HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-04-11 - Newport Harbor News PressI ·-- • • . -. . NEWPOR'I' BEACH, CALIFORNIA. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1006 PHONE HARBOR 1616 FIVE CENTS Mesa~ H· - Faces Heiring art on Vl~atlons tdges Bennett 31. • Voll C•1lfss 10 • PILOl' ,KILLED IN CRASH -Coubty firemen, among the f1nt on the .cene, poUl' water on the remains of a aingle--engine jet plane wbJch cruhed and dia- lntegrated yesterday on a fog-ahrouded hill•ide back or Three Arch Bay, li:Winc Comts P 'Ir Cou11actl1• Votes;· Result SANTA ANA. , April 11,, -----------i ·----------• IR Doubt the marine pilot, the only occupant of the en.ft. -Lyle Haig Photo · (OCN8)-A Coat& KMa COO. I ~ Absentee Ballot 'Answer' Due: Higbie. Wilder Win:. ~ ... ·~~ .~ ·:.-:: 'Piu', Martin NEW scHooL uN1T ...... """Kumetpo1 """" ,.._ • • AT NHUHS SEEN '::t-:.: ~e:: c=~ 11~ :Smit~· lack 4noU>er bulldln, •l the tion codes. • · • plant ot th• pruent Ntw· David K. Vermilya wW appear by Good M1r•1n ~l~rro=tn .• tHJ~~ Local Pilot Dies . . ' . for prelimln&TJ hearllll' al I • 6 By B" • MOSES p.m. April 21, an the ten count.I Olrinl: what a.mounted to an meeUnc of the board Mon· UJ.- ll•led &.Caln.It him by Coe& o•erwbelmlng approval 01 the day when Supl. S t d n • Y Charles Ha.rt upeet Councilman Gerald Bennett tn .. ~........ Oftl'"" • J OaV1dton wu autho1i&ed to ea ._...... &' ~ -. • eunw:it ctty councu. Costa Me1a ye1terday's election by 37 votes in a city council "bona ;:!ral v:'t"=lor ~ ;;11-~':_ .;::i::n~·\~rn:r1:i:.,:u:. ~~ :·:~= .~:r c!~ii:1,-:-ed.aoon race" such u baa not been seen here in ye&r1, the t..u• lat ch11.rpd with faulty OOMt.ni• ponenta. Ludi .. th• retlrn tA:I Thti ne1V buildlnr will hav• remaining in doubt until 46 absentee• ballot.a an u _ -14 d .,..roorn. and bid• ar• Oil on a P"O'IP ...... u ca otnc. waa COunc:Uman A. L. counted Tuesday. Meanwhile, Councilmen C. A. "'•bio ·as ·Jet Hits Hill , Ea t 20th SL 1n Colla Ke · upect«l to be opened at the • ..._ a aa. Ploklef, Olltapok.m propun111t of nut m.~ of the 9Cbool and Lee Wiiiier were ,.W,Cted ln adjoumrd -.kin for that. Marine Lt. T. J. Conboy Marine's Son of CdM Was Expectant Dad Born 15 Hou!" After Dad Dies The contractor wu bailed be-"°" t.ua ana pay.,..~ro tore the Newport Ju1Uce Court manlctp&.I an.u.. (8" ~ bot.rd, May lt. with Jood rnejortUee., Wilder be-purpose. Man:h 1~ Oii the Mm• chaJT-. J)l'ecinet YOle for complat. ,... f•-----------1 inl' unoppoeed. (SM pre<:tnct Wilder, recelvi.ns 2t61 vat., but a change ot venue. to th• tu-·) 2 p • ot ta.buJ u uu. f t..d ' .-.irpt"1M horn A. K.. Phelp•' .. -nn · I v • • 00 Pl&"! or -.upporte..-who rav• )lim 419 Sanc!:n~n~..:' =~=~ Pinkley topped the vote-r•t-c1pa s complete rt"tume.) '"'-l·r1te-ln" ,!J&llota.. ln WUder"• Vermilya With violation _of th• Unr. followed by Bruce Ma.run Get Boar· d Nod·, lt ..... a •pht deciaion on char-own precinct he polled 11T ~ varlou. .ecUoni of the health aod Bertrem Smith. by IN.ding t.er amendment pro~ Propo-to Phelpa' 108. A.ndNw W. and aalety code b7 bulldln& th• In rt6r')' precinct but one. Pink-Smith recelvlld 21 wrlte-ti vote. / Marine Corp1 officla11 at El Toro today kienti!ied the pilot." of an F-9-F Panther jet which crashed in the fog ahrouded hills of the Moulton Ranch behind Three Arch Bay near Laguna Beach ye&terday a.a a 23-year-old Corona. del Mar second lieutenant. Ll1ttd u killed wu IA. Thom-hlllalde. The hlllllde wu burned aa J. Conboy, hl.Ulb&nd oC Mra.. off from the craah ex.p&oelon but Suaanne K. Conboy, 213~ Daltlla there wer1 no rMldencn In the ~ve. am. Th• einl'1• ·enrlne jet ptuie Lt. Cooboy wu on a routine ~ and dWnt.ecratld at ap-tralnlng mialkirr tn hi• jet npt- prox.i~y 10 a.m. Tha..-. Wt'N. er wtun tbl!! ahip ap~Uy 'IVll!nt ao ~ ... Ill. the plane. out of control and ~ into Pi.ce. ot the plane end ~ the hWGde.. Tha pUot wu at- \odJ' w... .:altered about u. lacMd l• th Third Iii--. >Jr- JIAl'l'IER DAYS -Thia picture wu taken when J4u1Da Lt. T. J, Conboy, local ruident, wu in traJntog plane. Today he i.8 mourned by hia widow, family and friends, LL Conboy'> only child. a oon, .... born 1ut nlgbt. li'lfteen houn after hta father home1 lll Violatloa pf the i:oOe, ,.,. received 1U8, Martin 1202 ,. each er Pay Up liUOn No. 1• keepinr an 1:)-n. Ul WLldrr'• Dlatrict 1- waa killed In a Jet eraah In IA-w;iaale cocuitrucUon. poor toot.-ud Bmllh 111G. William. Abbott 9t.rip ot ll$;ao.!h lnft fronl of lhe ln Dl1trict 6, °"'1.nollma.a runa hilla Thomu J. Conboy Jr. lnp and foundaUON ud un..te otf•Nd lh1 clolfft oppc19lllon to city trailer p&rk "forever pub-H:1gbie waa returned Lo ottJce flooring. ft• the otftce-holdll!r'• tl'y obta.lnlng James Tbomii-on. pre1ent u .. 1 d ,_ with ll48 vol.ea to "'•-,nro.r-wu born in the Corona Nav&I c, rece Vl' ,.eavy aupport. ----Cou.ntB -even tbrourh tea t112 b&llot1. teacher of fourth rrade at Har-!n('1 1270, Mn. Hlr'lle'• 121 Hoapttal.. wtnnlnr 281 9 to 963 votu. But charge violaUon of Me.a city A total of 2073 ballot.I wu bor View School and J ohn Dean. Propo11ltlon z. rai.tnr council and Ralph Schlaler'• 273. A total Not due unUI Sunday, newa of ordlnancea NJaUnr lo lmproper cut out of 6741 regiitered vot-f -a.de uf 3!12 vulf'• wa1 w ritten In for the fataJ accident to her hue-foundation COftlltnact.lon or ... ourth r1 tea.cner•t Newport member•' pe.y to 1200 per.month Mrs. Loui1 Caena.r In th11 dl.1-bond rual>od M Co er• for • rood ...,) per oent, con-Eli!!mentan. School, 1Vl!!re c~ from t.he preatnl ~ wu 1now-.r•. nboy Into hOmte. Volz Mid ·tJMi boo.ta ara .&dtrin& lhi!! abMnce ot propo11\-·~ t.rict. the addltlonal p41.lru1 of childbirth duplex• 1ocated. at 317-3811. JN.. tw.. ~ the ballot and U'le to prlncipalahlp of two .ac.hool9 Id under tiy JOI.Ho 10 7711 vot.ea. Bennett and Hart were V)'tnl' and ab• wu hurried to U'la naval Ill Jll.. 20tll St.1 eo.ta ....._ n.IDJ', •tery weather of elec-laat nl(ht at an adjoumed meet-Bart lead.I Bennet.L tn the vo~ for ortlee (rom Dl.Krlct 1:. PollU~ hoepttN WW. a boua~ 7% Vob .a.Id the T\ol&Uoai"oc-uoa: 4Q':'ctty Clerk Arlie swa.rta lftC Of. the Newport Bf4cb Jae-LallJ by 1&811 to 1163, tM alim cal oblervera raiera.llJ' h&d not pound -.Y came to help~ cu.rrfld l'eb. 27. '"flait~ of ~ed 12 abatntff b&lloU men.tary School Dlatrict bo&nl. m&rJ1rl belq leea than the ff to..--.n iruch a dynandc battle ll1r rrtef. her mot.ber. KN. lrm& the complalrat,'• v .. · ...... bAv• ~taken out. aMenlH b&llol~. Tbl'"y will be between the loc&I RN!tor and Com•.U. tokt th• N..,..Prea for Mck~to•ad tlo• Neither hu been -.lpe4 u oounUd Tu..Uy a t t p.m. In Bannett a .,ov1ns and WtMter Th. """ .. -wo·"• -.. .., ·-., -~--... ~.who deKribe<I hlmaU yet, pendln&" a 1tudy 0( .,..,.,. _. ..... ...... --··--'' .... ~· ..... -----u ~ •-1u ..... rbed ma.n" al 1;1lJ' ......... en city.,.,.... ...... mttls .. rm own.-r. been married a y.., utiW .,,.,... ._. m&drL" -·~ ·r __ _. the particular qualltications ~ _ _______,,__ JS and --"' tbat ... .... -T'he -~ bu •n .,... t&ld:IS 11 oul ot. 12 p~anci., bell be WJe<l. accon1lnS" to R07 NEWPORT •. MES~· ~ou.· NtlLS_ tooll aot• of the v..c. 1prea4 be-AruterMn au~t.....t.nL ....... & · ..-nt tn N..,att ~· Jitar. reeted. accordtnr to °'' ettf. tw ~--"'--I.he thr • _..--..,... rW .. ~rt; H.T-,. ' eot)o t.tkliar coM," Volf ... -.d .. v...._ ...... " WW "~ M ~ ..,. p19 C&1M. ... • ~ .._.,.. tbl. -~··--~Ute ~ ti ad tM drop to the et l:larWlr Vjew, tM ota"wUI --.,.._,.. .,.-.,,.;,_,.. • ..,. -"'-~. .. .... -' •· ... ·-......... BATTLE -.:ovER ·. tpmtr "'Jt. deftnltely ahOW'I the peo-H ei(bll School. " (C..UalM!lll •• J>ap II I Mo p • fayer our pcJ' ...... )'OU"C& poll-TWent,. n.. C&ltdlcl..C• • ..,,... ,j.,:. WW Meet Set cl• and ar• wUtlnc to ....tt , _....._ __ ~ e _ craft Wins' bued at El Toro. Ma.rine oflk:laJa aald the cau.e or the cruh waa undetermined today. Military police 1t.opped curloua c rowdm from l!nlerlnS the area of th• Moulton Ranch by 1tat1onlnr a CU&1'd at the pt1 oC the fenced- "' land. An El Torn Marine baM cruh crew arTlved ln a helicopter 100n alter the cruh to aid ln the h&reh for Conboy'• remalna. An emerrenc7 crew with two ambul- ._ atood bJ betora It WU d• termlned Lt. Conboy Ud bem ....... Oranre CounQ> c.._pli!!r ot lltllell_on&"er tbr Ulln.g1 "1td not lnt.e.-.--.... by Andenan, wbe Iii' RN llSl>DICK eit ( ,..,.... ...J, MWtary Order ot tAe workt ro tn1al,ttebt," Pinkley upreaed aent ~ight to the .cttenJnr com-Theft ta bouh4' to be•· Jot of an &DflelC&Uon.. ord!AIAce tor •P-bellef. mittee. Four WeA c>io.n. to be 1 __ 1 ..... _,_., ___ .,,, __ or ... _ pro:aima.talJ tao ~ot Ja.M. Wan Will meet at UMo El TorO , 111tervtewed by the board. which _ .... --~ .......... -....... .....,. ·~ -1 -----• ho ~--· .,_ Bue otflceni' clu.b Thu..-.day The olher ca ndldatl!!9 trailed In made flnal atlecUon. maklol' aa a r'fflilt of e.ctloM ol a .. ....,,, .. p•-~ m-. _._U:,., •tart.In,. at 7:30 o'clock. Admlr-thla order: Author TutUe 481; both the Newport Beach and Coe-tween ......,,ua. .A.Ya., and .... ,.t- a! Jamu will arrange tha pro-Robert Mann• tl&: Fred Wllaon. The board alao dl.acu-d U\e ta Mea clly co=cilll Monda,.Y lier .A.venue and betw-.. llUa rram. accordlnl' to Lt. Col. 330; J. o. Doverspike 217; Roy certified tr•chera' Mlary .ched-night. no~rly of lllth SL. 'l'h9 -. A. Kl. Stockton, eomm-der. Windell l 7G. ule llnd voted a $100 lncreaae Coat.a Me• council met In 1ctioa waa taken. upon U... Tali. at all •lepa. apecla.t .e•lon lor the aole and I (Cont.111ued ot1 Pac• I) BOARD GETS PREVIEW OF NEW .HIGH SCHOOL NEWPORT BEACH VOTING BY PRECINCTS OU.. -dltl..._ el U.. pUot An-~~-------------~-·~--his pvenll. Kr. aad Mn. Jobn ·-~--· '-"""'' " -...... N.r. Architects' Sllow Initial Plan HOW COST A MESA VOTED BY PRECINCTS of E•fite. Set for Free $ite ' ' .... • I • a,. BJ:&T Bllll\'TNALL claM room buJkHns are the u- Newport Harbor UrUpn HIP brary, g:ymnulwn. .uck Mop. BeboOI board. member1 rot U'leir bomeme.Jtln&" wing'. lnduatrial ~ view of what UM new art.I Wini" and 1C.lence wtnc. la!cii' llCJlool may look Uk• Mon-8QUAAE Jl'OO'l'AOE m.1 a.ttemoon. a.ors-Llftd Md -ll'ht. brtnp-the total buUm.11 WIWam Blurock ~ Und. Pier-area up to g1,1&4 aq. fL at an er. Blurock It Hoean, archltec~ aver•!!"• eallrnated coat of 11~.­ ahowed pr.itmtnvy plan• of the 13 pt;ir MI· tL Th• blr c!ua- p!'1)poMd plant In North Colla room and 1dmtnJ1traUon build· MM& and di9C\IM«I coela and ins with an area ~ 20,13:1 eq. tiarictlon• of the. dlrferent bulk!-ft., J1 eaUmated to Cl»l $266.- tnp. (Sff aketch, Pap 6,, 789-and the gymnasium wilh Part lll. ~.960 aq. ft. l a:Jll,350. 'nle pm- That the archllecte ti.av• de-naalun1 la lo be (1ven acouati- Yeloped a flexlble plan which cal treatmel\t '° that It can be can be built in urui. u tu uaed aa an auditorium until the money trom the 4~Cll!.flt over board I.a prepued to erect lbe Mde tu money c.oma In, 1VM auditorium buUdiAJ. tb• oplnion of board mmiben. Tiie arcbitecta •mpbaatad Tiie main. etudy ball. wllk:b wtll that U'le planll "And C09tA are be one of the nret uniltl tlullt, llrlcUy praUmlaa~ ~ will be two lt.or1M. ~ Blu• changed ill their atudlee Pf'O- rock ~feMed le for llde:Uy srea. Th• f1prea they save eM.he.Uc reuona. to rtve U\1 wll'I tor tllllahed buUdiqe with- whole plant mOJ"a UI• loolt ot out aeetfns or labon.locy equip- • Junior collll!ge than lbat ot menl, bu\ with all wiring. an elementary layouL pluniblq, dralnac-and c>Uter It le thf! hopee or the archl-uUtltiel c«nplete. la tble con-. i.cta that tb• tnlildlnr• may be necllon It waa uplaln.ed that C(llUtnl,cted o r coo c r • t • aom• of U.. ftnt C011ta would throurtaout. Jl wu atated UI• of nece.lt7 be tor the flni•hed coe~ dlttervic• would not be plant. llUtlh u the tralllJformer rr•t enoua:h to balance bane-v•ult and drainer•. tlla of lhl more ptnnanent ma-Juat when It 1V0Uld be pos- terlal. Included In the flr.t. Mble to set tnto the acAool buOOliir pbue: btsl(lee tnl• lonf rwilb•r the a~tecll~:r supt. icinq --Da.~ wouW.-f'I...,.. • f\MM. Due to delan la "- curlnr rovemffilllt donation o1. (0..1111..t -...... ) Coac. ,.,.._ ooUected .ll or an ------------, '""""'""' lDcb compa~ to .M for N--H aR'IOR ...., aTHER port Beach in the Harbor aree·1 "" ff~ eltcUon day storm yuterday. ---..---------ft• tra.ce ot ra1o for Knrport ~mJM'r&t.Ur9 (Gr tht i-e:t W'ftil ~ Milt the .aeaaona! rainfall al Newpol't Hubor area -.. total up to 7.U compared to HIP la•• l .'Jl inches laat year at Ulla Thurldil,J. AprU 6 .. 11 » UJne. t~ridey, Aprtl I ·-· .. Ill 48 For Co1ta MeM, t he -aonal Saturday • .A.pr117 .... 151 Iii mobtW"e marlc lilted to 7 71 In-Sunday, April I ~ . 12 S2 chH. topplnr l1111t Y"•r'• 7 32'1 Mon.t.y. April 1· • 80 SJ hlfh <t1•1ler ma rk •l ttM11 l1mt'I! Tu_..y. April 10 . 51 S-l 1uL )'eat"• \Y1dnuday • .A.prU 11 ST ~ • • • ' ... ' t . ~ C019'ell Draws .. month Jail T~rm on Dope . SANTA. ANA. (OCNS)-Ft~ month tn l•ll and three yeara proMtlon waa U\1 1entence doled to ldmltlAd dope uaer David L. CQftnell, 40, ot •t6 Iris Ave., N.iwport .Be&cb AprU 3. fanlnf MnlAnc• on Connell, .,_o had pleaded runty to poe· Mildon of oodetn•. wu Supertor Court Judp l\oMn Gantner. Connell waa arruled by New· port -..eh pollc• reb. 20. H• •''8• ~ W & w.4ed 80-30 cal. ria.. tn the back 8e&t ol hl1 car ~a tuaUly ot codeine l&b· i.te la ht. poMMalon. 1'e ,W.bc defmdtr' 1 otft~ bdonMd Jad&'• O&rd.ner that OlllMD ... u appointment for ~at a J'orlh Worth HlllnJ ....,.t&l for druJ pall· .ii. A my of Mnt.enc• wu _...., -111 &ft•r It WU learn· ed t! tM botptt&l would accept ~ QudJJer apl&lnld Con· n& .. , p t l*'ftrl:Mlon to leave tl)e •tat. aft..-h• tlu Mrved ~ Jail i.m. pro'ltdinr h• 11 ~ uaut wanllq to ret ---1 ta J"ort Worth. Nil c. J'klchtT, Corona del Kar ~elde:nt. wu elected to the Bo&rd ol Direct.on of hcul1l1 Tl l I 1 1MU.rance company at Ute recent m•t.-m. ot the •t.ockholct.n in Loe Anpla. J'letcber WU elected to th• board to fill th• vacancy created by th• nUrement of WWlam a. Porter, former chalrm&n of lh• board. F1etfber wtll conUnue t.n ht. rerul&r ca. put ly .. ~rlOlln•l manarer ot th• Loe Anaetee otn~ Ml 31 Antluptlc Sollltfon MuJtl·purpoM antl- 9eptic. Ideal mouth w uh, 1u1le. JI OL Bottle 57' Re1. 'Jk. ....... . ASPIROIDS &-W9y N>ld eoepeulee that llelp ttllev~ cold m18ertM, reduce fevu. .... 47' .. ,. 'Jk ..... . Glycerin Cod LiYel OIL Coat&lu Yktanlla A and D. Price cut 40~1 8 O'L Bot-ile 57' Rec· 9Jc ........•. Mineral 'Oil Plnt 57' llo \&llM.--- Saccharin Tablets - S1pposltories · GlYe prompt rdlel. r; 11114 W.Ove action. _ ~dalt'a of Olalldrell'• -- H '• 57' Noa-at.Mde ...,.'-I en«. % p . ....weu. a.,. 1.M -h p . 1 ..... -,,0 . S.,. lM - 1 p . lott'1 -t'Jo · ae,. 7k .. -·-··· REXALL llSMA-REX POWDER &JllM'ld wttb 4-W&1" acttoa. NeutraUue eaceee 1tomada acldlty . lltc Bluna-Rex Mate., 'J5 tu. He '% OL Jar 77' .. ,. ·········- lOO'• 67' ~ •. 1.08_._. R!XALL ASPIRIN TAILETS No ftMr,fM~ lnC ....,.. ..... 5 rl'lllll. &av• Me 1 BoWe et JOO '1' Ref. ITC-.-- &er. UI -Poqtlile .... PlMtlo G0e BEACH TOTE BAG ---10- ,. ta. war tu ~ pk:aka, MtrMttY• oolon. ~!..~ $189 r APER DiSPENSER ---·-··-·-.. -······ Dtep 1 for wax,.._•,...,...-. .... lM -Ah111abu11111 ftGe COVERED BAKE PAN --······-·-10-1:ee1 eUcllar m•te!ttar llcl, perf9'lt to~ p ..... 1uo1M1, .U.., boud ct.Mr&. ftl~entor .,.. .. a.c.U5 $"95 BAIY BOnu STERILIZER ..... __ I. - Alumlaum, will bold ' botdel., ..... .a ..... rack • ho.161 .. ..,,.. ,,,,. ....... -..... 45c OVAL W ASTI BASKET _._ . ····-u... ....,._ It tt. •pcdtJ'. - SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY PRECISION ••• That Safetwds YO. Health April 12, 13, 14 Wbea )'OU leave your doctor'• preecrlptloa la the ba.nda of our reg· I • t e red pba.rmacllta, yoa cu be 1un that lt will be tw.d with pro- f etlioaal p re e 111 o a from treah mppU.. of top • quality p 0 t •• t drup. LIMITED TIME ONLY~ 3 beauty specials by Dorothy Gray 1-«. c;1111ra and 3-oa. Sh«r V el•el C' 2-oc. &tura and 1-oc. Muque Frappe •350 IATHA-the honnnne.-rich moleture cream to belp melt away tl11y Unee, te Jene face dewy·b'Hh, petaJ-eoft, lllHI YlLYIT CLlHIH -th1 double-action liquid clun..r for a 10ft«, amootha, deoeply clean air.in. MAIQUI PIA,,.1-the do-Jt.younelf facial for tl&btenln1 •••1 that lo•1·bard-4&7 look. ' ()gt-~~ 19¢ Wax Paper -·-·-·······---·-·-·- -~ 2 U¢ Paper Towels '--·-··········-tor ?or Copper A ltala1eal ltetl 11¢ Kleen Kint ....... ,... Oleauer .. _ .. a.,utar Ito Vope 48¢ Deterc)eftt OLu• SJ• ........... -......... . la fou lnel7 oolon 3 29¢ Soft.Weve --····-····-·-for COSMETICS 11-o&. l>on"'7 01"¥ ao. W..ta.er $125 S H A MP 0 0 -·-··-······-········-.. ··-·speejal ~,. 1tor1.~rotllJ 0ra7 ,,_e&N 5ac L I p s T I c K s -·-·-···-· --~.aoeeou~pedal 1 ~ Roser &t GaUet-wttlt protective 8WOMe Ou.Id 35c L I P ~ A I D E --····· .. ·--· .. ·····-·----····-·· 1 ,,.,.. s1n SHASTA SHAMPOO ·-·· uo vai ... Oo .. plMlel' eo..plilte ... u.. of Trtaa s1095 PLASTIC TRA YEL BAGS ____ _ Fltied a lllllltW ...-11.11 '41 •••..........•... -.................. . Grew M ::C::Uo Fftacla Qudee.- P'ne eeed9 wtdt llealllpa• s21s s3's 9UEL9UES FLEUR -·---... . TotW\e WMllr-Aa-lser ComblHtloa PAYLESS IVORY OB .JADUE COFFEE MUGS NOW 2 ,., 14c lrrqulan NYLON HOSE . .a.-.. ... U.t-Out llA M...a $129 HAMPER BASKETS _____ . . . ............. ....... a.c ... -a.fltprator 5ne BOWL SETS -···-···-·-·-···········-·····----7-... 11 OL ..... wttlt 9"91"1, .. Nft p~ PIMh GRAFLEX 35 New P•ll-ltdtoll , Focnl111 •ar Complete Line of Liquors & Wines SAYE $$$ SAYE Guaranteed WATCH R~PAIR s7so YINCINTS ICE CREAM BALL-POINT! RE Fl Lt 11Blu•" fits Paf>9r-Mat• & any Standard Pen. BEG. t9o 7 FACK C Umtt 11 te emt..., SHADY GROVE II aLBD JUTll •noor ABC BEER 6-12 Ot. CANS T! · 37c Silver Ripple Gin · ' . Alli ltaMud watd ...... .o.d.~ ...... .,...., w q'Mfll. N ltelf ....... ...._. eary "''*' -u.. •' W. Af.. All _,_ ,_,.. Mf...c 1 .,.,. a.ty waldNI otn. 5c , • --·~·------ C.&MlmAn:s CIOtn'IT -Three inter.steel Newport Beach city ,ccunclt candi. datel,,Lee Wilder, Gerald Bennett a.nd Charles Hart, checked return. lut night at city ba1L Councilman J. B. Stoddard, right, watchM. -Statf Photo • HIGH . SCH u.. alt. t.bey .uni.at• •• ' mil not be· pomlbl• to 19' latqf"lM ,_. 8-4. 'ftl.llit ''* .,. • plant '" Beplembu, 1'67 .. had lnl' lru.lplaftJild In .. .t.udf d Men hoped. water poUuu..i-,. e.OOGntiq 1.9 ClUH OONiUDQED the 0ctaD '1eb Prolactl..,. .U- _!VlU. lM ~ Mtlmaled Kld&Ucm. , C09l Of tJMflr.t/ilnJt.. --ai-1 --~--....................... 11 ::=:>. ::::r:~,,'".:: DEATH NOTICE set alOf\S wt,tMaA. ·•t tM nart to brins µa. oo.t wttllln the tall: ttcelpt. ln hand. At p~t they have a b9dOOaS' of PMJ,-Olck.ey, 14, 213 Dtarnond Ave., 000 Mt ulde and they figure wu1-. held l p.m. ThUJ"Mlay In lH"'' will be at klut 14.00,000 Btllt.a Col"Oll& dal Mar Mortua17. ttorii. the tu override not lntarrnKat will be In Chk:aio. y.fu. Go1nJ tnto the third )'Mr Kr. Dickey puMd away April -bf the tu override will ctve I al V•teran. Admlni.traUon ·them prob&bly 11.200,000 In Bo.p!W, Lonr\BMch. He WM a 19~ and they now upeet. that -Uve ot Grand l'orllt', N.D. but It will be lb• ~ •meat.er tpenl mo.t ot hll IIte In Chlea&'o. of I.be .chool J'Rr ol l"T-M He atletded Unlvenity ot Cblc- theJ can gel l.nto the uw plant aio. •u.. retired trom property at the earllut. manq~t. The prtl.lmtnary plan• which ff• M!rved ln the n&"7 u an the architect.. left with the otncer In World War I and &leo board hav• not been cltetked IA ~Muchaat Marine. a6ther by De:rid.eon or any ol l .Re-e&me to<Callfomla ln 1921 lbe Khool deparlm.eot ~· an.st tt_WCht naTicatlon at the Uni- ea.th dfPAl'\ment 11 a~ to •e,.i~7 ot C.ltfatnla al Berk~ iJh"t' a_pptoftl ot th• tunctiol!lllJ ;:Y· lat# eom&nc" to tlle Newport: va.IUll& ot . the buUd.lnr• atet°" bor area. 1o live tn llMO. He tM pla.fttl an retumad lo t.be u • member ot tb.e Vo,..,.,. erty OWDenl had not reqwtM a.rchllcta for t'W'U. ptOe0 t'"S· T&CM Club. 0 annu&Uon. A Mlr'ff7. ol UM site rWY' •tr =-· wu YVY a.cth"e 1n local '~~~-..;Q~~~~~~~~~T'a''i"t!;d~ Mon than a monlll qo u.. ~ by UY lloar4 a..... cin:le&, parllclpaUnc" ia ' Cla· Val Cc>. and ...,erat other u the ~tect.' and n....w.on. Honolulu and En.enada G-.. 1 property O'Wllen 1.n th• .,... <ft.. find It nec-•"Y· Thia wW aot ~nee.. • I . Rlftl.UOlOIEWS-PRESS:.... PART I· PAGE J WH>NESOA Y, APRIL 11, L 956 .:. •: • WHY PAY MORE FOR YOUR ••• DRY CLEANING JiOl'E OUK amtJLAB EVEllY DAY LOW CLEANING PIUCE! NO BEi I ER CLEANING AT ANY PRICE! c . . c ... .. • ·SUITS • COATS • SLACKS •SKIRTS:~ , ..... , ·-• DRESSES , ...... , • SPORT SHIRTS ' , ....... , e SHIRTS BEAUTIFULLY LAUNDERED 22c ·Thrift· D •Lux UM PHILLIPS, !lgr. LAUNDERiRs , & CLEANERS:: I ~ • I patched letten to the City O!M.in-be · before the 6oanl 1.t. ... .( lfi II Nr"t'tved by bla wit'\ 1 C,,d'i/-!.!!fi~!!!~ .;U of Newpdti Beach ~ue9tinl' sun.nee of the ttl"r1ct~ ,.ettlD&" Carortne 8., and one .on, Lt. ..... ~~~~l:.3nnnnnl 11 annexation to the City of NN'-UUe to tbe· proput.1 from. U\M ·-:=·~· !_'.M~·_:°''.!°"~''.:'::.· ~U'.:_·~·~·_.'.A~m~y';_, '.!:::=================================' 1876 HARIOR BLVD. COSTA MESA . n • • port Beach. Tbli letteni were 'l'e-fedenJ government. While lb&t i ~ ferred to the city englneer--ell)'" event la .eeml•1l7 • ~ • • ' maneger with lnalructlona to Ul4r• ba.ve ~ eo m&q'" de-> "flnd a way l! poulbilf' to com-laya among the n~row fed-• nN ' ~Ll 1 ply with the wiahee or the prop-erlJ bureaw that DaYI~ eUll erty ownen. h.. his flnceni era.led. Row· App&renUy dbtresaed with the ever, u of Monday Davi<bon be- de.lr'Q of lndwtrllJ proprlel.orl lleved that all lines have bH-r1. to become part ot the CJty ot cle&red for the diatrict to ret Newport BM.ch. rather than of the tulJ 70 acre•. Coet& Meaa, lh• city counc.Umen t"'IVf! l"HA8£8 SEEN' of co.ta Mt111a. toeether wlth a ln .ettlns up • inut.er plan planninr commluloner, city ~ for the h.lsh .ohool plant the. l'lneer, clly attomey, city elet"k u cbltect.a b&ve v1-ua1Ued. con- and city manaru, requeated a 1tructlon running Into five meetlng with the ownen of ln· phue11, continuing inlo 1965. dwitrlal properUea 1urrounded on The plan Include• 37 clauroom1, two aidee by Newport Beach and four homemaking rdf>ma, a I a on two 1ldea by tbe Ctty of lnduatrlal ert1 bulldtn1., three Costa Meo. mualc bulldlng1, one Ubrary, one Ae • ~t ot. lhe meeUnr. en· umiiutw;n, l anack &hop, one &1nffl"fld by Coat.a Meaa otttcla.la adminlatn.llon bulldins, el.a 9Cl- and held 1D the plant ot an In· ence buUdlnc-, two commerce du.ttrlallat, eever&l other pro-bulldlnp, two arta and _cratta perly OW1'e!'8 In the area applied bul~ IX!• cateterta, one to Newport Beach for &nnexa· dramatic arui and \'I.al.la! edur. ... Uon. Many of the propef'l.lee will lion bulldln&", one auditorium, be able to annea to N-port one (lrl'1 ~um. three Beach with the completlon of toilet bulldinl.. tor a total ol. each wcceulve 11tep. Qiata M• 189,000 eq. ft. ea •pparenUy proceeded at top 1----------- •peed with a rellOIUUon for an-MARINFS SON n~Uon ot lh• onu., uu 1n . . order to fllock the Intent of property owneni and the matt.er (ContlnUf'<d f""JI Fl.rat Pap) ot fact routine opermUon of Newport &.t:h Jn procee<1ln1 a •tep at a time. The Meu coun.cn forwarded e petlUon tQ the Orange County Boundary Commlalon F'r1day before they even had a proper peUUon (tom the votera of the area they aeek to annex, 1n!1 after prqperty owner, had ln• formed them Of .their wt.he1 to atmlate with Newport Beach. Newport Beach hu Adopted It.a reaoluUona of tntenUon to anne:a the areu requeettnr an· neaa.Uon -wlth aome &dd.ltlona.l property tor eccea1 -and 11 land. from wtltf'9 &lfl7' moYed • Wffk ·~· Yett~ moJ'lllq, llaten~ to the rmdlo In Mr llorn• with her mother, who had come to be with her unW the boy w .. boni, Mr•. Conboy he.ant new• of the t•t..I 1.irUh tnd apparently.-~ lntulUon knew It wu her hu.t- band th•l h•d died.. • 1WI •pp•rently trying to ftnd a .way to annn: other areas ~~1,)11:;:.:J iteeklng affiliation. Conboy WN a !ndW.te ot Canlw Oollqe of BultlJo and w-.. attendlng lflcb.Jp.n. St.ate Coller• When he entered the Marines. He took hi• cadet traln- lng at Penaacola, n.... and sot hi. wlnga at Corpw Chrilltl. Mn. Conboy la a A"J"M!uat.e of ftoury, Hill Collece, ot Snyder, N,Y. ~ t -• --------' M:ni. Conboy will return to her former home u aoon u ehe 111 able to travel, her mother said today. AREA OF "ANNEXATION INCIUENT"-Pictur· ed -above ia tJie diatrict which both. N ewport Beach and o.+.a Kea. are endeavoring to annex. CoAta Meu. bu .ened notice it intends to a.nnex all of the &re& betweelJl 16th &nd 19th Sta. and between Placentia and Whittier Aves. They tried to include the property of the CJ.a-Val Co. and Art WWiama, both of whom have &0u'ght annexation to Newport. Beach. TbeSe a.re&.. together with some other property included in Newport .Beach's annexation are ebown in black. The crosa-hatched are& ia of the Pfahler and Ta tic companiee which apparen.Uy triggered the whole exp oeion o m ua- tria&ta wbm they eougbt ~nneution to Newport -. .... , __ IR Crmll ANNEXATIONS &Mn J\. B&lftrman. 41, 4J1 (O..u.-4 ~ ""' Plt,p) l.-nlM A.,.,, wu drtYV or a Gar ln a tour CU' cna.b·UP Ba-Uon ot lb• coWlC!I ln an &pJ*rG!t turday at Htsh.wa1 8G and effort to overtake the lntfinded a.apman Aft tn which two action ot lbe Ctty of Newport pel'llOft9 W.. .. ~ tajured Beach in It. plan.. ud two eutrend minor hurta, Ntwpart BHch City CotmcU •tat.a blctlway patrol ottlcen MoDday wtUved Ule resulu order mild. Bal...m&n WU not Jl,urt. of buainMI and at preclMly T:IO ' and so .ecaod9 p.111. adopted • -----------1,..,iuUoa cit anneu.UOll brtn.ctn&' Today's N. Y. Stock Report into I.be Cit)' ot Newport BM.ch lbe pn>pet11' of the Qa.Val Oo. OD l 7lb St.. betw.m l'l.acetla and )(QIU'OYla ..... and Ot' Az.. tbur PCwtl1 WWIUu on 11th -----------laad Placetia.. &om. ~ fNnlin&' on Xonro'tl& and ._t.- ....,..,. ......... 91'11 Oft that slr.l WU Included Strawberry Mfft Oran1e County •lrawberry t;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I rrower1 will meet J. 11d•y eve- ning at the Furn Bureau hall, lite Weat Chapman St., accord- Inc to Don Hardine. tleldman. 'n!e procram will Include a di.- CU•IOn of lnteratate 1hlpmentl by Herbert I:. Baum and the California Btrawt>en-y Advi90ry Board plans by Malcom t:. Douc- lu. UMi de !Gimps SPECIALS Aptll 12. 13, 14 4-brt• ....... c:oc:oNUr WCI 89'~ .... -.J ..... • Maple,_ ~-.... •-"' 33• ~-..... ... SAVE SAFELY At Orenge County's LHding Home Lending Institution CONTINUING TO PAY 10 ~ -lu..M up 1.IO .... ..... . .. ~.- • .. i•.11 up .11 ,. .. ;:;:-;;;;;;;;;;;;·:-;;;;:~:-:;:_::; •• :.:..,..:;;;I 11 UWllMI -e&.11 ott .o71 1 1,....v .... 1.11 ..... ..... NJ PER AN NUM ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $10,000 Am.ncu a~unc "" ~ NegtiODa ·-llS AMll''O· 71 -ni. ~t -m" _ .... MESA UPHOLSTERY 11,.......•Dnifel1' ~Mlll llll_!ilwf&. ...... o.&a -- Newpart Y..i.ty YOU& I ' ... II HOIU: WeotnO...M...-0........-M_...._ H I.a I l .. Mewpwt .... Clll* .._ e1.en01 I N ... u ... --..-..1:-- ~ASHER-sERVICE r_.. ............ ,...,,..._._,...._ • .,.... • ' ' • ... a.... ClOffa cna21o25< ..... 1111 ~~~l OOKON.A. DEL 11&1& .. o...tBWJ'. .A.OOILD'll LAGUNA. llEA.Cl8 .. .........., •••.enA. ISLAND All Account. Opened on/'or a.1.,... The I Oth of the Month e...;,,~ ilie " ' LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS a LOAN ASSOCIATION IH~A.-.. .,._,BY 6-1111 ... )Qu1.&le ·-NKWl'O&T'~"""''--~ll--b"61JNA-iEAGHl~f-~ . ": ... o...t ll'w7· MIRAQEWHIP lroff'e ~ S-.. DI 11 d g ROYAL SATIN AR fM4TPD 11'"1ho.la11l119 ;:.:: 2~ 3! 5~ , GOLD MEDAL kitchein T..e.d '-"lly "°"" :45c t ~99c CHIU • CARNE Gebhardt'. brond. '°'.,.ck--'• ~ 1s in:23c D&1q , P.a•• •• H.t's T1111tt S11ra USDA OIOICE BEEF Safaac1 -...L ,.,. "' .•. :' .. 43' BOILING l&F BEEF SI IORT 1185 CORNB>IEEF GROUND BEEF IEIFLIV& SUCEDIACON WWt .. e011W .-...·..-Spai.c S; o & • ,,_, A -S.. "-"'? T .. k k a! PrU:e·liffly/ Dir«ted by Mr OWll up.rt.,.,_. ... ,.-od.eed IJy .. -Iii.ore people who greet ,_ __, •1 .t Seieway. C.-'9 ._. Sprmc S, • cslii r , • , yov.11 agree il:'•~willl..n.pl ----·--.. •-woyl GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 1:-:.·;;:i 1':1& CUT GRHN BEANS Out:•d• ":10- DARK BROWN BEANS.:!'r.:.. 1':1()« MORTON'$ SALT ::".: ~1&. POWDERED SUGAR Cue;~!.,., 1~10' VIENNA SAUSAGE Du.!.."!:'• ':1~ S(OT TISSUE ==. 1*11:.:10'~ ZEI: NAP'KINS w..it.Di..nur 40'i ~1"'' f-t er•11u..,.IO"alncolon ,... U- AJAX CLEANSER •::.:.• ": 10' ASPARAGUS MARGARINE -..v.1o."'-'-1ftC &.whb.epears • 7 55"'""~""'' .. """"....., 1-11.·17c Notvrolly ""'-' ela---- . - fNIMr ...... ..,....... ... ... COCDit.NUT cffij/J.: -~.=:: .• ::;.=: .. ~ ... ii--~~--~~-: --· ....,.,,£, 'LUCll:NE Ml K ' .. ~ H1':;1'','7• •• .tiOf .. 9' C11cuta1s• :.AG4n~ C _____ -;:.;:.:,.... •23 _., ___ ~ ;_j3c • -..,. ..._ -'" Jlc _ _._ICE Mf.JC----•sc IAND, IOX . ... llloa'I TJll:Or1 .. I 4Ae ..ac ... -....__~7.-, • • I ' .. l [ • - • 1AGE-4 -PART I , "EWl'ORT HARBOit NfWS.l'RESS wa>NESDA Y, AtRIL II, 1956 " PLATrORM ro ITANI> oJ , Editorial Circuit Rider 'God grenl u1 the 1orenily to occept the thingl wo eennol ehengo: tM coure91 to ehenge the lhin91 w• e.in end the "'.;sdom to know the difforone.." (A. Anon.) , ' ) ' • E D'I T .Q RI AL S • (A Syapootua ot -..r1a1 eo...-t ~ 'ewport, Mesa Vot~rs Give ~swers; Leadetship Needed ' , • Tllo people of Ntwport llell>h and Coe!& Kiii& ¥•• opo~en and tbSr eloct.ocl ttpreoentaU-n- ""11 auume or ~ their duties P council mem· bon for their -pectlv• clu..i. · Colt& I.lea'• lncumbenb., Councilmen A. L. Pinkley, Bruce U.&rtin and.1sert:ttn Sm\th wen re-. &lllRU'ed ot their voten' affections when they won by ... botutlal .....,iu. la Newport Beach council race. Incumbenta C. A.. B.Jable and IM Wilder were returned to office by a triode DLl.l'gin --although the latter had "write·in" opposiUoa. from_ A. K. Phelp. of KVeral bundfe:d vote&. Hlsble ezperieneed the a.a.me from Mn. Low. Clelw'a ttlonda. But the "bone race" waa and is between Cbarlea Hart Who lead.II CounciJman Gerald Bennett by 37 WtM· ,,tth tome 4-0 abM:ntee ballota to be counted next TuMday at 4 p. m. ThlJI, ip.deed, wu a thriller for both men and obeervera who tallied votee 1.ut nlcbt. Both men e&I\ be heartened by the fact eo lllUY -of their frienda rallied to their eupport. Bow- eftl', no matter what the retult of Tueeday'e vote e&nvua. we know tha people of Newport Beach will .1-able to rdy oa. whichever man 11 elected. ~.. We Wh to coocratulate the winnen ot counciJ . : ncM ud offer them our wpp0rt ln the future when. t&y plan coMtructlve meuurea for the good of each city. Both Newport Beach and Coata M:-have ~auy problenia to be eolved during the next few ,..,.. It wW take men o( viaion in both dtiet to 2<ctnplloh tho heavy wort ahead. men who *ii! _boJ ~\e to . ctve freely Of th~lvea that their cltieai -1U.)' p-ow 1n the right dlrec:tton. We wilb them well. ' or other a.dmloJatratlve offtcen -many of them, In· clwlllllf .. _ of -the moot lmpol'tut. when aa.,U.p to tlio t.azpayen would be .,......, an within the pre- ropUv. of~ alone. It .111 -ly to be hoped that tulther delay la mJn •. 1mi&ed. 8o!fe ol the Hoover c.ommiuion report.a, it la true, tleOi' with bisbly coDtroveroial maltora aod It wu to be expected tha~ much debate would reeult. But othen -and, apiD., the&e are amonc the mo.t lmpor· tant. tlocally opeaklng -have to do with tho keeping or reoorda, the handling of ourplua property, and other auch mattera which are or ahould be out of the tulm of pollt.lca and contllctl in policy. Tb• natlqn la cJieorod blCauae, thla flllcal year, ,.. may have a federal bud&etary eurplue of a few hundred million dollars. The Hoover report.a abow UI how to Hve many tUnee that 1um. • ., . · -Otllf°"""' N.,..pa~) With· the preoldnilol primary of Juno 15th dra..in. ~ In Otllforola, edilAn ..,. clooely c:llronlclills \h• -~ folnt.a of the caDdldata TM 8&ft DHco toooo: ""ftle Va.Dtje .,,_.a.aw: "11 tbe O.OCr&Uo party tnt.tn tit• ,dM.vaft (~ tM two ,.U· afM -*:UO. ""'t llad11 ....,. UC-.1 ,.rtl•) .. ~ tM. IA• -... teini... ic:he dt•t.e • 4tptndeat ~ .,.. ~ .o.-..L, but u..i dlv..,_cl• enoup to .wtar aa &l«Uoa .... ..... tll• n.mocr&Uc I ...... tber -1'· Tllat LI tM WQ 1111tp an eo ..,.t. ll\&t It .. Ullnp t.h abaplli1 ~ f1&11.t IMllkult to bell..,. tM party ft0"4r, and UM outcome 4'pmda caa pNMlll a WUi.d front to upon lht w•7 th• ln<kpudut.a U.. ~ lA Nowm.ber." vol4." Jlffert,r Hl118 Clt!Mo: '"nl• Humbo1dt Standard: "'Th• Pruldelt.t ha.II a jOb cut oUt few ytar 1DM ml&ht ... the ArGn&· biJl:I, It 11 hard to -boW Mt third party movtm~t lll Ut• campLlrn c..n be a amoot.b thl• country In thrte llMAdea. GM• He ml(ht ~ all tM The key to UUa pr'(Ml)Met l• the '°"tb. u h• do._ b• will haYti kind or dvtl rtaJ!.U pl&.ftk lh• lo m&lnt&UI ht. ll"'Mt popul.ar--Democr1.t1 put In thtlr puty tty r•tln&' lhrouJboUl t.h4i y-.ar platform at 11':• naUon&l con· lnto November &ad th• polll vtnUon open! · Chlca10 ••l show U\at UIMI thinp vary A~t. Rf lie nor\Mrn wlUa th• inonl.M." Dtmocr•l• 11 plainly Ulelr M Th ht G'.I J • t Tba Napa J\ePt«; ''Two lntenUon to once moc• • ore. oug Iv. en Oln •. , r~•on. ....., oth• ... •o•r• <1v11 "•···· ''""• ,. ... ,. could cau..e lb• Prellkknt to port or th• hilh court. Rapon· F d ' ' f Ch 1 • jump into th• tray wtUI morti tibia 1c:1uth.em.en N Y ju.t •• Un raising Or anties vlvor. Tht f1rlt mllbt be ~ clearly that If •uch a plank la • . • panl<ky '"" ot b•lp from •-po< "" lh•y wlU walk ~• tl f th 0 Co pen.ta GOP COD1T'9Mmell who a1aln.'' Thia week a&w an execu ve o e ran1e unty nMd mor• than th• nama of CAKMINE'9 JOB Federation of Community Chesla d!Kuu at a local Dw11ht D. ZlHnhow•r on I.he Oa.kland Tribune: "Hl1 {Cl.J'.. cbe.t directora' aeuion here the variOUI policies of Sacramento S1'del1'ght bdlot to •••rt cllt'e&L Tbe MC-min• DeSaplc"1) job 11 to mak• He •'--ond ~ • , . ~OUld 1M a 'AvaJlabla .A.v•' !H.arrtm&n) na.Uona.1 fund·raiaing ffOUPfl. aplained wat more all'On1 o.m.oc:raUe amp&ip ava11abl1 whenev., tN , w and more groupa are recognizinl' the value of united pll.tnlnl' th• c1&1m UW tu. York'•l Tammariy Hall dc1dM f ""d drt-Tb '· · o. bud d ..._.;.1 bMIUI. l9 n.ot up to p&r for ~ that Adlai 8tevenaon 111d S.n. '"" ...-~ e ~gia .. ture wound up ita g~ an i..,... ... _ IM" arcluoum job of clllaf exacuu ... " J:alea Kefauv1r hava knoc.kld We have advocated a united charity fund drive in 1ion.1 lut week in a 1trong finiab . The budget aeaion TWO u:&PONlllBIUTIE8 .. ch other out of Lh• rtn1 ta theee COIUDlD.I before, feeling the public u a whole ii approved a 1~~7 budget totalln.g 11,779,006,500, by tar l:l&ftford kfttlnei: •'CfU.... lhetr prtmary /r-Nlmlna.riea l9 pretty well ttd up with the week by wk haraument the largeet in California'• hiatory. At the aame time, the ha•• two rupaMl.bUltl .. a.t wa lhe main bout. poblit • , . Fttll. th•J .lbOUld Lone BMcb lnd~nt.-to dJc deeper for more don.itiona tor yet another cam-apecial aeuion in it.a closing momenta, came up with a mak.• certaJ.n u..,. an .u,tbl• Pru.a Talesram: "lt•v•n#On , •• pa.ign.. bill eatabli.ebing a new •tate department of water re-to vota Th• 9ICOM duty ••• Na i-n 11ttin1 1trvnc back· • • f .-~ "tin th N rt n.... ~~-~ d h · o .• · $120 000 000 In la to qualtfy UMmM:l._ to 1n&: from lhl Democ:ra.ttc l>I&• -. o ui..-wn g e ewpo ~~~ _.._ IOUTCH, an anot er meuure pl&Cmg • • Judi'• c&ndldatu. nu. mMAa wlp Jn M'ftttl atataa wb.,.. bruch ot the Southern Ora.nee County Red Crou Loni' Beacll Udt:l&nWt oil rave-sutded In the maldnl' of policy foUOW\.q 0w D.,.., Lalldn.I he nu faced, or will face, K .. Chapter ha.I r.cb.cl the sum of $14,023 of It. $27,100 nuu ln Uwi it.al.ti treuury. by a watu tMOW'CU board. To about public u.au-• , • a.ad fa.uver -bu.th• t.hlnU It Mab- Tha coloual. ah• ol tha bud-meet the wllhU of tha IOY•r-daveloplftf oplnlom • , .'' -y &Ad W)lporU.ma.n.lilr.• ot ac... quot.a for the atta. Thia after the drive bu _been on s•l wu pretty well accountld nor, ltl1 dlrtetor will h•v• the M•rca.d. Sun • ltar: "8enat• fau'tlr lo mu.a. an '-'-• of tt. a month. We recall other years when the quota wu for by approprtaho~ for thttt flftal aay on the ma.kinl' of wa· Ra.publican La.adu William. r . Actually, what Kefall'Yer ~ met in record time. But that WU before other orgap· c•t.a1otte1 of .tate sovunment ter policy. It wu •rculd that Knowland of Calttomla bu W'I· LI bu!e&Uy lnM. Call UMm , M"rvici. More ll!.an a third ot th!a will make Ul• dlrttetor di· ed the Pr19lda.nt to ~ lnto -what you will _ bo-. )Md- They're Taking· The Orange heel charitia atepped up their pitches for public th• budfel -a.bout M7T,000,• rectly rM~lbl• to I.he 1ov1r-key Ital• to bolllter abalq .... blp1p. t.h• IMCbil»-tM donationa. 000 _ wUI •o fOf' .ebool aub-not, who In turn la directly r.-c-dldataa. 'It la tmportant.' he tact ti that the llUlk of lb• Comet bow a Community Cbe11t executive with hi• n11Uon1 ud eo1la of the at.ala'• fPOMlble to th• people. el(platna.d., 'tor • pru&d.nuaJ Wada1'hlp and party orr;antM· 0 t f F d 0 g Co ty collace1 and univer1lly. Hl&:b · OlL ROYALTIM caadldate to ,..t out beyond Uon la New Hamplhtn, Mbul .. _ U 0 ame ran e Ufi report on united fund drive thinldng. We think the wa.ya wlll 1M:•t up $!to.ooo.ooo. The Lonr &•cb tldelanda <>11 tala.vlston broa.dcut. trom the Mite. •nd Calltomla •r• oa • ~-charity groups would do • well to look more Th, Jertelature, lncldent.a.lly. royalty le r I 1 I & l I 0 n M.llecl Whit.. HOU11.'" S tevenlOa'a atde." It'• .. Ad commentary but the "Orange" ta raaldly deeply Into thla jolnt fund·rtilinr pro-ltJon. It la had VlrJ liltla contn>l over thtoU(h the lelJl.llatur• ID tha..1 ----------------------··-'-r-thue e•pt:ndlturu, ainca th•J lut four day• of tb1 spec1&l betnc taken out of Orange C.ounty, both by m~-enc<>uracin.J to lee a Community Chest oft1clal advance w•r• sen.rally fllled by atat· _,k)n. In addlUon to the t120,- roomin1 eubdivilion.a and by finu whlch make varioua the joia.t·bind thOUJht. utn already on lhe boolu. Th• 000,000 which lhl 1tat.t1 will ,... tvnH. of oran(e juice loto frozen. or concentrate llquld. other c•te&:0ry, for varloua celn tmmedlately from th• AFFAIRS OF ST ATE ~r-typea of welfare, toe* Slil ,000,• LI?"&' BHcb oil ll'Ult tund. UM ..,~Adl:tD'~the -reportyou ·hea.r frequently th&~ NO COMMENT 000. •talA wUI recelv• about By llENJIY C. llaeABTlllJB d · ell th •-In aom $lt,ooo,ooo ann ually. TI!.•'------------------------Ot\ftie are not 0101 u w on e ... _... e BILL OOSTJO\'l::MIAL I" .,_ ••• did bef~ ~ t...-l t 'I• l • l u r I wlU diactda 8ACJt..U(ZN'J"(), (CNl l-Vota. whh:h will be tMpon..lbl1 tor Southland &ocaliomi .. ....,,..., ~ &rt& ....,.... By JAXES W. OOU'l'BA.T In th• •p.cll.l 11uton. the blU !tFfUlun ....&on. how Wa mon-of lha. ala.IA lioiiaTa oft I.hi Wein.-c,he rtxlnl' of poUcl•a. ca.me 90 iDdu.tn.Htiq. fmo& bu been vu u a cr1atin1 th• new water '1ep•rt· e.y la to bl 1pent. Moat or U, la bffl'er watu departmen.t bui ,._r ol u.. ...alon on thla .contributory factor. mant ~ent rlf~llh ~to :: e.xpec~ to .ro tor d1velopment wu n.ot unexpected. Tba vole. KOr• la I.hat iventu.a.11)', th1 wa- "' WA.BHINGTOK -'n.. hifb.lJMCtioM ot UM naUon lo develop final m nut• o • on ot the atate • w•ter r.ourcu. whlch vtrtuaUy WT"Ota U'I• -ter ri&:bta of norll!.ern C..Wor- , ' Without advertlllng the brand name, we &re happy conU'O'Nrelial UNI ot public vv-public powei-for -Uae tn llmlted f0r1 .ciue.aklnJ t.tu-ou1t1. the ..... Slplttca.nt to Southern C&.U· calla.>d. •.t.raiibt _ lln•' depart· nJ.a counUu. particular!y In to f h . 1 __ -·"' la ltill thrt...i ..... ln ate. l .,. .. on• or the th.tee romla, th• budl'el contaJ.ned a~ m••l ~•or • .. ,_Lor _,,, ol ll HUed He one rea orange JUaoc uio..aer •....., me prtvalti power altMdy la l!l ~llki th• TV A rtc\on and .enatoro appointed to the con· Uo I ot .. ... --.,.. COUDUH °' orilJl.n, W1 bl g;..,. th -• thin f-' with ,.,, P·-•.,.. North ..t I proprla ft.I n U.CUI ,• axlattoel Mrrad to -la.in HY· -90\lt.ll.em California, and lhl County, putting out e ,_ C • ....,. th• fonttoat ot COfl--klnal ~ _._...,. w -a aroua-teranc1 committee v.·hich Ironed 000000 f hue r alt of ' "'' ··~ In&" a. fl'Owinl niMntment. · or pu.rc 0 .,. eraJ lhlft&'I, u well u ind.le.a.le north will waka. up w1t.b a.II lte Qtl)'lhlng but the aeede -jdat N you would have COft.llideratton. and lh1t1 la no BUORTA.GEI OOCUll out dl!rt.rence1 between the th• Ortivllle o.m a.Ad 8aA Lula to OO•emor GoodwtA J . KJ\lfbt water trtckllnJ acf'OM lbl tr .M ~ it b h d in d btf tomati juioe' ..doubt tUt Ule lletUa. will COfl Mnat1 a nd lh• a..lllflmbly con· R~rvolr, key unlta of tha. au-that la• hU no eontrol over the bac.MpU Joto Uta .outh. Tbs. of "=''J Elf Y an ay1 ore au C tio"· .... ht l l·-I .. • lnddentally, toe. of public cemln&' tha orsanlr:atlon of the thorlU<i Feather Rlv•r ProjecL .;;, •• ~-and other electrical and -··•·-1'cal d---1--.... -up 0 ,.,..,on 1 IJtate'a upP1r boUail. cour111, I• • lon1 UDM tn UI• --..--• ~ e•~r -aaxt NO'Jftnber. powtt poUlt out that the pt"lncl· d1partment. Jn preparation for poMtbla. .... , b b to I '---'---I t -• -•· ·•ori•-b -111 I '''''·m•ol of lho ··-h·-""'".. Howa.v.,r, th• &JnendmenU to •u ure, ut l e .ena a ac-• · UM:B ... came no vogue. 'nt• lena.l9 flOOll will reach•..-r--• .. , ·--ava occur-£ .. e r11u nr compromme "' '"''' __ .. , h cuatomld to lookln1 a~~ W •• re ' '·' to oee p~u but -d..-If It Will vot1 Oil Whltl'ler It favorw mocltl• red In tbua t ... o public powtr adopttd by both nou11u. may waler rtsht1 qu11Uon at th• the Wtlabecpr }>Ill. wb.lc Ucularly whert lh• lnteNlla ol ~ , ...... th beawu;;_ f O luuon or hydroalectrtc power on ar.u. 'nley cobtend that prlv•t• not have produced a per1ttl n"xl MSAion of !he lt.•l•latura. ~lllllll'I ~ha~ m-.r; from ~ acricullura In Clllfomlil •r• ever •Upplant ln anyone a mind e Uwc:w 0 ranee tha. Nlai-ara Rlvtr Jn New York dilvelopmtnt I• the only w•7 to wat1r depa rtment. but it Will lhe 1peclal teulon apprtiprlattd atra.l&:ht· lne watir epartm~ fl! County'& venll.nt Or&n"'e '"""'Vfl and their attendant --or W.,•tl'l•r It favors dtvelop-meet power nffda pa.rm•ntnUy, provide 1. depar1.m1nt whic h c4n SIW,000 to the 1tat1 dhrlelon under a director, lo• :•le J!: ~E:t: s0t11'11EaN . Dl&E(11'()1l • ••";' ~ ., u taxp.yel"ll In far-•way pl&ee• ltie lmprovec:i at .ublequent tea· of waler teaourcea to t•ka a partm•nt with admt tra. Soma Mn&tore feel thla coukt bloleoma. Then:'• nothing qW.te like our·grove. any· ment by prtv•l• uUllUea owned ""' l'Olnl' to rebel u they con· 1lon1. Tha meuura provides for callon by pllon lnwnt.ory of undtt a ctlra.ctor, but policy Uft· where and we. trust not all of them wW be ripped up hb!icie~&n. Y ~-ot •loc:k-dnue to be ~n..Uaed by public a dPpartment headed by a re-water a.vallable In e&eh and n-der two boal"dl. do not wholly ~ ac~,:~'!1aed d~~:.:...a =lb~ U Ir •• boidl lbl o•~·-h wlU b< ,,1 wolonh"' ln "'·'ttornla. preclud1 tha poulb\Uly of -for houainc ; that not all ora.nre growera wilJ·11e the By a 1 to 2 'f0t41 th4I hnat.e power w 111· •pona ' ......... r ""' 0 ......,, ltlb.llahlnl' a unltied .,,.ater cs.. -out.ham 1ov1mor who ml1ht be Jww:loua fruit to be made into D.iu little convenient Pub.lie Wor,lu Qlmmltt.H pi..,., ed. Public power defendera, how· partm1nt a t thLI MMlon .of the lni.mJcal to tha nffCb Of' nor1ll- ' I.be Lahman bl.lJ Lb lkfta.tl •vv, ha" coulder&bla. •trtqtb lecta1.atura. em California. wera lhtn AO .... of julco which la almilar to· but not qutto tha ...,. .. • la ~ ""' lhotr oampo1-SCENE AT THE CAPITOL poUoy maklor ~ .. ,. .. ._ • .,1__ calendar. Jt a.ut.bl>ri.. de~ •·· >..aeemblyman eupar Wetn· U the ral """'6• runt ot Ult Hlapra tl)'dtoa.Jec:-apJut pr1't&la. mt.e.rpr'\le Im un· tier,..,-, Of' llan J"ra.ncUeo, author lnl all tedJoNI of U.. •t....t. to _,,.,.... -·•dai ui.. -•1..am °' waw trlc powar ~ lha N-Yol1c ·~ • of the m-..ura sponaored b)' I.he a-_.. •t.at41 Pow• .A.~u.o.-\ty. EDUCAnOK BILL-lh1 con· "°"f'1M)f', l&ld attar hla ~.._.. rt1ht.a. BENA.ft (]BOICE trovenfal !edM'U aW to l'duca· SACRAlLENTO, (CNS) -It ii ... aometimea pecul-ure wu ama.nda.d ln u.. RUte TU 1"'\ory ol water rll'r.ta f~bej~Sfi ~B:·~fl------~~~~~~;!'°':;'"J!~~r.""'::":-:"':·:•~1~· :P•~·~·t=do~a~-~~00~•h1a:r~u~n;'..;w~ha:!t..;•l~eo;:der:i~threa::da!:.~h:•:nc the important that u ..... 21opa.tu1 ··-ln Ca111om1a u. Mm laDc' - 4 thin caa be wotkld out t. trM COftf'llMd. .t.artinl' u tt did i.. a-ton ol lndlw it-49-lllee ... 9111' &ad Matt1n • 1ra.... __ ........__la. -lltC*t'1' bom U.. f'4tral Tftuury • con erenca. w UIM'tlert Boovtl' bu a-"" epoken on behalf of .. _,....... and tnrullf~ It to •atN. that the at&te'a lell'i•lative aystem pennJU durinr the tory " Uc mlnlnc. and t'Otl'lJns ...._ i. a-1\epubUcau, urpct.. tM a.at. e-' · th• riparlaa richt. of tM asrl· tht :\Ou.tekeeptai" reforma -in budgetary and. ac-eonunltt.a to Wopt. their bW to Opponent. •Y that federal couree of a. vote on an important matter, the ff'Oll.edun ooVUNoa MAY NOT IDON cultural 1nt.erwta. N•W, tit• countillf procedu~ -that were recommended ln the authort• dirf'alopmmt .nd a:· coatrol, wUI follow feckrw.I ••pan· wh•reby lawmaker1 can auc· cedure which &:IYl!ll both 'pro-U llDIMlhinl' U worked out quut.km ol r1.Jllta a..ol"9 tuk force reports of the com,mlulon be beaded. Pu~ panel• ol H\aiara River powar ::i.ra~~ u aur. M day fol· cumb to cha.as•• of mln.J .a11 ponentt and opponent. or a wblch I• MU.factory to I.he larrtly upon. turpau. .. t.tr IA by ""' public utUlty compe.niaa.. the tteult uf lobbylnJ on the me&M1r111 opportunity to dlacuu Jeftalatur1, It rernalna to bl ~ DortbUft pa.rt ol callfonda. tins them into t.ffect. he aaid1 would uve billjODI which ari ft&dy to •pend '400.-~ hU alway• been a the mattPr w ! th I.heir col· Men jut how far Governor and who will be adJudlllCI 111.-doll&n -ptrh&.p. U bll~on or more a year. Yet action 000,000 of. prtvat.a capltal, matter fort.be locallll• and th• floor. ~ leegl\1!1 befora th• vol.ti 11 an-Knl1ht wtll l'O la •lllllnl' a bUl UUl'd to tbue .urplu• wat1n. • ;.,n"' l ., But tM btll \y' lenatttr lAh-atatn, ~ Jl'ecl1r&I. Oovemmtnt The only thing good that 1•n nounced. which be doean't. want on u.a Thu., tti. depa.rtm~taJ qua. ·tOea..:.O far U 1'wbUUrJ incomp et.e. man iD·N'.Y.) wOft 'commlttea l'lllllD;t pt a dlma that It doean't be 1ah.t about thl• aysleni I• Aflirr the call wu movt'd on 1tatute booke. ror h• hu u -Uon la •uch a Jana raftl'.• pro- ' Ju Mr . .Hoover pointed out, the refonn11 have ~n •pproYal, actua.ll)' by a minority tak~ .__,. ttom th• peopl~. 8o It that It work11 aa orten for Lhe the water blll, member• or the nounced " that If ,a bill wtilch po.ltlon that It ii' hard to rwl&t• a·:Jr...;_..ed bY tbe comptroller general, the budcet dtrec> of lhl commltt.a.e'a 13 m•mbln. : caa t stve &nythlftf' to a tehool &:ood of the people of lb• it.ate. a~mbly, which already hld doea not IJl.Y• a 1tralfht Un• lha. r1Jat1valy minor qu .. uon ol rr"T' fficiale in th D tJ l)e.. Jy.il.•m Without fil"llt ha'1n1 l.lk· adoptf'd the ronfennce report, aulhortly to a director .. aUt.hortty lo the lmmedlat. p.-.. ~~-moel other•,top 0 e ecu ve The nstat over Nla.p~ powt i "'It a ..... y fn>m the Yery peop11 u It <loea to t ht detriment, and moved In on th• n oor or tba adopted, It will ba WOTM ll\an Mnt, for tt ,,oulcl iactu&lly malt-pa.rt...Dt ot tlle governmenL So, u he put it, 'The 11 • •trat1ht-.t contul bllweer_ 1~·ho ahou1d be aipportln1 tht tlKa•11 It 111 • lon1·•cccpted ffnate, and 1tarted lobb)'tnl' th• no bill at all, and h• doee not bat UtUe dltf...-.nc. -whO q •. ~•--1IOW la :1:l;uat.e '-"•latJon," Only a part of pubtic ~r and prlve« enter· ltale a,.t•m. cuatnm, It probably will be con· ffnetor1. AMemblym•n Cuper lDtend to •I.en wch a m....uft. a.4mlnl1tered watmr rilbta. u -_ '"'•-prlH. Moat hydroe1ectrtc JIOW'r ............... ·noN -"· ><-·"al· \\' 1 •• 8 --1 .• H ... lo , •-•• l••~·•un .... --~. -~h---..... '--__..ed 1...., direction Of tht President ~uMA ..,,. ,._ r • Unuti'. ., """l'Jtr, an .. • .. ,c 11co, •u· ow1v1r, ..... (OV.rnof a.p _,, u u•• •--~ \.LI "10au .. _. '1'C' ~~ -1 bDll In Conl"'ffl Include navtaa• Dea.Jen, who wldtiy •tt&ek tht thor of the measure. wa.a on• to Chan&'• hie mind, pro'IWed trol ot th• b&M a.lloca.Uon., BARBOR p-JtESS tlon. flood control •-rec:lamaUou, £1.eeahow•r A4mlnlmlrallon .. The C&Jlll In point wa.11 the of the rinit on the noor. the lwo houMI or the JI.IV-But In Oi.e rutUN, ~ eU in &ddlUon to h)'drGoelectrlc pow-ta•OMI" Ml' bu.In.... abOUld pa.au1e of Govrmor Ooodwln For more than an hour, ae-n-la\Ur• can Jet to(etl'leir 1;a a aecllon11 of "'9 lt&ta .,.. ... ,,,.. er. But UM K...,._ denk)pment taJta. a look a.i U\1 .A.dmlni.tra-J. KnlJht'• bill for the c reation •toni oppo111ng the meuure btil. lf' 90, It will m.llUI mom. Mntld °" a pollcy malda1 la IOla.\y for produc:Uon of elec-Uon.'• plaM tor apeadlft&' •ctl-of a new •late dep•rtrntnl of ~·irre lobbied by ueembl)'TTl.n. f1vlnl' Oil boUl llldu. but It W body, th., det.ermlflailon fll trtc flltl"l'J'. vttle-of ap.ndd re1"111atlnr "'°at"r remourcea In tile 1tale Oubide lobbyl•la, l he lhlrd lo be u.wn~ U\at th• .enate water rt1ht. ....Uy eotal4 work 'I'll.• My loa. of Ula Lltun&11 bualnum and rnd .... -. -hou!M' m.,mbl'r•, that 11. can·t will not rec.da. trom Ila poet-lo the delr1mt.t1t of aotM Ne- u --, menatl'. Whllt the blll u It fin-bl , tha 1-. cla&rly Im betwtm ,,,.. budcd. wbmltt.d to Con· c~t on the noor. mo they take lion ot ba~· mom• type of Uona. ot' Calltontla '" t..,... ol llld&llatlon ol Nl&pr& Rlnr l'rMll requHU 11't,Tri1,000, ..,. In· ally Wh adopl.-d w-. not lht no part In the operation. St!n· bo&td IA U.. water ~nl othera. rorMarty u.. H..,..-t.Ba1111o& M..,.Ttrn• poww or da~nt 11.J pr1n.t.a ~ of 11•.aaa.J&t, iOC' the 12 me_a1ur1 or1(1J1111!1 1uggirstf'd by 1to r Cha.rte. Bl'O'On. of Inyo ------------------.------~ UM M~ P,,.. _ a.nl.lfllrt.a. and lhty point lo th• pftJ\cts-J aiecutatory a1mcl"' for tl'la sov1rnor. It had lo be cm.II· rounty, who pa-4 the vote on -ttu,. '°"' °' lax~ whlcll other-c1.1vw1ona, tor th• 11167 ftM:•I Id the rnvenior·· blll. for the t,•y· .. tt.r,...to.~..,"~ .. -:1: -:.. ... '""°vlllled"· Farme· r McCabe Wn'tes A Diii 0 Mb t...a ••11tf&w.• O.W rwt:i' J'_,. wiM wOllW. ha. obtained by N.w mimpl• ~a.on that only a •hort ..,, "' .,, year. ' .... ~la H...._ ... ~ Yorll Bt&k <and lM Fldua1 Oo'f-At the ..ma. Umt. th• numbl'r tlm• brfore It ~·u JllllM!<l, he enta of the meMUrt. • 1 1 -.• ' ' &atitn!l•~ ~~ ot )fardl. a. JAie .. r-• enunmt .k.ll fl&l' It th• proJ~t et ~)'W of Utue ...-•ncle• lw.if'd a 1tat1men1 aaylng he BAC:..1l IN UN'E ·-----------------------. "° · 'ttm pr1~ OJl9"l.MI. la o;pected to lnct9Ut ln>m t .-would a.I&:• It. A reaaoo.able amo\lnl af con· .~ .... 2 •••• ,.......,,WEI '" ... ........,.•Yu.. AM wdq .rUNu • «liif ·171 0 to .. ---f,,;; •• ~-~.r;~a~ ... ~ .. l';.~ .. ill!, ~~.~mm'iM~f---8e .. H"">-'""""'"""'--Y4"" .......... u.._l!J:lncLJll ____ J ' st1•e•MO OOMl'ANY After deb&ta OD the Hfl.lte Governor Ha rsild J. Pow«r tu 1 • ;wff:, !41jlt~I DUl(-CALlr. F . .,.._:ii~ ---.-.-noor on bOtn sldo ut· th.-mn.·.r 'tirOiijftl Cb1 edtitora back In &Qtl ............... ~ Jf ....... .Wtw" .. ial .&a_... G~ Roots 0 'n'on SUH, Mimi Mint.tor• meckinr to hne and COMlderld other 1e1la-r-'¥? .......... dorC.. ... _,OrM&• 0.. .. AdiM Ne. A-ta,m •• pl I . . . ..-ut~le It, and otheni clairnlng l8ti(ln •·hUe th.a lobbylnl' con· _ ., . th•t while thl}' weni not ut111· tine.ti. FIMll)', on• ablent .en· -~1ia.,. .. N....,..,.ir ... illlii;..,. A•1•U. • l ____ ._ _____ .... ._ ____________ lrl-ed wllh the oompromt1111 pro-11t•1r ttho-.d up, and &..nator -lliu N'iitleoliill mf\efW Azect!LU• poM-1. they would •ccept ll a' Jan1e1 A. Cobey of Merre<I SAN MARINO, TRIBtTNX. Dtmoen-, f~ 1 '"--~ ---...:.-er-:,~-Ohp&J'-IC'cwa..a..dtt -,, a mn 1owat1 • "" ~ r C11unt7, \\-ho p~tf'd Ut1 mee2 i!&'I Ra>DlCK. .,.,,.......... W1J..U.A.M A. MOIZB, Cdltor J.um:I )II. MA,Tld:NY, Af'ferUabtf ~ C1UJU,D ..... J..l'IJ'8TROHO• M«lt&nkla.l.tupertat6'dftlt .. dom, equality-of opportunity', jutlke, enligbtment, are me_nt , the vote aaainet •cklpUng "'''"'· un~ th• r•ll ot the preclOUI &lfta that mutt be wanted 90 badly lhat life th• fl'ff conrf"l".,nce commltt1t tl<>UR, and ttie tlerM 1tart•d 1o- report ~·u 20 Ito 16. or Ju..t 1n1 k ('k OTI!'r th• roll. Thi dt· it.elf la DOt too high a price to pay for their defenrte. one vol• Ahort ut pU.tnr the cidlng ,·ote w•1 taat by HPn· We m.\llt bi •ver alert to tbe threat poMd by thc.e rirpott. wtu~h ~..-n9d puAlle ot •tor s wirt !krry, of Pl•ce.rvtlll', •O., ua Who-would barter these gift. away for the lhe b1l1 1101111: ~It h IL wh .. n he ch•nirf'd ht• vol• from In ac('Ordanc1 with IPr\.ll•llYe nf• to aye. J1Ylng ttit 21 votP1 'eecu.rtty they t.hlnlc will be found under • detipotism pr'OCfllu•,. a t aH nf I.he hnu•• nfflded to .adopl th• cooftft.nca they bope will be bemvolenL" wu lmR'9d1aldy 111uvati. • pro-ttporl. ' l'eoce_ wa!Md •"""Ldoinr rood ID tho Holy ""1c!_ tellin&' tolU about a Promleed Land. How 80mner, today In the Holy Land thlnp aro • lot dittertnt. BibUcal coualna are b~ down behind barbed wire barricadea firing away at each other. And I wu juat athlnlcln' that lffen Ulr)' don•t cet-tliitr differmota llf4)ed peacably purty .eooa wh1 thc!t'e'• a Lot of folks all over wbo ain't ever apln1 to .. that Promlaed Land 1-'n thry 1.i buoy 1eam1n· about It tl&:bt DOW. ·----,.--------~'---.. __ .... _ ........ ' . ' '" ' TM"( .. N &A ~!~•' ~-- pl'Oet. • MW........ tmt. # Sham..,... a C....e. car ..-~ u.. ,,,,. .... ._ ;::::; at 171 a •:ma. et.. 0,.ta ...... tMlt .... to add & ••tli*IAI' accordmc tot_ CllMlllnMr a.Ill ... ...-. '°°°'-Tte _,... tC'harl,) W""-, _ Wlb 1* • .....i dl.ll'tall the w~ _. * putMr;'°J&J.t-. ud 11 ~-., w.11.:. llOI!., J~k ......... .,. iaa.a. .... th• rrand opta1ac'"'ot tMtr ... ·TM a.ors, M. Jloi.t.ta c.. tablw.tuh.nt ......, Ud ~ r..~tM ~r of tM ._.. day allboUP thlJ ll"e ..._., llkqi Pi.at. ll W-kUtd toltM op.,n for ......._.. ., .,......... ' 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~ Tht.'•-a new i,,. .,......IF:;;;;;;;;;;;~;:;;:;;;;;:;;;;:.;;;:;~ HEADID WIST for tU w1mmirr .Pn~.11 Elui•• ,,, [a·s:;.~ ~-. ·fREE ., "'"' ... -:~~ ...... -,: GIFTS Scorns Car :~;:.. .. ~ ..• ..:: ~ 'T • 9 To llelp ln UW. respeict. 4M For np M-............. -the ~'nl•nn .,-.tem. TtdD ~ ot ..Ur U.d apecLll f:Mm· Adml~J Qutterfly a~Uy ~ at" each car ~ "*"" new tl'le coop '11!.m.ct&y. • --0------'-~-11 The Admfral. better known by tba name or Judfa, 19 a brO"#ll CT•Yhound owned by Mrt. All~ McNulty or 2720 Bayvi-. Ad· mlral Butterfly '* th• anhnal'• rectetered ne.m•. But you know lb• old eayln&" .a~t a btlttt.rfty by any other Mock Elections By St14e1ts Part of Co1ne • • • ., ' • • • • llST WISHIS TO -. ~·- • ~ I ALL -AMERICAN MART GIVES ·MRS. KEIM NEW CAR ~~ud•Y. , .... jum ... out .:::!~.~.=..::= of Jiln. lt:cNult)''• car au.r lr· lut wHk'e Euter vao&Uon. pOJ.t. Receiving· key• tor ·her new 1006 Buick Century hardtop aed&n Me WU elven. Jn vtn• A v•. and ieth Bt. Later. Uc&l eclence etudea.ta from Or· FREE COKES" fllDAY I s•TUIDAY FREE .: All·American Marketa' Golden Windfall contest i1 Mn. J. E. Kelm,, Newport Jerry Cotter ot 1520 ,w. Coa•t ance eout Ooll•r• ..,.re part.I· · k I · bt Re ~1... ket IDchw•y reported .a Injured dpatlnr ln the mock> ~tlal Beath, froD\ Bob O'Leary, Downey Bwc dea er, ng • preeen......., mar 11 •· dog on tl'le bill bahlnd hi• eate. aomtriatlnr conv•Uom held •t Blayn• Hutchlton, left, president of Market.I. Car came loaded · with extra Officer oeorse Mr•r. beaded vat:. equipment, wu given Mn. Kiem April 4. tor tl'le Kftle. Oran1• Cout .wdent., \IDdU" _ _:_: __ :._ _ _:. ______ _:_ __________________ , .He dacOvered Jud.l'I wun't th• 1upervUlon 0( their tutl'Uet• Judith Blum· ~amed Pompon Girl for University Gan1es lftjured, elranded and un· or, Mila Eaton, toolr. pert iD datl • st Colle•e able lo p or down. "\Vlth R..publlcan and Democ:r&Uc 0.,. 0 • a Ill hard work," Myer. un-ventlona •~ by tbe ~ ·-.. mbly'• Host der1lated the cue, "I manared em Califomla Political ~ R...-to ret hlm dowu... ANoclatlcsi, t.ha SouU..m C&ll· But no .ooner ••• th1a ac· ton'll• Clu.en.bip ClautnJ Hou. Oranr• Cout. Collea• will be complieti.l lh&n Jud&• exerciMd and the Unlffl'9ll;J of &outhem th• .-cen• ot lba AMoctated hle wtnp again. Whal t••t .,.., C&;!'!~~la on AprU000'1, 1 Ml4__7+.. My e reporled tM 1reybqUnd ~ent. trom• ••t~•a--•11 Judith Blum, 11. Balboa h- l&nd. hu been cho.en with HV· en olhu 11ri. to be one of the tJnlv.,.t1 of eauroml•'• pom· ,on p11 durin1 lM nut fool· bl.II and b&akatb&ll ~ Men St\W.e.nt.' Conter.nc. of he1~n -we1t on Cout Hl1hW•Y the var101Q1 committee meeUnP The pompon 'ktrla were cboaf_n tlwi Southern California Junior at the (Santa Ana R lver bridge. on credenllala, permane.t or'ft.A-' by a committee ol. pompon (trla COiier• AMOCiatlon. on AprU 17, lzaUon. IUld 11llu, ordw ti/I. bU96.· !rom San JOM Stale COiiea• accordln1 to Dr. Fred Huber, ne.. and raoluUOM beto,. tM a11d the yell leader and pre1I· dean ot men at Ora.nee Coa1t. Adult Classes convenlloia were calllld to-ordV. dent o! tl'I• Calltom la atud1nl A ruu <Uy'• ldl.ciUl• bu been DurlnC tl'I• convenUon·ttM1.t, the ... ,. ...~,... "&rtlnt: w1u. ... "~ Enrollinn Now c..a eou.,. """' ,.,.,._.,. '['he coede were Jud red on th• trauon and cott" at 8 :JO, and ':II lndl&na. pompon routine.a ,whlch they a.. reneral a..embl7 la the aud!-MOl'e than JOO new adult A.men» 4M* at.lendiftl wtre: were tau(h.t by tl'I• tll'le who tortwn at lO. ctuMI atarted at Oran1e Cout Wiiiard JollnM.on, Bob Hummell, mad• up lut year'1 pompon Bepan.te wwkahopa wW be Collqe uu. wet.k. lt Lt 1llll MJk• ~. John .Brun1nC and ('Ommlttee. The pompon 1lrl• held tor pre1ldent., adv1M>re, poa.ible for atudent. to re.1\ner Carol no.ne, Corona del Mat'; have been performl'tl: at alh-and on the epeolal 11.1bjtct. of In mo11t ol lhe courM• offered, Winston Wrtrht. Judy ~. 1elk: •teat1 at tl'le Unlver.lty athletic• a.nd lntramurai.. .aclal according to Dr. Tbomaa A. Carolyn Overman and Tracy God- ot Call1omla •Inc• ti~. acUvl tl• and ... mblle., n-BJ&.ll:ely dean ot adult educ•· trey, CcMlta Maea; ~ NO!'- Judy !a the 4&U(bler or Lt. nance and public n.l&t.lon., and lion. ' ton a.nd Bevuty W~ ~· CoL and fo{r•. Alan L. Blum ot ae.rvtce Of(&nls&Uoaa. Spring term cl&MM •lartln( Bud\; Bnaa Blodc-tt. B&ltloi; Box ·3M. Balboa lal•nd. A ('!'Ml-l'ollowinr workahop ....ion., this week will conllnue throuirh Al Evana, Ball:IO&, laluld; _Uld uata of F•irbora Hl(h 8ehool tha ~t . omc-. wW bave June &. Clu9M .,..1u bt stven Phi Up H ut c h l n •on. N...,art lQ Ohlo., Jud;r la a_ membf;r of hlAcb &Zl4_ entertainment lQ the Ill aca.demk areu, ln homa and ,....., __ .. _________ II Zeta Tau Al~ aororlty. StlMSebt Coter.----""A rentl'&l .. family llrinl, mumtc, drama and ...... , .. '"' ........... """' n.. -""' .... ,..,... .... Mesa Youth Faces All who would·wtn joy.• muet 2 to l :SO will brine th• con· ~· ~ ll'!".l'ilJnl', tra4L .and . -• 1har1 tt; happln..-wu bot11. a rer..u:. to Ila concIIQllon.. tndUetrtaf tr&Jnlnr. and bualWI Dope Rellt H•.1111 twtll. -Lord Byron It t. •Umatfl.d that approz.i· and commerce. aillTA Aif.A. <"'"'"'Htm. ~~t~~;a11 ir::::::::::::::::::1 1 -tel7 IOI deleptea and Ml· No t:iitlon fee9 .,.. charred. ~·y ""-• wlb altftld reprt!MnUnr and atudent. may -...i .. ter tn N. Tarbroqb. ~1;1, ((, Ololt.a .... -JIM& Will be arhlltfted 'tit l!tupll'-- •'flout IO jUalor aoneraa. cluau durlnc th• flr•t wHk. lor COurt '8f'9 at l;JO....., .&.lldl 17 on a Haroln pci 1 1 v'on ch&rp. BEST WISHES To " New .._ Planned Duplex 'ennit ls1ued •lktildlq permit tor a dwelllnc Bulldiq permit for a two-unit u 1.ot Dolphln nnace to cc.t. 1tweUlnc at 5110 oc-n rront to Ui • .Umated '50,000-hM bMtl. co.t an utimat.ed lll,900 , hU tall.en out b7 C. T. J'Um!!r, the been Wuect by the buildifll" de- butldlnc dep&rtment announced. partment to John fUlbff. Y&rbroulh W&tved prelim1nU7 herartn( in s.nta Ana • Oranp MwddpeJ Court. He 5' ttM10D 11000 bell. --n. 'deit...aat_... with thr"M oUHn in a San.ta. Ana polic.-.h•rttt'• deputt• .atakeout on • local. residence. • , AP,llL lJ.14 "PEPSI" HOURS :- Daily 9 a.m. to 5 p.nr . . , (Clo.ed for Lunch ~ ". 12 ·noon to li:lO p.m:) P."'· _. ••• ~··:shamp~ _ ·_ ~ MOMf: µII WASH .. Modena·...., int-Modem"·~1 for·uie.'BeR --~t tlltoroaP ...aa pd -jl"mmsoM la tlle ·llodoOr•"-• , , P--'1 ......... "1 , .. • CHUi.n' ,'Wlllta e·: OWNilS e JACK WIMMli 1i1~E:1n1 . ST. Oft~~....._ COlfl--'MUA . ' . ' . ' . ' . . . , -l1oan man opens Escrow DeparhJlent N~peri Jlalbl». savtn1• and Loan ANOCi&Uon t.h11 week an- nwnolld a fW'tHr opan.1lon of 18"k9 tn It. Coron• del Mar Offie• with e1tabllahment of a eouiplet.1 ..crow department th•A, )(ra. Geor1• (Ml.Tian) .Jotuuoa wtll • ln charce. cJ1ARLEY II IAC!t WUofER ,)i OWNERS II ' OPERATORS OF TJIElll NEW ·MESA 3 tt'INUTE 3 'CONG RA TULA TION.S and ·BEST. WISHES to •• • • C~LEY and JACK W!M¥EB owners ud operators. MESA 3 MlnuteAUTO SHAMPOO . ,. ~-nert--sth-=e:~ .• ' .. ·i,..-•·a.e•Nlet 1W•4brcenacJm I I ' "'We Un fO!.lMf a cont.Ider.bl• . 6tm&nd tor &n ..,crovr depart· . Of· AUTO nee", -.id .PNeidtht Paul A. P.-w. "'W• U'9 pleaaed to a.n· ~ to n.i e1tate brokeni pd hoe• v.im•rs that we will follow U.. Mme proc:~urt1 and ottar t.11• unie complel• 1ervlc1 th~ u 1n our h1adquarter1 of-n.. .. thtl b&yfront here in N.,,,.. BMcL Thim a a lonl"- ~ tll&jOr 1t1p In roundlnf f,Q• M ~ picture Iii Ute OOUI JUl"waJ' location, and au~ta OW' ut.abl11hed de- partia.i.t. Ill aavln11 a ccoun!JI pd baa -.ccounta. mooey order1, AT 176 E. 17th St. IN COSTA · MESA • · u.ftler'1 checU, and tt:demp· UoA ae 'P"mm•t bend•." WE Kr, --4. Mn. J ohu<>n live on ,....._ ..... ..,. """ .... DESIGNED, rtl!llideaU CJ( lh• Harbor I N'& for .ine ,.ara. 8h ~ worked tn ,,J811JULrull1.JTw &11L __ U.. _..-G•14 dw-IDI muCb Ofn tM&: Um• aia. JolMd th• eKf'(lw INSTALLED -.............. B&lbo& •••• ...... JW<h. ... cart Bundy bu bffn THE _ • .,. ot the c.orooa 491 Mar NEON om-11C N.....,.,n Jl&Jboa 8a•· -oiJ'OT L Cou< lllsh-· -1t ... _,. '" .. ,,_. SIGNS ...... 1*' • 116 E. 11\h St. . Costa Mma • ELEClllCAL WORK by STAFFORD & SON Electrical Contract,;. 11 0 RIVERSIDE COSTA ME.SA ' . ''Chem Therm'' CAR WASH EQUIPMENT U8E.D EXOLU&l\'D.Y BY MESA 3 MINUTE A U. T 0 S H A M P 0 O· 111 E. im_sT. COS'.l:A Ml'.SA CO ...... ~-aad Boat Wllhes "'tChariey ud 4'ack WIMJIEK. OW'llera ud ope,... .... ol -1--•le Auto ...... •• pofw.l.__a...t ..... _ .... 1442. • Jlelld'Mb ................ azw; .UGMWB:IGBT· ca:A.M-•· f ... ' ~ • I,;-.; ... .) '°°" s.n..cr.t ...... ...,.. • ,. ... LC.It. • • -~ ..... "-' ...... ~ ...... ' ' . . . • .,.. · MIDD ... W&IGA&'·C'fAllil ... I - •• , . . Tbllo·la·tml !!!!!* 111e.-"Taolt'l'-Beet1·Cmns m .la and --y -JlblAlr.a-·i.---oLI~ ....... •• .. ., . • . ... --... . , - MILLER· CHIVROLlt CO. . . 1000 Wnt c..r 'HJpway HIW!OU. •AC:~ . -_Plll••·'•111r a.iz61 .l I• J I t • ·-. , -. • -, -- i -. . • • ------' ' --. eut\ __ ,.. ·911' .. r . ------.-eut\ ' ----US "C\lk9 Kraft's Salad Dre MIRAI - FULL f?UART J~ ' . ·""" . J ~ .. :~ . -•I q\ 'I>. I Armour's Lunch Meat -. . - ' ' I ~ \ ~ s"'~ ~ AIMOUl'S-16-0L CAN 21 ~ t,: · • ~ 13,. SPAGHETII & MEAT . c ' ~' ,. ·.-· • ooiiiElriEEF HAS1t27c ! i°EF STEW 1~:· . 31c· • .----------, 1 AJl.AillrlCClfl's Fameus I c: GcllOUND I . : e· EE F i I I •••••••••••••••••• MEADOW GOLD GRADE AA Bu TT ER JU. CTN. AU-AMERICAN REAL CllEAM -Choe., Ven., Strow., Neopolit•• ICE GREAM ~~~ • HEINZ FAMOUS QUALITY TOMATO KETCHUP PIL1$BURY WHITE CAKE MIX -15-0L PKG. LARGE 14-0Z. BOmE ANGEL FOOD PET0 MILK 2 ~~s 23c ii~ f ~FiiE 3 ~R 2·5c · ""'-·~-/ iii°' ._"" 29c~ --I ~·ya c I c J ConoplcuMy ' "· II. I Freih & Lea11! I L...---~------J iillii'ifT COOiiEf"::::.GE -3 5c=. '· • . ..... c c . c . ' ' • PREAM POI C0"91t •v;:z. 29c SUNSHINE KllSPY -1-LI. PKG. CRACKERS aNOI --------~·COIN'llEAD UTE ~ CUT GREEN BEANS ln•kfnt of Hollywood Croonenl WHEATIES .:::::. ... 21· c 12.0Z. PKG. Challenp .SHced Amerian ·atEESE · : 1-(b. Pkg. Hormel Slkacl -6-0K. Pkg. IOLOGNA or PICKLE·PIM. LOAF ,' ,,. ' ---- .. HOUDAY FROZEN MEAT OI PIUR PIES Chicken, ...,, . Tvrby, Apple or Chenyl IUNOST · · LEIOIAIE MINUTI MAID PINIAPPll JUIGE ~%. ' CAN 9~ 2 ~ .19c . •I DOU HAWAIIAN-11li.OZ. TIN 25° MIXED FRUIT LIQUORS ;. Ctn. ., ' -12-0L Centi (CASI OF 24 ••• $2.09t) Al~n .,,,_, VODKA Pull Quart All-Amerlcln -fifth -RUBY PORT ht.ported ,,. .. VIN ROSE """ Fifth , T' ....,...., .... CDC0NUr CMI It'-. .... .. ., .... . .... ,... C11fd11 ••• ~ ••• ...... ..., ... • - •• " • PAGE I :,PART 1...:. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS WEDNESOAY,.APIUL 11, 1956 PERFECT TAR FOLLOW -THROUGH ExhiblUnf th• •me while at bat tor the local pr-qi ~,.' •IUl'ler9 19 Shorutop Bob Wh'tte. White showed his powffl' aJrud7 tht. ..._ by .wattiD( a pa.Ir of two-Dl.rPn la & •lns'-euttnr. -Stl,tt Photf> HIGH LEAPER -Tom Trootu. Bailor •anlty hirh. jwnJ*', hold9 beat Sun&et ~ mark th1-NUOA. He bu 1-ped. ovu tM • tt. 1,\ tn. mark. He la .econd &an. u top the e tt. IMlstlt. -lt&ff Photo Sailor B's, C's Capture Track Wins Jf.wpon Jlarbor Rich Bchoora l allol' • tlli.atl&ds C41pped thett MC-4 _, t..pe mMl ot u.. ~' 11-1•. trom Gardtn g'°" ...... etsht. ot1. Ule loe&I prep an1 )'ut:H'da7 anemoon whU. u;. a.tleu vnerged over lbe.t.qM ~L " J'• U.. Tar B 'I, It WU a Sood thlJlS' 9CJJ1-,. WU O NINE GIVES PROS NICE PICKIN' Another oraiira Coa11t College bf.llpl•Yct has turn· ed profe•lonal. Buddy Pierce. 11econd aacktr for Ed 1.&nt'• COii- ta !>le~a town team a nd a · ml!n1bf.>r of lUt. yellr·a Bue rilne \\·h11::h w6a. the Boutht'rn CIL)l.fomia JC eb11 n1p1onah.lp, bq alfntd a contract 11.-ith S..Una1 of the c.11rorn1a U•(Ut, L&ne r .. vraled. Jerry Rl<"e, OCC'1 No. 3 pitcher th1" aeason, h•• made the f1r11t 1lrlng with. th.a c1... c PklaMr Le•· sue Bollle, Jd&ho *l;Uad, Lane .. id. Rlce quit achoo! to l!Jgn with th• ctnciJmaU chain before J:uter Week. THE END . Mesa Town Team Has to Quit Co1ta 11~•1 tdwn i...,. bu dis~ded ~ t.o lack of flay- er•. It wu announced today by Manacer Ed La.lie. n. end of the diamond nine came siinday at Coal& Ml' .. Pack when only four perfonnera ah.owed up to oppo• lnn.dlnJ El Modena.. By calllnl' children. from lh• it.and• and filllnS l.n tor • frama tn right field himHlr. Lana managed to aeaembla a team for a !our-lnntnir exhtbi- Uon •&•ln~t J:I Modena. No acOn waa kept, but El Mockna won IL Butch VU!.eyard, lZ..ye&r-old Mkll'et IAacUer. ~k ovu at aeeond baH tor tha Muamen and turned 1n at 1e ... t ona 1pec- tacular pl&)". Lane pat.TolJed th• rich.l &Id. putun in th• fourth. Inn~ and pt one at-Mt with- out umallar .ii.her th• oppo- atuon or ~MmMlf. "W•'ll try to atal'l lb1 ltl&m ap.ln alter 9Choo} I• out." 1£ne announced. At that time, Lane hope. to have plenty of player~ Ora.a&! Cot..t College Pir•tH and Cl.lacb J:mll Nffml'• N -· pot\ .,lia.rbCC-lliP Bchld-Wl- or.1. befare tM flnaf event on th• ~ II Ui• mMt had de- ~..-th• nl&y, thine• would u .. been. dlauteroua. For on• or thoH weird thlnp that ------------,.- n•?W ~ CID th• clnde.ni did ,.......,. GOODLY LEAD TM;QlllldJ Uptweleht Tar re. lay lllmtbtn-Don Fn:drtck.t0n, Tori>' Roeac.h and Bill Buckland -butt\ up a l'OO(ll7 )ll!ad befort1 a nchor man Rod Wilton took civtr. Be bittered th• lead hl.1 teammatu handed him. But. eoinc down th• •tl'llllhtaway to th• ltni.b Une •. Wl!.t0n oonUnued areund th• curve ln1tead of on down th• .irall'hlaway where \h.• la119 ••alt.cl h1m. H1I boohoo ctlllquall!l.cl the Tar team. aad what Mlould have been an ..., .ta WN ao unU1ual de- feat. · OOMf'Ll;TZ aUULTtl KID BALL MAKEUPS SATURDAY 150 Expected to Attend at Costa Mesa Mor• 'the 160 bo)'.1 from I-ti M Of Sept. l, lllfle 1r1 u:~ed tG report to Co.Ila Me• Park . .1tart.illc" at ii a.. m. Baturday, tor U!.• lltJ1lor an•·• aumzaer .......ii ffOIT&Zll'• •J>tl- c.tal malleup day. --~-------~ .. -• •· • -"-..... -· n. ~ ,,..a. thfrd PH~). t :• lap ...... t. cl\• ded(lln .......,. H M~. 0 •Mi· OP tM _._...,. Newpart.. 8iJ1*-----------!."!!:'°' ..::!. l&l~ . TMlal'I A •IW '. -....,. .. n1,, , ..... .., s I at'· I kle' lo 4-t .. l... 'Garden Grov• ... .. Mer• la a aun.l-. IAq\M con• p Wat 141' .... IMi. .. I ~ flat. ·th• tlnal 'f'al'li\ty 1v1nt. ua. aii»n wu dead&ocketl I { / at •w-. Cltatll< .. ....,. lad I I I o(J thlt -,. for lbe S&Pora. HI T la "'°"*' ...,. ..... u,. .... O• T WA · 9Wpli 'Jato .. ON toot )pd. \ I I _.. -'"°" ..... ,_ \ \. _I I I froo\ .. ....,.. Gii.i)' to be ('roU.nd. ~ U. made. the hand-off to Nlqt1- .ti. a &ood yard behind hi• ~ • · · · .... \ \ I A WINNING MA.RO....,. ~ \ ' ' I '/I Niquette took over, ove.rbauled TAPE m•DNO i:noar -In tht. cue, lt'• Riveraide'1 Swarllin'g breaking the tape in • recent Eutern Conference run &t Orange Cout College. While Swartling copped the duh, on]y ip<:h .. oep· arated him from t he Hues' Lee Taylor. Winning time waa 9.9. -W&lly Pierce Photo WIN FOR~ -Bob Su~. folmu-Suneet League h&lf·mile,cbamp, wu tint for OCC iD their re:cent • trtancuJar with Fullerton and Rlvenlde. Su,.. hu -a lteody point-getter thlo track aeuon in the balf·mile event for the Pirate thin- clada of eo..11 Hlleoton Harper. -Wally Piorct' Photo hia man and bulll Up • fi~ toot marrtn btlfol'f! .paaalbe ort to AMhor man Dodd P-.non. PurllOn allov.'ed b.11 rival tp pull up beeid1 hi.I .1hou1der but bad enoui:h leoft to pour it on and pull away by a yud U be chuted the tape. 'Ib• U1ne WU 1 :30, wt the wlzl _. .. bued on HCOl'lds.-- ~um•' boy1 were unable to .1how any double wlru like Gar· den Gro\'e. bUl a 1weep of the UO by OU.1 Boline. Randy JOHNSON~. HOPKINS STAR FOR BUCS IN JC .RELAYS ~ Pffler and Bob DeLonl'. l,J1 'that order; Jeri HUU&rd'.1 flnt and Larry Castro'• third lD the mlle; Bob Vlllacrana and Jlrn Bath putting the ahot ona-two; Tom Troolen tnd Dodd Pear.on ty- lnr for fir•t in th• bllh jump, and the alJ important relay meant the ditrerence. JOHNSON'S NIW HOLIDAY .llONZI SIA-HOUIS . On.Dge Cot.It College' thinclada WoDDd up aeventh in amall achool 1eortng in the third annual Southern Call- !omla. junior collere relaye at Santa Ana JC Saturday. 'ft.9 8uC1 collected ls~~ pointa to finiah behind Ha.r. bor'I 118. Vanity re1ul1..1 : HIP burdle.1, Calahan ~G), ChrlaUaa.on (GI , Hopkin1 1 Nl, 18.3. 100, 8J'lyder (01, tie l\'lquette <N), Tyhurat IG), 10 t . •40. WeaYtt (GI. Be.rry t:-."), Martin (Nt, 53 4. S80. Bohng ( N,, Peeler I:-." 1 OeLong 1~1. 2:08.5. Low hu1tl- IM. Mander11eheid I G 1, Ml" re· dill!. tN /, Hopkins (N J. 213. 220, Mander.cbejd (G), Pearaon tN1. Niqul"tte tN). 22.t . MU .... Hilliard 1 !'>/ 1, Cooper ! G J, Cutro !NJ. 4.•7. H igh Jump, Tie Troole~ 1N) 1nd Peen.on (?<.'1, lle for third Rice iGJ. Ballew They're l••rtl The7 '''°''The oew '56 Su. Honu 1t11ed ia Holiday Broaze aad Spny White. Come in aad •ee them.. Nine great new modtll _, '° 30 bpi ' 'J' AX.18', BIG STRE'l'CH -When you get thoee clOBe outa~t first bue, Coach Emil Neeme'a initial cu.shion guardian• have to make that long atretch. Chuck Vandervort ahowa how it'• done with' the umps lookiD1 on. -Staff Photo Oultt.andJ.n.c per f or m an· Ce& lurned In by Coach Hue~t1.1n Harper'• .-pikemen came rrom wel1bt man Gary John.on and pole vaulter Sten HopklnL John· ion equalled the meet record ot 41 tt. • In. aet In 18~ by i.rry Holcombe ()f Banta Ana. ln wlnnlllJ' tha •hot puL .John.ton al.lo wll third In Ole . ...,,,.. Hopklnt nabbed nnit place in tha pol• vault while Bob Nor- man ot tha Plra tee tied t or HCOnd .In the hlah jump. On• national record. wu low- ered. 11 meet reoorda ah.altered and on• meet. record equalled durlnl' Ua meel. PUrr.cl' ~nd:a Under 1>9r!ect w•th•r eondl· lions, a rut tr-eek and llf.lft compeUUOo In au IYVlla, the lar1• crowd of traek tu.1 watchlid Cocapton'1 Tarter-low- er the natlon&L record ln the .,r111t medley. With W 1111 e --------------------------1.A.tt.tf'Mry, nl.IJon&l .JC record tiiold1r In th• llO runnlnr u- THE SPORTS WATCH By BILL pmr.rns It take. leas time to run a mile than it did 10 yet.n ag~that is, it you'R a le&ther-lunged young man. who haa devoted conaiden.ble 1:.imtr towud Jrlting in ahape to do & thing like that. AthleUo Director Ralph R4ild, who'• watched Orang• County prep m!ler.1 1"•1\op the dlata.ncl for Mime quarter-century, wu commenUnr upon th11 fact the olber a.. m. "Dolm't Ilk• many yeara ap wban lhe Bun.Mt Lu.rue ACOl'd few th• four l•p• '!VU around t ~... Reed com- mented. "Now you l")t to do It In 20 ffCOIUi.I let• to ~YI a chance." ..-.-.:.AL TAKES O\'E R cbor, th• Tarter-a bl&Md to th• wtr1 In the r.oord tlm• ol 4:21.2, •raat.nc tbei <tld mark of 1;27.1 ai.. Mt by • Compton rowwom• lie.ck lD 11160. :a..ldel MlUnf • new na- Uona.I mark, Compton ran away wtUt th• team trophy lll the Jur9 .ctlool dlvtJil.on M they out.cond U\• potent M L San 4.nt.c.ue .quad 1-t. to Ill point•. Loe .A.arel .. City Collel"I fln- labtd Wrd In th• 9Corln1 wllh •• lfti Jo<)inl.1. • BM.ALL 80HOOL8 aa P.,-k 8atW'd&7 if UMy wut to be detl111tal)' pl&M4 on a Dueball team u.a.-llWIUll_. and bav. not 71t attoi:led diamond tryout. thi1 1prtnr. 8Cl&EL"i llil:'l'·trP Should a boy mlu t.ba Orl- p....a byou.la ~ U.. makeupt 1n the amall 9Chool dlvtslon, Harbor .TC'• Se.ah&wU out.aoor· ed tbe Senta Ana Colle11 Don• M lo 117, Behind by only • ft\\· C!UrND.l17, "1111rton'1 Grady potnta wtlh one '•vmt remain- NMJ hu takea O....er when LDC. tll• Don. nulled aecond ln Newpst Harbor'• Tod WNt• th• mile n:lay to tbei 8<1!:11.- llf\. ott lu\. MUOL WAlt.,. -.ow+· ._ ........ ,_,,..,, Wt , •b+ pgi,D. a trnllman at OCcldental, duh-.-pT'l!ad wu too much to over- ed the dl1ta.nce In t :20 to eom .. Harbor would have had malt• the Cur'• Southern Call-to tlnl•b lu\ to lbl11 event for torn.Ia. t.radl and field all·atar the Dona to win In th• polnt llqUad. Al you'll remen1ber. that pe.rade. mark pve Tod the nalional While bowtn1 to Harbor. San-"Nton tbU namia, adllr•• land • num-ber Lo an adUlt -.olant.Mr of In loop competlUon, NH.I'• u.. MMWI prepun, alOflg bNt t.o date 11 4:27 with team- with th• rlMOll for mi.MtDe the mate t..rry AJTOue.1 far ~l'lind tryout.a. Thm he wUI be notJ-111 MCOOd •pot at 4:40.2. ' t1ed when to report fOI' llCl'ffll-I ro TOPPEllB Inf • .A.lllipmenl to a t..m wiU A• tU' .. bt1h markt In \h• th• depend largely OD •a.eAA--8unlM Lla(U• Co t.h1-llnder ~~~ th.a\ art. durinr tha .-ea• ::-°~r~oc;~:d;.r:~~\ 11~ Bo)'• alf.eo4lnr Ul• make-Newport'• btr boy, to date. Hit up.1 Saturday do not have to !in• e ft. 1iiln. effort, only the brine a glove, but may l! tlay second t1ma a Salim hea a&Jled wlah. Bat11 and Mila abould be over e fL et Newport Harbor let\ at boma. Ollly lb• older Hl(h. malt•• Tom lope In th• bo)'I, who make Dollbl•-A nlnu, hllh jUmp. Santa An&'t J•ck will be atlowH to UM metal BoM tral.11 at I rt. 3 1; In. cl•ta. Lul yeu moal of t.h"e Only other outlt&ndlnl' ahow- boy1 played with replar ahoaa ing made by th• Tar thJn1Jada wh.lla h!u lhan 25 per llVll wu in the 8IO relay, Takln1 _... rubber cl•ta. third plac4 to Banta .A.Aa and M.t.JJ&UP ft8!'8 Fl&llwton ef!orta WU a 1 :U .I pr&11\n wtu 1n th• dill.I.be-I medltlJ ud ~I• relay. JCach LISTEN lo tho Sheanon, Hunmill "Private Wire" KABC-6:30 P.M. Daily Mon. thru Fri. Market Quotation• ~clalNew. Bu.lneaa Commentary lntervlew• .,._ ... "' SHEAlSON. H4MMlll 6-CO. Kalti!Up lHLI tn bAM'ball abU-turned in by the qU&rt&t et ll)' 8aturda7 wnl Lllow clual-.,_._,.._"""'-'""......,-''""• flcatlon of th• boya acoord.ille Olen.n Buford, Oiarlle BcT)', ,.,....,.,Satt'-'C.....,.,,~ to ....., aklll and l[TOwlh. Tbt:y Dodd PH.raon and Tom NI· wl.D be pla.oed on team&: ae-quette. 3331 Via Udo H&r. ~ man rwuilne 880 ye1·d.I. the Done ea.ily outdiltanced the op- po91lion u Jim Oly1r ran bill two lap1 In 1:&7.e, Bob Coon raced to a 2 :0fl.O clocklnr. and Jack C\J[rler ran 2:G4.fl and John Ker.1haw raced t .... ·o Jap.1 in 2 :01.1. San Bernardino !In- ~ eecond to I.he Dona. 80 yarm bKk. DON DOING'S «G), Gambonle tGJ, fl-8. Bro.1d ln wtnnlnl' the di.1tance med-jui;np, Snyder lGJ, Weaver tG), South Coast Co. Newport Blvd. at %Srd St.· Barbor Z800 Joh11son ... ' \ . ' ' " ... ' ' " ' .. JI ley, JDfl Kocurek ran lh• 4•8. Wllklru .(N), 20-S.. Sh1.1t, V!J!a· Ltt Matbew.1 the 180. John 1rana (NJ, Bath 1N ), Hoyt Kf'rahaw the 1320 1n<l J11ck tG ), •!I-It~. Pole vault, Ball<'\\' C\Jrrl'r the n1lle. M1thew1 ran lG), Btonlo IN), tie Rice 1G1 up 1uch a lead racln& by to a and Mer"dlth !N), 11-8. Reli1}'. clocking or l :~7.2 In the 880 N (Berry, Burord, Niquette. that the Dona far outdilllanced lj';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; th•lr rlvala In Ulla event. II BUI Hammond of th• D 0 ft I took MCOnd tpOt in th• pole vault Saturday, pn:•inr the Ydnnlnr Hopkhu of Orang-e Coaat to 12 fL 9 In. Don welcbtanan D&w Whalen won HCond apot-I.a UN ahot put and tittb place In the dl.9cus, hi.I tint effort lll that event. Th•· Dons alto Wel!tl HroNI tn U\1 480-yard 1hulU1 hurdlea, third In th• 44 0 yard reley1. fOurlh ill U.. 1prin1 medley and ae<:ond tn th• mile nlay. ,~1 •• ,, •• \. ~!ELECTRICALLY e LET US HELP YOU e ST A'FFOllD & SON F.leelrlcal <loalraclon · 110 Wvenlde Ave. Ubor17 IWMf. NEW .................... -.,.. .. llO _,,_ ..... ---• C qi I " 12121 I $ '); .i -·· , .... _...__t.4.., .................. _, ...... . light·duty 4 wheel;dnve·truck r .. ,... -·--wlll -... fllo hid>" ~ or tab .. amm aa.ntrr .. -if ,_ ftllt • ... _ .................. ... ,..._ lw '·'-'-'"'· fw ---.... th ......... .... ......... ""_, .... ... .. ·~-. ...., ................ ......... .__ --•8 • l1c ""'1 .... 111• t. ........... _, .. , ---~ w ..,... ncwteud.JD .But ~ --i. 1ounc 1•t. Newpoct.1 Beach th• te1ta. ~ ..,.. .'191\ 1n1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I abUlty, TClltlll'W bt>'9 wlll be ulicned c~IT to tlilllr lle&rMt bueMll field. lom et 1 diiM tNck thil.t V,,. YIJU pHebr al iMd, romn, plm pod looka, .........._,., comfod-.... '• ,__, 'l'MI-~ftllhU.. nmd!I ~13)( 4:11&) b:lr- wh1!I dalw tnd: will brw ap di6:ult indea-Cll' ....Wy l'O tbrouP mud.~ and mow. And It mq be lt:W for • boll ol Matianar)' pcnrtft" -- ·~ ...... I ..... I.ft.., 11111 ... ,..... .... nekl• for aiwrun• JI&)' wtDJ be Jocat..i In coata M-. Nl!W• port Beech &l'ld Cdrona dlil Mar. You"D find thia lishHlmb' model a full broCher to --.... ,.... .. I ,.....,_ -..11111c; ...... ... .... ,. ....... ....... B .... uii.1 HJc11 burdl.., Smith fN). Suman (N). Sh&!•r INl, I .ti. 100, Buckl&nlll IN), Roeech (NI, J'ndrlckaon (N), 10.5. NO. JIJ'IOd IN.,, Rlce !Nl. Van 8.lcid• (NJ. 1 :n .1. Lov.· Hunllu. Wll- 90!"\ (NI, Ullanf 10), Henfkr- ahO\ tN), lt.•. 220, Buckland (N), R.ottech (Nl, 1'redrlck8on (N). 2l.a. mo, Han.on fNJ, xe- Tbe.1e wlll be bo;fl who for ••rkN• reaaon.1 wer. umbl• to r""port to the tryout c&ll'IP• held throughout th• Harbor araa dur- 1111' Euler Week. Rod MacMU- Uan, athletic director ot Haf'\Ot Bor-" Club, reminded that '°J'9 from New~ Be•ch at wtlJ • Coit& )(fll!a mUit. re5rt to. , 1----XinnQ.Jlil. Kakuda _ _(Q), S:t,3.t.. llll'h Jump. Lopea, (iifl, tlellur-lhcin £10'-IM "()mawtndt"J' t 0 I, ~'· Broad jump, Smith (N), JI~ (N'), HaMOD tN), 11• Ralll• (NJ, 1 :11.1. !AW ttwcn-. t. ,...,_It. "N .. bur)' INlo WU· Ntbl&Ck (G)i c:.dwaldW (N) .• -i.nbita 'GJ, Ue Oo1il lNJ and Ramsb&r(er CGJ, t•.& HIP WIUL&IM (N). Shot put. Hen· jUmp, Oll4W&lder tNl, U•....., nUD tN), BecMmp (N), Qoodal• Schllck-.mayer (Nl, . Burokar (N'), t.7-~~. Relay, Garden Grove, (Gl, Fedor tOI, Mill# (GI, 1-2. l :lS.t (Newport dlllq\lallfted). Bn:.d ~p. R01"•r1 tK), Mlw.ck °'" --.... ... '"' --. .. u.om and 11.000 a.,....cvw C•r ill ..s -ii.. ~it-to;IQ' •o~e.•• u 111 Ml~Sfl illiilC" a • , , jt-.,._.iiiwioiPl'l.,..--_,-...................... __ J'\n&l KOnl N 11, 00 Jt. (Q), n.man (NJ, 11..0. Pole wHlll o ...,.~lat 1~ Morrlaon IN), -rault, Floyd tO), 8l* put, a.. ILU1IUO& ft.&lllZI' Mee\IMll• (NJ, no711 10), Jt.f . ter (0), Yo.tltoktin (0), ~ ..._ ....., °1{11 100, Fl.em•n ~Nl, U.. Ra,-tta lN), 4t·'l\ti. Relay, N (Mc.<:u• tall ll. C... Bii~ (NI •nd Peterman (N I, 10.•~·~·~··~·~·:-~'"'.:'":~~·~Ro~·~·~ .... ~M~·~~~-~~l~·~===='l'=-== ... ==·=-~~~~~~':iiii~~~ ....... ._'\& \Q), .A.U_, ,j,N~ 61.&. TJMJ. HOnl M ~ QQ ,• •• ••••n•o••L" T-CllS ,.......,,.... -aoealQ..-.~ LOU REID & AllOCIARI ----. --·--------11 • ~&0880 SHOWS HOW -Registration started this afternoon at Orange Cout College for the gold technique,.cla.sa open to Harbor area adult..e. Coop- erating in the courae will be local golf pros. Here, from left, are Ray Rosi, OCC mentor, and Jay ,Nunnally, Sant& Ana Country Club. -Ga.ry Glenn Photo BIS FISH FOR SMALL FRY J'rom lert, lA front of a pair of aa11"8b, &no Hu&'h Hutaon, BobbJ·HW a,n.d Hilliary Hut.on. H\leb. and Hllllary were the lUCk7 &nfleta, ~ the bl( 'UNI ftll• Yacatloning With U'l•lr H1rbor .,... puenta at Acapulco, Mexfco, Papa held UM> po19, bul lhe kidl ne1ed U'lem lD themtelYe11. BIG ARM FOR THE BUCS On the 11trl'.lng r!fht arrn of \Vayn" Coughtry r1ciea the fourth ~tra lcht Eaatern CWl:f•rtnce ch11n111ion diamond· hope1 of Orana:e Coll.St Colle~. Lut yel.r, Coughtry toued 11even wlnl. no Jol\&e.11 for the Buc1. Thla year, he blltf!eif P'Ullerton wtth a no·hltler. -Eugene jler Photo . ACTION ON PREP UPCOMING PLENTY OF ATHLETIC F!lONT Upcomlng baaeba.l.1, .11w1mn1ln(. tennl1 and track e\ent1 tnvolvl"I' Ne...,·port Harbor High School promU. lo kttp local preµ athlete,. huat11ng r~r the ll<"l't !!lg ht daya. Tomorrow. Nt'wport'a \'a r111ty llnd junior vat.111ly 0011 cluba and tennh1 team.11 cluh w~th G11rdrn Oro\'e In Sunut League compellt1on h!!re, lhl·n hmit Or11ngt' 1n thr two apart.a Mond.11y artern'lon. S11.turUay, Sallur spik eiit~r~ Jl>lr· Uclpate in th" .11.nnual Chafft')' niet•t. ?.fund1y n ight. Coath Al ln\'in'1 aqu.t 11.C!!.ll trttveJ to OarGen U rO\"I!, Nt:i.:t Wfflne.11day 111.el"ll()Oft the TIU' 1pl ... h· er1 entertain, 811.nta Ana !n F1tzp.1 trl1·k !.fen1or!11I J>O('I here. Apnl 19 the bucball and tennla ~quad" tra vel to .An1he!m while t he NewP<Jrt thlnclads an~ .11.;hcduled at An1helm April 20. COACH CLINIC DOINGS Diamond Mentors Hear Babe Ruth League Head-. / -./ FrAGllNSTlRGO Sunsel '-·Sailors Alm Go Here Tomorrow as for 2ncl . Vlc:tory After aplltting • pair or -Lequ• ....... Ooacb Emil Neeme'a Newport fJt.rbor High School Sailor 1'lug· gen train their batting eyes on MOOnd. loop v~orr o! the baseball eeaaon againSt ·Garden Grove'e AiTonauta here tomorrow afternoon. Game time 11 3 p. m. at Cmta .Me&a Park. 'ftle Neeme knockers defat· ed Banta Ana ln the ..uouJ opener Mn. then dro'pped. Meo ond 01.1Unc to UM! powerful Ful· krton Iadia11• the1' prklr to _.: OrMn p. &er1eron C. Lo~ ' •tam lb, Danl.t 2b. Bud Tbompaon Sb, Bob Whitt M. Oeorre Mabee lf, LarrJ Wt.rla· mont cf and Bill i.m• rr. &uter V11C&t1on. I ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Guy Oretn, who copped the l 1 op.ner •ratn.t the Saint., prob- • ably Will 11.art for the Gob pnr. However, pllchlnr really Isn't I the problem for the Tar tap· pt:ni. H 1tlin1 ha.a bt'en the vital Old Eatabllahecl inaaranee Al- All llnea writ~. HOWARD W, OElllWIH 1808 Npt. Blvd .. Cotta. )I-. PHONE t.mr.RTY 1-llll llASH FOB BEBOEllON ....: The cbunlty Sallp< catcher waa a ball ot tire ag&inat Oce&naide'1 nine l&at week. Carl craabed out three atralrbt hit.I, in· eluding one double, to pace the Tar tappeN to a 8"-5 triumph. Replacing three-.year vet Dick Klrko- vlch behind the plate La big job !acing C&rl -SW! Pboto ltMi -the lack of ll. that IA.1:~;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::====::::::~ Ocea.MLlll! provided the local lacb with a chance to Wrpen up I.heir 11ttack lut week. Still, 1. b&tch oC aeven error• actually -..,..------------------------1contr1bute<I tu the l•O lrlun1ph rather ttu1 n the alug1lnr .pt the N<SWpOrt nine. H .ARIOR BILL PHU .LIPS, Sports Editor Cat.chez· Carl S.,rceron came ur w!Lh three blc blow1, one a two-bil.gg"·· and S.C:Ond Sacker Roy ban1"1 wit. tbumplnc away In fOOll 1lyle. Bo Neeine fig~ urea If he can cet Ftret Backer PaUI L<Jr.,nt&esi'a obvloua pov.•er uncorked. hl1 boya will be cap- able of knocking over any lea· cue oppos1t~n. On tn., other hand, Coach Herb H ill ot tha A.rconauui uy11, "\\"e've cot a cood ch11.nce IE THE GREATEST GUY IN THE WORLD ... = @ TAKE YOUI FAMILY •• 2Ji!! TO DINI VILLA MARINA NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I· PAGE 9 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1956 to beal Ntwport and move up 1:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;; b<:hlnd Anaheim and Fullerton." Probable atartlng Jlneup ror lhe T11..r11. baMd. on Third Sacker Dave T11 n1ur11. cr1pple4 'A"llh 11 1 110re ann, not belnc able to ., BUC SPLIT DIAMOND PAIR WITH CHAPMAN PANTHERS· HENRY'S 1'he Arl,tGCta& la Sp&ftlM Jo"DOll ind F1~ 8tffk• Before returning to Ealltenl Conference competition at San Bernardino xea)erday, Coach Wendell Picken•· NEWPORT BEACH * ('OCKTAll.8 * Orange Coa.at College pokers back into the awing of 2.:.~o c:-11 11.....,, Ph. u g..9008 things by splitting a Saturday double-header with Chap·f==== man College on the Me .. camj>WI diamond, e e e e •••• e After the foe defea~ th• on ju.at In Um& to cet atu.ck Buc1 8-3 In the t\rlt tray, with the lou. • Compklt! • Pick'• defendlnr EC l oop HoweYer, Leich made up . INSURANCE. cham.,_ came baek to corral ror It 111 the ..econd conte~t. the 1ec011d 10 7·8 la an over-He came on In n.llat of itartt-r • and Bonds tlme. Jim NewkJrk ln the teventh. St::Rl 'JCE Held to Ju.t four blns4t1 ln With the tally ~t e-e. e the opener, the Ill.Kl ba.aherl the Buca e&pt~ ~!II!} riYal brok1 looae tor 11 blOWI ln the mound w lldnt.' for th& el1hth • John Leahy • • • 1econd, lncludlnc a -'\riple and iru11ng-win. double. W.ayne Coulbtry, Pick'• Butch Coopman 1trolled, Gene e e hill ace, tOIMCL lM tlrK tow-R&ina .tncled. Jerry Wa.)"t walk. %6" :Se.~rt; Bh·d. HARBOR 1549 Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR ·BOAT PATROL CALL SECURITY COMMDCIAL PA'llOL tri'nle1 Of t,~e tlnl ,..me I'd to load the cuahiona and Lee • !• Hour f'ttone Senice • Kl 2.:JOif' Dick Nyberg, se<:t ional director of the Babe Ruth aJ'll}ni! Cbaprnaa and ~parted fil!ber waa plu111;.-d ~ the pe· ••••••••• League, appeared at 1.1onday night's summer baaeb&lll~w~·U.~~·~3~-a~u~t.~Don~~Lot~1~•;.;""~"'~';;;'0~1a:;~"':O~u:;;;n~d_;c~oo:;pm;;;;on:;~·~'~'~~~·~=~:..:~;:;.;:.~:.;:.;:;.;;;~~~~~~~~::::::~::::::::::~ coaching clinic at Harbor Boy'a Club. He dil;cua.ed the loop aet-up, answered questions relative to the loop and showed films on Jut year's World Series. In other bu1lnr1U1, Co•c.h V.'~n· deli P icken• nf On•nge ('o•"t jlhrow lHn 11\l\'flnce a.11 long u Colle1e'11 dercndln11 1--:ai1tern plt1yl'd 11P''11 Conference chBmp11 wrnl Int() The urn pu .. Hl ch1trge 11ha ll tectlnlc.11..l det1ulll l'l'garll•ni::: lh!! h11ve the n1o:ht tu rort'&it sam•• double play combination cuvei· tn the non-orfendins 9id1 la lng dut1e1 of 11ff:ond bi1..Je and event or lie..:kl1ng rrol1l p&rant.I lhortatop. . or play1r.11. The Cl111o1 C committee aub· ,.~nz 8 l'B8TITtmON mltted ptupo!!etl rule.11 for th111 Other C rule.11 : Bu. dl9t.a.nc41, .. ..-'a kld dl.amOnd r1n.•uit11. 45 rt. Pll..chinf d111ta.nc1, U ft. Later, C coacbe1 will make fin-A team may u.w eltber Dine al decl&ion on rulea change11 11ui.:-1 o r .JO pl1yer.11 u ionl' .. boU!. 1e1ted by the con1m!tttt .. Chau -t•·llnlll hll.ve .11a1ne ad"!'Dt&I•· manned by Luke Dav11. the J•zee 11ub.tltitution allawed but Opening Spacial , Opening Friday, Satur~ay Sun. -April 13-14-15 I I I I I DIADEYE -------------!committee '-compo91!d of Bob , boy 111u,,.t t.al only once e1·•h Hartley. Jean Erw!p, H e1·n1a.n nn1n1. Tf'lln. may h.11\e only EUBANK'S SERVICE Mob Sh-ows TRACK, SPLASH SLATE FOR HBC Toedter and J im Carroll. nine meo up , at-h lnnlns. Thi• Rl'l.I: SUOO:E81'IO:r<.'S ,.hn11nateJ1 th• ,,.alkovrr c111ne. Commltt" Ndallon.11 In-tr pla;v. It nine ml!n appur at the -plat• In one 1nn!nc MM1 • Kea E ubf.nk. owaer Products Ir Llillrk.tlon ~~n11irr~usaro1n'1l'vY<e•.T r.77....--ir-----tt * AT YOUR FRIENDLY MOBILGAS DEALER . Corner of 17th St. & Tustin Ave COSTA MESA • Fre.e Gifts EOR " ALL I • ! .,._ .Ride Oii .... "Molll'~ Mechanical Ryi119 Red H-· • Safe Fun fo.r the 1Dddh • 3 FREE DOOR P,RIZES Como ID DOW & l'Pier for ..... No o~ e ht l'rln "D.-yer. =~AlllwtiLC_ofhe Mn•• e 211d Prln 25 Ga._. Molllt• . • Jrd l'rln "Lllbe" & 01 C:•···· SET OF 4 OF THESE GLASSES FREE rua::1:. or -I GAL OF GAS • Featuring 1'Mobil 11 .Fttilllyl s.twdlly, .. ,,, 14..,, e FREE MOTOR ANALYSIS e TIRES & BAmRIES ... WITH SAWE April 11, 19G8 Newport ~ C&lf. tlJ>oa't eee wily tbe pl- n&ee bad to bave .a tDe f• l" oar Dick BlchaN, . JOtrer drill ln b.u4 atan- ed dlgtag • bole .. the bladl top la our froat Ca.."~= eoaldtl't have found fll tbe ba.riecl tniuare . . • Alld we won't dig jaat oae hole ••• we'll dig tea ... la dtffereat dlrec.SO... ..• Aa1bod1 pt a traetorf" FASHION -FOOD -DOOR PRIZES Now the treuure we were looking for wanted to be found • . • It had beard we were giving a Fuhlon Treuure Hunt next Friday the Thirteenth So what did all the beautiful dreasea, ohick e119embles, s m a r t •uita, PY patio frocks and come hither bathing auita do when they heard our heavy artnlery under them ••• They t~r1 down off their coat en and . . . Did you ever bear a dream walkinc f Well. we did ... In fact we bu.lted all our ...... eoanten aenaltlzed to pick up anything de-lovely enough to llhow at our Fub- loa Treuu.re Hunt ••. Our motto, if it hm't worth dig-cmc for, it lan't worth look-tnc at . • • Should you by any chance be ahopping in Bldwel.1'1, La Reine, Vaga- bond HoWle, Shabara, Jo- en'a, Lido Fuhiona, Jeri'• o! Udo, Shaddock'• R~e's or Barrow1 thw week and eee a b~ hole in the middle of the ftoor ••• You'll know the 11. 8. <Jbolee QmlJt7 98 T -BONE STEAKS ............. ·-·······--····-··~··-·-·-·······Jb. c FultJoa treaau'"-preMDted by tJul Udo AppaN>I 8bope, 1 :IO P.H., Frtd&7, mMler the palm1., at RJrh· ard'L Relax with a bot cup of eoftee and a freth plete of eake, a.keel and eerved (for Ollly a 11uarter> b7 the Nl&'llUnpe Obapter of UMt BOAi' Mwoor1aJ AuxUJary. 8p1U1 and 8UIDJ!Wr fullJon wUI bfl shown by ~· •• Joea's , Lido Yuhloaa. S!laltu<'k'., Ruin of O&llfonlla. \"ag&boad Rome. IUdwelJ'a, Barrcnu, ~ AM leri'a of Udo. Make ti a da~ to lum& few IMllloa. Ua1a F~. wltb tM Udo 8bope. a& Bk:ilaaN'• Ude lla.rUt. PORJiRHOUSE STEAKS .--··· ... lb. 98c v. 8. a.ob QaaUtJ 90c CLUB STEAKS --··-·····-······--·······-·---·····-··A o- ....... De.llyf 29' GROUND IEEF -··.._ Eade Aa Cut-Frfth Eutin1t 45' PORK ROAST __ Jb. Ratb Blackhawk 45' SLICED IACON .Jb. ~n •. • Time for the Fuhlou Treua:re Bunt 2-S p. m. J'rida7 Afternoon • • • Plaee: Oat la fro•t under the j)9hm • • • We are even movtag our organ "* to cm wtth the dream m.ac • • • Tabt.e., daa1n Md refrlebalmt. ••• The ~ Cbaptw of ... S... ..._., Aa.x· 111arJ will llerft eo1fee ud -. ••• The proceeds of wbirJa wm ~o toward i h e I r pet pbllMltb.roplc pro~ t.be Tumor Board of iM. BoepflN • • • The eakm wtll aD be home bekecl bf tbe NlgbUupJes ••• Now where el8e but at J01I lmow wbk.h mar- ket eoald yoa 889 a fuh- loa 9bow, tit and eat home 1llAde cake and coffee, ...._ to orpn music and .. • .une time .belp a ""'7 wol't:117 m1IM all for a ~r -Door prbetl tool l'rom all of our Lido Shope.. Found m.yM1t 10me buried treuure .and I didn't have to dig for it! Now drink thJa. beca\l.98 it is a very tint •.• Minute Maid Froz- en Tomato Concentrate ..• not proceMed like you ar~ Wied to in a can • • • Thia new tomato concentrate llel'Vetl you four different wa.y. ••• For treah tomato juice add 3 c&n1 water ... P'or freah tomato aoup, add 2 tt.p. four to 2 tbep. fat and brown a little chopped onion. then add can tomato concentrate a n d 3 cans water .•• For tomato sauce you add only 1 Y2 C&D8 water • • • For tomato puree add on17 1 can water •.• Brand New I To the flne quality coffee fleld I Bo Bost -A 8 Blmlded COFFEE lb. D&rtco•d 5nc FRESH IUTTER. .... ---···························Jb. 1- Kellon'• New 29c "K" CEREAL ·---····--········-· -·············~ OL Baat'• IARTI.En PEARS .......... : .. SMepberclm'• BrMd ..• the ortaiMl from t b e BWaop au~ la Bishop. But'• Baoe7 2 35c Cla1Uon1a • • • antvee by PORK & BEANS .,_ • • • r y WedlM!lday ··-··-·--~°' 1~ '°" atpt ••• We haw bad = ~ for thJa ~· 23c DU big lat road CCC & •I! ANS loaf of wb.lte bnad that ~ ---·----·"~ -. ertea to be tona on la big 1111.ab ucl ....... . • . \ s--... 'JOc =:r ~ •--:..~th! c1NNAM0N w AFERS ... -.... -11 OL ,, - .· FRF.SH PRODUCE F&ncy, Hedlwn, All-Greea Spean 17' 4SPARAGUS --·...lb. Lundl·Box 8be, Fue7, Bed Delldoue • 2 25' APPW··········-··-·-a.. · P'rMlt, Crtap, Solid o,.,. "' CAllAGE -·--·--A DELICATDSEN J4.rl• -FrMla S.tbeend CHiCKENs 5179 _ .. e.cll o.c..r Jla7er All Ilea& 45' FRANKFURTERS .. lb. Oecsr .._,..r 45' SMOKIE UNKS -... .lb. FROZEN 8unkht 2/33' OR. JUICE ....• OL Kold IDllt FRUtyrTPIU or 49' ....... u or.. lJbbf'• Cl'flme 8tJ1o 2/27' GOLD CORN iooa rAm!S·to 2/27' ....... 11 oa. • lJbby'• Cllq 27' PEACHES ........ .so. 1~1 Ubb7'1 24' TOM. JUICE ······" oc. u .. ,.. Qardn 2/35t PEAS -· ..... .No. IOS u..,-. La9di 25t TONGUE ·-···-·---. OL • Dfet S--t-8ah·N ~ 29' PEACHES __ No. Ml Diet 8WNt-llal ... Bartlett 29' PEARS -·· ·-······ No. Ml BAKERY MFFiNs 6/33' u .................. ~ 8~ 37' APPLE CAKE __ .... Frw.111 51' IOYSl!Nl'RY PIE-. ..,,... Oatmeal IREAD iOi.15 .Ola-= ··-6/21' Oloeolate Malted llllk 17' LA YER CAKE _ .... oada ON A DIET? See our large selection of foods for re8tricted diets. Section 8 Grocery DepL Sugar-~ Salt-Free and Hea.lthl ood.I old 8beepberden eat Jt .Kai ... .. ..... •to J 41"'" .......... .., um b,.... HORSEMe &'J -wtll bep "fw a M)ie of &Ill -.-.. --11 ... for 1---WMb •• y AIMI If ~,.a GIMi--~~~ ..U It _.. Wore all Bw7 ... •1 Ute ....-1 2 25"'" DWI 8wttt-Wlllppe4 Mlad 171 DRiSSING -·----·• -. ear loml Sporia n.a.e... •ftftW Marc ES -..... srab It ap .. n.. .vvn "' H ·-·---•• to• d&J' or 1'1'14&,J JW we la luau.a ... Diet 8wM't-8tn""'"7 29' NISDYES _ _.,~ "' IPY.CIALS FOR APRIL lZ, ts Ii 14, 19.'SG FOOD HART OF THE LIDO SHOPS! SaH. tu coUfl(t.ed on &ax.able lt.e.am • ,WF ijARBOR ~-PRESS • . . . ~ ' .... ~1 ... , ' - • • -- • -.. -- ' ·1 LA.tJNOJIER SDJTION -Ma&Sive launcher units ani beln• aa.sembled in the motor pool area -of the· NIXE aite, Set. First Class Edmund Bl&n- chette (right) superviaes crew working on the launchers. Otlier ml11ile plU'ls are . seen ~ far background. Harrowing equipment at end ot crane on left ia being used to clean up the NIKE .site of weeda &nd other debrie. Like all good Army po1ta it muat preeent a trim appearance. ASSEMBLY ABEA -'!'be guided miaaile ito<lf will be uoemblecl In a portion ot the hue just ·off Harbor Blvd., Coeta Meaa. Equipment will be 1tored in these Jigbt.lftigllt .Jpmjnated wood a.nd canvu covered Ja.rwway huta, a venion of, <>Id quonaet hut. Erecting the temporary at:Ncturea arc (left to ri'bt) iy .. J)onald Wolf ran, ,Pfc. Larry Mallery ,..,d Pvt. Robert ZoreL TABO.,r TRACKER -One of the "IJ\re..radani in the Nike oystem la tlae track· 1nr radar which picka up and tracks the tucet a1 it approaches and feeds information regarding il.8 locatiop . apd . movement in lo the computer. Sgt. l /cl Laverne Kriebel (on steps) in.truct.a Pvt. Dearl McCauley In i~ opt:ration. Guard is Pvt". Joe Van Ouderkerke .. • , AIRCRAFT BEWARE -SP-/3 Graham R. Woolston -adjust.a -acquia.ilion or aearcb i-adar which detects the &pproacb <>f diatant &ircraft. This is one of the most important part.I o! the ground co1ltrql equipment. The acquisition radar contt.1uo\aly searches the Bkf. -Staf(Photoe by Leonard Sargeant LOl'S OF POWER HERE -Warnnt Officer Andrew Jeter goes over operation of the giant control unit with Pvt. John Chiapelone. lnaide of the trailer which containa power generatoni la not open to public. Thia ia pa.rt of the battery control area. • 8llOUlll'l'l' NECESSABY -Although touts of the NIKE guided miuile bue, lOcated on i. portion of tlle old Sant&...Ana Mmy Air Bue will be given the . public when eetting-up operalione ue finish~ . liecurit~. ~f'etl., ue ~ll neceuary aince mutb of the NIK§: 1ystem ,. •till clu&it1ed eecret. Heading the ~urity fence party trom Battefy D is Sgt. Walter ~wlette. A jack h~­ lml' oa Uae bw:k N ri&bt fottea UM fencing materi1l into the (rOu.ad.. nBE norrJC'l'ION -Sft. Trottie Smart Jr .. motor .erp&Dt. fn1t>ect11 motor of fire tn.lck. a nece•uy piece of equipment around the highly l«hnlcal Nil<E lite. In the background J:Uided m1 .. 11e Jauncbln( equipment Is being unpacked '"an4 uembltd. Wat.er is provided by the newly orpn. ized a.ta Meu Municipal Water Departlnt!nt. J ---- .. ' " . ' • -. I ~ • ~ ~-,1 0 -Hi SCho~_1~~iii OUSEL, CLOWN and all-day 1uckera are equally entranclnr to thil trio of boa. younpten a• the ci.ptatrano Beachcomben Club children'• puty. Left to ~ght are Robln Redfield, Mary Renaker and Spencer Redfield Jr. -Terry Boria .t:s. William Tritt to Head ·~· Students Feted NEWPORT HARBOR . . . Aur.AA GU!LD -"'? .......... -!Umloldllp -lklll4&7 Ill tM -.MM Boya -ClubhOU81 at Ooota K• fm _.,lceo ot the Chmdl o! St, John th• Dtvtne. Here, in front ot the altar, are (1-to r) Jamu Scuddlr, acolyte: the Jlff. Robert A. Gn..er, -porary vicar; Mn. Henry Seeley, dlroctnM, and Glllid memberl .llmeo. O.Orp cloRouihac; J. E. Kahor, John K. lfahor and R. G. Scud- der; Clarence A. KcCoy, lay reader, and Tom Hulett, oeolyto. -Robert )(lllv Photo AT RICHARD'S MARKET Mrs. Viele Goes Treasure Hunt Theme on Trip East for Lido Shops Show t""ew Officers of Ebell Club -~-~~ May Installation, Plans ~~LI ;~r~~c~i::~~:•rk MRS. WIND'RED BA.RBRE,-Women'a Editor 8prinr and 1wnmu fa.ahlon9 .n. Nl1hUnp.le .t.wdli&Jy of "' ------------------------1 Will b9 lhown IA th• Udo lhopt Hoq Hmpttal will ..... COf• .Jtart.l.nl 'nlund.t.1 01S a twct or "ihrM moa.tU' T.e&tioa trip throu.P, Ute eauatry, Mn. Calla Vlt.1• ot llot llubor Blvd., Cot• l& M.-., wu accompa.nled by Kn. Jam• aeoor and Mn. LJ.J• llll1 BuUu ol Paaadma. Tht trip wU1 Ttttt trten~ and r tla• UvM al~ tll.e way u tar .. Charlotta, V• .. ak>nJ' th• Cana.. dlaA ~ and lhroug'b lh• aorUr.1..-m4 ot Ma.Ill• • ~¥. for Building on Agenda Anou:N::e~T~~~nr th• PAGE 2 .. PART I I-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS..PRESS :t.n~~na:;.7 Ll~d~et.t':~ ~ m= ~~ =: : : ~ lum:heon hour w u LaWTene• A. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1956 dtr th• p&lma. &I'd'• Karket. will tonn a b&ck-·r;: Ebell Oub of Newport Beach will have Mn. William Dyll.rt, m•mhflr of th• Rich-•'P'uhion ~· Hunt" la lrow&4 t or Ult Wade ot aaod· .,,., I Id f th 19•• •7 be f1•14 Oii Company'• oonHrva-1------------------------lthtm• tor th• ahow In which el&. ..-. Tritt u ta prea ent or e .,.,,....J aeuon, mem n lion d---rtment. H• epoke on ' ------------- . ,. bl""" h th -~ LION TAMERS ANNOUNCE the toUowtn.1 ahope wUI enter1· iff:ided at the April meeting. Election.o .-CJ t.d e lho nood of •U-~rth•••nr '"" mod"' L& "'"'"• , ...... Lido :Jirt,ernoon whJch a1ao featured &n amuaing and intormt.-law• on oll eon.eervau.on and Fu.hlon1, Bhaddoc:k'1, Rul•, Naomi Circle Meets Tomorrow ' • 1 ___ • puttlna' lnto •ttect unit open• ANNUAL MAY DAY FETE v bond H Bid 11' ~· program of menta~. anaiy1" and an exp~tion of uon. .:~ ... Dopa,:":~, ""'~; .. ~ ~qht lr&n1ferrenc• by Mo-Mr•. Vedder eald, and lbould be Next monlh't a1enda tnclud• ...... ··d ,,,1.,· ot Udo. ~" • --An I Jtant vi t Pl'ooffdAI from I.he &nn.ual May Day brunch or the Har· ...... ... • ........., 1e q eontu • directed to Mn. Jt.orer. or Mre. t. t.a &nd book re ..,,, .. t or "('O:~Mrl. Nlcholu J:S,rettner pr .. Boylan. May a at th• IA(lon clubhout.. bot' UM Uon Tarn.,. wW be ~vtn to the Ca.rl Ha"ey 11DM at the bu.eln... 1eulon Mr .. Byron W•lll, recent put Koete11 dull•• tor lbt. occulon .cbool tor ez9pUan&I.. chUdren, accon1Lnc to Mn. Sam Mtmbtr1 of NM>IDI ctrcl• of th• Newport Jb.tbor LUthtran Afttir •ta)'ll lD. N tw York Olly, Wuhtnctoa D.C. and olh• er polDt. &loq tht .AtlanUo 11•• board. the ntum trip w1\l Jn~ elude 1top1 at Chlcaco, Detroit and a etay I.a the B lack Hill• of 8otlth Dakota. ~en oth•r• Mleeted to ""' pr••ldent ot the Newport club, wUl be ahand by th• four book Gaynor, pruldtnt. TM attatr wlll bt held M•y l at B&lbOa :l'jth Kr•. Ttttt wen named. hi• been n&mtd tlnanclal NC· HC:llou. Th• re,War meettn1 a.., Qll.b. ·fi... includ:'t MmtL oeor,.. retary ot lb• newly formed Or-dat• hu been pmtpoMd unUI , Pl.mi £or the brunch ,,.r, compleled when memben .l'Ooper and,. William Gambl•, t.n&"• County J'edtraUoo ot. Wo-May 10, In order that otncen ~ and MCOnd Tic.-pretldota; mt.n'• Clubt. BH Jut.allaUon may attlnd th• •lat. ttdtraUon m•t at Ult bome at~ mdWa.rd Bedlqer, 3&e H•-.l Drlv1. ifon Tel• and Robert J.. Tr•m-wlll take pl&ct at tbe ttnal conventLon to be held 1n Berk.. Harbor merch&at. i... rtnn many prl%.u which wtll be ~y. reoordtq and correipo~ mMUnr of th• old dlltrtct no:t ley. Miuic and drama etudent• awarded. Mrw. 09M l.o'Njoy and Mr.:.• Ha.rry Tr1n• an .p.: eec:,.ta.rlff; 'nlomu L. lAt:' week at the Jllver.elde Mluion from Oran1• Cout pone11 wW In charp ot t.idttU and N111rvaUona. -:u;-tr~; O.Orp Stricker, Inn. 1lv1 th• tln&I. prorram. Mn. 1--------------------------'#Pnclal aecretary,; )'k)yd ... Mra. Robert White; of Uw Bull PaterllOn, chairman, ID• ;a.JI, _..,., Jock Boylao ~ J=l0< Eb<ll will ,,.,_., tb4 ""'"""'· AT HIGH SCHOOL Uon wtll t.Uie place at Ult pear Wtdn41-'<lay 111 1 tuhion 1------------------i OiM:, directon. Their In· Hnlor club when th• wt.II a~ -------------1 meeuns. Nomlnaltnl' com-ahow,. a bl(hlll(ht ot th• fedtr· County PD K'S tta• women were )(m1111. C Uon Unc • 111; DoU1no, Hoopa•. •· E. ""'· • ~ .. ·FES.,vAL Elect Off1"cers ;M. R. P. Buts and O. W. More lb&n 17~ w .. cleared •).9ijtcbl• ,,.;;., . ON BUILDING from the aprin1 taUl'&l. M.rt. ~:i:. comprehtMlv. report on mGam0 .... b!•:._mm"",.",:! .... '?......_'' '•"•-~ Following • 1teak dlnner a t --.... • ""' oa.... ~ Ora.n1a Coe.at ~11111• membtn 141Ds plan. wu &"Inn by clOMCL From thll tunde will be of Phi Dell& Kappt., naUonal J!P'&. ~: e!'~ h:,ad:~,: drawn for .c.holanhlpa donated honore.ry frat.rnlty, enjoyed • :tomml to ou.t•1tandin1 miuic and dra-film on the 25th Bltnnlal Coun--,!" A. Roc•r•, Boylan, Will\•111. ma otuden•-at Orur• C011t <II m••""' hold at Bloominr· ,.j, l'lahtr and FN«nan Ftaher. .. •• &ADOUDCed t.b&t Herb Brow-COUe1• and tor a nuraln1 IC.ho!· ton, Ind. 11.tll bU been d•t.lcnattd u ..,.. arahlp. 'Qle annual tl.c.Uon or ottt· • C!hltect tor the projtc:L Suire.. Ntw attlllat .. of th• club tor cert for th• Oran.re County :uon. from m.mbert of the cen· March and" April Included Mme .. Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa wu "•ral club Will be a ppreciated, Clyd• Johneon. D. M. Onitt.n· held wi th UI• tollowtnr ott1cer1 • btr1. I . T. WUllana, Tbomu elect" to Nrv• tor tha com· , E. Cromer, J. I:. Oenhart, MA· Inc year: Fish Fry bl• Watt.on, I.eater J , Newton, Prttldt nt. William Middleton, C. G. Dowda, Norman Buck, lnat.ructor at Newport Harbor Bophlt Seymour, ~. Ellm Kiah School; vlc• Pruldenl, at St. James Je.cobli, Henry J. Bthn. J_ R. Ewald Kiiyttr. dl11trlct •uprrln- Entry Dates for Harbor Art Show Increuing each year in 1lu and excellence of en- tr~ the Newpon Harbor Art Exhibit, now in its 11th year, will opto to the public April ZS on a. four-day ehow- inr .. Artilta. both profe11ional a.nd non-profeas ional, who wilh to aubmlt their oil i.nd/or watercolor a.re reminded to do to bdON April 11 at ell pick-up •t.a.tioM or be.ton April 19 at th• hip .chool. "Lan<Ucapr," a dtl!caJ.t ly colored ablltre.ct ot •weeping: dt1lrn. Rh· .. wu t. t tudenl 1.l UCL.A 1nd hu 11lnce tnle rtd olh•r ex· hlbil.t In the Loi Angtlui arta. Ropr Kunu., art ln•tructor at Claremont. &:rlpp1 Collt(t , won Notable Show to Art Open Church will pRp&r9 .crap-;;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;=;;; booO ot Sunday llCbOOl plc:ltun1 du~ lb ... lr Aprtl DlMtlnl ln tba church pulab boUM tomor· roW at i :ao p. in. o..ouan. Harbor Rost Memorial Park M•••' au ht.ennut OardMa, Otmeteq 'TM A.mvtcan 8C:INI," a vut wW " IMd by Kn. J , II. Mc· 200-yKr p&n0n.ma of .A.mtrlc&n Cluley and t. bu.an ... tnetUnc pa1D.tl.af, will co on dllplay at wtll be conduct.s by Mn. Wll-111.rbor at Glaler the Lot A.n1elu Munlctp61 . Art 1 ;11~am~~C.~m~o1~1~, :~P;;;~·~·~~~t.;;:;:;;;;;;~';;~~:;;~;;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;~ Gallery In Ba.medal! Park, 1849 N. Vermont Avf , bt(lnnllll ORLO T•AYILM IJI SllllS 'llSIMn April 18. Thi ahowinr or more "ADRIATIC HOLIDAY" •,0 .• ~ APR . 16 the.ti. 100 palnttn11 from private YU0081.AVlA'8 DALKA.TlA.'i C0A8T and publlc co1Jectio111 wUJ •lMI mark tht lnaua-uratton ot a con- tlnou.t, year·around pror ram for uee of tht caltery under Mllni· clpa.I Arte Commlatli;in 1pon.10r· llhlp. Palntlnfl by auch world·fa.m· td arU1tt u John Copley, Gii· bcrt Stuart. Geor1• I n n e 11, Jame1 Wlllttler, Albert Ry_dtr, Thomu Eakln1, Frederla Rem· ln1ton, Mary C••Mtt. J ohn 81n1er 8ar1ent. Otorr• Bel· low•, Wlnelow Homer, Thomu Hart Btnlon and 0U'ler1 will be on dllplay. The •how will be open. to t he pubUc from :i to 9 p. m. Tuttday1 · tbrouch Frida)'• and from :i to :i p. m. S1turday1 and Sunday1 from Aprll 11 thrOU fh May 8. There will bt a nomlnal admlu lon ctle.rc•· A C:Of.Ot·"lM -lAl L 10llH50H, H..-r .... si •••• ;.~. Ct•.tiff, H.n ... ..t'lle• ..... MK.....i .. _,.. ... ; c1o1., •' 1.,. ,..,, '"'•I•"· l(.,c~l•, ll•i..ll•u •"4 lo.I.-. 6" !Joo<~._ Tic••h •••'°1 •I 111 .... HIWP'Olf 1'119" ICMOOl -Mc", ....... , l.JJ. IJI Norman c. Carlson, announces th e New Locotion of Hi1 Offic• et 2b I 0 Avon St. M.D. The 1LMual 1prlnr fl1h try Will be htld n urllday 1t th• pariah h•ll with memben1 of tht Brothtdlood of St. Andrew In char&"•· Packa rd. Marek Htaly and E<I l"ndtnt of 1chooll. San Juan Z11m. C1p11trano: lltc:rtlary. Robert Ueinr member!! of the •11dl· ! P11otttr•on, prlnctpal, L I n co I n tnce for dt1nonetre.t1on purpo~-end Locan Schoolll, Santa Ana; ,.h, J.togut pt:rformted thought t1 tee!urte r. R n b J n l>f ea I r~. tranferent?ea w h 1 c h brought 11n11tnn:tor, l luntington 8 t •c h 11mutd ga•ps from his "11811111-High School; l\'tw11Jetter ~ltor. tante." Humorou• and thought Dr. Norm•n Wtteon, eupertnt.en- proV{)klng were hit accompany· dtnt In cht.rlt of ILdul t and Inc remark.I. 11u mmt r education, 0 ran 1 • canv.... a nd w-.t•rcolorli hWll la. preotdlAI ahlblit., b&•• born• •lcnaturta auch u Rex Brandt, Delmar Yoakum, Phil DI.kt, Franc!• dt J:ardlty a.nd Emil Kou. Jr. the oll-paJntlnc prlu ror hit tn-Dr. ...... •• try "Plua SIU\ M•rco'" th.al •t· I &J?"ff with Rtv. • .. (behind the A..ll·AmeriCID Mark•t and Th• Mari.ntt't Ba.nit parkinr Iota) Mt mber1 of St. fl.large rt t"• Oulkl a re colltcUnc rumm•c• tor the aa.Le which th•y will con· duct April 30·lol•y .t at lha par· lah hou"9 •• a bitnttlt tor the Chun:b ot St. John the Divine. Co.ta M t ea, 1 nd eak lhat It bl delivered at the part.b hoUM by t omorrow. Donallon1 •NI .Ull b•- lnr collected by Mr•. J . D. Fer· S\ll()n tor the Bet.man•• lntU· t ut• at San Pedro. Bolh food and turnlahln&• are needed. "Women are more lntulllv• Cou t College: hlatorlan. Frank t han mtn." he ta!d, ··due to tht Mlltt. lnttructor, Hoovtr School f1ct lhty are more 1tn1LUvP Santa Ana. to lmpreulon.11:· Clairvoyance I• All membtra of Phi Dtlt.a not only conctrntd with tt'linr Kappa In Or11nj!"t County may ahead. but bchJnd. •• wtll. ht 1t tend the mttUnc• ot th• tltld 1ddtd. He cave t:oi:t.mple1 wh1ert ch•pttr end bPcome •ctlve mtm· thought or dreamt or contulta-btra. Notlcte will bt 1tnt an· Uon hav1 alft<:ttd llvu of 1uch :;THE SEARCH IS ON -Undismayed by the high w1nd1J or Euter Sunday the :..• youngeetere of Newport Ha.rbor Yacht Club and thei r doting 11arent8 •·ere out in force for the club'1 trndition1t l Eastf'r egg hunt on thf' brar h. Foll o'>'·1 ng t he hunt, prizes were a l4•arded the sklllful searchers 1n the n1a111 d1n1ng roo m. -Beckner Photo Adde to tht permanent coll...c· lion or pa.JnUn(e owntd by New- port Harbor Union Hi•b. School laet y•r -" th• wortu ot Paul G. Rlvu and RoJtr Kun~ The fonner artltt w .. civ•n the watercolor purch... 1.ward tor Gold Star Wives at V. A. Party Gold Star W ive• prepared ind ""~ luncheon to n dltabl..S v1terane from Loni Beach Ho. pita! at the Ja tett hotpltal par- ty, Unit 391 mambtrt .. l•tl.ai· , Mrt.. Mary 8ca1U. re<:rN.Uoa di· rector a t th• holipltal, ac:com- p&ftled tbt wten.N. Mr. and Kn. Don Mun.t0n Wok tha ruuta on a boat trip aboUt Ula harbor and Mre. O.Or1e Stewart entertained tlltm with piano mu.to durinr lu.nchton. Jl\.lld Joyner ll 1poneor1n1 tht next party on April 21 with Mn. Kenneth N. Johnaon "' cha.Jrman. Womui. aldLnr wUJ wear p y hat1 and O. w. 1\lcb- ard ht.a Mnl d~ratlona from Lido Market. Th• a!falr will be ln Ill J:uttr theme. lrar ttd pral..a of Dutil Halflrld. mace. th.at "there a.rt wit, hu- mbr, and •ft du r I n I" vivt.elty ch1lnnan of the jury, tor "tht 1 0 God' peoplt ." _ Mary eolldlty of dt•lcn •nd quality of ~ n• Eddy' Newport Beoch, Cali f. uoerty 8-7282 color and plcmtnl," · 1 ~~·~,~~:;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;:::::; Th• •prlnc e:oi:hibit will bf! !I juried lhlt year by Jte.n Bog-cs. W!llloam Brice a n d Howa.rd Clapp. Entrant.a n1ay submit their palntlnf1 to !ht !ollowlni- plck·up 1tatlon": TM Gibson's. Lt,cuna Bet.ch Art Ga.Jlpry, Long Beach Municipal Art Center and Bcrlppe ColltJ•· Heart Talk for Secretaries Membc111 and gu~11t.~ of the Ot'an1• Empire Ch11ptP r. Na- Uonal l41Crtt&rlP1 Al!AOClatlon (lntemaUdnai ), n1ttt111g April & t.t i.. Habra, htt rd Donald V, Mahony of Fullerton •pe•k- :n1 on 'You and You1 HP•rt.' I 1111 talk w-. 1 llu~tr1ttd with a , film, "Pump Trouble" ahown b)' I Nadine 8ymmt .. e:oi:ttutlve llf!C- nit.t.ry ot the Or•ng:e County Heart AeaoclaUon. Tht progr1m J culminated th• Hf'art Fllnd on.,.. philanthropic projec:t of I the chepter, KOltehte for t ht ,vtn1ng. 1 Mni. Q. C. Frl•by, St nta Ana. I and )Ire. Robert H11·b<'rt. An•-1 helm choe• p&ltel frOl!ttd c111d· lu for table ~tcoiauon.1 with t IA a.rt"Ulpment of pa!te pink camelllu at the head 111b1 ... -. OUT THEY GO! We Are Completely Closing Out Some Unes DRESSES • COATS • BLOUSES SHORTS • CAPRI PANTS • T-SHIRT.S l"P TO ALL GO at . .... ~500 s20 Values liP TO ALL GO at ·-------~000 s40 Values 1..--s50 Values ALL GO at -~500 ANOOVU ' ' BALTZ MORTUARIES Limited •uantltl,. .. 11h:tt1 and color Mlflcllo•• 1ulljttt tit l'ffll&lalas t.tNM .. ...., er thelloe lln,.. "'lllch _,, a n. dlJN'Onllnul•r • , • 8pedaj c.__..., oa 0.,1&7 " •pedal ..,e I'll.du , • , Sak only fr'On!I Wf!dnNday, April 1lt11 t•ntU1tl lla.turilia7, AfrU ltt-. C08T A au CBA.rsL 17U aupwkw A.Yt.11\M Co.ta ......_ caur. Phont Llbt.rty 1-2U1 ClliJ'ltt,. Bt THE SEA lllO & Cout Blvd. 0oraaa Ml Ma.r, Ca.Ht. PhoDt Harbor 4.2 ~=~~~ Nt:WPORT BEACH Harbor lMIA6 " • r · •·- -- NEWl'OAT HARIOR NEWS-l'llESS-PART 11 ·PAGE 3 l ST. JOACHIM CHURCH llOdal bah Charleo B. Retmier Jr. &nd Ilia bride stand with their-attend· ant, to welcome guest.I. The wedding ~ in- cl udea (I to r) Robert Stewart, Joel R. Leonard, • Mr. and Mra. Retmier, Mrs. M. A. Griffa and Miu Patty Retmler, aiater of the bridegroom. -SWf Photo KARILYN (Mn. Andrew Frederick) modela a yel- low frock, a favored-color this year for blondea, for M.ra. Burdette R. Harrison and Mra. Victor ~yre at a Cbef"e Inn luncheon. Just out of pic- ture, 11mall Louise Haniaon admired the dress too. -Terry Boria Photo Retmier-Edwards Wedding Held at St. Joachim Church Burke-Wilson Vow Exchange at CdM Church Newly-w eds Air Force Now at Horne 1n Alpine GIRLS CLUB THRIFT SHOP IS OPENING NEXT WEEK ' .. Re-opening of the Harbor Area G!ri. Club Thrtrt Shop, 2206 Newport Blvd., I• announced for Aprtl 17, Weekly h°'-11-will be Tue.<lay, Wednesday, Thund.ay and Friday afternoon.I from 1 to 4 o'clock: New atock hu been ot>- talned.. Donation. of all kind &re acceptable and rnAy be It.rt et lh4I ahop durtnr houri ot oper-1.Uon or dooon1 may call U: a-3828 to arranre plck·UJ>ll. The Thrift Shop l9 under th• 1upervt1\on of Mn1. J'nnk B!Aaell, chu.lrman of waym and meana of the Glrlt' Club. ·Pink and white atocks and palma provided setting in St. Joachim Catholic Church April 7 tor the 10 a. m. double ring nuptlal.8 which united Mies Carole Sue Edwards, daughter of Mr. and Mn . Kenneth Gunter, 2059 Republic Ave., Colilta Mesa, and Cba.rlea B. Retm.Jer Jr., 90'1 ot tlii• Charlea Retmieni We.twood, the new Mra. ·Rel· or 2063 Republic Ave. mler wore a blue ahe&th drtu n.. Rev. Thoma.a J . Nevl.n with blue and white check dialer, performed the rite ln which lhe blue hat and accNeOriM and the bride waa (lven ln keept.q by orchid trom her wedding' boo· her atep-t1.ther. Cal'ole won quet. Both younr people attend- Whit• l&ce over .atln, ebort ed Newport Harbor Union High. aleeved I.Ad lrlth lonr mitt.a of School, the bridegroom attended matching l&ce. A crown ol Oranre Coul CoUece &nd Lon& pee.rla held her veil and ahe oar-Beach State College, ried a white orchid arra.n(ed The couple hu eata.b!Wied with palo pink ce.rnatlorui and re&ldence at 1810 Weat Bay Ava. A re9idence at 1"29 Manhall Road, Alpine, bu been establiahed by Mr. and Mta. Robert Stevenson Burke after a honeymoon a t Santa B&rba.ra-The bride ii the former Beverly Gail Wilaon, daughter of Mrs. Raeburn A. Pienon ot Santa Ana and Walter Wilson or Rlvenlde, and the brld'(TOOID ot allver beige celaneAe and la the eon 11f Mr. and Xra. turquolH acceuot1e.. Mn. Bur· )(&rahaD W, Bu.rke of TuUn.. ke enc-gny lace over pink ----------.----------------I IUl1111 of the valley. AlTENDANT8 ""· x. ,._ °""~ .. _.... Deckard Baby Born NAMED TO WSCS Balboa Island Church of honot" and M.lA Patty Retmler u bridesmald. w o r e put.el trock8 of lace and tulle, head- b&rlda with note veils and canied camation n~pys. Marine sit. and Mn. Uoyd Clifford Deckard, eo.ta Meaa, are the parent. ot a baby boy bom April 3 In Corona N a va I Hoeplt&I. '!be coupl.e sc~ rlnp t.&tteta, with pink acceaorlea. and"°"'"' in a 7:30 p. m. cere-Both motbera co1r1plunMted mony performed by tlle Re•. their cottumea with cone.pa 11t Ed-.tn c. Gomke ln corona del Ph•laenopala orchlda.. Mn. HJ. )( ..r QommunllJ Chtm:tl. StepbtlUM and J.flu JIJUl Ar• CAllILL 00""N enda or Rlver11ide, couaina ot Be•erlJ wore a cahill brlda.I t he bride, poured punch and pwn ot white 11Uk , brocade. A MW111 BartMlra Parker waa ln tiara ot net and teed pear1-char'• of the rueat bllok. Mem- held her tln1erUp ftiJ and abe ben of the Priacllla GuHd 11f carried a oolonl&l cuc&de of the churcb were ln c.huS• Ill whit• orcbld.a and e&matlona. al.I ~epUon detaJI aand .erved J.U.. 'Carolyn Squire.. maid the Uered. weddlng cake, topped of honor, and ~•Ida Judy with wed~ln1 bf!lla and pink II· Bromell and Helen Theriault Ilea of the valley. were 11:owned allk• in aque The nrw Mrs. Burke wore cryat&lette, dea!cned with Ions teal wor•trella acetate lzt torao bodice•, three quarter coachm•n •tyle with black ac.· aleeve• and bouffant •klrta. ceuortea and the orchid• from They carried cucadu of pink her bridal bouquet f11r the 11ired· carn&tlllna and wor. eeed pearl ding trtp. She wu graduated necklace• and m.atchln1 ear· from Tuatln Union High School nn1., gift.a ot the bride. and Sant& Ana College, u wu Don w, Carter wu bell man her hu•bl.nd, who 111 pre.enUy and ~Hit• w•r. UAhered by v.i th the U.S. Air Fore!!. cti.rle11 w. l'<M"be• J r. and Ken· 11eth R. ArMP&uil. UBAJ'. Th• center .Sale wu 'marked by whit• atock and (l'Mll"7 Ued With a ~te •Un boW to th• tall colon1&1 candelabrum a t •acil pew. White •tock &Dd km· on lM.•u adomad altar c&z:1de- labn. B1'lllal' a.wen iUl4 ta.n- del&ks pr"OT1dld Mtliq" for the n:ceptlO!l. held kt tu .ocl&l -OBU.al &SCJ:Pl'ION' Kra, Pl..-. m9'her of I.ha bride, won a \.Wo piece ~ Cass FanillY, Home In Emerald Bay Mr. and Mr-. Harold Cua. resident& at 9°" Ocean BlVd. for acsne 20 yean, i re now •• t&bliabed tn their new home on th• eut blutt a.t Emerald Bay. 'Ib• decor bN been carried. out ln I'"*"' with tra.d!Uonal f\lr- nlture, nn ayllt&l Ul4 brua. J'or lnformal ll'filll' theft 11 a tarr-a tarnu1 room ln th• bue- m~L ·Philharmonic Presenting Varied Concert Series Women Elect Officers Mni. T9d R. Hauler wu ~ llecl'eta.ry of promotlc.1, Kn. elected pre9lde11t fOf' a 9e00nd Vem Smith; eecNtUJ' of apb1- yew ol I.he WCtm&D"• Bodety of tu&l life, Mn. Doaald O. Be.pp; Chriat.l&n Bervtce of the B&lbo& H:Cttlary ot chll~'• work, Ialand Community Methodlat Mnl. P. F. B&lnea; aecre....,. ot Church at A meet.inc held Wed· youth work, Mr.. Clyde Shooter; nMday. aec::ret.ary of •tudent work, Mra. Other offlcera named &re Mra. Edward Fruehan; mi•lona.ry Baroid Jamee, Tic• prealdent: aecret.ary, M.ra. Mlch&el Carl ; Ut- Mra. Byron L. Nealy, HCret.ary; erature .aecretary, Mn. Clarence Mra. Wayne Hunter, treaaurer; Bowman.; chalnnan of local Master Point Friday G.arne The Balboa OUpllcat• Bridie Club will hold • Muter Polnt Open game Filday evening at Lhe.-Ebell Club Houae with play at&rtlng a t 7:30 o'rloc:k, On Sunday ther• will be • two aeulon ChamploNlh.lp Tl!affi of P'llur loum&mftlt •t&rUn1 al J :30 o'clock. church acUv\Uea, Mra. Stev• Smith; and .ta.twl ot Women, Mn. Clair Barnett. Guest ape&ker at t.M l\lncheon meetlnl' wu Mrs. Otto Wlttm.n, Whlttter 01.atrict prealdent of the w .s .c .s. She spoke on "8tew- &rdah.lp." The PfOl'1"&m -• planned by Mn. Nealy and Mra. Hunttt. The won.hip aervlce waa led by Mr-a. Fount L. Lowe. Mvnbera ot Lhe i.te.ry Cln::le who planned the luncheon were M.mea. Dlckeraon O. Baker, Lon& Grltnn. Lmnat'd H&rg'1'11.M., Way· liand Dunltam. Clyde, Na.ah and North-aou.th wlnnera In the recent e~ g&m• Wl!re Sal-ly Brown and Robert Diachner I------------- while high KOre-ra ei.t-weat were Ml"I. Charle. .le•tn and Mn. Mabel Mint.er, Runner•up nort.h aouth wer• ADd,y Ta,ylor and Fred. Morri- .on, MN. Ubby t.we and Mn. Joe Wllcoit. Mn. Pe(IY J ohn· 90n and Kn. B'r&n.lr. Reed. Run- nen·up llMl·WMt were Mr•. Carrie 8&unden and Mrs. Vin- cent Shea, Mr. and Mni. H. M. Walllngtord. Mr•. Grace Free· man and William Duran. Flower Classes Now Starting Two t Io we r arrangwnent el&ueil have been. acheduled. by oranri eo..et Coller• for th• spring term. It wu announced today. One clus wlll tneet evenln1• on TUe-4,•Y· trom 7·9:30, •tart,.. lng April 10 at the Newport Harbor Lutheran Church. ,.,,. Oran... county Philharmonic llocleQ' wW preMnt two con· ClM'U ol cbunbtr mu.sic ln Bu· en.l hrk•a Oraad A"nue aUdl- torlwn OD 8aturd&y, April 14. A.dmla9lOD. to all c:onctirta ta ...... Winner• ot muter point& In Monday ~temoon'• pme were Kn. Merle McComber and Mr" Peg" Johru!Oll playing north-fl'OnJ.c· •• an tn.nrumentallat. aouUl, Mr•. Qi"orge Carroll and other clUll will meet mornlng11 llll111 Belinfante made her debut Andy Taylor In eut-.... ·e11l po-on Thurad&ya from 9 lo 12 u a eoncert celllllt ln her n•-•ltlon. H ]•· a ,. t 17 noon 1t the Memory Quden U'fe o .. n • at .... age 0 · Runnen·up north aouUl were The afternoon ooncert. Mpe-kra. Anne Mitchell and Ft"l!d Center Building, Orange O>unty cl&lly for Buena Park KhOOI Morriaon, Mrs. C&rl Powell and Fair Ground&, eta.rung A,Prtl 11. children. will offer Wtrument&l Mr&. E. J. Wickman, Mra. :ELI· Mra. Blanche JrTin• will ln· demomtratlona a.nd e • c er P t • Ing Thy,paon and Mra. Bert atf"Ue t both claaaee. A m•t.el1a19 trom th• tull Prorrazn to bt Parker. R\lnn111n-up eut-wetit f'-'11 of $1.00 will be cbar(ed p1-yed at• UN nentrir concert Mn. A. o . Doeeburt and Mr1. tor auch item• u wire, tape. for adult.a. 8e1~ lo be Carl Benaon.. Mr11. Mabel Min-t1bbo~ and clay. Studf!llta ma he&rd Lnclude: a Clat'tn9l Quln· ter and Mr1. Pauline Duboia. reg'ltll!r for both cla.uea durtn1 Joel R. Leonard lent beat man aid and Robert Slue.rt Ullhered. Robert Call&nd .an,. Ave Marte Ballinger Birth Mid Pan.le Anpllc\la. Org1.n Birth ot a baby 110n ln Corona uul.alc wu by Kn. M&cgoogan. Navat Hoepit&l April 4. i.. be.Ins -BotA-motbera _,. In the N!-cet.braled uu. week by Marine celvlnr line whlch formed tn th• S/Sgt. and Mra. R ichard Lee chun::h .-oclllJ hall, Mrs. Gunter Ballln~r. Coet.a Meaa. wMTlnr (Of' th• occ .. ion troet 1------------- sreen Hnen w1th pink hat and ac<ieMOl'W and pink ce.rna.tlon ~; a.ad M ra. Retmler chOff blu. l&ce with white hat and ac- ceuortea and p I n k carnt1lion coru.ge. HONEYMOON J'or lh• honeymoon, 1pent In Moses Have Baby . A da.UJhler WU born April & In Coron.a Na•e.l Boapltai to Marine 8/Sgt. and Mr1. Billi e Greer PARKES-RIDLEY MORTUARY Formerly Grauel Chapel 110 Broadw•T -Cotta Meea .... _ M~1. Coal• :M::••:•~·-----~"""""""""""""""""""""""" Champion Blucher Oxford ·gives kiddies a real boost! nieee procrama. one ln the atternOOD at Z:30, th• other, an 1:10 eTMlns performance, wt1J &tford North <>range eounuana tbe opportwtlty c.o ._,, Frieda e.1111.r:ui.. permanent conduct· or of ,<>nap Oowlb' PhUhar- tet bf MC.Ut, Trio tor Oboe. the W. A . SUrnberi•· I.lie ftn t clua mHtlnp. Cl&rtnet, and Vk)l&, by AJvtn I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 1 1 Etier, Quintel for Oboe and 11 String Quartet by Robert Mc- Bride, and String QU&rtet ln P'- Major by Dvora.Jr. Legion Men Are-Honored Ttle .econd tn the 9f!rica ol twin SyinpbOni• fOC' Youth will be. beld In OOllt.& Ml'!llA &lid Ana- rnd B . JOJ'l'W and Robert J, helm. April Jl. wiU-t..bl; morn-~~ MinorU'7 life tn1 prorram apln at Oran111 memberahl1>9 iO • eMCift ·eoaar-ttint'fl----un1 -ue at't111'<'" IAsfon Aullla17, Unit 281. at nOOI\ eoncert e.t Allahetm High tM, jotnt meeUn1 and birthday School A.uc:lltortwn. The Youth dlnMr of tMo poet. Blll.b h•" Concerlt, akln1 with the aym- 1'191ii ftfltabte ~ to U.. phony--performancee. th• Work• unit'• ., • t er a a• rehabllltatioll 1bop, and the Chamber MuWc, eomprtae Ute ICld•lT• four-way plan tOf' brinl'lfil mu.kl lo e.,.. ........... Pra.touaty ~nw witJ\ llf• S1.embef'9hlpa wen Commander Frank D. Moore Jr. u><I R&lpb Bonde. 11rat -nee commands. wbG aecorted tM tWo aboUt IA be ~ to t.he tronL All ...... .,.... ol PoM. ltl ...... lllll'I· •• for ~ membenhlpa.. eryone. Th111 final corw:ert ln t h I a eventf'Ul roup ot pl'O.,-am. will be next In lh• •rim or adult •ymphonle• and irill be pruent· ed In Jl'Wlert.on 8un4'J •Yminl' • April JI, noc~e de Ronda Every Thursday Nite, 5 to 10 P. M. ALL YOU CAN EAT -1.75 C OMIUNA.TLO.N 1'.LA.T-E Shrimp Cocktail -Soup -Salad Toetada -Taco -Enchilada • Spanish Rice Fried Be&.ns with Cheese • Tortilla.a ~ Coffe or Milk Senor LouJe Moreno and Hil Fa.1einating Piano Starts at 9:00 P. M. -Tonite and EVERY NJTE! P&rty Time at 11 :00 P.M. EVERY THURSDAY ! HENRY' s "fAmll9 f• NclltaU•'" 1&11 w. c...t n...,.. "09 llartliier"• Jfile'" OPE:V SUNDAY .... DEPARTMENT STORE ...... ,_ ...... _ ... i .00 -~!..'~­~~ rom ,. a. In 1 bit of 1 dither about ton!""" ~? Lookin& for somethinr spe<:i1I In banquet centerpieces? Want exotic plants for 1 store CJl)fflina:? Plann in& 1 bxkrround for /' lht loveliest bride evtrl let Ridllrd's Flower Shop do it! Bob Schroeder 1nd Adt1t Beddome will combine the beautiful tloweri of Sprint with 1 touch of sheer 1enius in •· r1ne:ement We'r1 $Ure yoo'll win mn with the r.esulb1 C1t1 ind talk It Mr with them ••• or drop by the Flowe:r Shop 1t ' UDO MAlKIT AMERICA'S UNIQUE FCIOO MARKIT NIW .. OIT IEACH, CALIP. / ' - • . < " --- .r ' . J • 3433 VIA LIDO-HARBOR 2828 ' IN THI UDO SllOl'PINO AUA f, . ...... .* ...... i'INAL BLOSSOMS llJ'e added to child...,n's lloral cross at St. Andrw'• Church 4 -by mall twin. Brett and Bryn Bernard ot Udo Iale. All child.rm of the Sunday • ;:-:,achool aided In decorating the crou which, when completed., wu placed 1n .. n, . front of the church. -Helen Horr Photo ~ .. AMBASSADOR RECEIVED Laundry Project for }iomemakers A community educational pro· Ject on fabrtca. Mnl•he• and laundry technique• wtll be held Accounts of a reception for Cabot Lod1e, U, S. ward m• aad •hook • tur1ou• tor Coeta Meaa homemake", ·Ub&uador to Spain and hia family, Euter week in tto1u , Y•lllftl' •m•lhill1 whlcb AprU lS at 1808 Newport, Co•l& J did not undent&nd, but (ot Mea. Mar1an Prentlaa ot ti.~ , J.Nma with troubadoun in proceuional at the cathedral th• f1•t ot, aJJ rtpt. So t nep-Vntveratty of Calltorni& u t•n-. UICI a run-In 1.th lla.l.lorc&D.S over American 1ailon p9d up, wtlh -.. band on the · .~:. Colorful Mallorcan Events ·· ·· Related by Local" Artist -"-·ldo• or • l&d .. , -'l&d .ion .ervtc• will •po&k on her "#ere in two let en received thia week from Mn. Fredric ....... ' · -· y .... !'I:'-rl1ht b&ck at lier, 'To IOf Am-rdi&bUU...Uon ot home tumilh· •• Ima Paddock I Ho1>9, local al'lcu.a y l90ll. m11 hljoo". 'l'blre lrlp attv tht Humboldt and Del • •~•-di '" I •~ ln1 alld lau1hln1 -Ul lbe Am· an .. t 1pen "I' • w n .... r on -~ Wt'h torne den.Iva •astia. '° Mont. Cou.nty f'looda. Dorothy \h9 8panl1h l1land of Mallorca. er1can boyi. I 1topptd 4"&1n, I.lid -.Id, with HUM wUI rtve a laundry dem-. ... On 8und1y I found a 1allor . .,. wntu: u much .-io u they, "SI, 11, 0Mtr1tlon at 10 a.m. 1nd a11ln wanderlnc around a.nd told him ·-·-l atleod.cl lh• recepUoo. &iv· about the old cuU. we were "'· theee ~· are my .an.1!" at 2 p,m. Al\.< for the U. 8. amb&Mador · So be:lp me, U.... peopl• haven't I ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::;;:~ to Opaln and Aia krva ... blonde pa»lnr and the maaeacn ot th• ch&n1ed a bit .tile. they '"-•" ~ Moor1 on the very 1tep1 which. ...... " , ~lite and attracUve dau1hler-we cllmb-1. We walkad down roclr.1 at Oeor1a Band and Cho-~!'.. Excellelley C.bot Lodi•· 11 lnto the old, naITow llreell pill! Headquarten for SPECIA·L ,LILACS Fresh, Ft114JN11t and v«y bealltiftll FRESH CUT 891 bunch RICHARD'S LIDO MARKET ~Q, FLORIST SHOP DELIVER\' OR TELEGRAPH SERVICE -HAR. %828 O'Keefe & Merritt -Ranges ~,a handaome man, tall. rudy whir. 1 wa1 abla to tlnd eom• Tb• llallorean peuuU are a ..and look• like a croa. betWffn of the t1ne1t old courtyard1 for .llranc-people. 1b1y have • ,a. ,tootti..11 hero and a .movie b1m to He. We cam• back up tarrtbltl and tncto blatory. In ,-~. The reception wu held In throuah the old J.t:00rbh rate ren•ra.I they an happy and \ht Clrculo Mallorqulna. lb• old where th• Emir d14ld With hla cb"rf\11 9JMNCh but their nv .. .oclal club of th• leadinr M.11· men btt&UH the Bp&nlllh did are hard and evidenUy eo are Jorcan tamlll"'a. I cu ... t not abld'e by their truce arree· their ~. Peop~_9f the up- lh• blond• d&urhter wW r me11t. · per clua, of noble ducent, Ml• AL FORGIT HARDWARE .P Y• a whirl here. Back at the cathedral ,.., dom epMk to &n.yone and are %206 W, BALBOA BLVD. NEWPORT BEACH BABBOB 118 I At Roy Carver PONTIAC Here Are The Facts; Los .AIMJeles Factory 511tge1'9d DellveNd Prices Pontioc Catolina Cpe. $2599.10 Ford Crown Victorio $2732.0 9 Chev. Bel Air Spt. Cpe. $2752 .00 Compor• wheel b .. e. wei9ht, 1ofety economy and re-5ale valwe. You Wiii SAVE AN EXTRA $200 11----TK0l1BADOUK8 1athered up t..brM inon allon.. n.re17 -. Mo9t ol UM bull· J&. band ot medieval lrouba· A• we walked dcnm. tbe' broad D ... peopl• &N C.t.al&a ud I BUT \\'lltre l 'oa AN A.Muted of l'trHOal Senrice. Only at *>r• (fro"' a polytedullc hl(ll 1tep1 to lhe quat we met, u have met few Am.111cau Wbo wcllrlol. tn Barceklna) have bed u...i. many KallOrc.ana. ~ on knlW' the dlttertince. l"rom my I ~"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""",,,!I I c • ·.-.nderln1 tbnNfb tawa uu. the 41.y befo,., they ICOWled at trtead Joeepha I lee.mid hOtt' to I Roy arver week. l tint MW them a t the me. 81.ICh u pniaelon. 1 have tell Majorc&M from the Span· ... lllllhednJ an.er M ... and the never Men on a human t1c1, llh. Bbe l&td. "Loe Me.Jlorquln• ' T ADVANCE IN COOK I NG I "~"' ..... ... • .. , ... ""'"' '"""· """"""'" ~-· mtt ........ -.. ~ ... ro=• GR EATE s . . . ,,~ U'll .,.im l•v• They oe•t, and e.nc-, "" mlud with ca'" and all• tllu«A.lld with .. Pontiac all ,v °"'' cl. u..-cburcb m open·mouthed atupkllty. opu·mouthed .tare. • • .,..., proe..UOn. Pne9Y, .ome 'I n:u..&D TOO' KIBINFO&JIATION ~ '"· .... utu1 ..... K~1"-11n" 0o. w0~ 100• • '"' "'" 1 ........ -.. •Y ... •utomatic Top Burner Temperature Control V81tment._ "°"'' ln black: dlolr "' bQ,J'I an( l)(flclala, .ame ln me· dive.I ca.twn11 and a 1reat 5 -Y MC wllh t>.i, ~m. th• ON NEW GA RANGISI littk . bo y 1 carrytn1 0·11. e --~Ilea. The troube.doure were In the pr.oclMlon, lid by two ml!n car· 1}1n( t1ann1n. Thi boy1 played '1ol1J11 and I.II manner of 1111· tua. 'nielr coetume1 were black velvet with lon1 1Wl1hln1 black capea worn over the ehouldll':r. Qa Ute 9boulder1 Of the Cap!!• were roeettu of rid and pink ribbon from which hun1 k>ng l'l:b~ 1tnamere with latter· '-1· On• ot my Mallore&n 'frl.1Dd1 took me ov« lo read _..,. Jt mcS. "Good wiOI• and .... from Maria Lup". It WU ..., lo -wtllc.b. ttoy had lb• •t--....,..t.-P;L.. Mead• ..,. ___ .•o • .u-nier.. othen had dot· --. ToGJ.-i Ibey are perlonn· U.. U.. oratorio "Jun&pero lu· no'.! al the 1.,Jr1co and l am ...... ~ "' • V'ltY c.barrn· .. , ~ fr1M4. TM COii.· ..,.._ IJ/I. the onbeetn. i. a 9'!"-He WU al t.be recep- I -"'-Th• palm branchee Ulld on ft1"' Bunll&)' are a pale wu:en ~· In the l!"OWI the palm .leane an lied lD bundlu eo that u they ll"O'W the IUD ~VII' tltrlku them. T?'•Y are t.Uren only frorn the ml.I• tr- ,.. ·only once In ev•ry tour )'Mm. II'tleJ are eold alter be- tq bl--4 and now many dee· Wjlle the !nm baJ~ .. ID town. q'he belief II that t.bty keep ll9bblln1 from elrtkl.ai' the *"'9. and brla1 (OOd luck. l'beY are alto wovu Into dl--lfl'JP, Jeave1 braided and lnte.r· wovu, .ome tu.Ile IJltrtcate. 8'l1l&&T 01.&ANaa on ··-____ yy~ .ere pr_pui:l.Jo =unce.Jlio .. ., d ispley in o_ur Me in Lobby of one of the country's femous collection• of rare end beeutiful United Stote1 coins • Among them ere the very rare gold "R;ng Dolle<" of 1852, two of tho Gold Stellos of 1879 end 1880, tho 1795 Holl-D ime, 1796 D;me, 1796 Quorter, 1857 Fly;ng Eogle Cent, 1902 $2.50 Gold Piece, end the $ ( 0 lnternetionel Gold Pattern. These beeutiful coins, ell in mint or "proof" condit ion, represent the finest ert of the world's great coif'! designers end engraven. It is e privi lege fo r us to piece them on d;sploy through J\p61 24th. "" •n ... tlc SAS ••• ,, ""•• ,..,, ..... l.ITY\.11.QOltr-ff ,..,.,.,._ Tt1 a..-T-•· """'C..tNl tttit""",'*-• 11tr..,k'. lllte•c et.I, O'Mt!t lo lltfrtltt. ..,.,, w .. 1 .... -1,. WHAT IT DOIS FOR YOU1 I. TOP 111111(1 TElllP(IATUI( COllTtOt. it 1 ~plttely 1\llo- 111ttic ftlllllt Wl\1(/1 WOl'~I lo-I r."' IWft httt cont1ol. Tht ''"'' I t ltmtnl 1n b111nrr ttnlrr r.11111 11a+n11 p1". does your 1111prr1!1111 Jl'l lthlnr lor yo11. 2. YOU SllllPl f llM. llU.f ut:CJ. Fill in lllMY cwlillf 111itl1 11111 CGmt \ llllll )'Olll' "t"' "91 r'"ft. T~1 sens•n r tltmtnl tlll01111l1> ctll' tontrol1 G11 t'lffJ 1111t11111 so 1~11 your 1004! ntvtr coot.s h s\er Clf SIOWtl llllft It Sllllirld. because we Dffd your trade NOW Our uud cor stock is the lowHt in history I our '56 Pontiac prices are plainly ted Oii ,... wlndlhleld Ml you can fl<Jure your own deal • Come in Today No One Can Save More You • • • Roy • Here II • little allatcb I 11natk tbJa mornln1. etnet cluo· 1111. PMma 1tyl1. Of COW'ti the looOmOUOn end of the oul!lt 111A11 work tor the sww,:.er u U..y p &Jon&'. The lltUe pick- up· mu. with 1hort handled bnabff and truh pana, w•r P1 denim amock1 and panta and th• mule, hitched lo a two- •bwted cart. WMA • bll col• &ar ud • bored expreMion. i t.boufbt Be.Ibo& ml(ht con· llltiar Ulla u a 1Uit.abl1 OCCU,pli• uoft tor .ome of UI• Eut.r to:t.-lhl-enl7 Leo&. Mlded ...... • • duatpan. bru.ab and b&a- k•t. and lhe mule and cart. « The colle ction is 1hown by Gen9 Nichols of the Cott e ge Weffle Shop, Balboa Island. We invite you to see this d ispley, end receive o G ift Guest Poe with our compli. ments as we comm~mol"ote the I 25th Anniveriary of America '1 Saving1 and loan Association1. IOIJTMllN COUNflll e1i1 COMPANY ~T ..... HE N.....,Ew ..... G ..... Dl;;;;;;;:;'~Ri~'Dll=g=a=f =\ """ ..... ""~~=lllt·U=l-=;;nc=J =--i~~C-=-::P a;.;::r ---1Nl'l<••-y-Tappan-O'.Keefe & Mettitt~W•clgewood...Gal..la119ts... ____ ..j l-_:N:.:.•:w:iporf Beach """""'· ·~ rnorntnc 1 •topped to t.a1k to on ... Amertc.an -.lion aftd all t he MaJlorc&n1 who ~ 1t1.red at me ae t.houJh I ··w.. 1 lhrw-~led monkey. Tlify ,~__..,, untll l -.xlden!y ~ that: wtlb m,y black Olrt and ahlrt and bullngtlter ,.,_, lhty lhOUfllt me a n•· JJ66 VIA NIWPORT LID 0 • llACH. •. A. PAUll.ll. P....u..f HARIOR •200 CAllfORNIA U"tt Md dM ""'' Ultl my talk• ... _______________________ , Jake's Appliances 140~b~~yc:~;:6~wy. SALES-UIERTY 8-5594 -SERVICE I OJM"• WH:kdays 'tU 9 p. tn. 1937 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA S.turd.aye 'UI 8 p. .. Cio.ed Su•day1 • • , Viii.el• L1c'ils ~~~T~~-·Jl .. a\;a ~--:~~~~~~~--...-...;;~~~~~~-------------.- 1.AJCTA .A!fA 40CNI) -lb P"*'OI. ~ llAm4ll ta NJ &lid ..;....;._.-.. ...... .._ .... ..._ __ --------------... c.un ~~ J.:SIJ'.leU\ a ,-.. ~ ..-~ m .. fol· _.... ~ lowa. to-Wtt· .Mom.t Tlatld9y -twed •SI-aau.i.i> L. KA.UST ...,...., .... ..-.... -...-. ... ---·----------~-~ c::.~-=d~~ 10Cll ..__.l>l-,. 0 In th• Oow:l1 Clw .... et U.. lbat ald dty UDG .... .-rt• ArMlm Cd! Nftrport .._. Qty HaD. at t.f7; .- hlm to thne y..,. ~Uon.' • wtlkb ll• aM plM!a U7 alMI ~th• City et,.,... Wore J~ Kocrllloft on a ~~ ~·· an ~ ~ may ~~ port BeaC4I ot oa w •Nut UI• probaUOD Vlol&Uon charr• WM cio.ta Mel&, O&llt pMr and ... .,..,. u..... '1IUl.,."' lllanb. 1• .u-.ntt J'ta.nda A. Ratctjf01'd ot ... & OllORO• A. avai,uNG. llAY Y. OOFC.Dt· ... .,,. to""-Oraq'a ~ 8C#ede'7 ltlh at. B• pN'Vioualy bad tie.\. 131, Plwn PL. Newport B-.CJt. O\J' O:mamJ.mon • lcaJ ....n,uee P~ on tb!'ff 1•1"1 probation eo.ta M-. C&ut. ~ comm.._. ane plat ot b..-elnllt• N:a11b 111 = = SUU\J' OD ·Md WJTNml our bli.Ddl ~ nrct No. 111 N..n.Prel9 u.nlnh&Mt-4 tenftw7 l• hl:ap. Aft# Judp Momlon lftllted 4'7 of K.arcb. 1tOL "11/llil ~~-.,~ him probaUon h~. H ll&lchtor4 • g.:::: ~ =.mo N()ll'ltS OI' D••111f0 m•t ClMa fll De -.t. fl J>ll· ... rt.uy ,.....s .. ua borua MAJtCUS H MONlllN NO'nCS ta I~ GlVmN fOnda: &114 cMck tn ltahr'• .M.arut. ao.ta ITATll or~ > that th ......... ,. ....,_. .t ""'"'•~1.. x-. ud contmu-4 u.. or &l· 'CoUNTY or o~o• >• m ta.. Mb ..,. "' UMi. ._. ..,. m.a ..-. cohollc beverq--. Both ~,.. no-Of tNs 111'4 _, et llfArda., It.. ._ ean....,.._ .,.. •:"'*' Cliitr et ta. ~ if 1atl01UI ot h1I prob&Uon. D. 'lM ~ __, aoeaT At Mo. 4'~ ..... a II-"-"" -fl ~ .. i4I oo:al llAftllAJf,'..&•M...., PllllMt la bltan.U. to &Miil -11-. .._.,c..t;y •••11'7 Gll•ia Pd tolt U.. mMS ClllaalJ ._. ~ u..:.-'· ~ ~ • •purwt t. u. .... p,.a ~ .,.,,..., ~ ~ .. pot ........ --~ f///t~ktloft -., ... .) ... ~ JOMph Nowak. 144 &. !~!..:.. e•,.,;-11•1d ........ ,... to ud wW 11ie·~ • Apdl -t~ fll Ole .... ,,..,.~ SL, Oolta )( .... told N.wport ~ ........... QDAJ;D ~ i3N. ltO&;•at .._ ...... ti t:IO rotn.1a: ucS s.ch polb ncenUy t.b.at • v .... rr. XAlllCIJa ...... p.a., ta tM o..adl CIWMe!9 NOW, ~ S80 p.. rod and pin ~l ma4a ... cmoRO• ~ litJslllJJfO ot the OtJ Ball of Newport RDOf.va> ~ u.. ~ J ~ hi.a 80ll iA Boy Scout era.fl ....... to me to 1119 tbe ,..._ 8Meh. l300 WeM. N.wport ot .U.. Ctt7 of M""" 9cJt clw had bed \Uen by & 1tran· 1'lliolle .,.... .,. ~ t. SoUlevard. Nerpprt BMdl. &n4 that the tonowtas dul ..... pr wbo ottered to hold the ~ 0. wtWD ~tr & D d tba Um. tw ~ ~ ia and DOtae. ........... """': t.nc rear while the boy wu ~ to m• t.b.at they cont.ln'*1 to -.Ad date ud llbur. rr Ia HDDT DllCLAJ\ED. boat.lnr near The A.rebel. executed the am.. KARGDY ICB:ftOUDllR that procaed.lnp baY• bMll lDiU· IN WITN&SS WJIElllX>F, 1 Chy Oerk ated by th& Clt7 of N...,ort bave hereunto Ml my band and City ol N.wport Beach Buch to annex th& aid t.ntery attlud my oftld.al ...i th• 4-.y No. 123 N...,.PreM hereinattv deecrlbed. whlcb ea1d ------------and year iJl thla Certificate ftr•t 4/ll/'lle territory !JI conUruou. to lb• Cl!:JlTinOATE OF B UBINE88 a)iov9 written.. Cl'!llTIFUlAD .O .. BU8Dil:88 prtMnt bounctan. •t Aid city Flcddoua Pinn Name ROBERT A. EASTMAN Fled.,._ J1tna N... and which .. td territory l\OW t. KNOW ALL M11N BY' TKmSE Xy CommtlllJ1on JCxplru TR!j UNDEJUllQNJl!D do here-uninhabited wtthln lb& meQlnC PRl:SENTS: Jut~ 29, 19118 by cerWy Ul&t they ar-con· of th• Annexation of U~t- Ttle undersJflled does hereby No. 110 New.i>re. ducUnr a 1'9tall J.lD&'erl• bual· td Territory Act of 1t39; and ,.. ct'rtl!y t.h&t tt la conducUnc a 3/21. 4/4, 11, 18, 19M neaa at 307 lil&rtM. Balboa 11-clare tha t Uta nuota for a&id drur store bu.tlne.u at. 3441 VI& land Calltornla. uadei oi. fie· ann.xatton are that earu.tn own· LEGAL NOTICE BIRD'S EYE VIEW OF PROPO SEO NEW HIGH SCHOOL Lido, Newport ~ach. eautom\a, OEB--:i-Dt-oATl!l or llU8JNJ:l8 tltlo~• firm name of FR.AN en ot aid ten1tory d..tN that under the ncutlou1 firm name of ' 11cdti0411 P1nn Name AND MAGGI and that l&id firm It be annexed t.o the City of VlNCENTS LIDO DRUGS; lhat "l'HJll UNbERSiGNJ!lI>. doea la compQllld of Ule tollow1nf Newport Beacb and I\ wou1f ~ the name ot the corporation and hereby certify that. aha 11 COi\· peraon.a whoae namu in tuU for the belt inter•ta of Ule City It. pr1nclpal place of b\Wnu• ducttQc a manufact\U'lnr bUI· and pl~cu of rellid~ an u of Newport BMch and lta etU• The architect'• •ketch above shows how the new 8Chool for Newport Harbor Union High School would appear when completed. Thts picture was preeent- ed to the high school board for the first time Mon- day and many changes will undoubtedly be made before conatruction starts. Tbe two-atory build· HARBOR HI LITES By NANCI CAMPBELL I would li.ke, firat, to thank Laural Woodson for writing HARBOR m LITES while I was away on a l hort vacation to Colorado. You did a wonderful job Lollie. I really appreciate your hard work. Pat Nollar'1 home wlllt the of lhe g11 I• went to Ann's home 1etttnc tor an Eaater Week to ll11len to her fabulous record party on March 28. Danclnr. colltcllon which c:ontaln. every li•lenlnf lo aome fin•. record.I thing fa om Hl·Fi •piano v1rla· a nd cbattJnr about Bal Week lion•, lo the Fouc. Act.a a.nd were Sue Thornburg, Carol Ear-, Flamenco. ly, Howard Mitchell, Bud Mc· Nam:y Br,Yant, Pbylha ?.ilium, ?"'1r, Grant Qlllllel, Pele' Wei· a nd Sonny and Buddt' Coane aan. Dav. Buckman, Joh n had 111 accident April 20. tn Trautwein, 1\f('llnda Bechtold, l'\'1111cy'1 car All came out un· Lym Rouah. Darlt>ne Pote!Un, lnjuHd with the u cepll.on of Carry Cook. Rod Zwabel, Jim PhylUa v.•ho cracked her collar Hurd, Gary Harper, Freddy Ca· bone. She 1., alnrht. but will a11lu , Sam N~M . .klhn Seeley, have lo remam quiet tor a !ew Ken Boden H~fer. Paul and wt>rkt1. Ceorre ShuJlt, Sl\t>lby Tunnell John McKlnnley and Diane and Bob SMI& 1 UC L.A l, Sharon J oye have both co~cted Mo• Poteldn and Pele Hed(U, Bob oneucleolls lhls put week. Nel· and Nancy Benbow, u.er will be very active In the Tiny Sno-.nlen and Kelly nexl few weeks a nd we all wilh P empleton. Pal and Earl Stal· them a apeedy J·ecovt'ry. well, Valorie J ohnson. Pat Va· The morning of April 2 found vela, Ann Wood, Geanlne FUt· Olona Chapm&11 .. Unda Cleary, at.ad, Jackie Hou.se. Mary Ann and Laural Woodton runntn1 ort Hyley, Nancy Young. Pa u 1 8000 copa ea ot "Carouael" pub· Younr . Chuck &11d Mick M yrr. llclty. ThoH cople. wtU be a R on Dlckaon, Bowle Foeler, con.1t&nt reminder lo you au 'Erwin Hedluon, .Alan Crooke, to not min th1a ye&r'• apecta· 6am Higley, Windy Eubano, cuJar 8prtnr production. Thi• Tom Bumi, Den11l1 Redman, popular 1tar• play and movie J erry Thornton, Lupe Palacio will be presented by the lnatru· and Larry June, and Don Cam· ment&l muatc, dnma and vocal field. ' mualc department. at Harbor. PARTY AT CLl'D n:NNIE "P INNED" Ann Rombt>rrer cho~ l h P Bslboa Bay Club to tntr1 La1n ll()mfl of her many fr1ends on April 4. Th11 Afternoon cont1l11t- ~ ot a fuhlon 1how, a <leh· clou1 meal. and later aome 1un· J'llnc by the pool Those attend- ln1 were Sunny Rlcht11, Elaine Dy .. rt., Nancy Muten, MariPe S tovall. Anne Smllll. Norma B ettner, JeMle Lund, J udy Coleman, Laural Wood30n and Ahn. .After th• luncheon-m"11y Jennie Lund Is now wearing lhe pearl-aludded fraternity pm or Ten Beck Sigma Alpha Ep· 11lon at Stanford. Concntula· lions lo you. Ted and Jennie The annual G.A.A Banquet cornea up three week1 a ftt'r va- cation. Secret themea and lnl· taa le rehe&na-lt are developlnf quickly, ar.d from the aound of thlng1. It ahould p rove to be one ot the moat unique and 11uceuatul banque~ yet. It I.Al ing in the center will be one of the first structures to be erected aa it will be mainly classrooma with the admJniltrt.tion officeis temporarily included. It i1 the arcbif,ec:ta' idea to have the first buildings grouped 10 u to give the appearance of a going &11d realdence of aald corpora-MW at 2501 Cout HJcbway, follow•. to-wit: &eDt t.h&t ,.ald cl\¥ &nna ea.14 lion la VINCENT DRUGS No. Nrirport Bee.ch, Callfomla, un· FRANCES SUPPLE territory. 4, Inc, 3451 Via Lido, Newport der the ficUtiout tJrm 1tam. of 401 • 38th St. NOTICE 18 HEREBY ONl:N Beach, Calltomla. THJC FLAG SHOP, and that Newport Beach. Call!. that It !JI propoMd b)t MJd City JN WJTNICSS WHEREOF, aatd firm ta compoMd of the MAROAl\111' SINES of Newport a.ch to annex' MJd concern. sponaored by the Glrla' A thlellc Auoclatlpn lo honor thOH girls who have e_aroed a ce1u1n amount of point. thl1 put yu r. The whole overall theme, !ndl· v1dual decoratlona. and aealln( placea r.vul lhemeelvea only on the ntrhl of the banquet - BO all you 0.A.A. sala, who are ellrtble, are In for a vt>ry pleuant and aurprlatnc evening, April 27. .Many ot the Harbor1tea en· joyed a day or a week-end at Palm Sprtnr• durlnr Euler va· calloa. Som• ot thoae aoaklng up that deaer'l 1Wl·thlne were Jane Enrtrht. Judy Ferruaon, Toni Burrou1h1. Anll& Palm. JoAnn• Sue.u, Ted Von Hem· met, Sue Swank. Judy N~aly, Oren W ad e, Julie Hurndall. Claire Smith, Nllll Nllea. Carol Crain. Olona Chapm&11, Linda Cleary. &11d Jo.Anne Haran and Bob Hummel. Many ot lhe croup 1'ad dlnntr al "Don The Beachcom!Mr'a" and tht>n sol up In Um• the next mom.In& to 10 on an 8 a. m breakfaat ride at Smoke Trt>e Ranch Some atayed a t the Shadow Mounl11n C I u b and en;oyed 1wlmm1nr In the fl~ure eight pool with two huce 1ll.Je11. Joyce Ville and Joyce Chung 1pent 1om1 tame In Deaaert Hot Sprtnr•. while Jan. Blum and Charleoe Drake both 1pent a part of their vacation al the Unlverllty of CaJltornla at Ber· keley. Mary Ke1lh a nd Nanci Camp~ll apent an enjoyable week-end at Point Loma, nrar San Dlt'(O vlaltlnr with Ly fl Utlleton a former Harbor High 1ludent. READV t'OR C'OLl.IW~ A1 JI adua tlon draws ot•11r, many of the St'nlon art' m11ll· Ing appUcallon1 lo the var1ous colltce.w tht>y with lo allenrl Some ot them lave alrudy re· celved their accepllncu. Mar· 1&11 Koerner hu been acct>pted lo the Unlvt ralty of Redlanda Whtre llhe wtn llUd)' nUrlU\f. A bualneaa administration major and lhe University ot CallfornJa Hogland, Tracy Sued for Balm in Fall Claim the corporation hu cauaed It. tollowtnc pereona, whoM nameti 21~ Bapphiril hercin&tter d..crtbed tvrtt0"1 to corporate name to be auti.cribed In ruu and pi&CM ot ruidencea BaJbo& lalarld. Call!. aald · dty, wb:lch Mid t.TI~ and It. corporation H&I to be are H follow•, to-wtt: WITNESS our haDda th1a·1nd ah&ll In theM proceedinp be&r 1 rttxed Ou.a 27th day of Much. DOROTHY M. CLEARY. day ot Aprll. Ul:lt. th• name .. 18th 8u.t .Anna". 19~. 2018~ Santa Ana Avenue, /I/ FRANCJCS 8~ The epec1fic duc:rlption ol th• VINCENT DRUGS NO. 4. Inc. Coeta Meaa. Callr. /a/ ~UROARrl' SJNJ:B boundarl.. Of th• t.errlt0'7 80 By LONNIE R. VINCE~T WITNESS my hand lhJa 27th STATE OP' CALIFORNlA ) Pf'090Md to .,_ annexed '-at• Prealdenl day ol March. 111~. COUNTY OF Ol\.ANGm )u t&dled ber.to maned l:xhlblC By ROBERT A. RAMSAY /I/ DOROTHY M. CLEARY OF THlS 2nd cay of .A.J>l'1L ".A." and by reference made a p&rl Secrel&ry STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) A. D. 19b5. before m .. ROBllRT heFURreot.~ .. NOT!,.... IS~ ..... SANTA A NA (OCNSl-Con· 1CORPORATE SEAL> CQUNTT OF ORANGE 111 &n.c.on ....., n.a.n6 F. Wiu.MJ:S, a Notaty Public BY .on"""" ... ..._.. · tending the defrndant. failed t.o STATlt OF CAWFORNlA On thla 27th day of March, In and for aald Cowlty and _. .. ., ...,an on ...,uuay, lh• properly ma.Jntaln their preml1· COUNTY OF ORANGE )sa. llllle, before me, the under.lflled, Slate, resldJJll' therein, duly 14th day ~f Kay, 1904I, &t th• "· Mildred Victor Monday 1Jued I On lhla 27th day of March. a Notary Public In and for the commi.ul ec1 and norn. per· hour of T .st p.m. on aald day, 19~. ~fore me, the under· aald County and Stale, re1ldtn1 on or u IOOD Ulereaft.er u th• mat· Robert Tracy llnd Dennla Hor· ••&nt>d, a Notary PubUc In and therein, duly commlutoned and eonally appeared rrancea Supple tar may .,_ hard ID the Council lend, lesaeea al 1768 Newport for aaJd County and State, per· sworn, peraonally appt1red and Margaret Blnea lulown to Chambva of the aty Han ot Blvd., Costa Men, fur f2b,000 aonally appeared Lonnie R. Vin· DOROTHY M. CLJCARY, known me lo be OI• .penou whOM th• City of Newport S.Ch, UOO kn th namea Uf! #\lt>Krlbed to the W•t N__,rt Blvd . N .......... rl d1smages. ttnt, own lo me to be • to me to be the peNM>n wh<>M wtthYn tnalrument, and aclmowl· Beach, ~mla, • ~ .. ;;;i11 The plaintiff, whoat' addre>H Presldkent, and Robert A. ~-name la aublcrlbed to the with· ered lo me that Uley aecuted .,_bad at whicb b-... ::'"~ par· w11i.n't given, c!:ilm11 she tripped Hy, nown to me to be t e In lnatrumt'nt, and aclmowled1ed the aame --. over a large hole In the rear Secrt>l&ry or the Corporation thal ahe executed the ame. IN wITNSSS 'WBEJUX)J' 1 Mn OWJUJac uq ...i pro~ty of lhe delendanta' 1lore build· deac:ra~d In and that exKU\.ed IN WITNESS WHEl\l!lOP', I have hereunto Mt my hand ·~ wtth1n ~ boUDdu1ea 9' tba ter· mgs, fell and :1t1ious1.~· lnJurrd lhe within I n strum en I.. and have hereunto aet my ha.nd anil -'ttxed my otflclal AA•' th• day ritory ao psepoRd te be annaed k t t be th I . ... -bereln d..:ri.1*f. ~ ....,. a p· herself. The fall was bl~med nown o m• o e peraona affixed my official aeal Ole day and year 1n lhW ee.runcate nm wP and obj«:t to tbil -c,aud on lhe defendants' negllcence who executed the wllhtn lnatru· and year In thl.a Certiftctt• first above written. ~=--.. •-_ _.... _ .. _ _:;-~ why ment on ~halt ot lb• corpor~ above wrltlt'n, I/ ROBERT J' WILLMl:8 ~---- Uon tht>retn named, and ack· /~ FRANCES L. J ONES 11 · IUCh urrttAll7 '*'°"" -' • • C k Da L.a.--I My Comm111ion l:xplr• MDUlld. 00 UCJIUWT Ol'ft aowleclpd to me that au1.J cor· Notery PublJc In and for November 17, lt~t The ...... aad eta p I It.. a.tr. •'-'1 Mra. Barkley C-Ool<. If~ executed the Ame. t 8a1d County and State. No. 113 N ...... Prea eolllt:Ma .,... dal1 ... -,..WUly 683 G<l\ t nor St . Costa Mua. • 1 ., ~S ~ haM 16'4 Of I· M y Comml.,ion Exptrea 4 4, 11, 18, 2', 196e ---' amt ....i .a a -..tinl' became 1.lft'nlll or a daughtH c al Sra . July 9, 11168. ..--__... bom Apt l !5 in HOii( H o11plt11l P H1L BASTIAN No. l l:Z Nnrt·PNN . CEllTU"ICATS OP' B CSINEU ol th• CllJ Cou:Mll ol ~ Qty ____ ·_ Nola17 Pubhc in and for aaid 1 3 28, 4/4, 11. 18, 19!>8 f1dW..C 111111 NW ot Newport S..-. W. • the <.:ounly a.nd Slatt. KNOW ALL KEN BY THJ:SJ: '2ttb day of Jiluodll. 1 ... lt1 tht 11 t Berkelry R 1 ~ lh' •IP~llnallon or Jan Blum. \..:01 Ill Chapman rtceived lhi.l pr ec1ous lellPI from lhe l'n1ve1 iuty of Machi· glUI wherr 11hl' will major an Mu:<1c and m1.11or tn Malhema · l1ts. Perle Holland baa choaen nursing tor her career and will 1 tlend The I.a. Anrelea School of Nur•lng. For J oyce Vilt.. the Lawton Sehool of• Medical and Dental AssJttanll In Bever- ly Hiila la t he place lo belt h•am the but technlquea ot a tlt>nt.al aul.atant. Mt>llnda Clem· moru received h<'r acceptance from Redland1. Jalleo Or~n raom Santa Barbara J . C. Jack Smith from the Unlveraity of Colorado at Boulder, Ly n n Peue tn>m s.n JOH and Rtd· lands and Arllta Palm from Ma.r1mou.nL I will try to keep you posted u to who la follll where next year after th• lonr awaited rraduallon. My Coml11-1 nn Exp11e., CERTIFKATE OF Bl' ISl'.88 PRESENTS: followtnc ~ te wltt March 3. 19!>9 Yktltloua Ftnn Same The underaiflled doe1 hereby AyM, CouaclJJn•• No. 11~ New1·Ptet1s KNOW ALL ME:-l BY TKltSE ctrtify that tt !JI conducUnJ a BS~. MACJU.T, llTOD· 4111, 18, 2!5, !5 2, 19!56 PRESENTS: dru( 1tore bu.aineaa a t UOl J:ut DARI>, BIQllill, IUDDW>T, \ ARlANCE 1 HEARING The underlllflltd doea hereby cout Hichway. Corona del Mar, HILL NOTIC£ OF o.Wy tb&t It la conducUnr a Cautornl.a. under th• flctwoua · N~ CounelbMmt K--. Pl'BUO lll:AR.DiO drur 1t0re bualnn1 at 11452 tlrm name ot VINCllNTS REX· .A.be9nt Coun.dlmea Tele~ph Road, Santa P'e ALL DRUG, that Ula na.m. of WILDER Notice 11 hnby Jlven lbat Spfln&a. c.utornla, under the the COTpOr&tion and St.a prtnc1pal DORA 0. BilJ# the Planning O>mmluton of lhe tlcUUoua firm name nf VlN· place of buanua a.nd rutdence Mayor City of Newport Beach wlll hold CENT'S SE LF SER V l C It of .. Id corporaUon it VINCENT A.'ITEST: • public hearinr on the appllra· DRUGS; that the name ot the DRUGS NO. 2. Inc., 3451 Via MARGmRY acH!tOUDD lion or REX RECHS for a varl· corporaUon and Ila principal Lido. Newport Beach. C&llfornl&. City Clerk ance No. 287 to pt>rmlt: place ot bu1U\u1 and ruldence IN WITNl!88 WHJ:Rr.ol', ••fl][llDU'f-A" • Waiver of oH·atrttt p&rking of u liJ corporaUon 11 VINCENT lh• corpo~tlon hu cau.ted It.a WeM ltt.11 ~ Aa8adttft reqU1r1menl11 The remodt>llnit of DRUGS NO. 3. Inc., 3451 Via corporat. l\&me lo i,. aubecribed ~ninl' at a point in Ull• exlalln( bualdan( will have ~ Lido, Newport Bf'ach, California. and Ila corporation aea.1 to be boundary Un. of Ula CitJ « kitchen umtll 11nd 3 hotel room11.1 IN WITNESS WHltREOB', afrlx.ed lhJa 27th day of Karch, N..-pc>rt Beech. mid ,.mt 1-Qlllnnir under the Zoning Code I the oorporstlon tmr; arawd-• l~ ---~ Lb&.lflt~ 1'x parktnr apart'a. Spact'I! are corporate name lo be 1ut»crib9d VINCZNT DRUGS NO. 2, Inc. of Lot 111.J. N""JCrl llMt. available lD public parkan( lot and Ila corporaUon 1t•l to be By LONNIE R. VINCENT Tract, u abown upon • Ill&) • aero.a atreel On Lots 1 It 21 alfixed thl• 27th day of March, President reoorded tn Book a. Pllc•·l, Bladt 23 'J'ract Newport Beach, 19M By BRYANT A. CHRIBTEN· ot ~ )(qe, ft». 2300 It 23-02 We•l Ocean Front. vrnCENT DRUGS NO. 3. Inc SEN cord9 of 0ranp Cowrty. Nolll'e la hereby t\lrther ~lven By LQNNIJ: R. VINCENT Secretary C&Utomla : Ulm~ eMtetfY lh11t uld publlr heartnr will be Preaident ICOA.POR.ATE Sit.At.) alonr the 90Qtherl1 line « held on the 19th day oC April, By JOHN A GR1F1''ITK STATE or CALIFORNIA aald Lot 1111 &nd ~ tli• 19!'>6. at lhe hour of 7.30 pm. Secrel&ry ' COUNTY OF ORANGE )u . llOUUlerly llne of Lot lOJJ Ir tn the Council Chambcna of the tCORPORATE SltALJ On t.hla lt.h da)' of .A.prll. uJd Newport Xtaa Tract"to Nt>wpoa t Buch City Hsll, st STATE OJ' CALIFORNIA lt~. before me. the under· lb• aouthaut comer of MJd Whlrh llmf' &lid place any and COUNTY OF ORANGE )II. ligned. a Notary Public iJl a.nd Lot 1012; ll\eno. nortMrly all pe1 lloM lnlereated may a p· On thia 27th day of March, tor Mid County and State, ~ alOfll' the .uttl'l7 UM• ot pear &nd be l'leud <hereon. 1965, before me, ttte under· IOft&U.y appeared ~ R. V!D· ..Sd Lot 1012 to lb• _... AA Y Y. COPELIN, Secretary llif'\4'd, a Notary Public In and ~nt. known to ma to be ~ ... t comer Ul4re0(; ~ 1'•WpOrt. Beacb City tor ea.Id 'County and St.ate, per· Pr .. ldent. and Bryant A. Chrla· euterly aJonr tlle WMt..tt N Jl1&n.nlnr co;mmlon aonaUy appeared Lonnie R. Vin· teNNn, known to ~· to be th• protonsaUon of lh• north~ .. 118 Newa· reu ct>nl, known to me lo b• th• Secretary of th• OOrporaUon lln• ot Lot tll at ea1d ~ Ull/Cil President. and John A Ortrtlth, deecrlbed In and th&t executed port w .. Tract and alCIOIS V A&IANCZ l llEABING known lo me to be the the wlthiJl I n • t,r um • n t. and th• northerly lln• of MM C.ot NOTIOE OF secrt>lary of the Corporation known lo me to be th& peraona 912, to th& nortlltMt COl'Mr PUllUO IDCAIUNG described an and that. execu\.td who u:ecut.ed the w1thln wtzu• tht!raof; tll•nce aou~ Notice la here.by ctven that I the wilhln t n at ru m • n l, and ment on beb&lf of Ula corpora-aJon~ U. -eutm1y tmr« Ule Pl&nalnr Comm!Jlllon of the knowo to mr to be th• per110n1 Uon tbt>retn named, and a.ck· aaid Lot 912 to th• 90Uttl• Olly of NtwpOl't Buch -w hold who executt'd the within ln1tru· nowledfed to ma that auch cor· •a• t • r 1 y comer lll--!J a public heal'lll& on th• lll>Pllca· mt'nt on ~halt of the corpora· poraUon cx..:ut-4 Ula a&me. thence ... i.17 aJonl' .& U. of J.UO:S D. RA y for a I lion therein named, and ack· WITNl:SS my hand and OUl· aoulhvly lin• at Lot 111 M ~ No. 281 lo J*'Dllt: nowledged to me that 1uch cor· claJ seal. a&Jd N1W110rt Mea Trad'~ 8"• (.7) toot &ont ,aid aet.-p<WaUon execult'd llle Mme. JOHN JC. SADDLIER the 80Utheut cornv ther .. blR!lr In lieu of the nquired WITNJ:SS my ha.nd and Offl· Notary PublJc In and for aaJd of; MJd polbt belns an th• twenty (20) toot Mlbadl on c1al Seal. County and 8lat.e. weetArly lln• of Plac.-U. Lot. 2 • I Tract lllO PO'IRll P HlL BASTIAN My Comluton J:xplree Annue, aa l&id ~ ~ Notary Public 1n and for a id May 31, 1951 Annu. ll lhoW'll upon a .., Not.Lew la benby turt.fa.r JI.nil County and Slate. No. 111 Nl'W•Preu ot aid Newport X-Trad that aid pubUc l'leariq will 116 My Cotl'llu:lon Explrea 4/11, JI, ~. 5/i. ltlle &lid aJao .t>own upoa a ftM9 held on th• ltlh d&y of Apl'il. J.larcb 3. 19511 o! th& J'lnrl AddlUon to N~ ltM. ,at the hour ot T:&o p.m. Nt'I. 117 New1-Ptt111 ae.olaUoa Ne. "" port Ktaa 'nut., ~ ta In the Council ~ ot ~ 4.'ll. lJ,, 25, 6 2, llM A u:.soJ.V'llON 01' IN'D:N· Jlook I. Pap tJ... at ~ ~ewport S..Cb Qty lfall. at. TION TO Ai."NllX CEJITAIN laneou. Ma~ of .. ""1lch time and plate UlY and V AIUANCE l BEARING PKOPE&TY TO TD CITY <>ranee Count)', c..uro...-. aU Jler90ll• lnU!rut.d mt.)' a.p-NO'fte& OF 011' NEWPOBT BE.A.Cl! Al'fD and ..Sd poltst ..... ~ar-111 pear and be ht'lrd thereon. PVBUO REA.JUNO (Jl'V1WO llfO'l'IClt TllEIUl'.OP 'lh• bo\mdary Una ot th• City RAY Y. c OPEWN. Secretu:J NoUc• la hereby ctven t.h&t WHER.ltAB, thv. ll 6itu&ted ot OMita W..; t.Mnc• 9CllUfJ!r Newport Beach City • l'la.nnfng Comrntalon or the out:arae ancT contlj'\lioUI 10-,tft erl)1' iJOi& tJii weft.rly lJ;iie Plenntor Oommt.-inn City of Newport Beach wlU bold Cit.y of Newport. Beach. a '-tr· ol aald Plac.nU& A."nue 4n4 No. 120 Newa·Prua a public llf'At lnft' on ti. appllc~ Caln un11\habl Id territory "'ilhln alonr Mid boundary llnt , oi •;l1/'&8 lion of JACTON CORPORA· lh• meantns of the Annexa~n th• Qty ot Co.ta X-S.O TION ror a vartanca No. 2lt to of UnlnhabU.ed TerritCl'J' A.ct ot the 90Ut.balt eom• ot ,&At Clla'l'll104n& or BUSINW permit: 1m. aid UnilGS7 b11aJ rno,. au~ .. abowa upm a ...., .,....._ rtrm Name ft.edUcUOn of requlrecl O.t putJc\ll&t1,T llCNia&ftAr dt9erl-.. fl Aid Jiit Addlt.1on te JffW't 'nllil U'ND£R8.JQNG>do *1 .tbUk to 1D' and nqatred ad; wnd port~ 'l'rMJt; ..W....,... by rt>rUfy tut lhey are CGn· 10' rear yard wt.back to '1 oa WHl:ft&A.8. «rta1n owners of ~ la ~ bouod&ry ~· ARTIST'S PLAN FOR NEW . LUTHERAN SCHOOL UNIT Abov~ ia a~itect CUiver Heaton'• idea for t)le crou which will be illuminated and viaible rrom duct1n1 a pert:tt • bu&L marua-lt1l a ~ ~ Block l~ IH· Ml4 property ba\'9 •pNIMlll f'll U. Cll,1 f'll N....,.,rt f&elW IJ\( buat.nua al lllH PIA-Uon Canal, 8Mbo& Bll'd. al in· ~mee&r• u tMf.as dllaU'OU9 of lhacbl U.... ~ aM uoua.. Co.ta ........ Calttomta, t.enaCtiGD ol ''°' IL b.a~ the .am• aan-.d w::tJt ~'17 &lioQs ~ -... under the n eUUOUI t\rm nam• Notice la h~by turtber ftY• Ul• CttJ at N.-port a..ca1 &Dd d&tJ llu ot the Ot)' r Of "' AMSRJCAN Jl'tBtROl.A.SS t.Mt a1J public h..nnr W111 be WHEJU:All, It would.,. tor Uut NfWJJOrt 8-cll t• ~ J*.!ll 6: BOAT ('O and tha t •Id lltm' hf'ld on the 19th day of April, bHt lntt!rM1JI for the Ctty of of bq'lnnln1-. r • ...,.._ .C &.M~ Cd'etai U. bow OC·T..IO J.m.l N..,.an 8-dt.ud i&6. .W...lNo..ll' • ..,..,,_ «14. u.·~ propoeed $97 ,000 educational unit of the Newport all over tbe Harbor and along the &ho reline, Wlll Harbor Lutheran church. The apllt-Mftl 8000 be erect.cl Robert B. Gronlund. putor ot th• IQ. ft. bulldJnJ will owrl~k Newport Harbor. A church. l&ld construction ii ~peeled to ~gin lounge with tbrff-way viewing dec:lr and clu•-Aur. 1. room1 will be J.D.Cluded 111 t.M. &u. ~ft... 8*1 I • .• • ' • • • ~ 6 · PART 11-NEWl'O~T HAUOA NEWs.ftEss' ,,...-~-..,..----.----------i .u.-a 'M a a.<"111 ' . Ef>NESl>A'\';-Al'Rlt--H0ll.S.,;.::..:_~::.:.::.._ _ _:__:::.__=---~~~_,,. .. ' Dellvvy of 111o Newpo<t Baztloi·--ii 11\&"Y-Clrrilr boyw will -lhelr -bet-$ p. m, Oii K<indt.J, ..... II iloJ ...r l'rld&J. u )'OU? -ii llOl ~ 'bY. I.bat -plouo call IWt>or 101e u d --wtD ~ 1G'r paper. -Clcisslf'le .·d SPARKLETTS -:otea11 1.m WATl:ll ... ""-""""-"'--N~ •a..p. ........ _ ~HOU ITGJ. Painting, Deeorating hpor R ..... GEO. BURKHARDT LICl:l<AD l)IJlnMUNll ITI W, 11tb *l. o.ta JAa ....... ... tt .. 17 b ·~--....,_.. ,.,.. ·~ Q. -- • Roy's Kilaintenance ·--°'"'" ---• Complete Profe11lonal ---.,...---I ;...Sur:$1.~ !!11'- ................... Mb' ...................... -+-... y .......... Udo'• ....... 8-lt.7 JIN •• ,. ... House~l••nlnt Floor 1'Uiils .... _, Window QMntns Upholotery, 0-•'nc P&-Oolor - Lwotrouo ReoulU. REASONABLE Phone Liberty 1··1332 O..W M1if 1T .._ .,. iii tM W1 ,, 111 lf~ Call 4 i:.-. 1 -'Lii -1. Jliooo .15-. "'Paper ilanglnr f!ill•loo COid>Lll:Tlll PAINTJNO 1 ~ -~ -•• ZU<lmfS o. IAtJlllDml v R 1 • c· 4¥.-,_ --~ _.._ 000 .,..1...., .. ...,...._.., our ••• .,.. 1zor '" ' uw I lwrtkllll IM add'L llMI .J5 ea. Bar11ror lt11 tit CONIULTANT 4 u.ie. 4 lwll1iW z.M .. 'I, lw .16 e&. DunonetntklM, DO obUC"-UOa COLLIXJll ltudUt,, ll. Law ._.,..w .... .._·w111rwi1 .. 11" ... ems.a.1a .. .....,.m17 ~~PAINTING ._.. wt1aon~~~= :~w°':!.un~m: . JIDIJlllJJI ..... "' • UHD . PAl'ER HANGING .. _, _ ..... -· _ .. , R 1------------1 ~1&1. ITc&mon WUt dur. NEWPORT HARBO .NEWS-PRESS can u... ...... w 11ctt COLO WAVE "'• .,.. "11or. ,..,.,, -•· hery Moecllly, weci-•r -Frid9y udo. tlUo COASTAL SbOPPE. R -Wednesdays CA RP ENT E R COMPLETE Re w $8.llO to $lD GARDENING DEADLINEB for Plac:lnJ' or cue.a.tlnl' Ilda an: pair ork Hair wt 11. Bhampoo ... t fl.&O HaUllnc -and odd jok For Monday Publlc.Uon -J"rlday e p.m. Doe. Your Heme Need ~ CLEO l'IKZ'I BEAUTY BBOP REA.BONABLI: For w.rn-i-1 PubUc.Uoa.-TUMday l p.m. or· RemoeiellDI: 1 llM Cburcb 8t. J1nt. nr.t &ut Liberty .a.JIM. Np90 ' For Friday l'ubllcatlon -'n.urma;, 1 p.m. CalJ l'nrlk. l...lbart1 ........ ot Nnrport BJ.id.• Mtween lttb NEW MARINERS MILE ADDITION NE"-'l"OftT ILUlBOK PUJ!lU•RlNO 00. All Work Ouarant.Md T4U. and 20lb.. Co.t& K-. LI l-M6I BOUU: cl~, painUq", odd An attractive new building at 2500 W. Cout flighway ie Malone Electric Co.'• plant In the cen~r of the-Mariners Mile. Owner Tom Malone, a marine elec- trician before he opened hi# -present eetab1i8hment, eaya he will ·spect&J.iu .tn eJectrical wpplies both house)lold &nd marine, fire equipn1ent a.lea and inapec· tlon., radio &nd at.orage batteries and boat wiring only. -Staff Photo !!II~ BIV'd.. N-pert 1INdt., o..;iuoraaa. PAINTING ~---------"-I~.~ man. u:::~ ~pedal. No-':2 !la!".'•c -I ~~.;._~~-~ . ' Newport Harbor Palntlnc .t. Paporll&DJ!ng B. P. O. E. We do the work ounelvea. 1767 ao year• uperien09 MM •"")' ThundQ I p.m. UceoMd le in.Wred. Or11ge Officials Assist in Harbor 28--38 Club Induction TravelOCJUe Fiim Slated Monday Via ,._,.,... Cent.r&l A BaUafacUoa ruaraateed. -...---"' l:atlmat.u rr... eau Johnn1., Newport a-ch AL H. Matthew•, Eu.lt.d Ruler LI 8-2687 &. U 8-528~ 'fhe Dahnauon Cout oJI TU· t.-lt'naeral Dlrectorl ~ Harbor 2~30 Ciub~'o'1-!'~•~l__!S~oo~lh~•gm'o-£c•~l~lf~o'!'l'cc,lll';i ... ...,..,_~,H,.;,-fM;.;,; ... .;.;..,,;;;.i·:::;:::;~~=-.:::~:=:~--- charter wu paaentfld and uew trlct Govtmor. •~ceptance of .._lian. H•l'Mlorinl-.n and Maoe-.. ,.OTTELL'S etflow9 w1r1 inataJled l l a the club by •taynr Dora Hill donlllll cou.al.l')'eidea will bl de-M c:un.t n.l1 ht 11e .. lon htld Sat-uf Newport Beach and Counrll· plcttd In color-01.m unde.r \.h• ANO PEEK unkJ' ~ J'rld&y Afte1TH.1Un Club, man A. L. Pink\ty, COflt.a Meio;o 1 uue of ·•4d r1 a t1 t Holiday'' ec.t& Kaaa. "·hen Karl Roblll.tOI\ pre.menta Colonial Mort.u&ry A.naold S.hrmann. Oran1e. New Bookk..e.ilMI hla film •L tbe Newport H-.,·bor 7801 Bola-Ju.at South of Weet- P" the. lnvoc&Uon folluwed by --r" ""'111 , High School Monliay eveninr. mlntler Memorial Par.Ir.. Bill C&rrtker tnt.roducinl' the Machines Purchased The indualriea. everyday Ille, An ONnS• OOuaty tn.Utulloa 91'DOM St.twart Ditchey, P •• t Plan• are now underway toi the h1-tory and felt.Ive coe· Servin( f&mlllea of all fall.ha p.....tdent of the Orllnee Club. inataJlatlon of n ew bUAlne•s i (1llfll'I of theme colorful people ~lepbone (Toll V....) J\oa Miiier, Governor of SOU· macnlne equipment at Oranee wlH M 1hown. ZEnlth IJ2!1 81 ttc CEMENT lo BUILDING All """" FREE ESTIMATES Uberty 8~109 "" General Contractor UCmN81lD New Work -Remodeling J. MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 8-'399-W 58tfc the.m Callfornl• Dl11lnct ln11tall-COdl Colleee, accoNlins to Dr The !Umh Include. •eq!Mnee• No one ever tural!d away becaUH t14-tll• tolJowlns officer•: Don Peh!ke, dtan oC atudent per-1howln1 t • -port of Rljeka, of lack of tun4L FOR ·RENT 81cbard Krull. pr111ldent: OM Kinne.I. _ "the P1·~J-nakl c•v• cuUt, th•l------------I Bnnuitde, flrmt vice · pre11dent The equipment wW be uMd In Alka ndera of atnJ, • colgrful Sldll S•wa, lt'\ec. DrULI, Pollallers. and JOMph !:. Lovejoy. second rqiatratlon, recordJflS" and m&ln-Turkl•h-•lYle mt.rket, L&.k• Oh· lfl--B uslneea Golde all type.a or li&Ddtr11, Wheelbar Vice -prelidenl. Elton Dt!:nner, tainlnl' IJtudent reoorda, Dr. Pih-rid re«lon, and •ueh cllle• •• rvw-1. etc. Rod1r1ck Johruiton. Terry JoM-. r Z.greb, San.Jevo. Korcula, LJu-Income Tax Serv1"ce BOYD'S HDWE 1ton, Richard Miller and Robert Ike llllJd, our machlnea will be bljan• and th• beautltul l1land1 • I t d t •• _ ... tn..taJled Oil July 1, with twu and f j(>rdm aloni the cout. COM_'"_ Aud\lO• -JI boat H¥0 W. CUA.ST flJGHWAT Mtller were e ec e 0 .,,e more machine• due Aul'. 1. .-... ~.,, ... ~ .. , Wtt.rty 8-3430 Nwpt. Bcll. 28llc of dlrectora. Thl11 111 the lut color-rum on ll0'7 E.. Ba.Ibo& Blvd. Thurm. •t lnteranllon•I premldtnt, Ta I The electronic 1!.pp&ratui will th• World Travelorue IMri•. 3 p.m. No WalUn(. Har. 3809. Mannlni. pre1ented th• offlch1I permit lmpro~ &eclll'M°Y In •tu· RHf'rvaUpna tor the film will IM.cU6 charter to lhe neWI)' formed dfnl record.ti, mor e ettldent be avatlable at th4'-NeWport ------------! club and Btll Ca rrlkl'r aw•rcled t-ndUn( Of ADA and sre•trr I Hl(h School boll ofnce on the 1%- the club eonl' &l\d ravel to th8 nexlbUtty In reporting proctd· I nJ1bt of the performance. ;::::;8:::ulld:,:::;i.a~ft..::S.:::""-.:.::::: ___ I prelltdenL uru. Will!. enrollment.a lncreas- Amold B6brmann. Orangr. Ina-rapidly In both ~ruiar and FOOTINGS DUG • wu the honored rttlplent ·or adult clauea. the aew inat11111-[ Hunt Hos• SlasW lion wtll permit more enlctent 1 Wute Unes, .eptlc l&nka and th• Rodnty Hilbert award. Gent UN of cltrlcal time, Dr. Pehlke J.lar1erlt1 Stran~. 418 t..r\1:-MWtr connectlOll.I, work dolle Smith, Put Deputy G<>w rnor by r ord mounted Bae.Ir.hoe. of Dt.tr1ct No. fi niade lht p~· laid. 1•pur An , told pollce Saturday PboM HYatt t.U..0 CoU.CL Mnt.allon. that IJI w1~Ut}9d penon bad llctfiH Th• charter pro1ram conclud--Everybotly reade and heeda 'ut her 7~·foot plaattc hoa.e In ed with th• awardlnr of the Ntw•PrUll want ad•. Thal'• ~al t and •l'-1he<f. both end•. Lou -Uve mercl'Lana are ll'IOh who dub bannar by Carl Beart'y, why thty get 1uch quick ruulta. w11o11 $8 adverUH--patronlse them. -It's _gical YES. IT'S LOGICAL · TO ASSUME YOU WILL FIND THE · MOST COMPLETE •• NEWS COVERAGE of ALL Harbor Activities IN THE COLUMNS OF NEWS paper Receiving These Awards ~ The . e AlfN'U.&L ()Al.IF. XE\\'8 PAPER Pt:BU81URS A.S...'IQC. A\\'AllD8 00!\"TEST 111 ,..._ '66--lmd p~ ror br~t ••w·• ptlotoe, (dalllee OR •-M"kllt-«.1 la ,.. '~'lad P'-for bHI fro•t N"e, (•-el'kile9, MM hofton.bffo m"•tlo11, c___,.,. ..... p&.c..t for ,._,...,. 1'1ttl~. e CAUP'OL'VIA ANOCllATIOS Ot' PkFM \\'OMt;S l'O:'liTt;JoJT WllllfrM Barbfom•• "'°""°'Y J••I"'• 1''JR8T PLAl't; tor bfoitt ¥1-.11'1 df'partmt!at ( ......... &ad -1-l"ftDH1 e NATIONAL PF..OERATION Ot~RF,P'M "·OKL."'ll C101'ri'TE'°'T ""* pa-fer lilil'tlt "'OllM'NI depar1nteat (•·eeklleot and Mlflll·•·ee.kJleaJ e TBnA BlGMA PHI A\\'ARll mi. ...........,..., ._... .ury t.-k U~ 11-t\oa. -.nnual Thf'ta SI.pa& rM Maflb Talel Awvt co.tHt rur c•·ettt;r •-.,-penJ >----· NAl'JONAL A.W.uLO ~ .. , ... ef pltol-. b1 Fal~ GNpllSc l:qut,..-1 Co. • •••• CARPENTRY MINOR REP AIR WORK NO JOB TOO SKA.LL a o. A.DC.,._ lOlfi C, Balboa &ITd., BAiboa Harbor 2460 83U'c ~•neral Repairs REMODELING LICENSED Free adYlce. Ph. Har. ~.w - NBWPORT HARBOR .NE-WS PRESS lNTERJOlt. -DTERJOR ALSO KAJUNI: PA.INTJNO Ua::MIDD -INBUJUCD Glenn Johnston &01-3lst At. Newport BM.ch Harbor 3179 ttt.lc PAINTING PAPERHANGING Sympson & Nollar But Experleoced WOrlan9n Har. 2fi!H or 6317 DICK 6 HERB THE GARDEN SPOT COMPLETE nunery •lock. Ell· pert 1arde.nln1 6 l&Nacapin(. 708 Main SL, Hunun&"ton Beach'. LEX. 9-7022. P6:P ''A'1" VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY THE Nt~W m11-cl .. ne proceu m • t hod. Re&aonable prlcea. A v•r•c• 3 tape re1ldentlil bltnd. Only $1.00 Bllndm repaired and rebuilt. Free Ptck up and dellvery Work done by appointment Phone Uberty 8·:.701 or Kimberly 3·&189. ppllc H. H. HOLBROOK Dependable Pluinbing A Prompt Repair Service Melntaln..:! Phont Harbor fi~24 2801 Balbo6 HlvJ., Newpon Bch. .. , SUBSCRIBE TODAY ONLY oo, llONTllLY CALL HARBOR -1616 -CIRCU~ATION DEPT. • • "FIX.fl" Mechanical and Dectrie&l Maintenance SerYic• AlL WORK OUA.RA.N"I'l:J:D. H•rbor *4 or M93 LAWN Garden Service Fully gpertenced tbl.I area. By month-week-hour. Phone_ Uberty 1-7:111 87pl .. "' ------------~~~~~~~--! GARDENING end CLEAN -UP JOBS WANTED LI BERTY 8-b 139 GARDENING ODD JOBS It CI..&4N UP. NO J OB TOO SKA.LL BY HOUR, DAY OR WEEK Ll 1-t080 or LI HMt .... LADIES Do ahoulden or feet a.ebeT Ia RE1.AXA TION needed f hlAKE AN APPOINTMENT tor Swedish Massage ln your home.. P1eue call Harbor 4716 or Harbor 70. a&ll COLORED LADT want. houe 62tf• MASSAGE Howard Steam Cabinet Whirlpool batha. Call Ll 8·7t72 tor appolntmanL ..., .. GARDENING Le.wna--Mowir11"-Renovatlon Ll 3-3768 .. .. w«k by tho doy. Good ...r. l---P-A_l_NT--IN_G __ _ KI ll-1348. Hpff -Bul»crlbe to the Leader, Ad- vertl.M In th• Bl:8T, Oall Har- bor 1818. 29-Help Wonted By Hour am&JI or l.&rf• joba ok. Re&aonabl• ratee. Liberty 1-2712. 29-Holp Wonted Seaside Employment Service Agency OF LAGUNA BEACH la Pleued to Announce the Opening ot it.I COSTA MESA OFFICE al 1856 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA LIBERTY 8-4503 We have been 1eryicing the entire Harbor Area for more than a year, and we hope t.o 1ervice the Coit.a. Meaa Atta to better ~dvantage by eetablishing a local office. Application.1 for employment a.nd employer'• request.a for per.on- nel now being aCcepted. Seaside Employment Service Agency P. J. EATON, Manager M. 0 . RASSETT, Owner %9-Belp Wused 2&-Holp Wuled Men Jobe now open ln ilANTA. ~A to hl(h School fT&dt&at ... .... 18-46. Th•e are career Jo t>. with ucel- lent opportuniUt• tor advancement. Cons t ruc tio n He lpers 6·De.y Week. Paid v•callon• and holklaya. medtoaJ covens• avalla.bl'• to employ-and c.tependenta, Co. paid peru.IOIUI a.bd dlabUlty plan, APPLY 1030 EAST FIRST ST. SANTA ANA Mon.·t'"rl. I A.ll.-4 P.ll. South em Counties Gas Co. Beacon Personnel 10050 .,..1>19yer ntaiDed •CIDCY No J'H collected trow appUcant UJ..~i.t /' Nawport BwJ:i ' DI SP.LA~ ADVERTISING 8AL&llllAN needed u addfUon to n.pldJ7 ~ OtCUllt.- Uon ... 11Yt ln the Harbor &t'H . , , . l'r'OW wlUa Newport.co.ta MeA. Wrlte det&lb I t one. to &a B·22 -lh\a n.-.pe.per. GIRLS GOOD NEWS! GOOD JOB8-000D l!IA.LA.R !' Wltl'I frequent ln~ In a. comp&ay that actu&l17 9JlCOUI'" ..... &dvance.manL rtTLL PAY u you are tniMd. -Openlnp !w - Telephone Operatora -Apply - 1 :00 to 4:00 p. m. llfilAi N. Main 8L, Rm. 211 Banla .... PACIFIC TELEPHONE WANTED 1 1Uk tlnlaher-A.IAO strl tor alteratlou 6 counter. 6Ua at. c..,_.., 2~ St .. Buntiqton s..ch. llplli EXPERIENCED W AlTRl:8l!I _ Youn1 It fut.. J:DWARDI 11'4 Newport Blvd., Coilta MM& .. , .. IXPl:JUEl'l'CEO rnala bookkeep- er. Write. Box IN, Newport. Sch. atatiJ:ls ~· A qu&lltk&Uona, •tc. • • tlcM MACHINISTS 0.0.n.l.-all __,., _,...6"te&. Aleo, )(llllnc KactUnt ud l.&tba operaton. Oo.11 thON dMlrtq permanent llMd7 work In thl8 UM ~ apply. Aak for Mr. Burdlck. GILL JtLmlC:l'. MFG. CORP., 130 W. 17th It.. Coeta M~. 16ct7 OJRL. fnr hot11111! work Olt(!I • D£SK WAITING WM.Ir.. U 1-7841. "1197 FOR BROKmR OR 8 ALEl!IMAN. WA.NTED Man to t..c.h WOOD Pennanent. SHOP to boya alt.e:nloon. It lhou.ld know local aree. evenlnl'•· 40 hrs. pe.r week. tContldf!nt lal! Apply 1ner I pm ff1rbf>r C•ll Blanche Catt•. Boy• C1ub. 994 C.,nlAlr 8t . ~ • i'bor t B71 ~ " nwr.-)fl'!llr • - --• . - l • . - • - I • . ·--... ,,. - . . . ... Music -Lovers! \li&'h·n.:kllty recorda • tapee an ~ JUST i"OR YOU. at Nft'pON buutJtul new "Studio ot Uvtnc Sound" HARBOR Hl-f I u aa N....,ort Btrd. Har. ffl1 • 78lfc MORSE of SANTA ANA Kl 7-M~ 1260 So. Ma.In, Sa.nt.& Ana 93<:90 GAFFERS A SA TrLER I a • ranee 21,. yn. ol.t. $1~. WU\• Completely F'.irniah Your Home CHEAP Men'• Sutt. -·······-·--·-···-·······-·······-······•···$6.60 up • fOO Women'• Dre.ea ...... _-25-96c • VETERANS INDUSTRIES OPEN J'RIDAY AND SATURDAY T1LL 9 P . M. Com• ln a.nd ahop at one of our 3 convenimt k>caUON . f02 E. •th St., SANTA ANA ~ tnpoue auto. wuhlnr ma· ---------------------chlne $~. l.I 8-H~Z H* Attn. Property Owner! 10 PT. G.E. REFRIO. 0000 SO.B-Al!!'!?!C • S2-Fu.rnltuN few SU. lre you -~, CONDITIObl wi. u um.-PRACTICALLY NEW rRIOI· 6 ROOKS BEAUTIIVL ow JOUr water beat.er' 9Sci6 DAlRE. UMd only t.,,.. montla. J'URNlTlJR.11: wtth 2 pc. Urine TV SERVICE CALLS $2.00 ANYWHERE ANYTDOC BRUCE Television Sales end Service 1'746 R&rbor Blvd., 8a.nta Ana KI 2--01U LE 9~126 nil•. 96c1 Knowlton Electron.ica TV REPAIR HAlQlONJ> Chord orpa. UMd. Quar9.nt .. blS •..tna'· ICBMlD'l' PHJLLIP8, J"ft.DCMMd Sam• mond De&ler tor ~ Oount.J', 620 No. Ma.lJl, Sant.a AA&. 111 Pmt MONTS "'°La a lood practice Jl&&.DO. Tenn not ap- pli• lf 7ou buy; ICIDUDT· PHJLLIPS Co., Banta Ana. Oood pr&CU~ pl&noll Mt, S110, Uta. DO IT YOURSELF. HI.fl BUILD YOUR OWN BI • r1 pb~ ~ N.woomb • ~K&rdon AK·l'X tunua. ampbtS.n, .,.U... It record pl.a)'u-s. Come in ud ... them. JUST ARRIVED! 1956 RENAULT Thia amu:ing Uttlo car in a recent road no. wu tint in it.I clam and finiahed ahe&d of 11 can with l~ en,m.. The Renault t\niahed in front of a DKW, Borgward. Dyna-p&.nhard, Hill· man-Huaky, two VolDwagena, a Pone.he speed· ated and a Sln,er 811 1500 among others. M041t of these cars have twice tJie engine aize of Re- nault and cott at leut $1000 more. Thia remark· able ahowini apln demonatratea the wperb aafely and handlinc qualities u well u perform- ance of Renault. We invite you to come in and drive it. Hausken-W atson 2201 So. Main l g32 Harbor Santa Ana eo.ta Mea Kl 5-1188 LI 8-lUM Cleea_ dra1a u4 adjuat your water beat.er. BENDIX automatic wuhln1 ma- chine $30. Kar. 261& or Har. 1887. 9•cH 9 cu. tt. Barbor 1171 daya. room Ml 1n your cboic. ot mod· LI S..TOM nentng1 or ... at em fabrtca. 2 Nevamu .id tab- 3732 ll. Co&lt H.llhW&Y C. D. )(. lee and cotfee tab&ea, 2 modt.m 92c:H table l&mpe. I pc. wrcJUlht iron d!Mt~ modern bedroom Mt l'AST SERVIC!l, R.JtASONA.BLE s.rvtc:. caUe till 9 p.m. W• wtU !ullp JOU -...mble lt. ---------------------- Call your DAY Ii: NIGHT AUTBOJUZllD DLU.&R JOE BlDCBTOLD, Plwnbin1 Ha.rt>or 5330 17 c1 GIRLS 1' ln.. b1k•. N.w Chrlat· mu fl5. Ll a.-HD2 Metil lNSULATIID pqwood fl.ah box, 6 ft. b7 s ft. by u lncb•. ~ divan ta,..try cov.nd. Clean. J"RJCEZJ!:R, brand new Int.em•· Uona.I Harvuter the b~ 11 cu. tt. one that hu all r't'f1tce1at- ed abelvea, extra IJ>6C• ln door. all color lnterSor. Pd. dn. to SW.'9 trom ortc. tttt. Cuh or pay th• pymla. ot SU.00 par mo. ... Ba.1.11ban'1 A It S A.pplt.a.nct -220 So. Hain st .. Sa.nta Ana Open daily tU 9 Sun. 11-D Phone Kl !>·iZOl. Sl-Waat.ed to BUJ LI M20CI with t drawer dniUer ud l&Jy• ----------- mJl'TOr. L&rf• Pblloo W~. Ii: BALDWIN Acroaonlc tip In et Ma.&1C Chet J'alll' .. aD for ol117 Pit.AO pwfecl You ca.n .. ve 00 DAVIS-BROWN 1.UI Jl&tboY Bl•d. eo.ta Mm& -LI •WT HJOHl:ST PRJCl:S PAJD FOR 11190. Low doWn payment. 106 this. S..uutul Splnet ocl7 '890. ----------- weelu to Pl'¥· Thi. I.I ~ of-Another Spinet M&bos· cue. ~ naJa. P9c. tend at the low•t prtc.• evv lo~ly tone, only $4tT, alway9 ~=-==s::~---~--=--~·----·---- ehown. lot.a of wondt.rfUJ b&rplna at HUB 600 W. Centu. A.nabeim ti 8CHKIDT-PHILLIP8 Btr Plano JEAN HENRI JUNK DOG CLIPPING • Orran Co., 620 No. Main st. French s~ ot TWO LA WION lo're .. u ,00CS 100 P1anoe to chOOM trom. muy IRON Ii: MET AL.. Brue ltc lb., Lead lOc jA., copper 3lc lb., aluminum 1'!c lb. Call LI 1-1701 Ne& rood OQndSUoo. LI M7N HcN 1----------- Wuber, Norr• 1J04. Juat puah ----------- condlUon NJ each. ~ tarma. Open rrcy Frid.,. ev.. Blond ·oak cllnln1 table Ii: I ----------- BALDWIN tlnut ot planoe. 8lll Woru 1D your bome. upboi.tued cM1rL f16. LlllertJ 84272. 93ci0 button a.nd waah. Tb.la i. a real ~ for Se.le ----------- bu;y. It wW pay you to look. l ~---~------GREEN, wool bro9dloom carpet. tt. Grand. Be&utl..'Ul cuat.om 1W TusUA An., co.ta M ... bullt provtnclal cue ot Phil· _Bar __ . _OM1 _______ H_p1_ Upln• mabOf. P\&ytn,r ~ Special of the Month NEW 1956 PLYMOUTH CLUB SEDANS Overdrive, arm reata. air folJll seatil, oil filter, exterior trim, directional aigna.la, aun vi.aora, 2 tone paint PLU~ atandard factory equipment. Watch Repairing UnUIU&l eo.tume Jewelry JEWEL BOX Corona d.i Mu uMd It a w..U. 1otnc llome, OLD ., .. Y HO .... E w1th pad. hH and lx7~. In ODl;J' owe '129.27. JIS¥ bank $1.18 s M M rood condiUclL LI l-6ilt &tt.r pu weelt. They took lt, to OotfM ON OCEAN FRONT. Beauutul I :30 p.m. Hc:M :"' ~ n~ecti ~= ;;;.;st::..--A.;....";.;.toe~w_u_w ___ TOTAL PRICE INCLUDING TAX & LICf.' 'SE 1728 E. Cout Hwy. Har. HOS po\11 • • SALE • • DESIGNERS FABRICS f ou ca.n buy lh~m at wbol..ale pricN . • • and nen 1-. at loUJlGl:J: • W£BY blc clear- ..nc. .ale. Y~ and ...m· ne.nUI of unUl'U&l a.nd d.lallnc- Uv• Ct.bric• ••• a.Leo llowlty tnm.. MARGIE-WEBB ORIGINALS l 95e South CoMt Bouln&rd- 1.qima Beach tac97 i.ppllancea, t09 8. M.a1.n. Orans•· tumlture, O'Kede Ii Ktnitt COMPIZTm hou.eetul of turni· 96cH OLD CARS KJ:lloJJ 8-6117. Kan the:"• dayw •tove, CroGey Sbltndor ~- and eventncL erator, Bendix wuher, Orlct&I tun lncJucS• t plec• UY. room -------rue• a.U ez-. Draperiu and l'f'OUP, tMdrm. lnd~ dble. lllGtl WHIRLPOOL Wuher Ila comic• on trav.ne, plclu.rM, drMMr with mhTH, bookcue th• nice dt)uxe one that hu ,, ....... ~. ~-•id bric-~ beadboud, 'mattnfu anti box ~· b~ tub, acit&tor and now brae. A.lac>, Palnt.n J.addera. aprlnp, D piece dln.tnc fl'OUP· rtnae. U.led 1 mo. Pd. dn. to very cbe6p, extend.a aboUt 20 Bn.nd new. Pd. dn. to $nt.24 Sltl.88 no cub dn. 1t you pay fl. hl(h. cuh or P•Y Ule pymt.a. of ia.4«1 the pymu. ot JU.88 per mo. per week. A.i.o our 1961 Plillco BM Ba1.11ba.n'• A Ii: 8 Applt&n" SAC'RIFICE. MUST Sr.LL OUT. TV pd. dn. to $H8.H. -220 So. )(a.in St., Sa.nta An& 17112 Jt. Ocean Front, Bal.. Calif. he Ba\ll'h&n'a A It 8 Appliance Open da1l7W t Sun. 11-1 Phone Open Daily 9:30 am. to •:OO p.m. -220 Bo. Maln Bt., 8a.nta Ana Kl S-7201. HpM Open daily W 9 Sun. U--6 Pbone LOVl:L T e1ectrOn1o 2 manual 8ptnet orpn. ln "1eet con· dJUon. Sa" '400. Tenn.I. sauo c1owa • ua per mo. &t SH.AJ'i':RS ( Sln<:. 1907) •21-4U N. 87c:amon. Sa.nta Ana Phoo• Klmbuly 2--0972 oranr• Count)"• orr&A Hdqt..ra. BIG SAVINGS ON NEW . KIMBALL SPINET PIANOS! Kl J..7201. ROLL AWAY BJCD. Cedar cbeet, Our blf "ONCE IN A CEN· •mal.l mabofa.ny table. Ma.hoc. TURr' factory movtn.r Kim- ' Are You dr ... 1nr table, bench Ii: mJnor SZ..A-~!f!! • ball piano •al• DOW fOiDI' on AND JUNKJCR8 HAuLED AWAY FREE CalJ J'.UX lupu lerYic:e LI .....Ul lMO Newport 81"4. SELL YOUR CAR 17c1 In th• market for appUa.ncea? Minton A Hmocu dlnner plat.em Tall Gable ,,..-·-+_, Houae {tor a limit.ad Ume only). A 11 rr. KELVINATOR retrt1 stns•r aewtng macbine. Ha.r. ""'"""""' world tamoua Kimball can l>e DLD KllUl&N cupbOa.rd H7~. J\ec. pric• $339.N, w1UI trade 0290.w. Upte ANTIQUES 7ourt ~l tremen4oua •vinp. b1'U9 lroa la wood ~ Crom -... _ ... _ .. ···--···-........... $269.96 Nie• ftlWty authentic anuqu-. Uben.J t.rMM9 -oonnnlent PAID J'OR OR NOT Mceart.b7 Paya More l '20 •. Ma.1Jl Kl l...aaoT 110. old Ume pbono $20, An-THIS WJ!l.EK SPECIALS THRl:lC roona of be&Uutu.1 new colored ,i... bn.M, cop~r. tenNI at Uque Ol'J1Ul UOO. orl•nt.al WESTINQHOUBJ: twln wuher furnllur• for $1~. Corr.• 1D pe~r. lampe. turnltun, from SBA.Fl:R.8 I Sine• 1907 l caned chest. s•o. old rockera A dryu•-re-builL look a.round. • lnexpenal,.. rttt itvna to th• 01-431 N. Sycamore, Santa. Ana ~ -., Ml1ky '37.60, drop, 1eat N.&:W WHIRLPOOL Autom&Uc HUB, 600 W. Cent.er, An&beJm tt flnellt It rarelt for the collector. Phone Kimberly 2--0972 cherrJ ta.bi. '87..IO, anUqu• BN SPECIAL SALE n•~'"---•7 -·"d ~ ...... le R-. .a.le ~ U l9.86 KATHRYN ANN JO a -.. YD PIANO. Baldwtn com· .... .....-. uvo.u • ,.,_. ,,_.. ....., .... Stove, rtfrlrerator, mt.cl. turn.I· H771 B&tbot Blvd.., l&nta Ana .-..-. 0 TRUCKS Slt..IO, portabk ~ tne-Buy lt now tor '239.to tu~. Ch~ap. U . 8·3«0 aftt'r 6 pl•t.al7 recond.IUoned, play• USE 1'1"1t« $47.60, f .. thuweipt and SA VE $80. Pm. or week9nd.I. 91tfc Ticlth ~ rolla $876. Har. Mt or atqw Ion. (Ub .,..,> sauo, SEE THJC tc 1: L v 1 NAT o R -----------Har. uoe. RJcbardaon Yacbt All types end sizes, lOadil ot old chln&. old J-welry. FOODORAKA now Oil diaplmy BEDROOM ••t, blonde modem. ~sa~!Bo~·--~· .;!!'~i2lf!!~~--~· 96ct7 pt'c~ups, pan• Is Ir ~ pictl&r9, dock.9. cuno., k 1• Complete, box l!prlnp Ii: matt.H.AKM ___ O_ND __ O_R_O_~_S_co_m-pl-ele-d d ete. to'°" ott. Mu.t 11\Ue Ja e's App lances Vary rood cond. UJ6. ModC'll PADDLEBOARDS lint', euy lerma. Your old Up-stakes, umps an room. Barp1M plore. I>Ml· 1937 aaibOr Blvd. red HCllona.1, 2 pc. U-0. H&r. rtf?ll ta.ken In exch&D.&'e. Try~ semi-dumps. ftW ...acom.. Vlat ou_r .... LI 8'"66 " ttcte 2983-M. 93ci5 11 rt.. sst.30 fore JOU buy. Fno pra.ctJ~ aore -CRAJUD DAVIa. -----------u~BUn··--An Av ... Htc. Bch. h ~.....,..PUTT WllDGEWOOD ..... _ Ila --rooma ere. s .... ~ .. -~ All pr:""IS re·duced to ltoO a Anabetrn, Lene Beacb. BRAND n•w Philco Re!rlC'.,...lor 1968 ·-·• J...1:x1n1toa WTH. ,.,,._,. LIPS Bi( P1ano a.nd Orp.n ~ JUmlodr lll03t th th• blf CP all automaUa, _.. t k 3 5 the bl& 10~ cu. fL wt extra clock, lamp, friddle 1D mlddl•, St.nre, 620 No. Kain, S&nta An.a. move OUr I OC • we-t~ cheat. da1r7 bar h f S•1t N' Kn •1t · -..1.. It all 1 r aJmmer ~uman, that new ro-TRADE STEINWAY Grand. All orlflnal to c OOH rom. door. ve&'. en.-00 0 t•---..1.a broil oven •Rd extra _ _,_, nns frA.RT Out.-Kaklnc now for lnterlor. Pd. dn. lo Sltt.O.. No ;:;; broUer. Pd. dn~o '17'.· condtuon and mat .... --. '6_. ... r'• ..._ __ ,...,. .. , De.y-dn. pymL needed it you pay a.&uUtul 10· awr. llChooner. ro 18 NO REBun:r PIANO. A.lac> W. W. WOODS .. _ ,.,_-. ---the pymta. ot $lO.l 7 per mo 89. l"o cuh nff<led 1t you J>&,7 anywhere. Eacel. tor cb&rter-Kn~ Muon Ii: Hamlin. 1-ter GMC DEALER kridiM -Or11duat10D -Blrth· a.. Bauehan'• A • 11 A.ppllance the pyml.9. of $9.16 per mo. Want amaller bo&t or propert.y. A maD1 otherl at f'l'eU eavtnp. -.,.1 Oood a.uortment ol _220 So. Ma1n St., Sa.nt& Ana S.. Bal.l&'b&n'• A A 8 Appli&nc. l2to W. Balboa Blvd., Newport. Really 100 plallo. from ..rhlcb to 115-19 I:. •th It., ..... Ana. ~ ltrawa. Corde, h&ndlee Op.n daily W 9 Sun. 11-6 Phone -2to So. Ma.in St., Santa Ana Barbor 303.2. ettfc Olooee. SCHMIDT • PHllLIPS, Truck He&dqua.rteh for. Or. Co. A .,._ tor bq'I. N"41.,atnt KI 3_7101. Open daily UI t Sun. 11--6 Pbon• 620 No . .Main. Sant& Ana. .,nd P.ilNTllX lin.aa. Knitted Kl 3·7201. CUSTOM built ear.er craft ltol l"ORD ToWn M4aa. A "°"' ~1-. ~ 6 aborttea. APT. SI.ZIC retrta-. Ii: at.on com-.. • .. II Drum .... 1.. "'·"utlfUll'J "Sweet 11" (la.Ned lrullde • out BBIAUTll'UL Marn a.• ox AM-ontary f'9PCHMiOll oompl•tal7 aa>Ucm> PBlCU to 1•t ac-Har ~2ts .............. ...."' . -1f ft. loftl I ft. t" 11eam. 26 J'X Rad1o-R*l<>rd·player 21" equtped. Mu• up S151 la ~ . .-mta llJ 11. Ba1Jloa Blvd., bin&Uon S76. • 90d'T lnla..ld all over. 108~ 28th 8t., h.p. EYtnrude. Many 8lltru. Im· TV oomlil~oo m blond• oak. payment. la a.uume CIOlltrM:t ltia1boL Bar ... n J2tfc -----------Newport Beach. Har. O«O. &C'\&l&te. $960. Bar. utl·M. t '/fllU o~ld JteW around Call Jac>t Youns or~ Cantu 96p97 tac96 seoo. 8acrlftoe ~ iaia. Terma. ~ •sate. ttcn DRAPERIES end SLIP COVERS Philco retn1uatar, brand new _____ __...__ ____ -----------Pr1ftta p&rV, Har. "72. llcH :::: ~":' .. ~~~· ::-:;,t:, M•aa Woodcraft x.49 to Ords .:.umai. -sample. J.arre ver•tabl• cn.p.r, all color Unpainted It J1.1ven1Je Jl'unlltura. interior, $191.11. No caah needed. 40'' COLONl.AL DESK, GoY. fual p&1 b&ll.k '8.07 per month. Winthrop pu1l8. fin1abed be.ell 8" day or •nnlnJ at OoffM Ii: honl .. ... .. J2e.60 Applla.ncM. .oe 8 . Ka1n, Oranrt-OTHER D&SKJI -,,_ . '13.90 up UUc KIClloU 8-6817. MINWAX Ii: Dm'T STAINS -----------2121 Harbor Blvd., eo.ta MM& LUCJI.I.IC DRAPERIES Harbor MM or MIS alLVJllR J'OX ITOLE PlllRl'SCT CONDI'nON. ~1>16.llu.1138. '· GattWw ~ Ii: 8&tUer table top nu\11. clock control OY• 136 tf LI l •lt71. 92-dM Ll l-1"4 801' A. !"«* bdp trlde W1t.h coral ellp cover. Oood con- dition. Har. aaa Nct7 7 PlllCl:S. ft&ttan tumtl\lh ill· alucllna :a dl'f'aN."' sprlnp • mt.Ur...... Ooet MOO. &acn. • tlc•. ""Y reuoubt•. Har. 3611-K. toctT BOAT la MOTOR MM. -196G l:Ytn.Mlde u h.p. &qua.-mk, 11 ft. Wlurd "Comet" mo4el. Boat \ motor like ""'· J'Ul1y ~ equt~or 1Jt1tnc or ott 8hoN tlahlng. -LI 8~6211. Mete emus CR.AJ"T boat. v..a 111- board. water alda, (:\18tc;.m plp« trailer. U B&lbo6 Cowie. N-· porL tOctT 11 PT. SA.Il..BOA T Ii: I.nailer NaUona.I one dfffll\ cJu.• Jl'Utl prtce HOO Hu. llG-R aftflr I ~ \], 9, Flbitf'l'lUI PEJU'ORJO:R, 11 Ct. 10 b. p. Johneon a.nrt t.nUJu. All new Uled Ol\ct LI MUI 96cH 11 rr. LTXAN lelander, l'\ID onlJ ea bourL Perfect. J:irtn.a ·~· Har. l060.' Mc97 m;DlO PUNO, a bard to s•t Grant w. Musick ptaoo &Ito. Tenn& I q u a r • o ran c1. au u t tt u 1 a.nUq\14. Your Hudson Deeter scmaDT-PB.lLLlP8, uo No. 841.ES and SERVICE Maln. 111.nt.a An&. -----------Sii N. Loe ~ Jal 6-7171 21·1N. MOTOROLA TV sn.oo Anaheim Uttc Harbor Ut•R. Hdl a Only avall&ble. Rent.al JWtume.. 8&•• $100 on Wt!RL.ITLER OROAl'fB MY llQUITY 51 1'01\D V -I, t .,....,.." at&tMn ,......_ Sq\dp. pell. $IM. At.o ltlO PA.Cit A RD ... Har. •948-J. tkN, Save U60 Oii 1·rmch Provlftclal Piano, 131 l>own 00 PollOU Oatalina. ~ .-tru lJlcludtq ~ brak• • -..... i#nta An• Mulflc -KI a.-1m tn1. 1.000 mU.. u..na. Barbor l'Vlltrt.on Mu.le -LA 6-0281 119T-W &ftAf 5 JS. ti. Adi NcH -Kn--ow-Jton--El-ectro--nJca--·:.:::-~ v ~"'*·.:. TV ANTENNAS :;"~~. = <Clar a.am -Bl o..tn> n.t.&lled oomp&.t. to your Ml. $9.95 Cell &tl• • .... title $2112 1~ NEW YORKER f DOOR SEDAN 2-tone cray. power •irteering. power brakes - Radio and heater --·-········· .. .Save Hundred1 19M PLYMOUTH. STATION WAGON Light rreen, automatic tram. Radio, heater- WSW Ura -·-·---·---···· .. ·----·-···...... ..... $l99t 1953 roRD CLUB SEDAN 2-tone, radio, heater, WSW tire. .....•. $895 LOU REED & ASSOC. CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER 1200 W. Cout Hi&'hway LI 8-3486 Thank You Lut month we aold more new Nuh can and med can than ever before. Courteows treatment, fair tn.de allowance and llbe.nl b&nk tenm are aome of the ~na why. A.pin w. thank you re.identa of Oran1• County. BONDED -~ -USED CARS YOUR NASH DEALER WARD S. LEE, INC. 236 S. Kain St. Now 24 Hour SERVICE on TRUCK REPAIRING * ALL MAKES * Eliminate C09tly tle-upe In at ts p. m. -Out at 7 1 . m. ED. Sine. U33 THOMPSO~ Garage (Omler Mh 6 French) Pbone KI 2-2US Sut& Ana Authorised RiX) Dtatrlbutor ror <>rup Couuty 1N2 KO-TD, MW Ura ..... ,..UT Nllul.lt. Oall 11A1t1ot mT·Vf &A7Ume. lld1 'II 01.De ROLIDA.Y, MW Untl Mtter)' Md brU-. U.000 miJee 1 ts! NA.IB IU.MBLr,ft Ii.a. W-CCI\ ft..B 6' Ot> D1e11L rond. lfl.-.C ti4ddw t.alla LI •1110. .., '""· II.at. Jll .. R. tac96 ' 818 Balboa Coves-Pier & Slip Nearly new 2 B. B.. farm bowie, Uled brlck tt.r. place, lanai, dJ.n1nr room. lot.I ot glue. Large patlo, room for cxpinaion -$&5,000 Balboa Coves-Pier & Slip I B. R. 2 bath home -Tropical landlCaplng in 1paclo11.1 patio. Owner will co1111lder trade for 1maller waterfront home. Balboa Peninsula-View! 3,000 eq. ft. ot top grade conatruction in thi1 I 8. R. 3 1 ~ bath home. Pennantnt unobltructed view . of Harbor entrance. 18x21 living room with tlagatone fireplace -Muter bedroom o! equal size also bu ti.replace. Full dining room, 3 car garage. Laree landscaped patio walled for privacy. Open House Daily 1-4 p.m. 111 "G" St., Balboa OCEAN VIEW. Unusual 3 B. R., 3 bath home. Lota of flagstone. Built-in kitchen, Nicely landscaped.. $32.~ Tenns. Open House Daily 1-4 p.m. !1M E. Ocean Blvd. Jun completed 3 B. R., 2 bath home. Fireplace. built -in kitchen -Large patio $22.950 -Term.8. 'C' THOMAS 'C' THOMAS Lido Isle Valties CKARMINQ a bdrm. home' on 60 tt. Udo Nord eor. lot. - lWt Uv. ro.na. ia-e. walled patlo-i:XCl:ILllNT VALUE $3UOO. ANOTHER Jove\)' I bdrm. Udo home oo a f6 tt.. lot -VflTY attractive, flffplace, Jl'.4. h~at, 1tove, retrll'a-ator • dr&pel to.. Chided -.'1,500. * Bayshores * NO. 1.-BA YSHORJS DRIVll - 3 bdrma., plua ll't· i'Jelt or rumpU1 room, 2 \; baUui, - $341,7:!0. NO. 2 BAYSMORE DRIVE - Top loca tion with BAY VIEW 3 bdrm1., 1 '• balha, dln. rm., hdwd. floora PR1CED RIGHT $2:1,500. !';U 3-CAPlC COD -6 bdrma., :~ halha, bteakfut bar. dlnlnr wum, beautiful wood panel!tng, enclo.w~ patio~ A CHARMING HOME for '38,600. "C" THOMAS #' • "We' re Movirlg .. to Irvine T erracen Ol"tw·tn today and eee tor your.lf the mqy oui. .ta.D.4inf featurel of thl.a remarbblJ community. More and more Harbor area famma ue bwpectln1 these exquisite homes -notinr thelr comfort, oon- veaience and central location. More and n10re families who pref er a home ln .. re. It.rt ed quality community are moving i.Dto their lrvlne Terrace homes. Inspect the model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert Irvine Temice is located on Cout ffighway op~ the new Irvine Coast Country Oub. EARL W."b STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor t.«8 For Further Information * For Recommendation, we ref er you to anyoue who holds a ~hold Estate in Irvine Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bay Shores and CUtt Haven 8A Y & BEACH REAL TY, Inc. Realtors 1'60 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1264 REALTOR Evenlnr Phone Harbor 1856 and ASSOCIATES There's Gold in Corona del Mar GOOD INVESTMENTS --------------------224 W. Cout Hlway U 8-6627 BALBOA ISLAND SO. BAY FRONT. A beautiful home of • bedrm.s., a bath.8, m.ald'a room and bath. Completely fur- nlilhed. Priced at $100,000. ... LlTl'LE ISLAND. A ruatic and u.1&ble S bednn., S bath. in a select district. $36,500 BAY FRONT home and income. One ot the few dtluxe apt. unlta on Udo. Lge. lot, excellent beach. 2 bedrm. apartment av&llable for owner. Long leuea other unita. Income approximately $7200 gross. Good TD and owner will accept 2 bedrm. home u part payment. Priced at $90,000. CORONA DEL MAR. Leuehold. 2 bedrm., con- v..tible den, 1~' batha. Living room opens to patio. Large alldlng door1. Stove and draperiee turni.shed. f 2t,WO. Low cub down to qualified buyer. We have buyers for good llatinge. Free estimate., excellent 11ervice. Har. 1775-Evea Edith Maroon ('-. ' ' John Macnab · ' • Lou Boynton HYatt ...a222 Harbor 5359 Harbor 2878 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand HARBOR HIGHLANDS OPEN I TO 5 DAILY 19•• PRISCILLA LANE 3 bedrooma, 2 ba., hreplace, large well land· acaped yard. Priced to aell Quick. DUNCAN HARDESTY , Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd. -Har. 4718 -Newport Beach CORONA DEL MAR Newport B'ach ·c· THOMAS ·c· THOMAS 1. B/ B 2. LIDO ISLE $28,500 3. C"ompl,.t,.l:v Fu1 n111hed r ottnll&l 4 Bedroom1, Can't lut $24,500 4. 3 Bttdroom.a, 2 b6lh11, largtt llv· Ing room, Brl<'k F'lr,place, I.Ana.I, Can be 11tten 1LnyUme. South of the Hwy. -duplex under conatrucUon. HW. floora. ll) 2 BR. unit, (1) l Bit unit. Heavy shake roof. Lg. patio. Price only $19,7:50 Call. to eee thla. 2 stores & 2 apts. -All leased. Attrutive bldg. about 4 yrs. old. Showa an in.come of ~ per mo. on an investment of only $29,500. Lovely 2 BR. home. firepla., -2 aep. patioe. Indi- rect lighting. Truly a home to be proud of. Corner loca tion. A1ao hu a nice 1 BR. garage apt. with a sundeck. Priced right at $22,500 Commercial Lot on C8t. Hwy. 25' by approx. 110' Plenty of rm. for parking with acceu to paved alley. Uoderpriced at $9,500 THE VOGEL CO. Approximately 100' Frontage 2 lovely be<lroom1, 2 full tiled Balh11 A <harming Family 2667 E. Cst. Hwy., Corona del Mar HA: 17•1 KA : 075'1 Room, plua a la1ge llvlng -------------------- room AN'D UOO Sq Ft. or I • rauo ~ •U1labl• cor add· Costa Mesa the best town on earth •.• ~n~ lo houw, a pool. caba.ou. etc. 4 hu&• lot for Udo. WATERFRONTS ON LIDO Pim AND SLfP $60.000 "' up NEWPORT ISLE WATERFRONT 2 unll, pier and float. 3 btdroom1. 2 tw.tha al· ao l bedroom l bath. 2 car g1.r11i:-•'. P'Urnlahed, reduced to $32.~00. Bay & Beach Realty Inc REALTORS :1112 I..afayttllr, Npt. Har 36•3 J uat tu lhe 1 l~bt oC Lido li.11d(ott: NEWPORT HTS. EXCLUSIVE Only $2000 down. J be.tr Ill hum.-. hlA 11 flnnr 'I, tr re pl Allo\\ oner 11111'11" lor re1.h:r11ralln1 A rea1 blilr1llln al SIJ.~00 Gl lulln. Pay· m,.nta Ir~" than n·11L. Tt>p neighborhood ~ yn. old, OPEN HOUSE SAT. 8c t:il':'l. I rt 1l1U ava1l1blP I ~215 Rf'rfllln'111 or 1 ~11 HARBOH 200 * * * * * Honeymoon Cottage 611! Maq,:1ll'rllt<, Cur<•na 1lel ].f11r S12.9:'Jl, bu~~ tl1111 v.ltrllcUvl' I ~rm < c11 taf' cm n11:<' ~-2 lut. R1w1111 for erld1 Ion.ti In· tOnlt' 11pl He !l.l 'HP: lo IN· VltST!CATF. th111 O"' n r 1 Corner loc&Uon 80 x 166 wit.h 2 Br. old.er home, fireplace, large kitchen, 1tervice poTCh, 2 car garage & only $9250. Tenna. 3 Br. home, hwd. noon, dble. prage, fenced yard. G. I. 4% loan. $11,750 Vacant and re&dy for immediate posseuion. Reuonable dn. paymt. C-1 Businesa location, E . 18th St., Ri&ht in town. Lot 50 x 100 Good 2 Br. home, hwd. noon. Service porch, garage. $11 ,100. Terms ONE OF THE BEST: 3 Br. & 1 ~~ bath. Fire- place, W 1 W carpet, dble. garage, &ood location E. 19th St. $12,750 with terms. G. N. WELLS i· Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd. Collta Mesa Ll 8-7729 KNOTTY PINE INTERIOR Homey httle two bedroom residence wilh cozy fireplace and convenient kitchen tor couple wbo like small but. beautiful yard. $1800 down. BALBOA COVES-PIER & SLIP Owner built quality home lesa than 4 years old. 2 bedrooms & den, 1W3 living room and dining room faces on large patio overlooking the water. FA beat, W W cpta. 2 beaut. tile baths, 1 bath with outside entrance. Washer, dryer. GE refrigerator & range incl. Price $40,000-terms. THE VOGEL CO. 1700 Newport Blvd. Llberty 8-5597 Coeta Mesa Evenings Har. 1539-M · Indoor Outdoor living lJl Ulla 9J)eCloa.e modem! I ~-1. room I Ntb c~wrUbl• ckn &Ad nnftpw. ,room bome bu.lit &J"OUJld a lowly aecluded r-Uo oo one aid• an~ a spectacular oc.an and mountaln view on th• othtr .Sde. A-:.cellenl valu• at UMOO. This Is It tln«tual~ SO. oC the H11bway tor th• tow pnee of iu.e~. lt'• epoUeu -It'• co•y - bu 2 bdrma. and be&uutW &ard«n. Attention ·~ t.. Easteners! 3. Built Wee BACK HOME -on Balboa PenlD.IUla'• f In e • l street -owned and cared for by a proud "down Eutemer." 3 bd.rma., I balb.a plu. ocean· view •WI.deck. Rose bordered patSo blf enoup for badmln-4. ton. Prtced to eell at •27,500. Terma. Bay & Beach Realty Inc REALTORS 3630 !lut Coa.al Hwy. Co.-ona del lifa.r Harbor M63 ............ Best Buys Corona del · Mar SHOREC1.IFFS. lfodero S bed.rm home ptu.a emaU den or otnc~ 2 tun b&.tha -~ wall to wall, custom drape., t\replace, buDt-ln stoft and o¥"en, encloeed patio, nJcely land.eeaped.. Owner leaving area. Priced to etll at $M..6()0. SHORECLIFFS. Ocean vift' homo for the dJ9.. crimin&Ung buyer wbo wanta and can aUOJ'd th• finest, tha is IT! Larr• 2 bedrm. Is den. quality built, 2 • fireplaces, drea.m kitchen. Beaut.llul home inside and out. a!J. modern featune to ma.lee it complete in every detail Shown by ap- pointment. Priced to 1ell. EXCLUSIVE wrrH us. JUST LISTED -EXCLUSIVE. 'nUa attfl.ct.tY• 2 bedroom home, plus guest room and bath only 1 .: block to Ocean Blvd., Corona del Kar. Com· pletely furnished. Choice location.. Prlcecl to sell quick at $!3.500. Terms it deslred.. A RTIST COTTAGE, 14 by 15 ti li~ rm., 1 bdrm., 1 bath plus atudJo porch. Nicely A Com- pletely furn. South of Bayaide Dr., 2 abort blka. to ocean front in Corona del Mar. Perma.nent hll1 vtew. Priced to aell quickly at $10,500-$2600 d.L MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTINGS. Costa Mesa 3 Bdrma. Like New CORONA DEL MAR R~LTY CO. Leu than I )'•nt old. lmprov~ n•tpbo?bood. all improve- ment.a in and paid tor. 4 ~ ~ nu loan. Only $1000 dn. and _,. pu mo. 1nc.lud.J.na \.U .. and 1nsurance. 2 Bdrma. C-2 PRICE T. KcCUISTION, Realtor 3447 E. Cout Hwy. Corona del Kar Bar. 4T (Office located next door to Newport Harbor Bank. CDK), BALBOA ISLAND Sheltered EAST BAY FRONT ot Uttle llland. Onl)' a ahort diatance trom the H.a.rbol" eatr&Dce. $71100 i"ULL PRlCIC. s,ner IJ extremely anxJoua. Priced be· low markeL Very livable 2 We are pleased to offer one of the Ialand'1 mMt Bdrm. Ho~e. charming 3 bedroom, 3 bath homea and dellrht.- $1150 down 3 Bdnna. ful guest apt. Uk• new. Compl,~ly fenced. Beauutul Lawn front and nar. Sb per month lnclud'a tu:t'& and wurance. 70' lot., }¥&e bdrma. and plenty o! room to expand. Thi• la a real val· u., oncy 18 montha old. R-4 Lot l~. Room tor a1x unit. or divide into 3 tut.a. Full price i1~. "C" Ed Jones, Realtor 1m l:larbor Blvd., Colt.a Meaa l..Il>forty 8-M33 FULL PRICE $8000 Dreamy UtUe 2 bdrm. mcpl , only 4 '<!I yra., room for an· olhu unit. Only $1:SOO down! Owner an.xlou.t. Submit. It'a cloae In. • bdrms., 2 full baths Only $11,900 Reduced for qu1ck acUon! Dbl' gar.. pallo, landaca~d and acroe3 from new 1hoppl ng center takes only $19~0 dn., $16 mo. GI RESALE 3 bdrm1. 1 ~ b&~ KW FLRS.. !ll'fpl . best ,ut· aide •trut, h1111 a scarce -t ', loan, clean, only $2000 dn See lh!s! LOWEST PRICED M-1 6 acres on Pavtd St. It WAlf'I line. Only $6600 an acl't' Good Inv. It •peculal1ve buy. 40',. Down C -2 (private pier A float) Shown by Appointment Only • • • NEAR NORTH BAY -Inviting 3 bedroom 2 bath home and income apt. Summer rental commit- ments $1100 10,000 doll&r1 down • • • LOCATED ON ~ARINE AVE., -SMALL BUSI- NESS, LARGE VOLUME. A good return on your mveat.ment plu. a moat attractive 2 bed- room bome. Exclusive Listing Plea.ae call for appointment to aee WM. W. STANLEY SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD Park Ave. at Marine, Balboa llland Ha.rbor 2462 Selling Real Estate Is Not A Sideline Wrth Us! It i.so 't the euy ta.ak tome people m1fht tb.lnk. Experience is required it 1&tiaf acUon 1a to be assured to both buyer and seller. List your property today with one of tJi. 300 Memben of the MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 6elC2341. Ju11l o!f buay Harbor Blvd romt'r. SI0.000. 1 J Dn ~~d~ ~)~~' on It no"' fl'nlA Newport Harbor Boarft of Reattors Mesa-Harbor 'Rlty. 4' ASSOCIATES 401 N. Newport Blvd., Newport Beach 608 Center St., Coal& MHe U s-1911 or LI 1-7784 On Ocean Front In C"-aone oltl~r bvu e and cott111te. Grod J{)('athm tor r ente la. Prlr.-I 16Ji<XI, FURNlSHED 2~ YRS. OLD Duplex 3 Bed.room.a, 3 bathe, plus gu~t house with a, bath, plut an outstanding view from aU rooms. Fully carpeted and draped, plus outatanding land- ecaping. The ONLY home with this marvelous w11nt"' a< t111n 1Mult1pl1· L••l· ---------- view on the coast. Priced for 1. quick Selle. OPEN DAILY 3729 Ocean Blvd. GARAGE located on Cout Highway. Fully equipped and priced to sell. Lot 50x100 with room for expansion. See us for additior\31 information. W. E. FISHER & Associates 3024 E . Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 5032 Eves Har. 306-J -Har. 2420-W . JUST COlifPLETED PARK MANOR A Re1'tricted Lot Development By McCLEAN & PF..ARSOL SJ>f'Culatort & Bulld~n \\rclcome 60' residenH&l Jot.a. Duplex cornC'r lots. All impro\'t-mE>nt,.<4 in. You Can't Beat The Price & Location. Drive by anrl buy. Across from Costa M"ga Park. 18th snd Anahelm. MORE TH"N HALio' AL.RF.ADY SOLD Phvne Liberty b-1781 I~lbcrly b~l ll 1n1 No 7123.1 HARBOR 2042 Frank Jamei & Linwood Vick RULTOR~ :l12 Martnt' Avr Balboit 1-l•n ,. SEE THIS 2 YR. OLO, 2 tKlrm. homf'. hu ~f' lh'. 1 oom, h1lwfl . 11110111, f'ncl patio. On lol box3U7. l>u11blf' l'&rq•-Ptlce $11,000. Newport-Mesa R4talty 17911 Newpur\ »Jvd, ('oala M,..,., lJ 1-3608 EH~ H" r. (128P·J Avocado Grove TOP PROOUC'TJON In f111•t frf'f' are~ ~pr1nlll,.r 1yatf'm. ~uhmlt tracJu. DA '.'i A .IACORl"F.~ Rr11I Jo;11lal,. ttar MIU Lf l'I s.·u T 2 FOR THE PRICE OF 1 JL'ST LISTED -tbe cleaneet, eha~t duplex in C.D.M. 2 BR's. es. -Fireplaces, encl. patios. One unit has L. R. carpeted, Garb. diep. le other t'xtras. All tutefully decorat~ throughout. Rustic exterior , ahake roof, brick, grape 1take tcnce. On level corer near ahopping. All !or the price of ONE houae. No calls. pl<'ue-just bring your checkbook. R. L STRICKLER, Realtor R. R. HODGE, A880Ciate 3622 E-Cout Hwy ... Corona del Mar. tfar· 277 4. 10°/0 NET INDUSTRIAL INCOME Sound leues on l at claa bulldinp in the very heart ot futest growing FuJlcrton Ml dl.ltrlct. C.1'088 annual income $7620 Pnct'd to 111eU NOW at KI 2-m'T m•ett 4~ -Oitly-smJOO -- < HARMl'G 1'\n i..cuna hum,., •·It" l11t tw-aut. '" •·•n A h11\11 vttw. Jo I'. furn "' t11 "'· ,. in· ctf'l:k ,_111 •i." u~ 7j() 1n· .. 11 4.;u1:1 .,,,.,; Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson 1 S.56 Newport Blvd, Coat& M~M. Ph. 1...1 8-6761 1-;"·ca. HM'. 4366 LI 3-2013 In Newport BMch ~tween Ca.n 11 and 0cf'an 2 unit. n1)"' l't'nlf'd Pm' Sl~.000 Tripi~ tn Nf'wport Bue h all renU.1 Cloud lcxat1un. Prictt $11 .SOO Fitzmorris Rlty. Co. Multlpl~ Llt1t1n1 Realtor 8111lne111 81 uker 313S E. Co"~ H IJ:h\ll'lly Corona dl'I A1lr Harbur 2152 SEE THIS . * * Ii BEDROOM, aJI hardwood f'lra . S bath1, ~ood c~ment follnda lion. l.11.1 lfll doul)le a~t er~. • l'ro'f14'T'l)' lb Cood Condition. BNt llX" .. tnm, 1 bloc1t to b<'h N~u t!M: N..wporl P~ Shafer Realty Har. 140 108 MrFailtlf'n rt. $11,500 Full Price Two bedrooma and den in front, 1 bedroom unit in rear. 2 block.a to beach. Cloee to tn.naporta- tion and stores. Will conaider camping trailer, boat or late model cu u part down payment. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Re•lfor 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Bea.ch Bar. •7U For Sale or Trade 8 furn. unit.a.. All out.aide apt.8. -larp roqm.a. quality builL Price $U;500 Bayview Duplex Unfuml8bed 2 bedroom each, u-4 brick f1re.. plac(>S, bar-lype kitchtna, lha&e roof. Price $28,500 ""' ·"~-...... ~--·--­EN . Har '433-W, Har. zi51f'!, t NEWPORT HltlUHT8, R11•t1r 2 bdrm. It <l•n h1 •H t', R,..luc«<I fnr quick u.lf' $1_,, JOO. •ti~ Eut 15th ll:k '1$ THE VOGEL CO. LIDO OFFICE 3116 \ i. Lido. Npt. Bch. Har. 4.971 or Har. t972 Eves Ll b·3CMO -Har. 51"2 ' •• ..., l'Alaa. . BALBOA ISLAND ~ .. 'DrooME. )loot -2 bdrm. -: 'pluo ,_ room I< t.th, plus cleluu 1 bdrm. apt., ""°"'°"" I< •........UO,ly fun1lahed, over double prqe. Thia P"'perty lo our flnm cooatructloo and lilut aew. i'ew f,et l'l'om b&y. TOP BUY -BUT HURRY! $32.i!OO $15,000 DOWN-GOOD BEACH HOME-2 bdnno. 2-ar prage, near t.y. f191000. See thia now! J'UllN. ROip:. 4 bodrm .. 2 b&tho, beautiful patio, dbl. prap. abowen and dnuing room.a. A few foot l'l'om North Bay. Tblo lo priced right at $29,500 Newport Heights Near .choobl, churches, transportation. 2 lovely 'home., 2 bedrma. each, with dbl. garage each, on adjolnlng lot.. One new, one remodeled. Older home t.. rented tor m mo. New home vacant, for Immediate peueuion. Thil ill a real deal at $21.ll()O Costa Mesa -Back Bay Area OWNER LEAVING STA'l'E ' Sepant6 homas, 2 bedrooDlJI each, garage with each, well CQn.tructed, leea than one year old. Lota of charm, attractively landacaped. Yearly rent.ala $7770. No vacancies, long waiting liat. You can't bea.t thia at $64.,000. Below replace. m111.t coet. Excellent financing. So hurry! It won't lut! BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 811 Marine Ave., Balboa Island. Ph. Har. 1671 or 1672 A home of quality and charm 125 G St., Balboa Peninaula Large living room with ocean view, 3 spacious bed- J'OODL!I, 2 bath&, FA heat, WW carpeting, full lize dining room. Nice kitchen with disposal and lovely enclosed patio with BBQ. Asking $26,500 BACK BAY BEAUTY Cozy and appealing ia wbat you'll say when you eee t.hi.s 3 bedrm. 2 bath home. Large liv. room, fireplace, lllkling glau door. lo patio, bar kitchen, cd the price tndu.dee all wool carpeting, drapes, new stove, refrigerator and fireplace fixture1. Open Suaday 1~ 469 E. 20th St. Only $23,900 Don't let the price fool you! ONLY $13,500 But bu 2 bedrm. and large den. Brick fl.replace, Hwd. tlooro, wool carpetillg, drapea, dbl<. garago and large work ebop. Next Door to Beach $11,960, only $1960 down Older home but in very good condition. 3 bedrm.a., larp cloeetl, llep&ftt.e dining room. nice ktt.chen, compleUly fumlohed including TV. Tblo Won't lut. HURRY! JACK BRENNAN, REALTY ,..AT THE ARCHES" 3320'W. Cout Hwy. LI 8-7773 REPEATING THIS AD. Owner leaving It.ate had reduced price on 3 bdrm.. home, 1 ~ bat.ha near North Bayfront. Down $7.ll()O. Pr:lce $26,000 Hu fireplace and double prage. Most Attractive 4 Bdrm. Juat like new ranch ltyle with lht right decor all the way thru. Separate stove and range built in -uaed. brick fireplace -~utterw -dbl. prare. W /W carpet. lt'1 a priu for $34.500 THE VOGEL CO., Realtors 208 Marine Ave. HU'bor 4« or l 015 (Next door to ·po11tofflce) 1. 2: 3_ ' ' --.. -<>nllls ~ lllllto ..:i..· more ,.... th~ ....U.. a ..... funlly lwme. We b&n - 1 ...... pr'!>dwr. at thlo time µ.at "" !eel u. . ' . outAtandlnl'. All an on UDO ISLE, 'lfhlch -that they ahO\lld enhance In value, otl,y nnted and fin Y.,u the moot enjoyal>le u.i.r -ll>M. 6 uolto on 80'feet BATI'RONTAGE at ~ Via Lido Nord. BuDt oo ....U US yoaro ago that Whoo It WU ~ 1ut year, the wmfte and dry rot DWI 'Jiiit eharged for lnapeetJoo. You just can't beat this for value at only $105,000 fumlabecC Terms. - 3 Units -drive by 102 Via Udo Soud (otf water)' and aee the beftuty a.ad quality. Then come in and talk It ovor. fell,000. Terms. 4 unit. oa 50 feet of the very best BAYFRONT, deolped by Elleri>roek, AJA. Two 2 bedrm. apto. with private paUoa, two 1 bdrm. apto. with priva~ •un deekl. All overlook the beautiful Bay. A tnie barplo at $80,000 furnished, only $20,000 down. p. a.// palmer incorporated ole hanaon co. management 3333 via lido, hart>or ll!OO · One For ·The Money -·- 'I'l>ot'• ript-'hlo oae lo the --for ,.,..,. -dollan. % bodl'lll., .guest room and above all, a llO ft. lot. ollly partlally -. Pr!oed awtlllly IO'f'. Two For The Show Not •al¥ ahow, but oomlort will be yours In either of. u-e outotondinr UDO homea: 1. A miniature Lfo Vepa for abow and oolor. 3 · bedrm., family room, powder "'°'!'> a b&tha. 2. KIJ>&' olae, BAYJ'RQNT, beyond deocriplioD . . Three To Get Ready Not much to do to thae, tiut~ help. l . ~ down, 2 bedrm., Back Bay SU.O\IO 2. R<!UODable down, 2 bedrm. lge. lot, LIDO 3. UDO B.A.YFRONT,' bedrm.t. $60,000 Four To Go · wow! These are really ready to go! 1. 3 bedrm .. 2 bath, otreet.to-otH<t ·--...$33,000 2. 3 bedrm .. 2 bath, brand new ···--·-$M.500 3. 3 bed.rm. 1ittin1 rm., gorgeous ___ $37 ,rM>O 4. 3 bedrm,. radiant beat ·-----·-·--·---·_ .. _ .. $39,i!OO p. a. palmer incorporated olo hanaon co. management 1700 w. cout hlchway -liberty 8-M73 ARE YOU CROSS-EYED? BILL'S BEST BUYS 9 UNIT JN<XlME Apartment building BALBOA OC'&U( ntONT. YfllJ' around clllltekr. I un.11..9 pha QWl&IV'• apt. Nlcely tum· labld. Laundry and uUtlty RESERVE YOURS NOW Under coamuctloo 3 I< 4 Bd. Rm. homea. FA best, double gang.., large· lots. Clooe to abop- puig, school&; and tranoportotlon.. Priced at $11,4!!0 and $12,4!!0 u low u $1,H5 dn. r"OQml.. A• l (lOIMllUon.. AD rent.cl now ••• "6,000 t.rma. BAY FRONT DUPLEX! Balboa hnlnMlJa location.. Beau· tlfUI SI*ciou.9 prvputy, only THE GREAT ORANGE ¢0AST Save -Save -Save -'"" 82~"1~ M'.ooroY!a st. lot. o.J... waato offer!! _ llO z us ..,,,.,..i " staked lot. ........ ill --S2ll(l(I Newport HtL R-2 lot, IL to It, hootage .. --·-.. • $'5000 7 uolt lite, 82~z21110. Y.. hlk. to Newport Blvd. -SSSOO Restricted. family dw<llinC lot. Newport HtL ·--··-$8()()0 -Boy view lot. Bal'baln priced \4 do. -··--···$6llOO Eut front. boJoJo.•t., Back Boy water view ____ $7500 Cor. Back Bay, reatr. site water view ·-···········-····$7:w>O Balboa Ialand cor . .Wt.able for 2 unit.a ·········---··· $2000 dn. 7 14 ...... improved, 2 bib. from G. G. blvd. ....... -$26,i!OO 11.ubor Blvd. cor. "6'. C.2 territi<: buy ......... _,, ___ ,$11(),000 M·l Oi ac. on Placentia, trailer or mtg. .... $1500 dn. 9 + acrea, Back Bay, tentative map 27 Iota .$62,500 tO acre._ bouae le well, On.nge Co.'• belt ~y .... SltOiOOO $ave -$ave -$ave -$ave Reduced t.o aeU, wu $13;750, now $11,roQ -corner 2 bedn:na . ..den home. FP., dbL gu.. approx. 1300 aq. ft. Must aell -get a bargain now. DOWN PAYMENT OPEN. new 3 B. R., 2 tile baths, lge. lot, priced at low low price of $13,tK>O. See t.hU home and make &rT&Dgementa for Immediate poueeaion. KINGS ROAD HOME, unexcelled Harbor &: ocean view. Thia deluxe 2 B. R., 2 bath home ~"fit for a king" -Juat reduced to be eold ~ dlately -Now jwst $26,000 & term.1 flexibl' 4 BEDROOMS, 2 bath, 6 mo'a old landecaped a fenced, Stove & refrig 1tay. Sharp, clean, ready to move in now .. $13,500 full price, terma. $100 mo. income, clear Industrial bldp. 1n 29 Palmii. ma.in hwy. Trade and a.88Ullle for Newport Hta. commercial or hom~. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES . ' 1857 Newport Blvd., Co.ta Meu LI 8·1632 Ev .. LI S.H-00 THEY"lL B'l'RAJO'HTZN . OUT Qutck.ly lt )'0\1 WW ll'fl OD t.bl oc-ean front and foc:u your eyn an lll• bltb1r. nrilrun1nJ" at lb•. bMcbM on th• Cb In a Ooa.IL W1 haT1 an ft·l oCet.11 front lot t6a~ v.,. u:CIU· .ive, ym· lndMd, 'NT')', very excluai•e. Priced at '".IOO - Exceptklnally rood t1rma.. • • • WHAT IS A DUPLEX? WE ALWA.TB THOUGHT lt lo BROADWAY BARGAIN Y .. thia ill It. . 1600 oq, tt,.3 hd. l'lllO., H. W. floon, 2 flreplaeea, 16'x26' picture window fam· ily room, enclo.ed. patio, fenced yard. large double garage On paved alley. All improvement.I in and paid for. Thia is a Must. Call us for an appoint· II YMl"I old. Print.I beach, pier riJbta, S car prq-1 and utllity room.a. Upplr •PL com-l pl1llly tum.llbld. Esclualve ' w1t.b ua al '611.000. term•. FISHER'S BEST BUYS! BALBOA DUPLEX, plue 2 B. R. beach cottage. Heart of Balboa. Thi.I proven money-maker will grou over 20%. Ex.cellent condition & nicely fur- niahed. Ready to go for the 1ummer leUOU - A bargain at only '16,500. TERMS. bl a two famny· buUdiq IO dellpld lhat tb• owner can llv• ln on1 R&NT FREI: and lt't Ill• olh•r rmtll wpport tt. We haTit a brand new dupto: built to ordar for N1wporl Bach UV\q and tl'• a honey A that ca.n reaUy mU1 money, Her• you ha" flabtnc, flrim· mine. boaUnc, re.1&u.t1on a.ad a clean, Mnd,y bMc.b. A.i.o ha.I nr1pia.c. &114 deck. 2 bdrm.I. lJ p, 2 doWn and t.b• larswt 2 car l&f'&S• JOU or SA.JODI .i.. IY_. MW. A. t.rriDc btq. Priced ment to &bow. l'ric.ed at $17,l!W PLACE OF DIGNITY with term.a - For & diningulahed family, tight in the middle of a lovely reeidential section. Two door. from the Santa Aaa Golf Couroe. 2 BR. plwo lovely guest room over garage with extra % bath. W /W carpet thruout. Beautifully landacaped. A warm inviting home. $18,500 full price. •l 119,000. Pa)'mimll ... UW1 rent. 1,.Dw dOwn payment. BACK BAY-COSTA MESA • • • POCKET MONEY- roR.EVJ:R A.NO .A. DA. Y - Teuly tnann1 ~ WllUI on IO n. "Balboa Oceu S'ront" 19000 daWn -monthl7 pa7. m111t oaly •W. Pnced low at SH.600. Mt.. lh1a one and you'll need a b&rf'el of uplrtn. W cur1 your head.-.che. • • • WHY CHASE AROUND in CIRCLES? WE KNOW JtVERY bom1 • lot that 11 for al• on Udo X.le. I t wtU bl o\U' plea.ure lo a.how them to you al your conven- lencr. •. • • STOP ! YOU JUBT NOW STUMBLED on a ~ld mine. 23 lneome unlta. clc.e lo bay and bffcb. OroM Income 111,000 lo 117,000 per year. Alltlnr W ,000. Cood term.. Wiii CONl!ier put trade. • • • Disti:ncUve 3 Bd. Rm. and family room carpeted thru-out. large flagstone fireplace, totted air beat. Excluai•e neighborhood, View of bay and hil1-. Many other fine features.. A oteal at $26,960 with oal¥ $6000 dn. W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor "you'll like our friendly aervice" 400 E. 17th St .. Coot.a M... Llberty 8·1139 Your Corona del Mar Estate Full Price, $27,500! HERE'S WHAT YOU GET Thtte full tiz.e level Iota, Five bedroom.a, 2 ~2 bath&, (Approximately 3000 IQ. ft.) Two fireplacee oak floon, large family aize kitchen and a full ·~ dining room, PLUS huge play room. If you are tired or living in cracker box.et, give youreelt and the kid.a a real King Size family home. Seldom haa any multiple listing caused ao much excitement -Why not phone for an appointment today? OPE~""~~~SE-W. STUART FOOTE, Realtor Short Toddle 2117 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach 6 UNIT JNOOME ! TALL. WIDE ~ HANOSOME la tbl• be&utttul property 1lt· uated on 2 kit.a in Balboa and nMI' best bly 1wlmmtnr 2. beach. Concr1l• block con· 1\.nlcUon Ul4 every oonvenl· enc• . . . rarace' locker rooma and larr• laundry ... '" tbb Mtor. b!J}'inr any lncom• property, Priced at 3. '8(,000, tenau. BEAUTIFUL NEWPORT HEIGHTS HOME! 4 Attr&ctJ1'1 borne W\tb 2 ~ ' bedroom.I. 2 bU.ha. tun dlnlnr room and dtnnelt1. N"' wool wall to wall Carpltlq and In woade:rful. cond!Uon. ku two 2 cu ~ too. Se. It for • loT1ly hom1 at •20.000. Jood wm• J BALBOA HOME! JUST HALF A BLOCK TO BUT BAY SWIMMIN G B&ACH. • bedrvom home with 1 \, b•IJ'w. Heavy t'UnMtur1 In- cluded. WW ma.k• )'l&l' around horn• for l•ri• tam.Uy or ter· rlff1 c bu.ch hom1. •11.000. HOOO down. PENIJ':ISULA HOME! BRAND NEW S bedroom, 1,.1. bat..b home. South apoeul'I and oa Oc-.n Bou!IYl.rd. H,.. every thttlc you Mould u:pect In a mod•rn l'lom1 • . , built m JtJtcbe11., .of coutH. 122.9:wi. """" Balboa Realty Co. Opopll.te Bank of Am1rlca Roi.I Gre-ele7 'Ed Let J0tephlne \!,'ebb +OO E . Balboa BJvd., Balboa Phon• H&rbor 11277 Balboa. A rare find. Practic&lly Bay Front. 3 units close to Yacht Club. Permanent Bay view. 70' to aandy beach, 3 B. R. home, plua 2 income units to help you buy it! We have the key. COSTA MESA. Retirement Cottage. Cozy 2 B. R. with many fruit trees and a garden. Can add 1 uniL Try $7900 -Low down. NEWPORT BEACH -5 B. R .. bea<h cottage, ~ blk. to finest swimming a.nd fit:hing. Fine for family run or you e&n rent 4 bed nna. to pay tor it A steal at $13,500 -Euy terms. FISHER & CO. REALTORS -INSURANCE 2603 Newport Blvd. Har. 4429 Newport Beach Lrdo Isle Here is a genuine value in a 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on a 44 foot lot. Lovely !~place and large eouth patio. . Thia home ia just 3 years old and ia one of our very, best values at $31,500 firm. Before you buy, let us ahow you thla KELSO·SLOAN built home. DUNCAN HA-mS'ESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Har. 4718 --------------------to the bl1ch • 1ky·blu1 waten. rhone Harbor 24., Evenings Liberty 8·5490 Wiii 1leep fl•e comfortably and -"-------------------- B/B Watch HOME AND INCOME NEWPORT HEIGHTS Duplex A REAL M:ONEY M:AKER 2-2 bedroom unit.I, hardwood flooM!I. F1replace in one. ..-~-- BEST RENTAL AREA Cir to stores and tranaportation. Sewen in and pa.id for. See 1898 Or&nge, Coat& Meaa DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2802 Newport Blvd .. Newport Be&eh Har. 4718 Lido'.s Best Buy Three bedrooma • Den • Two baths Big Lido comer • Big Patio Pl. 750 Filll Piice for appointment uJr: for VIRGINIA ¥ANSON or JOE GROIDlAN BILL KEMPTON or GENE VREELAND (-Inc 20 yun of LJdo Salea experience) Lido Realty MOO Via Lido .. five more uncomfortably. Prtc· ~ 1t IJ2,&00-ff;euonabl1 dn. Baianc1 '60 mon lhly. OPEN HOU811: l-6 SAT.·SUN. 1003 Stuhore Dr., Npt. Beach. • • • WE FURN'ISH Jo,REE CRYING "TOWlCLS TO THOSE WHO COME TOO 1..A TE. Seven Island• Really & Investment Co. &03--32nd 8t.. Nwpt. Bch., C&llt. Har. f.W, lllter II p.m. Har. Ml7 TOP VALUES 4 BEDROOM.8, 2 bath.t, r.-orntr lot. ... ·-·········· . . ...... 111.600 2 YMf"I old •tTOO doWn. CORONA DEL MAR $6950 south ot hwy. Just over a block from · ocean, R-2 level Jot, our BEST BUY of the week. Perched on the hill in Corona Highla.nda with a view from Paloa Verde• to So. l.&guna ia our BEST BUY of the month. Large living room, carpeted and dn.pea. huge field.atone fireplace, pic:.ture window1, two large bedrooms with two baths, dining room, compact. kitchen au ln birch finish, large protected patio. To eee tbia ill to buy iL Only $31.1100 RAY REALTY COMPANY 3«4 E. Coast Hwy. ·eor'Ona del Mar. Har. 2288 (acroM from Bank in C.0.M.) . MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE The Boats Go By! Rtlu and enjoy Ufe In lhll iltU1 dTu.m home On Balboll J.1111.Jld. A pier and tloet !for your t'r1end.I' bolt.a). Lota ll'lall.e. redwood, uMd brick and inl~or panelllnr. Two BR., 1 % bath plu1 f•mlly room. 141,&00. Looking for the Unusual? Two houaea on large level 75x127' lot. One brand new and ready for you to move in, the other 11 Jeued for $95 per month. Full price only $21,500 with $(500 down. Be sure to eee tbia. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coast Highway. Newport Beach U 8-3481 3 ST AR SPECIAL Thi# UI lt! Buk Bay will! vi-* * * on -% acre. Wiii bl 1hOW"11 ONLY to ~ lnterut~ In . Modvn. s BR .. l\o bath. A 2 B. R., 1 bath. Rm to build ................................. $17,95(. •how plac• f<>r lh• ~entMc 3 B.R., 11:: bath, n~ar bay .. . ....................... -.-$25,()()(; ~: 000~mplelely tumlehal. 4 B . R .• 3 bath, quality home. l Tnder priced. · Excell financing ·-·········· .. ···--·--·--$39 3 VNIT8 C·l, la!"l'I lot en Eut --------------------Bay & Beach Raalty Inc REALTORS DORIS BRAY, Realtor lllth St.···-········ .. ········-··· IU,&00 • LOT8 120 x 137 on 19th Btnet. Eut at N9WP0rt Bl'fd. PAUL BARTO REALTY 1921 Hart>or BIVd •. C.M .. lJtMrtJ' ... 1979 10 Acres POTENTIA.L bualn .. on Twitul .a.-. """ e>ran.p. 960 n .. tr... w.y front.ace. Submit tndM. DAN A . JACOBSEN', Real llOltat. -...,}', Kl 2·2117 Kj"•ll ...... * Bayshores * Lovely 4 bedroom and den home, modem design. Spacious airy rooma, 21,~ baths, enclOMd patio. int.erecting pla.nten. Truly a m01t unusual home, priced for quick aale at only $29,500- $10,000 pays down to lat T. D. HARBOR 2:152 GREENLEAF-SEVERTS' REALTY. INC. 31 l2 Newport Blvd. Newpert Beach ,EVES PHONE LI 8·3186 LI 8.:HOil Harbor 3921 -W KEilogg 8-~ r lllTO Harbor Boul1TI1rd Co.la M-. Ca.lltornla LI ... T'71 4 rv"-LI 1-3161 Rustic Charm Plwi Income Main hOUM -2 BR., 2 Bath. Mii.ii d@.n. bffmld e.llln.11. br1dl fireplace. redwoad and m&ho(nlY p&n1lblr. ui. lllt· """' 0.nt'e apart';.,ant with knotty pln• Interior. bMn\ed c•lllnc . 1 f.tld brick ftrtplael. Ap!lrt· mtnt furnl•hal F'or ll&l• hy own,.r. • 1e:t 7 Poppy A•t. Coron1 !St! M•r H1rbor 2~71 -J. •~•1 I 216 Marine Ave., Balboa Island ' • NON-VETS No Down Paymen lmpounda s~ 3 Bedroom.a, l ~: bathe BEST BUY COST A MESA AR Inquire at 252 E. Palml!r Coeta lfesa