HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-04-20 - Newport Harbor News Press, • '· •. ' • DRAGNET Ml~IC CAUGHT. IN IT 'Small bo,.-........ jllot_ rri4t.3' on Udo W. ,.._... .,-woupt · lo• •• .,..,_ troat_. '...al Utt ... _.. JMBt--a.t, &. )(. •1a•ctr. WMD 8\.on9'1dc ~ &om. OM 9n\&l1 \ib)' \Mt P. otW ....u boy ... '1Mblnl & poUN ~about. ~ ~ ~ u.., *I up. aure enoup. be Md • rMJ ~ J...t UQ on TV. Thi8 bof ~ uotMr lllWI boy P"' him th4I t.dp; Whk:ll, it ... dl@l!"'!§L Mlflrd lO T~ WJleq. appannUy a rUU'ft ~ la Montebello, • The bad.se. No. 1e;, ,not nf., • Wt.II be malled lMICk to Mon· t.ebeilo PoUc. Deput.ment. Local rhOne Growth Jams , FaciUHes Ca ncllola liiy Ian Mr. and lira. sftomeno C&n- cbola. 1144 Pl•cenlla Ave .. C:O.· la Ml'N. •re ttM. ~renu of • ti.by boy born A prll 9 In H&aa H011p1ttl . .,.. -~=---·------------..... -.t: ---"":-' . --·-·-. -·--.... --·· ··-···. -. . . . ' • • • ' .. PHONE ·B.UUIO&· lilt ,5 CENTS • BuiJding -Offitial, , Pal.terse · Nained iiSuit . . WAIM:f:R DOODLES -Jack James Walker, <t.- tendanti;lbe kidnip.&tta:clt trlal of Donna SchWT Brett, )tu been drawinr dbodlea of the courtroom ocene during the boring leplltiea of jury oelectlon .. A doodle wbJeb didn't draw a laugh from.' Proee- cutor Kenneth WUliama depicted the de:puty D. A. u a hatchet man with a halo on hia bead, 1 cleaver in one hlllld and a club ln':"{he other.-OCNS Photo • ' . HarOld-lentler· Alleges 'Coilspiracy. CCH ltiPtion' • • , ' • -·····--·· .. -, . ----·- I • - (}ov_erl'tnienl mone'J. /l~cepf ----. PAGE 2 -PART I ' • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRE~ 1 FRI DAY, APRIL 20, 1'56 ··~ant 'us the nrenity +o accept the thing'li, we connot change; the· courage to cMn~e the thLng~ • .. -'tt-.& wfsdom to know the "difference." (A. /\non.) ' • EDfTORIALS Here's The Record on Mesa And Newport Ann exations Recent week_. have witneaaed rabble rouatng ari.ista ot the population of the City at Cotta :hieaa 11preading maliciOus untruths, halt-trutlll and self- serving rwvor in an effort lo cover their own in.ade- quacies. Involved in the campaign or vllifieat.ion against the City ot Newport Beach and many ot it• citizens· have been not only city officials of Costa Meaa but some of their theoreticiilly staunch supporters and bac.k room boe~s. For purposes of the record some things should be set straight: for instance - When COila Af esa fir1t tr ied to incorporate, several yean before it finally made it , it!! boundaries a.e a city w,1"1! eel contiguous with those of the City of Newport. Beach. The incorporators Intended to include Within their proposed city all the bluff prop· erty not then in Newport Beach, what's more they tried to Include the property owned by the City of Newport Be.a.ch, the now corporation yard, the 15th St, re.ervOir and water property and, of all thingi;, the municipal sewer works. Thill w&a not regardt.-d as a mo\'e of a good neighbor. How,.ver, Newpprt Be.a.ch did not oppose the incorporatior., it failed on 1t11 own. But, aftC'r the ill.fated lncorpon.Uon attempt Newport Beach , at the request of the Banning interests. pro'.ceedeJ to incorporate into the city a shoe string slrip. pro· tectinc the corporation yard. the water works, Md 1.he sewer plant. and all the Ba!'1n1ng property from further such attempts. Newport Beach has always. in the intervening yeara since Costa Mesa ha11 been a city, laid its c1.rda on the table. For instance: The Upper Bay property 'A-'as annexed to the city with the request (if two property owners and •ignificant silence of othert1. When Coat& Mesa thought the Newport Beach City Council would rescind its a ction on the annexation becaus~ of the a ppearance of a county pooh-bah before the council in protest, Costa Mesa adopted it.a own rtsolut1on of intention to annex the Upper Bay area y. ithout any requeBt or signature. W11o11 this quite neighborJy ? To bring the matter up to date, on Februarr ;l4 there was read into the minutes or the city counc11 a request from the owners o( property on 15th St., in the county area, seeking annexation to the City of Newport Beac h. T he letters were quite properly referred to the city engineer for checking, It wR.S "-March 12 when the matter came back to the city council with a resolution, r-;o. 1460, starting the a n- nexation. On ll-1a.rch 26 a letter was p rcsen\ed lo the city council by the Ci.a-Val Co., seeking annexation of ita, property on~ 17th St . in the county territory Lo the City of Newport Beach. The property, not then being contiguous was. not available for annexation, -the letter was referred to the city engineer for study. At the same meeting other letters from property owners seeking annexatioa were also referred to the city engineer. ' Here is t he entering of the character to the wood- •• pile. On 1'-farch 27, at 2 p. m. the entire city council of Costa Mesa met in the area proposed to be annexed to Newport Beach with certain property ownen11, including those whq had already «ought annexation to Newport Beach. Included w1lh the City Council o! Costa ttleaa were their city manager. city attorney, city clerk and one member of the planning commi ... 1ion. Many rash atatementa have been !Jsted u coming from the Costa Menns, many rash promise• were made, veiled threats ss to taxation, fire inaur· ance, policing,· etc. All of this. m ind you, to per- IOJU who alre1.dy aought anncxauon to~ Newport Beach.· _,, Tht}.n the Coeta Mesans began to w~k. Although the letters of intcnton to annex had bec:n made public, were reported in all papers serving the area, Co9ta Me1a undertopk, 'A-'ithoul a council meeting to dis- patch & resolution of intention to annex and hold an election for the purpose, this on Friday-(The legal notice wu carried in thie paper of intent to circu- late the pe~tion). Coincident with the legal notice HARBOR PReSS )'ormerly lJ1e Xe1~•port-Balhoa Nt1''•·T1n1u and th• N'ewport·S.lboa Pru. --------------------A De~ltdablf! l.ocal li111tllull<)n fur ()\f'r f'orty l'f'ar•, 11:.nt•rM .. Second·ClllM .Maller al th(I l'r111tofflre In Xf'1''port Beach.. Cal1forn1a under tile Act of J.l•rt'h 3. 11179, ----------h b H 9hed "\'•rJ Mo•da1. \\ f'<loetoday and f'rld&)° by the "''"'PORT llARBOR l'l 'flLll'IH l:\'O C:OM.PANV till &1"6 Blt.d., ~"!:\\'PORT BEACH, t;ALIF. 1~1..-.e It.arbor 1111 q..utlM to hbfhJt Uc-al Xot~ and Ad\t>r1l.,..n1f'nl" of All KJnd• 81 J)liie'Nt!o '!If ttre ~-~rtM t_ .... rt *' 0,,.,_a., l.'o. ln Acl~a :oio.. A·Z I 101 Kembu C~Uon.hl l'o"f'WOlp&S:H'f 1•11blillbet'9 A_.laUua )C~ller Sallt10.J Eilllnrlal A~laUon M.en1bf'r of Orana-• t'ou •llY :\"""" S.t\ L<'f' --------------,~ BEN REDl)IOK. PUBLlS HEH. \\'11.UA1'1 A MO~f-~:.:. E<l•to!- JAJ.lE.~ J.I J.IATH t::-.'\", .A•hl"rtl!lln1 l1htttor Cff.ARJ...ES A. AR1'1$TRONG, 1ttfi·h 1nl('lll St1J~t1nt~nc1tnl l'll'f\.'«..:RIM'l0X lli\"l"t,..i; S•""JK>rl JlariH.lr :\1"11•·l'r,.., ... Trl·\\N'loly i. Oraot• CoUlll), ... 00 1 ... r )"ar: SS.00 .. 1lro mu ... ; 11.:.0 th.rH 1nOL OUL31tM or Oran1e tA>IUlt)' 11.00 pct )tll.I' the theoretical action o! the Co1ta Meu City Council waa forwarded to the boundary cornmieaion of the County of Orange on Friday and was a.cted on Mon- day, April 9. Co11ta Mesa council knew from prevlou. public action& ot the City of Newport Beach ,City Council, that Newport &ach wou}d pua lta rMOIUUon on ttie CJ1.-Val, and other annexe. at lta regular meeting. Costa !ties.a councilmen called 1 1peclal meeting, they appeared at the Mesa Planning Com· minion session al 7 :30 p. m. with inst.ruction• for the commission to forthwith recommend ltB propoaal ot an anneutioo being 1.U incluaive of all indu.strial property and certain residential property lying in the i.Bland on the Meaa between the l wo cities. Newport. Beach, having beard of the presump- Uoua action intended by the Mesa. opened It• meeting on time, dlapened with the regular order ot buaf- net1e and adopted ita annexation re10lution of the- induatrial property wtw.e ownera bad requetted annexation and including Certain othen. This i1 all from the record.. \Vhen the Co.ta Me~ city councilman and their hired help met at their l'«}Uelt in a rump aeealon endeavoring to defect the indu.tria.li.eti from New· port Bea ch they made many ruh 1tatemen!a. The meeting waa held on Much 27. One Me•• councll· man is quoted u aaying "Harbor Highlandera found their fire insurance ratee hiked way high when the fire insurance companie1 le1.rned they had annexed to Newport Beach." Nothing could be farther trom the truth. Harbor Highlands annexation wu of!i· cially completed only )ut week. Newport Beach enjoy• considerably lower fire rat.ea.than Costa Meaa. All Mesa counci.J.men, and their hired hand•, kept repeating, according t o our 10urcet1. that 1£XM • in Newport Beach were muc h higher than on the Mesa. This too' la not true. Here are the fatct1 as furnished by the County Auditor covering a theoretical house in Newport Beach at Balboa Blvd., and 15th St. and another in Coat& Mesa at Santa Ana Ave. and Broadway, both having an a.ueued valuation of $5000: Coata. Meu Jt tclU I t'lty County General ................ ~ ··---·-1.4100 Ci ty Taxea' .. -_.'. ........................... 8000 School ........ 3.5713 Orange County Cemetery 1. ·-·-.0080 Orange County Flood Control _ .1108 Harbor DLBtrict .. , ........... ···········-.0268 Mosquito Abate. .0100 Metropolitan Water Distriet ..... 2700 County Library .................... -·-··--.0584 Costa Me8a Ligh t.s ....... . ..... 1470 C. M. P.ark and Recreation ......... 2100 Co11ta Mesa Sanitary _,, ......... -.9400 County Sanitation .. . ......... .5000 8.0423 StMpurl Bfft ll (,'lt:y 1.4100 l.1400 3.1553 .0080 .ll08 .0268 .0100 .2500 .366< 6.4973 The house, referred to before, of the same value in the two cities would cost taxwiae in Newport Beach S324 .86 and in Costa Mesa $402. 11 . In addition to this fire rates in the City of New· port Beach are at leut tPree' percentage pointa lower than in Co!lta Mesa. To carry this comparison a step farther, an identical insurance policy, on identical houses. locat- ed respectively in Newps>rt Beach and in Costa Meaa 'A-'OUJd be : Newport Beach. $60.50: Costa Mesa $73 . .Jn addition to th:s, there a re areas in Costa Mesa. out- side the downtown area where the rate would be $95.50. Genera.U y Newport Beach ia liated by the Board of Fi.re Underwriten as Claaa 6 for insurance purpo8e11; Costa Mesa. near the fire atation' ia listed aa Clau 8, with several :torles as 98. Harbor Highlands ia presently li!lled under Costa Mesa penalty provislona although moat Joc1.l agent.a are now permitted to cover properties there under the Newport Beach ratea. In the chart above the blanks in t he City of Newport Be1.ch column are items that Costa J..teaa charges extra and which l;Jewport Beach includes in ita general tax rate. The tamount ia a ataggering Sl.3554. additional. But let.a be extra con.1iden.te and say, Newport Beach rea.identa have already paid for its aewera, forget that the city of Newport Beach picks up garbage anc!. traeh itaelf out of gener&l fund taxes a.nd alrilr:e out the.l '.9• 1.nd it atill mean1 that Costa Mesa city rates, compared to Newport Beach city ra.tea would aggregate Sl.21M a.a com· pa.rE>d to Sl.14. In addition Newport Beach, throughout prac- tically tho entire city has it.a own municipal water system, in and paid for. Various areaa of Costa 1lesa pay various ratea, surcharge.a, use.umenta, etc .. for water service from any of eeveral companie1. In addiLion, the entire city haa paid from its gen· era! fund lo crta.te a "municipal vater department" for the benefit of limited area.a of _newly annexed land where they will be no further ueeumenta be- cause of city use. This little chronology h&& been wr.itLen without \'enom or angrineaa. It la an attempt to set the record straight as to •·hat is going on betweeo two neighbors. , Many v.•ho have rTJXlrted thl'Be 8ltuatlons have colored tht> content to Bll it thf'msclves. M11.ny would m11kf' il ap~ar that th<'rt il'I a big f1ght brewing bcl\.lo'M'n two c-1til'M wh1 t:h should be sitting side by 111<le 11.nd groy.·ing togel htr. Ir there is a legal battle the c&UM: which th• mg LIGHT OP" TH K WORL& THE .CAPITAL WEEK ' . 8 7 WM.l'Ell I. ILUIOUU. United PJ-e.. S\a1f Corrapondoat BACRAllENTO, (UP) -With the atroka of & pen ob Friday the 13th, the •late ot calltornl& bee.am• $120 1 million richer -and the City of Lone Beach to1t U)at --. I Gov. Ooodwin 1. KnJ.cbt, by torne:y O.nllRl, r-.pr.Mn~ lb•~ ' atmpl1 91~1' hi• n&m8, end.Ml .t.ate, • .,,, tn a mood to oom· 1 J't&n of UU,allon •nd cont.ro-prom191. Wny oww tht Lon.-8Mch iw.-Alkn. d~ up A,llff ..net laada 01J tevtnl*. • W .. lu of coafllN'ftC61 and it The JOV4!rnOr afflJltd hll !"-'l1· b(lth hou-. Ot lh• ~· Lo A.811 by A .. •mbl)'IUl.n Brue• ltl,. Wllh only two duitianliha _!.J',__Allfn ~and l.btte-i ... by "lUtd one. and or "an a Und., lha ftnal comp.romhl. com.pUcal6d l1au• which b&.1 lltntd Into law laat •• b:y pla.suN both 11'1• IA~latur4! th41 Oov•mor, lhe •tat• take• and' U1• courta fur yea.ri and 1120 mllllon ln Impound.cl money yurs. held by Lone Beach, Th• cny Tbe t.Anrled .u.ry o.I lb• Lons ,.ta to keep moN tAaa 60 mil· ··~ ~h UdelaNb ION back to the REVENtilt I PLIT· year llHl when the Legilll&tu«: Jn rutute yee.ra, Ute clly and pu11<1 an act cranun1 uue to atat• WW •pill lh• Udel&Dde \ldelud. wlthln the city limit. rev,.nu• 60·00 wllh •&Ch col· or L.GnJ Beach to the clty. Th.• "' provided th•l the land wa• leclln1 about $14 million • yMr In add.ltlon, lh• •ll.t• and city slvf'n In tn11t. to be llHd prl-n1artly for harbor devtlopment. \'fill rtnance jolntl:y an u:pen· •Iv• •ubaldence repair prvcr•m. Xo one au.pt'Cled at that Um• Yl'ha t w!ll the fl&te do with lh•t ben'e•lh the tideland• lay Ill windfall~ one or the rlMt.11t oil pool1 In na.t I• 110mel l!Jn&' futur• 9d· the world. • atona ot the IAl'l•la.lure wtU But In 1937, oil wa• dl.conor· have to, decide. ·u~er term• or tel ()ff Lons Beach -and the th• A11~ bill, the .... 120 million -------------~-------------1 clty bc&&n to 1eap • &Olden IOM lnto an ••!nVMtmfl'lt f\lnd" hUYe1L subject to appropnaUon b:y lh• Oftl!:AT \\"r:A.L'MI Lert.iatur•. City oJ. Newport Beach will be able to proudly !oater is that of the request of ·the property ownera who would like. t o be able to determine their own destiny and affiliate with tbe City of Newpo rt Beach. The City Counoil of Newport Beach has e~deavqred to accede lo their requests. Some of these lndustriallatB will be called upon to pay more taxes than are itemized above becatl8e they will inherit many of the district taxee of Costa. Mesa's multiplicity of taxing agenciee as well RB the city le\'y of Newport Beach. Only time and close cooperation between the two cities can co~t this. It will not be done fairly by the idle carping of aome who regard uuincorporated areu near to either o! the two cities aa their private domain. 8¥ 19~1. the cl!y had mad t Kn}&'hl hopu t.hat ~ lion'• ao tnuch 1noney o\Jt of Ill oil •hare or the money wlll M u.wd '1trtke that It no lonrtr wu tu help financa the f'Mlhtr RJv• ftuible to llp4!nd ll tnllr•Jy on er Project -a $1.~ hlWoo p~ harbor d..,.._1opn1.nt. So re's>,.. ~ to bnn1 11rat1r from HntaUvu of the city 11ucct4!.ded N'OtUl•rn C&JUornla. to Ule a.Md In pauin1 a bill In the Le11~ Md.ion• ,or th• •tat• to th• taturt: t hat trHd 60 ptt cent South. Bike Safety Week The importance of "Bike Safety \Veek'' -ob- served April 16-21 -can be judged by 1ta(l8tics. Each year more than 400 children die in bicycle a uto accidents and another 25.000 are injured. Basic bike aa.fety rules include: Obey all traf· fic aigrus and regulations ; walk the bike across heavily tra.veled Btreet.8 and roads; never ride two on & bike; use the proper lights at night; keep the bike in good mechanical condition: stop and see that streeta are clear before riding out of alleys or driveways or from behin~ pa.rkcd cars. Let'• get such life !18Ving rules as these across to every bike rider dur ing the week. "Our li berty depends on freedom or the prCSIJ and that cannot be limited without being lost." -Thomas J efferson ''Like a 11mall boy with a new knlfe, a n1an who has discovered he has a sharp tongue ne\•er knows when to 1top using it." -Chicago Daily Nl'wa AFFAIRS OF ST ATE By HENRY C. Ma<ARTHUR ol th• e11 moriey from the tru•t. Tbe goytmor'• btiltf ill lht ·AA a reault, a autl wu broucht mOJ\4!Y ahoutd be 1~nt tor de· enUtled Mallon va. Lone Beach. v1lopm1nt of n•tural rellOUrcu, Lall year, th• Stata Suprtcme mainly wa ter. Court held In a 4·:1 opinion lhat f"JlEE HA:ro.·o pe.1a1ge of the 19:Sl act Tt'14!.&nt Howeve r, lf th• 1tate sell In· t.hat t.he money treed. rrom tht to-• t!nanclel J•m In th.t yMr• tru1t ahauld revtcrt to th• •late. to com,, nothln1 In th• Alltn The M.allon dec:1.1lon prontpted bill ""'Ill prevtnt th11 lawm1Jr..tr1 Allen In t.he 111~ M.Nion to or· rrom 1pe.;~lng the money to Ml· t ll'r a bill to tak1 all or tht a.nee the buds-et -or for any money away fr om th• City of I olh•r purpotta lh•y dt1lr1. Lone Bea ch on the prfmi1e that And. lncldPnlaUy, if tht City It all bt'lun1ed to thtc 1tale of Lone Beach •Ull hu t.oo Bul tht ~ji"lalature re fu •ed to mach money fro m 1t1 llO JKr go ajon ir with the alt -o r·not h•n&; cent eha re or the 011 re~~. appro1ch and 11idetr1cked Alll'n'a noU1lnr 1n the Allen bill pre· lir•l pl~ct of lejt\slaUon \'PnU tha 1tate from ccmln1 But by th l• year, both tht b•ck In f11l111f' \'eera anti collect- Ci ty of Long Bl!ach, n1tmber• 1111 anotbtr tidy 1um trom th• ut the LeJi•!ature and th1 At.-city. , Sacram ento Sid elight ~ACRAttfENTO, ICNSJ-It ia aurpriaing how many people hope the rules and regulations effectuating the CaJ1forn1 a ~l1lk Control Act will become even more silly than they a.re at the present time, for theBe people !eel tb1t only through the imposition-c:lf more and moie 1tringent 1e11tra1nl• ""'Ill the public ri•e lc1 tt rtbllleJI. refund• and Ull.Mrn· up tn wi •th •nd d~mand th•t ed discount• th•• la"·· , f q\lelltlonable co n1 U· AH th"•• .._r_egulallol"ll. -~! ~ coUr!M', •re pro.-bly •ponl(lr,.., lul1•Jrlfll ty, b4' wlpt>d off the by the milk tru1t. for thty all ,1atutt books. ravo-r the dl•lributor. In othrr Tll,. h1tes· IM't of rule• and "'ord1. If one dl1lributor ... i1t· rl'gulaUon11 adoplt<l by the Bur-ed ia ~taller In an a.dYtrtU1n 1t ~:u.1 of Milk Control t1 a rt•· program, for ln1tanC'!, It would 11-onl:lbly good indlcallon that the bt up to all dlatrlbutor1 to pur· 11tate ~ponsore•I mil k tn.u1t. con-1ue th e aame cour&e. al a mlllt· .•1~t 1ng l)f th, big dl1t rlbutor11. tt"r of free and optn competition. oTirf' 1ga1n h11• trlum.ph"d In itll But thl• would coat lhe di•· 111e>;on1h!e r1>nlrol of the poll· trlb11tor1 money, a11 would other c1e1 1'hlth d~trrn11ne hnw much tl tma connected wlth the .. ,. the puhl1c llhAll pay for milk, of mllk v .. hlch are now prohl· and \Ju~ term~ and cnnd1t1ona blt ed by 111w and rule1 &J1d regu· uru!ti 1''h1rh th1 pu bil!'.''ihall 1e· latlo'n•. Quilt obvlou.ly. lhe d1a- --------------------------lce1\·e n11!k. tr!~tor11 do not w.,H the ir pro· \\'hil<!! on th,. Ont' hand. the flt• cut into by e:nnltrln&' frf'e SACRAMENTO, (CNS) -California taxpayers can trtnd "' e•Ju, .. 11on 1n C•hfomla •nd OJ>f'n com petition "'1th u cll look forward to dropping another 40 or $50 n1il hon intolo, io 11'.!!•l'l young pwple thal ot her It 11 1nuch ai n1 pler to r. J1\'f' ul a l1C'e cc.unlry un oper11t11 throug-h the 11tate-con· the hungry maw of education when the t nne con1es j ;~e olhf'r hand. the milk ~l'Ullt trolled milk tru•t. which pro-- next January for discu.a.sio n o( th,t! 1957·58 f11t•al year 111 .,.., bf'll• thi• "9umption. cau1· vid t>11 lepl control over any di.- budget . 111,g nne part or governmf'nt, U\P trJbutor wM ~ deelre --1o .t<'hn .. !~. Lo lndu l1'e ln hypoc.r1111y enttr Ult! competitive fft>ld -• Thl1 t1 bf'<:Aulle of 11rUon lllk· 11111.1·c1ty llf \Mh l11•1 t , l\J'lt! 111.•llf· en by lhe 110.callec1 Stete Counci l fiLiellC)' uf r-ll'•·tnue~." ,,r i-nuiA~ concerning another p•rt of gov· ltt1•I ronlrol ~rovided by a law of Education. which hlll• it.11t>lf Iii lhe tf!ort of the A••oc'\11.llGn e1nn1f'nl. th e nulk t1ual la ... ·s. th at ""'"" lobbied throuch th• The mil k t1U&l la1''1, and the C1l1forn1a le1l11l1ture by lht di1· a.11 the policy making body or tn Inert .. • 1•l11ry 1chedU!t1 for b • ntw rul~• ttnol rr&ulal\o n1 pro· lrl utor I orir:anl&&Uon of hlsh· th• California Ttachfr• A1111ocla· teALher1 In " m1nhnu111 of $,1200 hlb1t H• lolJv.,.•1: power•d lobby!11t• In Sa cramento. tlon. 1nnuAlly, and a rna.1omum of HOt'SE\\"Il"J:'15 Lll.81) The action 1.pprovtd by th" $9000 • ~ tAr, >\.HAT'S PROl.llBJTr:u There appear. to be UlU• n a- council. which 111 compo11t>d nf J.l un: money on 11n AUA bMl1. A<I VPrtl.tnir: •llowancM and 1 .on wby tllue rerulat10Q8 Mould •bout 300 teacher• f1on1 all !5f't'-nf 1•ou111e, will i,:1ve ,111lt1ct11 cf'rtilln typ~• or aale9 proruouon apply again1t lhe aal• ot m11k. Uoria of the 1talt cou11111t11 of fund1 "'!lh 'vh1t•h tu lnC'rrll!Hl llC'l lvitlf'•; fre11 Jl ft1 anJ fr11t "'¢tn they do not appl:y to Ui.1 voUo&; to aup port lPg13!11Uon the pay Of Cahfornl11 1~111he1•.),.,.r\1Cf'll fumlshed by a dl1tr1-••l• of aJIY other e.nmodll:y t:lll· which would rt>move the CO.'lt Qf who 1tlte1ut\' Hie Ult hl lCh,.~t 1•811/ butor to 1 cwitomPr; r111anl'tnr cf'pl liquor, Thii Oflly r-. nr tran•pottatlon of pupd1<. tduca· In the nMtlon, In 1·1)n1p1r!110n 1 flf ..,.holtca•le CU.!lomrr.'I by milk cour11 ... J1 Ute f'1C:f'Jllf\t lobbylng Uon ot tX Ctptlon•I ('h ll drl'n, ""'llh the nd nhnu1n11 1and 11ve1·1anr1 (1111rr prOJP<•t dl•tnbutor11 ; job done b:y th• r91>~ta.tlvet growth In attendance. and coun· age1 Of 1•lht'r 11\11\e11 111111 anll lea~ \"If tquipment b)' of CahMrola'1 milk dlltrtbulor-. ty 1uperv!•lon out or Ule 1talt ltl~l~H ro~Tl'l,. r!uo\libu lon1 tu ('U.'1\omtcrs ; ff'gtJ-who l"Onned a (Ulllble lelf..Uatu"" apportlonmtcnt or $180 pf'r pu· The totn.I •Ubvl'nt10 ,1, for f'•1U· !"lion llf rhe rtntel ot fum lth· Into adopUnr the milk tnMit p\I whic h ill provided fur ln tht Cll tlOn, l"X<"lU•IVe of \ht l 't1J\'l'I'· llo j( fif alOrl~e l"f11b1neUI hy tl\1• lllWI. &.nd lhertby trn;ltt nrUa to it.ale <'On.l!tltutlon. .111Ly uf California. thf' 11\&\P rnl· tr1t>11to11. the u~• of tl1t'1e and f1 et and opt'n competition In Ult To nlaka up wh11 t I• "ltlmat!'d ll'jil t.!, 11ncl allmtni.'lli"ll•!n or th" other pr•cli~e~ or device• to ,r. milk lnduRtr:v. at 1 COit. of mtl· to be from 30 to $40 m1lhnn, ital,. d,.p8rlnient "' l'oLur atin•i fN"l a11J~~ of rl111d milk 11.l prlct• lton 1 or dolll.tl to the Oilltorn11 for tht fir1t Yt•r or \hie pro· J1.n1011nted lo 1:>2;.~1111.166 l•ll' tht• bfh1w 1n1nlnturn1 and agalnet M-hou1t>1''1 fe. cedure. tlle le•cller1 11·11! ~upport 19~·:57 r11e81 )e"' T11:~ \\'ll!I [t>&11latlon for • d1tt>cl •ppru· $34 .~17,071 o\'<'I' ~not 11b<•''" the prlatlon rron1 lht i;:tntl•I lund. •ubvtntlon" fnr thf' 111rr,.nt )"Ar, SF.AT TRl(.'li l'('('OrrlinR t" tbe \!1:16 ·~•7 hU•li.:tt. Thu11. the allllOClr\!on utlllie• Effft'l ot thf nf'W J'T "J"J•lt1on 11 lh• nut Utllt trick of lfOlng Cl! th,. TtAl'hf'r.' A 1~11c l11\11•n. to the le(l•latu r11 for add1uor111l th"r"'••re. n•~un1o nji:' 11r1nthrr i:i~ fund•. 1n11t .. d or ln•·r•-.Lng lhf n1Hhun nnr1nal 101 r"""" "" thr averaca dall y atttndanC'e fla:ur,.111!.'llllt or aro.,.•th. 1'nuld l>e • upwa1 d from $18(1, "'hl('h would n1lnln1un1 $74 n111!t<•n ln~tf'11~e necualtata a vol• of the peoplr ror the J!'.'\i ·:'l8 f1•<'Al y,11r of tn. 1ta1.t. -1o1.b.lcb ~r· it cll11\ And ""'1th lh" •ll ·Jl'.'"''trf11l lnb.!Or educallon lu thP •Ut£l:f'11nc by the Callfom11 TParh•r• A1'-11otal of epprn1"1mot lf!ly $600.000.· .oclatlon ma1nt11ria (fl 1hl Sta\"' 000 Capitol. t>.cke;:I by the th1rlt Qf ) Arthur ,.~ C"•"\'. P11f'<·Utlv,. a n-1n1liaU\·,. "''hh h th~ as~-, ltt<"rrt•1y of lh" 1,"'lt 1aL1un, II"''• 1•ialh'.ln rould p1.\ 011 v"'Y •·••II}' Ith" nffw .,1ni.:1.t111 I~ '"-~ornti•l 111 It d1J 'A'hl'n \lif' A[)A "'"• 1( C'A\l f•"""' •~ 1" f•illiil lt• 1nl'rt .. ed t<1 .f l!W, U<l• proctJur• ,,Llli .111 .. n t•• 1! .. ._,,.,.l,.•t n11T.i1 11l "''ould •l"Pf'llr to b<o lh• 11mple1il 1 P..0111r~ thf' }'•Hrtn r.r th" rn,.thnd of r•l11ni m"t~ n1nn"\ ,1••• Bt>h!n<l th" .. rrnr1 c.r lhP A•..., II r•111th' 1 1~ .. "" 1H1\r ! th" rl•l.,lon tu ··n•~•t lhf' • h11 !l""K"• ........ ,..,,.11,,., ll •ll •t tulf!ll It• Hh of public .. duration 1n1ro.,.d 1n l111:11u .. n• tu 1h" M"o l)(~J n1rt1'1'1<•1~ Lh• 1Lll• by 14ck or cl ... r<10m1 1.,.ho 1iay Ul• lobbyi•ll aal•nn Fa rm er McCabe Writes ••• Wileon, Oklahoma April 19, 19!16 \"18ited-the Old-Hurne-Town "here l l4,ed..........--- boy. Jt ain't changed much. The old-u.na aup_ pt.her on the bank corner where they a.rgul!' an· wh.ilU•: two of the four stores tht:re It.in 1tock everything from hnr's<' eolian to can goods. How aomever, that'• one thing 11.bout home towns -they don't change much .. , 1inly thP JlC<lple <lo. Farmer McCabe • -- ' .. • .. ONLY - $255 -~ 2 bdnn., beolltltlal dal, lovely . pr.tiO, all ..... -~ poo cloon, Ill ID Ill a ...,. clwmlnc h!mle.. Plouo call ,. for ..., •1>- po111-. ~ .Ul,llOO. ' . : OSBORNE.FORTON Re11lty Co •. 2S2S W. Oout HW,.. (at Port Clr&DP.l . LI ~'1lll2 --1>1• Rd. 6166 eom.' ' \ '/ • • .. ., --... -.. • I OPERATION 64 IS COMl.NG . -SOON! . ' ~ .. TOWN TOPICS · · :·;ftom b~:of A~erica • -.. I I . - . -·---_.,._ • --riu -fft"IO··· , ' • rou--" . . • ' • • WILL. 1HA1'S ==---OVl_l_I _ _, / . ' • ._......--... • SHERIFF AS.KS BOAR!;>. FOR 24 NEW ·DEPUTIES, STAFFERS • ! ' f 'dr!.111e bel91'· WU.t tt" t.¢" oru,-e OolfDtJ lherilf 1U'ld.. A.. Mutlclc, 'J\INdt.T 1119'4 wltll.4 the ~ of .upenieon a nqullllt for ti mon ~ tor'hla •tatf. IA iM.k1ns U. NqUNt. th• BtlltrUt po&nt. out that. acUYIU• l.ll hUi ~· tnent tncNUitd 60 per ant 1'lll ~ and. bu illrMdJ illcnued U per «Ill' tor the' ftrat qurtv cf. th'9 )'Mr er tb9 ~· qdarter of ltCll. Ilia ~IMllt wu Hfern4 lo 'the pel"90n.Jlel ckpartm•nt 1'J' tbe Mrd. , New lnftl u.lted bf the IMr1tt l.ocludie llliM dtpalJ lh•riff' snd• '2 for ,.uol: oe.• deput)', ~ 1, tor ur--~ detali IMVt"D. bav..up.ton.. 00. PBX 'open.Loi, OR MIPut tor the tall dWllllon. one Ml'l9Ut for Ul4 recorda d1Ybilon, Ollf ldenu.nu.tioa tec.hnldaa. two tnllt cWb. ~ pdnctp&a clerk. · occ. c.....s ' o,.. ' • AMlrk•dlwtloa , A~ lilt.er.t.d la Am~ la&Uon ~·.....,. NCll~ flDr" ' ~ Ule dam' la A.lnericM HlltOioJ .... __ .. an,,.. LIONS GIVE $1000 TO BOYS' CLUB _ Judd Sutherland of tile Coo!& -Lio.lo club II ohm . P...,.llnl · a 11000 • check to Al Spencer, dlriclOr al the 1h tbor area Boyo' club. lllclwd Reed 0out Colle... it. WU M"'MaoC911 todaf. .. . . (checked coat) and Wally Goetcfiell, memben of ·the Boyo' club look on. )loaey for the cbeck wu mioed at the 11165 FiOb Fry sponeored by the ~­ club. The 19156 Fi.lb .Fry wW be held J uae 2 and '8 at the Coota ~ park. All proceeda from the beaefl~ ,..W be ufed for .Y®tb aeUvltleo la t11e Harbor area. '!be el-.. ,...i:. Ma.dap and W ed.Mllllay9 from 7-t ta room T of ~ U.bfUT. '?"'°91 wbo an Ulteruted llboWd rqtst.er la cl.aat M IOGll u po..tba., It wu ........ . ....... For Lo ......... .... _ .............. "" .. ~ '. ._... W .-..-. • ins .,hi. reat UcenM plate .._ • A lit.U..u...d proNIOll ol the u.aa u ji\Cb.91 froln I.be l'J"OWl'd: • ,fthkl•IC:Ode wu invoked by \...t• Ottlcti'li who m .. ured It u.td : ne omctrt at 1:40 p.m. 8\lndQ" lt wu-onll' T~ lACll• trom Ult ;..io~~ ... :;~Ro;bWt;';-;'~·~W;;:~;do~ml~lh;,:~;M,;!pa!:....,..:;:::L::::;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;:;~ • • • • . . . . • Grandolfo 's ,(formetl.7 Gt Hemet) complft. IMnu fOr the f•mily PIZZA e 8PAG8ETl1• e LAS&GN"' BOID ~ JU.DK AA \'JOU e 8ftAIJJI e SEA fOOO 7000 f'() 60 511..._ ...... IALl~A Mwi•or4137 0PSN DAILY U N,OON·IJ IUDJrrri,OBr. CIL08ED llOND.t.I' I S.TUIDAY, Al'llH. 21ST. Coloual ~tnn1ry Wllilt Dllillt lT T&A&8 l1f a.AL80A I I TANI MARSH I H.. Polynomn R-- r ....... .,.,_ ..... --... ... s2so RAii Qllfl'll"EM -0..,W. b~ .... .,.._., ------·-------'---·~ 111ar•••• .-eoio-' OM' at1fJ1} IAY, "S'tWJM;r 1 ONq a.,. .... • Prtel* ! I • ftD P.u.&l;NO HUT OPEN I P.ll.-ODfl'QR FftOlll 1 P.11. CL08ED •ONDAh -.turn:& lliA.80trc" ONLY , C11 Yoa -Find Yo1r :Hobby Here? •dd to Your .Reference Li brary with Books on e PAINTING e CERAMICS e SILK SCREEN PRINTS e AIRBRUSH PAINTING -e RGURE DRAWING e COMMERCIAL ART e PRACTICAL LETTERING e SCULPTURING AITISTS' BOOKSHELF NM VU. OPOK'IO -PR. •••BQll .... lil._N_ ...... ..._.,.., DINNER 5:00 P.ll. -9 P.ll. Open Sundays 12 Noon -9 p.m. (doeed lil0ftda19) • 2M8 NEWPORT BLVD., rosTA dA (hie I Weell -'Iii M' ~ ....._ C b7 0.) PhoM: Ullel'tJ s.llU • . ....... Jbbl ..... .,,.... • -- te, ,_ Koe~111 · . •-wu lliOra W ~ • ..,, ---~ .... --............ ._, ...... LI la Hoc W 'cUel , !•!11.U r ... .,,,.. .... NEWl'OllT llACH * OOC&TAIU * OeM& ,,.,,. ft, "'U ' .... .. 11161· .... 111 HU_ ,,,,. ~ ..... d!i .. uwou . •• I DEWIE LUNCH Plt.-a.i.. • .... u:N .... -a:tt •~ CHINISE a11d AMERICAN _,,S .. ES l :Olf.m.-l:filML FOOD TO TAKE HOME ri.. __ .,_ the Y-AJooud CHl"~SE CASINO • , ·, 111 -8&.. --llOI t last year in C<1Ufdrnia I Taxes on beer-were enough to build a .highway from San Franwco to Yosemite We Colif...U... ... die dri>ins-P'!'flo ... llldt. lt'• • -.ggainJ tak to mab our hip~ l)'a.tm pow f.ur than new cu registntiom. Ma molt 1 quarter of our ..re cas.e1 ro-fw ._u..t-.. ...-..wn,...i ...,.i.a., ....iw.,.. :-:-· .. la •tiJlrt·of -f ..... it'1 •• .,.. .... , "'bo'!" ., thlt ,..., on --116-200,000 for jusr loor yar .Jonc.-womd be eoo;.gtt to build• two-lane roM from SU Fnnci:K:o to 1o.an.itE. Tqa aft Ctlilor· .U-pay would ~ k much higher if die blCWCU • oad •Im ol. line been "9d ala _.. .. ..,,.,.S to shoulder ............. 1 pan ol the lood ' • ' ' &Ir &/ollt~ to C.Jifon,U. P,...m,, U. I • 1aaw1a1 l"O~NDATtoN - -· ·-• ... ----·-· -· .... ----. ...... -..... -·· • t 1 I I • ' ' • ) r ·l T I \ ' -· __ ,,, _____ .. ________ ... ·---.., __ -... --. ,___... --~---~----· ........ ·~-----· _, ___ -;::.-r--·-------.··----.... _ .... . .. . . . . .. llilll GRAND ENTBY-Vo.r!OUI· ridinJ-croul>8 u4 unattaehod honemen uo lhown lo ll'PIC,.i • •• graad mtry which ia held'" I.a. conjunction wit.A the pJaydaya held here. -Yell'• Photo , Helen Mathews High Point WiMer at Riders' Playday City Wranflel'I and Canyon Rid· eni and many unatta.chld 111- tn.o. .. • Mesa Business Up $3 Million Over '55 Mark ' itetall buelne. In eo-t.a M• .. amouat.ecl to appreximl.U!y Jl3 mUUon tn l ~~ on tlWI buls ol city M.Jq tui:: flcure• nleued out ch&r,-a. ·~ ' - m:wr,wOIOJIN MOVIE ISUSPEISE" H•l•n M.alh1w1, memblr1 ot th• Centaun, junk>r rt111n1 JTOUP of Corona del Mu, -.u hl(h point wtnntr at th1 r.cent pl•Y· day at lha Buffalo Ranch aratL P.cl&Nd ·wlnnw or the J'ounder• Trophy, awa.rded to the junl rtder wtnnlng thrM con.ecuUva playd&y meet. by RJ d1r11 of thl San JO&quln who apouor tht monlhly meet., Hel:en will r• celvt th• trophy at th1 nl!:m;t niNt May 20. Firlit winn1r -a Sonny Ba.mes at Loi Compan· trot club. J'lrM pi..c. vrtnru~n lunday wen1 trail borw. Mnk>r·Charll1 Lwk; trail hone, junlor·&t.nd)' i"umladel; b&reblck pllUU,... Bandy Fchmlldel; w.-em pita· aun lt.ont, Mnio~Dotl.11 Rack· ham; tll&ka hone, jwilor-8onny BarnM; .t.ak• bonl, .. nJor·Bll· ly Wam1; ,,pr1 I 1t&k1 race· DolU. RacJt.b.a.m; quadrangi... Sonny B&m.•1 k1ybol1 rac:•J•tf Pal.en: p<MtbelWUnr·Phil Bam11: loday by n.ta1 Officer Ray 1------;------- Haru.IM'. Th• nrure• tndic&U u. appros:.lmat. 13 mllll.on lncrMH In ~,,... conduct.Id 1n Oo9t& Mtw. Wt J tar 1n .Om~ AU horMmtn art welcom• to partlclpat.1 and compeLI! for rib- bo1111 and trophJea. declarl!(! Jim Garvey, pruld!!nL PartlclpaUnr ln th• laat meet were rider• !rom the El Toro •tablu, Tri· I • man relay • Robln ihrintord, S&ndy Knapp and H•l.en Math· ewa. A a,pldt.l •vent tor a111lon only WM nm. rid• and lead b&retoot wM won by CherokM WuC Orange County Employees to Average 7% .Pay Hike TINll' llUYI A l1CID!lr -Alvm Pinkley, Coit& -city councilman. purchuN ticket to tho Co.ta M-. Vol\lDt.eu' FirD..n'• annU&l dance, t.omorToW, from Al Osdlii, fire chie! ot volun· teer1, -SW! Photo SANTA A.NA., APRIL 1&,- (0CNS)-.L. a r•ult o( P.· bau.tlv• at~y by lhe Paraionnt.I Oepart.lilltnt and the Board ol 8upan1Mln. Oraq'• Count7 .-a· ploye. wt.arid to r•t aa ave,.. &l"ti T pw cant Jll.Y hlk1 Jun1 1. Pll"90ft.nll nu-tor William H.al'\ ~Mid Wednuday thl K h P- . Mesa _Volunteer ;:a.: o:.:·r:::: ';.': ::; oc :Z' bMri found lo be «llnp&r· ' · · ,, Fireme11 Plan .unu~ .:i~ ~!.1~:0i: D b t R t A' 1 · • duatry. It al.lo matcht1 ta-ro,.. e I e OU e nnua · . all ~;,;.:,':Cu!;'." "' 0 "'" Cotta Maa •oluntetr nrem111 Hart nol«I th• 8°'Ulty hU had ,of • Freewa' y will hold t.htfr annual J1f'lman.'• a dlffic\ill Um1 matnta.lalnr ad• Ball t.omorrow ln the M.ffa IA-quatA •tafflnJ becau.a 1mploy- 1"ion Hall. It will probably . bl H9 CIO'lW mab PLOf'I money e,.t .Att.W Ulttnlnr to ...,.,.1.1 1"Nl-Ole lNt danc1 u a 1lrlcUy wl· lh• -.me Job •IM-.h1n1, He ln· lknll' Tlewa \\'edneld•y alter• untetr J?"OUP UC. th• city 11 dlcatlcl the "booll 1n pay level noon, th• county plannbll com· now 1n the ~ of orranl&-o Put th• county 1rl a ~on r1fWTed ~· propoNd tn1 a tuU U-. Jl&W· rir. di-pOllllUon to hold ill tm· Dana Potn• JTMway to ROlod parlm•L pkly-. eom•o~ .Al Koch fol' a ,... Mu.lio at th• annual du ce It "1U IJ9 UM nrll pay rabt port to th.t .Ute htrhway IQlll.· will bl prov1dad by Oran11 "''""°L . Cout eou.,. Ritt. =•utro. Garden Grove ~ Th• .tai.. ha4 r1q1Matad th• Th• attw wW It.art at t p. m. pa.nnert bold a pubU. mMllnl and. 111.d at 1 a. m ., ae<:ordlnc • \ha nullnr ot th• propoMd f~ In tor eounty work1n, ., a whol1, l1nff lllN . .Hart 1&id the t.ch- nica1 em~ .nu rel an ap- proaimalol 11 pW MO\ hike, Willi UM P9Y lll&lllD.( down to around t'IS per cmt oa urtAldlled labor. Aa of 1aal month. U-1 Wtf"I JIOO ernpk>yae. °"' th• -t)' pay r o IL Thia IDCIUd-4 11110 penna.nent W"Orktn. Jtl.ecUve eowity W'flclat. all lit a blanket ..ao a month 1n· creaae; dtpe.rt.meot 1-4a, a :i\ts ~ ~-r1M. Tbe 1le<:tlva otNca r l11 la In effect only wher1 pay aocal11 aren't aet by the It.ate LeJla· la tu re. Hart axplalned anoth1r new wrlnJd1 ba lba pa.y chart 11 the amployMa will bl allclbl1 tor a rt .. a.n..r only ~ monUia' worll lrwitead o! a year u lt ............ A major OY'Whaul wu mad• In th• AINl9or'a ottlce, acoord· In( Hut, to provld1 hl&htr pay. to r•t I th. pubUe'e nactJon on:.., __ "_._ .. _~_r_._;--_oa1_"_:: __ "" __ ·~ __ .. _·_·_ 117th C1'ty way 1111111: bltw.-o.I ObttpO QA.ROEN GRovm. (OCNll -&nr1au.UO. ai.tampt. ot Au.twilm, It. and UM Cou& H11hway ftOl't.h Plannen Approve Garden Grov1 vo\1ri IJW&rmed to On.q• and 8&..nta ·Ana. &11d a Becomes County's Heavy Balloting et Dana Potnt. Mesa, Scltool 51M th• poll• Tuuday to votl u.turaUon·ttpa publla nlaUona 'nl• l'l!i·ml'-•trl• Ill pl&Anld • hMvUy Jn f1.vor of lneorporatlon pf'Ol't&lll 'WhJcb "••plained tht alonl" Santa Can.----.All'0..~ad.l--"'"'11""'.._ tOW&n:ll tona'lructJon of th•lr oomrnunlty Into a city tax pictur." to voll!ra "who b-e- would ll• betwMn lh• Oout ot a propoM •fitmentaiy .:hool ot. 10me 42,000 Pl'".On-. The Uevld ta.• would ro up it 1n· Hl(hW&y and the blacb... Rtlli· •OC"Ul-.t fll. Coeta M..._ nl1r-i.Mle ~ by a whopplnl flvti aorpor..tlola. 8UCCeedtd." danll and at~ 1roup1 -prot.11t*1 rad to i.y lupL &T1mt Ria and to two major1ty cre&Ull&' Oran&"• nv1 o.rdln Gl"'CW"e bualJMM. lha rout1nr and •ucr•tld lh• t.Juat~ .. t.ha ''Back Ba7 OcNnt7'• l7tb. ~un1o111P9Uty. man ... .,.. .i.oted '° C<NneillMn.la wlU!. 19:)4. Harlaler nported. Coit.a M•· ... , lllc:ome from the l per cent city •IU lax tor 19~ WM SlZ0,712:.0T compar.d to th4I 1954. r.c•lpt.1 of S97,,80.!2, "'We a.re now ln proc ... ol coll.c:Unl" Uwi city M lea ta.a for ll11 quarter endlll.I Ma~ Sl, 19~." Hartsl•r aAl'IO'lnc«!. ""Ttl11 will be the IM' quutM th• city oollecta dlr-.ct from the m.r· chanl&. The it.ate will be1tn eol· lecllnr for the city under th• <:tty.county Ml• ta.x law, fd· ftcUVI April l ." Und1r UU. 1&w, th1 .U.t1 wW colltct a t p1r eM.t Lu: tor .-.. tali .alN. J p1r c1nt for th• atal• and 1 J>N' otont tor th• city, relmbunln1 th• dly ahar•. In COW\ty .,...... lh• 1 ~ cent will 10 to the IMM].tJ't H&rtakr Mplalntd. Co.t& Ji.... r9td .alM total•. bl..-1 '* th• quarttrl1 A.lea. Lu: tlpr. eoU.ol«I by HaruJ1r'• n.cal ot'tlct , ahow a atu.ay ln· creue a I n 1 • the flnt lhret nwn th• or lllM. By quarter•, Ui• ·~ n .. ......,t Ukl thi.11 $111.· 912.771 la&,519.711 126,136.to and 127,841.811. Th1r1 wu th• ua:ual 1llght 1lump d11rtn1 th1 tlrM thr t l! month1 of 111~ whll1 pun:ha.Mn rte0vtr1d rrom Ch.rial.mu, auto Uc1n" t-1.11d bloom• W , but th• conat&llt UJJW&rd ..ie1 t!"tnd oontlnu9d afiar that.· Quartl!rly t'lgurq for tan J'l!M' Wl!r1 : 121.- 372.31; $S0,1~.M: IJ2.t12t.17; and $34,0211.89. Ambllf99JS, 'lllan1 Celebrate Births C.O.t& M-Police Ottleer Or· vUl1 Amburfe7 of ff4 RCllll St., wu pualnr out t.he clear• after blrU ot a T lb., f OL (tr! to hi.I wit•. Tiie bl......S 1Yent oecurred in SI.. Joeep.b. Hotpltal, St.nta Ana. April 12. Ai.., w1lcomln1 a baby (lr1 at SL Joeeph'a April 12 w1r1 Mr. and Mn. Geo'TI Allan of 1112 B:. OcM.n Front. Thet. )'OW\pt.lr wel('hed in at e lb&. 1$"'-ou. llJ\k be IWW!f tlU'OU(h opu i..... l chool, wu obl&tnld by Uta ;._Out ol l2:,000 Nt"llt•Nd V'OtM9 po9ll. n.. .... )"Or&llty ~· rain north ol the c.Jty. CO#la MHa Union llchool Dla· 9723 c ut their ballot.a in ye.-rtvm oa th. bull ol. I.he ....... t Joy Ride, Scooter Koch Mid th• reuon th• atat.e lrlct Aprtl 12. terday'a vounr. "Y•e.. votM number ot. votu ft'Olfv1d by any Roblrt L. .lonH, l&, ot 2791 propo9M th 1 currt.nt roulln( The Oran11 County Pl1.11ntnr totall-6 0780 aa •&•ln•l 2331 c:andldate, .nu ro to Harry Louia w, nret St., rtportld \o Ni.,.. pn:>bl.bly w .. bec•u .. only threl Cominl.-lon approv.ct lh1 plan· "No" ballot.A. Lake, 40·,., old hunbannan, port police ilunday ~ t.hAt. hou1t1 woul(\, hava to be rno'f• nld 1c::hooJ #I.le. who had l&tt 't'Ot.ea. hla motor .cooler had b-~. Ha &180 polintad out I\ mlJhl Tbe ll·•crti projf'<'!tad .chool The puaa(1 of tn. lon&·hu• Other c:ounctlmen, ch1»en from h •--• , bo p-•1 1tolen, It waa later rtc0vttld In 11ot be fffllbl• to IWin( nort parcel ot ..,, • tween ... • ll!led laau1 crea ted • conimunlty a fllid ot J6, u. Georc"• B. Hon· Cotta M-. -.CaUM of the -.c-lve rrade. ae.de1 RpMI and ·M-Drtv• .•t that vie• wtlh th• city Ot Ana.-old. Kenaetll nun1an, Harry j;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"" Koch u:pl.alnld lh• treew•y the tnd ot Orchid Drtva. htlrA for 9IOond l&r&~•t c:ornmun· BJadti ~ 1'. n.. tPat) DllotL wouldn't tut lht• city in-two U lty wt thin the counly., OPENING SOON many feared. H • •Id unOer· Cooke looked Here Th• N1ct10t1. wu lh• tourt.h t.Jr. J AA sie.-u and ov1r ~· would 8hol buy• .Gira.Id R. Cooke, th• c:ommunlly'• h!ltory, Earl,y Wi!cls Have Girl oll'Jt. '.! Ua thl dty la cloMr tl)f'.th•r. tll, ot. 3021 eout-Hl&1nvay, wu atlemPt-la lt:zl and 11130, loll lt'1 a (irl for Mr. and )(r11. SubcllYhloft l'lans Okayed by Board Two a ... aubdlrialun plan• ln eountJ" ..,_ adja.c.t to Colla Mue. ..... aooqt:ed by Uw Boa.rd Oil aupwvteora April 11. TIM ...,.,_.. mllmlUed b1 lh1 Richard l!lrow1\ CO., eonlUU of i ro ~&. at tM eontt ot wu.on It. and Pl•c.ntla A't'e. Tbe oti.. er plM ahow'I a 1Ubd.tvlal0ft el -.ht 1oto1 a\ IOtll a1.. ant Twit1n A v• .. wllmltt• by latr.1.1 and )(cAd&lft. Jogenon In K- t.c.. _Qol. Robart. r. T ..... .on o( Kn. J~ Toc"enon. Rout• l, eo.t.a w--. ...,.uy .,.... J1.,.d ta •--and " .aw a meMbar ot the ordl&MOe ... l&oft at .._llllUUWl"I of A""7 ,..,... R.r ICU\, Nd~ iiiliifiiiiii FOR -. OPERATION "47 booked tot" bltoalcaUon foUowtnr by a meno handtUI or YOtea, Alli DonaJd WUd, 2131 Mont-ov1a of a mlnov t.r&tna accident •t l :tf ettempt et lnoorporaUon. le.at A...., Oolta MM&. Th• chlkl •u Corona. de! M&r L m. April 1. Invotvea..,... &ftoo May 11 aJao fa.l.1-.d by 161 VOl.l&.1='°'=~~:..:."~"'"="-':':..:'"::.:H~oo:::•:...:H:°""::::l&l.=~"""""""""""""""""""'o!!"' other car driVln by William Ar--lnoorpun.tlon bl.ck1ra aald to- thur Ot.ynor, 12, ol the U.1 .9. day they felt th• 1ucc-OC th• Brl.lllWtoA. Tlt.e acctd111t occ1.1ro-mae.aire •l the poll. y11lerdly rad la the JiOO block Cout ,..... d\il \o an ~&.ml tntll'Mt Hl(1\W.y, In cllyhood. rablU1qtl aplnl' thl Sunday . Dinners ~_.:...:::.:. 2:00 P.M . FREE CUSTOMER PARKING ••• ••• • • .... -llarttor 1721 Every Night DINNER S!:RVED ~ p. m. 'tll mldnicht COCKTAILS-·4. p. m. 'til 2 a.m. 12 Noon Saturday It Sunday Special Sunday Buffet -2 .,, 9 p.m. OwdW.tM'ky lut !lowtb of LapJia Hl'ett t-C50ll Mesa~ -.,,,, '•<• ;k:p RIXX;ERS '& HAMMERSTEIN'S- C A' ROUSE L -111111111111·lalll111 ·-aa':-·. -· -=:teL. ---!!Ti-.. ---.. ·-·-_. _., __ .... __ -- "·-n.i..-."' .. ,...... .. Gucm~,.,,.aa.oa GRACE AUX: KFJJ:Yi_G_~ UXJ.IS'.IOUKDAN • "THEISWAN" --~~~~-------·~ -•. -....... AI.80 OOR?'l"EI. WILDE "STORM FEAR'' KJd'1 MM. Sal.. I :-Uli "FUNS APOPPIN" .. RACES" Ne1:t Attraetlon HARJO l..A..'"ZA IN \"!!EBEN ADE" 3 and 4 llDROOMS 2 IATH·s . /ealJl:!iJ!J HO DOWN-VETS -r-mmeaiafeOccupancy Com• and onjoJ a Fr. •auunborger" with u. iund&y, Apr11 22nd. cooked on the f&mOWI Chunbers range. Let u• abow you th• many other quality tea· tlll"l9 in OW' bom-. -..... - "The Stranger's Hand" TREVOR HOIV AJID ALIDA VALLI .. ........ • ·8"' •-COiootl .1 r • -.. • • Salu Agenht Welker .!r Lee, Inc. 1111 flt -• "'111 s.le1 Office of Tree! e Kimberly 7-1387 fl'M Lais Mt• vit Saft\t AN f1 tl •lfl lwr~ Ill ., "'*' • fliirw. 11 ... .. ... ..... ~ ............. --' .. • . ' --~----·-""' ........ -• , .w .at tbl n.t . Is . Scheduled -uac • a.. women•• .&.m-Mn. -OUjiil• -...---...,. ...... ....-ti ...... ....,.., .... _ • Ae!Jwl1 ..,....,i In. plau for their -am>ual bo!DM toW"1 ,,,.,.,... <Of Oranp County Dalt& Gamma cllapW -~ the 'lf.-lllaDd home af "'?-.Walter S. Spl.-Tuolclay n!Pt to formul.ul .,,...,_a. Uncler s....i ch&lnDauhJp o( Km. John -ea._ 1:M ...,_t wUl UM pa..c. lilq UM t. taW.. U4 wtll be MID~ 11. .. .. •• Tldtet9 wUl .. •...U· Neyer Before A Slip Value Like Thill nut _, Ol\UtaJMU&s Nii.· abl• uuaup. -.m'*9 or at u.. 4-iOel ~ft ..... ~ to.U.. ttorn-, )IA ~ .. ..,. b\mdndl, J'tn&l .,,......i. wtU_ .. ot. ~ Jut ,...,.. n.. will m..s. at tbl Ka)" 11 mMUq be tlM Q, T. Pa4pr bol:ne •t II ln \ha arter&ld ~ born• of B&rbor Ul&a4 and the ~ Jin, L&urm.c. Jt. Re.ynokla. ~t ru. MIDo9 at t ... Rudder Ro&4. tor 10 .,m.,.uu. -*'.la open boUt, 0-. to -.::Ii&~ ot!Mr: tbe to all Dillta O&mmu in tM Doll ~tU. d'nll1ftC at IOl ......, whither or DOt llfltllat.u ..._. Bay rr.t and ti.. cart wttl!. th• cbaptw. Mati~wtar . _lillll'Nb !Mime K 161 llUt. B&y Kn.. H..lllsnn pr&llidld at the J'rOnt. Bal"-lalan.d. ,,.. .. "' m11Unr ud Mn. 'f'MYtl' wu t.r will bl aitttifts tor ta. ~i-i.. with Kn,. Bpioet tor IN V.t.allt'IY J'"'--"'"""---=~·------V&riM-7 la thl t)"Jllll o1. a~ :.,:: "::'""" :•..::, °' ..':; Lutherans ranre rtorn contemponry to JW1y .Am•rlcan. unuauaJ 1.a-Conference turM. will ti. lll'Uled and lhlN \ at HARBOR. ISLAND home oi the G. T. ~ wfll bo CllO of th-f•tuNd In the -.mci UIDul ....... tour of Orr.np County Delta CAmm& _ Ah1mnee, a benefit event for Yiaually h•0 dk&pped. children. Here, outaide the home, are botJteuea. Mn. Arthur J . Aune, Mrs. Pfleger and Mrs. John Reese Canon, general chairman. -Stall Photo are many ld... w M rlMnld . Pu\or Robwt B. otodtund and whtcb could be lncorporated la WJ cillepta Tbeodon Hlndu-- redecon.Uni"-or tn .new bnmM, u... npr.entld N • W port M.r'a. o.noa at&tK Harbor Lut.Mr-&n Church at the Proc1111•.trom the att&tt.,. MUI. ann\l&I con-.Ucm of tbl conlributld to th• tratlmlly'1 c.Iifom.ll. Dt1trtct ot· the Am· project or lidl.ns pra-IChool ..... arlcan Lutheran c b u t c b. ed blind younpten ln ad,Juat· held at nnt Lutberl.n Church ----------------------!----,------------------in&' to AOl'1Dl1 unn1• A ICbool la Oo.tarto .Apru 11 throup 111. Lo whlcb tll.l9e cb11dnn 11111 111:1.t RIY. Gronlund. II ch.airman al SEALARKING NEWPORT HARBOR ii located In Loi .A.nplM Pd u.. d.latnct'• •tat.I ol. the dlurcl!. at th1I u.m. ~ u. thtM comittea will preaeat a paper Orana-• Cowat,J' tdW enrolled. to the oonvenUoa. OD ''Thi Put Followin&" eompletJon oc: thlit YMr In Roman C&thoUd.lnl". tnJ.nJ.nr Uwy ..,.. capabla ol. at-OU-CIODIJU. memban wUl Und1nc recuW publMi ICbool lkliYer pap." om ProtllltanUIQa 11iJ GDIMY (1188. EDWAIU> LEiia&) 8IOTll ABOARD TYPEE.: S&ilod Into the Bolboa Bay Club lllp loot l!&turday to meet Vtn Nell and Robert Olney Wbo ...... ncallonllll &I. the club OD their flnt stop ocie·t'I ""10fll. Luther&Alam. Qtban ""111( wtlb Mn. car-1n add1UOll Kr, Gronlund will eon an Mn. Oeorce w. John.I ten'• on the noor oonunJtt.M oa and MrL RoMrt. w. Bcbollv, Hom. Ml11lona with Hlndtnkir Santa Ana, i-chl.1nnen; Mn. u.tsnld to lb.I eonvuiUon -.c· toward Arlaona from their ham. 1n Pacific Pal.lu.de1. MRS. wmIFRED BARBRE, Society Editor Found t.hem aboard the cru.iar Hl&bl•nder chaWnc with!---------------------*"' old tnmd ,,,... M<N•U. Colp•"~ At Kn. ,.._ Bum· PAGE 6 PART I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS UUYI commlt\el. Arthur .A.1.&ney, oo.t.a M-. bol· ----------- Ya.A NEU. an4 Bob hid d&ll'• tabl• wtD M Km• l&n • - -...,,. ..,_..,.. ru1bt ... """"'· -.. Joo• """ v~ FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1956 t .... : Kn. Carl c. !Dllrrec. Ucketl; Mn. H. Pa)'M Tbay- er, Bl.Ibo&, and Mn. Char• ICat.Clll. CO.ta. K-. pubUclty. Security for Retarded ...,. at U.. .A.prtl ln Paria BBC lluuon , , • otMr tab!• bve 1----------------------Child )llUtJ whlD J'Mn and yranci.. been r99r'Vlld tor Km-. Jack Balbo Ora ... 1potUptlld them M. din· Com, P&UI ftoserl a.nd Robert a Bridge Win .... .ad al9o •t eodrUill 1n thtilr l&lilbury. Udo Jal• .._ • • • 1.mcm.1 JUNll (Kit&. PAUL) .o.ntel otller'I •t U.. De..-1-ble W'IN pluw to ~ a tou.m&mllll llalttn and JlanT Kelm. Joe and al Irvine Cout Club AprU 27, .Jla:t' lA..,.._ May 1 and • , •• ev111t 19 for Players · Master Points A.PftIL IN PA.JWI pmty ai.o thoN l'Olf•n wboee tw:idlcap i. bro\ll'ht fort.Ill tb9 Don ...._.., U or ov• , , • HI Jime, Uvu.'t Winnen of Mut.11'9 Point. ln o.wp Yardley' Wayne J'V. Min 1011 uce loo4 Oki .John the nc~t .wntnr lOurnatnenl re11a, Ropr BopM, X&r1 D&TtHe. eunoup. da)'ll! In B&lboa wtre th1 W. A. Stem· )(ae Jtenhol. ~ 8odma, Dtck DOUBLm T.t.JCll . , you l'U... ~:.:i pla~:-~: .. ~ ux: ~~bJ~tC:.lk:i:, th;;: ~~Wc=a~:. {= W1Ul1rby ln north-aouLb po1iuo~ ' th Rwuuira-Up e&.tt • west wire JohMOM •.• l1l'IOnl o '"· UtA!r K&tlter7ll (Kn. Clark) T-. RUMell Bonn•J and H . M. Wall- 1rternoon·1 r ame were Mr1. Ly· VHOOllE HOURS Lie ILfid Mra. n J. Mur91t Whlll Hourt tOr tbe tour wtll bl htih acorer1 norlh·aouth WeTI from 1 :30 to 6 p.m... IJld ru•t. "P'lnanc1a.I Security ror the lli1. Helen J'alt and William ma7 c.hcto9I UMt.r own 1nuner-Rltardld Child", will bl th9 1Ub- (.Hl~rt. Runn1n-up e.ut • we1t arl-. Mn. car.on -.Id. Mem· j«t ot a talk by Al Goldwyn were MrL Sue Winston and Mn. ben or the organlaUon. whia at Gaf'den Grove at the meet· Nell Daniell, MrL Doel'lburc and drawi f.IK>lll a.lmo.t enry city in( of th• Oranre County A.- Mr•. Bo&rdml.ll, Mrs. Hu I h Jn 01'111p County wlll ...i..t 1n eoclaUon tor Retarded ChJJdnn Shield& and Mra. c. c.' Kemper. polnunc out 1n~unc r-tune to bl J\ek1 at tlle nu School. RunnP!'1-up north • IOUlb wer. ln •cb bomL Put pl"Mldmtl 11381 J:. Acacll Ill., G6rden Mr1 B. B. Morr!• and Perey hive bee lQYlted to prMld• at Groff Aprll 23, I p. rn.. Crawley, P'Nd M1.rrt1on and C.pt. Robft't l:llitman, ot the Andy Taylor, M.re. John.Ion and lCI Toro Mar1?14 Alr J'&cWty, Mr•. Mo.Comber. . Webb Daughter will dlacUM plana to provide ti nylon trieot classic ..,, s400 ha ~ nrloft tri- oot dip ...Jue ttcated ror J'W-bJ Muaingweu-1 No- •bcre wW you 6od • tryb Jti.p fll IUCb cxquili.W: de- .. matcbkm "Tlinc Ud perfect fit priced 10 kM, A .....,. ...... ~­trirm the Mt('kljne IDd rw ..... tbe back. v ....... -.I ..... blod, piok _, ___ .. OPEN SUNDAY 10 TO 5 • . Pld< 1""' Swim Salt Earf1 . • • Ule OW' LAY·AWAY PLAN The (rO!Jp wtll meet tonl(ht .A. dlll(bllr WM born April 17 nanclal llCUrlty tor lb• retard· at 414 !lut Ocean J"nmt wtUl in Bo&r Holplbl.i to Mt. and Id child. Oo&dwyn wtll C011clud1 pley 1tartln1" at 7:30 o'clock. Kr.. Jame. Webb, Wlli' la•-th1 Pf'OIT&lll wtth a tum. "From r..lle Blvd., Loa AnpiM. Tbl ~""~°"':::::::~Moun::::::::::::::t&ln:::::::~B~ld~o~:·:::::::::::::::::::::~;:;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;::~ Harvey Girl Born '"'' " ""' .,........, • .., "' Mra. EM W1bb of. Newport A D 0 NE LL (MRS. TOM) wbo WM 'fialtlq blN from bu lnct'ord. .:{ulia D&VUI ud Leon- Quiml wu ln tbl 1potlJcbt l11t borne tn n.truL •.• wtth them ll'd Und' M!.. IAeli• F'owlv' F'rtdq hmchlOD UIM wbln Bob-DotU.'• popUlat bulMad l'rlnlt, and lally Brown. Rlabnlr• • up bl• (Kn. Wllll.11 Bunt aftd bsr and U... twtm' tat.II•, O.Of'l'e l'lorUl...Wlb. '"re Mn. Marpret 1ttncUY1 mother, Mn. R. H. "att7, trom Ollndal•. Holm• and Rae• Wilt, )ln. Su• MWUneawt-tntertahl~ t.or lbl BUI A.NO TOBY WUOOJl arto WlnAoo and Mra. Nell 1'anle.la. l"IOSlt bride at u.. H11nt I Udo .s.a. boml «1(8 tl'om tWr 11\lro-lira.. r.ona MacMuter and M.n. lal• borM. lt ... ln Ull nature pMn trtp ••• OD till .. , OYV •-" KcComber. Mr. t.nd Mre. Walter H&n'ly, Bllcb.. 408 I:. 18tb SL, Coe:ta .. _. art1 ----------- Ul9 parent. ot a daurhter born Apr11 111 m Hoar-Ho.p1ta1. Son for Parishes . Crawford's of a 1urpriM tor Adonall wtio to Han'I Wbta aboud the rr..ch Tbl cbamplonahlp team In the on'7 upec::ted a toul'90m. tor an tln.r a.a. P'J&ndre th17 atopplld ,._ ol. rour City tounwn•nt Jackson Baby Born· Marin• Capt. and Mr1. Ovoid tit~ Oil bridl"•. bu\ lDatead r>f'f In Puerto Rioo tor lunchl01' b•d &und&y wu Mrl. I' I 0 y d O. P&rllh ot Coeta lf .. an p&r· tound JO ot her triendl Invited at the Carri.be lDJt.on and n.n i.o-vnton Ku•l•m·-Fred Celebralinr the birth of a boy r •• , bo bo , U , .__ • •• '"'' _. -. -·· • -'I 15 I u-. a-··• "'· t. O • .,. Y Y m .... pr tow•com1b.ub0m1froln-,.. .._Into, ol. all OU.., a trilbd from Mo~ KllMy Pettenoa. Ru.n-.n.P•• n • .._ ,,_,......, U'I V•r11 ma.rrias• ol UM week. bl>-N'-iioftl Jim Coberly , , , all nar•u WW• Mme&. Fran. Reed, Mr. and MrL Melvin .JICUon. In the U.S. Naval Ho.pita.I a t tor• ••• Mn. )(u!l!n•ua,. with o.llbntld thllr l'OOd fortune hcUP JohnaOn. MAc:Muter and i"' ·--•_ .. _ .. _""' __ A_•_•_:·•_Coota __ ,,. ____ eo..na. _________ _ the ~ of B•-(JoCN. lJtUI plant.en punch• ••• lhl NtOombar The tw.m ot Mmes Buek) ~ dleonted U.. din--the ~~I , •• BLJI'• &tlrMUff Charle• ~dman. Mildred Ly~ c o M I N G i"I' to0m wtU. 1111 kbKk or ~arm--coU11Jl, Kn. 01&4,. McO&rry 11 u A Q no.bur( and Arch tnc wblte bridal .rtect. • • • . hok1lllr down the Udo loud Wtl· M~ll.Jli.t.r. pla.ced MOOPd. SOON! "pilff ~re.i..t..nom" wu ~ DOil borne and eon 8tetaa ba thtlr Eut-wwrt wtnnen tn Monday IOffly lnida1 ealll ••• iD la.ct.. t.bMDol. - the "tUn( and d900I' ._.. IO CBJLORm:N'I BO:.al -· kt&l1' at e 30 dlnn ol out.lt.andinl tb&t MaQ1.e Priol Knrport .A.~ wt.LI cbart9f' »c: : • , • tr • 0 8 ..__,, ... __..._.. 1 :10 and dulctnr •t t . , . Gen- wu .nt an .. .,_..-..--lbowboat f'W' Ulllr montb)J'tral chalrman .Mn. Robert tn U.. ~ of a •butter to m..uri.s next T1...t11 and ba.ff l'HmbllJ •J• llWlnl along to r«IOf'd the ''brldey tabl•N aad l\mcbloo and ~ ot Om~n lhl O\lb BoUH Saturday eve tor bride, INl'1'0undld by bv trhnd8 llll tbli bJ.stl ....... m1mban an ~ ot run with proceed• .•• lncludld wv. Muriel (Mn1 . ..W rn•t at the Balboa Bar to r;o to Ll6o lale Improvement! Bob) Neeman, I:. J . !Mn . Mar-Club su-t dodl: tor noon ff. OVER AND 01.JT. lhall) Shaddock. Tula {M: r I . p&rt.Ul"I. -.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; CUT A PEEK AT TOMORROW .... ·Annual ..... ~c;--.. ....... .._ ...... ....... .... c ........ -........., ............. ~~ • • Help yourself to new Hadd) Rin1. Jo (MrL Bud) Al-HONOLULU· • bound May J r bQltlt. Beth (Mra. Don) Har-.ua lbe the Kenneth A.lbript• wood.. Vim.a IMra. Bud) caw-.mo wt.LI •pmd I month In tll• ard. Jean i MrL Bob) Jibnp.n, (atand8 .wa tbllr daurbterBetty >J•rll ( M1"I. Deul Banlm, Bo))o. .mo I.I now WOZ'klnl there and bl1 (M.r-.. Bob) CV\8an. H-21111 U'Ytal a _Ume for hVMlf • , • !Mn. Buck) Ayr., Ban11l J!Mt: aom. trom Le Pu IAd (Mf1. <,horr•l Pfi1SW, Xn. ca. W:atCM ~ waterw an m.IU•"-t.. 8h1ll1. lletty (llrl. V.ma Mid Bud 0.W&ld Wbo With J"rlld) B•tto n, Bett;J (Kr\. a.a. and J'ruk auttori. baff Bnaee) . Manton, l(n. K1riam It.-aboard ua. MarahaU Dut· e RATE T.._r .. , '"· llllJot 11•, ...._ ~ •-·""~Hl---li b e·a u.ty...:.. Beauty Service 8cbmldt., Lola (M.1'11. Al) Tlttany, n.ld J'Kbt. . ......,.. .... ,_ ..... e ~ -·-·--·--.l.IO • hrm--. ... -nm. N.t6 Darothy fM.n. Ted) Tllm&D, NIGBTINGA.I.11 Dlapta ol Jo.n (Mn. .J•y) 8"Hmy1r liDd Boq Bo.plt&l AJJaU1ar7 ;,.. .A.ft.Ila (Kn. Howland) Pllddock. Ml'lla "TlllU\7" April 21 at the ·~~or• Co~ Th• Qul.nna .,.. movtnc into Udo Tb•t• ""-" Dina llluu WOii. .A.U --~n.111"4 tbellr n. .. Udo 1111 1tom1 to-~ st..-,..._, t1Da1 pa.,y ,... MCCTOW • • • oa. Udo Nord at n ... or tM ..,.. ••• ec-. ud Zurtcb , • , wtth Uletr two du-.. the "rHnc:b .non"! . f' -. lfns tllUI J'rucl:ll ~ f'ran· LIDO l8Lll Womta'• Club ~EAUTY CORR.AL ebM ud Couquett.. ''Ka)' Bulret hinl'' .aund9 llk1 711 Weet ltth Bl.nit ""9.l'fttN'O ri.mo tor a ... • ·1uiu1 And 11 tt i. llA)'Ultq Wt• COSTA MESA tmmei. Ld fUJUoft lhoW at BU· the HOBO BOP, beC.W not mll9 e LIBERTY 1·1861 e boa Bay Club April 28 aoundll li'~';·;·:·~-~~-~~...,.~;•:pftl;~ll.;~:;:::;::~:;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;::1 1 f\UI: wttll c11ver BIT (Mn. Rob- Mt) &am.a It UM bllr"ll • , • &pedal JUllU at ber table wW. be Valhy (Kn. rntlk) Knud- -fpel't ol honor and luncbeoa ·~-) • lilmM. J.:r'&ftk Cowslll. RoMn. Kllkr, K&rmall Nledecll- _., WllUIML) Jtlrby 9nd Edpr B. wttmu. 'W1Ul Kn. Jo.hn awl· prt wtll bl Jlmee. Robert P. 'l'Qtor, Walt• D. K. Olblon Jr .. HOWU'd Ql11t.atn Br., and A ro.hl-..,.. ..,.,...._ Mrw.. Wllll1111 M•d wlU haft .. Mr ~ Mm-. Bowvd ~ n-cU DI,.,... and non.Id 9•1cll s.mc. .... loller Shades llWld&rd 8badl Ooth.I and Omkia ...-iu.. ~ ••u•• • Tm.U-. IWMI <l.U£--THE SHADE SHOP &It 111M11 IL, NIWJ'Ori a..all ....... ftiil P..t Of'fte9 • • Upholstery Draperies Tbe "Flneot Craftamanahip Plus Fabrlca at Cloee-Out J>nc. Enablee U• to Give Your Old Furniture That NEW LOOK at Aatoundlnr Prlcee Dw1n& the "oft 9euon" CALL US DAY OR NIGHT Liberty 8-Ml8 For ..umat. °" one of our decoraton wW ca1J Ho~aJGanlm I017 W. V...t u..,.. (llarlMr'a Mlle) Newport Beo<h • WIN MAY 2 THRU 6 5. llG DAYS ---· ---__ .,.,.._ .. ..._. lhe fOlr#" TOMI ........ lhcliW .,,,.., --· ...... ..... (,.hlbM. b...Udlrt0-~ ....... W.-S-J • WE. GIVE $" H • Ma lee a n a p ·p·o int m-e-n·t for your .free ma.ke-up le·s·s·o·n1 Come in ancl s•• our DuBarry Beauty Expert from New Yor\ who wiTI be here e ll ne1tt week. She will tell you the e1tciting 1tory about new Royal T reetment Cream that' conte in1 Royal Jell y of the Queen Bee .•• she will give you precious secret1 on compla.1ion care •.. 1he will 1how you proper make-up methods and tell you what shades will do the most for you. Learn to be more radiant and lovely then you e¥er believed possible . leam professional beauty tricks . Can for •nd oppoinlmont TODAY! ,; LIBERTY 8-2253 Crawford's • ...... ......., ... _ or OtJ& ·-Vx. ~··.f'l. GREEN • " o · • nu STAMPS • 1804 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA • L'i THI': HEART OF 008T" llE8A • DllUVZ&T "'nu: .......... .UZA .. w .. -.-. --·----·- '~) --. ----·--· . --:-·-.. -. ' NEW OFFICERS of Orange County Pi Beta Phi Alumnae .Auociation were in- ducted at the a.nnivenary luncheon In Newport Harb6r Ya.cht.-Club. Left to right are Mmes. Earl G: Corkett, waya a.nd means; Emenon B. Milnor, t.reu- -urer;-Charles H. Cutler of Santa Ana, president; Robert A. Kea.ma, vice presi- dent and Stanley C. Van Dyke, correspond.Jog aecret.a.ry. -Staff Photo COUNTY PI BETA PHIS OBSERVE FOUNDERS DAY book revt.,...1. Pl.au ..-. now beln1 laid by Mn. O>rkett tor the fall eertea. CENTENl'flAL . -· o.s.a.-a p. m.. Kuontc T•m- plo .• LIDO 'WOKJ:N'I club '-U ftOOll., Chlfdren'• t .. hiona, L. A. Pla)'en. ASSlBTA.NCll i..sue Jun1orw -1.:ao p. ·-m. SOROPTIMIBT-11 L m. Girl Dinner Event Girl Scouta of 'l'roop 8 la.d a prog-re .. lv1 dinner recently, .wrved at the bomet ot Sh.aron Turner, Connie Oo.luccl. C 1 r o I Kanold, Ttmmy Kennetly and Doruu. Burda&.11. ... 4dies' "'"A • u.u • al!l wrapptq ccessor•es For Your 90Dvenlence .BJ:ClUu. bw! llOt ·~" • "Hea Love to Shop '""·Gitt• at 01«•'•" • 1861 Harbor Blvd. l .l'lMorty 8-t&t9 Costa Mase Optia D&lly f;SO a.°". to 1:00 p.m.-<'lo!M!d '1ond1y1 NOW! at . In Corona del Mar •I.IRS. CLARERNCE HIGBIE President, Lady Lloru1 It Celebration of the 89th anniversary of the founding o f Pi Beta Phi and irultallation of new officen held the joint interest of members of the South Cout Alumnae Club at a luncheon meeting at the Newport Harbor Yacht P1 Bet.a Pbt'1 centennial c.aie- braUon will be obaerv&d 1J\ 1987 Court ot aw&nili WU held lut mOrJth at the Otrl Bout HoUM. Badsq earned wer. hou.ekeep- er, danc.r, c&mpcr&ft, outdoor and .utety. rtrst cl .... rank wu earned by 1J J1rla. Jolene Cu- a.La, Jewel Leavy, Charlene Nel- .an and Triaha P1erce re...-e lved the Nationally FAMOUS th• llWimmer. bAdre. Boating ' and tha loc&I alum.nae club bu and canoe&nr badfe. wer _, s I L o E T T E A car11.llt'llghting cei-emony. W. Burrowa, Santa AnL lnatall· aent a c::ontrtbUUon ot 530 to t 'N J • a •Ven • • ~ .. culucted by ~1 rs. Robe11. A. ing otflcer · wu Kr•. Thomas O mmy lllle Kennedy, Ctiar-tha c::.ntennial. fund, procMdl of Jelle Nat.In, C&l"OI kA.nol<I, Shar- Clcb, April 18. Lady Lions Plan K~a1·ns, honorea the memory ot B. l!'rort. Newport "Beach. which will be earma~ rm-• en rumer and ;Jolene Caaala. lhu~e who tuunded this oldest GOLDEN AJtROW new national philanthropy. Mrs. JOMph CU&I• lo tho PANTIE GIRDLE !1Jt,rn1ty tor \Oo"Ulla•n on Apn l "''-.___ ...... Family Play Day ,, HonCK'«1 ruesta were two new ...., ... ,er mem .... 1 .. ,.., were leader for tble u '!!''1""7'"~--: .8. 1867, al Monmouth Colle&:e. Golden Arrvw membtta who preeent at lba J'Vunden' Day l'f'O p. r: '" I ' ~l•Jnmouth. Ill y _.. rt---were Initiated lnto Pi Beta Phi luncheon were: Mma. Georp uau.y '-'Mnut of the Balboa Bay Lions Club m<"t 01;1 ISASTA ASA..V 50 yean ago. They•. ace J.lr•. T. Blrelow, J. Gordon Auld, Wedntwday evening at the home of their president, ~1rs. Off1cer.1 tor the ('l"lnllng ye&r Erneet c. C1uma.n. who became Mary Whit.a, Le•ll• H. O&rltng- Clarence .A.. Higbie, 328 Amethyst Ave. to discuss plans un· tieaded by P.l ri•. Ch11.rlei. H a Pl Phi at the Unlver•llY of hOUM and Mbie Florence RJcl'I· ( t •u11,r "' S11.nta Ana. whu took !.Unnel!Ot11. in Mlnnea.poU .1 and &rda. La.guna BMch; Mn. Au. or the day at Dianeyland on May 9 with their Lion ,.1 t·r I.he prt'aidency froin Z.lr~. Gtr.1. Jol\n E. Stewart a,t Sta.n-Un Sturtevant, Coeta MeM and hutbend. and children. Tboae without children will J.,hn Snet.1lnger of Le.gun11 fortl Unlverelty, Both reside In trom S11.11ta . Ana the Mmea. •laat one • mora to take u thalr ru..ta. l"Urthar pl&M for the Lady lJooa to help thetr husbands with a work d&y at th• Youth C.nt.er In Coron& dlll Mar wer1 aJao ·-'Ilwi M&reh bu.alntill meeting the comlnc-spe11k-off "of the Bl'11.Ch. Other ufflcPr.1 art!: vice· Le.gunll Be•ch. Ch&rlee L. lrvln, Danlel K.. Uoo'a .1peech contest. whlrh Will pt.-l!hlent II.lit! Settlernl'nt School Spe&)u1r of the a.Ctemoon wu Bl"OWll, Dwight W. Dunc&n lllld be held at the M1ai<iL1n Inn ln ch11Jrn'la11, Mrs. Kl'am.1; and Mr1. Jan1u O, Sc&rborouih otp --""-''-'-'-""-~------­ Rlvel'9ide TUHday. Tht' Blllbo& corr~~ponding' IW!('rt'lary, Mn:i. Balboa who reviewed two nov--' 1 c v o Every toot of exploratory bole Bay LI.on• Club'• cunl «11t1t11t, ... tnn ey . 11.11 yke, both of ela. Marie Antoinette, by F. W. drilled dUrtn 19~ coet oU men Marjorie Stuva.11, who hR.1 won tt11:1 city. l<enyon, .1nd Pearl Buck '1 Im· !~ s•• 30 -1 -• , IA ' &n avuac-• .... ..... , a.coo .... nc each 1pe ... "tf, will .1ga.Jn try·t<J l<K<Jrdtng •ecretary 111 Mr1<. per .., Woman. both boo~ about to t.hl ·Natlonal AutomobUe Cl.ub. uphold 1.Jle hon or11 for this g111up \V. E. Andt!r80n, Santa An11 : per90nal!Uett 111.'hct were (hunor iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij Maoy ot the Llorl.3 anti \heir t~iuurer,~Mr1. Emeraon B. Mil· gtrl1 ot their day. Stie at.a re- w\ves will Jeeve her" in a CllJ"a-nnr and niaga:ilne chalm1an, v!ewed Lily D•che'• Glamor WATCH FOR · van to 11.1pport Marjon... .\111'1111 Iva A. Wei.Ml, Laguna Book In which Mias Dache de- -----------'-----------lkach; way1 a.nd mean1. Mra, f1ne11 gllll"IDI" .. : ••makln( tlle oL lh• t..d)' Lion• _.. a lunch- f'C)D held at thll Balboa Bay Club. Under dlacuuloa ..-ere plans tor OPERATION 64 Legion Groups Obser\re Chifd Welfare Month ObMrrina April u Chlld Wei-Proceedm from lhl• .1nd oth- far. moll1h, lba Amertoan I.A!-er Lecion d&ncea tjo tci U1e re- &IOll .Auxll1uy Unit 291 will hablUtatlon tund which provid,.11 I p"91mt u 9J'111&llft' Mond1y al t or the monthly enlerlldnment 8 p.m.. ln A.mertcu Urton H•ll, of •eter1n1 from tM V. A HQ.!11· E:11 t\ C. Corkett of Lilia city, beml ot what you have, and ru~h chalrn1an. Mr&. H OWll.l'J everybody lift.A .amethtng." Tlmmnna ; a nd h!•lortan a.ud 1'{1"1. SCart>orouCh I• the corn~ rubJ1ci ty chairman, Mr1. G11tes rnenLltor al th• &nnual Pl Ph! WE ARE DISPOSING OF ALL ·"l'-:>th &ncl W. Bay Ave., Robert pltal who are broui:ht here by /all•tt, tnatruc:tor at Oran1• the ~d Croe1 Mobile unl l. Mrl Cout Collep.. BW eubject 'Nill Bonda Is chairman ol tht'st par- be "Child Oew:lopment." Thi.I ties. now In th~r fifth yu..r. m•Uns. which LI ope:n to the Ne~t ls May 16 and will be pubUc, will ba 1n cll•rr• of .1ponaored by Robert Brl1g.1. COSTUME JEWELi Y 1/3. OFF OM ALL ITEMS OUR, ENTIRE STOCK OF SMART NEW FASHIONS INCLUDED IN SALE Mr.. Kenneth Markham, child weltar. chalrma.n for the 1UX· m • .,.. Bea Of partiaular lnUre.l't to the &uxlli.ary and to the American T Lea1c:n NaUonal Child Wal.Can eens FQundaUon .,.. mmtally retar'd· ad dllldnn. at ''horn mor• than Gaye Club COME EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION ROBERTS JEWELER SAVE 5% NOW Rail fare will be Iner~ 5°/o May ls_t. You ca'n save 5 o/o now , •. rail fare ticketed by April 30 will bo good for 6 months .round trip •• if ticketed by April 30 rail fare will bo gocsd for 8 months on Family Plan Round Trip . BUY NOW for Summ•r Yacatlo• • A new world of i:omfort In your SI L-0-ETTE. panty slnlle with 30~ Now SJL.0.ETJ'E is mede u1 1"laderfal Power Mah - "" Ughtwdgb1 fabrio ma. hu 3°" more Mn:tch than more stretch "'"8' '1ootle. n.. -i., 1-eajo7 added comfort u SJ(,().ETJl: .U... 1""' &,.... to fubion'.1 1kielc liM. Escloliq cunecl crotch olimiM .. bind;ng, lao1."s oJimo --~ White on!7. Hip eUes Mod. .. .. : .·. ·. .. ·:· .· . : . . . . . -:· ·.· . . ··.· ,'I . , Jl'rlday the 13th ..-&3 th11 night c.hO.len by the newly formed Bell Gaye Teen.1 Club to hold thelr I00,000· a.ra of vet.arana' parent· qe. lpecial claaHI and work· lbope al'.I nMdecl tor auch cbll· <Inn and a proeram ot .....arch tl111t danca at the Tar Pit. 223~ blarine Ave .. Balboa bland CORONA DEL MAR TRAVEL BUREAU Dre. Tigh11 with nr-•tin panel, ff.ea. Sport ngtm. ...._ ,I ,. a.nd .urny. Membeni and thetr p•rlne1'9 P.t and enjoylnl ~tre.1hmen~ and d&nc-I I_~~:;:::::::;:;:;::-;:::=:::;;:::=:;:::::~"""""""""""":;::::::;::::::;::::::;::::::;::::::::;:;:::::""""""~:;::::::;:::::"":;:::::! auxiliary ml!mbe.n Ing were Nllllcy Doughty and Ii parUclp&tin.i" in the April 16 Bob Jack.Ion, J oan ThUrman an<l pa.l'tJ' •• Lone ~•_ch V. A . Bob H..., Bonnie Reil::b and Da- H09pit&l wers Me•n. and vld Gibllon, Miilie Tiny\ and ~ a.a..rt J. Brin•. Ralph Jlmmy Allen. Judy .£meraon and ~ ... R Jo:rn•. Kenn~ Gene Mcc.nllllh. Conn.le Reich N . J~ Wallace Ryan a.nd and Dick Scott. Judy PoughlY RoMtt Charlton: al.llO Wh.lt a.nd Ronnie Jacobi, De.rlene H.U., Albert Leulwyler &nd You.niblood and Ralph Smllh, Kn. 0ewp Bini. Members or Edna Jack«1n a.n4 Bill D&vid9on. ~ f.0 et I P•• tndt to p&-Pl&m .,.. DOW be'ln1 made to lllatll ia tbil tubarculoaia W&l'd• add mor• · teena1er.1 to th• club, wbla. otben aided with pmM whtch la alread.Y plpln.lna El- ... Nib h 1 t11 bl tbe ~-other danc. for the near f'Uture. _..._ A. ...,,.,.. dance la elalad fOl' April M. Sl :IO p .m. at lha h&U wU,b JISUIM by tha w .. Vaupn Tlio n&cll laclud• JudJ' Whit- ..,. ud Oou.ntr)' WUbbur:na. TWo per cent of the paa.en· 111!1" can ln UH In the United State. t-00.y ar• connrtlble.1. accordinr to th. NaUonal Auto- mobile OW>. PRE-SUMMER CLEARANCE -........... _..._ S69S s199s R~IES .... -... . -"ow .. , iiUNCH .. cOATS"".Now s495,. s595 ......;.,...-wooL · $4'00 I ·BERMUDA SHORTS .. ,, -NOW 1.--I -··-" $11__,,A&m $4'00 s300 WOOL SKIRTS --·-· NOW 1.-1. ~ tl.11 ta .... ,...:.. NYLON PANTIES . ssc _____ ..NOW iiSiY iL'ou'Sis ___ NOW s300 ..... ., ....... 1.IM- -•nDJU.8UTllA s100 s300 IEACH HA TS __ ..NOW .. • e CLOSI OUT e ON JONATHAN LOGAN ORIGINALS SHA BARA ' WHEREVER YOU ARE II SOUTIERI CALIFOlllA It'• only a short, delightful drive to the newest and fineot Gourmet reotauranta. Relax and enjo.Y Sunday Brunch 01 Dinner overlooking the Beautiful Ter· raced and Lighted Paola. ~,_II.Ml 0........ froot $2.31S Spocial O.ildl•a'• "°"' THE .GOURMET RF.sTAURANTS at 1lB i~neplanb Jlotel BrtGl</aot· ~ • DinMr• Qdtoilo Ample Par!Dnr See -Banquet M.....-for Prt..-...,._ 25-ICIO "-" KE,.._ 1-S29'7, 1"1 a.. W• 8'.. A--... * SPECIALIZING IN fabrics FREE ESTIMATES SLIP COVERS DRAPERIES CURTAINS UPHOLSTERY HARDWARE TRAVERSE TRACKS CURTAIN RODS -. ' ' Klmlt•~y 2-~618 COTTONS NYlONS RAYONS WOOLENS SEWING NOTIONS We maintain our own drapery worli: room. 4TH AND MAIN SANTA ANA OPEN FlllDAYS 'TIL 9 P.M. Parltiai 11ck,.~ VUJdaW at AD Partdltg 1..ta Oout Hwy. and Ofthld (oppoal&e Cdll P. 0 .) Harborl246 the SILHOUETTE SHOP Har. U08 announcement! MR. LARRY HEGEWALD, formerly of Mt. Varnon, Washington announces tho purchase of WILSON'S JEWELRY . 205 Main Street BALBOA . . . Where ha will continue lo operate an exclu1ive Jewelry Store featuring the well known GORHAM and INTERNATIONAL STERLING SILVER HAMILTON, ELGIN and LONGINES WATCHES and Fine Jewelry . • • • . . . Mr. He9eweld is an e.-perienced w•tchmeker •nd will oper•t• his own rep.it deportment •.. end is 9quipped to offer expert workm1mhip end quicl service. You Are Cordiany Invited To Visit Our Store And Inspect Our Stock. PHONE HARBOR 2261 • .... ..-.-..,..41 •• _ ..... -• <I ·-......... ,._, __ ·--.. ' • ~StpeRim -E•~OIJI 'P-a,~'--­ leport 01 Dana Poi1t Harbor n. ~\Y IJ@rd Or .1Up&n19-w&rJ' ~ Utt ~ .. \VHOOPSI -Coming in on the end of a at:rbg d Loa Angeles Ya.cht Club's ' lllU&trious commodore, Robert White, who cam! a cropper at the tint mark dur· htg the exejting Commodore's Race which climaxed lhe annual Challenge Series between. LA YC and Newport Harbor YC, Commodore Harold Pearcy ot NHYC • sa.iled the course \\'ilh his usu al skill and equanimity to regain at least part of the glory for NHYC after the local team ..lost aeries bonora to the group from "up North." . It you look closely, you can aee Commodore Pearcy in the rescue ves.~I -·he having already completed the race before Commodore White "aailed under.'' -Beckner Photo n:.tM 11.&0INO PA& ExllJ:LLENOE-It cannot' be d~ed that bonon in the annual' cla.uic battle between Loi Angeles YC and Newport Ha.rbor YC rested firmly in th41 handa of the LAYC team, at concluaion of lut Saturday'a races at NHYC .. A .core of 59~ points to NHYC'a 73 at the end of the third race W1"8.pped It up for LAYC and the final two racea were cancelled in antici pation of the afternoon'• really big event, the race between the two commodorea which traditionally cai-the climax of thia challenging event. -Beckner Phto Twedell like G- Robert W . Twedell of 830 Vic· torta Avt., eo.ta M..., nolltltd police Aprll 3 tA&t hla bicycle wu m1aii1nr trom out.Ilda Har· bm' Boya' Club. DANA POINT PIER ORDERED' CLOSED Restroom Bids Due April 23 Ol"ll Wt11tn.-.., adopted U.. JL OOl.l1d mo" &Mad wtU. ILlr Wt • L. Pettuaon. Newport Bff.ch. mm ~ T It• ciount1 rt'JIOl1. • the propo.M develop. owu aooo t..c. ot Mt.Cb rr<MJ t· .nent ol. • Dana Pohlt·&an ci ... ·&c:• la th. Dan& Potnt CO¥•· mut. itmaU craft Mrt>or. Pt&il• c-11 tor \h• bulldUl.S of h.tt..-.on >M Met. sicM4 to a l"OMI klto UM cowe to st~ mU:e th• refort I.ft 1HI. It wu Utt pubUu 1ecu1 to tb9 ocean pnparM m 1960. rwuu... &eftr'&! ~ a.ou.e• AdoflUoa ol the plan wu aec-•lei> wtll be coademned. Yacht, Beauty . Parlor lurcjlecl The Harbor Com.ml.son re· portedly h.. enoup tunU to proceed with • part ut t.M de· vflopmBit. lt WM tndJe&t~ the aupervtM>r• may .eek fed.er.I funcl.t to aid ta the undert&k1n1. Two burclarle1 reported to Th• 1ta.t1 1pumed a COWIQ' r•· Newport Beach police Wednea· que.t tor 1ppro&imately J300.· 000 to be uMCl ln the COY9. day included the lootlnc of lhe I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;; yacht, Or1ic1 and brea.klnJ' tnto a Corona del Mu bNuty pt.rlor. Robert a . Harden reported hL11 employer'• boat, moored lD !runt ot S.:S Via Ltdo Soud, WU broken Into and a radio dlrec- Uon finder va.Jued at $200, a ca mera valu@d at $80 and ml• 1:1!lla ntoW1 1tem1 i..ken. The own· er i.l lh1ted u Paul Daniel Or· flee Filling: Co. The back door of He1111 Hair Stylltt, 3025 JC. Coa1t H lrhway, wu pried open and $15 In cu.ti taken, Ruth Someli'a, ap em· ployee, reported to police. Wallets Rifled of $45 MARINE INSURANCE 8mootll - Oiiboru-Fert•s.::ft)' 0.. IUI \\'. Oout Hl.PWQ' Ullert ... ,. M & M Motors Marine & A~lve GeDe.ral &epalrlll1 MARINE NEWS PAGE 8 . PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1956 NEWPORT·ENSENADA RAC£- TO DRAW RJCORD ENTRIES Dana Point Ple-r waa or· dered clo.ed Tuead1y by lhe boa.rd or county ,'ll:upervl110l'a Of\ recommendation of Su- perviaor Helru: Kalter, T h e pier 11 In a bad 11t1l11 o! repair and N!p~eenta 1. tin· ancl.-i hat.ard lo the coun ty, Kalter told the board. Ha U.ld l'. la In 1uch bad 1h11>9 It will not pay to try a..nd t1!p1 Jr It as another pier will take Ill place un- der the preunt development plan1. Bide wlli be OJ>f'fied April 23 on new rr1t1·oort11 fvr Corona del Mar beach and ~lay 14 for rMtroom11 at lhe Balbof. pler, Robert G1 nr;rlch, aupervlaor, told member11 of th11 p!l.rk, beachN and rl'<.',t'&tion comm!~alon Tue•· day evfn1ng. He expecl11 thr.M racllltles to be ready In Ume for the bu•y 11tuon Shower• 'A'd! b.-added to the re1t rooma 11.t 811.!boa plrr, under lhe pier Thatt of $4!'i l rom W.llf'la ln clo1he1 han~ng up in • garage "l 1_.Qt 8Q,1 Serenade Drive. 1t 11pprox!mately 1:4!'i p.m. April !l w11 report-.:! to Newport Be1ch police. VlcUffi.11 were F. Gordon of Santa Ana, $40, ·a nd H•rv1y J . Cunningha1n of 810 Governor St., Ca,,ta Mesa. The men are plaiiterer11. Cadillac Speclallsts lnterceptar & Cadillac Marine Engines LI 8-3381 • TIDE T A,8 LE 140 Yachts A!ready Listed in Annilal Ocec:sn Sailing Classic Slated May 3 1------- JIM'S !Uelt. 1------------· I n .. p•ir'!ll ara to be made thi• Outboa d Sonny's Mufflers yrar to lhe re1lroom at New· r Ramp Use MUFFLER SERVIC:I! .,. .. Friday April 20 S1turday Apnl 21 sund11y April 22 )lorHlay Ap1112J T u1•!id1&y April 2t \\'e<Jne1tlay Aprll i5 'I'hurlKiay April 28 T\01e Ille• !l .3~ 1.m. 6 :27 p Ill. IS .34 1 Ill. i .oo p. n1. i .:l:'i a n1. i ;:ii p. n l., 8 .12 a 1n. s·o2 p. n1. tl.:'iti 1.1\L, !!.:\2 Jl Ill. 9 J9 a . m. li .O:I p. n1. 10 :23 a. m, 9 .33 p. lll. F IJI.ST QU.'lKT!:B ~lay 16 FULL MOOS Apr. 2:1 HL ., t .9 " " " '' H !i.8 ., " " '·' 3.7 ... LAST QUAB.Tt:B May 2 Time Low 12 :01 a. m. 12:38 p m. 12:4.0 p m. 125 ,;i..m. 1.15 p . m. 2 96 a. Ill, l .J9 p. rn. 2 !IS tt. n1 • 2 20 p. Jll. 3;;:~ &. Ill. 2:.•I p. n1 . 4 :03 M.nt. 3 :21 p. Ill, • ,..,,. MOON J.tay 10 VULGAR DISPLAY OF POWER H< 00 "' "' 00 0 . -04 u.7 -0.7 1.0 -u.8 1.3 -0.7 1.7 So aure of l'ictory w•• the dmrhy teoun from Loe .An1elN YC lhry didn't evit'n bother to brlnlJ" the LAYC • NH'YC Challenge Cup ~"'·htrh thry won la•t yrar) alonr with them when they Lnyaded local \li'ater• la•t Saturd1y. NJ a re1ult. LA \'C Cornmodort Robfrt \\'hlte (right) had to be con·. tent v.'lth l hf' h.1ndsh11k• and con1"retul11Uon• (?) from New· port Harbur YC Commodore Harold Pearcy. Even ao, I.he ~t1rem_on lei'I "'trt d<•l11.yed while CommotloTe White regain~ hi• equanln1lty and fn11n1I "ome dry clotht'S after hl1 lgnomlnluus d•'f,.at at the h•nd111 of Commodore Pearcy In the Con1modore·a R1u:I'. -~kner P hoto A record number o f boat.. 11 rxpe.c:l!d to Vlr for hpnors ln the Newport · En.enada Race 1cheduled for noon May 3. Thr r'll.ce which lo dale ha1 14.0 boall enterTd, wLll tMirin off the breeJI. w1Ler of Lhe Newport Harbor entr1nce at the black bell buoy. A nt'w tUv1.slon of claQoea hu bflon pr~ by Ocean Racine Rule commltl"' chalrmlUI, Ed Grant, ,;i.nd accrpted by the New· port Oce.1.11 Sa!Hnr AMOCla tlon, eponaora ot tha 1-.ce. The new dlvlllon wlll lncJude AL li1Kht), BL lllrhl), C H (heavy1 11nd D H (hMVy), ThLI method 111 belnar tried tQ make the race more equltable tor bolh heavy and light dllpla.cement yachla. Clift Chapmkll .ceneral oom- mltlee ctw.lrman will 1erve w1lh the follo<Nlnr commllleemtn I~ tha rue: Harvld A.dama 11rbltr-..ry hand- Lc11p : Hay l..anl"enhelm, buUetlna: oeorre Michaud, entrir-a; Salva.- Lora Mon a co, enltrta.lnmenl; Jam• S. Whyt.e. finance; Jamt1 Ca.rllon, Information; Edmund Orant and Miiton He-lbar(tr. 0. R . R. meaaurf'ment; RwaeU E.. Cral1. moonnr•: L.oull Vie· reek. official ucort veaaela: 1 Hilyard Brown, plaqua de1Lgn; Andy Griun, prott1l; Nelaon Pringle, publicity; Huold Adami, race; Harry S hepardaotl., chair• man, J am.,. Carleon, R. B. Car· roll, David L. Fraaer, Paul W. Hlllf:r, CM.rle1 JamllOll.. Paul Keltenbur1 and Jame. Webater, 1atety; Paul W. Hiller, trophy. In atldlUon to the parpetual trophlu, 30 "ta.ka ho1ne" . tro- phlea will ba awarded to first . aecond 1.11d third In each racing c\1-11. Two ntw awaMa haw been adeed lo lha perpetual Ult Bar Owner Makes Citizen Arrest Disturbance in The pre1ld1nt of th• Marlnll Corp., ownrra of the V illa Marina Reet•url/lt. wu to~ed to maJl.e a clllzen'1 arno9t. ot a Newport Beach man Tuteday Morn.1nr r0Uowin1 dl11turbance !n the ~ trn. according to police reporta. W, W , Hdlder, lha company official. told off1cera that Ray· linn PatUIOn. 40. of 371).5 8ea- 11hore Drive, ordared thre-e drink.a from 1 cockt&ll wa.it~ and lhtn r"fl18td to pay. Holdtr aald he wa1 attUnr nearby IUld when he w~t to the 1111tl.ttance of tht wailre11 and demanded lhflt PatUaon pay up th11 ma.n auddenly alruck him 1ctrm1 the facr . The offici al M.!d PatUaon pt one me>re blaw In befora h11 ~­ subdu":d by olh1r perlOrui In the bu. Holdtr tiled con1pla1nla 11&.IM P1tl1110n chtlra:lntf hlm w Ith By ~tRl'I. KARI. ~trDOt .GAl.L I T he unique preeent.atlon ot a •aaault a nd battery. d laturbtl\I" The r!11h try 111nnf'r ht-1(1 ann11-flln1 and riarr1t1on b teatlmony l he peace &nd dttr au\Jlnr an •lly b}' r>:e"'Jl'Ofl lrarbor Grangt ITT behalf t1f the albacore tl•her· Innkeeper. O\'ill t.ke pl1r e thb y,.11 r at the mf'n befol"e varloua commllteea I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, An1erlcan Vgion llall on Sun· now holding heartnr• on pef'ldlnl" ~ BOAT C0\'1:&8 Annual Grange Fish Fry Set May 6 at Legion Hall day, ),lay 8. 5,.1v1n,11: ,,·111 be from flllhlnr; Jeclalallon w111 arran.red. BALBOA. OANVU noon tu e 30 p 111. The publlc la by the IOl'al Otani"• lhrourh tha SHOP lnvltl!d. N'allonaJ Grange ottica tn Wu.ti. M • ..., ,., The problc!n11 nr the small-lngton, D.C .• and report.I lndl· 111:,i.~'tti~C:" bo<ot t1ahe111111n re..·enll}' rKel\.'· •ate ll W&I vrry hl1hly compll· MAKL".11: UPHOLllTEJUNQ l<I 1111.UonllJ publlr !ty thrnugh an mt"ntM:I and of roN1lderable•ln::·il;::;;::.;;;::,;;;::,;;;::,;;;::,;;;::,;;;::,;;;;::,;;~; ~lturtal appeMrln~ In the Chrl1-ler"til wherever ahown. thln SC!ence J.ron11or lhi Wf'f!ll'-nf .,-,,e -fUm· w .. ma de by F t.fll/"Ch 2..1, being 1·11rrled ln both man Euton o! COiii.. Meaa whlle ~ lhe Ea11f an<i Y\"'r_.l Coa•l "'11· Jn an ordfnArY albaCOr"il trip ot ~ SJ'l>Ell. · Uon.1. Mr. Mnrl ~lr11, ~ll•Dou1111I. 9Jx week1 duration aboard Flo•. lftlr4. wnile llttfnllln.I(' the National well known In local fllhln( cir· Grange Con\·ent1on 111 Clll\'eland, ~IN. It gava a very compNhen. SOUTll .OOAST 0(), port pier. Gln1rlch aald. An Item Reque-1ted u11e by th.e Oranre & tht. y.r. They are. Secretary of Ma~, Me.ittCiJ 1.11d Secre- i..ry l)f ~ United Statea. Theae trophtea, of an 1ntrlcata Aztec. dellrn, wu .. hand·mllde tn Mu· lco City and aelect«l by Chap- m~. ST AR AT QCC or '500 I• a vailable for palnllnr County Outboard Club of the Dual Pipe. lhere and the 1r11lroun1 a t the l.'p!>f!r ~ewport Bay ramp wa11 Alao Factory Rep.........,..ta Balboa f1rehou1t. he 111 Ld and he referred to the Harbor Comm11-Li 8- Special ll&aon Include•, M.ayor Don. 0 . H ill, Honon.ble David Ojeda, Capt.aln Loren H . Beerr r, U. S. C. G., Olpl.llln A . F . Gunn, U.S. N ., Comm1.11der Merle Mc· Bain, U. S . N., Sr. GWermo Bol•.ton. J r .. Da.vid Ojeda. Colo~el Cu l '-· White, Fra.nk Thomton. Commandf'r Arthur W:. Davldaon, Kenny Baker believed thl1 amount would l111on tor 11tudy v.·t<Jneada y by lh• :5744 k '" I tlOl "'· Cout Hw7 .. N°•"'POrt ma e uHI two re.,troom1 11•ll•-i i';'~u~n~<y~boa:;;:;~m~o~f:;;;•~u~P<;:;;;:~i~~~'~'~· ;;;;;;~::::::::::::=~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::i factory for thl11 lf'IUIOn. I--'~~~~~~~ to Speak to Pacific Adventures I Protect Your Hub Caps Film a9 Yacht C:lub Drama Class Dwight Loni;::. world trav!'ler I )'our Xame and Auto Ucaru.a .Nwnbet and leclurrr "''Ill pre1ent a three I Engr&\.'ed Inside YOllr Hub Capri ph11se color n1nl1on pu·ture, "Pa-POflJUve lctmunca1lo111 11 l'our Hub ci.p. A ... 8toiea Kenny Baker. vocall1t and cJrtf A d\'enture11," tonlrht 11.t u. s. c. o. A pt1!·r&ee 4inner di.lice wlll be held at Ule Balboa 8'.y Club, May 2 at 7 p. m. Queen Nep- tune from Enaenade wlU b9 a featur.4 (Ullilt ot I.ha avenlnf. A pruent&Uon and barbecue a t £11. ltel'lada will .ta.rt at noon and J.ut W'IW 3;30 p. m. on Saturday, May G. Tha PreahS1!nt'1 Ball will ba held at th• Riviera P&d.f· \co Saturday beg1nninr at 8 p. na. atar of 1tage and .tcreen and r1-Newport Harbor Yacht club. Th• NEWPORT AUTO WORKS d!o, will •pe•k to Orange Cowi· opening phllle of the rum be· <y·d,.m& ""d'"" &<<ho ~u&I gin• wi<h Lon&'o foU•·r-• l rlp Ont-Act Play Tournament to b• around the world tn hL1 32-ft. OFFICIAL AUTO CLUJJ GARAGE held a t Oran&• Coa•l ,Collece krtch. Unlqu• WAr experlen08I, 1t0 ll'li'D(;STIUAL "'AY 008r4 J1aA on April 27· the re11Cue or a t lran•le<J S8 mil-PHO:\"E LI.BERTY l-'7781 Baker, formtr vocallat with lion 11ubmanne and bt!ilullful Ta· !;;;::,;;;::,;;;::,;;;::,;;;::,;;;::,;;;::,;;;::,;;;::,;;;::,;;=:::;i::::; Jack Benny. will beo the 1peaker hlU "'·Ill conipn.H t he' tel!lt of r at U'le dinner tor drama lltUdf.nt• th• film. ~1oV lt'e will bti 1hown I.lid lhtlr advlaora to ba held in In the Ball room al II p. m . tha Student Center at I p. m. Dinner .,..111 be 114lrved from e Honorable Adolpho Oomlnrue&. Rear A dmlral C. C. Hartman, U. s: N., Ca.plain John Rou.nd• ~. U.S .C,G., CumnloOOr-. Chap. man. Ge.n&ral Juan B. IJA· rulrre Payan, Commodore R.lch· ard Ftnton, Sr. Guillermo Bola· 1Un J r. and Paul H iiier ara terv· lll&' on the a dvl.ory committM. A nottd recordlnl" artist, Baker to 8.30 p. m. J.frmber11 1,11 ••k· appear.cl ln th• D'Oyly Cant ed lo maka their 1·e1ervatlo111 Co. prodl.letlon of the "Mikado" early. u lht only Amer1ca..n YOC11.111t. l------------- haa alao a ppeared rn "The Boy11 t~ ll)'rAC~"' and ruunal"Ou11 Actor, and Out1tand1n1 Suppurt· oth« Hollywood and Jll'o&d'A·a y lng ActreM. prOOuctiona. All pertorn11.11cet are open to ELECTRIC: SUPPUIS Ho\IJIC:koll • Marine \ FIRE ECj)UIPMENI' , ELECTRIC CO. BATIERIES • • Rasmussen an Tour With Navy Reserves BOAT WIRING ONLY •rtie a.nnual play tournamrnt tQa pub/le Without charg• I.lid will alart April 27, a t 2 p. m. \1aitora a ra "''tlcome lo attend. Five high 1chool plry1 w ill be lt was 1.11nouncl!d. The play• wHI preMnted In lha alternoon, and be given in lhe Oranga Coail 2500 W, Cout Hwy, Uberty 8-WZ anoth11r four play1 will ba 11t1.g-C.. :=":':":_•:.:":d':':'":.:":m:· _____ '..!,====================;,,,====! lld 1tarUnr at I p. m . l.fter I.he dinner. NiJla Orin.re County h I g h Comdr. A. H. R&l.muaaen, Bal-1Chool1 hava enter.d one ~ a ct bOa. lal&nd ne!den.t and bu1lne-playa In thl1 year'• toumamenL man, 1A on a two-wHk lour flt 8tudante wlll competa from duty with th• U. 8 . N1ry Re-Ana.helm, H untington B ta c h, ....,. .. In the San Pedro area. Sant.I. Ana, Newport Harbor. Accordtnr to Mr1. R&lmu.11en, Laruna Beach. San Jua.n Cap\1· who lt aupervil:lng the bu1lne• trano. IA Habra.. Gard~ Grove during her hu.ba.nd'1 •baence, and F\lllerton h i r h 11ehooll. tha Comm&nde.r will be back tnl Awa.rd.I will be prewnttd to the Baltxi. lal&n.d 8 portln1 Goodll Ouc..tandlnr Aelor, OuC..t.1U1d1ng April 30. Aclrffa. Outat&ndln1 Supp<.rtin1 MARINE C:ARIURETORS Repalro ---Parts ZENITH & STBOHBERG GEO. J. MEACHEM US9 W. Cout Hlcb-y Uberty S.134S Marine 6. General Welding Autborbed. Dealer and Manufacturer Surfside Trollers Cuatomer Traner. Built to Your Order Trailer -., & Repair Surfside General Welding :IOOl W. Cout Hwy, Newpori -Uberly 8-:1472 o-z • .., Ewnl•• 'ti! i P.11. ' f !f yau hear a thump .•• its only your heart I Mort PIGP!t Drltt Chf\'folttl Tllla Altf Oiiier C.1-2 M1llioll Mort! It'• "'JOUBh to quid~n anybody1 puhe, tM way thu new Chevrolet taka to tM lti8hUJayl w..r11 1nte-rv\,.1vt'll to pro\'l!le n1a-•tv .. ahowtng o! lhls type fl1hln1 23rd A Newport BIYd. tt"1~lll ror th11 ftaut1·t ~~·;' ;'~'";•;&&&nl&~;~· =================~~:;;~=~==============::it:=====~ J ConHnl'n\11 h\ 1 ha N'11tlon11I Or•nr• t.1111•ll'r, u .. MN"ll"I D New901n ('\Jnrern1n~ the hnard lnt•rf'!l• nf Un1ng11 Jllf'lllbf'rl. n•Jt a ll b<oln& 11.11r1t·ul111rl1ta. 1tatitd that •f1,,hf'rn111n a re en1· blr1n1tlc or !•lhtr &rhlipe "'ho bave been 11C.11vr ly 111111 1 .. 1«1 by Lb• Granre tor a Ion&" lime." \Vhen you feel that big hon V8 eoma alive, and 10ur heart altipa a beat. oh.alk it up to Chevroltt'a r;,mtful., le:t'e·l'Q-placea spirit. with horaepower l'UlliDI' up to 225, Thia ia the car, you know, that took top honors In the NASCAR Daytona Beach time tr.fall. Come on In and hee.r what )'OWf" heart bu to u7 abput Chevrolet! \Vhy not make It aoon T , '?%-' Ao 1 ih•i .J. • • In Broken NT..,.... om-. Newport 8-11, C.Ut. ~r 'l'7;) Miller Chevrolet Co. N•wpon 8-:h Ube..,. l-ZZ61 • I T t . l t J ! I ! , , . ~~·~.,.,~,,.,.. ... ,.... ---· " PLACING OF ARE RINGS ON EACHES GETS CONSIDERATION NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I ,PAGE 9 FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1954 I 4.-l--~ to ,. ~ ....... e. ...... u.. e ' ·~'91 ' Mesa-P-atr•lme1 E11nt-Sl1ted ay 19 b_y Police lepartrne•t ' LOWF...K AWAY -A one-ton piece of IBM electronic accountlnr equipment ia ''hoiated aboard" the second fJoor aundeck for office inat&llation at Newport Balboa Savings and Loan Aslociation. This accounting machlne ia one of three pieces of equipment in lhe first major electronic &ccountlng installation of ita BMchee -4 1ec:rr1t• • nf*;' t11 •'911c•lllc • .--. •Ion T\wtill.f _.....,.: A ,._, ft-. nd1-t.a ..... tM -..ch ~ *1' ... lt&ai .... wU.MWll -,. ..... ~ •ad the ftrerfllp __. la ... U... wtU M ......-nd. Tbtt eM"•'"'-I.It mo·dlllhW '*lnl' tire riq9 bl two or lb,,. ~ """""' i..-. 0... in U4 .daarl· I.DC for UtAilr -.. Jl WM llUft'Mled U.t. bl W. way the co.t. ot matnt.1111.nC t.hAm ud poMdnf tM ~ wouw )e l"K:O~ l SMASH ~TIMI MAU : . - April l1il-i1c ••· Mesa · Topples .. M~1tkly . lecor• ::, ,:,::-~ .....;.~'::: Wlt.b Roven -...id 8p11C91 ~-.Kb tor ,..14ance1 ·w:ltlli atlach· or Kn. He.I•~ ~', Tllay•r oc record -bre.&kUil $1,U&.200 bi dwelltnp Will erecl41d la Cc. ... i;'riq' a tour of duty wllh Oleta w... Police De,..n· IMC'lt tod.ajo &n11ouneed a wrtttai eamtnauon wtll be ti.a1a Mq lt to •*t oew p&rtrolmen 11Cb41du1ed tor hlrtn1 Jul.J 1. .Applle•tlOn fonua are ava.IJ• ~ • t, t~ police •le. lion, .. lnt•ruted rl\.en rnay phone or Write tn to h••• lh• appllce• Uon. malJttl lo lhem. All appll• cttlJOM mu.It be Rlumed by Mty 11. The written uamlna• tk:ln will be h.ad .May lt at-orann ~It 0o11e1e. QU&llncatlons can tor men be 11 or over, a n1intmurn oC ~ rt. I In. In hel&ht. physically and mmt.ally aound and J>Olllltal· lnl a hl&h .chool educaUon or It.a aqulvalmt. ,trucuon Com~ taJdr\I" oUt ' ed prq~v r.port«I. Th• tlt 'l'\J.aun A.Ve. U CWTtntly Coat.a u: .. city bUUdlnf ,.rmltl ta MMa t al-a Car· th• i.e. M~• ~ AJreratt lul w~. 8~dtn1 Otttclal A. Ml'l• .\.'t' :, Buckn.U Ro&d, l'oTd· ~arold' I. Johnson J. Vol& tedaf proudly &dbOW'Ced lwn Dnv., Na.au ~~ Vllla· Wllll ln Japan u a Lociat!CI th• 1rnuhin1 of the all-time C:O.· JICl\ra Road, Wale• n,_t R.ced, Ottlcer. Thayer la • member Jb Pc'!r-.":..Re.:!1'9 ta Me.a buil(\llll' mark 'for on• Lehicb Place, Colle ... Drtn and ot Marin•°';!' Group 11 baaed F~ral Apney IROflth. Colby P1~ at lbe U. 9. Naval Air Sta.-ho11tt1 llal'ber 120 A.8 of Aprtl 11, Voll reported, Addlnr to°'-b&ll·monthtotal ti A r' J tlll \'11~·\\'aw, :Spt. ,,_. w-bullclln&' d•p&Tlln•nl vaJu-T&luaUon wa. the Hale _ggm.. l ;:::on:::IA::::""';;;~·::': .... :::::::::;;~======'=====~ aUon on perndta .1.Nued et.ood at pany, ta.kins out pel'lftll.9 • Yal.ued $2,101.188 for th• nfonth. Th• at fl4,H4 for..ix model homu to CAREFUL S~~~~Et-. -..rn: S'-,/,W# -(Xptrf outbOarJ . v kind in Orange County. ASSOCIATION NOW USING ELECTRONIC ACCOUNTING -----~----~--I record monthly total wu com· be bu.tit alone ~ay Ave. ln pUed In Augwit ot tut y,arwh•n CoJJece M-tracL permit• were luued valued at '"'"' .. ,, .• !ELECTRICALLY e LET US HELP YOU e motor .repairs Ow meicha.UO an JohUOD- tn.inecl in the UM ol ipecial bccoc7-type tooll. n,1 me JohMOn pram frt1111 our latp ltodt, &Nurin1 you ol oo.IJ cb1 6ont m1 i.,cn11nce •nd re- pe.ir work on your outboard mocor. Loolr:in1 for • _,,,, Sft·Hone? We-hl\'C rhfto at pl'icm you'll apprui11e. Preatdcnt Pa\l A. Paln1er or Jfcwport Balboa. Savin111 and Lo.an A11eocla11on today 11nnuunc- ed ltnit major ln11tallatlnn of electronic accounllnK 111a~h!ne11 ln the Hllrbor Area. Jl 111 In· tern11.t1onal ''Punch C.rd" equlpn1,nl. and ln- cludeA the Key Punch Card Sorter and !'ltf.leC'lor. and the ~02 Accounting :t.tachfne, All thr'• piece• of equlpnient have be'n received and 111e nuw In uee at the •-•AO<'hH1con·" b11.y· fl1;1nt he1dqu11rltr•. P11 lrn"r iw1d Dorothy Orwig, 10o'h 11 juin,.<1 the Savtni;a and l.oen 11t11rt ~ .. vtr11l n1onllu! ago and h .. , 11. lone: b&Ck&'fOUDd Of tfalnini: ID 18~1 equipment, I• In rh•i jl;t' ur <11er- 1()11.n .-oclation or our 111z11 ln southern California and the flr!!l In Oran1e C<>unty to lnst11.ll equipmenl Qf ttna klnd. In the few d11y1' operaUon lhlll ·•••e hBve experienced we are well eatillficd that It wtll mean ve-1)' (reat saving• in labor and ex· pen1111 for the ll!l!IO('\lltlon. en- 1bl1ng us to palla on '" 111g111f1- cent economy to our inve1tor•:' Palm.,r u.1d the rna<·hlnery \Oo'tll llQOn be u...ed tu ron1put.- p¥yroll, and In v11.rlou.• ,,..-.. y.i. It \Oo'lll be ulled to tu1npllle d1v1- dcnd!I for p11yment to lhe A11.oco- ciatlon·11 7000 ~•v1nglll arcuunt investors 11.t the end of the cur· rent qullrler. U!11ng punch ran.la. the machines Will takP into ac· Oil lnd"stry Men Meet with OCC Faculty R~pre11entaUve1 of the Pelro- lcun1 1ndu11try met at Oran(C Cuut Colle111 Jail week la ad· vl•e on problema or keepln1 Lbe P' troleum technoloJY curriculum current. ~lf'f·t lnr w1 tn college racu!ty 1nen1bera W•rl; JM .. I Sayer. Supenntendcnt. Sl.andard Oil l'r u<l uct1on tk'partment, Ro~rt C'11lh11. Gener11\ Petrolwm 1.haln- Lulur . \\'1l11an1 Cookerly, Sup .. r· 1n1 .. n,1ent. State l.andll Office ; 1 ... unard Grave•. en&inttr. South- we"t ~xp!or11llon; Arndt Hen- 11ck:.0n. Superint,.ndent, Monlt- rey Od ('o, 11nd Don Cn1ft. Cu.•t11 Me""· atln&' the new n1ach1nt'• l'nunl all depo111t" and v.·lth· TRAN~ACTIU'S ('llF.C"K d1 •wllla for ea~h 11-crount during <.:,•orge Gulhnt. Or•n1e Co•11t Th ch• quarter and will roni-'-t" .in1lructor, oull1necl the tv.·o y .. ar e1r m~n u"" 11\ \ht' 111t':'it'nl i-- 1 the computaUon1 In four hn11n. proitram leading to an A110Cl11te llnie ls Jn ch,.ck1n~ llll <lltl y t1an11actlon11 ln both ,.11v1 11j:l'I and Palmer •a.id Ule computation of In Arla desi·ff!. lt wa• pointed r dl"id•od• ""''' •h• formor out that stuclt!nlll tornpleUn1 thr loan ICC'OIJO!I Thl'Ull!:h u~r 0 • I rnethod required the t1n1e ot range Coaat pro1ram rind a t he punl'h. c•rd, alt 11unll n<·t Ullll d lwo W"m•o to• on• t"ll wo•k. 1 . rea Y acceptance by lndwitry. 111·e checked 1tl 1he rnrl nf the " " 111.\·. and each 1111y'11 ope111Uona It 11 not cnnilldered pr11ctlral Amone: phuca ot the colll'(e a re quickly balanced. to UM electrnnlc, accounllnK prot;:ram dlac-u11eed by Guthrie "\\'ht"n v.·t. ,,...,r,. plKnning uur equlpml!'n t of th1-type ln ttn were p1troleun1 110I01ry, rev1e• anoclation with le&11 than $20 • or n1ethe1nat1c11, drlll1 n< "'"'' n,.w bui!dlnl' n1ore I hll n two year11 llJi:O," ra.Lmer allill, "\Vt" 000,000 In reeource•. Palmer aa1d. mmt, ~heml1try, drllllni technl- ur d,i·etl the lnllt&l11ttlun ul • ~1,..._ Newpurt Balboa Saving11 reaour· qur• ILJld production. C••d coodui l to Lake c&rl' ot cu a.re l"'Ow1ng ateadlly, he •n· no\.11\ced , 11nd nuw tot.al ··•:ell e!fctronlr equlpmrnt of \h,. fu- ture. The Ll'Ult•llxt.ion or th,.se i '-"°-'-'-'-"-·~ooo_.ooo __ . ____ _ new IBM 1nachinf1 repr,.~ent11 the achievement or an 1m1)flrt· Mesa Tract Okayed ant &°'-! ror our a&llOClation, and - lhty 11re the lalllt .,.·ord in mn.1-by County Planners e1n equ1pn1tnl. Palm.er 11rWe.L 'rentallV• map or a nine-acre ··\V.i ire lhe f1r1t Mavlng" and aubdJV111ton 1n the zone Of ll!Ou- enc• of Co1ta Meaa wa• 1pprov- ,.d Jut week by the County Plannlnc Commluton. The tract of :Z7 houeu la !o- rated on the northw111terly oor- n"t of M,tu Dr1ve and Tuatln Ave, Charlea Herter Jr. or COil.a Meaa 11 the 1ub<llvJder. { ~crfcct borne ~tbtlopmcnt) • I• the --. unhurried bceiity which only 1 mmp.11 --.phenl ""-" oler, )'O<" ~ home will n:IKt ch.iriftg ~ ,_.. to CGmll yoor inlwrtnt Jt9'd ~. Nowhere ~a.e ca!1 you i.>d tudi .,, lckal .ettbl& fot me truq_uil llf~ ,_, ......t for yowwll' am,._ fansily. ...., ... ...... ......, ......... IUllf-W • s1,w .&19. pu-.-575 Stol In the remalnlnr two weelu of -_, H th• month, :t.1e.a oftlclall expect Mr•. Merila F . M.cNutt ot SOUTH COAST COMPANY Newport Bl,·d. at 2Srd St. to exceed the p ml1Uon mark In 21)26 Newport Blvd., ~Led on city con•trucUon. , th• Boulhem caurornla Bibi• Roven and Spl•r•I took out Coll•I'• c&mpue, reported theft t•I permit. valuad at 111.200 of her purH which contained $715 c.Ml to Cool& Mua pollc• 'I\lu· day. Mn. McNutt .. ld the theft occurffd l!aturd&y wh•n 1h• Jen th• purM at home dur\n.I' her a Mince. . STAFFORD & SON Harbor 2600 County DeMolays Plan May Dance Six Oran(e county DI Mol•Y ch•ptera will jo1n ln epon.ortnr a dan<:e 1lij' n-ar-0r&n1• Cout College St•dent Center. The affair la opan to the public SponM>r1ng lf'OUPI a.re Oran1e Co11-,11t lCOllt& Mce&J, Santa An•. Garden Grove, Fullerto~ Oran11 •nd Hunl!ngton Beach. · Tlckeu are obWnabll from any member ot Order of Dt Molay or •t th• door: Th• Or- 1nge Cout Coll•c• Rlfta will be the orche11lra and refre!lh· menlll are to be Krved. Time ot th• dance 11 rrom 8 p. m. to midnight. Y•CJCJ Takes NothlnCJ Roy Ulward Winche1ler of IHl4 W. 19th St., CO.LI Mua, not!· fled pollce Monday I.hit an en- try had been made at hi• houee throurh a kltchm window. Wln· che11ter e.ald apparently nothlnc wa1 (aken. OPERATION 64 IS COMING BE READY! ....... .. ...VT lOClr Eloctrtoal 110 Blvenlde Ave. ' Contraclon1 Liberty MM4 HOW TO SAVE MONEY WHEN YOU BUY •' A NEW CAR By Ed Sullivan Fall Mail Brings Questions On Car Buying .•• · Ed Answers With Money-Saving Facts! For quite • wl.lle .ow. 1'" been gellln1 mall (n>m people like rou -people i• the mar*et (or a new c:ar. They want to know how 10 get the beet .. 4eal .. on a ·new c:11r. •nd Att eonluffd by a 101 or conflicting ad«rt1ala1 dal1111.. ,,..,. ~ eonneeted whh c:11r buy· ln1 and eellins fM a lOlll time-•ad I've picked up a lot of cood laformalk>• on the 1ubjed. Now, I'd like to ...... 'U,pee r~u o•er to you, to help you get the m .. 1 for your money whe• you buy your n~ c:11r. N•tunll10 I I.ope y.. cledde on a 1956 Uneoln or Mercury-bee.UH I'm c:oavinced that tbey'..e the beet buya 1A tHir napeeti•e price d...-. 2 Whrn xou're 1utt-1alk price and 1rHMn. If you're pliafiied, now'• the time to m~kt • deal. rint. set the baee price -and any good dealer "ill be hippy 10 let you JJet it in writing. Find liul c11:1etly what the baee pr~ includa. (lbe ~tercury Medtliat, (or example, _include. d irectional turn indicator• and an oil bath a ir cleaner in 1he base price., Kl ~you don't have to buy lhem teparatCly,) Then price lhe e:s:tra acttsaorit!I you wan!. Add thf$C, local l•llet and l ircn~. and you ha•c the "calh price" or your new car. 3 Now lalk lr•dc •nd fipre .. the diW•renet-... find out what the dealrr will •llow on your pretenl car. Then 111bt r1ct the tradf'·in a!lo•ance from the c:uh prioe to goct ..the difftrcntt." This it the moll impor1ant figure ifl eny de11. Of-.. 111 f...tly ~-· ~. plng C't!Jlln, ~ for all agiet. m.rm. ol .U ~lkMl-en de.a. ht Tn HAU CoMPAWT r.aipill!I th..u much -11 ~ '" •fllll Uf1U...ti-_ ...... w f.dlitift. Far dW ,.._., --..- Now, I kaow theae f.eta will M•e you moneJ, and r.e pul 11Mm la Mep-by-etep order to make the whole thlq ea.,. to folio•. Some of what yett1 aee here may 1eem pretty obYk>ua. bat I think that all of it d worth ' , ' . . )'$'! 'U Sad IA au..:..:... C.uraw EIT.o. nm • .. r1e priv1l111 reere1t1C1n uee., Hile- ~ ~pAetw with cl~ Lft. dll 1-pe bueb.tl ...... plt;Die pouedl. lalnls1..dhendbal~and~ pool-111 for the nel1UiY1 plelllW'f of -' ... -... ..... ---·-....... .... a;q wooe 4-ACRE IECIEITIOI Piii Fdl IESIDEITS NO DOWN -----·'999 .... ---...... , ....... ,_,, _ ...... ~cREsr Campus Estates · IM ..... l/flRll COJTA M•M-HerW ............ a I•\ .. A.._ ............. -W.,._ I "-f.,._. UMny t-'4'2 • ' ---....... .. HiNM:Y· -= 1.a1 •"· ·--.... ,__ ......, - i " " __ _.1• ~yln1. I. BEFORE YOU GO TO TIE DULER 1 find oul •lut your tnde-ln la wo11h, by checking uiw:d car dealen and .. want eda. .. You 'II find lhat ulied can do ha\'t a definite market ,.,Jue, llO common tt:nte ''Y• tlui1 nobody ea give you "Jl.000 mo~ than your car'• worth," Once yo•'ft round out whal your ear i1 wonh, you 'II know whm ,...;·re getting a l•ir trade-in allowanoe. 2 Dedde on uactly what you ••nl -on lhe make, on tha tDOdel and en tM.roe-oriea 1" •anL 3 'l1lea pick your dealer. 1\i1 ia 1he mMt impor1ant part el 11ny new ear "deal.''., do it carefully. Telk lo friend• wbo drive the make yn ·wanL 'They'll recommend their own dealer -and thia U 1M betf endor.ement or 111. llll YOU GO TO QE DUllR 1 Mor. you talk priee-make auttl Don·l lalk prii::e •til you·ve 1pt1Ci.6ed &beoact model and acoeMOria you Wtrll and ... ft 1akm • tborougb teat anve. Take more \ban J ... "'a ride 1rou1ul the block," and let enry ~i,.ing member of your family h•ire •crick •lit, 100. Take'thi1 1dvice, even if you·rc b•ying a U11coln or a Mercury, bec:•use your Uuoln-Merc•rr O.ler WaMI TCMI lo be ture-bcfolC you b•y. 4 If ~u·re fin•n<in1.1e1 •ti the fad•. Find out o:•ctly ho• much you'll pay ii\ finance chargca -e1ect ly how rn111y pay merit• )OU mUM mike -•nd exaclly how much Heh paymnil will he. Ue ture you won't be mak ing 29 ~low-low'" paynicnl•_end be 1urpriKd by one big ,.balloon .. payment at the end, S«tion 2987 or the Calirorni• Ci"ll Code limk• finance c:har~e• to 1 % 1 month, bul il i1 po*"ibll lo ,finance your n•w car for considttahly le11 -'° make 1ure you're peying the lowetl finen~ fhargc poa5i ble, 5 Ahout •ulo ln•ura~. You doo't htve lo buy in•r- 1nct on rour new car from the de1ln, but meny dealen ere ,et up to help you buy in.urance rrom ttputable com- panies. 6 Wt It In wrilins-• reqalrff by t.w, Secticm 2982 oi the California Civit 4lde r~uire1 lhat all det1ll• or your "deal"·~ on the condifflon1l Min contracl. that both ro11 and the dealer Aign it, and that you gd a copy of the conlr1ct 11 the time it'1 • ritlen, ~lake 1ure tbat the contrlld j i11 both tigncd by the 1&!CMn11n end accepted by an olfic.r of 1hc de1lerthi1•· Don't 11ign lhe conlract until it i1 com- plcet l7 filled in, and uni ii you'\'e rtad ii complttcl7. Your Llncotn-~fe.rt"nry dt"aler la the man re.penalbla for lf'lling lhee.e f•rl1 iii print. li" wanl• Jo" to •H tbem,, btt•111e h" fttl• rou'tt ••titled to pt the.;.... lor 19ur money, no mallf'r whait ... ke ur ,... b.y.1 ' For your UNCO~·~fERCURY, deal@r Q •' I J . ' .;.. . .. .. . • ' .. My Pop iust went stormin9 -through the house. He was wavin9 his arms and shouting and M9m says he was "iigging like a roker." Sometimes I iuat don't understand -these silly grown up people. Pop shouted to Mom-"We just found a way to pack four months into three". Now, can you imagine that? Any fool can plainly see that even when you play scrabble you can't do that. Mom has been telling the old ryian for hours to "calm down, take it easy, contain yourself." I figure that if Pop can pack four months into three he probably could figure a way' to contain himself, but he sure isn't calm. Seems that Pop hat been preaching to Mom about all the fine wares of all thd' merchants right here in our Newport Harbor area.' He is always shouting, "Sure we like the Bay. we like the Beach, we like the additional parking, and so we have to help pay for it and make it grow." That is where Pop ·begins to wave his arms and Mom says he goes on a jigging jag every time some guy at the City Hall releases a new report on t.he returns from the City Sales Tax. iThe man next door tiasn't understood Pop until just lately, tnat'1 when somebody figured out a way to put the same tax everywhere. Pop says it is for everybody's benefit. Yeah, he also said that he could put four months into three and Mom told him to contain himself. (My big brother says I act crazy but he should see our folks sometimes a~er he goes to school.), 'Anyhow Pop says that all of his preaching to his neighbors an'd all the people in town is "paying off". That I guess is what he means by putting all those months together for some reason. Our folh are already telling people "See-we told you so.'/ Sec11on1 are just e condition of the mind, they say. Our town doesl'\'t have to worry about seasons anymore. But you should hear Mom when the seasons pucker up and some of my vital essentials don't get dry like they should. Anyway, Pop has been tellin9 everybody that business is better now than it ever is in the summer. He hes some idea that if local businessmen would meet their fellow townsfolks now end 9et real well ac-quainted, let them know that he ... .. ................. -·-. . -. r likes them, that he would stock what they desire, that then the homefolks would be a little more tolerant of the rushes during the seasonal summer months • Pop just went through the house with a page advertise· ment he ran wayL back in January in his favorite newspaper. He is now shouting through the phone to somebody "Feb- ruary is the biggest month we've ever had except August." Then he went off shouting ab9ut quarters and halves and "Horizons Unlimited." J think Mom is going in to call the Medical Center and get him a date, or something. Anyway he left the paper and· here is a chart he was figu~ing on. · SALES TAX CHART CITT OF NEWPORT BEACH 1941 leM )~1 1802 1963 19M 1156 JtM J 10.18% U02 l ,S.5 lUN .H ,342 10~0 15,7• 11,141 P' 1,404 8,36! 11,ISM ll,4M H .se3 16,212 %1,111 %6.15 1 ){ 'l,792 3,403 4,060 uee e.881 1,200 1,to! t,M7 A 9,1113 8.818 7.459 13,270 u,eat 111.410 11.315 ){ J,ko t.W 15,408 13,271 17,lM 15,189 18,711 J 5,796 U37 t.069 T,800 Ul>G 10,807 U.MJ • "8.tlt 46,048 u.oeo •t.th '7UIO ll0,111 H.080 J 14,0.0 U ,SO. 11,120 22.208 2!,620 21,094 U,111 ~ H ,H2 111,989 18,759 18,W 21,30t 24,'722 ae,nt 8 7,077 UM 8.1oe 10,11)8 16,213 16,lle2 Jl,161 0 17,062 1',930 19, 7et 30,771 30,UI 030,810 IO.tt5 N 10,5H lU•t. lUM 14.111 l6,11J 19.297 U.HT D UM +.et3 4,607 7,70G 7,732 7.~ 1.501 114.633 1111,811 12UOG le&,605 llt,Hll 199,161 ~H,814 AJ the folks )¥ould say, "I guess it 'figures " The quarters t hat Pop was talking about apparently was figuring the first quarter of 1956 with previous years and he said it was as good as putting four months into three. The chart shows that sales tax collections in the C ity of Newport Beach l:sroke a record every month this year. That's good. . It all just goes to show you that it pays to. shop at home. Plenty of parking, courteous/eople that you know. Same prices, good merchao·dise, an every I per cent you keep at · home means t~at muth less on property taxe s; . And be~ides, Pop always says, "What is good for business is good for you, and besides that we like to••• you-o~en.'' 0 THE FINEST -MOST COMPLETE STORE TO IE FOUND ANYWHERE a Hardware .~. • Paints • • • Wallpaper • • • Appliances • • • TV • • • Radio A Good Friendly Place . to Shop· OPEN SUNDAYS 6. HOLIDA YI . . . • Harbor 116 . NewDort .Beach 2205 W. Balboa Blvd. , .... \ ; ... HAii NEWNllT ~ NEW$.l'llESs-:-PART 11 ·PAGE I llUQAY, APM 20, 1956 ·BOWMAN OF . BUCS GRABS OPBIM6 EC SWIM". EVENt Kaa ••• •tt ot ~ Cout ML-&Ac: Bl* wnpt. rune... Qou... woa \he 1000 rnet..r too.; Dl.11 AnOld' of U.. 8'toi llWtm la Ptrat. pCIGI ti-. WIO-Md ftU Ken14p. NJmon. Jlollldy 'wJUI -~ ot Ute .._, ~ um1 for \.b. 1C1 MESA IOD.$ CAY~T Ma·1n .Sc .. -1 'thletes· of ~aur:.:~:t'ikh °:!:: ~a.~~:~·: , I~ ._.A, lhnn.IP U1'll ·a~ Bowman 14.D. John &hleld1 OI <xx: qualt· • • • IW'lfd 1.he-..qu d~• In 21 :-n.:I tn th• no.t wtlb. • JT.I ·f.otnian ·Class : Win Crown ·~ -eoi .. :-· .-::c..,~:1 -· ... _._,._ •• -"----~- M:n. Alice Tolman'• Malo School alxth gn.de cliu ...,. ""' toi tint plau Mlh . J.. o.,,. J,, ,, . I poil1ta •cb. Kl. San A.n-}.( • I I I captured the Costa Kesa Schoo '1 track and fteld. meet tonlo'•-p!Mtdlers had 4 point.a. Rt Rea School Wedneoday monlmg ID., an .. perimoil\aJ rtnlah>AS """"" .........., '" P H ~ • MAC T aporta event which may become an annual affair. ~i° ;:i~~"l~c:nen M~~ Yn.r-~depc.doa Mn. T.Wman'a atbkt• -rlacked be..-'". Do 1 Zd "·Jn" h ""' I '•"• • na d roy. ... , dN coapece..a, ACal• up 4T point. ctul1n1 t fl c: er e,%; MlM Marino Pal'lll;n, Ma.In, WHITE POINTS racy••• c:o wne17 of ~Nion to top Dean GJlbef't'• 2; P11.ul e.ttlatt:, Karper . t ; Mn. UndberJh School a!xlh 1nder1 ~ Kehn, Har~. 1. 1hl1 ioeptaan.JICY. Al· In econcl wllh 32% Other M8M. •Ix t h 1rade AID QXY WIN way• •ake it • poi•c cluau.partlclpatlnr In the thin-to bri•g • ,,_.r Doc-po~ta. c:la.d carnival were ~of Mrs. Tod Wb~. at&I' prep mil-1or'• pl'e1c:ri pti9••· Other 11C<trtr1 followed In thl1 M"adeJyi( Platt, Harper, and [)ea,. er at N-i>o('l Har~ Ht1h Ht:~, _ .,.. uiuM order: Mr1. DeU• F 11U1ier. Lind-'"-·1. p Mal " all 12 School Jul .e&90n, aided lh1 ,--.... enrtF. n. u • . p •o•pt ••r•ic:e a •cl berch. 1:i~; Blair Hamilton, t-.n1 were ent.e"ed. tour each Occldt'fllal f'rolh In a 66-111 Karper. J4; Lynn Olive, Lind-trom lill.lh c radu at Harper, track and tiald victory over u•ifarmty fai.t pcicet. bergh , 10: John Pear.ol. U.nd-Llndbert"h a nd Main. Ribbon• tbt: U!C Trojan V'roah thln- ,...el"I awarded tor the til"lt tlve clad& tht. week. place1 In q.ch event. Whit• tOOk MCOnd11 to &IQ TUllSOLT 8h&n1dand of 8C lft bolh the • '-.L-mil• and llO. Tod tumed BAC&STBOKE CHUJllll -Thi.I WU ata.rt. ot the vanity u.ckst.roke race in • .A total of ~ younc•teni ac-ln •·mil• tour of 4:21 _1 and Wedneeclayt• conCludia,g ~dual meet swim.feat ~ctt.ll Newport lft tually look part ln the tnU-dkl the balf mile In l :67.4. r VSUfl, 1t ,..... announc:.d. by Herb •The Ba.lboe: laland lad, .on Harbor IQgh and Sant.a Ana. ~ S.Uora dropped _thia one -Palt.e}'900 O Ann Haw~y. tMn&c• dl.uchttr Ward, Karpt:r 8chool principal. of Mr. and .Mn. BtroUer the Sainta edging Pete Schulbets of the Gaba -but the k>cal •plubers 11Wept 01 Mr. and Mn. Robert Hawley, Ctu.nate1 of tbe boy• entered White, hekl lb.a natkmat 491 Abbie Way, Coata MK&. wa• ln t'"-, __ ._ -'"" r•·Jd •· to vlclorid in vanity, B ud. C di-.iaion&. .-Staff Photo ,..,. ....... ..... "" eft!ll... prep mUe mark ot 4 :20 for overall third il1 lut Bund1y'• wen on ha.na lo root tJu:,ir rep-k Ju ..-Speed Boat Rodeo at Lake Loa rUt"nl.atlVM hol;ne. one wee t MUOll. TURNER DR"G Uff W. Vout Hwy. :Sewport Bel.di. waU!hed the race. on tt"ttvlalon. M.-mffl .... .,.. Rea Sehool I r """""""""""""""""""""""";;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I TAR A C AQUA. ACES UNBEATEN Anaeln. Ha1·bor are• l•n• Re1pon1ttll1 tor attlln1 up th• -I · · • th~~v:.~:Plh~ -=d~~~~~~ I ~~~h~~:: ~:.'!:1!. a;! r::i1~ • , IN LEAGUE DUA' l· 0 ME·E·.·-.T 's·.fAS .. ONS plnr hydrop1 .... oln« ,,, WH <lal In,,.,,, or th• hlfh j"mp. ll. took two aecondJI In thrt"a Servln1 frool the Admlrit.ltraUve heal.a and w ... Qiaquallfled for Committee were Gordon Inaler, jumpinc the cun In the third. Main school. •l.8.ndtn1 broad: •• 1 • • ~1llanJ Reece. Main Sclwol, run- All 3 IUall ~ the fact J ohn wbuld not have ber&:h School, aeneral 1upervl.I-Sal'lor Spt',-•L · 'Ci.=+, . . I po: '°· :.:::Y ~Y~T.Newport by ArNnbi!le'a effort, m,1plt• nine broad; Robert Bruna. Und , . " 'IFtlawater, Onf,ar. Von Ht>m -0 . "' b w·-H I S Santa A I • '""'-1.-had the meapr ammunition tor r. r ..,..,, Arptl'r. llCOl"l-WClll'lp . .,.na_ II" ~ ert, Eliot). 2:0j-I. 60 tree. Bu1h hi• protut except· for the ho-· keeper, and J"k Pufttnbara:tr. 1 , (N), Johuoo IN), A.lien tr-;). plWlly llhawn him by Wendell. Rea School, hoat and hoRorary ' 21.t. '100 . br ... t. Oallaa IN), j d Shmplng the Santa. Ana. Saint. jn' relaxed f.W.on, Buclc IN), O~I•" (N), l :l 7.4_ "We were old frlenda from hll'h u 1e. -l achoo! dayll.""uplaln.td Pick. Bu LIST o•· CHAMPM I Coach Al lnrin'• Newport. H.arbor ... HJib Sehool,..S&ilon t,..., .fteed tNI. Allen tN), t.M t wo coachn aha.red a dreu-The compl•tt r .. u1u: 60 y&t"<l l ~-' dof-•~ lloffmu· (N), J :lM. !00 back, aplubed out $~ League dual:Jllftl. UD ~ IW!&· ·n,...\A'r (N), "Grarlt (NI, Wade tn1 f"DOlll, -J ohn remarked \ht 0.. ..... DennMI Myrick 1Gllbertl. 8008 in Fit.spat.rick Memorial_pool here W~elda. v ,i:t.er-IN), l :l.1.2. 100 ,,.._Von Ht>°"' Mounties now had their new 81ll 81nborn \4Pta.r.ol 1, Jonathan -1. ~ rnuoon undershirt.a, and Pick Gulla fKamiltonJ, Bryan Lew\8 1 noon in varsity and C diviliotll. ·111e Tar varsity dunked •r1. INl. Buati IN), BrlcimU rt:vealtd the Buca were aUI !Tolma.nl. lWl• Patrrck tToJ- ' hi' .. tNJ. N.1. ladlviduel medky, Voo __ _,_ h l -• •-d o 1 the 3a1nt aqua ace. 80-1 w e ._ .. __._. BA p fN) Hunairt IN), A.Md fN), Buck ,.._..u.ig t • na u~ .. COru• un er· n1an1 , .. '-. 11 ... ,.,t-·t ••· ppool I g_.. I /. • ea.rec • ... ,_.. 110 yani d--'" Gel"' Block '""' e11. .,.. ""~ .. oc 0 -Van Hem.rt ~N>. 26.AI. 100 4N'I, 41.0. Four raan rday. New-.... ,... ...... J -·~• <I o -That "'•rnial'led John ~"th the tur..,· tGUbert I. Jed Houaton -. -· .' w tw-..t. --·u.r lNI, Jianta port tBrickner. Johnaon. Allen. ''" "'' N-port • Ur bt elrht Tar ... _,.. kn.If• he ao aue«1111tu.lly ltiruat IToln\a.nl, Ronnie Nu1-t iTol· -1NI Cl-rt.r l N J 1 ;~. 200 Baab), 1:41.4. Fina.I .core: Ne"'I'· U.bea tumtd Ui. ariolher whit•-• • · lnto hla own back. Et tu. Bruta? rn&fll. Frank St•vma IPanlon). wub job ovar l.M rlval B'a. fAt, R.edUl(tOn lN), Jo~ port 1T, ,::1la ..Ana O.N ..,.... Ju1t hoW IUCCflUlul waa Ar• Char1u PbUUp1 !Ollvel, '7/J. ,7-0 tNI, L&NOD. taA), 2:18.1. 100 C -lay relay, awl""'.. bid . t• t •'-dial b th• Hl · Melt, Patltt90D fUI,.-&dlalbatJ 1MWw, Corltatt. Brlcknar. Har-ran e 1 • emp .., ur rh Jump, Bryan Lewi• 1Tol· Standout overaJI performanca (NI, Lcwta tN>. l :01.J.. 100 ,....... ny'I, l:Ol .J . 60 tree, Hallett potent Plr-,tn c&n be -n from m..n 1, C.ry Blpckburcer IGll· of ~ fntivtUea wae turned ln I what Plcken.t commenUKI aftar bertl. Jed Howiton 1'1'01rnan), ~ INI. ~ tNJ, V•· lN J. G~bf,n , tNJ, Br c:knu New 1956 MOTOROLA CAR RADIO Custom lllllt for Most Can $49.95 FREE A erial with purdlue et ut car radio by S.rry Von Hemert. Ian. Hemart,(NJ, M.l. DlN&, w•. tJ'f-), :z&l. 00 braut, Bole. t NI, th• fn.1 : •J haVt' neTtr had a tla between Jlm Cllrtla tZdroyl. wbo wu 1Vo1m.rntn1 tor the Tu'-Nr tU), JiiOanflT (NI, Ad-8noke (NI, Qol'lte•t tHJ, U .l . le.m thal played a better rame. Roy WlllOn 1,.,.._.terl, Df:nnla babel.. Ba.rry warmed up Willi rewa lN). 121, Indl~ rM6-60 bl.cit,, Kill•r tN}, a..upan Tbey l"ffled oN thrM double Myrick tOllbertJ. Waynt: IU.d· the 1"lnnln1 medWy r~ :ruar-ley. BchW:beq ,(N), 1'11.rqub&r (N), Bole11 lN/, M .O. J'our ~ playa, p~ked off a rival runner dock 1PH.r.ol1, 4 fl. ~· .• tn. te' then cop~ the 100 yard tNI. Pattenon ISA), .J;•l.L H]ay, Newport (Qaqh&a., Brick· at aecond baH. Calcht>i' Ted Runnlnc broad, Terry T yaon treNlyle In {II.II and tha lndl~ l'ow' man rtl&J. N..-porl ner, Hallett. KarveyJ, 60.1. J"\n· Coutta lhr~ ,oul & runner at 1Fra11der). Ronnlt' Nu1ent rTol- vidual medley in 411.0. IP Vo H---Bill KOil· al aeore· N--..nri 41 Santa leCONS bY 20 feet, a.nd all baM-manl, tie bl-tween Miki Patrick "He'a only a~~." lr-.~~~. n .,.._.., .' .. _M 0 ' ¥-..-' b&l.I t\lndamentall wetre. executed !Tolma.n), Tommy Woodrich•)---·• win comment.CS aft.er tha meet. 't'WW), •1·"*-1· J'lAa1 aeon . N1w-..,.. · to Pf)rf.CUon. No erroni were !Zdroyl. Mike i..nlf tB•tUetei.11 "and he can dave&op lDto a U. committed, the boy1 rot hit.II L4 n.. 3 In. .......... -~ ... " l H' E' . s p 0·1 y· s ·w A T c H ..... "" w•" ...... '° ~·"· Slandlog ·~•. Jooolhan °"'· ;;.-.................. Dl VlNO ACE nuia and they looked like a !11. (HamlllonJ, lie betwe.-n La.t- Toppln( the lncli't'ldua.J eftftt pn,-of old prOI." ry l.Awrence fOllveJ. CJl'rt Walt- pertorma.ncq WU S&nta .AU'I LAW OY A\'ERAGE8 r.e \Fru\erL 'Mno Tovar tOllv~I Bob Wet.Ur In dl't'lq . Radrlft& Bt BILL pRQJ JPS BUll Pick aid he dld Ml t:ll.· Conrad S.rley (Ke'hn1, T ft. up 121 polnta and eshlbltlq I. ________ .;.. _______________ I .., 1 .. !tin.did mUK\llar coordl.uUon. pect lo go through the IDC n. w..._.r drew wavu of ap-Now I have beard everything. And what I beard double-round aeuon undefeated. J"our man 200 yard ahuttle "We have loet Je!lll than two reia.,. Tolman 4 Mike P•lr1ck. plaUM from the lltanda euh wu abo' ut .-~ John •-.. bide, mentor ot the lilt. SAC · ·· tlm• be clH~ the water. The u.i..-_.6 ..,. prnea In the l•Al four Raaona. Bryan Lewia. Ronnie Nuaent. otr.ly Um• th• ,.,,11 . built Lad M ounties, cett:i.Di up OD b.ta hind feet ~ 1trollin1 up Wendell admitted. "but the ta,., Ted HOU11lon l. !Giibert. Zdroy. JOllt contJ'ol wu when Irwin to the umpiie on the Onnp Cout Colle&e diAmond of averagu i. bound lo c.tch Ol!Te, Pee.f'901. 28.2. took the P A mlk• lo tftfof.m up with wi In 1pltt o f th• terrt- onlookan h• 1FM CJll' Mldwtn-Tu-._y .. John then ~ed. h1I mouth and announced tic 1tart we have 1otten off lo i.-di'llnc ct\arnp. to tM ~d -Of ~ )00 fu-MMball ruw bOoll whicb •Y• thi• year. A.a -apeet.d. :rar .A.11-4.ma:llca. on han4. ~-1 prot.ul tMa pma Uaal pllcMra. aa A N' tan b 1 d • Thi• la lar1ley up lo Cou1hl.r)', -.. -... ~-,, ,...___. co&. authur of three abutout.a. one a prep Don ~n(t.On e&aily allct -..-, VI... ~-c~m.O.. bava to wur a colored no-hitter. ·already. If he contln- to ~ 1" Ole 100 a.pd 200 111(41 pttdler la not wurtn1 • -•l .t\lrt tnatead of • whllf' b'eM-..... to ...... ,.~ the Yanity Cok>rfld Wtdanh!rt!'" , · o.,e to oonr their l"'1dlnr arm.a. uea 1ptnmn1 hi• net of pltchlna ,._ ..---...... _. -11~ wllea HL-tbla manner, a uodtfeat-mwmen. But moat b:clt1a1 w.r-Horrwa! ·"-would ........,. could Jcihn have been. employln1 ed -.on may Indeed be In ~- 9'\T ne. took pleff tiatw..a Pa.t •.Y al ~ br~ of. '"-· ~ u th• only meana at peel for the Pirate•. Yf'l, Pick s.uor taamma.tea Pelt! Schul· mtlftd ed(IUttle--., h1a dlapoUJ for lmock1n1 over reports th" pro ba!lf!ball blrd-berc; and Jerrr Jl"t.rquh.,. In the can you imac\De.? Tber• ·wu {ha thlll fir undefeated Bue c.lo(ll are not docrlni Wayne'• tndiftdual medley. Patajiat.lllan-Wayne COUJbll")', •t1acnn,-out r.ltle? footlttps. ~Ile hll junior col- a1ed to _..touch (Mll Farqul\ar ln there on 'lM ..-l litn, reid>' to Thi• W'OUld ~ to bf! the lei e record _ and he went un· a head-to--head flnllh. battl• U\a JIOU.nly mattrS. ud cue. And alnc. Courhtry paid defeated iaat year in hurlln1 BRAD Y DIPROVEMENT h• bad the &~ to ti!' dad \n nol lhtl aU1bte•t heed to the the Bue• lo U\Pir third iti·iitght lrwtn noted t.he •conUnuln( lm-wbat oe.c.11 Wendell l"tc:ktlU trP .un4erlhlrt hn but ln.C.ead to.a-loop c:hamptonihlp -Couch ti')' p1'0Yelnant ot Htal'J' HJU l'bo deaerlbtd u "old, ptunJ oo~r lld • IHI ah'Utoul ape.II or hla la not uglll'ded 11, a rood pro Olympic Sailin9 Trials Set Here Qu1rt.r-flnal trial.a for the U. B. Olympic u llln1 teams In lhl! Sllarple C.... and Flnn Cla.u are e<:heduled to be held In New- port Beach. Suttle and San Franct1teo. Date• an yet to br announced. Dick Frnton ha11 been named by tht Pacific Cout Yachtln« Aun. to head the Olympic com- mittee w hich wl\J 11.ap lhe trlala for the one-1.nd two-man swun 1Jt,l.c:d on the wtMlnt' Tar und4nhlrta -.,.,...-)Ian taeen wear-'bWn to drop .tba prevlOU11ly 'wt· ........ ..,,,111 · ,, ~ ty. buata thlt month. vanity rtia7 team. "'Hilt tlmM Int for lhe IMt~ N\'en 791."-beaten MounUea lnlo 1 t c on d Ho.,.,·ever, lntel"l'•I hu been an ~ eomlq doWll." lr-N•tureJ1T, wbilt ~ iDeana pit.et.. It wvukl IMnl \Mt JU#l abo'Nft in Jltn Newkirk, one of l----~-~------ wta paiaa.t.tcll• out. -ll tbal' t.hl Mt.M. o.,. ll ...-a atroul ~• only lhln& Mn.I EC' Pick'• treahmtn who le No. 2 Arc)O-AMhelm M.-t 1/.,.tl)': Kedley rebl1'. ,...,... 7"tM perio4. •• ft bM u. .. pubaN pcMt1 OMChN can now do boy to Couchtry. J im, v,p from port, (kllullMr,-, ruqubar. MAii· ctte ~ 'i.-· ~ iii bin a witch <kM:lOr and ~ coach emu Neeme'• prep Sail-GAfi.ol:N CROVE. j OCNS 1 - t& Kal..u&o). l :M.t . IO free. baW-. ~ fbr ... .,.. Jammllls plM Into l'tJ>'IC¥ .»r ort of laat .e•~n. •Plii!"ett'Y A.Dahdrn -Htp._ nntlt.y -1.m. ,.....,. at a ltrt:tdt..· lf;'Ma Man 'Ptn.t. pertormer .. white dnder-h•• tM type (1( atuff on that team Inundated c.rden Grove IVt art plta1td to a•u1ot1'Mt't tlit a11ociatio11 of · ROBERT H . SCHOCK • • •• Regiettrtd R eprt1t Mt.11tivt wit Ir. 011r SAXTA AXA OFFI CE <. ' '\\'11,1.I A ;\I R . S TAATS &. C O . e1tabli1Md 1887 ,uta·r NAT IONAL. •ANK •VtL.DINO. •ANTA ANA ......... ,y a..1J•• _.,.,.., ..... -.......... ................ •L.-L.• • ..... , .... • •l•G'-"·••••• . .. .,.._. U •p f pure -.dbh,eratad ia'Rnt ud ahlr\a and all. nugget v.·hlch w\IJ t:Yt:ntually Wedne9day 71-4 . Garden Grow a a on .. 411 ..,. " auperi• c:oe.chlq abOltJ. Whjch All Amnh'd• cUacov.-red. ~'Oll l :•~n~o~g~•:•:•~•:·•~•~p=ro:r:-:':-:'_':oo::·~"'~'~'~":'"::'.•~•:•:•_:•~··'..'.':"'~28~~""':~c:•1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Olt.ANOK. IOCN'SI _ Tha baa kept the Btk:ll ._u aklM at caA't Ju.l be aneaky to (tt paat tract. 41·1. 0ranp Uanet.r.-IOl'tbll.U t..m top of lll• Cut.em Oontaritnce Pick'• po&en: you'Te r ot lo bt ~ wiUa Uloe MonroY'6 d~ --~I ataadbl&:a all lhaae pod -pod 11nd luck)'.? moa41 t ... 1.ri Onna-CllJ' Pvti; ,_am: not BO. OOOL AND ()AUi &unea1· 8!JtCt1 tkN la not.hiftc I• th• Pk.11: .,.. not the lea1t Nffied - • • ' ,. ,· • • • • • iiell•r'---.,--- • I o.'11ew Hid .... ..... b¥il -- -1 • .dlcNi •"'9 tlle past 4 w..U 11Mlr completion . wll give .us the opportunity to serve you bener Ill the most lllOdern way. • In the meantime our property ls btllglng with 1956 PCllltlacs ti.at wiH thrm you with their style and peifonnance. We Invite you to visit 111 at 1400 W. Coast Highway. Never has the time been better for you to buy. We lulow we can please Y'*· w. want you to lutow haw sincere we are when ' wa MY wa have ro move tllesa cars • ro -11• room for tM c-tnictlon wen; No -...... wtiilt we can 1111d w• cloto accompllsll ·- goal. We wHI look forwa;d ro -1~ Y°" today •. • • Roy Carver . , " PONTIAC N w11ort Bee ch 1400 W. Coed Hwy. Liberty 8-3466 -&tartd by ,..,.. i.,;t.a a.w.paP" 1-ra lMy aN the .... t f'tientta &1111 qanhed coan1nill.lty tu u .... • • . l . • • PAK1 . ...-.r l~RT H~ NEWs.IResS FIUOA Y, APRIL 20, 1956 t • \ ., ' BEA vY MOVING -One of tho ~ulu jobo. In bulldlnc air underpau north ot .~J. J!eo<h for a_!!!Od to CU)eo Cove hLI been moving the Metropolitan Water Distrlct'1 30-in. water main_ tl!.at 1uppllte lAfUna Beach. The picture above ehowt the up-hill aide ot what will be the underpue: with a eection ot the new main in place. -Staff Photo JURY QUESTIONS KEY TO ATTACK DEFENSE TREND Public Defender Asks 57 DiHeren< 9ueries of Pt~pective Jurors l~ Stewart at :olth Coast Co~ Now Robtirt Bt•wart, fonnerly of IUJlp L. Rbode!I Yacht O.lp- 1, N.Y., bu joined South Cout o. •• part of the enrtneeMng nd dulcn •Wf, It wu announc- d today by Walt.er G. Fra.n.a, ,1eeldent. Stewart will bend !ila etfort1 to. Nard new dt"1irna and tn(lnttr- lnf of 1tock boau which lhe tlrni it bulldln1. Stewart. hi8 Wll.b t.be Jack James Walker lhe pro.pecUve jlU'Or. wtt• and ~wo children hav• -Donna Schurr Brett -a ttack "U eVldenc• aMtlM1 IM la\ro-mond i. • hOll'l1 In Balboa. tri&l undemy in Supa-tor Court duced that the proeeculrlx wu l ------------11 • • • • • ' ! ! ! WE ARE EXPANDING!!! ---Now---2 TWO LOCATIONS 2 llOVE WATER PIPE -Juggling sections of the 30-in. water main that 1upp1ie8 Laguna Beach with Metropalit&n. Water ..Diltrict'a Wi~r. h&.8-been part of the job of building an underpao on the north • aide of Laguna Beach. The pipe h4d to be lowered in Santa Ana today, court at-ot unch••te character before tenjia.nt• an be1tnnins· to 11ee the alle&ed offm.u• ot a ttack the ln!nd th• trial vJ,U take be-wen committed.. )'OU have the lng ~buUt up llY the P'°'Onsed rt1ht ta COD.114« that element and c:anful quuUonln1 ol juror• ln decldln,-whether or not the b)' Public Ddender ljick Meyer act ot. lntercour.e wu cornmlt- who 1a M.ndHni Walk•'• cue. ted with Of' W'lthou.t the con.ent Six Costa Mesans Natwaliud In SA lllX ca.ta Meaane a.eam1 l'IU- 11.U ol the United 8t.-.te1 In natunJl&aUon certmonlu at 8&tlt.a Ana Ulle week, Tb e )' were; EXPERT AUTO REPAIR SERVICE to ma.ke room for the new grade whJch run under Highway lOl·A to Cameo Cove where the Irvine Co. plans a 60-unit subdivision. -Staff Photo \Yorklnr with a li1t of ~7 or the preMCut.rtx and the court que11Uo1a Meyer ret.a well into wlll ao lnatruct yo_u. W ill you the prospective juror'• confl· ibid• by that tn1trucUon ! Do dence bet'o~ be 1prtnp thcl you ha" any pereonal feelin1 queatlon• on which the verdict or oplldon -that th.I• 1a a. bl.d OOMPLETE REPAIR SERVICE ~ PARTS FOR ALL llAJIES OF CARS From Mtxlco, Serapio Sliva ; from Canada, Edwa.rd Geor1• Twyman. HerlMlrl Jame1 Mur· dock l.lld Helen Murdock : from U!e Nelherlan!M, C.rrltJe Horn- veld (ch&n(ed name lo G1rta Homveld) and Lamburtua WU- 11.am Horn.veld. e ALL WORK OVAllA.1""Tl:ED e Prices to NAUTICAL THEME 'South Pacific' Announced As Coast College Operetta may well ha.ns·; MJle ot law!" "Jn addlUon to I.hi doolrtlM "Burrlary t. the entruce W o! preaumplion ot innocence and an enclo.ur• with the tntent to 1·eaaonabl• doubt ther• i. an commit 90ine crime and In Ulla other rule ot law that· a pp Ilea cue tt la aUe1ed that lh• 4•- ~lv~·uu:r· c:!: -=u~t inb ~~~-== u~~1:"~ ::: w~11 CCOMnt lo auU&l Inter· · that the char.-. or attack i. one to Cbmrnlt the crtme ot attack. cour• &bd that b• bad no ln-'"South Pacltlc," the\.enaatlon-~th Annivenary celebration of whlch g'",;,enllly 1..__,.1n& i. eu-Uni vi ed "-"'nd t.ll to attack her, would you a l Broadway rrnulc•I comedy th It t N' Bu.ch Both "' .,.,..... eu you ar. co.n nc .,..,,~ vote tor a ver<lict ot not -"Uy: li:la•e JOd Mcn1e·r e LOCATED AT e \ 1991 Harbor Blvd .. i21J:a0<Wo~. ·~· 0'" r ... uy SUPER Ser\'e Your F-.mlly SERVICE STATION Z101 ---i.LOCATED AT-- Uberty S.6221 Harbor Blvd. ' C:OSTA MESA b e c Y 0 • tY. PQrt · Uy made and, once made dlfn-reuonable f<>ubl that lh• d•-"U -'--··• 1'"' •ucce11 y Rodger1 and Ham.-perlormence~ "'"ill ti« open to cull to dUproYe, even 11 the d .. fend.ant tntil"ld u.ld tlomt lor )'OU ........ d bellev1 from mertttln, h•• been llC'lected •• the public, fref' 11! charge. a1 l•ndanl 1, '"""'"'· •nd bo· .-. ...L. r•··u 1 &U ot U....,,,~ that the pro- • Open Daily, Saturdays, Su.odays &; Holidays 6 L m. to Midnight • ti t S 0 "' ... .... .... t pur~ apect.,.. 1. wt I 11cutrt.. wUJ••••• <on••ntod lo T & 5 tue ra ummer peretta to ... e l'Ontrlbu. tlon ot the college ~an·--ot .... la<l you ,., ~ I lhal do bl 1w ... _ .... .., -• Prtsenled by Oran"e Coa.1t COi· '" .. ...,.. ' ... -Y,,•,u-~~-:,.v,•,,·., •••• " ... u"1'1 h"lm~ Lba act of eoual tn•-.... ,. ... _ rapp ons --to tb• ann1ver.~ary celebration, qUlred by law to examine the .,........., , .,, .............. _ ltge. !t "''' lnnounced today by Dr. PtlerlOn elated. teaUmony ot the proeeculrix 01 that particular otf1n1• o( bur-~ YoU conalder that element Dr. 81111 H. Petermon, preatdent. Direction of \"oc al, lnstrumen-tlrtra. Bretl! with caution:· glary! It the cou rt ln.t.rucll you hn detftmlnlo.s whether or not VODM1 la IDd Uet l'bUr i:REi ':56''lu1~K ··• ·tt , ,. k I • comm.ttt9d LM> crtmo or kid· W •· G U .<. . • .. J. A rl l -•1r• we," ,~n nt1d WM' la n1u.111c, and 1lalflCrart W\U That qudllon· wu put In on thla phue of the cut w\U naplnr or burr'Ja .... f" ~o.crn &80 ne rroo....,,.. --uto Aceeeao ea Plua !3 Otber o m111 c an r&m11. ep.r • b<I handled by Jamu n1.&ger1ld. Meyer'e mouth by J udre John )'OU follow the lnatruc:Uoa ot the [ r'-"'-...... ~~-~,~---~~::::::i~ menl1 of mort: than 100 .lCbooli oward Kay ind Lucian Scott Shea in bJa opening remark• court !" 11 11.nd college1 In S<Juth"m Ca.JJ . ~r t"o 0•"•<• C•ut "-11•1• u " ~ " vu &o the Jury ~ and at the And apJ.n-"11 Lba evldence fornla Inviting •tudent1 to pl.I"· raculty. All thole lntereeled In LI.me It <*me u 'a 1urprtae to aboutd •haw thlrt the dtlil4ut •<1p1le," Dr. Pr.ter!tOn 111d. P••looopotong In t• -(• • "" r-r unnance many 1n Uie cou"' room., even ente~ the ~ with 1b• )Jt• Thi! 1umm1r operetta hu been in any w;ay are urged to con· to 'lht croup ,of new1paper ,..... V1t.ation of Uta proeecuttt. and 01·ganll.ed 11 • muau: end drama lact the Summer S!!"llOll O(f!Ce. porter1 coverlnr the trial, who that hfl did not intend lo com- wprkahop under the re&War Kimberl.>' :)-11~1 and lAllln(ton dlseulled It et I~ while fl!-mlt lb• crtme of att.ack,-'Yf>uld Summer Seaa1on pro1n:1.m. It 6-~09~. a.11 aoon •• po111lble. !ng their flnt 1torte1. you vot.1 for Ill acquJttal ol. I.he wa1 revealed. Sturtenta mayeam Tryout!! will be held on June SHARPER TREND charft of bur1laryf" rour unit.I or junior eorlr1:e cred-18. Rehea1·saJ11 w1!1 be h-.ld dur-An even more evident tr.nd Al\(l yet a1atn -"lf from It lh mW1tC end •tare· cratt. by 1n1 tlie evenlnp. It waa .ll&ted. which the trial may ll.ke wu the evidence you 1boUld find parllclpal!ng In the operetta. in order that they would not 1hown , by a quuUon which that at the time I.hat the de- ProdUl'llon d1le11 of th1 'co~or-Interfere wllh dayUrne 're&pon•L-cornea a little later aa M"eyer fend.ant entered th• ho~ wher1 ful 11\Ullci.I 1how ...,-lllbe AUJ. billtie.11. becomee bitter a.oqualnlld with the p~ll'IX lived eh• would 3 and .f. Selection or ··s outhjf;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;-.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i:;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Pacific,'" w 1 l h Ill nauUcal lhen1e. wa1 tnfluf'nced by th'e Grftawall Gets Amil9nment Delpy 84.NTA ANA t0CNSI -At· e~ ot ca.rrytns a. COA\:ea.led weapon and eacap.. Edward J, orffliwau, 40. of Loa Angel1:1 Tu..-,. bad hill 814Jerior Court a~inment continued to April 2f to •llow him to line up an at• torney. GrMDwall wu taken Into New- port J u1tlce court Man:h IQ to fac• U.. weapon allepUon. H• ..iked out on Conat•bl• Fr-· eta L. OlaHr Wbll~ Court wa1 In procelL He w11 arreeted 1hor\b' atterw9rd.I In Banta Ana.. Th• defendent ... ertedl)' has a prior robbery ~vioUon on hll HCGrd. He 11 alleci:d allO to l'lan nr.d a nnarm In the 8300 block Bu 81\ore DTln, Newport Bu.ch. Or~n~ II In ClUltody. •AVE GRAND OPEN,/ NG TONIGHT, FRIDAY, APRIL 20 -Now.;_ AUTOMATIC ALLEYS 20 NAJ'IONALLl' KNOWN ROWLING STARll 80\\1..IXO TONJOllT AT 8 -FREE PEPSI-COLA "WE'VE TIUIOWN THE KEY AWAY!" OPL"°'l!f HOVRS ~~"AY--1."°CLUDL''G 8tJNDAl'S 411 HOUDAYS VAN'S BOWLIN_G CAFE &nd COCKTAIL LOUNGE 110~ ·Superio•, Costa M... BILL llL<n'Z. Mv. LDttly 8-stn ~~~~I I JOHNSON & SON HUNDREDS OF DOLI>ARS DURING OUR SEMI ANNUAL EXECUTIVE AND DEMO SALE. PRICED SO WW, WE ARE PROHIBITED FROM ADVERTISING THE PRICE 56 MERCURY 56 MERCURY MONTEREY COUPE HARD TOP ' MONTCLAIR SPORT SEDAN Mf!mtHnatkl-F10t<1-\\"bite lie ""Wall• -"'l't.nted GIMI -Po""·"r Brake.. l'-·"r Bt.MrtAs, Power Se&t. l:Jec:(nc wi.u-11., Rf:e ter. Radle. Brake Sip&._ Wt~ \\.uMr. Lauderda)e IUwe and Claula "-"lll\e wlU1 Bhte a.ad \\'hlte Interior. Mvaima.Ue-WMY! SWe wana-.Foam RMMter eu... Ilion, TI.n.tf'd Olue. J•ower Brak ... Pow~r 8tffr1nc. &-way Seel, H~t€r, Seledroelfl Radio. WIM!PI appl. dl""C. ""htdU.J.r:ld w ... Mr, Kear Spealtl'r, Paddi>d ht- elrumesi& p~o!or BIM'.k, W..Ck 11.U<l "'htle \'lnyl l•lerior. #. fQ36 LBZ M 7 # SIM -LBZ 1146 r-----~==-===..::::.:_ __ --.------ llANl' OTHER8 TO CHOOSE FBOJll Moi-e O&r for your Moeey-•oft MOae.1 lot YOur Contlne1m11 -Uneoln -Mercllr'f 900 W. Coast Hwy • Newport leacli • The gasoline you will help Orange • buy- County .... boys to Tracie & Field Stardom To got off to • good sl•rl lor tho Boy 's Club recre•tion•I ... son BURNSIDE It SONS, Mol>t1 s.,. vico, has dosigot!ed Soturd•y, April 21st os "20-30 Doy!" On this S.turd.y .ti prolih lrotn ~soli .. ,.,.,. wlD b• donoted to th• Newport Horbor 20-30 Club to bo used for th• purch• .. of trophiOJ •nd ow•rd1 for pmictptnts end teems in the fin. ennuel Or11n9e County fnvitetionel T r•ck T Nm to be hekl •t H•rbor High. M•y 19th. Som• ~ Boy• from B Recrutionol end Boy's Clubs thr0u9hout Ot•ng• c°"nty (up to oncl i<l- cluding 8th graders) will participate in this meet p•rtic:i~tin9 in trick •nd field events. Here's your chance to help a worthy cause--for. our own youtM--.nd •ko for you to SAVE SS$ Jn h , . t r•• weys. WE WILL GIVE DOUBLE LIBERTY STA"4PS SATURDAY, APRIL 21ST e SAYE $$$' ON OUR TRIPLE PLAY e : CUP AN~ IRING IN THIS COUPON NOW! lrln9 In to Our Statio-NO OBl:IGA TION Complete Mobilu brication Just Cell Llborty &-6235 · . ' T ubolou Tire Speciali1h FREE PICK-UP AND DEUVERYI' , .. ·. BURNSIDE .. & SONS MOllL S~RY.CI 2300 W. COAST HIGHWAY IN NEWPORT BEACH T elephon• llborty 8.0235 , • I I • • • •· ' . ,. ' I " • • . ·USID -CARI • Foidomatie Heater Radio Po'Wer St••;in9, ~1689 * * * '4' FM vt ._, 4-<lr. $395 'IO p.u. $<12S ....... r ... .r liiftii ' ..... 0 ~·,.. i aMt W. ~ BWT.' -u. ... x • r'tm." ··u a.Mil • • r ·~ f' ... j..:.: ...... ·-- ' . ' • ' II Tiii . GRBAIUI GUT IN .THI 1IOJILD.l .: -c:::::.' . ~ ---~ ',-:") .. TAKI YOUalltMll~ ., S!!l! TO DINI : ' • f ...-.. At 1 .... f11rtN1I . - .... N Iii. fl.'.Oll 'llli 4 .... ... • ._ 1101a JOI CCIMl.U.TIOH l •1a1n• • • •1!!W49'2 ~ J.CW' . ·---. • • . -............ ,, ...... ... ---,aNtcW,.. llM'~ ...._ oom ;;;;; M ...-........ MOTOD • ., • :\ "~····'*~ • 'F•,-VU ( -- .. " • r~·x-~r ..... • • ' ' ' .. ... ' r • "-• ... • • ( • • ,.. I ' J . ~ : • , "\., • CHU • • • I . . \ I ' • • . .. I .: ... . • ,, -··---... re.AU!;. I ~.l'oa flm c:auM:ii . •a... .... ~ ... ::.::;..-:.=.. ....... ~ ··-·,-· ..... ....... ......... .a.... ... ...... ._ne ...... ..:: ' ._ 0 ·: t:.; -..... _..... ....... ---:'!-"' ,., .. _ ...... ,... .. ................ .. .... ....... ' ., ....... llQ ............. Cllwlll ... --=-::-"" -... :.ti .. ::." ..... ~ .... -·· -·--......... 1.11119 ' • • w ....... ~ ...... -r..., ~ .... . . ....... . " ... ~ ....... "' ... -..... -,-........ ,.... .. ' . . . ~ ~ -· Hert-bat 'llili' Clliiftli Ftzl•• S,!i111M 11J .... , Lea .. Ii 1k111 -fll-, M.marlel Per~l!l'--";;:;H;;;YI;;;, .;;.-";c;::,;;,;,,,~lli;;;;;"i:2"11r';POP:fii;;:,Slir;;;;,;.;~ .. ;:,:,;t;--, Hii:,:,: .. ~ Mm•• N.•Ps I Wf: DO MORE • Udo -.. Clol.-... -"Y-oo--iµ!lllllt'1r Iha e 1,.,.,, ~ . ' • • • ' . ·, • -·---...... _... "'T "- ytll . iAY ·Din. nou' ...... ' . I s. II. ... ~ Dlc""9il a.I .. ---'t-..... -41&....... ·-- I .................. ,.-vt .. • I • , ' I :• • • I I~ • NEWPORT HARIOR,NEWS-l'RESs-PAR.T 11 ·PAGE I -.· -. PIBA115-0C-t---mJDEMJS-:::. .... .::-_"":: ... ~ $AL-N --....... N_. ._., °""'" • OM cl. tM ...-...... fll _. ,_. UiU ••-"""''"-""'' U. ,,, On:-... -...U .t Cdl'onla, • t1J. • ; • u.. 11 .ccupatklUI tnMllll awAlata wm ,...._ oirUa. ,_ _, 1uc11did ta ~ tO ,,a.D&R111~-... ...... .U. u .n.ll W nMA. ...._ •• Jlll••·· ott.-al ~ cat. fl'-. ta. .......,,.. .... 11 ut" ")(J_,. . ....,, I.a a.at QliGlp lit la X..f'Q Llil*-...... W. U.. on1M el U.. i:ioalit;;J OR OOCVPATION HOURLY WAD JU.Tll .-;::·..,.-_....., ,,.,..,. Ll•AL JI01ICI '':.."" ,::.-.::, ":°'!;..., .., "" -:::,.:;"_....., _________ ~ .. tM tnt.l\414 atai.e. It ..... without -~ -'WM'ftatJ, .. .x~~tlllta etttbM... ta ........ vi Cllt7 el lt...,,.t ... ..,.._ ot 1-~ nprdh'I Brkk)&ytf" Ud ltOM 11 ... --~-----UO ttM UMI wtll ~·ti. tlnl ~ uua. 1orrtdN1, ot tMUmbt'Wo Brkktendtr ~---·--· I.let ~ I& J\Ultl ot 11&1. NQflm TO C'JON'l'&ACl'OIU ... W•.,pa7 the fdmctpe.I .um. -~I• Bettfl' _ ........ =========== 1.10 Otpaile4 Ja lWpGCIM to ck-dALllD PA.oP09ALa WUl M u.. -. 9t1Nrtd ~1 u.Sd o.I, Tenu.o Seu.er -·-1,1111 ...a. tr'OCD M9plt&1a ~-~ ~"'II at,Lhe otnct GI U.. Cl\1 t....wtti pT,J00.00, wtt.h Int.nit Ttk Layer (Better) -·_...:_··-·--·-----W UN' ~ _tor ,,,,U·~ pH1t, Qty Hall. C1l1 ot New--from Jib.1 1~ teM, u 1n l9Jd CAJtP!!NTERS uebAldana, ~ pl'Ol1"&ln .-.ut: Pott BMca. calilonda., uatll T:10 , proYldld. a4•uaa..:' 1t any, Qarpm!ter -··-·-·--···-··--·-------1.00 d.1"10l*l with tba. P.K. O'c.IO(}L on the l'lh dQ' ot uaca.r tu i.-. of Mid DHd; Floor Layer ·---·········--···-:S.lO of tht orup Oou.nt)" Bocl•lY Ml.1 tlOe, at whlch u.i.. tMy ,.._,..,._ u4 ...,...... ot tht Table Power Saw Operator t ,18 ot ;x..~ 'h(blllclau • .Altlll ... wUl be pu~ 0~-and J4MWt. rru.a. and or UM truU enat.ed Oemtnt Muon .................. I.Ill UOftll .,,,.. obl:altled wltb ~ fot pertoftnta.r-~ ... MJOiiifj"! f>J .W'Diiif;-Cement l'klol' ~I Madt.tJla ()perelMI t .ff6 Onnl• CJou.nt), llt. JOMPha. .-.,.. Weed. .A.Mt.a.111.t 1n tM Tbe MAeftd&rT . WWS. Mid Sl.clrlcl&n ···-·············-··-Ltl laftta Aa& Coinm1Ullty ud City of. N•WJ*ut Beach. , Deed. bf ~ Gt a brwMlh or &on Worker, Bt.ruet.unl 1.15 ew Xemori&l bo9pital.t.. .J ~'" Ko bid wU1 'oe ftetl•ed uAI.. defll.Ull u.tbe obll,pUOU .-cured tron WOl'lter, Oma.mental a.JO PJ"Ol"m WM tbM. ..appro Y It ll mad.I On. a propo..i fonn Ut.webf 11 .. tot~ -!.,,.!~ and LAJIOll&R8 1h• Nattoul !Jt.,t.lrf ot X-ft.ay tu.mt.Md by th• .atrMt au.,... delt.,...d to u... ~ad a Laborer, raieraJ. or construction -··· I.to Tech.nkl&al atl4 b7 = Amen-lnltnCS.Ot. E&eh bk' mu.t be M-wrtttm Deelaratkm Of Delfault Operator and tender of Pnewnatie and elflC'lrlo toolA CM Kedkl&l .A.eocl• comp&11l9Cl bf (OUh. oerU4e4 or pd w t.oir Bak, and written ·'Plbrat.lns ruchinei. &04 a{J:oJ..lu mvh•nl~ \0011 Btud-.ts an 'allribi. to es:i· cubt.t"e dMdr. cw blddrW'• Mnd) no&. ot bn&Ch and: of elvUoft not Mpu.tel1 cMi..lfi.d heffln J .'1 ' · "',.the ~ ~~~ ~~ made payable to th• City of to ~UM \be undtniped to M.11 ..,.r pipe layer (•xcludlnl caulker) -··-J .61 IT u.at.. ,,_,.. ~--.--b1 the Newport Beach, for an amount Mid properlf to eau.ty 11.ld ob-Bewv pipe cattlllft' (uainf caulklns lool1) I .St f\lll pl'O(l't.lft of damM ... equal to at Ill.It ltd percent UpUOM, ua the~er, on 0.. 8-er pipe c.ulker (cement joint.I> ----·· J.2!1 fall. taklnl such cour-10 tlO'Ai ) ot the amou.nt bid, JUCb cembff It, 1166, the undtiplPed Tenn&n and mort.annan -··----·~.___ __ 2.:i3 , DW'alnl ' .c~ piycho fYd rueranty to be forfeited ahollld cal#Md eaJd D0t&ea of bf99.Ch and '\\'lndow cle&nu r-· I.SO phylical .eience, chernilltr)'. u th• bidder to wbom th• oontract or alectJon to be AODl'ded-ln book LATHERS , EnDucu~I th·'--• ,..ar of la awarded fall l4 eat• into th• SU4.. pace "'· o( Hid Offic~ Metal fUrr'ttl1 lath•r ··---·-1.1215 · ~uy · n.t.INlifO A fuU..acili"X .... ray ma.chine t. part of the ~pment tratnin... th"'"" ;k.. anatomy contract. Racordl. Metal tu~ fofUl&b :====== ... 0115 - Uaed tor the traiftinr of X-ray techniclarw at Orange Cout College. lln. 1 •Y 101o ' AU bldl .,. to be compared D&t•: Karch IO. 18641 • N•U-on lath•• ---1·8:i3 .a. • phyllolop, t JP 1 n I". IQ(: n:J on I.he but. Ot th• 8tN&t lluper· TITLE 1Nlt1R.4NCI: AND Na.il\ion foreman -··----·--6.00 rauilne Bolt, regiateTed. technician t.nd 0CC in1tructor, demonatatel pgaitioning l~h. t.:= B~i:s·x.:y lnlendent'e .. tlmata of the quan· TRUST COMPANY OPERATING ENGINEERS / -to &Ay ·Ta.it, HCOnd-yea.r · 1tudeit. above. After com:i>letins two YMIW at the X·r&J IY· n. Pau tltlet of work to be don•. 1 u Aid ~tee, Air coihpre.or opereton -···---·------I.ti coutM ill t.eujht by IC · No bid wtll be accepted trpm By A. A. )(artln Coner.ta mi.x.er op-1klp type -··-···· .. ····-······-··········-··· 2.66 jUnior collece, •tudent1 spend the third year, full-time, in one of the cooper&· line Holt and Mre. Genevieve a Cootraclot" who hu not been Aa&Lltant a.creta,.,. Tractor op. bUlldour, tamper, acraper, or dr•c type tine ha1pit&l.. These include Orange County Hospital, St. Joseph'•, Santa Ana lhr'Un, ref'l•tered t;::1c1!;: U~9'1Md In accordance wtlh lb• CR '212 1hovel OP bOom att.achlnente -·-··----···-' 2.88 Comm.unity, lnd Hoag Memorial _ Photo by Eugene Tyler who take •~U~~:!,11 to tea.ch provlaton11 of Chaptff t, Dlvielon PUbU.b April 8/11/20 113& Trenchin1 muhin• operator --·--···· .. -2.00 ------------------------------------ploY.Pent "'&::'t. Ir.Piii W of Butlnue and Prot' ... lou No.16*0 N..,....Pre:.. PAINTERS th~• ~!~Y tecM~loC>' . cl&n co;.~ be d 1 I :::_N:O'f:::l~CE=~O~l':..:_O~ALll:--TO---L~ :;:~ ~-·;r--;;dbi;;;~··"{7~h;:·d·~;·)-:.".·.~----... -.~--== !:~ lncludea lecture and labora.lMY of p:;,_1:,~1 bon~n~t~= HIOllUT BIDDER. 8 1(11, journeyman (T·hr. day) ................ ·---···-··-3.03 e~eri.ce. Amon&' irubjeeU COY· • . thot I • So Til I.A .L ! J& ered by itudenta ar• tlectrical •ptclncauona may be obtained Noc.Jc• If here 1 11ven Carpet, Ltno eum an ft e ycr-----······-····-··· . 1 • Mila at tht oftlce of the BlrMt Bu-Hl'fepted bide will be r.c•lved Gluier lplWI l wk. pa.Id vacation) -·-···-··-···········-·-2.70ll phyllc., X·ray phy• ca, r • perintendent, Oty Hall, "'--rt tor lb• .a.le to lhe hirh•t bldd•r PLASTERERS Uon. medical termlnology, and ........ ....,. lh Rei Bach, California. of one fort)' foot motor launch, Plut•rer ----·~-··-······-····--·-······-····· .. ·-3 82& ~Jcl:! :!S:, . .;:~!id, a.1: The •!*=lal attention ol. proe-One HimmOD4 ~bl• end carlrlde Pluterer fonman-;;:;..!,___!! ___ ~···-·--·· .. -··--··-3..876 eo, at MCh oC th• partlclpatlni pectl•• l>lddere ,. c&IJltd to th• pinder, on• K9UTI.,. 6 Tndr.•r Plaiter tender ···-··-·--··---------·~····-·-············ S.37!1 oi ''Propou..I ~lllrem<1.nl1 and Con· product.loft mW.r, and mi9Ce.ll&ne-PLUMBERS AND Jfi'IERS holptt.ai.. ~ itudenU • r: dll.lon•~ anna:.c:t to the blank out .crap metal ·aala bide will P lumber l'orem&n -·----·· .. -········-··············-····-····-.. ··-· 3.~lt g1vm darkroom experi•n~~ anm• form ot prOpoMI, for tull dJ.Hc· be opened and publicly read aloud Plumb9r -G,u or Lawn Spr1nkltr Fitter ... -............... 3.3 .. have an opportunity to .,..._o so 156 1 • __ .. femUiar wllh actual X-ray tecb.· lion• u to blddlnc. elc. at 11:00 A.K., .April , 1 n Plumber -.....,... O!' Cunent Ceulkv -·-·-··-··-··· .. -···· 3.3 .. The Cttr of Newport Beach lb• Bo&rd room of tbl Admlnlltr· S team Fitter Foreman --····-···--··--·· .. ·····-······--3.~9 ~u:-· lh• end of the HCOnd reaervee the rtpt to nject anr aUon BuUdlllf of the Col.ltre. S team F1Uer ~·-·--···-··-····-··-··-···--·-·········· .. -····· 3 3" d u JTad Oil all bldl. 2701 J'atmaw .A.Ye., C:O.t.a MIA, lndU1trial Plpetitter Foreman --·-·-·-············· ......... 3 90 ~~ ~~~l~tu C:.t wl~ ctty of Newport ~ C&Ut. Bcnp metal aa4 machin• 1 lndllltrlal Pl~tltter -··--····-·····-··-··-··········-··············· 3.40 an AA d•rre•· They er• thtn C&Utomla ebop tooll may be lnlpected on J. Roofer F oreman --···-······-···········-···-··-····-········· .. ·· 3.10 echedWed for tull·Um• eupervl• MARGERY BCHl\OUDER, · the collll'• campue between th• Roofer ~·····-·-··············--········-··-·-···-······-·············-·-2 SO ad work, durlni a lhil'd year, City Clerk houn of 1:00 A.M. and t :OO P.H. Sheet Metal Worker-··········-············ .. ········-·· ................. 3.12 .et on• or the tour h08plt•la. Det.t1 April lt, lW Monday thl'OUl'h l'rkll.y durlnr TRUCK DJUVERS They retei't'a a eUpend of '711 No. 14M N-•·PreM lhe -lddlnl period. Launch may Driver9-Dump truck-leee than • yd1. water level .... 2.!M per month tM tlYI llret .ix ol/20, 21. llM be ... n bet'WMn 1 and I P.M. Drlve~Dump true~ ydll. but le1111 than 8-wl ll!r monuir.--noo-..-month for ~ April 11, JO, 28, 27, or 28 by levt'l ···········--·-······-·········· -···· . . .. -NOTICE TO llIDDEB81 prtor appolnlolent by callln1E11:t. Drlvera-Dump trucka--8 yd1. but h1111 than .1 2-= ;: ';'h°:~ ~::n~ N!:;o~.!,;'~= 0~ :·~be~ 6~~1~~• Bi:= 1\ t>rtv=~~~J;l~···p;yi~d-···~·~~~-=i~~~ thin 6. 2.3!!~ NEWPORTERS'' :_AT G-ARDEN ·GROVE P. 0. ;~ .. "';~.,.~!;.. ~~~1• ";; S<hool """''~:! °'~ "°'::'i oai~. ' """ -······--·--··-·-· -· 2 30' t take the wrtUen ex&mln&tlon tJ nquest& 1f_n • ' J\ Ill Ula bltentloa ot th• Col· Drivera-TrucU-l91"al payload c:ap.-betwttn & It There wu a lot of hillo17 nHvef~la <>nnre-·County over the put~week w:hlcb aamwatel'ed b:r the Rq'lltry. Lock• ,,Mower • WllutYalerit to 1.,. to make •41CT'Pltd 1.ie• io tOl'll ·-·-·-·-··--·---···-··········-·-··· : .. · ····• 2.3Jll •aw ConP'8'm•n James B. Oh nlu'.m from vf-uhington for the dedication of Upon. makift1 a •Uef•ctory c1.1t 711 :;}th. of .en.p nwt.a1 to UM bl.Piil In· Drlv•re-TrucU-lepl payload cap.-bf'tween to It Guden Groft',. _ _.._ftice · and then re-.. ; .. home for a. vi.lt with hil con.ti tu.. 1 ·=~ x Ma", :""' .. 1:: : U:t.1! dlvtdual bkidW9 oa a per pound 16 tOfll --·-.. ::::-·-·-.:··-······ ........ , .... ,... :;-·· ;·!!! .,....""' ....__. ·-· baala. •••••••f•l-blddan on Dr1vere of tranett ,..,. truc .. 1, un er '"' ···-·-··· ... ent&. Some of the meli Wbd ha.Ve wOrked ln the building of the county are plc· OCC Ag Pupils at Buen ... Offtc• or\be l'f.wport metal to t'w'n1l.b ...,ht eerun-MTtr• ot. tr&JU1it mts trucka. a yarde or more ~-·····-2.68:> ··-• bo 'th him I ft to "•ht, n. •• b bdlvi•·• b of ifaTbQ'r Union mp 8cbool end u.tu. Plu1 hNllh and welfare whera required. t~ a Ve Wl , e •.,. ~lph -.ukey W O IU ._,,,. muc Caffl Aucfi will be tpened lmmedlattit t.ber.. Tbe raw of per dtem wqn for each of the varlou1 cLl .. ttlca. what now ii Buena Park and inat&lled the tint water company there; David • On afW I.A tU Boud room. The Sidi co'tW1n.r boat and/Orm&· Uona of worlr. ehall be th• barelnbefore Rt forth preve\llnjl' rale1 of Olmated. preQlent of the Orange County Cout Auoclt.Uon; Congr-1man Utt; A. 11.,..tock aueuon wu .cene Board 1'89rv .. th• r11h' to r9-cbh1i tooi.. D'lust be &ot!Otnpe.nled hourly wecu mulUpUed by e!&'ht (8). Elrht JI / hour• •hall co11 • oC a ft.&d trip few O!'&nl• Cout jeol any &ad all bide. · wit.b a lO~ biddlir'a boDd CIC' •r· lt.ltute a daY• work! It beln1 un44'ntood lb•l In th• t venl lh•t and St&nley' Ridderhet:t (~. Gell'! US-MC ~.) put president of the 0n.Dp Collep apiCUltura 1tuden.ta lMt BOARD OF TRUITDI O'J' tWed OP ........ aoiwel&llMMM out workmm are .mp~ kN than elcht (I~ boura per da1. the per County Amoclated Cht.mbir. ot Commerce. -k. Newpor\ Har11o1' UnJon H4h to 1be .Boe.rd al Truet.a ol the diem wac• lball be dffmed to be that traction or the per d1!'rn •;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,,-------------------------1 Student.a enrolled In beef School Onnr• Cou\ Jr. Oollec• Dllt. be r ho r 1 t --t•·t of ~-.. ~-unly Blddw'• bond · wU1 be ret.J.lned wac• hereta •tabllabed that th• nllm r o ur• o emp oymen breedlnl and manarunent clUHI ..,., .... .,,,...,, vu t 1l&I been mad• ba&r8 l4 eJlbt (I) houn. Hl'dde1 Spn·n·s NEWP.ORTER TRAVELS· with Dtcll ""'""' ............ ""ZOE llA1: BARLOW, Cluk unW tull paym~ . """""'• oh&ll ...... " ... "" ,., ov...Um• of tho,,,,,,.. & o'-ernd tba opera.Uon of tba No. 1"°' H.w.heM 'i2o. J7, bJ tM 1~ biddll\ 09pollt volved for work perfol"Tlled ta exc ... ol the rt'plar d11'• or weil.'1 1WCtkm and tM handliDI of -1• lllM of $00 ,..quuwt wt th b6d W -=rap 91 1------------m•lal '° be applied cm pwoti.... work. OP on Baturd•J'I, 8unda:y11, and H0Uday1. , ol purebr9Cl antmale ITUO amount. \ Holldaye M herein ,.cerred to ehall be demed to be New T eat II '" HOSTILE NEAR EAST A11 opportunity 'WU mad• NOTICE OI' ftUSTU'I !IA.LI: All gpeneaa of llCOePlMea, Day, Decoration Dey, lndep.idence Day, l.Abor Day, V•leran'1 Dey. ~ avallabte, al.o. tor OCC 1tudent.1 T. 0. No. 6&-Ntl ~. and ..-OYal are the ,.. Thank.est~ Dar, and Chriltmu. u any of the abov• holiday• fell to wltn ... tbll unioad1nC ol ee.t· On TUZ8DAT. Kay l, llM, at 1.......,,1bill~ of blddef'I. '~ ..J. on Bunda.J, tb• Monday rouowfns ehall be ooftahtend a lefal holiday. RANCH 0115 . tecl1 ~~ := =. ~m~:; ~~ A:u~~i;;~~ =:.:d a:::i ':..:! ::~ 11 .!~ ::d~':ury;::n~~.u:~:; ::~~":it~:~! • ....,;.aids Col, Glubb, and marklnc for aal•. th• auc· mi.tee under e.nd ..,,.,.uant to mil numbff Ill ibown. Coet ol than. Aid pner&l prava.11911' rat• of per dl.m wa1• to au work· 1000 P •• -(Jaw...,. .--.U Uoneerin1 proc .... blddlnl •Y• r-· I "' la lb Uo f the eonlract. · ............... ' ID.a&'• · J d D..a of Tnllt dated AprU Tth, tn.natw of ttUe to the Jaunch men _..p oy • execu n o I -. 'ion' H-'-.a, To Be Restor-..1 tema uMd by Jl!l.CklT buyer• an 1906, eucutod by l'R.ANK KU&-11 to be home by lh• l»dder. No bidd• may withdraw hJ• bid tor a period of fortT·flve ("6) ~ wuu SU wet(blnr and ywdlnr o1 eatu.. Bt:LM.Uf &nd EVELYN KUB· Th• ~ f'Mt:,._ the rlsht d&J'• after tb• Ute frw lll• o.,.mns ot bldl. &Ad Board o( '!'ru.ttllla Glubb wU1 be returned to com• SELMAN, hutband and wife, to reject uf' o• all bide or to Newport Harbor UnloB Hlrh lkbool lly II.UT lllUNTNALL ficla.19 did not notice thl• }Mi had retonled A.prtl ll, lt60, la book w.ive MJ lntor-ut7 OI' lrre(u· Dt9trict ot' Oranp County, C&Ut. 'Ii\• on.Ir ehrtn• of ChrUU&n· DO furth•r troUble. rnand. S021, ,.., •. us. o( Ottld&I R.. luit)" ill th• btddlnc. PaymmL ln BJ-ZOI: RAE BARLOW, Clerk 1•• In 1 ........ 1 111 N--.n1th end tr n.. Arab world i. In a et.ate McKinney JU.It ntumed tram Cordi ln ""Uta ottk• of the &-f\ill mutt be mad• within ten v -~ Sl.000 mllu of travel t.aklnl _, f ~--"-t "-'' th --• of lb --• Publieh1 April JS, I0, 19&6 Y-· wanl to '" Jiru.Mlem and ,., f•""'""'' ..... .,,. on by fana.-co1-..er o ..... -......... un y, .__... days of • aw--...rll'' • _.. ..... -..,.,.. ....... "'' t'lve monthe .nd •....,.,....tMra h• r I ~•1 --" -• -·•II tJo --• '" 1-•-• od f No. J""I N ..... ~ ou.er _ .... oC t.lle ~ L&nd·7ou Uce and nMd.led b1 c:ornmunilt. om., """ ...... -__.. o •~ n ..... u:i• rna _ ... nmov rom ------------------------~-J -..~la found th• Unli..d Stat. 14tUnc l4 hlrhut bidder for eaM (JMl.1'" Coller• propwt.J. # ' __ _,,,,,_=,,,;;,;;~~~=~I han te Co 1a1o· ordUl. •".... unUI It h&ll NiM:hed a point of on the lid llM. ..,.!')'When he 1.bl1 at um ol -.le 1Q la...tut All It.ell)& .,. Miid ill 1111 "u Oty of N~ a..olit a f&c:t ~ Dwtpt r. Mt.Kill-no ~rn. McKlnn•J found. ~ lOWld troublL On• ot the prlll-~ th Uall"' 8,_, ) 1 Tb OOU ak State ol Oeltfonla TV .IPlO&P'l'ION nq, NW'port Beach 'NOrtd tn.Y· main aourc. ol. dl.econtent ta the montJ ""' • ....... a 1ai• cond!Uoo. • -S• m 11 NOTICE TO OONTBAorollS WSEllDD clp&i corn(Malata ln Jord&A wu th• South trant entrance ot the no ruannt• wrlttea or implied, 1 ... •o ~oPOBA' • Will bo -'1•od at the om--._ ·,., el.er, bel.ln• the 'Wii:lttm •odd lhoUaanda of r.rupH that th• that the 80W'ff9 of Americul In· ...... 1 ~-·• H 1 th -, u ·-•• , --•iilon of ••• It·-•· .,,._.,_ rn ._ . ·-... ~t •• Jml#DAY JtOPll . -·t»M unU1'9t&ad &l\d It bi a Jf!W1 ttave torctd out of their ...... n Y '-"""''~ OUM, n • ""' 1 "' ..,, ...,.... ...,_ ..... C1a a._ Hall, Cit ot N__.,rt Be h. Calif mJ ty -.. .. ,. ~ formation &rl blued "and U\t of Santa An&, CallfomJ&, all SI med 1 B H PETERBOl'(.. ctly rtl. .,, 1 ~-..-ac 0 • un · f..ct which M fel't. LI the crux or countrr and ire Min~ fed by th• Arab 9ide oC tM atol'J · 11 belnr rtpt, Utle end lntel'ft,\ con.,..1• 8ecret&rY ·~ of Tnuiteu o'clock P.X. on the l"th d•J at M•y 11:'11 at whkb Um• tbe7 WW ........ ..,........, tneoa. lftllltlee.. .rni.Kh ol uie:trouble which bMtLll UN tn hot.la, principally oe.nt.er-.,.tlllll&til'!lllf euppriiMd. They ed to and now held by It undw Adwrtlaai APrtl 11 and 20, llM be publicly opened and rud, tor pe;r(ormlnf work u f0Uowa1 f'f -t• ea .. 1-.r JeM.e.> the Ntar &alt today. • e4 around Jerlco. welcomed McKinneJ .,. a mu Kid De«l ln ~ pro~tty •tu.ate Opui AprU ~ lle6-ll:OO J!ji_ FOP the C01WlrUctkJrl of a ....._ 'A. ... ..,. .. ,, t . TrJiAI to set lnto JitrUa&lem · ·; STUDENTS that _.. oa. Ule l(nlUnd to ... In the Cll.7 of Kewport Bw.h, 1n No. lMI N_..Prw ComfO«'t lltaUon on the .......,. ltaatoftl U....,..l7 KcltlAnay nn lnlo the wall oC When the r1oti at.arted 111 Am· the •torJ' ,_ hlmMU, Oct&n BMch at th• entrance ..t Int.'...._,_,...... btlteme. Wbieb h&a art..n •lnae man lt wu a amaU rroup ol ~· M.cKLnney found to A»VEa~ roa alD8 lo U.. Balboa Pier, Ma1ll I~ 0,-C. .,....._ H...... the rejv.TuaUon ot hrael wu •tudenU that m•d• the flret be another hot lpOt where any• Notice 11 h••by st•e:n 'that th• 8oanl ol. Trult ... of the New· 8trfft ln th• Clt.7 of ... • tM .....,.. JJlllltlW. •tarted. To·re.t to Jerualem he move. quickly followed by di .. lhln« 11 exp.cled to h&p,,..n and port Harbor tl'"9n H11h llcbool Dtatnct of Onnp Oeuoty, herein-' Newport BHch. , , a..r lH ......_ · • ~__!o I~ to 1.Ab&non, tika . t ted l and ebortl7 probabl7 wlll. U th• !.ld blows &tl•r nferHd to aa th• "Ownlr'', wlll r.ealY• up Lo till\ not ~r No bld wUI be "°91v.d uni .. It le mad& oe a propoMl ~ DOOl'OK. uftu. a «*I' • to Dlunuc\LI and from :::lMd :d~~r:cted by . corn· off thera the Britlllh will be wt-lben 1:00 o·clock P .M., Paclflc Dayll(ht Tim•. ot' th• 11th day of tumtabed b7 the QlT En,meer. Eacb bid mual M aecom~i::~ Ml'•m•M"f', ~ &h•re thrOUa'h Jerico to J•ruea--m\Ullllll. Polla. Nw they oould bl to d )'thin •bout It wtth May, 1161, ae&ied bldl for \ha award ol. contrw:t "for'tbe ccuwt.ruc• (cuh, catlfled or caahler'• check, or blddtt'• bond) made . I ''• .....,. tnll _....._, ~-nOt cope with the illuatlon and ~· 11m1t'!o az;0rw.'KoK.1Mey be-Uon M tbe llMll CLASllROOM .ADDmON tor th• NZWPORT to Ule acy 0o,.f N-of lbrt Beach. for.,.~ amoh unt aqu1a1 to'°• .. • ~=-\t~ hs ...... ....... Ttanl thtte 11 by plane or lie HARBOR UNION KIGH 8Cll004 locai.d 1n ..ad tc:llool dialtrtat. per ee.nt (1 ) • amoµnt ._ 8UC l(U&l'9.D 1 •' "9" ....:.•:s-. • ..,,••••••• car. McKJ•n.eJ found. To rat to faded out Of lh• pictun.. ~-,,... f ·d that art Buch bidl ww be nt.ind tn the otttce ol ib• "Oww'', hi tbll lhoUkt I.be bidd• to wllOnl tbll ooatract Ill awarWd hil to •teir. tualJ7 th• Arab Leflon WU in. In ~ he oun M Y l'fllWport Harbor Union Blsb achoo!, oorner at lSO. 8trfft and Ir-Ule contract. . ;• 2.330 ;::;::..:..• , 'Q'. ==~."':!;.~~·c:;!:;. and with Urle Pow ot fOl"Ce ~ ucept th• f~ca, la. Yin• A.•eriue, eo.u. w..._ Orans• CountJ, c..utonrla. and lhall be la accordance wtlh th& pl"O't"leklm of 8ecUOna 17TO to 1711 •t --''-1----tla-_ ._.. ~ -'!"llouL''.-~!" fl• found a th• noter• diaappear9d. Kdtin· lll !:tfL-0!. kMJllnl' tllth• ~~ op91ed and publlaly read aloud at the abo'!le •tat«I Um• ln the tM Ubor Code Lhe Oty Councll of the CttJ ot Ntwporl a.u....-~ .--·---MY found. tu '•.; .Bqweyer. • --Boe.rd"-". ot Newport Barbor Ullkln Jllcb llaiooL a...ta1Md the pn.enJ prrr..utnc rat.a ot,..... •PP~ to.Ill• ..._ ~ .. _. Mft _,. C:&t that .,,.. pq to that city The oNy lroubk to U.v.len &N abou.l I feec. Wide and orook-Each bl4 !MMlt·conrorm and ,be reapouil•• to tilt. Wfta.Uoll, tM WOll'll t.o be done u follo'Wll ·~.={'*' ' ••w ,,., ::s,,: ~ ~~~~=-= .,.. \bat pollee declared ourtew ed and peopl.• who oppoee th• plana. epeclflee.UVM, and all~ document.a ...,.pNlftl' th4I J*tin-Ho~IJ' 0. .. lliJI; on bot.ii and woWd not i.t ,.. fanaticll TOlublJ do not. llff '°'ll' ant contn.ct doewn._ta, Copl• o( ~ OMtract l>ONMMIU are now a.AISU'ICA.TION w ... kale ..,... ....... n.t .-Mftm wu Moul a dollat-dor 70 m1IN. pi. out the ftrwl d&J, .n.e ..coftd u Jt i. el.mph. to moot or •l•b on m. and open to pub!M! lupecliua ill u.. ..w, omc. at tile Ow1'er Br1cltla,J•• ud Stolle KMon a.eo "' ,..-a. a, ._" . HALTED ·day' lh.,-•wer. alio>lred out f« end d1MppMr, 11'9 editor ot tJ\• &nd ot •rnlth. ~ 6 KOf'l'Tldp. .\J'CblteaU. klcatad a' JOI W•t Brtektandar --·-· I.GO ~ llOKS OWNSU Wbftl he MUM Da.mucu M lwo tloUnt-&l)d fl'IUluallJ th& pro-lkttiah pl.PIT WU rfYeft a EIJbth lt:n.t. Loa .A.Dielfle 1 .. , Celifomla. and ma.i be obtalned at 'I'Ua Layv ,(Mt.I.er) , 111 Wiie ... a 118'' I th----. WU pli.KkAd from the e&f' b7 time WU lftiJth•Ded to dayUpt -k to chanp b.ie policy .itd the iatt.r place by depoeltlnl ll50.00 for aath Ht. Thie depoeat will-l:lectr1cl.aa t .JS .... -~. ~. poUce end teld be-c:ould Mt p hoUTI. turn lnfonnaUoa ... r tao th• be Nf\lnded If u.. Ht OI' -. ot Corittaet Doc WM.Illa 4kUftNd UI Brutb Pain tar ---l.IO .,._ ~a.... oa. "Whyf" lkceuea h. had OM at the UN employw la fa.natlca, or ..... Me t<Hd Mc· returned I• load eon41Lklfl within ti...-csa,. an. Ull• btd ~· lpn.y Gun or Band Blule't' LlS fW .111• 1 ..... ...,.. 11ntt• ti.Mn ln C)'pnLI and Cypnui wu J1ruaal•m •t&JtnS at the fan.-Klnne:r thal. alter due dellbeN~ Eacb bid ebaU be mac&. out one form to be °'t&IDed a' the of· C&rpmiter ··-J .90 • ...,.~.._. mh' -·"" Mins ll8e4 by larul fot • ,.... Int hot.,l, bad the NlpoUf.bWty Uon h• oouldn'' do tu. fa.mily nee ot Smith. Powell ai MorsJtde"•, IOI Wfmt ~ llzffl, Loa Cenl~lil• --or---I.Ill ........ ahlpnen.t poblt. The only thinl or fRdinl • "'&' lf'OUP ot or-any pod dftd. Anlellie 1 ... C&Jlfonli&. i'lurftbet -"lMd or Cci¥n\ Caullt• -a.4JI l'tDlp w~ ..... ... "'/ tt.N r u. .. ..... ..... ..... ..... 27.60-M • ....... DIUW Oft UMOlf aGd. be-COUid do wu to ro baclr. to phaM and 1tarted out alter -TVSMOIL &&ch bid ehall be aooompe.nled by a cwtil!.94 or euller'1 ch.ek JtbotW __,-J.16 1----I ·.... ..__... ~ ._NL. Jtut be W ao.-wa7 to hovn W pt tblm food. He paid"•"-McK'n•ey found.. baa par•bl• to--u.. -Ownffr--•tl.,totor7 ••d a.d ,. f&T.K._'Of Ut• TUt· ~ ~PM' ---·-·-· l._\t ~ 1J ....... r-... tMI pt LIMr9. • Mortly ran into a IM!nber -' the Ule am• proMlftl u Jordaa. Owner. eucu.t.i •1 UM b6cldrcr u Prilldpal Md a aatWu\or7 •ure-IAbonn, General er ~ J.20 U.i'I .... ltAt ! tm,.... 11 '" W •••• ArtUmenllo be t°""41 -" f'll• LeJlon and wu .)alled. Tl:>ld About balt a mllllon )(mJerM t,y oompany u ""'"*'•ta an MMl,U!lt act J ... U.-ftft ,_ _, ot ~ Of•1nr.Uon omtthd, bentn, DO\ ..t. .. tM Uttle ......... w •. n.uy, ~ta.llAnl' OB f that th• erpllw would IJO haft bw 9blpped. to KarachJ uie bid. Th• check or Wet bond ehall be siven u a~~ t.Mt tw ~----··-· .. ·-·-··--·---I.JO lfAo ~, ._ pllc .. M --•be.. tliad-CQUlll M ~ off\clale 11.unpy th• LeJionnalra llu\lf-f""'1 India. 'Ib•J' &l'9 UYlnc la t.he bidder "(Ill aucuta Ula contnct U it be awarded to him ln COD• All~ an to be ~ 01' \he bMla of the CltJ ~· '~-~~"'iOoO.-......... ~ tM to .. l hlm at.art_. f~ th• bo,.. I' .. Allah will provide." .twNi ud a.re 111,;•p""""~~...,~~t ~tu~~~+~'~;.;<~ll>~wt~L>;;,.tho~~Oonln<t .. ~~~---~~;;o"df:land~~wt~U".j.p~"'i.-i'i.r:tho:O.ou~Nt~14.;-~~i.~o<~tbo!!l~·~uan~U~Uoo~Uoo~ Of~ ""'fllWk to bll done. .... r ........,._ ~ men-,.,.....eat"-M · ..U....A.11 lhe ,.a~ '• :i o be from • ConlrVl<Nr who Me not "9en -. SllM ta • .. ,111; 1 t toread &o tu• aoon qmpaUlt.ed ll Ara• Lq\oD poHeea tll• .,.at Ill to so hom•. 'l'M7 wauld OoD of the awvd ot the contn.ct to th• ~ddw. u.a.n.d ill~ wlUl C>.ap • , .,. -...W ... ....... wit.at. ~ by tM Um. tM7 eo.trJ, '-"'' Ila ll.M4 hu ._ M4 be •r tMW-oll there. 111.t ,,.. OWDer ,......,.. UM prMkp ol nJ..Ufll M1 Md all blda 0C auau.e. Md '1ot_... Coda. • ...... el ... ..... _.. WtN -.Cit la J!klnst. tn.t.-4 ot let out ~ Uw An.b9. Hl1 name aome klOk.I ,,..... to them. '" to walft an,y ~Uu or JalomUlltl• tn any b&d air ta Lhe Pl&u _,. ti-. --. Mid form• of propoeal, bond9,. .......... Md ~ .._. -1111 •-attT ctu•Jlhll' hlM out &ii tbe bordff le U. Oo.l. J. D.. Qlubb. He baa W'I\)' &l\f0119 w•nted to .. v•lop btddlrlf· ~ •pecU'l_C:~ may be obtaltl..ct &l tbe ofnte Of the Cll.J ..... r. _..... .. he~ u..y w.re tH•d-Ml-n UL Joroan iT t,.,. and °"" tlt!M1' lane! CIC' Jordan I•~ P\lrwant to \ha Labor Code ot ~ lt.t. of Califomla, tbll ..id Cuy 11:.Jl. l't...,ort Bellth, calltornla. ...... .,_ &a-ti 17, end Dyed. at Uta ..... ~ pnlM4 u.. i...-wt\M:.b. lM ~· concepUoa. Tb. OWns b~ UOW1&1Atd u.. 'aawal.JH'..,alllnc ,.u of ... di&m..... The .-,.dal Mt.i.tiDA °' pn>lpite:tlft bldlhln la ..u.d to tht I ....-.. i.... a.. ......,..s. to.-9rt.Ullil .-.,. ~ an4.,.... ..... .C ,.. • .,_. •• ~ ..-1.ry ta. &Mb crett OT t¥>e of workmM MMtid'to •eeut. ill• ....... ta .,......,. ~ti P4 OoftdlOom'' _...... " .. liMlc ''C'' lllOMA.. .,.....,_,,_.,, ....... capt-..... w..s•eeq _,. Mi.• ....a4 be pnt~ •• ~ wWda wW 11e MMl'ded ~ 1NCe•1hta b~J an1 u.oe. ,.....wtlil' -o1; en.a.,... NM 4"art•, .. u '° 1*ldlatc..... . WL1QS tali. ...... U.W.-a. wu Ill _fta. i...., .._ 1'000 '8 •· 9ol1t 1 ....... ud W ... •"-an eoala's I ti ..W ~ adopted "'U.. 0.W, ,._ Cltl'., • ...,.... . .._. ,. ... "-.._ 9'l'lt ....... .., ....__ Tm tM f'lnll .., i. &Web .J~ 000 -. X. _,.u GIW* wW rodr7 all4 a.Md and -wouW W. uod are aa folkrWll1 or all blda. .... .......,.,.. dv.rin.I' \11.e riOU.. But ln Jena-1M ~ .to powtr u th• conalderad worlhJe11 la the U. 8. Cl.AllIFtCATIONS: tu "· OIM*~ ..i.. M atuck \_Ofethu th• tW9 coualJ7 llMde th• Let1on-H• Bu' w1~ plenty oC~.moner and APPRJ:NTICE&: Ma7 be .mp&oyed ln contormlt7 WIUa leCUon N...,._. ~ ........ el w1lldl llldud.M A14 IUI' .... .,. .• atriliu .....,1-.i11 laa. w . r• • t. ..... im .I .C tM OeiU-* ....,.. 0.CS.. •n ., . ,... .. ~_. .............. ....,...,,,. ,....... ,_ ._ P'99A1t_........,.._.. .......... _...._ .... ·--- ' - = Otr at Newport 8-dl, Oaltfond• •. MARQERY acHROUDER, Ot)" a.wk . • . ;.,.:;: ... ·' .. "' ' "' 7 ' ·--' -· ' • --~--~~·~~i·~~-~~~~ip~.,=;;:1i:::.o.:;;::;:;~:·~;:A;Y;•:;APU.;:;:;~;;:l;9!i;li6;;;::;::;::;;;:;w•.~~~ . AMt • . l ._... • n . •• '!"• i!ll ""'I ~r· !' .,,,.,.. -... · · -COLD 'Y<f~~E.. Men Atte. .,......., Owner! J ANG ' '• .:;: ':"'A.D -m ~ 1-mr--· .,. ,_ _ j . . ~--_ --~-~ - r • UM to $10 LUf'l'A.41fA.to...... , , l .-~*: .. ~'::I-. u..wdr.......,.. ••suo ....... • •• .~. ~ .... ~ TV ,..,._ ... Ml.a or ·1WAKF_ AD will cod you CIAO..,,... J!C.wn' lllOP -:I.Ml. • 'i!W'l!lb cw;a ara ' and SPECIALS aa&L INQIWI • ltll Qwda et. J'inll lltrwtt 8Mt n.t .. __. ·rs-•nor 1 • -s-.QoMx...u.-, .. _ . --· , USEOTVIAR6A\NS 1·r 'ID JU.rt* Of' )' sr tit 1'..,,.C. Btnl Www lttlt =-wttll-:.. a-. .... _. .... 1'• ·~ . ,..... ._..., , only. end a' will run . ' u --D.t.r • -w·· -~ow =-, . Construciion · --~, ,..,...·,. -=.r WV. . Call " .o.o•-••• ,,..,'"!' :n• l!Jlnl>.la ....,it wtth HolollP~ -SUt.l!O nee.l!O '.';",;;·~.::::;,!-#---'---___ _,,ln~•".!11_14 • .__1'."s!:su~e"..:s:_ ____ (.J_cY~o~u!!:r Relax·A·CttQI Helpers JOB iilatro~. Plum~ 21• 111:&.lllfA......,RlllM!""m' ·-- -OOlllU'LTllT-----,........... --11'1<1 "' :--. 111 7 I\ <WUI .. al --·---walJlllt DI oak ftn.Wl -----· pu.UG $299.95 1..U .a. to tM ..... bid· e.mo-trat.lom_ DO o1frllptloD ----·, • • ~ u. tu. IQ el Bonn&e wu.on -llY•tt uaet ~ ..... -= 20" PRU.CO 1 oooeole, dark ma.boc. wtth ~T. lMI,. ... _,.to tbe 4 orBYalti-CSff ••SALE•* .t._____ .-.1 nan it6.&an. • ,,__ .. -· .. ,_,,.. OIU< to --oo4 ' '\, aoon ' •--...,.-A Minimum ail is lines. _.., 0o. _.: ....... F•>Wlr ' ..... ~ -~ w..w .... --~ Dll:SIGNEBll J'ABIUCS :n• ll:llll:illlOH lablo -.111111<>1. - 'i' oue a9111 lat It ft. • i. a. ~'T pl& T• .. ..._, U.-at wllr'l1•1t tatiM WOW · StOl.GO ' •.DO m 0+,_ .._ °""" "-.. Ill H0rtJor 16.16 ' , .APPLY ·-. ' ' ud -,_a< 1'1" SYLV : ;,:r.,.0.::,~·'" _,,,, · • Roy's Maintenance · 1oao llWIT J'lllST ST. JWUmJ,w-,... ....,.. ANIA, t;al>lo ...W. - Tho -._ 1IO -« New .... -N--SANT.A. ANA --. y-... nlo. pietllN --------'"-f!UO '.ot lt In Bladt B ol Tract ....,.,., weessaf., ... rrtaay el'"••·... Complete Prof•s1ional Kon.-1'11.. A.lt.--f. P.ll. mtl ot ___. ..... ~ J(" 8ILVDt10NZ. blonde hll 4oor ,-.:., a. .J'tnt AddiU. te tile Cl...e.1 .,,_, W1h 1119, ... -Uf--tllltb • • . Uo aowiitJ ' ,.,.,,,.., ___ _;;·-------,,..,.. .. .....,, .., , ... , Housecleaning . Southem ,_...,.BookS, .... to, • ~•nr-~D H"HOl'J'KANtoblo_......, -~ • .,._,,_....._. ,_ >rapo, ,._.., Floor--'-and~·--· Counti ~-"--. """ .--_...., "' .,,.._ °"""''· °""""' ·-• "~-es ()RlGIN4LS -&1111, -plctuN -----f!UO I --·-wbidow cieon1nv G C ;~~~!:':" t=. c I ' • f • d Upholstery' cieam:1 as o. .., =....a.au..:~ 1F KOTOROLl. OOMOie. new ptctve tube ~-$79~ :::".::.w-, .............. ' a s s I I e Patloo Color wued 11" .KO'l'OROLA '.00-. blonde lkilob, ...... .,... ~ """ .......-ot --·... ·-.. ,.. w -~ ,,_ -Lustrous a..u1111 •ndDSRALIPPECROliVSERS picture tube ----·-... -.... ·--·---e an ....... 1n 1awtu1 m01W7 ot ...,__,...._,,. r' 4" -_,~ L GIRLS u ' Uoltod Bl&._ °' -.,... f U-1 --fl.l!O add'L -.25 -. REASONABLE Ko4o to °"""' l&" MOTOR'oLA-_ Jiii.hog. cabinet ___ $M.l50 d b&l&nc• upoh cHdlt. 1ubject ' :u.,,. z la.llertlom 1.50 add1. UDN ..15 ea. GO N r..Um&i.. -1un;._ ""'••"""'"' .... """'"""· Phonellberty8-1332 . OD EWS! LUCIIJ.E nn•D .... JES H"EIOCRSONllllhopny<:OllOOI•----$39.l!O -h th4' unp&id port.ton ot .. kt 'J...IDe9 S ~ %.00 add'L 1bael .%6 ea, ttc ---~--- rdlue pr1c. niderlc9d by lh• 4 Unee ' lmerdolla %.60 ..sd.'L llDf.9 .%5 -. -. -Butio.. NM or Mii -· 1'" ZEN1"I1l mahogany ta.hi• model ··-----·-$M.50 .• or notu ot th• purcha.Mr, 9ttmdo11Wu.Md&dswlll.-l'f•ll%d!Meumt. o..a. .......... oal7 WOMAN, aa. 10 )Tl. ~--1 GOOD JOB8-000D II n a nr1t DMd ot Tni.t on llJNU(Ull AD u' LIND .. &dvutialnl up., wblctl. In-wtUl f'Hqumt tncn ..... ln ~ Wl:8TERN HOLLY , .. ranp. 17" BU..VJCRTONE mahoi. COIUIOle, Xlnt. cond.. -$62.M , property 901c1 to MCure: P9Y-<ludod --'Unc. -·" , ... 1, company th&t act\l&lly ~ _. •.... ,_, .,. .. ad~ent. a.MIX a uto. llll'Ubw, A.pea 1.2"" PHILCO nt tMreot, ten per cent of NEWPORT BARBOR NEWS.P~ book.ltwper, u091. typlet and wublns mfoehlna, ll-.&Mrup-n TV ntfio..pbono comb., dark ·• ~ !,~ :i .... ~ '~': Every Molidasfj WadMsclay Cllld Friday vontyp~c Hu ... , .. wHo.o ruu. PAT .. '"".,..,......, --"'"'"'...,_ '.':.'; mahogany OODIOie with panel doo• ...... ___ $7f.l50 I d•ll•"1 or ••"' or nota COASTAL OPPER-\\'ednesdays -Oponlnp '°' -I~-,,.,-,-.,----~.,.-,-10" HALICRAFTER, table modol. Perfect for t D"4 ot Trutl. lt .old on llXPEfUllNCCD I ad y d..U-. · DD.TA btndl·t)'P9 wood. lalha. '<Ht, upon contlrmatlon ot M.le; ~ A ti.111 at~ by Ttlepbon9 Operaton port&bla tn:mer on tatlM. ehildnnl room -·-· __ $18.~ • .u•J«• .. """'""°''°" •t Classifi-.. Index ~ ll"!!:lhf -..,. °' .....,_ ,.......,_ rum-"""""' ·m"".... o.tt. ... · t d Court. Policy-of Till• In: ISU '9bed. Ll-M711•. -Upl -..... ...., -~ ~ U a-JIU. ; -at ta. UpMM of UM I ~ •• --?==• CEMENT a BUILDING llpl USED APPLIANCE BUYS ate. • r...a Dine&-. All &mes. ''FIX.fr'• 9 :00 to f.:00 p. m. .vrttten ~ "111 i,. recei"-' 11 Bmh-a-.. J'REE JCS'l'DlA.TES 814.'Ai H'. Main •t.. Rm. Ill lh4I oUlc. of .. td Executor' at 11 ......., • ..._.... LlbertJ M109 Keclwl1Cal and Eltdrlcal &uta AA& \ nr.t W•t..m Bank Build-u a.tW•r arnc. Malntcnanu servtc. PACIJ'IC TELEPHONE ~. Sant.a Alla, callfonUa, or lf. Pe..-11 Jttf A.LL WORK OUA.RAN'l'm&D. •1 be delivered to aid Eli:.cu· 11 8Mr'9 YMI' Ou p • • D • But>or 15114. or Nil ~ penonally, or ma,.. be ru«i lt Tran 111rt u.. a1nt1n9, ec:oret1n9 Mttc Uwi oftlc. ot UM Clerk ot th• 11 a.o~ Paper H&a.linl 1----------- ?V• .nt1u.ci Court. beto,.. tM 11 a..Q .&Jdl GEO BURKHARDT ..... "' th• ..i ...... ""~·· .. -..... • .-,._.. .. t.b• rlfbt to re:j«:l II 1-* aM F..... • LU..:JCNSl:D 00.NTRA.l.'"l'UR ODD JOBS 6 CLE.AN UP. NO JOB TOO SHALL GARDENING WantAld boJ9 10 \o lf. y.an ol &IL ... N..._Pre. rvui. to be op.a. 1tOOG. APPL T Kr. Park· ar, Dll W•t B&lboa Bl't'd.,- N.-..porl U MOVING -~ rut OCllknd -., NO; twtn tr.. ~-15: ~led ~ t&bl-. to; port.ab!• BBQ._ ~ qlt. .Pli prda ~ lut• ... triO hllaar, tu; watDs .... '41 lllWn' --. •to: ,._ • Jury Mt, $101 ........ .. Bar. lOH-R. tlcl MAGIC CHEF SU range, cloclt timer, o.., tempentun -trol ---------$29.~ CROSLEY electric .....,. $SQ.l50 WESTINGHOUSE double onn. aiotJtl1o.....,., lab\ modal -. $139.l50 WESTINGHOUSE. opt. lllM ...... ------$6:1.150 IO:T..&.L LA.T'Hll,. AU.... M la. a &11 ...-.., -tow NEW WDrl'INGHOUSE opt. -~r, y and au blit.. 14 ~ lu&r'lleUOll LI 1-4631 .Llberty a...aea Dated UMi 20 day of Aprll, II 81tmtta• W..ad COMPT _. PAINTING .It. It a.Ip W•W ~.&.a BY HOUR, DAT OR W1Z1t Ll MOIO er LI HM4 WIRll OPERA.TOR, 'hi.t7J19. lKNrL Har.· 1171 llcllt I cf., COM top f1'e19eri dool' .lael .... 18M mod $199.~ W. 8 . THOKBON, II Kktt"• ... • 6 Paper Jlanclng ServiOI l:JtKUtol' of the ,llltat• o1. ,.:.A. ..... llUQl!Hm 0, UUND:ERll .... Part UmL Har, '860. hMr'- -·-.. eo. ... , v1a Fresh Hearmg--Atd - Udo. • ...,.. ............. DAVIS-BROWN KELICN KEEl.JtR, I0-8 AnH'·'M 500 Ila ltrMt. N.wport B9Mlb LADIES dect&M4. 11 waaw to lla7 • ~ mt uo Do 9bouldu. or fMt &CMT '-.... 1663 N.w.-Pnm . u .......-... ... Ia RELAXATION nMCMd r 20, 23, J&. 21, ao. a12, '· ltM a...a. uuca General Contractor .uta: AN APPOINTMmNT t• TypUW-ltml» BookkMpttn WJ: HA.VII JOU roR YOU! W• Qlft MB an. .._,. Gunderson Drug Co. , __ 188:1 __ -___ m_vd._, _eo._to_w ____ Llbort __ Y_s._3_'3_r __ Harbor 615. • Pl' I .. --LI<2NUID s d h M -Xe.la a. at .... Bl'f"IL. -.JJloa THINGS YOU NEED ;a== ,f!. ~=--"•mtn', ...... orv N.,.. wort_ ftemodel'ns we is assage 'I'HJ: UNDERBIONm> 00.. II n.p. OMit. htl J MILTON McKENZIE ln. your boma. M l'wlb7 . Pl-call Barbor f.TID ' ~ WUt)' tb&t b. • con· 11 U• ••-* Hart>or e389-W '58tfc or Barbor 70. lltt Ko r .. to Aepneut TEMPOR.\RY PLACEMENT SERVICE AGENCY • , at pri<oa JOU Clll PIY Movie Pro1ectors BED SPRINGS • :au.'l'TllESB Complet<J _ ............. i10 .cttni" a di')' cl.aninS and lawt-U .a,.-WM&edl ! 1 w.an-&t 1117 <>rans• ....... ,.,. .... SPARKLETIS DISTILLED WATEll I-KM ~i:.:-r U-IOI Baby Crib 6 Mattre.. ~9.90 , J si,ua, eo.ta M .... C..Womia, •.a. n,.. a ..,_ Complebll7 Furnloh Your Home CHEAP ' IO• tbe ncUUouli nrm n&m• u .-. ._... • B.l Y C t. r: A N I: R II AND U '1'n111-'1 For Cudl&e C.C.dltlolUI Kidnq ltoD• K•phriU. -.AJleJlq Bait P'r"M Dial LINrtJ 1-6012 BOBBY and XOOl:L AIRPLANE IUPPUU lien'• Suita • ·-.~ up ).UHDRY, and that mid nrm 61 ........ • 600 Women'• I.>n.e8 ?.:S--516c • own9d 90le.IJ by L. J. BUB· 41T W-t.11 M a.at ~. wboM pl..c• ot r.lduio. i. " Apta. a a.... tor a.a VETERANS INDUSTRIES .:.i Xins• Ro&d. Nnri><>rt Bo&ch. t.1-.A. .Afte. tor ._. -JlltomlL 41-B -hitr .... OPEN l'RlDAY AND IA'I'URDA.f' TILL I P . M. 17<1 ~J)'ITNUa my band tll1a IOth U-0 Tnli. a,.. i·"J'r ol M.arch. llN .. " ..... -.... FURNITURE Dlotlnctlvely dmlgnecl HaulinC -r.nd odd jobL RJlA80NABLll Llb9rt7 8-llM. Co.me 1a and Mop at _. ol our 1 C1C11•mt.nt locatttm. f-02 E. fth SL, SANT.A. ANA /91 L. J . BUUZT &t-A ~ 8- ! TA.Tl: OP' CALD'ORMIA. ) &1-a ..._ a ._,. ~OUNTT OP' OR.ANGii >• II a.;. ..... CM U\1.1 IOth day ot Ka.rcll, II -• omo.. · •· b.fore: mo, BJ:RHICll C. U.A .__.. . YDt. a NotarJ Public 111 and M T ' es ~U. Mad•, re:pa.INCI OT rtt\Dt.b.S C. EVERETI SMITH 4l3 -29th SL, N•wporl Beach e.... 41161 or Har. 2121 sv-. tl8cll) .. .. LAWN Garden Service · ' ....-\be laid County and 8lal0t. II ~ SO Lolla r ~lfll lh•reln. dul7 eomnu. II 11-.q W•... Pain.Una 6 Papreltl&.D&in& FuUJ 91XP&r1mc9d thla ar ... "GMCI and sworn. ~ap-11 a.a r..tato Wu.W By month-wMk--bour. I .,..., L. J . BUBSl:Y. known to II .... .... ....... w. do the work ounelftl. Pbon• LD:lwt7 l-T6ll Beacon Personnel 100~ employu ~ 1&"""7 No l'ff «Ill.ct.ad from applicant t.18-31.nt N.wport Boach IA..NTA ANA ...,, CLEARANCE SALE Any Maltreu In stock ...... _, _______ ....... _ t 1a to IM the per.on wMM n1U1M1 •no-Proport7 10 7Mn .,.n-1tp1 NEEDED AT ONCll -• Feet Hurt? , , aubtlcrlb9d to th• wttllln la· M-A Cl n1ml. ladutrW lJ.oenMd 6 lmW'ed. ·""""'' ""' -'° 11 ..._. .,_.. Es·•--ro .. .__ ,...,......, MASSAGE ""'.'::::' ..:.".!! ,;:?::::<:: Try Knepp Shoes Box Springs ---·-------·-.. --------···- • le that b• u..:uted m. .amL a ...,. r..eu. m.tim&tu tr.. can Jobrmia. -t--IN WJTNJ:SB WHJ:Rl)Qr, 1 ----------1 LI 3-2887 &: u 8-!5289 Howard Steam c&blnet ~nn':::nt b=f 1'P~ toG w. i.t •t.. 11uita .ua Hollywood Headboerd1 ~·----·-----··- i ... !l_..urito Mt m'T band .wi 8--a..1 Notaee. &Uc Wlili'lpool baqia. )'&I'd ottlC9 Klniberly J..JOlt befon 10 a.m.. 1mutt 1fl:f otnda1 ...i tN mi., ~:.....-.;.;;::;:...;_.;_;.;.:; _____ -----------c..n u 1-74172 for a.p-tmonc so·-and ..a..r • p.m. ntto TV Rocker• fr'••• cove •.bd r-z ln th1a c.rtiftOatatlrat -u •no COAllT COMPANY -1 I a. r ·-·--··---···- Newport Blrbor Masonry Worlc """' N-..<t BIYd., at .... Bt. PORTABLE ADMiftAL TV ..., ,:,.';"u~ B. P. o. E. PROn:&SlONAL GAROENING _________ ...,_1 1 Dbl • .., • .,.,....,...,._...., Bunk Beds, with meltren ..... ___ _ -/I/ llDMICll C. IU.Tmll 1787 WORXllA.NBHIP TOP WA.OU J'OR TOP MEN .. _. •~71.-Har. a.7-X R II B d • Not&l'J' Publt• ln ~ MeeU ....,,. ,,......, I ,.... OUA.RA.NTEl:D IAWM--X°"'1ne-RC>O't'aUon on SWlnl' .lb.in. T\.uT9t 1&tM l------~·~---"'-1 0 -away • I ----.. _____ _ N'o. 1 ;: 'H=::;: Via Oporto -Ollrual "'"" OTro JOHANNESEN LI ... l1:il mvbtn •ita, -cine 1&Ul4 ma.-NOW OPEN Crib M•ttre1.-_ __ _ Nowport ~ 1 lttT B&!boe. 91,.4 93p8 chtni.t. lool mu.er ror tooUb&' - ......... .:::..:"' ... ·c.l/.:....<,:_11.:., _._ ... ____ Al. a Ka.tth..-, J:x.a!Ud Ruler -N.-port BMch i ----~------1 6 •poN"tmmtal. Jbny trtnr l'rMb from U.. prden. .,.... 6 <SSTD'f()Aft cw atJAINU8 . JlafWr S413T PAINTING ben.ni.. tncludlq PROl'IT ~;:' ~ ... :""'~ ~-:._ End Tables ------·---------- ftoU''•• .,,_ Kw &--l'aMn.I Dtredon 1----------""-'°· ley How-mns.11 or large jobe ok.. llHAR.INO. CLA -VAL 00. tlp2 WEST GOAST DISTRIBUTORS ,,.. ~ doM tl.ft"ebJI'°-"===-===~--l RM ...... ble rat.. 11bi 6 p~u.. N.-wportl----------~ ·~ .... •• ,. ....,.._ • MOTIELL'S EXPERT Llbort1 "2711 -· ~ lloo<h. ..., Sit N' ltnit ==~:...a.~ ":i AND PEEK ---------·-·~-lcooK · ROUllCK&&:PliR l :SO START Oltt·Kakln.&' now for ~. l\lftMt. a-dl. Clalltor-Colonial llortu&ry REMODELING U Cl:NU:O BKlPPllR an.llabl•. &.b'I. t.o 2:80 p.m. IOI' I d&y Motlwt'"• Day-l'atMl"'1 Day-nla, ~ UM ftcUUCNa firm TIOl Bo---'dt Sout!I of W..t· Haff unllmlt.d third mat. wk. ~ w•ll !Uf.nmo. Brl&M -Or&du&Uon -Blrth· ,,.....,,,,,__.....,..,., ........., .. _,..,.., ....,,.. """' ...... ""'"'' '""'-...,. "" ..,w ... ,.,., 0oo0 .-nmont « JOBBERS & WHOLESALERS °"'* -.Id nno .. eompoMd ot Aa Orup OOWltJ" Iu'tltuum. Mr. Butnnrtoo. tsot ~ 9 6 t. Mtln. UUu ni. Md yam-. 1trawa. Oord•, handJM $19.95 $ 9.95 $ 4.95 $15.95 • $69.95 $22.50 $ 4.95 $ 4.95 Ute fol10Win6 penona. ~ ....-.ms"""''"'" fit all tut.bl LlcmNBED A•... 8".I Bwl.h. H•mlock REAL ESTATll broker OI'......, 6 -... for bal'P· NMdl•poCnt 1206 N. MAIN ST. a.-In f\lll ud pi... ol,..... NepbolM {NI.""-> l'Tff &d'riett .PboM Bar. !l60l-W MlOT ffp2 man. J'\lll or part Ume bMt a.nd PAINTD U.Ona. Knltt.9d S NTA ANA Kl•'BER Y • -.,. ... t.UO-. '""""' _..,. OD1 .... 1----------tnct doal IA °""'"' .;....,, Bhouldo~tt., "'°'" • ,....u... A m L 7·2J61 • WAIUlEN R. .A.TH&R'I'ON' Noc:m...,.tumed•""1beea-. ---FQ--R--RENT-----'-Wil.L oo IRONING ln m1 LEhl&'b 1..e21after10 Ltn.. R.llDUc&D PRICES to l"'t ao-1---------------------- 100 V1a Qt.dto. olJacllotfmld9. bolno a&e"an hour. Will plck t9c2 qu&ln:Wd. Sll .II. Bal-. m'f'd.,l!!~:::!f!P!~!!!----l!!~=~r!!!!!l!!!----)f..wport a.ch. CtJ1tom.1a ----------llJl:W ...... 1:1-. DrUll.PoUeMn. up ai d.u ...... u •MIS t8c 'EPU'i'YCinci:ERK:;;;;;;:l~""=-~_'.'a~~'.:.·...:-~'....._...:mr~o 1 ~a...-.Af!"?Y 1!90-a-&11! !!!! 1"1tD9I lQ7 b&ad U1i1i ll'd day all ~ ol a..d~ Wh..abar DEPUTY CITY CLJ:iut.n-,.. , at ·:"'....:=. II. ATBER>Ul< ':.! lleMof -BOYD'S HDWE. -SEAMSTRESS-~;;'.;,. ~":.... ""';,:;~ ~ J":'.."~ ..., ~ ~"'J..:"°" ~ Are r OU BTA,.. °' C.t.LIJ'ORNU. ) PAINTING ' tuO w. CO.A.BT HIOBWAY DR&BBKAKINO 6 crlty dirk. Clt7 Hall, N--1----------·-•_tt_c l )(A.CIDND la aouu..n Olli-Ill IM mai1wt ttitr •....... ,, ' COUlfTT or ()RANQC ,.. Ublrty W"6 ~ 8cb. title ALTDU.'I10NB port 1kUh. Har. 1111. ilkll fornlL l:ftl')' mMIWN OUA.R--u rr. ltl:LVIMATOI\ "'""' oc OS. lrd lllq ol. April. A.I>. nn'JCRIOR -SXTZIUOR H<JUJ11 ' L m. to I p. m. SO.B-A.-.H·ecee ANmED BJ tM Oi.s.t .... ·-. --......... ·-~ UM. WON IM, ROBDT .... ..t.LllO KAJUKm PA.Dn'INO c AR p ENTER 1766 ~ .. CO.ta M.. RCA.L UTA.TE u:: lfll' M&ehiM DMW Ill cnu... --&.::...-... SA.l"l'IU.N. a Notar7 Publlo Jn LrCl:NU:O -IMWRllD 1..1 l-tl28 Wpll BRQKllR OR. llA l.£BVAff 8PJCJID Qtrm wuhor, wrtzcw County. ....,. and tw tM mid cou.nt¥ uc1 Glenn Johnston Renair Work uCENs 1'1 ~:.ia:::~.":'1.·~ :=;: tJ'P9 aso. 1.1 wa10 • Why -·· ....... .,,.. '1Wll wmm-1mAL1 .ltll4 ......... Ut.nln. dull tot..ai.t It. N-a...cb DonTCNr~NMCIRepalrlnr E to open.to and oa • UOt1 .... ~,,.... r.tr1-'..,.. llM ff-&-'-"'I __,QBOU t••MOMd and n'Ol1l, pWWt· ·-.-· GI' 1' o1+""1' pt.e mot.or boaU C&l'T'Ylnc" P9"" wa ·,-..... UalJ \ ir~ •··-• OW' llU!. JMI In a..ta Ana. "U .,._.,u,. I• twl• ,....... .. , .,,..,...,W.t.RRIDN R. ~ llTI tltfc Cd........_ 1..IMr'1' .._. _,,_,..r. for hirL .__.., luM 101i'-n.. 1arr crc. top It .. a Qood 1ewti.s MacNM 6 41Jw....,...,Nllt. A.TWl'OH tmown t.o m. to M AD Wark OmanDtMd f'U' Want sldppen Job by tl.QU.r. Writ• Boa 0..M th1a n~per frffow •• ,_,.io mfft c:bill9r, JOU .ant, HONMJJ Bold Md NWW WllDUIOOL Avtom.U. U.. ,..._ wbOM ,..ma a. l!Ub-CARPENTRY d&y.weekormo.1...Ehi&:hi·7•t7 =.,.,.-=-~~..-,,-,.,.-~~"'....-1 =•';' ln ~r = HOlll!llUJ lkn1eed ' R•s. _.. pric. IJIJl.16 ICdW •t.o UMI ...tthi.D. IUtrUIMftt.. l~ll=~·~-~-~O~l~M!.... _______________ .. _ .. _IRltA.L EB'TA.~ llALUXAN -M'f'M': auu bu: JNI .. Us°" Ca.ll UiL Kl f-4401 Jluy It llOW tor 1211.tll Md~ &o..,. U&at .._ K1NOR REPAIR WORX &xperknCM tn l!I• N.wport ~'-" loll tor cub. IJltl. """ &om. Demcnllt.ratka aac1 u.vc f,IO . .-cu\44 m. um.. _ __!N~o~•~oa~~T~oo:_:111~·~·'~·-Ak»'M>Uca .._ __ 0111 GARDENING and Hart1or .,..... ror a.w Udo • M .A.•L a o -1.,:: K: O; -~r...;-;a CLEAN.UP JOBS Qt1!.oo. Bu1lol' Mf.I. 9IC1 ·::'7 ~~ ·~ !: We Service All American lftla.u. l'OOd bU19 ta .,.., ...,_to Ml ftl,J' baA4 Uld J.O'lf. a 11aJbosr. ~ ..,._ N...,art a.di. o.w., Umai. dal' of ...._ lot &. Kala, an4 ~ Kakel -ol -nll·•-:' ~~4:,.~.= --------------.._. aut1cw '116 WANTED SO 111ea'De·oo. o...n,.. « c.u n 1-1111. K&cb1 DM at ReuonaW. aa TfDI s:mLVJKATOR wrtu-. ' --------""-1 LIBERTY 8-6139 HAND BRAIDED RUGS 11 .. w...-,.. ,..... er ~ Otben It IM1 l'OOllOIV.MA -'"'""'"' ROBCl\T A. ZA.STILUf PAINTl~'G &2Uc l"RD INBTRUcrIOM au autmn&Ue, ail chrom. top. wW 8taDd ,,..rridnl Uld J L ' "' """'"--l, -u B•n~ Aldo • ORDm TADN ....,, a °"""' .., .. '" ......,. hold .., ~mL . aKe s Appliances hlJ' ft, 1111 Su-pf'I u-:-H. 8 ....._ W W ....U.W.. alllO hU ~ roU1 11M ltl'f -.. ..... "°' '"' N_,,_ PAPERHANGING .-~uoua ......,. :!::r .. .,;; ::....-= t ""-111..i. .......,. ... ,.. --WHEELER u -• 11. JG. tT, UN .. =eu, nmrr .. tr.a flaoll ALL ornc& pwwine1 f'IW u.. i...s-Beh. BYatt .. .,...._ nue _. RM ~ 8111 fel' · Sympson & Nollar .,_, --... ...., top,... .. ..,.... ,.....t., ·-·1 -~=-.....,..-.,,,---.,,~1 ..... ., ..... •t•_ .. '"' ..... ~~ AW· lll4 s-tnr -r--.,;.,.,. .. -o.t Kt~ tut. UM tho clUll• U.. ~Ho mon twMllJ\I. At.o domMUc A pne"'1. JUNl: I' PUNT. rood ooadlUcm-121. -, ...... ..._ M hi Co ftld .. tn ttl• l(ltWll·PftESS to a.t l:xp9riw.d Wortane a.a..&N t.. 8RYA.HT R. &. FAIUU.R £mp\. ACY .. •01" h6dlebou4 IJlJ. paddlreboard doWft. ... &11yt11M. 4-1 _.ac ne • rarUI.??',., ..... ..,. man, ... a.q • ..u. l"alt OI" tlln. PbOM JIM. "°' .. Ulf Udo'• 8aion ., 8-utJ Bar. 187t ltnd IL, Newport Be9ch f'n.tM IJlO. or '°\). fOf" uo.-.... tot .. Ma.la, ~ ..... 310 E. 5th St. Sant.a Ana JOU ~ m tMI J9PC'l' - .......... 1111. , U di I~ m. CltJ ll&D I Ra.r. &f.61...J. tTplt .U JC& 1-6117. -.:1 PltoM Ral'bcW Wt. - ' I I I .. • "------~-------=·-------~-~...:.·~....:-~·:..·:...~~~ ...... ~~ ..................................... ;..· ............. ..;·1·-. ........ il.11ii ''i ............... --11-.i'1111111llllll~i1.iii~llli·i···'-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiliil ~\:.~~~li:::~:;:::::;~.;;;;:;::.:;;~~=·==~-~~=::i~;;;; ,_ ~ . . . . .. .. • - ' , . ~ Jo ' ' ~ •rzti.'1'11 6 !. . ,~----• T Y I& 11oo1oo1,-.rv • ~!f!'!!"'!,'n ... . ---"!!-. 'NEWl!OJ.THARIO&tl~ARTll -PA$17:' -~---'---1-p .rnnM111n.,. n FRIDAY. ~ll iv, '"" .- April Cle•r•n~• rwu ... _.l"\l\.DS Radio -TV Spec1a1s uu IT ·YOURS~ · (...W,:..l-..L--fhe~jOO · . · · ~-~-~~';...-.!!: 1111-H~~!~~a,., ..... OOMPU:Tll' AM•Tl:Ull Rill HI.Fl · · ~IOI UI · IYI II ·~I •::!A[ip-!!!:!.!•!!'!!!!!!1!::·::;::;:!!1!;::1.J:!!r,1!:!!-.;•!;!•!!'!!r!!!....-...;?'--.:_1- "!.!. ........ -~ .... .......... ....... .... =~ ~:-' .. ~:: s= -yo\,,; OWH "I ... NEW 1956 PL v1v10UTH cLuB sEeANs Caba~-Man'nas . .· -I "' X•lrinltor Id.. top '••.ao JMter<eolll 0 ,lU. " ~Kudaa--.:x~;:~ -·Otwdrtve. um JWta. air foam .ata, oD toter, ..... ,...., .,.. .., -•·to TRADE dVl!RAL TY'• ""'' ...,. .... ..._ -a _,. -dor b-iJ». ~ olpalo, aua Yllon, 2 ..J . ,,.,...... -...,. _,,., w .... -· So oomp&ol411 '""""' ""'""-""" ,..,_ com. to ... -.._ tono paint P l-US illandard fat:t<iey 111ulpmenl. Lido Penin8ula, Eal!t ;uat St., ?jJ!{. BcH. • _ dbc.... 111.t. taOdfil. ---n.ao -~ m.:Qd." ,. cUrtw-plctur. tube.. w. w1ll btilp ,_ ---~ .. • ~ .!.-.,._" ... , • .._.. .=1w"'.":i';.. "';f~f,=1~:· ...... 1.o1-1• _ ,..,,. DAVIS-BROWN TOTAL PRICE PLUS TAX & LICENSE lllll&httul ~ ~-uuai' ..... •·--~-, -+ ........ -..... --_,,..~IA-· --$1'9.90 $\lUL • ' _, _._ Philco Col'nb: Ni:ord·Pla)'a",,...;tto -llU~~ ~ ----1-~~--~~~ wltll - perftc:t17 ---... ·--•N 4t.60 ze rr. DOUBLE ENDER. cabin • TV sped&I -+--iot.116 Coeta ~ -U W"'7 YUiii illP'i•I 1 s, M&D¥ OUMr ..A.ppHi.ncM . r:rtU.Mr 0ooc1 motor, rood hull. 196:5 -NEW YORKER 4 DOOR SEDAN E~~.~~ ... " QJOI, Ll<IO ,, .. .,,,..,. TV SERVICE CALLS oo uomo pt-..... ~~-"::!:; 2.tono gro.y, Jlo--m,. -linlleo -D11l7, ..tlr, -~ ~ ·-~ T::;'tffd Ancho"*P. MA.Klt OFJ'Elt. $2.00 ~~~:n:' u..de ::;;;.aw Radio and beater .--! St.Te Bundreda IC. 0. ... und..... &IQ • at.t, AN""~I: • ........_..... . .........:nn'IV ··-. -' -I _____ appt...:..;:__ ... _._, _._._ ... _,.._.;.,c.n __ s_.,.._-. ____ ._ .... _ _, STROOl'I HA.ftDW.\RS -..... 1802 N.wpart Blvd., ca.ta M ... u 1-lfll . GOOD t CU. ft. 0. It Rel'ri&., apt. ll1M: irtov' beda A 1prtnp, •bal rup.. IM"1r• 701 Poh1- Mtlla. C. D. Ji.. lD L m. to ll or t p.m. to I p.m. V7c99 \'+'Kll\LPOOL &Ul.Olll&UC wubtr, bn.nd ,nrtt, delux.e •Jftator lY'P' WUhM, rinMS and aplM dry .. S.. I! yr, ~tea. Sell tor cuh l ltT.69 or pa.y pay- mem.ta ot llJ7 1110. With noth- lnl dawn. S.. any Ume day or 1v1. t09 8. Maln. Orange, or call D S.-M17. Sl-W .. ted to Buy Top priCll pald for JU.NK l ton, coppar, bralrit. aluminum, ete. A..n quanllty. lmmedllte pick up. Call LI 1-1701 BEFORE YOU BUT Furniture Compare .. .,. Our Pricel, Our easy tenna. Higher trade-iWI ' No Money Down BIIDROOM SETS YOU SAYE U0 to '80 a BET 'COloCPLETE I PC. BrDRM.. SUITE wl.i..b ln- nerlPf'Ull' m&tlttA and boJ; -iirtnp, Kr. • Mrs. dreuer, mirTor, bu.dboard frame, 2 lompo. 17.80 llO. OR 1122 CASH uvmo ROOK SUITES YOU SAVE '68 TO S80 A SET A BETI'ER 1 pc. llv. room g-roup Sota, m&t.ehlnr c.h&1r:, S n1va· mar La.bl• A 2 LtunJ*. 19.'!I! A MO. OR 8137 CASH Dmll'lTE 8J:T8 CHROME or Wl'OilPt lrOn l•bl• wtth Ul leaf A f, h .. vy dUt-Y ehairs. $9.GO VALUE roR 14t. I ROOM GflOUP OOM.PlZl'E 1 Po. Uvtnr room JTOUP 'l pc. b9drocm cofnplel1 6 pC: d1.ninl' room SlJ A MO. OR J2'T7 CABH ALWA YB THE FINEST FOR THJ: MO?OIT ANYWHERE TECO nJRNITURE ()pill Moo.. Wed, A Fri. tU 9 tl09 W•t Ut at., Santa A.na N....-por(. Har. 29711 IHlci ~.-..:o~ .OU'Oi•~ or orsu. __..... .... .._...,, 1963 FORD CLUB SED•U I' . 620 No. Main, knta Ana. ...._.,. " Slip & Rowboat Te levision Sal es and s•oo oIBSON llMI """'.,,. Z.to~ radio, mt.er, WSW u ... --··-·--$895$895 l !U--Aeto!:::~!.!l!&!!!l-!l!..---l~!l~A~p&~•!:-!•~··~,.e,!ta.r~m!!, .. ~. Service omput1;, u"' -· A nol 195li FORD CUSTOM D .,.,CH WAGON ' • • t 0 rh I """-,......,....,. • -Space for Rent ""' Hubo• B1.... ..... .... ,.,,... .,.. Radl h • ..,.. mo or ve au ...... ...-,..,.. · .....,. Kl ·2-0114 u MU6 ntta SWEETS ~. Dy o, eater, New t1relt PoWer ateeriul', Power NO "0~ DOWN A1AO two 1 blclra. 1 ._... Amencsn Legton :Zlt>-llitb St. "c.''~" b k ··• cColl -.... Mee. tin• 2nd_.th Wed. 8 p.m. ____ _,_ ___ _,.:_;"""~' A LOAN ra eo, -ety belt., Valw Oiler, K ough d ..... """' " .......... o t n-• ···-... ~ ••• L ~A -·• ••to'n •• .,. * with th01s a * Ata0 --"' __ , ... " .. -•, PRt 51) PER MONTH r~t.. a food 40I% ""E. f.Ul. SAlfTA .ilfA. ---· ~ -..au 1~ ~--,_........, llllill for 9Umlft• 19taM,. ----------pi"&ctLo. pl&nO. Term nnt ·~ tk2 1963 CHRYSLER WINDSOR CLUB CPE. I Cyla. __.$4.8.88 OOABT PROPERTIES CO. - READY TO GO 26 ft. cabin plle11 lf you buy; SCiµtJbT-8 Cy'· •••.88 ' cru!Mr. 120 h.p. Cr11y SleeJ19 2, PHlLWPS Co .. Santa Alla. Good •it.Do """.,. Peta Radio, Heater, Power steering, ueeptJonally • .... ...,.. l\utb JaJn4. "-It« bead, bait tank, Jar-ie cockplt.1~·'.:'~~tl~~'...."'~'°""'~~m~, ~·~11~0:._· ~·~196~.: 1 ~~::::;;!::::JP>~,:v;::-"-':.::::::..--clean s• IW\lf Irul!UdM both l&bol' eAd puU.. ll1l41'ed.Rig• 681Ma ftoml:••• U 1-7962. 99c2 • --·-····--·-··~--· -.• .u..-.io Hew rtn.i .. tniR plU. n.lft .A...:>d&W. 1955 PLYMOUI'H BUS. CPE. . ptDd. ftttuip ot main ud rod I01 a Balt.oa Bl..S.. ~ bMrtnp. l:xpKt motor WO. up. Pboae Har, JIN or JI-. MOe JEAN HENRI iUnch Specl&li.t of HALCYON 30", 1loop, 1leep. 3, Gray eng. 8t.alnle111 1t~I rlg- glnr c•lley, hd. Fut sailer, ree.dy for cr-ul1ing. ALSO •Oray M&l'lne eni-. 160. Ulwrt)'I 8·804~. 99p2 MOORING or 11lp for 14-rt. out· bot.rd, v1ctnity 819 W . 811,J' Ave, Balboa. Call liOllywood i ·09lS collect or ""'rite Box Ii· 28 News·PttU. 9!kl ~ACRIFJCE blonda •Pinet plann. No reuon1ble orrer retUIMld. Har. 4129 or Kar. 0289. ~2 USED ORGAN SPECl.AL8l 1 Connaonata Electronic orgllll. Save 1800. 1 Lovely Minaball Spinet orcan, like new. Save ltOO. l ll&mmond Spinet organ In fine condlllon. save 1270. Convenient tenna at- SHAFERS (8LDCe 1907) 421-23 N . Sycamore, Santa Ana ' DOG CLIPPING WprU in your horn• JM9 TuaUn A'tl., CO.ta Mela Hu. GSta Mpl POODJ,..E PUP, whi~e. T wk.a. male. A.Kc. LI 8-3.097. 98cl Low mileage -··-····-········-···~---········-··r·-$13115 .._ •• •.000 mUo ,......_ • (NO KOnT DO'W1f) 1956 V-8 PLYMOUTH DLX. CONV. CPE. REBUILT ENGINES RENTAL Red A white, Powerflite traruo, Rodio, Beater -UP to JO MONTH& TO PAT-SPECIALISTS W /S/W tires. AU other extru ----····---..save Money e:~~o~~::dlk1,!!~ CALL J:OKA CllA.IG. t1M9 CHRYSLER WINDSOR t-DOOR SEDAN !ho m1ddlo ....... a., dlHet. DORIS BRAY, Reelta.r. Light gray, New aeat coven-in excellent ab.ape $4.9!i REBUILT and INSTAIJ ,Jl!D 211 Karine. Ba.I.Ibo& ~ 1 SHORT ~ Har. JO or 14. 41 FT. OCEAN GOING GAFF Phone Klmlwrly 2-0672 MJNlA TURE POODLES -A.KC regtat.ared. Male•. Cinnamon A Honey blonde. Har. 87'!4-W 98<1 Lou REED & A csoc. FORD ···········-· suuo Choloe Winter Rentala on AJ CHEVROL.ET ···-----$1t9.60 PLTK ... DODGE ·--------ll!Wi s.iboa Ialand It Udo Ia1e CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER CHRYB. " DE BOTO -1170 ,,,,.,, " 00<'/ " 1 .. ,. " ..,~. heeded ktlch. new 11115. auto. Or1:1nge County'• Orran Hdqlr1. STUDEBAKER -·-·······-·-1170 17~ to $300 month to-Auto. and Trucks 40--Aatol and TrucU 1200 w. Cout HJghway LI 8-M86 OLDS. PONTI.AC I ··-······ 1170 pilot, D F .. S.S . telt'phoo.e. u2 I--..::._ __ .:.__:__ _ _:_ ___________ _ h.p. Chryller. $13,000 For fur· thtr deLalt. contllct ~f r1. John Beard. Har. 07Q\")V, 110 Ruby, Balboa J.Ala.nd. i7c3 ~~~~~~!;!:~~--~=::;::.::::_:::::~'-==--_________ .::__.:._ __________ 81.JJCK ···-····-··-····-·--··-1171! VOGEL CO. 31 FT. 8PORTFJSHING charter boat. A·I condil!on. t30 All110 Ave. W 8-4912. 97r99 11!-rI'. n.BERGLA8SJ::D boal, glUH<I •undeck. wlndahh:'!J. 7~ hp ntw Evlnn.ide. Moored in front of 2-03 N . BayFront, Balboa Ullllld. Har. 47.!ll day•. 9'1<1 d-Mwd<:oJ. Radio, T V RADIO. record pl•yer, .... ·1r1 rr COl'der. nlahoga.ny con10lt'. in- dudillg mlcropno1\e 11~ Short w•"' r&dkl. juat builL New am.all unit 13'1. H1tr. JO&i-W • 98<1 SM.ALL ANTIQUE ROSEWOOO ORG.A.l'f. ti! r.p.m. rt'Con:I pl•y- ar, wit)i record.JI. Cotfe1 t&ble Harbor 191-M, 91c I PrtYllte S•le Parlor Gr.nd Pin.no. Call for appointn1e.nt. Har. 4~0 98ltc KoowJton Electronks TV REPAIR fABT BERVlCE, REASONABLE Bervlc. call.I UU 9 9.nl. Ll &-5206 " R-E-0 Auth orize d Distributor • FM Orengo w Now 24 County Hour f SERVICE on Truck · Repairing * ALL MAKES * Eliminate cOl!ltly tie-upa Jn at 5 p. m. -Out at 7 a. m. Since 1933 ED. THOMPSON Garage (Corner 3rd & French) Phone Kl 2-2343 Santa Ana SS-Autos Wuted 40-Aatoa for Sale OLD CARS AND JUNKERS HAULED AWAY FREE SPECIAL SALE US ED TRUCKS LOOK AT THESE -MG'~ 53 MG TD ROADSTER British racing, green with ·green leather, green plastic tonneau eoyer ii Ure cover. Balanced engine, reoently re-built. An immaculate Httle car. 53 MG TD ROADSTER Red with green leather. Brand new top, engine completely re-built l.n our own abop with new bearings, new pistons, new piaton pina, new rinp, valve grind and rebuilt carburetor-a. 'thi• car ba ready for many mUes ot trouble-free drivinr. , 52 MG TD ROADSTER Nice gray M.G, with red leather interior. Good rubber and good mechanically. 'I1l.Ja car will give 10m• happy owner many mile. of pleasure, 51 MG ROADSTER • This ts a red Mark ll 'with red leather interior. Engine recently overhauled. Alm09t new plutic top. U you are looking tor AD M' G, thle may be the one. • 51 MG TD ROADSl ER FOR THE SPORT CAR FAN who liket to be ditterent-th1-MG ahould be the answer. Right hand drive &nd mechan.Jcally good. Here ia an inexpensive way to become &n MG owner. Call Felix Super St'"lc• LI 8-4861 19Ml Newport Blvd. "" • All types and 1i1es, . pic kups, pa nels & ::~~d·u!~~ p s end SPORT CAR CENTER HUDSON --·-----············ 1171! Loan car FrM ToWPll NllW CAR QU.ARA.NTEIC Bk>ck .mu.t meet OW" atandardl Plua tu.ta, cuketa and oil Op.a. Sunday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open Datly I to 7-81-le Bonded NEW LOCATION 310 East· 3rd St. BANTA ANA 208 Marin. Ave., BalOO. lala.nd Ph, Harbor «-t or HaziJtir 1015 R&a. H&r. 3829-R OI' Ru. UH-R """ SEE lo!E -TA NEI.SON CORONA DEL MAR FOR CHOICE RENTALS. SEASONAL It YEARLY. 1908 E. Cout Hwy. Har. 6680 ON BALBOA lSLAND 8.:E US for ya&rly a.nd .eaaon.al rtnt&lll. " NELDA GIBSON, Re&l!<>r U-'l'nDen 306 M.arine Av._ H&rbor 602 It PORT ORANGE 1' __ BAJ..BO __ A_,_•'-"' __ o .... _ TRAILER SALES and SUPPLIES 2200 W. Cout HiW•Y· Newport Beacl1 Ll IH420 ·os :ti' VOtlng xJent. __ ... 1:i1,.s ·os 21' B&NOn Cuatom -·--'~ '8-A-AJ!ta. for Bent .EARLY VACATIONERS AT· TENTION·. Furn. modem waterfront apt. Slttps 4. A v11l now to Jun. ll!. Reuonabh1. Har. J217-J 9'1tfc 'Ill 28' Vlltinr bla.uty -...... St895 ----------- ·112 30' Pacemaker -···-··-·$2096 '61 SO' l(jt c1.11tom ______ ... 118SIC PAN Al4ERICAN P&ramount.-K.ILlkill Travalaza-Tert7 "'"· NE\VPORT HEIGHTS Untumiahed, 2 bedroo11U1. 1ar1gt. like new. $8!1 . .liar. ~. tr -------- t or 2 bdrm. apt.I., laundry r111. By d1y. week ot moritJi. BLUE TOP MOTEL ti~ 12 ft. vacation hou.&e trail· t O! Newport Blvd. er. 8IMJ19 2, elect. refrl( .. Bu-Newport Beach 17th. lane gu. WU! aacrltlce for 1----------- qulck Mle. 3'6·2ut. COllla LUXURJOUB J bedl'Oom twu. M-. :, 99c2 apt. overk>altins Bay - rr FT. MODERN lrallu, n-ALSO BALDWIN Acro.onlc S p I n e t E All · d •d t Pl~• ... fKI. "" "" .... nn s LL pri ces re UC 0 Jack Hausken and awlnr. patio, fenced. Sacrifice. Bl.Ip for rent on PeninW.I& Pnwate Udo Trailer Pa.tll. Har. 0208. dock. Har. 2400. tt Gunnar Watson '"" -----------ATTRACTIVE 2 bclnn. WLfUMI. COSTA MESA •"•1~. •"'>' '""' «> u .. t'7-Wuted t.o Beet Shopplnf Center. WW make year IMM w1lh pennaneat tbLL Bee.uW'ut Spinet only $39~ move our 1tock. 35 ><OVINO OUT. m"'t ..u all .... u. ... B>I•« ><••••· aM. YOUR CAR to choose from 1932 HARBOR BLVD. lovety tone, only 149'!, alway• • LIBERTY • 11•• ... _._._,..,4 '"'·ml.lhln1>-Come q -~ 97c99 ae1ect tenant. • CLYDE MEYER • ,_...,. "" lo~ ot woDderfUI bargains at W W WOODS A -. What )'OU want. , Miike BCKMIDT·PHJl,.WP8 BIC Plano PA.ID FOR OR NOT • • 220 I SOUTH "_..AIN otter . .&¥• °" IJ&t. 1121 W . .a Orsan. Oo .• 620 l'io. Main St. McCarthy Paya Mon GMC DEALER fVI Kl 5-USS SANTAANA Reotels Wanted IWbo& BlYd., Newport BMCh. 100 Pl&na. to chOOH ttom. Euy 1410 S. ).lain Kl 2-SDO'l 111!·19 E. 4th St., Sant& Ana '9p3 ~l~•~::.::·~·~°""::_:".:_P::_::•'>.:_~F~•kla=:::y....:.•v~o:.11-----------1."""'..'.:'.~"'...'.'.H~,.~dq~"'~rt~~~~fo~•~O.::.:_.~Co'.'.:.. 4~UtO'"l fur Sale 196' FORD cu.tom fully aqulp-:::;c>;.:::::~o:.:::_c:=:::...---j pad. Will' -.crtnce my .,qult7. BIG SAVINGS ON NEW KUIBALL SPINET PIANOS! . ECONOMY CAR CO. W• need apt.I..• ud hobM.a tn all 1ecttoiu for both winter and )'ear'• lt&M. F'Um. or unturn. REALTOR 801 M&rine Ave., B&lboa lalaad Hu. ZNO. ~1 U )nu have a vacancy, WHERE A DOLLAR DOES ITS DUTY phon• today TWO NB:WLT Decor&led, v~ · atlractive, bN.uUtully rum.LI~· POOR BOY PETE TAKES CARE OF ALL I The Veigel Co. .. I ..... opto. l ""'-'"""· ,, • , ' ,, ~ CUW!'OM -KA.DI: T'Ai ft. daftft- pon X1nL T&IUe 116 810 SO. aq noat. B&lbo-. 1aland ., ... nlJlp. Bu. 24.t,2., 98c99 LAW80H' BOJ'A • ch&lr, maple ~ ~ t&bl• A four cba1n. Twin badl • 9 x l& eouon CMpat. B&rptn. Liberty ........ 1 at1AI' l :IO p.m. 9'!c99 Our bil "ON'CJI IN A C'!:N· TURY" factory movt.nr Kim· b&ll piano .ale naoN (Olnt on (for a limited Um@ only). A .-tit1d !atnOUll Kimbal.I can bf! youh at tramendoua. •vtnr•· Llber&l tradea -convenient 1949 CHRYSLER \Vind.or. H ighlander St'dan. R A H. automatic t.n.nsmlMlon. One owner car. a:celleat COD· dltlon. Take over paymenta. Will con.11t<Mr trade. Pri•ala party LExlngton 1--4812 98cl 19M FORD VlctoN.. J"ordomaUt R A H. WSW. tinted pa.. other extru. 13M Via Udo, 81.hJ~ .Apt.a. 9kl ffiS OWN FINANCING SO YOU CAN GET 3201 W.·c.t. Hwy., Nnrport Bch. OCMA and hay. Trly . ...._ fM)(EO~~;;illli:R:i'._ __ -:-__ -1-_,~P:hoi;:•;•~Ubut>'~:;,;~··~3<;8~1a4--l-~$1~3;0j·~m~o~. ~A~d~u~lu::;;on~l~~".;i.Coll~~--lJ Ac2a Crow Wllh Ben J. Wbtt. I ' FOR ONLY -Phone 8a.rbor tt4. -man, HIU"DUr l"""· .,.,., v SOLD MY HOME · term• •l 88.AFERB (Since 1907) t21-423 N. Sycamore, Santa Ana Phone Klmborly 2-0872 OH OO&A.N rRONT. fu.mltti.Ni QrMa1a1a, &md.1a "wuber, dnp- • 6 ~OD U'a ....... pk· tar-.~ and brtel aif'bra.c. ----------- Knowlton Electronlc• ... pa{nten Jadden, •.-Yr.heap )IUft &ACRD"lCC. 1162 ltul o..o. nont. B&lbo&. c.1u.- 0Pmt' lO:IO a.m. to ' p.m. WTptl TV ANTENNAS (C!Mr Beam -HI QaJ.Q) lnet.alled 00Mpl1te to your 1l't. $9.95 39tfc $395 1951 HUDSON H ORNE"f, 4-dr. aedan. NK41 work. 1'""1.111 prll:e - $145 CQTION GOFF The Volkswagen Deele r Newport Blvd. at 22nd ' Harbor B Grant W. Musick 'Your Hudson Dee ler SALES and SERVICE * N. Loa A.D.plM D ~7'71 .......... -· l~ 000011 v..a pick up t.ruek. half t.on. Oa.luu cab, beatu 6 other extru. Ex.cl oond. llNG. Har. Of.Sl·R. McG $15 TO $25 DOWN 291'! E. Cat. Hy., Corona dal Mar ~~N~~l'· KAR 1 ...::: MONTJILT CAR PAYMENTS Phone Harbor lTlf.l Uclo Ottl 8il6 Vll Udo tum. apt. '8S mo. •l t Pdn· • '!51 NASH 2 door --·--···--·····-------"18.90 ~r ,971 MtUa. Hu. IHN. 99ul. O'Drtve, Beater 1102 Newport Blvd., Coat.a Mfll& '15() BUJCK S«lanette -·····--···-··---·-·--$18.30 w,_.,. ,...., Radio, Heater _ •4g CHEVROLET Club -·--·-----$16.30 'i9 PONTIACS --·-·-·-·-·-·-·· __ .$17.ill (Choice of Two) RENTAL LISTINGS WANTED. .Rouaea. •pta., etc. t!· FU FunUehed or W1tUnl.1&bed LL PRICE BUYS ll0'1 .,_ ....... Bl"'-...... -l!ll'UDIO APr. Ul ........_. '46·BUICIC Conv. -·····-···---·---··------------..$99 0!172 CD.M. or ~UI llV• ,,.. NDI · S2 FORD n>l'\d5t.er wtth lHI V8 •47 -u-aonC!JRy ----------''.'.!'-' •ion. ftllbipnl.lol", miael. turni· tuz,.. dleap. LI. Wt40 after A ..-.. • w1llr:•dl tlttc 98ct mot.o .,., tnnami-.io. h ~n 2 dr. ----------····$49 In e•chanr• tOT baby •'tltll• r, ne · · Y-''2 PLYllO ~ WA.NTZD to nnt -I bedtooru a.me. couple WIUL bdy ~ , ._.. w d f HAMJ40ND ORGANS complele 66 Cl{EV. '"' T. P1Ch."1JP, 5000 draullc brak•. BM at '28' lJTH ----··--~ hoUM. Hanoi' a1'M. 7Mri7 J-. lld m9•• 00 era t llne e&IY term• Your old Up-mUem. AbaolUtely perfect. r&dlo. 8\er" VIit.a. C.M. LI: &-t857. '40 CHEVROL!:T $39 or i..... .tlh opUoa to but-Ice==,..,.=---~--:..~~~ ~= rt.rht taken iii a°Ch&l'IC .. Try be-cua1.0m nck, tt~-~consider lccc-==-.,-.--~='-""~2 ''°~~RD Panel ----·----··--·----"'9 :alll I'"'!!,., nr.f!;,.!.e~~d. 81NOLI: ~.::.~lo ~7· Al LI S-"00. '°" you bUy. Frff practice track on .. te Vol .ren ~-·~ FORD County Squire. radio, ---umuen....., asp I y. !!"~;.:.__" _. Baf, Wbit.brOp JN!ll, f\nlatl«I back rooJN here. SCHMIDT-PHJI.,. Lll>ertY 3•4368 .rt.er e p. m. Fnrdo. A WW. Low Mlleqe, SEE POOR B. OY PETE "Efiiillil\t ~-Write ~ 11"- 6 l'roDt -··---·---· '21·50 LIPS Die Piano and Or1an · 98P1 12.SM.-Kl.r. '833-J. Mel bu; Xll, U:.. a...papw. l6tfc O"l1CSB DaKll --·-l la.tlO up Store, 620 No. Main, But.a Ana B-A-CR-IFICE 49 FORD con,·ert· The Wilkin( Man'• J'rUmd WANTED TO Rl!NT -O&ra<• '811-D OUlel fOJ' RM& MDC'WAX A DDT 8TAIN8 u.~. ~•.. ~ M Ible. a3 motor, o'drlve. RAH, il ' --•-~.-COCl .... lenl to WMl &!boa IW --°" ·• ...-ta _. H • ~ ... •oND » ..... el av ceed but ::.~..;:;:•:=~..:-:=c:.::•-:::..___ 3 15 SO "AIN SANTA ANA TWO ·--un•·--•-........... "" WSW, Conllne:iW Kit. It" • m Blvd. w1d 12Dd St. Ol.11 Ha.r. .-...-.. ·----. • ____ _:cu:....: .. _'.;."'.:....----I -rrect «>ndltton. scmtmT-390 ... , . -f•oed -""" S11 .--Wiii · r-cuh. Har. 9-J. ......,1 NASH -HUDSON Your ~onoy s.~-, .. .a.a.__ DIMv. , __ PHILLIPe, 620 No. Ma.in, Santa ______ :::_~~-~:'.:~'.'.:v'.'.'.':~!_.'.-:':::'.:~------1 ·~---=-----:----'-·I -.... Hamor 6eifl, LI a.tl!T. Ana. 'til HENRY J . 1·adio A heater. Own.'9 Kl S-2117. Mel ' tlA.)OIOND Chord organ, uM!d :lti mpg. l'l76. AllO ·r.2 Francia RICH HAHN'S T r B ck c ~pe...•u,,,... tor Bmt IRvtl'fll TZM..Ab:E ...... Tall Gable Country ffou.te Guarantee blg •vt.nr. SCHMIDT ~-~~ Mor.or<"ycle J200. ::i AUTO KADJO RmPAlR erry s ui omer tmp anllabt1 M L Un--2W> ...... BMllUf'ally - ANTIQUES PHILLIPS. i.~rancht.td ~tarn-HYDRA.MA.TIC SERVICE tum. 1200 ... ft. I bdrm. Nint I bl!drm.. Ir tt.. ...,... IU • Met ~ aulhenUc anUqu., mood Delllt for Qran.se Cou.nly, ':).! M.Q, Mark Jl black. whit .. top f:it.b and WALNUT ' d.tlwce on A 0¥#100Jdllf tlnMt bM.t. electrl• ldtchm.. 4UftO. --":!~~~ -'-~-Ci~.,_~~~<O~ppo~•~, f;, ... ;:N;•~·~"~'~"';;·~·~~:;;"i;i;Ano.~~<T.i'+-tl!'tl cover, touneau. DHuttful 409 &. H'l'H 91'. 1>M.ob. ya.rl1 hl&M 1120 JDO, U•a paUo. )'Md ae4 ~ • --. ,.,.,.. """""''" -dl1lon...ra"4, w;u '"'" '0' l'u""' ""' N,....,., _, THRILL of the ye•r 01s BUlCK -...,_ ·~1 -· UOT a... _.,. ----~-OLD VIOLIN. ~er '"" )'T9. or(! at•llon w•omn. Hilt. &463-.J.--u ......,.. Dr., Newport. ttpl ts a 11 ilYe attt tt.eml \0 tM HAnor m1. HcJ I ~-a....c. a ...,... tor u. con.ctor. t7pt1 ~l'i-._"'Tnllen==-------NOW IC.t.TllRTN ANN JOHNS SPa::"IAL BUT! J!MS BUICK kpl'I' RAH. pod · BELL TOUR TRAILER tcm ~ m'td., aut.a AM A nw ll1Ni1 ACCORDIA.N ure1. A rea1 •IMlrfaltl -St26. on contlpmaot at th• BIGGEST tr d • 12ttc buys 1.n.. full 120 bu• •e-Har. 4702. 97('99 .... HARBOR TR.AJ.LER sUPPLY a e-1ns ever cordJ&M u ~ .,. $45. .Tt1'1£!8 :lltT Harbor Blvd .. o.ta X... .. 8 1 ... aann-s:s pa-m.onth. 11&& CAD .. Coupe de VUIL Full u 1-2u 1 NOW BBAFl:RA (ll)lnO. JIM')'l') pow9F. ro14 • W'blte, low mU. ........ tN f OUWOO.D uUI -Ul·U N. 97ca.more. Banta Ana 1.-e. c1 .. n. f'rlvate PMtY. t28 v-l•r• for N- ,.. -'°6t-111 ltp --PboD• Klmb<tliY 2..olT2 SM1-Ana Ave., Newport Deb v . .-...... Pl ,. -• ~V ...... .,..-_,..,..-ar, fl"Ollwo, .,_.,on, ......... 1180I. Hu. t T•W LI a...s811. t7ctll RonorbUllt. and Romn-. lttte _.Bar. UN-ll an.er&. Nc4 ~me Ors"&na. Juat llkel~:::-==:-.,-;;;-:-;;::;-;;:;,;:;;;;;-:-;;:I -:::.....:.:=::::.::::.:....:=.:::.....:.:::: -----------1 new, •"• $400 to S600 on lheff li611 Rl:D It BLACK PONTIAC I SIClPll ..0 •t. compi.ele wtlJI tnlW ttTI.. LI 1-TOd f'rorn ........ ,..._ Hett bMUUt'UI orpnt. BOHM.JOT· Stu Chi~{ conv-arUbla. powtt PRD..L1P8 CG., UO No. Ka.Ln. br1kea 6. 1teerin(, 10...-mllut•- S-ta >.AL Elt 1914. 12296. LI i.._'126. 97lfo -Sut.crl!M to the Lee.Mr, Adver- U.. In the B&!T, C&U Barbot' lilt. ' ' , .. Bi99est Sellin9 Buick in History Terry's Buick HUNTINGTON BJt4CH . ' . Tov pl ~&I qulcbr, cb9il.pW __...-• ~ H_..PHM wu' Ilda. I ·I ' ' ~~ . \ . ' TAGE 8• PART 11-NEWPoRT HAUOR NEW ~., -. ~ 20, 1'56 ~S\S".20' • • ·. HOME· LOANS .- . •' . ~ . I Construction Loan• -Reflnenclng • · .A-ee · P,~lin'iinary Appraisal• Cornopoadellta for . Lile and CUtiolty Inwrance Company . • of_ ·Tenllf'Ute ' ' a-: .... ' • • Lido Nord ' • AU~ eam'""S-0-, ai.o. Pnc'9 clo&r. f17,IOO, lffmL WEll: BUILf , FOUR-UNITS GOOD LOT • • ., • - 1• Bal Newest end Smartest Triplex ' ---.... 9'•-• i...., It& • aa.tMn _ ..... ........... 3000 oq. ft. ln beautiful condlUool Should ntui'il -. -illnlteri' Nt'tll>nat-rao~-COmPdy •Harbor Inv. Co. 8pte:Ulaton ... ~ ..... •-pod btl)' la a ~ ck>M to t.oWn. Paffd alle1-A temn.c ~ at Mly J3260. · over $3000 thil aummer, approx. { : . SOUTH COAST RllA1.'l'<>R8 • $6000 croaa annually. IOlll ~ NpL B1T4. Hu.UOO $2000 DOWN ~6,000, tllrnlabed:.. Good tumL Mortgage ·Company 10 Acres Balboa Wall built I bedroom bom.- bwd. floo,.., I j bt.lha, 2-ar ,_....,., torued alr b•t, ~ poeal. Ml Iii.• dlJliDI room. plutered wall&. comer kit, tenced backyard. Thi.I la a BVY -'12,950. sx9uatv• W1lh , : . Ap(lrOVO\I FHA Mortgagee MR._ INVESTOR: Would you Ilk• a cbo&c9 Ci llCl'\ll parotl riP,l nu:l dOO!' Lo a MW 'lbrtt\J Mut-lhoppllif Cmtar or 10 acree cin. TwlUft A••! Thea phone QWM:r - BartlM' 190. llcl Potenlial buelDW on TUaUft Av. ,.... Oraq9.. MO tt. ..,....., rroQtt.p. IUbm.Jt all .,..,.L ' MARINERS ISLE REALTY 1600 Wm eo..t Highway -LI S.7'191 Newpclrt Beach, Califqrnia runtllbed duplex all on ou floor Good awnmer rental&. l block \o Bay 114,500 Wllll low ®WQ paym1111.L 318 YarlJ>e, Balboa Island Har. '781 • 4S-B--RoOIMl8 fol' a.tat oil Aw..JACOBSEN, f'-.1 s.tate ll&Z'. Mil LI 1-Ql'! Kl 2-1187 HTat.t t -MH An ...i. ""on o!WUI" ...... Bal-NEAR HIGH SCHOOL boa Peni.nlu!L Oply $12,000. $%450 DOWN mov• you Into a nice t bedroom hom-1 " Balboa's Best .. Ll.00 ISLE, a bedroOnia. 21~ bath 'home, on annual bash. Blip Cor 40 ft. boat, . u.M of 18 !L VUdns runabout wwer bo•t. 2 car r•r .. beautlfuU)' furnlah· ed, 1hrub1. · 1700 per month. Inquire a.t 41 Balboa Covu. Newport." • 36Uc LOANS TO BUILD, IMPROVE, BUY, MOOERNtzlc, OR REFINANCE BY OWNER. JCul aide Co9ta Mua 3 bdrm. borne, fen* :rd. Landscaped, prbl!Je diapcML 112, 7MI, OOOd term.a. i..n..rty 8-3870. t9c2 BY OWNER 2 Oolan J"roDt Iola on :S. Ba.Iba& balb~n wtll Improved Bt. 1. BAYFRONT PIER AND FLOAT. \Ve· Buy TrUt Deed.a NEWPORT BALBOA'. SAVINGS A: LOAN .ABSOCLA TION 3316 Via Lldc Ph. Har. '200 APPROXIMATELY 1se ACRES, ferl.111 farm propert:r. ca.ta Me-. 1•000 an &CH. Now Wl· dtr culUvaUon. wr,ite Bml: G- 27-~care of tbi. pe.per for d..alp_tlon., licO A TI'RACTIVZ duplex, DIU' Ui;k> llhOps. J'umlalled. 124,000. Bhow1 •etllmt return. LI a..µ57. tltfc Blvd. 110,600 each. Garage, early poMHelon. -A real Jood buy -s 12,1~. C~~!+,.!:!;.0f!~ies Phil Sullivan & Sliding Gl&BI wall to Lanai and Bay. Beauti!ul panoramic view of white a&ila anc;l blue w&tet. 4 BR's, or may be used u & 2 B. R. home, with • 1 B.R. apt. · tto COVES w1drec1 ru,,. • G T E 8yM& Thompooo, A&oocl&tN eO, • verson OUR EXCLUSIVE LISTING! 1100 YRLY. J!iiiASE, Co.ta 1'1...,,._ ------------ NEW 2 A: den, 2 bath hou•e, .1\6---Mooey Wanted garb. dlapoaal. Fe11ced )'Ard.-.~ 1-larbor 2191-J. 97c9' PRJVATE pt.rty h .. thre1 8% f!r~l T D'• for 11&.11. Wei.I - l\"'EW 4 bdrm. houee, 1 "'° bath•. cured. local property. LI S-263% Ocean Front Lot BALBOA 301 .E. &lboa Blvd,. Balboa l&M Nf'wport Bl., Coat& Mesa Phooe Har, uu or Har. 41()() Ph. LI. 8-87&1 -Evet1. Har'. •31111 2. U LI 8-2013 3 BE.ORM. Ud tamlJy room with ttrepl&ce, FA heat, Jars• dln- lnf rooqa, Hava,your own pri·l ------------·1-----------~-I vat• pier and 1llp, f 37,MIO - Good term1. OPEN HOUSE OCEAN FRONT • G. I. RESALE TWO HOUSES ON TWO LOTS, all for $20,000!. Yee, we have it! This property c&n be your home and produce income for your retirement. May be developed with 4 more unl~. dJapcllle.l, near ct.nler ot C. M. 96tfc 2:ht7T. !Ji R·2 zon1. Clo.• ln. SPECIAL -114,iOO OUR EXCLUSIVE LISTING! ··;~,AIM! 3 bdrm. house. Daya Har. •:...li691-L1 8-8270 atttr 6 pm. NEED AT ONCE »000. pay 100 • 9tt!c 11. 1no. lnrt. 67~ on 2 bedfln, elucco home, 10 yra. old, NpL Be11.ch. now in eacrow. "'·''°· Newport-Mesa Realty N rt " R lty 17H Newport Blvd .• Co.ta Meaa ewpo -meso eo u a-6608 Evu LI 1-1521 17" Newport BIYd., ca.ta Me .. ------------ Sal\ITTU.y 6 Sunday 0302 8e••honi Drive Newport Bea.ch BEST EASTS IDE, 3 bdrm._, l %. Mt.hi, dble, gar. Patio, t1r••I., Only 12:IOO dn., i 'Y• la&n. Thia b a ttal b&rg-11.ln ! fisher ·& Co. REX RECHS. Rialtor LJ 8-MOS Evu LI 8-162& REALTORS UDO ISLE HOME, J bdrtn• .. 2 baW A patio. Un!um., leue. 116 Via Wa:r.H:r11. A Tl11ntlc •-MU or your Broker. 94c8 2304 Y.'. O<:-ea.o Front, 1''ewport Harbor 61~. !Hltfc Lots for Sale Doctors' Attention For leue tn Proteuion&l &Oft• In aaru. .AD&-.i.ra:• bO\l.ff 91.ilt· able tor thrH olllce aullAa. COMPLETE(.. Y F'URN18HED. 4 bl!drma., 2 ba~. 2 ~ ca~·· prie«I at 122.~Teroa,. $6500 FULL PRICE 2 BDl\M., pr., and wk&hop on a 72 a 300 lot, will lake tra.iler u part paymwt. 2603 Newport Blvd., HARBOR Newport U29 INSURANCll I Beach BRAND NEW HO~t.E. "11th all new furniture. On oi.:l'an, Co· tona del Mar: lk•t vltw. 3 br .. 2 bath, ramlly rin., llv. room, 2 fireplact"s. 2 tar rarage. - Avail. for July, Au1u.t, SepL total $37tl0. 5i-Real Elitate Wa.ated MUST LOCATE BEFORE JULY lat Owner1 MU eubordln.ata Or wW lrade For l•t or 2nd Tnat Dttda TI18TlN LOCATION Fitzmorris Rlty. Co. M\1.1.Upl• lbUnJ Realtor BuaineM Brok•r Seven hlends Reolty & Investment Co. )()J.32n.d Bl., Nwpt. Bch., Calif. Har. 6811 attar 5 p.m. Har. 6667 4 BR. 2 FULL BATHS 111,900 Here Today AL.SO. Lido Jale, ~utlfuJ fur- nlahed home, 4 montla JW\e, J uly, Auguat &. iept. -tot.al $ UtOO. 0. H . LATHROP, 363:i 1'~. Co.at Hwy., CdM, il11rbor ~-442, ~O evea. 97c99 49-Rooms for Rent 3 bdrm. home ln good condi- tion. not Jeas thin llMI .q. tt. MUil be in Nfwport Hgt.JI, Clltf Haven area, prlcl'd un· dtr $20,000. Ll 8-784.4. 911cl Red Hill, Lemon Height.a Dt.t. Leve.I lot. 90, 100. 110 ft. wlde. Maximum coiwtrucUon Joana obtainable. Call for lnfonn.Uon Lloyd Barnell Harbor 3907, Evmlnc• Har. 4118 ~'ANT from owner 2 unllll, ~ with 2 b1'1. Balboa llland. Stat• lowt'et acceptabl1 t aah price. Write Ji,{. PEARSON-rxcELLENT 'BUY 0>2' Cnnohaw BO•d., P. O. C _ ltOOlot for inan, prtvet• •n· Boa Ul~l. Loa .Anl'elu, Callt. $11 500 '1n~_nc1. Near oct11n. canal-• 9t1tfc 1 Coa.'!ll Hi&h"A'•Y· Har. M78-Wl------------IEABT lltb ST,. COSTA lCESA. ----------'~"'-"-1 60-::.::.._;:la~co~~m::;;•_Prv:.;.~pe<::rty:.:< ___ 13 br .• G.I. loan. Peymenta $82.M -mo., Incl, •~ IDtereat and im- M-Stor-M &I: Offlcee INDUSTRIAL bldf. wtth 1how poundl. • :::;_;;:.:;="-''-';c..-'-"-----1 rtloln, 612 ·30th Street, Newport Beach. Leued tor 1150. month plu.1 uUUlle1. Low taxe1. Prlc• 118,000. Har, un or uee tt Ralph P. Maskey e Ground e OFFICES OR Floor STORES For Lease in - Harbor lnvestn1ent Co. Bldg. • · 30th & Newport Blvd. Har. 1600 " < .• "LIDO OFFICE SPACE Now LEASING office 1pace In , l.llt.ra-mod1rn J:.:tll'rbroek dell.!gn- ed Udo buildlng. No flner bulld- : Jnr. no t1n .. r address. REALTOR 3411 Newport Blvd. Har. 402 BUSL."iESS A: lNCOME proptrty. 19th A: Pt.acenliL By owner-BY OWNER ·• CI 8·~788 atttr 6 p.m. or wfll'-k- end1. 70Uc 4 1Jl","ITS In Newport Htlebll 60A--Conunerci&I, lndWltrial on halt acre, ~ Yt&la Cid. In· come $3840. Excdltnt loca· lion, zontd for 3 ·additional unltl. May take part trade.- D•Y• H•r. 5:1111. LI 8-8270 after 8 pm. 94Uc 1135 ll. Cout HIJhW&J Co~ d•l Mar Harbor 2Hi2 e Motel Newport Harbor Pri.IJI• hJchway localion,•23 unit• plu.1 ml'n. It hotel untU, 9 hou.tek.eqinf apt.a., lncluda. leued clta. MJI'. ope.re.UQll. hi(h Mt. $11&,000 U:rmA C&ll Georl• Moora e Harpor Inv. Co. . RZAJ./fORS 30th A Npt. Blvd. Har. 1600 Evu Har. 1Ma-J . lllcl CdM 1 4 ll Goldenrod CdM Cbarmi.Qs 2 bdrm., Ip. t lr .. place, plclureq11a My window overioo.lnl' mo• l dellJht.tul patio wtth brick BBQ. Comer lot, Sot-et -...i1b•ay. PTtMnt Loan TKA. Aakinf 118,000'. To -· WI ADA CROW with BEN J . WHTM.AN 364.2 E. Cout Hlway. CdM Harbor 1182 Har. 44163 eve•. Oceanside Income Q«.an Fronl-1 ml. &o. of P ltr. 5 completely fumllhed apte., Eac•llent cond!t;.in. :i. lo a yeare old on &O n . J1nd.Kaped lot. Atwey1 rented. Thi.I 11 a wonderl'UI lnvutment • home. Recent widow. Will take 1ml, home In Harbor area for part or Kil at $38.:IQO with low Low down of 18,000. For det.&11-ca.LI ADA CROW, with BEN J. WHin!ANltAoooc. "42 ll. Cout Hwy., CdM Har. 1182, Hu. 4453 J:ve._ "''' lN CORONA DEL MAR S R·2 k>la: for ....i. .outh oC tbl' Hlctiwa7. lN COST A MESA -On eaal 1\de. One bedrm. hon1e on 40 a 125 kit. Room for mon unit.a. 11.7~. IN NEWPORT HEIGHTS-Vitw lot MX1~4. REDUCED, WbRTII M 0 R IC , dble. gv.e. patio, 8 mo•. old. lake• ontp •1950 dn., 17~ ptr mo. on Bal. CORONA DEL MAR HOME 6 lNCOM.E. I BJ\. hon11!, Lg. Uvrm. with !!replace. Hwd. flr11. Alao l B. R. g1r. 11.pt. Both. tully furn. A real buy tor retlr.mtnt. '6000 dn, M -1 In nrwe1t .Ii be11t m1.nur 1-rea. A ~a.I buy while price• •re ri(hl, $ acre1 •t 1~00 •an acrt.. Tenn.1. Mesa-Harbor Rlty. I<. ASSOCJA TES 009 Ctnter St., C:O.ta l.ien LI 8-8911 or LI 8-7784 REAL VALUES OWNER BUILT Gone Tomorrow $1000 Down 3 Bdrm•. ealra 11.rae, colored balh riaturt1, roomy kllchen. A.JI Improvement ln a.nd pl.id tor. Stf'l"lt llg-hll, eewefll. etc, }t'ul.I price only 19860. Hurry on th\1 one. ( 4 'ii '.4 lnterHt and taxee Included ln low monthly paymenll), ATTN. GENTLEMEN }>~ARMERS Hue• Jot, 300 a 68. localed n'•r Country Club. Very neal en\all tiou&e •t rtar of lot. Room for e un I ta lt deau-ed.. Full price ...... SPECULATORS and INVESTORS C-1 lot lOOxl 13 with some Har- bor Blvd Fronl1ge. Clean 2 bdrm. houae on property. •"'UU price $7:,00, 12600 doWn.. EX.EC\JTIV'ES A TrENTION 3 Bdim•. and deri. A.JI large rooma. Coal& ).!ea'1 be•t loca· lion. Built In rang• and oven. Jnter. com ay1tem. CI091! to Newport High Sl;hOOI. EX- CELLENT TERMS. LIDO REALTY, Aaaociate1 3'00 \'1a LiJo-Harbur •44t u. B/.B Commerciol-1 ndustriol DEPARTMENT ;24,000 OR $JO,ooo DOWN -------'-"-1 1 Fitzmorris Rlty. Co . ON a new Income unlll pay1 10% plus on lnve1tment. Top Ea.ab a11le Co•ta Mua location. Ch•rmlng-UI~ bdr. home, lUI' kitchen and bath, hardwood floor,,, only rour yr•. old. Thermo controlled heaL Ooublt. ranee.. lovely yard, fenced. Thi• lw one of "lhe bf!•t buy1 • ln C011ta Meaa. Full prlC4!1 only 111,760 EZ. te.rma. Ed Jones, Realtor ' •.J'DR RE:-O'T, N.EJ\V ofnce 12 x 24. Lido Shopping area. IT~ per mo. on yr1. lea.-.. ~ay .Ii Beach ~ally, 3112 LalayeltL Har~r 11143. 84Uc . .EOR REr>.'T-2 rm. urnct, ne"A·ly ""·decor•ll'<1. p~nly of parking •r-rl!. 12 4 llro•dway, Col'ta :-.teu. 98£'1 · "IS-<A-Busloesa itftatab NICE 1'10DERN 1tore room-or cfOce •l 1888 Placentia. Inquire: a t ptpperty after 5' p. m. week dfY• or a.ny ttme Sat. • Sun. or call LJ 8-0i66 alter 6:30 or Weekend&. CiTl.t FOR LEASE .. 70' pav~ ... Lot, cloWntown bu11nr:11• dl1trtct. Corona del 1'>11r. Avall1bl0i! July lit. Ph. DAvenf)(lrt 100 % Location Bu1lneM corner in cenll'r or C09la Mua.. Full price 138,600 29r~ down. Owner wl!I carry baknce . 80 Acres In RfW plannl'd community be- ing Kt up for home1, bwunfM, achooU, churche11. etc~ 13000 acre Industrial 10 1,vel acre• on lf"A'rr. wntd ~-1 $6000 acre 65 Acres R,. ALSO. HOME AND INCOME-- Newport HLa. 14200 or .18000 down. Inttre1t on lnvutment plu• 811,. Ll 8-7432. Q~tfc FOR SAW!: BY OWNER. 4 bed· room home, 1% batn'a, land· eca~ 6 fenced. rHA lo&n.. l''reedom horn• uea. Call Liberty 8-8223 momlll&'I Gr &ftt.r o p. m. llttc CURT DOSH, Rltr. 315 Merine Ave. Balboa Island Harbor 1560 WIDE LOT on Holmwood Or. SOLID INVESTl4ENT Multlpl• LI.Ung: Realtor Bu1lne .. Broker 1( lovely apt.a. .. ;!U. I 1:11cl all'f!P· 3135 E. COii.it Hlghw1.y l91nt Harbor Blvd., Costa Melli inc room• plua d•huc• own-Corona del Mar Harbor 21 ~2 ARE YOU HANDY Liberty 8-3333 er"• unit with ... parate office. Laree one bdr. home on lllpprox. ------------ Jdeal for couple lo operate. ------------1 1,. acr1 86x.300. Thia howie 11 tine tumi.tUnJe, be1t location.. VIEW VIEW VIEW on tha rear of the lot. and Scheduled rroe• 118,000. -r.nn. can bl Wied •• a food rt.ntal, A tncorn• dcfle• compar11i>n. .. there 11 ptenly oil roon1 in Part trade conllidered, Ca.II NEWPORT HEIGHTS tront to build a nice tamHy alter 4 :30 Har. 6344 Hc18 S bdnn., 2 bath, lovely pane.led homt. SM thia for only llvinr room with unu1t1&1 tire-$6960, tenn._ CIRCLE THIS '12.6(M).--lowf down peym1nt 6 rN4 what thla attracUv• hGrn• on be•uUl'ul lio acre h•• to place. Beet con1trucuon. Do- not ml... Ulla one. ONLY l 21,7!Kl with temu. W• have lh• key. "ART" ADAIR, Rltr. otttr -All fenced. 8paclOU9 A: lmma.culat• 2 B. R. plw 18M r\ewport Blvd, CO.la Mesa B. A. NERESON REALTOR 1982 Newport Blvd., Coal• Mesa Liberty 8·1872 Eve11 Ll 8-tl20 Liberty 8-!~13 Ll~rty 8-37Z'i Ll 8-3792 famlly dining: Ill' den. L&rce ------------'BALBO~ ISLAND kitchen. Thermo controlled htat. Hwd. nr•. A 1ove1y cov-Luxury Home · 1 CHARM AN PERSONALITY tred paUo wllh BBQ. All are 1ncorponllcd rn thl1 3 located ln th!• taat srowtnc i800 SQ. F"J.'. under root, with i;.;1rm. 3 lath hun1e. Wood pan- OPEN HOUSE Sat., 1·5 p. m. 1430 Dolphin Terrace BEAUTIFUL CONTEMPORARY Driftwood rock tlrtplact., l B.R .. l'\. Mthl, Ft1.(ldalre 111•an range, \V \V carpeta. drape•, TV den. aulom•lic waaht.r. Oletlnctivtly Contfmporary! ExclUn(IY Olfferenl! Price f27.600-'6000 ..iown. e Announcing!! • . 1 'The Pacific11 MODEL HOW: • • OPEN • • Saturday -Sunday lto:Sp.m. LoctJ.ed on Horbor lslond Rood • a bedToom1 • 3 ti.th• • Shalle root • Rai.e<J !l•c•ton• r!repl•c• • Lanai d lnlnJ area • Lot a1u 90 x 11t1 • Beautiful p.nellnr • Larr• sunny patio • 2 For~ed air f\lmacu, prbe.g• dl•po.t•l, WaatlnChoUM &ah· waaht.r • Sepu•le eerYtce room • Ftne cablnet lNrt.allaUone • S ulit In f'lf!l'-tric 1to•• and cv1n • Dell1htfully decorated • £.apenalvtlY landac:aped • Rutrlcted area Develo~ By Clarence L. Cooper, Inc. B,ullt By JoM B. Clatk, QualltJ BuUd•r For pttvlew 1howln1 to quaUfied cllanll Call Jobn Abell HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. REALTORS Hubor llOO Evenlrlc• phone LI 1-asse BAYSHORES OPEN HOUSE Fr1-8at-Sun·MQll 2~10 Cre1tvtew Dr. 2 B. R .• PLUS lee. rm. over car. ~ pa.Uoe. ltn. plne interior. EZ ltrm._ Rea.onabl• pricL 2 8. R., lanai, Patio, compteuly curnlabld ....................... 111,000 11-6019. 11sr1 [n center of neat &!"ta to be <II'· veloped. All~ng 16000 per acre. Bay & Be.och Reolty Inc REALTORS Rt•tr1ctl'd lo •Ingle dwl'-lltnc•- \Vnt front, paved. alley. Good ramlly ne!,l'hborhood. Lol pr1c~ to eell. •tea. Back Bay. Ownere moved 7 acru of oranll(ee ln Tuatin ellng, delLJhtf\11 pepe.-. aod 1way. -Zoned for a. pony or a are11.. Swimming pool. BBQ 1rac1oue. Priced right and Har. 17711 Eve1, Edith Maroon. HYalt ..S222 BHORECLIY8, 2 B. R., den Eva John M~nab Ha.rbor 0369 view ........... ·-·-··----: ..... ,d,600 -M-Monez to 1.f-n chick. Jmmacula.le thru ·out. howe, maid'• quarteni. txtraa excl rlnt.nclng. Fine f&rpf!t. • smart llvln&' calo"' ror eaqul1lte llvinl'! LOANS for Homes 1875 Harbor Boult.vl'.rd Co1te. Mella. CaUf'.Om* • fl. F. ~tlee ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES room drapu. ALL GO I t 176,000 for quick sale. TillS WlLL NOT LAST, 3 bdrm. JZALTORS, Kl Ci·3112 i&l. home near bay, juat reduced DAN A. JACOBSEN, Reill Eat.ale to 123,500 With 17,MIO down. 18.'>7 Newport Blvd .. COit.a Mu& 5~ -20 yr, LoalU R. W. Qooaff.n Ll 8-183~ Evta. LJ 8-1400 Construction Loans '.'.0"".:'-'·:.·.::·~··:••_.•:••:::•::• _::u::_: .. .:_".:.": 1 ----:T;:R;;-:A:-;D;:;E~-- Har. 64191 Ll 8-6317 lNter-crur.m.. •Y•lem • an.....-ir Kl 2-1117 l·IYalt •-6198 tronl door, 11aten to yoonr· i------------ sEE BOB SATTLER FOR LEASE 231Ci EAST COAST BL\'D. C-2 Zoning Lot Q>ron& de.I ).lar H•rbor 3881 RJER Ji,(nRTGAGE CO 60 by 200 fi. Phl.I. dr1vtway, be-l\.(lp. POI · ...,.. ' t...,·een Harbdr Blvd. 6 Charle fl(elro Lita In11. Fundll Kl 3-~18.) •Stfc St. LJ 8-36i2, 9lc.S HOME LOANS Conatnlctlon -Reflnan~u 6.-;. -5•,..,,. • e ~ in.. J'Un<ia ..... Bk.le. A Loan - • Prlvate )tC>nl')' August Income Every Month Trust Deed• Bought & Sold Call · Fiil' t"fte CQllU1lltn1tnt DON I. HUDDLESTON Owntt rtUrtnr. will lr•de man· fl.K er. optrete<I cJyr Income 6, BDRM .. 2 belh home ln top condition Balboa Bayahore1, lg open be:•m Uvlnc room, tirepl~ lge. l'nodtm kitchen, dlnlnl' rn1., dble. c•r•g:e, !arc• encl. patio, ft.need. AcceN to prlv•tl' beach. Value 121.~ -Firm (clearJ \\'Ill ff\I or trade up for Bay Front hom• or p<Nllibl)" Income. Cont.act owntr. Uberty 8-8203. 97cH R-4 LOT ii :11 ~ ft. CIOM in C.Wt • fleBa. fOt" 8 un~ll 1 blk. off Harbor Blvd. ne&r Bernard. $661kl. Ov.·n•r H&tbor 0141-J. ..... LI 8·:131J Culita lot .... fH'Oper(y -Weal tnd-'of Loi ;,.. }i2 E. 17th SL Ant"l'le1 wlt.h o~r 110.000 per -•:..--.:...--------1year1nC<1me and low l'-:itptn•e.1------------1 1ter1 ln nuretry. Ma1ter bdrm' h... tiled ti.lb, 2 other iarae bdrm•. With tile balh, Llv- l•J room expanalve with 11Ld- ln1 alua doore to paUo. Al· cove laundry recllltle• off thf kitchen. Ju1t completed. Movt. l.n.. Arrans-• down payment. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 18.'>7 Newport Bl•d .. Coata Men LJ 8-1'32 l:w1. Ll 1-1400 3 Bdrm1., 2 Paths Corono del Mor f.1 1 Narcluu1 This is Nice TWO larg:e bedr(Jl1. e11ch with Ila own Mthroom. Llvinr rm. Th• kitchen and dlnlnc room a re eepa ... ted by !aland-bar link. C.n ... l a to 10 people. Hwd. floor1 thru-ouL FA hellt. All e!Klrl11 houM ln- C'hl<l• range •nd r..frtg. Shakl' root, pr•&e. work 1hop e"nd den. Full price only 118.500 Own...-. H1r. 6608-\V. pp8 INVESTORS. Corona del Mar e delight~! uni~ -alr1101t ntw ln u cl. location -11\ rPnted. Good financlnll( -162.600 \MUIUple Uatinc No. 7000) NELDA GIBSON REALTOR 306 Marine Ave Balboa laland. Phone liar. MJ2 27 BACK BAY rollln1 hill.I home 1fll't!I Tt.nlall\'e m•p ot chulce 9 piu. acr.-. \Viii eell or enler1Au1 propneltln11 lo cu- oper•tl In devt'lopmcnl. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1~7 Nf!'llt·port Blvtl . COltt• MeP Ll 8-Ul32 Ii':''"'· l~I 8·1400 Earl w. Stanley REALTOR 226 M•rlne Ave .. Balboa llland ,., 2128 E. Oceon Front ~ STORY HOUSE on Balboa Penlnlula. t br., 3 ha.th. patio, 2 car gar .. pine panellns down· CORON A HJGHLANDI J 6 den, 2 11replac11, all view '45.000 LlDO 3 br'., u-opic&l patio $41,IOO BUT BACK BAY HOM&S, LOTS. ACR.EAOS Beach CHEAPJS J b. r. _ . .lltlOO Claire Van Hom RllA.LTOI\ t731 \V. Ooall Hw7, LI I-UTT 11.J11r1. attractively furn, thru· ------------ ouL Price 547.0-00. open For lna~n 11 lo t SAT.• SUN. LOUIS W . BRIGGS REALTOR 714 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 80 EXECUTIVE HOME S BDRM-8., ball a, ]Iv, room ~ peted \VW, t.XCI. bu)' at 19000 wllh 12200 <lo'Wn, Mt a mot with payment. lncludlnc prta- ciple, lnterwtt. taxH a.nd lll• Nrance and bW 0( aaJ. (pa.ldJ on carpallnf. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES Ja:IT,.N.wp?rl Blvd., Coeta )( ... U l·lliJ Evea. LI 1-1'® d & T-D :LOANS Am.Jnte.reicea-tft am•u Ba:ytronl ---~2~n ,I st · • hom• 0, ~""'"" tn ~"' aerv1nr aU Ora"-J'.• County Ave. ar'a preftrred, or · Mult. Unit Lots EAST 81DIC. Ca-ta MM&.. AU uut. CORONA DEL MAR-VI .... I~ cation -ltvel lot -lmmedl•l• occup&ni::y. 13700 down (or take new cu or cle111.r lot .. down pa,yment) 6 1125 per mo. cau Har: •m rnorntnp. 991'1 3 BR .. clrpt., 11 0,MIO, 12600 dn. t BR., 2 ba. 113,Mtl. 12~ dn. 3 BR,, 2 b&. 120.000, 18000 dn. 2 BR .• •un, nn. $19,000, 16000 dn. INCQME BARGAI~ $6000 ~YI My J:Qult)'. S-2 bdu.. PJRST TIME OYFERED. one of unit. nl'&r 11Choo1'1. •ll rtnlf'd. c .O.M.'a finut dupll"Xl'I. Two Lovely 3 bed.rm. A <len. 2 b&tb. a psUoe.. with wiat ocean view on a-1...ie • MY-',._.""'-~· HIJtllande. By owner. $4!),000 J:xcel. term•. Har. 1983 llttfc 2538 FAIRWAY DRIVE, COIT.\. MESA, 2 bdrm. boUlll. Le._ lot,. dril. ru .. n"' dlatr1ct near ptt COUl'M. Lari:• llvtq' rm.. J.al'l'9 kltchaa 6 dlMtte comb. .AtU. inaulallon, hdwd. Dora. ,...,. yllrd ftriC'f!d . t.rie down. F« •ppt. write 600-:tlel Ill' call Kar. 2971, I Ntf I T Deed O\\'NER Webeter 4·6911 or We Buy n.1.1t 8 writf 21t07 s . coclt1'11 Av,., ui. & Make Collateral LOalll Anl'fllee 11. '""' Royal MOrtgoge Co. 1802 t'Nl'Wl'C'rt Blvd , Nprt. lkh Horbor 1549 24 hr. pnon• fl'n"1Ce , 98Vc Brolll'rl tollc.lted MODERN IOf lloUH. f80rt loca- tion on Sacrllmenlo Rtvtr. The "old Umera" favorite 11pol.- TTadt tor bMC'h or lncnme property. LI S:-2231. 9tp2 I • In 1nd rtady to ro. 1267. per mo. aat. di1p.-{JU11-Mrm11 .• flrPpiece. patio In each. DAN A. JACOBSEN. Rtal Dl&U ee-r. U: ~ ~ptl! Wool ~·r~. '1r•~· prbl.g• ~lar, Mtl LI 1-1317, Kt 2-S187 HTalt 6"6tM J BR.. Mp. apt... 124 .000, '6()00dn. CLIFV HAVEN 2 BR.. "Home BH.utlf\JI" 137 .600 2 BR.. It. den ~ vlt'WI J,39,000 S21.&00. I bedrma .. :i bath, drap--8uM<:rlbe to the Leader, A<I· ' L. HAMMOND ti. w w carpet. \'.ery ~ll'IUl, 2 \'f!r\IN In th• BEST, OaU Hu-136 It. 17th BL. C.M LI 8-5633 yra. old. lrnmediatl' OCCUplUlf)' bor 1811. · Pc2 :112 1'inp PJ. .. LI 1-7807. Ht.le • d!•poql • elLdlnl' sLa. door to 1ar1• pel lo. OPEN JIOU!!E "AT. • SCN 801 Polnlltlt la. Corona dPI M.111.r or call for appL }l•r. 2882-J '"" • ":.) CANAL FRONT ROM:!:. 2 D.R., 114 \la. Iii IN· COM.It unlt up. with view. Both on\7 126.000 tenna. HARBOR J~ST)(ICNT (.'Q, l'l"W'port Blvd. at SOth Harbor llOO V7cW l .... ~ a wm1r.we .. ' ·OUTSTANDING SELECTIONS! _CORO!(A .DEL MAR'. Luxw1ou ~· n<l'y way -Ylew 'llf-'tho -Uld hillL 2200 Square feet of ·spectacular modem archlt»c~ -Eliduaive llot.lng. • • Shown by appolntmeot only ~000 • . .--- BALBOA ISLAND One ot the l•land'• fJne,t. situated extra wide ~t, very ..... to So. Bay. on an ~ lletlnu., • b&tba, eepuat<t dlnlng room, delichtful paUo, dbl. gar. plua off atreet parking. A Vl)ue at su.~ · • • • BAYSHORES • Architecta Own Home Subetanti&Uy reduced Beautiful redwood, modem, ideal to~ the large family. 4 bedroorna plus -and 3 baths. Abundant cloeet and 1tol"age •pace. Tropical Patio, aepara~ pl~a.rd and large 2 car gar. $29,500_,..v«eneroUJ te.pns. Wlrf. W. , STANLEY SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD ·Park Ave. at Marine, Balboa llland Harbor 2162 / Rarely found f ~r Sale Outstand ing View Home A very 1peclal home on l&fl'i b41auutuUy landiteaptd com flr ovulooJtlnl' I.he harbor and ocean. The v\tw at 1nlrht l11 a. myrtad ot 1llttertnl' jewel.I. ' lu1• bedroom•. each with bath. Den w1th custom built fireplace. Ftn• waU·to-wan carpeting-. • Mada lo order kltch•P.-breaktut room. Hage na11tone ~tio. Owner b\4llt horna Nevet bd'ore tor .a.le.. Unexpecled family pi&n chana-u m,)!;e It tt1rr1f1c bar&:a.ln at Jllt,600 for quick u Je. Excellent tetm1, / · KI LLION . real estate ;JMl Newport Blv~· Harbor 5505 · Coste Mesa the best town on earth ... Two bedroom home, patio, garage PLUS a du. plex all 9n a very weU located '/2 acre lot, pl enty of trtt11 -room to build on front of lol. A good view. Price $16,500 with terms. 4 Br. 2 ba.tn., fireplace, 2 car garage, fenced yard, sprinkling eyatem, corner lot with beauti- ful landscaping. $15,000 with $2500 down. NEWPORT HEIGHTS: 2 Br. & large den, Hwd. floon, fireplace, EXTRA large garage & work shop. Needa aome •painting & fixing, BUT a real. buy at $,lS,500 M-1 Industrial lot 70 r--145. ---·-····-···-·-·-··-···--··$6500 BAY .&. OCEAN VIEW LOT 70x140 (not lease- hold) One of the few remaining Iota of it.a kind. A barpin at $12,500 G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd., Coot& Mesa LI 8·7729 TAKE YOUR PICK SHORECLIFFS' BEST 1. 3 brm. & dell, 3 bath on the ocean front. For those who want tbe finest -$67.500 2. 3 brm., guest room, 3 ba'th, family room bit. Ina. galott, &nd heated pool-TOPS at $49,500 . COM SPECIALS 1-Corner 3 brm.~1'lewly redeconted. Only $15,500 Name your terma. 2. Duplex -J A beauty. 2 homes for the price ·of one -sha.ke roof, 2 patiOI, 2. "brm. ea. THE BEST. OO~CIAL Corner l9taurant bldg. ·ieued 65 x 104. Jot" $10,000 dn .• saoo per mo.' Leta talk thla over. LOO'S -2 level R2 together $MOO ea. ~~ doWn. R. L.. STRICKLER, Realtor • R.B.HODGE,AINIOt:iat& 3622 E. ~ H.,y., Corona del Mar. Har. 2774 JUST LISTED CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEX ExceU ent Loca tion on .Corner Lo r Bt.a.uutul covered lanai $18,000 for quick aale EXCLUSIVE with BEN J. WHITMAN & As sociate s "Bualne. ia Good" 3M2 E. Cout Hwy. ~ Corona dcl '-fllr Harbor 1862 VScl a •eo1- 'C' TB<nµs • 'C mox.u '* Bayshores '* --~- . 3-MOYS Df • l'OR 80'MllCER. I bctn!». plua lie. rump1.P ~mm., 2~ Nth.I, 11tU pri- vat. beach. '38,71iQ. f-CAPI!: COD CH>JU(. Leta ot room! 6 bdma,. I bat.ti« bre&kfut bar Jllul 4IA. 1111., encl i-Uo. fp,~. Back Bay CHOICE AREA -Beauutuu1 pecorated, Ea.rly American, )gl!. llv. room, natural kllch.n with bullt·ln ra~ It oven, a lxtrma., J tile be.thl, room tor pool -DON'T MISS THIS ONE -Jle,600. Lido Values !-LIDO NORD cor. loo&Uon. 00.!t. lot. llx2• Uv. room, a bdrm-. au,aoo. %-ANOTHER GOOD 0 N E ! Lovely 3 bdrm. on •o-n .. Jot. very att.ra.cUva, pric. Incl. llOV•, refrl&'tta!Dr 6 11rapu. fil,600, t•rm.. ''C" THOMAS REALTO!t and ASSOCIATES 224 W. Cout H1way U S-:1:127 Newport Beach ·c• THOMAS 'C' THOMAS OPEN HOUSE Fri., S.t., Sun. tftern~na 028 Redlanda NEwPORT HXIGHTS. J:XCLU· SJVlt, only $2000 down. 3 bdrm. home, hwd. Ooor1, f'INI· place. Allowance made for re- dfCOr&Ull&'. A real bU1Mn at $13,600. GI loan. Payment.. leu than rent. Top ncl1hbor- hood. 0 )'t&rl oJd. • ' . ---. a., .. ,.,, .. " ... , , 0-,W•I ~ . NEWPORT +-t=~.N~20~s19si:.ART I I.PAGE 1 lnco~l'fop••n~1•~•==1!~-~!;;~~~======~~~~~~~~ ., , Seling Real Esfate ' ~ Is Not A Siderine With Us! ' ' It lllJl't tho ...,. tult·oome people mlsht Wu. ~ lo/requ!Ntl u -la lo bo , --roa to both buyer ant1 ..uer. -. Llat )'OUJ' ~roperty todAy with ... of lhll 800 I . . • llemllero of the IWLTIPLE LLSTING SERVICII: Newport Harbor BOard of .Rea~ors -- ' t-01 N. N,ewport Blvd., Newport 8-h NEWPORT HEIGHTS ' Bedroomo Open Seturday & · Sundey '33 Holly Lane Full Pri ce $15,950 Don't miN thia near new home. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2802 Newport Blvd. Newport Beacll Har, i 718 CORONA DEL MAR . . Juat Hated a 42 x 118 R-2 level lot, IOUth of hwy. beait location, priced to tell &t $101~ DUPLEX Oce&n view from ownen apt. with added bath 6 room. below, front bouae now leued, an excel- lellt inveatmen~ tor a aemi-retired collple. FIXER • UPPER Small home with Iota of pouibllitlfll, aome ocean view. Here'• a plaee you can roll up your 1leeve11 and e&nl while you toil. • Only $18,600 terma RAY REAL TY COMPANY 3H~ E. Cout Hwy. Corona del Mar Har. 2288 (acro .. 'from Bank In C. D. M.) MEMBER OF MULTIPLE USTING SERVICE PRICJ:D RIGHT! a --a ··r---'"::: ~=NT ~U..::::. ...... CORONA DEL MAR VOGEL VALUES UNI lfMICSOUI ~-&ut • ,_..,.,. lo<aUOn. on11 o ,..._ .. • A GOOD BUY WITH TOP FINANCING OW. Lueti t ba4r001U ""' " 3 bedroom b0ute on a 40' lot "'',.. two blka. from la II,,_ and I ........ Mwft. -' • .._ !'-.._ -a c... U\tle Oo<ona Beech. ID>pottant f•turea In· -...,...i. -. .,., elude: i.. ldtch., with lotc of tile It br&Ufallt ~ :::.:. ~,!:!'.. .-, OOl'{lce pch.. 116 batba, HW. lloora, tlnpla., • 1 patJo, oellt. blk. wall. tun tw!K&I' pr. with euy ~ "=~~Vllft AT POPU· a-ecee1 (ram ilteel. Tot.I.I pFlee la-only 523.MK> - Two ~ home wtt.11 a one A & balance ot $1~.800 on a FHA 411'" loan. , ' bMTobm •:pertmnt O'Hr a J l4ak.e' aa app't '° tee thta home. car P"I•• 8&7 or Oceu • _ ' lol:a.Uon. BoUl rented now. R--3 LOl' DOM to towA. too. •1a.ooo. One ot the large.t R-3 lot.a Jett in Coro~ del t•rmL Mar tor •ale_ The building uea ot aprx. 80'~' Two bedroom home iwlth new Cut be" increaaed to apn. ~· J: 125'. with an.. 9'Nt cute Mchelor In nar. f\J,... r nlahed. Two at•Jle Pr&e•• provll ot the City Council it ca.n be developed an4 patio ana.. L&ra'• tot • • . into an excellent Motel Site. Don't overlook '3 • 100 rt. 117,600, te~. • the many pouibilltiee. Priced at only Jl.9,DOO Two Mdrooal bouM ln_ tranl. • dupla ln rear, 1 be<lroom CHINA COVE AREA .fKIL Good ttntal Jn'OPl"rtY U you like the "China Cove Area," pleue uk U1 and ha~ to tlnd near thl• about the house to be built riJht at the edp ot prlt:• ot Jl&,300, term#. the beach. It will have 3 bedroom. A 2 bathe Bal~ duplex wl~ s be<lroomi and is caretully JW.nned to make the moet of down &nd 2 bedro0m1 up . . . th I d h be f nicely rumilhed , •• •ltuat"d e ot an t e auti u1 bay view. We ba"' on two dandy loll and only half the plans and complete lnfonnation •t our ~k to be«. bey .w-tmmtni office. Ot coune, you can eelect your own colora ?Mach. ~a.n't be bql for • 12o.ooo and ~ down. 10 tile, paint and wall paper -above all, AJmoet toriot a dandy value on Anade •u.et. and only • doora it ia priced right. THE VOGEL CO. " . from bey at •18.600 and fur- nlahed too. flu, ' bedroom• and l "-b&Uui • • • swotll tor larf• family. '6000 do-...-n and 2667 E. Cat. Hwy., Corona del M.ar HA : 174'1 HA:0757 you ..,.. ln.. V Only "once ln a blue moon" will JOU Um.d a f\u·nl•Md two bed- room home ju.t two door• 1. trom th.-b&y ln Balboa w ith a 2 car san.a• and patio at US.000..llkt °™' one. Wonder· Nl far hom• or rentala. Ternu lt )'OU wiab. Balboa Realty Co. 2. Opposlt• Bank or America Rou GrH!ey Ed Lee J.-phlne Webb 100 I:. Balboa. Blvd .• Balboa Phona Harbor S27T Bl B LIOO ISLE Best Buys Corona del Mar SfIORECLIFFS, Modern 3 bedrm home plus small den or office, 2 full ba.Uu: -carpeted wall to waU , custom drape1, fireplace. bullt·ln. etove and oven, encloeed patio, n1cefy l&nd9caped. Owner leaving area. Priced to tell at $34,500. SHORECLIFFS. Ocean view home tor the dif.. criminaling buyer who wants and can afford the finest, this is IT! Large 2 bedrm. &t den, quality built, 2 fireplacea, dream kitchen. Beautiful home i11J1ide a.nd out, au modem feature• to ma.Jee it comple~ ta every detail. Shown py ap- pointment. Priced to sell EXCLUSIVE WITH us. MEMBER· OF J.IUL TIPLE LISTINGS. • $24,~ la th• rlrht price f0r lhi1 I bed- room., 2 bath hom•. Brick Clre- plaoe, lanal. Can be Hen any- Ume. CORONA DEL MAR REAL TY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTION,. Re&ltor 3«.7 E. Coast Hwy_ Corona del M.ar Har. 47 . --(Office located next door t o Newport Harbor B&Jlk, COM) -----------------------I A nan for .t0m•thlnr dLfterent ------------can b4I h-.d In lhla potential 4 ---------~ Honeymoon Cottage ~ OPEN HOUSE F ri., Bat.. Sun. atlenioona lllJ Ma.rcuerite, Cortina del M&r $12.9~ buy• lhft attractlvt l bdrm. colt•r• on nice R -2 lot. Room ror •ddJUonal In- come •pL be 1ure to lnve1U- • r ate thl&. Owner want• ac- llon. tltulllple U..linc No. Tl23 ). Harbo r 2042 Frank James & Linwood Vick VOGEL ,VALUES -BALBOA ISLAND DISTINcnyELY DJJ'rERJi:NT Here l• the buy of the 2 bdrm. hoUR:L Perfectly ·located cloee to Marine Ave. Ideally arran1ed for bldg. 2nd garage unit. to your OWi) iRcome requirementa. Funl-iahed price $19,850 EXCEPTIONAL LARGER HOME 2 atory 3 bdrm. home with tree• & lawn. Out- standing extra lot roomineu. Price untumiahed $37,600 ' THE VOGEL CO., Realtors 208 Marine Ave. Harbor f«. or 1015 ... .... m ...... ho~. Com· BALBOA ISLAt-Jn . 'plel•IY f\lml1hed for JZI,~. I ~ can·i iut.. · A beautif\d, lnlerf'•llnr . ll'Tt(U- lar lot. C&n DI had for $21 ~ Can't be duplleated on Lido .. N&WPORT ISLE WA.TERFRONT 2 Unit-private pier 6; flo.L 3 bdrm1., 2 belhl, a.IM> l bdnn,.,_1 b&lh, 2 car r ar-•I•· Fumi#hed. A.lklr.( '32.~ • _, • Bay & Beach Realty Inc REALTORS 1112 L&!ayettt!, Npt, Har. B843 CUNNING 2 BR. house, price includes stove, ref rig. carpet.a & drapes. 1,-2 blk. to beach. $5000 dn. $19,000 2 BR., room to buiJd on lot ·----··-·-·-· .. ··-----:--------$17,950 2 BR., attractive. Near No. Bay -----·------S22,500 3 BR., Near So. Bay -·-·---·-----··----·---·---··----'22.500 SO. BAY Front, 5 BR., 4 ba., FurnWted ·--·-·$100,000 LITTLE ISLAND. A rustic and uaable 3 BR. 3 bath, in a select district. -----------·-----------~..$36,500 Twt> Tropical units -·-----··-----------------$34.~ BAY FRONT, LIOO ISLE. Home It income. ~BR. REALTORS Eve• H•r. 2999 312 Marin• Ave .• Balboa Ialand ----------------------IJwit to the right of Udo Br1dre (Next door to poatoffice) apt available for owner. Other unlta on leue BALBOA ISLAND B/B $7500 down -Unusu&Jly attr. & charm. 3 Ii. R., 2 . bath, furnilhed home, nr. North Bay. Thia you will want. A REAL ('/(PORTUNITY. FINE, HOMES! LOT-full alzi su.600 ONE o r THE LAST! Have you looked for a choice hom• l'l'ltl'I .i. REALISTIC LI'I'l'LE ISLAND: Attr. 3 B. R. hem~ $25,000 But Hurry! priu ? lt yuu are d.tsc~ Me ua lmme<llately! \Y• hav• a Iara:• aela<:Uon of tine home• al pric•1 you could not dup- Ucale I~ you wera to conat.rUcl them your 1elf! Example: Jt Year Ol d BALBOA PENINSULA Cb•rm. 3 a,. R., 2 bath home. Nr. Bay bathing beach. Lovely paUo and nlt:dy landacaped grout1tho. $28,000 Term•. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand. Pb. Har. 1671 or 1672 Dtn111r tCK1m -Ocean vltw - llar<l'M:»Od tloor1. :i bedrooro.11 -i b&lh1 -tore~ air heal. Ocean .,,_ 1iu.. patu>-lar111 dbl. r•r•ge. Tiie kitchen - NOT lenehold! -1600 .q. ft. Quallly con1tructlon -utmo•t prlYll)y. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Full Pr1c11 12G,OOO 111.qoo loan 61,;'.-int. -llW per mo. llt.000 ckJWn -tu:u only 1293 We have th• key. Drlv1 Into our parklnr lot and lit our courttou11 1l&lt llhow lht• •nd olhe.r Hlected prt1peru,1. .Ba y & Bea ch Rlty., Inc . t REALTOJU! 1898 NeW"pOrt Boulvfvard eo.ta MN&, Ca.tifornla LI 8·11111 E""•U 8--3010 KARBOR BLVD. corner tM ft.. \ all C-2 sane. \\'lll~f~ leq Ulan l'Ome ln1ld p ell are q\lOlt<l. ~ tt ORANGE 9 0AST PROP ERTIE S t~T Nf'WJ)Ort Bl'f'O •• Coa:ta Me.a LI '·1832 li:vu. W 8-1400 NEWPORT HEmHT8 by owner. 3 bdrm, 1\1. ba!ha, dbl. gar- aJ•. ff'ftC'IG yard. la.rullca ped L.I 1-1409. 98ct ' --- 104 VIA ITHACA , LIDO ISLE " For your convenience, we •re boldinc thl- ouut.anding home on 45 ft. Jot Open Saturday ~ Sunday I to 5 p.m. Do come aee thie i bed.rm., 1% bath, with 30 ft_ living room. BuUt·iD kitchen, lovely Wall to wall carpeu, draperiel, diabwuber, prb. dilp., weather atripplnf, Indirect ll&'b~ large patio, etc. Only 1 yt_ old, but better th&n NEW with improvementa m.de by owner. $e,000 I: a buy. MYRTLE DA VY, Reeltor , New Lido Plaaa SW.., 3432 Via OROrto !Oppooite Lido Shopa Parklnf Aru) Har, 5448 -ll:veninp LI 11-5297 FOR SALE AND LEASE BACK CLASs A at.ore and office bu.Ud.lnc 1ocated on JnOlt important comer 1n pl.iaden.a. Price $700,000. Will pay 8\1> net net plua pucentqe. Will dep<>1lt $300,000 u h~•• tecUrity. Larse depreciation factor. - CALL OWNER, T. D. ll<>l"ra, Ry'!" 18167 or Harbor 3828 * SEE THIS * OCEAN FRONT! ONE Ci' THE NICE!ir It BEST etucco duplexu and the belt loce.Uon on the ocean front. Sil tn your MIY chair a.nd en- joy watching-the llnowbtrd " yacht r.cd and IJwftn In So. Callfornla'1 fineet beach. Only • 71WMJ down. · Inc. approx. $7200 groN. Owner will accept 2 BR. aa part down ·-·-·~·-·-··-----------------------·---$90.000 f' CORONA DEL MAR. Leaoebold. 2 BR., den 1% Ba. Stove and draperiea included. Low down .to qualified buyer. -·----·----------------.... -----. ..$24..NVI ' . """ We have buye~ for cood U.tinp. Free estimate., uceUeDt eervic.e. Har. 1775 -Eves Edith Maroon HYatt '-6222 '' John Macnab ~r 5359 ' ' Lou Boynton ·Harbor 2878 Shafer Realty . EARL W .. STANLEY, Realtor Har. 140 toe McF•ddeii Pl, • 225 Marine Ave., Balboa lal&nd At lhe Newport Pt•r 11..-P------------'----------- Evu. Hu. "38-W. Har. 2628-M CLIFF HAVEN OPEN HOUSE SUN. 1·5 MDllt dulrable •r"N in the Helfhla. BparkllDJ cle.JI. TIUI won't laat. - Back Bay Beauty Jll,000 f\JU prie@. •2000 down. a bdrm ., attaCbed pr&p. Nice noor plan. "ARr' ADAIR, Rltr. \HI Newport Blvd,. CO.ta Me• LI 1-3712 16-rr. "f'lew IOt on Mea D rive. Home PLUS ~ lnccime Well deaigped 2 bedrm.. and den home, with 1% batha, with It. own private p&Uo, PLUS 2 other unit• of 2 bednns_ each, each" with µi.eir own : private paqo and each rented at $210 Per montb un!urniabed. Income more thaa enou&h to~ monthly (Nlyment., tu:ea, etc. Surely a WON .. DERFUL investme._nt in the totun. Built-in. appllancea and carpete tnduded. · Full price, $89,600 GENE VREEl.ANp VIIV'..lNIA IUNION BILL KEMPTON I JOSEPH H. GROIDliN Lido Realty Associates ovarlooktnr wale '"th adurd 3400 Via 1.Jdo -Harbor 6444 hJII 6 mt. vs.w.. Ael'Ofll froml-------.,-----------------et~ Ptktld wllh f- low ..... • .., .. ~ 1• • ,.... 'flEWrtOME-wtth SWIMMING-Peei;---i ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1167 N~rt Blvd., Cc»ta )lua u 1-1es2 ~ ... u a.1400 BACK BAT atta, ca.ta Me-. s bwlnn.., J car prare. t..e.rr• lol, fuU prle• lll ,000. l.<,w dl':lwn ~mtnl. OWN£J\ - l..l W M J ltl:'>Llc WILL TRADE JOR VA<:.ufr Brand new S B. R. It family n><>m, 2 bat.ba, I". A. he.at, de.luxe cu.tom coutrucUon, built-ta. kJt.- chen. See this one be.fore you maJre your next move. Submit your tr&de for $23,:IOO equity. TH E VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Gout lligbway, N•wport Beaeh Ll~l • ' I • • ' pa Im.er vi.rte or po rated . .\ -'Were--Mo~~ ·----- • _,,.., ......... .... ~ . . a ••• ..,... . .......... • p. a. - ·• . review ~~~~-1-~~--~~~~-de.Qlop ' ; Lldo.Jsl~-'--,....-~~~~~~11--~~~--yo-11'11i1'Wt"~en-ace"-.:.•~ llO'Y!ng .. • • · ~ . . . · Wk Bay' View . .. - . . . • S.rlront -Pier and Slip ·· ; BAYSHORES .. Newport Harbor'• l'.'401t Exqu!1ite Yee r Round Bayfro nt Home. (No telephone lnformatlon -Pleue call for appointment -qualified . client. oDly) • ALSO e .. BA YSMORES e e 3 Bl!:PllOOM, 2 bath ····-·········-·····-········-··-····-·$24,!iOO 2 BEDROOM, turni8hed ................ ,. ............... -....... $19.500 2 BEDllOOM, 2 bath, Carpeted and draped. Corner lot ···-············· ······-'--· --·-... $27,!iOO i BEDllOOM, 2 bath ·····-······-···············-····-·······$22.500 HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. Harbor lllOO Evea Ll 8·5386 BACK BAY AREA OPEN SUNDAY 1-6, 4119 E. 2Qlh at. Only $23,9f>O Cozy a.nd appealing ia what you'll say when you aee t.hia 3 bed.rm. 2 bath home. Large liv. room, ftreplace, •liding glas& doors to patio, bar kitchen, and tge price includes au wool carpeting, drapes. new atove, refrigerator and firepl&.ce fixtures. -A home of quality and charm .OPEN SUNDAY 1-~125 G St., Balboa Penineula Large living room with oce&n view, 3 spacious bedroom•, 2 bath.I, FA heat, WW carpeting, 1ull aiui dining room. Nice kitchen with disposal "lovely enclafled patio with BBQ ... Asking $26,500 2 Stores Plus 5 Apts. $7200 yearly income. could iocrea.ae by taking •um.mer rentals. Will consider nice home up to $17,000 in exch1U1ge. F\J.U price $55,000 JACK BRENNAN ,_ REAL TY ''AT THE ARCHES'' 3320 W. Cout Hwy. LI 8-7773 VOGEL. VALUES -LIDO ISLE 2 bdrm. It guest boUR. Including all ·Dew fumilhinp. $24~ -$7000 down. RENTALS rum. yrty upper dQI>lez avail. May 6th -$85 zno. incl utilities. No children or pets. 6 room auite for leaae -auitable1'or professional or blll5. oUic~. $175 mo. . Bayfront penthouse. Furn.. yrly. 2 bd!"Dll & mdl. qtn. $400 mo. 2 bayfront offices -5· yr. leaae. ,tHE VOGEL CO. ' LIDO OFFICE "s\le,.\'11: ... Lldo, Npt. Sch. Har. 4971 or Har. 4.972 'Ev .. LI 8-3040 -Har. 5142 • DUPLEXES rosTA MESA 4-2 Bedroom unite on the corner o! Orange ana 19th Only $311,000 " TRIPLEXES l:iOO Block, Haven Place, Clift Haven These !Ovely properties may be bad for $22.500 cub -Tlfey have 2 bedrooms in ~ach UDS-and are always jn demand. . DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2002 Newport Blvd Newport Beach Har. 4.718 • Udo lots! --~te 2 bednn. 'nJICb bomo oa \"ti ~ I Corner of UndlBa a11C1 Soud. Neat thing to a Bayftont --Ille Club with itl - -and faellitlea la"l.41j feet a~y. $18,MO., 96 I\. ~th on Ba.,..._ Look at tbla careful!y- all aul't'OWldlnc b.OlllOI .... beautiful saa.SOO or 46 ft. for $18,000 ' Comer of Centro PiaDa It Strada Ham. $15.l!OO For the1e and over 20 more beauuiw Lido .Iale Iota lilted EXCLUSIVELJ; with uo, ' oome to HEADQUARTERS! ' Lido .Homes! See this lovely homi on Via Gen'8., Udo'• 11Jideat atreet. 3 bednm., 3 balha, 40 by 20 patio, hardwd. fin., 2'Ai yar. Old and in perfect con· d.ltion. $34,:;o<J oompletely furni.lhed. Vacant ... and ready! Truly a terrific ~y. 204 Via Orvieto ia the addreu o! a new J OHN VISSQ:IER HOME that we think you w1ll like. 3 bec!Jm•. 2 balhio, papered dining are&, steak grill· in mueive fireplace, 1liding glau walla to patio. Al.lo vacant and available. $33,000 p. a. palmer incorporated olo hanion co. man•goment 3333 vi& lido, barhor 1!500 ..,.., 8e&utilllllf landocaped, ~ to IDeep anl••ll or buDd a4d1t1o11ia1 WJJtS. J'UJ1 • price ~.000, -!!oat termL Open baulo S\laclay l to 5 p • .,., 2481 'l'lllltln AYe. C-0 bY or call Daricboo Otburn for deta°' · ~. . . . Ne.wport Heights Best · \lfl Iooldnr.lt ~ from the o~e will c;otlv!nce •Y!'l' that thla II the beat valbe -9>le. 2 ..,00· .i...i bedm..., t '14 balha. Large ldteben, flar· atone tlrepla.ce, 2 C&t' garage. 1200 llq• ft.. in a 2 .. bed,room bou.ee mean.1 lot.a . of room. Call Bill Farnnorth for full cktalla. lido Isle Bayfront An older,'""bome on Udo Nord Bayfronl Four beslnna., • larre livingml. with a 'fiew, and a. pa.tio for outdoor living right on the water. Hu a pier and float. All tbia, and furniabed too, for only $5l,l500. Call Lou Bree< w aee UU.. ' The Best For You Quality coll.Slnl,l::tion st.ands out in thia beautiful Udo atreet-to---atreet home. It bu &n enof'?JIOUS 3-oar gara.ge with one huge aingle door. Radianf.- heat that will 1poil you forever for any other ~· All wood in"teribr wall8 that gli1ten from lh~ owner'• care. Completely built-in kjtche11 with two oven.a. Unu.eually hijfh oeilinp that ta.ke away that depresa¢ feeling. Please call ·Joe Kinca.isi for further interesting detail•. •• p. a. palmer incorporated ol o ha n1on co. management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty 8-6573 Bl B BILL'S BEST . BUYS BEITER S.TAY HOME TONIGl;IT- Corona del Mar $11'45 & $12'45 DOWN- Sunahlne In l!VVJ' room and • lovely 11U'dm lo relu ln, 2 bdrm. priced at Sl,.iMI lo .ell today. 3 A 4. B. R. homes with 2 bath.I, F. A. heat, double ga.raget, large Iota. Real cloee in on East· side. All improvementa in & paid. J UJt a. few of them in amall subdlvi&ion. Reaerve yoUJ'I! now. Pick your own colon. $11,4.50 & $12,4.50 hold your wit•'• hand l.n. a 1en· Ue and wvm cl.up and i..tk about th• home you intend to bf-0'· Tqu.'U be 1lad you did. • • • ON 'LIDO ISLE Panoramic Ocean View G. I. RESALE Ju1t what )"OU h&v.e bevt wait• 1n1 for -2 bdrm. and den home on an overlliud lot in alm<Mll new cond!Uon-Prlced al S29.~. -Submit term•. There can be only one buy· er 90 be IJU1' you call· for Drivo ID t.l!d&Y &114 -t ... yoanelf Ille -oat. otu4IDc fe&\W ot thla ---~· K ore and more Harbor area f1mlKM an iup.cdo,s -exqulolte --l!Otlnr tl!el.r comfo<t. -- -&114 -tri! .,., ...... . . More and more famill~ who pre!er: a home ln a ,..... ll!;rtctod quality coiµmunlcy are morin,r Into tbell' lni»e Terrace hom<a. Inspect the model homes, ' built by Macco Corp. ll'Xquisitely furnished by Mii.rtin & Von Hemert Irvine Tunoe lo located on Cout Blfhway oppoalle \be new •Irvine Cout Country Cub. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4.-448 F or Further Information * For Recommendation, we refer you to &nyoa• who bolds a Leasehold EBtate In Irvine Terrace, Beacon Bay. Bay Shores and Cliff,, Haven Bl B BEST BU.Y ON PENINSULA! 3 B. R. -11~ bath, fireplace, dining room, wall to wall carpei. enclosed pa.Lio with 8 . B. Q, $18, 750 -Terma BALBOA PENINSULA-VIEW! 3,00Q aq. ft. of top glta.de construction in thl• 3 B. R. 3 1~..-: bath home. Permanent unobltruct.ed view of Harbor Entrance. 18 x 27 liv. rm. witb flaptone fireplace -Muter B. R . of equal eize also hd fireplace. Full din. rm., 3 car garage. Lge. landscaped pJltio wallecj for privacy. Open House Daily 1-4 P.M. 111 "G" St., &Ibo& OCEAN VIEW. Unusual 3 B. R. , 3 bath home. Lota of flagstone. Built-in kitchen, nicely " landscaped. $32,500 -Tenrui. NEW HOME-NEW LISTING trom I.JI• apaclou.1 upat.alra llv· lnr room ot Ulla 2 bdrm .• l li!i bath Mme npo.tnr on an ex· tra l&r'J• lot' &eroN trom Cor· ona BIJbla.nd#. A l&rr• art.11- lkally decorated and tumiall- ed tlom• pJ ... 1n1 both .tute and purH. 12"-,000 complelely Nearly new, airy, and modern three bedroom home. Parquet · floors. fireplace, double gara.ge on paved alley. Dichondra lawn. and apri.nJd_~n front and rear. Priced to aell at' $12,500 1 $2300 down Balance $76 mo. includes principle, Int., Tu.:ea & ~ ... an appointment now. Balboa Peninaula -facing city park. 2 B. R., rumlobod "'"' l""' ...... ""· BLUE CHIP SPECIAL B "Id I t ·I By Santa Ana Country Oub. DelighUur 2 B. R. UI ers " nves ors. home wtth cozy pest room and bath o"\.er barn Garage apeutment In uceUent lrt.yle -T'll-. We would like you to see &nd feel coadlUon on back of RU lot a--a- • .. Plenty ot room fM extra the warmth of this home with it. W.W. carpet· Uni.ta In front. Top loc&Uon ing, interior charm and beautiful 1 .. nd.caping. nut lo bu9lnua soned centar .-.K • or Corona dd Mar. 11t.~ fp. $18,ilYU With tenna. "' ' Attentiori E11stetners! Built like BACK HOME -on Batbo& Penlnaula"• t I n e • t aU'f!f!' 1 owned and cared tor by a proud "c.\oWG l:Ut.mer.•· 3 bdrma .• 2 blt.UI• plua ocean· view au.ndeck. ~ bor1'ered pe.Uo ·bl1 enou1h fur badmlrt· ton. Priced to 111!.ll at J27,500. Termt. BACK BAY~-COSTA MESA Amongst fine homea in top residential area. Large 3 bd. rm., with family room. Hardwood floors and carpet, F. P., !arced air h~at. Nice corner lot, landaca.ped and fenced. Full pri~e $26,~, $6,000 down. ' W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor "you'll like our friendly service" 400 E. t 7th St., Coat. M... Llbcrty 8-1139 · Bey & Beech 'Realty Inc ------'------------- REALTORS :u30 Eut Cout H•y. Corona del Mu Harbor 6663 Mesa Lots 1)6JllJ& ctn Rocbdtar 81. Eut ot Santa An,. St., pt.¥ed. 91!Vfer• tn. 3 n1ce bUUdln1 •lree ror n nt.a1a. ne&!' new m1 rket. off11r«I beloW pre- vallln.c mark1t pric•. Chance fOT 1peculator. Sl!l!l THEM NOW, talephooe Har. 6038 for detall.1. Mesa Home HARBOR HIGHLANDS OPEN I TO 5 DAILY 19'4'4 PRISCILLA LANE 3 bedrOom.s. 2, ba., firepla.ce, lure well land· scaped yard. Priced to sell Q\iick. • • • 2 bath, den, dining room, built-in kitchen, Wall 0 R tO wall carpet. $:5,000 will handle. would you Ilk• • 10~•Y hom• BA y BEACH REAL TY INC Realtors With • 19X27 fL Uvtn1 room, I •1 2 bdrma. -.nd l•rce clull!d 14.50 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1264 tn WI.Ai thl.l can be, efljoy· Eves .. Phone Harbor 1856 ed In "111ll!"l" u well •• In auminer, 2 ~t),1, al90 a l&e. --------------------- pa.Uo. 52-ft. ~t-S3l.~...:... Term•. • • • OR ju•l • real nice llnble hOfJM' w!UJ real fireplace, 2 bdun.1 . and be.th and alAo u'tra bed· room and '•• bit.th attached to doubl• prace. Newly J*lnted. Very cloae to beach. •22.WO-terma. • • • • BALBOA PENINSULA OCEAN FRONT LOT R·I. 4~ x 102. 112.~. Good term•. Ha1 front yard view of China. • • • Lido Isle Here is a genuJne value in a 3 bedroom, 2 b&tb home on a 44 foot lot. Lovely fireplace and large south patio. Thia home is juat 3 yea.ns old and ia one of our very best values at $31,500 firm. Before you buy, let ua 1how you thia KELSO-SLOAN built home. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 NeWport Blvd. Newport Beach Har. 4718 CORONA DEL t.lAR 1--------------- wui "''""'' to• <JHo. Mil· ONLY I LEFT.-BETIER . HURRY ! ! I boat or oulri1ht 1&le -On Poppy A•• .. •"''"' 2 ..... NON-VETS No Down Payment mom and l&r'lf nlmpue room. 2 flreplacea.. Breath-taking Impound& $~ Vlew of Utlle Corona Bea..:h and Arch Rock. Priced al S2tl.~. terma. Phooe for ap-3 Bedroom.1. 1 1,~ batb1 pol.nlment to -Ulla on". • • '• OPEN HOUSE- Juat One Short Toddle to lhe bli'.ach • aky·blue "'ater1. BEST BUY COSTA MESA AREA , Cotta Mes• ---------------------13 BDRM. boUM, lar1e lot. Orlve by ZOTT Or&11(e St., telephone for, •ppolnlment to -101~. One y .. r old, pri* to M.11. Will •IMp fi ve comfortably and five more uncomtorta.bly. Pric· ed at ll2,600>=--Reuonabla dn. Balance $60 monthly. THE SMARTEST HOUSE IN TOWN HURRY l GOlNG FAST ! P'ARK MANOR A Restrlcted Lot Development By Mc:CLEAN It PEARSOL Specull.ton le Build~ Welcome 90' raldenti&l Iota. I>Cplex corner lot.a. All improvement.a l.n. You Can't Boat Tho Price & Location . Drive by ud blly. A=>U from eo.u M'9& Park. 18th and Anaheim. 7551> ALREADY SOLD Pbone Liberty 8-1761 Llb<rty 8-6621 u OCEAN FRONT ---AJIO one blOCl"T.o fll!Mt~ach, S bdl"DIS:"'1"h batl!, family home. Completely remodeled. FA heat. dble. guage. R-4 lot (room for 2 more unit.). Priced at $21,000, terma or trade. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1:506 w. Balboa m\Od. Har. 5188 • • I Ocea'n View Lot &Olr-90 kit at !37 Cat.allna St. Q.000 down wtll b&ndle. NBC REALTY CO. 32nd pd N_,,ort Blvd. Harbor !)Mt C·2 LOT, ltal26 W\Ut. bulk1lnJ: * a tnoome. .A.dJOUari R-4 lot 82\1aMO. tT unll alte' all tor Str..000 or •Ill dlvilk!. Clear. acttpt •ny reuonable down and carry ~ ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1831 NellrpOk BIYd., Ooet-. Meaa LI 8·1'32 .,.,_ Ll 1-1400 M-1 Acreage For lndu•trJ and tnikr C'<IUrt lllteil. ONta Maaa. Banta AM af'9&. Eluy t.e.rma. DAN A JACOBSEN. Real EtitaU> H•r ~91 L..I l-M17 Kl %·2187 HYatl 4-64196 DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd. -Har. ~718 -Newport Bea.ch , * Newport Heights * 3 BEDROOM &: DEN VIEW HOME. not leue· bold.0 Completely furn. hwd. floon, 1700 sq. Ct. of living a.relL Beautiful lawn1, patio " BBQ. $4500 down. }'int TD $15.000 VIEW OF ENTIRE HARBOR AREA -NOT leaaebold. 3 yr. old. 2 bedroom & den stucco. AnuQue fireplace, lovely natural wood kitcben With built tn oven Ir. n.nge. H'Ctld. !1001"1. View dllJin¥ ...... p&n~cd d~ !'Ji bathfJ. 1272 fL of living area and many other plu. features. ~ down or aubm~ · Price $22,600 · " GREENLEAF-SEVERTS REALTY, INC. 3112 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Harbor 2552 Ev'ninp 1.1 S.3186 Ll 8-5t05 & Har. 3921 -\Y . OPEN HOUSE 1-r. SAT.-SUN. 7003 8eaah0f"e Dr., Npt. Beach. • • • HERE-THERE- EVERYWHERE- Bil" bomu, lllU• homn .. hl1h moder.te • low prt~ hom11•. Loll of 1ota. • • • WE FURHIBH FREE CRYING TOWELS TO TH08C WHO COME TOO LA.Tl:. Seven l1lend1 Roelty & lnve1tm1nt Co. M13·32nd Sl., NWpt. Bch., C.llt . H1r. Mel alter I p.rn. He.r . M67 S6600 -JW --&ot H.-pMl H.chta .. ne.dy l.o bulld Income on. Only R·2 lot ln HJ'hla. tor ""'· ORANGE COAST PROPEltTIEs" 18~7 ~~Wp()l"I "Blvd , Co-I• .\If'•• I.I ~-1&3:1 E ve• w l ·liOO • \ The latest. the besl of everything, 2 larp bdrm1. 1 2 baths, large UVing rm. with wa.U to wall carpeUn&. dbl. rarace. patio $35.000 ' Excluaive with DORIS BRAY; Realtor 216 Muine Ave .. Balboa lalaod. Ha.r. 20 or ~ Open Deily 1 to 5 735 St. J,,..~ Place LOVELY CLIFF HA. VEN -New 3 bedroom 2 baths, with &•view. Carpetblc1 fire_R:lace, built in 1tove • oven. dilpoeal and big 2 ca.r praae. See thla drum hom• today $21~ DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd Nf'wport Bca(:b Har -tfll •