HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-04-23 - Newport Harbor News PresslilAYINO 8tJ8PIXlT -_John Calvin TiploJ!-(center). auspect in the m.urder or lll'a. Oleta ~ Johnaon in Coot& ..,_ ia queotloned by l'ra.n1' Oundaboure (left), d.Ultrict attorney invatigator, .and Danny Ri09, 1i.erilr1 tnveet!gator. Tipton, wbo wu arHJgned in Newport Juatice Court tbLi momillg, will b&ve bia prellmin&ry beuing Wednoada~ . . . TIPTON CONFESSES ' TO BRIDE SlA YING • Manie lookel Drunk 1Rap 3 Crashes on • II ' Oleta .Joh•on IUl..--1---.,_•ncl PoUce lut nlJbt vr.ted e ..............-nuu Camp Pen4Jet.on Marine and Cb&f'led h1m wlt.b drunk dri\.tnc Ex-GI an.er he allegedly cruhed hi• Pactttc Ana"lera ot U\e iGnio.. and Hn. H. K. Doolej, both 8'7 Club won th1rll place tn U!e membera ot local cluM. OORri:ar &NJiog_Thla plc\m'O of k!tdleD lallle and handle, roUlld by San!&' Ana boy, 11, day afl<r lira; Harold lJoyd'JO)iiiiOn, 18, wu atabbed fatilly in her Costa Meu home, wu 'first publlabed by N.,,.Praa, Eiclualve, report of knife findln& ~ up deoplte ~ tallt of aleutlla.-Starr PhotA> 11Ut. lntemallonal Llpt Tackle HoNC• Witherspoon WM prel&- Toumament held lut week at dt.nl ol the tournamllnt &lid 1- ,Maatl&Ji, •CC1'.ll"d:tnc to CUrtil Jonu a.c:ted u ..cret.ary. ~ prNldent of th• Balboa -~-------'--­ Angliq" Club, which WU tn char(• ot ur.n1ement..a. H1a club wu h09t to the tourney Ula ...... . B&lbo& A.n&linl' Club tlnilhed lJl 1.Jtll ~ ?be wlnnlti&' team -------------~~---------1 ... trom th• BaJltbh an4 TU· Third Har bot Witness Won'L Answer Queries . . . DD C1ll m •n -Nowp>rt Beodl po11c1 oftloer ICd Blua inapect& damapl 'ear belolllinl ·to -W. Wla (inlet) Wbldl crubed Into threo oilier .... ~ wll4 chw Simd..,., Diehl Wlaa -~ ............ of 4""11< clrtvinc--staff ,Pbot411 ' pan club ot Mexico City and blC1l man wu o.t>om OWtnp ot lbryla.nd. On 1Adlu Day, ln kffn com- petiUoa. 11tctnc Oout women 9'Cht out of ten prtaea. 'ned for n ·nt were Mrs. c. M. Bff-be • • , • - HA~BO~ PRE· ~ ... . . CilD'OBNli. KOIUlAY, ~RIL 23, 19Cle PHONE BARBOR 111161 ' ~Stand, Tells · . . Her · Attack • "B,auty Queen ldentifie5· Walker as Her Ravisher . . . BEMAIN8 OF-!f&UND -CUMUI powd ~ u ut.,..,.ia.inaPect WTl>CJt. age or t.rai-plane which weot dori In INl1 JOat&rday otl Bolo& Cblca 'beach, 1 mile north of RuntiJlc!.ow Bw:h, yeottrday, ldlling pilot A1th .... Johuon. Body of Johuon can be -., in back of tzuclt in bacqrowid. -StAu Photo •• • , s. ... • • • • • ---. f'lt<GE 2 • PART r· ,. ~'cWPORr HARBOR NEWS-l'RE.~ ·~~ gfont us the serenity to .sc.cept the things we connot•C.hange: the couro91 to change th;t thi~s· w c1n :··~"·. the·wisllol!l to.kno.,, 11\e d:lf..-.nce." (A. Anon.) , · • ' . E D I T 0 R ;,I A L S . ... ·~ __ Unthanked SA Boy Finds Murder Knife, No Credit ·--. l • ~ ; Orange County wa1 treated to one of the mot~ i;;;. abocking spectacles 1n the annals of are.a law en-! forcement OVf'r the week-end, when a batte'! of ~11clty-hun~. badge-wearing 200-poundera from :.:.:_the District Attorncy'u office, the Sher'iffs office and \be Coat.a Mee& Police Department shoved a.aide ,an ;1.J-year-old boy to claim credit for solving the . .awrder of Qleta Hatcher Johnson at Costa Mesa. • Oet. Sgt~ Deu,n Poilon1 of the Costa ~1esa fotce • 1-ued to the press a long li.t1t of copa to whom be ftfd credit wa• due for aolving the month-old alaying. However, nowhere in the li11t was the name of litUe Meredith ~Skipper} Davia of 1827 S. Olive. San~ Ana. But. even though Skipper, who really solved the lfla.ying was absent the copli, including Sgt. Pollom, Frank Oxandaboure of the DiatMct Attorney's office a.ad Danny Ri08 of the Sheriff's department were Jlappy, &nd u a matter of (act, often forced lhtir way, into publ.icity to claim public rL--cog nition for ailving the murder. It w.M Sgt. Pollom who hJ!.S _caused Skipper'• Ufe to be a mess during the pa.st month. It was the .ergeant's d1sm11jiSa\ of the boy's presence that bu caused the l l -ycar-0\d youth to be ridiculed and acoffed at by hi& schoolmalCi 1n bis Santa Ana clu~ room. It was Pollom',,i complete den.ial of any help on the youth's part in solving the slaying which bu brought tears to the boy'a eyes on many night.a dur- ing the past month. It must be that Skipper Davia ii wondering what kind of a world he 's growing up in, when. law enforcement officers dhove him a.side when all he wu trying to do was help. Thia reporter can't forget the day -two da)"I after the Hatcher girl's body was found _: when Skipper mHd e the entire Costa Mesa Police force and a. whole plaloon oC Arn1y meo look ridiculous. Pollom wa11 bawUn& out bia orders to some of his fellow officers when Sklppe[" ca.me up (o him, surrounded by a bunch of kids. Skipper's words were afr4>1e &nd bumble, but backed with lhe excitement of an 11-yea.r- old youth. He said, "Do you think ihJ. ~ it, air?" -and in hil hancb, the boy held the clue that would • solve the murder. lt was &n S.irr. butcher knife, broken in half. Skipper bad found it in the ba~k yard of his Grandmother's home. This report.er im- •edi•tely noted there were brown staiM--undoubt.-iil& blood-near t.be broken handle. = Pollom grabbed the knife from the boy'• ha.nda, -wt1ed thank.lesaly and went to telephone. He put the 3iile in a glu•ine sack and stalked away: :::::!" 'l'he btg, 200-pound police eergean~ waa obviously 212ited with the (ind -.o excited. in fact. that be ;;;a,rently even torfot one of the ~enta.ry fund•· :mental& of being a cop -he didn't even a.ak the. boy's :!ic"' ::ES •Dlatrict Attorney' a office investigator P'r&.nk 31i&nd&boure wu there, too, a.ncl the D. A. prober ~ot ..hia manners. He hlgh·t&ile'J it after !'!:!~ without 80 much u tha.nk-you to the youth. =. Tbe next mornin.g, Skipper waa a be~ -but ~ briefly. The moment the boy'• picture appeared A.the' Newport fl.arbor Newa·Preu, Pollom ia quoted -Uluulng a statement deoyin' Utat the knife wa• ihe one used in the killing. Then the Sheriff a office "']Umped in, and Kid their criJ:o.e lab h!d proven that ""J(.wu not the knife uaed. in the 1laying. A Santa :Aha new•paper irritated \. at being scooped once ~IPtn by this reporter -&l&O jumped into the dia- ~g field, along wi~ !'-LoB Angelea paper - -ad both newB medJ& &CC\l.lr,. through innuendo, "th~ ·1'01 of being the tool of thi reporter. -··· OCNS and the New8·Pre&1 have main~. a.nd trequenUy announced through the pa.at month, that If the murderer waa caught, the knife found by Skipper would be the one that would offer· the clue. .One thing you can aay for, OCNS Newa, _ia that it'• :Mun.le -it hu never been proven wrong in two ·~ of aggreuive new1 reporting, :. However, the utialaction in being proved lQO.. .;-cent correct once again, la dimmed by the •pee· J'onn•rly th• N.wport-B&lboa lf•a-'nmes and lb• N...-port•BIQbol. ·P11i!" enttnd u Seoond·ClUI Matt•r at t.M POlltofClc• In N.,wport a.Cb, C&llfornla und1r tht Act of March S, 1871. rro••t., M't'7 lfoD.I....,, w.a..-*'t' ud Ff'Wa.J b7 lh ~--~.->AT JIARBO&~..L'OMPANl l&U,....... ....... NEW~[. ~OH. OAUF. ftw a&rti1or llJI Jiihr .. ~ lcol lf~ -...,_ .. or All.._ id'ffsw ......... o..rtel~ Oo.. ta Ac"-N•. A.Jl~?tt ...-JC "iiiir ~ New i¢"P1' hMWten A-..dMlo. -., X t '>rr111'!·' Ml~ A11·ookt...,, M b C J"er..,. c.mrt1N...-.8erYtm ~ BEN ••lt'llCK. PtTBU8Hl!R .:..:... p _. wnr,i•v .&.. XOSU. Editor =-....~-~Uxa J4. JiL\THl:NY . .Adv1rt.aln1 Olf'9Ctor -m.ut:lap'.A, AJUVlTRONO, Mtcharu1;;al 8uperlntendml VE?. . -" -~ -tiU9*JIUl"l'IOS AA.TES: ~ Newpori Rattilof' s ..... 1·..-. Trl·\\·Hkl1 a <>nap Otu•"7· 11.00 Pl'' rnr: P.GO .i.-c -: •1.&e1 I.tiff m-. Ou~ of On.q• Cvti•lf 11.00 p.r ftar ·' . THE CAPITAL WEEK 87 WALTE& L. BAUDUU. Unlt..i Preoo Stalt CorrotpODdont Fanner McCabe Writes • •• • Wynoka, Old&lloll>a Aplil 17, 11115& Eight thouaand brave llOuli pthem toc'<lb<r ' at Wynoka, Okl.i.hoqy, to b11Dt Rau._,u ... Actu- ally only l500 hunt..i the Kb>i of Hill Cowltrlel y hilo 7!500 wat.ched from perchoo at -pocW>le dl>WICOL Tbere ain't much to It, ono .,.port --..ii YQQ need I• a forked .UCk, a t.owuct and a qu.art of Wbtte Mule .•• the Wblte Mule ii to 11\'t em cour&&e to get clolt eau.t!, no doubt. =J<·""<•,.o-.o •--.t.,)o I •-::::--. ' ,, . ' • • • --xFFA'IRS .OF STATE. SALISBURY-. N·. C., POST-: " ..• There ii & rre&t d-.1 of talk about taWng back on high fixed parity pricee. But the unquestionable fa.ct ii that lt wu thil policy Which 'ctt&ted. problem.a wone than thOlle lt at- tempWd to .olve ... by encouraging production for purcbue and Btor&g• by the government, l.natead of tor eouumption. W• ca.nnot have • .ound fa.rm econ- omy ao lonr u •urpluaea of lncredible a.ir.e keep piling up." WEST BEND, WISC., NEWS : "AA Ill •t.mplo of tho Prori-bel-. made In tho· United Sta... . . . ' 1n ~. tbe death rate frorp ~uena and pneumon~ wu 47 per 100,000 popµl&tion . Ten yean later, in 1965, the ficure had been reduced by approximately on.halt. Tbe de.tll rate from tuberculoai1 had ~ nductcl by n per cent in the a.me decade.'' BANTA ROSA, N. M., NEWS. "Aeoop pointed tbt ia.oral; 'BewanJ Jeet you loa.e the auJ;>8tance by lfUPlnl at the ahadow.' Do we aometimea. give away the (OOcl thinp we have for gn.ndoi11e plans that are nothlnr ...,..-than wdows !" LIBEltAL, KAN., SOUTHWEST DAILY TIMES: un. .hiaber $1 minimum wace law ..• will have two affect. Jarsely. Som• lazorta will occur .•. and higher prlcel will rlllult tn tome intent&t.e commerce type artidH ••• ,3ome one mu.t alwaya. pay the fiddler." WYTHEVlLLE, VA., ENTER~: "We ahould keep ta mind that th.la country waa not established u a pure democracy. It wu actually .a.up u a repubLic. wit.b th• atata nt&iniD1 many 90VU'eiJn ri&ht. aod pr!vllqoo.• - BJ llE!mY 0. ~· • -:;i . . . I I j I • • m ~r .L'stnoeh .,,..i.p111qsertor tho~ julor nroltrolao, allcko Into~-. ' • Joolils llilo Mt lil ,.-. ftla -tool< P-Jn -..._:pine on Tar campuo dlllt;•i•DMM\d. . -Didl Kothlor Pbolo • IOIE . ••..•• .. ,..,, !.' *r1• tnlp ·~·~~~:-!~1 (] ........ ..., ;::: r I Blilld. ,_ _,,,,W""' ... ,. . awn • • Wt w • ..,.. ..... D•• ,. ..... •• -. rnmt IT'S IXCml• . -IT'S OflltA110N .. CONCRETE· -- . r. .. " . • -. ..,.,. -..,..,,. ,.. ew....,. _rti; ~ • .... •f ,..war. "b .. --' ............... ., ,......,.,. ....... . Ullerty a.2;213 BAY DADY lllX 12<0. ..,.,.. ... rwit .. ,.... ... ___ .. ~ ....... I .,.W Qr,•'•la ...... 111 2' a•ap11ajpe w1&1•a 1•toM•111rae1r.1au.-_, ....... .. ................................ ,, ..... ~ .. --~••na...,M4wt tit• .. -s's•• tlttnia~-··-·· ...... ..,.,. t•u... ....... ~ 1atrr"• _,. t lllkD°,..,.. WM...._ --tor ti r ,,,_._.n...__.,.__....11~aute _ ......... -.-,,,. ____ .,, ...... Telt•htM wtlil te.,.. ,_,. ... lphlM ..,.-'vi..,.,, *1· , ~ . . • • • • • y •• ., S.. "Tll1jila111 .11s:i" • 1YT .. -- ~'llmo·.0·--"----­.. tit.~ w.t fGr U. lftlt U...'*wtL I\ II Wi&lid • 1lf loba N.aittt ... '-'4 oa a. ... tra ...._ pl' r .. • tllo Wi.-.,,... _,, ..,..,..,_ -..... ,.. • --· """' ..iw .... _ --.·. a -., • ltll\J'• .... ._.._..._ --llcllllo-J •'asrlMU-OOB.. ... well .....,... .. _.,_ • • 19 tw~ ..... "" 3 Ii~ .. _.,....,_ .. __ ... -...... i ,,111• • pll ... a.-..Mr Cot ~ ........ ~ __ tllo ___ , """"• $ ..... .. -.--....... ,_ ...... ·-.....: ---... -.......... . .. ,..11 ... J ~ -=. u., ... ti th hilftlll $1 I . . ...... ~ ..... ...., Cf I al 111 tlJA "'-7·-~­"'Noi"• ~ ........ ....., ........ lllMlt.. ...... _,_,_.,.far .... u.. ....... •' . • • • • l 1 I I ., J . '"l'JllS c»T.OllOOP of Barbor folk~ a~'° to•"'°" 1111¥ I Club'• "Cruialng Down the River'' party. Topelde, Buek A11'M ODd Bact c.-,. 11-l~--od:-loft.--to rjgh~. Mrw,. C&""""-lhe Ted l'Mm•M. V-~_jl!'!!f,,_j:_t..::. ~e-PleJer l.lld Buck A~ -.Tel'T)' llorlii Photi> . . . FASHION SHOW Theatre Guild Trio at Lido' Isle· Club . . . At o..,,,. County's lH~lot 1-i-. IAncling IMlllulion CONTINUING TO PAY • • !ID ANNUM • ALL ACCOUNTS . ._ .. .._, ,.._,n~un · LA&UNA IEACH • •" • • \ • Pti~ate Police .. Calendar·: of Events , OPENING IMION Jo/I,:, . of Corona del Kar .. on: 18 A llili'lU' OOllPANION !IU.N n:.t.11" ... •(A.11tMr1 ume Wow} -- -~pie ..... afraid to -a Pb.Jlldaa for a -• .. --tboy 'TSAll" tbey may...,. 12 rt'hl la wroa1. ,._,..•now nor.... fw fear, l.lld much hope 1'1!.rt.~ N.,. Mup l.lld moth· oda· of tn&-t -much hope tor et&)ODI to lift ·a healthier life. Your Pbyoiclan dmitoa a s-t _, boww - hla busy llf• to ..., ·-with .... tecll· nlquee of~ ---t · la our,... =-~·::: you, -be caref)aJly-pounded. . • YOUR Pfft8ICIAN""" CAN PHONIC . •••-.au WW YOU Nrm ... lllll:DICINm • ~:::i..,~ ........ llWty of~-111* p19Crtptiona. ll a 7 we compound youn T • • "• 0....., A. 0-......... llCO 111U r:&' '?4 --.~---- n•••OT ' . ......... .., ............... (111 .. l•> ~ .... , ...... , I . t i ' l • ! .. • • ...... p • ··--~-~-----.. - • I ' • . ' NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -r PART I· PAGE 5 0ND~2l .. 456·-"----'--I • ZONTK PRESIDENT Mrs .. · H&ro1d Robertaon bolda gift ot board memben Who • were break!ut guests of Mn. Carlton Mean, 332 N. Newport Blvd:·: Standing ~I to!-) are Mmes. Robert Jayred, M. C. Sheeley, J amee Alpin, Joaep,b. Hamblet. R. L. Bacon and James G&llagber -Zonta Photo .. , CONTINUE PROJECT· MRS. ARTHUR GIBBS ge~ pinned with. "Flowers for · Friendahip" by Mrs. Qeorgf: Benz for her muaical contributions to Zonta meetings. Airs. Gibbs paya.. for the honor, proceeds go to aid a dc!legate from Sweden to at~end Zonta International convention at Sun Valley. -Zonta Photo Zonia . Insti:Jll s Thursday Night Nightingales Learn _ Work af Tumor Board · Looking &head a year, members approved engagement of Edna Stearna DaYton in advance for a play a.nd book With Its homecoming luncheon held April 1'.?, Newport review aerieB for the fou rth consecutive sea.son, when the Harbor Zonta Club has one of its most import~nt meetings Nightingale Cbapter of Hoag· Hospita1 Auxiliary held JU of the year t his v.·eek, the installation dinner, Thuradayl April meeting al the home of Mrs. Joe Preininger, 201 in the ~farine Room at Villa Marina. Invitations have been Via Ra,·en.na. Thty 1.1,eo h1:11.rd I lhe lolal procee .. -lo ..... a.ui ... ned . . . . . . 1'.h&l lhe Tun1or Board 11 1Lnd '""' "" • 1uued to all Zonta Clubs In Ot.8lr1ct 9 to pa.rt.1c1pa tc ln the hvw ll vperah·a. lo the tumor boa1·d fe1Uve event at wh!ch ~l r1. M . Preald;ni w•• J.1ra. L.awrenc< J.1J"S. Prelnlnger, newly-elected T raberl Jwte 2 al Bll.I00..1 Bay -'"'-~-' hal •-C. Sheeley l'."lll ll.ISllUUle the E. Spra(\Je •Jr .. preatdent. Mra. tumor ..,....., ... c nnut. repor.._. presidency. Club. Prelninger, chalrmu ·df lhe cur-on tbe vlal.t of Mr. S..lChelder of Th~ "FlerwerH ror ~~rtendahlp" rent D11.yWn •eriea. report.rd tkat lhl St.ale Cancer CommiMldn a.nd Pul membtra welcomed.at the l'lo_m«:omin1 1u11thc-on we re Mme•. F'rea Stod .. .h1rd, Grayce 8ev1er, :.1arJor1e Crurnll'Y and H. T. YILtt-11. tunJ continued lo ""t ow aa Mr1. ·•""o"n··od '"•I '"""" who will " owing to lhe •uccea1 of a.erv1n1 -"' ~ .. , ..,,......., Arthur (RI.Ith Padd&1:kl Glbbiol coffee and re!reehnienta befo~ 1er\le on the tumor board !or the added her do)lar. alter rec.e.lvlng t•l't.Ch present.allnn t0nd eltabtiah-enaulnl" ye1Lr are: Mme•. Orval the cor3e.,o:e tn llf1preclallon for 10 ., receptiv• mood thl'OU h W. Stewart, aulat.ant chairman, ~~r n1u111Lal a rn1ni;:eftlent3 during II co!tumei, mul!ic alld ala"e a:t. Arlhur J, Grnwell and Fred flUa. -~ Van Landln(ham and Lb.at 2,160 houn O( tervlce have bffn pr~ \'tdl!'d by lha chapter alnce lut Junt . Al"POIN"l'KEI'rii'T Aa Mr1. Franci1 O. DawlOJI. vlce·preaident ln 'cu.rte ol prO- IBma. requeaUd a J.t.i11.v1 ot ab- 11enc1, M~. Ralph "lioldvt will replace htr by appointment of the pr11ldenl. May D-.y tray f1Lvor1 were compltttd under th1 1upervlalon of Mr .. Martln Lockney, holiday chairman. Th• hCNltMaea, Mmea. C. L. lmlth and Arthur Gruwell, nrve<l refr11hmenl.I. Th• May meetlnJ will be held at the home of )tra. Floyd ll. Bw;ll, 3108 Ocean Bl\<d., wllh Mmu. \Vare, 8 awy1r ILlld Dike aulltlpr. ' ' . ' ~ .. anct • dc~dOu.lr tto'!'i j.-, ~ ....... .,. peel Wltb •h.lpptd crum wU&a&t.fy ~~ i.Yti.~ preRnt "Wit.b Ui.e uatpy.on of one M.lllwart .-iw oo a, Cul;> Scout Paek· 182 ; , Learns About Birds 4itt'"· ~ ' 80 wrot,• • JtNal cl!ialr- man thl1 wee~ 111 l.ll. olher- wtft expert H J-olftyi!ll, .. ,. knerw you wtn ·l&.k• 'It out, but I jual, HAO to put It ~!" A ••birt1-wateher" t hem• at th• f.lllr monthly n1eetln1r of Cub t Park 1.12 last week prov· ' taucauonill. and entf!f'tatnln& t• both Cuba u d pn.renta. ltWO Laey 1-' cub·•n¥ter. Openlng ~Hn1onlu wel"!.1 conducted by Den 6 w1lh p11.renb joining 111 ~ pledge lo Ute fla.g ~d the ain11.na. Larry Rupp reci~ed a JUtW. Denn6r atrl,.a: ..._t And~ a a1 I ..Un t DlilU\6 atrtpe1: Bob Walkar, Bear badf9. In Den 6 Gres &,ry.nt wu aw&r(icd a Bar bad,.; J.tf He.In,! Denner •tripe•: DID'Jl li'a1r ...... i...tant Deru\er 1Cri)M. i'or Den ~ Howard llcJiUllan WU ILWl.rded IL Bob-clit ptn. M'id Hugh McCulloch a Lion Badp. ver11o11. S111cinr waa lld by Mr11.1 ;:=========;;;:=;;;;;; L.e1ter H. Vier line aulsted by ! I On aeoond ttMxl.gbl, •• Mr•. Cl1u·enc1 McCulloch. merely 1n0¥ed It. Cl,lJ!l p Plans of Ybuth 9roup An 1Hu1trated tilUt wa.1 11ven by ll1111y A. MU'9E'r. charter men\.,,.r ot Ole Bird Club of Or- 1.flll! County, on birds 11.Nt•-bird· .. •at.ch• 1 ~ Ht d.Japtayed hi!f col- lC'olion or atampa of 1Lll naUONI hav1n~ b1rd1 OP lhf'm and· ga.ve lnatrui.:t1on1 on blrJ ho\Jllt build· klg w1ll1 t'Jlhlbita or !IOme vi hll I July Ca.mp Tire D•Y C.mp o\WJ\. plana were d1acuued Thurl<'l•y Pr11~,·1~ the Boy Seoul move- e•entng In the horn• of Mr1. moinl, ~\u..aer al.lo.led qt•t it cost1 PaUl Ro<let. 123 E. Bay A v1., s 10 ll ) t;llr to ~ce a Boy I 11.n!a 'Clamp Tire Leader• .U.O· Soout ... n,I Sl200 IL year to pro- clatlon cila1rma.n. le&~ a t,1,y 1n 1u\•en1le t.'<lurt antll' )tl'a, Rodal announced the re.a· hll.ll. Ht curl.ii ~uw, he tu:lded. lg"!lllt.ion of Mr•. Rober~ Haxton lhn.t ('n ·,• ! per cent of Juvenile Of Cotta Men u Day Ca.m p nlfenll··r• In Oranre County are rht.irman and I.he appointment ot Bny S<·ouu. He 11.sO 11howed M ni. Emeat Church, S30 C.'un-•ll1lc~ ·~f many blrd11 In the gre11 St., Coll a Meaa. to t he muth·.l••I part nf thf' count..ry. uflice. J,tr1. H8.)(ton wl•l be 1n A w"r'~' v.·t rt' l'.'<Jll by Hugh r.tc· tn11 eaat on vacation th•• su111-I Cul!o, ~' end Larry R upp for con-I mer. )lr1. Church has b@fn ape.. .•till• ""'1 u f bird hOUllf-• j111lged I c1ated with tile Long He1Lch ··rn< ~l lik,.Jy Jor bi rd11 to move c ouncil. of Ca.mp Fir• the p11at into" Al<-.,•1•L• prc~t.ed were: Den •i.x yNr• I. CrHli: Starkey, Denn"r strlpell. 1 Ken l'nebu!f. allaiatant Dennt'r 1t11p~· r.lark Herring, \V ol !I badl;•· For l){>n 3. J ln1 Sullivan v.·11~ ~·,.,a ided a Lion badge. one 1 g-nl1t ft ~rnw and• Webel05b11<lje. • Dou,.: lia111€.I, one ailvtr a rrol'.· 11nd " Und1'1·\\'olt badge; Kent I L n· '" a \\'ol! badge In Den of, Tim T\lcker 1'.'Bll e Bob-cat pin , Crs1g 1 You C*D play the Hammond Chord Orp . I• Mi•ut.~ Xo i..-...tM -No PNCUol . ' . , FREE HOME TRIAl: Phone Kl z..6140 See uur c:mnpktte llne 11( Hammond Organ1 · \'our Plano Aceepted 1111 E1.ctaaq:e Schmidt-Phillips Co. r unnaJw 1Ju...:-3clu11Wi Piaa.o Co. 520 No. Hain, Santa Au Tbe \Verld'• t"laMt Ptut.. to dt~ from ort:S FRI DA y :\,GUT )tembe111 of Uie Day Ca.nip commlllee Include M.Jn .. l!. \Vi.yn~ H1111ton, Erne•L L.aurtn. \Y1l\<':!r Revlea, Paul Ro.Jet and Milli Gwen H&rpu, Mra. Eroeal Lau· rin of Coat& Ateaa.. gradUuthm chairman. met with. membt'r11 of her committee, Mmes John Oliver;' Loul1 Gleacnkamp. Ralph \\'1terma11. Plllll Rodet an<\ OC'ln· &.Id Martin. to plan for the gNduatlon of the 3rd ~r~de Blue Bln1a to Camp Fire Glrl!f . Pa.renla &nd sponaora wlll be Invited lo 1ttend the craduauon ceremony to bl-: held Mey 111. I :fo p. m., In the· patio . nr £t. An- drew'• Pn1bytedlll\ Church. LATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS .WATCH FOR OPERATION 6" COMING! DAN'S BAtlER SHOP BALBOA l\ALBOA THEATB.E BLDG. Opetl Tueeday lbni 8&lUrdaJ J.t r11. Shee[P)', v1,e·pre1ndtnt, praided 111 "tho; ab,,.n~e of )tr•. Hfrold {HelenJ Robertson. :\fr11. Albert St~kton. C'h a.lr· man uf lhe •ervlca (Vffin1 lllll!'I!. ouUtned pto1"rl!ls 1n ticket sa.le1 t.r1'1L11C"tment.t for the Zonta· •ponM>red ten11111 rnatch .. ~ l>e· tween Pa11;cho Oonmlp1 11 nll Tuny e year. ttnra. a growing Interest and 10-lay aecre~ea; R. J . Collin. 1Lnd A true "!l•h ~tory" waa (iven crf'Ue ln attendance had bffn Rl!Jph T1L11dow1ky, drlLpe (lrla; by ~Ira. Psi.I Du11lap in de.crib-created and It WWI 1L1reed lo D. H. Crum J r. and Hal Dlkt, Ing the h1ndln~ or her .ulltl!lh continue lhla praclice In Uie {u-ha.II girla; and \\I. D. Hum~ 1 --------~~---- whrle on \lt,l"l!.llQ11 tnp to )1eJllCO lure. &nd EU.worth E. Betta, .upply City and Ai·api.l<"I) nsAJ. REVl.E\Y (irla. Don Blanding Will Preach at Laguna Don Bla.ndlng, vapbrlnrl poet, will i..k• over the pulpit of Church ot Relli!oua Science at Laruna Bea.ch Art O&.llery Ap- ril 29. He wtll 11peak on Rell· sloua Science and 11 no novice in a mlnlatertal c11paclty •• be haa eervc<l 1:1~ Interim mlnl11ter vii 11 umer6U1 oe~on1 for Oi.utt'il. of R•liVoua Science In Honolulu. Service. 11.Art a l 11 • rn. T he topic !or Int ll<'rmon lft ·~rhe ~•d lCJ Joy". The pub· lie 111 v.·elcome. 'fhc Rev!I. Jn_, and J ohn T'Urk, m1n1~te1 1 uf lhe La)tUna church, 11re spon!fOrtng a .a.eminar to bl ht'l•I at P alomar April 27 thruugh April 29. ln 111tdltlon ta boy11 11nd g:lrls rron1 th!!. local Junior (huzch, young people from Sllnta Ana, Oceana1de and Fl.II· ltrton wlll •ttend the aemlna.r. Vicki Verender wlll aullt ln lhe . . THE ENSENADA RACE will set' the theme for a special fa•hlon ehow-luncbeon April ~ at Villa. Marina. M.n. Dulvie Holloway and Beth Nethery will model 1boe& from Rule's or California. frocl\& f'rom Ellgenec and other ahopt. -Don Bush Photo • Dupllcot.d WhH• You Walt , Ot'AflA-'"TEEO TO 'nT hr OfJlc:. • UonJ«ll'I • P~ • Ca" 80ft '·" ... 1\IID'S RICHFIE LD SERVICE 411 Eut Ba.llKI& Bl\'d.. Balbaa "Fa.no)'"', the !Ina.I play review of thr currenl ~ne. of lhree. will be pre1enUd Thufl<.lay, JO a.m. a t the Lido Theatre when lh09t! 1Lltendlng will be irrHted by bll.Ck1Tound mus11·, refreah· menlll a.r rvtl.I by members dreM· td •• French aa1lo111 and typical maden101sel1('1 of M1Lraelllc11. Add· ln1 &Ht to Mr1. Oll.yton'• drama- ti.J.atlon, lhe atage aettia« will re· flert the waterfront atmoepht'te. ~1mea. Wilham J.1lr1Lma ILlld Leon J.\'are l'.'111 be in che.rge of te· rrellhment1 and theat..re decora· Uona will be under the aupervll· lun or )trs. liaJ Dike. )tra. Preln- lnger atated door prtze1 will be preMnled "°"cl Ucketa 1nay bti! purehut<I Ill lhe door, Mra. J11n1e~ C. Elma IV, ways and mesn1 ch1lr1n11.J1 announced lhat the Nl1htlngal111 had beet •like<! lo manail a refreshment booth durln" lhe Lido Shop• latP1t F'•ahlon Show a.t Rlrh11rd'a ~larket. Cofree wu p rovldPd by Rlchard'a 11.J1d Nch me.mb.1-:r baked a cake, \\'HAT BOARD 18 ln complytn1 ~Ith a req~t for mformaU9f\ on the history and Optr1Lllori of lhe tumor bo&rd. particularly fQr lhe benefit of th• new membf'n. Mra. O!kt pve IL conctae talk. The need for NLghl.inple member• ta be pn· parl'd to Hrve In the future out· lined •• wete lhe ftnllllcla.t obl!- 11.tlo!UI u the work on the board grow.11. P1Ltienl11 may be n!ferred , to the tumor board by their phy- l!lclan for an eYBIUILUon or a awi:~ted malignancy 1L11d are 1Lcotpted for thl• free weekly conaultatlon aerv\ee. the bc»lrd conallltinl of 20 doctora on • per- manent 1tatua a.nd 28 on call. All iey volunteer 11erv;!~ la provided by Nightingale chapter member• or the auxiliary. Mra. J. Gordon Smith, vlce- p~1\de11t ot memberahlp. r('port· ed th1Lt three provi11lonal mem· !Mors ... o have comp)eted their allote<I" hOU l"I of ho11plW valun- teer Hrvlce, Mmea. \\'a.Jlace 1.- Chriaty. &Ml Sawyer and W. H. ISLAND WSCS CIRCLES WILL MEET THIS WEEK Circle mHlln1 datea of the Woman'a Society of Chrllll· Lan Service of the Balboa l1land Community Method!lt Church n&\'e been announced by · ){n. Ted R. t·h1ua.r, pre11\dcftt. Rulh CLrc:l• meet.a at 9:30 a .m. Wednetday al thr home of J.tra. Y.'ayne Hunter. 311 The Grand Cana.t. Mary Circle hint& a t 12 :30 p,m, Wednel<'lay at the il.Oflle of Mr•. P. Ir. ·Balnea . .f27 Pirate Road. 'Lydia Circle me.eta I p.m. Wed· • neacMy In the hrune n f MMI. i"r11.nce1 R\Jty, 208 Abalone Ave. 1!fartha t..'1rcl• me-et.I at· 9:30 a.m. Friday In lM home of 1ttr11. Rnbert Jbbotaan. 112 O~ Ave. Laguna Ask~ng Name for • New Hospital Dlrectora of th• L.apna Beach Community Hoapltal AuociaUon. which plan• to bund a hCNlpLt.al on 22 acree In Booui. Laruna. are •ppeallna to ~.public to name th• propoMd hoaplt.al. 1e1t na.mea by wnurlr them on a po1t.a.J card a nd ma.tllnr lo I..&· pna. Bea.ch Community HOllpl· I.al, 26.f Ocea.n A venue, Ll.JU1111 Bt•ch. The dlrectora ~II eerve aa JudPi Of """ e.nttiea. Bennetts Have Son A bOy wu born to Mr. a.nd Mrs.· Robert Bennett, 636 De Ana& Dr1.-e. Nnrport 9e1Lch. Aprtl 11 la ffC)ll.g: BOIJ)ltat InumuCJt aa lM ha.ptlal wtll Mn-• tha entlNI aol.lth ooaat. attt.. tt ta u.oupt that 11m1trh1 RiCkli Boy Born It wtlh any lown'1 name would be""1nl1leadtn1. Thu1 reNldent1 of A boy wa1 born April 13 In Corona del Mar, Laruna Beech. Hoar HOllpltal to t.tr. and Mr1. South La.Ji.Ina. Dana Polnt, San Pa.ul Rlckll, 810·A Muruerilt' f.11 C.pl1tr11.nq. C!,Plstrano and 1_•_.,_.c' _N_.wpo.,,,;,--"--""-""-•-·----1 Ban Clement• tr. urglld lo auir- l'ARKES·RIDLEY MORTUARY . . UO .,.._.. .... _,. -Coata Jleea ....... , LI 1-UJt ' GREATEST ADVANCI IN COOKING'! '· Automatic Top Burner Temperature Control , /I on New GAS .Range1I Ne1e» ~if la- wHAr IT DOES FOR YOU1 I. TDP IUlllll nMmATVtl COMTtOl It 1 cocnp1tt1ty wt• 111111c t11J111r1 wtilcll worn lit• JOUf """ htlt cont~. Tha llftl-i111 111111111 I• b11rft1r center' Dl'Httt 111111tt )'W '*'· ... rour lllllClttlhlrl ntchillC for ,_ THE NEW 1. TllU SIMT llAL MEAT Ult!· nu m hlndy coo'•na: 1uldl tlltl cemts •nth )'OUf l'llW Gts 'IDCt· The Mntltll 11tmlfll Ntont1tk.· 1111 controls G11 e"HIJ minute se 11111 JOUf food lllwtf coot.. 11111: or ilowtf thin it lhould. J, ntlllll; WllATtlllS lltWd: (ytry Pin )'OU """ blc;lll!llS 111111 1111• 1'11111:! '".a;.,'"°'' dllkilll$, mo r• 111111!11111 lri1d lood1 ... t11i1r JlfWUtl '°""iftJ ... SOUlll Ill.It lilnNf blll. 'alNr foil! ·Sn I df!ltontllllion MDIII • "" AllloNtic GAS bftl't lhowtl1 wunn...Lf. other llllb1 f11h1tin& fOJ 8citMr fflll'lfllflt•• C.. lrol 11"1: C.ltrC, FlotlllCl.Gdfm& Slttllt,Har~ Mqlc Chrf, O'Kttl1 I Mtl'fitt, IOfll', W1 .. 1tN. • abufHIJN COUNTllS OAI COIU'ANY , " , ·' .. l""'=o;;=o;;=o;;=o;;=o;;o;:=o;:=o;:=o;:=:::::.:;;;;;:=.,;:==-===-=-=-=-=-~ NorlJ•-Tappan-O'K•efe & M•nitt-W•dg•wood Gas R1111ge1 Jake's Appliances SAW-LllERTY 8-5594'-.SERVICE · 0...r TOI-OI ~ -Uri" fOll lowl'!!lt pl"kiM &ad h!zlitee.t lnde la. 1937 HARBOE, BLVD. COSTA MESA • • .. ., - • \ • , ... Ge 6·PART1-NewPoRT.HAAIOR S-l'RESS·--..... _ ...... ------:-·::· =-"'.:'-':"' TlPT 1;T~;;Ll::;~a~y2'~s1N~~~T~ .. ~-~-~::~·~ ... ~-~·~·~~~ , _ _,_ ___ MONO-A. '1'Rr n. 1956 -wo~-'-ORIVER .sets SPE!D. lC • ,--;.. ....... ) r ~~ -· ·----------=-'--...... ..:::...---1ncKET THEN HITS TREE -.AlfA,tOCllSJ-.. ------"a:.:.:.: I"'; StOclt"Report • • •• IO •NA VIEWS .... "'loalq ..... -... '" • ' · -" -1'"1 ·-· ... .,.. ....... "" -' ... n • ·"Zr=i. -....,..,.. ... . .. ,, ""'..,...at.-.-....... ~~": ~ .. "' . .., ' ........ ,_..a. •, • * •=•• murt " 10 El ftw ftc..t -~ •Id. lb&1 AOl wta tllllt ew. fat a luta AM llelcMa -·ill .it T. &.a. 7 1 ~ ~.ap;_ 4fi "' ...._ .. ..., -..... ... Dew..._ • ....._.. 1<, ~ 1 ) but if I CiOn't that ial •Ju.t ft)' 111 1tt181' .. _. ut•oWlt lillWlllC a tr. wl...... a...., o:i.ta ~ 0.-kMoil ""1111 ..... ~· 10 ~-607.TI Q .51 Cd ot lhftr w•y to Dl&ks' ,.. lMrti ._,.. _.. tfM W..UC.W tat ou ,.._, ~ to a .. q:«a X-, J10A6ot ....,..i. q.tnct --..i, Jt ... ...._. tMt .. ... IO K.n. 1~ Q LOO ,•ft.N ot lhelt '1tn.p&\hy and~~~'::"~ Wllma w. AoMN. IT. o14-•1 Onliarl'~ . .,._. TIN ,.,_a Ji leoMM ._ U.. 11 ,,,....,.....,.. .. ,.._ta.. 11 VWIU. ~ A.11 ott -;SS und•nt&ndttls. n.,..,. ,...,uy and b& opUlklD ,.,..,,.. up ,..0..'ltq a ~I UGk9t. *°"' fJClllll • ~ lot . ~;' i:-:! u.a. ..,_,. .. • Jdnt. tr.. l ,. -. v....,. ~ m ~tood ~ m*I or le It Mo ,_,. ••·• al ·~·•-,.~,. .,....,... ...._·--~•Of 2:1.K lltf9ilt at.a wp•ni. ol.1 ~~ -... U.. 1....-W. .. ...._. AJMrtict.A ~---~II 'lldl meT" aM la1.lfMd llOft.IJ. In ""' ... _,_,. •. --• _.._..,. -,. ...,.,.. U7 ... ...nd, to ci9ta K..a ~ 71 ""'l'M coU~s• bu .,_. ~d a&ald and wouid 111.0i"' klllfP .,..._ -111 police. • ._,_ .. ea.-4 ~ u4 ~ ..,,. dAlolM.rr• .., hU Chr1M' n WO: UMTv• tPar~ m01t of the It quie.t. L Ila.,. '110 ~ It'• n. ear a,,.,_tl;Y ~dd94. .. lOOllil paftl. W9lt oat U.. ln tM ~ Jf.-,,rt ·flar. --odt' Jllob9 &NWtd tewa S... DllPWlet --·-·-----HO trial and tri9d t.o act u lf noU!.-so~ to 119 don• ~ 1 m nlllil et eoatroi Uld C!INMMd ad'M9 tht bJ"""'1· n. .-an boc' ,...,.,.. 11111 _. NOf'd. -.plo)ommt wu o.e...a ~o .... 11 ll'IJ.,~ happenlnl'' ~ .aid. lhrou1h w1U!. It her .vok. &t.1empt.9d ,to pu.t oa th• ~ ah9 i.tt told fOkt.. A m'llU-NI l>W .... wtU M" ln -.a boat JIU'd o.....,.a Mot.on .. " DOnna. bJ al!Wdy lflllwl one qulverlns wit! tatew ·~ but jr.wd on th. lldlelerator ~ ; \ ~te IOO. Oil= i::; .. • mg Ya.LOW . MQ 00. -·-··-==~::..::-_ tt wec;k ot at.hoot lmpo-1nc more FUTlJRE FA.MILT z. B. Dodd. 112 w. wt*"t at.. pt.MrlPf tn Mr ear, lnl t~ It _,.. .. .,_· "1 ~ .. ~~ u 1 ft. 1 N. y, C.n&nl ····--........ -...... .U h•rtlhtl>tl to htlr effort. to Donna Bretl •honk Mr had aaf'f•rtd' minor burt. t.o an arm. Md a let. aeoordlftC' to ovtrno,t parlll~ on P t.a. bi ~ '"""' 111 and Kl\ .t.mmcan .A:ftatloQ -~ 11' W. srattilat.. In June. l&dly when Nked It IM planNd l1'0lllML ... • ' ' 1 J• clWt :::ropl*I browa balr and Koatwq OU ~·---.. -....... u~· Maybe )'OU hav• wondered ,, • family tn the neu MllN. "1 tbe report. THiii HUIOI brown..,... Ke Irv.ii alone le tM lo. caw. lld1-:ID ___ ,.. 00 Donu M1 ever waver.g ln bu don't know what our Ur• Will taWI cablll ti. Nat.0.. 4eoordtq IUaclalr OU H ___ :.. __ H_ '"' •tidon lo p,... char .... ~r-brine or a)>OU.l U.. •fet7 of atnee ll• •• .m• In ._ Bdboa ..,.i.r,"'" JackR Md •t.ral&M ~ • 14 Tl,t., tiou. Ilia parenta u. S&t.W.., 8lclc'e9 .. -.w·-···--llT"'° ~ )'OU 'ilfonde:r tt •he lhtnk.I raillns chlldl"fln. I'd JIU to wait Euler WMk cc:mi..t. not llklrt. • '""'"" I tr.. ftnt .... ) dead Md tiJt Oft17 N!au._ u. ataod&rd OU at Olllt. --·-lo:li about the llttl• Walker children. a year OT "°" ahe .tald ... aom.. "'I UJtM Ill.at. lf be'd ION to a. ~ be llQt 1sp11t11\1 llMlftbar ol lht oow:it)' IPP CIOlll• • -.... and lirOlber. Ha s. a a., PM:tfto __ • _ 6T Uwlr motM'r ud l the Umfl• I wonder aboUt what to tcbool and bit re'pU4ld oo. J told "Otft tn. ~ .. 8bt •4 ~ 11\ttt-. aJtb.ousb. comm&tt. MUft ()I o.orp. Unkn ou ot cal1f. __ G'A. Cb...q• of attat:k a nit· Jack have tor 1 up per, of'dlnar)' Iii.Ill l w ... t to On.ftca Cout Col· Jleldad ' -You'U rum "'7 ltf~ • • OouneD ft&ak a. Tannav-Jr. Det. act. Pollom ..,, .. pt.rUc:ul· JCDS• W&lker m 'to therh. ougblll and then I.he Wbola lap. Tl&1 l Wa't llll:ed tt at I'll ~ h abla lo la&YS dill· leAd UM •O\tc:UJUllt .. bl:IWitd 1" arl)''"""'"1 lo •). pralM •t flllow u __ LfftWIS l-s NEVW!B A lrlal comes back to ma" 1M rlnl" Ha aakl ba dldn'l work.~ uplr.d to~ a mem.bw, at~ let. Danny Rloe"and "'8111 .,. -•• ~ 1ald. "J don't know, fl.,. f"&Mrs• l ._,._ ·-··t -·•--1 llf•. my >OllCCD ~. YIELD Jilualdc tt.ood on the l'lnl ¥4 df.lt7:1ct Altom-• lnvflllipt<>< • ·1'1 ne..,. dell berate !'lute .......... ...,.. -• ..... ...,. "-'"-... _ •"--wtt ...... ., uon.1 oe my tamlly hav• lived fa.m.Uy a.nytblnc to keep calm IA .. .._. ... _ ...., • Fifth AMendnle.llta Wbeft -J'nAk ~re. and crtme atiout ~ trial," Donna •nlW,r· in Oan:len Grove. I'd hate to __ .... ~ .. t •kJlenc•. ..-dalmed Walkv f~ ber whetber he could st,.. flM:ta ,.... 1&11 ._ ... , ..... __ Ja'c:k Cadman ed ln a tlrm voice. Up until ..... ..i.,.. ... .....__ _...........,_ move anywhere else" lhe tlnUh· "I __ .,. ••-_7 •• -·t to ,,.,...._ . •Uns to plan.e of .............. mun· and ""''"" n..i .. u-whom, he •Y• W. qunUon, the 1llm be1uty ... ...... ,,.,. ,..-w·''" bl It It.art bar ...... ln ... ·~ a.•,. .... ru L. eJ tall• t ma _, .. __ -' 1 Why --.•r wu a • 0 lilt J>art7 to t.ak• ..-~ ...... "'Orked ure1 ... 1y on th• c ... bad. 1poken very ao y, uropptnr lc.k OU •&O Ha~ h"r·d been car and bt drove ber back to the lPP. Ha ai.o' decl~ to •tatA from Ila V&"7 Incept.Jon. ' ~ h:s h~~ -:m~.~~ce;~;~: DONNA TALKS :..tc11C:s ~a )o:1 Um~... ~:~In, ~ to ~ wtt· ~::.th•:;. b;1!:1 :.mda~ :i~1 ------------- coal jumper, twi1ttns Uie th.In U:PT KN1PI: HANDY Wben Walker. rot out ot her Callfornla ballot. DEATH NOTICE lltrape -or her ~ltUe whit• pl.1.1Uc Th• wttn ... M.ld Walk.,. held ear cm Plac.ntia, n .. r the drive· NO AN8WERA k 'book d b ""' y (Conllnuecl Crom '1,nC Pas-el ' Mu111'all C. Hayden, tie, ot %141 Creet.'l"ICIW Drive, pOl&lble eutter- ed MCOnd decree bum11 at T p.m. Tbunday when hla loWer rlJbt 1er wu injured wheil b• at- tunpted lo Ii.tit a barbeC'Ue wit.II fluid, accordtns to Newport S..C.b police report.II. The t1ri department atood" by after th• R -& L Auto cnnlc ..,..-. JSnke ...... - ilOOI N-rt Blvd. N-"a-11 --poc e an ru nr •wa the knif• at htt throai thJ'Oufb ln thtatar lb quoted II.Im a. aay· Bbo'.Vll a phol01lat dated Jan. UMMn speck• of dU1t. "The point kept punchlnJ my mMt ot UI• 1~ rtde thJ'ou1b 1111: "Well, Donna, mayt-. we'll at, lMI, oft wbloh hi• •l111ature "Ita my duty u a woman throat," lhe teatlfled, lndlcalills w•tern Oranf"• County and meet 1,..in ••m• d'1:" &,Speared u clttuator. "'uaick to report theM attacU," 1he with a finger the right •Id• of crowded her, lllttln&' betWeftl Uul She aald 1he replied: "I hope deellnecl to .U.ta wbetber at aa.ld, "there wun't anything htr lhroat under the jaw. two bucket.-1tyl1 front .eat1. not.'' ' th.at date 11.e W&.I a membM' of SYLVIA Pt.A.Cr: accldanL Hayden WU treated. b7 Mn. Sylvia Q. Plac.,, 203 t l1t ~1"°"~;to;•~f~o,~h~i.~ln~J~Ul'Y~·;; .... ~;;;;;:~iiiii'i;;~;;;:;ii; St., died Bundf,y at Community H01plt.al, Santa Ana. She WU born July '· 1188 In Olathe, Kan, and came to Callfomla from Colorado Sprinp In 190e. She wu put worthy matron ot l!:I Sereno chapter •30. O.E.8. ot LOI A.n1ele1, WU a member of Harbor Star chaplf!r 1!168 lllld of Slf.rbrig-ht Club. · elte lo do." •And tln1Uy, counter· He Mid, 'Whel"' ate we' and Sha teaUfted they turned ott Mr11. Brett MJd all th• wi.y lh• mwldan'• branch ot the ff with. "what would you do I replied 1 didn't know. He kept tlunllnf"lOn BMcb Blvd., onto ba.c.k to th• drlve·ln theater, nort.hweat dlabict ot the Com· If It had h•ppe.o'<I to you?" telling me I knew where we Wtnter•bu1'f" Rd. Later they Wlllter wu drlvtng at uceulve munlil Party. He alao declined Mr•. Brett -11.1 at the thne or were 11.nd lhe c•r 1lmo1t atop-turned on Wrlsht St .. all at the tpeed. 8h1 teatltl6d ab• tried to to itate what.her he la a metn• th• llrat alt.eek Walker told pffi. He u.id "Keep drlvlnc." direnda.nt'• dlreetkm,e, ab• claim-1:et. him to alow doWJl but h• ber now. . her be had been watching he.r ""d clin1bed over lh1 ... j H• ed. wouJdn't. When Rep. Gordon Scherer tor a whole ye1r: ''all tho&e pi,,t his foot on the ,,. top Th•)' turned ort Wrisht Bl. OBSERVED PKOnLll etlrmpted to uk 11 he would be loni month• rf!n1embt'rlnlf her or min' to ma.ke It f"O tut.er. ·-"" to 8 lit St It On th1 trip back, Mrw. Brett wllllnl to rtve lnfonn&lion ~ II I f "\\'• .,,_, 10 Loi.Ilse and Jo-...... on am on . wu btiauly r mpatd for on Y • ew " r •·-k and Id ... t•a~• told Ule COW"l lhe obaerved ... , oommJtlee ..... 1.._. tmmunl t •-I I •1•·· .. "hi-• ·-d h•yanke<t lhewheel ...._011'>'....,. c;o • •.nt w .. ~ u• a-~ minu e1 h t .. ., ove Y ,.. ._ ... _.,. " ..,, Walker'• 11.roftJ• cloaely, tor h.1m. ~ th• redetal CaUt ornla pMed tor 90me rou-len.. I could 1ee bill profflt. RI.I Sb• lald there wu a car be-Alter Walkn-iot out ot bet-court, Mualck answered "I feel 1fiii'beauty plcture1 1t the 1tor1 hair wu bUlh)', h~.wu unahaven hind thelra &nd ah• waaved lo ear •t the theater, h• turned n It I• a matt•r ~ oonjeclur•. Jt wt:iere he worke<t. "I didn't even &nd wore glUM•. I.I"}' lo· keep It trem paul.n.f". )ff. S¥c 1111.ld lh• wu unable to 11 not poutbl• al U!.le Ume to meet Walker," Donna l&J.d, ".1.1 Wllllam1 ukfl! lf tt wu Walk· Walker, aha l.Mft'ted, mada bar -1et tl •tarted. uww"r that quuUoo." le .. t J don't remember hlm, you ,r, She replied "ym." pull over and permit th• other Bb• ran lnto PlacenUa and Bcherer then tried to trae can't remember every one you "Could you fttl the blade of machme to set •round. 1topped an oncomlns car. A Mwick into UM of U!.• rtJ'th mMt on • br1ef tour like th1t" the knife on your throa t!" WU -Mra.. Brett e.Lld lh• wu onier-woman drh1er toolt h•r to the Amend.mMl. a.skins him ll he ah• added amllln1 udly. llam1 queried.. Id to pull otf a narrow dirt road Santa .Ana Police Btallon. t.tar, f .. "<I pl"OMCUtJon and MUiiick HAPPILY MARHIED "Yea," the curvactoll.I wtl.A ... a ihort cttatance trom J:lamllton. J.be webt to U.."lhertft'a 1taUon itarted to niply, "I don't have '1 've had three happy moot.ha replie<t. Sh• wu told to itvp. ah• ll&ld. to ma_ke ouvier report and draw taar." Schf!rer Int.erupted and of matTtac"'. happy except for She Uld It looked llk1 a kit-"I kept tal~I· Hi tried to l pendl d'etch ot Jler .Ue1ed Aid ''That la what the Ftttb U!.I• awful trial hangl111" over chen knife, with a blade a~t kJm me. Hla breath ma.di mi attacker. · Amendment K)'I," and MUiiick ua.. I don't want any turther I~ lnchee lone, Williama 1hoW&d dck.. H• had halltoe.la. He imelled WUliame besan hla lnl•1T01a· wu excuied. cu.er •• a be&Uty queen, J llt.r a knife and uked lf It waa all over, t ·lhousht h• .,... a Uon Into the e•enlll Whi ch u-NOT CALLED Just want to conUnue u Mrl. 'lmllar to lb• on• aha dlKl"INd. tramp." iertedly lnu\lplNd the nl1ht ot Lat\r Tavenner produced the U oyd Brett u.d ba happy'' she t.fr1. Brett l&id It wu. lhe Th• witneu -1d h•r uaa.lla.nt Jan. 10 1hort.Jy before noon re-photOilt.a.te which h• wanted en- declued emphath:elly. held the knlfa ln her hand to wu clad In ~ ale.av• •port. ceaa. tered ln th• cue of Thelma c. No one know1 wh61l lhe future iiemo1111(r1te the way the defend-lhlrt and brown alaciu. Sha aatd Mu.lick {MWllck'i wtfe). One She ta 1urv1ved by • al1ter, Mr.. Lona D . Griffin, 12:! Arata. Ave.; a bl"OUl.er. C. E. Mitchell of ci&rUDUrs;KepbeWI Robert L., Earl I!:., and WllUam R . Griffin and Col. Chsltir E . Mitchell, Clyde, Elmer, Edwin and Pa u I can no n; rree.t • ntphf!WI and nlecH, James C. and Alan D. Grttfln, Mn. David Brown and MIA Bonni• Gr11fln. Service& will bcl hfl ld WednM- da)' at 2 p.m. In P1rkM-Rldle)' Mortuary Chapel. Co1ta Mua. Harbor Star chapter will oftl- ctat•. .,.lated by the Rev. Charita F. Hand. tnummf!nt wilt be at Harbor Re1t Memorial Park. Th• tam· Uy hu •tablt.hed a memorial with th• Cancer Fund. hold& for Donna Schurr Bni:tt lnt allegedly UHd It on her. h• removed hJa Sll..eae• when they .& _ t.... G wu an lP peUtlon dated Jan. or tba man ahe .11 .pruatna Tha wltne-. .aid th• dlfend-parked. He ai.o took thi knltt ~ft•••nary roup n . )941 on which her nam• IO B NS T 0 NE• 8 chargea apinlt. Donn• retu.eed ant 1po)le to her In "&TUff" tone.. away from bw throat. MHti Wed~clay 1ppeared u clreuletor. Therl to dlvu11e. In ao mlllly word&. "Wa drove down Joaephtne STAATED IDS81NO ,.,.... wu a1ao an artlda'l"lt of rest•· Mesa Auto Wreckers what ehe tee.la about the poaai· rtght by my hoUM, but I wu .... aald h• -ad ._, _ _._ A joint mMUns ct. Ule exee\I• try ln tM tpp dated F•b. 20. UMd. Auto Pane -------------I afraid to 11y" anything. Ha aakl ..,d .. "Start.ed ··;:;::,~-~~-~.ji Uv• comm.ill.ft and lh1 Harbor lHI.. ni ... photOltata wer• ap· aad A-n.. k~p drtv1nJ. He A td to tum -.. O&y cornmltle.41 of lh• anru....,.. prowd u •vldenca alt.houJb 2075 PtaceaU. Ave. Too Late To Be Claaalfied to th• Jett on Lampaon. 'vir." Ar1 eplebrailon will ba hlld at Mn. MUii.ck wu not called u Ubertr 1·11U c.ta ~ "We tn.veled on LlinP90n be· Th• wttn .. teat.ltled &he WU 4 p. m. Wednnday in thli dlrec-••.:."'~'"~-~~·~•_::U>a~t~tlm'.'.'.::":... __ 1':,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~~_:= yond Dale. Ha told ma to lW'D oommanded. to l•t In th• H&r tar'• room al Newport Barbot _ ;,ff Lampion down a •ery laolat· Mat. _.. ... Chamber ol C.ornmen:. bulld:tns, -------------led dirt road. We didn't stop &Dd "l IA1d l don't want to,"• It wu Unoanccd by Da'l"ld Olm- went back to LamJWOn." told th• eourt. -I didn't klaa ftlld. uecuuve commJ.llae cb&lr· l'HOROUOH cleanlns , lronlllg-, cooklnl It 11ervin1. ai.o ch1uf· f1Urln&". Own traneportatlon Colored. Kl 2·t~t. lp3 llJ"P DRIVINO W,~~~ to~ ... man. She Aid Walker kept telllnt ------------- htr to "Keep drlvlng, keep drlv-Iha clalmed Walker told b•r, Rueury laby lorn MEET THE NEW BOSS ing" "l don't ear. what 7ou want." They tumed iert on Huntln1· Mra. BAtt Mid Walk•r opened A. dau(hter wu bom Aprtl 7 ton Buch Blvd. therta:htc:ardoor and they wVlt ln HO&f' Hotpfl&J lo Mr. and MiWllan "He uked about my mother." :wteid• to set in tba rMr ... t. Mrs, Geo1'f"• nlJ&\ll'1, 1!175 Beryl 'SG-'-'-•-•=~==='°"'-us------· the wttn•• told th• jury, "I Bh• aald aheo ,... weartnr a Lan .. Nl:ARLY NEW O'Ktefe It Mer· r ill a pt. el&e 1tove, maple nn- iab. l!lllten.~lon t11ble It t chalr1, J OVl.I llnen nlfl I: 11nare drum.. U 8-Mtlt after 3:80 p.m. told him eh• ..,, .. In the h011p\tal. I ~"'"':;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'j l It wun't true but I wa1 t"7in1 for 1ympalhy, He uked •bout my rather. J N.ld h1 wu 1tWed a year •JO. That wun'l true !lther. H1 aald he'd been watch· -JC3 ,;.._,,==--===-;---;--7 l tns me tor • Joris Um•, ever M:OVING NORTH. LlrJt. da rk oak flat top deak with llnen· I ·---.... -~:":'':".::'':".:'"-1 fold carved front. unu1u111ly DEATH NOTICE llM.uUful m1ho1. Sheraton bUf· 1-------------· 11 f•t wttb. fruit wOOd panel&, :z& plecea of J.~ranclacan W a re (lY)' pe.ttem). One ot a kind c\,b\a tea cupe & 1aucer11. cry1. tel l'l.emware. antique Re«! I: •. Bart.on Sht.ffleld 3 piece tea Mt. H!Jhback needle point dlalr. ALL AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICE.ii. Harbor 2292-J. lc3 WILLIAM RAKV180!'l Wllll1m H.arvlaon. 116. ot m % Diamond Ave .. 'Balboa J1Jand, died early Saturday momtn1 111 Hoag Hoept tal u a TNUll of In· jur1ea Incurred ln an 1ccldent Apr11 13. Harvlaon'1 car wu In a CTUh at the lnterMCUon of Bay.Ide Drive and Cout Hl(hway with • creamery compuiy truck dr1v· en by Uoyd R. Olle11 of LOI A 11-TABLET FOii, ARTHRITIS••• •ALFALFA UVXNO RM., dlnln1 nn., bdrm. turnl,ure. Alao 1lov• la rd'r1g. v_, r-n.ble. 1!120 Poln11et· ua, Corona del Mer. I p3 Angele• and he 1uffe~ a frac· ~~:1°:--:~ :~-~pound frac+ Tum1 ~ "uruy-!.MJ ~~~1':'&.,.y Servicn for Harvl110n were ,..,. ••J held Surn1ay at th• Park"·Rld-1.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,':'""""""~ ley mortuary with C. E. F r1tts : ,,_,, .. tfld. to Bent of lhe Evang•IU1t Church of N h" Qu1"te Like =---------1 Ch .... t of Monlo.,.,llo offOciotln<-There's Ot lftSI WANTED (Balboa Uland) yrly. lnlermflllt wtll be In Odten, 1 br. apt. or houae, fum. or un· Tnu . f\lm. for •lqle woman. tNo Hatv110n came to California pet&.) Qutet, cool. By June 1· ilx monthl q o from Hamilton, _...,_"·~"-1_1-ll ________ "_3•1 T('Xl9 a nt! 1va1 employed by th• c ..._ Paynborn Plumblnl Corp. He '8-a...-Bomee for Beat wita a veteran of World W•r 1. &urv1vor1 Include hl1 wife, Al· NICELY FURNUIHJ:D -Nur medt•: two daurhteni, Mrw. An:h· lMtJi' A ~-.. 2 bdrm. hoUM-le Cbamn,11 of Midland, Tell&I Automatic san.re. P•Uo a nd l.lld Mn . T. o . P1yne of Surrny· ·)'aid. Childrtn o.k. 112& ~o. vale, ca1.: llDn , Wiiiiam D. Har- . Wala p&ld. MIJ l~ to Oct. 16. vlaon Jr. of Spo)l1nt, Waah.: Wl'tte Bos. I-29, Ulla paper. lp3 mother. Mrt1. Etta Harvi10n of a Bool F.otate olCIJQN&b l'OR LIVING (lll'llh cblldnn). II ,r. old C.pe Cod bome GD 411 ft. )ot 91JUth ot Jone1boro, Tuu: brother, D. B. al"'l"laon. Jone1boro; three Ill· era, Mra. J . T . Hodnett and Mre. O.rdon Hawkin& ot ~on&8bc;iro and ~ Verdie Paul ot 8un.n7- nle arid .even snndchlldran. hlabwa7 neu Ll'I"J'U: CO. I jfiiiii~~~~~~~iii RO?l A. BEACH-I bdrm&., I ~ 11 batha. ton::lld atr but. dlah-OPERATION 64 wuber. Oompl•tely fenced yd. W1lh Mpar&t• pl9J' yard lllld tlbar ~u• co•• r • d petlo. llS,TllO. Wlll eell tum. Owner Bat. 2068. Court .. Y to broke,... -l c3 IS COMING READY! "'"' .. ,, .• ILICTRICALLY e LET US HELP YOU • . 9TAFFORD 6. ION ~Coll- llO alnnldo A-... Ubert7 8-UU For 101 Uses Around the Clock Q ~ ... ' . .... ·~1J; -----i ".:r~ j ... ~·'"" i , ...... ,.. .... i i SllYISOfr OF ORANGE CO,ul -..... ___ _. Tel: Bartioer ITl1 lll-119' 8tl'MI&. ..... -...... -• • in the Peiformance JJepartm en.t I ' Co · and Dri 'Then they tailored an all-new Stnto..P'li&ht me lll Ve Hydra-Matic" eopecially for Pontiac'• hilh· th S ' C ( th y I stepping Stnto-Streek power plant-and far e urpnse ar o e, ear . _.,., .u.t The blazing act.ion 'Of m ~ ., if) 'The word'; getting a.round fut-the bi.a, yours iJ1 a ftub with the positive, no-las action hantUome buaky you w here ii the hie surpn.e of· pan-plut an •mazing liquid couplin& for a that caught the-industry a year or 10 otl balancer 11DOOth, unintem:ipted fiowlofpowertotmwbeell. But it didn't come u any lllllJll'W t.o Pontiac Brine yaunelf up to datlJl-oome in. and pilot ...u-n that they bad the year'a ~ormance theaurprioec:aroftheyeor-you'Uaooa-wbat lenllltion. the talk'• all about! ' They knew oil along that ;t ~ be; became And don't be afnUd to aal! about prial, for they otarted from eeratcli and c!M;p>ed the mool that'• another pleuant aurprioe-the ono that modem and eflldent hilb·oompn.;on. blah · will let YoU -the -on the rood for• ,,_t torque V-8 engine in America! dea.J. ae.t.hanyou probably think! ·A~ Ori',__._""· The car says ff and the price won't sf.op you· ·. -,,. ... J.,,_.._ -· -'·· - a WW_.. ......... Pct•'.._ _Mia,.., ______________________ -:'---------. . ROY CARVER PONTIAC · 1400_ W. Cwd H~W P 0 RT IE AC H Ub11 ly 1-3466 ' I ' I l • TEAIDIATE8 LEAD PAOll -Glenn Morrison, loft, >nipped Ray Fleeman by a stride In the C 180 y&rd duh ag&inst Orange lut week. That'• the kind of compe- tition Coach Don Bums liket to see-bet.Ween Sailor5-with the rtvala completely out of tbe pkture. Morrlaon'1 time' wu 19.7. -Stall Photo G,OB VARSITY , C 'S FAVORED IN SWiMFEST OVER OILERS TODAY , Cooch Emll N .... e led h1o Newport Harbor High School Sollor,Dlne to Bunllngton Bet<b th1o &ftemoon In b-h1o ba~ wW become bitten and c:apture tlleir tbltd -~ !Mt.l<>acaf."t a p&ir o! eet:l>acD, ftur4d&J' -.t .bal:leb:A It w• , 11 , lo the Cffdlt of btnslM to the local Jada, whltfed ao ** t mol'9 four and allowed on• Ill.roll • · Boutbpaw Bob ·adloll ot lM tOop kMlnl Colon.lat ·c1outer1 GOOD THROWER t.b&D ia \h• ~t of NMme·, Add to that the facta that knocken when thli Tan tufter-Scbolz'1 earned run avense ll eel • g.o ~utout IOU. zero in circuit play and O.SG for the aeuon and he bu 1. trio 1'91'.in toulnl th9 11eYen·fr&me of loop '\'tctoriu now and you Wb.it.eWUll.' Bchols wa. dotn1 pt the Idea. The kid'• rood. nolh11lc' Mw. TM Sailor .utlin&" I•" • Bob 86 un·tallled upon 1nn1np. The AnUeim junior phenom pemtJtted. a mu• thr~ The loq marked lnlUaJ. re- veraal ot the Sunaet .euon for the Tara' G a r y Green. Gary twirled fl.lr·t.o-mlddllnc ball.. ttoo. allowtng nve swaa, whltfin1 1 :~.t. Final .core; Newport 87·7 1lx and permltUng a pair of Anahelrn: ftr1t ball amble.a. Green received C: 180, Morn.on (N ), Fleeman credit for lhe two Gob lrlumpti. (N), Rutherford IA), 19.8. 100. In t11e league thll aeuon over McCubbin t N J, Rorer• (NI. Santa Ana and Oran11. PrevioUI Peleiinan CN), 10.8. 880, Lowe Tar defeat w ... at Ji"ullerton. • ON A NIW '$6 J OHNSON SE A·HO'I SEI Yow old oacboud b wor1b •••'!I Let'• t&1k "~ia .. oa a 1parkliag aew"''tf' , .. , Jobntoa. Niae 1rur iuodel1, ' to )0 bpi South Coast Co. Newport 81\•d, 'at Uni St. Barbor 2600 I h "' uo nson 1101t .. t .. Coach Al_Jrwln'1 New- port Harbor Rlgb School Tar ·varsity and Seatleu will bl favorite• In· the BunHl Le•ru• 1Wlmmln1 ch&mplonlh.lpa acheduled for Anaheim Wednclday and :Frfday-~ ~ ruJ..l&r· ton'• B llqu.&8 rat• 1 the tavorita roi, ln the U1ht· CAUGHT IN MIDfUGBT -Clnnt Burnt sboWI all the might and ma.lo lhat muat be put into & • broad jump in laat week 's Newport Harbor High track an<I field contltcta. Buniil got. off a.-17 ft. 9 ~.i in. effort here. -Staff Pboto (N I, Tucker (N), Gon&olei lA), One of l.hoff two waJk1 got to• D l~ll'f DA•llll T 1:3&. Low hurdlea. Rutherford==------_,.---------------~~\: ,~•w::,:;·~ .. '.N~~,:-r~·.'. -ALBOA ISl:AND SPORTING GOOD we.l1ht division. • Th• Sailor A and C mer- men completed undefea\e(! SunMt Leil,ue dual meet M&&1XU1 Jut week. PreJiminari•1 will bl held at Anaheim, 1tarUnc at l :30 p. m. Wedneklay with final• cat.uni underway a t >.so P-, rn. .niday. SAILOR THINCLADS BATTLE OILERS T1tERE TOMORROW Boasting & sweep of all three divialo111 aka.inst Ana4 1-----------heim's thlnclads here Friday afternoon, Coach Don Suma' BAT DUEL Ensigns Good Hit. No Pitch It looked Ilk• Coach Norm 8tllhrell'• Hone• Diaip nln• Md won th~ITe1 a UtrU.llng coma· trorn -be.hind trlu.mpb at Hu.ntlncton Beach -Thur8day afternoon when they came up with el(ht bl1 n1DI ln top of min d · to in th• nventh. DISTANCE ACE -Beco I • fie& Y VlC r ~t tor Jack of a pitcher, the B 1320, Harry McKinney finished far ahead of th• ErWgn ladl wel"I forced to the field in hil la.It two outings ap.inat Orange and rt•• up four run1 to the rtvall -th lr\ bottom ot U'll frame and Anaheim. Here he ta. all by hil loneeome a.t e ab.:irb a t.hrilllnl' ~4·13 aet· tape. ---St.aft Photo back tn their !lrtl Orange coun- Newport Harbor High School track and field squada tra- vel to Huntington Beach clnders tomorrow a.fternoon to wind up·the Sunset League dual meet uaaon. Th.e Burr11 boy1 host the Sun· Ml Le1~e Meet on the Sallor oval M•y l and -4 . Final 1COre1 agalnat the Colon· iii.. h~re Frld•Y fawred the Tari 69 1/3·34 2/8 In vartlty. 81·1 In B and OOY.·26\.ii In C coinpetltion. Moel thrilllnc-race of ur.e sun· ny afternoon came ln lhe ttO when Anaheim'• Morehead made a h&&dlrJDI dive into the tape to earner a dead heat wtth the Oob leader in the race, Otl1 Boling. Time or the run wa.s 02.3. DOS "'Th'S STICKS Don t.1.eredlth paced the Tar var1lty with 11. pair or hurdl• w!JU.. Meredith nabbed th• h.lgh Ulllbell In 15.8 and th• low• In 20.8. In each caae h• wu trailed lo the tape by team· male1 TciM Hopltlhrand Clnlcll quette), 1:3-4.7. Jl'lnal KO~: Newport 89 l/3·34 2/3 Anaheim. B : Smith tN I, Shafer INJ, SurmQn (NJ, 9,8. 100, itoe.ch tN ), Frac:lerlckaon (NI. Ue be· tween Ooodal• tNI and Baxter !N), 10.6. 860, Hood tN ), Van Sickle fN). Dunnett (AJ, 1:2;».8. 220, Roelch tN J, Baxter lN), Grabel (A,, 23.7. Low hu.rdle1, WU.On (N). S~er lNJ, Ht.a· def.bot tN J, l-4 .0. 1320, Mc· Kinney (N J, Oarcia (N), Tan· aka (A), 3:38. Shot pu.t, Hen• roUn (N), Goodale (N). Beau- chvnp. 4a..I ~. Hi1h Jump, Lopez IN >. Ue amon1 Surmon fN ' McDonald fA), Harker (Al and Howery CA), 6-6. Bro&d jump. Ht nderlhot IN). Smith t N), Mayedo I A.). li-81~. Pole vault, Col• (NJ, Williams tNJ," 9-t. Relay, N_.port (Rouc.b. Fred· eriek.llon, -Ba...t.e.r, Wllaol\J, RMdJcll {NJ, ~nOQ t AJ , 43~ Hlfh Jump, lie between Cada· waJder (NJ and Turner !A ); til between Taylor lJ'l ) and Schley (Al, M . Broad Jump. Fowler fAJ, Fleeman IN), Roger1 (N), 18.2. Pole vault, Turner (A): tie betwem Canal• (A ) and Aquilar IA}, 9-6. Relay, New· port ( Morrlaon, Fleeman, Roger1, McCUbbtnJ, ~9 .e. Finat acora: Newport tw>'N·H i,.a Anabe.lm. ------'--------'------------1 t.y Elementary Leape outln1 of OC DOUBLE-WIN TRIO COPS. But· TRACK . GO ........ ~ Griffith. 1 ------------------~-----1 £AB.LY LEAD ! Football hero Mlckty Flynn topped Ana.helm performer• by COMING SOON! Norpt'• knocken got off to cheaUng out the Tan own ¢d a 3--0 lead In top of the third 'bero Charlie Berry in both ur.1 fiiiiiiii~i;;;iiii ... ;i;;;;;r;;;~iiii"i;;iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii""iii• when RJchtflelder Hilton Bell century and .220. The nytne • waa · l&f• OQ an uror, F1.r1t Flynn took th• 100 tn 10.3 an A PEEK AT TOMOUOW Sacker Tom Markhvn walked th• 220 In 2l.2. 2nd a.nd Catcher Rich Wal.Ion buat-.... --··-• ad a triple to 1eore them. Wat-Newport'• Tom Troolen .ailed JUUl- aon ca.me acroq hlm1elf on a over t he et~ mark In th• high wild pttch. Jump for the third time thll lllluble Yi<torleo by oprlnter Loe ~lnr, distance man Bob Sue. and blm!ler Bill H&rrjM>n paced Cot<h Hu .. t.on Barper'o Onnce Clout College trad< tum t.o • 88.63 tri- umph over San Bernardino in • dual club on the Mesa But tallle1 ln clu.teri· of f tve 1euon In takln1 the event. In bQttom of the thlrd and. fourth Hulan Pauley w11 a •UrpriMI trame1 left the Eruii,(IUI tra.11· In the lhot put, out-heaving lnc 10.:1. ttammatea J lm Rumaey and Bob campua Friday afternoon. Tl.)tlor 1pad Ulii century tn •.• Wlth KanllCO tnJlfnl' him to tM tape. and reeled on th• 1no ui u..a. au.-. copped t.be b1111 nt1141, In S:Ot,.1 and th• Mil• tn 4:U. ~ Kluor9d tb11 l\IP u.mwa Ln 11..1 and °" IOw banMN ..... M.I.. N..,.-t H.arbor'• Brue» Knipp iar.·Junlot Melltis, ·in Goln1 lnlo the MV'lnlh, Hunt· Villagrana al 4:1ft. 41,,ln. u the took MCOnd to Han1eon ln aacb lnl'to'\ Beach eot ovtr--confldent Gobi •wept the weight evenL HMion wtlh th1 1Uck.ll. lad cbangtd twirlers. The one CO)(PLETE RESULTS ot.ber Plrat.a tint.a •caWt the)' picked for relief wu to Var11ty: High hurdlee, Mere· Ban .BemaJ'dino came trom Guy th• local larruper1 liking. for dlth tNJ , Hopkina (NJ, Grif· Johnaon tn th• lhot put. Bob •l1hl b!1 run1 trooped acroa1 !Ith (NJ. 1:1.8. 100, Flynn {A), Norman In th• b.tcb jump and for 8U1Jwell'1 aluss•r.. Berry t NJ. Pa•r1on (N), Stan Hopkl.n.l in the poll vaulL BJG STANZA ' 10.3. 44 0, U• bllween Bol1nc (N) Compllla reauJa: • • Mar1hall Writht Walked .; and Morehead (Al : Bak:w (A), 100, Taylor t~, Ham.oo lead off the lnnlnf "Bol)W&ml· ~.8. 880, Smith IA), Rieii (N), (OCJ, f>krce tBB). f.I. 220, 1'1.1· tncton waa aa!• 0:,. • fi&lder'i DaLong jNJ, 2:08.2. 220 •. Flynn SB Blll ,__ (A) Berry fN J, Niquette (Nt, lor (OCI. Qlaaeow ( ), Gnya choice, ....... i:nploo plncb hit ia.J'. r.ow hurdle•. M:eHdlth fN ,, !BB>, 22.a. 440, Glurcrw (BB), for Plte!Mr Wayne ac.,yrleld and ~. !N 0 ttttth (N) ,208 Wllaoft (88), P9MIJJ COO), drew a walk, J~k Bhuttt :rin~a.st,.:,• 1~1 • P1rg ' tNi: &1.2. MO, Sueaa lOC), R\ll'P,UI llhlleO. Gary CW111, Kent Ho!SS-Virdugo t A). 4:44. Shot. put. lSB), ~man {SB), 2:04..1. MUI. 90n and Allen wµJlan\a atroUe3 p I (NJ Rumaey (N I vu1,.. Su-tOCJ, Jll1Mlln1 ISB I, a.ad Btll bill Cn1led. au ~y ', ' . • Shltf tOCl 4:41., Two mlli! Th&t ,_... .... .a .... lhe lead 1rana (N L 4:1-4 \s. High jump, er • • • ~~ Trootm (NI. ti• amonc Pear- lillali ~ WI Hineline t8B), V&Nla tOCJ, 13·10. But I.hen IUU..11 found -(N), Roceri IA) and Ban-rotn n 'Midrono 188/, 11:02. M.lle re-hlr~Mlf In Uta qU&l'Mir7 of 'ha,.... IS.rs (Al &ft Bro&d jump BU· initU ,"' i.1, 8an Bernardlno by forfeit. Ins, ao pltcbe~ Jeft ht Hununr-ford lN J'. H~rlAdo tA l. Audn-, u1-h hurdle., H&nhOn (QC), ton• bottnm ol tha trwn .. That (" 20 1 P 1 1, .... ~~ A•-:.r=• I< -OCJ -ed r ti!. • oaoD ,,,, •. o e vau ..., ~ ~ -• If ... ltlllpp (0C), Van O't.r ( • pro• a ' (A l LaGretd1 (A ) New-P'f' Jlu'tiw lchOOI Jun1« l&t. Low hurdlu, 11arNon TornOt"l'OW', Jlon.ee llMlp · · vUllt;r '*'2tla tMm Madfd tbll (OC Knl (OC) W'Uanft '(tlBt p\&)'9 an an.moon prM:Uce bury (Ni, lift. Relay, Newport A•~· ~ Hl ~ It• ft.l. 'Bhotpp JJUt. Jolu'tlim (OC); pm• aptut WutmlMtar here. (Buford, M1rtln, Bel'!'y, Nl~ ltl'lt bMtt ~ det'-.L or. hlnturilr tSBJ. "--(SB). w~ <>ra.n11 wW bl h1r1 tht ...... W • UI• ·rival -4~1'4 . Jl11h jump. Nonntn fOf' a loop contut. At°"' 'or ..... CIUfltj ,..1,.....11•d• &.1...t ....... ,. • Afll afl4 Cfft• 111... .., N~ 9 IVlll, w .. , Tl>u,..., "'"· l:OD t• tl:OO. &11... '""· 1:00 ti 11100. MAY , 2 THRY -6 : 5 BIG DAYS . ' . TM •"-• °'CNwfl '-' ...... .,__ et 911cl<lfl•I>.,.. .... _,, ~ll>llt ~)' ~ .. M. H91.u.I• & .,_. •fllll f11l11rlfl• tltl all •M '°HINllll)' Klt&lt-.'" HI BASEBAU GLOVES HOOD "PF" CASUALS •nd Sun·Steps Shoes ltl Ma.nae Aw .. BalMa lllJ.and -Harbor 1141 Soun; M d&U,--~ M p.m. Henderson's 11'8 ~ewport Blvd .. C..ta Hieaa N-• UM!d 8alea-Llbe1't7 a..7808 AUTOMATIC WASHER SERVICE LIDO sHoPs &.PPLIANCES--Howaehold Part.I -Dealer -Servlcti UDO ELECl'IUO w• Via Udo -Harbor •111 AUTOMOBll,f; DEAl,EJ<8 New and uaed Cllrl NlOJlDlft ST1JDEBAK.Ell 8akil 81!.rTk!e .Part• H16 Newport Blvd.-Bar. 61t Ba1tk et A.medca NT A 8A. "" ''la lJ4o -ll.alWr ~ BARBER SHOPS LIDO 8HA. VJlt{Q KUO la BldweU'• Bk!"' for Keo Mii Vla Udo -llMt»or IW BEAtlTY PARLORS LIDO SALON OF BEAUTY h16 Npt. Blvd. -BM. !618 BOOK (.lA.81:. Mlt ''la Lido -llal'bor "'°" CAMERAS & Sopplleo VL"iCENT UDO DRUGS 1-&11 Vla Udo -llartMlr 1001 CARPETS t DRAPERIES · DlClK MA.OK.ER MIO ''la Wo--llartlor UU ' CATERINO &IOllA.BD'A LIDO MAB.KET Mii Via 1Jdo -Jla;rbor tit.I Clotblag·Childrea Ii lnfantl J!:Bl'8 OF LIDO U06 N-·port H.lv4. CLOTHING-=-Men'1 Retail lllDWEUltf SHO.P FOR II.EN MJI ,, .. Udo -Barbor OMS Olotblnl'-Womea'• BetaU LA ILEL'-"£ J91 \'la~ -fla.a)-r '610 LIDO FA.MHIO!'i8 Mlt Npt. lllri. -l_larbor 1;'11 8KA.DDO<Jll 'S CLASSIFIED DIRECTOR Y FURNITURE DICK MACK.EB WO Vla Lido -lla.rt>or QU GIFT SHOP .RICllARD'8 LIDO MABKrl' l•aa ''la Udo -.llanor Sl.U INSURANCE AGENTS W. O. llUCK, L"°C. UOO Via Udo -flartlolo "" INTERIOR DECOKATORS BlucH l"Dibnali--&.LD, • Mlt-''la Udo -lbnor lNI DICK MAClKEJL MJI Vla Udo -Harbor 4111 BO'°llTA. Wll.BON M&Jaca Im porta IOO Vla Ma.lap-llanor 1111 MARKETS RJCJllA..B.D'8 UDO llA.JlDT UIS Vta Udo -Balbor %1U REAL ESTATE P . A.. .PALllE& INC, &Sii via Udo -b.arbor llOO l'.OOEL OOJ(PANY Mtl \'la Udo -Hatbor 4111 llA.Y A..."iD BEACH RLU.rl' Via Udo BridJ'e omoe IUl LaFa1ette -Har .• IMS UDO REALTY A8800JA.D:S Udo Sal• A Re:ntalt 1400 Via li4o -Harbor "" 8A VINGS & LOAN ABSOCIADONS lli'l!:W.PO&T BALBOA. • SA \'IN08 a LOAN A8800. A Bavtq• lllltltuuon Lone Term Home~ .... ,, .. Udo -~°' SHOES _..: M.eo111 B1DWELL'8 STOR.E tor JO:.'lf aw \•t& Udo -.llarbor .Old SHOES, Women R ULE'! 0, CA.UP'OL~lA U.10 Via Udo -~ OW , oomtll ~ .ft"'1_tOOJ•· b\it COCJ, D&ur,; C88t, Madrono ' .............. ~ ............. , ... ,..,, ....... Ho ............... , .... Wla ,....~."1 ~ ---1oc1. n. ... 1sa>. ,,.,, 1sa1, lfW Msine a. Automotlft 1M & M Motors T.__tlfl ........ M•klflO lite•• -•-/If thrl/. 11.,.~.,...1 14.U Via LWo -RarMr H11 VAGABO!lri'D BOVU Imported sporuwear Mii Via Ude -lladNor JtN THEATRES LlDO 'l'HrA.TU:: CoftMlit tMa ~I*' for-pqr&l'Q Via LNG at N'~ Blvd. lb.rtlor lllt , llila,. •.. ~ de. Bl'O&d j~mp,, Pteree.~ IBB!• J'Ul,.Ll:lt't'O, (OCN.,)-hl· Oe--.1 ltepablac ftie wtlt _... ct.fu.d-Hopklna (OCJ. ~ (BB)-. ltl'tOft.11.lP .. ~ wvmed • lril~ _dlaal*q .AD&ltiaim racque. tl-1 . ~ e.antwWr (IB), up tor &UMll '-Pa cJU.,.... Cadillac t... to ktep pt.C9 With ~er-Johuon (OC), RodliQ'MI lOC), llllpa by 4llmJdq La Habra 1Ut 1.a• lluta .Ana ill th• loop 116-J}ti. Jlnal MlOr't. OCO 11-41 week. 61 S/S:.ta 1/1 tn Ui• ~ Speclalistl ~ .. Ban Bemudino. •t.Y. 11-1 tn Ut. B'"a .,,,J. tO:l I.a .1'M ~~~ ... •" M. ·w: Jim HJckrny woa. t.b~•,.C',.•=======-;l lnterceptor & C ... CIC thttr Mal• mttcb• and Jost M , t-t: Bill Oon•r klat ,.1, -u.a.ltlNE Marine .an4 tied IA dOIU.~ 'bornpe.U· t-1· Don DolbM won· 1-1, 8-0 ..,.. ""' '"' ........, -... ,... ...; _, .__ .... ..,, INSUIANCI U 8-3311 l>&N .,,.._tu. -~ ~ W : t..o. JfOY Ooa won ~ 14; Ttrn 1a.t dolltll•, )IJQ .)(aft&" and Ct ,:-;::i._--::.,. (It..~ • -'~- ...._ ........ t i CllJ.p Wlll•J M. MJdllt1 .......s ..... ...,. .., ud -•• a... .. 80W'Q •• JIM'S H ~ Jtan ~ M. M. Ol'Q' ... Nd IM •er.a 1lft . ••• ...--~ -... on-~ .,..,.. • w, u , 1-1 ........., MUrrua SERVICE ~ tb4iil' ftnl. douWM -SO ~_._ -----....... -....... U• ud ._. -- ...,.,.. ,:.;~ ~.t. IS COMING ' ~ . • • Om! ~. DANCING ---..,. KING a'nmtos IUO 'la O,.~r fill DRUG8TORE8 VINO&Jrrrii-8 Uuo DRIJCM Hl1VtaUd9-...,...._llOt . '' -----LIDO ELJ'.<JTIUO ...... \Ila l.l:h. -llartt.or •1tt ' •UJ11••w1 UDO auam Oorwas-Tabt. An&nl•ma"llol ..... \Ila us. -........ 1111 l'OUNTAIN, oms . Vl.SCIL''"T'll UDO DR110I Mil , ... Udo -............. ' TOYS LIDO TOYIAND 14fl Vla Lido -........,, 11$1 TRAVEL AGENCIES llAllBOa 'l'llA\'&L....t..G&N'OT- Mll Np&. Ill.Yd. -&r. ant UPHOLSTElllNG DICK llAOllE& MIO V .. Ulla -...,..., ... . WAtCll IU!:PADI VINCZN'l"I WAJ'CB REP.ADI UDO D&1J09 ..... ~ ..... """ ... ,..._ -• .-OPUATIO.N .... ~ " · ftt QM ~ .,.. AIM .....,. ··"I Ml °'"""'' -.. , ... -SCOONI , llOOm OOA8'r 00. Q"u:JH L--!: .. :::wf::"'~"":; ..... ::·;·~C=q:.:::""":':-;.:-:..-~ ..................... ,.. .. • JS ..... ,...,... -• .. •• "· ,_ ............. boU. dov.bl... Bob ft&lw kl9t. FRAllQ & ALBUMS ,WINDOW COVERING OD••&DT STUDI08 TfD.: IJIA..DS .8HOP IOI 'Yla Udo -RarlMr .... I ~to l'Mt Of'1l:l9-Bar. .. • , -.,...., .. --- " • • • ~-·ooo ., .... &.rt. .. ~ .... ~;,.1111 _!~=--~·~ .. ~~~·~-·~·....,!. .... ~:...:-."~·~d=~---...-~--~..;;..~----11...i_:..Jl:~!!J!~~~~~~~ • f lii-nl ... la wr-... -., _, ... alt.MW .._,.. ~I llAli II till ftr"-, ...... et_.....,. u,.. A•.... I ..... ~ IUI .t.cL • llaW .. I r.,.t .... ... • U80Qlal to ~ ...... Ulot .. ----------."""""'--~ '°' .......... ... Df !Im MJi [18 OOllJllT.QP pr09..-t U&ll~ tof ud .... ll'Alll -c.u.ao&: ,....-... ... tes•U. wttla .. . IAJl"l'4 • .,_.. (OCll'l>-.U lftA Jlf AD .!'-m cld•tW _,..... #M ..... Ulot ........... ..ai • a 0.-. *' OOGlfti • "-·•• u••••l o1 .-.,., nrvt ~~~~ ... --... ---------llJIPl~-~~~--MW __.... ........... fll a ...... ....,_ ........ eadt 10t W,..,.... fll a... ~:...;,....:;::~---..... --.--~~~~-~~~~---,....a~~· •otaMOIP'MJ.aOI' •mM11lto117tMW 1·11 f ~ al ............ -· w.r. ....... IT JfOl'JCm Ia lllllUIST·Ol'YlrK c I .• ...,. fttdq. Df ,... MAnm or > t • HU. dQ "' x.,, 11M, D • •. · .:::... .... .::~ ::.-:: :.:n=~ ~ :: :-. -=: ~:: ~~.:~ _..;. ____ .;.._._ ______ ~11111)1~-~--- • c1'lllM tlle a&l'lllll a& IOtl oD..MD) ta.. un6mllMd Cttr ~ ~ -Oleitllll ID:tlf• All na ti ... Wi•t 00nnn•F;1,_..i~t & o.& ..,._ ,...ru.t a -.. U.Cl~otN..,ort~--'LIMe 1 •--...a-'•$1..81 .......... .....u. .. ..,.. WOl'ICll • ~ OIVJIM ., lad ell ,. ..... lb~ In _ __, ~ Of ••II•..., ~ a. U.. •• ...,..... .. lllreeu· ~. wwll dee•, or ln \ht..._. ' U... I k•...._ LIO ...,. allowed to wia • tM tllr .t '9 llltate Of DUIN wl °" toe. may a,,_.. at UM ' Uw I lwrtUVM 1.00 noor. ... .... ..., ...... wUl ..u at ,..uiu pl&c. ot meetma °'\he 'U.. 'k11rtlou l.IO ~ ~u!" ...::_.-:,,:; ~:': :'9 .:_ U::. ~-~ ~~ =u1:!.~ ~~ = ...._ w_....u. .. ......,.11" ~· •• a.. .. ..._ • ._, ••anoe. tell ... .....a7 ta-KaJ', 1-. and llU•1-t to the ell Cb.amber tn u.. OlJ Bail. Q\J 11Dm1R111 AD la 6 LDfm ,_.... .._. lllSp. Tw9 ~ .ai-caar.au. ol MS4 hperior of Newport a.~. Oount.y of 'ftN boc'led -"-ta. plaJaUtt 0Dmt. t'9 Pftfll1.7 cle9crtW u Oraftl'e, Stale dt Calitbmia. and .,.._ :: ... .-lot IO ft. 100 ft. be \.Mn and t.Mn hll&l'd by M.kt -• aty OouncU. at IU 0-W kr CoMa X.... Tbe owun. the cont.Net.oz. or 0....,.. C • \l a t J, oaJ1twAla, Ma ...tcna. and all other per· ~ u : IODll m~ed tn l&ld work. or NEWPORT JIA.BBOB NEWS-PRESS IN'PAN'l'I ..... . DETOUR NEAR LAGUNA FOR UNDERPASS hta tataat ... "'•· ud Ivery ......_,, W1••.-Y -4 "'*r COASTAL SHOPPER-WednNdaya ftte leuUMr\1 1IO fltltt ol In th• ..... mtnt. tHlln&' ... Lot 11 la ~ 8 of 'met frleYed bf any act or det«11\in&· 1------------------------ Mo. 11, 1"lnt AddlUoll t.o Uon of th• Superlntmdenl of 8pecilal Notlom ..._.........Db las d ed Mn. 0-.W IL llDIU.. 1040 Xany Newport Beach drivers going &oµth along Highway 101·A have won er w.. Jlallloi& m.s. ._. at Wrth 'bout the detour near the city limita of Laguna Beach. They an becinnlnr to lundA.)' ta a-. 11.,.w.. Prl· find out it 11 to perrrut construction of an underpasa at that point for a new .. t. ....._ wwe !Mid at I PA road to Cameo Cove. Above is shown a piece,of the heavy equJpment the con· =.i a:,.th..i:. ~ x!: tractor Earl Brandy is using tearing into the present highway embankment. Koo-nan ot w..i eo.tna Luth· • The u~derpus 11 ex 0 pected to be finished early in J une when it will .be poui~le ·~<;':-Ci:_:=~ babl•• &o drive (o a new Irvine development at Cameo Cove )¥here 69 rea1dent wuta .,.. wmved by ,nndpan.nu. ··~~~~WouL -S~UP~~~-------------------~~·-u __ d~--~--'-~--~~ ..,.,_ u ..._. °" & map 8trwta or the Ctly EngtnMr ln reoG1'94 la Book t , ,..._IO, rei.uoo thereto, or wbo cla1m M'eMfu*lu *" Atoordl lb&t the work bu not been JMr· of 0nnp Oouat.y, caufor· tormed accoldln1 tOt.he contract 1l1a. ac.pUq u..r.tl'om the ln a pod and ll\lt>.ta.nttal man· &uterl7 rectaJlplar '° f .. t ner, or who claim that ant por· and the W..teri, r.c~ Uon of the work for any NUC>n U feet. wu omJtted or lllepUy Ulcl~ed The term• and eondlUona of ln the contract for the aame, or Y Newport Barbor ' B. P. 0. JC. 1191 .... u nert 'naunda,y • ,... VJ.a Oporto -ODtnJ Aft, Newport 8eacll Al. H. Matlhewa, Eu.lted ltulw Mk are cub lo lawf\11 money ot havtnl or mallln1 any obJec· the VDttad ltat-, or part cub uona to the correctnua of the ud ~ upoo credit, aubJect Ulfflmmt or dlainm or other s.-8~ Aaao~t Rum'm•g• S•I• Mesa Council KIUs Plans For Trailers. Apartments t.o th• approval of l&1d ZX.Cut.or, 1ct, de~rmlnatton or procM<tln11 with the unpaid portion of l&ld of th• Superintendent. of Street. purdlaM pr1c. evidenced by the :>r Enstneer, or any oftlcera or note or not• ot the purcbuer, qenu of aid City coMected with a nr.t DMd of Tr\Mt on with -.Id work, ahaft prior to the the property eold to aeeul"9 pay· ;tay ftxed for aald heannr. ap- roent thereof, te:n per Ce\\l of peat to the Mid City OouncU of Juntor El>tµ etub ot N.wportu ... =: ..... ~~-~SW .. ~"!!!!!•!_ __ Beach. k t. April II -t a.m. = ;::;;;::;: __ APPROVE ARBOR DAY PROCLAMATION .Mernbera ot the Woml'na Cumrn.ttce of the Chamber of Cammerte read FrlJ•y a Arbor Day Prochunatlon t.Klled by Ma)or Dora Hiii, rrqui?sllng c.t1z.ens to p!~nt Lttea. ahrubbt>ry ant.I eaplc1111ly Red Bouga1J1vlU.iea, the o!f1c1al city flower From left Mrs Ralph Ab~r.11 Mra. Cbarlee A lAmb, Mia. Robert M1nh1tll (Matedt and Mra. Ted Hambrook. -St.art Photo lo 6 p.m. 1163 N.,..,ort ....... PAINTIN6 C. K. (N..t doOr to old ec.t& Df'l'DtOA _ llX'J'mtlOR Coat.a MM& City Council April variance lo operate a trailer 1 lh• lot.al bLd to be depo.lted said City ln the manner provided HJ turned down an appllcaUon park at 2080 Newport Blvd. waa with bid, and balance of cuh. by law by briefly llallnJ In writ.-Meaa Bull). 1ca .u..ao KAlUJCJI •Allft'IMQ of Roy 8wlU\llOn to eatabll•h a w\lhdl'&wn beca.uae of poealble and delivery of note or notea Inf the vounda of any appeaL Cl J.al-..1 1-..l- trallrr park at 239 Avocado SL uae of property t or freew.y &Ad Deed of Tnlat, 1f eold on Dated lhl112 day of April. 1961. .. T..a OU9X I d ln credit, upon contlrmaUan of aale; MARGERY SCHROUDJ:R • art.er • apllt vote tailed to over· w•o:no~c llncerti. who la pul'· all aubJect to coatlrm&Uon by City Clerk or the City of I OaM el n.ab , rule a plannlnr comml.ulon r.c:· rt ot Florence M aaid Court. Polley of T\Ue In· Newport Buch Callfomla I lpecMl A• rrnw .. ommendal1on of denl&,I cShh~~ Po'Vn penortby eut comer ~i aura.nee al the .XperlN of the rito. ee. Newa-~ 4/UI. 23. l~ ' .-...., Dlneton Swa.naon, who obtained a let-.,._..., , eatate. ~ 10 ~ G .... ter In hi• favor !tom adjoLDln1 Rochester and C>n.n6• Av-.. Wrllltn blda wtU be rfcelved CEaTIYJCATE OF Bl'&Th"ES ll ,..,...., llat.ellUa propet ty owners, was aupported withdrew hls,appllcaUoo for var-al the office of l&ld llxecutor at F1cUtJous Finn ~a.me 11 am......, ~ in h11 varl1tnce eppllcaUon by lance to buUd MVe.n-unlt apart· 606 Firat Wut.eru Bank Build· THE UNDERSION!:D do hrrt· 1' Pe,...... three rouncllmrn but City Al· ment bulldinJ and wW ruubmtt lnJ, Banta Ana, California, or by certify that they ~e conduct-U....... l'ev a., lomry Don Dunra.n ruled It took plana to p!s.nnl.nl conunlulon to may be daUvered to aaid llxecu· In&' a General Oontractlnf Bual· 11 ~ a four·fltU11 vote of the councU 1 •mtnded lhe application f-o r a &r peraon.alJx. or may be filed nua at 1908 Harbor Blvd .. Costa n -..a., to override lht commlallon. five-unit atructure. l:ncertl, be· ln the otllce of lhe Clerk of the Meu.. California, bnder the fie· 11 lleuatJ AYll Sa.Id Cound lma.n A. L. Pink· selged by compla.lntanl.I at tbe aboVe IJ\UUed Court, before th• Utioua t1rm name of Newport It a.JUl AMI ley: "J bel11•ve In letttnr pereona J plwneu meelln:. Mid he had makinl of the aale. Said Execu. Builders and that aa1d flnn 11 n Diet .,... road I do with their property what lhty talked lo adJolnln1 property tor ruervee the rlpt to reject compoeed ot the followln1 per· M lld!IMlll, IMtruet• want If they don't dtect the ' ownen mat.nwhUe and bad come ~ny and all blda. aona. whoee namu In ruu and II IJtmttw W..W henJlh nnd wety of th,.lr nel(h· to an IJ?'Hment.. Dated th• I() da.y of AprU, place.a ot r .. ldence are aa fol· :-=.::= I bOra." Ptnkley wu Joined In A public he&rlnl' wu held lo tits&. Iowa to-wit: ..._ ... ·a-- votlnr for the vamnce of Coun· rezone a tract on Victor a St. w. l!I. THOMSON, , POPP.: ,,.. • -.....- cllmen Bert Smllh Ill(! Art from rell1denU&I to manutactur· Executor ot lhe Eal&te of 8~ ~Un Ave: H;B .t.ppai-¥" Meyena. Mayor Claire Nelaon tnr . applied for by Norman HELEN KEELER, Newport Beach, Calltomla 11 W&DW to Ba7...._ and Bruce Martln'a \'Olu. how· CutaJan of Udo Plumblnr 'nle deceuecl. 'IC KLINE STICKNEY, 11 hnttve fer ever, blucked Ule application. petilton waa approved when no No. l~ New1-Preu 1562 NrA•port Blvd , U..A ~ KOLL Dlt~IED protuta developed. 4/20, 21. 23, 27, 30! 6/2, '· 1958 Coeta M...., Caltlornl& :: :::-_,, 0= T .V Pinkley a.lao vote<I lo deny a NOTICE OP' nLINO OP' WITNESS our haoda tht. 4th 16 Dop, ~ Peta variance for K. W. KoU to con· DEATH NOTIC:I il EMJO:l\'T A..'m.TQIE OF day of Aprtr\116& II P.a.ltr7 atruct tour unit.I on M ch of llx, HEAlllNO THEllEO:S 8 / E . KUNI!: STICKNEY 11 Ufflt.dl R·4 realdttnll~ Ioli af 11th BL NOTICE 18 HERJ!BY GIVEN 8/ MAX W. POPE It Alrtoe W&aW UCllMDD -JNIUUID Glenn Johnston I01411t 8t. Newport Beach Jlartlor 11 Tl UUo CARPENTRY MlNOll ltl:rAiB WORK No Joa TOO aou, a.o. ...... _ 101' .. Ila&* •...s.. 9&1lloa llu1lol> IMO aatto PAINTING PAPERHANGING 'Sympson & Nollar .._ ~""Wcnm. Bar. ft06 or Gl1T tt Peinting, Decorating Papa Han12n1 and Rogers Place "for the Mme MADELEINE DE LA TOIUUt that heretofore there wu tued STATE OP' CALIFORNIA •o Aut.oe for 8Ue _:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;, reuoninr." th1l ll would effect Mrl!. Madeleine de la Torre. wtlh lhe unduatrned. City Clerk COUNTY OF ORA NOil )U . fO..A n,. • Pu1a thr Rea Lh and aafety of lhr 71. of 721 lArkrpur Ave .. died ,f tlle City of Newport Beacl\, OP' THlS 4U1 day of April. 61 Auto lenlce • GEO. BURKHARDT Uc&Nd:lJ WNTIL\C.:!1JR O a.etas Ube1.J 14f21' SOUTtt GORST CDUSTRUCTIDD CD. ~ RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COM~cRCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR SMALL !3_9 SOth St., Newport &acb Barbor 2533 nelchbor1. • I 11t h".r home Saturday aflu a ~lfornla. an uHUmtnl to covu AD 1956. before me, ROBERT U Trallel'I I Va1 t&llce a ppll'catlona approv· brle; lllilua. She waa a native lhe aum due ror lhe work and Im· A. EASTMAN, a Notary Public u AUpleaee - ed were ~ne 1ielnm1llei. lo I ot France. had lived here 20 provrm"'l done and pertomf'ed In and ror the .. Id County and n Waated to a.a l du'rb cuatom made hala In htr yea. J. Sui v1vora are her hua-l>y th• contractor, under and ln Stale, realdlnJ lhei:eln. duly •8 Apta. & Boa.aee for a.t home on Del Mar 8l., an R-4 band, Alphonse. of the home; pul'9uance of the provt.lon. of commluloned and eworn. Jlf'nton• '8-A Apta. for &eat zoTPe; Donald J. Oarich, to tn· one d1ughle1-. Alr•.l Annelle .i\e "Improvement Act of 1911 ", 1.lly appeared MAX W POPI: '8-8 BCIUM9 tor ae.a I croach within 6 feel from rear Gorman of South Oa e ; • t on, r•rl'renre belnc m1de to RMOIU· and E. KL I N l!l 8T1CKNB:Y '8--0 Tra.Uer 8,.oe I p1opr1ly lln1• 011 Coaa;~ Place, Robeit. Van N1,1ya; two 1l1ler11. lion of lntenUon No. t8611 of the known lo me to be lh• pereona •t Booaa for ... , an R·• zone; Don Huddltalon. Mn!. l\farUla Knipp of t)rtlln· City Couna l of the City of New· whose na mca are 1ubac1 lbed to '9·A ~ BOlll9 1 .. ar yrkd rn.:m1rhm .. nt to 16 :Ide and Mr1. Hener1et~e de Ill port Bearl\, CalttornJa. In the the wtthln. anatrument. and I C· U ·B Boom • a-nl feet, 4 1:1'hl'll "" E11at lilh St .. Torre of Coeta .MC!Jlll, a.ao three matter of Ule ln1tallaUon of aanl-' knowled1ed to me lhat lhey 60 Reti .. lllac. a C·2 &<me; Robert Batterton, grandcbUdren. tary Mwer1 ln Cliff Drive and Ue<:Uled the same 51 8tor9 • Of1kee pt"rmll rear yer 1 11~lback or 10 Holy Rotary will be recited at :>lher 1ttt4la and 116hll of way, IN WITNESS WHERl!:OF, I 61·A &-...... .._... fut from re11r or houM and gar· Baits Mortuary, Corona del Mar, adopted on the 2Clth day of July, have hereunto Ht my hand ind ~ BvFnva Opportmaltlla age lo rear pt oputy llne on Yo&· t4)morrow at I P· m. with MaM 19611. for the dHcrlpllon of aald aftlxed my otflc-lal seal lhe day 64 Mone1 to Lo.al cant land In R 4 zune. Clement Wt(lnea.1Ay a t 10 a m In Our work and Improvement. a.nd of and year In lhla Certificate fl.rat M Mone1 Waated L. M&Jtrejf'an, to permit aide Ledy Of ~t. Carmel Church. the dlatrlcl lo be UHUed to pay a.bove wr1ttm . • IT llM.l 1:11a .. WaaW yard encroachmf'nt to S fffl on lhe Rev. 81ti'hen KJley ortlclat· lhe co.ta and upen.MI thereof; S ' ROBERT A EASTMAN 61 aeaJ s.tate llentloe alac~ 1ar11e on 22nJ St .. R-4 lnr. tald u 1e11ment belnl' made pur-My Commlaalon Explrea M laeome Propeft7 zone. lnAnnent wm be In Holy tuant lo the provtalora and re· July 29. 19M .._A Oommertaal. Watrtal An appllc-.tlon of Walter O Sepulchre Cemetery qulremenl.I of tald Act. accord-No. 892 Newa-Preu tl 8-.1 Jteta'9 E•1 M,. Beck and Leiter !: Shaw for lnl' to lhe ch&racur of tile work 419, 18, 23, 30, 1~ t t ll.eeJ FAtate • GREATER EIRNlllGS ... REMEMBER ••• SAVINGS received by the 10th of the month ... EARN FROM the ht. 1 "' • PEI ANNUM CUI RENT EARNINGS COMPLETE PAINTING Is Paper Bangtq Semc. JroOmfm 0 . U'U'NDllR.8 600 l1lt I~ Nn:pol't-..& Barbor 1171 .,. CDOCNT Is BUILDD(Q All Ktada l"RllZ llrl!DUTl'.8 LlbutJM108 General Contraclor- UCSKaJll> Ntw Work -RemocW!nc J. MILTON McKENZIE HarbOr 8398-W Mtto SPARKLETTS DISTILI.JiID WATER ror CudS&o Ooadltiou kl4Dq8tGum N~tta ~ Balt ,.,.. Diet Llbert.7 1...0012 • l'f cl FURNITURE • Diat1nct1"11 dMllJ*l Made, repalr'fd or~ C. ~VERETT SMITH 413 • itut It., Nnrpor\ Jaw.ch Bar. tlll or Har. IW ~ llelO Palntmc 6 ,Pa~ We do tbe wo,k 01ll'lletftL .. ,..,. tllllf? ,..._..."--. 1au.eacu. ..,..t.994. ....... ,.. ,..... a.a.1-..... LI S..2UT Is U 8-5219 f!Uc EXPERT REMODELING • • -. . . MANJIO OftO MlCAMA Ut:r--..... t-.ill . _...,. .· • l I I I ' • • ~..:r. .•. $rent W. Musi Your Hudson Deeler I RENTAL LlSTINGI WANTB:D. kSWPOaT lmlaBTI 1IOI • 1702 ..... Ps.o.. 'l"tfO WnDa.; ..... &,.:.. •• 8Cboola. v~ i.e.. or ~ mo. • • LiClo Nord S.y ITOftt •Harbor lrrh Co. ~ ~ • l'fJ&. .... • • • OR Jimt a ...i a.lee u,,.»• .._, wt~ ...i flrepiao., I WnM aacl Mu. &n4 &tao atr& bed room and ~ bath attach• to double ,..,.,... Nft'tl pN!at.d. v.., ... to Milch m .000-t.mna. • • • BALBOA PENINSULA OCaA.H ntOHT LOT A-1, " .,,,.., i02. •u.to0. Good w.i.. Baa fl'oet 1Vd vttw °' CIUaa • • • ORANGE COAST , •. \ ' • -' • -• -----a=a.r • \ .. ............... . : OUTSTANDING SELECTIONS!. ~~::l'Alo~~~~~~~! ~-~·~·~~~·~:;:::~·:•:•:11: ........ :=~r~~l llO~P~eot!!_' ,!;-~'*L---INEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-l'RESs-l'ART I I · PA&E S -• !:;t_:!_ = -MONDAY. APJl]l 23. 1956 ; . <c moMAS e THOMAS TAKE YO ,ir1ir----1-·1 ,Income Prop.e1~u_l~-=~-~11NJ~~ll'll~a~ .. E~=~a§a~iil~~!::==~·~·~· ~--.,..--1 I * Ba..;_tv.;;es * SHO!UXUm!' mrr HCRa ~:' .:c: CORONA DEL MAR, Lwrurfoua In every way vieW of the ....... and hllll. 2200 Sqaare feet of apettacular modern &r<hlt<cture. -Excluaive llath>j. . 2!iown by appointment only $5."i,000 ·----· BALBOA ISi.AND \ One ot the lJlla.nd'a finet:t, aituated on &n e:xtn. wtde lot: very cJoee to So. !J&Y. 5 Bednna., 4 baths, aepa.rate dining roqrn, dellghUul patio, dbl. gar. µJua oft •b'eet partw>g. A Value at $44.950 \ ·----·· ' BAYSHORES Architects Own Home Substantially reduced • Beau.Uful redwood, modern, ideal for the large family. -4. bedrooms plu.1 -ollilld 3 tSalha. Abundant eta.et and 1torage space. ' Tropical Patio, 11eparate play yard and large 2 ca.r g&r. $29,500, generoul term&. WM. W. STANLEY SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD Puk Ave. at Marine, BaJboa bland Harbor 241}2 HARBOR HIGHLANDS OPEN I TO 5 DAILY 1944 PRISCILLA LANE 3 bedrooms, 2 ba., fireplace, large well land- .acapcd yard. Priced Lo &('ij Qu.ick. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtdr 2602 NeWport 81\:J. -Har . 4718 -Newport Beach JUST LISTED CORONA DEL MAR . OUPLEX Excell ent Location on Corner Lot Beaut1!u! covered lanai $16,000 for quick sale EXCLUSI\"E 1'.·ith BEN J. WHITMAN & Associates "Business is Good" 8M2 E. Cout Hwy. Corona de! Mnr 98cl Harbor !862 OCEAN FRONT Ai.a one block to nnest bay beach, 3 bdrms. l 1:.: bath, family home. Completely remodeled. FA hat, dble. garage. RA lot ltoom for 2 more unit.I). Priced at $21.000, terms or trade. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa Blvd. Har. 5188 Mesa Lots G. I. RESALE 8Pl!lCIAU -$14,900 • 1.16xW on Rocl\uter SL Eut o( a..nt.a 'Ana St., PQ.Vt"d. ,,_en tn. 3 n ic• bu1ld!ng att.N for ttnt..ai., near new mark•t.. offered Mk>w pre- n..lllnc market prlcu. Chance r<>r •peculator. SEJC THEM NOW. telepborM: Ha.r. Mae r.or det..aila. BEST EASTSIOE. 3 b<l1·m.11 .• I% bo.t'h•. dble. g&r. Patio. ti~pl .. Only $2600 dn . 4'-" lo&ll. Thi.. I• a f"l'8 1 b111 ge.!n ~ Mesa Home I BDIU(. boUIMI. large lot. Dnve by 20TT Ora11r• St., telephone for appointment to eee ln•Jdt. OM ,_,. ow. pricad 10 1ln. Ocean View Lot IOxlO tot at S3T cai.-urw st. p5(lO down wtll handle. NBC REALTY CO. 32nd a.Rd N.....,port Blvd Harbor 0436 11 BACK B/. T rolllnt hlll1 borne •Ll•. Teht•UW m1p of CMlc• ' pf\111 aett<t. -WO' ..u or ent•rtaln proptMltMn to..c::o- oplt'al• Lo devdo~t, ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES $6500 FULL PRICE 2 BDR"f . gar .. and ..,,.kJlhop on 11. ;2 x 300 lot. y,·111 Lakr traller e.11 p1trt" J)a-}'rntnl '4 BR. 2 FUL L BATHS $11 .000 REOUCEO, \'(ORTH llORE. dbl" l'\t., pelJo, 6 010.. old , talu:1 only $1130 dn .. $16 per mu. on Bal. CORONA DEL MAR •1o~~p,; It lNCO]l.lE. l D.R. home, Lg-. 11orrm. wlU!. fireplace. llwd. nr.. AlllO 1 B. R. ga.r. .1pt,, Dt>th f \11\y furn. A real bu)' tm rttlr"'mt nt. HOOO dn. ' M-1 tn n.w.-tl A bt'1t ma.nut •n=a, A. l'ftl bU1 whilf' pr~• a.rt rlJ(ht. 6 •ere• •t l6600 1.n acre. Tcnttf. Mesa-Had:>Pr Rlty. ' , .... ASSQC'L\ ?'ES WA Cenler SL. Coata )It.A Ll ,..6911 or lJ. 8-1784 J.>1 M !. 8 bnD. A den, S bath on the -bonl .:ror BAY Pl\ONT DIJl't.E\ JI!!!: th-.. '--w&Dt the flu.t._ -$87,000 Utw 1padous lftlfil"'T· Ztat CORONA DEL MAR VOGEL VALU~ ....., ~la ~. only • ,n,. ~-·~ ~-1~ tilt. ~-~2Mc&roo•P. 2. 8 -.. sueot room, 3 _..., _, room In uppol ud •-.._ lu. plott, and J>e,aid pool-TOPS at UV,600. u,..,. ""•17 ru-. 1 .,. A GOOD BUY WITH TOP J'INANcING .' 2-PfUCll RmUOa> ... ~ den. a MU.., 2 nr1pl&C*. J*UO, fe,.,.S. ,4..tloUv V .U,. VE at •tt,800. ...,..,... Pdw.tt. ~ pier CI>M llJ'l!)CIAI.S ripta. ... thlo -. bulld-, !. COrntr S bnn •• uowly reddlOrat.d. ,Only $11!,liOO ,., _ro. "°·"'°; ,... wnu. ·3 bedroom bOWle on a to• lot ju.It -bllra. ~ Little Corona ·&ocll. Important tea~ 1nr· clilae: tc. ldt.ch., with lot. of tile A b-iifut area, ~rvice pcb., t•,i bl.the, HW. tloora., tlrepla., paUo, cem. blk. w.U, full two-car gar. with euy access from atttet. Total price la only $23,500 I< a balance of $13,800 on a FHA ( ~ ~ loan. Name your tenu.-LOOK THESll OVER AT POPU- 1 LA.ft P1UCl:ll. 2. Duplex -A. beauty. 2 hODMe for Ute price Two bedroom bolne w1ltl a ont of one -1hf,ke root, 2 patlol', 2 bnn. ea. bedl'OOll'I ap&rtment. ov~r a J EST car ... ,.,.. Bay or OCelLD /THE B • _ location. &th ttnted now. Ma.kc an app't to ~ tbUt home. R·3 LOT 3-NOVJI Q'f n)JL SUMM&Jt. J bdrm.. plua Isa. rumpua room. 2~ ba.tha, near prl· vat• beaCb. Pl, 150. COMMERCIAL C1oM to town. too. 116.000. One ot the la.rgeet R·3 loU left in Corona del 1Ia.r for aale. The building area ot api'x. 80:xl.25' can be Increased to aprx. 126' x 126'. with ap- proval o! the City Council it can be developed lnlo a.n excellent •Motel Site. Don't overlook the many poaaibilitiea. Priced at only $19,500 t -CAPE CO.D CHARM. Loi.A ur room I II bdrm-.. S bll.Lhp. b~11.kfe.11t bar pJua din. rm., encl. patio. ht.300. Back Bay CHOICE ARZ.A -S..uUtully deco1·1fed, Early American, lge. II•. room, natunl kllcben with bullt·ln r&nl"• .tr. oven, 3 bdm1•., 2 tile be.the. room tor ..ipool -DON'T MISS THIS O~E -126.MO. ' Lido Values I-LIDO NORD cor. location. ~rt. lot. t8x24 llv. room, a ' bdrms. S-".~-• :?-ANOTHER GOOD 0 N E! Urv~ly 3 bdrm. on 4.5-tL lot. very attracUve, prlct" tn~I. atove. re.tna•rator A d.r&p.a. Ji J • .500, ternu. "C" THOMAS REALTOR and ASSOCIATF.S :221 \\'. Cout Hlv. .. y LI &-5:121 Newport Beatt\ t•rm• Comer rta.laurant bldg. leued. ~ x 104. lot $300 Leta UJ..k ·~'-Two bedrootn home W1th new $10,000 d.n. & per mo. · "1Wf over, and cutt bachdot In rear, rur4 LOTS - 2 level R2 together $MOO ea. lh down. R. L. STRICKLER, R'ealtor R.B.HODGE,Auocia~ 3622 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 2774 Rarely Found For Sale Outstanding Vie w Home A very 1peclal home on latg"e b61uUfully lan<ltieaped comer overlookfnl" the haroor ud oco.n. 1111.&bed. Two ;~i. pragu and patio •ttL Lllrge Jot .•. 43 ll 100 ft. ·~~. t:i-ma. Two bedroom bouae ln ftont. • duplex In rea.r, 1 bedroom t"ath. Good l"'tnl&J property and hard Jo rind near lhl• prloe ot $18.600, term•. Balboa duplu: with 8 badroonu down and 2 bedroom.I \IP .. nicely turnlshed , . , 1ltuated on two dandy lot. and only half bM>ck t.o bHt . b4t,y #Wimmlnr be&eh. Can't lw1i beat t or $20.000 and $M>OO down. Almoet forrot a dandy •a.lue on Anede •lrtel and only· 4 dOO"' from '*Y at $11,600 a.lid fur-- • CHINA COVE AREA lf you, like the "Chin& Co\'e Area," pleue ask ua about the house to be built right at the edge ot the beach. It will h.ave 3 bedrooms &. 2 bat.hi &nd ill carefully planned to make tht ID08t of the lot and the beautiful bay view. We have the pt. and complete information ,at our (Jffice. coune, you can select your own colof'9 1n · e, paint and wall p..per -above'a.U, it ia priced right. THE VOGEL CO. 'nl-9 view at nlS"ht le a myrlM1 of 1llttertng jewei.. nl.!lhed too. H ... 4 bedroom• '26G7 E . C8L. Hwy., Corona del Mar HA: 1741 s.nd l % bat.tu. , , . ewt'!i f11r _ HA :07~7 2 lv11 b*<trtHlDl•. i·ach with bath. Den with cu.atom built ftreplae&. Ylne wall·to-wall carpeting. Ya.de to order kltcheo-br-kfqt room. Huge ~•tone J*tio. Owner bUUt home Nqer before for aal•. UneJ:pectad family plan cnanru n1a.ke It ten1flc bary&Jn al $39,.500 for quick u l•. EJLcellent t el'TNI. KILLION ree l estate 33+1 Newport Blvd. Harbor 5505 l•rre tamlly. $6000 down wd you a.re \n, y1 Only "Once In • blU<i! moon·• "''111 yoo find 1 furnU.ht-d two b4=;.l· room twme JWil two doort1 1. from th• boil)' In Blolboa with • I <'•r ,-a.raga and P•Uo at $16,000 Uke Ulla on<'. \\'on~~t- fu.I for home or rental&. T~rn11 lf you wllh. Balboa Realty Co. 2. Oppoelte Bank of Amtnca I Roat Qreel1ty · EtJ Lee J c:iMphlne "'ebb Best Buys Corona del Mar SHORECLIFFS, h.lodern 3 bed.rm home plus small d..:n or office, 2 ruu baths -carpeted wall tll wall, custom drapes, Cirepla.ee, built-In stove nnd oven, enclosed patio, nicely landscaped. Owner leaving area. Priced to sell at $34,500. ·c· THOMAS 'C: THOMAS ------------~-----700 E .. Ba.lbo11. Blvd , Balboo Phooe Harbor 3217 SHORECLlFFS. Ocean view home for the dia· lr1minating buyer "'ho wants and can a.!!ord the I 1nest, this 1s IT! Large 2 bednn. It den, quality bu1Jt, 2 fireplaces, dream kitchen. Beautiful home inside and out, all modern features to n1a.ke it complete in every detail. Shown by ap- pointment. Priced to sell EXCLUSlVE WITH t.:S. OPEN HOUSE J<"ri., SMl., Sun. eflernoon• 028 Redland1 XE\VPORT HEIGHTS. EXCLU- SIVE, only • $2000 do..,,•n. 3 tx.Lrm. homr, hwd. noo11, !Ir~· plilct". AllO"(.lnl:e ma de for re- tJ.ecoraUni:. A ru.I bar111.1n at . Sl3.M>O. Gl I01n. P•ymenl• Je111 than r61t. Top nelt;hbut· hood. a year1 old. Honeymoon Cottage OPEN HOUSE Fri . Sa.l.. Sun. afternoon• 8Uil Marruerile. Coro~ .tel Ater Sl:Z.t!JO buya lhl• 1ttr11 live l bdrn1. lottage on nit;! R·2 lot. Room for adJJllona.I ln· cQ1ne apt. be .11ur. to lnvc11tl· a:•l• tn1.1. Owder Willi.la •t· Uon. t)t ultlpl• U.uns No. 1123 ~. Harbor 2042 Frank James & Linwood Vick REALTORS 312 Marine Av•., Balbi». illland B/B FINE HOMES! Hav1 )'OU looked for a choice h o m e \o.·!th 1l REAW8TlC price? Jf you are d&M:oura1ed -u.11 !'71 medlately! Yfe have a larte ae1ectlon of tille home• a t price• you oould not d'Up- Selling Real Estate Is Not A Sideline With Us! It isn't the ea.sy task some people migtit think. Experi~ce is required if aatilfactlon ia to be aaaured to both buy~ and seller. List your property today wlt.h one of ·tho 300 M.emben of the MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Newport Harbor· Board of Realtors 401 N. Newport Blvd., Newport Beach NEWPORT HEIGHTS •• 4 Bedroom. Open Saturday & Sunday . 463 Holly Lane Full Pr ice $15, 950 Don't mia8 thi.a near new home. ·' DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor ' 2602 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Har. 4718 llt ate _If YOJl were. to con1trucl ----------------------1 thrm-Yll'l.lr .tell! Example: 3i Year Old Dining roon1 -Ocean view - HardwOlkl floor•. I bedroom• -2 balh.11 -forced I.Ir hraL Ocean vlf'w 11au pall0>-large dbl. s•rage. TUe kitchen - NOT leu .. hold! -1800 llQ. ft. Qul.llty c011J1tnx:Uon -ut.moet pr1vety. il'ull Price fla,000 • SJl,000 loan oo.,•i lnL • -$1.)0 per mo. $1,000 cknw"n -t.axu only $29.5 W• have: the key, Drive Into bQUr pa.rklnr Jot •nd let our courtfOWJ JJtlff ehow Ull1 •nd VOGEL'VALUES -BALBOA ISLAND DISTINCTIVELY DIFFERENT Here is the buy or.the 2 bdrm. house8. Perfectly localed close to Marine Ave. Ideally arra.nged fo r bldg. 2nd garage urllt, to your own income requirement.a. Furnished price $19.850 El(CEPTIONAL LARGER HOME 2 story 3 bdrm. home with tl"f!es & lawn. Out· 1tancling extra Jot roomineu. Price unfurniahed $37,:500 THE VOGEL CO., Reattors 208 Marioe•Ave. Harbor 4.44 or 1015 (Next door to po1toUlce) -----·---- Bl B LIDO ISLE $24.500 11 the right rinrr !or U\15 l bf'd· room, 2 ba!h hon1e. Brick f11 t"· pl.II.«. lanai. L"lln be •~u any· Ume. MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTINGS. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. . PH.ICE T. McCUISTlON, Realtor 3417 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Afar Har. 4.7 (Office located next door to Newport Harbor Bank, COM A Flan~ lot aomethtng Olrrcttnt ----------------------- Ooln be had in thl9 potent 1 ~ • bedroom. :..! bAth homt-Com• pletely fumuih9d for $28.)()() C&n"t lut. A Mw.iUiul, lnt•rc11Ung, lrrf>,i:ll· hu lut Can N h•d for $21 . .:.00 Can't bot duph,11ted en Lido .. NEWPORT ISLE \YATERFRONT 2 Un1t-pri\·ate pier • ftoe.t. 3 bdrr!\11 , 2 tr..lhll, al.lo l bdrn1. ,l bath, 2 cllr Clli· •1e. Jo"'UmilltiAI ~ln.. $32.500 . • • Bay & Beech Realty Inc REALTORS 3112 Latayelte. Npt. Her. 3843 Evr• Hat. ZOOi J111t to th• right of uao Bridie * SEE THIS * OCEAN FRONT! ONE OF THE NICEST I< BEST 1tucco duplue. and the ~11t location on the ocran f!'Qlld Sil In your MIY thalr •nd <'TI· joy watching the Snnwbu'd & yat ht raca e.nd .!IW\m In So. Calltornll.'e tlnHl bU,(:h. Only S7&00 down. Shafer Realty Har. 14.0 \ J06 Mr F1ddui Pl Al U1e Ntwport Pier Eve.•. H1r. 4438·\V, Har. 2329·)1 CUFF HAVEN OPEN liOUSE SUN. 1-5 f16 Signal Road A.toat de1lr1~le art'a. In the Hei&bta. Bparklln( clean, Thi• Won't ~t Back Bay Beauty $11.GOO full pTtctl. ·12000 down. a bdrn1.. at\.llcbed p.r11ie Nie• noor plan. BALBOA ISLAND CUNNTNG 2 BR. House, price lncluciea stove, refr1g. car pets ~ drapea. 1 l! blk. to beal}h. ~ dn. $19,000 2 BR ., room to bui.ld on lot ·-·--------···-····$17,950 2 BR., atlraclive. Near No. Bay __ _ . ____ $22,500 . 3 BR., Nc11.r So. Bay ···-·-·------------..$22,500 SO. BAY f'ront, 5 BR., 4 ba., Furniabed --Sl00,000 ' Ll'ITLE ISLAND. A r ustic and uuble 3 BR., 3 bath, in a SE:lcct district. -···-----··-···-----'38.:500 Two TropicaJ units ·······---------·---·--$Sf.~ BAY FRONT, LIDO ISLE. Home & income, 2 BR. apt a\·ailable for oWner. Other unit.a_ on leue. lnc. approx. $7200 gl'Oll8. Owner will accept 2 BR. as part down .......... .: ... ·-····-····--~--···-$90,000 CORONA DEL MAR. Leuehold. 2 BR., den 1% ·Ba. Stove and draperies included. Low down to qualified bu.rcr. ·--·-·-·-···----·--'2•,600 \Ve have buyen for good Uatinp. Free eatlmales, excellent MUYice. Har. 1775 -Evea Edith Ma.roon ' ' John Macnab • ' Lou Boynton HYatt~ Harbor Mi5U Harbor 2878 EARL W. STANLEY,· Realtor • 225 Marine Ave., Balboa lalancf Home PLUS Income \VcU desis-ncd 2 bednn. and den home, with 1% baths, with its own private patio, PLUS 2 other unit.a of 2 bednna, eacb, each with their own private patio and each rented at $210 per month unfurnished. locotne more than. enough to C&lT1 monthly p.::lyrnenta, t&xu, t!tc. Surely a WON- DERFUL investment in the futut't. Built·ln appli&nc~ and e&rpeta included. FWI prl!:e. $69,'500 Bey & Beach Rlty., Inc. ""'" Rl•<l• ........... 8 · ------------------!"ART" ADAIR, Rltr. BALBOA ISLAND GENE VREELAND VIRGINIA MANSON BILI, KEMPTON JOSEPH IL GROHKAN ftEALTOM Jl9e Newport Boulvev1rd Con.a Me ... Callfornla u i-1181 Eve• .L.r 8-3010 UARBOR BLVD. corner lot fL •II C·2 ZOIH!. Will Mil for lea. th&J\ .om• IMkte parceta 1r. quoted. Good term.. $7500 '1own -Unu1ually attr. It charm. 3 8. R., 2 bath, fumished home, nr. North Bay. Thi.I you will w.a.nL. A REAL OPl!ORTUNITY. LOT-full size, $11.500 • ONE OF THE LAST ! 1866 Newport Blvd., C~ Me.Mo I.I 8·37G2 Lido Realty Associates VIEW HOME with SWIMMING POOL Wn.L TRADE I/QR VACANT 1131 Newport Blvd., co.t& Mua l--------,----1 LI 1-JW E'W'&. LI a..JtOO ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES L.ITrLE ISLAND: Attr. 3 B. R. home $25,000 But Hurry! llALBOA PENINSULA Cb&rm. 3 B. R., 2 bath home. Nr. Bay haUlln1 beach. ORANGE COAST / PROPERTIES Bno.nd new 3 II. ft. A famUy room, 2 bath&, I'. A. heat, deluxe custom cooatruc\ion, buJ.lt...in Id\.- 3 Bdrm s., 2 Baths 00R0."(A. W:L XAR-V1ew lo-. etit'°"-iev•I lot -lmm~l1te oo.."'t'U(*nCJ, 1.1700 dO•.'n ior tak• n.,.,. (:•r or ~-leu kll a• 'down p&Ym•nlJ It $116 per n10 Call Har. 42'63 mnrn1np. IMlrl ' ' ' . M-1 Acreage F or 1ndu1tr)' and \,..Iler tourt •lteti, Cotila y...._ 8.,,t.a Ana. ,.,..._ &uy ter~. 11.57 ;":.wp6rt Blvd., Corot.I Me .. LI 8·1132 t i:v.._ ~ ~1400 'NEWPORT H.E.ICHTS by O'W"l\er, DA~ A JACOBS!:~. Rf.al Ett11ta 3 · bdttu., J' bllU\a, dbl. pr· H.u :ta{ll Lt 8-6311 e.&e. ff!ftCe<I yard. I.and.caped. Kl 2·21ti'r HYatt i ·61196 • u 8·7408. &kt Lovely patio and nicely )andlcaped JTOW:Uia. $28,000 TeMIUI. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING • 311 Ma.rtne Ave., Balboa laland. Pb. Har. 1671or1672 1...,1 N-i>C)rt Blvd., eo.t.a NaN U 1·1832 E¥e1. LI 1·1400 BACK llA. Y area. C1u1ta )le.fl& S bedrma.. 2 r:•t pn11r. lAr•• kit. full prl.U $J l (II)() Lo\.\ doWtr i-Ym.tnt. OW,.'i"ER - LI S-~12 Si)ttr: . ' \.' chtn.. Soc thta one before you make your nut mO\'t'. Su bmit your trade for $23,500 equJty. THE VOGEL CO. !!2UI W, C ... t Blgbway, NNport Bach .LL8·3tfil. -- • I t BACK BAY AREA OPEN SUNDAY 1..:S, 4fi9 E. 20th It. Only $23.teiO Cozy and appealing II what you'll ay when you • .. t.hle a hedrm. 2 bath home. Luge llv. room. t1rep1ace, .Udln1 rtau dool"a to ~t.io, bu ~ and the ~ lncludee all wool ca.rpet1nr, dnrpea., new ato~. refrtgeratol' and fireplace f1xturell. --A home of quarrty and c arm OPEN SU]IDAY 1·5-12:S G St., "Balboa Peninaula Large living room with ocean view, 3 apacloua bed.rooma, 2 Datha, FA heat, WW carpeting, tun me dining room. Nice kitchen with diaPoU.l It lovely ~cio.ed patio with BBQ. .Uking $28.600 I 2 Stores Plus 5 Apts. $7200 yearly Income, could increue by ta.king IWD.Dler rentals. Will consider ni~ home up to $17,000 in exchange. Full price $55,000 JACK BRENNAN, REAL TY ''AT THE ARCHES'' 3320 W. Cout Hwy. LI 8-7773 Investors Attention! ! Balboa 'Island's Newest and Sma rtest Tri plex 3 modern unit.a close to beach • s-two Br. apt.I. • t Cara.see • 1-one Br. a pt. I H~e su-t rm. • Laundry Rm. • Bal.here ebwr. • bath A. dreuJ..nc J"JM. 3000 IQ. ft. in beautiful condition! Should return over $3500 th.is summer, approx. $6000 groa' annually. $46,000, turniahed -Good terma. Exclualve with MARINERS ISLE REALTY 318 Marine, Balboa Island Har. 4781 Balboa's Best 1. BA YFRONT PIER AND FLOAT. Sliding Gla.11 wall to Lanai and Bay. Beautiful panoramic view of white sails and blue water. 4 BR'a, or may be U8ed as a 2 B. R. home, with 1 B. R. apt. OUR EXCLUSIVE LISTING! 2. TWO HOUSES ON TWO LOTS, all for $2(),000 ! Yea, we have it! Thia property can be your home ahd produce income for your retirement. May be developed with • more units. ' OUR EXCLUSIVE LISTING! fisher & Co. REALTORS INSURANCE 2603 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach HARBOR +i29 1. a. palmer incorpora.ted developen of L!«f o isle . Udo LOfi! Corner of Undlae ud 8oU<t Nm tb1q to a Bayfroftt becauae th•. Club with tta awveloUI beaeb ~ fadlit.la J8 UA feet .any. JlA,MO. 96 ft. width OD Havre. Look a.t thla cantpny- alJ IUJ'l'OUnd1q homee u. be&utitUl. '88,SOO or '6 ft. for $14,000 Corner of Ctttro PWza 6 Strada 1Havre. $15,fiOO For tp.e and over 20 ~are beautiful Udo !ale lot.a Uated EXCLUSIVELY with u.t. come to HEADQUARTERS! . Lido 'Homes! See thJa lo~y home on Via Genoa, Lido's widest street. 3 bedrm.a., 3 balhll, .i() by 20 pa.Uo, bardwd. fln.., 21h Ye&rl old and 1n perfect con.. ditJon .. ist,600 completely tumiahed. Vacant 8fld ready! Truly a terrific buy. 2°' Via Orvieto ii the addreu of a new JOHN VISSCHER HOME that we think you will like. 3 bedrma. 2 bt.tha, papered dining area, lte&k grill 1n muaive fireplace, sliding glau walt. to patio. A.Lao vacant aDd available. $33,000 p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co. management 3333 .. via lido, harbor !MO , 50' to Ocean Front 2 unJta ~ed. '4500 down. 17& mo. '11,600 tp. Beet buy IJ1 Newport.. Ctnter Coda Mesa 3 bdnna., dbl•. pnc'e on eo· loL In top abape.. Walk to 8&t-a1 • tow1I.. $10.600 rP. Terina. Back Bay View Im.m.anlate 2 bedrm.. raneh bCliDe OD level ~ acre. 8eaut1tully ~ ~ to hep -u lm•la or band additionJ unita. hll price $l.a,OOO, acellent term.a. 8'1nda.y 11o O ~-m., -mt Tuatin Ave. Come by or can Davld8on Oabum for d etalla.. , Newport Heights Best Jut J.ooJdnt at Jt from tho outalde wru convince you that thia b the beat value poulble. 2 eood- lliled bednu., 1 % bath.I. Laree kitchen, flq- atooe ftftplaco. 2 car ga.rap. • 1200 1q. ft. in a 2-bedroom howie mean.a lot.a of room. Call Bill Fa.mawOrth for full detaila. Udo Isle Ba~ront An older home on Lido Nord Bayfront. Four bedrma., a large llvingrm. with a view, and a patio for outdoor living right on the water. Hu a pier and float. All th.la, and tum.iabed too, tor • only $57,500. Call Lou Breer to tee UU.. The Best For .... You Quality constroction ltanda out in thi.I beautiful Lido 1treet-to-atreet home. It baa an enormous 3-car garage with one huge tingle door. Radiant beat that will spoil you forever for any other type. All wood interior walla that gU.ten f~m the owner's care. Completely built-in kitchen with two ovens. Unusually high ceilings that take away that. depressed feeling. Pleaae call Joe Kincaid for further interesting deta.lla. p. a. palmer incorporated ole han son co. management • 1700 w. cout highway -liberty &-M73 Balboa 3 Units "600 cm. 18:1 mo., 121,600 tp. S3SOO a.nn. Inc Would ex~ for a Bll. home. Npt. Hts. View Home N"" and everythln1 the tl.nalL 3 bedroc:llu, 1!9.000. Bayview Properties --Harbor 3371 2307 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Bea.ch Bl B BILL'S BEST BUYS . fl 145 & $1245 DOWN-Corona del Mar 3 It ( B. R. homes With 2 bat.h8. F. A. heat. · --A double garagea, large lot&. Real cloee in on Eut-&unahin• ln eVJICY rootn ,...... & • • • \<>Yely prden to rtlall m. 2 11de. AU Jmprovementa Ul Ii paid. Juat a few bdrm. priced al nu~ t.o Mil of them ih amall aubdivi.aion. Raerve youn now. today. Pick your own colora.. $11,'60 A $12,4.50 Panoramic Ocean View G. I. RESALE WELL BUILT FOUR UNITS JC:xceptionally weU deeiS'\fd ln· come property. Tbr" one bad· l'OOJQ Wlil• and on. two bad• room uni L 2660 -iu&r• f ffL Property qualltled for the but t.ena.nta. Four Hp&rate (U'· agee. Out ot town owner want.e to nil quick. Full price l~.000 GOOD LOT SJ*:u1.al0r1 or bullder..-.-bere'1 a good buy In & Jot c1oee to BIB· . - . BEST BUY ON PENINSULA! s a it. -t % be.th, fireplace. diDJnc l'OClm. wan to wall carpet, e:nclo.ed patio with B. B. Q. $18.'TM-~ BALBOA ·PENfNSU --VIEW! 8,000 IQ. tt. of to~gn.de C!OJUltruction m tbw 3 B. R. 3~ bath home. Permanent unobstructed view of Harbor Entrance. 18 x 27 Uv. rm. with fla.ptone fireplace -Muter B. R. of equal aiae also hu fireplace. Full din. rm" 3 car gan.re. Lge. landacaped patio walled for privacy. . Open House Daily 1-4 P .M. 111 "G" St., Balboa OCEAN VIEW. Unusual 3 B. R. , 3 bath home. Lota of flagstone. Built-in kitchen. nicely lm:ldacaped. $32,500 -Terms. NEW HOME-NEW LISTING Balboa Peninsula -facing city park. 2 B. R .. 2 bath, den, d.ifilng room, built-in kitchen, Wall to wall carpet. $5,000 will handle. BAY BEACH REAL TY, INC., Realtors 14,50 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Harbor ~ Eves. Phone Harbor 18:56 * Newport Heights * If you like to sit by the Window and watch the parade of boats in the harbor -1f you need t bdnns. or 3 & a family rm. -lf you love beau- tiful lawna, patio & BBQ -11 you don't mind a solid, weU constructed perfectly mainWned home built about 1935 -If you have enough imagina· tion t-0 realir.e that you can convert a epa.cloua 1700 sq. fL into a 2 bath home for a me~ pittance -and if you have $4500 cuh and know a 1ood thing when you see it. Let's bear from you.. NOT A LEASEHOLD GREENLEAF-SEVERTS REALTY, INC L 3112 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Harbor ~2 Evenings call LI 8-3186, LI 8-M05, Har. 3921-W or Kellogg 8--5885 Lido Isle Here i.a a genuine value in a 3 bed.room, 2 bath home on a 44 foot lot. Lovely fireplace and large south patio. Thia home is jun 3 years old and ia one or our very best values at $31,500 firm. Before you buy, let m show you thia KELSO.SLOAN built home. DUNCAN HARD~STY, Realtor 2602 Newport Bl\rd. Newport Bea.oh Har. •718 trom lb• 1pacloue upetain llv· town. Paved alley. A lttrl!lcl------------------ ------------------lnJ room of t.hla 2 bdrm-1 ~ bath home Apoatnr on an ex· tra l&rJ• lot aa"08• from Cor· ona Hi(hlanda. A lat(• artt.- tJcally decorated a.nd turniab· ed home pleulnr both t.ut. and puree. $24,000 completely Nearly new, airy, and modem three bedroom home. Parquet !loon, fireplace, double garage on paved alley. Dichondra lawn a.I'd aprinklen front and rear. buy at only 13260. ONLY I LEFT.-BETTER HURRYI J J NON-VETS No Down Payment Impounds $295 V.OGEL VALUES LIDO ISLE 2 bdrm. & gueet house. Including all new furnilhlnga. ~'~ -$7000 down. RENTALS turn. yrly up)'.>er duplex avail. May 6th -$8:> mo. incl utilities. No children or pet.a. 5 room 1uite for leue -suitable for prof euion.al or .bus. o'fficee. $175 mo. Bayfront penthouae. Furn. yrly. 2 ,bdnna & mdB. qtra. $400 mo. 2 bayfront offices -5 yr. leue. Priced to aell at $12.~ $2300 down Balance $76 mo. includee principle, Int .. T&)Cea & I.naurance. tumi.abed wtU\ JU9l '6.ooo dn. BLUE CHIP SPECIAL B •td I t I By Santa Ana Country Oub. Delightful 2 B. R. UI ers • nves ors. home with cozy guest room and bath over barn Garar• apartment ln excellent style gu·.a·e. We would like you to lee and feel condition on back of R12 k>t --e ... Plenty of room for mra the warmth of thia home \nth ill W.W. carpet- unlt.e ln front. Top location ing, interior charm and beautiful landacaping. next to bu.in•• aoned cent.er 8 IU\I\ of Corona de! Mar. 11e.500 tp. $1 ,<IVV with terms. Attention BACK BAY -COSTA MESA $2000 DOWN Well built 3 bedroom bom- bwd. noore. 2 bat.ha. 2-car rarai-e. fore«! alr heat, 41.1· poul. tun al&e dJ.nlnr room, plutered w..U., comer Jot. fenC'ed backyard. Thie 11 • BUT -112.~. NEAR HIGH SCHOOL 12460 DOWN move1 you ln~ a nice 4 bedroom home--J,. 3 Bedroom.I, 1 '1) bath.a BEST BUY COSTA MESA AREA Inquire at 252 E. Palmer bat.bf-on well lmproved St. ------------------ Ca.rare, ruly ~on. -A rul Sood buy -llU~. 0 pen Daily 1 to 5 THE VOGEL CO. LIDO Easterners! OFFICE BuUt 11.Jt• BACK HOKE -on Amongst fine homes In top ~entlaJ area. Large 3 bd. rm., with family room. Hardwood noon and carpet, F. P., forced air beat. Nice comer lot, landscaped and fenced. Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. EVerson 8'18 Via Lido, Npt. Bch. Har. 4971 or Har. 4972 Eves LI 8-3040 -Har. 5142 DUPLEXES COSTA MESA '--2 Bedroom unit.a on the corner of Orange and 19th Only $36,000 TRIPLEXES 1~ Block, Haven Place, Cliff Haven Theae lovely propertiee may. be baa for $22.~ cuh -They have 2 bedrooms in each unit and are alwaya ln demand. DU,NCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2802 Newport Blvd Newport Beach HURRY ! GOING FA.ST t PARK MANOR A Reet.ricted Lot Development By McCLEAN 6 PEARSOL Speculatora A Bulldera Welcome Har. 4718 80' reaidential lot.a. Duplex corner Jot&. .All improvement.I in. ' You C•n't Beat The Price Ir Location. · Drive b,Y and buy. ACIOle from Co.ta Mesa Park. 18th and Anaheim. 75$t-ALREADY SOLD PbOJJe Liberty &-1781 Llberty MQ1 t1 .· .,.I;• - B&lbo& Pen.ln.lula.. t l D •• t elrftt -owned and cared for by a proud "down Jtutem.er." 3 bd.rme., 2 ballu plua ocean- v1ew eundeck. Ro" bordered paUo blr enou1ti for b4dm1n· ton. Priced to Hll at ft?.500. Temui. Bay & Beach Realty Inc REALTORS 1630 Eut Cout Hwy. Corona dd Mar Harbor ~3 BALBOA ISLAND Full price $26,950 $6,000 down. W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor "you'll like our friendly eervice" i-00 E. 17th St., Coeta Mesa Liberty 8-1139 BALBOA ISLAND HOME & INCOME . l&M Newport 81., eo.t.a Mua Pb. Ll M 781 -JCv•. Har. 43&e LI 1-2013 VIEW VIEW VIEW NEWJlORT HEIGHTS 3 bdrm., 2 bath. lovely p&11eled "'inc room. wlt.b wru.u.a.1 fl,... place. 8-t con.elnJcUon. [)o. not m1u t.bla one. ONL T 121,750 wlUl ttnna. We bavt the key . "ART" ADAIR, Rltr. , 735 St. James Place . LOVELY CLIFF HAVEN -New 3 ~ 2 b&tha, with & view. Carpeting, fireplace, built in atove & oven, disposal and big 2 car pnp. See thia dream home today $21,ISOO DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd Newport Beach Kar. •718 • CHARM AND Pll:R.SONALITT are 1nCOf"POfttad ln t.b1a I bdrm. 3 baUl home. WOOd pall· •linl· 4fUPt.tul pa~n and 1pactooa. Priced ristit and THREE bd~ plu., dining room. fireplace in mute:r BR. Living room a.lao bu fittplace. New- ly carpeted wall to wall, interior recently redecor- ated. Wired 220V. Garbage diapoM.l, Iota of cla.et apace. etc. Patio, garage. Ooee U> No. Bay and good beach. ALL THIS. plo.a a furnished 2 bdrm. apt. !hat will •!ftp 8.. $38,~ good tennL HM N~ i:~t2o.ta Mua THE SMART~ST HOUSE IN TOWN ucl tlnancmc. THIS WILL NOT LAST, a bdrm. hosn• near _,, Ju.t ~uc.d CHESTER F. SALISBURY, Realto'r C-2 LOT, 8hl20 wtUl bu.Udinf It lncome. AdJoln. R_. k>l a~. (7 W1lt au> au for ll&.000 or WW dJ~de. ci.u. accept ~1 rwuonable doWD and C&rrJ ~ to "3.000 W1Ul ST ,600 down. C d I M Curt Dosh -Jack-Andrews-Clarence Lake ORANGE COAST orona e ar 315 Marine Ave., Balboa Iatand. Hv. ~11 PROPERTIES The lateet, the best of everyt.b.l.Qs, 2 1&rp bdrm&. 2 bath.I, large living rm. wtth wall to n.Ll. carpet1n1, dbl prap, pe.Uo '85,000 ExcluaJve wtth . DORIS BRAY, Realtor 218 Marine Ave., Balboa Iala.nd Bar. 20 o.r M t dellf"U\&J unlta -alm~ HW ------------------lM7 Newport BlYd.. Colt.a Kea tn ocl locaUo1' -all rent.Mo u a..1u2 E.,_ u I-HOO ------------------Good ttn&nclnf -MJ.000 (Hult.lple tbllJll No. 7000) NELDA GIBSON REALTOR aot Kartne Aft. BaJbo9 l&LaAd. Jl'ltonl Bu. ll02 CLIJ'T BA VEN PUUG. 11*!i'liii., I b&~ dnp. -. ,, tw CU'1'9t. v..., cJ--. a 11'& o&d.. l.auMdiai. ~· IU KUip Pl.. U ... TIOT. Mttc FOR SALE AND LEASE BACK CLASS A store and office building ~ted on moet important comer in PuadeDL Pricie $700,000. WW pay 6fo net net plua percen~. WW depoeJt $300.000 u leue aecurtty. Large de~ factor. CALL OWNER. T. D. Regen. Ryan 18187 Ol' Barbor 3828 Luxury Home HOO SQ. rr. UndeT root. with T a.er• of o~ .. Lil -ru.un ....... ~pool. BBQ boue. 11'\&Sd'• qoarten, ab'af pJore '°' cxqul9tt ~! '75.000 fot ~ ... D4lf A.J>.OOBS&N.a.Jw..att Bu. Mil u a.an Kl ~21.IT BTW 4"6IM Cb.annlns 2 bdrm.., beautiful den, IOvtJy patio, all 1arre room.a, &lldin( glul doon, all ln all a very cb.armil:lg home. Pleue call ua for a.u ap- "' pointme.nt. Price $41.500. . OSBORNE-fORTON Realty. Co. ~ 2323 W. Cout Hwy. (at Port On.np) LI S.7~ Eve. Har. &JM ne&.