HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-04-13 - Newport Harbor News PressTWINS IN DEBUT AT PERRIN HOME Mo.t amalt girla have doU.. but few have their nm~r pre-eat them with live one1 to pJay with, and also to care for. That ia the cue of the· two amall Perrin cll'la, .iiown above. Their mother, Mra. Robert C. Penin, preaented the fam- ily 'tflth twina March 9, the first twins born to a J'aculty member of Newport Barbor Union High ~ool •here Petrin i4 instructor in agriculture. Donna Lee, 6, la shown above with Sandra Lynn and Patricia Ann, 3, with Don Randal. The Penina live at 351 Catalina Drive. ---" Staft Photo Il l-FATED TRAIN IN SECOND CRASH LOS A.NOELICS (0CN8l -&anta F• R&Uro9d of1ld· ai. .....aled t.oda7 that lh• train lnvolved \n t1'e fatal acddlnt Whih cla1med fOUI' u._ near Santa An.a ~ day WU the Mme traJil Whldl -pe.rti&lly overturned ID Loe An1"elea Jut Decem· ber Jdlllng -30 penona. • But& Fe ottlcJ&ll ldeaU· fted the tr&ln u ·-nut San Dlepn," bound for Loe A..n- ,.elea from. San Dtfp. Ensign Pupif Brings Sult CoaSt GrOU . SINGLE msoNs ONLY for Injury , 3f.p P lalhoa Beachcomben Plan •ANTA ANA. APRIL ·~ Maps Int (0CNS> .,-The Newport .a..cll . Bay Club Bachelor Doings ~~~~~;~~ E;:J: Program. Here nm p&rt)' ot the newly9Grpn· vocallat-plani.tt, fu.nu.hlnr part lnjury or • Horace l:nlip t.ad Balboa Be&c!Lcombera will of t.be entertainment. Roubl"1 la ·School atudent. , be held, from 6:30 p.m. on to the one of the charter membera, Oennla R. , Popejoy il A three • point pf'OSl'&Dl of -.. boW1I ot the morninr Wed-At the door, welcomina' «'Jeall, brought the acUon lhrou'Sb h1a ~n objecUYee tor the comln&' M9day, April 18, at th• .Ba.lbo& w11l be William (Bill) McDowell, father F.dw&rd v. Popejoy ot Ye&r WU map-peel Otlt b7 lb• Bay Club, It WU announced to-Rudy Slnuna, Diane Frubllng. 423 Weet.mlnater Ave., Newport executive committee ot tha Or· day by Praldent Dick Job.Mon. and Lis Hallutn. Bea.ch. Suit waa tiled ln SU.per· anse County Cout ~alloe The lnitl&I ret·tosether of Any addJUon&l lntormaUon on !or Court here. at the Balboa Bay Club, Wedna-local wunarrtedl will be to set the party or tuture rel to.-ethen The complaJnt ..Uel"ed Dente day. aequaJ.nted and dlacuu tuture can be obtained by c&lllnr Bob auUered a ~verety cubed left POU. DEAD L Spectatora and police swarm around wreckage which & few moment. before wu a ear containinr four penona. All were killed u the auto collided with a train at the Santa Fe • lr&cb &t Newport Ave. Identification of the dead waa hampered by the condition of bodiea and the car. Dead were Costa Mesans. -OCNS Photo Finl luue d£acuaeed wu, lha plana of the tun a-roup, aaid John· Robbina (LI a,:s•71) or JohNon hand and wrlat when IC))ool propoeed 1rwwa,. a1oac UM .IOn. J'Ut!M a.ttto be held n10llth· (LI~). door giaa. abttel'fO' u M tr\ed - California couL The committee ty, M e&1d.. '"11lla. zeaJly ..Jook.a like It'• to prevent the door from IWlDC"· M • F ·1 · rea<>IYed to wor1l with tn. •late Tf'e &ft.Sr will open with din· rotllC to be tun, declared Beere· Ull" ahut. • hJpway commi.Son ln la)'lnc ner and cooktalla with Bob ("Kr. t&r7 Marilyn Miller. "We hope The plaintiff claJma the mJa· es I I m1 ' out the atate thewa.y 1y1tem .o Too Pooped to Pop"), Roubl&n, to ... a ~If tUmo~t tor thla hap wu due to c&releuneu and •· • thal the leut poulble objection ftnt party. reckleasneu on the part of ~ to lncomlnr tourlat. and tree defendant. Accordllll' to ~ : UM of the beach• would be ac-H1rv1·so· n ··n complal.nt..._ th• boy autreree cut -' compllahed. Th• pvup wtl1 at· wrist tencfon. and Jo• ot --• tempt to lnaur. aptnat any m· aaUon tn t.be flncera of bl.a Jett A c 11 • &Te.le or e,.,.. pt'Otllema. eon~ F1· •ht 'or L1·1e llad. Tb.e ln)lrtea appumUy • • • • • !4:,.':1t=•ta~1~r:~~=~Ar1~ 6 11 ::e~rmwn1 the comp'Y't D ·1 .1n uto · 0 15180 m~ :::: ":.'::tt ....... :::..: .:: ::;::. :, .... After Crasll .. "'..'",:,, ":. ::.~.,, ... -1. . . · _ ~ · · , .. . to attempt w ith the cooperation 'Na& IDIMtwe ~ In B~ Boaptt&l doctora and at-, • ,. • of Ule compal\y to brtnr ~ ~ i.o. t.be Altora WU tmant. battW t.oda7 to aa" • - the relocation Of tM Padftc • ...... .a Ml lndliM wttJt Ute lit• ol Wllilul B.arNon. tftL •ectors' Codnns and Electric Oo. traclcll away fJ'Oa UJ tllldiiill .... ln lM JIUt If Al, Of ftT~ Diamond An ... trat· vu• tbt baa a&.~ tf ble bouN. ~ U.. ,...,.. l!l a ccldelit ,..eum. tbla mominr. J , ~ patt,llel W1tA t.be Auad. °' "Lafad Oii ~ ._.. i. H.• wt.ow.. td1J ln emupncy l&le A t th• D41W1f ~.. --tJll tncMI JM& ttia tl1ol"nJAI'. Hla condlUon ... gree 0 D gh. t B th o· L&stly, It •11 decided aome Je&r. • deecrtbed u "ve17 peor." au er ro er 1e method o_f\.~urtn1 the oU trom N.wport Beacb waa I-damp Harvtaon Incurred mulUple In· . I • the tlde1am11 "1thout th• erec> ~ recel.tn .. 2.03 lnch .. b'om Jurl-. J.ncludln, a fractured Park·1ng Lot tion of well.a &Jon1 the aboi. t.be .tGrm wit.h.-1.01 lncbeia fall-altulJ and compound fracture of Four Coat.a Mesa.m wd ~today u their app&r· line abould ht WOC'ked out. UlWI ~ ta the Jut h ~-a.. the left arm, attendant.. aaid, '-tl b-'· 1 bile 1amm-.a into "'"-_,_. f malntahtln_g the "-'* ot tbe tonal total waa .et at •. U ln· after the car ha wu drtvinl" wu SANTA. ANA..-«>CNS\ -Glv· Throufh an elecUOn nl1"bt er· the other Incumbent councilmen, en Y i._e eu automo -1 ..v ~ INUe 0 a °bt'achee •nd a lleady lnllwc of cbea compared to Jut 7..,..• lnvolv~ In a amuhup with a en a week to t.&tk.lt over, obJee· ror bn lb city hall tote board lta new. oowrace of the reaulta Loa Angelea bound Santa Fe paaenger train &t tlie inter· tovn.ta. ll.71 lnche.. creu:iery oompu,y truck at ton to a public puldnr lot ill of result.. on the city council waa unblued, deaplte the 10-aection of Newport Blvd. and Tustin Road a fftll mlnut.ea 7:11 L m. Tb• accident occurred eoutheut Corona del lrf&r with· electJon the Newa·.,..._ erron-vote error on the tote board. before. 9 a. m. car a.bn09t broedafde. on. ot the Mesa Chamber Board .Hears at the raJn-altck lnteraecUon of drew their compainta wecsn ... eouatJ •" Chari .. But. Real· Cbari• Hal't, winnlnl" candl· The coroner'a otnce Identified men, thrown under t.b• t~t of Bayalde Drive and Co&it Blfh· day. tor, • If·~ v1clof7 marsln date, when Informed by the the drlvl'r of the death car, the car ln wbkh he -:-a ridlnl', way, police reportl aa.ld. The county plannlnf . oommt.-0"1' ,~man Oenald Ben· New.Pree. of Ila error, l&ld wblch waa bound trom Colt& wu aatd ltJll alive on am~al of P I " M Offi Driver of the creamery truck alon then approved Alfred Bal· Mttt wt.l9n. feet. the total of he could well unlUrstand It Mesa to Oranp. u Oharle. L. oUlcera. However, U.. Tlctlm roposa •to ove '-e ,..... U oyd Ro,.er Olle1, 23, of tran'a requeat. to .. tablllh tM 47 '-lllDt.a abouJd .,Ye been an "hon.-t mlatake'' brouC: Obchran, 27, Of 10091 San"ta Ana e.xptJ'9Cl betor. &m'bU}jj\Qja ar· \t 2337 Yollm\lte Drive. Loa An· lot on the aouthweet •d• ot eredit.ed.. about by "terrtttc au.epenae." Ave.. ea.ta Mea. Other pa. rl•ed. relu, police .. 1d Hlpway 101-A about 800 ffft '!'be eorrect vote wu 1899 The oo.rd of dlrec:ton ol tha mtttee. -14 "The chamber la not · IOUth of Buck Gully. for Hart. inatead ot 1119 u the In a atateroent to M• backera, 7'1~ th ... car ·~: ~"""~ RIPll'a7 p&trol ottlcera could C09la lieu. Chamber of Com-rotns to do the Job (for the • Th Newport 8-c.ft Plannln&' board abowed. Bennett rece.IYed Hart Mid, "I am very Cl'atetul of th drl 1 y-::-o ~ oot lrnnMd!iateb' Sdenttl)' the onmme·~ •, .. ••ma A•lcJos yt.:-Meet -UJTappa;-""1 .. ......e.e: -WIU. -a •• ab-to m7 trienda and aupporten ,..~._ __ e_ ver, ra. bodiell ot the de.d. -r-' eem.. ll&l)Ota to lte •-m-... t who wo~ed fo ma to mak """"'"""• w1Ja oJ the drtv-er, and -.._ .. ~ 7..i.rda7 h-.rd a propcJ9aJ of per 1-.r Income. Nut mttllnl' ot A..-409 vi.. Uon.._. So dtd ttn penona In U.e -a r e the cou le'• 2. ear-old daufti· & .,. -th ~ .... leM than .the ftn&nce commttt .. to move "The Chamber of Commerce joa. Newport Harbor'• do-oot.11· area 81UTOW1dill&' t.be projected T\Jejlday'a city councU &d.jow'ned my dee Ion poeatble. I pled1e t.er ~ J Y 1J of th 100 yarda from t.u forked lnler- tbe orsant.u.Uon'a offlce to a new hu to have a ro&t,'' he ecmUnu-tnr ch-tc leadera will be beld lo\ Jut weelL ---. ~ can baft no effect my be.at effort.a dUJ'tn&' t.U next 11.;.. addr::.. ean, 1 ' ((.)oa&allllllld oe ....... I> Joc&tion. ex.tend boun U.. offtce ed. "Not just tor Ule preMDt but April 11 at Newport Harbor Bowner, Wec:tae.da:y they ln· cm Bart• Yict.c>Ty. four year• t.o do all 1n my ------- la open to t.be public ~d N'ftM for th• nat fh• 1ean." Yadlt Club Prafdent Robert formed Ute \lom.mllllloa a meet-A.._,. t1'e N .... rr.. .. pow• to make Newport 8-c.h Htfhwa1 P&trolm.an Earl Cald-y ...._ u~ 'i._ the cbedule °' dUu Adoptioa Zordan 8&14 hla commtUee aJao Gardner ~OWlced today Spe-lllf had been conductad, w1th P9ed Benett'• CUQP8Jp tor an even biller community In well. one of the tint t.o errlve Otuua .,... ltOJ ot the eb&q-, It la hoped. wru lllQ9ta U.. hlrtnr of a J*DWl· claJ portion or th• pro~ will Wllllam Spurreon m uplaln1nf ~ adlt.oriaD)-u , It dJd which to live." Speakinc of th• on tbl ecene, •Id t.N nh.lcle Mr. and Kra. Rkhard Yorba • ........ &ddlUGoal revmue to tb8 •t ~-m&MCW"· O«>rr• fe&ture lnillaUon of aeven "Ku-1 tbe ~. An oppoldUOll apok_. • campaJp and election w which app&rabUt' elammed around the of 27U Circle Drive are the pu- cbamher. # Harmae Sa the Pft81Dl uecut.I" c:bachoa" into full memberlbip, maa aid all objectlon. were Co •1 ftL · ehmaxed It. Hart l&ld. It wu fortt ht TUatln-Newport lntenec.-enta of a boy bom AprU 12 at. WW Jordan., ~ of \be com-(0.tl ,. -.... I) be a&ld. (<JoatlmDecl -..... I) llCI val JI .. th r I 111 n.. uperience, ~IW Uan into t.N fourth cu ot the t.be Roac Ho.pt.al. The beby MESA LOVELIES READY FOR QUEEN CONTEST One ot these Costa Me.a girls will be cbolen queen nut Wedneaday at All Club Dinner ot chamber of commerce in Cpsta Mea. From left, Betty Pat· tenon, 18; Beverly Stafford, 17 ~ V1tpli& Kruchten, 18: Kay IAcefitld, 18: Jean McQD.e&. 17: Wanda Trautwein, 18; Nancy Letrie, l&; Gail Moord. 18. C~1mber load lecomme1dition Clt7 council Moaday nJpt ~ a rMOfutton aeceptlnf the reoommendaUon ot the New· port Bu1tor Chtunber ot Com· merce'• ftew h11fhwa1• commit· tee concernlng Harbor area road· way developml'nt and pl~I'· Tll e c:Mmbf.r ~mmended the 'I\a.ua Ave. l1'reew9y be com- pleted fl'Cml 8an1& AD& ~ ~at Oli•• to KacArUwr BlYd. Md Cout lllpw9.y, \be, rout. to be OD Newport IU'Yd. to an.tol It. -PalimdM Jtoed IA- t.rwdSOD. From U... It would ~ OD to Pal~ Ro.d to Xa.c.Arthur B1".. , and conUnue to ao..t Hlpway. Tbe committee rf'CC>mmended I Nnrport BlYd. be continued trom Srtstot·l"aDDd#.a tnt.l"Mctloo ,. 1 a ,SX·l&ne dJvlded h.lrtnny wtth .. rnoe roada on ffCh lll<le and U. In with preeent eomrtnlctlon at. about 1tui at •• eo.c. Meaa. Tbe c.'OmmJllM alao neorttm~ .al ot tti. ~ plan ., bltllwaya u prepatoe<l by th• county ple.nnlnl' com.mt.ulon and u am.oded with the ch&mber'a recommendation a. HAllOR WEATHEI TGnperatura for the put week at N9Wpoft Harbor ~ wen lllp Lew l&lurda7, April 7 ... 6t 61 ~. April I -t2 U Xooday, Apr11 t 90 Q T\leJlday. Apnl 10 ~ M Wedne.Say Apnl 11 11 :.c> Thuriwtay, April 12 !\!I 4ft P'r1day,~ Apr11 U ~2 4t wtucb 1 aball nner lorreL tr&Ln. nmmtnc u,. p&Uel\l'er welfhed 7 lbe., and u .-. , EXALTED R~LERS' WIVES HONORED There we~ two dean honored In the Newport Harbor Elk.I Lodge lut ntrht when one wu given back ber huaband and another abdicat~ much of the Ume and companionship of hen for the coming year. ~ traditional honor to wtv~ ot the incoming a.nd retiring Exalted Rulera tranapired on the noor ot .the Lodre before a huge pthering of the antlered horde who travelled lrom tar away point. for the inst el kt.ion ceremoniea ot atncen wbo wm eerve Newport Harbor Lodge tor the comLnc year. Pictured left to ricbt. oewly lrud•Ued E:nlted Ruler Richard Newman, lira. N"'1D&ll, Put ExaJQd Ruler Tom ~orton wbo made Ute pre.qentatiol\I of a ~auti!ul allver Urving tray lo Mrw. Al Malhtw1 who re- covered her bu.band. now Put Exa.lted RuJer Al Mathew1. -Staff Photo • I .. , . MUSICAL COMING TO MESA 1'oultt' ~ lblrley Jon.ea aad Qordoa Mac Rae, 8bow1l ....,.. Ja a 9Cel from Jtodc«l'9 and Banunentein'• "Carou .. :· ..,-, tr'1da IOlh..C.Wry-Foa llu produced ln Ctnemucope ,t II !r• U-. larp cut wNch w1D be eeen llqtnl' aad d&ncin&' ~-.. -um mDllcal clulilc. Th• pktuk wtD be plaJtnr at the : -X-'n.&tn Apnl 20. S11pe•~·~~ Term · 8ive1 Weim11 lribe Co1it Local Student Admlh Caunt if Good nature 11 one oC the richest frulll ot true c~ nlly. -Henry Ward BHCbtr of Self Exposure I A NT A A N A. ( OCNI) -~;;;;;;~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;~ Da Yid L. Bolt. 22. a ea.ta Mtu Bible Collqe 1bld9tt. pl.-ded (lllJtJ lian:h 10 oa an 1t1ci.c.nt U"PQIU.r9 c:bars• OPEN FOR BUSINESS IN COST A MESA El Pl9Cador it.t&urant, abon, ia Forest Smith'• newest ill chain. Located at t-01 E. 17th St .. ea.ta W.... El P.cador'a interior bu been completely redesign- ed. retu.rnilhed and ndecorat.d alnce Smith bought cafe two month.a aio. JUith Newman will manage~ reltaurant whlch will feature lteab. M&food &Dd 10UJ1Dtt dJahea daily tram 11 LID. to 2 a .m. Smith a.id be planned El Pee- caClar (Tbil Fiaherman) u d.t.tJnctive rest.au.rant that would appeal to aport.anen ~ their famillea. 3-Teachen R ..... fTom Harbor Hltlt Relipatlona of lll1'M hllb Bolt ... anWpecl bdor9 Santa Ana • -Oraap Kunictp&l Court. Judae Ranal4 Cl"ooklbanlr, Proaoune.ment ot jU4plcnt wu Mt for April U. The J\ldae Mt ball &t '500. Holt. who llna lJI Gardea. Orove, wu arruted bT a lher- ttra dt)IJUty T!u1nday at TrUJc and Verano Ill. The ottlcer .... terted Bolt Upoee4 IWue1f to two jUY4=11ile &'irla that 1""9 W'llk1q &Joq the ro&d. T'be • tend&nt wa. lJI a car. kloc:latlon Notis 125th snlngs-loan Annivenary . •~· Juv.nUe Bureau ~ S&'l. Ruuell Campbell "14 a 1t&keout Md been arr&n&'ed lJI ICbool ttaohera were apprond the area &ft.er two amuu of· by Newport Harbor Vnlon H1Cb cen.eee -.ruv t.MI .... IL eamp. khool B6ard Monday. , Thq bell upl&Uled the ,ui. bappa-~ JC • l'alil ~ Palmer ol .. OW-.AaaoctaUon .. la ti.a were from ltuart Corey, Jan ed to be walkJns &Jon• the If..;,... ..._ la.tap a ad twtnUetb year ot ~ to uw ~ ~==:: and Della Ram· road when \he deCIM&nt dl'O'N 1.-. • ll1UO. Ula. ...-a. ,BarlM!r and On.n&'• Otlunty," J'our t.e&chen wen added to by UM IJlt.wMcUon. , __. M ~ to rtilllct.tl Mid ~dent ~er. "On th1I the corpe: . "' OIUp OouatJ to Yllll the occuScm. we •• t. D d lllDcc'9 William BW"lla, J:n«11.1h; Roi.- I ttrl ____ .. _ the tMnk.I to the '7000 mtmben ol st Kat.belly, art; M.aureen Mur-e . 1 r-• _,._ ..... Oil our •Yiap and I09A tam.QJ ~. Eqliab ud 0eorye s.4.-..,..._ii M...,ort lteeQ. aad ben. &Dd an lnAft1 ot1aer ,..u pr, Ubrv)'. t1111e JIUl ta ~ ot UM ot Ute OOWlUJ and Ute world. -----------J~ • ,,._,, ol ~·1 for their confldace wtiida ban Wit I.I the ........ .._ laltltuUou. ~ our ITQWth po9lble. Dur-Uon, not t.lle ~ !>Ira 8111 of Hnrport in&' l.be ttnt quart.er W. 7-.r, ----------_;,,,.., ___ ;.;;;::::::::;:=====· ._. '-* Mt• ot U1e roll •• llW'p&aMd W .000.000 ta to-..,_. ~ aw.p ... 1ou .,. t&1 NICIUl'CM. ccmt:l.IU&!q an ln· ._.._ a U... ........... .,..... of mor. th.an IO per Mal ft .... _, uaut ..., ...... llnUO-wbldl we nalJMd 1A ltM. .., "' ......,., U.. montA .i 'With \he contlJl\llq coell· A,.u .. •••••1• ea4 IAea deoe ot our 111 ... ton. •• kloll ....a." 9'Ut • .-Cl&I pl'OCJa.. torward to st.ad7 f1'0W1b &Dd ..u._ eavr•1 '"1 U. .,re.oe.a. ooattn.ued Ml'Ytce l.n th• ,.... --~.-. ~ Gr,nrlollo 's (form•l7 ol &.met) complete menu for the fMV1y nDA e U'40DTl'I e LA&AONA ... • MADll llAVIOU e IDAD e KA FOOD ,OOD n> 00 . 111 •••• 11vct. BALIGA He.bot 4131 OJIDl DAU.I' U NOON-1/ IOD"!li"IOWI', Ol.08ED XO~"DAY • SunClay Dinnen 2:00 P.M. FREE CUSTOMER PARKING DINNER &:00 P. IL -9 P. ll: Open Sundays 12 Noon -9 p.m. ( c:1oMd Konday1) 2:581 NEWPORT BLVD.,. COSTA MESA (hit 1 ..._ ..-. ., leilda ..-OoaetrJ (lo) no.a L1bertJ s.uoa .... ala ...... It.. Onqe DINND. SERVED 6 .P· m. •w mldn!cbt COCKTAILS-'-p. m. 'W 2 a. m. 12 Noon Saturday A Sundar Special Sunday Buffet 2 'til 9 p.m. Cloeed WectMCh1 lat 8oatla of l.apw B'fatt ..... . PORT ;;" ~ ORONI' O[l M4" '·'•R.'Pltli~ e NOW e '~Comanche" ... • CinemaS.cope Color by Del.axe Daaa Andrews -Pl•- "SUDDEN DANGER" lill Elliott Tom Drake -~ ROOOERS& HAMMERSTEIN'S CIRIUSE·l . -... lldl. Slll(Y *U =•r-i=-= ...... ~ : ~ .. ... ... _ .. ---- "11,..... ,.., ,._..., ~ a1it'"'""+--.- 1e Cowuloontritom.oa G~CE Al,1£ KELLY· GUINNmS LOUIS JOURDAN .. "TBE SWAN" -... I ···---Ulillll _,._•Ut&~ ~ ...... _.., Seeoad P..tve ConeJ Wiide '"8'1'0811 FEAB .. • ; ,• Sa i:\12? ptr' s 1 !nl· Up•1llse.y M; 11 .,.92111H11t OC ~'I ' - to Ca,,ub.-o IJ~ C/ut .. w ... ~ 3rd Annual ........ rttcC -/!ARl~"'---~ FRIDAY, APRIL 20 Prizes. Decor lor Costumes ' PY Dickerman Resef'Yations in AcJ.,ance .• Food Iii The Harllor Area" -~fi/lsfeil . - EACH SATURl)AY Ir SUNDA~l AT 2:30 P.~. . ' :: APRIL-21.n -APRIL 28..29 ~y 5-6 , IN BEAUTIFUL RAMONA BOWL HEMET . . . With a Cast of Over 350 People - R ... rncl S..ts -$2.40, S 1.80 ond S 1.20 ' Chlldrm under U , too In St.JO MCtJon cmt1 • (IDel. Tu) Write or Phone Ro"'°"" Bowl, H...,.. 6111 or • • Airy M.utuol Ticl:et Agency for rt.-.~tions Given Eoch Spring By the People of Homot end Son Jocinto - .• .,.2"7wi: ~"" • • .. -.. ----... ·~ ---,..,. -..... ------ • ~ • • • ... -• i • • -• . -• • open dally: 11.-00 a. m. Untll 2:00 a. m.:· I • • . ' .. - • , ) . . ·' Frot11:ri.ng the most di'l!e1'8'iji.e4 . . -~ Gournut merm in the harbor area., the El Pescador is a restaunmt that we lcMw you will endo1J and recommend to 'IJO'UT frieful,s. ~-m-i>eSMCiorformnM.,-Jor -y_. .... 1 27p ,,,, ............... 11 t . . . ____..l1l'1U & .. ....._ ..... •111a· 1all O'lc19s .......... , .••.... " F•MttmNI . R &? at < '.• • ,.. .... • ·• ' . • ... • • • • • ~ ;. ~ • • • - , t· l r- ' •;tx _,!1, .~. Anll-...n lla.t Means Victory 8ANTA. ..&.NA, -(OCNI) ~ Rf&bthuder Tony '.AnkerNll pitched and batted Kater Del • --I -..-T: ·. . ··..-- .. r l!lrb 8chool to a t-5 Parochlal '! ... SIU. PBILLlP.S, Spozta ltdlior u.p .... l\Oll -- 1..,,...,...,...,...,...,... .... ,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,.....,1Pomon&..ct.thbllo hert TuMdaJ ' ' • '· NO ,NE~·TO SKIM BRINY DEEP, NOW! Newpd!t'a landlubbers will bO lat.reated la y~~ Blll ljpur"°"'I lllil oillw, . thown in action here. ~t'• Bill at the controll with co-pilot· Edward Gallant, ,8, ' of ~ Snug Harl>or, Bill, ;u. of tM Snug Harbor, conceived ti\• Idol 1114 blo dad filured out "the 4..ica, '-Staff Photo" ·, PAGE 4 .' PARf I -NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS.PRESS attom;;.._ FRJDAY,1APRIL I~, 1956 . .' ----------------~-------- , TAR AQUA ACES WRAP UP DUAL SWIM CROWNS FOR_ A'S, C'S SAILOR THINCLADS ENTER 9 MEN . AT· CHAFFEY TOMORROW NUM Newport Barbor" HIP kbool thlnclfidli 1-v• beeQ entered in the Qlaffey Inv!.taUonal ttt.ck and. tteld rn..t to. mo1'T9W', It wu announced today bf. Coach Do~ Bum:.. Ac- Uv!.Ue• •tart-at 10 a.m. ,_,- Dodd P-.noD. will ti")' an l.rclD man tt.imt. entertnc the 200 yard duh and the b.l.Jh jump 1n tbs 11ovtc:e dlvllion and Pearce I!..&.. -New-R--d t"lt. I "And, HCOnd, the t•ct that.. rwmLnstbeancborllltheopend!vi#lont'e1&7forUMilallora. ...,..,.._ .......,.. 9;vrJu1d out from t -a.m. till Bt~• ~n. ~ entr1• In ·~ aov!.ce d1N10n are noon. every ~ of J:uter va-Bob Vall Sickle and Randy Peeler bl U.. llO and 8ob VUla.-S:-.-fyle In y-a..._ ........ .,.... In ... """' puL ()pm ............... .,. Tom ·r~ -~1•rt A..._ ot Paul Muts 9114 ,~ Troot.n. hll'h Jump; Jen HOilard. in1ie. and Blll Buclt1ud. t • ~ -'-•, . t-to ... clu&l ·~-•-h ·•·-, ·-•• I Cbuck ~ lrWtD !'ttt&)ed, Glenn Bulord e.nd Tom Niquette with PMnon lo UM relay.• . "~Pl'~r v . ,-;:; . ·-....... ~plOl.llWlP 0 fOfttd u •ans-1n UM aauon· . the s-t-I,eague-by waxing tn~ m.Jo~ 1 ... the ,.;..· ........ , -· .,.... ..... ..-.0 ST' ... •s FOR H•.-. ·"v Ud C ..,U. 'teams of Coich Al lrwln'a .Newport ... to ,_., po..., U..t """ I IU --~ I }la4 beea eaJcul&i..d to bq, ' J!i!bol', llilh ,Scliool mermen defeated Fallertoo._ there Out•t•ndlns perfonn&nce B L ' Beach c' W,edn-1•Y afternoon. The vanity ~on won (3.38 amoftf U., Seatk:ut Inna en-ut aguna . ' ops dupite the •i..i."--of twO key rtvil-aot Ned Klaner but .. ~ dlt..11 to Dous MUler who won • Tar., tM Bea&ia IMIU& contiD• ll&bed a new .ldloo1 ncont tor U.. IO )'lll'd bKltlt.(o>te .'*' UIS. kf gent d\laked the rl<rall IT..fi. • SaOor 8 9WiDUDa' ln. the event. ~~ _ _l' the moR mpl'Oftd Days' Club lrac est ruueWoa captured th• B di· P-.ree ai.o swam led-oft 'lap Mm.mer· oa th• aquad,-'' li"wtll u.J ...... -...... -...... "'.,.,,.,__. -,...,.. -. ............. ott ... -. ' 0 ~ U..,.._ \Uh-.Wh · ·man tttay team. • u the toth rated tui la ¥-Dennie -Pe~ Dave Frederick and Royce .Jacklon Oddly enoup. ii w .. a 14.· VlaJ'O&Y BEASONa C event." tarred f u • ..:-:_ Bo. ' 0 b . three divi&i f year-old Tani.be 1wtmmlnr var-Irwin cr_edlted two reuon1 Henrr Hill, MCond lap man • or .. ._ -!Y9 U 1D , OD.I O a llity who may Qin decided t,be for the Y&HAty l .t.cUir7-~l'lnt. on U. wlnntnir vartlt)' l'UJ'. track meet againlt IAguna Beach on the Newport H&r· A outlng tor . u.8 local ladl. th111 performanc. of Pearce and .lrwtll. .. Mid. "ii really eom1ris bor High School cinders here Wednelday afternoon. Tbat would be Doug Pearce that of l:mle Klnney In takinr aloar. However .. th• rival forcet whoee 67.S victory tn the 100 nnt in the dlvtnr epln1t Next ouunr for Al'• aqua •rt-roved too' •rful u Lacwia Fourth rrade: S5 yard duh. yard freutyle not Ollly tlelted roufh compeUtlon," 1rwtn A.id. taton Is acbedullld ln the local ~pd the ::. 111.X.th Jl'&(kn J'red..tdc (KB), 0Uftl' (LB), HORACE ENSIGK MINE SET campua pool apinst the SU.la 29•26, alaupterM the fifth De.liq (HB), u. IO yard 4Ub, ~ IJ&lQt. W~ at~r. rraderl 31".e','· and romped U• ktwem C&mpbell (LB) a.nd Complet. rellUJ.ta ap.iut "11· over US• fourth rraden 21-17. l"rederick (HBJ; u. betwMO tWtci,: • BlxUa Grader Turner of La· Oliver and Woodbury (LB)i-1.t . FOR loop JHANOND PLAY VanllJ: M.U., nlay, :rull«'-'IUfta wu the lltUe man with f5 )'Ud dub. Cl.mpbeU (~J . · tea, J:11.1. oo ttM,. fttdlAlton U.. Ms mucl ... His potnt tot:&I aoua. (LBJ, WOOdbury ·<LB. (K), xa.n.r (1'): 111noot·(J'), ac.t. ta eaptlU1rlc tbe ati and tlO 11.7. Hip jump. tie betWeen -tOOb~J'arqUbar(N) at.wart )"&I'd d.MlbM,. 1l1p Jump, broad Patrki (BB) and Oliver (LB); With an Orange County.£1eme!'tary Bueball League (I'), Grelter (NJ, i :ot. Joo n., Ju.me and '40 eqUalled the 2t1 Bolla CLB), s-t .. Broad turnp, game rained out yeeterday, Coach Norm Stillwell's RedlastoJI (NJ. MlU. (HJ, Bdt. polnlt llmUHd by HBC'• entire C&mpbell (LBJ. Crtrn <HBJ, Horace Ensign nine will o..-n tbe diamond 8'UOD at t1an ll'J, 2:10.1. 100 back.~-11!-!b_lftde Wnelad .tql.l&d. O~ver (~J. Final 11COre: ~ ~ ' r-· in (1'), Harvey (1'}, .....,. Perrtn. turn'-bed1 '!'WOii' with 21; HBC 11. Huntington Beacli TbUl"lday. · berl' (NJ, l :Ol.5." t• tne. lll&jOrtty ot'Jm o,,,...._ u tM 11rui crad•: 35, Peter• !LBJ, Prolilable ·~rtlnc 11_.. for The loop .chedul• for tbs klca1 P~ (Nj, IU&ner (J'), .._. .....,, ROl"WM Elllllp ... came LanlJdell (LBJ, OOttlditon (LB).- UM J:Mlrna will ftn4 .Npu.nd-~Joi~ Thurlda1'• Runt-Ir), 57.5. (aft 9Cbool ~), • flnt Ja, U.. 41 JU\11 dash 5.S. 60, Peter1 (LBJ, lAnalell er NNell Strtckfer OD the ~ 8eaeh batUe: Anatlelm f>tvlJll', Kinn.,-(ff), lfd (1'J., wtdt.. • lt.f docidal. M fln-(LBJ, Jacbon (J:IB). &.2. 75, tnouiid: Babe Niemiec bth!nd ~AprU,M;On.qe her.A.pril A.ndr.w1{:), lndi.,.._. ll'I~ 1lrlM4 MP>D4 &o ,,..,_. • the Cottlnctml (LBJ, Buxtan (LBJ, the ·di.ti; Tom Markham M 21; [;a .ToUa hU. Key I ; Wut-lfY, Dtc fr), 8dnllbery (KJ. W. ,..... ... ttmef .. ~:U.2· J&<lluon (HB), 11.T, Hllh jttmp, pt.way ruard1&n: Jack ai.on,-mia.a.i ~·May 10·1.11d Aia.. li.,rart J. Rtl&r, N..,,.n la • tlfUl ,.... ,..peU· Ue among JacUon (HBJ, Smith back controlllnr the key•\oM; mtt4,\~r• Kay 11,_A. p.e~ (PMrcti, HW." Rldiqton. V• U.. .. ...._ ar.a'\ AcUoa (HB) .n.d hl.trs (LBJ. Broad BtU ~UhllJlr on th• bot coni· ·.., • 9'i'. hiMda1 ~ w-. lkmert), l1Nl ..... : Ktw)Mllt ............ ~ wtlh p., jUlllp. Peter. (LB), Oottlqton er, and John HUrlle. Ill ~ alDltft '*' .WW.U ..W.. U. J'qli.rton H. *' fll ...,_ .._. In lh• {t.8), XIAlalJ& {RB). •tnal patch. \ · Jv.~ tor Ute 1oop an a : Keclle1 :m..1, J'\lllertoa, .wp. ,_, ..-Jt.ell:IOft wu 11COre: ut-u•. HBO t%. PatroUfnr the pufure ·for UtU. Liilllp9 ....., 1:53.l. 60 ttee1 .....,.._ (r), Wrd &a.. U.. JO _and 7' yard ltxth rracs.:-11; 1\imtt (LBJ. Nonn·~ knocker• will be B 0 b ra.i.r (H), .... (K),'" .... ~ dct ., HBC ~ ..... th C&rpenter (HBJ, Patrick (HB), ~wall In. let'tfleld, Milton 100 W-. O.U.. (M), ,.,_ ' 1 cop_. • 1.0. 60, Tum• (LB) Perrtn Price tn center and Hilton Bell (J'), W...._ ~J'}, -!:ILL-... )'Ud a.ta m $.I and tted (BB), Hou.ton (BB) '7 f 75 bl ri('b,L tr..111 ~.Cl'>, ..... (Kl, Ao.= 1~~ ~r.n ter Putin IHB>. tie betw~·ffou.'. -....:.--------IJ01m101rrow MOlnt ( .• ,, ... _ lOO-......... n • • . .... """ ....... (Lii)• 10'8. , • . (H), Rubript (I'), l'ltawater Complete ruulu: -Wrll-JumpJ Tiirnir <00~- 'l•rat·e L1··11k"' If No Sprl ' kl.. <~J. i:io.a. 100 tne. l'ml.,. · i. <LB).· Bnlad ·Jwnp, Tu:nier · • . ft V'• f~); and ~l'lncer (II'), Ued; Brk.knerJ, 1 :lt.7. llO f'rff, Von (LBJ. Al.len {LBJ. Ue between Squad l•I ·lOIS AU bOY• trora 8-ll u or Nu1.on IF), 69.'l'. Divin• Den· Hemert tN), R)l"•ll (Fl. Hal· Patrick afKI. Carpeater • • Unger (K),,lrtl. Indlvtclval med-i.t tNt, M.6. 60 breut. Buck (HBt, 14·1. ~O Tumer (LBJ Sqt. -1. ltH. Who want to play lf'f, HUI (J'), Whitaker fNI, Ru· lNI, Boice (NI, Corkett INJ, hrrtn ~HB) 'P•t.rlck tHBJ, 1ummer bueball In the Herbor brlcltt IF), J:ot.11. Relay, New-as.1. 50 back, Miller (N), Oau-1:11.2. f'inaJ' ecore; LB ,.· Oranc• Coaat eouere ro1ter1 t B · THE 118-118 _ -· -~ -. ROOMY -REFlllEIATOI ·THAT TAKEt . UP SO LITTLE llTCllEI FLOOR· SPACE!""-· CO~E IN AND LIT US SHOW .YOU f!tlS AMAZING NEW IOX -. ' ...... :rapp• 8'I KllYlnnt• ll1crrlcal A;pllallces lake's:. 4ppliances· . ~ SAUS -UlllfY .. 5594:::, SaYrCE .OUr ni-..rtsds111 ....,...,...1...-t,,....._ ... ldCIM!!lt tnda la. 1937 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA . ·. bt t 8an DI junior collere area'• coordinated diamond p~ por I ush, Allen, Foetcr, Jol'ln-pan (NJ. ftuMell !Fl, S3.3. Re-HJk: 26. ~ l,y a ~~12 acore. Win· rram.' but havt :n.ot yet attend~ ;:,!: ~;! aeore: hllertOll 43, lay, Newport (Brickner, . Von I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;=.::ii:;::::::::i -· tO( the Pirat.M were, Anb d-yo1tt• wer. Ntnlnded to ttporl .'° · H'l'mert, Bu,ck, G•ushan). 1.08.f. ,. 9':"~ ~ ~ · • C. Medky rela1. Newport rtnal scwe: Newport 37, Ful· SUMe, numbir lhree m.n., wl lo Coata Meu Park at t a. m. !Miller Buck. v H -1 rto 4 an II and Charle. Jl'undu.bw'k, tomorrow. U It'• aot ·r•lnins. ' on em ... ., e n · • number tour, Wtth a IL i R.Od '• MacMUttan ," aianounced. Sid Tov•tt. Coaet-. number makeup1 wtll be held. hrbetue Demonstration one man. loet with a 90 ; £ua In . c&M ot .nlq ld'WnJom:rw Van Hom, number· two, went mominl', MacXllli•n Aid the down with an M t and Bob Uta, make·1pa will be poe;tpon@d one number five, ecored a 94,,. Or· week. ·Should a boy ml• both anc•-~ forfelted~lr atxtJt. th• teyouta. wbJc:h were~ held ~ SATURDAY, APRIL 14TH -......... DID ...... .... Cooch ................. , w-. ............... -~. P-f. £IA· L! wu unable to field a player. he will have to be Uillped to The Pirate• have a -re tu r n teame u ncanclN &tlM durlnt 1~-F~~~~~;~rr~AVri~~~.......,.,,~-~-~~""~·~~~~~~,~~~ '.t-._:.N~o~r~m~a~n _C~·~··c~a~r~ls~on~,....:.:M.~.~D~.-"---ft~ 3 DAYS ~ONLY announces t~r:-r-------fh&-New bOfolion of His Office •· ol ' 2610 Avon St. {behind OM All·AtnericU. Marktt.• and ne Martner··~~l r --·---· . , ? Newport Beoc~ Col;f. Liberty 8-7282 ' ' ' ~. ll'IUD4Y ,,_ HM'I. llAJN """" ..... --. E.ajoy eummtr ., neTU klon wi6' ,.Or_. ponoble a..·&QI c-;,;; tnt siat, C:U1 to OptnlC, 1dj...Wc l'UJ, ..C "' ...._ Scunly caalttlfletio& 8'71 'l'GI~ HOOD 5 95 •2'49900 Eq•lpp•d with ~dlo • .... •say ..._ lactol'f IMtah d acCftlGflel. • Mon Cu for 7ov •----,. fw Y-Ou conr1 .. 11ta1 -u__. .:.. M•rcsv • Newpott l1ach , , 1, \ • • • NEWPORT HARIOl NEWPIESS -PART 1-~ I FRIDAY, APRIL Jl, 1956 ' STATE'S -OLYMPIC ROWING FUND HEADQUARTERS HERE . , Kniport Harbor H.Jcll kbool'• 8 medley ttl&T quartet. Of Bob Rice, Jut H1U1-rd.. Bob Van 81ckle and Cbule• H&MOD ~ ped SaUor thJAcl&d petfonnu.cee IA the annual Euter Wtek La· IWlto Betcb track meet. 1aet week. They nab~ ttm place tn the event. Bat vareity llbowtq WU by Tom TrooLen, u.. Tara' e tt. b1Jh jumper, who Ued for tint wttb two oppooenta ~t 6 tt. 1~ In. Ot.her W'91ty rault.: Dodd Peanon Ueif for tourtb tn the hl(h Jump; Bob VW&gTan& Wal t.hlrd, Jun Bath fourlb tn the ahol put, and Tvr;y JacJuon fourth 1n the dtacua.. Bob Smith took fourth in the B broad jump. Unoff1clal po(nt totala P" the local splke entri" fourth lD the varsity with 18, and third In the B'a with 42. 1"u.llerton won all three dtvlAri.ooaJ . UU.... Mounty Nine Wins Mt. San Ant.onlo'a ll&atem Conference nine edc-d IUtemde 1--0 on lite Mt.. SAC diamond thb werk behind GlbeOn'a tw~ bit. hurhnr. Nothing c r • at waa ever achlned without enthualum. - l!:mereon ........... An official United Stata Olympic Rowing Fund pi. e _J.!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!"-r-----h:r:-:m::-'.m:::il~ttee=-:. =f~o:_::r -;:;Calif;::;_~. o:::mia::C:-""i:hu::::-'been formed with head-e INSU<Jtm RANCE Coughtry qtlarttta at 1800 W. Coast Hlgbway here with the aaign-e e 1 ed tuk of 8dllng a quota of 3000 U. S. Olympic Row-e and Bond e Pi k C t ing patron certificate. at $10 each, it waa announced MER\'J<.'I: • e C as today by Hay Lanceoheim, are Howard Abm~n, Felix • ·J h Leahy Newporl Harbor Chamber of H . and Lyman H. Farwell, Wll-•. 0 ft • Ball Spell Commerce aecretary and mem-Uam R. M.ir&m.1, Salvatore R. 260'? Newport Blvd. ber ot th• u. a. Olymplo Row-Monaco, Paul A. Palmer, 0. w. • HARIOR 1549 • lnJ committee. Richard, William Spurieon Ill, Total amount which mun be Austin Sturtevant, Ky Ebright, • u Hour Pllone Sen-b • Wayne Couihlry, magic maea-ral.led by the Olymplc RoWtnr WUbur C. J ohns and Jlln Rey-••••••••• tro or pushinr that pelota plate-commitlM. ~epheim announ-nolda. ward handed Coacb Wendell ced, l• approxiutat.ely $92,000. -----------------------Plck~na' Oranre Cout CoUece Thia amount will pay tor the Ptratu their fourth Eutern Olymp~ Rowtni tri.ala at Syra- Contermce victory of th• aet.-cuae June 28, 29 and 30, p91i· eon without defeat TUeaday by clpaUon of the beat oarsmen 1n apinDJng a one-htt apell ar&lnat the country lll the Olymplca at aan Bernardino. Auat.ral.La. &l.IW'e them the fin- The h t nine not ODlv tailed .. t equtpment ~or thelr use u oe . , " well .. the beat t.ranaportatlon t.o acore off Cous htry • touee, and e&re throughout their trip, ao hypnpUMd were the rival u s batten, it didn't even aontacl endinr with return ot the . . Bride )II( -"'yl oarmlU alilout Nl"v. ao. Y u • ....., The paLron cerUticetea, au- WD.. Y STB.AftGY lhortnd and prepared by the 8ft1DINO 'DIE MILE-Rounding a tlrat lap tum. the Tatl are·banched. From Th• wlnninr t&Uj came tor f.· a. <Mymplc Rowbl&' commit- , .. ,,. they·-An""~ D~-u. Jeri mbia.rd, T ... -.. Cutm and frpnt runner A. ugie ()a... the Bue Buhera tn th• MCon4 ... -.Ch ban four at.Ube at- ......... -· w.ic: n..v ._._...~ • frame when P ick took advan-t.&ched. parmlltlnc the holder t.o tro.ld. Billlard won the event with Castro nhjbltJnr tremendoua kick ln &·third t.ai• of Berdoo'a mumertud attend th• I.ntercoUertate Row· Pi.-•1-1.. .. _ Sta!t Photo cond1Uon. lnc Reptta at Syracuae. N. Y. &aU9 ~ Jane u and th• three daya at _.:_-----------------------------. ----s.cond aacl<er Jerry Wayt th• Olympie trialL --""'9----~-~--~---------.-~,Balph Reed • out.ataod-lm&lhed a dribbler lo hia coun-''Since moll CaJJ!orni&N will • I I ~ 5 i T c H' ills -'Chlns at.a.fr. terpa.rt on the opposlUon, but be un a bl • to attend thue T H E S P ~R T !.I • w • OO&Cl!Dto NEED when th• nnt. bueman bobbled event.a;• Langenheim reported, . U ' -WbUe aalnln&' BBC Al.bleUc the ball, Wayt waa aafe on the "purchuen are requuted to Director Rod MadlWtaa durln&' mlscue. Third Bauman Bob Lo-dmpate a youth orpnlz&Uon PBILLIP8 the mMt, Burns noUced a apeed,y Ci<*'O whttfed. but Cat.cbel\ Ted within 7~ mil• of Syracwie to By BILL llW• Nepo boy named Oliver Coult.a clobbe~ a ainsle thna which the otherwiM unuaed lltartinJ a dub trom a •t&ndlnc abort. advanclnc Wayt to t.bird. Ucket.a can be given." TtalEet.a ~WU.On IMC&'t feel bad becauae 10m. characten po9ttlon. It made no dtttermce Letttletdu Jim Newkirk fan-lhua dulpaled will be aent to , ~-' be Uoukl be plavinoo blleb&ll with the Brook-to Burn. that the boy wu from ned and Rlcht!le&der Jeddy auch lf'OUP• u Boy Scout.a, •UU--.. "'~ Larwta Beach. Th• minute the Yo~ came to the plate w ith YMCA, CYO, Boy• Homea or Jyn ~ lnlt.a.d of carrymg that baton for Coach race wu over, Burna demon· two out. mi;n on !lnt and Boy•' Cluba. Don 8uriuf B relay bofL The Inference being that 1l atr&ted the correct aprlnter'• third. Pick dJdn't !Ool a round, Lanrenhelm potntf(I o\ll pur- Rod ....... ""----the witv ht ran anchor lap againat lltart to the lad and had htm boy. He alcnalled for the double chaAlel'a ot the p&tron cert.t!l- r&D \.Mm --., try lL Aa la often the cue •teal cat.ea tn Calilornta would ac- Ou.Ma 0.0... TUmda,y attunoon readr. hdgi.nc by aM ~ wtth th• )'OW\&' !Ty, It wu hard FATAL OV&JlTHJWW compllab the followln&': l) Aa- Jile'd ,_. npt al bmle wtlh Ui. A relay win wtuch f'l1*1 t.o tell whetiler OIJwr WM p&y-alat tn proYldlnc the beat po11· 8mu w1'o ean't a...m to .. •-0..-. O!'Oft '--~-ta..-of tn' at.tenUon; but that didn't On thot tint pitch. Coult• took atble rowtng repruentatlon at M pe tbU th1" .._.. OD third the Tan TUeeday, all It wtll Qiep Burn• from ahowtnc hlm oft tor aecond. The Berdoo th• XVI Olympiad; 2) Enable .Upa. take to topple the mark la u what Ul• lad needed U> know. backat.op oftrthrew the pitcher the rowlnc fund camp&Jin to be Alter aL d.mi -.uutu1 Bw:na all-out aa effort b7 P•IW>a &a The very next race that found who &Waited a relay attempt conducted on a bwineu bull· Jl»t ~ to be pro ••bell'• th&' Obiblt.ed 1n ctt.qu&lltlcaUon OUTer Untnr up for the etart, at the plate u Wayt broke tor 3) Intereet younpt.era in ~ Worid ~OU. and WU.On. bT ~ bos WIJ.eon. Bu.ma aaw th• ruult ot hi.I home, and Jerry j&n'ed the dtah. iport of rowtng by enabling _. wpl'9 et U.. 1toob9o ~ '1119 1D&D wbo m1pt ,ive coachlnc. OllveT rot down into Gooae~n• tor both aide. wu them t.o ... the rer•tta and _,. the a nlq ~u a l'-nae the apu.r tor aucb an the aprUit.er'• crouch rtcht ~ th• tare the re.t ot lb• way. Olympic Rowtnc trlw ; 41 I den- fOMlbl• 8G.b9ol record, wu mall-ettort i. ndheaded n.Je Kar-wttla the othv kid&. Buo bub rundown: ury the purch&MJ' u • eponM>r illl a tn17 eh&mplomhlp eltort. Un.. Dubinc Dale hu been out NOTE FO& 6AGll Rowland HUJ cf 3-1. Butch of the Olympic m0Te111ent In R e had Ju. llead dow1l and WU Jl109t ot the ...,. W1th the Incldent.&Jly, her•'• a note ot Coopaan .. 3·1. Gene R&lne lb ceneral and rowtnc 1n parUcu-"'-lnf . aa lf , Ida rln.1 w.n ml8eri-. but _now he appeare Int.rut tor cau JulM G.p. 2--0 Wayt 2b 3-0, LoClcero 3b lar; ~) Provide the purch.uer aatcMDf ~ Aep-fM .. ttp In~ ~ to al.art preaeUls ltJle Oth• 0..• looka forward t.o nt.lny 2-0: Coutle o 2•1. Newkirk U with a lax deductible it.em. ft...s CIC ~ 15 Jardie a..ck. • Tar apeedlJlen. • d&ya at t er bultetb&.ll ...aon a-o. Tou.nc rt a-1. Coupt.ry p, La.ncenbeun uJd all cb«lu ~ WU, wtU. hi. heed • BID TOKOJCaoW With aJJ the enlbu.iaam o! a 2-0 lhould be made payable to the .,.,._' ~ followed the lMld• farmer durtnr drou(ht. becau.. ' "U. s. Olymplo Rowtnc Fund" JaM al'OUn4 the tar turn lnat.ead Chancea are a bid fM the nr-th~l m ean. the boya at.ay tnatde and ahould be m&lled to the ef .....-. • down UM atratrh~ lily mark will be made tomor~ and dribble lhet euab& about anie Cout Colle~ved b&Rball Newport Buch headquart.ara at a~ ft-. the ~h tape row at Chatfey, ._&Mr condl-the Tar rym. Y .. terday J ulu tame.. Pick, who hu • eaLen 1800 w. Cout HJfhWay &J6ni a waltecS. tlora betnr favorable. untort.wl-wu happy • and 1lept bueb&U ewr •Ince he with the purchuer'a requuted i:..i Uiu., Wit.on refuled to ately, Bury wlll not be on KacMUU~ report. court. fa.ns invented thetntp.m:CS credlied ~ de~aUon tor delivery of the ttve "P. ~ .. cond be ru.llud hanc1, coUere entrance .axama at. can k .. p --...txpectant .,,. on aome badly orm quar era patron certltlcatu. ' -I• tr.or be whirled. cut. acrou UCLA abedrblnr ht• ~lt.entlon, Jobo l'oriUua in tuture S&llor one Abner Doubleday, recently Deadline tor purch.ue of the the tr I~. sh eep&r&Unl' ,th• I undustand. Bu.t wtt.tllBuc.kl&nd buketMU MUonL let entlNMcl approached Gar• ..with a C!Om-cerllftcat~ l• )lay l. '1915t. ~ and lltrat&tltaW&Y ud •till movlnc "P from the B'a to join ovv tba aport la the lad who plaint. Book.e ot lhe local tW\d eom- ..._ UM 0v4en Orove &llcbor Buford, Niquette and Peanon. pl~ c ball Jut --.oa, Ja&ndl-"Here I ral.led the Jdd o~ mlttee will be audited by a Maa to tile tape. The Ume re-ll'le J>OMlbillty l• •Ult preMnl. capped by a broken nn,er, that baaballa In.et~ of ratU•. CPA In Ora.nee County, eoJ'de4 'W the at.arUed oftlclal8, • The ml•rl&a. h&v• really aet rutt1\l8 ependa a rood portion Plck lamented. and what. hap-Honorary elate chairmen ot a Utt.le &&ken by auch proced-duat meet cb&ncea of th• Bum.a' of hJa apue Ume ahooUng baa-pana T He apenda all }la Ume the Olympic Rowtnr tund drive ,,..., wu 1 :13.•. The Sailor B boya back. Beaide. KarUn, Jack lreta. drlbblinJ a buketbMI · are Myfont Irvine, pcwldant of .....s i. the relay• la 1 :08.t . 8mJlh in the 440 and Bill Ptu. a.,. hu that aame bapplnNa But tnat Julu t.o play It the Irvine Company, and Bill Baker cra.tet another excit· ing version of , their original "silk idea" .•. translating thh lt.lian pure silk 1hantun9 into suih of incomparabl ... lightweight luxury. Here is the mod elegant 1ilk of the 1ea1on ••• handsomely hand-tailored by Baler to sui t the most demanding! In light and medium 1h.des. 5120. •Rer. u.s Pat. Oft. MAN IN SILK* by BAKER Bl D W ELL'f atJUa CJONnDEH'I' '1JW"9d on by A.ulstant Coacb over another upcomtnc C cair-caa. H• ~ q a r Y It Schroeder, m&ft&&1Jls direct.or of aa Bw:u b ~t hie B Blll St.ra• u the Tan' bmt er al l!aUorvrne. He would be wouldn't hurt t.o b'it.ler. up Pick Hetm. At h let to Foundation. ll ~ Ule reltli mark cllltance ma.n. heY9 remained otl Y~ Gary Plea.a, eon of by playinr Jun10I' ftr8ity ball General c:JIJUrmen a.re Edwin L. =-::..0.. AM Judrtni from the aJHnc UaL Then. o! couree, eo.ch We.ndell J>tcltene of Or-thla 11prtn1. Hari.cb. iouthweatern .Rawtng Ute determlnaUon with which Pearmn and Don Ker.dlth had .u.odatu president. O.Orie One of the Lido Shops WU.. ru that. anchor lap, I'll 0.elr tl'oublea for a ..,.n. ·Bwu Hoe.r u. vic•p ..... tdent. and 3428 Via Udo edd lll7 eodndence to the chunlc:y bopea lo ban enrybody ~ DIS11NCTIYE i.an6enheJJn. IMBtoc' before the SWIM lAq\le Keet. A.lnonr Ute eommJti-n.n -----------------------1 -Rod lb the ~tual bere ·Kay . 1 and t.· 1 ' p t • t hcwd~ effort will prob-A ttendance at Wedl119d&7 al-0 r r a I u r e ~a.. Doa J'Ndericbon, Tolly temoon'a kid tradr m..t.&t•UM Ito.ch and BUI BUdll&Qd. hf&h achool oval betWMD H..,,.. ..AM to that th.-YIU'Slt.y ni.y Boye' Olvb and Lapu. BMch l'900l"d ol l :SS.5 u a IJkelt can-.-ould ll&v• J1't'8n local prep ,... .. to• •t Ute duet ~ apM"ta eotb11n uta an ~t ID· •P Pq the .....-of aacb u to tbe coacbJ.ns tn~ ol thb Qharil• Ben-J, Glenn ~ord, rtn• )'O\IDI' mentor B!lma. N.ed- A New Oevrttion from Standard Porir4iiture .. , Utiliiin9 Engraved T erlures · •nd Metal . Chrome Color Process. ·.Iii-OPENING M 0 N D. A Y M 0-R II I II G " Here Are •e ~. Facts; - Los A11geles Factorr Sat1·~· Dellv....cl Prices Ponti~c Ca taline Cpe. $2599.10 Ford Crown I Victoria $2732.09 Chev. Bel Air Spt Cpe. $2752.00 Compere wheel: bas~, weight, sef.ty:\ economy e nd .. re-s ele value. ~ Yo.u 'Wiii SAVE AN EXTRA $211 .... Only at Roy Carver .Pontiac beccnlse we .ftMcl your 11 ... NOW Our use(j car stock is the lowed in histo ry All OS ''5' • POlltiac prices .. plainly pOltH ·Oll ... wlnclsltield so ·y011 can fit .. yow own deal. No Save One You More • • • ·-.... ... ·-. ;., -... • . ,.,_ ~ TUll9 Niquette and Dodd ~ t.--a-,-lt ~lobe type ot • 20 :Q\f' AILEYS A P-111.L-16 ~ lion. ns. quartet hu 900med 1111.enat ahown at all t.lmM#b)' tut a l :U .t at ruuerton al-every mem~r Of Tar •• u.hleU. \ ~.• • • r r • •: \. ~ . I I.I Cl'• I CA'li L~Y • -LET-US -NILP: y.ou ;e· ITAnORD & IOll .. .Speciali1Jn9 in Portraih of Young People • Y oJ re Cordiely Invited to · . see our . Gdery of Prints • • • • WE'VE THROWN THE KEY AWAY! I St'~TlNG llON .. APRIL 16-AT 9 A. -11. ~ WE WILL BE OPEN EVERY DAY & ALL. NIGHT EVERY NIGHT INCLUDING SUNDAYS .· Newport Bea cti 1400 W. Coast HifY • Liberty 8-3466 ~,.~ ..... ktunla19 'UJ. p ... Cto.ed 8aadara . : . .. -• ,. I .• , • • Planned T na•e ... ....rt.-...... ,, •. , .......... __ .. __ ' st • tM SUW .Na'• L..,. ........ ....,..,... MRS. HARVEY PEASE will head officers of New- port Harbor High School Parents and Teachers Amocl&tion. Here (I to r) &re Mme1. C. Orby An· denon., flrat vice preaident ; J . Malcom Reid, record- ing eecretary; Mra. Peue, preaidenl ; Mmea. Harry High School P-T A Elects, Hears Panel Hilllanl. auditor; Byron Nealy, hlotorian and Bar- bara MacNellledge, co..,.._dlng ooc:roetory. Not pre.ent were Mn. G. Gordon Fit.swat.er, IHCODd vice preaident; Mn. Robert Ziegler, .treuurer and Mrs. J. P. Sutherl&nd, parliamentarian. and junior put preoidenL -8tatt Photo NEWP\.)RT 'HARBOR !I••!'"-'" --" ................ ,, .. __ ..... _.. JM V~ ll!fOW Oile of -•al attract!ona la the variety ahcrw "Aloas tlle -.iPs>I" IChecluJod. by 'the Conine de! Kar Community Church toolsht. wt11 be a poup of Hawaiian numbere l!Y the Onnse Clout Collep Wo- m•'• Chonaa. Here · (1 to r) are Nancy Beep, Helen Watf.lon and Belen la'Wl"eDCe u they appear with the chorua in .. Son&' of The Ialapda," ''Ha,,.ua.n Wocldlas llonJ'' and ''Hawaiian War ClwiL" Curlaln will ro up at 8.lll p. m. 1\. the Harbor View School Ticketa may be purehNed at the door • Guest Officers ' of NDGW for Courtesy Night ' Orange County Members Visit Conchita Parlor • .-iUn•l. Lone 8-cb; o... Cor- bett:. Banta Ana, Lonn Robln· 90ft, OnLU'lo and Rutll BeJdrid~. Puaden.a., t.rwlt-, Uid Ol'm&nd Eut.m&n, orsani..t. Au.helm.. , UOEIVS QD'ft Zt.d:I ru-t onse. ... Pl"e" -t.d With a ~ upon at· rtYal and later ta thtl evmlnr Introduced and p~t..ed with a rtf't. from ~ CIMMR WlloM cf\IU• th_,. had utumed fol' the m.Mtlnc. The m .. unr ... JllWlded crrer by Mn. Rudolph ht.W90D., pl"e91· dent of Conchita, Willa Kn. K_.. rtt Walker, ~t of Jllyer- al.de P arlor. Planl wwe ~ toJ' the Mllual T\lft ftt Grand ' d Prwktant Norma Jlodi.uo. 11'hm Conchita Parlor-294:, N1.Uv1 Da.ughte!'I of the Gol • ah• Will be fl'l9d b7 u.. <>rans• en West WU ha.teu to U Southern Caliton,U& p.arlon Cowlt7 pwlon, .April ie at the at a courte.y niJht held recently at tile Ame~ Leclon ~-~u~t~i: .>;:. Hall ln 0.ta Meaa.. Thia 1a &n annual event at wh l!ll' ••r• Km•. P&Ul Trook. Ane· time officen !rom neighboring parlora are invited to helm. .upel'YWq di9tdct deputy take evtir dU.U• tor U.1 even· (ff. MCOOd 1'1c:1 pr.td111t, Whit-srand P~t &lld ll&rold WU - lnC. tier; Mme1. Ra7 Karttndal., .an. Banta Ana depuQ' f"'&Ad ..... 1lla .,.,.,..,, .. ., ... IJI l .. • Crawford's ~ ... ,. ... ~ l~S .NEW o--~ - ~ ......... ,..._ .. ,.., a a \WW .... ... .......... _ .......... .., ...... .,.. ........ ._ .. . -.. _ ... . ...... ....... OOAT .. ...,... - OIHH ottloln pr-t wve the th1J'd l'lce prwtdml. Anah1lm: pr.idant. Bot.b were Pl'IMnt4d Mm-. KIJ'rtt Walll:er, pf'Mldeflt. J're4 (Jermain, manha1, Banta stft.t from tM Dllllllben of CoQ, MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE. Womc'1 IDdllor RJ•lnide; B\ltord C&rdlft. ,...i Ana: J&mM PoaUU111, treuunr, chlta Par1or Lil appnc:J&Uon tcw Mn. Harvey Pease was elected president of the New· ____________________ ..._ ___ pr••tdin.t, J'ullerton; Oeorl"• Hun~ Beach; Do~ Uteir Mn'1oel fol' tbll put y1&r. port Harbor Union High School Parent -Te&cher A.Moci&· Met.qer JJ'. pMt pf'Mident, Nor· Gooden: tin&ndal ••a"• tar 7, l'ollowtJI&' tM m•Unr rer,...h, ll·on at a m"-ti·ng held April 10 in the aocia.l ha.II of the PAGE 6 ·PART 1-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -..lk; Herbert Peten Sr., put Oce&natde; Marvin Ruth, record-m111t. ,., ..... MrYed and • ~ WeQlwCA:BO... ...... c.:: FRIDAY APRIL 13 1954 pr-1dmt, HunUnrtoa Beach: Inc 111ereta,,-, Ontario; wmtam hour., .. held at Whlcb Um• lb• --boot. Other officere for-the coming year will be Mm':8· ' • Kt. Doril JaoobMn, nrwt l'lc• Vutlion, Lnald• 1enllnel, Menno.a actll'ltl• ot. th1 NltlnJ' parlon --·-----------------------dt.cu.Hd. Putt P'J-. M ,_,. ,ot. -.._ c. Ortty Ander.on, firat vtce• ert Harbl.on. Mr•. Maril New-BENEFIT PLANNED FOR p.-uld1nt, J'ullertoft; Ktldnd• Ila-BMch; Thomu Fallon, OUMlde :w~u~·;_;~;;:~""""""""""""~~;;;;;;;;;;~ pre1ldent; G. Mor~ F'H.swatar, land and M.n. MacNlllledCe. : 1econd v\ce-pre1Ldent: Malcolm On Apr11 27 the annual Gil Le S N S t' ,.. ••• ,~ .. ··• "'"'"'"" Ba .. '""'""will ....... "'"' ...... NDGW CHILDREN'S won~; cture enes ova co ians. bara MacNeiUed1e. cOf"rtapond-Billit.rd in charge and P-T A I'll\. '"• ""'""'" Ro""' "'""· -... m~ .. ,. h•'•"" .. .,.. · · · for Parents Visit Mesa Kin trwurer: H11.rry Hilliard, aud!-par• the dinner. Conchita Parlor ~ N. D. o . w., LI annoo•Mlnr a tor; Byron :>iealy. h111t.orlan anil. A r1port WM diJllrtb\lled, pre· luncheon and taahloa abow tor the betlettt to.. the N. D. Judson Sutherland. nUrtnt pr .. pared by Mn. Nlal7, bbtor1an, 1idenl, pe.rllamentarl.an, revt9Wlll( tb• acoompllaNn1nta G. W, OUJdrwi'1 i'ound&Uon. It wW be"hlid at tb9 :aaJ.bOa ,.llduca.Uon by Extra Innlr.p" ot the P-TA dw11lc 19M • if. Bay Club May 13, 12:80 p.ft'L. wu the topic fOT tbl 1vtnlnr. Tb-. included p~t&Uon ot • Th• conun.ttt.e. lnclud• Mn. ai..... PoUa.rd., cb&ir- tncluded tn the panel dl.cu.ulon coUep ~lanblp. contribution wwe tour former (T&dUat•• of to the t6nilcn acbanc• 1tud111.t man: M.m-. John M.unc1. HUU'J' Ander-. Joha )(aJoom.. H&rbor1 who di.llcuued lh1lr ,.... tund,, art award#, thre9 boaOJ'U)' son. Dan Place. LaWl"ence Bercenin. and Jacll WllloL •pecU" ..::nooi.. ute mern~P' aponeortnr of Ma.rUyn•• of Co-ta M.-..w ~t bill' l&Uilt 9prtnc' Ml4 Olum Thom&1, 'M, ls 1tudy· UM MnioJ' cia.. play, OAA. ban-aununer t~ Ins cll'll enclneertn1 at Occiden-quet and parent e<bK:&Uon. tal. Dlane We1tlak.1 Patter"90n. · ReeervaUontl 11\&f be made Mlh Kn. --"&O, now te&ehlng physical edu· caUon at Harbor, repre.Mllted UCLA. MajOrtnr In bual.neQ ad- m.IDUtraUon. at Clar!!mont l• Oren' Wrt(ht, 'ri2, while Ron- ald Pulukt, '63, l• taktnc uchl- tectw. at th• Unlvenlty of Southern Cl.llfornlL AcUnc .. modi.rat.or w .. W. Worth Ber· nard ot Chyman Coller•· Mn. Bers.-oa beton )Ca7 20. Rug Braiding Class C.ontinues IN MORNING The fOUI' IU&dent.. &JUWered ~ qUMUalul perl&lnlq to UMdr ~. w ch .. tu.Ilion, opportwUUu IOJ' part t I m • work... admiMIOD requlrt1ment., aYNJ&lth .cholanhlp•. and 90me- Wnr unique abal.lt eacb coll•1•· spnnr tarm of th• Oran(t! eo..t CoUec• rus-braJdlnr cl .. met tn Corona del Mer Com- munity Chureh ltt&rt.lnr Aprtl 12 wtth a c~pcraUve luncheon al lJ:lti r..rn. nie cl&Nfti ,,will conUnu. to meet uch ThurQy alt•moo.n from 1 to 4 p. m. unW Jun• I ln tbe church, aCCOMllns to Mn. RoMrt Roper, tt!llChlJ'. She .Ud th•n I• no resJ•reUon fM. A dl•pl1y of the winter clMI .,_udf.nt ·braided rup will be Jiown al 0CC April 2t, I.he .-id. ~~~~~~~~~ Civic League Slates Three City Speakers C11y police, fir. protection and waler ...tety pfOS?"&m t.oplCll are .cheduled fw d~on at nut Tu.lday'• m"~ of tbe Wo- man'• Civic i..ea,.ue &t 10 L .m . ill VIiia M.arloa. lt1 Toulh C....tw. Mra. V&D Dyke i. chalnnan In ~ ol tJli.I ev111 L Mr. and Mn. L. D . H.arrl.lon al 186 W. Wli.oo., Coot& M-. w... boeta al & but'fet lunch- eon lut Thureday nooa at Har- bor Houa. ou .. t. ••re ll:r. and Kn. M.oftroe McDo~ Of No- va lcoU. and Mn. C&thar1ne John of LOI An ... lu. Mr. Mc· Dou.pU 111 a coualn ot Mn. HanWoA and lb• two ht4 not llMn each othlJ' "lllnce ~. Bar· riloa'• ahildllood In Novl& aoo- U&. The KcDouplll &re ret\lmJq home from • win t.r la Florida by '"'f ot O&Jltomia, th.e North· w .. ~ &nd the prairie pro-vmc. to Non. 8cot1a 'oa U.1 ........ _._.. Zimmer Son Born Bol'D Karch J8 IA Hoq Ho.- pltal w-.. a b&by 80ft to Mr. and Mra. Bertliert Zl.mm.w, 191 W. lltb llL, eo.t& M-. Dent Nop. tor.Ip exchance .tudeitt fJ'om Ottmany, spoke on a oomPuuon ol German and Amenoan hl(h ecbool•. In Ger· lll'UJ' hl(h ..::bool I•· not com- pui.ory and the major~ty DI •lu· Delta ctmt.e only so throUl"h th• nr.t Gammas Tuesday M.n. Louil J . c...... pro(TUll cb.alnnan, hu announc414 that the guut •i->rer• wiu be Jobn Billings Guests UplOn, chief of poU~: R. J , IA ct.n.r• In~ bu be-. u • Mn. ArQUJ' Alstrom or Ila· 8 rl9COCI, ttr. cbl•t. and Bob ~ by the Nt!WOOmenl Chill p !took U4 Kr&. Jlonald Dous- Moore, capt&ln ot Life ~ lu llDd Mb1 d&uPIAir ot La lllne rradu. then to thrH yeart o1 trade .chool, be lttated. Stu-Mee. t CS.IA aN sJven alm011t no choice Hottu1ea for the buffet lunoh· of 0orooa d9l Mu Comm.unity CrMl-ta wire su•te ot Mn. eon t0Uow1nr I.he procram and Qlcardl. llYt.-4 al. '*~ oa J, c. 81.Wn.p o( 1121 J'\&llertoD ot wbjeot.11 and leu Ulan 60 per ~t ol thON who atart c:on>· pa.t.I u.. courM, a!tbou(h th• cep&ble •tudent ls aJ)ow~ to advance tutu. a:ututalllm .. t ,...... pro.,,<lf!d by tM Herbor Mothermn1era, wM pnMnted ttlra. Kawallan numben WHJ• the dlrec::Uon of Mary Batten ltetfen1en, an d Tli'l'Y Jtoa, who danced. :in.t&UaUon ot otfk:tr• was eaa.duated by Jolr•. Cu• H off. men. prmldent of •Harbor Coun- cil P2 TA. Included ln the nom- tnaUnr committee wer+ Mrs. 1Ucbard LW111tbal. chairman, .M"n. Ronald Buiow. MrL Rob- -r.:, c-.. 'ti! 1 P.11- • Oranc• County AlumnU! Chap-bU11lnu1 meeUnr will bl M:mu. U'-.. ·-, •-• SI, n will "-.._... "---)( •·---• ter of ~Ila Gemma will meet Jorn T V·-~. 0 " ~--~ ....,...-1,;;;;;;;;;"""-"""""""-""""-""•""•"-"";;;;;; •• • ... 0J3 •· • -. -P-Tu.9d&y, Aprll J4. at tM bollM Tuellday al 7 :30 J.'. nL, at the 1r and Jack Curnow. borne uf M r•. Waller 8. Spic.tr, .Aleo on the ac-ende .,., pl&nl fll th• ~ Mentary, KN. S3 Harbor l•land. All members for the May 10 c«'fM &ad fU.b· J, K..na K.W'lkle., IOI Hallatrope are urar~ to allend and Mould ton Mow t.o be (1ven. b7 tM Aft. notlfy either Mr .. Spicer or her IMSU• at Ow N.wport Harbor ThJll '8 a ~t.-Mlquaiil.l'*I l'fWll ro-hoeleu, Mrw.. H. P•J'll.• Tha7-Yacht Club, lh• proc..u al ror 11...,oomeni to tM -.. Kn. er. Thoae plannlnr lo attend which will bment the Oommu.n· Robert ftoper '8 ch&lrmeA '" ••ked to brtnr Al•b&e ..i-"'""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" va111 for • rumm•1e sale, pro-r cffllJ of ,.,hlch w1U s-o to Ute Nur9Clry School fOf' Bllnd Sablea. Altlo at thl• meeunr plans will be cU~ tor the .eoond an- nul.I h()mCll9 tOYr which "Will t&lle place May 11 . Upholstery Draperies • The Finelt Cra!tamanshlp Plua l'abrlca at Ooa&-Out ' Price. Enabie. U1 to Give Your Old Furniture 'l'liat NEW LOOK at Aotoundins Pne. Du.ring the ''off seuon" CALL UB DAY OR NIGHT Llberty 8-51518 Ts tltlreatM or OM el our d«lonton wtJI eaD wttla -pilm &t )'O\ll' nqu.t. Ho~~Ganlm aon w. ~ 11w7. ·~· llllol N...,.n - \ ' -- fine old to complement any event . selections by the box, in fashion apothecary jars or canni- sters .... hand-dipped choco- lates, hard candies and "old fashion favorites" . tr u I y, "Canclies you haven't seen since you were a kid" 17th i. Co.st Hwy. (ot S.yshores) Nawpon a..cl. FREE 3 KIDDIE CORYffiES e Nothing to Buy • No Obligation e Enter Yow Nw1• .lelow e Take to Miller Chevrolet CO. Y-. MUZD mEVJ101.Er 00.. .,_ 11oo1 OLDllllOBILll: • CBEVBOLE'r -· ~ a-1 l'BllE U.... (I) llJ:&D1U'IJL ooav:ern:a ... dteJ ..a fer '486 .m . , • oqolppod -• I I Me .......... ...... apeed t-smbd-. .I IPeM ..... um ... _,._ ... plM&lo ....,. -ilce Ulo NOi °""" .... -kkldie Mlol an jam&: U. tM.c f• I Er'c fal Al17oa do lomt.ir 7W1_ ud _II .. ·-........ lllld be ...,. . to clnp U1o ..... IN PER80N at MIJl.Dl CJUVllOLEI', 1Gt1 w.- eio.t lllpway. a.um. --* • •mmss a 'sf :r .:J;:?.. ... .,,. drop .. •=••* .... ' DO NVI' IU.IL ... PROD YGUa &NIKI .llf ~ IUDDlll: 00&\'S'ITS OOKTUT ..• DMWDfG 'WILi. Bl: AT I P,11.. W1&a SQ, Aptll ..... i.1 1'• .. NOT MYe lll .. ,.._. ... .._ i.-.. 1 MILLER CHEVROLET GO, I cq> w_ Co.st Hwy. Newpon a...h, C.ttf. ' I benib7 enter lllJ ume u a eo11teatu.t .. -,_, cs ' I wbleli awarda S &Jl>DU: OOaVl:Hl!ll to I - to 1>e-..i &ti p.m. Apdl IMlo. llGl.-1- W. --olfldallJ b7 appwtq IN PWON M f"l'••room.. u1 ........... 11..._•9IJ"..._ • • • . " • . ftlBDT SllOP wtndowa are llllWt theee dayw with mannequln8 dllpl&ying attn.c¢ift pwm. Admirin&' UU. one at the League Center on 82nd St. are • ..,...,. Llap memben Mra. 0 . Gayle Sue98 and Mra. Howard Petenen.- 'l'ln7 Boria Photo ' . HOW THRIFT SHOP . SERVES CITIZENS Girl Scouts !lt Hollywood ....... lbelte aou.. ... c--.,....u.. • Dnl*7 m.l~...a..i ... ..-.... • v...u.a ..... GAU.•·----IHE SHADE SHOP· .......... w ............. ........... om. .. C11 Yo1 Fi1~ Yo1r Hobby ·Here? •dd to Your Reference Ubra with Books on --~ e 'AINTIN6 e CERAMICS e SILK SCREEN PRINTS e AIRBRUSH PAINTING e A~ DlAW1N6w . e COMMERCW. ART e PRACT1CAL Lm'ERJN(i e SCUllTURIN6 • l1DfD NOW f'Oa ..,...CJU oa 0CJM:a g TO llTISTr BOOKSHELF NH \'IA ()POltTO -Pll. 11Aa1t0a .... la&MHe.l.MePIMa .... TOK QUINN and hia bride, tht fO'l'llMt Adoeell Muaie, aboard the Mallie cnd8er Lleltod&. TM couple stole a march on friend.a by belnc married in Laa Vegu. -E. LN'ter Smith Photo SEALARKING 87 GINNY (11118. l:DWA..BD LESDl&) 8llD'll ' HOOD'S WASHABLE ''CJ Jun ( ....... MESA CENTER • 225 Eest 17th Street J •• --~-1Dftlli ....... • UNftl .. NIJWT'll ,.._.._. ..... ................ ,. .. ....., ...... , ............... ............ llJTd ·a Ill 001111 asr -uxoau "" & c-.. _,, omollfA Da. MA.a ..... ........ . .... : .... .. • CUT RATE . . • .. ......_~--_,_ ...... -• I • . ¥ • • ~ • OIABll'CLASS member. of the HILI'bor Atta·Girll Club put th··training into pra.ett. when "they held a dance party &nd invited eecort.a. The club la to be ·affiliated with the national group and la lookinr forward to the time when it wm have ita own new clubhouae. - ' • UWAHL\NS and lllolr -·plllonpll -., aJPt at ti.. ''radio _ .... -Gt tM !ad! B. 01nnlnpama, ~. Cl.taliDa Drtv. for ban d' ...,._ and a fir.Ide dllc:uloioD on uie ~ olec· tJon, lat.or went to No,.port Harbqr 'Yicht .Club P~TA Council liiaucts New Officer Group Mn. Ray E. Finley, F ourth Di1lrlct pre8ideot of California Congress, Parent.a &nd Tea.chera. wu inatall- ing officer when representatives of 10 P-TA'1 ln the New- port Beach-cost.a Meaa areu were inducted lnto office April t In th•· board room ot Newport Harbor Union Hllh • • ew Cl118Se~­ at Gi.t:ls Club Tft .............. ~­ ..... ~OlrWa. ... •• u.. ~ '"' ., .,_t wt arruc nt.o """" ••• fW • ~ ... t. ltUt ..... ~ ........ . wW M ,..._ on W1•ul ,,-. '""' • to •:• ............ dllMill.S -fttd9.P, ,.._ ' to ...• : ... ,..,... ltan ....... ... fw b!litNCUoe. .. ~· cnft Ollb•• ,......,., § 'dP\I ...... ...,..... ... ..,.. --1119~ . ..., u.. ftnt tbb• u.. .,,.. ._. A.-011W Cb&b 'i1ll WW ,.1 np1wntatlft at U. Olrbl aui. of A.mer1ce. uUonaJ tnla- la& eow'9I GI.ls .,ma ..... Kn. CUltord IRUUI) lAwta. first pnsidellt Of the M&rd, iii 1-V• . lftC' by pl&M May •11 to 't'lldt bw p&Hnle ln ~ord, o:.n., and will attffd tM tn.lalnc OOW'M ' at neari1;7 lpriqfkkl. W...., May 21 to JUM S. Local lnterelt In tb• COUrM wu stim- yJaled with the nc.t 'ri.lllt ol the u.Uonal field -.:ntary fiom tM 8prlqf1.W. lle&dquar- t« tho Lodloo' N!Pt ctinw d o-la ll>a '""1P am~ and JilJDef. Cunnifc~1m1 Bdpr-R. Hill. Bert Webb, Robert P."Reo, Jod!JI'~ Jodi Raub, llon Ki<kpatrlck. and from S... C!emoate, Karry Madden. -Harllor Photolab · • - * F1l111llg .cbool _,,. child'' will be theiu ot a n..-.,ar.nt education Mrllil on Channel U ..,_., Monday at 2 p.m., u of K&rcJa U and COD• Unutq for 13 weeka. • TV Pll06WAH Ora.n1• County .choola on th .. air pr-nta "Leamins. '06" with local educators and chlldrm on a TV prosram aerie. beJlruU.nr April 2l on Channel 2 at 3 p.m. -Morgen7Bailey . ' Newly-weds Leave for S. A. Jobri Evan Morran of Caracu, Venezuela, and ht. bride, the for- mer Mn . .au. Balley OothAn:I ot_ 21:-Orlttwood ft.Gad, left thta week fOr South AnU!rlta. Th• couple repeatld vow1 on the mornlrlr ol. April a 1n Corona del Kar ConunWllty ChUltjl.. "HA•MACT y... yo. 'ttiU lib tM jrinM/}1 al90apbare ol .... "" r-.i•r -· Stan. Tv• to u lot JOUt bollffhold ...... Aacl be Rre IO brte1 u J'OW' Doctot'• pniaai,. tioa1. Hue yo..,.. u- 1ued n:aa co1apo•ed- ia1 aacl fair priou. TUINElt DIUG IMJ W, 0... 8"7, N-porl Beedr. --------------~---------------------!School. CU. Hottman, pr1111ldent: Mra. William O'Brlm, .,ttr9f. vtc• Prut· deat; Harv1y P.._, MOOnd Tic• preaidmt; Gtora-• Oritnn. record- lnr MCl'ltary: Chari• Bt&nle)', COrttlpondlnr HCAt&ry; J . Mal· colm Re.id, treuul'lr: Portar Bln· Clair, auditor and H. H. Bumatt. hltltorlan. •·Puent-Teacher coopeNUOll. la a two w11.y 1lr.et" wUl be tbe topic ot Mr1. RUMell Scott, (\IHt 1peaker and l1U1 i.lll1'11' otflctt tor Fourth Dl1trlcl at c. meellnC to be held April 19, l :JO a.m., at Coata l( .... Main BchooJ. Lunch- eon w1.1I be held at th• Commun. lty Melhodl1t Chun::h, 420 W. ltth SL. Coat& M"" at 12:30. Lunchtori ~HrvaUona may M ct•en to Mn. Cue Hofrma.n or Mn. Wllllam O'Brten. 'Ib4I c:1iremon7 wu performed ln & aettinc ol. white •tock and yellow rNoM, U.. brld• atten~ by Kn. We~on Scott "'- Wauk .. an, JlL and the brid•· croom bJ hi. br'olher, ' Emeat Morpa o1. Baa llarcoe, Tuu, New ofttcer1 tnclud.ct: Mmu. GIFT' BOOKS ON ARTISTS · :FOR LIBRARY COLLECTIOl\ L1:1theran FOK ll'\f'OIUIA.TION Mre. William O. Pain•. chair- man of the comnUtt..e on charac· ter education, announced ther• wou.ld be three more MUioNf par- ent-teacher Information coune at th• boud room of UI• hil'b .chpot each Monday at l :IO to l t ;30 a.m. with Mn. Harold Boyvey conductJnc. . . Dinner Fifteen •olumea on artist., glfta of Robert Hill to the Un1•: Boata Today: 101 boat d .. T Harbor Councll'a &etlvttle. for th• yau were aumm&rlaed In. the htatorlan'1 niport tiy Mn. C. Qr. bl• And•non. ~oes SHOES Fourth ot.trlct ma 1 a i In e Mn. John Nett announc.ct th• SHO~ H0¥0R AWA.AD Newport; Beach Qty Library brings auch name. &a Mary=:· =d. °;.:. ~::.~ onight Ca.uatt. Picaaao, Manet and Men&boni to ahelve. of the S..t i okea; G41rh&rd l, The Ro· . are department. Included in tb.9 gift selection are: lbanov•; BOllw.u,. Mod 1 r a Amarlcan Blograpblu a r•: Qttford, Ha.rn..on., Capt.ala or th• An· PalnUftc; Breunlnr. Muy cu-Tounc sa.m Joim.oa: Cohn., ni. •: Johuon. P91cholop qt Pu- •tt1 C-u, Plcuto; Crana, A Jok.r la Wlld (JOI IAwt.); J:in-tor&l Ca"; Upper. Eleven Yean can.y ot o~ Pain.t.lnp; en.-.tatn. Out or M:r Lat.r Yeara : 1n SOvlet PT1M>n Campa: Muoft, van., A., TNuu.ry oi AIDertcan Ettu1dfa, HUa1 Ewen, A Jown.y nt Complete Book o( Brm.U Prtnt.1 J"ord., Auduboe'•~: to orealneu; Kunlta, Tw.a.ti.UI Boat.: Meler-Grute. Vlncent van rt.nc.11 lm~ and TbaLr Century Authon; o ·eara, Hea· Ooc'h; Conc..mporatt..: VMJ Wu Not J:nough and Zam-,Moule, Th• Heraldry Of nab; ~ MMem Muter-trod. perln1. Devu at. My H..ta.. Pratt, Civil Wa.r In Picture1: Manat ... G&\IC1dnt J..aaaa.lp-. IALJllAOUNDJ Rickett.; WUd nowtin Of A.Jneri• T-··-·-• -··•-M, ... .._, ca; Rwaell, t.M AB C or At-..._ .-.a--• ._... Non-nct1on •Glum• an: Ach .. "-·...... ••--·, -u. .. om.: S.ymour, l).vorlte l'kMer9 ,..__ ~ ..-.-. -IOn. A Democrat Looka at HI.a TT•UWJ' ot ~I)' American Part)': A.laxander, ArthrlU. and ln ,Color; Homc*i ~ Gauguin; Ray, Common Belue; BenUey. Wiid-8ch&rtt, Compl•l• Boat~ .... , •• ••-~ ... ~h ... Handbook; Short Storl•• from ""-· ..,. ,,_ .._ dlnc J:Uqu.it.e; &wle1, The New k ~-Wal"-\ an..t b...s.a Pa1n&.o Dim lh• New Yor er: Solomon, •••v tnwL .rwton-Of P•ac•;,_,_B.ren~ Smuh Atom1 ?; U tley, Th• • Grand Motel: Ch&M. LI.fa and China .story; wr1pt. l'l'ank l'O ~•• IAn.c-.1• ln the 61d Te9tament; N.... .. tioUoa ant B&mMo Di&:I d•l CuUllo, ni. Oltlc:ov-Lloyd Wrl1ht. M&rJ ot Ot.rt.tlrooka (YP)I •r"J' and Conquut ol. Mexico; ------------ art.-. l'lltia.t c..r.e. Omat a,.. ~ w. tbe Jude•: l'lnk. L Holmwood d-9f CJllr7, A llo\we ot Cl'llldNnl J'or Peopl• Under Prw.u": Gut-• / en-. PMOll &t :aowuns 0""'1 Wirth, How to l'rl• Your..11 N 1nu --w.-..., ,;.... N'"°"' T""''"' H~• .. -in Model U. . A Friday th• t3th 1prtnr 111-honor awans went. to ltvuatt A. prueni.uon ot another Byrn-CU 8 T 0 )( D E S I G N 8 lo··-•lp dl••o• ••N-' by the phony tor Youth at ()n.q•Cout • ("--. ·--). ... •u• • ,-Rea P·TA tor maximum &Chin._ ,.,_., ... ui _, ....... , 21 t ~.r-o .1-m9Dlberl of tbf women ot lM ....uuf!f• .., to •• wn ..,.t', • a ment for .Ub.crtpUona to CCPT lO:JO a.m. Frieda Bdinfant•will • s ial .. --L_.._ s4• OrJ'ani&alion wlll bto enjoy.S to-map.Rn•: Mn. Den.nia HOl'land. bl eonductlns th• <>ranC. ODun. :-tl•C .-~ night by m91Jl~,.. Land hfrlen~ pruidmt and Mn. JOMph Mc-ty Pldlhannon.te o~hutra.. ~ • • of Newport Ha • ...,r ut •ran Shane, ma.ruin•. vrlblMUI Uld HarNfOouncllflrillnotlla••• JO,YCE v-.. ... lLIO ·---· Church. 1 • ., - The &:30 p.m. F riday COit din-publlcatlorui chairman.. mor1thly miMllnC In May, but a 1()3 15Ua 8t. Newport a.ell. Near 0-......_ nu will be held ln th1.M>Clal hall j-"~C.::::":...:':••:_:•:ff:~:::••:m:m::t~o:t-..'.'.tb:•~W~0<'.'.:lu:>:•~P:._::1•:._::<o'._'.bo~h:•:••:'...'.J.un'.'.'.'.'.:'~~:._li,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!!lll-.-...--.. ., ot th• Cotti ~ Met.bodl.lt Church. · P~nou attandil\I ani required to brlnr fhetr own table ltl!rvtca. Child cara will be pro- •lded. MtWlcal antertalnment durtnr th• dinner will b9 proYid~ by .o&ot.t Marcaret N•umaa and M> COrdlonLlt Danny Artholer. Tb• f1&tur• prornm "Our Orowlng Opport\IJllt:r" Will bti pf"INnt!!d by church F-'d•nt Jarnea McCaul· 1y, board of tru11.M cbakman HarT7 Berp and board ot daa.con Chairman Ed MIJIA. ~Lor Rob- M't. B. Grorilu.nd 'MU' ..rY• u muterof~lea. . ~ . Avis RINT·A-·CAR. SYSTIM Announces· a lNIW ,.,_.·~ Gr-., ~ Qui" ..Lneriean: eon, The Complete Book of nrst ~ ... th. Dnun eloWlJ'; Aid; lloriaon, 'Ib4I AUU.Ue B&l· 1---~tolillttllf· ~Im-1 : .UJ'lfr. .. liamJtb <»Mftl Kai-01.lon, Aboard wl A.broad, -..... a,.....i.1e (TP)-1 .. 7our 19M cornplel4l pid• to Ito 1'1 Md Trwor, ~ l:uropt; Peale, You Can Wln: Dinnar eomm.1u... ~ the Ona ot tb•...aia-4&"*"'"-'"""+'"""''"'~ ,....._., pnalditnl WtlkUer Collep to atlanll th• Krt. J9b-• Nett lnehtdti: Bott• lllllh Annual Model Un.ltld Na· comm!ttMi Mn. 'WllU•nt camett. Al...... P.c:.kh.&m, Grandma ftolM Her ~ •torlu a~ ..,... ,Own; P opular Mechatdc. pl'-, c:-.., ......... & Widow; aw-Auto Repair MMW&l. na~t.youl'o r.., ~ M\wder1 Bt.ewut., Miii Price, 'nle lilanidh Plan "'*" Wlil TOllt 'l'lllll:f-ud Ud It. Mean~. Rulain, <>p.. Vut 0 I I .. ...,.,. la ll&ltL pert.W11U. tn R&dlo. N!Jf ..,_._ ~ iaclude 1,....th, OpportwlttSM ln Mu- ..W• i.. Dtctlonu7: n. lie.; lprwl. Th• 8cl~ Book °'- .... el ·~ ll&t.M. ltU-UITI th4I Bumul Body; Blout.lburfh, ~ ... ft. ..... the Jae-Olc:tJoaary Of A1't9 tn4 Cnlta uu, ...... hrpet.1 Indiaa'Art v~ a Wlf• i. KaQ w~ ., \M ~~ and Wt&'.. ni.n; Vl"Mlal'Ul, Opportlabltl• 1n n&ll'• ...,. ltAllilaN DleUOft&r7 A.CUnr and Women'• !i&t.loml ot -. •Cf' a ~ 1 Yol.,I Prw au., Who ••1• l'f• ·eaa·t ~·~tit alank Qlokf &n4 Viii l&ICLftUonal \i:lbctub. and -MOKE GIPTS w..._.. N •• JAtematlon&I ~ ~..,.., Bea.t7, Dlottoaaq ot lla9 ~ Lan-TM Iron CUrt&bl Over A.merlca; su&a'9: I ftL lkrrakk, no.en and ~. let- CdM W omen Get Re port by Mrs. Burt Procter 0 chairman; KmM. DncWd w.i. Uona Sea.ion held at regon kln&'. Lawrmcti White, Htnl'J' An· itat1 Coller e April •·7 LI Lo~ der.on, Roblrt Suddendorf, Hany Holmw004 Of IOI Holmwood BctrJ'h, Paul Prta'r-. M •I v I n Drlv•. Tile PllrPOM of the con· r:.rlckton. Dal• J.-tt. t;»nn•r far.nee LI to &ducat.a collt.c• commtu ... Mra. WIWam Lam~ ert, cbalrman. liilMal. ftO'bert •tud111ta &04 ctn U.-an uo-Sudderidorf, MelTla llrkbon, cllr1tandiq-of Oil orpalaa.Uon. WWJ.am C&matt, 1rwta Allen, R.pnwntad. at tht. eont.....c. Moma i..urta, Doroth7 Bar1h. will M too wffttn cou.c--..n4 Hmry .Ander10n, Milton ·•rs· unlvenltlee: ln ail UMIN wHl ~ iaad and lld Mann. The K.i'• •PProzim•t•ly 1200 ~ la ar.tbarhood led i.y p~t Till· attendance. t. Uua Carnett will• prepare th• Wbitytt Coll•I•• wm .......... aptte. and punch while Pf'lllk1ent Mnt ll!.a Sowth Aonerlcan ooun-Jr&ry· LM .H&7de11 will d&net the try ot Colombia, ancl the cl1ie-J'OUftl' peopla'• Luther i..su• ln 1• tu have hacl to 1tud7 not Mrring tablea an,t ca.rtns tor th• only th• many proc.iu,... ot th• ehlld"n. Mod•I Unil*l N•llon. but ai.o At dupUc&te "rYicea Sunday, the backcro\lnd a.nd jN'OtN.aa eC at P:OO and l t ·t~ a.m .• Put.or Oolombla anct i..ua IJMr'9a, Robert tB. GronlWld will prMC.b Loren Holmwood '-a tttet Oil .. Bell~• and Cont'eM". 'I'll• 7ear atud111l ot WklWer QDU4p Pn -Scbool and Klnchrwar'lea havtnc t>eea pa41•at.i tram. Sundar8cboot department.. Mn. Newport ~ li1lll 8ebool Rob«1: SUddendort, princtpal, wilt Jut yur. lh .._ IJ.t..4ad. the flail brl.tly th• t a.m. •....tOI PollUca.J ' admea OliKD&hlp and sl/'11' "JMU.I Lo¥9 K•., With C1e&riftg -Ollmmitt. Om-the Primary DeparUW!t. Kra. Kn. a.rt Proct..., ~ a\Yfo --'tU. Afril•U. Ip. IL T¥t10ll in aa.cr...iento · ~ Wllll.a.m. Cam•tl, priaelpM, at- wtt.b .0..J... :r. Kantch. l4l Uw && Manor VI-Ad'-twn. u aJM1 ti. ,. tendlnc' UI• ll :11 a.ra. Nn1e9 Sa 11th Mwl m..uq ot u.. N-y..,,_. ot th•~ ..,..1-~-------~--·I • ...,. lo1nblp ol ~ Wom-"°9 l'f'DUP aenow.t he alter U!i• lr;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;I ,. ., 1m1•>t-a.iu ......... ..., -... n.i. """'" w '"' Girl for BoultoDB ~ ._..._ ..._~ •- aouu.....t Ooft.f.....oe. held a t n-a work me.Uni Won the Mr. and Kn . .J..,. ~ .-va nw ~ ........... nport.ad CIQ tb9I ...._.,OD WeclMMl&.T Willa Mra. of lTJ l:Jm IL. B-u.st-.-..ai MqM., ~ ....... nut,.._ tM W~flll'• .......... nt.t. ~ M cba1tmM. an Uwi pa19ta ff/I. a ~ sfrl aou:..A..-W'A..T TYl'U 9hJp o1 o..a cW Mar~ ~ ~ klliool OuUd 'met born April a at u.. .... .... 0111 ~ l-lfM ll1 Ontna ... ~ IL ~. f >---~-0. .... et pttaL 'nit ....,...,_.,it-a... ...,.. lmakill .. ,,._ I for the NEWPORT, BALBOA BAY AREA ••• .. "I , ... an~ LI MOUllNI S •i"-Uoattecl Qieeff-. ' Pl!OiiW ~ .... ~ Kn.-& X. --~. fll l W. Ill~ I&.. o.e., ... '----=-='''-f. ...... 5 ,'>i;;1Lon;;.;;o.,;"";;;;-"",;o•;,=at\i ........ tif,:PotNll&Ua .l!!,. wtth JCta, A. I,_ r n•f wor onnftu &a4 MN. Huiut Hort 9pob • "Th• <aura.ti. el U.. Call .•• Lla1aTT· 9.;.3_486 ' N .. A l '>""• K,.., MQw A.. a-,_ ,...1~-­ MYl-miil Mn. CL-A. .._ IP'" WIDll ....... ......_ UM( th• .......... ~t v ... u._ .. .._,.,., a-m•s --..... if t.be "11lOW11 ftt• .......... croup .... wadi p1 • tt"n "7 tM _...... .., W.-.S..7 at u.e a.a, . - ......... , I ..,~--- 1f9WJi91t .... Oallf. ......., '''' • • I I I ' . r I •• ii ------------• • M·ARlN ~ .NE' 11·1 s-lost-lo'1b Make-Up-Majority.--.... -c; -r-\'Y Of liar Or °CiJls for arch - NEWPORT HAAIOR NEWS-l'RESS-PART1 ·PAGE9 FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1956 Newport Beat:b ttarbofo De-plaint.a and tl othtt complalnta ' &n.lweted 272 calla m Uiva«.,lfatld. • Ruak.U &. ~. Har-~ thua th• depa.rtm-.it lfonnaater, reporU. Of thMa 112 answered ·two lira ca.11 .. render- -...,."":"----=,...,-:---'--:r-----'."""-·!...,.1 lilted b .,1-ll&nlOVI. ad .....,taoce lo nlna b!Mt.a, ln- 11 w.re arrut.a. 20 P,ebrt. found ,,..Upted teven c-.. ot bMU and de1troyf'd, R hM to dO and m.oorln11 belnr broka l.nto • with rowbo>lta. ml11lnc-or re-deltroyed two <Mnlict rowbo&a tumacl ; eichl ~ng oom· and ln11t1UM fiYI mooril\l'a. . Tfbi -' TAILI ..... -BL ._ BL -,,_ ....... U!03 L .m.. ... 4 :U Lm. --0.7 ...... ,. lO:lt p. m. 6.7 •:OO L m, u ........ U:OI p. m. u 6:M "-m.. -o.o April lf U:ot p. m. • •• •:•l a.m. ••• . ...., --·-l!JI L m. --0.• ........ 1:19 L .. u O:SI )• m. u .. _, U!OI LIL ... 7:03 Lm. ... -April lt l :tl .. m. ... T:U p. m. 2.1 -·· l :X &.•· .. , T:lO L m . --0.1 ...... .JT l:J,J .... m. ... t :lO p. m. ... w ... ......,. 1;61 Ltll. u 10;11 Ll!ll --0.l ApPl 11 l :U ~at. ••• 10!4.Z p. m. ••• ThU;,NdaY . 4:14 Lm. ... Jl;J.ILm . ....... April Jt l:.U,,. m. ... 11:•1 p . .m. u . ~ • (j er • .... nu. I.Aft NS1' QO&a'ISll ~ KOOl'f QVA&TD MUON Apr. IT Apr. II ...,. May_ 10 • • Harbor H1"gh • ...... e4 ... u .... ""''ltl"'" • of Mllrit wtnnen bav• been chaHft for their u«ll911l ahow-St1• e1ts 8ar1er ·:: ~:.!:.... ~· =..::""; Sc L I .... ..I 1tudomt. In US. 10.MI bl111. •O ar war.a ....... uw ....... u.. oom- :-.t N .............. KIP--;;=;;'=====-kboOI •tudeatt .,.. amona - \ \ --. -..... ..... lllilaed '"15"......... • ... .. ,_.~ ..... ,.._ ..,.._ ,_. ..... ._ _,. .,.. ........ -...... _ ........ nRST AGAIN -'The trim aloop Slriua, ot New· port Harbor Yacht Club, reta.ined her. title of ftr.t to finiJ!lh and fint overall, in 1pite of the extreme· ly light and variab!e winds which plagued the 23 entries in the annual 130 mile race around San Clemente lalafl:d lut week end. In the at.ence ot her owner Howard Ahmanson, Siriu. wu aailed tq victory tiy <Tom Webster who regularly .ervea u navi(&tor on her racing crew. -Beckner Photo ~PAYS -Altlu>up lf"tooll ll01lle M bn. 201IWL 1o do 1.11ejob, Dudley Jarmt anc1 Illa yawl MadcaP, Ot Ne~ Harbor Yuht. aub, "sweated out" the oephyn and doldnuna of lu,.t. weekend'• raq11 ~UD.d San Oemente Ialand to be- come· the firlt, and -u tar " we know -the only a... C ocean, racer ,offldauy to llnioh th! rue. -Beckner Photo :;:. ~.!.'°° n:: =.· !!.f. M & M Moton ln tbt ft&UOll wtlo baW Ju.tt ' beeA •Wa.rded c.runcaua ot Morille & Automotive ~ -------------=-·--------!Merit by the N•Uonal Merit o-nl ...,.,,... RE4L . SWAPPING OF PARTS ~~~th~~'::;.Jon• L. c dllla Stovall, f98 Jiower St.. Co1ta G C -Hotseless Caniage Ctub :;~~;l "c=:~iv~: Specialilrs P"' -dmta1, &lid Robert w . Interceptor & Cadillac R h• M t B• s W•lke" 202 IC. 20th IL. maJo<· Ma • E ( anc ee lg uccess ln~:..m~~~':t~· .. ::d .~ny:: r1n• ng nes 1 mated to be 1Q ~ top oo•-U 8-3381 Approximately 1000 pe~ mtmbet• of the N~rt tTOUP h•lr of one p.r cent In ability att.aNkd lb• barbecue and 1w1p llhd moiit of lhoae attended. Bu-of 1.ll blp .choot aen.lor-. mHl ol lb. Horuleu Carrla&• perlor Court JUdlf• Raymond The NM.SC bM bHn conduct· Club of America, Newport Re-Tbomp.on 11 prMldent: tn r a n&Uonwlde hWlt for 1tu· stonal Group, Sunday afternoon The purpoM of th1 .w1p, .. Id denta be#l. ab\1 to ben1flt from at I.he 1heep ranch back of Lr· Z&nd1r, la tor awnen ot antiqu1 r ,_========;;;;;;;;; Yin• Cout Country Club. automobile1 lo till out pUta 11 MARINE INSURANCE • JIM'S MUFFLER SERVICE Sonay'1 Mufflers " Dual Pipe. , JOHNSON'S NEW HOLIDAY llONZI SEA ·HOISIS They're 1••rtl Tbe7 11,,.,,,_, The new 'S6 Sea. Horses styled in Holid.af Brooi.e 1ad Spny Whit .. Come ia and •« them. Nioe greJ.t new modcla -3 to 30 bpi South Coast Co. Newport Bl"d. at 23rd St. Harbor 2600 1s.:. .~ . , Of th-Sf)() wer1 fed at the mlaa!ng on their ancient va· Mr~u1 cooked by Elll11 J . Zan· hkle._ Such thin11 a1 lamps. der, MM) ·Poinltltia Ave., treu-horN, fuiden, tlre1 and •ncin• 1m1r and bo&rtl member of the pa!_t__• went on tha "''P block. O.bor=.. s.::J,,. Oa. 1998 Harbor llvd. Newport rroup. .....rs from aa far u Bakers· llU W o-t llJp ~ Factory ReplacetDeata u 11-57« Johnson , , '\ Ii< I U '' ... Zander Mid It wa1 on1 of th• Ile.Id and San 01110 atl.endad Lfi.n 1-1511 '"'1 2101 W. 0..... llWJ"., N~·port 11 ~•t· 1Uccc11ru1 swip m~ta lha I •lh".'•~m~ft'.'.'·~------_!..!l~!!!!!!!!'!!!l!i!!!!l!'~!!!!!!!!~==========-'--_:=======:..~C::os:::ta:._:M=esa='.-.:U:...:8::·::2::0::6:2 It! Pl ... !> HALLETTS CHRISTEN PAY-OFF Mrs. Elton Hall•lt. a.bova, swtqa a ba·rlbbonacl botUe to rtva Pay~ff a t"Oyal chriat.enlt'lg. Mn. Paul Ror-n Md Mn. Bill Pl&g t.>atched tha celabn.Uon from tha .1114ali~ 1111 clu-t.tanln( wu hlfhllgbt or a party be~ at tha Boat.wain'• Locll•r. recently. Amonr thoea attaiadinf wan th• Tod O'riatt .. J00n WebM.en. Bob YOUnf' Tom HallaU &nd BW Harbat. -Terry BoN Photo Harbor · Hig~ Recognizes New Department Heads, Ups Pay Hontl-Carrlare Club hu ev-1- •r had. About l•O per.on1 ara Plastics Talk Slated April 18 Open to Public Plutlca '11'111 ba the .ubject of a lactura aerie1 to ba a lly Orange Coaat Coller• on A.prU 11. 1:30 p. m. ln room 3 of tha Mualc Bulldinr. It WU dlKIOHd today. OrpnlHd In roponM to num- aroua ~•ti rrt1m • workera In tha rapidly c-rowlqs p1Mtic• in· dUlt.ry, the Hrl• ta dealrned '\.. brtac-pract.lcaJ intormaUon OD lnctuatrlaJ appllcatk:ma. 'nla Hrlh h.. bean eet up la COOP9r&tlon with an advt.ory commltle. of key peraonnel ln llx4J pla.nta. !Ix •venlns mMt• lnp have been acheduled, with SJ*l.kata cboun for U..lr know· ledJ"a &Jld background In. parU· cular ph&111 of lhe lnduatry. IAadlnr off on April 11 will ba John Dai Mont• of FUrana PluUCll. Hl1 introductory lee· t ura will cover ).be hlatory, de· .-alopment. typU aiid pnMnt u.11& or plutica. The meeting will be· open .. to the public wtlhout charge. Ot.h· ar. laeturea ara 1l1ted for April 13, May J. t , !8 and :za. Harold I. Johnson PN ..... _ ... :-... polN BtnamilninC" man.ac-amant ot "•part.ln¥t .haad ud ~e:Uor CGlliiiibl Newport Harbor Union' HI.ch oonfarencea, lnau.d ot workinr Federal ~ kbool tha .chool1 board M.onda1 with them ln the fllllral t.Mcbar fto ... Jll,rMr nt YOted to recosnlaa lha work of ~m~Ht:;:lnp~;;:· ==·=====~="='='=V=U..~w=.,~·="=''=·=--==·~1 ntn. department headl and thrae eounctlora wllh Utlff and an ad· , dl"'"'al '160 • y•u In aaluy. MAllNl CAllUlOORS Tboea namad aa d'partment ~ •·•--~ ~--~~ 11....s. w.ra .w.rs. Roatna ,. .. ,.,.. a S'l'BOMBERG =:' ..'f: .J:;~~~ A= · G'EO. J. MEACHEM stria' phy•lcal acluc..Uon: Ralph USI W. Cout 111.Pway ~ S.lUS ReM, boy1' phyalcal educe.lion; JU... MWer, matbM\aUca: Mn. Ta..... Patter.on, 1.an-..;. It. •· Whltaneck, eclanca: ~ TbornJ*)D. conunercl&I aod A. -'M. Powdl, lnd\Jatria.I .rta.- Named u councilon ..,.. Jacll Klq, aUuidance: John .M"cQow· an. \oocaUon1; Floyd Ha.rrtmaft. ed\ic..Uolf: 1'ba acWon waa tha l"Mlllt of • rtport broU(ht In by the Hlary commlltM 0( ~ board. BupL lldney 0..vldeota eitpla.lned di.at ELECTRIC CO. El.lqlllC SUl'l'LllS Bo I bi\I • .MarlM Fiii E9i11PMENT a.a.a A Jupedioa IA'TTERlq ..... • IK.wac• ANNOUNCEMENT! Now its easier than ever to move up to BIG M beauty,.size and power • MERCURY illfroduces a great HW low-cost Medalist series off eri11 alt of tlitse utra value features I COME IN ' ' TODAY! Check our low starting prices-and high . trade-in allowances -_Ultlt_l@Chtn wert1 a.tN&dt dot~ Lba wor91: but under lha new a.r- ra.npment he pla.nnacl to ha.n . • IOAT WlllNQ ONLY • Liberty ll-6S327 • Big-car weight, width, length, and wheelbase • Distindi'./e styling, shared by no other car on the road ·• High-torque 312 cubic-inch S»ETY·SURGE v.a • Imped-absorbing safety steering wheel • Triple -strength safety door latches • Ball- joint rront suspension • New 12-volt electricol systl!m • 4-barrel vacuu.m carburetor • Center-fill 18-gallon gas tank. /iii!!;;;;;;\ ~ ROUTH OOAST 00. ISrd 6: Nawport :ah-&. l Marine 6. G• .. •1'!111• •••••1111 Adi ____ , 5-fu. Tral1n ~ 'J'nl-. -lo y-Onler TrsDet •a ft'"•1 a Repair .. lurhWe General Weldlng lltl"' "-* •"71 !(•,..t -Liberty 11-14'11 COME IN AND SEE THESE GREAT NEW LOW.COST MEICURYS IN OUR SHOWROOM-TODAY! · Let us show you how easy it is to own THE '110 · ·ERCURV .,_'\ ..... We .............. -nm llD .fULUVAN •How ......... ,_ .. , ......... -~ lfNXT -o..-.1 ~ . . . JOHNSON & ·SON, Linc~ln • Me1!9cu~ too. w. c-t Hi .... ,, llCroll from .. , er'-NIWPOIT IEACH ..... IA••t Wl4i • . , I , • • • ,-,--_ __;_ __________ _ ----- J .. , -'_Aff -· -~Or .. • • UOBT FOR YOU-That'• a load of light to brighten your evenrDg travel on your public thoroughfarea in the City of Newport Beach that is pictured above on the giant truck which hauled 1~ 31-foot tall standards into pla~ this week. High "1m the truck. ladder is Jack Standage of the city light~g crew &fixing the Cobra head mercury vapor luminaire iftto place before the street light pole is actually put into place. Pictured between the two trucks ii Carl Wood- There will be a better h'ue to th'e hi9h'ways of the City of Newport Beach in many locations tonight. Installed in the past couple of days have been 14 giant luminaries-a multi-syllabled word meaning street lights. The ones an Balboa Blvd., in front of the "Tar Pit" and be- tween the two churches halfway between 14th and 15th Sh., are ambidextrous-they have two arms, each holding "Cobra headed" light units that will provide 20,000 lumens of mercury vapor light. That also probably sounds very mysterious, but aecord- ing to Carl Woodmansee, head of the city lighting depart- ment, these new type li9hts give five times as much light as the former lights and use only twice as much current - more important to us as taxpayers though is the fact that all the energy used and light created serves us. It shines down onto the streets and sidewalk instead of up into the air,. • Residents in many portions of the town have b~en disturb'. ed for the past several weeks. Cause of their worries was the holes in the sidewalks, protruding bolts, barricades and wires taped carefully and all marked ""Danger High Vol- tage.'' This was the handi-work of Carl Woodmansee and his hands, the brothers John and Glenn Standage. The trio have spent 39 years. collectively serving us residents of Newport Beach with better street lighting. Their constryc- tive work was in preparation for the 14 new light standards. ' . . .. It hes been Carl Woodmansee, with the help of city engi- neer and administration, who hes worked out the system of lighting now used and a fo~mula (or replacement of bro- ken, battered or damaged street lights. . With installation of the 14 new standards this week in Newport Beach the job on East Coast Highway through , . ' • man1ee, head of the city of Newport Beach lf&hUnc and electrlcal department, who worb ant the engi- neering detaila for the under ground facilities that furnish power to the standard.I and the bue8 that support them. In the put five yea.n rreat prog- rea bu been made in the overall improvement of the 1treeta of the City of Newport Beach. Another good busineee service of your city. It creata co'U- aiatent improvement of the appearance, aafety and pleasant atmosphere of your community. • .. ."\ l. Corona 'def Mar is practically finished. Tf;e small, ill-serving electroliers have been replaced with the giant 31 -faot tall poles supporting the Cobra headed arms that illuminate 20,000 lumens worth. New standards have been placed in many locations on dreet corners · along Newport Blvd. and a trio of poles on Balboa Blvd . • Certainly there is a cost of 'acquisition •nd installation, but adually each standard represents a continuing saving. They are "Marb'elite," a fancy term describing• type of con- crete, and therefore do not need to be continually painted and sanded and paintea again. The bulbs burn longer fftd give fi'le times as much light for only twice as much '1uice.'' . More important-this 'is another service of the City of Newport Beach. Street lighting is maint,.ined, a~•r ih ori- .ginal installation, out of general city funds. By the same fig-. uring the savings made permit the further extension af light- ing to areas of the city not presently lighted. Thia is a demonstration of good city business. Good city business is good business for you end me as residents, taxpayers and busineu people of the community. Good busineu is good for everybody. Well lighted streets are a great safety factor in the full exercise of your use of your city. ' It permits you to window shop, to take an evening drive , or stroll end "visit your merchants at your leisure. . Your merchants strive diligently to serve you-your pat- ronage, of them is a good busineu investment on your part in time saved and mouy spent. You can get everything you· need here at home -with - great savings-a.nd besides that, we would like to mee.t you. ·' r .· THE FINEST -MOST COMPLETE STORE TO BE FOUND ANYWHERE Hardware • • • Paints • • • Waftpaper ••• f Appliances ••• TV .•• Radio -• A GOocl Friendly Place to Shop .. OPEN ,SUNDAYS & HOLIDAYS • • 22os ·w. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 116 ' N8wport· Beach • ,, • I I . • BIG TURNOUT FOR ELECTION RESULTS AT C'TY HAll Scores of l~l resldente and aome ~didatea join- ed the city clerk's crew Tueaday night at city hall to a wait the election returna from councJlm&nic races and tbe two propoeed charter amendments. The hour wu late be! ore final precinct returu arrived. -Staff Photo A T ·T ENT I 0 N Boat Owners fl·eezer-Locker Owners STAHR'S MARKET IN COSTA· MllA FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY -OFFERS YOU sw1F1~s PRE M1uM TEF~0:1 ·BEEF BY THE SIDE FIONT AND HIND 'Ci)UARTD I~ APPROX. 250 LIS. P-ER SIDE This Price lndudes Cutting & Double Wr1pped & Quick Freeiing . IEME-BER ... Swift's Premi1m is the very best! -------------ALS.~Or------------ TffE FIRST TIME OFFERED AHYWBERE You May Try ·it Before You Buy . It! ! STOP IN A!:'O INQUIRE About our new plan end ~ook over som~ of Our FIN~, SWIFT1S PREMIUM "T en~er -Fed" BEEF Here Are A ~w of Our Regular Every D1y Low Prices on SWIFTS PREMIUM ''TENDER-FED" BEEF . amM>ll" GGc I ~ IM>?'l"I'! oae 1 ·omro 7nc: STEAK .... 11t.GJ-STEAK .... A.OJ-STEAK 1i.. 1-· tlUOED 8UCJ!D ' SOllP C aWD'r.8 PK£KICll-1 i••MJ;& 10 I I wqra PIU'.KIUll IACON _ .... -.6fc IACON ..... 4fc ROAST .. ,.._65 . HOT SAUSAGE ..... a:L~~-~ .. ". 79! • Speclal for Friday, Satwclay, Sunday, Moftday and T ... day FRANKS SWJ~ ~~IUM 39•. FRAN~S ................ -····-·-·······--···················3 .-9fc --------------------~ . GllOUllD BEEF • ~·-· '1 · oaomm FRESH EVERY DAY nE8ll oaomm , llOUND OROICE 59c BED" •• STEWING HENS ·-·---~~~ -~2~ ... You Can Now Buy "S.wilt's Premium" at OPEN DAILY 0 a...m. to 9:00 p.m. ·Sundays 0 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ~ . . 2120 Harbor· Blvcl COSTA MESA ... Lloyd to. Talk ·at AH-club Mesa ·Dinner WWJ.a.m ( BW) Lloyd, vice· pruidfllt and public rel&tlona ot· fleer or the United Statee Na- tional Bank, will be the prlnclp&l rpealler at the third arutU&l All· ub Dlnner ·or the Coet.a M•• Chamber of Commeru nut Wed- needay In the StUdent Center, Oran&'• Coul Colle&'•· Feet:ivlll• beJ{n at 7 p.m. t Theme of the &'atherln&' la I "Procrua", accordln&' to ~neral CbaJ.rman 8 . A. N..-.ort. "It hu been aptly .tat~ lb.at never be- fore In au hlatory have 110 many people moved lnto an area In 10 ahort a time u they h&Ye to 1 8 o u t h e r n Ca.lltomJa, Oran1e 1 County a.qd our city of Coeta Neu.," declared Neraon. Anol.ber bJ&'h~bt of the even· tna-la the Jud&'tnc tor MJu Cotta Weea, who ,.ell oompete ln tbe 1961 Orall('e County Fair queen cont.est.. El('hl &ocal 11"-have entered ao far, according to Sharon Glenn. lut year'1 w1nner, In cbar&'t oC the conteeL The &'Irle are Gale M.oorea, 828 W . 19th St.; Vlr&iJlla Krti.hlen. 1763 San· ta Ana Ave.; Nancy Lewta. 21111 Thurln An.; Je&IU\le McQueen, 229 Avocado St.; Wanda Traut- wein, 18&0 Fullerton Ave.: Kay La~Cleld, 183 Walnut St., and.. Beverly Stafford, 949 -'{bo• Drive. Judree of the conteet will be report.en from three Harbor area nsw1papen: Leonard 8arreant. Newport Harbor Newa • P!'Ma; Lou Jobct, Banta Ana R4pter. and Paul Brown, eo.ta Weaa Globe-Hera.Id. ~· chamber of commeree true. yean ago joined torether IA a tare• mee~ to recoplu and honor the new city ~nm­ ment. the fu-.t council and the dty'a Ont empl~. Ov.r tlO orfanl&atJona participated. Rail fare wlll be increased 5°/o May 1st. You can save S'fo now • • • rail far• tic~eted by April '30 will be good for 6 months round trip •. if ticketed by April 30 roil fare will be good for 8 months on Family Plan Round Trip. auy · NOW for Smnmer Yacatioll • I CORONA DEL MAR . TRAVEL BUREAU Oout Rwy. ud OftbJd (.,,._.t• <'4llll P. 0.) Harbor IMC i' • SH OP MONDAY & FRIO AY NIGHTS TI L 9 . .. . · 2-Piece Bedroom Set 19.95 Value Includes do0ble dreuer with mirror and head. boorda. Mirror adjusts to lin. of vision. 69~ Fix-Up, Clean-Up, Paint-Up Savings I 59.'5 Value lawn Swing, full canopy, bock· . rnt odjuatment. Choice of colors. . . . · · 54.88 l .. ular 2.IO F1oor Wox, high slip ,.,.;,tonce, touth protective flnllh . . . . . . • . l .. ulor 154.95 Cabinet Sinka, 66-inch stHI. Chromed 1wift9 apovt fo~t . . . . . · · · · . 1.99 139.11 l .. ul• 259.95 DiahwCllher, under-counter model. Co~ locqu.red front . 23' .81 l .. ular 64.95 Garbotle Dlspoter, h hp. Han- dles food wade, including bones .. · · · 49.88 9 .95 Vofw CirdlM Flxtu,e1, fluorescent; with bulb. For wan switch • . . . . . 7.44 a.,ular 3. lf bteMlort Cord, SO.ft. aloclt molded rub.,_r plug and connector. · 2.44 ' l .. ulor f .95 'ropan• Torch Set, inclll(fes aotderlng t'9 and 10lder. 2300• flome . 1 • .6.95 1.,utor f3.95 t.nch Saw, S.in. heavy duty. 22x20-ln, table. btension not incl uded .... l .. ular 111.SO Jelnter.f'loner, 6-in. fence tll b to .(5° angle. Jointer only . . . 74.99 98.18 ....... , 4f.f5 Sanckr rollaher, twin orbit heods. Leo"' no swirl marks ... . . . . 3f.t9 ... ular 1.15 Hand Saw, 26-ln. steel blade, flat ground. Hardwood handle . . . · · · · . · · · f If l .. ular 1.91 Wood Level, plumb, le!el and 45• In one.11nit. 11-ln. '°"9 · ... · · · · · · · · · · · · .1.Jl ... ular 1.49 lock w .. 1 '9llets, covers 25 sq. ft. Flr•proof, rot-retl~tont. Bog . . . . . . . . 1.1 f l .. ular 1.50 krffn "Door, 32dl-in.:.. walnut stained pine. 14-1 S.in. melh 1C1Mn . . . 7. n l .. ular 12.50 fl...,.a.. 'on.U, 26x96-in. SoW1 like wood. Shott.rproof. StrQ"9.. · · t.11 1 .. ulor J .95 lock Wool latts, covers 52 1q. ft. New spun PfOCtU. Pockaile · · : · · · 3.22 I l .. ulot J.29 loU laoflnt, 90-lb. felt base AOtvrated with asphalt. Covert 100 tq. ft.. · · 2. 99 .. plcrr l4c Vlnyt AAeltos Tile, 9x9-ln. Con be inttoned on concrete floors . Ea. 12' ••ul., 6c Hernert Asphah Tile, block and bnlWll morblelnd patt.m. . . . . . . . . Each 5f lep.ler 4. IQ tenslen SclMnt, 24x48-in. l0<ks on Inside. Keep them to11t . . . . . . · · , · · · 3.69 ....... ...-Panollng, 4'x8'x~n. F°' coblnet, wana, storage ONCU •.•••.•.. • • · • • · · • • • · · · • · · 2.22 htulor 1.ff Mah ... ny Ptyweecl, 32x72x\i· In. 3-ply type. luon mahogany ...... · · · · · · · .1.2' 32.SO Value 5proyer Special, l ."5 CFM. Point I own furnltvN, fences, roc:liators. . . . . . · · · · 2~22 lAltex loN Flat hint, gallon in 411ollon ca se. Flowi on tm00th, fast, easy. . ...... · · · · · • · 3.66 4." Value OdMMM Aot Paint, gallon. All· .,other paint. One coot coven. . . · · ·. • · · 3.88 5.0f V.tu-Fleer hamel, rnlsts obrosion1, ...ar, weotf1er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gallon ~.44 Matter Ml .. cl Unseecl Oil, gallon. Row linseed oll treated for~. smootfwtr film .. · .. · · .W leplar 40c Ch•h• lt'A Foltce, 4-lnche1 high. loufh, aprlngy. GolYOnll.ed. Fabric only . 3 ft. for S1 a..,e. M .'5 Electric Mulcher, 4-in. hoes and mulches. Gentle Yibtoting tines . 2.2.ll 1..,a. 1.6' Gteen KorpM, lawn food. Con- llm of Kiln-dried llucl9e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-lb. 1.J] 1.25 Volw O'"" Carpet, gnm seed. CCMt- toins '°"'' ICentikky blue. ·' ... . . . . . 2-lb. nc 6.11 l .. ular 7.95 ECOftOffty Sr-Oder, dial.type regulator. 18-ln. spnod. Holds 25 lln. . 1-..t•r It.ts tt.nel Mewer, l~n. Silent, ~ · s!Mf blodes. Oo not touch knife bed . . 25. 99 ·"·SO Value , • .., Trim-Edter, 1.6 hp., 4- cyde enelne. Aluminum, 9-in. blodt . · . · 79. 99 .... 14.H Whoel...,,...., 1-pc. >t"l troy. Katdf' ' CV. it. dry lftOteriof • " n • • • • " • • -· -UM 18-lnch Power Mower legular 110.00 "Mogle ControJH hono cn.1 rat.a to d0t1, low- ., to •topt 1 hp. enoine. ~ l"9CIO(I .--. 92~ • Save on Home Furnishings; Appliances 249.95 Vol11e Automatic Wo&her, 6-vone 09itotor-7 rinNa. 3 ""oi.r temperatures Kenmore Electric Dryer1, hold1 9-lb. load. 3 188.11 temperature rettlngl . . . . . . 141.88 129.95 Value Wringer Wa1her1, 9-lb. capac- ity. a posilton -inger, bar releos.e 169.fS Value Electric Ironers, 26" open end roll; fingertip, kn" controls . . . . . 159.95 Value 36-ln. Gat lange, outomohc 91.81 121.88 lighting. 20-in. viM-boke oven , 137.00 Cotd1pot Refrigerator, alm01t 12 cu .• ft. 4 ' '9rvi-1helvet on door. 49.3 lb. freezer 217 .00 13.2 Cu. Ft. Cold.,.t frMHr, stores 462 lbs. of food. Adjustabl e boikets . . 247 .00 legulor 229.95 Air Conditioner, '1 hp. P.ushbutton c.ntrol. Adjustable oir guide l .. ular 179.95 Table TV or Con10le, 2l·in.1 (diogonol mecnu,.ment). YoU< choice . l99ulor 164.95 HI.fl Combo, console. Shub off o"er lost record. Moh09ony .. l .. ular 74.95 Tape Recorder, dual track. Full omplifier. Save 16.07 . , . 179.95 Velue Divan led, 1teel mechanism con"em to o Ml Jiu bed ...... . 159.95 Value Sefabed a"d Chair, sofa con- vert\ Into comfortable bed for two 177.00 159.81 149.88 58.81 159.11 139.11 l .. ulor 59.95 Hollywood 39" led, 126-coil mottrtJJ: ~coll matching box ~if'W · 49 .II l .. ular 79.95 Mattress and lox Spring. 312· coil mattNu. Full or twin .lize . . . . . 59 .II l .. ular 59.95 Chro.,,. Dl...tte Set, 5-piece. JO"a..o" plastic table top, extends to 48". 4 chairs 54.81 1.,11lar 64.'5 Canister Cleaner, smooth roJJ. in; co1ten1 dispo.able paper dust bogs ....... 4f .f5 l .. ular 4.29 Cotton Ca,,..tlng, 1tople yarns. 9', 10.6', 12', 13.61, 15' widths .......... 1q. yd. 3.51 10. 9 5 Wool Wilton Rugs Save 1.96 Sq. Yd. All wool broadloom • • round wire weave. Resistant to pile-crushtng. ~I pot· tern. 9 and 12-ft. width~ Saving1 on Wearing Apparel l .. ular 1.79 Wemeft'• lieu ... , 1leevel9u coft9n apon shim. Wcnhfast ..................... 9f f 1.,ular 2. ti Pe4al 1uthers, deni'" twil11, poplins, cotton s.MniUdcet. 10-20. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6' Catton Pllue O.wns, fvll length. Floral prin11 or solid tie-bocks. 34-.40 . . . . . . · . · · · · · · · · · .. · · 1.64 C.,_ PlllM PoJanMll, man-tailored •'>"••· Elostic waitt. 34-«>. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... · · · 1. 99 1 .. ulor 1.50 Pr. Nylont, proportion-fit. All stylee. S.Omleu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ J pra. 2. H 1-.ulor 3.91 W•ltt Whinier, block embroi· ct.red nylon morqui..n., leno elastic. 24-32 ...... 2.n 1.,ut.r 9.91 N11-lelcll Olrdla, white nylon . Leno elastic lid• 26-36 ..... . . . . . . . . . . . .1.n l .. ular I .ts WetMn'• Shffs, dork dreu styles red11eed for new light shodet . . . . .• . · 5.11 1. ti Value Glrtt' S.U.,...der s.Mm, print or solid poplin . .s colon. 7-14 .. :... .. .1.ss 1.tl Velve ~ron P•jantat, gey collate prim, EJcntiF woittbond. 7-14 . . . . . 1.47 3.49 VahM 0.1141'1 ~ bfown a •pe tole. . Nylon _. lnteft. I~ to 3. . . . . . .. . • . · 2. t7 ........ 1.2' c...... ,..._, criftkle 09pt • 2.p.<e, elostk woist. Sil-. 2.a •...••..• ~ ..•....• tff. 1-.vtor U .ff ~·1 stoch, auonment of , flan,.I ond q_abordine fabrics . . . . . • . ... -11 .11 l .. ular 7.M 'uttw Pants and Jodcet, pleaflld pantl; cvffed. Ton or blue . • . 5.76 l .. ulor 7tc Men'• Uftderweor, atwdy lcnin of Dvrene cotton and broaddattu . . . . . 4 for 2.31 legulor 1.91 Mew'• Knit Shirts, c"°ntinentol coUor. Coftoft !ener. s..oa to lorp.. •. • . • . . •.• 2.19 M.'1 c..a Wettt Shlftl, ossOl1ed short tlHVe ~-GfaY ona lon 'lwm. T~·l7 . . . . . . .1.n 1 .. ulor 4.91 lays' leversltale Joclrett, sotin oc*9at• '9ffne• ~ CIOftoft popUn. 4-16 ........ ].U le'fl' lp...t Shlrta, .hon sleeve Ir. choic. of Ko.ho, pll.,. or wo"9n cotton.• 4-16 . . . fff l .. ulq.r 2.2t leyt' JMn1, blu. denitft. Triple stitched aeo.M. .S pOckets. 4-16 . . . . . . .• 1.13 l .. vlor Ttc Crew Neck Shim , cotton ond nylon, liOht, bright ~ colors. '-l6 . . . SIC l .. ui.r 1.00 leyvlll• hm, cotloft bonr styfe. ~ of wea ...... colon. ._,, •. Uc t.yt' leift~ s.dc•, t<Migh pyton. ft9'n-- forced toe and heel. Colatt. 7 to 11 . • . . . . • . . 5 pn. S1 . ;.,~ ,.7MllK(#r.("' ,,---, Md* SfARS Telephene Kl '4J71 • \ l - __! • ,. • r THE CAPITAL WEEK • i"'. "»J W&J.ft& L': JWmDVLI, • ' UnJt.ci Pnm staff Oon.....,. E .. D I T 0 R I A L S UCIUlO:NTO, (UP} -GoY. Oooclwln 1. KaWr' .. ,. tb6 Dday mwtn1 al. ua. ... ~ ..... ewport, Mesa Industrial Annexation Puffs Wind Bags I /. WlJ4 t.&Ut Ill the torm of 0 land rrab" cla1ma hu ~ around certain vacuum·locked eo.ta Meu. ~: r,cently ln connection with the; propoeed an- nn~• of Newport Bea.ch and Co8ta )(ca ln tbe ~ JndUltl'l&l sane between the two cttW A.a uaw .... lieu the familiar bleatinga of thoee lheep wbo '*'-Y• baa the londeat at the thought of nelch· '!ft 1.ea'ring w-. they th.o°"'ht wu their fold. The fa.ct the lndu.atri&l area involved la ln County ~ry and th• land owners therein capable of mating their own decisions as to whether they wish to join either city or remain in the county bu been obllcured by the outraged cljes of some poppycock :-pUrveyon politically &nd emotionally upset. : In all Jlkel1Mo4 the overlapping annent1ona ''. lln'olved may n1 be dMlded by the votera in .eh : or by the court.I. lo either cue the !acts should pl"e- ; nil apJnat wild • eyed rant.inp of politico• or : pundit.a. · In th• cre&t .cheme of "!hinp-whichever ·way ; the anneU.Uons-are deeided will probably not alf ect the overall picture. But to those tupayen involved Mire and now the ilauea are worth their ltudy. \ Newport Beach. having hitched up ita municipal pnnenta aome l50 years ago, ia f 04unately in the . poet.Ion of ~ • 'tit)' 'With lboet of it.I major munk> ; lpal corporate attain Jn good, economic order. Tho · munic~ project& which coat a new city U\Oney ~ have largely beesa paid for and are in lood worltlng ~order. ' .And. in .tiJJle pa.at, it could be pointed out, New· ~port Beach and Coet& Mee& have been able to merp : into one city. But the bothet.da, the •tionallata ; puffed up with pride, could not envision thia when it ~could have been ma.napd without much municipal : tax lncreue. So bdth ciUea devel6'pect by tbemaelvea. : Now they find tbemRlvee lavolved iA a controvel"B}' : which ean do little to heal wha.tever breach exitta ; between the tw4 growlni cWea. , So the fact. .. ~ that when all the hot air I hu ~ apoutilci" by the win,d bap whoae huffing : and putting ls about u conatructive a.a their more : rational momenta the people involved ln the anflexa- ; tion1 will decide the t&Suee. The current border con-t troveray ia no cauae for stining up an a.1;anun. Now ( ii the Um. for calm thinking and poaltive action. \ • • i ~ Endless "Emergeqcies'~ : Dwinr the Korean war, certain· taxes were in· ' ; creased in order to help pay Uie bill. It was gen- ~ en.lly Ald and believed that these Increases would i be r-epe.Jed once tbe emeriency waa ~ver and Korean I war speod.ing could stop. t The corporate income tax and 1ome exciae taxes •; were among those lncreued t>tcauae of Korea. That ! war ended lonr ago -but ju1t the other day Con-; mu decided to continue the increuet1 for another ! year. i Which indicate. that "emergenclea" never end-t ao. tu u the taxpayer 19 concerned. t . . ! County Hospital Director ~ Blasted by Home Newspaper .. . (&eprtated t:r'Cllll t .. 0ntap o.aly Ne~'8) Oranp County'a board of 1upervlaora ta.at week : q>prond the removal -of the DW'li.nc ~hool from 'O~ County General Hoepital to ·Fullerton Junior •! o.Dep. ~ Ordinarily such &ction, which the board aaya ! f ollowa procedu.te. .in other counpes, shouid be the : ti.ml reeult of 1tudie1 by and approval of all involved : p-ou119. includtnr medical 1taff members at the hoe- : ~ ud the nUl'lin' advisory committee. : But w• are informed that the board action came ; u a complete •urprise to these CTQUps. ( To add tnsu1t to injury, Hoepital Director Ronald Powell told mem_bera of tqe medical staff that the BARBOR ~ did not tab finll actioa'et 1ut ~ • ..uni ..... it ~ lt had. ~ Euct!f how much authority cto. & ho9pft.a1 diaiator haw! ls it 1up1eme1 wherein auperrilon, phyalcW. and advieora bow' to oJM mu! And lt it la. what are th.la mu'• qUall.ftcatlons for the job he bolda, a job that la the htghelt paid ( $~.68' per, year) of a.ny county position? With auch high-handed action here, eould it tollow that· a .1ooclly port.ion of the complalnta we have received•from the hoepital are caued by iron· banded rule of one man. who 11 not a ~ 1 COURTHOUSE BEAT By IA<Jll BOETl'NEB ·~y atillt~ 1 rrao " • TMte ... ...,. ~ ,. ~ ~-~ .. tll1np flllal. ..m.d l\"Oll1 u. ... dllp&rt-., wmees out. -' ta. • t • t • ..-' S°t'" JCA11bt sot a water ~ ....,.._ t.be ..,te · we.*-poU0o m•t blll U.t ... to b.l9 un-tlGa 00111l'01 ..,. U.. 6ltrtct ln&' tn tM face ot ~ ...W.. o-i•f..,_ ud UM oppadUo.n. Ille WOpt wu ,,_ ~ IU,_ Board. proftd wtthout -.Jor ... It blK Ul.e w&W NIOllt'Cl99 except ~ bOOllt IL Be rot .,.. board ... aa ~ ..., to proprt.aUou tor u.. ~ JU-ti.. dtrectot' and pw I& _. "" Proi.ct uct tbe 1MO wta-.. power9. but.... It ptala t.r otym~ t.laat oa m-.tor -... t.be ...._. Ile WM lllCCMd\11 ln hill .... ol. 0.. ~ woQM prtftU. quest that a c:.tUnc t>. J)Ut Oil JDt.IPt --' a au •r 91" th• UDOUAt of f'Unda from u-. taa be would 9flll'O'N Qle COD1• lancS. oil royaJU. rotni te th9 ~ ud sip ta. 1l&Jl. beachM and p..rtra tund. He pt . COlll'llOlllll&, "WIN" approval ot a aw-,_,. mut• w~ told bJ.t ooDMIU• MA110NAl pl&A of park IU\d beach Mq\Wd· .._. P" a lot on ~ et-.av ~ wrr Uon. >.a a ~ the lqil&a.-but w• 1'00 ca •'tlll OIUAWty." ~· ~ "' wr. e&m• Up wtth a MtUemct ... ll4WlJl J\c&!l co-w ......... SANTA ANA. ({)CNS) -Ran{A county .........th ii Mel.°"" "" Ule tnnlb1->m• Lon,-Beach rill•) ln effect ....-. B• -.td &-r-&.......... ~ oil controwny. the com~ ldl tM dino- putting the pinch on everywhere uound the courthowse. .,..,... ._ ..u tu 1-l'lll&tun went Into tor a "csar .. Poealbly no place ie feeling it more tha.n the jail. There, "lit&.....-,.._, c:..-<t.. th• ttnal hour, pro.pect. looked • · black for a yat•r dep&ftm.nt TU conapiomlee woo ~ Captain Clyde Gathright ia feeding 1.11 averag~ of 315 bUl. appronl to th• ~bly. sut Inmate.a a day. That'• 35 or 10 over the jail's capacity. Knirht had llullled th&t cl'-· 00 tl• ttnt. Hn&t. teat tt ft.lied It'1 been a Jonr Ume ainoe O&UI· Auto theft.a .,.. moun~ at SCENE AT THE CAPITOL •Von ot & st.ate water depart-bJ OM \'Ot.e to will a,ppro~l. rtibt counted 1 ... ' Ulan 800 a raptd cup tn o~ County. ment wu vtt.al to aoluUon ot Cot>.7 aak94 • eall ot th• noeu In the chow Un._ And 1f.ardly a day ~ by but what tb• 1tat.e'1 critical water prol>-bOUH -& dnto. Ulld.-whicl\ Uiere'e nq alp ot &l\ MM·up. the writer .... at leut on• lema. But h• al.lo tnai.lted that th• wU., roll waa J.ett opeu Up1ta1J'9. oYer the Jail, anoth-1tol49l auto report on the Sher· SACRAMENTO, (CNS) _ The C&llfornia. len4•l•. It ti. a certain type of orpnl-wlatle th poUUJdllc at&rted IA er l&d 1Uuatton eml.a. Ser-trf'a blotter. In an effort to •-satlon -a department headed earumt. 1eant Rw.e bmpbeW'a Juvenile bring o!tlceri. up on the l&teat ture, which wrapped up the 1~ budget a.nd extra· by a director with policy m&k-Wbll• ~ up1'9!' 1'oe1e mad• Bureau ta paclled tnto one Uny methodt ot t:racld.nr down car ordiDary lelliona lut week WU the moat ~ leg· IDI ~;--DRilTMENT ~~ero~to!: corner. The det.ectlvu a~ near-thtevee, the J'B1 wt11 hold a ial&ture in the biltory of the atate, insofar u an um The ·--blv approv--" a bW huddled tn ..,,._ .,...,.,,. t.rytl\I ly u cramped. conference in t.M b-.lth build· __. •• " ... _, ··~-lnwaup.tora ti.an no pl.&A:• lo ~ her• May 3. A.ctU&Uy, the budget ii concerned. by auemblymu c •• par w. to •hilt vote• w. way a.n4 record • u 1 p e c t I' 1lat.ementa. driven need the acllooll.nJ. Bil Th• IOkllia P" th• okeh to FLOOD SAfABDJTA.TIO~ W.el..nbelyer (R-;Su Frwi.:o) th&l. li1mlamarl .. from the I~ When Sheriff Jtm Mu.atck'1 &bl• factol'll •till are the luvtni ot an e:xpendJtUN by lbe atate ln CtUea atld coon.UM wbich uk· and h l • Lntwlm comm.llte. emof'• ottlc. were _.., on U. corps rounded up thrff murder k97• In autoe and failure to the 1966-DT f19C&l yeu Of fl,· 94 for IQ.nda fol' tlood da.mece wh1ch lnlel'f'&tecl vtrtual.ly aJ .S4eftnea. TU f'Onrnot' WU 00 1uapecta the other day, lbey had loc.k up. • 779,00l,&00, •and accompll.ahed rd\abilli&Uon will nceiv• 80Dl• of the •tate'1 .cattered water th• telephone to key. 1~~ lo be taken to El Toro Marine Th• count.)' plaM.l..ni commta-UU. ncord bu41'et tout with· UG million aa tM ruuJt of tbla apnci.ee into Oil• departm•t "I urpd a few of 'm3' trien~ Ba!e for reoordlJ\&'. aion·a , acUon to requll'e aide· out ~ lmpoeiUon oC n•w or leplatt.lH'a acUon. Tbey did headed by a atroni dlrector. to ~ th• UC2lt and vol4 rtpt. .. In & r..t·movtq county prop· w.ib and llrfft llfbtinf ln new in~~ t.uu. not. ot courae, cet all they aak· But , the Sen ate. deaptte th• l<rfernOr admitted • .-r law enforcement 11 mand.a-1Ubdivia&ona rat.ea a bouqueL However, at&t• tt.cal oftlcen 94 for, but J~tart felt the Klrlpt • warning. atood equa117 ~ more tban an hoW', Or>- lory. It cwi't ti. achieved ln the Darkened aU...t. lnrite crime. lndicat. the 19~ ....ion tt a cowiu.. ban ti.en d-.lt wtth firm behind a bill thlt omitted bef uked th&~ the roll ti. cal}.. backwooda 11\UTOW\dtn.1"1 in which A tellJmony on that line la th' prelude to a i&p on the tu· t.trly, .,ad a proper amount from ~ new apncy .everal ed ... &In. kn. 8wttt Berry IR· th• loc&I depuUe1 are forced to terrlllc number of prowler re--pe.ytn a y.ar bcnc., u Income lftlll~ io .. iat In bulldi.nr up major water a1enclea and put Pla.centlle) up n-.r t.M top of operate. ' port.,t ud other otteneea ena.n-1.1 not upeot.cl to mfft 1 U.. lb• . public worka that ww. policy power• In the hand• ot th• u.t awit.ched hla vote from Cl..l:A.NE& ROAD8 atlnf from the G&rd•n Qrove re-aut.horisecl ouu.y. Th• aubff. d&znaged or ruined by nooda. a aeven·meJ]lt>.r board. "NO" to "A YE'' and the an• It 1eerna to the w11t.er there g1on. It'• dark over there alter quet fl.lc&l 7Mr budl•t. of 80tJTll.ERN Oao88INO The lefialation, thu1 at&l.. lanche atarted. By th• Um• It. ha.s betll a lltUe leaa n.abbiah 1unaeL . courae, will be nen J&rier U Actloit lo chanr• tl)proe.cbM matAd. WM MDl to a. alJt-man waa tbroQlb th• vote wu 304 atrewn on our hip t.oay1 and by-And the bulldins of aidewalkl the acttvtU• of lh• put an to the propoaed aouthern croa· conference committee of the for th• b&U. Slven Sen. Oeor1• waya ot l&le. Have you noticed T Into tracll 11 bound to cut down followed, tor each 7ear wltn.... lnJ of San J'r&nci.co, and pt two houau lo aee 1t t.h.e d1f-Miller CD-Richmond) author of Perhap11. one or the reuona 11 on '1.njnrlu -aa w.it aa beau· u an lncnaee. All of which, work 1tarted on th18 f\pnUc fe..-n~• c o u I d t>. reeolved.. the ~al. bW. f1n&lly threw up the lncJu.alon of an antl·lltt.er re· tltylng deftlopment&. The quea~ Lt u polat4d out. wU1 Rod project, wae t&keJl by the Jer· There didn't appear to be much ht. band• in def•t &lid call94 1trlctlon ln the state vehicle tlon u: CallfomJa i.w-mak•nt on a talatu.re. The actiou wu a com· hop. they could be. out ''Miller. no to aye. We con• code. · Why weren't th• r.quhiementa H&tch for nnr and tncreued promtae which reducea coete ap-But Sen. Jame1 Cobey (I>-c94•"· Actually, the law 11 juat a re-made aooner? • tall• al th• 19&7 rqul&r .... proximately $15 milllon, and Merced) c~ up with the an-Th• pacl<94 cbamb.ir1 became 1latement of 1tmUar health and GOOD YEA& l'OB ~ lion. wl.~ out aome of the cootro· &le that eventl.l&Uy woll arree-a pandemonium. Th• bill wu aatety code and penal code aec· While In th• hat-dofnni mood JMc:aoM of the tact th.at 19156 veny which haa delayed thl1 ment. t.hrou1h and th• aeMion at ttl Uona. Putt1n1 lt in the vehicle the writer would Uk• to itve la an elecUon year, lh• policy project for many yeara. Under Th_!l conterellee commltte. bW cloae. code, however, Ue1 It down cloa· tll• county board of eupervtaon aen•.rall¥ WM to lpcM1 money t.erma of the bW. tt 11 hoped er for 1tron1er local enforce-neweat member, WWlam H. Rlr· and aYOt.d tuu. Nmtt y .. r, that work can i.et at.arted on ment. ateln, credit for a top tfrst leliAl&tora wU1 not ban th• Ula eouthern cro•ing without It waan't lo~ a10 a man )'ear. thr.at of eamp&tpa ba.ftl1DC more long delaya . drew a fine In S&nta A.na·Or· Hlnteln, quiet and unuaum· over their be&da, and will be RATlll':R IUVEB PRGQ'.CT ang• Municipal Court for tol• Inf , bu taken hi• tuk Mrloua· in a bettft J>OGUqn lo actually Final acUon on the Jreathet l2&, peanut bull.e on the atreet. ly. H• atteftda far more aea-balance th• budpt. aa well aa River project provided 59.850,· AFFAIRS OF ST ATE By ll£NRT O. MaeAB'l'BUB --n.. highway p&tlol, Sherltf'1 Ilona of the Pl&nnin&' commla· mak• lncom. meet. out.co OJI 000 tor IUl"Veya, .xploraUona, ------------------------- dep&l·tment. clty police and hl&'h 11on than any oua ... 1upervtaor pe~. inve.1ttcat1on, preparatton ot SACRA.l.iENTo, (CNS)-An all-out baWe betwMn way department have taken the and, therefore, 1.1 ti.tter tntorm· OIL OOMPROIOS& conatruotion plana &nd apecitl• "-1' bull by the homa. They're bend· 94 When bullneu tn hJ1 fourth After Joni contzoveny, the caUona, IU?'Veya. and acqllill· the Call!omia State Employees Aaaociation and the \.AU. Ing an bone&t effort to clean up d11trlct (IU to the board. fesilJ.atur. wrote tlnl1 on a tlona Of rl(hle of way. White fornia auociatioU Of architect.II ja lclieduled for thia our roadA. They're 1etUnf a But. aa h•'• known around th• compromiM ti.tw .. n lb• atai• th.II Ii not • lar1e a.mount tor summer when the two oraaiUzationa attempt to convin~ hi!lplnJ hand from several Incle-courlhouae, wu confronted With and the city of Lons B-.ch a pr6Ject wh!ch wUl eventually pendent orgaruzaUona, too. Ji:&. a alack ot knotty problema I.a.It over the pluah oU royalty rev•· coat over a blWon and a halt the public on the d.e-au:rita and the mer1ta of SCA 8, pecl&l.ly aggrualve e.re the Ia&· yea.r. Yet, you got the Idea he 011.. accl'\lin1 trorh 1\&le tld• doUan, It llevertbele• ta· a b9-wbtch la a coneUtwon&l ain•nd- ak Walt-0na, with a well·planned never once walvered tn hla con-landa 1TMled ln t.ruat lo t.hal finning, and wUJ enable the meot adopted "Y the 1"6 lei'" Th• amcndm~t ttMlt WU pro,-ra.m.. v1ctlona. city. Und11r terma ol the com-at.ate to iet a 1tart on pavlni tal&lur. and .cb4Mluled to ti. th• rault ot aom• lmstllY ln• Sacram,ento· Sidelight promile, lht · •lat• r•t.e 5120,· the wa.y tor conatrucUon. Th• voled upon in November. veaUp Uona Jn.to the acuvtu .. 000,000 in m ty day• tolloW\n( ltJillature aJeo adopted a ruo-The amendment la atmple, ot the etat.e dlvllion of &rclll- approval By th• courta, and luUon dlrec:un,. acqulllUon of and read• u foltowt: lecture by a atat.e een&l• co.m.- nb-.queoUy, halt ot the oil the San Lull ReeervoCr •Ile u "No~ in lhia art.lei• (civil mitt" headed b7 Senator Job royalty rnenue and all the r~v· aoon u i• feaaible. Thii 1tte tervlce) ah.all prevent th• lee-r . McC&rtby, of Marin coun\7. enu• trom dry pa. wiih cor· la an lnte,-ral part ot the o~ lal~ture trom enacUllr lestal&-Dw1n1 th• inveatlpUona, tl rectlon of aub9lden09 problema all Feather River project, nee· Uon to aulhortM lht employ-wu tound the cHvtaion COGl(in't SACRAMENTO, (CNS) -The creation of f. new Ill Lon,-s-ch c:omtr11 otf th• e11&ry l! watAr u to ti. tran.a· ment ot private arch!t.ectl and keep up with Oie• work, a.nCl state department, such aa wa.a effected by the 1956 top, My percent for th• ant terred to Southern CalJfornia. en(ineera on a contract. ~ tliat therefore, prtftt• ftnu th1rt7 mllJioo.a, and 100 percent WATER RJOlft'8 tor the pertormpce ot work abould ti. hJred to prod~ pl&u special aesslon of the legialature when it voted to eat.ab-tor th• r-..t. Th• compromlH Ntxl w~ek ln Be.n Jrranetaco, wbicb the obtainable st.aft of a for atat.e bt.llldinp. to pt tum llsh the Department of Water ~urcea, u.sually calla propoal wu looked over car• an Important water 1utt over 1tat.e acency t• unable to per-under way. But tmmedlattiy, for 10me explanation of bow the organisatloo will work. fully by th• J.uUlatorw, &rid 1• th• rt1ht. ot c.momta to Colo-corm wtthln the ttrne the public tll• problem of th• at.ate ~ aau.tactory both lo the et.ate rado l\iwr weter, will open. a.c· lnterut requirea such work t.o 1Utut10D waa tnwked. f~ t.M Wllen Governor G<>odwln J. the 1lat• a.no rcion&l water and to Loo,-Beach. Money ac· cordlnc lo announcement. by At· be dooe," conaUtuUoo prevent& the birlnl Knl1ht ai(l\ll the biU, It wlU poUutlon control bouda; the cruln.1 to th• atat• 11 lo be torney 0 • n er a 1 Edmund G. But back ot the pan.&T&pb of pr1.ate nrme tor work wtUoJl become effective July 5, 195e, CaUto~ 1'lllrlatll a.aver Com· placed ln an mvealment fund, Brown. Al •t.P• i. a quanUty ltea the' wbole wbJect of wh•th· can ti. done by th• aiai.. al which ume lhe Governor mlaalon, U. Calt1orala-Neftda lo be uaect tater 'by tu lqte-of water calculated '° Mrve er or not all 1tat.e employment ftllllCE AllEJlD&D Inlerfiate Comp-et ~ l&tur. aa t.b&l M'y .... flt. approximately 7 ,600,000 ._1.. ahould ti. under th• t.erma of probably will hav• ap.polnled • 1lon· the CaUfom•-""'-trfcl S.· r-r Ttlr" Um ... •"'-&mm""-•• •' -...... ~ ' 09• Mean#hile, Lonr Beacb ta per· Tbe U.8. Supreme ~. wber9 cJvU aervic•. or whether th• -..,.. • director al a aalary ot $18,000 cwiU.. Commwton and the m.ltl94 to ('O I.head wtth need· the ca.6' l1 filed. ha.I nam94 J*>PI• of th• at&te haw lh• propoled by 8enalol' McCarthy'• annu.a.lly. The appointment muat C9'0rado JUwr '>o&rd. ed l\Vbor improvement. and ex· a 1peclal muter lo bear evi· rt1ot. It they ao chooee. lo au· committee, waa amended. J'lrlt; ~ confirmed by the alate Mn• Aa to lep.l counael, which ~ tundl/or carrylnJ out the denc• and mal<e recommend•· thorlse the employment of prt-the oommttt .. pnn'lded tor h1r .. •te when It meeta In January, waa one of the queatlona under purpoM• o U.• orlatnaJ truat uona tor a decree. C&tuornla vat• enterpriM to accomplleh inJ prtvau flrme tor work "ta dlacu.111on when lbe dtJ>¥lm«it pant by the 1tale. coptenda that water which Ari· work which need• lo ti. done. o.eae'' of a DOm1&l work load. 1957· ' wu created, the dtp&rtment WATD DEPARTMX'NT IOD,, aplru!t Whom the au.It ia and which the atate !!mploy..-Thil. ot cour-. waa not •U. Th• director, who will be a ata.Y employ Ile OW'ft attorii.,.., Ai the ~atw. drew to-d!rect94. l.t ~almlns leral tlUe cannot do. factory to lb• proponente ot member of the Governor'• coun· who wlU be authol'l.Ud lo ad~ wt.rd Ile clotln.I bOur. the wl>-to would com• from the ~&lo lll11tT8 8AO&ED oow clVU aemc., ao lh• m_.ure ell, may be tf!moved by the viH th• director on legal mat· J.ct ot a 1t&te waler depart· Vel'de ln1J&Uon dl.lt.rlct, the In literature aJ~ady iaaued, wu a.mended to permit h1.r'lnf covemor, or by eiU\er boua• ol t.ra and re-preaent th• depert-mMt llUl WM under dlac~on All·Amenca.n can.1 and the tM State l:mployeea .\AllC>da· private ftnn1 when pM.Jt lo&d.e ment ti.for~ other bo&rda ud by & tree conference commit· Colorado River aqueduct of the lion contenda that the cpn.utu· prevented th• lllate &om tuna· the I e. C I a I at u r • on certain ac-enclea ot tbe "1ate. tee, wtth lndicaUona UW. or Metropolitan W a ler dlatric:t. Uonal amendment 11 an l.n· 1nl out the work. charge.11 He will have thrM ex· To •pp.ar ln court cuea. nothlnr would come out of the Th• tbrM projecla have coet frlngement upon the .. cred cow But even thla wu uneatiatac- empt po111tlon1 In the depa rt.· however, the depertment alto,.. llM leJ11lature to put all agen· California about f~.(>00.000. ot civil aervlce. R.preaent&U•u lory, and & aecond and thlnl ment. a dt-puty and two u ala· n~a mual aecure perml11lon ot cl• tn •tat• rovu11ment whlcb The cue 11 on• ot the larreat of tht archit.ect. M1octetlon am•dmant WaN adopted be- t.ants, who with hlmult do not the attorney r enera.t, who, un-d•l wtth waler, under one wben water r!Jht. between claiqi the et.ate fmployee• are fore the mea•ure wa. in ftnal der the conatttutJon, la the le-root. Heart of the cont.roveny 1latea have been a t 1take. en1aged now tn ralalnJ a tre-1hape tor the November ballot. haV9 to mttl civil .eervlce re· gal repruent).Uve of lh• de-wu the objeeUon ot t.M 1tate YOUTH OONftllENCE mendou1 war chut to continue Undoubtedly, lbieN wtll be quiremenu. partrnent. aenal• lo tumln1 over water Governor Good""1n J. KnlJ_llt taeuanee of propasanda to a. much p~ qn IM>th lldM PR CS s 1 The bHI abollt<h!'a the Dlvl-PROOLAIM EMERGENCY policy to a dlnctor appotnt94 called & youtl\~onterenc• whlcb cut th• amendment at the polla of thla i.ua, aa4 It la llChedUled ~ slon of Water Reaourcea by The new director will have b7 the rovemor, and reJuct.ance ..,., held laat week In SaeB• lai,t" lbll year. , . to ti.rtn wtthtn a llbort u.m-. 1 ~ movln( ll Into the new d~part· authority lo procl&lm emerien· of th• rove.rnor t o accept a mento, In an effort to dtter-To c:o.rnbat the contenUon1 of a.a civil 1emce All.. hea't'llJ . . ronnerly the Newport-Balboa New .. 'J:lm•• menL and thta dlvlelon, now In cte11 aa Ule reault of flood or policy maklnf bc>Ard, With aev• mine What can be done lo com-the 1tale emplo)'ffe. th• archl-on ".c!uu.Uon" of tb.9 public. and the N~rt-Balboa Pr6U Public Work1, will In effect be alonna. eral of the .,..enclea on the out· bat Ju~Ut delinquency. The tecll will r&lM eome money Prtmarlly, uu. edvc:a&ton CQl)o A DwJ•Mbl• LMlal fM1U.uUoa tor O\er F oft7 l'eara ~ M 8«0nd-Clua Matter at the Poetoftlce In Newport Beach, California under the Act of March 3, 1870. the nflw department It ai.o I Al.90 crMted la a State Water aide of Ule propoled new De-rovemor polnted with pride tD too. and alttmpl to eatabll.ah lf•ta of eonenin.f up the tax- abolWlea the Water Projttl Au· I Rl(hta Board. of three mem· partment of \Valer Reaourcea. Calilomla u a it.at• w\th a firmly th• nsht of priYete en-pey•ra. convtnc"" Ul.m there thorlty, and the oC!lce of Btal• 1 """ eech to rec•lve u 5,ooo Th• J>r'Opo91d water department ('OOd r.cord, In comparl110n to tt-rprlae to partlclpete In JO•· IJI no aervloe like clvtl ~rnc:e. Englnttr. All power1 a.nd duu .. ennua.11.,y. The .. three will aerve le.liaf.aUon. in dttferent lha.pe. eome other i t.a.tu, and ur1e4 ernment conlrecll. •U to perp.luat. UUI ~. relatin1 to water now ln th• 1 for four yu.r -.tasrel'd terma. of courae. ha. been defeated Ule dele1•1.t1 to work out waya ~partment of Public Worka and appointment. muat be con· twice prntoualy, each tlm• by and MH.nJ to u.atat ul aolvln1 a.nd th• .O.pt1rlJnf'nl of Finance: flrmtd by the •mat.a. It wlll .tat. aenate action. the youUl problem. ~-··· fllr"'7 UOIMl&J, Wede"41a7 .... Frlda.J lt7 th , N&WPORT HAltBOB PUBLISBINO OOMPANY Ill!,.._ Blft.. NEWPORT BEAVB. CALIF. Pltoee H&rMr Hit ..._,,,... ........... IAcal NotAoe9 &Diii Ad~ata of All lltllda ; 0..-.u .. SaperiN Ooult .. Onnp Oo. ID AcUoa No. A-11 '7tt • X..'-OIWenla Ne_,.,.r Publlllbe" Aallodatloll : Nee'-NaH...a F.dltortal Anocl&ttcu1 N-.llv of o.i..ce Cowity N.-.. .. S.rvl~ arr removt'd lo the new depart· llendle all matter ~rtalning t.o ment. water rlrhta, and wUI act u ftTATI: WATl:K llOABO 1 • quul-ju.dldal All,'~ncy. Thf' A&t.e waw ....,~, Tha new department wlll be board la conUnuf<\. but llen<'e-ora-&nlad alone the Nm• llne• forth will be known u the : u other elate d•p&rtmmt.. atate wat.er board, to ronter 1 wl\.h the director .nabled to wtth and advtlt th• nl!W dlr«· er.ate d1vl1lon, eatabUah branch J BEN RllDOICK. PUBLJSHJtR tor, IJ>Pf'O'~ or c1t.aappr~Vf' rulu offlC'N . meke up tt .. ' buds-eta, WJLLlA.M A. MOS&S, i:dtlur and r"cuh•l1on.a. ucepl thu.e ot an<1 ~rform other dullu re· JAMES M. MATH!lNT, Adverti.1n,. Oir9<'tor ma.naiement. Qlll,..d ot al.alt clepa.rtmrnta. CHARLES A. ARM.STRONG, Mecha.nkel Sup.r1ntf'nden~ AlllO In lht-depertmenl wUI All <'lv11 Mrvlce "mpluytta now __ _ be the 8 tale R«l&maUon wot kins i.n the dtvtllon• which I ~ SIJllSClllPTlOS RATJ'Jt: ~oartl. but thll board retalt\I re, lo make up th• nfw df'parl· ! 'N...,,. ... Harbor ~ .. " ...... .,..... •• Trt·\\'HkJ1 u~ j)c•W"•ll Anc} d11t1 .. 11. m .. nl will Ix• tr'ln~ff'Trf'<l, &nd fa 0....,. Oounty. M.00 ,,..I Jf'Ar: ...,,00"' rn0<0.; S~...\O thrH moa.. 1'<•8l111r with wAlrr. but lt'fll I"~" ti/\n,. <If lhf'1r 111t11.a undf'r t Outaach of OnuaH ~t) ll.W Ptt )'oar I out ot the new O~parlmtnt ere civil Ht vu.... l f - .. Grass R~ots Opinion ... ABILENE, KAN., DAILY REFLECTOR CBRON· ICLE: "A cood thing to remember in theae d.ay1 of all kinda of 'federal a.ida' ia that the Federal 1ovem- ment h .. n't aot a dime that It doesn't t.a.ke away from the people. So it can't give anything to a BChool •Y•· tem, building pro~a.me, county welfare. flo~ control, crop 1urpluaea or anything else without fint having taken it away from the people." · Farmer McCabe Writes • • • Slipped off from the WOdlan the other d&y a.nd went ftahin ·. Drov~ about' 80 mllea to a Uttle pood that WU '1po1e to be loaded With flab that b&rdJy anyone knowed about. Didn't catch a !lib, ~t I dJdn't comt' ~k exactly empty banded ... you eee, we run into ~me other fl•h~rmt'n up there a.nd t hnrd some ot the be-at dumed flab atorhw a f ~ller · ev.-r listen('() to. Farmer McCabe lAll n1ht.a rutrv~J J DRAMA SERIES Methodist €hurches Slate . N ati0n-wide. TV Progi;am TM J'ourtJl Qu&NrlT Ooel.- moet umu.i ....U.C of t.bil BallMla lllaDd 09mpn1tr ~ ~ puau. 18 eobedui.d .. ..... wtUl .. ~ at ·=-p. m. Apr11 lL U WUl be bekl ta o.nora Ball. Pnl&det. &Ad c.bal.nDe of c:1allrc:ll ~ la ...... lo ota. o«lld•W.. will ...pan lo tllll coqnp.Uca the ~ . Pl d t at ol the oollerp, .. MGIL<Oed toda7. Metion&I OlrllltiAa Ooli.p Da7 s. llpCIDAIOrtd "' the N~ Ooancll ~ Olarabd la ncop!UOD ol tlle "COao .trl:lc'tl .. role pla,..S b7 tM JM)D.t,u«apport.ed ehu.rob.-~ lated ~ ., A.mGica. CUpmu. the c:el)' aCcndit.ed f~,.ar llbeNl &ZU. colllip ta~ Ooaat.7. ffClltftcl flnaneial ~pport boGl Ule Q>rW!• QaurcM. "' ui. trt«ate u.. pUINnenta o U.. put ~ and -"!"!"!!II.'.'!!!'!'!!'~"'!""!'--~~.,..~~------­,.._ tOtt u.. fUtun. Pnlldiq at t.1111 m•tlq wlll '9 the -... 1o1Ul w. JAaell. WldU&et a. -------------bid ~t. ~~.,. ... ....... "7 t.1111 ,, ...... ... .._ et CllrSMlaa ......... .... ...... ~ lh ....... i.. ..... ol Uebt --... lire. ~ ft. a. ...... ~ Episcopalians Slate Convocation Sessions Announces the Openin<J of His Office •• Avon St., Suite Newport Beach ... "C" . Pr.ctice timitid to Dentistry for Ch~dren 'Af-one-ment' Is Theme in Lesson-sermon Youth Officers room.. Regaidli11 of the price, our service remeina th.-· 1ame to all who C'all ua ln tim·• of neeC:I. Parkia-RiCfley tervice i1 always "Service t;ieeaured Nof by Gold, l:>iit by • the Goldtn Rule!" • . yon. ...r. or hlttdity ..ct ..u.m.t. Toa 1mow dlllt t1M latt.ft auaU1 nuW. tbe atcoDPf ldu.a ~ tlM demopa1at of a dlllcL TIMA 1" ate ftee to ftee :-tt1 lite diJtmma of t1M Cbmch. TM C!awda ca cln to nw, child wbo ~ wttllla te. l~ tM 1-rit.et of tJM Clll'btlml Wt.II.• It ao t.cll b1m UM truth aboat Ood; it can lbow blm tJM Cbrlatia ft.1 ofllf& Bat trt.t ~"~a dllJd 10t1 bome't wm the Jeaoa •atay lemMdP-Or will it be deltro)'.cl by laaiuce. atdtud.• and .sample COlltrv)" to all tbe CJmrda bee tacbtl It m't ..oqlt to 11D4 ,om ddl4 to dmrch 'IChool. Become a dna.rcb-colnc famll1t Let ca.riatlan trat.b mold the llft of your llome and it wiU mold th• lift •f your child. · .. • . . • IAl'TA ANA. (OC'NI) -1n the tac. Of a atron• oppo9f Uoe bl.ut troua Banta Ana oauacil- mu Osden Markel, the OountJ Pl&D.aJ.ng Commt..i.on W~ took WMhr 1abnrtfe;Ob a net lndUllrial son• propoeal for the SOUt.bw..t 841.nt& Ana area. l'h• prect.M p•an calla for tM rt:IOlllq of eoo &\Jft9 trona ... rlcul.tunl to lndwtrt&l. Property &. located OD both eict. of Tal· bert .&n .. ~ about 2100 feet l:ut of Harbor Blvd. and extendins to Brtatol St. and on th• Boutlllllde Of UM Paclfto Electztc Jt&llro.d ~t,.ot~ .from Jh11tol Bt. to th• J)elhl l>raln&re Cban.neL '111• Santa Ana City Counctl ncommeDd«l Ule cowaty plan- ...., approve Ul• 1ndult.11al son• bJ a a t. 2 wt.. Markel. bowevv, claimed th• aft& Jacki ..,.... and would -.a anoe tor Santa Ana. --We're ~ on daqwou eol1. Marke. M.1d, "to allow In· d\&1\1'7 lD &A ..,.... Without pro- per ........ ~ • • 1 wsat17 .... cu-t UM -wucaUon • delUed." Be WU MoUd up bJ Mn. earl LoerCh tn Ul• public hear· .... P1aaMr ht .Arnold mo. .. to ~ UM ._.. uader 1Ubcnla1on wat.U nport.a could ai. obtalMd trom the Ro.d and J1ood Oon· trol ~-t.a. Th• llODe would ha" l~ft. hOntqe and S0,000 feet N1trlct.lioa»-m1snum. ... NO'ftml CW Drl'ZlftlON '1'0 DGAGID Df 'Illa ULS OP .6.U>OllOf.IO BSVDAGU .,,. lJ, .... tlle ..... , ....... _~ ...... ~~eat.uo.na 109 Palm ltnK BalbolVNl'WJ)Ort 8eaeh Punuant to well tnt.nllo&\, th• underalpf!d II aPPlJlaS te t.be Department of AJcoboUo ..... rqe Oootrol -for 19u&Doe ot an alcobollc ~ Uc:.oM tw th ... p~M ...... I °"IA.La ... .u,.. ...... to..--Ul• laUPCe 1>f auc:h ll6enM -.., me a ftrlfied protfttt with th• 0.- ~ent ot AkoboUc n..wa,., Control. at Sacramento, Calltor- nla, •t&Un&' srounda tor denJ&J u proYkled bJ law. PAUL R. KOSS No. 1447 N....-Prem v.11/M ---.:.. a. ............. ....., .... ........ "'"' .... -.... ,... 11.t&.-r ............... .. ,... .. _,... .......... ... .......... _,.. ........ .... ................ ,.. ... .. ,..... .. ,........,. . Of ..... ...., ..... _.~ .......................... Iii• I sz ............... .... llA&aC-...... 11 II. I ... _.. ............ ,. .... ... .. r t ,...... r. 6iit ..._ ,..'lwaa .. ..,..c.-....,.. ....... pfYate i-eattoa-. ... . ........ :.-pletl wfdt cM hwa;U. tAILMpe ...... ..-. Pmlt ..... ..... .................. , 0. ,..,_.u ...... ~ .......... .. .......... . , .. IUIWYWl COSTA ........... I ..._ A ..... SeMe AtteR -••"-a '-'-"...,.._ u-., W«i • • • . ' PerDMm Wqe ta.to 20.00 tUe AH 2.UO 2UO 23.20 ·2UO 2'UO lUO 11.72 lUO ., . , I r ' : NEWPORT GUNS RECOVERED AT . LYNWOOD Det. Sgt. JOhn Bloom (right) of Newport Beach police ia shown with William Kempe.r of Art and Bill's Tackle Store, Seaaport Landing, amid.It the veritable arsenal of gu.na rec0,vered In burglaries of the tackle ~re and• another •port· Ing goocb ttore in Lynwood. Lynwood, Compton and Palos Verda Estates arreated two Youth Authority runaways in connection with the theft.a and on rrand theft, auto charges. · · · Bein&' dllpla)"9d thla w9'Jt bl Th.e 1930 Mt, wbJch abo had the Udo uttlce of tb• Newport a face nlue of 91 centa. but Balboa Savl.nga and Loan ~ coat $2.10 for Ula p.root Mt. 11 *>ClaUon la tb• nre coin col· now wort.a '"· It '°" up ln lecUon ot Kenny Nlchol.t and hi.I value every year: eon, O.ne, of Balboa Ialand. 00.LUrDl'O)l'll ITEMS The e14e.r Nlcbola, wbo tni.r-A proof eet, younr Nichol.I u - eated hla aon 1n th• bobby of plain.a. mean. the cotu are coin col*~. couenaU'Nl7 at.amped out mueb aJowv Ulan ..um&tee UJ• con.c:tlon. &ttrac-th• clrcul&Uon colDe JDd &N tlnty dlap1&1ed behind a doubta bJrhly pollahed, &tt.awvdl. st.au pgel, La valued at flO,· n ... an atrlcUy for eollecton.. 000. -Since tha Nlebola coDection la O.ne will enter the eollecUoo valued 80 hllbly. do they have In the naUon.aJ .American ~um· bUrrl&ry ln.lurance on It! lsnatio .u.oci&Uon con'*'l April They don'L The collecUon la 16-23, a tu.tur. of National under pa.rd at N.wport Jk1ho& • Colo Week. Lut year h• took Savtnra and after houra lt'a tn MCClll\4 place la the D&UOla tor the the aate depollt -nlllL TIM col· collectJon. . lectlon can be ...tewed by Ute VEJlY BA.llE COINS public unW the end of the Ra.re1t 1n the NlchoY coin dla-montb, play are two "Stell&" .. rold ------------ Dope Smuggling p!ecea. The 1119 Barber I o I d piece, dl.aUn,W.bed by the tlow- tnr halJ' ot .M..I• Liberty on the coJ.n la one of only el(ht known Att t E d • to .uu ~t. . The "Morcan" emp R S ID coll!, a 'colled ha.tr tYI>' minted • ln 1880, la one of only 11.Jt •till y th' A t known to w•t. Korran and OU s rres Barber were amonr America'• I $10,000 IN ~INS -Gene Nichols, son .of Kenny Nichola of Balboa Ialand, ahowa fabulous coin collection t o Joan Waterbury. ae.ctetary to the vice-president of Newport Balboa. Savings and Loan Aaaociation. The collection will be on dis- play ~·the Lido ma1b office of the.company until the end of the month. -$t&ff Photo . ~ut datsnera and ensrav-SANT.A.' ANA. <OCNf>-An en. allepd attempt. 1o 1muia1• a -----------------------------..---------.A.Jiotber rare item la one ot can ot marijuana lnto Orange the 1882 rold $1 plecea, a "p&t· County 1all Baturd&y WU ,ty. --D-EA--TH-_-N ... Or&:;:--E-- tem" coin it.ruck u an experi· mled with th• &rnlt ot a 19· I I~ ment. It la the farnowi "Jlins year-old Santa Ana youth. ------------Dollar," with a hole In the .cen· ter. Only elrht of theae were 8berltt'1 n&l'<l0Uc1 deputtee ar-(lllARI,l'.8 SHEPBEBD Mabeny Duplexes J.{. H. Maberry UU. week took oul a pair of Coat& Mel& city building pc!rmita for erecUon of two duplexes, utlmated at $10,· 148 apiecf'. They will be con• 1tructed at 408 A and B and 408 C and D Be~ Street. Charles M. Sutterfield. cont.rao- tor. eva atNck and the Nlchola coin reated Eddie Peco. of 1S2e E. CharlM 8. Shepherd, 77, ot la from th• collection of the 5th SL and charsed him witll 117 Gar"Mt A ve. died Apnl 10 la.le ·Wllll&m H. Woodln, U ·H<I· poHeuion of n&rCOUca. A to-at hl9 home after a abort Ill· retary of the u. s. Treuury, b&cco can tull of marijuana .. zaM. B• wu a naUve of New wboM private com collec:Uon aertedly wu found on th• aw· York-and a reUred railroad wu valued at $12 mlUJon. The pect. ticket •rent, had lived for RIDS Dollar LI now worth $~. DepuUu put on a at.&keout ma.ny yean In Halley, Idaho. p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j QUA.RTE& EAGLE In the courthou. acrOM trom He wu a Spanlah-Amerlcan H • d d s • Aho promlnent 1n the dlJIJfl&y lh• Jail. They acted on a let· War veteran, had resided here I en pi'1ngs la the intAtrutlnc $2.:IO Qi.larter ler which fell Into their baada. ror th• ppt 7 wllltrr1. He !JI £&ale, a "proof' coin• •tnack In It •lated narc0Uc1 wer• to be aurvlved by hl9 w ife, Ollie or 91 1897 bul never placed Lb ctr-<.lellve~ to a "Jack'' at the lhe home; two 1tep-daughler11. cul&Uon. Thi• one la rrom the jaJI entn.Jlc. Saturday m omin&. M.r1. Eva Maxwell or Lakewood I collaclll:>n 0( ex-Ktnr 'a.roult of Offlcera u ld they watched and Mn.. Elm& KahlJI of Masaa· l:JYPt. Po~ make a couple of tripe chu.aetu; one •Ltter, Mrs. Lee I Another rare experiment.al back and torth In front or the Richard•, or Loit Anrelt'll. R'ANCH col.n ta hi.I copper pattern of a jail at approxlmalety 9 a. m. R~aina were to r warded · $10 gold piece dealgned for In· Then, they u ld, the IWlpect Thursday lo Hallt'y for lt'rvlcea tern&tlonal circulation. On ILi alepped Up to th• jaU .nt.rance and lllterment. Baltz Mortuary ,__1 ooo ___ P_A_LMS_.....;.• _c_ALIF __ ·-= back lt lbowa it• nlue ln the and &1ked the truatH on hand of Coata M•U.. forwarding-dl· CARD READY · FOR HEAD MAN ffJ'll give thla to the poatmuter general," said Congreuman Jamea B. Utt Saturday oo~• of other 001111trle11 aT If he wu ••Ja4J<." Wh• Inform-~tora. -morning when he was pre1ented with a souvenir cud bearing the po.tmarb of the f ovr stations in Newport Beach, all with the legend ' commemon.tinc th• Golden Anniver'llU'Y celebration of the City ot Newport Beach. Pictured· with th• con. cr-aman at a Saturday gathering are, left to right, Councilman St&n2y Ridder- hof, Postmuter H. Payne Thayer,. the congnllSDWl, builder Walter B. Mellott, and Superior Court Judge Robert Gardner. -Staff•Pboto Dani.lb Kronen, JO Dutch Gulden. ed he WUD't. th• .uspect Jen. ud two ll:nrllah Pound.I. 1 •hill· Depuu.. nna11y eornled hJm 1n,, a pence. etc. Ooncn• did after 1evera1 blocka purault. not approve tt for etrcul&tloa. Th• dlaplay Inell.Idea all of the commemoraUve u. s. halt-dot-Vandal lurn1 Shelf Iara. Tbeae 48 col.DI are oon· eldered amon,. the moR beauU-In Mesa School Room ALM.A REID Funeral Hrvlcea for Mn. Alma E. Reid, 73, of 514 Mar· guerlte Ave., were held Thura· day at 3 p. m. In Baltz Mor· tuary ;--Corona del Mar Chllpel with the Rev. Edward Comke ~--1' ... ,-.-8-~-. -EPT--l-0-N-. -=....:.:...i INIUBED ON OOAST HIGHWAY -111ree Wll- mm,ton men were b~rt in a. two-car cruh on ·eout ~llway at Superior Ave. tntenection at 5 :50 p. m. • 'l'Ulld&y. Newport police oUicen gave emerg- ency fir'lt aJd to Samuel O'Npal. the driver, H.aQ'Y Sn.yd.er and Albert Cone. Although all three. of their t acea wv. coverecl with blood, nlme of the men wu .erioua!,y }\wt. -Staff Photo ,,. . 3 Injured At ·Coast Highway Intersection tul lo th• world t>ecawie oI t.belr rare quallty ot de.ten and de- tail Nylin P . Burd, 39, Sant& Ana SWteral c.oatraeto.-told Co8t& MM& police that a n-blilid- tnr h• wu conatrucunr at the tvertlt Rea School, 801 Ham· lit.oft St .• bad been enlered ear· ly BaturdaJI m ornln« and one of the ahelvu had ti.en p&r· tl&lly bw "ed. otflCiaUnf. M.ra. Reid died 1ud-WEEK.END denly Tueeday at her home. She HOLIDAY BOMU waa a nat.1ve of Iowa and had lived in Corona del Mar 7 f!B'J& to l"60 yura. She la 1urvlved by a Bir Jou .. "at.er, lreea, atlUUH. daughter, Mra. LoUlM Heet of 11 month oa 99 ynr I~ Arcadia.; aJIO two rrandch1ldrf'n hold-.. A ~w de\.~lo.,._t and an aunt, lllaa Ida Bern-almJJar 81.antord lJnlvel'lllty ha.rdt, of Santa Monica. and lrvllte' 8&100. S.1 Sllerea T'lll'M J*'90fte were 1.nJured, one Mrloualy, tn a tn.tno cruh at 6:30 p.m. TU.Say on Cout llJCbway at t.he Superior Ave. Th• Nicholl, father and 80n. have made 1noney fl'Om their coin lnvutmenu. ~. point.a out the 1'938 mint proof aet of all coln.,.. for tb&l year. Th• half-dollar, quarter, dime, Dick· el and penny of that year are brtrht and 1hlnlnf. Th• race val· ue 11 IH cent.a. The 1068 Mt IAI worth '12S today. Rematna will be forwarded to l118t Opened. Unique. Nou.tq- Norfoll<, Neb. by Baltz ){of'. like on . ~ d-.rt. UmJted. Officer• found ev1.dence that tua.ry ot Corona del Mar. Oa1T 1" 1lte1. a fl,.. bad been 1tarted 1n a ------------DOCTOR, LA WYER. LDterMOUon. polic. report-4. ------------ TUIO to Ha.c h oep1\a1 were ......... Warnecl-Bamuel Tbomu O'Neal, 49, 8UUI1 1 • atack. of paper. ecorchinr th• Mt;RCHA.1\"T, PR.lNCE h 1vt An I ack -Everybody read1 and heeda a • n&· . o d J et wu a......i.1ft. --from t~.n•lo .. uaed to put ~·t th 11--·1, the Newa-~N want ad1. That'• ·~ -r-.... WllmlnCton. lh• moat Mrloualy Can't SeH Craft lDJurtd. who wu drlvlnl' one -• ........ tor, arnol', pllons, tra.tne. report aald. Why they r•t 1uch quick ruulll. without a ltO,OOO lav•lnM•t, ot t.he ca.ra, and hi.I t.wo pu· · ~ Harry L. snyder, 43, to Non.Citizens and Al~rt Cody Cone, 87, both Ownera ot boat& mo,.. th&n from Wllmlnaton. who wtfered 40 feet 1n lenga or with _..f mlna. hurt& r--- Dnnr ot the other car wu plant.a greater than 60 borM- Dro7 Evan Lloyd, 23, So. 0a•• power ar. warned by the U .8. wbo wa. not hurt. .., .MartUme Admlnlalr&Uon t bat otnctai. al Hoal' Ho.wpltal prior appronl u nec.-ry bt- aald O'Neal IU!fered mulUplt fore aelllnc IJUCh craft to per- l&creraUona •of the foreh-.d Nd 110n1 who, are not clUzen.e of DOM. The 0~ mm a1JIO no thla country. Recorda ot the ad· cen.ct cuu-~t the face and mlnlltntlon ahow mor. than ..,.! .All ., .... reieaaed to their 100 IJ\Jch viol&llona In lh• put bom-. yHr, the admlnlltrator report.a. . Penalty tor 1uch aa.lea to Polle• aald the accident oc· alien-. lnvolV1111 cont19CaUon of CWTed when the O'Neal car at· the boat and a tlnl of I~. tempted to make a left tum or ·11ve rear• In priaon or both. onto Supertor ors Cout BJ1h· ------------ way. Uoyd. rota1 the oppoatt.e -ilri'itnon ~ H1rtiwa1. wu Jewels, Ring Taken uaable to avotd a colllaion, h• fr M H told otncen. om ftCI one I I ReolfY Sales High P. A. Palmer Inc., today r.- ported a Ulu volume totaUnc over •na,000 durin. the month of Karcb, acco{dlnc lo a nporl by Eme1"7 .. Hauon,. .,.._sn-&- dent of th• eompa.ny. Included la ui. month .. bwdh .. wu a bay- tront home on Vl& Lido Nord, tormerty own.cl by the Vlrpl Bucka. KJM Lany Hou.e boucbl U,. Udo llonle ft>T a1s.ooo. , Mra. Lloyd Braddybat of 390 Broadway, Coat& Mel&/ March 21 notltied police of the entry of her l1ome and UI~ of a 12· inch atnnr ot zlrcoM and a • man'• .. pphire rtnr. Sha u.Jd lh• left .bome for four houra and wbeA ebe returned tM two bed· room. had beet\ T'&nMCked. l:ntrr wu made lhroup a window. poUoe aald. Mn. Bn.d- dyb&t had no Idea u to the -qJue of the ~ ltemll. • told polke. ' • :ll•lt ... , ... : : '•. : . , .-., .. :;·,:-. . . . .. #:: now 7ou · can do It eccmomle- r.Jly In a contnUt!d commwa.lty. Wl\y tie· up S In coetly land when you ~ have aa.fe "Wle" and virtual OWllel'llhJp f Uae ~It.! to buUd. Here l'e- Urlnr CC>tfl>ift ftDd Llle!r laavu of rut la U.e aun. MOBILE HOME OWNEBS Who ~ a combluUoD bome. w1Ua aa "'add"'"'.. pm"&eJ', 1p11Ce, auauner atorar-. a bona. for ~Ila, are laVI~ '80 114111&19 feet mlalmma re- cutrecl. DRl\.'E (JUT R.AllON' JlOAD, MTOM Ole IM'W Freeway "· only Ji mJnule8 nut-to tld8 1600 &en ttSldelltial develop- f'ftnt. -tbe IJttle .wwkelad hometl l'olnc up at ...._,,. nt low cOlta. IDYeadpt. tbe fact-. No hll'b pl'HllW'fl ....... mu. Th.18 i. a developmeat bf the creator and ort,.tml owner of the famed Smoke TrM Banda -U• dlanetu UIMlrel. South ~.Age.ta· "C"· IHOllAI BML'IOR and A8SOCIArES IU W. c-.t ... ._,. N.....-. .,_. OllllL ~ Llbm'ty s:.Mn County Tax Fund SACRAK:i!:NTO, (CNS) Robert C. Klrlcwood, atate con· troUer, today announced that Orange County will receive 1127,338 u It. ahar• of high· way U8f!1'9 t&xea apportioned LO counUea In March, I I I I I I I I I I I l PlllllWl"YIM ... l. OH 11tlll f: '~ u .. cu l. L-L • t '53 Ford ve cus. 2-dr. ~ "64 Mere. Mont. h-t $ I Pi '5 r Chev. Flt. dlx 2-dr. $695 '49 Ford va CUI. 4-dr. $395 * ... * * OUr 3 St. Special '52 Chrysler Windsor ConY. la top concl. $649 ~ 'SI Mere. 4-dr. S.d. $696 'SO Ford VI 4-cfr. Sect $545 '45 Dodge Pickup -$325 'sO lntemetioMI p.u. $425 Theodore Robins YOUR FORD DEALE& .. Our 16"' y.., of 9v¥tce _ • -· .a.t~.o--~ -· -· -· -· s1oo ·w. CJOMt. HWJ. · = . · -· 'Ou the~·--;...;: U ·l-M'71 ' .. I --PAGE-6 • P"A«T I I-NEWPORT HAUOll-NEWS-n FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1956 . c-s•t IMd Sales Ilse First 2 Mowlln pMod ltnee u... ....,. .. , - .. ' Lhe market.. ~ to &oaud A. Wn (tlt. Nnrport a.ch .... lnp bond ch&lrm&L Orup Ooun~ r ldenta" ln· Yutmmtl ln Z. 9nd H lM\1141 ot u.1. 1&Y'tnf1 bonda t1n UM nrwt two mont.taa ot HM _,.. ~r than for oy two-ro.ontb LEGAL NOTICE Total for the pwlod wae fl,· 114.121. u compvect with U.· OTC.~tS tor lbe amt per10d la 196&. .A.DVZ&Tt8EJDNT • .oa 111DS NoUoe b b""bY f1ven that tht Bo&rd ot Trwteee ot the N.W· JIOl't Rarbol' UftMin HJih kbool Dlatrlct ot <>rans-Ceunty, btl'9ln· alter reterr.d to &a tbt "Owner'', wtlJ nce'lve up to bul not l&Ur than J:OO 9'clocl P.M., Pad& De,yl1Jbt '11me, of the lllb da,y ot M•1. ttM .... 1ect bldl tor the •ward or contn.ct tor the coutroc· tJon ot tbt JIM CLASSROOM ADDmON for the NEWPORT HARBOR UNION HIOB BCROOL, located tn M1d ~I dlru1ct. Buch b1cb wtU be ~•td bl t.he otfic. of the "Owner", In the l'cwport II.arbor Union Hlfb llcbool. comer ot 16th 8tHet and lr- 91.ne Annu., Coet& M-. ~ County, C.Utomla, and ah.all be opened and public'1 read aloud at U.. aboH atat.ed time ln Uie Board Room of Newi»ort Barbot' Union Hip Bcbool ~ bld mu.t eon/om'a.nd be reaponat._ to t.hla lnvttaUon, th• P*'-'· irpec:lflcatiorw, and an other documenta compJ"tans the pert.In· «nl cmtract~ta. Copl• ot the Contract Doculnent.a are now on tue and OJ*l to public lupecUon ln the aid otrlc. of the Owner &nd ot lmJUi. Powell le Morfriqe, ArchJtetta, located at 20tl w..i l!lfbtll Slrwt. Loe An~I• lf. cautomaa, and may be obtained a t the latt41' place by depoelllhf $80.00 fol' each aet. Thi. depoelt .nu be nrtundtd lf the eet or Hta of Contraet Documenta delJvered llre ntumtd ln l'OOd oondltlon withln five day1 after the bid o~ntnr. E&ch bid 1h&ll be made out on a rorm to be obtalJted at lhe of- f ice of l!mith, Powell It Morgrldf e, 208 Weat Elfhth Street, Loi .Ani"elee 14, Calllomla 1 WANT AD will cort you . s 50 only 2 end it will. run in ell 4 iuues _A Minimum ad ia 4 lln11 . ..... Harbor 1616 N_.,........._N ... Pre19 lloa4aJ, Wedz111f"J ud l'rWa;t efttws. Pia. .... OOMtal Sbo,,., "" ..,. .-..-------~ ~ DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery of the Newport Barbor ~Preu U1 guaranteed.. Carner boys will deHwr their paper1 before 6 p. m. en Monday, Wedneeday and Friday. I! your paper t. not delivered by that hour pleate call Harbor 1&16 and your carrier will brmr your peper. !!::!!!!1P~.!·~-!!!i!=.,_ r!!::~!!!!!.:!"~•!•~ .. ~-= !!:! ;!ll!S!Z • '9FD( .. fT .. Mt 21 'fll ... " ,,.... ,,.,,. ...... .AU. WmJ[ CJ(J~ ...... .... Mii GARDENING ODD IOM 6 C'1.&AN UP. NO JOB TOO muu. n BOOB. DAY OJl wm LI ~ w U '""" llpS LADIES Do lbouJd ... or fMt acMT la ftl!J+AXA.TION" uedtdf IUD Alf A.Pl'OINTllllNT f0t Swedish Massage bl 70UJ' home. "'--call Butlor •TN or Bartlar TO.. lltf OOLl.mll Btudellt. n. Law major. Woold 11ke employment Newport .,._ weekenda It 3 IDOfttlui ln aummer. D&pmdM>le, ~ ITcamon f..3alt du~ tur •Mk • Bar. utl.J w.Jt. mda. tlttc GARDENING Bauliq -and odd jobe. ft&A.SOK.A.BUI: LllMrty l-1168. Roy's Maintenance Complete Profe11ional HouHcleanin9 Floor~ but:ttni Window 0.lJina Uphoi.tery Qwnta1 Patio9 Color n.Dd Lutroua a.ult. REASONAeLE Phone Liberty 8-1 J32 &ft WBIN WOMAJf....,...-... ~ .., Mu.r UJl6, ~ s....s lood ,..,......., owa ~ Al•• wilt ei.utrwr. LI ..-T, or U MlTI Mell LICSNlll to operate -.d •'ft· saa.----~~ ..... 81ft1Wn tor h.ln. Want lkippen Job bf hOUr, day. week or mo. Ll!b.lsh t-7 .. T Mpt GARDENING and CLEAN.UP JOBS WANTED Pfaff Sewi1g Machine . BARGAINS Pl'AFF·Couole, ma.k-. bu~ bo1ea. .... ~ &11 ac, DOES EVERYTHING ................. SUt.le ELNA.-~on Pickup PJmpca. ol. --··-····-· -··· .. ·-···········____...,., oo~c Autom&Uc 1111 sac portable Save $&O ·----·---··--·---·:··----11......,•7 Oran91 Co'i. Neweat Center PFAFF DEALER• Morse Sewin1 Machine Oeat« ~ s. lWn Santa Ana Kl T-643& Each bid ehall be accomp&nled by a cf'rtttled or cuhler'1 check ______________________ .. LAWN Garden Service LIBERTY 8-6139 APPLIANCE ·and TV SPECIALS _______ _.__62_tt_o 121h" PIULCO, Table 'model TV ·-··---··--"2.96 payable to the Owner. or satl1f11.ctory Bid Bond In favor of the Owner1 executed by the bidder u Prlnclpal and a •au,tactory au,. ty com.,.ny u aurety, In an amount not IM• than fh•e per cent of the bid. The eh~k or bid bond 11hall be elven a• a ruarantee lhat the bidder w111 l'Xf'('Ull' thP. rontract II ll be a warded to him In con- formity wtth the Contrllcl Document.I and will provide th• 1urety bond or bonda u spedfled therein within five day• alter noUllca- tlon of the award of the contract to the bidder. The Owner retervu lhe prlv11l'ge of rejecting any and all blda er to waive any ln-egutarillea or lnformaUUu In any bid or In the blddlnr. Punua.nt to the Labor Codt ot the State ot Callforni&, the l&Jd Owner hu ucertalned lhl' general preva11lng ralt' of per dlem ware1 for -.ch era.ft or lYPf' of workma n needed to u ecut. the conlr1lell wtllch w111 be awa n.tffi the •uecf'u ful blddera; and thoee preva1lln1 rates are contl.lnf'd In aa1d 1pecillcallona adopted by the Owner, and are U fOJ10 14''.'I. CLASSI YICA TIONS · IJ>PRENTICES May be employed 1n conformity "1th Sectlon 17H.6 ot th• California Labor Code. C I a s s ;. f i e d Coutal &lloppu Am nue la lM w........, N.,........_ 4 Linea 1 luerlioa Sl.00 8.dd'L l1Del ..26 -. 4 LI.nee 2 luertiom USO add'l llaee .26 -. 4 Unee 3 Jue..... i.oo add'L au. .!5 ea. 4 Linea 4 lmel'Uou %.SO add'l bes .2.5 -. Bltu&Uoa Wut.ed .U. wtll recetft 16'7-di9oeat ~ta Mnaca eaiT IONllllJll AD 18 ' LINU -. --------------NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PBF.8S Every Monday, WeclMIClay aacl Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -Wedneedays l<Y' HALLICRAFTERS -·-···-··--$19.~ 1&" G. E. CoD.IOle ·········-·---·----$19.95 17" PHILCO Table Model, Excellent ·-$7 4.tSO 17'' SYLVANIA T. M. -------· .sn.eo 121>-i" ZENITH, T. M. '58.95 l'uUy uperlencec1 thia area. By month-week-hour. Phone Libert)' t-?Gn MASSAGE Howard Steam Cabinet 17pl Whirlpool bathe. IRONING tn my home 21" Call LI 1-7'72 tor appotntme.nt. Pl&cenUa. Coat& x .. L1 Miil l6cM GARDENIN C. 121h'' PHlLCO Comollette ---"2.85 NUU"&, wUJ can for elderly """ 151h" EMERRSON Coneole $U.96 ptOp&e t.n ;rw.r bome, eout La~~ 21" SYLVANIA Conaole . $199.60 .,._I RRou.ra at your ~ven· LI'w1ee. ··-~RPM Pbono _ $10.00 ence. ave car, upert .... ver. ....,. LI M231 tepN ----------:U" SILVERTONE Couole $138.60 CROSBY Refer.. Shelvadbr -----$129.M CROSLEY Electric Range ... $#.60 W. Elect. Ranp __ ................... $H9.!50 9k98 PAINTING YOUNG MAN. will accept any type ot work alter 1 p. m. U By Bou.r mW1 or larS• Jobe oil.. I cSon't lmow, l ean leam. ~~ rat.. H.art.or 2011-K attar I p. m. Llbertf 1-2112.. RlOCERS: Same wage t<'a le u craft to Which r1J&'iJIC' I.I All ClaMUled Adi meat be pUd tor ()Mia .. adnoUe ., pvlllkletloa. The publ.Laher1 wW not ti. J1Uponaible for more tl:t&n one incorrect ----------------------- He98 wft+.b DAVIS-BROWN tncidental. WELDERS Same wage 11011• ~tdental. as eratt Lo Which Weldin( l• ln.terllon ot &11 ad, rt1erve th• nrbt to corncUy clually &117 and 29--s.m Wut.ed O!, !!IJD Wutecl all ada and to ~J~t any ad not con.tomlln&' to ni.Ju •d recuiauona. __ .;;...;=z,.,__.;.;....;..~;.....----=---=-::Z....:.-------- 1885 Harbor Blvd. eo.ta M•• Liberty 8-3'37 TR.ADE OR OCCUPATION A.lphalt Ra ker and Ironer . .Ubemtoe Worker ....... .. BRJCKLA YERS HOURLY WAGE RATI: ---12.41 ............... -----3.26 Brick layer and Stone Muon ··-·-·------UO Br1cktendn . . ... 2.60 Marble St'tter .................... ·---·-----3.10 Terrauo Setter .. --.. ·-··-S.19G Tiie Layer 1Setler) ................................. -.. 3.U CARPENT!:RS Carpenter ... _ ..... .. .. -......... ·--· ........ ·---·-·-· UO Floor Layer ... _ ........ ·-··-····~ --.. -3.10 Table Power Saw OperaLor ...... -........ _ .. _ .. _,_ .. ____ 2.98 C"tmtnl Muon . .. ..................... _ 2.82:5 Cement Floor F'lntahlnf ~{achlne Operator _ 2.990 &leclrlChlll .................. _.. 3 411 Iron Worker, Stn.tctural ....... _ ..... -........ 3.26 Iron Worker, Omemental ..... ___ .. .. .. S.26 LABORERS Laborer, r eneraJ or coratrucllon .. .. .. _ ....... 2 20 Operator and tender ot Pniumatlc and electric tool• vlbrattnr m&t:hlnett. and •lm1lar mech&nlcal t.oola not Mpar&Uly ciaul!ltd hereln . ...... ........... ··-2.U Sewer plpe layer lf'xcludln1 caull<er) _ .... _ .............. 2 Ill Sewer pipe cau~r tualnr cauncinr toolll .... _ ....... ·-· 2.39 Sewer pipe caulker (cement joint.II) .... -... _...... ~ . 2.26 T a rman and mortarman ....... ... . ............................... 2.211 Window clea.ntr . .. .. -........................ __ ............. _ 2.315 LATJOmS Metal furring lather . . ........ -...... _._.. .. ............... ·-··-3.826 Metal furrln1 foreman .................. -.......... ·--·-........... 4.0711 Nall-on lather .. .. .. -.............. -.. -····---·-·--.. -· _ 3.126 Na.ll-on fort>man ..... ··-·· ............... ··--.. .. .. 4.00 OPJtR.A TINO E NGINEERS Air compruaor operalort . .,.. .. .. . ....... _ ... ' .. ·-2.411 Concrete mixer op-.eldp ly~ ... ... . . 2.~ TruLor op. bulldoaer. tamper . 14raper, or <trar type &hovel or boom atlachmenta . .. ..... ... .. 2.Be ~chlnr machine oper1lor -·-·-··-.... -.... -... -........... 2.90 ~4INTER8 Bn.&ah •.. .•. _..... ................ ... 2 90 Spray run or 1andbluter 17-br. day) ...................... .. 3.111 Sip, Journeyman C7·hr dayi ..... -.................... 303 Ca~t. U noleum &nd Son. 'nit Layer ··---· -........... 3 HI Ol&ster fplue 1 Wit. paid •ac&Uon) _ ............................ 2.70G ~ Pluter•r .. .-.. -·-·-·· ................. _. ··-·· .... 3.825 Plutftn fo~an . . .• . ..-··-·. .. . -·--· ... 3.8711 Pl-..ter ttnder . . ....................... -.................. 3 376 l'LUMBl:RS AND FITI'ERS Plumber Foreman . . ....... _ ... a 119 Plumber -Ou or Lawn Sprinkler fl'1tler . .. ........ _ 3.34 Plumber -Leed or Ceml'nl Caulker . .. . •. . .. ...... 3 !14 Ste&m Fitter Foreman · ......... 3 5q Stearn Fitter .. .. . .... 3.34 ln~trt&J Ptpentter F oreman . .. .. 3 110 lnduatr1al Plpeflttfr . .. .... -· . 3.W RoOfer J'orem&n . .. -· .. ... .. ... .. . ........ 3 Io Roofer ... .... 2.811 Sheet Metal Workf'r 3. I 2 , Tl\UCK DRJVJCRS D11'n'n-Dump tr11l'k -ll'sa than 4 y<111. water level 2.a..t Drlnrw-OUm p truck-. • yde bul leu lb.an 8-weter ll'Yll . . .. 2.33.'\ Drt•en-Oump lruclu-8 yd1 bill ln 11 than U - water level . Drtv.,...-TnlcJu-l•Kal p11yload cap.-leM than 8 lOl\I • Drinr-.-Truck.w lepl peyload C'lp.-belween 8 It 10 tons Driver9-TruCk lef al ~yl<Mld <"t p -t»lwffft 10 le 15 ton• Dri'All'& of tra.nait ml:lt truck.4, under 3 ya.rm . . .. Driwr1 of t.rarwtt mht tnK"ll&. a yard• or more Plua h•U.h and welfare where requl~. 2 386 2.306 2.~ 8pedal Nodcee Y Newport ~r . B. P. 0 . E. 1767 Me.-l.s every Thuraday I p.m. Via Oporto -Oastral An. Newport Bead! Al. R. Matthews, ICJLalted Ruler ~U-=~~~~5.l ~lltm~'~itole~-Seaside Employment Service Agency CEMENT A BUILDING OF LAGUNA BEACH All KJDdl FREE ES'l'IMATES i. Pleued to An.noun~ the Opening of it. Liberty s-etoe nu COST A MESA OFFICE at lSM NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MF.SA SPARKLETTS DISTILLED WATER LIBERTY 8-4503 ' THINGS YOU NEED at prices you cu pay BED SPRINGS le MA'ITRESS Complete .. ·-·······-·······-·$11 Baby Crib • Matt.re.. _ .. ______ ............ _. $9.ee • ... Completely J'unrlah Yo\lr Home CHEAP Men'• Suit. ..... -..$8.'50 up • i-00 Women'• Dreuea _ ~QOc • _&--_l"un __ e_nl __ Dtrecto ___ n ___ J'or C&rd1a.c CoDdlUoM Kidney 8tonea We have been .ervicing the entire Harbor Area for mor9 than a year, and we hope to 8el"Vioe the Cost& Meea Area to better advantage by eatabllahini ..a local office. Application.I for employment and employer'i reque.ta for penon- VETERANS INDUSTRIES MOTTELL'S AND PEEK . Colonlal Mortuary 7801 Botaa.-Ju.1t South ot WMt· m1D.1ter Kemorl&l Park. AD Oranr• Cowlty WUtut:SoD Servin( ftpl1llH af all f&iUui Telephone (Toll rr .. ) ZJ:n.ltlt 6231 No on..,,., turned a.way becauee ol la.cl< A)f tund.L NepbriU. All•rst•• Salt l"l'M DI.et Liberty &-601J Painting, Decoreting t>al"!r Hangma GEO. BURKtiARDT U~:S.EU WNTRA'-"J UR ITI W. lltlt k. ao.ta X... Llllerty ...... nel DOW being accepted. . Seaside Employment Service Agency P. J . EATON, Manager M. D. RASSETT, Owner On:M J1UDA.Y AND &A.TURDAT TU.L t P.K.. ColU iA and llbop at c&• ot our a OOGY.U.t loee'IM• t02· E. •th St.. SANTA. ANA. Attn. Property Ow"erJ HAND BRAIDED RUGS ftUCll JHWl'RtTonoJ( -----------------------\.re 7ou nac1•ttnr ORDlllWTAJDIH -----------J0Ur wa.lcr uat.ri AD Dtw ~a~ C A R p E N T E R a __ B_5J...._W_..w _____ %9-Help Wanted Mary J'uuda. 1111 a. ~ .,..._ 12--B. ulldlQg ServtOe. ~Work· LOOTED OFFER $2.:w> Lquaa aa. nan t-TM. mt• · -· Men aeu. dn1n .ild MtJ~ TW' COMPLETE PAINTING Doea T .... 0--·od~~-a., p&1l1nC water 2*,tM. Fresh a .......... Aid -._... -Jobanowopenln GIRLS ·~aue A Paper Hanging Service ee.u rrau. Ll1MltJ ~ SANTA ANA Lo blp can ywr DAT la NlGBT JIAT'rmml J:UQENE O. SAUNDERS All Wodr Ooarultetd 'Hett 8c.boo1 (r&duat-. GOOD NEWS.I We Offt ... CINla ..... I AumoRIZllD D&A.LllR Gun..1·e·-"'D n,..,,,, Co. ~ 81.A Str•t. Newport Beach &&'• 1 -4.6. ~ ._, _., .... Harbor 297t • Uc PAINTING Tb .. ..,.. C&rMI' GOOD J OBS-OOOD SALA.RY JOE BECHTOLD, Plwnblnc ll&l'llor 511. "" 1 Painting A Paperll.allgin& i We do the work ourselv• ao yea.n upentDCa LICIDMd 6 tn.urecl. ~acUOA (U&.n.Ateed. J:atlmatu tre. Call J obnJl1e. LI 8·2687 & LI 8-5289 llllc General Contractor Lle&NSJ:D New Work -Remodeling J. MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 6399· W 68t!c FOR RENT SklU 8awe, JClec. Drtlla, Pollaben, a.ll l.)'pea ot 8&.odens. Wb"lbal' rowa, etc. BOYD'S HDWE. 2130 W. OOAST W OHWAY LJbe1 ly 8-34311 Nwpt. Sch . 28llc ----------- CARPENTRY MINOR REPAJ.R WORK NO JOB TOO SMALL a. o. ~•non 101' E. SaJOO. BIYd.. Balboa Harbor 1•60 13Uc Masonrv Work PROn:aAtONAL WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED O'M'O JOIL\.NNESEN 1417 8&100. Bl•d. N•wport S..cb Harbor S-437 INTllRIOR -IDCTEIUOR Jobe wllll u cel· with fr..,,uent lncr ...... ln a _Hart1or ___ N1G _______ 1_1ci_ Mala at. at -.a. m..a., ..._ AL80 M.AJUN1D PAJ:NTINQ lent opportunJUu "' LICl:Nu:D _ INSURIID for ad•anoem•t. compa11y that &ctually e.ncour· &&'•• &dvancemenL Glenn Johnston Conatr\Jdion l'ULL P.A.Y .. yw .,,.. tnlntd. 601·31« st. Newport Bea.ch Helpers B&rbor 1171 Uttc -Openinp tor - PAINTING PAPERHANGING Sympson & Nollar Beat ~eel Wortan. Bar. "°' or 6111 J.Day Week. Paid Telephone Operato111 YK&Uona and boUda7' medical COVtr9Ct &Ya.ll&blt Lo empk>J ... and IMp!ndenta, Co. p&!d peulou and dl.l&bW~ plan. APPLY 1030 EAST FIRST ST. SANTA ANA •" ·Fri. 8 A.M .-' P.M. -Apply - i :OO to ':00 p. m. llHt N. Ka.IA St., Rm. 211 Banta AD& PACIFIC TELEPHONE MACHINISTS General all a.round exper1tn.ce. Al.a. Mlllinr Machine and INIULA TE> ptywood ti.lb bax., 6 tt. by G tt. by U lnch ... A*> dlna t.apt9tr7 C09W9d. C1-.n. rood oondlUoa. LI MTN Mete • • SALE • • DESIGNERS F ABRIOJ ~ou can bU7 them al ~ pncea . . • ud even lNa at MA..RODC • Wll8B8 tits cl.ee.r- .nce eaJe. T~ and rem~ nanta of WWllQAl and d.l.ltlDc- U ve tabrtca .•. al.to ao..lt.J trtm.I. • MARGIE-WEBB ORIGINALS ieoe louUt Cout Bouleftl"d- i...aima BMch 96ct1 Movie Proiedors -1'01\ IUINT I-KM t•KK a..1111 BOUY Md MODa. A.IRPLA.K9 9t1PPLml • Mears Camtra Shop 17&1 N.-port mft.. 01t11a ~ P1MIDe LDer1.J t-TOU. I ,r tf DRAPERIES and SUP COVERS XU. &e 0.... s.u...--....... LUCCI.I.Bl DRAP8JD ~ ........... Alcobolica A.a.on.Jmo• Wrtt• P. O. Baa Ill Ntwport 8ea4b, C&1K. Southern Counties Gas Co. L&the operatore. Only t.J.uMte -----------MOTOR CTQa l MT ....,... a.- Pban• 8.a.rbor '711 Superfluous Hair hltD&Aclltq ~ boa fact anm. ..... ~ aD4 ba1J U.. llaape6-.Ko __.. tw1 ..... a..a.&N I. BllY ANT Jt. & Udo'• 8alorl ot Beauty Bar. 1111 dW -Beacon PersonnelJ !00~ employer retained &f eDCY No r .. ooUecled trom applicant os-sut N.wport Beac.h dtalrln1 perm&nent 1t•ad.Y work In UUa area. need apply. Alk fM Mr. Burdick. GILL llLl:CT. M.FG. CORP., 130 W. 17th IL, Costa. M-. t6c97 GIRL. for houae work one• a WMJl. L1 1-TICJ. 81p9T WANTED Man to teach WOOD SHOP Lo boya an.tioona 6 eVCllAp. 40 bra. per wMk. Appl)" att. 1 p.m.. Barbor Boyt Club. .. O..w I L. Ooata ~ Nc:eT OLD JC.ITCHmN cupbOard 1.27.&0, neld P60 ea. •uSc.k ale f.1.11. br .. lroo • wood ~ from cau Hu. OMl·W ~ .... a. UO. old Ume pbono f20. A.n· ..,.. Uque or1an 1100. oriental ----------- carved chutt '4-0. old rocuN Wll8TEl\N IADDUI • 16 ea., Nlky P1.60. drop Mal 1C.A.LL Lt Wm.. lltf• chert')' l&bl.e $17.&0, anUqu. cloc:ka from 17 round ~ ta!Me ----------- Jlll.60, portable noUlut ~ wnter $47.60, te&l!lerwtll'U Slnsw port, (Uke n.ew) SIT.&O, .. "' old ch1na. ol4 Jn'*7, ~ plcll11•. c1ocU, ~ ••. •11: - Are You • etc. t.o 80~ at"f. Maa mall. la U.. ma.rtMilt ,_ .,.a"9 11 t room. B&Tpi.na ,.,,... ~ 11 rr. DA..TIKA.'J'Ok. ~ --··-· --------------· v• .. t our ..... ftes.,.. ................ C I 141UN4N aetde4 ae MSd.IUon Wanted boJ'I 10 to H ,..,.,,_ of e.ra .... ...,...., • -••· a I to re.p1d17 cqian.ttnc orp.nJ.u.. .... ror N ..... hw roui. t.o "'°" -CH.l.RLIS 0..4. VI.I, -TBl8--WIZIC-...--8P90J--.-::· DISPLAY ADVERTISING Your Relax.A-cilor UoD ••• »•• la tM Bar-ana be ope 800D. APPLY Mr. Putr· llOI m. A.N.hetm, i.,.. 8-dl. WUIDfaBOUD twta -~ ...• ...,.._ wtu. K~ ... nu W•t Balboa llJYd..-Hem1oc11 l50St 6 -. ....__ - CONSULT.A.NT K-. Writ. detalla at ODOI to Newport t.t cuyW =<N CSULN. o.mouuauon.. no ~Uon .. a-n -t.bia .....,..,... s·,+ N• Kn. '1t iuw WBJ:llUIOCiL ••-...ta9 ___ __.. _______ Bcaal• wu...n -HT.U ...... -----------CONODI.A.L WOMAN .. or R4c ........... '*11.M: ( Tb• ratea of P"' die m wa1• for ea ch of the varlo111 cla.ul"ca- UON of wwk llha.11 ~ th• ho-elnbelore H t forth prtvalll~ ratu ot boW'ly .,..... mu!Upllld by •tstil Cl l. ltl&ht Ill hOUl"a •hall ('On· 1tttuw a daY,• worll: ll betn1 undentooct tha t In lhe tvent t.bat workmen are •mptoyld 1""8 thu t>lfht 181 hOOF'I J)eT day. the per Sl.m ...,.. •ball bf! dHmed to be tha( 'fraction of th• per diem .,q. b.ereln •labllahtd that lhfl number of hclu1'11 of employment ~ t.o elJM (A) houra. o.vume aha1J be paid at th• nl• for overtlm• ot Utt craft In· rofftCJ ror work pcrtormld tn ex~ of th• r.r11ar day'• or -11·1 work. or on S.turd&)'e. 8unday1. an<I Hollday1. EXPERT or BTatt 6-4114 ..,. •• K WA.ITINO °'"" ln f'OOd he&IU\ for Ufbl IT.A.JlT Uift..Maklnf now for B11y f!.!OW -~-tlUe ..,_ bouHWOdt for couple. U•e In. MoUwr"• °'1-J'ath«'a l>V°-&M &A. V9 flO.=-'=--~ BolldaJ'I u hentn ret•rr.d to &hall be demtd to be N....-Tur'• o.,. DeGpratJon Day. lnd.,,endtnce Oay, Labor Day. Veteran'• D&y. J'tianbl1vt~ O.y, an4 C'.bn.tmu. U any oc tll• above holktay• fall on 8Un~. the Monday tollowtnc eha11 be co.nalde.red a lepl bo&lcs..y It ab&.U be ft\11?.dA\or'Y upon the Oontnct.or lo wtiom a oontrut t. awarded. a.nd u-pon &D auboontraClor'I W\dtr blM to PQ not 1 .. t.h&n Mid pnwal pN¥&1llnr rat• ot ptr dlem ...-lo all wort&· ma employ.cl tn Ut• ute\ltlcm of Ute contra<'t. N o bid~ m"J withdraw hla bW tor • per1od at torty-n ve (d i laya aftu \M da~ tor th• openf~ ot blda. Roudat~ ~ Hartlor \hlJcm mp 8c.bool Ol9tr1~l Of Or9ni-Cod!l\1. Callt. Dy ZOIC RA& BARLOW. Clerk PubllaJ\: April 13. 20, ltM No. lUt N ..... rr- -----------ro.R aMKJ:ft OR IA.Ll:&M•N. ~ 1e11. hcN Bl1de9 -Onda&atlon -9lltll· .. TIDI &•t.•I•4TO• REMODELING COLO WAVE P.nnuent.. c1a,..1 Oood ~t. ot 'J'OODa.•M• .... -.... •• DouJd kooW local area. YOUNO KAN to tn1n tor tood yanu. itraw., Corde, b&Ddl• __,. COMPLETE c.ll<C:"~u.. ::=:::a~~:t:~= ~~~~-=eldlx:= Jake's Anpffence1 LlCllNS&D $6.60 to $10 Jl&rbor 1111 tOdT ll06 &. Clout ~. C.D.M. lllloWdie,..U.. lll.oleil la ~ 1llT ~ lift. rr.. adYIOI Phorle Har. '608-W Jl&Jr C'\&l 11. tlbampoo 6 Mt Jl.60 tcctt • ....,.U,.....,. Piil,._ LI ..._ M ... _ Apa Ct.IX> rncrtt .B&AU'l"T 8ffOP 'l'TPJ.11.'.'8; TIM Oounty ol ~ .-.. .._......, .__ '° p t ... - -----------ltal anarcb at. nr.t atrwt llMt aap w ~ ,...u.oect JDDDUI Aall. WOlU..N, lpt :f:-.:;: ~ ..._ ~ 1111 We41HM ,... ....... OP For Results of N.wport BtY'Cl. Wt .... ltUl TJpUta to won ta ()Data..... ~ ---.. ..,.,., ...... • all~ all ..... -. and IOth. Oaeta w..._ LI...... area • permaiMlll buSa. 0-roodl.. Uft tn. d&J otf. ..... ... ......_ 81118& .. ......... UH ti da:/ ..-_ a w.ll ~ Lu t..aa IMndllp. Mp 1' ...... .alt. nip. Kut .,_ Ma ......... 'rt'stl1e Classified •••H•t ...u.-.,.. atii.. .o Me.u. ~ "'1M...... ~ • ... ..., .... ..., ........ ,,_ W..W l1beftl 11 r'l• AfP1 &l ~ • '1'N ' 'I• I ~t.e ~ Orteta.I R.u ..,..-. .... _... Ads ~ O...&T Pw Ml omc.. nap ......U7 ~ ~-ti• or,., ~a "' ..... in thf 001:.0IUD> LADY waau ~ ... ~ort.11 •oedway, 9Ula sn..va rax 8TOL& m&lee ,.,.... PUIRMA.N'I JT~ "mo. Wit.II ~ ....... ... W'Ol'll by U.. day, OoM rd An.a. IUmtMrly l-Ull. Ex· Pl:RrlX:'T 0()1''l)ITlON E. an...t Hittrw&Y CD M a.n~. di&1 or ..,. toe a . N1w1-Pr111 Kl 2·1348 tepee t.n.Aoa an. M<-91 ~bl• RAr. 1134. u nc9T Ma1n. Orulp,.,. can u 1-~11 • . I I 1IJOD8T PIUCU PAID J'OR JUNK DWN la dr ~ BraN 1ec lb., Lilad l<kl lb., copper Uc UJ., -1wninum 1Je lb. Call U 8-1701 Hcl ' • ----------Sant& Ana Kualo -KI 1-1m FUllvton K u.alo -LA 11--0251 Hcff '51 Chev~ Sfylille"" • De1uz.t ' door .edaA. BAB ' ~ W.W. WOODS GMC DEALER Slip & Rowboat S f R t • 116-lt Z. •th Bt., Santa An& pace Or en 21 INCH l!ENTIN.AL. knotty Truell lreadq\.l&l't.eaJ for Or. Co. Ameneaa Lerton Jl5-15th St. pln• COJWOle wttb ~ oon~ ---------- "' u .. -2nd .. th Wed 8 trot. Beaullt\11, UQ n-S2711 mee.,_. ~ . p.m. 2102 N. M.m. Santa AD&. '54 Plym. Belvedere PRt Hc98 Station Wacon. RAH. WSW. ------------8 ft. 8KU:TJCR. complete with ~ USED pl&noe wanted badly Hy · drive tranam.1.-lon. •teel'i:ne Wheel, handle.. etc. for our rent&.I dept. Hllb•l cuh The newellt one in the C&nva. deck tor Ught welrht . aJlowance ln t.r&da on new piano Co t 1 • 8-t. llU-R Kc911 or orf&n. 8CH¥ID'l'-PBJLLIPS; UD y · SOLD MY HOME 2t rr. DOUBLE ENDER. cabin ~o No. MA1n. 8&.uta An&. S1595 ON OCEAN FRONT. BeautltUJ cnililer Good motor. 1ood hull. HAXMOND Model ~ UMd but tu:mltun, O'Keete A Merrtlt S.. at Q sot, Udo P•nl.Mul& perfect ooncUUon. acHXIDT-• .iov., Croaley llbll•ador r9trt&'· ~orap. MAJCm Otrr'ER. PHJLLIPS, 520 No. Kain, Sant.a MILLER erator, BeAd1x wu!aer, Orlent&J 1:. ·o. B&undena, 600 -3lat; An&. ' ---......_ __.. ___ .,,._._ JUST ARRIVED! . 1! ....... II .. ..,.. .. Our lint mt.t.utial rt'& t 1956 RENAULT l • ' CA.ft·•" Lido Pen1nmla, Eut Slat St., Npt. Beh. . OJ'l'l:RS · ~ ltftnc, 4pt..C.buu t1tiUu. paid. wttb • Yacht llllp ~ DallJ.' WIMJT, JNlftthlJ, rwt:J. .._ ...-ror appt. r1 ,..,.uan, can Har. 2882: ........ ~~~~-~~~~-~~~~-~~-~-- OptlGMJ u atn eOllt ..._..,._ for ,.... .... Ual PriM •1111 Th1I &ma.zinc little car ln a reomt roed nee wu fil"lt I.A It.I clw and ftnltbed aJa.4 of 11 ean with larger engtne11. Tbe Benaalt fln"hed ID fl"Ollt of a DKW, Borpard. Dyu .. pt..uhard. Blll· man-HUlky, two Vo~ a Porwcbe ~- 1ted and a Singer SM 1l500 &mOQf otbln. MOit ot theee can have twice the ea,m. ldM ol Re- nault and coat at leut $1000 m.on. Thia reman- abLe •bowing again demonatrat9 th. tlUpll1> safety and ha.ndllnr qualftiM u well" u perform· anoe of Renault. We invite you to come in and drive lt. Hausken-Watson '55 Chevrolet Del Rey O ub cpe., R1tH. WSW, black and white color combination.. .. $1745 MILUR Cbnrolet • OldamObil• 700W.Cout Hwy. LIS-22:58 w A.MTm> to l"mt -a bedroem ~Barbor ....... ~ ..... or ._. ~Ul opdaa to "1· Want~ ftNpL. t .. oed )'d. ~UJ empk>}'9d 1oc91t>'. l:XoMJct loc».1 Nt~ wrtt.e boll XlJ, th1a n..-.paper. U tfe Ren~l1 Wanted w. Med apt.a. and llllOUM9 .. all MCtiGna f « boUl wtnt. -1-.z'• 1-. l'u.nL or un1'\ml. If JOU ll&H a TaeaRCJ, ~ t.oda,r •11 roao eu.i.om 1 dr. MB. • The Vogel Co. O.l>. Mv.t ..U. '616. B.anot' DOl W. Cllt. HWJ~ N.wpo(t Ba. 'lll·W all.er t P· a. nM ~ Phone Ubel1.Y ~1 mar. Balboe.. tl tto IOI M.artne. Balboa Ialand Pboo• HU'bor "" '55 Ford V8 Victorie l8e1 z. c.t. 117 •• 0orona dtl Mar Pbon• Harbor 17U J'ordomatic, MB. 2 tone. U do Otttoe, "11 Via Ude WSW \lnl pa.. Like new. Barbor "71 ' 170l Newport B!Td., Colt.a Ka& u rup all trlMe. Draperi• and N•wport. Har. 2976 Kc9 Chevrolet· Oldsmobile conilc• 0n travenae, pkturu, 17 luch MOTOROLA comb. with 700 W. Coast Hwy. LI,j-~258 2201 So. Ma.in Santa An& Kl 6-1188 ,.iu.wa.re, dilhu and bnc-a-doona. AM·FM. sPffd. Perfect ----------1932 Harbor Costa lUa LI 3-l lSK S2095 l..Jl>tn7 1-6697 brae. A18o, Pa.intere ladden, $t.-M ....... B.ctlo, a T V ah.ape $88.60. 1102 No. a1n. 1966 FORD ToWll MdaA. A. vol· -------------------- n ry chap, u c.ada about 20 Ba.nta AA& Hci8 onta.ry re~lon compJetely MILLER tt. hlP-Radio -TV Specials 8PSCL\L sUYr ;:1~:U:· :!!2!6 !i~ 1A.CRD'lCE. ~rr am.I. OUT. 11 USJ:D 120 Le... A.OCORDIANS T Can .• 12 ... "-'·---n•, •-• ......... "'. CO"_._ • '' •TEUR HA14 C.U Ja.ck Youn&' or on7 tu , .-~ • .., • .... ..,..... • ................ .IU>~ u low u S'8 f\&ll pne.. Va.Ju .. LJCXinlton S.JMI. ttc92 ,,_ Daily 1:30 a..m. to ' 00 p.m. n.dio and traru1m1ttu with up to $175. Tenwi u low u S6 H pie mlcropbone, from 10 to 160 per montb, a t.-________ • _ meter coila. SHAJ'l!lRS (81.ne• 1907) >LL A.WAY BIID. Cedar cb•t, "21·423 N. Bycamort, Santa An& tma.11 mahoeany table. Kahor . l&VERAL TV• that have ~en Phon• Kimberly i-oen dreulnr tabl., bench A mirror complet.ly rebwJt lnclud. new ----------- Mlntoti 6 llmoo«M dlnntr plat.. picture tube. ELECTRONIC Orpna. JUl't like 8ln1er Mwlnc machine. Kar. 17 .. Admlral couol• SH 915 n•w, aave f-'00 to Seo<> on theM ~w. HpM l i" Zcllth con.aoole ... ··::::: $79:96 t>eauUtUl Ofl'&nl. SCHlUDT · d.RJ:J!l rooro.t ot beauUIUI n.w PbUco Comb. record-play~r. radio :!~ i:~ 1~~~ No. Main, 153 Mercury Mont. Cp. R le B. Mercomatic. A HARD TO FIND MODEL! $1495 f\&mit~ tor $190, Corll4 ln •TV apeeial ·-··· ........ $69.90 ---------- look &niund. 19 lnch DUMONT COCU10l• wtth MILLER Cbnrolet • Old.lmobD• wl&. m c:IOMd paUo, ,._,1y Special of the Month 700 W Cout Hwy LI 8-22M ALSO two I bfldrm. I llllath • • apt.a. tum. • \mtum. , AL9() DOW taJdDr ~ ~ a Putl for wmmw nntala. COAST PROPER~ CO. !'1~~·~-~!8'il~ftoe~!_..---Ruta Jayr'9d, ~tor NEWl956PLYMOUTHCLUBSEDANS Motor Overhaul :::~~~n NO MONE'!' DOWN Phou Bar. M6I •au. 6tOO ti Overdrive, arm restll, air t~ eeata, o'1 ftlter, !"C:~RENTAL tone paint PLUS standard factory equlpm.nt. 8 Cyla. $GS.88 SPECIALISTS exterior trim, direcijonal aip•la, IUD '18on, 2 KUB, eoo w. C.t«, AnaheJm u TV SERVICE CALLS FM radio, mahopny wood S95 . atov., retrtsentor. ml8c1. turru-$2.00 2102 N. Main, aanta ~98 700~~=ii~~~~~ TOTAL PRICE INCLUDING TAX & tura. Cheap. LI. """o attn o ANTWBJCRJ:: ANYTIME -------------------- lncll.ldM boUl l&bor and puta. CALL l!DNA. CRAJG LICENSE Hn dACa. wn. pu. nm .,.... -... ot m&1n llD4 rot DORIS BRAY, Realtor ~ ~ motor cua. 1lp. t1t JUrlD4, a.JSbo& lalaad ....., -~au. .--.-. kmda tltt HAXMOND Chord orpn, UMd. p.m. • •eL c ouarant .. b~ .. m,. acsvrnT Grant W. Musick l\ARll DNm table. BeaUWUlly BRUCE PHILLIPS, rr.nctllMd Ham~ IDWd aU ""'"· lOI~ Jltll St.. mond De&l• tor Oranp County, Your Hudson Dealer N.wport ~ 11ar. 0«0. T ~lev ision Sa les and 1120 No. Hain, Sant.a An&. ~ and SERVICE t llpt7 Service S6 PER MONTH IWltl a l'ood w N. Lo9 Ancel• KJl 5-7278 14745 Harbor Blvd., Santa Alla practice plano. Twm rent ap-Anaheim UUc MHa Woodcra~ KI 2~1u Lil MU6 rutea. pll• 'tt you buy; 8C1DOD"I'· ---------- • Ua,_intfld 6 Juvcile J'unUtun. 9Clcl PHILLIP8 Co., Santa AnL Good W OOLOM'liL DU K. Gov. ----------pracllee planoe $89, 1110. Slt5. lnaUll'op puu., nnt.bed back Knowlton Electroa1ca • b'aat ·-····-----Q UO TV REPAIR brBlift DUKa -··-.. SU.to up MlNW AX • DllFl' BTIJNB t.\J1 ~ JIJYd,. Oq81A :W..- 2t Inch MOTOROl.A., tabM mod•I wttb table A: antenna. com· pl•l•. 19611 mod-1 1199.60, .....J 2102 N. Ma.In, 8a"'9 Ana Mdtll 1 53 Ford V-8 ~:t·T. pick up. R & H $895 • LI •tMI FA&T::i:'i.-:~~ABL& DO IT YOURSELF d-A. .... beep trleM wttb LI 1-6200 MILLER ....i • OO'fW. 0ooc1 oan· u HI-Fl ..... Bar. .... . lld1 BALDWIN Acroeonio I p t ll • t BUILD YOUR OWN HJ -FI Chevrolet • Old.lmobile f l"IllOlll. J\&ttan f\&rn.lture ln· Plano pe.rtec:t. You can aavt on pbOD.OIT&ph, ualn1 Nnrcomb la 700 W. Coast Hwy. LI 8-2258 • ~ J cUvana. sprtn1• la th1t. BMuUtuJ Spinet only '390. H&nnon-Kardon AM-J'M tun•n. , ~. Colt MOO. lacrt· Another Spinet M.a.bo1. CLM, ampllftera, •pealc.ec• la record '53 Studebaker V • II 2 dr. com- $2112 (KO KOnY I>OWK) Bu. to or .. u:BUILT ENGINICS ON BALBOA J8LAND -UP to 11 M OMTB.8 TO PAT- 1955 NEW YORKER ' DOOR SEDAN ' BWlt ta OW' "1l &actm7 b7 akW*1 •tieN••eu. o-'l ooal.94 WSUl 2-tone gray, power steerinc, JIO'INI' brat• -u.. aiddJie au. a..:r dtNlt. NELDA GIBSON, Baltor Radio and heater -·---·--.&n Bundndl RDUU..T and INS'l'UJJCD IOI Ji(.artM An. 11.uw aot • IBO&T JILOClt B.U.BOA. IaLAND 1955 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON t PON>\ :~::: SEE ME·TA NEL9QN Light green, automatic trana. Radio, bMt.er-~~oom-==-we CORONA DEL MAR WSW Urea ··-·········-····--·--·-·--········· ······---'19915 CSR~ • D~ aoTO --J lTO J'OI\ CBOICll JUINT.u.&. rrut>ICBA.UR -·-S,170 811AJ10NA.L .. YK..UU.Y. 1953 FORD CLUB SEDAN OLDe 6 PONTIAC ~ -fl70 llOl S. OoMt a.,.. au ..... BUICK ___ .. ____ sn a u 2·tone, radio, heater, WSW tu.. ................. '815 BUIMIOM -·--·-Jl76 ---------- LOU REED & ASSOC. ~::a.:~ ST~~~ ,.... tu., ....... ud oU &. 18th P1aee,. OD8t.a K-.-0,-....., 10 UL t.o 2 ,_.. U ._.,Ti. Ntto 1 -BEi I ES ENGINE ChoJce Wlntw Batala. Oll CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER 1200 W. Cout Highway LI 8-MM .._ ..,..., reuoutii• Har. love»y ton•, only S'97, alway• pi.yera. Com. ln and ... them. mandu RltH. O'Drh• black. .,..I(. t lk:97 lot8 ot wooderfUJ barplnt at We will help 7ou a.-.mbW It. waw. Sacrl.tlc. $795. Harbor -------------------- 8CJIM.IDT-PIDLLIP8 Btr Plano I 4132-W. 2124 M.iramal', Balboa. REBUILDERS Balbo& Ialud •Udo JaJe 0,.. D&U1 ... ,_.tat.a aa.d.s lmail • .., -........ ~ I aooJU B&AlJTD'tJL NWW • Orpn Co., 1120 No. Ma.In St. DAVIS-BROWN CA.1J afte I p.m. 9ltfc NEW LOCATION rr• to tlOO ..u. nnuart1IUD wt~ I Jle. ~ 100 PWloe t.o cboOM from. J:uy 1116 Ratbor Bl•d. • ::-,.:: ~.!:: !t "::: term&. <>pen ..,.,.., Friday eve. Cceta.,K ... -LI WU? 51 Chevrolet! T. . ._ Uld ~ .. tablM, 1 model's a.u.r>WIN flDe8t o1 planoa. Silt 21 lncb MOTOROLA conaole •56 . Author11ed 310 East 3rd St. VOGEL CO. Distributor ~ LUtT.t. ARA :: = ~"'-. ~ ~ R-E~O taMa lampa, I pe. Wl"CIQlbt lr'CIO tt. Orand. BeauW'Ul C\llltom model, tieautltul -.lnut tin· J>ll:k up. Deluxe cab, cor· ...U.. moMl'a 1-tn • .at ba1Jt pl'OTind&l cw ot Phil· la.II. Llk• n.w u 1uo. 2102 N. ner windoWll. Heater ~ I ••• *-... -... l(plDe ma.bar. PlaySnc Jnedla· Ma.tn Sant& An& McH ..trrw. i...s. Pllllao ntrtis. • ALaD la eaM perfect. •~ ---· ------- )lap: C:a.t,..... ~tw..., W Ollt&.l.ln& Drln LI 8-~ H .nn.a= n.,..,. p.._ ..... Low .... ,.,.....t. 106 toeM -;::;.:s::? v--, ..,_ $695 ..... tie 1117 ............ ol· ~-~. ~..;;:;;::;...:;:...:..;;;:__ __ .__ al U.. ...._. Jll'tola • W LOVJ:LY dKtronic J manual .JEAN HENRI MILLER ......,., 8J)lM\ orcan-In ~rtect con· F ch ,..._., ... _ of Oldam bil SUB IOO w. C.tar, •vWm tt d.1Uoo. l&w "400. Tenna. nn ......-~ Chevrolet • o e CllUDm(, ..a~~ *~ ~s:'ce~~o. at DOG CLIPPING 700 W.Cout Hwy. LIS.2~ wltla ped. bH aa4 ld'6. Ill W-611 N. llycamore, Santa Ana Worka ln 7our home. 1960 BUICK 8pec:lal 0.IU.H ' l9M eoadlU-. U a...il\ &ttw PbDa• Klmbe.rty 2--0871 lMt ~•Un Ave., Colt.a MM& door tow1A&' ttdan. Dynatlow, l:.IO p.m. 9'ctl <>nnp County'a Ofl'1Ul Hdqtra. Har. u u t4p8 a .. i.r, under.-J, Hat coven and many otru. Ortrtnal ::,1ack -.Oln>ID KA.BOO. t a.in bull -tlnlah. Poroelanlad. R I t t c t cJaaJn • taw. wtU. .. tAUioL BIG SAVINGS ON NEW S&-Aat.oe Want.eel Mrvictnc record. UnUI" .al, tln• VU7 r9MC'N.. Ol"Mft ,i.uo KIMBALL SPINET eondJUon thru-out. l" ii prta. caitour tMar bU MW. Hu . PIANOS! OLD CARS "475. Orl«tnaJ owner Phon~ Hll tkM Our bl( "ONCE IN A C&N· AND JUNKERS HYatl '97889. tt For Orange County Now 24 Hour SER VICE on Truck Repa~ring . * All MAKES * E!imjnat. C09tly U.UP9 In at 5 p. m. -Out &t 7 a. m. Slnc.1933 R-. Bu. 11»-A •Bu. U.R N4SR·!IUDSON Mtfll 0WWW 14SWPOAT .. OllTI RJOH HAHN'S 1IOI • 1T01 au.t ria.. "" A.'11'0 K.t.DIO amPAD!l IMll'1U.. ....... a...; ar • ....._ B1DIWU.TIC SERVICE ~~.a..~~-. ..,. & lt'l'B ft. 16pl --,.,. J(~ ... -----------~~------~-MSW 1 bdrm. UllfUnL ...._ ,...-. ~ T. V. ouu.t. wa1.W J*ld .:reiut1 eal7 NI G -4!1 I a lk PORT O~GE .. Bar. '10'.a N.wJ*t = ~= _ ......... ,r_s_T_ER_R_IFl_C __ 2300 W Cout Blwa)' OM LIDO, MW I bedl"ow _... ED. THOMPSON G•r•g• N.-port 8..ch u ~ ::. :-;..:.~ ... 11tt:= (Corner 3rd 6: J'rech) we .... .-.. ..... ~ J'lrwpltce,,...,... ll.._ room• T\TRY" factory movlnc Kim· HAULED AWAY !!-!: !!!I!!' · : ~1-:u:!9 = ~ ~ FREE Phone KI 2-~ Sant& AM Jl • &St l!Mellet :__.a1111 4t.ntnc rm. o,.. eat. w JriY. --------------------U _. ....... ~. ~ SW p&t»., TrtJ, ..._ ...... '54 Chevrolet Bel Air Tin ~ Ooantry BoUle world tamou. Klmb&ll can be AN'nQUES J'OUl't et t"mendOu. •'rinp. y ,..__, ._...__ cooVflltent Call i'.UX Super k"loe "'-~ .uui.au. aalJ4Uta, ---w-.--...... ...... ..... OOi>S* t.nu at LI ~l 1900 Newport Blvd. • ~ lam f\am.ltol'9, ~ aRA.FENI (Since 180'7) S'f cl ":, SJ~ ~ lttlM '-u.. •n-us N. S7camor.. Santa An. • .... • ...,. tor tM eollector. Pbal9 IUmbel1y l--Oe7Z ~ KATBBYM AM1f JOJDf8 PL.An:R PIANO. BaldWtll com• 1'"1 aart. Bl"-. llanta Ana pl•tAlY f'eC<>nd!Uonfld. play• !. ftc!IQ M • roll&. '315. Har. Mii or Har. UM. Rlcbard.aoo Yachl SELL . ~OUR CAR ~ t6ci7 p AID J"OJ\ OR NOT ILUOIOND ORQANS compl•t• KoCarthT h n M'ol"9 _. PADDLEBOARDS ~~'::a.!:; .. ~~ 1uo a. x.m KJ i~ .. U ft.. •.JO ton J'OU b\1.7. n. pracuoe • •••I Jif!! R It H, Powerglide. Sold new and aerrioed by u. ! S1495 . MILLER · Chevrolet -Oldsmobile 700 W. Cout Hwy. Ll 8-2258 'lit FORD mu.\ •c. lmmed. beauutul, twly .qulpl. Fair· lane. M y .qulty 1360 cuh or tralle. Call Pat, IAJdnft~ ~ '4784 alter J J>. m. Hdl ti. • $,,._ A .... lft6I. aa f'OOIM Mn. ~PHIL-to--Aatoe for a.le IAdliC1N M"1 L1Pt1 BiS Piano and Orpn1-----------lld at.on, UO No. Kala. lant.a Ana. ,53 Ford V-S Custom '53 Pontiac Chieften ~~----~~-------" 8'l'mKW A Y Qruc1. AU on,in.al OODdSUID and 1114t.rta&. TllD Fordor, R 6: B, WSW. ·~ Tt' .._ • •~•·· p 18 lfO muDJr PIAHO. A1M --"~ TRADE ~ ~ JI(.-• llamlla, IMt• Qu.avinc O'VVOUIY. ~ ....._ a. • maq otMn at~ a vtnp. WQ\ ...U. --.& • ....-V· "-DI 100 ptanoa trvm Wblcb &o Ult W. ~ ....... Jf--= ao-. 8C%ID&ID'I' • PRD..LIP8. ~ ..... ao M .. Main. ..... AAL ilOAT • KOTOll ..... -1111 A ft_ .. , ...... wtth ....,,... ................ 11 11'6 --.....,_ MILLER Deluxe, 2 dr. RAH. Hydra. WSW. Local 1 owner. 26,000 actual mlle.. $1095 MILLER ft. Wbanl ~ modal. ~ ~ flllt.11' AM· ao&t • mote" Wl• uw. J"UU':r "' redlo. 1 .peed.a * '° Chevro~ • Oldamobllt Chevrolet -Oldamobile eq\llpped tw ak1Jnl or t.tl .a.ore 1102 N. Main. Santa An..Hdl 700 W. Cout Hwy. lJ ~2258 700 W. Cout Hwy. LI 8-2258' ftaldlle--U W i t t.. Hdt . -· j ' .. 11' xmoe, ..., ---SUM 11e1 M IO' Pa Azl* .. untne ST• ---------- M W Pan.moaat ~ f'2l6 PAN •vt:RICA.N ....... I mt-C rt1D I bdrm.. _,.., C. ll. ---lfO Tta;J_.,.,, 1 WnL Ulll8rla CMtt ....... ~ I bdrm. -... Q, ll. -· .. ----------1 bdrm. Ulll\lfta, HJ. ~ Terry's Buick Corner ~th and W ALNU'l' THRILL of the ye•r is BUICK - -~o.,.--tn.llilr MW (ftnple.ee) --.. •• •·&, -~.. ' VOOJIL 00 a.na,. ~ feoad. lilcrttt~ Bar. 111 · Nd'T UM 'l'nSJel' ..... Bv. UGI. ---·----~--lttlc UHGLID A.IT" .sa. to -.,, ... NOW BIG9EST trade-ins ever ----------11119., atQ ... .. .. -· ....._ llUc NOW Biggest Selling Buick in History Terry's Buick HUNTINGTON B&ACH . • ,. ' ' . a=a•r•t 1 PAGE I •. PART I ~EWP0RT HARIOR NEWS-PllESS ~ W11• - 1---_ FRJO;.i.T, APRIL IJ, lpo , ; · • August Income ~!!l·i!..11!•!::•!111!!!.! ... !!!!!•~--;;;;;;;;;:!!:::!!!!!::!!!!!!!!:::::::::Jr~!!!::!!!·~· TT'IZZ-- • Ann9'inefn9! ! • e ' .. • HOME LOANS Conatruction Loen1 -Refinencing . Free Preliminary .Appraisals (, Comi1po~ta for · Lile and Casualty lnsUn.nco Co111pe.ny ot Tenneuee 1 . Banke1• National Life lnaurance Company SOUTH COAST Mortgage Company Approved FHA llortgagee 1600 Woot Cout Highway -LI 8-7791 Every Month Ow.. ntlriq', wm 1lliiM .,..... .,u -opet'Utd <\...., ~ pt"Optl'tJ' -Wllili ... Of Loi A.apt• wti. ..,.. flO.OIO ,... ,.., lllCIOml> Mid -........ Am~lA.....U~l horn• Cl!' d\lpML ID ~t.r A.ff. ..,... ,...,...,..., °"' OWN.El\ Webetr MMl 01 Wr1l• 2t&T I : Oodlr&D A.ft., Loi A""•I .. lt. , jJrok1r:1...UCS"'4 _ --82 BOii- EXCELLENT BUY $11,500 EAST 11th BT~ COSTA MESA. .s br., O.L ~ Payment. Ht.as mo., Incl 61'-bit..n.t and lm• pouncbl. . Sening ~I .~a.te · Is Not A ·Siderine With U~! • It t.n't tho euy wk oomo ~ mll!>t think. Experimee la roqulrod If utlataetlon la to bo .. urec1 w both buyer and IOller. -u.t 1"'W' i"'OP"rtY today with ODO of the 300 Membul• of the MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 401 N. Newport Blvd., N~rt Beach ''The Pacific'' ' llODICL BOMJI • • OPEN • ltoGp.m. ..... ...... • Herbor hlend Roed ............ ....... • ahM• roof ·• Jl.a1Md tlapt.cne flrlpl&C4i • 1AUi din.Ins ar-. • LotlllM 16x 111 • Beauutul p&rlalins· e IA.r&e llUIUl.Y pat.lo e I J'oreed air tumecea, r•rbage dl81M*4 w MUq"houN dl.911.· ....... ' • BaS*Rt• Mf'Vic• rwm • Fin• cablnl.t l.MtallaUOM • Newport Beach, California -----·---------~---------· 1e lui.lt ln al.eclric alev• and oven • O.UfhltuU)' decorated Relph P. M11skey '8A-Api.. for Beat N'EWPOR'l' HEIOHTS UzdumlaAl;d. 2 bedrooma, rarqe, Ilk• new. "6. Hu. 6006. tt Corona del Mar New 2 t>edrm. Wl!llrn. apt. l 'ii blk. to ocean 193 mo.-1ny. 323 Jumlne. Har. 0552..fl. M c98 ~.II t.. R.llALTOR - ----:--0".'"uz"-'to==---1 ::":::11:...:N::..._:o::.:..s::•::"":_· ......:-~-:'.'.'02 Golden Rule V 11lues HOME LOANS CURT DOSH. Rltr. 10% NET INCOME Con•trucUOft -Rettnance-Sl.lr• 31 S " I A mer ne ve . aeauurut c-Pl~ -t 2 8d. Rm. o~ . 51 ••1' • t 'Ai lu, JUnda -Bids •• Lou -Balboa Island and I l Bd. Rm. unit• -' Prtvate. Xon•y · H b 6 p.rqe• -OAly a yr1. ol,d --er or 15 0 rtnt elu1 ra\W. -will n•t Truat Deed.a Bought '< Sold t .,. , MWUWll • ~~~~------1 Call For Free Commitn11nl INVESTORS Priced to Mil al 125,000 Terna 1 •• 2 bdnn. apu., l&uod•y ""· DON L HUDDLESTON INCO"E BARGAIN B1 day, WMk M moolh. u 1-0MJ Coat& ><-M ' BUY. OF THE WEEK BLUE TOP MOTEL 173 i:. t'l'tb. et. 10000 Buy1 M)' Zqutt.)'. a.-2 bdN. co.e-ln up-town _ le'-i Bd. 4.0J Newport Blvd.. 1------------1 uni~ nMr Kboola. all 1'91\.td. J\m. Hom. -Older bol ntce N-port Be&ch 17Uc LOA.NB TO BUILD, DlPROVE, $237. per mo. p.r. diap-t.--and c-0 -•tov• • Refrtf. ------------1 BUY, MOOERNIZJ:. OR "wet. LI 1-6133. 1:5p91 BeauUf'ul lot -Br• \hi.I Bayaboret Beach Hollie OPEN HOU'am rrt. -;-Bat. -Bu.a. -:W:oa. 13111 cr.1tvtew Dr. ; lar .. PLUIJ If"•· rm. over far. I pe:t.IOll, knotty pin• Interior. mz lVlnl. Priced rlft!L Other BA TIHORll U~ BACK BAY Out..tandiD.J: J br., den. famOy d1n. rm., lot. ot 41io.g, vtew, be&utit-.J )"Vd -roon:i. toC' hotM -pool -Twma. • l:Xpenail'ely landKap!td • Ra.t.ricttd area °"eloped By ClattftCI. L. COOper,,Inc. •uUt By Johll B. Clark, QU&lity Builder J'or prevl-ahowln.s to quall.fled clleoll Call .John A.bell HARBOR . INVESTMENT CO. ' KILLION real estate P11r11de of Hom• Values • Lido Bay Frontl Lido tale Femllv Hom• • Md:toora. and ... N 1¥t of ftn91. ,...lerfront .i.. .... e p6..-lllp I badrcoa'ul, C bl.lb.I An exqul.alte home .ror th• 1al1ct buyw Two ud.a Ml! KU.. .......,. ..... ·--Nolhln&' *\U com.pan al 111,IOO Bay1hore1 Bar9ein 11,IOO down h.yrnenll len than ,_, J MdtOOml, J bath.I Oompl•tely hlnWMcl l.Jlcompanblt ~.borw Buy Bett Newport Buy J ll ,!)00 ruu. prlce Bm&ll down payment L&rge fenced comet" lot a bedroom•. 2 bl.tha s .. thla, you'll Look no further Costa Mue Trip lex NMJ1J New .. pl.Nt.e ,..,,.... .. i..o..e1y laadme&plDc Unupectad family ch.an,_ make lmmedl•ta -.la nece1Nl'J, Brtns" la your otter! ' Kl LLION real utate 33U Newport Blvd. H&rbor= .. , .. LUXURIOUll 2 bedroom tum.. R.l:FINANCll TODAY. apt. ov1.rlooklng Bay -Wt Buy Trult IHtdl L f S I ALSO NEWPORT BALBOA SAVINGS ots or II e s 11p twNmlonPentn.1uta Prlv1.te "LOAN AaSOCIA.TION Owner• wlU 1uboTdloat.. Ph"il SulJ"1v11n -& a bf., den, nncby, wide )ot., l ba t.hll, EZ t.enna. a-acte bt•Mt>' 6/1 acr• REALTORS Harbor llOO_ _ _ E venln&• phone LI l -63MI • Preview Show=-ing>----• _•_ • dock. Har. 2f.50. tf 13&8 Vi& Lido Ph. Har. f.200 Or WW tn.d. uo ,., '" M '"" .,.,.., .,.... Geo. T. Everson ------------1 TUSTIN LOCATION 48-B--8009e9 for BMtt ll • _ ISM Newport Blvd., Cott.a Mell. "LIDO l!LE, , bad.room.. 2111 56--Mooey w .. w Rt'd H I, ,_mon ·Hric-ht& Otn. Ph. u 1~711. Ev-. Har. fi:SM 120alt!O ru\.rictad . SHORECUrn I br .. dta, view 10 ,600. ' Level lot1 llO, 100. 110 ft. wtd&. Ll 1--13 bath home, oa annual bula. PRIVATE J)6rty ha& three 6'"'c Mulrnum conlt.Nctlon lo&n11 '"" UDO Ca.lit . troptcal, 40' lot. ler- Bllp for f.0 fl. boat, UM of 18 firat T D'• for 1ale. .Well ... obt&Jnable. 1------------1 rtMc paUo, wlde Ol*l houae, rt. Vlklnr runi bout power boat, cured, local p repe.rty. U 1·2032 , LAGUNA B lb lfil,)00. I car p.r., bffutlt\l.lly turn.lab-i Otfc -. I dill pri ob. II 011 "4· i hl'ubl. 1700 per month. a.AC ulll.n trtat. ftt• be& Cl • V H Inquire at •1 Balboe. Cove.a. I------------I ~ v"'""' FUmlMed dupltx all on one noor a1re an Orn Newport." 341ttc 57-Ret.l Estate Wanted Call tor tntbrm•Hon Oood .wnmer rental•. 1 b1ock REALTOR YEARLY, oli1er 0111 bdrm. hOUM, S car r ar•&• 16lS mo. In Co.ta ~ Har. 3f0e 9~97 -U oyd Barnett 27 1o Bay &li,MIO wllll t.ow down 31 W. Cout Hwy. U 1.-.211 WANTED by V•f'J rteponllble H1.rbor li07, Zvenlnp Har. illl party non trai::t moderat1ly paJmmt. priced 3 bedrm. or 2 B. R. • MUST SEE A.n ucl. lo• on channel road, Bal- \n SHADELAND PARK, 2 bdnn. tum. coltAle. clean, r.<i«<>- ~ted • quiet. No amall chU· dren 170 plu• elecl, 17fil, Po- 1110n& Ave., C, M . 95c97 den home. Harbor ar•L yr1. 2038 P'AIRWA.T OR.IVE, COSTA boe. P..nlnlul1.. Only &12,000. leue. Would llkfJ option to buy or low down payment. J.IESA., 2 bdrm. houaa, 4._ lot, 2 Ocet.n JP'ront lols on s . B&lbol. Excell. reter@ncM Har. 63f.T dbl. car,. new dilltnct n ... r roU BW4. &10,&00 each. 91ctl COUrM. L&rJI. llv:ID.J' nn., lal'(• ------------1 llltch•A • dinette comb. .AtUc T HRER: BDRM. untum. hou••. 80--lAcome Proprty e n10•. olo.1 Newport Vl•ta tracL INDUSTRIAL bid.I", with sbow "5 mo. Phon• att..l"IWOl:1 and room, ~U. SOlh. 81.rHt., Nnrport e\·•· LJ 8-1023. aeuc BMCh. IAUed t0rr 1110. mouth ptu. utlllua.. l.DW tlllM. Prtc. NEW fi bdrm. hou.ee, 1 ~ balhll. lll,OOO. Har, fi321 or '* u dt•po•al, ne•r C•nler of C. M. .AIMI 3 bdrm, house. D•Y• Har. BUSINESS A rNOOMIC property, ~9 1 -LI 1-8270 1.tter I Pm. lith • Placent11.. By owner- ~=-.,,c--=c-c==-:--:-:,--'-'-"~' I l..I 1-67&e &fter 6 p.m. or Wftk- LJOO ISLE HOME, 3 bdrm1., 2 end11. 7~tlc bl.th• • p1.t10. unrum., leue. I I& Vi• \\'1..1!er1. ATiantic fi -Ml73 or your Broker. 9f.c8 49-Rooms fur Bent VEftT DE!IIRABLI: rm. ~ bed, prtwt• entrance &12 per week. 311 Marlgold, C.D.M.. 9tc94' CLEAN ~Ice rooma tor worklnf men. 141 A S8 ptT week. 1M3 Oran1• A"'·· Co•l& M•••. -· 60A-Commerclal, Industrial B/-B Commercial Industrial Division · lnaul&tlcm, hdwd. flora, r61.1' y1.cd fenced. L&rp down. For 1.ppt. wr1l• 600-.31.t. or call Har. 2871. 8.k• VERY, VERY SPECIAL e 2Aden e lkauUfuJ A lmml.CVlat• on •"'-•ere e F 1replec• 6 HaNtwood nOOT"1 e Barbecu• -and. all> f«1eed. Uk•"lo Uve In th& Whit. Hou.N! W1 don't m1.an wttb. the Prea1- d•nt -but W• hav• a White HOUM ,. Santa A..na Ht... ttl&l will rnak• you 'up to pu.'' Ol.U CUl:VA., Kl 6·3112 -· NEWPORT HEIGHTS , 116,960 YEA0R OLD fi bdnn., 1 % bl.lh horn•. B-.m c•Ulns, knotty pln• kitchen, 11.rbq• dap., 1'', A.. htal. L&n<!Kaped, fenced A dbl 11.r&f•· NKr H1(h khool. A. (ood buy. OWNER, LI t -0291 . ' lkiT Coast ProDerties Rutl:i Jayred, Re1.ltor MJ14f'ld RIO• A: Sylvia Tl\ompaon. A.11<1elate1 IOl EL Balbo1. Blvd., BalDoa Phan• Hu. 2461 or Har. f.IOO • Lido Nord Bey Front EXCLUSIVE LI8TINO (Flrat tif• offered) ' u On• 1t.ory mC'<lhm b.om1. Beil Nortb Udo ~ loca tion. I a R., 2 bath. ~ )TL old. '3 It. Lo• ' " A.II modern cof$enlencaa. elec.. r1.r•g• dool\ 1 fl7 ,600. l~ll'\I. ,' tncl. •Harbor Inv. Co; RltALTO~ 30th A Np(. llb'd. ------~·-----I DELUXE RANCH ESTATE 5S--8tot'8' II Offka U0 &C. ID :P'allbrook area. 200 '-'---"-'--------1 acr• In water dlatric t A a • Ground Floor woilL Hwy. ,~ ..... """'° ---------'4U< •OFFICES OR STORES value 3 bdr., 2 ba0r. IL1l elec. roR SALi: BT OWNER.' btd-1---------'-;_,.___I Make roof horoe wlt.b pano-room home, l '!ri, balha, land· Hu. l lOO ' -BEAUTIFU~ Fo~ Lea.ae in -ramie view. Le.rte front lltht-1e&ped A fenced. FHA loan. Harbor Inve1tment Co. Bldg. ed patio. BBQ A: caretaker'• Jo'rffdom home area.. Cl.II hou1e. Ideal for cattl1 ranch. I..lbar\)' >G23 mo.miJlCll or 30th le Newport Blvd. F'U ll price Jteo.ooo. Will tr1.de aner 6 p. m. ltt!c Har. 1600 for lncomL ------------1 Ji'IRST TIM.£ OPf'ERl;O, one ot LIDO OFFICE SPACE NOW 1.B:A.llNG oftlce 1pe.ct In Ultra-modetn Ellt tbroek dealrn- td Udo bulldln1. No finer bulld- \nf· no rtner addr .... LI.DO REALTY, Afi1ociatea ifiOO Vta Llclo-Hubor '''' '" lCXP;~ LOCATION • C.D.M.'1 flrt6"t du~u.,. TWO bd ntll., flrepl&Ce, patio ln e&eh. Wool c•rpeta, draPQ. 1arbal"e dl1po1al A• •Lldlng 11 .. door to large patio. 8 u1!nt1111 corn-tr In Cf!ntirr of Ca.ta Meaa. Full pric• tst.000 "'29~ doWll.. Owner will c•rry balt.nca. OPEN HOUSE &.AT, .. BUN. 601 Poln•tl tl&. Corona del Mar or call for appL Har. J6t2·J. INCOME "' .. CONTEMPOiv:RY. OPEN HOUSE SAT. 1-5 p. m , 1 lf.30 Oodphln, Irvin• Te~ Ortttwood rock tlreplac•. J B.J\., 1" bat.hJI, J'riJid&lN w • l I n.n('ll, WW carpel.I, drape•. TV der~ autorn1.Uc w.Nlf!t. Dllltinfllv61y C<>nternpon.ry! .1 c.1 Lots 66' l'RONTAQIC oa Cout Hlfh.· way, C.D.K 111,260 or ewnit Will bl.llld lo 1ult Uin&Al. 20d) tt. )Ol BalbO& 111. &11 ,1" ALSO BALBOA. ISLA.NI>-J'urn. 2 bed- rma. 1...&r1• patio, good \erma. 1-than 120.000. CHESTER SALISBURY REALTOfl CURT DOSH a.nd Cl..JJ\ENCS LAKE Aaeoclatat 3111 Marine Al't., e.Jbof. lll&nd Harbor 6971 ttct7 * SEE THIS * OCEAN FRONT! ONE OF THE NlciST A BEST •tucco dupluu and the belt location on lb• ocel.Jl front. Sit In your ... y chair and en· joy watching th• Snowbird A y1cht n c• ind 1wlm In So. Callfomla'1 tln•l beach. Only •7~ down. Shafer Realty Har. 140 108 Mcl':addtn Pl. At ~ Newport PftT Ev11 Har. f.f.31-W, Har. 2'29-M "You can't b.ardly 11t 'tin "no mor1." OPEN HOUSE l ·G 81.turday • Sunday 11• M.AROVCR.ITIC, CDM .. a br., oak fin., alwnlnwn Mlh. prb. dl.poae.1, nrepl., Jc'e.. w1n&nv1. 2 ca.r prap wtth l&Wll1l')'. Lot all fenced, &1•. 500. 1:':1 -4 U. 11pt 1. 1. yr. old, all 2 bdr. Top O~anie County I~ caUOn. 118',000 f'qly. Xchg. all or part for catUe ranch. EXECUTIVE HOME kclllnJIY Oift1rentl ~, P'OJ\ RENT, Nl:W office 12 x 2fi. Ud.o Shopping a1·ea. &7':':1 per mo. on yra.. l1aff, Bay A •Bt.•ch RH.lty, JW L&faytlta. Har bor aa•a. If.lie INDUSTRIAL Lovely 3 bednn. A An, J bath, 2 patio., with va1t oc•an view on 2 11vel• In lovely Corona H l(hland•. By owner. lf.5,000 Excel. term.. Har. lNJ ff.Uc P rice J2T G00-&6000 down. ~ SICA.WA.RD RD .. CORONA ' r\... HIGHLANDS. A very bea\LU- H&r. 1776 Eve•. Edith Maroon. 'i'l.tul view home lW"ilh J br .. 2 HY•tt fi -1222 ~lil&t.hl. WW carpet o•• a.k fh.. prbqe cU1pc.&J. Only ET• John Macnab Ha rbor 616' $111000 f'(lCll MODERN 1tore room or ocnce at ll&JI Placentia. Inquire a t prop9f l)'" after 6 p. m. wffk day1 or All)' l ll'l:le 8&L • Sun- ~-~....!"67H &tt.r 6~ 10 level ac"'' on 1eW1r. Re--aon- ed M·l , Jlooo' ~r 1.cre f\111 prtce~? • Bay & Beach Realty Inc NICW fi bedrm., J bath bom1, E I W St I O .• H4.,'\'LATKROP. 1•36 E. <:oaat l•rg• dbl. gara1•. real n,... or • an ey H Har. tf.42 "80 ll'YH. pl1.ce. Extra ci'lotc1 locaUon Ut REAL TOR 8:ticN Co1ta Mf!I"-AllO 3 btdnn.. 1---'--------- w.Ue.ndi. " ' ,,.. Day LOANS for Homes 61J' -to yr. tA:t&n• REALTORS 117~ Harb« BouleY&Td cast&' M.11!... Catttonna R. P'. "Pete.. Oeddee w llh 1 '>t bat.hi. call Mr. O&tll 226 Mar1n. A.n,, Balboa Jaland w t th Dike and Oole(TV"'9> I-----------'""-I LJ l-Tt 7• HcN -·-------1 For Sale or :Dreh.nge for R. W , "Bob" GoooMO BY OWNER or nlfhl pl'loo• Ll 1-7711 • UNrta I N l H 1~·· Dt.sert Hot Sprinp, Calif. OcM.n "'"°'9.t dupiu cor. k>t. FOR LEASE C-2 Zoning Lot .. n-pore: ...... on h1.lt •ere, 2 Yfl&r• o'd. ln· come JlllO. E•ceill•nl loca- t ion, saned fOI" J add\ttonal unit-. May take part tra~.­ Day1 Har. '611. LI l..U7tt aft•r • p.m. "'tic Shake Roof 3 Bedrm.. J bath borne, nica ICalt &Ida loc.atlon. 8\lllt-1a range and oVfft, flrepll.cei, r A h•t. ~ Obie. iarac-e on &llry. &ewer In and paid for. f lf.,&00 -S11l60 down. Newport-Mesa Realty BALBOA ISLAND f, BEORM. 3 ~i bath, compl•tely tumllhed. AaklnJ Juet 129,600. Term•. 81.1mmet r1nta.1 pot1n· Ual 11100 month. BM lhll. OCEAN FRONT 3 BEDRK., l ':111 bath, dblt. 11r- ... ,, 121,000 lama. OCEAN FRONT I'HRJ!:ll 2 btdrm. unit•. ltJ1.cell1nt rental.I A home. 138,M!O t~. OCEAN FRONT I UNIT RENTAL. Ball loc&Uon. Completely turn. tor Pl.000, term&. 19M l"l'OH Olfet $8200. LIDO ISLE BEAUTY: I BDRMS .. 2 bl.th, P'.A.. haaUng, lnt.r-comm. •)'lllllm. tire.place, dbl1. 1a.r•1e. A..lldD.r IU,600, """'" COSTA MESA SH£LTER&D PATIO with all bullt-lnl. XlnL 3 badrm, home plua fU.1~ apt. 66' IOL Obit. 11rar•. Ii:. 18t h 8t. location. toOOv down, Euy t•rms. BALltOA BAY ·PROPERTIES t!Ml8 W. Balboa Blvd. H•r. 6188 REAL VALUES BACK BAY Lovely lhree bdr. n.iw:h 1ty1a home. On half &Cl'tl near Back Bay. Hardwood park1y floors, \ tile kltchen and bath. Dlnln1 room, tlreplac .. tw• pe.Uoa, all fenced. Piety of r oom for hor .. -. etc. 11\LI la pt1~ to 1ell tor only 1141,IOO -tenn-. OWNER BUILT ThrM bdr. Hardwood floor1, UI• kltchtn and bat.J\, double g1.r- •ce. fenced yard beautifu lly landlcaped. Thi.I la on• or lh• clean•at home1 In the Harbor 1.ra.a, e.nd priced to 1eU tor only Jll,750 temu. B. A. NERESON RICALTOR 1912 NtwpOl't Blvd., c.o.t.a Mttl Ublrty 1-1417'2 E1'e1.J.,J 1--4120 Uberty 1-16111 Llberty 1·!727 Completely Charming Bay Front bom1. .Almo&t naw with &hared pier and float. 111,&00. 110.000 dowa for de.llpltul J unit&. nlctly landlcaPtd pa tio. Hom• « Income. NELDA GIBSON Balboa RltA.ltTOR sot Marin• A,... llland.. P!lont Har . ' ... (No B11yfront BAYSHORES Pier end Slip Newport Harbor'a Most Exquis ite Yeer Round Bayfront Home. telephone information -Plea.. call appointment -qualitied client.a only) • • ALSO BAYSHORES • • fo r 0 0 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath --·---·-·----------·---$24 ,:SOO 2 BEDROOM, funtiahed --·--·--·-.. -----'19,:SOO 2 Bl!:DROOM, 2 bath, Carpeted and draped. Com•r lot ·-----.. ·--------.$27,:SOO 3 BEDROOM, 2 both __ -$22,:IOO HARBOR INVESTMENT Harbor 1600 Evoe Ll~ HARBOR MESA RANCH HOMES J.todel BetW91!" Irvin• and Twilhl A..v-. on CabrWo aorth of l TLb It. -OPEN DA.lL Y 10 A.. M. TO ' P. M. HE.A VT IB.A..ICI: ROOP'I, Jia.rdwvod noon, btr double gar&(u, Corced-t.lr h•t.. ~ll·ln ov .. and fUll'e, dlapoeall, MW•r•, 11Udinl' ri..t .ctoare. UMd hric.k tLreplac ... TERR.ITIC LOOKING HOMEa "1th ucellmt noor pl&n1 on Costa w.a..·1 mOllt delln.bl• Ea.t llde. • J-bl.droom ; 121,H0--12000 down I -bedroom a.nd dea 1 l:U,NO-UOOO 4owa OLE HANSON CO. or otflcM; LJ 1-6671, VOGEL VALUE • • Construction Loans BICID BOB RA TrLER '° by aoo tt.. Ptu.e drlvtway, be- tween Harbor Blvd, A Charle St. LI 1-3672, •1cG 2$15 -.:A.ST COAST BLVD. GL BMJ btate El,.11 __ ooron1. Oel Mar Harbor 3W ... -· ~ ft.top, .POlR.lmt XORTOAOll CO. TRADE 1 modern boUHa on ~ Wetn W e lM, l\tnda Kl 1·61~ ac~ on P'onthlll 8-lvd., 8an NE\VPORT HTB .. J bdrm, homt. Ide.al location. fru.ll tiff .. FenC'ed. c.JJ ~ fOI" appL Ev• Har, 1129 day1 Kl 6-f610 Cocnpl1ta11 l\Jmllllied, electric ret'rll'er&llorl, t 11 e, •how•r. ·nnp~ One haa 1 bedrvom 1.nd on1 bu 2 bedroom, rood cond!Uonp summer r • n l & I I 171:1 per -k n ctr . .int.,-1150 per month. Very de91ra.bl• locaUOI\. weet of P'• r, CIOM "' lown. "Writ.I Pt"fflrt HOT "8P1UN03. TR.A.JL&R PARK. or P. 0 . Boa 711, ~ltrt HOl 8pr1n111. M.1 Property WITH GOOD HOKE A 100 f!· \' 12•,000 OR '30,000 DOWN :;:;;~; !~U:~" Coela M' .... 17H Newport IU•d., 0:wt& M_. l..I 1-6608 .:-l\&T· 0289.J Open Houae Sat. It Sun.. 10 a. m. to 5 p. m.. M-0 Se&wud Dr. eor-lllghlaAda A rally nice family homo with view of billt Alld ocean. 3 BR. -Ir. rwnpus room.. J. nnpll., P' A heat. pegged noon, new drape., curtam.a. anllquo obut~. 1 % bolJul. Hond7 If• jdtcben. Dinlnc nn. ID.l.Ol'-oom. eyatan. -colllDp. RUltic uterior, llha.ke roof. Redwc>od ftnold y&rd. Room for pool Owntr movlnt-....U- filUc FetMndo (or .lnduatrl&l prop--_.._ __________ I •rty .In Coet.. M ... or N..,,- 2nd & I st T.D. LOANS port. HT•tt ._..,._ ...., ~ 1.11 Orang• county Wo Buy Tnu!t Do<da l.i Make Collattral Loan• Trade quallly PAl.AOENA. r.1- dulce exctwit-n aru for r..S- denttal, comm•rdal Ol' lndU11lrial prop9rl.)' ui Ntw)>Qrt. Dalbo&. ~ 11.. or C..0.X nJue tJQ.000 Writ.a 9oa Tll un Wa p&J*'.. llpN -Subaocrlbe to th• 1-d.r, Advt-r· tiff In lhe BUT, cau Harbor ... lilt. 0 ... """ ?fEW I BEDRX. h~ bat.I!. •'i 1------------ Dbl. gara_., 2 block• from buatn-. c•ntar walll tlidil co.ta M NL I 1200 doWft. ()wnt:r, •ne. Hat. lW, de.ye IUIWlberly fl-MlO He CAM AL ntOKT ROJIO, 1 BIL, lllfl Ila. A IN· OOIQI -a ltp.. whk ...WW. Both an.lJ 111.0tO t.---. NEWPORT INVl:8Tlil"&HT CO. Nll'wport Blvti al HUI ' ~ llOO HoN R·fi LOT 81 a ~ rT. CJ..OU: In Co~n:a M:eM., for I unite 1 bllt. o!f Harbor BIYd. nMf Bernard, IM60. own• Har. 014'-J. ..... TWO al:DROOM A paUo. N-.r Bar • -.:l. ' ,,... old.. Owner on prrmtM& thl• .,.... •• end. &lt ,260 -202 13rd. N=p:t »-di. HI • - I ON I n-income W\lt& ~· OAN A.. JAOOBal!N, !\ff.I J:ei.te 10"" plue on 1nvutn1t11t. TOil Har. 64111, u l~SlT, r.ut -'de ~ M.-a loel.Uon; Kl J-2117 11Yalt •~NH ALSO, HOMll ANO INCOM&-1-~-----~''--·---­ Newp>rt Hi.. lf.200 or llOOO dowa. IatarMt on \a ... bn«'lt plua I~. LI l ·TW. t5lfe Mult. Unit · Lots II.UT Imm. ao.&a "--All v.tU. Lil &ad ""'41' to ... DAN A. JA.CX)Bl!El'f, ftal D t&te ·Lots For Sele &a~ .mbordlnallon--4<;\ lnt. Red KlU. JAmoa Hta., dall"kl TIUUa. ~ BaJ, priVaLI '-ctt.. ~ ......... ~ --c..u tor ,artk\11.,._ able richt now. i,'r1cod to otll. THE VOGEL CO. Har. :'>tit l.J l -la17, Har. 3to7 1¥t nlng1 Har 1U J.2117 HY&U. c.MM 1111 2667 E. Cal. Hwy., Corona d el Ma.r ·-HA : HU BA: 0751 " • -· + ' , , J•~:!•~NJ!!..~r..~•~te~---~a!!:::!•~•!!..!"!•!•!!...---a ••• ~ 1 t 1 • a ••• ....._ ......... I 8/8 Balboa Coves-Pier & Slip Nearly new 2 a R. farm home. 1-4 brick fir. plaee, l&na.l, cUn.lna room, lota of 1l&a Lu'J9 patio, roomJor apamdoA -$3$,000 Balboa Coves-Pier & S~ I 8 . R. 2 Wtb home -Troplcll 1aDdlca I ln •pacioua patio. Owner will con.alder tNde tor 1maller waterfront home. . Balboa Peninsula-Vaew! 81000 1q. ft. of top grade ~n ln tJUa 8 B. R. 31~ bath home. Permuent unomtructed .tew of Harbor entn.nce. 18x27 llvlnc room with fla.cltone fireplace -Muter bedroom of equal 11.ze &190 hu fireplace. Full dininl room, 3 car prage. Large landlcaped pat.lo walled for privacy. Open House Daily 1-4 p.m. 111 "G" St., Balboa OCEAN VIEW. Unusual 3 B. R., 3 bath home. Lota or fiagatone. Built-in kitchen, 'Nicely land.ecaped. $32,!500 Terms. Open House Dailv 1-4 p.m. 215' E. Ocean :dlvd. Juat completed 3 B. R., 2 bath home. Fireplace, built • 1n kitchen -Larr• patio $22,960 -Terms. BAY & BEACH REALTY, Inc. Realtors U50 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 128' Evening Phone Harbor 1856 lido lste Values . CIBAJUGNO I WnD. borne on 60 tt. uoo l'Cerd co~. Jot. - l8d• UV. room, tn. ~ paUo-UCZClllNT VAW& ~,500. ANO"l'IDCR lofttJ I bdrm\ ri.do home oa a '5 n. Jot -very a~tr,c.tJn. ~. r .A. h•t. atove1 ~tor 6 d.rapu in· eluded _; tu.600. •. . * Bayshores * NO. 1.-BA.TIMOftll DRIVJC -a bdrma., pl&a1 1c'e. su-t or rumpua room, ~ bath.I, - J38,750. NO. 2-BAYBHOR.ll DR.IVE - Top location wtlh ltA_y VU:W s bdrma.. 1 ~ t.lha, d1n. rm., hdwd. noon-PRICED RIGHT $23,500, NO. S-CAPE COD -Cl bdrma., 3 batba, br.utut bar, dininr room, •uutul wood pneUJnl', enclosed paUo, A ClfAIUilNO HOME for '31,aoo. "C" THOMAS REALTOR and A.SSOCIATE.5 22t W. Cout Hlway L1 1-6627 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ N~Be&ch HARBOR HIGHLANDS OPEN I TO 6 DAILY ~ ·1 9~4 PRISCILLA LANE 3 bedrooms, 2 b&., fireplace1 la.rre well land- acaped yard. Priced to tell Quick. 'C' THOMAS 'C' THOMAS 1. B/B 2. LIDO ISLE $28,000 3. Cofn~i.tely Furnl&hed Pl:>tenu.i t Bedrooma, Can't laal $2•,:>ro 4. 3 Bedroom•, 2 baU!a. larre llv· lnr room, BTICk Fireplace, La.mu, can be aeen a.nyume. "We're Moving to Irvine T ei'race" • Drive tn toda.y &D4 ... for ~ the IDU1 out.. 1ttudJn1 featurel of tlUa remarbbi. conmnrnlty. Kore u.d JDON Barbor area ftm11._ an~ thaee ~te home. -notiDI tWr comfort, con· veaienat and eentn.1 loeatlou.. Mo.re Qd more famillea who prefer a home lo a .,. ltrictecl quality com.mun.tty aN ~ into their Irvine 'l'ern.ce hOJDM. Inspect the model homes, built by Macco Corp. exqulsltely furnl.ehed by Martin & Von Hemert Intnt Terrace la located on Codt HllhftY oppmit. th• new Irvine Cout. Country O ub. • EARL W. STANLEY, Re~ltor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor"""8 For Further I.ntormatlon * For Recommendattqn, we refer you to uyou who holdl a Leaahold »stale 1n 1rvtn. Ternoe, Beacon Bay, Bay Shore• a.nd Cll!t Haven The re's Gold in Corona del Mar GOOD INVESTMENTS South of the Hwy. -duplex wider cotlltnlctlon. HW. flool"I. (1) 2 BR. unit, (1) 1 BR. unit. Heavy 1hake roof. Lg. patio. Priee only $19,7C50 Call to see th.i8. 2 atorea Ii 2 apt.a. -:-All leued. Attractive bld1. a.bout • yra. old. Show• an income ot '335 per mo. on an inv.estment of only ~,600. ~vely 2 BR. home, firepla., 2 sep. patios. tndl· rect lighting. Truly a home to be proud of. Comer location. Alao bu a nice 1 BR. can.go apt. with a sundeck. Priced right at $22,~ Commercial Lot on Cat. Hwy. 25' by approx. 110' Plenty of rm. for parking with acceu to paved alley. Underpriced at $9,:500 • -~a=':!"~'..!P!;~it'·~·t~~---NEWPORT HAUOR NEWS-PRESS PAa.l-U·IAGE. i ---+.- • FRIDAY. APRIL 13. 1956 B/ B l'I Wed f.latat. ......... Indoor v Outdoor UvinQ Best · Buys Corona del Mar . La w. ~ mo6ern s b.cs- toom s •th oomftrtlble den 1. &ad rumpw room ~ bWlt U'OWMI a~ -1'*4 patio SHORECLIFFS, Modem 3 bedrm home plu 1mi.11 den or office, 2 tun bath• -carpeted. wall to wall, cu.tom drapes, fireplace, built-in 1tove &nd oven, ~ncloaed patio, nicely la.nd8Caped. Owner leaving area. Priced to aell at $34.,:500. , on one -'<I• and a spectacwar ocean and mountain vl.-w on th• other .S.. ~•nt value &L JS!l,000. This ~s It Uaequaled So. of Ult Hlrhway tor th• low prlt• of '16.960 It'• epoUeae -lt' a COS)I - 1'aa I bdnna. and beauUtUI p.rden. Attention 2. SHORECLIFFS. Ocean view home for the dJI.. criminating buyer who ,pant.a and can affOt"d the finest, thia is IT! Lar&e 2 bechm. Ir den, quality built, 2 fireplaces, dream kitchen. Beautiful home inaide and oat, all modern teature.9 to ma.ke it complete in every detail. Shown by ap- pointment. Priced to Mil. EXCLUSIVE WITH us. Easteners! 3. JUST LISTED -EXCLUSIVE. nil8 a~• BUllt like BA.CK HOME -on 2 bedroom home, plus O'lui.at room and bLth. only J5&1bo& PenlMUla'a t In e • l D~ 111.reet -owned and cared for 1 :! block to Oc!ean Blvd., Corona del Mar. Coip. b7 a proud ''down r.uwner." pletely fumilhed. Choice location. Pr1Md te I 'bdrma., 2 bat.ha plu• ocean· sell quick at $23.500. Terma if dslred. View IJ\lndeck. Ro.. bot'<lered patio bl( enouJh for ba.dmln· tOIL. Priced t.o Mil at '27.~00 Term.I. MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LIS~GS. Bey & Beach Realty Inc CORONA DEL MAR REALTY. CO. REALTORS 3~30 Eeat Coe.at Hwy, Corona dtl Ma.r Harbor 6003 Costa Mesa 3 Bdrml. Ll.ke N~w PRICE T. McCUISTION, Realtor 3447 E. Cout Hwy. Corona del Mar Har. '1 (Office located next door to Newport Harbor Ball, COM); BALBOA ISLAND IA .. t.b&n 2 yeara old. lmproved nelpborhood. all lmprov•· CUNNING 2 BR. house, price lnclude1 1tove, refrlJ. menu in and paJd for. f '' r;, carpet s Ir drapea. Yi blk. to beach. ~ dn. $19,000 P'BA loan. Only $1000 d1' &11d JN pe.r mo. Lccludln~ ~ .. 2 BR., r oom to build on lot --·--·------·$17,950 and lDl\U'IUlce. 2 Bdrma. C2 ""-2 BR., attractive. Near No. Bay $22,~ $7&00 FULL PR.ICE. St ile!' I• 3 BR., Near So. Bay -·-·--.. ----····---------'22~ extl'9mely aJUlOUt. Priced be· low ma.rkel. Very uvable 2 SO. BA y Front, 5 BR., 4 ba., Furnished ............ $100,000 Bdrm. Houae. $1750 down 3 Bdnna. LITTLE ISLAND. A rustic and uaable 3 BR., 3 batb, m a select datrict. --.. ---··--·---... '3e;600 Llk• new. Completely fenced. Be&uUtul Lawn front and rear 4t':tA 950 •&2 per mont.b lncludea taxe~ Two Trop1.Cal units ......... -.. -.............. ---·---·~• and lnaurauce. 70' lot, largme BAY FRONT, LIDO ISLE. Home Ir income, 2 BR. bdrm•. and plenty of roo to expand. ThJ• ta a real val· apt available for owner. Other unit.a on le&M. ue, only HJ month• old. Inc. approx. $7200 grou. Owner will accept R-4 Lot 2 BR. as part down ............ ·--· .. ··---·--·$90,00<. 1~x12s. Room for alx unit.a oc•r CORONA DEL MAR. Leuehold. 2 BR., den l;~ divide into 3 lot.. Full prl J786-0. Ba. Stove and draperies included. Low down DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realto r Approximately 100' Frontage THE VOGEL CQ. 11C" ~=ly _:ed~,c~t~ 2667'E.Cst.Hwy.,Coronade1M&r HA:1H1HA:0757 Ed J R It t o qualified buyer ............ ·--···-.... ·-·········---$24 ,~ We have buyers for good listinga. / 2602 Newport Blvd. -Har. •718 -Newport Beach Room. plu• a lat(• llvlns .. ones, ea or Free estimate., excellent lerke, J'WfT\ AND 2:w>O Sq. Ft. at ' 1999 Harbor Blvd.. Ooel& Mt .. PaUo apaee euitabl• for add· Costa Mesa the best town on earth . . . • Wberty 8-3333 Har. 1775 -Eve. Edith M.&roon HY att •--6222 CORONA DEL MAR 3 Bedroom•, 3 ba~. plu1 ~t houae with % bath. pl~ an outatan~c view from &11 rooms. Fully carpeted and draped, plua outlt&nding land- acaping. The ONLY home with thia marveloua view on the coaat. Priced for a quick aale. o~ DAILY 3729 Ocean Blvd. GARAGE located on Cout Highway. Fully equJpped and priced to sell. Lot 50xl.00 with room for e:xpanalon. See u1 fdr additional information. -W. E. FISHER & AssociatE¥ 3024 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Kar. Har. 5032 Evea Har. 306-J -Har. 2~W HURRY ! GOING FAST ! PARK MANOR A Reatricted Lot Development By McCLEAN le PEARSOL Speculatora le Builden Welcome 60' reaidenllal lot.a. Duplex comer lota. A.ll lmprovementa ln. Yo u C~n't Beet The Pri ce & l oc.tion. Drive by a.nd buy. Acroa from Coeta Meaa Park. 18th and Anaheim. 7~% ALREADY SOLD Phone Liberty 8-1781 L.lberty 8-e621 tf FURNISHED 21~ YRS. OLD Duplex $11 ,500 Full Price . Two bedroom• and den in front., 1 bedroom unit in rear. 2 block.a to beach. Cl<>M to trantportt..- tlon &nd 1tort:1. Wlll comider camplna' tniler, 1 boat or late model car a.a part down payment. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2802 Newport Blvd., Newport '&atll Har. t718 in( to hoUM, a pool. e.ban». etc. A. h\l1'9 lot for Udo. WA Tl:.RP'RONT8 ON LIDO. PlllR AND 8LlP H0.000 A up. NEWPORT ISLE WA T&RJ'RQNT 2 Wiit. pltr and tlO&t. a bedroom•. 2 bath.I al· .o 1 bedroom l bath. 2 car p.rap. J'urnl&htd, reduced to Jal,500. Bay & Beach Realty Inc REALTORS 3112 Lalayttl.e, Npt. Har. &0'3 Just l.o the r1Chl of U do Br1ci6• NEWPORT HTS. EXCLUSIVE SEE THIS 2 YR. OLD. 2 bdrm. home. larft li•. room. bc:twd. floora, en<'I. patio. On lot oo.107. Double .~ uuoo. Newport-Mesa Realty Corner location 80 x 1515 with 2 Br. older home, fireplace, large kitchen, service pore~ 2 car prage & only $92!50. Terma. 3 Br. home, hwd. floors, dble. garage, fenced yard, O. I. 4% Joan. lll,750 Vae&nt and ready for immediate poueuion. Reuonahle dn. paymt. C.1 Buaine• location, E. 18th St., ~ht ln town. Lot 50 x 150 Good 2 Br. home, hwd. floon, Service porch, garage. $11,100. Term.1 ONE OF THE BEST: 3 Br. le 1 lti bath. Fire- place, w /W carpet, dble. garage, cood location E .-19th St. $12,750 with tertM. G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd. Coat.a Meaa LI 8-7729 KNOTIY PINE INTERIOR Homey little two bedroom reaidence with cozy ' fireplac& and convenient kitchen for couple who like small but buuti!ul yard. $1800 down. BALBOA COVEs-PIER & SLIP Owner built quality home leu than 4 years old. 2 bedroomt & den, Hx.23 living room and dining room faceA on large patio overlooking the water. 11' A heat, W (W cpta. 2 beaut. tile bat.ha.II. baU .. with outside entra.nce. Wuber, dryer. d E refrigerator 6 nn1e incl Price U0,000-terma. JUST LISTED -the cleaneet. abarpeet duplex in C.D.M. 2 BR'a. ea. -Flreplacea, encl. patioe. One unit bu L. R. carpeted. Garb. dilp. 6 other extras. All tute!ully decorated throurbout. Rustic exterior, lhake roof, brick, grape 1t.ake fence. On level corer near •hoppln1. All for the pdce of ONE house. No call•, pleu&-juat brine your ch~kbook. R. L. STRICKLER. Realtor R. B. HODGE, Aaoclat.e 3622 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 277* t-17" Newport Blvd .. Coeta Neu. RUSTfC FARMH.OU.>E U S-6608 E•u-Bar. 02!i.J 10°/e ·N~T ~~~~ ~·1 .,!'°:a~.:,hai!v!~·~in~1 ~~ Avocado Grove INDUSTRIAL INCOME panelled. uled brick wall, de.n with fireplace. TOP PRODUCTION to rroet tr-e Sound leuea oo lit clue bd.lldinp lD the very Sunny klt4htn, breakfast bar, built-in o~n and &N&. Spnnkler &)'•ltm Submit heart Of faatett (l"OwiD' Ji'ullerton Ml d.iltrict. ranrre.· ""·~·.-..i Jlvinv room & dininc att.a. \n4a. Grosa annual income $7820 " '-Al· .. -""' • -OA.N A. JACOB1'1:N. RfaJ i:.tat~ II NOW t Fo~alr heat. ~tio, lba.q roof. Truly lovely. Har Mtt 1..1 a..u11 f>netd to M • Let u• ahow you now. Thia i8 not leue land. Kl 1·2lli HYall •-MM Only $63.!500 • • John Macnab Hubor M59 FULL PRICE $8000 • ' Lou Boynton Harbor 2878 Orea.my lllUo 2 b<lrm , tlrepl.. ~ •!u.yn~1ro;~f0~~~ EAR L W. STANLEY,. Rea ltor Owner anxtoua. 8ubmJt. lt' • clOM J.n. 22.S Marine Ave., Balboa l&land • bdrms ., 2 fu ll baths ----------------- on1y $11,toO Reduced for qu!clt action! Obie ~ar.. paUo, Jandacaped and acrOM from new ahopplng BALBOA~ ISLAND cenu r l&ku only $11160 dn . Sheltered EAST BAY FRONT of LltUe llland. Only •n mo. a short diatance from the Harbor entrance. GI RESALE We a.re pleued to offer one of the llland'• m01t a bdrma. -1 ~ bat.bl charminO' 3 bedroom, 3 bath home8 and dollPt. HW i'L.R8., tt~pl , but eut· • aide atreet. ba.1 a a<'arce '' ( fuJ gueat apL Joan. clean, only $2000 dn See tbla! LOWEST PRICED M-1 (private pier le !lollt) Shown by Appointment Only • • • 8 acru on Paved St. A Waler line. Only $'600 an acre Good NEAR NORTH BAY -lJivitlDg 8 bedroom 2 bath lnv. It 1peculaUvt buy. 40' r home and income apt. Summer rental coinm.lt .. Down. ()() C -2 Mx238. J uat off busy Harbor Blvd. corner. $10,000, •, On Oldtr hOuee on It now rtnla •t m mo. Mesa-Harbor Rlty A ASSOClA TES 609 Center St., Cott.a J.tu& U 1~911 or LI 8·1714 On Ocean Front ln C·zone -older .hou\o ~d colt.aft. Good louUon fo1 renl&la. Price $11,500. Trtpln In Ntwport Btac:h all ,.nlAd. Good loca.tlon. Pr1C• uuoo. Fitzmorris Rlty. Co. NulUple U.Una R.Mlwr. Bu.t.1 nu a B rn I< tr 31~ E . Co .. l Hithway Corona dtl Mar Harbor 21 ~2 * SEE THIS * O !J!lOROOM, all hardwood nl'I , I bath.I. ~ood "mC11t 1oW\da· tton. l.Ars-e dou~le .... , .... ment.s $11 10,000 dollan down • • • LOCATED ON MARINE A VE., -8JilA.LL BUSI· NESS, LARGE VOLUME. A rood return on your investment plua a moat ·attractive 2 bed-... room home. Exclusive Llltlng Pleue call for appointment to Me WM. W~ STANLEY SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD Park Ave. at Marine, Balboa laland Harbor 2~2 ' For Sale or Trade I 8 furn. units. All outmde -apta. -t.,.,. l"OOIDI, q uallty built. Price 162,2500 Bayview Duplex . Unfurnished 2 bedroom each, Ulld brick fin• place., bar-type kitchen., 1hak1 roof. Price ,28,000 THE VOGEL CO. LIDO OFFICE :i ' 3416 ViA Lido, Npt. Bch. Har. •971 or Bar. t972 Eve1 U 8-304:0 -Bar. ~l U Pfooperty ln rood condlUoo. ------------------- 8-t location, 1 blOC'll to bch Wear the N-porl Plu. Shafer Realty Har. 140 109 Mc:Jo'add~n Pt Al. tM N•wpol't Pier EYa. Har ,._:w, Har. 262$.M I • FOR SALE AND LEASE BACK • CLASS A atore and office bulldJni loc:&ted on moet Important cornu in P~na. Price $700,000. W1Jl pay 6~ net net. plwa pen:ept.ar. Will dtJl03it $300.000 u leue eecur1ly. Large BACK BAY UPL C"otta Mell& ON R t C c8ARMJNO So i..cuna bomf', Ph.I s 11· & Geo T Everson s bedrm•. 2 car J&r~f lAt!lt OSBORNE-FORT ea ty o. Lee.-&ot. .,..Ul ()N'llft "' tllllt I u 1van . • ldt. full prln $11 oon Low 0 ) N rt Bch '""'· ,,. ' "'"'• 9 \• w. _.. 1~ Neiwport lnTd. eo.ta Meea down pa)'mt nt. 0\\ NER depreriatloo Cactor. CALL. OWNER. T. 0 . Rogers, Ryan 18191 or Harbor 3828 2323 W. Cout Hwy., (\l Port ra.np ewpo dttk, ssran. $12,i~ HY111~ Ph. LI 8-6?Sl Evea. Har 4366 U 8-~13 w a.~2 (l:'llfc ·~~~~t.1~3-'~7~~~~~~~H~•r~5~15f~~ev~OL~~~~~4:J~4~U-~~--~~~'~~~·~_:_.::_.::..:..::.:...:..:_~==...:=----~~~~~--¥~·--.....,.,,.,..:....--;-~~~~~~~~~~~-:-~~~~~~~~~~-:-~~~~ PAGt IG-PAkl I l-NtWPOl(1 HAKduK NtW>t~ i..t~·:!Me..l~!J.,.._~~-~::--~~~:!B~M~ll~.._~~--~::-:--::-=a;::~·~nl~~El~ltll~tit~::::::::::~~~~~;:~=;:=::-=:-!=:!!!!!..!!!!!~-~1:.,_ _ _;4~~·~-~l~l'Ml~~te~--~· FRtDAY, Rktl tl, 1'56 -.. I BALBOA ISLAND . ttOllE It INCOME. Motil attractJve 2 bdrm. home, phi.a suat room It bath, plua deluxe 1 bdrm. apL, epadoue It charmln1ly fum1ahed. over double pl"lle. Th.la property i:a our fineat conatructlon and Uh new. Few feet from bey. TOP BUY -BUT HURRY! $32~ ·ss,ooo DOWN--0000 BEACH HOKE-2 bdrm.I. 2-car ~.near bay. $19J)OO. ~this now! I nJRN .. HOME. 4 bedrm., 2 bathe, beautiful p&tio, dbl. prare, 1howen and dreuing rooma. A few feet from North Bay. Tb.II la pricec,t ri'&bt at $29 ,500 Newport Heights NaT achoola, churches, tran.lportation. 2 lovely bomea, 2 bed.rm.I. each, with dbl. garage each, on adjoinlnf Iota. One new, one remodeled. Older bom9 la TeDted for $95 mo. New home vacant, fOT Immediate peeaeealon. Thia ii a real deal at $21 ,:SOO Costa Mesa -Back Bay Area OWNER LEA YING STA 1'E I &pa.rat. homee, 2 bedroom.a each, garage with each, well oonatructed, leaa than one year old. Lots of charm, attractively landscaped. Yearly rentals $7770. No vacancies, long waiting U.t. You ca.n't beat thit at $64,000. Below replace- ment eo1t. Excellent financing. So hurry! It won't lut ! BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING Ill Marine Ave., Balboa taland. Ph. Har. 1671 or 1672 --------------- A home of quality and charm 125 G St., Balboa Penimul.a Larr• ltvin1 room with ocean view, 3 apadoua bed- rooma, 2 bat.U, FA beat, WW carpeting, full size dinin&' room. Nice kitchen with diapoaa1 &nd lovely encloaed patio with BBQ. Asking $26,500 BACK BAY BEAUTY Cosy and appealing ia what you'll say when you aee thUi 3 bednn. 2 bath home. Large liv. room, fireplace, aliding glue doors to patio, bar kitchen, and the price includes all wool carpeting, drapea, new ttove, refrigerator and fireplace fixtures. ~ Sunday 1..0, t!59 E. 20th St. Only $23,950 NEAR LIDO SHOPPING 2 bedrm., 1arJt llvin& room, hwd. floors, roomy kitchen. Corner lot. Fint time offered. $13.900 Euy terms. Next Door to Beach $11,9'50, only $1950 down Older home but in very good condition. 3 bedrma .• ~ l&rp cloeeta, ae~te dining room. nice kitchen, completely fumiahed including TV. This Woo't 1ut. HURRY! JACK BRENNAN, REAL TY "AT THE ARCHES'' $420 W. Cout Hwy. LI 8-7773 VOGEL VALUES BALBOA ISLAND REPEATING THIS AD. Owner lea~ at.ate bad reduc~ price on 3 bdrm. hOZM, 1 111 bath1 near North Bayfront. Do9rn $7,000. Price $23,500. Hu fireplace and double prage .. Most Attractive 4 Bdrm. Jttlt lilt• new ranch atyle with tht right decor all the way thru. Separate irtove and range built in -used brick fireplace -abutters -dbl. prace. W /W carpet. It's a prize for $3t.500 THE VOGEL CO., Realtors 208 Marine Ave. Harbor t« or 101!5 (Next door to po9tottice) Duplex A REAL MONEY MAKER Z-2 bedroom unit.I, hardwood floors. Fireplace in one. ~ RENTAL AREA Cloel to atorea and t.ran.aport.a Uo1· Sewen in and paid for. See 1888 OrtJlP. Cotta Me.a DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2803 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. ~718 Lido's Best Buy Th,. bed.rooma • ~n • Two bath.a Bls Udo comer • Big Patio $31,'lM FuU P~ for appointment aak for VDtGINlA )IAMWN or JOE GROHMAN BJLL KEKP'l'ON or GENE VREELAND (combtntnr 20 ,...n ot Udo Sales experience.> · Lido Realty $tOO Via Udo Harbor HH • . 1. 2. 3. p. a. pa .1 mer incorporated rH~!REA~..,0RA::e_ c~:s~ • For Some developers People! ! Owltl.nr rtntal Wlita makes di.ore sense than 0.-nln.1 a aLogle family home. We have eome income producers at thll time that we !eel are 0utat.a.nd1nf. All are on LIDO ISLE, which mean. that they ahould enhance in value, atay ~nted and give you the most enjoyable Uvini poaaible. 6 unita cm 80 feet BAYFRONTAGE at 320 Vi& Lido Noni. Built 11<> well 15 yeara ago that when it wu modemJ.r.ed lut year, the terntit.e and dry rot man just charged tor io,epectlon. You jWlt can't beat thil tor value at only $1~.000 turniahed. Tenn.a. 3 unjta -drive by 102 Via Lido Soud (off water) and see the beauty and quality. Th~ come in and talk lt over. $65,000. Terna. 4 unita on 50 feet of the very best BAYFRONT, designed by Ellerbroek, AJA. Two 2 bedrm. apta. with private patios, two 1 bdrm. apts. with private aun decks. All overlook the beautifu.I Bay. A true bargain at $80,000 furni.ahed, only $20,000 down. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co. management 3333 vi• lido, harbor 1600 ' of Lido Isle 1. 2. ' One For The Money - That'• rlght.-th.ll one la the be.t cme for~ wtee doD.an. 2 bed.rm., guea room and abaft all, a 60 tt. lot, only partially Wltd. Priced awfully loW. Two For The Show Not only 1how, but comfort will be youn in either o! theee ou.t.ttanc:li.nc LIDO bomea: A mln.iabu~ Lu yegu for,abow and color. 3 bed.rm.. fa.mlly room, powder room. S baths. Kini aize, BAYFRONT, beyond deecription · Three To Get Ready Not much to do to theee, but your touch would help. 1. $3.'500 down, 2 be<lnn., Back Bay ~.ooo 2. R~nable down, 2 bed.rm. lge. lot. LIDO S. LIDO BAYFRONT, • bednna. $90,000 Four To Go WOW! Tbeae are really ready to g• ! ! 1. 3 ~ .• 2 bath, atree~t.o-ctreet ···-··-···$88,000 2. 3 bednn., 2 bath, brand new ·······-··········$34.~ 3. 3 bednn. 11itting rm., gorgeo\1.8 ··········-----$37.!500 4: 3 bednn., radiant heat ............................... $39,500 p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co. management 1700 w. coast highway -liberty s.6573 ARE YOU CROSS-EYED? BILL'S BEST BUYS 9 UNIT ~CO~ Ap&rtment building BALBOA OCEAN FRONT. Year &rOWld cllDtele. I unit.a plUJt manas•r'a apt. Nicely !urn· RESERVE YOURS NOW • Under construction 3 & 4 Bd. Rm. homes. FA heat, double garages., la.rfe lot.a. Close to shop- ping, echools, and transportation .. l•bed. lAundry and uUllty roonui. A -l cond1Uon. All rented now •.• J45,000 term• BAY FRONT DUPLEX! 821~Kl.85 M.91lJ'Ovia St. Jot, owner wa.nta ofler!t ~ z l~ 1ttneyed. A staked lot, .ewua lD ·-___ ,S.2500 Newport Hta. Rr2 lot, at. t.o at. frontaae . --·-·· ~ 7 unit site, 82~x.2e0. 1~ blk. to Newport Blvd. ~ Restricted family dwelling ~ Newport Hta .•..•.. ..$8000 Back Bay •lew lot. BarbtJ.o priced 11-dn. . ...•.. ~ . .$6:SOO Eut hont.. banjo st., Ba.ck Bay water view --····-$1600 Cor. Back Bay, restr. alte water view .............. · $7500 Balboa lal'and oor. suitable for 2 ~it. ··············-$2000 d.n.. 714 auee. improved. 2 bl.b. fl"Om G. G. blvd. -.•.... $26,500 Harbor Blvd. cor. 1!56', C-2 terrific buy ........... -$60,000 M-1 5 ac. on PI-.centia, trailer or mtg ................ $15,000 9 + acres. Back Bay, tentative map 27 Iota ...... $62,500 tO acM, houae & well, Orange Co.'a best buy ... $'140,000 $ave -$ave -$ave -$ave Reduced to aeU. was $13.750, now $11,500 -corner 2 bedrma.-den home. FP., dbl pr.. approx. 1300 sq. rt. Mun aell -get a bargain now. DOWN PAYMENT OPEN. new 3 B. R., 2 Ule b&tha. Jge. lot, priced at low low price of $13,500. See thia home and make arrangements for immediate poeaeuion. KINGS ROAD HOME, unexcelled Harbor le ocean View. Thia deluxe 2 B. R., 2 bath home ia ''fit for a king" -Juat reduced tQ be 11<>ld imme- dtately -Now just $26,000 & term• flexible. 4 BEDROOMS, 2 bath, 6 mo'a old landacaped le fenced. Stove le refrig etay. Sharp, clean, ready to move in now. $13,500 full price, terma. $100 mo. income, clear industrial bldga. in 29 Palma, main hwy. Trade and aasume for Newport Hta. commerda.I or home. ' ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 18!>7 Newport Blvd., eo.ta Mesa LI 8-1632 ~ea LI 8-1400 THEY'LL STRAlOHTEN OUT quickly 1t you will Uve on lhe ocean front a.nd focua your eyea on th• balberw swtmminr al the beach• on th• C h I n a Coul. We have an R·l oc.an front lol ~xl02. Very exclu· 11\e, yea lndffd, very, very excluatve. Priced al '12.~ - Excepllon&lly &ood t.ema. Priced at $11,450 and $12,450 aa low u $1,H5 dn. BROADWAY BARGAIN B&lbc.ta Peninlula location. St-au· ---- UCUI 1padoua property, only -------------- LIDO ISLE • • • WHAT IS A b UPLEX? WE ALWAYS THOUGHT ll to be a two famUy building 10 dealened lhat the owner c:an live In one RENT FREE and lrt lhe other rental 1upport ll. We have a brand new duplex built to order for Newport Beach llvin& and It'• a honey that can really maxe mon ey Here you have ftatung, 1wtrn· mini , bo&Unr. nla.xal1on and a clean. a&ndy beach. A1-o~ tlreplace &nd deck, 2 bdnna. up, 2 down and lhe 11crrut 2 car r•rar• you or anyone elae net aaw. A terrttlc bu)'. Priced al $19,000. Paymmt. 1-. Uwl ienl. Low down payment. • • • • POCKET MONEY- roREVER AND A DAY - Y urly Income $4000-6 uruu on e-0 n. .. Balboa Ocean Fronl" 19000 down -monthly pay- ment only $125. Priced low al $2S,500. Miu thl1 one and you'll need a ban el of uplrtru to cure yo\Jr headache. ·~· . WHY CHASE AROUND in CIRCLES? WE KNOW EVERY home A lot lh&t l1 for Ml• on Lido h ie. ll will be our pleaaure to •how them to you et your conven- lcncr. • •• • STOP ! YOU JUST NOW STUM.BLED on a r old mine. 23 Income units. clOff to bay and be&ch. Crou income $1&,000 lo $17,000 per yu r. Asxln& S86,000 Good tema Wiii conalder part trade. • • • Yes this i8 it. 1600 sq. ft.,3 bd. nne., H. W. floors, 2 fireplacee, 16'x26' picture window fam- ily room. enclo&ed patio, fenced yani, large double garage on paved alley: All improvements in and pajd for. This is a Must. Call ua for an appoint· ment to show. Priced at $17,950 A PLACE OF DIGNITY with terma - For a distinguished family, right in the middle of a lovely residential section. Two doors from the Santa Ana Golf Course. 2 BR. plus lovely guest room over garage with extra ~· bath. W /W carpet th.ruout. Beautifully land.leaped. A warm inviting home. $18,500 full price. BACK BAY-COSTA MESA Distinctive 3 Bd. Rm. and family room carpeted thru-out, large flagstone fireplace, forced 8..11' heat. Exclusive neighborhood, View of bay and bills. Many other fine features. A ateaJ at $26,950 with only $6000 dn. W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor "you'll like our friendly servke" 400 E. 17th St., Cos~ Me.sa Liberty 8~1139 Your Corona del Mar Estate Full Price, $27,500! HERE'S WHAT YOU GET Three full size level Iota, Five bedroom.a, 2 ~ :! baths, (Approximately 3000 sq. ft.) Two fs.replacea-oak floors, large family si%e kitchen and a full size dining room, PLUS huge play room. If you are tired of living in cracker boxes. give yourself and the kjds a real King Siu family home. Seldom baa any multiple l.iatmg caused so much excitement -Why not phone for an appointment today! OPE~u~~~SE-W. STUART FOOTE, Realtor Short Toddle 2117 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach lo lhe beach It aky-blue waters. Phone Harbor 24, €venings L.Iberty 8-5490 WUI 1Jeep !Ive comfortably and ---..------------------tlve more uncomfortably. Prlc· • f'd at $12.a.oo · Reuonable dn. CORONA DEL MAR 5 Ye&r'I old. Prt ... t.e *ell. pier rl(bt., 3 car sanr• and uWily rooma. Upper apt. com- plet.ely tumlahed. Exclu1rvc wtlh u.1 at SM,000, t.ermt. 6 UNIT INOOcME! TALL, WIDE and HANDSOME ia thla be&uUtul propetty alt · uated on 2 tot.a ln Balboa and near bat bay 1 w I m m I n I beach. Concrtle block con· •lructlon and every convent· ence . . . ra.r•rea. locker rooma and larie laundry ... 1ee tbia before buyinr an~ Income property. Prtced al $M.OOO. tenu. BEAUTIFUL NEWPORT HEIIGHTS HOME! A tlracUve borne wtlh 2 larJt bedroom-. 2 b&Ul.I, tuU dlnin( room and dlnnett&. New wool w1.ll to wdl e&rpetin( and In wonderful condilJon. Hu two 2 car 1arace' too. See ll tor a lovely home al 120,000, f ood terms. BALBOA HOME! J t.;ST HALF A BLOCK TO BEST BAY 8 W l M M J NC BEA.OJ. 4 bedroom home wllh l' bath• Heavy t\lrnlture In· eluded. Will ma.ke year around home for larre flmlly or ter- rlffic beach home. •1e,ooo. '6000 down. PENINSULA HOME! BRAND N~W 3 bedroom, 1 '• bath home. South expo1ure and on Ocean Boultvard. Hu every thin& you 'houJd UJ>e('t In 1. modem home . . . built m ldtclM!n. of coune. $22,950 lerma. Balboa Realty Co. Opopalte Bank of America Ron Creeley Ed Ltt Jo.ephine Webb iOO E . Balboe Blvd .. Balboa. Phone Harbor 3277 B/B Watch FIRST TIME OFFERED. 1 year old delightful 3 bedrm. and den, 2 bath home, completely carpeted. Drape~ dishwuher, p.rb. d~aaJ. indirect Hgbting and weather-stripped thru-out. • On 45 ft. lot. Large patio and muter bedroom, 30 ft. living room, built-in kitchen. Truly an EXQUISITE home for $45,000 BALBOA ISLAND OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 1-5 227 Sapphire 2 bedroom cottage, completely furnished on choice corner lot. Room to build another home. Income tor summer months approx. $1!>00. Reduced to Sl 7,950 for quick salt. Stt it this week-end sure. IT'S A BUY . MYRTLE DA VY, Realtor & Associates 3'32 Via Oporto, Har. 544& Eves. LI 8·5297 (New Ljdo Plua Bldg. on N . Bay i'ront) Lido Isle • Here is a genuine value in a 3 bedroom, 2 bath bome on a 44 foot lot. Lovely firepl&ce and large eouth patio. Th.la home is juet 3 years old and ia one of our • very best values at $31,500 firm. Before you bu,y, let ta ahow you this KELSO-SLOAN built home. DUNCAN HARDESTY, 2602 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Realtor Har. 4718 HOME AND INCOME NEWPORT HEIGHTS ' . Two houses on large level 75x127' lot'. One brand Ba.Janee $60 monthly OPEN HOUSE 1·6 SAT.-SUN. 7003 8uJ!hore Dr. Npt. Bt-ach The Qoats Go By! $6950 south o{ hwy. Just over a block from R~l&X and enjoy ure in lhl• new and ready for you to move in., ~e other ii . lea.Bed for $95 per month. Full price only $21,500 with $4500 down. lJe aure to. see thia. ocean, R-2 level lot. our BEST BUY of the week. 1 lltUe dre&m home on Ball>C'ia '-.... J11land. A pin and tloa~ 1 tot Perched on the bill U\ Corona Highlands with your trtl'nd1' boellJ. LotM a view from Palos Verdea to So. Laguna is our •h•kl'. redwocid. iiae<t brick • • • THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Highway, Newport Buch Ll 8·3481 • WE FURNISt! FREE CRYJi'IC TOWELS 1'0 THOSE W'HO OOME TOO LA TE. 1.od interior panelllns. -r-·o B~T BUY of the month. Large Uving room, BR . J' beth plua tamlly -------------------- Seven Islands Realty & Investment Co. ~3-Und St., Nwpl. lkh . l"1.Jlf Har. ~ atlu 6 p.m. Har. 6M7 TOP VALUES ~ BEDROOMS. 2 balha, corner lot .. SU.~ 2 yeani old $1100 d9wn 3 UNITS C·I, i.11e lol on Ea.et 18th St. . .. .. U3,GOO LOTl!I 120 ic tn on 10th Slrfft, Eul of Newport Blvd. PAUL BARTO REALTY 11121 Hamc,r Bl~·d C M. Liberty 8-il!79 9~9i 10 Acres POTE:-n-IAL bustneaa on Tualin Ave. nee.r ~· HO n. rreoe- way tmntar~ SubmJt trad• DAN A. JACOBSEN, Rl'aJ,r..t.at" Har &al U &-&Ii KI 1-2117 HY1tl 4·M~ ( carpeted and drapes, huge fieldatone fireplace. room. 147.:w>O. 3 ST AR SPECIAL picture windows, two large bedrooms with two baths, dining room. compact kitchen all in birch finiab, .large protected patio. To see thia u, to buy it. Only $31 ,500 ffAY REALTY COMPANY 3444 E . Coast Hwy. Corona d~ Mar. Har. 2288 lacrosis from Bank in C.O.M.) . MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE * Baysh()res * Lovely 4 bedroo~ Mid den home, mOdern desjgn. Spacious airy rooma. 2' :! baths, enclosed patio, interesting planter&. ·rrwy a moll unusual bomr, priced tor quick aale at only S29,600- Sl0,000 paya .down to lit T. D. HARBOR 2552 GREENLEAF-SEVERTS REALTY, INC. 3112 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach EVES PHONE LJ 8-3186 LI 8-.5405 Harbor 3921-W KEUogg 8-588.'5 , . Looking for the Unasual7 * * *· . Thia la It! Back Bay w1lh vtl!W • '-on ·~ aae. wm be mown 2 B. R .. 1 baui. Rm to build .............................. $17,95Ci ONLY to lha.ae lnterteted In 3 B.R .. 1 1:.: bath, near bay . ·-$~.000 llSodflTI 3 BR.. 1 "& bath. A ( B. R.. 3 bath, quality home.. Under 0 priced. ahow place ror lb• ec<:t"ntrtc ~-ll f ' i and complittaly turnllbed r..A<:e mane ng . . ...... . S39.:500 SH.000 Bay & Beech Realty Inc REALTORS t9flt-H&rtlor 9otttWTSTit <Ml.a MN&. C&lltom.l& LI S.T71t Ev• LI 1-3151 Rwrt.ic Charm Pl\11 Income M"ln hou• -2 BR., 2 Rath, 1m1ll den, beamed ~·· br1ck flrf'place, redwoocS and mahopey pand.1.ns. llle kit· C~ZI. , Gara&l' a99rtmait With JrnoUy pin• intf'rlcw, beamed cf'lllnr and br1clr n~i.ae.. Apart· mt!l'll tumlabed P'OI" Ml, by OWMr. I e H Poppy A•f', C'~rona del ).(11r Harbor 2:\i I J 9:k.'fli DORIS BRAY, Realtor 216 Marine Ave., Balboa llland Bar. 20 or 64 ONLY I LEFT.-BETTER HURRY! t J . NON-VETS No Down Payment I lmpounda $295 3 Bedroom.a. i 1 2 bath.a BEST BUY COST A MESA AREA < lnqu.irt at 252 E. Palmer Cocta Meu LI 8·2657