HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-04-27 - Newport Harbor News Press' • . • • • • • .. • • • • • • ·--. . . ---~ -· PLEASE GO 'WAY AND LET ME StEEP! It iln"t time yet ie the opinion of Ronald, aon..of Mr. and Mn. Leland Stephen1, 178 Eut 18th St., eo.ta Mesa, wben bW' parent.I !let h.11 alarm clock ahead an hour la the daylight aaving move at.art.inc Sund&y. Hla eleeplng iutincta told him 'ht tWl had an hour to ro before he had to get out of bed. -SWf Photo 48th ~" MEWl'OJl:r,~ra, CAL!ro~ :!!RAY. APRIL 27, 19Cie PRON!: IWlllOR 1818 5 ~. ~AT\N"G SEAsoN. CAUSE oF·-~Ne:w Bio· o·d ·a· • nk· __ -_ DIVE BOtviBING,.' WOMAN TOLD ,It cu't ,be ..W tlMI Nft')IOC't a.th J011ct ~t l9 rotna te a.ttrftn w!.Ua U.. pn ~ ot .wr.. T........, morntar ... MN. ,..... L ~ 61T • .Popp;r .Aw.; called Md .-..: ~ cu. M ._. Uout _;=-...,.._.-~-=~_:=.-_:i .. :.._~;-~-. Program Exposed NEWPORT, MESA P.O. MOVES DUE 1 ·IN_. MAY D•clkallon Tentatively Ceremonies Here Set for May ·30 Medical Society Plans to . Xiii Red Cross Project ling vs. City Hearing Slated May .4 by Judge A plan to take the Red Croa1 blood b&nk "ollt of -H~I' on a writ ot man-buaineu" in Orange County and 1ub1titute an Orange flll• .,..Un.t lh• N_.port Be•ch aty Council .chedWed for ye•· County Medical Society blood b&nk in it.a place wu die-- By LEONARD SERGEANT teday w .. contta6ec:1 ~ M•y 4 'cloee<l today ex.oJUoli\tely to the New-9-Preu.. The ~ Tbe NtwPQrt Beach-and Co.ta Me.a p6st offices will oa aupu1auon ot eoun.MI. I come&..down from State Medica.l A.uociation l"eL Ulat be moved to their new locatlonl &n4 in full operation with-Superior Court Judr• Kenneth body havinr rone on record re-bee~ overcome by a 1arrer allbtt· µi a. month. It wu reve&led today. ~. Mani.on called for the con-'*1UJ auch actlon •heuld be menl and impnivtld •"ke.. MNo Dedication ctremOD.iee, to be at~dec) by_ P91ta.I di.z-tlnu.an«:. followed In CaJitornW.. senoua attftnpt," atw. ..W. bu . . Mr. and Mrw. Don II. Kline Alt.hourh Red Cl"O)IA ofnc""1& bel!'n nw.dc to ,;....t thbl ~ nltariea from the San Franciaco reei<>n&l offJc~ are plan-qt NewpMt Beach hava ob~ln-..,.tuaed to aay a.n)'thior about bank ch&nl'e ot plan to Uii .- ned te.ntattvely for May 30, at ea. an altan1&tlve writ or man-t..be ptan" a• their acreement with ciety'a doctor "member•. leut In Newport Be&c:h. MORE GROWTH d•t.a &gal.n.lt the council. tM county medical aodety, the Tha N_...PnM lea.me4-a • Mn. Ruel GW. CO.ta w-Red Crou ittood bank apoa.or m~Ung had been held In S&Ata 1'he plalnUtf• claim the de-pcMlt.ln&lter, aid Mr otnc. bof*S 111 Oranc'e County, prevenla An& by .OJM lntere•lad part1U f@ldant den.led them a talr b•r-to lie moftd befOl"I .hme"" 1 bill $868.118]2 them trom public ut~n.nce lrith• Wedn-1ay: that • plan t°'°-Ut wou'ld stv• no doltintte emamlt-lq on their propM&J lo 11Ub-out th• 90eiety'1 pertnl•IOf'.I, C<ID· aoalety lo buUd It.a own .,,aoo4 mmL Bh• acUd Nie wauW ku . divide lot. 140 In Shore C1Jff1. ttrma.Uoll eo1.ma frorn a member b&nk• bu.ildin( In S&nta Aaa. ,...., to h&va · dadi~ ~ off Cout H1111wa)'. ot U\a aociety. dlacuued wlth th• county 10 ui. u.me day u "~ ae.dL Allotted for ReAidenla of the •rea object· Or. Lillian Rowan. Santa An•. contribute SlDOO per month t• Boet pclft otnc:• a ... In •ttout ed to allowtl'l(' lh• Kling• to di-who he-.dll Iha aociety'1 blOod_ th• ban.Ir."• m.tni.-nct. I.A Lu ra, the aune ·~ ot conMTuctloft. vida theW lot alter tile Newport oommJttae, "Id there ha. bffn th• .odety blood bank would Tba Mua. ottlce wu •tart.d aJ-M · s h I llMcft Plaftninl' Commlulon had diacuaalon of thl• pl&n but U11t tumiah Or&n1't1 COunty He.pita.I -E-H-. ~-S-,E-N--A--D-1(--.1 -RA ___ C_E __ H __ l_T_S _________________ I =-i:.:~~. bet!:; :r:: esa c oo s ~pnno-1 -th• pn>JecL ~~u=t:r:· ;~~cl: ~·c;~ ;i:,lt~ b:i::i1~":;,,:i!: Y .. ~LA Parade delay&. ' Th lltat. Allocat.&on. Baud M M It)"~ -u Mtabllabad ~ of blood lo tha R.9d c~ fOf' t\8 GUii HO_Vll 11&.T 11 , .. t.d.,. apprond 1118.111.02 esa ayor &he -.lei in Ume pa.st tM .adat1 JlMdL• whM:h wW brt hu bad r--. to complaln How..-er, a 12~ Ptr ptnt- .. •• ORD · iaa· ENTRIES ~-· ff...I.•_• ,:~a;:"~~ ruuction •n'o th• o :1 = ff ads C ·' ~=t ~ =1~ = :1n~~ :;.':!~ p~:_:: ~ al'IM" otfto# wUl un. lte .moft -Kay Union Bebool owtrk:t. ountv Uon1n '-horta ~ t 0-tlallllfld -........ .&}...__ -.. . : . --a·y fe·sflvat :!---: ~::~.::; :.;;;~:=-:EE e . 1 ms .. ru' ,M. P .. lANT HEARl·NG==-,~ ... tha ,. ....... :N.---, ,,,. kar\OILO'•··-o1•11-.... Ci"'laanu~e .. -~·"~:;·~--MESA BUIL01NG , n.. .,. -.-. " "'~..i.'t'i.!"";~ ~~ IJ· -"1' ' . ~ • ..~~ £!!.~a",';" .Z: !"'!Z N~ $4 ~ILL;J_?N FoiandJte l'laas =.~~. ~"':,'"" ,:• ~ :;::::.,"-":":':" 0:: .:::::::;: UHTA -AHA. APl\IL ii. SET lUfSIJAW JN t ·'A nXriett Mday. 'Diii ... wUl,.. ~tor U..._tb ... ..CIJltlliarlok" M.lf. -·-WI a tnuJU~ room at W... ~··K~:._ ~ ~: . J . .Ii\. act •to . • CJtnl' Ila.rt .. th• In CC.ta Mee& WU todQ ...... Oii May 26 TM 8albolt and 9&11:M>a ~ ta Vifta lchool, ud ftff c:Ju9.-d&lly took Oftr .. preadlnl. ., pa·~ at nom. ~ I. The ftlrtia'S Vt1uJ Ole M miWocl. wt&Uona w1Jl continua •l tbe room. .iwt .,. addition to th& the Oran&'• County lA&IU' of • .... ~ l*oy at tha •b'9na dol1¥ Jft&r1t. ..._ ,. pwada Of colartu.I bo&LI pr&Mnl kH::&UOU IMWI Corona mwttp\lrpoh room at Harpu CiUea •• °'' pup met In I Hun+i--'on leach General••• U'tlbrWfll d Tiit~. "Rirbor Ocm· reJl"M'ntin&' local yacht clubl del Kar wQI ,dllllnu.t a.a • Ml>-School. Frt~mann'1 Hall. Ornp. '"'' aot. lM iltUUn&' lint:. OfftciaJ •LnlcUon Coml>u1 took out and tnd:lv\dua.J ownarw WUl kick &n.pU:.:.ed"!""t omce, Thayer u -Tbe Me .. board ot lr'ueteu la A pt.cited hoUH w aa on )Muad Staflon Sol_..+6 by Edison Co. ~ wW ba ava.Uab~ lo In-21 cll1 'bulldlar pennila oft U.a Ooldan 4nn1Yt~ Har· btiin"H to have completld necea-tn welcome new meml>era 1·1· ..,,, 9lruct. eompeUlora, Chalrman valuad at $J20.IOO for Col-bor 0&1 cll•br•UOn, M.1y 28 hara. Jatf•non ~. build• ... •rT derte&l ,&etlon. C&m.UOn. rt• c~aUy elected and to bn.rr SU· Olft' Oi-.pm&n aa..ld. . ,.,. Park. Thi• ahol tha l'ha ~of bo&ta trill com-ot the Co9la X-poet ottkl" ported. AJI that remairul, be Rid. ta Ana Polle• Chle.r Sdw&rd J. Open public hKrin( on ippll· Wofid: tamoua, Ula n c ·bu mqnthly tot&! lo • record-mt1nca ott U.1 Harbor entrance eald Ut9 buUdtq llhoWd ba r.ady la for a W&rT&nt to ba •drawn up Allen l&lk abotit hl1 experlmca• cation b)'the!loutbamCalltoml• attrutM yacht owneni tram all bn&kln( P,182,11~. at lO:lO a.m. tOUOw-1 by the par· for .ccupa.ncy within lwe week.e by ~ 8tat1 Olntrol191' 90 lMt u Younc•t.own police chief and ltdl8on Co. for a. c•U!tce.ta to ov.-c.lltonua. ud other it.al•. The Murr&y-Sa.nder• trt.ct &de a.l 11 1.m. Panon• wl9hln( or by lby 11. the money e&n ba de)ltMKad ln rte.ta llquor contn>I otncer. con.truct l.l'ld ope.rt.le a mulU· ~ Ula blr event wUI dwelllnp, lnclJdtnr •llt •t to pa.rtlclpa.l.e In the 1>9ra.de u e AMPLE Pil&INO · tha ~· County lffuury. Allen warned that whlli Iha million dollar •t•am gent...U~ ._ a 4lnncr dance at °'' 8&100. I 2 400 ... 22 l Ill 200 ·-t K h C •-------------h l , a · · ~ ...., o contact ennet · Th• one-lltory 141.000 ll~ 1-underworld hu mad• lllUa ,...,... 11.a.tlon ln Huntln,-ton Beach u ky Clv.b. May 2. Bolb locll w111 bo •~·•-.. '""-'--•-K" I Com ..... ot •• Udo T _...__, on ..-.u ...... ....,,, ...,&'• ey. m • ....,. ture -<>n.nre A.., nev .• ITtl> HAUOl WEATHD ('eN Into Oran•• County ao bee1l .chaduled tor 10 1.m. uea-lllld ---ad& O(flctala wOI be . • ---d Y·-· I b ' -· Ortve, llwa.rtbm:ore ..._. .. an -.. ... t c u or prarttculua. SL I• under 1-to tM Po9taJ. f&r tt proba.bly would •• tha day. • band tor U.. dinner wl'lich --~--Lan•. c I '---.,...--------I wm ii.. _.... a.t 7 p. "'· N-· i-------·-·-------• o · A. H. P't'J'e, U. 8. Dlttrlct Deputm.ent tw 15 yMn. tt , -populaUon lncreue&. Tha ae•lon. to be prea1ded )IOri o.u. ...Wns ..uaoda.Uon l:nJlnear, hu been tnVlted to tea.lw'et ampi. pa.rkinr ln th• T1mperatuna fdt U'9 put w.U .,....... tM CM*ll radnr cJu.. Marriftl ' Have loy ·~ on tha d1•1lopment of rtl&t and Ul4 alde with ~·"to 1t Newport Harbor u.. ._.. lm&1I barbol'll. Ot.ber ln"1 th~ frOm both 17th llL and ll1cll IAW ..._ • bof .,., born to Mr. and "'"' 1n·• d Ma Do H-• ~ .... _,_,_.. ... , .... eni ""'" •: 10r ra e A•c. Batur .. y, •~• 21 _ M • " . 1 ----~ uua ,....r, Mn. Donald Marttn..d &BO Na.r· 0 HIU. Ad ln.I Willi 1' Hart ,.. .. ~~ ~ ba Jl~n _.~ <IM·-••o, •prtl 1J at tl• H... . ~-m nd l ~UUt 'N ·, Ther. ill a l&JT9 kJ&dttLr plat· Sunday, April H . _ 12 11 ..,,,.---..., ... ...,.... -.... .... ma.n . ....,...ma an a"-torin tn ui. rear for UM u. ol MondaJ, April 23._ 12 N Uti*' OW9 daa ~ n ... dl4 .~~ ,1;:._ baby wlli11Md T Dalrici< : .. w ... 111i.nlwotam~~~:~Jr· th• hlch-y mail truck. Of COi!'!· na...,a,., April 24 ·-64 ~- ._.... ct. ctu.. f•tur. two ----------------ma.n ° "'°' au,_ • ._ra; creta block COft9lnlcUon. thl Wedn--,, April 25 t3 &O Rutua Putnam of tha .U.t• land lll'it ~ a.nd two heavy &MOclaUoa ,· Rof l:dwatdl. chaJr-.i.ructur. 19 p&lnled 1JI trcnl and Thuraday, April H .. 11 ~ - ... "'"'"· ....... n a-~ added to the ra«o hMM!rs thls J ~~~~·~--~·~-~~~:_ _____ ..:__-~~~~-~-~1'._'.:':::_~~.'_-~-....,. ,,....... man or th• harbor eommlaalon • ...,.,......,..... "'' 1· ....... .. .. · IN 1b* OOIDJDlttae cUJrman y...... Cbspmu ill Mr"rinl' u ,.1,1111 . a.. ...,, ctt¥19iana to ,......, comrnttt.M chairman tor Uld cof'IUTltJKlant 11u1 Cout ,.._.. a. la.rtw ll'IAflln o1. equal-the r.oe and Paut .w. HWer II Ouard Dt.trlct. , tty tor· tiM:k boa.t -.t.ered. ta eb&rse ot the ln>pbl... A luncheon at UI• NeWl'Ort I Tldr\)' tropbs.. wtll ba award• DlNnllda te1UViUH will ln· Harbor Tacht club wUI follow .S la &6.tl:Ucm. to th• U9Ull pet'· cluda a M.rbecue trom noon to tha pa.rad• •t 1:10 p.m., Le1lle ~ ~ a.cNt.ary of Ma.rtne, S:SO p. m. Oft Saturday and the 8tdferu11n actlnt .. emcee. llako &ad a.c.tary 0( lh• pl& Pnlldent'• Ball. &alurda1 M•yor Hill, t...la.nd Wllder, newly vatt.14 llt.1--.,. two new per-•ven.lq ·at, the Rlvtera Pacifico appointed Harbor Day acuns 1""""'. a.WVdl which wUI be MitMlnr a.t I p. m. ctlalrma.n and Walt.ar Spicer Jr. (Colilhtucd 01t hp I ) Lippold ~lec\ed Presi•ent of Coda Mesa Optimiats Cl1b llr1nr pNlidt:nl Katt t.. BOl'f«ri loca.J ru.1 •.taUI m-. wlllo &!-. aut~lf ~ 1 m«m· lift' or lha boa' 'Rad Uppokl, of 1814 N~rt BJvd.. w... elect.ad praildent or the CO.ta Mt1•• OpUml11l Club at noon Wldneltday In Harbor -------------1 Houa1 Rutaurant. Onin. Nf'p&.nt 1111 the Me9 police dap&rtmant. wu commend- ed by lh• club for hla effort.a duriq Blcycl• Saf•ty Week ill promotlr\I' the UM o( lumlnoUI tape on chUd"""'• bk:yek!•. eo.- ta M-Optlml.U 1uppllld the IOin: ftEE -Thia tree grew In the Horace En· .qn School u part of tfte wort of the art depart-, meoL The hat.I are on headli made of efg&, but llalT)' Thomu and Patricia Cook did not think It an ...i·head job t hey had helped do in mak1n1 all of them: Thie display drew a lot of attention a t tht OOeD bou.H WNnN<iay nirht. -St.a.ff Photo Davis, Brown Suit Lost to Lawson, Somen •ANTA ANA, (0CNSI -Su• perior aourt Jude• Raymond H . Thompeon WednMda7 afternoon fOU1'd for UM defendant• How- •rd B. LA.w.on. H1rwy llomera. Ra~y Som.n. fnc. a.nd the Newport Ba.Ibo& 8avtnp and Lo&n Auoc&aUOn ln a lep.J di .. puta OVfl' a COit.a Mu.a road aa.Nm1t1L PlalnUna In th" 1cuon •·ere Hurta B. Dari• and C. Chl•holm BroWTI. ek!ctrlc•I 1ppllanca deal· v. of IW Harbor Blvd . The plalntiff1 contended I ha ftd.r.-~·q-Md-btockett off Ulei aecu-. •tdllal'af!d thrvuch pre- 9ff:ipUve Tight.a onr 10 yaar• UM Of a 10-rt. .trip. Aecordlnr to th9 defl!'nM, Ula pJ.1J.nUft1 h&d abandoned tha rtsht-ot•.WaJ' and IQat. all rt(ht to th• -.nen t. TM pta1nurr1 11.ao a~ Ul&J had made a 6-J W1th UM: defmdanta for dadtca.UM on l be a.lkywey. The plalnWta .aid I.My had run-thr'oqh "1UI UMiir Ud (lf !JI• ... rt.ad be.t'- pia at an UJIUM ol 1416(1, but Ula defendant. MltU9'd to comply. DavU. •nd 8 ro'A'll MIUlhl j f2.· , 8.)0 da"'a'"" a.ad Qui.t t1u.. I Llppold and oU'ler n-otf't· cer11 will be ln1talled In early June. 'nlrtt new "1ce • prH idto'2.U are. Chu"k Wirth. ·H uch 8prln~­ er and &.. ComeUua. Dor\&ld Yarnell ...,.. elected ffCl".tat)'· tre...urer. On the 00.rd ot dirl!'Clor1 19 Hal Kreutser. Claude 81 o o <L W. O. Scott. 0."1d Ottj, J ohn Hort and Ru.ell Pea.chff. A •pect•I meeUnr of bo&rd or d\l"eCton •• tMld w~ day night In ll'I• hom• of ,.._ ta.pa f...e .. In the bee.rd ol' dlnctor• mett• tn(. dtac:u..ton ...... btl:ld aboUt , •pon.,rtnr a &1 lcout troop ' and lncreulnc 1ctJvtty ln UMi OpUmilt • •pm'lMlrld Oun Ctulll. Th• Oun Club, tor JO'Uftl' boyl qf lha Harbor area. U9ad publle and police pt.t'ol ran,-a for firtn11. Rechs' Apartment Variance R~uest Hitt_Parkin1 Sna ~ttempt. of Ru R eeta, botal· nl ll&' oommLMLon 9'Mlon. R41cba' o~'1ler and re&llor1 to obt&ln a appllc1Uon tor ttla va.r\anc• wu VWJ1ance tor loU 1 and I. block rej«tad unanb'noUll1 Wl)en h• ta ISOO and 1303 w. oe.an fellad to provt'" paNJitead · pa.rklrll' •paCM. Th• comnil.Nton· F'ront, when ha plan• to con-1n retu.ed to walV• oft·•lreel Mruct 1,partme~la ra.n Into park· p&rktnl' requtrani.enla u aet forth lftl' ~ dtn\culUea Mond•J In th• city code Disbl al city council ------------ Hi• requetit w•a referr9d to UM pWminC ~ oa hill MMrtion he would be I.bl• to obt&iD etx pukiq apacaai &eni AJ Forrtt &lid Ben ltaddk .. ownen of U 2~"-lot1 oppo.tte hi• l•nl1 to th .... a•l Newport Rainfall N.w-pon Beach ,.,.. aedlt9d "1tb ... nt llll lM.b froall , .. 1er- "6.J'• atom:a ta tha Ha.l'tlor .,.._ 1'tL» broupt kKaJ ralnlall fOf' ~ ~ h.re tD 10.47 tMt\U i:omparf!d to lu t y.-,-·~ molitur• pl!Ul-1 n p rt •t Ulla Um• ot ; s 1 1ncti .. I MARK HAS BU~Y .DAY, NO INJURIES Muk Edwvd., 2, &'raa49oft o( Mni. Alfred Bauer, Loapn&_ Buch. •bovl!', l'hlM wa.llllnr wtlh hil ~ tn Het.- ltt Par .. Lqvna.. pae"'1 Ulrouf1I abnlba 1111111, walM. lllipped aad r.u otr dltt onto .,,. 10 r~ beloW. 1urr ..... ~ on ilhU'P roclul IOG r..t below. llark wu not. ~, tn- jUr.d. no,t:I Bill. pan keeptr ~ Mra. Beuw Wiled tot Into rcma1nln,r 1lill until he eoukl be fffCUed.. lAl•r In day >.tark droppl'd0 pl~ on h1• to.r, r~ll fl flm htlh ('hair on h11 lt09e. a ll \ll'lthoot 111 l!'ffect. over by Commia&oner 11\ed Hantr and Examlnet Man1a1 w_ '"l:d· wardm ot tba Cllllf...m.. PgbUD Utlltllu Commlaaioft. W1U ii..-bakl In the Conun1-lon Courtroom • Mlff'Qr Bulldl~, 116 llouUI Aprln&' SL. Loll All&'elea. Th• plant I• now known .. HunUnston S,-cb Steam Station. All lnt ..... tld pa.rt.'-e'ina1 &P-pear and be hard at Ulla, or .-.1. . _tUbaequent b•rtnp. J:d1Mle._£o. • 1pplflnl' for a c.tlfteate t"-t--.,..-t Uld tutur. c.a~ a.ad nacff9tt1 r-.quini or wtU ,.._ qulr1 lh• c:on.t NCUon at th• •• ,. lltat1on f0rtnerly lulown .. lloottL o..t lltaa.m 8l&lloD. toplber wtt.b the ~ u..e. •ft411 other 1ppurtmance11 y. bl uaed ln connadJon W1lh the P"'Jg1ul plonL TM Hunliqton 8eacb J:&.on Co. •Ile I• ~ted on. Nr.l'l&nd llt. on apprmdma.tatr 100 att"H lnl&nd of CoMt Hlfhway ind "aat or Santa Ana IU••. Thll If on part or th• land It . Wu pt'Opoaad to lncluct. In the ltata Wa.ter Park Inland of lha prMen't 8-ch Park. . \ Jtdi90n QMnp&11y pro~­ •tructlon 6f two 200.000 klloWatl fenereUns unlla.. Eventual valu• ot Ule planl hu be.n Mt at HO mlllkln. ComPl>ftY offlci&lll tl•vw -1d It will ultlmat<llly be one_,., th• larreet r-ne-.tlnr plant. in tll• l'.d1-.. aJll•m. '"The new Edi.on d•v•Jopm.ent W111 help meet Iha Mold tor etee- trie&I power Whlcb la MMnU.I to eontlnued (rowth anct ~ ol Ule •ra. ~ clain\8 C. D. Shed· enlM-IJ'n. dlelrict ma.aaPn Protatanta ta location of tM pW!t~ It WW ~ 9!fl' GqlldU.lon. 1n -<>run ~ Special ~oard . Meet for Men-:: lilools se - .. I _ :_ . . -.. -· • , , - • • I '· • • ·-• ·' . . . FAJDAY, APR!( 27, 'God ~nt ~ tho ~ltt lo !IC~ tho thin go wo lonnot cJ.onqe.i tho """'"90 to cjlenge the thln9•. ,.. ~ eiid . . --tho wildofn lo !now tho differonco." (A. Anon.) • · • r ' E D I T 0 It I A L·S .. ' ~ • I \ 'Farmer' ·McCa.be Making Headway in Senate ·Race ./ . . v.od ~"VCCal>e, O..,W. Gron, ..,b_ ! uecdotee ~ wittlcilim• hate 'appeared under bl• i na.in. on thi8 page for 10mt yean, ii really making . thinp interMting ln our State Senate race. Real Int.ere.ting, we bear. : On tho bead> oide '"' hove the In<umbent, ~·· : tor Joha Murdy, tnthfn t<Pmo•t of ua for hie work : Oil tho .iocd hoopltal l!oord of directors. In time e put we have supported Murdy. Thia time we haven't S decided. • _ ''Farmer" ia a fellow wbo kind or set. under S )'OW' 1Jdn. Tallilb, tan. &nd aometiinel rbatic or = •peech, ll'armer ii one or the few Oklahoma natlvee C to beat the Kerr political machine. And now He's e_ 1olnf after Murdy. Where it hurtl. Appealing to the county farm vote and making It 1ticlt, we hear. -j! l'arm~ ta uklng the people : , -"Had enough yet! ... Are you tired of paying --WATER T,AXES! The 'Murdy Pump Tax Law' = -tuea you for every bit or water you UM that -i COIDM olit of the ground! And that hill hard at -the city fallc" too !" E: So the Fanner bu an Ui1ue. And we haven't = hM.l'd. Murdy°• reply to what evidently ii a •harp : thrult. Kina of bard to reply to a joker like Farmer. 5 You'll ..; him taunterinr aroun~ in biil ~now cow : hoot.a, wearinc a 10-gallon Stetson. jut like a 1Z farmer dreued. fo.r town. Not in overa.ni -but .. couervaUve ..®ILMM Nill. And hnnor b ob•ltina' a lot of h&nda, telling , :; a lot Of fok•, pJU. calling a •pa.de a spade becaUM -: he likM to name the 1mplem.ent. u be tee9 them. : Juat a big', frinnin& guy you e&11't help but like $ when you've known him. You have to admln bia e peneverance. That column or hia you've read tor : )'-.rs be.re i he's been pounding out -in advance = -ror the run of ft . Dsost or the time. = Ye., the Farmer 1a a real funny guy. But rrom : what we beu about hl8 n.cit ag&iut Murdy, the E l&tter' lm't lau&hlnl· = : City's Official Flower to i Star at Arbor Qa~ Progr-acn E Wo .c&ll your ot1"1Uoo to tho l&<t Arbor Do. _ will be observed ln Newport Beach thia Saturday. C an event which cauaed th• mayor t.o iuue a procla· !t: mation requesting cit:ben.t to plant treea, ab.rubbery C: &nd .... pec1auy Ra! Boug.U.'rillua." -: The latter, the Barbara ~ variety, baa been : choeen u the Clty of Newport Beach'• ofriciai I flower by the city council upon recommendation of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce'• women's dMlion fior&I committee. _ Arbor Day will Me a abort program at city hall '. UJinC the porklnc ltrlp at u.l. olde of tbe~,..y · for • third traffic lane in drivillc toward the bddp from Corona del )(ar. In doing thlo Ibey plltd "I' troroC when Ibey opproochtd the brlclgo on4 forood • \heir ""Y bodt liito tho ·tWo I.-of cyo. • 1'lllo i. lo di-W>lation of the otot. tnfflct code and Newport Beach police iMue many ctta,.. tlo111 along thia atrip ot highway, but tt doel not:- ...., to 'otop th• praclloe. A. thlo la a ototo h!ihwt)-1 Newport Police 1tate· they do not feel it incumbent •a them to put up olcu ootifyinc offendero Ibey· are liable to arreet, but such tigns might prevent the Pfl•upe that occur e.nd aP"d up traffic.• Loyalty Week Promoted by Veterans Well Conceived Loyalty week ia beinr in.stlpted by veteran.I. At fl.rat blueh !f. would 1eem unnOCUl&l')' to have to prod American.a into bftng loyal to their government, or to thetnRlve1 for th.at tn.atter, but yet, in the ruah of buam.. and pleuurt, such Mtma to be the..... . Thia neceulty LI more pertinent becaUM there are forcea which keep forcinc the iaue. They not ~ eontlnually belittle the American rovem.ment In every phue. they alao seek~tO unilermlne the ury Ide.a of loyalty, or patriotilm, whlchever one care. to call tt. , . An e<litorW in a lllD&II Onnc• county publlcotlon called ouch loyalty "cbautlnlatl~ ·the dlctio!F ary •YI mea.n1 "blind devotion to an obeol.te ca\111.• The reference wu made in excuaing a mayor from not U..ulng a proclamation on United Stat. day. Why a mayor, who ia of neceaity a poUtJclan, thouJd want to ta.ke up cudpt. tor what ll IO obvloualy a communl11t line la bard to UplaiD. but not nearly IO hard u why an editorial writer who bu all the bleuinr• of lite in the only country where 1ucb an edJtorl&l could bt written, would want to write it. • And IO we people llhould be IJ'&teful te the Yft. erana' grou1>9 that keep proddJ.n& UI into remem .. berinl that we lhould upreq our loyal(y ev.ry time we )1•ve a cllance. We do not.'have to look around to ;find reuona enouQt for Mar loyalU., we baV9 on!Y IQ remem~ tbaf commuolsto never oleep Ill, their ellotU to undermine our happy .tale to •pur wi on to proclaim our ioyalty from thA hoUH topa. More power to Loyalty Week. Basic Differences Between Two Types of GOvemment • Some bulc l~eu lo conflict lo the otr\ln'lo be- , of th• edJ.tlu. I where the official city nower will be planted in front tween the democratic and totalitarian. Sovtnlmeota have been cbart..d by Dr. Fred Eastman, proftMOr emerilu•, ChJ.caro TbeolO(ical Semina.ry. Amonr th• .t.rUdJ:ir di!ferencem-are. Ioumucb u Newport B4a,cll altoody la --of m tho moot bu.utlful clU.. lo Ullo COW>try, we opplawl uy effort to utend It. biiaullM thloucll the Nd bollplovrn..a cbOMn. It b llUly • )ovoly tIOwer ond alroody i. srowlog lo maoy bomemakero•. yards E by cholco. Tho plant hu o ~ crowth well ~ adapted for coverinr waU., f~ or other areu. e w. congratulate all thoM who had • "hand in = plckln&: 1ueh • lovely nowv u oiir dty"a ottlclal 5 'bloom. Wo IUf• local clU-to ottood tho dty ball . = propam •bich will Ila.rt at U L m.. Saturday. = -~Use of Highway Parking ~Strip Piles Up Traffic -C: ft&t driven deliberately Mt up conditiona IMd· :ms to a.ccidea.tl wu well Wuatrt.ted Sunday atter.: 5 DOOD on Cout Hi&hway between the Upper Bay : brid.r• and Corona del Mar. 5: In the ruob of traf!lc doHoa Of driven ...,.. Coucemill1 Man -In democraUc idea.I, Chrtlt.l.an and lewlali, ho belonp to Goel; to totolltorlan ld- Oommunbt 1"'4 J'Ucbt, be belonp to the Stot.. Ccmcero1nc Sup....,., Loyalty -ID ci.moeratlt Id-It la to Goel and hunwtity; lo totolltorlan ldeoo, It la to uation. CoDCel"!liJll Education -In democn.tic ideu. It i. done tbrouch development of the lodlyiduai< In totolltorian ldeu, It la done by lodoctrlnatloo. Cooom>inc lCelhodo ' -ID clomocntlc -It b of folth and cood will; In totolltuian ldeoo, It lo of feor and hotred:. Coocerainc Government -In democn.Uc ldeu. It la by -t; lo totolltorian ldou. It b by com · pulaion. • Grass Roots Opinion • • • SA.N DIEGO, TEX>.$, FACTS: "Now oourcoo of financial 1Upport must be found tor our oounlr)'11 pri· vato elementuy and ~ ochoola. Tllo hip llW>dardo of the lodopeadeot ochoola an tbrtotoolld becaUH or lMdequat• income to meet riain1 cost. oJ open.tion. The bldepend111t Khool doM not centrally receive dinct 1upport from rovemmen.t -loeaL lt&l4 or ftd<rol. Thi. lo u It ohould bo." = W1 t1r N..a-1 r.at.rlM .. II...... ~' .. N y -·G B r~--~ .. ~M~•~._.,~~M~ .... ~~N~·~·-~·~ ... ~~P~l~tt~·~·~·~'-~•~·:·:ete~--J -· • t• _, ~ a...tt w........... FA.1..c..1..1...,.,,............... . .. .e..11. LE · ULLETIN' "AA • few dollaro lo federol old (wlllcll )'l>U. u a tu· -.,... ltaDDICI(, PmlLl8RD -wn1J•M A.. KOl:D. Mt• payer, woukt pa.y La th• tint pl&ct) worth t.ba ~ : JAKSI X. KA.~, .A.~ Dlnctor ot the free t(tueatJonal 1y1tem ! Are a few dol.lan bl 1iJ.....:OH=•=•.::'="'::...::J..:....::AIUd1M:==.:;:::."°'2.:..........,.:;:;:::.:;::....::8":::..,..::::.::'= ... ="'=-' --1 federal aid worth learninc from book• and i..cblns l~O!< llAft!I• otandarda ..U.bfJobed by a VUl.fodeRI eovomm•t that N ....... ..,_, N....-l'ftee. Trt--WMlllJ i ua1 . I Id lnclude poll'"'•' o.-v ....... ,.,. ,_,.1 II.at Illa -.; fl.M liar.--. oon.IC o y or unconacioua y wou ._,... ....... el o...p ~ ft.II .. It ,_... thlnkin& in it.I mand&t.M f'' .. • SACRAllENTO, (CJCNS) -Wbeari'•r the oubject turn.I to th' co.t. of .educaqon in jllllomia these days. it LI met by the profeuional educaton with the. bromide explanation of •wollen cluees, the need for new achoola and the Juk of tucher oupply. It II c.rta.lA that lhU upl&n· auoa '1U 9GIM mull. bUt wMt )II.ore t.h&n 1200 mti~ or th9 UM prot'tNlonal educators d.O llOl Adult l:duc&lloD Auocl&Uon and .mpllaalM t. their pencluant ror th• National ._latton of Pub- otterins !JPkla.I •r'TicM to th• He 8chaol llducatoni an ~t· public Md the con.Unu-4 JTOWlli ed. The eon..-.nUon lllMta Ull.I at ooat-.nc., workahop9 uad ,._.. In AUanUc Cit)'. «Mr ...u,.p tbeJ' ~ "li'on Ut&ri. • 1600 elemeal.Ary ~ to lRilld up U.. bur-K.bool prtnctpal.1 and wpertnt.en- 1&ucru1 M education. ~a ol .ienwn.uy KhoOl dW- a.,.. &f'll mm. quot. from t~t. alt.ended th• ·annual con- UM f'9l)Ort: of R.oy S . lll'n~. fc,r1nc41 of U11 C&lltortlla A..o- ltAt.. wperlntmdmt of -public ctauon of El1mmit..ry 8cllool lMtnactkJa, for CM montll at Admlnt.tntors ln Loe Anpi.. K.&rda: •·0v1r •oo ciu.room t1acbw1 ''&fill' 1000 memMh at t.bl 1n th• C&1ttomla Auoclatlon for CalU'orDi& A..oel&lJOll for Cl'llldhood Education UHmbled tte&llh, p11;)'9ica1 l:ducatklft. and lJI rr-o Man:h 1 to a '°" th• ft.l<:~tioo. •ltud«I lh• 22nd an-aimua& .C.ud7 conf1reac. or UM nV&l 1tat.e coaf•f'mC• at Sacra· ..u.odauoa on lh• lheme, 'Edu· meato ltAte ClDU~ o...i ....,. cat.Ion for U't'iq' hl a .1cte11WSo llan ~te.UOnl ladudl'd web Worid.' $ ii OM ot U.. i:nc.t toplm u ~ to r.duea· n.pldl7 lf"OW1..nl' protu.ionel u- tklls' and ,.,._... ln. tb4I Pro-IOClaUon.I bl C..U.torBia at U» t..W..' · pl'l!IHnt ume. 'Dlla orpaluUoa "At tbl llll"1nc conrereace or ...,.. u iw.t lb th• -uo..1 U.. ~omla A..oclaUoa of eonffnUon of th• Auocl1Uon r~ 4.dult l:d\alc&Uon Admi.alelBt.on Childhood. J:duc1Uon lllt1maUon- Ml4 Jn l&a Diep, & tu.ll da7 •I ln Loi Alli'•*-4pri.I 22 to wu jinn to ,pr...ntaUonli and 21. ~ wtalcl!. dMlt with UMI '-rhe a.nnual 'BetlM Tw.dilnl lmpWSUv• Deed r~ all MlulLI CollflflDCI' •IU draw ..... u. to ~· UMtr unctentandln1 mated 1400 •'--tarY &Jld MC· ot tb.1 90Clal, poUUcal and .c<lGO-ondary IMtruclora. m&c probkme th17 [aoe a.e clU· "Appt'OllUutaly 110 ••re Cl· sm9. -rolled in a t-4&7 WMk...Cd ADUl.4' W'Oa&SBOP 11rOC'Ju~ Md UM oftn.1.1 thme "Adult education t..chere, ad· ... 'How to ~ a -r.chat· nllalM.r&tor1'and lay and prof_. cal PubUahl..a1 Project.' e&omJ work11n bl public and pri· .utonu:a' u:AJON .at. orpnJaUou "1ll parUcl· "Durtn1 March, the ltate 0.- p&UI ta D ..ctlon1 at 'The partmeat of lldl.K:aUoa la eo-o,.. Wcrkabop 1n AduH. l'.ducat1011,' erauon wttb UM Calltomla Con- W1l!Clb Will be. -•ld 1n S-ta Bar-l"I• ot Pannt. &fld T..cheni llU'a Jul7 11 l9 2L &Ad th• C&Wornia Teac:heni ... "f'lul ~-i... b.a • • 90Clatlan 1ponaior.d a lllf'I• ot bMn oompl:eted to bold tlwi 1157 ft•• ReGni.ltment Oiftl.ca. Ap- naUoaal ooannllon of Uw Adult ~ately 1000 pU9CHMI, oft'I' Educ&Ucm 4 '90dalk11r of th• halt of whom .. , ... laym-, at· Ualted ~tat. !a !-Dl•ro-~ded. the cllnlca.'' ' ' Sacramento Sidelight , 111 IA.Clll ~ BAHTA. ANA. (()CNSI -' Jim x-·1D1a .. _ A r .. day• later, Johll Calvln 'npton, :to, wu 'Mhllld b&r• on • mwder allepUolL. nan when., th• prnHCullon looked f« a lethal blow La I.he at.lack. Jddna., trlal oC Jack J&mN WaJll•r. n . th. cw hand d!UotqaJn•ppeand Jtwu ~· wbo pl an all*pd eonteuion by WaJker. d<>Wn on a tape .... ~lq. Juron hN.rd It played w edn"f'& y. OOA& CDOICDI Pl'olecutor f[Ul wtlllam• -.art• ed th• trial lQ tM JO.eent c&pr claaa and then dropped down to th• flw-cenl cJpriUo bracket • . . Meyer alao SO. for Ole Chfrooll ••• HL• Manllu tit lnto lhe middle price J'Ull"• .•• ..11'dc• N-RIOll would bore the Lut penon to dalm honor for him· &he• perinltted a pr...-plctun: Mii. And It'• tnl•. muiy haft to ~ taken ot UI.• ju.ry .tt.r U• played et.rlinc rolu la the waJ.' -election · · · Another Jude• toid Iler Boone U4 Jtlhn9oa auee.. Ute wr1ter M Mftr bad •II-Id ' that ... A 1ped&I pl&tfonn WU Some ot U.O.. ll'bo come lo OONtrveted IOI' the 9it..rMt9 Ju· mind 11.r. l(t. Dt-a.n PoDom :: ry •t the t-nd of U\9 jury box ..• th• Coeta Meea Police Depa •. There wu qulte a ·mlx·vp at th• ment. Jack Oldman and Jack Brl-''"' Merl.rt" orim II.bore.· bel(innl_nl' of tlae !J1a1 on wheU.1r •-• e photocr&phen would be permtt-tory t.echnlclaM; 1'rtnk Ou.nda-led to ehoot ptctuHo11 while pro- bouN. Dl•tric:l Altom.et lnve9ll· clldln 1' were under rat.or; l(t. ~-Doubl• and IMma.1 thtra w .. a 1mt":i ,;_j..: Inveet.lfator BUl'JI BatkU• of underwt.andlft( &ll around , : •. , th• flhlrlff'• department. Jud ' I • 8hM had qTMd to an Rio. wee.n hle hair crew-cuL uperlmttt by oae cemen.ma.n He'• llOft·•poken. Newsmtn onen to Ml what .rtect u. wtJUld ha•• ll'ICOW'lltt trouW. Ill roundln1 up on t.he jury , , . The judj-e eald d~ on -. In ..-hlch RI°" 1• later he never had any ld4a 9' worlclftl'. Danny "torseU" to auowt.nr mor. than on• penon rn&k• out hi.I ... portll befor1 P-to 1hoot pl&turu .. , He tlpNd lnr home. one U!nanan could wpply s.U Ute Hle wlte I.I • rood report.r, others covtrtn&" the trl&1 • , , new.men have fOUftd. JIA&D WOK& .Rio. had onlY two meai. at tiome dw'lq" th• puiod he WM ln......_p.Uns the J~ mur- der. It wu about the 111.m1 In tM Boone cue. p.,......-,ra.nce, lei" work and detenn!natlon w•l"I th• keJ'I .mtd!. opcaed the door on~ c..un.. WOULDN'T WO&& NMdlMa lo aay, that wouldn't work out •. " 1bl 8oooe ll&yiq llb&ped up u oae ot tbl moft t.mtq 1 ... eountr blaor)'. Tat. R.iOr and ------------------------!other flherttr• depuU•• ..,, ho Alter wal.ch1ac th• eamen.- rnan 1n a.c:Uoa for an bour, .lUdp lh• put a damper oe ftlrtbw p6ctul"I t&klnl' wtlUe tt1al ii ta ~ . . Ha em~ ftl• jury'• eyee .ttrayed from U.. tl1al Ken.I to the .ntrtlnl" phot.osft.. pbar ••• A..noUler e&mel'*ID&a had propoHd taldJlS pktww from & 1tatlonary pos!Uon. u WM ckin. '"" th• o.er.11 tn.i. Whft a ... lm't on tlle beftch, pbet.oSt' ee. take all the JMctww thef'"WU~ worked the -took a car en-l"lDI dipeUck and trailed It to th• acculled trio. fti09 .,.. l'nnk l...&unl'lt. 11; J-41 t..oa Banue&oe, 11, both or lknta Alla, aad Wllllam ltlr· by. :ao. or JiUd'WaJ City b&•• con- r....a. Thq ara awaitiq: super- ior Court ~t. n.. Boone affair wu a •nU• mant.&1 oft• fM" IUoe.. P•rhap.. that Jl"Offd much ot the motlva- Uon Whlcll ltept him churnlnr dQ" and a!Pt unUI °"' ..,.at. hMI bMn Mt.t.K 'nle epec:t.ator llne f'&IU., to 1•t Into tha courtroom on.en hi.a .tntchld halt & block .••• ,,;. Jude-• clean the coWtrooni' at ...,. c-to a.bow tM"lt&ndOac crowd to man In , , , A.I & ,.Wt ot tbe thronp. ••er.I coyrt ...... Ian" ha.-e beu. .;u..-. out . ~ . Crowda bl.•• •.,......cl , ahou,t a to 1 on the fem.al• aide .• , , ~­ ... ,. r&oc:k~ tn v.ow ~ Wldff. 11 .......... taYObd • · •• l,..t.a- tor tAtMwt • t.t lt.· ·~ lllaell U.. Him)' f'ord ~ murdl:rtltaL. • ' Fanner McCabe Writes ••• S-. tolltlo' to a ,Lawy•r frlond of mlno 'O'bo jeot Col o U....0 to bone Uj1. hio Shingle )ut mootb When I ulted him iffm be'o repi-nted any Ou~ 1o. ... yo1, h• aid Nope, ... r1y o11 1tJa 1>uo1o-,.. f .. 1temm<d from ID·LaWI ... 'Don't llnow ilftn h. W\U 1.t&lllJn' about hia ln·IA.wa or everbody t.1-'e Farmer McCabo •..U r!Sllll """,.,,.... \ ' t 1 ., ' ' " '/ . l r ' I I ,- I • - ll I ...... \h IMl'"-llllll ...., 11111tln.,... ............. ~_,.,......, ~...., ..... ...-_, ........ hi ·1 CF. TOU "ARll INTEJtl:8TED la 9i lflOd. bonelt, ~ .. m• at~-_.._; -~- Lpw Down Payment · Qa1l DM aboul this I ""4nll., J t.tb .WW bom• tn Corooai ilet-KU under $20,000, WltJl -.q t....... roRD Vl:IUU!f. DER. Bar.~ua. '°' ~ayshores Charin 21182 Cnotvlew piive Prleod fOI' Quick S&Je at $20,llCiQ A. iDo.t attractive 2 bedroom home, 2.ma Patloo for outdoor ·nytpc. •Luje livlnc ,__ Brick~ Phone now before it. gone! ' . . Rea tor · 2802 Newport.Blvd., Newport Beuh Hu. 4718 - ' . . • • wru.··DEAIJ WE'LL TIADlt YOUR. OU> WASHtR CAN ·MAD YOUR DOWN PA.,...,.. •NG · YOUR WIFlf ,..,... YOUi HU8AllDI WALi..'IUN 01 RIDl. IUT GIT .. -IN ON, .,.. CNUel "'1-A · 1 WDM! YES, WftL • A(JAIN TONIGHT! COME IN IF ONLY \ . l ' ' ~ .. .. 'ro SEE, 11.11 DJ,WNG THAT i$ GOING ON! ·: •. . -. • _CARLOA_D~ " . • Mliit* ........... ~··- ·• ., ,; ~ --.. . ... .. .,, .. -~ • -.. .. r •• " "" ., • l ~ . ,.; \ .... · '""' ~· ... ,_ -•• • • , . .. ' • - , • ' • I . - -1 ' • ~ ' I ' ' I ·!-· I .: ! .. · BASEBAl,L FANS AT HORA~ ENSIG GAME • . ,tlie" aprliijr cry at, "Ploy ball!". ocboes -.. '!\" lovely" -for Tuesday aftemoon'• iue Enaisn-llchobl dlamond; the feillinlne proc:tlce game agolnat Weatmlnater. -St~ Photo •• ter behind the, borDe plate screen. Here · • FROM ··~N&; Ff!lEMEN RfW)M> ..... Cailta Kw f(llSol"Ud ...... Q)p .... '"'.\!I --·-- -""" ... --..... ···bet.. t~ ......... .,., •• w ... ·--~ ....., alWaooa. ·-·· ........ , ... .... , ••• cW rniftlll. Kn. ................ . ... ... ...,..,., ~ .. 9"t.c ............ .,, ... ldt lW bwt. 8M ... ta.ken to a fuUIT ..,,.._ tor a -- • DIN,NER 3:00 P.K. -9 P.K. . I Open Sunday, 12 Noon • 9 p.m. • 2:188 NEWPORT BL , 008TA VDA <,.._ l "'"* ... ua •1 e.n. ._ o.-trr a.>, PboM: LlbortJ" 11-UGa For Your Dancing Pleasure > -• !'MS WINNAH( -Don llcKahan, 9, ·bolds up the hM4 of the 'dragon kite ~ won tint prloe in t!it Cuti sCout kite contest SW.day aftel'llOOI! at ~U.Ce. Fel]ow. l!couta bold up-mt of ··'body.'• .;. StaU l!bo14" ' ., ' ' . Saturday N.ight . ' . • Ill • .. I " The· Aquarium R,. ,.,,:'•fl \.\•··'~ •\ ,,_ ·"' . ' I ll:llftU8 ..:... Cu.,;,,..ter Jim Wlllte llol da ilp bla" en4 of a g~ ....;, kite, one et many _,.ual entra -_ U. Qib PaclolO ldtAI ~ sUnday. •Cube, left . to llPi, .,. ~ llocUnd. 8, -1ng atat lljlle; J-• White, ·];I; With doolllo Idle wtilcb won flnlt-.prlae l'n largeat <JaU; Cllorlliio Stamford, I, otller end ot ~and )J(lcbaet Leach, 10 \~. :with tarket kite: --' Staff Photo Cou11ty Officiali Discuss . -. I t er .ProblemtJith Crooke • • .. " . . ~1 " . oom ' •• Luncheon Dinner • Open Seven Days Ea~h Week · -lte1ervati6ns: Harbor 3930 I i , ---~ ( . ,\ ( • -......... _~:;;:"'~: ........ ·-········ ....... . ·~ 'r-...... I • • • • ' • """-~=::'.:::I:=:~==:-:-:~~-::::~-::~~=-"~~====~====-·~~~.-=":,~·;:;::.:-:~==::-:-:--=-.-:;=---:::·:-~£~·~~::-~~,...~ .. ~ .. ~ ..... ==-,-°"'"""~~ ... ~~.-N-FW~-;PO~k~T ~HA-~R~BO~R:-:-:N=FW~S-PR-:-:-:ES~S --_:.,,.,._,..-;-p~+~~_,_-"4 -,....="..,.,,~ FftlDAY, APRIL 27, 1956 i ) REHEARSING FOR 'CAROUSEL'· PERFORMAN'CE These players, from left, Shai;on Inloes. Sau,dra Phifer &J\d Terry Reich, ate ... part of cut in "Carousel''. which will be performed at Newport Harbor Union High School auditoriutn.• tonJC?tt and tO!'Oorrow night. • NORTON OPENS NEWEST VENTURE There is now a new honle and menu in the family' of Norton, "Yncle Tom," that is. Opened in Garden Grove, on Chapman Ave., juat west of HanbOr Blvd., is l'Undle Tom'a" newest venture into the purveying of foods for proper eating. It i11 a specialty -house pictured above catering to the hurried patron desiring hamburgers and malts. Nortoµ is th~ owner of the Cape Cod Houee on Balboa Island and in Garden Grove on Harbor Bl\•d. He hu gained wide note for his epecial preparations · of sea food at hia two Cape Cdd ~ouses. -Staff Photo W1llon St.II. lnto 21 loll WU ap- ff·ARBOR· HI LITES -'l'ble t*U. • ' .,.,, •· " • ., JlfdQ: ~ port.ant 9'1ent at. H&rMr u4 trom all tr.at .tM Pnm; _ .. "° llo ,_ .... IMt. I ~ -lbou.ld not M tall• UCMl1· s.,.. ._no. aU *wt ........ M tll'tM doMt _. .... .... __ ..,. ,..... .. 0.. .... t ltodJ .............. ., -......... •• teUJ .... _. ... t.qt ...t tM Newport Jlutioc' Ullloa RIP 8ehool 9bOtald c.rWU7 ......_.. ta1rtl:'~';;-~";;,.~";.;•~•;•~,=1u;:·"Y"==·~-==""";;;;"='": ... =; ... ::•~1>;;;"'· Otililllllqd 1114-0n:h""!ft _. u i111Jr he_,.....,..,. .• .,... ... .._...,... , . C ,....., Sc ·cutfuU1' to -'* ~ MUI l _ ~ at~ 11..-i "'"'l•al•t ~ -~-Bach --._,. .............. : ..... pla)'ICI -aumbo .... ~ .... -"'·-_ ............ .._thin.. '2Sn 10 ~ In muoic lllld music e411C&tloa. --. tlten )Ho-""I<" ""' tmpo-t '" .,..,., ; ~1 t.bait otne.. N&m.aJ,, ~ce _ to U.. : •t ,...41.q • ·• ta •at\tdat ;o~m~ nllal:lll;-• • • ftlOlll ........ UM1 we-, ~ Btnnodt. 'u4 COlllblfd of ~ tty, ..tn.dllnum, and kltecrity. • ...... ~ had tan-er "'n ~ tns, alq1nc. and maq t.alotecl TbitN ar. m311;y other ~UH / lnclodM HyclremMtc, ,..._ U wu tbelt jolt to r'Md •eta. Jt wu acelabrle4 1>y t.bt t.o' be looldn.r tor, bUt tb• point ' C: ~ mnaM ., nMl' perfectly All •tudilDU .. mt o(. th• but u-iii .ot• for tM 1pe,..., rnoat Recl~hr-TuTOftC. poMltliS... Tber ••N-T&ted t MmWI• '" he" had thS. yW, qi;.un.ct for th• otttc• aid not .... .. DI• ptttormanc. &J90, •n4 U.. betlt ~•IUMl'.nll1 putkularly fh• on• w~ ii the ,LOOK! Paint WSW ~Tftlli , • Th• cone.rt bud rte•lv-4 • we haft bl.« In • Jon& Um.. mott populU. • 1 ~ 1, or m.1.JISkn' nlll\I', IA lWr AlflfUA£ r .a.u.t.r I fO'I will nollu .the bull•Un OUI MON'ftl.llm ~ ptttormance ~d • I, Tbe Au~ "'T' ran1 if to boU'd bJ lb• caf•t.ria, JOU wtll ~ • , .. or..,,....,, nU.r. lo..,....._, .. ..., '" -OOUt ·.Ools "' one OI ... """""' ....... L 'LOO Kl SPJC~L : hfs whll• th• orcMmt.ra . c&1M 1r..-auMar Ma1 •· .nu u Oft• dllplayed. Ul1I year. Ifi<·l.8 mad• : throup wtlh a 2 (.u.llent) JD ot.t.M tua ..rtal• .,_..m by up of ball7 ,.plcture1 of vartoua I .-. • .._ 0 ._.. •-JO ; lJMtrperfonnanc. and a 1 (.,,...... dlif "T'. It ~ ot 8Wim-)'Hlidtnts .-ow.ti t.Mi tampus. ,_.. -r .,....~ ,. lorj ................ """ ..... , .......... , .... -......... ~ ... -" " L~OK' far &LI.. c .. -•• ~ .,.·_. wtn, tM m.tru.ment&l mU1lc di:-da\lq' par,a. -UIP• m'nplO)'Mmt. you aft , u.y. , ,. .-a -·., rector ls to be CMpatulated fOll tMup b'enda and •ward. for :Well. th• .,nq tbow ,of '!'Car-Jfi • hi• tu.. won. u w U u thl the 'Tn HI T Girl ot ~ Tear· ouwl" la alm01t !MN. Lut week •p1-...,. 6 ...,.. mtLllctan&. and Ht T Boy of u.. T-.r. Bo ~ .... hicrtJc llAd lonr. ~t Wednudl.7 A,J:i.aMlm. en-aU ;--of JOU' Ht Y bo1• ud 1Trt The jlanc.l'tl are worklnc on tht ~ t6taln«t uui Tan w11b aa u-HJ T ctri. be .ur. and ~· final blU of perl.ction ln their temb\)'. Th• maul tham• wu lt )'OU wanto a d-¥ ft1k4 with• rvuUpe1 aDd th• .. lln&'er1 art • '9ducatlon and tuL "lhroe.t·W•ry'' trom rehear1lnr. MESA POLICE AID CHOKING CHILD l Cotta ,...;.._ poUc. ru.D«t ' 2%·YMJ'*Old ch.lid t~ HOl.I' Holpltal undft' Cod• !' em•r· pncy at 10:29 p;m. Mond-.y.' lhe wu Pamela Sue Na~­ more of lil21 An1.heln1 Aye, Her molhe.r phoned police to tt!J them the child aeemed to be choklnc-to death. The atttndlnl' phy1lci1n at HM.r la.Id th• child had rnu.sles. He-uld her tem· perature W•• lOCI dtg-rer1, but" •be would be •all rt1ht once ~ev..!!. wa.a brci'u~ down. C,Obbler Opens · local Business • Born tn Sicily and emlcratlnl' to America In 1910, Frank LI· Cata ha1 1lowly worked hi• way we11tward untU· now he 11 In bu•lne.!11 only a. tew short yard• frqm t.he"-f're.cttlc 1hore• Jn N•w- port Beach. uca.t.a. •ta.rt.ed. In the lho. re- pair bw1nes, In New York state ID 191• and hi.I acquired much eJtpt:rl.ence which he appllea to good use oow, tba local buslnee1 man aays ... h• a.nnounce. the opening ot 1. •hoe repilir-eervtee at 211il Balboa Blvd. Dra~. Curtains Stolen From Hame W.U, t,.. llilld ·of t.h• year t1 The actora are t.ryini to &el dra'IVll\a near, u can be Mell that Jut little blt of Interpret•· by Ole atudent body nornlnation tlon 1n their part• while the Ot· petltklu' that ar• beln&' clrCU· che1tra 11 l'eltln&' U.. Jut-min· lated now. Any pe.raon who ut• cull whlch wlll mabl• the1n wllba "to l'\lh for a 1tudent to lM Jn cCH1rdlnaUon with thr ~y otnc•, mut hav•'" a ptitJ-dancera, lin&'era. and actor1. ut!'• alp.ad by il3 stbdent/ In FABVLOU8 IHOW enter to bl norninat'«t.. Tb• y t 'v• H&n th• rehearaals and thl':n 11Ve an acceptance 1peech. can per.onally iuarante• thi~ and OW. ~t '-}eft up to the v.ill be th• moat fabulous lhow 1tudent11 .. to who they wut evv . ..Jf you wlah to ro. you b.• elect. With th• new amend· h.8 better purchue your tlcket1 rnent .tuat · added to the con.U· -oon, for I hear they are alm08t tullon. ther• will be seven .tu-&'Ohtl. dtnt body onlcera: the pre11-· Th• CUM'tnt udtement u lde dl!nl, Tlce·pl'ftldent, t«:retary, from "ea.roU..t." II the Junior· ll'ff.lurer. a RprHentatl\'9 to Senior Prom 1pon10red by the the Calltomia Auod&tion ot Junior Ciaa1. Th• theme and ftudeat Couaelll, a nprwn.ta,. decor.atl.OQ_ Wau ar• k9Pt .eeret • . . • .. serving The Finesf · 7 .. Food In The, Harbor · 1956 PON'I'lAC CAT ALINA OOUPBl .. . . -ROY CARVER PONTIAC ~: • yollr NEWPORT llE&ml 1400 W. Coart H~. • ~i~ SM~TH'S -~ L ·¥; in -* i: XESCADOR: ' . I ·---Fi. . ·· ~,.. YtAI 3 & ... ----------:z::: ---- ----------.. ----proved 1ubJect to dedlca tioll of Llvinl' room drape:1 and bath· 4 New Mesa ·Subdivisions ---Area" ,. . 5 feet for 1lreet putpok1. room cvrtalnl valued at a total ot $160 Were 1tole:n prior to -- ·Get Planners' Approval A~er 11Ubdlvltlon appllca.-TUelda.y from a hom• at 400 tton at K. P. Wallace, Ba.n Ber· nardlno. to permlt the dlv1-lon Dt8ola. Terrace, OOrona Hieb· of portion o1 tract a.t Wllaon l1nd1, recently vaca.ted by John and Placentia Sll. Into four pl.r· Mclnta.h, 100!! Sa ntenella Tet· ---- • Four new subdlvl1lon1 were will divide two loU Into thl'MI ct!•. was rt'ten-ed to the city race. a pprov.ct bf the Coeta Mua p.rct'la at Co.l& Mea and -ru.-a\tomey tor etudy and report. Mclntoah told police 11'9 mov- plfnn1n1 .eommlulon Monday Un StL . Nine , variance •ppllcatlon• ed from th• horn• Ja1t week 11l&'ht. ~Uve map• were L. E.. Benn~ 2132 OruJti wet• a1IO 1.pproVed and ona de· but left the key on the pa.Uo. paue4 atl another and a 1~t.b Ave., ,wl~I be pUmltt.9d to di· ftrr«t. :R. E. Seymour. 28"' When he r et&&nuwl to move the 1ubdl~, •ppUcaUon w~ 014 Md• property at 21•t SL .and Brw.<tway. wilJ be an0wed to l11.11t of hil turnlahlnp, th• \IP f~ •uity. . Orang• An. Into 'tb"! kits ~b-•rect 11 x it-Inch •Im on city dt1pei1, h• 1fpund thl!m pe. 0e9 .JI. W~e. 3011 N.woort Ject to lh• wtdtn!n1;ot • f'rl• :Property In R-4 wne with under- Blvd., l4;~rt Beach. 'will\dl-vat• euement ftOm 10 to 20 atandln1 11(11 to be moved at Yid• a ~" of a lot tD. the fNL no llJll*tM to the city If proper- llOO ~Of l!upe:rtor A,.... la STREET ALOWA'NCE ty '9 needed. O>m mlu.loner Bar· lncarparation Flied SACR.A.KENTO -\CNS> Artlcl"'8 of iftoorpon.tkln were riled this werk by the lnlUal Jnvutm,nt Co., lnc. Lhrou1h Malcolm and ' Fri.nc. PecoT. Ga.nlen Grove and Nqrft'Uln H. Smedtpard. Newport 8-th, di· rector•. It wu annouactd tod•Y by Secretary of state Frank M. JO"rdan. A total of 6000 no par ahlt N will be l11ued. NewpoJt'::)feea lnto t'!'O pa:ttls TentaUv1 map of Southern ney rrancque dlupproVed, de- ln an if..l.'. IOM. . CounUe1 Development Co., W...C.· daring It would tel • prec~mt. Ric~D. Tayklr, caj)lllnno JDfmter,. teq&WllltlAI ~on De. II. Wad• wu rtven vart· Beach. .. subdiYld• p0rUou of to l\lbdlvlde po~ ot k)t in ance to permit tncro.chmeqt of a lot •\ 11_'9 Pl&cttlUa Aft. lat.o' "hln1ew J'arpu trsct on Plactftl· ct'ment tilt-up bu1ldlnl' to rear four ~ V.eni AJm, GJ~ ti& '.A..,._l>Cltwee Vkt.6rt& a;nd property line Jn M·l &on• 1n Plllll!INEB AT BA&,-Viubly lhaken by blo flri\ appearance In coUtt, John Calvin Tipton, 20, ... poet In Caota 1(-alayinc of , Mnt. 'Oleta Camille Ha~er Johi»on, 18, lo ct-. gluo o( watu by )leg DeL Sgt. Dan Pollom who triet to catln him do,rn. Tipton'a preliminary h·earing wu held \Vedllesday. Unidentilied deputy oon- otable io on lefL -Staff Photo 1800 block of Superior Ave. BC Hur OU Co'., Whlt.Uer, wtl ..-.ct a 1190n 11,rn 12~ and 28 feet i.t ihelr aervlc. atation at 2060 Harbor BJvd. In 1. C-2 sone. Mr. and Mr1. Joe RotNnson, 204 Victoria Ave .• were perrnlt· led to build new rar•ge. wall lhrtt feet trom •1<141 property Hne ln C·J xone. TR..ULr:K PA.JU( ff. s. Peturrew. 19s:i; New- port Blvd., WI.I &'IV1!n v4rl11.nce tor land u1e rot trailer park on °'feat *end of Petty Way on a portion of two Iota .coned R·3 •nd C-2. Jack McClean and Rob- ert' ~•!'901, 522 All.a Sl, N-- port Beach, wlll be able to con- struct. four-unit familJ" dwellln11 on ..ell of two lot. on IOUl.b· W9lt comer of Aaahtizn Ave. and 18th St. lb R-4 90ne., ture of ca.&ee tor musical ln1tru· mmll, 1porllnc &'oe><b and •cl· entitle ln•trument• at 1400 New· port Blvd. In C·2 *°"•· ?<o"EW PUMP HOUU: Newport Htlrhts lnipUon Dtatrlcl wu given iarlanc• to erect new pump hOUM on IO pro~rty on 18th St. Elmer B. Smith, P . O. Box 285, Co.ta Meu, wu liYen varl· a.nee ~ uae rear ya.rd. for buHd· Ing 1bace warehOUH on lot on Ulth St. 'nt•r Pomona Avt. In 1. C·l -6iie with rMr 10 feet to bto dedicated for alley pur· po11e11 It needed. ' V&l'iancti to .build' fin -unit ~-t buiidfn1 In J\-4 aont V~ WM allo crant.i. t.o on ~notUIMlt come• Rocbutu Edwud 4. BWwlp. *I Ba.nt& I.lid ONAJ• A wie.. appu.1 tor 'Ana An., perm.lttlD.r UM of g. 1t7 1*noaic EnCI!~ de· Hlmift hal"•po•ar ta MN!~ fel'Nd. &far • Every Night · . DINNEJ.t SERVED ~ p. m. 'til mldnlrht COCKTAILS -4. p. m. 'til 2 a. m. 12 Nclbn Saturday 6 Sunday ' • Spacial Sunday Buffet I 2 'i ii 9 p.m. . ~w~ Int Soul~ of IAjrau HYatt • open dally: 11:00 a. m. untll 2:00 a. m. Featuring the most diversified Gourmet menu in the harbor area, c -------------·----·-·--·--------- -·---- "".: -. ---·--..... -. - . ..... ·-. --••• -... ...... "'..: .. _ .. -· the· El .Pescader-i8-a-restaum-...,.__~---.± .. • . . . that we kn-Ow y<YU will enjoy, and · . . re,commend t.o ymtr friends . • ·Try 0e El Pescad_or for lunch,for' dinner or <»' oockta:il.s . For lleMt:Yd•n• "'-Ll•ertr •1241 ". Y-JellJ"---_ . ._ ... .,, .... • ........ .. ---llil'IW -1"Kel!J ' . {ly p,.,.,.,l)!\1}.' u J. I 11 l .'' '\ . l 11 \.J j" ••• Amatil1 n ••• ............ ..... ••t • 401IE••t1 th Stre•t.Coate M••• ' • • .,. . . ... . . • ---... ...... _,,,.; . .:,, .. _, ... .. ' ... -~ ·-· ·-7 ... • • I • • 7 • .. • • • • . ---·---- UM'6; PART 1-NEWPORT HAlllOR ·-FllDf.Y, NU. 27,.1914 ' ilOSE RECEIVES 'DOCTORATE' AS GAG· t Wu all for fun ud 8trlctJy informal when mem· .J>ero of the Amlp Viejoo met at the Newport lladx>r Yacht Qub to initiate a clull of Muchvhoa lDio fUD -beNll!j -tly. Shown abcm la DL Bull H. Pet.enoa; left of Orange Clout Collose, Pladn6 th• aurplJco ot "doctorai. of omJp1• around the necli ot Jose Roan prior to latter'• Jndoctrinatton o! the Kuchachoc. AmJpe Viejoe la &n organization of -old frlenda ot the Coutline Who met it lrrepl&r1 intenala for enjoyment of ~ fellowwhip! ...., staff Pb<Jl? .. • UINCtt CARDS Jil11p i1 lea ·c1te,eria· To be E1•e• 4. Re& llchool cat1tlll'la I.I llOOD to t-. _.Id lt t.M new plan tor t&JdAc & lunch cowit pro'f'M •tWaetory. • • . • L • 1:. 0 -· . UnW ncutly, lh1 count wu tu-by u.nnr th• .iudent.1 n..i.. U...tr hlllldl durtnc tht bomtl room pvtod. a.eau.. th• metbod wu only a roup. •tt· '"ate., at ttm• ... IDUl7 .. eo .. tra lunch• bad to b9 Ml"ffld °"" th• ortlf,nal eount st~ to Caletni& ll&nq• Mn. 00'*1. ,..... ...... .. ROLE SUNK ~OUT pn!Mft -Thia towerinc rfr, mcnoed noently onto land owned by tho UnJcn Oil Co. near Dana Point, b.saa day end nlcht opon,. tiona on what the oU compuy caDld 14& t.elt hole... Only tbJnJ 11, OranC. °""'lt:r b~ olfldalo lmew Dotllla( &bout tho openti<lG -DO permit WU take out. DrllllDg wu at atandotill •117 Wo ~ Cout N .... Photo Potice wer. informed y111t._.. ~ caUMd a lhOrtq• in. day by J. A. P8rdu)'JI., MMS Alo-an.liable lunchn u well u varado Plac•, that 'a wr• l&Dd dowtft&' down th• Ml'Yinl' Un• tu~ W bMft found la b1I Whldl P" .t.ud.nt. l.uutnc:ltint yard. Perduyn -.Id hi woWd UID6 to eat thir lunch, ~Mid. boki It fot' lbe owau. Ur¥ UM new method. a hmcb. i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I~ 1.1 ·1.1.ued to •ch atUdent Nattns hi.a name u 'lll'ell u that ot ble home f'OOlll teacher. Th- ..,.. tumid ln durlfll" lunch per· kMl u th• 1t\Mient pay. tor bl.I meal. Mn. K!llikln Nt\IJ'll9 them to U.. t.ealba!' for UM &lain tbe tol~ 41.f. Dana Point Test 'Drilling · Halted l>y -Protest in Area Sgt. Coe Name• PreuTe•tof Mesa Employees PORT ~'../ OllONA OEl IW1"' 1 4•h'. 'RIH/., "Cocllithell Heroes" lo a-a8oope Tecllaloolor -nu. - "Bladilqck ·Ketchum.. Desperado" Mesa*-1 ·~ 4'!\ Mn. Kllllkln •&aid It 11 hoped lb• new p~u. will tn.ur-1 a btittc operation ot the llCbool e&ttteria .. w.u .. ~ &11 cblldr-. to Ml dlet.tica117 plan· ned. ..at.be.lanced lunch•. luUcllllfJ llllpectar P!ob11 Claims DrilllllfJ •91111 WllttcMit Comly Ok . lrt. K_... ODe ot '"tM a.ta DANA POINT, -DrtU.iac op-moUUI. rwn.on c:&nW UN lt.or'J JI.Ml. Police Dlp&:tmtnt -ru...- eraUona on tbe llit. al. a Unto. to hlm. da7 wu electtd pr.Ii.dot of 011 Carnpua1 of Ca1Uoru1& ''tMl ot&Qd w. CUrldc, llUl a .. tM eo.t& KM& aty llmt>loYMt c..-• bol• ~ration" 1nl&nd trom mm.ta, anotbltr member .GI UM "90ela4cm durtnrorpnlu.tlonal tll• oout near UMt <>ru11 Cowl· lMJ1M. Mid -.ch .mlim.bll' will m•tbl.s ol. thll newly orp.niaed t7 Dump ln U.. Dua llolnt b9 uked t.o zrtt. diNctq to J!VOP ill CH:y Kall. -----------1 ..,.., we~ at. a .tuidlUll thW tbe Ua1oa OU Co. to protaM. tbe Willl&m Dunn, clt.7 pl.&nnM', Mesa Family Asks sn,• Crash Damages . wMk b«:&u-. th4I ctrtWns had drtWq at Du.a PotDL wu namM Tl c .. pnll6dent, Miu Men .u.rted without eowity .. Jim. Orut. ...a.tut to t.be LornJM Bondtck, -=retary, and prvn.1. muqw of ~UT• pro-Kn. DDroth7 EWI:, ~. Th• wwtr. 1t.oppac• prMWll~ ~ for QDklll OU. ~ Lb.• Br-Jaw. of th• orpnlatloo. abl7 WU the ,..Wt Of -order OJ*&tioll wM INnly put of ...... accepted, It WU decided trom Cb&J'M. Donalaut. i...d al. a OODUnuiq ap&or&U. Mm• to u.od&t. with UM ltat. at th• Oranp County ~"' ~ p&lp Was ~ ~ Uw QalUom1a &m.ploJM9 ~ partment. otl eompany. ar.at ..u.m.ted tion and .. mortuary W 2 'JPient RMl.dmU ot the ana _, the J >b woWd M «llllplilt.M iD wu arreed upon. a.A..NT.A. ANA, (OCMIJ Kr they plan a prote1t &t th• nat 1 .. lban. two wMk&. !loweftr, nnit rnMUnr ot th• new or- ud Kn. 'lbeodore W . Patt.wail m..unr of u.. bo&rd ol auptr-._ .,.Utted tbe drt1Jtn&' n,-wu p11tu.Uon wu Mt May I wtth and tbrM cblldrwl of mo or. 'YlMn. ~ to p to a 4-pth of a ap.ak•r trom th• 8od&1 s.- •-"P A't'•., 0oKa X..... W.m-Hany Bersh, dlnctor ol U.. ~ J000 io JIOO feic.." c:urtt7 ottlc• Khecluled. · dl.7 uked ll'IOI'• tbaa fJ0,000 CowltJ Pl&rul.lnc ODm.m.1-loa Cunek ciaDed act.Ion ol U.. 11-. are DO resuiar rnem- damacu u • ftMllt ot • tratSe -.id t.u .,.,...n.,...... w not o0 oompMJ "P<*' puws. nia.. Mn. tuDurn. ~pM>yw. hi. t.h9 colll•loa in Ban Bem&rd.JAo (T&nt.d a UM ~a.new for U.. \lonL". Ba 1M£4 U.. oompu1 crp.ntation.' and uother 60 county Jun• 25, la&. drtl~ open.tr.on prior to tM Mould }l&M noUa.d. l'Mldmt. ol. btmorary rnernMN, compo.d of ) • ·Grando/lo 's "(-~ ..... , _,,i.i, -,... .... foniily .-. • .. ... , Pt• • I •1 18"& ......... a&ncu..• ....... ..a......-. 1 1'000 ro oo 1111 • •• aw.I HuLw4117 Ol'D' &ULT U JtOmrJI 7 •c.u ...... w . Sund•y Dinners 2:00 P.M. FREE CUSTOMER PARKING ol Balboa pre11nts The Harbor Area's Finest Show e Two Monday• Only e _ April 30 A M•y 7 * The DARYL HARPA SHOW * C.st of 10 Sta<1 Singers-Dencen--Enterteiners-Mu1ician1 fHt...ing PALLAIS SISTERS TV STARS ond SHA~NA "Tho Girl from Monilo" Continuous Entertainment and Doncln9 9 p.m.-2 a.m. NO COVER -NO MINIMUM NO ADMISSION CHARGE DON'T FORGET OUR "1918 MENU" COMPLETE ~TEA" DINNER 78C every Weclnetd.ty evenitHJ • Th• pl&inWf• named Ell eo.. actual atart of bortft.1. tMlr p\an9 belon UM7 .ltuted part.Urn• empJo:r--. lndudJ.lls Watch for our, Prime Rib Dinners aDd ....,...,. Joll.D DoM u de--\tON"'I' T.A..L& 1 '4'tlllq~~:· ________ ~~~'.'.'.-~..:"'~,'.':'°'.:;t,.~·_'."°""~~dL':_ __ ~=========""'';,,,.,,,=========~ hedua.ta. . Woricm• on U.. towwiq J1C"1 · " -,....,._..., ". ""-'!' ClnKAScon _. COLO& GRACE A~ KELLY· GUINNESS LOUIS JOURDAN • . "THE SWAN" ------·---L.---o49&u.a&. -....--~-... .-...... TM .Pattenou, tbroufll At.. nported.Jy toid l'Mf1mta and ~ torur lAro7 P, >.adereon., ocm-porten t!My ,,... "lUUuct.d land o:. Wu pllty ot: nck1-to _, nown1 t.o &JW'bOdT" a.boa ud ~t d.r1'1n1 in a eruh th• .Job. lDYG1't'in1 hU car and on• dr1....a Da7 and a!Pt drtlllnr open.- Q' Theodor• Patt.~ ' Uou •t UM .&t.. w.r. WMkr ••7 T1wi accident OCCWTed 10 mn.. .two d&J• lAlt ... k untU tM .:tout.b. ol V1ctonille on BJ.ibW"Q' abutdowa ClfldM' ,,.. t..-4. .. w mp..., IN. V1ctol' ............ ,.. •Amt of Patt.won chUdrm. who .._.. the Ooutal ~. ~ .. Mnted oo-plUnUtf• .,.. lil•I'. 17, i..._u.. aid U.. ~ had not C&rolyn. 11 ; and 'nl.90don Jr,. beud of -., pl.au fol' tM ctrill- 1fi. las ~ Won ftrd...ot- ' """"' ..... ''Stann Fear'' ROOOERS, • Y ~ths ~ught_ In Stol_en . &111·· -. Sol. 1:'6 • HAMMERSlEN s Boat ·Whne· Towing · Sec-ond ,, .. N_., ,, .. om-t CAR 0 USE l or.. Banta Aaa JOWIPUn UM7 fOllDd1t dSdD't 11 ..... mourh "'"-'I & ............. -... In IL F"9ll "" wrr C11f11 WM . SlllO IE ... ,.. booked ...-11 w......,q .... .. ... screen ...... - -fOC' ta ... apuon of J1'and. thet\ PoUC4I Mid they nut •tole &n ..... -Wb.. tb<1J wen ubW tn the outbo&rd cru.IMr W'lth tnt.nttoa. :.~·:.H~~~·~lt!!_JAr.~~·!''~·--'---. .,. • ill I tW'llllls bum ~ ln Cft• •tolm ot milldn1 It later for JUOUn•. -=~ boat wtill• towtn1 anotMr, ae-,~bJ thmt th• Harbor Depart-.... Nut W..... _." •-oordinC to police. m pe.trol tiot.t. piloted. by ...._ ___ ....., -, l ' I , , I 11111 ' jM .......... MJltHlilflt of ....... CIM'l .... ldwl•• • • ::::=.,"'.. One or the boys save hi• ..-GunRli:nazi, IJJl(ltled th• u 17. The other •U.J*:l. 12, 11peed°bmt runnliy w1tbout lip.LI ..caped from c\MltodJ tor a 9':1ort. .00 appnbendecl It la tb• tum· Ume but WU later iitipnlltftded ~ buln. PoiJOll W9" ndloed lo at bJ.e home mHt the patrol bo&t •t a 1andlnl" ALIM) • ~LEO--'ORN AGAA . .. "Hold lack TOlllOITOw'' Sluto Next Wed. ' TWO BIO IZA.rvazs The boy•. Nld they came lo 'al Mtb &nd lbort Blll. Nl'WpOrt Beach In a car police But tbe minute tbe p&lrol ~l bett••• wu ltolen. When It ran docked, the 12-year-old :r o u t ll out of JU, lh•:r u.td, they broke made • dutt for rr.edonJ,, Oun.I· tn.i.a th• Lou Reed and AMOClatd m•n kept a ftrm bold on th• cu .,..anc:r .i 1200 .w. eout Hl.fhwa7 &nd d""• HYer&l of tht older boy. Aftet' rt'f1111 Ml 9ll.M • car1 around lh• lot, the police the eue~l lat.er admitted hW report oontillued. name Uld wher. the prtJr Hved, Ttrinc ot thlll sport. they .aid police NpOrted. they "'ent ac,,.. u.. 1treet Into ----------- ._Scout a... MM1 t.b.e n•1rhbor-Ga-Visit w--...._ m,-Port Oranc• anCtiorac• and .. ,.,.,,. uvus broke lnlo ..U the boaLI unw t.bfly fowr.d food, Mid poUce. ' "nlq lo&d police they •U..mpt-. ed to •tart a 16-ft. •peedboat "*"' without rMUlta. They •ban· Th• RoMrt TbompMlll O&n.U. or 8&Q Clement. .,._.. n.tton la ea.ta M.... oa April I . TheJ 'riatt.d Xr. uwt Mn. a. w. Wood. doMd u.. aan UM3 tt drttt.*1 I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:; aero. ui;, b9,J and Mach.ct lt- Mll' in front ot 300 Lido Nord. Udo lall.Dd. ·~ ft WU J&t• OPENING SOON found ti1 ~ Jolt,,~ -of rf--li• .. !!!!'!!!!'!~!'"-S-j-DQ--.id..._ t.bq na.t _look an _..;.,-~.---lMt. pleuur. boel w1lh Jnt.Ml- Aleo ..,.. St..a J••ll•'" l ' . i-~.,..,-1 Uon9 of ..Ulq It to Catalina la- land but P" up U.U Idea when ... -· .. U·CGC•fJ Come Next Spring , RJN or All at Ibo ~-.,._ .. canbl ,,,,. ___ ....... ......... ........................ _ .... ...... • ,,... ........ 12. .. .............. ...,.., ...... ,. _ .. _ •• ,_-a.. ..... ·"" ' ·----· -- Corona del liar { fnkct ~ome l)ebelopmtnt) bi .. --. a ..... ......,. ... .., ....... tr ,. ,_ ..... ,... ......... ._ .......... .. ,.. .. _,.. ......... ...... ........... _,.. ....... ..... ................. ,.. ... .. ,..... .. ,.....,. ot-.•...., ... -.... ........................ .,. _ ........ ,.. LYC.-_... d:.e:..t. -~ ............ ... -. , ............ -. ,.......... C.-l'ftuBI ........... ' ....... ...... :' 1 ... a.a. . ._ .......... __ ......................... _ .. ,..._ .............. ,._., - ...... ••• ... .._ ... -... .. ~--. .... ' -... . . ....... ---- . ..... -----... ,.._,_ -- ---.... _ - Ill' •••1• --- .... _, -=-.. ----- wcREst Campas Estates "' ~ COfJ• llHl.A. ~ ........._ " .._ ,._ ......... -..... "-I.!...,_ u....., W"n • • I I .,, • . l I. • ! . ~. • SEALARKING. 11J GINNY (11118. ~W 4JUl llill'lEB) 81111'11 J'ASlllON -I.a a -thlJ ..W ol. outdoor 111,i. .-at Rlcbsrd'• Lido Muket, with aD Lido abopa !lln>lahlDil the fubl-model Gay, (111". Jadl) Toon appaorod In tbla Marjorie Moots=· rr Import.I cottoo from Udo J'ublona. -Don BmllPboto .. ' \ • • • • All!llft'~ Ltiatlll JUlllUlll -Kew 41ff!. ,..,,. -plua for. tlie "l'ollloo of '!Ml", \IJelr OWD production with prof-.W otastnr. which pro.i.lea fundo for their ...,,y plillanthropleo. Left to right are Kmeo. J'r<cl Ku.Ur Jr" recording NEWPORT HARBOR • • ' • • , ..er,tuy; llobort 0--, !Int .,ke pxM,.,t" . Roland Lqortof, IOCOlld -preoident: Eafl J'etAr. oon, p-t: ll<>bert Hutley,,trouurer: Walta- Bp~, Ualoon and Wllll&m ilertuleit, oorreopolldlnf -r;wWy. -Staff Photo • . ALUMNAE CHAPTER 0. C. Alpha Phis Receive Charter .VJewlnc •Print stylea at their a.nnual meeting, mem- • • . . . SAYE 53 -. . NOW ~: •I . ' . Ra~ ..... wlH ' ' . be lncreciled ' ·So/o May 1st. llRS. WINIJ'RICD BAJUllUll, w ...... •• l!ldltor bero of Orange County Chapter of Alpha Phl Alumna• ---------•••------. ....... ._ ______ •IMld. a bull«:-hmcbeon at Harbor HOUM. Guild Meeting _ You can save 5% now . ·. . reil fer• ticketed by April 30 will be good for 6 months round t~ip •. if ticketed by -'pril 30 rail fare wlll be good for 8 month on Family Plan R.ound Trip. ___ ., GOLD COAS-T SHRINERS LEA VE FOR CONVENTION Worthy Matron I HEAR I ·L1t11t. -- • BUY NOW for s-v~· ' -• • CORONA DE\: MAI\ TRAVEL BUREAU o.-t e..,.. """ Onhld ,.,._. OIK r: O.) llarbot-J.iu --• Ledies' Accessories . .. lOS nF1'EENTll ST. NEAR 80E&N JlllON'l · JUST IN TIME FOR · MOTHER'S DAY ••• THE MOST OUTSTANDING SWEATER to inlroduce our new line, you may own and wear with pride fabuloualy decorated 1Wea.ten1 at LE88 THAN 008'11 ONE of • Kindl ONE WHI< Only! off er EVER MADEt I ' Art'ER t II • m.eunr ud ~ •MUD& •t ltu· I ~ .A.uxillu7 munber1 mo-brtsl'lt Club wu Mid April 11 VITAMIN I to-1 from th• Bay Club to wit.JI Mn. &d Hobel PftM.dinJ. '"'"""""' l&nta Ana wbeni they TWted l:loeU-W'll'I Km•. w. H. I r I'' lb.I Children'• BoaM 8Gdel7'• Randall eta.J.rma.n. K. .. Bt.tol· rlOfl • ormr 1own.a:n IJA8tlALS Sr9acb. omw where ar-. •pu--· Chulot~ 'lbompMlft and • !' t ...... Ka.au.I . ...... ahcrftd i.un. Barry. I I ,._ ._, ,.. ,...,, ~--n -· ... """""" ....,._ MISS MAllHA IOGEIS .. &nd redecon.ted otnc. and ..,.,.. o( Mr.. Mu; 0.-. worthy I . !DWlpJow and u:plMMd th• lat.-inatnm. of Harbor SW chapt.,, (om.I Vllamlll Cotuulta.nl I • MW'll ol tll• Oru111 Oowit:,' ah• wu prMented w:IUll • calf• for Wm. T. 'nM:Jmpeon Co. Council of Au.tu.nu. b&ll-.d bJ Mrw. HoMI ud wu I will~-I I OllOJ\GS ftLU>'tl man7 NN'· altow9red WIUl ooqratulatory us DOW' at.ore -*"" Pa.Md... ""'""" ...w '"""' April lO tt.... "4•y S "" pd to know "ttlat he l.t rut rr-nt •-,_.._._ Km• I to tell JOU about the latMt I "'°""rt.as trom h19 accident of arn.t Clwrdl. H. •L llllUard 1ut ...-Mat wW on to tab and KartAa Brutna. ,.._._. tn-I information on vit.amln1 1t ..., tor awtille at UM Ruat.-eluded Mm-. W, B. ~wood. Ora and mlnerala in tho field I &qt.on Memorial Boepttal In Ulli&a anudl, Owtn. c. x.. of human nutrition. PaMden& • • • n.. b&d put ea..u.ra. A--m. l'ltmnon"la. I I ol It all 1-that ETll)'ft ud o.:irs1 ha, W. J . WaDcer, E. I. r .. •re l•vlfed t. Oeorp'a km.-looked rorwvd '° Moon. c . A. i.,u.. J . II. lhn-trtp to JCutnadit tor UM ~ t.J, W. k . Mk:b6t aaiil A. A. j 41Hw,.._,_.., flJ.t I nd& wt.U b&n to M Voorhes; Kt. 11.Dd Mn. a.us. ,,,..,.,.., wJt1' 1'er called otr wtu. their · p aJoop Cl)'tl• rv out or UM r. A. Pet., BM11.k:41 ltldM; Mn. entriM , • . 8eem1 that 0-,. Hobel and JMIUlkr, u4 Kr& R . Tr1e •doul 8a•lap Gii tabaled Cll'I u.. dock at t.M au. s. Youns. . f Vttuaa. dulactlalaeveat f 0rMp Ooat:J'• X.alilt ....... 88-nlOlllMIM 1 I I I · HEA~t~8~oos • THn: ''WES VAUliHAN 1llO" 1 ............ u I-MN '°'' ........... ...,... SPECIALIZING IN FREE ESTIMATES SUP COVERS DRAPERIES CURTAINS UPHOLSTERY . HARDWARE TRAVERSE TRACKS w fabrics • .. COTTONS ' NYLONS , '" RAYONS- WOOUNS SEWING ' NOTIONS • meint•in our own dt•F*Y wort room. CURI~NROVJQ~S'--~~;--'2".i:rAl""~ITlrn-~~-.....! * 41A ANO MAI Klrnberfy 2-9611 SANT>.. ANA OPEN FllDAYS 'TIL 9 P.M. Puldas 'l'lcbto VaNoW M 411Puldq1- ~ ... , .i • • . . A ... 11u11 tor prt.. partJta. dano. ud Ch1b &eUv1U-. l:imallent m\Ulk and .ntu- tatnmeat. for tb1 Mo-tw -thirt1"' ,..,,up. Tl!:LE. UJIEllTl' W6'TI (D..t.YI) 111 -·-----l ------1 w..,_.....,o.mc., -...... ' j -...... _ • • r , -1 ; 1 • • • ' .. . ~ • OONCIUTA ·PARLOR :!H, N. D. G. W., joined with other .Ounty unita in wel· oomhls Grand Prelident Nonna (Mn. Theron) Hodloq and other grand offl- een on their oUielal vWt. Left to ri&ht are Mmes. Rudolph Petcnon, preeldent of ConchJta Parlor; Theron, H. E. Griffith, deputy to Silver Sand9 Parlor and .. D .. !!'.· Fillo.; deputy to G..-Parlor. · ' I • • --• I 1 . . . "NIGHT IN KEXIOO", Balboa Boy Club'o Kay 2l party, lo belnf.pl&nned by th- hoet couple.1, (l torr) Mr. and Vra..Robert Powell and the E. M. Harveys. Hoab duties will al.lo be 9ha.red by Me:11ra. '~"'d Mm~ Cla.rence Higbie, Oarence Lake and Fred Warren. :-Terry Boril Photo Calendar Epsilo Sigma Alp_ha • Iii Mexico City Mr. Ud ~. lr• N. Trilbee, lot VI& Venata., ~ ncauon1n., at UM Bote1 Ratner .bl Mexico ..... • • • CUT :_RAT Beauty ··ser~ce • met rs ·~ .. __. fUO • "' 'c ;. w.,_.. -...... •Pv"·eae-.-,,_~ I;~~, .... , • ..,,_ ... ,o.. .AN u:of'k ~,.111•4 of Events · ~~~~~B"'~~~TM~H~~!~~.i~·~·-· \ ·-----~.------1lect.eel pr-.ldt.llt ot Eta mt& dent of lh• at.ale council of EBA l~;~~;;~;;:i;i;;,;~~;;;;;;;;;~;;i TONIGHT cht.pl.e.t', :mpaucni. Btpa Alpha. and fonner lnteroational vlce li . , Grand President ·Visits Dl:MOCRAT dinner _ t :ao '' UI• recent meellnJ at the ··'d 1 M _ 8 '" Balboa home of Mrt. C. M. Jl'idler, 593 pr-. en ; r... •11•e•t ml. . .u, County NDGW Parlors p.m. Ebell club, ~la Pai"k Drive. Coat.a Jilff&. Other vi~ pre1ident, lllld Mr1. Fred Bl:!u.., H•-••s•·,-0. C. C. offlc•r• ar• Mn. P'rllllk Th&yer, Smith, prealdent, both of Or· ,....., · ""..,........ Bell. ansewood council; Mn. Irena -·-< --,•-1.·t• p.m. vtc. pl'Mldent: Ml"I. Ru H U ..... -• t h """-r-~'""APRIL 11 ncol'dlnr Merelaly; Mra. Georr• o man.n, pr uw:nt ..,. .... P a '" di ........ Zela ch•t.ler of Fullertao.. UDO ISLE dlnMf' da..c-. _..~, C.QD'.tJpOQ nl" Met~.., Conchita Group Gains· ·IO lnitiate ,Members Memben of Conchita Parlor 294., Native Daughters of. the rowen West, with other Orange County parlors ~Uy attendtd a banquet and the official vi.Bit of -lhelr--crand preeidlnt, Mn. Tberon (Norm.a) Hodeon of Manteca, at the Ebel1 C'tubhome in Santa Ana.. Grand Praldent ~ pv• a talk, on th• pro,.,_. ·or th• parlors throul'hout th11 1lat• on their mu7 projecta. Bh• report· ed oil u .... m.n,. ca.. which havt been 1id..:I throu.rh °'' N1Uv1 O:~er1', chUdAJ1'1 Foundation and lbt wor.k betnc" cen1ed on In mt.ion rMt.oraUon. She u.rred all pa.rlor1 to have rtpreunt&1.lvet 1t Grand .Pvlor Whleh will bt bekt In June •t San Lu11 Obllpo. lnctdenll of \nlerut In her trav- el• thnM.IShOUt th• •l•te ta v\9\t dlffereT1t perlor1 we"' hl(hl.l(hll of the •ptteb. ·F1>!Jowtftl' .the tMk iw-nt.&- Uon• of oCflce... report. were made alonl' with cJl'll from the lndlvM:lual pulon tor tb•' Mveral cha rity projeclll in which th• orde.r parttclpatu. An lnltlatlon c:.remony W•• held at which Utn• ten oew mem· clubhoUM. and Mr•. L.. Z. Taylor: treuurer. Members •llendlns were LEGION dance, 9:30 p.m. IA-Queal.I at th• mHUnc wen KmM. M. J, BacbUu, Ru Bell, Burton Beck, Mel BerTy, Ev1r· (lon Hall. ett Br&c1, Paul Dunlap, 0. M. •7KJ: HEIRE88"-1 :111 p.m. Hutchinson Son Fidler, Joe Klbb&rd. Don•ld Chapel The•tre. OCC. kr . .AD.a_ M_n. \VatU~J!_ut?ln-Hunt. Cl&ren~ Lutet, Harold -A"PWR :n .on, 1124% Park An .. eo.t• Sh•w. Krf1topher Scr11..1n:1. Cl&l"-PHIL.HARMONTC concert -Meaa •re the p11J enll of a boy 1 l'nc1 Smlth, S. S. Smith, Gf'orse 8" p.m. F\JJ\erton Hl,Jh School born April 19 1t the Hoag'Me-Smou1e, Joe Stroup, L. z. T•Y· ltud., with Y•lt•h Menuhin, 1\IAY 1 morlal Hoepltal. 'nl• baby welth· !Or and Frank Th1yer. Refreeh· FUCHSIA aoc:lety-7::SQ. p.m. M I lbe., 3 o&ll. ment.a 'Were urved by tb.e ho.· E. A. l'tea School. -te..,, bera w•r•·lnduot..:i Into Conc:hlt& . . parlor. lnltiate4 w•r• th• Mmea. Si2J11.a Pt Office Hayden Boy Born Among other recent event• ot Ep11lon Slsma Alpha w•• Ole n1omln( ooffee •t the horn• ot Mr1. Borton &!ach, 207 Via Udo Sol.Id, with a nur .. ry for the chlldre11 conducted by M1·1. Bell and Mn. Hibbard. Aprll 111 a tea w .. held at the honie of Mra. Btdt. Tabl• deocon.Uon1 wer• ln the blu• and 10ld .,ror- Darryl Bnieckner, J.me• Etnch, .fGnmy McMlllui, too ot Mr. Nonnan Dulwortn. A. V. Fruer. •nd Mra.. J. D. McMiiian or !MiO M&r'l'ln Gears•. Derk Harrill, Redland• Aw., hu been re-elec· Her•kt Splet, 1. !:. Spr.ru~ Jr., ted treuurer of Slim• Pl frl· W•lter \\'elbroc:k •nd M.J.aa Helen ternlty at Lon( Be•c.h Stat• A,. bo7 ..... born to Mr. and Mr•. Richard. Haydeii, 20242 Bly View, Bani.& Ana Hetsht•, April 18 1t th• Ho.r Memor1al Ho•· pit.al . Th• baby welshed O lb9., . ~· Jacobeon. Coller•. ------------ Member• of the parlon wera 1------------ Upholstery Draperies The Finest Craftsman.ship Plua Fabrics at Close-Out Prices Enables Us to Give Your Old Furniture That NEW LOOK at Astounding Prices During the "oft aeason" CALL, US DAY OR NIGHT Liberty 8·5518 For u tlmatel or one ot our decoralor1 wW call wtth aamplN at your ttqueat. Girl Scout Workers Needed in Costa Mesa honortd by th• pre•ence of Jnnd ofncera. Introduced were th• Mlsar.t Grae• Stoermer and Anna T. Bchlebuah and Mr1. John No r· !nberr. •II ot Loa AnJde1. put It~s Boy for Kraus Girl for Vidalis lly color• W'tt h an elaborat• nor-JOl'J w. Cout Hwy. (Marlnera Mile) Nt\\·port &adl A baby cJrl w .. born to )lr.1 ~.i~,M~t~"~l'l-~~~~d'....:b~I~~~:'.:'~":'·:.'_,==·=========,,,;·,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,= Mr. an 1 Mn. t..wrtncti Knu.t. tnd Mn. Aldo Vadali1, IMO 521 Fernleaf, •re parent. of •. Mlnm•f> Drive, April 2._ at lhe boy born M•rch 17 at Hops H~ Memorial H<>11pltal The >.:: p .... ·need recnillmmt appeal ror :cir! Scout ~ader1 ... ''°" under way by th• Co.l& ,,,_ ClrJ'. Scout .eounall. Then M a parOcular need for troop 1-den but ; ell dtpe.rtmenta of the _. 11nljU.Uon e11n UH addlUonal per.onnel, It la. tlaltd. Women 21 or over wl1hlnr to pa.rt.kl· p1 le'. In th• Scout youth pr1>- l raJTI ere urr•d to call the Girl ScoQt Hou. at LI 1-Hll, Mn . tr•nd preat~enlll; Min• Wllllam J . D. Teasle. ch&lnnan of the C.lon. rnnd m.nhal, o.>d•nd; appMI drive, Ll 1-T ... or any Daniel Sh•y. sn.nd lntld• aenlln· member• of I.be comltt .. leav-t i. O•kl•nd; L. Kaull, rrand or· m. tMtr nam• and dd.reM and 1t•nl11. 81.kenneld, 11.nd (T&nd they ...tll be eontacled. ln1ttee. Mme•. O. R. Helm. Fre•- othcr commllte• member• a re no: Don Wll\l&m•, El 8trr1to: Mme•. Walt Mill•r. H • r o I d I Di le Porter. lnJlewood; J. Vin· Knipp, ,R. N. Lud.I, Ray Traul-ent La Bersr. !l•n C.brlel and wei.n, Paul Norman and A. L.. Guy Barton, Loftl" Buch. Plnkle)'. Th.It group I• now con· --~~-------­ Grandparents Give Party fo'r Fredda . ducllnJ a 1pukln1 c•mpatrn a l clubl and women'11 ortanls.atlonl to explain requil'lmenta or th P~~llctpatlon of • .creatly tnc:n&.Md tnnu .. of membenhlp • ln th• Br'ownlu lllld Girl Scout troopt thle fall. the need for ie.d•nhlp 11 ursent the com· rnlttet fftl.e. The dr1v• Will c:on· Unu• until mld·Junll!. No tnln· In s i. nece&&&r"y. u It wlll be tu.milhed for a ll t)"JIM of help- en. Club. ...uhlns to Khedul•. • tipeUer for an explanatory talk m1 ~ c.U for aa •ppoi.nlment. A• birthday "rty for nine Jeu" old ~ Tounsbktod WU IJl.V· -" Jb' her STUdpare.nll, Mr. and Mra; J. r. DtcklMon of 110G F..:lerll . A"·· Ooata Mua, Bk tur$7 aft• r n 11 on. roUowtaa btrt.lU.J plTIH with p 11&e&, ft- f'r<M&meni. w.,-. MrVed at a decoftt.9d. t&bl• With favor• and F • d a lars• JMrt.hdf.1 cak• la t.ba nen s Honor Mot4er '*""'· i.tt'fld\ial --.... -~ -.. -<"lid"''" "'"hlew 1 .. -. ......_ ,._wrea ware > .,- Dinner Before Sunday Concert 1tfrii. Kart.n Mar(Tela Brunlns. exec,utlve dlrec:lo'r of On.nre County Philharmonic Society &n· 11ounce• 'IL 1\x o'clock buffet .up- per lo be held April 29 prior to the eoctety'1 .econd birthday cOl'lcert a t 8:30 p. m. In Fullel"- ton H igh School Auditorium. Reter.o ation• m•1 be m•d• by c•IHns Mra. Brunlnr. Harbor 4141 or any of the varloua 11'6& chalnnen. Frieda Bell.nfllllte, COft· d~tor lfl U.. orche.t.ra, Will b9 honored (UHt. ~ llf .Otold-*. · ,. · A. at11tt.bortiood babi lhower ..: .. ~~7.~ c.x:~c~:~e~·f1:.:a-t!~. ~afiet Afi ot v~ _.. '4*'d1' IAPtrlla •• au .. .: J1rtizp.tr1ck, 410 w. WllllOll, ~ 0 -" ......_ 11\0Ma mou. ponna ea.ta Meaa.. -Many lovely s lf'-"I ........ o.,td Wli-. ;a I a I w .... Yen for lltUe l1,'lorenclne . ........ llllqUAll a1n: .......... ,..,_, ...... April 10 •• Com-FOi -Ill 01 IUNIOIS « •0ottman, Kathy K•ll1, ~ munlty Hoapllal. Pink and naMr, Pam Wins. Betty Nchl' blue deeontlon. and aprirls flow· OriJlinal, patented, anri.J!ip .Jeri, Kat' Howtort, Beverly ho era decorated th• retruhrnenl • Ult Aexiblt "for hnOn, /Kk!• Artb'er, IQl.Ull.tn Le.bl.. procectiOIL _!S· O&--.: llMh7' X..n.. Du1eaM ~t at th• attah ..,... qukk .mon. i.-t-Unied (or "' .... L1D Tountb1"'°4. llQ-.~ md M.mu. William '" J•cboTt, Al· Mn. Earl RoMw•ll and Sherry bl.rt g, Johuon. Phillip B. Jacll· ~U of WlbblJtSt.On and -. MJMu BeverJ1 J•ckeon, ,..,.., bani. v . .t.bel o( 'Da1lU. It.at.bf l'ltapatrtck, Ct\arloll• T•-._· 11&.blW. 0..-honoree, Mn. Mu-(.+> th'-· Mn • .-. and e ..... teu r-. !.>- ""'"" comfort-Washable. , Trabuco Trip . .::;;:::;; f~~~"b ~~~~ o( _, • •0 ·111. ::;....-..... Pack 17 of Corona .dtl Mar. •c-~-'" • ic= • When min..C•• ••tt•t,; companied ~7 IO taOi.r-., tnv•I· ~ ed.· by truck and •t&tlol\ Wlil'O" • to 'l'rabuc:o Can10t' wMN tMy btMd up Hol,y ,Jim Creek to the t•U. and M d lunctl.. ~ Qjfofla !hi~ C\l~r Howard Jtlchar• w.• lft dla l•t• 10 thil ph1t••CJ wb.ue 'prueripciou .,.. • tptdallJ ..... &alft'S yOOI pro•pi, prec:l1e c:o•· po11ndin1 '' pric•• that •rt .alforalf f.Ur. S. • .,.. TURNEil DIUG IHI W. Olul. HWJ. NewpwC lkMlt U'-'tJ .... u o · I FlftPt\DIA S&TA91-l•tol&D 1•t• OOE&H ftONT DEPT. 8TORE o... Nlarl. m ... 11: '""'" s-..n Pter Ot'ES MUSDA V 1t TO t "'• Olni laR o-- HoepJ.t&L•-baby well'htd & lb• .. l~ OU. • I WHlTE • • for that hnportant.step;;:. . ---. graduation PENNY TAHITt SILK $I 0.95 PIAMTOM IRISH LINEN .$9.95 CALF •• d TAHITI SILK $10.95 MESA CENTER IRISH LINEN $9.95 225 e 17th ST. COSTA MESA • .. .. If you're saving for your family's future ... ' Where you sav& do'.es'Dlake a diffe,rence • • S.vin1 11ow m1ka a dif!ttne1 CO 1'*f funily'1 future. 'Olcre'1 • d'l1111:. • ..,.., you N;Ye., too. Sa\oiq in ............. aod Loan ANoci•lioo ws I .. .,_, •dvantlpS. ;. E.coelknt rttum1 from your ll!IDllef' II OM adv1nta.p. Anothit.r b dlkimt ael'¥ice&om men who t now how ID mak• your 4oftAn wort lurdcr for you. Arid. of coune, )'OUf' mooey II tale bee-lime in in.wrff Auoclatiom your uvinp are pf'O(ected by .ound tnlAl.-mt and IU~ .t1nti1I rt:KfVf:I, They are iMured up lo $10.000 by the FSLIC--apacy ol. the U. S. Govemrnc:nt. TMM •• 1M rt'CUOtU WliJ A~ _,. ,1111tin1 more o/ llui, lff""' ~ ..... .. Into Jtuund Stni.np 01t" l.oM A#OeltukHu U.-&11ywAirrr c:IM/ Start 1&'1iaJ witb JOllT klcll imur.s A910d- ... iO*"'IOWI IAVl•IS A•D LDA• FGU•DATID• • r-~._.......... -. . . •· -. I ,N E. W, P,Q.R T Ll A LB 0 A . S A V I N c S · -~~.~ ,1 a,._d z...oo..-A110'c1ation. ·P~ A..Palmer, Pre1idettt 'aa•• VI• Lhl• • MIWPOIT llACll. CALlfOIMIA • H., ... , 4200 COIONA Dtl MAI o••ict • ,.., IAST COA$~GMWAV MEMBER OF TH£ SAVINGS A~'D LOAN FOU~DATl0:-1, l NC. SPONSOR8 O~' THJS ADVER- TlSEMENT L"' LIFE, TKE llATlJRDAY" J:VENlNG PORT, 6 U. 8. NE.,..'8 4 WORLD REPORT • ... -- • - • . -.. --. -1 . . _ __,_ / ' ' • FREE· . LUBE -JOB . . IND OF THE ..ONiH ~cw. ' Your Luti. Job W'rthout Co.t·With E.oh Oil '• Ch0n90 :.... Now Through April ~0th. ' LOU REED & Associ.tes • ™ ........ --.,.... ~ (rlfbt), -· .. adoleocOnce. -M111tsml li)' lira.~ BoMnwi; --t of the Hut>or Council of i>.TA'• at tlso -~ ·Mn. eo.-will _. Monday .....me. 7 "° at the CIUIY8LE& -PLYMOUTH It ~ ~· Htr topic will be ¥How to live With Mloleecent. by under-/ itoe w. Oout Rwy. -~ ... ~pd!p~!c~·~IM!~r:_:l79C~~~1~u.'.'.:-.~"-----------~~·--------ll B~boa .Bridge, Parent Talk, Mra. .&or.a wtll di.eUM dat• Ins u a Np in u.e dlrecuon • r of M>dal d•v•lopm•nt and u a Play Tonight Monday Night ...... , nla<• .1 .. uon. .. -" 1 Kn. l'raak ...... ..., Kn. u otMr typlcaJ pro~lem1 of YALTAH MENUHIN, noted Pian.lat. pa-........ ha7 ,....., W.. ~U. How t.o u.,.. wttb adolucenoi tHn&&"•rs wch u thoee art.ms teheuu.1 with the Orange County PhiUauwoDlc • ~ 1a ta. '""9l ......, "f' ~, UanD and their trom th• ueor automobllu.. lb• Lhert7t4'M . . .. ~·· Old - ... .,,., QU9.lli1 OLD COLONY PAINTS REGENCY a.u 11&1nr Flat W•ll Paint WU !000\\' WW.. Quuttllea 1-t SATIN KorE Beml-Olou Gal. l-l.67 IJ.'s GI.I. Qt. fl.43 SI.OT · Qt. pt, Enamel wu NOW 11.02 14.61 St.78 II.I' St.02 .11 LEXINGTON Full Olom Gal QC Pt. lCnamel WU NOW 11.02 IUI Sl.78 ll.14 Sl.02 .TT HOUSIWAIES ~~~.~h-~-to 'th eo ---... • ,... .. ....._,..Matt ..... ..a.i u ... wtll" u.. nbj.ct will ai.o diKuu th4I lmportuice 1 i,,..,=====~==~J I -l;JV'C,,.. .. _, vn:: o:::wV'a po98 wi no;oa_.._ ' • .,, .-....-••• Xra.~PUll-f:t. " dt.e\wd .,,. Mn. •11'fia 1 · l80Z ..rwrt Blvd., eo.ta 11• UbutY ~sue Adrian Bolland. Miu Menuhin·will play tht Chopla i.. I&~ ... a-.. M.eODILMIL llotM -li""""""U.. .i.cture 11e~eduled of money problem• •t tht• •re -Everybody rudl and heedl "Wi:"'Oivt: a ·ai:Dl'!ZM CltOWN-ft&Jli'a . ' . ' • " ~ . I • • ~ ' . r : :1../ cbll · _ ... tot "" "'"' ~tll~ ' ' • """! .... -........ . • . .. '* ed. Wa)1 -"'. a.nai ToOnr'i \d W&.Yf, "" 11.., l ~I ........ t lb ~f; rf ,.1, '""' --. -·· ' • ' . . ' . ---. ., Concerto Number I in E-Minor When the C>rutce ~'..nil • -u. ,.... U. It. ~ Clwn:h Monday. and the in~ n"!' for -· N_ .. Pn. want ad&. That'• wtcy Part!; Free a& a ... •' OW' It.re ' County Philharmonic Society pre.enta it. l:llrtbday Mn. GlrU4 lloOl*llw ud Mn. T:IO •· a. •Y felt by adol~·~·~"~· ==~~lh~rt~r~ot~o~uch~~qul~o~•~"'~"'~"'~=~===================~ awt. VyM ...... AMI 'l'aJ·l·i====== concert under the baton or Frieda· BtUnfante &t k7' ue1 .....,. Min'-Kn.II lf--j,8 :30 p.m. Sunclay ln Fullerton Hfrh ·Scboot-aUdl-.&nrMc•....,. ... .a.. wu-.. ... flt th• . ivot~ . ...... Mal en· , .. c; ... d 1'·14. I. 41:••<- ~ ........ .... -_to_ri_um __ · -----------------IAM:/ Ma•l•J' _. ~ Onmp; ... .......,... Wlft .. ..,.,,y.._., ... :.....,. Cub Pack 10 Presents Oort .. .A. w ... --, ,, Kn. c. & .......... Mn. J'rUll• ............ xr.. It.. Bird and Cat Pantomime · ~.i::: .. .:. :W ":.1'.;.. ... !.:.'! . .. ..... ~ .,._ .. Wlth the monthly theme of CUbmuter Doll. •·r !!"',.... SW. wMJI ~ -S. ~ "'Blrdwat.lher1", Cub Scout Pa.ck Haled lh• tollowtaf ....... el _. _.. lira. .... Nt lO or Cliff Haven and Bay· I.he month: Alan Ofty. 1 ........ _., wwi.-QOWl............, 1ho~ conducted their April a1TOW11; Don.tJd aru,.. ltaM' iroM ....... ,.... ...,.. llrL K. & a.. meeUnr. Din JO opened th• ltd-anO'f; IUc.bud Holm•r, -.r taad aa4 Kn. L .. W .... llt'DH. 1lon with a Cub Acout IODI-M41'1; Bruoe TNUer, Wfllf .U.-)In. ~ ......... Ji.M7 ln1pectlon or the den• wu ftr altow, •me. liter; J ... xaw.,-. ftn•Sll°9"Uf' ~ held by I: a r I P.ier.on and Voorbt... Wolf _..,.I J'.,... _.. MN. a..n.t Jlovdmu Charle. FonUu.t. Den 7. u¥u Bl'OWJlell. lllT9f anow ftlr Welt; ud Mn. PMllae 11Qn. Mn. the leadtratilp of Mra. Mickey Jam. Barrett. liWftot 8tU', .,. Kedra aoott ... lld. cauw Lomu. won the ln1pecUon and 111.tMt deahr: .8u\ QirtltliR, MeeVeet.., Mn. OtnW X.C-.· th• p1ock t1a1. ..mo. •tu; Tarrr i.....--. ._ ... KrL au~ ..,..._ Oen 3, uader l•derah.lp ot .......tee •tar: lt919 ~· ~ fti1 "°" Will •tet ta91&bt )(~. O.rald1ne Barker, 1•v• a .me. Illar; .loot.t a.JU.. Wfllf at &I& mut O.U. rre.,t, wttk 1kld In the mood or th• month. Ill.Iver anow; Jam• 8"TJ', ... p1a7 •tutlal" at 1 :IO o'clock. la· The boy• p1ontomlmed 1e1tur• nu: Tommy Clark. ••-tut t.-tad )lridp pi&,,_. an -1- 1nd word• to th• record, '"Twee-~..-; llrlaa U,p.tMrt, Wolf ..._ l,y'• Good 'O.ed." Mike Bradford •llver arrow: PhtUlp .---. ----------11 pl1y.S the ~rt of Tom th• dtnner; L11 .,.. ...._ ...... Brown.I Have Girl I eat and Harold Barker, ln an· ant deall~; ~ ....,... dla· ~lau...9 \e Xr ..r tn1•nlou1 bird C<N1tume, played ner ... ,.. ' X...., o.al4 .........,.. llt · K&r- Tweet)'. Mr.. Mildred Bonds' TM eu.,...._. UUMU!Mrl \Mt ,..mt. .A.w. • u.. ¥rt.Ir. ol • . Dea e 11ve ~ 1klt of the nur· Millon lbedd Md ~ ..... ps ... April 11 at u.. •17 rh,ym~,' Four an~ Twenty for UI• l"Jllt ·ot cu~ a..t .... 11..,0l'l&I BospttaL "Tll• Blackblrd1. >'Ml' an4I up......a Ma .,..._. ._,. ....... f I.._ ~~~~~--~~~1 •Uon. i·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;llJ •••ll()a &&&.&. • xn. '6cbJ i.o..aa' .,_ t11 cloeed tb• m..tinc w'IUI a --~ Girl Seoul "'all"'' ~­ News Stanford ------1Mothers Club MRS. WJUAMJI' 2nd (l'&d• Brown!• had -enjoyabl• trip Meeti"ng to a d&iry rec.,.uy. They have flnlabed their lbc:cu.Jent 1•rdet11 Stan/Old MotMn' ·~ ol made ln abolon• •hi.II• and are 8outbem OillfOft!a, i.u MeW'llll uow watchlnl" lh•m l'f'OW· boll!. 8t&nfoid'1 delUI of ..--. NEWPORT Helsht. Brownle M''-9 Elva ,..., Jll'OWll, ....... 1'11111 •. Tiii: •••11)1!1 .... HIBISCUS llJl'Ql.D • DOUJll.&a t~ .. $1.ZO iii>u1iiiHVlizza IV•'I" ,...,,.._., -·-tuo .. llOl'D.I: UUllR BlJUll ·-1 pl. '1AO • I IJll. ... ,. Troop 11 will now meet on J'r1-cl men. f>r, 1'ltDlaM ar.....,. day tn1t.ead of 'Ibureday. Tb•J Ora.is. u PMl ........ ,_ tM ftfffltly viewed the new babl•• •prlnf m.eetta_f. &ceordifas, to DllDOOa n.&Jfft from the wlnckrtr ol. the nuraery MrL Marlt 1..U. n.., .,..,..._ BAY NURSERY at Hoar Woapllol ..,. dloo....,. ohal~•-rt la to ., -.. th• can of youn1•r 1llter1 and the Womu'1 Vlllft!f'IU¥ Cla ... 611,&, 11 ..... (JeMa .... brotben. Work I• Pl"Oll'WlnS MO BouUt. Ol.t&llM,~ Loi ...... 1Aerqo ...... on .crap booka with a view t<>-\:A~''.'."'.'.' _:10'."._,:at~l:::'*':_cP.~-::_ _ _!~""'===""'==~~lll f ;::.M>':l"J. .. ':''~a~~M':'.:. ~; C r • w f · · -r. cl" ' s lor nature •tudy hU bee.a pl&ll· .... BROWNal: -Troop M Bay lborea. I• plannln1 a trl p to J(nott.e &eny Jl'arm and w 111 •t l~ch In the Ottverlld Waron nns. They· reem~y had an in· . ,.,...~, penny hike. Th• strll ,... )lave "'been p"feaenllnr lhow• ·ror 9-:h other at U\1\r meeUqa. )(Jll8, LANDIS' 3rd and• Brownle• vi1lted Ule hl1h 11eh<MH io ·_. t.h• anlmala. One rainy dllY recenlly they had a oookl .. bf.k• at th• lead.r'• home and pNetlced m1ktn1 ti.eta. J"1n'H 1rade &couta ~th Mn. Peteraon u leadlir ,...ro_. ty h•d a ~kout at ln-lM Park and pruUced outdoqr •ll,111 • wldM there. A me»t lmpr-'ve eu41ell1'ht lnvulltuno_~ was held tor Joan llltdtell, a lhla ear. J:&ch tnil had a put In • cerwnon . A rnoet enjoyable trip to a neu• '7 dairy WU takM .. par( of tMlr homema.klq ~ 1-NSU.JlANCI . ud 10Nos- John Le•hy ._ H-" Blw& llM'. Litt ,_. C-rawf.o -rcl' s :Q. -.,. .. __ 1X. U ' ~ .o ...... i:-1-2253 _.._ ./ 1104 NIWPOIT Ii.YD~ COSTA MISA IN '1'111!: D&ft CW OOftA lllllli WS 111"11 ···-....... .._ .... _ .. a-..... Your -SALVATION· ARMY ' will concluct its annual SALVA.GE WEEK ' ' CAMPAIGN IN "EWPOR'I-. BEACH April 30th to May 5th THE SALVATION ARMY is ever ready to 1erve when : e Oi1tst•r Strikes e Tho Hungry Nood Foocl e Tho Joblou Nood Wo,; e The Sorrowin9 Ne•d Comfort e Tho Hendkapped Nood Aid • SALVATION ARMY wOfto" render· od round-tho<locl sorvico dudng tho _Norlhorn Cotofornie l1oocl di,.otor. r .... of dot hint ond foocl pl .. very subst•ntitl financial aid were given lo flood ouffo ..... You ctn become • p•rtner in your SALVATION ARMY'S megnificont rehtbUit•tion pro<Jr•m your DISCARDS during by 9ivin9 SALVAGE WEEK April 30 -., Mey 5 • • If you havo eny kind of ;,..blo DIS. .CARDS -ospoolelly olothin9 ond f~milu'" -to~phono . Liberty 8-5545 Of HArbor 117s ' ond o Rod Shield ttudi wiA col el your doof. REMEMBER: A Salvage Gilt May Save ·A Lile! ) THIS AD SPONSOIED IY DWPORT HARBOR RE'WS· PReSS • ' ~ .. ~11-!'onl" .-~ tt..c1nr . tl Ln~ -. . f:'_G --·~ ' . ' ' . : I • ' .. . -.-- ... :: ·- . ,.. . . ' . ·~ .. . ' " " '" ' . • l I • ' • • ' ' .. • • • ' • , • "Would fliat God the Gift had given us to see ourselves •s others ••• us" is a complete A"91iciz.etion of a Gaelic term, but is right and to the point. Pictured above is a right nice view of us as others see us. The picture was made by our fellow Newporter, !>on Lewi• of Pacific Air lndustriu of long Beach. . For sure it it a view from e alight elevation but it is the tiow •• seen nleny timu a day fro_m the cockpits of planes overhead and fro.m the cabins of airliners carrying pe·oplo to and fro,;; our California. · Pictured also are many pleasant memories of thousand.s of people who have gained rut, relaxation, p,oace and content· ment in the wonderful city of ours snuggled around Newport 'Harbor. • It is al;,,ost a half a hundred years now since the City_ of Newport Beach was incorporaled. Those early days city fathers hoped for a commercial port, lumber lighters, rail liritti, big shipping. Bu.t the presont day city fathers have the ploaaure of'administering for the benefit of all the citizens one of the most successful ports ever created by God and man. It has been a right good commercial proposition too. Plans are still amaking for, the removal of the last' rem- nants of the old rail line that approachu Newport Beach Pier. long ago the rails wore removed from Balboa and the pier head at Newport. Thoie piers aro now two of the most famous pleasure spots along_ our Pacific Coast. · . Our piers, our boach11, our'Harbor are famous for fiihing, viewing of their natural beauty and that of the Pacific Ocean and the Bay, for rest, and rocovory from the 1tre11 and strain of every day living. · · · On the beochu of Ne"':port Beach are provided vast ' areas of freo aand playgrounds. Soon countless thousands of visitors will ·llock to our beaclroa to enjoy our municipal playgrounds. No other city '!'aintain1 more beach for the free benefit of the public. Our city has come a long way in providing -parking-ON A PA.Y AS YOU GO BASIS. Parking meter rove~uo end revenue from tl!o Balb.oa Parking lot ~as beol(usod·to o~pand parking areas. Thue areas need to be expended still more for tho benefit of not only the tax free ,. .. • visitors to our ,com'!'unity but ~or · the benefit of allloeel citizens and, of·coune, loc.al bt11ine11. · ·. . l'h.e p·arking lot~ on the beach et ~el!)oe •nd Newport have permitted the enhancement of, those •!••• by the re- clamation of the buainoss districts 1ur;oundin9 thom. Thia i1 · a profit item fof 'all' the citizili1. AJl~,rf Qf . tf!,.._."-' cGmmunity', " · ., ' · ~· ' --\ Property fully and properly used b en auet to the City of Newport Beach .and helps to ·pay th0 ·tax I oed of the_ citizenry. Property vacant, run~own, cir' ill-usiod benofi• po one. Property that str'!es tho greatest number of people benefits the most people. Here in our city tho g"9ete1t ~ne· fit for all the people is the be1t for· ell of u1 who pay t.xe1. What i1 more,-our netural·wo~dera properly mainteinad and adminiitered are 90od· inv•iimenti In our future Am· erica too. We've never lteeu:f ·of a Youn91+.r on the pier with a fishing f.ole in hi1-h~ndi being • juveni10 d•Unquont. It is a known act that yollth wi1h 1omethincj to do, 1om1thin9 to soe, to adventure into.,keops out ~ftroublo. Thef ia why wo around this great coastline and particularly our fino little city are perticularlffortunate .. Our way _ oJ life cultivates busy minds a,nd healthful bodioa end at the' ••mo time pro- viding means for. relaxation end enjoymont. · The parking program of'tho c 'ity· of l'lewport Beach -hes permitted the orderly reasonoble creation of municipal perk- ing lots that are se,lf-liquidating,i~ithout tho invo.+mont of tax dollars:That i_s good riiunic!pa ~uaine:u. · Speakin7 of goo~ _!j~~in1~1 your1patr9niig.-of your home merchant rs made eaa11r whon ...you use tho vest parking areas provided. The.very small investment you make in • perking moter ia actually • •••i_pg <J,\ driving tjlno anCI ge1 end wear and ·tear you might oxp,nd In ljolng ol1ewhor1. That nickel in the me.tor is en invostmont in your capital fund for further 'convenience in your city. · · Your local 1toro1 have everythirg you-went, fairly p.rlcod, pro'perly presented ·end you wil · W91c-d ·by your friends who are gled to 1to·you. 1 • What· hetpa busin111 helpa you -elMI you ero clur boat bu1ine11. Do come in •nd ••• us soon. • I •• HardWare • • • aints .. .:Wallpaper ... lances: ... •• • Radio . Good Friendly . - ' A Place · OPEN SUNDA YI & HOLIDAYS • 2205 W. Beil-Blvd. Harbor · 116 ·· Neiifport ·&each ' '"' tho ••• '" ·~ l · • • ,. I c • I - • • / .. • • . . -• / -• • • • • • , , . ' ..... -. _;-· J: .. • • • • BAmR LBCC NIM ·· .. 11·1 IN. MON« BATnE :~ Coe.ch Wtndell PickeM" Jtmiof Colle,. Y*J...j ------lo•OIOZ"'oll'llh ...... .bo!ol U tbL0ronc• Coul Collep ~ ba., apporaUy Ci••• up on ohutout butllDc u , -....,. ... ;;;...,~.;.. ......... ...; ......... ...;;,;. ... ..;__j "-Ibo -poetib.ll!!!plt by Bue aoe W-Co ptrf, I•eteed P.'•7 lwlw \limed to H•rplck tinlabed otl ... •fti Ms ~ ~check tM dla· whlcb tttt Jtro ~ ....0: ..-,IDOlld 41-.rtaUO. rioardiq tott lo j&f' th• Lot\I' ........ w&ii: '-:-:-7-'.--...,~-"~-:-'---~-...:._.__:.,.:::...;w.~--1 tr ~· eqi,\oalon of ti .cortnr .u.o-• • 11drd ~ 'l ~~H' EN tEAD·. s· ... -........ .,... .... m ..... '°" ....... -... ,~ Pal'tr-n;-Pqi'""I~ doubl.. • ' lilOOIMI stra!Jbt ou.Uhf with. H· N_.kil1l 1aw \Ip \wo Ill~ \llllfnb ¥\c'Ot'. OU. time. ~ ui.n. wal"-Md ~-tul 19Uj lq • nGD-JCu~ eont.UC. wtill• lhrpkll taNtd Olil',....n4 B~ JHINcllD ROMP toe. Loas Be&dl' Qty OoUep allow~ a ·~ 1troU P1 Uftt... .. °" th• .. _ blttlepound. 11•1. ,..,.. ... . . • • ' ,,,.. ~-odl•r -N_fu,k-. ...... -liOlii , Wednefd&y ~ 1A Ole !MIC-who bad donec UQwlM. 1'eil tM ond lnnins wheri. tb• 'pfre,tff B....:a aaw nt to llCON u.r.f Locil ,""'-.7tfl Grad•rs Def-=' '"""' ...,,,..,,.. ""'""' , .. _ • .,.R ""'" •• ,.. ....... "'* -~_... W'UT dl'CWIUlt&nee tbe CU.y Staipl parenO)' juat ~ L.BC9 La,.lll• a • ..& 8fh i 0#.t d L ot1 ooc WDN •bborf. ao Pick tJuoweN CGllt&l.Md ... _.., 7 9VJ Wrekin 4se lHatd back oa U.. btMh. cl"099-JIOlbln&' bul IOCll .• ,.. fw ~ .CS bJI Mp. wlUQ Ui UM .ip 1tnJa:ht .t&n&u and tbaL-woWi Wlth ~ Knia:hten toppia.g lndividu..i ecoring ~ 11Pif11.n1, "Let rival bloed nan uwr cto. ; 18~ poiqta and Bryan Left aettinr a new 'Harbor Boyt' freely, bo7'" and UMi fotkr#tn& LoCkft'O wu _,, °" ua i'6 Cu. b mth -•·. hi'b •·-p -~. ~-ch Rod Mac· patter or Rcer younc ftt.t fie.Id bobbl•. B.a.ine •nsled, wm . •·~ .i~ ·~u•Y ......,. llCl'OIJI the LBCC platter took doubled LoClcero •Cl'099' •a.na V!lllan.'1 J1BC l1xth and eeventh &'f'&de thinclada romped place: . anolber muff on ToOlll'• to an 81·1.J triumph over Laguna Beach on the Newport Jerll.Y Wayt ••n1le<1. Juhnny I 'l'OWMier Mnl Rain• ~ WayJ. RU'tlbt-Hilb School tnclc ni... Elt1·ada. sacrificed him alone. 1tCamperinc u1. Here'• ~ Bue day aft.t:rnoon. hlch jun1p and fourth In t he J eddy Young: wu sale on • lineup with •t baltl and Wheec L&pna Beer'.'i '"'°" t he eichth lhol put. ml11CUe and then. the prellmln· LoClc..-o rt t --0; CoopinP ., 1Tade meet wllh Harbor Boyl' The local lads f'econied only arlu over. Calch,.t Ted Coult.l t ·O: Raine l b 4-1: Wayt Jb &-1; B0\"8' CLtJBBEB8 CLUsrM -Here, lt'I around is Steve Robineon. Coach Rod MacVilHa.n's loal Club by 1 11 , _31 ~ marcfn.. two flnta la thl• dlvi1loa. Bryan pl down to tht buiine111 at Eatrad• Jb t -1; Youns rf 4·1;_ .,.. Knlftlten n.cked up nrit.11 1n Luc•e c•plured the 44 0 •nd Tom hand. H t bu1led a ba.1le knock. Coutt1 c 4·2: P'ltzpatrick II' the hip Jam.p pit durin&' the llBCt.,.run& Beac}J lad.I defeated Laguna in ·6th and 7th grade com~ the 100 yard duh and ••o ya.rd Huber wpn the llhol put. .corlnc Wayt ind the flOOd~•tN 4-1: Newkirk p 4·J; H..-pkk ra. tr.ck n:teet at Newport Harbor High SchMl field . petition, but loet out among 'the 8th rradel'I~ run. tooll aaconda In the 7~ yard OOJIPLl:T& AE8t11.Ts were battered opVi: 0--0 : Coon lf 0-0; ~ • Tumd&y afternoon. Ready to taje off for hill leap -Staff Photo duh a.n.d the allot ~t and tied S ixth and Nventh sr•de• )()' St:\\'IUK& OOt:BU:l'i 1 · 0 · -.. OY.-th ___ ..__ t lityin' '·' ht , • f 2 in !Of" MCOnd In th• broe.d Jump. yard duh-1. Paul Stam 1H 1. · Oe.nny Fltspatrtck •lnsled. -,... t w.~ a qua g .DC.1.J . O"' t. . LD. addllkln. h• ran oa the wln· ft Denni• Perrtn 1H 1. J Her· KOrinl Young:. 00\ltte w11 toa-B G If - ---:,.----.---------"-=---::.:----------------------------------n1n1 HBC r1lay team. bert tLL 4. Earl Baer I H •• 6.9. ed out at third t>&H "''hen the UC 0 en -J-'-... ----------1 1-la brok• Ull .utUt. CTa4e 7~ yard daah-I. !!il•rn 1H 1. lad got too •J•Y With hi• toot-c • TAR VARS ITY HBC record for the MOODd Um• J. Hal ~lchten 1H 1. J P .. rrtn ale•. But the nvala found thil om1ng Fa,.__, Ulla a....oc:i when hi u.ilecl ottr tH1. t . Jed Houtlon 1H •. 91. • mlat.iike. fOr a riled-up Jim ~I th• 4 fL I In. hetpt to dead· 100 )'&rd d1ah-I Kntchten Newkirk 1lammed • two-bagser. t • c f --:; VOTES BERRY lock for tlr•l with t..nunal• (H J, 2 H OUllton t H I. J Her-Bob\ l..oClcero •trolled lO pl <:k IA on erenctE R.on P.S..terrt In lht hJch jump. berttLI . 4. Mik• Pltrtc k t H J. ,the perk1n1 pla cea with Pirate•·\ -BYD CAPTAIN O'l'llDr. IOO&US 14.S. Th\ l..BCC boy • dlalnteg1·1ted . c.o&ch Jay Roaao wu baln· Olher HBC hlp 1COttra la 180 yard Olah I Perrin be(ort the modernl•Uc weaponJll I ninr lo lhink h1I 0~• 00...t ~ .UUI. and HYftlt.h --.de 1 H ~. :r. Herbert tLI. 3. HoUll· ot l'Om bat ao kill! U I··• College Pirate solf learn itlcht .,.--' u Y •PP h:u I .. lo aon1 plac ·· t U1 ZIA Charlif!" Berr)', Ult Sallor1 all·purpoae track ind f\eld m.1.n: hM been •lected Nev.·- port Harbor Hl,rh School varaity captain for U!.1 Run· aet Leacue. champlon.lhlpe h~re Tuteday ind Jo~r1day. •''Vlt.11 wer1 Paul Starn w1th vlc·) ton (H t. 4. Palffck IH I. 24 2 by the Bue bat batt11lon. Butch e " " e em lorlu In the 50 &nd 7!) yard 440 yard run.<.-J Knlshten Coopn11n "'a.'! iafe when •ff Ol.ll-'ConfPtence th!a ee-aon anQ" th• duhea and th• bro.d jump: tH 1. 2 )like BoltorT +Hi. J. flJllder dropped lhe ptlota. Genir ~ laJ11t two But: 1reen1 lot•.;' .De.D.aa Pe.nill with tlr1l In the Bry.,, LewLa 1H1. 4. J hn Curll• Raine reached the ~·u.Ahlot\I Bob Blall'd,.11. hia No Ii ~\·ot· llO yard dMh. aecond In lhl 60 r H t, 7~.7. whtn an lnftelder alter\1pt,.d \ Ldl11er. canned • 30 'al?'-pUit on a.nd third In 711; and falaf.en1 HIJh jun1p I. Ti• betwttn r:eld 1u•! and \Vivt al•rttd ! lhe ISth holP ~londay ~ en· R • lhe1 abJ,.d 1h11 Pirate.ii to deftaC:S'" Berry, Uie plun11nc Tar f\111.back who appeera headed ror BMllnvllle, h•• p1:rtlctp- al4ld In lhe duhe•, the hurd- lu. the broad Jump and re· lay durtnr the BYD Ha10n, or juet about any tvenl Coe.ch Don Burna haa flprtd th• Tar1 needed a t- poinll. wllh nral In th• ahot a'hd lhe on PaU!e1·rt 1 H • •IKI Bryan n•t rrr·filO·round revolv1n, 1-ur 8'rn1rdlno al Arrowhnd g -lt. hlch jump top 1pot knotting. Lew~ I H l. 3. Tl• betwet"n Her· the 1eeon1I lime when hl~ Q •--L. -• I La11t Friday the Plratf vol· ary Hehn led HBC acorera "'" ~ I I lnu Howiton 1 H" t ·8. g rounder proved too hot for Ult ln th• eichth rrade tetbac)S with t Lewt• aeltl new KBC I th l'r•de hot conws gu...Ui&n tt• of cM111n1 the while plll .. onc 111van polnta pther&d. wltfi. eec· 1·ec:o1"d Jn event , • EAlr•tl• put an rn•I tu Uua Lhe r 1 I r ""'I. Y • upeet d1f~lng: .. B ch • 111 p Ion Rlver•ide a t. L nta an In the c•ntury duh ahd roe.d jump-I. Sla1·n (H / l ~n•!U 1errnlldr being pla'yett by 2 Tl An• Count1 y Club 19-11 . • bttwel!'n He1·bert 1 L• &nd thie oppoe!Uon by b .. ng1ng: a .; Tabbe-d •• captain ot the '?a.rbaba torcu wu sprinter Btll BuckJand wblle duh man Ra.y Fl""1An wu hon· ortd by tha Se&nea thlll·' Pancho. Shows' Knia:Jl.len I H I. t . DQnuhue 't i..1.lb1I11le. Ynunc fin•lly c•me up 14 ·11. with lhe th1 rtl out tn ptlt the f Shot put-l f'w.Jar ern •H 1.,foe out of Ll• ml11ery. Afte.-111. Bl·g Net Serve 12 Knlchten I H I. J. Bollin '""even Pick t•uU ld H'r the Bue• t . (.'\lrtia ( H 1. JO. I had 1 comfortable le'•d Here 'in June Pe1rtn. Kn11hten. s t1rn 1. r;sJ>. LBCC •pokeaman •• he .... 1J>ed I Final ICOre . Harbor . Boya' the 1or1 froni hi11 1 love jn the ' ltthi.y-Harbor • Huuston,j ·'C9mforl1ble ?" mutterf'd an Probably tbe woi·~·a creatut Club SI. l.apna Be1ch 12 dUl'Q\ll. Mil'• dd'wnn 1 hl <Jt'- ______ .;.. ______ timnl• performer of thl.1 day will Ell'hUi 1ra.de1. 00---I Ch!Llt 1r1dln1 ~·· 1how Harbor area aporta fan11 •LI. 2. How•rd tL •. J. Tom i Gain.Inc contkleiwe 11·U111 th111 wha t ,all the ahout1Jlc la about Sandoval I H t. 't Bryan Lucu 1 •We of affllr'I, t hat pron1iatn1 on tM Balboa Bay Club cour~ 1 H I, 6.1. •lab 'art.h1I up from Newport - WARM UP ~ SHOE REPAIRING • • Rrbulldinr; • Sh0eti Madf' to nt deformed fett. FRANK'S Watson Rap Gives Win to Ensign th• afternoon of June 2. 15-J. SChaefer t l.1. 2 (.."hue I Harbor Hl(h nama of Nev.·klrk !•I JHrt"ad~n Fla'"!.L That would bl Pancho Gon·l'L •. 3. Tom Grahan1 t H 1 4.. b&nJed the door 1harply <:IN4!d !Ill ftalbo9 Bh d,. A.lea. World pi-ofeaalot\al nel !.flller t L•. II 0 -'";;;;'..:.'';;;;h;;l~•-m,;;;o;;~.d~l~•~••"~~~·~'~"~'~:::;::::;::::;:;;:;;:::;:::;:::::;:::;;;;:;=~ champ, Wh.o wlll demona:tn.te hi.I IOO---I S<taeffer tL I. 2. r eiQltnc Mrve when Ja.c:k Kramer Gary Hehn t H ! J ~ka. t L J. brine• hla 1'61 t1nnla tour hert? • t. 1Graham (H • tor a on~ eta.zad. The Zonta.I 180--I. St:h&elfu !L 1. 2. Club otH1wportff&rbor itapon· Ch•.e t L,. J.,.Howard IL!. 4.j IOT1nC th1 local •Ppeal'ance. Pete Featherat6n t H \, 22.0 , Faclnc Gonaa.IM In the alnctea ltO-I. Bryan Luc11 1H 1. 2.1 com peUUon will bl Tony Trabert.,1 Bot:• 1L1. 3. Miller ILi , •. Tle Jll.lt Ilk• Horace JCn.alp Stu· amateur champ ol th• s1obe. who betwee11 Sanclov1J 1H 1 and Gra-1 dent M&nlC'lr Bob Tounr aa.ld, · h H ,. hu ·lea.med trom Pancho th•t an1 1 1. .2. I "We'rt JWI(. cetlillC -.armed up." thine• ire a Utile mor.-ru,rg"l Hlrh jum p--I. Schaef{rr 1 L•. Mainl,Y warmtn1 up the En· amonc the moneynCdMC">ua prm.. 2. Hehfi •H + 3. Miiier iL i. ~ alp leabee buet-11 club in Or· Anoth•r Pancho featur,.. the 'n1 1mong: Bok11 1L 1. Howard &11Je County Elementary School prellmlna ry .1!nclt1 In Sel'tlra, t L '· and Steve R.oblnMrn t H 1, Ll'l'Ue play on the loc:-1 di•-the blJUnc Ecuadorian who ha• 6·2. morid Wedneeday a!temoon wll'• B a Cl'Ml two-handed forehand u rOlld jun1p-I . &.haetter C.tcher R ich Wat.Ion and Out· I nelder Bob Uljen<'•all 11 tbe hla cbld we&pol\. Tancltnc wlUt j 1 ·'· 2. Chue 1LL J. Roblnaon Be.~~~:...._behind to ::. ~1 ~= :;1tfu:O: '"~ho:·~;~ ~~n~9!Y Htu'!!~ :~~: 1 r· 'ttl""'9Qbl..-mat~ Mnk+e--t H 8 . -~ BOD a lJN ~N -Small wonder IUCh Wataon, rl&ht. looU .0 happy. ir•t En.alp loop victory aptnat Tn.bvl taa.rn a.plnat u.. patr 1L1. t . Hehn 1H 1 •tG..~ ~-.., __ ..._,... ___...... ..,.. .., l --:.1.. one defeat In the ctn:utt th1111 of Panch . Rt.I• _ La ' · Doie -.1-.. c,._. .... e uome pate wiwi a .eventh lnnlD.r circuit clout to win rar th!• 1eaaon. OI. ' Y 1"1 11 •· 63.1. Wed --• H Final tc0re: t..l(Ul:l.a Beach _.ay'a league iazne tor orace Ensign. Wek:o~ the conquering hero UIJenw.11 ala.med hia .econd , I g1 a, Harbor Bo • Cl , are. frmn left, Student Man•_... ~ Youn(, Outfielder Bob Lil~nwall and home run in two d•Y• and thefl The ca.JI v.·enl O\lt for Dr. ' Y• ub !I .11. --~ r Walaon whacked a two -run Wat.Ion In the fltth and the ~-Sbo-_rt.rto __ P_J_o_bn __ H_ug_:_h_ .. _._-S __ w_r_P_bot __ • ______ _: ___ ,_ __ ~----· ~pie. to pV;t the leebff• back ranaY baeketop quickly r•pond-~-UI the coa.IUet. and a MYWilh tld. ,John Bueti• aln.fled, Bob tnnlq lMdolt clrcl.llt clout Wbldl Wanains:Ue drew a walk and won tbe. MtUe. Wat8oa droT9 tllem botb ..era. f AR ··fREESTYLERS T-OPPlE MARKS ro. PACE QUALIFIERS -1N LEAGUE' . ~ ' • .._ E...,. I':: veal Ill' 'ti! 1 P. IL SUMMER LEAGUES ~~~NOW FORMING--~ OPEN .ALLEYS I Sailors in Varsity;, Finals It WU a .,m.Unl1Jaa t'rfY WIU.. ll ~ ~....,..,.. with lh•.1ocal. iau .urflAI' lato ~ .., OU. neoftl')' the a 2·1 lead Mrly'tn U.. tit-to. -----~ into--a-M ~4· ta.ll(Jll' IMlh1'ld oo. .om. i.rraU. locll on • 91qletoa. In U. $th. pllJ' In. t.b.• fU'th 6-J, 6-dfocll.• A.cbWJJ tt' WU a walkoftr. '"" the rl't'&la tn U.. llXlh o..e Jai::ll 81.GaeMck. worltN tbt ~ •nd copplnc th• cont•t on W•t-anct ·tOllfU' ror • tree ticket 10n'.1 bla1t. to ftnt. Hutbu Hite lM" idea Pile lkhulberJ, J; Joh.n lAwia. or&nre 11COred ftrit In tbl _. .. well hi f--Mld, S:IOt 4. 100 ftee, lit hear.. Redln.cton. and tnnlnc otf the ott•rtnp ot Hodl'M>n did II~ uu!l 'wann.· I, !W.1. Von ~1mert, · J. 2nd Enlig:n Pitcher Newell ltlclller, lnrton 1troDecf lioneb&ck acr"Olll heat, Pe•1-ce. 1, M.I~ JohMpn. but SUckJer t01.1ched oft tha ral· belnn thtre J un•t OPEN PLAY AT ALL TIMES J. lndl't1dual m1clley. lat heat. ly tn bottom or tha frame to •lae £1 could Co· -NOW ••• 20 AUTOMATIC AWYS I, C Titles Close in , Farquha.r, 2. 2nd heat. Schul· k • • aot th• .-ame at l ·l. SUckler Then Wata o n applied U... JWE~ THRO• ~ Led-by a potent trio of freutylen. Coach Al Irwin's b>erc. I. l :t7.o. g:arne1'e4 •bu• knock, 8111 n-U. wttll ht• HV'lllt.h WI.Inf ' •'""' "" THE KEY AWAY!°' 41 N__...... Harbor High School aqua aoea Wednuday 8 -Dlvlnr. Mike Denllnrer. Freuhllnc waa hit by tbe pitcher clrwll llhot. Un.lllrl-..te._. ror ~fS M HOt"KS,E\"Ell'J'.,DAY-ISCLUDING St."!"i'DA-1'8 •.80"-AY8 "''"I""".. 3. BUI McManlcle. ~. n. ... )(ad. T ., - aft.moon qualified tor 52 places in ,this afternoon'• den.,•. Ml t ree, 11t he1t. D•ve ""~1~~~u!:~:;_::an1~:1" mua-~~~ m~-r1:1'~ w-Mn-:= ·v A ·N'' 5 Bow LI N,G. . Su.nlet I...e&p awlrh.qJlng championabip finals in the Ana· Bric ntt. 2-Bob John1<>n. 3· :tnd cm 'with hls homer In the third ab.orb th• mob ectne that ff. • : b·•-'"-b •·'ool pool heat, Ruae li"o1ter. 1. 3rd heel. Ill.nu •-•hoot •• 1 __ ,_ .. ,.. ,.... ••--· ~ .. ....._ ~ Von Hesnert of Die s..neu a. Bwth. 1. 2$.1. 100 bre.ut, Jnd .... .., • .....,,. · IC upon ...... from Ille fnn· -~ l&Uor ..,ia.her1 qua11ned n.lkd out ,a n"" lffCU& and he&L Terry OtLllu. 1. l :lt.1. Thia bulre didn't lut Ioele. Or· a1.d le~ta •l boma plat.. . CA.FE and COCKTAIL l..oUNGE'" ror 10 lllOtl ta lhl"' Ctul A ldloOI record of 15.9 In lJle c 700 trft'. 1-i heeL Dave Allen, 11111• put the ~-on ltick~r he wu caqlll wltbout hi• u. 1103 la.pu:lor, Cotta Mee. BILL _.... ,,_ u-. r .n.-.-• -... ... . ftnt.a. 20 tOt" • pNI' ln both the fourth mor on. B..LoiU&...,. -.• _..._.., --• .whfttnlnC dl't"lnc • 60 tree.. A FuUerton f'Nutyll :I. 2nd hN.t, Peyton Reed. I, and tlnh chlen due l'!.,,i~~~~i:;i:;i:;i:;i:;i:;i:;i:ii;::li:;ii;ii;:iiiii;ii;ii;ii;~iiiiiiiiiii~~~~~~~===~,J ill OlaM 9 utd 11 In Cla..-C aai came alon1 In another Mat :r :t7.I, Bob Hottman. 2. 100 ' 'I to IOl'M La Jolie, la lh• Mat t....,. •-.,.. oil --'"-non' -•· -·'-... errant hft..-.. and faUure to ...... acbedulold f,,.,.. tho -·~ -.,._... • to q ...... b.-.. .... e loop mark bl.ck, 11t heat, Chip P'ltawaler, •-"" _ .. lndl&N fono..d w\th II A'a, 13 lft 25.1. bua, S.rry'• Tar .cbool 2. Orin w&de. J. :rnd hut. Jerry clatnp the lid oi:a a bot boX lb9 ._,,It .. ~ bl' -the IOeal • ••• Uld 16 Ca. record at&ruta. Whitaker, 1, l :lLO. 100 h'ee,l f-:;;~ ... :;;;';';';';;ri;v;al:;;....,.:;;:;;;:::';";to.;;.,.:•;-::;;;;:s;-;:;-;;;;;•:;&lt;;;"""'J':;~:·::;.1 Tar AU • America prep Don Jerry f'rquhar turned In • lat heat, l'ol>ter, I, M .2. Jobn·tl l\edlnflOI\ •"4 tummit1 Dour ~unHt tAarue l'f'('Or(I • br'Ntker "°'1. t 2nd heat, Buah, l . Brk:.k· p..,... _~ Ula var&lt,y per· in the v1r.1it,v 100 l>r'Mal of I :07 net. 3, lndhltClu1l n1edlty, Ill rorrnen whlk Denny Buan. 1l 1''hlch talfftllo ~i\Ji•"lliDM ft.el. WN"t'.il'u, J . :rn4 ~tr1a WHEI YOU BUY l NEW CAR n Heni· IChool mark. Reed. t . ert, a.an .. rr.. 1lt11, al90 turn· our m~• ...... fU(;-t C -3;0 tr... lit Mal. ~ ... ltd ll'l MnMUOMJ cllX:kinl•· •in eAlh\Llecl. He added Jt •P" H&.llett, J, Torq. Br1ckner. !. Ind f~e charw" dre lhll l ... t ... -.... R.dtnrton M11 a new SUl\H\ peared UI• Sailor. ha.ti tbl 'Var-heaL Von llemert, I, 21.'0 , Miki i..&U• and Newport Harbor .ity wr&pped up. would ls. ~ Oaupa.., !. 60 bNUL 1.t Me,t, WI' 9dKIOI ~ In I.he ioo p~ ..nth ru.J.lttton 11nd B•nt.. It.ob arei .. r. 1. Bt•v• Boice, J.. -~.. wt!Ja a um1n1 of I :• lnflon Beach for 1' tlMOr1: and 1'nd h .. l. Jotin Buck. I. Ja.4. Ol.1. Don added a ne~: swuiet wtlh FUilerton fm-\hi C tlO.:-'l'en\ Olrkett, 4. lie Nck. lit i..pt _.rfl: ot 14.1 .in lM JOO Sallan w.bo ct\&&.llfted. w.ru. .. teat. ~ Miiier, 1. 12.1. 8o6ce. tr-. l'Mrce. • &t.i)or B who I• day Included: Varpit)' -Dlvtns. 4 . .Ind tteltt. Geup&.n. I, -K• --.. _.,,. ,., , .... a:mi. ""'"''· " o. ....... ,.,... -·---'-'-·:______ J. OHNSO N & SON .chool ~ .ro r the 8'• by ... 00 trM. l.t ~ aw )(Wa, --,.. •• '"' "' ou, ..... 1; ,... von H•'""'-,, 2nd ... , A11a111i.. T~ Lincoln-Mer.cury l ... ~ 6 ••••· heir .,.. Henry HUI. J. 15.1. 100 lllr'9Nl. ORANGS. (OCNl r -l)Nplta ~ll-~1----:::".\: ... ~·,. ·~;,:: ~,"-;.'·.,"::'~ui, ~'~~'.'.!:: :::" ~ ":.~ ~. = R,ESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL -C6WtRCIAL _,,,__, ...,.. tvnllq,111 tM 9ffOfld belt Ume Carter. 2. lOO t'He, Ut MM. 8\.lr Pa.nth .. ,,ropped • M 'i-NO JOB TOO LARGE OR SV4T J. NEWPORT BE.A.CH to Don -1:ot.t. llledlncton. 1. !:04.S. Bob John· 111, VllfWty dedakm 111 An•· !SO SOth St.. N rt 1leld _,,. l..JlM."7 '-"" ...... cJNr¥d \!l•. 60 In ll.•, !Ofl, s. 2nd hat. ~l'ff~~··~·~';°'~·i.:;"";;:•..:H~llh:::,~Tu~-=~'~M=-~··:·;,;;O;HS:,iL_ .... _____ ._·..:.po _________ -___ ._z_s_"J • n.. ,.,..ro~ . ..a Mdtr-1 #' " • • ,\ • ' -• ·' : • , • -• • • ' • • ,_ L " • BE SURE •-INSURE -.... .,,.... ,rAllLn ' r. b 1 II CJlll7 .._ ....... ,, 1111&.0....~Q 'II SftlM. V-8 Regel Clb. Cpe. _ .... $1191 .,,...... -'14 ..,...uth Clb. Cpe. -.-.......... -~ ... -1191 -'14 ~..,Monterey Hardtop -··-1191 'I.I ...,.. Crown Victoria --·······---2195 '14 Ponl""6" Rench Wagon --· 1495 '54 Joni V-8 Rench Wagon -····-·-·-·-1595 'U Ferd "6" Country Sedan -·--1691 \.\~I BI r ·1' i. ILICTalCALLY e _LET US HELP YOU ·e STAFFORD 6 ION '47 Wllys 4-wheel drive Jeep ___ • 445 · -THEODORE ROllNS -, ~ c.tndon • uo IUJWl!de .... • ~ '"'"' VETS NO DOWJf • 1xc111f-· S , costs••• impounds ;--. .. S6579mo. Incl. pr. l Int. for your ftmlly, Ctossrciod1 Vi\11ge homff oller so much! There'• beeuty to live with, In 1uthentic C.ljforn /1 Contom,,0.ery 1tyling by femou1 Cliff Ollten. There'• comfort, tool The wond.rful Mory OlttM Kll<Ntn hes built~· ,_ ronge top•. wen oven, g1rbege d ilpOs.tl, and • host of otht< tlme ... vlng devices. Enloy tho 50-- )g1ll0ft Wiit< ""'"'·the 75,000 &TU forced l it he1t with therrnosletic control. And luxury! A ... ui .. Toxe• Mnd- ·-flrepJ-dimbt high end wide, tho unique f~mily room gethen ovoryOftO for telk and play. All the futiir. _., be listed here, '° drive to Ctos......n Vi llage and '" for yourMlf. ~ ...i 4 hdr....t; · ...... -2 Ntha, 2- ...... AND C.OSf TO EVDYTHINGI ..,.. .,. .... Md ••• to Ctouro.ch Vil... FteM EL TOIO. t•ke lnl1nd Hitftwey 101-11>ID1'\0Wpo<t, - loft .. Dolhi ... ri9h• .. model• ...... NAOf Cl'flQ_drlw C:O.at Hl ghw1y ~~ -101 ..... llowpolf -· out Nowpo<t .. ~ ... """ .._ ltfl ... Delhl.-- LAW(JNA --'ct--~-~.:..;~ .•. ...._ __ ~ U.IH611 • • . .. ' • • • .l I . \ .l- 1 t I • I \ ~ \ JI ) \ ? •• • ..... a •• ELECTRIC CO. ....... --·--J, • IOIT II ... ·~OILY • • -•.Ot.-lllf)' •• r;, .... • • • .. ;!: ..... 1..._ u.-. .... , . ~---,. ... -.. ... -.. .. 1 ... .. ........ -·.., .•• .... I .... -. 1.1 • ... ... u ... .... ••• \ --t :tl ...... t l:tl .. ..,.. l ;IT a.-. 't t:M .... •:11-..-. l:GI .. ... l :lJ ... .. t:tl .p; ... . 1:11 .. In, l :OI ,.._ ·t :ll a.a. t :lt 'p.a.. 10:11 &.-. ll:M p.-. '""' -Kay 19 .. ~ .... .-..JI ., ... ... ... ... ... .... ., . U • 1T ... .., 011 ".••• ·'OHNI SIA··ttOI y_,oW I 'ts,·•11,,, wotdi~/Lec"s .. ..UC...,. ............ -•p•ftli•a ..., -...or .. )Oii•-Ni..-•• ...... ,,.,. .. , .. _ .... , ...... So•ll COlllt C6.o11 ._.. -. at -llt _,,.. • ·--It ' a ..... 1 w.w11111 :.::--.v::.:: AlllloO--------• -· -0 -···' S.hl• Tral9n -4 -:-· .. -4 · c.tomer TraDen Ballt to Your Order -... u Trailer B taDd4wc a: BeptJr · "'"!!'"""' _ .. , '*" .... ........ • ..... *'_:;. ' • • , 1 • .. • • eek --i"t111r ...... 71' = ... ~ --',*""'cwi.~..-......,,-.... -. ., .. 14---.:·-:a:"tOt&r-'-~ ,..-.....__.....,.. • ...._~~• ,!WM "Mil; 1 14ftliol: 1l1NCalilt., 211i:t a.iiffi ,... --.,.._.. 0 ....... ~ ..... --.~-..... -"""" ---.Cbarda Sunday a.-.-i..ci 'anrda 1n April &o:<'-,..._ ,...., .,..., •-maW.Co1121P•ou12o!Cllolill&miolldn-.. • W ilWil • ..... #' • _, Cllo d!arda oemee ,,._.Putor Robert B. G-· ~";.'!::!."':.:=-= "AlllPIJ'i'Wtl_..,et?lloap..,o.utCOllop • ,,_ ~ ... .... _. ln boaor of their_,,_ in Sunday School and rw. -_ -..... ~ ll'rlllq. If.a)' 4, T:• ~ 1f•rl:l llat ...... eo --p fl 4"nh atteada-. their J'OSUIUlty U.'m1ldn1 olferinp Conl'-.. ,._ -no pl"1 ...... _ "1 tlio-1.1 of the • ..~ ... ..:-=, -: --·· '.%:·-" 7 ..... ,.. """_...., ....... -... °""""' -,.., ... --·-·--..... -tlllar tlio -., Dr. Jlarous Whit. --..... --_... wt 1a brtllltar \'talton ~. • · al:lllll "·.... ,.,.... ,_..,, r.t mu ad tall •!1 s' ""1 ..-ID the Pacific :r :..•= ;.:-.., • .. -;r r,1 •IP • '! ...,, at a.t ... ~ Wl·WbuWtc ._ mem.Mn. "1.derprttn-Kartlo Dtnnla. • vartlyn JC41W1r, Mn. v.--.. .-. Wnua. 1.nq 11111111 ...... ....,.., -.. -· ,.._ L. ,..._ ·~ I ..,.., ""9 ....=. m-awant. Jwae AllU. Jane Allen, JM.ta DoMllt W~ teulm. later-~ .W. .... ...,_ fat pnf.ct attend· Wh&U,. 8haron Dfke. El&b'la IWiltttt-UDda..l'lDe, .i.......... . ,.. !'lblic ii laYite4 to ...,.,. ~q adfnt.. 0... wlddl _... --. ~ el ,_ ....... IW .. _.......,.tu u ...-cootaet l.okuchL,, Kathr Tanoka. Mrs. Nucl ~ Jeiatb>' K4Cli7. D ..... ~ _... _.... • ---.-Wlllllll • .... aM•if' tieUit .. ..,. ._ prtw ftob9n Buddendort teuhn. l'trK = ~ W.. Dtlor1I .... TM e.rUOlel .. llie ...,.., M"1f'ma *Mc 171 -"-1: •all ..... ,....• 'Jiiliiiiii; ... ...,.... -a .... t buY l'Nde-0.*-&rtd&:IOl'I, Sha.rou • • ......... U.. .............. Weell .. 4'f" 4iJ••t I PC I• ..... II lA Km. ' •n.-... .,_......... °'8otl. Suait KOehler, Kathi , • • ~ ...... ._. AJd • '° ... • 1ttl19tn1 .... • ._.. ... ....,. ..... , _ IP•ncberd. Patttt i'Uddendorf, Ph'ld' • D ;;a~ t•' R b' d L ,,.., .... 0111 _..,, ... :W-.1"' .. • ... ...... - • """"'-" 80"" .....,, -.. .,.,. ...... ""' 1 ren s· . e4 1ca ion ose . ---"' '""' ,, -, Heritor Rat .-.. ~ ... J ~ 1•t Mary J~ .. ~toin~ ..... ~rothwy °'•' f R . Iii •0tll*a1s -Ulis ...w. aoY w• ta, ••tter ._"----M-1 ,~le ... -........... ppe.Ue. land. .......... u ....... r. en, t M , B t• t Ch h or oses ~ c .,,.,,CNtllft-..,.... ......... .,.. ..... "fte me ..,,......,,. .... a...i ·-· , ... ,... ... -..... v"'°' All< .. a esa ap 1s urc ""=: ... -.. -=.. --...... ... ~Ka-~ Wtt.tt.. Ga1e 0~· i.tbe.r. • ~ .&. l'OM ~ lftMllt.eC to .,a... .._. ~~~ F Cl900lllN .... ,.._ta ... 1 1 C I I ...._, Bobby SIX>OJfD G&.U>E .&.t lhe l'1nt aa.pUel Churdi Of Trainlq Union m.ete.' ai.o at RoN'' I~ monUq, April 211 t-.e ~· to.m _, • ....,. ....,.. tM ~ ot ....., .. ...., JlcCay, J&.mM .a&uer. Shelly Beeond 1rade-Nane7 Nebon, eo.t&lC co M oua and Lhe 9&109 Jtour the'-putor coei• 1t th• Bal~laland Comm\lnlt7 •• ........... ~ ~-==:~-~~~~-~··;·~·~c~c-~";;:;;;;;;;·;;;~;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;~~ ft.MibMtta. IJattl .. '9twon. John Kattlieen. 6•1i!ier, Cla=t. W:ede· ua., ~ ..-n. . ducte ._· U..tructioft clue. \lethod.s.t Ohurcb. IJM..*" WU ,.. Ill ........ kell7. C&f'Ol JUchl•, Rober\ ktnr. Joan Brockie, Janet Koehl· Santa Ana Aw1uM1, t.M Rev. P. At f :IO p.m. Dr. Gonion 1, It ii th• cu.lom ol µi. dl.unlb u4 _... ,... '9 _,.,_ • ~ W Mueller~ Kra. er, Robert Blanc~rd. Mn. Wil· 0. Newunn wW Ila•• u bl.I Hou.er • .,,..t•na area ..eprWAta· lo plac:e ~J>C* lte altar a roee:i.uct a.nd ct&mt._...-L ~ IALTZ MORTUARIES Wtt:DCt Wblte and Mra. S.r• liam C.mett. teacher. Tblrd Mnnoa. topk et lhe.:ll un, w_... Uve, wlll .Mow" a tllm ot i..un whenever • MW dllld bu been ftDiiiiUIO JIW • ~ KcQf1. ~ra. Four f!Tode-hmela Larnpeft. Nancy 1tllp "rvlce, "Beei.nl' lb• 1'9Ylis· America enUUed u.e "8pLrit11al' born &mOC!,f Its conatltumcJ'. The -009!'4 Mm.\ C8AP9L CB.t.Pm. •a TD mA ~;,;;l>ldl;;,'11 -Den.nil Koach, Lff !triev•. 8111.y Cemett. Donald ~le" • ..,....~ll be~t'ftllii 4wakenlnt' ot a COnUn•L" aow.r t.114 It. cryttaJ v ... ta :.::.::::-: =.--:.:..: 1f'1 *••PW A.-... a c-1& .... 'l , .IOhrliiJ' Blamr, C&nll ErtcUon, Mllte-Ober, Mra. Heney b1 the OMlncel a.ob-. TMrto wUJ n,..,. ~up-to-data pldur.e ot tlMa ~tld to a tnemhr ot • --. fl _... Oleta *-.,, °'lJlf. ear.a Ml -· Cllf. PP'Lle, Uad& .... _Jane 'Mc· A.nder90n and Btanley ~ aJeo be a ~ (16 Wk#Sen t.un AiMrlca u abgwn ~ tbe tafn!ii4urhts ona ot the Sun· .ueh ~ • 10'• ..... u:e.rt:J ~ ftoee ~ ti ; .._. ,~ Judy t.Mcbtn. ot • number of YOWIC ehladr.. the medjum ot alldeL A aonc day ..-wi.ce. ot worahlp. --==---===-==;;;"'•"';;;;;;;;;;~ 'ntere Ii • Junior atuttb tor' lel'Yk:• Will ~· th9 •hoWbll' ft.aceltiq tM flower for hia l"' • clltkb'M under 11 fart at 11 )f the ru.., • Wit• WI& John RoM, SOTf. Kitty· ROL 'AND CHANCEL •·•· Sunday lkhOOl con•enM al All .,. wllcOme to attod. A brook lAne. .. eo.ta M'.-.a. The ., ' ' ' • • ., .. With ·-'"' "" -....... le ......... '"' ... , .... -... ,, """' ... u "-· .... At l :IO p.-. 'UM Tot,OlJ People'• chlrhl&' U.. ftrioue eervicea.. boro Baturdt.y cventna, April 11. I .. .,,r.h h Ch ' ' at Roal Ha.pltal. Role t. a ' - - ~ urc • 01rs . d n =rtotH~::f,•l~~:,·~::: i.~o be Honor.ed ·h /i · -' · =~;.r;:~~i;::..E ' . ~. •" nw.' A child, Paul, who le ' YMn old. Choir App~tlon Sunday at Newport Ha>bor Lu, K': l,..J c;; '1 tlieran Cbur.:h will 'b•i oboervod thilr week at, both the 9 J A ' ' young People and 11 :13 a.m. Sunday oervleoo. -au _;,v,u,ounct11nmU : -sini:e October 2 both tho 40svo1ce children'• Carol · Need Patte ..... ciiotr and ibe 22 voice adult Chancel Choir have sung PAGE 4. PAltT 11-i-'NEwPoltT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS · • n luftday u w.11' u tor the Nanci Maxwell, Penny Muw\ll. FRIDAY APR.IL 27 19S6 ft. rrowinl' problem ot Ju.,... (al lADt• llfll'ricu Mid dur· Jo.Ann Menn. Kathy llcCeJ. f I •ii•• dclblq_,. 19 '"tJIU~t•IJ &M ,,,_11. Trt.,ute wW be Pfl!O.llJ' McOs.f. lbana Neltoe, p ' ... • • related lo'"ln ~uat• ettem ii.....,,~"'"" ...... ,...,. ,.,.. _,,._.___. ......... .,,...... dM CHU . HO m ·~ "· ,,_. ~ aft4 Put.or Robert B. c.tid}' Robin.on, Jamea Ropey, ' '.J.' 1 ehUd," the Educators A.-mbly 1;;:~·· .-Ith two eholn Mell 8~ Schutt.s. Arlen• Silva, ol the United 8,Yna&Of'I.• of ,, ..... anth .... "' ...... Blauptu, c.eur. Smith, A"'DUA FELLOwsn1p RALLY ..-....~ ..,_ In ....... tL. ........ ~ Awardl ~D-bl ftounna Bmlth, John lt&nphlll, l'\.~ .fl .tatuMDL .!-o choir memben tor nru· Jeua luddendort, Ellen Tolle.teen, "'An You la A Ruti" will M tM •rmoft top6o tor The 126 educaton dedared 1 all•nd&nee, OrsanlM. Dale Sharyn Uy..ufl1 C&ro! Wede· . · that "nUflow ln1tnict1on would rluna, Qwlclll: ChOlr Director kin&'. Cand7 W..tar, ftol'er' Wil· ntxt. BUAd&y &~ Ceroca del Kar Community Church. '111• m&k.e a llplt!cu.t contribution rhd J(utln and Carol Cholr llam& • Rev. Sdwtn C. Gomke wW pnacll. •t bOth duplicate Mr-to \!le powt.11. of a deelrable -n- tilrect.or Kra. RobUt ~a. Qroa.. ~c bf Uie doln OIL their Tic-. 1:'4 aM 11 a..rn. tem Of vaJuu tn )'OWIJ people hOi'f~lnr honored u -;.ell. thmds:7 Will Leelude : Carol Tbe hnioc' Pllpim l'elJowablp wtll 6e hoad Bunda1 tbat would be an ettecu .. J'Ulde :P.-o Qronl 4 will ~ CboCr -"'Llvtns tor Jwu" by &tt.er*IOa &Qid..-.enln& for the Ba7 Ana lptiq' Rall7 which In the choke ol proper cond\:.cL" a lbrielf r .. rraon. ~ both M!y1oee ,Lowdita: "Hrma Of Youth" by lnehad ... ' ~tee from Lone 8-eh. WhJ.Wer. l&nta Ana. h ....... Utie cboln enUUed "'And IJbtllUI> ''Collle U,ato Me Y• and Laauna 8eaeh. One hundnd tifty )'OU.Ill' peop~e Will M Barrett Boy Boi-Ji, utt;...&.111* 11nr.• ' Wllf.l'7"' ~ H&Dllll. Mn. .l\.OMrt toptber ror t\ID aDll fallcllntUp. hen wW be ~-M.t..bert. ot the Junior cbOll'I ~ ~: ~tc;; l"'OUJNI, llldtl,-a~t 111114 a~-meaunr-ta Ula cO~ i!,~=~1:,.'"'!. ·~~;Carol Choir -Jean ~en... KIDC' ol. B•ffn" bT Andrew•: attemoon. ~r wttl be ee"ed '1 the women ol. th• c.lytnr conrratul&Uona ot . tb• J4ntij BrolkM, !Ude. Brcic;ikle, "U WI~ All Tour Heut.t" by church end a wonhJp bO\lr hid bl thrl .-nias'· blrth of a boy, lM>nt. April 24 ell'".'&m.tl. Jt.mm.y Carnett. MendeJNohn: "' "'lllq' To 'nl• 1---------------------at the Boac Keraortal Bo.IJHtaJ.. ·~ J .. Olln:tompe-. Danald Lord" by Haydn, Mr. J'nd :Mar-TM ~ wefcba4 'I lbL, 1 0&. Eilclllol!o, Und& ""'"' Linde lln. di«clor, "F..Uftl ........ FROM WCTU rtul'Y,' Don Hardy, BandJ on 'Em rute BufT'" by hulk••, ---------- ~ HorMYerW. ....... "'fte AnfUW' by X....et, ....,. ....;,....""'~....!:"'~ ;.4.::''":..'.v':: ~.\..';'. To Show Temperance "f' '-7 -Olen -".""""'-, . Film at 1st Baptist ~erlasting Punishment "Tblt Boy, ......... Utle o! • .., Clrolce" ......... - • ...... the tunperuee ll'ioY1e to be !DOil topiG fot UM mornln& wol'9 Le S T • 1 9hown el the J'1nc. BapU.C. • . sso· n ermon 1t e Church. 11th and \'\<". Balboa lhlp al 11 a.m. Th• choir, ud4ar "' l . ;.: • . \. BITd , Sunday at T p.m. Tl!.t. th~ dh'ect.ktn of :Mn. Loute -.tbao1oficaJ doctrine ot pun· whtch tl• hath decetttully rotten. 0111d ntm, which pn:Mdee • very Jamee, will provide 1ped.IJ m\Wlc. • r-fOOd t.mperuce l.eeon, aceord· 8\mday ONfth School, JOHph .. 11\111\t tor e•U will be upk>red o,r that Which ,,... dtll•end him ~· tb R&T H ...,,.. J "~--...._ ... ..-.......... • d to kMP, or th• Joet thin& he • · er-, o...._ •••U u ·-:a-----enl, ls el n:"1."C'hurctlt!ll of Chrtat. Id•· tound. Or all tbat about w1lk:h h• pu r, 19 made nallaltle i.1 UM •l 1 :'8· wn. wtUt 'c.la.uee tor all ~-lun41.y, under tht topla bath twom falsely· he lhall even 'NOJl'm'a Chrutlu ,!l'emperance Ill'& 'I'll• pUblle t. welcom• to ~l.f.ttna PuntehmenL" That rut.ore It In tAe 'prtnclpal. &ftd ~on. · thCM .. m cu . :».punWun•t of nil ii Inherent shell add the titU:r. part more .: ..u~ and. the reward of pod th•reto. •.• In th• day or b1I p t B S -· "'-"· ~ -.... ou....,.· <i.mu ... "" as or ases ermon on 11p'11111.t.:I: 'nie' <>->ldm &. 0). 'f1m Pl'O\'erbl (11:21) "te the ''Tb• m<W&I Jaw, which hu lb• M • f M b h• ._ ....... 1-'8onnon, nrht to eoquJt •• .,........,, .. , ean1ng 0 em ers lp '*I punueth .tanen: but to W'&)'S dem&D4e r.UtuUon befon - • M rfataleom l'OOd aball be rt-mortai. cu 'pup hlJ'her', "reMS9 "K&IUltqf'lll Ktmberlhlp" Will The youtb felloW'lbJpe for JWl• ... ed.." · 1. pauqe in. th• Le.-on-Bermon be the eermoe lop&• al Chria\ \or Hip and hnJor Hifll. Youth .._.otlM ..... ot J1U1Uot .. rrom. "Belen~ and Health with Tlio_,,...p..,.. .... _ .... tlltd. Soor, n4 tJ.«e -11 ,..., .... , lw an,d of w1•I•••..., •.• Jilldt .. ardlel of ,l0114 tt--. a.. ... ,,, •• ary, f~ •tlwt ' 0 ~~ tbe wom., Of tbii .... Wlltif:. •I x....., ..... 111 .. --... -of rfllltctloa ud m 111-'• ,.._. "'" = ~~:i:~ire.~-= to Ind S i.... .-ce ,,_ --14. In .....,.11r,t.._..,. __ _ ....,. le ...... Tlrere... -· tlle quiet wl-of tlle ~ -lir -·~-·-alltlle_la .... _ ... Often a 1ttp 1ato dirt •h·d wod ..aet el • cburck briap-1 r...,tM.-.t fMlk M4 courqe diet Mta llfe • • ... --lF I I IF coune. This 16 tM mind• ef -twt-·•miracle U.t c.a he.ppm TO TOVI • 'lllls Ci.di t:.k.N:tllM-W lp1111rwil llf ..... Lecwl 1•11111 .. I ' IMlt1D tile ..,_ ....,, HOMa Key to lM 8Ct1ptww'' by Kar, Church B7 the a. ill Newport m .. t In ~~ .. ~ each IWl• ltda.r91, "'If * 90lal l&n., • • • he Belter E4dy. It oonun.u., ~ ~ ._ hn4aJ mondq. April 41,7 ..,enb"I' .•t t :IO p.m. Both .. all ....... fir&• ......... took m l•w ...... ..,,..., In ... n n. Th• mlallte•, ........ ~· ,,_ .. ""'""""""' ..... ..,. •• L ,_... HOM-L 5u•--·-.... SON rtohn"'1 a..,., or th• thins to eompel W..Jll'OITUI .. <•· 11)', A.. C:Uleon. wtU .,... ror the ot 1nt ..... Uns acttY'.IUee, trips and _... ~ ••~ ' " I: . -- dupUc.&te worahlp •rrleel et t :IO d~ ft'om now unw ..-..1 111 J1. l'ltlt St. ., D.A.LTml meacrtcal Om.trad«a and 11 a.m. Tl'i• Benctuar)'ICbolr mw "'1na. Oolta·~ 108 llcf"allh P11ee ., ,.__ lM J.Ja mow 'f1 Aft. N..,..rt: .... under th• di...UO. ct kn. A. s. ·.-------------------11 (al ... Pier) ur..tJ &.U'll R11tter'wtll •in&' for the 11 o'clock --------------'11~·,.;.,." ~------------.~ ' '~ 111'. Ou'9DB ..... u.at .. will ' Vincent's Rftdll' Drni ~ Two 1oc&tionl lo ....,.. 1'. Lido ble A Oorou W ... CHINESI' CASINO RM.I Cantone. FOod (o Tab Ollt Opon-.-' 111 lllabr St., Balboa -- LAUNDIOMA • " N~T FURNRUll CO. ,. :; &.WJ PHYWS' CL.IAMBS -1111 ( ... .,., ..... , ............ ' ___..,..._ "Good WirtnS ~'t COit,,. It Pan'° '" • lbt lit. --..,. J- M"I C. KISTl.ll CO., lewllwn · .., l"toat .,....., ... _ • •1New,....-... l!lew,_t .... --' DICK MACUI -....,, .. IJtlit Pllliit S1n1A -----·--·--"11 w. 0........., u .._ -. POP'S P•••• ~· .. H••• ... inn.. ... Jolaa ---· ...... lllll.1&1111-. .._._ • • I ' ' ' r ' · . • l , • • ORO'll'D OON'l'JNUb -While the crowd came anct w~t in the different rooma ot Horace Enaign Scbool •t the.qpen bouee Wednesday evening, tHere • • ' • • waa alwaye a large group Of p&rentl inspecting the notebOok coven made ~y one of the eighth gt'Jde claase&. -Staff P)>oto , • • OOLONLU. BOOK-The Ro~..i". L . .JCeppena ol 118 .Via Lorca., look oVer the work ot their IOn who la &tudytng United Stateo hlatory. • The book ,..u on the Th!rUen Co~ -Stat( llboto • t "'6AL tlOTICI UGM. NOTICI i -· "' 8wiMl Boe.t. 81n''°9 ud tM tottJ b6d to -lepoMtld tat eaid firm i. oorDpoeM ol. with Md, an4 balaDGe ot cub. m. fOUoWffi&-perwona, _._wboel and diftv_,. fll 99t.-Mt• JWn .. Ill f\.111 ud pll.CIW ol ~· and Deed ol Ttwt. lf .,,..,Vl'I' dtiDCe are u follow' to--wit: credit, upon conftrmatlon ~-. W..Aftftl!N R. A'ftfERTON aH ~bJect lo oontlnMtkJD b~ 100 vta QQtto. • Mid Court. foUc7 ot nue-u~ " Nawport 8¥ch. c.utornla IW'&nC9 at the ex:penM of' 'Utt' WU.11-.. my hand thll Srd ~ tlll&te. of Aprll, liM Written bldl will be l"P!C'tlW<l WARREN 'ft, ATHERTON &\the office ot •kl Execu,torft ST.A.Tit OF CALlli"ORNlA ) 500 Flnt Wutem Bank BulJd· COUMTY OF ORANGll )•. ln&'. Santa An&, caJ.llornla.~ - Of lhl1 3rd day of Apr&I, A.D. may: bl dellv"red to -.id 1:11...,..... tlH, before me. ROBERT A. tor penona.Uy, or may be tiled. l!:..UITMAN, a Notary Publkl In In th• 0Ulc1 of the Clerk of ,\bt. Ud tor the Wd COunty and above 1nt1Ued Court, before P\f. 8t&te, rU.idln&" tbereln, duJy maklnC of the Mlt. Said .:Xecu- eomm!MiOfled and .worn. pe~-tor J'ffeM'• t.f!• rlcht to rejeict &Uy ej>pe:and WARREN R . any and all bid.I . ..A.THl:RTON known t6 me to bt t>atld th• 20 day of ..\NU.. the perwon wh<Ne name ta •Ub-l"61. • Krtbed to the within Jnltrument, W . 8 . THOMSON, .~ and aclr.nowledced·to me that he l:Jl.ec:ular of the &elate~ eucuted the 1ame. HELEN ill:LER. · .. · · In witnu1 whereof, I have deceued. -·--" hereunto .et my hand and attlxed. No. 1463 Nawa-Pre• ... ,. my offlcla.I ~I the d&)' and year "20, IS, JCI, 17, 30t. 6/1, '--~m . ln tille Certltlcat1 nnt abov• written. ROBERT A. EASTMAN My Comml .. lon Ellplrta July 29. 19S4S Hidden Spri"P.. : No. 1••0 New1-Pru. 4/1. 13, 20, 27, 1958 NOTIOE TO BIDDERS: !H .. , ... The Board or Tru•teea of th1 Nev.·port H1rbor Union Hlfh 1 RANCH School Dlalrlct ot OrUll'I Coun. 1000 PALM! c ••nP ty •oquool• bl" on Ono Ill f ,_----'-''....;;...._.=""'-'...; Locke Mower or equivalent lo ·cut 76" ewath. 8141 will be received up to 1:00 P.M. M1y 14', 1"6 In the Bualneq Office ot the Newport Harbor Union HLrh School and Wiil be opened lmm~lately there· after in the Board room. The - --Board ~rvm the right to re· I .~--:,--::°",,';;;~~~=:J Ject any and all bldl. BOARD OF' TRUSTEES OF T\' RECEPTION Newport Harbor Union Hll(h WEEUSD School HOLIDAY HOMES Dl•trlct ot Oranr• County Qt1.S to 1"51 .... ~ By: ZOE RAE BARLO\Y, Cltrk No. 143• Newa-Pru1 4'/20,' 27, JMa" Iota, 1''aler, tr-. l&Wl~ ""' 11 moaU11 o• H year i--· ' • bold.: A aew develo~at' --------=-----11 almllar 8ta.ntord Ulllven:lfj ' JN THE SUPt;RJOK OOUKT OF .. d Irvine' n.Jboa Bit)' 81114ifti~ ·: SCHOOL A)fr -Sally ahow1 her parents, Mr., and Mrs. Henry Vaughn, ~t Drive, ·one. of t~ charcoal 'drawings made in her art cla81 at Horace En1ign School The art exhibit, w~re one oF' the features that attracted m·ost attention at. the open houae Wedneeday evening. -Sta.ff Photo Linda Harrie, one Of the ,;.idea 'tit the ~pen house, at ' Horace En1ign school. shows one of the book.a made by eighth grade pupils to Mr. and Mn. E. R. Murphy of 2731 Coast Blvd. -Stall Photo TIO!: tiTATE or CALI.FOK-luiit. Opeaed. Uldque, Nett0at• ... NIA 1:'11' AS-0 FOR THE like on tile deMl"t. L1m1t411: OOUNTY OF ORANGE O.ly tCM eJtea. No. A-21110 DOOl'OR, l.AWYER.r ..... NOTICE Ofo' SAU:: OF M.J:RCHA...'"T, PRINCE ~' ' RJl'..AL l'ROPEKTY Sfleldq e.c:AP9 from ~: .. ·~URY. .BLASTS/Ylt ,1.AUDS COUNTY --------------------------lt«:t will prttent • reoc<:urance IN THE MATTER OF ror., -...,-. pbo1111,. \ratfk. THE EST A TE OF .,.,1Uaout a 110,000 laveatmeat. • ot theae corapja_LnU. ' ''The coni.millee'fed.I t~t; al· COIN COLLECTIO N DISPLAY HELD. OYER THROUGH MONDAY HELEN KEELER, ) aow you CN11 do I\ ecoaomloo• J,houch many pha.11e.1 of 1thla In· qulry were not tnnd jury mat- tera, the lnve1t1111.Uon ha1 not DECEASED.) ally 111 a oontrelle4 --""° . . BUILDING . DEPARTMENT IN PROBE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN \\,.,-tie up I la eeHIJ" IUd ' - Houslncj, ,Report. FailinCJ Veterans The collection of 37~ rare and f1.n1oua colna on di._ been fru\Ueu. More coope.ratlon play 1n the Mi.in Lobby of Ne~port Balboa 'Savlnr1 a.nd la evident and many of tl}e ori- that the underel&ned, u Execu· tor o( I.he Eat•l41 of H!:J...!:N KEELER, deceued, will atU at private P.11 to th1 hl&h11t bid· t.o.n AJi:oc'al.ion will continue on e11hibft throuch "M on-1!nal i:ompl11\n~ have been cor- rtudled by each commllttt mem-day April JO, acconhng to word t'l'om Auocl.&tkln Pre1l-reeled. Poaltl•e action by the der, on or after th• 7th day of ber. Seaalona wel'e' htld·\\•lth the dent Paul A. Palmer. ., VA hu bffn Uken to prevent, May, ll~. and .ubject to the cOunty Building ln1pector Dona-The colle<:Uon, ahpwn by Gene NlchOlll and valued at l'uture problema. The commit· oonrlrmauon or aaid Superior hue and hla u.iaWt H•rold Gol-tee e•tlmate• thl• matter will Court, the property de.crtbed U -• J16,000,. won .econd prize In a national collector·1 follow•· dy. Bo'" '.,, ...... with the ,. be officially clo"d until the eJ1.-· "'' coo .cu coinp<tltion loiat " r. hune.r. N ld that lhe coin d~ploy Hou• and lot 60 fL x l:MI fL committee fully', It i• the fffl-' ·£ lent of the corrective meuuru The Orange County Grand Jury Vetera.u-Housing Ing of the commitee that no hat draWn m~ lh•n ~ •lsllot"•, In Mldltlon to th' WU&J ' can be obaerved. HoW11ver, It I• at 612 Center St., Colt.a Men, 'di I h bu11ne• cU1tomer1, 1lnce It wu placed on exhibit 11 the believed nothing more cu ..__ On.nr1 County, c.lltornta, Conmu'ttee Wednesday closed· the books on ita investiga-• ton• or amendment.I to t ' ' "" d ... building cod, -re ae11r1ble at ueoc:latlon .Aprll 10. 1ccompl\11hed at thla time." -eecrtbed aa: ti.on with -a"'blut at the Veterana A.d.miniatrati11r11 a.nd a uua lime. , ____________ ._ ___________ ,1 ---------~--The Southf!rly 150 fMt of I. Lot 19 bt Block B of TNct 1ood word for the county building department: SllRPRISE RECtl.ECKS "The committee obaerve<I ''The Veteran•' AdmlnatraUon. Martins Have Son No. 11, Flnt AtklltiOll to Comadttee Chaltrnt.n Lloyd NJd that • (H•l ma.ny of the "DonaJ:lue elli)•&:ne<l bia dlOJ)art-many in1t.11nce• where com-Jn epprovlnr the vet'• h.ome Harper u ihown on a map juUan of Torti. Unda turned CC'mpl1lnt• recetviod are of a ment'• method ot conducting in-pla.lnt1 concernln' poor con-loana. can ILnd 1hould u:ert 11.ll Mr. lllld Mf'll. Donald MarUn, r.corded ln Book i, P•I'• 20, ln 1 "n,ithY report on hi• minor nature or are home main· apecUoni. An ll'l.lpeetor 111 11•· ·11tructlon etemmed fron1 the U&e po111lble effort to 1&feruard the i30 Nan::luu1 •Ave., Newport Mt.cel11.11eoua Mapa, Record• -tp•o' tlmllDr• at the momlnf tl!Jlince problem• incident to •i""'ed to each n...., tract de• of UnmatuN! or g-reen lumber, vet'• lnttre11l. lt ll the com-ot Oran•• Counly, c.Jlfor-·--Sant •·· --· 1 h b ....... Beuh, are lhe parenll of a boy Grand' Jury .esalon in a home c.wnerahlp. Many other velopment and each dwe.lllng \n The aub&equent drying ot thlJJ n1 ltH'• ~pl.nlon t It l 111 • ._ nla, u:ceptinl' therefrom the Ana.. · ~ complalnU are of a civil nature that tract I• hupected ptrtodl('-n1aterlal caUlld llhrtnklng an d not, bttn don~. Failure to in-blby born AprU 12 I.II. Hoa' Hoe· Eutqly rect&nplar 40 !Ht Thi rt"p<>rt a ... rted the V~ and, .. •UC:h. u. not matt.ere elly. It .... ·aa learned there hid .... ·arp!ng generally re,IUIUnr In apect caretully and t.horourhly pllal. · and lh• W•terly rect&n(\ll&r baa f&lled to 11.reauard th• v1t 1 tM Grand Jui'y lnYe1u1auon. It been attempt• made to cut build· twl•ted beMn.1, "C.tack•.' •ticking ind lo ex1mtne tully into the I-------------u feet. lnt.erut. Thie fallur .. Ull com-ts IU(flllld that u.c.b Jnd,lvl-Ing coell t.nd ctreumvent the door• and wlndo.,.,·• and looeened taJ1., Jmpound and payment 1ehed· LEGAL NOTIC Thi termi. and CGndl.Uoza of mltl• ..uerted. "hu allowed dual co~med ln t.h1a type or buildinf coJe by 90me buildt!tl. !utenlnga. uJee, 11.lMl neclect in turnl1hing ~ E Ale er• cuh In lawful money of decept.lort aiJMd at get.Un( pay• complaint le@k th• .tVtce of hi. ln1t.ance• were rqiortld In which "No derallctlon of duty on the thl• Information to th• vetpran.1 -----.... ------,... th• United St.alM. or part ca.eh mentl uftd.er the VA ·require-attorney .. to the po.ealbtllty o t_ code requlremtnll were remov-part of theOranre County Build· ha1 allowed deception. aimed at Ct:RTIFICATI: OP' BUSIX!:SS and balance upon credit. aubjlCt mel'lta -w p..-unnoUced." clvU 1cUon. Char1e1 that proper ed from tha 1ite after 11\flpec-111• Oepartinent wu 1ublltanU-cetUnr J::ymmt.11 under th• VA Fh::tttloue Ftrm N.... to the approval of 1ald Executor, However, the committee ex.· ln~tlanll ot tract hOUAM were Uon. It wa• -pointed oot lh•t elt!d by ~dence". Con1lderlng rt qulr" enta for 1pproval, to . The, under1lrnM doe1 hereby wtlh th• u.npt.id portion of Aid _plalniq. ~ bu been re-not made ·by Ule Oranre County the policy of the Building Dt!-the tremendoUI irrowth of the pat• unnoUced.. certify that h1 11 conduotlllr 1 purchue prtce evidenced. by th• oeiviMI. bVl:n thelVA that action BWkHnc Department wre In-.,.rtml!'nt to make l\/pri&e re-'tn1cl" hoU1in1 In th.la county ind "Poeiuv1 aM~e hu been Oulboa.rd Motor l&la atid HtYlce not• or not• oL~• purchuer, bU betl\. tak.en tq·..ee that 1ucb v•ll&'•ted f\l:lly, Copln ·or the checlu had resulted in discovery ~ limited number ol in•pcctor1 received from the VA that def-buainl!All at ltiiS Pacltle Coa1· -''Ith a nnt i)eed o? Truat on occun-enc•I don't' happen In lh• unlfled buildlnc code, pertaining of the•e c1•e• 11.nd correcUve I per job 1veJJable. Donahue lnlte action hu iftready been Hl1hway. Sumet Beach. C&llfor-he propert,y 10ld to kur1 pay· tuture. -to dwellln11 were obtained and action w1, taken. ahou\d be commended. t11.ken and protedUZ"ell now In et-nla. .under th• tlcUtlou flm nent thereof, ten per cent of or .. re 0ount1 ••terana com· ------------~------------------,.----------------------plalnld they ·Wlf'I ®lied Jn ~buy{nc oee.11. 'lbly autrtld their taxe• 1oer- ec1 • hifh abo'Ve lhe ~Umatel stW:n tbem by th• 111ll1ra. 'nle)' ai.o charred the Orur• Qo\Ant1 'BulldlllC Department WU ia... In It.a tnepectlona. pe.nnlt· uac f•ulty con1trucuon. 111• V•terW of l'orelp War1 and .1..nJerlcan Leflon lpta.rheaded lb• ~-atudle.. ' Th• commltt_.. •Id It could • ftnd no derellcUon of dtty on ~ part of 1n1pector Charlu J>onah\ie. Tb• wpector wu-hail· 911 J..M dQiftl a Sood Job lJl Ult t&Oll of th• count)"• boOm- •ooMJridTTSJC ~'DINOB Th• oommlttff'1 report: ''JJ'l.vutlr•tlon of v1terarl'• • . , GREATER EIRNlllGS ' ~MEMBER .. :sAVINGS received by the 10th of the month ••• EARN FROM the bt • ' wlllea you caa llltal'I at•. '"uee .. &Ad vl.rtual OWDenlUp ! . U-e capita.I to build. BeN .r... .. thias eouplee ti .. tMk llltavu. .. of nst ls. ta.. •'-· HOBIL& BOlll: OW!lo~,,' WM .eek a comb._....~ - wtllll -"add.l'MI... prtYMJ, .. epM)ol!, 9unuaer 1ton.c-., • ..._. tor ,......aou. ..,.. ta'riled.. "' .....,.. feet; ... .._..... ....... D&JVJ:., OU'I' ILAJION SOAQ, Mlra91 ~ ...... ,_,,.,. "' ..i,. lt mm. .......... .. UM llCN reafdoe"&I ...... , meat, ._ ._ 11"'9 ..... -'val ; ~rotq .. M ot low C09ta. h...Upt;e ._. raeta. No 1111111. PNMWI ..... me.. n.la 19 • .,..., ••• lty tile ~ .... ,....,... ·-•f *,.... ..... -TNI Ruell -lta Mel"l?l'tM -8outb,Oou& Apmla •.. "C'' THOll&S llEAIA'O& . """ AS80CllAD& --"' w. <-.. Blcti..., Newpert: ..... Otllf. , Llheriy um -~ .. -· .. . - •• -• . •.. ... ... ... ... .. .......... . -·-. ' ; eomple.lnt.a ..-,.tMNtted tll.rWP tb1 Veter:ana or For1lp Wan -lo u4 .Am.ttkaft _ 1.Ap>n WU bl· f\I• Mardi t, ' ltH. Complaint& milina.ted. lz\adequ.acy of Oranr• ~ty 'widinc ~-ol:te1 and a nMd ror add.lUora or amtnd· ui.e'ta to code•. Metbod ot a~ PoO'ntln1· lruipectora. yd .Upet- vi.lon. ot tup1ctton pracllcm II -• 11ot, ~U..1' accordlnr to the PJI AllNUM CURRENT EDllllJ> -· -·· ... "" ' .. .. . .... -. ··-.. •• ... ; I .om•&aln~ • ~ • "levertJ _ tnctl Wft't: Yialled p- hfld ta company wfi.h Cdiifilirt- \.. NO. 4, 1nqulrln1 lnto tu • m•tten. lleHral tn.ct de'llit&op- .,.. and '*'*"-.......,. flUNt.'9"- d •t..W"'lb'-A. A. WWdru ol ~· VA and Char._ I>an•h\I• of I.ht Q>unly Bmldtns Ot!')ffl"lmrnt, ..,,,.. he9r..t. COM-PLAINTS Hl'NOR "A& u..-out.et. tt 11\Alt M '· • -- .... ., .. "" ~ .. -· •• ''"'! ~ ...... • •n • • ' • • • • ' • ' ' "'' - - I'. • I • ' I· I "- . --. ·;;::--- ·. . • I el 6· PAAT 11 NE'NPOAT ~NEWS-MU ~· ~Y, ANll. 27, 1956 , ?/ &llAL ll;IOllCI ·. {M,AL NOTICI • = --. -- • I • ·~ . - • ... ' . . -. -' I •• -. . •• •' .' ; ; . . • ' • ! 11 ... &,. 7 oou.mm •~c. 21. i.w major. WOWd UU unplorm.ent Newport U-. W"kmd• • I moatha ta llWllllMt' • .o.p.Ddabi., U ~ ITa&mON 1-llM dur- ------~·~---t Ins Wiiek • Bu. lffl..J ..u-... llttt! • ., . . ., Are You . . r. ... ---,.. ....... , 'U Pr. , DLVDfATOll -· ____ ..,.._ ....... ORAPElij~S and SLIP ,GPViRS Kadtl to Order ' . ~ EeUmat•-~ JAKE'S · 11-W-t9 Jl!!l tron. coppw, bl'uw. alwnlDJun, etc. .A.a quuaUt7. tmm.dl&t• I pick Up. Can LI a.1101 . .... WANTl:D, ;l"1n&" PODI' table, B&dmlnt.oa Ml, rMI type suo-LUCJ!J.!j: Di!'APERIES Harbor MM or Ill! RE.AL Ul'ATKI alnm.e.n tor line laW'D mow•r. Kar. 14IO. old ..Ubllehed otflce l.n Cor· • title k6 ona de! M•r. 1 day a wee.111-----------·I __________ _ floor Um. lt ddlr9d.. Excellent Feet Hurt? --coodlU-Try Knapp Shoos BEN J. WBITM.AN, o\ Auoal&tH 806 W . 1st 8\., Santa JJla "42 J:, .Qout Riw1y KlmberlJ 2·S017 befQr9 10 a.m. Corona del Mar ~ a.flAlr I p. m.. Htfc -~-~·---'-" Fresh Hil&ring Aid • llA1Tl:IUl:I W• Gtw &AB an.a Stamps Gunderson Drug Co. Hanor GlG. Pl' Mata It. at Be.Ibo& Bl..S.. BallliM. ' - ~for!Ue n'.Jft. ULll CID.AP I ~ 1\oll a rouM .._ wltb J.nn.r Bprtnc Mall.a. t fllll .U. lMllk -'llf1 th coll 1pr1Ap and l.nner 111r. matu. ~IMn .. a ptn 1-4 metal bed -1th bait' .ms • lmler .pr. maU. 1-t.d da...nport A chair " lll'U1l .... bla.ten Dr'tllMn, tabl-. chain ate. some b9ddln.1', •Pl, Id\ Mc. 1 IOtdl& eUfML • • • .. • '. I l " i . ' ' • I- • ·f ... -.' .. ..__, .. _ CLOSEOUTS MANUFACTURERS CLOSEOUTS {)ISCONTINUED COVERS FLOOR SAMPLES ALL NEW ITUDIO COUCH. BlMp9 two. attzactlY• two tone rever .. Ible boi.t..n. sn.oo V.t.Lum -·--·-············--·······--···-·····-··-··· AT BAY s,ae.ao 21" JlllDllOK tabl9..,.., m&· hot. cablDK. talaM htckM'k. 8~d .U for llOUO but ·JG'& caa '-1 tt aow fOtt sa.IO. DAVIS 6 BROWN DO IT YOURSELF DEN OonNza COUCHl:8. M&tcbed pla.td cover. Floun~: HI-fl IneJUdN I bMdboardl, 2 iml..-.prt.as matt....... 2 oox • 1111~~ ~ .. -.. -............................. -.. -·-····· ...... AT BAY $!9.:K) B~UR~~.!'!,~ "l ~ 1!:°,_~ ~~ Banno~Ku'doft AJl.J'K bmen, a.DawmC9 In tr.a. OD 11.W piano amplWen, ,IJ*llen A: nccnt • orpa.. ICffKD'>T-.PHILLD'9. fla)'ftL O>me 1A and ... lb.-. OJO Mo. K&IA, lanta .ua. t WAT MODERN TAB L !: L AM P 8, double U•r .-ha.de. 116.H VALUE ·-·-···-······-·-·-·--·-·······-············· .. ·········· AT BAT $8.:H> •it u RAlt.D auarA.c:r.: Dtn or Kiidien Ru11. f 10.60 VA.LUE-··-·--··-.. ························-····-······-·--'······· AT BAY $8.00 I PC. LDd:D OA.K DJ:NETl'E. BET. All hardwood. Ne•am.ar top exUluiOn tabk, f upbolatc'ed M&C cMJ.n. flSl..50 V ALU.: -·-·--··-·················-··-····-·····--·-··-··· AT BAY 1711.50 I PC. WllOUmrr JRON OINETI'll arr. Estenaion tablt. -Jlclca w_. JT&ln. top. 41 foam rubber M&t ch&lra. '79.DO VA.LUZ -·--···················-·········-······--···-·-···· AT BAY $38.50 KAPLE WOOD .AJU( BED DrvAN. Dou~. lprlne corutnic· tJon. Dun.bla dapPll tWMd COT•. 1111.IO VALU'I: ----·-··-·········--·-··-·-·---AT BAY $79.60 I PC. !lA.TTAN 8ECTIONAL. P'O&m rubber eu1hloN1. Wub· able pluUc ccwer. IUl.IO VALUJC -··-·-···-········-····--·····--············-·AT BAY s1at.IO I PC. WJ\OUOBT IRON BJ:D DIV AN arr. lftcluO. .t0fl, dlalr bed wtth matchiq' ottoman. 1111.IO VA.LtIJ:l --····-·-·········--··-···········--···········AT BAY 1139.60 INNER.8PRIHG MA tTllJ:88 with matebin& bolt •Prtnr- flall or tW1.n a-. ... .60 V .A.Ltrm ·······································-··· Both pc.. AT .BAY $4.9,00 I PC. BllDROOK lllT. lnclYdu t dwr. '°'1bl• *-r, mlrror. I Distil ~ bMkoeM b..aoard, metal fw. Ouar· ant.eed lnn...-prtnc mattnu and bolt .-priftc. '241.50 VA.LUI:-··--·--·····-··-··-·--·--'-· AT BAY $179.60 BAY FURNITURE UT &. 1 T1' at. Bet......n TuUa ue. trt1na ,.,_ lton.ld• PU1d1IC To~ We wtµ help 7ou w1mW. ft. KnowltoGElectronl<:o TV ANTENNAS DAVIS-BROWN --Bl>d. - _c.ota __ ><_-_-_u_w_m_~·-<aar a.m -m o&ln> lmtalled eompiet.. to you:r ML $9.95 17" BYLV~ table mod., MW plctUr"9 tube With OM Je&r !!::D°Pt Q!!I, ht. ~ pllM so day •nk• parantH. Now only $ff.tl0. JEAN HB:NRI • DAVIS I< BROWN .......,. ........ .! OPEN JDVZ'l!I. 'TIL I --------------------HAMKOND OROANI compLete line, M8J una&. Your old Up-• SELL YOUR CAR Rattan, Wrought Iron, Patio Furniture Complet. aelectlaa of Wrouiht Iron Furnlture. Barbecue and Bru1en. Lawn Swinp, Garden and Beooh Umbr<llu. BAllBOO DRAW 1'llAPES &nd TROPICAL Floor Coverfnp. B.ASl[E'l'S of Ill kinda 6 Unusual Gift ltema. · Canva1 and Aluminum Awnings. SANTA ANA TENT & AWNING co: 1829 8. Main, Surta Ana KI 2-3M6 Fr. Dellvery OPEN KONDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS TILL 9 lc3 7 r\flll taken 1n u.cbaq'e. TrJ '-• ton 10\J buy. rr.. p!'&Ctice roonw here. 9CIDOl71'-PIDL- LIP8 . Bts PtaM ud Orp.n Bton, 120 No. Kain, Banta Ana. PAID roa Oil Kar ~ .. ,.Kon 2•·• BILVDtTONE, blc:ede t\lll 1.iO L Jrl&lD. KI S..uo7 door can.ole. BboWd. .. ll fM • SlSll.IO. Bu:Y It. now for OlllJ ,,...... ~t.oblalo DA VIS I< BROWN 1950 BUICK --~-------~-------------! , , R-E-0 ,, For Orange County Now 24 Hour SERVICE on Truck Repairing * ALL MAKES * Ellmlnate 00.Uy tie-up. In at 5 p.m. -Out at 7·a. m. Since 1933 AT LOWEST PRICES - YOU.R NASH DEALER WARD S. LEE, INC. NEWPORT HAlll'QR NEWS-PRESS , PART 11 • PJi&E 7 .. FltlDAY. APIUL27, 1954 .: tl-Afl!= • • • !!'! • • 7 : • ' ·'·· ~ Marinas ~ : · Lido Peninsula, ~ 31.st St., ilpt. Beh. . onms . neuChtflll U'llDJ. Apt..C.bf•u utllltlel pal4:: dla . Yacht .Up -·-. n.n,, weekly, .... tlll)'. ,_rty. J'or 1ppt. or ..ernllon, C.U Bu. 211111. VOGEL CO. '8-A-A.pta. for ac.t EAR.LY 'VtACATlONJ:R4 AT· T!:N'nON. rum. modem waterfroat. apt. BlMpe 4.. A•all now to J"11M 16. Reuo•able. Har. l.Jl7.J · • ..aettc !238 S. Maln SL S.Ot& An& NllWPORT H&IOHTB 2c4 k PORT ORANGE 'II ..,, ... .,,,...... 1 ...._..,.,.,.., --------------------TR.An.ER s•tJtS llk• MW. fill. Har. uoe.. tt GMC TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS TRUCKS and SUPPLIES 2200 W. Cout Hlwa7. l or S bdrm.. •JIU-, ... udlT rm. By <lay, ......-er mGlaD. BLUE TOP MOTEL Newport lleoeh LI 8M20 'aa 21' Vlkin& xlct. .--.111.0 .OS Ne.poirt Bl\od; : ·r.s If' Ran1oa CU.tom -.12040 N.wport JIMcb -: ; lfl(• 50 CHEVY PICKUP :01 21' Vlldnf -uty ..... ll&to ' YLUU.T Lail. "J2 30' Pacemaker -··~····'2096 del JCe.r Ezcellent Condition 'It IO'p~ ~CAN-···11•9' N-11. =--Uf\lll)' ~-1 S200 D bedrOom B&7'riew apt. ..,Adult. own ~'="' ~.:."° m..u.-c.u ~ .. 1---------""'-wtUl -l. W!altm&iri 50 CHEVY 1A. ~n Puel SlOO Down BANK TERMS . • .... II. °""'" -7 BCLL YOU'Jt. 'l!tAILD. Builol' lla -a..... 4'a • ...._ on ~t at lbol • _;-. Id HARBOR TftAILZR SUPPLY 1117 Harbor ,Bl.¥4.. Cmta x ... LI t-:aA1 · I De&Jff• for•.W Ma.)'flow•r. Plymouth. Dalton, HonorbuUt. and. Romw. lttfo BA.LBOA PlllluW& ~ -.,. • unf\ltn. s Wms. ioww., ....... On. '*m. UpPer ......... A laundrf. A.all. Ka,f 16. ,can ~.too• &-T72T. 1ee <>NZ Ba>IUI. WlftinL apt. 21 rr. MODERN • tr..tier,.. Delf nlc•. .SM mo.· with pn.p. awlQS, paUo, ft!Mled, lacrlflce.. ao.\a )(.._ LI. ~7111.. SM Udo Tr&U•r. Park. llar. not. 'UNnJ1UflaJl:m Irr. ,IA; n.w - ________ ..., __ o I dupld: 1 MlirootD wttll Pl'· .... Call &at. atttraooe. Or Bun. mormn1. U.. ~An. '7-Wuled w- ' . OoA& .11-. • ,, 001\0N.A. .Dm,. IUJl,, J.arr-&l'BO 1 Br ........ apt. 4~e Kq 11. )'1"&. ..,_ Alt mo. Ho pd&. H.&to. t.111 ' kl . :1'_ . - ·, . . • • I . ' ' ' - • ·, ! ' ' . ' ' " • 1.: ,__ ' "' ' I' • • ' ~­ ' • . -. ..o ••. ,' --' ,-j . • • ,. . -~·----------------_.,...-~_,...;·---_------------ • "/ • PA&E I · PART 11-MWPOllT HARIOll NEWS-PRESS !! ---~_!o,_,. __ I !ll!='!o*!!!_I !a!!'n!!'!..' ---l!•!!;:!•!!'!"'~"!!'lh~W~-=::-l 'a!;:::!•~•!!.f .!•!!1!'~·--· -l!a~•!!:w~1!J-!!!!!!!te~_,.-....!"~•!ool!!!._~~---:.~. -. • fM>A'f~ ;il.l'ltll··27, 1956 ' ~ . ' ~ ----------mxcELLENT BUY BACfC .BAY AREA Newport Hts. BI EXTRA SPECI L' a.a •• ,,. f.wlk.ll& 1\.-\-ltflMJ'-f•...... t ,. "COUlf"l".RY UVINO wttA.,.... 41 DD .,..Ulft I -• ::Wi)& ...._ 1 --1~ • )/ • $1'1,500 • .,_ ,._ """""' .. ~ • -·· -~ BALBOA PENINSULA, f uni -ocboduled ID-.... -.. --HOME LOANS -, Loo\11 ' ..,.... ,_,._ !e ONLY ~ dJ1. Ul'V'\ISLE come $M55 yeor. Aboen~ .,...,. jult -up---<.-.O n::...-. _... ., 11• --EA.IT 1IUa lfT .. OOC1.A. MZ&A. W-.-"'-wt.--llvtftl' A. diotll& Not ttt1 °'* • ftOU ....__.. · -• ~ -lbll A·l well ktcaftd. -~ tumtshed tneome ft. v~ ",,.,._,~ •t. ~~ :r ftH\A " S br .. 0.1. toan. ~ •1.11 room. mo4en klt.eh«n ... AM opportuNl.Y to b\17 a. -it lo-rra..vJri:'u:ULT i.o nnd a bed· I cu ....... -..UU ~t :;r~ • 0~~·~~4•;. mo., lncJ, t~• lnC..,_, Mil t•· ~-reorn. 4oul* r•raa-t. t.llbd tlom• tk1M to ~ rooma. t 1-Lba ptu. WW.-property for t.be Jow pri Of m ,000.,. termJ. w_ *"lll. ""•* ,.... Ill•"-JM. Jrv.ndl -Bldl. A -pollndl. , p11111 l&uftLb7 .,.._ outdoor i.n ~ H"1*J Ht.a. '°" brkll: llrt'pi&ce. But -. ba•• CATHER.l.NE APTS, J633 E. Balboa Blvd., Jftquln at ta Jl•ll~ua 0;tna, Prtval1 Mon•)' R I h p M k ftdced pat~ tars• ~t IOaJOO. tblt bf.rl"alA llf'kM· )!wd. "'*'· It •l 114.000. • OPEN~UNDAY Newport.· .. · .flt& irru.t Deeda BoQsh 6 Sold • p . as ey ~ _.. •1•.• ... 8'11H'!!t briCk flr•pl'\c•. dbl.. ,.,..,.. ------....,. ...... ~ CoJJ ... .... mu ..... , . ftEAL'l'Olt ,..... .... '""""' • ... ....... u.,. ,,. OI ...... ' BACK AY AREA llllAND -... --.... ._ . DON 1 HUDD N • .,, .. ~ .... a.... ..... .... 0 ~~N FRONT '" "'" .. , ""' "' ... """ · NEWPORT 1sLE / hoUM J ~ bittlU. ,pr!J. ._. iii · -' Cl'::.\ !!om• kfur~ ?u~ b141. W.ATERYRON7 I UNIT, f'Urn· OPEN SUN .• ~.{i, 59 :E. 20t.h St., Only $23.Dt50 poNl, dbl&. s•nc~ J'etrqd • U '4Ml Cost.a lfut ... s.htd with priv•l• plu ••d h 1"'1dacl,.-AL804 bf:Clrooms. 173 ~ 1 8l. N port H . ht ONI to~ bly ... 1m... r tklllt. 3 l>edrMml. ' balha -Cozy and appea . g ii what you'll 1ay w t-n you Coo .._ ... Har f!illl • u ew e1g s mLn.r. A.ttrect.!V• I tMldraom • Oeen HcSuse ~· A.l..80 1 Mdn>Ol'n, l b6llh. 2 lee thia s bed . 2 bath home. l.A.rge llv. room, ........ . '"'' 2 d &~t D LOANS . hom•: '., b&tM, r .A ..... ,.,_ Wm I -I ' I :l wtch _:r.:_..._ ____ ,~-----n 1 • , dbl .. p .r., R..f, lot. (JlOOm .. tM J'ridl,1-Loil: Bun Atternoon1. c-.,.r pra,.. r ur 1ireplace, at~· glau doors to pal o, Dar A• en •. UDO l8L& HOMZ. I ~. 2 J BEDR.M. • den. I bl.lh hom. I more 11nlte). J>rlced at 111 M•r~l-. CdM. JUST am•U Mm• In lhlll a·..-a • • . and the pri includes au wool carpeting, drape&. - Mtbs 6 .. Uo. Unf\lrn.. 1-, lerriftl OnLRJ:e Oowlt1 on bH.ullfull7 a.MK~ 1oL Ul.000 tmna, or will con.Ider Sl2,IOO BUTS tht. attncUve p~aoo • . , . new stove, rigerator and (irt:place, fixtures.. 111 Vf• Wadere. .A.ftlatk W« B IJ'ruat Deed.a Hwd. floo~. ttrijilieii, r A .ome tl'Mk. ootUi .. Clln ldul ft·t lut, rood 4-6123 oi your Brok,,, Mel • Mak. Collaten.l Loana hMl • dbl• . .-ar111• ar, #OfM LOG lnYUtmt.nl for retired. coupl• c t "••· Beauty ' 2 Stor'es Plus 5 Apts. of th• ftaturo that mue tllb BALBOA ,us .. B . -room for addJ.Uouat lno0u1e 01 a M ... IFOR --......... -R I,, rt c ·-···· ···m•. 8"""'~ .. ow---.. ._.. ... ouw•ou•. will i&nlt. Ownu wuat1 a cuon. Jtl,950. I bedtooma. Larr• dln· 7 Id ' b t&k" · n-o-.•-e. oya MO gage o . ~ ~....... • .. _.. ........ .............. M 1 ........ • ~.... #7123) , •A-kltCM $ 200 yearly income, cou mcreaae Y 1ng Newport Ret1hl4. , rnodera, _1.. 121,IMI with o:celleat t~ CC!Mlder \n.4•. can't b9 r•· l u .. _ ..... ....,.. . 1111' rocnn. • ep .... ..,. n. -pl..taho ..... _,_........ .....,_ 2I02 Newport BJvtt.,• N.,.." Bch. 1,. 000 8.... ln AttractlYe ll...tn1 room. Walled _ aummer relitala. , WIU consider nice home up lo ....... ~ --,, _.,......._.. ~..... placed for • · · ''"1 H•rbor 20'2 catl ' phone ,ln. f'\if'ft&C9, nr.pJace, Harbor I 54f9 New,eort-Mesa Realty your ~ or trade ottere to ... .,. 1" pnten. 111 or an a p-$17,000 in exchange. Full price $:>5.000 Oouble pn,r•· Aiaua.1:11• from I . 2• hr. phone Mrv;c• 11ee .Newport Bl'ld .. au.ta M.... ua. w, hav• the ke7. 1·nk J•mes poll'ltmecat to "'· ,..._•10th ••tU ...._ '""' '"'' w .. ...,, ltvu. LI 1-7237 BALBOA BAY u u Boy & Beech Reolty Inc c .... ,. u ,_.,, uoo1 ----------& ·1nwood V'1ck R£ALToRS .Pff month. LIMrt1 W).U. 58--M.oaey Waated J &., carpl 110.MIO, S2~ dn. T ES --ip3 2 Br. + xtru 112,900, 14000 dn. PROPER I REALTORS 3112 Wayett.e, H•rbor 3643 4 Br., 2 bath $1~.MO. U ,000 dn. lllO& W . Balboa Blvd. Har. 1111 112 M•r1ne .A.Vt!., Be.Ibo& le\and Eve•. Harbor 2"9 NICELY i"UftNllllED -Near My 6 OCUA. .J: bdrm, i.ou.-. Automauc,waatwr 1ar. Patio .a: yard. ChlWru ,,k, 112& mo. Wau-r paid. May 11 to Oct. 15. Write 8-l~JI, thla pt.per. lp3 NEED AT ONCE~. J>41 Y S&0 a mo. Incl. •~ oft J bttdrm. •l~u home, l 0 yre. old, N'pt. BMcb. nuw In HCMIW. 2 Br., cl08e In J l5,000 Ju.t tu lh• rieht ot Udu Brldl" NICE 2 •bedrn:i. untu.""'"• hOUH. .,Oora' cov•nd. nn~ yard SlOO mo. Call art.r • p. m. LI 1--1221 acs TWO BONI. bouM compleC..ly tlltn. i.e.. vu:\oeed y1rd. Nq.r Udo 'BhopplnJ: Center. llO mo. Bu. 1221. Sc'6 COM~T l'\IRN. att.rac· u ... ·2 bedrm. home ln Coro"* de.l Mar, OM. car pra.(t. Mau· "lltull1 landK&ped. T • a r I y ...... Bar. 111'4. s~ REX RECHB, Realtor 2304 W. Ocean rront, Newport Harbor &IM. '9t!c WILL PAY caah tor 3 bdrm home Cllff Haven or COl'one dcl ),fu. Write P . O. Bok S03 Blllboa llla.nd. 3cl WANT from 'OWl\e.r 2 unlU. 1 with J br-.. Balboa laland State k>wut eccept.able <'•eh price. Writ/ M. Pl:ARSON- 5124 Crq1.9hew Blvd., P. 0 . Bu 41361, Loe Anl•lea. ea1ir. · t9ttc a ar. tum: 11&.000 14.000 ctn. J Br .. 2 bttha 120.000, Sl,000 du. 2 Br., 2 bethe l2t,l}()(l, fl,000 dn. SP.RING SALE! 2 Br .• 2 be.tu $27.&00. •10,000 dn. At last Winters Prices J Br., "Hom• Beeutlful $27,l'JOO 2 Br., dtn 131.MIO, $10,000 dn. 2 Br., new. lt2 • .000. 110,000 dn. I/ 1·2·3·•·&·1-all In C. )(, ( # 5 i. be.utlfuUy furn.) II 1..a..11 are fine homu ln New· port Heilht.& ft 9 Sh•~.C. home In C. D. M.. t 10 Newt elll:panai.ve •oce&n vi-• I.II In La~• Beach. L. )lA.MMOND BA YFRONTS -Delbo& l1land • I tMdrm. 4 dtft. pier • float. $.fT,&00. YOU'LL LOVll to eall · ho1ne to • th le (;:it. • 2 BEDRM. home .a: 2 br. apt .. ..,, ... FRESHL y pain led Wllh •prlnr colorw. 1~ !:.. 17.U'I St., C.M. U 1·&63S SBORECLIFYS 3c5 • 2 BR. Ii DEN 1u•ur7 home. -----------·~. '"'·*· FIRST OFFERING BEAUTIFUU.Y pl•nted, now•ra Lot 75 lll 117 rt .. fencM. Newport ln bloom. TWO ·BDRM. unturn. houH •t ------------1 KU .. 2 8.R ... den, tr e. llv. rm.\ CORONA HlGKLANDS N T Plumer St. ••cepUonally ~lacome Pl'o~rty tull din. rm .. bree.ktut nook, • OPEN HOUSE Sa turday 6 rue.a.. Hdwd. noore Yented __ oak nrs. Lot• or tll•. Excell Bundly. MJ9 De An.u.. f'urftit:e -iieal. !ke ttn.aat ,,•,r 8U8JJ'(ESS 6. INCOME property, ffltd. 2 w.r IJU'. wlt.h_ laund.O~ I-BR. It DEN, $31,$00. cab LI M915. F . P. 117.&00 Low dn. G. W.. WATERFRONT . • DUPLEX, 2 br. ea., i'urn~ good rt;nlal area, pier • tlo.t $27 .500 • ~"'ONVERTJBLE duple•, 3 br., Z bath, be.lluUfully rum .. dble. flU'. • ........................... ,_ ... $29,600 1 'BR.. 1 ~i bath, fireplace,. t\lm., ulder .................. ~ ........... : .. 126,000 3HORJDCL11'F8 -2 br., den, b •au t y, Ellub~ duicn . oeean vlw ___ ,, ___ .. -... -U2.&00 CORSNA HIGHLANDS -3 br., d•n, 2 f1repla.ct1, panoramic view-Sell or lr•de -Good terme ........... , __ ,. ... _ ...... -14:),000 LI.00-3 br .. 2 bath. loll of win· doW•, te,rr1t1c patio ........ ltl.&00 BACK BAY-3 br., 2 beth, tM!aU· Ut\ll 7ant ~ pat.lo .... $21,9$0 Claire Van Horn ~---·------ REAL , VALUES INCOME Four unit• on well localed e11t 1lde corner trio• 18& one 1hurt block from Newport Blvd would be ldul loc•llon for mOre \n<:0111e o'r medical ten· ttr. Let UI S HOW "YOU THIS TODAY. ONE ACRE ESTATE Thia J1 one of th• flnut homu In Coat& Meaa. Two muter bdr's., Ule klt~h•n and pulm•n belh. Well lo wall carpellnii: throucti out. Larr• breakf~1t nook 1nd loYe.ly d1nln,-room. Thi• 11 truly a re.el femlty home. 4._K.oom. fur Keat llt.b • Placentia. B7 owntr-LATHROP, 313:) E. c.t. Hwy. M•r'1ners Isle Rlty U l·&TM alter 6 p.m. ur week· COM. H..-. M-42 MIO eYU.. u • REALTOR ends. • 7ouc k t 311 Marble A11e .. Balboa laland 2711 W . Cout Hwy. U l ·.fJ77 A i.o h•• nl~ (UUl houff with tile kllcht'n and beth. Yard 11 beautifully l1ndec1ped many-nee 1'0-.; •nd ft'Utt tree•. Complet e ly fenced Double s:•r•ge, and work ehop. Don't mlu 1.einl" thl•. Beil eut 1\de local/Ion. Priced to aell tor unly J2t,9$0, t•rm•. J\OOM tor man. prtY&l• en· t1'&ftce. Near oc••n. cana.1 • Cout H.lfhW•1· Har. MTl-W "" ' LIDO OFFICE SPACE HOW UAJllNG utflte 1~ tn Ultn·mod•m EUerbroek deeip.. ed Udo bull4ln1"· No tlner bUU4- ln1". no liner. a.1drNI. LIDO REALTY, Auocla .... StOO Vla. Udo-Harbor U44 U• FOR R.E,NT--2 rm. otttce, new1.7 deconted, plant7 of par1Wl1 epece. 124 BrOf.dway, Co 1 t • Mel&. !cf. • Ground Floor • ·OFFICES OR STORES For Lease in - Ha.rbor Investment Co. Bldg . 30tb I< Newport Blvd. H,u. 1600 60A-·Commerclal. lncJmt.Tlal B/ B • Co m.mericol-1 nd u drio I DEPARTMENT Subdiviaion Acreage J3000 PER ACRZ--80 ac:rt par· eel m planned dSYe.loprnent ot 3000 new bum•, ecboola. ctU&rdl-. Mope. .tc. l)eyeloper wW opt.Jon ~ al 14000 pu •CT?. Sony, but no l•l•phone Information.. Buaineu Corner JN CENTER OF COIT A 14%5.A. 100.-,{o locaUon. IM.flOO. 21~ down. Owber •Ill carry bal. ------------Har. •7111. FIRST TD<E OFFERED, one of C.Q.M:e flnt'•l duplu:4'ti. Two bdrme., flnplace. pallu In n.ch. Wool carpet.. drepes. 1arb&&'e dlepoaal • •lldlnl 11.ua door lo lar1e petlo. OPICN HOUSE SA.T ... SUN. '61 PolnHlll•. Corona del M.ar or call for appl. Har. 26'2·J. kl CIRCLE THIS Corona del Mar OLDER BUT GOOD "ROOMY'' 2 br. hom•. La•· lot. tew door• trom Bil' Corona Beach. HW nre .. firepl .• dln. rm., dble. 1ar. Plu. t lx25. work •hup. · A GOOD IJUY et $21,500, only l6000 down. 2 BR. FURN. HOUSI:, rear of \•Ye.I R·2 )Ql Amp'41 room to build In tronL A l"ood Yelue at 110,NO. Onl7 121~ Oown .. 1oW mcmtbly pym~ Cloe• to lhoppln1. I'RADE FOR HARBOR AREA. motel .a: trailer perl:' tM!twun Buumont .a: U.nnlq. Hwy 99. 160 fl. !rontafe, $22,500 or •ell. $12,M>O-low down peyment A read what lhl.ll a ttractive home on beauutul % &er• hu to offer -An ltnce.d. Spaclau1 • lmmeculat• 2 e. R. plua famLl7 dLnlnl' ur den. t.r l'• kitcMn Thermo controlled htat. Hwd fl". A lovely COY· ered paUu with BBQ. A.II located In lhle feet 1TOWlnf area. Beck U.y. Ownere moved ewey. Zonl':d fur a poll)' Ut" a H&rbor Blvd. chick. Jmmaculate thru-out. JOH~ E. SAOLEIR SECONDARY C·2 w , 100'k113' Fine carpel.a ... emert Uvlnl REALTOR .. JNSURANCS: "'T room dr•-•· ALL 00 l ! IV ., \V ERHARDT A -·lo"• $1500 J"u)J price. ldee.I for .. ~ A 1~ . , ,.....,.. ~· REALTOR.S,.KI 5·3112 2c• 1333 • C • H H 2422 hUltneea dMiri"I' blvd. lntlU· ""· oa•~ wy. •r. · ence wltllout U\e nffd tOl' U · 1 ------------1 3cli ~ifl front.al'•· * BALBOA COVES t -2 bed.rm. •. . ....... 136.000 J-3 bedr1r1 .. 1" bl.LA _,Q7 .500 J-1 bfldrm., 2 beth ...... ~13t.:KIO Good IA!rnia on all ur above. LIDO ISLE B. A. NERESON REALTOR 1912 Newport Blvd .. Cu1t«. Meta Llb<erty &-1172 Evee l.J 8·41.20 Liberty a.lJ Ubert7 8·3727 COSTA MESA $900 Down 3 8DR.ll8 .. CION la Complelel)' t-2 bedrm-. l 'i'i 1-S bed rm .. 1 % "ama1l down. b•lh -.. 122.&00 1·11-decorated comer lot, 7 yra. beth .. _$30,MIO o.ld. N•r ••r•lt R•• .lwllor J-3 bed.rm.., 1,,. luxe -,-· bath very de· .. • ..... :KIO --- OCEAN FRONT LOVELY duplex the very nicll!llt and M1t luce uon only 17600 doWn. Beller '"' thl1 tudey. Ll•tlnlf• Wanted Member Multiple U.Un1 HOMER SHAFER, REALTOR HMI McFadden Pl., 1ll Npt. pier Phcine Ha. ltO •ny Umt . Hilh School ~ Bdi'm1. z BATHS only . monlhll old. F .p. onlv $12,760, 12156 dn. $7i.OO per. month. Owntr may accept lue down, -and 1ubmlt. Nearly New 3 BDRMS., SOME OCEAN V'ew. Full price only 11360. r H A loan a t ""'!. lnte1·e.t wllh peyme.nLI only ff• 00 ~r mo. tncludlnl' ta•ee and lnel1ranc1 $495 ,Down (8) NEW 3 and f. bedrm. bomu under cnn•trucUun, evallable about July lA. ~eaerv• POW NEWPORT HEIGHTS 3 BEDROOMS, 2 baths -Panora.mic view from upper story. $14,750. Will take lot u part payment. OPEN SUNDAY 305 La Jolla Drive tWest end of Cliff Dr.) JACK BRENNAN. REAL TY "AT THE ARCHES" 3320 W. Coast Hwy. LI 8-7773 CORONA D~L MAR J11Sl liated & 42x118 R-2 level lot. south ot hwy. ' beat location, priced to sell at $10,500 DUPLEX Ocf!an vi~ from owners apt. with added bath & rooma below, front house low leased, an excel· lent in\'estment for a semi-retired couple. FIXER -UPPER Sm.&Jl.]lQme with lots of poasibilities, some ocean view. Here's a place you can rolf up your alee~e1 and earn while you toil. Only $16,500 tenrui RAY REALTY COMPANY 3444 E. Coast Rwy: Corona dC'I Mar Har. 2288 (across from Bank i~ C. D. ~t.) MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTING SER VICE VOGEL VALUES BALBOA ISLAND Your ~ Br. Home ... We have two •ltractively furnished 2 B. R. homes. One wil~ certainly 1teal your heart away and please your pocketbook, u well &a the whole family, Your choice of location. Price.. Furnished -$19,850 & $20,000 Fixer· Upper 3 BR. home near Marine Avenue & South Bay· front. Here is a Tor location where every dollar spent will pay big dividends. Terms and fur- nished price at $22,500 spells opportunity for &01Peone. THE VOGEL co. Realtors 208 Marine Ave. Har. 4t4 or 1015 (Next door to Postoffice) FOR IU!NT, NEW ofllce ll x J4. Udu lbopplnr ...ania. ITO per mo. on yrL leua. U.y • Be6c.b ftfflt.7, 1112 L&fayetl.4t. Harbor ma. Mlle Bey & Beech Realty Inc REALTORS Shake Roof .. You c•n't hardly l"et 'em no mure." and lll!l('Ct yow: .lnterior col· 1-~.---------------------­ 1175 Harbor Boulevard Coela. MeM, Calltutala 3 BEDROOM I " bo<h hom• OPEN HOUSE Balboa ura. 2 bathl. l•rf• lot•. CHOICE BACK BAY ·VIEW NICll MOO&RN at.ort1 room or otnce at tlU Pl&cenUa . lnquh1 at prvpart7 attar a p. m. "~ ..,... ~ a.nf time lat. .a: Bun. °" caD LI M7M after !:Ju ot Wfthad&. 57U In nlce1t location on Tustin l·& 'seturd.,-It 8Ullda1 n • Ave. FA heat. flreplece, Hwd. SUI M.ARGtJERIT£. CD)(, 3 br., i-1~'' ... .....___.,..,a.-."'""'+' o«tr nn .. 111u1n111nn1.....tr.~ R. W. Goo.Mn i. lllnd.u,ped. Submit 12000 dn. dl•poMI, firepl., IS•· window•. ''C'' F'Ulnilhed duplex ell on one noor . ..,...,..,.,lll.,...,,.,.,., ,...,.~k f-c:t-:lo1i'es Realtor to Bay 1Jf.,600 WI.lb low down llKKI Harbor Blv~ .. Colt.a MeM See the bay a.nd· hill" !rbm this custom built, ranch 11tyle home in restricted development. 2 large Bdrm.a., 2 bJlths, 2 fireplaces. Perfection lhruout -from the. spacioua formal living room to the wa.nn, black walnut pa.neled family room with ill maaaiye stone fireplace. That built in De.1 or ru.-iat pbori• LI 1·1T1f. ~ _ 2 car r-•r•re with l•undry. i..ol paym•nt. Llbert1 11-SS33 FOR LEASE C-2 Zonin 9 .Lot Newport-Me1a Realty an fenced. 111,IKIO. An excl lot oft channtl road. Bal· 1------------I C08TA M ... ttulinelll and bume . on Newport m...d. nel.r ttt.h . .f mi. ott~. I room Imme bome. 1ArJe cornet '°t. Parkin.I. Ideal f!H' Dr., LaW)'er, •I• or1 .. etc. Newlf chcoratAd. H&r, 01&1. ,,, --o,poittJu .. NuxBER ONE A -11 toc:ated blvd. care. &eat.a ovv ,0, p1~nt1 ot .parkin1, SoOd leUI, moaey maker. Ea.11 ....... NUKBER 'FWO H~1 Bbop, well ..Ubllahed. thOt1 bour9. 1eod el.l'Nl\I•. NUllllER THREE 90 by '°6 ft. Plue drl~eW•Y. bll- \w.-i, Harbor BlYd. .a: Charle Bl. Ll l ·M72. lie! August Income Every Month • OWMr nUr1nJ, wUI tna<k man· &lft' ·operated clu.r tncom• proper,t.y -well end ot Loa AJlft.lU with o•er 110,000 per )'e&r bloom• and low vi:pm.._ Am IAt.er.l.ed ln ~ Ba)'ftonl bob or duplex. 1n Ed,.water AV.. uu prtre:rr«I. or ! OWND Webster 4-6"1 or write J107 S. CochrJa AW .. Loe A..Dpl .. 1•. • J~ii Newport BfYd., Colla M""'' LI 11·0508 EVee.. U l ·i237 TRADE 4 BDRM., 2 ~th home In top condition U.ltto. Bayahore.1, le upen tM!•m llvlnc room, f\rep\ .• Ir~. modern. kitchen, dlnlnl rm., dbl•. ltr.11. l•rc" encl. .... 103 SEAWARD RD., CORONA HIGHft.AJ''D8. A very be•UU · rut vtew home with S br .. 2 belh1, WW carpet over oak noo". l"arb•C• 4l•JIOlal. Only 1211,lKIO. G. H. LATHROP, S63& E. Coaet Hwy., Har. &•t2 518() I Vtl. Jh patio, fenced. Accu1 to pr1· I -~--~--------­ vaLI bu.ch. V•lu• l 2i,:'.06-- Ftrm icltarl WU! 11Cll ur tr1de up tor Bly Front home or pouibly 1ncon1t. Contect own .. r, Uberty 1·8203. 2c• LIDO LOT 60 fl. Oii LIDO M>UD AUIO I R·J kite tn Coela Mna near ebopplni center. By own- er. Har. 0111 ur Har. 3lot. lclt Look what we found Oce.1n v!tw, l•OOO down. 31~ ea·lllln•. OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. 3 bednne, 1 114 beth•, h•rd· wood noora, 1600 eq. ft. 3 y eare old. I..ovel7 1>9tlo and double Pl'"al"•· Owner leaYl nl" area. 122.500 tull price. "ART" ADAIR, RJtr. boe Penlne\ll~ Only $1.2:,000. 2 Ocean Front loll on E . Balboa Blvd. J lO,&OCI •adl. Coast Properties Rulb Jl)'Hd, k eaitor M.lldred Rln• • .Sylvia Thomp.tan, Alaoclalel 301 E . 8ill0oA 8111.J .. Balbol Phone K• r. 14Cil or Har. •too u BALBOA ISLAND $6000 DOWN for 2 bdnn. home near S.7 and ahopplnf . WELL LOCA •En J bdrm. home rented for JW.y • Aua\at AND 1 bdrm. ap't... rperved for buy. t r, nesr Bay $32,500. DELIGHTFUL baytroot 3 brrn.1 .. OPEN HOUSF Sat., l~ p. m. 1430 Dolphin Terrace (Irvine Terrace) BEAUTIFU t CONTEMPORARY Driftwood rock tlrepl•ce., 3 8 . R., dream kitchen will thrill the ladies. Full price $27 ,500 Only $8,000 down. R. L. · STRICKLER, Realtor R. B. HODGE, A.uoclate 3622 E. Coe.al Hwy .. Corona de! Mar. Hu.27H l S M(ha, Jl'rl('ldalre wall 1 --------~--------------­renge, WW cerpe\.JI, dnipe1, TV den, automatic wuhtr. Dl•tlncUvc.l,y Cuntempora.ry! EJi:cllin1ly Diffen.'nl! Price J27.600 -~ (town. He.r. 177:) Eve., Edith Maroon, , HY•U •-ti222 Eve• John J.!•cn•b Harbor 53)9 W.ILL TRADE Oceanside Income Ocee.n Front-1 mi. So. of Pier. !S completely turnilbed apt.I. ExceUeot condition. 2 to 8 years old on 60 ft. landac&ped lot. Klwaya rent- ed. Thia ia • wonderful ifivestment It home. Recent widow, Will take aml home in Harbor area for part QI' itell al $38,500 with low-Low ,..t ahop. "'°"""' ,,.._, kM•I for coupl.. nau prtte 1390. ____ •_n_ooolld __ ,_ .. _____ 1_"'_ APPROXIMATELY IWI ACRES, ferlll• !a rm properly, Co.ta Mt.a. 14000 u acr.. Now un· dtr cultlYatioii. Writ• Box G- 21 care of t hla J>411>9r for dll!IM'riptlur'll 99e& H!H Newport BIYd., Co.It.a. Men u l-2792 J bath.I with charming 2 br. home. S.1>9rate. J>41Uoe. You w\11 Jove thla lo Uve ln or It can be excellent lneomfl. Earl W. Stanley REALTOR down ot $8,000. For deta.lla ~U ADA CROW, .Mk fM 1'.UN B&NJrfER. £¥9 fle.r, 1111 BALBOk BAY PROPERTIES wru. Tt'Mlt •o tL O.Mft Crul.ller. holne ...00.t. tor mulUple \In.It property. LI 1-1131. CA.LL • &V&NlNG.a. lc2 J&0G W. B&Jboe Blv4. Ku. OIM WA.1"' TO UCHAlfGI: U T,900 f'Cl.Ully tn Gl~dal• bualnMI p1-operty for home or •ma ll unlu With ba.dl fl'Qnla.I•· . _,, · -rv•ftOVlll. BUT, MODmlUflZ&. OR Ul'lNANCll w:irn "FREl>ICIUCK. nt..--r cit 1-124._ u 2-t1t1 2n N. ................. ~·• .. ., ............. . "'' w ........... - JfllWPOftT BALBOA !IA vn<oa 62"'!;:::!!R!!Nl!!_!F.o~la!;!'!'----• LOAN .U&OCJATIO?f ~ .... Vi& Udo ... Hu.""" BY OWNER Uo LOANS for Homes ATl"RAl."'n'Vltr: duple.a, 11e•r Lldo .mip.. F'\lmlatted. U•.000. ShOW'a .xclllat return, U l-1~7. 911tfc I~ -to 7r. t..n.n.. • BY OWNER Construction l:.oans 1 U1'1rrtl .. M..,..... ,..,,,,; ID 808 &A.'!'1'1.ZI\ on f'laJJ a cr., 2 ,.-."' GM. l.n· U'lD &ABT OOAlrT BLtD. come IJMO. l:J:~tnt ~- Oorofta del Mar Kl.1bor J.18.1 lion , WW'llfd for 3 ai.kftUonel ftep. POlRllUl )10 1\10.AG&r; CU. U11lt .. ,...,. talc• part lnde - M.UV ut• la&. ~ K.l 1-llN 0.)'11 Har, .MtL Ll 1--UTO tlUc alter I p.m. NUc . 2128 E. Oceon Front 2 !ITOR Y HOUSE on llirboa. Pentn1ula., • br., 3 l>Alh, patio, 2 cer 1•r .. pin• pa.n•llnr down· .tlalr._ ettt•c llvtly f\lrn. th1't1· Ol•t . Prtc• $4.7,500. NELDA GIBSON REALTOR 308 Marlr.e A"" Belboa blend, Phone Ha.r M2 220 Marine. AVL, Balboa. Lllarnl "' ~ PLUS ACRES. Belt U.ck Be.7 location. "'"' tentallv1 ma p. Shuw• 27 Lara• hume. 11t....- Co"•lder pa.11ner. •ctlve. or not, with BEN J. WHITMAN & Associates 354.2 E. Cout H'wy., CDM.-Har. 1832, Har. ffll3 Evee CURT DOSH, Rltr. 3 I 5 Morino Ave. o~· tur llllpectiO'n 1 to 4 SAT. 6. l'JN, .--to participate In de\ltlof'IJ"'ll •1 -----------~------------ Balboa Island Morbor looO MUST SEE buil\llnl honlt&, • .,. - "" urnw..<LD111.vs. cou."" -ORAlllGLCOASLi--:-=-:c-'L"!'ID,,._0~7B.<..:A,__,_Y_,_F-'-'R-"'O'-'-N-'--'T'---"L"'O""T~'~=--~0UIS W.-BRIGGS REALTOR • 714. E . Balboa BIY'1., BAiboa M£s•. ' "'"m, .... ,. 4'-'°" PROPERTIES ,:;of~ Udo Soud ··········-··-----··-----536,000'. Ubl. 1ar .. n•w dt.trict near JOU •oo n. Ud So d UI\ 000 coUJ"M. t...rs• ltvlng rn1., 1a.r1e 1~7 Newpor\-Dl"Y\1,. Cueta Meaa O u ···-· • __.._,, 3c kitchen It dinette co1nb. Altic U 8·1632 J!:vM, U a.Jf.00 ' (~ ft. Via Mentone -·-_ $1G,ool I ------------I lnaulAUun, hdwd. nnr•. rear ... •~< •~w" •·~""" °" ''"' '"'""· 1.u,. duw•. ,.M Avocado Grove: NEWPORT HEIGHTS T\11Un Av•. near 01·anr-t. SITE FOR LARGE F ACTORY. appt . .,..rite !IOO·ll•t or ull Har. • 1 o,-=: -=:11: v· pot .. ntll.I b~lneu, ope.n for 5 •rft nnr Hellpot Good lo-2Wil. t)ce Top product~ In troatfr,.. Are&. .u;.u X "" teW ·--.......... _._ $5500 trtid•. eatk>n A priced lu Stll, I Ui,000 -sirlnkhr .-Y•lem ' and view 6.'§ X 92 HOLM'woocl Dr .... _.__ .. ·---..S:T500 , Harbor 80 Acres: Dnn A. Ja.cob!>f'l'I. Rt•l F.lltatt' ilnv.-n. • NEWPORT Dll:ACH-CLOSE TO Mom. .. hi. M X 14.2 Ba}• And C>cean 'riew .......... ·---. ..$9500 Harbnr Miii ' ORANGE COAST HIGH !K!liOOt . -M1..i.-n1 2 P11.n A Js«ob~n. Rf.II Eoitat.f! u l-1317·K1 2·2117·H)'att •·!18H i,.1.rm. • den ttoll'le. 11111nr rm. Herbur r.89) ./ COSTA MESA EAST SIDE • PROPERTIES with dlalnf erea. fl•1•ton• U 1-'317·Kl 2·2117·Hratt •·MM 3 Jo•·-.,,.. l~ ta.ch •<t'llU\ b OCEAN''VJE"' LOT f<-"lo<o • p~tur• "''\ndow ... OO X --·····-···--···"-~ eaA: ~ tl:i7 Ntwport Bh·d~ Coeta MHfi • ~,. ''" FOR •"' • BY OWN-1 ... :ORONA HlOHLANDB -l•rr•. u 1·1132 g,.e:e, u l ·ltOO overlooldftC paUo Ceramic tUe .,.._, ~ • level. R·2, f2 ft fronlaite~ -in bath.. kilt'"°" A ~rvw,. rm roon1 h(lme, J '6 baltu, land· prkffi for qultk 11tll' unly MOU~"TAIN RAN }I lot· SAL>: n Lii:. 11111,1w.cr~hr1 , • J11rht'd :! ••'<Ill~ "'-fl'rtt'f'<I t-~UA 101.n. Ul'60 R I .. 8THll..'iit...£R, vr TRADE ~O ~•JI. :l hou"•· car 1¥ A .. ""' port. Lare •' ~~ .. ~~· are.t1 C.ll .MIS ! C.l. Hw7, C. D. N . 1wlmmtn1 pool " dem. 1.Jbt'rt7 te11Ced y1rd. L1 1·1491. l ei• I 1 moi~• OC' Ha.rbpr2774.. 1--3171. 2c• &n.•r 6 p.rn. ; llll• THE VOGEL CO . LIDO OFFICE 3416 \'la Lido . .Npl. iich. liar."4971 or Ha.r. 4.972 Eves Ll 8-3040 -Har. :>14.2 . ' I • , ' I . l ) ~ I - - . ' . - -----•• ' . -·. ~-....-..-~--, •· =-....... 7. BILL'S .BEST BUYS '. · • i). INIAlURE lANCH ' , , Wltll Sood two bedroom A don 1MDL Budwood'" noo""~ OOiiblo pr. I liii.eo,.iiit· · nooo-...,_ · I • 1500 DOWN TbNO Bd. !\ma., 1~ ll&tbl, Cuptt9cL L. R. ... h..U.. Partly r-. ,..., J-hJ ..-p-1, ~ improved street and OA Kw.._ Lw tha:a 1 1"· ~Id. Pr1coc1 at $UiOOO. Bal. oaly Jft - XCLUSIVE DEVELOPMENT Your choi<e tllNO or four ---1Qlder coi,.truction. Nw cUrbeil and J*ftd etroota.· eewerw 6 lldewo!J<a. ~--and plelt Y""l""" color. Th ... can't· Jut at oaly 10", ,,....._ Priced at $11,.:IO and $12,4!!0 ACK BAY SPECIALS Your ~ate. of 2, lovitly, nearly new, three Bel. Rm. hom.. witll family rooms. Nt.. - lovely nelshborw and a pleutns Yiew of. Jl'W&n • rolllllr hlJla. Ono of th-abou1d a.newer your problema. Prlcocl at $28,950 -"-with only seooo down. W. A TOBIAS, Realtor '")'ou'U like our friendly ..-rioe" too Ill. 17111 St., Clo.ta K,.. Llllorty 1-11118 Best Buys! · Cllff Haven V1tw of -.a. Ju.rbw ... lal&nda. I ~ .eh WIUI MUl. i.rr. dm wt~ ttnpl&ce. o.tonl lluth; 'home. tH,IOO. •oeU.t tenu, Lido Isle SXclllll.T• Udo ~l. . ...__. ..... cwm1 .. "°""· ..,.. poUo 1 'Md,._. .. d• PMl'A1Up J MU.· • Of lldo'1 tlM.ll bomu fllt,IOO-----Dcc.•i.nt lU'MI ou .............. Pt.IOO. KILLION, real estate WAYNE ll. "LEri'Y" MURDOCK 83il Newport Blvd. BERT PEGRAM Harbor i5llOG NEWPORT HEIGHTS 2 bdrm. l hath W (W carpetlnr A nicely drwpod with flnplace. Doubla car rani• plul Otnrla ran.c• attached to houae whicb could "'9 con· verted to den. . Pricld to Hll. Shorecliff: • bedroom& a batlla on • tarr• lot wltll w /W carpet.Inf, drwpeo .. all fehced. Priced -coat. 3 BEDROOM, l % hatll on etnot' to alrMt lot. Pvmanent ocean vitw and nicely l&ndKaped. Mutt -,to appNC!ate. 4211 Cabrillo Terraea. W. E. FISHER & Assoc!iates ao:u E. Cout Hwy .. Corona del Kar. HAll. llOa2 Evff. Rar :u20-W Home PLUS Income Wall dMl(Md 2 bodrm. and don II°'"' wltll 1'14 ll&tU, wllla tu._,, privau patio, PWS 2 other unit. of 2 ·beclrma. each, oadl wllh tllolr-own private patio and oach rwnted at PlO per montll unfw'lllahed. fntome more than enourh to carry montlily pa)'ll10llto, tana. etc. SllAly a WON· DERJ'UL ln-ent · In the future. llllilt-ln appllan-and carpeto lhcluded. J'u1l pn.o, $99,500 GENE VREELAND BILL KEMPTON VIRGINIA MANSON JOSEPH H. GROHKAN Lido Realty Associates I •;: ' • • .... """"' ... -... • • ............. u .. • • • I _.. _..... .. ..._ ""'-. llllllil ... w.,.. ............ ; .. ... .--..;-.................. __ !"_ .. .. ,.. ....... Ullf ................... ~dat,._..,..,... ... ,.. ... -.i.-- ' ON UDO ISLE ~ It Ill lo .. , I~ --••• 'gq « lilt. .,... rr a •u.a ""'-' &t ,.,.. 'ALSO ON UDO ISLE · ...W ' ....... ·-· ~ ..... ut. -ii. Md-· ... ._ wttll M Mth attached to I Ml: pqp. Nm7 ....... ua.-_-- S.even lsl~rids Re.alty • IALIO.t: PENINSUI>: ' ~ORONA DEL MAR -. ~ OPEN '~ ... ..... 1 lo • kt. • IW&. I BNNht,'d.n ..... •of UtU. OOf9llf. ~ .. ..uca.:_aoo..;. •• WW ~,£.4f ft. -.1.lbMt. • Priced tor trMI °'i eaJ. a\ .,. ___ . NEWPORT BEACH TOOi ..... Qrl ... OPSN J[OUSll 1 t.o • a..i. .. aua. WW tlM'p flw oontortabtT • 0•• ... \JMCllt\f'arbtlloY. ~~ilmt ­ Ta tt. to lit. "-di. Priced: • "' ....... OCEAN FRONT N02 ~·Orin OPEN HOUSE: 1 lo I ,.t. A IUA. 4 Btdrooma. I b&thl, I Y"" Old. conip-.t.117 ~ . Und..,,noM at Ut,&0& • & ·lnveftrnent Co. 001 • 32Dd It., .N.wport BMch -Harbor i!M8 -after 5 :00 p. m. Harbor 5M7 in lndustritil TERRIFIC BUYS BALBOA ' ISLAND I rmn ~ w-. ta u.. ct1?fNnrfO 2 Bil. home~ price Includes ttove, retrl(. :~ ~=--~ :"rr:: CU"J*' 6 drapes. Y, blk. to ·beach. ~ dn. $18,ooO •rt1 eor.Jr141w.J llriladEtopped -2 ..., ·~~• N N Ba • .;, ~ WW MU -... 4 ~ ...,.. Urn.t •~1.1ve. ear o. y -.-..""""' ln••Un.it lla4 WUI ~ • BR 1n ..-aau .. J'Ub prt• Wftb i... ,, ., Ntar So. Bay -$22,500 ONLY 80. BAY Front, 5 BR., f ha., Fumiahed _..:.$100,000 ......... • Anl)ouncing! I • ''The Pacific'' •K~~• Saturday -Sunday lto:Sp.m. Located on t.rrrLll ISLA.ND. A runic and Ul&bla s BR., 3 Harbor Island Road IN FULLERTON bath, la• Hlect dlltricL ·····--$38,000 a 1 ...,...,. IN TD ._._ l.OQl.TlOM .U Tft TropleaJ unit& ---$34,11:5() a I bath> JCJVBDL'l'..c:LAJlK. N.uw.I e 8h&U root c.-~. ~ • __.., BAT FRONT, LIDO IBLE. Beautiful home, pier A •. • RaiMd flapt.on• tlrepl&u aaP"'.._. • B/B . A Mejsege To People who Want a ttl&l home with a ww .... .W- vlew and a largo. 10Chlded patio tor l>aPP7 PGt. door Uvillg. Two outatandlnr cllaft,etorfollo let thle' houee apart from Ille ·-n lon't a &mcY bouae -tbere &N no ~pppo. roomal demandJnr "pdpt" tarn1tuN. ·It ~ • fine, older home with handeornlb' Meant.cl fa. teriorw and carpeted· tliroufhout. Then an ' tarp boc1roooi1 and a den, a S2' II~ aa4 a .. pan.to 1U18' dlnlncroom la additlaol'to Ilia •WlllY brealtfut nook-off tho --., kitchen. TIDS famlly'a children arw rrown. YOU will want youn to rrow up In thla -\DO! $45,000. By Appoillbpent only. Olllll Enjoy The Security ot thla •mall but attractive 2 bdrm. home in an established community, on a flne ltreet. amonc friendly nelghbor9, at a price you cq &tford. Only $14,r.iO, Incl carpeta. $55. mo. OPEN SUN. 512 Orchid. Call for --· ' Life With Father will be euier when Ile bu redpced. bJa outdoor chorea to tending thil lniaJl but dellrhttul prdon with ht. own tool room, 110 yov,,..BOTH c&n ·}»Ulr. in the garage. If Y.OU're tired lookinl' i.t lntl&ted prices, ma.ke • date with UI to .,.. thia ~ 2 bdrm. charmer in a tine, "SOuth cl. the Biah- way'' location at $15,950, TerlDil. • . ~ --''' .I. .. r. ; t' • -~ ;:: 1'.rP ~..:;•:: t1o&t _ .............. -....................... -•..... ~ ................... $13lS,OOO : ~~::: :::- HOO=..,. -..... ••• No telephone informaUon pl-. • S..utllUl pan•ll•r BAY & BEACH REAL TY, Inc., Realtors ,.-.,.oW..,.K.., ..._. r-.... • J..us9 t\IJIDY p&Uo '* mo. >'ID..u..at WW. n.t We have buyer. for good lilUnp. • J l'oroed &1r runi.•c-. 1•tbal'• ' 3530 E. Cout Hyy., Coron.a cWl Mu, Ca.lit. men Uwt 10". T..-u an . . cn.po.ai, We.tlnCboUM dlah-. Harbor &Ma ftnt dw. hU pnc. Ml,IOO. l'NI ..timatM, excellent tervice. --- • Bepual• MrVk• room Hu. 1715-Evea Edltll Maroon ' ' John Ma.cnab HYatt f~ Rarbor 53159 Hari>or 2878 , e rta. cabtut tn.tall&UGN • aunt ln .i.ctnc 1t.ove and oven W. STANLEY, Realtor 2211 Karine Ave., Balboa llland • ~ .1.QRJI OWNS!\ llUl'I' DU U.11 prop.1--------------------1 erty lm=o.f1•'•l7 • .&. "°'°"' Mlf acre et fl'OlUMl doel to B&r* • I BITd. ...... u epportualtJ' to f mde a .... ~ PriM. ...... Phil Sullivan .& Geo. T. Evers~n 1161 M..,,..t. ...... ,cc.ta X- 1. Best Buys Corona del Mar SHORJ:CLIJTS, Modern S bedrm home pl111 amall don or of!lce, 2 full hatlla -carpei..t wall lo welj, Cllltom drwpea, ftreplaoe, bullt·la at.ow and .,....,, ""'1-' -patio; nioely lan<lraped. ow-Joa..t.ir ..-.. Pri<ed to ..u at $M~. • n.lilbttully decorated •-Sx,..a•al)' !a...tec1ped • RallricUid a.re& O.veloped By CJ.u.nc. L. Cooper, Inc. Built By John B. a...rk, Quality Bulld•r For pnvte..-ahowlnf to quallfted CUeut.a C&ll Johll Abell HARBOR • • INVESTMENT CO. REALTORS Harttor llOO i:v.Nnp pcm. Ll 1+6118 Selling Real Estate Is Not A Sideline Wifh Us! It im't the euy tuk 10me people mic'ht t.b..lnlr... Experience II r<qulred If a¥lafactlon la to be uaured to both buyer and Miler, Lilt your property ~Y with -of Ille 300 .. Members of the MULTIP~ LISTING SERVICE . r . .I ... .. m Pta. u...,. ..... Jiu ..... ' LI I-IOU 2. SHOIUllCLIJ'1'8. Ooeu Yiew boma for the dla- i ----------1 criminatinc buyer who want. a.ltd can afford the fl-, thla la lTI Ur(e 2 ~ A. den, quality built. 2 ~ dream' kitchen. Beauutul bome imid• and out. all modern fe1.ture1 to 1111.U It complate ill every detail. Shown by ap- polntm&L Priced to MIL EXCLUS~ WITH us. ·c moKAS ·c THOMAS Newport HarbOr Board of Realtbrs. ;_ ~ 8/8 Cliff Haven OPU ROVU Dall:J' fnft lN rr YOU W.AHT TBll J'IN&IT In COMtrueUaa, ffllp, *&Uon ... 'Wt... .. Mll'9 aDdl ... tll.ll ................... ~ Mt Je•e'-1~ ltaUt IUllurJ .._. at Ill) IDNOI lt0£1>. Al ,.,,._ wU1 .._ ,.0a WI lentfte nNe al .... P.utOllAJ((Q VIISW • 1D!11!1ER OF MULTIPLl!l LISTINGS. . . CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. KcCUISTION, Realtor 8"7 E. Cout Hwy. Oorona del Kar Hu. 41 (Office located next door to Newpprt H&rbor Bank, COM) or~ A.MD BAY trcmt11• :r., w. ::.:::.-::: ------------------- pl9le17 ftldeeorat.11. 4 lMldrm., J IJl MUt. llom .. llu.Ot &rl?J.lDd an .-doMd paUe wttlll "wU6M ~ •.• Y-. ,.aia. cu ......... ,.,_ oeMD .... ...., .S.W ud Ible • hdloora ~· wttb lliW!t.U. ....... and ...... Illar -ldteMm., aU. Ute •b. and a kit JOU own, an for Pf,000 .•• W• h••• Ule k.,! Bay I Beach Realty Inc . }ll:ALTOllS 1m llarlior .... .,.. o..ta x-. c.ntonu. LI ~TTlt S.... LI a-116& EXCLUSIVE BEACON BAY Comfortable year round home, 3 bed.rm.I. &: 2 ~'2 batha. Luge ytrd, double rarar• plu. attractive rueet apartment. $38,5\)0 (OOd terna. • e e LITTLE ISLAND l EXCLUSIVE LlSTING) * Corona * 401 N. Newport Blvd .. Newport s-h ~ ~ del Mar BALBOA ISLAND TOP llVT ln s bdrm. • tamlly YES~ ! It t. worth your while to inapect th1I ...,.a .. :;Lac~a:'aub~~ pa.u!. r:!~ ling two bedroom guage apartment with room waaber '• dnape• lndudld-In front ot lot to build ju.t the home you have A ~ bom• In • chOite been dreaming about. Top location. ---........ $5000 DOWN -GOOD BEACH HOKE -2·bdnu. Lido Nord Lovtly. J bdrm. home on &O ft . Udo Nord corner Jol, 18 x 24 uv. room. lot.a or charm , - •• Ml.600. Bayshores . 2-<ar pragoe, near Bay. $19,000. S.. thil llOW'I LOT -full llze. $11.500 ONE or THE LA.ST! BALBOA PENINSULA CHARM. 3 B. R., 2 hatll home. Nr. ileJ'. baW., beach. Lovely paUo and nlcely landlcapod ground.I. $28,000. Te~. • ,, m• •• ., •• • .• ra . . "' • ..... . ... EXCELJ..ENT BAY VJICW - ~ bedroonu, 2 bath.1, tMtwd. floor•, din. room, nrtplat._ BEST BUT TODAY BLANCHE A. GATES, "Realtor :: • 111,500 -Ttrrnt * View Lot Ttrrilie V19W tor only fl0.000. "C" THOMAS MEMBERS OF llULTIPLll: LISTING _M 311 M&rine Ave., Balboa llland. Pb. Rar. 1171 or 1872 . . ...,. LIDO ISLE . ·4,. .... . . I) MOO Via Lido Haitlor - ---------------· ---I ,.,.W nnu<.' ~llU. _ .. MAit-i OFFlf"E :..:: .. ::":;~·~ Enra wide lot near South Bay. S t>¢room•, ' bath., la.rs• llvinl' room and .epvate dining room. Dellcht.ful patio and play room. REALTOR and ASSOCIATES 224 W. Cout HJ way t.1 1·3627 Newport aw.ch ' bedrm., 1 * hath, w1111 so tt. u..mr room. Built-in kitchen, lovely wall to wall CU'plti, draperia, diabwuher, prb. d.llp., wwtllq atripping, 1ndi.rect U,bttnr, 1arp patio, etc. ,, Only 1 yr. old, but better than NEW wiUr. ·tm .. provement.a made by owner. $401000 A a buy. OGEL VALUE * * * * * Boat and Furni1hed Home . with Pier and Float · all for $31,500 Th• -lip • :Ill ft. Chrla In porfact -d. The home la completely furn. Jncl TV and doap- -. J'ull dlnJnr room and 2 lllnS-bdrme. wttll room to add more. lilverythlnf'1 alllp-lllape. Juat move in and 1tart nu1n1 ! ! t . . Y .,_ lttmt ,..., \4 Wk. to Rd. ,,... at. AB tmpron- _ ..... QI ... ~- .... ... eu"7 llaluee. ORAN6E COAST PllOPERTIES TRULY Ille ldU 1 family home. $42,llOO :Exolllent terma. WK. W . STANLEY SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD Park A"Ye. at Ka.rtne, Balboa hl&nd Harbor ~2 ... , lf..,.. ...... o.ta x--------------------u ... ltu .... u 1-lMll ~ 'C' TIIOIUS 'C' TIIOKAS IN LEMON HEIGHTS lt&SIDENTIAL b\llkl.Lns t ile on '4 acr.. l:1u:h.111l•t cn.trltt. - P760. WANTED VOGEL VALUES COSTA MESA Fitzmorris Rlty. Co. DANDY 4 UNIT !115 E. C.t Hwy. Corona dtl Mar Harbor JllJ Mulj. Unit Lots: MYRTLE DAVY, Realtof New Lido Plaza, Bld( .. M32 Via Oporto l Oppoalt. Lido Shopa Parldnr Aro&) Har. 54<6 -Evmlnp LI 1-629'7 MOTEL Harl>or Blvd. SIX MODEl\N MOTEL APT" UNITS PWS FINE .OWNERS QU~TERS. il LOC.(. TION. FINE INCOME. . -OSBORNE-FORTON Reelfy Co. 2323 W. Cout Hwy. (at Port "()rinp) LI 8·7:562 E:v. Har. lUM ... . • ~ .... ' "' 1: r ' A 2YJ yr. old at~. and well built income unit located la roOil i. Coot& K-reeidentlal an. INIT'OWlded hy n\ca h<nn• _cJQB...ta_IChogla and tn.dllpOrt&Goa. Uve in roomy 2 bdrm. and rent ~1 bed.rm. apt.a. Imm,c, and attrac. $%70 per mo. locome. Prico $27,000 l:ualCS. 0:.la~ .... a.JI utlllll•I----.,--------------_, 0.0 ~=:.... ':..i .,. .. ,. We CRAUENGE . u"'"'-=o'::m:':p:'."'.a'.'::·n"'s-=o-=n~-----t Shown by appoilltmenL Ollll BEN J. WHITMAN & Associates • HBullneu la qoocs·• :154.2 E. O>ut 'Hwy. Corona del Kar Harbor 1882 Ev'" Rar. «53 . ... tor .... I\. a-in ~ M-. fir ••Uit lllk. ................. .....,., .-. aw-........ lllt-J. ... NllWPOWT 111110'"'9 .,, .... r 4P .._. lWI SL Lo' lkUO (~ .... , ............... a...s. ftalq ..,,.... ll&alt ..... II. ........ to "* ,_ tut actliM. Ku. OIOI &fta.I Ii· .. lc4 ( - • ROOM TO LIVE! S..uL a bdrm. " den homt ..... Back Bay . lllOO oq. ft., 2 nq.tone flnplacee, dichondrw lawn, diUwuher ud dll~ You can't. tle !Illa tor $21 ,(j()O THE VOGEL CO. 1700 Newport ~vd. Llbarty 1-5697 Evening• Har. IM&-M • , . • ' ""'""' , .. , 23 u . • ' s 11 b '"-I.I .... ,,.Kl 2-211""''" •. ,... nits mils+ e y ""'"e DESJON'SD P'OA LJVlN'G (wllh ~ t.bJ.ldJ'e11 1. I yr. old Cape Cod home on '6 fL lol IOUUI Or hl1hway near UTTUC CO- RONA Bl:ACH. S bdrnui., l 'i -.lha. forctd air hMl, dllih· waaher. CompleLtly rtnc41d yd. w ith ..,....._l• play Y•rd and fiber 1tau i: o v • r • d paUo. 1'23.760. WUI llfll furn. Owner Har. 2009. Court.My, lo brokt!rs. "' AND A REAL BUY FOR SOMEoNll. Conalata or 14 modero apta., wltll kltchClll, a ezolllont aleeping rooma PLUS DELUXI: 0Wder'1 unit wilh eeperate ofti«. All 1pta. "h..uti!ully 0f\U'lo niabed. Beat IOCftion on, Balboa Pentn.ul&. Eltablllhed cliente!e. Bxpect.id rrdoa $lf,QOO. . Part t....i. OOlllidered. Call.· .. enlap tor appointment. Har. 5344 2cH ... ·-. - .. . . . ',. ... . I .. • ) I • • \ • • , ) •• • PA&El~AAll l-NEW'OIJ~lllQg ~V·!:::!P~•l'!P~'~P!-~~~J•~!P~1l'!E~l~a!!.-~~..!!;;!~ ~==::;-:~·~·~~~~~~~~~~-~lt~I ~~~~~;::;;~~::::: ID(\•°Jr,MlllL..:i~._..._ ___ 1--_ ~~--~-~---,.....-~-~ --._' a . p-~ ft1 e r i n c o r 1>' o r a t .e d· . ,:. , --- PENINSULA .P.OINT . . YOU CAN-~ • • · Ott· U.. ""* beeauae It'• a Brud New Home. 2 lladrciom. 2 .bo.th, dell -built • ID llltebm, ~ .Patio -SundOck. dQly' ~.ooo Down. . VIEW CXJNl!C'IOUB ! . Thia new modern home hae not only a lovely view but 3 beclroc>lu. 3 batha, • built-In l<!tchtn m.!500 -Temia. • Open Daily l -4 p:m. · lU "d" Street DON'T YOU BELIEVE IT! ' It your friende \ell you there &re no good value1 tn today'• market. We have a 3 bedroom 1 % bath home at $18, 750. / llERE'S AN INVESTMENT I Worth conaideration. Nine Unill only 2 yea.rs old. $86.000 -$34,000 down. ·BALBOA ISLAND -INCOME Very attnctive.2 bedroom home. Cloee to North &¥front, additional room a.nd bath off patio . for '"Aunt Suail," aha nice apartment over ga.r. ace. This i.. top quality property. Owner bu moffd to large"1lome -Anxious to sell. BAY & BEACH REALTY, Realtors ltM W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa H&rbor 1264 Eveninp Harbor 1856 • • Preview Showing • Bayfront -Pier ~d BAYSHORES Slip Newport Harbor's Most Exquisite Year . Round Beyfront Home. . - • (No tetephM;ie trltonnation -Pleue call for appointment -quali!ied client• only) . ALSO .. e e 8A YSHORES e e 3 'BEDROOM'., 2 bath ·-··--·-·-··-·-······--··-·$24.500 2 BEDROOM. turnlahed -·----··---·····--·-· ..... $19,500 2 BEDROOM, 2 bath, Carpeted &nd dnpad. Comer lot ··--·----·-······-·····--$27,500 • ._. • '· J'1 • • , ' • • I• f J developers of Udo Isle , · , " • .. Udo 1,1--L..,...,;one's'•Cbo~11! BmJAln l;id~ '~yfr,e;nt · .. ; -~--~~~ .-, Aoolder ,~OllLldoHe1'4'1-'lltqot. Fqv . 2 bodnn. finer h0me on M feot.. '1'hla la for a •• -.n.:;-rp:-uma. "1tltll • .W... ""4·& ..,.._ 1 «>uplo wbo -~belt. $32,000. •. ;~tor ouldoor-lJrinr rlsh .i,.·u;.·'f&W. Bu , ~ ' a pler • llfp. / \llt UU.., Md ·~ too .. for , i bodnn. • bunk rm., l MI bath&, cl.bl -· • •. bnty 11!7;GOO. I',-, WI t.o.r_ ~. • , to.-. uu... ', patio. perfect for iiwl>mer beacb home. S22,ll00. I. • · ~ · ' · · , Sp11rlclinCJ" . ' . , Deolrner'•· O'l'Jl·home, 1 Yr· ot~. t\JJ'naCo,.atone . Ia th• wol'd 'f~ !ht.> 2 bodrm. 1% bo.th home I~ nrepl&ce, carpetod.. alidin( 11-door, JI lo!>drmt., · Nri-port Hellbta. A lovely 11&llo and "9pl<Nle 2 bo.tba. Very amort little home. $26,500. !lreplaee &re only 1 coueJe ot many outlt&nc\l!lc Cute 2 bedrm.: l•;> bo.th ho;. ... 2 to•· facinc feelll\'<0-Ji'uli priCo J17 • Call Bill P'lnlnor(b. ..__ t I 'l • II .J • on 2 walka. Terrille pou!blUtiea tor enlugement._ A SI ' $32.000 , . . eepet _ ONLY ONE YEAR OLD, S bedrma ... den, 2 bath& Wau to wall ~. nice patio. ll'uli price only $30,000.' tro~ futthor ,Info-lion, Perfect ciondltion; 3 bedrma., 2 batha, walled patio. $29,000 Sparkling 3 bedrin. '2 bath home with Therm. oven 'Ii range, aUding 11.aae wall.I to patio, cM'· peted. $32,tma furnlobed, or eu~mlt unfurnlahed. Four Units . On 50 feet of choice BAYFRONT. and rented. $80,000 Furnlahed North ·Bayfr.qnt Lot :i2 foot frontage, pier OK. $M,OOO p. a. palmer . incorporated ole henson co. menegement 3333 via lido, harbor 1500 ~ call, Ja4 Crid!Old.' ' ~ '60 Feet on : Lido · Street-tQ-'1reet and a comer·Strada.1 too -all of thla 'plua•a 2 bedrm. phie aleeplnc niOm. 11" bath home tor ~ low price ot $32,000. Inter- ested in further deWJa ! Tbtn WI Joe ·KlDCf.ld at LI 8-61573 ' ' Shorecliff Lot One ot the few . remaining view alt. ln lhil exclulive W.bi,ct. .Spa.ciouat -Level! Beautiful! Full price $15,800, -if 'dealred. QDJ Davldaon Oabum for detaila. p. a. _palme'r incorporated ole henson co. management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty 8-61573 OLD BALBOA , NEWPORT LOT NPT. BCK. HOUSE 1 JETIY BAYFRONT- s BR., 2 ba.. tirepl&ce. 1tncle R-2 ZONE Jood for tw1 unlt.-S BEDROOM. 2 balh, 2 block1 to • YR.I. old. 2 Ir. t br, I b&. tum.. 1ar11&e, on .-ood fo~dation-$4.300-Street, 1ldew1lkl, curM, beach and bay. Room for f u· • See all the boat. ln It. out al. NHdl 90m1 paint, rernod. root. MWll"ll altudy In. Walk to qi and apt.rlment over -t.b4I Harbor • ftne 'ri-of HM utn lot-make offer. Udo 1happl:nJ. $9960. ~ Ml,600 ~·L tenna. Bayview P rope r·t i e s Harbor 3371 . Ba l boa • Beach B l v d., 2 3 0 7 W. SELECTED VALUES! . JUST LISTED Cost.a Mesa the best town on earth ••• t.0Y!>t-Y • ...... ,.,.p1.. HW. BAY FRONT DUPLEX! ' rtr£ eacloMd patio. -..taide, B • 1b 0• ,Pent.n.ula Location. ONE-HALF ACRE plenhf or trees and nice a;plf COU?M .,. .. '°" ulJ' U600 BeauUtul 1pa.cloua pr9perty, ' .. ~ wi. 1'\1ll J:rie• Ill.TOO. only ~ y.ar• old. Two la.rJ"e building site od front of k>t ; PLUS a cute 2 Br. bed~ up a.nd t"Wo doWn. home, enclaeed patio, garage "AND'' a duplex Up,per nl«!y fumlahed. Pr\· ••t• beach. pier rlrhlll an(! 3 (near S&.nta AJµl Cpunlry Club) all for car pn.re. See uu. fOF ~ -~ onlyi $16,500 with termt. . . . there hM never been a better value at ~,000, 1ood "'lerm1. 4 Bdrm., 2. Baths ONLY I JilPB, OLD, dbt.. l"ft.~ patio •• bn1'" JlMO 4n. Baldce Slit mont.b.. Tl-{E FIN~ST S BEDROOM, 2 bath ·······-----··········-·········-$22.500 OCEAN FRONT H OME! Back Bay Area-Comer location-Lot 76 x 138 Partial View of Bay &; Mta. 3 Br. home., extra large kitchen, double gcrage. $12,000 with EAS'!'l!IIDE NmJQHBORHOOD- clean I bednn., 1 ~ balha.- flrepl., dbl• •• pr. tence;d. Hu • 01 .,. Jou.. '1a1I prtc:41,- •1s.200 with on.l.J' $SOOO dn. A re&I. buy! ,• HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. Harbor 1600 • Evea LI 8·il386 VOGEL V ALLIES CORONA DEL MAR A DUPLEX WITll A FUTURE Nioely Ul"Ulled for privacy. 1 bedroom front. bou.e alwaya rented at $85/mo., furn. : cozy 1 bedroom: apt. over 11. dbl prage alao hu fire- place. • Each bu own patio. 2 bed.rooms and s~ bath below gar,. apt. could be med by owner for weekendl. Fuu price $21,500 CXlRONA filGHLANDS VIEW LOT .Half-way up with beautiful unobetn.lcted pano. ramie view. St.reet-to..treet. Over 100' in depth, M' on deSola Terrace ic 10' on C..brillo Tern.ce. Compare it wtth any other lot in the UM It you'U eee It's real value at $11,950 THE VOG.EL CO. -2687 E. Cat. Hwr. CORONA DEL MAR HA: 1741 HA: 0757 HURRY ! GOING FAST! PARK MANOR A Re.tricted Lot Development B7 MeCLliN .. PEAR.SOL Specula~ It Builden Welcome eo· rttlc!Ontlal -. Duplez comer. Iota. .All improvement. in. You Cen't Beat The Price & locetion .. Drtn by and boJ. Aero. from Costa Meaa Park. 18th and Anaheim. FtVe 1&r1e bed.rooma. J •,9 bat.ha. Balboa locaUon. lntertor hu been remodeled and very at· tr&eUvt!. Lovely home for lar11 fiunlly. J2~.000 term•. BALBOA BEACH HOME! Only half bl~k to belt bay beach. 4 bedroom• with I % ht.I.hi. Heavy f urniture lnclud· ed. Swell for beAcb home or ye11.r .around living. Sleepa up to 10 peop_le. 118.600. 18000 down. BEA UTlFULL NEWPORT HEIGHTS HO?.tE! U.U.ually attncUve home wUh 2 l&r(e bedniome a.nd 2 bat.la. $2700 down. and balance $76.96 per month including taxes & Ins. (G, t. Loan) C.1 ZONE -Bueineu-One fuK acre, 132 x 300 Right·in·town. Ideal ~or Medical & profeMio"nal Bldg. $40,000. Includes large well-built 2 Br. home and double gar&ge. BAY & OCEAN VIEW LOTS 70 x 140 (not leasehold) one of the few remaining lots of it.& kind, CLIFF HA VEN $12,500 G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd., Coeta Meaa LI 8· i72\l '1\lll dlnln1 room and dlnattf -------------------too. New woor Wall to Wall carpeUn1. Hu two 2 car pr· 1.1e1 • . , -It for a lovely borne before bUytng. 120.000. '8000 down. BALBOA HOME! Balboa location and near bay. 3 bedroom. and l % batha. btTa 0lot pa with It: Older property but • 1ood value at J1 7.000. term•. HER!> ARE A COUPLE OF DANDY lNCOME VALUES: Two unit Income WIUf a 2 bedroom• hOUM ln front a.nd a on• Md.room apart.muit over a J ear .-ara11.. Both rented Summer and wlntu ••• rMt· ad now. Cloe• lo Ba.Ibo& llhop. plnl" HCtlon. 116,000, ('OOd termL Open Daily 1 to 5 735 St. Jomes Piece LOVELY CLIFF HAVEN -New 3 bedroom 2 baths, with a view. Carpeting, fireplace, built' in atov.e & oven, dl1posa.I &nd big 2 car garage. See thl1 dream home today $21,500 . Harbor Highlands Open Afternoons Thuntday tbru Sunday, DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd Newport Beach Hu. 4718 Balboa Realtv Co. Oppo1.Jt1 Bank ot · 111flet1ca , -------------------Ro. Otffley . Ed Lee I · JOHphlne Weith 700 I:. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Phon• Harbor 3277 l:IARBOR BLVD. comer with .om• Income now. Service Ila· Uon or marcanUI• location. or lnvealn1enL i..rre wide froril· a,... Tenn• arran1e<1. FOR SALE AND LEASE BACK CLASS A 1tore and office building located oD. m011t important corner in Puadena. Price $700,000. Will pay 6'/"o net net plus percentage. Will depo1it $300,000 u leaae 1ecurity. Large depreciation factor. " ' $6500 2 BDRM., rar .. worQhop, oo • 7WOO lot. Owner will Uke lale c.ar tn lrwk M part pymt. lncome-lnvostment NEWJ'()RT BmACH. Oft Bl•d. -i apt. bid(. S apta. tu.lly furn. EJ1.c . .um.mer 6: winter ,..ntala. l br. ei... .l'.lr 1&r1"• nna. WW retum better · thu a&OOO all· nua.IJy. On!J: a yean old.- J1a,ooo Ww~ M-1 LEVl:l. ACRES at "600 eer acre. Water ia; Su wU.JMn 'tO daya. OD wide 8L De&r Bl\l'dl. Don'l mlM on thia. It'• the low•t priced 1-.nd tn the area .NOW. C-2 JUIT Oft' H4RBOll .ei.vo. WIL80N. SU.,. coraw. 4i • ac:n with amall....JapuM ¥~ rented at lSll. Ripe tor 1mall blWneu. OnJr aaooo tnm· Mesa-Harbor Rlty. .. d&OC%Aiu 509 C.\a' IL, eo.ta M ... LI 14111 or LI a.TTlfi In Corona del Mar on or THI: rINaT ~· Yi... lo k t~ U )'Wtler1 rrom tbl1 lNS9 bOnle ot 4 bedrml. aM. df:'ll on•d-n. k>l. ... __ [N a.ut'TA ANA In the prof• Dona.I mn. on No. Broadw.,-, dup&~ *¥'"N mw. 111'- to ot,_. IUlt• ... Lima' 1 .... ·--Fitzmorris Rlty.'Co. Multiple u..un,-fte&ttor ' ,. Most Oer+tful Hom• on Udo 77 ·r..it ot -y iOuth. bt.Jfronl. with • t1e'an ~ awtmmlnJ bioell. ' -• I ' ' . ' AU:eleetrlc ldtchen·and '""'' -· JIMU\llW laa4-e&plnc. White .t11a -'· ·• - • . 3 tull ba\llL " • I -•' • . A aparkllns 'new . b'omo, fuhlonably tun>laht!I with new cuotopi· hunt nlodem f)un~ ' ' Thia home will l>e °" dlaptay daily rr-• to.& p. m. and Saturday and ~day l to I p. •· ExcJuelve with "' at '91.500 ' -· "Ask ebout our other Lido Uatint•" ' ., Duncan . Hardesty, R~altor 2002 Newpert Blvd. "We're Moving · to : Irvine Terrace" Drive ill today ...i -for younel! tho llWIY out-atudlnc fea-ot tb!a mnarbhla comaunlt1. More ud more Ba.rttor ~ f•mlliel aft tusrecs•tn1 ~ equlalte b ...... -•PtiDC their oomfort, eOll- venience and central J,pcation.. l4dre aud mor. f.amWee who p.,.ter • h9JU In. a ~ atricted quality C<Dlllunity ar. moriDI Into tb8r . ' lnlneT..-- lnspect, the model holiiet, built by Macco . Corp. exquillitely furn!Bhed by Martin 6t: Von Hemert '. lrvine Terrace t. located on Cout Jll&hW11 oppoeite the new Irv!Da · Cout COuntey Cub. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXcµJSIVE. &GllNTB Phone Barbor "48 l'o~ l'mther in!onDatlon * FOr Reoo00mendatiOD.. "' refer you to anyooe , . wbo boldl a.. Ia•hold; ir.tatAI In lntn.' TeiTaoe. Beacon Bay, Bay !!ho..,. and Qltt Ha .. n * Newport· ·Heights * U .you lik't. to ait by the wtbdow and n .tcb ~e parade or boata In the harbor -1! ---' bdf.ms. or 3 6. a fam.ily rm • ....'.... U you lon 'beau- tiful lawu, pati~ 6 BBQ -· u· you don't mind a oolid, well conatructed perfectly ,.&Jntalqod home built about 1930 -If you have e.ou,p lm•,ma.. tJon to re&lbt that you can •COl'lftrt: '&·llfP&doua • 1700 aq. (L Into a 2 hath beme for a...,. pltt•- --e.nd if you have S4llOO cub. and kn°'" ' eood Wnc when Y"" -It. Let'• l>eor ri-~. NOT A LEASEHOLD GREENLEAF-SEVERTS REALTY, INC 31U Newport Bl•d. ' Nawport Btteh · Barbor 25\12 · ' Eveninp call LI ~lM. LI s.6to5, li:at. 11821-W or Kellon ll-S885 ..CORONA DEL MAR · · One ot the IDOllt out.tandinc bollll9 alone th• Southern Calif. Cout, l~' of frontap Oii - Blvd., S30 feet of water fronta .. lllta tile hoina of· cllatlnct19" With • view flom all nooqo; fna • wflrcb·' ~· can watch the ..Jer '~ <C:Out line, plue overlookioc our two sr-t bmchea. 1 Largo living """" and, aoWiua, dln!nc ¥"" ud mal<la ..-, plua 2_bedrooma Olid i llo441W.., room in the main bOUM. l'or ptllta.a .bome ot ·--.. their owo, ..i.o with a Ylew. Priced bet-Np-..,t Coat toclly. OPEN DAILY for lupoctlon. 11721 ~ Blri. EXCLUlllVI: AODITI. · W. E. FISHER -& Associate1 3024 E. Cout Hwy., Corou da1 Kar ·IUJI. 1!032 Ewa HAR. 2420-W . - 76~ ALREADY SOLD ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES CALL OWNER, T. D. Ropra, \!Y&tt 18187 --· . Ila& C. CoUt. ~7 Corona Ciel Kar • Banor J112 l----------·--;-.,.---------I Phoioe Liberty 8-1781 Liberty 11-8821 II .l.867 "'" I . Colta Mesa • -~ ot.lll&dJOL:3B:!8..._f=::::::::::=:::::=:::;<=;::=::;:==::.J _____ GQLtL)llUJ:iii:sf:l.-~---l..-...J ---.:....-'--------------1 _'.:Ll'._'&~-l~W~~E'.".v~"''_Ll~l-'.:_l~4Q<I~ -------------------UA.Cl'LY •UTI 1 ,._, "'*--L. .. .t ... - RRA_,..E BLUFF •Id • bedrm. bome.. lhdlt ""· .......... ..._......., i..a IRVINE TE .~ 14 Acres: OPEN' SAT & SUN 1 t 5 PM ..,. r.a.A. ....... ~ ... ""7 2347 Ort.Gp, Cool.a-. l'Pcnmlo .-of the Harbor a.ad Pacific. • • 0 • • ...,_.. ............. .... ... 3 bedroom, tars• liri!W -awuiy lcltchen. Brownell Dee]p, 3 _.bdrm., den, 2 batha. P~~ei t!nd~~ 0.t~lro;: 239 Helltrope, Corona deJ Mar :.,,~:--~i~ ~.: Loclted on choice oornir lot. Tree. aud lhn.tbl, Room for expaiWon. I.Del pool · .er.. ' Maybe i.. doWft will h&ndl... near Undbut lebool Prtcec1 Sl0,000 · Dolphin T Lov-'~ 2 bdrm. (twin alae), Uvln( rm.. dlnlnc ..,._ • ...._ u~·· ,_ p s. ~-•-"-••ht •-•-• ~·-•-• f 1201 · ...-. """ A. ,.,,,,_,,, Re.i "''"' "' ·-• -Y -....,.. .-p~y ,......,.. or •u.ooo $4.9,500 Harbor Min area, 2 tiled batiis, 1plendkl patJo A prde.n. Uld bat1 a. c:wpei.d. wall to LI 1-alT·Kl S-2117·9.yatl 4~H , One blk. to beach '2Ui00 wall Jil1Cehlllft Actat. , . OPEN 11 A.M. TO 5 -P.M. DAILY JOE FERGUSON, Broker 12uee ~"::'~u.. ..... OSBORNE-FORTON Realty Co. 0, ~R'6~~R~~tsT OSBORNE-FORTON Realfy Co. M. "'"" carpeL Very c~ 2 2323 W. Cout Hwy. (at Port Orange) 2323 W. Cout Hwy. (at Port n.,..,_, 11"1· <*!.. 1mm«U•t.e. occupancy 1137 N-iiort IN.-d .• Ooela Me.a. LI g.7552 Ev -•-.•1 212 Klnp Pl., u 1--7807. 16tfc LI 8-7562 Evea Har. 5154 I LI 1·1"32 ETf!L u a.101 .. Bar. 5~ · ~----~----------~ ) -------------~ '