HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-02-24 - Newport Harbor News Press.. 'C'o'o"ii;;,;,..;.. ........ ~...,~-~ ..... ~~· ' •-""'nt:J!OA ···=•-=*4•11!4¥>1 .. eoi i ''" .... -···"""""'"""'-••H ........... ~,, ........ "-"""''·········· ... ··--·•m•··'"'~~~""'°"""" ....... 'f"l!n'TV~AI ft!l.i. :qc • >:.t'*"'\':"''9C*" lll'•W•--~"!!'•rft.a.""""~-------·'""'-~· --~·--.... - I --·---~- Why Sanors Resigned Not Clarified! MESA SILK HATS MAY· BE REAL COOL, BUT COOLER NEXT STOP " eo.1.& Meu police rn•y ~ fa.ced witb a kid p.na wh.l ch ftn~ tun ln d.truction.. Wain &hool catet.el'ta at llil01 Newport A.Ye., wu broken • • In 11-year Service Finishes Council Controversy I .. -- I John J. Sa.ilon, city manager of the City ot Newport A.a.keel why CUy ~ John Into, CU.todlan Owen Ktdm&n dlaronred 7•lerday momtnc. Be&eh for the put 11 years, t endered hi.a resignation to 8&1.Jon ~ Mayor Don. HJll Polle. Mid .ntry -.. p.lned by ~I' door pa.u. Ap- -" today ; pmarlm••ely ,20 ln Jl billa ~ ~· .,.. .cat.tend about the city council during a special session at the city Ja.U "I Jut. ,...U,. ha..-.n't any 11.&tP--th• floor m\tmg· wllh twti empty lee crMm CUJl9• otrtcen -.Id. thUi morning. meat to~ '1'1'Mr9'e • l'tlr"J' rood Prtnted on a cupboard, police found tht..: "Not alter S.ilore, who h~ weath'.-N r...unc. W• wta Jolln w.U and money Ji.at tun." It wu lllrpled, '1Ulll HaUi." m11.ny c...unc1l 11-nd t•1t1u:u be.rr11-gee, I'm M1r9 Joll..n WUbM 1.Y ..U but 1---------·---------------------l tend,red hJ1 re11j(n1t1on by !ttter th. Um. bu COl'M,, iYicknUy, handed to the city clerk ~fore the •Mn. -11. tM Um• hu eoa1e. SOMETHING LOYEL Y Cloaed ~••iOn cuuncll nleetlng. "Ho, .. .,.. not mU1JlS PJ' ch&T,..., no. It'1 a wtully bard to F ebn.111.ry 2i, 19.')6 uplaln. but over • period of Ume Offic"1al City Rower Now To The Honorable City COunc tl ~~ ~l:k !1:.i'::nt.te;:..~:~y lllffl-~l!~~ 1:.'a~:rtf.fl':;~nUemen: we ar1 lookinl' forward Lo more Ope L I No e•tlnllve pJ.ann11lJ' In the c:ity, n to oca minat"ion It haa Mcome appt.renl that l I Jh1ok probably '"'" •~ ~m• '° IMg°' "'"' lh• '"""°'"" ~d ov1r a p.9rlod of tim1. A city •upport of the Council nfc,1J1&ry rrowa. Wa J~t feel that w1 l.J'e NomlnatlUM for 11.n otnclal ahrub n.. been Mlected IOt'al reil-to perlorm n1y duUel!I 13 CHy Ma n- not wanUJJ.c to make ariy llat or City of Newport Bel<'h n o...,... ani dent. will be encourq;ed to plant acer Wfth thuJ In rnind, I herc>A·Hh chars-.Jamt bu 1 Yery cordial now beln( LI.ken by the woa•utn'I Uu~m. aubmlt my rP1lgn1t1on. fee.tin& IOwU'd tha cit y l.nd WI commltlff of the N ewport Har· Oolor-wla Lhe nower, t rt-e or The reoorda Indicate that J hii.v' II.ave a ._..,. cord1a.l ftltlllnl' t~ bor Chamber of Commercs. ll allnb aboWd be 1ulllble to a M <lay• leav, 11.ccumulated a..s of warda Jolla.'" wu announced toda.y. Daadllne .,..de commun.lty and 1uch tha t thi.1 date. I here.with rmi.ke ap· eoi.meum. J. B. Stoddard Mid, for nomUUon. la Karch 16. ll can b.-pl&Dltld Ulrou1'b01Jl lhe pUcallon for 0-0 day1 terminal 1 cu •T U.. e.uadl b&a t.m1 The committee w ill we&eome cJty. leave, etfecUve !rnmedlately. _.._. ~QIML .C .ne&dmt.a' ~a......dMip•"0c M ...:n.. aMM. (dwa.r:f_. llowertn.r Reftp@1..'tfully,· U. ..., a· p-. We came .. official city flower, Namee of the Pdcalyplua lrt1t1 ) ha. been 11u1- ao i'rt 'm We ...,. oot II&-n owera, re.uona for choice ahould l'••ted 11 bu been the golden or JOHN J . S AILORS loW'lll ta. ._.,eltJ' ._....,_. ti-be Mnt to Uae wom1n'1 cocmltlM C<lpp.9r bous-JnY11Ua. The city council wit! rneet !n 1pttlal aeaion at thrM o'ck>ck ln the city councll ch1n1~r1 for lhe purpo.te 91 orf1cl1lly ~lvlng City Manl!Cfl' J ohn Sailors realv - ,JOH.S ,J, 8 .UL098 .._., -n.&.'9 Wbere'. It •tMIM iD car• or the ch.amber oUtc.. All noml.bauon. abould be tn ,_.... I!' 'Sh l:J'. t .u,,... J'l!rm)ru Nndln& Jn nomtnaUoJY lb• women'• commlllee'a handa Mw .._ ,..,i. uaheft7 .. aaked to alp their nam• by March 111. In Um1 tor the U., np ·aer~, • ch&rUr &ad addre-•. ariuaJ prden tour and civic ob- • j I . , lt bu been IU&S'"led tha flow--MrV&llCl9 .uch u Ole Newptrt· ..... tk ....... 'WM ..... tlfW cooatdered .OOuld have a ,.Ja-Ea-...,,. yacht race and JIM"llDt .. th'1l part Ii/I. u-ly kml' bloomJac aeuoa and OV. K., II. &Qon which .-.. tendered tbem at s .1 c 'I'""" -·n th~ momloc. Al II ors areer tW Ullt9 a lt1n1porary appotntmut • ~,. to a--· ool Wo n~'N for borne Tb• wonilmi'• commllt.ae wW I ~=~~!j~' uncaOB'n. o( ~· ~ to buy. 8Ull..lb1Uty for Winnow down the tlo"-1 ftOm (na-1'1 .... tM ;t~ of .xamlnlh.I srowtnir tn thia --. et. ~ "tfo119 't o about .... ,type.. t htlft ~:::.~o~: lhe P.-}lh:-lec11 Jlere in CiJy -""''"' ~.......... be 1••1: ~='• uu~.;::t:. °60:~ 101111 r, "" ~ ID:LTs SAFETY rACrOB -O!tioon wl>o handled the .. ~ll!IJ> .. =ldent ~t Aclfla ad Coast Highway which lnvolve68teft Sailors, eon o! City Manlil'er John lailQrs. ,..terday. credited ..tety belU wttb •Yin& driven ot two ot the can from -'1aa injury. All that WU left to do after the crash wu tor the street deJ-rtmmt to clean up the pavement. -Staff Photo• U.. qualltlcaUmu et th4' city IJI a prtme conalden.Uon. ~~ u.o.i,;~ U.. com-~ hill f'iilPiUon came. Jira. T. Duncan 8tewa.rt, WQs rrittfee a cho!Ce to ·the p&rk com· nMni ••1"9 ao cb&rs-rnadl men'• com.mitt~ cha.trman, aatd milia:ton "1Uch .-111 f orward t.M.- ...,.. him nor '"'" tlMN any her l'f'OUP bope• Wben an otnc1al t.o the city council for ftna1 deci- cllaepa 1a U. ~. ,,._.. wu no.rer, no...nn,. tree or flo.-erlq &loll and prockmaUOl'I. notMq: • cb&rp ~ wilh.1-------------------~-- 'Tbtl nrrfp··-" & ~ .,...._t to th1• &l'ter9ooll'• apeci&I -tzac a. nol tullJ ,&an· ed br U.. OOUDC&I; ~ an thr• alpatur. milmlnl llut UW- lhr. an m:pectad to alt.cl. bi .,.,. .-1· tbe m&7W' bU aabd th&l .. d9partm.at h.-49 b.- p,._t ror a council •tai.menL" MESA STREET IMPROVE DISTRICT CAPTAINS NA John J . BaJJora. city manaser went lnto quick. clo.ed 11.lil'llQn here alnce hla •ppt)intment In J'alr aa &t\J letter of re1tcn1t1on w•• ruary, 19-19, brought 1 Wld~ ltift On the m&yor'a dt11k. Pr8e nt fOr the -ion Wl'rl CouncJitnen baCk&r"OUlld Of W'lrk lO h!I dtffAf'. Stanley Ridderho f. Sandy Mt>c· en,t Jot. for the (.'lty of NftfP(lr1. Kay and J . B. Stoddard, plua ~~h~aa named city admlallltn-Mayor Dona. HUI. 8 t<lddard and Mac.Kay abook banda with. know-tor by the city council on Nov. 1, 19•0 .. having been -~led rrom ln1t gtanca ot .. uatacUOn. u the USAF w ith the rank or full they went Into ch&mben. colonel. Duwtnir World War D h• ln11er'1 Son E••Pf!l Injury i1 2-car Crask ..,..,. drt.,.,.. or llotb car1 tn"f'Olftd ID a bea'boa coll'91on ThW'ldq ..,_ on C.Ut Hirh· w., ..,.. ..lad& .... WON ..r .. ty be!~ polloe -.Id *'Ute)' •ere undou~ •Y9d from Mr1oua tnjur7." • W&lkinr away from Uae ~k but sfven a ch.-:kup at Hoag Bo.pit.al were. Stephen Albert l&Uor., 23, of Jtti Catalina. Dr .. 110n ct Newport Beach city man- &l'fll" John J . Sa1lor1. drl,.er of on• car, and Marvin Eug ene Trtt.ch. •2, ul 819 Hartford St.. Hunllngton Beach, drlYer of the olher auto. J'(}!Jce n ld Tt1t.ch told lhem he waa foUowlnl" en unlcleil.Uflf:d car when ll auddenly made a •top to tuna lfJ!t onto Acact .. Trit.c.b al.Id ha awunl' o-nr the cenl•r !Ina to avoid a coJUalon only to collld• wttb Bailon' auto. Tbe youlh'1 ~r alid owr and M:Nck Uw rear ot & puked car rest-tared to Robert D. Beach ot 1140 w. Balboa Blvd. Altlloultl lhe&r can wera ,..r. tlal17 demon.bed. boUa 8&1101"1 and, Trlt.cb were relee.aed troni tn.. bollpltal when an uamlnltlon ~ no lnjurlN. • . eAllfRJ ~TURNED . AWAY WITH 'CURSES, NO AID J Fr1ctlon betw-.n cert&ln city waa adjutant ~era.I for ta. 11.h Flu.-p-.-.... _Chor-al -~"~!!t~''IJ councilmen and their city ~r Air P'orce. London, oecvp)1Jll a ~ ·-wa.wm.. .... •. as. bad ~ lnonuh:1gly ..... ,. pctl(tkdl90 ilii!nattlY'tl tJaM f()T' two So-I ' Seek" Situaff E la to city hall frequenter• ln recent WMk& be wu one o1 tbr. men ln I es 1ng Assessment on xp lned monl.la. Tho upping bl-~ London '"'"'"' with u.. "'•"'Y lhe b&ll ·up on the lr ll.iler park In aecrflt lnvul()n plan tor D-Day, sse,m lalm The Co1ta· KMa Chamber ol fore the pro~rty would ba re-=~~ a:=·~-~~n ~:i:~~ ~!~~·cu~:y.ln cbup ct the OIUJftl&, m. M. (OCHS)-se«k tre11!1nt nt. SANT,. ANA, FEB. 2• (OCNB) Commerce •lreet lmprovement~--od.," he explained.. plan11. Whi!'N! the blame lay la one HQv!ng con 1pleted tour yean• N•lect Of. mid. ,.,.... .-king After lh~y arrived al county Fr-u.ll and Je&r1t1 Boule of New-committee Wednuday night •tart· ---------------!point of conjecture, Borne coun-tn.inLni at CUiver Mtllllry Aca• help '9 COllUD::Or'ln&• Coun-ho11p1tal. the d1u1hter 11ld, They port -a.c.tt lod•Y bTOUl'ht aull ed the ball rolllnI to form a HARIOR WEATHER cllmen h&Vll aald that Sailors dem y near hla native Kokomo. ly OelMr&1 da9plte lhti had to wait "for quite a whi111" ~ a Coat& Meaa market for •trll!'et Improvement dlatrict on • laid propoll&l9 and qua!Jf!c11.tloo•'of Ind., Bailor• went Into Al"TllY· Rt· N!pol'll Of paUfn -mtrtrntment r&-until a doctor app.eared, while th• $60,890.73 tn the w•k• of JnjuriM 400·plua acre tract in lhe cenler ·---------------laevt>ral trailer park dlaipe ra bo&-11erv11 91.rvlce._1pendlns two y•ra vealed durln& lhe p&.t two l'.'ttk• mother sobbed w!tb the force of -.-rtedly •uffer.d by Mn. Soule. or th• city, T-pentur'fJI t .... ,..., '""8ik la ta. ton the coUncil and that the coun-with the Civil ConMtVaUon Cofl>' by Orui,.-e: COUnty Ne>A'I Service .hP 11harp pain. The plalnttlfa claim Ui• d•fen-The propo.Md Improvement d.la-Barbor ..,... wen: ell c hote the pknner and dealgn. ltlll-3't .. f lr1t lleuten.nt In n.ld and the Nnfi-Presa. Whe.n a young doct or ftnally dant &arsaln Buk1t Markel, 817 trlct which Ll.k'• in property be-RIP Low Othen 11&y It ~ Ballon' r«:o•-ArUllery at Mon1ngU11l1 Natiotlal Adm!llAion to the hospital waJ1 gave lht. n·.othcr a cur11ory 'x1mi11-. ~W. ltth 8t .• permitl9d parUd• ~'::';ortllt:lv:"dan~8~rv1Sn1:' A-:: Saturday, Feb. 18 -~ ... 15-e •2 mendatlon ,and advice that led Fore111l. W . Va. He HrYed at th,_ denied an ~mt'riency cue ai :) 1,rn. it.lion. he pr.,da1n1f'd that 11he nee:!-ot yqatabj• to t:lm&in oo th~ d bl a "dlow .tadow" for Sunday, J"'eb. 19 -·-·-63 "1 them aatray. '1Ufermt _campa, comm&ndtnc ~ today, and the wom&n Involved !!\! {111ly • s.a lve. '"'--r. Jeane Soul, a111......01y allrw-(1 M d F b 20 07 •• COUNTEa -••-s or them. Earlier Ballorll had IJMI ,....... •'""" ,.,... the fonn&llon or 1lml11.J" d!Jtrtct. on ay, e · ···--·· ...., .... ~ wu back at home thla mornin g He <'On<l110!~ the ex1mln1Uon on the allpP'ry 1ut.t.anc1 fell •nd Tu -• -b 21 '3 t2 Into ret11.ll furniture buaineM wttb W throu....,"'"t the real of the com-e ..... ay, re · · ..... Othi!'r couilcllmf'n have Inferred Whtie \hi! family de11perately l !"(~(j "'"Hii the ~h>H'\' que.11tlon . " hy .. r1oualy Jojured heraelf. .._.. W-,.--•A• .,. b 22 •• t0 munlty. ,,,_,,_y, re · ···-...., that Sailor. and the city enJi.neer to re11.t h a a pec\11J1t. the !11'll \\i•l yuu "''ake rne up at In the. complaint filed In su: Thur9day Feb 23 M 02 S I •J 1 " 1" Tho h-•"-t .. __ '---named the • · .... WINI d""'•rtng their bee.la on need.t Dr. (o'le.tcher tewart. act n~ '1 ll u1>ur per!or Court heni the plaLntlff1 u .. ..,. ..... ·-"""'" Frid F b 24 M 18 ·-return to active duty .. f!.114 medica l dl!"ector al .:ounty hn1'-The rii.n1dy, .11 innl!'d by their acCU8e the d,fendant of nel'llg-17th SL lmproV'!ment District. . ay, " · ·····-·· fo r lmprowrnerit In lhe municipal art!llrry c11.ptaln, SelfrldC• P'iead. pital, que.11Uonlf!'d about the rePQrl re•·l.'pllon, r>·lu1 ne<l the n1other to ence. Jim Allan. head of the ch.a mber R&lnfall Feb. 23 ··············-·26 w•ter department, particularly Mlch. He became •djutant lhe.N II 0 II I "" ''' 11 • " T" p•I-''1---------------I CQmmi t•~. w•• the pr1nctpal 2• ·-·--······· lr&e• the ... ui..rltloti of adll!'quate 9\0r· lhlll momtnr . l">' Rn r11.nge at >'1 '"~ ' •g 1. "'' 8 uo;in1c. "e " •~~ -bof!cau~ of h11 admlnlatn.Uve a- Newa rll!'porter, ""l !'nd me a wnl{en l ·,,··.11n,,;n,· t he 1111. .. ghter SJ1.!d, •nd 11peaker to the mfltltlng In Harper q e e.rea.. Countering that. aome perience wtth CCC. L&W ha &1- nota about the. ln<'tdent. 1 "'ll! 18tten1rts e re being, n111.de thL• Fire DGIUW\UDS School. $2 Ml.LLION councilmen .. y lhal the reoord tended the Adjutant Oene:rll'• make an tnveal!gatlon and (11 1·c 111orr,1ng lu 'l'R• h a spl't iahl'lt who .--.,-So enthUJ1l1111tic were llMembled w111 11how thlll &!Ion reported to School 111 Waahlngton. FolkJwtna' you a wrlttC?n rt>porl."" 111 In 11ur·ger y at ~·ounty hoepilll. Mesa Dwellillll prope.rty owner1, aald AlllUl, cha.Ir-the council .wvel"lll y-.ra ago the lhl• he Joined ln lhe Loul9tlan& The pll&ht or the woman, who An OCNS r•·1>0rler ltlephoned ••":Ill manahlp• of f1v• of the. 10 11ub-Hogland Pl z deteriorated condition or the hll'h and Carolina maneuv11ra. 1111 he&rd 1lve11 eall't of On1nge, w111 1·eporle•1 Di . $(('.,,.'lll'l ln1n1etlillll'l~· aft er re-01mage etrtimlted at &M>Q OC· dlalrlcUI Wen! tilled on t he lpot. ' a a level Wal.fir lank at the Monrovia about Pearl HarDor while nitum- to ui,· Newa thl• morning by a t ll!'l1'1ng the ('al) from ""r daughter curried to a frame and atU<;co CAPTAINS' 8E88ION8 St. yud and r-eque.ted tunda t or lnl' by convoy lo Beltrldp J'lald. dauchter wllo 1c.;-0111panled he r in hop('» adrn1M1011 might be &r· dwelling at 133 Del Mar ""·· The block caplalna of the aub-Shop Cent an addition to the TeMrvolr hil"h On Feb. 1, 11~•2 8th AF rt&tltd' mother to the boapitlll on t he pre-rang'U for the n1othll!'r. Q)11ta MetJa, thla morning. Occu-dl11trict11 will hold meetlnl'• tn er In the Coi'ona IHI Mar hilll. Qroup wu activated al ~ dawn~\-lalt. ffowrver. 11r~er !he ca&e 1'.'l.ll ex-pant of the reeldetllCa w .. !lated their bome. to dlM:Ullll lmproye-Othar crtUctam. ba.ve been level-S.Uor11 wu oommMldln&' olllc)er The daucllter n id her mother l11 ine..J. to l lr, St<'l'.'lirl. he ad~·ilfJd u Florence Wllbum, owner a• ment d11trlcta problem•, aaJd , , Id at Ule City manqer relative )f the Heedquartera ~ begf.fl 11utrerlng p11ln during he i;l'p<:r\tr to \\"n\e him 8 report, Wayne Oav11 Of Ban Dle .. o, tire-Allan. Plans Related lo lhe condlUon of lhe. lt!Wet' 111111 wh•n ahtpped lo rn,.1~ 1n KIJ, n!ght. The pain bet'!ll"!l(' nior(' In-•O that an 1n1·eJ:1llgal1on could bt1 men rll!'port.d. The other five. c11.ptaln11 will be within lh• city. However, another e hid been promoted to major. In II.II father ln Kokomo. In 19•0 he left thfl buaU... to t~t. anti lhll ran1ll.\" <lerirlt'<l to ... '' The blaae bruk• out to vtclnlly 1elll!'Cted from among prominent councilman lll&ted that when Sa.ti· !:.nglan<I he became adjutant 1an• ----------------· -of the back b4!d room and c.hUd'11 property ow ners !o ear h 9Ub-d\.;:. CompleUClll o( a munlficlent S2 ore put tund.a In thfJ lut budget eral of 8th AF, With UM! rank of NEWPORTER ARRAIGNED ON 11a1L.--H bo pJaybox, 11.ccording to F ire Pre· trlct and will be on Uie job in mtllion Coeta Me• ahopplnl' cen-requut for MWer •yatem atudle1 lieutenant ool0t1 el. Be .tayed In I ueu ouse y V('nllon Officer Ralph 1-, but time tor the next ffillM mE'eUnt t4ir Of\ lhe northweat corner of a.nd lmpnnementa that all were London to 1'0 throul(tl tha Mi.a lhll!' c1u1e waa undetel"Tlllned. Two tn March. 17th S L and 1\n1tln Aw. I.a n:-•trlcken tram tbe budaet. bombing although he 1n1ved lo races Sentence unita from thl Me• t ire •tatlnn ~la•ler of oetemonle~ at tha p«ted in 11ppro.x!Tnl!llely 1 I1t llUNlCIPAL CRANOU late for the btg bllU. ln Oct.obll!'r. DOPE RAP AmR ARREST answere..J. the illarm 11t 7:41. re-meet.Ing wu Re 1-~. 4Petel G<edd .. , montbl!I, ll wu announced today \IH3 he w"' promoted to '"t'Ull SANTA ANA. if>VNS i Found tumtnr at 8 :20 a.m . Jl'lfieen fire· ('Ommltt<'e member. He lnlrodu~ by Dtnnl1 HOl"land, M('I& devel-Ourlnl' City Manaier Sa.ilora' colonel In charrc at 11l lldln~ -; not to he p~}'chot h· b.v '"''O doc· men an11Wered the c•ll. a panel ot Rp«akera whtch Lnclud-oper. t.anuni of office the new city hall live dutl• fOf' the FIShW °"""' "' .. .. " t I r torw, M on~ Jnhn \\'oblck , 23, ed Hugh Plumb. county tax 11-WLlt•r MeUott'• South ....__ ... wu built and ~ulpped ; & l'lf\'. mand.. . • A l'f.-p<>rl Be.ch man. D&Yld i.RoJ' Ooftnell. •o. of 2841 It. Clut Btp .... y WU &n'al(n-4 ~ ta Newwrt Ju11Uce Caur& on a ch&rp of auaplclon If J 1 lloiri or n1.rc0Uc1 and llll p"Umlnary h••r1nll wa• Ml • I p. m., r'eb. 27. Jud&• Doe• aid J. Dodc'9 Nt ball al J6(IOO. ~II _... ln'Mted Tu...S.,- af'trw a Nnvport police. off\cs alt.pdly round • botU. Of. tab- kUi In bi9 ~ followtq a ahdtdowft. Pottc. Mid t b • tablet. contained codeln•. ~O. D. ........... -a. "''"'" • a t('por o a I fumier b1Ju~ebt1~· uf 8 Balb<..a 1 d ......,_, (C-U....r -p._,. ''?) S..il .-..::. •·.:..:.-.a Meta loy' A se~"<Jr ; John Co~ad, county •n Cmllltructson Co. ia contra.ct or of l----'-----------1 or1 WU SfV91 .. ..,,..,.,__ ... llUli>ICloUI parlOtl In I C1'r p11rkM <'nt'I':", 'J'lJl'~l'I,· \'""~ l")l"ilerf'd hy I rm I ~-S-0 t" l" ~--·· ··-· r ... ,,..,,_...:....., __ __._ ~ppni &l'r • uun u nwor "• .....,.. the project which 'Will lnclude 17 ,...,, '• or ._._...,. .. ..,..,. ln the alley &t the rf.ar of 309 SUpl.'r!Or Ju .. 11~ K~flll\'' It E Morrl· 1·1'11·NI . c--L M.-~a city tn(l'lneet ' E. L. Patter-aloree"' on the 12-acr• alte and Mesa Police Clllef l'hlrlftS hi• II mono. ... • l.J'U Ave. a bout 11 ;3(} p. n1. son tu 11 pp<!'11r lrl Supenor Court rvWll son. he11d nf the 1111bctlviR1~'t; con1· ....,rklng _,.,.. for 400 Yehlcta.. He wu tlawn home to tM ._.. 8rMM e&Jd he. 111&• Connon hcr'1! March l!l for pn•b!lll••n hear-Rulaa, JO. of IOU W . V.'il· rnittee of the p lanning commit•-"";,..e •t;;;-wlll face°"' !Tlh Sl ... T•e Fii Ca.rte la M.reh, 1"6 u a pau.m, ....,._ lit Ung In the 1uto looking Ing a nd 1entenclng on felony t'!t-aon Bl.. 1er In one of th• 11011, 1.n<J other memti.rra nf lhe lnc from a ,..... .... .,, .--. '"P' •-d g ,, -• l"•I' •ulo ,_ "' 1 rr -• b •. 111 or brick. inten:onnecte<I con•truc-p-•1., Cb!-" Art McKensle of ... ,.,. --•· ..... -atr•ll'flt ah~ throuah a pair •• "" " •· au-\'O au er~, a ro .. en l'hMmber \mprovem('nt comm n . "'• """' .... of binocular •. Thi urtlcer told chart"!!. arm aa rnult 'of a trllfflc arcldent Yo'llla rd Jordan U!rl Don Huddlea-Uon. lfOKlllnd l!lld. Costa Mll!'ea lcaVt'I Man:h 11 for a ume h• _... ........ •:id1'ttmrt Conn<ll!'U to 1tep out.ide while he V.'oblck. a trusl<'e, plll!'&df'd ln UM 100 bJocli: of W, Wlleon. ton. Among leue.1 all't'tl.dy l !gned fOf' J2-week CO'llrllle at the Federal Bu-r•eral of th• w-.... .,,..... 1hook down the car. On lhe back JUll!y to e!K'apln1 frum ~n Or-co.ta W-pol1c1 teporlf'd Wed· The. J)flneL anawertld qlifftlon1 t he center. which w lJJ be known u r-u ot lnv..upuon Jrf•t1on&I rr.JnlftC' Cominaad. ~ -t· B~• lolod M fCN114 a 3o-;o ange County l'Ullf>l lRI liiundry !Wold&y nijrhL put tu lhern Oy u 1., property own-Ho&ll.nd P lau •. are tboet "111"1.t.h Ac&dem\.', W~. O. C. He U. kMa A-. . • model rifle containing-rtn ca.rt-"''ork ere\\· Ja.n. 18 and .. te•lln& Th• JOUniJIJlll!'r wu rlldn• In a er•. !nf.ludlnK lhoH relatlq lO Market Baaket. for 3~.000 ilq. fl. upeclJI 'to retu.m ln mid.Jane. H• married ... ...,._, M d a r1d~ In lhe m111.1tne. a f.llr O'A'll"d by Nurae Lave.me car driVf'n hy c . M. Hobb• of •:O tnr rt'Aalf!d .-wt valuation. ot floor •pace : •chain department McK,n.&11 aajd be JU9l ~ ltc*omo rtrt. &ftet ~ ....,.,. la ContMlf a rear pocket the I Hofer, Anaheim. II:. Bay Ave. wh61 the vihlcle. •I-ISCRl:ASl:D VAL(.;E •lore, lt,000 lq. n . Ud a chain hl.a letter of ln.-1\&t.loti to au..d ad from th• mJlit&rJ ecceoO.U-• ._ otncier •ld h.e found 1 botll\ of \.\"oblc.:t and another e«•P" ~\J' atniclt Ui.e rear .n<I of an Plumb admilled that the lm-druc .tore, 1•.000 eq. ft.. the academy today. Police OlW b&e been pnntiJMDU,.1111 1m.t • white tablet. ldentlfitld u con--r'°' <i•pturt!d by Le Habra police auto driven by li&Tokl nMer of provemtmt dlllrict would face an Boetaad. •bo l"'Jlllda9 at Hf John Upaon N!lumed '"'Ct!lltly t.o recent ,_,.. bell"A u .,...._. at M lalnln& codeine. Aleo ln the bot-I a rev.· mlnutea 1ftll!'r their break 151 W , wti-Bl-COit.& M-. lncrnwd Y&luaUon. "But It would 8roadw&7, Ooeta M-. Iii • ltotk· hi• N~ Beach poUcl ~ art. cenunlca rac~ ._,.. Al tla were da&m•I tablet.a. a "dan-tor freedom The defendant had Otttc..-. N.ld Flaher w-u turn.1111 I b4i one or two re•r11 •f'ter thfJ holder &nd adVlaOr tcw the U 8 •fter h1vtn1 talc.ft! i.. am. llOld 110me monlha aao. ""'1' U •• proua .,,_.,·· uae orf~ &aid. beaA .)&41111 !or 1taaliq a l\IL La&o !lYI dri......., al lha time. 11Dpro\<wnenta.an completed be-NaUooaJ .B&nk. j cou..rM. two .ona,, ~ Ul4., .... • • • ' . . . . . . ..... . _.,.»----~ ... , ' . -I r -----------· ---·~--·----·-----...-. • 0 l ~ ·~ PA~~T I_;-~ HARIOl NEWS:PlfS$ , IJOtmAC .. .• \ • • I ".,. 1-n '° -llN8 .... u.o. In all bndy •'"" _r,·IN>cf amc1 rf'W7 lo *II'""-'· TIM-"''• no· lhllll ... .., In .ay, e:1e<>p\ dri\'e lhr.m ........ ,1 " ·- ·. Roy • ' Carver PONTIAC ~;--1--~ ..,_ SIN.4TIA. N~NO .......... , • ..!!'l'M .......... °"""' .,., .. ftan.k -tr. and On WO'Nk. bT u two -... t o ~ .... Into UMlr u" .. o1 ~. ~ aa._ ...... rro. ,...._.. A.Je'r'wl '• 1.,-. nont a. DOW ~ •l tM M-,,....,,.. . f NEWPORT BEACH IN ANOTHER COPS HAUL LITIER SUSPECT VFW Council. Post Lashes / County Building Inspector A11 1 ·1 ~11n ·l'p \\l,,.k rf!a<'h•"<l tll1> m~d-way point, one mor.: Rnoloiti0111 ~nd Grand Jury Probe Alleqed 'Housill<J Me .. • r"r"°n wa• boo •k"d ror ,.lu!•ll"I( the aplrlt a! the code. ,..,...,, l"t!ll ·e~,. .,.outh11 ""'"''' ~lopped by Newport e.t .... 11 • \\",dnt";o<:,, .. · ,.,/1<111 ••r • "r l ti('lll wi.~ 111H1er.ed \,hrn .... ·1111: ... , t.vHl·· 11.1111 " Hl•"·llL r •! :161 11 :-.1 ,ltld BaltJoo,a Bh'I!. OtlH Cll<U le.. t.ll.n•11 1~ .;. k l• •lP1•·· WU book•!d tor ~i!!-1 11•1( ti ,f't ) ••l•lu,.1 ,, l'•t!•,.1d111f: tl1'''"'"ll( n1u\tr1al ••\l! ~· lu,.:ll1<•J f"'•"'"~"n '11 i.i.t1••l ii•\d 1'l &•ll •L<.I' I 8 A N'f"'4 ANA 10C.NB 1 -'-"·JIO fnvnll,-•\e th .. 1ltu•tlon at 1x ry 11tti:ra r1.11 la,.he<t vu! a.l 1••1.1n·1•11pl1fld to the o tfice of I.he dulv ti· a iul leo•l~rbl ,,,,1, , .. 1,. Tu.,,,. iippolnted bulkUna lfl.lpec'l.Or 11n•I · l•• currect by d11u1!,...J. or ulh1:1 • fl•Y, ,j.,n1d•Hhn11; ,,.,.1r n11tl"n• a 11 d ,,..,lM, •Uch p.rllOnncl ._.Ila"" .,J. ~ .. ,,A J: )'""«>!•! J'-4 1•111 1• "Jli F:llill"I ... ,.,. 'h•J'f,'•·<1 \<Ill\ '~••I 1111 1~1,lu l •.>Ult.,/ t;ll.1"'' 1" )llllJl•' fur ~W f\!le' lnve.11u c atiun .... lhe 1e11ult of I ,,ndt!d." ."11'1< P'"-1 lii<•~fl·• l>lrl! l 11nt1-!1t~fr ordin&rl<:"I!'. wh•l lht.v lenu llli: t11.Hte1n1 "'TKE:-O:Ontr.:s COIJ!: --· rn'*I .. In tJi e w .:at OrLl'll' 1·vun1y The ri:...:ilutlo n atate•. howe"er, J' CAllPET JMna Council OKs ._,,.._ It !he county (lf"partment •cted In a o..uery "' 1.·,..d1Jt lvn• w ithin t l'le haw th•t the bo&rd M • J f FrHWay OvetlMKS handed down by 111 .. "'""''"''~hip ot .11upervu•or.11 .1iuu1 .:1 1ake •lap$ ilSOftlC emp e1 ~ of the Ora n.re County v~terana ' to lmmedlatelv atr-.i~etr. the Co.ta 1'f eae City Coun cil Mon· of 1-·o r('~ll'." 'A'•" ec:unc1J •n<:I Ln·1,, ..... .,nt count~\ buildinc Cod•. ':Stag 01·nner •l!IV nLcht •l(rttd (() <'k>•e. poc- dlVLdual po11t •, the veter•ns ha 11• i)c •u1hue. "''hl"n •"<l'1ll1Ct'"d ""o!ft"d • j '•••n nf G1 •!r 1 Ave to provide c•llt'<.1 to• at the wn1pl>1iln\11 ot t he w ts 1 .. 1 th" ~·111 r,..,.,.,.. Road t•vrrpa.u A gno.nd JUIY 1n 11.,al1.(ll\h•ll .. r 1and •t•led "m e ny of lh• co m· lo Ra1·se Funds lover the pr"/'l<)ffd S•n lJ"le1tO hou.a.1n& tr•H""t U11 1hlt"1 • ""'t <.lflt'I"•· ! pl•tnta were nut ln our drp1.rt· ~ 1 eew11y tori in Orange County n111nl "' 1•1 1) M•n.,., •• r ()Miite r .,1r .. y Oia.ml•••I uf County l:lu1l,11n1 In a •~nnd r"IOltH!on the po11t W '!th !hf' • "111 pl,.r1 .. n "' th .. "'"" •11111 th•· rr .. •·w•v .......,l,. ,,. nnl In ln•Po'•·!or Ch11r!e.11 Donahuo· hy the lf!('()Untt!d trtbul•llOfle or or home ~IUnlr T1·rnpl• '" !'i•h !:'!• ~n·t \l•e Pl f v bu! Gi•!t'r ""'" lJ lt bV&nl ut 1upe1vla-•r~ huyer• by ,..y1ng "moat or the1e(8t. J..!l<lr•'I<" f•!a.', ·''"""n!I ,,r '"'Vht v.-Po••Jtibl" he aet<1, to 1-rT, Kl'C'lfP.:L Alll cornpla tn t• eoncr rn en unw11l1nl(-•hllf'1t 01~! .. r t11 rtlier avurfl to ""· I I .... ... I the Ha1·b\J1 11r~11 • .r e r1u .,.-1 1<1th AA.!ll.ll•nr e 1n COV('l'llfllf'nl•I nl ..., and lt'"ner" apt1u1y nn t.... "hie a ,•nnnt'f'llQn V.'lth Fa lrVJ•w rtihta rr"m Conrre"ain•" J ainea 1 p•rl of offll'la!" or tli• v•len n11 1 lli111 problo·n1 uf h1r1uah1n11: lh" I~· no1 l"l'l""'" \h,· ,.1 .. rr .,r l.h• ovf!r· e Utl •nd 8..n. Thuuia.s H at'lrn: "tntlon lo lake any ty~l bu1ld 1nll" hefort-,,,,.,,,..•nt·}'. p~M ramp. Tiu• 11ug11: .. at1on will Kuchel lvf ii•·llon •K•ln•t re11ltnr~. l"On• • 1 1 1 ,1 '1~ Th" niov .. 11 were "P~"rh •·e<l<!tl lr•eton . and d"'11eJo.,.r• w ho . 1 ,. • liJ!: , 11u1cr. u1 ... ,,,.._,n ~ 1U•·I ·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-I by tbe membenih1p ot v~·,.,.. P 011l 1•eerntnrly •mploy •""ry daleylnr fr1N1da, w1U he hill.:! tl)(!•y •. •t -M~ of O&l"<Sftl Gl'<ivf', wfllrll I•· •ct.torr In conrptylrTJ" -.Ith UtTo~t T lT.' m~. -at "t"t!e nt!Wl11mp1", l6 •ued r811\Jl ull<1n• ca l!tni tor the yeer cu-rarity perlod rf!qu!red fllolM! mon"\' for !he ca rp1l!11 r dl.-mlaaaJ of Donanue rull ovdnr und•r Iha l•w. e nd who, In ('<lUnt-&ntert1t 1nrn~n t "'d i bt rurnl•h•·<I eon1plelnt.11 ur veterane v.·hu pur-l .. •e ln•t•neee h1 11e e!lhlr wtltully by the Ht J-'1'1 a be rh,.r •ho p ch&Hd G I Joan homo:• The rellO-nr unconctou.1Jy, ml1rapre1ented querteu... cun1pn11>d CJf \\'l'l lt luUon read In part.. wh .. reu th• payment plen thu• pla cing lbf! Crnrn .. ,.11 .. lioh ,.,ary. Toh\' C.'r.,n\· ma ny Qf th'ff oonipl&!nti lnd!cat • vel,.ran buy1r In t he po1ttlon of -n llnd Don Knovdton. ,,11 fro1n blln"" un•blr. to rn'!et p•ymmta.t h'! Brea.·Yorr,,;. Lind• •r'"" n \\' ! an app.mrent abeolute d,r.,.lleUon " I of h onuty .. a pplied l g insµec-ht would not h•"• 1;1rl(ln.ally 1Dtck1 R lc/u1n l "''Ill pr .. at.Je 1<• uona m•d• by the e\.l l'f ..,,, ttt• a frNJ W. h&d he known wha! 1 Maner ()f C-trrmotH r·~ ·rti·lc ••t• I 0 C '· t b Id lif! wu r•tllnf tnto." f1;1r th" tllnof"t n••Y ''" ••l1telnf"ol r&A•• o .. n y ul Inc 11-.pect .. r tort "-h.,~-ftt,.;-have been duJ) VETER ~ JllQF'~ by ealllng H11r bo1· •t'n. the office colltctfl<I. and tor which tht1 vel· 1·he nnol\Jllon ca.!Ji3 ....n"'-rll el~ Ralph f' M•,,.k~,·. l'ree1dent h of l h• ~ .. 11 t .. rinJC 1'111»<>11u' liulhl· eran w Q waa 1UpPQM.:lly protect· I and Ku..:ho:I to '". . mak.: powi-Ing .A•llO<'lt1ll4ln. •moktr. or lmn1 !•ring Ma.sonic F' & A ?.I A t • recent .11nner beld 1l :"twporl Harbor Y ,1cht Club,, IUJ. f1 t·l•nl rund• wer11 •lunate<J Lo In• .!ltell th, ht11l111;: 11n1! ve.nt llal•no: 1y1tem nf 11\" n"w Templr, 1nt1 It 11 t!Jl p<eel<';J th11l lhl• e ttalr wt11 •<l (I e C(>n."od"r~hlt!. 1111 rn td IDy •uch 1n1<1)<eCtiu n or tn~pec· I ble f or th• vetf!ran th~ hou.11\11; liona ll'l~t pay "'"1lh Jntert11t over advantaa"'• lhe t th• CQn,-ru• yt th• y..,.a, a nd whe~aa r1pruen· l.lwo Unll .. ld Sl.alN orll'ID&IJy te-- l.allona to t he off1 coe ot I.ht! county l•nded tor h1111 , but Wllkh &l"f:" buUdtn 1 lntpeelor by Ole veteran curnntly belnr denied. ltlrn by • buytir• involved h.11vor a llage<lly n .... tlve attitude 1;1n lh1 part of ~ met w ith nothtn1 but re· th1 Vetaran'• Admlnl1tratlon." bu.Ila, ~any 1n • Mi1hly dla.cour· Th• call for • 1rand jury In· teou• mllnner. bf" IL reeolved that ve.11tlc•t1on ....... made u a mo- lhe G.er'1e.A Orov~ po.I doe• f'u!lr-e-ll"TI from t h1 nOor &t -a joirit ity call--vpon the boa.rd of 1uper-hief!tlni.: ot · the county VY\\' \'litOni lo take lo1111edl•te •leJMI coun cil. and paqed un1.11!moualy. the p ur1·hlll!,. or 1·arpe!~. I Calei of Grog, Cash Taken from Home of Frank J. Waters P ollce •ni lookln~ tor a •ll&ht· Jy Inebria ted bu r11:l•r who broke ('hAnO:" k .. pt !lrouwnt tb• 11&ld V.'ater•. I" • «>W baak•t. 1-"' Thi• l llOO. lntf the belch homo: of Frank J . W•t .. r1, .,331 l!:ll•t Bayfronl W11trr11 ••Id h111 w ife d[llrnver- 110mellme '#lthlfl the pa•! two ~ lh,. tbeft •bout 4 p. m. Wed· '!!_'!,!!..t.~_a..n.d .•tole thrtt..u.e.- _}Qur~ lbrM C• ... of ·-klh- ViltuNt a l a total of l &oo. lh• rr"•I mejor tty ot car dellll'('I Also taken . .11alrt \\'•tera, who.e In thl' counly w111 enforce th rf'g11l1tr ho111e •<l<lre1111 t• Lo~ An·, f)<'•lley . Johneon u ld, addlnr H gtle11. w"f"t! • vt1l11•ble pair ,,( !1 a national trend. btnoculara end 1100 ln smell Use c.s· Restrided Of 'Loan Told by Johnson Th" m•tter came about ··-r11 U.1l' nf lllw 1ulta tnvolvln& aome s200.ono tn da1naeea l"rowtnr 1;1111 "' •c< i.:J.,nt.. Jnvolvln,J drlvera of lh" lnlln e ar•. Johnaon 1111!d. Some N•wpor! Harbor art!• n-car df"&lere Ll'ld '""me 11u10 "rvlce flrm1. join~ the Mot or Ce(' D@aler1 Aa.oclation of Or · an,.. County today In announcln11: e n-policy which will el1rnin -';::;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;~ at. u" ot .. loan cart" lo eu•lo· ; mer•. Clyd• John.at1. pre1\df!nL --· John.ar\. of Johruon and Son, N ld Uie new polley becomM ef· factlve March I bee.a~ of ex· cMmv• lnauranee C'Ofll•. S.Ce uM I of tl'le p rohlbith•1 lnturanc1 ratH, Sunday Dinners BE SURE • INSURE .... llU UllKll: RTAln.ln' 1-JW OlllJ' n.. llarlN• M1C 11.JUS E. COllllC lllcltR'J On~ ....... 2:00 P.M. FREE CUSTOMER PARKING -- Hartman Arrested P olfl"<' boCked !:rneat K urt H111 \. m•n. 66. <_>( 11:;0 \\• RAV A v~. on a rhar;:c "' 0!n11Ut dr \\·1ni.:: "T lO":ao p n> 'f\1 .. "d" v wli ~n h1.~ ('!If "''"R oh~"l"l'f"tl W•·11vinJt ''"""' ...i&e IQ •Id .... n rnA~! lf1~h"''"'Y bf.. llW..e.n B11 y,.ul " nr1111· •nrl 1-lann" A \"t!.. Off!rer~ ~•111 hi" peM ll ...::>br1.,1 y '"•t. l l~~~=C=LOO::E:D:M:O:ND:::~~T~O~~wt=N~'~JU~~Uil0!!!"~0~"1.!T~:;!~ Granclollo 's complete menu for the femily l'IZZA e !'4l 'Af.lllt:1vr 1 e LASAOXA. lfO:Wt: • ,\IAOY, II,\ \"IOLI • ~TEAK~ • ~P:A ··ooo Ji'OOD TU 00 511 Balboa Blvd. BALBOA Harbor 4837 OPf::-0: DAlL\" 12 XOO~·ll _"-'ONIOKT. ("L08ED MOSDAl. ~ afar Every Night JI DINNF.R SER\,.ED 5 p. m . 'ti! midnight COCJ\:'r Al LS -·1 p. m. 'til 2 a. m. 12 Nn.,11 f;a lurdH.y &. Sunday• Special Sunday Bullet 2 rd 9 p .m. CIOM!d \\' l!daeeday South or IAl(Una HYatt Now Sll1wfll1 ''llle loHom of The loltl•" -P'lw. - ''Three lad Sisters" OOIONG SOON ''llle Last Hunt" •• et.f'ma&ope Md Colo• -· Robert Taylor Stewart Grupr wASrmt·MA Jn tN boldMt •tory Gf love YO"''VJ eyer ff•" pet'm ... to ... , A l..MO ~HORT Hti111F..c:T8 IUda Ml•I. l!lal. I :U <'h&rlt... He.te. •• Arrowllead11' • (Jutt 1 block :>Ith of Mant • Ana Country Club) ..... ~fk Main i;c1 •• Or•111 .. r .• "" ' Mesa+./ • ..__ •1 BALBOA NOW SROWINO TWO WEl':K8 • 1918 MENU • Served Wedneeday Night. Only . Soup Salad Coffee --·- From the Cherc:Ghl Broiler U. S. Choi co I 0 01. cent cent cent Delmonico Steak • 75 cents ~ Jotal 78 cents = Houae A.Numftl Sta.le and ~I R~t&il Sale« Tu: f2Qr;: P'edt>ra.1 Ca b11~t Tu Duri ng Houn or Ente rtalnm"nt) • " • II ' I ~-~~_._.,....._ ___ ,...l.j.-.... .. ----..-·· ... ---·-------------,-.... _... ............ _________ , --~ ---.. --... ----·----··--···---·-·---·-·-· '_ ..... ·--·----~ ---· SAUB Wiii pwzo -Theo ikell; 1'ord dNler, ;..i..; '. prtseo _, by .blo-llall,lett,lloldinc"Kr.andKra.Wat<t/iO" a~ by 11.aiJ Ferd U "tor ebampionoblp l&leo, ........-, plrformance N-• Deoeail>er, 1966." Har- ry Frederick, -........... boldo oortltlc&te. -Staff Photo 111&1-•· ... , .. ...... --"\# e' lobi11 looks -lack 01 Nearly 11====.A=L=TZ=MO=Rru=AR=,e=s====.I -....... ........ ---~ '°"' -...,w ...... ""' -35 Yean of For• Deilen•ip I ·1 4-ACBE i. -. The r..ext lime ~W'.· doctor writ.ea a pre.cription for you, uk him if it\~tten where you have it tilled. He'll probably ~.".!" to take the p""'<ription to a phu-mar.y that en ,a reputation for dependability bued · upon prof · -M ill and integrity, prompt Mrvice, intereet in ell-being, and price faimeu. Such advice leada ~)' to PRINGLES for we meet fully .U the req'Uireintnta docton Mt up for a truly pro- feui.onal preec'JRlion llet"Vitt. That ia why they often aay -"Have r-lila,pr1*riplion·tilled+at. PRINGLES DRUGS." . I . ' ~ ". -~· , ..... IECIEATIOI PAii FOi llSIDEITS NO DOD ------""'°"" ......... ......... ClllVIO ,, ... ,, flOI U.KTT HALEcREst Campus Estates · Jiii ll,O.Ull ~UL COUA I-IE~-.. Ho••., k•l••••cl & fa>a< A•a••• ~alu At•"'' -Wa il., & Lo-ltl•pi<a•• LJ0-•~1 1·14'J ------~"' ..,._.ACT· 116\MmLOTS 7,.UI 50. n. ....... M 1i L ·L 'I R· CHE.ROLEY ANNOUNCES ITS 1956 223cro CAR IA'Lil INCREDE : ' 1 • 300cro TRUCtl :iALEI iNCREAsl • • • • Our Guarantee: We can mall• you as CJaocl a deal • you can make anywhitre! Mil/~7 Chevrolet Co. Newlfrt Beach, Calif. 1. WHY drive 10-40 miles when . you can mall• a better -safer deal at home? Shop around If you wish, SH us last we'll prove It! 2. WHY pay for expeMive rGdlo-TY ads? You can't drive them. ·Some dealers aclvertisinCJ runs lOO's of dollan per ccr. Don't risk payinCJ these costs. 3. WHY pay for hiCJh city overhead. You can't drive thll either. Our heavy summer service dept. business cuts our already low overhe-to the bone. 4. WHY wear out your new car and your Mnes drivlllCJ many miles to TRY and CJet free MW car service. Test .our more friendly interest In you after the sale: free pick-up & delivery, too. 5. WHY risk hidden fi11C11ice c:hm«JeS that can cast you many times the few dollcn you think you might Jlav• SGYecl. All of our ccss h sold on low 0 low G.M.A.C. terms or use the bank of your choice. 6. WHY ~ea chance? Why? See Miller for best sen ice, best trade, best terms, best deal! 60 --•• -CHIYROLETI 6. OLDSMOBILES to select from --•. t • ~··· FEBRUARY -MARCH SPECIAL . .-" 23 New · CHIVROLl'I[ TRUCKS to l•ll .~ver ~ I . 'n MOIT•COtll'LITl•STOCltlN l.wroaT HXRIOR -COSTA MESA AREA New 1956 Olds Holiday c.,.... e Hydramatic: • llll Lu:e Radio • White w .. e V8 TISO Eng!M • Power Brake. • Air Flow a.t e Z-T098 Pain · . For Only $2971 Full l'rlce ·- I .· .· ... MILtlRr CHIV.· OLDS Co. 1000 w. Coast Hiwciy, Npt Bch Liberty 8-2261 .... __ ---( • i_.____ . --' ----····· ---··---·-.... ....-_______ ,., _______ ~--··· .......... -.. ···-..,··--· ·-:~ '"'··· .. ·-. ····-·' .... ~..--. f nil ln:All'l' ......... , I,--Clllll, !MM' ..... .. .... .... ..... ..... lmlllilll. p1,o Clilll '"llJll!llllll ftelll .--·--ben (I to r), -Dou Gol'lell, cbairmoa; J'ol'l'lit Allldt, llelteta; oeaal.t el&tlt, tlcketa ln~ n-&11 ~. p...ideat, -Torry Borla Plioto BRIDAL FETE PRELUDES HOUGAN-MAHONY RITES ftlEAStJR*I ab:io:mo-o..e of the ~"' GI •n... Yldtt °"'°' Oftloln' llaD lut Sa-y eveaJn& -the ~t&tjall of a -1<114 -p -lo the retirinc tMlmodore, MMUall K-.41, u a Mak. oI the club'• appreciation or 1. fine year \&Dder Ilia gu)d•ftO!, SboWD. • CnmnwdDr'I nut Wood Jr. (r11bt) u he mak• tM. pi-mentation to the now. Jun.I.or 8tatf ·Commodore Kennedy. Seated are, fl'Ollt. left, St.atr.COmmodore Fred Huai11 ltN. kldedy, aad Mn Wood . ' -Beckner Photo ' l(m Eltl'lyn M:al!iony rormer Balboa 1:aland raided~ ot Runt1 n1.ton Beach Union Kith -' thll. 1... School wh~r. lh.e bride-elect torm· ' ' wu honot"ed at a pre.nuptial brunch al the vwa ••riM ~. tHJ t•ught. 22. Ml.II Ma honey. •puty datrict attorney ol Lofts BN.ch. Th-. ~l wve: lha l<1Mu NE WPORT HARllOR Son for O'Donals Prout parantJ Of • •-ti.by .,,., •m hit. 11 In l!Jt. Joetpb .H.-..pllaL &r& Mr. l.lld Mr&. E.a..rlyn O 'DorWLi. Ul-0 a., It., C•">ta MM&. fte t9t ~lftwod In •t 1 pounitl,I ...... will be m..,-ie<t to hAMbt...Hoq&n Ob Ml.l'CA 1:8. An.r Uti ~., ffubbi.rt. °:;l'l\t.H=c . f ' e•ten•IY9 "-'1th'• tnJI bl M•lce au.ct with a loaJ ardlll.etuNl lM:lll"f Nar•h•ll, Hlttn ~. and a .11ta7 at ,.,, •JHlll-o. they wtll firm. t>oteth,)" l\Mtat. K..t.J lmlt.h and Hilll Have Girl 1f...lG<. tJi. 0.1 011,. >lfl Mat. Th• at-The etio_..,., rtnn by Ktrn• Mu. ~-Al8o, Kmae. r . It. Mr. Ulf M"' Mberl h 1Ua. I L"}4 tern.. '." "10 .,.,..n 1tn or!lea ln th.11 R~l BurUnprna. &d•tn tt.-.Yh\erl. OU• Bnt-.t!. Warnn MRS. wtNI11lED BARlJRE, WOllllD.'I mlitot M~ Alvd., o.t.a Mtea. ou-e , ,.. cocll and tlmlt 1.Al..Anne. lrteludld ~ W. o . CU.rtll, C. A. - h ... ' ·----------------------,..... .. _, ll llft k.., bor11 Feb. ar a . u. n• • l•·ba II u.ocl-many local !"llllldnt.. and t..,c.._. ~. W\lllam ~ H . J . 1 • 10 M lto.t •:r IW'low, """1 Haydon. ll. K ,A.I~ -PART I -NEWPORT HAAIOA NIWS.,AESS "'"-p1w, Milldllft8on. C. M.. Kt.honJ, WU. a10 ,,... ,.......,.,,, Bryant ....,,,,,, L F~ AY, FEBRUARY 24, 1•56 D. Bdlrietder, J-ph llr-orle and 1 ---------------------~ IR-,_'· _w'",,e_•"---NEWPORT ISLAND WOMEN Chann Program PLANNING PARK FESTIVAL for ESA Group An lntontiallve talk on raah- lon and cti.r-m b7 M:l'"I. Georp Bllsh&1.a.n, with M.r1. Rex Drtl1 6clll\i M model. Jllt:hlllt'hUrd tM •"Alna or t:ta Itta cftapt..r or ilp.t.Jt,n Slgrna Alpha Thuraday evenin1 at lha tonner'1 home, tft · t.ul"l!l ..iM'e.· c...i.& M..._ Mn. Be1bu1an , .. vice pre11denl. pl"Mt<led 1n the »Ne.nee of the -JllWdW!lt; M"--~t -Brace. · The Wt>man'a A.u r.1Luu y of Newport ll1&nd Int. bald a vtl11ntlne lunchieon and ca rd ~rty P'eb. 14 al the homa ol Mra. Ja.n ies Sdward1, 3900 Channel Place 'WIUI t 2 fUMU ~nt. Tlrat pla«i we11l \u Mt1. Cha.rlet Zaman, othtn to Mmea. Wtll!am Keleher, Kay Neebltl. f'aT• CarUat, 0 , I.. 8tewert. Corinne 1Ar11on. Ntxl 1enlf'&l ... alun wu held P'eb. 11 •t the homt of ~!rt. George 8h1rrtll, •~ Jfllh I t. Main topic war ded1ca 1lon of lh~ Ntwport Ialand r-.rk which wtU M tn A,,U 9r lllaJ'. A f'Hll•'ll !I pl&nl\911 and ll w1U ~ t. l'\and ......... t.lblr fW • ll'le )*l'M. C:a.'"111 aoftc?nt1el! U\e afu~ ---- ---~-~--­ !'fext n1eet1t1a .,ill be Marth l' 10 a .m. l.l ~ nome ol Mr-.. W1l.llal'll Melcher. 408 38\h It. A baK n1ade by Mr•. J~ ltroup w.. won bJ M r1. Paul bull.lap. It wu diecldaid lo 1t~ an evenlfts ruli1on 1how and car d l -::;::;;::::;;::;::::;~:::;~;::;::::;;::::;;::;;;;:i:::;::;:::;;;;;;55:;::: ,party Ma.rch \9, 1 t the l"rlday If Attamocn ch:lbhOUR to ralae mo- na)' tor lhe Harbor Area Glrla' Clik' bulld!.n1 f\lnd. Theme of \ha atfalr #\TI be "A Carnival ar Coler." A ruriton ltlow bJ tnl!! .Jo-l..Ae lport Bbop, und•r' the~•' -Nftmtl«--iet. _,. Ill .... °""" t11 .......... ,, #tMt ~. ttl foll<nrt. Preaent a t lh• raeeUnr-.. l"I! I -· M . J . Ba.rMrM. Ra 8111 . '*-ttcn Be11.ck. Paul t>wWip. OWen tnaal, O. B. Sln<)Ull!, r'nU Clen- Introduc ing t he New • ROSE WAVE ---PERMANi~ 1pecialiata i.. ' TUrCTINQ. FACIAtl ' l!TLTING 1:r Glel'hour Na il ~ Can~ yours -(:r I r JIST • IMCE ·A· TEAR fllllAIT 11 '" '" fElllAIT 21 IKJX Of J PAIR . ll aJ ...... i... • .., UllFl,.,,IUI • Herl.or Rett Memorial P•rk M'S I -b'1 •• .....__, a.rt.or at Ohler Hoover JU8T TOOL.e ---·-....... LIQ ht we'tht f'ull ~In f1•oYer- 1Q'5!5 m&d•I• In origin•! factory c arton •. P'"ult factory wa,.,..nty. ACT NOW MAIMrl ROY'L Mert9191 C.. Mel N_,_. .... s-port .._. Salel $z7ss OFF On a NEW IiOOVER rfr.11JtelfJmfit! (rl~n i"« toolJ i~) • bthi~ ........ ltl ho.r clctl'lil lwiae tb9 - ol 1ny ollw -. ......... • • Full hG~"M<1po-=.,w~ - .. \Go ) ()411 powwt.I .mo.. /\'OW $6995 J US T -, VIP ,.ltJDGES PO!'l'ERS -CartoonlOt Vlrril F, (V•l Partch of Balboa. Jaland pl .. a !lftt-,iate rib- bon '9ll the Heart l'\i.nd·-poalet" of Karen r.t.I' after jud-g the 8th· f1"1lde contlet at """'"' &naign !!Scboal. Looktnt on are Ja.nll ltobel, rtpt, licond· plac• winner ; SheMT Florin, •ter, t.biN p ... ; and Dorothy Wood~, runneta-• Tht ,_.. will d-., George Be&...._ Ma.r· ...... l Schults, Mel 8aft"J, J oe MlbMrd. Donna Snt.IU.. Larr1 ~tlruok, Harold 1 BM•, J oe •b'oup, L. V. Ta,rlor aad P'rank 8-.t'J &-a", ....... 1 .. 1•1 IKD Of 3 PAIR .. 1110 FREE DEMONSTRATION -bO -layo<t for llli not or lilt H .... 'hall Month In llliibor Ar. .a.op ~ SAVE FOR EVERY AGE(l\l with.our !abrica, MINMdl ... ., ...... Wide -tloll from 39c -to $L98 ye!. • ':' "81\'11 S•H OKEE11' STAMP8 'Ml.a yer. _,... new Richard'• ~ offer1 cU nowar KrY~ ~~1· wtMb". or .. dea!red-Har-""°' '821 -AdY. p, ••• 1'90' vtl\Oll'llA a.~' ,_,, l!M 1'utin I ' ~ Mill l'lowt>ort ...... -Op<n -, A f1L~ .. App\ .. 1 ~~~II • Nylon Gowns Were 12.95 -14 .9~ Now Cotton -Flannel Brunch Coah With Zipper -Were 9,95 N'ow ,,,, ,,.,, $ 4 89 Nylon Gowns & Sllpl Broken ~it.es -Special -··-···--.. ···--····--···- Owilted Rob11 and Lounging Pelemes Short Wntp & Zippers Were 18.95 -Now Strapless Bras CORSE TRY LINGER IE 27S7 E.. C-0ut H"·y. Coroaa del Mar flour. 9 to 5:9o . '·' Clll*lf ti~. ,...1 Co...uy -l.iac•rio 1111 &. v..t L y. • ALL DAY •'RI. ~ SAT. t·t;B. !t · 26 llr ... It. Mil •· • ;•..-;. lact•J ••t..........,. .. .. .._ ....., ... Rdma.;, .............. I I ....... Yd anaw.,r .ti )'-r "a.cumll rl-.ni!!r ....,_-.. OitNM ........ .,._,, • I ,I CHECKED SHAFT ,COAT AND SUIT by Tabak of Californi• Coat of cotton chock in black •nd white YelYeteen Pruni•n collar 29.95 Shi~ jlcket of Dur•-linen with vel - veteen Pruuion collar .... ,, .. ,, .:: 19.95 Checked allm skirt back tipper 11.tl All throe pieces come in solid block and white or chec~- can be sffn now ~t .... "".,.. t lltd, • t I ,_, ______ ' ........... , ___ _ ·-·---·-. _______ . ..,,,..v __ .,.. ..... ....,_... ... ~._.,._... .•• .-..-. .llltS. THOMAt LkMf!E SE A LA R (f'N G ly GINNY (MRS. EDWA&D t.dTr:s) SMITH Alpha Phis Will ~are Heart Fund Sunday Work 'nle a ttt•cll\'" home ot lll ra L 1nge \,;ounty l{ttJUIJ. "''hlch cun· A. HdYllln, 27T Mornln1 Can1ob 111•t. or •P11ri>~nw1tr1y to_mem1Mn -Jtoalf;-WU tJt.-..t.tmr rcir th"t P"tb wi n M 1dent1n.-d 111 a natlOJnal JO h1ncheoft ol Orir.nae Oount1 &1umn11e chapter AJ\nnnae Oi.apter o1 A.lph• Phi. Plana toe the Dou F•lr _ _ la UM •bmoenci rJt M,... M.11.'hard ""'ill t11.ke pl•ce in th" fall Wf"r'! de. La.-..., ,....1-..it. Mnt. ltur\Oll mcMMd by Mra. Ry..Wle •nd the G . 0R7~ presl.ded. She r11vlew-1 projl!Ct foll:_th•• IOl'a l IJTVUP will ed Ult ldttltt.a M the put month IM to m•k• Cift.1 t o 11ell a t the which included prep•r•ll&ne to t 1ff111r . .-t•t In the HNrt ll'wld cartlJMllfl"i I Contr1buUons were n1ade to the thN comlnl' Sunday. Mr•. More· 1 Hc .. rt io'und at 111 .. mttttns and 11 l&t'ld lelthoh,, *ho 1• 1 prerlnr t 1 l:·ft was recel\•ptJ by M'r11, D. P. capt&tn. w1U work w llh Mr1. Rya-Mt:l11to9h. MrH. F'•UI 0 . I(•· dale In lhe psnln11ul• <1i.1trict. M r!. tnl\nHkl of An1<h,.in• •.-I ll he Uie Nad ... O!lp)en. ar\d Mrs. John I ha-leM for 1 h~ 11Px\ 111~e\inf on Blalch will ... lat other& In th,. lhe '!Vf'n1ng of l'o1a1T h 21. 8-y l!lbore• .,... ~ ---- Other Alpha Ptiia tn tho· •'"" J w.n ior Program wtn ,...... '* ~·which w11l O&t'I · I .. VU. an nell'hborhood• Sunday for ALA Aux1l1e.ry aA.moon lo mUe rollectlona tor u.. Naum&I •an hMI. 'ftli. At tho> Feb. 27 met""C ol the Amsrican Lecion Auxiliary, >At'I. ll"rm•n John80n, junior a c.lvltll"I ch•lrm&f'I, \turnavs a lllfOfNM ror A ''LUCKY Ptm EJ:TllA" ia oltieck tQ Newport 1-lntbot r"lart Fund do!l&led by John Curci, Pomona and I rvine L .:'"' ~nUer. It .reprMebt. his winnings In n r'l'<'ent tou rnl .ent. Holding the letter and chc,,k W Mrw. Don AarWOod, coa\bllttee member for prizes in the cor.•ng lieut Fund Tournament to be sta::;ed sun~e.y at trvlne. L to k are He.raid PeleTI10n, tourn:tment ehattman, Kr'8. Peteraon, Mre. Harwood ' and Mr.. r..alph Tandowaky, l'fttftl chairman for the Newport Oarbor He.art P\ind Drive. -Maggie Price Photo • . -·-~-~-..... _ ... _.,_ ·------·--.... -- r omvii PIUlil'I' CCJl'Tird-. W"' FR a knW--, a -tMaJ A"-t.lot mJo. Mon&fy llc)me Oil fUtlOulla. ez:p1•1n• U.. llelMan Indian ".0.VU. Prieet" ro.tume h~ ii _., to (Nft·te ,.iii} ~ Iii. llal!loy. Needleo, UorotlLy Stelling, VI< Vi<- . tori&, Co.ta lleu. and Id Striapr, i.-..,.. VaUey, wbo were amonc the 400 flsl11tt• at tbe youtl directon traWnf i.MtituLe held al the St. C&theriJ\fl.'15 Ho- teL C..tallna hland recently tpgMONd by lb• Sot.1.tb.u\.ern CtilfonWL d.inft'1'- ence of lleYentb4ar" AdYen.U.ta. l Lusk-Vare 'Duo Wins Tourney Wornan's Rights Theme for Citic League . With a ,...-t.trar of votel'll p,. te nt. the mHUlll' or the WGoinaa-. C1.,1c: i...acue rMr.. • at vwa Mat- ._ wtJI Ill 'lllllllM tM P 11 ij .... --· lily of au .-n•n to J>ll.~te It\ th• ........ ,.._, ~ hf' tail OCCUIO" "111 be Altomlf' karjorl• Mt.e or Sant& Ana. lht lQ,plc will be "Wom&t1'• R1ptt/· M•• KIM brtf\CS to hw ~• t1oti • ~ckrround ot exper!.Sltee • l practl'Clnj> l~Wy~r. Adrnlttlld bl the ~Hate ll&r ot Ca.Utwm& Ill I 9t O, •he la a si-ciuats ol lltan· rnr(I Unh·Pratty Sc:hool of La'W. l'"ollowlnlf lht ~. •t Jll l.m., tbers wUI 1M a IUMft-*! trJ/- whlcb hol!ltessea u e Mmf!ll . .Jade Cunio•. k•rl AJ:later. Cl\~tlot~ Ha"«'W( •nd Mslwood !IJMty, • Ladies ... for a good trim or Hair Shaping try Lido Barber Sh o p • <*la.,..·. Hit.Ir Otttlar A "i--t•lly Ut -n...t 81. -l '"'t 1.<1 l"011t OftkrJ ...-="'•"l""rt 1\.-a.·h TIERNAN'S .BARGAIN COUNTER Cem• Mrf) Ml pick ,.._,,... from our huge 1e!ec1ion of com- plololr. rebu11t type wHNn. All popvtsr bNnd1 Ol"ld mo4e l. full'j -.uorontMd for I yeOr ond o JO doy full s Jtchongs privllsgs. , COIOHA I ;,.,,._ · · · · · · .... 'IQN, O""° M..iel HMINe~ Office Medel . -. L C. iMlril, Olfle• Metlel ·••7.91 .$26.JO .$44.JO S42.JO UNOllWOOD, Office M<?<lel . . . sat.JO lllMIN8TON, I Poifable ....... ~SU.SO IOTA&, Office Model . . . Mt.SO UNDERWOOD, Office Medel . $Ct.so llOY AL 0.lu•e Portll!itle . . $5'.JO !11pn Sf'«'ittf ! . NOISILISS . tYPIWAIT.U • lor '240.00 •"d '4910 . ·- TOWN TOPICS ~ .. 91111111 l1nh1· -loller••••• ·---... O\•tom •• ,,. ..... o.,i,.., Kudw•1·1 e VM1Uu llla!ta l ".o\U II&•.,_ .. THE SHADE SHOP u:t n• st .. ~-..n .._... ftHjdfl ••• ...., °"'°' It dOff\'1 ton OM ... rm M<OrMll l'O 01 .. yO/lllf foci a -..nn.,, thal '1 t •oll t 1ltin dssp. loch pr•< .. 1111 .,.., of c...,1 •• 1- 0 sorwsr g•fl dHp ~.. :.ito Y°"" ,_..,'"a"" hr...,... lwM toap•Cllld •WCl!Sr ~blnQ, bob· '" yCMlf 1kin Into Mlk. ...... • . . .. of """' -· ,..,.., .... It hslp1 ~ .,;~ "'°"""9 ,. d ry, flaky 1kin. Camplsr.IO f'I CIM ltlel" ia ,.._ r1101ic. ww..wt • .,.... o4 ""' pon-dogoing "' .... "'• -· -" lw.i'T"""- C•AWfORD'I 'U-.... ~·· .... ~'}( 4 LI S.tMi".J. T .. .... HC'lf'iptMfl ,,....,._, Ult• H~ A_,_ ........, 0.-lll'"'Y ••• • "'" ah'1'l J.htH °"'4!9 $ ...... 1.-4 N"Vl'l""rt 8 .. d~_,,. '" th,. tt .. art or o.ta Me9 · pro~t 1'I ths a1J -7Mf·rot.\Od phll- aathroplc effort on th. JMrt of ...... I'll ........ throu1hol.lt thf comiitry, boll'I acu.,. and ahunrw.•, uli Ml memban wUI ~cl>al• la ...-. ~ to help make U'le 11.ut _., .._J*p. a ..,.CLl!ML the Juntors, A c11.nd1e 11ght ua1 l lr~~=-~~;;~;;;::;~~~~:";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ll r"rernony Wllll Mist Wrna John- IOll, nart'll.Or, \.\"Ill ~ fl'atur!!d. Mrs 1<,n n'e\h ?-;. ~JohMOn, ArMl't- from Baiik of America "''"'•dln:cc llAl M._1..;..._ce.1..,""" STARTING NOW I, in. MW eha.ptet •U aubrnll t~ to v •• • rw ....,_,\at9 M d .... A ~ f'ffecUve lb.t Or· t a111.m 1:1w.irn111n h1111 pl .. nned fur 1 p•-ol'r•m l o folio"· .\lr• \Valter N•th....,, 11nd Mr.tt. O~tl"' T•rr will b@ host-ea. HI GIRLS GNtt utttlu.d? Are you • creekin9, sagging bundl. rl-? WO.t you'" 9ol lo do, honey , i• 1hifl 04ll 11'"9h-.......... . 'RELAX with tlN! NlAGA!lA Tm:l\MO-CYC LO-PAD. Good for tbe bu)p, tGo. You ..., get all thia - e ---AND MORE -at-. Health Studio ............ llT, Sf' ..... I• pl'rMMI fn, -appo6•tm...t f•r ,._ D&lrOJ'fft'R&t101'f-•HO 09UG,,ftOS• ....... l'ft~t ... ,...,. (w..._ UM •lrt't!I Iron Balll>M t ... 1 • Upholstery. Draperies The Flneat Cr&ftamanehiJ> Plu• hbrica at cte.-Ou'\ Prie9 Enables U1 lo Give . Yout Old FumJt.un · · NEW LOo t Pric• Durin CALL US DAY OR NI .. Liberty 8-8:118 •• •t'"•'• rir nne or l)ur deoora tofa "'111 cail with M mpl:• •I yuur requeet. -1 Nftport lealh lranch ..,_. A.. Wrifiht, - HOW TO ••• ... tti.er JM1 need • p•int job, a modern • ........ roof-or ,_ .... ~-Ti•~- JfllPRDVE i •YOUR¥ itAPPYHOME f'-lioaacint: caa be .. ~ '°WCOM •OIWf!'o .. a.a ... ....... "P 10 fJ,. arwl --~ mol"I' thu l• Imme Rpi.in MM impo•iiliil6b. T"i"ll' •down ,,.,_. s.nd rou'IJ be aarprUed 9f .. '°4J~ ... ,... I ] H :e_ 1f ,...,.., .dding • rooM aoil ..... ;ell &WO 1'°6, pmy ;we .. ,, tJ ~ r.r 1<f ttoMht. t1W hi~., • ~ mottthJ to pay.) Ti•'fi"• j, ea.ti!~· arnnpd dart.ugh r;w deal.er or contnctor. ar •t our hsnk. If you'r" 1tlll hoping an4 ··i ~h lng ror !h•! "dr~ .... homt" of your own, tMrt'1 no better lime than now ro ''''' putti.na • (nrr dollar• uiik ngula.zly 10 t.ild •r 1h• llowtl parra.nt thM ran mean it'1 )'burs. Syuematic sa,·inc fo r 1he home you W&nl ... or,_t ... 14'1.iiundoe ... ot • holW.)' trip ... b • dmt>-teted (onn"1a fw adclihc to •of0ne'1 h1ppion1. lf you..,.. dl.11 "havin1 bt-acs wishing.' whr not d«I•• now to m1U 1 regul.u ·~1 to y<*t Bl.nk of AIDH'im M~t llR'lllWll. , DID YOU KNOW tH~T you ran ,,_ .. , .. vtn19 •prMn or •i&hd.tswal ... -or JN!Yfltftll-' on• T,.;.f'I-~"M •ft)' OfW of our S"'S C11lif.,rl'lia br;11n(~? 11·, 'lmplr .nd t:i,y .. ,1nd .amething J\·a.it..ble to )·u u QOI}' .1t Bank-of Amtric.a. • L '. . -• ;t:;.;:.: --. . ·-·--.......... ---.... ., ---..,_ .. _ --· ---. --... ·------· -·. --·-.. -........... ,_ ... . .. . --·' _.t _,.._ ·-- J.C. Fikes 71--,;T_.·~-i.a-~­.. . . . ~ NOrl:S SCOUT SUNDAY -Boy -. of Tl'dop llO of Cclota· -llDd their father. received bojy communion. at Sunday MUI la. St. Joachim Catholic Chun:h, 20th St. and Orango Ave., port of Boy Scout Weok ...upiu.._...,,ceo. Cub ICOUll lo fltt line are led by cubmuter Jim Wblte, eeouta on rieht by Scout· muter Jim Aikens. About 80 boy1 from both rroupe putlctpat.ed. --8taff Photo ! amlly nJ .. ht ~t luc k d inner I.be 7;l0 p. ~. Prta.ch· n .ervlc• w.onO..y a·t Sawyere Have Baby Pr'CNd ~ ._.. Jbi1fte MaJor aad MN. J&anl9 Al~r Sawyer of N~ -...Ch when a baby d&uoitti waa born tq tham v•b. 16 la Corona Naval H~t..I. -F°' the tlft99C 0-Commu'Ct&l P~ ca.II Harbor 111&. J'ob Prlntlai Dep&rtmaaL • EVANGELISM WEEK Coronado Pastor Preaching Here Prize Film for Universalists -Communtty M1\hOdt..t J;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;J "'Our J.1"9.&n rui.d by lh• plc- tw. W• ~ l.n our mlnd.e." Tht. 11 lh• them e of r. 1ound film, "P'ltf°ur~ 1n T our Mind", whlc::h New membe.n atnuaunc chun:h In the Put DOn · -year -will be honoN'd, u w ill pl'O.pect 1ve rr.rmb<'r1. '111'111 bf! the hl&hlt,.ht of the mom -p~actl1nl" M11111on be~An lAI' MT\'IC• a t the l:nlverwa l1at y and rnd.t Ji'f'b. 29. Th~ Chrill Oiureh by the Sea welcomea the Rev. Godfrey COnunll,l!Jt7 J'ftllowahlp on l llt'lday Noma B&rne•. putor of Gra.etlln of Coronado to d1re<"l the local chureh'• 1ptci&J at 11 o'clock. M•lhodlr.t Ch urch. Yuma.I TtW lrwplirui .. fil m "''•• produc· A th" ..,.1rnf'd 1pe&ker. 'Ow week of Prea ching and Vilutation Evangehsm which be1u.i tld by J'ul!UI Bryant and nu won "vrnlng Mrvlc• wtll be in I Feb. 22. Sunday he will preach at th" duplicate .ervicea al prl•• at th• lnt•m•Uona1 Fiim or th" Youth FrJlow•hlp il :SO ~ 11 a m, a nd •1-o '; 30 I be r U\a t wi ll have lhr ir l:vlJ'I" .. l'•t.lval. It. m-a• "'1.ll heJp I :.:'"'"'"n'• Club, which would havr p. m . when yout h• and tnr:r par· J19m V.'eek In M•rch A rev•rM It. Vt.e.ft"9 lo 1&Ln ln..i1bt uito met that nll'hl, hu poatpuned !IA eni.. will bl' 1~c1al '""t• I rxcl'lanie of help will take pl&cl U•• ....-.oN tot" b.&LrM, lea.r and Ion until M•rrh ZO. I MT. Grarrhn wu born In ea .... l. a t th•t Um•. pniJUdlee. I 8w1t.1rland, hr becam• a r\(Jarn I '"All lmp«tant pa.rt al UM •.n.o.. lni-ted ln 1-rniq' o r UM Unilf'd S tatl!tl in J9J j Dur· "Ma rch of Faith" wM k i. tM mon about ua.l••fMlt.m -.re wel· FAITH 1n1 World \\'ar JI he a-erv.U •8 di.r«ll!ld viallaUon lo ..,. htld ._. 90f'l'I& to mall 'lrith UM • IUS Wairt B&tboa. Bl't'd. a chapl•tn 1n the U. 8. Arniy day •ftemoon and l ~ f'v•"l"P l--------------JoTom llH j -40 hf' ...... MP!h•~h•I fll'll.l Wtek, f'rb. ZT lo :it." al&tllil rtprrffnta t1~e "''Ith lhr lt«<>n· I tht local putor, tha Re•. Ro)' A. C F O t Hear l l l l '"C lG -• ••• 0 atruc Jon J•1)ll r men n t .. t ar IOf''-roupti .,. men .....Ul maet \\'o.... Council ot Church"'' 1n 1 tor dlnner a l the church •cb Mary Light Genna, Swltzrrlal'td evenlnr and wlU th• 10 out In Jibr)' LJPt (Kra. PbyUJ. l.Ur· Pr•yer Discussion Study After return1n1 lo the U nited l .. rna of two to 'l"talt tor lM moat I · ot VaaCOU Yfl'. B C. who Sl11tr1 he t •n1 .. to Cal1 turn1a to cl:i ur<:'h. 'ThrM vtltilof"1 •W M l\&8 Md many yee r1 or experirnce 11.-i T-plor.. wu.i.ette, 111. head the n'!'wly or1anllted Chdat lnalrucle<I by our peat dlr.clor in llplrttuaJ therapy on Ut.e con· "S..utU'y your t onfUN, 0 P'tO" Church Jn ."urwalk. S ine:• titiJ tor lh•• very lmportJuit worll of ti.Mn!. In C&nadl., Mid In the pl.a.,-wlLh t.r\ILhtwnMa 4lld a.dom C•"·ll Wl'· ·· l --your 90Ule with tJlr om&ment or he hU been paa~r of The St. "',. an ....... • •l•• -..-. Uulted Stal••. will M tn. <"•' \ ' • earl hon•ly. It !a lh• w1.ti u( our Your For Lenten Inspiration Li\'iog Bible Film• ~ortra ylnc the Cl1ma-:u c fina l d•Y• In lhr life ot CtuuL In Color & Sound Each WMnM<lay Evt. a l 7 30 o'clO<'k. Wt:D., FEB. 29th "Thirty Pieces of Silver" 1)11plk-al• ~unday !'Wn·ltte '"' 11 ;16~. Paul'• M1thodl1t Church of t h" "°"· •aker. both attemoon and eve-taavenly rathrr that every hM.rt \\'eyfa rrr Jn Coron•do. --------------l 111n.i. a l Lhe Oran1• County C.F.O. ¥ould ~Jolct a nd be f1llf!d with NE\VPORT HARBOR Th11 wnk of evanctll•m l~ tM'• Vesper Film t C&mp• J'•rthut Out) meet )liapPl.n ... : that WI .tiwld live lnr ~rv• 1tmultan.ou.aly by on March J a t • p. m. In ~ tosether u1 fellclly and Joy.'' Lll'therall CllllrcJI a bout ha lf of th• Mtthod11t n r lll PrMbytf'rla.n Church. Or· B&ha'i Wrtt1n1• Ko"8rt'& (},_J..d, P-'lor t hurdl• In Southrrn California and for Lutherans lllll•· "W"*'' ..:..-:~·:·~=· ~;:: ·~cl "~·· An u.na. l;ach r hurrh hu t h•1 !----~---------.t •II "'• w.,14·, 1e11,_1_.. !Ml CUFF DRR'E ht'lp or another Mrthoduot rn1n11· A colot'e<1, JO\lond film on J'Ud&a --Oft tbl "ln·the-waya" out ot P1lo.e LI 8-JU.8 -I.I 1·1!16 :Sl;WPORT KEIGllT!!I ter who91! chW'l'h 11 1n th• nurn-1.c.riot eriUUed "30 Pl-of lM way, U.. WL!ll ad w17, ul l liii';;;:;;;:;;;:...,..;;;:;;;:;;';;11;;;:';;"-';;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:~;l::;"""";j;"""""""" SUvrr" la lha rtlual .ubject al Kar. i a.it , \~l l!dn-S.y'1 7:SO p. m. I.Ant~ Mesa Baptist v ....... N--........ i... Se_1I-.w. fi_. "A ll Tht. •nd H,..vr n TOtl" 11 ••rmon lhefl'"• of t he R•v P 0 . l"tumann, ~h~ &\ 11 a . 111. Jn F'lr•l Baptlat Ou.1.rch, Coat• Me-. Al 7 ·30 p rn. lhf'rf' will bt a •hoW1nK of th• Pro·C• In!onna · t lnn (Anter'• wund and color f\lm, "MIJ1tld M&rr1a1r." fralurinl' Dt. J . A. F•rnan<lr1. tounder-director or Pro.Ca. A converted 'Catholic p r1..t, he "rva<I wllh Ui• U. 8 . Army In Miiitary lntelll11nc1, -. later ordaln-.d a pre1byltr· Ian mln11ter and aervO!d at G ra- ham M t m o r I a I Pr••tt)'ler\an Churdl, Phlladelphl1.. Th•· M•n'• l:lrother·hood will tiol4 IU ·a1rintr me1t1n1 Monda)' at •:ao p. m . 'Christ Jesus' - -. -. ---- Leson Theme The 1.-on-a.rmon on "Chrllll .Jaeua" lA aU Cbrlat1an 8 c I e n c • churdl• aund.l.y relatt1 Luke'• •ecount ct the hMllnir o r Ult man who cam• to J'uu. with a wlthrr- a<I hand, In •ptl• of the crttlclam of the 11<:rlbN and Pha rl'"'• tiec•111e it w .. th• ubbath day. Jr1u1 reCOI'· nl-1 hl1 need a nd ••ld unto thtn1. "l wlll uk you ont thine; I• lt lawful on lhe Nbbalh daya to rlu JOOd, or to do evll ! to u ve llrt, or t o d•troy It! And looklnr round a.Ii.out upon them all. he u,ld unto lhl mlltl. Stretch forth thy hand. AIM1 he did lo: and hi. hand wu rftltored whole .. the other" (Luke l~:f. 101. ,. Th• Cllrt1tlan Selene• tP:tbook, ''Sd•nc• and Health with Key to tha Scr1}1turet" by Mary Baker Eddy •plaina the hrallns U11111. °'CtlrtaUUllty u Jfflla tausht It ,..... not a ('l"ft'd, nor • 1yatem of ce~morn.. nor a 1ptclal l'ln f rom a r ltU'IJ9llc J'rbovah; bul It w&a th• d•JMllWlnUon of dlvlne 'Love cutlns :e11t e!Ttlr and heeling the •ck. not mertly In the name of Chr\at, iit-Truth. but In demon•tr&· Uon of 'Pf\lth, u mu1t be lht cue In the · cror. ot dlTIM lllbt" (p. 1'61. Ttle Oold911 T e•t from J>.&lma ('9:2) atnrma. "'niou art fal~t than tha c hUdnn ot men : ~ la poured tnlo thy JIJ19: Uteretore God hath ~ °'" tor •••r.'' nMT c11n.racJ11 or CJRJUST l!(llENT18T mll'tl•U.,,........._.: A W-• 'l'f ftoo ....... Clowdl, ftMo ~ ClNrdl .. °'""· ""-'W, ~ ...... ._. =--t"·~-. ......, ..,..... ..... ... ..................... _ ..... .. ............ ......,., ..... "'u.. ......._. ....... h -..... ...,. .... , ...................... -·-~~:.~:. ...... _,...., -, .. t. ftl. "'"Mic h .-c1i.na. _......, .. .....,, . .... ~ ... .cc" • .., -.... ·-"" .r- lharaa Chlll'Ch, • Part of an etp t nlm •ri• -... ,...°" al Clll'Wl "'"' Mown at Ol. Newport H•pt1 d11,1rc.b durtas LAllt, ~ mo.ta lk•L. with Ult acr..nent of ~ lo b4tray hla Lord for Ult rlO'll' !nf&mQU.1 , thirty pi.c- ot •UYtr. Ail o"rrtlow conrnsa- tloa WOPshlpMI on Aalt W-... day at the c•urch, ...... u...-nc t.ha nr.r. ntm _"Last J'ou"'q to J•N· Miem'". '111• C'bancal ~r under Ole dl,.tkm of Ind lb.rt.in, ww •lnr for th• •"1ca., 9\lnday Lent.en Mn1CU at • a. m. and ll:ta ·•-•ZJ11 f•h1ra Ute conth:n1anca of PU\or Rob.rt 8. Oroalund'I ..,hnon Mrl• On the ~t w1th ,dupllc~t• Ml'm0n1 on ''Tb• Sutterln1 Chrilt", M\Ullc tor lha aulJt -.nice will be pro- 't1dtd by UM chlldnin'a C arol Choir with thr aduJt Chancel Choir 1lnrtn1 al th• ~le wonblp. Th• younr peoplt'a OJ'l'&nlu.Uon, U.. Lut.her i..a,.., ~· at 7 sr.--nr. hf ·u. J"UUlt"~. Son For the Dodds Bom la lh• Nani Ha.t'W In corona Feb. l' ,. .. a MltF 11oy, .an of Matine 'llrt. and Mta. !lay J'. Dodd al Newport Be&ch. W.L ....... LL.,_ ua z. 11111 11&. Cootall- ........ 1'11rld11CJ . t i - . - To have private perking facilitiH is gooi:I, but to have private perking feciritiu which ere large enough to perk the carr I .I of ell who come to p•y their rHpects or·tc> attend services is en even BETTER thing. We have • private perking lot that is lerge~ enough lo provide spec• for the can of ell those who come here to attend env·servic:e:': J •• large or smell. ~ 1 ! ------- • I Pleet Modem DJ\"A..'i' St:T , 16'JD t.cH<ie of c.<O\'ers • .. ................... IU.11 N .. ' t P1~ sr:c:r10N" 1. ~ulal' •"·'a . ' Piece BP:ll 8t.;T lk!irular 189.60 . Pro\•lnf'Jai 1.0\'t:: i;t:AT Speela.I . .. ........... .. Maple Crk.kl"ll CHAIR~ ....... WW Maple 4 Drawrr CH.EST .................. ltatt .. CLl"B ('HAIR m.Grade 0.'ftn -1'P"f'laJ ... • • _ Xow 169.50 ..... Xow 129.50 129.50 lff COIL l:S:Sl:ll8PRl:SO Mi\.Tl'Rf:SS or 16.95 34.95 79.95 39.95 44.95 BOX SPRINGS ... . ..................... . a P!.IM)l'J Chrome orsr:Tn: st:T~ rr-··--· ........... . A-?Wd ~ Ti\.Jll..f;~ \'a.I-le '4.16--frolll ..... ---5.95 IA-80f'A. ,t: CRAlll, ('h<1W of co\·en r ..... .......,, niwnlltle w •1<1aa ._ .... 199.50 FORRES'1 Furniture 008T... lllEl.t. '8 111 -II• BROM>W ... y • I tore NEWtllt LIBERTY MIOl t-B, 1.-Ch~.~~ .. 01 2 'It aq .......... ""' WllltUw ..net .. • 11.tOo- . .. ' They bt:lon& to a little rirl. And tPe loves th-both. But, although 1he ia o nly a tot, llhe udentand• the difference ~en Pal and Pooc.bie. Poocbie is juat her "doui• dollir:· Sht can talk to blm, and pat h im. and C\lddle him at al1bt ia her crib. But ahe hM 4t p~tnd that b• IOTH b9r too I ' • Pal l'4 ~ "'b6w·WVw."' He ana..nr'I worda and car .... with h i1 eyn snd his berk and his wac1inc tail. He follows her. he "°"IC lea up to her. Hia lon i1 jmt aa r~ u 11¢1 funny cold nOM. 1 _. • Ji.i Poochie will one dar retire to the attic. But Pal will be her pal for all of hia fai t~\ll life. Brln11 borne, doea it not, tbe.~ce o[ t•1pollilll•1 to IOT•? Tbe LoYI ~blc.b inspire• man'• faithfuln ... I• God'• Ion. The RnponM is our~hristian wonhlp aild llf•. ,--...... ,.,_...,.,,, __ SY. 2·2116, IT. AND NI. IYI. ·-·-• ... Tiiis cttvrc#Feature Sponsored by Tllese Local Business Firms .J : • J NEWl'OIT FUINITUltE CO •. ~ .'("' c-,.&;;...;..~ -11'. ~ Hwy. Ubel'tJ' 11-1.llJ . NEWl'OltT HAllOlt IANK An Independent Home Bilnll Coro .. del liar Freel '() .... ,... Clle'lr'Oll Senlce ' .. The Port Hole ltealchast House Tlr. -B&ttari .. -AcctiUOrlea COrnplet• Lubrtc&Uon Mklnlfhl to 11 A. M. Harbor 151:"; =' W. Cout Hlway, Newport Buc.b, 2100 W. BalOO. Blvd., Newport Beaeb • UNUjlUE CAFE ~ Vincent'• Rexall Dl'llC) Stora ..... Dr ... klut -Lunch -Dlnn•r •JO S2nd St., (.t.cro• from City Hall) Entle ci.ci-'fHI AICHIS U Ilion OU Dealer MOO W. Coul Hwy. Nowporl lloocb u S-ll06ll . HOWAltD'S RESTAUIANT Coetet 8bop--Op911. 24' 1-ioura S!H.5 W, c-t Hy. ( .. Balboo> CovN) Hart>orlDl GEOltGE M. GIAHAM Rur• and Carplta 1%2 A1ate A ,.e. Balboa laland Hubor !IU8 AltT C. KISTLEI CO., R"lton Ba7 rra.t 9pecialiaU not New,-t -. Newport lleocb --Mwlo'1 S..t Set JWr F.1•lw Complatli .,,.. Permane.t W•'rinc and T intlnC llart>or5lOI . . 1'wo locallon1 lo Serve You . . Coroma del lllat · .• :i STAFFOltD Ir SON Electrical contractor• 110 IUvcrtlde Ave. N"'pert ~ Ube"'>' s-ma ------"------·. Lawle Wooclwortll l'lallO Co. COmplrte Un• of Nt'W 6 U-9 Pianoa %810 E. C-t Hwy, Bullor -·: · -----~--------~"· ... ' ELITE IEAUTY SHOI' '.!, ;U...., 4.h• New M.anasmun•l of M.r. Pat_.:. S04 lllariu A \'t. • DICK MACKEi . IV•perlr. -ea.rpet.a -Upholstery ~. O!implfl'le FrM Decor9tl.q' a-ftce .. M20 Via Udo ...,._ tltl MAD MOOD NUUBY . . ' cut now.. -Pit llupplMm .,.._ Blvd. at not -.. • . ., ............ __ . -.J. ·-. -~: ··---. ----.. ·· -· ··---·· Mollier _, Clly A111*t1• D ... MS-'non 1-111, ••It.Ult to the • clly pw"ChaaUlc ac-t. Wt th1a:mtirnlns tor Moo~ Jlhaa. lo alte&t UM fUneral 9f ber moth· r r. llr.: A. T. lAw1a o( that dlJ. Mlalf irta nc•lved wonl Ja.c nlg-hl fJIQ'ITI h•r t•m1ly and ~ by c.-ar i'or:lh• •utam city with ber •i•lir ah<! brolher-Ln·l•w. Mr. aM Mr&, lit• Put ch o f Jt.t.:ondldo. " ~ATH NOTICE .'lt.'fl~E (,"JIF,\~I ftrfJ:ll fj ""'mitlal llol'rvlre11 for I h11 r,..... I an.1: SI SKt O..•n•l•I J F'Taaar or th" :M ~ D "''hlr h r raahed oul · I 11.J.-!"•Y•l Air 8 Latlo0tl. A.J&m.-, ••• 1: Jo'i-l<l•y .... ·111 bl ~Wod 1 1 ) J1 n1. toda y la UM llaUOll chate1.:1:.1 Tnro K&rtM ..... : '.IAM1't::L ("QZAD Sf mlpll Mur ray ~· IO, at 2241 ·~!1.f'QO'J A.YO!., di~ Oft FM. :l2 !t 'I• hon1a.~fl•r 11 brte! W· n o?llll. "fl w .. ,r n1tllve nf IUlnota an'1 · ha~ llved In thll city for n .. )•••• . Hi Di 11urv1v.-.J by hill wtt1, \\·uvir tt~cl " """ \\"rt>Rer, both ,,, ttie horn .. ""'' a d•uahtar, w:.r.. E.'lt,er :!:atrhl•it of Lo. A.Jq-ea..; two: 11:fln<IM!n.'I •nd t-'FMl s r•Od•·Q!ldri'n . 8f • Y'!-t• "''Ill ~ Mkl M-4&)' a t '2 .l6 pm ln t.111 W• IOrll (> t.li .. a.oath...-. P"nr.t i..._ wU .. the,;.Jl4. IC.Gln•lh ~ •• flf-If_.. walk '"mple Church offtda.~. lnten119f1l w il l be In ror...i. Lawn Memo ri.I Park. Balli W:wt\aar)". Coron• de.I Mar. dlrecuna. loUKOARt;T THA Yr!a ·' - ,.. ... ~ ..... W.• c.. Sat• U Mo•1yl Wiiy ..., ...... 1 Specl.il.ew~ -·..---.. ..,.._llod c..a-.. .... ............. $92.50 ,._,..._ ..... . ....._ .... ...... fWIN "llST..c>-PIDIC" I~~ nt Mcll1eu 29 Tn Siu I 95 . ' ........_· _lprtlNJ •J.49s 'YU& GUAU!ft'D 1 flece Set ... Ma"••• •n Sprillt HMd l18l'tl Ptlv~ err.rte• wen1 h•ld nw. A4 N FW day at-:2 p.m. In Mott•IJ"1 &ad •89so P..._ fUi•ra.I twnia. Mldtlray.Clty, o.ly -··-····---- for :Mri; Mariaret H. Th•Y•r. U , at tier: hon1e f'e~. :n. I.bf wu f R f bo'° '" Bp<lnplold, llo ..... ·-. _ O t-e11 $lie MulhW 9iYH -Y· AU Us •i..t Ir. of Oll )"la Yell &. Mrll. Thay• dled I E 1 In ~II~~ (gr II 19,._ bl-UU • cuy: rolli\t y•rs and ~ c _ ln Bo\-0 Paa•d•-. -. wu • • -· , membe'(': of oneonta Cotirr..-· o y s t lo•I 0hul"Ch ot P .... dena i nd otl vanoua: palrloUc or1anlaa1 Iona. She la 1urvtve<1 by thrH ...._ ••• .L F I , :~~::.· r..Tt;::;.r"~, ~~~ Be-+w 119 • u•n hire Hol!ywWod and A. H . Tha1•r of ••n Maitno. 14123 Hmti_lr llhcl., S.RI• A•, Kl 7°1167 The~-Perry Sc.-hrock ot a.at.a '"'==================~~ II An4 ol:lfclal9d 11,nd lnttnnent WU j" In On~o Cem•l•r:r. Onlario. ' :.ioaqT JllLLm ~~ Hom•r KutW:-R' '11 111: 30th 8t.. died Monday 111 Loni Beiic.-h Veteran• KOlplt&l. H• wu an :..mployHI of the Ctty of 1'1-· port R<!•ch a1HJ h .. d rs.id9d .... for : rour yM r11. K• wu a "''°'" ber of Am•r1can 1.A:11:ton Poet 111 of :oiendale and of an ..t•m MUonlc lodae. J:le... .LI 1ou:.'1vt<L. b)'... hL1 .11.11 HeNn and a dau•hter. CUol. boUI of : the home; a lteJ! lkuair.t., Mri. Martlyn Giiiam of Anah.tm; a •tep .on. Chfft•r 'Ca.rt.on ot Oltmdora and • •l•lrr. Mrl. lr•n~ ,,. A.nde,_ ot Los ............... Prtvalt ~rvlc• ....-. li•kl Th•r*1ay a t Ban.-Coet... w:- Ch•p.l w ith !he "-· J-ph W. )lrShan~ offlcl11,t1n1. IJlltrmenl waa In Harbor Re11t )l"mo1i1I Park. 1ooLatet•• : a ....... . t our. Own tn·•1NU. J..1 l ·Tlal. flciTT ......._, ..... TWIN BEDa. metal r,._, a.do tio&rda. quitted 6 n.w.nd. - Har. STO-J. Tie .._._-..I TY wbJlt.JTZER ORGAN 8~nM It 1-Ue a.,..ii..... 11500 cuh -lf1 1-1ou. 1nen ~A=:!f!": lw -, Crown of the S.e Motel :In Coron• clel Mer . . Comfort.aha. ,... · 6 kt\Cbenelt• apta. TV »-.,-_ -k --.Ull;J rata. J1!100 s. 0out a..,.. a.... 1111 : ~· ,..., I tDRM. UNFU1Uf. HOUU It . np ITI rao. Ad\llts ...,.. • ero.ctway. LI .... 10. ftpTT .... ._ Ntc~ R<X>M with •tai. Jl"'l"t' Qn~one call brings us flying ovT t,s>dyour house with ... tho•• h•avenly oarpeta ----------by L.-.1!9 ---... ·-·-· ~--· - W-ID-,.._ i--rilhl ia yow-. "'---liohliOI, dra.,.W one! lum;.Ainp -... -,,. ,..... --_, °"" ..u .-.. .. .c:n.iPt to )"OUI' ._I We'll.,...., a •t .. -.,.,.. ---Ow ..,. -wDI ..,._., 1-=·P. ... M'I-,.. ............. ·J'O'I .... Caln. ..,. ..... ,.,... ~----r-.• 11 1We~•'1J1a.. ..... Oleo ...................... wttli • I a,lom l;rilll -fl --~ mrpD ""1-1 D I A A , /. , I /(11 i r;,,,1<1... FLOOR COVERINGS e ....... D1a11 Mq e ~..._Ull '•tranoc.,. •·•D h.ut. WYO c:arpet. ••-Via , ~ .,.,... ;..,,,.·,,... P•rkln• 9'Jl'&f' ... U _...., .._ N....,,.n- pt'T ... -..Iii H•1 •ttl8-J. l .kllf __ -------- ~-.,__ --.... ' ........ I ... ·-.. IT'S A .. I -· .. -' • . I . SOMEONE TOLD ME THAT HE GOT A BETTER DEAL SOMEWHERE ELSE"-AND THAT MADE ME MAD! Wii'I?--ilire-A.re The Facts:1 1. w ... -.. ..__,...:...a fide clealofr.recl .. s. ........ C:allfonile 2. We llne ..._ .._ lo jmt clOllble -MW CM ••••••I .•• with Fotcla Hit ht C:AUFORNIA ... NOT clriv ... - "-.._East! .1 Not Ollly en we sewe ,.. h•n•ecla of clDlors .,.... eilr ~il)Ufpollcy, but °'!" ~"l"ndecl Hnic• facmtles AISUU ,_ of -~.....i fa-pelle• •t.Zh----tea 1o wttic~ JOll ·-a111trted! 4. We OWll -OWll bt1Hcl"'9s 011d property, ~.; ~~·~~j call pass !his SGYllMJI oloncJ lo you! JJYes, I'm REAtt-·Y MAD. But .. :YOU'LL Be Happy'' . . . Who -yoa drive out In your new i~ and. wltfl a IMtter cf'eal than you had ever dreamed of! I can prove to you .,.,_. Y _ tllClt you can't mc*e a BE 11 EA DEAL on a new Ford lha11 riCJht HERE at H~I -10TE: THIS ltlOIA · EID SAL£.:frGOES ONfOREVER! M~_Q USED CAR S4~E .. 'SS FORD 4 door Soden ............... .. ......... : .... $1495 . 'Sl FORD R•nch Wagon . :-·-· ;51295 . '62 BUICK Riviere Sedan ... 'S 69.5 'S4 MERCURY Convertib le . Full Power ..... ! $1795 '52 CHRYSLER Convertible .... . .. ........... j S 795 'SI MERCURY Club Coupe ...... .. ............ jS 695 '52 FORD-Country Squire .. .. ...... S 995 'S4 FORD ViCtori• ........... .. .. · $1795 I '54 FORD! To~ Pickup .. . .. ; ... S HS ' MAD SERVICE SPECIAL · REE! .. ·BRAKE ADJ~STMENT WITH it~RY , . - ' -LUBE JOB ' OFFD GOOD THRU MAIC:H l, .1956 This IWeek Marks Our 35th Year ' i, . . OF SERVICE IN THIS COMMUNITY! ROBINS YOUR FORD ' DIAUR SINCE 1921 ''Oil .......... , ....... I lli1rty 1-3471 -- .. --' I r ' .. ' I • t • • WINNJNG-·LOOll. -In the a.nnual Kiwa.nia baaket· ball tourney a.t H&rbor Soya' Club g)'m, that look t. for the next basket. HBC's 8th g"radC' 11('rfnrmer, Tom Hu~.ia &IJ M:'t herr t n 1.11n k u!LC' of 1111' 11\(' gnal11. H1I 10 pofnta pacrd the HBC quintet into Saturday'• champion.bip finllls, -~la![ Photo FINALS OF KIWANIS TOURNEY TOMORROW " M&MMoto e...i.. Ir A. ... -Mfl-. ~ ...... c.a.c Spec lllf'erCeP.'OI' Ir Co Mwlll• •1lnes u 1-3311 • Harbor Bo)r11 · Club tith , 7th a nd 8th grade quintetg will JIM'S battle tomo~ow nig ht fur championship hooors in the 5lh MUFFLU SDYICI aMual Costa Mesa Kiv.·anis kid cage tournament a t the BoyK· Sonay'a llaf'lltra C~bom & The local 6th grllders mf'e t Lagunie Beach Soya' Club Dual Pipe. (Or tM \'l'O""'n •! 6 fl rn l01nor· F H l:H' 1 6·~1 S .. ntll An .. H.~c row, Uu: H HC 7th 1er1<1 .. r1 l•n· 1·111 ... ~ t: HBC: :u!-:./..l f!\Jt'll& Ale.o l'actory K<'~•la 111 with Hununcton A .. ar h 111 i•1ti•k 1;1.._1111 D _ Sllnta Anll Re-c l.J l-5'744 7 p. m . and Ule Harh<lr 11<e& 8th :!S-l~• IJ1~un11.. !101 W, Colut Hwy., Newport -~;,. t~ke~ o; .. S,:.~~· ·.Ana He·/;·;;;-;;-~-;;..."-:;;;-~-;;-=:;;;;~=="'iiW"";;;;;====~""'=~i;.11 t TPlll l .L ftAlTl,t'.l'\ H.BC'a i'th and 8th i(nod,. \P11 rn.o. ha~ Lo rl11\t uphill batt1 ... , 10 llla.k; the pade -while the 6th (Tade ti WOn t.ndily. TIHo 7 th int.die captur,.,t th"lt hr• tourney contest Vt "Une1day Jl·ll OV'lll' Saftta A,... YMCA. Th"n they trailed all the W11Y 1n tn.I llem1rtnal outlnr •g111nst Buena Park before charKlng up Jn the I La1t lhrec minutes to nab ll \ :19-23 Ronnie Pa!11ferrl olunkl'd 10 potnt.. to pace the v1rtory o•·er Santa Ana. He 1eor~t 8 a!on1: with Bulch V1ney11rd llnd John Hua:h .. to Ile for top honor1 in Ult aecond fray. 81NOl.J!: 01."TISO na lol:al Ith sndtt1 edg~ S&nta Ana TMCA 24 ·21 ln their ~ly ra.me Wedneaday. A aecond 1'0\lnd bye automalica.lly advanced lhtm to lhe tlnala tomorrow nlsht. Tom Huber wa• bis flUn fOI the wtnner8, dropplnr In five adct SQ&la for 10 poinl..I. Bryan Lucu hllll f<H" I and Stave Rob- iJUOll. and Tom Sandoval • each. . Come In anil gt>l JOUt Free 'l1cket tor a New 1956 BUICK FR·EE PLU$ 25 OTHER PRIZES " T•app &:,Sons , \\.'eat.em Guollne Product. ••• Aato Aoocss .. ..,. 2101 Harbor 81,•d. U 8-ml cio.ta lleea "LET Ot:R FREE FAMil.Y BERYi: 25' FLO WR SEEDS Pa.ck&ge of "B~..., Giant Zinnia Seeds Fr-., aotMar w .,.,, N• ~·· AU our "'Ork a.cl prvdltd9 .,.. ,...,._ e "'"' 11,·e "PrPotpf'r1t7"' Klaal~ • YOUR FAIDLY" FREE = 0-- 96+ Octau Etllyl 29 9/10c ......... 27 9/10c HBC led 6-4 !n the flr11t qu11rter. l ~~====::::;::::~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~:11 11-10 a t rece11 and 18-14 1 olng 1 1-~ ------ into th• f inal 1tanu . HBC'• ltb 1T•der1 had a tough tlzna ptt~ put Santa A na YMCA. :I0-1& in Ulielr flrat game. They ""1Led Banta Ana R.-crea-I Uoa Ml--. Me01K1 pme·Wedn-1 da7 Won wtruilns 44 -2~. Dave ft.090 and Dennia Carpenter 1cor- 9d I -.ch to P9C• lh• tint came llCONl'L Brian Lewta and Bob Norrtt hit for t aa.ch and Dick hftJl ••. -. - Carpenter and ~nn l1 Perrin aparllUld lhe M-oond game mark· er-maldnr w1th 10 ear.h. NoTTla hit far t , Lewt.a 6 ind Tom 8ryaa. and Jim Curtis 4. each. P1lUt tiad 3 d!f'IU. OPENING RE8 111,TS Wlda-9ay t o ur n fly re11ult11: ClM• F pr<11llmlnar1e1 -8 1nt• Ana .Rec.-.Uon ff-UI HunUngton 8a9dl Rec::rea.tlon : HBC 22·1~ Sant& Ana YMCA; 1.qu,... Beach 24-11 Buena Park. OIWI E pre- urn1.n.1 -HBC 21-9 Santa Ana TKCA; Buena Park 34-14 ~; Banta Ana Recre11llon fMi'.n.l lo HunUnttton Beach. o... D pnllmlnar1e11 -HBC 14-11 Santa Ana YMCA; Santa A.tt,a. ft-= 20-11 HunUnttton: La-twia' I0-11 ~na Park. O..Oil.Uon Mmtn"'-1': c1 ... ,. -...... Ana YMCA 20-2 Hunt- tqt.oa. au. I: -Santa Ana YMCA. D-11 l..&«'m• B 1 a c h . C.. D -Buwia. Pll.rk 22:-20 ............. Cl1&1tffllONIMp -U'l-111: C1a .. .. FOREIGN CAR HEAD9UARlERS of ORANGl -COUNJY 1952 JAG MK VI Stick 1953 JAG MK VII Stick 1953 JAG MK VII Stick , 1954 JAG MK VII A--* 1953 JAG Rchtr. Sl•llcYtl 1954 JAG lchtr. MoclR•cl 1955 JAG COllvt. o·.i... lacllo 1955 JAG C1111p9, O'.W. 1951 MG llacll w/gr••• ... oht. 1951 MG GrH• w/91••• ....... . 1952 MG llacll w/recl !1pl11l1t. 1953 MG Jlacli w/recl 11P•1l1t. 1953 Jt•••• COllY. 1941 A•tltl ""*· 1953 H•• Seclaa 1951 A8ltill ""*· 1953 Hlilm• coil¥. 1951 ,,....... 24: Tra.. Topples 1955 TRKl...C m .J r. Ollen' -9ulate•--H------'1""9~54~A N HEALEY "1U.GITOI< (C>C:'ll) _ TUm· 195J MOUIS Mm COllY ""' ,. -.,...,_ ....., "'"" 1956 DKW T• ~ plllfS. $73:.22 ~ el tM ......._ J'ullWton Htcb'1 ~ ..,_ted H\l.nunctone.cb llANY, llANY llOaE TO CROOI& ~ ~~ ..... Ollon ' HARVEY . MAYER M0.0 P'UDs'ton led at th• '-nd ot tn1 I' nnt ii1.1&11e:r . flJ'lln1t the Oileni. 1,_llr At the ha.Jr, the ""•rr1or1 2131 Harbor Blvd. C09ta ._ • BDJ ... IHk . L. I • . 36 montlls.. to pay_ • SELECT FROM OVER 100 FULL ROL LS OF BROADLOOM YOUR.CHOICE ... at these 3 COllPlETEI. Y lllSTALLED HEAVY 41 OZ. WAFFU PAD TACKLESS STRIPPING NECESSARY DOOR llOALS Textured High-Low Here's that ev•r po~ar hqrd wear- ing lnture that l9nda to any <MK:or. The hard wearing, nubl?Y yama help conceal foot prints and will give many years ol wear . , . Select from BEIGE ..• CINNAMON .• , GREY • •. SHERWOOD GHEEN 9 ft.-12 fL-15 fl. ~9-~! Tight Wool Frieze Hard. lightly crimped wool yams make this fabric on out.l!at,!ding VALUE for proven wear. We had to purchase quite a lfuge amount to bring this lo you at lhJs unusually low price ... Select from BEIGE .. , CINNAMON ... GREY ... SHER· WOOD GREEN . , . 12 or 15 It. Fabulous "SARANml" "Wt~ an o# Or-.,. County otttl --· TheH Are MUI Irregulars but in no way will these alight irregularities Impair the wear. •INK PROOF CORSAGE GIUl:N . ._IOO!ltEPROOF CINNAMbfl" ·---- • PUPPY PROOF a COFTE£ PROOF • MIIDEW PROOF o MOTH PROOF HAMPTON BEIGE MJST GBEY 12 FT. OR 15 FT. RPET CO. 8286,,clarden Grove Blvd. 2 Blot/ti &st of H;tbw•1 39 ... -' look for lk ~ ,,. lk ~ ... can LEhigh 9-1520 or LEhigh 9-7524 ' 5ler9 heun ... EVDY EVENING 'Tll 9 ••• Cloaed this Sunday ••• (ow wiwit Ht1i•1 d} w ... ;o11 ,. ____ ,,... -'"it'" "" -..,,_ ..... -1...,1 .. 1H lo. ,.J ·-'-Ip witlt ,_ ..... ,..,..,._ • • • Ml.-,,....... ,_, --'* ..,.,.,, ... u.. io .... u.w. ., •'"Jf... .. ... ,.... ..._..... -... _. - ...., "--i..J,..J ..... ·-,. .. o....,.. c_,-, ,.,..,, c .. ,,., s,...;.r.,,, 'I ' .. ' .. -.... • wen .wt In fl"Ont, 37-22. A1 the Corner or Harbor Ii: \"ictoria U 8-JZ58· - fO\O'Ut. p9r1od c ot undel"'A·ay, Ful-111 • ----------------------------------------------------------1..-too llld, :i3-3:Z . • L----------------------~ - • • ' ~· . lliUn 11.&n: lUIOWX -'l'lllt:-pileup wblch toot place ill tho Pirate-Don Euton CGaf-pmo ~ )aot bad to ..,.ult In a fool 11.r.,. Thorne po1ng tha _....S llnpr. Buco lnvolwd__laclude Dave Bidnlck ~ Bill Wet..i. otaJ>dJzic, A third Bue ta too buried to ldentit)r!, -Eugene Tyler Photo TAR SWIM SQUAD IN CIF TEST Pl.A YOFF 81.A TE ai-c:i. .,.. N9Wp0rt W111 be H A R I 0 R No. 11..-"Jl~laUYe l"CJF p1&7ott'1 .t.art1n&" Tu-'-•Y •llll• O~ =ri:..n~M~:~I:·= . . . Mo. I ..._ Ja ... ""'°poUlon ~ (0.0WDIWlt.. ChUla V i.ta or HaJilr) and ~ ~ club wl!JI Vm tun. X-C-'1 No. J qllbaUol {cw..nt). Coach AJ Irwin l•kea :U ut hll .A. .... tar U.. loc&1 la.d9 ~ N e ... ·port Harbor High School ~ Bll.L ~. 8portm Editor ..a lMm .,...aut kn 0'9rf'o 1v.•1u1 ll<jUl d Into CJJ' Relay• tin· -;:;:::;;!&&:!lltt::;:~;-::;;;::;;::;;;;;.;:--;;-;;;-;;-;,:--;:~";l lloo..-~ 1-d for J'ulL«ton, .. 1h 1n EJ St'JUn<l" plun1e tonicht. NEW~""HARBOR NEWS-NESS-PART 11 .. fAGE I 1 llecond rlNDd tn.1 wtlh R«1- t:•rn1ng 10 qu .. 11f)"lng 11poLI tor n;i!P'~'~ IAIMk Quartw nea.i.. .,._ M:heduJl'd t n. Sa1lora "'"f!rf' 10 c · •. 8 \•1 r11ty FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, i'ts6 for )(.uQ •• _,~ March ' •1•111.-ll•·r· ao•I 7 lljeh\Wt'IChlll In ------~---------------l and nnai. K&l'Ch 10. M&U11U.L lllTEll lh,. rrl'!lmln11rlfo~ a t La Habra OC CAGERS T u .. 1111 .. y af\l'rnr. .. •n ·rh .. T11r flH'l ll\ .... t'Jl tll .. Up With ! Blne\• l'LtnM wUl b. pl•y.cl Ill B . I Mou Fi . rMUl.r&I S)'m • on• ·d~c.nt '° o n,. !lt,,t. alvn¥ .,. !th tht"l' w t:-tt t o nd!I, fl\'<! tloil•hl IUHJ Ulll' !uurlh I . a e n y ve one ot tl'w two commun.ttle.. lnvotv- 1' •·u >h< S•·•"'" '""'L'""" . ol ..... .,._and f>~I• "'° pla<o ::~::.::~ v~:~;:. ~:~~:\~~~ :.7~~J M~~~.~. I in ~.linal EC Go Tonight ~'~:-E:-:: '2:: ::: A':--( ·s 1 t:Al'H leboeno •nd CUiver City •re Med«! Th --· " or 0 c t CoUeg ,1.-..-.... t•'l'Otil• lo nach th• M mJ-Bolh the v111 •11y 1t nt1 :S•·1tr1.... e ,._ )'O ung u llCB range oaai e ..,.... nna.1a. ~·wuner• plarr.J in tour e vtnt" out their 'tfltt'll Conference cage alate tonight in the Meea.1--------------,f w 1111 .. lhe. H 1 4u1111r1 .. u In s p.i..r. campus gji against mighty Mt. San Antonio, np off Hcma1ndl'r ur the ~eafll'& re· . . e11ll<1 Sccood" -r.t,..Jlty rday,j time II! set!for B p. m. Ste\'11 Bow ... '(vn li rn1ert , l:Jui:k Hohhnr ea;r.. Ana tu Ju•t 14 SA.nla Ana t lV"e knucltJ.d undtr 11011 J.Cli" 81u1h ; tuur-r11•n frre.tyll'. bucket.. for diatancf , lh• P ir-to OCC. -rom-m11,n, Bt-tckll•r . · !hIWr and atu co --· et...-t "'+-~-He.rbot-'1 o..a,... nu- Von Herr1t•rt. 1'hlrd-Bac katroke, tory over la on the Don pall1ck deadlocked wllh lh• Dona' ,\like G11u"hen. Ken Snokl', Buice floor Tueada.y" rht. Jlm Slanley for rt.me hl(h aoort, and Doui; M11l t r ft'll tooP WIN "ach potlln&' ror 18 point&. Wbtl• \'A K8 1TY r:n "ORT8 • 1'ttr Coa<'h Stu Jnm an'1 Meui-O ran1• C.0...t &&11't wlad up wlUI 1nen, lt wu tlth triumph •p1n1t "'OrH than a ti-ti lea~• r.con!. \'11r91ty . Secon.t F1.1U<' m a n T arbabes ,Tie Anaheim Mop Sunset Loop .) M.t back• \11 loop play lhla ae•-the 111rreuJve Me-n1 nrure to hll'llbl. l't le SC-hulberf . Paul ...__.. J _,., "'°" and pve the Buce an 18-8 ~lt er tha t by prnennr -nn-~ lm .......,.,.., Newport 1'111 111 1:. J .. rry F'1<rquh.11r 11nd J)on &0--...0..-.. ,_.. ._ .. __ ~t-..onal rtcont The .Doll deftll gM.nce on:r the M.ounUe. tonlrht ~-----1 'JVbe.bM ~ Rl'dtnlCtun. ThirWI Fuu r man waio, aeeond t ime t lUI --lh<ll for 1 fl1"8t. round upwt •l ML ~ ta.tr Iona• l!IUJ\89t i.e.,.,.e ''"" lltnry lllll, Ted Von Hemerl, SAC. lo. of th• be.iketb11..U --Tu_. n .. •l1n11t"n "nil Biii J.1 1111. 11IK ma.n da ~ .._ f rt ... \loin llt raert, 8°" Jona.on, 9~ e.......... BO..utD CON}'SOL Y w UMIJ ~ Chu. k K r,ivLCCI; Hitt, -tfttt.I I-W Q QI T\e Bu'* controll-4 the ~-OUI. • dtci.1111" '4.a 'aiurnpb *"'• Cl d II boo,. •g11nat lhe Done wu. J19b Lill ~~ l"or lbl Schulblo:rt.: fo'ourth-Mtdl"y, !khUI· Oft · • ••fhi I 'NniW°lt"Vu ~p vlclO'""' '•-R 1· ·• F ha 1.nrt --• Chapman pl11clling fit rebounda otf ., "''" r. '"'1n11 ,on. .11rriu r u d tllh 1lral.....,t and jumped lh•m V I~ the hoop•. receivtng I.Id from Ell •" Qn 1er11t rt. Track .chlldul• for Coach Don Lnto a n nt plac• d.-dl~k wtth Van Hom. Bill Y./etael and Bl11 ..._ L11.;htwe1i;ht•: Thlrr1-H1ll man Bum11' l""wport H11rbor H11h 1 U h 1_... An&hetm. boUl ....... ohowlng Jn ota. y do!nc t e ae.me ton 1 .. t. tr.:e, e...11 John~un. J)avl!. Allen, S<:llOOI ctaderpath br11'1.de; 10.1 mark.a. Inman'• charcu p lan to prtaent Ru"" ~·lJ~ter, J ohn .li:ll1crt. t••ytnn I March 'Z. ~llnt e Ana Rd1.y1; the Bue fir1nj: .quad, led by F i.ta-Jllcll ftlal'en1 p&eed lh• Ntw- R 1•ed 11,11,I ~a 11i11 n111h , tour rnan :\tareh e , lnltr<'la11s ml!.et; Man:h patrlck and Dan Bidnlck . ample port polnt pr oducln1: with 12 free. Jtitin-on. l>u1.g l 'i!llr ce, 1-'ua-IU, Southe.rn Counlle• at Hunt-m11.rkert. H• ... followed In the te1 11n•I ,\llt·11. !ngton Beacll:-Man:h ltl, Sant& opbr~;~tyc::..i':c~~n~r=~t k>c&l tally h..,'1ftc by J ohn Hen- Ana: Mr.rd:l I!\_ Lewln~r lh•r-9; Santa Ana : ni.sp.trlck 18, Bid-rutin with 10, Bob While wtlh. I March J1,, ~ UMin . nick 14 , Don Mln*>I\ II, Che.pm.an -d 9'Jd ftomp.on w1lh e . Aprll M ,_ ~Beach meet : t , van Hom and Wetsel, t 811.Ch; Co&dl ' Bill lt.n.W"e· s-neu April 13, ~--Grove; April lnlOff 3. cam• wtlhto a -"'cl• dlt'lt ot th• I,_ IF I WON .•64,000. ... I'd 1tlll go for Eleven Cellars at 63• MOH PlllJU fOI nAVOI IHAN ANY OIHQ WINI I " ...... I,,,._,., -Callanla&-. A..ard• for Escellenee than ••Y other wine at it. price, Tb.ii wu in tha Special DivWiona. 1966 Calitomia State Fm and LooAapleo County Fllir. &joy tho low-coot luxury of Eleven C.ilan, tonlahtl ELEVEN CELLARS WINE Rec. Dept. Team Enten Culver City Kid Tourney It . Cha.rt.,,--'l'lt&Uonal : April i"'"'"'"'"'"';;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I Anallelm c quJ.llltet ln nna1 minute 11~ Oranp; Afllil JO, Anah11lm ot pla)', wt 1oet to the n w.i., i .. ~·-the~; A p tJ~ Jo&, HunUnston MA.U.N• Vl'llOLITS&INO llT~-~----------_!_ _ __::::::~~~~~~tl-_:__~~-7~n~·~-~~~==:-===----_:~~~~~~! BNch thw9. ~ llOAT OOVEIUI ~ A lt-am compoeed of boy1 or l t yeer11 i nd u_nde~. who havl! be<>n play1nr b11.11k r tbnll un(ltr the :-<ew- port Beach Clly RecreAllun Dt - partment, hll& bttn rn lc~r1 In the Soulhem C.11llfornla Boy1· Balket- ball cha1n p1on11.hli:-ln CUIV('I' City. The ioc.J lada, coached by Art Chrl11.llanaon. open ag1ln1t Culver May 1. ~ PreHmln11rtu BAU!Kl.4.. C.4.NVAJI here; May 4, l!YnHt Final• ·heN : SHOP ;\lay 12. err J'nllmlnerlr 11 ; M&.Y H.,_ 11'1 li, CIF Seitnll; May 20, ClF 124'h Jtot M. F inal•. NIW•Oll UACH -Ol)'&t 1~2'0""'t.."rn.1Wal'ttl ·3.-· -·-·-~- Tourney r amt11 wlll be p l1yed a t th1 Veteran• Men1orl1I Audi- torium In Culver Park, Lt "'U ail· nounced. Chr\1t !a~n h.. been condoetmr -trtd "e&f"I! pjay tn tk• Horece i:rullp .um here on 8at- urday1. , Tars, Tribe in Loop Deadlock Sunael IA.airut vanity .t&ndlnp prior to tonight'• ruuea lhowed the Ntwport Herbor Hilh Bchool Sa llo r11 deadloc::ked wttb FUiier- ton, both with 1-3 NCOrde. l'No ot lhe Indian-' det•ta ban bHn administered by th• Tan. Coach Jil1eli Olli:•'• ct...rse• i.d th• loop In KOrinr wttlli a. total of 111 polnl.ll. Jl'uU.-'toa 1'>UOW. with eot. Lea..st number of poU!l• have been tallled .,...wt U.. Santa Ana Saini., '"· But tM Sa int. Mve also ecored the le .. t number ag-1ln11t opponentl. •se. St11.ndln1•: Newport and Fu&· lerton 8-3; A naht Lm 7_..; OrMica 8-&; Santa A.na 6-6; H\UIUn1 Lon S-eh and Garden Groft 3-1. , . • to fill the * 4-Bowl three times over --on _ the brewing industrv their liveUhood ---- • • WIN t!>0.000_ I -OOO ;,. prite• $1S0. . £NT£1l 14tlll '-I Rollin Hood Art P•+' of l'rocJt•n for HBC . Memben "t;'I\e;r"s;e pod .~......,,.., law-abiding cilizf'ns ...i·."'"""7 ..,,__WW•"""" 111q·,.. fOOd ••••..., of ~ouw-wiU. well-payin1 jobe u ; 8 f 111 ._.a.aa m-ud brewery workers. · Aloli1:--11111r ~u. they'"' over 70,000 -and they pour ..... ""'" 87 m;u;.,. dollan into Califomia'1 economy every yf'&t. Hurry, hurry . and you mlsht win $50;000 " f'rtd&7 attunooa 11.l'divy ci....- .. at HU'llor Bo19' OUb ban bMn e:.:tendecl to include Tbundll.7 al- l•m oon1 h'om l :IO to I p.M.. and Sat u~ monitnp t rnm 11 a.m . to 1 p.n&. lltx larret:.: a r• met up ln Coeta w: .. Park. AppT'OlllWiltely IO members .i:t- tend tacll of the lhrM cl.ua-. 1»- 1111 equlpmmt furnlahfld by t.M Roy•' Club. 8on1• ot lht youn1- ,: .. , 1 hr11\I' Uif'tr n'"-n equlpmtnt H111 .... J S.nl.n ill lll1 uulru~·tor, All of them depend direct.ly on the Brewing bdUatry U. California far the money tb.j baw to ..,_i. h addition ti.on .,. Utenlly thowond• ol other worken who ,et a larwe part ol their inoorDet from ~ or hADdling the f101ou~ bruads of beer ud alt dd i.n California . Beer a.11•11 IO c...llflnaill•a Pro1perity V. •· llSW&lt FOUl"DATIO!f ~ \}JV ·•veur puunt car ma1 win JOU -of 715 ..... CMh •nd b•MI "1•nl WP to win • banW-fuU or money7 'Then ....,.! .Jmt a few days Wt ln Plymouth's l.abulum a16Q.OOO Lucky Motor Numbs ....,8ss••;••• Fint prise, '60.000. All you do lo lab P"'Clf of ....,.llhlp for your 1960 ....., .. , ..... b ......... or newer car (any make) to any Plymouth deolor, ADd ....... tho motor "" --"""'" bw on tho r-.,1ry blank. Nothiac ....-, Hurry to~ Plymoulh .i.i. (wbo bao o6:iol rullii)-oad -micld .. N0.000! PLYMOUTH 715 PRIZES-1151,0ff IN ALLI I• iwfw -$50,000 'w..--...wtr'9t ... _., ........... .- W ...... -$5,00I ... ,...._,2,JOO .... ,,__,, .... JO~ ...... 11 ,.,._., suo 100 ,.._ "" ... Ill ......... LOU RllD 6 UIOCIATU ' UOO Weot c-i Hlgbwaf, Nowpooi -' - .. • • , .. , -' r - -- ...... _,....,. ·-.. z-~ • ........,.-....-L .... _,.,.,,..__., ••..• ------·-·--.. -. ..--· ---~ ---·--····. --• • .. . '.. . . • M·ARINE NEWS PAGE 2 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1956 TI DI TA I LI ~ ...... H• ...... H• -,_ ...... , f :H a.m. " i.:29 a.m . LO .... " 1 :19 p. m. •• 2:24. p . m . -1.2 ........ , 1 :21 a. fn . " 2:1• •· m . 0.1• -r..m •:12 p. m '·' J :OO 1'· m. -11 ..... , t :IM a. m. " 3:01 &. HI, 0.3 , .. " 9.4. p. rn " J .34 • m 0.7 .Mot1ct.y 9 ·:)1 ' m " 3:47 ... m . " Frb. 27 lO:JO p. m. " 4 :06 p m 0.2 "'°""'' lO:H a. m. .. 4 :34 a. m 02 hb.U 10 :60 p. m, " • :ll p. !1\. " w_, 11 :23 a.m " Cl 'i:J a .m. 0 3 .... -.., 12:20 p m 3 . 6 19 a. m 0.1 _.March I •. fl t Q pm. I.I J @ er • nan rvu. ..., .. '"fop A.W..uu> -Winner of Ocean Racing -Over to.ft. division ~ the Midwinter Regatta at Los An- i~ Harbor WU Dick Steele'1 fut yawl Odyuey of 'Newport Harbor YC . Shown hett, regatta chainnan George Fl'.acher preaents the Ben Meyer Perpetual Tri>phy to Steele during the ceremon~e at LA YC followio& Sunday's race. -Becknet' Photo .. · 1.00 ATTEND Lf-GION'S AMERICANISM SESSION )l]on tMll 100 ,....,"' attanded a .._.. dlnntt obMr-YUca of th• C-... M.-. Unit •61 A.maricaa ~ ----. --WH:Sii-:xtiElli;y "Xmarrca:· ~1· °"'9"anca ln tha w ... ·• "-er~ J.Acion Hall J'eb. 1 •. }olntn.c" hand. and p.-.yin1 u the UU Dorche•ler went d o wn, Burka •Id. "lhoae four chapl&W ~ '""rM"""ml.""llfrmltDT~ Amar1cana. They \alG doWn thalr ll•H that their trtanda mtatit UYa.M .. lfti'b' npt of lha -'on wu t....ritwtatnmait otfared by 811pt. -""'"'·-J'dmaton-aftd a ~ cllulr rrUt Ula 1"wtn Ptnea Ranch of It1fl\wtld. JohutOll O..cr1b9d thl9 rU.th. curnnt hom• of ti boya. ail-a ranch "betnl" bllllt by boy• ¥1'T'th problama tor boy• with prob- 1t™'." ' ,.A.a an aaample of tha bulldlnf bW)g done by th• boY•. John.ton reROrte-d thay &1'11 curnntly con- 11t:ruc ti1l1' • lhr .. -atory bunkhOUMI tor 18(),000 which would othtrwl.tf' h.ali'e co.l lll0,000. "It 11 one of \he ttn .. l bulldln1a In 8oultlem c..uromta," Jotuwton ••Id. ~r ranch otfe.-. Ill boy1 •c•· d;."'lc lllHll •oc1Uonal tratnlns w1th ~tlona.I cl'9dlt.I l"ood anywhan and • cl\ancti to .i:rat1t1tf'n lhem- aetn. out on a baa1a ot loYf'. con - ... 1"''-and N!ll(1ou• ruldancf'. Ortclnally .chedulad peat •peak· tr Loula K . Oou.-h, put N1llonal Commandf'r of the Amertcan IA'-liO'a WMWJn&bla t o appe.r. l!l}>Pak - lnc ariafly ln hla placa WM WIJ• 1Jaot R. Burka. Ne llonel b tcutlYt commltt .. man. Burk• N!mlnded th~ pNMnt that lha American J.A;~on a.nnua.ll y ob/1••1·vf's. bt!tv.·,..,.n lhl· bU·lhd•)' •nn1v .. n•anea or Un- co ft a.ad \\"a3tungto11, Ul.e aa.crt- n~-mech by rour chaplain• o1 dill'tttt.nl ratlha who went down y,·\lh lhe l«pMo<ed Don:U.ler In World War Il. .';Jil (lYl"4J "P Uwlr 11tabeU.1, MARJNERS WARNED OF .NAVY FIRING All mar!nera are warned "'1. th& 0,-.t Guard ot off-·~ Or1nJ ln the SU a .. rtulnt.• Jaland ar~ aroun.1 'CutJa Rock. toda y 8 a. m . to-midnlahl, a n<I Sa turday and Sunday, dayL11t:ht tM;iura. 1nd a round P} ran11'1 r o....., F'liday. 7 a ni In 11 p ni ' ' the event trH De.A fbom~D';"1Iappy 0.:y• w1tb kl· boa YC'1 erac' lkipJ*' DiCk Deaver in ii. t ie for eec- ond place. -IJeclmer Photo MESA BALL PARK PLANS FOR SUMMER REVEALED Coela .,_ Pu1t Bo&nl )lopM ~room.I are nMdt!d at tht to ba.-I.ha ...... WI park all tor the aumfller ~cr~at1on aet for the awn.ft' .....-on. ac-'P , acoordlnl" to 8t11x-rv1:•or I .._~ to Chairman A.rtb.ur H. H JC• I•• r. who tiuid !h.- Meyan.. o plan to placa thein und"' J Architect 'A"lllard Jordan, M•J· tM·pal)datand al tha paz k v.·u1 1l.J er• •Id, ha1 pr-led pl&~ tor "''"*D more co.Uy lh.1 n th•1 r~11troom taclhtle• at the t..Mb&ll 114lnJ•. 1r1.nd•tand and that project la --'--------, ..:-hedulad to proceed. completion ·I ot ·!~Hatton of two admttcftaf outllald baht• for Ua dl.liJnoll,d 1.1 al.eo 1oln1 ahead, M .. y .. T-1 aald, Tenta t1vr p!1111ii ror toilet and loc:ker 1'00m• .. -.. re 1<ppr0Yed by lha county board ot M.Ll)f'nrt..:.n y .. tt'rda y tor Co•L• M ua park. Two n•w bullJinK• will ba 24 :ir; 13 r,...,t in •l&e and prov1de tor f\llurt •nl•r1tem .. nt to tn,::Jude ahC1Wer room• Y..'lllard T . JOTtlall i. th• architect. Can't Walt Towed In Port as Allen Her Plight ON A NIW '56 JOHNSON SIA•HOISEI Yow-old CN(board i ~ wor1b flfflfl] I l c-t-. calk "lf'lda·lil'' o ri • •p•rkli aa oew ·~6 JohDIO•. Nlt11• a r""' model11 J 10 ,o hp ! South Coast Co. A boat ln dl1treu WI.I ,..portl'd I ..,. David Alle11. 21!\ofl Ii:. Octat1 rront . at 8 p. m. Y..'•dnemday orr tba ea1t beach C o a ~ t Guard made contact with th• cr-att a !ll!W mlnl.ll.u l•ter and toolit !t ln tow. Newport Bl\·d. at Urd St. eo..t Qua.rd Identified the bo:Jet aa ~ 2f·tL a.loop Cin't Wall owMd by Harold J . On:h..ard. Gar · dan Oroon. Ttl.a enrtn" ot t.h" cratt r-.port.edly tailed. Hove yo u heard REAL HI -Fl ? P roba tily not. unleM . ot cour11t'. you'v• h~rd a Ue1n<i1U1tr11.t1on 11 t New port'• besutlful new "STUDIO Harbor 2800 I h "' uo nson "''"'-• '- • • .. IMMi f -1-0J/f.,,,__,/, with,...,.,.., (o;9po•-...-. .. -.C... r-.r.-•foU fl.-,.,r•U. _.., ·~· - America's Best Buy FQR BEAUTY·BIGNESS- AND BLAZING GO! Wh,Y /IOI luwl fun u.>hiU you'" Hi"I procticoll Hen an IOTm wonderfu.I WA)'IJ to do .jwrt that! J<:ach one ii! .&eek and excilint u a 'J>Orl.8 car. tandy u a paickup t.ruck ... 11.nd extza big in the barg111in with 1 roed-~elinf 122· wheelbMe~ But the really breath-LalUng dilrerence in Pontiac'• line of fabulous family warm-» the wa y they GO! 'Ibere'11 nothing like iL , .. becau.. they·!"!! powered by the greatetl performance \ee.m ever effered in A station wA,l)n . the mifhty 2'l7- .. hOrwpower· Strau,Streak v:-s· and k"vol u· tionary Strato·.Flight Hydra-M 11t1r !)rive •! And that blfl, llJ.in power mE"ttni4 a new kind of bandling --and liveline.lf! you've nevw known in a big t~r. And wait 'Lil you. hear the prices. They're u practical ... CUtd. ncili"f ... 8.8 lhe cara Lhem- eelve11 ... startinr right down wit.b the !0Wfl8t ! Come in 1K>On -le~ us lbow you wby lhef'lfl fa bulow '66 Poatiacl ar9 ral.ed America '• beet !ttalion wap buys! .... _...,,....._ . Uii' 1...Jlol.INO .OUND", Wb<!r• you HEA.R 11,nd COMPARE such 1uper- latlve INSTRlJM:E NTS u l.he HARTSF11!:l.D tranllducer, ~lc[N ­ TOSll A F'ISHER an1phfieT11. Tf:I..l!:F'UNKJ:N S·band n.dio11, and olhar qu.allty componeni.... "'®PONTIAC Ch~ a performance of your fa vorite a 1·ti11t f n1111 our thouu.n&i of 1pecially aclccte-d 11 i·l--i records aniJ recorded tapes' and hear for YOURSEl.F' v11hy we l';Lll them "INSTRUMENTS" -NOT "APPLIA NC f<::-;." HARBOR ' JJJJ Nt1wpC1rt Bh•d . lf11 rbur 4r,~1 ,, Custom Mu.1ic s~:.~:: ~:o;:''._ Reco nled Tapes _Q_Y CARVER PCNTIAC ___ _ ··---e.,--;;;p;,· ..... -IniWiiiion--s.,r;;-" ._. __ _,,_ __ 1400 W. -Coast Hwy. NEW P 0 RT I··~ CH Llbe1 ly 8-3466 . , ' GREATER' E.ARNlll'5 REMEMBER ... SAVINGS rec•ived by th• 10ih of the month ••• EARN FROM the lit. • t ' '""' PEI AllllUM URRENT RlllNGS • .. LIGAL N011CI ,..,._ ' Jl'fYll'DlQ ••• .,, ..... L"i TH& K&.'ftSa OW 'nlS COJll'• wraconow _. o a• T .a. 1 N p" v I" o. aio ....... L• I , Cll.&U. OUTIZ&t. IA• 1- TA•Y BSWA& DLURAOE 8TllUCl'Um, WA.Tim aU.. I ''l(.'E OOlOll'at'TION8 AND AN ! OllNAMENTA.L I. I G HT I HO I fiV8Tl:N IN llWI' Aft&&'I' AND 0THEa 8TIUZT9 AND aJOllT8 or WAT. J"ur.u•nt to lh• prov\11ion. of th.e •·Jmprovemf':nt Act or !ill,"' bl!m1 D1vW!oo 1 Gf t..he tltr..t. Md Jh•h""•Y• <'ode of the 816te of ( 0ahhtrn1a , •l'ld to tl'I,. ftC901Utlori u1d.,.ring the work 1~ ... d and arleipl<"d by thf' City Council c.r Lhe City ot Newport Be&ch. c au- f(•rnl•, lllrect!nc lhl.., nollct:, .. id l 0 ouno:1 l hr rrby 1nv1\f1 a..:alt:d b!d1 .. nr1 P'"f'l""'"l• rur dotnc tht work and Lmprovtmenl dtacnbed In Keaol uUon ur Jnt,.nu nn No. •t21 In t h• a bove "'nutled matter. •dopW on the Z7lh d•y of o.c.m. boer, li~ • ..-.d Mid R.-.ohHIOQ o{ Jntenllon No. 401 ~ /\anby N · ferTc<l to t or a deacrtpUon of MJd w ork IJld lmpronimmt, tha sT..<111!9 to whlcb It I.I to be done, a de· acrlpllon of th.it di.t.nct to be u-.ct to pay the co.ta an.cl eXpenat• lhereo1>f, I ha bo:ind• to be l~•urd , 1i11d tor a.II !u rt.hf:r par- 11rula.n <"onta1111d ln •ld Reao- h1 t1on ot lntenUoQ. Reference I.I hereby turt.her made to Lhe pa.n. end ap<9Clrtcal1ona a.nd ~lLJled or.win,.. tor -.td worll reternd to ln NJd Reaolutlon of lnte"Uon. NOTICE JS rl.11\TKErl OlftN that th• City Council or th.it Clly (If Newport Be.ch hu hel"l!lOfo" eelabll•htod a prev&UUl• rate and ..:al• rA ..,.,.... In accordanc. wt(h l•w to bti pa.Id In the ronalru<"tl&n t'lf the abaft ._nutt.d lmpm\'f'm•nt. 'n\at 11&1d n\.ai arid .i:11.1"' wu ILdoplf'd by th• City Council by ~uon No.. f.Ui Oii lhe 13Lh d&y of Febru&ry, 19M. ud I• 'on rua ln the Ottlc• o1. th• City Cli•rk ~ .uc1 Clty DI! Newport ~ Thal the &aid ntem and ICeln .;.. h-1.Jl referred t o and Ldopt41d In t hL1 notic• u th0u1h fully and r-ompletely •t rorth · M~1n, arid that Mid IC&te. U a&op'-"d by •Id Rf'WOWUOfl , I• made a part of tJ\1.1 notice by reref'S'lcc. _,,, .... 11ea1.- UborWlll -O..ertJ or (:(JMt.Nctlon ----·-······--t .to C.meftl ~ .... ········--·---------~ Z.&21 Rei.nfordJlrr bolt Worti:• ·-··--·--·-··-·······-· .. ···· Z.16 ft•nlordmc bolt Work~-P'oremu tlfl4 pw liar. lftOf'9 tun Journ.,-mlfill l Openl_, A Ttftd.n M PMUmaUC 6 El«tric TDait, Vtbratlal' W.chln• A: •nall&r meoc:h- .nkilll w.k not .NJl6r&telY c.._lt\ed htinin Z.f.1 c.-nent1°'-Pft (Oil 1 yd.« W..,. .mt.en and luJldUDc' bulk cem.nt) -··-· .. ·······--··-··-··-· . 2.41 cnb1M1r11 or 8horers -·-·-·-·-·······-·········. 2.M A•ph&ll Aa..ll:er -.nd Jroner ···--·-····--········-· .. ··--···-2.41 Concr"llt C'uttr-lmperTi~ Membrane . ... ·-2 39 Fina Grader /Kl.,..•y A: !lreet: PaVlna" Only)-··-· 2 JO r tqman ........... _ ··---.. -· .. ·-· 2 20 ftf',,..f'r Ptpe t..yer 1f:xt"llldln1 C.ulk11r1 ........ 2 ~I fMwer Plpe Caulker ! V•lna: C•u.lklq \oo.Le I .... 2 J.Q Tatman A Mortarrnl.n . A. 2 2~ ApprenUce £nr'!nttr, inclutllna: Flrefl'l&A, Oller. a,.._ ............ -·· -··· .. ·-····, ····-···-·· Air <;ompreNOr. Pvmp or Gtneralor Operator Co11crel.A; • AJphalt ::>ptu dlnc, Mec h. Tamping ur J1:iua. Mach. Ope,11.tor '" '" t r '1 1''1 Co"';~ OJ"•>lo• -"'"'"' """ ~'" Coner r ~r•tor -Skip Type 2 )2 Mal,r1aJ f'.!•r or C""''")'()r Oper•tor :t 37 f'•Yemdll Brfll.kl'r ()per-.\•1r P11.n1p ~ Rtiller ~ 8klp Lo&dt1:Q--1.tor \\'he'! Type ·-· Tra<>t ~r ~~Utt .Sho•·t!l OJ>f'r •tor· Tra.clor o,;.at.or-Butl1'1'1&er . T•tn per. Ser.per 2 "' 2 ~2 ' .. or Drac Type lihov.,1 nr Boom Al t.t..i:hm .. nt• 'l 6!1 T renchiftr "M.acfl.!ne O~r•tor 2 71 Un.tvef'MJ SQ.II.Ip . Oper•tor 1 !!hovf't. Draa"llne O.rrlck. 0.nit li.-barre. cl•m•hell Crane or PH• Or1vl!.) Driver• of Ou.mp Tr11ck1. or l~e th•n i y ll.I. w•ter le¥el DrlYer• ot Dump Truo:k• ' yd• hut lf'•• thi n a yd.t .... ·a ter h••·,1 Dr1vl'rs of Dump Tn..,:k• Ii y1I• but lew than 12 J'd-. watl!r lev"I Drtvrr1 of Dump Truck• 12 yea l!Ut le•11 th•fl 16 yda. W&ltr lt!v,L Drlv1r1 .,t Du1np Truck• 18 )'+I•. or 1nort water l1vcJ Drlv1ra ut Truc:k•-~1•! pa yloaa r •ri•r•l )' J..,.. th&n 6 LOf\S Drlv....-. ot Truck• -Lr11:aJ p•yloc,1 l &IA,lt\ Det,,..Mn 10 •nd 16 ton~ Dr1Vl!r1 of Truck• l111a1 paylue.<1 l"&lft.t"l!y t>.tween I and 10 tol\J Dr1v .. r• ot Truck• -L""'l•I blill"'"" ll and zo ton1 8l&ck•l\il1h• BlackamllJ'i• Halper Bricklayer •nd Slo n.,r11aaon BrtCktender -- J;Jeculct.aa ··~· "' 2 JJ.'i 2 "'' 2 ·1u"ei 2 Iii~ J 12~ "" 3 "' 1 :-.u '" Per Ditt11 w-1'1'.80 22.to %2.10 11.n 1t.tl 20.U 1.9.:U 19 12 11 •o " II() 211 !)JI Ill 12 11.UU 11.00 189< 2'l 2!J 20 111 '" "" :;: .. "ti <l'l !II '1 '!"!1 211 111 23 21\ 21 ., ll.00 23 28 I~ 4 t 21 •II I~ u8 l9 72 2~ 00 2l.20 28.80 2000 JO 72 • . . -. •' 1• 1111 • rrr- .. -.... FRIDAY, FBRUARY 24, 1956 . ........... ----~--·"·"-~'-~------~ -... -··- ........ o -...... o. ... s ••· a ~ .,.,.,. - -!! •1 II ---~ -· -. •-=q,..,.. ..... .,,_, .. ILM .. -...__.. =• ~= -mp 'pp IM Ni. 5 ....,, -...... tct 1· ..... • CLEAN tJPJOIS , ~~~- -- -"" ..,__ chore --._. --. ..,... ,_~ K.NfTTElt$ • • .... 1. ~;ii;;:,.,....-- -•..._Lil -Yonl Mel•• . -I ·_ :, ~ - . .... ~""·· ~----" .~ 0.-.......... •*-"''~.._ _... ~--... ., 0-,.,, .. =- -p * 7 7 7 ..... ' I I.II ILIO tWa loc:a1it1. ~ : AS7 • 3 t'i-............... ._ =·... -~t~~~~~~::::__:_=~~r-~ ~ ~ ~: All ""'.,. le .......... -...... ., * at1·~· : ::.:-.---:-':'1 hi;::~~= '"'*':!·.:~.' .. :,·,~-::.·.~~ . .._. ... :._ ..._ u: -.:Z'a.. -:n,-:;.,••·~-~ .. " PAINTl~G ,.....Sit..,,N~Knl+---: .:.~ ~? ........... _, -..... tM pcaddrs tl_'>eYIC ••. l:m_ ·-..... ---.. mt 8YHOUIL8m&D.Ol'J.ars•JGM•-·•,;:.-=.,. .. :.:::::.:"tor..•"'' 1, -~ ---~.'°:.d ~ .. -~~-· . -, • 1.11aut1 ~wrM-b au~ ..-...-.;~7 .L= . -~ ~-··-··~ .. ~ _,. _ oMalMllll« &-. cimo.• °"' Ol7 'Mill '''· Ctt7 • c II ll&U, N_,.t .._.., o.wm'1li&. ~ • • CUT Y'LOWEI\ -W. ,_ ~ TH .,.clal au.u. ol pro 5 tm b6dden '-.n.d to u.. .. ...,,. ~I R·'··--··-c11or Boolc:lceepin9 & T ypin9 office, or boal. w...,.....,.. ... ,...i Requt~Uld OondlUoU" ..,.... ... to tbe b1u1J1. ""8 ot pro---,Tour ,.,,,._ Jy, or •• dfldted. lbip9;diatti: ~-tor run di~ &II to~. Ille. ~ COM'IULT&Jft' Service ~.-.Unn .. 1 to .. rw yoa. ...... Tll.e Qty ot Newport BMCh .... •• U.. ftellt to re~ any or aD and reliable. Richard'• ~ blid8. ~ ~--:::-~ FOR. ULUJ_, BUSINESS '•nd con-6hpp-Hubor aa:u. IOc1T ctty oL N_,,.,... 9-eb, Callfernle. • -W ~k o · 131iTt ... actors. • Hl up uuu -• t•l or-~ CAu.Q.N DRUM.a I&. \Ylld. l(ARQl:RY acHaOUDal. 06'7' a.. 9d to your llldlvllfuat nffda. • --tod • •-··-10 ,,.. atr co1npretl9Clr1 '51. ..~. v-. re.,._,J • ,. CHECK ou r rM.aOn•ble m<N'llhly ""'"• J ll -odl"·-od -••t No. 1•1• N-.. ~ 2/1.T, Z.t.. lNI p t ·W $6 50 H -••• J 7< .. ·-,__., ........ __. -========================:;I ermenen •ve1 , n lee. ar...,r ...,g. · P h bruahe• from lOf. ((_,-·cl-. I aad up oul• 111 t low pric.a. H.arboP Haircuts $1.00 :Z9-::.._:.;R:;•::l:cP:._W;o::""::::'""=------l P••nl Cen1er •1z SJnd.. :s-· llRAMPOO and WAVE 11-~ PQrt li<•••·h. '1'1 <"71 Cleo P'tk•'• BeAuty 8tw>p A · • 1156 Cll.urch 8t. LI 1~9 re you Ured of Commuting . DEUYERY Fresh Hearing Aid BArn:IUD DeUvery o! the Newport Harbor New•Prw lo ---CarrW boy. wW --their -be. Ion S (UIL oa ll<1och7, W .... -.d&y &Dd Friday. U ywr paper lo not deliftN>ll by that hour ploue e&ll Harbor 1616 and your carrier will brine your paper. 'l'Olrc j then 11---1 a ,.,._..,.-.s KEEP SMILING! Have fa1tb : \\'a Q IYa BAH ~ Sl&m,. Gunderson DruR: Co. Main SL at Balboa BlYlf: ....,_ Harbor !i i ~ . Pr LOIT mans brown tooled lealhtr I wallet, Rl!tum to P'rank J or.Jan 1911 Newport Blvd., C. M . LI 1-1806 REWARD. 7~r i 'i HE .l'L•IUP>eOT I HA~~ .. ~~,~~~.~~.!,UGS I v HlJl':H.li TAKEN Cl ., • d U Solo .... -All o•• ""'"'"'' "''"'°"· SS e ,\\/\HY ~'1\ ..... ;o.:1:-.:. II\;~ li (."•t. B l. a I I China Painting " mo1.,ng t o Oca11ge County ""'""" ""' '"'" , ""· '"" D&)' MW1 S'tlrllDI' C..... I Tt1n p<1rary hea...t4uio rt1tra !n l..'.011t11. I D RAPERJ ES Ordotr"e Taklin Now :>1 .-~11 "''" t" 1 .. \11\,.-n w11h!u th" PhoneLlbu'tys.-.M•• 9ttt<"' 11 ... rH1 1., s t'''"t"'"1 .. 1~ , .. o1 .. 1.,• end SLIP COVERS C-t.al ~ <A.49 nlA la °"" '~"ldaaa4&y N'_..,_ 4 LID.es l IMertioa. $1.00 add1. llHI .~ m. .a Llff8 2 IMutiou 1.50 add.'l nae. .2S ea.. .. Une1 3 luerdou 2.00 ..sd'l. ... fl9 .26 ... .a I.Jiles 4 .. eerttou %~ add"I. l&ae. .ZS e&. 81t\loaUo• ""-led Ada WW -h·• 11,.. d'-ou.at. Cad .... Mh'l!.OC'e oeJf. KISllllUM &.D 18 t Ll."'11!:8 NEWPORT HARBOR NE\VS-PB~ Every MOllclay, w.-11c1ay a11d Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdays DltADLDiES for plM:.inl' or e&11celll.il.i' &dll are: 1-'or M.ond&y PubUcatlon -Fr1ciay ~ p.rn. io"or Wectne.d•Y Publlc&Llon• -T\Juday l p.m. For Fnday Publie&Lion -Thur9d.a.y l p.m. SEWPOl!lT HA&IM)K Pt.:&U8H1Nf0 00. 2!11 B&Jlllo. IP•d., Newport Beadrr, C..Ulo~ All O~ Ada mu.t be pa&.i tw c-tl la adV&D<le •I publlcatlo&. u !•11 .. '""' •Ti' I' ''" 1.111°·~ • 11 .,,... 1 \,. '" • • •1"1 l•l••l ,.,i '" .\1,..1,. 1 •J l•r ,1,.r ··~o ,,, IO!o 1 !;H!UpJ .. 9 ORG AN 1..£:8.SONS T&J.lorcd to your taale. Lio • }UU Wiili! to pl•y CILM-lral nll1a,1,• IMMEDIATE OPENINGS 1 l~Ul..'I Ll~f-~ DRAPERIES P •>pular '.' Sacrf'd ~ By n 1 I r I !' b\' .. a r '.' A l fi }'OU rlHIUU~ 11.li<ll•\ h•nn1Jny ~ Phon • LI 8·6 '\~J '" .. LADIES Do Mloulder1 or feet a eh1 ~ la RELAX.A TIO N necdf'<1 ~ )fAK.l: AN APPOINTMENT for Swedish Massage t.n your home. P t ...... o:al.I H•rbor •711:1 nr H•rlxlr 70. 7Jp8j '" ACL'()L.:'\Tl:'\4; Jn l'ludu1~ TYPI ST llll~J.I::l tS ACCOLTNTJNt; ("LEllKS J CNIOR A CCOL'~TAi\'TS STATlSTlCAl. TYl'ISTS GENERAL I.EDGER BOO!~· KEEPF~R COST A~ALY :'-iT SENIOR AUDITOR -------------1 A !t prt.-itatht. Will bl! IOCll.led GARDENING I t the Qf(ICl'!O Qf ••i.12 1111:-:~; c 11 1-..·~~t·. nic ••· • • fl··n! · ••ll•l1t1un. fl~ U"IC !•WI\ \-11 ... ~t .. 1 ii. 7tp71 ~'H !•:!lu\IH.E: H."l rig . Gaiter-. 6 Si.ttlrr r1>n1r:e !>l •ple dLneltl, IJUl!rtl &, o ... ~k. M1ac:. l&mpa. H\'Mtl 4 -i!I~. 7k'l'I 2 !>1 ~:TAI.. t •lrll.Wf'r r11 •. Ad4lftC """ hlnl'. rbf'•:k Wrtltr, dMk, • .. 11ntr1 ~. \11.t.J~. coW1ler Kil•. J.lbe1 ly 8-JOOl. 7~'1'7 LATH H01'5 1!: • 2 out buUdlft.19 g{ven •way free for dl&m.antllnc .C. c11uv111 1. l..I 8-33'1'1. 71k77 I The pubh•hen will "ot bl! re1poraible tor more Olan on. l.noorTect ln~<"rtlon of an .,A, r<'ffrv• l h• riChl to oorractly cl&a11!fy any lllld &U i ••la &nd lo reject any •d not CO{ltOrrnm1 to rulc.1 and rt~l•Uo~. ODD J O BS .t.. CL EA N L'I'. :\0 JOH TOO ~MA LI ,. BY HOtttt. D AY OR \\0E:~:K Ll l-t080 Or ·l..l 8--i:•4 ' ! Ca11furn111 Stale - De pt. of F.mpl"yment 6th & FJoy,·er· JJl :Santa Ana Movie Projectors Jo"OR RENT ' 1tooday thru F'r1d11.}, 11·1>11'-l Ill-MM SI-MK I ISpe<lal N- Y. N.~wport HarbOr I B. P. 0 . E. 1767 Metll every Tauraday I pm. Vi. Oporto -Centn.I Av11. CARPENTRY lol!NOR REPAIR WORK NO J OB TOO 8MA.Ll. K. 0 . A.nCano.a 101 f · &. Balboa Blvd. 8&.lbo& Harbor HAO UUt Newport a.ch Albtrt H.. M.atthe"Wa. Ell:&ltetl Ruler ]-----------.,---- i'5p811 GARDENING and CLEAN-UP JOBS WANTED LI BERTY 8-o 139 ~21 If be L',·b . "' I HORBY r.nd MOOEL guinul~ r ... -AIHl·L.AN!: SUPP'WU f"lr you m•v w1 ~11 1 .. epply d•r"'' !Iv Spr ing Cleara.ace 1., our (lff1, .. ~ 1 .. 111 ~:1 1·r nl1•1 :!\1 ', 11~·~· on tile tollQ'llfinc ltmM ir\ South 1•11...,!••n ... Phvne H)Mll 1unJe<lvrl A lrn m · ~ 12111 \\'h1 lr 1h"Y tut. A.RQUB ·aoo We will loo k !'urward lo lalk ing with you. ,,.. ... 1 I proJectore. Gold• 30e -1.l JU.. T.Ll.C. JOO wall &M•,.W:.. K-SO Imm ~)'9t.onl ......._ ElectrlCl&ll Forem•n fl ii'! 21' 61l f>IUhl.bff J J 4 :!!> 71 1 l--r'~nJ Dlrecton PAINTING flA1'.'DY M.AN, ma.Jnl-rw::e &.1 _________ -_,_.,_,_ .. _:_ ~eers Camera Shop Tfp&lr or wtat ? liar. 4Ut-W. --...uo 1,\L.A.."W Wit \\'0 1.lA.X. 11.ga lll.-JO w 1 t711 2 Newport Blvd. Coeta )(_. P lumbet Forem•n J .:19 28 12 ·1 ~J clUall'k.Uon o mltted h"re1n , not '"a" th•n 2.20 17 &(I All bl!'.11 en t o bl!! compe.""'I on thr h1u11J1 1•( the City E:n1f1nt "• " e1tlm•l• or thl! qua nlltlea o( work to hf' 1l1Jnf'. I MOTIELL'S AND PEEK No bid "111 be •Creptccl frQnl a Co)ntra("\Or who h•a nnl bef'n 11· cf'.n.Md In accoid.lnce w1lh the prtlvt11ona of C.:ha ptt r t . l.Jlv 111lon lll or Colonial Mortuary Bualnl!&& a"d Prof-ton .. Cod"' I ;SQ\ Bol•• ~ Jual Soulh of \\'e1t- PLana nuiy tie ·~. and fom1.1 or propn .. a l, hond•, contr•CI And m ln!ttr Mernon•I Pllrll. ·~Lt!c•ll(lll.I may~\le obtau1...i •t lh<' olf•c<' llf 'lht• C1ty ~: .... 111ee1 l'.t~ An Orance County 1~ .. u tullon H•ll. N~·tt· Bead!, Olllforn!a. -~ 1 R1:rvir•g ramilltA 14 ,di faith• The apaci&l aUenUoo of pn.r•~clive bl1,hlf':1 1.la f:llled ln thl' "1-'ro-Tttlf~h()l\e rTJl'.,Fre,1 pcMlll """ulr.-'9 IJld ~nJlt lona·· •nne:.:"'1 to lh" lJl1u1k turrn u! i'rO-ZEnllh r '81 poeal, for f\lU d:l.rMUOna u to bhl(tl"S:· f.I <'. No one 1vf.r tut1"i tway bec&u.t. ri1 City oilfiiWPiirt &1ch reNn-ta 'ttle right lo ff')e•'I any nr 1111 · ot lack o[_ 'fld,. bid•. -~City flf Newport Bear h l!a llfornia • MARO ER Y SCHRUt.:lJER. l."lly t.:lel'k Dat9d 1'.t>ru&.ry 16. I t6t NCI. 1,1. N ... -P,... 2/17, ,,, ltM CEMENT .. BUILDING • PAPERHANGING Sympson & Nollar Beal E xptrlent:ed V.'orkmtn H•r. 74.0f. or ~317 u General Contractor LICENSED New Work -Remodeling J . ll!LTON McKENZIE Harbor 6399.W Mtlc Custom Cabinet Work -------------I h"!Jl 1 le1<n "" Y•• ht. !'PIHQ\·e Jlhone Lfbetty 8-'l'<M.2. pf'U SCOTSMA N, ., ... 27 JUl't Mrr1\'f"I l'lllnt A ltMl~t Ill pt«f'll/111 1(•(\I U S.A. Ra<tlo A T V Ttrhn1r1 .. n ,.,, rrf1nuoh1n i: "'"le :-.;., r•r' MUST SELL CHEAPJ r1"ftlrf'• Jl""'l l"•n w l\h T"PUl11hlo> nt'L'"'~~1tr'y H •r, 112!\af\l't'l'l pn1.1 1 firm. 9 ye11rl' In l•ftt po111tion ';'4p70 !lf'fl1gt1r1t<1r 1 '" rt. H•r. 2239 between 8 1-· 1n It 1--------------'l·e<1rnp. •lnr!e be<lot 8 P .nl . 7~77 HO(JKK~:EPF:R rna i•h!ne ""fl"'· El.,..·tr~r h,.ill.,.r•, (Jne ga• he•t•r f:Xl-'li:RJF.:1'Ci:D 11,.., tu•11.I nor~r 1r')lll r .. .J, 11\'f' di \" , ...... lot . f:J<''"I· Ban1bo.• bhnd•, Sh•<lt•. .,..."'or f'lderly tnf'n , wuni~n . .,,. le o,L "'l1k 11111. ',,n,t1\1••n~. A.J!j ~) '• hp. n1ut ur i · '1 u _._ u\8 " .. , •. , • ""'' '' / \V !l.'lh b11•in 6: nne tub. t·vu~I•. Nu ,b•J l••b•l•. 1·.-tri'• • " • ·•"~ 1~ ' 0 ' d 7: .. -;r !iUNIJA. y NLY 3• 0 An• ' AVf'.; eneft If rfqu1r~<I. KEy•tun<' 1------------2n•I rl°"'r• Balboa. 76p ~-87114. 7!1p77 Excellent Cook f.I A:'\'A.GH:R for hot"'I ln S"!bltoo- J M Miller Co .. 202~ \'i . ilaJbfJA Hlvll. J\'!'l. Bch -H11rbor ·1001 76"77 • 'nl• contnctor .ti•ll. tn th• ptr· torm&."lCI or U'I• .,..ork and lin- provem•nt. l":onfonn hi lhe Labor Cod• of the St•le o f Callfomi1 •nd olh•r Jaw• of LhP l!!t•tt b f Calltornl• applicable t.her1lo, with th~ ue1pllon only o( IUCh vLrla- tlona --h1AY be raqutreil ·under the •pecla.L at•lute• pu~l l o which pl'OCfllCllns:• herl!Wld1r are taken &nd which h•ve not been •uperlleded by th• provlfon• of th• Labor Code. Prl!ferftlc• to lebor lth&ll be ,.tvPn only In th• manner provided by law. 1----------------------------~·· OtJ of Newport ""'M'ft All Kinda FREE ESTIKATES Llberty 8~100 No Job loo bis: or too •m&ll J'or Immediate appr•l .. I call CHAUFFER -NURSE -ho111f'· keeper i n a ny •nd a ll <'lpac1t1rJ1 Ma.le while. Beat local referencM l.Jbtrty 8-7~70 or \,JEff .. rMJn 7 · 1308. '\ 70p77 GIRLS Antique m•lodlon 11~&. <>'d aplnnlng whl!ll $42.CIO: 1...ot'• 11e•t 11 0, Old rocker• (rom If, M11H11l r !ec. ot'(&l'I 11lkj JfjrW ) 117ri: old brua. l.roB and 'ro«I" hi ·po~\t:r bed• from llD. antklue drrAHr• I 16 ea.; punch bowl ett $29 :'i<l, ol;1 time phono 111.IO: &uUcy '36, old 1ldeboard 118. flet or II lovely old Victorian chair•. upri(ht piano l llO, ~ .. o( Jo_yeJ.x. oljl_c;:~-~-~ lot• or antique tuml~ _. We buy an4 tr&d• o.icc••• Vl&lt our l•rs:e alontr, ~ wtlcome. CHAJU.11: DA.Ya 1805 E . An&Mim, L. B. ...... Ali pro~ or bid.I •h•ll bl a ccompanied by a check ~y1ble to -.td City of Newport BM.ch •nd c•rllfled bf a r•ponalbla bank fOI' &n amOuil.tWlilCh ifiall 'hot._.,_. th&A ten (10~) per cent of the .. rnpte ot Ut.a ~-or by a bond tor ea.Id amount and ., pe.y&t>W. -.ned by UI• btdder and twu ~ wtwt -..i.1 jmtlty M · tori! any offlc•r compttent to Ld- mllll•t1r en oath. In doubl4': th• -.Id amount and over and a.bin'• all 1tatulory exemption.. Sa.Id propoaale or b\IM -.n bl! dallYlred to the Clerk of the City ot N-port Beach, Calllorn\.a , on or before lh1 12th d•y of March.. liM, •t t.ha hour of i :SO o'clocll P.M. of •Id datt. at the Office of .Sd City Cle,_ In the CUJ H&U or UM City ot N...,port Ilea.ch, o..llfwnia., eald tlm• Mlftl' Bot 1 .. than ten (10) ct.ye trum UM! tlJDll or Ut.e tint pu.uc:.uoa or ~ of th!& Not.tea. Btdl wtll ba opanacl. on aald day and boW'. ..,_ C1lf Oouncil 1www •• UI• rill* Lo rajac\ any a.di &D ,_.. .,_.. or btd8r, abou1d It di.ala lb'*' 11 1 ssry ror the public pM. and ... the blid of Ute blddtt ""'° bu a.-, ~UCll or untalt.hf'ul bl UJ' former contn.ct wttb UM OlJ d Mtwpri Beach. Prop · le mu.et be .w.mllt.d Oft tM .... f0""8 prepa.nd ..... l'llr-......... rw th• purpme 9nd ft'* mQ ... oMalDtld at the omo. "' Ute Ob' SftCtn-In I.he ctty Bab, N....,.:irt a-ch. OILllfOnl&. At llU4 .otftca biddln m11 ollt&ln cop. ol u.. pl&N. prolllM, ... ...,tncaUom for the ('(lhtnnpl&ted 1..,. •• -..t. dapol;lll fOlr Wbldl wUI .. ntudad tt the pWw, ,...,... m. and .pedncat1o.a ., el)ta&IMd .,.. 1'ftt,umed ln pod eondlllom to tM otne. of the City ....... wtthtn r~ 11•) a,.. atter u.. O'P*'iftC M4a. DATED: Thia lSlh day of r• ~.Ill&. MA.R.GalT BCHJlQUDD Ctty Clerk ot Uta City ot N_,.,.-t a-ch, CaUf"'111• C. Everett Smith If ' • ..... o< Callfo~Oo -; • q"nCS TO OOSTRAl..'TOR!ol UAL&.D PROP08AUI .,..Ill ba recf'lvtd •t llll ofrlce o! thf' •'llyl ~cc----:----:::--=:--:-:'"::;-~-1----==~ .. ~=~;'~7<~-~··:1 C'tttil:. Cttrlla)lfPt7 or-N..,,or~. Oa1K--.-u1~••M>.,.·ckldl· ---- -w P.Jl. on UM 12th day of M•f'th.1161. '1.l which lln1a they will be publicly CRAFTSMANSHIP P&ln&l-i Pa~· opmad and r•d. tor p..-form•nc wMk •• !ollowa: We do the work oul'llelveL Har. •••e -810 ~ For the Corwtnictton of REMODELING -BUILDING JO Je&n apwt.ane. Gtoll\I on the Newport B<"•Ch U cen.cd and lnsund ~ 6 1zuund. Tr&iler ParJL. No Jbb too blr--:No .job too a.mall. aa\l.d&cl1l;DI ~teed. No bid will be recetvf'.d unle .. l l I• medf' on a propo.•l form furn· T. HORD sl!!IELZY EaUmai.. rr... Oal1 Jolannia. l&hf'd by UM City Enl(lnetr. lt&ch bid mu•t b"' acco1npernled by •C&.lh, 1301 !:. Bt.Jbo& Blvd. Har. 0294.·R LI 8-2687 le L1 8-6289 &l.tlc cert1n«1 or cuh•"• check. or bidder'• bor.rl 1 n11de ~yable (o th"'-Clty &6p18 of N-port ~tor an a111ount equal to •I le•11l t<"n percent 1 IO'; 11--------------WAYNE'S ot Ule •mouat"liil(: •ueh l'U•i&nty lo be tort"'lted 1hould the bidder to •• whom th• ceMrMt i. awarded r•U to P-nt er into the •'ontr•ct Small Jobi Wanted CONSTRUCTION CO. In 1ccCA5. with the provl•ion• of Sections 1110 to 1711 or Lhe (}~IT CAN BE BUILT or rep1ured. Labor coo.~ p.ty Councll oC the City nf /\'ewport Be11 r h h lU'I M · Carpentry -Painting WE C AN DO IT oortotn<d ~I pnv•lllnC rate or wages •ppllcable to the \O.'ork Good work-Reaaonable" Llcenaed and ln1ured. to be dont • •! Ll 8-2023 • -CL.A.88IFICATION • _ l..Ibertr 8·5803 &6c78 ~ Hou rly Perlti,.n1 88p80h -------------~e~1~~.: ....... ~:·········........... \\·"~" s~:~ ~~!i -C--A--R--P-E--N--T-E--R-~;~;s ~:::~1~~~~y:;~~~~ Labo,...' Q9er&l or eon.tnictlon 2 20 17 110 Repair Work Bonded and rell•blf'. A vari..:ty ~-·~;~;·o;;;;d··::.·.·:~~....... i.~ :~·~ °'*' YtNI' Boma 1'-1 Repalrtol ~~.rvi<"M d"'ptndlnc on your Aprprantlot -~ .. r. incl. flrem&tl, oll•r. anl1 or J\am0d&lln1? RJCHA.R0'8 YLORI8T SHOP. ~ ;. ...... - ..... ---·········-··· -·-····· .............. _ .. _. 2 25 is.oo C::: ~~ ~•u• -"-'-''°-'-"'-'c·------""--" Alr O ..... -. 2 31' 18.96 -H••• ..... ,_,. "08 PAINTING Pwnp ·······-·····-·-··· -·· ·-·· .. _. 2.02 20.16 COMPLETE PAINTING tNTI:fUOR -ltXTER.lOR & Parv>r Hanging Service AL.BO MARINE PAll'o"TING ,..~ LICENSED -lNSURED E UGENE 0 , SAUNDERS GI J h t 000 311t Street, Newport s.&ch enn 0 OS On Harbor 79711 Uc liOl • Jlat Sl. Newport Beach Harbor 3176 •We ENERGETIC WHITE WOM.A N deelree houHwork by day or hour. E1<per1enced. Call M'"• .aci:>tt •l l-!Mb9! ~-1~ ... ___ 7~E.7? Experienced Gardener LANDSCAPING and CLEAN UPS . Liberty 8-16119 JOU< Roy's Maintenance HOUM c1..mns-noor wa.in• Wal.J W&ahln1-w1ndow clean1.D1 Venetian bllndL Uphollt.ery lnaured. rr. E.tlmatM Liberty 6-1331. lU< "FIX-IT" Mechanical lllld Electrical Maintenance Service AU.. \\'ORK GUARANTEED. Harbor &&6f. or 6693 &Otte MASSAGE Howard Steam Cabinet Whirlpool bllllh11. Call l..I 8-74.72 tor •ppo1ntm,.nl 72c84 LICENSJ.:D. !:XPERJENCED S KIPPER •vail•bl.,, Har. 1129\\' 74 p711 -------~------I COLLEGE GIRt. wl•h'"& pa.rt tlmt FQR ~NT <"mp\oyment .. rtrr I p. m. dslly. SOUTH CORST CDn5TRUCTIDn CO. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMt.4tRCIAL NO JOB TOO LARO!!: OR SKALL llO -at., Nowpori - Painting, Decorating Paper Bangtnc GF~RDT -;:.~OQimUCr<.>a 171 W. 11~ eo.ta M- LlbartJ .>1621 Floor Covering Wall Tile 10 ye&n llllper\.nc& LlcanMd Oootnctcrr. 8&llstacUon Guaranteed.. LI 8·0152 t2p15 &11111 !&..,•, ~ 0111i.. PoUaberl, Exp. in aale11 • trl!lned for au cyp.a o1 a..•n. Wb~-, MCrelarlal. Ll 8-7688, 7•pi8 r"OW9. •le. JIATURE wom•n df'.11lr,.~ po11lt1un BOYD'S JfDWE. U 91•n•cet of Motel or Hotel- 21JO W. COA8T HJGHWA.Y e1<pf'r1enced -refer<"llCN Write LlbertJ •1411. N~ Bcb llUc Box ~ c 'o Ulla peper. 'l'•p711 PAINTING M. W. ROSS Ucen.-S LI l -S!Zl 2IO Avocado, Coeta M- MU< ">ER.8QNABLP: TOUNO LADY expericn«Jd In •la. ca.l!Jtr. re· c,pUbtll11t or ho.tf.a• de.!r"'9 pD"'itlnn. Phonf' Hyatt 4·2ftr0 '1'3p75 -------,-~ -To l"Vlt a ~Nor buy a bouM, the 1tmpleat w•y lo nnd a pi.ce to ll\"f. I.& lhroru(h tht! W&nl ~ No. 1&1"-lf~ Zt 11, )t., 'II '-----------------------' HERE ARE JOBS Th• l you \0.01JI be prou1l to tell )'Ollr frLtnd& about. New high wia,,-. -coupled Wtut 01e · 1i1eit w orking-condition• Mid up to Job• w ith pre&~lg-e. NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED St.art y;our n_!W Job tn .one 9r_our offtcu near your> l\ome. TELEPHONE OP~RATORS -A pply- 9.00 to ' .00 r . m. ~l ''• N. ~11un St .. Rn1. Senta An• - ZI l PACIFIC TELEPHONE -------- Beacon Personnel 100% employer retained agency NO FEE collected from appil<"&l'll &_13-Jl1t Newport &•ch MECHANIC 'A·lth m11.t1n .. '"'peri· ence on gu t:nglnu. Engin<"• . Inc. 2408 Ni'A·port Blvd. H•t 119 7Jc7~ -1oo:k -~. 11cn SACRinCll ·9 • 10 1ewww.,... oval brlll<led Ml( with pad, like new. Al&0 II x V rue. Bdnn. 11et. Red dinette aet l.IHd Z mo. $40. Golrl care <"Urtalna I pn. $2fl. Antique black rock• 110, Bedronn1 lM't, Boy11 eJ1Slltlh h\t.yrle 120. H•r. ~864.-'!'~tic S!:LL ON ntRM8 8 F"'I". DEl..JCA.Tl:l!!!!EN CUii fUO ONE 6 fl. refrtreralor ------UO ONE 1&rie commen:. refi1S-tT6 l SCALES, ...., 1 GONDOLA. ~ C.ll owner LI 1.-2u momtap • 11.tter ~ p. m . or U 1-6'1'M .rt.r :!:30 A: weekend9. IUe MULTICOLOR Lacqutn rniKed to your color .cllenMo whUe :JOU w•H. Spr•Y run• a....uabia for 11pvl1c11t1on. Harbor P&lnt Can· N EED lady 110llci1or. Exritr1enr f' ltr <1 12 J2nd. Newport a..oi. prf'ferr<'d . N o 11tlll ng. I nform"· Tlc7fr !Ion nnly. Sl.M per hnur. ptu11 ----------~-- bonu1. Klmbl'rly :i-1168 7Jr7!\ KATEY DOANE Tool Maker~ CLASS A. TOP PAY, C LA·VAL CO. -110 1 P lactntla, Newp011·t Beach. 7:w:7'l' S~i•llit.-:1 in Ladiaa and clltktr-es 111\ghlly used oris:tnal& UMI blit· l ~r p rmenll. THE Al.T!:RA'nOM m0P CWll J"ll•r•ntl't'd -inc M rmrsnW. pti~. In KJND&LL'8 P.A.'nO 27 21 £.. Cout BITd., OOl'GM ditl Kar ·-STEADY job t..,r h•nrlyman to lf'am tr~lltr repa'lr A air.rvicr C•f"P"-nll'r or autn mer h. t:1<p ttelpruJ but no l'.Xp. n~euary Ttol1 11 11n op'portunity fllr J1te11dy man wllh nl{ to learn. !50-!!:_8-~!::~~~P.l!~J!!!!!!!!'t'!!!! ___ -';_ Good ••re• to atart. Libl!rty 8·2411-8 to fl. 74trr. W.AN Tl:U-M"'1 • W011> .. n-\\"h,. •rt lnle~1te<l ln mak1nlf .orn"' vi:t r'll cuh . ...,,rite lo Joi. Rell~r-\ Mrr. "42-lat }l.ve. 8. Mlnnf'•- p<lll•. Minn. -;~, 711 O"KEEFI: • KJAUUTr ....... 'II modt.1. tamp 6 dock W1tll ~ Um er . ChroAM (1'111 broOer, l&lld that Utt up top. U... 91! month. Jl4t.IO CMb, or pa7 fl per mo. 1M1 .W~ O....-n. U rena:•. KZ 1--6117 U -. • • • ' p~4.p~-~HNd()llM.jV/;i..1>.ii.N1..l=.:-~··~·-~1~J'=-':-:-~·~lb~1~"!..._;•_1:~.!.•..:.·•:.::•:::;;_:::,.,L~-:::=-~~llo~-...:.·_11~:.l!;;:i~~-!!l!•e:'~-~1~'b~,;_;·;__4!._:,_;!: .. :!!'~-:::·s:'~'~• .. :;:"i:~i!;!"'~-.....:'::.;_2t~d!!:::_;·M~•l.:_,!•'•:J"':·::~e._--,·.:.'.:±.!.'-'!!:!i!:!!!·:_.. _ _;1~J~--..... . ,...,.,AY, Fm\IARY 24. 1"6 • • IEl>ROC>M . ·Pillo , -. ~ ·~; OJtAHGli: * !!!!:•!-::;,!i~•ll:ui!!!!:S,!!''!!1-APPUANCE-....... ll!!!!!~'!IHl!!!!BUYS='=--· _...,..._ =:::~;!:!{~==~: R.fi•Wnt . _,,..;_,jlnm ~~~L'!.~!.~iak :iil£11i •. .. :~ir:;;~~-~--~· ;;~~~~~,~~~·~-~ 1!1-!=s··~.: -· -... ... R!I~--lJ:.r '""""' •• " "' I I . --•/11-Nu;llt -LI I .... :::r...e, ... • • .. ....._ . ..-., ~ -. ~lnl.-?-·: ...:C -- -I ~~-, ' ~---~ ':"~. •-=~ .,~...,. . ,.c_ w:•-. bolt -. __ .... .$30.M -• • .."!::.:aanar:,;. 11 -0 W..% ·-ltG1 c"nn'·~~ ._DOOll mU.N · • . ...--• • - WEllTl!:llN HO 048 RANGE .......... _ ................ Mt.SO .llodllll .,..,.. -----:,-----~r ~ ,_ ---, u. ••·· w-.-.--···~-b -Tl• ••• • -.,. -' (~-•• -..lop~• .......... , •I ..... A Ulm M --~ ~ "_._ ~ -w -.-, o...--· ydramatic, --01it119 .....__'It _'Q! ..... --·~ ··-._, ~~;h-·-.-TV-· -ANf-,Bif· HAS-,::-__ ._,,__ --TBOll WRINGER-w:•--perfect __..,..,_ $39 50 -·-_-_ -· ---~Jr.a loob ud ,_-. °"!7 ... · .. --............... -.... -... $1329, ~-•' -Oct AUTOliA.~ .. -.--· · :·~·!!~~df'O!'l!I!!,:..-;,_... =~;----.,-+;.:t._-...,;:;--..~-~T-~~ .. '--.. r---·-~--....ap ... -.. ------~ ........ --, J.J!at TIC W48ffD. ___ ... _ .. _______ .. ,$74.60 mUdl we ean n•• JOa. ..._ ;---uva......-~K -..-..-an IMttJkd tu. a look. ~ .w ~ you.. fa.. a.m -a a.le) -'U ~ ~ .... . Ute WM. • •••1•lm•1 falm ----· . ..--11129 ~ WEtfllNGHOUS!: LA",__,..u-.·T· • •"""".ao oooo n:r.xa; nnrr~compe.teloJOll'"111t. es 7 I e an._ Tr.~Twrr u~~~ -,---•• UT~..!"IJJUI) llRO-$9 95 Im alll!lll.D WJNDllOB. a.u!1 CPZ. • BENDIX GYROllATIC, = --·-·----·-.. --........ $51HIO ~:'a<.o~ .:;:.:-~ U ....... • -$695 • i..o -&•II.. -M' q . o.ty ..... _$1J211 -., ___ _ ADlllRAL DELUXE ~c RANGE ............. -. .$88.!MI BEAUTIFUL Cplnet piano, 11'"4 'tsl DODGE VI ·r~ ton Im PLYllOCTll Sl'.DAH ROPER GAS ~GE -··--··-· .......... --·--···--·--·---"~.60 ·n:=w!~:' ~lie:=-•~ !~'tr!~~e: .-.." ::·.:; $650 U.. ....-. M!W )W.iat Ii _, -.... _.,_ .. , .... ___ $&21 Rental• WantH ........... -4.._ .... · (white tai. top with oven control) ,. PHILCO tttrtc. a pc. mod. dl.D~fL ·r:--Pt-rtect conclltion new (Ua.rin- GJBSoN e Cubic ft D-•G ..... RA ' ploeoe: ll..WC . .-...... 2 tM tree de.livery. M•ple, U.gAt • n.i:..&"" ru --····· .... --------····-·--f'V7.UU complete beclroorn -"•· Only WaMwl, i'r.-d:I Pr~111ncial Mil-':Ml l'ORD VI % ton. - MONTGOMERY WARD GAS RANGE ........................ $79.6(1 l*. amau 0own pa~ent-with bocaay Sp1Det 1iw .upµy ams'ss w., (vtty clean) 104 weeka to .,.,. d&ma.i;et1 In ~lpplDJ ~· Qo.:>d • HOT POlNT 6 CU FT awionon BUB. 000 w. O.t.e.r, '•'"""' pract1c'! ,....... ~ ... ... Exl.n MDl$6"7!i . . c.i.n.IGERATOa ··----------... ~9.50 eac11 i12~. 1119 -. at ._ SERVEL 5L~ cubic ft. REFRIG ..................................... $89.50 0G~•tz ',~·~~ .8::.:, GA.I RA.NOi!: I montha okl $~ ....., ,.._....-au• "~· LOU REED & ASSOC. CHRYSLER-Pl YMOUTH DEALER 1200 W. Cout Hlglaway LI ~ USED CARS INSPECTED MolMMfer~wi&Mr ... ,..r'. 1-. hnt. ....... H )'OU ha,.._ a ~' ..........,. The Vogel Co. t?Ot W. c.t. Rwy., Newport~ Phone UMrt)' "-Sf.11 KNOX HARDWARE co. $40. DiYllll • chair talr con· eao No. MAJ.n.. a-ta Ana.. lOO Betore JOll buy uy u.ed car M!t, our ..-n.rieooed l'u1I Sec.ley bed At ltmcr•prin41:: u. 811 P'8.no .... Orpa .... McCARTHY'~ d1Uon $20. Kltctwn table 6 Pi&n09. --.- -lllartae, Balboa w..t ........ ~ ... •1 s . o... ff7 .. a.-611 ar Piton• llu't:lot' 1 'PU t20 Eut <th St. Santa An.a cha.Jr• .510, Wicker aet A 111\ac.I-------------p.n.gea give it a eomp9ete mecbanica.l iDllpectioa pteeeia f&----t29 Orchid C.D.N . HAlotM(J .... U 1;011a-cn.ord In nne USED CARS including a road tetit. Udo otno._ Mlt Vt& U.. APPLIANCE FINAL CLE.A.RANCE U.rb!Jr 9078. l4'cltl condition, H11 8aYhlfl. Tuma. 1420 &o. Matn e.nta Au t!if d ~u• -· """ """ ..,. =· "' ,_ .... , '"" C.11 . Use Cawr Inspection Service Harbor-Ufl 1702 'N.-port Blvd., c-ta Milla l.n..rty IJ..Ml87 ft-A-Aa~W BHAF.ltRS \SU\Ce 1~7} t\_ s-86d '1bt23 r.:. sycamore, S&nta Ana -":'~ HARBOR AREA GARAGES We ba\·e over :)() Used Wa1hers. R&ngl'!a and Re-fngeratoni that we must s~ll by F eb. 28th. To clo t.hUi we &re eutting. our ma.rk.ed prices u TAU. GABLECountryHouae P hunr K!111bd1)' 1-0l11 GMC NEWPORT AtrrO WORKS WANTED TO RE.NT J bdrm. ham. ANTIQUES On.n1• C•)Wlly'1 Or1u. Hdqtra TPJPLE CHECKED 1.20 lnduatri.&.I Way, CoM& Mma un char.n<"I or or.-ri fw tam11Y Ni ce Ya.rlely ..Uthentlc &11tlqUt'•. R..lt a Spuwit pUllio to bu y. all u~ED TRUCKS FOREIGN M ............ R SERVICE of Ult'-· perm.&11Wt yrly, ,_w, colored 11-. braM; \.-Opper. ~ -\:-1-. aUow«l. PtM!Ubt ~ --•. , v•v I lla.r_ t.07._ i.t.lf ~ nluch a.a 50 ~(, pf'wtf'r, Jl.mpei, tornllure. 11 um, p1.&.1M:I low .._. U per mu. DANZ.· .,8 INTEl'tNATlOPi'Ai. 1.~ t. pfldrup 116 lnduatrial Way, C09ta Met.a PERFECT TE..'\ A!';"TS lnf'xper.~IYe 11n llf'm.f to thf' 8 C HM JD'T . PHILLIPS Bl11 'ti GM'C .... t. pickup. 1-------------------------1 1:11<.JJJ., ej;eo•J '•1,.p)., "''•nl I or 'l I!·" Ill IUI II ·~' <)f huU9C tn Jl!l.l lJU! I I"" (111 )'<'Al'l,I' b&al• ...,., ••" pc 1f~·• l ... oa nU. tor 11artlrt1J&1 ''"''n'"'' Call Harbor 307 J J 7$c77 First cO nle, f1riol served &(I hurry : rinf'lll • ra re•t lur Ule cvU..ctor. l'i.uw • Or1an Blore :J?O No, 'tl2 ('l{EVftOLrl' * t. ~ &O--A.wto. for Selie ~A.ate. ..S Tr..:b , KATHRYN ANN JOHNS Mii.in St S&nt.i. A1U1 ~l l ~'KrVflOLrr '~ t. pMltvp, -·I Here arl'! a f~14· of our 11pt<:ial..I _ It iii Haroor BlYd., Banta An... Svart-tttp. SER \"EL Refri"'., a pt. ai.ze Now •59,50 74.cMn blt40AN l octaY'e Vibr·•·a&rp, .')3 DODO&: • t. pickup. 0 • ~-------------Jn ttne condHIOn. &awf' 1>:i1t1~ r.itt ~3 (.;H)rY'ftOl..&T •, \ ,.c&up. KENMORE Autu. Wa.sh(·r .. $69.50 :iJ--Bo.ta, 80epUea n.;,if;~i'.tsco~;;n~r~~~-l:r.o,1 ~~v .. 'z: , .. _. 0•.,~• J.'RlGIUAIRE Automatic Wuhcr, lale model $65 00 -,...,_.,. " ._. · d~-413 N. Sycamure, ~nl.a Ana ·12 FORD " l. ,.a.p. COLIJSPOT Refrig., t3 cu. ft. ................. , $29.~ Small Boat Bar9 ains Pilon• Kll11bolrly :i-00;2 M CJ.MC ,. L fMci'up. li_yan.. FRIGIDAI.RE, Elec. Range, late model ----~--···-·--· ,,$79.SO HAMMOND ORGANS all model•, ma.Uc: tan& ECONOM 2•· PlywoOO bO&t , ateertfl& wheel, .51 roRD 1 dual. n AT BEl\"DIX ,.. ... Nuw ~.00 'o•dn<lahi~ld. U'-.llcr ,~~ o'ne au1nUy u-.:1 lik• n-. l. a tbe<I. G. E . Ref rig. 5 cu_ ft. ---'---··---·---.......... .... s~.00 DlnlUtl•n clu. •ll1n& dln"hy, fJA !<.'Z -!CHMlDT . PK1LLIP8 :: ~'l ··-L 1 _' 1 " WB KELVIN • H amn1011d HelHli uarl•r• ror Or· ATOR Refrig .. runa o k .................................. $35.00 Detron ..au. tank&:, cover $4:l0 anp County, &IO No. M._eln aL 'IO CllllV-.c>LSI' J l. Jf.' Gal.Md, EASY S pind rier ............................................. _____ ... ..$49.~ ln t.ematloniU l fi' clua with (Lnt Santa AnA_ 2 •J>-4. 1 :21 U,.., ••ll•. Only -.. tif>C !-------------·w OMC 2 L COi:. It' M.all .. 5 '"~ Ca.ah Di.•count -Free Delivery 12' O 8 ,, Plywood, ttber1IUMd BEAtrrlFUL £1..ECJ'1\0N1C or-2 .-i. 1:• ttrw. hull "''llh lratltor. $Zj6 gan Pf!rlect cLM e.lmomt new. '63 QlllC I t. 002, 171" WB. OA/\'Z -SCHlUDT -PHlt.LlPS 2 •pMd. 1:11 Una. STROOTS HARDWARE, Housewares lt' Burch c:ralt, Slttrl111 Wh e\'I Great Sile. 620 No. M&l.D. IL. ''1 DODOJ: J L d\lnlp, J •pt:ed, 1802 Newport Blvd.. _ Ca.ta Mes.. lJ S-3'28 1.0 h p ,s~·vLl-Alwat.er ..... -f210 Santa Ana. 1 :00 UrM, _ ---------(10' W1Un'I <'l'.lYer, 01r1, bUl'.l)'atl<'Y------------- , l&nlul. Uk!! new .,_ ...... $1~0 MY tlEART la br.,a1unc rnuat Sewing M"Chi"ne B•rg•:'n 12· C:hrl• Kil o. e ti-all!!r 11J1!1 .. u my ro•rwood aque re plano. ""'! u u S I . Beautllul nntlltl. vttf'llent tone. ) . IO h. p. mo1oc. Only .1260 An iu"""'-In your 1lonte. l:Ur. WWTE demk model. Special .. -------------·-·-···-··---·-----·$89.tsO 8 Priun, coY~r. oari .......... $l:J:O ~M4 . 76tlc VIGORELLl. Re....-. ....... MM for balance due 59 87 mol 111· Century Vlk 1n1 1&63, tlk1 nev.:, t'~ ......... •• ' -! toltllng t"P t111l r:r1vf'1 611 h p SPJNET PIANO. Lovely tone II.lid •I Portable ElectriCA. Choice _, ............ . .. S24.88I oraym .. ru'e $~7~ cue 1387. T•rma. Other wnn· NEW HOME Open Arm. A buy ... ,.. .. .................... $68.661The." a1 .. a ll iovd Jtoilb 11nu df'.l"ful baraa.ui.• ln renL&J ~ WHIT lurna, trad• In on orsana, ftc. E Rotary portable .. ... $39.88 worth ~~"Inf{ S•Yera.I merely .i:ratcllt4 1n All above are guaranteffi and serviced free tor 5 year•. BALBOA BOAT SAL.1:8 ah!pptna-. DANZ • SC'HlUD'T - Full value exchange .tor on~ year. I Liberty 8-J4(l2 PHILLIP! B1c Pl&no 6 Organ I J {)() \\', Coatt Hy ., Nf'W P;Ot\ iJ"llt:h Store :l20 N. Main Santa Ana. ORANGE COUNTY 'S OLDEST RELIABLE 74•·16 LOVELY .abort k•ybOanJ Leater SEWING ?.i ACl-ITNE DEALER Sl"tp & Rowbo•t spinet pl•no tn fine cond1UOfl 18 YEARS IN SANTA ANA '"' u 6196. Terraa fl~ clown • l10 S f R per mo •t.--- Wheeler Applionco TEL. Kl 7,4401 3%-f'ornlture ror &le & Sowin9 Mochino Co, 310 !':. ~lb ST. ~!.--l 'urnltun rot Sale BED SPRING a.nd MAITRESSES. complete $10.00 WASt_l.!'NG MAgllNElj ." .. ._ ....... _ .. __ .... $_12.50 up Theee end a thouaand other household bargaln.15. Everything for the Houite -Furn.ia:hinp, Toy•, Radioe, Oothins and Sboea for •the entire f&mily. Recent addJtions of several diaabled veteran per.on· nel-who have comple!tely refurbish~. rejuvenated and placed in top condition everywhett in our 11torr ma.ke ua say "BUY WHAT THE BOYS REBUILD" pace or ent sH.ArJR• '"'"" 100;1 Amer1can LA(!On JtO-l:lth St. 121-423 N. Sycamore, Senta All• Meetioga 2nd. 4th Wed...S p.m ___ P_,_••_•_K_Im_.,_,_,_,_•_-oo_ -"-- PRU ------------:13 ' CHRIS CRAFT cab, l'f l 16 h.p 8.S r&Cl!O, h .. ad, i Allfy •P•<'e. full l'anv.._., 12v elecl. BABY OR.AND piano, 4 .YHI'& OIJ. Te1·n1a. WOODWORTH PIA!'O CO. 26111 F: Cu11 ~l Hwy. Curuna del I.tar. H11r JJ!!2. ay1te nl. hft.1t t•.,k. Rea dy lo go~ j tc711 T lt'l&O -Ph, ·H•rb<Jr 6-'l'lt -f6p1'7 !--~-~-~-~=-~-=-~--~-~-~~ '--~-~--------CJLOUCES't'S:R Schooner l<k tt. l•nJl.b. tHw.m .2'1.6 dra.~ .U.I!. 8" at Oru1e Cu. Ka.r. atat-M. l"Qr lnform1Uon wrtt.a No. 8 lilJNITUR.!l POODLI:. Pedi.(T'ffd male. Hu. Hlt·ft 7Jc711 Balboa Covee, Newporl ~ac.h. ~----------- • 7~77 Sailin9 ln1truction1 MY STAI\ rlOAT or rlatUe tl.110 per hou1 tor one perwn or $6 tor t"''o Ll 8-8W7. 6ic81 BIG DISCOUNT '55 CHEVROLET 1 TON W• a.re OYel"ltockad on uMd trudu and wt.II mall• ...... r-.1 Mall Ui loWer our lllo&k. S.. ua ... Mid •Y• -real ~7• W.W. WOODS GMC DEALER flt&-lt I:. ttb It., Buta .A.- Open 8unda1' A . M. T ruck H.d41. IOI Oran1• C0UM7 ~~~ CONVERTIBLE Radio ~ !U:ater Be&uti!ul Qwlftlo.a. '11lru-Ollt $995 '53 FORD V-8 RANCH WAGON RAH, 5 ply tJreo Excellent condition --srm -·- corroN GOFF The Volk1weqen Do•lor Newport Bl.G: al llad.. He.rbclr I . 74c715 Hausken-W 1tson VETERANS INDUSTRIES 402 E . tlh, SANTA ANA PICKUP, HYDRAS SPORT CAR CENTER You Can't Afford TO WALK AT THESE PRICES -0- WORK CARS -0 OUT THEY GO AT '53 BUICK SPECIAL 4 <Ir. OyQ&flow R • H A Bl:AUTlFUL CAR 1:-ISfDlt • OUT $995 TERRY'S BUICK 5th at WALNUT HUNTINGTON BEACH I f&.--.A,..._ • "-....... I Choice Winter Rent.a1' on Ba.Ibo&. Island & l~ido t.le Srn•!J 6 o.r1,:r:i:y or lti.t (• • d"lui:• 17:l 10 $300 1nonth VOGEL co. 208 J.fariM Ave., Balbo-. J.e.iand Ph Ha.rbo r 444 or flubor 101~ Re& Har. 3621t-ft ur Har. 1llll--R 6t t1c -------'--~-1 ----------Wholesale Price lMT BtnCI< convertlbh! wll!!f CALL EDNA CRAIG nylon top. GOOXI eandUJon $1 ~>0 0 Call before 11 •· m. or u t .. r RENT AL SPEClAL.IST , •• - -7 p. m. e•tt1. LI 8-3111. 74<"7ti W'llh •, Full Price DORIS BRAY, Reeltor • ~ dr ~.,1C1:1$-;:..;-'=--~Tlns==.=~ll=-=hrta==..----: 71tl Marlnf', ~ bladG 40 CbrylJer • 2 • · .... •· .. -.. 1 R&r. 20 o r f.f, Ge71511- t() Chev, 2 dr. , ..... --·····-··.$39 New a.nd Uled "ll Qin, 4 dr. ------------569 TRUCK AND BAl...OCIA 181.AND. ,.,.~. aam. 2 bedrm. ._ awi porw• uppet' '41 8t.i.ade, ~ de. ·-----·------s~ Pe11en9•r •hlpla.. O ARA.01:. Nie• 7M'd. 'M Chev, 4 dr. -··-----·--·$14.5 GuOO b:-L \Vlllter 5100. Jr!J. "7 "-·-2 d ••• ·T I R E S ''"' = "'""'""' •tlll._ ' _.....;,_, r. -----,.au Ha.r. (1668-W Utte 'fl Br.&ick Conv ................. $99 'H llt1Mk aub ______ $49 't9 Ford Con•. ___ .... _ .. _ .... $1911 'llO l'ord Conv. ·-·-·--·-----.. $299 RAY McCOY MOTOR CO. TllRml: BIO LOCATIONS Oran&'• County'• _ lCQilt _Rtll.&ble Def..ler ~11 II. 1.1t at.rMt Klm~rly 2-••1t8 111 •• KU.a al. Banl.a Ana. 1761 Nt'Wpttrt Blvd. Coat.a Mua 150 BUICK luJMr Rlyl"'ra. Dynatlow -R A H A REAL NfCE CAR- AT ONLY $595 8-Hour Recepping ... Service C<>mp!ete • Brake Service AND Front End Alipmmt ftOAD llllRVICI: F'lreetone Bu~et Pl.an Youn for lb• A.tktnC' HOWARD RYAN 801 • BOii .W. i..t St SANTA ANA Kl._ .... ON BALBOA ISL.4ND SEJ: US for ,_1, and -..anal ren taJ&. .a NELDA .GIBSON, ~ JOI .M..ar1M 1t....... Harbm .. BALBOA. JflLA.l(D SEE llE ·TA NEUION CORONA DEL KAR FOR CHOlCE RENTALS. SICA80NAL A TJ:ARLY. 2908 I:. Oout Hwy. Ha.r. 1610 16c11 • CORONA-Di:L MAR,. >1...,-ly iww- 2 ~rru. unturn. rt.ru::b .•t.rl• duplex, tlrepl., F.A. heat, Hwd. fin.., .ep. peUo. Hill, Jelf-1\. UUo 41-Aato 8en1oe Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * .. " ''3tfc: . N!:'WPORT KICIOHTS I S02 A 1;02 H 111·~n f>llcf'. Two bdrn111 , t•rh !ll~p .. nr11.r ~hool•. Uft turnl~h,._d ~AM •1 r by month. C. Sherm Alltn. Ll 8·M311 72p77 8 Cyt.. • .... __ .. ________ $48.88 t8A-Apto. lo• Beal .. ------... "·------Dp<Z>.Frld&jl-""'1.S.tu<day-IUUll ~ p. m. - ·17 ~-r. CHARTER BoMt rulJ.v li:qnlJlt'd At llcenffd tor :14 pu - ierf1ffi' ?W6Wl'.Y f ad'IQ ahUD.1''. 1~ H.P. Oaa .n1. $2400. LI . .__.AT[C _ TRA"S JAGUAR. (8. A. l.oceUon only ) ,·~ ~ •• _L I,:\ -+ --AU8TIN~11Jt'Jlt:.ZT • - RADIO, BE SURE TO J!IOIUWI. AUOTIN - . JERRY'S __ _ 8 Q)'t., .-.-...... -...... JL!\Jl.88 ;::;:; , a"' ••e -'----·· ~ -·-···-~-~---::..!::::'-·-__....,_ .A&W L.blJmL Ul&tum. lacluc1• both laboT &nd p.rla. • -• N•w rtnaa. wrlat pin.I. valve lower apt. •ln1le gar. Ocean • I .. • tl SEE THIS TRUCK AS ALFA RO~ IT Is OTLESS R1'NAULT . MO, 8-15!17~. '14p7tl .. ' _;:;SO-~. -="'::1£211:1:::'::::::!'."!:.. __ _ SLIP FOR RENT on PenLniu1l·1 on j?l'\vate d!Xk. Call Har. 24."iO. SP , New car kl•• hnlc• ,.. . Save $149.95! Sl'!:MJ KIOH n11en ra1 •lOVI!. A·l condition f l~ \.\'Mk•nd9 only. -- ----~6l1C --W. W.WOODS GMC DEALER --·-·C1-A-UMd-Cara, Ail..W.U.. Im· ported and'Dom .. uc. Dt.VlNATOR waiihar A dryer comtHn•UOn. P'Uli ValU• $~411 .90 Purchue WUher FOR $249.96 AJl,d ('!:l dry•r ror ONLY'-~ -· 660 (rf'Clllerly Hll• for ttt9.901 ALSO I.AVE $80 on rloor un1pl• wuh•r1. J1ke's Appliances 1137 Har'bor Blvd. LI i ·AH C:O.ta M- 7k77 40ze Chllnntl Pl, Newport fk'h. CHRYSUi;R CROWN 2-1 1·elluc- -lion, Onan ""atw cc>Olt"d 32 '\/ ••P l ll'l!n•ret•r F\ahl!r rlldl dir~t 61~ HI It 4 ~h l:H , St<11l1t An" --finder. O f•r Oink Who eel"' I · 1 Oprn Sun<llly A ;I.I S2-•un1ltlltt for i!1a1e Har :J:ll5 l OQtf:.: Truck Hdq• 101 Ut an~f' County :!:e. ".':~.~.~,<~~~!,'"'°II TRA[)E ·1 • FinHt TUhuSnderbird DO lT YOUR81lLF i.: SA Vit i BEAUTIFUL 70 a 11x 11Choo11er. flO 1n . . 8 Oft ., .. DOUBU!: DRlt881tR nny"''hl!l'I!. E 7'Cf l tor Chlll\P.•--( ' ·n11 btrl'c ... headboard, .:I l·dl', nl.f' W ant s111:itl~r boat nr propcity.1\'.M'H C ADILLAC ENG INE, I ,220 W Bolbo• "'"d N•w,~ • ~~\al J'lti.lnl, au.,,.nalon, etc .. alan<U. rnod•m dealt n ln1·l•iblo;o · ., " ~,r •. puUa J.69,60. Harbor 3Q3~. 6G tr~ l!tc .. •le, Abllolutely raultle•~ condHll'tn thruout. Nevrr r1cetl. MOCltftN BUP'P"!:T, metal Upped 2!1 H.P . EVINRUDiJ-;r 11alt1. -\.'111 only eell to quallr1'9(! peraon. pull• JM.30. fil\)8 R lYcr, l"r,wµurt. l~ar. 1 6ft~!.! tHTY6Gll1 , 2121 Har bor, C.M. Ll 1-18•15 7lkil5 O'Xe.reaMernttruranp 1860 ---------------- deluxe tol!!lng-tor model hu 1.11 P'Oft BALE, 0ti.11enport and <"n•lr. COTION .GOFF ehrom• (l'lddle on top, Jarnp • brrrwn an(I r>kl twffd. 1 <"oftf'e dock wtth oven ttm•r. chrom• tahle. Formh'A top. 'l 11t ~r "n'l p UI broUer. U11ed l'.lnly 8 monlh.t, t•bh!ll. F onnlc11 Iopa, Blnnde. Belnf tran11tsrrfd r::ut. t ek• over uatd 1 ... then 6 month•. Jny COU tl'aCt WIUl th.I!! Bank "' _H_._,,_ •• ,_ .. o_•_·•_· ----__ ,_t c7n ~-1-Mualcal, Radio, T __ \:' __ Knowlton Electron'cJ TV R~?AIR :I RATTAN CHAii'\! f, T ABLT:. 1 f"A8T sr.R.v1c·~. RF.<\SO:-.A8l.I·:. opholat•red eha l""· Dl'•X('I Sl'n-lrt' , .. 11. I'll 1:1 p.n\. The Volk•we9on Dealer :"'t·"''PQI t Bh·u. al 22nd Harbor 8. :l:lOl 80 . MAlN BT., UNTA AMA Kl 0·1118 1932 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA. MESA Ll 1-6061 '52 HUDSON Hornet Club Cpe. Hydra. .. R • H -Nl!W Pa!nl A VERY POPULAR CAR AT ONLY $595 TERRY'S BUICK II 5th at WALNUT HUNTINGTON BEACH -------- Grant W. Musick Your Hudson Coaler pay ott Ule bal. of 1 137.89. Only P4l¥ 57.112 per 111?nth. No caah nttd«J. My eq111ty rrH, ·~ eny- Um• O&y l'.lr Eve. at lfitl \V, Ch&,pn\&11, oranae. n1111hOI'. ••rv•r. Padderl h'~dbd, LI 8-5:0G ~•:•:'nn \;'8,l:'Tln R.11 pll\l'rl' r,lld~. 1·, htte tl1t·~ fl.tr :'i4SS t ~. tir.~· "r •l•lf wi ll j ll f~ witJ\ matchinc J1prud. :101 Amt· thy•t. Balboa l•lend. 74rie >J - --·------S., ~0 d S..o.VICE ------~·------STl'[J.,,flAl\.);n :;. '!)2 • A JPWf'l ~an JS'. Call <l'Olltct Kil 8·&117. lletrtferator l&Mi Philco l)llllX• THREI: ROOMS ot bfAUlJ ful new l&ITti hmll)' •••· ft•~ f\lmttu,.. for 11~. Com• tn BT IC fN\\'AY ORAND \l t1• nf'\Y 1 Oe::.u:lful !;!ue •t11.rllne. New ~3 N .t.o.Anselel KE&-7271 Bia B'll-'.n~. /d Ji"t 1::i3bl>J: ?.1111!01') CliSTOi.1 , ... •'ERJOR • EX· Anllhetn1 • ,, ' Utfc A Hamlln. io1;..1y ol er•. Pr11c· TERIOrl. ~:nr.,\' Many Extr1111. -------,,f,;;,:...,=,,..--- bM Jars-colored ••.Ubl• cm· look •round. • -111('1.!.. "llU:.O u ce p:ano1 u low u :;;>\. Com • 1.·ound ... ""' Ii. Uberty FOR.D-'tlO, (..~W-Y 9'C'"N lta. BUICK _, d ntun t !! rod Y1ew. 570 mo. yrly. A.dulta, no ... n , 11' o main en JHl•. 955 \V. 18th 81. c . M. bear1np. !::xpl!rl motor t ime up. Ha r. 80 or L.I 8·2813. 74trc 5th at WALNUT ll<H'ley or 4.000 n1lll! B"U•ra.ntee. -HUNTINGTON' BEACH --· lNO M<»f&Y DOWNL REBUILT ENGINES OLD CARS AND JUNKERS HAULED AWAY FREE CALL FELIX SUPER SERVICE LI 1-Utll, 1960 Newport Bt11d. Ttt'88 '56 ••AJRLANE SEO. ft It H, Forch)m•Uc Low M.Hn.-'•· $2295 MARK DOWNING FORD -UP to lS MONTMB TO PAY- Bollt In our O\lfn feetory by akllled m•ehLnl!UI. Don't contl!nd wllb thl! m.1ddle m•n. Buy dlrec.'t REJ!UIL T .. d INSTALLED unfum. Hai ato11e. rrtrtf , d r•P"P•· Yearly J8t1 n10. NBC R•ally Co. 3:1nd ._ N•,,._--p<>rt H!vol H11r. ltOll, i:Y~I. W 1-tltH ---F Uft:\'. I bdtrn. apl A 1•r•1• $60 n10. _)'e11.rl)' lnC"lud, uUl. SHORT BLOCK Al.o 2 bd.rn1 furn, hou11-~. 111r., FORD .... ------··-·-··-. .. ·-·-·-· $121>.~0 16!> 1110. Har. 0839-R. 74r;78 CHEVROLICT ----·--1149.MI + •• PLYM .• DODGE ..... -.. ·-·-·-$11'>~ CORON A. DEL MAH., naw :i bdrm CHR\'S . At OF. SOTO .... -...... $170 upP"r apt. Unrurn nur ooeen STUDEBAKER ... . . ........... _ $1 70 Vle'4'. mod•rn. Oarbf.t• di9f>0-1 OLDS At PONTJAC 8 __ ,,. __ $170 Hl\r 8260 or Har. 1130-~. BUICK --·-··--------·---.. ·--·-$175 1 c71 HUD80N ----··--..... _ .. ____ $l 1~ Ni;""' UNFl.lRN. 2 bedrm apt . Loan Car ll'rM Towlnt Ne11.r ocean,· 70 ft"fl to cana}. N!:W CAil OUARANTEI: ' hdwd floor ... 111rha1~ dl1p .. 1•r· Blocll mu•t m•l ow-•tandsrda I 00 3'2 Plu• ta:otel, ~lA and o!I 11.&•· Yrl~. $ n10. H1r. 4·J. I 74cTI OJ>f"fl Sunday 1 .m . to 2 p n1, I BELLES ENGINE BACHELOR APT, Ullllllea Jl&ld. I Pel'"" '""""'~ Cui. • '''""· REBUILDERS $:1-0 mo. 420 N11rclaau., Corona 1 ,,.., Moc cou Plymnolh t ·I ... 0,. D1UJ I 1.tt .t .... 9ollded ~ T:k71'.l NJCW llJClATJON !COR ONA DEL MAR, 11n11ti turn-. 310 JCiR I? It. I •p t. L'tll. pd .. f.66 yearly. Apply a.url'4 ~If h · 600 J"Amln•. Tlp7tl _=I:d£1:s:: _ j TWo Bl>R)1 unfurn. apt., p&Uo. NdB ~·JJUDIOM a•r•lt' S82 :io pt"r mo.-1I02 ()-ft .. ~ • • 1-ieV•ll pl&C'f' Nf'wptrrl Beach. RICH HAH~ KEy~tone ~1111 fMt. 11~'ecn p.r. 9helYN In lhe door A all HUB 500 W. CW.ltr. Ane.l\.:l~T u;tr&I, e yr.111•r••1t-nolilln1 ------------ llWy • at Paott'lo COUt lltf HuallftC\Gl'I Sdcll DANZ • SCl·iMlD'i' -l'l-l l Ll.JP! 1-&4 !'>:1 i!k77 W11.1. RA.H-, 'TlHtt ~(Mn...i wood !lly. P iano Slore C.:.10 No. a.1a1n ')(!CADILLAC. cpe de VIile, lff60 ynu·v• ev•r ....,1 BauUtul T!JOT1 At;·.~ tC.ADIO Rl:PAlll Str glacier blua ,,plilll. pJd rubbar, 1--==,-::~--=~==-=-,....:-JIYDaAM4TIC ll'JlVJCE BftAN'D Nit\'/ 2 bdrm, 11nf\lrn. dupl•x-P'lr-.pLace. be,r kJtehel\. torc.-1 lllf h-t, ~·r•c•· &ea11U· rully 111ndlo:aped llU pe:r mo. •• ,., Vlt'\<>Ma (;, M. u ... u21 '" ""' ·:J.111\.J. 76c'77 to pay dCWA ll c..-.dll 0 .K. bJ Ban.It. IK JMlYmerll ot ... u dU• trt .... ..,.., Bel dU<t I• 1,111.lt. BEC'f'IONAL 2 pl.C• roam rubber ILke nrw. 8m•ll 11acum 1»l•11ner lamp, rf'tl"I cha•l .It m 1•c arUc-IN Har se&:o-M. 11,•;e ... an)'tlme b a y nr Ji:v•.a't 1441 W , Oiapmen, Of'llol'llf, C.Jl Coill!(:l KE ~-3817. NlNC PIP::'lt MaM11. d1nln.1 1<et -----------~ I Lo\'• ... l a <"heir. dbl. b rd ICll>bl:ORll AIJTOMATlC wuher qulllN h•&dboard, ch&I•• loun -.• • \\'~ J•• ran,-.. 1;>11111 1 In ('ood <"Ondlt l~: $1t0 ~"--~~ llolh. UMrty 11.,(1,6. ,:w,, "llppt'I' ,.;,31·-. 111apl• •fwLn :_, •J bo'lrm ..,, • Mi9<' il~nia. l J>l .. :itsj 71r•fl · 1-in1 •v•ryth.ni;:. i..,oo muaa. 'M A·I motor. Clf'•n lnl•rtot'. cau BEA.UTlFUJ.. lilond• Mirror type )1 crcory Montrr"'y hiir<l top H lMI roftD PA..llU..AJ'(Wi Cldi _. 4ot I! lt'!'ll BT. uprl~ht plan.-. 1n 11err9tt cond!-$1798. n\•~omeUo;o, hMt"r, po"'·· c .. Ed 9oul•, •r. ltfia •";;i.rc ..., ~i-t ~.f'Ol'dornatk, tlarbor f.'1M rf.,..port ..._ch Uon. Term1 i;2,, rln • $10 ~r <:r braku, 1~.1!100 mlle1 P1·,vatr ------------AAK. nYI: NllW W'll\'. ------------ niu \J l hr 1. u 11c nintuJeled p11rt)', 4t8 ~Mn!11 A.nJI AYt. lUlll!UP hb 14th. 418 &.rnnta, &1-Tral..,_ ' ian<Ht in nuohu.~y 11.n(i 1n11pl.-Ntwp(ltl &ea,·h art"r 6 p m l9:\41 1-.0IU> J'a.Jrt&M ('Lub Mdaft C. D. M. llU. 0'114·\\' 71p70 -;:;::::::.,=:::,::_ _____ _ • t-'"rOOmauc, ft.adto, he&l!!r w.., --4 , Ml'tflF.RS I bdrm 1pl .. «i•rt.ae at _ 1te1 , ., , ... ~--M -R ti~•· kf•tJ .,ulprnenl. IJ7tl FOR SA._ ._._I.Om eroury 18 "'• ANQl:L.U8 T All_,f:H In I tl11p. p11 Y11lc-1"'4fi a car ~1 BHAFERS 1Slnc~ lto7 • ::ll ·l~J ~:. ~yc1111\01e, ~ant11 Ane l'hnnr KtTnb<"rly 1-0812 • 62 CHl:VROLET Bl:LA.fft.I:, guod .cnnr!lllon $-;'IJO, Call H•o JJ4t or Har lltl:'> 76<'80 tor m y .qully or w!ll tak• with M1rcornat1e.. ~.000 mllff e>;~I rond . •• dmlrTl paymeo! Of! .. vall M•r 1 -U2'0 Avon. N•W · .,,.11 ca r LEX t -181 2. uk f()f by ort(lrt•l owner. Bank n nanee. 1,.,t or •m•U ho1-and lot -port &11t:li Har 4870-J ()gn-. a flu I p. n1. i filfc: Har. 140l·R &9th: I Ll 8-3371 ;~Ti • 7~tr• .! ........ ..._ ... ,¥ ' r Li!oJ!eelunl1, •• 31.lt St., Npt. Sch. -----~-,.'"-"... -=&:I.WWW::_ ·---=:.::-..'Jw '· I ll '1 SM ""'s. Apt...0.'""'" Utilltim paid. ' -~ ... a11nso' !' 1 ' .. I Pl;, • , b': h Olj; ,_,.,. J'w ...... W I oilllloe, c.11 liar. 218%. ' UNFUR.N. J bdrrn. 11.pt . Bay vlew 1 ~·~~-"""°""'-.~o.-~'~"~'-"'&..'°'clc.._ ___ 1 •hort walk to Lido ahopplnl" •r e&, poet oltlc e A Clly Ji&U. $lMI mo. Har 62:73 70tlc • • • l!:NJOY t,I\'l~G on t h .. v.:un tront K ttr h,.n .. tlc apt1 lt r1rui L:H.A NNEL t~KON'r, Y.l!:AJt L.Y f .,..,u 1 prlv11.tt h1t.lh Mahl & phone H&:NT At.... 2 bc11rn' •111Curn 11:.i i. .. r .. ·11._. .T\' 2'lf'6 \\. lJ,.ea n mo. yr1y . .N11'4! v1r w •n.d I lllock I t'r ont H11.rbor 6091 \O Ud<.i du>p., Du..:lt a vall S-1 * * * t1n11/!t• ,.1·r• A Joi ~ 6 1~ Jtlth '-------- u t Wlllf'" "\!wn•1 6i:0-38lh ::l!, :->~"'I""' f,,1"l'P''"'l1 "~"t1,, ~''" 11111. uul 1 :11·j:,, I o<lrrn "J1T )•,.1h 17:.i 1111 Jud f"11.!1 LI 8·:l03tl lor liou Ul70 13µ~~ l.iA.LBOA BLVD tot·ner bu.-1ne1111 1un., !ul" nuedi<:ol. \1 .. 111 <01 ...,. •• y prof.,,...1<1n•l 11•" M•,.l•·in """l· 1n1. p•rlllrJ& ()w11 .. r 1412 :-.;,, Jo'lu.,.el . l:i.A Kl~ v1t:.i:! tic UTILE ISLAND Tro\rlcal 8ettitl1 lDdoor • CNWoor 11....... 1&r1• l.allAJ f, ....,.__ a bath&, alao lAr.Jud. I a.dnn. rf'ntel unlt. $S4,•60. Bee pour luca l bnikrr or evtt. F rontier 1·2:1~. 70c82H BRAND --Kame •NJ ._. ~ D deh&U ~ -191111 ...... ~ own fke ~ Z bMut. I a, M&.Ull..T NEW J br 9lDcro l\l;N ~ ... )' OPP• liliaft . ne I el-. • sn-. ... -..... w . ..,. •. 1..c. dbl. lO -=-••I I ·~ IV·• ..ti .ftop, f.':'~ ln...n I ,PM po.-·-. r . P. ........ All n d . ~ at $10,&00. OPEN J"Oft. INSPECTION, ttl ll-4 LOT. be. E . llkh. Hl&:lt.. le\'l l, OWMmR &A Ya &ll:LL ~la lmml· ~ a ~ .. ,..., )'Mr ulll home Will\ w•U tD wa ll c..rpr-t . aU. dtclrk lt1t~. nk!e)3 lo.,J · 11:-.,.M . UnequA!l.:I \"Llue al $10,?SO ~1th a do•1.-n It.all lhan ttlt eo.t of t ha csrpet A monthly paymenu led IMn rf'nl T iil!; WILL &l:U. TODA Y ' • )(_,.. o.ar-"-4. H-"-mNIJ ...... IQlr.ll'f_ &la.I alley.' ,,..._, '"'" .._ " ... ,_ ~•h. ' T f th W Id' . DUPLl:X -? br. <!e.. 41:. roorll-'l. I Op 0 8 Or • a..,. U .. k. 6. b&U,. fU111aJ SlatJ • PA/'liOKA MJC \"IJf.V.' llvu1 ~ .,_. mo 11,,,•A "'1.. $1 !).~0U-.s!dca & 2 !irtTI (• 1.-Ulan yr. ~. WEST NEWPORT RES~ LOT Idle 2 Rl:NTAUI $l t.,flil t. RENTALB ···-·---···· •1t,aoo 1 • 3 111.ra.: n.1rn111. & ll h• I II• • Bil 1n Olatavrrul'ltr. ""•" n\•'!1 M -H b R lty • lnl"l COIU. lo t V•l"J l'OGlll eso ar or ea • WaJJ lO YcaU ~arpeUnj! Uu·...,oul • ASlSOClATES 1 • ln11K'rt r.,I 1J 1·oj"'• on\! waJl!>"P't'I COSTA MESA THIS roukt bir a bil b&rplf'I 1:n ~ ACR.1:8, lil·l .OK E. IOI C.nlf>r ~l t:OBta 111-... • lt•<llu lflll•ge <l"HI l•j•c'1o11 Ulla k>l:&U-On, U cu hed out to 6 IOU ~ IJ6.90I LI 8-1911 !: t,J 8-T'l"l!i • IT'fl NICV." M"ff Tit ~ ,.INJO:R'f• O J llHUI ot l-460&--Ml.OO per SMALL HOVI&-.... -... loMOO I L YTli -&H . Pt\ u •-IM:l • M"!'I Pft f C S D Rrr::HT AT m o .. 4":': lnl . If .,Id on te:rn1• Pl:TrrTll -9Ye Ph. 1,J 8-M87 I $tJ.:'J()0 <•f S7000 ('In prl~e 110.71\0 ~1 N.B.C. REALTY CO. SEYMOUR r::ve /'h H11 !):lfl!J.\\. !'I tjj l".:.I MOO.-n11 r all ownoer LI l:ln<I a. :-.'rwpv1 1 HlvJ . c "1LI. Mtaoi 1 ------------- IJ-:'>:tlJi 7~1fr . H"rbor l •ot> Dea l with R~toris ISee Me-Ta Nelson Bay & Beach ~lty Inc Charming Home j Tw.: MOST tMf"OflTA .l\"'T A n , 1111ft tt ... r tir.r rrou1r,,,,1 Q__ dw YOU"l.J. R li:AI) TOIJA \'. r.a11ta }111 .. :aa r .111.,rr'll• on urva ey I CORONA DE L MAR WtMr\\" •• 1;14 1t1 ... I.I II ;11~~ 2 II A C~t~~ on MO!\"RCl\'IA. MISOO P!';R ACRE lJt 'S t;A N HAltlJEST'Y. Re•11or H•1hor f.718 I E A.STEI\.'•• OWf\"ER s ... TS 8 1!:1..L i·:-lYl:tt :-: Jil "J•L'£X 2 1,.1,11 ,-,1111 1r'Oft RE."IT C K vt•.-.;1. r·Luu1t ,CUP.T DOSH RI ~ B EOfUol. HOIUI: w1tb n1~ce 11.11.• n•w l beJ.1.,.01.11, 'J beUi. tu• hllth i:•r v ... ,, 1 .. ~ .... l'..'t1-t ilii. .. r r .. ., '" nf w hud.111•.: n .... r .. 1 tr.! Hwd n001"8, wrVI~ ~h •nJ 1>1ac.-. h<l.,.J n .... ,,a. blc.o..k 11 un1 Coron• ~t . !\'.rwpurt l:Je1t.•h •J,f.~ l...i<lo. A111ije. parlunt i-ut •n·j Uouble &•n&ge Hu•• lla•f oc.&n. pt.;1 •"·L fll.,11\ l1n11l>l1n g del Mar 's r " r n11 11 u11 . ,;di :o.1 r" ,..,.Y 3 I 5 Marine Ave . •pp1oa . 1300 ~ ft. .nu•• ,...wly Undc1p1·1c .. J EJ<Ll"""' .. U111.u1.: I H 1&r. 12&<1 6e1r. d<.'('ut11tild. s.. OU.• ......,.. ... 1 Most Outitnnding Buy -1-uoo o=CE epA-C": I Harbor 1500 buy on wttle rtr ... 1. 1A1U1 -•r , AHT l8T1C 2 "bklrm .. ""'d flwno. l"fJ .., r_ l(Ultu-a 6 ~ LD -pt.kl fw.[ •n111ll un1t In 1•<11 , :l tll0<.l<•fr•HU "U DO ISL£. 3 heo1 room1. 2\,i. NO\\' LEASING lllh•., ,,1,.,, t In -f-'ull Prtot $lS.M:IO SSOOO dO'W1I l!LaJ. Woult1 ~<ltr tr MI• for t>.th ho1 nr . un annu .. 1 ba111.. ••1 _, E 1 23 Rentals I duplu In Cor'3>ft& df.I Mar. I ._ tra-n\uuern l t.rbn..,lt 1lr•tgn- "'I U Uu but ld~ng N o ltn11:r Un!l•l po 9•~ tt. Vtkinr ru11a buul powirr boli l. Jn ... no flnf.r a ddreu Top Income ew -• USTtNG. Ol'ICN M R IN8PliX..lll1 .... ONLY ~:.:aoo wwN. :sf1., nl'l I \Vh y Pay Rt-nl ? f 8"p lor 1\l fl. ooat, uae ol 18 IN r+-M Rl+y $ll.600 lull J>'·1c• • .l!:XCL.U lll \l•: z car rar., b<la uUtully run11ah-I I __ _ LlDO R EALTY, Associates W• <'hallen&t'. ctnnpart-of price. 1;99 Newpon atvd., o-ta 111-od -•-bL 1700 -• m-U> I Out t'lf tnwn OWf\!'r Ml'fe ,...u tl11 • · .... u r -"" · 1ncon1t • term• call owner at-W 8·MO& Eve• Har OJlt.J COSTA M""A · lnqulre at fo l Ba.Ibo& Cov ... [ l 4W Via Lldo--tLorbo1 -tt-t• llclO .,_., lm l'l••('uilla I M>•l1•m, horn .. u,. •. J'l;"ewport." 36tfc trr ter 4.:SO H1r :)J.44 LO~L \' 2 B.l!:URM , I KATH al.On., fi r.pla,•e. ww ~·a rVfl I I I N CUSTA MESA Md"'"1. Ooor•. lazy. lot . t>M.u-1.' •unny br'(tlt 1t:1tcllen 1 .. t• .,, BHORJ:. c w.rr, unturn. )(()Ill u n-BY OWNER fully l&AdM::a ~•. n~•r Gt.\11 Ct<•b 1 0 •-, • G d ~ w' ti.ave • '9V1 r:ioc IMIJ 111 a ..-... 11 e on rup .... ai< •· cnpper iaual opportunity to It ... tor rOUn r100r Lad!,1 OTu. Shop In a.n ,.. l"ull prtl"' $l T,!MXI ' plu1nbln15: \\'ir.,;1 2:-0•.' tnc O;.<"! une or t wo Yt•r•. :,j ~roorn I .. OFFICES OR STORE.-:; I N E:A.R l.Y NllW 3 bdrm. home. cellcl Jiocl.UGA. ! p1U1.1. 1:L1ublt a::•r~gl' .,1 1 1-1111 •nd den, bira ut l f ul New F Lease · < rurri b}" d&eorator. N\Cf.!y land· HOWE 6 J:NCOJ.l!: P•I«• " "nly $1:.i.a-Ou ·11u• l" l:n1l&Dd l yptt l •rrn hou.a. o r t n -I K •fM<l, Ja rgi lot. oomplelt l)' FITZMORRIS RLTY. CO. A.TM\A.CTTVE dupl~ll. (h'11\~ 1,...... • 1l1u1Jy tiu l HVllHY HMYJ" aha.Jla roof. hl(h btamtd!Ha rbor Investment Co. B ldg fenced 1 13,:'.lllO. terma to nlllpolUI· MLllU ple Ua11n11: R..ll.llol' lion. 1 112 ti.«r1n1 l:n\1"'1 fH11.·t•d ct11Jnp , 2 l lrciplace•. H IJl"e 30th & Newport B!vJ 1ble pt'rlOn. 20411 N•Uonal, Co1la But.lneu Brok•r ~:.::, !:: .~~~~ ~te~ Har. l&OO · I ~ltaa. 7t pa < JtJ:i E. ~'!~'" ~~ d.i Mar 2i:.ET: ~~~Y "'1U ..._ to rdlable family •t Coron• tkl Mar, Har. Mefl 7.">1.";°i" t286 per month. Hat.~ BEAU'TlFUL OFrtClt ape.cf" i n OPEN AFTERNOONS 8 F t l----------- Coron• Highlands OUTSTA NDING BUY ,7Uc ~·ewport Beach. Reception roo1n D•Y ron •ge a.nd prtv•tf. otn ct pan ~!lttl 111 f.'llO ICE CORONA. Dl:L MAR L'.'DUITIU.AJ.. ZONI:, 5600 front SOMEONE 'llNTVRN. -2 B9ClnJQro f.f.0 Besmta. Corona dtl Ma r. 18!) · d&Udren OK. Be& WhltlJa.ey f .. Tat t ~·1 1151 Jee& N ido Way ' I.4Ull& .,..('h. ' 7tp75 walnut $7~. per monlh. 21Hl l 1116 MAROUERITI: J birdrma . loot. $12,~ f"f!41Ulnd . Tem'lll on La.fa)'1!ltt Ave .. Newporl "-•'h. i,..... h._.•t. !!rt.pl., o.lt fln., p rb. balance. hla la • Cl'U.CIU:f\ Har. 137:.i. 7~p 77 d1 ap , furn. 117.000. ter ma or ,.,.,U J A.CK bur r Ult or apecul•Uon. .. , lh1~ ""ell tl'"~l K l\,.J 2 1 u .. l a~rllUtnL Hu U!'l MARGUl!:l'trrJ.: (.'nt"nn• M•r. .en1aJI horn: uu nlre lot Only _$~!- <!ti R l ar cept l•l• n•odtl r1r -RUSS ' FORD, Re.ltor G. H. LA.THJWP. lea& IC. Cout 1600 C H " Fran~ James LI l ·l l f.l SI/UL -... 1 bedroom untunu ab· ed i--w /p r•l"'--lldull.I only l><.o pet.-Can bf. ro..en Sa l. • I 8ua-'eb. J6 a.rid 21lth-l0 •.rn , to ':IO p. ru. 318 Alvuado Pl H wy. Jl&r. Mt2 01· Har. 668-0 out •·y. NICI: MODERN al.Qre room or e\·ea. 76c711 ------------- S•na.11 2 ......... bf.drooni lovcer bl!droon1 upper PL l.:S & Linwood Vlc1c ulflt:f' a t 1888 PlM'.entJ11, l lUO ------------- 1110. 1nclud1n1 ut!llUes_ Inquire N ~'P0RT BB:ACH-CL08E TO A '~ lurnlah..:I ldM.I for •nd ti.th p11rt11ltv • ,U ,M1 Hll ff ltn1.-n! Muni and 0 11.tl with R~~/.l.TOR8 al pro~rty after 6 p. m . WllHlk HTOH !iCl'iOOL ..__ Modern 7 d•ya or any tlmf. 811.t . 6 Sun. !)(lrm & dirn home. l!vl nr rm. Ownf'r r educed prll't •1rioo, - •n•lo\1.1 to M ll. 3 bednx>1n 7 bath hon1,, cflrnar lot w1tll room rnr ..-lmm1nK prool. P'u U pn l't $19960-l :IOOO down wlJI handle. M11.nnr A ve I 11 h"" liar. 2042 Balboa. 74p75 or ca ll W 8-67&6 alt.i:r 6:30 ur wHI\ •llnln11: area, flll"•lllnt rlre-11:11t.•l apartmant ror !he VIAil · ln41C family A.ND "" lnu:itn~ unit to pay l hf-blll.~ ' C ORONA OllL MAR. Two bedr1n. home uaNrn .. t\Nplace, bar kit- chen. parJa, back ya.rd fenced. Chl.14 ~•.Pled, pall ok . fl lO nlQ. y...-ly le.... Har. &f.00 a f ter 10 Lrn. .. tfC F OR lllENT CO"M'AOE -Ntce ror lln&"I• worklnl lady or cou- ple. CI09t lo Lido 11twpp1n1 c·en- ter. Kt)' 1t J1:,.3•01 St , !':pt. 73cT& ------------2 BEDROOJ.1 -F ully t um.-!l.'f'w A n1oJern. $U5 ptor 1nu. yearly . Avail. 3/1/58. 206 Rtver11 ldt A Ye., N .B,--Ge:rit BoUn -Har. 1800. 7Sp71 waekt.nda. !i7tl 17th SL, near Thr1tl)' Dn.11 Jn Co11ta Mt.u.. l dt•I location (or amiIT tii!MM u , u•t"d · rumllurt. TV r.palr, etc., ur Jifhl 'manu· l•cturlnr $1:.> 1no. J A M E S Har. :W42. 73c7S FOR LEASE 6000 SQ. f<, BlJ ILlJINLl . Xo;.,.·· p<>rt area. auJt abl• tu1 hghl ruanu racturl.Df , Jobbl'r oulltl, ator.,ir. t ll", 126() per n1<;1nt.h RUSS FORD, Rea ltor 1600 Cout Hwy, Npl. W 8-ll l t l 71k77 ~--,_-~z~to_L_ .. _ .. _____ M-lloaez to Lou _ _ 5-.ro .!..O, ~-l ~Q..-2.otyear F.inan.ci.nt HOME LOANS Construction loens -Refinancing · Free Preliminery Appraisals Corr•pondent.a for Llf~,_,and Cuualty ln1urance Company ot Tenneuee Banker. NatlonaJ Life lnaura.oce Company SOUTH COAST Mortgage Company Approved FHA Mo ........ 1600 West Cout H igbwa.y -LI 8· 7791 Newport Beach, California 16-Mw7 to Lou 1 ~Mwy ,to Lo... LOANS for Homes LOAN• "' 11t1iw. l'WP•o vE, BUY, MODBNIU., OJ\ plat·+' A p1ctu!'e window ovtr· lnol<Jng ;i11Uo. Ceramic Ult tn bath, kl~h.,n it aerv1ct r w m. G. E. d lahwaaht r , a lllch N 2 ca r 1•r. !ii c•r porL L&rft ff'nced ya rd. l.J 1-1499.• 74cii BY OWNER, 3 br. home, hdwd. rtoor t. l'•t b. dlap. Redwood ftnc· .. .-i, beat Eut aid• loc Xlnt. cond. Uht>r•I terme. Jnq. 333 E . Dro•f1- way . Coate Me1111. 1JcTl5 Newport-Mesa Rlty. 1799 Newport BIY'd.. Collta MM• L I 1-660i Eff9. LI l •lf.4$ Trailer Wanted Don't wall too lOllf . O~aan Ftont Hom• ... Two bedroon1• r\ownatalra M.-z. ANIU.t dOl"mlloty ~ bath, Lari• livln1 room 'A"\lh t\l't· B/B Corona del place. Matd'• roon1 6 b•th. A Place to 01ra1•. Cholee loca tlon . Live - A Place BoUl ..,cJua1 ve With Mar to Build Ch.rl •• E Hart R. It I Httf' .,.. 7 ""'•II located propotrll•" \\·JLL TRAD!: equity In I bdrm. • , 8 Or Each h•• • pl•1. .. to live whll' By Ow".' home tor 30 to !6 n . houae St?O w . 8a.lboa Ne,.·port l:kh . you btJUd anothl.'r unit to ynu1 l r•ilt>r. Hou11 rum.. or un.turn., U f'or 1111.lir. :>;EW TRll'LEX. IUtal v.,•w carpettnc:-. 11.l'('t lot, renced de111gn. $12.:.\00 fni· t11h••r ont . l h0(·11 tlon S?C,!\00 Sr.-lo •pprc· .back yen!, b&r -b-q A patio -ni.-flr•t la bullt on !ht back uf M <:li t ... 577 P hlrnl"f. Har. ~ _u __ ._ •• _ .. _, ________ ._ ... _,_, Neer Newport Pier view lot . PlenlJ of rOOm"Uplfunt I -------------M 1 Acre•ge I UNITI! 1'U11N. Obi•. c •r•ge. for • fi ne holllt, • t btt1rm. •p t. -U U .. lfl ona. let t tn&ntll pay for OVf'r a doub!oe PNCf!, 1 (•rage LIDO '°-J done ••• 2nd bedrm. N ice tl'1'"'~ " • Ideal lnduatrial Uld tra.ll• QOUrt the property. Stat rent.al 11111· nn thl~ ont.. SH It. 'eauv H'~ T ...:.. 30-rt. loU on So. Bey-P'T'oDt. .ti~a. _.....,_ .Coeta JriLee&,. .S'l750. t r1CL OnlJ Ste.000 lull pt"l!,'t, i m a.11 down '90IT!rt htni 1!11'tni. $31 ,600 f.&!::h . Call T. D. ft.os9n, p.-r •crir, euy 1.-rm11. • H u. la&-W, or RVan 1..011. DA N A.. JACOBSEN, "-1 llatatt llUc: _H_•_•_>_•"9~L_L_<_•_·'-'_1_7_, _KI __ 1._2_1_01 The ffCOfld 111 bull1 on the front R·2 kit nMr bee.ch, only $4 2~. ( of •n R -2 Int. 'pltnlJ of roorn I ---------~--Nl!:'.\'l'ORT HEIGHTS, BY O WNER 3 bdrm hOUM!. dtn\nlf, room flrt· pl•c•, hdwd. Ooora. d!•poae.I. dbl. l'llraa e. 4'0 loan. Price $13,000 !\28 Rf'tlhu:da. LI 8-4140 73<:~ - . I in the reai· tnr • ('\OUb lP rar•I'• B lb D I NEWPORT HEIGHTS I with •pt. ovrr ur ror 1"•r11g~ a nd a 0c1 Up 8X N 1C.li: 2 Bi:DRM .. hardwood floor1, Hp-.ral• houae to your delil"n. FUH.NISilED _ 1 two ba<frn1. and rirt.plai~e. <1o ut1le garag ir, pRtht. In the m~1nt une. live In • eo.i.:· J one biro<Jnn .. 7 car 1•rqf., xlnt. etc. J :..300 <!own, I bed.rm. plua bunk roo1n. v•r)' I 1 cnllll 111 ... • JM.IOO doW'n Wiii 1ttr11.cUv11 and llvabla and In I · · ' LOT &Oxl 27. not leAs<'t10ld $!'.12~!~ f.lH'l!JIPnL condlllon.-a.. It, buy t COl!ITA Ml:SA. han<llf'. A ~O TWO 0000 OCJ:A N FRONT LOTS $9~ EACH. Nr,,...·1y rtecorated 3 ~rm. 11ome, Coast Properties 2 y ra. ol('I, n1'-rloora. La.wn: $1 0.MKI F . P. LQw dawn. 980 301 E. Bw.lbo& Blvd. Balbo9. · Untlrn Plac.-. Call colle<:l H•rbor 2e.M 2et1 and ..00 c r.tvt_. rrta1 a TScT~ ------------- 180 ft. Perce!. Near. Qack Bay or win Mil I -;: 60 x 130 lot.a '3260 ea. Har. 3361 EXC!:LLENT butldin1 111.t In LOT FOR SALE R-2 View lot 60 x 100 ft. On Seaward, Corona H1ghla.ndJL PRICJ:D TO SELL LI 8-<272 Uol Corona dtl Mar. R·2 lot with 7tcll larre d<-~bH ..,.,.. and tur· 1-------------niabed 1..&rtme11t abovt . DMlr· able IOl'~Uon. J:aclw1h't! with EXTRA VALUE-.round Comer Shafer Ha.r. Realty 140 106 McFadden Pl. A t tt1f' Newport P1f'r Har. ,.631.W. Kar. 2&19-M. --------------5 Acras.,..-$26,500 \.\'ATER anrt S!:\\'ER In. Ca.1th down •eooo.-ACT s ow ON TH18 ON.E. RUSS FORD llOO C°"t Hw y. Realtor u 8-tll •l VII!:\, .. Harbor. W M n, l•IN. a nd w111k!nJ tll.~t a nce lo mll rktti< A lLana. 60 (L fronuae. Beat valu• In Ne'A·port Ht ... Mu1l be told. Mi &O Ca.ti t11 kt'O' it, I It. e n<I build 111 1.-1,.ur~ b<·c·1111~., 1 l you w on't Ure of lhli< lilll<'l g"in I Dea.I With Realton Bay & Beach Rlty Inc corona de\ Mar Ottlcf'" J&SO It. Cout: Highway -Har. 6683 Bay Shores 2:..1z Ch clc Dri1·e <JJ)'-n Da.J\y ·~ l -4 JO 1'U\\" PRIC E U T U S E LL 3 bdrm .. 1 % bath, lrpl., F, A.. he , all elec. k\,che11 . 81>'1r lvu1 pt Uo -built In BBQ. O\"er1lu (at l l f!. (en•l"OUll •lOfal'e.0 !' ! ·--.. -ii VOGEL VALUE-S -COST A MESA * * * * * Panoramic view -panelled Uving-loom. ice. firer. place, all plctUr. wiftdo'ir9. mtu.ral Wood kitchen, 3 bedroom. -2 b&tha. llmt .ee to appredatc, - ~~tic bome BALBOA COVES EXCLUSIVE Owner built quality home 2 bdrm. It deft, 2 bath. 14 x 23 Uving room. dining room, FA h•t. W /W carpets. 2 patiol, pier and alip, Tenn.a can be ar· ranged. $4 0,000 full price. SMALL HOME BARGAIN Good Ea.st Coata Mma location. 2 room bouac, F lagston e patio and S.r·B-Q. Newly dccor11.t.£d in.aide and out. $6960 fuJJ price. 156 foo t corner lot on Harbor Blvd -Center of bus!ot"9e dcvelopmt-nt. Tt'rtnli. THE VOGEL "COMPANY 1700 Nc .... ·purt Blvd. Phnnl· l.l ~L:·:y 8-~97 Ev"nlng Coata Metia Ltbf.rty 8·74~7 BALBOA ISLAND ()P EN H0 l '!'5 E -'3 12 H.uby Saturdft y & ~anday 1 · 5 p m . ·• b.-d1<1.,1u U.·ach liom f' of e llt f' d!'lllKll 11•\llld livu .. FA ht>al Prier $31 .~00. l1: .. IYl'1 t 11 q u:t11fu-rl buyrr fur ye11.r Exc<'Uent f l :t I ' ~ ~-. ~1 ar1.1<o11 l larb..i I I Ya t 1 -I ·ti2'.!'.! 53.'l!I EARL w. STANLEY , Realtor _l t,) t.tar1nc A 11 , H&l bv11. lal11.nd OPEN HOUSE , 311 On\"X A:1lbcl1t b.\lend 11 a ru Jl. m, 2ti A l•';h1 dr:d l'hl'l • tul 3 b.·drm. h1iu~. \\'e ll fur· 111-"h•··! l\'ll h ! •.• 11!11vt· .11 1d patl!J New dvuble gar· age "treii.u·d fo1 ap•t'\nlt:lll, ev1•n 11. l:l ft. GlaujUi.r Olitll \I il l! ;lll l'll ·~h,,rl' ni•111r 1n g full pii~·v :ii2~.!":l10 DORIS BRAY, Realtor :.'.l (i ,\l 11.r.n c Ave., &!boa Island Ha.r . :lO or &4 OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY P.M. 1124-ZR W Bu!lx1a R!vd 1·:1,-,:ht f1•ti\1 t1 ·d 11111\·< ~ h1·Jul•d )•'1t r !y 1nt1"m(', ~1 0.0'.':0 O!'ll y !\I~ )'€·a.r11 old. i:lefl\ rentffl 11.rea.. :~1 2,f(lO hend!" · A~T c . l(ISTLER co .. Realtors :l!IJ l Nl.'wpurt UlvJ1., Npt. i:kh. tJar. r.t2:l6 l>ny or l'li 1w;h l JIJST A STO NE'S M'.:V/:'ORT THROW Ff'!.O !vl HIGH SCHOOL 1·h1" 3 bcJrn1. heimc ha1 I Ii 1:.: b&t hs. firep\11.ce, brct1..k l:u>t bc r. d1n .ng a1·ea & r:i t io. 1~ropcrty i~ fcu1·rd and Jandsc11 ;1CJ 0Y.'n(•r '11 le1t\"ing for Japan and m 1U1t sell, Pr iced at only $13,600 1T·-JUST CAN'T LAST~ Call Stan Le Lievre EARL w. STANLEY, Realtor 1~1 8-2661 Evett : LI 8:7056 GOLDEN RULE VALUES H O~fE ANO INCOME -Top quality 3 bdrm. home and 1 bdrm. rental unit: Only 2 yn:-ord. H\·y. sha ke r oom. Hdwd . floor.. fittplace, beauti- ful kit. wit h breakfast area. Live in lovely home and eoilect $55 per mo. from rental uniL · ONL1S'l5.750 W!Oi ~ dll. ----- Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson \ 1856 f-.'L'""IKJ 1·t Blvi.1 .. (."os t a M cKa i Acr ot111 from Coela Me.a Ba.nk) i b. LI 8-6761, ~veil H a r. •1366 LI 8-2013 • Lido Isle • B/ B North Boy Front Open Houses 8al . Ii S un. 1 · 5 f-::llqui,.itt Y•"1 roun11 ('on1pl.-t•I)' I rurn11111Pd ~II)' "'''"'' hnnit . lu· c11lttl nr·.ir "-.ii<t enJ nf L \110. 2 nu+.~("r , . ., . .,.. l>erll'-">!1111. 2 ln1nll)' SHO\\"N AN YTIM E BY. A PPT. ~;.1r,,.1n111. ~rvanl~ qu111 ttr a.1 • btlthroorrui. Mr. it MMI. f'n<'lo.>fl· .-<I ,1r-.,.~ln~ 100.n" ,,..·1th 11hu,,..·er~.: \'1""" di111 n.1: r t>11n1 IHJ\lo;:r"R l<l1 • rhtn orr t l:lln l<ltrht'n :1.' It • g-1.,.. en..·lo!ttd, r &rpt•tf'tl. HA Y • Corona de! Mar :IOI Poppy .\l(ltlern 1111a.-1ou~ hon1ir 1 .. 1\· .. 1y ~t·ludt'd 11at10 °'"'I'll I<. llltrlJOtl<lll Yit'WI 2 b<'drm11 7 balh1 VI EV.." up.~t..~ '' l11 nt 1 Pll'f A • flnll! :i l •lt < rai::• • t·11nVf'rl \hlr 11.-n ron1pu• r m . • UQc'l<J VlllUt f tlt J.16,00Q ,.-1111 prlr" $~.M>O. Tern111 '"° -ao yr. Lo&na Construction Loans REP'fNANCE M.i. Kohlat.edt, Jl&rbol' •to?·R. to Thrift y Drue. Alpha·Bet&- W• BuJ Truat o.td• ' 74p7fl 2 BR . dtn!n c room .' J car car- -------------age, laundry r oom wllh bollby ORA ~'GE COAST PROPERTIES RALPH P. MASKEY •c,1~~~-:.· aJ~:·Hc,,~. I .' :l lJ,,.•l rm • . '• Coro na Highland.a •M Ollhrillo Terrace Mudel'n op.on plann~nl' I•. Large Jot .... ·Ith ocnn 111ew " bl'tlrm•. -2 M tha llD BOB BA TTUllR 1116 Uft 00.A.rl' BLVD. Cerell& dltl M&r He.rboT 3981 Rep. POIRD!::R MORTGAGE CO. Ylltro Wa Ina. FuOO. KI 1-6186 ..... CASH •.• l"OR ntC8T DEEDS: WM.. B. HOLT ljORTOAG!: ft.A.NIUNG SJNo...:i.:: 11130. l fi()t N , Bt/8H eANTA A NA .1 rMtn1;n1.\• 3.11 18 1867 Nf.wpor t. Coal• Meu. NEWPORT BALBOA BA VINGl!I roR SALKi BT OWNJ;Jl.--.-f. ba<t· 'Dr wo.rk ~Op 1 n~r 800 ~ tl.J 6 J..O.l..l'f AA90C1ATION room bioftM, l!Ji .. tba, land· btnCH'i• (1'r l-•btneta. TRULY W UM Via Udo Ph. Har. 4200 aicaped A fanred. FHA ~· exlN ft.l\Wi, on!7 Nf.50 .tlh 1-1132 Even1n11 LI 8-1400 t(c FrMdom born• arM.. call lerm.a. ·~ ------------t.Iberty l..;J:2S tno mi.np or ORA:>;GI: COA!!T EARN 106/. ON Y'OUR MONEY f.'o t n1nrp 1n for1na tion ca ll. KEyatont 3-3181 " alt• I p. m. lltfc PROPl!ft'n•S 1~1 N~. Coate. 111 .. HOWE A INCOllE Jt.200 DOWN, UYt In 01M1 I bcWm. home a.t p per rno. ftet1t on OU.tr. .,.,,.. lout.. Or ,_L boUt. ror SIVO pe:r month, 1-V'f'• ftZ pnJftt -tty ownw. U I · ?Na. .. u. • U 8-1632 Evenlnr• U i -tf.00 INCOME PROPERTY Ut..000 OOWM LZA VEI YOU '311 mont.b prom ot Sll.000 <ID"f'11 Mav• 11H ,..on t. F.ILA. loe.n By C,>Wn.-t. U 8--?UZ l&t tr CURT DOSH, Rltr. 315 Marina Ave. Harbor 1560 l\OONT aunnJ 2 bdrm. plua.; hard· WODd nn... t•nc.d. ..... , lot. oe•r m ilt A tran a. l.la.uoo futn .. 1.,rn1• I.I it-4118 'ik7~ U ftEALTOR New-Port Blvd .. Np1 Ka.rbor 402 BC'h. I: • • A 11••n 1 ... ~ Al<"l 011 l1olph111 't'11r t1u•.- C11•·r ... 1• & •lrAJ1r11 ~:,11P<"n~iv1>!y h•nd1o;~p1•1l ~::1t•1·t 11.-I< 1u:h~n • ,.•nilly n>on1 1<1:1J• 1l1111 ng •lfll F:,.h·• 1111•,, lur 1:11,500 • 1X a1 wilh Realtcire ·' • ' I • HEAVY SHAKE ROOF! • Bel.m ~ -2 bdnyi. Ir den -1 % be.thl • 2 ttrepl&c9 .. bullt -1.n ranae. onn! • l" J'N. ot4 -Dbl. pr. -c....io.n b\llll~ • N'e&I' Hip A: Jr. Rish eehoolll! e Patio -U..s brick brw&kfut Mr! FULL P RICE $1 7,000! G. I. RESALE! • 3 bdrm., 2 bath -Hd'llll'd. floon d • P'trepla.ca -dlntnc room -pe.tlo! • Dbl. 1•r. -lee . ll:ltch. -•tr'I'. porch! • Rdwd. fence -lnaulated-wet1lher atrtpped! • f"lne l':AAllll.de IOC" -awntn1•. etc: • l"'ull Price Only J 14,9Ml '. • G.I. i "'< low payment. Incl t all~•· • Shakt! rooC -3 1)<1rm -1 l, i>alh' • H dwd. flO(lni --bu1l1 -1n OYt n ' • Uaed brick fireplace -II mo <;>Id' e Garb. c11•p . -a.ll t"nced -land9('a pedl • Fine !:utalclf loc -l orc~ air hea t' • SEE IT l"i'O\\'' $4 ,200 ON.' $16,500 FULL PR ICF.! DEAi .. \\'ITH REAL TORS BAY & BEACH REAL TY , INC. 1696 Newport Boulevard Costa ite1Ja, Ca.Ji fom1a Liberty 8-1161 Eves. Liberty 8-3010 PENINSULA POINT! CILUUOJfQ 0UPLmX, I bdl'l!DA. 1 up, J down, tun.. slnl. cODdiUCNt, ... _ A.NOTH.Zll A TnU.CTIVJ: DU· PLllX, I bdrm.. alld 2 bath• MC'h apt . frd. a.tr heat, tum . comer lot 1n .IOO A REAL VA.LUE, 3 bdrm home w'llh 1 ~ Mlh9 choir• &rM., l lT,500, paUo and -.mdeek. ANOTBl:R GOOD VALUE. 2 bdrm. home, nr. }9tty, trpl. larp paUo, 11 T ,&00 OCEAN FRONT; NE.AR NHTC -Da.ndy ~ b<lnn. ramlly horn• loU ot charm '"·000 ANO'T1il:R NICE H OME. • bdrrna. well located n•ar Ubrary and 1tora1. J li,7.$-0 BAY FRONT! 0 UT'8TA ND ING VlEW-t barm1 larse patio-porch. A 1eal value •L lt0,000 OU PLl'X, (n1r rn1n1. ll)llOY 1111 ~ •ea tu~•. c1n 1 be dupl •~•l"'J (ur ho1n~ and ln<'OJOf', plt r rltht~ 5M ,OOO Balboa Realty Co. Oppoaite Bank ot An1t!nca 4. OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ~ Clwu>el Road PIER AND FLOAT. 4 bedroom,' bath, Marine dream home, crystal c'-r walfl' (with a.1J iU marine lite} at your front door. P. S. -Ob yeti, t here'• a cue.t apt. over the 3 car g&r1.p. Full price $67,MO. Submit on term.a. 5. PIER AND SLIP, Sandy beach, out.eta.odinc fur- nilhed home. Extra l&r'J'e living room a.nd mep. arate dining room, ~ bedrooml plua 30x30 den, 3 car gara.-e. Beautiful El Bayo eection, Full price $81,750. Ternu if desired. ART C. KISTLER CO., Realtors 2901 Nt-wport Blvd., Newport Bea.ch Harbor 5226 DAY OR NlGHT OWNER MOVING TO HAWAII !o.fUST SELL and ha~ REDUCED th111 3 bedroom, 2 bath. shake roof home to $1 0.950. Located in the ba·clt bay art-a, with comparable homee pn ced '$3000 ruo~ 1and worth ltl OPEN UNTIL SOLD -468 E.etber St . -------------------------IR..l• GrM ley !:d l-DOWN TO EARTH PRICES BALBOA ISLAND SO. BAY F1lONT, j111!t reductd, 4. BR .. 4 b&th, 2 fir!'pl. pier and float. NOW ·-.. ™·000 EXCLUSIVE 60 ft. frontage on So. Bay. Pier and 1lip. 5 BR. & den, comp!. furniahed. Xlnt condition. Al Cnrnallu.e ' JONJ!hlne \ll't'bb 700 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa Phon• Harbor 3277 BAY Ave .-BA Y View TWO Bl!:DRM ., 2 1tory, 2 balh. With room In frOlll tu build. Juat S20.00<' full price. 1,--ttrJew 3 bdr., 2 bath, bdw. noon., built in •love and oven. inten:-om rlldio eyet~. and many mo~ ex- pen&i\'e: features, only S 13 ,500 with $2:)00 down. 2.-2 year old -3 bd r., firepla ce, $12,500 and onJy $2000 down NO. BAY FRONT, l yr, old Oriental modern, remodel· , See Bob Rldrew•y, l!:ve1. KarbOr 121l·J . 3.-BEST BUY NEWPORT HGTS. $1 2,600 3 bdr. lg. !iv. nn., lge. covered patio w1th B.B.Q. ed. rear home. $49.500 NEAR SO. BA\', 4 BR., 3 ba. wood pane.led liv. rm. firepl., 2 BR. over gar. co uld eatuly be converted to l BR apt. Priced right at .. $27.500 EXCLUSIVE L1STING. 300 Block. unusual beach home. FA heat, 2 BR. furn., sunken garden. Tenna $31 .500 LITTLE IS LAND, Tropical se.ttins-. 4 BR. plua I BR. rental .... $34 ,~ . " LITTLE ISLAND, Unuaual 3 BR .. 3 bath home $36.500 LIDO NORO' 5 BR., 2 BR. apt. Real deal lo qualified buyer. We ha"e buyeri; for good liat1nga. JoTee e111limate111, excellent eervice. Har, 1775 -Eves. Edith Maroon John Mcnab HYatt 4-6222 Harbor 5359 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 2~ M11.rine Ave., Balboa I.land If your fam ily 1s cons iderin9 the pur· chase o f a new home .... If you hope t o own a truly fine, spacious home end e generous lot in the city of Newport Beech .... We believe our sparklin g new d'esigns by three t op .flight architects wi ll interest you. We will be most happy to show them to you now, while we are completin9 fin•I plans for our new residential communi ty in Newport Beech. We suggest you cell us for a preview appointment this week . end •... or before March first. Austin Sturtevant Co., Kimberly S-1175 CORONA DEL MAR VOGEL VALUES CHAR lllNG DUPLEX ON CHOICE COR. LOT. Each unit haa 2 bedroom&, fi~pl&ee, tile kitchen. Gvaga & laundry OCtween each unit. $1 80 per month incomt>. #l apt. 800n avaUable to buyer. Thia La very desirabl~ property. Priced at $22,50Q -FHA loan. 8HORELINE. OCEAN It HILL VIEW. 2 bOd· roome, 1 :\I, bathe -a few at.epe to the beach. Nl~ly futni.shed, wall-to--wall carp@'la. fireplac:ie, att ractive patio. Call now ta tee. Priced at $2'-7!i0 THE VOGEL CO. !le87 E. Cat. Hwy. Ha r. li41 Har. 07~7 C-1 Zone 2 RTORI: Dl'ILl)I NGS 10 B1JbQ.1 . 1 lf'Uerl •t S L2~ per n10. othl!r l• avall1ble A111 1n11 J2~.ooo S"" Bob Rld1ew.1 y, Eve1 H1rbor !21&-J. Ocean Front $15,500 3 SEDIUf tle•ch houae. 111.rl!!:'e lot i'\lmiNl.ed J l&,000. Term •. Ocean Front $23 ,500 N EW i bednn. comrl~tirly fur· n11hNI. DQuble (•r•f f'. ()c"e111 11wt'"mln1t &nd f\Qtnr 11 t yuur lront •loor O cean Front $32,500 8\.\-'ICLL-EL.l:GA N1', :I bedr·n1, ;J Ci r 11:ara11. New •nd mO<ler11 comp!1tely ru m 11hed. \\' to W ':arpet. 1•rb. dlap., dl1hwa~ht r. 4.-1 y~. old modern, fully furn1•hed inc . blt. in litove and oven. $14 .950, G. 1. re-ule -ready for immediate poaaeuion. • WE LIKE THESE TOO. AND WILL BE THERE TO SHOW YOU. SAT. It SUN. BALBOA -125 "G" S t., 1 :: bloc k to beach, 2 bdr., den, 2 baths, carpeted and draped covered patio, bbq. Asking Sze.!)00 COSTA MESA -237 Roche11te r, 3 bdr., !p.I., parquett floors, 2 yrs. old. SI 2.500 and only $2000 down with tcrma to auit. JACK BRENNAN, REAL TY "AT THE ARCHF.S" 3320 W. Coast Hwy. LI 8-7773 OPEN E~ENINGS UNTIL 8 P. M. rte. -Mu~t 1oee t~ ll l'l'""~'•loo• OUR Tenn.11, EXCLUSIVE, exclusively for you Ocean Front $42,500 THl8 3 bfo<lrn1 Kn rt d ~n . 3'~ h11l h home l1 aomethlnl' exlra tJ)l'cia l. Worda 1r1 Inadequate to dir•· rrt~ Jt R be1uty, condition. i nd con.atructlon. Shown by 1ppoinl· mint only to qu11.Utled buyir:ra. A•k for Geo. Stewert, Eve1, Her. 2:'>3j-M BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 150:'> We.et .. llJ?a Blvd. Ha r~ 6188 , REAL VALUES THRE~ BEORM .. h•rd'A'ood flr.11., till! llllchen anct bat h , therniU contro!IM he•t. a uton11\lc '""u h- •r, r1frl1er1lor. Wl'alPrn-Holly ru ranre. 11.nfl c•rr>ellng lncJ1 1•J IT'$ A P.ll:AI, VAl~UE FO R $1 0,7~0 Low down pay ment. Executive Home TWO Bl!:DRMS. plWI a ue11t hou11e, h•rdwootl noon, tile kltchl"Jl A- Nth. on full 1cre of levir:I lsnd co11er9d with bMl'ln1 fruit t ree., no~·en a.nd ahrub•. Do11ble 1•r- •1e With •ltaChl'd '"'Ork shop. Th11 home 11 lo perfet:t condL· liol1, c\o..e In. ln ~It Jl:IU'l l'li<le dlatrlct, Call thl• offlc• ro1 tle- taHa. B. A. NERESON REALTOR 1982 Newport Blvd., Cu1t• P.fei'lr l.JM:rty l ·Ul72 E VPI, l~I 8-t l2(l l.lbert)'l-8613 Uberty 8-3727 2 l f"URNISH!:D borne, bf'tter t h11n nnv, Nd~r.!ed, ~pered, pll n•lln(, \\'Vo/ c1rpetln11 . Ill df'· uahU'\JI t htertul :l Bdrm. home J 1u1t l year olfl . Priced •l J·l 1,- ~. tern11. ORANGE COAST PRO PERTIES' 1AllT Nnr-port. Co.ta Meaa U 8-1'32 Ewt!rlln1• LI .. t •OO TKREIC B&DIUlll, HOUSE l iSOO. ~,_1.1 tu mo. Tenne 10 11u1t. llr.& at 172 Victoria. Colt• Moen f)r call EXmttol 1·2I01. llttr • • • A perf~t two bedroom ru.tic home with ocean \'ieW. 60 foo t lot. 15 x 20 living room with ueed brick fireplace, built in book Ca.8(', hdwd. noo r11, tticrmo controlled heat, drapes, wall to wall car· peting, dining room and aunny kitchen with cabi· nels galore. Di11poaal, fan over atove, dlilhmuter , Jots of tiled drainboard. Muter b«lroom 12 x 16 with Mr. and Mra. wardrobes plua drea1ing table. Tile in bath. overai.ie garage, fenced yard, land· sea.pee!. A steal at $21,000 NO PHONE CALLS ON TillS PLEASE. ~RAY ,.EALTY COMPANY 3444 E. Cout Hwy. Corona de! Mar Har. 2288 (across from Blink in C.D.M.) MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Open House 1023 W . Bay Ave., 1 to 5 p.m. Real charmir\g 2. bedroom bungalow with a bunk room &. bath adjoining the large 2 car garap. Thia home is just opposite Balboa'• beat awimming beach. and is locat ed on a 45 ft. Jot. Tile roof, fireplace and completely fu m ishetl. We can deli ver it for under $26,000 with excellent t erms. . . DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 N<''~"IXlrt Blvd .. Newport Beach Har. 471 8 NORTH BAY FRONT PIER&: SLIP FURNISHED Clean aa a pin is thi11 choice 2 bdrm, ~d ttlnai hom•. E:xquiliite Harbor vil'W and clean sandy beach. Slip for 40 ft. boat. May conaider home, Palm Springe u"part. Priced to .ell now. $55,000 -Term•. OSBORNE -FORTON, Re.,lty Co. 2323 W. Cout Hwy. (at Port Orange) Newport Beach LI 8-7562 Har. 51~ e"efl ftANCH ft"rL& ~ -0Di¥ • me'a. Clld aad. & MautUul hotn1 on • 90 ft. k>t (jUt ott Irvine A. .. u.). All ~. &U.n cuveJy .._.!.Id 1"00IU. I bedroonu, 1 'M. t.U... bteU.tut bar • d1n. inl' ar.. bdwd. t'lbon, J' .A. h•I. bWlt • In ~ ru.a1 and -~. h•vy aha111 roof. w/w c:.rpettnc • clraJ* Included - 1211,600. Cl..IJl'P' HA VEN -P'tnl time of· .l•red -Lovely I bdrm., l '- baU. homP, tlrtrpLace. hrtwil rlGora. compl•te:ly fen.r id, cholt'e loca Uon. ..... 1n .IMXl. CUFF ORl\'E-Unau~ per· man,nt VIEW, tee lot, If'-llv· Inc rOOJT1 With noor to ceiJu1g window a, fe.mUy room with tire- place, 3 bdrnu , l \. ha tha "' to w carJl'l!l1n1 • drapu -Aak Ina '"·000. HARBOR HIG1U~A NDS -A1tr11r. Uve. 3 bdrm, 1 ... bath horne l '~ y e1111 old, lt11.2t liv, "~•m . rP- \'erae n oor plan, wea tne.r 1tr1p• ped, 1arb&(e d1J1poa1I, i;i•pt· at&ke !enclnl'. m~ attra cl!•·e featllrea. AU. tor $17,87~ i.o.llh t 's ':'c flnancln(. BAY' P'RONT -Exc,llent fl)('•· t1on -ti ~rooma. won,lertul beach -BMt buy at J29.~. LOTS * LOTS * LOTS VlEW-Vl p;W ~ ft, $9~00. BAC K BAY Choice cor, Jol Jtl 260 CUFF DRIVE VIJIW ... Sl t .$00 "C" THOMAS REALTOR and ASSOCl.A TES 22' \\'. Coaet KJw1y W 8-~21' Ntwp0rt Beach "'C' THOMAS "'C"' THOMAS B/ B. Corona del Mar H tre 11 a btiy -l ~nn. home JU.I G yfar1 old • newly ~e<'O· ·- More and more tamiHM who prefer a IM:lme in a r. atrlcUd qllOlity community .,., morinc .... ~ " . lniDo 'I'-- the model homea, Inspect built by 'Macco exquiaitely furnillhed Corp. by Martin & Von Hemert !nine Terrace la localed on Cout HJ1hway oppolilte the new lrvioe Cout Country C ub. · · EARL W. STANLEY , Realtor l:JICLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbw «tS For Further ln!ormation * For Rercoll?fl_endatlon, we refer you to anyone who hol~ a. (..eaaehold E&tale in Irvine Terrace, Be.t+:on Bay, Sa.y Shor-ea and Chff Ha\'en BIL~~ BEST BUYS Eas tsi de Bu ildinq Site On one of b<>11t cu rb.·d & pr1 \'( J ,,t rr<'ti; a nd on &e"A'er_ 4 foot chain link rrnL •' "n .. nt· ~hll' a nd acroM rear. Nit:•' h"tllt'K 1tdJ•u11 1uj.! l~> 11. 13~ Only .$3 .1 ~0 3 Bedrooms -2 Ba ths wall to w.U carpet, cu.111om drspt's. Di.sposal. Nicely d~rt~ -close in. $2000 dri ""'n, $73 rer · month. 1'"llll price $1 1 ,~ PRICED TO SELL Better Hurry. 2 good fril mc, 2 B_ R. hou~1·~. y,·en located on,~~·tside co rner lot and on sewer. Hou11e11 are .eparatJ1 by 2 car garage and fen ce, giving appean1.nce of separate propert1e.11. Ideal aitu1.t1on for home and income. Onlr $1 3,750 w1th $3000 dn. OPEN HOUSE Sat. & S un.1 Feb. 25th & 26th from I to 5 l-1· n1. 1913 Maple SL ( 1 blk. front co r ner of 19th & Harbor Bl vd) 3 Bdrm1., hardwood flours. carpeted, fiN'p lacP, double garage aod complet£'1y grape11take fenced, new loan on property af $8000 at $70 mo. Will sell for $2500 down. W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor ~'you'll like our friend ly service" 400 E . 17th St., Co&ta MC:Ha Liberty 8-1139 .. .•. n t«!, Ln,'.tidlnlt' 'A'l li to w&Jl l --------~ ------ ~tA. l l h-a fireplace , BBQ and oven. and 1 nlfe p1tlo. •II for lh1 low full pri<:e of l 111.7:x> A Rare Item 11 an.)'. .ai.ce.. ll bedrQQm In Cor on• de.I Mar undl!r $20,000; but ht're Jt LI , &11d ll'1 l'ood ve lue at 119,- ~ and we can work out lhe tenn1, not only 3 ~rm1. •t thi.11 prl«. but an extra larre lot i!IO x 100) and 1 NICI!: VIJ:W, front and back y1 nl•. I~ batha. newly decorated, tire.place. duuble &•r · qe .. , It won't be on the market Joni'. Deal with Realtor1 Bay & Beach Rlty Inc Corona del Mar Ofrlr1 385() E. Cout Hlrhway -Har. Mt13 -Newport Heights Beautiful 3 bdrm. home j u11t :'> ye•r• old. Urick f l rirpl11.<'•'. bre1kf111t b1r. dlnlnK 1rea, hdwd. tloor•. Uloed brick on frvnt. Very. very ntc" Full pnce J lt.:io<> \Ve have the key·· All!O In Newport Hel1ht11 !hi• 7 year old 2 b<lnn. homir for 112:'>00- "ART" ADAIR, Rltr. le&e Newport Blvd .. Co11ta Men 1.J 8-37112 or U 8·M186 DOC"I'ORS OR DENTISTS lo Santi Ana , \Ve have • l1rge home whlrh c1n r&alJy be mad"' 1nto •3 or 4 offlt•e11.. The owner wlll Jive Iona le&M. The heal buy you l'Vl'r ,._.,w 111 • S1w Sllop In Co11t1 Mir•• A b111y pl111r.e th.Ill c•n i.e. ooushl 1t the rlaht prh:e. FITZMORRIS RLTY. CO. Multiple URllng R~•llor Buir\.rle•• Br()ker VOGEL VALUES -MAIN OFFICE THI S IS _THE HOUSE YOU 'L L LIVE IN ! A rriendl~u.ae with heavy shake root and a striking eJlitftrior de1ign . tThe loc~1.tion ii! beaull· ful' 3 I~. bedroome -2 batha, lge. kitchen. cheerful Jjving room overlooking a patio. H.W . noo~. FA beat-beautifully landscaped & fenced, the works. Importantly different, the property ia R~ for a fast sale at $22.500 DON'T CALL THE VOGEL CO. until you have driven by 2031 E. Balboa Blvd. See this most d~~able location 'for yourself and t h<'n we will show rou the inside of this apacious cwitom bit. 3 bdrm. ind den 2 bath home. Yo u'll love the . bay view rr'Om the king 11ize master bedroom. A•king $28,500 with goOO terms. THE--V-OGEI.-CO . 3201 W. Co~'Hwy., Newport Beach LI 8·3481 ------------· ------------ . CLIFF HAVEN ARE YOU LOOKING FOR~ LARGER HOME? If so, we have. juat that. Thia beautiful rambling home cont.a.iM i bedrms., 3 baths, dining room, double firefi'tate. ';,pacioue living room and in addi· lion there-i.81& large den.or family room. It is wired for electric rtnge, has electric dishwasher, drapes and w/w carpeting. Beaut ifully landscaped and sprinkler 11yatem. Muter light switchee, and oodle9 of other items found only ia cu•tom built homes. There ia ample apace provided in paUo for awim· ming pool. Property is aituated on corner lot in one of the best part.I of Cliff Haven. THE PRlCE WILL SURPRISE YOU. Sho,fln by appointment oply. Call Stan Le Liev~ EARL W. ST ANLE.Y, Realtor 15th It Irvine LI 8·2664 Eve11 : LI 8·70M 3 1 ~ It. CoaRt l\""Y· Comna de! Ma r 1------------------------.,- Herbor 21 ;,2 View Lot One 'Ot tew , not • lea•hold. R ... dUcfd to 1~2~ for Qt11CK caah •"· DA.N A. JA.COBSl!:N. Re11I bl.Ile Har. Mill. LI 8-&3l i. Kl 2-2187 100 % Financing On lnc(lfl'I~ un1t1 b\l.llt on your lot. Ca ll u111 fM" drtell• OA.N A JA(."()8 SEN. R•I Itel•!" Har. ~ti. LI l -"-117. Kl 2-21!!7 LIQO NORD BAY FRONT A TIRACTIVE 1 111tory home, li\•able and conven· ient. Three bedrrra., 2 batha. ma.id'• room a.nd bath. Carpet.a, drapes and applianc~ included. T. 0 . ROGERS. Harbor l~-W Or Ryan 16029 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- • • . o,_..--. ~. =~7 ... a ! t ~1 ·~.:=;.;µ ftlo k ......... ·,-t 1 'C, •. &-lll 7!f¥ n e 1 .....,,__•a 01.--.www ...... -lllMI"' ..... !\, -...... Pot •lo!I---. ROlal .um llfOlWll If ,.. -SJ.0,000 tor Ille dowa l*J mt.;WW-·-·bay. A-· tu! -wltla ' --., I llallla. )up u.tnc ......, dla. ......, ,,,..,,_ aad ... ...talde I-' l'OOlll 6: lath. Aad for tbat lao:l•e • .,..:iOUa 1 --apt. .,... a lull -,l ,car. prace. r.-<.... .,) .. nJlUIIl!llJ:D !JOKI: -tellOO --thi.s opadoua -· L&rp .... ...., -....0: ........ 2 ~ 1 llath, _,_,_ ldkfjp»pollo and -· $1G~ llnn. CORONA DEL MAR INSIDE TIP OFF -Owner la out of the dty. lmrnedlat. pcr1m•'on. A two bedrm. home only 4 yre. o&d and like aew. A BEST BUY ·at Sll.500 We u .. the ke)'9 '° hWTY to .ee thil om. BLANCHE A, GATES, Reeltor MEMBERS or MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa lala.nd-Ph. Har. 1671 or 1172 New Two Bedroom Lido Home ' . We can tell you about this two bath mod<'rn Lido home be-eauM: it• nearly completed and you can inapect 1t NOW. Mtslt'r bedroom hu it1 own d~ing room 4r. bath Bea.med ceil1nga • F'loor planter • Floor Lo ceilinc fireplace • Bar )dtchen • Accouat1c ceiling d ining atta • aU cleverly combined to produce Lido Laland'• mo.t outatandins buf • • • Only $24..000 Excluaive -We have the key. Lido Realty Associates 3400 Via Lido VIRGINIA MANSON J. H. GROHMAN Harbor 4444 GENE VREELAND BILL KEMPTON COMBINING 2Q YE;ARS or LIDO SALES' EXPERIENCE ·--·• ----·· • ' 7 • ,. ' ........ ' ·' • !EWl'QllT HAlllO~ NEWS-l'llESS .,;,. l!AlT 11 • PASE.7 ,, -·-Fl!OAY, FHllUARY :M, I~ ~ ,.. a. pa m.e r in ,~ r:P or l t e .. .. •: .'!_ • !..,.. • • --- • rrdo · f!'Odernl 1llJllAll • CXl'"'8 .... -.. tb7I 4 bedrm. z bath home. Tho lktncnn ... b..uttlully popered, bu a mu1tv1 bouquet canyon .tone f"u-eplace and lrMd.lac alaa. doon to a loYely patio. The kitchen .. a dream with bu.lit-in Tbermador oven Ir range, dtepcw.1, h&rdwd. cabmeta and matching formica. We· OOCld So OD &nd OD a.bout thia home, but you --IL Prlcod at $17 ~. Now Flu • ' ,lll,000 loan payablo $180 per mo. -.Jido home . for lease! Gradou 3 bednn. 2 bath home-with la.nai a.nd full dininrnn. Lovely patio. A v1.ilable on yean lease U. $27~ per mo. inc.L gardener. 45 tt. lllret't -to -ltreet, beat location. $1 8.~) - $3,000 down, $100 ptr month. The above are exclwiivtt with us ~ Come to HEADQUARTERS for th~ and other good buys in Iola a.nd homes. ' • five littte ' . • lOC. . inarens --· .. I "--~ -.. ., - ---·- • -t111a -..i eoad tepee. oa Dip .._, a beclra!. 1% llath, 2 patloo, bis 1&l'd. Ills Ill ,,. ... blr ..... Uttlt price. •.lf•" ~ °'--.11·-..a Iii.! ' I . · ' ' two little indien1 •Y lhil one big enough for wtiole tribe -S"be4.rma- 2 baths, ckn, rumpua room; 0\'91' 2100 Ml· ft. in boua alone. WW t.n4e fqr H•R'np Ranch, Ar· cadla or Puadena pc-tJ. Price 128,llOO. War· rlor s ..... ,...,. aeoat -toll blm ! three little indl•n• 1ay lhi1 one bigb in aky. Uke bic chief, you can see all from the li\•ing room. Small, cute color- ful 3 bedrm. Kings Road home, low price $24.~ Bnve Farnaworth aittin' by phone! four little indian1 u y thla ooe perfect 1ummer borne -winter, too. On 8afbol. hland, 4 bedrtn11., den, biir patio for aummer talk ,and 11un. No better buy on the J.land, says Chier No-Feathers Kincaid! fi ve little indiens say they t..l.I icrtt -this one la HOT! Bi& family home in Shorecllff1. This one aecret, owner 1ay no talk on tele0phone. not on open market -but ·Nill sell 4 bedrm .. dini.na nn. $45,000. \\'arr1or Otlburn know! p. a. palmer incorporated p. a. palmer incorporated . BALBOA NEAR-JETTY -2..VtEWI . _, - 2 B. R. -Lorse den - 1 \> batha. Sun deck~ ed for additional room. Nicely decorated ~ $23,7!!0 -Tenna. 1 HoUM: from bay -Neat aa a pin! beach cottqe. $3llOO will ' handle, Furn. 2 B._ R. '• ·. V:i Block to Bay -Near Library. 4 8. R. l i-2 ... bl.th borne -Modem kitchen, dlabwuber, waaber and dryer. Furn. -Sl:i,900 -Submit on down payment. LIDO BA 'ffRONT-EXCLUSIVE Very attractive one ltory 3 yr. old home. 3 8 . R., 2 bath plu. maid's room & bath. Sandy Beach -$60,000 Newport Beach-Income $t000 DOWN Duplex -6 yr11. old -nicl'ly fu rn . 1 B. R ea.ch -close to ocean & i.:.hanncl Full prire -$13.950 Dool With Roo l!o" BAY AND BEACH REALTY, INC, Realtors 1450 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa liar. 1264 ole han1on co. m•na91ment ~le hanson co. mane9ement _____ 3333 __ v1a_11c1_ • .,.· _bar_bo_•_1_000 ________ 1_100_•_._..,.. __ , _hi_gh_w_•_Y __ h_he_rt_y _s_.ss_7_3 ___ 1COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth .. • Announcing! ! • "The Pacific" MODZL HOllE • • OPEN • • Saturday -Sunday llo6p.m. • 3 be<lroom11 • 3 bf.lha v' v' Best Buys Corona del Mar 1. SHORECLlFFS. Just Hated -exchaive with us. Thia immaculate 2 bedrm. and den home on Morning C&nyoo Road with Panoramic view of ocean, hills and canyon. FA heat, large flagatone patio, carpet.a and drapee included and only $31 ,500. BEITER HURRY on thi.e one -it won't tut. • • • ARE YOU TIRED OF LIVING !n a trail•r and want 1.n Lnt'X· penalv• home under 19000? Ir the trailer will equal thla owner1 t<jUlt)' you wUI have only 11111 JMr month to pti)'. lnll!rl!I! 11 UIJI)' f, \.lo ~rctnl. Ta..N ud lntt"rut Included 1n the monthly payment. Only 2 year-1 old. • • • GOOD : Location on lht> Eal'lt s1df' BE'M'ER : See this one right away BES1': 3 Br. home, hwd. floors, double garace, fenced yard. $11 ,000 with l1>rnus. HOME & INCOME: Live in a la rge attrat:live 2 Br. A pt. with fireplace & garbage disposal -Then rt:nt two 2·Br . apt.a. for enough to maJte t he montb.ly payments ... Move in today for only S3000 down &. full price only ~20.m I ll the !&st 9r.'eek we can sh n!A' thi~ c-lnac-in duplex, 2 Br. each side, service porches, garageis & .mall guest house. The price is right $13,7!'>0 with $27~0 down. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • lhU.• roof 2. SPECIAL BUY. 3 bednn. borne plua 1 :!..1 bathe, fireplace, double garage, fenced yard. YES in Corona del Mar and onl y $15,000. $4000 down will handle. Shown by appointment Should sell quickl y . THERE 18 NO A DDRESS L.IK.!l A. UDO ISL.£ A.DORUS. And ll 'I the only 1pot on eutn that can compe~ ,,..Ith Heaven. 3 bedroom•, ea.ch laq(e enouch ror twtn. bedroom M'll, 2 blo lhl, lar1e Uvlnr room with nreplac:-., d~ roam. and la.Dal comblna - Uon, break.fut tlLr U d OTer· ~ 2 cu l•r&C"e IOll.ded with 1tol"'&(e e&bJll\,l& Und•rpriced al 1)4.,IOO, UOOO down. Pay- menc. ,_ -.... renl. We holr- nlah me ~ry\ai' tO'WIM to Ula.. wbo come too Late. BALBOA ISLAND SPACIOUS MODERN HOM.E--2 ltednn. and dm- finplace -patio, dbl. gar. A REAL HOME for the wiae buyer. Owner will fin&nee . ENTERTAINMENT CONSCIOUS! -then 11ee thi.11 3 bedrm. home with la.rte NITE CL\IB TYPE PLAYROOM, ll'• compl•te bar and decor are ri1.ptivatin(. And of cour.e, a Larse beamed ceilinc · fi .,Jn1room With ston~ finplace. Jwit \he place for happy relaxed livinr. -ATTENTION INVESTORS: 7. ' THESE WlLL HIT THE JACK POT: 2 Unit> on Bal-loland ..... -.................... SJll,!IOO • R•laed llaptune f lrtp\act • U na! 1llnln1 1.re.11. e Lol al~ 6~ ;ij. 1111 • ~eauu:ul pn.nelln r • L.ar11 1111nny fl"l!U 3. DUPL..EX. O ose-in choice location. '1 bed.rm. each, 1 unit furnished and on lea&e at $75 per mo. Fur- nitlltt In cluded. Front unit available for buyer. FP $16, 750 -$4-000 down will handle. • 2 For<'""1 1.lr rurnacta, 1 a.-ba,.e dt1poaal. Wealln1hou.1e d L 1 h-1 t . '¥'U her DELUXB CORNER DUPLEX. Two bedrm1 each., firepla~. beet loeation. Shown by appointment. Priced at $2:i,OOO. Terms can be a rranged. e S.para .e •<'l"'IC<' rOom • •'Inc cab1n .. 1 1nalallalloM • Bullt In r1f'Ctrlr atove and O\'en • o.11rhtru11y ne-cor atl'd • f;:apenatv,.ly lotnd.ca~ • Re9lrlct~1 a rra De1·r lope4 By Cl<1r,JH't' L Cooper. lnc Uu!lt By John n . Cllu 11. Q111111y eu1hter t "rir pr11v1ew ahow1ng to q1.1lHled cll-U MEllBER OF MULTIPLE LISTINGS. CORONA DEL MAR REAL TY CO, PRICE 1'-McCUJSTION, Realtor 3447 E..Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar Har. 47 (Office located next door to Newport Harbor Bank, COM) . -~~~~~~~~~~-~'-~~~~~~~~~- • • • OCEAN FRONT i STORY APT.- C-1 Businf'fis Zone : 2 Br. home, Hwd. floors, gar. age, Lot !i() x 150. Ideal for small buainesa location. $11.100 with tenn11 . · G, N, WE~. Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd., Costa }.feM. I ... I 8·1601 VOGEL VALUES -BALBOA ISLAND * * *' * * NICE FOR SUMMER AND HOLIDAYS Roomy 2 bdrm. home, fireplace & gar•ge. Pa\'~ patio, nicely .furnish<'d. A steal !or $20,000--lenns. • 2 story 3 bednn. home with 1 % bath.11, dbl. garage, _ fully furniahed, close to best North Bayfront beach. 8 Unit.a in Corona del Mar ............................ $82,600 <.:1111 2 Unit.ea on waterfront., Balboa ll1&Dd ........ $42,lSOO J ohn Abell SPECTACULAR BALBOA NEW LISTING rQt.l'U.. PINCH TOURSl:W' to -'-lt 10lll .,.. a-ke wh~n you '" IL owner •Y• ll'1 7 yeart • I old. 0... a;it. M.a 2 bedrooma • -2 tw.lha, 01~ hu 2 bedroom.a • l bath, two apt.a, have on1 bf!.d. room 6 1 bath ea.ch, n Ic e I y tuml.lhed, 1211,M>O reMOne.bl• c .. h doWn or owner' will take 1ooc1 11t tru•t deed .. down , ii-yment. Will JMlrk I Cllrtl. Asking price $28,000 NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Har, !i02 or 4623 BALBOA PENINSUL.f.·, 3 bednn.-3 bath-3 year old quallt.7 btd1t home. -3 car prap atreme<t and phunbed for apt .. A muet see at $29.600 DUPLEX ' Completely fumi.ehl!d -3 bdrm., 2 bath each. Excelle nt condition ~n choice corner. $29,500 Low down to qualified. buyer. 3 bdrm. il den, 2 bath -dining room -Bay view on lovely 40' corner lot . Bill. from bathing beach. $28,500 .THE VOGEL CO. LIDO OFFICE 3418 Via Lido, NpL Bc.b. Har. 4971 or Har. 4G72 EVM. LI 8-:i297 -LI 8-3040 -Ha.r. :ilil2 OPEN HOUSE IAT. A SUN. irl:s. 2Gth A 29th 1 to 5 P. M. 1MI ILU'LI: ST. (1 7llk. ,,_ -ot lfltll .. -Bml.) n--· --,_.., carpet<id, flNplaco, --&114 -'4tely ... ~. - -ro... ... pwportJ ot aa.ooo at ,70 mo. WW ll&l!lor ~~ ,N W. A. TOBIAS, Reelfor HARBOR INVESTMENT CO, REALTORS Ka.rbcn' llOO E\"t:nLl'lf• phone LI 8-e.IU B/ B LIDO ISLE I Bl:DROOKa. J ~ b&lM, lovely patio. ASKING S23.000. LOW DOWN ' A Vl':RY DEelRABLE H O MF. for a faintly. 4. ~room.1. 2 bAlha. M"any aatraa. A paUo tor large r roup .nt•tatntnr. The Price $36,MO. a.Ibo. Peninaule SSE THI8 brMlh·t.aklnc hom• wttll t,... patkll. Uam&lca.d tor U.a -'-wanted tooaua. oa UM i-'111.iMul&. J be!lroom., dm, 2 MU... Thi9 hui:ury hmna otters the n..-\n p&anMd archttecl· \lnl ~ wttJI. IMllJ ..au, · ~ wall to wall c:arpeu..,· .... dn...-. Slee. ....... .... Moder-a O.&. kt'Jb411 •CLUGYWi -A.Oii.MT o.I wttll Rulton • "J'OU.'U Ub our trtmdlj ..mo." __ .,_ .. _1_7th_1t._,_Ca1t& __ x_-___ Llbttt __ ,_•.,..·ua __ 1Bey & Beach Rlty Inc • Vt& ...... aridrp Ortl¢e--Ha IMS LITTLE ISLAND BUT or THI: 1'KAll 1 I liadnL, 11> i.u.., fllnllobtd _..........i bomo wllll lo. Bay..., aad _,ato cVnlnc room. to"'°" o1r toat. _, r"" 1m-1· bocupoaq. 1•,aoo •' DORIS BRAY, RNltw .ill lh-A .... Ba!boo lol&Dd Bu. JO_. M ",_ rtc11l ot Ui• Udo Brl<1C9" •Y OWNER INCOME UNITS Bl:8T ('n'SR TA~ , ............ u .... c . UllllUC ~ OOIOIJlllaAL LOT l'f&AJ\ B .... • JM_ lllllll .. dQ, LOW f'IUC:8. 0--......... _ d l ISLAND 4 UN ITS ON 2 FULL SIZED LOTS COMPLETELY FURNISHED BEAUTIFUL-patio with BBQ 1.nd ever)'thin1 -neceBSary for otttdoor living al ila beat. Garages &•lore. · Only $10 ..• own. Let thia one build .u.ity for you. '• WM.W. STANLEY SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD Park Ave. at Marine, Balboa J11land Harbor 2462 Open House A ftemoona Dally HARBOR HIGHLANDS I Now annexed to Newport Beach l Opposite 19th St. and Irvine Ave. 19'6 PriKiJ.la Lane Lovely comer home of 3 bed.roonw with land1eap- in1, rrape stake tenoe and ready for immediate oc- cupaney. Ownen have moved l.Dd want quick 1.ctJon. Price $17,950 FHA Loon. ---e --- A.i.o ~vailable, 2 four bedroom bOIDel . DUNCAN HARD~STY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd ., Newp:>rt. Beach. Har. 4.718 BUILD "+IOW . , $4,90 per sq, R, 1'189 1 ' 937 Square Foot Hom-$4595 1155 .Square Foot Home-$5595 OPEN SUNDAY Arl'El\NOONB l Wll!t& D.AYB SCOTCH CONSTRUCTION of Garden Grove, Inc. UOU W_,.,lnatet Blvd., Gardim ClnWI L& .-al· o I o DELIGHTFUL OCEAN VIEW- IN 80trnl LAGUNA, whe_re ~I and quiet llvtn1. c~ IM. youn all the daya or your llf~. 2-one bedroom Willa, nicely 5 bednn. home with 3 baths. Excellent construction and nicely arranged. Located near South Beyfront. Price $39.500 -tenm to •uit. Special: Back Bay view lot, the fine« residential section. $1 7,600 THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave., Balboa laland Nexi door to the Pot1t Office Har. 444 Eves Har. 1229-R Har. 4248-R rurnlahlld 11 3,000. Owne_r h .... ----------------------- 17300 eqully. \\'Ill •II or trade 1n N-port BM.ch area. • • • MULTIPLE LISTING OF THE MONTH tOU'LL TURN HANDSPRINGS- Even It you have 11.rthrll.1", wh'n you "" what we_ can .ell you for $111,000 with only 12000 down. A brand new 3 bedroom home, 2 bath1 io.ded w ith UI•, .. 1" ..i.o the kllchf!n. Jl'treplace, tiutlt·bt o<ren _,., .tow.. I CM 11.rare. Street lmpro-t"emait.a .,.. .n a.· Ud pUIS ,___ ~ -••• Caravan Special MULTIPLE LISTING NO. 1>738 3 Unit.a in Balboa for $31 ,000. Ideal Bay & Ocean location. See your MULTIPLE UST1NG BROKEll Before BOme other lucky buyer ..ea It! Seven l1l•nd1 Re~ty " • Investment Co. Newport &OS4Jad 8L, °JC..,...i acb, C&Hf. Hu-... aft.-Ip. a llar. INT Harbor BOard of Realtoti ' Provincial '~;:perfection 111. t hl• "I .......... h.....,. ahake NGt baud • b9l •ttrior, n18ed _.. btlck MuUt.. o~ • .._. ..alnra .....ut\111 •bln•tll .......... horn. ...... by • a..teb ..,Wlam&a. 0.. _,., aN. at 'l..al1' Im tvtf • --cal ....... 9fPl. ..... "MT' ADAIR, Rltr. ·-,. ... t ...... o.ta ... u...,..·ua..- Multiple IJating Serviae ~king f~:J~~!~~o.J?A~• look~- tht. J bdrm., 2 bath, shake roof home. ·ODJ,. l:'mcL~ old. Birch kitchen, built In stove .Ir: cwn, ·~ '11\t~ · rm ., •J>td""" patio A tun dock. On17 'IOI mo. pa)'mta. at4\',';l. r .P.'23,500. ---~ OPEN SAT. SUN., 2011 E. 0-. 3ltd. .. can- MURIEL M. PINOVER, ReeltO.. "' :llO( N..-port Blvd., N..-port Buch HAR:~ • ... » l I .. ctty of :s-port. lleM-11. l!li.te at Callfgrtia NO'PIO!: TO l..'OSTllAl'TOR."l BEA~D PROPOSALS will be rec<'ivM at t.he ufflce of Ute Ctty Cl•r k, Ctty HLll, City ot Newport Be'ach. Cal1torn1&. 11nlll 7 .30 o'clock P .K. on l.be l.2th d.l.y of JUrch, lllOe, •l wt11ch um .. tl"l'V wll/ be publicly op.ned IJl.d ru.d, tor performing work •• fu!Luw•. Jror the Orfldl"1nl" ol thf" Beach haywar1! <1f Lh1• Tnuf .. r 1~11rk ~tw"''I Jtlt11 11n•I Hlth St r~t1 No bid \lo•Jtl be r1<:e1vf'd uni""" 1t I• rnad" un a propoaaJ foan1 furn- l.8hed by the Ctty l!:~ineer. Eaeh bid mu.t be &("Comp.nu:d by 1cu h c ertlfitod o r caahler'a chttk, or b1ddt r'a bond1 made l>&)'&ble to the atY of N.wport Beach, tar an a1nount equal to al leut l<'n percuit 1 tO"' l of the amount bid, aucb g'IU.ra.nty t o be torfeLteJ ahoul<1 the bidder lo wtiom lb• contrftt la •w•rded fail to enln-Into the con1r11ct. Ln &CCO~• ... 1th the prov1a1on.1 o r ~l1oru 1770 in 1781 or the ! Labor Code the CL!y Couno:ll ut th<e City o! :-.ewpoi 1 He•« h ha11 ••- cartatned the gene r11I preva1Un1 rate ot w10ge11 11µpl1u.Ll11. lo Lht wQrk , LO M <lOD• u !ollow•; CLASSIFlCA T lON • carp.en I.er ........................ . llourly \\'111e .S<:a lr J.90 Cenl.nt FlnLAber .. • . 2 112:'J t.boren, General or Conalrucuon ... _, __ 2 20 ~ ···-•.. 220 W at.chm.a.ti and/or Guard . .. 2.00 Apprmtlca Engineer, Incl. rlrl!'1nan, 01Jl!'r, a nd rr-..er ···-·· . 2 2~ A.tr OJl:npr~r O,Vra tor . tt.Y)' Duty R...painnan Pvmp Operator ~ Operator. butlrtoz•r . fam p<'r •er&fl"r, 2 .17 dra,g IYJ>9 •hovel or •1n11Ja r ty re .. 2.e.8 UnJVl!l"U.l equipment opera tor ( 11.hoveJ. drtgline derrick , derrtck-~r1~. rlan1 .. ntll, ~rane or pile driver\ .... Driven ot dump tn1ck1 or Jeu lhan i ylia. "' ""•ler le\lel 2 3fl~ Unforclnc-ll'OI\ W orker 2 II~• My d&.MU'lcatlon omitted herein, not let1.11 t han 2 0-J f'r.r D iem \\'llll"• 23.20 24!&0' "'° 17.60 ie.oo :lU 16 23 2.'! I .'I t 4 "80 18 00 All tN.s. are l o be con1 parM o n the ba..9111 of the l '1\y E n1 1neer a uUml.ta ol the q11a nt1Uea or 1<."ork to bf' done . . Np bJd w1JI be a cceplr•I froni 11. Contr11.c\nr "'ho 11111• l'IQt bef'n l!- cMR:t ... : accoNance with l hr p10\·11io111 ul (.'h•pter 0, l.J1\•111on Jl J or lt\IGl1...:: .,.d Protea.ion. Cod~. pi..,. inay bf' 11ecn. 11n<I fr1rn11 or rrupo•a!, ll<'nrl.t1, ,.,,ntn1~t. 1.nd apae.lflcatlona may !Ml ohlll1nrd ><l the off1<:e or the City C:n g1neer, City Kail, Newport Beach, California . Tlw apecial a ttenUon or Pf'OllPKllVt b ldd•ni b ca!l«I to the "Pro- po9al Raqulrementa and CondlUora" annexed lo th.e blank form or pro- p<m.l. for t ull dlr<":Ct 1on. aa lo b!ddinc . C'lc. Tbe City of Newport Beach. rMerv" the ri&h.t lo rej ect any or all -Clly of N-iiort Beach . California .J.IARGERY18CHROUDER. City Clerk De.tad February 11'.1. lllM No. 1416 N•wa-Prwu1 2/17. 24. 1 9~ I I I I I • • 1 I e I • • • I • • f e • • I I I • 1 I • • ~ a • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • /;, "It'll P'•Y )/ON too. to '"'JI ,, "cov Po"tK1C ut" ROY CARVER Pontiac ltoO w. ~ 8-r· Uberty II-Mal Nowponlleoclo / • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e •I • • • • • • ••I • • I• I • a • • • I o • • • I "' •• e e a '"'"--. ~- --,---I • ' ' • -• f ' ::t: •... .,._.., ..... ~---~----- ...... -&MAL .... , •••• , -.. : ,. ' ·fective March=-1.1, ·1: 6 • • • --· The Following .,Dealers Will Disconti11ue the Practice of Loan Cars to Cus·tomers ' Due to Insurance Reasons. II ,.. I • Thank You for Your Cooperation T1ils policy is in keeplllCJ wltli a recently adopted policy of the members of the Orange County Motor Car Dealen Association. .. AL llAITT MOTORS Dall11 PIJ-th Hl!IO N owporl Btnl ~-- IROERING'S AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE J 101 Bayakle Dri,·e Newport llNcb ROY CARVER PONTIAC Poetlac & UMd Can 1400 W. Coast H"1''- Newpon 11Nch conoN GOFF Yolla-••·Ponci.. 211.6 Newport 81,·d. Newpcwt BNch HAUSKEN·WATSON Sports Car e- lm Harbor Blvd. OoM&.M- HUTCHESON'S BODY WORKS • 14-0 lnd..trial Way C<Nita Me.. JOHNSON & SON COA•a•tal. Uncolll • Man:.ry 900 W. CoUt Hwy. Newport llNcb ' MIWR CHEVROLET CO. Olchmoba. • ei..vroi.t 1000 W. Cout H"'Y· Newport llNcb JOE NltKERTZ Slv~·-... ss36 -" Blvd. Newport 8-b LOU REED & ASSOCIA TIS THEODORE ROllNS .. • Imperial • Clrysler • Plymouth Ford & lllterMtla•al Tl"Kb Tli••lltlrd 1200 w. ~ ...,., 11111 W. c-t RWT • N...,..t Beooli Newpori- t • . ' ' . .. • .. \ . I ..