HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-03-07 - Newport Harbor News PressI· • ' I -----·-~--·····--· -·-···---------.. .. -....... . ~. ' --·-·-~·-· .. , .. •• .. ~,,r..;~·,; .. ' . ' : --' ··-' . '. . ' .. • . . - -··-. ---~-- HEl.lPCYI' C.ilUll 'l\'DBRf:,\.Kl~(J Top Newport B..•ac·h civic le::i.d1•rs ""'~·1e (Hl h a nd yt"t'ti'lrda~ t •1 par11cipalr in ~1·1 iundbr<'a1:1n~ rllrl:i Ht 111·\\· l ft·l1 p.,1 11l,1n t i-.111· uver\0t 1klnl( r-; .. 11.1•o rl Blvd. nur th ,,f Huag lluspila l. l-~rom l1·f1 . Jam··~ T \·11 11 Dykt , pr•·t!ld 1·1,t , Ne-w vvrt H arbor C ha mber ;,f Comme rce . [Jr. A1·n1.I<!. 1). l-k-t·kn1a n J.ido 1Alf'. ''""'11t·r ,,f f1 m 1, !Jon Duncan, H elip••t ~l'neral manai::-er turn ing •·a rth Mayor Du ra 11 111 11aJ l l uy l.;ingrnhcim. e han1ber secretary tk ·c•knt:r Phut" New Hehpot Plant Civic Leaders Gather at Groundbreaking Ceremony Groundbttaking rittx fnr pla.nt •were held )·cHtcrday ;it f-lf:hl'<>l Corp."s. t he. firm~ ocean ... ,_ n1tlli11n Sii e' north of Hoag Hospital 0\"1·rl11nk1ng .~ .. wrK11·t Blvd. ;.P-·1t h civic leaden of N!'wpo rt Bca1·h Hnt.I CuHla M(·sa jouu n~ IJr. .t.m old O . Be<:k111•n. L1<111 !~1"·1 '''"'• 11 .. 111,,•t ... ,U b•• th~ l>t1 i.:~>! th• rirm '• O"'Tto'r. fo r 1 n~ v<"tll· J n11u111 f•< \11nni;: 1n~t1<1l11l!on "' I h" :'\"Pll l•r•l t H,.1t1o'r Rr"• 11 n°! w11h rull •""-l'·•n•1or11 "ill '""l'l"I ~I• l''"ll llllll l'"I\' 1•~NI f '"t~""' I "'In ~1 +u• t1 .. n .• n .. 111.i h"~'" w11 t1111 •11 .ton. Dr. fk-('km .. n. rnun•I'• l''"""!"nl of Bl'c k m an l n-'•!run1rn1~ Ir.,· ''' wtll<"h H l'llJ>Ol 1.• IJ ''""'·"'"" I"'"· "'"k t111t1•I h111l•l 1ni.:~ "" 1n .. l."·M• t•· ~•!•· 11 •ll • •• 111,,.11 ,.,.,..~ 1h 11 n 1 • . ., OOQ !!Q f l •f fl,,.,, ~I"''•" 1'"''"1•" an•l 1.11°k11 ... o ~•" 111 .. 11r0 1111 ... 1. 11n•! .\I J 11~.,,.k an.I ~ .. n.• 1111 lh .. l:•·n~tA! !'Otllfl'l(f••l sidPd •l th e 1(1·uunilb1<'1\k1n i.: "'th Donald C . Dunr ""· H "l'l""t I:""" eraJ manaa:!'r. M•yor , .. ,,., tllll aad J•I\)'" T \'•n f h·k ... ;-.; .. w - port Hlrbor Ch11111t).l>r "' ~ ·.,n1- merce pru1d•nt. he••le<l \tu" rl· lJ"a J1"0UP at lhe p~1·tu 1 ""4ue Mile at whtcb H1lipol ""Ill bu1l.I pu· 1 t·t'l.'\Tr:\fl'~IKAK\" 1.1:'\f:,<;, tentiometera. A l111n'h•"•n f ••r •·1 .... n '''"t'"r11 p<>1 11ry lln··~ ~"}"- sue•la. Beckman &.11\I lf,.l lp<l! ,,f. n,)t <' 1"'" r11111i1-J .. ...,.I ~tr olt '"'~ rtciaht tollow9d 111 H"lh•I·• llA1 Thr ,.,, h•l"•"L• <leclarr 111111 •••I Club. Upon eomplel"'" llllf' lh•• (l 'nnUnlH'd on t•ac,. l fl l MESA FIRE DEPARTMENT BUDGET SET AT $59.520 7-rnember. Staff Tentatively • In City Council Plan for '56· '57 • r"· '• HARBOR WEATHER T!''"'-l•Y ~\~r·h ~·,..,,., .\i11r• 11 J • .1,.; • ., •• ,f Ml\I"• h .1 !"1,,1. I••"• ,\!1" • I• \ 11.,,,.1 ,, MAfo h ~ \\ ··•1"1'' ,.1 .. ' ·'I ' t1 II •\• "' ... ~ ... "' "" ••• BANK HAUL TOTAL MOW $7800 SUM '" 1,. ... " " ,., , •I, t ' , 11• 'I 11\ I ll·• l\IH · Tn!lll l•••I t:lMr1 "f th• 111111 :. ~l ·d1·!1o1 ,, 11 I""' l !.o 1 ... , ·h····· 11•1!"''' Rn•I $'111•111 ,, "" ",, n ,, '" " .l<llll' ' "' I < I 11!1: 111 k·· 1 i.. I • " 1 • • • • I· I ! "" 11 , ,, \• , lo •II l·•I I' •""I I" "!'"" I lh• '1111 11 111 i: II t ' I•• I " ·~ 1 I \ " HI~ I I•,. I(!·''"' • tt .. , >I • ,,, .. ,i lo \ \, .. ,,. ,,,11 .... <111: l <\I• v ........ \\ ,, .. 1.n! '' •• 111 .. .... " I:" I 1'1" "''"I l•k 11 .... 1 I" • •I I h•· ~ r1111 I l··•t1p• '"' '" ~ ;11 .. ""I: " ' hl .. 1• ti ., ! , r I• " I '"" .. ' "'"'" , .. ' ,,,. I"' " ·• ,, " " ... ,. ·'" .,, .. " " ..• "' '"" " '' .. . -. .NEWPORT HAJZSOR ' . NEWS P -Ress 49th YE.\~3 NEWPORT BE.\CH, fu1FORNIA, WEON!lSD.\ Y, M.\RC!j 7, 1956 PHONE HAltBQJt 1616 FIVE CENTS LIDO WOMAN NAbAED TO GOP SAN FRANCISCO tONVENTION ------- School .Board Will Republican d•l•C•lt• r ro1n lhr 78U1 O>narruional 0••· trlt l LO lh• f*llonaJ convention In San l"rlUICllCO next Au1· ua1 w•re ~ Loday. Ttlty laehlde Oonll"f..-n&n Jame• 8. Utt. Mn. J ... Hoyt, Udo ~; OOt'dott Rl~ Or-0 s . 11.nce p;d a~ from l~ S.n ~rro U'M .tW to be nanMd. 1 • Sel)stor ~·Kuchel, A-qa.in1. a., UU! •late dele:pte ppose ecess1on " ..,... ..,._ lloyt .... o,.,,i· co~ty Republk~ w~ · · · m.en'• chalrmM tbree year1 •10 anti "'-worked with Re- i)uoUeu .u.octai... IM'fTllt( u pecuU vt .-cretary. 1-CITY-PO-LIC-E A---RR-ES-T -I MESA BOYS ON THEFT Thi"" ~uuth11. t wo frurn f'<J•I• tn'! 1•11..-.. w lo,.11 111,., ~,,-,.•t rd lh• .)s .,~. ""'" .,, .. ,.t .. J ll)' :'\"ewporl ··~ J'""'"1 .. ~ U1 ... ,,t1Le1· ~·/ vi.1r · !Nil•<'" .\"$t<:.r1.h1y un •lll f K<"8 .,f P'••!"•! I• ,,,. •\"I'°' NEW SCHOOL SITE NEED TOLD BOARD Future Annexations Dim; Unity Meet Due March 14 Nev.-port f.:Jf'rnen t1n ~ tnun~ Wf'lll !•!l r..,.-.,,.,t ho il 111Khl m o r r Cotill:I ~f e1>a L'n1u11 :-;rh .. .,I ''!'!" ,,.lrl)' \-'11/ll'd .. r 111111 ,,.,,.,.,1:; ~l,,J ,.11 jil••!•,.,1, Jo 11 ol TJ1 .. i\l\Clo l,., I !,. a 11U~<'··I "f 1,.., .. 1 1~1ef L .. u1.1 :;,,. J'" .. 1ul<'"• u1•111 1n.11•• ~1 .... 1 ... 11 111 .. '""'''"u-Harbor HHJ" Wands JUr iMd!t'\itHl (,f .\ ... ,,...,,.,rt lka 1·t1 .~• t1< ... I., w .. 1e io l...., •ll<'•l<".J "ri" ""'" 1r1 1,J .. , 11'''1'"',Y 1·1 E.i .... ,..1 U"""" I I t I I I n 1u o p 111g R ><l1tlt·rnt"11t ''' 1~• 11 \ 111••111 1• r:--''' 111 ,· >•1ar,1 vtilYN '" 1he .am• ('u.. I"' t· .. 111 p1u11 0 111 ... .-. &&al t h•> District May · - "'-"'kl'•l """"" 1rvck rtnver <truV• !/\f •'•• 1,, the H untrng\un •l•leoJ l hW l lll,.v ""•Ul•I ~l"l' ~"' 1• ,,J I ' l ' ... I G t Ins..._...,__ pllU\I' "' ............ ,,,, .. , ''"·-· ••••.••.••.• ,,. ' ••• ,, .. ''.' ,,, '' Jim .. ,. R. Shclt vn. 18. u f llll E. H<-e• h a •"• ""her• !h r • 1uu11-"llJI • nTWT1'Vt1 " ,.,... . '' .. ' ' ' •· • !a re .... "h" ., .. 11 •" 1,l•n111"g '''' l .. , '"'' 1,_, t O:'•• ,,,. 1, 1 l~lb St ,.11d U&•"I(! Pohln1ui. 2'0. •trlJIP" I 1l and 1ba.nJ uuN It un ,.,,. •• ~ JI: l:h·11ao!way, bvth t:001t•I • lon.,1•· r ()&d \\'1!11 :-iawport H.&pt a elt rnitn· a nne:1..a1')[ 1" ;,,,. •' 1 ~ '•1 :'\"""I""" ,., ... MM&. ""'' Harol'1 K t.1th J>eui.l 1ht ,,n waa la 1 .. , ,,.,.lvlr n uf -uuy .cboo1 ~to Opell 1n :;ep-H-Ln. ta nr.i . .i: u ... ,r "'"'''"' """'' !t .. •· •'• J9. of t OOZ2 Haz.11rd Ave Sant.a f1~ .. 1a ,...,.1 an<t :<tr .. avn !'u ni-1.,n1b<'T. ~upt. ftoy A.nckr.,.., t0Jd 1'llol!K lnt u !hr :.; .. ..,1•••t ll·"'"'! ·!:• 1 1 A u• "'~" ""'~ 11<-a n ••r ,.,, ,, ... 1 .. , ·11r ."/r .. ·port Be&rh 11:1\ool l••Nrt1 l rhl !'" •' 111.. ;. .,, .. ,.11 ... ",.,,. 1,.1 .. ,.,. ... 1 r .. r "''•I•>: l•"•t• ''""· 111~ ••r 111. • .i nlj:I\\ t ll&t ll will be ne""""1r.r1 s ,,. h ~ "'"'" ...... ,.1 1 ~~ ... " '!•' It. ·' ~ ""'''"'' .... ' . ,, 11.,.1111 1:; ,1111q ,;r• 1,..111,1; 1.i.,.J '-'hrll ll .... ,.,.. .l••l\""d ''""II l•1t·l1 " llt.Y •no_lhe r .chool •lle rtua r l•l J'lfltH,.ot\ t 111 .. 1 ... 1,.,11. •l •t.\ .. I '' .,,. •1.r ·'"I ,~,.\n·t r.n .. 111 t h•• •~'"The N ewport H•ISbt1 ••hool "" .. rt Sul't H••\ ·"'"1 .. r~11 ~t .. t·•I I""" I '· I ""··•·!•1' :.; h· .. •I 1>f1101,., h•.,e ~11u1 111 .. 1111 .... re ~h .. 11,.11 •11•! I""·'"·""""',. B1 "Ill tie run on ope.nine, btu 1here th•l ""•th •flolP"'"!'"" ••1 t ··~l" l • ... • ... , , ..... 11• .. 1 ~l.•l ~· )r>o<ikN wh .. n !h,.• ... h,.•l~ •nO r ai,cn ... 1 111 ,,,..,..p .. 11 Ju•t l•" C "u!\ .. 111 11 .. ~ .. 111e ljH.N room In llarbo1· M,.•• ~ ..chaul b• ... r•1 n..-111<1 n•·• t!<' ·• ! "''' •" 1,,,, •' ,,,, 111 • ··~•·• utn'r 111.,i., of a. IP~ tl•rtHop ye•t•.,•h•y Tt'"''' 1•··1iu.111 .. 1 ~ \''"" ... 11 •• .i fron1 whlct\ Jl •"n)' o t 11 .. , ... the ''""'lv .i<"lu•vl •111~·•"' \1 . '-'•'l••I H"" I,~.!.·'""" cnnv .. tUllle auto atokn ""''ll"'r In h'"'"'.I: ,.. • ., -1 1 .. 1 I JH j• "' 1ne ~'"IN•I ltr 1c n1 .. 1~•r•1l11 will ter1<1en t wuuJ.~ ~"""!""' "'"" " i·.~·I ••\ "''''"~ lu 1• Lyn"''"'"'I ,.· .. re fount.I 1n !h"U F n •I•·· l •e.1 n •~ r., 1, .. """ ~11 .. .i t... 1nnv.,LI 1t 'le•·el1•pl'>I n iul"• '' I" ·•· 11 ,, 'I" '"' pu11M-,.,..1,10 bv Jl1•l.1:r Donal•J 1 .... 11-: .. •t ~1Le o rt he n ew 111•h•..il w1l111rob-Lln1 n <"Alu>n .. r :<:··"l""I /l"K•I• Hl•.lll lt t ... t .lt\t,11 Lo"-'>t l n(fi..,,.ni 11•ld lhf'V bfOke Ule J,,. . .,j CfJ\lt\ to ... 1 .. v· 11,ly ti. h1 the H11 rl1Ut H±jt hl1 Ud• a nt] CttKl>< M,.IHI •·1,.ln•·J\11••1 \' . .,,,_J f·~•·ti. lft., j.:11! 1 , -------------------d1•tr•<'L l'urc h•"" f>f thl' new •lte "l'hVOJa 1111•1 tt1 .. l'n•.,11 !!•Iii '' 1~ 1,,.,1,,. "•n.:1 11.,.·~1· ·I OU• to lllf h l I" t!I•• I•••"'" or • s .. tioo! Wiii ti .. d i"'.""""f'<l 11 1 ~ r11e··I ., '' .1 , \lo A .• ~.,. •• ,, •. ,,,~,, j>Ul'albl• I U!!•lll•I ••!1'•"1 l ~•."•tJ .. d Kl \he hi.l(h ... h!IOl 0 !••f I"•! l••lll• ""' l lto• :-\••W!•ot • ~Ir• P a id /tui rr~ 1poke •l the · •t•h 14 ~n.i l•l"'""°''" "1 "''" 1 .... ~·1.11,,-11 1 1111;.1,, .. ,1 ll••tn•' boa.r<I nie.euni on n~ tor 1ui:h l 1'°11 "'"' h .. 1 ... u .. n\•11' ~i:h•r•I J,, ,,.,.1.,1.111,.,, .. 1·•1 111,.1 ~ "'· a v bool a nd th• boe.rd autl'lor1&*1.l btle.n J ll\\lu 111 .. .i Tu.,Mtay .. ,·eru111: 11>·•·" "" ,, •n1• •hMll n .... 11n II· S up! A.ntt.-rsen lo 1tudy ll'11 pooul-ltli&l ll'1ey would •llW>d. "'"! ~I u nq r1"l•l!,..I '"'"'"Ill 11 rt·I GULLY ,AC-CESS flOM Mesa Council Refuses to Abandon H "lton 'Street' I blhlll•. II• •t•l eo..I ther• would be I t:Xt'l.A.SA.TICJ,...l'l l•l"t: ~I I'''""!<) "r Lh.• .,.,, ~.i '"'"'"" •• r no money for ""'"h a pro~ ._.I Thf 1ueet1111 • l>f'1nc <"11 Uf'd by 1 ... 111 d1.~1n .-:" 1 .. 11, •rr1 .. .i It .,..11>1 ho per! 111 ~ ... •b l• to bu)'10 r..n&<' ('..._.nty Cur11n11 11ee un .... lte<'.,1111Y '"" ,.,., ...... t H.1111 .. r the ftSW ..::bool 1111 11.•lt hout a ta•'o r·1an!u 11un •nd 1t I~ c•peclitd ,H 1chland" rr •i•l .. n:1 In ~•""'Ill: 111 Tn .. 1·0· M'"' C\.ly rlo111n.( u! a ny rrt rr,.t. ·In o\'crr-r1de. l th•l n1e1,.ben1 ()f t h .. .:111nmlt"•· 11 .. .r-.1101\ nut un iv I•• N rW('<•rl •• ca.tt-1....ly reJ\!l'.Utlll a. I '""" LI 11te1e h"" bo-f'l'I no ~treet• ·TM~ •l!'lhorll<ed S u pt. An-'llVlll e•Pl•ta 1 e11o·port S..•,·h ~u Ceaf'h but lh<'" .. 1 .. '"""1 'r" N'hon1 111 •1treoet11 --,, . .ii tl'IB.1.-h tlley f\b&Dlt11••I •lnef the ('1t v b&.-ti.Ill • .__ i.. ...... ......_ tor •f'Pl'Olll·•roata Mr,.. ,..b n 1n,., .. 1 .. !hr l~-rf•"iirt ,J r .. w ,.,,n •lrl,.r•~.I· ,,.,.n~ur .. ·,.1ftM nntv tl'!l l"'r,.r ""rt •h .. ""T" lnrl\'f'Ot .. l f'<I n••tely 5111.000 w<»-lh of ~u1pu1enl 11al 1>0•n l1 111\ ... v 111un t he -.~ .. ,. ho11,..1 ,,• l•u•I ,., ~ "'''""~ r .. l nem •• !1u 1u lhe bot· .. 1"111 thin k in1 •ow "f •11 •ll•Y for th• ·'llWpO'rt Jl .. ich Ut ICllool 1 C<*"' M•-Union ·blxH u--1 .. lila 1lalrn&! "U<"h r .. m,"·"I ...... ~t i· '''"' • r • \111 !;"H' •n llie '"-'""1"'"" •1 ~• "'hll"h w"~ . .----------1rlet !ruJ<ll"'B rrr entl7 11.k.-d l•r !Mil-Ml• l•'6m'"n11, ... 1. 1<»8 of "-•-"11· ~·: h 11" "'·•I.Ill•" "'''Ill .. •! ~1 .. n· '''""1'1"",.'1 h~f,.,,. """'l"'r"'"'"· I unirf<.:a t1on tu •lhlW a 1prc•dl111t ot ·~~ va\ua UOf\ 1 .. tlv·1r dl11n, I ·~\ l·l[o;hl w hrn u1o· '"'HICL! t e·:lh .. 11111 11>! ..... t.nu .. ,, Thfll ... oulJ Saunders Fined ::::·:::: .. :~.:::L:::·::~::::i:i_:./:~·:;:· ::~;~;~~:f, ~:·;~:C~·~ .. ?~~::;·:,;:,~ $250 as Court I JUDGE GIVES SALFRANK .r "·~;.-:::::.~·t~l::r;(~::;IKJ:"·~.'.1.''~~.,.~::·t:·,: ~~:~~~~,:~~:::1::.:~~:·::1~:~1,;1~~'~';,~~ o~:~ Drops Lew4 Rap : 10-YEAR PROBATION RAP l,l l"' !'hJtutioro: i-., "'h•• 1 1A n ~1 I~ !llf 11ly ll ""'Jt: 1" ,1.1 n "''I ~·r anr•• fl•und,.r1, 28-yur..o ld l 1,, <'nn•tru<"l !nrh1~t11~I nuo i.111,~· l h1~ '•II•"•"\ i nt.I "'-'" 111 ~ \Ill \ •r,11n1,r 1r1c h<>.r. In Newporl J u•·1 n ... ,1 .. -~· 11.•ll "~ 111 11111\111,, " ~"'"II r .. i.:•t II.' tu do 1l•·• 1 n~l ll<"e Lourt ,-,.~!•rltay pl•adr<I "°1111- .,11 .... t .. 1·.•ic··· ·'"1 .i. ,.~pl a •n••I I' ""' 111 11>( •unl111l'10 t r u tl!l!l\lf<! !v tu ., m '"•\;•n1,..,nnr ~·harrr o f "'"" 1 n 1 p·1~.•1t.>I,. '" ''''" 111,. :,, fl I I t.A.:"\'. IT 1.A.Tt•K V:.iir"llY •nd wruni.:fl11ly nu1rl¥· Despite Report, Probation Department Frees Bandit Court w1 •I,. •1••p .. inr~ 1l .. .,.1 .• '"' 1111• 1 ... 1 ~ w.,rr~· MbuUl lh•I ""h"n lni: puhllr •Jtc ,n<y Mn <! w•• r1nr<t .. oJi.:,. uf 11 lt·I' •l•·"I' !;•di\ !I" 11, .. i,. .. ,. C<111l~A , .. ,.i,~.1 :.;.tJ ,.•1> 1'l:"i0 by Judx,. Dnn•lt1 J . [)o•l&:e "'~"t.• l•> A•l>I !hf' ,1, .. 1 .. ·At•"I ~t•••<'I '"" lf"OlemU.-r "h•n l h•l en· •u JH, IU•1 t1S(n11I II•, .. ,,.,:... ll••· "'''" """" p11 ... 1 hl~h with '"\' \\tl,"T Ut:AK IT ,an~ 1111<1 }).1\tlr,. Rnd "·e <"l"Mned J:11t \l,o\lq ( 1>0 11" :"\'. .. !••"' ,1n•I ol Ill' 11\' 1hl' •Ill 1"1'1<1. \\"~ Lii.fl • ·, uu• 1ln1•·n ,,1,.,,. l'n11<1,., ·\• \ .\1 .. l<>t .• ~!111 """'11 n•' •I lhr .. t ,,.,.t "h1• II ..... 1 ,,,.,., \ ~· . •rlh "" I'"!'"' :O:t<•ol .'\.•l..;on 1 ..... ,,1( ...... ,,.1 • .,, ••• 1 (",,, "i>I""''"*)''' 'Newport Heights Official Name of 11 .. :~h l-' 1 ~ lh·· 11>'" F;Jrrn,.,.\ .. ' ' •l" ""' .. r t ,,,. fl'""'•I :-;,."I""' f'.,•,,.l\ ·•l\•"•i'll 1 • .,, "''' !•h•·I lo\' lhr i, • .,.,,! ll••I '""h! ('!"· 111,.ll q •I<' I''" I"'~'' h"ll 111 It..-tln1l•I"·~ will '"' kt""'" "• I· ,11·11.1 , 11"11 'n 11'""'' ''' ':.,, I ·n·1 r" I """I "''"I •I I''' '''"•I• I n I h •• t11rnl • ! \ , '••I' 11,,· i. ~. h•" I ".'.'• :•: '" ..... " . ' Tl\•• '' tl''"'"'l' "I" ! I" I ol ". .i .. ,. ,.,,,. ',~,.I Alt .. 1u• > I ·~·l••)>o" I I"'" 1 '""J:lln I d · rh,. •tree\ l":•M I 11h .. !ll •llK ,.( lh~ "' • ••"1(111"' • 1 .. ~11- ~· • '!' Elementary' New School .;.,\ M ~ J nyo•,,. B<:J,.,,,., k .. 1 6-r. ~t r~ f\,.11 1' f"""J><!r and O·H. Miu • M lll•·••n~ 1·h11 pn"10<n; 1111 nf Hor11re ~·11,1 .:" :0-:<"hool lln•t 4th g r-11<1•. '""'"' Tt,,1111p11nn H11rbt•r y,,..,.. :-;, 1,. ... 1 ' .. "1"''' ,,,.: .,,, 111•• '' ' • .o·[I 11>1; 1, ·"" ' 11 rid1•liol •' ' " " 11"1" 1 .. ·1n~ ~:,, rl \\' '.\tll '" \"II< .d .. ·I !' l •IHI • " fl "'" h .. , ... 1J ll1 ii .1fl 1o 'l"i! "I l)\r Y•M I I<>• 111<' 1,,,.,1~ ' tJH'1rt••• \J ,,.1•h lh" '" , In•,. I , 1,. l'••)"'•I I ""'>:'"'"~ •ll \1••11h•'" J'll"'1 1•!1 ·f 11111n lnl!: !<11 -!•rl 1!l£ Frl ·l~v l·••l•l1•l•I ••I !,.,. 1 .. 11111 \\'11 l1 a•" '" ... -11r" plA1r•l I ''''·~•,,,. rh• "'''"I ' ·Ir•~ ~.,,.1 1. hn 11 .. ,, T t » . ,,i,.lul , r~ " . Ill'" ,. 1 .... ,, .i,.1,,,, """''""I Hll•I J!.,lJ ' ' .,., .'l!IAll )("t \, V"llll•$ 11 ~\J tll(, , 1,·,..1 ,., , 11 . .ir ,.,an .. r Th~ Y"""'' 1'1·· :-;.,,1,.,. ,.llt111fl"'" I ~,,.,,,.,, !i'"f"th l••d fl•' ••1 ~J11(• ''"""'· •11•1 ·•1••'<•'1~ lfl ,h~ .,., 11 f,,1><1.• I" ~ " ;-.;,,t, •n .. I '"''"'' 1t'"'l1 ~' '" " ,, ..... " ,, ·' ' .• ""' " ... 1.-r .... 1 ~.1 II ''·'"" L 11• .o •" 11, .. ,1.,. , I .. , ! o!iA I• ' fl ~ " "" ' '" ~ """'" -<nh•" •' .. •II I,. 1:-1 ,,,1 '" " ' , .. ' ' " 1•11n '" . '' ·. fi1 unden1, 123'• Ahe lune Av• .. "'fl" 11ehf'duled f OI' 1 JUI)' t rial In r "Jl:•U"<b l o •n •ll"I!"" 1111n1tllr• al 11\\ark un • C'•1.•1• M r~• wo- ma n l "•"h"r I~•! • •.-1 :111 '" ('O· n.n11. <lr l ,\111 1 It'll lh• J"''" WI.II d1 B1n\11,...,1 A n a11Jnllted flr"t de&ref' rub·. pru1•ld!nio; thl')' ,,.'<>11ld t~ke }'•)II·· bl!r and bur1l•r. J •m f'• A•rnn Svllrank lfl l ~ he ·would Anll Juol11:~ ,_Ion i,.,.n <11'!,.r .. 1 S • l· Sallrank. 23. of 1934 Sa 11t11 fr•nk !u puy f ."\ p<'t 111nn th .:Ju r· AYI' .. Co11ta MeM .. Y .. l'tr plny ""M• onjC ho .• J11,.t thr,,.,. y»111n 1nnl»• p l•C•d Oil •tr•lih; 10 1-.·Kr~ '''" 1>al1on by SupeMor 1·ourt J•1<lt.:~ Hr .,..,,. n•1•111 •ll,· h •·l.I ,.,, • K11nneU\ £. Morri8on. ,1 .. 11p1t ~ • n11.<Jt n•,.•our r h~•it~ ••f h~'"J: •n problotton rl'Port •1•ln11t hin1. l•llf'. 1 ..... d 11n<I <l•:• .. JU \t' I'"'"°" t saltr•nk pltadp;j I u 11 t y t" t>ut th 1A ,fi,.,x .. "'•~ '''"l'l''"l •nd wcrrkln1 w it h Robert T ouby t ~l!'n · • n e ... • 1un 1pl•111T 111 ... 1 hv hl•l tene~ to piiJOOn J In t he h"l•lup •ttornry. IOI th,. $f'l'rt'! HarboT ·CRfr . S•nt<I A.n•. O<:t. .10 ~I• a !au ~llN!'t lr•tJ,, Local Woman Booked 1cunf<'.'-.... d !11k"'k p••l HI .•f'••·n _,,.,..!'"'' H1111Jo" 111~11 hoH tlM ll"~ J uhn 11.pl1en .. l:l ("onn111l. 42. n f I 111,.•I ••I 111 .. 1n ""llh 'f,..,1,1 l l:'i In .• Ave .. ·aa booked f11r Ju•l~e ~i.,,·11"Un n••l._.,I 111 ... 1 .. - J 1unk drlvinj( •l l :O:'l •-ni. Sun· r .. nd11 11! Wll ~ •n ll!> l1 <Jtobl" 1>11 11" U1.v when polic ..... Id they ob11Prv-h• l•v•·d .... 1111 J,,. p11 r"n!· e <1 hrr <t1·lv1n11: 1n an r11·111,-•nan-· ''""'l•t '"'" !1,. w 1ll •11 1; 1,, i:•• n ~r '"' 1 ·01~1 l l•Kh"'"'' 1nd ~l•r-h11 · k "·1111 '""" f"l k.• •f I''''""" lne Ave Utl u r111 ~11ht. lh<' f11 il~I '""' ""'"' ~r1tni,..-rt " ~t .. 1 11 ~ .. n 10 ,,1h t 1,.1v 1 ... 1 a•Krt! l b<' .i .. r .. n/l,.,,t "l !ift l •~. t1nn I•• h"lfl o terrM~' !"tl'p<'irl <"O~t.· pl"~ , .. ~1 1tu!u1n to h•• \'lCtilll'l.. Tl1,. ··o.,r11 y pr.,bnt1un dep.,1 l· 1l1,.nl H'l"llllllll .. O•IP•I lfl l h l' J1i1IJ!P !h111 l''"h•l•••11 h<e llen1e..I S 11t.l- rn1nk 1n '"I'""' uf h 1• 11dm11 1 ... 1 Cl 11!1•·• T ••llhl 1111.i S•!fr111 k l1 v,..:I to- 11:~th,.1 1n 4 ·,,~t a M""~" a f!rr "T'ou- 1,1 q 111t ·~•an~" 1 ·,.a ~• r • .i1 .. g ~. ,..,,.1,. I• ''r',.,l'I In I'''"''" "" ,,.,n. \'I< !11111 !•( fi t ~{ ol••l(I "•• I •>hl1,.1 \ /\'' ''' >l•t11( \u I I•" I" •d,a 11• •fl I •'· /MUI 11h' p1111 ~dnio ll~•I o,11 1ru1).'. i<•:o•l"·I /"•'••I• !"l""'l t)i" W •O~l~ .. r l h" """1 ln· 1i:11l<"n•h•r Knd • , H•(···n,.·r 111 lllf' !'····1 .. 1 l-\H1 l~.r <'11 r•· ''l'i'"'I 111 .. 1 .. 1,.rhonr rroui !!11• WHll. i'"'k ... ,:\:, lr1 <'l<!"r .. noy. LIFE SAVING METHOD SHOWN :\:--:<11:ta ut \'h it-! Ph11i p ,HAydrn i l~ft ' demonstralt"a th" us•· 11f •1.-.;~·i.:•·11 1•qu1 prnPnt 1•i ll ft h J!rar1 rn.. fl!l(" pha1te n f :l.,_flrf' J•rf'\"f'!l llOn·hlt' AA \"!!lg pr•ig1·am bf'lllj! i-pnn- !'t>!('d by th1' :'\••Y.'!"'rt F1rr IJ.epa rtmr nt Althnui:_h thr!W 1·h1id rr11 a r• J11°1n (·;or1111a •i<'"I ~\"( :'i·h•"•l. nt hrr f1ftl• i::i•tlr-rc: v.•111 ~,.., f11•·n1rn J!" lh1••11ch 1h • 1t I'•''•.., l •"l ~y .:'LA! I l'h1•I '' ' • I • : r . .,, __ -··-· ·-~----.· ·---:----... _ .... __ _ .,... ...... _ ... -.. ·------· .. _ ....... ---~ --,_ - PAGE 2 -PAl\T I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1956 . ' County ltospit I Medi I I month. nr JJO.~ • Y"•r. 11 J4.SSJ 1 ---'------------------------b1 the J<>l11t commtUM Oft •"'· a Ca I""'°"" "" '''"' "' "'·""" """'·, TRYS TQ TRA~ OUTBQARO "odllollon 10' !ho Am•""" ed by F"r&lher ly. I ~ .A.a90dat10ft ... U. Am- AM lho Wp<"1~' hod oode<I -• oi· ·---. ---. ..... COlloci .. -._, Dir. eCfGI''" ffhtng-Sought .... "· . .,.... ,,.., "" · 00m-MAN JAILED Falt_ . BUftGLARY ... , ..... ,,.,. ,...,. .,, , .... P.tent 1nedleal ihrttlor tor th•t ,._. ... , •,.wt.nee la W or l&lary jJlfl ,000 to 118.000I -not P~l :tla toiutlen ol a lhrM-Yit\lr-o:d OM:t of a P:IO out• MOC'e ~ of medlolM &1111 Oft.ANO&. t OCl'f•) _ ~ 13 mlaU.tmeal of pltlent. utd ttry .,.si1y. \\'e ve tw1:11 Lry1n1 ~rd motor t urried Up ..... , Wllh 'tti. &tTMt ot EdwW. T. -..T• 'tDctudtac at ._... on• b lh ••• d I tor •Ill week•. Han.ton, 27, or 409 Broadway, CO.ta M--. N••-a.ca -ti admtnt.tr.Uft w aiper-...,_,.. Mon4aJ t.Mt uw. off\c1al all.enc• y • ....-r o ...... 1 _ ._ board ·or ............... ol 0ran,. n1peno1.or.1. ·Supervlwr Cy Jo"•U1-Th.-N'ochur. not only reduce• pollai bfclle•e. H•~ '9 ~ Willi (rand th9tt, ~ ~ .,.ri.en.ai ln a medJcal -1 DAN BA.YLEll erly or &uita A.ft& b~~ the Carpi)' the M lary flr•l quoted Uld re<:flvln1 atolen propert1. .........t W .. w....a.t; GOINtS ON AT THE BALBOA ' BAY CLUB --"".'------------------------·I Coulllty niay i.. ..... .,. Meomlnc h0&pllal .11ltuaUOfl. on lack ot • by FMtherl)', b,11 allO u-Le .11 The nlOl crr wu ortcinally l•k l'n In Auru-t, li:)J troca .__ tea<:bin1 a,..n.c:e ln • awv. lb.at all ill aot ri&ht a t con1..-lf-nl Mldlcal Plrector. d~ad!1ne fur a pJlllctt.llon1 ot Ap· .. .-nd1tad h.oeplt.I t..:hln• -1 u--~eu d-h~ by••--"-cla• to teD .. ••·ti'"'"" .... "'-··•-......_ __ , ff 1,_, r-th• 1•ra1t or Lawrenc1 W,eodw1rd, Ma VI• U do Nord. .. ....... _ .. ,_ Oo _. __.............,. •v~ """' .._-4 ~ ._.-.. • ._._..., ---~ Ollfl ..... "r1I 1e. 11;~. appf"9,dn1ataly 1lx -~ a. Y41r)' ..--n- the n9tfly organlaecl Newport Junior Chamber of O>mmerce :----thn• .... q attar Or~nge I Hi 'aid a{ \.hat Ume _tl\at lM we~~ from lt.lda)'. ' Lut week R.Ot.trt J:m.t, 61.1 f'ullartan A••·· ad"rt1-4 llllrl.._ wlU bl atY& to llU&ll· wjU eposilM>r this yea r'• annual Memorial Hotpital Ball. From County M-. ....,,_ nr1t rr-iupcrvlaori had •utho~aed th_"' P"r. John l.Jn Yill, l.ld.1 Jale. for-a truck tor ••14 and aatd ht wu approe.ched tty Han.on n..U.. u a irpac..u.l b1 one w6at M 've aeen a nd heard 110 better g roup CO'"ld be found p:irtt<l ea.et of patl-.it niiatreat-hoapil.al to rnrt ' ineUical Jirec-mer n11<11.:al director of Oran•• with ott1:-10 ""odo In o ~, ... ,. .,.. •• -lh• -·-h·-. • '" meot and tnala&nlnitlr•IJon al tor •t a aala ry or SUl.000. but •• Lf -"'' ,...... ....... fll tM amlf1can 1paclaltJ board•. for :t.h:'I import.ant t.uk. The enlhuaia.ltlc younc bu.lneu-Ult h~p£W. wan lb. pru••.O I.hat .. much County Gtn1ral H0tplt.al, retired prlc,, K"mlll checkad lb. motor •umber wttli lh• pollca •bo .. 4 uUM>r1laUV9 lr:noWlldc• of men already have the battle plan drawn even thouf.:h the at 118,000 o year CQUld ba paid. ofttr.la..lty ea rly In JU1uary. plcll•d up Hanaon, noff frea on f\000 bond. • Th• avi dnc• camo In 1ho f o-T"· ,._, •. , •• , • d by ,.,,,, • tho prlnclp l•. pracucea and t.ec:h -affal,r i.a aeveral week• away , and b lf.narne enterta ment '"' ,,. ··-~ ... • .... ' · -------------------,..---------1 . be! h . d I d _.,_ "klll• ut • four-pare br{)Chur11 luuod Tiit brochur1 &JlD\lUDClnl U1e ! •rly '.1 own 1U.temenl, bMn una ble 1 , _, lllJ"'" of a branch of m~lnl'I le n g aoug t U a raw ng car . auu-1g poa91UM.\.LY· a lily t he coun ty •pcr-1.nt l depart-J>OO!lllori h•l• .a.1ary a.& f&H-90:.! to fi.nd a ruin~tcnt rtplacitnir nt 1cCQrdln1 to th• ~ur•. ar1 : lcal .. rvle11 w:lt.h non-medlo&I UM:I tUtflry .,,d ••t..a&i"'I ll:n ow-very pert and pretty T v' and night club ainger .•• 8peaking m ent. lnvitlnc •ppllea uoia for -llM.8-1107 pe r monOI. with t.he tn HIX w1l'lkt or H&rch•ns . J "Ou·rc~.11 tht m11~leal 1ervlcei" &lid bua1.n1 .. 1eUv1 t.11a." of bmeflUI, we neglected to mention lut w~k that t.bl Zonta the puell1on ot madlca..I dlI"llC'tor atarung B&lary th .. f1r11 r1rurc-But the o(fLrlal jub ~.11t!ni 11nd ml!<1 ical tra1n1ns prog-nmll ol Qualltteation.. tor t ha 1"i u ~ or Ul• m•thoda. t.chnlque~. Club would lpoll.IOr the BBC appearanae ot Jae& Kramer'• "" Oru,. ~Wl17-C...&J. Rot-li.11.0!J &Ad .aru:iual m.trll . .lncl'.&IM.& ,.i.n-. -• -.tx-"·~k "d.-11\!Un" for the hotp l!ll and ll'•l•l• th• di-llllM ,., UM liln:lc.hur·· Include! Ut..-atur•, pracUct• Uld p r1no·l · pro tea.nil pm• in June. Th'-f11 the ftiwt time u y or-pUal. to aubMquent •tepa. .1ppll~at 1on11 at the lu"''"r al!!K ry r.ctor. Or•n1• County 9 1a1rsl ··s.u11ractory -plllllan at an p&-. _ln UI• bro&d field 1;1t medic•! pnl,.lion hu handled the bia event; paettoual7 111'.Db' Bay Wbea OCHI nnt nported r.tt. Th• atarttnr ... 1u y or 1819 a Dull•• ot the me<11ca1 diret·Lor., Ho1pltal, In coordlnat1n1 111• mid-lntaraahlp ill a ._\.di ~r'Mlt.ed am-. Club memben and their gue9te could attend. Nott any Newport tenni11 fa n can ace Gou:alea and Tnbert have a go at it simply by buying a ticket from a Zonta O ub repre- aenlallve. *·* * Batt.en down your wallet., men, we're in for a bit~ 1 blow. Three big pre·F.uter fuhion 1howa are scheduled a t the Club 1n March, and each will d raw a pproxinlately MO lad ies. (A fourth w a• gtven yesterday by the Medical A uxiliary), T hen come11 Lui Amigaa of f...aguna Beach on March 15, A8a111tance Leacu• of H untington Beach on f\.1arch 16-another Hoar benet'l~d Covina Community H ospital on lh(' 211>t . 'thi1S la1t onl' is really a n amazing affair. lrna~Jne 600 ladie1 l and that'• how many are ex- p«ted) dnv1ng approximately 200 can ~ m1lea to watch a 1tyle show ! Na turally w e don't IJnderistand the fcm 1n1nl" mind, but wr·"ll bet that a majority of the ladies are ju11t al! in terested 1n seein ~ glorious .Newpo rt Bea ch and tht 1 lonous Balboa Bay C lub 811 they are the style• that w ill be pre- M>nt •·d for them. \\'e doubt that any other city or (ahem ~) rlub c-nuld draw 80 many frum such a du1tancc. * * * l-'or all prac t1cal J11.1rpo5e11, E8.11ter and inco me tax time arnv1· in tandem. lit' thf're a woman w ith conscience 80 11! rtl't that s he th1nk11 twice befnr1• plunking d own 11 potful ot pe11011 On a new bonnet or sUJt" * • * l...-0u 1s 0Pan -and he a nd .\lni. Dean were BBC gut11tl nf thr f<ny .\layp0Je5 over the v.·eek·(·r1d-ha11 a most ex-1 haus LJng-JOb. A f.]r-11e 1al M oton> executive, he'& the advance n1an f vr ~luturama, the automobile cxtravaganz.a currently playing tu a packe<l P11.n-Pac1f1c Aud1tur 1um in LoH Angele.. No soonl"r doee hr get the show t>t'l up and running Bmoothly than ht'11 off to 1.nother cny ma.king the a rrange- ment11 a ll over again. 1'on11 nf equipment and expen111ve experime ntal rar11 t1re m oved bv truc:Jc fro m pt.ce to place. The show operate.A on a very tight t>chedulc ; A few houf"'9 • I delay due to bad weather o r poor roadB (we w ouldn't da.re 11uggest a mtc hanical brt"a.kduwoJ a!ld the \~1 hole operation-I m apt to told like a l'Oll\'Crtible top. SC'veral d111s11teni have been carro1.••ly ll\'erted. and !-.1 r, De an 111 v.·onderin' bow Jon& hi11 luck w ill hold . • * A man to be env1€"• u r way or think-ing, la Ric hard Tre~ukJ11 "·ho, u a w1 , ,ravels to all part& of t he globe looking for 1nlf'reating material. Last year he 11ptnl Mveral months in the Far East, ret urned t o !':ewport brien y, then too k off fo r Euro pe. J u11t recently (we lea rned a.a he wa11 about t o take a dip in the BBC pooll Rick.was in P'lorida for a co1.1ple o f w~k• on auignment. Well, no one can win a.II tbe time. 1 WIN 'MEN OF MONTH' AWARDS Newport lf11 rbor Boa.rd of Ru.ltor• M11rch 1 rreaent..ed pr1&1!11 to board'• "1-frn of the Mol'lth."" F'rom Jert , P.-te ('~dl!t., Bay A Bea.ch R e&.lly, accepted priae tor A rt Tietr. . .am11 t!rm, who won moat •lea '"''ard, Matt LA Sorde, T'otn .. Rl'a.lty. took tJUe for moat llltlnl"• .old; CArl Gt"ffr, rl,;ht, Ray • Bet.ch. MulUpla U •Un( CommltlH reP""Mnt&ll"t , p.--ntOO ~Cl.II. -I. Mull rh0to Weiman Bribery Trial Delayed Until April 9; Defendant Ill SANTA ANA. (OCNAI ~ Thi 10-count brlbl!ry trtal of Claranc• Democrats Endorse Dick Hanna •ANT.A. A1'h'o,.-(0CN!J )-Rlch- ard T. Hanna. 41. of 16881 Ad- UM I L, Mimir..7 City, an. attor- nq, Frtday nll'ht ..-... •dorMd .. J)altl.ocr&tla candldala flX' UMo WelmUl , M, Lonr • S.ach Mon- d.11y .,.. .. CQntlnued to April i on recommendation of the dlftnd· ant'a doctor. Walm ...... form•rly In cht.rl"• of 1hl'I county bulldln1 department'• •Ip permit Mellon." l'lu a hurt condition. accordlnl" to lllai doctor. Th• CS.tmdant ..... lndlct«I by the On.n.I"• County Grand Jury on chars•• of acc•pllnc undar- lh•tablt 1lftll In return for - 1n1 that •tcnmen rot th.l!lr alp permlta. Walman le tr.. on 11000 baQ. Th11 jury proba WU ln.IUplad by Cb.vi .. Donahue, OOlml)' bulldlaa' "'"""""· TOth ~bly D itt.rtct .... L Sc-.. ....... fafh n.. Qn.np County CO\lnal) of -r-I 119TT I>amoer$Uo Clube, m .. u n,. ln th• Al'tar th• U.lrd att wnpt Wabh&ln Scflool. ~ Groft. C\llpr1t to -• oft a c-oln put It• atamp nt approval on Harm ... H11 "·on lht •ndonoemant k"Ope mounted on a pOtt OYIT'-- vn th11 •econd b&ll•JL la.U ylns !'.I looklnl' l h1 main bear h ar Hello- vril ,.., lroP-and Gold9nrod A VI!•. Ula J-lr "·tU bol In th• •piMlal al.c-owro•r. Ca rden Coin Tllell"o t•.,I\ Nl Jwit ~ lo l!ll th• p<"llt P'!" l,.fl v•r•nl ""'h•I\ l..,r,,y l.y"n .)r IG•rd•I\ Grovl', 1r.t ,,., ~""''! H" •I~" "'Ill h .. 1n Th•" r•r•,.~n1 .11 1 0 ,·• I•, pnl•·~ tn oom • 1••i;Hl>0 • !"11;.-,1 •'" l "I""'' 1 n p!.un .. q , ~·· •~ ,,.,,, \\"r •·" • I ' .. I ' .. • 1 ~ ,~ ' ' . !: ) '''" 1 .... ,1 .. J1(!1! .. CoffHMu9s Cereal Bowls 3/27c P'.My ""1vel H o\·ement Nylon Du•t Mops Ln plllJI:. y"llo"·· blur, ""hll.-. ~ .... ,,.,, 2.49 • R"'I· fl.U~ Ill Tl Bathroom Scales 3.95 r:1 .... 1 rlf' f"11 n Circulator Heater 8.95 lt<!'cil.\) ... 1" ·.l "' , ... j TA I.I. I '' Pet Milk lOc R"&"· 4 .9~ Laun"dry Carts In pink • )"l!llOW ra..uc Bab, Portable- 1--olda for Stor91e 3.69 \ltll<ld,.n handle u·lth •h""Jl~kjn Wax Applicators 75c RAl'-0 -\'A.0 or i:\"f:RY.AO\" Rashll9ht Batt1trie1 Re,.ular l~c lOc each Klenzo 300's FACIAL TISSUES 3 for 47c Giant Size VOGUE DETERGENT 49c Scot Paper Towels 14c DELSEY TOILET TISSUE 4 rolls 45c YINC!NTS ICE CREAM 5c l()c Hand Packed Pints 3()c Quarts 541«= Bulk .!llyla 79c • • • • SPECIALS .FOR THURSl:)AY FRIDAY SATURDAY HARBOR DRUGS ~301 E. Cout lly., Corona dt l Mar MAR. 8-9-10 Help protect your family from colds Rexall SUPER PLEMAMINS 11•111 l__.uold 1 ••••lonf'~ !o col•!• in ~ • .,.., o! ",.'""' drfi,.,,,., r-On• 1ot1I~ '"~'" doily ""l'l'lo"~ "'""· •h•n your "''"' mum ilaoly rr1111lr..,.,~nr nf "''""''"" ,..,t i. ~ ...... o ml•om11nu. plua 1% '"'""'" h nl rn onr1alo_ f1 .. u1 sin IOTTl l Of I« 1.95 J&'s, 2.59 72"s, 4.19 RWU llENZO MOUTHWASI ftl'~•ll"o N bV• tr<! rlnrumnr, n o .. o~•t on11-•~pr1t· m""t ll• "iiiir.lii' .,. • •II •nit br•• II 1I l "'ffh•n .. r O&h-... ,.21 .. 47• CO$METICS Colonial Damn Re9. 1.25 Hatid Cream -79c New Revlon Clean-Clear Deep Clean•ln9 Uquid 5112-oz. 1.25 Frostilla Hand l1/2 oz.-25c & Body Lotion 4 oz.--49c Dorothy Gray l Prlc1t Sale "New" Stay-all-day Sheer Velvet Lipstick - A $2.50 Value for 1.25 II-Lens 35 Single Sllcle Viewer A ~ l1C"l'l'IQ.( tflrtll : s -IU-Lrn• "S& .. let• ,-ou \"W.W your S6nun and Ba.lltun all~ -rurally. rorreca.,, comtorlahly, In Ml tMr ,_ r lartfy and "°""r. ""Ith bolh "Y"'· S o moM e)'~t,..,n, dlet ortlo1;1 nr dlaturtttns ohjeclll; yau -. only tbie picture, lll macnln~t pertt!Cllo• ! $4.95 I ... \'Ill• TV Trays ... ..,. T\llNJe,r Ler-A•t'd. Patl.e-m~l1;1~ 1.59 l .o•ury-St11c i. Control Electric Blanken I ltt.-d l"r •ln1tll' <lr d<>ublr tH'd u .. ~.,1,., s! . .'.10 17.95 ........ 100 sa...c.-100 -.N~l.IO ftlD9 79C 8 11 \"aJ•,. '"to" -Re(. J9o Envelop•• 31c .. R.a.la St--...no .. Plastic laots Tnon•pll'"tat \'\n)'I~-. trlpl!'I thlrk Mle rar lone IM~-:1.00 vlll1a1 1.47 pair Nylon Hose IO Gaur• l!lll1"•Urf:r~. 0.1, 89c Plastlc lasln l'nb,....kabl.-, tor kltr hl':ft uw, -d .._, La '-Ute u.e be.b7 1.111. r. .... , cahn 89c 3 Mare Days Lucky 7 Speclals p ... s. .. Oll Sale Barbecue Brazier Hea..,. ~I. ~"""*' lePt "''uh MIJ. tut crtu 24·: Re9. 13.95 Now 9.95 18" Re9. I 0.00 Now 7.95 Complete Line of Liquors & Wines P.dYLESS -~-::-_ -~ ---~ ~jl-_· SHADY Kentucky DllOIKT Host GROVE Vodka K~ntucky · MIUUOll •I.DD I 'BAU . """" 1UTll: OLD """ 100 n.oor .. noor nF.rll 214 sr 'l" Silver Ripple Gin ·-r1 -· . . -.-. --~ ... -~--;-~ '-~-: _7:__ Watch Repair One year 9u•r•ntee on all watch enCI clock repeir. Com· plete line of Gruen & Hamilton wetchH • ( \ I I ... --. -----· ----·· ~ . .. . . . . . . . . . -• • ···-··-. ----~---·---· • WITH SAL LIE )l11 rl·h 1, 1956 s .. " ltOrt 8eaw:.b t:, r ry da.\• I"' sornt'blxl)''• hlrtlula ~· .. • 'f •xlu,\ ,\Jar1·h 7 is uur l.H """I 1111111 ':. liirth• da~ , .• Saturd11.}' of nr'.\t "''''" 'l:1"r;·h 11 1 .. :-.1 . l'at- rh·!,·., l'a.' Ji: :il1'o tl1 1• lilrlh· ~1:1\ "11111· ..:r•M'f'r \ -.1 ur,., lh,. j.,,.,., lll:lrl ltulll "ith Iii .. U \\U 1r·1 .. udli11r., .. , n1lllui.:11 •"•" ahtl ,...,.,j,.,. 11 lth ll !>11111•· ... llt· hl11 .. 1 .. d th1· lid ult th·· 11hal t'\l•t\-11ll11•r i,:ro1·1•r1 .. 1,,ro• • h 11~ 1i .. 11 1t· au •I nl!,·d 11 1,. H\o•rf!•o\•lll O:. 11 1th 1111,1! 1111· i111l11 11l11:1I • \\.tllt ... lu· .. 1d1· .. -i.:r1u•1•rt•·, 111 a i,:.r,.,·,.r.1 .. 1or1· ll.q•1•1 1·1.:ht!i h 1 rl l 11la ~. I", I. I 1 "JI 11 _1 1111 r «1:,:hlli, 1 ... , .111• .. · I 1111.,11 .1.1t1 1\ ul 11 ' t .. t l I' I It I 111:.,: I d I I hr d 1 .. 1r .. od ,11111 r 1>i~·l1 11 n l'., l .1 do \l11rl,1•t ••1 11·11.·d 1·1:.,:hl 1 o·;i,.., a i.:u , •. · \la•'l1 r:.i r ~--' l\L• Ii .. 11 1., ••'.H r:q.;hlh )~1!1 1 I 1\' I • It lJr;1- I H•ll • Ir ~· u t11.•• n .. 1 r•'· 111\•·.! •·11•' thr .. .;!1 th• nt.1d . l•h ·,1.-.1 ! •Ill• II• ,1111 :tl'k ()111·v..1•k1 l!t1< !•11 v..··•·ks «I ••lll L:l llt\~ ,11\oi l '}IU ,ll;i\\'+·1·k 1 11\11 1 .... t i.:"r1• :11n t 1 .. ,,th - I , kH \\hut · .. lu·1••1t11•• ,.f lh•· olol \•hit•· h u«fl 1al1 l1· i·lulh ~ 1.11i11i.:; :1 10,1rt,1 n:i .. (11'\t'r 11111 ro• fun .•. 11•1r i,::1.1 •·r .. lha n it 1 .. t 11da_1 11 11 11 pap•·r l a hlt' 11.1 ·(·•·.-~1r11· .... 11•• .. t- , ... s drli ~hl i .. uu r ti•'\\ Part_r ~hop IJll I hf' ·''•'t.1.a 11 i11•· IJ .11111 11011 ·1 11 :111· :1 p11rt .• 111 1•11 1111, I Jll"'I 1l.1n• 1t1 t1 I" 11 :1!1.. 11 p nud d .. 11 11 o ur l ',1r \1' I 1\111 :.,:'., r""· "i!h-\ '"'1 .lro·;111\1n :.: 1111 ..,,,.,., • .,, •• 1·:1..,ll •ll l•t l•f'"1l1·1·h lh•• •llll· , ...... 1 1.1l1h-1.:111•1.. Ill"'" r., I.. "' ,.,,1111•1•·1•·11 ,.,. ... rdi- 1•.11 •·.t .... 1 ..... 1 l.1111··· 1 .. 11 ..... ,.,,,.1,1:111 !11111 .J 111t1•·r II q1 l,111-'11 p ... 111d 1•1:•1 • "· t"r (.,•ld•·11 \ 1111 I\ I' I " .I f 1 t'"", 11.•l'I'' H1rlhol:1_1., . \ 11u r .11 .... , ... 1 ''"'" th•· ( J .. 1•0. l ••11 1 .. ,, ... '11 ln•l1a11 ... 'ur · "'''r\ l.:h 11H•...,, \\111! lli.,lh"\ I h.1ra 1·l ;·r.. . . 'l'ho·r1• 1.., 11\ ..... 1111 11d11 1l ll:1pp1 •~11·th - 1l ·11 •I j I h '"'j•h i..,l 1<':11 "1 1 1 i111 ~ll··., ••• ,\11 .. 1l11·r 111 .it • h· 1·;1 ..,., fur 1'<+h•· 11r '"•'11 ·111:•' • Jani Si·101iu11"' .. Party fa1'(•r~ !·11• . T1nv llt \11· 1h ri¥ 1n• h t1 ~ur1·" m."I" •1111 !1f p 11ot·(·1, .. 11•1 .,_. •Ir«..,~· ,,,J ,..~ h r1dt·!'l ,11 1d i.:1 11 .. 111: •. hr1.\.~n111 1d~ 111 d 111•1 •'111 !'nl · ,,, ... riur-.+'" h•il•i 1n~ ,1 1-"t.1 11-,. 1•11\••t -., ITI ~; ).'•Ill.' .o·.1 ;1•, '·ll!I \l ill\ .o ... 11 1!0.1"•", 'j )p to' .ito• n l,.i•1 J.11 !.!"r '""' hq.:h "d"ll'· !•II' \,1!Jlo• ! 1'111"11°1•'1 ''"' 1•• rnall'h ... Th•·n the-;•· 1 an h.- t f'Ollllt"fi llp y,•1\ h W1!i)HllJ.: V..'•·l]!i, Ftnrks 1·nrrying babl l.'.~, um- brt•llas nr , .. An lNI ('n"Rm n1kf", a hrau- tiful noral arrani.:r1111·nt ..• ('on~klf'r u~ ""' 111u• i:r1'11I hi!{ part~· i.:i1 inc: p111·knc;1• Rll tird up In ,.ffi1•i1•11t rih- hons ju!>lf ror ·' 1111 • "ni p th!' rihhon~ ll.1 11all.ini;: in 1111r fro11t d 11o11r lo ri111I 1•:1i.:•·r 111111 rn1Nthl1• ti :,ud ... r uli11t·r.1· ··~pt·rf-;, 1\il h p\•·11 !1 ,,r ln111c;-in1tli1i11 nnJl l11ao1 .... r '''l••·ri1•11"" lhru11 11 iu ·rti•· 111 11,·.11 ••"'"'1' "Iii n111k1· '"'H an\1hllll; l1 ••t1! a bn11•I ,,f :; .. 11n It\ -th•· ~h ·il"' "I ·' 11:-.h . t u m~king a :-o.1i J;l111•.: 111i.: 1\·1\h 0'1 :-qopl•• 111 II ~ 111"1 11h l•lornl 1lf'r 11ra l ion.;; ''"' ... ' l<ol"H·rt :00:1·hr111•tl1•r 11il\ 11•" !o>ic;n .'·011 -;1•1n 1·111 in:..: .,,. utin1:1,· dirr,.n·ul. hut 11+·- ' a~t aiin i:,1~: l ~i i.:hl no'nv th,. n1•1\· l'h:1rn11h 1:o li:1i.:;,· i" TIHt.kin i.: hi., 1·r1·:1l i•" i.:«11 i11" 1!0 rlip . (lop ..... l'h11r .. 1d 1 •·ollfti:,I' n r•· 1111• 1 ... ,,1 . .., 111111 l•ro.n\·hr..; rr1•l l1 'l:u11 ·11ii l:1, }:n('Rl,\'11111.. II n d 11 11 .. 1.ll· ,.. lk'rr\· • • Th•· I r1"" itt•' f'l!ll' t t"f'.at01•1I \\'hil•• l h<'I 11 r ,. ''· J,:.r0 1,ini;:. 11,1 .,,,1111• 1·h .. n1i1 •al ,; injri·l•·<I in1 11 l h•• lruul,. · · i tn prnih1 1•1• lo".1'"" 11r r11-;4• t n nt•"i, r•h :111111:1::,'.10 · :111.I i.:nl1I ,.hatl•'"• o·hi1·h in 111 1•11 :I r•' ri·r rla,fini.: ... 1·11,.~ l1u1k rtal. th•',\ ri~·I n ·nl. tlH',\ arr n •Rl ... llul 1 111·~ a rt• pt•'- ,...n·f'd, to 11n11l111•1• i.:r:1.-1··rul ~: lwitul.\ fnr .1n ur h1111u• .. · llrrf' :it l\1111.,1 °1 .... 1 !I r J'.!"(l\'l"I'\" 'l!••I• U!l ll•ll': 1),1• 1.1•1'' ~h"l"'-11tlt o•11\1.ll'I "1 " 1.i.I" . 'I ,J!<]P, \\'•• 11 If>' •'l ~h l _l•'.1 1,; 11,1 ll~'}Ll .... ·1•1>k ·1·tld\\' ... AND $10,000 in Ten Weeks Come see if you're a winner this Weekend at Richard's! Look for your M a g i c ( Ka r d l Nu mb e r. Win $10-$50 -$100 or more. 59 new winn ing numbers each Monday morning. Ev eryone has an equal chance. Your number on deposit at Richard's. Yalu-date your MAGIC KARDS and take home a . IS prize. IJari ~o\t.I 1-'inP lluaJlt~· AA BUTTER lb.59, lf1•in°~. ('hi<·k1·n :'\ooJI .. , \'"R- 1.u-,\fl SHl<UfJ,\I SOUP iii'i'slE'ivEs •Go· 45, . . CAKE MIX MIX SYRUP 2-1 O'l . ~IA"ll fur i:il Tis .. uf' 204'1 l'L KLEENEX TISSUE Coll the Richi!rd's Flower Shoppe ... f or Pvery f o w t>r 1 .. 11 .. C.d~•On. ' , ro ll ,, , I . ' r 1 li·1•'I .. 39, • :l"~·O/. 33, ' 12-01. 28c --··· ----·---.. -·· ••• are in the air ••• CELEBRATING TWO BIG BIRTHDAYS I 956 is a b ig ye er for Newport Herbor-all of 50 yeers old. And the month of March is a big, big month for Ric herd's. We're ce lebreting a Birth. dey, t oo, our 8th. All the more reason for a b igger a nd better Birthday event than e ver before. Join in on I 0 weeks of Magic Ka rd fun a nd watch for our b ig Birthda y Weekend. DELICATESSEN I TILLAMOOK CHEESE I A T&n&')' ,..,.,,. t..al , tor •t--.. r 53 ; 1 .. a ... 1,.41 .-h,.,._ a&n<h• lrn-. Add• Ju•t C 'th,. riithl fl••u ~ lo'• mM'.&r0nl. j l'•n ond I.arr'. Jn.lrT. 111.unkl•I ORANGES 3 ,. ..... t·..,..r. Hot Ho11.,., '""· 25' DELICATESSEN YOUNG'S CHAMPAGNE KllAUT RHui.\1t1 " 19' I 1>o11 "' 1h1 .. ""'lot "h h l{lo·hiin t '• f'rf'-.h 11,.,1,..,,,..,1 "'1••r,.r1t .... '''"'''·\ ..... "Ith tll•MI H1< luttol'-. t' .. rl. "' !t .. •T1 •.•-.!•·"' l'ur l. •''"I'~ ""'""'•"''" """ r,,.,.,, .. , J•r. !& .... &. MEZZANINE -···i HYGIENE BATHROOM ENSEMBLE ! .. 1,..,,,., ·""' \\lu•t"" t"u rholn :"l'I•. 1 I ll•·KUl!fooll ,\ rt••!•·IOf••I. A ... n~1,..j •·ol1•r• p 0 .. ,,,, l'•lto•rn•. 1( ..... 1 .. rl\· pr1.-... 1 •1.i.l 2 rice t~"".tl, 70-... tf'11df'r 2/15' CARROTS , , , .• ,.,, • CHEEZ-ITS 81,•0 L 18' 35' P"NUT BUTIER,.,~. 1•,.ter l"an K"'t'• M1u•&rm1l 2/29' DINNER ..... 1·,...-1,. S.n'• Con.-rrt1'4'1 23r WHITE RICE ,..,. . t• 01.. pllr. •k ru1.rn1ry'• t :n r1r h...:I FLOUR , ..•. 45' ,\n•lrr~•n'• -"1'1,IT _ 2/35' PEA SOUP ,, .• , ,11.H i • .,,., I ut ''''""" 2/37 ( BEANS '" ~o~ tin 39' ... ic·?.!I~. ,ti,, -. I '· . -·-. ----·-·-.... --KOTEX Rlch.&rd.'11 F1ne11t -1·. S. Cholcf-Stfoak -TOP SIRLOIN ····-. --~--·-··--·---··-...... , .. ~ Thlrk .Jule~· t~Ulrt'8 0pon tin 1:00 o.~y •nd Sundoy• K,.nnln'• J\,.,.r, ('hl•·l.,.n ,.., P1IES., 5/1.00 °''"""ynak" I roil"" 8Kt:Ah• A"T WAFFLES , " pk 2/29 ' OR. JUICE • ,., 2/39' 59' " "'·· Ku ... "'IUtl.MI' STICKS ·-. • T iii Kl"<U1\ \ 1·r,.•h 89111'<1 UA T .\l t:A L 38' COOKIES , ,.,,. .•.• 57' 6/21' LAY'E'R ·cAKE 11 k ····b 87' I· ltlllA \ ( ho•·ulalr n. .. 1 .. n CREAM PIE ...\Tl KO."\l SWEET ROLLS lb. SWORDFl.SH 1b. v ~;1 nu~ r.,.ty [){·, , n t he Mez1t'ln1n& •· --· --···~··-·---·--_,, ·-~--·--" Ranf'h t'~h Jk>!;lt Qua.lit)· STt.:\\'IN(f CHICKENS lb. .. --·--------· ·- T"ndf':r l '. S. Choler ~t STEW BEEF lb. ---·· i 1-39c j I ""~'· -"'"""""'" .. . : SAUSAGE _____ . _____ _ . _. 11 _ .. __ _ --·-· -··1 ,,, 33c ~--. ·--~-- FOOi> MART OF THF: UDO SHOPS! SalMI lax f'OllN"fRi l 011 tai:able it.ems • ' ., 1 • --__ ...:-__... --... ,..._ .. -.............. __ --. -------·-···----·---~--i . -.. --.. --... -. --- Book Program j -------M r•. 'M.ar7 Greer Sca1 boro1.~h I ' ' fortbcomln,r apr1Tll'J ,,..,.ic&Uon. lta adcU.~n to the n:ru!..r rericw of current book1 •l • ~ t\nal '"°""'m. M'"r.:h 9. 10 30 ' -,.n .. •t U.. Newport H •rbor Y•cht C ub. 1 The book review• •rf' 1pon!Nlr~l • '7 the S outh Cout Alumriae Club ot Pt 8.-La Phi to further Lti s·r • ..., Ctw\01 ""Mil fll TAU .... a.::holar1h1p prv-Ore. ... • • Skn1.• S!)ll1 ta .. ·-r • .. \4'ril• for ftror.aiv..-" WENDY'S A coff" hour prr..1Xle~ 1he re- Wle11o• at 10 a.m .. and g u ... _. nu1y ~mai n '°" lunrheon at 1 h• 1·luh I A U•tln Stu11ev•nt II gener•I <:h•1m 1a• of the tf'••lews. 2 1~ \\". l "f'al .. r 14l. K.I: 5..-11 .\n.M:lm. C.'alif. ! LIDO FASHIONS I has the sensa!Wnal USC ALiJvNA Mr1. Robert Stabler poura for the Mt.. Nanl'i Campbell a.nd Jenny Lund o! Hubor High School and MW Ann Git.on of U. S. C. at a kaf!ee kla~h in her homt'. College preparatory aenion were rueeu of the alumnae SJ"OUp, a1 were local students at the university. -Starr Photo PANHELLENIC traditionally gives a benefit affair <"ach yea r to prr"·idr fuilda for its scholarships. Thill year thf" Ft'llow11h1p Brtu 1t·h is t·alendar\·d for ~1 arch 21 . JI a . m . in Friday Afternoon Clubhouse. lif·r<'. nit·1•ting at t h1· h~·nh· ,,r ~l ri; \\'illi&m IJana, 1 25 Morning Canyon Road, &rt> cu1nm1tte{' m{'mbt•1"::> a!f they n1a ke deeora· tiom and favon. fl to r), Mmee. Kt'nnet h Sa.mp.son, dl"<'urations . Joaeph ll.iggl:I, prt.M; Dana, food and Harold Boyvey, Harbor Panhellenic presid l'nt -Starr Photo new girdle that slims you while you walk! POT POURRI OF FUN rr11rr1 1 fit' Harbor ar•a ,.,._.. pr-nt Harbor H "gh School 1111,J l•l•lllded th• M•-· Barbar• l (~!~011:~:· Jo.~~711 Hl ~~~hl~~n,_~,~~ Seniors Entertained ·~·:::.~"::'.:':::::·~~.::':::~:·;· .. ~.::::AT EBELL FESTIVAL I :--1·0 .~i;u "~ I ' " <' ' j.: I "' '''I'.,,., ~1· 1'ht> h•1lll•• 111 .\11:; f~,1ti•·rl I. ~!abJ.'r. 1722 East Orf'an ,.,J>1 1' "'' ~1 .. nt .. .011._ th .. p~1tv ! 1-'ront ........ s !;!'1\lllg' ~1 1L r1·t1 :1 v.·h··n l' ~ l". Alumnae enter -[;;~•i•\\1'.",,;~1'."';·:1kJ .. ~·:·;~ r;~r :.::·.~:'/ Fasl1i o 11 Sl1 0 \V LL111cl1 e<>t1 . , .. , •i i1 •. 1'.': 1/'"1 1·'\~:,,~; ta1nf'<l ""'1lh :~ k;,tf•·•· kl111 -,,)J l •or 1(1'aduat1ng: ~f'l\Hl r!I 11f If \'"''~ I•,.,..,., ll•rt .. rt l••I!\ •' l!->1·· "' 11; I\' H t.ho,. ."J e"''.)<Jl"t 11.11ti111 i·lll"ll 11 1xh =-'«h1.1,.1 v.·hq arl· 1.1k 11 • ...: 111,. 1 1,. I! 1111.1·1 .... , •• , ... ,., ,. Bridge an cl Sale s H<)()t11 ~ , .. ,~:;1 1 : .. •·11 ::·:u ',~,'"lo:'6 I ' .' ' •' .,,., \\,0j1., ,,,1, . .-;u,,,111 I-' .J.r11•1 ,J ,.K••f11"1'•"l•ll "'''" "'" "''',.r ~• ,, 11 !!.-I I'•""""" llO~O IC TKJ11 j '.\11"·' ! ' Juhl1~i.,n 1111(11 It \ 11'111,.,,n "'~lHl111 Spu1-1 '.\f 11 nv lro ,rlR ll l f" In lh,. flrf" !ot1 pr111p11111 h•11<' I ·.1 ll··nar ,,,,. t • 111. hul.-.i '.\!11 Ho b· r ••I 1 1cl11l1un1 ,1 .. 1 u , 1.i .,~,., 11 ! J(, dh i'ul,.•k H1•llo, 1 A I ~:t. .. u '11.tJ "" 11.1.>.,, • "'1111 '""' """ .,, 1• ''" ,.,, · • ·t Harlol3 "• +·Lu·t"'! H11 11 u.,1. I l " S l" \ <f,,, ,., .._,,, 11 ,. !~o·· untu iol e1I •t 'rtiur~<1a1· ~ "''"~!11>1< I ,,,~,,. .1111"·"·1·' c irl•' \.f r• ''"'" ~·ll •~tl.-• ,r. <\! t l s o· l•·n".• I• ,u ,on •iul (;..-.,nr., H 111 ti:., At1\~1h a11 L<·li:"'" Hs ll 1 ·1 ~ ,J!''"I-= !••' '' .,J,n1: '.\I i • _-.;,,11,1Ja.• ll1P1'1l•·r 11~) 1•;,., 1.1,. \\;11 • , ome11 '""''" 111a n 1•".J .. rr 1ln•1·~ 1n• 't~~ • 111 111"1"1 ,. u: .. n•ll ... nhn ...... r .. u"""'1 i _. di ·ri .. , I'' .,, " .. FROJ\.I UN IV ERS l1'Y ,, r i n .. e1 ~nL pu111u· "'!I 1 '''""" ''l"''""I( 1 ... "' •' ... 1,, ... " " . " ,, . " • ·' 0!1,.: ~·' ""I J " " " ... ' " ' ' • " lo· .... 1 " " ., , 1'1.-r " ""'" t i••ll,t "" ... , '· ,,,, LIWC Lectt1res NEWPORT HARB O R r 1 ,, I 1-"'"" " .1 .,,, .. t l _ ... I', .. ... A 111 •1•1"11 ~I\"" I\, p Ill "' ...... : ''" LJ.,. "'""'l lNI"'" on History, Art \\11th the quf~tinn "VVhv v.·;1:; t\n1Pr 1c a l·:ur .. p1•11ns ar\d not As111.u cs"' I !1 l{u,,s1•ll thr-...,L"11n·1 1 .~11\ nr ::iouthe rn l"all!•Jt"ltl <t bt:~an t6e 1_1J11 Ji-o il· \\',,111an ·.11 C.'lub f."<'b. ::S. dn-il'O\"f'r f'rl by !. C odd"'l·ll Hf I his t alk bl lure , I.I l~S. \\'I t\ l l<"ll F..:D BARBRE, Wome.a 'a Editor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ '.\!11 1)1'!11' 1(,.. '" ""'' .. .... ,.,, <l l<illla\•jl ...,,II• l"'"'l"·"'''"'""l "''"! I •'I• )" ,.,.,.,,! "lo: •I' I• • ! 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CHARLE:S AND 1 1 ~ ~rLo-.h•nt""'ll ,\\o• I' \! I•' ·~ '-l><'llkf'r !Or the G11 rlpn ~~("llOn -•·• idHnnu1..: ll••t <o1:0 1 .. ,,., ""'L :,...,.,_ ·•·I El1l •'l'""ll.• r<1 ll1c •r na1 1i:at.,1 1 111 a ll dllf" Iv A ll".'""· J!I H1 111 !"al·l .. t II• :So ,..,1. t "''"Y Ill lh• l.•l11n11 HOME FROM HONEYMOON Nllou ld t.>1· ,.,..~"''"'! "''!'1 .\!1~ 'I•• 1 ·1uhho11•• Cla pp 11 a w ell-k n o11o·n ""'' J \.~ld ''' ?.fr~ i 'o·11u1 \\ .. If• ,.J.11o A.S IJ 1"\ 1:1U{ornla arU1t. Mr . 1tn(I ~l r~ f"harl~ C. F !>39, 22:l \'\" Or.·l,lO, ar,. l'n 11 r..,11M>tB I ~•1<l JI ""'t 111,. l•1 '""" A"""'-"'~ rt t I ti J Uelwttner"' .,,. "''""K iii ~ \•I"~ 1.-.:..:k•f v.-110 hit." of1e11 ap· ~""!l'.-11 r par Y • ~l' '"' ltnrn., f roin ._ m ont ll 'J! hur1f'ymoon l!•\lr tJ f ).lt:i..>l"u a nd ar~ 1n-• ._ •oit'<I MaT'l"h 13 ,.l HI 1 n1 11! 111 .-~f''"'"l ll! pr11• • ,,,. •,. t ... ,,,1.1• l fJr a p•n.,l uu•n1t,.•r on ,~luohou•e. h r r'":'lt'T""A\lnn:'I ,.1,.111 .iwunclnt their 1•tu1n '" t'1elr m•ny rrirnd~-,.,1 rturing °''" "''"''''"'" "'"'" 1, tt>!"•·••1on 1•1 v~1r11 u~. '" '",~should c11.ll .\lr:'I M~rtui 1...,, k Mr . Foa.• 1"""1'°'! 11 .. ,~hl• 1 •lk.~lh •n~lll<'•'r 11n•1 1"" ,1.,., 1uo., ih~ ""'·t 11,.\ f•)ll""" ni,: 1•1 oJf ...... ,.,-"' ""·'"' '~· •>'·1-"' ~I r~ P.u lph l!nltlo•n 11l~Lo1·••iu L'S 1 · •• ""ell h.• 'I ~" ina n or' th• .1 .. ,.,.,1,1i.·11t ,,/ i,:•l""'"'I B -• t . •twlo•• 1tr Ar• t>rlca n r 1••1!1r.H ll"n e'-lU y Queen .. n<I 11\•!l~IJl l••"" IC a·a l\1 "A u F:n1 l1~hl1H1n l 'I 1""1'!""11 a11 } ates a~f ~al<I, 11loi1 hl ~I\<' 1 111 ~ "''!I'''' \I, """l"'"'1~·· 111 .. ~"" ,,,,,, ,.f E:"it Registe r No'v 11 81"1 h1..,\n1,· •,, .. n 1 •~;1; l<> ltil\6 th" h1•U'\1I• 11/;I fo r l1l,,·1\.1 •' 111 • t)1•1i lll I •'l"''"I th F1 \' KIP q111•••11 ,\, n,.,,1 h0•1n1- 111ti;r rl. ·!f ( , .... T il t "P~~k<'i <I•·•• ,11"··1 r.1,,,.~ 1nnn1Al .,,.~ ,,,,,.~"'"'''"""'I'' ''·"~'I Ul~··I I•; t•'j.: •l•·I lt1i; 1"""'11 rnr ;\11 y~R ,.• 10 li'.:l11.R h~\lo flr. C•hl"'"I\ I·~ l'hll 111 l l ,,f .'·l·"lll H•~l •tra T 1\Jl1 •{ ll\rl~ l 6 \•'>II' 1 ,.1 ~:11 1.;1.,,1,1 "a .. 111 ur a ~·· lo ll•! ,.i.1,, (nr !h,. ,,,,,,,..1 1.,,,, • .,1,., .. ,.111• ,,, \ht• •~ lo~1 111( ,,,,.,i,, ,.\ h.l"l 111 H 1u1.• ~.T1 1i;,..-· nf t11~1 .. r y ,!111 1J\\11 1·f" :.;[,,, 11i l~ ~'""!"•I r rn1.-1 ,\1 1~ 1,.,.,, • .,f l.•d·· 1~1. ,,,,.,~ ""''''''! l1>1t .HI H 11\o• \\'t>thl111 i,: l!o·!1' •i'q "! II\ l "t"'""'·'· A11/. ~n l lr11 •hal •ly ,.,. ,,,,.,..,, '' 'fh•y r·elU!IH'd htr>nl'l111 J p .. 11~. FPll ~II Uul !uoui.! dllH ,..5 a \ !Ii~ n n.ir .~ !"1111 Hn•1 oll lllltl!Pr l'r1..,r1 li.. II! "'''1 APRIL l i'<!STALLATI ON Ladi es Auxiliary ' Elects Officer Group '· ,.1 ..... , ~· 11 r11·1 t 11 111 ti.I! , .. /'I oh Ill"" '• I•• Il l • •·r! II·· 111.. ''"" 1 ,j 'I I ·t • "1 •l•···· '" '"' R lif"V. 1r:i; f.,r •"t' • ~,.~ tr .. · • "' ot\ ~.I ••I I ~ ool· I I n,.,... ""I'' ,, l·I , i.: '''" ,\1 '. '"" I ~ ·, · 1, \ • ~1 ... I \\ 111 '"' '• I· !•I ,., ~rHI .\!1 • I·'·• !1· .i ,,,,,,., I """ I -A 11'"" •I,•,. • "' 1!•::i.: ~ '1, ti ' '" 111 11 .. 'I ,.,,. I\ I ,! ' " I '" :<~111• 'i !•, ,,, .. , f '"'" '" I ~ \\ Bh 1 I '•"~·''" • I A \ !h,.tr n1•el 1rii.: .. t '.\l,!••11 :! Tht> l-1~11 I• "''Ii lw h"l.J 1»~'"""'" u f th" I." IH"~ A11.:1l1l r\ \\H\" "l"llt'.\" I \,l tt. ~. .. .... '" "l.I: \\'111 ,.n Ha tll pt nn I ll ""nlnr 1·1r,. r'•~~~n1~.i ~· .,,. 11 pr,.~1u~nT F i •<I TnR•·r ,.•111. J\•n•nt , ,;;. ____ ;;. ___________ _ Pl-Opie v.·e n l lo An"''''" H• f1~1" 311 l <nd11.y .,,.I , . .,.,,,,J1y, .J •Hl '" 'l """ •,1 l' .. •I .;~::16, lif"I+••••·~ .,r ~·n r~\.r;n holdera. !r1,l•"lllff"'I tl"r\'1 11 1~. r.r .1 It 11'1 !!"•hti. r1 .. I!~ 'fl"TI~•l r·,.,j tn· •II •1•. rl~t 1f'!l nrfio •'I • :.nol ~~l "II prllOPer•, •t<pJ,.111,.d 111 t:t<l•h•••ll th .. •"••~t a ,\\. '" l .i••n.~ <'luti "'Ill llllll11 lt"''"" o1a1» ,,f Al•• I 1 : A m e rica of!~,~~t ,l!l'"ll l<'r ••l'P'''"'""" f"'>C::f'••tb .i:•••ni.. t .. 11111l .. nth1o pu 1 Jnruu1111;: K'""I' "'II In• lo u!e 1ty, t ot E ni;!lAn•I """" "'"! l'"J"ilA!-11.,1!"11• '"~ .\l onr~. lte r•l•I ~•Jl11.n1t. pr.,.1.Jf"n!. ed. feuda l l'll\at.-~ "'''~ l"''"'= • l•·J!· l.1t .,l v~11 r·1 hP.<l1ty 'l "'''" ("/'Ir· ed. land WR~ ~.a1 • ,. a11•I •'•1'1"tl'"" .. 1.. llvdte~ 1: .. ,n H unllnKlon T h .. A "1l'•!<h!\ rt<·1 .. 111l 1••1\ \t"hh·h ll"-111\ \In .• !hi' '"•l!'l>"llt .. r lllAlll la ... ff'•I e ight \"f"MI~ ""' {-~11 ... 1 '"JI .i:•ll~ 1•lt1 .. ~ 1 .. ,,1! .. l"'"l,I! ""I' thr!lhng pro11 .. 1 liy th,. •P•Akt>r.I ,\1•1• "·''' ,1.•1 7u'""I ,,.,.,, \\"hn dr.••l~""t 1'1" lt,.•\1111 ~J,...,. •=·· ,.,,.,1.1 r, 11•1.-111 11 .. '" ~,.,.,.,., lh•· t1<·,:1un1n ~ ,.( t hr H ~"-,1., '' "br 11 l1"" l~n. "~' ~· n hlll<ln •1 I· \ll11.;i<1n ""'! f',,n• •o<I II ,:,.. 11'.•t I • II 1' 1 nU '11 111011• l"l''"\ll lillr "< ,,f th11! ,.,,,.,,.,I •IL •11·1 Director Board Non1inations by the Surfsiders 1w,. plf'l•l•n1 .~I ~· !10n,.na r1 ~•r- 1 ~till), K,.11n,.l h llru'.\"n. ! 1 ''""'"fl' 1. ~I Hou l.11111.i •h>11•l1t 111 l '11 ul T:11\111Lni,:~. ( l!Tl•lln 11 1'"·~-L"llt I !l ~r­ rua n•"P. i,:-uar•I, llalph ,\llJ<u ,. 1hr•!!I Y"ll.r trll~t ""· J II PRll "t~<•n f\i!J( t,,.,.rf"r . ~arl Da,r:gr 1r. h11nn .. , h,.,., ,•r: r 11· Tl1om11~ h1•lnr u1n : 11 ,.,-. tll"ll•l !"•,,\I, l>lll I '"I" Ill"(! u~!u1. ft11lph ;o.1 ,wir•. 11\u•11·1~11 • 'ulor O.,••"r" "nol •1•·\' \\'Iii be "PJ)Qlfl\~<1 by Th,. rr~9lfl .. n t. •I 11 •1• "11 Hl• """">: ,.,, ,, '''"II• pf'flfltl. IJ,,l,lu•~ 11~ fulHI u ,ro •'lll o!" ,,f ,•,q !I 111" l ",".011 ,\,, I• \ ll ~ ~ • ' Geot£e 11·11 -h•ni.:1 "" I'"~ 11 ·• ,, .• 1 1e1·er·ed In II<~ d111 11111•1 I » 1·,.1,i \Vi th \Vo111cn o f Calurnpit Carnp \1 1 11!1·1 .II •-f{,,i.,·1\ lq a11 "' 'lu• '"'"'"'I <1 f ol 1Jl'<l u1 ~ ,.f 1h" !'>1J of ... 1J- rr~ 11rll"11•l rlub nnon lnAlP•1 1nt n1b,.r11 r.w 11 np1.1· 11.,11 n!. r•v<f"""f"•l A<l+\I· ·''' ~ I •111.·h~rt B\!.-nol e<t H ,,, 11n• 11 r"~R­ •I"-" "l B111n.,11 l111Ar.•1 ,.,,,,,,, "' ~l r1 Yott1· ((@II. •11tp1g 11'11[ llP "'llJl. H~k•'d 1 Lhrr e or fn111 t lno~t ll t)i!"li 1n~ It/\•\ 1.1·•·• th~ ••nl1 11111 n 11111111 10111111•1.1 R"'k~d l\t'I'" I•• I"• 1 '1 ~~1·1~11 ! i .. 11 "' '"'" or 1 11 ~ p•11t y .. sr 11 ri.1 1~ ola n• f,,, lh<> Tl"""~~"""" n1,.,!,. ,'-'<'hor" Rno1 11.r r11111;:•d 1, 1 1>1 ~rlni;: • j,,,,n ,,,,.,"'''"r• on l·•''"I h11.•ln"'Oli l 1•· :<t ·! !•I.•••-.orod "'""al lh111 q,~" Co,..'ll l :'tl rR. T h l'nlH.• r ... : l•l f't l'Sld•·:11 r>f Book H.eviews at FAC Meet t.f r~. \'1r!n r ~lnrr•""n II'""'' h· brarl•n nf 4•1»n~r ~""ii.!' 1.1h1 11 1-y. "'··~ j h.-~11,.~I ~lkRk f"t •! th• monthly nl""''"I! o( '" .. ~-,,. Aft,.,"'"'" •"luh b...,.•k ·""' ''"" "''ePk 11 1 lh" ••lubh o·ll•f' F11 "1 011 th• l1 ~t ••' Ill" Jl l"UI' "' '"'" r •nl b<H >k ~ ••·11•·11 .. t lo •11 .. •Jlf'•ker "11 • 11. l".q"'" •·· ..,. 1i. by Gordon 1.Hll K'"I' "t"' ~' ,,.1111 .. ~ !he varl,.d "~1 .. -1,•·to· •·~ ,,f ~ • ' l.1· •rt·t'"~·I ~:11 .:11~11111"" " --.:• ,. A• , .. ,..h,.I f'I "'I lll,foAn ••'"''I 1n O nt•r"' Other•"'"''' ltH• ":'1h•n :-l•f.111 by Rhenn l "I•""'' A l 'Hr1• ~,,.. 1ecrn·1 81or1-" 111· • ·11., 1 I ··~ 11 .. 1 .. and K•y 1'llu1111•-•"" ~ l<h•I~•· Mr•. Hen l\1 11~ • '"' ''"HH 1·•·· l lde!i • "t II\ .. 111•·•"1<110: HI •Ill nounr"d !llHI " 1,.,~ .. ,1 ''"'1 11 ' !he FA,C l1 h1 '"' '"'" 1 .. • n >' • I• h l" ~t rt. Nf"ll l)1·•lll. Cn~IA u .. ,.,. 1rhr11n lt1!i; The Ar111 rti""!•nll. "r th~ ~ ..... tr"" "'di l,.11 ,urr • I ·"ii• ol i.l••oi 11 ,. IOP•ll! '' I<\ 11"' \\ • I'"'' \ •I ' " ' ' ''" ,t I • ',,, ;..;''""-II " I .1 ,• '" ,. " . \I ... ,, ....... \ 'l·• ,\""'I I• an I l.<'l(l••l• \I •II•'" I!•·~'•',.-,.~ "'"et!' \\"R r· f!Pm-···11 j ,, h 1"11'' •\' n.1 ,, " '.\I "'" " I \I 1 .. " l( ... h I: at llu11l,n 11: 1 • .. , ~ I I l' I " 11 ("l11hti ""'" S 11.n 11111(<1 •\1\11 ~:,, V ,l·\HT.j }-111 11 lTI \1 1~ I!'"' t i ~1>rhl.•, ~ .. 1·,.,1, 11 ~; :-; ontA An 1t, I•· h•'<I>'~. lq It.-\\1,1.,·.1< ,, "' t<'I " ,.,.• ··~ "' "11! h" ' " " " . ;.:, ... \' ' 1 ....... "" h ol! r• ,., ... 1 .. ,1 h1 ft 1 .. oi IO I ti At !ho" r>1,.•·I- " I' "' ,, ... '"• :i··l·.:H""• 1 .. 1h" .,,.p11 1tn1,.n! '"'"~11 t 1"11 ~I !'>~111:'1 •'r•11. in M ol' <1 11 1 ,,,. • I••• I "•I I IH' l '~.•' I '• "-~1 • J1•il l ~ t 'iu l\ "Ill \J~ \ht! jl.U'"~\lt ur \!1-I " h li1• \IH •I h HI ,,., ,,. ( ;rrrlc \·s I I an· _..;, 1.: c•-<t "·I f." 1 lu• ,,.,.,. ': 11 .. ,\f \'~!' .... li•'111d·! Jt1 •1 " ( • •• 11.-11: .. 1111;.:1.. 1.-• 11•·1.~''"· II .IJ1s..111 S1i•l'>I~· 1 •.,n ~·uller. Rlc h•1d ~l !ller. Ro ht>t! \\'nod , Stt>1'Unt P11n •. Verne Thrt>l· keld, \\'llJ,.rU Ht>t tul•tt •n•1 Rober! Boyd, OUl KOI Tll" preei•!ent ·"'""'"'"1"'"~ ''"111 th<> n ....... r "·111 '.\le1nb .. rs IUllliAtlr.i;: r1 lhP. <lrh·e ar,. t.fn1~A-~I V• f{,, .. 1 li.:ug en• Gllleepl•. Pat te raon, t "h•J<t '"r Smith. Th0tm A11 an11 ~.-nil Mr1. ! .. · nln d1• "' 1h1• r l•• 1,.,,. d1u1rr to -----~-::.-~::-:-: __ ;_ ____ .;:_, 111• tn'l•I '.\1.ir• h :t:l 111 !ht• ~'.lk"' • lub 1:!' 1 hf! n•1•· hn 1 nf "ill c-hnn_.... u~ I ()\tn nrf1re111 M""' lflr 1ht> o!Anl' .. "'ill I}<! h) !h• ~:11•t••·• Rc J"-" I •Jfl'hf"lt H T h" """l"I .i.nn.-r 1111.1 h<>a t•l 11!' " 111 1 ... )(!M ir )\<>!11", h••ld ~1 "" h 1" al o, .. Harbor Rest Memorial Park 111-..1-lnlrTmlln l 4 :aril~n•, Crnlf'll'rr Harbor al 1a.1,.r BA~TZ MORTUARIES R. E. Hendrick.a. D.C. You Mlssin9 May ... Somethin9 Tht> lrt>nd of •11 h•alln;; ~· lf'll"t"~ '" to"'·•rtl l:hlropr1r!I•· Rt'<"'•>r ·•~ " l ht pe11t r .. ,,, .. ~·e~no "ho 11o· 1h"1 n1o»t . " .. 1 1Pllear ch ""nrker• h""e .,. , 1 ,1 ... ,1 ln!erf,.r•nr e to ""' •·~ H ~ 111;· tu11,J11•11•nt1l •'•ll~'" •·f ,. .. , .. lhMH ~2" d<'llntft' .li•f"Allf'll '.\l"I ' "ill •u· 1>dol ,..t I" Tl ,,. l'Ulllio<'r •on!ll l _,1111 1111·" th AI All l\1•>1 [11 1: •• "'"'"·"! W 1IJ "~I Pf' th11" '"" Hll' d """·' ·~ <llJl,Pol f!\ IH'I '" l"l"t:t•l••'l• ,. I I Y 1'11 "'Ill TIOl f" !1 • t "'.'" ~·:• ~ I n 1 lo,o • I hf'Hlth II! t I• I•• 1!1 th,. """ ~ /'"I" 1" 1 11nd "'~I( Mr.in•• \\dl •1•·11 1 Hoc>r •·"1111 lh" l1rA 1n 11 ml fll'rl"!I 11"•1 1)1 •·or rf"llt llnn,.h lp I<> hl•.11.l llo. T iu'"" .... 11 .. 11\1(11'' f"l111•,!H'il • !IO I ,,,,. .... ~nJoy 1 ;,,. hl'11 lt n ~·,, ,, ~ •• r • 11 .. f•1l u r" :-,.,..., t'"•~nt• th1• \\'r<'"k M r ""ol ~I·• _.o,l~n ,~, .... r,., I ~-.., JtOod ll,.11lth ""f" .1·011r l"hll" ,.,.,. COSTA t.IESA CH.APEL CH.I.PEL BY THE Sl:A r ••«lnr , K , t~ Hl'n<!rH L\.• I• (. ".'!';oi l i i l Superior A YWUll 301(1 E. Cout 8 l•·d. llA,!l ll••I"" :;4;1 "" 4{>1 4 ~"r Ar•· ,\i M" to '11• I I\ ,.,. IHll bal II• ·~ ~ H ., ·~ '"n~I M ·'I ti\ ,.j ,,h .. n C 0tla Mt!N.. Calif. Corona d•I Mar. Calif. po1ntn1•nt. 7011 c .. rn11 l1•lll, Cui<o!lll 2.~ •n I Phr>n• Wberly 1-2121 Phon• Karbo1 42 '1PI M1t 1 ! ..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~ • i,,, I , '" ,, ,,,~ I '""'~ ll'" .. ••II• IU•k I :,,.:,.,~ "'"I '"'"'" T Leap Y c<1r Fe te o f Harbo r Star 'NEW SLANT' •• '"' "' " ..... 1. ,. '. •• . ' 11'' . ' ' ' ,, ' ., 1 ... ' " . ' . 1111 11 .. 11 • !.oq >1 •"' "'''"k ' "''"' \ u1.: ~I M "'"" M r • .\1•• '" ' " ' I 1.J 'r>o l "•.rt h I " j,.. llfl 1 "'·•'•·I 111 .. " ~11·' 1.1] ...... Il l . " ' ' •• I " ""l• I ' ...... ,,,., " '" ,. •· " " " ~ •I! h.dl '. ,, ' ' " "' ·"' by ~AN l !f 0 11 01 1 \ • . ..-['tlr "'-''1-· b, ."ill "~•n ohmo •011 •i'ul• •o·• "•lk ~auw lhf' knit '~ o n lhf' blat. )1'1 •h~ mo•• •oml<>fl•l I• h•• '"•lkona •"•ti• .,,,· 1l.1th ,.,.r> ot•p )OU 1 1 ~• U ..... ··•I lh• 1hlf~ d,.w, '" •01'1 lumn" I •••11 1! !h• ''" u mr !Om•' "D ·.'o'l~ ~l ,\T" hu "" ·•1n1• n~ l<Gn•• "" <•!11'1 ror••I 1~ I""' •O~ II •01 ~• 11• t•rul• mll •C • "'""' 1 .. .ll, ·•r •"•l1 .,11.1,,,. •••IH ~•'l ind li i\I\ 1~11 ' l1ih1 1nJ .r,J r •• •IOl•I"'' flnli •500 '' 'll•· 3419 Newport "' Blvd. ~ewport Beoch ') J DAY SALE Thursday • Friday & Saturday, March 8-9 & 10 • \\ t; ~t-:t:JI 1·11t-; ROU~l -:\"t;\\' SPRING ST<X'KS AHt~ All l,,\.1:-.i G OAlL\" e (:irl!i' IJn'•I«'• T o1tdlt> I to ~ SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE AT JERI'S '" UJ.e ·"·;Jo lf Clothes for Uttle Folks 20% OFF 3 to 3i: lo. 7 to 14 Girl11' Sklrt11 3 to 6x and 7 to 14 Girls' J•rda l l'll!ihl'n> Siv-,. :J to 14 Chlldrrn'" 11011~ Slil,JM'T'S Sizf'!f 3 to 9 • • • (Olrl"' "~talr~"" "~ln 1•·1" 'l"-S i1ir:t,. SizeR 2 t.o 11 ,, l'if'l'f' S11il8 fo r l\o\· .... Si~.r., I lo I'.! • lnrantR• Craw le~ • ( rl"lod &!\sortment 1881 Harbor Silf'M 2 l.o 4 Sm., med. & larg<' . o r Cap and Hat Sf"t~ Blvd., Costa • IJ.oys' Cot ton 8 hlrt11 b)' " 1.>on J taan .. Slz"8 2 to 12 T oddle l -2-3 Mesa Llhe.rt.)· 3-1601 I• lM ~w Harbor 81,·d. !Shoppina; Crnlrr IJurlng Th~ Sall' .. ~o Char.-:" Sak ,. No 0J"l!lf!:n Sl&mJl'll .. Xo l':Ct·hugl"!ll or reta!Hh I • I ' • I '\ i .. • ' ! ' -1 • • . :.,. . ---·----·· ... :'If• .. -.---·· ····-...•• .......... ----.. --... ·- f'l·llLl lA RAIO:-O:IC QUA/{Tf<.:1" "'h11·h, wit h t"'u 'oll'nod v.•ind:;. will present an t.-ven ing u r 1·1i.1 n1IX"r mu.;11 ;it f'an Clemente Saturd,1\·. ! ... ·ft to right are violinists Ha y J,l .. 11h•·un1<·k, Ad r 1;111 l l11Jland. BernarJ ;;\, rio·i!t:U and Fr1rd11 /J,•l1nfante, cunduc tur a nd '··JJi,..t. -lk1.J .. n1'r l'hot•1 Girl Scout Birthday Observance Celebr~Uon of tnt' ••• h ll1rt11oll)' o r th<' Gu·I Sc<Jut1 u f A111 .. r11 • w ill be mark~ by two t'Vrnt 11 ut> .S un· d1y: Jn "thC tti.om lnlt' •ti G trl !:IC'Out• .nd leader• of the :O..:rwpurt area w1U be wcarinc th~lr un•f,1rn111 to church . That 1&.1ne 11rternvun !n!ln 2·3 p 1n. every 0 1rl .S•·o111 1n S ""'" port -.·HI partlclpal<! 111 !htO t,trt h · day celebration on th" athlellc rit'ld o r H•rbor Hlch S«hcl'JI ~''"r)'· Olle la welcom<! to co1111· Mr.. Sydney 81t1der11. Ne"''l)(l' 1 G irl Scaut Counc LJ pre11d enl. v•ll! open the attem oon fe1t 11·1 t 1<'~ a1HI .. r._ Tl!lt H&n1brook '"ill inoderate the r• .. t of t h e p rux ••"' T h .. re w ill bt" 1pecial d&ritf'• and •kl!" perforrntd by Girl Scoy.i.. • board · ln( ah lp f"t'r .,mony tur girl M&• In· er• &n•l 111ng1ni;: It->! tl.V .\f1 ~ I lon11hl H u<h11<'.•l11n 11 n•I Sur Hr<-•"'n T n t-fl11~• .,f .,IJ llo<' 1, ... 11,.11un11 hll' Ill~ g trl 111."0llllllt; "'Ill l1r •~I I \,.,1 hy 1!1,. i-;1fl~ an•t 20 lroup" in :'\'"" .. 1-"•tl .,,,,,. li.-.-u 1,,,., ,.,•I.In,: 11\,i;r 11111(1 f.,1• !hi.II 111•'"< 1111 •IM)' .\l rs 1,.-e Ji1fl,.s Ill <ll&HlllR:l ot •t1a p1 u,:r~"'· ll~Al~!,.d hy .\lttir" l'.•lph \\"iJ, u K John •~rtlev. 11 .. , • lllLn :'\a•·k !.>""" U &tO!I 111\ll T . A ve ry ~"'\Iler A (ao 011 the .:0111-'"'l'l "" a•e !-.t n11~1. J11• k c,>111 .... n · 1, .. ,,' Ar1 h111 Rf'n>lf'y, Fr"'d !'itr•i:· ··1 A I Hy !,.1 ' a 1ul th" ~·•JU\ t'K"•" I I •' />I•.~ \\1!lllUl p T h01nu . Philharmonic Is to Prese nt First Cl1amber Music Concert 'l'r avel Program 1and Pot Luck ,\ II . ii r 1 \.••I\• h 11·as 1•r .. 1ru-,.-d llt~ll~" l"•unt) ! •.• ·• : -r tl• p .. 1f!\rn ''""•l>"r IP'l'•l' t ~-· •I \., lulh•-\ d lll !!!)..: tlio-' jll I" 1lharn1eor1n "''•'-'"r l.0.111 lft"CUfll•' « ... re.aln • ..,.,.i 1d.•1 .1.1 11 t .. 11 th• lir-;1 1~ ... ,,.h,·r rnusic (••n .. ,, .. ' .. 1·1·rt "' tlit· \J1 ,1 (' 1rJ11 l'!.dhar 111•<1.1 ... •Jl't .v v.·ill b•· .. 1 • t I I I ' I I ' ('I ' "1 ' • ' ! I ~1. ' ~ rl I •Ill/ H ': " -' • Ill r Jirt·!'>•ll l"l .1\ .a:-. •• rn .1,, 1,r;111.inar ;-;, !•"' !11 !":i ll eme,11\"I.,, 1 &( 8 I th .. 'i· .•. •1••·• ···\ F,..,., ,,, .. 1 ..... " " . " A llll·"' 1 nd ru ,t '' a n .. nl • r-"111 \\J l.l . 1·1 \\ /t.,1l«H•l I '1o>l1n,.t ",\n 11 ~ n· .1, .• 11,,111•1·1 '.,r_,,.,. ",,, I " • •ILi " ' '" 11..n ' ... ><.II , 1 J"'"e' 11.~ qu .. ,·~· 1 !'Iii' •llf; ' ,,hr.a, I ,,. •. '11 J,.h1 •"·n '"'' T • - l ~" .. '" I' IC•". t( "11 '" I"' '/''-'''•·t Ill k"""'" " . .. ! ' • - nun.""' •-' •' \t •·' '"'<If' J( •'•''· ,11·~, ''"I •"10pl°"l,. 1he l;l••lj• ''11 .... :--,,.,,,.IMI f•r.,.;t .i nL l 'I " In 1 un""u"I pro•grM llill·••·jj: 11'"' 1'' I ' 1 ' 11 '"•1"1" '"'" "'"") l""'ple "'II 1, .. 11 r .li t•~ H•I· po•,.•• "''ti h" ll'hlUd••i.I 111 Ito" n•,,nl• !•·I llW 11•·' I Ill>' di· r .. i .. 11, .. l'oinal .. I•<! .,t;u., 'I••· ll1•'1t$:ll tr"' .,r,,J ,1> ~· " ,,1,1 •! l,,,., II I \l•d" ll_)' ,,..IVu1 ~.tJ.-1 '", T :nd\' , ~tlll>l:•~l<'•I 1•<n1: p , 1 I ''11'1 ii !1·• ''"1 I••! 'b<,,. /IOI\•! "U :nK \ l1tll .,; Jj ,.JJ41,I I" ,,.,, • r .; '111 '' I l \•·~"1 1 .\! J11 .,j r ------t fl,..;11l "r J,f<ll"n" ••t th<' J'h1I Art for J ~x press i o 11 Progran1 "at •'l!IL II•' •l•'•,Jll<'\I 10 a n ff JU 1•111 "" ll rr ,,,,1(,.,1 10 k•"P trl In nd lhll l S•lUr•l1')' ~ 1•rvi;r1111, 1 ,,,11 Hl &lt. .d II u•IO~I<. 'Ille ~"" ' •·f!l .. 111 ,. ~ .. <J1 !1.ro l111l Wiii ..... 1 p .. 1 Thf'I " •~ n·• 1d11\lNh.>n ~ha rA;>' ~I.! IHI "II!• •r,. !"""l\'f'.j H:1rbor Vie'v P-TA ,,. , . ' . \ ' \ )\.00,•!I' A 1:'""1' "' • hil••' "" 1ini!Pr c ! .•• ,i,, '' '· " t. f, '' ! ' I \ I" , "I' ''" "'l'l r ,. 11 11..-1 "' "' .. •• •t '.! 1• rn '' n " 1 l h 1 .. •1;•1 f"'•ll'f1L! f l.,\< I " .:. " " " "' '" .ti' I ~ •• \J 1 '"' ,"\ . ... ,, '" ·'~ I r • ' ' '••I ' " ... ,. ' ' 11. I , "r · 1 ~ • • g ,1 ..... rj1I (,.• ,.. 111 'll; ~" ., ' • •·I I "'' t! .. r. •. , \ r .i L .1 111 s urar1cc \\"1J n1c11 at Na tional Cun fa h r ... , .. 111 ,· ,, p •ut n .-.,. h !"' •· •I It 1 , 1 &ll• I• \\ • <li•"I\ .,: I lo I ii!:'" I "OI,\\' a n<\ ti•'''" 1·••·~"1 "111 .\1 1-o; ....... 11 N f'lghl>•'l • .,( S . .,ilM /\n.1 '"" t<'J,:.· Inna ! d'f'l••i:.tl··~ I .II~ "····k··I,\ 11, th"' f'"11v••nl1nn , f ~~1 1••11111 ,\•· .,-,..,,,,,.," .. r bf h•'l•I "' D 1ei.:u A 1 t J .. 1n"• I " J-ln1 \"n \1· L 1n•ll"\' 1<n I 111 • ".1111 " II '"'1"n t" 11•"1 ''"1"11~" !"All ,.,, ... ,. •I I \1 • I-' ' , I .,If I,., I">< """ '"II :< \\ •. I 'I, 1 ! .... ·I·' •I"''.•! u ... ~r, I 'I•' .;1" lo ''"I:~ (", .r11y "' 1t .... 1~ lli8 11':"' "''" (• .. \\"h8 ' 1n1 .. 1>1':'· , '" ~ •~ 1t r: l low l f"'rta1n~ 1., "'" I""" ;<l.d Tlif'I (\I ~~••' \<l•lh H•• 11. \ "-"" ·I 1~• 'I-"•l!·'·I.: • Il,J • 111n '"'' /r 1n•• ·•' I' Wins }-[on o r at f\1o ntana U. Tonight ... t • ' 1. ~.1 .... of t: • I ·'' "" ,1 I ,, I It ~ I• '".. \"""!""'! !, ' .. 1 .. ' ! 11 " :.: \I ,. '"' 1 . .t II ·1111111 11! hl<I ""·' HK lll•··• Jt,~ ".•!,,1<111 ("r 11:hT .,1 .-1.;hl ,,',\UL\<.. I lie 1i .. 11•1•u·\, ,·,,~1, n a i,-.1 t Ii t F 11 •\ A l •• 111tl 1 ;,,ll!Fll~t !"Inn ... • .ii b111 UlHl\K~ed lly J~tll ~~ •n•l , I ... 11 •• KM 1a111, ••W!H•r11 •• r t h P "''l~uoM •1! Jlt ><'Iii f,.it[llf •• 11 n IJo. \\ -,,, n All,n , .t~l lf:hl ••r <>l l'"~u1~ "' "' ,,1 ,,,,.1••• -...1111 .,,. ,\!1 ·•t I \t•• ltun,:,11 A ll•·ll •"!:I P<'l'IMtlV<' !u•K1 .. r 111~11v 1 1<1 1•!1<'~ \\i<ln,' l"IH•!' Cu><lll ~1~~1<. ,,J,,,,. /l\l'"n1p11rl""•I ioV <!O,l 1!11.:1'i•hP<\ •'d 11011 .. 1~ \\ol h lh" ~"''"ih•'"'1 •{'11 ll fu 1·n i:1 \•'1111'• l1k., l ni;\rn<1ok •• r ~1~11:0 l h1 at Th··l :t l '<'it~.)'1nvl ('h1u.tun11ay 1~~.o 11 nd P1n"l • h>1 l•tr1 " hll!I a t 111"' l'l"'•'t,11; ;-.;,11r \!Ii !>, "l'tu• Pfl111 <' prO"""d~ of \1 •·1111>'1• will i;;n tu tJ,,. h ••M p1t a l • llliil•t1n1: T-.•--n'' ;·l~d ~,.~ of 1·~1 "11~ .. ,,. run•! '" .. ' ~. ' .. "• ' •I _,n1••fr,!. :-0\,.,.. A l'••ll !'J"" 1Al h,.nnt-..,1 J,:U .. ftl• "'!!I h" Alf•t"' l 'hl 11 r u ,,. ''•• 1> It"~ \It -•11•l ~!•~ .,. \;P"ri:~ H u~i: Jt . a nd :-01'~ I'; J. " ' ...... "·''"'ll•»ll l th~ , 'h<'r I"" ·-·\• l ll••n•u • \\'1!h ),. I H'"''" ~dtKamiis ' SPECIALS _.... •• 9.10 2 -Laywfnoh . Oll•W.t CAICI ff('. ........... Uin de !<amp's x ......... ,.~"' _, ~ tlll!t>'\ U ll \l\K STILI~ T Al.J.:C.:l1 ~\l~l)l 'T 1:-: "'\,1,.nrire-Cham 1•ag:n,.·· Alix of ~f111rn 1·" hlark l111 'i' IJ1it l11111! :-1111 11 1l h n1at r hin~ coat. presented hy ~ l{euif' 'at "Fri:-hhllL~ a 'L1 ~1 .·d• In R 1chard'11 ~!ark rt . f{ui-•'11 lit tlo· F rr11, h, I">::~ "1'r":-o Birn,"' in ).:•il d a n-I i:;l1 t lo 1 h.11r a ")'l'lli:;e 11111rr ~nlr. are beautilul lu luuk J\, t"1:·;. lo \\Car. -::i taff l'hulu f•'I~ ' .......... _, .\I ~11111'-. I \t,I '°'Hf \I It !>I~ """··h••• ,, '1.fUJ,\ l.~I. \ '11 ;oo '>tarln .. "'" 'J \\ f'I IKT Rf: \('II .l.!11 l ,.,._., ""'· at La g una !"' nUll\' i'"l l , k d .,,_., ,,• '"!. u f H.r ll o(llJl-U :-;, I"'"<' •· • .-1 fo r ,\l1<rrh II 6 :iu JI I" ~• 1· \\un ••· '" 1'11111 xr 11o 1·n• llll•I •, .. nnr )n .·, J,,...,,11•& H,..1.1n .\lr1n 1 ... ,~. K ""~ln .. r. I !rlenJ• o! !he .hu1<h "'" w.-l1-·0111e . Tllnll" .,.1•hll1g '" 11n, .. n,1 rll•y nol\!M<' \!:• \\"1n1 rr .. i.1 I JUn(•n, ll \'11 1• ' ::01. ln<'n! "'iii bt' & 1pe11al 11 .. 11• f,.J·,," .1 1 ~ rh .. ol•nnr r lla rry J• \\ dl11 L, ""!! kn"wn l ..11run1n and """I•\ lo a ,,.J,.r. "''II pre.,.nt ,.,1.,1 •11<1,.A "'"I •"'lf!lf111•U1~•·\ ,./ ~·•H•• µe1n '""n\1 0"" an<! lh .. H oily J.1<11,I 11•• l"'"~""l "t l"ll •~ nn 11nl<j•l•' ~· • "ur.t .. r hi~ I I a.-<'I 0 1'• k w~rol 111 h!•l"I) 111 111" 'lt i l:h "'~\' nf I"" 1111\ l,rM .-<'l l~d b ,-J,.~U .. M!I•! Jt .. olJ~, 'I"~~ 'Ttu• p1•1r;·r M111 11 ""1 '"' 1•1 IV !Hll~lr <ll<l'lng lAlll<'n ...... ~l\11 HOME LOANS LAGUNA FEDrt:RAl SAVINGS & LOAN ASS OC IATION TWO OFFICES To S.rYe You LAGUNA 11.ACH ANO SAN CLEMENTE QUICK 24 HOU~ SIJIVJCI LOW LOW "A.EDUCING" INTlkEST kATES EASY MONTHLY PAYMINTS FRIENDLY SYt..lPATHfTIC SERVICE , FREE CUSTOMER~' rAA.KIN• E$CROW SER.V ICE. 1:i::r1c1 ~Tl y OP,R.ATED LAGUNA BEACH 222 o.. .... "'"•· PHONE HY. 4-11 77 SAN CLEMENTE .OJ N. ii C a mino R.,1 l>HONI HY •cir1tt. 2-! 19' or HY.011*i J.11 9• • W<UNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1956 CELEBRA'l'JN t; th1·1r .. l<l lh anniver sar y, G irl !:)coulJI .of the luc·al counell ar" 1•lann1ng a public progran1 at 2 p. Ill. 0 11 th1• athletic field al the high school. J-ft•r1-, girls art> reheaning a dance at the Girl Scout Home. d irected by l-tn . r::n1ea1t Schutu and Mn. Kef\IMUI l-l arri11. -Staff Photo Se \v ing-Scssi<1n for Naurni ("1rc ll' "~" M 1"-•1••11 r\1111111: I )1,,11 "I.: '111 'rh,.,,,.1 ... · ~1 11 •(11 ... ·1 .... ung a nd .\1 1• J 1-1 .\1 ,·C1ul~' " 11 • · d " l\1• 1 '\• 1 "\ , .,,.,, l;l•llt' )lr •ntJ Mr1. G-.... ~11\1 ,.,,11 ~ l:en•. J r, 1.1\d n..-.. I 1'1•1 I'<·" l1un1 t...o. An.pi• to '\~~ r '" "-'\r1 \llwic. '° XU-. Tr·,., ~· \•, .1ou n-..y "° ~ r·, I•·• '" •'•nnv !t--..1 7 I' II·"' h• -l>l t' "' .,, " ' Boeros to Ita!ii; .M e ::,1> .. , ... : l.• •"""""Cu••<' 1,: ,\' .. 11 •• \\ ,.,,,,' ~ ..... , l"'"''l•h" 'T ~ :>; '" I'' J! < llU fl Ii 1-1~ • ''°l 1,.-11 t ~· ~·- Please the family ... ease the blldttt ... witli the wonderful one-dish e<ono•y of Shop~' SAFEWAY 1'his weekend. delight your family .Mth aMMerOle n1eals ! 1"hC'y combi ne eating enjoyment with varietv econom_v. a nd ease of preparation. Shop Safeway thu; Y•c-ekend, "'·here you'll fi nd everything you Dlld for your adven tures in ca.seerole cookery! Malted Milk Cake Curhy !Mked ] \j yl! f~Q 8llt Hol Cron Buris Biscuit Mix !KO 77c ,., .. 25c .,~ ... 29' Sho , loyal Wll• 63' rtemng ,. •• Kem' s Fancy Catsup 2 ~;;, 29' Sharp Cheese "'"~"" 0·~· ,. , 59' A C ff 8r11d11• 65' irway o ee • • ... Instant Coffee ft'.A rt.: Rt. 1-'Hlt:t: ~ l,,...nt in many month1 Ofl Sa ftw1• \ '"llt'rior Ground s.d. Ground Beef Chuck Roast Sliced Bacon A !f«+'l IO't' pric t 10 lt mol fOll to ui,e 11111 ht\111, Qtound btel V~1119 P«ktcl, ~l•M·in~1t'd. lb . USDA Clloko 11..t 5'lollder (lleufld 8oltt R011I, lb .. (k) t1tt1'1 llld: HM cw Sw1tfi Pr1t11101111 Grtdo A ..... 7-boN. lb. 1'. clllo pk1. 35' 39' 43' Stewint Beef S9' Boiling Beef ll5Dil CNoa. a-lMI • IMA CM.a .. s· l-lb.20c Of bake-<!' 1 dige1lible! can 7 For everything yoo hy Crisco Bisquick Tomatoes C•pt.i•'1 Choi,, fr or,,,, 1••/~ .... Haliliiit Stulcs ,_,.,_,7' 3-lb.60c can 7 lhe Betty Crocker le1led biscuit mix. Ifs 12-in-1 ! 40-01.33< pkg Fillet of Sole , -,.. •1• M•,,11r ll"WJf' jro~r•t f1 )rr Jf'<l io,,,1 . Gardens1de bra nd 2 28·01. tal\l Long Grain Rice MJB Brown Rice ?·0"'~ c;..... l fbel IS' 29' , ... •11w,tl ,..,,. 1~ Ill.~. Htl-Air {''""'"'"' lf""li lJ froz r" I •',l:_l'f,,hlrf Cut Green Beans Cut Goldea Com Peas · n Carrots Mixed Vegetables 6 ~= 89' 6 ':.: 89' 89' 89' 6 100• ... -------- ................. , ii 9 10 ~ o.nd ... lo> ..... ~. - ,.,. ·~ ,..,. o••e ..... I I ........ .Ill~ ~ .. 11 ~ _.. ......... -........ Cliidi" Wills Cliidi• Tliiglis Crisp. mild. ~n Medium 1iz01 Fre.tily-f)lllled wilh lop1 properly dipped '_,., .... 35• ·-· 79' lb. 4( lb. 5' Yellow Onions Crisp Carrots Pippin Apples Bananas Ame1~an Morlttern ~rown 3 lb!. 29' 2 lb.. 29' Shop~' SAFEWAY -- • • • I ( t _ ) • J ' . TRIP FOR 2 TO EUBPE! Y .... --_ ....... .,, .... ..W • ' I•• c fat ., SAS. .. Da rt -.._ ,. Pwtll l::. ----..,..-•• 1 d11•• .. o..... .... _____ , ........... .... .,, ____ ,,, .... .... , ..... ef ,_ ..... lhtWI . 1958 BUICI · C~ITURY ~;t ' ""'' A _. '"' ... Csalmf a.. kw• uMI 211 ... ,aw• "ICAT" ....... "' --· ... . ... _,.....,...,... ...... ... ........ 11"1 ...... -...... .... • ••• , 1U-........ c-.. \,., ·I~ _.. _.-.....t.41 .., ,_. -... 0,,,.., ... a. Da..., . • U.S. Gracie "Choice" THE BIGGEST · CONTEST IN MARKET HISTORY PLUS AM I U.S. Grade "Choice" Square Cut Shoulder LAMB ROAST ·1 '::I U.S. Grade "Choice"-1,ean, Meaty 1 LAMB SHANK 11 U.S. Grade "Choice" -Shoulder j' LAMB CHOPS I U.S. Grade "Choice" Lamb , 0-BONE CHOPS c i -Gi;:;.;:d·; Ta~y -I lb. I ,1 1 Wine Vine9ar French 1 ": DRESSINQ I MokH Hlado coma olive! I FRESH, LEAN LAMB c i~~1°;' 1 lb. PATTIES 4 1 I I I C I Appleland Northern ii ' 'I : I Fresh Willapoint OYSTERS 12-0 .. 55c Ju VARJETYBAR.GATNS , AMMONIA TED POWDER PEPSODENT DIAL 'ACF Finest Northern Steaks 39~ HALIBUT I 6-0z. I I Bottle I I L __________ ..J "'------------ ... - -----1 0'1IE-IDA I I POTATO I : PATTIES l I Simply wonderfuli I I I ltllT'J 1-0L MINUTI MAii : 2 ~s;, 25c, : P I E S LEMONADE CHI~·"" 2""35c ~l~ 10c JUll.IYI ...OZ. CAiif L ______ J ~PPLE A . L99.4 PkCJS. LIPTON SOUP MIXES CllCl(lllllU• ):"~1-...-. 2:::4 lllUTl lllOl•J 35c ·--29c: ........ z-... 29c: c c 303 Cans c-,.. MACJ·-1..., u., a •• ~.--- . ' I I ·---. -. -..... -. -------. ···-~--. ·~· ----------. ·----· ... ---p ' .. -·-., -·-· . . -···~· ... ' .. ',....._--.. ' .. : ... . . . . • • . .TRIP FOR 2 TO . ACAPULCO! , .... -... --.. --................... a. .... ,... ............................. ... ....... .. .. ..... .... ·~· loy. Nn ................... ... ..... s... .................. .. ......... w._tkl• fWi fer ... -.......... ,... ....,.. ....... 0.. . ... ,. ....... , 3 SALE DAYS! :OODLES 'OF REALLY STAIDOUT FOOD BUYS! ' • =-······ .. . .• e 0AR/GQ •••• • ~ESH to • l>elica1essen : BUTCR'"'""'Rr : DUWQUE IOWA CANNED. SMOKED s269 ~ ~;G~Ew f5-5WEET: • Ti : p I c N I cs N~¥;:~TE! ! CHEESE II ,, 1-LB . PKG. 43c: 55 e: • t • SELMA SMOKED _ 45 I Jb ; .: i BRAUNS'HW'GER ;. ~-_-_:-.:-.:-.::-.:=-~ •••••••••••• ; iI'E·u c HEESE 69~ : '"7e~iis "'' ! Fann & Home Fresh COTTAGE CHEESE Full Pint Ctn. e r - - - - -PILLSBURY CAKE SALE! - - - - -~ I : Pillsbury White, Golden, Choe., Or.tng•, or Spice I CAKE MIXES YOUR CHOICE! PILLSBURY CAKE ---~ FROSTING ~~1;~: 33c AUE N'S Monterey All-Purpo•• JACK CHEESE Lenten Specioll 43~ . .. U.S. NO. 1 RUSSETS - Swift'• Premium All-Meat I 3 9 9 I SMOKIES : 1 Lbs. e 1 1 12-0L 39c Pockog• L ______ - - -J L9e. Bakin9 Size! LBS. LIMA BEANS • • • • -• -..-• - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -• - - - - -I HEART'S DELIGHT SLICED OR HALVES PEACHES log Ctbin'1 New Country Kitchen lmit•tlon MAPLE SYRUP . OHIO DECORATIVE BOOK MATCHES 7-UP 6-0Z. BOTTLES (Plu1 Depo1it) 2 Ctns. 25C of 501 B•~ 25 c 6 For 45c .. __ ··-........ , ........ EXTRA-FANCY MED. LARGE LBS. SWEET NAVELS! UOUORS OLD 'fAP.LAGER s1 1' RUBY PORTWINE 49c • DOWNEY • NORWALK •• NEWPORT BEACH Coatm "IBTCMm A PIGSIM W COAST HHM4WAT AT TUSTIN DMl1 'til 1 0 I'·"'· -Th.,..., k l. & ~.t. 'tll Mi ...... mwt DAILY "ft. ._...ii OPIN f :OO A.M. TO !:00 P.M. DAILY • GARDEN GROYI • CORONA DIEL MAR .................. ,._.. ~J *' COAST IMalM'AT AT JAllAN1 • SAN CLEMENTI 611 a CAMINO II.AL DAA.T f:M A.M. TO 1f:to ,P.M. . D~llY f:tll A.M. TO 19191 P.M. . 9 A.a&. 'PO t P.M~ llMD&T t TO I P.111. ____ ... __ ,_. __ _ .· • ' .• • • J ' l -. -,,.. __ J ____ _ --·-·-~~--·· -- PAGE I -·PART I . - (JFf-'J!, 'J<ftS ARE cuuiu·J! elecllon at r igl1t. l.ynn N(Jbl<•, congratulated after the student f-la rbor View School. Left to i;ecretary; Rick J ohnaon, vice WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1956 president ; Mark Ritter, retiring \'H.:1· p1 t ·:>1d ~·nt ;111d new pret1ident; Tim BroYl'll, past 1)/·l·s1d..:11t and l{~·tty Pelletie r, retiring aecretary. -Staff Photu LOCAL ARTIST DESCRIBES MALLORCA AND ITS PEOPLE Fl <J\ve rs in January Are I .,1 .. ·nr 1·oit1"·•"•' I"~··'·~,,•~ l~·,H'•ll nrtJg.-! lo J, ,.. , F ull cnved hy H ea\·v S no \v ~ \" rk v.itt,l !h.-Jl~lv ",. ~I '• H,.. •V•IY"li• l,l<,, I»· .... ~ -1•n,. .. l\<Jll <~ I•·\~• t! .. 11 u ' I !.' J 11:.1 J.11't night l'ol n1•·~ 11 l··t t.:r fn;1m Thelma Paddoc.k lu tt.• •.i.ll:t11l " '!'!•• •••·I'•· •.\11-l-"1°·>!111 1 11 .. ,,.. IJl v.t11lh ,,h,. sh.\'s "[am now an a r t ist,,,., "•nt• th••• 111 1'1'1• 1 t•'P p11 •ntr r •n•l Ilk,.'"'·" I I • ' ' ' :,k I .... 1:h ~ ·"" .. ' I " " I • \ .•· " Ji,,1,· tlll<'I: J•<1 11i\111i-;1i 111 lht· annual Q uint h• 1a a ,.ry ""' """' ,: ·' r I !l.r lU• """ ~ »I' I< \\ '" '·" "' "' '"ol•111s .t• /\l l•· t1 ... .k t hree pa1n 1111i-;11 th1n k1ng the l anJ 1n1~11 1g•nl • . ··11<1 1 L1 l{apha1•I l'.d•1u ltubi \.\'oukl t11ke u ne for t he ahow. l.ATt: F O ii ~ll <Jll T hi'" a.•k.-J Ill~ tu ILll' • I I ~·! ,, .. ""~'" .• I 11,,.-1 : T t I , . ~ ! 1,, .,, l » onol.i ' " I .t' '" "" J "'""' ,. : "' ;111. \'"'·' .• .i :1.1 .... l"•P!• .. ·1 1 T"" a1f' ol tll• al111ond tr••B 1n '"' i''"''"" r di '''"'"n t ~h• wrol., In Ja nuary ••f !••·"~ a n•I 11'>\\•"t • 1n blOOrll b"'- i ,, ' "'~I,., I "I'' ',11 ,., . "' I' 'I ... , .. )I"" 1 .. ' JllriV ,..;, .. ,,,,' l<Jn·• • l' ' ' ., .. ' ' ~ .. " I,. '· ,'\ '""' "' ·ro .. ,.,. ... , hi' Tn•t·~ 111 W••ll~ '1"11"1~' HI J '"I• 'I"•" I,!\ I ' '" ", I ',,~· •'·•• . " I h t" ,.,l'' I''' " 1 I l•l-w I \\"~ 11/ll, nnr I " d11v ,, ... ot 1,. 1110'1::• a l l'alma aln•" 111• r1r1t .. r 111~ Y'''· Jn th111 l a\l'.~t .. r 11rv•111I Jrl · t"'111 wn!t•n du1 111]1; l1tr !Kil an<I w1ntr r In ~urope Mil t wri\p,. a.'I vf IHIH I. l''r b. JO · ' T oday I wrnt for 11 lnn.i.; 11·11]\( J tn JU11t 111>ou 1 th• ><lu&L t..•·11111 1,11 thick ~"""''•II I ha v• rvrr ~"•11 . I-\,. IX l.F."'t"fl U A ),. . . ' '·· ,.,. I 1111 I ,, ! ,I • H 'I ,\' Th• 1111 ..,e\1 w 1r·e •lmOllt llf'll<'llf''! "l'I•·•'~' t ·: 1 u .. ' .. . ' " and J "'"lkPd lt1ruul'h th" old pRrt luw ,,.,,, ,,,• ''" •,,, ,. '"'''" ,,,1 11 , or lh• • 1ty v.:herr. the 11trr1t11 llr<" 1 \"I',,( 1 t,•· , ·" ,. ', ,, 1011.i , ,1 1 •~1 vr ry narro'IV arH1 II\ 1h••e rl11k _. ~1 1 11,,1 ,.,1: .. ,, 11 •. f,1,,,,,,, ••l•I c11.n.von11 lh• fall waa pa rt1r11lnrl)' llel11-.·r r11~tl .. , and ''''Y ''""llnti. beautiful. 1t 1 ... ,k~ fl,.,.,._. ,..,d ,.,., . .,,, r1,.,,, Hr1P 11.n1l lh•r• a o·ourt\'llrd 11,11\r :I.I~ ,, . .,•I•" ·' "•'" '··i;· w11.11 1,.lt op•n anfl I rr-,111.i 11 trq1 1:'·1'"" 111 "!Hl' I r, 111·1,1 .i.;~ ••l"I ,, •nd admlrll! the po!t .. '1 P"I"'~ 1111<! , , "" , n:1 1,, "' , ba ,1 .. n11~ turn•rl Ir> 111 ~1 ..... 1r1 !"!:I\ 1,f 11,.. 1 .• , '~'· ,., , .,,. a1a!n1t th11 dark wall11 I "~lkl'd i ,1011" "''''h tt1•1 •IJ' v.1111 ·"'", fl"Lll l th• ca thellzill, 1t11 lofty t1e1ght Suon 1ny !r•<'lhl J""' 1., ,,.111 r ,1.i1 ah11011t Jo11t !nth• "'!1•t·l1nli': '"""'Jgro .i.,,1·n 1""" ~!"•l 'l""f: ll!!<I ... ,,.,. &n il on \hr wa ll nf th11 olll •R~t lr V.'t! ~''" l11r<1 "•11 ~···J • It "" of the k ing• of Mallon·a lhl' •l1trk 11!"''111 iJ•••I tll•·n J\••1 • 1,\ ~I I'"' f rt en IV)' ..... 11. (l>'f'Th11111( "''IT Ii i ----- 'IVhll•, d•lir11\Ply cul fr.•toon~ Th .. yello'" 1\-la ro h palac .. inade a ,.,.,,,, tltul ba i'kgrn11n<l ro 1 the ~nov..·· Whitt p alni lrre~ COMBINATION S ALAD 1-· That wu the natne tar kC'd to (;r('ta P lattry'!'i water lov ing suit, skirt and i;h11·t frl1n1 :-Jhad,-!,,ck's, s h<"i\\'n at Lido Shops Fuhion :-lh 11\\' in lt1 r hard':o; t-111.rket. ln green -and aqua. it ~"<'s shopping. 111 s \.\·1mrntn}; and juet natur11.lly for IP1s111-r . -:-:t aff Phnto I m•t • l1Ul"' t::HI in 1ri .. ~tr .... 1 who attn1e<l lu be thr. only nlhr1 ptr!IOn walking fnr plf'111!Ur"' 11.n 1I ah• ~m!lffi 11t "'" n\lt nr hlue ry~.~ °rhP hrOWn "VP<! f""npt .. 1111 h nrn"d horn ~. th~tr h,.11r!8 r"""r"<l "·' lthnt1 h th• anov.· .,.,·nul•I hn1n nr th,., l""~t•'1 on !1 11lll l\<'!ll .. !11 11-cnn Oc:;c 1·t Riders ;\tr Hll I .\1 •< ,.,.,1 Thnn·,~~ h~•·· JH-t , .. 1111 11 .. .i ,,,,n1 ~r•i 1:.I o!;,•~ ~i·rnl 11\ 1·111 tv•d1 AI i'tly 111 l !i•'lr h•llJS" l l l•ilo•J S111111d11\' 1111<! S IOl\•lllV "'"" ·"l'P'1l "'1\h lhP I~>~ (' """l'Hd••·• H 1,11n;: i ·lnh .. r 1'11hn !-'!"'";:~ "" It ~ •q;>olll AnTlllJI\ t11·0-• ti I\' '1"~"11 !l•IP '["hr 1t· •lllllj.;h1PI ,.,..1 ~··n 111 1 .. 11 ,\I r 1111.1 ,\!1• Fd I'<' I \\ 11,' \ 1111d ;:t f•n •ld11 11 ~l•I •'• ~•Ii\ .. .,,. ·I ltl• '" '"' 11 -Ill\ .\Ir '""I .11 •'-I I ~I d"" "I ""'''"'" ··· 1'·1· . .i" ~"··~1~ .. r t11 .. ""' ... - Uaur:hlc r • ·, lrh1·11t '">: '"' 1"1~1 ... Fo r Clays 111 ~ 11 "r"·111 .,r • ~ ,•h _:~ I ~ ( ·.,1 •>!\II "'"I \I. 11 n ·~ Air ~ri 1 ,·~ :-•"'/:.!. "".I :\Ir."' J11n1 r• !.~' t y I I !\, I .. ~tll :\1 ,.~A PARKES-RIDLEY MORTUARY l 'urlUl'rl.•· lol"llUf'I L h•jlf'I ,. Lighting Fixtures Indoor & Outdoor RESIDENTIAL and COMMERCIAL LAMPS -PARTS I REPAIRS • See the La.rb"'•l .1.nd Finest Du1play of Famous Makera Lighting F i.x.turtt & Lamps i'n th~ South!a.nct • l''o"' la our 0"'11 .Srw Modf'm Buildin~: • . . . .. - A'J' f·:I.1''.("Tl(JN ROOTll a r. ;1] on.~ -11.re cast 1 .. r ~l ude11t•'<H11·td«!l11or.,.. 1 .. ·ll l• 1•...:1 .1 ,\l 1<h:H·I l'nc•·. l'aula f-l1 ·ndt>n;on , Cr c!i g NP:d 1111 1! '!'1111 Hri•\.11 1 :--'.di I r . 1-• Harbor Vi e \v Cl1 ildre11 Elect <.,/ SLIM DOWN 1 0fficers of StL1de11t Council O...icldy and •01ily with lhe> ef· fortl••• Stauffer $y1lel'll ... _.. Mod•tn women beli•v• In th• po11i"'e •11•n::i1• of the Slauffe Sy1tell'I a• lk• perle<"l anrwer I Ike probl•"" of o..-ei;kt. , l 1:-.111K 1•.ol 111•1 11:,_• ••\li'il"'' 1 .. q1,.1 Ii , 11 , '•di 1!'1'. I !:i r·h r \ I' \.\ 1dli\' 1., q[ Ill' II, IUd1 ' 1,,1 II ,,,.,! I,,•" J ii v ' "' \ ,, ' ,. " .. Harhur Pl :11 ·c rs " -' • ! , 1 t ~ lk·rk ',; 111... ,,1,,, 1 • d l J • 1 11 1 JI I)! II" "I""'"' .'.l ,t l l'U ll h .. .., Ill '['l'X:I ~ ' ''"d' • ~ 'l'"'l1 r1i·a t 1on• .. r t t1•)ar '· ,,.,,. ... ~ u re ).la rk Riller JL ~p1 J.,hJl.'"ll, \'H . ''•Ole ,..,, r~I ary ~ • • ~ ,,, .. T1n1 Br.,wn I~ ! I~ t ' e !"" ·~•- I'• l!~T 1r .,., I ~ Leet u re Slated •·l<Jl8 l 1••11 , .. With lh• Stouffer 5y1'•"'· .-.du<· in9 it no! jo,111 o molter of "die1ir19 ond 9oinin9 it bo<k ... Tt1e Stouffe Sy 1t•rn will 9 ive yo>.1 the fi911,. yo>.1 de1i1e , t•ll you ...tien rov may ••Pe el IO be weorin9 o "''Clll er dre11 rl1e, cin4 I ~•" GU41ANTEf tfSULTS I l () f'r<Jd Lll'C ·'J'h c 1-l ci r e s~· I " '" 11~'. I ~' •1.' ~ ... ,.. ' "I"'"""' •d • u l'-T A a /Iii (Jr (gll )"Cl>.lf 510 .. 11., fcir o f..,e fi'il '"'' dernon1trotion Sy1tem 1olon onoly1i1 and I , .. '" ' ' I , '"' ... 1 ,., •.-\,1 l .·.' I- •!. ., '" I ·, IJ,.· L"<JIJ~;;e wdl '"' .;1• 11 30 1n St .i 't ,., ""' ' ·ru:1. 11 " ,_;, •»'!1, Ju:IJ " "'II hll\t' 11~ I\•! 311 7 r:. l',..,a11t Hwy. l\,r,111 a dcl 1tar !"'hone Har. 174.2 •• -· '" ., I'" r 'I I• ' , ,,.,,. Shnuh! H•',. a <I•''"" She "ill <!U· ''''"l''"""t ••f •11•1•' 1•!1111 1 I'"' ~I\! !Al• I "" / •n Ii• •lu~) 1 I ,. I J ~'>'" '"' '' .. " .. ' . .. '". \(,,' '" .. " 'I<• • ! ' " . ' '. " .... ,, '" at C::11np ()ut ll11rfn lo R:1nch ... 1. t. ., ., ·1 Pl ~ ... .... .... , " '·' ... "' !; 1'1 t I ''J. . ' .. ,. '' .. " ,., .... I ;\ • -. '. ..... ... ' . •I 'I 1,1 ., . ' HURRY TO THE ' ". I• LAST ROUNDUP GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE "inal lt:1.1" JUNIOR WESTERN SHOP your time is valuable BANK BY MAIL 'Round the clock bonlting ''rvic• d•1i;ned lo free yo>.1 from o l ime· con1umin9 detail lhol's so eosily crnd efficiently hondlitd by moil. .. po•to9• free I Sof•, depe"dable, io convenient. Slott today t --,,,. " "' •• II I• ... ,.,I • • M' •I 'I.~ "r d I ~ r'" 111 '"!"'"'""' l r l "I• QI •' '" .. pt~ 11, '11• r1..Q\.r I .• ,JoJ """ )d<»t !r,i HE.RE YOU GET MEAT. THE VERY BEST: Tl-IAT PLEASES BOTH TI-lE HOST AND GUEST/ * Only Swift's Premium Beef Sold Here * Spe ci al s for Thurs., Fr i. & Sot. Morch 8-9-10 ·-------------- Round Steak -- Boneless-Rump Ground Round Arn1our's Sta r Bacon Roast 1b.59c ..... lb.4~ Porterhouse Steaks Jb. 9SC ·----------------------- S1,·ift 's Pr.,mium ·Prime Rib Roast S"·ift's Pr rmium T:Sone Steak ('ounlr_l· St,l·le Spare Ribs ....... ~3~: ---------------------- "Quality aad P•~ Servioo -Wltll a Smllo" 1510 Newport Blvd., Cos to Me so LibHiy 8-b781 So'l\l)o[ltf :\1 r .• Hit ll:itlH•r Rl11!. l 't.>ST.t Mt:;.~A l'h""'"' 1.lhrt!.' ,11 •• ,1 :1 ~ I.I II·~'~' CQ:'\\T~JT.~;T FllJ:F. PA.ftkl:O."l• •••••• fl Dll.1.l 01•0 •11 INl Ulll.Nll co••. MIMlll 1101111.l ll:lll VI • r . j ' ~ • 1 ,. .... ·-··----· . ···-·----··---~ -----------··· ...... PJRATES HOIST 8·3 , WIN OVER EL CAMINO ...,,..;. OlliU" COii•.. Ptnt.le9 aatl911M u..tr ..tlulin1 way• ll't1· day whaa th.,.-(°""'d. their third ~t pma b)' d<rfe11Un1 El Qualno ())1111•. 1-2. b<rhlnd lht pltcbtn1 of Wayna Ooughtry n.a kM:l&1e had at le••l a tla tar U\e sun• by I.be third 1nn1n1 ..._ UMJ 9ddotd two r1.uu to th _. lbey obt.ailled in lha •«· ;-'._~~In uM 1l1'hlh inn1ns fu.at tM Ptrata 1Jugger11 r .. 1 11y __. .. up U.. C'Onl.,•l with a Tull r· nan Nrr•I'"· Jeaturlnl' a tl<10Jhle by Rolan<l H ilt. tha Pl rat .. · atsbtb • tnntna Nn .tpl'M. TM Plratu llow u.. a 3·2 l"ff>Ord. 4' a ' IS • T I I Oran&'• cout: o l a o J o o ' • El<A.muio 00 1000110 ori::..a.. KtU. (f Coopmu., lb Kaina, M l:1tnoda. It W1tyt, rf Cl>Utl1, r LoCKrrf'o. 2b WrtM!, 1b ~ Cou1h tl")':-'f> Youns. rf Lombardo, ( '1l&p.tr1ck. lb Nflwklrk, p •• • ' • • ' 2 • 2 I ' 2 2 0 0 0 ' 0 I 0 0 0 • l Kl" ' ' 0 I ' L 0 0 0 l ------------------------------• 1e111('Jn thl• WeM ,.1th mo1t rh•• aa;alli.t l..on1 ~ City Collq•, krli•r 1n the ...,.. Ui•Y tell bit· fore, LOQS ~··~ CoUea• a..1 .. . . "-"118 .... :.: ............ M'"1tt Junea. s..,;:M : ...-11 •.-. Jerrr ......, ·~ 1~: IAlril ~ 0.M ·TJ'Wf, l~ ~-t: rourth ~! ... I -·r1,1119eiaht1, BILL PllTLLIPtl Spalti D!ltol-M . 2-e: ntt11 11~ Aiu. ~. --~~~~~~-~~~..;·-.:.'--...:.·------I M.,_., mu......-. ... -"· • . M, 6-1. ' NEWPORT HARIOR NEW>l'RESS -PART I • PAGE 9 nnt doubl•. ,...,. ... ,,.,,. .WEDNESDAY, ~ARCH 7, 1956 •••. '-~ ,_., -........ . _____________ .;. ____ ..:__;.;_;;;_ _____ ,,MOON and 8taai._ 1-1. M ; &nd CHAMPIONSHIP PLAY SET FOR HARBOR . BOYS' Slxl'H GRADE It will bl Harbor Boya· Club Ver9ua Fullertt)(I tor tha champlonahlp or Oranc• County Boya· B&akttbl.U A•.ocla tlon atxlh lf&da play tonl!l'ht at Jl"ull•rton. A ra~ ... lttNIYe f'u\JarlOD. (IUb knuck f!d otf tht loc•I mld&•Ui Thur.day nla'ht . lt-17, to 9"d a victory •lrea.k of lt 1am•. thla y1ar and hand lh1 looa1 ,TWp It.I flnot aet ~k alne1 Ulla ch&mplon.ahlp aert~a Gt 1154~"•lth Lot'ts Beaeh Boy t' club. thli'd doublea. Tytw Md at.c.1· Ju•. 4-1, e-2. IMlal'I A •IW S \ ark/e ~l./tl POURING WOOD -An El Camino College batter Iacrd 1 grounder to the ahort- 1top bu~ wu called out at fin:t on thia play. Ted Coutll ia the-Oranre Cout College backstop. Piratca receive their f inal pre-seuon tune-up at bom1 apinst the USC frel'lhmen Man:h 16. They open the league play by enterta1nlng R1YWlide on March 23. Vi aitora are welcome to all OCC games, with no admilatoa ch&rp. Ga1ne time ia 3 p. m. -OCC Photo Bill w .. t:iel 1 l1 rt~J tt1'-!nnonic with a 111.n11:l1 fOJUuw1J by J •n1 N-kll"k'11 1tn1Mi. H ill hit lh• doubla to Ula i.tt field fence acortns Wet.MJ. Att•r Butct.,Coop- rnan walked, N..,..klr• cam e In un a walk to o.na Raine. J ohn E•· V•d• fiyad out for a •a•'nfoc" hit acortns Hill, Coopn1•11 en,led El Ca mino ' AB t/\1 acortns tor the t11y when ha Montaomery. lb t Run 1 0 atola boma on a WllCI pitch. K8&1le, 3b i::o o N-klrk oama Ln to pitch for Evana. •• I o t he P1nltll at t ha top half of N-~rry, ( • o t ha al.ztb tnnln1. Pa,µ1.aon, el II I A.a addtUonal run "''•a acored lly Su11r, rt to o H'Lo I 0 0 0 l 0 0 F\llltrton had tht helaht and th<I tll'ht to matc h It a.a they awept the l~ala off thair f•t. A. full rourt mu·lo-man de· t1n11 upaat tha HBC five eo much lhat they otlly cOl\Jleeled Coll. t~r Nald roaJ,a LA Ur.1 II.Mt. Torn -...,._ llCOnd 1h1 for ....,_ honor1 follow9d by J im Curt!•, Da.va l'loaao, a nd 0.11onl• P1rr1n wllh thret ea.ch a.nd Bryan Law!• wltl'I l . \ ' O UT AT nn."T:.... l·~i rst bai;crnan Bill \Vetzt:l !No. 19J mlikl'S tl1c pu l·vut !ur Orange ('ua;;t Collt't:e iu fifth ·inning ol"' !a1>t Frldti) ':-i g11me will'! El c·a1n ino C"ollr gt'. Pirates Will 111('1•t UCl .1\ at \\1£·.<:.1\A.'O(ld t his .F'r1day and will tra\'"\ ttl !1:-:L· n•·)(\ i·ul'sLia y fvr a tilt \A.'llh. the Spartans. UL\: l'llutu ¥ • BACK IN TIMt: -An El Camino College player is ahown alid ing back to first ba.sc in this fifth inning action against Orange Coe.st College last 1',riday. The OCC first sacker, with his back toward the c.:a mf'ra, is BUI Wetzel, frrshman frum Ncw1 1o rt l'l arbor. Coast won by an 8-3 score hanging up their third triumph of the season. -OCC Phot o HARBOR BOYS' CLUB ENDS SEASON AS COUNTY CHAMP Scrappy Seventh Graders Stave Off Rally to Beat Fullerton A lll'rappy 1rvtnlh 11:ra<le tr111.m 11.nl't Ulen In th• llut minute Butch .. tav&IJ ott a ,JaP.er111 11 F"\Jllertnn j V1neyllnl 11<'n1 ei! on a rut briiak. rally to Mo·lnd op' 11n urHler1>11le<1 1 [lick Btitt.,rworth waa foul8d wUh 16U>On aa Ormnii:t1 County Boy•' 16 ae<:onda r.1111-\n!nl' and u.itk baakl\tba.11 r han1pln111 Thorlld11y bolh tree 11hola to 1111.lta ll 2'il ·2.."l. nl1h1 at Jl'ullerton. T h11 ~ore l\ntl· Th• loral1 M'Qn!d on 13 fh1ld ad 211·2~ faYOr"in« tha loc&J aquad. ~la and lhrffl fr.,.,. Mlot.. F'ull•r· Dick Blltlerwnrth pace,! acor"n ton IC;lred thrlr 7!. on nine fleld ,.u.11 12 point~; Ra n Pal•hirM gogl1 •nd 1evrn f ree 1hot•. Har· dropped _,, and B utch Vlna-bor fouu.d 13 t1mt1a and Fu.ll•rtoo ,.r<J and J oh.n Hughea a1x 1at·h. ill.. Thti l0<:al1 11t1.rt rd f111t arid --------------- With Lanclin9 Team Harbor High Trimmed 6-1 !11" Ptrat• !fl the r I c t ll_ El Dohm. lb t 2 1·a mlno 11rored ln !he lhl•<I. Dehl!n&t r, 1·t ' 0 ' PLAY AGAIN ~f'"'"lh 1nd el1hth t nrl h11 ct lhe 1Va n<lerp\JOl p J O Keot Ed i"''. Prte 01thn11: I ntl J!m Br1<11,n1a n a l•o ,.,,nl11bulf'<l tu thf •~or1n1 !CO•ln( n1rrowed to 4·3 pronr tn ,S a on•1er1, p O O (I ~~---'~~~_:.____~ 1956 COACHES CLINIC Recreat.IOn "'"·"l s1111 n111.v. 1h .. ~.,, ..... 1,,,r1 team will meet P1ll1acte1 Park of Loi Ang'I"• ln th1 1etori.1 cam .. Qf the ron .o!a llon tourn•.•' j Cagers Split iocc Tennis Ltta1J•• By Jordan Training Course to Aid ,.,,ch ,,,,,, , .. m. """ ,,, • Summer Baseball Program I• 1 <i f hi• J \' ball f1 1n''" 1,, ( I a na °" the 1um1n.,r h•MbAll •a p~no1l ?n 1 .. chnlque1 of cciach- in Tourney I 0!:~~ ~"~~ :,i.'!:'y.,.'"''- rorcea OJpt n lhetr le•rue ca111pa ogt1 l"r1d1y. M1rrt1 Iii, w11n ,\ft .'l .. n l AntoruOJ College 1t Mt. San An· ton lo. 11.ga1na l l.on1 BMch J .,rt111.n H •ch ~'nll>1 ~ Afternoon ind aa he eJ;· prog r am '°" bO)'t , 1pon90r.,J Ill' In ~ "nd pl>1y1ng b&1eb&Jl NIWpOrt Be•(h ft.ect•tlon De· •· 1 H bo H h s h I ' The 1econd ..e111on Lt deal...,td --1 dot .. •• ,,~,·ce,J H11.rbor lftgh looA a trhn· .~•.,.·por 1.r r 11 c oo 1n1 •·· pa. ..... an WM ~ ln u1., IOJ br\n11: aut the ph!lo110ph !a1 or '' t ... •-•• c lnlnl':, 6 l" l. ,..,·eeme, no"·t var. l l'la H•rbor .l:loy•' C lub "ti! t>., n l , ... _ . ..,. u ...--..,.. .... am all· the prop11m "1ld the PllYcho!oeY r -• Bo •·-• '"'I -·-""" far f mn1 d!acouraged and d1acuuad 11 !he t1n1l 19."•6 rOA• h-1 1 d 1 o .... a YI .,,...1t-._. ........ pion < , "' 1 h 1 nva !.' " c01chln& te1.m11. ahlp touml/T\ant at C:Wnr CJty ' f'e • • '" youn,c;:11ter1 d d .... cllnlc I<) bt hl'l,1 !>!111r h l :O Thfl t hlr<l ttc l!on l• d edlca t1d ~~e l!l.'ltlv"" 11roud ror llO f.arly ln AL th1 8(;y1' Cloh :•n plenrnn11: i n"I "r&Ln lit!n& th., ~:~~~da~-l~om~~~ e~~I ~I:{"~ 'I h." ""1"11-0~ •Kllint t 11 ''"11n1 that Th• -Jon I• the f11~t ,,! 11 e.-.m1n g .MlA~On \\•1th • d11cu Ml0Jn •troni tn tht rirat br•ck"t to 8..'I "re•· Y won Il a flr•l four al• w1ek1 lr11 \nl n& 101.i ~.,.l f"'!' nt lhP ru lta 1 .. aguft 1et up• r11nes I tha con-olauon p ma by down· A . coache1 1n<1 m 1.1,11.1e•~ ••! ~\l>!l· 'r hl'"1 lll1 ng 11111 ll1<1~1 flc•t ton OJ f 1111 n P&Jma Wlldaota, lS·IJ lnut h<i unre 11.nd Bn t rror In ni<"r bueb•ll t111n 1. A ll l)<'f~""~ boy~ 'fQr ['lil y 111 the va doua le•· llll' flr•t f1 a me p ot \h f! v1a1tv,...,,nterea tPd In aichnc in ~0 ,0 11 1.,1• i;ur• Durlnr the Cl!!ver Park 1a.me nhf'l\J wtrh f1Jur r·1u \1, but .._rt.,r bi.atball a r• !nvlted to 1111 ,.nd ih~ R o.I .~la r·:O.!i lla n l!ll•br,r Boy,· Tom Olllma.n wu h lrh .corer ro1, tri•t the H~rbor boy1 pl a.~·ed n ice •e•••OJn• earh M ond-.y night truni ~Jub ll lhl•·tic d•rectoi , conduct• ~ewp-0rt Beach W!lh lllt point• ba ll, 7,30 tOJ ll :30 p. m . !ht!"' ac1<~ion.11. ontdbu l1n11 to u1, lfl~•!11 Ll<1wn fllYFt:Rl:;\T SCORt:.'4 I ti ll wa,• • •low 1t•r·t 111 "''111 h COACH"'""' 'la na wrr'e !11..:u111ed laat Sep· , ;\'t't'lne will ha ve t rght rriu· ....... b th.-y 1a11eo1 lo ..co1r. • pdlnt uur t l•r~ back from the ''""'' b•'i tr.m er tror "'•·t pOn8Qr!ng or l l 1n 1h r t t J h I ~ht1 o! Boy•' Club tr11 n1 ~ lf'Amt f•lr bl'Jy i 16 •nd under bl' 1 I B ora 4u1r Pl a 11 t '" .,...,r~ for th11 Wf'ek a n'1 h .. 1:i;-1,., raqu!red to •lttn<l lhe , (HJl •ll thr. Hig h Si·hoo! H.ecr,..at ion n;. la"t lh1 ltB1o1 "a• pl .. y111 g on 11 1 P.·<'L• •core. to ti. <11rrerent. ,,,hl(h la d!Y!dl\1 Jnto lhret1 11,c• •r•m an 1 th Br , 1., P h larger c<'.lurt tli1n \hPY "''"r'" 11 1<ed l 'f'l H .. ., h . ~ ' ' >yt u b w lt tn '' C h-C -11 "'"°" pi ' ed Lha t1r1t lion• n11htly. 1 apptoxin1a.trly 1100 boya 1.rtl(l·I · 1ccor! nr; to· o•<' Art hrl•·I tour frame~ a.nd waa l'lUc hed tor WJ~ndtll Plckana,\ Orante C<Ja~t pi ling. L•it ,,,.a,,nn 'WSt.p bO -1 tensen It w~-•l8n th" 11r1t !1111• roUr tun• o n fl ~e hlt•. 8 t8ve College bu~b&JL mim to r. co;>n•lllcl> pl•)''<1 t'ln 46 t e•m~-Y lhe r rouro h•d .,..·or k .. J "" 1 ll'!\>n 1 8Bnon..-.n t(>()k lip the hur!ln1 for In !11~ ron~o l 11!1on ~~.-.,.,, (_;o!i- o n~ ll1111nl( lUlcl Jet !n two run• !on thr e. h1l 1 wh.,n Dave Trtmb!• took o\·er a nd f1nl.11h~t1 lh1 •ft~r· noon by' tng thrr1 hlta. Naem e l•lt t h th• Harbor boya k VandtVOJrt w ... robb~l or w h•t hould hav• bMn a ~ure t nploe 1.n LW(> for f<)UT 1 .. IS Bob All~ p );p Thi! lineup llt •!• M'R" c1'y p111 k f<>Jli,.,.•3. &er ron, c&l(har; V11.11 d9r\'ort . t!r baff; Beatty. Be<:ond b1<~1 , A ll11n. •hortatop. Shr11 (trr, t hird ba .... \\'ar iumont. L F,; Lamd, C ,.; Hamm on, r .f. Merchants in 14-3 Victory Over LaHabra- Coi t• Me1a ll1tth&llt. put La Habra'11 l•t>r,...hldar1 out ot bu1i· ne11a bJI th'! acora of l t ·3 8 und•y •rtrrnoon •t Coll• Mela P •rk. 1'h" lop11ded .corti wu built up for the !ocala when thry piled on riv., run1 ln Ul1 ..cond innln1. Judnlck, • Mt• f lrlt ~man, atarled Ula pa.rt.7 with a •1ngJ,., LoCJcero, thln:l b&M, aac Mrlced film to MCOnd. tbeQ lAISh, Me .. pitc her . w a.lked u did ~wbel. iect riel~r. n1un1 tha b1.1.N. \.Vith thl• at•t• of a.tr•lra. Bob W1Uel, 1hort1top, made ll to flrat with • rtaldar'• chot(a, dr1T- lng In a run. Babcock, MCond b .... n11.11, got to tint on -1rTOr, pllln1 on anoUlar run. Dttndo, crnter rltld, 1IU('1'ed • l•o-bas:· f:Ol'!r. dr\Vln« In two m ora run•. Plar(e, rt1ht tltJd, dl"OYe ln I.JI· Coast College Individual Performances Tops in Meet Lons ,s.ach City Collece won I lo. J.. A a 1y Collt(e. l hti · r11ay 1wtrn rn1et held S•tur-800 y•rit !rre At)'I". g m in , da y it Po!y hll'h 1rhool in L;.ng •8 7 '~c,,nrl~: J.nn~ R111r li . 81<nt11 BIM:h, with 61 point.a Other M.<>n •'i.f" I. A < 'l(y 1.:nll e11e. f"wl- -choola and th•lr point" "'er.-lPrton, 0 Cr;. Pua.den•. El C1· Santa Monie•, &O. Tllllert•Jn, ::>!!. mtn<)_ Loa A n1elf!1 City Collri.:•. 32 . 400 .v•r<l bu itt r f!y rt lay. 4 El Ca n1Ln o, 341; Maun t Sfln An· min. 49 !I 1econct1, nP.w r'cord : ton\o. 8 i nd Or•n1t Coa.•t r:ol· Long B~lf'h, Sant.a MQn!ca. Ful· Iese and Puad ena, tied with 6 !f'rton. E:I, r 1 m!no, J •. A .. C1 ty u.ch. Colle11c Or•t1&• Coa1t Collega m1u!e 100 yarr1 rrPe 1tyle. min , m a n Rta on w ~,~ ln g h n1A11 i(J i'Olnl• In contr11l to tfle g1n1e. lh• hon1~to.,.·n~r~ 1t11r11 cl Ollt •lrl'lng With I :l p(l1nt1 111 t h• !1r1l qua rter ~h11rl9• f'ey ton. I bitter tlme1 in lnU!vldual )'t r· .~7 I 1ecnnt.!•; 81<nt11 A.lo;nlca. f'uJ. rormancP.a t ha n "''•r• ""',Je by !rrtnn, Lnng Beac h, L. A. Ci ty me mher1 or w1nn1nr t"'11.rn1<. ar-Collr1;e. P11l01rl .. n1 . l:I C•rn lno. con:Hnc to C~h JOJa ·Kroll. but 1 ------~·---------l l ha la(•ed dtplh to compel• wit h 'h• ···~:;~~;'~0;;:,...R I Boys Club Drubs H• U.pi'(ta to m&Jt1 n1uch bet· L • c '"' ~howto••. '" doo.I "''"'I aguna In age Q,C.C. • Ba wmr.n •nd G1Lchn•l w.,. "~··· "' ' m'""'", '' F1'rst Rounder aecond1 !n the 800 ya.rd fr ~r. I 1tyla relay . P!t.<::lnl' OJt t f\I' 1chool1 In I t1r Ft'1 lrth r rade b1,ketb11ler1 or vanou. 1nnt1 ro1Jow1 :· j H1<1·bur Boy "' r tub advanced b•· 300 yard Mf'Ul.,y, new r e<'nrr! o r ynnd the f!r"t round of S outharn 3 min .. t .!i lff!t • F\al!trlon, L.onr rC1!1rornl• Eloy1· Club Champion· &ach, 1:1 C•mlno. Sa.nt•' M nni~11 . ahlp11 T h,.r1d1y atternoon by drub- L. A. Clly Colle111, O.C.C . P ut.· bing l..agun a Boy1· Club, 28·10, !)fl dana. . th• loc•L t ourtl'. Donald Ro••r• 400 y ard free •tyle. 3 min . ~\'<)ttcl 10. Ga ry Robin.on 1!1ht. tt,J atcond•, S11nt>1 Monu·1. Long H11 ro!U Crim 111x. John Taylor roui· JIM.eh. L. A. C Hy Cnlletrf'. Fullei·· 11nil F rank flur11 nte two. ton, MoWlt 8an AntOJnlOJ, El Cll· Tha inr1l11 1.-11rt 11·0 a t the tir1t mlno. !JUe rler •n•l 16·4 a t halftime. !'<il:W RF,(,'ORD Tht y war• in rront. 22-1. •t th" 400 .r•rd bl.ck 1trok1. nf"' re·, three qua rter mark. Thalr naxt cord or t m in . 1 7.l 1ec .. Flllll't · .1:11 me "'IUI •11:aln1t f'ullrrton 8a· lan. Lolls Bea\'h. 1:1 Ca.n11n11, turd11.y morn•nr 1n tha touml)' 81.1111. .Mon lra, Mount San Anton· q ua rter r1nal1. other run wlth • hll. rnaltlnl' Other Jor11! bnv• who •• at· flvt for the lnnlnc. OCC B'bal Sc lion 1.g11!n 1t LllJl;~na wer1: flatldy La H•br• lfP&l'kied wh«1 Qua· I hedul'e Helton, TPrry Smllll. Tim Palr1ck , :u.da. pll.cher, 11apP'1'd a homa Mar. I .... -__ ,., . , . 1.t U C L A I N!cky Ce lv~rt. Mlk• Buford.. run tnlo the h1nt•l&nda, but th• Mar. 13 al U 8.C.~Sparla.n1 I Robin H~nvel!, Terry Lotentsan. They wnund up thelr pr11c t1c .. LISTEN to the Shearson, Han1mill "Priv a t e Wire" KABC--6:30 P.M. . Daily Mon. thru I-Ti .. ?-.tar kl·t Qui1tal1ons r~inan cud News Buau1ess Cun1n1cntary Jnttr\·1e y,,·s SHE.ARSON. HAMMILL '-CO. 1 0•,0 l ~l'!OIJ '\I,.,~.,,\,. }o1l <ro•l L• lo"''""Jo '" f · •· •P<OI St0c. •~' ( 9"''""•11 • I • ••••• • \'1a L1Jo Newpo rt 1·1 a r. 4 ti:..o Beach . • JOHNSON"I NIW HOLIDAY llO'MZI SIA ~HORSIS fhey'r• l••rtl Th1y :'•••/Th• nnr 'S6 Sa· Hort•• tryled lo Holiday Bro nu and Spray Wlilia. Come i o i nd tee the.m.. Nioe grar a"' modeh -J 10 JO bpi South Coast Co. S ewport 81\•d. at 2Srd St. Harbor 2600 Johnson .. , ' ......... , .. !II I' I 'I> b•-wert empty. Jim Ntwklrk, Mar. 11 .. • HERB:, ll,~ C -Fro~h Rlch•rd Manc .. bQ, F'ellx T OJldtar, Me ... plllyOl'!r. looktd 1ood 1. hotn· Ma.r. 20 .. _ at H:I C•n11nn !B11! H11 un, Bill R ic•. Grel' D•lly, rr •nd a doubla tn l'l'rO t lm" Mar. 21 ·-·· .. ····-·-HERi!: R!vr.r11lde 1Bob Ro•ao and G•ry Mlck1y. -~·--' ...... _,. ~-· ____ __. al M t. Mu. IT ~-......... _ HllRJC 1''ullerton j";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Thi• m1.rkld W.Ual'• Jut Kar. 10 ·-at Santa An• pme W'llh tha )(archlllll Mfor. A.pr. 7 ··-HERE Chapma.n Colle(''-MESA reportlns to tba hatU. Ra.1nl1r'• Apr. 10 .... •l &an B1m11rdlno UPHOLSTERING pract!c• -Ion. H1'1 ownad by Apr. 11 .. a t Ch1ffev !lie ClnclnnaU Rlda. W1t&el play· Apr, lT -·· H l:RE Ml. Sa.n Ant ontO t;pholiteffq oll Drapery ed every ..-i.• of Iba winter A.pr. 20 -· HERi!: 81.11 Bern.ard1no 1 2160 Nwpi. Blvd~ C•ta .... 1 • ...,... -i a -and battad .•M. Apr. 2" .......... -........ ___ 1.t ,.ullerton ii: ~:;;::;;::;;::Ll;:;bo;:o<~7:;;:M;:;1;:8;:1:;;::;;::;;::;;:~ r.iun,. to «"" a btl tn only Oll4' Apr. 2& ---HERE Lonr He•ch game. WetHl had 1. bl1 d&y &ut1· M•y 1 ..... .,, HmR.JC C:h aff•Y ----- da y, n&nnlnl" bom1 on a wild May ' ·----11t R\vf!r1lde ~ pitch to Iha autnald aft• M bad Mll7 I .... -.. HER.I: 8anta AnJI. ... ~~ nMr\y baa11 Ul'll4 Mt,.~ flnt May 11 -······ at ML aan Antonio '1IJll: 1"~ and aac:and. All home ir1me1 pla yed on C1.n1· 1 Batterl• SUnday \nclUdl'd for pwi Dl&mond -TuMd~y «•m aa tha X--. IAlp 11.114 Nol pitch· basin l :JO p.rn_ F Md1.y 11.me1 be· I SOUTH OOA.ST 00. ms. Lombardo oatchlnf: La Hab-l .•f"';';_;P~·m;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~=::::";:';:d::;:;A::;:;N;:...pon::;:;::;:;::;:;;:Bl;:Yd.::;:;::;:;::;:;~I ra: Qu..adl. on I.ha mou.nd, Zuo· 1p behind tha plat1. N u ( MareM.nt pma •111 bl Sunday •t l :JO p. m . at lb• MIM pwk wtUI Plac1ntla I.hi vlallln&' l "1n. Thi WtrabMLI h•,,. •Oii MVlfl;. bl nona I• Wa half ot tha Wlnt1r t-l"Ja. '"' .. ,, .• \. . Here's the Man of Tomorrow Of c.ourse you know him . He's 0 the youn ~ster who delivers you your newspaper. And hels the on• who's studying hard today preparing for his role of tomorrow 's busine! ~man. The work he does, the accounh he keeps, the salesman- ship he learns are all leuons 'n his book of success. Keep your eye on him and watch how he grows and develops until he reaches his goal of independence and success. want Into a t ·• n r•l quartar la&d. 'nwly m.at.cb~ po!n ta 11\lt W('(>tl<' prttr to Mmr nf'f the court with I lS-10 laad. F'ull •rl on cl•.>-rl In In t1111k11 IT 11 -ll a l lh" lht •" q11,.1tr1 n•llrk i nd !!Pd II Il l' :.!1 .'l ~•1111 !1~· M:I •" l.hl' J"•( f'IU~f t ~r •1111\.-.I ("pl ,T.-<I IL MrM1u1trr11, Jr eon of t.lr 11nt.! Mr ... T.,d l.tc Mu· i tr ra '•( 3711 !l11n1Ht••n AV•. Cn11tn ·''"'"· l'"llH•1•Hl "1J •11 .. l hrPe·<lA \ h11 '1 •I I''" l~"d r'i: 1r111n l'X~rr 1~.- MARINI INSUlANCI! 8maoUri ,... ..... 0.k~F•"""' "-lty c~. uu w. c.... •• ,._,. u ..... rt 1-1&11 ELECTRICALLY e LET US HELP YOU e STAFFORD & SON F.i..-trical 110 Rhenld• A\·e. C-ontraelo"' l.lhert.'· "'!l1 I fin•• 1>1111·111.-0 nri A lli•' 1'n1 11 '''• '''' ~ "111 1tr It•~ ,... • 't .. r t_1r rB n• le f'r tir :· Ca.JT\e I'"~ li"·I 111• ~.l.:,' ... ~·~ ;:; "' .' 2Z11 .. lboa llwd. Harbor 1616 /' • PA!iE 10 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1m THRILLING " DEMONSTRATION FOR KIDS Today's N. Y. ~tock Report PfUV A TE WD'U!: COMMENT DlRECT' FROM NEW YORK TO NEwPORT BEAC H O FYlC'E OF SHEARSON. HAMMILL 6 CO.- It now JO()k1 a• tMugh I he n1a r k<'l w1.U atlaln new h11h•. Public ~n· Ument I• atmn1. the new ht1h lt.tl la bro&dfllllrl1 : ... con·da-rtt• are movins; volume h-tn~Md· a11d· c redit haa f'&Md. T iie Mlddle l:Ut 1itu11.t1on JR pol.enually e11plu.1ve. but the hetirhtentn1 of ten1fonlb,.re la likel)" to De a ccon1p11.nled by the ualng of tena!on 111 other a rta5. After near tenn 1trl"ni;t h. the market n111t:ht be ell.Pf!('t"1 to fluc- tuate ""•1th1n a rela\h•e1y narro\V t radiq rallgf'. Selecl!\'\IY y,•iJI Ue ll.ll Import.ant ~ recent 'JTU•ury flnaoclni WU \•ery •llCCeariful, •• fJl.j>«le+l Thia Indica te. clf'a r u 111n1 tor lh<' itO''"mm<'l'll bond rnarkf'l rrom now until Auj[u .. t T h<' •1111µ1 ,I' ur 11111n1- rlpala rf'mA1n• t,lg al!d der1111nd 11 down. Then~ arl' nearly 51 bllllon at corpora te bond offf'r1n11 1r hiKl- uled tor the ne.xl M'\'t:r,JJ weeka . .A mon,-new equity l"•Uee tl'lt Baok lof A merica offering of l 1 mllUon common aha ree a pp..-11r11 pa rtlrul· arty 1nt"r"1t1nr 1n •·1<'W of the bll.nk'11 f'X<',.J!f:n t g 1 01"1" 1 rend The 11to:a •lll1• ri"inl(' l1rnd lfl <111·!· •l~•l•I• ha .. ~r pl •urn1n11n ~t <K'k y 1o:lJ.o 11.l .. ~·· tly 111 .. '"""~ 1 ...... 1 "-~ " y~ar •¥·~ :-11,, .. 1 • •J!llP•fl}' "11 rn - 1np rl'JXlr1 " for 1ne f1r&t q1110r\l!r wil l b., '"'<· .. Jl .. nt Th.,r., •ppl'•I• to llf' no •n •I t tt l'Of•P<"r n .. w~ i'I H''"~ In J.,.·,rirtun _..,.,. 1 1rnl~1 tt•<&r"d Tu 11 n ""' lllj;h 1t11<n !nl!: :it • "n!• 11 p•)Unu Th .. ,.., hi+\',. IH>•t1 J•"l~\lll f'l'll 1u1nn1 • Jtt l•IV 111~1 'u h;tfl"r 111 1° .. 1>·•·~l f.,r ,.,,1•1 ... 1 1~ th .. !'u11 ... 1 Sl tt l ~• •~ "'"" 1n Iii .. otnn1r A,,.., .. , .. 1, l"'l"•tlttnt I"'' d ur ing 1n1.,1~•l • u, 11 11" , .. un1rr I point ""I th•I • urr .. nt prh f'• '"llY 1lr,.1•ly h" 1 .. n 11\,IC TI 1,.,. tl1~ I':'""!. <J! th .. ltl•I U~\~1'' f,n,.1,, il'llli"lto "' "f'"""r<l I''"" 1'1 ''''''" ••n '''l·I•"! If •r,\ Hl !111.• ... ,II !. •· 1>:'•1 '"' ,. l.'1 A I •'~loll •If Pl•',\ : .. n "'\ I~ llH It ·'"""" 1·1 .. 1 .. ~ .. , ... ~ • .,,,,, I• io .. 1 ·1.1.~ •I I '"I 1n ll\M I •I '"' ,, 1 .. , " '.1 I' 1 ~· ... ' .\I•"!"'"'''''"'' •111 "l•<ul •"I'" •II• I "'! I "' •''•I ""I"• I•'' l"j•M 1 ! •11••11t lllfl l"" "'"I 1 "'I ''' l••r '""''"~ :,,, 1··1r1•nlilll Rill l'.!l't'kt>ll 8h (>WM .... ·1d···<'Y•'d ··hil·lr£'n lh" CHS)" ., .. ;;ty (lf g D!t1n ~ Oil! nf l1 fla ming bu!lrf1ng, by lf'l t1ng-h 11n ,,,•l f 11 •11'11 a r oJ:ie. The Junl••r l•'1rt•mc·11 eand1dal1>ti have bcl"ll s tudying-fire prf'Vf'll l."!1 !l\'lf1U:t l fnr l ""'O WPl•ks a n d v.·11! r•···f'11·1· badge aztd r!iplvrn 'a quali fyi n~ them t•• H!!oj'\'\l thl·ir ow n honH·s 111111d\• nnd 1•ut r1.r l1r•' I ~·:•Ii J. 'I( 11• ,.~ 1., • <~r. I (, /' !.1 \ 1 \ ,\1 ,.r,1 i.; .. ,,,,.,1 l\H1 1 "1 .. r !Ii•· '"II "' I I • ! ,\ ,, I"• I I.! •iii "•·• II•,,., .. ,. ... •I 11 UI I I 1 ..... r t ul 11 ... l""l'" lif>" \\ 11 lu · l!l!l <J~ • \ •11 1,.. lt~d '""'" '• , !'"' ,.,.,, IHl(l..-r 111 .. n 'I»·~· 111 Ill• "" 1 ~ \·•~•'1 11,n11l h hazard:-.. Xtu ff l'h<Jto OUT ON ARRIVAL Local -Firemen Finally Get Call Atter,_Jnte~w M~up }A \•• 1 " '"I '" 1·11n.•1.1 .. r11 t1h "' '" "' l!l 0.: • ! ,, '' ,. ,, "" 11 ,,,,,,..,11 I IP • Thr (lpo!r i:il n r. UHnk1n~ ,.9t!"n ,,. .• ., 1n t he ,·,,un i' 'I\, 1• 1 •-'I I •!l'plll'llllf'TI! t " l.1 \ • ~ '" I -,,,,),. ~\P"ll 'I• Ill "' th .. '11 .. )(, < H)h"I Ji ~. ~·h·" ( . •! ~ • I'' I ,,,. \ r!h•\~ ., .... 1 \• ' - I ;•·no! lo l "" ·I 111" l I 'll'• "!JI ~ "' f~· d1!~·~ l h ~ .11~n ...... , ! l1Jf\• ,.,, 1,·.ul .. 11 ~· ,.. tl•l l '""1 T .. ""'"'' ,1\1•!\\l(••H" '.\,.rd~~ "'hi I 11 ~,.j .,, .... ,,. llH.,l<llJ.: lwll r r l ll"ll !~ J'"r ,,.,, 111<'11'1 •if :I),. I,~, I!•.~~ ·11 ~ 111 ... ~,1 •·•1 • 'I"• •• "" ,,,. " 'II 1"11 •'"I ··•.I ··~, Ju ~~ •••! "' '"'"1110: • '" I"' l«r 1""n'" "'11~ 11<1 n ur ri.,..,1 •pa<·,., ul'll)' "' •l<'f'lltl 1t1 .. n! M\ •r "" 1>11 I n1111l .. 1 "1 ~v. 1,...,.,. ft.,, 11.-II'""' 111,u1t •1"1 h""""" •1" •n.-!·•f••·I l•>J'UI• I I" • \J H1un. Ht'llpul llRs luC'ate.J , lion J('"" lh ~ 111..:11,.r "'"no!A1 •I <.f : •t-• ~·••"HJntlT11" ~l'tmeol In t~·l-!'Iift: "'·'1 "'11 '"''""n "r '"""'·"·· f"•I' ' Qll01 1l'!"ll Ho (."-.6!~ .lltllll. err' hj••·fllllll l( 1,,.111 !"lt<l i:•~"!" t .. , .,,ft i:•••·I• 11 .. " ,. ( :n.h l ~·• :.~nil "l rt . !11111•1111~ "I ••~• I·~ •111 •·1··,.1,1 ~ ''"" '1""' ·' \".;' ...... ,, •. ,, "" ,, '"~"""'I .... ·11 ... ' ' .\!··~ .. " . ,.., ",. '" • II •,., I '" '"' ,, "" I If • .... ,, ,, •' 1t I "' ••-1 ""'' ,II···-· r.r .. ·~"f••1t 1111,.n: "hl• h I •ill-1. .. 1. ·J; l" I " 11~1'1"'' "Iii "''ill• "' '' 11~1 f,1 .. ..:' ... ,,, .,.1•,.1 ''I' I' ~rj ~ I !j ""•I•··.,,,. 111 ti" ,,., ,..,.i i,,,1• .,. "~•I"~' ., .. 1, I~· "'·" f>"l'"I :-OT•" k "1"' "H ,•1 ,.: •"I I"\'" I ~ .• I Pl 'I,,. lnnl•!Jt lo: ~!"'I f' ··1111+•11:11 '"~ 1'1\'.•""•l:li l 'l1t l•• ( ;1:0.•• I " '·' 1''111" ,,H 11·•1111 1 I,, I• ·"•11 • .l•·l•1t• \1""'111 •• .~ I'll id ,.,. '"''"t '"~ .i .. 1•111111•··· T IHI\""• ,\j, • lil1l l111.1,, <On o I lo•! it• <'"'I ti',, 11 n11nn1· nn .. In.._ T,1 flro·n\•·n .. , .. ,1 .. ,.,,,.,1 11•·•· l\ll•! 1 11 ~1i1"' e "llh l"'l"'t ti•''"''' -•· r. 1-1· 1 !n1o: " .. ,,..,_ ~h " 1\1'<'>1 '1 \~ I h,. ''1'''!'11~ "r \\ 11 .. 11 ll I""'" k }' HELi POT 11"'"'1 u]' "" '11 11• ,, •l••pll• ltrl"l'll ),.llnH·d , 11· '''~"1 11n<1 the ••V• ! '" {'onllnllf'fl tlll'""· '"'"'' <1•·· k11 f'rn rf'11 11irr.• ""111 ''"'"blyn111n t:&rlf' \\". s t,.nl"Y 1 Slit !~ S•·n11tor J ohn A. ~f u n!y J 1 Congrf'ssman J11me1 B Utt l-'11""111 1'11 1"'' : fO eOr l(e f 'orrey. city mana ,:-er 1,r 11 nil ,,,h,..r nln.d-l"o1'ta Meaa . (ll~tora and o rr1- I:""" 11,.. l"'l 11l11nt nlnl<' th,. 11 p1·~H rH11•'•· ,,f ll llt ri:~ ,.ij,." tu11l·l•n1: lh:on 11 nu.nur,., !•u .n,· 111•! .. 1t,.l 1••11 11 .. 1 'P••I hlu•• I'!"' I u , I ' "I, ~I • IJJ!I, k !111 I "hll •' "'"''hll.•11 .... 1 111 lh•· ... ,.,, I I •" j 11"1 •<' .. 111 1 .. • "''"'11• 'rh r·~ 111")''' 1nt•·1 ... r1tl•'•l •d un- 1111 "I'" f'lllnn,..J. Mt'f""l:"d t" m&k<' 1u1Ut1fn11111 ,.,... uf th,. ,.lni1- 1n,11; n1""" ~1 !• A th!"" l"vt•I 11\ruC"t ll r". hu11•1n1: 11drn1n1•1 tlll1\"f' lln•I ""J>:'.'ll"t'tlllJ.: ••ffl•'"~. tn11 te v.·1th 11 '"''O-l••v+~ 11111! 11f'· \'flt"ol t•I "''""'hi)' .. p<-rl\tL<"1' 11nd 11 .. 1n;:lt• lr•···I bu1ht1n11, 1'! l1t>U.•1• enntrol.• v.·,11 <'rn t••1n1•Pr11t t1r" h• "" •·1•!' ('f'(ll 111<. Ht:-.-k n11.J1 J119\rumenl11, 11t11rr n1 .. n1brr11 of thf' 1·1<·111'"' Dh·1.~1on l 'l..\''f c·o .... ~f11.1 11"T111 .,· '" '" • "II-• ·II' l;o I.-llll ••! " l'I •·.•~n t :-;.,1 .th··•n 1"1.l1f"r"'" ,,.,,1111··• tn !h•· 11"" t1111ld1 n~ f'11n .. ntlv 11 ••l •"'r1t t~H nllu1•1r,., 1.,rlnK r .. <'rtl!!e !t 1n 11 lu.·111 n.1111 111 1· .. aaclena. S•Jl•lh T'1<.~11•l••11 11 , ~lln r.11bd el 1U1rl A!harnbrR. Thr ,.,. will he cotuoli· dat .. rl hf'r" H <'llpol y,·1H ront!nuf' to 1nllinl11 in nfflt'Hr and produc· !inn h"'l lo l 1,.• in ~ounl11 i n.,tdr NJ M<lfl Tn r..,n lo, f',,nllrlA. r 11r11·11111I pn1<tu«t fl r H~l1pnt 111 " 11•·11• 11 1 r"'••nt1un1"t"r. 11 h,11.hl,·· ,.,., '"""!,. .1~1·h·e w h lt·h ron1·,,ri11 •ln•t 1,, In ~"'" 1"'"111.1"'" •1111111 !1• '"'"'hi<Pll"ll l ""'t1un lnln ,.t,.r!r1< .. r d <'ffl•'P·n, v. H 11:!i ·l•'I"••! l•o:ht ~·~n o<l.o; (l i.• R wl<l>'l~·tl•<'d ''"nl l Ill( 11"• "~'"' p 1 I•" I'' «••1.•I• •II ""I 11 I" '"''111 '" I!<<' 11 ••lol '" <'l•·o T ,.,,,, L• "·Ill he'" 111"'""1 t h'''"l:ll 11 ""1"' 1n~1r"1"""1 "'"'" ln11"'"'"·' , .. 111111: w 1lh ,,,,.,_, .. 1 ·r1, .. 11 .-111"•1 ""~ ,1,.,·,.1 .. p ... 1 1·, l1i.:l1t 1r1i;; fo.•I Lll "• l •'>'t ~ """ hi" I" H"' kn,an ,., A l\ll'<'hunl•a l '""'"'''"' .•1·~1<'11t """'I 1h" !'I"'''·"'"" •••quirf'll>'"lll • "'Ill tllnl"" lrlllr1UIH•'lL11•··I 1•!111 .~ "' I• BN \\ll>Rn pH lllf'(,.I , a n '" fr'lm llhop >+I"'"" 1(} A">'"IHhh '""! .111J11H·nt "''h" h d"t"1'rn1nl'A •<'1\1 · f1n 1Me\l p n "1 u•I.• fr"t" a~•r ruhl 1 oT• 1" ~·d,.!co•n• IQ •hl[>J'llll.'. ~;n1 pl.,_1,.,.• \\il l din•' f•qr,..i; \\,nld \\'R• 11. 1ho 11-11- ln .. f'Af,.lo't\!1 !hl•l 11l ftl1•!.•" full l'"t "'"-" .. \'j \~I •\•lllJlf>ll PnT "' Vlf'I~' t'f \hf' H11 rhor "'""~ 11nrl ,,.,111r ""~t o>n1 11 &n•I "(h<-r 1111111.,1 )" OP""" Qn!n 11 J1uHl,.r 111:H'>I to·rr111·I'. ,.1,., lrn nir <''llilpm.,nl Tn•l~I J\ I.! Rtde<'tH•n of lll<' "'"""l'"rt tt<'A• h nn ,....,.,.n f1al p~rl (of <'lrr lr nn1r 1ite. y,•h1<'h .,.,.II.fl p11rr h11J<•'1t fl nn1 • "tv"11lns'" Hn•I 11 1·11r1f'ty n ( nth,.r At lnr J11 U\1'• Cajit·nf'y , • li111 a)(<'<I """'ITnnir 1n~\r'Url>f'n\11tinn, n\\1<'h .. n "II '""""'" , . .,,. •. 1,,ni: !'11rv~\ .. r .. f "'hu·h 1,. """'t 1n !hr 11.rr•..,,·1ni;: SOuth,.ru ('a l1f .. rnla lly lhf' ,.\,.l·· fi~l<! o r autnm a tinn tron!c r1rn1 llun r 11n r•'f"'ll•'11 I s r:t·11:-.11 1,..., c ot :\T\" lllt:,\I . l.4M 'ATUI"' n, lv .10 il•" k lllNPl tnl'I upfll •>~l nlltt" h111.-t1""t1 ~,,..,! .. fl.•t1 thr H11rl:><>t ,.,,.~ 1"1'\'<ol•·• HI\ l•h1tl "lflO,l:·frro• "" NIU•ll r,,j lij,.lll lllllfl 11f,,<'\Ul"Ol11(, l'!lli>tt\Ut\~ 1h>' 111)~• 1'f'>+ll l'OflHll\11111 .\" l'•tl• .. 1:1H• II\• 11'1\"1,.rn b"1l·llr\,(:' Knlf'I''''"'• h·· 11111<1. ""ill f111•t "·"t'k111 i-: '"1' 1•1 •·n~ !rl .. al 11nd 1 h!' b,.,.,.h n '"! 11'1'•11 r1\1"• \\·,.ndl'rful ""''t,•nnP'll\ l"l thrir f11.n1i!1"1' Arnone Th" ..... 1nvil"•' I·' i.:1"11•1 "''"t" ~,.,_,.,,r 11111 1•1.,,r,. :-\•·!•••!\ M•yor t'f l ·n~\11 ~'"~~ \',.11 l " k<' Q1lberl ~ .. 1t1. r•~~1ol••r11 Id 1 h· Coa111 M""' (•h11,,1t .. ·r ,,r C·"" n1 erf" !-i"l'"'vi~··r H .. in~ Ka ' r1 !l<'n Hl'old1•·k pu lill~h•·" ! I••· -.; .. ,. I"'' I \l .. .i~.. :.,,,, • \\·n11 ~r n u1r111 ..:h•. r -i' 'h,. • '"•I" I I· Ji,1\y 11 .. ~)"t. ......... l'"rl 11 .. 1 ""' l't1 .. 11 a.. ~l 1ll"n '"' h• II J·'ohi1 .. h·. ~.11.••1. I \\ 111"• I. .I• ,. .... ·'. Th" """'' ll••l1pnl J\1"11\ "'I ii I)~ !ho• ~"'""ti ull•J<•I" 1n~l a llMt 1 "n rif fl•"l k 1""" l1>,.l1111n .. n1~ In• 111 l~t ,.,,~,. 1'<•111111 A tnn·h·rt1 rl~n! a l F11Jl,.1 t• n H<'• "'n'"·l ~· nn• n f th>' 1·011ntry '~ 1tJp JO """" In· d"<l n ill l!l.<!;,ll"l :•I '" I" l!l.'·~ hnlL~"• !h" '"'if>••;;1(f' h··.ort•l'•A:-· l •'t .~ !1 11•1 l ho> .. ~~""" 11 nd '"11r1•1· '"' :u: in;: r:i r:hta·~ .. ~ th" 1n•tl"J· 1111'11'~ IH\•O>i•"n IJ,.,•k1\,,.n ln.<tr11n1 ,.nt~ 11.•n np· r1 Il l •'·~ .J 1v•~"'"~ 1n ~t)ulh P"AA· ~,.j .,1 I I '"" 1n Hl'ln.v n l H irhmnn'1. p pl1 1l\ \ll. ~pnn ii:lftl " 11 y, h"11,I """11ffl !!Ub· ~funu h, 1 :~rn111n.1· 0n i,I • IHhl :••I " ll"I' l•1 11•1·•n hr••kf' ~·. h ~11·1 l• I• 1 • '' •I l'J••:.t ',, ,. H "h , .. ~ H• >' .. I ,• tot, ul :•~• r;"" . .:•' I ' '. ' . to.- !I~. 1 ....... -1 .n1 h•• , · n •111<'"" 111 I·--·~ M~~~ •• '"1'1 J.,, ~1 •• .. ,,, 1'•1! ·' 1 \ Ii ti At t .. 1 ~ .\I ,1 r, I ... . ' Due Capt. Taylor Jet for Training 1·11~!i+1n F"loy•I K T•.vl''' :'~11 1 ... I ",1rt t•il ('•·nl 1·011,.r Air IJ<'ltn"" H1rnllton A ir F•,r·•~ n~~"' v. 1ll Jn,n lh• <'Ve r cn<"l"'n~tnJ;: '"nk" ,,, 1•1 lt>l.R .... ·ho are TP•'t' \'ltlli( JP! t 111 .,11n]I! unc\,.r Pro]<'<'I Hl11 ~f1 11 n1P whP11 "" 1>ri;:in11. 11. je1 •!I•!'" nn>1!1<>n , .,,,,.~~ 111 \h" ('rll l.: '" ~"'r•''" 1111.··· Al11h11 1u11 111 11, •• ,,,.,1 r .. 11u ... Jl,• ·~ ~h~ ~nn ,.f ~J , \\"tll\,,111 T11y1"r ~"'"P•••t ,orol ~!1 ~ llfll • h n ,,. ""Jll•11• ...... h .. "¥·" .•111\••'n"tl 111 U11 •11ilt1'n Air ~···It" Hf<."" fnr 11! n1<1nlh•. wlll apen•1 fl\~ "'"O!kll "t C 1·1111: A!"B anrf 21 .,..,.,.k~ 11.1 Tynrla.JJ Air Fore " Bll.•I'. Fl<1ncl11. At th<' latter 11ehool h,. \\Ill hi' t r111 ned In th" F ·MI I 11 1r<'111.ft LA. Man Hurt Here I ""'"I, I .. f,·T •" '''°""I """ )!",!'"I''' 1<n·I \"I•·,,._ T•1"1"' 11.,•i:r.•1 " 11 ,,• .,,.i,., .. 1 I",,.•''''"•' T t1•• '"'''""·"" 111 tl1•· S.111 t•1~1:· \:a..• At >'.l<'• Ttu r""'""''' ~1 .,1 ~ •ll\'I I ol,.n d t" 1<n ,,,,.,"fl! Mnn,.111 i.11~1,. "·" 11~111n.•I l!O •"Il l~ '"' prr \'lnu~ y .. ~,, "'II" «nn11 ldr1,.•1 du.~ppn1nl1n ~ On <\Jrtl'~t f'llff1 1 r1 J>:~ n( J>:.Z:I II /ll llll"• I "'" f,.•·l l.hM! "n11n1n1un, "' 90 rf'nt~ i~'"·~lhl •· "'""n SI "1"11,1 h1<I"<' h•'"'ll l"•l 111<'d oin•,. .•h"' "h••l<l~1 . h~' ,, !P• "l\,.ol ~" OU)• /1Rt1Ji:"1 ~", "111 •!II •d ,.nd !"! 111'" j•ll"t 11 I<'"!• Th!>~'° ~<'Pk 1!1 J.: •"KP!li+I JCHl!l• "I' ""~!lln11JP~ In l)l t' Ul l)J!\ l(n•U~ rn1ghr "···II -~"!!• h t n J'o 1,.m11• El1"r t r1 r 0 1 $n11 \h"•l1 l 'flrnplln)' o .,.,.,.J un .... I p.n1. ,\1·,·ral"" Jn ln\lu•l r1a l11. •~• !<7 ,,fj 44 2r1 R11 !I.• lll:l ~3 off ;,; l~ l 't1hH,.! I p.ni. \n lun1<' l,"~lltl,IMWl A menr11.n Rn1Pll111,1: Mlnllt An•enr11 n i·~lf'pholl" -'llfff'Tt'd I A n11r Hnd11. J8:l '~XI I ;~ ... ;.1 1-.. Z'i~ '• 611 ' h1· 11 t ..... /\11 1:,.I•·~ tll"ll H"b•·n 1\111 k~ :.Z"I 11 1 fl :!n p H1 RAllll'• Chry~1,.1 !>.,Pon\ c :rn ~1·"1 ~:1 ... 11 .. • ':~n r 1 al .\!"1"r~ L:nnfwl H1·n~ I>" k l•' ~I '" l'. :•11"1 \I t:: Qn! :'\'.11rl h••r" HJ\ ""' 1.,,,11d1n1: 1 .. l'"I"" Hurk.~ X.Y. Cen\rAI ,,., ,, , ... t ""1"1 """' , 11 ''"I n1,.n1 a t ).1ontr~f'Y 011 ll·•·•W ll n.p1!AI Ho !••!<I pull<'" SfnC'lA>r Oil 111~ '11.1 f111l"•l 10 n•'J.:"''111 " 11 ~l11nr111r\l 011 (!f r 11t1r , ,,.,.,. •nl !hr h11:hy,·a _,. 1u1U v.·f'nl t'nion Oil of CAh r. n111 .,f r"ntrol \1 .. .S ~l .. <'1 4!. 1~ '• 4 2 1, 4. ~. .1r,' • fi2 '• i:i~"' :,9 :. ~I CONCRETE BLOCKS Kl 2-0754 I l 'Ml-Rl>OCK C'DMPA.Sl' -tn• s. .... !it., Sa.mt-. Ana r l"Mt<;t; -L"l:\Dt:R A.SD coscarn: BIA>CllS R•:1xroRC1so &'f'W:,CI,,. Md aUPPLIES - ' - ·SOUTH GORST CDUSTRUCTIDU CD. RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL-COM~tRCIAL :,·o ;Ulth :<'t OR S ~IAl .I. liarhor '!.J:J..' • • i ; ---. ---- SHOP MONDAY ~ FRIDAY NiGHTS 'TIL 9 · · . ·; -., , Now-fn-Prog--r-e-ss ; .•. Sf A RS Santa Ana i t . ~~~~Dl~~SA'llNG~'~-~ ~ APPAREL FOl·-~Hl-FaMILY. --..--.61 THE HOME, THE CARI· -.•• - ·i , I emanstratian ' •once-a-year savings • tim ely reduced pr1ce i •value-giving regular prices • fortunate special purchases · 1ao.oo Value 7Y2 H.P. Elgin Outboard Motor ope•or.o,,. 14488 p;•OI revet1e. '""'' 16.95 Aluminum Verti-Strip Awning en amel fini,h.14" 371.11161136". Save 2.07. Regular 79.95 Rotary 19" Power Mower 2 h.p 2 c ycle 901 •nt;1 ine. Sove 10.A5. 69t!. Reguls 89c to 98c Conifer Shrubs . Save up to 32c. °""'· 1th1- in9 ftlln, Sow $30. &&:. 189. 9 S Kenmore Automatic Washer loo 16988 T ng ~p1n -droe' lood,nl,l Heid i 10 1ron1ng dompne~l o•~•oge famil y '"' lood 5 1 0 Down , Te<'"I apparel for women and girls Spring Dre1a•1, •oyon oCf:IOle , dc"ro n ond cotton1 Wom•n'1 Blou1e1. •O(On. da'crol", co t1on Colofl Cot1nn Pli11e Pojomot, pr.1111 o nd 1ol!d1 34-40 Reg ulor 98t Sheer Ny1on 1, trom 1'"" Pc"' 3 98 Volue Cotten Dre11e1, pr.nl\. ch1c~1. ].1• G1~l,f Cc:ipri l"tetytuiho , 2 p iece. Catton 7.14 Ttenoge Flot1, polt'ntl.. Gl<11'ft°'"' l1tm , . values for men and boys 1 U to J 91 Value Sport Shlrt1, cotto" Colo•1 S,. 10 ICL Regular llegulor 2~91 Men's 'aiamat , cool or pullover 1ty!e 10.90 M•tf°1 51oclr:1, fla nnel Of' gobordlfle Reg1.1 lar l .79 Men'• Jeon1, narrow 1~1. 28 to 40 Men'1 Gold lond Shoe•. e11tro fle.o.ibility Re9ulor 3.69 Men'1 Poplin Jocket1, coHon S to XL loy1' 10.Woy Suits, fully lined cOQ1. Si:•• J.8 -\ 1.00 2.00 3.98 77c 3.« 3_44 J.U 1.H 2 fnr SS '·'° 2.44 ........... ,. Z.ff ·-··---"•·II .......... J.66 loy1' Wo1hobl• Jock•, reversible. Knil !rim. 4·8 2 .49 Volue Sport Shirt1, cotton. Semi.1preod collar. ""\6 --·--·"" 1.J7 Reg. 42.95 Steel Gym Sets, 8-Play '~ 39" lncludei 8-ft. slide, pair of rin;S. tl'OjMZ• bor, poir of rwings, glide-ride>, it.ow. and botlleri>oll gool. Stwrdy iteel co1·11tr1,11:rion. SJ." DOWN, T..- savings on home furnishings levulor ~4.9S Mattre11 o r lox Spring, twin 1i1e 1'29.9S Value Bedroom Suite, 2-pC. Regular 129.95 Sofa.Bed & Chair, Corol or Seoloom J pc Reguhu legular 93..95 Dinene Set, 7-pc. (/,r ome. W roug'1t mero\ 36"••8" !oble 4.95 Cotto" Carpetirig, 9. 12-fl. widrtu. Sq. yd . Regulor I .SO Axmin1t•r Carp•t, 9, 17 fl. widtht. Sq. yd. -2'.ll .. ff.II IOI.II 7t.ll .J .ff -'·" ,, .... 21-i". Meteor TV. fuU-vieW',cr11en. &lcx:k cabinet .... ltegular 6.91~ordowale Bed1prM1dt, lull or tw in Chrom1pun Pritc:illa Curta!n•, iun·reiistonl. 961181 Cott-.. lork DrofMry, unlin~d. 3 palternL 84-ir1ch , ............ l.t7 . -. -. ---Z.t7 ............ 1.- building and automotive vallts Retulru 16.95 All1tote Compcmion1, 6.70ll15. Plui taa & old tire .. t2.t5 All1tat• Mufflen. heovier tt-11111. A1 low 01 .•. ,, 10.H Regvlar ll.9S All1tate lottery, 6·volt. Plu1 old boHery 1.19 Yalu• 5 Qt. Motor Oil, can. Figlrtt ·~;,,. fr1ctiot1 ....•........ HC Regular lt99ular Regular I .SO 5uMn 0.0... 2'8"1181". V.'" ft.1ck . Pi!l9 1.69 MD1i919ft'f Plywood,136117b,.-1nch ••••..••.•••••. t .49 2. 91 ,.OllU Scr•wd .. verl, on CrOilll'!lal'I ..... ' . . ' ' ..... I.JI 1.91 Dunlap WoH level, ;lur>b . "S-de9••• 1.JI 171& So. Main St Santo An• Telephone Kl 7-3)71 t' I , • ' NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1956 PART TWO, PAGE ONE TECll.SIQL't: -r.:J gu1 T. 1;att'S demonatrates the archery t eehn1q11e y,·h 1~·h enabll"J b.im Lo deteat native tr1~ at their own ganle of shootu1g fur tht:ir li\'l n~. , IN CAMP -Gates, right, and his "white hunli•r ," Jack Blacklaws, relax in camp af\f'r a day in thC' fif'ld . Every comfort waa provided on the 18-day safari. f<t:OllRllt:I) -~l ovies of the safari in Africa. o( 1 :~tf'a "''1>r1• 1naJ(• by a lk\·f"rly Hills ..:ameram.a.n, Ju,.,t·J•h Uu111hanl, v.·ho a lsu t uo k the plt lureti ua tbl.I GATES USES MESA ARROWS ~"""• 1· ~rl,,\11 •••11 ~,1 "' ,,,·~\I,•~""'~ 1· • .,.,1 , ~J•«tl•n·•rl 0 L I).!'" r <0~1 ~-• ''' 1"111l Ii•;; HI Arl1'>t •• ~.1 \,,-• '' ~n i;:~ K"'"" ''" ~a :~ 1 l ..... 'j! '~'"''~ I IL• A I' ). o>r- "'"' "·'~ ~t·I•· '" 1,~.,· !-H lo\~ !! .,,,,.,, \<P•i '""I ,. '"'•~l!llH·rln r• l•·•l"'~·! ·:~·,._. Tl" 1 •• ,,.,.,, ,._ "·•• '''l I "~•• ~nol I """Id "lo'•I '"': !Jo•·;H ".\tl ,.,..~ ·ri, .. 111 u1l •·r· ''""•' .. r 111 ........ , ..... ,.1 1-;.1 •I!·" ,.,,1 • ·,, Au oul- 1""''" "'"\•<! •1'~\1oldo!llljo( '""''"'"I!, . ..;1.,f•1•I•• '-'"IH ••ti lh" AAf>1r1 1.· .. I 1•: , •• , Snw i. .. •M jl l\ llJ.: I ' 1<, >1 1 •I Ah .. "lr'J.: l'i• ...... ~ t o .,.,,.,, .. • 1 .. h.• 1"1••"·1 "n hi • ,.,,,,.n ,.n• ,.. 11 .. R ~'" ~ 11 tl a t•lk r.- ',., 'I' ,,,.1o,," "'" :-;, . .,, J"•l I IL •" 1.,, h "''" "' I "I"'' i ! ,. , ' " ,.,.,""' lhAL •0>1 t"• •1••·-I "'"' "Al>'ll"""l ••I ! \" l!o h"r't l'l"I ' • l•" .. r •" "' • '"' •I· I' "' ~ !"" ;>..-v.1~•1L l'.h•t. " H• 1 ll"l 1 ~~r••A ll1"•t il • .r 1,, 111 .. • Ll~···f '" ol "J II• ~ > H '' ' •• " llo" """\' •ll•'I • II • o: '"'" r 1""" ..: r·. I• 1, 1• 'I l '"I " ,.,,. 1•1 •: l ll>I P RIA ... ··1 , •1 P •ltJ.:•"t n •- 1 .. lh•"" I• ,~,, •.{ ,, •., .l •1'11"' lP11 J.: "'"I A1t 1n•I "•I• "'"''i '"""'\ '"'•"' ""~'!'· l 'l •-'t· ···k• '""'•!•"! .. ,,.i. !no n ~ 1,'"'"1111 0:1 ...... ,.1 .. 11 ll1• '•·Tl•" ,, ',,,, I '<' )II' " I{. ' " ., l"I ' ' " Hi.:•· ' '" I \ r '' \•1," "'I 1''• lh 1 .,; I·.' '"' I,.,, i ·I I ~ 11.r" " I! •Ii • \' th' 1 ••• , I .,,..j TI "' 11 ,.. \\.•\ .. 1 I I• ,i ''''" Pl'"' I 1 .,_ , 1 "' " • " •'" • "" I" • " ]>\,\• 11 hc• IL >\.• lo\•'·I •ll h.•JJ._1 >1 ''""' ,,f I \\. ·!· l'>l:l "d lnr• n~·l ,1 .. 1 '""k ll'~ "'" 1 ,n,~.t l\.\lk " 'I"~" I" l,;•I<•· ,,1,,11H I '"'" • .-.;., 1•11• 1,~n1.1, l '' J•" A•' "''•'-'•11,'Hli;" !•I l•l><>I"~ I A ( lll't• ! I HHl r ." rd .... 11 .. n1 ~lln 1" ., 1 .. ~1 """r 1n n"i th- .• , .. t ,\1 1 K •l1""'"J~1 n " A llt•r 1<'it<tllllJ( 11\P lnJ!\1 1"0: J.:I '"'""!< 1d l1•J< R ll .-•11 ~1 .-.i ""h lhP I.low Rl1'1 ••1"" 1u1ol " lni.:l•·l'"''"''"I t n11l111 ~ 1 1fl,., '"~tlnfR•- 1 tll ,-.j Ill ""il!h (;H\i• A Tl •i n"\>"I foH LI~ h• • 111 ol• \ ! 11 ... 1 """-"''"II\ io:'""l l"•k \•1'11 11 ,. 11tl<' o;,.I,..• ontl11tlllr'I. pagt. Filnu; ha,·e !::M_>.en UM'1.! b~ (;alt.·!> f 1•r !·~ ,,: .. 1 vtct c lub IL·t l urrs. I~""~ "''I" Too ''""'!; •. ~ 11•,,,t ••I l"I: '-~''"\\Il l! ti ~ J<h.,TA l o:,.J .'" l:•H II··· I ,1•,I• T lnUnol n "t 11 • NATIVt: BO"'Mt:N -T,vpical of the native tribcsmf'n M·t·n o111 !i "" ""' Ii"'' 1 .. "'"!"'"ii\" ... w11.rnt'r!I who challC'nged (;alcM to a shoolini.:-match c:at€'111' Amf>riran bow and Cofl la ;\1rsa-nl8nufa•·turt•J BJ>ftrt.8man won. llft \I\ I ' \\ ' .1 : ".' ' , •l o>I•" Jt, J l .J lh" 1•·•1 <>!tu " 11~11y ,.,.,, .• 1 .. o>J.:••I !•·. " 11••11 "~'. I'''' I"• !lrlj.: h o•! • 11 !.-,\,Jo)ll>J::' TO fll P 1 1o 1111~ 1h11 "''" ~r,,.t ~1 hv 1111- 1·l"'"1f1·•I 11:0 11\•• ll~Ulj( 1'"1""11 111- "' -.,,n .-. '""'''="1 1,, .. k "'""" .. r l•if'•( ~'''"'' •lo~!'i ll •Ull{ 1 lu• ,l :•I I "' I• • .. 1 t" • 111 ..... "" ll•LI O:~I•·• 1• '"'<1 1111)'1•".-...•<'d I,\' I >•"''!"'' ,,.nf•·•I• "lltl n11l"" ,,,, ..... 1 •I\• " .\" I' '' '' h '""ltll•"' .• "I 11 .-\\,.;,,,,.I''" lo,I.,• \\ho \\<'I I! 11'1 '"._' L I" I"" I ii >' I: T ""I o•~I lO<o\< - , " '" I I "' , ''"'I ':11 1 .-~ I """ ,J • l.•·11 , "' • I t~· k 1n ~'•OJ ·", .. 1""''"'0: ,,,,.1 11 .. " 111 .. , ,,, .. r '<.<nl••ol 1,. I"'' l1 •I PI\"' ~i,,.,,i \I'""' :;, .. 1 •I"''" •I'"'"""""· 'lo• Tl01'l•""' •1•,.f'l1n ;: ~~"\>ltd~ I ;Il l•"'< •'~idll 111'»1 f")11• • fi""' 1: 0 in- !lr •I f,., !11• !h•·n~'11 111 .. ,-h n·I 1111! h • "1 ... 11 1:i" !""' ,, •• 1 '!• j•P<'•I '"·' '1 \"Ii•\ )"'"11<1 '1<1! A: ili;llT Jl i•nl ITlk'" ~'""' •li"1 I·' l •:i l.11<1• f •111 ,. I"' ok 1 lor <,l ••11 n1 "lll n f th;11 ''"'"' Ill ,, h ·"~ 1;111~' "'" • :tll<'•I "lfll " 1-"IRh )-",.1 1h1• ~><- 1•ln11 I;,,(,.. \< <•U ffo ,. h:t1•l·I"•! "'"" J,,. 1r~I'"'' .r LI•" l'\.~r ,, .. ~ r;l<lr• •h"t 11n llllJ'lllll u 1!h !hf! 1 ... " .. 11.r '''''" """1 Kfl a lu1o~t "n•t- 1,.~• ,,,.,,.1, .. r .. ,11 .. r ~f1U11.1 I~ \l:Uh "''" to!i•· "'' ld•11f>I: ~ "'"t ""Jl tl\. "~ Tlo''""l'"' '' • i:.11r 11.-1 r•··I I"'' ~ l•••'1 lo•••!' 11 ol I:' ,.,.1,·o k11<J.,, 1 .. ,f1 .• 1 .. ,..In n 1<•"'0:''"' \\th trhr:t•t . '1H1k"• • illn•I "d·l 1·•~1 ••1•hl •••· I 11• Ii 1""11 '' 11 I "'"I" H n•I !"J'I I 11 "ol 'I"' I ' 'T' " a.• "' I lip f •,.l<l f•'1 I ~ •IM'• •;a• r• f'"'llli I lnn1t·' ••• ,,.,.,,,.,.,1,1 .. ""ol v.·r lJ ~rr 11n.i;:­ "'1 i, 1\1 ... ".IU\\' !,,.· p l11n.• 10 rP- T10 1•\ ">;'"" """1 11111 S1.ocl<>~n n11- I"" '""' ,.,,.,,.,.Kl1'•"1 '"" T!irrP "hi••· 1""'1 .111.i •11" '""~1 o1 r1 11111 .. "'11"1 1•·•·"' Ill •]\ '" .. " "' """'!"'I -,.,.1, '""I " l1tn ' I'\~ . '1' ~" "" ' . •I 'I"' 1<' <1,, .. d !•nn1 ~ l~o ,•,,;".'-~~l!••lr n l 1•.11 • ,.,,,. "' 111.-'""~""" " ll•n! ll•n "•\'!" l'"''f'IP •h••lll<I " •Kl"T1 h .. •:p< l ~r,.ol I~,- ar '""'" ·1 ,, ''· L()(,"AI •. .\RRl)\\" r:lgin T r.11.tf'!< of f-tunt 111gt"n f{r-}11·h """d ,,11···11 -.. rn.11111 1 ... turffi 111 l "n:<1!11 :11.l f':<lf tn k ill a n imAll'I nn A rr u·a n "-.II a r 1 -..u, h ,, ... r 111 " h" • 11• II ••I inq > +I 1 -A ll r h•1tnJ:1i1ph!1 hY J n,.rrh R11rnh11 m t i•1nl: h· 111 "•'• 11 J' .. •••1" ''" .. ~n I ; ....... ~.,, , .. ~-.. ~· .... " ' '. ' ,,. ••r·· ~ ; . 1\F"Tf:R Tiit: Kii.i. f:lg111 T <:11tP!I !lhot t t111> ]P1•p::i rd dur ing h1;. r•·•·•·nt A fr1,.::i n 1<;1 f;ir1 'fhr r1flf' h11rd ;i n ;1,..r11ri1ry n"•"!l!';<r\· fnr l'l"lf 1•r r s r-r1:11 1 .. 11 ~;:1tt·s Jdan• l« i "l llrn ::1 i;:;11n nr"t r~11. • l l h •')-1 111 .! " , I) I , '':J/ie · (}overnmenl Gxcpl :Jmm :J/ie P.opfe '' ' P,M;i,l -l'Aat II ( • WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1956 - ''God qrant ua the serenity to ecc;tipt the tfWnqs we cenriot ch•nge; th• 'c.ourege to chong, the th ings we con end the wisdom to know tho d iffo,.nco." (A. Anon.) qfand Jury Report for 1955 ~e Newa-Pniu today pr.enU the report of the Or- a.qj.· eounty Gred Jury, u it attecu the Newport Barbor +a-The report bu nm in· 11erialiaed term u a public .en-Ice, that the people may ~naw the jury'• ftndinp. It la concluded ln today'• i.ue. The report follo11r1: EDITORIALS ::Never Mind the Kids, )ost Mine the Moola A lot o f parent. Moald be' iDW..ted, and a lot ot ta~ payen wlD be lnter'Mted, in lateet lobby PJ"Oll'Ue Qf the Califo rnia TM.Chen A..ociation which in effect M y &, 1o·ro heclt with the children, to beck with the &"DOM f of the g o lden egJ1 ." C iiJ1fo rnla teacben., wbo DOW haw the bJcbelt •~ Rg-e l l':ach e r aa.l&riee in the nation ($:1,0GO), now it~ plea~. want more ! Their euume, to relie9e the "ac11te !!hnri.age of te&chen." To pin thl':ir lnereue they ad· vncatf' a four-point progn.m ot which tourtilt point ii 0'Th<1 t 1·xpendilu1""M for builditlJ• and .other capita! out- l<1 y /\'OT RE P LACED AHEAD (our c&plt.a..11) ot pre> f('l'l.l!tonal 1alary achedule.:·• And lhie In face ot the fact that Calitornla iii al· read)' u r aga1n1t a trem l':ndou. problem in providinc ~il1·1p1:1t•· :it:hool racilitiee, pre:eent a.nd tut1tn and a.de· l'\UHt~· f1!1ll.llClllg Of the 1y11ttm. /\I'.! 1111 aid 1n under-et.anding what bu bt:en d o ne. in 1"1.1 h11 •i l f111ance e nd what probil':Dll lie a.bead , the Ca.J i· J r 111 a • ...:t11tc ('hamber or CQmmerce hu ju.mt ia.ued a J'llrt1p ld 1·t iir1 ··The P robll':m o f School Finance in c.aJI. 1 .. nlla"' 'A'tuch pre.enta aome comprt:hmaive (a.nd very 1ntl'l"<'f!l 1n~J fac lJL, table. a nd figure. It ahOW• that: ( 'atiff11T11 r. enrollment 1r. h1ghe11t 1n the na u on , to p- J•l f1g. .'\('w Yo rk by a !!light mar~111 _ It far and away f .~•'f·rd :-1 al! Ht l11•r Mt.1tf's HI i,tutt• ,.upp.1rt of &:hoots. 1:ur. 11·nt l'Hllmatf', ~~:.!IS m1ll1 .in f 11r its :L.375.000 studolf1Lri. Thf' !!latP 11r•i\"Ull'H '1 5 r•·r rl'nt nf the t·ost of N.!tH'a t :11n. the fl'dera l g o\•ernment g!vea 3.6 per cent a nd th!': bal- a nce , 40.4 per rent, cornea f r o m loca l t axe1, 1·he S t.ate Depa rtml':nt o f F':nance eat imatea a g rowth Ln l':nrollment to .ame 3,000,000 atude n t.a within f ou r yea r a . Thia ent.aila a n inc~ue o f $111 m illio n in Rtate apportionment , m o re t han that fro m t he cit i- zen ta.x pa yen . But t hti tl':achen att g etting help, yet, and f rom the C alif omi& Tu Payer• A1aociatlon which In It. Jan· u n ry Tu Digest headline• rt. lead 11to ry, "TEACHERS \·VANTED -C allf omla Pay T opa N a tion " and follow• up with ac me pertinent atal11t.Je11 with Klaty tablea f or many C a lifo rnia diatricta. And it p r l':facea the ieAUI': \\'Ith the sto ry of propoM!d. m..id·y tar ra.iae• fo r m o 11t employeOA or th!': Lot A ngele11 City School Dl•tnc ta fo tlo'A'l"R a "~-c heck" or the area. C a l-T ax found th e "N'·check" wu d o n!' by t e l@pho ne a nd •i n a rela t ively amall aampling o f the city'a pay- ro ll1. 1a fa\'Orlte method of CTAl: maximum u nder- p11y Wllll 2.~ per c ent but pay 1n 9': waa fo r tht> en lire gro up. Civic groupa, C a l-Tax a nd o lhen protMt.ed and, rcfnilt , thP L. A. BQa rd o r Edur ation turnf!d d own b y a f1\'e t u o ne \'Ol e th!': recommendation oC It.a peraonnel l"on1rnn1s ton S till t h e CTA ia not g oing to give up it.a drl\'C' fo r hig h rr wagee, now o n a 11ta tew ide buie. l~ul are t he ech ool teac heni, looking firet t o keep- 111 ~ LIP t heir a dvanced 1t a.nd a.rd o f living, ao badly o ff ? 1"hey \\·111 tell you e.bout th!': great decreue in purchu· ing pow C'r. J u11t how grea t ia 'it? Since 194748 there has been a decrea11e o f 13 per cent in purchutn1 power -but 1n tha t period the median avera1e teacher. aal- a ry has i ricreu~ 41 .7 per cent! Wlth · kindtl'J&l'Un teac her• receiving S3400 tor SING~ BESSlON te&.ch· In g I San J oAt l. with teacher. ot one-room b&clt wooda :-.rl"rnol:> n f 1:? p11pil11 in the g old m ining -country getting ~~-.noo f f"lr n1 nr m o nths w nrk and w ith h igh e.c h ool 1 •r11n'11 •ul~ Inking ~l~.000 pf'r, :l a«ms that thie. iJi in- •l•·cd 111 .. (;,.[d1·n S IMtc -f o r educato rs, A nd ""'' upi11" th:it , n1 c~'mpar 1son with ("'TA . t he I-•H ! ·, :'\"in•'r:-11·. r« p iker!> 'A'hen 1t c:am c t o m1n1ng th..: n1.,olk: -\\' H. 'fhink Over Your Voting Selection Before Election You 11.ren "t 1H1r r of peacl':, p ro eperlty. g ood g overn- 1ne11t. respo natble public 11erva nl8, and freedo m ju11t be· , u 11 ;;1· yo u vo te. l'eople hsve ~«"n known t o vo l!': away a ll lheal': NEWPORT HARBOR NeWS PRESS tbbip. -Uy l>feau.. they vqt.d lrnorantly o• to• aJ-9Clal baDdout6 tor thenwelv•. To ..._ lhe privilece ot voting la good, but u.alnUW,..t voling can be da.nrerou... The well·meanlnc alora.oa ursinl" clliun. to Vo t e! will be 80Wlded in tn.e.reutnr volume u June 5 a.nd. Nov, e appro9Ch. Vote! by all mean.. -but atart thtnldnl" now, and when elec:Uon day. are here, vote !DtellJceaUy. AFFAIRS OF STATE i UPO&T OP" COJOOT'IS& NO. 19 OF THE INI OAANOI: OOUNTY O&A.NP l t.. .. 'I' ..... Commlltff vtalt.d 90ml or tll• pr.rM on an avan.,. Sunday at· ternoon, found them to " el.-n and Of4'fl)' Willa fRflOfl.l.bl• p&t• rona,., bUl l.n no way crowded. eonc-IONo wert OP<1r&t9d tty M.r. JrwlA, unti.r contRCt wtth th• Bo&rd of Supern.or.. Wt fouad •i. op«a,Uon to ti. ln )lwp- fins Wlta, pod ~ JdetlCM 1111d pnc.. compttlUYt Wilb. Ui. .. .,..,..,. of OrlAJ'• Coount)'. ~ -·-· . "'Jlill A vuit to lh• Bull11tnr inq.c. l. our 11 tour of each d~partrnent. of 8AC'r\AM.£NTO (CN8 t-OoY-1&r wW l'D to aducauon ln on• ii. o~ratlot1, r uldfii by Mr. Don-1 tore ,,.,... aeconipllah.ct by a thor- emor Ooodw1Q J. tr-•-t Kardl tonn or anoth.,-, Thia lnclud• -M \ obue. We tound 1. well orr&11t1ed O pll"'IMnt...s a -· alU .. f« eut.i.dl .. to local .echool dl•tt1ctl, procedur• t uncUonlnr undrr 111-the eapm1d.lt.ur. ol 11.fH ,llJ,IU ttata oOlltl"•· lh• Unlv1rlllty of . vi rM coru11Uon• ot .cat t.eAd of- to th1 •tale lepiatu.n, to m..t Calltomla and operation e.nd rice ·~e• In two bwl.dinc• and U!i1 obllptloft9 of the llt&te fw mal.Jltmanc.1 of the atata ditparl-v t A Cost crowded worklnr 1p1 ce. Ylr• ha.-the !":x al )'Ml IMA.AT, mimt of educa llon. Thl1 11 thl Q(CS 3, ny ~--&rd.I l ft very eV\dent u r1f1rtad tur., a.uernbJed ~• \till mom· mad• by UI• •la te Cooary uplalned Ute duuu or U.. P.P•rtmrnl. T1M tann av_,-. ...-in Ore.nc• Covnty today !e 1.pproxtmataly 1160 tarm1 ..-,I.nit an 1pprDlllmat• averera of 000 farm.a In other countt•. Thla of· fice I• run ~ery .ttlcl•nUy uncirr i-rawded ('Ondltlona with a atart of nln• mlft'lber• who M"I' re.pon- •lbl• to llll• UnlHrlllty or Ca.!1- tor nla . O m c" and t.n.n.port.aUon at• fW"Tlllb&id by tha on.n,. County Board of au.,.....ieora. It la bell•Ytld thlt tht Fann Ad- n..ot""I otnc. ehould be OOUOll• 41.led With Ow. AptcultW"ll 0... parlmtnl 1t th• Anaheim loca• lkm. \ii A TXC RJ:.Af'SNYDV\ Cbainnaii NOLON w. ooea RAT ~M W 11..LlA.M. PA TNJ: Jl!:PORT OP' OO KM.n'TE.E NO. 1 OF TIU: IHI OAA..~Gli C'OUNTY ORASD ,n,~y CoualJ Hoeplt.&I He pointed out to._ th• 1._u,1.,. larsut alnl"ll outlay of tunrt. I ·-----------------'------------1 by lit~~ Orand Jury. Id h ........,, • YOUR SENATOR WRITES Improved pu bll(' rrl•t10n• roul d ln( to con1 .,. t I ~~m•n.. IUGHWAV l'ROORA.\I · bt rtff'ct~ bv • <nuri und•r· pl,.le c roup. Jo"'lrat w1 met •1t h that lhLI I• &n Inc.._ of 111',· Nt:itt la rre•l 1• th• hls h"'''Y itandtnr ltllt~d • by f'mployeea i Mr. Ronald Powell y,·ho ell plainrd The Cuunty Ho1p1tal w11 l'11.1 t- e-r.I by th' Gran(! Jury •• a «im· a~e.012. or a.1 J)\'f cent 'ot· Lhl con1trucUon proiram. &nd veh!clr B 'OH"' M l 'RD\' JR ·-I '"th o•a•-'At I than th•t Whl<.'h now f Klt t• Thi• th• OJM:f •tlvn ot th1 hOlpil&l in 11et1n 11ted .. pmndltUrM tor Ila re~·•atJon, which We• 24 1 cenl• Y,. -• · . . ., oocll& o r , o><1 .... K: · delal] 1u i l pr•••nted 1 fl• ... y-r current nle&J y.ar. •'"' ''' 1 11 11\• !Miine of lh" f'nl!re Grand 1 Y.' th 1 Tb. rvv.n:ior ae..ld "UU. iJ I. out ot 1.1.ch propoa.d u pen ur1 Jury, P &11. 1 an n1&d1 • l'QlllP •t• ' .. ,,.i ntl.ctini , '°'"''· e0ndl-cioU.U. s.OcllJ welta r• e.nd h~th W ith the c<r..r1Vi•n1ng uf the B udgetary S eaaio n , a nd the ... ___ , 1..... tour ot the hoapLLLI Nlod tound M rel.a 11.1 c1nt.1, m ent.&.I hy11et1•, ~ K .. _...~ c -very r t>O<t equlpmant lA mo.it d.e- uon ot 1tate llnancee and.r f' pro. l ,T c.nt.1 , col\Mf"V&Uon ot natural Special Se88io11 c.:a llt•d b_y Guvernor night t o nin con c ur-A v18a tu Pl•ru11n1 D!rK.!or. pa.rt.m •nll. Ma.n)' ut the bulld!n K• ~roue eeonotny. I t P~LI a r'aoun:e1. tl 7 CM LI : t i-ca.I t&f· rf'nUy, your S i.•11atu r JU11lt""\I "'1t h th!': other 116 mem~ra Harry Brrrh"1 ofUr e plu1 two ar1 old and 1hould be nopta.,..1, forward -looklf'l l pr'Q c r)"m tJt, t' 1 I l! th r ,. 1 I c 1. . meel1n11 "'"UI Ill• pll.1l111n1 tio•rd The 1,.hruc: '' 1h1.1rt ot •pa.c<c ,i .'.'. 1erv1rto f ur I. ....... Wlnf .l.lr t, r en 1 all' ._ O r •. Ot the lA"~J~l <tt \Jro• \ nrJ( Qy l <J h Pllr {ll•· ,.,verno rs message ··-p<cndl!U/"e•, 11 t f '"nt o I • "ft \1••0! rt'Jn~ .. rn i t II ,.\tl••·' l/l ll t 1)>•1111{ 111• I ll.Ill• IOll.e I~ Jn l ~:t. 1\1.tf . t.ut 1t • 1tj11 !or a. c&.t~!ul on th~ blld,..;• I a nd t h« .'>1•r1uU:-1 ~UbJ~" l ul ""at,·r ,,.ti;:I" r,, ur-1><111,. 1 :n .. • , , i ,., 11,P , ·1.11. /.l r ,1, .,1 1.,, 1 1 ·~.)• hu.•b•nllln, .. r "·"'l'"'"dltlJr~11 Allh"ull!l'i The •l ~te 11•leo !•'-\ . 1 . Ot l.:lti•ll\' "'I • J ,..•&neJ 1(• I''"· \ n•' I J ,. "·"II{•'"' ••·•~l · II ,. " Ill " ·I•"•• ' '' •1 '""" I' ~ .. •t.r j•r• 11 • -'"Mir ph;o~,..• ' ( \!'l•• t I'• t) ']! '0 :"'P:.\\ TAXf: 'JhJe 1.,1 l/oe rJ ... ,,t1.,1,,.1 sut.~.·h hr .. 11 .. ; Ul•!<' ii••' t .1,11'''" I •,'lvrint•r ,,.,., l'!!•·•r u.rr'1,i;~ "'~'"~I " 11 hUrt~•l . I 11 11\ h"Pf'Y ~t " 11 " , 0,, , .. 11 1 , •v•ri .1,_ 11. 1.. 1 . ~ 1• •· ,,., .. 1 .... 1.r ,,, \~·~ .' ':':" ,; ,·rm r hi!~ ~.,. .,.,. kl llv "•·••t •I lhe •;r,.tt 1 Jut:, 1 .. ••l"' 11or,1,)l v.1ll "" :IJ<•h•"J.I 1 r ·11, 11.1.1-. .. r 1,,..1 ,· •~ ,!•11r••I· l\e 1Ac1c uuu1u:t-J tflf'fe .,.ere w1tll 1n tht u l•tL n, re..,1 11ue ttrul'· 1"'"1'""'·d '""'"'"' ""'~ '"•' " '' 11 ·1 ... I ~.,·~••I '"" 1'•••1•••··'1 "'~ a n""' pl •n tor cuttln1 up lett•rt ot rrque1t a.c '°ompanitd e•\ •••t·n11 .. •l "''' ·' '1 '' 1' 'ali l•irnla • r1c.n tHleland 011 rund tur1 "'"!lhOllt new or !n('rf'a..ted l,..,;11~. tr••••• \he ,..1e~ 1,., ~tnt•IT t """''r 1•1 'IO '"'" ""'I ihe .,th .. , bf' ctJne1<lered by lh• ... ·1t h •ur111tf'd ordfhanee1 In th• \l llf'I l\~I' ' "'I\ bt , "'" \Uo1ro l lh 111"1 tu rl"ll ""Ill h1nd1 Ot the Board or Sll p.!f"Vtl.-''•·tu• f,., !••, .. ~ •l'l•I l er~ r.-1ur~ 1 . .-~1~\1.turt C1l!torn11 pll'kfld up Thu1 th<! r ov .. m nr carried out .J ~ ~ ,.( , 1,,,, •!.ill&r 1111 •l lll l' 1,.1 ~1 11 ,,f t.i.or 1 d d or1, which wer e brine 1tud1"rt by <h o p1fll l<:U1>111 m a.cl• dunnc Cb• I II " k I I•••• I•••·,,,,,,.,,,,,,, l''''I"'••"•' 1 .... 1 n11ll1·•n1 ol 1Joll1ra In mpoun t th"m and by the tJt!lct ur l h• 11.>.•·•. l~ .,,an an. 1''1 l"''" ' '! I lt II th !ldt ' •• ' ••ver•I mon tl"l• tha t t he 1 I '' ... .-e roy• 1"1 w en e · Cowntv r>Aurael ptrtl.lnloi <o var-r1 •11~n11~ 111 .. ~1 ···nl .• l'"'"''11•I ~·· 1 .. ,, 1 .. ··11 •'•i1<·oi ~·1''" 1 d r '' ' -~o ,et would be • record·br.a.il-•t1•l• were ir turne . rom ' -!•n('<11 •nd 1-Qme '""'' o< •pllt-.... lllCO!l>e t1ic: .. i ll Cf'llf~. hquor l&.1!· "'""k ' ''I l~lf' :'•·n•lt fll\1•n•r '''"'. l l 1 l ~ y l l'"'hn ""'"' "1" \"''" l1••!l :-O 1 · •tl•<'cl'•: \\., 11 1e lll!uru;.•l l!u•t Ille Ii•"' 1 Of ::iu11ctl'l1t1/~ llf'PI ' - tJ 1 new 1.;huol Llld 1olht'1 buu 1- 1n11 tor r<u n u whJch ~n .. ul ! i. .. built 1"1UIOUt dt l•y. <Jth,r 11''• ,.,. 11.ry buUdJ.n11 •hould be 1t l•~r1 JmmedL•l• conlliduallon :..1n.1l~r r.c::ommandat1on1 h 1." • L r .. 11 mad• by fonner Ort 11 ,1 J t111~• With very r-remad!•• f'IJt 1~.: , 1r (tht.y h.l.v1 all be..n 1e-c0Nl ria 0 •t•te ron ro • ew mone .tln1 l·t rta!n pa rc•lt ot !and thal ··~. :?\! •rnt ~, !ll ~Uf~rl·'.IP 2·, •t't.l ~. 1u1 tl•'\" .. i.1 Ill" "·'"''il bly "")'~ •'nln I l the •l f J LO 4 -brea.kert dunnc th• pu t M veral '•ri.t ,11,.~,.1 ••·nllnHte,., 1~ '" I n • r '0 ·• ml1 ht h1v1 nood a d """""r prob-H-.IU. De--... -t yf'a r•1 and tha t 1u tfl ~·!t!llt In-lnhe ntanrr I nd 11 '1/6 :~!nt~"':',;,I 1,., •f l i•~i•t l-• fltl'l '~'.io ~•-•~~:~ OoO~>O!~ )"r•r. The~• ~und, .~~)' l•m• •t • la l'r da te. V•e Wr rt Thli de~~~ thrr>LJl(h tr . ., 1tt1ct. ('Om • I• 1 va 1!.1.b!1 throuc h the ~;'~;lh';~1a'.''~/"::ntii. 1 ,,.1 ,,,~r,I p, ,11 q1,. tn111~"' 1,,,,. ",'.:.;'1\.'~ Y run u 1tl'. u .-ln1 prr1eed WHh the need or &OmP. 1uperv1-.ion of Or . kll11o·~i 1 Ru~· t ' 1 • t t f t axe lo pro Ov" "" or mort r th lhl d k t r • 4te• ,. m 0 1 • t ·~u .. lly ,.,~1,11 lllr 1,.,ll!i,· ·1•·•~ h<>~n ,.,~,t~ 'fli " I"'')""'' I llUt_.;,t .\1-"Yl:(T S ft!:ACli l"t:SP o e•e ri g•, i n now nr o 1eH 11 very w1U orr•n11.rd """ ::~:.rt;~~~· •. w:~hc:r•r"y 0~u ;ot~: ~;~ n••I. fll• t t h .. prot pe•·t or 1ir w or will ro111 '"'n •1(h·r~hl1 rnt>rr !h1111 Thi• new pl a n would r re•t,ly ~~rd:.";~ r: .. ~rn1~:-'l !~~re ~~; op<1r1.Un1 e!Mclf'ntly "' 111r 1i r1• In, .. ,.,,. .. ,.,, •• l h,.r,. 1 ~ 11111 . s 1:;.voooonrio r1 •• i:1 .. ,1btr.u1.11,1,.,1 our t>..1.~n •• •nd P", b ttw1Jd1n1. The new c h~•\ X ,,..,. trauon1. c1plta.l ouU•y. a.nd 1u1>-' ., -. 1111...,,.1r 1 ~n1· •ill~Ll ntia.I _:' i••••• tha.t n11g t •ll11 w lh• Boa r d p........,.asn a('com moda t.,1 '·l' 1'' I'•• .'' " r•or •·-rot loco! i ovem · ,·,,n, r;ln. ,,v,., w~·•·!r 1~1,. ""•n•'Y fun,1 L0 nder tne eitl~Unc 1l1.tu tt1, ., ·-·· ' _,, b b ~h1.n•'"• ,.,,1 bto 111•fl,. b~ ThP 7 l t b b of -~upcrvLt0t1 to ordain 1 little ptrlOn• ptir da y We •1 ~ \n fr,ru . ment. I K''"~ ;.,o dou l t • 1r1mtn11tr11 · · 0 11~r r ent 10"! o a .I.It t•(' · 'fb• oOm lo<•l·oUoo ''''''' 00 ;, ,11 1, h1.J1 k.ln1: on 1hl• to I''"' l•g!•la•ure ·l~lJ "l e lh• a;n'" ot an 1 l••rk prr.J r• t• and only JO m'lr,. powrr to !he Pl111nlnr o.:- 1 ~ th.a t ther1 11 1. 1r•1.1 4~i<·r t•~" ' .. 1.11 ,,,,1 ,.11.1nn,.,! lf(l•l•tor• All b 1 pa rtment. •nd >'r t b1 In k•ep1n1 or hoep1t1.l 1>1<1-. there h••nl{ nn" I to.t oo 000 to b• &•t u \de !OT 1 111 ~ rr«or'1 -hrtllklnh bu1t1:'"1 ["'r ~ent t n t e •t•l r cener1 b b 1 0 1 1 1 .,.,,"tu 1111! (ti• Gu1·,rnu1 1 1111 11,,,,1 uut "' ,.hn h ,,,n,,.~ ordin-'"'It lhtir r •r8e<'l dUlt.1 •n I.10th• bed per J,000 l''·l'u'11 1, ,, rehabthl1 tlon ot f!•>Od d11.n,a11 u"' 11 1!'1 the r1" •iui e WH 1 •• r•l ,. . .,111.ht , n~ O"•r•tl•"· ,.._r•n••• t1ke le111 tlm, for t •r.h Boa rl'.I In Or•na:e counly T hl1 111n1 If vot~d by th1 le11.-litU~ l'""1'1~ "., 1"'""'"1'1" •• 1 •l•lf' o~-"'" i;!'"!rlj: th1 1rnt r1.J publl(' I bt t-\\'1 rt ("Offinlf'nd !h1'' rt1" J.1 I l1tur•. v.·11! b• u1ed to loan to l A1i.1 !rorn tilt mannf r In v.·h ich tlXf:U H\ \OTf. II\• G<ii•t tnur 111" •u.r:ie•led ter irrvk e ThtH puln!a ..,,.,,, a.nd J uvenil<c H•lJ •h•iu!·I 1 r I" b II",,"' "'" <o \he 11 •1 r •1l1&p§ J tOO•!OOO . \fal" , .. Ul• city &nd ('OUl1ty r ov1rnment1 or 11'~~ •v" P Ar t•111 ll\' · '"·11111•!.• •i th ~ bu l no1 de••etopr1'.I to a poin t of co11·1d•r th• JUrlidl('tlon of '"" Ht·1<l11, I '' ' 1< p th t "' 1.l 1 be • e wernu,, •Uowanct th• tf'p&lr of pub!Lc work• ony , ..• ~•v•l, ....,., n• •pea r 11 ,," 1i:rl I• r1 .. ,u hy " ,,.,,,. 11t \rl'" '"' 11,,aTht• ,1111 ·Jl~rk• tlt wi nt• r hl•lon \\0e dn, howr.1·er. recom-Dr pi rlmi nt a nd lntpf'•'•·l i•et•,,.J· It \1 not lo b.. confU•f'd With atd 1 tht'•~ ""'II I"!" ""'' f f""t 1 1 l'<'••J.il~ "'hi 1h .. !r ~p~l ft lll!t. h i~ mf'nd to the Board of Super Yl1·1i('•Lly. •-p ... v1.1o 1urf•••r•. which 11 ,.,.1,,.i·y 111 i:<'tlino: 1 h~ dn.-un1 .. nl ttw ••el n1•1l• ••·~1l 1b!,. ror "''t"r lb 1 <h t h .., '' n"ll 1n.., t • ~"v •hn11t !h•" oro • "Y p.!r•everr on e• ""11.itare O..portmul --l"' by l b• ''''' •o n•lll""'"· 1rv-.. 11,·h th" l"r 1•l1nur ,. •• <.:11 11-1 I''' ,., 11 •n•! oth•r n11 t1,.•I r ... 1•1 .. ,1, ,., l b•< "b Q" , • ...,, r h111 ~•• "n11• 1,.•v•• ll•t • •I\ 11" r! k 1, •• m ' " l u 1'" "'n I ThJI dt partm1n l Whloh !• "'" N1IU1er dO"I It lftClude fund& for ri.1•11~ n•• •·1•t"'' ''"'"U into • ~ii -••• ,,11 , •. ,,,i: , ,. 'II'" 1 •ol •1 ,. tl'I 1 "' "' ~. un "11" '11 ~· '"ntf Jurl • r iv du• n•ldera I t 111 hi • P'"' 141 ""'1'"" ••lhn, !ht ' • " en ·1op .. r1.tln1 In th• "'"' h1ul•!1110... hl1hww.y. ~•d or •trMt repa tr. 11"t "" !1un1 "111r1 1l •><nnq ~,.I l•~ l•!l rt 11n,, tn •Id• to the Pli nnlns Com ' II n • 1 1 I• .~.:1·ll\!\11 ,. in t .. '""'l •V1.J1n.,, v .•~•· • with Mr Thon•u 1 ,,,,.~1,.,. '" P'rom lht propoaetf tl<pendl· l '"' .. II 'I w1 1'•'""" ' ''''" ,, .. 1 b m'""'"" ~ problen11 Th,.li • •r' ''''''· ,, 01101 ,, •• ,,,1,.,1 , •• ,) ' 'I I I ''' I' I •14r ~rrt•'"' 1 •• •~ ••\•' '""" 8• •t the \;,,1·•1n11r pl''"" lll ' ture1. 311 <:'.f'nl1 out o evt ry o · " ''"'·'' l• ' """ ' 11 ''" I ""' r11•! Ji n ~ ol detene• fOr 1. •<flt<••tly '"' '' •••P• 1,.,1,1, 1,1,. •l'I" •''1• I I !hr I•!!'' ntr•\"' •'•">I • nn \h" •i~nd", lll'Clll "htrh ' 1·.,,.,,,.it t•··· "n lh•· 0 11·1J;t \ ·~·h11 h thl• 1,r1i l1tur" 111 ,y •r.t Th~•• •inr •n•l orU frly ('ounty. df'vtlop-1 11 y,•1.Lf•r• ell.I m• wit h 11 C•Hn- ' 1 .1 , n1.,:ll r 1 I , ... ~ '"·'' '"1'"'1 ''"" • 11 Jr., lo, e • v1<11P1\' uf •UbJf'CI • pl•le l e of a l cla 1rr11•nL• ·11"· THE CAPITOL WEEK ,,,, '"" ,.,,.,, "'' ~ rJ1" 1111°•11111 In '''"" ront rol .-.1 ittn;• pf.•!• and/ ."l:QL0:-0 ,\! DOSS department muat be v .. ry 1Arr 1ul >lil•\\ \,~1 ~ i•'"I 111•11f,, nr ,., . .,n,, i!h••11!ir1 !n ,,v1~1r'n ,..., th" St•tfl C'!lilrm1.11 to ta kt ca rt of all r~f"!tl •n" lh11 l • By WALTER J,. B,\f{KO LLI, n .. i .1111; '" ~!.,tr ~"""lllPl\r!I' lt 1'r~. r.,r1' Rftlrt.n\.-nt AC-! /nrl"'d. F'RANCl':S P. F Lll:TC HER •r1 ell11bl1 yl t •vo1rJ1ng 1t11y '1•• llPh·~d " j.l tl~il~i.:·· tu e~11·~1 1l "'IJ b11 • bUI\" and 1on1e"·h1l A!\'TO:>.'E BORCHARD wu t1 ot money. 1,p\ 111 .~ i'l"•l 1011 pvr\~11~ ,-v111• h1" ,,, •••t lon. · I VIVIAN KNUDTSON \·eier&n1 n..,..n.m .. nl ""1 1r" A I " I I M S. ".. b ' UI U•. )'OUT .,en• nr Wf.. REPORT Ot" COM.mrri:i: ~o. r. n ...... nn•n. "' IJ II 111 !·-----------------------------] •.J11 ihr qn~»l 1o;u1 uf 11 ~· •. ,, tJ,t-rnr .. ~• con1ment1 and 1u1re•llun1 11 ,.. ('h•r1• of th!• departnl+'nt, eJ<- United Preaa S tarr l'urrel:ip(Jnd~·n t S.A.CRAMENTO, MARCH 7-1-.P .-The J !)~(j SCHl:Uvn u[ >Jle11 ul ~"'~t ·•tl 1,,11 ,,.,,,,,),., \hr fl••ln h11 con1tltu11nt11 In Or1nge 1 O THf: lllM ORA.NOC pl•lned lht dulle1 of the 1t.,p1r·1. •"""'!•H en! .. r " n:rftMUt't. w )J .. h (""h\1111) Yuu '"M.V M<hl1e11~ Mil_}' l 'Ot '~T\' ORA SP .ll'RV rn t nt 1n ll•l•tl afltr "'h lch \\"II the le(Wl&ture WU und~ay t 1Jday 1'.'ith Jawmn ker~ f111'r d '' .I J , .. n~"l1d-•I" !hr in""'" tha n '""""11"11< a tu•n• '" IJ\<c .s"ri Ate I Our •(>1111111!lte 1·111ltt(! 1111 dt· w~r• conducted through dif!trr.nl rdh'•h t b d L J d d i h ,0,,,, ~O ~t el r. 11o•11 1 .. r 11genl'l•1 !nln "l ""·"'"!fi;·r , !:;l 11 tc C'npltol. S11cr11 -l'•rl m ,.,,t~ •"~lg-n,.d to thl• ('Om· offlc••· Tht! luwer ,·,.cr.ptl on "'· with a reco • .. •ta e u gl' an en1a n s cy ., •lnll;I ~ i-i1111e \\'iner li•p•rtment. 111t"n ln. m!t!ef'. flt"•• a r• b•dly ln need o! paint C&llfo rnla '1 criUcal water proble1ns. Art1rullur•I Orpart11t1P1tl 111d a t.o ahovld be "qulppe<t w lth Gov G<)odwLn J Knl.rh t l'\an<l •d , th"\ ''I•""'" rr,.•·~tl ttf. lh• arrrnrn•· 1 .. 111l1!or• & bud11tt lot11 l1nr $1 • t,.,11 ""'"'j,J d•prnd rin 1Qlut1.,11 nt 7J8.ll2,11:3_ H• Mid th• !I.I l'"t 1h., h•i;:!l lv '"ntrove1ft11l •ot1 n1y r•nt incl'!... ov•r lh• previou~ .. f oqg-ln rirobl•n1 Sacramento Sidelight yea r "I' primarily th• re,ult or Kn11:ht "t•o •·l lll'd on !ht 11.11· S A!,.KAM~~ . ._-Tt1 rC ~S 1 -Jt the .•L•lf' • phrnomrn~I i:;rowth. ma k"r., '•1 cr e•te • corui ol hl•lf''l •rP"•r11 n·•11o• !ll~l at lempl1 10 J l tlll" (l~pllr!m<cn\ nf \\'a.ttr li,.·'l('!l\11., ll\e ~I M l •• ilo&rd or equ&jj• "'It 1s 1t bud1et. I •m hllppy to t _. sour ce'-.... lh•• f11•t 1;t<'J• in • .. h·-1,11!11 , 1 11.•11r.s.•n1ent pro1r•m. report, wl\lcb WIU be lnlllc•u I wlthlll th• alAinl r-vlnut •true· Lill lha fttHt e 11 ""•l•r r 1vb 1"111•. 1.,. l••r~by !11•· ll•"•rd 11 i tt•m r tlni ture w1thollt Jltw or tncrr .... d An 1~•,.n1n1'" !n!'"'''" 1nmni ,,,.,,tn b •~a '"" l""P"rlY v•lu<11 !n ti.XU," Kn.Jpl .,.id. had • hill •··11 >11· tu a.-.nr•ipll •h 111 rf'\Jn!!r• 111111 .•om eth1n1 of an that obJ"•·\1 v,. The bill hi • !hr 1 "11u1T •bl~ la\" r"r ta.•a.llon pur· endo""'1"''l "' A!t"'""Y (",,.., .. r11 PO•e• wilt "" tl\ildf' •t the 11108 lldmtand 1: ll rn"" •n<1 nunir r11•1•,t,111l!i,'.<ct •e•a'"" "t the l"ll•l1twre. J l em1 In th• budftt &IOfll wert 1xp.cted t.o i-.rat• conalderabl• conttovtt1y. Jtut In &ddltlon, th• covtmor, by lquln1 a call tor a 1peclal 1e11lon. put befort lh• !awm1ker1 1ddltlooal ll•m• that h1.v1 r1nerat1d 1 lot ot h1at ln the pa11, The con•Ututlon llmlll th• ttud- 1et -.e111on to 30 day•. B ut the •p•cl•l 1•11\ont Kntrht called COtJ• currenl with Lt a re not 10 llmlted •nd could pu1h th• .u•lon p••t the norma.l dMdUn• lt a du.4· lock d1ve lop1. CO:STJlO\'ERllAL JTl:M water 0 1·~,.nl r.e t1on1 1 . .,J1 \~l'lt1 ''' A11.11 tor A, A J a n r Pn~1 '"-'h""~ Jt.t\ •l 11 to 1 0 ovtr Knllh ' 1'1)pe11rd 1•nn1•1nr.,rt lh 111~ h•l•IJI:'"'' ••I •'IT!OUa lll•t• f!e· blll woul•I •1vr r•nm~ 1ho• ,...hJ .. r •1on 0 I p11rtn1,.nt.• a11·I ''"'n111n1end e f • that 1lyni.r<1 rr,.,1n11• 'll1 •111rt•"' 11 ,1115_ 11"1:.0:'"'l"'I 1n hio budcet a ""•Ir r d"l'•rl!\.l'tll tn l'•~:l llrli •r1Ml}"lll ~ 1..,,.11r,I ,-,·rent!y, th•t the lDO~. hOlll <I b" ··liflJ'f'"'t ofr •t t h• µv,·1c .. 1~ 10 111" ,.11\ent of J:i•o .• I 000. a m""~ "·hlch would, I C· Knl&h • 1111(1 rrtJ1•n!•·d • r~•·1e1n11 1 ctwd•ni: to l"llHl H_ Leak1. 'Y.'ood· In th• r .. 1111.,111 r .. , ,11 ,1,•t111!ln" uf ll PH.I publlr hrr ""\I board m1mtter tideland .. ••11 '"'•PU"• l11 P'''''ttl• r101n th~ 11111·<1 rl1~tr1ct, vtrtwally fu:idt ror "•t.er re1 .. urre1 d11·rJop r •l1 " halt lt1 the equallutlon ment, proi;ram !n.~ll 1 •lted by the boaNl. Ul:LLTIOS PO!lflllBLE but one county, Tular1. wlJ-Jch took the m&ll•r to court e.nd wtJn 1. decl11on over t h• board"• rullnc on a UJchntca J1ty which had nothlnr ttJ do with th• main que1tlon. but a t ln.•t deflect.Id th!! board'• order1 tor \,lllt y Mr 1 11~0. CA.'i" Bl: IMPllOVU> Board member1 M"I' ti'• tlr1t to admit that thtlr .urvey• wpon which tht •-•mtnt order1 ar& ba1ed c•n be lmprovld. I t ,.. .. ""Ith th!1 !n mlnd that lhty n- que1t1d th• J l'>•li.000 In lh• lfMI· 117 bud1et. to tmJ)lem•nt thtlr 1.ppraleal 1tarf. provtd• ... lalanc. lo countle1 which need htlp In their iaquallutton probleme, IUld rel th• job don1 In a man nar whtch would be a bov• attack In Ult court•. Thi que1t1on bolll doWn to 1"ho 11 runnlnr 1quaHaaUon ln Call- romta, the l•rl•l•tur•. or th• board of ~ualluUon operaUnr ·r h1tJ111:h 111 .. ''"'rte~y or ~f r Tuhb.•. wr ,,,,.,l,.•I 11 1> th• der e'i-t- n1 .. nts 11r the AGr1cultura J Com· mlu lonf'r i nd each depa rtment t:itplalned U"I detail 11 to Ultlr duUu and operation.. W• found that U\!1 depertm1nt 11 very W•ll m•lnlalned and Ulat th• Wtll(ht1 a nd Meatur• Department dutlte a r• b.rcomlnf much ~ter wtth th• tnflu.1: of populaUon tn Or- e.nee County. ••pecla \IJ" with th• many _n_ 111ervlc1 1ta tlon1 th•l muet be ch.eked very thorouchly u to corrrct meawrt. Thi• department hu a CTe•t ,.1pon1lblllty wlth plant di-• prevention. Tf'le d•partment Slao mak•t • 1tudy of our 1mtJ1 prob- l•m• which 11 a very nec•tMry prorram. Farm A.d~r'• Offtcit rorr l"d ·a!r ve ntll•tion. 'fh• <lf'p•rh nent 1lat f or 2• em· ploy•"• procr"""' an 1.ver1r• of approillmataly ~.000 &ppUcaUOna f)4 r year WA TNC RJ:ArtNTDER ' Chairman LUCILLE PINKLl:T NOLON M. 0088 PEOGT PATTEl\AON /) aU'OaT OP' OOlOllTl'&E NO. • or THlt lNI 0 &.ui'O& COU!'l'TY OaA.ND IU.T AlllllU•• 8peclal 1tttnUon LI calJed to Par• a. Pararraph • ot th• OOun.~ ty Audit report on r•ntraJ eom• m1nt1. 81ver&I counU•e have Mt• tied thla 1L tuatlon I.lid WI IHI It can De taken c•r• ot In 0r- &11f• County In th• -. mann•r. The cocnptrttU•r 1udltln1 q... tem •• p.-..crtbed b1 law I.ltd proper &ppllc&Uon of th• 1.-.x. •y•tem IMt1I. lo bt ... mo6lnl method fDT C<lftductlllr Ooi;mty bualn.. owtn1 to ILi npld • ·~· JUJU\T J . FONITTU Chal,,.,.n On• or the lt•m• In th• bud~t tJlpKt~ to cauH controver.,. wu Formtr ly the N -·port-8 1lboa N• .... ·•-Tlm11 Kn1 1h ~'1 r1qu1rt for Jll.lf0,000 to Undrr n, .. r,-... ~,,l rr1nnul •. 71} pt-r c<cnt ,,r !h,. 011 '"""nut ' K" automalir-..Uv into th,. ~•l'h •11d park run•I 'K111i;:h1 ••ltl the f,,,. mula •hn11loJ be rh&l1~f'<l tu hold Mach 1n°I pa rk fund ~ 11t !h"lr pr ... nt 1,., ... 1. IA'llh tbe '•~eu c u tnr tor ""~!er ""nrk Tht •e.11 11 \" f1 n1nc1 commltt1t, und..-th• conatltuUon and elect· ""hirh I.• now •·h11i nne.n ld tty 81n· Id by th• peopl•f 111.r o .. n F f1t11 ... ot lmp1rta t Pott b&at-1 h.le i;-.commmdaUOfl rr>u nty. \rnt11uv .. 1y ha I cone for a ttud,.t reduction on th• •Ion& 11·Jth 1·n~r1 recommend.a -1903 act of th• ler1&11.ture which t•On•. i nd •L The preHnt writ-lnltructed tht board not to c&r· 1n11: ""ILi r"'''""'ntnd th .. d•ltt1on. ry out lh•,ptOTUlone ot th• Hui" Th• Fann Ad¥taor'1 offlc• w11 vl•1t•d durln1 t he .. rly mornlnr 1t&f( mMtltif. Mr•. Mar1on Prwi· ti•• r•v• a "•r"Y rood report on th• lncom• from Oraftl"e C6unty •rr!cult ural ~eta fol~ed with a report of th• 4·H Club c.ouncn Tralntnr Jlr'OfT&m. Th• County h .. 1. 4-H Club member· •hip ot TOO under th• rutdanc. Of two •ti.ff m•mti.n. TftAl'fCU P. J'Ll!T'CID:ll 11UTZ GOOUENI WM. A. DOLA.N and th1 Ntwport-81Jbo1 Pre11 m1k1 a 1tart on th1 J"iealher ----·--------------------------!River Project , the amb1Uou1 11.0 blllton pl1n to moY1 1urylU1 -----,---------------------·lw1 l1r t~:im 11orth .... i..rn Ca1Lfor· J.n1•1~d Ill 81cond-Ci.11 ~ll lt'r •t tht P011\0ff!c1 !n Nt.,.,port Beach nLa to th• a rid .oulh. CalUornla undrr the A l'l of At 1rch J, 18711. l'ubllMed ... ,...,. Mo1utay, \\"rdnNday aad P"rtday tty tt.. N~'POKT HARBOR Pl'l'lLI.8ffINO COMPA.Joi\' Klllf hl 11!d 1doptto n o f the lletr\" would commit I.ht 1tat1 lo prO<'Md w llh<Klt d.lay oo con· 1trt.1cUon of I.ht Orovlllt d.m. kty !"!IL Hal~ ........ NEWPORT Bl:A.l 'Jl, CALIF. no .. Harbor lilt unit In th• p!e.n. ---------------------------1 Th• r overnor a ttempted to Qua/LtlNl '4l hwt.li u,..i Not~ and Ad.-ertl-ment. of AU a 1am •lel!t clea r o1 on• major ~t ot H)· l,....r,... .t Ute 8•pertor Cooi1rt of Onari C'.e . Ill AllUO• No. A·ll10I lh• problem that blocked preY10ta M ...... r Oae.fon .. Nl!-pe.Pf'f Yublbht!rti A.-cUU.iot1 efforte lo N eut• rund• for th• 111-IM>r Nallo-i uttortiM AHOclatloa praj•('I, th• qu .. uon of •lat. v•r· Membll-r of Or..nr• Cou•ly S""·• 8"'rvloot •u• ,"erler1.L con•lrucUon of th• Si n Lui• rt"••rvolr . He ••Id only •urn iund1 u ""oU ld h ave to b<I Th• J:0 ''"rnot rit1 •l'1"rd • ri v ~ Hull'e, wh•i 1~ .. 1~0 pre1ldenl pro •ct of l t•t, on July I, lttlO, 1tat- Y•r 12r, fl 1n1!11(>n l!ear h •n•I J.i•r k !•inpore nr t ne ~t•te Nn.&t•. l.Zld l~ th1l the board act Id ··eon· bud.It. "'"1Lh r>tP"'"11 1ur1 In 1111 whl'I wield, ,. powerful hand trary to Ult lnt&11 t Of the l•l1e- nut (\lea! )"fll t. 1ta 1lln1 July l arnnnit t h~ R"publtcan majority. 11.turt,'• to be l1n11t1111 to 1 ppro>tim1teJy 11 I.he a uth11r 11f tl"l• bill p..-.d On th• othtr hand. the *rd IT.~ mllli un. ~evf'TAI &11.•111011~ .,-o, which 11r· acted tn 1ec:ol"de.no. with" tht Knt1ht a.3ktd the lej:l•lat ur1 to dt r"d the hn•nl to 10 &bM.d will\ tarm1 of th• conlt.ltutlon of UM put up Jt n1!1hon n1orl'. to provid" 1n equallza llon prorram. The pro-1t&te of C.Utornl&. whJclf mu- & 1(1 m ill ion tund for •levl'.lu11n1 111 vi.I lona of lh~ bill wtre lfn-•r dat .. ll to -Ulat c:ounU• of tht f•clll U11 nee11 • .. ry fflr thr put into ef,~.-1 l hrou(h COf'ltlnUed hav. ..,al a.ueum•nte. IMO W inier Olymp•r• 1.t 6q11ew d•l•y1n1 1.C'tlt•n11 of lh• 1.,111•-'nlu1, t h• qualtlon <:'.om1e up .. Va.!lty tn Jh t Sierra. The prnpo•I t11rf lo •h•th•r th• board can be alrM dy h1'• nin Into !roubl ... BEN Rl:ODICK, PL0BUSHER \\'IU..l.A M A. MOSES, Editor ORMOND It. ROt.:NTRl:I:. Adv•tH1tn1 D!r~clor 1 ·11 A.Rl...ES A. A RM.STRONG, J.f""<•h1.n1 .,._1 Au )"<'nnt•nd•nt 'l'"nl by the 1la t ... l tr~ctl ve Th• 'nvem<'r •IM ••k•tl th• t•f who bulld1 th1 e.an Lui. unit. Je&1&.latu1·~ to ~l &.1ld" $10 1 mil wnuld b'! ••P•ndf.d lion tor N1 t11b1llt1.t uin " flood Tii. hC1&t11. hllw•v•r . after th• criticised tor not cat rytn1 out rPnpl~ ''ut,..J 1.. remQv• ILquor th• lnt4nt ot the 11111.laturt . u rorllrul tron1 11.• ..cheme of optr-Pott •Y•. or wl'ltther lh• l.,.U- a11on1. n>ul"'"'' into the PqU.111. .. • Ja ture can be crll!cll•d tor not ll<'n plctur• "nd•r 1n1!hnrlt1J ,..r .. ·antlnir !o J:lv• lh-l>oa r<t Of th• •la\1 1 .. n~!tlutuui a nd •f1'"r l rq111.l•z.tl1<'n fun•I • t .. ••1t1· ""I .. n(t m•y 1•'>11 • .. ,t • , •H·'"'Y .•ut· 1th• n1 1nd•lt e .,r the 1eo111Utul10• ~t R~( Rll"Tl!l:'lo KATt,'j. ~""M't Hart .. ,. :'lo r><•·f'r~ ..... Tri \\ .... l.!y '" 111 11"1"" ('11unl , H OO f"' _1ra r. 1.,00 ol\ nu••; 11 .\0 !ht•• m"•· Oul •lol .. "' ...... , •. l "UH l.1 •:nn I"'''*'' flu! . ·'""'" •nu•hr r11 r 111r ... m1 a 1.,.11,11:• H" r r"f"'•#ll1 1rr•,,,• "" ··~ .. 1.1"1 • ~•1 1 nn funt.11 1hould '"• ,.,,,.,,'"'th• rr,...J•'I onl 1! lh,.I • n••\•hln._ 1,,.,,.h ""'" •·•1U ••' "' ,,~.., 1 1 t ht ••l ho~" 1 .... 1 " b•~••. "+l h 1 .. 1111~ \., 'f ). ,-,,,1•1,.d 1,,,,~"""' •··~••· P:HhiPr "''l.y. !! "111 r.•ak~ • ![rood •Gfnr 1 .. • ,,,. ... 1. \(I !ll•nt.a 111 II .. r 1 ·11 1,f•••"n••~ ,,.,,,,.l qu-•!nn •I tht fnrthrnmln& 1._. 1,.' ·1 , ... ~ .. 11'1• ' ...... ~ •. •I 'I•" •n .11' l!laUV<! .~ .. •Lull. .Alta U.le m"Unl Mr. J . J . Nt>LON M . DON Grass Roots Opinion COVINGTON, TENN .. LEAI>lllR: "We foe! that .. labor un1ona have aerved uaeful pw"pOee& IQ,. the put. · However, 1t they are to continue to .erve the bMt lnW. -of tho -le. labor leaden muot .-U. tlW • l9tricUve tactiC8 and 'f•ther-beddJnc' produce not more jabl, but, fewer jobl in thili ase ot mu. pn><fuo.. Uon, ,Prefabrication and automation." 00,ALLA.LA.. >NEBR., NEWS : "Financial 1tatemente ot the major companies llhow t hat the pt,c llen, by q 11.lm o!!lt unbellt'\·able t'hmin 11.t1o n o f wa"te and dc\'elo~ ml':nt o f profita.ble by-product a , reClttt a n efficient job a nd a t a marcin or a Am.lil fracllon oC o ne penny Cor t.:'1'c h dollar volume o f bua1nem1."' I • .. " l ] -- Tttt_: Nt:w and guttf'r s maj11r t'lrP<'l l.AKJI\ -Workmm put ln n ew curba along ~up<'rior Ave., Coata ~t esa. fir'!ll j1.1b in the c·ity in many months. Street will re1urfaced with money fron1 gaaoline tax f und•. Curbe and gutten will Ix-pai<I for by property owne1'9 a.Jong the thoroughfare. -Staff Photo HARBOR HI LITES By NANCI CAllPllEIL Friday Jlicbt waf tM lut night of 1906 Harbor High School bukd.b&U ...On u we lost to San Diqo Hoo•er Hirh School in the qU&IUr f'mU. of ~ CIF playo.ffa. The came wu an exc:h..ins ODf' l'ilh tb.e final 9CO!"e .tandiDI' at Newport Harbor--DJ a.n DMco 13. I Many Kartio.-atudata tranJed M11r1Uona on th• Sunset t..afut <Sown tn tM cuui al th• Point l.e•m 1"ent Geor1a Maybp, O&ry Loma Hlch. School 4 Juat ouLalde Green. and Paul Lorant.-n.. Con· of Ban Dte101 by bolh bu• &lld '1"lulationa to a.II at you. car. The "'B" tMJn U.O upneld th.e A few or tha. rootlnc ror th• rood nam. ot Harbor by ree.iYlnc T •r'• were Dick Hatch and Mar-a M'COlld pl.ace tn Uw Ctr play- 1 1an Koerner, Toni Wet.t.r and off• tor .. B'' t-rr.. Of tha 300 Ctoarnelh 8t.a.rTelfl'. Dick ("anip-fellowa playtnc ln Liiia tounun•t t>oell and Mary Miller. John Hop-flva ll!'era choeen •• Ill• oui..tand-i luna and P atty V.'hitet1eld, Chuck Lfl&' playara ot lile touniamt111ot. Kot vtato and C.ryll carter Jim O...t of lhe.M two wara from Bar- ' ,'\'ewklrk and \>at Keli.r. BUI \\'et-bor . On11 ..,. .. J ohn H~tln. a 1cl and Anita Palm. Laural Wood· Junior and Uta other WM Bob .'ton. J.udy Cole man. Virginia r'l.11(1.t. \!.'hita, • a«1Lor. A.-anl, con.-ra- ).larct• Stuva ll. Lynn Pea.ae. S ue tulatlon• &ra tn order. t>l.u .. ler . Toni B 11rrouch.a. JaUen Grw.n and C ynthia &I-I (;ene H ubb&rd a.nil Jo.Ann sue~ l ran travP.led all of the way to J,.rry K eJnper. Douic Bo""'ler. Bob Sanla M onlre. to -th-ple.y-1 l'a rlln. J 1m Bl!'ll to. Rod \\'U.On, o rra. JaUcn La n.-Wl'&rtnc a tiny NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE 3 WEDNESDAY , MARCH 7, 1956 ---~-- GETTING JN SWING OF IT 1Dry Weather Signals Start 1of Mesa Street Repairing I ("J;i1ud1e. Ge nt001!, Sleva \\'a tchf'r •1lw.r b&alletball a round her nflCll . ! and e,...,nda Barnett. Denny Hen· I hear the.t Anita Paln1 I"' ,!er.an and Perle H ol.1.and. Woody teM;"hlnK Bill \\•etu-1, a n<1 O<X' 1 \\'oodn c-h , Gree Adam•. Inez ; baaeb&U •l.&r, how lo bal. 11 lh1!! I :-.'epola. Nan.-y Be.llengl!T", Pal tnie A nita! t"n 1P.htln1r. P '"!tll'"Y Hu1h, \\'f'fldt"ll I RFAX>Rll PARTV M1yberry A lan Ryp1nalt!, c·nu~·k S.l b Huniel na ,1 a ..,11u ll'allif'r- 1 4'h11pu11n Jn,,; or rn end1 O\'l'r to hi• h"me r '""• lir u knt-1 e n•\ Marc .. lla fo'nday nticht 10 1u1ten to aom .. K .. lte r, 1:1-A• T'Urn..-r Ln<I :.:u .. t..-rnflc rccurd1 v n h11 nl'w H 1 ·~·1 ~ .. 11nk 1• .. 1., l.11 n l111.,r an•! C'h•r '"l. ·rhoae enjoy1nrr; the fln" m u1n • j l'"'"' t1r11k,. llunn \\"H h1ru n &n<1 "·~1·e J !JAllnl' Ha""" 11\(I Hob. J Ln l J udv M,Kori n e\" Marl••ne H L<'k• K!lt .. r' •nil ).l•ry Ke1lh, 10 ,1 Uull m•n 11 .. 1,.ri lilr n u n I'll! :"'nl•r·, \\'1~1 111tnn 1n1! ;o..·1n r\ l'11 1u pt,..ll 11,.1 z,..,·11 ... 1 ""'! Tin) S"""'"l"n M1n 11 n K,.,..r""' h•• takeu ur• I'" k 1111.i hrv 4 h '"' L~. M llo )" l utJ pa inlin11: •II uf a •lhl<!,.11 "'ur "" 2 • In T''"Y H<i.gi.o.· .. 11. ]l'fl. r lou\s ow 1 nrt a!.tr\11 ruhn1n,; Ill T11.r var.111!.v ba ~.,h11ll 11re1•1i.·,. s .... 111011 t'lll• h,.r 11 l'tllli 1• 1uni11r 0:'1!•11· Mesans Injured Head-on Crash !'t11rl P hoto , ... --.. -... -.......... -... ~=·~···. I , , Private Police i ! i I Ave. RKonstrvction 'I 11 • :'-"" ' L .~l·•·r. • •n • • Superior Work on other Thorou9hfares Be9in1; Sloted '" .U :-;n .. 111,· lunn,.11 l~•b M•-••)l.1&ni;.it "' r 1r1 .. a rll •!" ,,r !>1• k r. , ... " , .. MERCHANT PATROL " '" ,,, •' • •\~ I I !11 I' I I ' >. l I ~ T "' , ' 111.~1 " '' "' !!lo' ,,. .\II :\"V.)><H l lit'.nh 1·r 111q•I" I \1 1th a t I J:" 1: J 1:1r1· I 11•)•·1rt - 11•·w 1 I !"' 11f 1 11 _, '·lH '·' ,, 111. t 1'11' . " ,, ..;, "' ! , I 0 l>·lo r d1 t\,i.: :._•;, :\1 \l l·••!l d •·j1.1lllH1 11\ I I I! S \ Ju.i BRISCOE LOOKS BACK ON Ql~ARTER CENTURY "l>f k .-11 .... ,' l~ [ll'f\• ... ,. t \h,. '""•l 't •·• ..... :, .... r J••b• 11 11 \,.h! :-l•·J>"n"r "ve "" tha t l'f'''"'"""' I• 111\l• h - " r t111ir: '" 1•11, ·''"/\"~"' r.~, ..... • · .. 1r"" 11n ,1 ( '11~ t :n1:1n .... ,. /"0 .':HUlh"•·!lh \h,. tJ1\ "~•Ill( j..d ,.. 1. .... t ~' ..... ,, ..•..• , .... lfll( ! I l l'l'"Vlrl>( r>t :-1\il,..fl"I A,.,. !11>111 lnth1,.111,.j \\••· \., litn ~I l 'n•l'r•I• ""'1u••.• •lon11: tt• .. 11ir:hl .. r ",, "'" l'"''nr.: t••r • 11111~ ~n·t ir:ut ! ,., • l'Kl\l.\Jt \ (•lh,.,. p r1ma r \ •!•••,.!.-1,11 """I '"'""•I'"' tl••n ¥1 •I I •la rl 111\1'1"•1' .. \ .. I\ .. ,. .. 11,,.,11lt••n ~1 1>l ,\lapJ,. ,fl"11n•,~ol tlv '''"nl.v !"•It•! I•"' ti :-an·I ! 'l11q •l•·• :!•• l und.• I;,, <>II f,. ,·1111: ~ "" '"'" rt, 11 \'p l•lrlll d ! I• I ,f \\ ,\•• \\ 'l••ri r· ~ ·' • '. ' " ,,, ... . " " •··I I I 1'1">• '· 1,.,1 ·1,.r;~ k ·, .... I. ·r .. ' " "f ! ' '•I•~ ·h i ,, , , ...... .. r'n !111 I ,I.! . "' ...... ... , " ""I( t t ·" • ' .... _. .. ,1· ,, .. ' .. , .. ,, " . '"' .• "'Ml , .. ' .. ''"'" r "I "••' "•'• • ,,,. "'" J, .. l·•·"I ,, h ···l .. 1 •. 1 "di 1,1• ' ' . ' '" !I! 1111! '" I t1 ,. ... ''"I• 111>.·· '11•1 I .. 1~'' I <' .. '" , .. ,. •I• .... 1. '" I I • •h ....... :-v1;tn" "' ll'l ,. R "' li<"~H" ... 1.1.11 ...... 1 ,, ..... 4 ""•I'"·· I .. riu .... l(h ..... 1 s .... ThHll'lbr 1 II: a n·I II• tJ !J<•l""K .. n<I :--;,,r!T•• H tffrier .\I.I. l .. f:AGl.l:H.'i M11k1n.: th'" "U Sun..-1 lA'•K'J" f•f•I rJ.a111 W<rre E..ld!e Pupe a n.J !•••• Te n1u1• !:<J<11a a l.u 1-. ... 1 ·n r 11!<1':<1 hun e<r "' b..-,nt • h"""" :iun11et l_...,.KtJ• 'l'l•Y"'" .t 'I\" ,·,.e r ~·· RK .. IVlfll: H0n•1r .. t1l<r HARBOR HIGH ST ATE COLLEGE TO HOST LB. BANDS TODAY '""I'"'' '" Th,. 111o; l\•·a• 11 -"!"'' I ·.,11•·l.." l...'or11.:f'rl •nl1 Ueno I' H•nd~ ,,.,Jo11 .... 111, ""'''"'1 (11 1<r>K" County high ,.,.hn<:>I '" b" \l••l .. ·I 1 .... ''" ~··1111 Th· ""'"I". un•lrr '"" <111,..\•un "If l lr i-t 11 n f •1d ll•lrn p•rl .. •11• ,n (l\~ '"nc.rrt f1c lU u W<rll ft! ·1,.•11 ' )·I'·' \lh Kl«I I• •11rl'f ,,.,, {Iv 1;,..,rgr Tlirp<'K\I ft•rn1"T l,1<'11,.! H1<1np· t •11 111,rn r!Lll!I ~11111:11111! ... n1pn•l\h1ll• a nd bftnU arru11;rn•rnts .111re o.J.,,, .. t" lh,. h .. 11•1 "'""1b<'••. '"'' .. ,t e ~· 1., 11 .. 11 "' "'''-~l ··rn Lunf'•, '"'"J'll''I by t.1 .. rt'<f'I V<.>ul•L t:ip t" l!a rt1<•r lhKh "'II r,.. lh,. f irst nia J • by the Long ]I··~ h !'!"1'" 4",.Jl!'J(<' H11n'11'I JN WAKE OF VETS' CHARGES Democratic Central Committee Demands Housing Investigation '(Y'S~ I I •r rt1•" ra!lr t '••n "' ... \j,,,!dii\" lll l:hl )"Ill"'' I l'ilfl[\' \'1'1• jlt'!"V\~OT• Thi' ~ .. nun1ll•I! n1l'f'l Ing ,..~.\ prt-•1'1"'<1 u vrr h1• 'h1111r111<1n l"1lrr nfHh!\. '" 1,. lh .. /lalt"h 1<11•! n·dil'<r ti!• n•wl\· 1••lnt ,.,1 x•••K•· ll ... .,,,.. tn"t .1.1 .. 11e1> ~p,.fl t "II -111 _1 H<'~lH•l a • "Ill\ 11 1 "'\ to! r rl'y p1ir1l 1n ••ne h•n rl "'"I ~ 111 11.on 111 J111~ o;r,.,.1 fu n ' t'h,. !>,.""SL :i .. ,,,. •r ,... .. ,,,~ !ll~l ,. tfl• 11ltie r lh!nir 1 n1nni.; JUl•l•lr I~ •I • "' th .. " "'" , .. 111n,; t 11 r d .. t tllf' 1•!<1 •l•n•I !•\• •11·1 "" "''" •11111 n ir: 111 ~,,.,.". r r l""l <UI'• t '\'•'T\l,..,h I• '"'" '-"l'I'\" 11!~"'' 1hr MIU•ll\!1\ "••r l>1 lh" Jun11..-11;11 I• A len lt l!'ln~k l I~ •llj•ll 1n11: '"""" ,,r a I 11 ... "'"" th• l lO~ h1qchT 11•· .. 1i.J , .. 11,, .. 1·• r 11 .. """''' ~ ·11 .. 1 l'<Jl f'! )U~I "' II I ••I I<•' IT h•• .1i., .. r ,,,e ..... ,..,,, ~· 1 11 ~!1' •!""tl [,. lhr "hill' "Id<' "'"II tll "• l.JtJ\'O 'Mr,f 11IJ1 A l•fl .\\•t • h Ill I.• • lJ1 ~ l1&y 111 lh1• 'Il le "r ~II S •dur 11:1111 ThMl "' 1n" •la_~ ,,/ 111,. ~1ul1 ,. H•"'k1n, T ho 11< k .. 1 ... , .. •n y <011! ~ """. "" /'11 •1nr\ 1>1,.n1t>f'r 11r •n 1)\<' a nnl'>. •·f · ! "l'an Har tu•ul\ • o rr ,,... :-;,. '"'"~ "" l(al• I['"! _\>'11111 .. lf a rlLAn t><rfvr• 1nty a r'" •II •"k"d f:l.11.S IJA ~i,;("t: Ill t: 1·h1" F 11J•y n11(ht at 1n .. ~:JkJ Lo<llC'" no Lido. l h l'r <' w11L be a b1 1: t111no,. rur all .. r \ht! 1 .. ,n.1111: .. r• in th!• arf'&. The lu•'l,IC" ov ,.rlook' ltl'" ™''' a n.I 1• • t,..•ut1ful •ii..., lur t h11 ,.,..,.. •e tlc• .,f <Jan•"' •v-;>f1a,.rtd by lh• fo:lk11 Tllt! &drlll•· 111110 1 ... 11nly 2:,r p<rr .-ou pl~. :"'<> "'-•K• 10·111 r,., •Ji.,w..:I ...(t--l your · .,.!f a <!Ille )•,.t ,. !'r hulr""'K It th<' 11t 1ul,.n1 h<r10>I o r th" !Ia n• .. ,.,1 ,, Y"" y11u , an 1 •·J ~•11 "r I .... 1,. I" ' .,• '"'' • rh .. r ,,11"~' 1 ~··· Ha n•r ,I 1'; ~·I·~·· :.; "11 ~ I LOh•· \ II "I"' •l f,,, '' ·~' ,, . "' ''•I ... '"'"Ill• ti,. I' I II "P"" I II •·! '' " ' .. 111 ... " ,, .. , " " \jf.., ! .. • '" '" "',.,,. t a k ,.1 11 .. ~ p11 •I ! 1, .. • l•·l lH ... ! '"'""' ' .\I •'• '" ., .:· " , ... 4 '••I J •I '' •I I. "' .. VrHlond Licensed and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL SECURITY .COMMERCIAL PATROL l'A<"!tAf.1~",I •• I"\ ...... ". Kl . . , ... " ... "'"II'• ,,f r• ·I ' I' 11.1, 11\I Ml lHft I'• ~.10.:"! •• \[ \ \N •lllH'! I l l \'1~ '''''~!•> ·"'""l""I !lr~,h I 2-7027 I l.. .................................. -.=·=·J r/o,/.,, ,/., l-!u11tl<l Every Thursday Nite , 5 to 10 P. M. ALL YOU CAN EAT 1.75 c·o J.t Bf NA 1· 1 u ::-; I' L A ·r l-'. Shrimp Cock!iad ~oup Tost1u.Ja -Tacu -f.:11ch1h1.tla F rif'<l Beans "'1th ('hf'>f'tie l'offl· or ,\t 1tk Sah1d ~panlt'h Rice• T nr\ 11!11M ~no r J,QUle ~t orl'no 11.nd t-l 1M l-'a:<l!'llHtt lllJ:: 1'01 110 Starts at~ 00 I'. ~I -·r .. nili;-and i.:\'l-'./{Y r\ll'l-..:'. i'a.rty T ime at 11 ·™I I'_~. I-:\·l':H Y T l!! 'RSIJ,\ 'i': HENRY , 5 H,. ·"'lre !lSO \\".,.<>.,,I H"f · l.fl.,.rl ) K-IHMWI want 1nor• 1n!nrrne.!1nn K"I In 1 .. ur h ""1lh hlrn '"'! P Jfl "' Jt ~huulo ! ht- rn r r •11•k!aJI, .. :'ll artn .. r·~ '.\I ll"" Newport Fire Department Substantial Growth Over Shows Years ''1 •·I in• <••.:11 n•1.11 llon.• <1¥r11Mno.l1nl{ Van Ta I f'n hnv~ ;~::::;:;;:::=:=:::':':':':':':':":·==:::::::::::::::::::::::::-:--::::~~~~~~::~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-:.~1~,,,,,,~ Th,. "''"" ·~-' ·~•:irr ·~l{l:\'T:\.,\1.1 . ~t'IH!lll K "'"" 1 ••mp11n1 •11 1 ... t.. ')u.1r!•·r-.. 1 :1 (•'11 1 \11"~' ,11-1 a paid f1r1'rn;1n in :\'e''"JlQrl. lilTh ~1 ~1 .. 11.: !-Ill' A n n1 h•·r Kn"" un.i l '.1ln"" O\l llol\\"l•l<'r. I /1 r B <•:p h f'lll,; 11110 ~··a 1·:-; ;i,, \'11IL111 1,. .. r :1.rf• b1·1ng <·•·l•·br;iteJ th1~ ~"·~·k b,v ("h11·f H J. 1:r1~1,.,· II•· 11 11 ..... :..•·1·11 th·· d1 ·1 •ar11n~·11t ~f'C•I\' Iron\ au old tr111•k ""' '. "" q,. I' O!l\I '"' ' I' " 1 .. 11 tit•· ''""' II I ' h '" h•l!'1 ·~·;1rl I 11 1 !I !11 r.,ur a1:tn·l' and 11111· rl·· '' . , ' '' '" . " I'·• d "'' •1111• 1 "' .. , tJ " • , • I"" t "' • 1. r ! lu• 1 \ ·' I' ·"'i"''I "h•· h 1 ... I' II '< "'" I , " hi 11°•11> I , .. I 11 •I I ,1,..11 tt• .. t h.o l lun" ThHL !•'lll•j · I • 1>11« •"I \h i~ 11 ,.,h i !1 _, '''''" "' t:1·,ln1 ~in..: r 11 v l'"I t h•· l •lun t. 1 •111 •h·1•11t 1111 ,.nt th<' ,. , 11 I Pt\ 1\111)•"" " 1( h ''"" ~ lt.•'l t'. '" 111'"'' ''" '" ! " " I \ ' I'" 1•'lh•I'"' ~ hH,11 I ,, "'' ... Irr. ' ., " I"' ,,•111 H.1,1 ''?J I'·" ni.; ,. 111. I ' · 11111 d• 1•"1 IHl•'lll I " 'I '" ' '"' "' ""' ""'I l)K..\111 ,\Tt.I• ,\1111\' l'\I l !u ""' .r l-1:,.i:I ::1'. """ Clf ~',J""' I A 1: 111!~1 · n ·~•i " .... ~rHdU;•l •'d ll ••IU 11" .\l 1l1l.l!I 1· .. 11," T1nHlLl1K l ••I\\• I rd \'II Ill f' t ;, ·T ,!, ·ti I ; , I\ 111 •1 11 rn\"!•·d ti" ,\·11 1 1n • '' '"1"·1 I !J.·,;, ol!lo! 1' •', \ • I I•• TI ! 11 llll,'. >11 ~'II l "d ft, 1• ' !'1 •.! .. 11 • .iun l•· ,, "\ ••11 11 111"•··•1 lt 1 ~h .... , h •.,•I l. :::> ,\)L\1 \ I'll() I u Ill\• Tl ··1 .. , I !I• •• '"' 1\.11 i. .. ,, " -.; '"" I " •t • ,, "'"I HI\ I '' ii I 1 h·· ,,i 111• "' ,.,, •' •'!·'" '" , ..... ,,.~ Th1<! ".~ I'"" \"""'" tit•••"'°" "•'!II I h·· I"·'' ,,,(I full I nn<r /\" lt •'IUl,.,!l •)!I"( !'h"''' ""rll 1n11t· 111ll-!1111r l 11 • n1 .. n !h .. n 11 nd S•''"'"I 1•1111 Ill"'" ln"n Th..-<>ly IJ<"•Kl.I "'"'''"•t l''""j"•I Hl 1!+49 ,.n I • i" 11•·>1 Ito•• ! ·,.,,.flll 1t<'l M><r ~111· .. ,, ·11 ... r" "' I '" ')• 1··h··• ••t !tlal }"f'er . •l•1•11t 11•••nl ha.•" f<nf' ,,f )!""'K thr•n•i.;h .11111 or 1 . " '" •h,ot1l " d ••.dh "r ltljl!I\" 1·.111 ••Ill" "' ''" ,., ' •• ~,. 11111 ,. 111 th•· .i~rnrt rn"n l. "h' nl """ 11 d 1v. ' ... "" , . ., II• I Ii<' f(I", ii I• " •' . :1n<I tll " 11,,. I(' !1' '• .. ,.,. I 1:11 '""" 11 .. • 1 ··•t " ),r O\ I• IH1••.J 1,., l •"I '" 1"1 ·' ' " ,, 1 I•' 1 .... 1 ~"" '" 'Loaners' at Conclave Report County 'Top' 1·, ,. J 'a oil ,\ I '.1 Jnll'r of :-;, W- I'"'' 1: .• 1h.,,. s"'·1n ·~· 11n.1 1,,.-.0 A.·"" , .. 1, .. n 1l'\11rn"d frvni 11 1111t n · ":.!""l''"' r"nh·r••fl• P of l '11 !1f<>n1111 ~l\\"1 1!1.'. Kll•t I""" o')(t•t'!l\I\'"" H[ .-:11 11111 1111 111 ,ra . r •1.,•1·T• !ha t 11r - 1n ::·· f '<•\(I\' .\ I •)f\' ll!lll'!I l l• h"l<I t"P ·'l'"I 111 rh•· .•l11t<' fo r hnu11'- 1,,.11.11:l'· H1<lu<t1111! l(TOl••lh, a n<t )!•'"' ,.,.,1 1u1 ... n ••.• ,, 11<·th·11r . Fr•· I t 't "\"J\. 11••1~111111 lo11n l•f· ft•"' Arid ~\•'\f ~alllh, 11 ppral.•ff .1r• •1P•fl" I 1'•1'11, I•~ thr S A!!l.'1 I !.H l.11 1 " , ' 11 t• '1 11 ''''· Unidentified Local Bites D09 Youth ~u, twcl ,, '"' .1.i .. H' ·~ 11, (;••u;:;!1J\11 , 1-•. nr 700 A"'. w.~,. t rNl.ll''1 1n p1 '11 I H.'<rntly j,•r • \\•,Ulll hr r,.., . .,l\'1!0 "'hPn hi! ""·~ h11lrn '11 the lf'ft thfRh 1,,. "" u111rl,..n11 r1ed bl fl" .... n 1111d \\h>l•' ·•l:,•r a >-J'i••r\ d b 'l«nrf' f1o n1 Ill ~ h•H>l" ,\ 1u .. n ·,•:11.• "·11.!lung-,,,..o clnf::'ll. 111 11 f1>'l,t r11·11rhy ,..,·h rn ,.,n,. "' th" •!ui.;'11 n1!<hN1 11t h1n1 •n<1 at- 1 ~. k<'d h1111 1hf' b••:v told f"•li ~<r I h •• 111 .. 11 t1rn11 ~t1! !h" ~lugs in 11 1.111· "~·"fl I" ..,.,.t 111 t: j1\·t:1~ ... •:A:-1 n H11m1ltnn Jr ['f• " "1r". 1:"''•'n•!olvn II\·,.~ <J! f"•lh"" Alll .. 1~ ~.-h,·rh1 lr(I ,,, 1,,,.,.,. th,. 1 · S fnr f:,.nn ~n\· 1n 1-tanh ,,,.,l h !h•· 1\tl\ A11 - hornl' l)•v1:11nn 11~ jJffrl .. r i \1~r11ll••n 1;_\"n"""P", !hi' Arn•y·~ unit r"t"I'"" plan H11n1111nn . IHIW ... 1 .. 111·n~·1 Ml F nrl Cttnlph<'ll . l'l'._1· I~ .. lnhl" !11r 11:11nn"r In '"""'l'"n" A !•r lh•• ,1,,·111t,,n '11 1"11!1\ A1rt .. •rnt' l11t11ntr_v ill'l>(llU••nt T!1o• "''" "' M i .• ... lh»•! l 'IR•'•' h""" 111:.1 lih •H!ltnn 4 .. , ••• ,, :.1 •• ~ .• """"· 1\ I 111 • I 'h .. t" BE SURE. INSURE ... ·tth 1'1Al"t!l("t; ~r\-"'l .f'.\' ln~ur..n•·., tlnly l'hnru· fl••rho r ·~&71 Sll l \ t:. t ·na•I 11 1,i:h .. ay C<1rnna o1 .. 1 ~lar \\t\TP:R llt:ATP'.U.'< • • llS Sf•••CI ••• 11>,,,ll S Joe &cf.lo/,/ 1'1 .1 MHI~•· flt .. ~ " ... C("'l oo w .. "' .... ll••'-•• ~ IL1ll '' ,.1, 1•1un.-. •·f \"f'lrr~n~ "·••rn, i.11 •1 1~· H'l • I • ,, n• 11'1" t" l{H h"' ·I I 111.. • •'!ti •al "•II II' ,i11 .... !111 1"'" """'" """'~I I l"'-"~"ol " rr ... •IL01 •"'1 'sJI· illj.: ''I\ 1111' h '•"J •\ ••f •Ill •'I I L•"I lh•• ( >t J>rl~" I ·,.,In!\ 1 :1,.11•1 .h H' ~nd \]I,. SIMI •' l!•:<l'I ~·•1 ,.1 •• 4"""" n11~''"'fl"' t•o 1Kk" '" 11 .. 11 .. 11 "·11.11 Hann11 l••flllO"•\ ·" t"""\ ol••.'11 .,f •1 Jd.-n, r '"11lo l 11l~ I h,. ~Il l• 1·• "'"" "l" ,,,, .. '"!'Oll••I!' >t l\I ~•ll1n~ 1""''1'"" '" ... l1H1 I ll• "'·'··~ ,,.·;,r ,.,·t•1 11 n~ 111 "'"n ~ .. (",.11 11 !1 I \" .. l ~!H U ... Hl j!:IO l!l ~ .. rt .. n .• l!t·~·lht l ll\" !hi' ,·,.11 n1\• !"1Hlfl•ll ,.f \'••!Pt · 11.n.'t .,f .-· .. n·111p1 \\·,., .• ,.,.,.11 <'1 1.a1i d"m.111n1\,.•I 11:rr<11•I J"1 \' "' !l"n 1111' ;ur~· IA ~· h'"•lul,.•I 1 .. h··~r J11 1'· 11nuna ry •'"I"""'·• M11.ro·h 14 t h e 1•1 nb.-"" Th ~ r ...... ,Jutlnn l'•"ll"rit .. 1! '" \hP d"'"'" ra.1 1<' 'I' n Ir A I 1•urunutt,..., rPll<! Ill Jlllf1 '~ It tP ... )1 ¥1•,j 0,11\ !he l /"'"'"'"t 1•· 4',.n1 r11 I '"'""'. f1•f' ,,f (111<n.:• l ".,•1111\ 1111-:"" \h<' llrA!t~~ <".n1n l> '''""•! J,,,, u\l\kr • !~"!"'1 1(!1 ll•\'l'S"l(·ll lHl1 "" lh1.• 1vh1•IP I" ••tll••111 ""'! 11" 11 , .,,..,h , .. ,J 11i"l 1 11~ h'>l<t•I ,.1 '"l""'"'"''t.• ~1,.·n i.:,'lt•·n 1 11 r 1"111 :1 110.: ,,,,,1 ·ti· ,,.,,.,,,1,1 ,,,n .. rt•,,., .• a10.1 .,,. " l11tlli··· Tl,.• , .... , "' .... .. r ,·,,11 r··l "'" •·• h .. ,..,,, 111~<'·1 t u penal1 w .. a t,;,d l'-~lK\" "·•lt•111o•n 1 , l h"t h1'1 " ltl 11 !1\ '"""'"'' ... h ll l '<l•·l'\"<'I 1!1 M•I .. ltl l~Cl'pr••<f'n !ll\!On• '" ,., he "~"" "' H!li?;P t 01 >llJ\I ~ L<>JI"'" .. r th,. ,.., .... .iut1"n tn lw f.,r.o.·11r<1 .. ,t ,., t~lf' Hf'lll E.•1 Rl" < ·,.,,,,.,,~~1"11 "~· .. I S\11 1<', lh"' l n$11ranr e "genrr Ah llnf'~ ,..,rJtto'n 110 \\' . .\l'U \\'_ t_;t;l<ltlSll l !!O~ :-.r .. ·porl 1\1'"•1, I u.~l ll f>\l'Jla l'lltl:-O"t '. l.lllt:KT\ "·1:1 1::?. J 0 II ~ST 0 :\ t:. s Mt!sa Auto Wreckers ' -d Auln f'Mrl• -•nd A•·rr•~nrl"" 20";.) l'lacrntia 1\\"('. Llbf'r1:'1" 1t.111 1s c '"111 :'Ill' .. Newport Variety \'ol·R ' ~· to .'iTllKt: "' Gl\"11! (_'r o" n S 111m1 .. ·-~ •·...,n1 _, .... , ..... 't:\\ l'CJt!T Rt: \I II I I I ' I I •r·-·r•~,,,,.,,,·-·.o•r•·--~ -.---·--...-- fe,f'. ' ' I fi' . ' ''• , .• •, > • ., IF I WON $64,000 ••• I'd stlll a:o for El.even Cellars at~34 MO"• P"IZ•S P'O" P'LAVOR THAN ANY OTH•" WIN• I For the third Lft;r•iKht year, Eleven Cellar• ha• won more Aw•rrls for Es.cellence than fl.ny other wine st it• price. Thia wu in the $pe(!ial Divi· llione, 1965 California St.ate Fair end Lo8 Alll'elea County Fair. Enjoy the low·oosl huury of Eleven Cellan, toni,sht! ELEVEN CELLARS WINE ••• ' " " ;rt. ,j " ·' i i I, J t i, ; .. ,I ! I I • • ' PAGE 4 -PART 11 - NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS WEDNESDAY, 1-lARCH 7, 1956 locc HOOP FEED 1 I MARCH 14 SET i:· FOR PLAYERS The ttret aiinual b&.nquet for Grana• Col.at CoUea• I buk•lbllll pl&yer1 will be •L11ed Wednellday eventns. I M.a n::h 14. at T p. m. In th• i Student Center, accon:l!nc lO 1 CO&h Btu Inman. The 1enen1l public 111 tnv1t- ed to a ttend. lnman aald, Main 1peak01r for t he 1ta1 a ffair wlll be Ptte Newell, 1 head baaketWll coach from lha Unlv11ralty of Cal1forn1a 1 at Berkeley Re..ervallona n•ay b.. obt.Aln~ for the •leak dinner by phonln11 U~e t~olleer. K imberly !i·ll!'.ll . Letter award11 will be p re- aented to OCC pl ay,.r~ and "fl"Cl11l trophlea will go to t hP """l"t va luable player, n1o.11t ln11pira t1ona l p I • y er, moat 1mprovrd. best on re· bourul11. a nd bf-8 ! on free t hro"·~ 1 ... ~-111 h 1ch 1• .. ·h,,.,1 ,.,,11,·ha.•. n1 .. 111 IJ•"' "' lh,. pro·~· and J:Ul!~lJI- r111l1o1 "'I I lh: • SCOUTS HELP CLEAN UP NEWPORT Sailor Crew Wins Third :in SA Relays In connecti<Jn Cl f Rny -"1 ·11 ut l"l1 i1n h ~Jy-th• 'A'lth rec1·11t 1·J,•an-t11• v.···•·I<. n11·1n hit'1 i; ·ri ""I' :--: .. :i ~I "'''" ,rf'd by \hr11H ·>l•.J !"-ulu rd:1y V.•I• ilo<o r1g a !U1 •· l"b i;tartl•d w nrklng at th1· Santa A na !liver IHHI expectt>d tu l't'"' k MS fl'l r a~ Nt·wpu rt P 1l·r 'l'hr·y 'A'ere led S alu1,!.1:-by RoJb "i'h<J111:;:.,, a~~1stant Sl·vu trnaiH~·r ;;ad o •! J •tr• k 111).: 1111 GRAND JURY PROBE MARCH 14 ON COUNTY HOSPITAL, VET HOUSING ... ~' . ' " " ' ,., " '"'' I ·'. '•• ..,,., I" ,.t .. " !•>.! 11 Vl ""i<'" ~"""l' !l ....... .. '""•l>I "n • a n'l • •·ul111 '.... '' . 1111 •" ., .. • ••111pl•1'1I • •I (I, I•" ·'' r.,, 11.11 ~··••ttn• !• • •n '1 •• 11 :o-,.1,•·11 1 •11. I , .,11 I! ''•• , t !11• II '"•ill.! f ' • ._I ! ' I '• Ill, \ • ' ' •1 1.. "" ,., ' ''" "'" t /'" '" • '" ,, •• '"" "-1•1 .. 11 '1•• ....... , •H•• •nli "' ·I~'''"' •11~· fql /Ull• ... Ml" Ll>\~8 1•1\<"~H dO~ t l'fe rn!1rr J1l1J ll .. 11'""•1 11\ .. \•'!LH <! ""Ul•I ·II~ !"O·J11! ol< \ '<j.;IW 1 ~IH!,.m,.1 I• t-•h•! .. <J ll1e 1.--..J 1 b1 u1 11ni;: .. • 'c•un I)" ll •·•r11 ~1 .. 111r1 .. 1~ 'i•\~1 a l ,.,. [>Ot\• h H Y" t ..... n t),H I• l'l '"' "ll! ,..,.,,1;, \ha l h•••i·,1 A) • l'""Ja l• ""'" '111 •i li1\1n., 1 ,.,,. ,.,,, "'' ' n .: I•• 11r 1 !~ .j,.,[•1tn, K'""1 11 .... 111 ... 111 I " , ,. ' ' ! • ,. ' • , .. , ' •• I • .... ~' . ''. "' n . -.. , .,.,, ..... H \1\1\•· • Jr • •. , "".' ". ,, ., ' . , ... ,1 .. .. ,. . " "" ' • "" ..... 1 ''" , ... "' '"" .. ,.,, ' "n .. ' • t " • "' " " ' .. , .. .,, . . ,, " • • ,. r ' ... 1n•1,, •• 1, .. , r. , . •I, I • /1 .1 ... ;,., • .. .,,J k •.. '1, f •••I 11 r1 •n 11 • ,, " : " ' • ! " 11', ,.,.... ·nqu __11, 1:1 " · .:<"I '" ,.J · ,. h "· 1•d • I•· I ' ,, •• ..., " ' " ' " ,.. - ~ 1 •• ! " I • ·I Id I I 1••! • > ,,.. -~ ' " ., ' ' .: II ' \ ~ "11 I "\"ll ~·'"•<·!I L~ •l><•UI ". ,,, h"' 11 .. '1. 1 H• ulU I ' i.1 .. .,r ,,, ..... •' 11 :-.~·~.-n' •11 >'1 •!~ )i.-,11111,11:~ "''"loi 1 .. 1,1 -~n 1,, It••' p 11ri. .. 11.11d 1111 1111 ,.,,.,,,.,I 1'~1 1 1 •• •"llhl ~pr11k ''"' t '" .1 , u1 1n 1t 11•l.• 1 c '"" l h r 11,.' ''<1UI I Kii Ii' . ~''" p .. ,,.., • .,,,n 1 .. Ha d"' l' 1·1111 I' ~•t tr• '"""•""·" Film on Bavario Set For Auditorium l'..11 ,, r.i·J , f I h" " 'I on"' I ll~ '""'I ""'~1'"11·1•' ' ' At lr~•t """ j H I J ~nl '•'l'"!l"•I o1,, ,: .. nt :Jltl'•! ,,~ 1 .. 11 '''"' · r .. 1 r~·J "' ~ • .:n " h"l"f I i:1~ · "'""1 • Hll 1i .. l18n•!l,.·I ",, 1-... :.·1.•I l~··1ur, .. , ,1,ll t•· 1•···,.·nt ··I ~I th,. ··""I'"'' Hoi:n :-.,1 ..... A ll <+'•·t"''" .,,. .\\"11· .. •I "''''·•n.: Mike Hanshaw at Japanese Post An1>y l'Vt M lt hol"I I . Ha1111h11•A" 11, ·""" nr M r •n11 M r• 11· 111~1" L i(a/\&hl \.\", :?fll:? llo ""'I S1 rt'••Ull) occ 1rt1v....i n J,,I "' '' •l ,. " " '• • II, IJ• I ' ~ ~! ,• !•t ,, .... 11:111•'1 rn .~t .. r r· .. 1~·t H1u1•n11"' .. • ""m•".l>t ~· rl .. •k 11 l ',•lll! An•· fl "' 1!1 .. d .. f'"' • 11•1"-JJ!i> A '" y !'not Pl1t ....... 1 ,,,,. I . ,,. 'A 11i:U•I !" •• :'\ en•! ("flm pl• f, 'I hN .•1• I I M llH!I~ ••l ~ ,.,, j 11.J Mllto h 12 ,-.;,, ••! ~111 lh. pt1 .. 1.,1(1!11·h"' 1111·1 •»1rratur •Pl><"llr~ un,J .. r th~ ""'" Jll~,.~ u ! ~~hn .. r \\"1l~un l\11 •111 1~ '""''" •l,.,.!f I-If,., lh I• "I>" '"' 1• ~l!• .. r• ~l••nl l-llkt 1 .,,,..,.,n,,· t< 'ti .. H .. 111~~"'' !,,,.,. .. I• , •Li li• <•"'" ••r n11,.1 n!11 >n• wrin• .. ""'~t1 !• ''''" ol l•lll,.ll !\0\""·!1 .. r " r l"'• If\ o;"l illHf\I' HONOR PINS AWARDED I f l P J\'.'',-•' \\'O KIUl'o"O ,\10·~11 <"(l\lllt·ol < Hn•liLhlT .. RotJ .. rt \\,.11 11•, "h" 111n.• 11 n 1 11 ~1 1r11 n• .. 1,.,~,n .. ~- b1•l l• I ··~ . th .. .. ,. I <i; .. ""''1 K1n r;: 11•••11 In !111~ '" ;o •h,.,.1,1 n" r"1·r ... • .. nlr,1 nn 11 ·· ,, 11n•1l ~ .. nn .. • "11n1p 11 , •'J"!d,1 t"!<IO' IO•• "'"Ul llll'f 111•11r~""" !1A11 !i'"iJ ,.,·1th ho• I.•"' ->n•, l~n I • •••·d ~ d •Ill/.; il~l 1\ <lullt '" ! llt'P • • Jllh lh•t 1<11'1 l '"" !l••l p '" n ..... 1d "I r~ .. 1 r•rh111111 my t1m .. 11 11 •a1l11 1>lc "'"r" "'' tt11111 ••th<'r '•"1'1'"1111•• I All> l11 irly rl°"'" 10 the •llU•• I •ll 11 nol k 11 ... ,.. ""h•t th" 1><"0· 1-I• II••' I ~1 "111••·-,.1,11•t••- '''-''•! ll .• 1l h•· \\'U• ll'>l 1111\lltni;- l ••l •1,,. ~""' l•!IUfn l'•! Ill 1''"""11\ hi '·.,•1n• il1111•11 All·1n I "11>k l"" OCC Names New English Teacher • Ut ~ni:• 1·r,a•I c·,,tl~t:" Bnn ••1 .. r ' !-'A '>l'A A <,;A A r,., lh~ll :-;.1, .. -·~I " I l•l Il l I .. ~1 I" t11 • ' . , .. " ... ·" '" '., '. " '"'""1 "'!.~ ~I 11.,.i I; ~ """ H.,•1l•n•I• I 'l'Ho• ll •• 1 .. • ,,. " ,, n .. .... ' Lido T oostmosters II OTff:~·: .... 11~~~,~~'.~~ ' '. L"E lu• .. 11• ;.i1 .. •11 .. n1 ,.f 1~ .. I f Tu•~tn111~1 .. ,, • ·111 11 Il l " , ,.,,.11 I b.i1t11i: p! .. n n ~d !•,,I•"·-l<·I ' ,\1Ht•h 111<' 11"" "fl,"!• Ii« ·nth' I Other u f l ll'<'l ll pKkf'.J h, 'luti Lil< lu•!e !'11.n,h ;.1~,., .. , 1111n1at1a ll•c YI•" • j>1 •·.·1ol•I!: ~;.1 5.,ule. t"du. MI LHll•d \h ,. I'' lrnt . f\"b"I t l. .\1 , t .,,,, "! ~1·~1 11 1), Eol I B U•!• l;l.Ll\t ,, .ri ,J Juhn H dl ... , ~·: .,, I ~\II'''' •l -11 1111~ The 'Juh " 11•· !< < 11 •1 I I• ! "-'l•i" 'I'"•' l<, •I [ ' I • • II ..... ,., Allfl••U!l• .,,I I-- LOCAL TEACHER SEES RESERVE PROGRAM .I < I u I ! j 11wa\11111;.t C"<' \l ! ~ ,.., '\,Ir ·" :\. \l 'f"irt lluihvr Cn1<111 H ig h School a nd Harve y ltt'nfr•· l .i1gu•1 .i ;~(·,1 ,]1 11• !1t I , ~" 1 l 111d. 'J'hursda)f t n get t he ins ide pictu,r-e of t ra 111111g undf'r th·· 111 11 J !'!-•: 1, fl! t ]'!1··~ 1 •1nfl'r1l·J thl'I" \.\'1th \'\•t. Jose Comac ho nf :-'ii.fl J o~ "II his """rk "ll r h .. 1,,,. g{·! \1 11 h 11 n .\I· I r ifle ----OCNS Photo ELKS TO JUKEBOX SPONSOR TEEN-AGER DANCE ON FRIDAYS :-.·~wpo>r\ 11,11hor E:lk.• 1·1ut1 .... -11! 11 f'""'"l Ju k•·h··~ <iiHl•c 111 111 .. Elk~ ~1,l,o\ ~•cH!•lill ~ 1\1 J'HU\tl ll •'ll\'l\IC'.\ 11 ,,.,.1 "''l \l dl111 1n 1·. Culkn apo11aor 1 tf'.,11-a g•r1 LO.:lg e • •t arting \h •• 1 on1nutl,t111 r n Hon ~ld 'J ~I" 'l11nr" 111 t•,-....11 t n •ny 1••••n-•1t'"r_ rnupl"• onlv \\·oo·l ,,._,[ :-.;., at .. g • "oil ~ t1dn11 1t,.rl S<1rt drink.• "'-I ll~ M n:~d . Tl"' ol 11 n•" v.111 b" or '"n fro1n 8 I' ni. 1 .. J'l.30 a .n1 • ,, ' i.•n•" 1<!1! i, .. It ·"""ll·n" :i thl) affair Alld 8n O•• l1•~::a ,. ii 1!•· · n~ll k• •! •'I t·ry t l11ro ! d><n < P If 11urrk 1~r.l 1ntrrr1\ 1 ~ ·'" .. 1 \\ '" "' " FREE COFFEE and DO -NUTS Friday-All Day! ("run,. In -rr.\ I Ht 'II PULLET WITH PURPOSE Elks Club Frontat)e O\l'i 'I -. •nil :0-11.t ,, I CIJ I t,t , l tllT IMI,, I I"' I'll 1.i1: I I Fullerton Hen Plans to Corner Easter Egg Biz \l.,ll.1· Uurr .. 11 1>{'<,;-.I \\'rlt .. r .\IA ~ll P l11 n8 tor developmenl of the \ ""il lerfront In front of the l!:lk1 !'!uh "''"r~ dllll'UA.W<l by the p•rk. t~111·h and rer r,.•tlon rumm1~~1on I un f't b 21 w ith the f111al •h'· j • tMlon tu recom rnend " bulkh""'I 111 .. ng !he "'lier with • .~O·rt .,..,(!., p11rk. b.,h1nd 1t. A ny tll1ra 111 11'1 l)f,. n 1nd th e p11r k1n1 the con1n111111011 I MERLE'S Tasty Do-Nut Shop ~~tl3 ·<' x .. 1.1 ... r1 1111,1. ·''"''"''' 1i..-,. .. n pt'rl I\' 111111 .. t •••rl ro.,lrl ~ u1"'1 far cer p•rklng-.1' L---------------~ f~ I 11.i .I''~ '! ltl II p f'll rtn I ! y h • • 1 ,;;;;;-;.;-;:-;:-;:-;._;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..;-:-:~~.;;;_ _____ ..;;;. ______ ;;. _ _, I•' n••l llL1.i.: lo •I" \.\'llh 11<'1 ptnch11 nl rll lll k<'t f,,1 ,,.i .. 1 'JLl~t )•1,.ln l11.1·1 n.: 111esh 1 " "'ll , '•I 1i.•r I"" ~=""I r t _.1ngl .. h•n·llf<!ly !hi~ ,. ,.IJ ~Ii ~: j;l'lll'", her OWl\Pf !11- """"I r1111 nnt"·11h~!~ri.:uo.;. lh 1~ •1•t •. t hi• II ,..,ally ine11 n.• b11.•1t•('~" :->ur· < 11n ro11nly Hli;rlf:ulturRI ex-Gift Perfect the Perfect for Trn~\"'~" 11 1 \h .. tr 111111 lllf'"lln o: 11 1• I polntr d Dr. H11 rbl~un PM rk .. 1 rn· 1truc tor In E111h~h for th• J:•."1ll· ~7 1chool yter . J-',,,. Th•· p11.~t l ~ .j,,,, 'J;1dt!; fl•'!\~ p1u1·11h· Atl rxplHn11tio11 fur Murph} l\-111ulllh-uld l ~na nt ,;/ Ill<' gay·<'o!o1"d hen rr111t . ! ,,,.~l :, 111 lh• i..._.,. .\!Lii~ he11 h<1U~··l D111un 1'ubb1 admitted hr had 1 •\ !Ji• S Tl1u111 J•"'-•n -"l. has been te•d 11bout a rrecn e11 111.yer on 1t1e "011 e n rl:.y · l <1U\1ne. I ~un1tv.•tiere ud a Loa An11le11 In trrhn 1~11!or, )'o·L poultry expert .. Id h• had re&d ."-u r11 r 1)•" hu p101.h1• ... 1 only Htiout • bl ue •rr layer. B ut I blue and Olur-!:rt'rn 1·11 nt'ttcs. nt Hhrr could ehed rurther llsht. Hostess! • P&rkf'r !1 currr ntly Unlv1r1lty ot .. ,,,. TALl:""TY.U (;HJ(.'K 0 111 IOUfCll h.&1 It that c1rta.ln H owel'tr, wit h htr tal,nl. not klna. of chicken., Auroc:ona by tornla.. R lveratde 11 profenor or to m1ntion perMveranct , 1he I• nun•. lay •er• of ftrled colnn human1Ue1. H1 ha1 11.lao 1erv,d •11 apt to turn out a rew L11vr ndrr and w1'1111 crou·br.d re1.ll7 outdo an lnitructor a t OrovtU. High or 11hockin1 pink number• any thetnMJ,. .. with r&lnbow hu.d dey now. !1peclmU1.1. p loyf'd e t th• Cali School i nd •t th• Unlv1r1lty .. r i'er.on1Uy 11 he I• Yi.'ry shy 1bout \\'ho know1. m1y b1 Biddy I• tt1t; "'hole bu11111""'" ~k 1 l l•·t" '"'•Y harkrnln1 be.ck to lh• day when Ca l!for11la, Berkeley. Dr. Parker t 11u1 ht on a p1rt-wh•n'''•r eh• t et>!I • photo1t:r1ph-her 1nce11lor1 w11r1 blu,blooda In t!me i ubititute b ... l• a t Oral'lf'" •r and m1t.kt1 " noo se like • J<Ome f1U'll henhouM? C II d I 'h. ,.II ~r cro.,. Mtwnn • pl1<•aiiant end a 1 Coa•l o tre ur 11~ " hoot owl. 1 _ u-·· Glrf 11163. '"H .. l1k'd te1ch!n r •t Or· She evrr• t•k~~ ll r11m v1r""' or ... mmons ntrTe angt Co111t ao murh thftt he ,,,,.,1e I 11.11 y .. rrorl to placate ht'r ruf-P roud p1.rente 1.re M arln• PP"C 1 ppl!c11.t1on ror a rPK'Jlftr 1)()11t 1"11 · t ied re~llna:1. •lld Mri . Curt1• W illiam !Am· 11t11ted Dr l' .. l~rM11 '\V• ~1 .. 1 "She ha11 11 l111 1y.~ bef'n ., w ild pl .. llll"rl In b" Ahle In ,.n,pl 1>1· A Olll!l-n t Ytr 1 oUlol Lalk lo her or inon. fo!low!nr the birth ot a nian or ~u<·h r 1 n~ t tHln1111 Ht1d pet her like \hll ut h<-r·•." e11 y1 baby i lrl Fab. 11 ln Corona Nav· ,..xperl enc ~ ·· 1111 1<1 Peter11on . Mr1 .• \!Illa, an A r k 11.n101.• "''on 111n al H oepltal. • • Initiation wa1 held t his week fo r 1!14 new members of A lpha Gamma Signta , S tate Dr P•,-k•r "''Li l ••~11 10• hi.• rr•· "'"" h a" r"l•r•I <:011vtnt1ona l -------------- prin.itill lLieR 11t Or•ni:e C'n111t ,,.xi bro,.·n 1 11d whi le rig la yer& 11!1 N Bab French You'll happily solve you r problemft o f .,~,.hat t o give your w eck·end h oateN by sending her flowers aa a gift. It's the perfect way t o tell the perfect ho11teA11 that y ou really enjoy ed your 1tay. We have a lovely a1ao rtmcnt or nowen for you to choose from. junior college _h onor society, ~t Orange C <>aat Colleg{'. StUdcnt111 muHl achieve e. September H~ , .. , . .,1"•d hi• ,J ... 1 .. r ne r lire. •w y "B" a verage, receive no grade_ lower th11 n a "C," \() 11ualify. l_.efl t o right a ~ or phlloao ph1· <l•1.:1e ft In H:n1.::l1•h "'Ho"•e\· .. r, l ll t Hke her ov"'r Mo. •ud l>tr1. Barry French, J ackie F oater, Midway City ; J une S tafflcr, Laguna Bf•ach : H.o bert Bjorneby. •t the L:111\'f'1.-i1y or C11l1forr11 11. th e b11 """' &ny Lle v -lhey're ·167 Flu"'·er St., Co.ta 1'1• ... l>fl· Co Berkt l•Y-He ,. •n•rrled and in•· too fltt a nd la Py to l•y the way r 1tme tht Jl~rer.ll or a r;irl baby Phone Harbor 2828 rona del M:ar. and Harry ~1 oo re, Anahe1m. _____________________ _'_''~'~':'"'_.::'~'-'-'":·~o-'-'':•:l•:'~··~·~·· ____ __'c':':•:_.:d:o:":_·_· __________ _"'~·•,b•.__:'~'__:':'__:':'~'.'.'.:'~__'.'~'~'.'.'.'~'":':'~·--_'.!~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,::~ RICHARD'S FLORI IT ' \ ' I l J , ' , i j --,------------------•NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11. ,AGE 5 WORKERS SET WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1956 t:IJ.\ll' . .\(wr -·r1i1s J1!t l1· \'<11\'•'. "'hic h Howard L':1r,,11n, 111<111 a g 1·1 .,f t tl" 11•·\\' t ·,,,,\.1 ~!;·>la Cad1llai: l;agc '"' 1.!:11,1 lt.1.~ 1n !i1 .o; ll.111o !. oinl y \0.'1·q . .;h>1 a f1 •\\' IJU!l\'•'>I 11111 ,, , ..... 1:-. .i .. 111 d ,:;1 111 'th··'"'' r 1dat>1 htt 1·~-~·· n p !I j ~l qfll 111 • /!P ,j!iJ!'.!11 !•• ~)i,..,.,· H. l'l<f't •I 11 1• I.• ,1 ''' 11,11\ •' •I l1J,1h 0• Up !h• l11t lt 1 I •' ''> 11 '11~l 'I ! 11 ...... Jt , :-;t:iiJ 1'11 Low Temperature Variation Attracts Instrument Maker Guided Airplane, Valve Missile Control Opens Manufacturer Plant '' . "' ('llt:('l\tll "f -Cu n\rul \'al\·1·s fur gu idt>d n1u:1;;ih·~ ha1 1• t11 bi• as ni ·a rly ;1 bsrilutc·l y a i:curatc a:; p•~:;s1 b ll! a1 . l .l ~··n l~ru,,..·nt·, 61[.. \'1 \'\f!r 1a .'t . {'osLl1 f'll c.o;a , 1" l'r ··•111 ,,b .. 1L' 11u tt111g riJll' ur tht' \'a h··~ thro ugh 11 :; I , , ~ ,,1 1110· n1 ·\•; ('aJ1l la1. I ;.,g,· l '11 r.Jant at 6 ·11 'fer- ro . .t \\ •.'· ( · ... .;l.1 '.l.1 ts;1 ll•' 1~ 1.i1tt1ng a i;tr1·am of ... I ·Lr• 11.:~1 111t 1,11\1• at ;, )''"'"''U lt ,,f !J!)()(l p .. unils l•' -·1 11 .. ·• !11th ~1.Jll l'h,.t·• :Bay & Beach iOffice Catches Car in Window ' ,, ,\ •·· " " K,.,, II , .. ~r·~ ",,, . ., )\ ........... . "' ',. '. "" ,;,J l: ' HOAG CAKE HOSPITAL BAKE SALE ON MARCH 1-luel( H • !<jltt:.il l!n opl"Y""" '·' II h<•l<J th.,lr a nnual l"&ke bak., 11J,. }.!1u•ti 2 1 a· 1 :1,·n.1n1~ Lldu }.1!1 r kf'l, It"'"'• a n - nvunr ed 1•><l<•Y l'n.>< .... ,1~ .. r 1n .. •l.o\" ~ ,.;.1,. frn11t 9 a , m t o 6 l' 111 - "dl b.r 8"'••11 !" t h•·-tul><JUl1tl !111:1,11n~ !<1<1<!. J,'.n1ployt:"f'& ot tll• ht1~p1 !1&l \<Jll !Urt.i'l"I tlL<' II • l<J"t u\rU f:"0 d1"•· LOOK AUKES ALLOWED Costa Mesa Detached Council Garages • 1n Okays Front K•'""11·"" th" ;·.,.,,. ,, .. ,,. • 1J• 11.1111 1 .. 1,1 !he roun~11 th" ic•r•ge1 , 0>1Ull!l !"It IJ1111 1111 ti« ,,.,, l"H' • ...,.,.,1,1 hr l>u 1lt un llle l rollt half Ill " l"ll.t'11 ,,,,, \\''"1,j 1,.. i.~·k «I ~·· l«l.• Ill lh1•1r t r &1·t 11.l Vic· 1n1; ~I. h"U!<•'" ••t '"' la1· ""''"" t•"Ti• S t 11 11•\ 1'!1rT1nna A~'"· K ol! !hr\' ~1"111'"1 .. •""' 1,111 •· "l']'l" ,,_ '""' hu• f 1ri11 h ;o •t ti•11H A 11111nl:K'r 111 .. n }.l,,nd1H' .. r !'1°· j-,..\\ ,-,,.1 •. ~ ~"'" 11 .. 111<•• 111 !lie r ounty wllh •1t11r t1on j '., ~'-.:.; :-.;""l'"r! I R I•.!, \n '"' '" l ,J, •• ' l1 •«I ).'111,.i;:o•s 1•n rn,. 11 .. 111 «f l •t• , .. 11 1 1~'" 1 .. R I"ll}' 111 J1ni<llo " \\l.l•t\ l •·!l•hl~ ~u, 11 ,-,,n.-trth :ion. II \I" 11 .. 11 "'If ,.'"""''"'"'" .. n.. , IJJi.'< ll<1n11, Th.-1•l.u1n1n l{ <'•JnlllllM!on ,, .... k lll••l a .~plH YOI• on q··•l1• .. 11.-.n 11 11<1 !H "l 'h Pllt t1 .. n ~~nl 1l lo lh~ & r~l'••n1n1e1ul11 · 1 HORTON HAPPY HE HAS 1PATENT ON 'WINGLESS' '" ' Work Plane on County Airport; " ' I' \ I 'I II II \I I -. ,., " ,. . .. . ' ,-,,, "' ' '" ' "' " . .. ·" " ll ' 1. .. ' ' . l h·· ' " ' "··•·I. '• " Continues at Trial Pendin9 " ... ,. " '. '" A . ' ' ,,.,, j•l ,.~ ... " t ...... ' .... ' ' ,, '"' '' ' . ! ' •• -........ " H ' ' '.'" ,IJ\" Ill Ill•· :-.~ ... I.'\" TH.r: k Al"t: hu11•r1<Sll>&n ~· lr c !"lll:t S. \Id Frif'11'11 "I H11l p h St n1" ~ '""[ 1~11 I 1 r I" r•"l•'lo' .. r s .. •' h <' 11~t C.l "1\o:;~1:r 1·., "'II •1 11HI ""I 1.,,,1 "" 1t • ~•o1L 1"1' !"' ;-.,;, " l ' HUI """ ~ j d•·I "\" ' • •' '"" ,._ .. .... ' I Hf< I 1· .. ..,1.:• ',, .io,l '> Ill" 1111 ... 11 •k , ... t "' ', I'" ~· I • ,, .... ,'ii' Kl It ''!" l" I "' LEGAL NOTICE '1 1 1 ll t I llH I ' " I, \'I I 1'11 ,11"' ;\ l 'I l"I I 14 I'> ' " '" l \'l'I'" 'l o '''l\:\1 111 ' 111 j I Ill \I ' T~.tll<r't l•ll\ r•> 1111 I ll\ <ii 'l \\l'!Jtll 111\0 ll l'IJll{l tlt ''''' '' r "' " ' • t.' • " ,. ••II' II \i•••' I• II \ ·1 :-;.,-.,: '•'• ! • l.A l {I, H~l"\\ " I.~· I.II•\•!~\> ,I ' . l 'A Tl:J• !.!.IA \l I •'I··~ ll •·• " ' ,,, 1 LEGAL NOTICI Pqe• 11 a nd 12, Record8 .t M id Oran1• County; 0-C. .ouUle .. terly alone •kl Ciit.1 RouO<Jary hn• to a point ol 1nteraf'ft\on with th • w •lerly llne or 111 .. a tor••n entl• .. I.r. \'lOf' A'·e uue j,;l(lenaiOfl, AO f""'t 1n vd11th: lhenr • •Outll•r ly a !oni: aa1ol WH lf'rly lln• and a iunit aa1,j Cny 8oundary 1\11~ 1,, a 1•11n1 or 1nteraecL10n .. UL l h,. Jlt>ul h"llR1f'rl)' lllM ol .. ~ Lot 104: t henc• .ouU..,..leH )', •l•fnat •alol Clly Boundary lla; to a n a1111:le point; Mld Ml.Sh ~ p<J lnt b..1ng 1U~tartt 52 fH I nor\h ,.•.•l~rly fron1 th• inoal W'"Jll P'rly "fJrn er (ff Lo! .!1111 a• 1't\(114•n 11pon the •for"lnf!llt\on- .,,1 '"'I' nf Nf'"'JJOrl KrJ&"lll•; th•or t ar>ul h,..,.tt rly elron r PI H! I"ll)' l'loun rtary tin• lo a p .. 1nt or to1 ~rffCt1on .,.;tn: O.• ,1fu1""'""t1un,.d "'ealerly ll n• "' lr11•1 .. A•r nue l'\\('na1on , 1, ... ,,, .. ~ .. u1u ... 1,. ••hi MIUlh· ,..,.1 .. 1!1· •l"nlt Iha -terly M•' '"'''·1o.~••r:!'.' !H1f tJf1a 1rt 111 ...... -\''"""" <"\!r11~1.,n and "'''"0: • ' .. 1 1 ''' ll•"·ll''"' •· 1111e \u O/o,. jn>ll!\ .,r tw~llllllll l>( .. :rd 11,,, r1r1" '1 11' .. r \1a>< ti 1\i~6 -.;, I"'' ,., '' f'o .... I 7 ~6 'U I II I , •' 1 .. r,.;, \ K•h•n• ~ l 'rronlt I ll•·"rh1.1: 01 1'1 111.U ' 1tr-At1/,l, " t "''~••_1· ;; 1 •11 lhA! tl • , '" ', .•• "'" "' n• .. ',.,. • ' I ;. ·< I " I ll«j d ,. 1 1~,n . "•· ,q 111° ~l'"'I .,f It: • , •. ,.,,, .. ~ I • \ \!.., I I 11 r , ...... .. '" '" • " " • t \I •, " '• .. '" I ~ ' . " , " , ,.,. I ,, "' A ' ,. '" '" , ... " 7 ,, ..... .,, t A • '" ' ""I " . ) ' \I ,. " 1' .. '· ·' •' 1111 I .i ll ~1·1·~"' " ' . ., " " I " ' . '. "1""1'11" I I I< 1 •oiHI" 1\1 "" n '""" '''1·1' .. 1 .\II ;,I• "' II ) " " t. n ... Ill 11 ,,, .11•· I I" < II '' S ,di• I l,r ""' K'll t' •II';• 11 '•'1111"1 I '"I ,,.1• Pl •• , , '~!.,\•··I ' " !\ I \ . , ... t'• •I 'I I .J-..: fl,.~, o. l •'I ...,,., t r lAI \ " ' . ,._ ,. ' . ' ' , ' Blimp Station Training Unit Will Disband '1 ·-" • ,U ! I .. ,, ,. " , ,. ,, \I{ I '. . "' '. '" '·" I ,. '" " ,, ., "' " ,,,,, ,, ,\ le !' I .. , ,,, ,, 'oil~ .. : " 'I " .. .. " .. ·' 'I ' " • Tl • ' II. T"t l'ot1• '· ~' ", ... ,, I ~· " l1•n• " ' " . , . ,,, " I"• " " •' " '. ,,,., .. " ''. " 1 .. 1 ' . ' ' " ' . n .. ' •I "' '· ... ''·'' O• ,, ~ .. " '· ' '" ,, ,. ,, '" I '1.\1\•·~ I "'' ,., ' "· . ' •·i.. '"'' ' ' ' ,, . ,, ' " ' '"pit • 111• • !. 1.0 , ... " ' " 1'''' " ,,. " ,. ·" . ,,, .. I''' t.:-·r i.J\ \II\ \T l.O ,, " " . .. ' . , .. . , ' ' ,, ,. ', . .,,. ...... ' . ., . ., . ''' !1 ' " . ' " " . ' " ',,. •· ')"I 'lo ' I'"' ' '. " ' . , . • ,, .1 ••• l ""l~ I! " ' " \ I >(,o ,., . "' 1 · ,, I< .. : 11 .. " " " " ' I lo ,; . ' J 11 ""',. 11 ~ n ..... 1111° ,, '' •'' ' ' •I•· o.I , ..... ~ ~ ""' ~ .. ·J ",; I r1• " ' I .. 1, I !'"I I• ,. "II" " .. I' •·" ,,.,,, .i .,,1 ,1 I fl.,- .'tl·I ;-... l'I"'" '"' I II" ~ .'l·I 1 I 1•!1• I I' 'II" .1, "' "" ~ I Bilbos Have Son I"'' " " • • fr ' I• I•+ ,\. ·" , '" 'l ''' •. ,, " ,._.: jl ,\t ....... :.'" '" ' '" . ~ , 11 I! • 1-I • , Fullerton Group Meeting to Protest Vet Home Tax "ii 1 t , . ., lo• , I•, T~-•f•1 "'~ l.!.t llf• l·•·j.!.Lll• • I< '""'1''11 " "' I I· I I I I I ~ I • • '. • I •I · I '1 In• I '"' "") '"''·" "<i" I""·' •/1' l"'l''llnl: 011.-i'!'"''"lll " , , \• '• "' '• 10! ~ In I' ·II q f "·" l.o '-p,11 •'• Ill •·H I"" ·'" ""I " ' " " ,, " ··11 ' , "' t ,. '·' . ' , .. ' 1 ..... I I ••• /I I.!. Ii• 11 "' "11· I 11 " llr '''I"·' I ,, , • ., _,,, ;..II II " . ··"' I !~, I: '" " ,, " >1 11• "ll•I I J ,. •ltl,.r'V ''"'~1,,.p1•·-.•n •:1 '1'."/'< •'l'·I L ., " I " ".' : I' •' ~· " I I "' 1 1 I 1!1•· Ii " " ' '' " ,,,,.,,h·.-•·I '• 1,..,.,,,,,. 1.,1,, ,.,...j,1.,•,.1, ,,.,,,, '"' ,, .. ,,,,,. 1 •• , 11,h' \•I I p..i , t" •II~ ",II I>·· \•""l~n· " ' " JI r,.•d 11 ,.. "' ~··· ·." 1 r.1 ru n.; n • I 11 ' 1 • ,,, ' ... I • • I 1t1· • >:I i ,,1 ; :u 11 '" T ""''I 1 11 ",·'"I '' •'•111 111\' T.•.1<f1l•I"!" '''''"'" l.•·1:1"" IJo1 il !"'" •·\1 >1~1111111: l h 11 I .111 11,1• I• .1111011 • •• o I• · "1 11 "'"·1<1• o1 1t1 I h·· ·,,,,, 11°111 .•1 •· '" , h .. • ·111•·1 "' f(o • I I" '!'"I' Ill. ]o•Jt•io ll I 'I '• t' ,.1 ;\ ll 1 .o I A It ;". \I ' I I :--tjlllOJll "' l.~t····· 11 ,,, ' I' >; I "' I, 11· h I '• ". " '. F. ,, .. w . Brown Licensed I '\!• , ' ' ,. . •'·· " ·• "' " ,,, 1. '' 1"11 11··11"" .. ,., t.1>11•11 "" "' '' .ol ' '' ' "' '. ' ,. ". \)I, " '. I ' 1. ., ' " ~·'I'',. ~I 1>,, !,. t. "~ ''1RI ,,,,,., ,;1 >II 11•\I ,,, ' 11,. 1 ••• " ' . r·1 .. ·1, ,, "' "" " "" '" ' . " ... .,, 11HI 1:"'"11." '" 1 .... Ii .•h'I• " j,.,I \u II •· •· "' ... " ' • ., ''' JI ·" 1JIU ... ' 1 '.• I \' '' •' \•· "·' .. ., .I 111 /,· ,_,,, . ' .. 11 Kl '•' r1 O• II !•"<h'flL , ,, ·~I"", I~""' 'i ,.,, .... , "l:"h I""''·• !I I ,,,,i,, ••··! I•\, " !··d··!·U ., .. . "'. 11411CTll' J! •I \• ·11 "' ot~ 1<t:1.t:,\ ....... , .. r • Kh!.,11'1" •1•H1"r '"" ,., . .,,. ·~ '"'n' A •! o,f l\;I'! 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"!111 ne-nu" "lap &K.k 14, 11 • I AJI ! ~•11 ·1 ~>1 '" 1 d I ,. I,, \ Ill• Ill !•·• :t<i ' ' "·' ,,, I '" ' I• "'\ '·'" .... ""'>: -.·-·:'_._:_ ________ :.._'_' ______ ·_··_··_· ____ "_·_·_·_· _______ ._._._'_':'_._._ .. _·~·-'_"_"_'_'_· _________________________________________________________ :..:....::.. ___ _: _________ ;:_ __ _:,----- GRE~JER EARNING-$ REMEMBElt .. SAVINGS received by the 10th of the month ... EARN FROM the 1st. HE. 7-1201 PER ANNUM CURRENT EARNINGS .... 'I·• ,. ' . • ILi: 0 "'' I l••I• '! '""'' 1'1···~ 1; ~~ '"I It~-H f.-I ' f"t'.,TIO' To' ''·\••I, I \.' T ift; "'-\L t: OP" \I 1·11 11111.f(' flt'.\'t:RA1,r;<111 ''•"'" .~l h . lt.\4 ' " ... 11•1" nf Aftj•ll •at l"n \11100 \\ JT .\1A Y l'<J:'\'l'F:P.."' • •• 1, .. 1 .. 1•1 lil'.ll•n tha l r1r 1 .. , • ,,. 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City ur J\",._, l'"t1 Ht-111·h "'1 11 hoht a p ub- ,,,. !1r.,. 1n 1: "'! !hp a pph<'al!on or T••\11 l'sn:-,· <'I (' tor a \"a r•- ,.., ... ,.,,,.,, ::~~!In pern111 : A •. •· • 1'"'' 1"""'11 ln10 a rl!qllQ-fd ,, '"·" ~•! l .1u Jc , <10 t he 2nd l lOl'y "uh· •l!Mlt"'" l.•IAn•I• , , , Ga J.t 2:. hi<~ k 7 1 rAr l BAiboa Ja.1., UI r '-"' rl St. Bl , !\'otire !• htrtby furth•r ~ t h Rt 11Ald publlc hear1fll' Wiil h h<'ld on Vie UHh d•y o1 Merd\ 19~. •I The hour of 7 :30 P.M. t. th,. Counr1t Charnbl!r1 ot th• N-· porl n .. 11,·h Coty HaJt. •I ..,.,..le: .. ! in1• a nd plare any and a ll ,..-. -""OA !nter<'1 ted maJ a ppear aM ha h,.Ard l h •rtt>n. l{AY Y. CO PELr~ Se<:r•la ry :">;°<'.wport Be:ac h City T'l•n11 iri,1t" Con1ml•111on • :'l:'o. 103 N•w1-P rf"'" J ,7/~1'11 l "P:fl T lt'l('ATP: Ot" n1 ·~1 !'1.-l':/il ll 1·1•·110•>11• t i r .. ,_ . .....,. T H !.: UNDl!:R )llG!l/l!:IJ dot • )1 ,.r·•by 1·•r l ofy tha t 1-fe !a conr1u~­ !1 ng a RF:AL lt8TATI!: L()A,:-J BRQKK.R l>u•ln-al 2602 J\.'•w- port Blvd .. N•wport S.ach, Cah~ rornl .. undt1 r UI• tkt1lloVa firm n•11111 of ROT A L MQftTGA.G!: COMPANY and lh•l a id firm I• rnmp<»ed Of lh• follo'llrt"I" pel'"- "'"'· whoe.e name• I• tull anrt r 1.,,· .. a ot;,. r..,\dPnre a ,.. u follow•. t n -"·it: J . L.. S t atw1ckl 106 V1a Ant1b<'•. f'"ewport BMch. Ca hr. , \\"IT!\'l:SS my band lhl1 17ll'I. 1'a y or F ebruary, lt!itl J . 1-8TAWICICI STATZ or CALIFOllllo,.. ) 0 '.JUNT1' or Of\A.HO• I•. 0 1 th•• 11u... dar .c ....,,,_,,._ A.D. 1 llM, belon ..... JOKJf L. Lr.::A H Y, a N Ot&rJI' P'llbUe ,_ Mid lo r l~ -.id Co\.mtJ alKt Maif.9, r ... ldlng t.hereln. duly comm..._. "'1 &n<:I ... om. perlOl\&lly ......,.. J . I •. ST.4.WJC KI k no-to •• IQ b<e th• par.on whMe ....... 1ubacrl~ to the w1tallt ......... m•nL and ac~ '-.. 1hA\ h • all:-l"'ll tlte -IJll \\"J'rHR:Sa WH~mor. I .... •reuJll o ,....t my ~d _, lti8llud "'¥ otnc!a l ...,._, Uu1 .S.y Al.cl ,_.r 10 thla c~rt l l'\ca t• rtr1t •l!Nn• "ri\l'"n JOH:-: I •. t .EAHT ,\I•· t'omml ..,.1on Expir. .!'•p"t. JO. 19!\>t ·.;,, Il l :-.; ........ ,.,._ 2 :ll , J:I), 1/1, lf.. 11))1 ' l ( EWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS --WEDNESDAY, PAGE 6 PART II N MARCH 7, 1956 _,.,,, DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery of the Newport Barbor N.,,._"'-lo pan.ni.ed. Carrier boy. will deliver thelr papen b6- fon 8 p.m. on Mond'ly, Wedne.day and Friday. U your paper 11 not delivered by that hour pleue call Harbor 1816 and your carrier will bring your paper. Class·ified c.utal tilwppw ~ ,.. i. lM \\.'..._..,. N_,.,_ 4U... I ln9ertlon •1.00 add'L Unee .2~ ... 'u. .. 2 lttMrttons 1.50 add'L Ones .25 ... 4Uaeo S Insertions 2.00 add'L UnN .25 ... 4U..., 4 lnsert1on11 2.50 add'l llnN .'!."i f"L ~l'-U-w .. tec1 Ad• will rt'<'.-IYe 16~;. dl..ouunt. t.:a•il I.a Mh .nee only. Ml:'li'lMl"!'f AU 1 ... • J.JXES NE\\'PORT H A RBOR NF.\VS-PRF.SS Every Monday, W•dn•sday and Fr iday COASTA L SHO PPF.R -\\'ed nesdays D!!:ADU NES tor placing 6r c•nr .-l hnl' •lls a rt ~~or ~l onda y l·'ulill1 tt.LI"fl -t-rt•!;.y .:i I' 111 ~~or 't\'ednt·tJ11.y /'ulili.·a tlo_.1111 -"f11eadsy I I' 111. .F or Fnrl&.y Publlcatk1n -Th\.111H!6 I 1 "" y I :"it:1\'l'OKT tlAKKOK 1-"l:111.1.-.11L,.(.. W . !?I I &Ibo• llh 'd., ="''"'l•ut\ ll•·n1'h, i..&111.,ruia. ------ AU (.1aaalflf!d Ada mual 1.., 1•altl lut I '"Ii I" .uhau1'" ,,r r1,,l•ll•·aflu11 r he pt.1bll•ht:r1 "''Ill not bt: rt"1JUn.s1Llt: tr,r n,•11 e lll1U1 .,,1,. 1111<1frr• l 1•e.rt1on nr •11 aJ , re~t r,., \l1l! J'tt l1l 1 '1•· .. 'TY t'!<1,,•:!\ ,.:,1· ~: 1, ,.,i. a..nd tu re)eLL any a<l nut C'unfvrut1n;: \• i • ~ :.ti•.! 1, i> "" ,, ,, :!O-B-Applian5~"-----_?!l.:.1!::.·~Jlflll1i.n1·('1'1 _ --· Sp ecial Pric es SMALL APPLIAN CES On REP AIRED • t:::LE<... w-r'ftl l ' 131 .. A,'\KE'"l':-i • ·r0 A s1·F:1l.~ e CuJ.·~·t-:~: ~!Ah"l-'.J:;-; H O~lf-; e \\IAFl•LI-.: J!·~U :\"S e IH.U.,,..: • :-;·r1-:,\~1 ~I A I :--.'1'1·::\" A .-...:1 'I·~ ALSO f1 C>fll J·: /\.f-:1·' A JI~:-. 1fJ ll2 Gardl'n (;ro\·t' Hl\'d, I.!-~ H·l 11~1 I ' ~\: I ' Classified I t uneral !lo'otk•.-, :I Card ot Th"nk11 Index • l!lpt'.-tal Announ~m<enl 4 tune,..,. Ulr~t ur1 10 8uah1He Oulll~ 11 8Wldlnc Mat•rlal• I "l Rulldl.nr S.-.r•·h'<'• •• P•~oaJ• Ill l'Oha tf• \ n11r ('11r J I 1"ran•porta i Ion 1 l K.oortna II n..auty Aid• 20 Heahti AJ1I' !"! 1 ~ .. t at1lt t .. und 2 4 ·"'•'hunl•, l n•lrur !lon !JI ~l!uallon11 \\anl~I !9 H11lp \\ 11n1"'<1 Ill Ml...,..lla.n•ou• 10-A '°""'•P" 10-B Ap1>llane..--• II \\antf'oJ lo liu.' l:C Yumllure for Ka.le S"?·A Antlqu.-11 J.\ floe.le, Kuppll"• 3• MwU....t, H.adlo, T \' U. Dore, l 'al•, P"ta :11J 1 •.,11 It r,1 ~~ I.II ··•t11<•k ~~I .Au!•»• \\.ntP'1 to .A ur ... for .-. .. 1., •o·:\ f ln•11 .!.: l'••t.• 11 \u!" ~.-r\ """ '"! ·1 r111l .. r• t :i .\lq1l•n•·• 47 ll H lll ~•I In """' 411 \pl,, <t. u .. u .. .-~ '"' 11'1· \ ,\111•. fnr lt,.111 ·ill-II Ilona.-,. lur H••ll! II"( "I ... u.-r """"'" .. 4t Knom • fnr lt•·nt ,II .... H•·•I II'"""• •11-H """"' & IJ1<11 n l :,u H .. n ., !Ill"" .~:! :--ton·• '*' u r1 1, .... :i~-A HU•lfl•""'" 11,.nta l• lltut ~' Hu .. 111..-• Upponunltl•·• ,,., ,\l.,n1•y 1<1 l."1111 .'>6 .\1 1)U+·~ \\nut•·•I ,,, Jt.-.. 1 t:.,.,,. \\ 11111.-,1 :.lj Kral t:111at .. ·"""'''''" 60 lnr•un" l'ro11r rl .\ tltJ-A ("11rnmrrl1•1ll, lfl<lual rial 6 1 KP..J t :e1atl' l.l<'h1<n1<e 8'l Keal t:ata.1 .- Spoclal No-:?-Rul1dln1 Servkliee 2!.-Loet and .Food -------~-·-----y PAINTING L08T ......-. ........._,.., Newport Harbor old ....,._ lti&adtid. Tip Wt B. P . 0 . E. wtq ,.u..,. c:taew.I. Late 1767 PAPERHANGING Wimda n•r Mt )VNlnllMt• Mttt.. •••ry Thunda y I p.m. LI ...... " H.ar.• un ..,. Via Oporto -C.ntraJ Av•. , ..... ..... Newport "'""' S.t~f.~~~,~ ~~~!r L08T lad!• BWI. tQQ. red A.llM-rt H. Matthew•, &...a.lt td Rultr ...... R & W A I\ 1'. <*tat~ cndlt Hu. 2•04 or 0311 ""'" • ldfintJf'tca UOL -&----hn11ral Dlrttton ll 2f.5t ·R. . ·-----• -' MOTTELL'S H. H. H OLBROOK r..--, ..... _ AND PE EK Dfo-2PI-:NIJABL .. E PLUMBING G:hina .Painting Coioni&l Mortuary -A Prompt D&1 and r.cm,: a-7801 B"l~ll --Juft t ."Jtlll!h •Jf \\'f~t-H t'palr SerVll't: Maintain~ Ordtr'9 T u e. ·N-•n1111t tr J.t11mor111.I r~rk . l'htine J-tarb.;r 'tl:l~ PhOM Libert)' ~ ..... '" r1"1 n1e County ln1t1tutlon 2801 S..lb<u1 l::llYd., N1wport Bi!•Ch S 1·r·:•ng ram!\!"a nt all ra!U>• p•p ?ft....-81tuattou Wuted T .. 1 .. phune 1Toll l"rH } PAINTING Zl!:n1tn :i:Z3 1 !9-R•lp WuW GDlUI . HERE ARE JOBS ... ..... wtD .. ,._ ..... JOur trt-61 Uol.d. ,,_ .... ...... _, ... ..... ... ..... -~ltJaa8o add .. .. Jobi wtUa prwtip. !<O ICXPllllisHca IUlQUJIUID lt&rt Jl:IUr .... job .. --MU' Clftlo. MU J'OUI' ....... TELEPHONll OPICRATOR8 _ .. .,..,,_ 1:00 to 4,;00 .... llt"' H . Mala I t.., am. 111 -......... PACIFlC TELEl'BONE llO-B •r·r. llO-B-AttU.-• USED APPLIANCE BUYS DOTJllLJC -1 sum1-Stoel 12 Inch sink 1> Price n u. BENDIX AUTOKATIC WAl!Hl!lR, bolt down $39. W&8112tN HOLLY GA.8 RANGE $64. ( wbltA table tep with rrlddJe) THOR WRINGICR W ASHJ!:R, perfaet condition _.$39 . DKXllCR AUTOKATIC WASHER SH . . ImW1ed WJ:STJ1'1GHOUSE LAUNDllOKAT -·-----------··$79. lnoW!ed BICNDIX GYROKATIC, lnatalJed ---··-··l.·-·--·······--··$69.ll< ) 00 50 Wllm'INGHOUSE 12 Inch TV -···--················-············ $3:1. ROPER GAS RANGE -----··-···········-······-··-······-··--··$59. (whlte table lop with oven control) GIBSON 8 Cubic tt. REP'RIG _ ......................... o::r.1 ~' LADIES No 011• ~Yrr l l11Tieo.l i.w11.y bo•C&UM'l J:"TF':HHJ/{ -EXTERJOf< • or lack of rundA. Al..SlJ ~iAlll!':E P AINT!!\'.<.; Do ahould•Tll or fttt-acti.f l• RELAXATION neededT MONTGOMERY WARD GAS RANGE ...... WANTED ~ tiol.el IA&ld. tt.lft"ellc.-reqWred lea t a r e <very clean) .... '·····-$79. (J 50 -----LH"E:-OSt:Li -l:>:St.:HElJ l l -lh1iltllni;: Mall'rla.l!i Glenn J ohn1ton ----------- l:.!1' r T _•1~· lxA & J>..\:t aJJu~t .. ul~ "'' . :o ... r St N t""P'J•"l. H<!11rh H1u·to!'l r :'11 711 •91tc ~n· h 111~ ~1.,11 lluldo·r , .. ..,1 '"' -'" 11 ..... ~ " i,,.,. I lJIO I t "" 1;1 ..... Pa1:1 l1ni:: & f•a perhanglng ! I h '1 .. ,, ... I I ~ ·11,,11 -•1• ••• \\"l" du th~ "'urk o ursel ves. I ;!.-H11il<lin1;: Sf.'r\'I ~ .'.\J ) , •r• experience -----------------l.H.1·t1 -t d • Ln•ured . !'latl'f/"~uon tu•r•nteed. ( ·o ~f r 1.F.;T1·: PA!l\'1'1:"\t; E~l!fl•I!.!•·• f1 e ... Ca ll J ohnnie. . \!AKE A!': APPOINTMENT tor J...0011 . .....,.... ....... ""· Swed ish Massage l •lft. ""'' In YOUJ borne. ----Pl eu~.rlll Harbor •790 H1rtior 70. KNITTERS "' ,,,., l l !ANDY MAN , n1•tntirnani:1 • R.-ductlon1 -oll yuno. need.Ii rtpa!r or wh•l ~ Har. •644 -\.\'. polnt, l!nerui ·~ patntln1. "" I 4:1Uc ya.rn• • nefldlea. I Sit N' Knit HOT POINT 8 CU. FT. REFRIGERATOR SERVEL ~~ cubic ft. REFRIG. ·····--····· ' KNOX HARDWARE 420 F..ut tth St. Santa Ana • ' ----· : :'>9 • 50 0 ···········-··----~ti9 5 co. KT 2-2336 BED SPRING and MATTRESSES. compltte SIO BABY CRIBS lllld MATTRESS Spec .... SI O "FIX-IT" ,, J',1 pl'T J·l11.11gill!; ~ .. !""\ U'l! f 1..1 b -~li~i & I.I 8-:.i289 8 1 Lfc 11 S It. Bil.JOO. ~l•rhanleal Anti F.:lt"'"lrtr a l ~;!'0 1!:!\i'E 0 SA l':-.'LtERS ).\alntenll.llce Str1'1ee •'''' ~ 1-..t f-ilr~r, N• "!X'rL ues r11 ''A 's" A l.L \\"O RK 01 'All A ~·rP:ED. Blvd., Balboa \¥ASHING MACHINES ... . ll2tt<: C.'omplet e Sele-ct ion of gQl,J , .~F:r>:s SL'l'I'S l~A O IES DRESSES . l)ll 00 p S1 2:50 u Sti.50 & Uf 25c to 1:1.- )I "l>-'r :!1176 U l"I All h :n.i~ ~-r.r~r~ ES'fL\1 ATl-~ .... J.JL1 J t} ~-tilV;.t Sm all Jobs Wo nted Carpentry -Painting ' • J •• C A R f' E N T I:: H Repair \\' ork LJ°""• v .. u1 Htlm« :-.'l'ei.l H.e u11J1\lil( or Re1ncxl.,hni' • C".111 ~·11 n11 , Llt:>t-•~Y 8-11\t:'ii All \\"ur k Gu11 r11.n\t t •1 :•rte ----- Pam ling, Decorating P:t[JL'f lla.nging GEO. R URKHAR DT l.IL:F::-OSF.D L"\l:"Tl·:A i,.r!'l >r~ 871:! \\' !IH n S1 1·.,,,,. ~1 .,;1' General C ontr actor LI• "l!::">:,t.! 1 :\""I\' \\,q k l<••l!\11d1·Ji11£: J .\l lJ .T(J.'\ .\!1..l~l·::"Zl!·; I I.or !J1 u •i~Hf;. \ \ Custom Cabi n~+ W o,k ". ' J"l1 t,~, I " ol I· "I '".: ... ! • I " " I I I .i C. Everett Sm ith Ex t:ie rienced Gard ener I .1\!'\ lJ.-.;l " ,.\I 'l ,'\'! ; ;111<1 c·r .1-:A.'\' 1 ·r·s l ~lbcrty '-,•lli;19 :>ut f•' VB'.\IETIA N BLIND L AU'.'IDRY • I I"• ""·.)11"1.i-p1 '' , .. , :.1 (9!''" 1~•IU • "Ill ! bi111(l Only $1.00 ·~~ '~l"''1 ·· l an,1 •"IH1.I\ ~···•e J•i,I\ Up II.I!..! <!• l.1 r rY \\ ''· K l'I I ' ll·llt! lH' a p11v:1 11n•1.t '"~ !Jti•·r·ty .,.:,~"I II CAR PENTRY ~ll.'\'Ul< H.J::J'AUl. \YORK ~l) JUU TvtJ ::IM ALL H1rbo r ~6 1 or !'16~3 llt>trc GARDENING ~1 (1f)I • !l)H" l ·,. ~; \'I, '.'>" .h>H 111i1 :-.\\ALI , u~· H111·n . l rAY (<j( \\'l-:F..:K l I !! I"~" I :.! ~ l ·I I ·<>1, .. 11 "KENN Y'S" ! "'!•1 ·/1t!.·1bl,-a11J (\,1n 11lt:l t' !.,\\V'."J & C A 1-'.!1J-'.N L',\!l E \\' I 1l>!Jut> :-.1• l" .... r.a !'llll Libert} "::u.H.: ;11rMl!h I lili:AVTrFl.:L l•rif• Jad.• tre.-, ¥•""-'line 1111r. f•ir rhar~1n11: b<•11t I b1.t.terl.-a, uitlljue F renl'h \ll lol.-, h o..,;•WU•.KI ~n~ll Har :.IHlll) .\\ and ttrLc·•-b• ... 78< "" W atc h Rep a iring L'uusual Costume JcWt.'lry Jt-:\VF:J . BOX 'rr 1 · .. 1.,r1 ... 1 .. 1 '-1• r I "ua..l Hwy. 1-larbor S l!:LL 0 :-f TXR!.18 DEW CA TESS E N e ..... J t••:I p&1· $1."IO u ;>;E II ft. retr1 1eraU>r .. ····-· J!>U I 1N£ !arr• cornmeri:. rern , .. _J7CI l SC A LES. •11:. I GONDO l...A $2!> I \"1s1t Our J.'urruture ll1•1 1t ("111nµJetely re-fumish yuur h'1'11ne 11.t l!L1·,,~· lt .-1,· I""' "l-l l'\" V."llA1' 'J"l"i J-.: l:iOY ~ 1<.l·'.l~l J!.l.l'' VETERANS INDU STR IES ,\;\.\ !.&ltlil \1 I' "' pr1 ' , :'t!-f '11r111 t urr• f ur Sa.lt1 -------------~"-- TRY BAY FURNITURE H '' A n•l•r..,n l •I! t t . u .. 11,.,a llJlt• MASSAGE I t'all l>WTltr Ll 1·8223 morntnr• or a rter II p 111. vr U 8-~7M alter FOR THE TRUE VALUE S LOWE ST PR ICES -NEW - FOR RENT I r. 30 • ..,..fekend.I . i l fc l \oy,·a rd Steam t;abinet l-------------AT \\'h1•J1 ~11 r.r1111111 j KATEY DO~'JE , Skill Sllw!i, E l"• Linll11, P ril!Jlher•, 0911 1 1 ~ · l <.l 1 "~ 111>J>Qlnt•n~nt S.....,.\a.l \E-e ! JadL,,_ a nd chllt!ren1 7"'rlM • .---1 n 11 11 l}"j"" ul .-.a nd~r •. \\'/ifclb•r· _____________ ....:.._ _ al lt htly u.ed ort~nW and bet· '..' 1 BOY~D·s H D\VE. 1 CLEAN UP JOBS T~~ ~"';.~T10N SHOP orr~n '1 ~i····• VAL l'E 211:1•1 \\ 1,."()A lil Hlt;HWAY Ll b•·rty ~ !•J.i. New-pcirl lkh 21'tfc 'i"ard ~t a in tenanc@ Thr,.e Y'•r~ '"'"'P'r1rnLe rua.rantNHl .. w 1n1 l l re....un1 bl' l Pl" SEC...'T J();o.:AL 80 1-'A priL'ff. I In KINDELL"~ PATin 12.:.11 .~11 \'ALL"E 11; .... (I ••-~ •• 111 .. 1 •! '"' 1111 1 ~ r A!' HA \" l!li> ""J I I M• I 11 •" 1.i-r·~nnua.111 --- A!i..:OhOlJL8 Anunymou.a \\"nt~ P. u . lkt• J•l ~."-Port Heaca. l;ll.l!f. l'hunir il!Lfbur ,79:;i I I hl11 lo~allt}' Cal! !.l II :!7!>1l •4tto ,\IA"l"H\J:'>L'f l,,.<1,. """nt• ba by· •Jt 'IJ\jl"-,1,.y 1.Jr n1g t-.t. J.Jbt rty ~ fl,~ l'l 711-I\ I 27~1 I-~ c .. 11 .. t HJ ... il ('Ul!)tl l Llf l M11 r 731:11:1 J,-.;V AU.U b I'~ M 0 Al't...l:: \\~(JD Alli>\ l.J\"1:--!; ftt1l):,1 LIHJl "f' 11 .• /,, p!•lf.,rn1 rocker, ~Jut, r l•a11 ~ 11•1 "nLI 1 ... i,, 1,,1 ,. ,:. l~IJ!e la n1p1 Uo llY S upe rfluous Hair PAINTING Jf1 1l"H ~r111\ll nr ll\t1t;•· Joba ok 1<~11.. .. ·n~bl" ,~,,.~ r.u ... r·y 8 z;-11 l 'L rtr,11.Jl•utly n.-n10Yt·iJ frv111 tr.c• t·,1"\.:t('lf:-.;1 ·i..J• 11 1·1· 11111•. l"I •· li:y.bro..,.•1 a.nil hair l!..1•111.J 1-.,k• 1em..,.1.,.!1n,: ur 1 e- ll1<· "t'"ll•'d-Nu n1vr1 l,,.,·e1.a1n1. l""r J"l:IA. H.eff•r<!n1 "" ll ~rt•"t "'jl ~2 j,_LL~~-"' L llltY ANT R. i:. L.nJu • ~"lnn of !Mauty Har. 2.'.1111 ll!I l'HA•·r1L'AL '.'>;tir-da y "'"ln k --------------/ I '"l err~ H•·t··r •n~• l.lb.-rTv " •,,~.L7 l"'l'~'l PERMANENT SPECIA LS ---•.:IL\ll'A:">'lCJ."l A. J1 "h! t1ouae W<•tk ~!". '• 11 • "'II I' I \ J 1 i ~•L·j • I I ·'"'"•llL 11111J•I r!,.,. t n ln1.v,.1 , •1rl\'<' Nu •hlnk· ' ,. '" .. ~ "1 Jli ~.11 ." 111.\1/'•" • ,\• \\ ,\\.~-J I:,,, f l.l•.0 1 I lh ~:.-, !ll·:A l "T\" h lh•P Iii :, \' 1.11~ rt;- ''''I\ hi!•"• t, L\.1Hl l\ ,, ·''' .'.J lllJC tvn Pr •111uk1n~ ( '11!1 tl11 11t1 nti:· 11.-., h, l .h:ll ll~Lun 11.-.~~ 1!11<•8:t GARDEN ING and C LEAN-UP JO BS WANTED LIBE RTY 8-6 139 e...iullJIJe•! w1ln rt ltluY e ble LrU\1.ll SJ Ht~1u VAL t!lo: ~• -LI 11-JJfle 7~bll S6" t ,AS RA~GE HA ND BRA ID ED RUGS ~1tEF: J:-.'!;TRl"(.91'10 :-1 t "t -rhrrune S1Jll ~U VALl"E A l LIAY Sll>ll'>l'l tr1111 I.JR! 1t:KH TA Ki;::-1 .'.I Pl." \\".l. IJl:--E"ITE 8£.1-EX l•n•o1on 1 .. 1 I" All 11"'W ll1 llll tr lll l~ 111·,.ol ~hl ~ j ~ fi eTI r u!Jbfr· llHl cna.1 1 ~ '~ W•~ ,, '" ,. ~1ARY ¢'AN-"\:IN. 11 Q•, f; 1·11 t B! 16~!>·1 \"AL(\.; 1 ... i;uri" H0 l1 HY"I, I 71>1ill 7l i 1'S :, N .. MA PLE 01:.:P.:'ITE SF:T t 2'" '"un-1 1"hl", ~ ---1 11 29~(1 \'ALl,"i,:; "1"1 h I I( • h<llt~ \1' l!AY J :it,,ll Hey, Murgatroid! II PC BF.l >ROOM CROUP e d,..... 1\11ulll• '"· .. ~~rr mlrr .. r. ho•)k re1e h.,.tllJOar,1, 2 n l1ht atan•1•. h<•• •11r1t>1r. ,.,,, .. ,.~1'rLn11; ma tlre.•- ""' LP A l.l. 111 y Cl'U )' '""' orll• •I Harbor Hi-Fi! l!t Cll lJ/le t.t1,.,y"re ir11e r - NE\V, _,,cl n1 an -\.\"tlAT 11 l""i"' l lqn' 3333 Ne"''!Xlt't 1Jl1·i1. nie L .. t fran1e. BAY f URN I TU RE 4~7 Ii:, l 7lh Sl. \ Betw1en Tu~tln a.n(I ~TORE nlONT f'AJtKINt1 OPEN EVES. SO-Mlacel.labf'tOua Ir• 111 .. 1 'TIL 8 AT llAY J JJ9 !!0 Its His Business ... SlrrER. n1•!•1re rtfrrt'n• r•. H ~r. ~2tlc w uma n 07•~-J 78c80 MAl•ts DIAMOND rln~ valued a l S300 for S l:'.>O. AIM> Mink atolr wlll aacr1flc•. IOll·2~Hh St.. N1wpurt Beach. 78p30 DRAPERIE S end SLIP COVERS NEW MODEL 1078 profeulonaJ Gell'er Countltt". Mf1". by Pr .. c1- 1lon Radiation ln•lrumenl, Inc. Rela!I Fair Tr•d• price $12~. Wiii •ell for I~. Inqui re 2211 Ocean V1ew A ve .• Newport Hl11. or call U 8·.'.l llllf. 77cOSI JAME!:! porl,.ble dleh..,•11her, Ilk• n .. w. Re11 lly Uoe11 t he Job. Cost J H19 w ol! 11eJI ror $7~. Har. 6276 77c80 ----------- NEWPORT rA HARBOR ' .NEW§, PRESS 2211 Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1616 Yes .•. it's his business to deliver your Newport Harbor News-Press to your door Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Ir's his bus iness to do a good job too. ' Your paper must ,..,ch you promptly, and in 9ood condition. His job depends upon the service he renders hi• custome rs. If you a re not o re9ular sub- scr i ber, fill out th• •uh s c r i p'tion b•low and we will start d•· livery at once. ,.---··-·-.... --· .. -·. ···-·-·--.. ·-·· --------··1 : c· I . D 1 1rcu ot1on ept. I ' ' Newport Harbor News • Pr•H 22 11 B11Jho11 IJl\'tl.. ~t'\\porl J~ach \!In ; ("irt•ulntion 0 1•p!. I h1·r •·h,\ \1't:lh 111 ~11 h,.:i·r1hP 1fl the New- J'•1r·t IL1rh"r-'.'1·\1·:;;-l'r(':;;s , and agree to p;1y t!1 c l"11.rr1('r n1onthly_ (tlom1· d<'l 1v~r('d <inly 50c a monlh). .... ;lllll' • ' I ' . '' ._ ________________________________________ .. ' Roy 's Ma intenance Hou11& cle.,,1111-F"loor wuin1 Wall waahJng~wlntlow c lt'&nln1 Mai.l e to Order E •tlma tu r-Samplf'!• LUCILLE DRAPERIES HarbQr 066• or ~9J 6!>t tc lt!c E:NC YCI...OPF.DIA Amtrli:11 na 30 YQI., pertei:l cood. Vallie S2811.:'i0 Se ll for 1100. A!JKi niy Hook · houM 12 vol. t~ rhlhlren Sl5. 103 VI.a Ban Remo, U do IRll . Venetian bllntl11. IJpholstery l neured. FT'"' E"lHTI•le• Llberty &·l3J2. Bookke eping & Typi ng Service t'U H ~,\f Al.L Ht "Sl :-OE:s::; and ~·on­ l ra cton . \\"e •"'l up book• tA llor- f'i" tu yu 11r 1nd1.,.t1lil"I nP~~I~. CH.EC K our reu<>n•bl e rnon1hly r~t,.,. HMrtJnr 4•11'.I'. ./ \t pl'.flh T8c80 HOTl'OINT ,.\111·\nc tHlll(C S21'>. ALllO •el ol k1 l Ch1·n , ~hlneL•. d"'•f"9, "r rfe..._., "1mln"'~ &. tran1e•. 111nk ~ 11l11n1 h•n11: "ll ror s2:. 417 !\:11 1·1·1~1.1.• l[ar. :,:.11~-11· A\,.,. 9 K 12 ri1g $2:1 08•·80 ~9-llelp "'an t_~--~ LUXURIOUS SILVt;R l .. ido Fox I 8 I e. 78c80 WOMEN: !'of""·"' nfflr e po~1tion11 Stole. $69. open, al,.,1 <1nn1eetic It oth .. rs. Har. 1636 MEN. Ji:n glneer•. t~ehnlell.l otf!,·e l -------------~­ A: factory. J UNE FARR.A.ft TWO TRAVliCRSB: Bamboo &:MPL. AGCY., 4 0Z~·3Znd SL, ec~. Ma.pl1 end ta.ble with Newport, a erOM St. from City lamp. W•ttn1h11UH touter. Ha ll. Cheap for quick •I•. Harbor A VON hu e•cellenl ,territory t or c11pable Ja.dy he~ A C M. KI 7-4172. IOc82 BOOKKEl:P£R, typlnl" .ti 10 key a d 11 l n I ma chine u;per\erice nr~·esu.ry. Write B<>:rr. R -12 1t1+.t1n1 quallneatloru.. IOcU t'E MALE mfdlea.l ~ei:ret&ry or medica l recurd Ubrarla.n L.J berty 8·118 1 i:itl 62. 80c82 ~---~~----, HOUS EV.'ORKER. '!very other day JI tn I Of hour• tQ •ulL Sl per hour. Har. 0310·"'-' llOc'2 Bea con P ersonne l 100~ employer retained agency N O F'EE •t J-3l•l r olleo!'lt!d tro m applicant Ne..,·port Beach 2827-J . 80c&2 MAHOO. Bchwnan Spln~t plan S3:10. Round mah111. corree tabla 32 In. S2:'i. 2l In. mahu1. lamp table St:'i, 2 maho11. com mode• both for •22.00. LI 11-e100. """ 9 X 12 CO'M'ON A-wOQI mulU- i:olor ru1. r ... ,.,raabh1 126. 42 In. rnun-1 a.nt1q111 walnut coffee l"hle Sl7.:lfl r.hll(l• 1ldt'walk bike w it h bal&.l'IC"e •heeYt 112 Har. 30fl7. 80cS2 OR.APJCRlltS -Bouele ~ panal I31>4ri tt.. wlt'I• • IOI"' a.nd one panel c_.-ient T 4t ft. :rr. 108" U 1·3003. Tettc Sl!Ji:LVI!:~ A: C'C11JNTl:R.8 ·~ orlti:lnaJ prtt:"&. J UNIOR WEBT- f:H.N JIHOP lAIOC l'fnrp.-.rt Blvd .• ("1)9\a Mella. 7k ~t a<·t 1nn '""''· UMl th• cl ... i· REMJNGTON 4 1JT'OMATIC 12 fled a.1b Jn thl• nt"""'P'fJ"r in ru-1• 1hot aun. Mn<l lMed choke. 1 1 t:ruy, .. u.' renL OI' II.Ir.. l'hf.11'1• Nearl7 ne•. te9. Kl l _.70& Hanorr lfll. T7c18 • Al\'TIQUE LO\'E SEAT. Hotpolnl elect. raniJe. 2 o.,.er•tuftlld. chairs A-uUun111n. LI 8-8377. 77c79 OFFJCE EQlJlPMEN'f. W"T1ter. ch«:k writer , count~r. adJu•t.able ehelvtn1. ecll.lee • to 20 lb.. b!Jllnc machlnee. Owner IJI •·300.S. 79Uc Pre-1Ca11ltt 8&.la Lwr:IU'ioo• White l'fylon STAYFORM 1>·0un<111 li<>n G1 rn1 ent Ou1•1ng •prr 1nl,. W<"'k. .. rt<"r . St11y forn1 o r ~Ml• Ana Kl 3-•029 "''" ~~~--..,,,.~-TV 11·· Sp&rton. Blofld cabinet w lU!. doora, aood phrt.u .... $~ Ha.r. 18lf·R SOP LIK F.: J\'E\V S700 -22 CUBIC FT t:l"R.IGJIT FREEZER S3~0. ll AH, Jl2t . 7Slcll l l i~,6 \\ EDUE\\"OUO 11"-" r11n1tr, hlg ,,,. lu"e """l'I "'"1th all •·hr.1111<· top, grlclJle in the m lU - dle and •1111111 .. r b11rn,.ra, [11 n1p a nd clock w ith uvf'!n Un1f'!r, ehninl" l'rHI brPil .. r llll!I rnti11- •f'!rle. The balr..nc.i l •l"''" 111 only S!!S.11• ur telle ov'r !he p11y1nrnT.tr of .19 !">~ per ninnth.. No caJllh "'"''!rd, n1y equ1ty fr•''· See anytlnl" d•y nr l'"'en1n1.r. 1•41 W. G"hl\ptnan. 1-:F.:llugr 8-&81 7. S2--FurnJture for Sale --------~~--Me•e Woodcraft HetnlQCll ""'rlH•nal"' · c,.,m ,.r '"''""· bookr11 ~a, r h ,,.t•. cabin'!!•. 8 l U t d 7 rnn11tn1cU{)f\, eentl':r llJIC'IPd draw~r11 SJO "' up. Book clM.a 24 In to 42 In J"l',9!'> • llMl-!!;~B~-=A~pp~""!!!!~"~"!'!!!'!!~------1 up. l-'r.lnta ...... ta1n-vam1 she•. ~ 2121 1-larkr, C. M. LI 9-164:1 PHILCO Retrt11rat.or. 11~ d• lu¥. lar1• c~ Wp tr-r. W&OOWOOD •tov1 13&. chron1• -pan.le ... t chWer , a.helvu bl""f'allfa•t .el $2:1, M1~c t11 1n1- ln door a nd J.ari• 'Y .. •1.abl• lu re and lamps. liarbO r 311.">7 -It . crl•tnr. Ba.lance owed 1-only 80p8:Z IOFA. 3 oventuffed chs11 1 r~s- eonable. cood condi\1<111 11e Udo Nol'\1, l..Jtlo la.l e. 80• 112 s1e1.1e . .uu ti.. l\&&CAD.l.M or t.ak1 o••r my peym•nla ot 110.ll per month. no cub. need· 1<1 , my -.qulty tr ...... any· lime day or e ... n1n1, 1•41 W . THREB: ROOMS of beau11ful """" Chapman. Ki:\101 1 96817. furniture for •t~. C'•lll• in T ABLI: TOP RANGE, l"ood t <ll'I· d!Uon-S"'-6. Old refrll". Runt l"OOt1. .35. l.Jberty 8-3•~1 Pira la Rd.. alter r.:30 p .rn. 78c81 NOft08 e,ut.on•Uo wuMr, lfM de lu:s' top '-dlAf ~t.a.t« .. odel. boadll • pouact., ........ rin-and •pl.a.I dry. Jut ~ button. Still hu iJU9.1&nt.M. V M<I .ttort ume. Beine t.TaM· ltM'f'd -..L Bala.no. ow.t la l l t l.M or t 1k1 OYer the pe.y· m~"la 11' 18 . .M pw" mGnlA. No caah nee<kd, my aqulty free. SM anytim• da.7 Of' e v1nln1 . 1••1 w. Cbapa:iaa.. Kl:no1r M&lT. look a rnunrl HUB 500 \Y. Center. An11 h.-hn 11 CUSTOM MADI: R ATTA/'o.' -2 couchea, cha.Jr•. IJ\mpe, etc . .t. wnNcht Iron and 1ia.. di.nlnl t a ble A cha ll'"I. JlA.Km OFl"Ul. Har . ..U. 78dl0 PRACT1CAL.LT ~-Mid .. A-B;d° JIOO Bervel R~r11.·Med. Snr;~. l&O O'Keo-fe .ti Mtrrllt Ran1:1 17~ .All In eal"'e!lenl conditlnn 17.:.6 E. o..:-n Blvd., Balboa H11.rbOI' lt!7t)-R 71H-l<U BLl "I!: Upllt •l•1 "'t~1 I 1411 !'>() )4ahu1 1-4328.. •"f'Uon1l courh bookCAl>f' /,I 19dll I ' .. • • lli!;:::P~-".!·~ol!!l~W'!•:..1f~or!_!a.~lo!_ __ 1 _M-__ M_ .. _lall._'-...... ---''-T_v ___ , -- • SPECIAL BUY! Knowlton Electronic. ROOMS BEAt.rrll<"L:L NI!:\\' YURN!T\JRI': wHh t pc. llVUIC ..-n ..,t In your r ho.Ice of mod· em fal>rl•·• 2 !\'~ .. mar end lab- ia• a n<l r•)ffee t11bh•1. 2 •i1orlf'm £1fl<'.trorilc crr1an. unly ukl. l.J..k~ nll'v.·. S 1 \'1: 3 month.II I JOO Con- TV ANTENNAS I Cleu Beam -Ht Ga.In) 1N8T A..u...itO C<Wllplflla lo your M L $9.95 u ·-~2~. ""' Bl"ll.D YOL'R (J\\'N HI • F'I BT!:INW A Y Grand In perfect condlt1<1n &180 Knabe Bra.mbech. M180n A Hamlin .ome a• little u 139.~. alway• 100 ?lanoe to rhooa1: t ron1. Dara -Schmidt • Phill!p•. ~20 N u. Main, Banl• Aria . 1-·u rt f'iAJ .1':, O :t\'1"11110rt 11.n •I 1 h 111r brown 11.nd J Ol(I t ~'tf'il, I rulf•"! l •~)le, Fvr1111i·11 lop. l t ll"J• t'nJ tab!t1, l'"onn!c11. t op1 Hlonit,. u,.e-1 te .. than G niontha lt.,,i·l.>o r 14••1-H . Sailing In structions /\our for ,,ne I'"'' s<1n r1r S~ two. l..J II ~:ru7 "\"·~I TRAD E /'ert•rt•cil 4 )l .,, ::~~"' .~•I''• '~~ \1'1"!~'1 ') -~ .. ' ' .. " I , r,"I T ••I ·~· t . \'·•Ill 1n111 n~1 1 .. ~· ,., 1·• I ••· • \\' )i.,, '" l< tt ,, 'I 11~· .... ~: '~·. 80 AT SLIP FOR RENT . ' ' . . ' , .... 11,,, :t_,,,, •·.! I.I.' •• d •·1111,r ./! . .111-.u 'I ~· JI • 1~•r ::~ It l" E\'L ·.:r.1 : .. ; I ,, """ t Hl!'I Rlv~•. :"r"-INI"\ lo\•ofl\f '" .'I· ' T \' tl• 'I I '\I h• dl a•~I• l ~ ... ,I• iJl•I "'' I I 11 f.(lll <.;, J '••r l '' • 1•\11 J~7 :-.""'I"·· 11p·.;•·· l1•1l IA rik rHol'\ n•W T "'!, S ~\IW 111 ~-. ~1 '11+ A•" SLI P FOR REN T n .. 11 .. " 1·" '""'"" 1+.1 3-l--~usl<'al , IW.llo, 'f \' CUSTOM AUDIO -· d_. .~11 '(J ,-.; F -.;T .... ,o. ; 11!1 .. r•, •r .. •k"• • • 11 ... ·"", / •"l'"rrlf'rl . µ1•(<•11.•.1 /o~n ~1·1 • 1'1 t,., .,,,,. ~.1·,.ry1111nr 111 ltr.:1 ~ !olll'lll •· J•h•'l\"g1•jJ!1, lllllOfl' ;\"e'4'0'tJ111b • Harrnon-Kan1nn AM-P"M tun11r1, ••n1,1ir1 .. r1. 11p•t1.l;;.,rR • r~onl ftl .. J<'I~ (•U ll •ll' lll 11!1•1 ..... tflll'l'rl \\'e "'Ill hl'lp >'"" allftl:l!lbJ .. II J •J""'""-1''''""' It!·· n~" '""~ 'lllJ'I '""".' t•, '"~ I ... 1.1. s. !JP""" --------t_;r1n1i l'ra e111·,. 1"111.noa iu~-12:'> lo • Hi~ A II 111 l!(uud t'0!1(\1Uon "' w ill ri:nt •~ a 1no 11Lh Dw.na- :-;1·h111 1!1l ·l'l11ll1j.>•. ~20 No. Main , :-ia.11!1 A Ill . l 't11111r ·~ 1 ··~·1 ~ '"' ···~~n ... 't2u ·~~:·; ~,l1 'AHT£1t llU K$~~ t..tA R~; ·,u ,\.1 111n .'ill.Ill;< A •• ~lf\•e l\!\4 1 s 1111: ('ALI. l.J 8 -6223 1r 10---Autott for Sall' 40-Aulo!'I f or Salf' ---. ----· ------· --------------~- S-1-M -C-A CHEC K THIS AD $299 DO WN 1 ·1-.1~ ,\JlJ_-.;1·11 ',\Ill .I-::-: !'I·:!~ 1,A l .J.U;\' 7 t1 \!It!.:-1'1{l '!:-J ;\'1; Sl'!-'.l-:!1 \!II 1-::-. 1'1-:lt It!'. 'l'l•I· !'1'1-;1-:11 BEAUT Y COMFO RT LU XURY KING'S AUTOMOBILES 1-: r·11t:--r :-:T l\Jnd.>t.'l l,v :!-J.1.12 OLD CARS A ND JUNKERS H A ULED AWA Y F~EE 4'~\l.I. 1-·1·:!.JX ,...;1 ·1 ·~1' :'f·'.H\ H"l·: I.I " 1 :"I 'j• 'I llt'-.t SELL YOUR CAR J. \ II • ~ r 1lt ! •It '11,1 . ·.1 11 _,,,.,, .. ~ •• ~I\ 111--.-\uto" rur Sa~ ------------------- GMC TRI PLE CH ECK ED USED TRU CKS •'• 1;,\!1' '1 I p"k •I' '.~ ( H~.\J'.1!J.~:f <, ,, , 11~ ... '.J{l•IJ. ... r :\)" r I •'"""~ \"I' 'I\ J 111J n;~; 1, I ~111 ~-l 1 H ~:\ ttiiLEJ' • I ~.'. < ll~ \' 'i l !'11 k"J• 11)11 "''~'· :'1<1 ·1 1~;\ 111 11 ~:r •, : 11• k"f' .'ti ~·•I U• \"-. t l•tl•ed \~ ~"'~I• '• I j"" Ii 'I' ~I l ,,\11' .'\. ' "'•I II) l!A 11 I•+\" I,-..,,,~ "d ~'II\[• I t I ~ l 'H~'.\'H •ll •t ,,, I. 1J1 111~.1 FT 1 ' !IS\. ... ot I " •I •I ; ~· 1 l i '1"""1 IN STOCK 1 I !h I \J,• '"'J\} ); \lo, I Ii l ~ \ «117 ~'! ("l!~:\'1\(11.~:T 2 t I t !IKllJ ... 1. '! "l"''"I ~ 7.~ 111 r• !'J11 1:M<" Z ! 1·,,1-: ,, •!t ~•. 2 "l''"d .., i~. ~.-.... ., HARBOR HI-Fl J !,IJ :-: .. ,,...port IJh'tl H ;o.r 4(}1'. 11 7fltfr:: t..o PIA NO~ w1n\,.rl r,,,. •nl;-r,.n t~! d,.par lln•nt. Tr1tl11 Y"lJr "hi I p110-no o n l\1n11uurHI 1 h'l(I " I t'plnft or r.r.1.n,1 l'IAll\I IH .:11.-~I A llnwllllr e Pl'n ~ -~1·t,,n••ll . l'h1l- llp• H ie P 11•n11 A \l•R•ll t'l••I .. """' Piano ~--............. ------------- Pickup Truck SALE l 111·:\"ltOLl-:T \"I.., ,..,001) true milo•,; f1!1 ""ORD 1: ton tnn !'>:! 'l \1 1 '2' 11!~. l~\I \\ll 2 1p,.11ol , II ~:i lit ~• ;;,-,. I h e )IHl(.-KI 1•~·"1 tnn k .• •11 llrl~•I " '"'·\'In~ (O ~, .. \\ hK\ \\ ~ h11 •'f llO '(V . W . W OODS G MC DEA LE R f'i l ~-l!• ~; t th ~1 1 'I" ll S11ndHy Tr11rk s .• nt.1 ,o. n• A ~I Hausken-W atson Refinishing O 'drt\'l', IO.QUO nHlf'R Rebuilding loRA""" c-ol'NT\"S >1 osT ~1 ·on.T CA fl Qu1.l1\y wo1 I( onl)' 1 A NKRt:,\I l 'LA:"U S!::lt \"I("~_; Kl ~-7880 •l!llfc EXCF.L l.,f.:NT'\\·t.l\:i-11\=Al\l1 t "I' j RlGH"r PIA .-.;r·1 -" phn nll' H11 r. t lhH -~\· bt•n o'll S. l •l" l:IH1•!:'~ Knowlton F~lcctron i cs TV REPAIR S ll'r;·1r" • 1111• 1111 I .I 8-.~:.!ll:'I II p 111 . H A M~I O:X fl 11t o;,.11• All ""'""I· ,.11 .•l•'l t•r1111 l u.••·I :-<p111.-1 M r><'l,.I Ilk,."""" h i!{ ~"""'lo: F '"" pracHre rownn~. IAk,. l"<'"'•n.• ''" f(>r y ou hn\' l >,.n• s, 111111•1! l 'h1lhp .. , ~ ·o '' n• HliY ~ full k"' ll l-:1 .fA l{f ,E: J,\t;1"A lt. IS A 1. ... ,.,, .. n f•llh'r A UHTIN-lt>;A L~~y t.!tJR H.l :i. A L"!-iTl:-1 ALl-'A H(JMEU H~::>.'Al "l.T M 1: =""" C•r Si l"" .l S•·r' 11 ' McCARTHY 'S ~:~~.'.'dl:r~.\! ~;·1 :1~;.~~~: :.111k r11. l u1- 2iu1 ;;11 MAi:" ST s ,\ ..... T A /\...-.;A I Kl :, I !Kt! USED CARS 19:12 llAHHl\f( l!l .\'l • I !"<•STA ~!~'.SA l.J s :'111.> 1 \f \'.,;11 :.;., ,\1 fl •1l :-;t S;pll;i 1\!\H . I h:I '..!<l.-10 7 l,\I FR l'~:r 1 ~·~ !lF'.\/ r·11n• HF .J A<;l'A f\l< \I•: .. r,. •n t ·,,; 1 11 1 • I 'j. I'. I ;J 111 • .-I HI! ... Id -tl•ll J \!~•'t I :t"' 111 11•• I .I I> ; I .: ~l•o K'2' ... , HLL E 1'11\"\" "\\Ho'/' ,\;, \'o•r llH•'<I \~"" 111 l \", I"• I•,. J,llH •ll :-;., d••H).-r~ ti\ "I\ I .I'll>\ ~fill !' '.\ "" l'••I 1 ~,.,..j , • .,1 11t1 .• n ~""') ILu 2~1 '• J /IHI!. L ·I· ... 1 " . " Ari1,.r1!1<11 •Kl• ~"''I ",.,..,·;-!••• rn"' h~'"' ~I 111•1•"' '""' •nrl ,.,,., I !t>~T h~ll•I • \'"H !"<I "' I ~"! I ',\ 1.11" SF:!'.\ 1t ·t-: Foll "'iol" M l! (1RI ...... , ,. J 11• 111~1!1~! \\ "I I .I 8 1 0:11 :-; .. " l"ol I lndU•I 1 uol \'"" \\.,•k~. II ii\ LI to-:0111 ""' \'.I I ~-•'l l :;.\l.l:: l!':>I • 11,•'·•1 ,. ,\\1:r,.,1r·v 1 "1tl1 ,\l ~r1 '""~1 •• ."ti \lll>) n1 1I~~ I)\' ,.t 1t<:L1\l l '''''"~r li«llk t lnl ll<'". • POOR BOY PETE'S !TOO HONEST Economy 315 So. TO BE RICH} Car Co. Main St. SantA A na WHERE A DOLLAR DOES ITS DUTY $99 to $499 Here at one 1toµ, you'll find the ca r &. model you want at the price anyone can afford, Nothing Over $499 Poo r Boy Pete t&,k£'11 care or all his own f inancing ao you can get Immediate Del iv ery for onl y $15 t o $25 Down • J,Jea111e Note : These pay n1t·nl!:i include at! charges , such aa 118..leti t ax, lie. fee, e tc '51 OLDS "Ill MERCURRY •-t1r. bla ck Hll'lllft, "'"W j l'IL Tt'rr!fic v1lu1: C!uh f"p• Jet blar k Rat110 , H••l ~I . "'""''-O\'f'rll•ul..,J nH}lOr R<'ll l rlf'11n uul $26.90 '50 "'lJl{l> R1ol. Jlt1 , ti olr HcH I o lc>UI Ill~!"~ ~11'1 A !e&I <&I ~t t lie U•<•ll ... I' 1-'u ll ,\I OI I ~ 11'1 • $;16.9 0 '50 U U ICK ".: JI' ()1 Lifl nl 1 r1nl•l1, Ril·I II\ I ""'' \f r:-1 t1<' v•l11i: f'ult ,\In l•vmt ~. $2 3.9 1 '~!I l-'U'.'\"rJ Al ' F'ull :\lo P yn1 t1 $26.9 0 '47 STI llJF: -.:1.,. \1 £:!•! 1 ·r~ R"•1 . 11 11· •• ,,nt<: <Jolt AJI Ct'U! .. JllHe1J cl<I, 3ee 11 th" c It liu•11e l-1.1JI .\!., 1'}111!• \'l •ltJ ('11.- f(,.,\ H t, l!lh ',,,. ,$12.81 '-IH Pl.)'r>f Iii "" flu!~~. or n 11k , J:t J·">il! ,\[ .. $21 .77 r, 1 '.'\f'n1.:-..· R-E-0 We are protMI. to announoe our appointment u th• di.ltrlbutor in Sant& ~ and Oran1• County : ' Visit Our Show Room See Our Complete line T ruck1 • Bu11e1 • En9ine1 Gasoline· LPG . Die HI ED THOKPSON GARAGE NEWPORT H ARBOR NEW S-PRES S -PART I I · PAGf 7 WEDNESDA Y, MARCH 7, I 95b 43-Apll. ~ Ho11W9 for BMt 41'-A,eta. a Boa.N for lkmt, Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bc)l. Delightful llvin&. OF"FERS Apt.-Cab&nu . Utiliti• with Yacht slip accomodatlona. Daily, wee kly, monthly, year For appt. or reservB.tion, Call Har. pm. 302 French Santa A na TikBI 42-Trai}etll ______ 1 48A-Apt.a. f or Keat ~· UL.US 8 UPER 81 HOW D A Y HAH..OTOP. Radio. HMt•r. H yd Power bni••. W•W. Two t o nt l'rea n1 body, blu1 t op. •0 10 H1- 1••r A v1. SN anytim e. $21.)0 or bfft otfu. PrlY. owner. T9p8l Grant w. Your Hudson Musick Dealer !':lALES B.nd SER VICE 253 N.Lof.Angele11 KE5-72i8 Anlhf'lru 4 21 (~ j '56 DODGE RO Y Al. LANCER H ARr>Tu P I \\'ILL S~U~ i 1200 EQL:ITY ~·11B $200 8A H.Gf'.K *'PORT ORANGE * T J{AJLER SALES and .SL'PPl,JE:S ~:lOu \\'. Cuast Ne\11pu rt Beach H 1w ay. LI 8-44 20 u \\':O-:~:tts 2 b~rtn . bay v1 -rurn. •l't. with 1·v . p rb. dl"'f~ul, l..a.uncl ry farl1lt!~. p•U" ltBQ. A va ll•b!o1 6 '""' or Yt•rl_y 401 F~nil.-11t A \'e . "''"""n" .1.-1 M,.r. l.'OAST PH.OP!'.:RT IE S CO. ·:,0.26 "'' i, .. ,..,,, l l!jl:.0 ·~.t-:t6 •~· Sh ~"l" Llk~ n•-J.J i :!lt .• \l1l•l11"t H1 11 £~ & :-i<l1·111. Th(lmp~nn :.;, 4 ·~ u ,1, 1.,. 1 J\I: .s .. 1·,11 A ~~·~1•tr.• ·:it1-J<1 Ti ,.,rh•7.t•? "'"' .. 1.1 s;;i 1~ lPl F IW.lbu,. ltlvJ . ltalboa t !l-:IU C\.uti~ \\ii.:lil T .. nlleill H11 1 2&'"18 nr Hftr 4&00 $1"1• . \\., Jl""·I • l~dll tt>;c.J t111 11• tn" !'AI'\ A~ll'.:RICA:-: l'i!l Ii 1!h;1 u1t -f\ f'll ~k Ill 'l'11•v~J,.ze·Te11y -li-\\an!f'<I t ri Kl"nt " C.~"t:K :'I. ::-,~;\\L Y d!>''Ut"ill""1 1 ... •1t 111 \Jf"r111, •1•t Y1:1r ly lt••H"I ~>\, Hl•!\J.I .. ut,. A1!Ulla. ,;,., l ~J~ \\ u.a,...,. Hlv11 . ;-..,.,,.Ill<!! Url1'h Har. 1239-\\' .. r ALL Mft. h:.\1:-0:0TON B O YD 8-l eto 71!r~" \\, Rent., ls !,• .. ! ··! Wonted ' " 11 l/1 1 I t\l'J' !•ll'olll• .-r11tlUH "- t11 •1•l.q ' \\ ~l~!B ~ •lJ~\8 '1• .. 1C• -~ I I '·· ''"'l '•"' ~ '"•·· !l't~ \\ il\!I, i " ~t ft \!'"'" '«!I l.Jb,.rt'' ... " .. , " I " " " "' " ' • r1rn•!\ A r llf tt., I 11 \ t ',, j llh 7 1-'L Y Mu t: J'J-1 , 1, " '"I \ ,.,. ' • J• •• ,,, I <,/ '" It " I· .. ' ... ' I • . ' $23 .05 It l 'J •. ..::t ) :...; H11°1,.., 11 -.. ·r •' !I 1' 'I I ' ' "' '" $26.90 '4!1 l'lll·:\ lJ ... ...1 " ,, ' • "'I " 1• It .. :-1 • I .. . l a • •' " ,. $23.4 2 •;_,q l>l)lJ\ ;1-: '•Of''"'·. v ...... ., 11! 1 ~ I "oJ I • "' 1•, < I• $24 .78 'l fl !{l 'Ji 'K l lo~I 1 111vol~! I"" 11 .. 1•11 ;;" Ynll 11 J1~ <' '' 1c 111t ,\1,. r· 1 1.-it • " . ' I l' ' 1J1 hl ~·~y hn•*" t~tl' .'I t'r1 1,..-1 y .. ., JI J-.. u ,\to I'} 1nU K 1•11n huy ll $21 . 77 ·4 ~ P A('h:A !{]I F l 'l,1. l'HJI ~: $1 29 $1 7 .80 f-I L'USO:-.: "'"""''lu1 ~ I I •1 ~I LI. l 'll li.._'~; $299 'I ri1• 1• ·!,.. BRJ1,t1T 1.J'lll~~; !JlT "1111 tll r J!l•;o;~.:-.'J \ i\1.1 I:...~•''" ,: .. ',, .rH) n .. ~ 1 .~•·11 "'1<1l11.1 rnr SEE POOR BOY PET E Economy Car Co. 315 So. Mn in St . •\'111.:H ,\!11'.\~.\ S"\J'.\1. Al 1t•H~:~~t March Used Car Specials f'ORQ 2 dti<'r S{'\J;'l.n J{ lUHI ):;"' xJ -only J'l .'l" :--."TA'l'Jf)'.'\ \\',\c;();-.l l,ighl f::'r.-..~n . H.Rd111. h1 ·alt'r, !175 ...... !ta Uu11, ., ••. , .. ,,,J ~Ull •l •I < •1 &. •t i' ,)e•n l l ~u H•: ->'"!• '" ·'· New a nd U~d TH.L!CK ANIJ Pn11e ng er TIRES 8-Hour Rec ep ei ng .. Service t.;omp!ele Brake Service A:O-:f1 F ront End Alignment R OAD BER.V IC I'.: ~l,.••tun& H11dc !'t P l•n Your• tor lhe Atkin & HOWARD R Y AN 801 · 809 W. 1st St . IAl\"TA A l".;A Kl 1·13413 J3ttc Tubeless Tire and Recapping Hdqtrs. I hour •"r\'ite Ptctr: up .. d•llv1ry Courtney & Lester ! Jo I The Vogel Co. " I!• -~ \/,,." ' ... \ '. !•,. I ~ H 1• ' ~I ! '. ""' 11 • •I' n11 I I•> 1 1'j . _:.., ! lio! l "/" I l.J1.,t1y \\A ST!-~(• j I I l tl \, I' t..~011 1 ~,111 1«1! H ll•~t••· 1 I ,, 11 .. " ' llt l fll"' -•I Or 1 r II 1 !1 0: II· , 11\1' ,,_ ·'"!'~I.,., .Hlfllrn •.. !I ,, l! ... "I '""' .~· I• I< • "' " '"' \\A,', I "i'" r ,., I'""' ,,., .\111 I ,, t•Hl · Crow n of the Se., Motel Coro na de l In Mor ·' : I \ .. ~ 'lo I '"'" .'• ' "_, ti" I ti '' \ I I I. I f .... : ., ·' • I' •·• I·•• f " t •1•11 ~·1 -;-, ,, " ' 1.1. J ' 'I ... " •I .1 I •• ' ' .. ' . " • l l t. I I, I ..... "" ' " ''' l fl! A Hllt •. ' ' "' " ·"' " ' "-' t r LI "--'•-! It. • ", , I <,a' 1,1:1" ""n J 'r1 \\,.l•lfi•I '"l'l '" ·11· I ~"" II n j•1• • 1 ,,.,f" ~ • ~ t : 11 ,, 110•>11 .\1 ~· .. :t>< -'U l(J Ht! \\i I •'~ 11 1 t:111«1A 1,.;1.A"'I' 1 t>.lnll !urn. i11•1 l'I A!" '" ,1.,1 I S~.'\''" I • I pl II•• n~;; \\ ~,<;;,1\11 n11 f11111 '""'"'' I'!' 1• .. 1111 II • 1' 1'"1'"'1 1 \\ I J I '"' J-i.,r -'' 11 ' '1 ! , I 1 I I I ll ,,.. ... 11 1 ,~ria i •• 1 " •1 l'i 1--uui.."!I> f ur ent h .. 1• .. ~ Fr ~r ' h , .. ·r~-\'. ·"\ ' '" 111.: ·-· t\I :, ". ,'!" .. 1 I I ~ I "I ~' ~"! -~1 I ~~rL: '"-~~,.?~!~~!~.!I!_\ 11•11nu'-"A l •l::L ~1 \Lt. ::~ ... i. :1 1 I i b•·dr 111 ""r"'" H " 11 ~1 ~1· llu J I •·~ :oP I ' f• \ l ,. '' J !•1-·! l n l I• lt ·o• ".1r. ~I IL'\ '' tt• •l'''''"' 11• I llt<1 l ~l .F:.. J llll'•lr•"'"t-. 2 '4 1> • .rl1 1,;,11 1~, .. n "1 nn11~1 b11~1· Slip f, I Ill !l l/0/<01 UAI: "r !~ I • \ k•11i.: r11u.ot .. ,u\ I"'"'''' t•>KI, ~ ,~, i.:~r . u .. a1111 lu\lv 1111111,/1 "" ~hrr11Jft s ;w I" r n1• 11th lnq111r,. 11.t i i U1lbtJ1 C t>\'t• :-..t"''J'"l 1 Jr.th. I l <'j •l~• "· I•" ,\1·"11 721 l '"!') ' Bl •/l ~I .. 6.1.~ .\t )1f'•h I ..... ,, ,. ' l~lt Newport Blvd., Co•t• Mt•• PHOKR: LrBP".RTY 8 flfl8 f'&I~' ... 111 " l.~1 J en•·l·'~"·t '"' • ,.,, I ' I \• ,, I •\·•'. ,, '" '" Ulo ,11 I ;1 ~HI~ ".: I ,. o1 I ( "'E \ :"' FHIJC"T l b! ,,, \V :-.; \\' 'f 1r1•;: {Jn\y S2045 41-A.oto Sen'ke •· nlJtl~ l '()AST P ltlll'l'..'.l{'fl!-'.S C'{J. ~·,.rn ~\<"'"-" !<'f r111rr~1,11 'lnl• '"'l''"lc•I. lll"l'IH"'" li"'''"'ue ,l,,,ilol" t.;I" J >o /lt\o• f.,f' t~•\h \'II'\\' l•!l'I •'\'I ~ A •l•11!~ only nn P"I' 1 1~.~ 1t1 ... un ;!ly l~l~f'. Hai :11;1 1 IJ~3 ·53 C ll J<Y:-.;l.!·:H. \V indsur C"lu b \.'\•<'. ll nd111 , li<'fl[f'r. l 'owrr ~lf'f'rio ~ J~l 'l('K ~\!PJ·:I~ l-l rnt r r. L1Jr1:ht Blu~ O nly Jl i\.. ( "p,-.. J)ynaflov•. '()[.!)S' l':R '4 d'11!r IH'1 lan, I{ . 11 , \V ~ \V 'l. t 11rlt" blue ll_y(l ram11t i<' LOU REED & ASSOC . CHRYSLER -PLY MOUTH DE ALER $1195 $2095 S475 I .J b·J·i86 Honest to Goodness USED CAR BUYS J)()f)(;F, l<1ronf't ·I dr $995 I ll':tt .. r. \V httf· ""·al!i1 J.'()){l 1 ~ dnor l'U~lurnl1 nt: HaJ111 , l! .. ;1tPt , {f1lr11c ------ Motor Overhaul ND MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 5 Cylo. ···-·-··-$48.88 8 Cy lo. ____ ............. $58.88 Include• botb labor and p1rte.. New r1n11 1. wrt•t p in•. "'l"R crtnd, n tun.-• of main 1.nd rod bo!arlnl'•· Expert motor tune up. 90·day or 4,000 mile iua raritee. {N O MONEY DOWN ,. !Ui\h .J.1 1 1 ~11 lt•t1 il "t ,\tLlllic•! H 1io:,i.:.-1 & ~-.1''" 1·n·.i•1J·~''" A ~""' t:ol ... • :irit.-E . H"lt ... a Blv<I . llKlb'lll l 'hotn~ /1Jo 1 z1; ·II "' H >I 11»11 • " :-;~;\\ !":"F!'R N . Z l(A t"a~(' 5-• hdl'lll •1"1'1~.\ :.i u> u~ 1,. s· I 'o1•1 " .\1,.~l\ ! ,J 8-1~31 :~. "" 1.100 l ~l.J·: I~ r jo:•'. l1l'dt'1ll 1 ·11 r11r n . & !Rn~!. 2 bAth h'ln1•- i 2::i. 1nf'I ,i.:a t ,ll'n,.r c·o~TA ~1E:-5A 71!1 ~H ' 1.11•0 r st .~:. 8 111.n•I n f'"'' ;, b~dnn 2 h1t 1h h•t11~e unfurn. A ,·~1 1 A pnl 1. V-•11~ 116 Vla \'."11.· •~1 -~ A T l.A .\:TIC 4-.'>82:l 7}1\/il hll•llll ruin. J•i>ll•• 1i:r.-••11••). ,J.,~e lt1 ()('~a ll 11' ~!n ri••. 'II\"! lldult S45 '"'' 111.-011•1 !!11',-~l•I ~l . i\:t"'" !"'' t 11-"' h 8Hp81 M i\ R unfurn 2 Mnn . h<•U~t', ~·A h1·11 t. 11:1 r . ~un <1,., k Yu rrt nu01n 11u n,.,1 A- 1••1 .-.:~:~: 6!11\ MILl'K l"''1t1• ";o\Pr REBUlLT ENGINES -UP lo l~ MON"r~IS TO PAY- Bllllt ln our awn t actory b)I akllll:d m.'h'"IO'", ~-n" <"O<ond "'itil :1 h••1t"n 1 unf•ll 11 yr lll·I " .,. ._.,, u l !t..1 . 1 1 :-;~·1;R:'\. 2 U~rtnn. hnu~• Iha m lJdl• rna ri. Buy direct. SA.•, ,. n1.-. ,.,"', ~;111~.-.. &-,,., port ,.. r1111 .. REBUILT and INSTALLED p, a . palrner 1111.,1rporRh·d 1 1~ l!lk· rron• h""~h ll~r l'li•r F'ORO .... ~.'..~~~--~ ... ~-~-~--1129 . .:;o ! olc ba nl:iu n t:O. ~ua11ag-0n1('n1 I 1"'·11-\\' !IUr~:t CHEV R O L rr ........................ 1 149 Ml I J3:i3 VIA. lido & 1 7th) \\', cua~t COil' >'.'. ,\ l)l•:L ·"A H t..'h11rm ln1C . PLYM ... DODGE ........ ---···"-I t:.:'> h....,·y . bar. ].')0 !) & li b , R-~)f11 3 "n11'111 ~ !Ill h"111 ~ "'·1t h 111 Cl-fRYS ... DIC scrro -·-·-··-1 17() '"'"II: i·n,. ll1r111111· ... l!I• b11t il ST UDEBAKICH. .. -.. -... 1170 \\', ! & ~1 l1 h '"•Tt1 •<1n 11y bre1kf1<~l OLOS . POl'\'TIAC 6 _ ......... •i":'u L'h<i l!'t" 11\1 •1' J:1·11lllll'I 1,n hl <"lt . C..iof' 1 •• ,,, .. ,, -"~1-d [•h i. l:IU ICK ................................. $17:. J ~;Llb11a Js l<i nd & Lido Isl('\ ~·'' ~\"I f J 11n p~r 1110 o n .1·r • $17" 1 .... ~ •• Ht;DSON ................. -.......... ,1 l:in1~!! ,1·•"'' p1 1.11 ~" '"' d>'lu;,c l \'Ol ;~;J . c·f 1 "::'lf>7 I': ("~\ H"''"· Loan C.r F"Tee T ow ing J O~ tu ~.:"" ,,,,111t.li ~ NEW CAft. GUARANTEE M1t r T ~l l 81'.)rll'l B lO<"k m u1t m l:f'l our at11.nd ~rd9 VOGEL CQ. :'\E\\"PO RT REAC H, n-.. -.-,y-d~..-.: P lu• c.u1:1 . 1ull•t.1 and 011 Zh!i ~tfl Jlne ""' !:ill ,0 1 .• 1.in•l r1t .. 11 z ~rlrm 11011~,. <l R"•r aa:•· Open Sunda y lO a.m. t o l p m . P h H~ibnr -t l l or ll•1r,,_,r H'l:, ~·urn .. r U;'lfUM\, H•r 028~-\\I BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open O&Jly I 10 7 l:lta t.. Bonde<! NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. S A NTA A :O-:A N ASll • H UDSON Hl'q ll11 r ''!\~I< fl .. ,. 111., J ".:Z9·H Su p82 ti4t r~ ON lSl_,A?'\D :-;~;~: I :-; f,.r \'<•1tr ly ftlHI '"i<~nnal t"n'>0 I~ <_;J }~St JN , J{cultor U.'-"~-l 'RN. 2 R<>rlrnnn1 4l 5 U•·i.:un1a , r·,,n1na •lll'l ~lll r. l 85 1 1111\h~n ill\ ll'°R \\')1\ttl"•"Y l!Yatl 4 -lll~•l :l6~:. :X>•!u \\".I' lJll(\Jtlll Jj .. ,,, h 8flp lll ~l .. 1•111: A'· 1111.it.ill' 5l•~ •19--lc.oom. rur Renl l!Al.l~••A lf'!.,1:"'!• ---------------- * * * E:X.IOY J.l\'J:'\'1; on The orea n b•·a rJ S)llllf'I p1 •nu ~"'"' .S l •:i un lll•no •I '""' ~11111e l 1r1.'!tl 1rl>11n .. 11,,., "'"1: .. 1r11 ! I""' ln 1.;-1111hw.ll I •'"•1•1 A •''~'""' I '• -, -, I ' ''\ l I A 1 · ,.[HIJ,j,11 ol ], 1," '17. t I I' II' •I '""' "1 h .. llKr 11<11 I{ l!l<!I• ·.~11 4",\l l 1~01q11• 11., \'ill·· SJ·:F: ~1 f-:-T 1\ ;\'F.f.SO:-.' l 'Ul{(J;\',\ ! iJ".l~ ~l ;\I! l·~J I". !'Jltll• t•: llE:O-:TAl~'-1 s~'.\~•·:-.. \f. A: Y~;,\t <l .Y l,t••nl li lti'h,.nr lt" •pl• A r ll••. l'flth pn•·~te h•th !.!1.Jd 6 ph .. 111 •~1·1·1 • 11. 1·v 'i3ue \\' t •ce&n ~1nnt. tl Hrbur l\•lill )"~• ll•'I •\• ~'"I "· :0:."lf'tll l•"h! \\ n l!1<1I 111 <>1'<1 1 11d; !'11"' rn.~1r~t l•J 1 • '!! .\( .. j'lt ~ l ~IP h ! ~:11.11, "' 11 \\1ll '"1 -1""' 11 '"' ~! t 'll~:\fl:Lo l .~."r llFl.AIHE, 11 "~1 "" :'tt·~"I .-.. n11111•n s:, .. 1 l",,,I 1111r ~,·,. ';11 )''"'"'~ 1'"'(2::0:.•h!nhl l l'h1ll1r• l\I I I!( f 'S ~I l '!'H 1!11 ~··l~ll "' ll•1 ll!J,"• J•,,.n,, .• &-tl11 1u11"•to•I •11 1-(H!I~ .• ~11 1,.,,1 II . , I' , , ' 1 <! ~ ~' ' .• '' " ,. 11• • I I S ).; • I I :"'u M.11n ~H11 l 11 ''"" 1., \I ••·' ,.11 1 1t1,,:.,~1•,:-;-1 \ "'I' '· " '"11'"'11 ·~ ~!" ""'l"ll >.. H A M1'1Q:-..·1, < l!!ll\!• U1io;•1t1 _____ _ 1ll1tht ly ,, ... 11 li ke "'""'' Y·•<J r11 n 1111 11 1-'u r.n \'!I 1 'l>1t• 1 ''"I" '"1 r la y lhl~ \\1t h('IU1 A j'"-"'"'ll c <>('l>I tlj!'l"A] •Hll'lll•nn i!OI)<\ Dan.s ·Srhn1h1!-l'h 1llq·~ :.~ot :-.. \'tl,.1(,. l "li!n~ A p t :I :"f "'!''''1 Main. S•nlA A nll •tru·~ l "I , l\~1 '' I ~ :) ••' 111•,ioil ' SA1'HIFl('1': II •••• r l•nr> nn •11'1'1,1, ~·.1 1 o .... -nr 1 11 .• , ·ll•i l ~111 k111• C111•k l,.,,1,·1 11-l•. H ll', 2tl44 M. ~I"! " h •l •1 ... 7'>1'1111 I • I I. I •:--. ,, 1 ·• ., " l•1:1 \, ~I;.~" \\ '\\ ! ii···· •!" •1 t .. 11 11 ~, .1:.\.\ ,J ~!h '! f\,\,\!l .J.~.t! " . II ,., J~I· Ha n,.•r p~· t \ ,,,, ... II .I I ~ I " II "''" 0"'-1'U f", T1 t1t ••I 1i.;\"·' I ,I! I "'\' 1 \\'~\\' l'IJ•e1/'i"'\ l•~hT ~ S:\i••I li lt lfl!'8 ;11, ~l 1\•.·,:, :->I A1•1 11 \\Ai;•t11 !'· .... , ~1,,1~ '" "' ',1 1 tll 11 I. •ti .1 111 " II••"• 1 41 [.h;.~I\ \t ~ \ I I 1 I ~ lt •r. jlJl.I~\\ • 'Iii"\ l'<"l\~! ' 8 ft,, '1 ' '" "~ ,, ; I' I ' ,,, I' 'I''' "'"11 I! '" ' . 0'•1 ... I '' ,. 1•! 11• 1'. ;i,. &" It II• 1i.11dt··! & ltllllllll'11 1;-1l1 · HARVEY MA YER MOTORS •,fl ~lll\I • ',,,. \\ •11 ' • • • I •'"' f·, r·1 ' ' :\.1 ~11 II ' " ·1 ""I ,, ,1 I '. ., " t ~ ,\ 1. • .. . , .. .. '' !: • 1-: II 1• ·• 11 ! '-I I' , 1~:.1 1 ,. " . H•ll .\ ,; .. -. ., .. '· r '1 ,11 ... •'I RIOH HAHN 'S A \"TU tt A l •l\1 l<~:F 'Allt llYl)llA,.i A1'JC SER\:1c i:; 41)9 )I; 29'TH HT Hotrbor 472:'i TE:RRT Cl."RT OM 40 fl . l bdrrn •.·. T R A\'l'-1.r:.7.F: "I~> ti ·""ll '"l ' I,. •11 ..... 1 ~!~ \: ~" I" •r' ' ,. m 11i-.• r .. 1 "~" I •·I l~«I M'"•~ 1r" 1 • ~"I •'?' Zflu• I·, '1•1<~1 l h"} H,,, 'r ;'\f~\\'PORT 11~;jl ;t !Ts 11'.n2 & \ j(l2 H Hvf'n Pl ~rr T "''" h<1r\"~ g~r~. <11 ~1'. n •ll r ~rhonl~ .. * * --lluu :.t tur ,,..·urk1n~ n11U1, •e llll'J l 7 ~r ,,...~,k l't\\'11 \e t"nlra nc1: - 12:\ 28th !'\\. :-;,,,..·port. ppll11 l "nfu r"1~h .. rt '"""·''" nr h'--tnon ll• l r L ltASA !'.'T room tor 1 enU&1T1- (' • .;11 r 1 :n ,\l\.-11 l,I k ·'''' ;~, llP~r H 0t11" H.-..pl f&J. pr1val• •n- i~pl-,4 t, •nre I.I 8-!'JSl1:1 80ct:I ., 111 •l:.\t "-Fl i:.-.. f• ,,1 • tnpi." ,\ ·1~••" "I' ' ' I.I " ! ..• • ' . ' ',._. "l• ·' ll· 111•Allll R ll(lM ~nd fO•r•J• 1:r nt1~m•n "" 0 1 1 1 n~•11 1 .,, •It~ ... ,,_., s ·'"'ti \,'h .. ···'~ j.,, "' ,, I.I &Op ) Ii .... PAGE I • PART 11 -NEWPORT HA1t101t NPNS.P1tE$S WEDNESOAY, MARCH 7, 1916 "• !J e. 1.-•••:z•r... 6~ ·.6~~ 20-,... J'lno-s HOME .lOANS Construction Loans -Refinancing Fr•• Preliminary Appraisals Corrt9pondenU for Lite and C~lty Inaurance Company of Tenn~ .. &nken National Life Iuurance Cempany SOUTH COAST Mortgage Company Approved FHA Mortgagee 1600 West Cout Highway -Ll 8-7791 Newport Bea.ch, Ca.lifor n1a LIDO OFFl!==E SPACE N U\V L!-~A.SI N . office 11p•<.'e In t:1tra-1n0<h:rn E llerbroek <lc•!~n­ ed Lit!o bulldl11g. 1''o finer blllhl· 1n~, n<> finer M1ld1~. ~M.oac:y \\'uleod LIIJO R~Al .TY, AMociatea .'.l l•J•J \111. L HIO J-l11.rO..,r tttt lf(''EARN I w:-; Yut;R .i.tO:\'l!:Y 10 % • Ground Floor --· la!t.lld " Lido Nord Front • Bay EXCLUSIVE LISTING --------~ $1121)0 J bdr111. Co~ta ~!e~11. )'eM rl nlr! $1i ~i0 hanJ!es 3 ! t n ACHf:~ f1 I''"' bott(llfl lf'n•1 to1 n,"11) 111 ,,.. nut ~. $1~" 1·r1 •• r" -· ---.,. ---- BALBOA ISLAND HOKE 6 INCOME: Unuauall~ au..:2 B. R. ho.,. and 1 8 . R. turn. apt. Dbl. 1arage. Ldy. room. Guet1:t room A bath. ThJa ii a MUST to 9tt. PRICED RIClfT. UNM'S Unuaua1 and <".ha rming beach home. thia and make ofter. !ta a honey? 4 B. R ., 2 Ba. rum home. 1-Avely patio. Thia property you'd love to own . 800 Block nr. Bay. & viUage center, and Priced to SELi ... is a No. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LlST ING 311 ~farine Ave .. Balboa. lti.laud-Ph. Har. 1671 o r1672 7 Warit Inc om e 7 ALL .'\'I·;\\':! 1 .... 111 .. h•·•I~•• "·'11 I("' •r:'" 'Ill I 1• 7:,,:!HH !I,. I 1 I , .. '•' \ " I •I ,., >I!• j!l"i •·/~' ~ 1 Ii! , <I 'n• I• t,• ~•[ fH 11t )•H<! [P ·1' ~I l<,111•!.>\ U ~><·H. l JC.(1 ' '• '•!' I•'•: , t 11' •lli; "'''" "+'""'•li ~t .. 11 ·~ "''' ~,, tll A !""' ,,, ,,1, Slll lJO ,,,., "·'"·' ' \"""' I-l1il 1•1 '" ~ i: '• ' '"' '. .. I • /,,., ! .. o • I• !t !--•~ ... " . ~-·- B/ B THE EXECUTIVE ......... . ........ YOUR .CHOICE Corona del Mar WOULD YOU PREFER \\'l'TR A LAP.CE VAM.ILY wUI 1mmedt11 tely 1e1 th• lNmeodoua valu. In t h11 2-year--Gld • bdrm. and Ol':n. l '\. blt li l101n1 with an exce.llenl view or lh1 001an aod 1. roonl -&alore ~ CJVf'r 2()00 .q. fl. hvlng arl!a ..io•!lli 2 rlr-.placea a nd • • • • a ll tile flllJ·as yuv can Ullnk of. Prir e wlU en111 ze you at $22J>\Hl. We h•\'e ~he }(ey. 2. Just Walk In Quiel IJ•nJ11 ~tr·•et J•, )'f'a•~ vld <..:un1p!et1>ly !urn.t3hed lo new 21" 1 .. 1,.v1,,,u,n ~"~' Hrrn.11:' )uur loothbruah a n•! ,,,.,,.e 111 $\M,7~''. New Modern ("(}~1'.\ ~ll~~A f'urr .. -• .. Jl'PI ''''II'"~ M"'''" r•11r .. ~l11· I l ! .. ~ .. ,, Go ing Bu sin es s! I~ \ I I \ .. I •1•. I 1\ 3. A 1lngte f'Mi4enee. 2 B. R., Hw. floora, fireplace. dishwasher, diapou.I, yard, extra tarp p.rap. Cose · in 6~ R · 2 lot al $18,500 . or ••. • Two un it.a "' F URNISHED -2 B. R. home and one B. R. apt. over 2 car prace, both leued, CTOM $2460 annually -excellent location on Orchid a t $23,l)(l() including furn iture , , . or Do you preter building r and would like a comer lot and a half -( 4~ rt. width) 2 block.a from Hwy. that already ha.1 a 2 bedroom unit -rentlnc at $85 nn rear (.K>rtion and the t ol&l prie49 la Slt,7~ ! .! .! E .XCLUSIVE WITH F. C . ANDRESEN -Realtor Cout Hwy. at Marigold, Corona del i"larbor 1540 CLIFF HAVEN Mar • Ofo"/<'ICl·;s o n. STOn.E;;) l··1J r U ·11.se 1n ~ Jl11 rb•J r lri \CMtment Co. Bldg. 30lh & Nev.·110rt Blvd. liar. 1600 ~·vr 1nvre u1 !orn1•Uo n t••ll, t-:Ly3tone 3·31bl tr !O A("RF:S in trui 1nount 1 1n~ """ ~ldf fr.r ,,,·efk e :ir1 rotl,.~· Li ve · In · On e - ... Newport Hei gh ts Bay & Beac h Rlty In c .<\H.F'. \'OU l.OOKINC: F'Oll A LARGER HOME~ If so, w e he.ve jwit lhat. Thie beautiful rambling hvrne t onla1na 4 bedrms., 3 batha, d!ning room, j uublc fir~pla.re. spac1oua l!\'tng room and 1n addi· ltu n lhe re is a larg(' den or family room. It ia win-cl 1 .. r 1.:lel·tr1c ra11gt-, has e!f't lr1c d1111hwa.1her. dra~a all I .,.. w carp<_·ting. 8 eaut1fully Jand1caped a nd "!'rtn kll'r systt<m 1'1ttst•·r light switches, And oodlea ul ~1t h.·r 1te rns fuund un!y in custom bwlt home6. 'J'hcrc IS ample 8J•81:f' 1•ruv1ded 1n pati o for sw1m- 1nu1g 1>uul. l'ro1 .. ·rt y 1:-1 s ituated on co rner lot 1n I SELL yo.ur t1onie or \'&cant Jot: l...1<!J l.U now. --·------1 FHA:";.\ J AMES, Realt.>r ".l H:\I OFFICE newly de1:o r11.l .. ,L l '.'lf Prn ~r ~u!t1 ple UAtlng Ser\'it t ) 1.Jr nty or park1n1 apace. 12 1 :11 2 ~lann" A''" Ha.Ibo& la.land H1u11.J,,.11.y, L"o11ta ~1 e•• Hai-. 20t1. ur 1'.;1·•. Ll 11-71Ui. 11oe11 2 1111.r 1096-\\ uf H.&r. 311&0. trc -~~~~~~~-~ BRO KERS NOTICE ~\)1-l. l.f:ASI-:. P1111c1p11.I corner, 11u11n ~l. 4.. .B•y A ve , H11.lbc:.o11 t:1 .. und tloor. apprv.K 2:.00 •q JI Sult1l1 le 1'lOr e or ofrl<'t . A lterhl!ont. Ca ll Ha r 90 "r LI k·1b:1o; 80tfc :\J('E :\!ODERN •tore rwm or ------- \\!I LL lil''' It""' u"-ner. on Balboa J~h•n<l ~Jne 11r 1 ... ·o ~droon1 a p1 Ovrr dbl g11 r ag-e, ,,,•!tli 1p11 ce lo butld In f ront. liox H·2, :-iew1- Pre1.'I 68ttc \\'L b1dly nt,.Ll :i or I bedr111 unfurn l ~!Ani! a halln& 011 a liuu1e turn, ur- $3:':1.000 Balbo• CH ET :S A[.l~BURY Realtor 3 1:':1 ;\fannt A \t-Har. 51'171 71k:8{J ,,fl1ce 1 t 18118 PlrLeentla. $100 ~Income Property In " ln<'ludlni; \Jtll1tlt1. lnqvlte ------~-~---- #l f'l"Opt"rty 11.ll~r :':I p. m. wee.II: 1!h}.'I ur 1.11y lime Slit. A Sun. "f l:Rll Ll llc,.:':1766 after !1:30 or I• e~kend..,:, :':17tt -~--------- FOR LEASE ~, .. 8 Ul L1Jl:\'G, BUSI.NESS A INCOME propl':rty, litli • P!a cenua . .By o ... ·nfr- Ll 8·()766 11.rt ~r a p.n1 or "''f~k· ends. TOt fc INDUSTP.lAL bld1. with •how n>Qm, 512 • Joto Street. Ne"' port B@a.ch. ~••e-d !or $1&<1 .• m ont h 1·"llttl lilvd., 1u1L.able ror l1 ¥hl plu!I' riOhth .... Low tluEn. Pn<'l': ,,,.,,,ur1~tunn.11:. Jubb.-r Qullel. $lh.OOO. Har. fi32l or .eee tf ttlor•.11:". tl<' S2!10 J"'f ~r>nth 1 _______ -------- RUSS FORD, Realtor !GOo Co11 5t H"''Y. Npt. LI r.·F~\\IPO ltT Mot_ler n DRS. off l<'~ 11.-prure.•111ona l Sult ~. B11lboa Blvd. l"ll.rklnc. l • l:t N , Fl ow~r S. A 2-09.~2. )<>(".lllt'\I V1c11.nt or K l " ~Buld.neu Opportunities RE8PON81BLIC PERSON male or female. !rom tlil1 area.. w1111ted Bay 'Shores 2:':172 Circle Drh•• Open 01Uy -1·4.JO N'O\V PRICED TO SELL 3 bdrm., l ~ Dalli. rrpl., F . A. heal, ·a a tlec. kitchen. 8paetoua patio -built In BBQ. 0v.,.a1u 1arag1. 1m1r01.11 lllor&c"•· · to.H"'k' ~d 'OllKI from ooto· RALPH P. MASKEY maUc vencling-m•chlne1. N11 aelllng. Age-nut tl&...,ntlal. C11 r. REALTOR n.terencea. •nd $~110 working -..J411 Ne,,..·port Bh·d . Npt. Beh. c-11.pltal nttea.11ry. l'or part1-Harbor •02 cular1 write lin• lf}l -7 Tli111 palJl':r. 67p88 BIG BIG BIG BIG Bualne,.., Profit H obby Shop. Hurry to atll. BIG )fark·u p BIG Bargain l..IITLE P rice O RANGE COAST PRO PERT IES 18:17 Newporl. Co11ta }l eu. L1•8-I63:l Eve1. LI 8-liOO REAL ESTATE LOANS lntereet Rate ~'Ii!% Loan.a quickly m.de In tht Harboi- Area. Laguna 1.nd Co1ta Mtu. S lncle or multiple vn1t11 . New or old. Be "'hr,. and aavr by re· finanl·lng y our p1ra~nt loan. M lni1ndm expen1t. 20 year term 1f desired. No ch&rl'e for pre· llminary •ppra.ia&l. Kl 3·6933 A.K'l'h u H. A. MAY M ort1&Ca W&n C..:Ort'Npond.at Occidental t..lf1 Lnwnnc1 C<I. 933 South ~lain 8-nta Ma .. $t800 PER ACRE 2.11 ACRES on MO:"ROVIA. DUN CAN HARDESTY, Realtor Harbor t7111 ~-~~.,,.--~~~~- R,4 LOT-! ACRE 21~11 ;,:ant11. Avt . Har. 1)2011. room humt . l ~6 aca ped 4 fe ncl':d. l''reedom home l..lberty 8·6223 afltr 6 p. m . 52200 v" ner ""'" bath•. land- Ji"HA loan. araa. Call morninf& or 16Uc COMMERCIAL LOT ~EAR HARBOR lo alley. LO\\I Harbor 3~til. · • 18'\jt, PRICE . .5llx 1M Own<"r " INCOME PROPERTY $24,000 00 .... 'N .... LEAVES YOU J3U month. profit or $12,000 down leavl!1 $194. protlt . f".H .A. lot.n. By o"'·ner. Ll 1·7'32. 6&!fc NE\\'f'ORT HEIGHTS. LOANS for Homes , BY O\\'NErt bdrn1. hou~e. tl inin,:. roon• ri1<"· pl••"l', hd.,.•d . noor•. J IRJ>OSal. dbl. .11:a n1g,, 4' • loin. Price $1 3.~ !1211 Rf'dlentl8. LI 11·4140 iJcllO &~:;. -20 yr. Loana Construction Loans SSE BOB SA 111.LR 2616 EAST COAST BLVD. Corona del Mar Harbor 3888 Rep. J'Ol RlER MORTGAGE CO. J\letro I.He l ns. F unt!• M:I J-!':>I~ t 8tfr. HOME LOANS ConatrucUon -Reflnanc1 -S.le& ~ ..... 0 \1 ... """ Ina. Funds -e idit:-Ir Loan - Prlv1l1 Mnn .. v EXCELLENT LOT NE .... 'PORT HEIGHTS, SWKI ~ LI 8-7 t Sll. by o.,.·ner. 68lfc By Owner For aale, 1...-EW TRJPUX. Jd111l locauon 120.~ ae.e to a.ppr-.· cla le. 672 Plumer. Har. JltlO..J. ..., .. LIDO R-3 :>n one lot Une 3 IX1rn1 ~n.i .. nf' Voo.J liunt1ng Tu!•l '°'11Ce t Jv•Ju SAM EMMES lo-Ktal 1':1ta1e BruMer Har bor lOt i ·R Balboa Duplex THI': t1Til~'.lt r:-:. l!l·:.'\'Tl-:l• 1• r Sf•.' J •r 11' \•k '" ijl· •l !lh«"" 11 • .,.1.-1n liuol.•~~ •n ·'"''\r•••t 111• H.,lf, r••r ):111•~• ••n1_v S"""" .i., ... n '!'hey 1r1 "'ur 111 1nh1 ~ I f:,e1<, 1 ;~11 St~-.1.,1\ 11111 ~:,,.~I BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES l:':IV:'l \\ ··•\ H1t1t ..... U!.d. __ I J/11 r,..,...r :,1 11 ~ ------- in ' ·· • 11 v ••t '""I" I ~·h•••I •• • 1 ---.. ! I! .;ll 11• I J r 11 o,11 • 1'1 ••I 11' s 1·::.fl•t ,\ r•nl 1 o:u• , .... , ,.u .. 111 J,,, ~' , r C. ED JONES , Rlt r. .II ul ') ·1'1 J. •+ •· 1: ~ .. ' .. J •"•:i H ,,. 11<11· Ltlvo!. !.jh«r I 1· l". ,,J f,! Jtl·: . ' ) ..... ~.,,_ OPEN HOUSE :0-:11n·la.' l . !j ;_:1,,1.' \ 1~1 .l f}/"IVC', J :,\ Y :-1 1 It Jlt i":.-; ' .... I t ' I f, [ • I >Iii llH• .. I " 1-. ~, '!r I<•-' r ! ' I I''' •t'""' t I! 1 nl! 1+·1• 1 .. r • •I~ "' '''+uni; .. J.Jo,. 1 • ~ i-211 I ~-L"R?\ISHED -I two bednn a nd l o ne bfidrn', 2 ca r 11r age, .,,;Jnt 1 en ta I are... •tiOOO <Jov. n .,..111 handle. ...1..so T\\'O GOOD OCE A:\' YRO:-O'T UJTS $1'1!100 EA Cl I 1'Near Newport Pier REAL VALUES FURNI SHED I \\,. ill~I· i ... ~ 11.><I ~ !u .! ... _\1,u Coast Properties J ! .'\'IT~ ~ l H;'\' J,,,"' 1ri ,,,,,. I•·! 1 ~11 .. 111~ l'"Y f••r tn .. f'l••l"·i+, l1~11l 1~n1 ,,j di•· Lill I 1 lt >l l S1•\:,«.•\J full pl•~r Ii ti ' 11 , I I 1~:~';;'tf,.?i.~ Tcot!I,~1:: I ' J(Jl i,: Ba.IOOa li•r bor 26~ /311·1!. Ha l~l<:.l'l 21)1'17 anJ i 6 1>'J VIE\\' I.OT liac k Bay l.J<r~l rl bl~ IP ""'n "''&\er 1t. rron1 f'~t11 t ... • now wotli tt1 1111. OH.A .... GE l:OAST .. H.Ol'EH.TIES !Mi Ntwpun. Coi l• i.1e,.a 1.J !-111:\2 E•·e~ 1~1 8-1~~·11 . . ·~ . .. M..l·Zoriing . ' tr<111!er i"O R lNDUSTR.lAL anJ rovrt 11\es -Nt11r l..'Q1t11. .\1esa Ea.y ltrn111. DAN A JACOBSEN. R@a l El!ta1e Har. Miil, I.I 8·6317, Kl 2 -:ll~T. HYalt 4-e.6W6 '"" l ;.;1·;\VPOJ{'r 111-:1r:1rr s I ,,.,,1, I r1.J,.,! k I• I • II ''""!""''' ''1"1"''' 11,.•l \ '" l•~• 1,., I' I• lor•I "l<~I 1<1<!.. I,,. 11 H JJ • 1 1"1 JJH• l~ 'I 'h '"~ k ,,,,,. ,,r 111 .. 1,..,, tJ .1,. ir1 1 .. 1 .. ~" J.,,IJ J'JJC<' $!J:olJll ... " ,, "' '. ··'·•I ~-··· :\/('~~ 2 Hi·:l1H ~1 . 11111 ,IW•oud 11"'11 ~ ,., .... I ~ .... ~OLL HOU SE I fl<t'plR•,. ol,,Ul)ll! l.'.••l ali:~, >'I• ~.',,h!<l •!••"'I• $'.~j') r .. 11 !••II ""'"~-lo.<1 1,.,,,: ] ·''" Shafer Realty Hae _l .f 11 1111> :-01, I' "<1d"n l'I At 11, .. !'\•"I""' l ',"r fl1t 1 ti.11' \\, lh<I ~·~~"·:-0! l of'" k1I• h••IJ "I Pl b,,fli. I I'''' '""111 ·fl""'" 9rr .. 1 .. ,.,.h 1. • ll•,K 1 .. 1,I A t\ ~Al~J." T r., 11 1•11 1 dull h'"""" ""~ un,; ~~1 7·,o i:;z t••ru,~. \\ .. IH11e 11t1•r r"l f ""'! ~•It'•. "",. u~ lu1Ja y. ! 11/l t 1 .. ~t. b L!I! !1•·1' .... ti!•~ I Full Price $7500 l .IVl':T!\!F 1., l'''V Rn ,.,1 ••• u1 d .. I 1t1~ , "·•J;i' "r I Ii • •+111 t r1n111 ~II \\II 1 "• k ' ·I ' "1"'1 "' ! •1.,~• '"'"I ·•1! ,., ·"' M 11•1 •I " • • • ,. • lo I ' I l•\\r11·1 \\111111h1• lu"' 11> ' " ' r "' & 11• '" • HARB OR 20 42 Frank Jam es Linwood Vick '.!J :! .\\.,r ,11 0 A l•·, lln<J,.,'1 l•l i.11<1 I r H RF.E BEORJ\1. HOUSE: $11::0(,11 , (1l'E:'\-11 <>1 '>;1, ~ ........ 1 ~"" ,\l .. n B. A. NERESON payml':nt• $8J mo. Tern11 tOlllll \. :.: .! • 1 1·~~111.-,, I • H~;Al.1'iJ/t I Se e Me-Ta · Nelson 8l:E a t87JVLetori11.,Cost&Mes1<·.'•!.l!\I b•·a•h 1 1 •>'•~" 111 JOt.i~I 2 hr !'Hi:! ."\·~,.1 ~.,1 Ht vd. i· .. ~·,1 i-l ··•t of. t:a Jl JCXmont 1·2807. 6ltfc l l'l.t·:-; !C" 0.•" L.J,1\·:t' pall"·" l.llJtor ly 11 -l'\12 }o~;'o':> !.I li•l l1•1 8£ST LO'r BUY, Newport I-I t~ .. 1'1i:E J.\i~I Uf: $'~1 ~.vu ,L llw1ly /\-t1:•i1 :i !,l'tl•'l l_\' i-;.,,:,:; level kit on Holmwood d 1i ve 13 br,. 2 ll~lh. tr1111~ $23 . .',l)lj l Tanna. BA (').; Ii A\' OR.ANGE COAST PROP£RTIES '" ? 0 0 . 0 \' •·-•o ooM I 1167 Newport Blvd., Cuet.a M•·aa \•I -,,, I I J,,. ~- Ll 8·1632 f;v"~-I.I 8 -l t OIJ lb! !1t•1<1l1 t<r!IUl '"'""'\ ~.:11 .'1••• I.•• HOME & INCOME $4.200 DOWN Uve In one:? bdrn1 I , ~·1 " •IH·•·" 11""1""' ~ .. ~~~· homl a t sJ per niO. Rent (In I ;, l <'r•· .r11ll VI•\\' Hf lt-t Y .S~ .1111 •' ' Q , '-00 1211 Xi"! h1 1o:f>h· !"•lll•1N! )11 ... ut ou1er ~ya oan. r ren~ "" 1 • for $11Kl per month , ll':av.-e 59;z r l !i x :i-:J6 111 11«~t ""~1• s•w;.11 I 1·11<1~ pro/it -By owner, 1..1 II· 7632, I CI , V H 6attc a1re an orn 5 .'ti ••. -.fl -. -OPEN I "ff l' .. 1llJ•1<1 Hl1··I MT 1,1!1 ~· ! :I J!l•H:-01 t•11•1l,.,ll•"I, 111.,,1,.,,, kd· ')••·ll IOI! lll'!'l+ll ll• "'"• )K lj,O' j, 1 $1.'· \•.'·"· J,''""' !•'' t•\~ ){t~I': Al ~'-:1) ;'.;'11 1.1.'\'l •f• T"'u /u1r f ·' 111,.11,..,1 1 11111 .~. $2!'i•~I ,,,,,,,·11, $1 ~S p<>r mo I 1"hlB ~UllU lll'r°~ '"' ~h•lll1•1 tJo• [:UIHI /or lh•· d ..... -n J•R.1"!1"'"1 -I T llE :-Ol•!ST l.\l l'1JH 'f',1:'\"T ,\LJ ''d 'L!. l:l·,,\I> ·r•d•A'' • ,,l :•).'-1' l•r.J. .11AH l<A ST~:ll N I J\\'.'\'~:Jt S AYS SELL. l•kr '"'"' :i li••1!1nt•11 •. :! htt th. f11·~- 1•J,,, ,.. lid"'>! tl"•'I~, ld'•ck fPllll '" ' "' '' H-:!, H,.i.,w ,, fJI"' ""••·111 f 1.,., 111 ., \ ,. I 1.,111 i; ,\ 1t I I." I I\• t t.r " ., .. ,, hl 1:'' "".J'"'. ! r •· 1'\,., •• • I""' " \\ ,,.,1.1 , "II'>· lo ' ! 1 ,, I· t " d•.1.J• '-111 1 ·.,, ''"~ <l••J ,\$IP j lJr,11" 1"1t I"''~ J.::\:\'i.(');J\~; Ll.!:>'fl.'IU. _P_R_O_V_l_N_C_l_A_L--C-KA--R-M--.-_-"-,-,-r HF A I !"I Jlt new, 3 BR. 2 bAtli, pantlP•I '!7\\ l\' i '.,<1 ~{ H1,1 I.I 1'1·1 ~77 kitchl!n. bit-In tll.f1ge, pa lu) ,,._I -.:Pr 1.l :>'IH• ~ h·11111 $1•"'"' ,, .'\' r' L(l\'Jo:J,Y ~ Hi<~l •l<.\I , l OATH I l loh•d ri. .. .,~. 1 .. 1,i:y l•>I tir11 11l1• '''! 1 ol lot 1 aun dock. Only $23.:>00. FHA N t H • ht Lern111. ewpor e tg S f'.J~\'JJ.;\V i'HOPl·:J-tTI !·:~ M . M . PINOVER. R!tr. H R!'. 4f;U) f\\H I"'"""'''~ ,(. .i..11 II• ,1 ,.. ~1"" \ U•1lh"'I Jl.11 1,.,r .1.·-;1 I ·dh J,.,.,j~, ·<l""I. Hrur • ;.,11 I "lut• lull 1·1 ,..,· J ll~1fl• 1 1.•11)11 d<l"'n ! l ll 1\!E ,(, 1:\:t"<l,lf-'. TAl"E A UTO .a11 part dn\vfl. 3 b~lrn1. ho mt. lan<l3r&prd, l t'RI' y•rd fenced. F' H.A, buil t. l>ll'lke j 1ood deal. 1 ORANGE COAST PROPERT IEfi 1Li 7 Ne,,.·po1\. Cns!1 Me.•11 LI 8-lfl32 E ve.• LI 8·1·100 HOME WITH CHARM l '1 bloc k• from OC:tan. All r lr 1- lric. 2 Bdr11111 .. 2 full bat h.<. nr .. plac@, :Z f u 1TI1 cttt. 011k r10<•1-i:.. ::i yr•. o ld. Larl{I! rovere.I 11:.i::· \ afnnt pa tio In ~1111Uful pn v1tlr 1t•tdtn. I MMED. l'OSSE SSIO :'\" Prl<"N to 11rll . 219 Hl':llotropt. C 0 ~I ,.,.,. --· CORONA DEL MAR ~avtlfully 11'..cor8t~,1 :i! b-!1 no home N f'W ,,,.,..,.. r·11.rp~t 1'"'" p•netln1, (lr~pl8C ... ]R l~f' i"1l1n 1rlll Ii oven. dbl ,1;>1 1"'1}:" "',.,. a t 1110 J•sn1\ne. Call uwnti llul t 2S.-J 610 AVQ<'ado 60<'1<'! tl<!\'"1"<1 l•IW i'i"''<I l .. u,1• l lii.;!·. ,\,~11 ,,,~rg \I 'Tl \ I·: dtof'I• '· ( 11,n,,. II·• A 1 ' I J ('.. :! !'"'I' Ill' l 0 f1<i"I )'1 1• '") I 111 ~.~ •1 1~!, !' I, '"' •! :0:-'ll l\oq Ill\• d 1!1•• ,<;.-• 'lu.1', '" 11 $11 ~· ,1 1 i.'.'""I f illd ll< 1 r1~ Weit Newport "l'"rlo\l,.111 i.:1111<1:" 1 .. •P111'i'll 1'11) ~·" "' N.B.C. Realty lil\'d It ... 1 11.-. O PEN AFTERN OONS 1 'lit •I•-~; t ., 1Ht l:"llA l ll·;t. ~I ,\ It i;1 ;; ~l .\J :i;1 l'"rt ll'~· " l l· lo1t1• I n J,. ·" I • 1 I ""!. !lo d• ·I' !\II 'i • I"" I• I"' I• 1 I 1 I ,,1 · ', .. 1. t " •:II l.,\THl:11I' "" I· !I ' \ I h1 r. ~1 I I.' "I !I" ~, ... BY OWNER I. ,ti II q "i! ' ·~· .• · . .,~·· -; ~. '"I " •l".1:1"""' ',.,, l t>111 ,,. l><• .. I. •'I> ', >H t 1' S o,1 l••.1\1• 1'111 t l·.~• •'ii Z«ll•'d 1 • ll!k~ II" •I I ll "' !P Provincial Perfection I '!!·:TA :>;l<l.~1 1:--;' r ~'!'"~I·'. ('••1t.•I ll<.o.y '·, n•n" •l•·I l\ui , 11 .. 1-. ~1r.•i" :.! 1 .. ,1, .. 1 .~· "11 >i···ln Tust in School Dis tric t "'". ""' rn 1~r11 ll!«•>J h o,.lf !l•'fl tl l•, ••!"" h"~Hl r~ll<IT.11:!< bo·:.1r\1!HI ! 11f)1r '1._ th•"".ll:'h•llll 11 .. .,, .. hu ,)1 J,, h n,:0 ~1 ··1 ,.,. .. ri ... 1>11t1\ ''"" ~ .. ~, ,,11 H••flllllrulh· IHnd~· "I'~·! 1.: {11•0 d··" "- "ART" ADAIR , Rlt r. '"" )" •I Hl,··I !. I 1' I;'•! ' ! .l "' "' ' \I• ' " .. ., .... Rewar9 \\",\ :\TEIJ hr.'' l'""'l'')Jri t111t1 , ".h I•• 1•"1 \\o il l<lo\ 1.• l.i l'h• \OI \ ,1·\\ l "><1 1 11n111• di RI "I~ Osborne-Forton ll E'.A L TY CO. :,>.1'll v.· t"nR•! llwr I I.''" I\ 11 l l~/i !rj H11•: <lo·u 1'P\·I ii:"•'•I j'''""' H••.11+111111 '"' < 1111" 111i: j!• ,,,I I ,II 1 ):t: ho! l .v<1k Ml· I 111:•k·· ••fl• r. I J"\" ('1>l{\1:'\",\ !•~:t, .\I A !{ :l h•h n\ 11,,,111• l<!"l'"t ll!ll" "1'"111 .... n: .. n I H I "'t [n1 :'•"i!h t•f H1"1i" "·' \\.-1 ... , •. !lh· ..... ,. I•'< •ll 1·;,.1 'll \ '' .F /'," • 1 •lo\ \I " Fitzmorris Rlty . Co. I ~!'!\! 1J>I<' J < ! "l 11u~t1""~ !Ir• ,k,.1· ~11 :1 ·, I·, • ', 11 ~T H 1 ).'.hl'•~\· ,\1 ,, llMr lo•n LOT FOR SALE 11.·.2 l't -~ \'irw lot 60 x lfH\ fl. une of !hf" bf'1>l parts of Cltff Have n. THE l'!{ll 0 !:: \\:I LL SURPRlSE YOU. Stww n by appointment only. c·a~I Stan Le L1e\'re EARL w . STANLEY, Realtor J ;.ith & Irvin~ LI 8-~64 F.ve:a : LI 8-7056 WAll!ITA FINANCE A JUNKET? l,1::1"S get together a nd help a poor neglected du .,.,'ntrodd('n couple. take • t rip to Europe.. All ~o n1e one hall to do ls b uy their home. Otherwise, they w ill have t o fl!Je nJ the summer rambling ar11Und 111 their 3 8 . H ... :zi ; bath and den .ll ome:- •'nJ":'> tng the two f1rcplace11 . WW c•rpet1ng tbru- «U l, t he all elec tric kitchen , the unbelievable: clo8el 1'i!JIH •-. the sharpet1l !iv. r oom you'll eel! in many a 1110911. AND the g reateat \llf'l'o' you can 1m•g1n(' Phr1ne fir~t. we're ready to show it. R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor R. B. HO OGE, A!IAOCiate Coast 1-lwy ., Co rona dc-l Mar BALBOA ISLAND i"la r. 277 4 • 1 11\·c~t $10.fMXI e.nd let the income more Lhan pay the .,.,.ll Y ~ :'\LN'T \'VATERJ."RONT duplex. 2 bd rms t·ach. f1rl'place, a 1•peal1ng. dil!lpo111ah1, compl f urn. lni'!tantly It will pay you to inveatigate. Full Price $42,500 BALBOA PENINSULA ABOVE AVERAGE! Thia 2-bednn. home i1 a little gem '. Criap color 11ch eme throughout -M:aled t or p!Pa~ant living with it!'! bar kitchen and large 11unny i•atin. J.oadi:; of elol'let 11pace too! And -priced to sell at S17,500 with tenna if deaired. .NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 P.farin(' Ave .. Balboa Island Har. 502 or 4623 CORONA DEL MAR F'ully equipped garage loc1ted., on Cout Hichw1y for the past 10 years and 'aO ing an out.landing \'Olume of bua1nca111. 45 fL on highway and room fo r t'XJHtnsion. Thill is well worth looking into-- Terms are very nexibJ('. Call ua for information, CORONA HIGHLANDS OcCan view home loc ated on a atreet to 1treet lot. 3 bf'l:!rooms, bath & ~"· shake roof, Iota ot tile, H. w. n ooNI & i< ... A . heat. Fenced patio thllt is a be1uty to behold. OPEN HOUSE DAILY 4-28 C&brillo. W. E. FISHER & Associates HAR. i5032 3024_ E . Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Sit Room a .Sunny Living . 1n ltf:J_.AX and enjoy a Bay Front view without pay. 1ng Bay r~ront price•. 3 bedroom•. Mpa.rate d inin&" room. Forced a ir heat. Furni.Bbed $26,500 Open House 114 Collin• - 4 bedrms .. 2 bath•, beautifully rumlabed. Doub!• garage. Large fenced yard. N•r B1y, $2:1,000 / -DORIS BRAY, THIS could be 11 big b 11 r1;111n Ill Ull• loeaUon, It raah,.d out tn G I lo..n of $~!\00-t-4 l.00 ~r mo .. 4% Int. If 110ld on tern19 or $2000 dn .. price 51 0,TllO. Se~ atll ti Mod@n". C:811 owntr LI 1·6297. 7:.rr.· I •·tnrn un ITH'~.•\+'l"'I' lJ111 l,1 A•l•l'I un1t;o \\"Il l tl':t•lr . II ~~ ;,:,~11 1<1 ;, :10. ; :1 I• 1"1 1·,.r, !•r n n~··, ;.; ..... 1 ... 11 n""'"" On S1.·a1v:trd. Curona li igh landli Pf{ICEO 1·0 J:;F..:l~L ... -"'.2.16 Marine Ave., Balboa Wand Realtor Har. 20 or 114 .'\'~:\\'!•(i i: 1· fl~'.A{"ll H!f;H ~1"Hi)1 1!, < 't,11.-;~: T• • M ... 1. •n • ' I.I 8-4 :!7~ ' TRUST DEEDS BOUGHT & SOLD 2 -JO IL ~ Dfl Bo. Bay F'ront. [ -------------1.-1 .... "•l l1•ftnq "'-Ht"< JI•~ '!•t·• llP Joi~,,. & p l !IJlr \\l•.11 \I ,,,.,, .. , ~::iler ~~~;:~'"'I ;,,86 ·~!UTILE ISLAND Tr11~1 fl~tl1n1 lndoClr · 01Jtdoor BICA l.TTIF1JL VlliW HOMS.. ... \.!•t.allna. 8&n Clern~t• llrl1.t1d and 8aJ'I Pedro all rrom yQUr h1<1na room window. Thia la not 11 l<'•al!hold but a HOME y01.& •;sn re .. t prnud to f1Wn . CALI_. (l\\"'."F.R u a.-2t~~u12 cnrr Drive 17r Pl Don I. Huddleston u &-~J ,,. l.'Olta '£. l7lh S L INCOME '31,~ each. Call T . D. Roc-r1. Har. 1&.16-Y.', or RTan 1-IO?I. 18ttc {;1.JF'F' HAV•:N on!~· S I.~ U.Hl -Subol.cr}~ to th• i..-der. Advt~.! EZ Tern1• 8·2 SR apl~ V.H1h llH In Ui• BEST. C •ll H1rtr:orj d~Q. !le.,.•tr, tcbOOI•. l:11 lJ ""''n~r I !Ill . • I J l -:163!'i • i:!'rlU 1·"'"11•;. j· d r• ' "' ! I• bll! h k 1• IP I• A. ' '" ''"' (, E ,11,ti l•~·I • ,.,:,,.he 1 • ~Ill! j:IO I k • "r f,.n.rl \•11 I LI ;. J.u ~" \\II.I. II ' \1 >1: • l ltl l 1n i I• It" '"" '" ,,,, " 1 ...... ft ,. 11 , ,. I ',, ... Ir" .-- I> '"'' I 80 ft. \\\1,•1 l•"I !, \ N 1 •I I .I ~ 1.'"I "'" 1 1> .I(" l"I " "· ;,., "h.1 o( J', 11 .. 1 .... , '"' , ... 1 ... • ·' ~ 1 / P~rc.el "' "'.l!I ., ,_ "' I [,111•.:. lat t • l1n•I t Bl!'drm... ;1 t;i..,!h"-M l~n ln~IU•ll'I I 81!.<h m 1r •1 "'! uni' S.~1.P!'.O S..f. ynur l f,., •I t:r rnk•r .-.r 'vu 17ron1 1f'r ~ 'J 1·,4 70c82H • - • ,,. -• " !!:;!!!!!_,!!!!!!!!:....---~:::!~~~:....---11 !1!:::•!!!:•~' .!11:!!!11!!1!!• _...., __ I Jll!:::!•!!•!!'..!!!!11!!!!! ~--_!•!::~"!!! .. !!1,!11:!!1!!1!!•~· -· _;,;·--,. .. !:::!!!!' i!!!..!•!!!l!!!l!!•----1 NEWPOlll' .HAlllOR NEWS-Ptl.ESS -PART 11 • 'A6E t II art~ a •Ml_., -· · . . 1::;: - -wEDNEsoAY, MARCH 7, '"' . • • • . 8/ B' BALBOA ISLAND-JUST LISTED • Very attractive 2 B. R., 1% bath home &nd 1 B. R. Cara.re apartment, lge. livin1 rooma, all newly dec<r nted and beautifully furniahed. Unusual flre- pla.ce11, nice kitchen, •paciout patio. , H~ ex.ce11ent Income reconk Thl• ii top quality property. Very cloae to North Bay FrOnt.' BALBOA PENINSULA 'INCOME -attractive modem duplex, 2 -2 B_ R. unit!. Excellent locaUoD, extra large !iv, rm. in upper unit . $32,500 -Terms. Early American duplex-Ueed brick fireplace•. 2 B. R. eacb unit -Nice sundeck, lot.a of extrae. $28,500 Own~r Ill -Mlllt aactifice. 3 B. R .. 2 bj\lh, lge. laundry room , beautiful liv. nn .. brt"ak faR~ b&r, dinlng area. used brick fireplac?·· All ""·ool car- peting, nice patio with B. B. Q .. all elec-tric built-in kitc hen, $28.500 -good fl.Ila acing lo qualif1c.J buyer. 3 hou!K"fl on q uirt i;trt"t!t facing f·1ty park. 3 bdrm11., 2 bath11 <·BL h -built· 1n k 1tch,.11~. d1shw.,,iohe rs. L'Red br1• k 111f>J•!,11·1·-. l.<1rgt· pf1ll11~ -~~3.50.J - ( ;.,i,J ftna nl'Jt\g , Deal with Re altors BAY & BEACH REAL TY, INC .. Realtors 1oi~ \\I . Ba lboa 13Jvd_, Balboa -Harb<ir 1~64 Lido's Best Buys lt.t..1l«1i1 l'" 11, ll~ I..<i~·rly l11ri;1 p1Uo At $31,11~)0 it ~~ 1t~•I' H •111 •n ''" ¥'""" 111.:n \1'alt t o•'"'"ll ,11r .. t1n1:" LI~~ 11ie.«'>' 11n.i ,,n 1 $21.i ,\i.~fl t lJ' t..•I at. $12 tl OIJ v1tatt'rfro11t hrnn'"~ KILLION , re ol estote 2341 Newport Rlvd , Harbor 5505 COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth .. CLIFF I-IA \"EN -Tri-ptex. immf'd1 et~ fl08st>S11ion of front unit v.'ith f1rep1ai:C". :! Br each unit & ~Rr­ agefl, Lclry. & stora~c room S20.500 with $3(X)O dov.·n, monthl y \nan payn1ent S172. Jn comr $235 rwr munth. 3 Br. home, 11:.: baths, hwd. floors, flrPplacf'. " w carpet, double g11.r11.ge . 1\-l locution $12,7Jll "'ith t1·rn:is. NEWPORT l-IEI GHTS : 2 B,. S.: ilen . Hwd. floors, fireplace, large 2 car gar1t.gc and work shop. Nec.-dK .ome painting but a real bargain al $13,500 TERMS. C-2 BUlilnMA Zont': 1 .~· a c?"C' jusl off N. P . Blvd., with c ood 3 Br. home $12,500 with $3500 down. G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd., Costa f\!ctHl LI 8-lBOl ' -·---- Your Corona de! Mar Estate Full' Price, $27,500! H ERE'S WHA"ll. YOU GET Three full 11ize level lots, Five bedrooms. 21:: balhs, (Approximately JOOO sq. ft.I Two fireplaces-oak noon, large f&mily 11ize kitchen 11.nd a full 11izr dining room, PLUS huge play room. If you 11\"c tired of living in crarkcr bnxrf;, gi\'e yourself and the kids 1t. real King Size family honH'. Seldom has any multiple listing caused so mul'h excitement -Why not phone for an appoinlment today? W. STUART FOOTE, Realtor 2.117 W. Balboa Blvd .. Newport Beach Phone Ha.rbor 24, Evenings l.Iberty 8-:>490 SIX UNIT INCOME An investment wor1.h your invcstig::i.tion, shov.·!t $7200 annual re.turn, fi\'e unitit ni{'C'ly furn1shC'rl & carpeted. Lot 00 x 118., stx g-aragcs, waRhrnom!-1, sprinkler R)'Rtem. property in exc('llent condition. tncome is from perm.anent tenant& (No summer renlal•l complete breakdown figurPs in our office. Full price $70.000 \vith excellent fi nanl'ing. • Mu}ligle No. 6947 ' South of highWO")', tw11 bC'<l mnmf<, hrlwcl. fl oors. heatolator rireplacc. 45 f1)ot lot. plUR one bf'droo1n sue11t apartment. OPEN HOUSE DAll.Y. $24,500 Tt'rn1!;. 328 Poinsettia Ave. RAY REALTY COMPANY 1-fHr, 2:''\8 :W._. E . Coa st ltwy. Ci'irnnll <il'I ~1ar {Acr088 from Bank in C.0 .M.J MEMBER O~ .. ).f Ul~TI Pl .. E l.1$TING ::;ER\"J('E NO. UY FllONT, 1 Tf· old Orimtal _,,, ,..,v.i. ed "" -'411.IOO ·-Bayshores TII• PR.IC& el Pl.IOI ladudM • vuw ot ta.. ~ ~ }Dea· Uon -. ..,.._.. Dn,.. MW1¥ p•lntad •t..tw, I ...-... NEAi\ !I(). UY,.• BR., S bL wood puoled dY. rm. tlnpl, 2 BR. -..... could -..117 be -- "' 1 BR apt. Priooc1 rleht at .. P'T .llOO \ ~ tla.tM, 1p. as. ...... Wltll fl•ptoa9 ~ ... _., a. MULTIPLIC Lll!TING, 300 Block, unuoual beoch home r.A.-t, 2 BR. turn., ounkon·1anlen. Torma '81.llOO • al'lor1. 4talane9 te Pf\.,.'-.....,..,, St'• t<rd&J tor J'O'll' J9W' u'OQad ttom•. LlT1'LE lSLAND, Tropical oetUn1. t Bl\. plil!r 1 BR. notal --····--··-·-············-···--P,t.900 Cliff Haven ONE or THS BmT-~ I bedroom , 1" batb ....._ U :1: 11 llVlnl' room, dln . ...-_ WWd. floor•, nrc.iy Ja.nd«aped nu v•rd wLUt barbeq\14 aad com: jiletaly tuCad 'tf'IUa .,....,..CUa tencinf--f,22,600. Ranch Home (11ARt.tL'0 hom• In a. HlUn1 ot ~nv•ly new hocn ... euet.om bUllt. ,r;;~ n . lot. only I mont.M old- .1 11.1'• bedroom•. ta.re• uv 1 •Ul• ~lll·ln lh•rmador oven & 1 a11ce. lll•ded wllh altra..:Uve r~aturu. w . .,,. ca.rpeun1 • Ji .. .,... lnclu<led In I.be PRJC J!: (I f i 11,()00. ''C'' THOMAS REALTOR and ASSOC1A TES 2Zt V.' Cout Hlw•y l.J. 1-6327 N •wport Bf.ia.eh "C:' THOMAS HOME & INCOME B It.A UTrTUL S Bl:DRll. HOKE, dbl car , plU• a "P· bun..-Jow for the tolke. Thi• ta not • .-V• e pt. but a. Mpe.r&t• w•ll built l RR home 8-t atuc:co conaL, nnly 3 yre old. l:xcl, Ea.It aide l<Xallon •urrounded by nlca hon1e•. Only 114,llOO. Have & home. l•rr• or 9mall wlU\ In· con1t:, SltEIN'O w!ll c~v'UlC• you HOWD. FLOORS \'OU CA ~ HAVE HARDWOOD floo n a.t the prlca of aaphall tile V.'11 have a delll'f\tt\Jl I br horn• on Ii: 1ld1, waJk dlatanrr. t n111·n. Ttle k it. a.nd b&th. Hoo.a1 lnirnar ln1ld• A out. Yenctld yd rurl>ll 6. nwer In . A 1-IAPPY PL.ACE lo Jive a.t only Ill,~. OPEN HOUSE f r1 t1ay-Saturd•Y·8unda y l ·!I p .m 26641 Redla.na1 Dr .. Coal• M ..... 3 b.rtrm. HV.'D nr1 , n replac• Only J2000 down. NEW 4 BDRMS . ALI. 1...AROE ROOMe, r-.1 dlntnf rm .. l full b•lh•. dbl, p r .. pa.tlo, t>-utlfully Ja.n decap«!, lUf• lot. Nr. ahopplnc • echoola. A real buy at 11.2 .200. Ora.pee lnctud•d Only J2200 an. HURRY ON THIS ON!!. ONLY $1000 ON. J BDRMS., 4 •; ~.4 LOAN, only 1 yr. old . pymL of 176 lnclulf•• ta.•. tnt. ete. A l'OOd bom41 at • prlc. you can't bM.t for .-.Ju• l!chool, ahoppln1 • a. larr• yard for th• children_ Comt In • h•t. 11~ •how you lhta RE A I.. 8A1'.0UN. Ll'lTLI: ISLAND, Un .. ual 3 BR., 3 both homo SM.llOO LIDO NOl\D ~ BR., 2 BR. apt. Real deal 14 quallllJd b'l)'ei'. r-. W• ha"Ye buyers tor eood u.t.iDp. Free -.... u:cellOllt ..moo. Har. 177~ -Eves. Edith Maroon ' • John Mcnab HYattt~ Harbor ~ EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 22:S Marine Ave., Balboa lal&nd BALBOA ISLAND Fi.neat loc ation, a 1t.ep t o th11 Bay, on an utra wid.1 lot. • e roomy bedl"O('.lm. • baUuo Very large Living room Scparat.I d.1n1nc room P atio and a 3 car ran.re plus paved parking. The ideal home for gn.ciou. family living. Rea.tonabLe t~rma. • • BEST INCOME BUY Four unitJi on 2 lot.I. Let thi1 one build thP equity for you. Only $1 0,000 down • • LIKE TO BUILD A NEW HOME! t.hll: !art• corner lol, moo duirable 1ection of the BACK BAY area. WM.W. STANLEY SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD Pa.rk Ave, at Marine, Ba.lboa bland Ha.rbor 2'°2 "Real E1tote i1 e Techn ical , Legal Com· plex Bu1 ine11 that r1quire1 yt•r1 of Ex- per0ence in Tit I .. , Deeds and Trust Oeed1 end the Ii~• ••••• Li11t your property for u.le with a. member of th\1 Boa.rd •••• we're K"olnr to .ell $1 ,000.000 worth or real e.lat..e each month durini 1~. MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE WI JUST ORDERED ANOTHER SHIPMENT Of CRYING TOWELS • , 'WI . . , ..... W11 'mn a.. tao.a..,.. _. ................ ..... -------... ..................... t-.............. ....-. ... , ---.--.i....m&•a Dtq?r• .... W' ...... I .., ..... i. ....... •~ .... t. CM .... d AD el die , ~ ............... _. -. llllld. .... .-II: Q te WU you It"• a •• r 111.-bu7 at llt,oot -t600I> ~ ~ .._u..nat. • • • ON LIDO ISLE 1'1111 OJC'LY U'O'I' OK SAR.TH 'JBA.T CAif ~-WITH ..... ..,.... ... ~.Wna. ._. ..... ~.--.... ___ ......... pd J _,.....,.._I yn. ohl. · u·t pt 1 t at pl,IOll. Tsma. ' . . . , DELIGHTFUL OCEAN VIEW- II( llOU'l'll LAOUNA, 'Where ~ Aftd ,met PYWC can bl 1'GUft a.u U....,., ot )'<Mll' h te. 2--oM bMrOOl'll unit•. nl<·e\y turnlah41d lll,&00. Owner ha1 IJ7IOO .qulty. Will ..U or trade In N..,,port BMc.11 a.n&. • • • YOU 'LL :TURN HANDSPRINGS- "We're Mpving to Irvine Terrace" Drift In tooj&y aacl -IW ,-oolf the -oat· ..,ndtnc ~ of thll ~ b*"*mdtJ. Kore ~-= Harbor &Na t&Dl1J:N. are tllllpeetlq ~ --110tln1 their -'olf, -veaience a.nd central loc&Uoll. Kore and more ta.mll1m who prefer a. home ln & "'° lltrlcted quality comm.unity a.N movin& tD.to their 1"ine Tettace boa.& model homes, Inspect built tbe \ly: Corp. Mac co exquisitely furnished by: Martin & Von Hemert ' ~Ternco I.I loc•ted OD Cout HJch""Y oppoglta j the new Irvine Coaat Cou.ntry Oub. EARL -W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Ha.rbor tfiS For Further ln!ormaUon * For Recom.me~datioo , we refer you lo anyone who holds a ~asrhold Etilale !n Tn·ine Terrace, B!acon Bay, Bay Shore.e and Cliff Ha.ven B/B LID 0 I S LE ...,_ If JOI Mft ut.krttlll. wbtn )"Oil --.Mt •• can ..U you I~ $11.004l 'tf'IUl only p00o down. A bra.Ad ._ J bedroom ho1nt . J ~ lDadlld with W., U LA Wo tb• ltltchte. Jil"lreplat:f , ! OPEN HOUSE I OW!\'F.R LEA VI=-'G t "ITY, h ... [ R.EDI 'CED PRl~E on the 111n111 bW.lt·la ""9Q a.n4 eto\'e, l car 1, toe Xanlhe .-.,,.... 8tl'Mt unpro,.unan\.I SaL & Sun. 1 00 to !I 00 an I.JI ta a.A4 pa.lei t or, Good A 4 BEDROOM, 2 bath tamlly klcaUoa. horne. la rge !1v1n1 room bu!ll I «l111r1n1n g f'ro\'Hlt"l•I "'• 1111.v • f \'f'r •<1vertlited. h" J b<!droonlr, r•1n " dflll , 3 b&ll\8 Appu1ntn1en\JI or vi:qui•lle I.Ute • • • Seven IJlands Realty & Investment Co . 501·31M at., N.wport. Bch, Calli. Niu". MU, attw I p..111.. H.a.c. 6~7 Ocean Front Home With Mpar&le unll, la11• lot bf.ill v11w, Lncom• lllOO ,-y .. r. Full prio. IR.760. l'urnl.9bed. T~• Ev'" phone Hu. 02N-J. Why Not Live on Broadway? TilrM Md.rm. l101J1•, t1replac•. bwd. Jlo9ff. _...,r 'Jal# · in clOMta. mti""• llH.t ilMf compJ. r.d«ofated. R-.dy to mova Into. lmmtodlate ~tnn. Aek- lnc $11.MIO. &ul>rntt dOWll pay· lfl•l. h'" phone LI l ·l64J 90' from Bay 'I'w'o '*irw. plu .. D Mm• on :I lot. ~ oa OGl'1iW ac:ro• •U.t trom Ba.y. Woodtrtul MM:h· or ,_-manmt boma. Ev•. ph-. lJ. a.7U7 Little Dream House a round a larf• patk1 with bl.•ulltul pl•nUop, bul!l-Ln BBQ. Room to brMlhe. Equal lv a 60' let. Aaklnc 13:1.600. 3 BEDROOMS, l !.ii batha, lo¥ely patio. A•IUnr 123,000 low dn. ONE O f" THlC l...ARGEST LOTS on Lido $~.000. OPEN I SMART NE\V ~t1,_11JERS I THIS hl)me h.u 3 bedroon1•. 2 b a.th8, ~ .. b11 1lt-ln ele<:: kltch•n. lov•ly wa ll to wall carpellng, 1\11'.• pa.tlo, \mprtu1v1 entry. Plioed ready \o (O. HOUSE 3907 Ma.rcu. St .. Newport lale Saturday and Sunday l :00 t o 5 ·00 WATERFRONT FURNISHED 2 UNIT. J ust what evef-ybody 11 looking ror. One unit hu 3 bedroom•. :Z bat.ha, larp living room, dlnin( room. The other uWt h•• l bedroom. large living rm .. 2 ca.r ca.rage. PIE R AND FLOAT. Beautiful 10' view entire lot on King• Road overlookin& Newport. Harbor. "Deal with Realtors'' BAY & BEACH REALTY INC. 3112 Lafayette "Juat r ight or the Lido Bridp'' Harbor 36-43 Harbor 2299 Evea Twe ....... ,.,_,., slMllllnC oU n--. llltUac ....... MautlfUl U... BMl-.S paUo db&a. (&!'· •re ano amonr .:im• ot th• l t•tlU"9a of Ull• homa.. Ow?lw - I• reluet.atiUy IMYiril' ~ Only Best Buys Corona del_ Mar Mesa~~~.~~ealty Newport Harbor Board-of Realtors ~~;;:;~;a Rlty. 2. SHORECLIFFS, EXCLUSIVE. Yea. we have M'Y· en.I homee liated exclu8iVt!ly with U-1. Tell t11 your need.a, we will find it for you. SPECIAL BUY. Only one 3 bedrm. home. Hard· wood n oon , forced air beat, prb&p dispou.l. dble. gara~. fenced yard. Drapem included. Choice location and low down payment will handle.. Priced a" $16,500. No telephone lnformalion pleue, juat come lo the offiCe with check . A real bargain. 1109 Center St .. Co•la Meaa 17H N~ llll"'d., eoeta )(- LI 8-6911 A W 1-7714 U I·~ l!TM. LI S-7217 REAL BARGAIN F"or th• money thl• le the bul buy In lo'fll'n. Imma.cuLa.lt ln•i·l• and out ... T'Y;o Mdroom home near the naw city hall a.nd .:'.Ion In lo !own. Wood Ooora------L&rce 1a.ra1e Cem ent (lrl1't""'"Y -Lot :io ,. L:'JO. Properly now r•ntt<1 rnr 1110 • month. C•n be h•ndlt'd tor S2000 down. The rull prlc11 !• only 111~00. CLOSE IN H~rt'~ • d11.ndy bl.If" In • thr•• bedroorn horne .... ·uh two bath•. On e11u•t•lcle of town a.n d only 1wo block• from th• Men lh••lre. 7 y~•r• old. Hardwood ~loor• -one of lht rnott ple&ant llvlnr room• you'vl' •1,.pped into O•r •J-P•tln--eaolky•rd fenced Al ie~-. f"llll price I• only Sl ],000. Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson FIM Ne"-port Blvd., Cotta Meu Acro.1 from C1J11la. Mt:M. Ba nk l r'h. Ll l ·t 711 1 1:1'tt. IU.r. 43M 1.1 8-2013 BY OWNER NEARLY Ntw J bdrrn. home. furu. by dl9('()rator. Nicely l•rid- ~·•ped. la111 lol. con1pl•tely f<1nre<1 t11,,11-00. l •lnt• to r eapon•· Ible ptr1Kin. >049 Nallon•l. Co.ta ).le!'a. 74p8i 23 Rentals Top ln~ome \\'• chailffll" t'ompa rllQrl ot prict. 1ncom• 6 ttrm• call own•r •f· ter 4:30 Har. ~1t4 , UclO FURNISHED MODELS OPEN BERMUDA WOODS RPfri&erated Air Conditioninr from $20,500 CONTEMPORARY MODERN 3-Bdrm. & Family Room or Conv. Den Hornet on 8 lo 10,QOO sq. ft. Iota with orange trees, "EXECUTIVE Vl!ITS" Not.hinc Down Qualified V1teran1 purchaH • Bermuda Wood• ~l •le with no dow n paymtnl; JO-yr. lnao. "NON VETS" Trade Toor ll!lm.alMr Home Minimum cuh dn. pmt. 13lll0 or with equity In •mall•r home, cuh down payment ma.y not be required. DIRECTIONS : Take Tu11tin Ave. to 17th St .. tum eut on 17th St., :1,. milt!\ ~o Proepect, then left ~D Pro1pect l mile to Fa.irhaven \and modela. KEUorc 8·7772. MOST Coron} del Mar's BEAUTIFUL BAY VIEW BUILDING SITE Sixty feet -overlooking the Bay in the 200 block. Carnation Ave. Thi1 i1 la1t one -too! List~ t'xclu11i vely al $30,()()() -with N't lriction1 with • F. c. ANDRESEN -Realtor Cout Hwy. al Marigold, Corona d('I ~tar Ha.r. 15'40 New Homes $295 Down Thr-bedroom•, I '1. NU\I l•rce lot.a. 12fla !nclud•• &II coat•. Tiii• Y ch .. P4" lh&n r1ntln1. Call - "ART" ADAIR , Rltr. lMI Newport Blvd .• coat.a. Miila LI l ·J 7t2 « LI a.M .. Cash 72 HOU1'UI. Wanted 2 or I Md· rooro bom•. Clltt Haven or Npt. Jlelpt.. Osborne-Forton REALTY CO. 2J23 V.'. Cout HW')'. (•t Port On•r•I N""·port l!l•r h l.J 1·'1Mt Har, 11154 ev11. !"-Mll..2 n\OM COit• M.-CHy llmll.I, 40 value packtld a.cru. 900 tt. pe\"l':d •t.. 1n .... 1tora. farmer•, opportunity htre. JJ:K>O a.a acr•. To!nna. ORA.I"GE COAl'IT PROPERTIEA 11&7 Newporll Coat.a M•u lJ 1·1133 -l:w:•. LJ l ·l400 Business Corner C·l ~ PalOJ. dowlltown lantC A11a. 11a,ooo. 9Ubmll - t•rm• or 11-.dt. ftAo.N A JAo.COBSJ;."'J, ft,_.1 •-:..1a1e Ha.r. &191, l..J 1-fl31 7. Kl 2-J 18l, H Y•lt 4·MM 3. DUPLEX BUYS. We have .e.veral good du~lex litt- inga. See u. for better buys, but you better a.ct fut. MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTINGS. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUl.STION,~Rea.ltor • 34i7 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar Har. f7 (Office localed next door to Newport Harbor Bank, CDK) BALBOA PENINSULA Ocean Front year round home -!5 bdnn. 4 bat.h- Fireplace, encla.ed pa.tlo -Cpta. A-drape9 included at W .SOO COSTA MESA 5 acrC'11 M-1 -~.000, $17,000 will handle. THE VOGEL CO. LIDO OFFICE 3416 Vi& Lido. l'IP~ Bell. Hu. tll'll or War. '872 Eve. LI 8-3040 -Har. ft1U WANT ONE One blk. to bay A-ocean, Two bedroom., ro FIX UP7 Full price $7 .~. $3.~ down, $4!i per month, Income for sum.mer .euon June 17 LO Sept. 1955 $610 An'& rapidly lncruainc 1n value. If you ca.n fix • decoratt', better tee it . ROBERT V. BROSE, Realtor lT, -1920 \V. Balboa BJvd.; Newport Beach Har. «t72 80c81 : ' ' • . ' • ' ' 1 .. - PA&E 10 -PAlT 11 -NEWPORT HARioR NEWS-PRESS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, l'IS6 !! ........... • • ·-a ,,,, s.e.te a a..i r..1a1a • a--.. a-- ·-·· •• . , (" HARBOR MESA RANCH HOM~ Between Irvine and Tustin Av11. on Cebrlllo north of · I-7th St. MODEL FURNISHED BY DANIGER'S OPEN DAILY 10 A.M. TO 4 P_M. H e&\'Y shake roorw , hardwood noons. big double garaae.. forced-air heat, built-in o\'en and rangE', dU!poula, .ewers, aliding glau doors, uaed brick finpla.cea. Tenif1c looking homes with excellent fl oor planl on Coat& Mesa'• moat dNirable E"..a.t Slde.. p. a. pa Im er inc o r·p o·r ate d • ' developers Which One Do ··You Like? Modere, tni1Jt -~. bodrm. b-. P<rfect. con- dition and bu ...-ythlng ·········-·················$37 ,:IOO Sparlr.lins new, 3 bed.rm•.. 2 baths, built-In oven 6-ran.gr, earpt-ling, rte. . tum. tnc1. ')$32.~ 6 u.."Jita furn. on 80 Ct. NO. BA YJ'RONT. $100.000 Xhft. Lerma. 2 bednn. 1 bath plua bunk rm. & 1"' bath. $22,500 A pre1Ugr bonw, onr of Lido' a loveliest, an intimate patio !or 110litude or gay company. 3 bedrm.1. 2 balbll. hrn willll r&N: feeling and la.Ille. $39,000 N~. largq 3 ~nu. 2 baths. range. enclO".ed patio. Landscaped Built in OVtn & S33.000 of Udo Isle .. ftve little indians· one little indian uy thi• one rtal good tepee. On Kinp Placr, 3 bedrm. 1 % bath, 2 patioe, lrig yard, bis (ireplacl. bil" viCJ"', little price. $19,950. Chief Crisfield knowa all ..._. call him. two little indian1 •ay thia one big enough for whole trilie.-3 bedrm11. 2 b&th•. den, dumpus room, over 2100 aq. ft. in house alone. Will trade for Huling Ranch, Ar- cadia o r Pa11&dena property, Price $28.900. War- rior Breer i• your M.'OUl -call him! three little indien1 aay this one high in sky. Llke big cb)ef, you ca n Htt all from the living room. Small, c ute color- ful 3 bednn. K.ings Road home, low price $24.500 Brave Fa.rnsworth si ttin' by phone! four little indians 3-bedroom: $21950-$2000 down 3-bedroom and den: $22,950-$2000 down NO. BA YFRONT home. 3 bdnns .. ~en, pier $75,000 New modern. gorgeou11 tn~;:ilex. .. .. $69,!)()() N y tbie one perfect eummer home -winter, too. On Balboa Island. 4 bed.rm&., den. big patio for s ummer talk and sun. No better buy on the Island, U}'I Ch ief No-Feathers Kincaid! five little in dians OLE HANSON CO. ·rract J'hunf•. l .i~'rt y ·ll -'.!'.363 CJ! ()fflt"l"S Luxury Lido Bayt ront Home & Income NEARLY NEW ON \lA LIOO SOUO A tota l of 11x bt-droom11 and four bath!I Two mod- em k itchens and t .... •o lovely \'i('w l1\'1ng room!, plua Iola of lux ury t.>Xl ra.A . 13eautiful "''all to wall car- peting 11.nd lovely drapes. Altoo, two stoves, two refrigerat ors. Di.spt)Sal. \\'ash('r, Dryer. r·uu price only $65,000 l:.:x cellent terma You mo\·e right in to tht-seldom usrd own er's apartment. Thr other deluxe apartment 111 orcupit'd now. For full Jetaila consult v.•1t h either GENE VREELAND BILL KEMPTON VIRC INIA MANSO N JOSEPH H. GROHMAN Lido Realty Associates 34 00 ,lia Lido Harbor 44-1 4. Furn. 3 bedrm. 2 bath , per!. cond iti on. $29,750 aay they all ag reP -this one is HOT ~ Big family home in Shoreclif(s This one secret . ownl'r say no t11.l k on ll·le phu nt". rH>l un ope n 1n11rkl·t ... but will 1'.t'll 4 b(•dr'rn d1 111 ng m1 . $15 .0UU. 1'he abovt are e.xelu111vf'a with u.i;' l:Un1e to HE A D· l.,l l 'ARTERS for the~ llnd viho·r .ii:""d buy» in lotil and hu.rn~ \\/ci rr11Jr {.)>1 1.Jurn knoY."' p. a. palmer incorporated ole h•n•on co. mo no9ement 3333 Vt.a lido, ha.rbor 1000 p. a. palmer incorporated I' B/B Corona del Mar Modem S paclou1 o pen pL&nnln1 l.ove l)' 1ecluded patio Orean I.· mu\J nl•ln 'l'lf"''• 2 b&!ht Convrrlltlle .i .. n R1"n>pu,. ro<'ln1 F:>.tr& a\or•JI" -bu!Jt·ltlt bftan1e<1 r orll 1n1• t too;J va lue al 13~ (1(1() A Honey • l/.J\lf ll." 'I""' • ;:.:,..,.. n1orlf"rn rlupJ .. :. • ·rv.n un1ta ""'I ll j(•r"lllC '• • J •1ahn1'l•l"r Lit•ll"lN l e II f"X! r& l{&l'&(f"S • l'(oll"n ll&I 1nt:•l111e 171:'1 per mo I • A g•;w:,.I buy •l 1:iu.~w I* J b•dtoo~! ~~~bath. 1.;: I.A rr e lot •CO ,. 100, I* Nice pa tio with ~·le.,.· -;_,. 1-°Lr .. pJ •C't I I I ol e ha nso n co . management 1700 w coast highway -liberty 8-5.')'i:l BILL'S BfST BUYS A BR ILLIANT Aln1 .. 11L n"V.'. l 'a1Lf,1rn lfl thrf't" bedr .. ••n1 I b:i!h h11mr 011 new curbed & pav1-d .St. J'rofelii'ill\llal land· 11ca p1n~. 1011.df't.i "'Ith rOBCll & &hrubs. Nrxt tll 1ntenned1ale achoo\, close to grammar sc.hool 11.nd shopping. F'ul! Pr ice $12,850 with ltrn1s A REAL SLEEPER On best exclu111ve 11treet 1.n Coi;ta }.fei;a . C'ustun1 built ranch home, 3 B. R., 1 ~, baths, f1rt'place. F . A. heat, H. w. floors, patio , aU fenced. Owner lea\·ing town & must sell immediately. Sacrif icing al $19J)50 \Ve invite you to try a nd beat it. DOCTORS, LAWYERS , BUSINE SSM EN Are. you look ing for a location or your own ? Then let WI show you thi11 choice 97' commercial property 011 W. 19th JUst o ff Harbor Blvd. One blk . from new Costa Meaa City Hall. Two 2 bdrm. hon1l's on p roperty now can rasily be. converted for bust~ neu. Thia iA a dra.I that juat can't be puaed up. F ull P rice $29.500 with ~::i d own. This We eks Spe cio l• BAY ~'fi()~I J-t U.\11': El" !11· 111 ~· .. "1\h u, ~ ,, ... tr•J•"n • l •. hlo lh~ •f lp'o"U r;11 l "rt•OT p,.l11ll•UI ., I," ~I II I ,. I"·'"',. l>"ij' h I hr lw;>t II•· 1" ' l•" lllt nHllll'\, $1 11 1/l~I t~<I "• CHA l\~l l:>;t; 1 ·•~:-.·1.....:~1 ·1.A 1-'!)Z.....:T 2 ttEJ)HQO)I 11 n )1·~ .. nl\' 6 y ears nlil )lv•l"rtl 11 .. 11111 '1·11 lnict. 11p1u·1•n1• 1r..,n1K. dn\llll•· 1•r•io:e a.nd ~ut11 J"•lh• $17.ilou terrrH\, Hl'~R •:S A l'IPl'J:. J•1•I :. door!' t u the h11v ~.,~1 ·~ h ... 1 rooml!I, •II n,.". fur111lu1,. ""''" •rf"fl a nti :l c11 r l(Krt~"' '!'"'"'" ti .. 11ch hon1e •Jr 1enl•I 11:. Ptl'' t•·rn1•. H ER•: ARF.: .\ F"I':\\' J'.'.""!~n M F: t ':>;I T S ··t.0sF: Ttl TH•~ f{r\ Y Oil OCF:A.'.\' . • 1"1'•: F i 11~ }!O lro!~: \\"JTtl ~(l ~f f, l '"r11MI·. Oft FOR RE~l"A.L 1J.,l.Y ( 1 • 2 •"p11r11• 11011.• 2 111111 1 ~r<Y.m,., •·11•h "11h ~"r"tlt'" p a r1ve an ,1 ""'ll"· tu1111.l1,.,1 11 1111 w ill •ell fnr 1 17 :.OQ. I 12 1 2 b t d r fl,,111 "!'•"1"11~ hnn ·~ WI\/\ I (!&!IOI~· hA• hf"!o •t ill l'""' anti 2 g•n•o: .. a. fu1n1~h .. ,1 an•I on a t ~> .., IUtl ft tot ,.,, S l 7 .",I)/) I ---------------------------1't l.,i<)11Ql1 I U &l:f 1 8 RENTAL UNITS One-half block from Harbor Bl\•d ., very cloae to downto,,~rn area. Four dupl ex es, court-li ke arrange. (31 Heree • l'<X>il on .. 10o·lth ~' &mall unlt.<1 .,..Ith h,.•h ""'"" 1111<1 1 nne l'lf\R li!" un B11 v A 1•·nu·· 1 .-iw~H r'"nllll "'"'"" A ll 1"•!"'1""1· 11.1 .. <1. rurn1!oti ... 1 •nll 111 1;0 • .i 1·011 1t1l\tln •l 118.V(IO. i ""J 1rn11 VOGEL VALUES Check these outstanding buys - - BALBOA 7 units. bee:t area. 6 fun1 ished. ocr lo t -room to expa.nd. Tile roof. Only $42,500. Approx. 30,.r ret urn on investment of only $15,000 NEWPORT HTS. ··• :"<,.,.I)' rleC"D r&te.J ·."r i Of!()ll t•rm1 Little Bargain • One ~rm a. bun k r oom • M !chtY c!.\1y • (Jn !rt>I'•• nf R·2 lol • i '\t ntv of room Ill bar k • R1~n&ble at $1 41.~ Wonderful View Lot ment. k g::i rag'f'fl. 2 lau ndry roomR. N1c('Jy land· sc:aped. Pav('d 11a rking a rea in front for guests. Cf('s.n and 11.ltracti\'e. f3f'Rl rental du;trlCt ill towu , F'ull pr1C(' $42,QOO -$1 7,000 dow n. W. A_ TOBIAS, Realtor "you'll like our friendly service" 400 E. 1 7th St., Costa Mesa Liberty 8·1139 111 Al l<" <'n r,,.~1 lt1',\" /11 1•11•1•· ()!] .. ~ 1,. .. 1n .. H•\ Hni! i.n·I •·:\!Ill ' "tt1d10 11purl rn,.nl Fnr Ioli 11, I f"Xprnalve p1·upt""rly """ th l~ 10 1 I 1 4.~0. terr11~. EXTRA SP F.:<"I AL "'lTH U!-1 . a._._ BJ B Reduced! Lovely Duplex! e \V.u lll.16<1! • Now 1 17.IM.I! e SA VE 12.100! • H \\'. fioor. -J bdrm. M c:h! ,• 1'1 !<1 ti.I.ha -curb& -..,.nr • G•r•Ke• bel1¥Hn unlt1! • A.ppointm,.nt only! E&ttlld•I • H urry! Thi• la nlcr ' .$17 ,850 FULI .. PRICE ~ GOOD TERMS! $18,500! Newport Heights! Ocean View! • 2 ve11r9 old' • H \,·. n oort' • Larg 11 r1rf)Jl1r ~· • l..&r j;f :!:l\t V Kllr l'lr n · • .~1111 •l ining ''""''' • l...ar~e i;:ur !! llouar -lull bath' e ]Jbl ~'"' "d ~h1r11r l'" r'OO!' e L'l....s" lo ~1111·111,t'~ .\!iii!"' $4. ,')I Mi IJ n ' $2000 Down! Eastside • ~ 1 ~ j.,. "' •I• • ·~ .... 11.. H 1,· rr,~•r • • l•bJ g~> J••l oU • I,; I 1-:'t tl:l .\lo lnrlt T v:e•! O f ·~::-.; lfOl'SE'. f ':'\TIL ~0 1.IJ I ·~ \1\1,IF I\ i. \ I ,, I I< , ~ i.~• ",._, F'll~~T t •().\11·: ~'l lt:-oT :>.~~l'l \'ED' $ \:! OUtl JJ~:AJ , \V ITH H~:A LTOR S .) -.. ~ . -:· ' BAY & BEACH REALTY, Inc. JC.% :\,•y,·1·rirt l ~•,ulf'\'i:L rd l 'ui<t a f.lr.1;;1, ( 'al1fom1a Llbt'rty 1;,.J 161 A DANDY TWO BEDROOM (Jnly 4 /Tl (•ll l hl'I .-,Jd , .,v.·n(·n• inust mu\·e a v.•ay. Lge. h\"1 11.i; r (l1 J1)1 . d111111g ;1n·a , :! !g+· bf'<lrooma, dbl. gar· ~g,-· 72 x r.o fnu l In t n1crly landJica1>f.!'<1 for a. n1i nl· mun1 1,f y ard wvrk . $10.500 full priC'e. NEAT THREE BEDROOM Nearly ne.,.,· horn£' 111 J.':l•Ot.I re1udenti.al •~. The bedroomi> a re gen£>n·1ua Aizto. Fireplace, dinin ~ rflom. service l'l<•rt:h, doubl l" garag(', patio a.nd r@d brick in rt'ar yard and com pletely frnced for pri· t·aey . 4 1 1 r, T. U. at $68 per mo. $14,900 full price. CUTE TWO BEDROOM • .. n larg:P t(jt t ile k1tl'h(·n. .s;n•I(! locatlon. Wardrobe cloltt'tl . with $2~ down. Full price $0750 THE VOGEL CO. IIW [';r-wl'n rt 1-1lvd. Ll ~rty 8-5597 Costa Meu Even1nga Har. 1539-M ExqW.ite view home with heated IXIOI. 3 lg. bed- room•. 2' ·2 bath•. w /w carpeting, G. E . Dream K itch . Be •ure to SC'e . Will lake good lot * Coton• Klfhl&nd• * Nothlnf any nlcrr * Mil-.• of view * 1 13.:.00 BALBOA ISLAND Exr lut lVI'. A d a nUy Ptn111sulll '"po int" duplrll with 3 brdn•!'Hlll' up an<l 2 ;lov1n. nll'f"l}' fu1"n1 ~hrd 1 ----- as part payment. CORONA DEL MAR Ruatic l bedroom & den, 1~4, bath.I, 2 Cittplacea, 2100 eq . fl. of lovely livi ng. Priced right - very good terms. also Good ~2 lot. ocean sidr of Hwy . Only S4,850. Shorecliffs Abeolute luxury Nice In l!Y&-r)' rnpert 2 bedrm.1 -2 balht Arcilltect r1&1lp Beeutlful la ndaca plnc The ~el for 149.600. • • Deal with Realton Bay & Beach Rlty Inc GOING TO BUY A HOt.i E~ List all t hf' thlngR you would like GOod loca lion ~ound conR t ruction Sunny rooms Sf'paralc dining room THE VOGEL co_ Cor(N'le -t~I Me r ()(fir .. ~ 1 3~30 ~~ c.r~t Hlt1h""·•y -R&r $.~63 ~f odc rn kitchen with ample cupboa rds, formira co unters, dishwasher & ga r bage disposa l. l·'orc1'd n1 r hl'it! 2667 E. Qit . Hwy., Corona del Mar HA : J 741 HA : 0757 ____ , Open House Aftt'.!rnoons Da.ily HARBOR 'i!IGHLANDS (Now annexed to Newport Beach) / Opposite 19th St. a.nd Irvine Ave. 1945 Priscilla Lane Lovely comer·home o! 3 bedrooms with landacap- tng, grape atake fence and ready for .immediate oc- cupancy. Ownrn bave moved and want quick action. Price $17.500 FHA Loan. --·--AWo, 3 and 4 bedr~1 . fro1n $16.500 up. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Hl \"d ., Newport. Bearh. Har. "' 18 ----- BUILD NOW .. $4.90 per sq . ft. ,937 1155 Sq ware Square Foot Foot Home-$4595 Home-$5595 OPEN SUNDAY AFTERNOONS A WEEK DAYS SCOTCH CONSTRUCTION of 1:>arden Grove, Inc. • LE 9-0633 Trailer Park 32 flPA C•~fl plu~ hnn1 ... Ui·~11 nl'lfl"' !'-lf"ll for $611,0llH, J l!\,I'(}(\ •IOI\"/\ or l t 11de ror Newrort •r,.._ Osporne-Forton Fi.EALTY CO. 2323 \\". ~uut H"""Y I 111L P ort Ora n(t! Ni!"l"Pllr! f11'.1t<'h LJ 8-7~82 Ha r. 61~4 f"\l l!ll. LUXURY l bttlr m . malll.et bdrm. h•3 pt l\l&le bath. Both b•th• l1led. Lar ita airy roo1n~. ,,.u 1111 11 pl11nn~I hnllll'.. lnli!"t·C'on1m . 11r~· tern t hn,.••U1. e ~f"ll 1., "n '"··•· ln ~ ~l<·ll l .i, ... , Lol hi ~ IH\•I " 1,,.,ul) Ht~n-1 n•''I 1\ll "• t1,.J r1hlf' j(M l"li:'" ~;)o,,••Jii•!ll l .. llh OHA . ....:(';F. t._;(IA ~T l'/lf)\'~:H rr ~~s 1!j,.'\j ......... , ... ,1. 1· .. ~1 11 ~'~"'' 1.1 11.111:12 ~;,.,.~ I.I k 141111 · Grovfils & Ranche s S 11:-:T,\ A:"A Tl ~Tl'.'> ~·r•" 6 lo JU •• re• '"•r u. 0 ... o•I l t1111.l. j DAN A JACOSbt::N", l"ti!!•l Lalale j Har. M191. Ll 8-631';". KJ 2·7187. KY&lt MN CURT DOSH, Rltr. ) 15 Marine Ave. Herbor1 1560 I ~~i re pl11cr \\'all in v.·aJI carpct 1n:;:, l31·1r k p11 t i11 l"nusual!y n1rc ~Ut't>t aparln1c•nt l .arg:(' doublf' garag:f'. tr you constdf'r all thPR f' thingl'! a "~·II ':-IT" fnr happ y h v1n g .-then you are RUrC' tn like this 4 bedl'Tll. 2 1 ~ bath hon1c and 2 hf>drflo m {:Ut:'Sl apt that we are o ffering for only Slrl,000 down. EXCLUSIVE I~I STJ NG WM.W . STANLEY SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD !'ark 1\Yt.' a l }.!arllll', 8alb1•a Island Harbor 2462 JUST A STONE 'S THROW FROM NEWPORT HIGH SCHOOL 1'ht!I 3 l)r-Ji rni. h"m" hat-: 1 & '_ 11:1ll1!<, fH'C'!1h1"!'. brC'~lll d!->l bar. d 111 1n :.{ a . 1 ... l'•d"i. 1 1u1n:.rt_v !j f('nced a 11J Ja.nJ::,.i;,_.1•eV, lJ.•nct a lc.i\·1ng for J<i pan and mwt 8'!.11 . Priced At only $13.500 TT JUST CAN"T LA ST '. Call Stan U I~ievrt EARL W. STANLEY , Realtor / r:i···" r .1 .. _-;0.11; 1tnl'I r,.r f'.nUv ,,.,,,., ur111 ... 1 flnh ti ·''"''" "l•I. hnlh rt lllt'd rl•!" $~8,.".uO. tt'nlll'. Balboa Realty Co . O rp<11<1\e liank ot A n1"r"" nn .... r.r.,t'lt<1· ~:.i 1"''" 1 A 1 t'orntl111~ J o11,.ph1n,. \\ .. lib 100 F:. 811.Jboa Bl"•I . Hii lllo.>1- Phont • H11rb"r J2i7 HESPERIA Opportunity uf :l li f11t11t1". i_:t;T I :'\' n:-; T iii·: !)Hiil ';\I' I• l.tJtlH ,\ • 1t 1 '"'lltlo: l«ll il II• •I 111 •l··~PI l 111 '"1' 1\ IHl!Pl.ol" ,. ••I \•.,I •'!. l'lo lf•d ~11<·•:,• 0'1•.•lll<'Ul+.oi l"I i.. 1111111 •I t"' I '" , •··•>!,. 11, •!I• lo·r !1'1 "lil'P•lllnH •.· J«I "ll"r••H1•l11 r ... 1 ''" l1rli· ) 011 ~·o r f ni!hrr tnr .. r11u1.11 .. 11. • (°Al.I. LI 8 7"l1.~. CL YOE GATES, Broker 18-34 l'laccnt1a. <.:oa\a ~l t..~ll Newport Heigh:~'.'.J flr>11lllf11] .1 h•lrl" h"lll" ]'I•, !. ~rar~ ol•I. 11,,.k r'1r "P l~·"· tin•11k fa><l 11.~1 <1111 111~ R••'"• h olv•rl fl0'11!t. 1· . ..,.,1 Qi u k ••II front. \'••r y. \''"r.•· nio·, Fu~I OWNER MOVING TO HA WAii ~I L"ST ~F:l.I . a nJ ha!-1 Rt-::DUCEO t his 3 bedroom. ~bath. shake roof home. to $lllt J:t50. Located in the back bay ar('a. v.·ith comparable homea priced $3000 more land v.·ort h it J OPEN UNTIL SOU> 468 1-::Sther St. EARLY B1RD SPECIAL ThrC'c l>et.lrm . benc:h homC', a few 11tcpe from ocean. 111 f'XCC'lll'nt rC'nta l 11 rf'R. nea r liier and markeU. l\1rni•!<·ll'I.'" lur111~h <'<i inrluding T V. $1 2,500 "'Ith eus.v l«rm 11. JACK BRENNAN , REALTY "1\T 1·H~; A RCH gs" \\'. Cnast Hw.\·. LI 8-7773 ') VALU_E_S--M--A-l_N_O-FF-IC_E_ OPl-:N t-_;\·t-~N I N<;::; UNTrL 8 P. 1"1. VOGEL Lido 3 Bedroom & \VIL L l ... EASE WITH OPTION TI) f!U¥ OR SELL WITH LOW 00\\IN f'A YMENT Den THE VOGEL CO. 3201 \V Coas t H ighv.·ay, Newport Beach LI 8-3481 prlf'I'. $14.:'>f!O \\'t h••·p !hf' k•'Y·· --------------------------- /\I."" In Nor"'J•Orl Hrli;;hl• I h i~ 7 _,.,.,.,. olU "J br111n. hon1e f111• ,,J?flOO - "ART" ADAIR, Rltr. 1666 :'>ewporl Rl\"d . 1'01<\& M,.,.M LI 8-37Pi or I.I 8·f>fl88 I ____ , N"EAR Q<:F.::A :'>'. 2 ,.,..,.. 1ln11pr• j l~·•h fu rn. ""llh fil"!l!1rr.\ IL•• .. i,: .. • ''"11 1 l'I"" 1 ... r, .... ~ ...... ,., '~11· • S1n1o ll d•t'·' 11 111:\'-:•.F !"t l /1 $1 l 'H111•.t:1:11 •::- 1~·,; ...... "!'"!' ,., .. ,~ ,,,._, I I • )<; :.t ~.,,.,. I.I ~ 11•1'• LIDO NORD BAY FRONT • A T'TRACTI"\ 'E 1 s tory home, livable and coaven~ 1enL Th ree bcdnns .. 2 batha, maid'• room &11:d bath. ('a ~ l'C'I:;:. dr2p!'s :ind apphancta included . 1· J1 l!<11;~;r\:--:. !l arh i11 ·-.1\:l-\\" U r Rya n 16029