HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-03-19 - Newport Harbor News Press1 I " ' rry; Nop. euh•nae student from q.mw.y, ":J~ ... )(up.rot Andzew8' on being teJec:ted u ge · et~nt to go to Europe this summer, Both are •"14mlli at Newport Harbor Union inch School, ~ta junior and Derry a eeniar. Marpret, daughter or Mrs. A. V. Andrew11, 621 Cliff Drive, wil). be gOGe about three montb1, -Staff Photo ~ ....... p&ttl "°"" .. , ... _ --+ _._. __ . . ' wher4 ,la UM ficlld\1' ot .Eul 11t.b It. · and 1""lne A-.~ &11 a 1JU'll fll the HarbOr'Htple .. ._..,....t iimoiiiiHiil-..C:Dit + iii ••• otW....-....... -• po..t -" _,.f;' --. -I .\'l•"Wl'Oft "ij+at, ~ JIDllD .. Y. ~ 19, 1911e PllOlOI HABllOll' 11114 .. · Thun.dq nSl''-1 bJ' A..,.tla lturt. APl'R • J ,.. ' , , city rnt.aapr. . _ If U • . , ~~•."-: ;: ........ .!. "'.:.:: COUNCIL · oucC' ·GAS co· · · . ·1 . · · . -~ ~ · Th, oni, thins to .... determ!Md • n., 1 e 5 f~:t~~~ .. $·E PACT I. :MONTEREl . . .. ~ . ,C-IJYI acrea&e con~ to Irttn• A.... - _ ..._ • 1 . · * • -·· -__,., w~~bt:~~Oeaubdtmlonplat U:!o:.m:-=:.:wU-: :::..:'::"oU=~ p· I A" _..., ' 1. wutecel~b}'~pllinnlqcom-. ,...,.,....-...-Hon of"U. C:lt,y .oU ~· dtl ,O'lll'ftll -~ rtc"h&lii greem· • e· R" mi.tlon, ~bin 9lat~ Jt ..... llilhiw1 CIOOUIUttee &D4 accepted A-f.lQOMi of_ aU D&Wn.1 pa wWdl. · ~ ' the poliey 'Of the" ~-to tb4' utural ... oontraet •ottered ~ be prodUctd CID upland.. U..-• ::i: .:.~~ °!.t~~-:n~mi: r~ ~~~ :e"c:. ~ =ci ~. :::~ th1:°:~= _. r -I~ wy .ucJelted that t.ha _pUk ftdotiW. 00. i .> tbe .outbw..i.tb' U... ot Ard St.. • • .,,_ -=- WM beiDI' ec:w19ldered and th• p1&t 'l'b. oont.ract (llOftdW' t or Kon• tM •..taf.7 l:IOwldat1 ......._ fll. • WU ........... , ... ._ to W•bb ...., .... , .... dt7 ''""" ... x .......... ._ ..... L • 'ESAN 1114.RB·CI'\ L I D ft ,,,--I a,rid to .the Plltka. bM.ch and .... tq,ulvaknt to ~ I*' eent ot $b• . N.J....,. al ~ D&tuhJ w wUl M ~ ':1 ~ ~Loi ega . ra o roMU .'L,..,oc 10 ·a. l .. mm1uff ... A ~,·.··,.city. ;:.£_.~'! ~ ~::: ~~"':a'":~".:'..,..,: ON ~rmR ~~ ltU._A ~~Rity_ ft 1 ;.:Ya~I. TM ctlQ\dd'. wtlll.liot alrC aa-U' tM "plant pn:mil wa tab1-i or S500 ffoltll• a Me. \.IJQ .-a t:lllU S d . T . . T tUNl IU bl Cb•.~ Contract and mu.t JM abut roofer, Robert H. Bea , 22, qua op eam WITH BROKEN LEG :...uc:.:U:·:":' . .:":.::: lly BEN m n1m of Oran•e Show --:un.z ':.-=~·!'.:""~ Tb ....... & br"ill:bter rilt OD p1 .... f~lobntion of N .......... rt a A' derson Pi10t lone ~ ~+ ot Oout Btpway Newport Beach'• Golden Anniv--rv y when mem ~··.--Harbol' Union HIP n ' -s ·=~n~ .. ~ Bl•d., M:· __ ,,, School'• B team of J"utur• Jl'ar-, ,..._..._ bera of the city council were delivered.. copim of the pro- .mer• ot Amerlca. oonat1t1n1 of • ... .-n. be&Y7 ttu i. apPUC&ble poRd. agreement for abandonment between the city and flr><~Y~ _qr:tcu.lt:ure 1tudtlnta. Boat Back I H "°" ~ N-' ...,. .. "• th• A --A Satu...t..... --a un .. -~'! a.ch'• .un the Paclf.ia Electric Railway. The f1rlt ,.,,.., d:n.ft of the ~-·-.. u.•-·-'Mlt -.- .. . - at the National 0ran,. Show, 8&al propoeed &fl'"ID6Dt., .. tn.za.. boa BlVU., ~proalmattily Mth Bf'mardtno, by walkinl' otf wttll milted to tM city •ttorn•y by Bl. and Seuhore""tldve In -\Vut high Learn flnt plue. Th• A o.pita a ~ he qUlrtd dlncttoM '"' Obtainlnl I a' c• .• 8 t Utility otrlcl&llJ ooblclded. with Newport Beach. Thl•~ld-... ---\-\1 Margaret Andrews, daurhter of Nft Tork whffe the final 1elec• 8QUad took .!'Venth out Of tl Qtn .. .Upped'oa the & ~aid. VU. to UM pain tbat e e oa tile former lmtatln pro~ \he mil ellmln&Uon of tbe 23,dead ,.,r.. A. v. Andrew•. 621 Clift tlon wu made. M:hooll entet"ed. Ncw)Klrt 8W1ll wu Alld..-.on. wu ~. polle. s • · J -compu.y had mW. end 1tr.~ now ul8Unr b1f:9u&t1 Margaret ' Andrews Chosen foreign . xchange Student\ Drl•e and th• late Dr Andrew• In Europe M flll An<h'_.1 wtll Here'• hpw judg1nr went, wltb able to pUot.. b&a ~ .. ~naty ~~.ed. of~ to Ul• ~ pbJ'-ave • Jt etty In ~Hla.nu th• company of· of the rllfht-of·.,.Y· Furtntr, the · · • Jivl! ln , private home BO that wlnner1 named flr1t: plckuf boM: from ........... ...._.. ·-ters to ~.,. 't.I n.iqa.rd and company arr-a to th• poue.ul.on wu choeen today. u exchange abe will h&ve an opportuolty to Hlgh Teana: Newport Harbor, of 8an CWn11nt• to the Andenon. told officers be .Up-Wttb tM 1dbdiJ' ,eoop.ratlon ol depot facility to an area it pre· of lta .P"OP6rtY ·between Baltio.. •tudent from Newport Harbor learn of the people of the coun· Fullerton, Anaheim, .Fontana. El ~ fot &Ml e&rl1 Ulia l*I on th. deck ol ~ .mall boat oela'bbon U'ltJll' niar .,_, jetlJ, lel'l.Uy OWU between &Glb a.nd Blvd., Newport Bl¥d., McFadden Union HJ1b SchOol for a three· try to wtlJ,ch ehe 111"•,nt, and their Cajon, Redlan<b, ll'a.llbrook, V¥ monWaa. I dout I P..Jn. Jut flilbt, traeblr-Jolan lk1Abt. Uill W. aoa ltl.nley li&th St.. northerly of th4I prdmt Plac• a.nd SOth 81.·at a price to montll trip to JD\Lrope thia MlfD.· 'l!l.lltoln• SJie wu choeen for hl(h Nuy1, E9coadldo. Paclfk, ' n-ted a prtrai. ~llldfO lnl Na anllk.. Altho-ch almol\ ,...,,. ~ to pt a Ma.y l&-n. r&ll11ne toward the hl1hwa_y. The tN d.elermlnecl by the court In a mer. She w .. one of four candl· •aliUM bf 1tudenl leaderthlp ud Hlrh lnd1T\duall: Ronnie JeNH, tor--0.. laJ•l"J .... Bawa.rd A..ft..' Oft'l"OOnM With pain, Andllnoll pqww boat and a bois'ed-d'1WP City of Newpc:rt Beach would condemaaUon action. datu nominated by the N\>wport adaptability u well 1U1 schl>lar-NewPorl Harbor; Allen Jonu, Se· dencm. UT ~ at., an emploJM man~ to h-4 h1a .man c:ntt truck Q1Cto 8Cll.kl la.n.d yMlerday have to, pay th• oowt of the re-Thll ~Jl'&m would permit im- Rarbor committee for Amulcan .ab.Jp. condldo; Norman Moat.agiJe, Au-flfl the Silla Abelone Oo. toward Newport :e..cb.. at\.tnllOOA. '?be Blrt.blM run the rnovaJ lncludlnJ the prepan.Uon rnedl&LI; wtdeninc of Ba Ibo a J'leld semce. Al tll• ume lime that Milla helm; BuddJ Ph!Wpa.-Fullerton. fte aurudatlllr&'J pablf\ll ~ It wu a n.tcb.l--lon& nlshtman. NllWpOt'\ 8-cb Boat Rental Co. tlMI )'al'd a.nd enct!OD ot • Blvd., between 30th St. and M c:- MJN Andrew1 I• a junior at AJ14ttwa I• leaving fo r Europe. H.igh TMJ:ll In OrUI.(••; New· nq .to ~ port --Ande~ An~erson arriwd at the bomedoek The chapter at a.ocldenta •tart-concrel. wall i t•t In heirht Faddeh Plaoe . on the prther1y high ~. taktnr a ooltcc:e pni-DsTy Nop, exchange llludent JlOrt HadlQt, Fullutoo. El C&joft. 81,S boun, ~to pollce WhO at e a.m . .nd -.ord wu 111mt to ed when rant.rs ot the powflr boat and 800 fNl In lenrth to shield •id• In kM¢nl wttb ~•ioo• Jm- par•torJ COtu'M and 111 planning to ft'Oln Bremmp. Germany. wilt be f<-ontane. r9C411.Y9d a "l'qOl't of the 11.Ccldmt Eltt• wtlG Clbta!Ded. a crew to ,,.... be.chad It on the jetty with a Buahore Drive prcperty owner11 pnwement.1.tO·!iftfi•r end. n.1 Im- leach. m.. i. one ot four jUrdOt'p 1....,. tor ll»tne, He 11 .. bttn High _Te.ma In nune.ry t,...: &om J&mN B. SW.. .AnderwOn·• move A.ndenon from Uae bc>aL c:ri~ enpne. trom any nolae or view or tile' provem&n,l·;Qf l'(ewport Blvd .. be-·~OM n&M•. w~ INl('Mted ta tn Harbor High .chool for the Newport· Barbor, Pacltlc, J'ull.,.. ...,,paoy.r. · After qiedtcal treabnmt, U.. Jn. n. ~ ..at. GUt onto the rallyard factUty. , tw.M Xe~ plit4j· and JOth tile •tud• ~I• board ,IA PNl :r•r. . ton, Ramon&. , ~ etol'f'lll poM.oe after io.d· j"'"!f fl9h.-man wu t&kaa to t.ia IUl4 wtth a hff.YJ' trudc to llfl Pacltk Elect.rte ottJctai. have St. "ou.Ld depind an ··ai,uieeHna -----.-'--'------'-....:.--'----·-----! HIJb tea.in. lf"&ptfndt : New· ~ AJlda:nml tn bia ear aAd lP-holM. the baat out or Oncer. An unua-Gtt'CNd to ent« Into a joint ap-and p~ atu&e. and a cost % (I · port HarbOr, l'u1i.ton. El Cajon, u&UJ' 1iaqe waw bit the tnick. peal both to Ula Intent.ta Com· &A&11• to be prepared. 0 o· . L ' SALES . . Fo~~~·indlYid.W. 0ranc111: Mick-ANWI l 1 ClllZE"'r MEET =:c :::4 :::1~~pl= F =:~u1U;~I~~ n!~tu':! ::te • .::.b~ lnau:;;: ey Qu"' N.-pGrt Rarbor: ft<e.. """""-n.J .. Came iwo mor. \nlclU Md attft. r •PP .,.. the relocation and tlt,y eNdlt account to penntt the • ~· J=,:~~~~:x:i: IT 00· C Sl-'JE. . D THURSD, .AY • hours .aort boat ~ tnicka :u::u ... u::.~~ project .. 1a1:-:;::: :°"9 lb• pro-m• WI). RINK Bl'Gwn. Redl.&nd&. , -Wltft Gil thttr •ay tw>me. Total cost of th• removal and poN.l' .. :.UbmU.t.ed by the rail+ wun .-, . Ht1A lndl'1dllUI nonuy trw: -. ! .. ;~ .,,.::u...::: ~· ~ation 18 M~ted not to Cll-w-.y o:MDJllFly U\. .... tkal\f UM Ronn)lt Jw, l'f....wporl. llar'bor~ ~ lilOfe ua-~ ~ ;w_ CoUt ~'Dia -9iD be ;:,._.....,..,. ,.._ ce.d Jll7,Jl7. A~le eoa .Lknai qgb• .... pre......,. ,,,..... J g,:~6 B'ee•s;a. J'U~ e.p 'trtll~:'*'4'.&b• Cit'..:; J.~ .-•~ft~·~ ~&nd '~::.v~:: =-~:.;!-tm: ~:;.d!..::~=~ Kibbee, EJ C.jon. ' ' ......,;y'oo..mt\ee at ~Cout Dr.-Same#" ~teilllll-J~• <Ottlal•lle Put bi-tllill '-l .,.n. °' ltn.t woold N nl,000. Tbs~ 4vJua Dan. Md ~-··•y ,.;. _________ _;•:.__ . pnlldm.t. acUftcJ U narNtor. a daJ ·h41~ - -• ---, --!"'..,,.,_ e eollce on Tlwnday .,.ms. ac-The thrH upect.a of tha 1eneral tzYF '·;:..-· ;;: pu.y Indicate. t.t ~li' UM ~ oL IOO U)'1I Enders D•iyor-... e.rdln.I' to Dr. Bull e. P•terson. educauon pragram to be WUltn~ ~ , ctt7 to & thia -.... u. bl tbe ~ to eMmln&t4 the ..,.. piMldent. ed ue: ttnding atudent. edUc&Uon· 9Ltnfy W-M f OW'! enw•. P.E. • lapedal te the Newport Uarborjconildered an Jndo: .of economic Under Submission Called &uually atnce the coue1• &l nMda ud d•~Pln&' a JlrOl'l'&Dl 1 ~ WY If th• ctty •rrea to the ~ Acceptance of lh• c:omp.ay I ' -s1..ws $21,313,000 for 1954 N.,,...~) beallh. -nr.t .,... _ _,,,,,_, .. 14 .,:,;:.at·--~tyf tmlnlo mm"u'm"'n-um'-~~.,· ~ul-rinc,,.~ MftlJS· 111iel81.f =tei:-tha. u~w1't' a!.~. t! !: :me. faJ:.Y ::ae. :::;tt.'!,.:*:ed U: NJ:W TORK. K&rdi 19-N_.-Th• food and drink bill for 8uperlor Cour1. Jud,.. Raymond ,,.... _. ........ "' d Yid .U port ' Beach rtor.ltMptlT'.a 110ld the yee.r In Newport Beach total-Thompeon f"rtd&y attemOClft took for ~of tae .tatt to report bulc educ.Uon, and otferlnl a Elsbt c...-of bMI' wm '.1:1port· t • of Ill 1'9111ai.nlnl' rlPl· tfine, ~d ~t• th• tllM more tb&a fll,313,000 wbrtb of ed $9,079,000, Ill) Jncree.ee from under .ubm1-l<tn "the-eoate.ted oa Ole pnc1w at t!"t eduatlon-fide Vfrlety of *1ecttvee, ed taken~ ..._ caf• at..4Tl N. of•wa:r beN'een 3 2nd St. Md Bal· ta.bl• by llO per cent. roodl ln. tt:M Ud U per cent the 16.383,000 volume of'' 1948. divorce lrlaJ of Marsuente COft.· al propam and fOT community A coUege 1tudent wlU p&rUd· Newport Bl•d. early yetterd*.1 by EARL STANLEY NAMED BP-W-'BOSS. Of YEAl': •Of It. WU &Coou.D.ted fOI' tiy food Store• 11llln1 automotlni 11l&nce Ender &nd Paul W • .Ender, leaders to di8Cua pbUM of the pate tn & coUJ\Hllnl' lnterv1ew thlevee Wbo alao •l doWn and __. and bJ' •U.r and: drink-equipment were &LIO hlg~ on the Newport Beach. .. Pf'Ol'T&n:I of lllt.-t to thmi. wtth Dr. Jane Mauon. ~r. mad• th.m.tv .. a mu.I 'Gf ii.r· lac p1&c9. Putcbuea .... beaYier ba•ia of dollar volume. Their CU..locly ot • 10-ye&r-old boy, a Tbe dinner ~ WW tN call-• ~ne from • cJau ln lntroduc· dlnea, peanut.a ~ other tavern now pl'0111.bl7 wtlh new popula· We• for the ")'ear cam• tO p ,-'hOtUe at 34 Rudder ~· two .t .to onler b7 t.o.aU conraay, tory peycbol CY wtll be ahown, • loodltler ~·'to. police. tJon In tba dty. 224.000. exp11nalve late model can and pNSldenl ol Ui. ~ ot t.rueteea. 1tudent maka an "eY• )lit· Ottl()ef9 •Id ..,.,_,,Ce to the --TtU. ~ ot-the tlhamm.tinr &imUar ad~ea were ma.de by other community pb'OperU' pe, a at l :ta p.m. Jl't)QoWlnl a_ -lMm• neu" rapo In an American Ber1· bu WM appvenUy rained by f.cta broug•t out by the 1ovem· storea aeftlnc aeneral me~b&n-•take. · &ad --~ cu-ts. tbe tqtl cl , and a pe.nel dl.cuaioa lmbtr.....-• l·inctt-plT&nlud pipe ment Ill ~a.·~ reteue of diN, appard. drur•. bulldlng•m•-Endtt-t1 thl! oWTJer or Ender ?Kl&rd ~idat wW call on Dr. wtll be raented u a pvt of a ontheoutaid•ofthebUUdlnc.Two data NMCI <m tbl C.llUa ot Ra. terlat. and l\at'dWare. and other Truck Servl~e anrJ r.nder Tnti• M..an for • nport Gil the Col+ 1peech claa. · ., . hutldrl!ll penn!Y, In plaln view n•r talf Buat.n..._ 'Iba ceuu.a i. the ctommodlUM. P,Drl C.O. ot Sacramento and lep bUUdtnc' propam. At the concl~on of tb1 pro-the counter, ,....,. left untouched, ., · B7 l'lfl'l..Ll8 I. ia&Cll80N . ftr'lt. compHte .•tud:Y ol the,. kind UIO l"IRMS CO~'Tt:D PhoeJllJI;. Main feature ol. ~ procn.m JT&m, tha meetlnJ will be tbrown th• rt>)¥1rt atated. , ~ oi; Ne1'}>0rt Harbor Wft'tl giftD a 21.gun·u.lute ..... ..,~~,~~"-~~~S:-~ .. t~&R\W::l. ... W~-10 Alleptton. of lntimecle. out-..iu be .• 'nJIOrt Oil tlLe ~ open m que.~ trom the &Udl· 0 .a_ every• ,,. w·~--.-nrycoun-Newport Beach. 180 ret.811 eitib-. --~~ ~~ ..... ~.'.at Orance ence. Malau' w ... T II Friday bY tlicu fem.lnine buane.. crewa when ttie Newport t.y and clcy owr 2500. ll..llhmentm. They bad 11s employ· bo\h •dea. r 1 ate. a ff · Harbor 'Bu1i.nele-&nd Prof~1onat Women.'• Qt.ab. preamt.ed ( I .,,., ..... ~mont'• n.,.... ·~ ...... " .. , .. u ••• th•, ... --...------swALLOWS BACK· HOME from C:ar Dcnllboard iUI 28rd Annual Boo..J Nl .... ·at N-HaltOrYacbl tail th• 'P'Oar-' -made m -the ot 12.7fS,ooo. an lncreue over HARIOW-....... .. .... ...,...... ' at -~~ -. tb t " WEATHB 8· r.. """'' °' 1°' Via ""'" Club. The th. eme wu "Ankla ·A-••b." •·)"Ml'·,_....., • WG 1948, wtir.n It wu $2,tti.000. notlOed police !I'bureda7 of' theft """"6 ~. 111 Newport Beach the Th.e lut ,..., year• )I.ave Hen of a 17 jeWel rold · wrllll watch Top hGnon wet .to A.eaembl)'• man· of tM )Ut C!11UUn&1 Jtre.. :: o~ ~':'1:ft':'i!te:. a ~u:!rn!~~p:ani::~ th:i!~~ H!::-:~w:enuu. wed bl UM RIG. HT~ O.N. SCH.EDut~E· =~~"~~the :!ft =d~!o ~.:~C)~.-=~ Nw. UL~ IWLOU aU~IN~IW'&~ They have a1\Mr*1 ~Ir bl.lying mp i.o. aald lha watclt ,.... ~ued :i the: T ..... ~ ff• wu -PftMnted an A. CMt ot 11 memben ot tb• TM ~p IA CONUnter buy• habtU. They are ~ng more Tue.&.y. March 13, .... eo '12 182.GO wbeo new but the MCOnd lf!lll6l"P'ed trophy by Xil9 J_. tad-a-ni:WdcaJ l'ft'lew tq wu JUiie ..tden.t tn the food for 1unr1e1 .-nd i-for bal"I! Wedneeday, ~ 14 68 46 h&nd wu broiu'n. oU and It n_.. Rowell, ctub pnaident. lllbteb wu Mltl!d wlLb Na.-y "~· ~la and ban. Tbay neceult1e1,_ Becked up by pen• Thundiay, March 16 .... M BAN JUAN CAPta'l'R.ANO, On. lh• arrtn.J of the .wallowa ed cManliii. Two top club honora wwat to llumor and...cndlUon. All .&nctns an gns th• tint to proftt alona, jolilleM pay and other cullh· 1"11daJ, Marcb 16 ...... 19 llAR. li, (OCNB) _ Th• ..al-tht. mGrnlnf. beU. peeled out' A.190 taken, K&lay aa1d, wen Kr&. J, W. Tubbl for .. Qtrl or tbe ,,.... dolle,.b:Y putGm1m• to....,.,... whno t.M , r.unc ot ,tman· 1on1, Uier are -.vtns 1 ... and saturdaJ, March 17 .. 17 kJwa retW"Oed to O.pt.tftna to-rrom, the old mtulon tower to a fluhllpt and elaht pM:ka of T•r'' end to Mra. Don Bouth· trvm Ute N .. Td. rn_.... enn- c:t.i MCllrttT-imPW l'ood W¥• &pmdln.C more of lhelr avaliabll! Sunday, March 18 _ .. _ tl dey -tllltteri.al IJtto Ula trw !ten.Id a welcome by the rflld· dpretteL A new lad)''• Wrillt worth Who rac•ffd a special Mtf, ".t.adlonl • ...._ .. • ~ .... ~ . .._~'~°'-----.r:->n-,__:_ .... _~·-__ '"-"°_:m~··~·--·--~------=M=on:::.:•"T::.:·~"""=:.:::•~1:•~-=-:..:"':__::_ibellde tM famed mtMlkllt at 1 :16 denta. -_ fttcll~Uld a ~t:-diamond awat4 ·Mra. iru.i. llM ..... M7~= -th.J• monlinl· How•VIT, mlMlan pp1..ta and rift&' wel'9 Jn the I'°" oompart. tpONible th• put. fflW 1..,. !• ..,. prosram. c:llalrrni9D. +-1,,.-hh~.,r~•>--<floek 'Pl met . J>y local J'Mldmt. ap~ eonoen>--ment ~l wer. onr1oolte4 Q.._ tile d~U.J U• Kuctt_ of DS.w drift N.-pott ~ ot ZDllt ' I a'ild almoel ~ enUtt populace of the ed ov.r th• 2()\h °'ntury tlm· thief, MaJa.y NPQl1Ad. In N.wport B&tW. Ob ....,,..,._., !f°' -J,'ltf ::· qJdp ftUl'ldli;1, I IOO-pe...on. C(ll1lfuiunJt7, u..well -u mlclui _wW_d~ by tht:.bat.ter of BPW.·Mra. &Gutb.wottb. WM ebal,.. • · .<C..-If• .... I) 90m• aooo camera ·• ~~app1nc. touri•ta. Aa the, blrda arrtnd, flUb.bulb popptn1 tllw'Ut. wito bund~• of llaahbulba bepa pop- ' bad ptheAd to !{l"eet the teeth-plnf. ''They'll &ca.re tM· blcda ~ creature. wtia an.ually ,,.... awa/:• a worried retident ~- tum on M.arU J9. ci...imed. " • Th• ie1end of Ow swallow• an~ How.vat'. ,.mors lhaii •DGU.l'b ' rtual ptlfrlblq ~ VI• ancteb.t· now• 1tayecl. ~hlrplnc in_ U.. mlN'on 18/ona of Californla'1 old· t.rff+lopm u they .OU(bt out di -.. sine• the .arlJ' Jtoo'• Ute nest.. annual an1val bM ~ ailebrat-Yeaterday, a flock C)f abOUt IO ed by tit.e ruld1nl1 ot the com· ".:out'" nralioW•. arl'lnd at lll• nw.nlty wlU. o.wm-. dMclng, minion, Ji•lns ~~t. no~c."11 ft9uvtu.. end pnt,..r. that the main band wu aot fv behind and would arrlvti on. ~; * ~ .,.... 'With l<lhedule. • 1:11 a. on. ....-ta -U.. oht -~·-......,------~'--! _, ....... ~-b-., 1a1 .. •-· .. ~_..._ ~Ja ~ Wbldl"CfW'D·· ':I .. uv...,.,,... · .... Up .... elinciit, onto BGm March 1 Jn Ho.I' Ho. ........ vf. ~/ ...... Ill Olle pita) WU a prl baby to Mr, ot ?JU~• ....,._t ~ and Mr1. JllCk Balcie. iJ6 Cnos- ~ -, .. ' . St., Coela Me1111.. ' . -. ·~ Olfle1aQJ oeaet ta N..wpori 9-eh toM°"'°". ' •l •~-' ~OlliPttw jv.mped lh• pa a .bit mid. crvwdff )ocal be'ad\Q dtllplte 1catteNd toe" .and a •llftlt ti'rtUl ... .,. . ' · BIO• NIGHT ll'Oa BT.uu:T -NUiied -·of the T9r," -W/ ·~. · abOJ.. r...h•ed congn.tUJatloDI Of. fronf left. Kn. RobOrt F. WIJ1-illo oecre- lllry ; l.fi1"8 Jean Howen. pl'Hident, Newport H'.arbot Bullre• &ILCl ,,aot-'oll&I llelpod pull Cl!lt• the tnlck tl!&l . wept .to .J>.UU .• oul • beaobed: lio&t at the of llie '!Oil jett7 Slmday. It &11 ltUlod when one of Newport Beach Boot Ren~l'1 c~ WU beached at th~ jetty when the entme Pip sbeattcl. The riental compaayt1 truck eot·etuck·in the aud and the whole rescue o~ration took nine hours rand . ' ~:'.;'.::::~~da<l!L'Y help of alt of Ot.t neighbon ii\ th.~ area. -Staff Photo · ·Ufeparda e1tlmaMd lMhf were 10.000. pe[IOll.a.M '°p!e , be&cbee o•er the ..-eell.end, .. i:se•t r ro...d of the year 90 tar , No reecue. were re.p:it'Ud. But Gfle •mall bo•t _, aid.rt which came up on ~ Ua. bM.ch. WoiD"en1• -crub; Stanl~y and Mn. St.anley. -St.alt Photo • ' • • • • ' ' ' I . , ., • HEBriLOC>KIH4 •T Y01ll -A. UtUe topoy turvy, perbape. l:iu.t fol-Ernie Minney, Sa.Dor diver, thll ti the • ., ' way thO'llO>''l>lQ!f~p.rda the worlcl He hu jult de- parted f~ ~ bJgb,dJve.&t J'ltzpattick MemOrJal pool here and bu about decided to come down. To calm any qualm• ~ou may have, there wu water lD the .pool. -4!Wt.C.!!14to -. ' TAR-WILSON FRAY AT . ·-~ . . :MESA-PARK ~wfS-DA-V J RS 'MEET TRIUMPH ' JOHN A. RUSCH1 · D. D.S • • AJl,.~~unc~s the O~nlng of hl1 Off"ice1 • · ,~ East Co~s+ Blvd. _. . • l • : . ,Coron•· del Mer · • ,. · r.. 1'-Pr.diM el 6-fal o...tis!Ty ~·•I . : , --;-Evon! ... "r. Appolotn,... Hatbor 3329 · .. I • ... R-& L ..... I M a "'' ·. . .............. ~ll~lllYd. 11 ..... -, __ I • MERCHANT PATROL ' . and ~ARBOR BOAT PATROL Ow -'iiMii .,. 1~• .... au..11 la dw ... of .,..,.i hao<r..,,. -n., ... Joa.oa puta from oat IMp -._,, .. ,...,.-..... .., ............ ,. pak wort -J'O'I' oudM.icll --r..+..., fw ..... S-llonel ,,. ......... ,.._ ~ lppiadaa -.---· sount COAST -· coMwa_ , . . •trw T "RESIDENTIAt·'"°"'TRIAt·eoMMERCIAI. 1fO JOB 'JOO LAl\Gll Oil putz, ... -St. 11.,.. ...._ ....;. ma • ' -.-__ .., -,...--- • • • BASE I ALL GLOVES Ol'TIOl&.L Ll'ITLlt LEAOUJ: l:QUIPK!:!\"T IU llu1ae Ave.. Balboa hlucl -llarllior %14& U...: "-!....,. -~ M e-m- I . ' l • I --~ -. ·~ I r • ' . . . . • -·- " " ( ' • 80oK" ill!WPOtff Bt INrOXJCATION IN BOAT., It Mell .. ,.ue. .,,..... .. Ulie ....... ~ '°""' .. ,~ ··-& -.. .; -8"'"!\0 ...... • ..... .. ..... u. ... ., .,.__, .&eoz 0 I to \he. potkilt ...... lllllibtiJ ... w. Ila a .... ,_.. .... 11110.l ..... IS 1¢ ... * JW4 ...... t• ........ ., •• rport ......... .,.,.. u.. ~ 4 -'9 ... he4..•. lldrtef'a ,.._ .......,. w ' oeat rd ............ to-1•..... . . no. If •• .....,.,--otiolt-'" . ......,-tlliitt- "" tato a PMnl bOM: Jfl t t I 111r oMw-94 Rall ud tb1 .... CIOIMNct.d • ~ ...---. Ula llfCb. ~ fte1 ...... ~ ... ...-..._ •• •ucb thq ooalda't "'" ~ • ~ tJOtlriltJ t.t. . .. tbe l'9t.a1 ~ ........ ~ ... ....,~ ... lfY9 u.. ~ Ult at the...-wtdtb emc:-. ..W a. falWto,.., . I ' , . ra•,tii ORHINs =-•~••••n :oi1y ... 1iy Iii · for P1rk •••itio1 in . Men LOCAL ELKS AID FULLERTON LODGE Exa.lted Ruler Al M.at.hew1 of NewpOri. Barbor Lodge Of Elka, Jett t. 1hown u he made th• u.diUonal stttJoLa check and t.h• H oly Blble to Exalted Rulv D . A. Aruuitron1 ot FUiierton for h\1 nt.w Lodge. Newport Harbor 1Ad11 hu ('lven t~ bible t.o each or the new Jodrtti tn.Utut.ed 1n ~Ir dt.trlet 1lnc1 lhfl ~hu:tfM&: ot Newport H&r~r l)lllqton wu lnatltuted Sat· urday W1th ll7:S memben1 to become th6-·1argtat lodge ever lnlitltuted' In t..h1 be!Mvolent ol,'der. -Staff Photo Wobick Hearing Reset M1rch 27- TODA Y'S N. Y. STOCK RCA:: VICTOR 11" 'i'e1erimklo Ml ln beauUtu1 'TIUrnekl'' Burl Walnul eablaet.wtba doon. rtne condlU. · $DO. Pbone HYatt 4·Ttlt; tr 811 ... ,,. ... Satisf adion POUi ir ' THI .IA.SY • • WAY AND· SAVI • •• •"1 8.2213 .R-OIERT , FORBES l•du ..,.. ...... ,. --.JAMii D. RA-Y G'eiieral <::ontrattor & Builder __ ...._' opaol'f.&·ap..ll&a ...., •••• .,.'?ti ,~• •,• r '·•·· \. • :::-?- 1 LI CT•ICA LL Y • LIT US HELP YOU e w. Have SIYIN ~ Dl ....... r .... FltE • ..... A1lt '1 • •. • _ ... __ --• ..: 'J'DIDllNE l'~Nll . ..,. qn.,.. Cout.Oollep poodo wUl 111fose a laablon lh.W llan:ll,2l.il\ th~ ~.Auditorium.J!j)OrtQ<&I', awta, CU!l&l -"r and · dinner m-will be modeled by. ()CC strta: The, event Ill alllted for lla.m. Faahil>na will be fumlohed by lluftuiim' ~t Store. Lett to rilht are Bomile Geol'J', Bar· bora Jacbon and Judy Harr\&.--"!>oto by Al Baker. -·-- • , Now,_t.a..._ DO -n YOURALF Sa'U£ ·-uu -*""e• A'W . (er 1ft WW 11119W1) NOTHINCi DOWN ••• 36 MO. TO PAY 111 ' ·:..a '$'f0e!al -................... ,.~ ·-~I--~----- • • ........ ~ ·- PAY BY CHECl<j -.. --·cese••l'f•t, Mh....,.. ,._., : .• ,...,.,.. ..., ••• ' pw ...., ....... °"""' •..•.••. •'"'-•·· ...... , . ., ........ ,. ......... , .... ,.,.~ .............. -.. . ............. , ............... .. -·~·-··••M ... __ I ,..,..;;{,'!'_; ' . BAY 7!9 ftAFFMD 6.-· SON ,.. "li:''C' .... a --3300 W. Co•t Hl .. w.y -~ll!f .l••clt ----OOl'l.t.llllll.f. 711 w. 17 .. St. -~ 1lt ... I' ... _ UbertJ Ml" -. t•in# .. 3411 MIMlll Pltl!AI. tl•Ollt ' • ' -' I.' ' ' -1; ~~~~~~~~~--'-'--'-~--''-~~~~...:'-~~~~"--...:.~..:.:'-'~·-"'.!...~'--~~~~~~~~~..;;;...~~..;'~~.;.,,...;:...~~.;_~~~~~.-.~~~~~~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~...;~~~~..;.~~~.;;.:....:...:;..~_;·~~...., ' i ASS . t:J: LEA.GUE of Newport . Beach . and Lu Aml..i qt Llli\inf.. lloodl have cb-Udated ton:.. to better oerve l>oth ....... Here U. to r) ~ }!'; Cutle, firtLViee Pt"fllident ot tbe Natlona.I· ~ ,of tbe A·'rt•~ ~ ~ patulateo )In, Harry 0 . KW., chairman of Lu Amlgu ~ ~ Jl'.4!ard lL Millott Jr., prelldent of the Alolotance 1-gue of Newport BOadl. .,..., ~ Photo ; . . ' . Assistance l!eagµe_ ·w elcoines Las Amigas of · guna ~each " ., --; ·- H :I RLS Coming unglu.d7 Are you • cree~ing, •egging bundle nervu7 Whot Y°"'vo got to do, honoy, is shift out. of hi.9h 9Mr • • • and : . • ' • • RELAX ,.;th the NIAGARA THERMo.cYCLQ..PAD. G'10d tor tllo bulaeo, too. You can eel all this -• AN1> KORE -at - HealtH'· Studio ' . . ..... ....., ttt, • .a .. ,..... '"" .. i.ppol9tmMt for ' --~noN-•NO OBLIOATIO:S• __ ......... ' I ~ , ........... ,,.. ...... 1 .. , ,, .. '. tJNIVERSALiMf:WOKEN honored state ottiCera and 'dJrectora j(udl _ 15 at a tea in the .home o! . ifn. A. J, Taylor, {63 E. 17th St., Costa K-, pr<8l· • ~ of the '10<&1 'croup. <Their rep .... ntative to the board, Mrs-:--D!on Rudd, state eecretary. baa re· aipec1 pd a..o.Qthe.r will be chosen before the May •~~""l'.l E W P 0 R T HARBOR OPEN FRIDl Y NIGHTS 'Tll 9 P .M. Parking Tickets Validated, .All Santa · Ana · Parking lots ' • I -.. • • at-Row B'owl meeting in Pua.dena. Ahoy~ 11tuuttng, art Kmee. Lloyd Hill. treaaurer; L. E. Morrieon, pnlldent and Fred Braddock, dlz«tor; sested, Mmes. Ira Perdus, Edith Gegoux and Charles Turne r, directors, and Mn. Taylor, hoste:sa. -Sta.rt Photo • Newpor~t P-TA Nam es .Officers Board to Hold Luncheon April 11 at Yacht Club .. -' ONCE A YEAlt HALF-PRICE SALE . ,,,,,_, AYER DRY CftUM DIEODOftAHT ANO AN'rl·NMPllllAHT ""'-AYER STICK DEODOftAHr ••• 100 ... soc .. ci.- NOW .,., ... 51Mrt ,.aople will ky ~ Afn Dry .. "9 dl-d1y proleol 1ion., -l11m Er.nob. .. M f,.. gr1ftl. Aye1: S\>r.k hu Hcteria· dc1tr•1l•1 h111:acli.J•rop••111 «11111:111, c•••e1l1:111 p--•• eo1111h1er. Both t r. •••· frrilatin1 to nor.al tkia, -· lnjariou i. labric. Udo Drugs ..., VI& Udo N ew..-,rt a-ii Horbor Drugs UOI I:, C..' HW}'. Corona •I Jl(ar BALTZ MORTUARIES , C08T,A. MESA CHAPEL 17•1 8upertor Avenu1 co.ta MeM. C&.UJ:, Pbon• l.Iberty l ·Jlll CHAPEL BT TD bA 3420 iL Coul BlVd. Col"DM dill Mu, OUiL ................ the .Richard Beeson Company Landscape DnlCJn and CwlillCtfon .PllOn .,...,. UI "WAI IT YOUR DAUG~TIR ••• WHO WASN'T INVITED ~.-. TO--TIY------P'ARTT"? -~ ••• wu 1b• o•erlooked 'bees ... ••• it «rob YOtJ• diau .... el .. ._ • o.-.wei&Jtc~Soeet:ime• dtc tnpdy of belolla.eo "tllie ~ · beit11 mc:l•llJ ipo«d few • ,...., sht. San ... ., ldm hidt.. '"-._ t. the U"lledJ ol briam ~ A h.-of • .._.,..._.....,...._. _,. ....... friech ... ao .ro .. ~ al«ftdar... ...lltswhhthittT.t.UrmW0111:U1VOo •• aa arl, bid to th. Jwaior' Pl'Oll k ..... INC PUN ol .-iw -U.. .,... ~ for dN t itl who i.-w-.1-... • JOaq, teductloL "lff..,en. •H Mott.. •lld tinder' 6,pn. Doe'c pa:mlr • •ci1hc o.d '°°. ~. •ioJ chit ...,., · ~. pn bl• • a.. llllf·i-.a11d ~iq · _...,., acq•iN • w. ...._ ~ altn•IT·IY·flll .. MONTH flllll DIMOMSTIAhq,t. A ~ :ep , .. ,, _.. t ,., .. S..-. ........................ ,,__.._.,_,_ ............... _ .., •.• _ ............. w._ .. ..., ..... __, 1117 £. ~ ••. ,. c:o-.. Kil! I .•rl1·• I l4! I -. ftl ••• , .. lh. --JU,..,, .. • • • • I I ,, ,, • I • ' ' • AT YOSEMITE -Mi.. Nancy Tritt, UCLA oophc>- m.ore and ruab chairman for Delta Gamma, enjoyed •now aportJ at Yoeemite Valley whe.re the wu cue-t of .a aorortty, aia1.er. Miu Nancy---Ferguaon. • • SPACE RA TS, YET! Interest ing Books AdcYed at Newport City Library Among new boob liated at the public library two titles, both non-fiction, at.and out u pa.rtlcula.rly intriguing. One La Men, Roeketa and Space Rat.a, by M.all&n ; the other, The Origin of Love &od Hatl, by Suttie. In between ii 110methtnt fOf' almo.t ev•ryon•'• lntereat. · brook, TM Columbia; Haww.rth, New fiction lncludn: Berck· W• 01-Alone; Hunt, Marxian, man, The 8tranr• s.dfellow; Put &lid Pn.Nnt; Caldwell, Tender Victory: Camp· J&cluioa, Oukle to O..un1: bell, The Royal Anne Trell.. J'Ul-Jone1, The nfteen WMkl; Kl.lie. ler, Tha Second Curtain; Lewi· J"amOWI J'lr.t Facta; Lamb, N1w ton, Pmny°1 Ac rc1 : J'Otllld Worlch;· MacLean, H .M.B. Ulyuu: Mar· IA9o. Doctor., Drurn1 and .,-hAJl, The O.ntlem1n ; O'Neel, O&nCM; Lord, A Nipt to S,... Tti. Very Youn1 Mr1. Poe; p~ mM'lbu; Lorens. M~ Mffta k09Cb A Tela for Mlctnl&ht · SI.A• Dor: McConn&c:, "You It Die ill dos, Wtnt•r Thunder: ' Sinc•por•!": Mall.U.., A TrM- &l&UShW, Th• Scarlet Co?'d; wry of Bibi• H~tl; Ma.Ut.a. 8 l M(lfluller, ·The Grand Made-M•n. Rocket.I and Space Rat.I; molMU•: Tbompeon. The Cr')' and Maloney, U. 8. C&mera lllMI ; th• Covenant and Vaciek, 'Ib9 Malory, 1A Mort e d' Art.bur; Oo!deft Calt. Mui.ni, Buclu and a TI&er ; My1Wy Stori• are; Buah. Tb• lUtcball, lal&nU to Windward; Cue or the Benewlenl ·Book.I.•: Mone, 01!1-Muta:. 1n Amuic&; can, r.ar La the Same; Robert.I. O'Hara, Hea•ea. .;,,, Not Juda.I J ourney: Bayer•, WJ\oeit.. l:nou&'b: Paca. IntJ'oducUOn to B:x!J'f and w..., T h• Key1 ot' WMllem .BltU; PbWIH. Om.I _,, Prt.oa. CommWUcaUOll 1n ~: Bbor, Nan•rtetkla w lumq are,, AlJIU Arter T°"t Muco PoJO; llo&nt., of u)lt Untfed wauosu; "American Our Vaniabinc L&nd«ape; H•rtt..1• (2 volJ;. Axelrod, Col-St.ebbiNI, Th United It.ta. Ill or Quldti to Tropical Ft.h; CrM-W"kl Al-'W1 1961; &u.uat 1ock. Cloud ot J11a11<Mi by Sall M&cuine, Dlacov.eZ')' Tl'tP9 1n to tba South Bua; o.n1.a, Mr. Muiw ; &utlon, TM St.amp Col· n.J.lt; lector'• Encyciopa.«l:la; Tyler, I.m• Danlela, J:ducaUon Opportunl-rn.tcraUOn. &lld th• Un.lted Stat•: t lu tor Youth; Du&'an. J uli"" Van Dt.r POl6, Dark igy, la .A.t• Ca.ua.r; • Orut Uf• In Britt; rlca; WILeon, Tbe Bero.ILi from &nPe. PriM llt.orta or 191141 ; I.he Dead ha; Wocld A.lmanM: ra1k, Atntrican Ul.Alr&tur. ln and Book ol. rm.eta 19IMI; YOUJ" Parody; J'tderal' Writera' Pro-F«leral l.ncorne Tu. for JndlYi• Ject. .A.rbona; duala. H&rtos, A Sailor'• Life: Hol-Amoni non-ncuon sin. are, -------------.t.mertcan SOclety ot Heaunr and Coast College' Flowe r Cl~s A clue In nower &n'UIC-mtTlt wtU be K!Ym Tuudayw from 1- t :IO p. m . ln Ult N-iior{ Har- bor Lut.ba'an Church beetnnlnc Aprtl 10 u part ot tM OrallC"' Ooul eou.,. Hult -«l:U~ prosram. it ..,.. reYMMd fo/AY· i..cture. dm'DoutraU-and lab- 0 • Air OondtUOnlnJ. H•Un1, nn- tllatkwi., Air COOCHUon GuJdil 19M; De ~on.nt. au.n-. LoV'9 Tal•; Doll&rd. Pw.on.allty and P1Ychotb .... py; Giddeiu. Ew°IJr 0..y• Of Oii; KaCJta, Wanhlft ot lhl Worl4; Look M&(UiDe, MoYI• ' Lot to Be&chb<Md; RMd.aU. I..Uw:o.11\ Ole Preaident; R.and&1l, LiAcoln th• ~~~·ft• .... Bull.I • • Pl'fchi&Uie In- terview; lutue, Th• Ortsln of •• --• ,,-.... -.. Cub P~ck 186 Is ·chartered Blue and Gold Din5er Held at Saint Andrew's . · Miio Belon Horr, ~tor ot Cbtiotlan Eduatlon al St. An.drew'• Pnlbyteria.n Church, gave ihe openln&: invocation at the Ccota. W.. Cub Scout Paclr. 1Bls Blue .11111 Gold dio- ner, held receAUy at the American Legion Hall One hun- dred u4 tltly-es,tlt. pack mem- ""' ,.,..,_ · ............ attend-bt'h: and Dea 1 In a aklt de-, _ .. •-_ .pl.c~ "Story Book Chuacttera." td UM pot ~. lntroch.1c9d u Den c.hlefe and &I.ell Dell oooup(-4 It.I oft. t+-pru.nt.ed wttll corda pertalDIAI bl• for •bical tM center pl.e. t.o tbfir olttc. ....,.. Jbn 8cUdder, WU en&ted bJ the rupecUv• Tonun7 Welnestp. JM!k nat.oUr, Den Kotbtr to carry out the Jim Robblnet, Billy J'\lndwn and dth ~ ~ftftary mottt. Kett.netl &otlt,U. CIUll'ISa l'&s8ENT&I> &l'.CDVS AWAllOS Pai-amowl.t amoas lb• eV"IG1np Bads• ud award• wen m&de actlvlU"I, otnclalJ7 opened by u ronow.: Olm WU-. t"1o .u- Den I , WU t.M pl'eMllt&Uoll ot .et" WOil UTq'ln. bear ISlldp and the ebu1.ar to Oinuit Brown. UI-Sold bear arrow; H&roW Hoff· llituUonal reprumt.aUvt, b7 man, aold wolf arrow: Nlddt nomu Dou. Roberta. bear badcti aod iotd le addiUon Doan bestolt«I: Mar a.rrow: K&l1o Wetn.p com.milt... euda upon Grant llOYet' woll &JTOW; Jot Caruaelk, Broim, Arthur N.U, RWIMl.I Ra.-two llO.,.r wolt arrow1 11nd Tel"" -. Alben K.elq &Ad CoL Hemy ry Stanhope, be&r badp. &nan•. Gold bNI" arrow1 went to 0.,.. a.ctplent or a eubmute:r card mon Purdy, Jlmmy Rattu and .., .. Jack ~r-Unab&tl to ,.._ Ckry Ootf. ffl•• b.. Of.I'd McaUH ot a~ One year plna went t.o Jltn MW .,.. ... ._t CUbv:lutM A.ntlata and Darrell M•llc•r, • M1c.b+al Cl&NMUe. Bobcat pin to L&rry lnokucb.1. WO&IU:a .A.W AJU>B Den iaotben,: ... 1.1tant dm mot.h•r• ud comlttff mernbara a....ardalfi W1Ut CM'dli W t rtl llm•. Albert Ke117, Herbert Jenka, Qnnt Brown, JOMph AnU.ta, a-Jatt aa.dder, Neeb, Albert .4WV'ded denner etrlpee waa Jim Hatta. Aaalat.a.nt d1n111r •U1P9 "'«nt to Jett Rlchardl. Atteod&Dce hooon went to Den Iii. Rectill'tnt Ole honor n.,. WU Den 7. OM. e tenninat«l tM .. -... P--'r&. Da"fid Ba(i•Y. Jack\------------- n.toher, Chulea 8cbuita, John Got! and Uoa.a ..aau..r. Hot on Miid to r.c.\,.. ui..ir oanl9 were: ~ L. a I.bot· Archie Failing to Join 5 Bells ..U. DouJ4 Welt)', Ray J\oba'ta... Archie Fa.!llnt or Udo Park l:lmo~ead&ll and Oodfny ·ft.Md. la leavtns tor J1or1da lo Jo.In r •ec1 du.rb'lc' ta nuUnc Hw.b Bell, Hollywood r&dkl and WM • brief r.wme '1' Col. a. TV man. who riu 1'Yt arriwd YM• of th• recent trip to JCl Ulen attar a cnUM In O:iban Two Marine But. ~ten iboOd bl.I 6 Belle, u.ual- J:n.t.rt&lnawlt IJKIWPtecl Den ly dOckiid at Udo Anchor-... 5 ln a 0clwu Can Can number TM pwty will ret.um tb.rou.ch acoompani.ct at ta. ptuo bf Cano-tti. Pinama Canal, n.h In Mui- d&oe Browil; Jft,lnm)' ADUala. ac-cu -ter• and be bQme ln about oord60DJ.lt. who play«! thr.. nlllll· flv• .., .. u . Fashion i Decrees .... ta atYlnc lM princlpl .. o( flower Y•n with ar'.nt and Vhlt9d ~ml and corea,. milk· St.at. Department of Acrtcul- lns. ~ 1-tructor will be MrL tu,.., Water. ~ Intrw, .... ho al.o t.eachM I ;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:=,.:;;:=,I at UjWi& Bftclr"r anatt--......-·J1 t-1&1a fM WW be ch&rhd tor 'DIS OllGAl4 l'OU CA.zrl U.. eourM. PL&!' &'l' ONCJEI llOWI Pliill-•11tt•• ••• ,.HlllH ff ff ' ' .............. HMIMOND CHOID OllliAN -..... ;:;.:, .... ...,. It WP I , 1-1 Co•• lamcll'roff lttoY_...., w ..... .,...,.. .. _ .. ... .,_ .... ...... CllC• •• ....... DANZ·SCM•T ma ftllrO • o-o•• noa =;I; ... ,_.&II ...... • ,_ ... Orl-i.w ID MltO ........ -- fhe Sleek Silliouette brought to you by W AR NEl{'S Le G•nt And TM &ILROUrM'J: SHOP b~ ll to you In t.1111 expertly at.Jlecl Wun_., IA Gant. -Baun 11 .. u c ba.ek panel amoolh•. trim• to....-•llm llneii; lidt pu-1e of nr~ Jeno elutlc pare hips. lup- pl• bon1nc ia-luatar.d trGAl panel. 'Iba lhf-.lneh ii-u.itaiaat.- Up-Top. Mft'OW& walet and dl.t.pbrqm, wW MYW CW'I or roll. .....,...t a&nw. Pink, while. No. tu medium or No. tu Jons. SU.00 tlboWD wt.ti. A'Lun elUUc bra. No. lN ---" IS.ti, \:or1elry-Lln9orio <( _, ..... • • ~ ...... __ ·---~ .................... ·-. ' ' -. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I : PA&E 5 . • My Daily o-LAS_ .UOGAS ~ are ~ frooc:ks and hata which will be abown Wed· neoday '·at thei1-fuhlon abow-demert bridge in Goodell Hall. Left to rigbt ant ·, Mra.·Jobn Kimble. preoident; Mro, Georso MUia, publicity and Mrs. Kmll FietlngC boff, waya and me&n. ch.airmail. Fuhion;ow begin.a at 12:30 p. :n.-Staff Pboto " I wtU bq1n, and end, wHh ........ I. I wtll tl'Mt my bod7 u the tempki of QQd, Family S.ervice ·Association Holds First Annual SessJ.on I. l will enjoy lit•'• bltMlnt•· '· I will live by t&Jlh nol t-r. 6. I w_w ~Sb tor Ql,IJ;f joy, • e. I will think lh• beet ot otb.,... '1. I will practice the OGlden Ru.la. Addreuilli' the Family Service A.Moclation of Orange County at tta fint annual meettng March 15 at Knott'a Berry Farm, Supt. Fred R. Dicboo. of the California ln1ti- tute fen Yen at Chino told ot prtaooer training programs and paid !Itron( tribute to tho ll'amily Service Agoncy. Miu Lena Cochran. Ban Franclllo. 1. 1 will brins happln ... \G _. we•ltrn r•&lonal con.ult.ant tor untortunate. 1o~amny Service AaaoclaUon of , , "You bllW bit UpoG a WO?ldertul Holdonr membera ere: Ma. America; Mr.. Ethyl Par.orui, di~ t . I wtU ,..tum Cood tor evil, r-ec~r ot th• cbi,ld. weira,.. flmd . Hollywood Turf ChariUe•, lnc.;_ 10. 1..Jiilll harbor no r.entm.ata. and J oaeph McDonald, executive 11. 1 will mMt .it~Uona u they director of J"amlly Service, Lone come . ..,Ork," Mid OtcUon. "We alwa,-T. K. Gowen, 0.Fullerton; Mre. H U-Lod oi...... Bt•ch. pt Mu.t'e.ctlon It w• are dohir mer c• • .....-enll•; Paul K. -----~------· [ 12. I wtll leave the fut11r1 to QQd. Doyle,•B,..a: Walter Knott, Buena • eom•thlns for 90D1ebody elat.'" Par k; the a..... E uiene eornn. Perez Birth Noted ror rood H9'1t11 -your Chiro- SOTl:8 01'QWTll . Garden Grove; Mra. Ounnlnc But· PJICtor, IL E.. Hendrickl, D. C. Superior Judg• l'tattklln a . lt:r, Colla Me•: WUltam Kettler, A baby &1 rl wu Dorn. March Call Harbor M.71 or t&l• J'or Ap- Weet introduced DlcUon and Huntlnston Bt&<:h ; J oeeph Kroll, 7 in K"oe1 Hospital t<> Mr. and polntmant. 100 Carnation, Corona Jameii A. May, MW. uecttUn rep!'lllMftllq Sftl Bu.oh -S~t Mra. Yl'ed Per~ •M W. Bernard d.i Mar. dlr.c~r ol i'amlly SerYlc•. who Be&cb.; KtL ~k Bank1n., Or-1•:•:··,.:.c~~~I&~-,,;:-:;·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:~ exprueed m lld amaaement al the a.nee; Mra. Mildred Dotl&hue. La- profr-ot the ..a.ency In lea sun• Be.ch: Mn. Chall'" F . thall a year or ~mee. May L+ndera. Newport Be+ch; WWWn Mid th• orfaniaa.tloo. la truly ~P-K. l'rland, Ba.nta. Ana. .--ntaUve of the enUre county TO NOMINATE throu1h IU board ot dll"l"Clora. Bia , dlrecton were elected tar three-yMr terrne, 1ncludin1 five pr-nt board member•: Mr1. E. H. Keraten and Joe R. Thomp- '°'1 ot Anahelm; Mr•. Robert K. Walller, Newpc>rt Beach; Mra. Lawrence t . Buch.helm, San Juan Caplatrano: Mre. Edward M. Hall, Santa Ana.. New mamber Yi Kn. MarUa Cabn, 8&Dt& .A.na. Followlnr th• meeUnc a noml- nattnc committee con•latlng of Mn, Walker, Mra. Buchhelnt and Thompson wu ehoeen. to preMnt l\O~lll&Uo~tor officer• •l the next boa.rd meeUnc. Present ottl- cera u. Mnt. Ha.II, president; Mr . Friend, V1ce-pruident: Mr1. K.er- 1ten, MC1'9t.ar)' and P•ul K. Doyle, -rr-.urer. -· • Arnone su.u int roduced were l'.ATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S BARIEI SHOP IL\.LBOA 'l'llU.TltE au>d. llAUIOA ()pee ~ t.bn ktafdaJ . ' .High-Powered Hardtop. If• all oloM up !Mn, I~ in • """ by u..Jfl And it labo only minutea to pron it ... jult .Up bohind tho wheel, M&d ID< tho o-roocl and n'.tcb u,;, sJlot<n- ina boouty tnmlate that state- ment into biuini act.ion! EftD at~ speed you're uling only a frtiction of ita baDiDMt.11 potaltial. BUi lhou1d an ....-pncy uiee, that eztn powaor io waitmc for your'oianal . . . """ ,,,. ....... ,,,....,,. -it off/ QuickM a lbo<llht, 227 °00- ....,...i, whiokin1 ~ to oofety in • oilken ruoh that> ....... tho -tu behind .•• """ will! it all of ,...,, old uw. about ,,.,.,.,..,...., Here'a America'• belt bard .. top buy, by far, !or u,;, awpous Pontiac 860 Catalina C011ta Lm than many oltho low-priced can. Come on in and Bl it. U you · lovehardtop1 (and who doesn't?) hen'• your earl WITH STRA7'0:7IJGHT HYDRA-JIATIC • • •• • " ' .. ... ~• .. ' ROY CARVER . PONTIAC ·}:~~~ 1400 w. Coca+ Hwy. NEWPORT BEACH ••• j,, NW~~ . .. .. I \. • - • ~ ...... -, . -3/u -. " .· -• ~ . NO · COMMENT • ... • • ., , ... w. llOOllld • 'ED ITORlAL$ W~ -A lllll·floclpl Szzntz ••••• " .. ,_, ..... pnnH..i >¥>1!ritlelot prfoate ...... ·-• :get 8et-for ~ter .Week .. 1 Inundation of Harbor Area • • 0 7 -tllo --Of ,...i be.(0"9 the Unual .... el~ "lrinc NeopOrt ll&rl>o< tholr home I Iii*......,.....,. poriod. Wo brr• W the ~ rat'1)1uo f« _..,traffic°" &114 off ~ ::Wiid.be we ~ ~ i:.ve the inundation of chlldi. DOtfd \II time Put, l haqk1 to the ·Euler Week l...tai cril•o-wlllcih ID&JIY may thlnli: lo •till In full ·'°"'" but &etually hu boon dad&Nd unc<>mtltution&I. However the U... may equeal, bo:ake& gTab and other ,.._ pler<e the nlgbt, It hohpoveo ua all to remembi'r many of lll had the .me py t.tmN when we were teen· apn: that thll la a period when we muat pin and boar It and hope tllo children have a good tJmo hero 1ilthla the Umlfa of the peace. Tl!-who do not obey the elty laws will not be i.. \pas, tbanlr1 to added police neervea who will be GD tbt 1oo1r ... t for bod actor.. An alert polloe force pllll th• -of oy• of Ila ,...war ...ideal& will ..WU Our boot enforcen and . ._ur. of loc&J 1&,.., So, llt&nd "1 fril!ndo and ~ with tho yowl( oa• -they too Ion Newpo<t Barbor. We Need More Capitalists Dw1nr .._t y..,... •pending for lndutzl&I' U· pan&ion and tho phywlc&I ~t of pl&nta of &II ~!Delo baa been .oettlnJ.,new a<ord ._rter ..,., .-rd. And It lo foroeaat fliaf If 'tut.,. demand• are to be mot. our --muat oom-olJt&iD 85 per ceiir moni money than hu been !'ailed lllnce ISMS. In a tr-~rprllle economy, there .,.. two prind· pal 1'&)'9 in which thi.-money can be n.i&ed. One la by borrowing -either by iuulng bondl, which amount to mortppo on the oompanieo involved, or through bt.nk SCENE-AT THE CAP-ITOL • ..-0· l ,. . ~~ rt st ca CIWJlll~ Wdtt"-Ooqrw . ,wbo ...... ,.,_. to _._..... ,, __ .... _,... __ _ ..... • '"ua..t OGU6l"f'Jtlft W'b&t belt• lltnllllJ' tMa te J"O"llll wW be&r t.bt·bnm.t ot t¥ llhltt jiubUc all.,.ficm t.o ,.... att&ak.' at.er••• point out th&t 'Who do eontribu.W to ~UM '--t lUleao.u.... at liiu.&" Jabot aandi4&1-aacl •'"3' ftOlll ,..... -'oa eontrtbutlonf &Dd apendl• Clft1dalll ~ IUppcwl oom-. t.,_ for Ja'IOftld a..ator. ud prtlllarlly trom unkln nmdlt ~ ln. 1152 Mid 1.... 'l'E8T OP' OOva.t.Olll .. t pncUo.ny ........ ...., !•a"M'd Yet.-.N ... ........ ~ "1rtU&U1 ~ .,.... that ~Uv. ~ tlM •"'WNltCI mfa 0..... U.. 10uD! CWlltr)' lllaJ f4QI .. JWl i.\_ of ....-uac ot. cJ.o.A.n.. l:lleeuUft cou~ .t.&.nd up aa4 ~ 0ouatcU tbat ffQ • m.or. WM liM¥tl t.o bar them_ thrvach .... .ICMIN*I tor 1161. "'9D a hder-ftlW~blidty or fPu..rwt.M. m.. al DU~ Court cMcn'-' ol S.. ~tMU'"owu ~lilpl, dktment. ap.tut VAW-010 tor rll'bla .. dU... to llUPP9irt t'1ll • a1Jepl -isolation . Of lM ~ &Jl1 pabbe c:atnc., by ectntr'l1*~ Ollrnlpt ~ A ct ~led ... ~ effort. pw-9 wM UtU. .u.r ln. a..ctty now ~J.na17 ·.aibrtbe to .UM ~· poltUcal MnlllUn On!J to poKUc&I CGBlJtbu· ud «lOllOfDic beUefL Uory bj-l.Ddt'ridual boe!n ... n KMBWb.Oe, tM natur9l 1M Mil. • &CVU.ION 8TUDIED JtaWdcm ot 1&'ft ~ poH· UoaJ. acU'ltUe• and klbtlytac ha.I ... WUIU' 1tudy for 80fDI llm .. Kan.)' propo-i. lll'I ™"'" pendln.C Whlcll WOUkl have mnoftd dlNCt feditRJ repla.Uan lA faYOI' et tll• 1-tJ-re. or prtnt. -~ l• dead. There'• no chanoti ot oorv· rldtn11 .Pnmdent Danbower'• veto. Wh -IJOV•mm.nt. tlMndnc ol poU· Thi t•u• may be raiMd In th• en Is It 'R"'iny Day'?. . ..... -""~""'In• um• .. •n nu• eon.,.... ,,, .... ""'" ,.,, Q.J. .., ....__ eamp&tcn tun4' -11ktn11 ot tn-lt tile' V:O!ob retW'1l ._ ~ dtTtdual oont1'1butlon1 on tnoom1 l"l&lly d.,.oted tO tn. prtvat. ·ooa.-ln 'CODilecUoD ---wtth GOv. Knl(bt'1 d.ikUMlon ot ~ ret.um.. Oblarftra polnt out pellUv• -.terprt11 •)'M.em. repairtas 11\ate and eounty roe.di damaged by the ther9 la no need tor an utenalv1 Proponent. ol !JI• lepiatlmi. win• floodl in Northern ~omla, we think the rov-~ COURTHOUSE BEAT =~O:t ~m.;:: weak· ==-di="':!,,!' !:": ernor'• ltatmient that be oppow me ot any 'trainy -._ IAOll BOEit:NE& nua. lM qu..UOO 11 poW1 cwr&pmot w .. tound ln th• day"" l'IMln'• fund ($75 mllUon) for the purpoee lhould ""J Whlth• ~ tn.v•UpU<m wtll b9 Preeldent•.-9t&l..-.ent Ut&t h• be noted. How •"'-U · tum..s. !nto a left.-wtq at.tack on f&\'Or"ld the princl.pl• ol th bill., .. • wet Dlut -Y ret. we can pun a Su-"""r Co~ "-2 b&11ltt Pop Dill• bu llCOred VDU a •aUn memti.rw "' CongT1• TWO vl:TOu phftM, ! r""'.., -t'"'" wtllo do not recelft support ot ..... ftght h .., I -----------------------·I with the prW -and the probation department, too, for -wruz unlona._ Kaflv ln the • 01 u 0 a onr one. , · r--" When Conireu en&ct.d lh1 ?"•· )'Mr9 newspaper reporten b.ave had no Mt location from c.pttol nicau pnwtou. ln•e.Up-tura.J 01.1 Aet m 19JI it ...,... Grass Roots Opinion ' CAI.LlARY, CANADA, HERALD: "No one want. to tm.pe& cl.U ~we. At the .ume time b•ndior SW'8lp&nc powww to tbe rovwnment. a.ny rovernment, lo d&nproua and tol&lly 111111.....azy. Parli&ment mWlt' be the ubtter of wb&t ii: right, not .ome otncial who wu granted the powers a.nd won't have to answer tor them becau.e )le wu given them by an act whlch wunot~." ~•-• th ~·--• ••> dar UOD.9 whk:h W•,.. con...-l4111 Into _., d ,_ ••-t w~ ,to operate on t '"'-J.llll.ial. ...,.en • • "-.near bt111ln••" eam .... i...,,. On• rene~-Y un en......,.. ~ no con• lh9 t--•·· trol w .. provided over production. ll m~~t ~ ICrl~ the ment of'tkl11. So bld.9 Wtrl open• ot th.-moet notable wu th• La.-'I"-SupRm1 Court decided oUier- moet r-.. up Id-Au.r. 7, 1181i1, lo lln• up .ult-rou.tt1 elYil llberUa IBv•tl1a-"''i•e. COngreu nu now twlc. court cllrll:'1 deek -~lns UoD. of Lba late J0'1. Jt w .. year• u J.atorme.UClll ... qukkl)' ... poeal· able ..,e.ce.. John Bl&.t.ty Jr. wu later belon Jt ~--, .. --·-that p&e.ted lee\&l&Uon to e mln1te ........... _ .. ~-bl--.-.. ououwn redtraJ con•-•-and there hav• bl.9 &lid. l"llA1tnr tt on to U..lr U>9 ,,...,_,_ • th... committee wu lar1elw •l&UMI .. ....., -1 been prUldettUaJ. v•ou Neb r.diers. ALL roa IUI by OonimWU.ts. Urne. Pop, wtlb. the coopvaUon ot H• offved UMi Kuoiuc Lodce In Pl"J*:U'f'e It mtlllt be What may ¥ppan, 90me p,,,._ Jude• K.lla.a•tb. m. KorrUoa.. cun• Hall, opva U.U and ~ add.cl" r.ltentld that ~t.roi of I.he Con-ponenta eay, !JI.hat tlMI lhou•nd• up wtlb a llpKl&l p,.....probatton room. for & ~ ol, r.t. Ulla, irr.a bi u •vowed objeeUve or of ~rlOM and firm• who explore table and .. t lt up clo9e lo the f130. All miouttil WWI In. 1oe&' Clil"ta1n WliOa h~. On• w.,-to for natunJ IJU wUl lack the In• ~ It wortr:-S fta• laat W'Mk, band. ad!ll YI thef.r obJecUv• I• to cenll~I neeuaary to m•ke U.. ll'Mity fad.Ut.t.Uq. c:onrqe. • Tbl9 rm1lnck J'GUl' n:porter the aback1e coneernu.,.. f!'OUJ"9 and effort nffdld to tlntJ.-Ui• ru to DYt.. .Atty. ~ ~ ~ room. wtll M O.t.r support or member• of fill the bur• conwmer demand. a.ad b.M ranr doMd up llbop at lh1tt.d tram. the flnt floor to ________________ ..,. _______ _ ..,,n. , IOWA. SUN; "An individual who geUi & MOYlnr open.Uon. N.,.. omc.. pt1d"' by tM O'ffl I>denee Cl'l"le". • • • •c CITY 2 p. m. J"r1day Md waneMd tnto th• buun1nt 1ocaUon aow oecu-O F ST'. A" T E in~ debt IO tu th&t he can never wtrcle out, IOOn for tbl D. A. wW be OD the Th• ~ u. a;i.et.d to M m&M A F F A J R S •AOll.UIENTO, -(CNS) 1tate wt.etanc1 to umt 1oca.1 goes bankrupt. What happena_ to a nation that ft!D•ina llOOrld noor ot the ~ with th• aat ..,. ....u. .A~. the •t&te board ol orttclala ln aclaJ.Hlns aad. maln· &M• bulldlnc· TM qua.n.r. tor-TCM.mC" Doui Watmn ot tht .czua.Uut.lon wt1I not r•lall It'• talnlll,-equ.117. bead over heel8 'tn. debt and makea no paymenta on that 111.erl)' ._.... oceupt9d b)' t b ·, s b 1 r 1 tt '• Dlpartglet .Ju••nU• ·---...------------.;;. _______ _ can:lpa&p to &CbMv• th• P"Jl'OM a. workln.s out ot th• lime-obligation! Certainly the credit of that ·nation will b-.IU. ~l. ..,._.,, ........... • kit of crtdtl ~ for W1'icll It ... created, nam•ly, ta.bl• on an adm1n1etr&U't:• baa. ban& in. the b&lance." FDft llDR1TU tw ti.. aJ.-t JIWUl# tn. wiucb 1111 SACR.AMJ;:NTO, -(CNS) -The somewh&t ta.ngleC the llQU&ll9eUOD ol l&lla lo Call· .. en tllmlM.tioll ol th• tlaw I.hat •-... -d tn the eowt,.. tiroupt -a1Mpd chUd ~I.tr ter ~1t ti t th ta legW t will h d tornll. ~u.. .·...;.. hrM tblrw\M d -.... _ al'O'UD to ptt before M oould .tl'UI:• wa .. ua on •. ~ 1 t.e a)Jtt come to a ea Thi• YI ywy nldomt t.brou.(b • ~~-tenld an D eoun EAST HAKProN, CONN., NEWS. HA ~g ~~~ !::o-0~ ~:J. ap.tn.. bef.ore lone. but it sUU i1 anybody's gueta u to juat1wba_t recent ltat.mmt ot Pa u 1 R. ST&UortJU JIM.BT bUreaucracy, a contJ.nued. Jut tor ~er amon• t&.e ~ ewat,. Board o( luper"' W•l9oft Piled oqt tn tl'9 Ol.r-will come out of the 19:>6 legial&tive ae88ion in the way o! i.-u, tbe tblrd d1ltrict member 11ai.. .r-~ -. '1.ort' lllinvt• book. n. ft&rdi1, dim. ol"ln4 .,, .. -.ith tlM hopM wa'·r l"'"•lation. trom WOOdlllnd, whk:b took 1a1111 '"nl1 pt'OpUtJ' Wt." KlrkWood who ,&ilha but inevitably to dictator-lliow~ Mowld th ot nMUns a a11dc·b&ind. JVWMS-uc -·- w'tth the ftate kctalaU•e auditor =-2~-~· h~t:'t~=-~ lhtp • • .. ~ :::-twr lnlUl.1 ~= tac.d -J19Cl who bad lured two It 1! .. ~thoet a -~'""'111 .. nty, bow· wttl'l w•ter. The blll hu be8'\ on the nwnlMr of appralM:re n-•u.,... vre. ... yew-okl IJU'la Into pertomlnl' IYW, ':''.... en .. , no con-prqentect by M.emblyman ea.. eomme.ndld b)' lbe auditor for 19 lmp&lred, lb-I 1trvct11n1 of IV"· La( on AUJ", I. 1111· ~ morale liCta. 'MMI ~ 1UtuU00&1 a.m•D<lm.nt for th• per Welnberrer, Ban Franci.co. work tM .it..ulns J!Ml'• _ · ~~t,t. ~~~ .. !:oa: alld lmto· AZTEC, N. M., INDEPENDENT-REVIEW: "It t•'!""tonnt ~~on.~! !::!.. OO'Wltook. p«l tben. had 11.,.n Ula rtrle vote~~ to .wol'T)' •bpUt nut t No-ch&lrman of the 1ovemmrnl or- Lea111 hold lb.al euttlclmt AP"" por._. _.... .._ Ml .# • P P" ........ ea .... -~ mon.•y and dr1na otf. --·· .. tb• l'pOf\IOrl o a pro-pnlAUon cornmltt" In th• pra.l•re IJlould ~ iranted to tlMi .tale IJO•enun• ID. C&lltOl'lll&. We coU.ld set the po1iUdana &a interested in the public ptac. ln a ball OYV BM.tty Wataara bad: ~ption ot poillUon. to MUI• the ri(hle ot ~ and other ueemblymen. bo9"1 to carry out H• work ot that our tax ~ nmAin welt&r1 U ~ are their own welfare we'd have a Brolhlre' •tore here al lO L rn . th• -peel'• ear, bwt It WN a coun.Uu d ort(in, namely, Inter· Senator Ben F. HulM. pre1l- tu: eqU&Jt-.Ucm. eound and he&ltby IO tAat tt ma)' lot ie.. to worry &bout." G&thered around lb• ta~• ••n lat.eT mode.I Ulan the one he Mt.e In Bout.hem Calltornla, hav• dent pro~ tem ot the Mnate, and FoUowtni" Leak•'• •tatement. conUnu1 to pump blood throup-William H. llpur11eon. tlrn dtt round eontaJ.ntnr th• arrul.ed 17_ wtt.bdr&wn from Ole battle, and a powert'Ul nrure In •tat• flnanc• Rob.rt C. Kirkwood, 0 1tat1 coa· out all the uterlee ot IJOVUD· trict; Jacob Roal, HCOOd d1--year-dd ~Uerton pl.Ml \t•orker. the l'OYWOOr .. well ha.I upr._. Ing, termed the Welnbercer bill troll•r &DIS -..otfkiwli DMmblr me:n.L AB~ KANSAS, ~R-c8RONICLE : ttk:t; s . Armor, fourt.b diftrict; .Th• depllty dro'f'• &lonpld• the ed hi• opinion that lh~ ae .. lon "lou11,Y" at a ~nt ,1ne1t1nr •pon· of the -.. .. pw a •-h at "For UU. na.on, the achi1•.. A 8. Utu.tield. lblrd di.trkt: uad .,.,.1,1, _ • ........ tt~-n tho I• no Um• to draw up .uch an llON.1.1 by the water lnten!lt.I of .--" .-Ilion lo • -"'od w•-you "•ht..n your be!L A o s Ith --· ··--L ·-----· th• Count)'· 8u,.,+lllor'• ~a· ment of equtty tn the .....anent r-• ~ -a · uy m • UJ. .......... .-.c .uapect etopptd at <MM •top 1'1gn, amendplent. soUtJitrn California. H ·u l •, I• llOll tax commtttee. In Whk:h 'b1 or propvt;)' tuea rnuet M IQUf!loL In a depreuion )'OU have no belt to t.Jchten. When Spurl"eon wu a&m.S cba.lrmu. wateon wu able to oblerv• th• Northem o.J.l!omla countle., or rrom•lmpcrl&I county. - - In --• t ... , i... --••-to' """' 't' ....... 1 .. " ' of th• r1ret bo9zd. The tlrwt of-' M1d that JIOt the bou-d. bl.It lhl o;1,,.--... p-rocu. o a ...... n·1 -~Y~Oll-.;-;;.•.;•~DO;;;;.~-;;;~-;;.;;;..X-;;i;;;;;.;•~p~1;;.;•~&~,_...;;;;;;;·;_ ______ 1 nclal act ot the bo&nl after nam.-lire i:narktnr1 OD on• •Ide. 4 courM are lnlen!1led In th• coun-MAIN O&lliCl'JON th• countlea ., weU. an d-P7 lnf equU,y, etuJ,ISaUoD of ....... I. , ... _ ... __ Ultle fart.Mr down. Uae ro&d., he Ue1 of ortrtn rifhll, parUai.lerly Hulw"• m·'· objecUon la tb•l coneotnMd wtlh the .,.blem ol ed '-1u. ll aa ~tial lit.Ip, Ill( BpW'(IOl'I. .,,... to auu.>YO .... .crvtinJMd lhl u,.. oa ..... other ln th• mow1tatn dl•trtcU. How· ~ S .. · • s • d Cl k ' M M--••th to _,_.,.,_ ....,. the hill e•entually Would taka ID.t~ ~UOD. .. A.a Ml nt.llJ 9Jemut. in ti» acramento 1 el1'ght er .... -.... _,_ •kte. Tb11 were .tm.11.u' to t.r&cke '"'ii UteMI couaU" h.a.,. rl(ht.1 U1e Colorado R iver Comml.-!on J;QUlrAm..lC SQUA.LIZINO ac.bl9"1Dftlt ,. .. ,~'"'to. le a two ae.al.1 tor. UM b)' hie ottlc.. llR by the otteder. to thl waler at the pruent Into the new department. ud h1 KlrirwOM poln~ out that fOf' board wblda llM ua. pnrW to Thoe board met l&Ch da)' for Wat9on hauled tb1 ...,.."oi'.r to time, and &r• ln no hurTy to a• alao A)'I thin I• N, pf'O'riDon th• t\nl U.. IA Wri)' 20 y.va, ilMM u ........ t ... ordilr utd tha n1:r.t two da11, Au.(. 7 -d th• C\lrb. 'MMI ...,.ct'. 411.hur v . eurt1 Southern Callf~ta waler In the me..ure t.o turt.htr cca- tba beard .me lo Sflpe ...ttb mak• It. llick." ._ SA.CR.AlO!'Nl'O -(CNS) -All old U.'°'y with a Au1. I . )('cK&l'lan wu broU.,ht to the Ulrou(h IMl.plnr • 'u r p I u' •t.rucUon ot th• Feather Rivet' 11>-~.u.._~-~ •:O....-. ........ =rlr rl•K ,_.-new twist h'aa -•~ ~to · tho DW>lal"'°Ql,/o The blf que•t1on ln thl»I pto-ahll"i/r'1 .ut.UOn and 1Mtri..dly wblcb mllbt amount to 1 dettctl project. There an many otb. and 11 •<•i ~ •l 'eq\lll· '•tuck' for...J.! ol u ciounU. ~ ~ "" Of d.i8cua-DMrlnc da)'9 WM to tlnd a P-. 9dmltted U.. act. whieh w•n In th• tutuN,"to eom• other part t.h.lnp wivnt with th• bl.II, thl •e 11..i... ~ ui. 11ta.t. .. were: ordered . to lacf'MH, ......_ Ilion Ow.-water in Callfonlia. Thia. hu come Stephen to quart.er tM ·oounty'• l"O"f'1l• aceomplllbld pn h» W'1 to work. of th1 •tate. lmperf&I iten.e.tor declu.d. · na. llowd. .-a: mrtrw.od. ll)JDl&, • TM fourt.Mlalh eouatr. RleM. ot Ventura obW.ty, ·a pochemiat w Contend8 that M\\'D YACI'OR. With HulH critJd.al.o.i" th• mlA- . w.nt. to to-Opll ... -~ ,_.. TUlU1l. w•.nt '° court. ud ~ t.hil lltate'I lell'Ch ,~·water aht.dA be d rather n. Metropolitan Waler 019· 1ure, It could have a touch tlrn. 9'ble ...., wtUt. ~ .....-C. *""• •rd• wa. .at Miik Ob a :.... ..,._......., trict ot llout.hern C&llfoflti.la ha.I ln the 1tate: .enete when It t.r.lld 1a Uul ~talilt ......, lMb0 k'll"tJ.) tlula • l'l':C't u4 ......... ,,.... d:rUW. bHn a Qlmt ol .JCllPSl,7-~ ...... ~....W Ol -Uuw --.,,,.,.. -• d ort_(in m•tler. &outlltrn Jecllone •n! meL fraakl7, Uft.:t. tf tM bo...rd .... a ~ _,.. flt • 11enla .torap. ~ -the · CaJ.lfortlla dou not wllh to w Second. th•rt rem&lnlt th1 mat- m&M mll&U:• ta ~ ellt. I.Ma dlat wtddl ... take to .r-IU-pr 1111:ted. JU. ld9M 1--8'wa ;::t d ~uni~ trwnlDOoul a-pendlturu for wa• ter or fund. tor lb• reaui.r JU .. It. ~ tt Ml ~ f~ tM order ..-Wt U.. 14 tori u..· lftlia-... ~ ~ ·u.. water :: the ~ti Kareb 12. ltM lia.reh 11, 19641 t•r tranatu lftadl or authortaed. •er pro}ect. eome of •hlc.h are lo r«Uf'J U.. ...,.. • ..., ~ f.&. eouaU.. 8' eUd bl acre-wtlb Oil ~111.l orpn1aUom;. Mt ,,._ ~-11a:z-. tt p N~ HarbDr N.,..~ PrtM wtU-t. ._ ~ wll'4<=tallll'4 -1.D the .-ov•moc'i !Mid· 1nt.wtwl 'la •t zti ~ UU.-....... W Mb.,.. &h&t--U.. ll'Jdclt--tr~ U.. lilllj""""fOr = ran· :l. c:huT• -t2ll wUt: B&lbO& i~::awww Ull Balboa . be plenty of water for the multi· (tt.. and there ar. l.ndlor.Uone I&• Md prooldun ll .UCblchaar· Yalidlt)' of lba Pf'O&nln c:an bl th• ie"*Uon. ot a NW lltall wa-N_,ort Be&ch. Calit, million dollar can&le under con· lN1 moNi than nln1 million Will • U. w I ry. K.lrlnlpod ou~-efrectld only throulh eonunutns t9'r departLMnt. It 11 alw~ d.ltfteult to ac.eept. N.wport s.cb, C&llf. O.ar Mr. MoMe. llideraUon. remain tn u..· bud(ll. and 41ftab1• lined thrM prob4.n1 ot lnune-1ampllnr, to occur tn th• counU• ff• bold.I that "the met.hod bu new theorlee, e1peclally when the Dear l!Hr1 : Th• conirr•raUon oi the New· In any IYeDt. the public can preliminary work to 1et 1tart.ed. 41&t. -.m. Tbey are; ' at 1 .... l Ol«ll ln e-.ch three Y••rw. blln touM and · demout.raltd old 11 fn(1'&1nMI for ,.enerw.UOIUI. Tbi Parenl·T•~eh•r A..MoclaUon p0r1. Harbor Lutheran Church tor1et I.he con1t1tuilOIMLI. amend· Third, the ruCIJJM o,w wbo 1. A cct1Unutn1 Pl"OIJT~ oC Th.• budpt. requ..ted tram lhl whereby we can l'O doWn", .,.,.. and wh,lh.er R.I"' h .. • •.flt.em of the Newport Blach l:Jem1nt.r:r -ie.he• to' ea:preee Ill thank.e far m•nl for lb• Ume belng, but It 1h111l purch&.11e the Sin Lula l'eHr• MJl'IPllnl' of &Ulllmentl. le(i1l1ture I• fMred lo lh1I pro-Uoally, to ftnd watw. It bi no which will mMtl "anythtnr ' re-School w1nt1 to thank you ,.,.. the pvbUctt1 1tJ\I h•v• civen UI 11 • q~•tlon which mu•t be itel· volr •He, .U.l•-or federal, -- 1. Dpanekm ot lh4I PN('r"8Vl ot ,rh.m. JM stat.N. n.,.. t.beory, he .. ,.., ca..unr bM:k in&iu to b9 ""°· Certa.JD.Jy It -ur e:r.C.Uent cove,..•• ot 'h• throurhout tl'I• year. U..:I eventually. unuea. What ractlon1 'W1U wtn · 1lll'Ul J'rtean nothlq unleee It le .# v • ._ • I to 1-al'do da Vlrtd ID. ~ 11th explored, and th•~ 1, Jillie Ind!• new1 ot our echool event... Your No one can really tell haw Thi• dlnlopmenl eev" lbree out In lhl• bmttJa " a matter century, and later ~lated wtUI cation that the ital• 11 about publlcll)' hu contributed .JrMlly much It bu. helped WI ln con· llem.1 .on th• waW aien<i&. or conjectulll bl.f u..r. &ff 1Von11 pat hydroloCWU.. to uplorl. Nt•ertheloe, after a to th• aucce. nt our work, and tactin1 pt0ple we would have no r1ret. and. UM Piii U.. lerl•· lndlc•llo171 the klbtl)' ravortrr.1 RI-buu hle contcUon on period ot year•, .eueh u:ploralion wa appredate )'OUr h•lp. Evtn ••Y of reachln1. We realise tht1 laton ...._..., the molt lrn.pc)r-tederal purdtW lllld deftlopment the lheoTJ" that prtm.a.ry wat.r may be done. It 1, recalled that more Important i. th• wa1 you ta • l"•l .ervk:ir and want )'OU tanl at tM moment, ia UN a. have lhe upper band. Which would eoftUnUll to be er-•t.d deep be-llOGll R:r. yeari elapeld betor • he•e kept the 1.neral public to know .It I• veeUy app~t~. liolt .. W a IMW 1tat1 1'&lW dt-mean an ..,..WAI C0-0))9rltll•• -U. U...--1ac. '"'(If Ute artll. ·=~r.;;:-_. ..... -.,.,ud e 1war• or -c.hoof"n_.. de'Ye!Gpmatit ~t;~t-.ir"'il*Q .,_. operat11»1 btt•Na ~la and -.......,,.. __ ,., It Y ot ratn-· Sinea'lly -·~-•~• .. ' to do lh b ot -· "-··"-and Up1aJ.na It amply b)' R.7" rnaktnr ....... made, &Dd eome •:r.· and actlYIU•. • CJ .....--~·-.. ' ft ~ I Uf'e&U r.ciam-rormerly u.1 Newport-lt&Jtio. H...,Tl.JDM 101" th.at Uw upor eonLl.tnhlr wa-ploratory operaUon. are Pftl" on Thank you •lne•nly for your Jame1 IC. MC'C&nl1y I ---•---...;~ __ .;. ______ .;. __ .._ __ _ abet the Newport.-a.Jboe p.._. ter riHe to fonn rock. Th• trick at lb• pn.nt Um• for u.. con-cooper•Uon. Pre1ldent or th• •--&;;;;;;;;;;;1;;;;;;;.;;,;;;=;;;';;;;;";;;:;;;;;:;---!19 to catch th• water Mtore it nr•on o1 J&lt w.ter to tnlh ______ eo_n_.,_•_•_•_0 _•n7' __ 1 F~eJ' l\;1,tCabe A D p Ml ...._. IMU.,.U.. tw "e>tw ·-y _,. l;ry"Aal!IW'•. ~4 Rlffl clalml l.O wale!' on a ...... , tlC&la. You~ truly. • • haw tJbne lbJ1 ln .l()ffte 17 ID· .. _ llHIRLl:T BLINN -------------------------1,lancu, ln -u. wb.lcll et.Ul are lllQll L1JVEL DllllLINO t)tt., 1¥111:-l.J._._ ~ .. .._.-<::lul Xatt•r et the ro.toak• la Newpon. llMdl. Oowtq. RJ-holdl tut drilltnJ" tn tl\e Cotn11poncllnr84'Cffta.r)' ''LY-,......,,_.,-. Writes .• -. '· ' Calltorn1a under th.e A~ of Ma.rctl I, 111t. htp mount&IM f\lmllh .. lh.e beet ...... ..._ AN'CIJ!NT IPUMOll well.I, and It thlli la a fact, then p tao , ....,. II__,, W1ta1111111 .., r.w., ~ u. Some lM>O •prtnp In the world. c..llfomi• haa plenl)' of hl(b Dear Bin. ri&WIWI' ••a.-oa 1'1JauaH.DfO OOlrU'Aln 111 •)'A. have M4ll'I wurld for mounl.alD.I Lo Jinn'id.• ~ and March lt.. lHI llll .......... 1'&Wtoar aLUlll., c.u..rr. ....... ...,..,.._ i•1• t'enlft'I• and ~ •• to plentJ ot rwrvotr att• ror it.or--• · t.mpe ... wn, p.llon..,... now aAd -... Qnl'"*' ............... NMleM ....... ,... lit Ill .U JUmei cout&nc)', Thi oldNt of tM Rowrnr, u the kt1A .. 9F a... 111 •I a ._ o....t el<>....,. 0.. .............. •111• ~ ~...:., ":: ~~ It rnust M haebtd °"r tor ~~ M CIMflwllla H"~ ._.....,,,.. ,-r t6lU.. Jordan menUocied muy thn• ln Ji9rtoda. ot tlm•. T'?le catch ro ,. II h11 IC......,, Ml•rW •111 t l's lM Bible. 0..-teott of tlll eprtnp the,ti!Unt pro(J'&ll'I, of coune, bi On bMa11 ot aJ.I tM Rall.on Ln the Na.rport H&rbor Arfl., our Board blrt;b)' ~ or.ir atn- ctn •ppnci.UOn for the wooMr- tul run.pace display In your-paper Ln obllrlnaac1 ot N R.l&ltor n a 1, ., Orllll!p DIDt)' ,....,. ....... 19 th• onria ot. tha Orinoco RI· kbOWint when to drill welle "'"' 1o •• aouu. A..nc.. whldl whkh wto f'umlO a conal&t!t 9SM10 BZDl>JCK, PU'8IlPRP now. a t ·a .Wt-1.uon. ptr 'ftter .uppl)'. • W• do ~'-lbl man)' wu.1 1 .-11 A.~ 111C111.or •lnute. But lD IAY mat. no illll",.,uo.n court.MMe •wndid ua. w .... . 'caafOJfD a. ltOUNTlt&&. Adn~ Oll'lctot Brtnlin& th1 ui.otY clOMr ~ lot th• euppl)' of WU.er to th• ,. •• ,. A. _AAKn1\0HO, JI~ 8up*l1fti.d.mt ...... tu-.. ..... ,_,.. ep put •tate CIA b9 J*Mld up .. quack· ------------------,~------1 ..... t.hl'la .......... u.. ala.I ,,,. '"'°' ~ ln•-lpl«l ·~ &Am: v.n.,, Vent-. ewi.ty, ~ he ~ yte dlmoMtr&Uon• Rieu hu ,...._. ...... Jt~ nt:W'.-r, U'#M Accof'dl~ to a lltXJlfl"/ m ~would ~ to Indicate .. OfMCe ~-;llUle _,. ,._f'; ..... Illa. -.; •LM iu... -. • Voitura n_.,.,.,., he eokl the ther. m1y bf a lol lo h11 thf- ~ .-. ~ C>l99tJ ITAi ,. ,_, plot -whlcll \ff will• ,.._ on-. of Rel.lton ftoy l'l. Mf'Ce rdle, • • • "'Ira Ml,._,,.•••"•--•••••• , .. __ ... _ ........ ~ . .....,..., .................. 1 ..,... .... • Been down flat on my bac:k fer a weelr wl~ th• old tuhioned nu. NC&rly everybody that come to Me me bed a pet remedy that wu better'Rf anYthlnr elee known to med~ .clence or m~ wen. 1.:reckoo rve took upwa.rda of ~ ot theee pet curea and. By Oran- niee, 1 aWI had to have the Doc fill my rump with .the ti1ual quota «--wonder druP, How eome e.erp-'Pd- ta.ke all 03<0! them "pet curea" atatn &!Ore .I'd IOM_ the frien&.hlp of a.ry a one who pve em to me. caw ever Jut one of tht111 Wiii &Uyln' ~Ip ..• thmsf' 1 .....,. .tn... whlotoy could be ml&ed wl,lh .. _, different thinp. • } Farmer McCabe (•11 rl(hle rlHrVed) • 1 • • ' • .. ' • BUC WHO . PACK S PUNCH 'nat'• OrMa"9 Cout Col.lef'I outfielder, Johnny !'.,ttnda, ~king OTV a ri•a.1 jMlch for homto run poalblliUe1. i:.trada rtnb u on1 ol_ coach Windell Plcken1' mo.it -reliable clutch hltteh. TbJa lil&rlu Johnn1'1 MCOnd seuon with the three-time Eut- •na Coo.tenii.C. champlonahlp nine. -Eu~ Tyler Photo • GLENN BASSETT NEW TAR TENNIS MENTOR Yanity, JV Racquet Swingers Undefeated in Practice Goes It'• not '° hard to account for Newport Harbor High's undefeated tenni1 season to ' date when you find out who the new coach i1. He'a Glenn Bassett, once ranked No. 5 in inten:olle(iate racquet Awin'ting and still holder of the No. 10 poslUon in CaWomia despite a curtailment of play. ' BuM'tt. who wu at his peak f or UCLA 'IPllmen ln 19~. c&me to Newport Harbor Hii;h thla year u r enen.I bu•lne•• and math teacher lnalde and. natural- ly, mentor ot the Sailor tennla performera. A .. llt.ant cuach lhll aea.an ll Paul LAwtiorn. aetl Mid. "l u11e ll round robin tra.lnlng prorra.n1 1n .which the player& ballle !l out with each other In regular malche1. I thlnk th11 dally competition and pr!!llure i~_ good for lht boy~." The Sailor flra.:tlce record 1peak1 for lt1tel! nn tAl1 KOrf'. Thurlday at CXeaJUl!de, I he Newport tennla varsity ea.111ly • Clua C -Hl(h Jui1;1p. Jolln l<'onuua, 4·10, lllM. BroMd Jump, li11Jl80ll, 1~11, 1964. Ml yd,. duh. Tony Roeech. 8.2, 111~. Shot put. 6 lb .. Carl lklr11ron, 37·8 ~, 1963. Ci.a D -Hfch Jump, Gail Maxwell, -4-8':i, 1964. Br o ad Jump, Curll•, 14·7Y., 111::.8. Ml yd dash, Curtt., '08, and Maxwell, '64. II.~. Shot put, I lb., HEniottn, 33-lO, JllM. Amon1 th• n.atlonally ranked player& 811'.Mett can claln1 vie· lonH ovv &re· DI.ck l!av1tt, Jim Brink and Hamm Rlchardaon. took care ot Ocean111<Je'. John .Mc· I------------- To dill, the ,.antty tennl1 t.am bu def•ted Long ae,ch Jot'd&n IMI, ltaceillkw 1-4. Lon& BM.ch WU-6-4 and Ocu.nalde 1-2. Th• lwiioc' ...A-.ity downed J ordan S.-1 and Wla.Gn 7·2. Kinley caPtured firB;t afngle1 6·, 8-2. The firat double• duo of Tara' t.flckey Ha1kell and J.flkt Ma•r blotted up::> the rival• 6·~ 1-0. Remainder of lhe reeul!A; Indian Thinclads Top CIF Ratings ICll:pla1M Ba&Mtl. "WI hav, no oui.t.udlnr playen: bUt a lot ol depth." Si:cond eCnr;Le1, Don Dolbee won 6-4, 7-5: third, Tim M•n& kl.\l 11-4 . 8-6 ; fourth, Btll Doner lnat 11-1, l·~-sec.ond double.\, Lee Crltell and Gray Kel.so won 8-0, 6·0; l hird. E v 011v!1 and J im Hic kman won 6·1. 6-0. FULLERTON, £0CNS)-A pair or Fuller1on Hl(h Scilool trac~ performer• .re a lready rated among the top lhlnclads Jn CIF rank1 lhl1 1ea.t0n. A r1pfl.t •&•ln11 th!! Ta-r.- tourhe1t opponent thu1 tar thla Hl.llOn OCCUl'I tDmd'ITOW after· noon on U'MI local htrh echool courll w:ha,Q Wll.on eome1 to town. 8Ull, thtl · toushe1t com· pKIUon thti 8aUor1 ha.Ye: faced 11 a da.117 affair on tba Newport ca.mpua: .. Mtmbera of the alll-0 undefe11t- tld •Junior vanity a:. the locaJ high 11chool Include Tim Mang and Duner, who playt>d vaT111ly a11.tn1t OC::ean11!de, along with Jerry Cox. John Ha11kell, Chlp \\'llley, Dick Scl:leuter, Oliver Crary, Bob Walker, Sandy Davis and J ohn Fonlius. Hurdler Sonny Owen1 turned In 1.n lmpreulve 111.5 In the l80 y&rd lgw hurdles at Huntlns ton Bea<:h N!(!enllj and has a 1taaon'1 Met of 14".7 In the high Umbera. Miier Grady Neal. Sunset Lea- K\.lf C'rou country cham p lllf• 1u.-'°"· hu uncorked a 4 :29.11 clock- tor on the cinder oval. "l don't rat• ~e playeni:• Ba•· TH SP()RTS WATCH -....... 87 BILL PffD.ISPS Credit California Bear Coach Pete Newell with the but bulr:etball story .or the sea.son. N3 he related it at the Oruige Cout College buketbali ba uet here Wedneeda g is: There wu a b&Metball ·wach who Mver won a same for 20 yura ... At the end ol that Ume, h• ditid and, Ilk• ail buketbilll a~-.-,cm..-wwnt--to he••en. Pat.er told blin to ju.t ro lit under a. trN and All, M befitted a Plratf' aquad. ln doing ao. Pink comtmriJ.,,::!. ''Th\1 boy gttw up In I my~ reading funny booka." Cam" the lnat.ant reaction rrom Ntwpoet H~gh School Colt.ch 8ule• G•ge: "So thal'a whf're he wu!", co&eh whoM c'°9eet~ approach to Dr. Bull Peterson ~·aa lntro- vlctory In. to y-ean c•m• when hi• duced for h is remark11 lmmediatl'ly team waa one polnt ahead with !lfter everyone tot. eeated to 11\g one ..eond to p , oru; ;to have one Into tne. salad. MC Ff'ed Huber of hla Own playen ahclot lbe ball explalned, ''The doctor hae Lo lh!"OU&h the Wl'Oftl baakat. \g,v11 for anplher eiigagement." So then tbe CO&C1I aat under Pfp!"d up R-.y Rouo: "He haa to ·tha.t.--UM when he aaw Gf'OITI! watch tl'le Carmen Basllio-Johnn)· Mlkan riy by, and then Hank Saxton t lcht on TV?" ' LuiaetU, and U..n Tom Gola.. tor, Big Biii Mill•, the euy-swlm· ju.et llk• bu.ketb&ll coachU. all mlnr frM8tyler on eo.ch Al bultetba.U. p&a;rere P-'° heaven lrwln'a hl(ll .c"b()C)l 8'.llU ""1n I too. .Mat.eriaJ like U..t ... Juat t"am, 11 havtns hi.I taN.blee thll 'too ·much for Ule co.ch to ~•I. aeaaon. In one. 200 Jlfd f!Vf'nl Here •t &.Mt, Yloe COM:ll ttsured. ri!Ci!ntly, the boy atopped • lap he oupt to bl abie \o u.emble a 1 her t, Wl!'dneeday 1.ttemoon. wtnnlDC 11U1ntet. qatnit ~rim. he made up for Tha.t ckddef. Ute ooach con· IL Ha -am 60 yard• too f..lr, tacted 8t. Peter. "I've rot to ap~O .... re hie f lnt place 11e41 God.. Ood p•• th• okly on beyond queaUon of Ooobt. ftlrmln.( the *-1. &nd tha COM:h After U'le mttt, Mill.ii' lat'll'.r ' ..-t to '#'Oftl. lhll OltOI. p?Mtice cam~ up to Al. "Hone•t. wf ARE WU •luted wtU. aJI the Cttat tea.c.b1ai( him Lo count!" he a.MuN'd I • court Ii.rs, the coach ran lnto a 'PJ'Ob&...,..._....Who .,.. w. comr to II:<Wln;:::.;::;::;::;::;::;::;:::':::;::;:: pl&"jl'" hti uked. RICbl &W&.Ji Ut.ii eoun• • kftock \lnder' Illa ,...., "Who'1 lher-1'~ the coach uked. '1t'1 me,"· llle da'fU nptied. "I 1W\derlU.Dd . )'OU l(lt a real .J..OOd llUkatball team," •r" sot Ute bait ... r." tM coach proudly to'4 him. ..Nobody ciou'4 bef,t.ua." .. 1 c.a ..... 'JOU•" lha 61.U ..W. .. I'W • pt all the otftd&la."' ODUndlman A.. L. PU!.lt ... of co.ta x.... Pf'M'Ullad the n)CMlt lmpt'O'ftd fJl&J9T award to Bill Watael (I( 0-.:h Stu lnmu·a ' PARKES · RIDLEY MORTUARY UI 8roMtwa7 -<JMta Me. "THE WORST EVILS ARE mosE THAT NEVER ARRIVE" -'"(Author's name below) oO you know anyone who is alwaY1 worrying about eome poNible &il- ment ttiey are not •utt they have? TeU them \.h&t Medical Science is now able 0 of accurate cUagnoaia. Mlflern research haa not only discovered medieinee that can help or cun ill- ness, but many man-made chemicals can diacl~ t o your Physician whether you have a particular ail- ment or not. Your suppos- ed "Evil' may never arrive. Relieve your mind. Tell your Physician what you think may be wrong. He will soon know the right anawer. • YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE HARBOR 515 WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE • A great many people en- truat ua with the re9pC)nai- bility or tilling their pre- ecrtptiona. May we com- pound yours! • \\'f' C."7 A ODnipleQ U.. of eo.me1kia.. lllChldln1 Dorollly Gf'aT. H~ lla-.- •tela Ud Revtoa Gunderson DrUCJS Balboa llltd. a llala SL BAUIO.t. PllUCIWTIOM PllAUIACY •Quotation by Bain-I JobMOlt l7ot--t7U · Copyrtpl 19$0 110W4 ) , • \ - •• ••C1t•T OP ·Tiii• 111 TMa a•COND -M·ILLER • ' 1000 Wnt_ Coat Hftltwar . ' f'ftWl'C)lT HA~ N£WS.rlfS$ -PART 11 • PAGE I,. MONDAY,~ It, 1'56 • - • • --~·ETA.WAY! ~~ SMOOTH ~·· COUPLl .. G NIWPORT IEACH • ' ---~IMDlll lltNOI TOU THI THalUJHO "Acuan' AWUO fUSINTAftONS• IMOW • wm.; MAKM 11 • ON NK-TV. U9IO ---- • I • • / .. ' • • ' • I , ,. • WIAL N01IQI CI T~•U..tUt.•• --... _.,_ ' MuUt. er. ... ol.· tM onnp .,,..., ...... -..... """ ', i5 ........ -!! .... :ill ..... ~~ aJI Ill( aill'\.--.. ... -... ..;..i1o1t'7-' I' -I.II ........ :1-. -.,_..,....,..;!"~..,'!, ....... ,..• 41-•>s'J ut '-...,,_ .. ,. .. -~ .,.o;r.;.ilN · El C ....... = ...... 1.l'AMI lb&·-· """"'r .. --"' Call· ~==~· ==-~ ... ~-~,~-~£'!~·~ -~·~·~·~-~~:::.::.....:.... __ , ..... !l!od""l .. , ,.....~---~ . ~ ~ .... ~..:J:: NEWPOBT BA.BB0& ~~ ........... """-"· • -lhw'r M11•r. w ........ , .-PIJJ r feratton, aa 1....,r, and ' • l>.lYID ... B.UUWO ... COASrAL SHOPPER -WedDeMaJll )lA.RJOIUI: KAii JUJUU]ll, 0 Grand Jll'J· WI~ ·on Dl!ATH NO'ncl 11.UIMnd: and' wtte. u joint t.enant-. u '-.. end MCOtd· ec1 ,._.... , n , tNI ln \look llU, .,.,. .,. Of Oftk:lal it.- ........ -. ~-.,... ol. Onnp ClouatJ', Call~ --~·· __ .,. __ _ hMnl ~ tor Kn. 1A:ln. mmta to JEROll& J. KUL- mv.t. 'f'4, ol I01' & UU. SL,. LSft. Md llVTB K. KtTL- Hospltal Set ~~r::~-: .. ~ ===-~ --1 .._, .....,._ -10. 1"6 and recorded 8eptem- 4 • ~ OCNI) ~. Cb.N'IM r. Bud wlQ ottt-Mr 11, ltal ln tlook 3117~ -8 .ANT-A. >. A. ( -o&ate., ~ 111 l)el Mat Ae-• .... ITt of omdal ltecorda, Wlt•••••• wUl be aubpteUd bKah Lodp No. J1D froin Loq ~r wtUi· &U tJalldlns• and. both UO-heard whln the BMdt. and lmprov~t.'itow on the OraH• eount1 Gnnd lurr bt-Claai&d Index ~ an.pd m&lpn.c:tlcel tn Mn. Blu.t pumd. ••'1 at hs proptrtl CO'Hnd by MJd 1- 0rul&• Or:lualJ Omitnl Ho.pita.I borne ..,..1,7 ktardt;y Kuch 11 Cll' Iba~ llUy h~tt be oon-1 .._... ...... at I L m. DGt WlldDmday. Thli ~ u atmded. um.a. &ti. iltrUe"'4 °" plac9d th•reon t fJiaN et~ N ...... PNM-a.nd OCN8 nnt a1r9d WU a DU.I•• ol Atlu~ Iowa, prtw\o U.. obllpboNI MCUnd I...-..-• •!' pt .UC-1 m&l~t of paU.ta and~· to Cfltforula ln 19U. ~~~~No. UtiO, t ....a Db;lttn u..r.. 1ut month. • BM -Uffd 1A Cb&& Kw. thl 11 Brat 1r1 0-... · Jurt J'W.-n J&clr Batpnt put 25 r-.n. ~ u mo.a on. map 11 ................ iu,de Ow ~t &fbl' a ~ tM LDlll Bw.h :a. tiiCOl'llMI In book 18. ~ ZI lJ ...,lcll'fl '91rrt1o1e ~-lonl jur'y MMiOA bl tu beluh LoGp. .... wu & mfmber of Jll.11J9U&neowi Kai-. NCOrda lt h,.._. o0wt ~ b•n. of tbe O.IJ'M ot Honor Lode'-ol Oruc-Co1.1nty, Clllttoml&, 11 haff YoYr CU ..,.,..t e&ld It would be • .,... No. lOI, lllllt CIC Loe&' ...... UWI or -much Of l&J.d Pf'OJMlfty u 11 ~ cW ~ to IO bl.to tll• bmpl.· th• RO)'U K.tpllon ot Alurtea, lha1I be n~ to bti 90kt to 11 BeollaS t&J. -., H• 111Uudiatel1 kf't to Camp No. 1111 of A.l'OC&, Iowa. ~.a .ua ~t to l*Y 11 a.aaq Aw. OllbtU' with dWl •"1· RolMrt hntTinc .... her lt.UolMDd. WU• ~ ~ ,::~t NCund. by Mid 10 8-ltll .&ldll JtnMland on lb• lMuuce ot -.ib-t1am C. Btu.l and a Wl. WU· D&Uld· March U lNe II 1-t: ... P.ud penu tor w\tD...... ua.m r. Blu.t, both o1 the ~ ~. eount,.'Ttu. ·Company 1,.6 ~~-:=u-... &upnt MSd b• wwld -..Jcom• ~ ~~- u b:rwlrt1ptka 0 npar1 b7 tM Jai..rm.n.t wW1 1M u; l'airb&'Nll By ~.~.PAJUCCR n Help w ...... ..,_..__,,,, ~., ~·-ae Ma....J'· A anq. OMmtl' -~· _ .... w -·--Uoa. Bowftwr, M IUd. IZU" th* -1 ""' • _,....,, a..& s.ra,. llUdJ' would In DO W&J' attect tbil ..... ~ JOBN'ft'Oldl ("-') a.cr.t&r7 l&-B A.ppb l '--· -.. _ -11 w-w. lla;J' ---•--1 rw.v.1 ~ tor Kn. MJI" lat pubUcatJon >latdl 12, llH II P'unltu9 for a.&e · Two wttae.• ,,... o&lleC be-U. a. Jobuton._ II, ot IOIJ Ian· and publle&Uoii lil&n;:b 19, llJH -aROWNIES HAVE EASTER -PARTY AT ·ace , ........... -...... Th" ... A-An .. ""'"' .. _ ........ publl<allon...,.. ... .... "·A""-W.1'9 At\J'. V.nnont H unt &rad "-Mid 'I'UMdaJ at 10 a. m. tn No. 680 N_...Prtu aa Boate, SapPltee .. r..cJwT Ro'llR1L Barpnt ln&c.t-1 Pa.rb9-IUdMy Mori.U&l')' Chapel. 16 Muaical. Badlo. TV Brownies from Ne,rpc>rt Beach found the baby chick haU:hery at lpeCia1 intere1t th• JW')' ~ k>oklq tn• O.• ltn'. Jam• I . Btrn.rt of It. NOTIOZ: or a& Dore. Or.t.lo P•&e when they visited Oranp Cout College recenUy. The R-U. troop. led by )Ira, ... ~ houatn1 eompi.tni. but AlldNw"• PrMb)'lerlan Cbu.rclt ol .&WA&D OF OONDA.or 11 PovJbT .... a.,."'-h• bad no llat.men to tn.U. oa Newport llwb omctattnc. Purtuant to 1tatute and to lh• 11 Llve.t:odc Ralph' Holden and ¥n. Curt Bohman. tound. th• collep apica1taft -deputment ' It Of Kn.. Johut.on• p&9ed &w&J a.otuUoo ot th• ctty Oouncll ot !: ::::: ::-= a.nd were 1hown beef, sheep, poulUy and orn.ammtal bortJcultuni f&Cllftiel by Bpul'T'&d by th• V•~ BaturdaJ, K&rch 11. atter an ..,.. lh• City of Newport Be&ch, Call· •& nra a PVU El(in Rall, iDatructor Abov each Brownie ii bnlAlna ~ Id baby rotttp. Wars and American .IA-t.end9d lllnea. Bh• had lived ln rOmla, dl.recllq thi.. NoUc., 6.1 Aute i!!1ft-1b . e, ~.a ~~ (klll • SUrJ commltt.M bu ,been Ooeta M-IJittcti IHI and h&d NOTICE IS HERDT OlVlCN, u Trallen · chick. One of tbe ct&nt broc>de1"9 ia ahown tn the bacqlvaD.cl .. _ (1 to r) k>ollinl l.nto uaerted un•tbtcal that th• il&ld etcy Coundl, ln open •r-tawn ... d...unre oa. lh4I part of l"NldtKI In C&lltoml& for 26 yean. " A1rplaaM Terry Bohman, Ttn& Bobm&n, &nd Judy Hart. Second row O to r) Robin Holden. builder• ln th• aak of vettinM Hu blrthflac• ..._ ln LolrrrJ -ion. on th• 12th d&7 of March, '' w-• to ._, K Uiy W ataon Tin B '· d ~-'-H If Pb •-b Ga Cl Ctty, MIN&urt. llJH, publicly opened, uamtn.cl u ........ & a-for a-& a , & ucco .... an v1&1.1-.: von o man. -O..u y ry enn homea. -~• •-•••ad au ---'od ---•-~--::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;-;-----------------.:...._....:, _____ .:........:..:.....:........,.,.-------She i. .urvtved by tour 90GI .... , .,... ,,__, ... -....---ta.A. Apt.a. tor S.t: ,.. K .· Paul John.etone of Coel& ~ or bide for Ptrlormlns the work &&.B Jlou.. for Bea' NOMI LOANS LAGUNA - FfOERAL SAVINGS I LOAN ASSOCIATION TWO OF·FICIS To Serft YM LAGUNA llACH AND : .IAN CLIMINll • A ' ( LOCAL WOMAN WINS PRIZE Henry E. ot MontebeUo, ~ and lmprov~t d..crtbed In ft.. &l-0 Tn.Uer &,... E. ot Bl. Jo.eph., Mo., and Brue. mluUoA of Ini.rtUon No. •Ul, 61 ROOID9 for ILMt B. ot Newport 8".cb; one elater, &doptitd on th• t1tb daJ ot 0.-•·A ll-* a__. Mn. Mur1t.I Suttle ot S..nnnab. o.mbw, 1166, which Re1111luUon of U ·ll a-& Boud Mo.; •IChl ,nndch.Udttn_~n d bltenUon UI OQ tile In the ott1c• II Ilea;., l('9c.. three rrut rraMchUdren. ot th• Cfty Clerk of ea.Id City 11 slor. A: omc. Interment will be in Bur • Uwl 11 b.Veby ttferred to for • cf9.. II-A fkae4·,x a.ta11i ton JuncUon. Mo. 11Crtptlon. ot Mid work and lm· 66 ~ Opportua&U.. proYmte:nt and for &11 pa.rtlcuJara 65 11_, *'-i-- Sprinkler Stolen Rorer Barrow or 1teT Allao Bt .. COTt.a Meea. noUf\ed pollc• Tue .. 4aY that two 60-ft . lenctU ot rar-, AiUi -. and an automauc eprink· · hr bad Men taken from blll yard. Vil..lu• ot th• object.I wu eet at 12& . relatlv• to UK procMdlnp Under 61 M<nMiy Wanted Mid R..olutlon ot Int~tlon ; and 61 Real l'.Rai. w-ted N'OTIC!l 18 AUIO HEREBY 61 B.N1 Eetate 8en1oe GJVJ:N' that th• Rid Q ty Council to bsconM Property lherea!lfl' on the 12th day of IO-A Clommerlal, Udll9trl&l March. ltClf, •warded °'' oontn.ct 11 &-.I r..a.te EmM·I'• ror Ill.Id work and tmprovem.nt to 11 aea1 l'Atate the 1owe.t rqulM rwponal.bl• bld·1 •--~--------­.1er, to Wit ; 1-------------1 8ULLT·llttl.ER LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OPi_aA.LI: or KEAL PROPERTY BT TllVSTEE u11io-or::a DEED or TRUST TRl.'8T NO: JTtT WHEREAl!I. JEROME J . MUL- LER and RUTH M. MUI..Ll:R. hu•' band and wtfe. by Deed of ·rrut. datl'd Ausuat I. IMS and recofd. ed 8eptembt!r 21, ltM ln boo:.: 3211. par• 377 or otndal Record.I of <>nnr• County. C&lltornia, dld rsnt and con•ey the proS*'tY tberdn and hereinafter deKribed.. OON'I'llACTINQ CO. at th• pricu ~ed ln lhti bid for Rid work and improvement ot !&id ~. wb.lch Mid bid le on tll• In the· Ollie• ot aald Ctt7 Clerk. and to wb.lc.b rel•renC41 le hereby m&d• and th• attenUon of a.II ))e!'90N ltlt•r•ted la h•r•by .1.lrected. D•l9d th.le 12lh day oC March, 1968. ' MARGDY SCJmOUDER City Clltrk ot th• City or Newport 8-ch. Calltomla No. lOT N.-Prae 3/11, Ii, 19H to th• 0r&nl'e County T1U• Com· NO"nOIC OP JNTEN'DON' TO Ji.any ... TnutM, to ffCUre. amon,. EN'OAOIC IN TIU IAL& or OUler obUratklne, tbe payment of A.LOOHOUC BEVER.AGEi on• note d&t«I Aucu-t I , 1965, March 13, 195' Y Newport Harbor B. P. 0. E. 1707 M..U nery Tbunda7 I p.m.. vw. Oporto -Central ......... Nowpdlt ._ Albert H. Matthewa. l:xalted Rul•r MOTlELL'S AND PEEK Colonial Mortuary TIOl Bol•a -Jwt South ot Welt· mlruitor Memorial P&rk. An Or..nre County IMtltutloa lhrT!ng: fam.W• of &U tallhti Telephon• (Tull J'r'M) ZEnJth 5231 CAR P -EN''l' ER Repah; :Work '' o..t __ ,....., '•• ' -.) ., .. , Ot.D.·ftu.f "1:8; ti .... .A.JI Wodl; 0... s rtvo4 f4tlo Pt.lntlnc " Paper:tw>ilns Wedothe~~ 30 y-.n ~ Ueim.4 6 IDnnd. l&u.ta.ctlon IQU'Ut.ad. ZllimatM trea.. can Jollludt. LI 8-2687 Ii LI U289 81tfe FObTINGS DUG Wut• llnea. MpUc t.uJu ud •••r connectlorui, work dGM by Ford mounted BadrhM Pbon HYJtt 4-eltO CoUect. ll~H CARPENTRY l!INOR REPAIR WORK NO JOB TOO SMALL B.O. Andm 1016 E. Ba.Ibo& Bl'fd... BaDloe Harbor 2600 lltfo Painting, Decorating Paper Hancms GEO. BUR.KHARD'E LlCl:NSl:D OONTIU:C'l'OR 171 W. Utb 8 t., eo.ta JibM Llbut7 Mal Genera I Contractor LJCSNam New Work -Remodellnc J. YILTON McKENZIE ijl.rbor 63119-W 08ttc Custom·tCabinet Work No job too blr or too mnaU For lmJnedl.at• appr&IM.I call C. Everett S.mith IOtto PAINTING PAPERHANGING Svmpson &..Nollar i!.t *xp.n.c.d w~ FOR RENT " 811:W 8& .. , 1:1.e. Drtllar, Pollabar'a. all tn-ol. Sand•ra, Wb..nt.1'· '°""· ""' BOYD'S HDWE. 14ra. Wallace Bel&u ot Coota X-, lift, "'4, Mn. Ben ~ Jr. ot Santa Ana receive rise &wa.rda N payabl• t.o FRANCIS II. KICL-TllR ro WHOM JT KA y OONCllR.N: fond MA..RCELLA C. K£LT!JR, • lfotb la henby rtv•n that buaband UMl w1fe, .. joint l•n· nn...n .,.. &It.er th• above d.at.., uta, or order, (Or lM prtnctpM th• uncler.trned propoHe lo hll ..am ol ·~000.00, wtth lnter.t at aJc:ohoUc beoverac-, at tb ... pl'1!m· o oii• ever tumed •~1 Meau.e M30 ·:v~ BIOBWA.T or La.ck of tu.nda. Llbut7 N.wport lk* mt• QUICK·-- 24 HOUR SB'>1CI LOW LOW "REDUCING" INTEREST RA TES EASY t.fONTHLY ,AYMEHTS FRIENDLY ' SYMPAlH'ETIC SERVICE . FaEE CUSTOMERS' PARKING ESCROW SERVICf. lfFICCENTLY Of'fRA TED LAGUNA BEACH 222 .Ocean Ava. PHONE HY. ~II n SAN CLEMENTE 601 N. R ~ Raol PHONE HYaclotll 2-1191 Beach. l4ra. Bel&u """ a Ugh-u •-t.h prise IA a aatlOoal ·conteot. Mn. n-llbn an all-a;pen.oe plane trip tor two to Lu V-Nff, tor a WMlt at the IUJDUloua P-'t Inn. Second tnnn left abcm la l'red ()m.c;n, Aaa!Nllt Loan Officer at Newport Dalbo& .S..vinp. who madt the pr1 •l)latlona. Kn. Be1&u. won her-prile for 1." ltatement abcn¢ her preferenoe tor-a-a:tn. l!l"Nm, ~ for her sta~ment oft another toiletry. A eecond Contert with 25 aimUa.r prUea, including th\ Lu Vegu trij), is now under way tor viaitort to Newport Balbo& Savings, President Paul A. Palmer announced. The cont.eel end.I April 30. -' NEW OFFICERS FOR BALBOA GROUP , N.,. Otllcen ot the Balboa lmp~t -'-'atlom ...,.. .. led Tueaday .night when the community builden met ln their annaa.I lemion. 1.t. Newport Harbar Yacht Oub. Left to right, Retirill&' pl'Miden,t WWiam Tbompeon inducu' ht. prlnd,.J: Md lllt.reet due ln elport .,_.,ui.,. Boat "l'\Jry" moa.\b17 btlleU..U oe 1130.00 631 · IUt 8tr9tl, 'Newport II.each 12-lfn.Od.lnf &enicm eac:ll. ~~Ith ...,. of. each and {lN) ..,_, ~ &.pt.emba' PuNU&nl to INch intention, the 1, 1111 and -tlnUllal' ln • 1n1:• u.nd...iped. u. appytnr to th• m•nNt mtg •upet. ,I, .lH(L at. 0.parllnent ol Akohollc ~ whk.b time tlM b&larlc• ot principal Control tor 1-lance of an alco- ud lnltteet rem&lnin& unpaid ho.Uc bners,p ueeue for thne .ball beoom• lmmedietely due and. prem.._ u follo.r.: p&J&ble; and ON BALI: 'BEER WHJ!lltmA.9, defaUlt bu occur· An)"Ofl• de.l.r1nc' to prot.ut th• red ln that th• inllallment of ~· oc .uch Ji«nM may tll• prtoclpal and lnt4rwt due on Mid a TertnN. prvt.ett wtth the De· not.9 oa .s.ptembft' I, lMI bu partme:nt or AlcGbolJc Bf!ver..s• not bMrl paJd: and Omtrol. at lacramMto Ca.ltfomla, Wlll:R&A8. l"RA.NCI8 E. KJCL.. .cattq rmmtts for ~Ja:i u pro. TSR ud JiLUtCSl.LA_ C. KEL-ri<!ed by law. TZR. owner. and bok:len of uld Prn:R A. TORR.I: • note, b•Ntofon demanded that. No. ta-N....,p,...-J/11~ .-.Jd Trust• .. u Kid property and ------------·! on D«wnber I , 1906 duly recorded N<rJ"ICE OP INTENTJOS TO ln tbe ottlc• ot tbe· Counl7 R9-.ENOAOE IN TME BAJ.JI: OF QOl'de.r ot •Id County, Jn book AUJOBOLJ<l U:V'EltA.01'.8 '.QlJ, pacti •t ot Oftlctal R«:oni. llar$' 1, ttN CEllENT It BUILDING All. """" FREE ESTillATES Llberty 8-6109 S~all Jobs Wanted Carpentry-Painting Good work-R.e.uonabl• LJberly l..&IOJ th...,, a hOUC41 of Aid ddeult l'O WHO)( l'r MAY CONCERN: 1------------- and of their elect.Ion to ca~ Mid • H~ Ill b-by ,,. ...... UJal nt-Experienced Gardener ,...,..n., to be .w and rnor. than tem _,. att.r the: abo't'-e dat•. LANDSCAPING COMPLETE P AINTINC i Paper Hanging Service EUGl:Nll 0 . 8.AtlNDl:R!J • 500 11.tt Street. Newport Buch H~r 21'11 Uc t»M montM M.'t'e now dapMd U.. und--'IMd propoeem to Hll l&llC9 lb• rec«dliUofl ~ Mid ~ aklobolk: "'1•,.,_ at I.MM prun, Ue.. TM wm of flJ.000.00 pr1•· ..... 4-:rib«I .. follc:nq : ctp.I Uld lnt.-.t UM!r.on trom. -1'114 Newport Bl•d. and CLEAN UPS Llberty 8-15119 ° A~t I . lt06 le now due:, crwtnc K.wport 8-cb ~ and unJ*id on -.id note and tbeN Punuant to eueh ln~ntkm. th• --000--RS~.-WINDO~~~~W~S,--'- .. e.l8o MC\U'llCI t>J •Id DHd ot unduwt,rn..S I.I appl)'in& to lhe 0.. TrGat t:bra • TruM."'• ree and u· J19rtm.nt ot AkohoUc Beverar• "CABINETS, Etc. ,._... ot NJ• Hllmat9d at Qil.IO, ContQ>l for lnuance of en alcohol· REPLACED Rf:PAJ.RICD or U · tGrwither w1Ul MJ' eume r-Jd and le ......,.. lk4AM tor lhMe pre•· MOD.ELXD d'perimc-1, rtUabl• advanc.d b7 UI• owner• ol ~ 1.-u follow a: Ll 1·5001. 13pll> nota In accorcSanc9 with the pro--ON-BA.Lil BEER ~:..:._.:_:~·:.:._ ____ _ ...W-of -.Id dMd ol tru.t. wlU. AQJOn• 4-lriq to Pl'Oltfl U.. -J'or a depmdab14I \a.a car, ... lnt.ere.t OA INM4-lut m.nUOn-1 IU\l&noe ol 8uc:h ~ TNJ tlla 1fJU1' klc&1 dealer who w1U IMi hen llWU., • nrtned ptotMt wtth th• 0. TOMORROW to back up Wbal n. KOW TBll:llaJ"ORE, NOTJCll p&rtmant tJlt Aleohollc lkven.se 9e.lla TODAY! Check the UMd D ap•n <JIYl:N '*.hat th• Mid Coalifvl. at BMTamento, Califomla. can ln th• dual.fled aecUon to- Or&l!.p Oou.nt7 'nUo Oomp&11y, 111' ••tlftl' (1'0Vndll fM denial u pro-"P._·----~------'t1rt~ 0( itl• authortty •-.ad la It Yld..t •Y law. , PAINTING INTlllUOR -DTEIUOR _...ld:ilQ IUJ\,llOI p AJNTINO LlCENUD -INBUJ\ED Glenn Johnston !Kil • 3i.t St. Jf.~rt lhacb Barbor 31 Tf •ttto W·AYNE'S CONSTRUCl'ION 91>. General Contn.ctor Milo ·~. Alcohollca. AaoQymoQo" Writ. p, 0.. .. 111 Newport ~ cabf. PhoM BUllGr 6Tll Suoerfluous Hair Pft111JimU7 ftmo't'-S mm r..oe1 arm.. .... ~· .... ...,,. Une tbapaO-Mo mOl'tl t....ans. Cu.mt L BKTan' It. & Udo'• llaloa ot Be&at7 Bal'. aTI ... C~ll , 111ucceuor, Orville Schlueter: Gene Elliott. vice-president; Monte Grim.ea, secretary; .,[.!_!:::::_ ========-W/an<ni) Holker, truourer. -Start Photo . " ot HY'•cinth 2-1 lt6 q Tru.tft under •Id DHd ot CLYDE T. klJRA!"' t\ -8ubecribe to the Le.der, ,..dnr· Truet.. wW eell et f.t\lbllc auction MlWRED AN'N' KUR.AN llM Ill Ule BEST, Call Harbor Your Relax-A-Cizor CONllULTANT Demonaitr•tlone. nA obllcaUon BONN'a WILBON-HTatl 6"'41t or llT&lt MIN &1'94 lo Ule hlfh•t blclder for cull. No.. 6U Newe-.Prtiae J/11/0I -1818. . ) .: .,. I, , j I l • 7 . . . -. • • • ~ • .. ' ,. ,I • , ~ t . -, • • , -~ !!? ~AMI , ~ _D!f,W•W • ! !!! lrJ!:"!I •! lH' ! r • -·; !!!:!'! ! tfll!flllt". !' M ', \!!j>·!Y '-WVQ(l•~.llllWSffiSS-PAKTll .•,PMNJ . ,, I • PERMANENT SPECIALS GIB.I.II . . , : • .., '. • • ·~~.=ri;_ = p~,.,.;..~ UtC "' · .J!Q!f11AY. WA~ 1~ lflt . · 0-.--.. ~ .!! 0.bttel ... for --.,.. I . • --, . -., £~1:: r:r-.Sb'f~ :...t -"QQ11111 ~ ~ :! ~-4. ---+Cl .. . SHA~ 4 WAVl:.11.10 I and 11' "' & I .. : ·.,. . ---" • ' _. ' • ;:='<-==.~ " I . -'' ,-;- .. . I . CLEO FIKE'& BSA.UT!' fHOP Tliat JW wlU .. ,__,j to WI · I lft~ ' -~-"I fie. 11t ,,_, .. u'l '....._ _ • : • f ·:_ t ~·. . '"°" Ch"-• 1•~ ~-11-. JOU" *ll:ndl Uout. NW .... ' ,.. • -"' t .:::::-t '*:a om lllll ~ •1 zl , .. tw --.. 61 [ fl ' ,· ~ j ~--.... .,._ '-'--..... ~ wtda u.. w..i ~· · · ..._.. ... ....,.. a ., • 0 iM · · ......... ...... fOttc ~ --....... NEW K&tTAG RANEE. jlfc. llDU.16 Now: .SJll8.si5 ·=·ci::'" na.:..~ •,f'••·... ·,: ..:. • W' (II wn Mllflefli. _::; . . • -"'"' _.. • u'MCJ WESTINGHOUSE LAUNPROK&T . • .. w.~ -· i-=' ..... := HAPJOt HI Fl . ..;, . . ' " .. " . -~~. . ' ...... ! U-&bOO!'J ir-· 1 •• NO -Cll~YJIUID tJ,ed Wl!Bl'lNOHOUSE llLllC'l'IUC RANGE • • ·~to ...... ,,., .. -... • • ' -' • • China Painting ·~=.~::,: °'""' :. Double o--J)Oop ~ ~ -. .$1-49.50 =._ ..... - - -"---. · 1290 wm.pui )'Oil Jato '. , • . • • •• 1 ~ --... --·· ~ · UMCI SER',_ 0 -•oER.A.-R •-"ft. •••.ac) ~--w -·-• ............ -. .a.... -• I · _._.,..,...;,:_. ~1 ·-• -TELEPHONE OPERATORS ,_ ~·., •v • -..--u -• -· -91M• u · . '"t .. :. ~ .7ttt.; . · mn"'O!I' .,..,.. fPrOcr. Tak-NO'J!L.._ _ ~ • • t • PboM WN"7 ...... Nlto -.4"'1-. ' •USl!ID ~N BUYS · 'Tmu:m BOO>ll °.;i ........, -i<Sil'YA'l..·.·-rt ,,...,., • $CliO Triumjib ''I'll. S · 1, ' ' t :OO to 4:00 P. m. SYLVANIA Zl" Conlole with Batollgbt _:_ __ --..$189.M ttimttin tor flM. Qo1a,. ill zrra1n • S.U. ....,,.,..-., - l1'IO N. = .:;. Rm. Ill PHIL<X> 24" 'iiah. Cou>le, dcellellt coadidtlon -'2311~ look ......... ' . r. lo M "" -,. UW. f100 The . .Tquar of JOW' .._ · . • PHILCO 12~~ !fable model _ • Atf,.9:5 Bl1B IOO !'· o..t.., .A•W. U .. ,:',,.::i:..~ =\~ ~ _ [...,.!~ --. -· ..,...._ PACIJ'IC TELEPHONE R. c. A. 21" Walnut cone~ looc! $129.50 ID< ROO>Ca .,, ---mr.., -• -iloato. C,.0.SED SUNDAYS 0,... till l ·p.-. .,..,_ Howard Steam Cabinet =-==--~==-~IG E. 17" BiJ..i Qmoole ' 1 ~.l!O . -· .-.. -. • ......... .,_ "•.' MASSAGE _ Wbh'lpool b&tha. WZ NOD 4 KOMMill' to k>V• Da:asoN 1,,, Jhh. Co le ' $-f2 !SO d"p ,...._ .....,., aw _.., '8lf M1'f'a t~ tu.ti bl°'" cau LI ~7,72 for •ppot.ntment u., d&aclpllne u., dMa up &tter DllO · ' IOle MWt:ac: IUdltM. Ber. UIO -"""" ;.... • 1141 · 13ctt ti#. ud help k~ OW' nu Mom· PHILOO 12~" Kah. Conlolette __ .:· $49.50 -lTOI ~ nm.. ........ ~· ... ..,,,.,. .. rtntM ----------"""'"""....., -whoo OLYllPIJn·COO.Ole '18""Wttb'doori --~.911 .,.. .,,. -:....,. ..... ~ ..;- CLEAN UP JOB~ :0:: .... "'T.',: :"~. '.:;:,, •:.:; DAV IS 8 R·O" W N. . !!'!=;:!•!!1!" . :i;;e: ,.:.:""-"°: Ya.rd Malnt.enaoce lut ;J~. We Uv• Ill tM au . • , • ¥.l "e.JIWt. ._. Qre.k ~ 2137 HutM:r Thl'M J'Nn n.perlence ..,Fernando v.n., and Ila•• • 100.:: '1:1' ........ Blvd. ~-~-··-TAl:J., o=r......wva... "'"· ..-it -I atualo nice new hoUM With • room 0001 ~uu "' """"" ... • :--~,..., . __ J_. • , .• th(• klcality. Libert s..3'37 a.o.D• tJ'F8 -0.--~"PtdJ.lpill - HARVEY ~MkYER i MOTO~·, -~~- (Comer Vlcl<>rla) Call LI 8-3751 '"tto and b&lb all for you.. Of OOW'N Y ~ . , .. Pllw • w.en 1 ~ OrlW uo -----------!"• can pay a •mall alar)' too, Nice ~ aulbenUc utiqUee, No. .J(.ila. ~ Ana. , , , GARDENING ... moot"' ......... 1ov1no USED APP .. LIA. NCE. ~. .. ..... ·-.,_, ....... ...;;.::::.:·=.=::::..:::::.·--I·---"-'--~---·:....· ___ _....;._ UIL ....... -Chrlo ialmool '" ......... -'"""'-..... DO ,.... vouRSELF . Haultnr -andodd jobl. Craf&' (alm09t I). P.S. Pleue -( ,_..,,, I . ~.stft llemt to UM It I r. . IF YOU ·l)()N't KNOW us·ED CARS REASONABLl!l " ' oall my •-Uo al Hu. 2009 '" DOUBLE -1 Stalnlea Stoel 72 Inch to $118.l!O """"6 ...-fw lbt ......... HI.Fl ' ' •' · "i' " . ' • . LI1>o11y ,.,.... e1p.. ,,.,......,.., " BENDIX AUTOMA.TIC WASHER, boli·~--$39.l!O un'f''::::.,.~ 81~ :• ..... JMU> 'fOUll OWJ< Rt • n ·• . KNOW YOUR DEALER ATTENTION WORKING MOTH· HOU8J!!KICEPER cook, wbtte, WESTERN HOLLY GAS RANGE ',4..'ji ~ $M.tSO 'I'~ · ~.....,. Nl'Wmmll 6 ERS', let me giv e IOYin& cue to llv• tn. privat• l"OOm A balb. (trbite table top with ~'I ~X..SO. .AJl..N. ~ your children durtne lM day. No heavy cleantne. ret. required DIXIE GAS RANGE -· ,.":¥ 1' •.tg.IU\ a . Batlta, .__._ .-..~ .,.an • LI 8-M711. 84c88 . Ra1', ... ,llO. I&:~ ~ ' ,. <P""S ~ ~ • ,.,.,... ~ t. Md -. u.., \ (white. table top, ·oven C9,f1tr01)? • · ~'-. .BLIP J"OR Rl:NT on p.,1.,.11a · We ...m Jilllp JW w •Ne 11. c1<!.~~~~t~~~: :~1a~~ Beacon Personnel DEXTER At.rroKAnc WASHER A· 'f74.ts0 on private dock. c..n au. 2'80. DAVIS-BROWN Colored. Kl Z-t&M. MpM 100% employer ~ed. lnataJled '~ . Getto WHITE WOMAN dut,... 00,,..._ agency. GAFFERS & SATTLERS GAS RANGE, oven control ~ E a:~~ work by hour.51.llO. Experienced ~-= ~*4 :om ~p= BENDIX GYROMATIC, ln.IUJ1ed. $59.50 TRAD -."'! good reterence.. 0wn tran.port-inrrpo ADKIRAL DELUXE ELEC. RANGE $89.5() BE.\UTD"UL 7C1 aux. llCbocmU', So SALDWU(, 9Upl0'9' ~ aUOn. Aleo will chauffeur -BEC'Rl!:TARY _ acel-clerk pey ROPER GAS RANGE \ ~ 50 a.nywh8". J:sctl. tor ~ p&t.1IO .ia llM ooad't'Oll ... LI 8-8287 or LL 8-lll 72. Mp86 I • .. ' W l ---"-boal ~ Coo ..... t t.m. &t • . ' . SEl:ECT -ONOED .CARS AT LOWEST PRICES -j •• , .... ' YOUR NASH PEALER •• . WARD S. LEL · f NC~· • 12388.lilalaSt. --· ... -c erk Alea. Keno ust., air (white table top with oven contri>l) an ..,_,_.. or property. DA..a <a&.ee 1'07) -· CONOENJ.AL ha rd-working' cou-bru.h arU.t. Several domNtlca .... r. , 1%20 W, B&lbo& BITd., Newport.~ N l)"C:UIOIC'la. a..1a AD& ____ ..,; ______ _;;,;..---~--=-'"':".--- pl111 for motel,, J;:xpe,J:ig1eed nWd , A ptbera. JUNS J'ARRAR GIBSON 6 l.."Ub~ ft. REFRIG ,. $84.SJ Barbor I032. tet.te ncn:. Jaa~ J..OtTI • • · .. m""' ..... "· Rot ......... -EHJ>.l._AOCY .... .,,., ... BL, MONTGOMERY WARD GAS RANGE $79.l!O ...... SPORT l'lllHINO B<YAT 'NEW HO'• •e OF -· Paul McOruder, Box 17h, IndJo, Newport Beach,. a.crou from ' LOVELY .i.etrie plarer plarlo la M cu it. 8'p81 City Hall · Mc:88 (very clean) ~, fUl.11 equlpped, f'Wl7 to cbart•r pwtec\ coodl'k'IP Tvm..e MIM ---~~==----1---~-------1 HOT POINT 6 CU. PT. ·REFRIGERATOR l, • $59.50 or tla!l. CUh IUIO. _LI s-uta. daw-.. ud llt.U per mon.Ui at LADIES lilAN far liebt fKtor"y -ork. Mu.t • • McM tDU..J'ER8 (Bl.nee 1907) be intelligent tor i.Qcf6Ulngly SERVEL 5¥.! cubic ft. REFRIG.'" • , -~ $69.50 W..U N areamor-. a...t.a AP Do ahoulders or teet ache f U REL.AXA TION needed f llAKE AN APPOINTMENT for Swedish Massage In your home. important job. Hu. "'IT. 86c t :t_ SNOWBIRD aeellea\ oondl:Uoo-~ Kllnberl l-Gl72 ~x HARDWARE co. ~ .... :~·::i~.=: -.UTJ7UL lll.\G~ .. vox ...... l!O--'20 lllut 4tb St. ' . ·~ &z.ta An& KI 2-2336 ....., "°· Har .,.._><. ._ "' "Radio--....,... 11• · ..., ~ _ • s•• ROW BO T U ..., __ .. TV eombmatJon fa · bkmde oe.k. • .-A , R. ........,.. ltrl•. l ,... okL 8okt MW U'OUftd cu be UMd u outboud.. 11&1'. llOO 8acriftce Ml '325 Term.a. UNREDEEMED SPECIALS • DeSl'to end Plymouth In Laguna Be&ch Now, 000 So. Cout Blvd. FRANCIS MOTORS Pleu e call H ai-bor '19ll or Barbor.TO. "FIX-IT" 8111 BINGER ELJCCT. feather wetcnl BED SPRING.·~.,..._ complete $10 00 a102-lrl. ite8f ' • · port.eble • attachment.a. 51e1 BABY CRIBS:..,: ... a . Tl'R.ESS~ . ---> · Pr'tTata party. Bar. 4812. llcH v A.LUil, Ula n"' m . , .-u Spec. -Sl0.00 Kl:LBON HiR.An t'i ti. With trail· __, Knawc..:_.:._ltoo.c:_::.Electronl_:.c..:.c..::..,.~:.c..1----------------------- szw KAGIC, i:lecL portable. WASHING itA--'-____ $'• •• .... -... ,_ .. ,.. Aatot for""-•-aa · ..&.--r .. •-~ Mechanical and Eleclr111&1 "'ttl.l'I""" -~=~ up "· -·-• -..,. "'"' TV ANTENNAS -~ -·-~ M~~~~e~i°wn.. Complete SelectJon o~ good, MENS SUITS $6.50 Ir up Bk>op, eood ..U. .-00, worth K&lnten&nc' ~rvice ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Harbor 5684 or 6693 Brishtbeam K-71).8 mm. 510 LADIES DRESSES 2:sc to 95c 11200· a:ui AIMUl,,.t, Balboa cc::a.r Beam. -Bl a.ta) JOCRCJCDr.a -Bl:NZ-PORCBJ; 1'lan4. ftar. 21825-H. &ac8t INBT..u.u:D com-10 yow Mt. -JAQUA.RS -MO, etc. and VA.LUE. NOW $41. • RJCVEIU!l TA.Pll RllCORDEI\ Vlait Our Furniture Dept., PRIVATI: J'LO"-T..KUltake up \0 *O 95 Amertean eut stwn •complete Newut· model WOnd•rl'ul tou. Completely re-tunlllh your ·home at tb-low, low nri.... 30 ft. boat UO per month. N..,-•., • ~ 1MCbanlca.I lrwpectlou &lid road -----------Spee. 1811. -., ,... -port. Jaland AftL LI S.l80S. Lt H20G. Jtttc teet bet on yau: buy. R , M • t "BUY WHAT THE BOYS REBUILD" ..... cALll'. usED CAR .. ti, oy s ain enanee SWEET'S JEWELRY • • MINSHALL "'"""' •lodn>ok lNBPl!lCl'lON SERVICl'J. a ..... "...,,.•-""""""""' " WAN VETERANS INDUSTRIES' WAJf'l'IOD T<> BUT -,._.. "\11 .....,..,., 1" """'° _., ..., 1 ""' c... s Wall -.ahin&-window cJnntq 402 E. 4,tfi: SANTA ANA . betWffft pa.Won and I atreet. 1141MWUI W'rinch ProYtnd&I rep · erv. Veneuan bllnda. Upbolst.ery . 4081-S JC. 'th St., Banta An• H&r, l61W Mp87 J~-Orfana Uk•·111ew-;--1&v• llt ~ W'1· LI 8·J7U. Ln.sured. rre. &u.m•tu o.u, t :ao to t, l'rl. 1 :30 to I Open Friday and Saturday until 9 p:m. ~ HOO. eu)' temll. J>t.u..Schmldt-K.wport. AIRo Wor!J.•, Llbe &-SU. • \' · 11 W DJDIEL 90.A.T A: Jl0,000 a.u.-PMUtpe PlanM aM ~·no 120 ..,_.trjal .l!li•J. U 1·7711 rt.y 1 ltto LOVELY OLD BaTll&Ad Mt. .... __ .. ..,,ns•• 8acritlo. 11000. JW.~aln. Baa.ta Ana sfncti.J:tli. -• \ ¥ 80c91' 5191.llO, old ooft6e mill 51 .IKI, .... ..-,:.- 66"4,.. --· 1100, ........ ----,..-,.---,---------.,.....---! ..... µa:,I tt' & -T •ptzmlne ,..,beel s.sa·, •nral !O '°ffelh·eoaa 80-B--.A-.H-s-M· Service ... ..u,.. ..m., '""" ... u;.... z LEHMAN IO~ DIN , .,, . ,..,., old ...... ,,, ......... lop REnuGllRATOR·~ • ., .... l'R4ll.&l .. DACftON ooll... '"" .. ·~ .. ~' . ys~~~~u, ..• FOR. 8lrlALL BUBmE88 and COD• tablNI trorii 1'35, anUqu• ck>clu Mus'1c Lovers' .mod«l laJp e top tl'ffhr llt ladu.trill Wi.7, a.tax. JIM ' _.....,.g tr&ctpre, We 11et up book9 tatlor· trom 58. lo•ely II pc. Cherry • • •parat• mMt, , , •bel.,. ~ -, < ... -~,.;-2Sa N.U.' 1 Bookkeeping & Typing Gr~nt · " '55 FOR~ &TAT. WGN. I 'LOADED ... $1795 «! (.o your tndivldlfaf needt. 'parlor •~. $2711, Ml or rar• In tbe door, "''-' V<J•labk · • • ... , . -... R ikfj ... ....,, . -· CHz.CK our re-..onable monthly ' euth~Uc Victorian chair• '34~. Hl(h·FldeUty record• • t.epe1_ are crl•per. UHd 2 "'°•Ula. New, WANTED .NOWBIRD. e "mn. ! 1-,--..,.-·--;·r:"'----~ lu o.timf.l AC 'CovP. •, ..,..._ r11.te•. Harbor 4688-J. 7fp86h marbl111 top drea.eer 175, drop •iect«l JV 81" FOR YOU hu 11 y.ar KU•r&nlft. Belance ~ " 7-. _ ... :i.,, .J'toww ---..... MJ1. .;rrocr.:_Cll)ft~ leU table. trom. 527 .60. Hveral •l owed t. 5167.&9 or ' take over Barbot' 2837·W. -lk:ll Q\lali~tioct ~ -~~-~'/.&WE, dltlon. ftb eu .. a 1tedkJ.ft( BOOKKEEPER, wonan. Rel.all old oriental pi.c.., loe.Ua of Newport.s ~tl!ul new ti. paym.nta -ol. 11.ijt. No eaQ SNOrt ___ ,_,1 •-t·ff· t • .&..NJCR.1Jlt'~. ......---------~_;: • beavly. •1uo. Bu. 0467. i6cM et.ore. 8&lary $260. mo. Writ. · lovely china. old gluawue. _ "8tUdio <ii uvlne Sound" flffded. My equity trffl. See "~ ,_, ...,. com a s-tato:i: 'lttc •. I.o.d~l~~,;-,fcrw.r qua.11rle•tiona, ·•gt. experte~ curios. brlc-a-bra.c, jewelry etc. an)"tlm•, day or ...e,(ag, lf.U plete wltb aal~ eood oondltlon... ___ _,•---'-----,B~~UC:.""~. blr. to Bo.a W·lT uu. paper. Mell w. b'O' and. .x:ch&.nfe. Pleue HARBOR HI-Fl w. "Chapman Ave. l.t, .Pnnc•. Kn.., Boet • Hdw•. 110 PI.A.Hoa Wetat.ed ((;Ir ~ur ~tal . ee. bring lteme ln. Vt.it our tuce KEUorr 8-681 T. )1 '. ~Htb Bt.--Harbor DU depanmellL Trade J!Wr old It'), WILL DO •ny odd jobs. expertenc-•tore.. CharUe De'ria, 1800 JC, Newport Bwb. . plw on .. H••.--df\ ()rptl -~ .cl ta-&..,..s.n1n'c A cbau.ft•urillS-AGahelln. L:B. Hl:mlock 1""60St. aaaa Newpon BIYCI . Har. ff81 WASHER NOROll: •aitat. typa. -. -~ ~ -&apl&-1--'rnnu~~t . ,:-·'. nt ; ~~ .• lMO HUDSON HORNET, bard top oonffl'llbl., powt1' •-c..rina: A poww brak-. Oonum•taJ lltt, WSW, l\AH. Bar. 17"-l:T..._ Hat. 1161. l4cM Ha.r. 0681..J after 9 a. m. 8f.-p8& 7tlfc Now la )'OU!' chanc• to~ one BTARBOAT-rram.e-. -Mu.e otter. ..&.Jlovtuce.__J:>urr-'SchmJdl·PbU· 1 -~~· K.' HOUSE WORK . by da Own O'Ult8TS BEo8 J'OR Rl:NT. Call or the beat... UMd 2 ~u.. Ql.11 Cre•tvl8W Mto,f or ... nte 11~ B!r ~ A Orpn.. Blore 1950 BVICK. .8pedaJ Oda. ... treruiportatlon, LI 8_71J'· 8f.ciMI LJ 8-MM, 8&ALB SURGICAL 'f'RJtllZ&R. 111)3 Harvt11ler. 11 cu.· 11 33.49, Pay 11.19 a wee ~Md Mn. Paul Je:ff•rs. 7u N. 8«1-520 No. MaJ.n. Santa Ana. A •" door toutlnf .Md4D. l>J'aa&w, SUPPLY. 8ac86 n.. S2211. WLsard·lO tt.'bcl9.t with no down. They have t ~Ike tord Dr, Be•er:IY Hilla. l3p8D OIUl1Cll 1\,0 · d DO ' NING H•t•r. und-1. .._ Ocrnn REL1ABUt JIJ.O't' lk:hool Senior Johlwon O.B. mtr. $200. Bird thle one. Whirlpool, ABC. Ben~ ' --BA • e-. 0 o 9'll•re · , and-man:r .tr-. on.t-1 Mkk • .... .11.b .. _.. att•'"'"" Ow KATEY OOANE cap. MW, qollndet 518'6e.-t-di.a. u 'low u _IM. See a~, 'p-GLOUCHmTDt'· en.el powe1ed ptallO. ~~SJ> ..... )' ~A::O:~~ nnlah. 'Po,....'•"'"' P•r·t•c: t ~~u:~barMl()..w~ 8petl&JJ:Mtliti.dl.-a.ndch11dnm ciWnU.Uqa.n.GO.dlftd"9--ptaP·-~·w~~-~· -· 1tt ft::'le11rttt;->-tt.•1 C&ll_.....-..-. ~r..il'DL ~ _ ____; --'1 ~"', ·-· -•..,.'""'?'"~~-== _ Mpl& .UP,tly med ori,.UW. etad Mt-form reeker 13. lArt"• B. B, Q. man Ave., ln Ora.n.re. bff.nl 11.8 dre.u(hL See . at · FORD -• -· ter pmienta. wtth. •lectrto .pit. S76. Har. 24.71 8-6817. Man the,.. everunsa.· 1· 8oatawa1nl Locker 2'31 W . 35-Dop,' ClaD, ht. 1415, ~· "'°"• 11 I I I • · N THll ALTl:IU.TION BHOP otten 1 Em e<..t Hlpway, Newport Bach. · BYa~ 41 'ftal -.. v ·, u GARDE ING __ .. _... DRA.PERIES lD.EAL FOR RENTAI.8, FO< lntWmaUon ...... No.. FOR 8A.Li:-'P'lll:NCH Slandanl • ,,·,.. ..,~ Ito, Rdl"IS'. '30. Both pod . BaaMM..-Oovee.. .Newport :S.cb. poodl• puppl-. A.KC nci-tered. Hwy. 31 at Pt.cinc Cout HW'J':'l--~.;,.~---*"-1-'~-0D~OJ~U: :oc,a11•7! VJ· Pru:-KINDEUJI PATIO end SUP COVERS Ll ·a..uto attel' a p.m. . Har. m&-K. Ucae Harbor lOTa. lllcl1 HunUngton'BAcb lklT •• .H·~~ • 11· l!lna----< .u ... HuUR. ·DAT OR .... _., -· -....... _ --I.I, ·--.:......1. LI H080 or Ll M~ TkM &.um.at. -&am-pi. S2-l'Unb:ure fW a.If t4-MmimJ, ~a TV 0 ' •-• _ JAOU.ut, (8. .A. IMatk. ~) '- ---------7-9p88-HAND BRAIDED RUGS LU=~~ QUA.UTT x.uroo. tuml"'"'·•-'I'.\ Knowlton Electl'Onlca ~O. QU~ ~::'..~ R·E-0 '~=;"!~:Z, '-''KENNY'S'' J'1Ul!ll IN8TRUCTION Mlle con4!UoQ.:t>rael MrVtr, ncord \ _ _ AU"A BOlmO Dependable ~-Complete .:.U n~~~ble. -BELL 01' TJ:RKS . =~ ~~ =~£ -]!.'.. · itEPAlJr -~ Waated :~:··~·":"'Ul"l<the"'"'n"'°''-f-;~_."--"~~~s::.::.. Jm-.-~ LAWN"'& GARDEN CARE MARY J'A.NNIN, 11915 s. C.t. Bl. 8 rr. DllLJCATllSSICN c:aa llllO diltribu.tor in. Santa Ana and port.I .act m I tftt r ) 1&09 w. =· 8t.11ta A.A& Lacuna Bch. HYa\t "-7198. 7'c81 ONE 1 tl. mrtpretor _-4&0 BJCDS, TWO -~" Wide, lron OLD CARS 2201 IO. au.DJ. IT-.. UJft4 .t.111.& , OIJl Y 8-60U 74 SILVER rox 8TOLll ONm lats• commerc. 1'9111r-ST6 bedl wtUa wtn •Prtnp "' Holly-r ~~VICE, RJCASONABLll. AND JUNKERS Orange County SI ~ , . · p88h PICRFllCT ooNDrrION. l BCAt:t:I, SM 1. GONDOLA. U5 Wood lroft. tee-Pad mattreee. ~°' ~ ~ 1 p.m. WI 11.Ulma aLVD. ----..ar,...------......,. .. L..., "... u c.u ..... t.11H22J....._., ,,.,..,..,..., .... ,, ..... '!,., u HAUUjD AWAY VititOurShowRoom coir:r~ ....... GARuENING end · .tt.r a ~m. or LI w111 atter DINING RX. TABLE j .,_ S O Co I L' , Ll¥"1 CLEAN Up JOBS coMPLl:TI: sm boUuvom "'" 0.30 6 ..-....· ..,, ~ ....... sDcI.u. sUT1 f RE f •• ur mp ete 1oe • -tW"M. 0&11 Hu. llU. McH ' ' ~: Dwican Phyf•. -tout • UUID ~~ AOCON>IANB ' WANTED KNITTERS , ...... '"" 110. """"' "" ,. -., full....., va1 · Truck•· Buuet .-Engine1 ':49 * T. o0o6E ORIICNTAL RUGS uportly ~ . all<t loOO p.m. I l<p80 lo 1171. £. .,;.. u;: P.um. ftlOOS LIBERTY 8-6139 pa•-,,. ..... ., tum. """ ""'""""' .. "" '"'"'" """'' "P moou.. ., " CALL Ga1oline -Ll'G·Di11el ' 52Uo MU 11. OriantaJ IC&t~. rup point. llDfllll for p&lnliDe, rue LAROE CBROXll PEDE8ll' AL per 8HAJ'l:R8q~lnce lto'T L ~ -----------tracUoo. orlli&&l •&lo.. 41-o 2 .,.,_, .•. ,..,.,._ _ kltcben tabi. 5111, matchlnl' boa ut-m N ___ Ban~ AM FELIX Sl.IPER SER.VICE 1-.g;) THOMPSON Ch\.RAGE ~T.;11- anuque cb•UI· PU81DrtAN'8 · • mahion chain M eacll, 2 mahoc. ' Ll .....aei., 1HO N.wpurt Bl.d. 19-Belp Waat.ed 21_GG &. Oout,W(hwlly. c.D.M. Sit N' Knit Lyr• back cb&Jn .16 each. -l"htm•· J--017t 1tcM 802 French _ Santa Ana MARK WA1TRJC88 • abort order cook UcU au :s. Balboa BlYd. Balboa Har, an,.w, 83c80 ORGAN~ . -l&cl7 • • ·-UBllD H4JDlOND .... ...... SELL' Bar. 128: 83cM DAYBED, SEWING .fJTA.ND --MUST SELL davmport and Wt tD perftct.. Pi..rtni' Uon _ • CA.Fil • M.ARIN:ll help -All Coronet. LrOmbon•, dMQ, bed. roe 8.ALlll -121 med I 1'flre back couch, bdrm. "t. red dm. a.n --~· w... at YOUR CAR I.HI l:NOLIBH 1'0RD, PR.D"ECT DOWN' ING--df''.... IMKEDIATSLY, Bay-cabin•ta, hdJo, bookCUN. Call m$ .. 26 amp. bnak•n -2 ett• Mt UHd On• month, ~-118.AFJ:ft.I (SlnQI=) Good t.na.upori.Uou ucr.o .. -- vi ew l:mpk>ynumt A181c:r, 2&27 HMt>or uao-w. ~ UcN .,... ouu.t. -~ Don , tne ~ ahelt, Har. 69K. 8lkA OWJ8 N. 1-1'~ -Ana • Bar. lOU-J an. T p.m. or att.r i ' ~ .f • 1 · w. CoUi\· Ml•hWay. u 8-6002. EXCELLENT BUYS. Pnct.1,. .. 11.. )(-.na, Pu~ Agent. Cily • Pbob. Klmbel'IY 2-oe • PAID .Oil OR Nor -I p.m.. eat. -l3cM fOPJ) , ..._ .,,._.,,. .._.., a~ PillCES or Furnilur-. ...._ ~ v~-'•• ---,.._...., new Kenmor. SU n.n,e, at,. et N.wport .BM.cb. Har. 1131. couch • t U ...,.-anst c.urit1'• -•-tn., __ _, • ..,. . . . •at WORD o.tota &u.cb WqGD. : _.. _ larfe a.en. ii.. door, clock, . . , rup • ew u qu-. · , U20 1. Ka.In KI ll.IHf , . . _. < I • llXPEIUENCllO. carpet Jaybl&' tc SlOO • e.Jectrl rout TA.BLI: SAW, ililk. belt. .ander, 602·W. Bay Ave., Har. 2J,2.w . JUlDIOND CHORD QrpD 1 WW take 8800 or MJOIP\ trade ' . ' bdper immecdatel,y. Cell tor In-:eiient ~nd. IUI., ~~r b~~ Jo'ner, Jtrpew, IJ:laper -with 8ScN llUCM.ly u.ct·Uke ..... You W~fttrTO ~°!,.,,.-::. ~~... tor' "'1' IMO tqtl\>'. ·Ota after ,...,. ... _ ........ a:-. ..,.• · t•rvlew, Har. "828. 84cle 1 • 8 ·-·R motora. Ll S.11$1-10 L m. to 8 ·~---'" -1·-... ,_. 'wtthOU\ le9li:lii· •. 1 · ._ T _.... __ .41 .... •lJ' x... ,i..,-ar. v•_. . 8k8' 4 811c87 LUil Uptw .. ....--. HCtiona.l cou.cb ~ -• &ttM J :IO p.. a. -. trf!11t d9,ye. P. --~~~· ' lllh : PART TDGI WAlTRll88, Wad· p. m. 149.60 JlaboS. bookeue. Ll Dt.nli·.khnddt·PbWIJ>9 1521> N. ~ tl2"•7 Mareb. IOlte --=-=--=~,..,,== urdy . MSzt. 1&87 Main. S...t& Ana.-8(tl09 111'-. VOLIDIWA08k ma, oov•··· m=·:!.~o ~_:n~. POP CORN MACHINE S0.-11--Aft*n!'!! 'I .~-11stt·.OLDB: 11, «!tub--. R.A:H. Brud\.-:,0111111w ·...._ • aoo Marin• ....... Balboa Jal.and. Ve17 rM.on&bie -Harbor 128. O'IC£CFJD A lrlERRJT OREl:N Friese dl•an • rreen. GOOD PneUu ~ m:~ I !!"t:. ....... Ta... ~ eortdl.U... .... KU. 007t.J Mor. at.&.' ..... 'Ya 2412 u .. I llfclS i-klf fU ran(' pluUc contour type chair. 11&1'. to 1115. All tD ....... condluun 'IO OLlllT Drtluq I door' ..,,... «--.. !fotadilt& dM Oii -, . ,.-' ------~---==~!·-----------1155 delux• model. Wn!~d 2883 nen.J.Ds• 6 --k end. or will r.nt 16 a moftth Du> llAriF\trrtUea. _ -a. ud HI-~·_ 8 · l'f!L ; .... .A.GENT NUD&IJ""to ,,......t ,._ TWO 8INOLll uoa eompl•t-. cklck with O'ttD timer, ,,_...,me 83c83 8Chmtdt•Plillllp-. no No. Jil&lD., 11.~· ,_ .. _ -l ._u..-.nv_._.. tatkJft ..,_ • • corded Spirit~ to a mUldc pub-match.Inc boblten. carpet r.veep-piddJ• end •lro.rner bumere. ~ Bart.ta Ana. n ~---tine. cll&n. Jilaka p.&6. &xc.Jirenl.. ()l)bdlt.loe. '« IUfaµml ...:JRll OAa .. Ueher. Wrti. Boa V-lt thla er. maple dffk, ,, ... top and J !..lft up top, chrome &TU1 adj\llt• ANTIQUI; VlCTORl.AN "BEDRK. otr• M?IT. t6ol7 IU .... RarllOr ·aan-w or 80fQllll,. TINI ..... 0.. ... n•wapaper. ...pae maple ericke\ ehalra. 2 patio •bl• broiler. '1'11• balance owed SET 5200. ow .. bed, excellent HAJOlOND Orpne au anodUI 1"0 ~, Clwnp. "4r dMn. RT&lt '--IMO l:kt'1 .... _..,,_ ""1 U .... loun&la. VarioUa'potted plant& YltJ7.etortake onirrn1pay· boa.•prlnpAtnnerspriDCmlt.t· eutnt term.a. 1 ued Spina\ on,:ta&I • 1 toM;.'o. D., ~ • -- -Wbethv JOU ..,.. tn b';•et,... tor u l-UtJO atter 6. 84eM SMRU of 11.01 a mo. No ?'I'! u--, rnnbl• top eti.eet, lure Model Ilk• n-.btt; •'lln(. Pree ...rtr.. '* u a.MU;. &lpl6 UM CAD!U..A.C ' door. a ._..,, )'ouneU' 01' work for aomeon• •let. . nftded. My *'lutty · hff. Bee dl•t of dre~ t'llll lenctJ! practlc• room.a. t.ke 1.-.ie be-~ Jtcrie, all powe.r p1u. alt (!Oft-SA ~ a.ofl•§ot •Y4 JOU Cl.ft UM the cl••""ed: a.it. to ~l ALLBTATm Motchcoot•r 560, &ft)'time, day or ev..un.1. l'f.1 1111.Trbr In Vlctartan trarne.-110 for )'OU buy Dana · 8chmidt • lNO CB!lTaLD. 'Newport', lood dluontn&' SM50 -.MO Dtaaa '&aUoa--....,: ....... f*Jr MITantace \o Mil ~ .,..... Apply •\ 192 .. lrrin• A ... or W. Cbaprnan Iii On.np Kil· Bo. &y , Front, B~ lal:and. Phillipe Co. 52'0 No. lrbJn, Santa oonditbi. MOO. H&r. lllt..J. lA.ne, II.nor H1pl&nd9 -LI ,.._ ................. ~ Jf,odud or ~ Call LI 1·157... . If.Ip loft 8-6117. Har. 2t82 evu. lk83 An&. IOtiC J..1627. • Ae87 1 U.... Bar • ...._ f«ft ' I ·1. I • 1 • ... \ ,/ •, " ·-,, . -= ';: .. :'-...-; ~:·~ -_.. -.• _, ... 'L •• .. ~ J -·-, .... .r. '. -;..: . {, · .. : --•. -. ..... '----.. . • ' • . . .. -'~ .-. . ' --.:..~--~--- ·'A:&.-..t.IEWPORT HAltlO~ NEWS-l'lESS '(, ~RCH-19, 1'56 !'1 ~ ,,. &. ' !' !!!! .._te.. __ -' "} '!! !1sl"<f .tr.-.:-a~' •.a....._ •!:!::!•!!•!Jl!:]J~tl!!, !to!_,;!::=:,;~1••!!:;:!•!•!!!~.!lk!!!!ls!]to!!...-''"-'--...!O-!::::!•~·!!~!..!'"!!'!!•~t2L----- ••• = ,..._-........ • • ~ ~"1·~ 2\)-,_ J!n1nd'eC . BALBOA IS~D I !!~!1...8~~~u... " ' R I R It ~:=-=-~~~~~~;!;·~ ... ~~~~~~~-~· ·~· -~-~~=,,.'~'~:,;,·~·"+tf • .. ..~ .'. 'l\'="===;;;:z=1;;F.o:;o;;:'"""~"~ .... I;! :r ...... . ~iaiii·~g::::::· =====~t:.-~~,c::::::=====:·=1f::I . I I~ ~• --.!4' rJt""" .,,, .. ~ -·-· .... II"""! .... I ! I .. -. , ' .c ~ -UM~,......"11lt«iiw. "*' aoo n. to Utii 1MiadL PrliOtd -'Conririlcflon Loins ~ Refinenc 9 ..._ r ... '*~ ,,_ •• JU.O!IO. ••bmtt -•" IT.e Prelimlnery Appr•l1el1 · ·" -· """ -•---. .,.;-.. -··11 ,...... • I Npt. Bch. "' I ll'lt.et.IUQI' lllUW9,_ plUo. ~ ~ ""' Lido P~ EUt SUt St., ~Co for -to '2t.<IO. -aur '4!""" ~· fi. o 1 onaa . ' Ute""' c:.-it1 i:-r.noe ColDPl'l1 · ""'· '"" """' """;.~ , WITHIN .3 SPITS Doilptflll llYllol, ~·"· UtlllU. paid. ot Tm·--1 ... --.... fOU wiu. >:IND .J'laHINO, · ' -wttla ' _ Banktlfl Na.tlaDal Ute Iuurance Company ....tmm.IOJ. bolfb\r, retaxaUon ~aclaf. ollp acoomod1HoM • ' , • SOUltt COAS_T EARL W. STANLEY ::! ··= ~ ~~ n..oi.. -~'-_.....,.,. --'• -• REALTOR -., ,...,._, .. ,~....,.pr-~· .,,.._....,,, _.......,., ;,-y· m lihrlM "'"' Balboa blu&4 ..... dtdr._"!k7· ~ t.wrUSo ~· .,.':,.:-. °'~ 7;_:::: '.:110 • • ·~gage ·Company · ~ , 's:y Shores ... !':." •:·~7~ . .., ' ALMOST BA-YFRONT ~A ... Duplex -Oppoelte puhllc bMch. Unob- atnicted perme.neot t,&y ''lew. Own"° wW a.c:oept reuonab/' down poyment from .quallfkd b!U'U· BA.Y , A VENUE-INCOME 2 B. R. ho-1 B. R. gan.u ~_t plus bocbelor unlL $llOOO will hanllle. ' . BALBOA PENINSULA -1ancl UllOCI 'l'J\'OCZ: AND' WANT TO RENT-· on 11al· Ap_pro.e4 IJ'HA Kortgq:ee . · UDO ISLE boa laland or NtwpOIR .,.... or 1800 Welt Cout Highway -1J 8-'1791 2612 Ckcltl Drl.,. l'JDI ONLT SPOT ON EARTH ... , -ca.ta )(-. ~ a.. 1no-w. -N~b-. C&lltornla n.-.. .... _ .. _ w ao THAT CAN COMPETI: WITH New modern 8 8 . R .. den, Z flrepla.e., "9. kitchen, loto of tile, nice >atio. Ove....a.d dbl pnp. Ocean view' -$32 500 Owner will coneldtr trade up or down, pref ,. income property -Submit. P•nenger Tl RES 8-Hour Recepping_Service Oomplela Drab ServlcO ..um Front End AJJcnment ROAD ISRVICll VlrMt.onti Budc'et. Pim Youn fo.r UM1 Aaldn& ~ Uc~ .... ,....... .. .....,__ .,.~ ~ -: HmAVSN. A deltChttu.I S l:ldnn. NOW PRlCJa) TO 8llLL llOln• wttb 2 bathe, w to w ear· Fabulotie bnnd new 2 atory, 2 bdrm. 6 den, 2 ballui, flrep1-ce, C'larpe.led. Many cloeet.1, Birc:b ltltch«l wtlh buUt in GE Ran1e • d.lahwaaber. Bar, wa.11 of rtut oata 'lu.h 38 IL .walled paUo, rooted boat yard, prai-e. Har. nu. a1 ce• s bdrm., 1"-~tbt .'ft]1L, r. A. P.t1tt.r and drapes. L&rge pat.19 beat, a.11 elec. JUtched. 8paeloua and t ear rarq-e, a yeara old. pat.lo -built kt. BBQ. OVenbe 1Jndei'prlced at Pl.&00, term.. praaa, l'ellerGUa •tons.. • • • ... RALPH P. MASKEY 3•11 Newport. 81Y4, NpL Bch. >Url>or<OI BALBOA PENINSULA OCCAN Jl"R.OllT'LOT R·l. '611:102. SlJ,&00. Good terrna. HM rront yard n-or China. • • • . HERE:::. THERE .. i: = :. "::."::"'..!!:. M-110 .. 1 .., .,.... 4 Br 1 Ba. ths EVERYWHERe. ... '0' .. ft ...... -of " HOME LOANS • -. ""VEIUL CBOICll PIEC&ll, •• ft. Vildn&' ,runablt power bot.t. ·BeauUfu1 ~ month old home, C'U.9-Ul'M e6Ch near Newport Be&<:h PERMA · 0< ~AN VIEW -2 lllory bome S B.R .. 2 lilK,p, j "'t eompleted, many extru. o~ daily 1 to 4 p. m. 113 G Street Open Sat. & Sun 1 • 4 2002 E. Ocean Blvd. JUST LISTED -3 B. R. home, nice Secluded p&tio witb B. B. Q. Fllll pr!oe $18, 750 -TOrmtl llv. rm. NEW 3 B. R.-2 bath home-Close to Jetty. Nice patio. Can be handled with -.mall down payment. HOWARD RYAN 801 • 80ll w. lot St. 2 ear pr., be&IWUlly turatah• Conltruction -Rl!lf\n.ance -Sale• tom land9capl.Of, plrlk block ready tor subdi\'Won. f6000 per td. ..... 11.lO pu month. 3~. &'1'%. &'ff wall tn rear yard. Kini al&e acnwtth%ofoUri(bt1.Ple11ty DEAL WITH REALT.ORS FURN J beOroom home Oft Penln· :r.nqw,.. at il BAiboa Oov-. tu:, J'und• -Bldg. A Loan -paUo. Only J block~ ahoppln&: ol w.ter and clOlle lo H~r. IAN'l'.L .A.NA. llJWlll .out&. .. """"' pabo, '"''" Newport.' · _,.u, Prl"" Mo••r ;. ,..,.... °"""' -* • ...,,. ww .,.... .. , '"'°"''••"""-BAY & BEACH REALTY, INC . Re•ltors ..u.ao two 2 bednn. 2 ba.th '.I'f'uat Deeds Bought le Sold walk• 1.n. Full price fl2:io&, -VO • • • g llUc •• ·!~ .~ -~'-tnuntr .... _. -uon• I.lDO llLll, Br&nl new 3 bednl), Ce.II J'or Free Commitment mo Incl. taxel, ln.e •• lntereat t:..IURRAH I I GOLD DIS 14~ w_ Balboa Blvd, Balboa Harbor 1264 ......._.... .... ....... ~·· 2 bat.b bOU99 unturn. A,.au DON I. HUDDLESTON at .f.~'li! With .mall down pay-n • 1------------·-------------1'--· ----------'" ~~ •M..... Aprll 1• ....... 110-vi. Wu· OVERED IN BALBOA' " ·1~ ~ ~ COAST PROPERTIES CO lus. .A-• -c ,_,.,,, 7tUo LI ..... , C.•t& "-m•nt. C . ~ .. -_._ "•th ,.,.. ... ......, . ,_,.. '" "' "'" sc N -rt •' Rlty " INCOKE uNlTI!. """' " .. , See • ' t o' rh I Mildred JU • s lVl Tb THRD BllDRM. unturn. i:ou... ewpo ~esa . &nd beach. Gm. Income 111,000 IVIO or ve au ''t..x1:te: ompeoo I mo-. ol4 N_,.ort Viet.a tract.. LOANS for, Homes 1799 Nl!WpOrt Blvd., Colta Mee& to $17,doo per year. AAkinJ THE M<;IBT IMPORTANT AD Me-Ta Nelson "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS Open House NO lfONEY-DOWN -ao1 &. :B&lbo& Bl'fd., Balboa JU mo.-"Pbone ammoon D4 .. G" -20 yr. Loaza u ·g.!)&08 ICVff: H•r 02fW..J '85.000. Good i.enn.. Y01J u. ~TODAY '* ... -'.ll. th"ts •d * Phone Har. ~ OI' .Har • .f.&00 ev• u 8·7023 MUc --------·--·.,---! CORONA DEL M.AR wrrn u " Y"'"'Y R __ __J_.AL am.all cottaf• Construction Loans .f.0 ACRES--,Be.at acru1e buy In WI turnlah tree cry~ low..ela EASTERN O\VNER SAYS SELL, I-------------I ~ ENT oranre County. Sewer, water to thQle ~ho come too late. like new 3 bedroom, 2 bath, tire· Sunday 1 to 5 411 Irvine Avenue 8 Cyla, m.ss · !um. 307 I1lanl Ave .. Balboa. SEE BOB SA'l"I'L&R • Wll!U. older hOUH. No problem• place, bdwd. floor-a, block from g Cy1a. $58.88 LIOO ISLE Har. :JOOJ aner t p. m. MeU :GU !:AST COAST BVVIJ. .. hen ta:r•pt --figuring capital . • • • ocean, R-2, Below replaCMlent CHARMING Ruch 1t')'te bom~ Heavy aJ\a.ke root. ovu too-' ,.q. IL ln lfe. I cv p.rqa. Beauti· ruJ lntertcr deta111Jls, 3 bedrma., 1 ~ ba.tM, w to w eupeUnc", fireplace, J'.A.. heat, wood and atucco exterior -0A.L.L for ap- point.meat to S..1 Excellent value -f21,600. larfe, beautttul, aeclude:d S Corona del M&r Hatbdr 3888 gatna Lai. 13600 acre with I I d R I coat. E:xeluaive Lltlin(. tvW.-boUa labor and p&rt.&. bedrm .• Ian•!, 2 bath home. THRO BDRM. unrum. bou.e, Rep. POJRlER MORTGA~ co. tenna. ... ' Seven I an I ea ty N• dnl' wrlM: PIU. •&Jft Untuia. 1271. lncl. --"ener. fancad, beauUtllly landacaped, Metro Ute Ina. 1',undl KI !-618& & I t t C BY OWNER NEA.RLY NEW 3 bdrm. mim .. OPl:N HOUSIC. Frt·S•l·Sun-Mon tun:i.. by d.COtalor. Ntc.ly land· 2~1a crutvinr Drive ~ •• •·t · 1 ,_, 2 br. PLUS Oonn. o,.er SU· yr. .car"!', .. re• w • comp e ..... y round ·or lllllDlnU'-·k:notty pine fenced flS,500, terms to rupo.rw. ln 1 u fZ2 ~ tble per.on. 204.9 NatlOna.l, Coeta t., pa a.. ' Meu.. 7•p81 BACK BAY BAYSHORES BEST BUY CLll"F HA VEN 111114. 11tuap ., JUbl ud rod •-"" pauo, built tn e.ar-B-que. Wf'll .auc ORANGE co~ PROPERTill8 nves men o. ........ ~.motor tuDe •P.. COSTA. MESA carpetl.n& In U'llnc rm. Ir: ball• I------------1867 Newport, Coeta Mua 503·32nd· St., Newport ~h .. Calif. tcMq or •.ooo m.De fUUUte&. a bedrm. untum. 1 yr, o}d drape. ln ·uvua-rm. Cult.om 2ND & I .ST T.D. LOANS u 8-l&SZ -Eves. LI a..1400 Har. &MB, an.er a p.m'. Har._ Me7 fNO JIOK1:Y DOWN). II& a mo. bullt bru.kfUt Ml. Av~U. Apr. • .t.· ~ ENGINES p, a . palmer incorporated 1. 2l ot Federal A.ve. LI 8-3735. Servtnr all Orang!!'. County -UP to tt KON'l'H8 TO PA.Y-ole hanaon co. management · 83Uc We Buy Trust Deed.a BaDt ta our .wn tact.Hy bf aldlled 3333 ,.._ " 700 1-----------& Make Collateral Loan'i: ...... _,,,,. ~t;oa~_.wttl via w.&U 1 w. cQUt m:WPORZ' HElOHTI 2 bedroom Roya.I Mo.rtgage Co. T---:-: Bl17 .....--.. hwy. bar. 1500 6; lib, ~73 hou., firepl.a4e. W.W. ca.rpela, RZBUILT and JNBTAIJ.Ji:D Wr• kitchen, aeparate dblinl' 2602 ,'\'ewpoJt Blvd., Nprt. Bch. &JIORT ~ ON BALBOA ISLAND rm .. fene«I yd, Pauo, dbl. pr. For appointment p.bon• colle<it Leue unlurn. noo mo. Liberty H L I 54" J"ORD fat.&O Bl: us ror yMtly and s..H03. tlk.86 aryor ? ~ C11aVRQ1.-r Sl tt.60 ..uon&l rent.ai.. . 2• •ar. •phone lidV,lca PL'IK. • DODQJI S166 NELDA GIBSON. Realtor VERY NICE, wet Jocal6d untura.. CBRT&. 6 D• aat0 -at TO 108 Marine A.vi!. Harbor 002 1 bdrm. bouae vith fir. 6 pe.Uo , .. ---------~--112000 DOWN, 1100 per mo. tor a 2 br., dUI, family dln. rm., lot• or elOMUI, view-rm. for horH beauUtul pe.Uo • yard 12&.i~ lh"UJ)W•l'Wl flTO BALBOA. IBUND • 185. A,.&ll. tmmadlalely. Liberty OLDS 6 JON'DA.C I -a1TO 1------------1·34'13 or LI l-'116. &kB& LOA.NI TO BUILD, DlPROVE, BUY, MODERNIZE. OR',, R.llFIN.A.NCE yr. old 2 bdrm. at\rac. 1tucco home. Fireplace. paUo, am.al.I lot, 2 br., dbl. pr'•re.. B!rP-in a~ $11,900. lot den, r&richstyle, wide 121,000 Bmat fl Tl B\JDIQtf SlTI tMa Ou .... TOW1a& JmW. C4Jl OU.All..Uft'l:m ......... -.& OU1 ataDdatU ..... _ _... .... ..., o;-. ....._, 10 .... to 2 ...... BEi I ES ENGINE . REBUILDERS Opa ~.to' stat. ...... NEw. LOCATION 310 Eut 3rd St. NASH-HUDSON °"""" RIOH liAHN'S ... UTO RADIO RZPA.IR .~TIC. SERVICE ;-_ 1: :..:• .. Jr:rR '1'· ...... •t11 N""'POft a... u · tin a ' ··~ . ..-:'roRT ORANGE* n•n:ca s41.g --4 IUl'llUi:8 .,.,.,. "'· Clout 11hn7. ,..... . --- SEE ME-TA NEU!ON OORONA. DEL llAR J'OR CHOlC& UNTALB. B&ABONAL A TEAR.LY • DOI &. Cout Hwy. Har. 66to " Choice Winter Rentala on Bolboa 1o1and " Lido i.Ht 8m&1l A: cosy or l&r(e A deluxe )7& to flOO inonth VOGEL CO. 201 MartDe A..ve., Ba.I.boa J.tl&Jl,d Ph. ll&rbpr •4' or Harbor 101& R.M. Har. Mzt.R. or Har. 1J2t.R ""' UNl'UJlN. J BIIDRM, Duplex in ctltthaYe.D near .cnoots. ICn· clOMd bacll y&rd. t.l 8·&621 We Buy TnW Deeds NEW'PoftT BALBOA. BA VING8 A LOAN ABSOCIA. TION 1316 Via Udo Pb. Har. t200 REX 1\EcHS. Realtor 23-07 W. Balboa Blvd, Ha.r. 613& 80<81 % acre, 5;8 acre, view or bay. a.nd Jota or lot.a "' * ·~ * ENJOY lJVlNO on the ocean tront. ¥1ccheot!M apu. • rm1. SEASHORE dupltx, Xlnt. tncome, turn. 123,500 wllh prt•al..-bt,:h. MaW 6 phone ------------ aervlce. TV -2306 W. Ocea!I CASH · M-1 Zoning FOR INDUSTRIAL a.nd trailer TR A 0 E OCEAN E. Montl!'bello FRQNT. '" J'roDt. &arbor klll. • • • court> altea-Near C01ta Meaa.. FOR TRUST DEEDS Euy terms. * 1 * WM . B. HOLT DAN A JACOBBIC:N, Real Eetate Claire Van Horn MORTGACJE BANKING Ha.r. 6691, l4 s.6317, Kl 2·2187, REALTOR 53--Storea & ~ SINCE 1930. -....., HYatt 4·66if.I 2731 W. Coe.at Hwy. U 8·4277 ~_;;:.;;.;.;;'-';...;~~;_---1 1909 N. BUSH SANTA ANA LIDO oFFCE SPACE KIMBERLY """ ~re Item! l/,P · · I NOW LllASINQ otOie 1paee In pl'T t0VIRC-4a Ultra":.modern IUerbM¥1t dealgn· ------------on Ocean Front, p rf t• ed Udo buUdln(. No finer build-56--__ Mooev l\'ant.ed wner. \Veil p e ec ion tnr. no finer lddr... ~ 11.11roctlon lo tht. "2 bedrm.. heavy 1h1ke LIDO REAL1Y, Auoclates EARN 1 Q'' root "°""' • bat "''"'" /o WHAT A "VIEW! r&IMd uaed. brick hearth, op<n l .f.OO vi .. µ.do-Harbor '''' ttc ON YOUR MONEY beam ceilmfs beautiful cabtneta after .f. OI' all ~ !at. • Sun. I------------Formoreln!ormauoncall, C~arles E. Hart, Realtor lhrouchout, home built by a KEyaton• 3·3181 l42o w. BaJbo& Blv~1.r. l.f.28 muU>r craft.cn&n. On• year old. . . - RENTAL SPECIALISTS CAIL &DNA CRA.10 DORIS BRAY, Realtor • Grou~d Floor e OFFICES OR STORES For Leme in - Harbor Inveatneot Co. Bldg, 30th i. N""JlOrt Blvd. Har.160Q • ,, E U _ Beautitu.U,y l&nd9caped. MONEY. WA_N_T-ED-Investors I. c"1.,f.ooof D--r.·v· e LOCAL, well eetabllahed firm h.u f 1150,000 tn 0ra.n1 e County bual-POTENTiAL lndustrtal frontqe n-firm-contract.I _ NHd on 2 air.el.I. Dlre<:t on rallro&d. $6000 to f20,000 -will dt.count Only $3l500 per 1ere. HUR.RY. ao lh.at buyer wUI mp.ke bettei DA.N A. JACOBSEN, ~a.I E.-tate than 1&% lnU>reat on tnvMt-Har. Mil, U a.e.317, rnent Guaranteed • aecured. KI 2·2187 HYatt •·MM .. l1NJ1N18HZD hoUM -fU,&lO t'UU price DU'& lot avaUabl•. "ART" ADAIR, ·Rltr. leM N.,irport Bl~., co.ta Meai& • • LJ7t2 or Ll 8·6'81S w, .Med .._ ..,,. ~bl&. ~ ,_ a.i: J'OR L&ASE, Pt1ndp&l comer, · ,,,...1-------------m.al.n flt. 6 Bl7 A.ve., B&l.bo&. 8-tc8& N • • ------------1 moH SCHOOL Modern 2 Balboa "11·2" Xlt. Xlllt -rtmN. 1 bdnn. apL. aun dtck Of'OUnd floor. approx. 2600 .q. "I.Ip•' Kit.. BlaulJ' -tllM •ul\al)le tor 2 wor1dn1 people ft. 8Uit&ble at.ore or office. 'lr.Z·IO' J>acen•k... P 1M PQ_mo. ll.l JumlDe. Colan& , .AJt:eraUana. Cdl -Har. iO or LI WJU.BUY h-oaa.uwner, on Balboa 'M·Si' BUlmon -::JiMa' del Kar, lsea& .... ast. J &Otto Ialand. One or two bedroom •PL 'A ;.IF. Tra ...... ,., tN 1 ==-:=:--::::-=:-::--:-'.-:".· -~== 1._:..::=---------Ovrr dbl g-ara.ge, w1lh apace • PAN .AMl:IUCA.N' TWO BR. FURN._ )ower,. fac.la&' l'OR RENT Nltw' ottlce 12 it 24. to bu.lid tn front. Box H·2, New•· ~ ocan.• xlnt. COl'tdltloD. *-rno. LI.do 1uWj,ptnr ana. 175 per Preaa. &8tfc Tr&..a...T1rr7 w;tnter rml&l. mo. OIV yn. Jeae. Bay A Bl!'cach 1------------- Uttt CLA.Illll VA.N BORN, Rllr. R.Mlly, 31l2 1.afrtte. Harbor -----------Llblrt,1~7. 364.3. Mtfc i1 •!;-~W!•!!!lllol!!!Jl1Dle_!8!!oat!!_ ___ IA..1"I'IU.Cl"IVll Corona. del Mar 61-A-Ball:Dell tle..ta11 ,-;; com;tat.ly &Dd newly tu.milhed I ::o..::.-z:;:::;:::::;.:;:.;:==--· I · kent1l1 Wanted · J beelrlh. or 1 bedrm. and den. For Rent b ea.ta Me&a We DMd a,pta. aa4 1lou.-in all -................. _., ~--''°" ,. 60-lncome Property INDUSTRIAL bid(. with. ah.ow room, 512 ·30th St.rel!lt, Newport Bfla.ch. l...eu«J tor $160. mO!llh plua ulllltJe1. Low t.axea, Price $18,000. Har, 4321 or •9" t! e..m ' cellinp. Bar kltc.ben, 2 me:t&J bulldlnf,' ~ •-boUl wiDtet' and ....... ~,~....., --..-.... 1-JW. pr mo th .....--• ,,_ ...... ...-. le ... 1130 inol. uUL th BUSINESS A: INCOME '"'ro....,rty, -~ ,_ J'\anl.. or UDfUnl.. ""'' 1 -l·f71. pr mon r .. ~ bdrm. • den home, llvtnc" rm. w1th dlnlnc ~ tlapt.one flr+- place A plctur. window over· rumtabed duple-. all on one noor. lookinr patto. Ceram'° W. in · ooo.r-Nftl1ner rmta:ta. l block beth, Xltchen A tervl« room. to say $1.f.,500 wttb. low down o. E. dlahwubl!lr, •tt&Ched 2 pe.ymNlt. car pr. 6 car porL i.ra-e fl!lfteed yard. LI 8-1488. 7.f.cBe All excl. lol on channel road, Bal- ' BEDRMS., 2 BATHS, BRAND Nli:W. Lara• doubJe pn.fe and reaJ flr-epl&ce• -Sewen, paved •tr"t, aideWalka A curbll In and paid tor, Eittra choice Coela. Meu locaUon. sun time to chOOM you.r color-a. CTlY 2 \ert. Price 011.ly 112.260. te:rm11. Phone anytime, LI 1-7870 or Ll 8·1UHI. boa Pen1.r1Wla. Only flJ,000. 2 Ocun J"roat lota on E. Balboa Blvd. '1 o.ooo each. Coast Properties Rutl'I Jayftd, Realtor Mildred Rigp' A 8y'lvt& Thompiton A.-.oclitf• ARTISTIC 2 bedrm., carpeted U!.ru ·out, fl.replace, 2 block.a trom Bay. Would eonJider trade for dupll!'it in Coron.a de! Ma.r.- 113,M>O t ull price. EXCLUSIVE LlSTJNO. COST A MESA . CUFF HA VEN-Choice looaUon LOVELY 2 BJCDRM., 1 BAJ'H. on Kln.p Place-Lovely I bdrm., Hdwd. tloora, 1ar1• lot , beauti· l~ bath home, l&ll.21., Uv. room fully Jand.-ca.ped, near Golt Club with nreplace, bdwd. noor1, din. FUll price 111.aoo. 11600 down. room, oompletely rr•Pfft&ke fenced rea.r yard, nicely land· HOME A-INCOME A'ITRACTIVE duplex, cholc• loca· Uon. l • 2 bedrm.. 1Jnderpriced. MET A. NELSON 2908 Ii:. Cout Hwy Corona del M.&r, Har. 0660. 84c&G Lido Nord Front s EXCUJSIVE t.lSTJNQ (fo'lr•t lime off,re:dJ • Bay Ona Jtory moder!'! home. B'at North Lido B'•~h locaUon. 3 B. R ,, 2 bath. 4 yr•. old, 4:1 tt. t.oc 1caped. b&rbequ,. PR.JCED at 1.22,&00 -T•nn1. BA YSHORES -Local_, on Bay· 1hor1 Dr. thla rtna Y•r around family home U. m&nT nice fea~ur•, VIEW ol bay, J bed· room•, l % baU\191 dln. room, firotplace, hdwd. l1oon, u:tarlor newly' painted, neu excellent private beach -ONl:.Y 123,600. ''C'' THOMAS REALTOR and ASSOCIATES 22• \\'. Cout Hlway LI 8-M2T N'ewport Beach All mod~rn convenJence11, elec. 111.ra.ge door. -Incl. "C" THOMAS "C" '11IO)L\S 1&7,600, ternu:. , •Harbor lqv. REALT<ml! 30tb Ir Npt. 'Blvd, Har. 1600 View Lot Co. l•Uc 110 * 160 LOT ON CLIFF Dft1VIC. ovl!ll'looklnr Harbor area.. Lut ot It. kind With tee UUe fl8,000. -• I -• -.. • ·~·"! SMALi.. HOME on the waterfront. Only 10w priced one lflfl. only 118,600. Ooo.J tema. Make ap-- polntrnenl to 9". Service -" IF YOU WISH TO B1JY Oft 81CLL property, We w1ll worlt con1lat· anUy to pie .... you. N.B.C. Realty 32nd A Newport Blvd. H&r. l •OG FISHER'S ( ~EST BUYS . 1. Lee. J bdrm. Only I JTa. e1d. Lot Mill.JO. litt.a7 nice t..wr.. i 'ii,._ )Gan. fM50. Try lllKIOda.I (or will LU• e&r U part pymt.~ Mootbly p&)'ft'lt'ftt S72. (Inel. 2. s BDRM. BOXJ:, on comer tot, 1 bdrm. hon. for r.nta.J In ,...r. Botl'I orily 2 )'n. old, moe root. A property you'll N proUd to • ·~ ~ Both tor StlS,160 Only S3GOO Down. fisher & Co. l-------------12eo3 Newport Blvd. • Har.4UI Newport •-u• ·~ · Bar. 36M·R attar 6 'p. m. Separate lol llO' x ll)O' 15.000 19tb • Plaeenua. By Owner-8'.f.c8& ~--1'fN. ~~gcy, ~ -Uttp eq. tt. Pa~erl aM Fenced. LI 8-&7&e after G p.m. ~r week· The Vogel Co. Pl:.NINIULA. POINT n•r oc.an Bay" .B.ea::.h Rlty. Inc. end& 70tfc CANAL f'BONT, 2 bedroom•. 1\i 301 E. Balboa. Blvd., Balboa ------------Phone Har. HM or Har . .f.600 tl HOME 6 INCOME, 2 bedroom and one bedroom, dble. ,..,..... - Neer beach and 1hopplnc-Only $13.9~. terna. Nice East Side Location I •-• W -~ H-rt ...... A: brt.y. 3 nn. apt. tum. or Utl· "Juet rtcht ot I.he Udo Brtd1e" baU!.a. a vely upoaure. A.Lio _... • '--,.,._,., -. ..,,_ l60 -190 1nc1Ud uUI. Harbor SW, 1999 Ev-. Bl-Beal Estate E.'l:chuln ~ l.a.rt.1 N68t ,_... .... I ---~==~.,-----11.;; ha.a •ubltanlla.l Income fromnle'e JOI ...... 8eUlol, ~ H'&r. t»t-J'. l&cl& NIC31 MODJ:RI •tore room or-WILL TR.A.DI: lovely I bedroom . •pL Price of 125,000 lnclud .. Business Corner ,._... a.nor "' th oMC8 at Jiil Pl&C'lenUa, 1100 ltof'nl!l In Anaheim for,. Harbor turn. C-1 CORNER 69li:102, downtown TWO B&DRX apt.' (Unf'\uu) wt .... .. Id v-..... , Santa. .An&. 11a,ooo. Submit -LOTS -NEWPORT HEIGHTS MIT & Oou&. Jl:r .. Ootona dal Kar .......... _ GOI • llllt. N___. mo. lndYdlnf uuuuea. uoqulre "'", ree. res ence. n.£oyatone HA.RBOR INVESTMENT CO., TU •---·-,.-.· 83.Jlll.. Har 1&00 term. or lr&de. NOT LltASEHOLD-1&260 -........ lllrioc' 1 8-cb Hl.00 mo. u.r. 1715 at proput7 ~ 6 p. m. week r-Newport Blvd. at 30th, · DA.N A JACOBll:N, Ree.I ~tale Lido om.o., 1'11 V ... Udo ...n, Bar. 6.16t UUo dlt.79 or .by tJma Bat.• SUD. , ----:-=c-::--:::-::--"-'_ .. _1Har. Mil. LI a.6317, Kl :t·2187, 8u'bel' "11 or e&1I Ll ~7M. attar a :30 or 6%--Beal &&at,e 1· HYatt .f.·069& • >TOI N...,... ~:2:"" ,._ Crown of the See Motel _._ '7tll .O:.-"'===~---LIDO R-3 Shafer H4r. Realty 140 t.n.rt.1-• BACK RAY L6T. 70.140 tt. Cor. NEWPORT HEl"'.LITS .-...~----------""-In ~~~ ... ~Mar lfmWPORT 111•m DRS. otflc• o1 s1e.n-a vi.ta. aid Tuattn -2 p1~~tL~ ~8*.~,.,::n~: 11;,aoo \JJn A~~~~= ~r 3 Bedroom home on wide llreet. hwd. noor1, nrepi..o.. ~ h•t, double ..,...., IP<Yn.ICBI rqdy to mon lato. PS600 wtth low down payment. Newport-Mesa Rlty. 17'9 Newport Blvd,. Coet& Me• t.l 8-6608 Jtv•. Ll 1-1441 CLIFF HAVEN UIU'ORN. I .. I badml. ...... .._...._.... ·-or prof...iom.l Suite, located 16DOO net. C..U-Ll--t--1781. a2c11 Bar. 10&3-W, or RYan. 1-t029. Y&AR OLD ... bdnn .• '"' Nth EvM. Har. 4.f.38-W. Har. 21n-M - "'··• :'r:: Yk:lftt•-. -A ld\q.el'l.U. ap\a. TV Balboa BITIL Pvkln1. V1ca.nt. llUC home. Beam celltn&. knotty plne 1-------------1Gx23 LlVINO ROOM. t\replaN. -v ~--tbJ rate 1.f.lJ N. novu 8. A-or Kl L B h L t • t hll Ah•h•• room io.de Wiil pta7. to • mo. LEhlSh ~ - -moo 7 ' tt •gun• e•c 0 s --==-====--=-=: kitchen. rarbal'• dltip., I". A. ...~ "INCOME ..,... • ......_ . ...-S, , Mell stOO S. OoMl lhry, Jlar. l 1N J-ot61. u u . g SACRlnCE NEWPORT BltACH heat. Lend8caoped. ten~ •dbl. HQ..,c. ot cloeeta. htio. Dbl .. P.RI'•· Tk17 TWO ROOM QiTICE _ Newly Located In beauUtu.I EM.ERA.LO BY OWNER 2 bdrm. bOUle plua raraci. Ne&r R1&'h School. A M.100 DOWN, )iv.a In on• 2 bdrm. Lar1e lot. Ja~ped. fenced. WAM'l'SD !To lt&HT-a bedroom ------~--~--·I decorated. Penly or p&rklnc BAY Private beach. 1-ll l!'hly pr1fe apt., duplu AOO triple• rood bUy. OWNER, l.J l ·U2&1 . home a t '3 per mo. R«lt on Newly ~ flt-'160. - - --......_ ..,_ .... 1,... COil.ONA. DllL KAR reatrlcted arra. ChOOH n(JW, Tenn .. LI a..t.f.Oi. a:U.tc 8.f.ct7 oll'lu-, par a lc.a.n. Or ..-t both Pa;rm•ta HI. WW..,...,. MOOft4. _._-.,-., OC&Al'I llD& a,.ct. lZ.f. Br*way, Cost.a while Ule ~Kti0n la ~-l----,---------1-------------I tor flj(j ptr month. le.vq •t2 OWNER 11& &lp&J "'*!. Ll _.,,!' .....,. WlUl optlofll to. blq. Untu~ !&'I' 11-nn.,-MW b9T Ma&. E~ · · l3oM Call Ha''°' 390'7 •V•• "••· 4811 • A U ' B LI I 7112 ,1·2•ae. ,..., ,._.,...... .,..,._, ,,...., ,.._ -a Specul&toro tten on. CURT DOSH,. Rltr. p.-otl>-r ownu,. . . .. .,,......t17 ...,._yM. loca.U,y. type kltcMnetlt, twtn ltclfft., 81c94 "8 dC'EAN VJl:\V ACRES -----~"~"~'l;;;c;.-VijE,i;-;;;;;;;:;;:-;;;:;:.;;: __.,..t ~ ,..,____ Wr'lte ="COlrl":.tbA !a~~ !! "!!!!!"'f!Opportu!tlM ""· LOT 50 BY 127 ABOVE uoUNA. BEACH. ----'0 31 S ·Merine Ave. BALll-.,.-.-.-,_i::. tlO ''" tront•r m;:_ -;n=.!m~~..;.!'W:: bfa" xtl.., Ulllt newwp&per:. tattc fCcl1'U• p.r .. \!Lii. pd. Sln(k WIIH to tnNl lfl,000 up ••" uretf In wat« dlatrlcl. T,nna, an f't.C@Cllla. Oond lnet1nla prop. p1aea. pe.Uo A dbla . ....,....., - ..-.nM to 'U. IAader, Act.w-or ~upltl. m. A.•all. April 1. acuv1 p&rtnr. In seine" bualnua XE\Vf'ORT HEIGHTS, 421 River-Only S~per acLI'" 1 •• 21 Balboa l1land t fl.t. 114,&00. Owner. LI 1·3$72 flJ,&00. Owntr, UbertJ 1--J6T2. MM ln tM :abT. Cill .H&rbor se mo .. yr. i-. 11\qUln IOI or wtlt buy buinua. 'Vrlt• Box al<'l• :Make cuh off,r, o ... -ntt Phone LI 1~1 .. ,1 or -;IU Harbor 1560 1 t•pl& · .. ,.. irta. Hu, ~ a:k17 Tl• ll'll• ..... ~. 83~ LI 8--7438. 68tfc. llJI. .....,- • I ' ' I .. - I J ,_ I I . • • ,, I . - - -... • 1 I ~ -' • 1,· -- ~-DUPLEX 1 Bedrm. Md>. I. DUPLEX 2 Bednn. 4*1!- .CORONA. DEL MAR REALTY CO. l'RlCE T. KcCUISTION, Realtor . Cliff HAVEN We have buyerw for good 1Jlt4np.. Free estimatea, ezcellent eervM:e.. Har. 1775 -Ev• Edith Maroon BYatt ~222 Bay & Beach Rlty Inc ·:: i;,1::' ::=::· J:::; :: '17 S. loth IL I Br. ···-···127,000 • NEWPORT BEACH 825 It. .I.a.mu, S Br. Open Pma. --·····-········ llO.t?OO t60ll Hawn Mace Tri- plexea .... ,_ .•.•.... -....... $27.~. f.L ' tOIS W . Bay Ave. 3 Br •.... 520,!M>Q HAR80r:l~HLANDS OPEN DAIL~ l to S "625 ST. JAMES ROAD. "JU9t riCbl ot \II-. Udo Brlds•" • ' ' • • ......... -. -Eva. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor "' ~ """' • "'· ...... "'·""' ' NEW .. BDRMS. ' ?215 llai1ne Ave., B&lboa"leland ,,.. •Ylvl• ...... "'· .. -120,000 ALL L.U\011 JtOOlta, HilJ &Jm, 1-----.0:....----~<---------1 !Sil 'teruit& ·l..&n• '6 Br .... -$2f.,600 Bert la one ot lhoee "hard to pt" 3 bedroom homea Ill lovely ciltf Haven. Only 5 yun old and a bargain at $ll5,000 DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blv~, Newport Bea.ch Har. 47)8 rm., I f\ID ll&tM. 4111. pr., patto. J..1 f .;.J f I ~=·:·;:.., "T ~ . rare,, ou11u or sa e .., .. ___ ' . Onl7 f1100 da. llUM't 01f Tb9 chum ot _ .. THl8 OM&. J:u1¥ Ds.711 • Lido ONlv-'$1000 ON. • · " ..noclad Ji ""' S BDRKB., t % " LOAN, 0017 1 lovelj' older bom .. yr. .id. p)'mt. ot. $1• lnclud• tu. .. int-«c. A. food hot!MI .•t a pl1U )'OU oan't blat tor nlu•. 8choo1. llbOpptnc Ir .. lar&'9 yud for U.. d&lldra. Com• ln A 1.t U8 dow Yo11 tbll REAL BARGAIN. HOME & INCOME • Lot and on•ha.U'. Trees and laWn. ThrM bedroonu;. Pl•nty ot ti.th&. -. --------------------J Compl.t. s.om. Oft larp lot. Incomparable buy 1.t 128.000. Exceptional Buy -For Sale! The Doll House of Balboa C>a.17 J yn.. old. I bl'. hwM can be rut.IS tor se ... l br. at $60. Exe. r:. 81ch Loe. amonr attncUw hom• flt.GOO full prtee. A. rMI IDYUtment. • 1 KILLION, real e.tate 33U Newpbi:t"Blvd. Harbor 5505 ., LIDO ISLE ' 13' Vt& Mentone I &. -~---·$31.800 101 VI& Ravenna Ci Br ......... 131,500 116 Via llhlc.a 3 Br. -········lJ6,000 -' ) i Dunc; an Hardesty ( 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Bch. Ha.r. ol718 Uo e Liquor License .• FirturU • Property • Good Location XLNT$JO~ f'e.~~ ...... LOOK .LOOK LOOK -:i..'----- ocein, $7'bQ0:1LYCASH You are ready to go into b~ineu $10,500 down handle. "We 1pecialize in Bi11tneu Opportunitiee." ...-.~-.. ART ADAIR, Realtor . -~;:; 1696 Newport Blvd .• Costa M-LI 8-3m hdWd. ftn., flNPla.M, dbl. pt. • '~" klan. Bbcnm by appt. 1. 'l'hre9 bedroom beach home, 1/2 block to • M .H b R lty Only $12,500. esa ~ ~~ea 2. BALBOA DUPLEX. l\oom for one more unit. Good renlabi and only a few 1teps to beach. A.l!lk· opl)OllUI New U. B. Bank 608 Ccltir Bt., Co.ta x ... ing $1(,MO. Yake offer. • Ll&oaU A µ._1-TTU ----------3. WATERFRONT .FURNISHED dupl .. , 82 ft. bulk------------"'------Shake Roof bead. Pier and flo&~ doubl• garage. $26.500. OPEN HOUSE t. BAY FRONT pier and float. Two bedroom, 11e Jade, Sat. It Sun. 11·5 1 Bednn., 2 bl.th bom-.nics r.ut rum.pua room, completely fumiBhed-&:: only $55,0oo Come 1ee the BEST BUY on the Uttle IalaDd. aide JocaUon. Built.-in n.np and · FIX UP tbl• 2 bdrm .. tum. houae · to 1ult youneU! One block from cait.tt of Corona d.el Mar. ~ Two Modern Houses NEwPORT ~GHTS. Move In one. other rented. Both 2 bdrmL 'BOt ·1n7 "at tlU,900 tor bcHh. T riplex-$3000 down NEWPOftT HIJlGH'l"ll, each unit hu 2 bt'dl'OOml;° e.x~ell:" ~nta.1 are•. F.P. f29.~. Beautiful ~ieW -unit he&t, oepante dining.room. • • .., ""'""· r ... baac o•••· JACK BRENNAN, REAL TY ~--'-'ed $-000 ~ llent .. ___ ran.a:• on. alley. a-u ln and "AT THE • ·~~ ' ~. -~ce -~ :::_';'°1',t'~':,.t'~:';.,,~ 3320 w. Ccut Hwy. • ARCHES" LI 8-7773 INCOME FOR LIFE SAY FRONTS ._. poymonC . -----~-------------' NEWZ b<dnn. hem"-°" lo• An IC&fCe, We h&vea choice one with pier a. f!01t. Newport-Mesa_,Rlty. HOSPITALITY HOME ~~,"'.;.~.'."'":'· o. ... "'°' · DORIS BRAY, Realtor ,,.. """"" ., ... _ .,.,... ..... u ...... z .... ""· .,.,,_, in Laguna Beach Store Bldg.-Balboa ;-. $2500 On! • AA carpeted!. e 1~14rm. -DbL Oar.I • 1,tr. Oldl . ·~-·'*' -Trwl 9 Ojlip. -l:xtra QLblneUI I • 1111.0o -22' x ti'! • ff. tt -BuUt In r .. tUNll • , p1~ .,.nc.dl • . lf. A. 1..o&nl • HJyry -We HaY• Keyl ' FULL Pll.ICE I $12,500 -Rumpus Room! • With B&r and Flrtplace! • All.() Flr•plac• In M&ln HouN I e I ~wy Larse Bdnu.I • Heit Hdwd. nooni ! • Quallty Conltrucuoo t e lWood Shins!• Roof -L(e, Kitch. -Patl.ol • Le~ I.cl near Back Ba.1 A GoU CoW'MI • Only 53V60 d.o'wn ! $15,000 i'Ull Prlcoil -. $8250! • Thia la Nice! • 2 8dtn1. -PaUo -B.B.Q! • ClOMt ln -"Yra. Old.~ • Flreplact.! Large Lot! e A REAL HOM.El Yea! P.S. S82!i-O FULL PRifE l We love to abow t.hea Ucellen.t buya! DEAL WITH REALTORS BAY & BEACH REALTY, Inc: _ . 1696 Newport Boulevard - Coal& M~sa.. California Liberty 8·1161 Evea Liberty 8-3010 . • "Reel Wale is a Technical, L•gel Com-. . . plex Business that requirH years of Ex-·· perience In Titles, Deeds and Trust D1ed1 . - and the like •• , • • · ' List . 1,_bur property for ale with a · member or thia Board. • . • • we're going lo sell $1,000,000_. worth. of real e11tate each' month during 19:WS. MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE ··-:: .. . . :·· . " I 216 M&riDe Ave., B&Jboa lelaod Har. 20 or 64 HERE 'TIS, -THE ONLY ONE! View Homes • Ju.st a few at.pl to HEAVENLY, GRACIOUS beauty. Expan8ive, panoramic ocean & billil views. W• han exclu••• u.ttnr• on a ·Quiet street, n~ar town. IJirJt~ceillng living rm. c~~~:~;;~: ;OR Newport Har~or Qoa~ of Realtors PROPERTIE~-. JU&t ll1ted -a ~ bodrm. homo just recently redecorated on a level corner. lot, jUlt it.pl to lhops and otorM. Only $ll5,500 -$3500 down Mr! achuit•• hom• In Nww· I " 32 x 16.8. Planter 4 fil"eplJ •• -hardw~ pegged port H•lsb.ta. all With t bt.t.ha fiool'll. Dining aleove. Den, all tile bath. 2 bed· ~. double pr&1• and d ~ . · t.urUlc Ylewe. 122.600 and \IP TOODlli an .4ud all tile bath. Secluded patio. Payne 1'00 W. Balbo< Bl•d. Hu"" VOGEL VALl:JES MAIN OFF'.l<;E ' Golden Rule Values . Compare This One I ' • • ; -' I • . ' ,. ' j • CALL ro BU ~=~~b~~r r;'~. ::.:e f:rdiv~~~ 1 "ART." ADAIR, Rltr. · ) Exchaive with R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor , ... ,,.....,.. Bl .... Coa<a ,._ GLAD KEER '-BUS. INVESTMENT __ • >0bedm-1roo..;·t11JXUJ-t0>6"'_ denl)'-J,.,. 2ap1tb&i«thlo.--11" .lt. _F A;.i· • ._b.J<eait.~cllcbi.,_s _.llvlns111·-.c:_· ---1 C·2 Downtown--tot-1.l!lf-r.<"""1 Hornf; -Ma.Jn Bl•d. ft D uoooE . te -·-LI 1-1791 or LI 1-6611 3e22 E. Cout Hwy., Ooron&"del Kar Har. 2774 -t--------~-I · 5 LOTS . $2TMI Dn. -Pt'. SlS.750 . . 275 Ocean .Ave., Lvun• Beach BYatt 4-4974 CORONA DEL MAR (Bet;...p Broadway 6 Forest Ave.) 84p8e BES"F-BU-Y VOGEL VALUE !WIT )UONOLl.A. 00x.1ao . .,....I----'------------_:_ __ Good 2 Bd~. Komo -CJ~• to New City H9.U JUST COMPLETED H;;oo F.P. with 12000 On. OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY 6 SUNDAY 10 L m. to_~_!>t 11':_ MO SEAWARD ROAD, CORONA HIOHJJANDS Osborne-Forton REALTY CO. Ina W, C.Ut Hwy. PARK MANOR A Remicted Lot Development By McCLEAN I< PEARSOL . CLOSE-IN Exc•llen~ 3 bdrrn. -2 bl.th home only 2 yMI. old -Cut aldt euy ~·alk.lrig dl1t&nce to dOV{ll· town. roof, a brand new home with 20QO llll· ft. of ~ . area for $24, 750. Thie lo hard to ~ : . - --SUSlmS OPPORTUNITY BEER AND CAFE $3500 fUU price buyo a sOocf lease and fixture& on e&fe 1bowin.g $100 per day grou and includee a 3 room boUR . LI 8-Mll Very attractive large ruatic - 3 B. R. plua lge. nunpua room, 2 flrepl., birch .c~bineta. Pegged floon. antiqve &batten, lhake roof -$35,000 (at Port ~) N.-port lkub ~ l-7M2 Har. BlH riM. . Speculaton Ir Builders Welcome Only $13.000 3201 W. Co!.~~t~?~;rt ~· ~--------'----------~---· Escellent t.rma. . -TRE VOGEl CO. NEW HOM&T I bedrmj., I 60' restdentiil Iota. Have some apartment Iota left, -Duplei. corner lot&. All improvements in. .. ... , ,.... 0 ' •-""""' You Can't Beat The Price l Location. KOibe p&anned b;y a woman, Ul• , · batu 6 klt.chen, upo.ted bum Drive by &nd buy. Acrou from Cotta Meei. Park. Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson NEW HOME 3 Bed~oo~~· 1'/z_\!f'~ Me Newport BlYd .• COl!ta MtSll $1300 C&ab. $67 monthly • Ph. LI 8-6781 Ev~1. Har. f.366 2867 E. CaL, Hwy., Corona del Mar HA.17U HA: 0757 09iltllp, al~ sw. door to 18th and An&bei.m. u s-201s W:GHT TAkE LESS CASH l f S I patio, 'tnttr • comm. ~rn. %rd ALREADY SOLD $650 CASH Build ~~~ n!r bomaa : th• =~Att oc:::a~ ___ Ph_o_oe_Libe __ rt_y_S-_1_1_81 ___ Libe __ rt_y_8-_66_2_1 __ lf __ H~!:~! !L~~1 ~!:er~~~~r= NEW "3 bedroom l J,2 bat.ht LEMON B&IORT9 Dlft1UCT, ·lUT N.-port, co.ta w:... _ FURNISHED MODELS OPEN auto qency, or hold. for certa.ln T\llUn. Lou. to. 100. 110 l•t u a.tut -SY-. LI ~lf.00 vl.iue lncreue. 11• Jt. on HIU'· P&ymento 1-than rent wldo. '"" ....... """' .... BERMUDA' WOODS ..... :130 re .... 0' "" In- BEST BUY COSfA MESA ARE>' In.quire 252 E . Palmer Costa Mesa LI 8-28117 Lowest Price ~-. . ~-., -,. , creu• depth to 387 ft., to 60 ··-·~ "-LOT FOR S £ 'E Retrtgerated Air Oondit.Wning · · ...... ,_ ft. •~m~L ' i------------------- C&lJ Harbor 1'°7 t.VM Har. 4111 . R-:l Vl-lot 60 X lOO tt. CONTEM;PQRARY MODERN -from $20,500 • OR.ANGE COAST PROPERTIE8 Costa Ilea area · 11$ ...... ,__ S..Bdrm. A Family Room or Conv. Den Homea 1861 New~rt. co.ta M._ ..-On Seaward, Corona on 8 to 10,000 aq. ft. lots with orange tree1. LI &-1432 -Eve1. LI Pr-lotOO Inquire 252 E. Palmer BY OWNER . -'--:' ~--LI S.2857 2 """' .... .., HIP 8<hool. .. ~ -% 1.cre. No! 1 ... IM4. J:icc9l1 nturn 01L1n"9tmtat. ZOIMd to , HfcbJ1ndl PRICED TO SELL . LI M272 NEW FOUR UNIT : build addi uiuta. WW tall• put 7'41 trade. Jiu. 6691 10 ... m.. to • pPAIU.TS a bdrm. ~ ln. 6:IO. LI a-at10 eYM. 11Uc l'ofl a.AI.a: 8T OW'lfllR.-.4 llled· 0.ta MM& nar JltllpoL Pne.cl 1----------1 room ..._., 1" b&t.bll, Jud-. below market, tncom• PJO p.r BALBOA JSJ..A.ND, S bedrm., I _.,.. 6 ftnet4. l'llA )Mn, mo. 3 rented holdtna' J OJ*!. for bl.th hol'M, pra&• apvtm•t. rntdom bom4I ,ana. Call bQJw. Tenn&. LI I~* bfJtor. 3ot Apolena. Har. 2ll0 •vee. UHrt.)' Mm morainp or t ''"'· """"-d1.ye. t3cM l&cl'T after I p. a llttc • I *'llXllCUTlVll vma·· NotlWIJ Down "NON VETS" Trade Your Smaller Hom• Ml11tl?\wn. eull-dn. pent. 13260 Quallfted Vtl•rana purch&M a or with 9e1ulty In •ma.Iler horn,, Bermuda W~ m.tai.. with cub doWll payment may not RO down ~t; IO-yr. 1oe.n. be required. D~ONS:.TateTwst.ln Ave. to 17th SL, turn eut on 17th St., % mllet to Prospect, then left on Pro1pect 1 mile to. Fairbaven and model.I. KEilogg 8-7772. I " Subdividers 8UBDIVIDi:O VA APPRO\'l:D.- 100% tinanclfll", aCTe~ •c~ from lndutl.rial "nd ahopi)l'i\&' unter. 13700 per acr• ln Rlver- etde CoWJtJ:"'" • DAN A. JACOBBl:N, RffJ £.t11te Har. Mitt, • LI 8--6317 , Kl 2·1187 H\'att ol--6696 BALBOA ISLAND A HANSEL 6 " GRETEL epTrAGIC! Your OT'U.m· houee on cholC"e L.rmJt J.SLA.ND. Can you believe Ii!_ UDclor ~.ooo HURRY ON THIS! NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave .. Balboa liland Har. 502 or '621 I " .. : i ' ' ' -- :;... ., . . . .. -,,_ -_::~il'J "'"·-. ','/1 '"· •• ~ ~·· • ' 1 • • ' .. -. ~ . ._ ·~ -PA&E 16 .rARTll ~NE'NPORTHAAIOR.~ llll!;::•!•!!!.'~llll~..,!!! .. !...~~.:..·~!li~-~·!!!!'J!~·~:!!::::::. ....... ~.!ll!!:::!'~n~·~Jll!!!!!l~!!!'.:'.::'.:_.,......J!,.!:;:!•!!!!'J•!!l~'!...~~~.:·1 , .. !!:~P!•!•!l!!!f!!!l!fi~::.--:..-"~ .. !!:::!a!ool~-j...._~~!!!! .. !...~-~,..~·=··,... ii: . MONQAY. MARCH l.t , I~ .. ,. . 0.0 • • -• • I/ f ' ' . • • I~ ,·. jvf ... . ~··.:.:..."~ .. ~·~;.,~·=· :. .......... -.:! ... a!;:!!•'ol~~-,__..:.·_1-.ti.·1ir~_,::i._. --=..:~.~__,__ · ... a· ... pa Tru i.n.tJltitef r a·t e d .. ~·, -·~' ~ .-~BIL 'S BEST , J · .'. .:!. r ~-, .. , 8 / 8 . I .' · · B /-8 · -~-· · ." ,dMl.f~pws of Udo hie ~ . • · , -·. -1Mt,4EDIATE POSSESSION ~ · ' . · · -•• -~· --,,-· . ._ • --~ N..it, a-, ae.lor _..plod. 3 B.R. . ..._, with ;'°' · • -• • -Brand .New I r ~ • • 1~1 _ Attenlion . . w. w. carpeja"' Io. a.• hall. '1!00-.. ~"' · ' Coron& del Mar Corona · del .Mar 1-1711ome .. ~°"'""'" aiiii1i0d.i-, w1a . : ~-ct 11.1 .. -l:J wllll -iOIJC! 11..or . i-t11an~ ·Full pr1oe smo . : Deal with l!eoll.oro ~ ~ fta'.i1or9 . -s11•1•s sia. Ill paUo. -BldltAD ,w-~ GI\ Nc+pci!tt 111"4. -bolas -~ for I -1'.l'\I'\ MUCH.. CrrY uFr. ' I • -. - ,_ • • VMi aztd nnp. .. Sep&rate d.taiDc u.. O..i' 1 .a. ... •~Ne ~ Nt1aetble W... ~ .-.,.... · "' • ...I double iJaDi ,_ Vlwber wl ....._ now, -""" -or lioi4. ,.., Slit l)tban., Loot!nr for _.. elbow'"'°"'? Tli<11 let .. .- ·Not Too Big ....... mM.11 "tam111 ··-• N1Wt7 dacoraled .,.. .. u. ·~ • Jt.d, altn.ct:lv• • a. It fol' •t t , TIO , Corona Highlands 'A I Wnu. -2 IN.th ......... .,,_, 1t ~ .A.Jrmic-.. --1t UMd. 11rkk flnpl•C9 A Little Bargain • 1 bedrra.. • bQn.11 rm. • Klcbty cosy • 0. front of ft...-2 lOt. · • Plllftty ot roorrt lA ll&ck e Nice w1dt #tNet e U•• now, bulld tM.ar • ~ble al llJ,600 Shore Cliffs l\' AbeoiuWi 1.usul'J' tt Nie. ln every relpect tt -1 '*1nN.. -2 b&thl 'ff Attblt.ct d•IJ1'led tt S.utlt\11 i.Mecaplq "f:r Pa.ruiled lnterior \ PftlO· ., . now -. • • · . you th& ..,.u. ...,~ Twv " den, .,.tlh B. )!>'. lon<!ocoped ..,. 8 "'"" '33.000. Newport Beach Trades . · . ~ uid flnplace on ae x 330 n. 1ot. Zoaoc1 .4.<1. ,. One JOU' old llODERN, ..:U.to:nJI ~.II;.. OW-will ~their i.-le !jowportlleoch foir ,which --you CUI lllDp ~ out that, b ..... lnr J1uo door to patio from ~ a . ..oar-_ . , . · yoan 1n pee,•-.-"' : . 1'1111 price •12.l!OO With low c1oim. 2 bolho, n-ldet.I ""'"""'"« beocb. ~ by 1 • bedrm., dea. riunpua ,_ -$28,$00 Tell ua what you can dn I< we'll wort out th~ net. H.ULoey. Betore;rou11uy,,.,..._,.J1>~ 2. 'bodrm.andfamlly ~ .. -31$ HO"E • INCO"E •. . I<> -tbJo home at only '211.llOO • · --· "" '" m · Li. 'd N rth B' ~· t ' ' I Lido Isle Apart!"!ints . 2 p>d 2 B. R. b-OD ...tslde cor, ~ " ... -. 0 O a 9f1 tdeauy located. OJ1jltkally cloalpoOI. :w1 realfOu. !du! for •home " rental u ho.... f-clltteRnt On over 80 feet of the ....,. -orth BO)'. 81!11<· cally pr1<od. llnDd ._ w1 partllilly 1.....i. . .b -and an ,.paroled "fri>h 2 car garap " fence. ~ meden ~ II)' E)erbroet, Ali. The yoo• driff OD Lido,, )'OU can't help but -tbJo , $13, 7i50. $3000 dOWJ!- oottlnro Tiew, bMcb. pter w1 bof.t ollp, plaiitmc out.toMt•r bulldlng. 'f'!ro 2-bodroom apta., one DOCTOR.S .•• LA WYERS , BUSINESSMEN 4'"' home~ the m:y ·-J>OM'hlo!.. 3 bodnu. ~bodrm. apt. J:ocll unit baa Ila own printe patio • &nd maid'., :f~ ·bath&. '!'Illa home i. perfect for • with .u.iu., rlUo walla Into the u.inC rm. The Aro you lootinf for a location of your own? T!ien ' .. meone wl!o dfotreo the n1ceot. lt'a eu1uatn. ;,w, . preomt oWJ>er lo boldlnr &'2-bednll, apt. for """"1· let ua ahow you thJo cl>oice 97' commerclal property uo &nd we have the toy. $1711,000 • • evor th~·-owner mlrbt be. Price $69.l!OO on W, 19th juat nff Harbor Blvd. One bit. from· p. a. pilmer incorporated ole hanson co.-manegement 3333 vta Udo, harbor lliOO · new ea.ta K ea City Hall. Two 2 bdrm. homs P· a. palmer incorporated . on property nj)W can euily be converted for buai- ole han1on co. management ....._ Tllla ill a deal that just can't be pused up. 1700 w. cout hJchway -Uberty 8-M73 Full Price $29'.l!OO with 1-2 dowuc • * lfb paUo • 1•rd * .t. IJIUJ at P ',600 Daol with Realtoro * Th' t..t for lf.9,&00 Deal wil.h Rbolwra Thio Weeki Spel:ialo , • ONLY ONE OWNER · BAY FRONT HOME , .. IXdir One ot the li.nMt yeu round h~ on LlTl'LE W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor "you'll like our friendly service" Bay & Beach Realty Bay & Beach Realty :'";i w:u::, . ,;..;.!, ~ ISLAND: Over 1700 11'1· It. pluo big uable C.... ... Ku Otnc• Corona del Var Ottlu P•nlnada l...Ocatlon, pier, prtnta double ca.rap.. ... S. c..t Hlll-y Har. &683 l630 E. Cout Hl1h.....,. Har. 6663 be&eh. Th• best tber• 11 tor tM moaeT. '40,000 terma. • Tbree Luce airy bedrme., 2 batha, llvin&' room and din· 1 UNJT mcoaa:• Ing room adJolnlnc delightful patio, nice flroplace, CORONA DEL MAR VOGEL YALUES AP>Jtn<ZNT st11LDrna. foroed air heat -eveiYlhlnr for year round living. BALBOA OC&A.N FRONT . • • Shown by appointment, ' EXCll:LLENT :v ALUES AND A GOOD SELECTION ......... ..Holiday Aportmont.o'' Fairly p. ric.d at ···.ooo I ualt. plu. man.apr'• apL ,._ L SO. OJ' HWY., 1~ blka. to beach. 2 bedroom.. Y..-uound chllnta1-. Ooai~ ly t'Unl.WibM. Laundry ~ 2 f ull bathe, fll".ePlaee 'n everyth.inr. ut.Wt1 rooma. !t.modaltd a.ad BALBOA ISLAND INCOME Reduced to $12, 7!W. • naw tound&UOll In 19&0. .6.ll Four tin.ill on two -lota -let thil one t.nted now. Dandy lneom•. S46,· equity for you. ,. build . th• Newport Heights . """"-•. ' btidroolm, 1 "' batlw • PIM latp dm ud rumpum room • JOOO 9'· ft. liriq' area .,~ • J ut 2"6i 7-.n old • '•ndec:aped and tftT&Oed 7Vd 400 E. 17th SL, Costa loleoa , Liberty 8-1139 LIDO ISLE NEW Two Bedrooma -Two Bat~ Now ii the time to move in &nd prepare for a. wonderful summer on acltinr Lido-Ia1e. • I. DECORATOR'S HOME ....! Fireplaoe, beamed coil· ·lop, 2 bedrooms, lg. kitchen, patio. Garage pre- i-nd for apt. over . Ouly $H,9:10 ooo, tamw. Only $10,000 down HERES A PIPPIN • , . Jual 2 doorw. to lh• blly beach. 2 bed· rooma, Ml n-IUmitW'e, paUo ere& and 2 car l&n.I'-Ten1ftc IHlach hom• or rent.al. Jl6,000, LAGUNA INCOME • Ju.BO ..IYLL PBlCll .............. , ./' ,..,_.-Another Back Bay Exclusive Many clever det.aila that must be aeen - not described $2•,soo Full Price -Tenm EXCLUSIVE -We have the key. J . tS' OORNER LOT under thlr.I bedroom boW!e. Sep. dia1DC room, lg. rooma thnlout. Fenced yard. Im.med. poueq)o.n. Out of·town owner. Only $16,500 . . '· 00.lolPLETELY REDl!lGORATED IN I< OUT. 2 B.R. home, Jc. ldtch. with dining area. New formic& drain.a. new w/'llf carpeting, new wall heater. Every- thlnr "J~ right." Ezcellent ....... "ONLY $14,Z:SO 5. OORONA WGBLANoS. Unobotructed ocean view ,., • f rom ID09t ot the rooma of thi.11 3 bedroom home. Entry h~ IJ. ldtch., hardwood !loon. f)replllce. Door f.,,. living room to 11UDdeck. G. I. loan - moathly paym'ta 'of only $80 include. tu.et, etc. Tat&l pdca $22.i!OO JHE VOGEL CO .. IM'T lli. c.t.B"J'., Corona dol Ku HA: lTfl BA : 0767 ~~~~-~~~~~-----~-~-~- .· BA YSHORES BEAUTY · 'nine btdrm., S ba.tb nearly new modem ahowplace; hloludeo fine drtpM and carpet&, patio &nd break- fut bar. Bric:t flroplaoe and planW. ll&ny eruu. Ooly $39.l!OO BUSINESS INCOME Rarely 00. Ulte thll. Store with eepua.te 2 bedrm. lK:t:D.e ID rear. Both C-1 zone. Scheduled income ~ pluo. Prloe $36,000 THE VOGEl CO. lt.rtllll. . HER.ll ARI: A FllW INCOM.ll UNITS CLOS.£ TO THI! BAY OR OCEAN • . . USE FOR HOM.I: WITH 80ME INCOME: OR FOR RENTAL ONLT. I 1) 2 eeP41-rate u.nlta, 2 and 1 Furnithed two bedrma. It den in front boUJle -plUI bachelor apt. in rear. Clolie in, near atoret &nd tranaportation. - Ficure-12% on investment . Price, $18,llW, good terma. CHOICE BUILDING SITE ~ each w1lh .. pa.ratA Luge corner lot -moet desirable 1eetioo of BACK paua. and bb'q1, turnlah9<1 and BAY &tta $8000 . wUl eeU tor S ll,900. • · • !21 2 b•droorn •paclou• home .tlh a dandy bachtlor In rn.r a.nd :I cva1.., CW'1l.l.lth9d and Wlol. W. SANFORD STANLEY • Realtors HADFIELD on a •5 • 100 ft. lot tor SlT,600. Park Ave. at M&rine, Balboa I.land Hacbor ~ (.JI H-a ,Ood OG• With I -~~--------------'·--­i-.ne.11 Wliltl and 069 atn1le on "'' A•~~ """ ~l&l onL A RARE BAY FRONT STEAL! ! ! All ~l-.t. twulabe4 and 1o .... -""" ot 11~000~ On '1JaibOa hland. CBARll!NG 2 bdrm. home 1ooc1 '-rm.. !ronllhg on bat SA.ND BEACH, HUGE living room ~ OPIJCW, wrra U• ' . . with delightful VIEW, beamed ceillnp. breakfut ~~'°:~p~ ="a= ' bar, fireplace, TILED ~bath, PLUS smart VIEW up and 2 down. ruc.iy turniahfld ·APT. It extra GUEST room It bath. w Parking tor and r..ceotly redecorated. Only 3 can. ALL COMPLETELY FUR~. VERY :J=. ~~UI nni..a now. LOW PRICED, only $10,MO down. Balboa Realty Co. PLAYHOUSE ON PARK. AVE. . On "LI'ITLE BALBOA ISLAND" -. CUTE, amall Oppotlle Bank of America BEACH HOME With f'--'••• L 1 i ' Ro• Orffley Ed w . u~y--..-. • ove Y patio Al Cem•ll..\U JoeephJne W•bb $19,250 Furn. 700 E . Ba.Ibo& B!Yd., Balt19& Pboat Harbof' 1277 PROVINCIAL DOLL HOUSE ON EXTRA SIZED ~ lot in CORONA lilGli· OPEN HOUSE LANDS. Spacioua living room, bWned .. illnp, SU TID8 nurly new ahak• roof a bdrm., l "-balh RwiUc Ranch homa located ln Ult Mlect •pol of th• BACk :e..,. Areti and thm r' lheM utru and you'll •STee W'lth \Ill that Jt a&i. up to more than arr ,600. r Kutw btdroo111 11' .. 20' t' WaJk·(n ce41t ... llned ciOMla t' Built in b&rbeQU• t' BMuutul U-.e lined patio t' Ov•f'liHd Ja.r&I'• With larp '"""'""•· LIDO REAL TY e BILL KEMPTON e JOI: H. GROHMAN e GENE VREELAND e VIRGINIA MANSON Combining 20 yelU'IS of Lido Sales Experience 3400 VIA LIDO HARBOR 4444 •• { CopP9f' plumtilhJ"-euat.om buUi 1-------------------- throuchout t' lnd1rtct DPtins' 1n unn1 t"OOm r ,, r r tt.c., ·~· etc. Marilyn Monroe! NOT EXACTLY, bt.il thb hom• ai.o bu .event.I ouwt.&ndlnc ... , .... e Back Bay wtth View • Kuter bedroom with dreuing room, •ltUnr room and bar, plWI private bath • Lov•IY paUo acceulbl• from the olh•r two bedroonul A bath • Room for pool plua family o,.. chard and vecelable pet.ch • .A Tnd1 Modern • Completely tunu.h9d and • Only S29.ooo OPEN HOUSE 8aL • Bun. 1 to (I 221& Tu.Un CORONA DEL MAR Now available for the moat W.Crimin&ting buyer, & home that ia custom bailt to auit a King. Located on Ocein Blvd. jutting out into the blue Paclfie;--- with an outatanding view of the Harbor, Catalini. and Little Coron&. One of t4e finest .view homea along the Cout -three bedrooma, plua very attractive gue1t house, 3 baths, plu1 1 bath in guest house. Fully carpeted and draped and many other fine features. THIS PROPERTY OPEN DAILY starting Thu~aY &t 3729 Ocean Blvd. W. E. FISHER & ~ssociafes 3024 E. Gout Hwy., Corona del M&r BAR. So32 FURNISHED HOME - • • .f ';. . ' ,. ·' j. "' ~ • IJ r ' ' . ,_ ' 208 l4arlne Ave., Balboa !&land Nat door to the Poet Off!Ce Sunday 1 _ 5 u.ed brick fireplace, gleaming hadw~ floors. Two 3 bdrm., 2 year old home com.pleteJY turniahed d bdrma b SHAKE ROOF 'boa tlfull B & B h Rlty I . ' ""' eWL ,,. ' h; _, ... _ 2652 Vial& Drive, gran ., eavy , u Y ay eac nc mcl~=~-··~ -~"""C.!11;...Q\K',_,.,.,,_~- BA YSHORES land.leaped. A CHARMER only $23,500 llf6...Harbor BouJnatd auto. wuh, new furniture, only uaed 2 yean and - ' ' • .. . ; ... Har. 444 Ev<o Har. 1229-R Har. 4248-R AN UNUSUAL BUY MUST BE SOLD to .ettle esti.te. .Attn.ctive 1 . -.. ~ewpo· r. u.~gu'-9. ent loca- cloublo praJe,...lath..h._ patio l.Dd fencinr. Need. 1c>me cleaning and fixing up. Appralaed at $8000. Submit your offer. . ELTON BARNETI , Rea ltor tee N. N"'IJOrt Blvd., Newport Beach Ll 8-2772 or LI.8-42H . BALBOA ~Brand Dew l'Ultic near jetty. 3 bedroollUI 1% bat.ha, flrtplace, bullt·ln kitchen, patio. $22,ll:IO. . • 2 Bedroom c-pletely fumlabed in Maple. Neavnrirnminc boach. Ooly 6 yn. old. $3l500 dowu. I • ' Bl: IUIUC &Ad -"'" Id;., • • 'ARINERS ISLE REALTY Ubort';" .. ~-~!,'.~,.3161 in top condition. Let ua obow you thia! badrm., plwi ct.n. 1~ bathl*na, fV1 $10,950 full price. Stu mo. payment. Only s7ooo down. For pre-abow· 318 M&riM, Balboa I1land Harbor •781 ~~=.-·"'" ....... -----------------LARGE FAMILY Balboa Coves Exclusive W• &1aio ha•• olh•n to .bow you. t BDRlC., J BATH, dbl._ pni.p. 2 bdrm. I< d uaJi b 1 ~-,,o:t llvin ~ ··--~-~. ltAbBGA-J5kAN. g ... Evont• -'" HI•• en q ty ome. ~ g room, ---+---~--~-i-~ll<:i: ... ioll~N~ ... ~.~,,.~ .. ~ ... ~."ll'..ii/il~r~,dinincroom; FA be&tr-w1w...opt...,...2-!1"oot100.-~-.... ·~L~~---:1 "STAR BRIGHT -WlSH I MIGHT• aJ, tan, p&Yfld •lntaU, -•rw.. alip. Terma can be arr&Dged. Full price -~.ooo ' $12,950 $2660 down $83 mo. i bedrm., 1 % bl.th•. Only 112.000, IUOO down and own t.hia hland Beauty! S'11;00 per-month, or suwo i·bdrm"a .• b&t.M ga.lore, built like DOWN to quallt\tq buyer. - a rock and a rock'• throw from the Bay. NOT VERY OFTEN CAN YOU J"INO' a Mtter value PRICE WILL ,PLEASE YOU-6. ONLY $7000 do. than lhlll a bdrm., 2 yev o14 • THE VOGEL CO. 1700 Newport Blvd. Cost.a Meu. Liberty 8-5597 Evenings Har. 1539-M WHT PAT RJ:NT When you can " bu.y uu. J y.ar old •..-Y at trac- Uv• mod•m hom• ! ldee.J netrh· borhood. CaJI now for •ppolnt- mant to .... home with aom. ODMD Tl.-, and --------------------NELDA GIBSON, Realtor ::-·~.::..,•·11~,""".~~HAw~: • • • NPT. HTS. BARGAIN 306 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand H&r. ['02 or '623 monthly paylftmta of se.s.oo In· clU4in.. taxu, Hu d.l.tpoaal. la on _.,n, paved •treet& .tth •t1"l ~U.l'IJ-lta In th• City of OMC& M~ 1"u.ll prtc-e SHOO. Sle&O dawn pkMI lmPowtm. NEEDS PA.INT and .mall repalr-1tl-------~~----~------I a bednn. bom.. hardwood nn., brick t1repUcc and onl.y t yn. old. Try SllOO to flOOO down or caah ott.-to 01 k>an. Tht. ahould RU o•er !.&" •eek-end. Ezcellml locauon. TRULY A BARGAIN. HARBOR 204 2 Franlc James & Linwood Vick LIDO NORD BAY FRONT ATTRACTIVE 1 atory home, livable and convm- ient. Three bednol., 2 bath.I, mt.id'• ~m and bath.' C&rpet.a, drapes and appliances included. I ·WANT "NPT. HTS."7 2 BJ:DROOKB, cJoM lo Cliu.n:b• and ~ n...t A c~. •rnalJ lot n~ lazitbcaptd ruu pr1c., Sll,IOO. t . ED JONES, Rltr. Kem.t.r Muttlpk u.t..lnc lM Harbor BLY'd., co.ta M .. Lii-.... I • Waterfront For Lease. · 117 te<t'l\llth plen and oUJW. 80 n:.· fNlotag.-onW, - Cout Highway, M&rinera Mile. Ideal tor any M&rine Type Buaineu. Long Ume \leue available. No te1epb~ne infonnaUoo pleue: ' OSBORNE FORTON, Realty Co. New View Whew! ... --. Every look a thrill Artilt.t will want to mon in with you. A tax lo.. 10 hurry. CLYDE MEYER 307 Marine Bo.Ibo& loland . \, ' I ii. -