HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-02-17 - Newport Harbor News Press., ~ .. -_r--- ' , .. • ,. ·1 • r " ·-------·--·------·--- " • .... ~ HAlllOll w1A11;&1 ., ... , ........... ---... ..... ~----l --8und&7, hb.. JI --a.I &I ) " . ' ' ~-=·~..,. ·~"' ......... --+-1 LOCAL WOMAN FINDS $I 000 CHECK Y11u n.-~,., k r>uw wh11.t you]! flll•l w h,.rr UH• J u11''" ~:lJ••ll (.:lub or ~··v.·pt •rt K•ll•tl ~tlll!.11 II.I\ Ullf!llAl 1:1pri11g Ll··~•I ''I' "'e••k tlrl1·~ Mri. J1t,,•8 1Be1ty1 H· ri.il<l.I, "U1.llh1,. ri.1•,-1 1· ... n n1u111ty" ,)1,.J!IH"I\ "' Juni.,, ~:ti.:Ll, whlle Jo;lllll«• 'i.: ""1111iL~ d.-t>rt~ for d••1•l11y 01,.l•·nal t" publ1i1te cL••a n \I I' "11·.-ht"r•· h•IJP"'neJ to J!lr k "P 1111 .. Sil~"' l'hrck PB Y•hl .. l ' 'J.o• L'UHl m en·j,.J ~8lJPn;i f tl,.;•k uf :-;, 1.t ... Ana. L>"l"d J ~r, 31 \h• <"heck WILi> ~•grwd by 1'he c.;.,1.,.·..i1 l..'O, ...crow '"''""•l. G111Jen nruv.-~h .. roun•1 •ll••k r,,1 Supl·nor Ave, N~v.·r .. 11• H .. 11.,'h. ~t11fr f'111.1tu CITY DAMAGE ACTION SUIT NEW TRIAL ORDERED BY HIGH ·couR:r Newport Beach, au.00 tor a&mq .. by Mont. Haft for hi• aon. O...vld. • min!H' who wu Lnjurecl in a 4lff h'Om. f'OGJu here Into the b4y, today WU DOU!led lhll St.at. Supreme Court hes allowed the city a new lrlaJ. The high court denied the clly'a moUoo for judrment notwillwtandlng • jury ve rdict which pve lh4I youl.b *>me- ~lnr over it00,000 damagell but OTdend the n•w trta.1. City Atty. K1trl Lynn Davia aaitJ the high cour1. ruling -.art.. the c1uM! all over •111.ln , JUlll u though It had newr been heard Committee Oka ys County Master Plan fo r Highw ay Development Unu ln1nt.11< a pprova l w .. ,. i:-l l'en 1ng-< f'1J ll0\\'1ng-this procedur11, la11L nl~h ~ to t be Oran~,. < • .. un-!hot plKn "''Ill 1 .. ver! tu lhe 9Upe.r- !y n11t>1 ler pl;,n nr 11.l'Le n al tio,.h· vt.,,,. w1U1 whl!.l t he L-Omm1tte. "'1tY• In' !«>rn .. •,o n1Mnb<'1~ •·' h"/'"·' "di 1i .. ij. rt~vn1mend1111..l.on 1n., pl&fHIUL,I; .. nJ ,1 ..... 1 •• f''"''"' t .. r 1111 .. 1 li<Hi p ll\•n In ••COr(la.nce •<11n1n1tt~e .,r !he A""'" •1>l •·•I with the ('11.l1fun1la "at1u.e plan- !'h.an1~r,. IJ! L"'"'"'~rc._.. l"'H~ ,.,,,i «un>1 .. rv&t!<on ),.....,., Ni!lll a1.,p l<>r U1'0. plan 111 1l1:1 l.\KAUL'A.L. lil"TA..11.T 1~...:on1me111l,.lltln to Lhe Cl•r•<tuJ~ A ttU•l ctm•truc tion of the tour FIVE CENTS -ru.day, 9'.t>. 14 --··· CIT 61 W ednuday, Feb. 15 --· 66 .. W._.y, hi>. lfi--61 M 'ntul"lday, Feb. 11 .... e& ~ U P'lida,J, J'H. lT ·-··-··· A . II ... DOCIOR -CURSED HEll, -SA WOMAN SAYS Mrs. James Bowman T eRs County Hospital Ordeal By BERT BRINTNAIL '"Get the -·-· out of here, or I'll have you thrown out," was th1: \.\.'RY an Orange County Hoepita.I in Urn dismiued iirs. J ames Bowman into the rainy night of the recent flood wf'athrr when s he had tried to get treatment for a heart attack. r.r th" AMOc1a tl"<l Chan1bers U•u ·, anu 4Ul.·ll<Ule f.rterie. "''hlt h w ill -----------·'ir•g 1L• ruee!1n1' :-.tan ·h :. by th,. n101<tty extend e)(!~t•ng rout.-s wtlJ l""Jn11ull<'<' The !u ht<'r pl .. n "ill lie g nadu~I. Al K;;k'h, <"••unt y road lll«n i;o l>l'fvre the county b»~r-1 lcornmls>!IOntr explnineJ All the of &U po:rv1sor11 w hu will prub.i uly I traffic bu1!.la up, the ro•U... wUI 1nelruct the 1uunly pJ11nr11n.: ,.,,,,. be bllHt up, In Btlli;~s." he flO ll;ld. !UlJl"-lvn tv huJU tbt1 rtqUlft'•l 11•·.u 1 l'h" "'-''"llllN!lOn"r «'J'Urte.J JO tD 10 p"r <·rnt uf th• 111 ... ~l<'r plll.ll'• MAYOR HILL ISSUES CITY CLfAN -UP PROCLAMATION ::;" ;\f r~ !l""""\&n, 1or 4 ·1~ Ha111-t-0 her, ''l Uiw(bl yo .. •&.Id y ou llton 8! r·,i~t,. Me-. de-enbe<.l were .sick, lt you we r" .._ny h ~r expt!r!enc.. at t.he county »1ck you r<iulcL'l't have wlllked to hV1<p1t.il 1., 11 .-.:ewa-P reu ,reporh.·1 tho a.dm lni .. trattOJl building " tu.Ji. I The nurN• on the M'<"nnU floor ~Jy 111 uoo.J of tr"&tffiWlt tw . spolte to the lnt.ru by ~ a heart ll <lrnenl M.ra. Bowman ha<l 1>buut her <Me. Mr ~ Bowman h<'..-n s<'nt to Hoag: Hoi!plt-.l by ruya, &nd l/\rouxh he r '""llerlene• Dr. D11c1!ey Pr11.ff of CO.It& Meaa, a11 telephone operator •h• ~ Uut t l\11.t ho•p1ta.l J1.11.i.1 nut been 11.b!11 to hear hi• reply M.ayor Dora 0 . liltl today otfi· clally proc;Wmt.'! l<~eb. 20 to •nd lndudtnr Feb. 27. for th11 Ctty ot Newport &ach'11 Go14en An,nl- LI ·'coLN DAY tul.11.J "'~" Ill new roa.!.11, N Ae!ua.l. pulation or the county ver11ary Clean UP -l'111nt UP-1-----------w.,. Pef llc1 betWrt'n •~.000 and fl'ill Up ea mpll.ign Rn•I •irKe<.l i-v · c • 4.">0.000 r110n• l"un·ent ly, which l\ry c1Uv-n to partLt'lp"\ .. in t hu• ongressman ID !nore td:..n ok>uble.a the fltillre• for pni~r•rn t o p rt•J»•r<' I• '·"' r: .. h!· J M~ ~Jhen tile count.v bouted abl .. tv 1:!v" ht·t • ro,.n1 1u 1d r li-TEk,\IY.U J"SV('llO ~ • ther than tiunk down t n I.he hall. D r . f'ffl(f ha•J 11.rr8.1l p:;ed for he r ''Tilat Old girl 111 a paych.o. Sh• can elth"r go In th"re o r walk t<o hilv" ~lnuri.,ncy Lrealn1cnl •I ,hoine." It waa .alter lha.t experl- t he county he1~p!t11l. 1 ~n"<· :l.tr11 13<.twnian 11uys, th•t Mesan Booted as Bandit in Store· Robbery .. n An li lvcr••ry r e l .. tua •10,11~ th 1~ Talk to Count y ZI•.ooo rcalden~ o r ~j ran1:e Coun· ><•11.r v.·hcn thf•U""-nd~ v1<1h•r• ty'a 782 aqull.ro: n1Jles, 417 M.jullre ilrt' "¥~t'll:'ll. rnlle" 11re a .. bJ«ted to 1ntenae ur- TELLS STORY -Mrs. Jamea Bowman, Coata Mesa, Loday told NewttPress exclusively how .she wu sworn at one Btormy night in Orange County HoapiW by TI1e Pl"V<.'lama1 ... n J.• r .. lluWll GOP Women t>..n tvi.l!on with th• remainder be- "Y>htJreaa, U1e K"'1' •·•I J1e11l!h !nj: ruggeJ. a.nil l11Hy 1<n<1 "'"111<r" or tiur • 1tl7.•·1 • 1l•·11~11d E ncouru.11:'"'-! hy medical r'"p"r111f "T hi! thing that 1mpreued me A rnVJnJo,'. at the county ho11p1ta.l I "he V.'IU!o told to •·g.,t t h•· hell out J.l t•. lj(iw111 11n t&Ld she hall to vf ther .. " "I""\ whoJ ,.~n m n "''''"IJJ11l•ni.:.• regarding the h•llllh tJf f'rraltl~nt th~ rnost," Koc:h "J.JJ , "Ill that •·l ~lng frort1 !!OUd l•.1n h''"l!-: E isenho.,..·er, /ln:wni. (;ung r..,M rnan l nut one aingl• pen1ou h.aa dla- ' intern when she went ther't for bee.rt atLa.ck: treat- ment. Sht> became upset, waa driven home by Sherifra deputy, she aays. -Staff Photo ~Q to l lle a..J rn111ti1trauon ot!\ce I Ther• wa11 11 n>•n In I.ha t room, thrl>ugh 11111 r•Jn lllld then to I.he M~. Bowni•n 1111 ut, t!Hlt told her emert;;enry "'•rel, V.'here ahe 11.r-\\'llkhi ha.LI t un1.,d •"l'ery patient rived v.·1th witt"r ru runni; _rrom 1b.e ha<I queatioll.J ll.nd ~ waa her haJr a nd her .sh~• a.ndl ~unll1Uon&. ano J uhn J R-h•~I"" 1--.ltet..J n."'-' th.Il l agreOO with u11 on our blullc pla.4, ·\\"here.,., t.M Jlv"" !l.n<I l''"P· Ike will 1,. \ti~ 1956 candiJ a t .. wb.!ch m eu• that n..-ly every-atocklnKs ,o:>llklng wet. (Coattbu ... 1 on Paae SJ my "' OO• ...... ~ .. ""'~""" w'-" "• •·"••••d U••"•• Co"n<Y .,._.,._ M Pa" 1 SHELL HURT IN CRASH by fir'"' anJ -.ccld..,n t.o , a11~~1 t1v R.epubl!ra n \.\'orn~n Y"lltt!"day 111 An unemployed Coeta M••• 11tll:'red and cluttl"r'9<l r"111!1t luo~ '"their 1u11 r h•·••l'I 111 th" Balboa l!dy 1naehtnlat, wu uffllted by Coat• hc·1n•~. ractorte.a. p l&ct'.• ot pub11r club lira 1 ... w1a Card!nrr IJ•'o-Hart Opposes ~=\~!::~c:r~r l~!° ~er~,;~r.j aa~~:\hb~;~~lle:·ca:: ;~:; .. ;:..:.:1:~ .aH~~ IW)O woml:'n fro111 vt.rio~ Be" nne' H in OH COAST HIGHWAY On the "'•Y up the at.lrs .a.he -- slipped and fell 11urtlni: II.II ()Ii:! M s •t ep1n.a1 1n.iury. Th<'rtl we~ io ~I ell 8 n I a ry pie In the eruergency room, Mn. up • N•v.'po'1 Bu.ah liquor lltO"' f0aatl#ue4 eta h•" ~) Repubhca n Cl llba U1roughm1t Ut• "··"!!~.· a ,ha.111 stc. t• ttmu1-t• a 1 ____ -. _ __ ,., ... ·--, :~;;-."'~~~:,;. -::, "'~ District Oka ys Mldelys;;.,";;;;;:;, ·:._it:._owt1." Sewer Deal .. -~ --· ---county 11.M!mrtble<.I for tbclr a.nuual Unc,,ln D ay event and to hear ~klld In city jail WAI Hug h Ben tt Fil ~::~ru:..w ....... '" "' J7• w. ne 1 es :;.:~.~~::~~ :::::';;;,:..:":::·~: Counc·1·1 Race \\"«bitter 11.lJeredty held ua Al· Th• intern got oa. t1M tei. lowtnf a two-ear acdOent en phone, Mra. B"wma.n ..a.id and Coat. MMa Sanitary Di,.trkt CC*.11. R1pway weal oC' Ba.Hxi-. she h,,.rd hlnl ••Y, ''Thi.a · gtrl boa.rd ot d!r«tor" l~#t ra ght prP11enta tiv" ---------------!Cove. at 2:41 a.. m. here today. one. not look alck to me &11d adopted re.olutJon~ l" 1obla1n ap· RIH.ode" explalnM Jk,,'1:1 doctor• s They we re Elwood F. Shell, •6. of prov&! tor in11tallat1<>n ·,,f an ,1111- Two puH'l'Cet• went to H09,C H mptt.a.I w11h me.jot lnjuriee fol- """ El<hl•. "'•h' ,,.,.,,. .. , .. , for Newport the SiMJrL'lman Uquor ~tore, 2823 Nf'wport B lv.i., al 8 20 p fl\ I ye11terday. ~~ldiler 11.11.ld I.he rob· c •1 ber took $100 but When Wl'b•tr.1 I ounc1 Post 1uto glove cun1plilrtn1en l wa11 aearchfd only $86 wu reeover- 9':1 . ort'icr,. alao folllnd a h.a lf· Coun cilmlln C•·tAld ll~nnell, v.·ho pint of liquor in Ula car taken filed nomination papl"r• for re- from I.ht •tore. election lo Illa po.it late \\'...Jneoi- day, toda.y g11.ve hi..1 &Lale1nent of Men. patrol otficera Wtlliam candidacy. Savage an.cl Orville Amburgty "The rM!IOn 'I fH&d for re·elee· .a.aw a c"r In lhe 2300 \iloc;k tlon lll that I worked ao long on Newport Bl....:!.. which anJJWered Lh!! Pacific P:lrctrlc Ralh~'•Y re- th11 llt"flcriptlon of an auto ~:!chler nlOV'al trom Newport. Upper Bay noted dr1vlng away !ron1 lhe rob-11.nn.,:<allon and d !'velopment 11nd bery 11cene. ot her unflniahlXI rurrcnt 1iroj .. c\B They followed It to Web11ter'a that J w ould l!ke to •~e the1n car- home &nd arTested hln1 .aa ht ried to 11ucce....iful cornpleuun." p.arlted. the car ln the driveway Uennelt, a rcalJcnl or 1~01 W. O!flccra ae.ld Y.'eb1:1Ler 11llei;:ed-B1'lboa Blvd., "'all l lrat elected at ly admitted the robbery, a&yJng. !!Ult Apri!'11 electloQ, belng an ap- "(t'11 I.he flrrt tlm11 I've done polnlee holdover from September, •nylhlni like that." l9J 2. Dutlni:" h 1a current term on \Veb1t .. r aald he w a11 look ing Lhe council he hll..9 been aervlng u for employment all day pr ior to a member of the J oint Harbor I.hi! robbvy.• When he had no Com1n1ttee 11.nd a11 a director ot luck, h11 aaMI. he got tJlecourall'td the Dilltrict 6 Sa nHary boa.rd of and Gecided to UH t. harmonil'll dltecton . He n.ow b on 1.h11 city Jl!,,JlMLm hill R2£ltel tor a .,gun water committee 11tudylnK._.ill.ltalla- -and hold uj)l.-uquot ·itore""'.'·· · -1 ron-or trp-p:er'rfaY Wa i.el· une.· irld 1·he Mu.a patrol officer• v.•ere the propoa«I da nu!!te. a1111lsted by Si.rt. Roger Neth an(! He 1• a 1nember or B.P.O.E .. Del. Sgt. David C. Gregi. New-Newport Ji.arbor Lodge No .. 1767 port Beach ottlcen r1·~rondlng and owna a tr11.iuter' !\nd atorage were Officer.a William Saunders bu1dn-headquartered In ~ a.nd Will.lam Talbott.. M..._ ~,,1 .... r-u....... n.a•t p•-•'d••t 9 p k abe can just <O to I.hi! couo.ty Wed l&ni;"U•ge "to Jenll encourage-'-'" ""'"'· ~~ . .---~ '"'' enons ee J4l VI_. ... ,,. Piace. Coat.a .Me-. mated f l$,98e ln 1:1ewage tacl11-•t ti •'•wpo-~··bo n ---.. _... ·•~-ho•p!ta.I In Los Anze.lee." m ent" 1.-. the p,.....pM!UI of 11.nolhPr u 1" •• •~ A&& r ~u "" and H&ul L Davta, 3!1, ltiglewOOd. tn Anln::u;t1011 :-iio ZT tram t._.rn1 tor t ht l'rea1den t. But he Resit.on, yfllterday ftled hla noml· 3 c• c • 1 "How am l t o get u.e,.., l lh• Clty of Newport n~...::h, lhe .u" --t '"· It ti 1ty ounc1 Shell, .apr-.n!nUy the mo.t &er-haven't any car ?" Mrs. Bowm.a.n cl!.uUoned hl.11 l!atener1 that 1t 111 n vn .-.--·• or ,_._ c Y COWlC eounty board of .upervl.'O!Jr• .an<J up Ir> lhe1n •nd t heir al5ter• r11ce. He will fa.ce Incumbent Coun-!ously injured w1th eever-U frac-11.llld !!he uked lhe lntern. Coate. lCeaa. The annex.all11n ln- ' •. hn• "--·'d "·-n•tt w... -•--turM wu pl"Oflouncro tn "~•" "\Valk 1r you v.·ant to, r dQn't lhrn•>l(hout Arnedca t.o "f"'ll rhcad 11 .....,..., ~· .. o ....., J b • M 11...,...... volvea approximately 440 acre4.. fll-·' 0 s IR esa COlldltlon by hospital atteru:la.n~. give a d11.mn," .ahe .ay.a the LD-the Heput.UC8JI drive to v1ttory et ""'· bounded roufllly by Suputor lhl! ....,118. In b.ia •lallll'fleot ot candidacy, Shell WQ.11 p-.-enger In • car t"rn replictl. Ave., Wbltutrr Ave .. lVth St. and ,~ ..,._ Nine ""r.&Onl will cam"'•'.,... fn.m t!r1wn by V!vlan Britton Bodman. "Are you an Intern OI' a reili-Rt Viewtng the Ca.reer of thl! acrl •aid : ,..-_..,.. -• tirat ad41Uon to the N~-"Great EmanciJ)ll tor", l'lhodee de-"Mll.lly ot my friend.a throughout Office In CV.ta Mu&'• April e!ec-38, ot 213~ Wall.ace St., Coat.a denl phy~11·1an ?'" she uked I.he Me.a& tract. acribed It AA "Tho tl.rit &'fCll.t b.out the city and .-pecla.Jly Jn Di.ttrlct Uon for throe city counc il aea~. II, Me11&. Oftl~nt ... Id abe ha4 atop-doctor. Portion• of the a.tea ..,.. W:US.. or the Republlcan party v.·aa when 1 have urced me to 1ubmlt 0m y WIUI announced today from City ped to ~e a lert tum Into "It'• non• ot your blank, blank jurlldictlon of the countw and Clerk Atlle Swart&'• ott\ce. HowU"d'a Reat.aurant when .a.n b ' Uncoln a boliahed ilavery." From name tor oounc:llman from thl11 u•lneiu ," ahe .a&id 111he wa.!J told. City ot Newport 86ach. ApJlftl'".I then!l he traced GOP a c:compllah· 41111.J'fct. J •creed to do thl• and The tbrn Incumbent.II w1ll run auto driven weat on Cout lllih· Mra. Bowman .aald ahe wa.UuKI I.a upecled la M&N:.b.. a&~;.Wllim nienu . He OOmpared them with am Hekinl' aleot.loQ u ian Jnde-tor re-e.JeeUon.. They are CouncU-way by N elll11 El.l.Ubl!th Marten.a, back to the adminiatratll"9 ottle9 tlm.e u. INm1.tary dl9tdct.' "'11·So what he termed "The reckJeu-pendent •&.ndtdat.e. U ell!ltted I men Bruce Mari.In, Alvin L. Pink-511 , ot Inglewood, •lnlck the rear tJi.rough the n.tn wheft lfhe t.otd ahead wtth th• -projet 1m• nen" ot the Roou"elt New Dea.I will do my but to Mfl th.at th!! ley 11.nd Bert Smfth. end of the. Bodman ma.::hine. Dr. Stewart h•r troubles and he der the 1911 Improvement nw.- •nd Uae Truman F'air Deal. alfalrt of the city ara admt.nlater-Othe~ who !lied before noon The dr!venr ~elved trtlltment told hPr ah" should not ti..ve trict acL Rhodell !naiated that "The De-ed. 1n an Impartial and bualneu-dNlJllne yest.,rday w11re: WHUam a.t the h~pltal and were releM<'d. aaked the man !lbout whelh!'.'r he The M.nltary board J.ut nlcbt mocrat.a a r e de!!p,.rate; they .,.·ant Uk,.. manner." Abbott Sr., route salesman, ot 371 ~1ra. Oavta wu a ~enger ln thl! WM ll n i nt~111 or not . l/flWe\'er. approved a contract, tran.sfet'l"- to get Into JlOWPr a ny way they r.tarried, Hart Jive. a t 464 '40t.h W. \VH.aon ; J . D. Doveraplke, buUd-Marlena' a.uto. ' Or. Stev.·art ta.l ked with him. tng the .atate'• sewer line Oft Jlar- can. They are off!'rlnJ{ advice from St .. Newport Laland. He h ... been Ing contractor. or 383 Either St.; on the phon11 11.nd told her to go bor Blvd. to the dlatrlcl. TM that Uttte n111n !n Jno!ependence. 11. permanent reatdenl here •lnce Roberl Mennea. ahip'11 carpenter, LollCJ Gir1 Born t.ack e.nd he ordered her to go up Mein. dlatMcl will control U. bDe a.nd a r eturn to Arhe11o n'11 foreign 1942, h•'-l>een 11. property owner or 2026 Harbor Blvd.; Arthur Tut· to a room where there were a.nd the •tale Will pay tbe QV pollcle&" Jn the city 11ince 1929-30. U"!, tl.._ proteetlorr, or 370 Esther The Wlllla.m Longa, 91• Cedar eight older womr n p11.Ue.nt11. She of Co.ta M:eea tor u.ae of tJM !ID&. H• &tao dlacuMl!d farm parity. A member ot the American Le-SL; J."'red WU.aon. ma.nutac:turer, ot Plaol, Co.ta M.-a, are p&.renta or llflld the odor wae lnto!era.ble, lltO s -ace in tbe line wiD M ..i.-- wamln,g that farmen "won't g11t gion. P011t 291. H11.rt al!tO n.a. been 1700 Placenll.a .Ave. a.nd Roy Win-a girl bAby boru Feb. 13 a t Hoa.J lllie got out. Befon 9he went up ed. The Une ..,.._ tbe Stat. !109- alnecuna !or life"; W o ata bl/Jty 11. dlreclnr of Newport 111111..Ild. m e. 0011, machlnl.t. 1627 0~• Aft. Hosptt&I.. tot.he room .ahe aa.ld th• m.a.n aa.id pl~. of the go\'ernn1eAt a.nu 1111ill that, He hs11 ~ ln the rea.t e11tate l---------------'-------------'------------------'-------------~­ combln W. v.·lth the reJl~t Prell-bu11ln!'l!ll here 11tn~1t IJ!~~ e-;;r-lC17en no\1~e-;. (:oiTirllsridil." ---• ·-~ • --4 """'' -· • ·---·- "l.hl'll&l• Of Wllr h&\'e been deter~ red.." H e 1u1ded. "\\'e .11ho11 ld be thank.tu.I that the Repub!lcana did not 1end 11,, over lhP a hys1 of war AA I.he Democrat.a did three lim~e ln •o Y•ara." Mrs. Vale on Witness Stand Mra. Mercedes McGee Vale tobk the stand Jn th"' aecond and ron- clurllng r!ey or hrr hearing before 1he Callf<)n1i11. o .. partmt•nt of In· 11ura ntl" \\'<''llne.-«t11y 11ncl repeated much of the t<"atlmony I.hat 111.aa rll'nled the prevlo11.a day by her former employer. 'V. O. Duck. New- port Hf'a eh Insurance agenl. Th" he11rlng wall conducted b-e- tore Hel!.r•ng Officer Alrred. J. Mc- Guire t o determine t he 1eg11.llty or c laims of an inauranr e department ln\'eatig11tor !hat ~1 rs. vat .. .'lhould he. d <'nie<I a at11te ln11ura11ce brok"ni licen~e bec11use ahe a lle'1:'Cdly dl- ''erted to her own use f:262.82 tn ln~11r11n«e pr,.n1iuma pai•I t o hu hy Aucl<'11 inJ1un1nc11 C'1111tomera. V Bril lon r.t rConnl'!l, tnaurance cnn1n11""-~1oner, h1111 r11f<>fl that u a Tf'lllll1 of the 1nve.'l l1gatlon. M .... \'oJe ")111 .~ ••nga1Cr.d In fre11(!uLent prar.lr~ o r 11ct and hi!." hhOwn tn1- tn1.,tworthiue8.11 in rond11ct of bu:;.ne:.:l. exposing the 1111hllc to danit•'r or 10. ... ~ .. Burk 1.-a,. 11ubf"'n•t4 by th<' 11tat11 u 11. 1.1-1lne~ aJP'in11t J.t 111. \"a le. ' -THREE WOMEN INJURED ON MESA l'olci:1urr 1111.i.1 th11t hr 1v,,ult1 not d("IPrm'"" lh<' outcon1e nt the r a.w. for at lea.al ll .,..~k and t/111.t It mny tiake .se"era! more week• be· fo1·e the ~part r.w.nl u f In.aur.an<ie \Oo'OUld announce II• Jurlgment which mlicht evt n revt!t&e J.tcCoire"a rind· lng.11. GROUND-BREAKING HELD FOR POST OFFICE Accident victims are &ing comf orted by Costa Mes& Det. Sgt. Dean Pollom. left, and nuraea after . a grinding collision at 5 p. m. )'t'Sterd.a.y at intct!K'Ction Of Pal:iaadee Road and Newport Blvd. The aeda.n t he elderly women was' in aJleg- edly ran a atop lign and wu struck broadside by a 2 ' ~·t0n truck. l!njor injuries were eu.ta1nf!d by M,._ Vendley Elena H ube.r, 65. driver, Mn. Sara Lovelesa, Tl, -.,.d Kn. R4.th Sullivan, 69, &11 of Long Beach. -Stall Photo \\'hen ~fr•. v.1 .. tonk th .. 1t11.rrd. 0.-f, Attornry J ohn H Hf>lton uk· '1.1 h'r "If the boQkl v.·f'rl' l n bl!.I· •nee ..,.h,.n ahe wen t 10 10.·otk for llurk ln Jui . 19:'i4 " tu v•h.lch 11he repUeQ. 'Thl:'Y war• 111.>L" Afayor Dora Hill needed an air hammer 1Mtead of a garden ebovel to break ground )'Mterday through the black top paving at the eoml!'.r of Riverside and Avon Ste., where the new Newport Beach Poat Off'ice is expttted to open in three months. Gathered there with others, Madam ,Mayor ia accompanied by from left Frank J . O'Connor, contractor; H. Payne 'I'bqw, pootmaater: Chamber president J. T. Van Dyb, Heri>ert Kenny, Mayor Hill, lln. O'Connor, Kn. &. K. Ha.rtma.n, Kiwania prcaident JOP. Guerin, Hartman and Hay IAngenbeim, secttt.ary of Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce. -St.a!! Photo -·- { I fA~E 2 • PART I -NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1956 Roy Carve..--- PONTtAc· ---~~~78;;;ki~g' · Clearance FRIDAY-SA TURD A Y-SUNDA Y FEB. 17 -18 • 19 Roy Carver Pontiac's "Ground-Breakin9" Sale is We HAVE to Make Room f<w lulldolers & Equipment to Start Our New Buildin9s Next Week. Our Lot is Full I . This Mean• We Must S.11 Our Entire Inventory of Hew ·~~~iacs "Good Wilr -Used Cars HELP YOURSELF TO THE BIGGEST SAVINGS Ever Offered on All Models 8601 -870• -Starchiefs Catalina• e Station Wagons Two Door & Four Door Sedans --· end Convertibl•s . . ~·­•-:;: -.. • •• • All Serviced -Ready io Deliver . . All MUST GO No Rea1onable Offer Refused Come in "Witt. Your Pini Slip or P•y-lool e Credit Cle.red in Minutes e SRING IS llUEVING! w.-..... ~Al Nl<jltt .......,.,_,, __ , tt • s .,. to ..,..,... our g:c.J B• Sure. to See Us This W eelr.-End Roy Carver 'PONTIAC 1400 W. C-t Hwy. Uberty 8-3466 • NEWPORT BEACH TEMPESTUO S ROMANCE DUE -AT LIDO 8moulder1nl' emotion. of tempeatuoua widow, Anna K•snanl, •ni f'ILllned Into flame by wild cow-t.hlp of Burt lAllc..Ur In .. The ft06a Tattoo," due Feb. 2S 1.l Udo Thtl&tre. n1rn UI from Tenn-WUUama' aenaUotMLI •t.r• play.• 6'/2-MILE FREEWAY STRETCH CONSTRUCTION DUE IN APRIL ANAHEDI: -(OCN8) -CoMtrucUoa ot 1 1Ai ml1-or '"-•1 nannt.r from Harbor Blv4., to Coyot. Creek, loc:•t•d on lb• t.o. Anr.ie. -Or&nl"e County linM, will befln eorn.· llma euly ln April, P. R. Gri.t'tUI, U. AJi«elu aru head or lht department ot hl1'h-y1, aald Wodn~y. The n-fr.eway wW run clo.e to the Southern Pactfic r.Jlroad Jn Bu&oa Parll, thU• eJtmlnaUnc-the bottltnecll or t.r...rtlc now exllUns throurh Uait city, accon:11nr to Gr1tdn. There are 10 day1 to award the contract ~d. arter lb.at, HI more day• to 1 •t 1t..rVd. Six or right dJtrenint cont~- 1.0r• ar• expected to bl.d Ofl th1 $.6,:.0a.oo<J pro j~t. A total Qf 18 brldCN U plann ed tor Uie pr<Jjecl which will 1141 • ai.Jr.-laae fvtdffl hf1:hway wtth. r r!;ntage ro&da and ruipa. It I.a e.Umaled abo\it 20 monW will be c~ In conatrucUoa. • Shoplitten in Local Outbreak The 11.hopl!tteni had a ndd iay over Ula week9nd. .. radio., cot- r.,.rn&k1t'9 and .wtalen wer• t.t..k.en tn -...oned t.befa. I Da.n'e TV, 2301 Balboa Blvd , wa• V1ctln1lud: ol 1117 when two I ~1111ll ra1.llo• were l&il:en f ro<n tile Cj)lllck Service · roa Roller Shades 81AAd&rd 8.Uda Clothl and Cultona Spad&IU• • Orapvy Hardware • Ven"ua.n BllA~ THE SHADE SHOP .iihop whll ll! man•ger Guy l'renh•H I '"' Stad St~ Newport &a.ob .. ,l<.I 90n1e trien!UI were watching lfl. ~:;:;=BMl:;:;= .. :;:;'="";:;:":~:':::O~tn=~~~ rvlor ~lcvt.lon program. Tnon-___ _ ha.LI aa..ld a 18-year-u.Ld boy canie Into;. th.e atiop for a 1hort Um,. dur- 111( th" pM(T•m and may ha ve M & 'M M teken. I.he racHoe W'hlle the otheni I otors w tr•·n t IO(lld.al'. --I The Crow11. R.ud~re a t 3107 , E. c out lilr hw1y , reported a n Marine & Automotive I elfi'tr1c cott .. emller. v11lued a t 1 (ll'nr.-.1 llr!>&!rtnc 129 e~. h•J b"'"" taken ioun1et1me I M r•. \\'. L.. R •ge.n, r.•1Kt r\a1t a G I C 8 """"' I C d'lla · j 1 3~ .:11.Ml mare 1w~•t•r h ad t.e<·n I SpeckJlish lllkt'n from a beauty 811lnn a t I 3••0 ~ Vu1. Opurto An1Hhf"r. le1111 valuabl .. 1.1weat.er w1La 1,.rt 1n 11..1 1 Interceptor & Cadillac , p1iiu:e, ane cor .. 111 •• ntu 10 rohf""e. Marine Engines Bur9lar Steal• $45 I A ..:a i;h !;Ox contalrun¥ 14:, \O."a8 ta.Jten tro111 l h• 1nualc l""OOm nt Horace i-~llMl).(11 s~huul &Onl.-LUne : '!;:,~"~°',':}: 11._h .... ,1 h .. u.iay. vulJC't I The cl'hplled oox wa11 dla.covt"r· I ed \Vedne•,luy niurning 1n an a )!,.y • Ill the rear ur the honie ot \.\" H 1 PelUt. 445 F'ullcrton A ve. \Vilhatn R!tter, pr1n<'lp8J of the achool. I wu not •~·•re or the the.ft until 1><1/ke lnfom1e!I h.Jrn the box had LI 8-3381 • JIM'S MUFFLER SERVICE Sonny'11 Murncr11 ... Du&I Pipe. AQ.e Factory Rep~m .. 011 u 8-5744 bet"n recovcrecl. 2101 W . Coaet Hwy., Newport WOI LD ta,o.Vil~lll Sll llS PllSINTS "WF.sTERN CANADA" 8 :20, Mon., }~eb. ZO .._ COlOl -JILM TlAVELOG U__.OIEPf ~llAI\. No"•'o' '1" lo•ff ••<I Lo•• l-h•. '••<•••••. Yollo .... .I••••• No•"'••I '•'"· l<I"'•••••. I • '"' co•to'. ••• 1po<1oc•'•• C.l•mblo lcof;••d ••d •~• • l•aldo Po.,ooo"" • • '•icoi 1.0 fO. l .X l !.Q :i.·t~"'PORT r11 n 11 SCHOOL AUDITOkll"M TTciolL o! c.,..,.,. dol Mo< T<o .. 1 S...-.ico ~ I. Coo.t Hle•••f •• ... Office -•ltlrt of .i...,,... It JI -' .. ,.. ·-. . . ' '' . ',. ' ' .. • \ .... "" • • -l Ji • _., "" -I~,,_,, f.. I .,..:,! r.li '"'~ •' ~ l; _·_ 1 fOO~OG ,.,.,~'""'"'""'",, H A ll0°~1J 871 Gran · ollo 's {tormer!y or H411'1'let J complete menu for the family PrzzA. e SPAOHl:TTI • LASAGNA HOME -MAJ>f: RA VIOi.i • 8Tl:A.K.8 e 8liA. FOOD roon ro ao 511 Balboa llvd. IALBOA Harbor 4837 OPEN DAILY lJ NOON-II JODNIOBT, CLOSED llONDA. Y NOW SERVING ,LUNCH MEXICAN FOODS Special Combination -Chopped SteaJI: - Ohidula Jlc>Ui -Complete from -··-··-·· ·········--· 0,-n.11.y 11 ;IO a..m.. -% p.m.. fM LaDCb I* p.m. -1 :00 p.m. toor DhlDer Open SUlldaY" I! Nooo -9 p. m_ rCLO$ED MONDA Y SJ Ula NIWl"OllT BLVD~ OOSTA. MF.KA ( J11.t ] block IOUU\ o( Sant.a Ana Country Club) &ad IM S. Ma.ID SL. (),....,._ Sunday Dinners 2:00 P.M. For re&U\'atlona -lla.rOO r 2126 ANNOUNCING Mr. Howard Rumsey Recording St or of Contemporory Records Leader of the World -Famou.s "Lighthouse All-Stars" Will Appear in Person 2 p.m. Saturday , Feb. 18th, at HARBOR HI-FI J JJJ N~wporl Bl1'<1. M.r. Rumaey wUJ a utorra ph cop!• ot Illa lateeic ContMn)X)nory R4r.IMM, ··ught H°"" at L«run•" Hear the All -Stan in Hi -Fi! afar LODGI AHD lllTAUIANT 8.HOWPI..ACJ; or l"l1E OOA.87 Every Night DINNER SERVED' 5 p. m. 'til midnight COCKTAILS -4 p. m. 'til 2 a . m. 12 Noon Saturday le Sunday Special Sund•y Buffet . 2 ~I 9 p.m. C1-d WedDNday ot Lapna HYatt You Can't Miss Hearing The Popular -el - HAROLD'S Monday through ·Saturday '· Open Daily 10 a.m.-2 a.m. Luncht!S Servtd Mon .• Sat., 11 a. m. • 3 p. m. Dinnent aerved daily 5 p. m. 1 12 Mid. Sundays 1 p. m. -12 Mid. Liberty 8-6474 1670 Newport Blvd. Costa MHa --~POR T .l ..... ~ ' ,.~ • ' ., Color by Del.Ats.e -Plus - "Three Bad Sisten" Co-fitarrln..: witll tile ~t •tlA r:nrll•I• Sara Hh.ri.n., State r .... l1sar11ce Kathi.. .... lluc;h.... Jnhn Hromtl .. ld eau -I Co•pui~es LI 8-1011 .Q ' i il L I. I ou•• 133 E. l ilh SL Costa ~··~~ NOW SllO\\"L'\"O J nhn J.un<I \\"llllatn IJ.<-1ull• ''Batttt Stations" Al~• Kid'• !Hat. Sat. I :4~ ARB<'Yrr and OO~Tt:Lw "Jack and The Beanstalk" STARTS \\'t:DNt:~OAV KoUd E,a.ll'rt.ainmf'nl For Busy People In 6:45 out 9:15 9UJlT AlfJrfA WICASTER · MAGNANI "'"lhl t.'11rr1 .. 1nn1••01 J Il l( '" ... , l't 111 ·1 r: fttl 111 •WI! ll "1',,..... ){,fl,. Ji.r • .... ,.. Lml IYPT9· Kl l'aUtl ""' ... ' , ........ 11'1 ...... ,... ..... ,.,. llAa'I lfoll(J • IUTM TlT•· lWf RUI ...... "'" L 16 ---....c, im ~--1 \8JI I~ •fllMfOW P"Cn.: AUK> SH ORTS '"They Seek Adventure"' •·,.a1u"' 1 and 9 :110 Ad ult• 11.00, Jn. '""· Child t<k S-Cial Sllow "'"~.~,..~-%t at t p.m. , In tha boldest •lory of lov• yoirv• .v•r b••"- permitted to •ff I !\: ITS mini• WOllDDlll:OIE __ , . - Nat ~ Oole Miert Nl:W8 -CA.JlTOON .. LtlH .. ,,, ..... ·-i1·-1 ~~~-I ·1 . I ~I '~ , '. I ! t.J I -'---• -· -' Stam Wecl.·llf ........ ' " ~---!..!_~P Wanted Tool Mokers Ct.AS!'! A. TOP PAY. CLA·VAL t.:0 -17\.1 1 Pla.ce11tla., Newport ll"'"'h 72c7t Lt H "AL RELIABLE howiekeeper ft1r pa rt Um• work, Newport Height. -. LI 8-lMI. 72c DBL. ANTIQUlC DESK. I anUqu• ch&lrs (llOO)-All for $60. - Kl 1$-lltll. 72c7• YEAR OLD 1 BDRM. turn. duplex apt. Tile lldtchea .. bath, auto. wuher A dryl!r, Gara,:e. Yrty. $68 per me. Bar, 8M7-W after 8 p.m. '1'1oT4 FOR LEASS three adjoining lot. f&ctng A voa A River.Id• Drive. Own .. , BU~a Gart.lor. Ll l-1M6. 71c7fi 80 lac '~ ~ . INQOIOI ftOPl:Rn', S. unltL (Md lclo9.~ ....... LOT8 TO MrfUJ, IF ___. or t IKY R--S. II: 1 MC11'.19111 .. Im ..aoT. llMNd. ...,, ·~ at., ..._....... TkTt -· .. • • • • • "ClRCl'.S" .t "PE.ACI:" 2.50 "Mt>ntffwna" 1:1:.i&--llb.ny otbu v&rir.tle. -d colon , ... 1.00 411: up POT8-PO'l'S---POTS-!I •t)'IM ll-'"'~ of red clay pot• .._" trom I \/1" .. t•" BAY NURSERY '35 I!:. 17th St. 0.ta. M-LI 8-60H Come ln and get your Free Ticket fw a NflW 1956 BUICK FREE PLUS 25 OTHER PRIZES Trapp & Sons WeBtern GaaoUne Product& .•• Aut.o AooeMOriM 2101 llarbor 81,·d. U 8-6221 Costa Me8a "LET OUR FAMILY SERVE YOUR FAMILY" New 18 mos. CJUGr. Batteries 75:'.. TIRES N•w "0.ytoo Th••~ '15'0 bn:d" 1170.:llS _._ ..... !'It.. RECAPS ....,'T"' AUTO LUBRICATION $1.00 All MU' work and product. a.re 100'% ~teed • W• rift "Pl...,.llJ"' Btwp. • ~~ GuoU.. 96+ Octane Ethyl 29 9/10c Regular 27 9/IOc -·~··---· - Week-End SPECIALS '53 Ford \'-II Ra.rich "'a,:-011 $1395 '52 Chrysler "'lol.l,.or Convr.rtlble $795 'SI Mercury Ulub Coupe $695 '54 Ford Vlc-toria $1795 THEODORE ROBINS \'onr Ford l)f>al.,r !oil""" 19%1 -:"O!'"'J><lrl ik'M'h 1100 w. (;0 ... 1 11~.,.. 1..1 8-8471 • ·-·---· -F°""" D hair& t l08 WEST OCEAN PROl<o'T -HJ11WPOST'11111CB R..t ~·"" Room Heater ~795 11~.93 "''· Va.IUO! ··-_,,., .. ·····-.. ··r-- T \' s39a Swivel Stand ~I, -·----· ---· f l,\.00 \llJU(' •995 Fryer-Cooker -- Dinnerware SetS399 ·~~~·~:::;::' "°'"c~_•'---~~~~~~~~~~~~~ t;1 .. t•\dr ~r&ONWNllM:E..~"· -fr;r EeOllOMY. •• llse MRRO $£>1Y1ee ...-· •• - ---· • • .. _..--· . -· S.f"lllltlJ 130 (Omm11nitie1 fri lo1 Angeles, O ra n"•• Riverside a1td San a.rnardlno (Ol'nfie1 Mel'ropoll'lcln Ca 11ch Lines -· Iuunaee Broken .. ,. Ba7*1e Dmr• a.z.t.r '7l6 N-..n...,._o.w, ----.. _. __ _ _ ___ .. .__,.._, ____ ----- --- .. • 1 Mothersingers of C6sta Mesa Elect Officers ON A SUN VALLl!:Y, I daho, akilrig honf:ymoon ue Mr. -.nd M.~ V&n Jolin•, P1ut1a<1 .. n11. They were 11u1r r11•t1 F~b <I In a.Jla.aa. The b nde IA-the for mer Barbara ('heslu>lm, daughter or Mr. &nd Mn, Cht:•lt:r J Cheaho!m, Salina_, The ir001n 111 t hr 11-0n of lt!r 111Hl M r~ f-1 V Juh!l.!I Sr , Nf'Wpttrt [!,.,.ch They .,,. •p.endlnif l htcu thl•d " nll'f vac-..!W11 "t lh" 1 'nlon l'IL<·lfh: wlflt ... wc,nderluid. "'"I h•1n<1y1n<)(;lleJ until Ft'h. 14 HON VOYAGE luncheon v.•as a sur ise for Mrs. Albert Christensen u Lido Park friend gathered t o honor ht>r at Villa. Marina. Jn renter, wearing her \'ery first orchid, she ill s urroundet.I by II to r) ~tmes. W. M. Ward, H. D. Miner , W1Ll1ant Wightman and &·rt ha \1in1:10n . -8taff Photo 1 Brrt l'ril'!'" [, G Strwrrl. \\'II 1 Home Frc)J11 Hono ltdu N r.ll'l'ORT HAl~BOK Surprise Party Honors Matron I l!!:<Hl T T~,,,~\' Ann J.1,..!~1nhr1rn,..r • . ( ,/ ," • I. ' i·•·r ... !11.Ut!!' Ct1rl5t). l\11~· ~ ' ~115 J A drl1110n Gurlr1 '•1V 1 V •~ l.i<1·• fJ1,rd. h11~ •··:111 11 • .,1 f1 (HU Honolu lu wn"'" .1,.. I·•* bo·tn MUi!•l uf twr •l,,10;.:~\l• !-l r- l:lu .. r Wa.nl"Y •11)1·" ·°"'" ~"1b<:r .Sh<! 11.·aa ther<! f'or lh" ,...,.,.. ti I •rd11•I t1r Ad1Jl11<Jn 1; _..!anle) U111d child <>f th~ co11p te Othf'r ch.i.R-ea ..,.., L..u,.&, t ,,,.J !-1<1 < :i 2. Ju•t att.r ~he left t or ''''"''" t h~ !>Unle)'11 11,011ed tn \>, "h•'>l."ll 011.hu. I MRS. Wi ='IIFRED BAflLJH.E, \Vomen's Editor Treasure Chest and Orchid for Mrs. Christense n , I PAGE 4 · PART! -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS "Thcr~ wel t' !'.V w o men 1H\'J\~·d, ·l ~ ,·uniC' and £·\"l'TY l::i.st FRIDAY, FEBRUA RY 17, 1956 lune of them kept the secn:t. I \\.'as nvi ··r so s11r1 1r1s•·d in Wh1loa in H u nul ulu ?io1ra. Gurlty { N LAS VEGAS •Mw tn._ RAv. l'•W Moure \\'hcel- 1ny !Jfl'," said ~I r~. Albt.·rt f-:. C'h risteri:><'ll, ,,f l.1d1J Park, honor guest t 'eb. 8 at a b<i n voyage lunct1con in Villa ~farir111. uc!ndttlng 1t "''a11 th" f1r~t n(Jrl\I 11.rrllnt:;ern~·nt ,..,.n!t>r<'•l w ith t1111c 11he h11.rl nev_er fuund •rill """"t a tihlp with bl.,ssorn l!llll~ wa11 rr !tnd hW. family, tormer H&r- b"nt.,~. r•porta they love l!f" ''"'"" 1 her. and Ol&t M r \\'he"l"r '" 1l•n11 r nne 1·1··ment'• work 11.11 '"t'!or t1! E p111copal Church. H o llingsworths R eveal Marriage of.Daughter I ll pl1<nne<I 1urprt .. <!. I thnlJ .. d 11 t i•·l"•·l•lng her l1r>1l or- All gue.11111 w t r•· tt.Uembl,.,I !.ll the •hal ,,,,.11,,..:• Sh" w~~ pr"~"n te-1 1-l<>hd.!oy Roun1 wh"n .\lr11.1_'hri1ten- 1 11ilh e. p1r11.t" <ht11l "'h1r h r-•vcalerl. 1<en and lhrt'e frttnda "nt .. re.I (.,,. gol<!e.n can.ty o.01n11 an<.! be.nc.r.lh, I It"" l .. i.d~ Uo•1 l/111 V,ni;vn . .\lllJ"y I \'i ,1r·1 ··1 H •'Ii So.:h11r11cnu,e; ll.n,1 ... !l.•i f.,.1'.• •iJ•• !'r.1hran Costume Jewelry & Accessories Q~ 1fi, ~ t 9~ En~ign P-TA to Hea r Noga I lun•·ho.~>n The h1,nor gu0 11t keµt real ntoneta1y trell.llurf' 10 be ~~nt r ondtng 'good t8.blett" ""t for faur. on th~ trip Thl• u h··r f!rtit tr'lp M r 8.nd Mr11. 0 .. 1 .. H .. 11u1i:"-Mu•·•t..cl !n 811lt !..alt<! cl 1 y but c~/, la1ie wu told lhey were ahrolLll &n,J •h•· w11J tvur A u•trlOJL ... , worth. 12142 E&ll .\f•pl"' St i chi..i!.1 I re.-.erved, wu nnally Jed to wh('rt" Xew Ze•l11.0<!. F 1Ji 111l1.11tlll, Su1111. can do slr much . , aQ.d fo r !t<I little .• I C111ta !\lP81... fl.re ""n '"1nc11 i.: thl' <0th"r Llrlo P<irll fri.,rn !~ "''ere. wait-llnrl. llaWllll n.arn•ia of t h.,Jr Jttu.,;h1 .. ,. JeAJ"I· Th<! couple b&.I t.Ubll.\h~d 4 lnl!:' and.,. . ..., grett•·d with a •<>ni . Prto11enl ,,...,1,.. M1n.,.1 E \\".Bell, 11.,,,,," .&n1111;n School P -TA n .. to Oun s B lood. llOfl ot Mt h"n ~ at 21 47 So Sycam(lre, S11r1· !-l r!I Chri1len11e.n '-''11.3 •e•ll'd 11 tt1 •"In>( 11,·111 ~ ll<"ld Mond11.y &t 1tnt1 ,l,lr~. KtnnP.Ut Hl<YMI ot Qr-h• Ann I 111. hl'fld 1 .. 111., bt!fure a bNlut!ful j :;n f' tl1 ln the 1Ch1~•l llU•lllur-l -11K\' 1\1111 "•' h 1 ),.. n No1•. Gerrn><n U:· The rnupl .. r"llt'att•d VO'>l.'11 Fl'b I • 0 • 'n11 n;.•· ~tuJ,.nl. "~ teatun.•U1~ 111 \\.,... Kuk ,,. the H r ath.,r ~,·•1·1 ,., L&a Vegu. 1 .. ~ •~ th., Foun1h:r1 Day Ob· I I •:o•\• ~ llfl\J ,. life !!\<!Hll."·r"hlp Th<" brid" Wll.• i.:ra•lt111ll'<I t r•·in 11 rn-,,.,,,1,.,J,.,! ~fr~ l'\"•irmlln :...·e...-pvrt llillt..or l 'nl<Jn H111.h j , r. " , ri> .. nn"n ••f ~·,..,111,.J.,r~ Sch<><.ol •n·l J .,hn,..nL e Bu.•ine"'* . . .... . . . . . . . ..... . .. . .. . . . . . ... • \\'&t~he. l 1i11rn onr1,. I· 1ne V.'11.trh f{(.•pR•rin,I;' Jewel Box MILl1y .'iul(l(,...11011• A\\·all Your ~l,.•·Uon BALTZ MORTUARIES COB'l'A MESA CH.APEL 17f.l --'JUPerim' Avenue eo.ta-.. .,., Callf. J>two. ··t.fbttl.3' 8-2121 • CHA.PEL BY THE SEA MZO E . co..t BfTd. Corona drl lla.r, Calif. Pboo• Ha.rt!or U \\MCE·A .. . -' 9C1K Of nm'££ PNR • • • • • • .. • . tJ3') tRe,..1811)r 11.fli t pwJ BOX Of THREE PAIR ••••.• ~ ... -• U4:5 !It~ lL!IO t S:-1 BOk Of n.R£E P,t,IR •..•. , • --.UJ0 ~l.l.36.a~ CORSETRY LINGERIE Z1S1 t:. Cout llwy. Coron& dt:I Mar 1 ~ Lil •lllol;'r <if \ht' rr<>~T&r'l\f SChOOI h•~ .... l\\'d f.,r lhTt'O' l<'flfll '' :, l,•'••IL••td r.rllv··~ '1•U1'l• ·"" '";:h! ,.,.,,,·tary at 'hi' l:ianta i • \\'!lll•m \\"lgt1l 111&n, 0t-orl!I" Ca.n· l<'h,, 1' A. t"hur•h, IL 1': ,\J~G!lll\'· rtty, A. C. t.:nnnl'r , L. H .. \fnrrlll<HI, I<. I... Cor rtlt, l'llul Le.iu:h. R ill& \'1'1!1111.m,.un. llttr"l'I Gray. M urr11y Gardner, ~I LJ. M !n~r. \Vill!;in1 F c .. ni1,bell. c . r.. Uarlon Claude H ll.rtl".''. t: t• .l•1hn,.<on, !. A !.a \"111Jll', \\" 1\ ,\lnnlr!lh. Ch111 If'~ t.f,·:-.;".11.ry, Pt·L•·r VI "!;:an. Af t: !\"••J. ton \\' ;\f \V11t 1! It . ~:. V11r1<h·r- vnrl, I\, t• .llol/1...:.n, \\111 _..!11ll•- 1"n, Alltn ~!•ill1~ufl \\" H P11rk•·r 2726 f~. C-0Mt lfwy . ('orona df"I Ma r 1 Hours 9 to 5:30 Phone Harbor J Sf)>! '' VFW Auxiliary ·1;i•· I.",,,.,, Aux.uu.,y u r r·,,.u•l 1,,,,. l"••i l.t \\'. w ill iue .. t t .. n1 ~t.1 &< 8 jJ 1·1 1n Colla M•$A A l'""' If.on 1\to11 Y\11 '1\ tl"r hu~tl·•ll•l '-''llJl i 1Mesa Girl Scouts Have Sn ow Fun A r1·on111~n••"'I ~rnup or I ~~1·n1 11~11 _..ten10f'r~ or t r,,. 1\11111· niath'""' 111on1ber~ ••I t :u1 SLUU\ I 1• : · ,, •t wilt h•Y•· " .•.,l'lal 1 T'T-O<ip :i7 .o.pent 1,.,1 .,..,.,.1,,.n.J 1tl h ·~hn1~nt~ "1\l•l'W"'" j Soin t_:,.r~t•!110 ~rHl\\ !'11.rn p ?>iuth· ~r11 a o.:compllny1no: th .. lroop werr In '•'exas Bliz· zard I M rne11. F lo,yd H ubba.r1l, 0 a 11 I ~l , v,,. tin( 11.t !ne 1u;n1c (J( hP1 ~'1rth ~·r.,<l+or1< k 8tn~t·r 1<n<! J f,hn 1n 1 ~ ... ·• In 1'1·"1'h•'nv!lle Tex11.1,11 H1.1~ctuii1<•n Troop m tnibi!ra In· "~'~ C era\ lil11 chw ood o! 6·11 Surf elude.I Sharron Singer. T<"rry 1olc- St r,.cently phunr d lrn·.-.1 friend• ()(ivern, Pat Doug\-.,. Kathy lh:11 .~he wa~ in th" mld.0.1 or "I Bat<'ll. Jnl1t• Alcorn. Killie J(ub-trrrihl~ bL ~.7.>ltd •nd "'!h"d ~he b!l tll, J .-nn L.-t•i1"' ltl\H ,lr>llnionn •~l!re bat:ll hnn"• In r·n~t R Meaa A-h•ry LllCktnMrn .. vP• ,.,,,,,1 H I)( ~tn11, P 111n..-Hu l1'h•'·~"" ;111<! S"r•· To Visit Carl isles 1 dn1. F irth "II'.~ Ann<;\ le 8 .-(·tit n:<I :'II~ I ,;;;..--"'--~-~~. Harbor Rest Memoria l Park Ma~lit••tn-ln~rrn.,ot G....,en•. Cen1e1 .. ry Harhor at (Jl!lll'r • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •·n n»'/ /nil ·~ 111111• ll'r h111•" lo grl Ir> ROY C ARl'ER . .'I t";rt)oi >ut R r,..o.ki"!J Ho.Ir"' ROY CARVER Pontiac 1100 \\'. Coast H"·y. Neu·lK!rt 1.ltw-rty 8-S46G Bf'llch ~ee Ou.r Ad Pag .. t. P ,.rl • • • • • • ,__ ________ _., '1 ) \ ,fltrfcct bont t iS tbtlopmcnt In !hr,,.,.,...., nnh.,M'l<'d. ho•.,otv whirl\ rmh :<,.,,,,,I"" at•m"r1,,.,,. L«n nlr..,., Y""' JIAt.1_.-..l'~T \.-....... "'<II !<"fk.c< dnrir>ll the )"·'" to~ you• "'"'""'' g.-.d !art~ No .. t>t"fC ,.],..can Y"'' s .. d ... Ph •n ;J.,.1 ..-U>n!( !Of" 1h~ lr.l"'J"'I hf<" )OU "'·ant for ) ,,,,""'u and )'"OU• family. Of l.'OW'll', a\1 1...,,11y nfl!d.I -R .hop. plnit .. ,...,tn, ,,-hool• fO<' all •.,.s, churcbie< onn ('oral Ave I~ ~!l!ltn,1;' Jo'ell. 22 <on !he Lurline tor HvnnlL1lu rur 11 I \'ll("Bllon or lhl"...., .... ~ .. kll, While I thP.r" 1he will 111•\l W•lh H11rbor Jsl11n ctrr~. t hf J1y r C !lli&lu . no1v living ln th .. i,. Honolulu horn~ I ,_,,,,,~===~~~-=.;:;~~ -I_ • • • . . .. ... ................................ ,,f nil d~ni~tinru -,,... do .... Bui T111: 11,~o: CoM'"'"" rf"'f'(ll:(nlteJ lh•! much tnnr<" 11 Jnvolv..J In ~ lull lif• !had thew conv.,ntloruJ b dliUts. £yr th~! '"'~--. rou 11 lind in HAl,g(J\DT C.o.M.f'Ull l':.nA. ns 4-ACBE • Ladies ... fo r a good trim or Hair Sh?p ing try Lido Barber Shop Oilld"'n'~ KMr Oattl ... A l'lpPClally US. atDd St. -(m!IJ:l to POllt. Of,_) -Nrwporl Hf"arh Upholstery Draperies The Finest Craftama.nship • Plue Fabrica &t Close--Out Prices Enables Us to Give Your Old Furniture That NEW LOOK a t Astounding Prices During the "off sea.son" CALL US DAY OR ~HT Liberty g.aj18 1 , For ..Um&IM or on• ot our dec""On.tor. wfll C•I! wtlh .ampl• •l your nqunt. • lNIX)()J( and OliTl){)()R LIGHTING FIXTURES Residential an d Commerci al LAMPS Shad~. Pa.rl-K Re pal no • See the: 1A1Jte:t1t and Flncst Dlapla~· of F&lbou!I. Make:"' l J1i1;htinJ: FirlnrMI &: I.am ~ ln the Southland, • Harry M. Wl1etse l 1510 :So" In Our O•\n Xew RulldlDI" Newport Bl vd., Costa Liberty B-678 I Mesa ~ l~rce l''""le ,,..,.,.,.ti<>n ar .. a, 11~1 ... t'n'<I fark-<omplett with cluhhou.,., Lil• •Ir I .f'flll"" h~ ... hooll ptirlo.. picnic groundt. tr nm• .,,.J hondball "'""1<. ornl 1wnmniH1" pool-all,.,, the ;,du1l>'e r1 ... ,, .. e .,, <P\ul1~1t•. , .. ......... ••• ,,., .. ~~-­,_nEP IMtH A\H .... -"°"' IECIEATIOI PAii FOB BESIDE MTS NO DOWN llOfWAld ....,GfNfl't CV•YJP tntm il'04I '"'"' HALEC REs'l' Campus Estates It! l lAUllhll COIT& WlU. H,,bo< to..leY .. d l .. -... ""•••.,. 1.oi.. ,...,.... -'W••lw l L._lol•pl<-Ll"'9J •·l.i1 l'U.GllONI -"'"'"'"" "IPlACl'l I \ f / --..... :_ . NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PR ESS -PART I · PAGE S FRIDAY, FEIRUAllY 17, t956 Blue· & Gold Dinner COUNTY P·T A OFFICE ·-Moving into Room "7, On.nge County building, Feb. 10 were 11 to r ) Mni. Ray E. Finley, president of the t rict. California Congress of P arents and Tteacben ; Mrs. Ha.told 0 . Boyvey, first vice-president and "t rs. G. RW1Bell Northcutt, cha.innan ot the office. Open house will be held at lbe new location F eb. 27. -Staff Photo D ERRI NOGr\, Forl•1g11 Exchange stud(•J\t, 1s pre· &t•nted as speaker at '.!Ainta's lu11chc0n n11:l!t 1ng by the prcsu..k·nt, ~!r;;. HurulJ H.oberlson. -Z\1!1la Phvlv Zont~n s Hear Gern1an Student Mrs. Lawrence E. Sprague Jr. to Head Nightingale Chapter N oga Finds E uropean s vVrong Abo ut Ame ri ca Off icers to Be Induc ted At Meetin g on March 6 \V1t h alrun:st th,. (un11 •l('lf' ffi(•mb{'rfih1p (If :"JC) prN!ent, Aft4'f 1xprl'8~1n.~ ht.!1 gratitude lo t h1 1\n11·riv11n r'11•ld ~I r., T.:i1•o'!1•ncc r:. ~pr:1gUt' Jr .. "':lR uuan1muusly elt·t:ted S<:r\'11.:«. rJo:rrt r\oga, o.;Xl'hang:c student frnr n 1,, I r11an y , J.!a\lt' 1•rl'SJ d•'Dl \'.'hen Lhe N1ghtu1e;.ilc ch:1pter r.f /!!Jag Hosp1ta.! a n accuunt of \he cunJ1t1vn ~ lhf'.rl..' bef.,rc, (TC:'l"'\r1,..: a11tl <1fll'I' Auxiliary h1 ·ld lt!i February mel'ting at th"' hume of i\lrs. \"'11 r·ld \Var II . 1:1.t lhi· n1 unth!y Jun, her,n 11! 11 .. /.;in~a \.'lub l~al pb :-:. l!0ldc n, :Jl6 \'1a l.1d o Soud. vf Nt·l•.'!JOl't llarbor Flb. !1 at the \i i!Ja ~l ar111;i 111 1 •·!' ,,rr:r.·r.:1 .,rr-r!i•.1 \,, ~··r\'I' nun11x>r or l'r"'"8" • .n"l hol1r11. "'""'b .. rs w1l1 l!Cu.:.•!~ h·arncol ~ , fur the ''"1111 ni;: }l'llr llfl" ~l rll•'" 1'tn10·s \\'tr.lhlr<" L. t.:hrl•ly EUJ(l v.11J IJ11 fob 2.! ln 11 ''''"" ,,1 ,l\rs l-rtu11-1 ~ r r,,,.,..,,.,,n """·ru •·~1<1,n1 1 1 d 11 ,,,,, 11 .. 111 th11l th•11.ver•t1~t' F.i..11!/• A rlht•r •ltu 11 1.,1 ,..,K 1 1,tl,t>ll 111 <hl1l';C "r lri••rllH•k J,,,., .. ~ Eflrl G $11.wyt·r we•'' "econie l>••IU\ tt11n1t_. 'An1.:r1c&fl!< .. r.-.. 111.,01, "••••' SI , 1 '' • 1 .. 1• , lo: I I: , 'Ito •"'IP•l8r ''"'"d"·•~tll~ ,•• • .. <> '-' u I I • ' ~"'a C ~~l 1na fr ll\t'·f'1'1'~1u"llt •• , ,,.,11 .. 1<111k.,UH1n~y .. nl} bu\!1.11y Ciir n .. ra,.(h.ll•J!!1t1>, th~ lif\u•·r1 1 1 . J Jre11ld1nit Wl\IO Mr• Gruw,.IJ. .,..,.~. u•' k t1J !<d•l th!.11 y.a.~ ,,,,.. ••! . "''li}'S "'!\' liletr..ru1, · 1'''n ''11 retlnng pr,.,11\d•·nr "'hn MkeO tor . ' I t.!11.1.twlh L.i<•Z•e• j•I• l llllo 11•11'""'' Sillllh V\•" pr~stJent ur lll<'lJ1h<·1-thl' r .. ~t thlll•• h~ !OWH.l not 1 n~" 11.J i •r~•tl<'nl •. , z. 1 ~ ,,.,11 ,1.,.1 · 1 h 1 I• r.,p<Jrt on tJ1•.,,t 11ul<'ll !ci r t he . , . ., ' ~h ip JUI• t •na . r~•'"!' llli; ,,.... " 1 ·' fJ11 tn11 r···turn t" (,.-rma.ny II•' 1,111 1., bl' , >'""~( n 1 , 1,.11 , 1 1 .. r 1 F' 1 ,.111 1 Edna 8.e&m.'!I 1111.yt<Jn p<&.y an" 1 b d 1 '' • ' • iet .. r\'. f(« ~ "'· l'urre~r••!Jfln g bQfk l wtth ul"'")'" ·~· n:1ne111 er" or nu! t riip 19 il11.1<1ill Ull·I \•.>It~ """th 19f'cr .. !iur 1·"''" \\car·•·, l!••:•~un•i· i rev1 .. w "'"n""· o~nng f1a•nJl1r1cM a nd help, he t.:oi h.I 1.Z.in111011.• i.v<'I !ti•'I· lU1d A l!hur J . Grui•o'•'ll, JllUhit.· "An11~ta.111a · F .. b 23, ut lhe Udo t '"Ul!;K.tSTA.'\'DL"'i'O t;11c11L3 at th" Ju11,,p•111 11,,111,1 ... 1 1,,eiit.iut"n Theater. l'lu.yuig he wa.a 11,,. monthl' vld~r ~Ir~, .!?hlrl"y ~,111 1i.. i :·iry :-;,,i;a ,.., .• ;\\' :\l l':~I HElt~ 1'!no. J~ Prt•111l nl$er, w11y11 e.nd 11 ,,,, int1ny pountl" hf!IBVl•·r. 11r,. 1uHl ~IT'ii. Ahre H•HI»' n1ean>1 rh11.lrn11111. at11.t(.'l.I the f'X· Havu1;; '''ll•pl>'t~d lhe ,,.qu11et1 pt"t tl!.\ll!n I.II for II. c1tpe.Cl\y llU· t 1r·11t -hu1d kn owledge or thl' 1 A 111en<'!ll\ W ay tJ WI• U f{l'OW ULW" ,_ L A •h•y oy day. The r~rvent ho~ ,,1 A. . . SJJ011SOfS )11~ ·'fll'ln90"9 1"' t he klil'l\•Ol•di:(" 1~11 .-n .. d hor• wlll 11 .. Jµ j1ls p••opi" 1 £ c t lu 11 bett/'r \Uld .. rtd1'1ldlfl,lt' t•r ssay 0 11tes s By Gl NNY (MRS. ED\VARD L.ESTEK ) SMITH SEALA RKING A r1 1,.r1c1.1.n•. :.t r11. \\'!lll.&ln H. Co!,.,n1an W>l..'11 Puring F'f'hn1~r1 1\m('rl1u~11<m pr..-11e11too U\• Flow~ra ivr 1-"'tien.i-~l•·nth v.·111 be <.ti1<i•ivid ti:-the A150 ARD TYPEE: HapµeJ into Typee II our little htnr~ 11.ud that J.t rM. Sprague and \lrs. Marlm Lockn .. y. with vver 20 lll k•·l " "ftlh ti; their r redit. n11i;ht well be c!o&e conl.f:1~LI r,.~ the ciuitune~ 11weater. Pl&n.11 I were oornpl~t..d for decon.Ung thfl t h,.1tter lobby and atftge lu I , J,J R,, .• ~111n th .. rne 11nd a r"rn•ah· mrnt cornmlttee wa... 11.ppt1tnted to ~ .. rve te& !rum l1'1td1l1onal iuuno l'll./'9. Area ticket chairmen for Ule I •11yton llf"rlf'!I llr.._· M n""' R.&lph li<lld<W., e.nd Ke.nnelh ~sley. l..Jdo Isl ... L . E . Spra~ue Jr. t~os· ta 1'!esa, Ja.mea C. Elffill. Jr .. Newpurl He lght.11, Jule H.arrah. Corona del Mar 11.1'\d Orval W . Sh•wtr..rl, Balboa PenlnHula, e1;ILDING •• , 'SD Mn. M-A. Anderson iLllnouru:ed UU..t Richan!'• Market would do- nate one per cent ot Ill.lea -11pl'I. not more Ul&ll 80 de.ye old, to the 11.uxiliary b\.IUdtnc tund iLll<l a.aked rue1nbu1 to rna.U 1!1pa to etth<'r t.lrll. AnderiMJn or M.ra, Gn.J.Well oC to bnng t.b.em to monLhly meeun.-M. Valentine cll.ke lllld ootfN _,.. flhtp r orsall'.e. fvr 11!! around Anl• ncitn L .. ~u,,1 Aull111,.ry L:ru t glas:. boat v.·ilh thC' "five horse" 1u1d down the Lido Channel 1't&rch 6 11,l the h(•rne ot Mra. ... rv.c"' loM the .. c.~ub bffy lut ninnu,·11 2111 u( N'"'"J"lfl Hesch. I to cuvrr the week-(•nd Hay new!!. Jame• C. Elma IV, 2~ Mali.no w 1nn.,r. rs. ·-th ar.:u1n.,, JJr1v ... wHh Min""· Nl'IAleoe M . <'omniil\.l'e r,.port11 includf'd AL t he :•·ti J3 n •,.eting ~!rs . PUTTEJ) along Ride the moist UDJQU~ crafL Jn the ba.y, roplen. \'/-.lter H. Se•~rl 11.nd Have REAL "' ~ .. ,,.,,, . l """' .1.. ... ~ • uh P--iiek 186 Y o u Heard HI-Fl? •"• <•• '••' ••" co<>·1 • • I'• •-'"" .. ....,,...,,..,., ., ' r ·•·~ ,,, •• I'>' •0~1• o' t>.11•• ... I'••·~~•••,.,.._ ~ HI ~II Harbor Hi-Fi J3JJ ,\'t:lD'fl<Jrl Bl• d /l,.r. l li·l"l -R"'rvm~ ~ M...rk Sy•lnna - HI GIRLS Coming unglued? Are you a c reaking , sagging bundle of nerves? What you've got to do, honey, is shi ft out of high gear ... 11nd • RELAX with the NIAGARA THERMO-CTCLO-P AD . Good for the bulges, too. You can get all this AND MORE ~ at - Health Studio tOr Closing ~ ~ pl"-"• by chiUrmu1, :.1 r ... J,.ck f K .. nn .. \h N J r.hn~e n A in.,n r~n -1-IC'll rictta, the rC'llliJJ~led 104-ft. F.. W. Scripps ... what J ohn y,·cbllt~r •Mi•Unc-11.11 no .. ~~t;;,r{;.~ ~~~~1~u~~:o ··;:~:; ~:~ ,;~2~~~~~."'';:,1 "'t\~,':u~~('. ~;\';1 ":~ a rema rkable sight. a paULlle whet·lcr, circa 1872 paddling 1_•_~_··-""-·------------I •"•Homo •---11, ('o11•'• al"" I'll• Cl!.(» 1u1,1 LM· or Our 0 \lo.,..·n the bl'I)' JUMt 1111 lhoug-h Hhe Out $ ~ ~11· ""-""~"' ., · n l11 hf'd with cnmel\111..11 8.lld fllled (}re.n1ee r._t r..ollP!fl'I. H u,bancll F!11g", choMn '"' th,. ~ubJ .. ,'l for ] bf'lf'l nj:cd lo 19~8 ... Thns,. nH-wHh •lief!<! ,1,...!llt'rt, llll conc<Klled Rn<l friend• will Juin in th" fe11llvi· Lh•· flf'th l(r!Hli! In :-. .. wp11rt ti.,·c• iuiiJ vl11l\ur'!I "'ho 11., not kni,.w tt .. ach. Harbor \11e.w , a nd cnruna o! t.li\'ll"l·I Tud.J ~ , 01.,,.~a! 1110_ by l\\'n nt their rlt:ver gue11t1t, tie-•. Dll'liNER df'l Mar SchO<.Jllll , The •'ighth hvn pwtui .. pro<lLH.ll"n ··,\ii.Jund rute litt le Skip !.lcK ee and Dick Girls Club Has Gift from VFW !(/;ode ,.r Hunl• P ~~r11ig-n School. the \Vorld in 80 u ... y~ n~c prub-Sor"n~•'n . . Skip, one or ttol· Nf'xl regu!f1.r "'vening meeting h1<11 a111 1<u bj"''t. .. f he Liberty 1<bly ... t ill \\'nl\derin~ Jf tl11')' "'er"' 1yw oor1'11 bel't t,.,J.-vlsion 11et de· R cc,.,ipt ot $2-0.43 u thf! Glr la' EVERYTHING MUST GO! 4.99 -.1u fl9.M Dresses Now Harbor Demos Meet Stevenson Members of the Harbor and Oranre County Democratic Cluba mf't Go~rnor Adle.I E. St ,.,ven· ioon w hen h e wu tionored guest •l a ~epUon given by the Or· e.ng• County Central Of!n1ocr11.lic •·ommlttiee tor St,.,verui.on at Sui· t• An& Colll"ll'lt F eb. 7. Thal n..""le evening during the Harbor Dolmocratlc C.1ub meeUng r·cpurt.11 were given by dele(alea .,..-ho a ttended UM! nic,.,nt conven· t!on at Jl"r(!flnO wh~re Senator R lcb•rd Richard• ot Loll A nrele.11 wu nomtnated a Democratic can - tllda t• trom C1.1ttom l11.. rnr a •eat 11L tM .. J,.Tnl ted_..State1 . S~fi.l\le. The Harbor Democrlltlc Club !11 boldin1 IU nut meeting Feb. 21 •t 7:f0 p. m. 1.n l he He.rp<ir Sr hool car .. tcrln al 18lh and Tu11- l 1n, Co•t.11. Meaa.. Travel Program for CdM Women The W omen'1 Fellowship o! Corona. de! >.t ar ConHnuaity Cburch will have a luncheon n1eeUnc l!'eb. 22 Jn the aoclal ha.I I with 1111ember11 of the a.rl11 and craft.I P'OUP ... hOt1ttue.•. Bel!". The A u1t111.11n 1A1o:!o11 A ux-<loin~,. "ll•"hoi. t.1 uqil•i·." sign,.,rll, h1 lll!!o df!11ignlng the mo111t 1ll,.ry Unil :.?lil .,...,(1 announce thl! ~parkllnfil' J.-welry . othl!ra at Club share ot recent Ucket WM Vl-ctor >.tr Ln<lcn·.ll 11 I u n n In< lh• g•y '''''' '· looha ••d from C0&.11Wne Poat 3636, Vo..,._ w inner in April al which t1m"' ~ " · ...,, canh award.PJ. plnll and Cl'rtlfi· 11i11re, ~111.rga.ret. Inter told ue O"•en Curter "'ho &r"' 11tlll look-11.lla ot Fwe.lgn W IU'I, Willi report· 111 more deliula sboul the p icture. Ing for a h(lUlle. ed lut week b,. Mrs. Brue• Jrrlar. cate11 w be giv<'n. tl'ie lienr!rott.a. lkQUP!l•t• of whic h 'MARDI CRAS party 11t Ult• tin. p~e.idenL e Mr•. Me.rgQ.ret Hanahan, de- partment An1eriC"11.nl1tnt chalrmt.f\ ... ya, "Amerl<'ll.lllam dof:1 not con- 11l11t of jUBt flag waving 11.nd llO.ap box oratory -rount your prlvl- legel! or ~Ing Mn A mer\«11.n , ad- vocate pat.rloU11u1 and exp re;;11 your t e,,pect r~rr th111 great roun- try of o ur,.". Iowans Guests at Mesa Home Ouesl.I at the home or Mr. and 1'.lrs~ An!Ji.Qny .S.cJll.... .. 255 . ..».rga~­ w sy, COl'ta Mes11. ar"' r.t r. ond M ra.. Merrill P.l athiae 11.nd children Gary end M l"la1n... 11.nd Al iu Ntuley Peter11on, ur Bur!111!\'.ton. lo"'a. JI.fr~. s.-in l!I •li r fl1'•thrr of 1'\r. l'>fathiail an•t .~l!<lO'I' olf ~f i9.'I Peter!!(ln T hl.<t 111 the rlr11t trip t o C"flli for· nla fcir Mrs f..fR Lhl""1! but hfr husband . who W!l..!I here 111 19..(7, exprel!!lea 11ma zen1ent 1<! j!'rowth ot the city. ··c11llforni,. !ooks bet· ter 11nd bt·tler to n1e". said Math· la11. an expert In the n1anuf!l.Cture ot painL H (! otll(HH<ll'C! ll popular formul1. ma.Je by th,. co1np11ny w ith. which he ls uioociuted. but wa.~ 11tu)<1tlng :'.> r11lle11 out. Mar· B11lbo11. U11y Club nf'xt F'rld11y A f'OO(i •ti.en.dance at lh• club- g1tn!t WIUI 11.0011rd lh"' pa!11t111l "•ill ste11l tht' we~k-end 11potllghl house 1ince l t. re-opening lul Cll.ni1n llt the Balt>o.a Bay Club wllh 8\1('1\ auccea11f11 l pa.rty.gtver11 week haa .,_,n noled, ah• Aid. with the preu pa.rty .,,·hlch. wu sa M11ry 11nrt J im Carroll. M e.ry "'11pecl&lly a t the 7 to 9 eTl!ning l(Olng out to Ilea to we.tc_h the llnd J ln1 Hoyt, S lllly a.nd Court hcur1 on TuNC!ay and F rtday. h11rn1nK ~cc;ut·ncl'. in 'kl11rh V1r1"r T'lall. Bll• and Dic k Fl!11,ther· Gltl!I have been working on moldfl 1'1cU!gl••n i"' ,.t11.rrl'd 1tlnnK w!Lh atone &nd Pat Coberly fl.t the trom a new 111!Jpme.nt of plaat.t!r· lltlch ('lhrr Hollywrw"I n<Jti.t blc11 fl9 helni . other9 expecll!rl: the crllft recelved l.ut WMk. e~pe- Davi<l '.'liven, Rntl<'rt -Ne.,..1.nn. f.ynian Garbt>rs. the Mitchell cla.Uy Ul03f: related lo the VaJen· Shirley 1'1!1~·1.,alne. .lnr k 01tk!e Howel'. t he Harrl~on B11rUUt. the tine motlt. The next boa.rd m eel· Md Andy Devine Cray Ph"lP"'· Meredith ~rpeck, Ing will be held Monday "'venlnf, RA N INTO lHIS and Gene Al· Jlal D11ncan and J eanie 1Mr1!. Feb. 20, 11.t the home ot Mn. He rbert) SUnchrteld • I t will Albert lil Jo~n. 400 w ... st W il- t><! ll m11!!ked atts!r . 11.nd 1110n St., Coat.a Meaa.. in Mext\'O -The n"w Richa rd'11 F lori.al ottera- G IDBY A ND !'.:I' Kr'&ft J1o~ll'd I cut flo.,..·cr 11ervlc"' bi· we<>kly, e Kl!.}' Sun1!11y brunlh o.:nn1 plcte weekly. or llll dea!re<l-Phone Har- with II pln<':tppl,. '"•nl"r p!C<:e l{f\r• bor 2828 -Adv. Open P lay Pairs Sunday ...... to fU.93 f l &..91 •••••• Dreues Skirts Sweaters Now Now Now All Hosiery 99c Leather Bel+s Now 1.98 SI0.98 1..-tber Handbags $1.98 ... $4.99 8tunit hra.-lft Lm. to 6 :50 p.m. Now Open in COSTA MESA • 9.97 4.99 4.99 ., Pro(I'ant wlU be • travel t alk 1.nd ahowlnc or t llm11 ot Euro~ a.nd Waahln&ton, D. C. by Mn.. C. G. W•ld«.k. Mr11. O liver M. Cf\mp~ll. women'11 cJn chaltn1!ln, ,._,.k11 all membcni lo bring th,.lr mite bmt"'a to the ~11 ... lon wnten1pht.le11 11. l hanJ;:" to thol' area if lie find• It ra vurn bl·· The >.111th1111!1 ,,,.,., v \•·•11 o .. 11"'" I for 11. \\'E"t'k 11nd i.• l<"C•·1v\111: \'1~11 .~ FORREST FURNITURE Co. fron1 friends and r' l"l1\'<'~ whv 1 r;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: h11ve p reviouflly n1ov••.J h~rt· I ------------------' J'OUI "CIUISI O' A UPITIMJ .. on the bftavtfful, cwnpletely alr~onditlon«f ... K1JNGS BOLM ltAVIHO MtW TOU: JANUARY q, 1957 ·, · r11 ·' ! 1 ; rr (.,..,., th .. \•, Ill ()N'hlt1 H11"·1'M>r 1!46 MID-WINTER SPECIAL Reg ular $I 0.00 P ERMANEN TS sJso ll•lr I nt1i11r lno·l111ll'•I. \U \\·•~k ~ilUll'll-111..,.,I, \\I': l"l'l':f'l ,\l.rZt: IX Al.I, TYP): Rf:At'T\. \\{)ftl\ BALBOA INN BEAUTY SALON i'jt\l.BOA INN ARCADt:;._r110NE HARBOR K1 7 110-115 Broadway Just Ea8t of Newport Boulevard QUALITY • featuring FURNITURE at & BEDDING Lowest PriC"ee & Easiest Terms !1KOP 1:-0 AND ENJOY It <.'UL,O OO'M'LE OF "COKF. '():"J TI-IE HOUSE • • 21 YE ARS IN THE FURNITURE B U8 1N1ilSS IN THE SOUTHLAND • -----·--··- The fast selling New '56 is giving us such a (( } QUICK TURNOVER (( •)) of our stack that • we can giye you the High Dollar <,~ :----- Allowa1rce for your present car! . r -~. I ~~lodlMt~ Theoclor• y-... ,.. o.1itt ...,.. 1n1 Ne"JIOrl 8ekl !100 W. C-t Hwy . U'bwty 8-1471 , --~ -~~-·-~--. ·-·--··----.M· . --"\_, _..,__._ ' . ·-----------·· • (}overnmenl Gxcepl '"&E 6 • PAltT I -NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-l'RESS FtUOAY, FBIUARY 17, .1956 ----·- -··SOd grant us the Ml'9nity to accept the thin95 we · ca.:mot chofl98; th• c~raqe' to ch~ng• the tfoiingt we car1 and the wisdom to know the O.ffe'9nce," (A. Anon.) ' _.,__,,.,.. ____ , j . ~? Ebell Clean~up Week I ~~S::?~-~ ~o~:t. • :_ bl&:ter.. and cl""«' NM9nwalty hi al upect.9, the News-• ; PN. today e<agntuJotea the Junior Ebell Club of ": Nfwport Beach tor it. p~pan.tioa of tbe forthcoming • ~ 0..up Week, due Monday. • t The women of the club have 1pent con1iderable time : and ettort thtjugb their "Build a Better Community" i Qommlttft t a' acquaint the popul.&ce and viaitoni. with : the Feb. 20-27 city-wide clelltl-up drive. • Sign. have ~ bell!ll po9ted at the city limit., warning motoriata they £ race flnea if they 8C8l ler Utter Crom their can. Po11ter • ! cont.Mta have been ataged, printed material'has been NO COMMENT BJ' 'AJD:ll W. OOV'DIAT w AJUUNOTON -Tu ralLl!f la.lk on C.pitol HtU lh,..laNI to ignore bu:te ta.. revtal.oa -n- ta.1 for the nation'• lndUMrla.I fl'O¥fth, It •J.:l thnai..a ritpeal or the Umlled dlvtdend credit ~d n1t>re llberal d1pr.ctat1on allow· anl'ee vot1d by °"1rreu In l oe.t, Thi• campalp t. l.Qland*-1 by tt-., New F'alr Deal"'" to create t ht. t.v1prU1110n that "bl& bUlll· nea1" and th"' rich have been fa\'ored at the ' 111.~n-ot llttl1 llualneaii &lid the IJOOr l t 11 point· ..i. ot couree. toward nest No- v.,mber·• elecUona. ••• ,.. 0( the.. dlM:rimlrla.- tol')' ralM Ill urs:ed by lndwitr7 In Ol'd« to provide lhfl ventun ca.plu.I nee~ to m.odemlu and apand bUalne.. e11tablleh- m.at. ud to ~de jobe for rutur1 reneraUorui. lndlUltry be- lieve• It 11 no favor to the anaJI lUlpayer to l'it.'1 hln1 a few dol· la.r• ln t&.x r"ll1f. If It n1uru he la che•tf<ld of lhe much (Teat· O'r opportuniUe• lo earn more and to advanc1 blrnaelt -oppor- tun!Ues wh ~ch 1rti fat 1nor"' llke· ly when C.:>nKreu of lhe roadDlock• Mlllny member• or Con,-re69 be-&11d Lnvutmenl or r en1ove• IMlm"' to the aav1ni; .,.uenU&I cap· He·•e l h•l lhe April tax n cfllptll Ital. "''Ill 111d1cate a poealble .urplua B UOOZ'r PH'ILOSOPH Y ot •t 1e .. 1 SJ billion. ln the tt•-£ncoura1em ent to &<:onomy-m!nd· ' bon ;,;. the C&lllM!; ,,....,bera of ~ and to '\'" _,_ Ot. the Coundf of Chrlatlaa ' G"'!'1'9 at~ the laopjratiooal Pnmd.e11tlal ~ s at tbi ~owerJ1ote1 h...., in w~ I u.!t1a::. "'Fu. ~i;._.r: :=:'~ta -in:.~~4 ~ wblpi rnnk Carl8on, lhfM a y Pl"ffidenJ th• taterna.tJonal men 1p.ak ot I ' Coun<:U toe Illian ~e.r.hlp, u iA b&UOll JUI\ u -~ J t.o- Pl"t'1 JJ'.<i , \~. d&l UM roodn-. of tM: ma" Wa he&r .o IUJti ol Ult: 1plr1-W'hox.lped anotMr maa on UI• tu&I. aide of W• In W'UhlDrtori toad J~ tO Jtnoho ... tl';at I want to .dnote lht. Wffk'I CH KTLAN PA&81Dl'.t~T \\'&ctilngton Re.port t.o the Pray•r " Bre&ktut. Tb• ttan1Cr1pt Vt lha Pruidedt Etaenhowu Ulen a1l- m-Ung 11 too lon1 to print In dre&Md the brealrf .. t ~up. 8e.n- ruU, but J ,h•U qoote tToPll tt •tor Carillon 1&C<:ur1.t.ly deplct1d ~uon..11 Whl•·h will bt: .,r !nl.,,·.,.t the P r ell Ide 11 t'1 y•rtklp·11t1ur1 tu my contlltll•rllA. when ht. Mid: "\Ole meet 111111 "Sen111or c.·11.rlll<Jn, V.'f' w ill h11ve mornini: •l • br,akt1U1t c.t pray,r and drvot1 .. 11 • \\•,. deeplv a p- pr .. .-1 .. t., the preae.nce vt the l 'r•~­ ident of the Unl!l!\l 8\ale&, l''h" by pi-M'•Jll •n d deN I• a•tth•K an ,.,xan111le th11t wr,1 11hlp "' .,ur C~a tor ahould "°' i. IJllrt of r.ur tt1e ollf!lllor prllyer th1" llHll'TllnJ by ·coni;rll!ll><rr\an Utt or r,.11f"r· , .. ev.,ryday ur .. " Th., l'r01std'-n1·~ ~ prepared to be distributed -all of which. 1o1.i th ot her t ··•l ·:ear endln" June 30, IW!7. ed Senator• &lid Repre.e.ntauve•[------------------------------ 'T'rearury Sec:tttary Humphrey w~ 11ven by Rowland Hurhe1 . J8Y" that 13 btll!nn Is. the mini· reUrlnr B udget L>1rer.Wr. who hu mu111 .urphJ• tli•! would be re-declared that . .,.,·h1Jci t.he E!llt'fl · quired fur both oJtibt redul'llon hower tiudr et La reah11tlr. the •O- -'1'.1r lilt Alrnli;hty a.n<l eler- ruil 1'"d, w.. hurnbly 111k Th y 1;rh1•,. ,,,1 l hlft 001\V!ICallon ol Ttly e,.r,1tr1t-" tlrlp u.s tu be thankful ''" r hl man1fvld blr eaint:•. t11u:oe 8•'"" .. nd lhu~ .. unH.an. H .. 1, ua \" "'"'II kfi"l''i.,,\,:I', W1 ..... 1\'1T! lJTl· ·kr •1 .. n,hn1.:. t1uth an•! ''"'"l'aH· m .. ~-i' u. ... t ruly lh•J\•raoon .. l. H,. de"' n bo·<1 Ui.e V'"i 'r that hoo wrote a t hi• 1n1u15 .. 110Uvn, .... ; ti\~ aetJvltie. -will make u11 &JI consciou11 of a wort.hy .. motive -cJea.nlng u.p. • ; Tbe w o m e n 's gro up has seize<! on the c1ty·s fo rth - '• • cominc Golden Anniversary a dvent u a keynote w hic h ' w ill give added !"'eMOn tor 1pruc1ng up CaJitonua's mDtit ~ natun.lly bea.utifut eity -Newport Beach. .. In time put thest column.a have noted the need ' .. for Lil hand11 to put their shoulde!"M to the "'heel or -bettering Newport Beach 1.nd 1t. Harbor. Now, u ' : might be expected, our local women a re showing u11 -the way. We tru.et th&t alter the week ahead ha11 ha.d due ;-obeenrance by &U or ua, we will ail take the clean-up meaaace to heart: that we will watch where we throw ~ truh ill the future, IM> that Newport Beach will not be ~ littered by It.a own citizeps. After a.JI, tht debria we .. acatter we pay the city street department crews to :! clean up. The le• ot It we broadcut. to the tour wind!\, the mo re m&n houn we aave th&t can be devo ted tu -o ther &ctivity. We congratlllate the Junior Ebe.LI Oub !or it.a well . planned campaign and thank them tor having brought "Clean-up Wttk" to the c1ty'a attention. Let's ,,11 take the mo ral to h e art and keep & cle&ner city ,,. 1lurin& weeks to oome. \: • " • Two Clerks Needed r -• • ~ ' ' • • • • The Winsted. Conn., ~ening Citi%en recently ran little advertisement or lta own, directed at its adver- ·ni. It said, "A s tore tbf;t doesn't advertise still :la two clerks , .. One to carry out the other wbo .nl.8 when a cu.tamer comea it. Advertising is the 1ife blood or bueiD_ ... :;. That roe. ror the sellien of gcxxi. and services -x .,. And tor concerns that want to build up confldPnce and • public interest. which are louchatonea of commercial i aucceu. Adverti.uig Wn't an uperwe Iii the ordinary : .enae -by building buaine88, it helps to lower coat.a ~ to producer and con.umer both. And the newepaper, J large or amall. remain& the moet effective advertising ,. medium. • • % • • -• • • i • • # i .. Who is Hit Hardest? The federal income ta.x begins at 20 per cent, on the loweet ta.uble incomes. From there on it riaea fut until it reac hes 91 per cent in the high brackets. You might logically judge from thia that people or • • large m e Ana, because o r progreuive taxation, pay moat • l-of the tax bW. -Rut lhey don·'t. Eigh~-rour per cent .. or all individual iricome tu:es collected come from the i • , l ~ ' ? ~ bulc 20 per cent rate-and only 16 per cent from the 11u.rt&xee. A11 Graham Patterson pula il in Town Journal, "So the bigb rates are actually mort> deetruc· live of income t.h&n productive of revenue." Ez~vely costly government hitll everyone and it hits people of mode.rate means hardest. There aren't eoOU&h rich ~ple lo carry the load. , ~·~~~~~~--::=:-~~~~~~~ • • • , t • • , • ? hillW't:J U.. !C~klboe. N-.-nm .. ... t-. Newport-Balboa p,... : p ··' I_,-.......,..,.,...._..,. MM1 F'rid&J' by tM 11 NZ1"POaT BAalK>& PUBU8111NO COMPANY ;;tsll ...... IUft.. lrSWPOllT KA.CH. CALD'. ri.-e e.rti.r ltlt • i Qre""\¥1 .. l"Ull9ll Lepl N....,_ _. ..u...uw. .. fll A.a .U.. ~ ....... _,ta. .... ""°" o..rt eC 0....,. Oo. I.a A.ClU• No. A·l l7tl It • : • .. • t °'Efz.., 1'•w ; ""' r..._..,n ~ .... • t N...._. JWltwW ~I- BEN fl.EDOICK, PUBU8HER WIILl•Jil A. MOSES, ~nor ORMOND E. R OtlNTllml:. AdVertlalnf Otr'1Ctor CB.Al\LZa A. AJ\N8'TRONQ, MPChMlloal Sup.rtntnMUnt • 1-- ..nd a t....: cul mln~trallon we l cu ni "B worlh· TA.A C..:l 'T .'llOTICI!'.: wnlle cul• in 1ppmpna uon1 h)' i_..,ad1 n1 L>ennx:ra la •Ire • d y Conrrem•. ha ie -.erved uuU<:c Uv.l ~y tu ll'Urlher, the budjel 11 b•aed r ut enacted thli yea r •PPIYUll upon figure• 1t hantl. The Ad · to the 111:17 ri.acaJ yea r _ niu•l 1nh11•lral1on 111 opuuuauo.: u to be 11,u n•nly ror th" an\•ll t.u.poo.y· bU•ln-•"J Lt hull"' ta:io. r evenuea er •nd rnuat nut Incur ~ n"t will lncro:ue anJ e11p.,nd1turt:1 lo"'" on rev.,nue, To prev~{ po.· I '"nil be h.,IJ Uown Ttiu1 wa;lt the a!Dle 10111 ot rl!'Venue, th"'y ar,.ue a.rurw"'r or H1.1Khe1 to l\'"w D.,1<! t h<4 t rep~hll,; lh• tllvld"nd cr••ht critic•. who ch•ricetl thlll lhe bud· ~d J.,pL ec.lallOJl prfJVllMul\e WOfJkl 1 gel 1ndlca tet1 Ml .,dnl1n111tr .. 11on .. v., Juat a bout u murh r•venue bellt ! tha t thtre will b,. 11 aharp 1111 a I JOO lntrea...e Ln e•emptlorui lno.:re•ae !n unemployment. Con- w ould cMI u ie Tl'ea•ury. cfl<IUJ" thal the budg,.,t, llll 11ub- Republlc&11 t&A uperl.11 ch&!.-nutte..l. Ill preo:•rlou1ly bala.nced, Jeng.-01111 contention. Th"'Y i•y Hu1ht11t M id the birre11t •pe<:u la- lhat a l lOO increll.N tn ...c>n•I tJve !actor la wh•l Con1ru1 wlll P"' 11pproprl11te. e•enipt10n1 IO'OUld coat 1.11 t:IU· GOV It RN M II: NT\ COMl•J!:. mat~ J2,~00,000,000 II yea r. &lid TrMON -A d'terinlned. effort repul nt the dlv1d1111d cl'ed!l tl.lld depN!Cllllkm provllilon. would r1- turn nuwh.re near thl• amount ot rev~nue. OOP A.&OUID:l'i'T Anoth1r Repllbllc.n •rrument II 4J•t a 1100 lnc,_ lQ J)U'IClD- ILl uempllonfl w ould remove more than f lv• mllllo11 t.Aq>a.yer• frocn the I.all; rolla. thereby narrowinr the u... b&M and delaylnir •till turther ll'le tlm• when aomelhlo.I ca n be dbn• •bout W d!.c::rtm- lnatory r•tlll In th• m.Wd~ &Dd 11pper .. Income bracket.a. I• beLll( m ade In Coiwre .. lo rl!- peal le(l•la.Uon paasll!ll lut year t hat CUTba Deten11e Department effort. to curtail 1ovemment comp1tHlon w llll prtva.te lndu1try Rflpeal or • Mellon of th'-De· tanM Departm11111l appropri•tlOI\ bill II aought 10 • meu ure In· trodl.lced by IWlp. Vln.t0n iO.Oa.,, Tht. HCUon protubit. the De· ran~ Department frllm dl.con- Uzl\1ln1J bua.ln "'u a.c:U vlUu with- out prtor •pproval of both HOlllll! M d Sehale Appropria tion• Com- rnitteu. THE CAPITOL WEEK Hy WAl~Tt.:R I •. BARKl•l'LI. United Pre.&11 Sta.ft Corr&i>~ndenL ~'"" Jl"IP u~ l'l bt< h1u•1 ~tr "'I Willi ~""k~ng ,..,nit w•y tr, ' ....... i:h I• kllu " thhl l hl' ,..11· ... 1nipc ...... UfH Ul 111.-11.UdJl'llll! a' \h>1 \ 1 ! "" f 1111 ~ rrJ111lil1c 1u11I th• alll · •numl:'nt l h•t •ll u f o~ r .. ,,11.r. .. •I va t1 .. n "! lh1~ world n1 u~1 r~1ot a n .. w f'h1.-r ~~"f"UllVI' 10'<l•11.1 to11 I 111•"!1 Ill•· ,.r.1>ul<J•·r11 u! our ~p1n · 1nau10ur•tl'd over a ru•lt\'.111 lh•t (Ull l 1~11r1,.r~ waa rtJ111••lt'd un r"llj;luU.~ 1,.1\h ------------------------------H dro u~ tu rr11•1n\1un !•Ut ~"It VUr l•~un .. hlll': 1locun1 .. n1a i,r> r t•l•· SACRA,\f E~O -fll P.) -_It a ppcara the Ca.l1for- n1a leg1alature wlll have t h~ o pportunity (:unit" Man:h to 'or d t:<r coru~truction o f th(' 1'~eather River 1--'roJcct HtarteJ. SUI.le fJ ir,.,·tur <o r ~'"Huot i-Juhu I , .. , •• , l"~I" t .,,,., an 11 hi.hn.,; ,. ,1,,.,' 'In e11.plio 1n1n l( l)Ur t;.,v.,rn.1n .. nt 1n•I f·•r th" 1111:/1\,. 411,1 .l1i.:1ut,>· <JI uur 10·h•t ,.,. 1ntt'nol,.•1 u, •lt.o. 111 lhl:' !,.JI.," 1""" li<'!p u~ tu •t•iH< h f1u I [•.,,Jnralldll "' JndrJ1,.n1ll:'/\• ~ ar" \)1.,1 lllllt'I f"•&•t' "''UI 'rl1~"'· lhat l •1UJ1 •1 rrt .. 1'r/l•"f tu the <'re•tu1· T rna\· r"il""' ,., th" nt;;ht th .. whh·h I'll\<' u~ • "rt111n r1t"ht1 In tl"}• tl1t \O urhl 1'il! he a t pl:'••e. Qur C...v,·rnnl<'nt, an d Jt Vl'aa ~t c 1,, .... .-'''"''II l ht: p!PJr•I Pttn e 411)• h" will ceconuncnd · '"'"ulol bo• t• ~; ",..,,.1 a finll!l• u•I to t;ov U1>U<Jw1n J K night th1.t llu rtl,.n !"r 111,. ~tltl ., to bt'ttr Hie"• thl~ f,,...., lQ u11r u .. c ,.11,J hi' inclu11c ttt le•at r1v .. ·nllli1011 ll:I ho Tlly Mf'_C\'l•'I', rut lht: 1, .. 1\\ up t .. :ou.•t•tu th .. 111 That ...,.,n, ... 1 to "'" a perr•·•·t ly natural t h1n11: (() do Ill' a •Hf'Ulnt'I f\f l hOl''lfl .: tha t I 1110 h .. u.,ved." Fr!t:lhl" ut ll1t: proJei.'t h•v~ doll•r1 In the •lllf' budicet to lh.,lr ''"''' 111, .. 11,. ,...~ II-' what uul\ll t ~ li:'""I. l t11 n1err ~· 111 l'l',.riatt!o ng. IH'q uire lht. ,,ute or the Urvvl!le ot th,. prujr ,t ahoulJ !),., bul!l an.i 11111 lrulh .. 1u.Juc..,l h tlu"OUl(:h cta1n •nil SIUl l,1111 ti~rvolr. k'Y .. 11 ,i.:.,n .. r•Uonll Jn the ni.mr of In hi• hurnble.. d• .. Jlca tf'd ""•Y un1u ot th" an1b1tioua •late plui flra1 Al1h••UJo;h thcrr are pul1tl •11l l 1 h~ ~•lh~r .. 1111 ••I th,. S•in .. n<I th"' Pre111(l.-nL continu•ul Ptin:e rn •y 1~001m,.,ncl 11 hud· ~;~~~:~1~::1:~1:,,.1 n,.._ a .. ul~~:in!on tl:~~ •," •th• > 1 1nly SJurlt. "" l1 rt ou1 ''There h"~ b.:t:n tno 1111.1<.h ot get 1ten1 nr 126 ni!Jlion lh-voted 1•ri•11 ,, pr11y.,.. I'! 'rhet., "h the world th .. t bellev• tbe Unit · h I unll wti llc rcc,.nt d111utc1·~ R!'" 1 0 .. " -J SO.O•• 1 "-I I to recon1niend lhat •Ult> w L f' fr,·sh 111 the piibh(' in!nd. "'-'rrie 1 ~"' "111en ~~ " v.: l'On1p ete y nla· "''e1.r1nc hi• other hat iu • mtlil· San Juaquin •·&llry •dhrrrnl • lllf.T(I ,. l'IJ•,;i!I Kl'I l enal1J1t1r. b<..11atlul, pruud, anti btr ot the 1!.At• water proJttt l would bO' happi,.r !f the San Lui" lie l<•·rr 1i,,.n i.:r .. ct"ol hy ,;,,r arrog1u 1t 11 l• mtttlnr• •uch authority. That uruiunl ... w ou 1 1d unit ,,..,.r,. ttr,.1 ··•u\.ttructed. Thry h""t f',inrat'I llill.,n • d"vot,.•I •• lh111, ... nt 1nua l, ffJ-liul, 1h11t permit &Uri or conatru<: n n bell•ve \hey l'·ould get a. tui.l l .'h 111ot•~n l1•,}'l1l"11 1\1r lhlton be· ha\'e h••l1....J to dt111J.el t.h11 vr.ry lhe fi.<:al year atartln< June 30 ""'ML 1ll\1101011. It •llll 11 • natoon ' w11itrr on th~Jr liUHI aooner th31 g11n h1~ l(t•,.t1ng b1• r,.-i.Jhn ~ thr •· 19:'>8. W•Y· _,,1.,,} ..,1 Uic t;<JOtJ Sanu1..rll.Jtn. H e tha t l!' fuunded on • r eliriOU• 'P?le f!nan" dinc:tor 3•Y9 thllt llal 1 raith 10·lth irre•l t('lncem tor tbtt the tinaJ de<:!•lon on tnclu,non 11f Ttle "11"11: ov•·1 •late ver.~11" f,.,J. ll+'n tl<n•·nl ~ and cumprualon and e!tli•r IC..ru 111 up \a the. gover·l en.J con.!'tructiun u! thti S!l.n L1,1~ '"l'h111 11•,.•t ltnry on .. ot th" 111_.1._v 1t,.,t ,\lr. lhlton ..,, el<>- nor. However, a a the l{OV•·rnnr·~ untt 11111 rl'l\Ul•n~. Th' w11tt'1 flne.•l J11 t1.nv lfu111u11i.:••, lh·rrn11 to qurlH IV Hpok,. l l>vut. That 111 top r!na.nct&I advl~r. l'cltt·e'• pn:tJtCt •1uthnr1ty 11tl'ppOO cll11of<ll· Oo• bppl1° i<ot .. t••l11y in 11 nu1 11b<"r wh"I "''" w1<ul ulh•r• ll.l think word I• ,.,xp«ted to carry & lot ly •in \lu1t •n Ila tl'COmn,,ni.Jll vf '-''11 .•-\ l l .-an hr >1 \•1•t1 .. d "''1th1n abo ·llt "'h'-n !hey think or lhe ot welfhL l1001. Th,. 11.uthorlty u ld th,. our !1tn11 ht•. In nur ne!l'hbor· t trut• 11 M!.At'-• .. mon~y to buy the Altt-ahoul•l t,.. hO(l<'tll, ,,ur o-1l1r"' a n•I •tale• Pelrce u1·1 that It rn U '-'I lit-J 1•1rt1cl11•to: eM"h Wffk 111 tha -•ppmprlat'-<.! hul It put a r.lruil( It .-.. u1,1 bf' 111'1 ll hutra!lun of our tie dlff,.,renc .. w h1"h flgur"' ll't in· · n11.tivruo.J lilt'al rne~llnj;• <Jf the Prayer Break-_ -----------------------------· l clud.ld In th.. l;,udicet. lf eLlher on llrqulr!nJ;" it fL~t G r·uup ot the HoUH or Rtp· 11 put In 11 wUI perllll t lhe 1 .. g. The •11thor1 t~ voLt•I lhht \Jie "In rart. I "'ot1 l•l 11y tha t wilr.t rea•!llla tivM. Report.II 0( our SCENE AT THE CAPITOL SACflAMENl'O, -1CNS) - Wtteth"'r mtttlnp ot public In· t erul Mould bf. open to the pub- lic whan they a r e conducted by c overnment a(l:""'ncle•. espectally the tederal rov ... rnment. la • r ood question tor the C.on1re .. lonaJ commltlee headed by Con(NU· m tl.ll J ohn R. M Ol.9, of S.Cramen· to. to lllVf!•tigatf'. Mo .. · committee bu tar Ule p .. l N veral month• l>ff.n eon- ductlor • n•Uon-wld1 probe on aecrscy in government, and •<:· cordlnC to report& received here, haa turned up aome lntere1Uhg item• on buera11cr11.tlc Operation• which •ek lo keep knowlflC!ge from tht. public. and eontlned Lo tl'le handll of tl'le tnrreaucrata . PIUVATf,; OF-A.LS'!' Apparently, lh• fMieraJ bureau ot reclr.mallon ln Sacrarnmto, which II he•t'led by Clyde H. Spenc•r. 11 of the opinion th•l It.I nel'()Uatlon. w ith wat11r u.1r• •hould be withheld from the pub- lic. u th1 prc•• w .. denied t.nlry t o • mtieUng w ith a (TOI.IP from the wut Ode of the S&n Joaquin Vl.lley on Tue!tday, Jan. -'1 . ov"er thfl lmporlllnt qu,•tlon of wheth· 'r flood 1!11n1ter WIU potenUaJ tram t he eJ.ce•• water behlnd Frt~t D•n1. !l I• repll.lrfld. (rom December flood. dama1e, llfid furn!•h th.LI aa free water during the month of F,.,bruary. s.,.,.,ncer confirmed the action.' Spencer, ., day before the meeUn1, hall adv!•ed the pres• lh•t Lt would be "cloeed." A• th1 meellnr o penfld., ~d a reporter 110u1hL admittance, GflOrae Nlch· ol-. • member of lhe delapUon, airracd that It •hould be clol!ed. A•ked why the mt.et.Ing wu cloeed ln the •!>.ence or fe d e't' •I •laluta r1qulrlng MCrecy, Spenc- er Mid "w • want to (1v"' tlleee people a n opportunity t o tUe down thelr hi.Ir, get the problem on the tab),., and get It aettled." Nr:\'ER EXPLAINED It never waa .. tlllfactorUy ex· plalned why the preu rr.pre911!nta- Uve of • l•rre group of lhe peo- plti who live on the weal stdt. of tht. San Joaquin valley; wJioM hv,1 could bfJ endang,.,red In the pvent of flood. and whoM proper- ty could boo d&maired. w u denied the privilege of reporting the tacts leadlr:l,r. 11.P 1.o UHi eorteltt- 1ion•. lo tho:iie aame people. Cer- talnly any cl tl&.en, wlU\ lnl&rt'lll.9 which could be affected by the operaUQn of a puhllc project, I• enUlled to know the runlflc•tlon• Wut •Id' rr.llch"ra ar11 f.-rful Involved. th•t If another heavy •torrn oc- curs thl• year. tht.ni will be !n- 1JU(flclenl room behind B'rlant to provide ror flood cont.rol. The rea.,rvolr at 1111 present Um• haa room fl>r UtU• mon lbui &0.000 acr1 reel. •nd t he BUI Joaqu1n g-roup I• uklng th1 bur .. u to ,..... le.... uc-water11 down th• Frla.ot-Kem canal, whlc.b Ill u be 1.1Hd aa frfll lrrlK•lloo. water. The bur.,au can nl-eertal111 amount• wl\1111. a Oood threat u - l•ta. without ••le requlnirn•nt. Th• r roup met with 8peno.r. and announced aftf!r th• m6C!Unr, from whlcb reportera were bar· red, that the bureau had •Creed to and YlO secon d feet dowh thti P'rla.nl-Kt.rn <:~al, .,hich t. a much u the canal can take Mn UI There •pJ>fl&r• lo be no doubt ln thla particular ca111 that brlth Nichol• u1d Spen~er rt.ndered • tni• and a ccur1.te •t1.tement of the eonclu9'ona •gre"'<I upon by the bMrff.u 11.nd the San Joaquin iroup. However. the lnher~nt d&.nlel'I of meellnga In ~errl!'l'y d~ not lie ln !!Ome parllcula.r meeting. but In the· racl th•t ffC· recy I• lli• co-conepirator or un· der·hiand,.,tl, and un(!rr lht t11ble a11:r('Pml'nl11, .... ·h11•h ('Oll)d "'l!!'k fn the detrin1t'11t <>r th~ pulllu· 111 Jriin· era!. Con11flquentl\' •II ~"•Tel 111.,.•1- tng• .!'h•;ulrl br ln•·,.~1 oi.:u1 •·,I Th o,r1·· oug hly. f•'l •t •~ "nl>' thP"•i.:h "X · po11lng lh•• .. ri.·1,,a .11n1Pnt• 1,1 i.111- ,.,•Ul"t••·), t!uo I •·~•A)" ~·1111 lw f"f- fct\ed. Grass Roots Opinion PINE BLUFF, ARK., OOMMERCIAL: "Reaea~h recently diM:IOBed that o f the 15 largeat manufacturing companie1t in 1900 only one is in that category today, a.nd or the 100 lqeat induslriaJ enterpriBetl in 1909 only 36 atill enjoy that di•tinction. If a buaineRS get& too monopolilltic. or ot.herwiae fa.ila to serve the prople better lb&P any (tlher, competition, lime and obao. leecence ~ill llOOn remedy that wrong." WYNNE, ARK. PROGRESS ' "!l's all .-o~ht to reach (Qr the moon it we are careful what w e ata.nd on t o do the re•chini.'' i•lature to coruiiilrr th"' f .. llther money ahould not ta ap<-nt to thltt wur1d n"""lll m ntl' l11an a ny· me,.! lnii:a 11,.J.Joni 1.,t ln tll lhe nver project wtUlOul IUIY •J""-lal buy !h .. n.•serv,.1r ~It" 11nt•! July 1n1n11 rl,.e l0<l111· 111 1n Rwar""""" P•P"'• yet 1 find th<t.m m011\ rt" c•U by thfJ r overnor. 11. 19~·7 or unlll 1\ h1ul bren d" 1 ut 111 ""'fl tin•tl .u11J 1Hinu.1111nn "11.rdin11: 1.,111 tre .. ure my reh11:ioua fllIDOr.r Sr:SSIO:" !tern11n"<J l'ho wuuJ,I bull\! lht nf th .. r.u•1 lhttt nut nnly rnen ,,.xperlell~' Wttll other Membrni The irlllllOn <)f the lt.g!J.!i.turc ' project, l''hl<hPv.-r •·•in., t1r~t llut •1~•1 1111tuu1" "'"' brnth .. r•. u! COnl>(rC<Jll Th• 8"'natlll •lao h•tr. openlnJ M1.rt h {I 11 a bud11:el ,,.,,.,. [ \\'.\TER HJcarrs that we h&.-e • right l o exp...-t 11 pray,.r i:roup St.nator Steonla sron. That m,11.1111 the lawmuker• South,.in <',.ll forn11< 1''l tnr~,...,,, anolhti nll ll••n fo •-Sll"iflt u~ If "''' nf t.!111 .. 1s-1pp1 h .. t uld of hO\OI are re.11trlcted t<) con111d'-r11.t1on of br.,ui;ht "Ut 11nother mfl Jur prob-rail "''""1111: r"blH'r•. The io lRi'nllng h' nun~ 1., be< ... flO(·lr.{f)d with the budret excrpt w here the o:nv-!"111 "''"t rr rti:ht~ Un•ler p,.,.1. flu ·! ,,, 'h1t\ •lniru!I htilr 1he that ori.:•nl.r.atlon, •od hlll •lory ernor h•• called r. concu1rcnt rnl 1ntl'rpret1U0n1 n r the &lll !i' "''"!)(I 1"d"v 1" b«1r1g tau11:ht to r!~•rrl t>•·11 my own "'""Jl""rlen•"" apeclal •t.aalon tor th" purpo.11! or l>1w . f!i r.-1111 of •ltflrlenl")' .,.,·uu!J put Lia hope tn lhr pob0.'r1J '-''llh 0 1 .. Hu1J8t pray~r s roup. legial•t!ng on .omti othe.r 11pe<:1tlc hl!.ve 110 ftrm righ t to the w11rr "Thi" "' not lhr 11nu· nor 1h« \\.hrn the Sena tor t lr11t <:llllta to aubject . broughL to lh .. rn f'Ven lhou11;h p llir" lo <l111<:u•• p:>llt1 t al lmpl1· \\·a~hlht"l<Jn a ff!W year1 1.1 0 ll• 'Y\.'h1J.e lhe dlSAJ1trou• Chriatm•• the11e area11 would \.IQ mo~t of 1,,a\11,n• or thu1 1nt .. rn1111on11! fact. v.•u v verwh,.!med by lnYllaUoo• flood• on the Fealhtr River have the paying for the prOJ"'~l-At but l hl" o'uch I \\'Ill lilly . prayer tn all kind• or meeting• until g!vM a poHUc:a l booat to the any t1n1e the a rellA wh,.re the lli nu! 1111r11c1,.nt. "-'~ 1nulll, •11 a he beearne llred of It •ll. Ji"\ne.Uy FRP, the meeting of th' water water o rlVn•led neo-de<t ll. th.-y K"ntll'n11•n ICJld n1" ao1nrun1e aa;o. llnrnrone M.ld t o him, .. Come 10 project authority n1ade It obvtoUI could take It. pr11y "" if It •II deprnded up<>n brea.kJaat nuL Wedneada,y morn· lh.e project will NOT have Tbe eouth"'m \ntere•l• don't God l.lld 11rt a11 U ll 11U rlepended Ing-and we will di.cu.. •plrltuaJ 1mooth aall!ng In the !eghdature. want to do bu.lne1111 on th11l bll-upcin ou1M>IVe11. \\'hen "'"~ have matter•." On lha lll'tillflb rY! that M1.11y ot the 111101e anare that 11111. But t he nioun\A(n counllPA 1tnn, U1J11 f>n Yn lnterru1.tinn111 phra .. ,. the Senator w"ent to the prevented th"' lcgl.!!lature from know thAl wR\"r 111 their J "lc!._.n levrl we ~t.1<!1 1n•!e,.r! be i.;ovd brellkfa11t. approV'lng rund11 tor the project auet an(\ ha1·e rf).l<y drellm~ o r l------------------------------ •l 111,., put .wuion re1n11n. E ven v•at lnd,,,str!al an\I r...cr,.allon•l the frlt.nda of the prnject httvl'J expan11lun. They "'·11nt to make their dlrfert.ncea a nd It tt!ll h&11 sur' thily ;:et t o kl'ep 11.t ll'1111l enemle-. enough water for th._.1r ullin111t,. Only one direct attac k on the develupmen t. And thr y t•ke r.n project wu launched at the pro· opUml•tlc view of what that "''Ill je<:t a uthority meeting. That be. came from the at.ate «r11.nge. The One 1KJh1tion lo that p roblem g-range poeltlon I• that the pro-hi.a bPen put rorw11rd under the Ject ahould bfJ bullt, but bullt by leadership or AllttmblY'o"·orn11.n lbe (¢eral covernn•~!'!· .• _ P•uHne Da1'ill, P oriola Democ.r•L SO LIM.lTATlOS Sh"' "''llllll! a n,.twork ot dl mll The grange do,.11n't like '..h" hu11\ ln th" uppt•r J<·cRthcr R iver !du ot the projecl'A J>O"'t:r get-Ba111n "·' part or th.-!''RP tr> Ung Into the hlllldll ot private lnllure lhe local f•ilk" get the uUlllif'll, fr"'r' there would be no flr~t 1111e ot the 1'·atrr before It 160-ttcre limlt allon on 1 an d a evrn jl'f"l• to the b11t O rov1 lle .wrved by the 111..&tr project, and d11n1. Sacramento Sidelight SACRA"tENTO, ICN!:I) ~ CaJlfornia to<i, ,,,•HI hav'-illl fl n - AFFAIRS OF STATE By HENRY C. HaeARTHVB SACRAllENTO. -(CNS! Thrre nu1y t.i.. •ontf ~rl'1U9 ron- 11iderRUon given to th• que,.tlon ol ... ~th"'r the UCHl'• 1!h11rf! •t Ca!lr<>rn!• r. Ur.lcl11n1I oil revenue ~honl<J j!O int'l lhf' ~!Jlte'll b .. a che11 and pHrk~. rllhf'r 11.I the 1956 l!f'B· 111011 n( the leii:l11laturc. ur •t lhe !91i7 II"""''"' "e""!on, wh.-n mort. tln1r ' .. 111.1 tw Jlfl+"nl on lh.-irub- ject . T h•• ••r!K'""I 1"''1>0"'° In l(TRnt- lng 70 l"'r l"t'fll ~>f thr revenue to beache~ 11.nd p11rkJ1 w•~ t o plough bat'k 111111111 t 1nn1 11 1Hltur11.I tP· !'IOllN'" l(l~l Into • nttlurRI re.9011rce Kil lned At th11l lime, the be11 ch•11 11.nt'I p11rk1" pr(J,k! 11111 WH.R 1 U I I ;01.ar!inJ: 1n•I th" ""'-'d for fund• wa.s gr.,Rt. new t"'rrlloty nt.ther th .. dftel- op!ng wllAl It already hu ror th• bcoertt of t~ publlc. I t t. a ltnown · flU!t that hundreth nT- rarnper• "-"' tum"'<! away fn:im elate park• for lack of earnplnit fRcllJ Uu wtilcb eoulti be de- ve1Qped. nJTURE POl.ICI' The prlrn1ry qu~Uon. howeYer, le on future policy, *'~"' t he be11ch,.e and pa.rib 'Yiltefn c 11 n benefit from an Of1 Jn(Jle Whtie otller ""tura\ ~ Co bes· 11:tng for •llpport. J"ron1 all lndic1Uon11. th' •Jl""Cl•I ger1 on &om' ur the Ooo<I re- B'-11111nn or ~ legl•lature March lief mon"Y a. whleh Governor Goodwin J. Knl2ht h1" Rnnoun<'C<1 hr will <·all ll'! rrovi<IP 11ni11r r~llef tor (;ft urnr n!ll'11 flood-n•lden llrt.IU, ,,.·11! bl' .. r rno r" 1m1J(lrt1•nr .. tl111on i:enPr1.lly bel1rv,.<J, ThP ~t11.te. ut cour"'"'· !J!Sl v1rtln11t vt fl•,.>dll Allll>, wh~n th,. program •t•rt- cYn •11 · ....:!. th,. rf'vt.nue frnrn C•.11foml•'• or other t11lPlRntl ,.,!1 "'II.~ ro111pRr•tlvtily +liM1lera only on 1111 lndlrtv'1 hR· $l1lll ll. "" •lrllllnp: hR<t not starter! $111. The Ca!1fornl• conatllutlon on • 111.,2,. 11otAll' The -.-i:r;ure ot prohlblt,, II lllr1'<"1 i:;lft IQ an In · th" ticlPl&n<l1t by th,. fe<:lt'ral l(OV· d1vid11 .. ! or co1·po1·a t1on. Thu~. ,.rnrnc.ll. ~nd their ~ub11equt.n l \\'h<l•> nn f•i:''"" h,. .. "" Y"l "''h•t"v'-'r relief ran ht-work,.<\ i·clurn tr. lh" lll1<!•• by 11.rt of "'"H ""1 101 ,,,,,, 1m1n•• ,,.,.,.. r11ut'h n''' .,., •••• ,;y ""''' "• ,. th• It alreat'.17 ha.I t.an •RNled that lt()me or lhll m oney b4I dl- V'l'rtrd to the dev~pmant of w•- ~r reM>Ul'CN . wtdck cerUJnl7 ar"' even rnore tmpdrtant th• n ~tale park.I and beM:h• Bl!luhfla Bild park11 prlm artly !al into th• luxury r.lll."ll, dealrabl1, but n o l neceMary for mlllllldl&nce or 111 .. Wat,.,r. u everyon1 knO'lh, II • major necr.llllty. Undoubtedly, mnre money could be spent on developffl.ftll of the BtHtt'•• fnrH>t h1_n rlot. .. potrlerity 1\119 •n ln tcre~t in th'-lle: too. u " ., " ' ~ ' '' " r<>n):l"•" 1tUm"'''h111 h11rnp.-r<"d ""'""'. Ill" •\~I ·' l•·g1~1,.1u1" l''iil rnrm o r ~id to 11 r .. n1mnnllt,o I)<' ,.,,k,.,J '" 1· .. 1~ r.11 n ·h··f 11•1r· di~tnct , r•iunty, 01 •llhl'r pulll1 · po.!!'-•· •<"11" l")<l~IAtllr~ at !h"it aJ l'nltly C11p1tol "lr .. a•I)' 1<1c t11lk•ni.: In ('o(>l,.l1e. "''hol<f' l"'lUllt:; nf S•n· tll C:rui. w1111 ont11 (I f the hR tll"'-"l hit by thfJ ChrilH!ILltl' tloodll, probllbly a cla.e ..-·rrind 10 Sut · ter rounly r.lld the d1118.lllrou11 Yuba City fltl0d1, 111<y!I the roun- Ue1 ar.-In 1161.l 1h11p .. 1nd~I Thia re.Ulla tron1 the f11ct lh1\ tern1• 01 $1 00,()0ll,000 AJ111embl}'r1uu1 Glo·nn CoolldR"' or Santa Cnu eounly. ~111 that fle hi.II contacted all rui11embly- men 1n the dll!.ll•ll'r areA11. and th•l t hey hllve •«reed tu n1e1H '" Sa rramentn F f'b J!.. 11.t 9 ll. n1 . lo dl11cu1!t t hr lr l"l'numon prr1bl,.rn Ju;0t wh Nl "·111 ronn~ out of th.-m"t'llnic '" not •• 1·et known, but the rl!'<jue1u for fh!Qd ttld. 1l I~ Jlt:n~rillly c<.on - t o!i.ltd. "'lll 1101 be ama.11. Mi\Tf:Hl.A I. DAM.A.GI: t.o• An1ete~ 11'C~h1tor• rr port-""* h,...e that n1a ter1al da.mllr ,,. .•• dont' in t.hat <:It)' arhen wa· t...r ent,.r.!'d 1110me buain,.~• "lll•b- u.i,m.,nl•. and rul,_1 J:<«wl11 tnr ..J&. Tilll mun. thllll AUulhl'tn much re~-lflent •~ go1nr on to a1<1 the (lou(l 11uffer•r•. ThP reuae•ment ot pro)l"rly me11 ru1 that lhe.., p!!Qpl~ 1''111 hRv,. " decn-UfJJ tax tu pay next U.· cember. Thi• .y1tem ot aid w u ttrtit N1ge1ted by Guvernor Knll'hl. >Prh<l -.Id 1l ~· not •ppeoar reulbl11 or rl1tht lo ,..11"" flood v1cU011 llll lh<' aan111 r•te oUw.r m<>r.. rortunllbf peuPI• are If'· lhl' A1•'t"'"11to•ll pr~>):rt\!ll l'AltK 111t:Al'I Att many JW:Op1e. proba.bly, Ilk• N•l" th11.1 th" """"'Y I• h11ck 10 f1:i<h lllld hunt M enjoy the In lh' •t,.tc tr.,IUlury, 0 \(" :i<late f11.c1lltlP• or the 11t11.te beACbe1 and park l'On1rniS8!uJ1 httl! ~me gr11n -pa_1k~ (;amr. I• &a "1ll'l'h a 11.a turaJ r!IO!lt:" hi"•• cooeernLnK th.-rl L,... rf'JOOUrre aa • be•ch or park, -. b\1rsal or thl11 h11ndl'tnme rev,.nut J'('rh11.p1 •>me of the money from Th,. ('0111mlll~lon, In fll cl . haa pre-th' denuded oll pool• •hoUld p ,...nll'd • hud""t of $3!'!,000.()(l() \" ln\1> dMr, ph-nta and trout. th.-2ov!'1 nor ftir th,. 191')6-~7 fl~· o r cour~. thera undoubtedly cal ye"r. Rn(! unW!M \eJt:l11lator• will bf' n1any r n•a of d l•Jrpnnal ~'v" th,. r .. qu,.~lll 1MJrn ,. run<l•men· from the l1&nd·lov1111 .ta.tie park ta! ,.,,naulrr•llun. a l!Vo<-1 l»irl or commlulnn when an aU~»t i.. th11 •uni ' .. u1<1 ico Into 11.doJ IOonlll nil.de l-<i dlv,rt llO'ffie ot: the ua"I""'• "lll""'HL11••·~ n1aue hy thr monlfll! urt~tr;a.Uy votsd fOf' thell' "'le perk ffJn•n1111111un P"'t prOJoe<:ta. 11ud! .. }Ofllf bou.efl1 Howev,.,r. 1,.l(,~l1 tu1 • r an ~ and other brokan Oown. old·Um• -.Unt"'ll on lo ~·1·c !hlll h"•vy liu1l•1tn11:,. which 1ppea.r to be •' trudPl a ~ "'"'klnic uv"' 1,... dnii 011 !ht market In Calllornl&. tor.c th•7' •7 yeri tu everything a_nd which L1M1 park commlMlon fttqllf•led by the it.at~ p&rk com-.,.quire• q ht.toncaJ iaJ)r:bna.rka rn11111on, which 11ppellt• 10 be pr\· whel no on' ellit i. IDtenM.114 1n mllrll'.I' llltere11l.:I to aequ.1nn1 •ucb acqWm.UonL . -------..-----• ·-----·---· ~ ... ··-_ _._ ..... _______ _ Yac~t Malfy n MAR 0INE NEWS• =-=~·=· ~-.~~ .. o...,:r~' lame Priest •• . . . &ACRAlo:NTO. •CN•• -·~ U-L s. 1 Ud .. Of toeorpcu .. uon fOf' Boat-Divlllg -o I• -, --·1ew'-~11...a: __ ·.a.· U, t -~l·l'A6E7 ..... ._ ...... .,, ..._, 0 ....,. "'...,.,,. ...... -~ ... c-1-..-• r:&ll'l.1..y -•tJ••y ,~ """"'' ""'• -1. and o-u:tba\ll •bout ..... ,...w. ~• "L """"' "'° "" 1 • ,.... --~ "°m • JO ·'""'t ..... -....._ ~ ~ ~:-4 ~ haw beu ftlad with Sec--......-.... at ,._ B1U -~ t.o oMo. .--a.l' ti;;~. • T I D 1 . TA 1, L I ---nt&J')' ot Bl.a.WI ~ M. Jona.a... ;;tb;" Pd ;-Itta et.-~ A;: n.. nrm wu autbortMd 1000 Un Hardins of ~ tokl polk9 ~~=[ii~!! . '---._, .;,_~ -·-. ..-,_ -~--.o. -' ---.. '··.-···lo.~-~ .. -par_.._°""""" .... ··-• _.... ·~ ~ • ToD'"il. .. Wi .. • · ·~----...,.._ -...-l . . ~-. ..._ " -·-OMI&-' tild~ ... ~Tide.. hWaJ ... .... -,. .... Ll aboni Dr .. Newport Bea.ch, &nd be ea.me -II lo ..-port --..- ..... ~ pr•al1·i'llf: ~ .... Ul ...... lT u,.,, .... ... •• .... l..T Sam c. K•1«m.t'\, ""1 s-.... U"d bcw lo UM tM er.rt. Claar.._ a. Z&mon. C...~ ktuNQ O:M a.a. U 1!11 &.m. 1.0 LA8'I' OF ANGELA -Loula Bodmer of San Diego and hla brother-in-law, R&lph Mert.z of 1B Balboa Coves, (both on right) try to a&ye lhe 35-!t. yacht Angela .tter she wu wrecked on the ocean !root !ollow1ng a heavy fog Saturd&y night. Sa.lvl.g"e attempt. were later abandoned. -Staff Photo at .... ~\, Qtiitl ... I._, ~ ,...,_ U 1:6t p. IL I.I l:lit P. m. Z.1 ~ ... pn9ldolat.•: ,_ .~ , , 11.\Ddq 1:(111 a., m.. , U lO:U L m.. 0.1 w...-H. Dor;toe ol ~ ud hb. 11 6:0I p.-. :1.1 l;IO .. a. 2.a T .. ci. 'JituMeJ, ot Do&W,-Wblt".w· Monday 1:11 a.'m. 1.1 ll:IT &.m. o.o port s..ch, boU.' ~ <dfctlld F9b. :10 l :lT p. Ill. U 11:9 p. IL 1 4' ~. C&JIL , J .' .Jltlb&n· -ru-lat 4:IO a.-. 1.• U:M p. m. -0.1 ~!I, 8an P.ciro, WM~ hb. 21 l :61°p.ra. I.I ll:f.1 p..m. 2.0 eecrt.art·~•r. ,, w~ a:aa a. m. u 1 !0I P. m.. -O.t Re -"9cted a.a d~~m were l't:b. n t:la p. m. •.t -----N~ RoMrll and W\ H. 'II V~ L&&dinpatn. bot!l N...-port Ttnuwday 1:•1 a. a. t.t O: a. m. BMch: lAnm:: llubbard. eo.ta Vtb; SI l:OI p.m. U 1:61 p.m.. Mf!aa; B.. WaachJl:ell. Lomita. Re- t1rtn1 'PfUideM Bury R. Herb.t., N.-port Buell, wU al9o named lO UJ.a board. Th• ~ lleld t. ~ lilO .... 10 •t A,.tnerlcai!. JAl'IOll Rall. N'IJWPOl'l Bu.ch. Ca.pL Z•· • ... -..... u -u Yacht Angela Djes in Surf As Salvage Operation Fails mora baAdled d~' arruruneni. WbJJa, C..pt. Landtn,Pam W&a • tn Boat Storw on ........ or ........... R . J . c.n-y I .... w-.. Lost _..,,. .... -.. "°"'"'"""" ~ neUy a.nd L. C. Boaqer with ald PrtaUaa CAD Bartior 111.. Job Ma.-Plea Yo+-~ ot the qvuPll' wtv''· formed Ui• ~ ot • wn.t watch ftlu.d a& PT\ttlll' ~eat. •-WU dllf!rt.&.lrunent eommltt.M. SiOO by hf!r dau.Jht.r bstoNI tup ;~ .. ~~=:::::;::;::;::;:;;:;::;::;:;;::; Down by Planners tth~I '"""" J~. 27 ~ npo.t-.. __ -Statue Tak-•d to poHce by Mn. Dun B&nJc. Harold I. John•on Propel&M ll.ep.Mn ClolWD.ni.-aod Federal A atonn of prcile1t.a · l roiD .......u ...... Theft ot a fountain '11tat11t of 2081 Me.. Drtve, Co.ta. M,,__ SUvar• operaUon11 to 11ve th"/ boat went ag-roun1I .... -~111, attempt-nel(bbora tnnuenced the count)' lb-ft. aaUlnr yacht An1,Ja which 1 lng to put lnlo ~~wport H.arbor plum.tnl' commie.ton on Feb 8 caine aahore on the Mach off to wall out \..ht '-"'e.n.'.10at. 1n turntnc down R.otwrt J. M"· lhe. 6300 \lock or \V. SeaM\01 t Bodmer'• brotht'r 1n:t .. w , R.a.Jpb N'eill'a req ueat for perm.Wion to Drlv• durt.na; a he.av)' fOi 81&lut· Me.n. of 18 Balboa ('O\'ee, aided t tlablUh a boat 1101"1.&'t bWLd1n g d•y fa.JM>d Monday a!ternoun Bodmer and a crew of worker.i aouthweat ot C:O.t.a Me.A. Owner Lou Lt Bodme.r, 8111 DI· in an overiMnd 11&h 11ge operation Mc Neil! aought the me var· f!(o an:hlltct, A id ht w ould de-but the rlb1 of !h~ craJt caved la.nee tor 28:1 feet weat' of M un· c l•r• the. Sl 2,000 craft 1 tot.al Jn and the bow ..., .. _. ripped off rovia A ve. M the north 1ld .. u r &lulped Ukci .a Lntle 1lrl which She ducrtbed lh.a watch u hav· 8pout.e water frum the top of lnr a r okl trlLJJle w ith thrt1t em,r- the h .. d wu np .. rted to Colla a.Ida (II) f!a.cll. lllde of the fa.cf!. M~aa. police on Yeb. II by Doro- thy &11 of 132 W. Wilton St.. The at•tue, taken trun1 a trailer Plywood Boat Taken parl!. wu valued a t S3:> by the l'llone~r ltO '811 VW& w..,, N~rt ~ lou. by a bull doz:e.r 11o tttmplll1( to SUIWfll A v". {a private eue.1nent1 ------------moored at the St.anrta.rd OU Dock BA.l.80.o\ c.,._,'V A.8 •t A 8t. and E. Edrewater Av.. SJJOP wu nported stolen 80111.eUme H.,_ 1117 Thief Rifles Car l:J.odmar report"11y Jett .San Dt-pull the Angela ai1hvre. runnlnl' Wf!lt frQm Monro,ta Av .. e10 Saturday for S&n Pedro lo Bodmer aaid th~ boat wu 40.0 feet aouth or 18U'I St. .. it.et the. trim. veaul In tne an· p•rt!y ln1u~. Jn ll•e Ill~ ya.cht Th• area la cl.aaaed 1ubu1 bil.ll nual mid-winter rel'att.a. J)Urtng tel{l•ler the A ng~l• wu 11..Rt.d rNldenllal and la dev,lopcd into the heavy fo1 &r.turday night the to tlle San Diego Y11cht Club. atnrle family rea1dencea. Th' bolll A If-foot plywood punt boat ~ BOAT OO\'ER8 F'l1d&y nJ (bt. o.rn.r ta KflfUW!th Zl•li 11 .. M . A S30 Jou w&.9 rr"'-'rt"i1 to po-~-· ~J~oh~n~~:··~'~~·~·~·~·~·~lu:·~----~;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::~"~'~w~•~O•~•~•~i:';i°"~~ Ile• Jt.11 . 27 wh'n the V1ctlrn Jatt. her ca.r Ulli.o<:ked. for 10 mlnutN. NHYC Rhodes Finish One, Two Classic Race to LA Harbor • ID B7 :St:AL llZCXN'ER Sr-vente9n aklppua and their cr'wa manned 17 trtm raclng i1lnnpe off N'irwport Jelly Jut Sa- tur<lay momln1 .. th"y eta rted I.ht allnual race to 1-An1elea H11rbor ._..,h,re lhP 77th Mldw!Jlt~r R'"g-•tta will takp pLa~·e i"l'b. 18- " • clpate In the Mld'w1nter ~ratta Ulla Wffk .. nd. Thll annual event a.lwaya draw1 a buce turnou~ or raclnc bo&ta ff11'1'1 all ov.,r South- ern Callfornl& w ith rl11~ '11t rlM r &r1f'ng-fron1 th .. d1nghiea e t Alamltoe Bay y 1·. tllTOU('tl t h" ."1nAll b<,.ta who rac<! under t~.e .. uap1ct1 ot Cabri11" liP•Ch YC to Lhe la rger clau .. , 11.n<I v<'l'•n r11.cln~ bo•la hOfllf'd by Lhe Lui Angtlea YC Small Boat Taken ~:1 1ht fthoites l·laa11 .11loop1 and n!n~ P C• curnprtaed Uie fleet for thl.'1 coa11t -w lae c:la111ric which .,._,ound up In aoml'lhln~ u r a nav1- 1ator1' roriteet dua lo A heavy fog which cloaoed l!l Vf!ry auddenly A O·fout a!umtnu1n boat wu a.11 the boa~ approached the Long 8P11 ch entrance of the breakwa t"r r.,porttd i toMn ''>ml'tln11' pnor Jna!de the harbor propPr. th., to S11.turc11y m nrn!n"° !roD'l 11 dock weather thinned out enourh to on 16th SL liOat 11 the p io~rty dct.,rmlne that J!:ddlP VIUl Hom of D \V. Hrtdgi::a. 2121 l'u1 n.ett1• SI , l1nnlA Ana. of Newport Harbor Yacht C..'lub l -~-;;-;;,_;-;;_;:;::;;=:;::;::;:=:;:,I WU fint lo fin.lab in Rhode.a 11 number II . Marian. clo.ely follow· MARINE t<1 by Strat P.:nrl(ht 'a \'-.'1 t<·h. all!o of NKYC, with thtrd •JXlt going INSURANCE to Balboa :rc·a John H ewell ln 8mootb 8aillnr Flrf!n y. o.borae-Fortoa R..a.ltf eo. Allogf!th'r 91!Vl'l'I of Ult l l&ht IJU W . C-at 8 1PW&1 R hode.a aloops ttnlati .. d tM:fore•l ~~~~U~bo~rt~~._~,~-~~~~~I Dick Oi&Yer brought hla PC. the ChaUenre. a erou to wtn f!nit apot Jn that eta.a for BYC. The nut PC w aa Georire. Well•' Mi- lady of Cl!TC with N HYC't Bob Lamar -.lllnr bia Blnbld In for th ird pl-.ce h onor• ln the cl&a11. All the boata. or courae. re- m11lned In LA Harbor to partl- THIRl'I A •IW the finest in el.ol"&&:• plac' would ~ Into a Va.e&Jll lot' 9&1ldw1ched bttweell two dwelllnra. .Reald,nta cootanded thl!y want· ed t.o keep the a.rea. alricUy real· dentl&l. .... M.n. Jury M•ga.rgee o( 223 \;, Po~tlla. St., Pld 1he parke-0 her e&r back of \\'Lll!ama StaUOl\- eq 011 Vla Udo at 0:30 p. ni.. Taken wu her ha.ndbair. v...Zued a t SO. and c-laaJM>e. valufld at S2:>. NEWLYWED· SPECIAL!· for only •s a month REFRIGERATOR ind GAS RANGE ... ..._ .... 1-. .." .. tu.1 •.,t-•tlc 11 ................ 36" ......... ""•"Y' ...._ •• ,. tfWllty faetvrol. ltf,..,..r--h Ml'l .,__-........ c-41tlene n•t l eR.•lly iul<9WR ~r.fMI, NOW ONLY $139 95~;1 -- YOUR CREDIT 15 GOOD AT DOIN'5 maple S 'i ark/e ~I. I I I see our Nantucket COLONIAL O• THI WATIR ,~,\\= '. ' './I JOHHIOfl'I NIW HOLIDAY llONZI llA-IK>ISU ney're ,_•rt! Thtf ,-..1n. ...w 'S6Sft.. Ho,.... tqled ia Holiday Brone aad Spn.y White. Come ID &ad IM them. Nlae p.a ""' moddl _, 10 )0 Iliff Solllti Coast Co. Newport 11mL at ~rd St. -MOO ,Johnson ... 1 ' ' " ' .. ' ... • + ' ... " i . . . I I I I <'SI _;·· ·==- Enchanting conversation piB"cr in any room, this Nantucket version of a W elsh cupboard is as usefuLas it is handsome. You 'll be more than proud of its charming Colonial curv· es ... the handsome shutter doors that add •hadow and texture to your decorating scheme. 11 ~ii ' '=-:-.-~rtr=li ~ .. ,_ _,_:-~. 0 -......---_..--... ~ Buffet with Hutch Top .... $139.95 Choose from ' nine d ressers and c..hests designed to store your clot hes a s efficiently as an office file .... from low po•ter5 and high , •pindle bed• and bookcase h•adb oards ... all the favorites. old and new, lo bring Nantucket Colonial charm and comfort to the bedrooms in your house. -.... t ..... .,, p .. Ill ... ... .. "' ... ... ... .., ... ... ; ·u-\. I I Drawer Dresser with Mirror ...... $164.50 Newport furniture Co. Liberty 8-1113 ,. Clo1in9 out our Entire Line of Furniture Here's Your chance to Save . • • • CHECK THEiE PRICES! Ref., NOW !keutltul • po. Ovved Sec:UOG&I .. .. ... -------· ·---·--....... ftmotttul a P<'-r-llcbtJr.r C..'urved K«.IUooaJ __ .. _ ...... ________ .,. ... Hod-I po. Dt,... • ~, ... _., .............. -................................ tlt.H $224.50 269.95 149.95 169.95 ~•pc. Llfla&' ,_ cro.p. LM.-. .u~ cblr, Koe.ker. !:ad Tabte. Coff-TNte ___ ., .... Friese Cover ................................ _. ___ .. , n.&0 PM.all: Atr11oai Cha.Ir ·-····-· .................. --------------111.60 ltodera TV Cha.In (Aaeorted "°'ora) ........... -............................. n .16 TV JtocUT Fr1eM <Aven. m.cMTa bloatde flalah, -rteod ooh,,.. ------------.... llM Blonde EDd 'l'll.bleo .............. ,_ .................... , _________ •• , 11.111 M..:lern B.lond<!i Coffee Tablet ................. --··--·----"-,. ... Kollaw&1 lled9, rwtn She wtU. Unk 8 pria(11 ..................................... -......... . flo'J.a....,. 8'i4a, TWtn l!lfq wttb CoU l!lpri.19... .................. .._ .............. •t.H MOiiere 6 pe.. Bed..-n IJWla, Sable niu..aa wit.I:!. Ml1T0r ............... .. .. ____ llt.'6 8-atlf\d Wrolll'ht I ron Tw1JI Bed w it.II Jlattreo. ............................................. -.. 11•~0 8tunnlnc M aplll Bunk Bed ............. -------------.......... _,_,,_ llt.00 ~pnJ Dllll.nr Table-Lyre lllldJ. wi.e 8trtpe. Cbalra, £•tr& 1-Vi'lll ·---------..... n-t.1c ~. -Full 8be Amori.a Color-a ........... 8.16 P1MtH 8-dboud• -Twlm Sta. .U.Orled Colorw ................. ________ _ "'" Crib 111.attr.-ea ...... --------·----· 11..16 ..... ... _ . -·-·---_,, ____ ,, ____ 11.16 Klar Sl.e Bos Spr1Jl.I' a MatU- t O !'-.r Ouan..a'-. 11.N Modera PottN'J' n.ae Lainp-. -·-------····---··· .. ---·--···-·· zt.» fM~'1•1' Moun. -·--·-·--·-----···---n.N .. ' .. !ittrtor ·-······-···-·-··-··--------·-··---II.JI 64.50 79.95 22.50 17.50 9.95 9.95 24.50 29.95 99.50 62.50 74.50 94.95 4.50 3.95 5.95 12.95 64.50 12.50 12.50 9.95 WEST COAST DISTRIBUTORS IOllll.EU .. WBOLF.8A~ 1206 N. Maia St. Suit& Ana IUmborly 7-~ I ... but I'm the guy who's putting it on brand new PHILCO TV with AUTOMATIC -Top Touch Tuning 95 7 $ PHILCO TV With REMOTE CONTROL• And Top Touch Tuning --· DAN'S TY· . TY -AppllaKft -HI-Ff u s-rnn • Ul8 NEWPORT BLVD . UOl W. BAUIOA ' COSTA lllEl!A NEWPORT BUOR " l ' ------·-·-··1 ··--··-·..._ ~ ... ---··-----~ ---. ·--·-- Mareh·· of Faith &(;eaker ·s1a te !'itvangelism Campaign '"" for IsJend Methedist Spiritual · Therapy ~p-.fillk~j-Aµ~hor · to Be Presented ~81:¥"-l ,i,gbt'..'...otCan ad a: '. Tbe "Karch of Fl.Ith." & conference-wide emphuiJ on Will Talk ht St: James FN.ILecture Entitled ' ~ for Metbodlot ch~ of the Southoru Cali· =Arlaona are&, will becin locally Feb. 22 when the , hied O>mn11mlty Metbodlot Church bu Ila 'rlrot ~ ~ Jt .. -..sv.lede»obe, Aris. '-"I p..m. Ill U. chlrdl ~. Ph to attend church and beoo•n• \ ClDallna to the lasa.d obllf'Ch to more acuve tn JUI &tfalra. oondllet UM pr'Mddq" ...-.teM Md The NMarch of Fa.Ith'' program to .. .,. lliltn&cUOG bl vbdtaCJoD at BaJN llland h .. Men plann9d ..,.~ t. U.. lteY. H. Slwood by the Commi.100 on MemMn.hip Wi..n&n. mtntst.er of ti. Com-and IC\tanseU.m ot which Mra. mU.fl1 Methodl.st Chu.rcll, Enctnt-Fouat L. Lowe i. cb&irman. On March 1, at .8 p. m. St. James' Eplacopal Church I.a to have u guest speaker "Maly T.Jgb t'' ot Vancouver, Canada. Mary Light (& pen ~) ill r e ally Pbyllia Le.._.... moot who wU born In London, Eng1and, lived in the Argen· tine for 18 years and bu made her home in Canada for ·GHRIS.TIAN SCIENCE: ' 'l'iie.~formlog Power of Truth 87 ~ ....... Golo, C.8.B. liiiSQvii:J-j olJ loii, ~. Callfomla I SEAT ~ W.·He wtU prMch Wedn~•Y Tbun.day evenlnclf.' On Friday nl(ht he and laymen of tne church wUl parUclpate In & pu.al. "What tie M.art'h ol Faith Ml"ilnl to Me." W1nm&n, a native or Alhambra, w.. l'r-.d\l&ted from the t.lnh•erwtty of SC)Uthem Caltf ornJa with a b&ch· -'or ol a.rt. de&ree tn .oc:lolo.-y. HI• bachelor of cllYll\lty ditante WU eamfld at Metbota.a'e sur-c. t!leolOJ1cal H m1naf7> ~ttBlblf· cal J/\lltltute, Ev&Mtoft,, Dt Wblle Week's Rites at St. James 8Uaday "'°Ylce• at St. JIUflM Eptacopal church are, 8 a. 111 .. ho(y communion. 9 ·1~ •· m . •nd 11 a. m. "\Pf11!ng prayer, f1UnUy ~ a.ad SUnllay School, .-pecl•I lt•ll"IJ 111 lhe Evaraton arll!& he mlNl<ln&ry r.iovli. for Sunday .-rved u mlnleter of youth at achoo! from Grade JV up on ''In· UM! W•ley Meth~t Church, Au-d1&n Am.,,1,·an1t 6:30 p. n1 l'OT•. Ill., and pa.tor ot the North Young Peopl" • Fellow1hlp. Tu.,a- 0.1raro MethodLlt Church Prlor da.y, 7:30 p. m travel mov(ell o l to IM:Lnl' u•1.(nf'ct to h11 putoc•te 1 the South a ea fllla..n~. sttown by at Enrlnltu, \lli1111r11an WM nnn11. rir R .. ti--rl Uu rt c'lll Tt>•·h phy111 - t.,. Df St. Paul'• Methodl.!it~·htorrh. ('l!!l ~·ur a.II a<J ult11 11 ncl Children lie la • rnem~r or Ule Confer-ot th" µa.rah. Bp..._1111 fur Feb 22 ence Boar1 ot Jtvangelia1n and 11 t 7 11 "' '" holy ~ ... n1n1un lon and ...-ve1 M Palomar llubdlltMet Se<:-I breakfast fnr teen-agers. eervl"<! rell.a r·y ot Evang-el!Jr.rn. 1-fe also 1n th., J"srt"h Hall f1>llo••tinK the b.._.1~ tbe 8&n Dleguno Mln111t .. r·a1.I "erv1('" At JJ 11.. ni. t nere v.•11! b" A.No<:tatton. t" 1lu<:, group at !he rion1e uf C1n Monday &nd Tue.Uay "''"fl· t.f r• M1l1lr,,d W r11thl O~.O H.i..ul lac•. f"rb. 27 and 28, Jay1nen will Dnve. A <'uur11e On tile Book of THE REV. ELWOOD WISSMAN A111i ou11 cl!m enLJ uw peat W'l'llll ye&n. OUILD OP llEA.LTH A member ot Ule Can&dli.a Guild ot Rell.Ith ot which her h!Uba.nd ta prulident, Mary Ll&'ht g-ivea of her knowledi"e and •pecial (1rt. to the health .. well-be.Ing ot mankind, aJway1 with a aen.ee ot partne~hlp with members or the rnedlcaJ. pro- f.,,..Jon who recognlae the c:IOM- reJationlhlp belwtto. phya1caJ. •II· in~U knd I.he emotlona. She ha.• had many year• ot e•pertence In aptrltual thel1f.py, •pee.king ln churche• and to lritere1ted group• qci Ui.e u.e of prayer, n1edlta.Uon and faith. ' Dr. Cha.rlea H•Wey, roilrnerly p( the CongTegatiooal Church tn Topeka. Kan .. •y• thl• of her: "Alway. -.nd without c•cepUOn. "3TJ Lilht 11 a blo>&aln.g lllld .&plrl- tuaJ lrwplr11tlon tc• 11.lJ Whl; have h,11 rd tier. She ha" 11. u .. 1i1ti trul bubbling &en" of wit a11d humor Hhe lpl'-aks wllb the authority or one wllll knowa t.be wonder tUld J"Y or God, I kn•JW of no Chri11· tla.n lell<.ler whu "XCt'-f"d.o h••r in lhl' <'onl.aj.;lOUJt qu11J1ty u l h~r lllllUl ---------------------------111-nd tru.&t in (1<..d •• PAGE 8 PART I -NEWPO RT HARBOR NEWS.PRES S FOi • 1w0Ks llhH l1land homea and invite poo-Act.. I FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1956 She i& th.-Ritlthor of four books Th~ Pray.,r GullJ n\eet& a t (I 1 ~ 8!g1u1 lllld ""'•·!'.i.ier11 11tone11 of 'Pre-three' a . m F" .. b. 23, 1l 10:31'1 •. m 111 1 ---------------------------.[answ~r~ct pniyer: Mori' Signs i nd . Pot Luck ~():!. ~t~m~~I;~ ~n:~h1:·~11!ou8;:~1 MALA YA MOTION PICTURE l~;'l~:~ir~:11~;:e~v~~d!~~ofm~~: :;h,C~h!l:~t~~: ~~;;ia:,e·~paH~;~.h~:1 1 SUN DA y AT l ST BAPTIST an!it~~~o~\t~~t~ ~"°r:~ldtnt of thit .. ubj.,•·t. g1v .. n by t l1l' Hev • Can•da 11h• 11pends n11ich ol htr J vhn H . Pl!r ke. Any ont i11 wel-1 ~unday at 7 p. ni tht' oolltan<!lna aoWld·color motion l!mf' In the Untted ·State• Shi': On Feb. 13 parenta .,.U h ehHdrl'-n t -01t>t' to ''"me flther 11 J•,ne 01 1-'h'tur.-, "Red TerTUr In Malaya," w lU be .nown at the n twt hu been a leall'r ln many Campa ·11.rl•\!·r tnree year1 or age hel<J " wuti h1~11b1.1•nl ur wue. U11-pt11t Chun:h, lllth arul Balboa. 't'ile11e ptcturt1 V.'t're ta.ktn l"UrtheNl!t Out rolln.ded by Dr. JM>l ·l"I k di nner a.nu nH~t1tlng 1.l St. I on F•b. 14 at 11 L m . Lhert by Dr. LA>u~ Tal~rt ot the Bible ln1litute of Looi Angele.. Glenn Clark. e.nLI hu •p'.lken U 1 Ai '"'" 11 Pr,1bylt'rilln Church . 11 R 1tuUy Mn.up at N•·wport T o be ll('en ara lhe 'l"ha!puaam feativa.l lllld humAn pin cuahl.on. ll'"h" parent1 were given 11 bo<lk j He1i.;;hti ll\ the hom;i or J.tra. Ji.Ingle miM!orut ln French I ndo-Cri,aa. actua.l hunt lll the "0.-f,,re Ttley are 'l1i.rei!" to help W1 lh•1n S . Long-, 710 K!ng1 H.O•d-/.llllayie.n Jui:i,g!-for ro>btlle, and v.·onhlp ln a Buo;ldhiat tampl•. Indian Program fo r Las Amigas tl1en1 ln the reUg1ou10 lraln1 n~ of A l'<ipr•" on tht Hook ot . Ar01. l11t 1r <'nlldren.. ThOlle with ctl!ldren For Saturday. F eb. 20, 7:30 14 m . '!1)11 •howtnc 11 open to the pubilc. twn ~·ear11 ot age alaa. rec:cl\'ed 4 tne.-. wUI IMi ttle men·• "O...,rge M l <•1 booka for lhf' children. A \\'uhlngton'11 B!tthd•y'' corpui .. te DURING LENT flln•~ll''P '-Th"'e Parenti l'rom-com rn un1••n and brt'akra11t •l 1he t-i" .,. .• ,. th~n 11hown, 1Uu1tratJng pan><h hAll .[-A tnl(&a CIH1'9 al-Pb"•t Church by the Sea will meet Ftb 21, fj p. rn. at the hom• of Mra. Harold Glau, 110 Tenth 8t. It.ft•. Ann H eyman will be 111al111Jng ho.teal. M rll. HU.th Mt M!llan will itve a book report on .American Indiana. the w1y11 !n wh!C-h 1 h,.. <'hllr'! h ran --------- h•dp ••:Hh the ..:hlld'1 f'!'l1i,;-lou.a training · Will Study CommunionDay Other Faiths at B. I. Church The world rel!l{1om wHl ba di•· cu1sed by the !;o-nlor Youth 1'~el­ 'l'hl• SundaJ, the nnt \n the lov.·1hlp of the. &..lt>oa I!!land Ctim . l..<!nten aell.90n, "''Ill be obi crveU I rnunity Methodl!l C hurch tt{ thett a t the &Ibo• llla.n4 Community 71 p. m. mtf!Ung eon Sundlly. Jt.tethodllt Chur<'h. with the r~li·-"'Memhf.re of th .. group, Ron St. bra.lion of Holy Comn111nlon a l Cl11.!r and Su~!" 8tonO:", w1JJ apuk b<>th ttll't Q:30 •nd 11 a.m. eerv1ce1. un l.&lam and Uuddhillnl. The pro- A t ~ early """' Ute .cftll-a-rMD will a.111--, tncluUe wo r!hlp, dren·a c:boir, under Ut• dl rac:Uob ~Uon, • nd rPfreahmt'nl4. of LMUe Van D)')l:t. will ~ Serving .. 11ponaon for the eve- "Grarlou1 Spirit. Dwtll W tth Me i:Unc w ill be Mr. Arthur Kra.iner. by ~~lorence Jolley. They w11J be On \\'e<lne81.illy evening, Feb. 115, accon1 p~led by Mra. Nora Till• the g-roup w 'nt to the White man)', 01ganl1t. Templfi Methodiat Church at Ana· Communion 1tewant. "'1.ll be Mn . helm 11.& (Ueall or the Senior Youth H arold Fink. Mr1. OeorJ• J onu. Fellow1hlp there for • Vll.lentlne'• and Mra. lAon&rd &rgn.ve. AcoJ.y-party. M r. lllld Mr11. Kra.mer &e- • ar-e Joel Fniehan and Blll companied the group. J'en-y, Tli1 tl1'9t day of Lt'nt. Aah W ed- -y, ....• """ ... , .... ohu~" Pink Rose bud writh a special wonhlp Mt'Tfee at ~-r;;;:~tr°!;:. th• rcu•IU' Fam-for Parents 'Mind' Theme for Sunday Mr. and Mn. Donald SteffNlllM-, <Ul3 Holly Lane. Co•l• Me .... were pruented & pink ro&ebud &ru.1 cry•tal va...e fron1 the altar ot Lhe Balboa I1land Community :t.fetho- di.t Church SUilday momin,J. Tht preeentatlon wa11 made to an- n6unce-·tb "tl'Jft Coflgr"t'll;'\.tlon tlle &niw.I of • new l>ltby In the ...,..... Tball' new child, J enni.fer Leslie S letten.en. wu bnrn Feb, 11, at ~ Bo.pU•L She 111 Lhtt g-rand- d11.qbter of t.fr. and Mr11. J . LMlle 8t.etten1en &nd Mr. and M.rw. Clint.on T. Coane. """ E-. r: ......... ll •t11 1 P. M. Lutheran Pastor Begin s Series 0 11 'The Christ' Boy f or the Morgans P utor Ro~rt B Gnmhmd or Ne"''PQrt llH tt~•r L11Lherll11 Church a.nnounced l••.l•Y that ht1 would prt"ar h a llfl<'' lfli 11ene.11 or .11ern1on11 on "'rlie Ch 1 ,,.1 '. un each <.Jf t!!e alx Sund•Y• 1n I.he .at:uon of Le~ First of th•' 11,., tr11 tu be <lellverf-d Sunday >1t Jupl1<'>1le aervlcea 11t 1:1 and l l :lt'i • n1 1/i enlltle<I '"Tht FoolU.h ChrlJ!t" Toplc11 to follow receive mld -w~k en1ph .. I• a t Ne~rt Helji\'hl• r hurr.h wlth ahov.·,ng or ttle •~ond In a 11erle.a of • be11utituJ color ru na on the Ntw pa.rent• are J.tanne 1111 Lt. and Mni. Don•ld Royc-e M1lr - i.,'1Ul, Co3ta )!ea•. following thl' birth of lhe!r baby buy F'~b. 6 IJ\ I <'!Jn1aUc, final day1 of Chri1l'a Ute Coron• Naval HoepllaL on eacth. Schecluled for the 7:30[p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"i ·.voone~·l11 y e""n1ng V•nten \'""per 1s the n1n1 ··N 1c-0<t mu11", For y I Opt>n lo Ole public Rre both lhe our \\',.rlnea•IRy f!lrn anJ Sunrlay aer- In clude In or•lt·r "The Suffering nlon 1er1ea. Chrt.t", ... The l're<'loua Chrtat", -------------Lenten Inspiration "The Couragr•ou$ ChrlJll", ""LI '"The F" B . Conquering Chn.11t". Th('n1e for IrSt aptISt Palm Sunday will be '"The Exem-1 pluy Chr111l", with the entJr' 11er-f c t M lea reachln( " cllm•ll on Ea.Iller 0 OS a esa Sunday w ith "The Uvlng Chrlllt." Eaeh aermon will develop a tllf· ferent U P"Cl of the person ot Chrlat as H(' .,.·enr the v.-·.11 y Of the crolll!I &nd 1-111 ! le rnnfrnnl11 u11 now In our pr-esent <!ay, .aay1 l'Mlor Gronlund. Th• Lenttn 8<!8.$0n contin11efl to Morning Services at Corona del Mar For th• fir11t Sunday in Lent the Rtv. Ed.,.•1n Gomkl', n1lnl11ter ot Cor ona ,1 .. 1 Mar Comn1unlty Chw-ch. ~will 11pcaX on. ':.R1J.-.ning Away From Lift'". Coffee i_q 11erv- ed belwet-n arrvit P" by the n1-1!m· Deni of Senior Pllgr11n Fellow- 11htp. Martin Luther Film to Show Living Bible Films A l the P'lnt B&pU.et Cbllt:'(:h of C08ta r.1U11.. •t }he e l,ven o'clock 11ervice ttle Rev. P . G. N eumann "'ci!I have RI! hill lll'fml)n topic, "Oorllnqu .. nr-y or Demon P011ee.11· 11ion," thl" a reque.11t .ennon. Sp<"t-iaJ r?lu,.Lc by the Chancel {.'hoi r. At 6 :30 p. rn . the Bapti•l Tn.lnlng-Union w lll meet, al.110 the pR11tor'11 ln.11truction cl-.-. Portraying th• l:llnHl''l!c fin.a.I day1 Jn the life or Chr111t. At t he 7:30 p. m. 11ervlce -Mr. Neuma.nn w l\l have a..e hi• aennon toplo "Man's Record and God," Wedne11day at 7:30 p. m. 111 t he u11uii.l Pr!LlJw! llnd Bible study meet · tilg"'.' Af ·e ;35· p: ri1. the pniytr l(roup meelini;:~ \fill be held tn thelr ror11pecUve room.&. Albertson' New Baby Marine P FC and Mra. Rohert Elliott Albertson, Co.11ta M"sa., beca.me the p11-renltl of 1. baby boy F,b, IS ln Corona Navlll Ho1- pltal. In Color & Sound Eat:h \\le<:lne1day Eve. al 7:30 o"clock. WED., FEB. 22nd "Nicodemus" Oupllcate 'scmday .~rvlee11 9 I/. ll:lt'i ._m. NEWPORT HARBOR .. Lutheran Church Jto1ber1 K. (Jronlund. P&11tor %601 CLIFT OIU\'F. :o;F,"'POKT !lt:IGllTS Do You NEED MONEY? ..... Preuin9 Monthly Payments Overdue Obli9a.tion• For Other Needs CASH GET IN l HURRY 1111 Your .... Security • Cal Hoc bot 1549 • Royal Mortgage Co. ,. __ _ llu'Mr .... leader ot the Guild M' aea1u.Z .. aJ.mo.t every 1tate. W:emti;w ei--:t.. ... J'd ot lAeturutiJp ~t I If ddt it .. ;._ I Th• ~yrdl. The fl'trst Churcb f C....... ....... I BL Jamt.1' c-hurch Vi open to every one to l'Om~ uih Ill.are lJl the e1tperiencl! ot hearin.&' Mary Light, a per.eon truly C1tled in ~lrilua.I healing, with th• added charm of lht' iobillly to exprea11 her faith in a lllOll! r-Yfre11hlnir manner. - ot Olirlit.." lilflioti«. tn &Bton Ma. ~ ,.., ~ . . . I atteMacl. --.w I hbnlll'V iJ4, Friday B p.m. l ;::' ,: ::' .::t I ChUf'llh l:dttlce;Ttrst Church or Chrut, I ~-1lAt.i1 tea f SoJentltL I mwa•te. b.fore I.lie •••• v • ~-N Aeelllm!I. ,.., pro-I ~ la ..._,,, ewport Beaeh. OaL I oeaa l1ai. .,,."°" I 1ouy~at tM d-. I ------ Before you uy you r prayers, there's .omething l w ant t o tell you. T onight, l w ant y ou to a!lk God to b less 'veryon~ in the w hole w ide w orld. On W orld Day of Prayer chd· dre n in every corner of the globe . grow n-ups to o, w ill pray t hat G od will m ake this w o rld a bett er _place. Remember last swmmer 0 at camp when you called out at the edge of t hat cliff a nd your echo earn, an· swering bac k ? Well, imagine all the people in the w orld calling o ut at once in p niy'r. Imagine h<lw b ig the e ch o w ould be, and how much it would p lease God to hear it. Y ou are l ucky children, because y ou live h ere in A m erica, because y ou have your Church and the right to attend it. So t onight , thank G od for things like that, darlings , evc-n if y ou do n't en t irely under5tand them. A nd w hen you've finished •.• a.sk Hitn to_bleaa everyone. ~ ~ This Church f.eature Sponsored by These Locol Business Firms Marlo'• Smart Set Hair Fashions Compltte Styllng P ermanent Waving and Tintlng M07 Eu~ Coast Ht\')'. -Harbor 510.J NEWPORT FURNITURE CO. Compll'-te H(Jh'le F'uml!Ultng.11 2620 \V, Coast ""'l· Uberiy 8-1113 Fred Or9eron Chevron Service Tire• -Batterle11 -Accenorle• Co111plele LubTICaUon 2100 w. Balboa Bl,·d., Newport Beach Harbor 1515 UNIQUE CAFE Brea.k:f11.11t -Lunch -Dinner 410 S2nd St., (AcroM from City Hall) Ernie Church-THE ARCHES Union 011 Utall'-r 3400 W. Coast Hwy, Newport Beach u 8-908! HOWARD'S RESTAURANt CofJt.-e Shop---Open 24 hourt c S945 W. Coaat Jly. (at Balboa Cctve.) R&l'bor il8W GEORGE M. GRAHAM .. Rug1 an<! C..rpeta 1%2 Agate Ave.. Balt.oa ........ HaitMw Sz.16 ART C. KISTUR CO., Realton Bay Fn:xil 8pedallate 1901 Newport Blv<I. Newport 8-11 Harbor 6:126 • MAD MOORE NURSERY Cut Flower• -Pet Suppllu 8&.lhoa Blvd. at 21st Newport Beach NEWPORT HARBOR IANK An lndl'pl!ndf'nt Home Bank Cotoua dr-1 Mar The Port Hole Br..,kfast Hause t.lldn1 ght to 11 A. M. 2%17 \V. Coast lliM·ay, Newport Beach Vincent's Rexall Dr119 Stores TWo loc111tlon11 to Sl!rve You Corona del Har STAFFORD & SON Electr1 Clll Contr1clor11 llO ·Ri\·crsidfl. A\'e. Ntiwport &e.cb Ubert.f s.n1e· Lawie woac1-1• Pia11o Co. Complttte Line o1' N-A U.ecf P1arlcm ~ 2610 E. Coast Uwy. -·-ELITE BEAUTY ~HOP Under th• New M&nagenment ot M.r. Pat DICK MACKER Draperlu -Carpet. -Upho~ Comp;et~ FrM O.OOraUn.1 8enkie Sf.20 Vla l.Jdo I l I I l \ I· ' \ HA I .I ·O·ll ·f ACE CRUCIAL ORANGE . Ti>~!IGHT Coeeh Ju!~ G11g'." f1~rH hia Newport Harbor High Bll..L P8n.LI PS. Spo• rt. Editor School SallOr (juiriT,'\ i~ in t h'! right fr&ine of mind f or Gob J1111ori ~. Seafleas of.l Victory Path ,,.. ... "•' S • • -t ;,."' 0 Unllble to let M.cll o. U.. wtn-i-J• .. -------------------------,..-.,,,.,"J .......,.;_ ; ...... s _ ~::-.. .L.A.:&gl!.t (.:J.;c ou......g at rau3e. . 8\IUllt .Ls ... · -~~·----... ,.. " f 'li""" ~·E~., -"'T:\e.y..,..-~· Q•llit r~pcrt11. 1 ~11~l.bl:it.•pc;;im;;j\f-G_1c1n11: ,..~ ~ -WU-IL.ION -H • ;:"' -,- Nt:'IVr'Ut<. I' h Ari.ii"U · l'IC •• .>-rr(r.:_,:; -PA~T I • PAb • A.zW wcii the)" •:"IWIJ lie For 1 ~he ColO<\llita In Sallor IC)"·rl 1'lH'.11• ! c.ompeutlon, ewporl Ubor HlsL 1 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1956 .·1_, •. '' ', 4• day 11.fternoon 11.nd lowly ••untu~·i &hool'• Junl.Qr VllJ'8lty ..,.d S-· ttiolr ri-~t l .c.;i J d .11t a1 th,,. io-..,· lon Beach here next Friday. nu. qul.'1ll'~s dropped tnyw ti OU4 f·-----------------------------· lt. .... 1 L1 ~o.'. u.· f';)' .1. 40 '"· '" tli<i Wn.b Ceri~r • i:dl.111! Pope 1ilnl1 1 Jl'.n Grove T uNd.11 ~.For DIAMOND DE3S'.L cos~, s 'r~t 10'.illd t.•! p'•:i'· A•i.J \Ip re'.i i Cu11r-J. Guy Gree.ll and Jlaye lh• Tar .JV• It WU t Ul loop~ of 1./1r~ oth~r g ...c~ T'l-.!.110n5 100· l T•mu ra hllvln.t l hingi1 plt.'lty I.he ~n; for Coach Bill St.nw'• I BUC Th~~l~!:!=l~~r!n~;\9iE~~:::t~~.:ch ~'~tll t =r J11n N:.,;er. 1'uu1 ~ 1.1:11tru11 1 mueh thr ir O'A•n way •galnat tllot nywe!f1hl1 It wu ~lb ~ll. and J-.'.,n Purc.:ill, th« l• lu "' lugh I A ...... 4-··-G look r Coa.cll Jule-o., •• Ju.Noni •Uf4 1 ~ , 4 , .fl:"Oll •WLM.UIY, ll(ll 2 Ot ,fered • i ?·311 kia11 to UWi A..f'l1MI :ico .. n_. 0 1ans-·nen. h • chal'p& tu t urn 111 samh"r j . I l'i('kerl• and hi• 0 1•no;e C()llit Colltf e Sou h.,,p. Divisitm :)Ute J C hor11thlde ch11n1p,, " 10·0 tetba.ck to Lonw Bc11ch City Cu!lc¥e o n the f~'• field Tuesday. lt wa1 lnlU·.il pr.t'llce outini of the 11..a.on !or lhe Mrf • m acer.. ~•e l"t:.cl remn1na thJt !h•' l>ob."1 hut -·n.. tonl-.L Pope poeed the whjJe th• Su.f~ w •re ed&M SO· I• ..-~" ~.Tally •h<'ea. J\'._DoA .B&llba. 11av<l g ut to be&t tfl.e anthe1• seorlng wllh 23 po<ntfl un 9 tl"ld ' _,,._ • -· 9 h I -\ ... , I . I ll4b Vl!lae-r.'UI•, J.,.... ~ .... t cr. lg t to r~l3 n a r1~.iml) (H p goal.JI and O fnoe lhrow.io. Oth .. r f • 7 8 Sch )., thlln,·e. A ft..-r hand1!.1• 1nr • ..,·1n3 1 •Cl'.lrer•' ~h, ~b Al ~n .,' ~-:ri on;-ohn <own G1ul1••n G"W., 69·-HI un 111, I I e ubl.\H. •· e ~- PLENTY OF TROPHIES FOR ALL, BOYS 8Jg J e rry Rice 11nd \\'ayne Cooirhtry, a pair o! retum· Lng mounJ 11c1·,;, wen.• lhe lada ~·t11> punthed out lhe amp:e ntim~r of !"'"",.~ 10 first ti.,ae for the oppo~lt!on b:i.ttt'ra - Ii; In all. W1tt1 the Pirltr p11lot1 pa;;;ers .ii:i.ll1.,r u>i: only 1.h.re., blnl!"I"" !n tht! blJlh cunte•t, \..hat w .. 14 walJu too man.y. I 1 fl T "-.I <.: , Creen ~. T11.mur11 10, Roy Ot1n· Jo'untlus 9. Or.ry PiC'kera I , Cbarli• rva . <Jor I.LC. ay.b<> ag~"1 gu)'ll tel 6, P 11uJ Lon.•11t:r.en •. Larry .T&)'Wr, Nike H11.1e•. t Noh. ftleb That'a the u.surance Mi~ Eaton of. Orange Coast CoUege, cen«:r , had fo r these eager onlookers aa he lays out awards for the 5th annual Kiwanis kid cage tourna- ment. The f aCX'fl examin"'g the t.rc:pii91 belong to ti to ~) Rus.<sell Rapp, Roo Palaferrt, Hal Knighten a nd Bill Scott. '1'he tourney opens F'et:. 22 in Harbor Boys' re'Tl::tlll ~d 01>e g1une h!n' •·1tgu' 1-laq,.,r \I. °"11111,, Harw<X>J 2 I ~··h !lchrltla)•rr 2. l~11 <1:!11:i: An<•h• 11"1 A v\,•tory l'\""r r---------...;;;;;,ill:._..;;. _____ ~~--"';;o;;o;;o;;o;;o;;;;;; Orans., would la•''" llN!rn 1n the Club gym. -St.aJf Photo · Pick.-:n•' pokrr• juat •bout pl1tyed their &ti.Ille In the t1'"9l fr-ame whrn they g-amt1ed tour nuu1. 8ix talllf"_. in i:he rat11J fourth hy l"-'ng He&('h ll<'ttl~ t h., 1 .. ue. Each .quid • 1 ar Spl ashe rs Clf Rc !ays Next Week finished 11cur1ng !lir the g1une In the 111xttl Inning-, !hr Bue• ~D 11.nkhng 11.<'rvs11 1t 111ngletun and t he w1nnel"I! 11 qu&rtet ot dlNJ •. l·LO \\'L"i DUO -Ha rold Peterson, left and.Chet f'arra r show off the Fnn.k Carlton perpetual t rophy c11ptured in the annual Hi-Lo\11 links annual at Jr..-ine Coast Country Club last weekend. The pair had a 36-hole t.otal of 287 for the two-days of divot digging. -Mabg1e Pl"'iCt: Photo -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- UPPER BAY 10-MILE RUN STARTS -AT NOON SUNDAY ; RAMBLERS NAB 'CYO LEAGUE WITHOUT DEFEAT ~'-'"~-·~~~~~~~~~~-Go Coach Al Irwin'• N""i"''t Hkt· LEAGUE CHAMPIONS! t;.ur H ii;-h School tank t,.11 1" , . .,fl\· I Playing without two t1r•t strlnf:"''" nitjl.l)t nothln,11; 1 .. th,. 51. J •,artun1 ScJ\,JOl flstt•l> ler' "" th .. y lio;:k.,.tl S11n J u11n C..11i•lr1no ~:l-16 lln(l won th" On.llg'e Cuunty Soulhem l.J!\"I· aon c vn t J1,11111p1onsh!p. 1·1,r victory 111v<1 th., H.an1blrt,1 a 8·0 l"'tll(Ue n111rk lln•1 "il l •end lh"n• 111to thr Souui .. rn Calltarn1.. C\'0 pl & y u t'r" a ga.itat Sl l:loni fll<.'!ll .00.1 Ens·1gn ou·1ntets Capture :~~'"R:'i.:: ·:::.~:.~·.,::: :: 'i".: H&bra Tue¥111y •tt .. rn·~· , The f'ln111' an! arhf'<lu!ed ln ~:1 ~~!nrT., 1 Open·1ng Goes • Tourney ~~~:;:'"'""• " "' , .. ,, ""' In I Hrg1.iar s11.11ur ''°"1 prat 1, .. a"'". The Horace Ensign varsity cop..-flNt place in the 110n get• wi<ltrw•y f eb ".'II ~...:•1nat ! r--'-' C&l1furn111 And t ..... lli.tua "' La Orange L'ounty El!"menlalJ' Sth•Jtll Basketball l..eague w1l h ! Jia tini. F1n11 hurn .. ay11 .. 111"1'\ will an Ullllefeated 7-0 n.:co rd after Jrubbing Wt:!11lmuu1ter 38·11 take µlace &i1u11at A11ithe11 n ht"1r there Tuesday. C-Oa.c h Norm Sullwell's B 11quad also won M~:;~111~~ Ro~:~:, A ndrN, f'l i c k I Tuesday, 30-8, winding up Ul a Jeadlock for second place jearter. Bill Corkett, J'rry Fkrq1 .. - 4 1 in l11c ll~htwe11(ht loop with Ana· I har, lienry Hill. Dt,nnla lf,nder· A g 8 J n 11 l ( '>1.p111lrvio, the Re.tnb! .. r11 Wffe w1thout ••·r· v1ce11 "' J1n1 ,\t c~l11han, ut.t wilh flu an1J Hob 8<"1gel. wh'' r~~ll\ 11uffer<"d 1r. brokrn bunc '" 1r. l uot. B ut w1t.h Richard L 11 Co mb firing t hrough 17 puinrt, thf' r1v11la wu1 nf'vtr 111 1·o nl!·nt1on A.Ml8t1n..: LI l: o rn b wHh Ra.mbl"'r .cor•ng were WaynO' WedeJc iog Ai aod T oni Cn•- ham 2. 1------AFTER UPSEJ Bucs Seek EC Win Tonight Berdoo over COAST · TANK · TEAM MINUS PLUNGE ACE Golnc Into 11. w;U<Jn fln1t lime without the All American Buddy Coac-h Joe K roll l'laa hia cro&M!'d on the ou trome cYtt<'Jnt .-w1m ~ tor Coa.at Collere. for the h!'lp of B~lahe. tlnc.-r• ot the Orange Ma1nst11.y• of the team W'lll be award w!nneni Cwrge L)"ons lllld Alan Hodge•. tioth bvye. H1U1tlng· (on Beach g,..,JlUit~. w ere rat .. d on· \..he Junior colleg<1 All Amerl· Cllll Iii.It yea r. Lyona hu lm- Altbnugtl ho~ for at1 Eiuteni provl'd and ahould be a r eal point Conrerenc" bUketball c rQWn tll4ed cathl!'rei-1n the orthodox bre&•t cnUr•ly n.flr r Tu~ay 11lght '& up-!lttoke. He w1U 1!11tl be used In ..,t 11 .. rl!'at by Chlfff'y hen:, COii.ch the back~trokB and the lndiYldual Stu ln1n&n'11 r&.11h young Bura will m.,,JJ~y. H<,·lt.:'""' s pl"Ci&lty J11 th• 11Ull be Olll ccim e 8 p. 1n. tip otf backRtrok ... Ume at Sa.n Bernardino tonl;:hl w Ed TrkC)' a rom1er R ivf'r11lrle kOOl.'k orr the leacue l-der~. Hl&ll Schuol 11w1n1111er .. nJ a. vet· • '"\Ve beat Fullerton," the ~ eran. m&y be u,;eU m lh., i:1pr1nLB. a.ng,. Co11.JJt Culh·ge perfurmeni Rui'& Mur phy, runnerly un the Jl'Olnt nut "A n,J lh>' Horn~L• de· SanU An1< H 1~h School ie.11m, 18 he!in. both holdUll( :>-2 nl&J"iu boo· aon. &b J uhruiun, J1n1 Knight, Churk Ko1v1•to. F.rnui ~l lnney, Bill !>l1ll•, Don Reddlni;:ton, P,•fp Schul· berg, Ronnie Thrnn&o11, 1',.d Von Hem..,rt, J Andrew• and J uhn Ar· 11old. hu•ol un<1l'fe11 tcd Orange. \\.edne5<!11y. both lueaJ quintet.a (\efr11terl l..llJo[Ullll Biach tn firat ruund oullng11 or the Huntington IJ,·1 .. ·h o>ll'•H•·ll\llry .chool cage tourn11n1ent rhe P.:nsl ~ cap· ture<.I the v11r11lty 11:0 28·2i while the U.1:htwel.!;:hl11 won 37-2Q Sec· on,1 round go,.1 were .111.·hf'duled ror lod&y \hoe loc&I v11.t11Hy tang· llng V.'i\h I.A H&hra &od tti.e B"tr lir.k!ng (ll"I O•'>'l!ln Vl!'w. AMaln•t \\'e•lmlnJ1ter In the le&gue r1n&lf', the tally sheet.a rta.d: ,Vnrs!ly -Ba.*-NiemJec lO, Bill C'h11mploo lJ, Dtnny Po9t l ~. U"11 Blll Twl~t 2, Dick Butter· 8 -0 a vii Allen. Dave P.11ekner. Or.nnla f Wlh. Mike DenJ1111er. ·r erry Dall&.&, John Elll<1t. Run F oeter. Chip Fnz .... ·ato:'t, Ll11.v"' Grant Bob Hoffn1an, Roh<'r 1 .l"hn- Mln. J hn Llnrlt'rm11.11 C .. n., Lonr1j.', Pllul l'>f10ntz. Larry l'>fetralft', flsl'" ~111.<ldt'n. ~fow.tr•I Pt'lenw1n, l lll v' Pt'tt1t. Doug Plerr ... Payton R,.....t . Orin \Vllde. Jf'rry '''hil•kt'r. Jt'rrv 0.rg. 8C"U('e McOum . Dev .. Va ughn Rciy Math4!r, H1l! La.ngJ•hr c J~ Toni llnC'kn,.r, St.·ve Ruu•,. B11~t1. J ohn Bl>• k, ~··~ worth 2, Don Bricknell •. Stev• H~nrot In 2, Tom Markh11.m 8. B urnt, T"n' ('.,rl< .. u , O \;1b,..>r1, Steve Liq1erlof 6. John Hug ht1 2. Mike G11.•il{h&n fWb t'.;t<'.'laf'r, K•·n I \Vayne Cou1van 2 an.1 Bill F reuh· Harvl'v, ·r llalJ,.tt, K ut H11ll. li"h ling 2. I .J,.h. Doui.: MlllPr. Uurkf' fiwllyer I A ..:-sln~t LAl{\ln& Belll.'h : Vsr11lv l{,.n Snnl11'. 1<;. Sjnb•·<'k . J ohn \'1tn -/\:•~"""" 8, 0.:lllly Po•I 16, Toni f1y kt', U"rfy \'uu H,.n1.,rt, J"" St tve1,,1 4 Ull T1•.'\~t 6, J.l•rk-Arnold \\":.Jly Huoi:,.,._., J .. hn l hll.Jll "l, Uulll'r.o.'orlh 1, •ll"nrvUn)Ov.ru" D \\"lul n•') ~I . 6\Uflrt J{ 7, Hror k 11.,lJ 2 l..Agtrlof 9 K~n t H""'~Jlh r-;,1., .. rl J (:ll\U•il lt...y H<~ll(MUH 2. ll111o:neit i , W"yn~ Go.Jv.·111, Ji,,>l• k H St•1ll Gout'''"' 4 T"'""' nn111n1: .. r •~ Gonl .. n J•1hl • Ne...,•port }:lt>arh rltcrt1r.t1or1 De· !\"ava.J Training Cent,.r: Cu• featl'd SM Dt>n .loo. No reM<>n w hy anolll"'r pott>llli11I trµnnt mlln, 1.lu P'"rln1,.n l 1.t s1·h,..:uleJ lo etage Duarte. 11n East u.:o~ Aui.:"'"• en· w~ can't. tw" Bown11Ln, H untington Ue1:1ch, l• a l\ll flrllt •nnual Newport Bea<'h try runn1n.1: u""ttarh .. •t. and J 1n1 Howe\·,.r, t.h•'trl!' are the 11&me J lstance msn whv has ln11'r"veJ Upper Bil\" 10·m•I,. h11nd1r1tp run. Sebio of lhe OJlver C'tty club. younJ( Huctr y.•)1., M id, 11(1.<!r up· alnce hill high '" ho1'1 1 Uay11. 11T.,1l•l1J( 11\ noon Sund&y. La~l"'-1 .Nf"wport U'Hch Hl'Cr•al1u11 \Jt'· Ytllng th~ Hurnets In the Me•• Virj!il Barg"'· ei.-:'\a,·y 11win1· t he "'nllltit $C••n1c rtin in the l.'nit· pa1·\n1l'nt, und(•r D1n"<:tor Bob gym: ... ,.0.,0 ,Jv r an beet u.s !lOW''" mer. •• another jl!HllJ.>f'CI Bob In T arbabes Go Tally Wild 68-40 Victory over Argos • ' S ••t••··· tho ovent ~·\U ata rt Gin "nch, I.JI ha.ndllt1g the local F I ' . .,.,. . I "''man no w h1u1 • bo·ok rn hanli ~fa\\ In~ a d"t ~rn11n"'1 t'ffort to " ..... " !na 11eore 11.g-auat ~ cellar c•lrh op with lelll{Ue le"<ling An a -a nt1 tlnl5h at Newport Harbor arro.ng<'ment• of l!l<'ttlllK up the dwelling Chllffl'y In the aanie and w1H not be rca•ly untll after heim ~·.,,..,,h .Jini ~l illf'r'N :'\~w· UnlHn Htic:h School. cour•e. anJ w ill be .._,.~llllt'<I by ~le11& gyrn Tu1•.o<lay nlg-ht f&vored M arch I. He v.·111 be n~··d In Lhe pool ll Hr·UOr llll{ll S<'h<>nl T81·tm1Je Th111 6'4!'CO!ld Southern P 11.c\f!c Cvae.h L>o11 Burns and n1,·1nber11 lhll !nvadera 79.72. lndica llve ot 1prlnt..!I, bacl<struke 1<11d inrJlv1duaJ quintet ronip"'d ov~r (;11 1 . .i..,n AA U Jong d{lltaoce ri ce of tl'I., or hill Ncv.·porl Harbor Hlgtt whal can hllpper In thlli partlcu· m edley. Paul lil'elttiaupt, fr..,sh· Grove ln S.11lh.Jr .-vrri "l'uf'l!dsy •<· Ill h ''°bhy C""' < lrar k tean1, •nd Co11.<'h HUe!!loll < N' l Ha ••. , H igh "' yetir "'" .ave °" u•" 0 lai-c.lrcult. m&n rom l"""P0r r....., lo>or"'''" olS·40 for th~1r Sth Sun · ('lu\'<'r <'lty AC &11 th., hc1:1vy Ha1per nt Or an):e C-0:1.~t College Whlll hspp<!r1,.d v.•11..9 Chllffey, School a11 ct F1·ank Hagrrntfl n, f 1 I f t tin h norll A \\\'O·V."ft•k i.;ap will 1•1·rrede 1' "t HI! ::; lool are two l~O'i ! .. •.lf;U " i11nrnpt1 R):HUl.•l •lfll" ll~""i" Ht "8 ' ie " · "'"\\hnollungtolo11tc hutthe "a.z11t. i ev.k'P,"'k i.;i ,r,1t • G 1 11.,,.,,.. H•,:i;,.Mt c<Ull•·"t o1ur111 c th~ final penn<J t<'orinl! Seor., 1 un· do.,..n · Pal•ftrrl I•. Whit<'! l:il, Hl'nt•>· tin 16, Jilll St'tlonfll J. D11vr 1'~!· tit ~. J1n1 Joll1!U,.r 4, Bu1I Thon>p· ltQn J , Rlrh. Tamowske 2. Br11.:k· ner ~'· I ..-.o i..,1,..-,. 4 this is the man from Dick Macker Floor Coveri1191 h •'• glad to s how you 3420 Via J..ido o a r p et a t hom• H~ lcn<?W.' how imporl&nt th~ right rolor and pnl to..•rn ~ to t1vuy individual d~llnl( 11ehl•rne. 'rh.at'1 why he en4 Jors roming into your hOl'J'l4l' w ith a w ondt.'l'ful Vff.rl('ly of samplai.. And, ol roUNt•, he brin11:s h18 we-ol Lh of experi- 1•nce to &lb111t you 1n making tht' pt>rf1'<'t ""·!eel.ion. \\' c know t hat dl{Pf"l It ttO impcrt&nt investment 10 bt-tter living, that the l::M."'l'lt place to ma ~e your choice i3 ri11ht at home where you can - exactly the carpet that bl .. nd11 befi t with your furnish.inga. Give -a ea.II 900n.. \Ve'U be at your door-at yow coo"""°"' it!OClt i1.fl<l without oblij[aUOO.. Dick Macker Roor Coverl1191 N t:\VPORT BEA.CH 11.v. 4528 ('"n~. th,. \Vest Co•al'• outat.and· the thirJ ra~·• t!f tile i;l'a,..in, a appl!t'd th"e 5111n .. prtM•nK tactic~ bac s ro e c,1nu1.,11 e". rll 11 1 rrov w11..~ ,.,,1 ,,11~ fi trl•l .,f 1,.....1\1 111" ""''"lhunl'r. w1u1 v.•[no"'r uf twr!Ye·nill<' han1 1llr11p r1fra.r at aga.inlll tht l'lr.11Lcm ein ployt>d by Stageberger, 1 .. i 1ne~ c1ly i.livlug lli:t'itw<'l,i:h!~ rnr K;oine hiJ.:h srt1r'" la.st W••,.k "s f1vc-m1 le l~t a t Her· ~an •· .. rn11.ndu /.. flrt•h _• _____ 1 lnmcut'• rnen Rg•lnllt FUJ\erton . ch&.mpiun fron1 R1vet11ide, ..,.,u R•fli l'1th•frrrt 1<n•! H•lb \\'hit .. m•>llJ1 B .. ach. Currently he ls be-bollllPr the trnn1 ·.~ rhanr1·~. Ju.st &11 t he Horn .. LI! bll."w ,.ky high, lni: p<•inted for the Boston /.I ara· IR Its f Fe olld the Bucs. All they Tnll.Il-lhon 111 April and II po...alble b<'rth esu 0 m aced to u.Jvage !rorn lh"' ronl<'llt (In the O lympic marathon tea.ni. Guest Day Golf w11J1 h igh 11eore honono acqulrf!d Tar Game Air dUf'lf'•J ivr lt.dly h .. nnr$ in th•· flr11l rp111rtf'1, fllc·h hllllni; fo1 fov"' r1e1,1 1;ual11 a~a1 1111t tour roi \Vhitr l:!ut then J uhn Ht'nrulln BUY FACTORY DIRECT & SAVE 2 TWIN SIZE TUFTLESS INNERSPRING MA ntlESSES on Gurdon .t.1c'Clenatl'len or Santa by Denn} Fi~p11trlc k'11 18 polnLB. SAi\"T,\ ANA 10CNS1 4 -Radio to<ok ••Ver 111 the serond &nd third Barb11ra Collea•. numer-up to '''•>">en·, g"i< ,,,,.,t <i•Y .,. Th• d•<·at lo<< lh• 8 ,,., "'Ith• ,., .. 1, 111 • , t •• u .. , l""i r0 n• ,,.,,,,,,, p·• " " .. ' ' . • -n. • .• "' urua .. ~iu u•e rani;:e q .. ,.,. Pra, e ,,., ng-.. • . . Conll &t Hermollll BtllCh, I• alllo ,.. C • ll Ults at Irvine ,.Oil.Ill ountry ~-4 loop mark and a 17·7 overall llii!h School v11. Newport Hai·bor lll o111.11 . to be&t lllf'n1 out with R c&p&ble of 1tv!ng •tiff compel!· Club found ~1r•. R11Y."110ll Foote rtcorU for the ~N.llOh. OCC llCOr· H igh Sch0<1l Sunset L..ague b1111-total ot 16 puintll. t 1on a t the longer dl11llln~. Olhtr •·ki"g Ci••• A i"·w .K•o•.· with \"< ,.. •• .,,, Ch"<<y ·. k 1 , _, h t t Hod ,,,, f ,. t llm ,. T••· .. .... " ~ .., ._ .. ... <Li elb&l gan1e ...,...&'. rosn ....., our...., ca.n o e ........ e --"-! atrong eontend-O'l'er ·the kwtgtt 8 ' ""ti M••. '''"m• ~,,_,," l"w F1t~t,,·,k 18. D•"• Bldnlck •-c• " '' I I o 0 b•b• bel 1 "" o··e•···h··l•n•"< "•\ 21 1 ...,, " n 1·~ '" " -,_.-• "'· uR!llut"l'll , eaiur ll gym n r· 11 ' .. • •• r " ~ • rout,.. will be SUveetrr Villa of ~,, ··'lh "6. O\h"' ... ,·""''" we••.· • v H 1 •1100 b h d <h ' 1 L " '"'' • •• '"' a.n!'I ~ an nrn IJ each Dun anie. The ga1ne 0:11 11 !JI e~perteo n111ri.:1n ,. er "fir .. ,. 1r" ! lhf' EB~t t..o. Angelt11 Olymp\11.M; C Ja,.,, B -/.I r!! Clifford ~ol· M!ll.90n 11 . T ed Co11tl11 Rnd Hoh to atart in1n1ed1ately &fter the JV •1ring"r~ o>nti!'r11" en,1 lo>tt II up Ren,. Ro,ers, the CrOlls mont I "··\ A I 9" h D U k \ I (('r. ""'""'' • na, 11w !!:f<.l.'111, "· l:l1'1JH1lllll. 4 each. Uill \\'elzel 3. ~n11·e~t b~t"·!:'<'ll the l\\'U s~h<>1,ls,1 l·' I ,.. <I.Lb•. RH• r>f' n~t II par H igh-,rhooler now •t Slln Dle.1:o Lo•v n .. t. 1-l rl!I. Roy llal!lwrg, 71 . Bill Jnlor.s :i. pr.,tiat)ly about l'l .l::;, ot guals and un" ..:oft to .. ~ l...:I Cla.<s c -!..ow ~rQlls. ~lr11. I F"'"'"'-"""';,.....,;;;;o;;o;;o;;o;;o;;o:;;"'-"'"';;,;;"--..,;;;;o;;o;;,;;o;;o;;o;;o;;,;;;;o"-,;;;"'"--""'-~-;,.....,;;"-"-"-~·"1 Hitchcock Head K Pnt Hitchcock ot Newport &1rh he11.da the A.mtr1can Power Boal AuoclaUon'• new Judge& B l.and com n1llter!. The commlltee i.. rh11-rgcd with recommendlng ata,11ilard t:quipment and proce- d urai t.o be WH14 by race commil- teN tor atutmc. UmlnC -d 1100rlng Al'BA anctloniffi mot.M bNit rac-. -------- Sun-Cage Scores sun11et LM.ru• c-.ge rNUJt. Turldt.y: Oranp defeated Hant- lna;:ton Beach. 14 -~. Anaheim down.ed santa Ana H-:t7. Ernel!t W1nberger. Santa Ana, 96. L(iw n,t. ~t rs. C •1. Cr&lne. 73. BE SURE -INSURE ... ,. MA URICP; ST A:oll.t:I' •-..-r.ie Ooly P~-Harbor 2474 SS16 L Clout fflc"h"·a,. eo-. ....... Remember Miller Chevrolet Co. NEW OLDSMOBILES 1956 HOLIDAY COUPE • Jlydrwnatle • Dehua 11.adlo • White W alh e l 'I Rocik'I F.nJ11Ml • Power Brall"' • AJr now Re.I • !·Tune 1'lnt T-... sells NEW CHEVROLETS America'• S<1. l t:ar tJold on h>w.Ju•~ O.M.A.C. terms.. fll.i;hf'~I pt11J1JthLf' l r11de· ln11. ~-pr!,..,.• ~tart a~ lo"· ...... Sl 698 Full Pr ice Fo r $2978 Full Price REMEMRER-NOBODY, BUT NOBODY CAN MAK•~ VO U A Rl·:f'TF.R Dt:l\f, ON A NEW CAR OR TRUCK -Pl.F.ASE CO ~I E IN . .\~n \'ISJT \JS S(>ON. MILLER CHEVROLET letOq W. COAST RJW AV., NF.\\'POl:T RF..'\Cll ~ ~ ... &,..·rp ... --.--..... - ' ·------- co . I.I R·Z'Z6 1 • RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL -COMt.4tRCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR SllALL l30 30t.b SL, Newpori -Bul>or %511 I ... and 2 BOX SPRINGS AU 4 PIECES •49.90 If drsirffi, 6 lep installed for $1.50 per !let ltradboanll'I u low u SS.95 -. Innerspring Malhess TWIN OR FUU SIZE $29.95 MATCHING BOX SPRING $24 95 10-YEAR GUARAlllTEE . • KING SIZE (6' x 7"1 sm -·-···-----·--··-"·-··--··--··--$8'.5.0 per Mt Cj)UEEN SIZE 160'" x 80'"1 SETS ---····-··-···-----$79.50 per Mt OTHER TWIN SIZES LOW AS ······-····-··-··· Sll.95 per Mt FU LL SIZES FROM "··-···"····"····"·········-....................... , ___ $36.95 per - OUR HOTEL SPECIAL twin or full size --$49.95 batti pieces BllOOET .TERMS~ • • FREE DEUVEBY S:P"'f'Ja.I Sl1e11 uMI Dltt-t P1~ A re O'lllr 8~t7 E-Z REST BEDDING COMP ANY Ol'ER U1 VUJL8 MASUP'A.Cr11'JUNO EXPl:lU'.ENOF. ()pm O.U,. t A.lll. .. I P ..llL-Mo9lda1 Md P"ridaJ" t t. I 15320 Laliewood llYd. Santa A11a 2030 S. Malll St. TOrrey 6-4417 Klmberfy 7.3440 • . • ' , • PAGE 2 LR~ NOTICI LIGAL NOTICI ' PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, FEBRUAR 'I'. 17, l!s. !K~NO'ne;! ~~ a • SJ! sz _g .... Wiii lwawturtll' .. 111rated o:q:r •• u..not, U.. ._,..to bl ' -. Ope.....,..• llalUiat ~ -.. .-t \! eJa 11-•-• ._. 1' a. ta.ft P••• lee••••• .... ......... 17 LEGAL No1'1CI 1:17 ftalfh wuu... ad ~ ~ .,,.,_ 10. au rVUMr ~ unt wi .....,.._t ..W.'°~~ ifiilll; . · , .J ~ n wa. '"I" 1 ~&..u1 _.. ~ aaid 6u. KcCl8em UculMe .,,..La&9ed la 1&'4 ........ Mn1tJt. dwnctl-~ ~ ..... W I ftp h ! I'•• ~ ..... " .. l>Ued at -...,art BeM-.b,, ta the hlUO. al bll•I*· • Retttaoe .. p6M dmw) ---· """' ...__ .........-_ ... _., m·-LIL ---- Utal tM7 "ha¥e ....,,..... CO&-Ootaty ct °"""' catttonda,, u.1' ..,...., NrOiiiir ----to Uii' Pl&M Dttftin Of ~ &Neb QI( ......... ' ,.._ ---~ .... .. A Z'f..-port 8-eh Ju'i"eftlJe, 11, -.,.. tr-om llMI <>ruse County JUftlUle H&ll. W'U ~ b)' w-~ Bff.dt police •t 3 p. "'· Jazi. 11 at 32nd 8t. Ind New· OOf't Ave. cNctec1 the aa.ld ~ uaMr UI• Utb ., ot rebna&rJ' UM. and epedtk:atiou ud d<ltaiJed -t.w "'"1 -·-·----···-• LIM t ~ • ..... •n tLrm na.me and 1t"9 ol SW. Boet .. ~ 1Df"l:R ctn.wtnp few Mid work rcternd ~ore~ 1l'on Workw ... -._ Da .., ~ ,_._ ITM ~ R.A.LPll WDJJAMI to in Mid Re9QlutJon of l•t..ntlon. Aey ir.1--1 c:.tion omitted ham. tMt 1-.Uwa l.00 II.to Ptum,.. ---··--·-·-··---·-·---U4 •n ._...-u..-.IF·#U~'\lii·•&'jii:ztj ~0t­ tl-yur-old youlh who told police he h•d "just rua lnto.. l\1m and didn't realll.e he w-.. an .capee trom Juvenile Hall. Ttui complUI• Ion wa1 releucd. W ltnflN our 111pauu ... tht. IUt No. JUT-N-.p,,_ l ftT/61 NOTICll 18 ru1t:nlll1t QfVEN .All bk1li .,... to be compe.rtMt -Ole .... ol u.. at.I' ~ • I.Ip\"" ~ ---~--~·--···-•n 4n't--~ ... ~01rr ... _~.M............ __ ~~ ~~ -,0 •• ,,,......_att ~-.-t:ll&llui&..•--*~M;:lonr . ---~I"'' 1n • ._..._. ._.-,..tllllll-t:M": ... . ... • i'dN '1aUOtN" ~~ o1 NeWpOrt Bee.ch tiu hft'ltOfon Nd' btd Wnt bci accepted tr-om ~-Colltrad.or wllo bl.I .,... ..._ IL · .4..n-l:lldi an to be -~ .r u.. --. ol l-M~t7 HTA.NLET BRISBIN ,,.,..._ ....._ Nw establt.hed a pn••lllJll" r.ta and ~ l.n accordance w1lh lh• p1ort.• ot Cbapt.w t, EM...WO. m .... ..,...et U.. ~uU.. GI -.erk ta IM doM- 8TATE o r CJ..UrOftNJ.Al 'n1e underatped do-. h•Hb1 eo::aJ. oi ""~In a.cc:ord&nee wtth eu.tn-and P'rotMSione Code. · No Wd WW be ~ trom a Oontr&ctor Wbo ha.a Mlm •· COVNTY o r ORANG• l• certify that .tie la co~ a 1&'11' to boe pUd Lit the COILIUUctloa. Pia.n.. may"" Men, and fOnM et pl"OpO&a.I., t.o.'41., lalbMt, aDd ceMM II\ -acorduce "'1'h ~ prov&llOM ot Oaptw m Of On UWi 3i...t. U+T ot January, Rettlll Aa1-ot ~,_. .A~• of the abaft entllled lmpr'O"ement. •PflCU'lcatlon. ma1 IMi obtain«! at the~ Oil lh• Cit.)' a..t11Mr,.Ctl1 Bu.tnt-and ProtlNloN Code. 11u! 11-year-cld wa1 arrut.ed by eo.t.& Mesa pOl.lce Nov. 1• for poue1alon of mar1juanL It• e..:a~t trom UMi Juvenile Hall aeveral day• a,ro. Ha told police he had been down In San Dlero n1......nwhlle and bad Juat retumed. ll>M, baofore me e. Nocary Public and , Gift. Wra.ppiilr ~ a t 'nlat aald nt. and .c.le ,... .... Hall. Nirwport Beac.h, Callfom J._ ~_,. lire NW!, and tonn.. Of ~. boqch. contract. ud ln and for the at°"9ald County 1881 Hartlor Boule•al'd. eo.ta adopted by t.h• City Couno:U by Th• •pecl&l attention of P?'Mpec\lff b\dde"' ls called to the ''Pn>-.peclll--., may ._ 6btalned 1.t ~· oltlce OC °'• Clty ~. CUy and It.ate, penom.lly appeutd w-. cautoml.a, Wider the nett-R.Hol1.1Uon No 4439 on Uui 13th po9&l ~ul.r.ementa and Condltloria" anna..:i to th• ~ t«JQ oc Jin>-H.LU. N~ a.ch, Call.toml&. I John Bri.btn and II~ BrWbln, liout firm nanw ot OLGA'S da f J"eb~ l9M and i. on pm&l, for fu!J dlnelloJU u to blddlJ\r, •le. 'ft!• ~ •ttenUon of pro.pee-ti•• b&dcMn 11 c-alled to tir.-"'Pro- kno.-to me to be Ut.e perwotul t.ADl!:S' A OCE880RfEB and that fU: 1: Ut• Otflce '0 r tlw, City Clerk Th• Cit)' of Newport Bea.ch ....no• Uie rt&ht to reject u.y or &fl ~ ~ullf'U"le()U and CQnd.LUon.1" annexed to lb• blank fona of pro- 11rhok na.mu ar. 111.1b9cribed to the lllkl: ti.rm II cornpoeed of the fol· ot Aid City of Newport Beach.. bidlo. ~. tor tuU dlrectlon.1 aa to bldd.lq. etc. W1thln ln•trument and a.cll:nowl-lotrina' pereorw, wboee namea ln That th• •Id rate1 and .caln are City or Newport Beach. Calltornta bid Th• City of N.wport BCIM'.h rtMrv• th• rtrht to reject an,y o..-all -41.,-ed to me tha.t Oley p.ec:uted hill and placN o1 relid.nc• are u herein refe~ to and ack>pt.ed In llAROllRY SCHROUDER, City Clerk •· the .am,e. follows, to-wit : .__ h ti.Ill .... Oat..:! February 15, 19M ~ Ctty ot Newport S..CL C.llton\l.a OLOA C. GRAUEL, thli notice M tuuU( y _.., No. J414 Newa-~ 2/17, 24, 191:1e KA ROERY 8CHROVDJ:R, City Cl"k u-11111 Theft In Wltae• W'h.treof"J ha.,",,R,.~ 3&98 RJv•raide Drive, comple1-ly ~t !o~ ~~~· ... ~1 -----------;;c:--7'::;---,-;:c---,,-----------·IOat.ci Feb.nary 1,0, 1~ A mote unu.lltl theft Wllll add-mJ' hand Uld attllled rn,y c,... Cotit.a Me.a, C.Ufoml•. th.t.l aa.ld .c,...e, u .... op....., Y ctly of Newport 8-rh No. 14t6 N,..._Preu 2/17, 24. 1968 ed Jan. 28 to the ca.r c 1u ut1 n i -1 lhf! day and y•r ln W.. Cer· Wltn-my hand lhill 2~lh day Ruo&utlon, ts ma.de a part of th.LI Sta.l.41 of C..Ufornle ---------------- Uflcale !U-91. above writleo. ot J·-.. •-, 1.,., nottce by refen!nce. SOTICT. TO COSTll.ACTOH~ n1• ot tne Nt"'POrt poltce cJe· -·-., pert.rou.•nl. J ohn l..e.ffl'tly, 600,, Hf R . RING OLGA C, QltAUEL The contMLClor 11n&ll. In the ptr· SEALED PROPOSALS will b<I! recelve.1 "l l h• Qfflc"J or the City Avacado AYO!, tol,I ..,fnt:rts ,,,_.,ur-Not11ry Pl.lbllc In and for the STATE OF CALJFORNLA fv1·mance of thfl work Md lm-Clerk, City Hall , C.ity of Newport H.each. l'a!irorn!a . 11nt1I-; 30 o'ClO<'k c'n" had. lUtn the W\ndabteld !.J f Count,-Of O~e. St.ate ot COUNTY o~~ ORANGE )u. provemtllt. conf.;inn lo the I.Abor PM. on the 12th day or March, 19M, at which tl1nt ll'ev will be public!)' h im 1929 automobile b<!t.,.•t>en Cm.iltomlL Of thla 2~th; day of J anuary, Code of the St•te ot Calltomla opened and r .. d , !or ptJrformln&: work ..,. follow1 Thuratl•y 1nrl Saturday evenln&:•-No. 1418 A. D. 111'66, be.!Ort mt, th• under-and other Law1 ot t.he State of F or the l>red1rlnJ ot the He aa!d he valued the 'll'ln!Uhleld Newa-Preae 2/17, 24. 3 <2 , 9. 19~6 ~l.(ne<I, a Not.U-y PubUc In and CaUtom la appllc•ble th•rel.O, with Beach bayw11rd of the Trailer at 1'20. 1---------/or the eaid CQunt)' a nd State, the exception only of 1uch varla-P11rk between Hllh 1u1<I I ~1.h NOTICE OF DIISSOL llTJON re•ldlng therein, duly conim!ulon-ltonl a.e may be required under Stn1eu. LEGAL NOJICE OF PAJlTNERSJllP ...J and 1worn. peraonally llppeared lh• ipet·lal •tatute• puraUll.llt t o No bid w ill be received unlu. It !a n1art" on • propo11al fonn fum- 1'0 WHOM JT MAY CON Cr:RN (!LOA C. ORAUEL known to me ,..,·h!ch proc-eedlni:;a h'rtunder a.re llhtd by the CHy Englnt>er. Each bid mu1l 1,.. accomp•nled by 1cu.h. NOTICE JS J-ll!:REBY" Ol'iE.l\' lo be the pereo11 whoM na.me 111 tJllteu illld "'hl~b hA ,·e not ~n certUl.ed or cashier'• check, or bideler'1 bonr\1 made pay..ble to the City f 'l:RTff'll"A.lT. ()t" H;f "N.l :'\"l::'S" thel l.he l'artntl"Bhlp ht-retot"'"' 1\lb11Cribed lo the WlthlJl tn1trt.1· RU(l<!:nie<led by th,. 17rovlml0t111 ot 0of( 1Nh••WJ'O•m"o••~I~;~·. ~C:c:n..,~::~: eq1ut~ ~:r~~11<•.,•11~:,•ulndP<l•h<•Wblt···'..1,','•,01 YIH"'I '-'-\ft: .-x11u ng belw,..-n u•. the under -rnent, a nd M:knowledgKL to me that lhe Labor Cff(I.-l'refl"renc.-to " .. -• '"'' "" ,,1,. ,111,1,r~ii,:-nrd h .-r~h\ i"'"tv ~1gned, U )RA!NE TINl!:R anrl ~lie l!llecute<.I the .. me. labor al'lalL be ,r;l\""n n11!y 111 lh• who1n the contra.ct i. 1....-1nll"<I tail to rnt.,r 111;., tlof! <~Ontrart lhat th"Y ,,., .... urlu •ling" i:•·r.F: .. J ll AlJ'H V..'JLLIAM8 doing bu•l· Jn .,.-1tntllll w~reot, I h111 "• here-mannt>r provldtd hy l11w , Jn a ccordance w ith lh~ JH"<i\'llli•IU ()f ~ •• ,.•,nria [j7o) ro 1;e,1 nc the 1,,,.1 '"""'"I bu~!ne•• 111 :ont I'!: 1nl"a" ii.a J O-i::N'S OR1 0 1NAL.S.1Unto 11et niy h&n.d and &t'tl11.ed 1ny A!\ pmpoa&l• ,,r nlrl~ •hRlt bo' 1.abor Code the ("Hy Ctl11n<'1I ot th.-City ••I .">;~wf'C'M Bear h h1.111 u - 33,• N' 1 I' ... ,,.,, N•W ... i•11·11U ee•I lho d •y •"<I , •• , t• 1 ·' b h <k ""l bl• l"rt.lnt<l \ht' •t'nrr1t1 tirt'vs1hng r•tc ot wag'" •1•1,h· •blc lo the W(Jrk (-,,µr tl1i r1,.. .• , SN'P'•rT I~""' h · • e..,.pur ..,,.,, · -· " .... " a.ccon1pan c" 'I 11 • "' ,.... a ~ i •.h fornut .,11,1.,r the firni in nu· P'•tl Beach. C11.IL !ornla. h..a• been th ll c .,rt1t lr&tl! fl111t a oov .. wntt~ 'to ..id Clly ol Ne,,.·pvrt l:ktt.ch ..nd to be don• 11 tollow1 ,.nrl ltlyjr <of ~ .. wpntt H .. dJoOt Boat 1.J1&1olve-d and t ~llll11llll'd \I' nr tht R OBEHT R. H L:H \\'IT"l: t'ertlfled by e. teapon!ilble bank tor Jt.tnl.1111 11n1111:11t •t it! fin /\ 11 t'Om-l 13tti day or Ff'tx"l..u1ry. l~!>e. ny I M y Cuinmlaalon £.a:pire• an wiou.nt \Oo".hlch &.l:ui.ll not°' Jcu ' ' ' th P '''. M•y 3J 1969 O •) t t th !"!std nr t..h,. f••llowlng prr,.ons tn n1utua c-onHn '' e ar . • than ten f l ~, P"r rtn o ' I .'\u 1401 .Ne.,..1-Prtilll• ~• b ll!gh ... ·a y N~wJXJrl S.-n• i. 1·11.11r .. 1 The bu.Iii.~ htretofo~ f<Jn -1 27· 213· JO. 17· 1956 a bond tor l!Olld an1ount an11 an W'll. f•ohn nn.~n1 n, "f 2n1 E !'u•u•L 1 hl'reto &grr•g•te or tne pr~,1~. or Y 1u11., MIA.nl ~y Brl1btn c,.f 71 2 )!11.Ja-ducUd by the part.ntrah1p al \hf! C"t:RTlt"IL"A.Tf: Of' Dl"SJ:Sr:S.'il payeble, a!rned by true btddrr and h11r !:ltreel., :-lrwport Uteth, l.'11!1-l"'bove 11ddreu to-w it . 3337 New -1 FlcUUOu. 1'1tm sa.n..-t,..·u 1ureU.-11, "''"'" 11111!1 Ju11tltv b<:• f«m 1L port Boulevard, Sewport Btet h The underil,rled do hereby cer-fore any ott1Ct>r co111pett nt t.o 11d- The undenu(ned further cerUty C&Ji tornla. u a Women'• A p~artl t!ly th.Ill thry !lore ro:ind\l<'llni:" 11 mLn l•ler an oath. In double Lhf' r---;;;;;;;;;;;;"";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..-";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..-••,lmotel builne" a t 169!1!-.!lh ~treet j llll.ld u uount a.11(.l over and ti.bUVt Sun.a .. t Deach, ca.htornla , unde; IUJ 11tatuLory e"'~n1ptl011•. JOHNSON'S Other Lot IT'S BRAND NEW One Block Eost of Our Present Location Yes, We're Celebrating with FREE LIFETIME LUBE CARD lo ANYONE and EVERYONE wbo pure~ any onf'J of the follol"·lng ~ this '\\'l"ek .l111t brl11~ ad with you! 'Sl Chevrolet 4 door • • 'S2 Mercury 4 door . • • O\·e rdrlve ft..H • • 'SS Mercury Monterey Cpe. Me.roomatie • H -low ~e 'S3 Ford Fordor • • • • • • ~ SN.t Coven1 Special • 'M Mercury 4-clr. Monterey Mel"C<>matic K -H 'S3 Lincoln Capri Cpe. • • Full Powt>r -Leather Interior '54 Lincoln Capri Cpe .. i'ull Poft'Pr -Leather lnt~rtor • 'Sl Mercury Club Cpe. • • O\•erdrive R-H 'SS Ford Convertible • • • FnJI Power -Fonlomatlc R • II '51 Lincoln Sedan • • • • Rydnmatlc R • R '53 Olds "98" Convertible Powe r Steel'. and Rnkee ·so Chevrolet Club Cpe. '53 Ford '51 luldl New F\obb ~ Victoria Riviera Seat Coven • • • • • • • • • • • • • $ 698 $ 996 $2496 $ 896 $1698 $1998 $2498 $ 79S $239S $ 69S $169S $ 59S $1398 $ 798 JOHNSON & SON 900 w. c-t u..,. Uood Quo Loi I lllo<Ji F,qt I the flctillou. tinn narne ot BEACH Sahl propooialli or bHl' 1hall he ~tUTE:L and that said firm I• com-dellvert<I lo I.he Cltrk or !hi' ("1ty I po11ed ot the following per.a ot N-port Beach, Callfo~. on ..,..hOH namee In full and places ':f or before the 12th d•y ot J.lan:'h, re11dence 11re &.II tolJows. lo-w!t: lll:ie, •l the hour ut 7 .30 o'cloc k DANll!:L F. MOUfNY P. M. ot 1a.ld dut~·. At the Otf!ce \9&6 Loc1a.t AveQUe of u.Jd City C1t rlt ln lhe City Hall Lon1r Beach, California of Ult City of Nrwport Be11ch, RITA H... MOLONY Qalllornla. Aid Um• ~nr not 1966 Locuat Avenue 1 ... lha.11 ten tlO, ..tay• from I.ht Lonr Beach C..Ji torn!• Urne or the tir•l publlca uon or \\'1tne .. our ~di! thls !Ith d&y pottin&" ol UU. Notice. Bi!U wlll l ot February. lliFO& be opened on u.Jd day lllld hour. /II/ DANU::L F . )1QLO:>IT Tlw Clly Counci l n11erve• th• l •I fllTA ti. MOLO:-OY rt&:hl to ttJect any and &I.I pr-o- STATE OF C Al..IFOR.i"JA ) poet.la or blda. 11\ould lt deem ll'J• 1cot·r-.-rv OF OR.ANG!!: J•. nece .. ary tor th• public JOOd. e.nd 01' this S!h dey ol F"ebn;ery, a l!IO the bid of the bldiler W'hQ h&a A.O. 19:'.>6. bc'!ore me, R O BD<T F. been CleUnquent or unrlllthful ln WILLMES, a. Notary Public In and any formt'r contn1.ct wtth the City for lhe 1&1d County •nd Bt11te. of Newport Beach. ruldlng lhereln, duly commJulon -Propoul• mwt be 11.tbmltt.ed on 1 Ml s nd mwom, pereona!ly •ppear&d the bla.n.k fonna pr-Tpared and tur- DANIEL F MOLONY and RITA nl.llhed tor tht purpoee &nd which I H. MOLONY known to n1e lo be may be obtained at the Office of 1 the per.on• whoae n_amt• are 1ub-th" City En,ir!neer !n th• City Jiall, ~rr1ti.ed to the within l11.1lr11rnent. Newport Beac h, C&Urornla. At lllld ackno,..·J tdred to 1n e that lhl'y Bald Office btdllet• n1.11 y obtaltl executed the ••me . cople.oo of the p1an.1, prof11oeti. tnd In w1tnee1 whert!Ot, 1 have her .. ~tncaHon~ f or the ('()nttmpl&ted unto •tt my hand and •frl11.ed my lml7rov,ment. depoelt tor wti.lch oftlclaJ &<'al the day and year In w \ll be refunded lf lh• planm, pro- Ull• Certificate first above written file• and 11peclflcaUon.t eo obtained /1/ HOBERT F . \\'fl..1.MES are r"tumed Ln &oo.l cond1Uon to My Commlulon Expir~ th• OfMce of th• City En(tneer November 17, 19!19 Within fourteen (\4 ) day• aft.et No. 1408 New1-Prns 2110, 17. 2-l, 3/2. l9~6 lhe opening blOs. DATED: Thlm 13th day ot Ftb- N OTI'Cl: INVrTl'NO 8EALED ftIDS IN' THE MA.'T'Tr:K Of' TtlE OON· 8TBUC,710N or ct: R T" JN PA.V I NO, SIDEWALKS, CURBS, OUTrr:R.,, 8 AN 1- TABY 8E\\'ERS, DRAINAOI!; STRl'CTURES, WATEH. SER· VICE CONNl:.CTION8 ANO AN ORNAM.ENTA.L L I 0 It T 1 N 0 8 Y8TE:\C IN SIST ~TRF.ET A..""1> OTHJ:.R ST~ ..u.'D RIGHTS OF WAY. Pun11a..nt to the provlslone or th.t "Jmprovemtnl Act ot 1911." being Dt·n~on 7 or th• Street. and R tghw•)"I Code ot th• St.ate of Cllllfornla. and to the ReeoluUon or4ertn1 Ill• work. pu.ed. -.nd t.dopttd by the City Cotlncll of th• City ot Newport Beach., Ca.lJ.- fornJa. d!recUng th\• notice, l&Jd Council hereby tnV1te11 -1~ bid.I and propoee.le fOT dolng the work and improvement dMCrlbtd In Rt-olullon of Intention No. 4421 ln the a bove enUUed matter, adopted on lb• 27th day of Decem- ber, l~, and said Reaolutlon Of Intuition No. 4421 I• hereby ~­ !srnd to for a ducrlpUon ot said WOT"k and tmpl'O'l'ernent, the ~11.de1 to whJch U II to be dont', a de-- .cl1pUon or th• dLltrlct to be ...aeNed to pay the COlll.m and rue.ry, l~. MARGERY SCHROUDER C.1 ty CLtrk ot the City ol Newport S.ach, California No. 14la--New•f>nq 1/17, 24, 'M l"OOTICE OF BID Notice l• hereby given that the Board or Trustffa or th• Or-.na• Coul Jr. C0Ue1e Dl1t. of Oran11 County, Call!. wUI receive bllll up Lo 10.00 A. M. Februuy 27, lllM , at office ot n td Khoo! dlmt., loca led at 2701 Fairview Av1., Co1ta Meu., Ca.Hf ., at which Um• takl bldm will ~pe.ned for Mla- cellan.01.1.11 Eltttrl i:qu!p. lnclud- lnf td&h voltq1 t •f•r .witch, hlirh voltaie oli !1.1.11e cul out., and b.tl:h volt.qe ea.bJe, &ped.lJcaUon.1 tor above rnay be aecured In the otrlce of the Aul. Supt. In Charge ;1t BualnllU. The Owner ruervtl lh• privllege or rejeclln1r any and 1.JI bld.11 or to ,...aive any lrregularl-tl•• or lnfonnm.JIUu In any bid or \n the bhldlng. Signed: B. 1-1. PETERSON S-N"ty. Board ot Tr11st- Approvtd by \\'l.LLlA?.1 F. K.D.1ES Au11t.a.lll Superlntendt>nt In Charge of Bu.alnie.11 Adv, Feb. 10 and 17, 111~ Open. f!t}J. 21, 19!16 at 10:00 A .M . No. 14119 New1-Prea11 at, or N-pon ae.- !tattt af Calllornla NaJ'ICE TO OO!'o/TRACTOM UALllD PROPO!A.l.S w lll be received at the office ot the City C1erk, City Hall, Cily of Newport Beach, Callfo1-...ls. •lnUI 7::10 o'eloclil P.K.. on the llth day o1March.1968, al which time they will be publlcly o~ed and r.-d, tor perlormln« work•• tollow11 : For the Corwtructlon ot Oroln1 on the Ne,.."port BfaCh Trm.iler Park. No bid Will bl rec~ved W"llfM It L• ma!le on 11 propoeal rorm t um- labed by th• City En(tneer. Each b!'1 fl) Utt be a ccomp11.n\e-d hy 1 CA.!lh. oer'..l thod or ca.h.l•r'• Cl)eck. or bidder"• bond) mlUle payable t o lhe City of Newport 8eM'.h, /or &n amount equal to At lewt ten pl'rctnl 410'~ f af the amount bMl. .uch. guaranty to bi! fot1eltC'<! •houh:I the bidder to ... i.on. the oontn.cl 1-•'ll'aro..:i /-.JI to enter Into the contr11ct. In aecordallc. w1th the provillloM Oi( S«UoTUI 1770 to 1781 of the lAbor Cod• th• Qty Council ot the Ct'fy or Newport Reach h1.111 .... certalned t:ie re.neral prevalltnr rate or wage. appUcable to the work to be 1!on• a• tollow•. CLASSIFICATION' """"""" -C.m.nt Ftniahe:r Hourly \\'qe Scale .... 2.112.."J Labonn. Oen.-al or Conatruc:tlon Flacnian -·-----.- ····-----.•• :t.20 2.20 Watdlman and/or Gua n! • 00 Appnnllce En(inHr, Incl. n.rem&n, oiler, and IT..,_. ___ _ Air Compf'fllll<lr ~r•tor Hell.,., Duty Rlr-Jnna n himp Ope:nHor Tractor OJ'(:rator. -·-··----·--·-·------'2 2G -~-·--··----·-·· 2.37 -· ..... _ .. _____ --2.76 ,., PerDtem w ... U .20 '"" 17.&0 17.&0 "00 1&.00 IS.IN 22.(111 ''"' C11rpenter Cen1.,nt t"1nl.aher Cl..ASSJt"fCA Tit 1>. Labo~er•. Gt ner•I '-1r Con11 tru< t1t.1n f"lagm•n \V•tchman andt or Gua rd Hourly \\'r.ge Sr 1te '90 2 1!26 t 20 "" "" Apprentice Engineer, lnrl. firem an. oll,r. 1nrt ¥,.., ... ~r Air Cornpre.or Operator Heavy Duty Repa!rn1an Pun1p Ope:rato~ TMLCtor Operator, bulldoH r, l•m))"r-•· "P'"r, clnl&" type llhovel or 11mn1r lype Unlveru.l equipment opers tor 11hovl'l 111 ,g hue llerr1ck, derrtclol ·hlo.r~'-cl•m•htll. ~r"n~ or pile <lrl••r) __ _ at Je1111 ttu1n 4 yrt1. :/ 2ei 2" , ,. "' 2,68 '" Dr1Ver• ot dump t.ruclu water level .:. Relntorcln& Iron \Vorkll"r Any c-las•lflc•Uon 01n1tt""1 nll"rc1n. not ltM All bid• are lo be ~01npt1rtd on the l>aal.I , ""' "' than 2.0o of the Ctty MUmate of the quanullea of work tu l"M' don" Per Die111 \\'ag., Z3 Z(J 21 ell 17 l'i•J ,, .. ""' !!I.OU ""' ""' 20 115 21 4 4 Ill 44 '"" lll fl/"l Enfln~r!e No bid will be accepted frvrn e. ''Qnlraclor •ho ll&a nol bffn 11- cenMCI ln a.ocord.a.zu:• wtLh Ule pravlaion. or Oll•pler G. Dlvi11on JU ot Uuatntu and P tvlea11!oiim Code Plaza may be eeen, and t orm.1 o1 propou...1. bontla. eontrsct an•1 1pec1tlca UOfl• ma y be obl..l lned 11t I.he oftlce ol th• City E1111near. f'l!y Hall. Newport Beach, Cl.llfornla, The special attenUon uf proep«tlve tilddet11 !11 caJl"'1 tu th" "l'ro- poal R.equltementa and Condlllon.1" anneJCe.d to Ult blank tornl or pro- poeal, tor ruu directions .. lo bidding. etc. The Cny of Nt•'J)Ort Beach rl'HrvM lh• rl&l'lt to reject 1ny or all bid.I. City ot Newport Beach, California MAJ\Gli:RY SCHROUDER. Clly t.:lerk Dated February 111. 19MI N o. J410N,.ws-PrtAll 2/17 . 24. 1906 (.'lty of !'rrr'el"port Reach State of C.WorW..11. !'rrr'0'1'1CE TO (:Ol"trr'TRAM(_)R~ ~EALED PROP OSALS wtll be re-relved at the ort1c11 nt the C1l)' Clerk, City Hall, Clty ot Newport Beach. Cnl1toml11, unlll 7 30 o'rlork P.J.f. on the 12th (lay ot March. 111~. at "''h1r h llM,. thf.y will be puhlll'ly opened and read, t or perform!nr .. ·ark 11a !Ol11Jw11 . F or the Rf'l'OnmtructLon of SanH.11ry Sewer l>fa!na on 13th Street between Balbos Blvd. and Day AVt'nUt and ln the lit Alley 8outhwe•terly ot Lalce Avenue between 33th Street and 38th Street. N o bid l'lll be received unleaa lt I• made on a propoaal form tuni- Llbed b)' the City Engineer. Each bid ml.l•l be aecompa11led by (ru.h. certified or cuhler'a check. or b!ddtr'1 bond) ma.de pey11ble to !he r11y ot Newport Beach, tor an 1mo11nt tqUlll to at lea11t ten percent 110''\-1 of th• 11mount bid. Ruch iruaranty to be rorfeltlK'I 1hot.1ld the bldd,.r to who n1 the contra ct la awarded t1.ll lo tntl'r Into the contriirt ln accordance with the prov1•1ona of Sections 1770 to 1781 of th~ Labor Code the City Council or the Ci t)' o r ttlewport Beach h1111 11..1· certatnt<J the r entrlll prl'''lllUnr rate of wag~ appllceble t o t he work to be done u tollo"'': Hourly W•r• S<:ale Le.boreni -General or eon•tructton ··-···-······ 2.20 Cement FtnLlh~r -----·-··-··-·· 2.826 2.811 Relnton:lng Iron Woriler ···········-··· • Reinforcing Iron Worker--FoN-man (17"t per hr. more than J 011m•yman) Operators 6: Tender• of PneumaUc • Electric Tool•. Vlbr&Ung Machlnt11 Ir similar meeh- an1cal tool• not IM'parstely c!11ultitd herein 2 41 Cement Dumper Ion I yd. or larger mixer• a.nd handling bulk cement) .. 2,41 Crlbbe.r• or Shorer• ·--. ····-·-·-·---·-·-·-,2.~6 A11phall Rllkr.r 11nrt l ron•r 2 41 Conctele Cuter-Imp.rv\oWI M ~mhr11.ne ·-·····---2.39 Fln• GrecJer (lilwa y 4 Street Pe.vlng Only) -·-2.30 Flagman . . -2.20 Se,..·er Pipe l..ayt>r < F.xclurllng C•ulk e r 1 S""·er Pipe C11ou\ker (U11lng Ca ulking lOQls! Tarman & Mortia.rman .. -·· AppT'l"ntlt'e Engineer. Including Fireman, Otl .. r. -2.~I 2.311 2.21) Grt>Mtr 2.21S Air Comprea11nr. Pump or Generator Oper•tor -2 37 Concrete or AephA.it Spreadln1. l.lech. Tamplnr or f"lnlah. l>lach. Oper•tcr _ .• •2.68 Concrete Mt1,r Opentor -pevlnc' ty pe and mobile mixer Concrete Mixer Oper11tor -Skip Type Alaterlal Loader or Q 1nvfyor Operator - Pavement Breaker Oper11tor . ·-· r ump Operator Roller Open.tor flklp U..der Operator-\\'heel Type Tractor Hl-Urt Shovel Oper11tor Trai..tor Opet•lor-Bulld::iMr. Tamper. 8cnopu '" 2.02 2 37' '·'° 2.~2 "" , " "' or Drag Type Shovel or Boom At!1chment.. 2.68 Trtn<hlng Machine Qpe,..lor 2.78 1·n1ve01al Equip. Operator <Shover, Orqllnt Dtrrlck. [)f>rr!ck-bar(&, rlam•htll CrU1e or Pile Orlvt..) ···-·-·-·-······· ... ··-···-··-·-·· ·-• 2.ill Drl••ra of !Jump Tn1ck1 ot led Ul•n 4 yd.I. "'1\ter level 2 .3(1~ Driven of Dump Truck•-4 ydm. but IN• lh11n S y¢e. water le,•e\ .. ·-·-··--,,_,. 1.W Driven. ot Dump TrucU-8 yd1. but koM than 12 y..U. wa~r ~el -·~ -··----·-········· 3.W Drlttn of Dump Truc~l2 pd-. bu.t 1"• th.an 16 ytta . .-.ter lt:val Drtven or Dump Trueka-111 yd.a. or more t .f8'1 ... ater lev•I ·----·········-·····--------·-·-··---·--·-2.&M Drinn of 'l'Tucka-LeJa.I paylo.d cape.city i- than & ton.e ·--···-·---.. ----·-·--------2.JOG Dr1nr• ot Truck• -Lec"al p11klad oe.p&cH7 bet...•een 10 and J& IOM ·----·-·-----·-2.lU Or1.ven ot Truck• -1...-J paJ'lmd capKil1 betwHn II and 10 tone , . --· ·-2.W 11rh·er1 ut Tr11~k• IA:g•J payload. t l.P9-Clt7 PPrDlem W11ge HOO 22.60 17 80 Ill 28 19 2~ 20.Ul 19 2.11 19.12 18.40 l7 "" 2n 0.11 IP 12 " "" '""' '""' 21.•4 23 2A 20 16 " "' 20 80 20 16 20110 20 1& 23 28 21 44 22 011 23 28 lA.M 19.08 17 7'2 21 48 11.f' 11.ot "" DRIYERY GUARANTEED Delivery ot the NC'wport Harbor NeW11-Presa l• guaranteed. Carrier boys will deliver their papers t>e. fore 6 p.m. on Mond'\y, Wedoesday and Friday. U your paper iJ; oot delivered by that hour pleaae call Harbor 1616 &nd your carrier wiU bring your paper. Classified o....a fNIOPPf!" Ada nu ta tale l\'ed-4111 N-~ t Unee l lnaertloa $1.00 add'L Unfl8 .%5 11&. 4 l.J:aee 2 l.n.M!rt.iou 1..50 add'l. Unea .26 ea. ' Uae. S ln1ertlou :too add'L Unte .Z5 ea. t ~ 4 insertions %.~ add'L Unee .?5 ea. Ill~ "" ... ted A.dll wUJ r-·h·e IS% ~L. cu.a hi 94,.__ -U· MTS"Drf"M AD 18 ' L.J]trriJ;S NEWPORT HARBOR NE\VS-PRESS &very Monday, WednHday aftd Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -\\'ednesdays DEADLINES tor placlnf or ca.ncelllnC" ad.I "": For l>londay P ub£M:atlon -Friday 6 p,m_ For V..'edn!'..:il.y P u bllc11Uon1 -Tueaday 1 p.rn... 1''or Fnctay PubUcauoo -Thurllday l p .m. NJ::\\"PORT llAABOR Pl'HUISIU.SO 00. IStl B&IOO. Wvcl., .Newport 8trrrao8t.. c.!l.lonJa. All Cllaeatfted Ad• nl\1•\ be pald tor Cull ln Mf•u.c. of pQbllcat.loa. Tb• publtlh~n will not bfl l'"UJIO'L'lble rot more Lhan one lnoofl'ect t.n..wt lon of •11 etl. re .. •r-ve th• rtfht to comeet.JY cJ .... lfy ~y and all ad.II and to reject ILll-¥, ll<! not oonfo.-mtnr to rui. &Del r~uona. _s;.pec_1a_1_N_'o_t_1.,... _______ 1 !!::!!_ulldln5 Se~NJS __ _ Newport fiarbor B. JJ. 0. E. 1767 Meflt• •very Thurlldny II pm. Via Opurlo -Central A "t. Nello"p<Jrl l:i('ICh AlbPrt Ii. Mallhtwa, li!ll.fl.lled ltuler 1-Ywu~ra.I Dlrf'rtora MOTIELL'S AND PEEK Co loni al 1'.lortuary 711111 "'1b11 Ju .. 1 ~rit1t n .. r We"t · mln•ltr Men1or1 a! rr.rk An ()n1n1e t~ounly ln•t1tutlon Serving f11m11lt.~ ot 1U faltlu T~l~phnn•· 1 Toll ~·ree I Zi:nllh 1'1231 Nu ont ev~r tuine•l 1..,.'AY Qf Ja ck <.>t funda. beca UR !!-::!!~lldin~_ Ser~·lces cor-.1rt.ETE P.1\INTlNG & Paper 111.1.nginr. Serv ice E UGENE 0 . S AIT!'\DERS :l()IJ 31st i>tr,.,.t N~,,.·p<irl txoach H11rbor zg-;e, lie PAINTING INTERIOR -EXTERIOR ALBU AI ARl!"o'E PAI:-.'TINO U \.."ENS .. :t> -l:-.'~l!ll1';U Glenn Johnston PAINTING PAPERHANGING Sympson & Nollar lie•~ Exper11'nCed Workmm ~lar. 2,114 or ~317 " GeneratContractor W CENSED New Work -Remodeling J . MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 6399--W 58t!c CARPE NTER Repair Work Oc,. Your Home Need Rtpalrlnf or R•mod•llnc? Call rrf.nk. Llberty l-6G~ All \\'ork Gu•tAntet d 14Ucr Small Jobs Wanted Carpentry· Painting Good work-Reuoonable U~rty &~3 &8p80h CRAFTSMANSHIP REt.IODELINO -BUJLDlNG U ceiaed and lnaured ''" . :11111 St. Nr1\·pr1rt n .. nrh No Job too big -No Job loo •mall. llnr!J<)r J 17J! 'llitfc T . llORD SEEJ.Ji:Y 1-----------·I 1307 E . lialboa B !v<i Har. 0294-R 86p71 Floor Covering Wall Tile 111 Y""'" ,.1p1•r!"11rr LiCfn111'(! {_:nntrll<'l n r !'111t1•r11t'lll)n Uuarant .. l"d W S-l'l752 62p7:1 CARPENTRY MINOR REP AIR WORK NO JOB TOO SMALL H. O. An<!•reon 1014 E. Be.lboll Blvd., Harbor 24~ Balboa 8:$tl~ Cust om Building A TTRACTTVE rRICT.S Your plar.• or our11 Ucenllt'd -Jnmured .61.NANCl;'"iU A.RRANGE[> A. J. WELTY IMO Banta Ana. A •e., Co9ta Liberty &-6316 Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging GEO. BURKHARDT LlCENSl:D L"'ONTR.AL"J'UR 171 W. t!Ua St., Coeta Mina U .berty l-M2& Palnllng 6 'f'aporhanginJ We do the work ou.nelvee. 30 )'ffrl ..-per1enre Ucwaed A l111uried. Satlahu'th'm paranttl'd. ~at•• tree. C•ll J t)hnn1e. LI 8-2G87 &. Lt 8-5289 Blt.ft WAYNE'S CONSTRUCTION CO. fF' IT C AN RP: RlJILT or repaired. \.','I: CAN DO IT !Jctnutr 1.nd In1ure<I LI ll·Z023 t.l:'t' US CARE tor your plant.II . lnRldt: and outa!de. Experlenc..rt plll.Dt per110nn~ t() Nrv1 you. Bondtd and r~Uable. A •arlety or ~rv 1t·e• dt>pending on your "" .... ,_. lt!CH.ARD'9 Ft.OR18T Hiirbor 2!28. SHOP. 81k77 Custom Cobin e! Work NIJ J<>b !I)!) big or loo small ~·ur 1mmedlale apprels1I f.llll C. Everett Smith Har. 44'8 -II to & t 1c7ll FOR RENT 8ktlJ Sa•·a, l:Jec.. Dr1lla, Pollilbarll. all t)1)N of BaruStrl., Wbeakr· '°"'· •le. BOYD'S HDWE. 3'30 W. COAIT WOHWA.T Ubtrt1 .... '". New'PQrt Bcli •mi PAINTING M. W. ROSS Ll.een.w.d LI 8·11321 2tO A.-o<:•OO, COit.a M.-.. uc !l•!;-~8~R!h~·Jl!e~1!!-~'---tJ1:!:_:;~.P11_~----t"-:"i~'f.~-~ -------· !'!:,_ft-~ftf)IU.~--.------ CEMENT. BUlLDlNG O'KJ!EFIC • MERRl'M' f'Ull' .. '&a AU ...... • • USED CE BUYS ......_ ........ '""" .......... FREE l!:STlMATES tlnltr. crua.n. JTUl broOe.r, aa.s ••9 OU\ th&t lift up top. UMCI ~ Llbe.rty Ul.09 EA.SY SPlNDRYER & W ··-··-··~·-·--···-..-.. .uv month.. 1149.IO ca.M. or ~J " 21tt BENDIX Al.JTOMATlC W bolt down --... $39.50 per mo. 1441 w. OU.pm.an, -----,"'------IKENMORE WASHER ,. ............... ·------$M.OO 0ru.,... Kil a.u1T tt 1&-Petws•te w 18 A.Jooboliu Anooymu1.11 Wrti., r. 0. Boa Ml H~ ~ CalU. ~ llubur 47~ ··-·-' Superfluous Hair .... Penn&.11UJU)' r11:rnoveo rro1n l•~t •nNI, ltF,11 l!:)'ebrow• ana n11.11 tut. ah•Pfl'Cl -No mllt• tw ... 1.1r1s ELLl::N l-BR TA NT R. It. . ringtt TIIOR WRINGER WAS> Cl&XTER J.UTOMAT !C BENDIX CYROhfA ADMJRAL DELUX Lido'• Balon of Be..uty liaf_ ~10 COLD$1>0T 6 cu ft. REFll IG. '" Call Your Relax-A-Cizor CONl'ULTA!\'T • Demonstrauona, 110 (IL1ipUtH1 BONNlK WlUJON H Yatt 41-6~~ SERVEL, 5 cu. SERVEL 5 1~ 83p7d 128-Sttua Pe rmanent Weves $b.50 1 -CL =:!f'--= and up Heirculs $1.00 l!HAMPOO and \\'AVY. J l JO Cleo F'lkr'• &11uty 8hOf> ]9~ Chur~·h !(t. L.I 8-88119 CIL!J 101r. REWARD /tf.:.A ESTATE S\I ~-~.\1 A:OOO It I 1, "~ Ad tl n.; l1 k " ,, 'fn>i:-vn- • ,,11 I •·!II~<! '" 11 .. , l"" .i..1 .. , end DRAPERIES SLIP COVERS Ma•h! to Vrder £.LUl1a l"• !Sllfn lo'lf- LLJCJl_,L{<; DRAPE:RlES il!ltl•' Free Firewood t a oe i:Uln..,: I\.! ~1 ,.1 r ;.ovU•Ui...: F'ir,.!•lan· "' ·'' I Floor STOCK REDUCING S·A·L·E OF AT ,. DAVIS-BROWN and Demonstrators BIG SAVINGS SALE OF NEWPORT HAR!OR ~!EW~.~~ESS -PART 11 . FRIDAY. FEBRU ARY 17, l'ISl. Slip & Rowboat Space for Rent American Lectoti 2115-l&tll Bt. Meetings 2nd ~ 4.lh Wed. 8 p.m PRtl FOR SAL!: $1!:! New Wlncbe•ter •uper model 7tl.U7 or will trade for clua nlling dlnch.y In c(l('ld ahape. Phone OXfnrd 42·142:'!. 711'73 CHRYSLl!:R Ctl.OWN 2·1 r>•<111c- tlon, 0n8.fl water cooLl!d 3'.: V t l'l'll'ntl.,r, /o"'lliher flnllf'r. oy,r Dtnk Hllr. 23!1 1 ra.!10 tl!re<.t. \\'h ~elt>r. TRADE Ul':AL:Tlf'L'L 7{)' I UX ... hoon.,r 1!0 •ny.,.here E:itc••l fur <'h1<.1·t .. r I Y.a11l •'""U~r t.« ... t or 11ru1..,1 1;· lZ~\J \\ H1tl!Ji.,. Ul\oJ :.;e.,..1~·1 1 llM!bUt :Jq,J~ fl6tf< 3-1-~usl<"al, Radio, T V 1-\n(•wlton EIN:.tronicaJ '52 Ponti<ic St•. w.,,_. Cbil!lfta.ID del•m-. • I o B I< II. B,)odn. WILL PAINT TO~! .. MILLER a...rolet. OJdomohlle 700 W. Cout Rwy. LI 11-22:18 • Finest Thunderbird '" u. s. Wl'nl 'N CADILLAC l:NOINE. •peel&! palllt. .wpvWo.n, •to.. fl!C .• etc, Abltalulely faulUeN coolUUon thruouL Nt1v"r need. \Viti only &ell to quah ned pr:.1"Qn. t HTY&03J. COTION GOFF The Volkswag en Dealer N,owporl Ulv.J at 2':.!n!t Har bo1 II 7 lril '40 lnt ernet;on el • I $175 MILLER ( 'hf"\'rnlrt . 0\dnm.,hl!.• 7110 \\' ! ···11.~1 H'>\~ I.I ..._ ::~:\~ J_J')~T ff!f!llll'9 S111.m&a,. , Kl, 1., rl11weQ, Jtew11rd. H11.r. t ltll!I '"' Ill J ,. o:·I I 'I 11. ''""!• "I t,.,<Jrrn. (· ... ,, .. , d··•k .1 ..... 1 ... 1,.,.,k, .... ~ •. :-;•u1·I)' , r•n•tru• \'In .. 1.\1-. O:Ulh'•! ·Ull\o.~JI Seven Islands Realty l (":'.~~:·~·1~r:.1i.1. ~.~~;.; ~nz~~n~~t ~~I 1·11 ·;·~~~,'.'.'.'1r111' ~~'.1 :''.,'°.''.':1,1 .. ,, WESTI NG HO ~~E•DB::~L~~~G~E S S5950 I ,., • .,.~X v.~~~~,1.~, '''" Hauske n-W atson r 'J·:~TC:1t :U--.5chooa., lrultructlon & Investme nt Co. ~ :J..i .-"''\"·kc11•111 11t1r '..!!.!!/!tu t..,, r·:>-1.. 1.1 "-HH!l LlOL'BLE 0 \1l!:N ilA.NGE, DEEJ"> Wi:LL COOKER, ! ~rn·\t"(' Cll!l~ !111 II Ll l;-~:tu6 r m J .\1 ,l lAJ{ ~ "' 1.-,~•, .. n Al'S TI." 111 :.1.1 1-::y ~1 •JKHI~ A t s·1 1s Al.~'·} f~\ •M "-1> .-.n!y '---'-"'-'"-~C.:"°':.::c;;;.::.;.:;_./-l603-J2n•1 8L, Ne"''l'•il ! lh 11 •·,.!if I I --SUI-'E ll C'ORO.X H1 SPE~D EI .. E:Mb:NT $149.!l0 1 China Paintinn H••-:iSGtl, .n'lr .I) 1, 111 1 1 ~, ~ ..... n ~1 l 1:r1c0Lt!H 1., •. 1u.,111 ,,., .. .,,1 1 .. 1 BEDR OOM "'3 ili i :I .ruo.u· ,.,1..,,-, .. 11r 111 .. ""'h1le \<l•I SE.I~ Day Mid £ventnl' Cl...., ---w•lt ~l"llf 1111n11 av•ilablo:1 ,,,,.- Ortlt<r1 11..Xen Naw •:'l•IJlH'llU•., l110 itxir l'•"•l 1.,0 • 6 & ll ORA\\'1'.:lt drra.u•r, mirror, f'hOT1<1 t.rberty 8-MU ~tic CIRl .S t .. r i l~ .• ln<l . r.;,..,,,1,.!rl lJ""'h i,.,.,k,~ hoao11,.,,., 1. rn11n s::i11w 71 -11 T\\'J.S ,\!11ople bed with U18illfN11 .le tMI HERE ARE J OBS ---,., f}tJX 1pnng, only 5:i1i1:.<1 ea, ~ltuatlom Wan -1·r11al yvu w tU b" pru11>1 l • trll HAt~D BRA IDED RUG S 6 A-II l.>H.A\Vf::R ni.•p!os dr ~•:•· G RDENl~l )""r rr1end1 a bout :-.,, .,. hi;:h _ 1 with n1lrror. fro111 $1'il ~ A .... i.: .. • coupl""l .,..1tn 1 , 1.1 .... 1 I FH;.:e; 1...,·sT1t1 L~r1u:o.r I L1v1ng !l oom Scl11 Ol>D JOB~ A: CLf'. • UP, W•>rkln1 <'vnd1t1ons a•hl 1q1 1ul Ul(l•k'.RS T AKl!:N Modt!rn & l-l aple NO J OB TOO S )"ba ,,..1 Lh proe1t1gr All n•w 11011trna l~ •v1<1J11b!oi , , • ~fAnY l"A,;1.'"IN. 119·, ~-r,, nl A!-1 :"IC~-_A LJNE •.· you wouh1 l:IY HOUR DAY Ji \\'ltt:K r 1 h \\ tt J :--'() 10.:PF.RJE:NC f: !1.~:1.,J1 ·11•r1 l.nguna H<ti l/Y"tl 'I (/'lli8 l>•lp;.l l \flt llnyw e;e~ I l our Gow I.I &·~080 or .(~t :it11 rt ycrur n!',,.. )(lb 1n n11r or .,,.r 6\ .. rhea.d .f"'\l IJ ~ ~urpr1sf!od how / 82P7:. uf!h"~ near vo1ur ll 01n M t;IJLF l 'LI H.~ .! "''" J,. & I! 1rr·n ' l!Hh h we r an la\r yuu l'l,,_ ..... xperienced a r ener TELE! HONE OPEl{J\1 0 1lS t'h1lrb r h ... 1 ,., <1111. ...... r • s 1 t.«.>011 T£kJ,tS _E ______ )_# _ _,_; __ d ____ , ,1 , ,/ !•>111ii.r .. "'1 11 l··••.h.-r bKif f1~ I t~ke a look It will pt.)' you. LAND PING Apply w,..-~J•·n '" •h·•I fl "' d 11 P.~fAlL F1 'R.~1Tl.'H/o.: MROKERS and CL}iN Ups• 9NOO. to • OU I' n1 hUJt:jt\' f ,, .,-~u ,\t K11,1, .. 10r .. ''Jl~n Fn•llly t::ve. Kl 3·2•36 :.11•1 Maui ::;1. H111 211 •'l•~I • il,7 1 Jnl Ml Sp11r11:eon H.•nt11 An• Llbcrt 8-16.'59 S&lll"' Ana •ntrr 30tfe PACIFIC TELBI>HONr--: Hl~~Hs':~ I J•' BMn.:•· •~~. "~/~ 1------------- G A RD~I N G end CLEAN.UP J O BS W;.NTED -------------'"Kl·' ,,..,;1·::;;~·~ s'i,,1 i.::~."1~. JIL F"Rt.:E FRfl:1-_; NE\,'Sl'Al'ir.H. HlJ\' \\'/l!'.'ll•;I• !l·i\f•llt1 '"'"' fl,, \.11\il; l\'t111e Li1•y lMJ<l LAz.y Su-n1< "'Ith ,O.\o\ur S•1,.Jtr r !"' '"'11•• IH SI: 11,.,.1,1 $.:. l!">I ), ,1, S'• >·al "'ilh Lil" purl·hiue uf $](/ :-.,•,owpqrt, ~1 ~" :--,."1,.,11 1 !ol 7_:,;-1 .. r ttton • U...ricnlna ""~ry d11y KEN MOllE AlITOMATIC WASHER -·-.............. . $19.50 THOH A UT'U MA1'1C WASHER --······-·-·········-···-···-$14.50 DAVIS-BROWN 1885 Harbor Blvd. Coe:ta Mes.a LIBERTY 8·34 37 APPLIANCE FINAL CLEARANCE We ha11e 011!'r 50 Used Wubeni, Range• Rcfngerato1'11 that "''e m!U't 11Cl1 by F eb. 69c71 and 28th To do lhu1 we are cutting our mar ked pnces aa much as 50 5'- come, f irst served "° hurry! are & few of o ur Kpecle.ls - C'tr.-ulMtltJn r •"f't llarti.-ir \h\11 I -I 1t~fr•11 J IM , ... 11,.: .. SI:/ .... a,.h"r •'l "f' ~1.<1'l'Ff! ·~'"'"" 1r1r ~,.'"l " Sl!'I d~11k t 11i, •h•11l s1n, 11111.l-HARDWICK 11,, ..... 36'' N ow $39"' \\'A.JT f.l.ESS. young " f•l.111 r'"I ·•ffl• ~ 'r l>o~~l \\',.l'kly h• W~rk -l tr~&e I i. U1n••l l<: 11rt $1:.1, JJ.e<J $2. 6 _ ....... 'fie ......................... _,______ .;JV LI BE Rl'Y 8-b I 39 ---~-·-,,-------morning .'lh lrt Siln.J1q • •rr 11 111 "' .1,. •. , ... 1 ~:,1 •. ,1,.n·,.,I C'AIUt'S f-l'KS & Al'l'l.IAN1~1€:s 1 SERVEL Refng .. apt. s1_i.e . ··--··············· .....• Now $59.50 JiA N'liY ,\flo,S, m a1nlenan""e Ii E•lw1tn l11 16!11 :"•'"I""! IJh ·•I t l'•'t ,·•nu"I I·• ~··+1" \nu l!•on·!•ol l 610 \\', 41h. S A. !KENMORE A uto. \V&BbCr ... $ti9.5Q 62tte tt:"p•ir or ,,..hJO.~ Har. -t~k-W _('ui.tt.. 1'!~11K _;1,;.11 110·! ,.11,.til" Huh11r.J~ ~1 .. r1 •t i2t'74 F'l~1GlDAlRE A l l . W h It ode! ••<OO -t:'JLtc :-h"/' 11 .. rt.••r :?.'l~ti 6.:Wil ___ _ -u oma JC ll.8 er, a e m ···---·· <ltt.).J. ~ ------1 Be acon P e rsonnel .,0 I •i<L'~i ~ I 3-f'JEc~~ RATTAN .of•, 111.rke 1 GIBSON Refr1g .. 8 cu. ft., deluxe, clean •. . -·-·-··-.. $59.00 LADIES f,Al l.ti' $.l 11""'1 &qll"r•· r11ttKn C•"•ff~e htble COLDSPOT Refri<' 6 cu ft $29 50 1 00"'0 employl'r N"-l<i1ned ~1r ••in 1•r•·.-.. •·1~ $."tl ~p1 11Y llnll 2 11111a11 r111t11n r n111.11bl"11 IF'RIGIDAIRE E'l•··Ra . ,· od ,-·············----. no 1hn\fd~r• o r feet a che ! lil RELAX A T JON nted~ ~ MAK!: Al' APPOlNTMEr.-r tor Swedish Massage In your home. P IHH call Harbor •791'i or H arbor 70. t.9p72 Roy's Maintenance HO\IM de&DIDc-rioor WIUdn( Wall wuhin1-.tJ:idow cleanln1 ,VuiaU&a bliada. UpbOlltary I Insur.cl.. B'r• ll:.l"Umate• l.Jberty &-1U2. '"' \'FIX-IT" M.chanlcal and Electrical M.&lntenanoe Sa'rvlce AU. WORK OU ARANTEED. Harbor 6ef4 or &693 BABY BITTER. mature Good referenet«. Hllr. MASSAGE ~lfc woman. 07t !'l·J . 6~71 a gency ..:•n• Jl.l '"'"n•l1t•vn,.,1 pa1nt l LI 8_4;_16 72e , {.'C. nge, ate m e ................. $79.50 NO FEE collected from a pplicant hi "~h··~ fi "'n Jue. ~! .. ny 'l<illl' I ECONOMAT BEN DIX ................................... Now $55.00 413_3 1,t Newport ~f'll Ch •)Ul11 at h•w lll"l<"•'io 1.:l11rb<.>r NE\.,_. MODERN gray hrndbOllr<J, G E R C . 7 ft d I OO ~·iunt '~"n'"'' t ill J:tn>I ."\tw· :.i nllr •h•n'I" & 2 l•n•p!'. n1e1.JLJ ~·, _,, c rig.,. cu. ·• e uxe ····"--··-··"···--·-·······---.$65. ~1 ANA G E:R for hotel In HAlhOI< r~,rt lio'!!.• h jlc76 frame, bV• llJlrl""" " IUll ltrrM KELVINATO!t flf:fr1g., r uns olc ............... ------······--... $35.00 J . M. ~tll!er Co. 20:.1:'! \\I. lialbt>ll K'OLJ:-:)1.K \' :-\(.'AR ~ fin;-;-klni , $\l:i. Ll fl ·4tb6 _72c EASY Spindrier __ ····-· ................. -........... ----···-.. $49.50 Blvcl .. Npl. Bch. -H.11 rbor 409 1 7lc7J "'"'rllPnt !'1)0<! S!JO LI !1-i ~Sll 71<'7 3 \\'ANT Saltswnmnn tt•r !'l~·111l1yl -------------­~hop, (llll nm.. :?21 Ma r in.. Movie Pro1"ectors Ave., Balboa h•land 72( 73 ------------NEEDED at oncP.-Experien.-.. \1 m a.rine electrician. 11hlp or )'Jl<"h t °*11.rpentrni. A!Ok for Gen" H <tl<.1 In yard ofttce, South Coiu1l Co. New'j)()rt Blvd. at 23rd St. 72c7~ M ICCHANIC \V .ANTED t~i flll... cla&a ma.n for nrw r11r dt'l1er shop. Stud ... bak•'r <'X· Pf'r1 tnc-e prrterr,.rl. F"orri gn c11 r e•perlence h.elptul. Fir1o• "Pl'"'· t unily for right nn•n g.,,, .\Ir, Tay lor. DARLING STUDEBAK E1l 998 S . C0>u1l Lagu11a Be11 rh l:!lv.1 Hy 4 -&~87 21 ~1:.: f',UR RENT 11 -M .\.l l6-~1 M 3~-~1~1 H f)Rfl\' ltn•I ]ol011Et. AJ:tPl ,A:--'IL Sl"l'J 'J.l~:~ Meors Cemera Shop 1782 Nr.wport llJvd, c ... 1t&. 1'!,.11ll. Phone W herty !1·1042. pr tf Fresh .Hearing BATTERIES Aid Wa Give S&.H Green Slampa G un derson Drug Co. M11in St. 111 1311.lboe Blvd .. Balboa Harbor ~>15 Pr 30-8-Appliance8 MAPLE di ning roon1 fll'l , P ro•·i n· cu1I atyle con1p with tttbl~ pad&, 6 Chll!r" &. hul~h. $1 9fi. \Vo st· ln.l(h1•u~· EL~~'lrlc rang,., ~rt,.cl cond. Uke new $100. W il-6244 i 2r74 ------------- 5~}. Ca.s h Discount -F'ree Delivery STROOTS HARDWARE, 1802 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa.. Housewares LI 8-3426 TllREE R00~1S ot bo•11utHul nflw\------------------------------ fur-n1tu're. fur $19:i, Con1e In look aroun<l. •IUB :ioo \Y, Centotr, Anaheim 68c77 FOLDl:"G UED with Englllnder fo1trn n111.tl1e... full tv.·1n •i:r.e. Likr n""-' $JO, C'll~tT)' hrt'holln1, •Ihle "''t\h • .. 1n p1trl111 rnts $25. P1tinted rh .. ,.t $:'!, 11n•all bra.'-~ IR!llflll $.'.\ l-f11rb<>r .~~I. 69tf<' Dale 's Furniture ~1mn1ou H lclr-11.-be1I, ~l!lp\P .'<<'r'l'o"1Ary lj<'rpflnl•ne w11 lnut $97.50 SZ-l'llrnftnn for Sale 32--il'urnlture for SUe -----~-==~-"-==-- CLOSEOUTS AT BAY Floor Samplei-.~Manufacturars ' Closeouts~how Piecei -NEW - Fabric T\\'IN Rl ZE-Q UILTEO TOP lnnt-n1pnng n111.ttre"" •nd hox •prlng ~P\11 • ""ls only. $99.11(1 \'Rl\Je .• Al 811.y 11el $59.00 30" VJ<:N <'OUCH ON LF:GS---Malcht<:I f&brl~· on mru tr"ll3. sp!'lng, Howard Steam Cabinet \\'h~rlpool bath,,, ean LI 8-7472 tor appointment Turret Lathe Operators 72c8t S\\'!Ni.; S Hll-""T. Cl~AS!-; ,\ (1v.,.r --~~-~~---·I THROUGH Ci o, an Ing. l ronln&' Qookinll{ • pl!etal, Al.o AeTV· lnC"· Own l~n . Colored Kl 3-•6&1. 72p74 dt·~k . fr,.nt $.1!:1 51) I.at .. n1orl~I r·r fr1jl,"erRl"r, lert h11nd door, cro1111 fr~i;rr, 9 r r $149~ llounr e 1•n•I ht"flfl h ;in.I $69.SIJ Value ... --.,··-··· At 8 11.y $39 P:. 11 PC l.I OD~~RN \\'llOUOJIT ffiON LIVING ROOM GROUP. lnrlur1t>a b,.d <l1>•an. ch11lr ht'd 11nd ;)tlOnlAJl, 2 •l 'P end t•ble11. l coffee tabl~ (Whit<!! marb!e1ud neverm•r lope~ 2-l·w&y tabJfl lampe, Ut>r PAINTING bT ICXPERIENCED PA.INTERS hauling. prdf'nlng A odd jot>.. \.\'111 work by hour Reuonal>le. L1 &.-l~ 721J7~ BABY 1lttlnc nlght11. c lf'anln1t Baturd1.y•. OCH ~ IArkspur Avr Corona del Mar. S<"C aftt r ~ p. m. 70p72 LI C E NSl!:D. EXPERIENCE D 8KJPPER a vail. Har tlmt>, to;--p•y CLA-\'Al. <"ll 1701 f'l•eenlht. Newport lir111·h 6Cl<:i3 ~1Al..E l!l<ild I ~=llpt'n~n<'f'<i l>)>Prst111 Precision Ca.slings Inc. I 112fo·\\' 70.:i 3 1~0 Su1"'r1<•r. (' M LI ~·:'!IUJ ;;;;;;;:;;~;;:-~::;:;:=--:::;:;::::~ 11--------_'.;n'" I WIDOW w\th 2 cl\Jl(lr.n ""'lllhea 10 ab&ra h<!lr hon••. carf! for chil- dren. Co11ta M<'u . u 8.&,.,;r, 70r7:l PAINTING BY HOUH Sm111l or large Jobi! Qk R.e..on•ble nt.te11. Ub..rl)' 8-r.22. ICXPEIUl:NCl:D 1enen1I offl~ A •la.no MVD . .Alao bank exp PBX A tt('"ptloollt. W \11h .. 11 rull Urna M'lploy111enL 1..1 11-':'W 71c7l 30--Mi!IC"t'llanf'OUS KN ITIERS Co111r in "-llt'e lht con1pLl"t" n,.w l1n'° or Or11ph.lc JlH l tl'1·n~. lY-11.r Btitnel Evt:r Maleh )"11r™', t.for- "'11" n"w drt" .. pl'ttrn111_ nu•·cJty Y•rn• It "'traw,. 1nrl11d1nc th' po11uJa r knit l•cey ~k•rt.a Sit N' Kn it Sl3 I:. Balboa Btvd .. .. , .... 12Lfo S2-Furnltum Cnr Salr O'Keere I< t.lerrit apt. Select ion or l!prlngs, 18~~ H11.rbor SZ-Fumiture f nr Sale BED .;;PR!l"f; and ~fATTRESSES. complete St0.00 'v\'A::l H lN(; ~I AL1 1 1Ni:o:S -.. •. $12.50 Up Thf'S(' and a thnu1<1lnd other ho usehold bargains . l!:vrrything for thl' f-louse -Jo,urnis tJingi,i, Toy~. Radios, Clothing a nd .S hoes for the eiitire family. RC'crnt additions of SC\'eral disabled \'eleran per90n- net-v.·ho ha\'£' con1plctely refurbished, rejuvenated ar.d p!l'!.cC'd in t op condition everyv.·here in our store make UR MY "BUY \VHAT TIIE BOYS REBUILD'" VETERANS INDUSTRIES 402 E. 4 t h , S ANTA ANA Open F'riday and Saturday unlil 9 p. m lf •hllde~. $269.60 \'a lu'° .. At Bay 1199.f>O .A t Bay Sll900 6 PC ~IAJ"'l.f: llEDROOM S F.T-lnclu<lf11 e drw. douhle dre1111er - :I01tt40 fren1ffl pis te mirror. bookc&M he•d~rd, mt>lal fr11n1e - lfl/)A roll mallrr:.M -boio: 1pririg 1279 $11 Value _ -· Al Bay $18700 Je" ~ BttRNER DIVIDED T OP G AS RANGE . Sul lnwl•led oven .and hrnl l"r Robt<rt11h11w O'rt:"Tl hf'st control. $1311 50 Value -2 only _. 1..0UNOF:R CHAIR -f'LASTIC AR MS - Str"I frame. 599 !'10 \'1<lue -I only C'hrnme handlH Ac I.rim . At n.y m .oo Footre11t •nd htlldre.l- ··-· _ At Bay seu.oo lfl ClJ .... ,. l'HILCO RF.FRJGERATOR -'M m odel. f'ully C"U&r&llleed. $3191>0 \'a.Jue -l only A l Bay $19900 BAY FURNITURE •27 £. 17th St r Bt"lw...en Tllatln Ud F'REE STORE FRO!\'T PARKING OPEN EVES. I Irvine 1 'TIL 8 u liT ~:I N-loY AY ()HAND Ilk~ D,...... H~ .. '1Al,1 l' •,t <O lt1g ""v1n,.. Al90 Kll•be """'•n Nt-w t:ar ~1 ... &. :-t~r•o ~ & ll11mlln O•·•n)' otht"rs P r•I'· Clf'11.t1 u .. ll l '•t1 All Mak• Im !I•~ 111an11a .. ,. l .. w a~ 11:1:i l-"•P•-,l 1u 1.1 l;,,,,.,.~t,. l >,..:'\"1. · ~('H).l ll11' ·PH IL.I.II'~ :?2•'1 .Su ).tAJ!'< .ST , :<A --:T \ u 11; l'11U10 litnr., :i ~o N" ~1111n l Kl 6·1 1~ !Hr 1932 HA IUkH\ Ill \'f• --t 'l'ST A. ~l~:s A 1-\no .... ·lton Electronics TY ANTENNAS 'L'l'°ar f.l.e'lm J. 1-11 Gll11'1 J IN:iT AJ_.J__.Ei.J comp elt" tu your IM't $9.95 LI 8-1>2~. 8!:.AUTIFUL S p!Ml p1 •11Q, btond, jt1•l like new •ve $200. 3 rent- • al returna, •ve $Ii() lo p .'>O perf~l cunditlon n'w ~an­ '"" frre dellvery. M11.pla. Ught \\"•lnut, Frt"nch Pro•·lndal. M•· hl•,.:1<ny SplnPt r">Ue ~llghl!y dMl!laxfo\I tn 111'11 pptn11 $-(8j. U(>(M1 Jln&l'ttce plann111 from $89, $94, $1 :.1~>, fl 7{) ff'fl lheN &l lh• Gr<'•l ~2nd Anruv~ M111lt1, J )A!'<Z -SCHMl D1' -PHILLll 'S !hP Bl£ ]'La no 11.nlt Org•n Strirf! ri2u =""<> ~ln. S&nla AnlL. 100 l'1•ru•1 , }-JA]of ... 101"lJ l'iuV&·l"hOrd •'••nd1t1on B ig S!l.vln,i.:-11. S6l s:, do...,·n anJ 121.91 " ln rl ne Terin11. per 1110 RliA J<~ERS ISl n~e 1~71 t :l1 ·42.1 N. Sy~·11rn"r". l;Kn!., Ana l'IHin& K imberly :!-tit!:':.! Orange County's Or1ts11 Jl(lqtra. o•:AG AN 3 octave \'tbra-h11rp, In tin~ t't>0•11llnn. ~a v .. 5~,11:-, ...,rf n,ow pr ir" l'<1nv trrro,11 11.1- :o;HA ,.~1::1-tS 1 S1nc,o 1&01 1 ~'21 -~23 N. Syr11.more, ~nt11 Anll !'hone Kimberly 2·00l"2 Piano Refinishing Quallty .,..·ork only A:-:KRUM PIANO s EflVIC'E Kr 2-7880. --.oue Hl<:A U Tll<'UL lilonde Mirror l_Vp<!! 11 r1rl ~hl pi11.no In perfo:>t'l rnn,11- tP•n T"rrn11 $25 <In & $10 ll<'T n1n. 'O th~· r finr r""""l~l,.,J p111no11 1n 11111.hugany 11nJ nuq•lti "' SllAFF:Rl'! rl'!ince 1!1!17l 42l -4l!J ;.:, $ycA11lnll'. S ant11 A!lfl rh<J ne Klmbl!<rly ll-0672 '54 LI tj.()11 ,1 Plymouth Wagon Al! metal T 1nl .,;lase. Full y •·ri 11q•pcd 111clud1ng \\'~\\' tirr :< St145 MILLER Chevr.-.Jt~l · Olrl.sn1nhll1• 700 W. Coast Hwy LI ·"·2.!51) '56 Jo'AJRLAr>-'I!: S Jo:lJ R a-H , f"onfnmatlr Lo,.· ... f!l"ltKt. $22 95 MARK DOWNING FORD 11 .... -y :19 11l Pacific C'out ~(untlnl'tOn 8 <'&('h '52 Ford V .a • Hwy 72r7t. H.anch Wagon , FIRE ENGINE HED R & H . Fordo $1245 MILLER C hevro let -Oldsmobile 700 \V. Coaat Hwy. LI 8-2258 19!1 4 M~~RCURY 1laUu11 waann, lle1111t1ful ron•IJUon Fu 11 y l"Qllippe<-1. Pric~ fo r quick 11oaJ,. c .. 11 owna-H11.r. t.11116 ·•~ 70p72 R•nt IL Spinet pianu to b11y. 1.Jl I---------- ttrrn r'nt allt•Y.'<'d P r•ctlce FO R SA LE 1964 C\J•tom Mercury pi11.no IO'w •• $.'.\ Jl'CT rn o. DANZ-w ith Mel'l:otnal!c, 28.000 mlle1 s C H lot J D T -Pl~JLLlPS Bi&' by ortgtnal owner. B&nk finance. 1"\11.no A Organ Storfl 520 No. liar. 1401·R 89lfo 1'taln St. Sant.a Ana. BEAUTIFUL ELECTRONIC Or- gs.n perfect C!Ule e.lmo~t new . DANZ -SCHJ.UDT -PH ILLJPS Greal S11le. 620 f.lo. Main S C. Santa Ana. FOR THE R UMPL'S ROOM ! AMPICO !:LECI'RIC Pl.AYER PIANO In perfect playing oondi- Uon. Loll or rolt. lnrludtd. - Convenient term.1 at- SHAFERS ISlnce 1907) 421 ·.f23 N. Sycamor•, Santa Ana Phone KJm berly 2-0672 1-IAJofMOND ORGANS all model•. on• aJtchUy uMd like new. DANZ -SCKMlDT . P UILLlPS •lammond Headqullrte" for Or- 11.ns-County, 020 No. M.in llL 8•11ta Ana. '54 Chev. Sta. Wagon 4 dr. R&H. OD., WSW, Sold new & serviced by 1.1• $2295 MILLER Chevrolet-Oldsmobile 700 W. Cout Hwy. LI 8-22:18 1801 LINCOLN SICOAN, O<ret'- driYe. Good COlldlUun. Prlft.le pwty. Bu. GJM-)( 72c:74. ------------19.f8 PL YllOUTR coupe. J 2:K>. Good Urq A In food runnlnc eondiUon. HN'. DO'Tll-W 7:kTt SPINET PIA.NO. ~y tonll and c._ f 387. Tenna. OOtei-won• lJIC50 CREVROt.rr 4 ~ _,,..._ derlul b&J'(•lM In r1!lll&l ~ 0000 .-!IUO. MIO U l ·M4t I uma. lrMle ln Oil orp.ra. etc. 72p Sevt n.l merely K "-lchfod In l--Oo<----... --.-.,,.-_....,.---.-7-,-•• -~-t-ot­ ah lpplnc. DAN Z -SCHMJ DT - PHILl~IPS R11t Plano A Orga.n 8tol'9 620 ~. Msin S1111ta Ana. th.e way, the 6.ar. lllll I 0 • • ·····-·~· ... _, ...... . ..................... ...._ _ ....... ___ .. ____ _ PA&E '4 • PAlT 11 -NEWPOIT HARBOR NEW~ESS F«IDAY, FEIRUARY 17, 1956 _ ... _ 6t.4C TRIPLE CHECKED -USED T~UCkS 40-Aut.08 f0r Aale " McC~.RTHY'S SAVC- SAVE .A BUNDLE Of MONEY During Ray McCoy's • ~ •• .... DODCP:-'i"T. ttlltbf<d 'tT CKl:V \i t. panal ... GMC ... \. --"~ • ., • • "' ·~ tr'"f.-Pfc'lrup ~ '60 FORD V-8 12 t . l)k·kuv '51 CH EV. 1~ l P"*-wp ~ -----Slm -·· -.. ~ ---S75,lm ........ _ ... _ .-:.,~--····· .....-r..-J~ ....... -~~· ......... -EXPANSION SALE ·n2 INTERNATIONAL "' l 1•1tku11 '&2 CHEV. ~ t. p&nel I '&a 0000£ ~ L ph:k up '!:1 C HEV. •,;. I pickup '40 C l-f EV. ~ L plt kUJ.> '02 OOOOIC '% t. pickup '.!II FOKD V-8 .... I n.u,...1 ·~1 FOH.O l t 1J1111I flalbo'<I '34 FORD v ·ti I t dual 't.I OMC 11,t I. C • (' 'r.Q C HJ!:V. 2 t. 1-t' fh1 t~d 2 •peed, 8 .23 tireio ·~ CMC, COE 2 t 14' •l•lu• 2 •peed. 8 .20 tiru '53 DODGE 3 t. du111p, 2 spo-..J, 'lii :OO tire• j Sea the lar11:ut •el~ction rot \Lll"-1 truck. !n Qnu1~e I 'utinty ,\1111 ,Y to choo.ci tron1 •t pn •. ~ an.1 ! term.. lo tit yo11r n..e..111 W.W. WOODS GMC DEALER 1115 ·1.il E 4th St 811n1,, A1111 ('llX'n Sun•l.1\' A #.I '" . NEW 56 OlDS 4 ,DR. HOLLIDAY Hydra R & H Power steering Pow•·r brJ keR -4 Way !-'O\'ol'r Seal.ii 2·1u••i• pu111t w w !.f,t!l) HIV!~ cXliU..i SAVE $800 "" . OUR lA>TS ARE JAMMED--. THEY MUST BE SOLD -NOW ! NO MONEY DOWN 1'.IONTH'LY PA Y~f EJ\'TS AS LOW AS '54 FORD V-8 . $47 Rant'IP.>,'l\J:<in, RRdio. H , 0 f). '54 CHEVRO LET, 4-Door $41 HJL.dlr1. f-l i:-atl'r . Loca l, Shar p $41 $43 .. __ .... -... -. -· -· -------·-M FORD ~lty &.du R a ll, Jrordorutlc $2235 .. -_,, .. -, .... ~7-\\anl<d Pl _, '\ -- Rentels· Wanted We nffd •pt.a, and llO\IM9 I a.U ltC!Clk>fw for both ..U..ler • r-r'• , __ Fum. or \lft .._ .... ···-·---·-.. . . ' :-..>-~low1 tn !:..!!:':":,_ __ ,_ ·=5.;--="::cM:.::o~ .. ::,;Y~lo::..,:I~,...='---- 2()..ye.ar Financing HOME LOANS Jt yoo h•~ a vacaney, plloue today ~.4ARK. The Vogel Co. Consl;uction Loans -Refinancing fY! J201 w. c.t. Hwy., Nhport BcJ Free ~reliminary Appt.a is als • Phone ut»erty l!l·S41!11 • .M\A/~ll~lr.. 208 M•rine, BaJbo& I.land ' Con'elJpondent.a for JlM.lWJtllL ~~,;,...,-:;"~""":,:·~"~·m~-;°"'~;,"~·n.·n,.,.~~'\--M ··.r.c,·~ ·!!,. "Cll.u&llJ. 1u1111r:nxe Go-.,ll..V ....-..... "-.....,.., -· "' · ot Tennesaee FORD PhOl"I• Barbor 17'41 Udo Ofttoe, J.ot Vla Udo Banker& National Life Insurance Company llwy 39 •t Pacltfe Cout Hwy Hunllncton BM.ch Harbor 4-071 1 T02 Newport Blvd., C:O.t.a MM& 1.Jbert' M&i7 72t'74 "' '50 FORD R & H. New paint Really nice 5th $495 TERRY'S BUICK e.t Walnut Huntington &ach -WANTED 'T'O RENT J bdrm. f\1m, on chann"J or oce.an for family of three. permanent ply. renllll. H.ar. 0074. 1-Ufe O\VNERS NOTICE. l deal ~nanl.I w&.nt l or 2 bed.room furnJ..&hed placa In Harbor area.. Yearly. Phon"I "''entnp Harbor 3073-.J. 7lp73 >'OR A FINE TENANT QUICKLY & FREE' SE:LECI' REAL TY HEMLOCK 3-8311 7 J ~·73 '51 Ford V-8 Custom SOUTH COAST Mortgage Company Approved FHA ~tortgagee 1 West Cout Highway -LI 8-7791 \ Newport Beach, California. . - 48--Apta. A~ for ~nt 4=-~fl8, &l Hoa8eS for Rent . \ibanas Marinas Lido Peninula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS Delightful U\'G Apl.-Ca banll8 Ulilltic:a paid. With Tn.ek Hctqtr-". f'lr 1 lr""l'" 1 ·, u•·t ,. NEVv 56 OLDS FORD $37 1 ., Jr Se<ll:ln , R & H. 111·v.' n1 otor 48-A~ts. &!: RoOSN for~.!!.._ Choice Winter Rent.al11 on Balboa Island & Lido l11le Sn111ll j, ror.y or 111.rgt ...._ d··lu11e '"'tu '300 J11onth Yael. .slip ac('omodations. Daily, w\k Jy, n1onthly, yearl)- F o r appt. or rc.-w·rv,on, ('all ~far. '.!~~. '48 Ford V.8 F'urdri r. ~1 1•1 ha111t·;dJ\' Sl65 MILLER Chevroll't -Oldsmnbl!t• 700 W, Coast flwy. l.I x :.::.::i'-' '52 HUDSON Hornl't Cl ub Cf"-'· H ydra, R & H A VERY l'OPULAH. C"Alt AT ONLY $595 TERRY'S BUICK 5th at Walnut Huntington Rea ch '52 GMC i T. Pickup R & H , good t.Jre11. Excellent Mechanically S745 MILLER Chevrolet -Oldsmobile 700 W. Coast Hwy. 1~1 8-2258 ·~2 CADILLAC CONVERT. R A H, Auto_ Tr.an.11. •$1695 MARK DOWNING .FORD Hwy 31 at Pacltl.c CoMI Huntington BP.arh lfwy '53 Cadillac b2 4 door sede.n, P ower &leering & brak£'~ EZ1. R AH, H ydra, WSW $2445 MILLER Chevrolet · Old.srnobil£' 700 W. Coast Hwy. Ll 8-2258 'Gl CADILLAC convartlbl.: lbMn ln •tor&&"r. Prlc~ !or 1111 - mf'dlat• .. 1e. St42t\. \Viii 11c· cept tenru1 ot trade C'.ood (l(ll'ld. H•r. 3.,69-\'I 72c7-t BY OROJNA.L O\\'NEH. 10491 Butck Ro&l'lm11•t,,r. h~"!Jlfful ('•r . •11 e.i<tr•~ S47:'1. lf11 r 411 7. '49 Ford v.e Custom , Radio, Ovcrdrl\'C $165 MILLER Chevrolet -Oldsmobile 100 W. Cout Hwy. LI 8·2258 HOT ROD l30 Hp. n--tires, n•w p•lnt JR. 8ACRJ1'1Cli: 1400 703 Nareiuu., Corona dei M•t. 72('74 SU PER CL UB COUPE l ,•oitd~·rl \I.Ith .-\.• ...... , ·r-1i·-. Ho.\:!l 1,1, 1\' /!)d i,, p,,.,., ... r :-;,,., rin;; ••• , ... •'1 1\1 l ;.. ·~ l~·a uld 11 _ l '!•fl•• k••d & f .i 1·\' f'a111t McCARTHY'S USED CARS I l ~n ~ .. ,\1"'" A l!H Chev role t Corvette Radio, fl<'al«r 1\ut .. n\.'lllt:, \'\ :-; \\. $2195 • MILLER c·h~·\·r11 l rt -Old ~mnh11' 700 \V. Coast l lv.·y l~I "l·:l2~ '52 CHEV. C L. CO UPE J{ & II , 2-lou .. ~re1 ·11 Original !'runt 5th ONLY $695 TERRY'S BUICK a! Wa lnu! Jiunt1ngton l~f·ac!J $1395 MARK DOWNING FORD H untingtvn ill'>u'h '50 Dodge Coronet 4 d()()r. srd&n R & H. C:yromattt" $465 MILLER C'h1•\'rCJl('t -()Jd.c;111u bdr I '5 3 CHEVROL ET. Delux e . A bi·a uty '5 2 MERCURY , 4-Door . \\ \\" . '51 MERCURY, Clu b Coupe T!.1Jh>. 1-l o·<tl• r \'1'1 y !-;h.1rp RAY McCOY MOTOR CO. THREE BIG LOCATIONS Orange County's Mo1t Reliable De a ler . 'i 1.'l F: :l1:1 s ~l ;i 11 1 ~1 1715 r-;, Y.'fH•rl Hh d Only 4 of Many Specials! :0:.11tla 1\na C 0P:-<t ~1 ~l··~a 11953 1 >E SOTO Lrght R-·1g1· \'-~ 4-r>OOR SF.DAN Autun1111H' lf"an~-R ad1•1 & heatr r 19f>O 1'0!\1'11\l " ('J.t lR {'PF: A \1!111n a t 1c lranl'I '1.-Tnn<' i.;rar (',\[ J[] ,],,\(' I :c)O I{ $36 $37 $31 $1395 I !J50 HU DSON LOU REED & ASSOC. CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER 121)0 \V. Cou!>l 1·111-:hway IF YOU DON'T KNOW USED CARS KNOW YOUR DEALER SELECT -BONDED C ARS AT LOWEST PRICES - YOUR NASH DEALER $595 MILLER ( 'h1·\'r,.f1 t -O!cl;,n1r1bth: 700 \V ('11Ul'il ltv:y l.I "·:!:!."i'l '""~·, r ! 1t;.1· I ·,.nt no n:11J klL. '11 .•. t ''"·J.' d 11.r 1:0•11 l>~l!l \\" 10-.'\-'l 'rrr<i &I l 'art.111 Nf'w and Used 1'1{UCK AND Passenger TIRES 8-Hour Re cap ping Service Comµ~te Brake Service A :'\"D Front F:nd Alignn1i."nt l{!),\IJ SERVICE Fin~, .. .,,. liullget l'l•n Yuur,o (<>r lhe A~klni;: H O WARD RYAN 801 -809 W. l at St. S,\:\'TA A.-...:A J<I :!-8363 lJtfc Motor Overhaul NO MONE:Y DOWN * with this ad * 6 Cyl•. . ..... _. ___ $48.88 8 Cyl•. . .. ·-·····-·-·$58.88 rnclude-" bolh J11bor a nd p•rte. New ring11. wris t pin,, valve grind. r1tttng1 or maln and rod bearings. Ellpcrt motor tune up. 90-day or 4.000 mile guarantee. (N O f\.!ONEY DO\V:-.'I REBUJLT ENGINES -UP tu l~ J.10 !'JTHS TO P AY- Buill In our o~·n factory by •killed m•c h1n1~lB. Don't contend wiUJ the n11dlll"I m 10 n. Buy llirt>cl. REBUILT and INSTALLED SH ORT BLOCK FORD ... .. ....... ·-····-·-··-$129.50 CHEVRO r_,F.T .. ······-··-·-·-. $149 .M PLY.'11. & l.)<..HJCF: ··----···-······-Sl :'>."i <..:HHYS. & DE SOTO ···-----$170 STl !DFD1\KER _ -l.110 <>LDS & f'ON'l'IAC 6 ········-$170 llUIC K -· ············-········-·····-· $175 HUDSON ............ --·-···-----· .. $17:1 Loan C11 t Frl'e Tow ing NEW CA R GUARA :-.TEE lllor k n1u~L 111i::O!t 01H" Blflndnrds l'lu11 ta11 r11, i:-11.aketa and oil Open Sundoy 10 11 .n1. to 2 pin . BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open D.ally 8 10 7 Sta t"I Hooded 700 W. Coa:ol li1\'Y I.I .'l-:!25", WA.RD S. LEE, INC. Santa A n:i. 7Ic72 NEW LOCATION I 310 East 3rd St. !tt OUEL A f.~,,.,I • ng1n<' "' t'hll,.ill f'q111p11\.'J ,.,·,th \\'1nur ... •I rl!H he!ld .t c1tn1 $1.'.10 :'>O (','\•I ••n· gine t'o•llJ'lt'lf' 1.<olh hydr<1 & IUJ'<'f chaq::"r S·l.'>U ~l&,\1 .\lut'" • 1 2101 cu,.~l H11.<"11.1' N""'f>'•tt lle••·h. LI 'll :rl~ I llltr j I \\'lllR<'n Hl'l1l1 1•. hr lll,.r. !''"'•'" ilitl,., I< hol<• ~"I" '-''1111 IH"ll Hitt ~.~,,11 -:-1 .. 7:1 USED CARS INSPECTED l'icfor£' you bq y 11ny ll!!t'rl r ar ll't our <'XJ)('ricnf'f'd ~nr;ig1 ·!'! ~i1·;_, it n i'••rn 11ll·lt• JT'!l'('hanif•a l in ~11t·el u1n ni.-·h1d1n :.:: a r"'arl l('gt Calif. Used Car Inspection I.I 8-86·12 Service I ____ s_A_N_T_A_A_._,_A ___ ~ NASI-1 -H UDSON I I RIOH HAHN'S A!"rr) !{i\!Jlf.) REf 'AIR 1-1 YlJRA ~1 ATfC S E!{VICE: ~flit ~: 2\iTI I ~T t2-Traih:rs VOGEL co. l'h H11 iJ,.,r t44 t>r H11rt ... •1 llt1:i j J1A -Apt!I. for ~nt I 49--Koo111~ ru r 1{1•11/ !'.,.~ l!ort 3112\l-I{ Or /!111 l~::ll R --------------· 111• ,,. .. • • ATIN: Want lo Reio? 1 -r r11 .. ., !)"•hll• .. pt '· ,\ J'I~. I' I ' I l \I q,, FKU.'T \\ l·:Lhl •I;• ,1 I,, t1 ·• • 1<1-:~iTAL SPECI Al.l!-iT v.·l lh DORIS BRAY , Reol!or I s 1t (1K r 1 ~:J<1\t ,, , 11 •• 1." 1• 1· I • i~. :o-.v p .. 1., H 11 1.'l,J ; .!•I• I I 1 I It r I I' . \\ ' . ·' •• • ".!111 M1trln ... Balboa. lsl•r cl C:tlHn:":A l!'~IB' ' -" • • 1-f"r ~o Lr !11 (lZ. ':'t,IJ t,..l rn• c1.rn~1 .1111 ·,' ,..,,, ! I ;!J.J! HA l.lll •A 2 i, .. ,11 1n & sun p.orl'h upp"'r u u,,1 ... " C:ARAGE:. N kt' )•id <:.,, ... I /h·i11. '"tnt<'r $100. }rly S l ~O n10 !n<'ludlng utlU!!,.H illl r t.~,~8-W 6,1l f<'.' ON BALBOA ISLAND S1'.:J-; !"S fur yeurly &fl<I l'll!aaonal r<>nl.ill.'!1 NE LDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 1\111.r!ne A 1·t-. 1-l•rbor 002 BAI-BOA ISLA.NI) llf>pantlt! p•lh• lhor . ~-;. llOi \\'EST Oec-an Fl o•nt. :.;1•.,.. pvrl l:kacli une W 1111 t ut 11 apt .tr t;ar S'\u IOI• "'' lud .. , n1lnl11111111 ut1j \\1n• .. 1 11n!.1I l'h IU1"<'r11111,. r1·e.'!I t.:OROr-;'A l>El. ,\l ,\K unfurn 2 b.-.iroorn g • r a 1: ~ ar••r•nH·nt N~wty U....:o rl0\ .. •1 l,•'""lrv 11n • 111rag .. 111,·Judl'tl se:, per n1., . vr !or-11 .'I(?', o ... •1 ,r r Hui 17 !! ' NEW OFF :CE S • WEAi . 1-''llf{ Pl<1Ji''t··:-;. Sl(tl;AL ur l~l ':...I Nl-.:~s l '.'J. l.tH'i111'!'1 Hl - Haror JJJ \•·!ltm,ut t•1, 111 IK 3•J1 & !\1•1,1,1w•rt l:il \d liar J1SUO " --,,.. ,, ~ 1 •• Ir. 1\1 1' I'' .,t d, f,! , •IT <..:vHO:"'A UEL MAit, :'\early llt.'W "J.' beJ"n n • unfum. R~ch 1\yl1: ,Ji.p! .. x. rlrepl . FA hea t, 11"'1 tlr~, •·p. p•L10. Har. Jl'.81 -1{ · LIDO lstE _, / '"1 ~_~!11 '11.a.J 1,,., ..'ih .. ~•11. 1,,,,._ 1ni• P"i1ro.c: ,, r• lt!~ ' 6:.lri:: :-5EE AI E -TA Nfo.:LS Ol\' CORONA Dj.:L A-1Alt F"OH ('llOICE f<E:-.'TAL.~ SEAS O :-.'AL & YEARL\', 290/:i E, ('owit il~·y. ll1lr. ~060 i2r 74 t;:>;f'L"H:S 2 t..J1n,, "ft Ha, 1u•1>. ~hnrt "'1tlK 11• 1.,.J,, •tlllPll"'I; •f"ll. J"-'•l ll lf1r •· .fr. •.I) Jlull I L!'llt n10. Hilt 62i'.! i Utf•' :'\t:\\ l 'UHT Tl~:Al 0!1 II•" ~ t,,111 Uuplex, f ull IJ,11 It g .. 1 "K" , )e"r lc1111e. 1 26-~Ath ~t 7•1· 7._ C~•ll.ONA IJEJ. M Ait nir11ly foun I bdrn1. apt $7."> m". '"'IH I)' S o prl!I .Mgr , f li' F1•n1tf'11( :'\~~WPOR'f H 1':1Ctf1~ 1802 &: 1702 1-fav"n Pl11.cc . H11rbor 39.3.'l·J 71• ;:: Two ----~--__ h<trr1\11., garb. rll-"P , ne,._r ll<'"ho"I~ Unfurnillhet.1. Li·~ e>r by n1U1"1lh, 48-li-Houses for IWnt c . Sherm 'AUl'n. LI 8-56~5 l'(//t():'\A D t~L MA H •2p7T 2 bath untum. hHl1•<' <•.,r~~" & l>1un<lry ro.,rn Garb dlllJ>o,.111 f'nc! y11rol. 1 12.'• f"'r tl1'l. )I l!'ll~" ()\r.·ntr H ar 47 ti I ",.,. ,...,.. h I : "[II<" 1n tt,..,.. t,,,,J.!IUJ! l.i. 1 A '''I'• I""'·''•;" I· t • r 1!0 I t Io , ' \ I \I ,., Hur l ~'I\ I ,,. .... l ~!I J() ()Fl"l 'I-; :0:/'1\l '!•: ,"\"• o\\ 1.L,\ .i • , t;11.1 i..,.,. .. J._., n l•:J. 1. ... ,, '' 1 I n.:: "" J r••·r 11' 1, , Lluu___...l•r!lftr 4 ~4~ " '1"\\'1 1 r•••m uf ru ~ 11""' h •1r• • t 11!1•11 J·lf'n l>· "' l•l,-K 111.1; "P•• • I~ I l1r.,1t <lw111· \ "'t" :\I• Jiu 7 1· 7 ( ,.~RY DESJ1l ABL.£. guC11t hOUl'I" l'(l!npletely lurn .. ptivatt, ut1I J"I. S ii) wk 31 1 l.tarl&"old, (·,,. rona <Jrl Mar. 71 ('73 . UEACON BAY !uni. :l bt'o.Jr111. 0111 I oJ.;:-;i-.;-Sl'A C'E $~'\ "" gat\l.gl'l lll\U! June l u. lla.r 4 1.~~ (JI"' Pf\ol beJIULlful »pllo'l1111~ •lfth" llt'lll L l110 Th('ll!"r l'U!ta ble t rir •H t"rney or CPA H1r u3:<~ 11n .. , .'\:10 1' m 72<1• ·18A-Ap~ for Ben&. 7~p fo'URN. l rm. apt. ellltra clean, C.:OllO:'\A LJE:L MAH. Two lx•drn1 . el""· refng. µ11nel rily ht'ut. hun1c l1nrurn .. flrcplace. bar k!l· $·1 ~ 1110. to J nue l~. H ar. 11:159-J chf'n. patio, back yard fe11ced JO I E:. Bay Ave, B•lboft. Child aceepted, pet.I ok. $11\l mu. ~A-Buslnf'S.~ l1P.nt.'l.l11 71c-73 yearly lelL!le. ~tar 040d "fl•r ------------------ ------------10 11 111. 6.'l!l r NICE ;\IQOf:R."I 11t11r,. room or BALBOA ISl--A:'\0 yrly. 1~11~e ! .. trice a l llV\8 l'Mr~nu,,, J lOll ~•ullful kay 1-To nt I HH rum. UALBOA JSLA:>;O -J hllrnl. 2 n1u. Jnclut11rig utlht•r •. Juquli•· •pt. A garage. SIOO 1110. plu~ bath hou11c. unfur11. yrl}". A"all -10 t prof)frty 11rt"r ~. pm. ~···"'k Ul!lllle,. able ;\h1y l11t, Ha rbor 462:! or d•Ye u r any time Siii, A Sun BL.A,"\'CHE A. GATES , Ht-.ol\ur 2306-R eve... 71{"73 or c all Ll 8-0766 •ftcr G:30 vr ll1<rbor 1671 ~'lJKN . one bedroom Jo:Uefll houlM!, JOU'rs Jo'e.mlcat, ~orona del ,>.tar, w"'eke.nds. :'17Lf HAI.HOA ISLAND. Bllll<ll fu rn. 11lngle 11.p l, Nc•r beach & 11\ore.11 T hermo11tal h#'l\l, elect. r,.trlg. R~llpon.,!ble .. n1pl $<1tJ..r 11 (.!ull , i :i11 m11 ~·Inter. $40 yearly ll11 r . '21!8-M. 7ltfc $6~ rno. H ar. 2Mll-\\'. 70c7:l 5'1-1Jusine88 OJ)portuoJUea . -------------~ UNFUR.o"llSH)!;D 2 bdnn. & den l1<>nlt' ro r year'• leaJVO. ln N,·w· pnrt H eightll A. Jwit Ilk" n1•~· $1:15. HllrbOt ~ .;lc-73 BALUU A 81ngli, Cottage. 1t•~I · rn. S llO HE C LIFt~. unfurn. 1\lo11l un- f111Jy f11rn . Stall ><hu1,1,·<!r, b1rl Ul'JUll.l opfl')rtunlty to lra>1e fur k1t1·h .. n. yearly r<>otal $111 1110 Ollf' ur l"'U ye11r.'!I , 2 hMlro..111 C11ll }ia r. l•J87·\V ':"lojJ nn'I 1Jen, bP1<u1!f11I :••••W -R:ngtand l ~'T'f' farm hou11e. U :"IF\JHNISll!i:IJ ·• beo !ru111., 'l•t'" 11 ~1t1·y Hhnk<' root, hlgh 1Jo·11n1r d 11lat l', g11 n•~"· like 11t'\I.. S!KI. if'1h11gJ1, 2 !tt'epla.:e11. Jiuge ll11rlK·•r ::>~O!'I ;1,·7:! 11p;;t111r.!! Udrrn. i<ludy w I ! h f 'IJl~O="A r1~~r. J\.1AH l h1l1n1 fin-TI llpt l;;rgn l1 Villl( '"'I'"· ''""' 0!11. ln<-lud. $!0 1uv l lur 4·12U 7210 1 (;f1HOXA DEi~ ,\IAR unfurn. nt'W 2 bli rm. upp"r apt MU<1ern. bt'aullrul "'"w. Blk. from occ1111 Hnr. 31'.173·\V or H•r. 11 30-1{. 72c7~ HAI.BOA ISl~A NO BAY VIE\\' f.,1 II, Y' ly. I-lat. "t 11rlin 11 pl TV, garai.:!'. .l!K!fl-\V, \-\'l11trr o r UU!. paid i'ltr7-t BALH<IA J'E'.NI N~ULA l bdrn1 unrurn . 10pt. At gar yearly Auto "1U1her "-dry"'r 151)2 M.lr-&mllr L\rlve No. 8. or Ke)'!!lonc r1-7727 vr 717 N Clementine. An1tht'i1n 72('";-t I ~w .. rpln" >ll"'f"lln vlew11 <1w1,.,.r will le"1>" l u rell11.bl~ f11.m1!y "t $2~ 1~r m"11\h. l-lar r,6(i;, 117tfc UALJ.IOA. HaW•i!lln n>CJf1trn J bed - roon1 &; bunk room. rurn., ni•· hogany kitcht>n A. b9r. Ulapo.ul, w•lleJ lroplc•l p»Uo. CaJ.l E.ilt. 10, r·111 rta11 8·6530. 70c72 "LIDO ISLE, l ff!1room.ll, 2 1.1, hlllh home, on annu"I b•l!i11. sup for 40 ft. 00.t, uae of 18 tt. V iking run10bout power boflt. 2 c•.r irar .. bf"autiru!ly rum\,.h- e<I, Mrub1. 1700 per rnonlh. lriqulre Ill 4 l B•lbo• CO\"e•. Newport." 36tfc MIU\ or \\'onian OWN YOUR OWN HUSINEH~ A nj!w it.em. l'in:t. Uma otf"I~. St•n in aJMl-nt Um". If ••ll.atl#'fl, then wo'1l full llme Henlling 11.lld collt'i::Ung 1nonf'y rrom bulk n1&chln"• In t.hl4! ar-. T o qualify you 1nuat h10va a ea1. refen•nce. '360 ca.'!!h to N"CUre 1f<rrltory and tl'l Ye-TI1 ory. DO!vot - lng 4 hO\lnt • week tu bwltnca.' yuur l'nd on pr-reen taree Of col - lti<!tlon11 .ahou¥J ntt •ppro:a I· 11111Lely $1 7:'> nwnthly with ""r-y gooct po.II.lb.Lilly ot t.Akh1g owr full tim e. l10co111c increaalnl(" •coord1nl{ly. It "pplic.a.nt ca.n qualify nnanc-..1 &a111.at.ance will ~ g1.-en by Co. tor expane\on to run time J>'O'llUoo With •hove •verag~ lnc-o•nf. Include phone In appllcatloo. Bolll J -4, New~ Pres•. ----------- $ CAFE $ rDli:A L FOR COUPLE. On • (!fr ~r. too! Full price SMOO. N ,, blut"t Airy , M ight ~•ldM t~m RUBS BENNER, Eve-. H.ar. 161 1 Balboa Bay Properties i&O~ W. Balboso Blvd. Har. 318tl '53 GMC ! T. Pickup HArll'~()R ARF:A r:,\RACJ.::."i r..·1·.\\IJ'Ul-\.T AUTO \VORK ~ l:lO Indus trial \\-:1y, Ct•sta .\1C'IOIL FOr.f,,j(;l\" '-I OTOR ~ER\'J CE 116 lnJustr1al \Vuy. Coet a Me~n *PORT ORANGE * -N-.-\\-'L_Y_R_E_D_EC_O_R_A_TE_D o"' U!'\"FURN. COTI'AGE. Uvlnl rm. dining rm .. kltch•nelte, l bed· room.1 A. hot Mov.-er. Yearly $.6:1 mo. Gllll It watl'r paid. 108 Ad&lltl., B.albo&. lh..rbor JQ24·1'f. 72c74 YOUNG BUSlNESS MAN I N - TERESTED IN 1NV1:8'11NG ll"lVE TO TEN THOUSA ND DOLLA..RS In local bu.aln"'11" Eltperlenccid Jn •portlnJ r o•x ll•, marine engtn....erin&" A •ulon\t.o• live field. O.•lr. lo ~ •r llv" \\'r lt • detail.a Box 1 J ear .. o: Heater. Hydri\ $945 Grant w. tv1usick '52 Olds, Super 88 Tli A(l~ER SALES nnrl .SUPPLIES 2200 \V. Coast Hiway. N l'wpo rt &:-ach LI 8-4420 71c73 berlrrn. f11rn. gare1tt-•pt. On yrnrly bMlll, no pell.. Adult.a only. $6.'). 116 • 35th SL, Ne,.,··IC--O-R_O_N_A_D_E_L_M_A_R_,-.,-,-,-..,-rm-. port Ba'u:h. l{!Lf. 156.'J 72pj 4 H,\C HELOR APT . cm Pen1n11ul•. t•rJvate l'nln•nce. JtO 111<)nth. /·larhor 07.ll•J _ 70p72 unrurn. hon1e on yrs.. leL'N!l •t Ii \!'I per mo. Le.t1te Uvln&" room with fireplace, UI• In k llf'hen A. b•th. Dbl. gu., nf':wty pain\· 1!1:1, nlC'e fenced y.n:I. Y.'" h•,·• th,. k ey! Voi;e! Co. Uat. 1741. 71c73 Uia. pa.per, 70ic72 SMALL CAFE, daln1 b11 bu•ln,.,.• all yr. Sta.lnleM •tr-el equ1pnu.•nl F' .. t.abll&he-d 8 yr•. fine for c011 pit, oUued below nipl6C-.n1 coat_ Ne&r City H•ll. N.B C. R~ALTY CCJ. 3201\ • Ntwport lilvtT . Np1. n , ri ll11 'l>ri• 141\"i ' • S.'\-Mo.er to IAa9 --' LOA.NI TO BUILD, DCPROVE., BUY. MOOCR.NIZE, Oft RU'lN.U.CS -a.i ,...,= .. =-----1 !6Z~B~oo1~11~1h!,llo!!.__;:_·· -I ~T HAUOlt NEWS.1RESS -PAIT 11 • PA&E I 'FAJDAY, FBRUARY 17, 1956 See Me-Ta Nelson • • • OCEAN FRONT ' 2 STOR'f APT.-Corona del Mar Outstanding Buy . • Announcing! ! • w •• , 1'Nllt. Dflld9 Nl!~WPORT BALBOA U VINOI • LOA.N usocunoN UGf Vt& lJdo Pia. ,..,.. 4.JOO "' THE MOST DlPORTANT AD YO U'U.. READ TODAV 00R0N A DEL M..AJ\ MO. "The Pocific " MODEL HOME a ••...... a • ..,.,, ' BALBOA ISLAND VALUES One of the laland'• tlnest, lftuated on -..n · utra wide lot, very cloee to So. Bay. LOANS for Homes ' F.:Atrri:RN OWNER 8AVS 8.E.U.... )[);(! tie'# 3 be<koom. 2 bath. fU. plut, hdwd, nooi-.. bklck from oce&n, ft..2. •JC~l tinancjnc . Vll4erpric~ !lxcl~\f· u 1un,. vou·ss PINCJI YOUR.BEU' to ac'1! 1r )'OU Ill'• awake wMll :rou ~ IL Ow11u •)'1 It'• T YMl'I 014. One apt. "11&1 1 Mdl"OOl'IU A 2 batha, on• h-.. :a bedrOOINI It 1 bath. lW() lpla. baY• (Jft4 bed• room • 1. baUi Meb, n l"C"...,. rumlllht'J. $28,lliOO, ~ble ONLY $3500 DOWN !Why •• U yw--a.re ..,.,... ftor " l!padom home with ~ bed.rms. Ir • bat.hi, a wonderful up1tain recreation t'0011t,-.epo.Rt. dining-"'°"', .S.Hghtfol'l'"tio...:.. and-- -a double garage pluo otf-pamnfr, you -4Z.."""" 20 yr, 1-na _ ,, . CQnmuciion.J.o.ns C08TA M'ESA • Caal\ dcrwn oe. °"'*' W'lll taU llO«•~<~t~T.--'t --;Bfl!'UP.1,T:'"'""l--ef.\ TR ~ lfOOO 1 •t tJ'1Ult dftd"'" u t1<*1l lktwO. flool"ll, Jarye lo!: be•utt-1 1>aym .. nl Wiii piaJ11. 3 c1rt. 8EJ!l BOB BA Tl"U:ft. "J.6 l!aBT COABT BLVD. Corona del Ku Harbor 3888 Rep. P<.llRIER KORTQAO!l CO. Melro Ute Jna. i'undal Kl 8-tilali fUlly i.n(titeaped, nur C<llt Club • • • -,.;; '8tfc CASH .•. FOR TRUST DEEDS \\TM.. B . HOLT AIORTGAGE BANKING BlNCE 1930. 1009 N. BUSH SA?\'TA ANA KIMBERLY 3-7ll.8 ~_!Jon.!1.._~---- ·rHFtlVl ."lG Bt.'SJ:-..t:~ nl"l"dll nd· rllll/;>11111 capital-\\'Ill J•AY top •11l .. r .. j!t tor cuh lOlllt. i.)111 11 .. ,. ~ .. 12e 9 • 1'11. tv 4 JO p rr1. ~ :!• ! I li'u.11 pril' ... 'I l .~' ljOME & l~C0)!11: A'ITRAl"l'JVE: Uupl.,x, choir .. l(l('a · tlo•. 1 A l biedrm1. U•{lf'rprl\'CI~ META Nl':~ON 2&c!I E eu.i~t H W)' Corona del M11 r, H11r_ !)o.t!<• Lido Isle Open Sunday 1-5 JIU Viu l!n1c1& 3 IWdr<>"n .. 2 bllth~ 11nd 1.:011 LI 1)nt' ••f tl1-l!!•:;"r H"!~!t•1n bu1I h••lfl!'S !)fl ll 1:, {! ]'.>( Wilt J.,•llli vi cl"ll'<'t 11p111 ,. "'"I " Sunny Su uth l'llllo f't'11•111 to fu yvi.11 uu.tr;•·I DUN CAN HAI<fJE.~T':I', ltltr ·~l_-_""•l_•_._•ta_·_t.~~~---· I l.ido !-'fl\.'t:lah::1l \\ILL Ill'\' 11, . .,, ""n .. r "" 11.t HIV'I '.:(IOJ ~pt l•l!Ofl\I <Jn".,, t""" 1,~.u.,.11n •l•I I 1:11 ·! ~,. 1• 1>< or! Ll "' U..·1 I~! IS H•."I • J •I !hi 1.,.,1.,,;<' "·\' j'" • ', ':'.'"''"'." ,,., "' ':.::: ,CURT DOSH, Rltr. h<11n .. , 1 ~'" 11i.1 ' ·Id ~·· '" JJ 5 Marine Ave. 1\.\1 1.~ !{•11! I " Harbor 1560 • .'.l.1 ' I ' , LJ~' ! ;. :<· r> H11.11 .... ;i. 1~1 .. rw I 1JoS)/i':l1L••1 r. 111 ·, -1 !•A:".• ' ' ' ,. )-.. • • l.l ll )..'I! " "' 1 l/cll!IH .)'• \0 .. 1 '"" .. " 11. , ... .$ ... l\J •!·~"" " ' ~I '•I I•~ " "11 i.1111· J'r 11f'tt'r l \ NEWPORT HEIGHTS- O \.\'NE:R ::IA YS "SELL." Pr1c" cut r"'n" $11 700 to 110.000 on t.hll1 1• .. n•plc·l•{V 1urni1hed :J bt.:troou1 ''""'" wnh 2·c..r cara.s:e on • 6:1 :or. It~. 1:01 ne.r. St.eel. fenct'd ~Ulilllll •h"•"n. • • • DELI GHTFUL OCEAN VIE W - 1:-. SOUTH LAGUNA. 2-0n" bf'd. 1·•oon1 unit.'!, nicely furnh•hed $1J ~\JOI trwn"r h•• "'7 ,Ji:o •·11111ly \\'ill coialder trail., tn Nt>\\'l '"I t B"11 !'h uro•a. • • • ARE YOU TIRED- 'V l.l\'J."\'.1 ; !'I A Tl~AILEK ~Uhl """! 1111 •n•':>.JIC"Tl11l1• .. hon11' unrl .. r $[' 1!4/'f' I! l he tnul<'r will ..q1.utl u"~ ""' •·•, • • .. •U!}' you ..... ·ill h""<' ,,, Iv $•;! 1 .. ·r inc.nth to f'l"Y ln!••r· "T ·~ "nly 4 l,. ": 1'ax,. .. llll•I •' ,, I Hl<'l!Ul,.d 111 lh• ', .. 111111_'•' ,,jJ, • • • SeYen Isl ands Re a lty & Investment C o. ~··' :-.;:, "i"•r• B,..,, I\ 1 ·• I ': 't'! :"i 11 '" 11 .. 1 ... "; Pay Rent?) Out ot 1.own" OWner-aay1 sell this flllm.aculat:e ·r -- bed.rm. home, flagstone fireplace, ww C&r)>et, sunny bri£'bt kitchen, Iota of tile anc;I cupboards., copper plumbing. Wired 220V, enclo&ed patio, double gt.r· age, elc. Full pr-ice Is only $15,500. Thia is a dandy, but frURRY. Exclus ive witli, FRANK JAMES & LINWOOD VICK REALTORS 312 :P.tarine c. B. RUM A \'e., Balboa Island R. W. Rayle J-lar. 2042 Charles Travi1 ------------ VOGEL VALUES -BALBOA ISLAND Nearly new 3 bdrm. wilh t.lbl. garage, patio, fire- place, furnace heat. disposal, bar kitchen, lote of 11torsge. $27,000 furn. Very clean. JUST IN -Nicely furnishf'd, roomy 2 bdrm. home with µ11.t10, f1repla1.:~., Extra nice for s ummer and holldays. ¥20,000 Har. 4•i•i JUST A FROM THE VOGEL CO. 20") ~ar1nt· 1\ve , l1;tlb<Ja lsh1.11d Nrxt door to th1• Post Office i:\'<'S fl ar 1:!~!1-!{ liar. 12'1S·R STONE'S THROW NEWPORT HIG H ' Harbor blend Road • 3 bedrooma • 3 bat.ha • Sllake root • Ra1Md flas1t.ont lirepla,·e • Lanai dlnlrll' a rea •Lot atse 83 x 119 • BellluUtuJ panehnc- • Ultft aunny patio • Z >~otced II.Jr rumacea. gart:i.1 e dlapoAal, \\'uuni-hou.~ ii l • b· waaller • Separate leT\'ICt' room • Fine cab1n!'l lruitaU.11qun1 • Bullt In e1Ktr1c et(ly,. a n(! oven • Dt!llg httully dec(lrl\<'<1 • l!:'xpen.alvely la.nctacaped • ltdtrl1.:lcd a rf!n. l)t"-vt'!oped Hv Cliu·,.11<'<' L. Coo1wr, Inc Built Hy Jnhn B t.:l11rk, Qu.alL!y BullJer ,..Dr J)rt'Vle\O.' anowtng lo CjU&hfled t'h<'-fl ll <·au John A bell HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. REALTORS l-111.rLor llWO ~;~t'n1n1:~ 1 h"ne LJ &·~3!!6 will like thia one. A value at $47,500 • It you would li.lr:e a • bedTOOm 2 bath home of q wility plua an unuaually pl•• nt 2 bed.rm. apl for top income, make an appointment to eee thia one today. Price $38,000 teJ'DllJ . W e also have an attractive modern 3 bed.rm., 2 bath home on the Little llland, perfectly designed for f'nterttr.ining, fun and euy upkeep. Thia one ii completely furnillhed a.nd ready to move lnto. Price $28,500 terma \VM. W. STANLEY SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD Park Ave. &t Marine, Balboa 1al&nd Harl>or W!2 !-~-~--~~....,-~~-~~~---~~~~~•' Aren't We Lucky! That We C o n Offer You- ~'1.ISUAL~ ~·1· lot -Larr• Patio 2 bdrm.a. A dfLD VERT l.OVE!.11 Ona of Udo'• nne.t, r..r,.. krC -Pado " ... l'i 'I •Ill '•HA'."'l,F • l'HI >!'I J. , .... 1 ' , Xrwpu1:, < •-l.i ,\I•···• • Lido Isle • SCHOOL DELUXE This 3 bcJrm. humc has I & I .. b;ithi>, f1re1olace, j uh:AUTll-t.;L oe1<1!<.uuv,..typ•• home br1•1tkla~t bur. Ju11ng ari"l & p:1tio. l'r(l Jlcrty it. au\! IS'IJ •·at 11<"'•" "'l \h rull ••·r" ,,( hl\,.I t1111ot •D1·errd wlt11 bear· 2 ba.UUt -OCi Udo :imJ" Lldg Club .. ,._.. Caart 4 bdn:n.I,, • bath.a, d1nlq' nn.. •l .... ' .. ' ' l.1 "" '" I -I l'I ' .. ' ' ".~ ~_:, 11 .. ,.,. LI "' 11 .. u J:Y t lll \! ,1 North Boy I::.\• 111..,1 1" L•~llr>K Fro nt I LIDO LOT Breald'ut Bu fcn~·C't! n11,j JanJscaped. Ov.·n.-r"i; !t·av111..: fo r J;_1pan 1ng tn11t 1,e~ .... fie'"''=''" 1:1n•1 !'1-1 \I. Wll l! ~ll!•.\ ,n!h :_oi!1, •'l, ;.J.-1\ j~ 'I ,~, I l"t $It'll) II• ·11111 INCOME UNITS I H~.:-;T 1>1•i CH ! \l'l<:-i E:xflu1~1t.-Y•'ll.r n1un;I •'Onlp!«l•'l}' fu !1H~I!• <I !:n\I Fl Hiil 1i0111><', l.1· (11\~~1 "'"r 1-: .. 11L ... nd ,,r 1.1r1.. 2 ,..,....,1 .. r 11 .. w t•f'llr•>c:1m., 2 fa1111ly lwdr .... n1". •· r1·vi111 quArt"'' 4 1i,.t/1rr ... :n,.. Mr. & ~f r3 ""''!<•~­"'* '1r•·:•.~ir1 i.: ,,,..,n1~ "'Ill\'°''"""'~ v 1 .. ..., •Un1nK l"'MJ1n, bulJ,,r'a k l!· ll'h·n ioff n1n.n kll('l,•·n. :S J tr g!a~-. , ,,.·IOfl••U, carp•·t~-d . HA'( VIE\Y 11p8ltt•fll lfLllal. T"lf't .i floa L :J i.'ftr """"'~· und must l!ll'll. Price.J at only $13,500 htHuL" "' 1tll tyve" Clo:<e in •nd IT J UST CAN'T LA!:i'J'! .. , .. ti lv<'•l•"l lt 1111..:1 !11.r1i:e Jblt. .1 .. a chcll gar Rgc 11.J1d "'1.>rk ahop •o feet -a12,ooo lH•t buy on Udo "· .... ' ' I " I '-"'l H••'&n l'l•r•· r .r 1<·!)tl:'i~ (; :-iHt:l :~I ,\I I!•.; t 1" "'"' !L nr l.•k•~ l'r " ur tW6 l f Choice Corona de! Mair fiU ·A . ('11111011•rrial, IDdU!itriul ------------------------3 JJF:l1B.Vla , fa h1·1t• tll l)I•·" ll<tl\ Hr•. ftirn $1;,1,••H \('!1"11 ut M· I Z O N E BUILDIN GS I "Ill acc,.pl l&t .. 111."kl r:.ir "• • , ,.,,,. [•I<' I ~·Iii L~. ,...,~ .. q1pr"x lvvv ~<l ll r· , ,\1 l 1 qil"n•,i.: "n s 111,, 11,,1 • I! 1-ATHB'1P . ~111!1 I•' 1'.~t ]!.,.,,.,. 1 11 u· ~4•2 or Har . ti.ta,., <"V~•. 7:!• ;1 ,, ,, l •J· 11 (!.ir .1111u•l I 111ri.: '" • •l A!l111 .,._.,, !•!''"I IB.\•lNE Tl-:J ~kAI'~~ 1 _ 1• . .,• t•"'rn~ •1•11rvl! ~;, I< 1 !11· ''"'11t'r colorful ¥11.Y >1n •I , ' ' ' "" 11 I • ·, t ,(,N tn 1,,. ,.1.111111 bl r ,.11 1 0r l1.,rmin~ 3 ll<'<lr1r1 "n'I •)"n • \1. ,11.tu>'i.ni hl l.: 1 11111\l·ln TV ~n •1Ut.>il n11ng ,11 tl • ,•Jul 1 '"'· •,••••O ~·t It "'""l tl••k f11·•pl \\\\ ~ ... rp1·t. Z : r •t ~t parkr•i~ ('all ••lf>"4.IC t1L., Jlr batl111. Out11Hle ';°\/< 7~ flh"r., lilt·!n •·!er_ r•ni.:•'. •ll>1h·' • ""'""''"'r. \\\1rt11y 1 ll <'-~U1111 blnrk • wl\Jnul. ""'k p11.n,.lin1t f.-11!u1e 'l h1i.;h l 1j.;ht~ or rvorn11 $~·· ;,1111 H .• r . ~87~ tllpj4 ~-·u11 l'I""" $!!!~.r.OIJ, 1'~m1~ • Irv ine T errnce ('1'!-!'J'• •,'1 IU'Jl.T JIO!>fE z u ... 1rn1~. & rl .. n • l.O..>lt•_•! vn l 1ulphU1. Ttrra...~ Caf'J>"L .. & •lrnpc:_. l'.:X1Xon11L•··ly L1<nJ1:1< •r~d ...,E:ll..:tnc kltth<'n Prl-.;e r~!IJ('t:d Lu $JZ.~l)(1 Terina Call Stan t..e Lievre Lovely patto, ete. Thia rine hon1t la juat K yt'ar1 old &nd In pt"r(ect l"undltiun Call thL!r of!Ke f1;r de- tallt. EARL w. STANLEY, Realtor 15th & Irvine LI 8-2664 Eves: LI 8· 7056 WEIGHING VALUES? I..ookir~. for .)'t>ur lt)anc~·a wa.rt.h '!.. 'Ili.en take a luok al this 3 bdrm., 2 bath, sha.k e roof home. Only 8 mus. olJ.. Birch kitchen, buiJ t 1n ato\'e & ove n, carp<'ted hv, rrn .. spacious p;1.Lio & sun deck. Only Sl08 mo. payml11. at 4't. f '. P. $23,500. Bt>sl i'l·nin11ula location. OPEN SAT. S UN., 2016 E. Oct:an Blvd. or call now MURIEL M. PINO VER , 2604 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Realtor HAil. 4610 $1000 Down ;\-IA r BE LE::>!'I, buyt a flnl' z bed· rV<.>111 ho111•· in the ctuirable Eut 111U" Thi' kill h~n 11nd b11thruon1 In 1111~ J1"1"P "ill truly ctthght you. lt 111 V•cant vi!1 nWn(•r 8a}'f 11,.ll \\,. r~n ~. 1J It f or $lli(J() \\'Ill\ $1 000 <lO"ll. Half Acre \\'ITH A :.iMAl..L IU)t:SE In rear an1I rvon1 in rrvnt tu bu1J!I your hu111n T ol11.J prll'c Ml ll.:.-0 WLlb 11n111! 110.,.. n. \\'£ HA \'p; A F'F.\\' CHOICE rl':nl · al~ l\ll•I IJLllldtJIK lollr. B/ B SEE TH IS! 11 ' HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. Go lden Rul e Values BA YSHORES LOT B. A. NERESON Exc hange Corn er • 1· .. i,t• :-: •'l(" un,1 ... • I••• f' ,, ! "~' JU,.IYf' • 1 .. ~.1" · ,., r f11•"'"r • I ol<• ' $ 1,l 1~"1 • l 'r!'~ .$1!t'>•""l • Ki..· 1 """'" $";~.000 eqo1Ly tor llA .... 1·11 11R l:"o>CU:.tf; • r.i. .. '"' '11 r '"i"h !n • I· 11llbrn"k nree. • '• to•lle fron•age on l l"''Y· 39!) • •11·•ut1f•11 ::!QOi.1 11•1 II. ra n.._h hurnf' e $1P.n11"11 tlf'll( • i-;,, l\Hnj'.;f' fqr 1nr""'" DEAL WITH REALTORS Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 11\75 l !1t1b•Jr Boul,.\·&rfi Cvata t.ll"l'la, Clli1foml11 1.lb!-rly 8~771-t f.:•·~~ LI IJ -:l lf18 TRAILER 1-le..rlxir 1600 A Y~~A.R ROt:1"'1J 111..l:.-1~: ""lth yr. • r•,.ln•I J:.;('<J,\!i': i'~l1J• 1. l•lnn•I f:'"' phnnt'll LI s .r,'.ll'lli 11 .. r 361(8 II• 1n l(' "" 1 l~l 1<n•l h1''u1111! 11t tht' "'"1'' 11111• I Near Newport Pi e r Chester F. Sali,bury 3 1 1:.:1T~ Fl'R:-.;: t>hl i.:11.r 1.i.·,. 1n ' HF.Al.Tl)H f•ll•· l"t 1l'nlu1l.• p1ty f,.r tr" prof'· JAl'K A~!·i{E\\8, And ~rly. Bc•1<l ren111I <l1~(1 1 t UT!ly C.:t'llT nOSl-f . A.'l-•uc111tf!.• $!6,!)•Jtl full price. a1n1111 Uown. 31.5 Marin!', 8'11h<Jll. J~lanct llnrlxir r.1111 Ev"" l-lar 4!173 R·'.? L01' near bl'Al'h only $i2!'10 7 ll ;J Corona Highlands Pnnornmic Ocean Vi ew IJHA!>:I) ne-·· Hvm.-111 .. 1 llHOIT!" r1.-111xe n>n"t on ru~t, ... nHJ•l"rn S••c lhe.~c 2 h<>lluT. 2 UH h •,nu•.. fullv 1·:.irp<'t,,11, h!l\e ,.le ct. u\len• t\ Kt<ll11 St••n" lo "e1llnK f!l •·plno·p,, ln•·orne i 3M p!'r 1nu. F 1 '. $:l 1 ~,QQ. OPEN FOR INSl'l<~C'P'TON. 1;11 1 1.1urnlr.r•€11.nyi•11 HouJ. J·!Arb.'r J7i 2·J ff!l• 78 Ncu·port 1-lcights Lot !)Uxlt~. nol a le1'~eholJ S:'.12~0 Homer E. Shaler, Rltr. II~ :0.!o ~ ~d·l"Tl J')Al !' 111 :ht> Kc•••pnn i•u•r llar 141l F:'·"a lh11 ·1 I J/'I. \\I lh1.r 2(129-,\1 Bay Shores 2.'i7Z Cirrlt Drive •Jpcn !):1lly -1·4 3t1 ,'\'l)\\' l'H!<.:~;IJ Ttl ~El~L Bargain Tv.·o bedrm h"tnl' ln•11111<:ul1tll' In· hill<;: uu.J out \\'ood 11001,., Y'""1 h.-11 tt'r, Vt'l'V ('ul.y, 11~11.r l!•'W t 'lly Jl11 1l .onrl ri1>1rket3 GarAgl'. ·1111~ !.'I 11 ""llAlf' or a buy! C11n l~e handlt'd for $200(} ctown, a nti nu''' renLeJ ror S6ll 1no111..h. FP 1~ only $6500, Prime Investment :-:o phone cu.1111 "" !hl'9 C-2 prn· J'erty on 1t n1>1Jur corn'-'r 1n lhe h•".•rt ,,r l•J>ln. l n1pnl\'<'mfnl!I h i'<'-fir~\ <'lll'l.~ C1w.r! aulu.I In· ... me Ill $26•l n1on!h l'ot,.nl•lll~ .. 111 run r"l"~" 1o, $11 ,0, 1n v1·ry n••ar futun·. Full J•fll'f' 1 .. •inly .$~· .~J()ll, & Phil Sullivan Geo. T. Everson FOR"'SEACf'l "R'OUS"E : "'" llalbo_a_ '(5upl~x \\ ,11 ~:o.~·h:a nge hile. Ilk .. n!'w 16 Flitl'."'l:,;Ht:I• 1 ,,. . ., IM'drn1 an<I • ':f' 'llitnn , 1 ~; bifth, rrjil , .....,.., A. 1~:"11 ;-..·"w port Blvd. CMla 1'fl'l'8 I A• 1 ,,.,. rn1n1 t;~La Z.I"-'"" Uank) J•ll. Ll S-8761. Ev!'&... lh1.r. ~ IH.•l!I. i.H .. 1,.,-kltrh .. n. f':pttc1nu.~ _ P•l10 -l!!Ult In liUQ, Overs1z1• Ll bctl) 8-2103 ·1 ,., rr Rninblll'r VAC.11 r1011 t ral l1·r ft~ ,y;,.,...,, pa~·m!'nt on flO!<l!lhly 1111 .. rown ReBl'h hnuSf' M. M. ~lu..On tl:l[J N Y•h• ~'ujlcr1on , l.,\111twrt ."1·'•0:18 ;1p73 UPPER BAY DISTRI CT 417 i,,:ast Wth SL ;\IQPJ<:R:.: r1111ch "tyle "'Ith J bed· r"<111u1, 2 b9.tll11. E"lt'rlo r wlrle 1·o;i•h•r l'l11nk". lnt .. r1or beaullful .,.,.ootJ P•nl'ling . J car garqe 1tnll h11~~ c-Arport. ~ltuate-1 on • love· ly h•lf /ICN'. OP~!N SUNDAY -· J .~ 484 t!:. 21111. St. 1 on,. b,.i!tt•l, 'l 1·:1r g1tr81te. slnt. renlttl 1•1ca. $!)(1(111 J uwn "ill h•n<ll<', ALS(J T\\-'O r:ooo ()('!~A:'>: Coast Properti es RALPH P. MASKEY 3~ 11 ){~~A I.TOH. '.\Je""'l•'lrr Hl"d. Npt. llBI l/ol' 4U~ U1:h. 31•1 I': ll11 rt.o .. 1· l\Alllo11. 26!'18 ll11lt1·•e.l---------------·I :!~i!• !\!hi 4111~1 Busine~s Proptery BEL AIR 100 ft. bu.'!in~~" fronl"K" In ..,rn- -ll'r or C(1:1t11 i.1 ,.~. "''lt h f'.,c<'ll,.nt P'OUR BEll RZ.1S ., 211 b.1th,., 4 home_ Qwn,.r .,...111 11acrtflce at yr11 ohl. Kanch l ~'llt' In JJ,.].A1r .$17,l\OO due to fllne~11. $32.WO or \\'UI arc1'pl In ex· D AN A . .JACOBSE:".", R "e.l EstttlC' cha.iigt ~lmilar ho111e ln "'ew· Har . 6691, LI 8-6317, K.J Z·2l87 port Beach. P1·erer t.i<IO, to .$4 ~.---------------- 000. G . H. LATHROP . 363~ ~: <"01u1t , C.0 .M., 1-farbor ~4 42 lor 71ri:l --------- B/B Corona Highlands 07>en lfouse 4~.6 1 'tibnll" T~r ra1 ~ Se.t1.1rt11\y & 81.1nJa y, on .. tn Fi,·e ~huv.·n 1U1ytin1., lly 11pp1,11nlH11·nt LOOK Al' T ill!; ;'\,\\'. COR . v f Arb<)r & \'1:<\11. J>J1•e in H,'l}'· ~horl'll tht'n .'l,.e us rur •lo·ttul11 $1500 DOWN :>:F:Alt Ut:RT UC 'F:A"' ~w1n1rn1ng nr1\· 1"''0 bc<lroon1 hon1e . f'Xtra !Ario:.. Jiving-and d1nin~ outfltanding k itchen r""'n r.,1· anoth.-r l\01JiH? , n 1 hr• lar~e lut , ll('lt•:r ll•·C lh ~it today! 1"ot.ltl 1•rl<:e Is jul:!t $12,500. $7000-1/2 CASH T\\'tl Hl':l•l!fl(J~1 COrTAG~_; nn ''"r .,r Jul 1n<.'D '-l .111'e<li1 •1<1n1,. p111n t • l '~ liJ,,,.k~ fron1 !Lhr•p· r 1rc 1 !1~tr1t•t. H .. frigerator, Bl/'1\'f', .,...,..~hi11g 1narhlnc, 1hv11n & ch&.lr, labl,,, 2 be<!11 an<! ctre1<11t'r11 incl. 1!11rry for U1!11 one. 2 HOUSES-$9000 A l~<.;O fJUllBLr. r:ARAGE-nnrth e11.>1l 1eclion or Co.qta Jol,.,~11 l"tf -6UJtJ.6D-jlOOOi. . ..i-.m. p....,....n Y · Loan 8J)jJl'OX. $3 1!\0 I t you h11I'" lt~:ALTOR 11'1\2 Ne"''J><lrt H!vd . CoRta :.-1e11a l.ihf'rty !j l6i2 E\'l':a LI 8-4 lZO Liberty 8·11!)1J Llherty 8·3727 SOMEONE \\'antft lh1$ well d..-!g-ned 11nd J>llt:lll apartment. 2 Un ll A Hu l'lrn111J Z Dedroom lower upptor :\ room furnl.!!hO'•I ld,.111 r .. r lied room P LUS and b1th part\11.lly g u e ~ t 11partment )tnm llJld IJ11d WLlh io:u,.~f 11r•rtn1l':nl for th .. vl.lul · In.:-f11n1lly. A•"D ar. 1ncon11' IJnit In pay lh~ bll11. Don't w•lt l oo tong. Ocean Front Home T"-'O bcJroom11 down.st11lr11 :r.anlne dormitory IUld l..erge living-room wtlh fire· l>l"'cl'. 1"111.td'"' room A balh. li11r11i.:e. Choire locallon. Bot n o t !nm, .,...ll'li. -- oloffl'r"n•e in r 1t.•h 0"'1'<'r lld] Charles E. Hnrt, Realtor talk 111rk,.y CLOSE IN-$9000 S;\l.\!.J, 'l ll~:nnnt)~{ lfOl'SE rxr<'ll,.nr ln•:1'11on_ /dra! ror '"l!J pl" "'hn •1on't d r!v,. -:.! hlnr!<.• fron1 ll1ih11rd'i1 ~l 111krl lr1111,.q •( .1 .. ~lt t'd 8 INCOME UNIT \ I'll' (JF A J.l(;/'l.'EY i\IAKl:,;H h~~t Tt'nllll l'lC'Rtlon In Ba.lb<"I cent,.r or Of",.an •n•t bR)" 11"·1111. nilng J<nrt Rli"!ll"ni:-A ll ruin- plt'(<'ly furnl~hrt!. l~r~tt !n •1 .$16,.'iOO. Trrnu• BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 3 1'lU \\'. Bnlboa. Nc.,..·port B/B Corona del Mar For $11.700 Hi'r,. 111 an olrler 2 bcdrm. homf', n .. .,..·iy tl!"!'or>1lf'd and mo<l,,rnlud. N!rt' "'11.lled y11.rd. Roo)r,.11 p.ttlo, double g-&rage. Ju•t a. ff'W block11 tu th,. beach, J)eaJ with Realtors Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 3 HJ<:l •H001.1 S, J .... hath. dining r"' hre11kffl11t l'Tl1 , flrl'pl11r,., di.•· 1~11'ltl. "Jlrlnkl .. r 11y1t1,.n1 and nice EXCELLENT LOT N1':v.·pl)RT 1-fElt<HTS. $MOO -Lt 8-7438. by O"'n"r 68trc OPEN H OMER al l 138 Wl'"t V'.ctnri!l. S ATUJWA Y & SUN- DAY l -!'i p.n1. N•'"' 3 b.-droom, 2 t11ed Mtha. tnt,.r-N.Jm "Y"l,.m. All lar,€',. n>om~. 11lt{\lr1g glMll (lfloni to patio. \\'Ide lntm, double ga.ragm. Ju11t $2;,oo down, AX OUT~TANOING VIEW home un 11n <""1 nl l1•rge lo>! • /t.to<h'r!l vpen pl!lnnh1r;: and n1N-ly done. J bcd11>,11, :.! b11Ut,., W<lrh1a Of <•lr..'!<.·llo, nlorll~c •ra1.:t', bu1\l-ltU1, tind ev<'ry ct.::.~1rnble renlure In· rhHling bo'a11 1c:.1 1·cilo ni;;11 and 11.n j 11•1 u~uaJ !irll'plA•'"· Full l'ric,., $~l l ,0>00 o·on ll ~<Kwt v11luf' -1<c:e it.1 DEAL WITH REALTORS I _ l.jO~ \\',,st L;nlli<•a Hh·d_ I iloi bur .'i IS~ rorona ctf'1I Mar Of!iee ! ~~ ~~C011J1t t!tghw11.y H11r ;\MJ ,. ... (',\I.I. HARBOR 4718 TO SEE -TllRE.E: BEDR.M. HOUSE $9000. ORANGE COAST IJl!.}'TTll'llt!I $63 mo. T!'rmt to •uit. l'ROPERTIES Duncan Hardesty, Rltr. SEE at 872 \'ictort .... eo.taM""11 t 8!'17 Newport , co11ta Me!<a or ca.II &Xmont 1-UI07. 6\t.fc LI 8 1632 Evenlng1 LI 8 1400 2602 Newport Blvrl., NewpMt f\ch.1--------------1 . ~ ~- M-1 lft.'\00 \\'ITH liberal lenn111 buy11 Back Bay water vtfl"N lot. F'acl':e South front Meo. Or1va. OR.A.NO E COAS"r 1-'ROPERTl.l:S t~7 Newport. Colt.a M- 1..J 8·16!2 EWntnp U 8-1400 -'iour A.dv,.rtUlnc Dollar• 10 f11rlh!';r. do mor'I':. M'll moTe, when yuu advPrt l5e In tnla p.tpt'r - f'hon11 H1rtJor 1618. Acreage Ideal lndual r ial or tt'llilt'r l"Ollrt •Utt, n-r Cost.a /t.li£11a. $;7~0 per .. ..,re. g ()()(l r1nanc111.,: DAN A. JACOBS EN, Rt11l Ei!Tatt H•r. Mill, Ll 8·&317, KL Z-2187 NEW ORLEANS HOM E: A APT. QI! Uttl• J11l11nd. 54!1,1)00 or will rent howoe 12fllol<i, 1'utnn1,.t apl. $1o00 llttr 4~>•.! 7 lr73 LOOK-LOOK 3 bl'<lnn11;, 2 b11\h.• levt"I Yrllh Lovely vl•W ror<Jnn •It.I )f11r. Onh• $1At1QO S:t~110 <In, Sl'i."i mn fo~nr appl CRll Fnnt \'erriniJ,•r HMr. 426:1 '"''es. 3 177 7:!< 71 CHOICE LOT On liroor.d.,.,·a y W ' 1i'l 1~. Fruit l r"t',., ff'nr l"d r f'Ar, 11Jlt'y, On _.,.r $-4 3-00 c11!th nr 1"1"11•3. l.J HPl'O. 71<'7': Bay & Beach Rlty Inc f 'oronl\ 1lrl M>tr (J1f1r,. ·~:io E Ci"ll..~t H1,1thv.•11y lt11r i'J.56,1 LAND -LAND \\'ALL TO \\'AL I. rAlpt!:I.$ Ihm 001 2 bdtrn11 IArr;:P kilt.hen I rirrrl11.< "· pin,. J'llllrl1ng-Til<' .VJEW HOMES Hf>••11l1f11l '""'"Tf'<I p11ti" .. ·i th l \\'c havt 1111\Ln,iis on 3 bl'aut1tul J:rLH &. UYt'n 5 .... 610 J•snH11P \'IC"' llomea, :-;, .... ·port Ht!Lghtll f'ornna d<'I !<f~r O""ll"r 610 with unoh$tn 1cte.,I \•iew dr illll'· A\·ocActQ ll•r •Z114·J ror prlrf"I hor and oc.,an & lt'rn1~. Tlr73 Ca ll for lnlormat1un. t f N'""'P"rt ntvd , C"....,..t• M"!>ll LI 8·3iP'l nr I.I 8-~~ I.I !j-8!'66 11:,.,._., ! B A Til"RONT BOM:l:9 COJa: IN B'OR Dtr.A.Jl..8 KILLI ON, real ••tate 3341 Newport BIYd-Herbor 6605 1023 W. Bay Ave. OPEN DAILY 1 lo 4 :30 p. m. This ie a re&! co1:y 2 bedroom home with a.n extra buok room and ha.th adjoining the large 2 car garage. This is a slngle family home on a big 4~· 19t across from the befit swimming beach. A.n 1noome unit can be added. nte roof, t'irepla.ce and e\'erylhing for comfort. We can &!'nLnge tcnna to euiL DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor Har. -4 718 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Choice "Little Island" Home \\/ell fumiAhed. ExceUent income pomibilltiet1, A sunny ch~rful !iv. rm., wilh a lovely view ot the So. Bay. Separate dining room. Wlit heal. The price -YOU WON'T BEUEVE IT ! ! 1 $26,500 OUR EXCLUSIVE. See our LitUe Exclusive on Onyx, claee to No. B&y, 2 bedrms., 1 bath, b'ra.nd new double garage. Low down payment makes _this a lllOllt &t:tractive buy. DORIS BRAY, Realtor 216 Marine Ave .. Balboa Iala.nd Har. 20 or 6' In Costa Mesa on the •·••l Jide--neaL cltan ""' bdnn. home on lol 4r, ll 120 . 7-0llllod, R""-. Y\111 pica U ,750. ~~or renl In Corona del Mar-3 b<-lrtn. unturn. l'h1Jllnon o.k. 11n ll':IUI!', home. no garar,., $1Z5 ~r inonlb Fitzmorris Rlty. Co. Multipll' Ll11ll ng. Re&ltor. Uualltt!u Broker :1135 E . Cout Jllghwl!l}'. ('ornna dl'I Mar Harbor 210Z Newport Heights Two bedrooms 6 den, newly N- novaled, low priced horn•. Hl1h t I••" .J111lrtct, near Ban Becnar· d1nn A C\fl y, o n ly l l I ,9M-lf00d rrnanclng. West Newport T W{I l>ed rnom hoTne, 11p!lrtm,.nt nVt'r l!l•'ltf! g•rage. OrlYe by ins 11lth St. rhen -lU for .1 .. t11.1 l11 N.B.C. Realty 32nd t\ i-;!'wpotl B lvct. Har CORO~A DltL MAR O l"l<'EREO FOR 2 \\'E EKS ON1 .V .... I.Ar&:•• l'f'lll<lrr1ti11l co1-nf'r l mprov. ,.d "·1th L ~h11p~ holJllt', 8p11rt- r.,,-p-'Xll a nd f0\1t 11d•llt1,,nal huUlf'~ O\\':'>l'l!;R 420 G<1ldf'nrod ll>trbor 21:181·R 7h:7a B/ B Corona def Mar A LOVEL y 2 bed.rm. .. den Shor• CUU bomf!, with a permanent "1ew Ul'OSll tbe canyon to UM mount.am. A oc1&n. A modem equipped home con.uvat:t"tel)' done and very Uvable Indeed, fr. "37.600. EQU ALLY NJCE i. thlll 2 bedrm., home (plua nimpwi room 6 con. Vt'rtlbk den). Jt'1 on a dlftwenl canyo n, aame view•, mod#'n 111'tlb 1paclota Jay-out and delJ.shttuJ prt'rale patio, A: un~ ftn. pJaoa. J.M.ooo tuU pnce. DEAL WITH REALTORS Bay & Beach Rlty Inc Corona del Mar Ottlce $630 a:. Cout Hllhway-Har, &Ml l/2 Acre-$1000 dn. DRIVE BY 2136 !:L.OEN, Coela Mt!aa Jr you want the Ide&! 1pot tn n'tlrt!, or build un ite. Call u., V.'e have the k!'y , DAN A JACOBSEN', ~ .ic.t.&le Har. 6691 , Lt '-6317, KI J..2187 RESIDENTUL lot on r...t 19th St. Lt'vl'I. Good netrhborbood. R.e.dy for home or dupln., Oll\7 J;J,'\O(l ORA!':GE COAST PROPERTl.llS l ~j N -porL Colt. II.- LI S· I d!2 £°V'CnlnE"• U l ·ltOCI COMMERCIAL LOT NJ:AR HARBOR A 1-tUa. lo anty. LOW PIUCE. Hvbot U01. , ' •· PMll I· PAKT II -NEWPOllT ~. ~ !!ll::f:!!eol!!!.,!ll!!!' '!!!' ~--.!-~-~lll~illo!!!!!I• FllbAY, FBltlJAlY 17, lftl°t ;~s---..-------------------------------------~I • a • w. • "s11 z lat• 8/8 REAL TY, -We're Momg -to· hine Te.race" Dmo In today lllld -tor ,.,......, the -.ny out.. ··~ ~.. j!!llo I J t!O'•Ne l""'!'PJIP!17 ... K ore and more Harbor area f•mRIM are Inspect.Ins tbeee exquisite bomee -nottn1 their comfort. con-. •ent.oce and ceotral location. • More and more famlliea who prefer a home in a re- --quality COllllllunlty are mOY!n~ Into their 1 • Irvine Terrace homM, Inspect the model ho'mes, built by Ma.cco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert lrvlne Terra.ce is located on Cout Highway oppoalte th• new Irvine Gout Country aub. EARL W . STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 44-lS For Further lnformatioo * For Recommendation, we refer you to anyone who hold.a a Leasehold Estate in Irvine Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bay Shores .. nd Chff Haven v' v' Best Buys Corona del Mar 1 1. S KORECLfFFS. Ju.11t listed -exclwnvp with u11 Thia immaculate 2 bed.rm. and d~n home on Mornini.; Canyon Road w1th panoramic view of ocean, htl111 and canyon. FA heat, large flags tone patJo, carpel11 and dnpet; included and only $31.500. BE'T'TER HlJRRY on thia one -1t won't last. 2 SPECIAL BUY. 3 bedrm. home plu:l 1 ~1 1 bath11, fireplace, double garage, fenced yard YES 111 Corona del Mar and only $1 5,000. $4000 down will handle, Shown by appointment. S hould 11.-•11 quickly. 3. DUPLEX. Close-in choice location. 1 be<lrn1 ear h1 I unit furniahed and on le&AC: at $75 per mo. Fur. niture included. Front unit a \'ailable for buy1 r. F"P $16,750 -$4-000 down will handle. 4 DELUXE CORNER DUPLEX. 'T'wo bedrms each fireplace, pest locatiQn. Shown Jzy appou1uncnL. _ Priced at $25,000. Tenne C&Il be arranged. MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTINGS. CORONA DEL MAR REAL TY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTION. Realtor BAY AND BEACH LIDO lSLE BA YFRONTS I KC., Realtors INCOME -BALBOA Oce&llfront -3 Unlta -Good l'ft'IW'-.e&. 522~ -Will --tra4e. 4 B. R., .3 batbo, Ip. li•. """"-dill. nn., modem ldtcben. Pier It aHp, Mody booth. Flrot tUM .u..ci at thlo ...._ ..,__._~":""'Mt886"=:t'O>D~~·';'·-·-+~--·--~-------,. --.n=a ... ~~ ~ •. -----.---.. _ 1 Unita -Near Grammar School. Lido Nord -3 yr. old, one .t.ory 3 8 . R., 2 batb 100% occupancy, winter and awn.mer. Owner bayfl"Oftt home. Very att.ract:Jve modern. needa mole room for iDcnued family. Wonderful Beacl>o for Children Muot Sell -$62,000 Excluaive Lt.ting -$65,000 80' on Udo Soud ! 4 8 . R., 4. bath, liv. rm., lge. glueed-in playroom, •pacioua patio, wonderful home for large family. Pier It Float -W-5.000 BALBOA BA YFRONT 5 yr. oki modern, t B. R.., 3 bath home Large liv. room, lot.a of glua. Pier I< Slip -$85,000 BALBOA PENINSULA BA YFRONT Otmer unable to U.1e thia wcU built attractive bay· front home. Anxious to aell. 4' S . R ., 4 bath11, partially furniBhed. Thla ill l op value -Owner will carry low down payment, trades, or what have yo u! BALBOA COVES EXCLUSIVE Ni::w attractive 3 B. R., 2 bllth home. Bu1 lt-1n k1t cben , t ully carpeted, lge. p.a.tJu Pier & SliJJ -$50,000 Tenn11 TRIPLEX -Near 10th St. Bathing Beach. Throe 2 B. R. unlto, two furoiabed. $31,000 -$10,000 will haodle. ALMOST BA YFRONT! Bay Ave. Duplol< -Oppooite public beach. UooJ>. rtructed permalleDt Bay View. Owner w1U accept TtUOnable down payment from qualified buyer. BAY A YE. CORNER -VIEW! Homey 2 B . R. & den hou1e with permanent Bay view, Lge. flagstone patio walled for privacy. Owner ill -Mwt aell.. Asking $26,000 BALBOA PENINSULA Owner ntoved to larger house. A 11x.1ous to Btll '..:! B. R. Engliah cottage. Carpel.ii, curta1n11 and rt'· fnger&lor mcluded m pnce. $15,570 - I.cw down will hand!~ DEAL WITH REA L TORS C'li UCK LEE DICK RUDE ~ATI E OLSON E B. CHASE ~tAl{J OR IE C'HA.Sl-.: IiUTH TELFER BAY AND BEACH REALTY , INC., Realtors 1450 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa B/ B Cliff Haven . Kings Place- • :I bedroon11 • T:: .. r111•1 +·ontrull.-d u~1l h"Nt • l ''"'"' bt 11·k t11·"1•lac:" • ()vf'rfl lU.J llVUI/( "°''"' "ilr"lllllii; "111•1 • ,Sh .. Jl1•1 P<j lllt'll !Ind J1Alll) =1 Waldron Realty Present _-TOP VALUES BALBOA ISLAND 3 BR-. 2 be.th and income apartment -F'UrnishM, fireplace, a.nd only $2000 down to qualified buyer. -CORONA DEL MAR Harbor 1264 Spe~ial Values $1000 Down THJUl:~ao.tu.l., N l!:AJtL\' NH\I.' i on .ewer t ;QVt\ tra4'l hu1n,. t ull price. 59XIO. Ttrm.11. $2000 Down EXCEL.. 2 HUH.M , dble ga1 llw ' flf'll . v-110, Ulrick wall frn• ~ l'tn ,.,...,..,,.. Full prll•t . 'll<M•H 11-n•! only Sj 1 roer n10 S:!·-Real t~ta~ c::,..._&caJ r..t..te ----· . --·----"'---==-==---- lido Realty Associates ' Todays Lido Special Two bodrooma -two batllll -built In ~ "" Via ~ 1-to -lo<) Thll -pa.. Md Udo home repneent:a rrxrWJeat •ahM at $22,1511() Yea it'• a.not.bu new LIOO REALTY Lilting. We .• \!'Jn.'<. 11.:..>.t!ll-~Xlw ••. Jit,n~11'0-.--1 too ~t the TV and record.player fM u addition&) $2000 EtlHER. OF 461!, FOR VIRGINIA MANSON J . H. ORO!DlA1'1 GENE VREELAND BILL KEMPTON COMBINING 20 YEARS OF LIDO SALES' EXPERIENCE lido Realty . Associates 3400 Via. Lido Harbor '4:444 IMPORTANTLY DIFFERENT The top locatio n on NewpOrt H ts. m03t beautiful St. 2. TIIREE very large bt•drnls., v.•1th plc.>nty of clOtk'ls. 3. A HUGE living roo1u with 1•a l111 vlt<w. -1. Separate dining room with i;n11oc k bar 10 l1tr~c k1tl"tltn 5. Nice service porch. 6 &>itutiful hardv.•r>Qt:.) flo1,r~ 7 Lo\'t·ly CU\''-'rf'd p ,1l1 11 11.urroundl·•I b~ ~h .. it• l,111,j. M.:&pinl!: "' Al! b1rch.(:ab1n1•tA lltnl tl1 •-•h1.rud··~l a1n1•ur1t ,,j ll!l''ll 11.11J cluti"l ~!d•Cl'. y11 u'V•· •·~· r e •'t'fl 9 And m08t l~f}'lJf{i • .\NTL'i' lll.1-'Ft;RE:--l'l' thl· p l h • u1 undt·r $~5.ouu THE VOGEL CO. LIDO ISLE RF'.t\1 111-'L·I. hq rn1• 1111 l .tdri N<•rd 1urn• t [li·rr11 nent VJt·W 111 l ~ay, 111•11r l:k'"l'll t.ll 'a• h !••1 11· .• ,. lnu •. ,: 3 OC'Cl rms., 2 bath.,, hubby rouin ;ind tl•·n l ·ul'.rrn r·~: Icing s1Zl" m11fil1·r be<lrm wilh ale"''' & t :1.,._.'-\IP ~ bath, largo· !'iU n clcc k, attra1·t1._.,. d1n1n·~ to)1 111 111. ! 1·rn lc1tchl'n -btult-1n diahwr1.:-iht•r , d1Mp11ti:il t'•lt l"'r hood, Cf'ram1c tll" and num'-'ruul'i otht'r rrnturf',s ATI'R.ACTl\11': CONTEMPORA/l\' 3 ~r m :! b;,lh h 0 me partially furn1sh<'d t11.Jv ~1 .. y1 ·r~ l BOTH PilOl'r:1tTir.:::; !:)!-tQ \\":O.: ll\' Af'l ';)J:'o:"r:.1~·:N·r EARL w . STANLEY , Realtor !lar J.447 E . Coast Hwy. Corona. de! Mar Har . .\7 !Office located next door lo Newport Harbor Bank, COM~ • KeavtlfuJh· IA!hlMMP'"'I .11,J frnl .. •I ~•r•I • l: I 1.,o.,.u S7K inn 1n l'l 1 ..... ~e • fo"ull pr l<'f" SL 1 ~>W DU PLE..~ -2 BR. -2 RR. Top location. Newly redecorated. One unit available for new own er Only $15,000 down, $19,U!>O F, P. "3 -CLIFF-HAVEN Ut~l~~rE~~Pl'~t~:~~~t~M , - 3 113 ~··v.·p11rt Blvd , Nflwpo rt f3,.arh Bil L'S Bf ST BUYS CORONA DEL MAR 4 bed.rm. home in Shoreclitfs, w ith many featu1'"1;.'t1 for family living. Ali electric kitchen, full bath and :i-• bath plua a lf..t bath. WW carpeting, drape8. I Ready to move into. * * * * -3 bedrma., bath and%, located on a street to slrttt lot with a pennanent unobstructed view o r ocean. Ranch atyle home, beamed ceiling , ahake roof, natural wObd k!tcben and many other fine featu.rc11. * * * * VIEW LOTS VIEW LOTS VIEW LOTS Only 10 minute drive from our own fine Harbor. No place along the Coast will you find 59 ocean view Iota for sale AT SUCH LOW PRICES. Prices at.art at $7~ to $11,500. For more infor- mation, contact our office and we will be happy to 11how you the property. W. E .. EISHER. & Associates , 3024 E . Cout Hwy., Corona de! Mar HAR. 5032 CLIFF HAVEN ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A LARGER HOME? U 90, we have juat thaL Thie beautiful rambling home contain.a 4 bedrms., 3 baths, dining room, double fireplace, apacioua living room and in addi- tion there ia a. large den or family room. It i8 wired for elec::tric range, has electric clishwa.sher, drapes and W/w carpeting. Bea.utifully landacaped and aprlntler ayatem. Muter light awitches, a nd oodles o1 other itema found only i2 cuatom built homes. There ia ample apa.ce provided in patio for swim· ming pool Property is situated on comer lot in one of the best parts of Cliff Haven. Rancho Linda • ~ ar.11• ,.,,,,,,,t .. lely tencll\l • Ho1·~ rott:il and clog kt11nel~ • M0<lrrn. l t •lll "'l ft hun1e • 2 M-U"~""" •rhl lse. r1 .. 11 • ..._, W r1.rpc!l.11 throughnut • I..¥'"· tl11jtat•Jne flreplac:e • All el~tr1r kltl'h.-n • Xlnl li•l'k l:i.11 y A rt• • l ll'.l,800 F'ull Pnce wn h low do.,.·n ' $1000 Down lmma cul1t"-:I W rni. I yr. old home vdth w 111l to wa ll ci;rpet- lnJ . all e lectric kilcll"n. nicely land11r.,.pe•I Unequ•ll~I value F'or Lhe dU1Crunina.ting. 3 BR. and den-View homl', with huge filtered pool. $39,500 and only $9500 ctn. "4 -NEWPORT Want an ocean view at a reasonable price? Two bedroom home, hdwood floors, now lcaaed, and large new 2 bedroom apt. furnisht'CI. Thenno. heat and guet1t room off 2 car garage. Only $21,500 Waldron Realty Co. 308 Marine Ave. 1-lar. 0234 Har. 4362 Har. 2273-R eve Ha r. 4507 eve II! 5 1V.~"0 With ju11t $1,000 ---------llilwtl "rul 11v >J1thly payn1ent.s 'NO '""" ""' ACT NOW! CORONA DEL MAR VOGEL VALUES DEAL WITH REALTORS . Modern 3 BR. corner ho me -lovely nag11tone fire~ Bay & Beach Rlty Inc pl&ce. encioa<d patio. On an R·2 l.ot.-room foe 131~, Hirbor Bouleva rd another home. All fenced. Pnce rn cludea wall· rQllta ~" .... · Ca l1rorn1.. to-wall carpeting & drapes al $19,500 LI berty 8· 77 Ii l!:ve.11. l . .J 8-:l I ~8 BAYSHORES OPEN HOUSE ~~11·S11t-Sun-,.1 on 11.ftt1 noon• 2:i1.~ 1·re1<tv1ew Dr 2 b r P L.US ii•r. unit knony p l11r int. lo llld~ or ruun1 fnr t11 n1lly and ~U'"'~- OTH ERS ~'UR SA L E & SU,.1MF.R RENTAiiS BACK BAY Ql•E'.1' HUUSC: .Sat <l 81111 228:1 Tu.~t1n :I b r. 2 h11.lh Ol"LY $21 ,000 ChOll"" Back 81.y VrEY" IOI l,;om<'r VIJ:::W lot 108 x l~O. t·lghly re~triclefl LIDO l'.\RK '1rtAJli JCR .,.. nt'\v 4'abtlna. I b r e~ .... ~10V 8000 211· :195-0 l mll,. from &.I Toro. on ~"'reeway, 20 11ere1J, orangf'"~. ltvr.l. to1 Decorator 's home wit h fireplace, lovely lanai. Dbl. ·ii;:arage IJtresBed f or an apt. above. Priced right at $14,950 South of Lhe ffig}lway -charming 2 BR. home with fireplace. Studio apt. on rear o f lot pays the expenses. Both units furni11hed. This will sell ftu1t -betle:r hurry. J>rice $15,500 Commercial Income -2 stores with 2 furnished 1 B. R. apts. About 3 yean old . HW panel & FA heating in Doctor's office. Showa -excellent income of $335 per mo. Total price $29.500. Excel. financing . THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E . Cat. Hwy. Har. 1741 Har. 0757 ful l prH'<!. un!y $71'M~) 1111,, ilH x llJ.) I<)! dbl" g"•r and l !l<lllrn1a $9850--$2000 On. UE:A t1Tl ~~ct. 1 u~:r1R~f 111•1 rlhl•· K"r 2 yr11 oJtl 2220 .S1111i., A1111 Ave. Bac k Bay lflO l~A CA~AIJA \\.AY otf T'llat1n The hut of .i:ii; i <>rltolU ne.,.,• view homea. lflO'I 1111 rt &nll dc:.ublf! g-ar $21'.1.2~ l!:••Y (t'rm•. Mesa -Harbor Realty .... ASSOCIATES 009 Cenlt':r St. Co81a M f"lla u 8-1'.1911 .. u ll·i1.lli LYTl..E -H:v" Ph. W 8-2t,4::? Pt:.'Tl'M'H: -Eve. Ph. Ll 11-~4.117 SEl'MOUR -Ji:~<'. Ph . H.11 . ~?9,11-\V Provincial Perfection lo thl• 2 bt':drm , h"avy •hilk~ ruor boarrt A hilt exlenor. l'ILl!te'd "'8ed 1Jr1clt hl'RrU\, OfM"li ~llm celllng1 beR.Utiful c:ahlnt'l~ throuichout. ho•ne built by • ma.J1\er criLfL!lm•n One y t!Ar old. Beautifully l11.nt1 . ..c11ped SJ .000 down Cali u11 for llppL to ,..,,., "ART " ADAIR, Rltr. 1666 Newport Blvd .• C0Bt11 Me.u LI 8-3792 or Ll 8-~86 U 8-8.'.Ml(I EVt'8 . 71r7l Have You Seen our HOUSE BEAUTIFUL? It h&.11 2 bdrma .. c.len. cue.l!lt ho1111t and l<W!mmlng pool. All thla In the Tuatln Bc:hofil OlltricL On the eut 11lde of Co.11ta M e11a- LOTS - Triplex lc)t ;)7· x ~t).')" l\'i·l r:n.~t Hl•lt', 1'1'rt111' R-4 46' x 1:1.S · t-:a!lt 1t11le. S..-wt·r11 f·-2 •15' x t5C.l' Cl111M.· in B.-1 Back 11ay n .. l Be.ck Bay. Choice, Parcel Jt-1 Newport Heights ALREADY RE-FINANCED OWNER BUILT three bedroom. H. W flooni, ····~ ,_' S:.1 1 S·I ~. I $1.'\ -) $:"i:l.)!) $5250 fireplace and carpeted. Large double g11.re.gc and fenced yard. Two bl oc:k11 from tov.·n & schools . Owner moving 1n new home -P.ays R('ll F'ull Pricf' $ l2.!'>00 v.·ith $2500 J.)<)wn / W. A . TOBIAS, Realtor . "you'll li ke our l:riendly service'' 100 E. 17th St., Cost& M ~a "Llberty 8-1139 COSTA MESA 23'1. Roche8ler OPEN SATURDAY A~UNDAY Three bednns., nice living room with fireplace, 2 yrs. old, Immaculate and l"Qlldy f or immediate occupancy. Near shopping center in good neighbor· hrJo<l , Sl 2.500. $2000 dn. will handle. EARLY BIRD SPECIAL Three bednn. beach home, a f ew stcpa from ocean, ui excellent rental urea, near pier and markets. Completely fumished in cluding TV. $12.500 with easy tenm. JACK BRENNAN, Realtor and ASSOCIATF.S 3320 W. Co88t Hwy. "At the Arches" Liberty l!-7773 Evea Ubert.y S-3378 THE PRICE WILL SURPRISE YOU. ruturr. 11u!J<.llv. Pr14'tll r1ghl -----------------------UJve1y 3 bdrm. h<>me with e:11------------------------ Shown by appointment only. Call Stan Le Lievno: EARL W . STANLEY, Realtor 15th A lrvine LI 8-2664 Eve11 : LI 8· 7056 TRADIN' TODAY Fabulout: 10 urut motel plua pool and putting green, Palm Springs. Netted $37,000 in '5-5. Want Harbor area home. >.iuat be Top quality. Drop by, .ee picturea and get the detail•. OSBORNE FORTON, Realty Co. 2323 W. Cout. Hwy. lat Port Orange) Newport Beuh. U 8-7562 Har. 6154 evee ~ • Al-"11) '.! 1H·1ea w ~ br. lovely ho111r 1la1·tly fu rn Claire Van Horn REALTOit 2131 \\• Cc.&»l !IW)' UTILE ISLAND l'ri:14>1~,,1 :i('\,.ng ln1loor -uuttl<"" l1v1n~. li11ge 1 .. n t11 4 Ce.IF"'" l h1ot h". a l11<> l ncludt~ l Ue<lrn1 rtnlal unll. 534,IKIO. Set you1 l()('al brvk"r or eve•. Fn:n1 Ut r 7-2.1:"•• 7<k'fl2H .. "OH l::iALE Co.ttt• M eu.. 'I'wo I Ot'(lrounl ho~ un l lot Doubl" 1•n•1" ll7llO. Call Har. 77l-J , t\'t'fl\OfL 70.:72 LOT -D ANA POL"'IT -0.:-n View. Lot taiti IOI' quid! aale Call Har. 779--J, eYenlnp. 70c72 * NEWPORT HEIGHTS * Rustic ranch 11tyle home on exclusive Aldean Place. Studio living & dining rooms with antique fireplace and wall of gl&Sil. Unique tiled kitchen, built-in range a.nd oven, 3 large bedrooms, 1 :rt baths, hwd. noors are carpeted. Sacrifice at $24.500 With $8500 down or aubm.it EXCLUS IVE mTH Greenleaf-Severts Realty, Inc. Har. 2552 3112 Newport Blvd. Eves : LI 8-3186, 1 .. 18-5405, Har. 3921-W, KE 8-5885 ceptlon&J patio anrl large 11tudlo apartment. 120.000. Fitzmorris Rlty. Co. Multiple LllJllnJt. R-ltnr Buelneu Broker 3 13~ E. c.oa.t High way. Cornna. de l Mar. Harbor 21~2 CURT DOSH, Rltr. 315 Marine Ave. Harbor I 51>0 THR.Elt BDRM., l~ t>Aih •. ~40 lot. K ing. Plac e. $23.~. New- port Ht.. By APPOINTMENT. Owner l..rbtrty S--"173. 8Zc:73 COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth .. NP,PORT HEIGHTS: 2 Br. A large den, fire- place, 2 car garage &: large work abop. Some painting & finishing work to do -but a bargain at $13,500 NICE 3 Br. home, Hwd. noon, double garage, good.location neai: lrvine Ave., $11.000 with term.. DUPLEX 2 Br. each Ride, laundry rooms, prage. It small guest hou.e, $13, 750 with $2750 down. 2 Br. older home, large kitchen, eervice porch, 2 tar garage It work abop, large corner Jot. $9250 G. N. WELLS , Real tor 1810 Newport • Blvd .. Costa M~a. LI 8·I601 - ' ' • ............. a .•111 !'1!e*!. ...!•!:=•!!•!!'l:..,!!!!J!I !!1!.._...:.:·---.!•!!::P!J!'~'~..,!!!!!I !!'!!':....----~•!!:::!P~rl!!J-!!!l!l!!•!_ ____ !•!::!P!!•!!'!"~a~l!!!!t ·~· -----I NEYIPOAT HAAIOR NEWS-PUSS -PAIT 11~ 1. • · · ' ,_ RIDAY, FEIR.UAIY 17, 1916 '--·:'.! palmer ,incorporate.d. • p. LIDO'S BEST BUYS . Tbree bednL 1% bothl, •• ,..,. old • P'f;llOO a. a ••'l'.lilate a ,, . .....,.. Four bodroomL and elm Very lcmlly h.-Sll,llllO on.-o.ir-. ' batbo, 1 yr. old ---$&7;llOO • ~ B/B -·--~· Tbree -and -. ~ batha. Exqul8itle _,549,!j()O ......... _ Udo S.yfronts . -~~'!'°"':'~-~.;.,.,;,..;,. ' l'Ollr heel...... • malda quarl<:l'll, 110' lot --·-·-·.$116,000 Three bednaa. It den, nearly new ··-::·-.. ·---·----.$116,000 Balboa . Peniniula Two l'°'1"""·• f umlabed, 6 yn. old -·······--····$18,!500 'l'hr..e bednna., 1% b&U.., NEW ··-··--···-··-···-····$22,llCIO Th.-.. bedrmo., 3 b&U.., 3 ~ old _____ -$29,!IOO Newport .Heights U you want a nice location with a iamaU down pay· menL llEE ~19 El ModeJ!.a., l!ewport HU. . Two bedm). b-. laJ'(e lot. tit. '11!0. Hu G I loan $46Q0........4,'1 .l,rrterNt--$U.OO per month. CorWder good lot for equ.lty or arnnp euy ten:na.. THE VOGEL CO. UDO OFFICE 341 6 Via Lido, NpL Bch. Evea: L1 8-S297 -LI Har. 4971 or Har. 4972 8-3040 -Har. 5142 DAI.BOA lSLA.ND $10,000 will handle beaut. home and income: Finely co.Mt.t'Ucted t B. R. home -3 bath• -lar~e Uv. room, din. room, convenient k 1tchen & svs. porch with extra guest room & bath. fJbl. garage, PLUS a cb&rmtng 1pac1nus J B. R. Apt. SEE TODAY. A REAL B UY ! BAY SHORES $24,750 One of the most charming 11paclou.a 2 B. R., 2 b&th homea4 with !anal d.inine ruom, in beautiful Bay Shores. Delightful pat.Jo. To !&Ce it ia to want' it, 11<> hurry. THE PRICE IS RIGHT ! SllO RECLIFF'S Outstanding 4 B. R. 21 _ bath \'1ew hon1c. Beaut. land8Caped grounds. Top location. Buyer .... ·111 have pr1v1lege of buying ad101n1ng larl(f' \'JC'V.' lot. This 18 uu r Excluaive, and it ta priced to sell at $42,500. This will please the mot1t discriminating. NEWPORT BEACH -Income minded ! ! ! Dehu:e 2 11. B .. home and 2 i;tu ry duplex (1 B. R. each). All three unita most attract. furn. This is weU can.:.'<i for property and near new. XJnt. location. l block from ocean, 1 bloc k from bay. Top income. $27,500 WHAT A BUY !! BLANCHE . />... GATfS,-Rea lt Of'-- 1-f EMBERS OF MUL·rtPLE LISTING 311 Ma rlne Ave., Balboa Island-Pb. Ha.r. 1671 or 1672 -~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~ BU IL D NOW ... MONEY AVAILABLE Wt• can 937 1155 build for you a. two-bedroom or 3 bedrm. home. Approx. $~.90 per sq. ft . 100~· lo'inancing on approved lolJI Square Square Foot Foot Home-$4595 Home-$5595 Attached 10 x 20 garages -····-···--.. -· S295 We are building on Wallace, Bay, Avocado and 18th Sta. Sta.rting shortly on 20th St. Call or Phone for Information ... OPEN SUNDAY AITERNOONS I< WEEK DAYS SCOTCH CONSTRUCTION of Garden Grove, Inc. 11041 Westminster Blvd., Garden Grove LE 9-0633 BALBOA ISLAND SO. BAY -i B. R., 3 bath plus 1 B. R apt ......... $59,500 NO. BAY 3 B. R. 2 balh plus 2 8 . R. apt ... _ .... $73,500 . !'., ..BL.K_lrom So_Bay,. i BR ... 3. both.. wood _ paneled liv. rm .. firepl.; 2 BR. over gar. could easily be converted to 1 BR apt. Priced right at ............................................. $27 ,!KK> LIDO NORD 5 B. R. -2 B. R. apt. -·-···············589,500 UDO NORD 3 B. R. -Pier & stip .... _______ _. ... $59,500 LI'ITLE ISLAND, Tropical setting, 4 Bdrm.i. plWI 1 BR. rental ............................... -........... $34,950 NR. NO. BAY 2 B. R. -·-·····-·····--···--··-······$22,!500 NEAR NO. BAY·3 B. R. ··········-···-·················--··$25,000 INCOME UNITS : ............ $25,750 to $38,000 lnclu•ive. Check with ua on these and otbera. Har. 1775 -Eves. Edith Maroon HYatt '-6222 J ohn M&enab Harbor ~9 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Aft., Balboa l.i.nd CORONA DEL MAR Very nice 2 bdrm. home with guest apartment ovtr 2 car garage. Ha.a hardwood floora, dining room off living room, paUo Ir: barbecue. 4-.G x 118 foot loL South Side Blvd. $24,!IOO Beautiful Site lhilld that rambling dream home ot youra oD thla spacioua % a.ere. Located among the flDeat Back: Bay eltatea. o.me,. will .el.I outright for $9900, or will build to your apeciticationa. For details 140 ft, frontage on Via Harve $.51,500 Call Davidaon Oabum. p. a, palmer, incorporated p. a. palmer, incorpo rat ed ole ha n1on co., l a le1 management ma via lido, harbor 1CIOO ole henson co., sale' mana gement 1700 w. cout highway -liberty 8-5573 INEXPENSIVE INCOME PROPERTY ! only J6700 <!own 11nd thl• 3 urut 1nrome property cJ.o11e to th~ Ot ean in .-. .. wporl Ill all yow--' Loc•t,...j on 2 J oli, wllh com· u1unHy p .. uo tn &O<ld cr,nd1t1on and a ll rt'nled I t $182 mc.nthly, $16.~00 1.9 the price. Here• a 2 unit U"I e..lb<» JOU ahouhl 1ee. One l bedroom and a. l bedroom. Separate unlla, ea.ch with a cute p•tlo and en~ Clo111 to a., and Ocean. $18.900, term•. 6 UNIT INCOME! Thl• bf:i.ut!ful property l11 1itu- a tetl ton 2 ioi.. near •l 11w1m- 1nlnr l:ff.ach ln Bii.~. Only 2 year11 oltl, eoncret bloc:!< con- •truCt!on antl eV~) convenience ... pragN, -h:~er r-oona, larre la undry. See"\bl• before buyint 1ny lnco111e property. seft,OOO. 11rm1. hNINSULA HOMES ! Three ~room . l ballla, large UvlnJ" room wllh fu·epl&ce. nice garaJ"• antl 11undeck. $17.~ and only $MIOO down. CORONA DEL MAR HILL TOP RUSTIC CHARMER -ORA.MAT!· CALLY SITUATED on hillaide -perm. vie w of picture&qu6 canyon from balcony, patio, picture windows. Lge. lvgroom -fireplace -small but nice kitchen and bedrooms. ALL TH1S CHAR~i AND OPEN VISTA FOR $1 6,800 BALBOA ISLAND YES. IT'S POSSIBLE, TO LIVE LIKE A M1LUONAIRE -on enchanting Balboa ~d. HERE'S 1-IOW: For your home, a modem two story hoWIC----2 bed.rm. and den-lge. Uvlngroom- fireplace---And for good income, a modern 1 bdrm.. apt.-Dbl. gar. and even yet a guest room and bath. Excellent location -Call u• for price a.nd tenna. THEY'RE GOOD. " . LOTS ..:_ LOTS ..:._ LOTS Everyone i.a looJl;lng for-good building 1ites -We have twd excluaivea -Back Bay and hillside-- BOTH PERFECI'. NELDA GIBSO.N, Realtor 306 Marine Ave.1 B&Jboa laland Ha.r. ~2 or 4623 Spac1ou1 2 bedroom home on 40 -----------------------foot lol. Property !1 nice with wall~ yard and l car garage. Heavy furniture 11 Included. $18,000 111 the price a.nd It can be bought for $3600 down. It you w..nt the cuttw t 2 bedroom ho.i.e on the ''point.. . . nice cla.fJd paUo with BBQ, f ire- place lllld only $1 ~.~. wlth term11. Cali u11 today. Balboa Realty Co. Oppo.t.1te a..nk ot America. Ro11 Gruley Ed Lee Al Cornellua ,J04ephlne Webb 700 E. De.lboa Bl'td., Balboa Phone Harbor 3277 B/B Lido Isle YOU CAN 'T LEARN THE REAL ESTATE BUSINESS OVERNIGHT! Jus:t as you can't learn medicine, law or any other profe11sion by merely h&nging out a •ign. Let one ot the 300 m.embera of the Board handle • your tranMCtlon for you ..• We're 9o in9 to sell A Million Dollars worth of real estate each month of 1956! Multiple Liating Service • Newport Harbor Board of Realtors THE M OST CHA.RMlNG Provin- cial we ha,ve ever &dvertlaed. lt ha& 3 bedroonui, conv. dfJn. The 401 N . Newport Blvd. Newport -ch renenJ decor la macnlfletent. ----------------------- Mak• an a ppolnll'llenl to aee It. • Vw.HY aETI'LE .tor 1-lha.n I.he ~t when you can have : • Lota or room ln lt'1 4 bfJdroom.1 • O<'IOd Con11tructlon • Be•ullfully planted lar&• ~tlo • Uke 80' frontage • Dulgned for large family • Mklni" $3ll,7Ml. - Newport l1lan°d NEWPORT lsW!: WATERFRONT D\JPLl:X. Ont apt. haa 3 bed· LIDO NORD BAY FRONT A ITRACTIVE 1 story home, livable and conven- ienL Three bedrms., 2 bath1, maid'• room and bath. • Carpets, drapes and appllancu Included. T. D. ROGERS, Harbor 1585-W Or Ryan 16029 room.a. dinln( room, 1% batlw, --------~-------------­ larJ'e llvlng room, alllo one bed· room apt. 2 car pral'•· PIER It FLOA.T, FURN. Aaktng prioe JM,000. Kil'f?IJ JlO.A.D TO' Bay VlilW lot., OM ol tM 1"" a-vailUle. Hbft7, ' D&AL WITH REALTORS ~~l!' e~!~~~'~'!! I:; "Ju.at rtaht ot th• Udo Bri<IC9" OPEN HOUSE Sunday, Feb. 19th from 1 to 5 380 DEL MAR Lonly, new, back bay three bedroom & den. 1'1111 price '23,&00 with only $5000 dn. W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor "you'll like our friendly eerviCt!" fOO E. 17th St., Coota M-Liberty 8-1).39 "C .. rnoMAS "C" THOMAS THOMAS CHOICE LISTINGS ' CLIP'P' HAVEN -Flr•t time o ttered -Lovely 3 bdrm I'- bath hon111, ttrll'place, Hdwd floora. complll'lely fl!'nced, choil:ll' locatlon-$12, :,00. CUFF DRIVE -Unturpuaed pern1&nll'nl v1ew. fee hH. lgl!' llv. roorn with floor lo celling windows, t•r1uli room with flroeplace, J brlrm1, 1 •.. b11 thll. w to w carpel .._ dr11-pt.11 - A11k lng l l!S,000. RANCH &Tn.6 BOMJD-e mo'e. old-beautifu l horne on e.'i fL lcH !J1i.t off Irvine Avenue• All Jargfl a\tn•cUv~y decor•ll!'d room•. 3 bedroom•, I '\I. bsithll. breakfut bar 4t dlnlng ~&. hdwd. noor•. !". A. he•l, bullt- ln Thll'rmador t&nfe .._ oven, heavy 1hake. roof, WfW c1.rpet- lng "-drapll'• lncluded-J10,MIO. HARBOR HJ OHLINDS-Attn.C· Uve 3 bdrm. l" bath home. 11~ yl!'ar• old, 14 :,; 24 llv. room, reverM o eor plan, we•UI· er 1trtpped, prt..re d111pou.I. grapettake fe.nctng. m•ny al· tr11cUv" reatun:1, ALL for $17.- 87.'i. with 4 !,;. e~ financing. DA YSHORES -Fl.n .. t location on BayahoNi Dtive w1th VIEW ot bay, 3 bdrn11. 1\. betht, dlnlna: room, flrtJplace, hdwd. noor1, u:cellent tamUy home tor year 'round livtnc-$23,600 -Term1. "C" THOMAS REALTOR and ASSOClA TF.S 224 W. 0>&11t H lway LI ll·M27 Newport Beacta "C" TIIOMAS "C'' TIIOM.AS Highway 39 Only 11,1, ll'lil•• north of Hunting· ton Beach, MIO tL fron t.age, 7 a cr"" HOOO par .en. Osbornesi=orton REALTY CO. :1323 W. Cout Hwy. (•t Port Orange) Newport B ... ch. Ll ll-1~2 Har. 11104 eve•. CORONA DEL MAR Nice Rml-Provencl&l type 3 lid.mi. A den home. IA.rJ"e lot, 2 brlck flrepl&cq., 1"-t.t.ha. Hdwd Ors., 11h&Xe root. 1400 aq. fL dbl. gar., etttMed. Excellent lo c at Ion $23,600 wtth 112,eoo loan at S90 per rno. EXCLUSIVm wtth JOHN E. SADLEllt Ivan W . l:rh.9.rdt. '"'->date 3333 "Dut Cout Hl«f!way COroru. de! Mar Har. 2)42 7k73 HOlolE I< INCOME HOME AND INCOME! • 4 bdrm. borne -I bdrm. boJne ...,.1 • ~ oeWq -owner bUUll • ~ ~ -venetl&n ~I • 8-thlli n-1 ft-.! nluel • l:MUldil kle. -owner._.,..., • $3,M'IO ON .! $13,!IOO ruLL PRICE! '* * * *' * $10,250! • I b$'bl. -bdwd. Goon -t,..... .alll!ll • 0-tn -)(kt.. -1t.cx9 -.bu.I • c.....p -floor rurn..o., Uianriol e Pal.lo -B.B.Q. -ttinC41d. -lawnl e t.arp U'ftn&' rm. carpeted! • See thiJI n,tit nowl Why wait f • Tuu. can De arnn.rad! YES! ONLY $10,:IM *' * * * * $2000 Down! • 3 bdrm. HdWd. noon! • Dbl. gar. p.&Uo -le.nee.I! • t-'tne Ea11tHLde Joe. -quiet •t. • I !.ll.'! G L IO&n ! Taxe1 included! • Out o/. tow.n. owner -VM'ant I e TTtJN -lalit1sc11pffi 11-hrube l ONLY $12,000! ~ * . *· * * New port Height s! •Ocean View: 2 ynr. old: • ~ bdnn. -f ull 4tntng rm. -.bdwd. noon! • Lov .. !y guut luif, v.'1 Ul f11.ll bath! • Lge. fireplace -2ZOV Lee.. kitchen! • Ui4M'fJd in tub • ahower ! • \\'ood ahtngle roof -awnu buUt! • Dbl. £"&r. v.'11.h allll.)' .ntra.ncel e WldoW mWlt ee.11 ! Goo.I term.I $5000 ON.! $1 8.500 FULL PRICE! * 'flt; * * * Vacant c ,2 Lot! • E 17th St -Crowing b1i.. loci • 8.'i' x 300' leveJ -aewwnr! • AcrOM 1t. from new "Clock" ,...t&uranll • Could dou ble ln value! • Out of town ov.•ner may take term.I • -$<9,500 FULL PRICE! * * * * * OtHer Lot5! • Ocea.n VlflWll -K!np Road! • Eut.atde -Wutalde -Hel,Jhtal e R-1 -R·4 -C·I -C·2 -M-1 -A-1 • t:U.OO Up! -Tak• 70UJ' c:hotce! • Acre• from 2 ac. to 1000 ac. * * * * * DEAL WITH REALTO RS • • BAY & BEACH REALTY, Inc. 1696 N•wport Boulevard Costa Meaa. Calltornia' Liberty 8·1161 Ev .. Llborty 8-3010 . ,. Vogel Values Costa Mesa IF , You· can ma.Jt:e a good down payment, the owner will sacrifice on price.' 3 bdrm., large living roOm. dining room, large cloeete, bar kitchen, lota of gla.aa, front s.nd rear. See to appreclat&. BACK BAY BEAUTY 2 bdrm., 2 baths, 1800 eq. ft. Uvlng area, 2 potloe, ndiant heat, tirepI¥t, marveloua view of Bay. Bee I.hill &reltitocbl d1oam. $32,!IOO rarulohed. Old fashioned comfort with cb4.rDl plul modern convenieDCeB -New Ba.ck Bay home -3 bdnD8. firepi&ce-on quiet banjo-.t:ftet. Jl".ull price $23,'nJO THE VOGEL. COMPANY 1700 Newport mvd. Phone Liberty 8-5597 -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Near the Beach -'Minutes to El Toro Beautiful Contempo ra ry Re nch Home $13,800 Full Prtco . . . . VETS NO DOWN MOVE RIGHT IN • Designed by famed Cliff May e 3 hedrms. -2 b.tha • Built around Patio area e F'iiePI -Muta-bedroom ll11lto !t Built-in Ra:np and Oven See this furnished model home at Red.hill and Irvine in wonderful Tuatin. Sale.m&n at homee daily 2:30 to 6.00. Call Lehigh 9-3523 tor in!ormation evcninp. CURT DOSH, Rltr. $"200 DOWN, live In one 2 bdrm...1-----------------------GOLD NUGGET NEWPORT HEIGHTS 315 Marine Ave. Harbor 1560 23 Rentals home at Sa per mo. Rent on oUMT, paJ• lo&n. 0.. rwat botb. for Sl90 per month, leav~ $92 prot'lt -By owner, U ll-71132. 8flt(C Mrs. Calabash Wherever You Are Th18 one hu all klnde of pouibilltiea. Corner R-2 lot. Two bdrma. 6 bunk room, 1 'h ljaU.., 3 wallc:-ln cloeeta. very lup kit.chen, open beam liv· inl room, ahower A drJ 1'11& .room, •ingle prace. · Top Income W• 'h'11•P llOlnp.aril'Ob al price., '\aoom• .. t.m. call ow-al· \.,-4:10 Har. 6344. 8lclO Charminf ultra-<iuallty built home, large living room, raised. fireptace, 2 bednna. It den. Extra large gorgeo119 •unny step-eaving kitchen, natural wood cabinet.. Fine yard It phmtinga. Double -Owner lee'flq N IA!, 'moat ..0. INCOME PROPERTY $14.000 DOWN LllA. VEii YOU pu month protlt nr Sl2,000 OOW11. lMYM JlM proOt. I' .H.A. ..... BJ cwntt, u a..1m. 16ttc lf you see THIS house, Jimmy will KNOW when you a.re. You'll be living tn' It, enjoying• the breathta.king view of beach, couWne and country- side. New, 3 BR and den, 21h bath•. 2 fireplacN, intercom system, built·in ekd.. range and oven. WW carpet thru-<>ut. AD beautifully decorated. Space to b1llld apt.. Oftr 2 car garage. SJ,l,800 RAY REAL TY COMPANY 3H4 E. Cout Hwy. Corona de! Mar Har. 2288 (• ...... from Bank in c. o. Ii.) ' IBVBll:R DI' KUL TIPLE LISTING SERVICE J'OR 11.U..S BT oWlOEft...-4 ... rDOlD t-na. 1 "' bau.. l&od· .caped .. t~ nu. lob. J"tMdom home ~ Call Llbuty MD! l'DOnl1Dp Oii' alt.er 0' p. m. Jttlc · A roatbuy-euy, ....... $24,!500 EXCLUI!IVE AGENTS BAY FRONT DUPLEX OSBORNE FORTON , Realty Co . 2121 W Oou: ( p O ) K...-enter al. 9albo&. · \ lfwy, at or1. .-... • ey~ llD.000 . T.rma. Wrtt.e It's a. •teal, you cu. a .. i'-0..0..R-D IL R. L STRICKLER, Realtor RB. RODGE,A"""'1a!Ao 3822 EW eout Hwy., Cor01>& c1e1 KU a.r. m• Newport llMeh U 8-™2 Har. 815t 'If'" -a M w. ,._. MpTl -~~~--''---,.,~~~-~'-'-~--'--'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- • • •• ~ -.. -. • ' -I ' I • • • • " ' "' . " PA&i I -PAllT II -NEWPORT HARIOR NEWs.PRESS I ; .~ !1 t ' " ' • • • · FRIDAY, FBlllARY 17, .1956 • ' . ,,, ' • • ' " • • ·~ -••• • . ' .. .. -· .. COTTON GOFF? Have you seen the improved corner at 22nd and Newport Blvd.?. Have you met Cotton Goff the occupant? • HE rs my nel~lior. i:1°;hos do.ne .;,,or_e.io i ,;,p ;o~e· tho o;eo ·o;.;und th'e ·N.~port !-;,~fn~;;·· d i1tr!ct than anyone in many a moon. Cotton Goff is quite a g uy. He came to Newport Beo ch for the purpose of enjoyin9 life. Like so many he found he wonted to be up and doing. Thot is how our town affects mod people. Thot is why Cotton Golf is in business. His inve1tme.11t in our town is a substantial one . For lnstance:-Gordon Findlay was tM genera l contra ctor on the job of remodeling and refinishing the building now hou1in9 Cot- ton Golf's Yolks wogen Agency. It formerly wos the busine ss establishment of Th.o Robin•. Ronnie Rima was the general pain ting c ontractor. , Together with a lot of other men of our community they really remodeled th"e place. Jlie garage portion looks like the operating room of o hosp ital , fresh paint, tiled wall1 and white work benches. You 1ay -Aw Al, 10 wh.at7 Sure 10 what7 Cotton Goff just spent a lot of money right here in our town. It is new money to our town. It benefits all. He paid the contractor. The contractor pays tho 1ubs • .The 1ubs pay local bus ineu establis hments a nd provide a lot of payroll and keep crafts- men here at hand to do the job YOU want done. That is how a city runs-it is busineu that makes the wheels go roun·d:,An<I busine11 men are not only tax payers, they are tax collectors. YOU ere the one who benefits. B~slne-is".1• goo<I in.our-town:·11 is gettin.g better all the time . Wh·y? Because more and more of you fellow cit izens of ours ere discovering th.at every thln9 you went can be had hero et home at prices 01 good or bettor tho• you could got any where else. And besides that, We like YOU and want to plea1e YOU and went you to -IMac~ egeln end egoin ond agoin. GIT • • • THE FINEST -MOST COMPLETE. STORE . -1'0 IE FOUND ANYWHERE ' Hardware • • • Paints ••. Wallpaper ••• Appliances ••• TV • ~ • RacDo • A Good Frie1t"ly Place to Shop ·-OPEN • • • ( J COTroN GOFF • • • -------··-.. -·-------- / •• I ·.2205 W. Balboa Blvd. SUNDAYS & HOLIDAYS ,Harbor 116 Newport Beach ' - _, . -·