeut1on. rorm and w rr<" r"ll•ly fur v.·hat-dnnr t l•r<Jui.;hnut the "h•·;I' , , , I l' Hu" 1115 Hl't: 1L ·" " Ill nuL 1, .. 1 A lien ..aid •IX ol thri n1rn are no ,.lltr eml'ri[:e"'Y <iUI) uiigtlt Ii.! 1 v.uuh! llkl' lor \.hut tu ,,.111., 1 .. ·1! in ="'•'"JIOlt 11.or h«r lhlll y,.,., 1 101\f!:<'f "ith hi• fore<'. h1<v1ng left •••L~ed lh'"' ltf'J>lall& l.olrector ll;ay Lloni;:r11· fur vaneJ r<'IUtJn.1 pnur to hll ••. TILL• ,· .. u l•l ~o on rv•r}' J ,,, Dows W11.lton. ['1•tnr t S l'OUl Ill;( U\•t: L.l':'M't.J(.., '"II• ,,f f'>""Pt!rl J!,,., r1 11111\uuntt••t 11..&11un1ll\K urf1ee )IL.Mt .\lay. Thte<m •llecut.lv• troin -"1<ntlil A na, who Thr .. ., t'o,;ta Mea.r. t r•'•'I'~ '> ., .1 .. y !tto• t>t.1111 •1 "I ·l.••·•·turs "' tll"l"ther•. 1nclud1n",. al'rl{OMnt. have ..,._on hanu to .,!>hl)• '"~ult• of s.nJ Ii&'!. returned with 1.,11 "~ -~•1ul t1\.\1·11l•·rn Hu .. 1n;; "'""''<-11tlCJ1 handed In thl'lr <dl1~natlOl\IJ, ha ' 1111\• 1o·l11t t .. 1111\'"" ,,..,,.lrd ln 1,.,w M!d and three •re ,.1111 on th& the aamembly untk1 J.l•Jt.>11 :r.oitlon •urpr1.1<' and 1tpprl'cl•I" u ha,. , , .. · , ' J)ir\(;tor \Varrru •UU•il \\"i lson, Vi'rllt"n by f-lb.rbor &i•·" 11,,,, I'' lh1· tnore 1•••ll'•ll 1<nt ~ll'>fll !'I< f"rr.-. '"JIOftad all t he (trani.;1• ~::n;;,,rt ,.,.1~·el! ~I L~ Or1t!llt! l lt•n,,.tr• , .• , ! ,.,p11ro•mrnt• an!.I t•• r aat th .. /'ll•I•· 8ignl'd •tat .. me.nlll fr nm each ot u11tficU woul•I h•Jhl 111,,11,1u.lu•n•·1 ·IJJ Hao H~rnn.r•lLno St. , , 11. l"lll of .. u crew1 • Ollt"l'r11•cl t,'. the 12 otf1.:er• were •huv.·n Lh1 TILA1N t'tJlt t "ITI 1:1: lllenled ll•'v t){:(IUlli \.\'t\i ,;1.,. 101nrl'lllllJ;" lhe 11.nn11J..I f<'g"llll8. preaa by All<'n. Ea(.h r,( tha ortl- "\\' Th!11 yea r"1 alxth 11nnu11I rl'fllllfl. r erll a dmitted hl11 1ulll Lil the con-• a.re 11 .. 111111 1: t ri•· 1 .. ,y11 to d1..J'!1<1 c.n b"llll( ··v~r y '''"'. , • · !~ke care or U\ ir 11v.·n 1 n l . \I ,. c· 1 1 1 1 • . . .vh1rh h•>1 b"coni" th~ Hurbur arl.'11. 11 !e-.i1ons. ~ ·• llk-" · r-.. ~ • .-11.a .. y o ,.,,, ·'' "' 11 b -.·1 ·11 •n•·.sot~P HY 1 ~ f1 r1t ln came nf •")' ,.,..,.,.i:•·niV ii\v,. o.·o~t" file.,,. n'il•nl •·l 11.,,1 ,1Jlll1An• Ill( IJXlrt.11 1• "'"nl "ar -.... ,...,.., ~· Ilk" flooda or ~rtl><jlilK•• \\'ai· . ,,ut• •h<J 'a ,.,,~y 1.11 .. 1, 1·K llftt1•ir1al a.nd 1nlf'rn~tl•11111l In · Chlrf All~Jmldll' ltl•••nnounca- ton r~ported.. '"Th,.11 ,r u1 •• , ,1111 _ 1·1 •· ,·. wa11 01 1g1nHI!) ~· hr•lulrd I n1enl while •urroundl'tl by •everLI rnunHy ahould 11.,..,1 "'II' •• ,, .. .,., ~:.::~:·:~•ilni~·Ll,,.~~·'":7),1 ,. ".:,','.~1l •' ~n r ~1..v 19 hunclr .. d dollar• wurth of loot re- 1111 1:1..ry ikclut. could u... ttlot.>il-11,.,11 1 r.ou ...... wtf" ,,, t h• ,.1 11,,.,..,.,,,,._ l•ngf'nhl'1n1 ~.~1<1 !l1r C•>vered. he -1d, from Uie hon1em 11• '1 \Ve11t,.rn .S1•11r11 Jt •·>:t<1t " 111 •)f ufflt:crll tnvoJvl'f!. A llen 1tated """'-1, 1f nec-.-y ·· l111n 1t~c-1gnm"'-nt ··r11 .. ti-•v ,. "•rvlc•• , ... -.. "' 11,, 1,.,. •--,,,. '"fhll!f'ly bl'ing pM.nn,.,! ,,.,.New-lhP loot \O."IU taken by nlght-rlh!ft "' "" R .,.. "n moppu.,.: an.! """ 11~ bt>r Duitrlct 'a ll 1.J, ... ,11,,. fuur ,. r~·· 111 e nd hall ,11 "'"' hvll~· 1•1r'l lt!<•bor J11 :O.t•v or 11<~:' policemen Ln continued burglar!~ p<>al• &nd two ab.l pti 1 .. ~t ni.,;ht v.·ere .,. (heerful t<nl wiluns ti••' The added flnan.:taJ 'ObJ1i;:atlon" at aome l!i Santa Ana nrm•. , .. ~ .. ,,,,, ..... ~ ..,, ... _ ~····••<••-. k u111>o•e'I up..1n the W"Sll'rn r ,,Jl<.'Cf'• "nlf! loot conaillled of el.ctric: ... ..._ -.. ,.. ~uT .. Y• lt '""' ', m'" p1uud to Un Lil 1.11.. kn1Jht41 ot Klmc" A rlhur 1 t bl• ,.11,,, try ·• A th•tlh•r worn an •nJ row1n,.: ._1ui,,, l'-.<rtlcip.w.Ung 1n percolator•. dttp try era, electric ltouno n·~··· r· •--··· ... ,.. ' ' ... _ . .. •he• 1ly1n!)'C ltOW•ll)I trill.ls •l syrR -mUU!!n. Urea, umb .......... radMJs and """'y .... en••., ., •f'"'CI• trip to ....., ,...,. I . . ru~i "ho<I I· lh a 7·.•• pm '•<lo I 1 IL 'l, h t'tts ... N\. nor:oi:l Jun!' 28·29-.lO a;>-r locka. Alaorecovendweres"eral .. , _ .., .. •· 1~ • ' " ~xJlr"AA .. ,. ~1·r•r".1 I In ·-i:;ftOll turru;" durlnjt a ~·mtnul' i>l l"n !"ltl'Jllly ao'r'ut.nt ... ! for lhl~ year S l j'rOfraa1nn&J ~rf'\Ar tool•. OriC - pcrlQr.l. l"n"We to a rri\o' at a f inul "" 1n<"e ll1&Uon • ally .•lc•len. Allrn aalrl. Th••)" did them. too. EvPry\hlni;: cl•u•• lbPnll•,.Jv..,, !h" 111.,bLll&u -t 1'hr r•>'ori'ti .:: rh11.mrl<>n,h1p,.st11.r1 -Allf'n Mientltle4 lM lhre-1! men fror11 dry1nic du•he& to cleaning \uin Judge~ left "•'ll'c t"•n uf 10 1, •··! 11! l!l!';l '-'h••Jl t "11h forn1a t'Bp-,who tt'Si'9ed· entire• hun1r11 lo the pop·•\.,·d ~· ,.i turn truo,pH to ti.~ 17 "'"" l1.rcJ 1>i• (11.~t ""nu;i! evrnt TIH• l'ROB J: ooNTl'!'flfT.8 an1a:r.enir11t ,,r :>:ewporl Bt i«h l!Jr unlt 1 .. a,,.·rs-Tri~y ,.,.1,.,.1,.,1 Br .1r !•'"' ol<'l,.11·1"•! 111._.lr '"rs1ty Allen 11ald Lhe burglary c&Ae ln- anJ t 'u~ta M"•a hou11ev.•11·••.'I 1· uhp 666 t1fl··r s'"'""r 1~ ll<if'T l'•i:fit lllh-In l !I'•~ 11W 'f>J llt'[ort' v,11.1g11Uon will continue. H e tt.:rm- After 1t wa• o••.-r, \\"&!I-On 1.,1J l 'unthiu .. d 0 ,1 J·ai,: .. 4 the "1''' 1'"''k ,,,,.,.. ed thl!: •·ntlr-.i rtng "a horrible BEACH ACQUISITION MEET TOPIC TONIGHT u The beach aequt•ltion proe-~am outllned by tha C.lfornla State P•rk Com mission w \11 bl' thraahed over bJ th• C08•t Af- fa ir• CommUtee o• tha A,Mocli11l- ed Chambeni ot Commer~ of Or - a nre county meetlns 1 p. day In Newport Harbor Club. m. to· Y11c7lt Invited to attend and help In th• dlacuaaton have been Slate Senator Don Murdy Jr .• A11!lf!m - b11man...Earl Stanley, Board of ~uperv\llOnl Chalrm1111 WllHs \\'ar- n er. Supervlaor Heln:r. K aL~cr. and mayflra cif cv&•taJ cltl"ll of !\"aw· port Bear h. H\JJ\tlngton Beach. Laguna Beach and San Cleinente. Ted H&mbrook or Newport Beach la chairman or the c:os11 eJtalr1 cornmlttefl and pre11ld\Jlg ot tlctt at the dinner meetlnf. The 11.ffalr Is OP"" lo Ou• 1nt<'re11tl'd publlc. Another !mfl".lrt1u1t <1lnner n1ffl- lnA will be h .. ld ~· .. o 1;; it Green- bner Re•ta.unanl. G!l/'d•·n Grove, \.\"ben lhl' plann1ni,; ~ml devclup- n1ent cornn1itl~ u f thP AMOc1ated (."hanibers ml'els lo d1,.cu"• the cnmplf'led m1t!lter plan ot count)' roada and highv.''"Y" A~ord1ng lo \\'alt'r \\'el.mer, vice·i::hainnan of the ron1n1\ttl'e. thi11 i" flnother !1\ep 1n tht proc:!.'11!1 or getting the n1•1tler pllltl 11depl- ed by the r ounty. Arter the comrnittr!' n1eetina;. lh<' 1•l11n "'iii bf' pn·senteJ tu Ute A ~YWLl\led ChRnlh<'r~ board of clirl't'tors 11nd from t h,.re 1'111 be gh·cn l o lht ro1111Ly plannlo11: ~m­ m1,.11lon anll board nr m1pervllor11 for public hearin !I" ""d s.dopUon, \V•lmer <'.l(pl11.1ned. Harbor Day Group to Meet Feb. 17 1·h,.rr \.\•Ill 1,.. Bn or g Bnluilloq nlv•·l1ng or \hr Harbor D•y l'rlt'· h rnt lon l:on1n1lttf'e on ~~r!dsy. J.~eb. 17 at 4 p n1 . in Ute d1rf'r-tor1 roo1n or the N.:-wport Hart,nr Cham brr or c,.n1merce 11t 1800 \\'_ C<,ast H11:hway . The 20th Ann1vera.ary o r New· port Harbor v.·111 hi' ob:ier1·ed on S at11rd11y . M11y 26. 11s the f1r.•l m11Jor •·vl'nl to cl'l~brRtl' Lhr GoJd,n Ann11 .. rAAry or tht 1nr1•r- porat1on ur the l"J\y or !\e\.\'flOtt &:uh. HARBOR WEATHER :ren1perat~• I.he 1.1-t ""i<ek ln 1.h11.. Harbor ar .. • ".""'' Saturrlar. Frb Su111l;,y, F .. b. :'! 1'for11J1tv , ~~t'1,' J; TUt>9dllY F••h 7 \\ledne1uk1y. ~'r-h. M Thur1d11.y, Feb. U Friday, Fo•b. 10 lllJh " " f,J.; " " " 60 1.11"· '° "'~' " ' . " 16 ·II' n1altgnancy" and •aid he atLH did not hnve any klea how wldesp~sd. v."">thln the department, t he matter had b~ome. The ch!er a lllO cited varlou.s officer• for refu.s ing to '"!Mlur.ar• and guilty .. brolher of- fker11 ', 11ayl!\( "a crooked orrlcl'r deserves le11• 11yIJ1pathy lhll.11 a c rooked c\vUlan."" Rf'C"t>ntly, t op pollce brlUllJ wu shaken w iUi the demotion or police Cepta1n llieharo1 Rr11dley for r"- ftL~1ng to gi•·e in!orn1aUon tn the chief New Bullock's Plans Bared "Our h•ri;:-et d•lP for lhP open· Ing of our IJUJIO<'k'11 11lore fnr iJr- 11.11ge County volH ""b,.. iit "'1r'ne· where b .. tw~"'n one 11.nd 011e·hlllf to l'-'·n y...._r~ frum now."" a11.l•I ~1 . E:. Arnrtt, t"ir1·-1•rr.~hll'lll and tr!'&~· u rcr of the Soulhrrn Cal1fornla 111.-.rc-h1Hl'h,.,. f1rn1 . "\\'t• '""""" th, lorn!lnn betwel'n lhp ,,1, .. ,. nr On1ni.:e IUld Santa Ana h>"l'flU.~r It >.• lhf! Cf'Ol!Jl'OAd trurn ,., ... rywhr-rr. lllld. geopplllee! '"'!11<'r of 1110• l'ounty." Arnl't\ ""n· t1nu"d "'' hr &1gn"d aOrlo\innal ps· "'"'"' !'or H C. Grrt>r tif Hay 11-J1tl n.,,., ll H"al!y, Newport B"ll('h Hf'allut r.,.rer hu worked 11tx rn!•nth~ un ~,.th,.rlnr t.o~thl'r 11Uf· nroent )And tn provide a. fllte ror !ht stoH" "''hu'h ""ill be the bine•t in Ora.Milt> CDuntv .• F'o1ty ,.acrea hR\'l' Ileen takl'n to e.acrow. Thty C"C•,-cr both s l!lc11. of \\l,11t Orllllgfl Rr-.flt!. a ,1,.,.,.,_,.nd .i!lr,.,.t ""tnch 111n .. w.,,;1 . r1~· rrorn i\ll1 ln SI. hf'- t"•r tn 1-~v .. ta ,,.,.,. 11nrl R•"' St. T he propPrty fr-•nL• lll'HI fr,.t on ~1 .. 1n St 1111.1 1:1~'1 r ..... , in drpth PRAYERS ANSWt:KED -Mrs. Glenn H . Lathrop Jr., Costa Meu., studies news accounta and telegrame, informing her of the safety of her navy pilot hus- band re6CUed with six others in Antarctic wutes after plane waa miasing. -Staff Photo LATHROPS REJOICE AS PILOT I 6 OTHERS SAFE Son, Husband Rescued of Local FOiks • In Antardic Wastes The wtre 11.11d parent.a of L L Cdr. Glenn H.. Lathrop .Jr .• Coeta Mrsn, today rejoiced 11.t hl1 u.te• reii<·ue hy Nayy htliC<Jpter alter he e.nd alll other!I were ml1J111ing In a plane which, went down in Ant- aruc w&11te1 Ft b. 3. At • p,n1. yeritenl•y, Mr•. Lath- rop, ll•t E. 22nd St .. received a tl'lt•g ram from her husband with !he me11Nge •he haa been wa.itlng for since &hi' received tlte official N11vy tl'legno.m telling her that her hu:ob&nd waa .ate. Sa lt!I Cdr. 1.Athrop: "A ll 11 wt ll F~I fine. Nothing can keep me R"'ay f rom .\"OU long. my darling. All "'1 love." -. When Mr1. U throp received that all-Important telerram from \'Ice Adoo. J . t.. H ollOW!l,)' Jr., Chief or Naval Personnel. W&11hingtoj1. sl'.e 11&ld It ended a week ot wilt· log wtth 1nany 1leeplea. nights. FATllJ;K'S TEl.EGRA.M Show\Jll{ t he effect. or her or- dea l, 11he &a.Id quleUy: .. I wns al- wny1 11ure they would ftnd thern 11.11'1 I am •ure the Navy <!Id all po1111lble. l received the 1111 n1e "·1re 11.1 Glenn'• father (Newport Rr-11!· tor Glenn Lathrop Sr. of •6:'1 Sea· '4'11rd Road ) 11.n<I h8'>'e no other definite news othrr tha.n Lhey werr returned a t 6 3IJ 11.m . OU!N:'of LATHROP .IR. Grand Jury Questions ' Juveniles S ANTA A NA ~OCNSl -P03~1 11.n,i.::e County Gran(! Jury may 1 laking up lhe long-called-for 11" to h11v11 floe> many prayer11.. c11.l111 and Vl"lll iF:llllOll of the Sherirr1 o fl> gnt"I wl11h~. ·•:.fy hW!band i&ld he might not juvf'n1le ~partn1enl 1111 Shenll .. , a m !l1tre tbf'y v.·lll be romlng hornr shortly \Ve are all .'IO lhllnk- fuJ lt was an el<perh::nce tor all Of 118 Involved. It waa wonderful i:ef to 11enrl me a birthd,.~· Ill<'.~' '1l juvo:nlle head Sil· Hu.,..U Cami 1n lune (Feb. 17~ but lhill l11 the bell al fin1l de11ll"d he w 1u1 ~lit hlrth•h•y prtf'ent I cnuld re--Jury wllne11". then b<-pn p.er11plt <'"" •·" LnJo:' pf'\)l'u11ely .:, , he w-. c1t.ll1•• Th~ 11dmir11 l'11 ll!'legr&m lo fa!hl'r befnre !hf' ven1re lln•I wife re1<dl! Can1p~ll rvUo\\•tJ tv.·o t•lh· "I n1 hl'pp)' lo lnforn• yon thRt v.·lt n"lll>CS bPfor,. lh<' jury ~u ~ l\U nt lhe pt!r~nnl'I ab<..,.rol the to 11ppf'1t.T v.·nR ,. 14·Y•'R1-..,ld i.;1• b~ 111 P~·· •'l'rilf'r nf llle Freew11y .111F .,,,g p111.11 .. hove bf'('n round 111'\d '"ho ""'ent to the ..:'illllon yi•1th " nFt\.\·rirk s r ••nl(' lh<' mO!lt r11flidl)' retur nM! tn LltUe America. A )leli-ju••enlLI' ha\! mRtr<)n. Second v.·11. ;:n•'""'" 111 .·a .,r C;ihfo.HlJ•fl. lt is oop1t't' p!lc1teil by LL C<lr. l..11.ri;nri n""" ""II., 11 16-Y"'-r-ol(l l>Qy ""'h'• b<'jl.l"I'" 1fi1• :-;,. .. f>OTl ·'rll.'lt ln ·~n •a ll\ni.l<'"l wHh the pa.rty 11.n•I :·f'ported WIL'l hroui;:-ht lo th,. j\Jr~· hy D••p· An'1 < .i:1v"n ~~,..,.r..,·11y nri.i thr Uui.t All the nil'n '''nlkrd a10.·11y uty 01.'ltnrt Allorney Jul1ll• Au1· ~.on•'\,,,,,. F'rr""'ll\', un lhr nnrth rrom lh,. planf' Furthf'r lnform11-1trro l.'1 i;11rilrn <:101· .. Fro ••w11y an(! !he tio11 :·rgn1 ding the rond1tlon nr th" Al1hnugh lhe ~•·J1~1on 11dn1 ltte<!- \h ""'"ll"n 1\\'(' to th,. "''''Ill nri•· rll•·n hH• h"rn r~1•11•11teo and you ly v:n11 r:ilted ··• cnminal m111 - l ••l r 1>,.,n1•·• l'ntn"n'l ~·r ,.t'v.ny. wdl 1 .. 1111 orn1r;.l whl'n n r~ly •11 1tf!r"" hr J)J~trlct At1orney l'tob•·TI TI1» '''-''."'"'" 11';1 \•,l Thnt thri pro· re..'l'h·,.ri. r r,.J<llce ,,...,th Y"LI In IP. K nl'"ln.rul )""\"nJ .. y. un.1 th•· JX"'t-tl , ~y,· ~t .n ,. 1vouL1t be n1ore th,..lt 11a./e ret•u·n ·• rncl Lh11t F'o1em•n J nhn 1 J11,.k 1 11tc•f~1h,,. tu 1111,11 h llf /»ouUi,.u l Cdr t..throp wa11 ·be)ie,'"'1 .. l!hl'r Sar~en l 11t11Le-I the JUt.Y wuuJ.1 ~ Angrll'!\ t:n•1n 1;· tn11n ""Y 1h ,. r 1•ot nr C'o-p11ot aboartl thl'l ron•Hl"r 11n 1nJit·t•11"n l, li•~ ~,... ,\rnrtt. ~\'tn•l•nJO bl:'fnrt> 11 hui;:r 11r-•1:tl !\\Ill' LT• l1f~ o!f1r•· polntrd out thnl 111~ n,,,,.. ln,.11t1on .. ·oulJ il\h•r ~rlt'.il•r •l•p!l.1!111rnt •l"r" 11 n1111 •. .: ct1<ft sion t oday di1 not ~Ill'""' \!> b• Buck Gets · $8000 Plus in Out-of~court -Balm Deal Settl<'mcnt of legal difficulties belwfen P. A. Palmer and \V. 0 Buck. !UC'a!'l'(·:i.J et;late anrl insuranct> dealers was d10<:loscd tr:.day by J3u1 k A dn1m1ss.al of th·· a(·t1011 order was filed yest.er'liay 111 the court bowie, removing Palmer a s uzt against Buc k and ''1ce-vt·rsa. B(J th .,..·ere filed la.st F'bruary In a IA1.tl l., ovt•r •n 11.I ll!l'r~en1tnt ,,...,·utred over 1 brfach Jeg.,d 11.Kltt!urrtt I of ag-re.·1n,.n1 Thi' arpmrnt wu The 11.rgun1ent betv.·rcan th., tv.·o whelher J••Jn1.,r could enp ce Ln ::ie txi:::d p~~','.'.'.;t~n~~!tn ~:;~ r:~ \ ~';:h~~~~..':11: :~:in~L~s~,c=,~;~ g•n ~0111" 1in1" .. rt .. r Burk &topped m .. nt \\hen l "Llrnt.r ~n t~red tn .. u1akfnt: V'"~ '""nls on JO 1h11re11 nf I lnaurance bu"ln'aa l Jlupped m11k Buck corµuno.t1(•n •lork o.,..·nfd by ln i;:-tho 1n~l•lln1~11t payn1l'nt• ''"' Palmer 1 •tnck a't •bout 5~1 l""r n1001h plu~ ··n ·u. tu.1'URN.. lntt"r<!lll I ThUI •uD&equ .. ntly 1. •I to Lh'" law•ult. ~HI S" t •ll'<.I by b<ot h '"\\la au:ceptl'd u d11.111aK<'ll t ht of ui. fu ll retum or th" purch-...e pr11·~ of the lO sllll.n".1! of 1tock of W . O. Burk. llw Whir h amQ11nted tn P11!n1er iome11 an)' ton11dl'rRl•on h.- could a figure ln o·!(cess <1t S8000:· Buck .. id. A.'I a rt_11u!t ot the du•mt11111.I 1h1rf'11 ti f Buck cl>rpornuon ,.ta.·1< order, Bu)kll bank a ccount 11.n'1 1ancl 1h.l Hul k~··~ 1J .,11 ~ruperl.!.:-1. which ralmer ha.d 11.t-run<ll p11.1d In plus the. cancellll1un ta.cl11'<.i llllll February. were r~-!ur th~ ob\li;ut1on of the p11ym~nl turnf'(! to Kuck, thf! latter told the At!y J{ut.o.rt 1•0,,,.11 ""•I IA••~ News-P~111. j "Krl"l'CI to pay P•lmer Sl T71i '" ·1'he co1aitl,ral1on J"m .rvlng-la ,,-1tll'mrnt uf l'sl111er 1 su11 I• r that w e nre not punruinir lhe 1n11.!-Jl7.fl()() and dlsm••~"d hl1 r1 •·~ tl'r of obUl.lnlng II.fl lnJuncUon to ·ompla!nt aga..1n•t Palln~r r o ... ~ I pn>vent Pu.Im er from engaging ln cl11.lmed PaJml'r 1 tlf'ued th,. "' the Jrururancl! bualneu." Buc k count and proJl"'rl1e1 but B 1" k &a.Id. "I wa.s purchuing the 30 1 paid t'll.-h •pplylng on lhe S077\I, Mla.rM ot \V. 0, Buck, Ille. trom the b•l11.11ce •f'CUretl by prom1sJ1011· P'a.lmer on a note w~ the1 dll-iote . ~ontract Breach Suit Against Holsteins filed by Art Remley S ANTA ANA. -(OCNS) -Co. partner. in a. pt1.lrltlng company, Cl1t1.r!ea A. Davia of SLU'lta Ana 1L11d Arthur Reml'y of Newport Be11.ch, Wednlll'd8.y tiled 1ult f or br~ach o f contnLCt a.ga!n11t the South Anahelm Con.11\nrctlon Co. N11.mf'd u co-deftindanla and co- partner1 In the con.tn.rctlon oorn- 1*1'1)' were Geoq:e M . H olstein. George Hohlteln I, w 1n1a.rn H ol· •teln and Roland Larerlor. The plaintltfs auert they enter- ed Into a w ritten agreement with the drifrnd.ant.a July 20. They were to rumlah mall'rlala 11.nd labor on a 140-hOU!lft 11ubcllvilton near A.n~eim, according to Uie complaint. Howf'lll'r, the plaintiff• elalm. Edison Buys 20 More Acres for Plant Site Southern California Edil!Ofl 0o:1 new pl11.11 t •t ltU11 tlngton ,1cqulred 20 acres m ore llllld ad- jacent to Lta IMte on Ne.wla.nd Bl. •ind at the .ame time the City or ,!untlngton Beach got •bout 114 1cres of valuable I.and designated .. r l111lul'!try. in a. dt•a.l clOfled yell· ,,r,111.y In the ortlce or Wlllta111 :1di1P!lnf', chff.mber of commerce ,.r .. tary. Lly thl' tranaect ion Milla .Land \\"a\cr Cb., of Lo. Ang£"l ea, sell~ p e-sha ped pir:ce of land on thr · ~t aide o! Newla nd St. to th" 1110n Co. To mllkfl th!• ptecP lllnrl ab11t on tht' prr~l'n t r. .. w "· Newl11.11d St. 11'1 to tw turnl'd ,.,.°ti.rd the Wt'at al Atlanta St.. llf1 •t ll v.·1ll mttt Coast High ... ·•> l • point apprnJ<lm.a tely 1200 fr1·l ~ rcr H untington Beach th11-n "1 "" s • t p r f.:IJen l. i h" Mill• Land "-Water Co ,n:l\ng to G11lliennF. l\Jl.ll turnetl . h•lanct> or It• hnld1ng1 a.long · '""! H1ghw11.y o\·er to him fo· "!<le to induJtriea. He plan• to holr\ a 1trtp along Cou t H!ir;hway l11r molel11 and stor.,s, but •ay~ llf' !'MA alrf'11dy contactf'd twu pla.11tlc11 rompll.lli('I that a re look- In~ for ju!t 11Uch site• •• he ha• "' a!l•bl~. A m11.in aorwer lrunW: !Uld main p.. twe crou lhe pro r rly 11-Jld. with plenty or water 11nrnedlstely available, GalU .. nne f•·,.!11 h"" il not llll"" "ny 11c,,1hll' brlnjj'.lng 1-lunlington Beach ju11l t.'UI tyµc of lnd!!.'trlr! lt l.!i !!'",.king lassie Due at Port Ole drrendanU caJled oft bulldll'll!!: of the t~ct and eold the la nd. Thi• nappened after they 1pent $3•78 on materiLla tor th• hou.e•, accordln& lo th• p&inutfll. Thi' pallntltf• con~d they h•v• l>ffn able to ..,u aom• of thfl ma· tertU but atW want ne-.rly l l T , .. 000 iJimagem. Nuzum Hurt Seriously in SA ColUsion California H.icttway Pat.rollnan John J. ?41-suzn of au rtow•r •t.. Coat.a M-. wu today ~I' trom aerioua head lnjurtes ....tf1nd yerterday att.emooa ~ bi.I motorcycle oollided wtth -auto in Santa Mia::--·"-i. tMMll1"4 of Ethel Nu.um ..... tare dJ.apalch-o er and clerk-typUlt In Colt.a K- Pollce Department. St. Jcweph HoapU.al attmld&nt. werl' th!• momlnl' a~Unl ~t. or x .ray1 taken to datlnnina U 11-ny bone• ha"9 been bnlken. Pl_. t'c 1orvery wu betnr pla1U1ed tcw MOflday. Nuziu n wu lnj\lNd when hU motorcycle et.nick tha front and (J f a car on Tu.aUn An ., a1& feet north ot 17th BL Driver of tha r 11.r WU Muriel J . M_,,,.,, JJ, "' 7'2V E . Syoamore .A.WI .• 0raacw:. She WU northbound ()1\ TUUfl -cl iii the proce11a of tum1n1 left when the 11..Ceident occun-ed. The offlc"T" IJ\lfrered ma}or head lnjurte11 aner the cycla can:imed uff the car and rolled "'"ral feet. l 'nlike Newport Bel.ch motorcycl• officer., Nunam -not wearlnl' r he .. orgghf'ad·' l'raah helmet. n.. ,·r&Mh helmet hu not bef'n adt:lpt- 1'<1 t~ Jae by th• California HIP.. way Patml. Gardner'• Parents Both 111 • Heallti Mr. and NrL r . K Ganl!IW, 134 Santa An.a .AvL. pa.rante of. superior J~ Robert Oudft.w and Mn. R R.. RodPm.on. will Oil :s&turday be toe.ether In a Banta Ana re.at hom•. Both are wtfarlnl" fmm atrokni. .NEW STOKE SITE ~ There is lhe crossroads uf most rapidly grcw.r1nJ::" a rea 111 the WMt, aa)'l'I Mahlon E . Arnett, rigP'lt . vi<'t'-f\T't"!!id.-.nt and trcasurt'r of llul!ock·R. Inc., pointing the inlcrsection of Santa Ana F'r('(•""·a y and Af ain ~t \1;ht>rt' lll<' company pl&ru1 to build a multi-million dc->lh1.r d''l'flrlment store. R. l" lirc-C'r, real- tor ot Newport Bea.c.b ia ahown at left. Gree! or Lhe Bay and 84-aeh Rt•alty Coml)Ul.Y pul lo Kethcr lbe 21 parcei. of property for the s lot(• site.-f'Wf Photo Pl11nJ1 r .. r th" n"'A' 11\ort" "1!1 be I IJ I ,.; llAC"K 110:\lt: Jon" uf J n ludlrl n1f'n t t1 1ilu1 ,. UfX•ll !hf! ba/I c 111 • .. ,,1 11f thr ro1n-J.lr• 1.Alhrop .. Id h"° h1mhand S tate lav.·11 l e.;1111e lhi.• <mly pran) '11 \Vf -.IWO<•I 11\nr.. It "'1\1 hs<J •nq:>,.('tt!d to •tart b..-k home the Di•lricl Attorn"v ""d on•· l.llA.~•" 1·a n1ne qul'<'!n or him , n11\A1n :::.ill">IJO .•11 fl or •pare 11nd 1 b1· .-. h ~ a nr1 be homl' by :\lareh. w ilne"• can llf' 111 the Jur•· r0<1111 11n•I lf'levi•1on, '"·ill •rpear Sat- woll b<' 11 nl1Pdnnuu •lf fc>Ur 11\oti~A "l'hll 1re11l1>nl may r1f'lay h11 re-at f>llf' time Nn Olhf'r p..~11 urr1&)' Ill the P nrt The11lr" U 111 tr·· 1 ,, 11 1, .. 1 ,. 1 ;111n"' nl·.,.hat . &he .. 1c1 a •c allc,.,.·M 11·•""'"'· K n-IRn<I J>11r1 ror '"" H ... art J-"und drivf' •t"ll .... 1lh '"" i;:-r,.•t,.r pnr1\nn ofl The cra.h wa. lhe llf'<'Ond lfl i "'llA arrom111u u•·I int .. lh" jllt\" f'h" .,.,JI •l'l'""r 81 l lu p r!I with th" •l.,...• co1•ennc Lhr"" rl0Nr·1. ....1uch l;dr. ~lhrnp .,., ... u1vn1,·C!d llrnl'f'l1ng by A u~trrY .... nn .. 11.ch n,r ""''""r ••ii-rt nl a m•lUlft t'outlnl>f'd on ~ 4 C:0.'91111'4 -~ 4 wit~ 'ahoW. • ~ira. Oar<111er. who 11 82. had bfJen In sood h-.lth unUI J\191. ... rore Chi-1.Jtmaa, t.a now In crlUoll condition. accor<Unc to h er daU1"h- ter. Oa1dner. 17. bu 1utfend a w rtea of •t.ro>--ln tba pMl year VI(! • haJf but altbou&:h puUallt paralla.ed u •tlll •lmnc The coupk. rn•rrlf'd tor 63 , .. ..,... cam. to :\Ml• Ana ln 191:1 from Waa.blna: Ion. rrev10U91.J ''"°"', &owa. • I ......... - • • • ·-~--• -----• • I ;,., lloftOdWe JC)lm ,I, .......... , ..... to r-. eleeMd to~"'-~ Mra. Richard Hermann or Ana- hdm, chairman, atated th.at lhe hwcheon U for all membeni ot the Or-ange County Federa uon o! Re- publican \".'omen at1d thtl r tr1aodll. Tickets tor the event m.y be ob-- Towl es Note Birth CelebraUnc the birth or a M bJ cltl Feb . .J In H OJlf H~pltal &r<t Mr and Mrs. itobert Tawt., T1tl 1\arcluus A"., Ne"'JIOrt ~· CJ AVE L. t.:XCllANG t: at U1rl Sco ut Cuuncil banc1u•·t finJs ret1r111g president. hlr:t. Ted Harobruuk, hwtilinl{ 1~n1blem of 11ffice to 1!f1!. =-'1J11cy Sanders, new chair n1an, bulb 1>tanilu1i::. Al lL·f t are 1'.tr.1:1 . ~!1i.:hael Kay, treuurer and Mra. John Oeztly, tint vice pre.ident. At right, Mn1 . Jack ~berry. eecond vice·president a.nd Mn . Earl Doa.ne, 8eCS!etary. DF•Y e-, wu among thc .. ;e present at & luncheon 1n Jonathan Club, l..o11 Angeles, when plans "·ere <.:u rnpleto ·d rqr the annual dinner dance o f the L. A chapto r. '.'\at11 u1:d A•aocia't1on -of Cost Accountants, tu be I, : I :-:atur- day al Sport.smap'a Lodge, Nort h I-lollywo•id J<>hn- son JS pa."-t president of thl' rhaptl·r Scout Council Staff Seated N EW POR T H A R BO R Past Presidents of BPW Honored at First Banquet • MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women'a Editor The put presidents or the Newpun H11.r bor Bui11neSR I and ProfeM1ona.1 \.Yornen were honored gue1:1t~ at a dtnner l meeling held at the Nl'wpurt Harbor \'acht ('lub 1'\·b. 2., M l"fJ. Eva Van Wissman intnxtucl'd each pa tit president, I ---------------------------·land told of the accomplishments and 1ntf'n.·~t 1ng­ PAGE 2 • PART I -.NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1956 dur1111 lhe t,.rin n! offl<" ut eaLh "' Mrs. Sidn ey Sanders Ne\v Gir l Sco ut Head l1'1oae pr .. ~nt werr · }fJM M1&r- C"Uertte \V•y. ;\tr• L. I~. l.11~11 ------------------------------[Mi a. J . H Pr!._~. Mi•• Aguel' ll.r )t RS. \\'. B. TRITT "T,. pror1oll' and ex pand lhe l:\L'!lJur progr<1 m in wider f1t·ld:-. '" :-ilr ·11gtht"n t he girls' program in ~Pneral and ~Ll"\'l• 1 f.,r achiltii , l u cont111u1• to interpret Cir! Scouting t.i p,11·, 11tt1 nn•I the 1•uhlic.: -these are the obJect1ves of ~>1··.v1• 11 11 :1,t••r !'111 I "' i:irl '.\'1Jl1.1 r.1 Spurgron Ill kntl \\'!lll •n1 .S«1u1.. f, l'1'·tl s .. I 1 \lr·• ~! '"" Xew mrmbt>r11 <n t hf" noml- :-:1,i. .• , s ,,11i.L·••. 1..-·., I "~"h·nl n11t111i;: ,-.,mm1tu!., ttre ~ln1~ IA!11 "' n ... ,.. "'' d '."r.u II E C'hrl.'lth·r. J 1Jhn B11lt t!t '' i'1 f!n1l•Jy "'Id •"ll\JnUI!' her· ~t•on•I ear on the no nHn,.Ung cornmtlte.- 1.111•p1··t &1 rh l.1!11" llv•·~·· Hll L<o 1·h, n111n J111 '.!I 11nd 1 •• nr frn111 1 •1~•tt i1 l (o~,J 1ne1nl1f!r~ rontlnuinr th!' lh" ,, .. 1 ... 1.,111111. •f•·•···~ "' ':':17 i ..... ,...n•t Y'"llr """Tl' tnt~tterd 11n<1 WILL INSTALL OFFICERS OF REPUBLICAN WOM EN Mnt. Hlld r@d 1-~11rrell, lrl'a.murer of Southern D1v1.i.on, Cahfo rnla Jl'eder11t1on or Republican \\'omen, w ill 1n1l•l1 VffL('ers o! the H.11publh •n W omen'11 L1uh o r the Harbor A rea 11.l a morning Jlt!a11.111n in Mra. K en neth A Jl>rl1 ht"1 up11rtn1l'nt at B11.lbo1. Bay Club. T11.ltln1 nrnee "'Ill h.-~fr!I. Sam Berne.1, P"'"•lrl.-nt ; Mra. Hll"hllrd Tca.i::hout \hr pres.ldent. Mr1. D~ Drultell. lrt•lla- urer. J.l r11 :\!Irk Sod~n. 11ec relllry <tnd Mrs !Lwta Ua rdlner, pa rha mtnt11r11n. A hu~1n.-a11 m"t"llng wtll prttt-dl" tht" IMt11 lla Ul')n "'•rd lhr 1 ro11p cuunty Club. fvr tln•1r w ill JOU'I ,.Lher Repubhct1 n "•1men of l he ann ul.I L incoln'• Day lun~h~11 at tha Bay I ..,,.., \luu:• C \\ayne Cro.,.,·I E ,,.. H 11rbor "''" •:11 1 !'·"·nul.~ Flr!v 1,.11 :>;vnar;. A rthur H•'•nl,..y and :·----------------------------- truop~ .. 11• r,.,,1~·, I • l ""1lh ~l:! I Ha t1•h \\"11\o X. ~l r,. John ~· FreltlL'I I SNOW aJU!\l' "'llH ''""" 1>;lV•'ll l l OO•J r"·•· upJH1lnle,J to t he p1..o111 tlon or CAMP PLANS h .. 11111 ,,r \•olurl'l.t"I ,.~rvu:f' to th•• 1•,:•1t111r ·-------------------- pro·r>1nl h1X h11nd r ed w.n,J l i!IV ,\tis. J;: T L'h ap1n110 J r ln11tall· ~ h 1 L• Off" • t: ···I tt~,. ;:ruup nnd "I'"' f'rl"sente'I et e in e leer s 1;1rl.• hK·I ~"n1•• ! 11111 "' •Hpl'rv111l~t !ianl.~ ha•lgt•>J to ~l •ir Jfan•bro<Jk , am1•111i:; 1.nd<'r i;:-i aui1p,cr11 !11 and ~Iii. Sanders J:o:, .... \ .• !ol l !11••111 l,•.J l'I f l\"'° clll y J:1••k l ·'!V j 11.v !'"'"!' pt'llt>tl 1$2.2U Spe11J1er or lhi: l'\"f'nlnK . .1011.-ph Advanced • Stations .1n fltit<k. secrelll"Y ur the 1111te 11en· f'"' l(irl 1. o\ r.1 n1<,11l 1. '"!' 11u.ip· nt.-, ')11).~•· R.• hlll ll!ll1j .. ~t "Nf!.wpnrt 1.1,: "t 12 dlf!e1 •·11L 11ltes and lnler-l lu.t,ur Coldep J ub!l<'r "' Ou" lo At the Jl'rb. 2 mee~\f1g o! J ob'• met<tlnf dale ror cholr prartlce. Blo1nqul~t . '-1 1'11 H. G. l.Mkhart, Mr.. Bert ~1 orr!a, Mra. E>l.rl )jt11.n- J.-y. a.fr1. J o,hn \\' Tubbs, Mr•. a.1 C. Sheely, Mr~. C..rtrude. ('nJI. l'tr. Mr1. J . P. Sulherta.nd. Mrs 1:1 J Han,Jr Mrs. A. F: F1ttmor - rL1, Mr•. Robert F W 1ll1ne.1. ~Ir• C. K Varner. and A!r~ Harol d L. Bird. Mr1. ~f!ldred Ynunr;.,r, a pro- D'lln1nt Loi Angele1 Republic-an woman. adrlrl'!.-:1 the c lub on •·woman's P lace in l 'oUUc11." She 1trtuf!d the tact that women mu11t enter tnto pc.lllic1 and \•1 ) enter into loc11l pol1t1c~ fltl l Her Ptr.otutl eitp.-rlences R Jdl•d m11t·h hu1nr.r to lhe talk (l!h"r ('\'""t" l""ff t.h" PV<'lltn.r Ill· lh"l'-"d lh" San 4Jrrv Dl•lrlct prt-· 111•lf!nt, Z.lra \V L I Ruth I i.·,.u··r- l tlllll or 811.n litrn-.;d1no llnd the Oru.re county (.'oun(iJ p1e•1<lent. Mr1. Jo~ephuie J.'ul!er o! Anaheln1 The valf;!n tlne 1nollf wa• car· rtl-d out tn th,. dri;or11llona. ~ir11. Au•tln Cvle. Mr1. ~ll"lll. Bach· m•nn. •nd 1'1 r1. Valf!rie Shleld1 11 rranied the deeoraUona. E ach r-11t pres111ent wa1 pre11ented Wtlh a hanrtk11rch1<'f Jn a v.UenUne r11ld1r. , "'10,.il ('amp1u1;: ex~rlence•. hlll n111ny year11 r r11!r!.-nr-e In New- ~c;n t i· A(1"1\'1T l t·:s por~ Rrar-h , l'otr Rl'e k ~pok"' from l'ote11a, wlth Honored Queen C•rol prlnce11!'1. r!'celved 1.n enfntve1 New Jones Baby p~n1nn a! kno.,.,·1,.,!gl' nn Harbor ··,,v ~n-h·1:idr-rl'd an·! •eventeo·n Crain pre11!dln&". a apec lal elec· bracelet rrorn •ll the g1rl11 11nrt t<'- Dau1bter1, Bethel 1~7. Ca11ta Mu g le Knox. out-1 oln1 Hnlor 1--------------- " · · ··vcnl~ anrt ,,,.,._,,ihrr! In ln!rre11!-Mr •nd Mr11 Remn1el Joni!~. lo••!),.., •pr 1l 1enc\' nu•rlner t1r1t th tion for the offlee of m uihal wu tN1hment11 wrr• ..erved In hrr ' • • . 't I; fnll h l'Jn lh<' gr<'nl flr<llt"r""" 11.nd 302-C ~lnnte V!11lll Ave. CcHtta .,. '· '''·1·1 • ~--an·I •••r~····I ,n,~i ~r'""''th or thr rir,.n, held K11y K incaid waa elected snd honor. • ,,, .. ., ., .... i"l'I nnJ 1,,·.11 nJ•·d dtirinx !';,,.xt m~tlng "wlll be Feb 18 ~teaa.. a re the proud parents or rn•· )'t nr. C'omn1u1111y ~<'rv1ct·a 1 , :oi l'l'.:<"1.\1. ~.t ·t:~T~ Olhl'.r hne off!cer1 ad vanced In 11.t tha Friday A fternoon dub. 11. b1by !la111t"ht.-r bom Feb. O ln "'""' tl'n'1rre•1 by r; rl S<nut11 lo S pn<"ln l gu""1" At the b&nqurt 1t11.lion 7:30 p. rn. 1101.r Ji nspltal. the Corn11un1 1y 1.'ht,.l, Hctl Cru11.•. "erP ll lrll. n F. l!:i rli•~on. <lean uf Tho11e tn1ta Ued to 1.helr new 1------------------------------ 1,0111',tal, ( .. il .. lnr;l.!I wel!llrl'. P-T.\ •1rl~ nt llarbor H1,i:h, ,\!rs. Herold , h.J 1 t•tue lllld club rlng"ccrl'.mon!ell f llrlen1 Robert&o.n and ).{rs. \YI!-po!llt!ona wert1 ; Bel'uly ~ebe, 81111 \h<'Y participated In the VPl· ham Col!'n1an ".' Z•Jnla Club: Z.fre. !lenlor prtnceM; Mary Ann Coop - . 0 , , •• moM•I F.d ~llHet. presull!nt of A.Mlstanct er, Junior -llleeaa; Janet .Ary, 1•rn~11 ay pnrnue llnu , .. e 1 '" Pi>~· 11rrvlce~ A c~ompl•te .t1n11.nc111l p;:,.~c;lngMt~~ ~0~~1~\~ill~;~n~~~~; (Ulde; ud K•y Klnca.ld , rnUl!hal. •lAt('ml':it of the council""'' g iven . .,1 1 DAI" J T v 0 k Ca.rol told of the p roJTe&a or ' •• Shi o...1ap er, •• . 811 ye The «olor i4Jlf•I o , .. 11riner , P prClloldNii or Ute chs~ber of <'rim~ '"Spaw ca.mp"" pJ.ata. with an eu- }.!au!. t!k!pperc<I by ;\frll rRtrlrk meree ; Rol>l!rt Olt1n1ler pre1ldent iy \\·11 1~""· openl'd the prngi·11n1 "'·r-r :if th,. C"o""m"nit)· '"h••l". M11 rrh date likely for lhill T II I k j ' y " • "''ef!k·,.nd ev.-nL She also advl11etl "'"' h ~lr11 '"' ll!Tl i rnu 1''"11 • ('ur111n RnJf!r F rHnk !>loore anc1 •'l'nl. l'l"l'"•'h·•l ~lr111hl'r~ of the l'.l r~. Oonalcl l'.l unsnn. rrpn·sl'n!!n "~~l~!Bnt orf1~·er" lo pre pare for 11hlp In thrlr bright bh>t" u n!lnn1 1~ !hr Ani rrlran 1,,,.~!on P011t ; Al Ry~ llll~.•llt ute night, Feb. 16. when ~,.r,·<'d Ill t11 hll'!I find lf''I lhe llnlMJll 1 ... tt. nf the p0,vrr Squllrlron: \\'II-lh~y "·Hi A!UIU!llt th11 rtutll!s of ~•ngln,lt'. lr111n Sp11r"~n III. or the R"y lhrir r.-,.,1,, olll'"''"· ;\"f:\'' OF .. 'lf 'f:lt."4 "' " ' ... S<'out ori11nlr:11Llon : 1'1N'I Paul Ro· 1-'rnny Speth. presldtnt of the '-l••111her~hln non1!nt\llni:: r<\!l1<llll · t r1• 1•h11lnnu ;1 .\It·.~. \\"1llJnr11 Ii T1 1!t. prt"""lllf!rl lhP nrw 11l11!t• nf of(1 r"rll. hn11 rd n1,.n11lrr11 an•I nntn•· n.,llr'lg con1rnlttre. fi:J.-r tt><·\ \\"ere ~I n• SanftP 1~. 11rr."1,1l.-nt . Mr11 Juhn Ot-rtly. fll"l!l \'Ire pre11t.1ent : ~\Js J a<'k Qul11 .. n btrry 11r<'<>ll<I 1•ice pre.•- tde"t; ~I r~. li:&r l Dollne, 11~1t111 1y anrl Mr11. Jrtltr-haf'I K11.y. treMurrr Board m"mhere named ""t rr Mn1ea. C . !t l~"l::clu~. TN 111\nl- brook. N . L . .J nnf'I, li<'rn111nn :"ack Otis J o hnsons at Palm Springs for W eekend J.l r. anct l'o1 r~ Oti• L. John~>rl. 25.3:1 Cre.tvil!W Dr11•1, 11~n t th" we..k end llt 1'11l1n Sprlng11 plr· t lclpatlnK In hn lnform11 1 011 tlng ot the "T ore1u1nr1'", .'\ation11I A11· llOda Uon o! Coet /\ccountanlll Mn>lce club. The T o1·tt1dor11 <'ll · terWned thrlr l'1ves In thr p11lm c ardl'n 111'tltnJ1: o! \Vondrr P11ln1ll The J ohn.sons l'nlcrtal!lr•I "'Ith a cocktail rri.rly !'l11tu11J11y ....... n lng before lhll j!'T"011p ft!n~ a1 the Shadow Moont111n Club The Tn"'11dot11 111"1!' 1,.11t ofrlcenr 11.nd cttr«tor• of \hi' ,..., .. AnR".-1•·• Chapter of NACA wtm Ill? •IPrt· ed to !he 1..A N AC A Club In l"t' !'OIP!lllon ot th,.lr ""nl11 h11t1 ... low•rd the •'haptPr'll ,J.-1•.-1ror 1•l• a nti ""rv'IC•.,, to the ~r111lh .. 1-n ( •' furn.la ~~neq t·ommunll I I •!t>t . ('11111pf lre nlrl.~; 1'fr .J n~"Ph n••lh~l , l1<>1r, anoouncl'J t hat lhl" A,.ek. llnc1 their re1pectlve h1111.1r.•·"·•n>I ,\t•11Hl11y of r!t•·h n1noth, hnnr111 or wtv<'ll. _ , O·:ln tu~ I' rn., will be U1e reg-ular Do You NEED MONEY? for Pressing Monthly Pa yme nts Overd ue O bl igotions For Othe r Needs GET CASH IN A HURRY Oii Your Best Security • CaH Harbor 1549 • Royal Mortgage Co. $10 95 C A SUA L KID S Your fttt ntver hid II so sol!! Fetf the glove sollness ol thest pretty dr1Ped Kidskins e1 pe11ence their foot coddhne lit. ind you 'U be • Penatjo fan 101 life! Dressmaker to comiMement Sp1ine 111sh1ons1 I.I 8·%718 Mesa Center -~osto MHCI l'Whreen Alpha &!ta utd Tl1riJty Dru• • f "onununll) Crffiil • ' '<.. ...... wr~ AL.SO CAflRY CO~fPLETE LINES OF • Whitman 's & Albert She etz M.LIO&SBOLM LdVtMO NIW YOlll JANUARY 9, 1957 97 DAYS 20 '°ITS 'I.AN NOW I., ,._, "'C"'I" "' • Uloti-'" ot.. .. d it. ............ .,._r ... """ f.i...r-_,..,.. '•..d $....dloh ....... ic ... l< ............. ...i 1wiol••. ,.,,., ,,.,, •• 12.roo. WllTE OI: (All K>I COlOlfUl urw ruu , I~ Al.,J. Candies •n LoJvt ly Va lenUne t l1f! &xea In alt price ranges \\' Al'\TED ODORS Corona del Mar Travel Service Cout lfwy. at Or1'hi1I •('ru•11 front {.'D!H J',f_), Phone:: Jlarhor 1246 G IF T packag<'d Cosmetics and Toiletries • Th• I' N'.OM" rt ptlon Pharmat:y for the H11 rh<lr Ar1m CRAWFORD'S b , ~ • .,., @• .I)('. lJ 8-1242 ~ . FREE DEUVEBl'. . "." Give S&:tl Gri?Cn Stamp!' JM -I ~·t',,-port 81. In heart of Co!;ita Me. BUY FACTORY DIRECT AND ·SAVE FREE YOUR CHOICE OF ONE OF THE FOUOWING, Headboard and legs or Adjustable Fram• or 10°/o OFF PRICE With Any Box Spring ond Innerspring M'!"'n• Set -ONE WEEK ONLY- OUR HOTEL SPECIAL INNllSl'llNO MATillSS and IOX lnlNG TWIN 01 f\JU SIII IOTH ,llCIS 11)..Year Guarani" KING SIZE .. , .... Pl•~· ........... 99.50 QUEEN SIZE ""'..,.. ·~~ ....... 89.50 Olt 100/" OFF ones Twin 1h: .. , S.W hill lite, 1 ..... .. Ji.ti ... at.ti,.."' .... S,KIAL SIZf AND DIFfUfNT TINSIOHS OUI SP'ICIAll"f IUOGIT -DIUVllY UINO YOUI llDDINO l'IOIUMS TO UI E-z · REST BEDDING CO. OVH 2S YIAIS Of MANUfACTUllNO IXPll'8tCI O~n Darty t A.M. to 6 ,.M. -Mendoy and FrW•y 9 .. t 2030 S. MAIN Kl 7.3440 15)20 LAKIWOOD I LYD _ lO ._.4417 SANTA ANA l&llU>Wll , • I f I ' r I I ' . .. ' • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS PART I -PA6E l A'?rRUBY BALL -Prom111ent gueel!I at the Ruby Ball. aponaored by the l.1f,,hghtC'n1 at the Bev~·rly Hilton Hotel Q8 a benefit f()r the Exceptional { 'hll- dren'• F oundation \l.'l'ft' II t11 rl ~!rs. Davis. ~I r ,,111! Mn. Howard Ahmanaon of Harbor I.eland and ~fayor George Davi.ii of Beverly Hille. -Be verly H ilton Photo SEALARKING Reveal 1'roth of OCC Co uple . I Mr. IUU1 Mr•. \\'. Chari• 8Ul.b.• ABOARD T YPEE : W ith sads ready for ho1,.,t111g .,...r f'rl11.ntJ of ftidg"ew<ood, N. J . an· cruieed out the bay just lut Sunllay midst a drizzlini:; r .tLtl . •iounce lhe en&"•ll"en1ent ot thett •. , O\lr uptun1.sm v.·as rewarded however f ur a.B 'A'c rvtui·i• d tl·•"Jo:tlter;. ",",. n Ehzt1.bct.h, to H.ob· B;r OL~Nl' (MRS. EDWAJ<I> Lt:.S1"t:R ) S.\llTll . ..,1 \; ,.a 1a. ~"n or Mr, lll\d the bell buoy that glon oUB Newport aun poure.-1 furth tv ... ,r,, RoOo"·rt L. 1'11olhft. JIM! HllUI form a backdrop !or a v.·1u. of a sail. lJrH~ W .\VEil to Howard 1 .... ngl~y 11nd M 1~11 Sutherlllll(I lA UQUl•il<" wh1tf! O'H&rll '-'tu• r will ,i,,u•l•te, .. f Mr •"d Hubert V III< ent who "•'rt' nH-. ~ " be reaturL'(I 111 ll<"lll w ... 11\h , ll •l'•k•• L\f 71~ Llold••nr0<I In"°· about 111 11 .. ,i,,. .1 .. ,1,"K" 111tle n1utor lau111h ,-;rt••"l l.•k• I[ •111•k- t111,,,t o-r·-m1·u1r .. \!11r~l'l • . Jtt.'lt t h~n \he !"in ,, ,,.,,.,, T.u«ky l •.ol•hn1an rlo•w Iv "'''h •,1!•!n and ~~1 K r~rt 11.n,1 ~"'' I ·uu,: •dJt1111·d. r·J.YTI!: IV, ~:\"«l\'11 IU1'1 1;,."'J{~ R•••"I" <ulorful JJUHll:'"' .. 1""1'"'"' '''" k.<11•1" •l th., llrni)• \' Ll<"nun .... • li><lhuil. l"•·r "Sunday 'al11ng '· "'hen ,.,. "llll<"•I ha•'k ho111., •l•"•'n !he t..11y Vogue), KAr"n .Marl!;r~!ll 1111.,11•., •Sh•' Wit.~ i;:rK•!Ulll•••l fr<)tl\ Rtdi.;e- Wlth Thomu Woort. -1111, l':•rinr\', "''""J lli ~h S<'h•"ol N .J ~I r. FaJ h~ '-'.1"' "''"11111 1~.1 frnn1 :-;ev.·pnrt ~1 .... r,.11. H 1Jw11r<1 La"'·''"'' 1 •. I· ' llarbor Unton Hi1.;h /'4.-hool Both ,\1 11•k~y11. ~ ,\h1x111 .. •'!•~ 1 ·1~111111g<"r look.1110:: ~v l'l' tt.y t'ffl<Lt"lll Ill tht" ll<k.,t l>1l,)o· ' . ' ' '' '"" f"'<·jll<· '"" 1·1.-,..·ntly .11.t- \,.•1·hn1-: (ITIU\J:" f'oa;t 1 • .. 11~Ke ANN SUTHERLAND DATE SE:l' -Mr. and Mr11. Grant E . Parke r , 46ti Wetitminaler Ave., are announcing the engagement ot their daughter Oarlene to Romaine Corbin, s<in ul Mr. lllld Mn.. Leon&rd N. Corbin, 2133 Orange Av{! Costa Mee.a.. The bride-elect we.a graduatc..-d frorn Newport Harbor Hlgh School. her fiance 18 a com- mercia.J art major al Orange Cowit CoUege. Tht' w l..._i. ding will be June 24 at St. Andrew'a Church. -B.ob- el"U Studio --- Merrill Daughter Will Wed • M r . and Mrs. John B . Mer- rill, 230 -24th Place, Costa Meea. announce the engage- menL o! t,h~i.r daughter , ¥ar- ilynn Loaine, to Noel Dean Bu rka , aon of Mr. and Mn. F. D. Burka of Laguna Beacb. 1'1 !.. Merrill wu gnldua.tl'd from Newport H&rbor H l K h School, attt•n ded Orange COii.lit Colles• aJ\d La pre!l"nUy employed by the P acific Telephone and T•le- C"r&ph Comp.o.ny. What Could Make Her Happier than a Val entine from tile Jewel Box H<'XI •kJOr •poll<"cl ~an•IY and '" 1° ll•i'rrou~h11 "''ho .. 11 1 dl!.~rt I h~ '""' ~r ..... 7 ._,,, t~ • M)IJlllry>- 1111" h"'"" which they p! '" to b1nhl on 11 11~1r•"•que uµpcr lJay vleW k r\.,11 1r,11 m-'JIY p.rt or Gf'Q tl(e /lO!IC" lu o "Ill:'<" I gn1• Lou~ .Nld J.,,.,iy blon<I .\I i; t1lar llurlon Rn mhurger 1a home Bruntng •lllO gr~long the i;ut-,ol · 11.t h•!I Litlo !."!le ·"Shang-rt Ill de da " .•. llr<1und abnul. Ad<Jnl"ll 1'!11!1.~l· alter R ,.pig" Ill lluag lloap1Lal wHh T.,,,, Quinn. l kunthy Cuun I c•n not 111111glnP a more d"Ughtrul ~I no an "''llh Andy Ku k Thh a nd •1>01 1n 11o hh::h tr, recuperate ... AJ Payn11 (Wbu .,.,1 11.ahurtly IN ve IHVINE t :OAl:IT Country Ciub·1 for t':lJrt..,,..1. l..8 \c,.n•· 811•1 John 111 ·1..o"· \·111 ... nt1n ... ·1 r•1nn~r Dant'll' \Vilco' of 1 ... mon ll•·1gh 1 ~ •hf)W rh1~ s,.1urol~,. night promlio~,. tn a.ill.IUJ.llfl: tu IUl.J uul, 11o li..11 JLl;i.lil~-tn.: a 1.:"'-'i..IH: . 8 <'C011l/l\Qtif l1Ull'I tng John for th•• f •r~I t1n1e. that "'II II<'" lllultt'<I !u n1.,n1ber11 <July uur grtoa l·J(tandru .. t her~ WPl"f' ~\II-!'"tty will ,., )Phrate the S 11t- l<"'l ~ l ••• "·hat 11 '11\lall world urol11y JUld Sun'111y H1-LQ To11rn11· M.r. Burka wu graduated frocn 1 LaifUna S...acll tllgh School tu1d 1J•·rve<J aix yea.r• m thf! IU'ffiy, at-On Texas Visit 1a1n1ng the rank or captahl. H' M.IUl.J Suii:&-1 Ion• """.JI \'011r ~IN't.lon 2726 E. Caast Hwy. t !J11 Otllilge Coun1,-' how n1re n1•·nt Corona del M.a.r ~IDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1'56 ' Lodi~~-rlor ~ .. :-......... .. .. or 'Hair a good Shaping ..... _ .-_._. -.• .J..r.y,_., -' • Olt-·• llUr c.t*c A .,..at7 lrim • Q.1 . n.f 8'. -(.ut. tit p ... otfklil) -~ ..... neckband can't sag! on the Munsingwear T-shirt • / sl so N YLON-reinjurced rwckba ruL hokl.s its shap_e /r_J rrve r ! Putl it ... Streich it ... ~~h ii \' l'ar 1l ... ()nl.' tht" ~f uus 1t1KWear ·r .shirt hat1 th1~ l'·'''"nlt"d nr<'lliand that stays ftat, 1rim and white aod olher: ahadea. .- WE GIVE S&H GREEN STAMPS OP~!°'i" SUNDAY .... ' 1..:E:" :-;11 .f;l'l 11n•I hi ... g la rnunu1a "'"'Ii" "Ill "I"• 'i.:u Bn('k l\11y" the f!nrl tlf th\8 111.,lllh wht•n lho•y will move onto !hc11 nt'"'' fl1>]Atllll ;o.:,.w Orie""~ Cul<•o l.11 1knowl.ng ho..- artl8Ul' Nao1Ja i.. I <'lln g u .. ,.,.. that 1he hll8 had II g:r<"al p!lrl lf1 th• plane) • , • th• N!lea U8 attll c,n. Udo at th• pT'81f!nt. '• RC' th.._ r Lark Jo:ng l<"1na n,, the l'AT f'ORERl.Y an•1 that h1'nt1- Hay Lllng,.nhein1.• the lJJck Ruh· •nn•<", P•1pular H"lb<.>• Uay Club •rd11. ConJ{r1'luh•l1un11 ln Pr-.,~!-/'ro·~irlrnt -l•l r..,'!for ~;II Cn111o·ley.11te dent Morcli1nd 1 .... 1th .. J'1 for a fllhU· really •l•.,11i.: \hr town h1·11.rd lou• benefit and "01. h1ols" L" l:o>n-tt11•y w••1•' 11t Bing C ro11by•11 th .. eral Cha irman ~Ir!'! AlfrPd Payue other n1;:h1 11 nrJ Lh<" next day wer<" J.!11w A . s. Thompll()n. 312 La comP'.t.lnir p,......drnW c;OUMlefl Sant.a AnK Ave., left Friday tor at Orange Coll.Ill Coll<"ge whe~ h<" a 1!:11 w~k• v\111t in \t/ell1n.:ton.1 h8A KT'Ved a. '_l"Ae \'<Ci."·p~1!dent, T"exu and nearby ritlf!.1 Thl11 111 plannln&'. eomn11Mloncr of lh.e Stu- her olr home and !hll will vtalt dent Cow'lcil 1ulll ..,._. membl!or of l ~=============di:..:==========================--==~ two broth<"r,., 11 ,.u1L .. r. oth<"r rel"-A lpha Garnma SiKlflL I' BACK TO th11 lower bay nnet1 l&l'•ln and LIM Ba.Ibo& Bay Club 1.nd U...t ~i"IUful Valentin• U..11 wh..lch U.. Oranr• County l'hll· trannonlc s&::iet, 1a•e lul ll'rld&y nl(ht • • • decoratlOAI w ere 90 ·~olortul and glam()("OU9 • • . tbe night WU poelJ.9 u hundred• of 11,ghta frorn th• uqulattely decor- ated "tablea reOe.lted Jn the watanr ot tha bay •• 1 and tAank you, thank ;you,. WUt Dllroq for that terrlflo ,Oolden B one.hoe Revue and our faTOf'ita Dona.Id Novi• I memort• of tho9e wonderfuJ 'Grove dayll) .•• amoa& the many coclctall parUr. W.:. one (tven by MaroaU and Wayne !'wnll In their Bat Cl\lb apartmenl ... Honored cu-ta .,... KIM Fl'teda .&lift. fanta (who Jooked uqullllte In • whit• l'OW'n and mink •lcile) all her ..cort, Adrl&n Holland, the Yery lnt..-Unr and tamou. eon- cert ma-. ot the O.C. PhUhar- • monlo Onilaeatra ol whlcil Fr1eda I• the conductor . • • alao there: lvo and M'&Jr: Sturs-•. Dorothy IUld George 'Y\rdiay, •monit oLhf!MI ... OANCrNG 11.t the h11.ll ; thr Ha<hl Rln,.., Hank and Dn r ot hy !O'H&ra) Lunn<"y (Dorothy In an Camp Fire Leaders Slate Business Meet Mernbera of Ule nev,.ly org11n· \.Hd Hubor Arra CA.mp F'irP Leader• A llll0rl1>l1"n will n1eet Feb. 10 ln lh<" Jo"iral Bapl111t Church. Cotlt• Me11o11 . J.l a1tnoU1t Av•., •l 1!·30 a 111 . Pr,.,.,1,11n11 __. ~ bl.laui-me&Uulil wUI M the nf!W r hairma.n , J.tr .... Paul Rodet uf Blllbo11 ~ht "111 "'P· polnt chairmen f,.,r th" vann1u1 C011UY1ltl<"e11 : bo11plt11l1ty. "ervit·r proj«I, rlay r1t1n p. publh:ily tu1d Of'ang• Countr F'aJr )t:ra. H.Alph \\•11t,.rfi't,.11. prt!J<"nl peanut 1111lt r h111rman. will makt ,. report on th" Ca n1p io·irP I"'"· nut a•le hel1\ Jan. 2U l•i FPh. ::0 Mra. RUMl'll Nort.h<'Utl, ltm· pora.ry c h&Jrn1•n of th,. l'lle<'Ul•~ boa.rd of t..."amp F'i"' 11nd Mr,. F.1- llot Mnrri.. \'l<'l'·<'ha!rn111n of · lhe local Leader!! ANOc1atlon, will bl!' pl'"-nt to dl..-u11• the 1·umll\R In· •l•ll•llon rtlnn<'r C'io 111r F'•r" JMdtn . •ponllOnr and p•r~nt.<1 nl Camp ,.,re Olrl11 anrl Hlu" Uinl• will rff"•1ve 111vil•llun11 IC! lh ~ 1n .ta.Jlauon, to " h•ld March l'I la Harllor H ouM. llY<"I an1\ friend•. The couple hu not announced a wedding dale. Jr. of Emerald Bay ancl her many •een lun("h•nK at the BBC. NeW Farr~ll Baby aide•. JAM SES~JON al tl'le S,.y Club _..__ ~.w Rieb·'""'• rlo-'-• offe-Prou<I parent. ara Marine S(t. • ""'" ...... ~-.~ •n A C A P U L C 0 yacht.11n1en and WR.al qulLP 11 h•.1ollng aocceM with and Mr•. Robert Fitrrell \VU-cut tlower .ervlee bl · w~k).y, their crew1 wUI be ~1n00 and ~onn t ry Wit,•hhurne. Jim Wuh-llama, eo.ta Meu., followlng the Wll'4!!kly, or u dMlred-Phone H ar· ·dlned tonight \lrllh a rrt um 1'"'11'-urne, l vo 11.n1! Mall lS~l St~r1e•, birth of t:helr d•UJhlflr J.~eb. o bor 2828 -A._dv. brallon puly . rockla1l1 flr1t Lnill "nil n,., . .,. .\tacClyment, ;Judy 111 Corona Naval H OllpitaJ. L,.:;;:i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~{ a.t Andy k lrk't BAiboa Bay front anti Harv~y I banjo} Hler11 among 1----------'----- home then on to th .. Robrrt ul h~r" "nt .. r lainlng at dinner Mllltr'• n<"w HarbQr lalt humf! for ilrst "'<"t<" IJ<ornthy 11n\/ George o:l\IU\tr. YardJty 11o·llh .\t11111a 1,1nd Kl!ll Delm- Horbor Rest Memorial Pork llng io n•! J t'IUI and ~~bb H adley PHIL ELJ..ERBROEK and hl11 who hO!!lP<I qu1le 1t l(toup . . s l.o charming Annett.a arid f lllf! dau1h-about. S11.lly 11.nd c<:iurt Platt and ter Barb$ have ju11t r"Uu"fH'<I from F r11.n and IJn11K Br,..wn , w 1Zlad northern •hore. .,..h<"re Phil attend-to 8e<" Fran 111 111• and about after ed the Callfomla A.I.A. School hrr 1tr1·1d .. nt \ Ovl!'r a.nd Qui. houH comm ittee meet1ng11 11.t I----- Monterey and &rb1 anti 'lf!r mother '"did Carmel"' . family we~ ovrrjoyed to bP able to meet a fHend who 111~ home wtth them for a two wttka 1<"1"Ve GOOD NEWS to brar tha t pop- New Dugan Baby J.t r . a n(\ _\tr11 .Wllllam Dugan. t90!'J Broad St . Newport Beach, arf! lht pr'ltHI par<"nlJI ot a 801l bc:irn J an :i i 1n Hoag Ho11pital , • , whetll'Vet' JOU ro, whatever you do 111tl1t~llduu't1 Ofl you go, crisp t o'ld lr,,h a' can be 1n • 1m.,rt. 'tep-onto trenchcoat dress of lint combed col!Of'I 1hlrtin1. Wa5h1bl11 and creaM resl1tant. Button down lront, •mbl1m Of'I back double ynkl , railroad 1t1tch1n1 trim. .S i.::r.t J" I'> fn Gu ests from Iowa J.1.r llnd Mr'll. Rollie Bogga of CrC!!lton Jowa are here for two weeks at th<" hon1e of Mr•. Mamie I H av>r<". 209 29th Sl. M..,.. &lgg1 19 s111ter of "her hn1te111. Ma=cl ! ma i.&enw.t OardCllaa. C-t.ef'J Harllor at OWe.r ~~I For the Discrimineting a double feature by NIAGARA o THE RELAXlNG CHAIR FOR THE HOME -plus - e The Th,rmo-Cyclo Pod A he•t-m .... ge 1111it fo r tired muaclm anl..I good clrcul•tlon. To b<? 11een now 11l out new addreu C-111nl!' 1n anrl rela:ic -No ob\Jgalion Health Studios 100 Main St ., Balboa Harbor 0767 Upholstery Draperies The Finest Craftsmanship Plua F'abrica at Close-Out Pricee Enables Ue to Give Yo ur Old Furniture ThRt NEW LOOK at AJltounding Prices During the "off season·· CALL US DAY OR NIGHT Liberty 8-851s i"or flrtlmat ... or onf! of our dec:-oratOMI will <'•II 1003 S~lid Brass Fireplace Screens custo1n-made to fit your rareplace AT NO EXTU COST! GENUINE "BAKER" It's llon ••• Oor Ill Flr.,1• Wo If .. l• !Save from $).0) to $)).0) on models made toy.- own specifications up to ~2"x40 ... Cllooee: from floa< length or fender base styl<! -aw:ii lOO';li solid brass frOin--fj_nc m<5h scre<ning lo poctiad ... $45-$95 '3995· pull ·chain. flame resist ant baked mamd firWh. FRD U't'ICli: oo fucplace equipment is yaws lor lbc ..lciDfY f7hnjd J. Le,e SANTA AllA 1'1111 L .... a. o.•1rtr f.ltM PASADENA ., 1.-i 1211 L • ._. It. IY !·It.JI b~ u• ... s a llfll ... _. FIL nt • \ -.. - • • , ' B UtlUlliM -·---·-·-M.M "' ....... "7 UM llklllUD.aUon Judi .. to ta. ....... flf LM Mrbof.. KA.JtOERr 8C'.RROUDD .. ~ .. -'!: r ll!a.iw1 •.•. 1 .... y.._. _... bued cm apMd of lbUN unit• x ........ , • t.t Clty Otrll l •I _... . • -Hoc.tc. 19 benb)' turU11r It~ ~I' &t lbe acm1 &thT re-t U.. .. p !WW I .... ~-No. lfil.t -H..,.'""-l/l.OJM MJ ~·airpr. that Mid pu1'1M: ~r1nl' wW bot AQMrjcu lmelU.nc ... -·-·--·· •" o.1pt. o1 u.. moblli&&tkm clJl a l· 0 d'1i ....,, Cdr. _......... · No"lnbw 11'. ltof ~.; _l w.kl on Ow lllJl .. Y llf f'eb., ~ AIMAeu ~ ---ta• ~· Md wearln1 ot ~ro-:f/NM a.'1,~1-did .... tftll OQ Ull Nona OF IUD No, ltOS ~......,.._ at.thf llour ot 7:S0 p.m. t11 lJWI AJtMIOftd9 ......... , •• _ ........... ____ Ill,£ pltt. Wllform. were Newport Md di •• !MC~ II._..., '°89 NoUce u. 4 benby rtven tMt U.. 2;-fo, 11, M: 'Ill. 1... .. coubcll chUnberJ of th• Ntwpor'l CllryWr ... --.. -'YI~ Beach Troop. 5, 37 and 1&2. tbll u• cit ~ ~I bJ Board ot ~ o1. the Oranp Bnc:h OltJ Rall, •t whl.eh tune DuPont ... -.. --·-·-"-...!...·--··-.. ·-217 nnt mobJ.lislUon el.ll ••nl out mlltlt ...,.,. .Ml&-IOft, Crout Jr. OoUece Ot.L et OrMp CDTinOATB "1' BUlllN&98 and pl&Oll a.ny u d &II penona Oe~ral Eleetrlc ----·-··-·--ll'K, at t :JO p.rn. i..t n.lshL At e :&a. Dn'O '!'ms D11D1K Coal)', C&llJ. wUI recel" bkl9 "'-. no..._.,.,. M... tnterelted '""' •weu &M be Omen.I~···-·--... -.. U~ th• ftJWt Scout to &rrlY• c-.me ''Odr.~dli4'tMoalJUdlC t.o 10:00 4.M. ~abruat7 IT 11M: The ~ ._ beNb)' hea rd thereon.. Mi;• Co. ____ .. _ ................ ·-·-· •t % runnlnl' onto the rleld ~ like he tbcM&abt f1IM. ·aa U.. Clreum-..a:.. ot -.ki Kbool' ~ C*'tlfJ that .ti. 1.9 ~ • RAY -Y. COPICUN, S.Cret&ry N. Y. C.tnl ...... ,. .......... -... -.. fiO'Ai tu. place In Ule Troop 182 a re.1.. •_ll.llOee." U.. ...ow:d -'*" ...... ~ a,J 2101 J'alnWw. A~ ~ Sa.lei of ~ ~ Newport BMeh City :"fo. Am"1e&n A'tiaUoo _, ... 11 % Ke w .. John Richard of 31{){1 "With U.. lltU. ~ 11119 Jtad eo.t& x.., Callt., at W'bld!i uM. and Gitt WrapP'lnl' boel!!.''' ~t Pl&nnlni Comn1l•aton Monl•fl'J' _pu ............. _ .. __ ..... lSIAi Clay 8l. A t O:f)9 Erplottr POii! I.Ct lM ~ U.. b .. k!opt• to-· ta&d b6C1e will bl ~ for MU.-1111 RarbW Boul.vud, ao.ta l"o. 1•11 --s-... P ru. 2/10/N S.lew ey 8torw IJ 11 ot Corona del Mar wu belnl{ warde tM wu.r:" ,..i1.:0..U. Elect.rtca.I J:lilUJ lftclod-W: ... Calilornia. undt"r ~ ttetJ. Htncla.lr -OU .............. _ ........... 1114 judr ed. Prewnt were Randy Pttl-Mn~ L&tbrot ..w i... b~ blS i:u,ta YOlta.(e t.r&ftll4l> • ..ntch t1ou111 fi rm n&ma of 0Lq4'S v.n-I ....n .. , Standa.rd OU ot C&llt... · 19._ l er, Mnlor ere~· leader , Ronnie had ~ to nUh froal U.. bill& 1'0IU..,. o4J tu.. cul Mita, ud l.A..DIEB' ACCESSOfUSS aftdthat NOTICE Olr PVBUC JJ.LUUNQ Union OU of C&llf. .. 66 K •ler, B ruce M11..-Curn, Mtk" N •YJ uwt ~ bl& Law pnc:tiC11! b.tCb ~ c&ble. ·~ l&id firm II c:oznpoMd ot ~ fol· NOTICE 18 KER.EBY 01~ l l.8. Steel · :'.12% G111pn, Ken t HarveJ, f>tlye In Oof"oba de! Mar but tl.i.. WU fDr &bo'f'I' may bl MCUr1111 lD UM1 lowln&'0 pel'l0n9i WboM ftaa'I• ln that Ule plannlnc romrol .. lon Ill H.&rll'lbarger and Tommy n.aumt !)etor• h• ~ h4ll ... -....... ott1c9 ot UM AM:L Bupt. ·~ ruu and pJaees er! ~ att u 11.he Cily of N•wpo..ort Bt.-.c:h will NEW .ULLOCK fs N ewport Belch Ttoop 37 ht .1 con.idilnd for tlMI llonor ol i....-:rt. Bulbtw.. 'Iba OwftS r~• foUowe, to-wit : hold 1 public heann1 on the •P- anen1bled tor Jud11n1 •I 7 07 on thll! An~ upedl.Uoa. th• prt~ ot. ~any and OLCA C. CUU.UE.L. pllc1Uon ot O. Pickering , ror The troop w ith the n1011t bo•}• l.Q addltlom to ptlot. Cdr. Lt.Ua· all b6CLl·or i,. waive &111' lrncu.1ar1· 2fletl Riven&de Drtve, • Yariance Permit ;i271 to ptf'- C.u....t ,,_ ~ l'af• pt'aent W•s t8Z Fur lhe JUll):f!I rop y iu.tOltaa u d 1..-i otnc.r U• « lnlWmatlt lM ln ~1 bid or Co.ta M .... Catlfornia. rnJt : Encro.ciUnent intu th• re- Aa .rchltect h .. not beat. en-~onaldf"t1on. ~6 b\ly1 llne..J ~1p for th• ftpildtUon. llb• contJAu.M. ta tJM1 btddiftl'. W \tne.t my ba.nd thll J!lt h day qtdred front -yU\l ''l b•ck ot Pl'td, Amttt .e&ld. llld the com-T'roop f) wu th" l·in., uuttil w Hh 'J'bu. tM Ooilta )( .... nmm•e J.eira1 ~le1Wd : e . H. PCTER80N ot January. 19641. pany expec:U to eonmume aht o fflc1•I LOO per 1.:nt .11tt .. nd11r1c ... tra.lal.QI' (a t PrlftCttOn Unlv.-.ltJ) Alct.y, 8o&rd af Truat-· OLGA C. GRAUEL BE SURE _ INSURE month• In eompl1tln1' plan•. the JU<!""~ annou111·"J 11 oornJ.b&' lo b&ndy "eYell lit. th• Appt'OVtd bJ R'I'ATE OJ' CALIFORNlA l!;.X'l'EPl-!llVE STVDY Jo-or H.ri rttQr •r•'" li•uutlnl( ts.111 · hotlom of ya. ._kl. W'fJll•Jit F. KJliCE.8 COUNTY OP' ORANGE J11. w1tll Arnett .. ld that I n U:leNllYe 1 ili,.1. the mob1!1 ....,11nn "Al l liruu11~1! Mo.it of the e.: edition m u.l be Amit.ant 1!1up11rtntendenl 0t \him 2~th day ot J lJIUry, MAJ'KICE ~TA :"'Lr.V .. ... a rr11xJ-ure of ... u·l\""'""t 11nol 1 ,. P Ch r a 1 A. D. llfM. be.tore nv, the W'lder-l.a.u..-cr Only t \udy ~·ould m to bltond the 1 , 11 k 1 11 1, "11! or th" Ant.rt.le by April. 1'!n . 111 •rre Q \J.11 nMa ,, __ , , N"'&<Y PubUc In 1nd l'buoe Harb<ir i 111 I 1 I d 1" ....... /\O\O'!• n .. • 1 "'''u , · Adv Feb 10 IU!d 17. 19:)fl ••• osu. v.. n .. w irt o~ no l1 w rroun lng!I, b. .1t1h ro11 Hid bee.lu1 .. w inter be-r th ld c unty AAd State SJl5 I"-eo-1 lflth"'a.v ta k i ••lv•nta,l[e of hl•loMcal aut · · thii week hu t ~h•·n 111 ""'"' 1;1,.11 tu iet 1~ then Open Feb 21, 1960 •t to 00 AM or e •• ll • CclNuuo. cJ..J .\lar w.111 1 rnyste1·y '! hruughou 1 LJ11· No. 1"°8 Ai•w•P r-rel.ld(r\f therein, duly eommle.llon-1.,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,,,,,.----..,,,""' I round1nr1. 1 no1 preMrYa In _,,..' \\'hf:'re her t1 1111blln'1 roe• ntltt II p---• 0 week. Boy Srcn·'~ 111"'·~ b.rl'n r.:"1n ~ ----_ ___ .-d and •wurn. person& Y • ,.._.,.,.. w1y mar1'' uf \h., ranl'• tree• un 1 I dl""''lng h11 10Journ at hu1ne di!· ('F.RTIFICA1'F. 0 " 81 '•. ,,,F.~l'l l lLGA c •"HAU""L koo"-tv me · !"bout their I l•'I•• .. :1,1 llt\<'0'1111,: r u "--.. °'" p1·,,p,.M\' H., -.Id lh•t tn .._huul In fllU i;nll•·•rn !•"""la vn th., N•"'Y IJlll U1cre &r , l"Jr UUo"" t lnn :o\.un" 1" b.-lh<" l"''~on "''hO~ nam .. la t"'"'t1n11; With th., <\<iror and "ar-. How a m l lu l(••I lh., uulfunu l•ll\ll h!1 ~outh p,,1,. cllperlenre The underiigoll!d do hereby ~~.r .,,t,.wllt>o•<l 1., tne wl\h!n in8tru- U111c !emf""' "' t Ii, •ton plant oft my boy W WIJ1h it ?" moth"r• j "ught be weeful et ! he oppo:..11• Ufy I.hit they 11.re eonducting • uieul., and a.. lui.o~·ledifil to m11 01.at •very ,11or1 '"'·uuld be ma.d e to wert uklnr lor&J Srout 1~.._1,.,, ~11 .i. ut the ea rth (:re .. nland motel buelneu 1t L698J-8th Str., .. 1 •lie r~t• >.1t•··I 1hc same I •ludy i nti 1nr•Hpon<te the romance "J h 1 ve:n'1 bad 1 niicnt uu! ·""'" ~ '11 L...thivp will pr•·t.Mb!y It&)' Sitnaet Be.eh , C&J itur·r:u•. \1n<\fl' Jn "'1tn ...... 1.1.h•r·Mf I h1v., h<'re· of Or1L1>1t~ ""unty and 11..t 9Ur-thU be&&n " other moth<ir:. •r •i,.·rt' un\ll ntxt 111!1 U\<'n r._.eJ oln th,. ttruuou.. flrn1 na1n., ot BEA l.'H ,11tc1 •l'i 11 ' h11n'i 1111•1 .Ufi;,,..J my round1n11:11. ported. "My IOn ti.by-1ul• \O l\h ui., A n L&rlLc expedH!<ln Mr• th.-MOTEL an..J th&t 111d rlrrTI l• cutn ,fl1<1al ,. .. .,1 th~ J;.y •r.c! )~<tr ln Accr,r r11n 1t: 1 .. ArT\41\\, & mol'N -I.he other ch ll·lrtn uni.ier 11,,ru·kl '"I' •Iii.I po:.~ ot lhP t r•llu"'·1ni;:-f"'rll<!n! ~nl.t l.:•rllfH.'.•le 11 .. 1 1 b0ve wr1Lten. mentaJ Jl•h w u dOnt by R C. cir cumet.ance.e... whll•e nA111u Jn full 1lll(I pl..._,.. QI R OBERT R. HU RWITZ o:;,._r R .. 111 .. r .,f It•)' 11n<I n ..... ch 8\.11 Mrt . Art R,.Vll"Y w1: .... f LEGAL NOTICE .. e-111 .. n ........ u rounw• 1n-,.·11 My Comml•lan E l'l"plree R~&Jty nr :-i""'Pnrl Bet.eh In pt .. ··1 lhe dl.llt1Ct co:n1ntaa1un.,r ,,.111,•" UANJl':L F' ~(JIJJ NY May 31. 1909 1n1 IOJ:f!lh~r thl' 40-M:Tf 11\\f corn-IOll <..."h ue k i.. In !"U81 :i. Lhuu~ht 1960 Lucuat A•,.nu,. No. 110 1 New1-PT11111• p<».a of :!I par<·el•. Ther., 11 yet the whoJ1 att.111r ... , .,1c1l1n1: ... ~ )lf:A~l 'RE 'rO Ht: ''OTF.D o S Long Beath, C11l1forn111 1/21. 2/l. 10. 17. 19:'.lfl rnueh work to l>e don• In •teer1J1r 1tlendlld lht n1obll•i.afilln hf'rtiolt :-.loUt e I• hereby ('l"en thl l the RITA H.. M.OLO="o'\' the p roJM'l throu(h tl'I• ne<:-1')' In companJ Wltb di i(hter J o Ann fnllowlng •n-re l.t to l>e vuled t* l..o(-111t A¥enue planning •11d wninr commt .. lon'!I H.emley •nd Mra. W II Spur-nn Il l the Mun!<"LJll!.I l':l<·cUon to Lon&' Be&eh, C.htornl• and It 11 prc.btblt th.at the e!lm-reon. Mr'•. Spurr• •1'1 ,,.,n ""I· ti.-heir! In the ~·11y "' N~por~ W1tne .. our hand• U\ll ~th lilly \'..na-l ~, NOT1CI: OF PUaLJC HLUUN'O NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN UIAL llOllCI 'IH :io:llClJKY ----S1H5. FOl<D $1395. '52 ('HRYSLER $795. - A THEODORE ROBINS "\\,u r Jl'ord DMJ<'r s.tnr,. l t:I~ SIOO W. Coast llW)'. Oa Marlnf'r's MU. Uherly S-11471 pany wtll a1k th•t Weet O f'llZ!ge lla.m I• In Troop 1 ~2 U.-a. h un th., l CJlh tl;.y ut April. of F'ebr\la.ry. 19°'8 •-·' "· ,i--·•,J <-lh• d•••l"p-Adult.. h&11dlln' he n1ub1!1u.-llt~16 /I/ DA:"(lE.L F' MOLON-/ m . ' ; = 0';'lh•·:;t., ...... ~· v tl(Jn uiclu<ted : Tekpbon•, l!<'n A propo...i tu a.n1~nll th~ <:tty • (•I Rl"l'A H ~IOLONY •. .,J ~ .. li~-~. -,.~~· .. las~ Brokf'r~ Arnftt tt Jd he hu been delu(f'd Midi.on Ju<lglnc · •'rt RernJ .. )·, Chart.,r uf N"wVort He1to_h by BT.A.TE O F CALIFORNIA •--JAM. c:;irrltU' ~ &ll ~ Vr1< .. w ith c.tliJI frorn oU\lr mtrch&.n.· H•rb 'll'•rd, M&d,,l.ton, H.uarh li<>I-1 t(ltl1n ic lu S<:"o:l1un I 102 vt the COUNTY OF ORANGE: 1» J1 ~._.--/1 . _ f_.. dtaen wlLlllJni to 1-•pace or t..on. 8';b Chamberlln, \! Mt(;.1'111,.11 1.:h11.rt~r o r the •'H y "t N•·wport Of thlt 8th d•y of P'ebru•ry, ,..,._ f"'f~ Ha.rlioor 4n.\ e.iquir1 lpeL'f tor ~tabl!lmfnt of Publlclly and food: 0 W i'OJckl B.·a~h tht tottowtoir pa ra;:rllph: AD 1966, he.fore me, ROBERT F ==-==b=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J="~-~~n~-~~~·~··~·~11~1 .l their ow n •tor~_. In the •hoppinJ: Rlchl.r<I. Virgil Wed•k1ni Uull "1'h,.re atll'lll ~ r'"~"r\•,.,1 1 .. rt-Ye r Wll..LMES. •Notary f"u bllc In llr>d <tl)!f!.. Grlnl't'lch. Coordlnal· r, !IOllK tu the ~pie th• public IJ'lf! of • lo~''....:'~h~•'_'h"'.".ld~c~·o~"~"~'!_Y'_'•~o~d_.:•~·1~•~"~·:...:::::::=========;::=========== --------------W"Vton. • •rt rip nr -ny f ront t&JTl'I 1timre Too Late to .. Clauffled ~lelp Waated DIEMAKER -2 & MA CIUNlSTS ~·( )R ama.li pn"Cl.alon dl ir .. APPL Y Qt m.ajl re•~nne lo A.El\OVOX CORP w .. t•m R-rch L.abll. !'!03-A S. McCla7 SL. 8 . .A.. Arter 7 p. m. c-.JI Kl ~-1133 8ic71 U-&.la.Surplloo CHRTILl!R CROWN 2-t nduc- tlc:.i., Onan w alA!r cooled 32 V p!UIN.Ur, n.her radio direct.. tlndtr. DJ'•r Pink Wh••ler . Ha.r. SUI lllUc TOR 8Al..I: 1904 CU.tom Mercury with Men:omauc, 26,000 mll .. by ort(ln&l owu•r. Bank finance. Ha.r. 1401-ll t9t1c MODEL A Ford .cctM .. dl..u ~ulJ>l»d w1tb WlAdf\eld fiat. head ilr c&za '100---'IO Cad m - rtn• complete wttb b.Jdro • aipu ~ U00 lU&K Moton 2101 Oout Rlwa,J', lrrlewp«t a.a.ch. u 1-&111 ek74 48-A.e'!: a ·-for - BR.AND ?OIW du.~-. wnn left. 2 ~ bu ldtdMn, n,... place r . .A.. ,._t • pr. 4>la Df u.tru. lleauutW.ly land.tcap- fld . ~-flO mo. untum. a11i: V1otori&. eo.ta K • • L Ll 1.un OI' ll&r. MM.1 .J Go «s• Apta. for ae.i I LJTTUll l8LA.ND 1 bednn. very nl~y tum. &pl. warm • .unny aT&il UI June IOlh $100 mo. Har. 1179-J or 111 Abalone. ...,,. NllWPORT BZIOHTa. oc.n Tlnr tum. atncle apt. Jrt7. ,_tal '60 mo. uul p&Jd.. Ll ... Jm neat 48-H-Ho.,,. tor am 2 BEDRM. unturn b<Ka.M wtlh laundrwnat 1813% E. Balboa Blvd., B&lbcMI.. Water paid. Yearly i.-. av.Jl HM'. OOG2 • tl..-e.I ... -kend. t9p71 OOlllNG BOON I Callfonla Uwcl Car IMpKfloll Service .. ,...91lJtq ~ F8" You •t•r.n If ,,. CfHf oow" ""-• H ... W PJe BRICK BUSINESS BUILDING NEXT TO flEXALL DRUG 3 lca.aed ~ores. 2 a.pt.a . above on Ocean Fro nt. Gorgeou.e v1C'w of the Blue Pacific f ro m your f11.vor - ile rocking ch1ur Rt'li ~ fo r hff', fish. s w im and gu boatmir right al your own rr ont door . N o l!lmog, no worri~. and with income, who could &Bk f or m o re ' CLYDE MEYER, Realtor 307 Marine Ave., BaJboa Is land Har 2950 10 YEARS IN THE MAKING • Proved on The Job in 48 STATES! °"'1 °"' • S......Con:ino ~S.Cfrtc •ill 1"" (W.d r"88a-.....~ y'To4al TaboC!eu 1- 11"'.o.t.• I.,_ Y" lml 1 .. MsJine v- . .... ii the .. °' .u -.. t:ricl ... witb an OC"~ Key. board 5101>9. Mientillcally alant-1 '° fJt nataral fin&•r movtmoat ..• and wil.b men open.tine c:oNrolil Jocat.d m the byboard ..-than any otbll-typnrriterl Phme loday fcii{ • rw.Jin& de1alllb•tioa °' um beeutiful tyP9Miter, el,..dy job-pro••D for e(fj. ciimc:r by Amerimn ~ ,-· . 90t NOR111 MAIN SANTA ANA Kl !·Z.16.'\ PUBLIC VOTES MERCURY "BEST VALUE IN ITS FIELD" ..... 19th aanual nationwide survey of·~;; ·owners-by independent research orpnization*-shows Mercury leads its price class as "best ralue for the money." Whether you pi ck a Montclair, Monterey, or Custom, you 2et more e.1r in four ltif ways! L HEW Rffl.IX...ACTION l'fRFOtMAHa-Go, stop. ru~. climb. t urn. n 1i: BIG M rt~ irut(Jflfly lo your t vcry cororn:u ul. adju'1J inYantiy In '"''"'Y r01d. We call ii ''rf'fte:a: action'·-a nf'w kui•I .,f JM'Tfnrnw.nrf' thal 1nak"~ all your d ri,·ing easier, safer-and far more oomfortabli:: 1l1•n '""r ilf'fun•. 2 . NEW BIG M 8£.AUTY -llrrt ;,. fr~h. rlran. 1-;n1r('fnl loe11uty fnr the yo ur1g-m111fltd. \lrri·11ry0i< hur-• l!.ff· l .. n~. sl....-k. r,,11d-h u~1n~ °"""' ~lo.'ronc rolnr •tylin~ 1• red1arol an<I <lr11 m11T ir. Yuu f'rlJI•'' .1 d1stincti"n 111 Tllf RI!. 'II lh.it 1• Hnn1~tcl1r<l 111 r.lt•rcury'• price rla~~. For 1956_ the big • move 1s ............ ·~· 111• .. 1 •• : ..... ~·· ~. HEW WFTY-RRST OE:siGH -You get tb.c wides! choice of s:iff'lY fcaturo·!l·~ I.he field. Al no exlf• cost. thcre'1 an imptcl· 111,..nrbing safely ~tttrin~ whe<'I (•n e~clu5ive in .\irrcury'• fir.Id) nnd rriplr-i"trr n!!th i<arf'ty duor i<'ICks. And opt ional features !luch u ••·at belt,. and pa1lde<l in!!l rumen t paoel. •• PflOVABU VALUE-llel',..·!! v11lu,. you can ~. ,,r,d IRMM.H1!.! I .n" f1r~t co•L 1,., ... operatinJ? cn~t!. ll i,it:h rculr v1/ue. And .\tf'Tn.iry tra,J ... in .,111u,.. ha re main,.J con•i~lent ly h ip:!.. No wonder ~lercury ww • n>!rd "\,....t •lllur Ill II• firlJ." fkttf't M'e U!I ~"nn . --- to THE BIG MERCURY JOHNSON & SON, Lincoln -Mercury 900 W. Coast Highway NEWPORT BEACH Liberty 8-5545 Acro.1 from lay Club I ) I N~WPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I • PAGE 5 FRIDAY, FEllRUAJl.Y JO, 1956 r \ CranJollo 1 s l torm«lY ot Bemet ) OOCi!plsle fMflU for tM femify ftmA e ll'AGIDl'n'I e L4&A.GMA. IP.lW.w~ .... ~ll•.~11&&.~._ •.. roon ro ao 4-PAIT HAIMONY rLED•ID Harbor Barber S•o}I Q11ar!et Songsters in Weekly Meets L1 00 ·:,,~ .. Mes a :;,.1 NOW WIWU.o TWO BIO S!IOWS WYMAN, HUDSON AT LIDO Jane W)'n\l.ft and Rock Jlu daon appear a rain aa a tu.in 111 a new motion picture. NAJI 'nu.t He•ven AUowa." n .. rvnianu~ t\lm la belnl" held ov .. r lhl"OUl"h TUt&dily at The Lido Theatr,. '•ft.ed 8Wldown," with Rory Calhoun la Lhe aecond ff'atur<' A c•ll hu bttn tuued by Dan I wbo dou read. 11 any ...:t.IQNI WMman, preaident o! the !Society fl ounder, Kay, wl\o cu r-4 any tor the f>reM niau.on ud Encour· or U\e four putt, plt chn In and 11.gemt'flt of Barber Shop Quartet .9.lnra unU! the quartet I• on~ 81n&tn1r In Amtir \ca. tor new m o r<! la bannony. ln•lMlment., I membeni of the oriantuuon Lncl~Wly, e re La l.loo. ~,a• NOW SHOWING . La . Shelle Divorce Gives Custody of Child to Wife which 11\H~ I p. m. e11e.ry Mon-PUBLIC At't'P:ARA."ICJ:8 clay In the 'Elka Clubhou.w. Younr 11.11 it L•, the Newport .. It t.. IR.lt n.c-ry lD br able cttapter ti .. already been lnltlatt"d to read. mu.ale and you don't "en by •everaJ pubhc appe.1rance1, have to al.ng Ltl or\ler to be a ~-20 11n11ng at Ne..,porl Bar· Sup.trJ.or Court J udce ltaymoud plu11 thr btu11ne8.'!I 11no! "'-1'"1"'"'"' m ember," declare-<l WMm11n . bor Ya cht Club for 1 meeuns of Thom ..--W ednelld11y a(t.,rnoon al th•· tJut H., a!Su "'hb 11.,. ... ,,ie,1 NO ••ftft"K" A"'>AR" ...---"'""" "' ·~ "' '"" t he Ont111e C<Junty AcaUemy, and awarded an lnl•rl~utory 1.llvurce Ii '"" •t1rrol11ne whu h w .. 1 .. f,.,,nJ "And, aJlhou i h we ha ve a bar-..... '· '-'=· 22 ltnglng Chrl1u11u ~ .... tlec.'rM lo both Arthur La8.M JJP to hav .. been hi11 ""i"""t~ J •u-W polf', t here u1 not " aln(le f rom the deck ot 11 40.ft ... i i- and hlll wil.t, Cwiul~ l.a.Sh.ttle :;i.:rly W rkr b4llon11:ln1 to l.IUP' Sewport boat , the m g Queen. ••ft cni.laetl T he Judie had t11.ken thf' C''ln-1 An atJtu w1ts Of l"'"'""' 1 L" Harbor cha pter a f the preNnt the h.arbor. TMll ta8t f'vent WIU te•lf'd divorce un•l~1 11llDn11u 1i:.or11 h,.,, 1,...,,, 11 ~•11 1n .. r11 th.-i· I•·•• llme,·· he con tinued apon.orert by Ule Junior Ch.arnti.;,1 alter heann1 ator1ny cvntent1unl! c11tnt t•o th•· pla1n1111 The Nswport H"'rbvr ,·hapter of Commert·e in~n both partlt>• I L..S/h lit· nl3o> .,..,.,, 1,. f"" l •~! W1<ll 11tarled jWll a tew inunthll Said Wedman L:t.a.1LO<ly o! U.... ..... up!c • nilnnr 11<10e<1 attorn.,y·,.. f~I! r 11i:;o a.11 <1 th,.r~ 11r<• nnw 2.''I '""ITJ • , h Id v k , 'I In 11dU1liun t" ,.r1Ju>·111i; "\'r C l . ..,1r . WU ~ven ., "'" .\1 1., 1_.....~111d1., , Piil• 11.i..,1 1.' lwl'll, ll.ll Mn 1 111i.; u1 .. 1er Ua: JI· I Loo.Shella, WIU\ h . hl•abll.Od 1 .. husb11nd Wfu•. hllbJlUKI "",,,Ii· •••\1Ul1 ul HOWfll<! Kay n1U••o.: 111·1'"' ""11 \\'e hnp" 1" /.:I \~ pl····~"'"1 •• bo L" l o c.ther1 \\'hw l:~1<· tlarben•h"f' nave u1e Y On tnun" e.atn 1 ..... :-;r .• ·ll.-uL1l(l" tne "'''""' .. 11 .• ,. ~t••H"!<i r at Orun>;" (',,i.~t r·.,\ki.;•· I t,iuartet i;1n~1ng \\ ,. . . .,;i1re tn' 1um1n .. r. 1 l•u11 "i "•ndt h1tr 'Any bullnt:sa "'t h11vr a l uurl k ~-l'"'-'• -·Lina on the chll,\'a · I " d d 1 , " t• e a.n active pa rt 1n u1e af!&Jr1 ,_ ~· •• ------rnf' 111(11 I.I la)lhllt' 0 U \, f <uat ody la aubJN::l t u hUI being "'}a \\'..,Jni1.n ''Th~ f• 11""'" "'" o our <'OmmunHu·~ tJv ain_1:1111t Co d•t• al p ., 1tur C:h&rltBtJJe pU11"-'"''' And 1.oU1rr kepl I.ti bl& p,_nt M""huol unt1! n I IOn erml •t11·r .. !or "" .. pur1~·•,. ,,nl\ ,,n,J · l·'nwk l.o,·e-joy In "FintJer Man" !u ..... ...-O•uet "'-'n lu• l"OUrt ll:al •• tu a1n,v: tor lhit purf' JOY I 0 h -"·-~ I • I 1.t!&..1ra "'h"n,.1.:1 J...,,.,,,blt " I •-' Stat' t .. r orrr.,·r• "'ti" :O:l'EB~QA Co--st&rrin,. prvv~ ti. not at any un1e1 be on ~rvrce IOn .. : 11a1rn1.on1:1n., '" r•.ur ,,,,,t~ 1 e 0 l \\'ht l!I 1n th• conlpally o! Kvbert Wllli&m \\'hiJ., •l ,~ 11 t 'i .• , .. ,,."ltt. l" ~r a e 1 u,.,., '""·rrC1<1dent Sm1UL. I SA:\TA A:-<A 10C.'\:.1 11>•· d 1 1 rt ~f t 1S&m loternken . ..,c1e!.o.ry-tru..iur-1 Fot f'eti& Tuck~t . , . t"• muao;-. mu9 r 1~ u~ · os ,er. and dlretturx l"h111!r1· Rr{1.,.·n l...a.S.h.Ua. own.tr nf Chnatlana G'e n,ral P f'trolf'um <orp r :; :•h ,,f lJ,,. "''"""'"'""'~ .. ,,. "'" ,,..,.,1o," · Peg•W. Cast'-H < N nar ed • Stobb \l."°".,J.,, Bob ·"'"'ton an•l 1 • ~ l.ll arrtUlded cumphuut 1h1&t h1• _ __ _ rnW1.1 •lander bloo.cM wU'e had been 11l-rrurn th.-ruunty bult.rd .. 1 ,,,1 .. 1 ·I -u, -port beA('n, c g ln C<•~ta f.1e98 obll>•nt'ol !Ji I" \'.al hu t U1ey tland a lnn&•I 1 .. 1& l odlu"'' i~'"~<~IU~~~jjjlmm,iijmm,iiii~~~i~~~~~~~~~~i • ' • .. vLavr• Jan 31 "" their I•'!·• .. •' New Mesa Permt•ts tlm a te with Strlllh w I e l e y occupled. a ~ naxt door. to build • service 11tallon un !hr Jud11 Thompaon rutrail1ed both nortnw .. et comer ot l:lro~i.•I 'it Total $85,000 L&Sh<lU .. !torn makin,-def'QK•· anrt B•ker Al'O' tory •tat..menll r."ncemlnt: each I ulher o.i-di.a.cuaainr th• c .. • in Co11d1Uona! 1.pprQ\·111 'Ill.I ,. ... 1J11t• •mountini; tu ;8~000 \\er"I !rbnt ot the chlld. con1n1o:nded tJy the c"unt1· ['1 <11-t•l<~n out !11:11 ..... ,k by Cyru1 H11 1\111.her oni.rf!'d !ha t La-nine rommlt!lOn C<ir1dtll1•"• ~et II 11.rhl lo; MO'rl• ~; .. 1 .. ,. tor t•un- Sh-11.e I• lo bave l.he boy one by the cum ni!.1a1on wer.-thH t 111~ ~LrULtiun ur IU r.,:11<.ll'HU~• uni w ff.il.'4D(I •adl nionUI. The crew· s J county be given thf' right "! "a} llan1lllon t Uu1l H1f: Cl.Hit wp cu t LaSMUe, unde r order ot Ult ~ourt • .la to pay $120 per mont.h support tor lhe boy aruJ $1~.000 ·t.o t1ur p lainutt-•t t.hr r a.t• ~ 53!.0 pa-. lllOll.l.h. -nu. .,.. t o be for Brl•tol SL tu 1& "' .\h od t,U j:t•'t 111. 59()(!0 0'11,11 l••r f11·e Jwell- fee t •nd that Ba k .. r St (1i,:r11 .,r ing" and ;sooo "~<h r .. r the 1e-~ll:t..ti.t .al.:1:l;_1t >Vl!'rf .J,v tl)r ""-'"W.j •n !ln!I.!!.:.. J.;!i~l,,>I ''vl.1>!.'!."'.<; ~a for lhe aaml' w idth lbll"cl 11• l·ontrll<. lur her ah.,... ol. comPlunlty i11lerNl m reaJ .. t.aw. Judg• 'IbomJ*)n l&ld U'I' t1nd- 1n1 for MrL ~he.LI• will con· au tut• a li•i:i \ltl.Ul It la pa.Id oft. LASh.Ue w u (1YV1 th111 lmprol'- e<l proper"' a t l2~ r.dll'ewat.er. Newporl Bu.di, ~ChrtaUan'a H ut) Costa MffCI Flooding Toastmmter Topic Sundoy D in ner' New •' Policy NOW SERVING LUNCHEON 11 :30 A.M .. 2 P.M. .. ;.,, ' '··". featuring ME X I C AN FOO D S l unch .. , Chicken Special Combinaition C hopped Steak others .... from OPEN SUNDAY Mole' 12 NOON 'Tll 9:00 P. M. with our f amous menu of fine food 85 c • LODGI A.MD llSTAUIANT 8HO"'J>L4CJ: or THE OOA8T Every Night lJI N NJo~R SJo:RVED 5 p. m . 'til midnight COCKTA ILS-4. p.m. 'til 2 a .m. 12 Noon Saturday & Sunday . ' . Specio l Sun doy Buffet 2 'til 9 p.m. NOW 8110WING ENDS TUESDAY TWO BIG Jl'EATURFS A"° Ko ry Ol.Lboun ''Red Sundown'' KID'S M AT SAT. 1 .4~ ''Miss Robin Crusoe'' STARTS '°''EON t;Sl>A Y JOHN l..UND \\'M. Bt':-''l>IX "Battle Stations" ·~•11 Your present CBI'.' may win you 550,000 LA POSTA 5:00 p. m. DINNERS 9 :00 p. m. For Reservations CJosro Monda y!! MBBCAN -FOOD- TWO UX:ATJONS TO SERV E YOU C oll Li be rty 8-2403 2588 Newport Blvd. Co.to M.,o ~J u.1t l Block Soulh of San ta Ana Count ry Club) 353 S. Mo in St. O range " tN PLYMOUTH'S SlH,HI LUCKY MOTOfl NUM8ER SWEEPSTAKES Thr. l'."ar you now own may be worth • k>t more - than you thi.nk! It might win you $50,000. Or il might t.ak.e you on .. t hrilling world trip! 'l1'10f11ll Are jwit two of the priU1& in Ply mouth'1 $150.om L ucky M olOt N um ber S"OOJld(.akes. • IHr b.y -; .....,,_, rrocl•irt, ,_ ... rlN mr lho,..t ••U.. plo.-•1 winl the Y--. M "-'t Hen!'a All you do: bring proof of owwwwilhip ·-'for your 1950 or newer au (any ma.ke)-to any Plymouth dMler, a.nd rePiter the motot- nUDlber on the FREE entry blank. So euyl N ot e. thin& to bay! Compke'8 ruloee a t lhowroo1n. • PLYMOUTH 715 PWIZES-SU41,GOG IN ALL I ,., ,..._-p0,000 ,..,.... _ _..,....., ... _..,. ........... .- w ,..U.-tl..000 -,..__.2.500 ,.., ,...._,,,.000 so,......"' Nao 75 ,.n-"' $2JO JOO .... flf 1100 ... ...... .,- ..,_,_._ •' ,,..,_ ....... ,.._ ... ,.. ,,..,_.,......_..._ ...... ,....._...._........__ LOU REED & ASSOCIATES 1200 W . COAST HWY NEWPORT BEACH LIBERTY 8-3486 \ • • ----· --.. - .. =:~ 9ro~t UI tho w.pity_to oc;cepl the fhj'l.9W'!.9 CO~ tbo COUfe<Je-l<>-0... lh.•;+,i°"P~·-Ml"'1' • · · wiodom to knOw th. dill--.." (A. Anon.) ' f ---EDITOAA 'L-S ~ (M. .Hot.a -na. ....... ~ II~ P'Mtlw •11 ,._. .tt• tM lttiii..._.,,. lllti.t.ette.a ~ 1M .... d,......... -. .. Mt. _,. trilllt &Illa t ... "9oek ...,.....,. .. ,_I )'MrA,) I • I • ' f ~aiser Joins Supenjsors in Stupid Bond Issue Plan It bu bMo our duty in mont.hli put to call atlen· lion 10 the arrant stupidity or the Orange C.Ounty Board or Supervt.on tor ita pig in a poke promotioo of the $.42 m illion COU!lty flood control bond iMue 9Ct for thf' June ballot. All(l only Wedoeeday our eolitical clo'NnA capped prior performance by ignoring the ututf', comt.ructivr crfticiam9 o f the county fann bureau and the count y c hapter, California League o f Citle., botb o r which for .aund reaaon• op))OIO:I the bond i.aue and ullt.d cha.nge•. W ithout la.king any public not.ia-o f both group~· e.xtenstve rea.ctioOll to the propoeed $4 2 millron flood control pork burel the board o f supervi.sora w ent blithely a.k>ng and approved the f\ood control progn.m o utlined b y 11.a enginee~. The board'• decision w u a nanimou1. And that mea.na Newport Harbo~a Sup- erviaor Heinr: Kai.er, not known for hu1 bn~ U1 rP-preeenting bis Fifth Oia:trict at all llmeA, voted for the m~uun . )'es, b-ir. KaiAer went for the bond iuue wttich will .c>lve ~111.lively n o thing for Co&ta Mesa and Newport Beach wh ile 1t will C09t taxpayers o ( each city p&enty during the 40 years the bond iuue run.a --2. if the voters approve it By voling fo r the \xind ieaue Mr. Ka.ist-r gave hi• conaent f or the ~igh ~ va.Jua.tion of Newpon Bea.ch to be the fat cat f or bond imrue tu. purpotet! should the flood control plan be adopted b y vat.en. Deapite al the critic iam of the flood conln>I bond Wue -deaigned to help mainly weat Orange County. no w mushrooming with hu.ndredl upon hundreds of new homes i.n subdJvbiiona placed in· poorly dn.ined Oats -Mr. ~ gave hi. conaent. Thal'• what you call "repreaent.aUon"? With Ccsta Mesa taxpgyera u well .. Newport'• ..._. to becOl"N tbe BaJboa 1l1and .ect.io n of the New ... port -Chamber of Commttee retail merchant.I d:l•Wm. The two grou1>9, each of whoee di.trfCl.I coot.a.in• out.taadlng abopa, have decided t.o forego aectlonal pkinnhic and to undertake with their confreres throu gh- out the city the broad. long -range view of improving bow•a-in the city u a whole . We were delighted t o eee the ~landt:rs 0 11 their own in.itiaUve decide to add their best thinking and eon.el.ndive efforta to the c hamber'e rapidly growing mcn:b.anta diviaioa, lt is a sign or progresa when all group. in the city put the ir 1boulden· t o t h e wheel fo r the best deve lopment of bWlineee and. civic affa.ira. \Ye eongn.tulate the membent or the ialand group fo r their dttieinn and wish them well in the d&y1 t o com e . W e know ~y will benefit. u will the commUI1ity u 11. "llfboJe, by thtir declaion to go forward with Newport Be:acb u te.am membeni or the merehant.A d1vU.ioo or the chamber. If Lin coln Walk s • • • U .Abnha.m Uncoln 11till wa..lka at midnight. a.a tht> poet wrote, bi.a immortal h eart could well be stirred by mixed emotio n1. ln the South there ill talk o f nullil"ication. In the N o rth there a.re men w ho d{'{'ry auch talk in one voice. while in another t h ey berate with equal vigor anyone who roolB out a M o1cow-mo l1\'11.ted enemy of the Union. U Lincoln walk•, he may well wonder at the irony, the ba.ir .. pUtting logic, or & cu~t two-pronged a t tack by llben.la o n 11. southern Sena.tor bcc&use he o ppoaed the Supreme Court'• ruling that outlawed segregation, and hecauae b e ii attempting to expoe.; Comm unllit.8 and fellow tr& Vt>le r'8 in vital ueaa of our nationa.l !if e. ~ATION'S TRIUUTt; DL't: -Sunday will mark birthday of Abraham Lincoln .... ·hose statut e u1 Lincol n Memorlal N ew port Beach Explorer Sco uts 'lbo\'e paused bcfort-respec tfully on their trip to l"anaJ1an Jamboree last Septen1b<·r. Prct:edin~ l.111vuln'11 Birthday. nation today honurK National Buy S..:uut Week. \ AFFA IR S OF ST ATE By UENU.1' C. fttM'ABTHl.fR . Jed. Note: To c111.Ct1 up some Hroe of bJl"Gne yea.n the wnt'r of l h111 ('Olun111 too.l•y 1111)'• ho!''• mtx1ng • lottlr. fa~l with rtchon 10 con1e up w ith wh•t h~ ,.,..Ila anoth;r .. Taj~ or lhe Bru•h t'oun t1·y ·· • Sarah sat 111 front o f her litllt" adobe high on 11 tull- side 11.~>\1 1· l':_da 1ow11 . 1'he s pnng s un wrs..tt warm and the h ill!·lJt'"S w err green wit h the lush, watery growth o f new • . a !1:-lf-rt<•ll ury o!d S Jrah hsd contcm- tiJt11c· ilCl'.'llC. ThL' h;ippy 11.nd n oiay rieatas, t he . •.. 1h• ...... h •t1 ... I "'" '"'. !ri ~' fl ·' 1,.. 11 .. ~,...,.\ h••I .. J,.r '" the '" n th,I n1.i;ht .it\J t11r (),.,j 1 ~ •I t, .. L,1y, lit•/'"'" "''Ir l>"!l1 l ll•\,.I k•1k "l ~hi! 1'f'lllc111llero:•I 1 1,,.11 thr lin,l ll 111 lhe "''lll!i,;ht '"'I ..._t a p•n .,..igon~ or t , 1 111,enoi rruill un11•·r 11 In 1hoe r11Jn bu! wh.i&t I \Vrirner!I rre• "-1 , .,.,.." '"' , 1111 1h onk l)f you · )"01! "''llh 11 ....... ,1.,.-!l"UIU 1· .. 11111n.: 111 u .. •tlhh· ~•!11/ll"le Cupll "' r ~tl.-1~. 11\"llhll~ y,·11 1, IUH0 .. 111 b1.k sri .. f!'l!lt·111l;• ..... ,,..n ~ .• 111 .. r Mh,. ,.,"ll lnH'°oJ 'S""' UH•t l>ll• k•ku> bu1d1n~ tttu .... · bo'c.11 • ·• Yu" r [•11yt •. \ IJlll,. • ···" .,. Id) IH l.::''"'1•llll th,.r L ui,. Tn.•t hi~ .,\• ru'n" 11r>1 111 1 •" •!1•· l)•n i,,.,., .. r ' '" h ' ' • "" [,, .. \ •It I' 'I '' ' , 11 IJ.:!'l t1n~ th··~ r-.,,.h 1•I" 111 .. 11~,. H<· ,.! ,1 P .,1,, •,1 r .,111,, "'"!\"' "'h·' 1),,. h•hk ••11 l'><l<>t· "' Mo>I•' lhc •old 11 • 1, ., .,,, ,. l>J.:ttin "·•~ tn1n 1tnol .,. .. ,. t..,n.1111~ ,,. .. , 1 .. , ul '""L ,.,,1, :itl/llli•. a:J,r 1\h•· ~n1n1n!• ll"'"'' ... ~1 .. n •l ~ ) ' ltllJ.:)!11'"·! 1"1 It.ii (, . .,! ,.-1,. l!!U1C "tl1,. +• •"" " 'II n••r f1 l••ll!l~ ll•·>.\··•• +; II J••ll•t .. 1 tu~ hut ti lf•I>• 1 .. 1,. ~r"" 1-, 1·" 1 ... l 11 '1i.:""1 l111hr r• o'\f" A h , .. ~ " 001tJ no !'\\ .. •n•! J'!H-· lo••t" .... 1'> /Irr w ... n t··r!h l' •· l h !hat ....... ,.~ IC "'"' 11Ulfl ""'"' L UI& ,, .. llj:ll lll lt11orn short !n a :. •'a\Lng th~ t.brll·I '""", Uie ~bu<ok k1lht111; ot 111111 "'a l"- 111.,. bc.'!lCJ!A '"·'•n 11,,111 , •rid thl' 1 1 ·1.., •I n<>11\r 11:r111 1nl( h , t!'oelh r .. n, 111r !>Min or l'u • "'""Un<l1'<1 1.in•11·· ~f UUI I '" 11. •1•·11~ lll"r-1 ". !o lnll Y,1l/1 ttl• ' '" il"U"'" I lll<ot· · -.,,. 11.11d J"·,fl•·• l'".-\1.AI. t:ARTltQI \ht . "l'hi,. l"rlH .. •l•IUI( •HI<' :hr f1rr - :o>:t:\\ \I 10\lflfULl.: J•I •<" ,,..11,, ma.I<' lly 11n r•rth ("ur1uu~h ~•· "-"l•h~•L th•· g!ll -'l"ll"f' n111ny yoe1us ".!:"" tl 11l kJJl.-d trt:ni: ,, ....... :' r ll•r '""lu111.1· 1...,,, n.•-n 1" lh• 1·11 1,. 1 1.,..1 M1t1r llll,. "" IL Loi. ~I 11;• l /1~ rutt'<'•I I ~11 t h•JlfloC BLCk "'llh ,,.,.1 !llat nJ61J "I th• LI'• 111 trunl ul \.,..,, 1o:?t.n1lfa!h<'r ...,,,.~ hHi• He h,.r' 11.d··"" JI ""' l ••n1n11.. "11' ul d•,lrtt curne ttorne 11 n111 l'lllrl_y !l•r 1:11111.i d."'~"'''1~ "h" h11.1I 111,.1 n1n1o: for he had h..-l~J , ... ..,.\/., nu11·r1rtl tho· \J .o, l\lt1 1t; b<•\ 1n ()('. \hr.-. olhr.r m<!n lhal ,.till L!vf"(t <:ill'""1.. CJl.J s,.111r, h1>.•I 1111o.11y 1>ur1NI 1\,...p m u1e Ma .. "' the 1:1 .. n<J~t1•hlr··11 ""'t .:.-11l'1 .. t1u11 by ,1.,,un111l n ·· SACRAM l!:NTO JCNSl-An <'-(-1·h,. pr·r•µoJ111l f•lt Ii rna11;1111 11n1 1:1·11~ral1"" 111• •l•o·k 1n•·~~ u! th<'-lt Kn .. r hng In th, t'Orn"r "I the tort to eatabl(ah a 6:0. nlllf' "P""" 8~<'rl lirn1l f• II••.,.~ lh•• Ul1nk1ng ll)<IL.ofl fu11•1 .. ''''~ h•tl IJ .. rn r.\.u11 by the ru'1oP. "'"'"""l"n lwt1 hmH in C.htorn1a w1Jl n.,. niade Jn lll'•"e1al p1 oru111"! ~\atrn1<'nUO. "'""kO'd by tic. '"n•t11nt 1ntus1"n ~he grll.llped Donn ... ·• hlln•! t..nrl at \.he n<'-•I regular M'••non or Co111n1111111.,r1 .. r f'.d.,,••ll ~•1'h•1r11ol u1 "hit•· t.1 .... .i Hr.ti! J11t1l" "hl(ht l(Ul•l1'11 !I alonl>(" th,. Jim,. ro)~rr,...., the h1(talature whlt h cornn1oen1 "K wh} Ii" tx-l1"1"d !11" •i~ n11lt' pru-""''" tint tw•r .. , •. ,, t; .. nn11 ~ In· wall ·can y()u IMl 11 • Ynti r The rint ain o f MiaaiuJ.ppi'1 Jam.es 0 . EaaUand, t.o ln 19~7 But •<>lllf! ... rltHUI th•1u11:ht l"'"ltl ~:1.,uld t ... ,' !!1' 1...... A.n•un i.: di!•" all• ..... ,\ rnothcr n.11n,...j my belt '•JOOk•l1,0: Suprer:ne Court. But in that he WI.Ji JOint'd. b many now n11,.11n•1•·•~t••.a! I ~•· p1•·•~nt 1:..,. "'' J lunn .. '" ·'l'"lll,,/1 a• "h" ~1noi tho.e llOlta Jn th•· .,j.,bf' --·-.hurdened . ..wit.h ..J.eviiM from -.&.he-¥&1'iow& polttkal -ettt>- divis1on11 their superviaor doe.n't even lift ru. vo ice Ill prot est at 11. bond issue designed to a.id o n ly one o r two specific aectiona of Orange County. Congra.tul.ate him fo r hi• good w ork next time you Hie him. the liben.J way or think.inc. WU h11 o ppoAition lo the l.hOllld br _rl~n th11 pruf)llllltlonllh"~ .. 1'1""'" ... _,, tll11t thr pUl)!I• I Drt' .. lin.:· 1:1 111•tn10th•·1 11tll· knifr wht'n I.ha Wll a • tP•l dlJC- Y . The average motorhit "'{lU prr>b· Tiu• IM Iii•! Rro 111 11.t• The p1ibhc-lt"l11ril)o:'d _rr•.i_r" llw '..!'.!" A 1>1:-•~.l!-Il'tu.l:.-L IJ:Lc.._.Lo.il ... ...n l~ "6bM legal upert... a number of whom di!J [lQL eh~...h.il __ ·amy--v;ielcmn'"E ll'llJ"-illR""fei;i!GTrrar-un•t-r.it""llTT~,. -tm-t1tW" ,.r't\-Wl'!t""l,nn rut 114') t~ 1r 01\hl .,. ith th .. point atlll tJrok .. n · ~-fee:UilP abOut-.;~tion itfel! His second, ticularly a.ince it cumea troni the I C11.11 .... rll ,.,,.1 hill "fr,.• 1~ l"' k · Ah ) •" 11 \ 'n ... 1. 1i,,t . thl'T" I -rhe hint: ff h<'r• ''" t h .. oonr and greater en-or WU to let hia eecurity •ubcommillee Callfomla H1ghw11.y PAtrol Thoe f""I"" Un•l"'"'t11n,uni: ><h"n 0 1 .. y t1A\"" l>t!rn n111ny ~ll•f 111,·r1• w!ll W•·r" rnadr by Ju"" l.U~!l a• a reaaon Mr Motorlit will N'adll) 1n~1~1 nn "'r1hi.J.: U•k••I • 1,r n1<1t • 1 ... •l11tnv 1 ... ,,. 11).~ ·1 "'"' ol·!1 w,.1kl1~ pre..vit ""had t;ioo.11 ln~te mme N ew Y o rk Time. ataff membeni w ho 1 "n•t" rii:!"'r1•1h11" ~~1 n11lr" on lh"'garah"• ,,.l,I \" 111 ,. v••I'<' ruat) t10uuhi to , ... ,,.,, ,,-'Y "• agrN! i. bec•U• ht! now abor• ... I ... -· ~... " .. , admflted past uaociation with communism. That, the under \.he ~J\ef thlit Callfurn1a many "'·u\,. . .,JH'n divi•l"'I h1J.:h,,.·11.y•1w1th "k" p•d•"" at 811.11 Lu1a ttt)'" TUne. charged, WU Aheer ret&.liation fo r it..B criticiBm hu a ~ mile nu1xlmum llJf'Cd throui:h,,ut tho· !iti1tr 11 .. n1111 J .. 1U1r11 "\"• 1 llod klAlll'<l . I hf'IJ>f'<I Y'll" p-11ndfAthrr hmft, Thia la not tl1e rll.Jlf'. C11.ld.,..,.JJ~ 1rur11\ •\11.loen1,.n! 1., Ul•" "hi l.•\JY• b1 .. w11 "'rh1kle1l •rr>•o<>th tht-booi.l'I• for thtll table Let him Jr.now how you appreciate hi.a aervioea by voting "No" o n the $42 m i llion west. county "drainage control," bond iaeue next June. U. S. Payroll Still Padded • federal government w ork ers number 2,400,000, and their p~eent p a yroll la $1 0 billion & year. This is big· ger than the to tal fedfral budget aa recently u 19-40. Afte r a six-mo nth study, the H ouae Civil Service Commiuion 1u bcommittee i11 unhappy. T oo many un- neceeaary persona a.re on the payroll, the lawma.ken claim. They report there is a direct correlation betw een lhe inte nsity o f congreaeiona.l intereet and the aize of the federal PoYJ'Oll. Much of the ..-, unproduc- tive "'manPowe r occu n in area.a of labor abort.ages. whe re equal a.nd better paying jobll a.re available. He~ ia a situation where Ame rica.n citizeoe 1oee twice by pork barreling. Tu money ia wut.ed; and potential production ill loet because ftilled workers who are badly needed in private ind11.1try are held in unpro- ductive government job8. It la gratlfitng lo find .ame of o ur lawm.a.ken in- terested 'm economy ln ILll election year. o r Eutland'• •ta.nd on deeegregation. The liberal1, Callforn\a legtllilll•>ra long aji:O hid f'On< Ludln11:: Ont' Wherrt11 ht-I fo• .. lkla•l whrn I wa., hr•1·v ca1Ty u1a: your and the Daily W o rker called it an atta-~ on the f -1 1 l "'t"t""' 1111>1 "bo•·l<h» 11 will rnake I h1in11 r ••..J "'"'"~ i:r•rhln1oth Aunt Donna ,,,,. whQni you ••• ,,_ '"'"' r«ogn1~ lh<' a lflo·v of attl'mpt-· · · t I I .. , Th f I if h dd J enfurrl'lll••n l l'llll\t'1·· •"I' l'">;llll Jo>1111i. •·llo ll •"IY. \r namr<I."' preea. e ree pre. tae , o w ever , generally i Ina: lo control """T'h'I by< • 11 h•n 0 , 11 k , '" ,l\11.•,,.,, 1,,.,,. ,1e,,,,,,.1 t•• bull•! ·"The •ton .. ., t't •r th• n~pl•t·e not ·~ •nd fa.<1t rul~ e .;a 1 ornia ll" """u • 1111 """'' '1>l111,.s t' . 1 11 4J th l 0 --e-~ •poeed law 111 what Ls known 1".e;-1u~1·1d~nt"• lit ol th" 1m -callrt1 you! 1" ,"'"'" '~ i.e 1ne 11 '-'""1,11 r11omr ir"'" near u1r bnd"" ACl'OOla nu •'" o 1 ,.,. y, 1n "' '"~ ""' '1 !hr cr...,.k WIM!h!"I In b)· th" b!•· 11.lly Ii.It a prun• faClf' .. law_ 1·h!1t ~pr,.tlr! wh10 •• 1<•·tu11llv 1•on1nut· 1 1 • • Ir on his birthday next Sunday, Lincoln should walk again. be niay w e ll w o nder if the world did little note nor long r-em..em.ber. We, for o ur part, might we ll wiab r or m o re n.il 11plitte ra, fewer hair-1plittera. THE CAPITOL WEEK United P'reM Staff bon'etpondent I '· ..... ,,.,.. 1.,·ht11 1tn1t !I Ill" J'll C"J nr~•t 11111.n v v"r1ra •<• whu·h ' rov1<1f'I thilt anyth!n' 1fp to 5~ ting n .. \'!01!At 1nn uU! .. 1111pt~ ••Xf'r• h , • l Ill do.,._~J.I •ll•U••' ll,.I<' l• "•lr<oy,·nrJ near ly a t houaanli m1le1 on lhoe up..n lu&llway u 1c1e1ng hi!! nJ.:h!, urul~1 thl' law. lo < < 1 1 1 ''' 1• I p1 r UTI' " I ,, ' n" h•llU " ,h ... ep sare and a nything b~yond that Ul"' hi• Jll•ti:n1t<nt 11 11 t" ""h•l 1 1 !l 1 ~ I be sart but th•' motort~t ~pl'•·•! •~ rrn .... ,ru1lll!'~ ll 1~ onlv 11 n ,.,,.~1 "' \ q ,t · "1"" '~11111111 HIKl."S l'UTJr.~ ::.:ti have th,. t"!!ponalblllty of IHl(l<"fll • "!\' lu~11111 lh11t fh,. !"It ~ ti"<' 1'111'11'"d dittwin~ '"Tt11" 01<1 11111.110, niy motll .. r pre11ent1ng evuh•nre lo ~how thAt dr!VPr "' ll"llallv t/u• ""'""1 ••th,.t• "Hill J 11"'" nn tr•··· llll<'h " U"'l'"<I tu i:r111d •CVrna 1n the tJ1x he was not ,.ntli,ng,.nnK anyone w1•e hf' ,,.,i1 11<1on .. 11111111 •1,. hlnl-Th••. ·"""1 1"'"1 '1'")ll .. •~ ><ht' IJ<llnt -rork ~ on l'~lon)ar Mounlaln whrn • l'•I u, .. n.· t !Al ti'<' d111 f\.lln•111l ~"" ""II.• .. y<JUll" "!rl."" tn drlvtnc fUlf'r than M mile• ae · I > '' 111 I " • h11d p11111t~. uv+•r 111!11(1111( '" · Sr, blt t;iy bll old 811.rah Lnvf!l"l-per hour. • ... ,, . .,.,,.T Hf',l'<>HTe !I '' • vo. r. "' ~ ''' !:IJ<:' tori"!! \hf' lilll<' thlllgl a bout th• Soever.I rt-Cf'nl r.,port• put out ··Tnat '1'""1 not nuittt'r. It only old lldobe lhal brou&ht back plr· SESSl.BLI: Al'PROACH Tht. UL a .-oenalb\e appro.cb. to the probl~m. It It la .. re to drive 116 mlloe• at night or ln r-aLn or under hoe&vy trafhc condltlona or 1~--:------.,----.----------------·I "". CIOOr!tr:r MM>"·W?ttr t111na ""tn- by agenclu aucll •• the National maku the drawlnK look better,"' I tnr ... • or d•y• gone by. Donna Safety F'ound11tlon t11aclo~,. 1h11.t was l){Jnn•"• irrltll\A:d 11n..woer. !111,.ntly followed ht-r granticn<oth- more than :.0 p .. r coent or traffic ""Ah yr~. but it .,..r\uld t11.kr [er lllltoenlnr to 1tOriN .or lhe old fatalil1es re!ult from accidl•nt~ m1<ny Yt'•rB to cr11w euch 11 lr.-oe Indian fllU•la. or Ula; M.laeiona, wh•t•fh tht 11pffd1 were le<'l!!I tfi•n N t.11.at. 11.nd th,. ooi.f,.e ~"-not •lr hf'r iinc,.11tot11 ot love and h•te. 40 m!leB per hour Thi~ clll&b-lu••11 .,..,.I) .,..ithout ll' Objeclrl whoeoe wo.-th werr only 8AC'llAlCEl'ITO, ,U.P .} Gen-. Goodwin J. Kntpt'a drive to corrt.I Ca.Uron:ua·a ~pUOrl lo ~ ltepubtinn Ntlona.J con- .,._tioft (('t • tl'llmendoi..le boost from "'""1.dent n-nhowar'1 a.o- ~ .. nt that he baa no objac- Uoe, to kU name being enter'9<1 la ..-anou. ptulden.tial prl.mari•. -n..i Prfll&de.nt'a at.atement. ~ and otth::l&lly endorr.e a dele- pUon la the Callfomla pr1m11.ry Under • new Callfo!Tlla lRw . hi!' wuuld have to ~ve hla written COIU<'lnt In order for Kntg:hl lo en- ler an llte-p1edred doelep Uon: Deaplt.e t ha t fact, Governor 1e.-.ecuona. then lt followa thllt aomoethtng (Utt'r than :,:, n11!oe1 la aat'e on a dlvlde..I treewsy Unfortun11lely_noeHher the ll l1:h · way Patrol nor ni1111y of th~ court. r..cognlu Lhia Jlatlnc llon and motoriat.a are cited tor re- (Ul&tly exceeding ~ mllta with Knl(ht I a au e d the tollowlng lhe courea Implied 11pproval by llatantent In Sacramento: Jmpoelnr rlne1. Only In th<' rare "I am dellp ted With Pruident cue• when! a motortat demand• l:'laenhower·e dll!'Chilon to a.tlow a jury trial on thi!I charge do tu.a name to be entered In lhll you rind lhe present l11w preva il· vr..rioua pruidentl&l pr1marie• Ing. !i!lhoe1t lhHt 111'~"<1 I~ n .. t the 1·11111"" '"!'l'O' ~ llh,. •11!.I I' 1"' 111 I:' 11 nf va lue II• olt1 Sarah 11.!on" of 1r11ffH" fRLAllll+'S It m"" ron-l:ll"tlt··1 ""'"! "'""1 1h" ll •"'" :-\<'c. S1trRh ""•\<'<! hf'raelr nnre lribute but 1t i~ n"! 1he 1·1111 ~/' 1' ·~ ~1" h "11 11 J.:11 littlo· hhU!I•· 11gain 11nd looked down Into PalA I "'1l hn"t tl111t !n·•· TI1e p11bl1<" w!ll ll"l n" re11l re-1 loy,·n "Soon I ahall die." 1he cun-"•r.,1l!lo·nllv t •Jnn11 BrjfU<'d thoe " _ .. l1!'f frhl'll trRff1c t.!"'1<1,n\11 until I · .. nu"". l•"•nl •Ul•l JU ,.t ...,. J.>••rMui:lcntly th1>rt' 111 11 1••,,1l111"!UI lu «lTept the .. ffOU!\E OY ~MOKIE.'t bas11· .ll'llt1t1"n Th11.t t!I 11111t" re-111'" vi,.JM ln . .,i~ted 1""1 without "11111 old IO.dobe will moelt and ' 'I I. 1 th" trc" 111~ i,,,u,.,. "'"• nt•lhlng. r!c voe 1c::ensing u p••rann1:1 to (~ 11 1 h t 1 dlllappet.r In the wlntt!r r•ln.1. It dr~v .. At proellent. rven poeopl<'I · "'"' Y 'id Ui'y "v,~. 0 pu 11 a hou.-oe ot other d•1• ju•t ... Tf'l'e!vlng blind pPnslona e re h-'.Jlfll tr,.t 111 tne dr•.,.•ini;-· fumed I am a n old woman or other c::enl'lf'd by the DO'partment of Dr•~n11. 111"''fl.rlily. 1eara. Now people make pktu!"'-• Motor Vehlc-1e!I to dr1voe Ill\ Auto-~or n"llrly an hour Donna ar-on pllj)N and e.Vfl! 90me. that moblle. Th\11 >• a f11ct Admlttf!d J:U'd "·Ith the <.1ld lady, unUI move. and put them in book_a Q.C m&llJ Cap11 .. o1 omenitta feet putll ""'OoodN" Kn.IJhl In lhoe dtiver'a -t In h1a behJnd-.tbe-«enea t11r- ot-wv "lrilb Vin Pre9dent Rich- a.rd K. Nls.oA and U.&. Sen. WU.- Uatr r . Knoo.-l&nd. ... 11, on Ul.a baala ot tl'l.1 Prmi• --The -Pf'OP'IA&I (GI'-• ·ma111i· Balhna Island Assoc1'ates . dent'• 1latem1nt. I lntend to pro-mum limit of s~. conlt'll d1re<::lly t'V ceed Immediately wtUi the tor-from Bemard Caldwell, H11:h way -·UI'" dep11-rtme.n11t.--l~,.,~h finll.UY rose a..iid bttJlo.o..ed "P\oW "fhtrii ·Wh-"O "irt~"nd. -are Onn111> to follow h~t Sens tor Arthur Hrl'"'I or AL11 Cuni" 11,.. , hilt! ><nd 1 ~hllll 11b<1ut. 1-ikr t he young P"-Opl f'a meolR County mRl<P11 11 11~n111bll' 1<h"w you tillnJ:~ Rb<•"' lllLll old JlLrlur" bo-<1k11" th!11 la n1y book, AUl(K"!ll 1l1n "''hl1'h 1~ ro·n1ark1tbly huU.•f' uf rninoe Y'"' 11,.,..,r kru·w·· th111 uld 1<dO~ ha~ 1111 my 111c-IMYnf AVAlLAlll.£! maUon of an l!:IHnhower-pledged Patrol Comn1lallont-r. to Al'd Chamber Progress Nellhoer Knowland QOr NbtOft d•puon In Callforn\L Caldwell La an ex-Loi Angt'lt'" publicly ba"" •Id they would en.-cop. Hi1 attitude toward'11 hi.~ job ~ ter the California primary alee-HOPES FOR l.lO; u c-on1miaaloner of the H11:"hw11y Once· ·-in buainemamen and mereb.anl41 or a lleC-tQ Ir Kr. •.nttower retined--'"I have noted, ot courae, the Patrol 11 that or a cop. H it:hw1<y --· but the l'flM!T"&lly •ccept.ed Opln· re.ervaUon1 Y&Nch the P rMldent patro!men are rated on th~ b1111!8 lion ol our. comm Ynity h&Ve come forw&.r:d in the in· k111 In poUU&I d n:leil ... that "'ry carefully made u to 1he or th• numbrr or tlcketl! tht>y teretila of prOgre. of~ Newport ~ We rer er to bolh Wft'I aYail&bla., po911ibly poaalblllty of hla running for r&-... ·rltoe ' -.ga-. to make the run if 11l<1 election, but I am exc::eedlnll"LY B&Jbo& Iala.nd Buainee. A..ocia.la who, like their col-IMrwed out. hopeful that he will decide 1n the r:ASl.EST TlCKl:T~ lea.gues the C.orona. del Mar &lainee. Amociation, lu.ve Eul P'"""'dent ~· bMl lntei-eall or the Nauon to be The t'l!llle11t Uckelt tu wnte aroe !llmplr H" prnp"""" lhRl pen1uns lurt>11 111 1l. You wouldn"I take who CAll~•· 11l·rlde11t11. tho11e 1<ctu11J-HF,,\f l ,"\"lst"f.:!li("I'.~ thf11 picture hook fl~·ay fron1 your Jy !nvolv'd in fl1I 11ccident find Ent,.ri1111 1ht-111'n1l·j:l<><'lll nf uf uJit i:ra.n<lmotJi,.r, woult1 you!"" tnund n•11pnn81bl" for It. be 1 ~-th'" l1tl le R•l"!J.o h1 »k• n unly hy The \~llfR ~h,.lcnt'(I 111 Donna'a RUal a r"81 rict'"<i l1 cenM>. Th•• llPf'-the hght frun1 II ~lnl(le duor anti t'Y"" 1u1 "h" hRrld'°'I nlrJ SJo.rah the onil 11,.,,,,1,,n t .,..,..ult1 !JP 1:rounds window. ul•! ~11r11!1 ri11nted to p1cl•Jr .. "f th" pT"etty ne><· hou11e. f(l r a µrob11llot1ary l!cen~e fln<I Af· whr-r<' lhe tu l11ht 1111nl1 ~ht t..,·ink-'1-\P.-IJ lh1~ l!'.r11ndmnU1~r with tl'r the third llrcldoent the In -led rro111 11 ,.,,., k h"'"'"""!l -fh,. v11ur .,\hl'1 p1cturr11. to r<'mt-m~r 8h11kr1> •Jll the w1,~·11-t •'1l1n t:6l ruuf \ht' t ln•f' when woe slniu,.l took d1v!011 AJ wnuld lhe.reBfltr b' '1'-··s,.,e thllL h<ll<'"' Thu! ~n111lt .vnur pi•·ture b<-JOk aw11y ·• ni.·ot the pr1vl11•11,. nf driving Thia. ---~------·---------'--------'------------------=,---------------l ltatoetnatl mt Ma P'-conference • candidate." lhoff for 1pe.edlng. For' !ht pa11t oa 'l'llundaJ' ,.i ... Jtaic:bt a booet. ltnJl')lt went Oii to My thAt In two aer.lllona of thoe legi•lature O( cour~e. 111 uiuch aou11i1oer !hall .-chool levrl .,..h.v •• 11 '"""!!Mary, It i11 niy 11n~ralantJing Ulal lh• .. wtta.i. UM IOtfiW'a nnt the ''Twy near JUture" he lntend8 CaJdweJJ hRa attempted to gain thf' pr<'sefll 11y11tem uf re.vokin11: !(> hllVf' " ~llpt'nnlendoent of a. !IUt!r lnd1vLduaJ I• th .. one who ~ to the Ike lilaC-t: to appoint a commltteoe to aelect approY&l for the \II<' of r&dKI' to Jtceru•ell "1 n1ply bci.·1t use a. motor-hlt:h 11Choul d181 r,.·t "t "" aal11ry wBa thruwtnr a Uttle. wl!tght JmWPORT BARBOR .ReWS RESS '"I .. dellalltad!'" a 70-YOte del•pUon led ed JTl&IJ.e &peed arresta 11tn1pler. Thi' IBt ha" l>Pl!'n caught driving 30 .,f $1!1.000 prr y .. ,., an adr111nl8-t.r.,und al !hoe beginning: of thr. ~M-· .. --... _ .... -.. --Kol hi •• ,~ •. r to leila1atUf1'.: fOnllnue•. and propt'rl)' lrflllV<' '""'';~111111 al $66-00 poer-"t h(>OI yt-llr. toel11n, the tf'IC.herl ._--_.... ..... ··~ !!: ~ mllf'll p"r hnur in a 2!1-mile zone ,. 1 '° tn view 1uch dt"v1c~" ,.~ '""il'"'d yes r, • ,,r1nc1p11L •I $9~i6 p,..r 111 .. rr .... t th11.t th .. y h•d bt'tter bite.de to fm'ID a deifpUoll "At the proper time. l 11galn t r~p11·· which werr-011 u11y,·rd hy lhrf't' l1n1"1 in nne yeKr. which is ye11.r a.nt1 1 .... 11 v1cr-prlnr1p11la com-c::i.nf.,rni. thRl thry had better pJ.ldaed to Mr. ~·a n--'11 cont.ct the Pre11.Jdent with thl' legislature yoear11 •go oexilltlng l1<w . b1nf'd 3a.Ji1rh·~ .. t $1:1 1;3 11~ )"t'ar. \Alk "ril1• rn lhollf' wh<:<11e vlt:WI --·~ N ea.ct• U Dre be'!lll'ed oul the reque1t that he ..,.ve h!11 for-h t I Fonne.ri,-Utll .nrwpor\--.,.._.,,_ •' "''llh only ,,n,.. h11tll to< oo n lhoe f•v•)r 11•hn••I poll<"lrii . th11t lh"l' Ka.IPt ~ Ille -..._ _ ___. to m.al approval to a 111•1• of 70 '' 1 1 1 t 1 • ·n • 1 and UM N Cl9p0l't-.a..lltoa rr-...---.. • II nr •1 •fl " 111< '""'" no 11huu!iJ ll"t o·h•r u"" rontrnveralal ----,.-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;L;;;;J;;;;;a<;;i;;;;-;~O:;;;;-;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;:----i~ "P a ..._at.km ..i-..--o to delt'ptea pll!d•efl to hl• r .. nnm-I T E ' " h '' I I ~-R E A D E R s w R !n1 · """ r " n111ny <• wr peop" lln! 11Ul))"•"!11 with !he ~uP"rlntendent .. ... ~ ......... --,_ -r -y hmu..11 • s ncmi.-.:1 w ''fa"f'OirU• lllaUon at the Roepub1Jr 11n l\'1t1on-.. .. .. t ·" p a ~ W. ln"1r 11. .. 1111111~111<!1\"l' )""" anc ,...,_ 11not p1111u•ularly "''•th any of "• -· ........,.... &l Conv-entlon Ln San FrRrir1~··0 ·· .. , J:nttted u Becoad-0.. Ma.ttar at UM Poetottice In Newport a.ch. Calltomla UltW tb9 Act o1. Man:I:. 3, 1175. ... , •••• _,. ........ w • • 7 ... FrWa.1 _,.. .. 1rfSW'PO&T ••..,. rtrlllnHING OOlll'.&Jr,,..y '911 a.a., ..... ii&WPOWJ: W.OB.. ClALIF. n.-.......... 1111 Qr*MW ......... 1....,a l'f.-.. ..... ,.u· t. .. Al ..._ a,. 0.-... el ... • $ P1M <>-r'I el 0.-.. 0. ... ~life.. A--llTt'I M t &X'a•• How s pw P 'IP rs A1 11 t .. .._ · g b r >ratt ' E •• 1181 Ar1 1 ' at= r ' ., 0.-.-o.-&J' 11-hnb BllN Kl:DDIOK.. PUllLD1D:R WJI ,1 .1 a Ill: ..&.. >1HlA", a.tor OIUIOHD &. ROUNTR.m&. A~ Dlrec&or CfLUlLl:8 A. .uu&a'nlONO, Mec:Nalf* Sv.pl:~l 8.UBliClal1'llOlf Mm-: I !( ....... 11Mt1... N-rn-. 1'rt--1VN!llit1 •• aor-.-11; 0...'1 .... "pet',._..: ........ -.: ...... O.t.Wit el ().-..~ oe-1,-nM ll'ff ,.., -- • ---- anc1 1'o..h~~·I botlrtl 111 .. mber'!!. !h8l I.h ey U lll:r. dt'ddea kt nm or pennl\ Immeollately 11ftl!'r Mr. F:1'<'!•n-l ------------------------------I i 41 Al lh<' ••L,..111l!'nlflry le"e1 It wnul<I bt' redu•"l'fl ti• 111.,nial joM bl.a name to be •i..r.d ln Th.e bower·• •nnnuncemf'nt . f'llJ•l!.nl < 1 1 1 might be """lJ '" 11Ak why are thl!' tf th"y "•P,_,' 0111 of ''"'· -·· • F,.1.i.,,.ry ,, l!!Mi tu1n u tnx uni .• <>r non-nee-,.,..~ ,,,.. catifomla June 5Ut prlft:l&rJ'. lhr. obaoervl'ni ~tartoed 1pecult.tin11; un 111 .. tr1ct11 ,,1t1n1: .,, tor hc11.vy 10 P'Y''Oolo,y • • • "'... eaalllf'll and frlll11 ~ • U...t llotllL Nta<a and what would happoen If thl Pf<'•l-..,...itor. with at1 rn!nl~tr;i1 1v,. prnoonnl'I~ \\... ,~,, Woy "·-• "• N~ ~l&lld wW _.__ ... _.._ d t hla 1 t h A.riding 11 r,-.w qut<~t1on~ nl my 1 1 r "~ ..,, ~-,..,... &"'"' ap ......., own en rave con.aen ° avlng Newport Harbor Nrw8-Pre1111. own to th08P .,f 1'1rll. Wh1tnior<'. ArP l:'f'lllug more llnd mor,. ' 1' "· l3e11<•h Elo·n1rntry ~chool Dl11trict amblUona aDd ;otn 'llll'lth Knic"bt hi.I name entered In Califurnla !'ti lo 11peak and ll!'Wl>r fin(! !t"wcr <ll't'n• ,1 necl!'sMry lo ••I 10 U.. oa a ""We w-t ,. ..... ._ .. _. &lid eu-uently d-id•d to ..,, .. _ Newport &ach, l Y,'1)ULd like lo know ! 11 \\"hy 1 11 n ., < , , ,0 d th• '" --... ..,.. " n• " " " ,.,, ...... " 0 -11whn and h1~ • curnrulum eo-dnw br.cau.. of hl& health. Ca1Uomh1 11 it necoeAMry 10 hai·, t .... ·o ..,..ini-tu•L all 1mpurtant job of t<'llch-l'>IO oumcTIOJll ming pgola at Co1u•l Coll,.J:e. 11nd A.mt.cant ~nt.a.ry of St1te '"'-~ l!!lr : h t .. ln(. A l'"•cher conllded to m .. lhe Kl". m-boWw told W.-hlnc-Charlea flaJ"•rty M.kt hi1 hnre-..,.,.. why do t • plan• cir \,,e nPW other day that no maltf'r how t.oa ~ IM .to. aot feel. he Mck opinion wu that oncoe M.r. 1 w..,. mut"h lntoerf'l tf'<l 111 lhe hlft"h iw.:hoo! call ror r..nolh,r. "'hen good a teac he r one ml1ht bof' the ~ ··•-•-..,. ..~R clLUrooma are noeeded ao blldly 1 --r---.. ,_...,,..... Slaen.llower •med tht! t'ndorN-letter to your ~htor of l1t11l Wed-number ont' job w,.. top e...,... lhe to" blll -·----··-la i nti when there a re plenty of ....._,_ .._. __,,,. --~ m•l ot a dele1aUon, hla name nt'adit.y writtoen by Mr•. Mary Ann 11dmlnl11t,...1or11. 1 .... "...._'""' to "" ta.e N-B ampalriN prtmary. 1'0U1d ro before Callfornie votoer• Wl11lmore of 890 National Ave .. swtmmlng opportunlUe" at our a.n ~v,.,. .e;ro-...·1ni;t problem .,,-;th AMI ~added U-t hia atUtudt oa. Jun .. !rth no matter wh•l I.ht! Coe.la Me-. in wbJch 1l'le quea-beache:1? 121 Why mu•t lax·doJ· JoO many admlnllol rRtf.ra to plea_..... _ __.. lar1 M 1.--nl to 1-cn adulUI how II I ...-.. u UM N-Bampahira pt1-P'Twl.ldent mlpt do at a latf'r uona the 1J)f'ndlng of t.aJi:-dollAML .. -COllta MeM.. In II e ovrr a lwn rn.ry COTU"lld all ··.t1m1iar 111tua.-det.. for the beauUful audltortum flt lo P1"Y golf. t.n.tn thrlr OO,;B Y"'r penod h11a 11d•lf'l'I tu th,. 1td-bona.~ ~ • ..., .. _, .. -·--u---ty ••• ..,, •-·•-•. h• "···t 'ti wh " t pollllh aton8 etc.! Yt'hy ran"t m1n,otr11tlve dt!p•rtm,.nt " bual-n .., ....... ,,,,_.,, ..., ~~ _, ...,,... ... ........_ co ere -.;,.,.tn uoe e emen-people who W'l•h to l.UI" lheae 1 otfkia1 olljec.lklll to !ala na.rne • ---ted Uiere mlghl boo court t.a.ry chlldnoq dn not h•"e -enoug h nffll mana.1 er. a .. urr1cu um co--... --fU\d other adult cour._... pay tor II'· tn,. t!!Dl.wecJI • -y ,.,.._ prt-acuon to ~ the qu....tlon If claaarooma. 1 am J"La.d that Mn . ordinator. • romb1n11llon .,r•nan thf'nt rat.her th!U'l mAke th" reiit I m&ry Ike p ve hl1 approval nn M•rCh V.'h1tmorP. wnllf" 8\ICh a 1,11,r I ant'I audLo-v111ual conau tant and 8111 Mr. ~r 01d not 7th anti lhf'n <kt'ltlf"d be'COI'• the 1>1•11 .. v .. It 111 hl,th Urtof' that .,..,. •II uf 1111 fo0t lh, blll ! , an aui11ta1H .urwr1nt~nd~l or M)" ... h,.th .. t .,,. -Id 1o all uw. el.ect.aoo l.o ct.rop lluL tc.ok • dvM.r kook at Che a.ILOO;'.• 1011 a.tun.-down 111 the h1rtl a.::tloot....-oml'lal tit~ pr)'("tlo'°Ctlll ord1n111 ur al"°~ l1 11N!m• to ma tb111 if our rhlldrl!'n werf' advanc• eol from 1:rade to IC'•de on me.rtt an1l "-"<"Ompli.tlf:d •t&nd•rda ralh· oer thBn al<:"• lhla would not be nec•';Ull.• y lll)t df!Alrable Th<!! a oo"" q~uon.1 a.re It)' no m"""" th .. '"11\t-nl of thr»e lhlll tMinuld l>f' t..11irweroed by t.hoM "1'IO ,,.,. detcrmlnf'ld to do What u.e,. lhlnk '" ~I ror u11 wMU\er we llkr U or not and w1UI our ow. doll11ra. n•> lu... M,.. Yr1t.11k WoodlUICI Nf"W\)Ort Beach, C&mon1a r , • I .. ~ .... " Patt.tt.on, J ames Mc!tlahan, Wayne Wedeking, Rich- ard Balgie and Stanley Dendinger. Pat(ef"SOn re- ceived ht. God and County badge a.nd the othen Ad Allan Dei awards. -Staff Photo • W orlcl Prayfil Day -------- -to B.e . Held Friday Costa First "°" Ui.e 'Ot.b far lb4i World l>at al f'N.JW .Ul b9 Ol:ieenie4, X4prl 2 I 411 ' b;" · t!N Wit.et! Chrdl WOJHD. a c--.1 dep&tt.me•t ot t.h9 National ~! of ~U~'!_. da)' 0( !Ant, lhl• ,...,. ll la to be ln th• &•ent.h-da)' Adv,nti..t Church. lf•wport Bl.O. and Bola Ave/, f'•b. 11, J:SO p.tn. Mrl. Oeot"J• 0..-W, ch1trman., wilt be l.Mia1Ad by ""°"''"~, Of \•ar- loar'"'i!fNfttt•· tr-me ciound t. -n r. open to t.114 pubUc: •Eld a nu~ wUl ~ prov-ldt4 for 1ma" ctl!Ji:r -~mi"'~'W"tr;ij·fii1!F"i"""::"!' Balboa Island Methodist flock, Ona Shef\hetd" a!!.rl the llCript ll'U wrltt~n b,r An1erlc.t.n Indian 1-icr1 f rom the Cook Tr&lnlng School, P~ocnb1. Arl1. S..llvllfl&" a.t ~ Jnt1rnal10n&1. 0..te Line u tbe au11 ti-over lbe ToftCa Jalantla, ril41• WllJ l'flll• Unu.. around ~ &'lobe, coneh1thnr Zf houn later on S t. Lawtl!lllce Uland. ObMl'Ylns Boy Bc:out Wede wit.ti. IA the United 8 t1t.,. In n1ora sped&l. C•r.montel Sunda.7 w1lJ be than 20.000 eommunltle,. a.ncl In the Balbo& lala.nd Community ov-er 1$4. otller countrie.!I ""'omen Met.bodlflt Church. Member1 oI the •pea.klrir u many 1&ncuage1 wtll churcb'1 acout.l.n&" Wl!l, Troop 11, be pn.7111,s for pe•c• and Ul\dt"r· will partleip.11te In the 11 o'clock at.&lldJni". !Mrnlc:e at worah!p. Oftennr• I.re 11-1 for ('noptra· Three talk.I on MOnw.nt forOod Uve Chriatl1n wwk a l honie a.nd a.nd W,y Countr)"" will be f1Yl!ll by abroad, In health. eilLLci t!ori a.nd ._' £-. t:vt.111t.c 'W 7 1' .... .John 8cott. tenderfoot ~t; .Jim welfare proJaeta. Cheney. fll""llt claN aoovt; and Ron j""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;: Bt. CtaJr. •lal' -.:out aftd junk>r aa•l•lant R<l'Utmaat<11r. ""-tth-V. SIX BOY SCX>UTS working hard for their church emblems were n:Wa.rded at the Coun. of Award held at Newport Harbor Union High School Monday night when Virgil Wedeking, explol"t'r adviMr, presented badges to (left to r1gbt) Jamel!I Dendinger, A-1 elvin Waidelich, llOO\ltmuter, w11.t ~ ------------------------------br1etly on "An lnt.roduc:tlon to Methodis t s ------------------------------ScouUnc." Tbe .uvlc1 will lnclude Will nw j the church ca.JI. "to th1 eolora", procN&lon of the colora and an opening ceNJmony The bucle call Will bl' &'lven by 8t•ve Fa.FT)', Th• g .30 aerVlce wtU follow the rf!'g ular order o! wor1hlp, accord· Inf to the Rev. Donalrt Q Sa pp. Obse r ve Scout Sun d ay "A Scout la Revt•rent" v.·dl ix-the theme of th,~ morn· 1ng &en.·1cet1 al Chru;t Church By the !)ea on Scout Sunday, An11ouncemenf:J B. S. Execu tive NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PREss -PART 1 PAGE 1 II Will Speak at ____ F_R1_0A_r_._F_EB_R_u_A_Rr_10_._1_9s_b___ CdM Church F•b. 12 Th• R"· lfoy A l'aclson, minU.tec of th" '""! SAINT JOHN THE DIVINE r hurch, \\'ill Hpcak un the rcli;.;1ous !Ude of scouting w; 1t 1 " ernOOdl<d '" t!w '"""' <>;<th ond low. The mom •ng MISSION JS ACCEPTED ~rvl<:f'J are at II 311 •r>•l I I oi in lt"l>f'rl Thunia.e I• a.AAL•l,,n! "" .. ut- ni .. ~hur,/1 3pvn.,.>r• '"'"!><:"Ill IU&Slt'r TI!• l:Jl.p11>~r S•uut t n1t l unit., Boy ~OUt ·r • ., .. ,, .... ., :. ILIHI I~ !l!'\J bv Lc!WI• Cook Mild llP·tl• El!plor•r Poel Nr1 ~ TI1•·e .. r .. ii· ~ffnt P"q(Tt""~ ph11.~1 "' the .coul prort•m 11 .. ,.111111; '" th" age or Ll'lf' b<J)'• \\r•ll.•>11l1y .. ,,enlnp It Lilt lhur.ti I S< nul • ••t theae two un!tJo -...1H ti .. l(U<'.,!• .,f the ellutch f.,r !-,, •1t I :->untlay .. nd wlU att•·nd t h• 11 t •<"'t& ~,,...,.. F.pi.acop&l MJaiiion, ttaned lut year by St Jam.,a Chun'h "·ria uoe ot tour mlaafont adrnltteJ Into union w1lh the 1.J1u< ,.,,., ot t.o. Ansel.ea at the Ill.at aJU1u11.1 ..:on .. e11- t.un It h&3 ..,,.,.n sivl'n the n11.me o! S t. John the L>lvlne A1 one "' t.n. bulldlnc !und proje<:t•, St. hlarcaret'• The !cout TrtjOip ""' .. I~ on ~luu- 1Jt.y .. venln~ .. ,.,.i, "'~k 11 t \h·· Tar I'll Youth Bu1ld1ng ,,.. N~" p.-.rt Ueai:h and 11 <1J1tll'Jo 11y ,.. l rt•o p i;uild ta .-.. 1,.1d11rl.Jic a po•t·~ntt>n amofl:'UbOrd dinner al o"«luck ~,.n·1c .. in undntnl ~. ,, :Sl. Ja.nie'a, •" arrair ~tpc.na!l trom tunlrhL enU of the boy1 w1U p1>rt1r l"•le • Uuirlllttce r,! n1en ri ""' th~ ' 11\U ' h l\1!1111 \\'•\.,.Jn 1• ,,·v ut.11111 ~1,.r ~n·I In the aervlce alonr with th••i r Sunday ,.. .. rv1~a are held at the Harbor Aru lloya Club lea...IH"a. l'11r~lll ot tht-boy!! 11 rc w1 U! the R~1 H.ubert Gr1tMar Sr. a.. a.c:Una-\'lea•. alao 1nv1t.,'1 to• the 8cout -~un'1~yl ------- 11crvket •l'C<lf'dlng lo Mr Carl11un. FROM ST. JOACHIM Lutheran-Vespe1-S-ervice Feature 13ible Films to -Cn:tholic -S-caut s Get Awards at Cathedral J oh.n Trtpl•tl, UO Xornin£: Can- yon Road, a me mber of Corona <lei Kar Con1munlty Cbun:h , wUl ~pea.It at th,. 9 4.:1 11>•orahlp aervlce on Boy &:Dul 8un~y. Hi. talk Wiil be "A l:lcout 1.11d Hlt Rell- ~on". Triplett la deputy rqiona.I 1eout e•ecullv• of the local ooWtc\I OOY· "rinl' the area Lncludln,c Redlanda, S1.11ta. Ana. 8&n Bernardino, Po- mona.. Rtv-erslde, Anah-1.m I.lid B.an Dlqo. Ka. cam• to Coron• 4el Ma.r • 1•ar q o trom Wulwooct •nd wu or1&1na..lly frorn the New York natL011a.I office ot Boy Scout.t of AmC"lca, Tbe Rev. Edwtn C. Oomk• will Ki ve the aennc.i a t both aervlcu, ._.'4 • awl_ ...u ,_a:~ .• uu.a, "'Brothuhood or Jn..". Coreys Have Son A nnouncing the birth ot 1. --' --.: , BI RTH bF AN ANGEL _Tbc:J..tall.hu a.a i~~I oi.mucy. And thrv m ean it! J uat a!lk the one!I who have de- pended on her in a time of fear and pain. H o w did ihe becomt an angel of mercy? \1 •11<110) .. 111111, n1lhf"1 lh11 n a aet· ""'" will pro:•ent t hr f•&Mtun 11f l"l1t 'Iv I to~ conitrtg•ll••n of SPw. l"lll fh•1l>nr J.ulht'rKn •'hurch. tl "'"•• llnH.,unr<"d fr;.la.y •• Iha. Nrv.·· I! i i H ·12;11'• • hl1rc h r .. !fll.M'd a •f"llt"<IU I<! •·I .. 11('hl mvl .... ~~k Le n It'll \'~•i" ••·••hf, uun n;.: 1 , ·'111 .... Lind t1ln1 ""Che l.1r~ vf l 'hru•t If ' 'v k \h \' ' Bo •-l d Cub S •· f Cubm••I••. J•m WhJ'• •n .. Doy thla Wtek I.A Mr. a.nd Mra. "y ~" . e c11peT11 an1 ~,. y ..... v u • a.n cou .. o • ~·" f"' • ''' ·h .. ,.,., , •• S<•v•-··••• v,,_, "V·'•klng •r Stewart Corey, 134. Goldenrod Wa• 1he born to ht' a nurse ... or did &he just happen to decide th.it would be a iood profeuion? f'ov•·l'lnic: 1111 \~· .. ,111~"'111y• b~l(ln· n1 Jo": "It h A11:1 Wrolrlf"1<1h1y ~ .. u l:i plu~ Thut"'l''Y l<ll•I ~·rl!hl\' L•f Ash Wednesday B. I. Church at " • · ""• ''• •; " n "'" St Joa r h!m pariah and their tath. " .......... ... • eu .., •h11•nh Th f!lrn• p•·"v<•d b p ..... R.-. will ... In <h•••• or Av-e., Nrwport Bu.ch, the YC>Un.I'· · t" · ..,.. Y /er• w!ll re.-elve huly cum mun Ion -... """' ~ t boni l-'am11y ~'!lrn, In<". of telt"v1-lon ura.ngemenla tor Scout Sunday . a a'" wu P'eb. II In HOI.( fam,. """ 11,,,. Ml><:'d a• a .. •erlt!.11 or ! •t the !I a m ~lu• SunJay at All.ending the eommWJion w 111 1 _»_~_P_1_""_·.:_ _________ _ ',(ht: l1v111 g Sible t11m .. portray-SL J oa chim l'athol1c Church, 20th be Scout.I Jim Mc Ma.l\An, Jhn a.nd 11 g 1 ~ ,.h mal1<" rinal tfaya 111 th .. St. and Ot 1<11g., Av' Sta.nit)' Dendinger, Wayne \\'e;:!,.. 1,r,. .r rhn11t ' The <:'01n111un11)n ~·ill be part or king antl Richard Ba.J irte, all ~•rat film nf 1P1r .... ri,.11 on Aah Boy S..:uul W.ak r•Ugi.oua oO-.erv· memWa or Doop !IO, who wlll \\'. ,j;i.,aday v.'1 U h .... l..11.•t J ourney &JlCell Th,. rvtnmun1on wl!I bl' a.Uo rf'celve God and Country T. Jtnu111\em" f"ll'lV.'t"d In ordtr 1l van by U1P ltev . Thon18a J aw.rd11 Sunday In St. Vlbtana. I }" ··:-,;,,, ..Jt"n1us · 'Thirty f'lf'Ct"• vf Nt"vtn, pa11Lo t of the chun;h, Cathedral, Loa Anf!'elt1. dllYf'r, ··n~tra.y&l In Gelharm&11e," ---'--'·----------------'-----''------ "J,1011 Befo re thr High l'rie1t" I.lid "Trial flrf<Jr" r11 ate" wtlh ''The Upper Roon1," followed by a "11<'rv1c.. o r Holy ! 'nmmunl;:in ahown on Holy Thur!l()ay and "The Cruclflxlon·• un Good J>'t\day. Episcopali a ns Ready ing for Len ten Peri od The f\lma are tponllQred by the Men·a Club or lhe church, Sgt. Sche<:lu le of pte·Lent•n eventa \\11lton Lewton, president. A nur11-and a"rvlcee 11t !-:t. Jan1u Epiaco- ery f or ainall children l• piovlrtecl pal Chureb bel"lna Ba.turd&y, 7 :30 during the "ntire Ve11Jl"'r ~Mn p.>n. with lhe Junior Y .P.F~ V&l.en· a.nu the public la Invited to attenfl all ot the ahowlng-a. Une dance at the pa.Nil h&l.I. U te Conterenc• coritinutnr Lllrourh thfl d•y and evening, with lunch"°n and dinner lt!TVcd by women of SL Jamu' Pariah. ... Statt~---an p.11 • • She decided. But she d idn't just ha.ppen to decide I It gre.-.,,.ithin her-thi!-yearn- ing to help others. It began one day in church 1chool. Woi1 it th" lesson of t ht' Good S amaritan.-.or one o f the othtra? The idea thrived on moiny an in· spiring 1ermon. Then one day it became a conviction ,,, something to pray about ... to plan for. Today she is a wo nderful n u r se . Tomo r · row •he 'll be a lo v-ing wi ft ... <1n under- s tanding mother. You 1ee, 1he'1 not unusu1l, thi1 girl. She is s imply a girl whose Church hf'lptd h1r find G od'1 challenge in her life. ' -· ~ -~~- A.ah \\'~clneaday. the f lrat flay of the Lenlen llt"flllOn, wlll be obMr·v. ed with a 7 ~() p m. •ervice or 'vo r- ehlp on Feb ltl. "'· the Halboo la· 111.nd Cl'.lmhumtty Methoclat Churttl. Th" pa•lor, lhoe Rev. Donald G. Sapp, wUI b9 the •pMker. The MH-v lc• w.11 follow tha> monlbly Family Nl[l:ht 8UpP"r to be 11<Pcrve<:I at 8 :30 In De:arborn HIOL!I. Thoae planning to attend the po;luck aup- P"r &re u ked t o 110Uty Mra. N•ll• Oonker I A.Arbor 1153-w J by Tue• day.' Bolh I.he aupper and ti\• Mr- vtce a re open to the public. A.t the Ath Wl!l.Jnt"8C!Gy ffrY\CC'll , 1nark!ng the beginn ing of Vnt. b<:>t h the chlldren'a Carol Choir anti the adult O\&llcal Choir will .11lng. Flr1t Sund.11y In Lent, Feb. 19, !I a..m.. Pa.riah U te Conference continuing-until 12 11oon. Sund•y Strvlcta are: 8 a .m., Holy l:r.nH>llln!"n; 9 t~ a rn .. Pnd 1--------------- 11 00 11..111. Morning Praye1. F'am· l\y Service And Sunday School; 6::10 p n1. Young Paople'a FeUow- ~hlp. I p.m. Adult lnqulrel""ll' ClUfl. c •• ,~ u 11-1011 • This Church Feature Sponsored by These Local Business Firms W ill Preach ART C. KISTLER CO., Realton DICK MACKER 'God Is Soul' at San D iego Tuf'ltday, 8-!I p.m .. 11.tpJ>t>r, ptt p11red and lhe m t'n of SL John M\11alon a pancake •f'rved by the Olvlne A11h \Vednl'11\la y, Feb. I~. 7 a.m., Holy Communion: \I) 30 a .m., peni- tential nt n,-e an<l h11ly communion: 8 p.n1. P"llllrnt1el orrtce and mtdl- tsllon. Ft"b 16, 11 ·1ti. a.111, Prayer (lulld an<\ JO '.ill a.ni.. holy com- munion an,\ ht"ehng 11crvlct. MYF Work Day Planned at Capistrano With the previou.a work day al L&.r.y \V. ranch ~tponl!ld to t1.l11 I w. l a.-.i. Bq J'r-ont Specia.11.ata L L Ce.h• t901 Newport Blvd.. Ne1''J)Ori Bea.ch Draperlu -Cupeta -Upholstery Complete F~e Decora~ BerTtee l s T heme of Science Sermon llOmilllJ" . Saliu-U,,.,-•11nou~l.-..U.S E. 17th .St, - wa.11 made al the Sunday night Coeta M M& meeting of the Methodlal Youth lr;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o l Ft"ll0Yllah1 p, Cllrlst Church by the -· ~226 Marlo's 5-rt Set Hair Fashions Complete !tyllnr Permanent Wavtnr and Tlntlnr S420 Via Udo MAD MOORE NURSERY Cut FIOWt!l""ll -Pet StrppllM ( ,. God, tha aource ot all reallty, l• aeen •~ Soul In Ctirl•t1an Science. The aubje.;t oC the 1-IOLOn-Sermon In a.IJ Chriatlan Sclcnct1 church"" Sunday l11 "Soul." An lnvltaUon to be Uie apeak~t for a week ot e•anceU..m at St. Made.'• "MelhOdlit Church, Sa.n Diego, hu beeI'I ecceptrd by t he Rev. Dona.Id G. Sapp, mlnt•tt"r or the Ba lboa. Laland Comm 11 n 1 t y MelhoJl.11t c nurch. Mr. Sa.pp wlll 11pe.11k at week·day and Sunclay 11t>rvice11 of wor,hlp a nd u11l11t tht> San Diego mlnl•ter In a progr1Un ot vl11ltatlon evangelism. F"rld11y. ~'eb. 17, \\"orld Day or Prayer; 7 :10 p n1 . 0 pt"nlng of Pat- !11h Life l"onter~nc~ conducted by the Rev K"nntth \V. Cary, Rector of St. Ml!ltthcw'1 P11.rl11h, Paclflo Pal!,...dr~ Sea. th!lt all membf'r• a.vail11blt" would ~o !11 thie Methr.dlat can1p ne.ar San Ju11n Capl1trano an!l bf!'- gln conatrucUon o r a. ca.bin. Men at Lhe c hurch w111 go wlth the g-roup. For Your MM r:..t Coast Hwy, Bubo• 610f BaJboa Blvd. at 21st Newportlleoclt Tht1 Ooldac Text from t,..e\·ltlc111 C;J8 :1J. 12) keynote& the theme, "I will •el my taberna.cle a.monl' you: &nd n1y llOUl ah1.ll not abhor you . The pro,ra.m 1-11eho:t<1uled fnr ~larch 7-14. Putor or the San Dlrgo chureh wlU1 whom J.fr. S•pp wll! be WQrklng la the Rev. Sidney .1. Lll.w90n, And l will walk among you. a.nd 1--------------- wlll b9 your God, anl'I Y• ah&l.l be my people." The aermon i.. p~ed from U\a HoJy Bibi•, &nd from "Science and Rea.Ith With Key to tl'll Bc.rlpturea .. by M&ry BUer Eddy. A puatl" from th• .. lt• rMda. "Wbl!lfl un- derata.ndln( chan&M the at.and· polhta of Ille -d lnt.Ull'•nce from a materta.J to a •plr1tual ~. "' ahaJI r•ln lb• reality of Lit., l..he control of 9cN.I ~ Mn ... a nd we Pall perce.Jv. CtuUUanJtJ, or Tnlth, In tt. div-Ina Prlnclpl•" (p. 322). ThW ta COITillatied by • •tatement or th• Apo.tie Paul to the Rom&na, Credit Wom en's Saturday Sale Laetal acU'1ty of the Cr~lt \Vomt"n's Breakfut Club of Or- ange Coaat wll\ bi!! a v.·hlte t"le· pba.nt aal• i:iext Saturd•y Ln rront ot th• AJpha lkta J.\a.rkel on 17th St., Colita M11•a.. Houra wlll "be 10 a . 1n. to ~ p . m. Next rneeUng tor the Credit nub .... 111 be Fab. l.5, 7 ·30 a.. m. at the Park Avenue (\'e. ~tr1. Burtnn ~l l lll'r, preaident. w!ll preaent the mecond In • at"-rle1 of t"ducaUonal le~. '"They lhat an an.er UI• na.h do 1--------------- tnlnd the ~ ol the n.ui; but they °'-t ue I.ft.er UM lptrtt the lhlnca of UM BPtrtt" <Rom. 8 :6). nRST CJlfUaCH 0,. CJlllU8T ll<llKNTIAT UU YI• UM .... _ _. k6di ,,. "'-" .. n.. ........ a-n ,.... ~ .. , Oi.tdi,__el' °""'· ~ ... lit ....... ""'·-· e::., k'-1 !'" .. .... _ ....... _____ .,.. ..... . w-...i.., ....,..,. ,........,. -•• .. •· • .......,._..._..,•n11~u .... .... _, ...... ii ·--.,.. ,._ •• • "'· ,. I• ""' w.,~ ......, ......... , .. , ..... ~ -1 ... et...d Mllft..,,_, n.. ..-no .. ~~ ......... .. o.u ,........... .-4 .... ,... •""41.t - First Aid for Scout Leaders 8t.arttn1 Feb. ltl mm 9 a.. m. to 12 noon. • 'll"Mkly 3-hour •tan· dard Red O'OM nnt a.Id courH will ba CIYml for Girl Scout le&d- 111'11 1.nd tb<t public by Kn. Ra y Tl'au.tweln. •l ,,_ home. IUO P'UJ· l.rton An.. o.t.a. Me.. Red Cro&a headquarteni annou.nca th• counie '1"1.U rtnJah March 22 "1th a.n adnne«J CO\ITM to /oilCTW allortly lhar"'1.er. hrtber tnto"' m•Uon m..,. be obt&lntd. by u.U· Int Harbor tala. • R•turd11y. Frb. 111, 9 11..m. Pariah Programs on Indians at Cl)rist Church Neil Pllr"t"ell, pre10Llflent. an - nounce;:! Feb. !I as d!!,\e or the county MYF convention, tr. be held Jn Gardf'n Grove. 'ILl8o a Jo- ca.I council meetln&" for \Vednell- day night. Th.lrteen membeni were prt"11ent and their MIYl.&or, Ml""ll. Earl Stoneback. Son for Jacksons T Proud pa.rf"n'"' are Mr. and Mr11. w o •pecllll pt )"'"'ma on •·-·· Vlr(il Jack.llOtl, !112 1'1111Un Ave., "An1erica.n lnd!1.n11 Today"' will bf! preae11tt-d •l Chr11tt Church By rollowlng the birth oC 11 boy bab)' Jan. 31 In Hoag Hoaplta.I. the St"a In Newport Bew:h lhla I;=;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;::;;;;;;:; cnmlnc week. Thi~ ls part of tha locl!J c hun:h·a "Adventure.a In Mlulona"' ro~ Febru1try. Thl11 yea.<· the mta•lon-theme ln n1a.ny Prot- eflta.nt ctu1rrhe• 111 on the work ot the churchr• With lndlith peoplu o( Ameti~ On 8unda.y t venlng, a film will be 11howri .,. ro11.rt or the prov-rn pr"flHflted by I.he •~nlor Youth P't"J- I0111,.blp t or th., ~"Mling-. Jt t• enUUed, "8trang•r-. ln Their Own La.nd." I 9ulcli Service FOR Roller Shades Standard Shada Clo t.ha and Cuatom lpoclalti• • Drtpery Hard•an • Venetian BJJ..bd.I CALL RAILBOll IU THE SHAD E SHO P m Ulld 8t.. N..-porl S-C• .,... lM .._. Ottlee Lent en Inspiration Living Bible F'ilma J'ortraytns Ute Cll.mal:Ue !lnal day• In the Ute or ChrUt. In Color & Sound Each WednMday Eve. at 7 :30 o'clock. WED.. FEB. 15t.h "La sf Journey To Jer11salem " NEWPORT HARBOR LutlMran Chlll"Ch Robert B. GrOllluad, Puior '!!IOI CUFF DlUVI!; SP.:WPOkT HEIOllT'8 'Ibii Pf'O("taml becln1 at T p. m. foUowlnc a 11111.ek-auptMT-and - ciaJ hour In lkloda.U Hall On 1 ~-------------c1.1.1i ............... . W~y •v•nlnr another pro- CT&in oa lndt.yie Will ba p,._nt.ed by Mr. 11.nd Ml"S. Lloyd l..&lh ot lnflewood. They will d<acrlbe tMlr Indla.n work. Tha prosnrn WW foUow a fa..rnlly·nlrtit dlnnar a l 1;11 ~ m. BALTZ MORTU ARIES COST A MltSA CH.t.Pl:L lTfl. BttpwU A~ oa.ta .w-. c..m. Pboa. Llbe1J' a-2121 CH.APEL BY THE BE.A ltl20 z. COUt 81\'d. CurOQ9 dd Mar, C&lif. """"" ....... .. \ NEWPORT FURNITURE CO. Complete Home 2620 W. Cout Hwy. FurnW."'P liberty 11-1113 Fred Orgeron Cliewron Service TlrM -Baltetlaa -ACCUIOr1e• Cornpletie Lobr1catlon ZIOO W, Balboa Blvd., Newport 11ooeb Harbor 1615 UNl9UE CAFE BreU:fut -Lunch -Dinner 410 32nd SL, (i\croM rrom City HalJ) Ernie Churclt-THE ARCHES Union Oil De&l.cr !400 W. Cout Hwy. Newport Beacb LI ll-906S HOWARD'S RmAURANT eou .. Bhop---Op91 '' Houra 3945 W. Coul Hy. (at Balboa Co\'N) -11820 GEORGE M. GRAHAM nura and C.a.rpet.1 UZ Apte A \'e. BaJhoa lllaAd -- NEWPORT HARBOR BANK An lnrt.perf\'.lent, llomt1 Bank Corona del Jl&r MidnJ,s'ht to ll A.. M.. %217 W. Cout HJway, Newport Bea.cb Vincent'• Re1aN D1'99 s- 'I'v.•o l<X"ltlona to Serve You Newport ~a.ch ~roaa del Mar STAFFORD & SON El..ctr1ca.l Contractol""ll 110 Riverside Ave. Newport Beacb Liberty 11-2276 Lowle WOoctworth Plano Co. Complete Line of New 4 U-.d Piano. %610 P'. Co!IOI Hwy. Barbor sm ELITE BEAUTY SHOP ~nder tba New M&Mrenmcmt ot Mr. Pl.t ., ~ • • PAAT 1 .:: NEwPoRT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS _11 u_ KS Tl'~cr,: TEAMS FllD#.Y, FllRUARY 10, 1956 -un 1!1U ' . . ~ • • • , ' • • • SHOP MONDAV 6r fRIDAY N :C'1T5 TIL 9 IN HI-LOW TOMORROW 'Teiolaa off In Ille &1111ual HI-Low ..,it touniAm.t at '' -.~lllllpll .. Ill .. ~.__,-~.._.. -11:mm'"'••k·w~U1t=Olr ~~ot>-C. .... '"1,..en.o."""'~R.""'R.>l)~"";:>t .. ~,.,_~=~··~ ;· ~e:.,. c!! :;.~.·-~~-.s:: :~~.~. :~ . .;·,~· ~~:: .. e~~-....... t .......... ~=---- . ·1~·1~~ 1 ~ -. -~I il'iOC":w.!!<o :~ 1 ~~.~~·. ri~;;l\fti¥3 JS?.t!'?J9:·~~o':uia 2}Lc-"""'i:o-= Stafford. ll:OI -Bob Mblan. .Dt.Yiai W. HMth, ft.. W. flannA. 2.tt Y.... Prfetff T.Wadalhe. 52.1152-ln. ,........ ..,...,.. .... $4-Jn, loncf. ~20-lft, .... o. M. Hwnm•ll; T. a. T~ tord. 10:11-J. Ben w .. t, C. c H,.,.._. Ma-,~"----'-"· -• t -,, 1 -Squtni Jobn8Dn.. 8:11 -Jay c . Henri~; c . L. COoper. Donald Mc· .. -. .., "' .... "' ........ !QI" C:UIOfl .•• ' • ''""'' i.,.th"zlpper ............................. •'7 a......,., Jul• Karine; Rieb· AJplM. 10:24-R. W. Bmllb, T. W. ......, J_.Jt ~ ~ thadow-JWoof. 1..21 Y .. ue Tewel ......,, ~-,..tic ,.... ~ U'd PM(tt, VenM J Mlkln9. 8:24-Lattin: 11. o . Schult.a. Roy LyMan. PkllJic ~· ftotMll or whitll •• ••••• · · ..•. -1.00 Ch""'*'-.. • · f 'fl Georp L. Olnoll, F . C. Andre-10:12-W. Hunt, E. c . Rbodt1: 14.tl V..U. T.W. La...,, C9romlc boM Flb.r-2.29 V .. M·N~·;.;.~~·,M~iiki:~·~··· • ;-:.;____~:_&haddock, J . K. BAl'l'll~I. John Weld, Don N'oet. tO :fO-~-.ode, a.-y flohlilnt .••.• -. · ·... • . 12.11 •tmchlng ., Mafchinv ......... , ..••• , ..•••.. t.67 : ~ Canipbcll. Robert D. lrt'lnl' Watcher, John Abell; ,..,.... . • .,......., 1.St .. 1.91 karf .... rtMent, l.4x CordvNy PIH .... ,~-round,°' """tt.tlar:. I =; .~~J~~~A~~.p A_ M~: ~ ~~..._ lil~~~to~~0:6~ .133 or 1-h43-Jn. Embroidered while cottl)fl & nylon, .o. 8k Choice of mony cxMon , , .... , . , ... , ..••...••••• t .77 Loeffler; Snnltt DaYb Jr .• TD. J ohuon: R. J. VUl&rran&. Dun· --···· ' ' ..-..-. l :•l-0. H. Teeple, A1-can lfeAJplM. 10:06--John Peter•. ANOTHER ENSIGN BUC KET Thi• on• wu de~led by Rich •\\'at.aon wn•·n Coach Norm Sl!llwell'• Hora-ce El'Mlll'fl \-.r1lly romv--d u\'e r 1\atin 39·10. The l!!n.tJ(TI quin~t 11 undefeated in 0 Mt.nge County Elemen- ta~ School 84Jlktlba.li i.-,rue. St11ff f'ttot" Red Sox Come From Behind In Blazing 8th Grade fray A. bla~lng roin,.ba , k from 11 I:.,,. ~<1·2!1 Thu• lert the C11.rd1 ro1nll l!ehlnd ~n11b!~c1 '"' "" (;u1nl.11 11nJ \'-"l\1te s .. l( with Iden· ~ to knock uv1·r \h t un.:f'tf'11l"<l u .. :. J ' .. IMp llJ<l fkl. T&lly P irate• 28-2~ Tlll!l •lay .. n.i t h1 ''"' 1ol" rl., th• Harbor li•)y•' t..:lu b 811! (: nt.i)P J{.,d So11 llvb g,.1g. I 10, Rich- ~tran1url\l b11.1'kt<!IMl.LI ll!lll("" ln t4.l nr 1 l..u.Ct1nib 7, J1n1 ,\!t Mah».n O. a lhrel!·Y,'n) tie. The Ur11v ... •. H•"1 j T"rn G r"h"m 3, J.'red r.tartln 3. 8g,,x AJlO 1.:1.l lil l!.I. .JI.OW hi!.~~ ,t.·1 j1,-~.,_ .J,J.1·1AA Uu! .... 14. U.Ob re..·orU.1 l'W.-•.hi•·ll h Jerry (;(ue.:nf'r 2. Jim 1'1 11il1n1:: 176 At halflln1e, lh"l l:l u~hl•ll~ 1 R,.,1 i\<011 ,,.,,np•·J \nlv 11 21 ·21 re1:11l11t1vn t 11n e dl!llttlCH..k, Lht"n I Hn•Y""· St•·ve IWb•n.!IOn J8. r"flt •nut·d the be~ktt b11rr11,:e '"' T uai l hiber ti, Dlc k R11pp 9, 1 P' nl J1 11g111nst 4 fur Lh,. nva !11 !>lanu.~I C'aJ1ll!a11 2. \\'a 1n" IUct I ti) ••qllure !he t.hrllhng !ray. l·.,1.i,. ·1.,n1 !5111100\•11 1 Ii, Pele ''••tr r• ~u!l..1 fuun·I ,;,., Ura \'<'ll J.'t<t11hf'r.•lon 8 ~h'\'" Lt-...,-,., IUl<l r l ''•'ring t h• ("111olir111I' 4i i!I J nhn H••lf11rd, ~ f'fl1h, !\ll•I Uen •n·I !h~ (;1"nts J11 r11 nl(' th" \\.'tute J..itk,.,..n '.! Yin C. 0-enco.; Jlm Oray, F . J!:. Jloyd IC. Buell; John Cun:.l. Venie Bult.on. l :til -Kenneth. Harbert, Wat.o11. Sam Howard; 1... Glen Bturyl&, k. 1... Bryan. 9:04 -Roland VallelJ, H. I . Bam•; ~k Ewert. R.. A . Beh· rendt. 9:12=-Bruce w-i. J . A.. Buahard; R. D. Pbllbriclc. R. B. Jl'ehrell.. t :ZO-Art Betit. Ray M.c· CoJ: Donald Harwood. David WortJn&a. 9:%8--W. R. Mlruna, Roland Wnpt; Em.LI Borel'llJOft. W. Douc1aa 1-. t ::MI -Paul D&IUel, W . a. Hol»tein ; Bruc9 M.&Nton. Walter ~YU. 9 ;•4- J . Helpa1a. B&dd R.l.nc; Howe.M. Jriemtng, Ted F\n.ter. u·Ol-Ru• Ford, Heny ronnan; Eul Gran- dy, Normlll\ Gamble. .Wlill"'1..:~ .... -ri 11:04-J . J. Albul&n, Urban a.ti: Joh.n Mc lolo•b. J. R. O'Brien. ll:ll -J . 8. Watk1n1. r. A.. J"vw'ler; Ted 8b.lpkey, J:. H . tt.~' 11:20-R.ay Stanlbury. Ru.ell n.m; L . 1... Menhe.nlck, K. E. ~· 11 :28-L.ut.u Boyle. Huell Hu'-; CnJg Cadw&lader, Ralph Compton. 11 ;Sf-John C Helton, R. E . Ha.Iberg; Waller A. Corbin, Robert Gardner. ll:fifi- Toni Heodenon. C. A. Hl(ble. J. W . P'br•n. Roy H Keome. 1l :C2 -W...-ren Tale, J I~. Steffenaen: 8 . Q. Sutton, J a ck Sederlund. lad NEWLYWED SPECIAL! for only •s a month RURIGERA TOR ..i GAS RANGE Annual RECORD SALE! LONG PLAYING from . . . . . Many-Many lo Choose from • •• 45 R.P.M. --78 SINGLE RECO,DS 2 for sloo 4 I-or V.M.PHONOGRAPHS with Automatic Changer ............ . • TELEVISION • 21" Console Ma.llor. '529.50 21" Console 22)'_ Console 27" Table Mdl. ~,;: 21" Console floor Models $249.00 21" Console ...... 279.00 Jl•.16 199.00 21" Console 21" Console norm-llhMc-...... Wll.b Mil '9on. 395.00 24" Console ..... Pl'IN 8'1119 Ptb R.(l.A ........ ,_ ..... I ·-269.00 lllld 1w1Yel ...... ... •• 5 199.00 259.00 289.00 3~.00 AD of aboff natlollaly advertised braoNk IClld wltll Ml p« wm1•ty 1111 plctw. hilM, 3 -ths -•anty on parts wsd 30 days fne 1«Yice. The HOUSE of HARMONY 1819 Newport Ave. Llbet'ty a.ssas Costa Mesa .. tufted cotton carpet ...95 Volue. l•xtured low loop1 woven with twi11.d loop yorn1 for long41r w.or. 4 color1. 12 ft. wldth1. ' SAV£ the Latest on ..... gs in furnis111n brazier, motor and spit 39.95 Value. Ro I • e or lower c+,,omad grill. 24" fore bowl; 11eel hood. Rubber !Ired whMll. 6 rpm ele<. motor. 29~~ • FOR sofa bed and chair Regular 199 . .50 wid• orm detign. Metallic lri•ze covering; weh, butto" tufting. Sofa ~I double lock coil tpriog unit. furniture and rugs 249.00 Yalu• 2 Pc. s.ct\onal or Sofa and Choir, foom ]ole:it cu1hiont. lgtell color1. Your choice . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . 189.88 R•gulor 219.50 Divan Group, 3 piece. Wrought Iron meta l with brot1. OiYon converh to dbl1. bed 199.88 149.95 Yalu• OiYan Suit•, 2 piece. Modern hardwood leg1, blond fin!1h. Late1t colo11 ..... 117.88 11:._ulor 69.9S SwiYal Rocli:•r, boll bearing • 1wiveJ action. Friez• coYer, choic1 of col011 . 64.88 lt•9ulor 96.95 Recli n•r Chair, built-in ott1>- mQn exhlnd1 outomorically. No-"'g sp<ings . 89.88 11:._ulor 29.95 Plastic Top Tablea, step end or cocktail. Solid 05'1 fini1hed in lim1d oak. Choice 24.88 19. 95 Chroma Dlnen1 S.t. 36)(.48-in. toble, 4 matching chair1. Tobi.. e1dend1 lo 60 inc he1 . 69 .88 l99ular S9.9S ChrarM. Dln.tt•, 5 piece. 30x 40-in. table, e.-tench to -48 inch. 4 cho ir1 . . 49.88 R99ular 49.9S Hand Hooli:•d Rugs, 9'xl2'. O.toi1.d pottern1 in yOYr choice of 3 color1 39.88 lt .. ular 5.49 sq. yd. Tuft•d Catton Carper, Tightly twiOed short loop 1urfoce . . . . lq. yd. 4. 95 7.95 Value Provincial Via<ot• TwHd, 9 and 12-ft. widths. ViKose, oc.elote yorn1 1q. yd . . 6.95 R .. vlar 1.91 Marh.lizecl lnlciid linoleum, cll(lr thrOl.lgh colors. Wax-sealed •urfoce .tq. yd. 1.78 R .. ular 1.79 Cocoa Mats, 12l(2l·in. 1ire. Tough cocoa fibers, braided .dges 1.39 R91vlcir 59.95 Axmlnst•r lu9, 9x12 ft. wool and ca'"P"f rayon. hiqe leof and llOf'al 49.88 1 .. ular 49.95 Axmlnlt•r lug, 91112 ft . im· ported wool1 oM rayl)fl yam1. Vorl•got.d colori 39.88 4t.9S Valve kvlptur.cl Ru9, 9x1'2 h. High-ft loop... "colon. a.om.tric G.-<tft li:ey .......... lt.11 l..,ul• 2.M luW..r Deer Mat, 11)(30-in. 5crapi9 &ho.s dMn. l lo<k, VfVY letterlng . . . . . 2.2f lt .. ulor 1.19 Onrl htct.d 1"9S, '17x29-in. R.,..rsible cotton braided tUVt ••••••.••••••••••. tte \ Second Week .•• Ar ~ori Santo Ano you 1«il! r.nd Th• home lurnithing1 you need. all 11nd1r on• roof •.• ond ol bo19oin i.aving 1. Join the crowd1 to Seor1 Sonia Ano and wvel mattress ciild box spring Regular 99.95. Foom rub- be,r. 6" monren. A!lroc- tive thorcool a nd "pink ice" ticking. Matching 72· coil bo.11 1pring. Twin tit•. television and radios legulcir 279.95 TV Consol•, 24·1nch l ow-Soy 1tylin g ond flowle11 "' performonc1 ,.. . 259.11 Regular 109.95 Table Mod1I TV, 17.inch, !d1ol H!I for the den or the children'1 room ........... 99,88 l9'Aular 29.9S Table Mod•I Radio, A.M. Ho1 'remendov' pull.i n power /or di1tonce .... 24.81 Regulcir 19.95 Portable lodio, 1uper-pow1red for long life battery operation 16.18 l&11ular 9.95 TV Anlenno Kit, 1ingle co<'!kol type. Every thing you n..d for in11allQtion _ . 7 .II fix-up buys for the home R-avlar 41.95 Homart A-r fumac•, 25,000 STU. No pit or bo1em•nl r1quire.d. Slown grill .. ]t.11 lt•gular 62.95 Hornart Water H-t•r, 20-got Rock wool ln1ulo1ion. Auto. them"101tat cO<'!trol 56.U legvlar 259.95 Di1hwa1her, vnd.rcOYn'9r model. Copper lacquered fini1hed front ...... 234.11 l•gular 5 .49 Thrff Llghl fhrtur•, "Sunbu.-11'' dtuign. Choice of J decOlotor colo" .............. 4,44 lt•gular 5.7S Iron l oiling1, many 1tyle1. p,... ve<1h occidel'lh on 1lippery 1tep1. -4 ft.... . .. , .. $.17 R•gular 7c Homort Asphcilt Til•, pott•rn gaff clear through. ld•ol for boiement. Ea ............. M Regular 3 .29 Raofin9, 90-lb., cover1 100 .q. ft .. H10Yy felt boM, 1alvrot'l'd with 01phal1. Roll ... 2.tf R .. ular 4Sc Homart Pla1flc Til•, can't corrod•, chi p or _pe•L Eosy to clean. Sq. fl ................. 4i' legular 6 .25 HouM Paint, Snowhlt•. Mild.w rMistont, fum• proof. Gal ....................... 5.51 l99ulcir 3.19 A.t Wall Palm, durable alkyd bow. For wOOd, pla1t'l'r, "*°'-Gal. ............ 2.U 1.79 va1-Sp.r Vemhh, firtt qt. at ,,_p., pric•, 2nd Of'lly OM cent mOf•. Qta .. , ....•. 2 .... 1.IO 1716 So. Main St. Setda .a.. T•t.ph-. ti 74171 ,. -- • • HA 110'1--- BUCS SET ·ro ·UPSET FULLERTON TONIGHT Stu Inman Defense on Plans Marfor Man Mesariten's Court Figuring the aggreaalve play of hla Orange Cout Col- lege Pirates can offset the uplift Fullerton'• Hornet.a re- ceived from upsetting San Bernardino Tue&day, Coach Stu Inman ind icated he would throw a ma.n-for-m.an defeni;.e against t he invadera in the Metia ca.mpua gym a.t 8 p. m. t.onjgbt. I Win 7th FOREIGNCAIHEAIHjKJ~ OF OIANGI COUNl'f '"l'he -.'!!lat !lo* .... llWlt" • WI Alli FIATUlllNGo THIS WEEK FEI. 5TH THRU FEI. 12TH SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY DEALS ON • D K W1A-Ullionl OUTDOOR P LAY AT R EA -:->tl'\;e Robinson !!JJ lrts fly a Jump 11hot for E:vt>rl'll !<1._.a 8th gr ar1•·!'>1 T uesday afl t-rn1 .. 111 aga1r1!>t H <•lfu •· ~ntugn . t':.ir1••1,t basketball a.t the hilesa i;c hc.>01 l a!·cs place c:onstruct1on bac:kgruunJ. -Staff J->h r1to tt.gainst a Th11 nu:an1 Inman la Willlnf t o ~•<.:rlf1ce f r&o: lhrc wa rot rteld 10.11, an unuaia.1 atUtuds to takt' dur· 1ng Lhla aeuon of v ine ·l•·l,.n- --------------\1.nd declaJve bonua toe,,.,, lru111 llMI ''3 ·6'' Tars Fa ce 2 Vital Games Here Tonight 'ALLEGE D :N EWPO RT G R!DDER M OUSETRAPS CHUR C HMAN FROM $2 l •~11·!• L,,,.1,· 1 , I.II r·,,, ,.,, I • Jl 1 ! , I .. r '' • ""'"' ~ •nd ,, " . " ' ' ' Ii Ill '• .,, j• ' . d i. .. 1·~1 ... 1 '1 ... 111 .• 1 ,: •• ' ' ' 1n • I t • " ' I ' '" , .. I' 'I'\ 'l'"tltnr, t•M ,, Ill r ,, I "' t "' '"' fur '"I u1 \ " I"'' ' " ,,, '"' 9uintets ~:;:::t Ens i9n I • · , I ' " • " -11'1· " ".:~ ltl .u, I ILL' 10-MILE RUH ""' SET AROUND "" Th~ $ .. u1h .. rn AlhlrUt, Unu.m • BAY P11~1r1c A mat,ur lO·nU.le handl..:..jl t l 'M "'lo: t~< ~·n i;t .<·h· "n ..... ~ 1 .11 "n" u1 11. .... ru:a c;f event• T .1" lh.ib• """ : 1· ·•·'• lither 111 thl,. Olymptc build-up year, J: ... ~·"I''' ~1~,,. )\'-''"" n 1&/al will ~ l!pona<.>rcJ her" i;'eb Ill 111.1111 Lucu . 6 • ,, h .. !• 11v l\.·hn h)' th' Ne,,.·purt l:Jeach Recre10 - t<>ul line. nl()Sll L1'SEMN.J.: Probable •lartlnl" array f•1r tM ,\llcNmen Wlil !Uld tru.h1n1111 l,;"n- n)' F'l.Up•lrick 1U1d Don .\fln.vin a t gu&r<Sa . .opti.oniore E.z \'1U1 }IQrn &t penter, -.AG. !re..hmftll Rill Wel· U>t uid D ave BldnJck at torwant.. rhe tluhy, bll.11 -lhatt!ng quick nf!N wlll be aupplled. by Jo'Jt.<1 •incll , .\.l1naon a.nd 8 1dn!ck With \ ar, llvm ~nll \\.',t:r.'J handling th!I l'ebound ,..ork •lonr; "''llh .Jeddy Yv1U1g: 1o.nd Bob Ch•1.nnan. Newport Harbor'1 o"'·n °"'1fly l"lUplltrll"k IMWI th" l'1ralt-11 ln Ea.lltern Conference 99 point• ..Ud a li 2 IVf'Tlllo:"· ViUI 1..0W 00\\'N PA\'llENTS HARVEY MA YER MOTORS, INC. %1S7 llARBOK BLVD. (romer Vk toria ) LI K-22.';6 There'll be \"''0 \'1!11) S•1n~r\ I ra·' ~ ,,. r; .. n1e• in S 1a1lur o;• "' l<>Jl.;;111 "l!rn lh•• N'""'J~>!! llo.h • )I ,.,! ~· huvl •·to;:cr11 ••f I"" " .! ,,. < l~.1>;• ''""l the 'IV"' H 1 ... 1 ... r .. 1 ~ ,,) "' l••!I lrnl1an1 Th,. T"r ,.,.,,. "' "!) 4lllnt. .. t ,..,!! hl' l•t<'ll1n;: I" '" 1;.r I 11111.hap•1ted fu ~t , .. ,. " 1,,,.., lhr I ·rrtb<> "''hll" 1)1 .. :-11 d·' ,.,.•Pv .,,.,It he att1Vlll1' '" ic··I 1 .. 1 .. II'•• 1•1h Tl, , 1!111> !1111 .111 1..-,,j th-r,.,,I A r11111 It " '" I"''" h•· En;'l1~11 t..lli•·•·· J:,,,,,. .... 1~1n ,,.,. t'''" Urpartrn<!nl, JI w.11.11 announc- "'"I l..l'elln)' Polit. 1 ,.3, t1 tl1 U ~h • ed IC¥1•Y by rttr.,.t1on he&d Rob- t ••tliv 3 s• .. vto llcnJ••llP. Ct!l .. rt Gtngnch H ., hopr1 to ma.lie • "' n. "l'(JW••ll 1-l11~ kl.-r \'<'Hh fruin 20-•0 runner• con1 -I ! 'hll!llf• on l\11tl J1nl ~ 'ut f11 1nn I l 1l an annw.J eYenL I r ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.._...;;;;;;;;;;;.. ____________________________ ""1 . ".'-'''" ''":'""' , .. , """" ':" , ........ "'m '""'"· a....... Remember Mi.lier Chevrolet Co. ------------------------------1 '" · I tl••r~ '-'1lh 10 rw .. nta "'l h frurn San Dh•go tu a.Jfa,..rteld, ••"'ltentlon Tip oft tln•l' ,,.,. th• J \' 111u~1 L~ SE .. "ORS ~"l for 7 pin T1 .. , '"1•11•· • ..• •11 r.lll BES"; .J UNIORS •llOUld 1et Ull•h•l"'fl}. '"" •' ~ J' --------------------- H '" 1· .. iaf··rn •111k1n,,. ti ,.nJ Ut1l tne lon11: dh1lance l"W1 wtU •tart I J ·"' "ll 'l f!:.wli;n , "'"'"'• D1<;k I •l Abbie \Vay ,..,. Irvine Ave., 1 s.efls Hull .. rwor U1 6 13111 ~1··uhl1ng •1t1av.,J ,.,..it o n Irvine and Tuatln ~'"' J"'''' llu._tW'ca 'l A vea a rQu nd Upper Bay, down ---! l 'allaade• I-toad to Bllyllld<t Dnve O ilers Win JV Fray 1 ·~•·I w•·"t on t·,.1uot Hlghw.y 10 I, tli St 1<rld !1n1at1 ~ at lhe .j ~~'A ·...+.:" oU<..;.'\,.1;., -•"""•-f'l"""lM'" Ha.r;,.,r ~ H "rll .·.~ •fl J:ri 1. • \"Irr Hllflt \"><r-S.no<ll, G1n 1tr1M a&Jd. <11• •"JO''''·' ··'"'I"'' ,..;u1110 An11 • Orsn11:•· f'out College ·u-ac:k J\' •1111nl •·t .• :. 111T 1eJ1.111 ' <""ll r h Hu#•tnn Harper llld Ath- (.'.A :-t ~J' 11•, I .... ~ , .... c l"L \\'h•n Gag,.• '"' •1l} ;;1.·.• t•~·k 'e ~~ftn s ~ np ane '~0"' , •~k., ,., """'""'' '·'""" ..,, -.i~·ll~I I..> · "'1' -·• 'i'f ~~S?~uE~,1 1::: ... ;~;·:· -R-es U~f -Of -~n-~!!a! T::i' -Go 1 ... ,., 4-3 mark. brh1n·l •l•·<·r·~k.-•1 1 1 .1 1erton and A10nh• ••"· •i: "'"I ·rti•· h 1g he~t scor 111;.: nl••. \ 1 ·11t<'rta1nin '~ b:t,.,J.;1'lli:tll i.:anu· 1111111 piare Santa An11., ~ :t f I t k \ · I 1' • I ---------------" l lt' lk:asun ou p a<· 1:1 :..;.u or gym U l'Hu ·~y ;i '1·111.,111 So lnn11:ht I• ....+ten they .1 .. .,,,,,r 1 .. 111· !)1r~t 1>r Rlllph RM!d flf the hl;;h ai·huol and local track a lh· l,.l~ wtll •.Mo11t In dl~cttni; the runner• along the lengthy eou r11e Tha t vent 111..!lrl.ll at noon lhat ll (lle, Glnl'flch aald, w tlh AAU n1 .. dala lo be aw&Td«! wln1M1r1 The run will M apl!ft to any rrl(lllt.er..d AA U a thlete. tl\oril(' a t>out it or b"'r"'"' .1 .. 11n11 .. v.·h~·n tli1• Ncv.·po1·t l-l .1rb1, I !1;;h Sehuol "' ll1!1.i'l d1 l1·a tcJ "'-"'••r<11'1¥ 111 ttle rh1un;11ur1 ~hip thP JUU l,,rg 111 -!;!J bra•k"t The faet itt, th•· G"l'~I J.,1.,,1 1 .• 1,11 .. /'•!·•' .,111 ~0 .. 1 ,~1 •r,un.1 11'.-,.,.,.,,. l··I I'\ 1·11µ1 have .:.ol lo bf-al f'ullertvn a nd ..,,,.,11 I'.· J 1_..r,.11 t:u·n n a r.,.,. U"\•• 1 Nlllll , 11 ~ dr1hlihni,:: U.. lh,.y h•V• K"'t l.<) ~tlt A~l nl hr.I 1><!11' >lu"I ), ... J't ,j•"i"t,. , ·n· 1111"1! ,/, •Kfh. ~ , I 1Ll :. , 1·ho;rf' llTf' no n1ore r,.pr1.,11~a (t·vr" 1,..,.111-..; !Ht liu\ ''"" 1 ~ nt Lil J .r.r'1."" ., ! <.;1,.1,., .•• 1.11,., here"" In fr.u •lll <IU·•ll'"I •·! ·' ''''l'I•• .. , ""'l'l"·I 11 I' f\\ ... ''"'' lh i "I·~' M&MMotors Marine & Automoti •• NEW OLDSMOllLES 1956 HO!.IDAY COUPE • Urd~k • J•ower Bn.kN ··e Dl!.hu:e a..no -·~ •Air~...._, e \\11.lte "'all• e Z-T -Pala\ • \'I! Kor.MC. t:n«1Jwi T-S30 For S2978 Full Pr ice NEW CHEVROLETS • A mf' rlc:a •a :'Ii o. 1 ,....,. M>td 1l D low -lnw G.IL-\..L:. teooa. W c.b"'l pvuJ.b:l~ trMlr- lna. s..da. pr1.--•la.rt .. 10 ....... $1698 Fu ll Pri ce RDIEMBER-NOBODY, BUT NOBODY CAN MAKE YOU A Bt~t:R Dt":A I. ON A NEW CAR OR TRUCK -Pl.EASE COME IN ANU VISIT US SOON. ·MILLER CHEVROLET co . 1000 W. COAST mWAV., NEWPORT BEACH LI 8-2261 ,,,. ..... (fA.!4t: BAf M -<rt,, w ntrh h•"1 '.,, .... " J•ll....., ·ti>· l'w>-•f' j h .. )''"""~ W• , •• , ........ Th<t l«a.1 ju.1uur var•HY cagf'r• li"i' t•.• • ., 1ntl"r1 ,,.,1 -1 ... · 1 olo,, h)' 1'1 .• 1: 1•<•.nt f'fl·· t Ca dilla c 11.re rur1,.nlly but hair 11. 1o:11m,. ~-n•.1:•:1-r HF 1(1 .1·.,.~ I 1. \I' 1,ftCi l ·'" hln d the f''ullerton lea1;u,. l~a.l<·r~ F uJJ,.rtnn hu ,. 6-2 n111rk •g111n!lt \\<>~t l"nl•r\ullJUll{ 11 ·')"'1 ••f lh" A l!h•">&:h 111" "'111•H" 1111!~'''"'1 . the Tar" ~-2 r~urd due to T u•·N-'u!hit "'' t«t th··,,., .. ,.,."''" 111 .. J·" 1• 1•• ,,, 1, 1 '"'"Interceptor rnr.y'• N .. wport bye.· So " v\c·t ury I ll1<.1iot···I uy l'"Vl"'r""'' 1.;i,b \'1t-1 quRrt.-r ,, I ~! lfl u• ih .. r, ~"I Ma ri ne Specialists & Cadillac , En9ines . I NEW SPRING SHOWING OF Thaw HHYenly CARPETS By LEES * ton1ght"·;11 aendthe H11 1h>rjufllo110 BICr"'1" nil<! JUruu r ·1·•hfl I.•'" ·1al1ir11.a II• llH t ~ •11d·l~1.i n Into unrli.aputed top11pot. l'llloy •"" "fl l~>lh •••:••• ""r•• ,.,.,. l"tl Up I:''' I ' ttl•tu ,., Ill·· 1.11,ol G•ge will probably not •hltt v\n,,..J th .. )'•1 JUlll <li~.,,,,.,,.,1 h••"'1..,aul•• i 'i1/T :-.•:111 :;.t1••ll'"~ J"l•···I• hia .tartln1varsity11neup. but do it felt tn h&V!I an aJ i .. i;,.•I n••n·l h"U nart ••"'•· 1h.-,.~n1u1,· nu•r.:1n not be eu~rt.ed to....,.. Tom Hou•· rontiu;l •thl•lic '"11'•''"'''' p<'r-l(1 911-lsJ "rh l ••ur ru1nute11 to l ton a nd Larry Harper a t long llu1t foJni,.,J "'llhuut 0.·n•·rit "' "'hl5t1,.. plrtv 8toll 111 .. ·•·lf,.,r • ,.,J .. 1·11 u,, . ., toutr1" I ' I c tva an effectJva double ~l d"m• "l•l>'•n••rl" 1" I I•' 1111"!~ :.!:J 'J.2 LI 8-1181 • JIM'S MUFFLER SERVIC E a hamnly carpet with a magic tlllCb onetra Uon. 'nla towerlnJ" pa.Ir of Vill•1o:r .. nA "11'1 1"'"'14 "'"re. Tn lt ,1 ,,,, .. _. i.;, .. 1, ,,, -ivoll tr.ave b-n oomtng &l=< wtthoul a •loubl, u,., 1;, .. ~tr•l .,a)l Lil 1 :l? T t' on 111,. f'•JU M rfln 2 .. n , . ..rry fh•ll 2, Mab<><' Sonny'8 Muf:flen & Twinkfetuft carpet by LE ES I' fa•t In the tut two J"&mM. But 'J.J t.,11,1· 11 ,,,. Iii. ,,.1.i11 ..•.. 11 expected etart..11"8 will be fnrwania ltalftirn•· IK'Ur~ "r 1 ~ .. fr11.y "'"''"I K. Ta 111 ,,.,, ll I\••\' 11,,nlo ·l P aul Lore.nu..:. and George Mabe<!. ZZ '"'"'·•~ ;·,·r•· :i·, l".n Rahh~ Cviter Eddi• ~pe and f'Uarda Tribe Take s JV Go !<. (; .. n·· Hui 1. ... I !H T"'" H• u.~ Gary Grt!ell and Capt. Da" Ta-''"' 1 r: .. ,., ,,, •. ,.,, 11, !'ll••ln·~ mura. F U LLERTO:-.', 10C:";S 1 Tlie 2. J ~1 r~ I\• i. I", Probable starters !or U.. junlon Fullerton ~l!gh School jwil"r var- w111 be !orwm-de Don Babt. and •lly o;i ulnlet ..Jg"'I An11.h,.1n1 41 -38 Jtrry Kemper, center Bob Villa..-Tue•O•y. Anah,.i•n '"'"'''"r"'I !ht' B grana. snd KUard• 0.. Hubbard cluh 3&-!3 w l.Be the ffl•t111.n11 took and Capt. 81.&n Schon•. the C eo 43-19. 1 GLENDALE A£ES HAND BUC LINKS SQUAD 1 ST DEFEAT ..... Coaat O:lllec• eolfer1 ware •la.ted for a practJc• jouat aramat rul· ler ton •t Banta Ana Country Club UU. afternoon ..rt.er drop- ping their nnt llnka: ouunr aa-atnst Ga.dal• Tu-1&.y. Bob Dlehl turned lJi a.n 82 tor the P lraln to &"aln medallet lloaon. arul alt,rnate thrrll. T"r fln1 ~hPr!I beli!nd Die.hi ag,.1n~t <:lrndalc were Sid Tov•tt 8 1, ,l!n1 f-;!11r r . I 9•. B<'•b Utt, 101 . Jl.,h St1N<l!l, I 102: George ~1onr". 102 , U!ll 1 Ha rrl110n. 106. Glenda!•'• Nu. I n1an. ,,..ho I• mecond nted In nlltlon,.I J C goU. turned In a 89, w ith the No. 2 boy emackln1 a i2 Next niday, Ro.o'1 di-.ot di~ 1-------------- r•r. wW t. otr ac.u.t &uita Monie• al Riviera Country Club. E•u1te.na Confet enc• tainny play ope:n1 Aprtl 27, \\'Llh 14 dub .wtn,.an out !OT th" rtquad. Ro.<! bu announced he w ill tonn A and B ~uade Tribe JV W IM Fullerton'• jW"l!or v11no1ty prep ~ Friday defealt<I Or-.ng:e 38- 35. The Indian B'• w on 52·48 llU'ld the C'a 33-2~, JtJ!retmt ' --Af llltt .eta 1871 RARtlOll BL \'D. SILVER KING BATTER Y POI A N Y C AI o ........... 36 MonthA l t '!I f'llw'r1:las" NATE READI COST A MESA LI 3-<Kl I Eo 1y to opp1,. On• coot bu:ld, I•~• thr•• '°"," ol lo<q~•• Won'I ,..1,. ll•Oin. w-~ "°"'•" ....-. No .11.,"9 odor. - SM-'4 a Reodv ... •ond ;,. , .... ho .... . ,:,.., 1<>l'OdpoJM• or l!•el .. ool b«n111 °"' ,.,;.,.,,.1 ... . lini1h ... i1h "''"'"'""' effor! Fu~,t, a c.,... wirh ..... °' "°"'k"' tho•'• all rh• .. ;, to l!. No mu ... No lu-. :SO..o l>ovn of w0<~ 0<1d woi1;<19. Old tolo1!f \\'11 Give ·-Crown Starn J)!t RESIDEN TI AL -INDU STRIAL-COMlvltRCIAL NO JOB ·TOO LARGE OR SAU.I.I. UO 30tJi SL. N""JIOl't lleoeb Ilarbor %.MS " 11 ' ii Twinkfetuft i1 1•1 •nd han d· llO!nll. lovely to k>ok at and euy to care for and .. '. pwfect for yow t.om.. • ·--.,_ ... ___ _ • OAIU'r:l'll -DILU'EIUDI -UPBOl.Bl'EllY No., add the quW and comfort ol carpet. to "W7 room! You'll do i110-11 with T winkl•turt , i.. ~ ~ CU'pet: de-.,_ ....-n,. for bud~ mi:a=::: .... lNi JOU"D. 6ad it mod- erak<ly ):rio9ll....,. to own rand m joy. • kKimld. ol ltard,y u.r--ply .,..... ...,..,. ,.,.. Jn-• b•nd110me multi,. ....._ ...... • IOI\ eelttom cobinc al Moonli1bt, Mount ain Milt, Dawn &ire and Starocht ... *We feature thooe n .. ....ey Cupeto by 1-, , , Spring 1-at U5 ,oq. yd. SlGn at 9.116 . oq. yd. H•t.bcliff at 10.95 aq . yd. Scott.more at ll.95 11q. yd. A phone call will bring a rrpre.entat.iY&-no obllpUott. 11 1420 Via LI~ e ONE OF THE UDO SHOPS e Ploa•1 ~. 4121 '--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·· ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ........ , \ •• I OONSL"'JT E.."iC \' PA \:'S OFF' -lt ia ~dth amazing regularity that the oa.mea of t hese three winners of IM!riea at Newport Harbor Yacht Club lut Sunday appear at the top of the list 1n Lehman dinghy competition. Following hia victory in the lngJee tie riea just two week• ago, 81\1 Ficker's co11si11Lenl. performance in the series garnered him t hrc-e .econda, a third and I\ fourth and the perpetua.l trophy 8.8 1956 winner of the event. Saint Cict·ro's tlnrJ pla..:e in the iterie• and Bill Clark's st·cond made it a clean swt·ep for NH\'l' f!k1pj)('n;. The vi ctoMJ are shown fullu.,..•tni; Lhc r11.~ w1lh V.•flU1\ll(l"r~ lfll.rold Pc:u ~;-(left ) &Ad race·commit.lee· m an J1r11 \V~bst(·r. -Bec kner Phutu • CRASH IEAT 3 Motorists Hirt in Area A1to Wrecks Mrs. G1111tave O . ArlL ~7. ot Pr.clt h: Paliaa.dM, •ultered m inor lnjurle1 •t 5 13 p. :n . W edne.ctay when a cKr ln "''hlch &he WU riding w•A Involved In • colllt1<Hl with another auto at lhe 1nten1ec· tkin of Cuaet HIKhway and Poppy Ave. Her car v,.w.• driven by her hiaband, Dr. t;uatave tltlo Arlt. &O. de-.n ot i.;r'-'•1u1t le11 11.t the Un!- vera1ly uf L"l11urn1a ft( Lo• An- telM .. Driver of th11 other car wu Pti.ul \.\' P ullo<.'k 7:1, ''hi• 11go, I ll Ar!t toles of!1<•·r1 he w•~ w&\I· Judge Approves MAR IN E ~~~ ·;:..:~· :::~;:.:i'. '"""" w""' N E W S Tl.\"O y ouni; .... on1en "'t'1e 1nJure•! Hospl.ta l Cure ",.,., •. m. n u .. d»• ~ N-.· l'urt Blvd ~tween 21!.! 11 11.nd 2Vth F ---------------------------Isl.I. when the.Ir 11utu plowed int.u Or Dope Add i.Ct PAGE 2 -PART 11 -NEWPORT HA RBOR NEWS-PRESS • P"""' cu . suit•""' mmu' hu'<o WC" ).fu>I" h>cui.ch, "3 I FRIDAY, FEBRU ARY 10, 1956 ancl th• driver J ill i...11 1 !!all l'A :-1,\ A -..;A •(;(':".'>I ·"11 21. bulh of t8L!f l'l1<centla A,.,. ~rl"T 1 ' '"' J U ii;~ !>l utrls<m T .,.li.y n:•·nn .. 11 . ~; \ol'rnt ... loni; I WH )\ !hr 1•·'j•1 r•! .,f \V1J,.,,. A I Gt!"·'' 'l'l. uC ~\/'I UQ!,\•·t.rrt•! A \'e, :>.r"I' rt H··• to i t.~t I•" t. cou.r:.1t1'·d lo> ,. l• I•• •I h·• ;•.In for lre .. tn1r nt •l f a narcotlc• ha • ' Gr1,,11·• 1 l I Ju111: .. ~h1rn~•·n h•' h11"1 n '"•Tl': •l•·~i r~" to J1rk lhl" h n L \. H ,. l • J·I a prOl>ll\ltH'l I ull1•''r t"· >!n1 t•··I U•lllJ.: u ,,r, JURl hl llh,.I I,,.""" JI) lUl'I h '•1d lJl!.f•··l 1,, I • 1 11 ! ;nHll'• JIUI J ht rt•acheJ ti\•· pn1nt 11·l:<'l'f' hr •"'"Ill" •111lnio: 1"'' ~ru n • o;I t .. •r ··" ,, •lit\ F ol•l11\' 1-t•tl 10 :-.. tur•lll}' Feb. 11 Sunday TIDE 'nm• ..,,. 8 o:z ft u. II 15 I' UL 8 .33 a 111 11 :37 p m. 9 .03 .. "'· 10 01 p ft\ 9.36 a.. rn l U:26 p. m. 10 I I 11 n1 1 0 :~,;! p in \} ~1 IL 1n ! l~ p. ni. l I :40 ;, m T ABLE I.I L " " .. ., " " " " '. ., ; ., ••• JO Timo .__ " _., " ----0 4 " 03 " OU '' 04 '' OS Coata M eaa., po!to·r 1<•1 ~•rl"d Thr parked vehtrle ""-.t rrg111t ered to Charlea !>tar11n J 11l k 1><1n. ~o. or 21120 ~;ewport Bl'>'<l It .,. &!I •hov ed into a powrr pol., by th e un pArl. otf1C<"r• 11a i•I Small Boat Rifled • Claui .. ecl MOTTELL'S • AND PEEK Colonial Mortuary 7801 BolN -Just So\lth of W•t· mtnet• Me~al Park. An Or.ns e County W UtuUoa Serv101 taro.ill .. or all taltb,s Ttlepbone ( ToU Frff) ZJ:rilth 6231 No on• eYer turned. awa1 tiec.~ ot lack of fundlt. • ~· SOIJTH OOAllT 00. Uni • N.wport a... or ••• MEN ONLY! 10-8usln"88 Ookle REPA IR ANYTH ING /}~if,-.. ~;;·"···-···· ~:LJ.:t."Tlt[l',\!, ,\ll·:f'll A:'\·rr'AJ. , .. Bl:)AT & F UH.:-l'. REFL"ll !;l!INC f- H11.rbur OG!>2-J . night11 69p70 , ~- ' . 12-Bu.il~~-~.':vice. : • Paint.mg & Papc.rba.ngin; 1 • \Ve do the work oursel\'es. ,. ') 30 ye.er• e•perte.nce Llcenaed It uuured. Sa U..tacuon &uara.n t~d.. PAINTIN G l!'-"TERIUH -l::XT ERJOR ~ At.SO 1.IAHINE PAIXT ING I ' U CENS l:>:l> -1:-."St:RED G lenn Jo hn•lon i 001 . J itt 8t :'\"twpvrt u .. llrh ll11 rlJclr J !j6 4Vtf•· ') Floor Covering Wall Tile DAY /'/. I. /· . . . 'll ' I Cll'l .1 ••• FLOWERS. •• From beautiful bouquets to oorsages they'll love , . , _ CANDIES •.• Po cked e•pecio lly for Ric h- Tt;• o1,t••n.!"n1 pleaci,..i guilty ,..,..,,,,~W'l~-~11 ............. c....l .. """'- / '.,T' · , •l•·l \I .r nnol •~!••110 lsl~ v .. 11 12 .\l(J!l<llly Yrb. IJ ,..,, .. Miii\' ~·,.ti I I \\ 't!ft<'>1<li.,• t•rb. 15 n1oir~oill\ ~\ll 16 l 59 ... Ill ~ !IT p 111. :l Jl II. Ill J.:n 1.1 111. 3.03 •· rn. J il Jllll J J:' IL. ltl 4 .09 p. In. 4 " 16 ll U•. 4 :'!:J p. 111 4 51!1 a 111 " 58 p. "'· ~.:.1 ... ft\. IL211 p. rn. " .., A buri;:-l1tr broke-iuto Lhr pl"a•· ure bo&t Loual, IUllhOr•cl al the a.Jboa Bay Club. Sundloy nllj'.h t IL.lld t.ouk JO le r11:<1 ili•r<.>un colo1 ed balh towel• with U1e nt.nie or the boat tmbrn1dt're<.l un lll,m, one dC.t'n eh10e l• iuid 1uc pJlluw •lLpm, It wa. reported l<.i police Owner A . H. Jertne. placed hi• lo•• at J !)O, 10 ytar1 axper 1e.nce --~,..,..-~,,,.=-==-•I 1..lc~N C(W U..,;:Lo·r, Sat111i.e.ct~ _ ard's. Fine quality asso r tments of every variety-a sweet idea! YALINTINU • -. --; Pla ih a ird-F•lfcy' Co1-.- espe ci ally for wo men! 1 .. 1,11 1.:. ,1i. i.t ,\.,fl H r ,.1,,11n e•J 11•• "'•, · 1 !·•· i,. ~u.~ , h .. •·k~ <liJr· 111.: ···'l"!l·•"-'ll! ll"•l•i.i.. f'lttST r uu. QVA.JtTt:R &IOON Feb 19 FeL 2!\ • NEW HOON l'"eb. 11 DEATH NOTICE E VELYN ANDERSON Mr1. Evelyn Max1no1 And eraon, 60. Of CilO Marguerite Ave , d ied Feb. [jl at Ho11.c HOllplta.I aner a lenirthy um .... Sha waa born Iii• 1•. •t •I .•h"""'I" 1111<>t ru1r· ,,.1,, • ' n\lll1un 1n ~1111 D!egu ,J , lo;• \\ ''' '" "'''"r, .. ! (;r 1uu·~ .1. • '·,. t 111 t !I •na.:•· r·ou1,1v J 1111 ---------------------------lin Northport, Waeh. &11d 11\'l'd In ::r,· .. : :. I I \\ .. r·:::· 111 u .. hua· Andrew G·1ven On~ Local ~;r~:L&a ~:r.r:.o s~~:· .~nrv!~~~ IT by her hU8b&nd, Wiiiiam, ot thf' Small Boy, Bike I home addreaa: two 11111ter1, l.1r1 M be f N G d J E:. J . Vallier, Spokane, \'Ve1h. •nd Tanqle With Auto i em r 0 ew ran ury M;;';,~;';''w~~':°.~:/;~,.~;~: A ll·Y"llr-ol·l. hoy !'l.,phrn at 2 p. rn at t ne BalU Mortuary. ll•u k, 2 1~ JJrd St . su1r .. 1..,d u11n· S A:\l'A A:,{A {OC:-.'S) -The Tak!n~ Ut• o1th were O.Org1 Corona del Mar Ch11.pel. ¥.'llh , 0 .,, >"'6 Q, •• ,, C"''"'Y '"''" • Ju~ n. F• rrt and ~1 n. W. K. Duffy >ho R•v. •~->" Gomk• of Co">-"' hilt!~ It\ ,) .o I' I" \l""'IU\ ·' ~·' ""' '-' .. u 'J .....,.,. " ., ., "'''n h 9 hi•}• I·· •IUllr 111 ,.,,11. 1i .o.< Ewurn 1n \\'edn"~'h'Y e rter· of !-\1•nla Ana, lJoyd R. Julian, munlty Congregellon11.I Ch urch or- 111, t with &11 1 utuinobl!e nn 3:1!,! n un by Cltrk i(ober l Hill In Sl1· \'urt,p. Linda. R . M. Pytee, Hunt· flclatLns. Interment ydl! be 1n St. J<"llth nf r.l1tr• 1111 ~I. P.rC'.,r•! 11. '"'r cou rt dept. 2. Only onf' tni;:t"" Beach. Ivie Stein, Sa.lit.a Fa.lrh•~n Cemelflt"Y. " ' r th ... .,,.,rt """· N&n Moore, Anaheim, Paul inJ: 1 .. µolu;e. tf,,..n1u,..r a rom e "e".-- l)rl\'Pr .,r Lhe c•r Wllll Artle \ll111bor arta. Andrew Given , 306 K!(•l'V n, Buen• Park, O!~n. J.,.e Il 1tvH'll. 36. 1,f 3111 •~ J:Jrol St o;oldenroo.J Ave .. Newport Ul'll Ch C!11 ulle Rldreway, Lori Alunl- 8 he t"!d ofl1rr1~ ~hn wn11 m•kinr;: N lnf teen ne.ml!!!! were rlrewri lot, .:11rnY H . Walr&ven, J)iller- " Ir·(! 1urn nt Lhe tln1e or t h" rron1 a box cont11Jn1 nr 30. ·rhe t .. n. ~ loren~e 8 . Tunl .. H unting· m l11h11p. The boy 11Uffered ft b rulA-1jury candldatee \\'t•rii hllf1d p icker! ton Be11ch, Lyndon L . .A11.tden- t'<I Kn•·e 1111!1 w11• taken ho111e by by the c~unty'e five SujJerlor k1unp, Lllguna Baa.ch, J'rt.nk Mo- h r~ p.1N"n\JI. Cnurt 111\ll!"tt. ..,, re.no. 'Fnll•rton, 'Jed Pete'rkln, Ban· I , ,. NEW SNOWBIRD ACCEPTED \V, D . Schock Cb.'• new l&m~ttd f1be:r'l1au Bllowblrd taare & trial run art.er ~lnr otn ct.aUy ace•~. for cl-. competluon. N~ Tom'• Bomb &nd eklppe:red •1 Mr00Tt'11er, J'OW'll' Tommy Bchock. ha;r ot!ld a1 numbec 406 lndlcalff Ule a~ popP· Jutt.y of Ult. c-... of boe.ltt. Mary H11.m mo"d. ballet tnstruc- tor or B&J~ lal&.od, la Tor11my's •ltr,.~tn·t cnw. -B rckner l'hoto '' Ill Anll, Frank Shu!elt, Seal Bl':ich, Joe Sullivan, Buena P a rk, Roy Kotmy•hl and J ohn B•rrent, Santa Ana. and, Cha.rite 1... Mc· Ca'ld!t!le, Orange. Supenor Court J udge Kennelh E. Morrleon named Sargent to foreman U1e !nqui.ltlve body. \'.'hlle th• n-Juror1 were s et· Ung their lnstruc!Jora ~ r om J u d g e Morr110n the outeolnl: rre-nd jury under F ore.man Brom· Ml) W. HUI o f Le.~a Beach huddled otf the m11n courtroom ta • clolotd door -_.mon to dntt. tta year-end report. Judie Mom.on' cautioned the new Ju ~y that !ta a cUona are .contldentlal and that any cri.rn!n· al accuaauon.1 ehou'ld be heard by the whole body. Th• jUdl'fl u:plllned that Diet. Atty. Robert Kntaland 1lluid1 ready to &.MUlt the Jury Jn crlm· tnal INUM wh ile County Couruiel J oel Ogle I• th• advllOt on rlvll matter•. C:Ollllty Draws Share Aviation Gen Taxes BACRA.MJ:NTO, (CNS ) -Ot· anc • county'• •liar• of unrerund- ed ~ on a Tia Uon ca-olln• dur- tnc 1956 amount.cl to S2:ia4. S tate Controller Robert C. Kirk· •ood rtpo.Jrt.d today. In countle• 0( Jeq thsn 100.000 population. the controller aa.ld. tha retund• fnr eounty airport Th• total amount dL~trlbu ted tn clUee 11.n<I countltfl WU SJOO,ooo, J<.11.rkwood •aid. REPORT OF MAN · DROWNED UNTRUE A report of • pouible drowntni ott the l tth Bt. landln&' WednMCl&.J' anemoon proved untOUllthd when th• '"vtcUm" t um.a up a.live. MN . Art.hW' lloney, ot Loa Aqel• c.U .. poUe. wbc tb• trma.ll ti.c.t In -.1ttcl'I hM ho. band had eon• out to a l•r1er boe.t 1rlll«I back to ehore erilpty. TIMI Harbo r O.p&rlment. howe~. found Ront'y a&ta on hi.a i..r,.r bo&t. The Kitty Jt"A11, and returned hl n1 ll..!ll't<>~ Argo JVs Lose ORANGE, tOCNB) -The ~ .e.n&• HICh School junior v11rslt? casa team defeated Garden. Grove 14-311 Tue.da y. Panther light· wetpt. dropped a 47-4~ B tray .nd • •4-28 C 1crap to the Argo· naul.JI. MARINE INSURANCE &nootll 8aUfA.&" o.borne-FortoD ~ty Co. sns w. eout RJ111w11 S-.THI JllA.R.lN1'; UPBOL8Tr:Rl:'i'O BOAT OOHRll llA.L8(M. CANVM seor ~ H••-101 'D'l'J 111• Sf, HIWPb t r I EACH CAREFUL SERVICE ,____.__ for your ~ Our" medaan.ia •re Johnson- cn.ifted Ja tbct UM of IP«iel bctory-ryp. toolt. Th~ UM Jobruon pun from our lsrp tcodc. .. urint you of only the 6Dl'!R 11J•inft"n•n« e nd ,,... peir work o n your 01.1100ard IDOfOr. Looking for • "•"' Sea-Ho tR' We hive rhem et pric. )'OQ'U 1pprecie1e. 5"ttl Coast Co. Newport Bl'·cl at 23rd S t.. ' ' Harbor 2f.OO I Guara.ntttd LI 8-67~2 62p7!) an' Pre tty! Designed General Contractor LICENSED New Work -RemodeUng J . MILTON McKENZIE DON'T FORGET Harbor 6399-W 58tfc I CARPEN T ER Repair Work ~ Your Homa Need Repllrin& or Remodelln& ! Call J'r&nJll, Liberty 8-llQ!>4 All Work Gwt.rRntet'd 74ltc Com• In .. 1uc11 Akn·s Lii)() ,\fAltKt:T flARROK tl'l'!l'I , 1'1lt: l.ITTl ... t: \\'U.~A.'O or phone your order to ... \ ~crfcct botnc ~cbclopmcnt ) Le the ........,.., unhuffitotl bnuty ,..hleh Ol'tl)' • eampuo ·~ n n f'fftr, )""''' H.u..zooaT home will rrfk.<1 durfn& th.r Y"l"I lo romeo your W-nil 1CW<1 ta<lr. Nowhere ,\x °'" you l . ..J ....,i, •n ldt•I lf'ltlnl for the Tn."ftuU lift )"OU ... ~ for youndl and your funlly. Of courx. .U hmi)y .-lo -• ~ Pel cenM', ochooU for •ll •ge<. churcheo of .ti denominrotSano -•rt cbe. Bui Tltt H.0.1. CoNP ... •T rK'G&ni1e. !hat 11111cli "'°"' .. invom.:I In • full !if., than u- ron......iioNil faciliti<;t. for tblor .--.. )'<.lllll find In H ... uaoaTC ... ~ El'T•TD • l•rge priv•te recre•!ion ••t-. ll•le- a-es! P•r\-complete writh clubhouoe, Ut· !lo! Leap 1-Nll piork, pknk .,..,._,nd., trn11b •nd hand hell°"""'· •nd rwimmlng pool-•11 fm tM tKC]uJivf' r>leuur1 of ~""""- &Ulll-IN w ......... -,. .......... 0- I . .. ''°'"°"' ••• ,u .... Pl.Hl\8> M™"" ·~ ...... ooo -&Ul\f.lN w-... --OUHWA5HI• -..... ,...... ~~ • 4-ACRE BECBEATIOK PABI fOB BESIDE ITS NO DOWlf ---..,.. • .,.,. ... NS """""' ........ .......... CU,YfO ..... ,, ... """ HALECREST Campus Estates IN N.111111..Ul COS'll. MUI. l't .. Mt IMlo•-I •• 1., A- ki" ........ -WtO• I i..-1.!o ...... ~I ....,., e.1"l '""' ....... ...... '°"' ·- I ... "°"' .... ..... , ... .. "'-"" '81YACT. ,.,,._...,_ 7,.Ul to.''" ·- ' • , .. " ·~·· Custom Building • TnlAcnvs mucca You.r pLan1 or oura. ' Uoenatd -l.AaJl'"ed ftNAl!IClNQ -.AAH..A.NOED A. J . \l;ELTY :MO Sant. Ana A ve. "-'t-11<,. f.J.,ea; j:..i:sfi'"'7 · ... ' ~~ ·~ue ·-------....... A l.:ubulJ1'8-Anuny1n~• -Writ., I' p Bon• i 111 N"""l'"" lk.iio ''· ''•llf I'~ Harb.,, 41~ • • z9 _",.."· '!~'!~···---! ~&-Antt ":!' ___ J•!!:!"~~A!J"~'!!'!':!!!!~!...-- clRLS ' USED APPblANCE BUYS. ""'-'!~~. w ... ts! · LADIES Do -.......w 4)f fe-ft _.,..., ,..';.g"'!'i;"'~~' to< ' HERE ARE JOBS EASY SPINDRYER ., WAS!mi. -----. ..$t9.50 • 'lr:wrdRT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART II • FRIDAY, FEIRUARY 10, 1916 IO r ,:· u • = I •• Swe dish Massage n.,.:.r,,,.;: :"'~-"'.: ~ORE w~. Wf'1DF tyPo . ..m.oo SPECIAL OFFER l~Tmn!'?rt "tlon ln your M>me. . ;::;:..c~o:_u. ~· u~ KENMORB WA~--th $35.0cl Will .HAND IRAID ..._ .... -~ .. ~F-~-;v4 ~#~ 0;7k";:!*;~ •·io.·~~ ~'j007Mir1ffliarr.-· ............ THOR 1nti'NGEif·~ .. ~~'1:::.:.i:sDM ,_,._. ....... ,...~E"·""-·-~01t~fllnil--· • .P.:· ·-• :.., ..,. ,-.. ~ OC-6 NQ;-..~To t · --J-.e;;;;~"t;;;:~·4;;;:jiu~~·+;;;·;;riNO EXPERI.ENCE REQUlru:.D DE;XTEB ~AUTOMATIC WASIUJR -:;;::::;::::==:;.t'r~t.~l!O~f:._· _______ _,,.:!/J. W • ·-·--~ Paper R&ngiDC, .. c=fc~i~:;---.. ~ 11&tw 1"Ul· ·~1c~5!t=' ,.!~~.:n,e. --. -.. -lWm;w_.....,,,_..__ •• • (I ~·•l:u••::'R•~""'~<io!-:;,1---·-...,•--·---;it···~~~· GEO BURKH/IRDT ·Rclund Tr111 •>p•v SERVICE WESTINGHOUSE LAUNDROMAT •7950 (1 per CUltJww') AT $2.50 SQ. FT. , • ~· .. ,,e Lunuuainl' lo "''l"H1 ~fn1nr or yacht cooking -houlle TELEPHONE OPERATORS lruitalled . Llt."'ZN!ll!:D t~'NTRAl.91~ )ft Uux Lun<>luea. Free 1'1rkel !JrJn.·r}' ~Je11n!ng eate1in11: -bulh1r --Apply~ 171 W. lltll St., Co.ta J.tue I V.'ASHINOTON, I.J I: l \J 7 waltrMa, Chau!fer -san1U1ln1;. i ;OO to t :OO r . m . • BENDIX GYROMATIC, lnetalled -·------~.l!O ____ Ll_ .. _,_,_,_._._ .. _,_s ____ ( l'll Ll.AlJELPHIA. 1:--,H n11 r1lng tra•el romp'a. M11 le ~14..,, N. Main St., Rm. 211 GAFFERS & SA'ITLER ·GAS RANGE ~~ Mention tlllo ad f0tr opod&I _.ldonllon , j{ 1 u'LI •s $1" and F11male whlte. lJ.,•I loc11.l Sant. Ana Wbi•-~•ie Top ~ U 1<.l!:N'f ·,,Ju. T ' -... ,,; r<·r 1 LI 8-71176 or JEl'fer1on PACIFIC TELEPHON'E "'° .1.au s.1ttii .Bawa. i-;1,·c. or111.a. Po1t.11en. I, lJlc·. tcJJ .. 3UIS ROPER GAS RANGE The House of Yesterday & Tomorrow 111S 80. KAIN IT., OORON'A OORONA nl WE HANDLE FARM HOUSE FURNITURE ..,, H(JNOLIJL\J t l•l\I 7·! · tl7p69 I ---------,..-,..-~ -·····-··················-·-··-·-·····-··--$!59.5() aU lype. ot 8a11der1, Whec!lbar· 1 Nfo;W \'ORK t ~ -SA L£81otAN, to 11rll DoJie .t (while table lop with oven control) row1, ate. CllJt'A.t:O .. '"V CLEAN UP JQBS Plymouth.I .. Uber~l comm L..ion. BOYD'S HOWE. I All li'ar'* _ l'I"" 1 .... 1 y We are g1vln¥ guod tr><de al· GIBSON 6 Cubic ft. REFRIG ---·-·--...... $64.50 SO-B--App•·oer -°" w co:r,T I t ?• IV 0 Bl j I u ard 1d'alntenB.n.ce 10 ... •ance•. An Opp<Jr!unlty f or COLDSPOT b " G -..... . .. H I GHWAY _.. . cean \"I .. • • Th 6 cu ic ~ ... REFRI . ··--·-----··-~9 .:>0 Wboen7 8-!436. ewport Ekb :&8l fc H~~ :l·Ot !.'J _ N•'·' 1 rM Y•ra ex1,..denc111 i;(ll)d man with expt.rlence to • 7 h" 1 •. , lh!1 loca.lny. nu1ke ,;ood n1onl"y. Sre AL SERVEL, 5 cu. ft., left band door -------·--·--.$79.~ COMPLETE PAINTING Sant11 /\na, 11 E 3ri1 I ·' '""'' C-~1U LI 8<1759 t4lfC BEAITY al 'Al l;lc1r1:l y M oto!"a 'I SERVEL 5 1h cubic ft. REFRJG. ·--------.. --... $69.50 1&80 Newport BlvU . CtJ1ta , e11 & P&per lianglng St:rvict: l:UGl:Nt: 0 SA LINDERS 1 lg._l"~auty Ald11 ----------------------k o y's Maintenance ln••ftlil KNOX HARDWARE co. STOCK REDUCING S-A -L-E :loOO 31£! !'ltrflt, :>:ci.o.·p..rt Harbol'" 29;0 Sl.~f~~~c~ ~~.~~!r Jt&r ~t•\4 nr ~•317 CARPENTRY MlNOR l{E:PAIH. \VURK NO J OH T<XJ ::;~!ALL 1014. H. 0 . ALL<!er av.11 IC. lialbua ltlvd .• H.lir b .. r 24:)() ·----·- ~~,!~:,~.~~.~~~ Li•·e1 .... ~ ., .1 111~"" ,J :-.;., JOD ''"' 11" ~" j"'" "'' 1ur1 •I. T !i<tHI• :-..~·~:1.~:\· WAYNE'S CONSTRUCTION CO. REDUC ING S uperfluous Hai r 1· .. n11><1,, 1.11 y rt 1n<l••·•l ''"'" r .• t "''"·' !<g~ .l:.)~tlruw• 1Ul·! 111111 IHI• 1>1'1<!•• .J :-,,, ""'t•• l" ·'LI ,;. ~.l.J .~;N L. IJlt rA N! H t. C all Yo ur Re1ex -A-Cizo r t:u:"Sl "l.'l'A'r 1 ... ,,, .. ,,..,1r1.11ura "" ,, H• '·"'JE \\'lLSV :'\' JI \.,. I J•.~r .1 .. 1k ,,, .. ,.," .,.,, !• "'" >;•"di;;•· •I fin•, I• t:~\\A ltl • ''" ,,.turn tuo1 .ni; '"''" rul.l 1"" !'"" 11~ 1111 <J J ti~ ·-' H 'll..ll!ll! clc-an!n• noor waxm:; HOIJSi:Wrvi:S ~ ~;arn ~LIU i.;er hr 1\'1tll W11J1h1.111-v.•1nduw cJran1ng 1 ttJ atart Full or 111o1 t '"""· yuu1 \'en,t1an t lind1 Uphol,.,Lt'r)' 11.rt'& C1<ll G\'p~y d .. ~li3 1 691:71 Jn11.ur..d FroN E.i;Umatea -• 1.11..erty d·lJ32. ltte lO l'l'ORTl'NITY tor ~!)(><I a ll --"'ll llruund h1u rdr• 1Jll'r t" work .!; JL;'r tlER.">; C11ILlor rua i:tlblt' C"I· ul filay l'lub l.kK<.>ty ~11lnn l.-~., llll4 ~,.v.,rlll ~l u•Jenl!I ll.\.1 W· i S alt1 r)' & p..r~"nl«i;<' L I 8·2JO:J ubl" f•ir part·lUn•· en1p!oy111enl 611,,;71 11 ba by!ll ll .. rt , , t•·rk11 t yp L,1!1 ~ !ILllnjf lfllltl<l!L 11o•trn'1rllt• 11:,,r· E.Xl'E..l{Jf:::>;L'l!:l l l>t!C \ll •' !lta t1ou1 ,1.,ner•. h•JU >riel."~l'lnir: •l<'ro•• i;l•l•h• r• ••to l 'lt·A~<' i•h••n•• l.J :, 117-.. ...,,k 11.1 ,;.1, .. 1 .. r.1 r :11 11d· 1 K· '""' !tll1•n•l11 "l 11111 IUIH' ll><1 ~~1 11 420 Ea.et 4th St. Santa Ana Kl 2-2336 1-:1.E("l'RJC PRILL .... in. chur lt, l:Ua<.:k .l 0..-.:ktr $26. Br:nch gnnder heavy d ut y 1,S h.p $30 Hlo ll ~AW Bh•~·k & D·•<>ker \; ~n li!i.de t::;1t n• bl•de It <"'IL.lie, ~,;t ht11l1 $j l} Alw tto pe r~-anler, 11•·1! & Howrll, 3 1~.-J SJ25 LJ k ·t 7:t\; 6/'H 7n Februory Spe ci ol, REfo,·tlGERATORS G F:. 1 cf cl.-lrlO Ii.le nl"•h·I Kelvtnalor, 6 t r n1n11 w"'ll Crol'llry 7 ,·f I.Ike O•·w Serv~I. I /II l'll:Z:~ '"'f V • lrl!!n S6'l ~O S~11) :Kl $.Ill ~ It A .... 0 E:~ H a.rdwlrk 36" rnrrp! 'hi'• ~ .. ,j l OF NEW MERCHANDISE AT DAVIS -BROW N "FIX-I T" \1 ... ltdrlll Il l 11 .. t ..:1 .. ,·1 '" .• 1 M .. •ul.«n ....... &1 .,,.., -I.LI . \\'•11tK C:t .\l(A .'."T•:•:t • 11"1 t,..r ~tltH "r :"111\13 Something New Movie Projectors' o·""'' • """' " ' ' ''~:~ Fl S I 1:-:-:O.A~TA A .... A T•nl"'ll•l l f'(llt HE ..... T ~;l ~U oor amp es and De monstrators 1l11•r111•1,t 11~r\i. .. ~~·' \'A n 1 !1 ~1~1 18-?>0.f 3~·~r~r K.M,...,..,. ~o · ...,,~,,..u,i.. J:.o ,\V ESTINGHOUSE LALINDHO~IAT I (] llJ.;l'fl•\' "'!"~ 11I L?").; T""lf••! i·H)BBY .. nrt t.fODEL .\1 11 g u· C'l\~f :17 ,1, .. 11 , !II'" J 11 ·.u j • • ,-, ,.,y ,,111,,. ,,,1,,.-;.,:,, T•·· •,. ,.1,1,i1 A!HJ'LA ~>; Sl'l•l 'LJl-:S ~·re;:1d111r<' ,.J,•ot .• 1' !~11 , ., •. w $3 19 Hf:i r1•g price \\'ITtl OLl} \\',\Slll·~I{ "' cJ""'' • •••11 ••• I ."'J ·,v '""t Cl11ly (1!1<1 \j~ol ,,, uui hi Mears Camera Sho w r:sT1:-.:r:1·lOlJSE n.ANGr.: ~lvJ<I !{JI ." r1• r 1:-n~•'"'""11 1 \· ,, I t••r !" p \~"A SH !;'.H S lt.-g l•t<'r ! , •t ... ,.,... 1~"' HlvJ • '011t>a .\t.·~e SJHU Y~ K"'g Pnt't' \\' l'rH 0 1.1 ) l~1\:-.;'l: I·: l 'lh•t"· 1..Ji,.-r1y 1!1·7042 pr t! 1,,.,11,J•:r 1oll 1un11 •1h: $ • ~n EXCELLENT COOK ' ... ,,,,. •II ' . l. r ·" ,..,,.,,. ' I • !< •II<\ i.nd ,,J 1 •• t" ,r~ . • '" IJ•<'•ll"L 11 11 1:;vo _j H~n.1 1x ~;1·~1n .. 1111t1 1·,;, MAi'TAt; RAr\t;E, ~todl·l tiUJ J.~ v.ilh :-O!u1utc Al ·a 1 1·11~' ~!''r. •!P,~· ··1··"'1"'''"'! !1 ~'"' s2ou .~:> ti..-~. l'n!.-, \\'!Tt-1 0 1.11 P..:\'.'\1:1-'. Hearing (; t: ... ,,,,1,,,1.. 11~ '"" ,,,, r· tu•uk•t . i ;·1 ~1,1 ~1ArTAf; !l{ONl:'.:f{, .'-.tudc·I !iOF·I' J J,:f(<"r ... ·n~ \\ ll~!li::-. :-;t,.11,,. 1,.. , ,.,.,.1.,.,, ·'" HATTE.Rl.ES . '-,.;•, I ''' a s•H a st ,,,, •• , $:l24 .!J5 i {e<•, 1~ri.··· •I · r•lll .. r~ e 1ve ,._n amp• !.1anY uior,. ><ppll nn• .. , ""' .... .. "' •I • <11<" ),, , ,. "' A•n ;.. \ ' Fresh t it Spu1 ~· .... n 11. u.: PAINTING I \{ i;: ~ T •. 1 '" .i·.. IUMk•·r ~ Gunderson Drug Co. ~:v .. r \ llUUI( ....... •hl•• ·l I WESTr.:RI" Hl)l~l. y HANGE WLl h r u t 1:.:.1l·r1• '"~"h111 •~1 • l •• i, 1"'1111 "1•11 " Ma 1n S t.11tBalboaBlvd.,Balboa F H.EE 1 1 ~.l,J\t.I\\ 1$344 .5o ){t·g. l'rltt.• '(VITI-I OLI) l<ANt:t•: $:!7\-;I \-;!.·) Ol llldo'.'r $1 5!1 ~;, H Y Jlu t 'R ::;maU "' llH K" Jl!lle Ok JI '.'~~~·r.•F A I' It AH F!.I f'l Ar.i •y ( llar lior !i_"'---------'-'r :-iT!l(>IJT~ ltfJ\\ E 11, .. 1 ... v. .r .. ~ WESTERN HOl~L 'f RAN<; t-:. lol'l"'!'l'>ll•' ll;'IT l'A,.._ H t' l',l ll.'T'o.1 r•pd1rio1I Hr1.J1<1n11!dr r11tr1 ·, ' .. ' ' !ll(J:! ;.: .. wp•l!·l J\h•1 '.~i.i \\,..~il \\'I:: 1'A :"\' 1 .. , IT 1 .jil;::~rhnnl:._1 n ... tr~::_~~1! ___ .I Llb4:rl} M :!j~1 . r •U~'1 S:tn l ::St ="'""1""1 Uih Al•U l.T l!\'\'AWIJ ~\'ALKE:R 1n l.Jt>erty 11 ,1 1 ~,1 1$279_.95 J{cg. Price V\llTlf O LIJ l{Ai'\t;r~ L11·rn~~.i 111;•1 J,.,Htl"d W'{.~4 -h 1 11 ~r"~~ tr .. •u l '·I}' i!Mll• jf()(WI cnn'11llr)n $M Aho m<!!lal -PACKARIJ BELL TV , 21 ST-1 J l ~ ·•11 11 h v.hc,.J cha ir L I 11-4130 6\l('"j\ 19~ I' . • • r.11.7 8 C ina Painting 11.>.1 ·.~:1t1t.:.-.:l·i::11 ,,1 1<L D1:::>1.1:~;!;,~Mi.sttlla11f'Ou!4 ~~~~~k~:~1l1~1ry e 1 ,,~ ~:'.'1';,~::·~~~1 $209.95 11.t'g f'rice WlTH TRADt--:-1:'.\' --~-\\ •H I~ 111 llU.."•·•11<• ••fl >~t' l yJ>-1 -------------------:4/l;CL ON TERI.IS I.ET us ('AltF ff•! }"'H phtnl• Oay ;>.f1Cl t v~n1ri g l 'I •~ ~· ,,, ~•1n11h11.ti.i l<t!1 1ni: nn•lrr-1 !( ~,. OEI.IC ATESSEN c•ae S I ~ nll.'I lllt"K" ~u!01 t•d 1 ··~rl.1 l1lt . II~-r'HJl .... C.'O T\·, 4136 x Bl<1ndl' 1n1ldt" 11n rl ••llT·i !.-E•1 .. -n .. 11••·•I •)r•I··<• l ~ll··n 1"" 1 "r 11n11: bo1.)kk•••1•"1' Ila l l•H•lt HAND BRAIDED RUGS \J~E 6 ft refrigeraU..r i !IO !:~~~.he~vy';,1::1a::~t,'.~ut'~,,'~'111~1<1 $2:19.95 Rt"g. J>r1ce WI1'H Tl{Al) .. _:.1r--; $16\:J lJj s 199.!-I.') PRICE $39i1" l'l{ICE $~HI 50 plll.lll pet"IO'lnn .. 1 t h,. .. ,,, I'" rtioae LJ D.:rl)' 8 :..e48 \)Il le "'"''" I . rhl'l; J.>~J J(• 1:1 ll.;.... '1NL l11111:r <on11n~rc !"!frig , $7~ Lo p'"v Uuwn ir rr~..:u , 1)1< by liALLICRAF'rERS 15" TV :1Al.E Hnnd!!<.I l'ln•I ••'!:.otJ!o· A \'l!.l'l~l} ...., · \f \ fT J•I:; \\'11 \1 '' 1• ,,.11 t,,,, 1 '1<:l •f>:H~ ·1A KJ-::"\' I .'ll 'ALES, l 6.'.1 I t;QNbOLA i 2:'1 lla1d< l ~t p11yn1en1 ,,f S~l!'J due '.r s.erv11:"1 nl'eo:lA RICHARO"S ~·!.o JI! !~'J' ,, \ "'It _.H()I' t)•,, 7: Custom Cabin et Work ~., Job !no bi" nr I••• ~rui.11 F"r Im mediate appr111-..d •Mil C. Everett Sm ith lo 7 a1 ~1· 71• GAROE:-lrnG by th!! month or contract .. r u ... r by rx1>f'r.1enrt'<.1 Ii:~' lrn 3211-J "..,r'" Smoll Jobs Wonted Carpentry -Paint in g I ~""d work ltt••."(>n a ble Lll>o>rty 8-MU3 I 61!p1!11h PAINTING M;W :ROSS Llcl!n91!d LI 8·3121 280 Avocado. Coet.a 1"1 e!l!a 86ttc CEMENT & BUILDING AIL Klndll FREE ESTWATES Llberty 8-6109 '"' PIANO INSTRUCT ION !'h1hlr1n" "l"' 1.1!1\ H11r r.G;:i ,., ,., 28-Situations \Vaatrd llA:'\'t •Y ,\!A:.; n oinl"'n'""' 1•p1111 "' "h"t• 11 .u l'1•il'·' BY ' GARDENI NG l' NI) J11j{ 1""'1 )':\1Al.I, Hlll"R 1111.y t>tt \~t·~:K I.! 11·\!l ...... J ••T lJ !l·l,o ll ;;~I' ~.i I Ex perienced Gardener l .AN!J~CJ\ 1'1:-l<; ,n•: tn h • 1' " •• ~. 11" ',. I.Ito .. , 'I A l! 11•·1\ 1u1>t•·11 ul • ,., . .,lllihl•· '•~·''\!,\HY l·A .... ~I ..... l l!•~, S 1·,1 Isl .,.,.111,.11 1..,i,:u11 1t lJ, h HY0tll 4 ~.'lllll Jl"l•iJ 117 1., J I '1tll o ... ·11er 1-1 8-6Z23 mon dnga or 8-~706 afte r 9trc u1 4:'1 ,111y11. u..J. 1111,. 111 i itJ;s 4 OLY ~I PI C 16 " CONSOt~r:. blunt.le ~AL.I!: Sl I l"EJ< ""' ,, t ••I• '•"Ill • • H ,. .. r1 .. ,. ~ :. :1t1 & p.m. or W wet"ke n<11. KNITIERS \..'<111\<' 111 &o •<..'fl lhe c:ornple\e new fi,.e 11.11yt1nle l)ay ur ~~ve <1t lUl \V Ch11.pn1a n. 1Jriu tO:(' c .11 f 'uH .... c KE 8-:'11!1 17. SPECIALS SILV ERTONE RADIO with short wavf>, po lice c.al!.s, etc. SAL ~ PRICE $1 !.J.50 H OFFMAN, 17" BLONDE CONSOLI::: SALi-.: I'll.ICE $79.50 21 " TABI~E MODEL RAYTliEON t,,i• 1;,1::-.t·1:Jl }lllJI"' 11 ... .,_. .• t ll··J. ' • 1 .... ,. I' '"' •'! "' ... 11 I l>j•·!M!•d ''"I !~hit!~ •h"'""I ond DRAPERIES SLIP COVERS hnt" of Gra phlc p .. ttl'rra, lk"r 7" UNLllcl E>·er ,\lalctl yarn.11, 1olor-1G L' A H A:..; T ~:ED l .JKE !"'F:\\' 1 Pl:llLCO CONSOLE ZENJTH CONSOLE, SAl ~E PRICt : S99.50 .. SALE J>RI CE SI 1.9.!>0 SA LE PRICE $39.W ~ ,., ,. ~ , . ., pl•w ... 1 , .• ,. ,.u 11 n"w cl reu pjt,lt~m•. no-vclty X<lRG ~: •lr !olay\llt; A uto 1 0" yarn11 .t atraw1 includJn11: tile \\11 01h"'"· 2 )f ll. 10 pay. Xu- Blo11d e- E111 i1 11rl l r~ ~· "' h· , I ' di II /' "' 1 .. ~I'" 14,,, I I •.• 1>'•!01 l"'l'Ulllr kn1L la.cr y t k1r l!!. th in~ '10 .,.·11. l~UC ILI.F..: Df{Afl t-:ll ll·::-' llKTll<"•t ~64 01 :Jfi"'! I l\!>t ro· ~~-' ! :i_:•_ "-~~t_cd_ ---------~H4 •i':•.:>; AliA l.n ~E DT~:\1\:1 313 E B&lboa Blvd., B.e..IOOa Kn it Sit N' F'l'l.I. LI:"fP: 0 1!' :>:ORC P.: ll11d KLLVJ:>;ATOll r••fn;.:,.ralo r.!I J..ar;.:t>~l Lr11.d~-1n "IJ'l"''anc••11 Hf 11ny ll'lo6 n1od,J r»t nger11.lu11 Bc a r'()!l !Jc rso11nel I :,p ... & 1~., 11. ui F H t iz~~=" :i2t rc }IJd' cnl)d•iyt•r r etained C...'lltJV.'DElt nv•11t, ~' Lh tJul< f ,, l -------------- ,11111 I.I 8·12!"1 '1~• ;n A:'\'Tll.,IUE ollve w.xid ,c:~•polAk't"<= '\'E STILi. HAVE A rPw 1111tf'l· .q.;1•111·y d"Mll n1~·n fl rt! box. r ' .. , ·llr o II',! 11.,n1 1,,111irant 1!1~1:1 lTALl/\N rnot~or ~•''"'lo·r ~Ill\'" b1 11.M frn<l,t . A l'°"'' 4 pn.~t-matic WIJ!h;>r~ uf the 111.· .. ~ ,., I I·~.~: 1.1.1 .• 1~. I "'" N•·ne11 You •"•n hto ~I! Uitn!le l'l :--;.,,..,.,n u • .,,c•h "1n'l~h 1 .. 1i1 & ~pan· \Ir<' ~:it· <'r s1n11:le n1a.llog . bed •""ta."· H><r. cuel w hile t h'y Ill.Ml. , .. 11,•1\t <'(UHJ1l1-an SL7!J l~I Ii 666:"1 :IJ!JI 68j>70 BIG SAVINGS SALE USED OF APPLIANCES WESTINGHOUSE 4 BURNER RANGE . . $59.l!O DOUBLE OVEN RANGE, DEEP WELL COO KER. SUPER COROX Hl S PEED ELEMENT . $149.!50 a.nd CLEA.N UPS Llberty 8·16.59 Turret Lathe Operators 30trc !-1\\'i:"\'\; S111, T f;L,\SS A Ov<·I'· CUT Fl.l)\\'ER 11erv11·~ for I'"'"" SAL.AD J.IASTER, roll-a -way bt!d, youth bt-d, blnoculnr1. ele<!. hedge r llpper1, tltie. Remington ruor. c hron1e kitchen l•bl11. LI 8-721 0. Introductory orter, Kelvinator wa11her 1tnd drio·t, ·~ 111n•lel11 Sllve ilOO. '1'111! pulr tor $:J411.ll:'J HOTPOINT ELECrRIC RANGE ............ ... $29.l!O SERVEL RErnlGERATOR SERVEL REFRIGERATOR . $29.95 i::x 1·~;n.JEl\'CED krrprr livt' 1n • "·rite 'lo rn.-r rurnra1. <k l M11r COOK, .i:,,.,.i n·rl"r .. 1w1·~ om .... Ro• 1s;, f17··t>IJ GARDENING ond CLEAN-UP JOBS WANTED LI BERTY 8-6139 62trc ti n", h•' p.o v C l.A-VAL f '(J 170 1 1 •111~···1111,,. Nawpurt "Bt-"eh. i \k:i.3 \\ ,\ :>:T HU ! 'Sl<!{~:EP°EH---; ""Y~ l K ""' k ~ :\n 1, .... :111 LI V•· uul '/. 7~77 th•y11, '1r :!601'-V.' ~\"~II fi j('f\9 Yi.rol c111" •' South l.'Hll.!!t 1•0 :-OP"''f""•ll Ulvd. 11.L 23rd St . N ll. •>ff w .. , .,r bntat Wl'ekl.v bl•\.Oo't't'k- .68c7l> ly , or >111 do.>!111"Pd. E,,;prrl1·11<•••\I . -pcr.ionncl to ~rvf'· you .· tkon<h-d and n•IH<hlt> RwllRrtl':< ~·1.,r1:<t l --------------- ~hop H11rbor 21'!28. 6:'lc77 J<IJY ,\I~ 'l'ypewrllrr 1:::0 · p1tl111 l11bul11!u1n v.•1th P'••t!•bh• l)'Jl•"V.'Tll•-r 11land. 21, yenr.~ •olol 1n \'•"r \· i;ood co nd1\1"n Valu•• """'" s i~:. Pnce.:1 ~t 51 l ~J 111- rlud1ni;: 11t 1tntl 600 I>ahlut St . {.' D M A•Tl'l!:R :I p nl 67p~9 ~~B--~pllance9-:.::;:;oo...~--- O"K.EEfo'E It MERRlTT ran1e, 'M n1odel. La.mp Ir: cloclif; w ith oven l1m<'r . Chrome pill broiler, a.nd 1hllt lift up top. U!!O!d one 1nonth. $149 80 cuh , or pay $8 pr r mo. l 441 W . Chapman, Or11.nge. K.E 8-Mi t 7 tt GREATER EIRNlllGS REMEMBElt .. SAVINGS recei ved by the 10th of th e month .. , EARN FROM the 1st. HE. 7-1201 CRAM.PED FOR SPA.CE! Wl\lrl-KENMORE AO'TOMATIC . WASl:_:l.ER $19.95 $19.l!O SH.l!O poof wa~.her & gu drye r only THOR AUTOMATIC WASHER .. Jt~;E4~S r:;;,u~l :~~E S I 1937 Harbor Blv<I 1~1 8-5:'.19i 1885 Harbor -It pe.ya to rea.d U\a want ada. PIR ANNUM CURRENT EARNINGS ' DA v1·s-BROWN Blvd. Coata Mesa LIBERTY 8-3437 69<71 O'Keefe 6 Merritt ru r &n19 18116 de luxe toldlng ·t.op model bu a.U C1'itomt C11<1tf19 on top, llinp 6- clock wlU1 01·en ttmer. chrome gnll broiler. Ual!d only 3 monthli. Being tran•fer~d ~aat. take over my cont n1ct with tht Bank A p•y of! the bal. of $137.8~. Only pay 17.82 per monlb. No eaah needed 1"fy equity fr941, •ee any- tlmti Day or l:v1. at 1"1 w. Chapman, Ora.nr .. Call Collect KE 8-6817, Roney 's Sma ll A ppliance Repairing Iron.. tout.en. oott .. mall:.-.. etc. 22!2 Newport BlYd .. Co.ta KML (cor . of Vktor1a It N'pt. BIYd.>1 u l..fJ079. -.:1m. GA8 llTOVl)-4 b1.uDW I Oftru Prloe $8&. A. C. lk:tlroedel' llK>f hderW A•e .. o.ta II-. -n s1-w .. w a. ll'!J' MIBC. w~ OMlll. .,.. ~ nas-. ~ ........ etc. LI &-77MI ... nV9 ROOM.I ol. ~ _. Nr- Dlture wtth. ftll1 .... ,.... It PHILCO ref'ris. I pc. amd. mn.tt.a f pMooe uwsnc roca sroap. 1 eompl!!t.a hdrOom ....... Ont7 ""'· 8m&D 6oW1t ~ wtlh lot ..... to' i-1'· ~ GOO W, Cant.er, ~ lk'11 'MlR.EI: ROOJU of r-ul:H'\d __.- ""-'lure '°" 61N. 0-. ia look &rOUnd. • KUB :-.00 W. C.t.er, •••,,... 18<T7 --· • -----·. ----.... - • • • • • ,A6E 4. rAlT 11-~ HAltlOR MEWS-PRESS ~H!::::!·~~· ~ .... !:..!'!!!'~·-~T~V~-.1~·0=.t.~-~~·-~"!!·:!!!'!!!;. __ ,.~-=Allh~~.!!*'~!'l•~-!'!!!_ _ _!!Ut_::Aa~lao~~· .. ~ .. !..!Tno!'!~'*'!!... __ 1 :!!--AP"-a·e-1 ... -1-.a,u.. ---- ,;;;.IS....;:;.,=•·= ... :::::..~::::;; ... .;;;:.::..· 1_._:0:==-y:!.::~~:tue~-,956~1 .. ~-=--&T~ :;~ ~ -'55 NO DOWN PAYMENT ·cabanas Marinas J ' Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., l'jpt. Bch. --~~?.::.~-i:.=~~=~~~i~·: .... ·=--~ ~ ~ . · , £AD1ll At.._ .. ~-,.··-_ ~(~~PROVED -CR~~~o pmt.. lowµ , x..~~~d~~.ia."'w.· '--~~~~~°'~··~· l'e~ll~,..;,,· 4 -·· GI MDAM· ·~ j,k.~L~~'ii~~ .. s~~~;;"~~!:; ,. ~ C1othlng Uld Shoe. fQl' the m tire family. r OY POODLE PUPS. ltaJe, bl&ck ti;U\IR ~ -----"U~· ... Recent additiOM of leYeral diabled veteran '""'raon-tt t.aa. lt'ema le apr lool. 7 w)I., Complete Cad equipment '5'4 PLYMOUTH 4-DR . SEDAN r-old .• t41G Clltf Or .. N ewport nel-who have MJDpleteJy refurbilbed. rejuvenated b~IAI•· tTo88 Almost New ~autiful Savoy model! Fully equipped. $41 and placed in top coodltlon. everywhere in our store :x 0000 careful milea '01.A.oll!: pu1>9 tor .l!ftlto. Pure bl'ed. make UI •Y CaU LI 1-Jl l;KI, •tt.i• ~:30 p. ru. l OO')t. Warrant.ee-Bank 'fernui "BUY WRA.T nIE BOYS REBUILD" 111cee VETERANS INDUSTRIES 102 E. 4th, S ANTA ANA Open Friday and Saturday until 9 p. m . I t( AKC COCKER !JUpple•, Red A whlte. Sir., Ch11n1pl4,11. W!llco• Mr. Uanu11. See D Huvey, :ii1 w Wl18on , C(l11t a Me&•. ••• l 6--A.11l0& for Sale 3Z--Fu.nlture for Sale ~Boaui, Suppl!~ --=-'-----1 . AT BAY Slip & Rowboat USEDS~~~CKS 1 Space for Rent I Find What You Wont A1net1rRn Le~1"n 21~-tt.tli :-;1 !WE HAVE A LARGE At Th p · y W t l Meet;ngs 2nd · <th Wctl . <" "'' STOCK OF USED ONLY $5695 '55 CADILLAC 62 4 DOOR Full Cad equipn1c.ut 9000 Milf!S 100": Warni.nt"'··Bank Ttrn1e e r>ce ou •n ''""I TRUCKS THAT MUST NEW I -- B>/NK BEDS AU huOwooo Corn· TRAD E BE MOVED AT ONCE. plelr w 2 1nner1prlnc n1au1ewe• flEAl'Tll.\'L 70 I UA a<lluuucr .. STOCK INCLUDES , t ~p1 lng1 h•'1<1o·r l(U•r•! 11111 I > ~ > > , PICKUP S PANELS ONLY S395J5 Maple r1nl1h 8 ~)'•\ '1' " "' '' f••r ' "" ' , , $129e,Q VALl'!C AT llAY s ~~:\\J \~'.,"11 "1"·dl•r '" ',1 l•r 1',ro.·:-I\\ STAK ES & DUMPS. ll-•t I\ A.ol1 . .,., ,,11 I ~t ""f • TWIN !:11z~1:-.;.-.t~ttSPRlNt; rnat• tr~u \/.' r11i.1 r h•ng ~x 1pr1ng lmpo1·tell Hct;:,1111 ,1arnuk rnv .. r ~.&-M uJ11ieal , ltadio. T \' Gu10r•nl'°t '! 'un•Lr\I• \1nn ~ ---------------· 1'89.&Q VAL.UE ,\T BAY »cl $~:.:,o Knowlton Electronics a lJRAV.'Y.R 1 .. Jl'B'-": 1 1 1t,.:x.~ .. :K TV R,.cPAIR .... ,,. '""''' .......... '""'" "''" l.aJI Urw11 I S~9~ VAi.i ' .. : A1' llAY Jt~.",jl ~'A~T :'IF!P.\'l t' .. '. Hf':A~!)!'-:ABJ~· I !'>•••'1t• l ~LI• tiU l:l J.>111 J PC. 8Bt.1rlu~ Al-ilJ·.. curve<J I .I ~ .~~1~ c.-ntr'I' Lu•.··~?· u:o. \\ldr !lrtn 3 , 11 a ttra ct l"e c"' t i• ' 1289.Mi VAl,UE AT 11AY Sl9J.l:!<U 1: .. :A!'1·1 .. ~\ll. S l"''"l pl11n<1 hlron<I NOR EA SO N A B L Ej. McCARTHY USE:LJ f'1\H.!-' SU MAI:"; Kl :l·3~u. OFFER REFU SED. NOW IS TH E TIM EI TO SAVE SOME REAL '"" MONEY ON A USED TRUCK. WE C ARRY OUR OWN CON- TRACTS. 50 Pont;o c Sed a ne tte W .W . W O ODS GMC DEAL ER Radio, heatt:r. w i;W. ll('W metallic gr~·n f1n1sh ,11~1 J11< .. n~.,.. ,,._.. J20U 3 r0·rit 111 ~·!9 £ 11h St !il&nta Al\6 $495 ' • f'(" PR11\'l:'\'l 'l.\I. ,\\APLE W OOD AUM t;,:;pll t• ln1·lu<1e11 "()fl. pla11 .. r "' ''" kr1 , !uL. 1 h.ut 2 1ltop .. nd I 1ul h~e 11t1J,. 2lahl,.. lam pa $J l 9.IKI \ALI '~'. AT ltA\' $~19:.0 S•" GAS RA .'\'•:~: t burnt-r, dl\'U.l ed t op A "'""'"l••· '"'"" 11 ... 1 o•qn- tro! ChrtJrll•' hi.n•ll"!I U\'f'n llrnol · •r a11d cat~·h p a n11 J1;:950 V AT~L:~: AT l!A Y Sk1'111' "I rf'tu1 n~. ~,,,,. J OO tn S:!."oU ru:l••l ...... 111 ... 11 n .. w g wullll , .... 1r .... •h•l!v"·' M•pl# l.111 hl \V,.lnut. i.·r,.n\'/' l'rovtnclal Ma· tl•Jl<""Y Sp1n.,t •·a•" •lll:htly d,ll nll•~•"I 111 ~hi l l'•ng $t87 r,,,,.,, pl •<'\J\' .. )Jl,.ll"" I rum $89. $~i . s 12.::., $J7.::. ~,.,,. 1he11"' 1H lhe Gn!I! t ~n<I .,r111"er111try SHIP DA:'\'Z • :·:K.ll~ID I · PHILl~ll'!i the Hie 1•,1tn .. 1111·1 01~11n :;1,,1~ !'!20 :--.;,, ~la.in , .S11ntll. An11, l!J(J P1ann11 I ~no'''dtvn Electronics tl~n Sun•I"' A !1-1 r r11< k Henclqun rtrr., fllr llrange t'o MILLER 54 Chevrolet · Olili!.mobtle Fo rd Ronch W a gon 700 w . Coast H"A'Y· 1~1 8-225h \f ·8, fully t•quipped S1645 MILLER Hausken-Watson SPORT CAR CENT~::R '51 MERCURY CLUB COUPE $30 • Radio, Heater, Overdrive. Tutone finish. lmn111.cu lnte. '48 CHEVROLET STATION VI AGO"! $17 Radio, Heater. Tutone finish. '53 PONTIAC CLUB COUPE $37 Club coupe. Radio, Heater. Tuton~ f1n1ioh '50 CHEVROLET 4-DR. SEDAN $17 Radio, Heater. Tutonc fiu igh CADILLAC VILLAGE 806 E. l a>l St. SANTA ANA -------------- I ~~~-,~~~~ .... ______ ,40-J\uW--_!~:-~1!_1~--~-- 55 O lds Hol,doy Cpe. '55 CHRYSLER Had1•• l1•·1ttt•r. hyt.lramat1c. br11.kt.'11. w11w. ll•{'al •1Ht' ww111•r I $2745 MILLER Ch•·\·r oll'l · Ol<li.n1ob1lt' 7lW) W ! •flHl'll !·f w y LI 8+l2f>.'l .J ;t l>t1•\H \'u81 •1r11 1111 .... ,,r.1 I llkf' uif.,. Sm•ll ...... n V"Y~nt t"llll •1 llblr n1.,ntbly p;.ymrntii • "' 11ud" fHr rqu1ly In r<'AI ' ··•tat.. 11 .. r 6'1\11 &8p70 :'ll <'l!l~\·:~1.>;R. ·h LlirLu~" rqu1;n11.,,,t 1"1 n !_,,. f1<1to.fll ~<l lifl'• t..n1••n i.;n .. ~ !<t,.t1.,n ,.,,,,,~r l ~"rt ll"""'• .C. i..\1a.>l 11 1,~.WI•}' ~ [J ~I 611< 10 111~1 conv .. r11b!t, ft•Atl < H"•!l<J, "''~"'' ,11u\unH1t1t· top, 1J.:.y h&&!'. ong1nlil vw11t>r 13.0\JI• m1J,.,, ron1111,.nt11J i.11 Ne w Yorker St. Regi i llllrd ll1p j ,,11v,·r 1 bJ. .Fully equi1111td ~ .... 1. I""'' r· et,. .. rh11( 1~ ·' 1 .,..,.w t(.,,,, H•, ,, ~'•11 1 ,.., ~ .. r,·1· · ·' • • ;l~"' Al~!'I ~J \!l' l ONLY $3495 '53 OLDS 98 4 DOOR SEDAN f', "''r IH IJ..t:a /1·•·'' P ~•,.~r1ng Hu<l i<1 lle1& '" "~"' ~:.":r'ELL.Jc:.'\''r •'•1:'\!,l'lll•'.\ I TV ANTENNAS .. V.'htr• ptlc•.tt are hO'l•t 111 Hay I 427 E: 17\h St .. 1·,iila 1'tc-ot;Jear Hean• -H Ga1n 1 Bay Furniture ( Chevrolet . Oldsmobile 700 W. C0a.11t liwy LI 8·22.58 JAGUAR. M Cl. AUSTlN·HEAl..E\• MORRIS, AUSTfN A LFA RO)ifli:O RENAULT $LVV'i !l~r I 1,.•rr~~l ' .. 1,.11t1un · ~111:11 "f t~r :i J1 o\ N t'w Car Sl.lu & S,.r\·I,., Clean U.ett Car11. All '-l•k<'t, lrr1 J{I.~~ t'llt-:\HVL£T \' 8 Sllll!"" ported ancl Dome1tl1:. I \\'ii.:un HI<lllu h • >o\l'r f>""""l'I ONLY $1595 LOU REED & Associ ates bel we .. n Twtin •nd Jr\'ln• IN~TAU.Ell coinplett l<,1 your &el . T•~·I $9.95 F'ref' 8 tor Ptrnn\ Pllrk\"f OPEN EVE'S . 'TIL 8' .. ,. "''°' 1.IKI!: N~\V O'Kerft A MPtrllt C'I' ll(U ranee $11.:i Modt1 n •llnlnK I t•tJ:,. nnr1 4 chair!< f>"rle1·1 ron · •l1l\"n SI JO Har '.l900·l>I 68<:70 ltrnt 11 ~p1n"t hn\. 11.U ~~rn1 t t nl nll"w''1 l'n1C!l<'" j!H'llH• 1.., ...... 11 $!\ jH'I 11\v l•A_:•:z ll ~C HM101". l'HILl.IP S Hlir: 1·1 .. no A: 011': .. " :>tu• rt ~•2U :\"u I M•lll St $&111.A Ani< M e sa Woodcraft 1 1~1-:At-r ir-111.-t:l.EL0Tlt<is1c Qr:1 )[!Ill rwrft"Ct ....... 11 ln1· .. t 1u··· .. I l'np11!1t•·•I & Juvrt1ul• 1'0111ulure I DA:":l. MCHJ.1/l •T l'ill!.LI P S NF;\\/ l\EML11(•K !to~<llonala Jl••t cr .. .ot Salt. ~2!1 ,'\" ~l ~ln St "I rl\"<'d !ur I"' r•""" ••r be<111n !'llirtlll AnE\ <.:orn~• ',. k, , • ·~·•. book~a.t•. _ -· _ ~--_ _ __ 53 BU ICK V-8 2 J)r. RIVIERA CP~. l 'l'STnM l/'.'TERJ IJ K Ol'A!. !'IPF!S DYNOF l.11 $1295. TERRY BUICK Rloll .-1hinc .l. the. S•u•>ly o.:<1n1truc· FUH Ttlt:: l'.l'.\!1'1 '5 IUJUt.I ' ~':'"H 1.un, ct"nter gu1Ju.I d rawer• -A.\!PICO EU:CTRlC l'LA YER AT \\'Al.,'\'Ll H!.•:";'J"INt:TON BEA CH 2201 80 M AIN ST , SANTA A..'/A t i1tl.-who\.· ~1•11' .-·11\l tlr•'' Kl !i·IJ88 I ~Al 'H! .. ~11 ·~: S L\:111<1 ltar ·.i~~ 1!1:12 H ARBOR RLVll ti1 o>v COSfA MESA -----1.18·W6I 1rl 52 OJds Super 88 4 dr, sedan. radio, heater, power 1>tcering, w sw. hydra.ma tic S1095 I Rttd10 , hf'<tlt>r, WK""' S345 MILLER Ch~vrolc l . Old.~mobile 700 W. Coast Hwy. LI 8·22f)1'\ l;tl•l \\ ('l1 Al'iT ll\\ \ I • .I t. .. 11 1· l; .!4 \ti J I"'"' 1lrU!IV Int • ,..;un<IMV 11f·11,.,. I!• nn 56 JAGUAR MARK VII ~ ... , ........ 11. l'QUlf.C•l t..·uUI\ v i ""' h i.:11·y "''tn 11·11 le1tll1,.r •ul"'";ar.,. l rA.n•1ni-•onn I JJ 1·.d11I ·h 111k,. 11:')11 ,,, ' '"' "" "f ul\ llnrbo " :t~~:: J hi•< 71 1 Grant w . Music k Your Hudson Deale r Yacht allp accom&iation.s. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. For appt . or rt!llervaUoo, Ca.!1 Hu. 2992. Mtfo tO-A utOA a nd Trudl::tl 53 Ford Custom F'ordor, radio, heater, over· drive, ne\\' paint ~45 MILLER Chevrolet -Oldsmobile 700 W. Co&St Hwy. Ll S.22~':1 ~'anted to Keal \\'A ~T .. .:t> TO ttEN'f 2 bdn n. tum. Of\ rha nnel or oc-n for fam.llf of t h ree. rJoermanent yrly. rental. liar. 0-07' '4tte \\'ANTl!:D 1'0 IU::!\l. yearl 1- hy 2 ac111ll• 1111&11 2 bdrm. bou.. on B1lbo& l1lan<l C"al! after 3 I'm Har ~IJ 118c1t Htll'~E tor Q1unth or Jul)·, kit.a of l •~•nl Near blly 0r ~a.eh DOl o• ,., 1:11.JO LI li·21i2l:I attf'r D or ""•·It <.'nil" llk71 1X-AplA. iii: Doll9M ! I-Auto S"!'~~~~------(.'h<11c1:: \Vintl·r Rtinta!Ji oa j Balboa Island &. Lido We 1'111•11ll ti • u~y "r l1rgto A (iejwr;e $7~ 1u J:J<IO n1nnu1 Motor Overhaul Nd' MONF:Y DO WN * with th is ad * 6 Cyls. $48.88 8 ('yls . $5ll .ISS ln•IU<l•~ l>'·l h ,,1,..r anl par\.t I VOGEL co. ~l n"n ... A'" (1.,11., .. Llla.n•I t'I> !l1 r~••r Ill "1 11 .. ,~~ r l fl ll'i '" l :29-1~ 64lf• N~w Mni,,s. "~ -:. p~n!I. '"11 1 ''~ ~I v .\l\.J :O.•.\\ 1nvJ~10 huU#r i;rU•tJ tltll~ll(• ... t 111•ln nnd r I \\"i1n1 .. ,1 )'<>llni;: "'"" '" 'h"''" bt:·1 ri11~~ 1-.~1-"'tl fl•"''" Id!\•' up 'll!l ,, !n·1 .!"I ~l~' I _..;! !\<.'W- lfli-d•v u r .( 111~> lllll<' l(\l><t•nlet 1.,.,1 Ji•" 11 .~Hl ~!!INF:\' 1{J\\''' ! R1'~BIJ1l.T F::\'GINE.':i l ·~\J ,I. 1'~/1.'\1\ t•1t,\!1; LP to I!'> 1'\!ISlhS 1'lJ PA\'-J{f-::\"TA!. S l'l::('!,\[.J~l' Built in our o"·n !actory by •k11J .. 1 rniu:J;1n:~~!I. !"·~~ ~"!lttnd w •''' tht 1111'1<1! .. '"'' Huv a1r,.cl HE.HUlLT and L'\;:::)TALLF.:D !->H U){! lil.O(.'K •'ORD J\79 :'10 DORIS BRA Y, Reoltor • :•-. .\\111 111~. ll.Llbu• J,..,, I I <.:HEii tt01.£T S l 41:1~.IJ 11\l!"ll \ ISl.A:";I\ .\ ~"" • .AJtA!iE ,,. II'" ·' t·.•n. PL.\'l-1 " L>ut.x.; .. ; c Hfl YS • u•: ~UTO I STUlJEUAKEH ---·-J I ~,:, $1 Io $\ 1'0 l l '0 I OLU::i It PU:" J JA\.'" 13 L'll'~ " ' -· HL'lJSClN SI l..i $If !- Loan UH F'rto,. Tuw111;; :">1';\V ('AH ll1'AltAN'J'li:t-: Ulo..ck fll U&t ""ct uur etllJldlllll, l'llU taxc·1, i;aikt't• a nd ull V1wn SllnoJ,; )' I u a m. to 2 p n1 BELLES ENG INE REBUILDERS U)><'U Dllll) 8 to 7 N EW LOCATION :n o l!:ast 3r d S t. Before You Buy I :-f-~I· f',~1! I~' Ull r<'l\.ttolo' 111"' II.Ill. ji;I\'<' \I ~ 11 l" JJl "'"'!I ln~IJ' • t1on < Z, f~.,~ 1 T< ·t Of 0·1111•1.1 1<1'1 CAl .. JF'ORN IA U!-!t'J l'ar ln~ptT l1u11 ~n·11•,. L L " .>(; r~ for I< • """"'' nl 1., .• t1•)n.• 1n 1)1·""~~ 1•n11nl) -' "'' " \V\ntrr $\llor 11.•1 1u<'l•l•l1n11 '..'<!l b•\.\' !I .tfr lJ!'° l:i ALllOA ISL,\:'\U ~;IS f"r \f' .. 11\ • I ~,.,.,...,i..i rrn!Hh N!-'.l.IJA L;IJ.:lliON , lt11.Jtor ;HI> .\! .. fl!\~ '\Y<' tl,11 1•<! ;'iH2 HALl\ol1A IS l-A:";I ••Hll="A l1KI. ~!Alt :-,: .. ,11!, r .• ·w .' lw•!1no IHl!u111 fl.,, h fl\I" 1 h J\ Pl l')JI ... ,\ l,.u t, lf ~,J tlo · "11 p~\1" llio• lll'll H !-!~I-: t.11-:·TA :0.1·,!.bl.J ..... I Jlt1H.:J.. HI 'l'Al-" Furn . "' "' • ,.-n11/ '"I 11.-.111· ::l"lll I'.: 1 ·,,,,~1 tt J:ll"''a ' L'.l l ~I 11 .. r1w1r l'ltl'I" 111".· ~'I <t81'.-. .\pts. ror Rt-ot n "\'1': S!~Ct.F. apt yt~rh Ori·· I lwlr111 & unr '..! bdrm L" .1111 .. · ! •, .'\',, 1)o·tl J7V6 Ch11rH" I 1•1.,, •' linr 1117 J 6~•1f• 1 ... 1ou ISL£ l:IAC HEU Ht anll one & two b<trM 11pt..o. Sht.r! l'nn e.nd y~arly priced frn rn $10.C.O ea ch . I PIANO Jn perfect pl1y1ng cunrli· u,... our ltiy 1tw:1y plan l1vn. Luu or rvH• lnClll•l;;o:I. "' MILLER Chevrolet · Oldsmobile J 111:10 ,\l1..ir • ..:1. A F(>i{l.J , ou)Jt' HAIUlflK AK.EA , N""f'Vtl ,\11111 SALES and. S ERVICE \\.,rk<1. 12u In<!u•tna1 ....,.,_.... c~1. A L:;U, l.Jdo Hc..ines and B11.y F ront Hom e• and Aptort111enla. 2121 Ha;:10r, C M.. l.J 8·11'146 '-O,\Vf'orltnl ternuo At BEDROOM Hl lA1''1';H;; 1tiln< L0U7• • : : .. ..1).' .! : ;J.'l ll ~1·ly S • Y [>11.AV..'E.:{ Ur~Mo•r, nll11Tor, tJA~IM01-Jn tll.\:A NS bQ<.lkt'a..t> ht:i•1bo.1r•I. lr<•"i 5:.~ir.u l lln'" •l•!!htly ,,,,,1 T\VIN Ml!lpl~ hi::rl w ith n1;ittre>o1 A: l i,\"'Z -!·1•;•;.l l llT nil 1111 .. !el~. 1.1... "~"' l •,!ILl.l \'S l:>1» ~prln;;. uni) s ;,11c. 11 eo. 1 l·l..1u1,,.1'1.l ! :, '' f .. , f·i• '" R A II D:-tA \', J::~ n1:1ple •l~<'ar.er. I llfl :t• cr.u .. :: ;--,_ I "" ~!."" ~! with m in·or, fru1.1 . $79 :,0 1 S1tnt-< /\n.1 Llvin:; Roonl Sets -- Modern &. l\i eple DO IT YOURSELF •• NICE A LIN F: 11s you would 1 .... anywhe re. \\'1th ""' >ow HI-Fl ov.irhear1 yuu'll I.I<' RUrJ1n11tod how much .,...,.. can AR\'f" ynu P\en.itr nt·u.D YOUR O\~·:-.; "' . Fl takf' • ..... " WU> '" you. phonug rO.ph. U!UllK i\'t'\l."COOlb It (J()(),D.~-···~----Ha row n.JU.rJOD. A u..Jt.'1&-tun.u;a, RETAJL F\JRNITURJo; BRO KERS an1plltit,.., "ll""l<er~ • record ~11 Friday Eve. Kl 3·2436 playe rs. Com' tn anr1 llf't Lh~n1 !rd at Spurgeon S•nll. Ana \\'~ \Odll help yuu ll".'lemlll• it. 40tfc 4 "/ Stude b a ke r Conve rt. 700 YI. Coast Hw y. 1JJ 8-:.!258 New ..,-etiu11t 1nut,,r. ne'"' tut• 1 ----& h ll)t•,., nf'w b,..kel etc \VllL jCpe .. rad\n. heater. ov<'rdrivf', "A.LLWEA:TH'l!:fl'· Tro•Jt canopy-, ffll' l !Jr $l00. H11r . .J.7117-W ._ xlnl tir ·i. 11 ·w top mech I hir ,., tlln l'lrk·lJf' w ith !Ir.· 69c• \ t.: · o..: • • ho •>. S.")11 ll•k•·11 11 LI ll ·J:'!7~ -------- f'C'l'f C'Cl 69p7 ! $n9r.: SJ -Mc 1 T p· k ' -----0 >C -up .. l J ·.~] t.:KOSL~~y I Up'r ~t11t11on ... ·a11:on $12~ -378 Ran101H1 1 Pf'rfcct Cc'lnd1tion MILLER V.'ay, """'• Mt~11.. 1.1 8-71:11 1'1111. 7fl $945 --Chevrolet -Oldsmobile 700 W. Cout Hwy. LI 8·2258 54 Chev. 2 Door -• ---.,tAILLER ... PLl':ETM AS'rE R 2 dr. Chev· Radio, heater. w11w, like new rulct Lh•a n ;.a llt'en!W '" in a nd out ~-<;1:., .. NJ!"!J.IO~ ~~:_h. ~!l.f~ Chcvrol<'t . Oldsmobile ·-. . -. -700 'v. Coa:st Hwy . Lt 8~225A I $1095 55 Chevrolet . --- 19~2 f'OllD CO NSl 'l. S34(i tull 253 N .Loll Angeles K E5·7278 &. 11,,rv11.th •·01 e1gn t.1 1r C•rH"r Anohf'ln1 4'.ltfc I II> lndtlftl' Lnl \\ .. ~ .. 1 • ),1 ---_ J ___ s11r~111 52 BUICK SUPER NASH . HUDSON 4 DH.. RIVIERA I '\ n11 flro A ' ~I':\\' HlTlrK THAr>F: JN RIOH H HN'S LOCALl.'r' {)\\':";F,[) Al fTt) K Aii]() HF.:l'A/I{ Only $795. f'f\'DRA MATIC S ~::R VI<;f: 4119 1-: 2!1Tfl :'IT l!.trbor 4j21:j i\'t•,.·port Hl'ALI\ TERRY 1'.!-Traller§ ~-* PORT ORANGE * BUICK TRAILER Ml.ES_ I and SUPPLIES "" " \\'11ln11t 2200 W. Coast Hiway. Hu ntington R"11 r h ' Beach LI 8-4420 LIDO RE ALTY Asaociatcs .!WO \'1• l.lclo, llarbor 44~4 89ltC: llA \" ' IU(1'IY ru. n TV ruhl>f'r Ule r1 .... l~e. "''ertl1·11l>r•. g0<1d heel. I'• blk to• •r hOt'll, •'h1••· to t llC'ellent bth V.'lnt"r Slf)O, }'tarly ll :Z&.-1 11 ~ \\' Lt;oy Ave. 1111.1 . 388~. 5Utfc - llALB(IA l!tl..AN D . y early, ... t111.rl lv" ~1 .. 1n ~·n(C"lt •pl. Well rurn l{""JXtn•lblf' ,.mpl.' 110ber· I 11.tlult $:'!~. utll pd A tlantic J...036:> w v.:rite ill& .L.cor.A.in Rd .. 8a.n t.larlnn 89c71 1.ARGF: ""' l:Wtlrm •pl .• 1tove • rl'fnl(". f\1r" '"" mo ""' DAVIS-BROWN 4 de 11tation wagon, radio, MILLER price. 11sir Newport ·.~0·26" f\ •t btllUt)• 0 Sl9411 !'lftnl" Ana A v~ Nt,vport H t11 LA.ROE dhHn( ta blf' manogany heater, overdrive 1948 HUDSON aed.1111 J<"QQll con11. •• chalr11 $30. CKll l..I 8-217 1 "j4.;!IP"' Sh11~t11 J~lkt nr•W 121 ·10 Ll 8-3378. 69lfc 67c69 !886 !!a rbor Rh·J Chevrolet · Oidsmob1lc $14 ~ t ot11J pnc" !'l'i-',.42' Hen11l!'e l BR $3t~O ------- r.""'t.a Me!:lti. LI 8·J431 S2295 54 lnternat;onal I T. C..'OH.ONA DEi.. MAil unrurn. ' --700 W. CoaHt Hwy. LI 8-22~1.S COTION GOFF I '.Yl·JO' Tr•vele~c 2 m0« old SSt411 bdrn1 corner dupl,.ll •pt., OOLD TWEED OVERSTUFFE D --,c.;.-=-'4SI :lLO' C'11rll1 \\'r1ght T a.ndem gar, CHAIR $Iii-LI 8·7118. 69c7o SPINET PIANO I A"·clftone 11.nd --Pickur. low milf'A~•· 1t!p1u ·ate ,~11., H><r 4379·R ' 18:11 CA DI LLAC r""''"rt\hl<' "~. The Volkswagen De ale r $10i~ 69c7 l· ('(l.'lt' $387. T~r 111~ Other WOii cellent "'"'0!11on \\",. nN"•l clf'an U.•e<I tr11.Ue·ln•. FOL.01NO BED with En11:l•u<l@r •hn·ful bAri<!lln~ "' rental MILLER HL1,,·k Wl1 ~I S845 ,,. ;-,;, ..... P'll 1 111vo1 "' 22nd PAN AtifF'.H.ICAN LIDO ARMS APTS. •~m rrui.ttnu roll twin Iii El'. white top. Hl'•1 1.-11th.-r 1n t•·rl•1r turn.\. lrlhle '" "n or gan11, "" 11 ,. ii>''' ' Uke new $90. Cherry hl'l'boa rd, 8 •'\"l'llll n11·•·~1~· ~cratclled '" Chevrolet • Oldsmobile WllW, ""' ~:O.Q:'> "' H nr· 47\'.IJ 6j .. l}!l l'aro nlu11nt·Ken11klll d blt. wlt.h oompartment11 $25. :ohlpptng. lilANZ ·SCHMIDT · 700 W. Coast Hwy. LI 8-2258 art er ' p m 69•71 Tra.,ele:tt·Terry & Marina ---- P•t11 ted chetit ... a111all ,,~ PHILLIPS "'' l'iano It Oq;:an -""" V t:RY N E W lampa 16. Ha.rbor 5681. llltLfc Store 620 r.>. !l-1u1n Stinta Ana. 52 Pontiac St. Wagon '52 Pont iac 4 dr. se'd. MILLER --------Wall to ~t c11rpeting A dra~, 41:1 F()RD 2 r1r. ~&JI. GOod ~ J I FT. 195:'. KIT HOUSJ!: TRA IL--------Cltic.ftain Deluxe 0 . E. f rig. de.luxe '""'~ JCHTDU£ HO USl:H O LD conl~m· HA t.1M OND :"'ova·chtlrd In fine jl()rtAll(ln ca r $76. LI &-T1M. Chevrolet · Oldsmobile F.R. ' mo. old. modem . """' Each Apt. bna prlY•te ,.anre. .....,,. ruml&hl!ll"•: "'' . """ rondrt lnn . Bil? S:n in11:•. Terina. Up70 Chieftain deluxe. R"dio, H\'DRAMATIC R•H 700 \V. Coast Hwy. LI 8·2~8 LI 11. j 1 ~7 72c611 T en11nta hllVf' f1,..t Cftli tor 1\lpa. _ .. _ BROWN SAL TM.AN S8 I .85 Uou•n 11.n,1 S2 l !l l per n10. Heater, Hydramatic R~:ALL\' SH.A RP AT 0;<.'l." ----One hill! blk. to bu.lineu cent.er, aot.a • chair 111ld tab!•. cottee " 49 Hud1on Super b S595. -Tf!.,\lLER. 1 •1.11:~ 1turcly h<:imto· 3•08·12·15 A 20 Via Oporto t&W .. S p<'. aectlonal, Ho4'<1'nt SJIAFT.RS i Sin•·~ 1007) $1095 10.J\-TireA &: Part.o built I'Prfttf tor long trip with Office ..... 1002 alo~ bn&k! .. l M l 3 p<. dU.. ' l1trg,. 1011.d Sl:t:f' lhr:IO-$1~0 or 1:-!1·4:!:1 N. Syr.1mo1". ~Bnt11 '"" Club coupe, radio, heat.er, -----~ ---11fter ~ p, m. LI 8-Z1 7l room Mt wtth I cMJn 6 Many Phone K1 mbf'r1y 2·()672 trAdf' Ll 8·4j29 88c70 &ttro ot.bw ll•rna. Come lo 111) Ktn1• Orange County·11 Or1?an Hdqtr~ o~erdrive TERRY New and Uecc.I Pia-. Cl1ff Ha••n b#tw..n l ·5, MILLER TH.UCK AND Ill FT ALt.:~1l:"'l'.\t h<>U•t tr•1IPr, CORONA DEL J.1 AR, unfurn. ' Frt,+8at . .flun. '" DE AGA N ' OCllLVI' Vlbr9.-harr $175 ~ r lnli'li!tr rlo,.,.•11 lot~ of .«toraJt~. bedroon1 gar•1~ a partmt"nl '" rln' conclll1on SAY' ~9~ oh Chevrolet· Oldsmobdc Passenge r S~~~-LI 8·7t~3. 481"70 New1y decorattod Latindry ""· SS ll"!!!t !:ti"'! "'w price. Conv. ll'rma ,,_ BUICK __. -----&. c •r•1e Included. $M per mo. ' S HAFERS tSince 1907) 700 W. Coast Hwy. LI 8-2258 TIRES 47-Wanted to Rent Y' lf'A•e. Owner Ha.r. 47. " 90.A.T, OMUe 1.7Pe,, aceUent COQ-421·423 N. Syc&more. Santa An• MILLER --------- "'"-..... .... • • ...., ... P hone Klm~rly S--0871 ·~ N AS H SUlte11nllln, R.C.H , rf o L'.Of\ON. DEL MAR yearl,y. ' -.on. '460. LI l-130T. lk7l Chevrolet· Olc!lmobile Uke ne"'' OrtKllWI own~r "-"' ~1th . al w111nu1 a.Hour Rentols Wonted bdrni. tum . apt. 175. lnclud. utll. Piano Cllll Bill And'°l.'.l'l<l'n HY•l t 4 2:'13~. H U NTI:O:GTON BEACH pnre ~·all. LI 8·203& or Har. S.ilin~otructions 700 W. Coa.st Hwy. LI S.2258 6fk71 .,, Rec opping Service ... no>~! apts an1I llow.tll '" .,, 4120. ,,,... ------,,.l"l lvn~ tor bolh wtnter '"' • MY rl'l"4Jl T OI' flatU. S.S.60 Com plete yt"nr ~ len11• f·urn or unf11 r n CHANNltL ~·RIJNT. 2 bedrm. t urn ,....,...,__,...._or so Refinishi~ 53 Olds 98 54 Chev. Bel Air 54 Old1 Super 88 Drake ScrvicP If you h/\V<' " \'llfAll\"Y. l'lWer, pier, n oat. "llrellent k>ca - ,.. cwo.. u ..aacrr. ltc81 phon~ today !Ion, u!ltll June 11L '66 mo. Incl. Q>Wll7'""" I dr., radio, bea ter. JX'WI>' 2 de. seda.n . radio, heater. AND The Vog el Co. ullHU1!9. 3400 M.a rcu•, N~port. Ill.IP """ UMT .. ,...,_. A NKRUM PIANO &mVICll Holiday c.pe., power •leering, Front E nd Alignment -~ doc.k. o..u Hu. 2~ elide, """"' •teerintt. hydramatlc, .,...,_ power 1201 W CAI H"'·y .. "'""''port Och llOUf la• 7.4-041 ·-· M tte Kl •TllO. 4iUo brakM. tint. 11--. radio, tlnledr'-. ...,. 1tetrtng ROAO ~EH.VI~ Phi.me Lllwrty -"·:.WJil . heater. auto. drive ' !-'\r,.1tone Uu•lget Plan Nl:ARLY N ~~-~·urn.. ' bed~. BEA UTlFUL ~onde Mirror l)'P" 2otll Martrit. Ba.llxla Uland f>rt an fMnt rluplu:. Auto_ wuh· NLUILT """ -bOUom upr1.1bt piano In 119rf'ect rondl· $1795 .S1495 S2095 )'(llJTI for· !he A1lil:ln1 Phone Harbor 444 -M02 \\' Oc..n Jo~ront... u p- ............ dbtC'b1· .._,_ )al.II HOWARD ., Uon. T enmi S2!"i dJI. A $10 per l6'1 Ii:: r~t H;o·. Cor""• th1I Ma.r t\alr• . "" 1232·.lll. No Pet.a. . -.... ... ........... l ""' mo. Otb •r ""' --RYAN l'hon~ ll"rhnr l i 4 \ 118<70 --.... , •• p. .i.ct. p l&110. ln m.a.bof&IQJ and m a ple ' Lido Ofnrt. 34 111 \"1• U<So - MILLER MILLER MILLER 801 • 809 W. lot St, I - ... Lt a.Ttto. ., ... ,,_ Harbor •9i l HA Y \'Jl:W apt compl•t•IY t um nDAT. l16 monU.. wU! take 16 S H AJ'l:ft.S '"""' lf07) ChPvroH!it -Oldarnobile Qlevrolet • Oklamobile Chevrolet · Olchimobilc SAI\'"rA A.~A I r:o2 Nrwporl Blvd , C(leta ... ,,. l'l'°en 2 J>e.r11 m1 Corona del )la r Kl S·AM:t L.nlert1 8·$Ml'T M "' PfNOVD\, l\M.ltOf' ... -. 8400 MaJ"e\11.. ,,.., .... 421 423 "'· 9yeamo~ • ..... AM LIS.~ 700 W. Cout Hwy. lJ 8.22!)8 700 W, Gout Hwy. LI 8·2258 ll•1 br•r 41\l fl >IAclO ,..,.., ..,., r hnn• Kl mbtrly :t--Oe'T2 700 W, Cout Hwy. :l!ltfC "' ' -\ , ' . • , '' '" -~1?5'.JQ,:rear 0 )1'ln1Mog HOME LOANS Construction Loans -Re,flnancin9 1-lire• Prelimirr"'T Appraisals' -· a a.1 ..... ---;JUST A -ST0NE!5-l'HRGW ~'."",'.!.~ ~ . FROM NEWPORT HIGH SCHOOL nata1 ..._ aooo dqlt'a w;111 ....... AJA0 TWO GOOD ocaAH l'aOMT LOh lll(IO .. CB. -~"""-··---.....-... ........ -utriftN~~ .......... • • ot Tt nneaaee Ba.a.ken NatlonaJ Lite IMW'&DOt Company ' SOUTH COAST Mortgage Company , ApproYecl FHA Mortgagee 1600 West Cout Highway -LI 8-7791 Newport Beach, California BALBOA 18LAND. C.."harrn1lll: 1 bdrm. a pt , turn 160 mo. Incl. UlWtlM UNTIL June lo) 0..t.M M-Bwilneu Oppartu.nll1tfl BEE R -& RESTAURA NT IN THE TUATlN SCHOOL DIS• TRlC1' -U111UU11.Uy attn.ct!Ye home. J Mnba. and den, ~eel hou .. and 1wtmm1nr pool. Bt•u· tlfutly altu..teoi, IN TH1!: UPP!!ft. BAY AREA ~foot lot ··~ Fitzmorris Rltv. Co. MulUpla Uatl.ag ....:._ ft-.twr Bualn ... Broker -:!133 e Coaat •fwy, C«ona tlel llliLf Harbor 21112 Best Beach R..Jty, Har 1871 &kTO C H A NNEL f runt Yt:AJU.Y R.EN"?'A.L -&auttfUI view nf channel • Ba.Ibo& CuvM 2 bdrm. ap!. I SO unturn Dock aviUl&ble 1515 38 lh 81 NtW)>(lrt. Buy JWr day. P nee of Sl7VO Hl• lude• A .11tep Ill th• ocean. 2 bedrm 2 ~rm houae Rent $'2<HI ~r I home wlU. ,Jbl. aat aje, 001n· month. Owner muat me ll pletely turnlth9d. l.nt'ludlq T V THE VOGEL co. :;m~n11 i 10.ooo with eu:cUent 3~'QI \\' «out H1r h .. 11.y Xp! , • 6Sp70 Uberty 8 ·3t t!l . ------------flHANGE C'loA~T PRO f'E RTlE!'\ 486-~ f or Rent 1~~7 Newport, c.·u••>< .\II•''·' I 1.1 "' 1#>.,? Ell'"n!n,I!'., I.I • '100 1 1"'\\'0 Bl:DRMS run1 h•1u.11t, I · re-n~ yard lllt Nar{'ll&U• i·o.w. Hu. 04 16-J. 111ce11 i 5.~ooe.f to Loan l~~ F IJttN. rvTTAOf.: tirepLac,. ILQA."JS TO e u n .D. 1.~~~~,V~:·! Harbor 46ui-R &k70 REFINANCE Exchange or Sale r r1STA MESA 2 br v .. ca.nt 0n •,7· " 20'4" lot. l~-4 wnf', ty.•c, 'l ce r Np..ra.te 1111.1·11.11e... • .U l<>1.1t 11!ey aide and rrar, rQOm f()r Juplell . \\'111 <!;X• h11.nj;f' rur 1c111· ci .. nc.i near ocran or 1>¥)', ><Ud U !WUr. See :i4iil \\"~,t Brrn11rd Uwner wU! bt: on proprrty S"I I to !'; , ft9p7l - lRVINE T ERRACE :.: beJrm• Call M iu 1-i 1.>h!Ateut • j BL"Y, MODER!'JIZJ:.:. 11tt I - - -\\'t Buy Tru.at ne .... "111 1-,;ylJR.N, 2 bdnn nun,alaw $11(1 NE\VPORT BA.LBOA SA\'1:"<:3 Uy owner, colorful gay 11n(l 1no. on i~-AOulla 3&:ll ~a .i. LOAN AS80CJATJn ;>: r n.rmlt1& 3 bedrm. and d .. n >'ltW c D M llal J~48-J . S8di9 33116 Via. Udo Ph. H11.r ~~U\I Bu1lt•1n TV ln ouuitandlnS" drin- ----------1 re wood rock n rTpl \\'V.' cv.rpet. 2 »Al.BOA '~ roiu y rly. 1.1.nrurn. mosaic Ula nr. baUa . Ouu.lde •Ot l .. e IHU1¥ 1111, dining rm. kllchenrttf' 'l l><1rm1, hnt &how· ~r Gu A w1trr 1•! 108 AJam •. 1111.!00., Hai 111~4 -M &8c70 NO COMMISSION No Appraisa.J Fee ahwr .• bH·ln rll't ranr e. dl.lh· wuher. Wormy chMtnut, black 'A'&inut, oak piuiel1n1 featured hlghl!.gtit.. o! roona. $29,:.00 EARL W. ST ANLE'l'., Realtor l !Slh & Irvine LI 8-2664 Eve8' LI 8-7056 CLIFF HAVEN ATTRACTIVE 3 bedrm. home in Cliff Haven 1450 sq. ft: P11tio. fenced yard, double garage. An exceptional buy at $15,750 with only $2500 down. • !otovc right in. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W, Coaet Hwy .. Newport Beach LI 8-348 1 Come In e nd Let Us Sh ow These Good Buys NEWPi JH"f ll t':lli t f'r~ 3-Bft 41 ,1.,11 Ll<rK" lt ·:Z Jut !rue.ell. • nn btula a.nultu~r 1111\l nt11r H•1111: fl•111pll1<I '13!100 ti:111n•. BALBOA O<·r1tnfr()nt. :Z Hlt h""'~ plua '.l 'J HR [UT un•l•. Ill• ( Hl• """ llU•I b~~l hxal!•lfl $2il~ UDO JSLE-J l:IR. rurntshtd I ·'· blllh.8 -3} r1 ulJ. 12000 l>t•\\ :-.; HOMER !: SHAf'ltR I 06 J.tchdden f'I l~llr at lhe-Newport Pu!I H11rbor )'f(I Eve1. H11 r ti38·W Harbbr l:.Zff-M Special Values Home & Rental con:-11-:R UYr 7fl¥121 clfHI" • in Ut.od l bdr111 . V.'t'•\' ca q ... te<I P l•!it " 1 l)ll r111 1enta! tun' n. fint deal for on ly Sl:J.O(I(), t .. nua Bes t Ar ea, Costa Mesa EXl'L'T J JJl.Jf<,\f , l '• llaLh.•, •Jl>I i.:ar. r111•pl ~ptrb d1.11p u .. 11 ,.t jl!t!lu !Ind Jrult ''""" H~ 1 ' q lu•n. f 'uJ! price only $1 :>.l'O)U worth n1orT ! Only $7000 NEY.'POHT HElGHTs. 2 BDP.!ll , rixer-upper, <.1n • 60xi00 lol Th1a '' a. b1trr•1n: GOO<J \r rrn.-.. 1 ST TIME OFFERED \\'lNTER H.EN't'Al.-Feb. I~ to Juftl! 1~ 6 rm houa.:-rum . $10 u10. 100 ·30th St tt ar C!llj-M 6Sp(l9 :IALJ:S -RLFI NA;<:~£ COXSTRUCTION Call tor me Har. t 872 tllp74 s ---ee Me-Ta Nelson .'l BllR~f., J 1., ba.. atucco. I year old, "''llh ne.,.. dbl pr Pili! big do-!l·Y()Urselt •hop, rear. l~vt"d •t. 9rwer, curbs. paid. CIOA~·ln. Only $l:l,OOO -----------1'HARM1 NC ii:11 rly Amfr u:an ~tylc home ~11u1 Hu lly turn. •Vll.11able F'•h 1."i RH~11a!ble ~11ullll. $!Ml per 1nuntn to Jul'!e l~lh 211 0 (ll""ran lllvol H•r <\276 i9p7 l Fut Commttmente on Klllltd~nc•• and Unit.t unly CORONA SPECIALS 2 ~R. tirepl.. nl<'•· S1 1.000 $1&.600 3 BR. tirept, t.A.. l1t1U Don I. Huddleston ~ ~~ ";:~::: "''"'"' ~·~ I lJU PU:X, 2 liR. ~nrh . i 21.,,UI) 173 E. 17th SL G Ji LATHRO P 311lfl E C'l!lt Hwy COSTA MJCSA Cl.JM , Ji.AT. &44.2. Ji:vea. :id111J. 8&c70 l.100 21,\ U 8-:'>M l LI 8-8~2 _ __ LOANS for Homes '" cn .. n, 00101"'1 UD.th, 1naula.ted, nl• r 1erot1n11.t SIN9~ F H A ll"'n $!2:l-I• ~133 F"•l•·r11 1. ('•xol111 M<'aa LltH!r\y II l7!1i'i 't'li.E 1<10ST IMJ•UHT ANT AO YOL"'LL REAL> T0UA \' COHO NA J>EL MAit EASTERS u v.·;o.;i,.:Jt !:i A YS SELL, li ke ne..,· 3 ~rn•im. 2 bA th. f lr&- 11l1t{'1", hdwd, tloor11, bloc-It rrom ·~·e~u1. H·:: "Ii• .. 11ent rlnanc1ng. l'nd,·rpntrd Ell• lus1v~ Lllllin~ FIRST TlM.E OFFERED RF.AL H(J,\tF.'i 2 br1lrm., tlrepl.aeo n-ly r1ecorattd. l nalde planter• be11t locaUon. $300Q will handle. $14,00o t p l:~x.-Ju111\·e J.u1tinr R-4 1..01 !'; s1u .. l{·l Lut -60Xlll2 R-2 Lol C lo111! 111 .......... . s.12~0 S:IJ."lO S:lMO Income -Investment DUPLEX :? B.R. ea. Over 1700 •q rt Only 8 n10 old_ Near achool•. tranap. & 9hopp1ng. Lge. rm• l..ota or tu.. A bar· 11\lllll it! $!6,500 Business & Rentals Good Money Maker !!:IGHT UNlT OcHn rront lrtntle 1t.c1ry turn. •pll, &4t rental locaUon In Balboa a nd a bt>•t bUJ'. at ias,:ioo. tuma. Modem Triplex ONE SLOCK to be•t tM.thln& bM.chet, bay or n«an. Each unlt hM living room, dJnel te. Ul..-t kitchen., bedl'm., K•rage, too. Comrl,.to>Jy rum Only 525,000 GEORGE STE\\'ERT. E ve.a. H.a1 00r Z!l37-~t Brand New I"\VO BEORM .• t blk fnim tM't an .t. Coa.tt H'A")'. Extrit l.l.rt•• lot. 0n1y ...... ·-·-i 12 .:ioo. Submit duwn. Costa Mesa NICE 2 Hit. d<"n l>ume on l:~UI 61<] .. Tutal r nr1· U• I'•.~! ll 1 HI)\) \\'Hh $1900 1!n'A'n """\!/" 1~~a1 811.L""' l1tT~t.' yllt·•I • BOli !ti! •la~\\ A\" t:ve11 J-ta 1·11.,r 1~1~ J Balboa Bay Prop erties Just Listed! • Shak.-ro.,r' • .'\ l1<lr1n I ' I l!a!f I e IL \V Floor ~· • Hullt -1n Uv,.n' • l'•eJ brick J.~1repl1t1 ,.. • 6 mo. old! • Garbage dtlpCl!llll ' • All F en«<!' • l.antiac&pffi ' • l"lne 1<:::u t11ldl' 1Ma! I"" • F"N:ed alt h~fl.I' • S<>O!: lt now' $4200 [)t)...,•n' $\\;~(IO t<L"LL l'J tJr'~: Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 1696 Ne>A·port BouJev!lrd ("n,.t n. .\1 e1a, t:•l1f11rnl11. l.Jb<'rty tl·ll61 t:::vt11 U .11-301!) bath ham•, on a.nnual ~1•. ~1111 for 40 rt. boat. uae of 18 fl \'1klni,: runabout J>O"'~r bo•t. '.! ca r r •r , beauUtully rurn1 ... h - ,. l ~hr11b1 $700 P9r 1nunlh lnq!ilr" 11.t t 1 BaJbna CovM, XrW)JQrt .. 36Uc Construction Loans llERE '$ A GOL.ll Jol!NE u .. m. ------------- Stlt l:IUli ~ATIU~H. l"lf!:WPORT Bi':A.l:H . J ~rm . ~l!i .£.A.ST CUA:>T liL\'D Financing 100 % ft()ME: & 1:-.;t:OMI-: A 'T'THAL"'t'IVE duplf'X, choice Joca· tk>n 1 .._ Z bedrmt. U11dr rpr1ced :\fr.t' A !"i'r!U!O :".' unturn hoUM • garace -l13 Corona del W.u H~ 3888 :'lfllh ~t. Al~'O turn cabin p-ts. Rep. POlRIXR M ORTGA(!'I.':' 4.;(J, B"yllhore Pa.rk, k>w rent. Cl tru1 Metro U t a 1n&. Funda Kl J.!J\b:I 2908 E Cout ttwy 0 :-1 l!':i..'O~tt-; UNITS bu1H on your 1-nt Can 1 .. fOf' d .. tall• 11\en ~t ua ~how you aon1, undf'r cun- bllri:'tr attUhl un Halb. laland ""'ater trnt. Nellr t erry. Padotle Board!! A. 3 re~tal.11. CrosRr.d 112.000 ln Swnmer operation. i io.ooo Dn 1 ! :!·!Oft~ 6Up73 4!1t!c •LrU• n .. 11 Corona de! Mer, Har. ~O. 6!1c67 M H b R It -_!-------------DAN A J ACOHSEN', Rea l E':1tnl"'t -------------l eSl!I• l!lr Or ea y {':JflONA DEL MA.R, J bedr1n. CASH Har ~l:il , I.I ll-6Jl i. Kl :l-2187 &. ASSOCIATES A htun•lry room G arb ,UIJ>l)IUl>I ::.09 <.:enter St., Costa 1'le1111 % b111h untum . houae. Qar11.1e • • • B I B FOR TRUST DEEDS COHUNA DEL MAR LJ .... I • LI 8 --,, o·ncl. yarci. 1126 per 1110. y r l ·11 -, lea.aP OW11er H•r . 41 tr WM. B . HOLT O f.'!<"€RJ-:I > f."UR 2 WEEKS ONLY LYTLE -!<;v,_ f'h. Ll 8 -2::.-12 MORTGAGE BAN KLNO !..a.r~e rP11l•!enl1•l l'O rnf'r, lm· PETl'"M'E -Eve. Ph. Ll 8·~87 sINc a: 1930· • prnv~o:i with L .11h•J>e<1 hou.11" Corona del Mar SEYMOUR-Eve. Ph. Ha. 2::.98\V TWO BEDRM. home unl\tm ., nrt'· pl•l."e, bar kitchen. 3 p.11.t101, ™"'!!-yard t1w:e4. Child eecept· _ ed, peta ok. $1.lG JIW •• .Yte.,~ly !1AH. Har. 6400 ..ti.er 10 a. m. Qlfc • UALBOA IS LA.ND-3 bdnn., 2 bath houaa. unlurn. yrly. Ava.li- able M1y 111. Harb<Jr ~823 or 2306-R evrJ1 6ic70 1609 N. BUSH SANTA ANA Space fur pool and tour 11ddl· KJMBERLY 3-7118 Uonlll hou1ea OWNER -(20 Goldenrod. Hartxir 29111 -R. ~8c70 WANTl!:D, rROM pn.ll'f't\)' ow n"!'. Vaoa.nt lot by re1pon111blt b uUd· er. Qn 1ubordln11 Unn lerm1. EXCELLENT LOT Nli:WPU RT HE IO HT8 , by own«r \MOO -LI 8-7~33. 6Stft; MARTIN. Wberty 8-1774 or l--------------- Ll 8-824 7. 6:1c70 THREE UEllH.M . HOUSE $9000. ---------------1--------------pay,nent11 $63 mo. Term• to 1ult. S HORE CUFF, untum . MOAt un· \YILL BUY r ron1 ownf'r, on Balboa ::IEE Ill 872 Virtoria.. C°'ta Mt:#& u.t.1a.I opportunlly lo lr.ue tor Jaland. Onr. -0r ('A'U b«Jroom apL or c •ll F.:Xn1ont 1·2807 61Uc orie or two year•. 2 ~roorn over dbl. gat•&"t. wltn 1pace •nd den. b e~ u t It u I N.w to build In front. Box H-2. N_.,. England type f11orm houH. Prt!h. llStfc H eavy at.ke roof, hi,-h Mimed celllnc-•. 2 f l~pla.ct•. Huce ...w pel•h• bdrm. _1b141_. w i u '"'"pin.I' oo.n 'fl-•. O.n.,- w lll leaae to reliable fam\17 at i 2M per month. Hu. ~ e1trc: 49--Kooma fur Rerrt • • * . ENJOY LIVING oo the ocun fron t. Kltchenett1 •pt.. . .A: rm1. with private htllh M&ld • phone -rv1ce, TV -23Ge W. Ocean Front. Harbor eot1. • • • CAPITOL GAIN CAN YOU AFFORD TO SELL? HOW ABOUT A TRA DE, for ni•n· a.ger operated cle•r lncomr prop- erty wut .nd ot Lo. An,lt'el e11. Vllued •t s.M.000 w lU! over $10.000 a year lncunit' & low u;.penae. A m ~tiring A. ~m In· ltr•ted In Bay l''ronl pn:1per•y. W UI trade up or itown. (N:ner. WEt.~r. "6881 or writ e 2907 South. Cochran A ve .. Lo. An· ... 18, BROKERS INVITED WOUU> YOU LlKE to f o t o booailnll' 1-~allon. Nevada f S~ u• a bout unuau!\I opportunity In ca!e bualnt'u . -Ert'ZM.OR!Ua-ru...:I'Y •. CO.._ ~f ultlpJe Llstln.ic Realtor Uu11lnell!! Broker 313~ E Co111~t Hwy. Corona dt"I M:ir Ha rhnr 2152 -----HOME & INCOM E $'4200 lJO\\'·"· llve !n "II•• 2' bdrn1 home Ill $3 1,..,_r inn. ttrnt on othtr. p!J}a lo1u1 Or r~nt tl<,!th for SIOO per 1.1 .. nt h. le11\'1·11 $92 r mflt Hy ""'11f'r. LI 8·7632 tl5tfr' -FOR SAL& BY O\\'S li:R-i bed· room home. 1 "6 bvths. land· -pt!d Ir reuce<I f.~HA Joan Frlltdom h.on1c arffl. 'ea.u LJberty 8-622J mom !n&• ()r High Above the Harbor \Vlth 1 ptrmanent 11nob11tructed Vll'""" Really an un1111ual hon1t with l!\'"ryth1ng you i-011 ld llllk ror. Juat .. ver " year old 'l be.I· I01•1011 & (lf'n <Jr 3 full hedrlllfl . If y(ot! pr~r,.,, '1 h11t h11. front llfl•I rTar patios. double i,:•tMJ:I'. !1rf· flh>< e, large kltch~n w ith aepa· rate UB(,,!, ~ervlce porl'l1. F. A. hrat. e.1<tra rJl)llel 111p11ce i49,l'.>00. Jt"1 el .. ar, llO w .. ·11 w ork out Ule finencing Bay & Beach Rlty Inc Curuna del Ma r Orr\,·e Balboa Island INCOME V,ry lllf'f' Cll~ Cod ll!UI :: b<lrm hnU!!lo• pJ1111 2 b•lrn1 11)11 w w curpcte "-drape•. t:lo.~e to ,l(u<~l bl•itcfl. Term1. C hester ~-Sal isbury REALTOR J ACK ANDRE\VS, A1uoc!nli' 3 1r.i 1'flriJ>t. 6alboa l•lan•I f1 1trbor ~Vil Ev".J< Har. 4803 :m:io-~."Cout tt1iflW11y-KAf ~Ms 1 ____ -_________ _ Bay Shores 2."l72 Ciri'I,. Driv,. Open !)ally -1·4 .JO :"U\V PRJCt;D TO Sh:LL 3 bdrn1, 1 "• bi•1h. rrpl . F A hea •. 11.ll ,_1,.,. k11•·l1,.n. RpHt"IOllll 1,a110 bu1Jt In lil.l(J. 01•er11i1.c !:"rage t;crlcr 0\111. "tor11.1e. RALPH P. MASKEY H.LALTVI~ !l~ 11 New port BJv,l., Npt. &h. H..ubor 4Q2 B/ B Corona del Mar .... :l.IAON IF1CENT v1~:w Ill the n!• <!11\ fe11turl! 11n10ng n1a ny 111 r hill ltn·cly :.? l•L'<.lr m and ro11- v;·r1 Ible fi,,n hn111r. 2 baths ,.r i'U\ll'&e, 11. >1pacluu1J inodcrn honw With IH'CIUdt tl ps.Un. AH on 1 .... ·n l~\·er... he11m cr 1llng11. pc'rf.,rt fireplace, bullt ·Jn k1lrhen, tuJI p rit·f'. $3~.(>00 Plee.1111 cell &he.art for an appointment to fft' e NEW OFFICES ii3trc afttr 6 p.n'-l6llcl--------------I Open Hou se Sund!ly l-~. 308 P oppy e IDEAL FOR PROFES-82--Reol Eo- SIONAL or BUSINE&S USE. Located In - Harbor In...unent Co. Bl~. 30th A Newport Blvd. Har. 1600 It BAY FRONT DUPLEX Ne&r c:enter ot Balbo• By-Owntr~.000. Terms. Box E. 88 lb.la paper 180 ft. Parcel Neu Back a..,-or Ifill •U eo z LIO lots PlMl elL Har V.'r lte ~p72 ,_ 33tll '" 23 Rentals Top Income \\'" l'h~ll~nii.e ccin1µ;irl»<1n of µ11re. ln.-on1o> • tf'rms r11ll O"''nf'1 at· ter l lO H11.r ~J ll 118<'110 Business Property 100 F'T l~l'~INE.98 J.'RO!\'TAOr. In crnl~r l.'.01tl11 llt.•11.11 w1\11 r xee1 hon1.-OYi·n~r w ill "·" rlfll',. •l $17,6()0 du" to iln1·u . LAND -LAf\I D Bay & Beach Rlty Inc Coronn. tlcl ~lar orr,ce 3630 E Coaat H IJ:h"""Y Har !\.'\63 Be ~ Landlord For $2000 Down BEST BAYFRONT BUY !'.'EARLY ;>:E\V, beauti!ully tie · ~1..:·ne•I a.n<I f'll:ecuted. See lhl.1 tlnr h11yrront home with U.rt-e large ht!droom•. 11nd 2 •.,. bAth!. Tho> d1n111g roon1 a..nd kitchen i'Omblne 11ott1'a{'tlvely to overlook the tropical paUo. Living room heui a llreplace llllcl overlook-' th~ north patio with full DAY VIEW, S•ndy booch tor bathers. pavt"I paLlo trw view-era, the flne•t of 11llp11 tor )'llrhtamen. (Ind br•t or all, ,. price or only S00.000 \\'t1•r h >nf lu1tr11 thr vrry r1nt1tr or <'llrf)f'tJng 11n<1 tl1"1tJ>C11 HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. Ne>A•port Blvd. Ill 30th Harbor 1600. Eves Jlar 434-t·J 69c71 Golden Rule Value WELL-BUILT 2 B.R. lf you are looking for 11 clean .-ut 2 b1·droon1 hon1e on 11. nice 11r1prr<vt•<l 111\rret SEE US l~I· ~IF:DlATl':L\', Hn rllwoud f!l}Or1t Go1ra~(' Thcrm1111t1<t IJrl•f"'<'ll nnd <'llrprt Har kY\lnl con1plc t ~ly rcnt etl F:KL'•~pthin· 111]y well l1tnd11c11p••!I. Rlnwberry lll"''ll. Hrre 111 11n !d.-11l home \V11J CQf1,,i1frr $1~00 dO\Vn. 0'A·n· t'r h.11.'1 juJtt 111C1Vl''I out H.nd mu~l 11el1 1mmed1111rly, Full price . Jll7:'.>V Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson 1s:;6 Nl">A·por l Hlvd. Costa Me!lll (A<:r()11Jt rrom C 1•&I• M ... ..,. ll&n~I Ph l.J 1·6761, Eve11. Jlar. •3&8 , Liberty ,.21u3 --- OPEN HOUSE Sa t. & ~un1l111y 12 t n fi pm. ,21 l T uat111 A1•e. BALBOA. BLVD. COrn•r buaftieea Mt• tOT medlCA.l, dent&! Of" any profe.alonll uae. Modem. bMt· lq , p&r1dng. owner i•t2 No. f'lower, S.A. Kl 2--0901. tfc LIDO R-3 DAN A. ,IAC013SF:X, Real i:11t:i l<' 1)11.1 !lfl9l, I.I !1-6317. l~I 2·2187 E XCELLEXT LANl1 !11 D"llUtl· ful a rr 11 "n h111hw1ty 7ff in n .. rt11rr<1 1'.1n 1.l1e~t• Cn nrar P11lun1ar r.1 1 33~ l cre" 111 1n r 11!t1v11ot1nn lr;uc.•11 Adju1n" ll ~h.,pplng <"rn;,., r :.,,,r !11 r11n1 h I'll 11( pn>n111rnl prnJ•lr "'"th "''ru~ & &VU<H.<lo 'nl\"t..,. Land ley,. "1tt1y tor 11ubdlv1.~lu11. V.'11- t~r 1y•te1n "'·holly owned s::.S.· (l(IO, t'Lf'tlr. A h•1m" here wtll bto cnn11:id,.re1t 1111 11111; O>A·n.-r 23(\() t:hrr Drive. 61tip74 2 .l.Arjl'll Older Homl'll< on lot 1211 ll 1:10· -Th~llf' hom".!I 1tre In i.:n,.,I t'ondltlun all th!'y fli'e<l ls BEAUTJF'UL nPw home, 2 bdrm., ,.,.deCOrM ling. one vtl>c!lnt one Z bllth11., lar,i.:" 11\ln•IM·k . l:nexcel· Jl'OR R.l:NT: GROUND n.oQR omoe In ,..,., bui.ldl~. n-.r U do. Ample parllinf . ror tn- f or mat I on., call Mr-.. Fay Har. 1~4 Utfc NICE MODJtRN. d on roam or otnee at 1181 P1au!'!Ua, i 100 mo, &nd11dllli" utiuu... lnqulre at. ~ an.er 11 p. m. we.11 ~ or UJ' ttrrw: SaL A 8un. or a&ll LI MTN arw a:JO or ... ,...,., 61l1 I -30 n.. loU on so. S.1 Tront. isi,500 each. c.u T. D, Hogen. Har. 1583-W. or RYan 1·6029. ------------ BY OWNER / NEW r ented. &.aut\Jul corner -All led ''\ew. Nnt many llke Uibi. n~ curM IUld pevrd 11\reet•. .Cnn be 11ttn by lippolntment. INCOME UNIT S - ________ 1_81_''1 LE88 THAN ON• YR. OLD -"" u W,EI< Only $15,500 F. P. "ART" ADAIR, Rltr. 3 bedrm •• 2 bal.11 Qome, hwd. $22.WO tern11. •-2 S 2 ~ 11n'I ,\ 1@:02 Hav•n Pl~.-~ i.;Al.L OWNER W 8.f761 1M8 Newp<>rl Ot vd, Co•t• MeM FOR SALE by owtl"r new T riplt"ll Jd.&l l~tk;rl StO.IX)O Sf'~ t o •pprl'd•lf' 57'1 Plumt't H11 rbot 2tXI() • J ' '6.kl • (l ~ ....... r.. car i:&n.I>'-1 ·""" 68<'70 Lr S-379? I'll' f.J tl·M811 '24 Kn~I M , COA1-Mea. Ntwport tit•. """r ltlemenlllry II ==-,.~=~-~~~~co=-""''O U S·tl19 MUc H igh Sc.boo!, Ll 8-6636 67pt0 l:XCLlt8fVE BACK BAY LOT ---_____ , __________ _ INCOME PROPERTY 'I1"iRmE BORK.. l .. "'-IY· IO*l•O '24,000 D0\\1'J LEAVES YOU iot.. Klnp Place. 121,&00. New· 1 $3"9 moril.11 profit or i12.ouo port H!A. IQ' APPOlNTMEN'T. down laall' .. 119'4. prant. F.H,A C>vnwir J..lbfrt7 l-tD7S_ t2c73 ~ f/Y own•r, Ll &-7u:.L tbUc COMMERCIAL LOT NEAR HARBOR a 19th, ~~1:13 ti} allt y LO\\' PRlt:~: {Mllf'T" IWbor J.341. ti l~utlful bay view. Dny nnw while av•ll•ble Terms SI Tll-0 dn. ORANGE COAST PROP!:RTfES 1~7 NftWPC!rt, (.;(Nita ~ftl!A LI II l!U2 £,·enlnc-1 Ll ~.J,llfl {."OHlJ~A DEL MAR. 7111 Poin· Hllllll Ave. i..rxe Jlvl.nc nxim. nr PPJ . :r wa:rn1 .. JK• klt<'beti .t d1.11tnc area. ~r'VIL'e porch. Dt>L J:"&rllR"P Cf411 Ml• Kohla~t - ll11 rbor 4M7 R a&e70 May We He~? -- You can help us help you. If we may know your needs u to slu, prtee, location and any other in- formation yOu may be able to give, we can then ,,, atart the m&eltlnery. It won't take long. We pride ounelve. on our ability to "fit the ahoe." "Servie.e and ha.rd w ork" Ls our motto, &ild to aatlety our client.Ii in the beet &.Dd most hone&t way poesible ia our a im. T ry us! You won't be eorry and we will have gained another friend. KILLION , reel estote 334 I Newport. Blvd. \ Harbor 5505 BALBOA ISLAND \VF. KNOW IT'S TOur;H to find a reaJ home on Balboa Island undt'r $25.000 -BUT \VE HA VE ONE. 3 bdnn. -lge. !Yt'ID. -fin·pla.c<' -2 cnr bar. E:<cellent lncat10? All thi:; f"r only $22.500 WILL YOU BE TJ·IE LUC I\'{ BUYE!l '! &:ttl'r I-f urry. IN\.EST WIS ELY -2 unit~ in highi:st rt>ntnl Jist1·lCt will earn st sub£lantJiil d1 v1d .. 111..1. Or. li\'P in one and let one pay lhf! w11y A llEA.t. IN\'ESTM EN1" BALBOA FREE RE.,...,. -INCOME -fu r buyer -3 l lnttl'l , comp furn. Clok to l>EiachNi and \'illftg1· O '.\"l.)' S 17 .~ and only S3000 down NELDA GIBSON , Red ltor 300 ~farine Ave., Balboa lr>land LIDO ISLE BEAUTlFUL home on Lido Nord corner. f'crmA· nent vi ew of Bay, near best tx>ach for swimmillR 3 bcdnns .. 2 baths, hobby r oom and d t·11. Charmin~ king sii.c muter bedrm. with alcove &: connectin~ bath, large sun deck, attractive di1uog roon1. mod- ern kitchen -built-in disbwuber , disp08al. CQppt·r· hood. ceramic tile and numeroia. other features. AITRAC'TTVE CONTEMPORARY 3 bt:·drm. 2 'balh home parti&lly furnished. Only 2*,:i yean!I old. BOTH PROPERTIES S HOWN BY AI'POfNTM ENT WE ALSO have several Bay F'ront lot.ft on Lido Nord. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport. Beach Har. 1013 PENINSULA SPECIAL 2016 E. Ocean Blvd. OPEN HOUSE Sat. & Sun., Feb) 11, 12 SPECIAL because lhi.e: Provincial, ctPU>m built home only 7 month& old ia to be .old lhia month- owner leaving the area. 3 bdrms., 1% balh8, ·21· lvgrm. cpld, beam ceiling, tire pl. Birch paneled bar kitchen , Weetem Holly btti.l t·lnt1. Llt.rgf! patio plus sun deck. Just a block to jetty. Priced to SELL at $23,500~ 4% FHA monthly payment.II only $108 Less than rent! MURIEL M. PINOVER, Realt.or 260t Newport Blvd., Newport Beach HAR. 41110 Mrs. C1ilabash Wherev·er You Are· · If you see THIS house. J immy will KNOW when you a re. You'll be living in it, enjoying the breathtaking view of beach. coutline and country. side. New, 3 BR. and den, 21/:.1 balb8, 2 tireplacea, intercom system, built-in elect. range and oven,. WW carpel lbru·out. All beautifully deoon.ted.. It's a steal, you can &·F·O...O..R-D It. R. L. STRICKLER', Realtor R.B. HOIXlE,Auocl&te 3622 E . Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 2n4: BALBOA ISLAND ONLY $5000 DOWN Next to No. Bay on a 40 ft. lot. Large rooms, a fireplace. g&rage and ovenrized brick ~tio. Thia one you can rix up t o sult yotu'tJelt. WM. W. SANFORD Realtors . ST.ba.EY HADFIELD Park Ave. at Marine, Balboa t.land. Harbor 2462 NOTICE ' 5 acres pha ; choice Baclr. Bay, level OSBORNE...:...FORTON, Realty Co. 2323 W. Gout R wy. (&t Port Orang.) Newport Bdcli LI 8-7:i62 Hu. 5UW ._ ' t -- - -..:..:.c.-• • • --. ---., __ • r..e.61 --II._..._ D .,.., r 11 t 1 ............. LIDO ISLE WATER WATER Million f\...11... DOll:l>MTE POSSl'SilON • EVERYWHERE! I ! llUllaf r A really •pvlan• J bedrOOm-and (i;D home. 'lbt WHEN'UYOUlo-LIVI'/ ON UDO I.al..J!: you ve &not.An worid. Onea BIB _ .. '"" ---~Vi " '. -~.-.. 11'™>!'.--~~.~l!;~.!il;f~.,~ __ _.._ ... ..., l'IOO-NeRf)-• ... -........... .,,., ........ ~OUC,---lew nice dining a.re&. bar k:!tch"tn, di&pou.l, entrance Mme apJa. We kw.fl! a four bed-P" I "'-VI~ I r;.J\\JL.U~ITC' r.T< · llall, 2 fllU tile ""''"' forced air boa~ an extra -_, ..,. ,__ ~ • '-""' N-.,.,;, 0 , • · ... ~ ~ ... ..L'""'~ ....... ,,.... ·~ ~-.... • ... , .. · .... -. .................. -·~· -··--~'i'fi.'"Wit.'l.m'r-~,...~· • ~·-·,,..-..r,,,.. ....... ~··=-~-df&'""dOOrii xxxy--~~~~·M..rt.oa.-&1> 1-t--~ .... u..UJ.S"'~.~~~ "6-Jl!2~ .. ...,.... ... *-R..c Co 77' 100' . t ')Qlltl'I nJCe pauo atta, ao1. pr .. ra -f#ll"U . °"' Mlt swlmmln&" bMch on UHi quartert. UnlHN&Uy lie. L.. R. Sandy be&eh $65.oOO rn~r X ................ ........... • . •..... ,._,..,.,, VO:W of tntlr• harbor area. Thia 2 400 IQ ft Shown by appointment. 1aland. KoortN" pennltt..t. Pri~· F · ' • R...f 45' x 1S8' ·-········ .. ·---·--·····-···-· .. ··-............. $31~ cbamUnf home located on Clltf · A..kf $35 000 lld low ,1 fti.an. Terma a.n be or appomtmeot to eee call Mn. Pay. e-2 45' • lllO' .. ------·-··-·--------· --------------------'41!00 :;>;':,::,-,;."::':=:.:::-.. :~: 01 -...,...... BALBOA EXCLUSIVES C-2 90' X l!W)' ··--·---···· .. ···~-··--·····-·········· ...... $8960 lure wlmiowa, a flrepl&C•, w to e e e RR-·l BOO' x Ba2:12• ·-------,-________ $4200 :..~;i::;~~'~":.:.!':.',"'i.!":~ NEWPORT BEACH A HONEY FoR A -ack Y ----·------------------·------------------·---'4850 ""' " m .ooo. l BLOCK' rnpM OCEAN LITTLE MONEY! ! ! R·l Back B&)• ···-.. ····-···· .. ··-····-····-··--·-·-··-·····-·$6.~ ____ Nearly new, 2 bedroom home, •with an attractive $6875 2 Bedrooms- Muat Be A Catch To It. There la, But A Good One. You have t.o buy 2 of them. In other word.I! 2 good 2-BR. hou.ee, well located on Ea.st.side corner lot. Separated by 2 car garage and fence. 011 Mwer and drainage ok. One for your home &nd OO.;! lo rent. Only Sl3,7!KI with $3000 down. NEWPORT HEIGHTS -~ BED ROOM O PEN HOUSE i-Tiday 415 Holl P'/A Heat, Saturday &. Sunday 1 lo ~ Lane (Between place, Fenced. Tustin & Irvine I Modem ranch atyle BEAUTIFU BACK BAY Spa.clo throo bedroom and den. hardwood floors. wall wa.ll carpet 1n I ~ R., d1rung room & den. CLIFF HAVEN 1 BEDROOM, IKI!. llvlng-room-I hdwd. f loor•, near iw;hooh uid U.urch, •·, lo.n with monthly payment. ul $7~ PRICED AT $10,000. BAY FRONT li:XCELLl:NT LOCATION 111•1th tint b•Uilnc tK-ach , an ufJer home with n1odenifud Dalha a.nil C(lmpletel)' n10<Jern1i.ed ILIL.c.bv:i !arr .. Jiv r..X.111 . .'i b<.lrn11 , par lly tuml•hf!d 1 ~11,l'>OU Low dow11 p11ym,nt kitchen, dlspoaal and loll of tile. Sep. dining Thia ill a real cheerful home and worth room. the price of $13,500 $2000. Down 2 YEAR OLD ,3 BEDROOM Thia is not a tract home, and 1s located in a good neighborhood on a banJo st. l~1ving room bu fireplace and parquet fl oors. A nice kitchen and aep. dining a rea. Detached gar Full price $12,500 EXCLUSIVE WITH US A"ND ALL GOOD BUYS LET US SHOW TH ESE TO YOU SATURDAY AND SUNDAY Balboa -125 "C" Street. 'l and den -a sto~'a throw frun1 !he beach. th1· aok1ng price, $26,50() LESS 'nlA.N I YEAR8 OLD.- t bedroorrw, 2 batn.., brick patio. A. doctor'• ttl>me. we.II kept. Only S900 00-Full prk:• Sll,600. • • • OCEAN FRONT 2 STORY APT.- rou·LL PINCH YOU RSELF to Hit! If you •re awakt! w ht'n you aee It. Owner M)'ll lt'1 1 y<"are old. One •pt. hLI 2 be<lroom1 .._ 2 balhll, one hu 2 bedroom11 Ac I bath, two a pta. hav .. one bed- room A. t ba th <"II.Cl\. n 1 t' •I y rumi.hed, J211 ~ no1UKJnable r ut\ down or Oll•llf'r "'111 takt! ~uod l•l tru~l 1!.-rd u 1lu.,,•n f"')'mrnl. \\ljlJ p1u k 3 "!I.Ill • • • IT AIN 'T NO CUTIE AND Say Ave. Duplftx -Permuent view! Nearly n.ew -oppo8ite fine.t ti.thing beacll. .ExceJJect financing to qualllied buyer. Showu by appointment only. One houee from Bay Bathing Beach Neat 2 B. R. t urn. beach cottage . Low down payment will handle. Oce&nfront business building, plu.. two apa.rtmenta, all lea.sed. Full price $35,000-$10,000 will handle. Balboa Peninsula -ready for attupancy. 2 B. R. home near jetty. Fireplaet!, c~rpet.. le eurtaina included. Full price $15.~Low down payment. DEAL WITH REALTORS ! BA Y A ND BEA CH "REA L TY, INC. 1450 W Balboa Blvd., Blll!,,.~a Lug" aerv1ce porch ad1u1n1ng, completely built-in kiJ.Chen maJcea thi11 a ho usewife's drecim, l.A't us show yoll the many utber fine featucl'.!s not men- tioned in this ad. F. P $23,500 with only S5000 dri Corona del Mar BACh'. J1A Y AflEA -46S J.:sth~r St , Ov.rnf'r leav- ing and aux1ou11 for sale, 3 bdrrn., :! bathd. $:ll.~ IT AIN'T N O HONEY ! ! ------ ' w. A. TOBIAS, "you'll like our fnendly 400 E , 17th St., Coeta Mesa Rea lt or M"rvtce" Liberty !!S·I 139 COST A MESA Th e Best Town on Earth .. A very comfortable home wit h 2 extra large bed - room.1, choice corner loca t ion, with mountain view PLUS two nice rental.a with separate entrances &r. g&rages, partly fumilihed. $28.750 wilh reasonable ternuL TRIPLEX : 2 Br . e&eh aide -garages room -front u.njt Hu fireplace. good $20,500 with $3000 down. -Ldry . location DUPLEX: 2 Br. each side, each with service µorch & garage, extra storage room (or small guest hotae} right In town $13,750 with $2750 down. LOT 98' x 250' with room (or 8 units $5-000 Well e•tablilh ed Reat&Ul'1lnt.. Bua1nea <THE GINGHAM) A-1 Location -Ca.II for detaila. G . N. WELLS , Realto r llQME a.nd IN'(.'(lME I t11·e ra.nth •IYI C' '2 b•lt1u IPJIT\" pe11;gaJ hdw d tlnor 1, br,.11kra.1 llar. din room. •l11l1w•al1 .. 1 tu•" t!red pallO J•Ll 'S lovt'IY Z b<:lrn1 ir;ar•1e •pl PRICEI) a l 52.'i (}!)() ''C'' THOMAS REALTCJ /l l mJ ASHU<'IATt:S t:out H41:h~•Y Ll 8-~27 NC"wpo1 t Ht!l<h "l,;' T HOM A}! 'I' THOMAS • Announc ing!! e "The Po cifi c" MODEL HO ~-tt: • • OPE:N • • Saturday -Sunda.v lto5p.m , ....... 1 .. ,1 "h Horbor lsl ond Rood • ~ bedroou·" • 3 bat h• 1810 Newport Blvd., Coeta Mesa LI 8-1601 • Shake r!)<Jf -------------• Ra111ert rl~tont! rireplacl! -------------1• Lanai dLnlna a rt't LIDO ISLE We feel this i1 one of the best buya on Lido 3 Sednn., 1 ~ batha, and only 3 ~~ yean old. Covered i:i-tio and 1undeck over garage. S hown by appointment. $27,500 BAYSHORES P'or a very cornfolltable 3 bed.rm. furnished home on one of t he le.rgeat Iota, do ~ thia! Extra larp Patio, rOom for awimm1n'g pool. $24,500. Immediate possession. HOME PLUS lNCOME. Near ocean and bay on on.e of nice1t Balboa Peniruiul.a street.a, Duplex in esoel\eot condition. One halt iA rented until June, ., )"OU can m ove in the other hA.l! and be here in time to re&p 9Wlllller rental.a. 3 bedrms .. 2 baths .oh A completely furnished at $29,500. Low down. THE VOGEL CO. LIDO OFFICE • l...ol ~!:t.O!'&:i>; 1111 • llt!lu\lful pantllng • La rge' 111nny P•l1 • l ~urct'rl air turUJa('°'" garbage !ll~p .. 111, V.'f'•t1nghnu1" ti I • h- wuht!t • Separ•l<" ~'1'/'Vlce roo1n ~ Fin .. catl•n~t ln11tall¥Uona • Bull• In f'l..,ct rtc 1tov .. and o\·en • Ot!llghtfull)' decorated • Expen,.Jv .. !y h1.ndac1p.-,d • lte•t.·ktf'll ar"a ~Vt!loped By Cll!lrf'111:C" I,, Coopt!r. Inc B111lt By J ohn Ii ('111 k, Qu1<!1ty Builder r'"t PT<'VIC'W 11huw1ng tu q11r.l ltle<J cllf'nl• l.:1111 Jyh n Abell HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. JAC K 3320 Y,,I C.:•llll!l BRENNAN, a nd ASSOC I.A TJ<.:S H~·y. "At Lht- Realtor l.Jb,,;rty 8-1773 ,; ,; Best Buys Corona del Mar ueT. c.;t)NSJ11~:1tJ.'\'1 ; i!Jo l•~:fll l••fl !! 11 "'"\11 th,• ""'Ii"' "lt.,j1j )"t)Ur hat". It'• 11 "'"'"h rfll tllff' ru rnlah ... ! nn .. 1110, k (tnr" " ~lll"t •·hal!nf'l. 1111"" 1111 .. k• 11.,111 1 lJ\,. lit'.a(h un<" !d•~ k !11 11 1•u!1l11 111ayj;rl;un1l •n•1 '''''~ "' ~h••!I W•lk LO lhf' :\'""l'"I'! ll'"ll•h 1•\"r J P nce<I at $~7i~ 5 )~~~ ,,.,..,., SZO montnly r,,r ~~'"''"a • • • 1. SHORECLIF'FS. Ju11t listed -exclusive with u.e This immaculate 2 bednn. and den home on Morning Canyon Road with panoramic view o r ocean, bills and canyo n. FA heat, large fl11.g11tone patio, C\rpet.e and drapes included and only $31 ,500. 13ETTER HURRY on this one -1t won't lai!l 2, DUPLEX, 1 bednn, each, one unit furn. comer Jot & only $1 7,500. Low down will handle. complcW, payment 3. Dl 1PLEX 2 8 _ R. each. comer lo l. f1repl11.cew. hwd. flrs. & 11eparate A good buy at $22,500 Both have dinette. 4. FIRST TfM.E OF'FERED. l.mmaculate 2 BR. home plua rumpus room, hwd. flra., garb. disposal. A bargain at $13.500 -$3000 down will handle, Exclusive with wt. Tb111 ehould &eU quickly. MEMBER OF MULTIPLli: LISTINGS . CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO . PRICE T. McCUISTJON. Realtor 3447 E . Cout Hwy. Corona del Mar !Office loca~ next door to Newport Harbor CORONA DEL MAR Har. 47 Bank, CDMI Home with step-down livingroom, view of city and Ocean from den, hardwood floors. Located on cor- -ner lot w1th room for gar.-· apartment_ A home with a Uiousand po11sibilities. $16.~. Terms. J..:ight yeaf'l!I young, two bedroom and den (with fire- place\ on corner lot, view from large living room, Lapai. Only Sl ~.500 Term.a . Open House Daily • 1201 OOLPHrN TERRACE PUT ON YOUR GLASSES ! I I A.:-lO YOU'LL Sf:E HE.A.I~ hun.,~t-1 t<•-goodnf'.11• vaJu,. A :.! beJr,,.,m hunu• with • 2 ~"' 100.r10 ~e Hu'"" LI ll.IC'ely f\lmlJlh"'J Lot I• 63 by 125 on a curnt'r St .... 1 fen1'f'..:I Prtct!<'.I 1.t $1n,Ol}O, ~ubnilt down Very "&a.!I p¥yn• .. nl• _ . yM, ll 111 Ill Nf'wporl Htlj(ht.JI. Cir.ff \(l 8r honl• a.nd r Y"l)'lhln1t. • • • Seven lslonds Re olty & Investment Co. .'i0.1-32nd St , Newport Uf'ach. ('al!f Har. ~8. il.!tC"cr ~ Jl m Har. Ml\7 B/ B LIDO ISLE .A. &'O rgeou.ii -4. bdrm. Prov. $49,~ • S MART new n1odern f'rf'ni:h lyJ>e h Olf'C' of rt!al di..Uncllon. Only $36.~. LOVELY 3 ~!room . '2 !:Hoth ho nlP Choice locatton L.ow dn. pay- m ent, A11klnc •2•,90o, SPACIOUS of bedrooma, 2 batN JMoauUtul larre ~llu with BBQ BmlPVe UM ·liMTt'tl t'tO t.OOped•U(.I tttllng ht!Te, $3fl,71\0, Ne wport Isle CORNE H 4Q' ()f Y.'ATEHFRONT Pr 1vatt! pier a. fla..t 2 beclrm11 , fltf'plaC't!, car pet.a .tr: drapenPI! B<•aut. garden UJn.i -out gTOunda. rinNl condition. A ilea.I a t - •2e.:ioo . Bay & Beach Rlty Inc .11 12 Lafayette, Newport liar. 36•3 CORONA DEL MAR "Cute & 1·xpand1tble" modern an1a!I h'ln1e, li v1nii; rm . & dioing arf'li., l'ullman k1t 1·h1·n bd rm. & b.1th down. 2 bdnn & 1:: ba th u1• J>!iVed t 1:rr1u.:1·, !Kluth uf hi~hway \'f<~lt\" Tl-:RAf S on Ui.e'pnct:! vf .$l l.l,UOl f furn IRVINE TERRA CE \'I~'"'' ( •ta· I .. 11 .: ' I.I 1\\ Ne'A't:r home 1occup1(.-d U n1u ) 1n th1a1 •• x,·lu:--11. d1str1ct . colonial with shnk1• r'\lnf , f<'llet•d 1 .LIL" spnnkler system &. compl,.tl'ly lanrfsca1'W:'<i 1 ... v. pnc<' $:!5,500 lllcludes Hl "\t· &. drap••r1ci; l rnni. 1.1.iate f.IUl'iJ>e&S1on on th1· 1 ....... J o w11 of $3.0()i\ \ .. ·• qulll1f1f;\J purchat1er BAY FRONT Quality home of 4 bdnns .. L b11.th11 , rnti1da1 rn1 ,,\,.: b.11 11 1'"1ne lurge rooms. r.:xcc llcnt pier, fl nut & 1 l.·1111 sandy beach. For appc;inlment to UlS IJt'L t Call I...ou Boynton Har. 3297 or Har. 1175 Eves Har. i.";'" Edith Maroon. t :v1·t1 HY1:1.tt ·1-622:.! EARL: w. STANLEY, Realt or Bay~1Je Drtve and l~oaat l-l ighWa\ Vogel Values Shoreclifh-Oceon & H ill View Ramblin g Fann House 3 8Rl';. 2:v1 bath11 -I~ rumpu.s rm. also m1Ud '11 qtrtt. Pi<"tU rt' windows. n11t fin ished wood, peg fl oo1"8, lg . uSE'd brick fi rrplace 2800 sq. ft_ Exc.lusive an.•a -$52,500 Corono H ighla nds-Pororo mic Oceo n View Charming home -26' Jiving rm. 2 BR.a, i :v.1 ba.th.e, 16" dining rm. -attracti ve thruout. 10' u nflnlabed play nn. 2200 sq. ft. A real buy at $28.!)()(). Modern Dupl e>C-Sam e as 2 Sepa ra t e Ho mes Poseible $5000 yearly incort?e. Nearly nl'W . 2 BRI! each on Jg. Corona Highla.ndH Jot. One unit ha.JI w/w carpets, d.rapes & fircpla. Price $32,500 THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. C.t. Hwy. Har. 174.l Har. 0757 -MM-Vla Lldo;--Npt.-Bcft,---Har.--49H-or-fl.,.,_<t;12 -- :S.-1 U &-:;297 -LJ 8-3040 -Har. 51•2 I -- --REALTGR8 -·-.:._ - Harbor 1600 In exclu11ive Irvine Terrace, unmatched view home on CWf side. aU electric kitchen, den, bath and ~·. J...:a!&! yard with r pro_t~l~~o._ f~!~l~!!£-,_ bor, Ocean and Bay View. Your -Corona -de! 'Mar-Estate --....... CLIFF HAVEN ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A LARGER HOMJ,;? U .eo, w. ha.Ve juat that. Thill beautiful rambling . home coota.lrui 4 bed.rm.a .. 3 baths, dining room. double firepla.ce, •pacioua living· room and in addi- tion th8ft. ii a large den or family room. It is wirf'd f()r ele<fric range, baa electric d.isbwuher, drapes and w (W carpeting. Beautifully landscaped and eprinkler ayatem. Muter light switches. and oodle• of other Item.a found only ill custom built homes. There ia ample 1pace provided in patio for swim- minC pool. Property ia aituated on corner lot in one of the beet pa.rt.a of Cliff Hav('n. THE PRICE WILL SURPRISE YOU. Shown by appoinlment only, Call Stan Le L levre EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th • lrvlne LI 8-26&4 Eves: Ll 8-7056 LOT SPECIALS CORONA HIGHLANDS 1 lot lS3 x 180 .... : ................... -........................ $ 8,000 1 lot 65 x 300 --------___________________________ , ___ ,, $10,:;oo NEWPORT HEIGHTS ho lou, 7~ x 80 ............................... .... $42.'50 ""· COSTA ME.~A I06 x l~ ----------------------------------· ---$15.600 Can be made. into 6 R-2 loU. W . E. FISH ER & A ssociates I02t E.. Cout Hwy., O>rona del Mar Evt!n1n11:e phont! LI 8·i'>ll!I! I -I SOMEONE I W11.nt~ lhl11 wC"I! tle111i;n"d 1 unll 11.11<1 i;:u .. ~t 11p1trtment HM 8•111<!1 2 1>e<Jr()4)1>l lnwo·t l.11.TK" I betJruo1>1 llVjWI l'LUS .A. l 1"\JfJ•ll 11.nd l)A1h f)lll\111.ll \• furn111hCjJ ,.: u en t 1<pa,.tment llle11I for ~t om 11 nd Dad W•lh (;'leRl apArlmt!nl for lhe visit· lnJI: larr1lly A.N D Mn ln!'".,nll' unH ln 1'A )'o the l.>111 • n.~n 1 w~11 It>" 1 .. ni:. Ocean Front Home I jw,i bt>Jruur11~ 1h>\•ll,,t1 1 1~ ~I•••· un!ilf' •lnr1n1t 11r 11no l ""'" l.llrl(t! llv1n,11: rn,1111 w1!h lll'r • placr _.,,,..,,,.. """" .... h;o th u11, lll(f' Chui\'" I\" •Hh•u I flnlh f'l1.<l n.•1 vt "'•111 ' I Chorles E. Hori, Reoltor J 4'2U \\' IJa,!i)().. ;":r"''J>O tl li.:h u l/2 Acre $500 On . l>ltl 1·jo; BY :.16.:!d li:lol1•n, Co11l11 Mull I( you want lil\' IUl'11l •fw •t tu rel•r" a ru t 111•,. handy w1th toot11, \hen call ua. Wt' hive. !ht! kry. DAN A JACOBSEN, Real Eatal<' _. .W!H , l~l !i·6.1J7. Kl '2-2 187 View Lot ONLY A FE\\' I.Erl Nut a !tut! l)vld ~ aah tor qu11'k -Jr I UAN A JACVIJ.:ih:N, Ht'11I ~Ala ir l(11r ~I. lJ 8·&.117. Kl 2•21871 RAY REAL TY COMP ANY 3,144 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 2288 (across from !he Bank 1n C. D. M.) A, J . Viccellio Ed Bucko Helene Csenar Bob Klamm (;harles Parrish * NEWPORT HEIGHTS * Rustic ranch style home on exclusive Aldean Place. Studio living & dining rooms with antique fireplace and 'l'.'1tll nf glass. Unique tiled kitchen. built-i n range and oven, 3 lar~f> bedrooms, 1:i.1 baths, hwd. nours are carpeted. :Sncrif1ce at S2·1,500 \Vith $8500 down or aubmit C:XCL USIVE WITH Greenleaf-Severts Re al ty, In c. Ha r . 2552 3 11 2 Newport Blvd. Eves . 1 .. 1 8-3186. LI 8-5405. Har. 3921-W, KE 8-5885 LIDO NORD BAY FRONT A TTRACTfVE l story hnme. livable a.nd conven· ient. Three bednrui., 2 bathe. maid's room and hit.th, Ca.rpeu. r!r&Pf'A And appli&nces includt'd. T. D. ROGER.5, Hllrb<>r l~"' Or Ryan 160211 REAL VALUES 2 HR. HOMJ.::, •nodern 1tylf', ap. proitlrnately 6 yr11 <ol<I Clo11~ u• f."nll prlC'.t! only $~000. lC"nn11 $1000 Down l.ARt;F. :! J;IJH~I ho ,1nl', n nly 2 1 ~·n1 nld, Lti.rgP IC'\'f'l loll 81•!1~r a"" thi11 on• tn°tny, 11 v,·on't lSJot I lnng~ Pr1t•t'fl t" ""ll ttJr •inly 11 0,2~ B. A. NERESON REAi.TOR 1981 Newport Blvrl.. Co.ta MUil Li berty 8·1672 Eve11. LI 8·4120 LJbe.rly 8-R:O IJ Llbt'rt~ 8-3727 OCEAN FRONT Balboa Peninsula Point I 4 BEL>RMS 3 baths, <'OOlJ>let<"I \' furn 1~00 Ea•l 01:e1U1 F ro nt Open 12 noon to 4 p. m. SATIJRDAY & SUNDAY fo~XCl~liSIVE AOENTS J. M. MILLER CO. ~02fl \V. Ball>oe. Hlvd. }lar 40lll Ne11.r The Nt!wport P ier Corona Highlands Panoramic Ocea n View BRAND new H ome and incnrn• d,Juae conat ln Mlllllc mOOf'rn SH lheH 2 beRUl. t BH hnmN fully carpetfld, h11•e el...-t. ovena 6 (l'tHl•. 8 tonr to cellln1 nr•pl~.. tncom' S.:t!W J>l'r m v F P .134:KJ0 o r-f::>; P'(JR IN8f'EC"TiflN. 4711 Momlnl{ ('an)'t>ll ~d H11rhor J7of:l-J Full Price, $27,500! HERE'S WHAT YOU GE:r Three full sire level lots, Five bedrooms, 21/:-: bat.he, (Approximately 3000 aq. ft.) Two fireplaces-oak n oors. large family al.ze kitchen and a full alze dining room. tr you a.re tired of living ln craclcer boxes. 'Si" yourself and the kichl a real King Sise family home. Seldom bas any multiple liating cauaed IO much excitement -Why not phone for an a_ppoi.ntment today? W . STUART FOOTE, Realtor 2117 W. BaJboa Blvd.. Newport Beach Phone. Harbor 24, Evenings Llberty s.-6490 SPECTACULAR BALBOA NEW LISTING ISLAND Four unit.a on 2 fuU llir.ed Iota. · Com pletely furniahed. Beautiful patio witb BBQ and everyt..b.ing D~ for outdoor living at ita btwt. Gara.gem galore ONLY $10,000 OOWN Run, don't walk to the nee.r91t pboM f6r a.a appoiJJtme:nt. WY. w. STANLEY SANFORD Rea ltors HADFIELD Park Ave. •l Ma.ri~. Balboa Jsland Harbor 2462 ) . a •=•r+ee----~c ......... BALBOA . ISl,AND : Chance of • lif.time .. Jl.~~ • .i -·· ' to ... lllrett ~ - -_,.,r, • • • • !!!!!~:=::::.--:~-~·!!:~P~r'!!!.-!!!'~*!!;.......;;;;"'"".'~a~~-~-~·!.!•~1~'!!_..,_~~-.ltNE't\ll'ORTHARIOR~~iAlTll ·PAfil.l ---·-• ~ · RUDAY , FElllUARY 10,.·1916 -"". p ~ · a. · p .a Im er :Jn corp o r:a t ed .· . ......... . .. .. ...,_ a---~-·~ ·~· ~,.J~-~ .... or:-.m~w-=,. Ct;·q~.l!f9ners .. .3L \Jd.9~~----• =• LIDO ISLE _, .. --.. -TAt .... t.et· .pOV;Dd ,;---. ~~---······-· ....... ,~ ,......._,...,.. .• .. . .;. -..~ ~ Li~~-f,pn+. ;;...,..,._,t..~=·-· -· .. --~.sll~.;,.., __ ., ... ---~·.....t~"'1'8T.-'!~~~~ bom!~!~;,j/!.,,.,..~-= On aver--ao-ireet or the."ffry beilt N"';ih~ ~11:· A magtc. n&me tn eoutat real e.tate: A community off. , COuuy-nreprice,-1 car prt.ge ana Y - I l ' o.twc• 2 ltedroom ~ I l>Mvt.ltut apart.nu:mt. Uo"l'toOU8 1 a n a I apt.. .s extra ru•t roonui U ut. baUUI s fir.place• e s.u•1aa Nie:• l&ndac!a ptng Xod•rn tyJ)tl (On•tnu:tlon. . ou r exclu si ve see us now NO PHONE CAU..8. PLEA-d .. NE\Vt>oRT BEACH-ll'!NE INCOME PROPERTY ' 2 B. R. deluxe home and a 2 atory duples ( l B. R. each I . A1J three unlta a ttr, furn. Thia ta beautifully kept property and nr. J:LeW, Top lncome ~ top lo- cation. 1 blk from Bay -1 bl.k. from Ocean. $27.50(). WflA T AN INVESTMENT. BLANCHE A, GATES , Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 31 1 Marine Ave., Ba.Ibo& JJil uv;l..-Pb. H.u.16.71· or 1672 Vogel Values Costa Mesa • * * * * Less Than Rent l Yea r old 3 bNrm. home-nicely landscaped ff'nced. Thennoetat1cal !y controlled heat_ $2500 down -$57, per·mo. and Inc ome Property Eight re:t11dcntial unita rurniAhed, only $9500 down v.·ith monthly incon1e or $600 It's A Barga in Good ea.st Co1ta ~fesa locauon. Oose to achoola and transportation, 2 room house outaide bar·b-q flagstone patio. Lot ia worth $.5000. $6900 full price. 3 1".! 11.cre• C2, cJoae to Co.ta M.eea City Center. THE VOGEL COMPANY 1700 Nf'wport 81\'d. Phone Llb<'rty 8-~97 Evening Coet.a Men Liberty 8-7457 BUILD NOW ... MONEY ,AVAILABLE W e can 937 1155 build for you a two-bedroom or 3 bedrm. ham<". Approx. $4.90 per sq. ft. 100', Financing · on approved Iota Square. Square Foot Foot Home-$4595 Home-$5595 Attached 10 x 20 garages ···········--·· $2915 We are building on \.Yallace, Bay, Avocado and 18th SLB. Starting shortly on 20th St. Ca.U or Phone for Information ... OPEN SUNDAY AITERNOONS & WEEK DAYS SCOTCH CONSTRUCTION of Garden Grove, Inc . 1104 1 Westminster Blvd., Garden Grove LE 9-0633 BALBOA ISLAND L tnr modem deaipJby E1lerbroek: AlA. The act· Within a commw ity .. Pride &nd cloaenemi to real south pe.tio on a 3S IL lot at $22,MO llng, view, beach, pier and boat Nip, planting and trlenib will be youn lf thJ.s bo\19e auJl.I your needs. home a.re the very finest poaible. 3 bednn. and 'IYo IJedi"nu,. ea ch with a.. bl.th, tremendous living maid'•' 3~ batba. ,Tbla bome la pe.rfeet for .oine-room with a view, a man'• den, a woman'• kitchen, one whO desire. the nice.t. It'• exclu:.ive with WI and servant.a quart.era. Price $37,roo. 6 we have the key, $175,000 Call Ja<k Criafield. Brand New Not One -l.cm9 boino '"' Via Orvlet.o. 3 nloe bedrma. &nd 2 ba1bL iUldi"I' gJ.au. to patio. Built·in Thenna· door ~ and rup. Separate dinlng area. Over-.a. dou.bia pnre. Built by Viucher a.nd now being 1andocoped by Beeoon. $33,ooo But THREE beautiful view home.a in Newport Heighbl. All enjoy a tremendoua view of entire Harbor area. . NOT a leuobotd in the lot. Priced from $3!5,000. ~rma. Call for Davidson O.bum. Home 1 ,_..old MODERN, wall-to-w&ll cUpetmg, allding ,&luo doot-to pat!<> from llv. rm .. 3 bednn., 2 bath, near Ideal 1wimmlng beach. T>eolpod by Bal Lacy, Before you buy, you owe it to )'OUJ"Mlf to tee tlWI home at onjy $20,liOO Family Very weH .located Lido home ettn1iating of 1. bedm1A. and den. Kitchen bu breaktut arelL, diah v.·uher and dispoul. Price of $39,900 includes carpetJI and drapes. Call Bill Farnsworth. . p. a. palmer, incorporated ' -. . palmer, p. a. incorporated ole ' ha nson co ., sales mone9ement 3333 via Udo, harbor 1600 ole fianson co., sa les mana gement 1700 w. coa.at highway -liberty 8-5573 BALBOA OCEAN FRONT HOMES! 4 and a;· bAdroom hoiuea are not too pl~Uf\ll. In a..JIK.o& .• eti· pe(l•lly t.11• Ocean tront, bul we ha...,• two for your Wp&0- t.1on. One hM fl bedroom• and Sin. Ntha, n icely svrntahed and re- modeled. A very UtrM:tlve home and woultl be ldel.I for- Ws• tamuy 'fh• prte. ll J~,000 with tem1t. Th• othe.r one 1..1. alto ln ~boa. h~ t. bedroomt. l ~ Mt.Ni &lld partJy f\lm1.tle'1. HM enclOMd •IMPlft&" porch, r laaaed in deck and 2 cu irara1e, lovely l&rS• 1lvtn1 room with nreplace .•. 1. roomy born• tor .Tour runily. S 19.7~. BALBOA HOMES! A !.landy S bedroom on ~· BtrHt cloM to th• be.y. Hu b e ' n atlractlvely r«node.led with a tarre kitchen and cl<»- •te .-a1cu·•. a larse ll•lnr room with tlNpl&ct . . . beli•v• you would be .urpr1.M'd what you can 1•t tor $17,MO ~ t.4nla. Her• Ui ari~tMr • bedro0m hom• with a tiaU. on AA&d• sin.it I.hat "'111 aleep abc111t 10 people and will make a Sood .u.mmv or y-.r aroWld bona. It la but • 1t1p to tha bay and m~t or th• fur n!t.ur • ~ lncludfld. 119,MIO, $8000 down. BALBOA PENINSULA! That 2 b-1room hom1 OJ1 Belvu• J,ane 11 IJ..llJ avdl.abl1 tor $ 18.000. Th• room. are 1paciowi "We're Moving to Irvine Terrace" Drive ln today and aee tor yourtelt the many out· sta.oding featurea ot t.hia remarkable commun.lty. More and more Harbor are& tamllie. are lnspecting thMe ez.quia!te hODlel -notJnc their comfort, con- venience and central location. More and more tam.We. wbo prefer a home ln a re-- lbi.cted quality community an moving into their Irvine Tern.ce homee. Inspect the modcl 1fuil t bY. Mac co homes, Corp. exqui.Bite!Y, bY, Martlll & furnished Von Hemert / Irvine T...,.... i. located on Cout Highway oppocite the new Irvine Cout Country Oub. EARL W. ~STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor '4"8 For Further lnformatlon * J'or R.eoommendatJon, we refer you t.o anyone who bo1IU a I .e1aebold ir.tate 1n Irvine Terrace, Beacon Bay. Bay Sharee and CliU Havt.n and the he&"Y twnlt\ll'e l'oe8 !-----------------------w lth the deal. AB to IM It today. For1ot to manUon It c::an be boU1ht ror flOOO down. Balboa Realty Co. 0ppo9Ua Sank of Am1r1ca a<>M Greeley lid Lee Al Cornellu1 J oeephln• Webb 100 it. Ba.Ibo• mm.. Balboa Phone Harbor 8%77 Owner Says Sell 712 HELIOTROPE, ODM -OPEN HOUSE- sEE T•lls lmtnM:ulat. a bedrm. hom'I', n1..11ton. tiHpL, w.w. car· - pet, •unny bript llJtcben, loU ot tile and C\lpbo&ld.a, copper plumbtnr. M"'4 nov. mdoMCl pa~lo, dble. rar, on alley. YOU CAN'T THE REAL LEARN EST ATE BUSINESS OVERNIGHT! · Jl,llt u ._you c~'t !~ medi,cine, law or any other proteaion by merely hanging out a sign. Let one of the .JOO members of the Board handle your tranu.ction for you •.. Wo're going to sell A Million Dollars worth of real estate each month of 19561 Multiple Llating Service B/B Cl iff Ha v.en Exclusive • Mo.1t wt.nl~ IOUllon • .S bedroorna • Uff'd bTick t lN'pl•C'I' • Over-.1Mld hvin.-rO<Jm • Sheltered lanai and patio • ~autl!ulq lt.nd.Kaped yard • 4<;4 G.L-JTI mn Incl. tai.~ e F ULL PRICE $17,600 •ACT NOW! Rancho Linda • 11' acre oomplataly renced • Hor.e corr&.l and dog llcnnti.. • Modern, II'•· 2 bdrtt1 A dan ho1n1 • \V/W c..,..,,.i. throughout • Lc"e. n ag•tone tlrtpla.re • All electric. kllch'l'n • XL.NT. Back U.y Area • $111,800 with only $3000 tlown Near Disn eyland • llO unit. • l yr. old • A.lJ two bt14rwm1 • TV and phoo• OU!ltl.9 • Garbl.1'11 di.pcNJal1 • Exetli'l'nl n1n tal record • Groa1 ~0.41)(1 • Pric• 1460,000 • Will dlvtde and f':I Chani-t tqU!ly ror Udo .Bayt1-unt and/or Calli• Ran eh Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 1876 Harbor Boulevard Coet.. M ... , California Ll 8-7714 E V'l'.8 Ll 8-316!! BAYSHORES OPEN HOUSE Fri-Sat-Sun-Mon. afternoone 16111 Creetvltw Dr., 2·-b.r. PLU8-l'•r:·un-lt -knotty pint int. load.I of room for fam- Uy and fUell.9. OTHERS In Exclllll1va .Bayahort.11 and Bwnmer Rull.al. BACK BAY OPEN HOU8&--Sat. A Sun. 2286 Twilln -,Good term1 3 b.r. 2 be.th, lovely locaUon -ONLY ,21,000 Choice VIEW lot ···-·-··-·-$f800 Oonwir VU:W Jot ····-·----$6600 108:11150. hl&'hly rMll'1ct«I, $5000 • • • 101 Via Raven~ Then we have a big older home with 5 or 6 bed.rm•., • t>J\lha on a 65 rt. comer lot, only a few •tepe to the clubboWMl at OClly $31,950 The Jot alone bi worth $22. 750 1 BALBOA-NEWPORT 1023 W. Bay Ave. Thia d&rllog UtUe home of 3 bednrui. l !\~ batha on a 45 ft. lot with plenty elbow room hu 11. 2 car garage, ti.le root, completely Curniahed and ooly a few steps to the best 11wimmlng beach on the Bay. Priced at $25,500 with good terms. HARBOR HIGHLANDS-OPEN DAILY 1954 Priscilla Lane 3 bedrma .• 2 ba.lh, fi.replace. These bomea are the moat for $1 8,500. A choice df 2 floor pl&Ju. UPPER BAY DISTRICT ·117 East 20th SL Modern• Ranch style -3 bedrms .. 1:14 bath!: on a 72 x 330 ft. lot. The exterior 1s wide ceda.r pl.an.ta. The interior bu LernfM! wood paneling. 3 car SU· age H uge car port. Real country est.a.Le S27.~ • • <184 E. 21st St. 3 bedrms., 1 7~ baths, during room, brea.kfut room. firl·!Jlac~. J.i.spoaal, sprinkler l'i)'Stem, etc. Buyer can ha\'e immediate posaess1on. Owner hu juat reduced price to $19,95-0 COSTA MESA 221 Walnut 4 bedrma., large kitchen, beaut..iful pa.tio, double garage. $13,250 L8 a very low price with good tttma. A CREAG~: 198 feet on Moorovia by 630 ft. deep. Now R-4 , may be able to EO~ M·l. A steal at $13,900 cash. ,. Next to 276 Magnolia. Vaca.tit lot 50x12.'S only $4750 NEWPORT BEACH View lot 4~ x 125 -S1 4,:';00 Beach lot R·2 25 x 95 $4250 DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Ha.r. 4718 SPACIOUS LIDO HOME Thia would have been a new home but It wu occupied for one ~onth, then the occupant. lett. lhe wall to wall c11.rpeting and drapes. Three bf!d- rooms, the muter iii king aiz.ed with lot.a o[ cloaetl and dresaing area, ahio 11liding dooni to a hug!) view deck ... , .. With 2Y.i. b&.th• -Large guage and laundry room. Wonderful kitchen, built in atove -oven - · dlifiWii11htiT-&.na disposal. n 1.1& firte Udo b<ime baUt on a street to street lot is an excellent buy at $31,750 We have keys -come in &.nd diecua tenna. ANOTHER EXCLUSIVE WITH US. VIRGIN1A MANSON GENE VREELAND J . H. GROHMA.N BILL KElll'l'ON SO. BAY .( 8 . R., 3 b~th plua 1 B. R. apL -.---S59,000 NO. BAY 3 B. R. 2 bath plua 2 B. R. apt. ---.. $73,500 LIDO NORD 5 ·B. R. -2 B. R. apt. -···--·········$89,500 LIDO,NORD 3 II. R.--Pi&' 6 alip $59,:iOO· I J'ITLE ISLAND, 'I't'oplcal 1etting 2 unita plus . 2 B. R. gue1t hoUR --·-···-------······-------$34.950 ... S:_all Harbor 20~? No w_ Newportiiarbor Board ot Realtors OPEN HOUSE Tum<. 1-U:,den, f'OOm ftrr-poot, rvntly Lido Realty Associates MO!LY.la .Lldo -------__ Bvbol"-""--. home .....•.. ·-······-········· J2fl,960 ----------------------r0 LIDO PARK TRAILl:R -28' .,,.; new cab&na, l b.r. M. -· 13960 NR. NO. BAY 2 B. R. _ ......................... -.......... $22.500 NEAR NO. BAY 3 B. R ................... -................ $25,000 INCOME UNITS: ............ $25,750 to $38.000 inclusive. Cbeck with ue on these and others. Har. 1775 -Eves. Edith Maroon · HYatt 4-6222 John Macnab Harbor ~9 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialan:d INDUSTRIAL PLANT 10,000 aq. fL buildings. On black lopped. Cost.a Me6a. in main building plutJ 3 smaller approL l Y.! acrea all fenced and Located in the heart of booming Price $715,000 with $25,000 down, or will reilable concern at $650 per mo. THE VOGEL co. lease to 3201 W. Cout Hwy .. Newport Beach LI 8-3481 401 N. Newport. Blvd. Newport Bea.ch Sal.:--Sunday-1·5 341 H&ul Dr1ve or 340 Poppy, C.D.M. BEAUTIFUL VIEW home ot 3 1 ----~~~-----~--~------- bedroon"UI, J % bath.I, walkin&" dl11l.a.nc11 to b11.thlng beach. Thi. home a.nd oullll.a.ndlllg loc•l!on could not be dupUcat~ for the ..-klT1&" priee of 132,f>OO. XLNT. TERM S -SEl!f TIUS before you buy . Frank James Linwood Vick REALTORS au Karine AYe..., Balboa. lal&nd --!IOU One of Newport& fineat 2 B~ROOM HOME. Comw kit. Y. blodl. to "-ch. Lars• ll.tq- roo'TI, hu dtntnc an&. Very con- Yenlmt kitchen wlth dble. sink • d1apo.al 1.&T(• patio . an& ...tth out.&49 aboww'. Hom9 ls a~ yn. ota. ll.S,000 t .p. J:xC:.Uent tuma. If You Are Youn g at Heart If You Want Q ual ity, Originality If You Want the BEST - in location in conatruetion in financing Come see this .f. bed.rm., 3 ~th on the Little laland. 112 Jade A •e. OPEN l·D Feb, 4t thru Feb. 12, 19M home -DORIS BRAY, Realtor 216 Marine Ave.,. Balboa laland . Har. 20 or 64 EXQUISITE Claire Van Horn REALTOR 2731 W. Cout Hwy, LI 8"'277 Free Rent Nearly new 3 l>eodrm. home Hdw. n oon., forc.d air heat. dining room. A.II free from l:ncome from two unit• on rear ot half acre. Walk to downtown Coiita Meea. $21,000 Good tenn•. Newport-Mesa Rlty. 17ill Newport Blvd., C.0.ta Men LI 8-MOI E'f"• Ll 8-1443 M-1 Liqht Manufacturing SM.ALL SHOP A .S lot.I, «>mer 31.•l A VIiia Way, Newport S<-h . W ill •PllL Priced rtrht W\U\ ...,..,~ -- BALBOA ISLAND SPECIAL Large 2 bedroom home. Fireplace, patio, pnp. Ni cely furn.iabed. Formica bar k..itchen. Full price $20,000 -good terna. Brand New 6 Units Just completed -.f. 2-bedroom and 2 l·bedroom unfurnished apartment. in one ol the be.t rental area.a. Income should be in exce.a of $52!5 per mo. Full price $52,500 with excellent terma. THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave., Balboa laland Next door lo the Poet Offiee ' Kar. 44-.f. .. Eves Har. 1229-R Har. '248-R FEEL HORSEY? ? -----------"ART" ADAIR, Rlir. NORTH BAY FRONT HOUSE PLUS VACANT LOT - ~ wUI handle. Howe and i&rS• rarage rent-4 .,,,_.rattly. Good Income, n.ar PoM oatc•. Lovely modern ra.ncb atyle on ir fttll acre. T'tiro 11pacioua bedrooms (14 ft. wardrobe in each) living. dining, all electric kitchen u 1 larce unJt, dishwasher, disposal, built·in BBQ, big ueed briclr. corner fireplace., FA furnace. open beamed cf:illnp. 1 & 11i bath•. huge pink tile •tall ehower, Portu- guese marbel pull.man, ww carpet lhru-out, 3 TV outlet.a, pbone.-jacka, decorator Dutch curt.aim: A drapH, ov~ni.li.e dcub~e 1araie. Only l year old. Pric«I right at $28,!!0o and owner might fluanco. OPEN HOUSE SXT\JRDAY AND SUNDAY 1 • 5 619 St. J amee Road, Cliff Haven Three bedrma., hardwood Coon. large loL Lowm priced Clift Baffa home. Alling $1-t,000 ,,. k>on. ·Johll lolCtlab EARL W. 225 Marine AYe. flU'bbr im, eves BU'bor ~9 STANLEY, Realto r Bolboa Wand • .... N""JIOrl Bl\l'd., C.O.t.a .W... l.J 8·3792 or U 1--Q68f Ev-. Ll 8-8Me ...,,0 ICJJfO!I ftOAD, Juxtfry t 1lildmL un• ueoWed OOMA. bay n.w. Abun- dant. ll ring can b9 youn. AU ))Mt f•tllrM. l be.lhL Forced &tr h-t. nNplace. Patio cklwt@. .ee, tMn eftjey C&df. IMftl'" M lt. ,,..._ ORANGE COA.8'1' PROPER TIU tMT N-port., Catt.a 11MA U 8-1131 EY'f!l'lln,.. LI 8-1400 2 bedroom &: den (or bedroom l gorgeous living room facing Bay, 2 gleaming bat.h.9 plus balhen ahower. Fine pier and 11Up will accomm~te 40 ft. bo&L Bondy beach. W. J . SLOAN CU'pet!I and clr&p<e included. A rabuloui -in perfect con· dition, 2 lfl yn. old. See th.la tint, you will love iL Price '6',900 OSBORNE-FORTON, Realty Co. 23!3 W. 0>ut Hwy. (at Port °""Ce) N.B.C. Realty .S2nd A Nt!Wport Blvd. Har. ltOG !;NJOT EXP ANSIVIC uvmo. l:n ""11<1 " .... tur-n. 'ho~. Tu., Noth A ~~'hM.. rtnpt&c., pn.(t. '1' block to eurf. Rent tb4I other n-t\Jm. ttom• on k>t to Jl9Y JVUI' mortc"tl"•· Owntr anxiou11. Ho ftllMIM ~ °'" ~--f!S.500, a;.z ternw. OR.ANGE OOA.BT MW PEI\ TIU tin N..-port, Coilta M- U 1-ltU ~ U ... 1.00 Newport 8eadi LI 8-71562 Hu. IUU('"" ,i--------~ TllltO adjoining-acrN available. nns IS REALLY A MUSI' SEE ! ! I . WM. W. BT.uiun'. SANFORD Realtors HADFIBD -:.im • .· • ' -... -~. • • ~A&E ., -PAllT II -T' HAlt!OR ~ _J=RIDA Y,JEIRUAJlY. 10,-1'15' ----- • ·-.-'\\\\: 1~\ 'i\\\\\ '\\~ \\\\~ ~'\\~\ \\\\\\\£\\\~\\ '\\i ~~\ \\~\~~\ "- ~i\\~ ~~\\· • ~\\ \\\\ \~\~\\~ ~\\~t\ • \\\\\ ~~~. '\\~ \\\\ ~ i\\~\ Think thrice before ycu set forth to shop! Think of the time you'll save by shopping right here at home, where it's only a matter of minutes to 'most anything you 're likely to want. Think of the money you'll save by e Ii min at in g transportation costs. Think of the . ~ -· ' -· ·- • .. • • fr i e ruil I y, coqperativ~ service .you--get ~" your-.home-. --------~ --·--· -·---· --------·---- ' ' I town stores, where every effort is made t .o please you. Remember, too, that while you never pay more locally, the dollars you spend here help to build a bigger, better community for all . GIT R THE FINEST -MOST COMPLETE STORE TO BE FO.UND ANYWHERE Hardware . . . Paints ... Wallpaper . ~ . Appliances ... TV ... Radio ·A Goocl Frienclly Place ··to Shop SUNDAYS & HOLIDAYS ' RE OPEN 2205 W. •c1lboa Blvcl. .flarbor 116 Newport "each • '