HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-05-07 - Newport Harbor News Press• • BEAUTY AWARDS JAA ATHLETE Sun.et ~e Meet queen Jo Anne Bqeri OI. the NIW})Oft Harbor Utilon Blcb School campua make. sure Bill Br>ckJana, B ~*'· tinda IUa lint place award worthwhile Friday afternoon. Budtlmd'a n:tory in the 100 and hi.I 8eCOnd in th 220 paced Tarbabell to loop cli.imptonahlp. -Staff Photo 8 Harbor Men Prepare for Annual Review 8tx NllWJIOf'l Barbo? Na.,., Air Jlecrftlll .,.. &mOftl' the l"f'MI'• ftlta pnparlnl' for the annual ml.11taJ1' n..WW al Loa Alam I toe NSYtl AJr ataUon. to be held tbe altenloon of Ka7 12 S.- llcS• tM ... ~ .... tha'e wtll be aa &Ir aho1r '-lW'iq the "Blue .UC•.. world-l'eNJ'llFDed Jet. d .. 11M11Wtnt.1cia t..m. Local ~ who wm take put tn the re-new 1Adude ~· IL Burke. 523 Oayx A .... Robert )t.) Z.U... JOO lard SL. Th.,.. ~ N. ltob&u, t01 Redlanda A .... RJdw'd A. Karrym•. IOe Qaniation Aft., LL John T. RoMuon., l20 l.Atlmpur Av.. and U. (Jf) l:dwtn CoWn.a. 61T ---A ... Kling vs. City Zenilg Actio1 Case Submitted · NARCOTICS SUSPECT MESA POLICE UNEASY L~~ tandi•tes Maniecl For Elettlon Wedlledly &Aw n II ... •• .. IT 11 • -• . ~ -n" m°!"', ·~up tty to -opt fM ,.. -t ~: tke _.... to' i:i!onge the thlllv• ,.. .... ' • It. ~to kno"' _ti-dil'..-," II'! ~.I • • • EDITORIALS •• Jilrbor Higp .f~pils Show ell in Fair and Musical . . - :we conpatul&ta tlto tlewport llaftor Union , BID leloeol l*pll• at 8"JO!& Ana Callep. We allo corlrat\&Jatc t_bqr teadiert who aided tb.ao prepare thojl--. , ha conaectioP tfi~ reqnt .Wah 11eh.o0l acUvit)'. It abould bo b"°""'t out Uat atudeota l&at .... -d are":credited with staging a lremendoualy successful · prolw!tJon of tH muUMI. '1Caroutel," • prMent&· Uett wlUoh ltterw.lly had pe.trona 111taadln1 iD the alale&." Thi.tort ot aattvily 11 isuGb tD ma.kt~ all ,....i. ~ th'e l(:hoo) y~ draws tG a elole we thuti 8ee practical evidence that our loe&I younpters are benefiting from the previoua month.a' training. It'• ti teurat of utiafact.ion Ul &.11 ot ua that they are puttlnl' uu. apet-lonce tO good u.ae . . : 4.fter au, ln the great 1ame ot ure, what pays ett la t.ho kins nut i• th• individual'1 initiative. Wlld.her a 1tudent is in a science fair with hi1 exhibit or taktn1 a part in • .ahool play, both types of indl- vldllll enterprilse 11re of great v..iue to the youth in later ytiartl. They add 1not.her -lltone of confidence to .atll e•reer "bulldinr." They enable him to have &not.her tool ln h1" kit with wblcb tD tau the future mo11111 uaured th•n before. That'a the aort of thing: we all like t o ate ac- quir*l. Aa&in, con(l"atulalioftl, lf,t.rbor Hilb atu· deal.I and f"ulty! Courts, Press & the Public Two court actiona In ~ent w~k• have p0intad up the eervice which new1papen render to the public. ·In Santa Rou a juda•'• decbloq ta bar both the pref. and t.be public in a murder trial at the defend- ant'• requat brought immedla.tll l•a•l action by aeveral nftrwpapen aplnat the ruling. The trLal ltaelf wu not unu.aually newewarthy but edftore we~ quioll to docW. that _,..">' In QOW't p,...eodinp. except in inetance9 1peclfica1ly pPOVicled by law, ,... c:ontn.ry t.o jud&etal precedent a.ad the right ot tl\e people to inrormaUon on court prooeeding•. The other ln1t.ance, occtU"Ted bl St.nt& Clara County where a prospecUVe juror wbo uked to be ex.cueed in & damage 1ujt beoaUM be objected to the li:lrb attomey'a r-In auch cuea wu told by the judse th&t be "waa not fit to be a.n A.marie&n cit!- llft," New8papers came to the pl"Olpective juror's aupport editorially. Then when the 8an Francisco Bar AMoeielion declared the judge'• conduct "u.n· fav~ble to' the admlnl•tration of jll8Uoe", tu.rther editorial comment backinc the bar a.uociation'• 1tand wu forthcominr. Tbe1e tnrt·ances are not or e&rth.aha.king lm· portuoe 1n the111eelve.. But had they been allowed to pue without newspaper aolion a.nd publicity the,Y could have led to 1on1c thinil'. still more undeeil'9 able. many adopted a1IM the war, and -Illa )ed to .. u.o.t •• , ....... ,,, ............. .. a...,,_,..,.. M la·IJlll -*'J, U... -•Ill&""*-"' etf# ""1,. k · .. .. -!1-. IMlt Wdt-llld~jl•• • lllt .... ., ..... ...... -......... --lllftlltlwt •• 1111. IWI• OL b tho -UDloC ~ .. 1111 .clior~ ha*'. llMn It .. ..i -pollliolt. Ille --... -~ '""" t11e pllllolopllr 11 • .,... _, TUI. wW .. cit# JO!!. at \lot prtol, we "'°' tr p ~Uioutl t ,..., that poor -Oenua, ocW•t1olltr 414 lho UAtoratvablo. T'llm It DO -••• el , .... ~ u.... a pod rtWI .... --lllt """' onlJ -· wll&t -.. "' tho ..... ol lllt commuotot~wbea lbof -.~ to-~. Capitalistic Exploitation -United State5 StYle . ,. Tllo -lo complaint apbW! caplt&llD, "- tho 111 at llarx cm cloWll, II . IJl&I It "'1iolta Ille -.,,.,.,.uuuy to beaeflt llM ftW. Ono WVadoro bow that old clop& tu llt .. 111114 with •bat lo JO!nr on In 11111 •Iii~ -111. U. Ii. Nowa •World lloport ~ ru &a arllola, on bow tho AmericU _,. ~ • .,..... 'Giii. The 1ubhead obaerve. that be "epeoda more. oWu more, Uvet better than ever.'' The •vefar flJ!llly incoine ill &t a record peai of $.'SM<> a 7ear. Tb.e family'• ueeu toW $11,B:S. And tho proepecto a.re for ateady and continued improvement. The magazine auma up with theae word.: "ltlcht now, the average working man bold. a blrger •take. in thia ll1tion'1 ecaoomie well.being tMa 9Yef before. He'a livinr in a beU.er hoUH, driviQ1 a bett4r cal'. enjoyio1 more ooetly oomtortl than &t uy pnwiou.I tina.." Thal'• what capit.alilit e1:ploitati011 baa &c· cOln pu.Mdl MONTPl:Ll&I( VEIUIIDIT. EVENING ARGUS : "NOW' thal Khnaabcbev 6 Co., Jn -· bave le<e-clOled on st&lin'a reputatioll Ud are delperetety workln& to make a bum out of him -eo lbe srumt>-- llng mulUtude1 wUl bve 1onu1011• to bluM for their m~ry .· .. tbf! clol.Mil may be littlnr. We may yet see a Red a unset." • THE CAPlT AL WEEK . ly W.\Ll'U L ~UDVIL Unil<d l'reM BW! CorTeapondent Mr. V'4:\m' .C Aluirnrll. ~dent Ooutal At"M ~MU•• IMJU• p o ... 11111 Lapn• hl.c.h, C&llfQMU. Dear ltr. Andf't'WI!: 0Gmpl)'tn1 with JO'lor ...qu ... l. U1.t1 conn•1wi1Catio. 1¥111 conf1nn t.h' al•l'm'nt .,..hh:·'-I ""111r •l U1• h-.nna ol I.be OrMla:• Cu1.1o111- • • .. . • t : • .. . . • • •• . . WASIUNGTON REPoRT ~ ,. ' • " t : , ., 1'-ClC ... e--•1 1•-.. 1111 .. power r~venuu, or to 1-.u• nv- enue borlda tor Ut.&t ..,ed<MI pu rp<W9. "Now we d!1COvtr, thJ'0\411'1 a "'port of Ow ComptroU. 0- ~1-al , 4'.t.d llhf'C'h JI, lit' t.h•t '* Jan. 17, 19~. the TVA Di- r.cton ha.d alr-.dy aut~oriNd i.tter• or tnlM!t for • a.t..i .t. ll&YEN ,uch additlen&I ualU, &U w-i~IA Colcrell6oneJ '""""' 11'9 autboriulln1i. t.otaJ J.I0.000,• 000 vtc*-1.,11 ot .. uJprn«1t. for UM Initial •tqU. which m-• LOU.l of SlTB,800,000 wba lh• untt. ve OOft>pltted. Tbe untu will JI~ 1,17LOOO kJk>watle ot a.ddlUOQU .,..-..... cw IO ,_. r f!nt or lb• t.ol.&J po"lt'• et U. T VA In lHI, UVNOU>8 PLAN "To •hoW you that. JOU Mft & ~r~ &nt ..... t ln U'te IC.of7, tlNl'letnMt I.Mt JI0,000 kwa o( u.. tint \Ulti will p to Uaa 11«1'· aoll» eo,.,,_, wtt.m Nd plan· Md to put up • 211,000 llw JIU;C.. at IOI OWll UpenN. ... .,....r .._..t.,. 11nUI UM TV.A. -"'--" It the l.il'.peyer. ol all lta1-Of he Uli, tnctvdtftS -Odtf'ond-. would IM wttlffii ~lN lbe llOW'f't ,_ \MQJ. "ThM llifll't the wtllola •tory. · bQt SJY &pa.of ,_. Nn out JJ 1'" allked 911i. ..,iy tlm. h' t>ie put 60Mft .,_.... haw da )'OU like UILI rldCN ot lM .....,,,. • .., ot ""~' n·.""" moil.,., )'OU lulewl'" ' t • . ': .. :; .. •• .. . . . • .. .. . •• . . .. .. ' , • .. ' ·~ . ..., 1 . ; .1 ~ i:: ... . ~r: ·1:' - J A ... YMr 0 .. PwtaMI UG. -.50 VAWI ...... 9&1•0!'4' •All~ ..... T .. ,, w.aeeda:r• ouUnp found t.b• and hit.a: Eu1p nri1lt7abeorbln.a'&If11-1 Vanl~ Curt1a 2b ...O; .. tbedl fl'oaa ~· rivala wn:h lht J~ Bupu .. •..O; Bob IJJ.. M.-port Jwdot nntty retaliat· ~ 11., a.o: RJca w-.oe ms for a 1-' triumph toMttt by c 1·1: N.-.U 8tklder ,..u •..O; ~~~~~----~:-'"91111!-~~------W&JM K&Jftel4. lbD ~ lb •·1: Bill With Use ftl'91;1 S..beee co~ TwWt d ~l; TQm Maril.ham lb i.ctms .., thrM hit.I, ..... ...O; Jim B\ltla' rl .. 0. atarter N...U BUcklw add J\.e. JIUIJor ~t)'-Wayne M.&7- lWw Bob Uljenwall found Ult a.Id p ~1: Kilt• 1'Uawatet-c m.-.s Fllllr 1t~ Btgeet •·1: ~.wu11ama tb •!<>; Jack Mow tor tllit llulp eau. ... lton.a.dt lb •·.2 : M&nh&ll a trtple off U.. war club wield· WrfCllt lb •·I: Kent Hod,.mo td by Otftterftetdv B1ll Twtll. .. '-1; .Jack kbuitt It 4-3; Tb&t jut wam't 'IDOUP power. Kllton Pric. cf '-2: Bob Warm- • OiJI&& llLOWS blpn rl •~1. BILL~ Sporta Editor oa&cbel' Jttch wma. and ___ _.....;... ____ _ . ~0. ..i1 oU:~J'na~ Heavy Imation NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 1-PA6E·l for Ole ........ Bob Bak• meet.I Johnny Hil· · MONDAY ~ 1 1956 Prim•..-.. et tbt pelota In man 1n Wedneeday lllgilt'• TV • • the iocal Pl $tory .... Let\· ll·round• fl'Olll Xi&mt Beach Greylto•cl a. Statlor 11.n. LealM OW-' 1 ~ .Jack lclt\lttt wtlo baabed Auditorium la t.be t11"8t ot a .. r-Newport Beecll --~----~--10.1. MO: 1. Neal (P) I. DUI out tbrM bftit tn four at ball. 1 .. ot M&yYW91pt bout. to ftnd Uberty 8-Slot (IA) a. Vtrdup (.A) '· ~ Tw. ot J!lftbl' Jack'• clouta wen a 1UCC...-to Rocky Kardano'1 cutt (OQ) I. AMe.._. (d). ~ 'l'lt.lrd Bueman Mar-ft.C&l.ed crown. ('l'IMI Arc!Ma) 1 :30..I. Low IM'C>el: L JI,... .a.ll Wrtpt &ad 8econd Sacker ;;;;;;;==================;;. (F ) I . C&n1IU (U) J , N9b1adl lMll 8toatllaodl followed wtlh ' ' (00) '· ~ (U) '-CbM9 two tw ~. ~ *"" (0), lU (MW -.0. rtJOOCd). uoU.. ~. llO: L Wllktu (00) I. Mo-Q.&U J1iLAft Kamara <F> a. JCotTl.ton (NII) A -. ao ap1ut La Jolla, C. ....,_ (84) I. n.nu (NII}, ortsfn&lly ~ lut w..ic. lU. May: 1. 81mta .Ana 1 wu #9t1ua14 and wUl b9 play· O.rd4a Orwe a. hlJ.toa '· ec1 • -. Kay 11. May tT •· Newport I . 11\mUqtAlll a..da. .ep Se~ tor a diamond 4U (MW l..,Ue NCOl'd). Aot perfonn.ance at lApna Beach. put: 1. Tlnna (F) I. Cbelter tut Week'• 11,Nupe ..tth at bat. (00) a. Mtlenda fl') 4. P~ ---------- km4, <•> I. Totbtda (OG}, M-f jiiii-....;iiiiiii:1B:' I~ \MW IMcue nccll'd), Broad Jump : 1. W1Ddna (00) t . I(~ Namara (I') a. '11.. H-...n --..-.-.-~----(RB), &o.wortaa (IA) &. Tie. Nlblodl (00), .:.P!Ms& (do), 11-1 (n ... 1...-~). lltltl j\lmp: BrMMl (U) I. 'ne, DO- lca (IA), TurMr (A.). '-,..._ (00) TUllUta (D) Oadw*lader <Niil ...,,WU. (U), M1' , • .,,, I-cue ncord). Pole ~: 1. no,d (00) I. Reno (F) I. ~ (J') •. ,,., ~ <BB> Boldief (00) ~ (0), lM. • ' 0 • -· .. A .,,_.·TAUT FOil ARTHRms , .. , • · • ALFAlFA 10I , ..... $!M • , ....... $S.ts .., .......... . Turner D1Ug THERE'S A • • • I ? • • • " • ' ' • .. • ' . PA914-PAATll-NIWK>RTHAUO·~ MOND1'Y, 1.4AY 7, I~ oiu... • IA p•a•• 8-H ..... 1''-AC IJtT I A • I llJ lllea 11 l111r I la.r I• wt • A 1111 Dirt ...... • t.w 'Htb•sa 'b?' a -·····--~........ ..... ........ ...-. 4 lll•!l:e••"!!'. , ...... ~ -ai;. -•-• W. Tiie r .., _.... .. ,_,.. • 11 • I • ..., tt ..,.. -zt rrt • ......... , ... _ .. ~llt ll ~ .. -....... --. -··•4- • • i1.i"""" HUli'flNG'Oll MACH ..... HYt.tt 1(1:1'-0llAllGI, , ........... ~ ......... --.. .. .;: .....,... ... ___ ..,.. ..... ..... AX&; COCMal~ i.t.• .. M 11 h'IPI • ·sw Tl11011-1 n' ....... _ ~el I It kW at ' '! z U .... 1tll ...... ..C Pt •II bS?l .. -.., ..... • .................... 4 . ~ --I ~:::._:;::;:;;;Si:,.;;,;. __ ..,. r11r\b' -."""" 1-. ...... .,. lll••••t " _. 11!!!~.:J .... -~ I• lloo -...... ~ • ---.. ·&A ...... ,, ... lolal "'"91.11. .... "" -~ GI= --•• ..... ___ .... _ CONl'D~ :. !1!11". ,., -.. - -r-I .a-....... -" .. """' \,J\l;ji"l J:. ., _.. •:;.1-:-;-:l;,~s.•..:,.. lftl Iii-a •,...~~ .... "' -.no~_ .. ____ • ...,.. ...,.....,_ r:!: "• w. • •1 ...., •=a r ,.::-... ~~.,.:;"""" .. a,.....,*--~ _,.. ~ ............... -........................ ::-.. ., .. ., ..... ... _, -..... ~ ........ .., ................. . ·~ _.. .. •strn•i ... ta _AM • CtNit.rf ,._.pQ ftll'""WW' ._. ti , """" .. -.... • ,.,, ..... "°""" _.' °'"'' ..... ... , .... ..... -·'----...... _... .. -.... .... -... .... WS1 CJUID '° DMllOY T-..:1-• N y .,.,.. .. .,,,..., I J'."' ........ ~ • .au ... ...... Duqaa -~,.,.... IMt uuay 8 • • ftlltNlJrlt,at...._tMIWll ... ll ~ ...... t ....... •t "I dldn.'t •1 I'd -4 ldra. tM 1" JiMd ......... "'1 -,._ & OiDut 111p...,, U U0 J. a. 1tatemenL 1 • .., M ... ,...~ Stock Rep--~ -. ......,. .... t,... ~. JOI* IM4t n. .., .... t;o ..... ta• •1 omee _. w-a...... . •on.. aoUncll wm '1lo 1'old ,,._ twe """ ,..1 .... two &t11nS ... It. ' ltmliiary ctt.ctu.lon Ga the ....,. litenMe, w1r1 the prop<trty of Bchwaal aat t r1 •di 1Nnpn The mU'INt ~;,: a let' plllll of .llOl'Ubf nc;t,qY1 .... Mn. Carlotta L&w90ll., lOSS JC . abould mtJ1 Ulll •lAl.em1nt to •leMIJ tone wltll -...a C:-art· milted to th_, ., Ul(.,,._lnt Ocep f'ronL • hlfn ~~IMW'• oCt\ol dq'a ~ ...... ~ com.ml•lon, ~~o;o~.,,. ... ~""'": ::.:::t.":"..!.-:"::0!';1 --------DRIVER ·SMASHES • ..:;!.,~ ":i ,.":.' '::J,:: :;,. u.1a .-.:::. "' 3-Clr lmat•lp HYDRANT, CAFE ! • S_a!_. • ' ' IWlllCtioll . POia "' • THl\IAIY WAY AND SAYie . • • • loM ., ,, ....... ... 1ta.Umenl, N Schwt.mb relten.-aundard OU of Indian. W'U H rt O w •Apparently t&lllna uleep led." .-.bjest to~ heavy ..-bit~ I s ' omen at th• whMI, • Camp Pen-a e=Nfl. oun1aa W'led the IUdl'I to Ml U.,t.ClaUon wUy. 'l"hl.I lnfiU· ~ _ fJ.., KariM U I a.m. to-lAIA-~......... a trtal data. 9ot1a eMllll9I qNitd _. •• ,,_,. n UM --... T>No women.,... ~ ., c:l'Mhed hi. '*"' &ato a ............. ,.... .. ,........,r .. a ...... "JM\l"l'Tn t. w.i.,. JUn. MNI ._...ll'&t'4 ...i.itM u auto mallilr.f • t.8'a -An i.ye.nt at eo.ait llfcta-\~ Thi Ootil... 11 .... ~ -· ~ powtt Ule luUe ap-eout Hlrhway at llUJ\enof ••r Md IArbpur A". ud: ceded hi bAd -.. jlet.kln.I to ,_,. bl U •ttTactlve t.cb.n..lcal A.ve.-8".lbo& ~ ~ CU....S into• fllll"'M' ol tM eeaw-i• ...mir tll9 stat1mtnt. polttloft. _J....__ Satu:rda)" ~ bl CMf'1 I.Ill. poUc. report.14. 'n. Olf ......,_.t •ppbeN MW a three-cu ft= ' ". • I The 1Mtor1lt, WUU&zl, JC. partlclp&Unc 1'1117 la LM -.ctl'H Taken to lD&C ff w .. If•, A ... not bud. TM Pl.It .lml•e" 1•'"'u'""'"'• ... ,..,,_,_ ...... , u.Jw<a ..... ,.,._ ..... .,,~, .... •ro• ... ,, .. • • p17 boUnd<ld ~ ll!Uplif ...., A\&l\Altln•. n, Donef. Pd JaL UM. MM! •"""'W Uae atnet Ullatty a.ml • BAY --""" 711 w. 17tll St. .............. b • F• to i:irw hip round rtn.ietlJll WatUI Cola, Ur, cC tu 1*p. to f\004 wt.Ul wt.W-. Jilamft· Y Ire ....0..t et.rlllap CMIUook. Al-• ' • rt oa U... eutlildrl ot Chere COUNTY , "'°""' .,... -1a ..... "' ....... ......,. --1a ,.,. .... .....,... ...-1. JUlr, duriq Jet•nt & CIU 4rt"'1 ~ J\&lP ~'1;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!~"~-~ ....... ~~~& .. ~~ -•V• Pictured &bove ia updat.lnf ot i11XDt Of the communiutloA t.aUity of 0nn.ct rt.re rrid&7 ln 1. ... nu.f.c\.W'o memt.M .,_WWW. --.lat&la ,_._ Ulla, 12, Dowae7, wtten De ·--- Oowlty. To be a UtUt mar. polD.ted. idmtitled OD tM map an mOlt. ot the tq: Ml1dln.s at ill 11.t I t.. UOM. euto co 111 d •di WJU. uotw LA TEST TELEPHONE PREFIX LIST IN COUDty commullitiem and tWr tlltpboM prtfixee. includlq a MW OD• OI' tyo. :U.!:ted ~Ou~ .=.,~ AW>aa ~ ~~. = ;i_te;, .. ,:- Jefteqon W 'a DIW pntix 1fL the Gt.rdea Grove area tnaituted to provide .-n. MOO. aceOrfutc to u.e fh'e 4e-W..tem PMtfk ~ and O:lle ,,., puMD,.r J.D I.bf "1ii" lrl1 otflcw t.ermlAa1i tor the ihouu.nda of home. ud Wllne18m .... ""' ......... up pa.r\nli .. t. 'fte w&.. wu c&UMd weet..,,, M&rylan41 •blortl atock "111c14i drl•lll ~J 11iu Ji. ~ .,.. ........ ..,_,..,.u, wib.. u eleetrlc ~ well bl re.I.I Mel&on ud eut'f'tl:lt-IJl, Ba.n oi..,o, wtilclt plowtd In the newl,y tncorpon.UMI area. AJonr the edce of the map oa th4I rl&bt an the pl&t.. wu acalden\.IJQ-1ett t1.1m-11 •PPM!' •MOfll" u.. ...,. at-tnto the pll.u,p. towna t.nd prefix• ol. U.. ...,_ ~t to Ora.are Coan~. .. on. ft• pJe.te Mira.ltd Uuvu.P tneU.,. tn u.. S?OUP. -- .ACE WINNERS -., '" "•"'"" "' ... WALIEI TllAL =-~-:. -~~ ':.':.:: ;:~;:~::.~~~ .. ,. Attear o.ett•• ,,.. .... 0.. of U.. OoNn.&60 YI.Gt Club. ~ l.tUd Clipper tro~, (Iv.., Lo a ....... 1 of th•t d•l.p. t\nt to ~. #eftt to Jevitlln, D64lll0 YKl!.t Club. , A cu !ire 8&tura,.y atpt but• It eommaadl a )"rnhm .... ""' OOo ado Tacl>l Clu• IP _,... .. ............... • ...... -................... Mesa Home Show -"7 g er09 took that trophy, (0 I flW ft'tt .... ) a,map: Tl\• 1.uto, re(iat.-1 \0 lnl" out of e, Pft)\onpd Nit . Wl:AMr .,.. o. IC. ........,, wbo "'TM1 waated .. t.o ~" lAwla J Cont.ottlll. Loq ... ell. ronn1nr ,.,tern. • 1,...,. tll• award for x..... &utlw, he t..ttlled, M wu wa. ,.;.ked tn u.. cutaways Inter.t In ~t.ornlc .... ra, sl.lb-an..., CouatT• 9'0fl ..... ud her c'"'. WoreM "1 etftotn OJat •-.,. ~ ~ mariaee a.ad aircraft preen.nu n.te hl9la lbow 1n Ila W.t.o17 Th• CoriJll,llJ&ft Tecbt CI \I b cu tll,_ a.. Moll at J'W , . , -.Id U.. ii.,..~~ ~~ may well 1wiUf7 Msber prtc• clOMld tut. nltbt WlLh au.nduce .. t .A W' -1 ... ··--... y .... ~ ....... 6' mU, .... .._. l•v•la. niur-expec:ted to b1t eo.ooo. -----------1 tro 1 wen "" .. v_ _. OU_. .._Pl ~• Mm a Ulh ~tte bura· la -'"--....o..•--........ -... ton.-K. H-' .... -.. Dte10. 11.od Ut.e wtn"ff"&rd tadll tonMUUn.r lle tale." la lat UI t. The ln&rk... -.--._ pro--~... --·•• _..., Chi• ~ .,,.. w.IMm. "1 ..ro. I o • ... flt tallb\J •uat.......uy. M ln-lll. 19N lb.OW cha1rman. , ....... , ... c1.,.111.11 tr._. .-Md b7 lf. W. Kl.h~ n.. ~ ~~·::,. .. i.. t9 __ .. ___ ..;..._, ·~··~ ... _, ... tfl'"tft rot.ai.--look foe_a ... u.!~ k.~~ d .ooo""""" ,..,.. ... n ol. N-York Cit7. - -rv •-_.._ ---_, liletnel7 ttnn UJnt, ovw the • __ ...... 110 ltomt lo ~ Comp&.i. l'Mlllte ~ ci.-th lftllnuauce he Md Mlla._rn&dlt otticen • 1tory •bout taklfll" two balaftd or tM daJ • .. recent rt••n away and Into UM MW follow: UM h1l OUJ, '"I jllMt .... t U.C ~ to a Oard.ea. Grove Mr !Md ... adJ'ael. bhtblla B\llldlJC to 'ritW tll• with tli• etoriH ~ bad b<Ma bi. ·•-t of th• MCOnd &lleced " "\llldredl Of d1-1·-....... , a..A.88 •.t" BJ:AVT -~ Deolr-.f._ A..\'eftCM _....,,. .. n.-&..a. w ted i..wq." , oa-. H• .aid the otnceri1 pt trom. an MCtlON ot th• naUon 3 U Cynjo, Gordon Allea, LITC; ni. wttMlll -.taMSM 'Ill ...,.., lie then admitted; "I M In~ ··-114.&I ott l.ll fbt U.. ll"ftnl. WAJ'IRU8 wanted. lllq>erk akyi&rk. Deall Brown, lllTC; tbl'"WP Ille -.&ns t.1ti.1n1 dild It." 10 Ra.Iii; ................ 111.l'T vp .oc The dL9plQ9 rtpr91111ted VU'\U• enc4MS, for IM'Ukfut. eblft. .A.1*> Ot.lrl•vl. Stank-7 D • • II • w. that event. ot the cepture i:iipt Walker M.ld he had overheard 11 UUUtl• ···········• M.OS UJI .IT &J)J *"•ry phue of home butJd,. will tf&ln lnuperknced rtrll WCYC. (Jan. 10) "'" va,cve. "I doa.'t Ml'll. Brett and her mother ex· I ,_., Vel.,,.. 1..,.,ooe rhf, lmpronment ·and .. rv1c .. now for nmmrr. week-4Mtl • Ct.AU...-DAVT luaow w~l I .-i4, I r..emller ~q the wiab ~nna'• name America.a Teleph0n1 -·-······· 111 Rol1t1tn l&Sd. nit•. Mara, •rfMlf Hu~r. · _BYO; pe.r\a; el It lrehrnat tia U.. tiape Cf'lld be ~ CNt Of the new1· tUlaconde -·····-·-······-·-•A""-··· Tl -----------11 A.l..80 DlBHWABHER wanted, Evimttde, ltephen Mewmerlt, t'MOl'dln1 I." p&.pe1'9. ' Chry1ler ···········-·-·-··· .. ·-····· 18% Ylnci19t Ylcter monl"I" or •l'-ahitt... back WCYC; ..Mlatnsa, Dtx Brow, lutll'l'U .-UllMd .Wt.Urw • Oii ~ ~ driver matter, DuPont ···•···•····-·····-·············· 2M _ ~ ... lhop, tl05 c . ooa.t Hwy., CYC. a black-4lltted hood, 11e..-drt•-Walker Kid It wu uaed to ahort Oenen.I Xlectrlc ·······-··········· 11% CDM. 7lfc ~ .. ._. LIOID' er, titlly club and ne111 1~ out wire1 to atart hl1 oar. H• General Moton -· ................... "'"' ~---------1 l\q aok'6. t..rTC -..J~ ..... lwad la _pr:l' •• d..t-4 ever U1ln1 It lo force May CO ............................ -... (21\( !IO~:J"'!!!!•~?~l'l!''l!!"!!OO~UO~_:,,--_I y!~nt.Jd Barbar.' LA. TC~ ol the dell9d&nt., \M ba.cll door or Donn•"• tiny N. T. Centn..I .. -· ·-···· ......... 43\1. Le d Ch Ull 1..4 YC Walker t.e.t.ln.d he ttrn u.-d Garden Grove home. No. American A.YlaUon ··-·· II" ren ~::.It" i:;:~ . I the hood tor carryU..1 too\a from 1'<01' SPYING Mont1r•y OU ····-······-···········-··· a1 •E SUR.E • INSURE I GOOD J'tUGll, 12 by II It I by ti, ......,,..bly ptic~. 1011 W. a Balboa Blvd. Tel ?'fepenthe, G lenft Thorpe, BMYC; DuchHa, .lohn Rumaey, !I !••"-!VJ!!! :~~C: Mlltral. Bud D.enberJ, JI-Pr, ftlBDfO boat. __...,.. ~y "A" de.I • ....,..._ a.w~·~ Jlaller, Clark fl•..C. HllTC; ~. lllf~•t-.. -•It TraDClullla. Rotllrl Qatrl••a. t&llk, 11&60. Al., 11-f\. eal1 VTC: 4..V. .... • 1ft f IP, "bOat. rood ceed.!Uon, Ill. Har. K"l"C. ' Uk 7cf ..a.&alft.A.iay ..... -~Hfto.1••- roJ\N. bacMlor apt.. for man. ~ Ott paUo. 110 per wk. UJ.WJl •l 7ct •& M Moton ..... Ir .......... .. a-.a .... ..... ~-··· ......... ... __,.... Ir C•dlllaC Mui -.a1111 u 1-Ull Re;,d'i Mixed Conrrr:lr· .. -. . NrD q•-OlllU.. MUM :-:.lmc.1--J1.~.;,WEL'CH'S "-1'1 •1111 I •• -----~··· .. u M'I" 1111 W. a..& 8wJ._ N...,.... CONCUll sac , .... ..,. ~· xa..&. u ...... ..... ..,.:48 --........... hi• ctr upholltvy 9hop work The bUly club found In hi• car :o· Calif. !'Alaon -············· ft1' U ~nch to hit home. He eal4 be wu ''Uftd fdr 111.fitlJ'' and lh• ~cl&Jr OU ··-···-······--······-Tl~ _... allc.d hole• tn It Jut lfaUoween field st---were uMd "by my l!J cwa7 ltorY ........ -·-··-·· .. 51 MA.g.azcm,.,.or~ to play triclul Oii hit eon ked r tandl.rd Oil of Calif. -·-··-··-llf ,.._ .....,. ~ll Tbe wtt.a .. ea.Id JH iaw:r ou-~ •e par -a cl~" lo. Paclflc ......... ······--··-·-··-M 1111 & o..e -....., rted It ill hi.I car to w1pei .,., w. Re ~ ::n. °c:;' = io Ul!Joft OtJ or Qellf. ----'°" 0....-... ,._ wtAdahl.W. It _,,,11" ... \lied ,..,,... • Doan.a. ~U::., ~l.~l~lool~;-·::-;::;::::::::.:'°~"'.:.!.,,,,;,'.,,,,;,;;;.;;;;:;;,;;;;;;,,,,.,,,= ,_ M,J" etMI> ,.,._ la9 ... W"lllker ._ to hoe C"*- ~ ..... tloa. th1-aft4orMOa. 'JO ... •==-Tiie cWw!Ant -4 u.. eom· .,,...... .... U.. *i W JW-'ai wtt IS told hi.8' Oft _.., Ulit freat ..t lM.. D. Be iJM W.,. lliack from their eu~ told U.. ~ tM wte I aw ot dtrilloe. putr.inc Incident U.t ah• W. ...._ ...._. _...... e.ft.w M.d cg\ ._ hand. He eaJ.d h• ...... tu _..,. 000 ..._. ... '\. Wak tt wu much ot a MO nlaUou la M ...... a.r--...... , ...,,, bow ,,._ pt '9rl 0'"9 llUMI......... Jl9 .ad IL M nm 11•N U.. dMa. n-. utw l(n.. a.tc. .......... IUtfered. \lie ..a. ~ U.. ......,. ... U.. .-111 •·~to t.ak• a .. tt ~ ta w..,..... bite • ..., .... tllie iWmdanl. D. IAY 6ene,..I Contractor l Builder ........ _ ooaoac ... -.. .... ROBERT FO.RBES t•e liehar4 leeao1 Compa1y '••11p• t.1 .. .-C1a111wtf1• 00.011&'-. ..... •· ........ . _,__.._ .. _, " .• ltlCT•ICALLY s ·HELP YOU e &.ION 6 Senta Fe trains daily from Santa Ana .•. ' Build Your Own Boat 'Ii• ...... SEVEN /, Dlfferettt ... FtEE • WARD I HARRIM6TON LUMm CO. •JlOO W. c-t Hlghw.y 1 •111r a.3411 • Ride along the scenlC shoreline ... • .. I . . . • -.. " --~ ~ • . '!, . • • -• • .. --· ' . •• , ....... , ........ ,,. •t.ACINTIA ,. ~ _.·-. M..;. LMrtten's· t''m-z ti ... 1--;~Miiiiiiiii~~!·~-~·;-~;~~I .......... ; .. • ........ ... ... , .... Liiia -... 1 7 .... ,... .......... ~--..oil .... ... ... .............. ~ • ..... ........ 111 .. .. l(tlleM ollA'llGI 1 .. ,er1., ·c.111 :;::~ .. ';'; • -... .. ... "" ....... ,.. lili• 11•1 .. ~a .. • .... ~ a•-.... ~ ................. ..,.. ..... .._..,.,,. AMA. (OCM8~ '*..• .. •NA~ •tlP ~ °""' .... ...,,...... ........... ,, 'p ••• , ... •-111 ~ .................... ..,.,,,, .. .. ••••\!Mu...,.., ...... ....,. .,.,r,.. .. -1~_. .... .,.._.,. ___ l..,.. -.... ..._,.. -• t• -OMtrt. .. ~· A tMal ecits.•J.&. ,a. ... 1'.1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;i:;;;;;;;;;;~ l!al..mn llUN'l'ING1'0ll llACH ... ' CONCRETE ..... ....,... Lt. OllMll OMta, ,, ..,, All~ .... DI* .. T Aiu L. .... ., la aa.. :i-:..• :.-· :··.: ....... "':9..:.-~·:..:: ''" , .. _ ·,,..~-:.!.-~t ...... , S_a!..1 •• 111111actioD ..i. ra ._, ... 1M ..._ • w I •··~ ~a.. ._ ..,.,. ,, ,,... ...,._ Ml ,...,..,.. r:!:~ av .. or • --" • • lftlr•t; atr llllMWlllMN~=· ~ ..... ,... ... _,tM_.... ... ..,.. ........ ., _........ ... 1111. ...,.. .... ..,. IMtel' .... mR tl • • -..._ llc:rs st OM& te :..........-:=.~ .: .., •*.,...JM...,,,.. fill . .... ~ -·,.. •••-• ...... .._. _, ~ --.. 1Ji;i;i~~~~~;;-1 1--• IT e ,...... " ""'"°' ,. •,.....,.. °""" -c..t -11 ... T--. nova port. 1 _. .,.··aa~tllt .. .... ....... ...,. ftf'tk 11• ..,.. THI IAIY W&LOOMll.,.,,._ Toda• Ny ....... .._, ,, • ., ............. _ ..... _ "'"'.---.._..., y S • • _,...,. ...... _,_.,,.. ... .,., -.. ,., WAY AND SAYie "I didn't MJ I'd Mnd b1n:1 lM r.f .... II WMd .., -,... & olut Hllll._,, &t &.IO .. -. HYAtt 1talemenL I .aid h• wa. w•I-Stock Report -. ...,. ... ltNL ...,._,, pollol ..ad. TM .., ~ ~ emM late •J offtee Ud ~ -, ''rt&. CIOUAcSl wUl ... 19o"'°'4,. two ftMla. ,.... &ad "" &htn;. -It. Hmliluy dl.:u..ton oa lhe m~ U~ were U\e property of Sehwaat'-Ul•rt1d t>unpn Tb• m&rlnl ~ a 'te:r plan of aonin4 ~:.:ult.-Mn. Carlotla LawllOll., ion lt. 1hould mliJ UM •tatAment to atud:r tone wit.It •..-I flt' W'rt-mltt.d to th11n If lhf l.llf ac.a l'toal • him bec&UM 4llil latt.11''1 oCtlce di.I'll. •trol!IW ....,.. ~1:oo~m~m~"'~loo~. ____ · ..... ....--1:-:---=--===- ". In QlilU -... Illa' la -· -,...,, ....... hu " • DRIVER S"ASHES N•wp0l1 ~ ; -~ _, ..... _ ......... 3-C s • IVI "( _, -............. --ion -·· .. ., mat up HYDRA"'T. CAFE •bout trial UAtll l'n ..... the 0 .... 1 t ... ton4enof • ,, • • .... ., ............. .. c.nMll, ... ,...,.,.... ,.. ........ ....-. Ullorty 1-ZZIJ ' BAY 711 w. 17111 St. .-TAlllOU 1tattment," Bchwa.mb retter&.-atautard Oii ot Indiana wu H rt 2 w •Appar.ntly fllllll'lc uleep led." .i&b~t \.o rathar heavy &rbltrq• I s omen at th• whMJ., • Camp Pen· Cl D•NTI Dun1&n ur1 .. the JUdr• to Ml u.,tdl.Uon rtanUy. 'lbw lnnu-~!lr-~..,•I Cl.ue Marla• &t t Lift. to-lftl_;.......... a tr11.1 date. 90tb '9UJ!iml .,,.ed ..,. ... .,...,.. -UM waM __. Two women.,...."': 4aJ ~ .hia .,. Dto a "'"'-•mn to WLIY9 jlS'J, ..... ..._..t.tat..t ~ an auto maldnl 8 * 09 fire ~hnt al c..t fflcti· \~ Th-e.o.t& lit..,. ~ -· ablor'ptloa ..,....,. the l&We a.p-Cout Hlfhway at Ufl ~ •Ill' &fld t...r'lbP"r A••· and c~ be bad ao c*jeetiou lfl ,_,. la an attractive technical A vt.-Bal~'li ~ c.areced Into a CIOl'4e'I' Gt tM ldlw&mb ...tns tM mt.-neat, potlttoa. Betwda~ Iii a..t"e 1Nt. poUc. NllportM. 'nle otf -tmPm•t Ml:ppbiw9 ue a thrff-car •· f I . · The °'etortlt, Wlllia.ra X. pe.rtl.clp&Usc f\dly la tM .U" Taken to lhias g "'' tlr l'f•, ft. .... not hurt.. 1"M Pl •• t .Im •• ,.. ln .... Mt"" ... oil Not,_, -....... lnjuri ....... -..... .,...,,, WU ........ off .. • • ply bounded torWatd. ehUpl.J .. AuptUnt, J7, J)own.(, dd xrt. tk .._ e&\lmllni' the .tr.et LA TEST TELEPHONE PREFIX LIST IN b • Fe lo n_. hictl rreund rtrhetUIS M&tU. Cole, U. 0( .... ~ UI nood WI"'-...-. Muon· COUNTY Y . ire =t~ear:: :~. ~ Mn. A~ ... d4&fti • ~ °:r..the ~., Cbet'• alallle Jal• Curtns 1 e c • n t • _, drtwta _,-l\&J,_ •uc--t;:=========;!~~~~~~~ Pictured. above i9 updatin& ot 9Qme of th• CODUPunicatton facWty of Ofanle f'tr1I f'rid&7 In a ••n\lfacwr--mamt.1111 Wll W9Wd maial.Ull I'-'· \Ill .. 13, Do•• e7, ....._ ta. ~ ... ty -•· uttlo polD•J , .. _ .. , .. _ .. on U.. map a.re m_. of the 'AC bUUdln1 al f.tl llll at.. u-. auto .collided. wj\lf' uotW VUWA • "'"" -a mon -. -.uM.J.-.. ...... occ:upled b1 Cart V••nu.n. ~ WSLL ~ 4rlwn by Sda•r N. t.aptle. C0W1l7 commWlltiea ancl tMi.:r tei.pbolM prefixu, incl1ldla& a new on• Of tyo, uu"4 4unap1 1a •<*I °' n. XU1M carp.. Z1 TWe. Ma JeU.,on la 'a Dl'W pref!K ip. the Ge.rdeD Grove area bWtut.ed. to provide c.a-HOO. ~ lO U.. n~ 4e-Weeti"' Putnc lt&llread and Cole wu ~npr lD \M ~ tral otfiom t.ermill&1i: for the thouu.nda of bomee ud. buainf:Uel ................ up pe.rtm•t. ~ w&ae wu c&UMd w-..,,,, Ma.rylarw& •t.ortl •tock fthlcl1 dr1'f'WI b)' ati... ""-o4e. .-. -al.U6 &»Jl&l'Dtl7 .n... aa el.etri.c hot w.U bl NJ.I MCUon llAd mrrut-&l, kn Dt-co, wtiSta plowt4 In the nnr\J Incorporated. area. A.lone the edce al the map oa Ute ri&bt are th9 plat.I _.... iaoctd•\allJ' 1.n. tum· 1Y appear &ft'fCMll' Otto more at· lllto th. p\11up. t.owu and Jlftfix• ot. the .,_ ~t to Oranp County. ed. oo . 'h• plate lluraed Uu-oua'b tr&etlft ta °"' rroup. --------·---a beach uu! •t ftN to OM cor-a.nenJ D:ra&mle. t. a •l:IMI· M IACE WINNERS :;:; ~~~· :::d0 "'" ... WALKEI TllAL =t :. '":.:::,":; =~!"=.i.~i:!~ M .. ,.HAttenSdh o.ua ... ,,.. .... o.. .:-:-~~:-~:~~bu; <C• ,, •• ~ ..... .wt .... ) =. ~. ~!~;!~~·: :; ::-C:":'9Pf')~:.-= ~·· ome ow of U.. ODl'OllAdo Tullt Oub. Wt.a.. WU 0. JC. BrlM'n. who '-rMJ' wuted 1111 to co~.. 1AWll J. Coator1ttl. Loq' a-ell. tormtnr pattera. • --. .. _ The i.laad Ctlpper lropb7. ~ the award fot" Mliltr.. J:artllr, ha t.eet.lnld, h• ,,... waa parkM ll'l lM CUtawa.ys lnt•r•t In atomic ••"11· tub-.... ..._ .. Couat7'• mOfl el&'°" fl't'• lo a v....i ol that duip, &lid bw enw. lnlonned b7 otnc.n that ..._. JltMt&UrUt kin&" 1.., Jinm marlMe &nd &lr'Craft pnCra.m.8 1'9.l• bmu Mow 1A lta W.t.oQ' l\nt to .crc..i, -...it to Jay.Un, '!111 Coria~ Tacbt CI 11 b can ~ a.. MN, u. JOU _, .. th PM' ..,-tn maJ ...U J\l&tlty ~41!!" prte• cloaed l...t. ntl:llt wt!A au.ncs..c• · · · -• ftn appannU, •tarted 1 ,_ filu.r'H eKpect.ed t.D hit IG 000. -==-===-=--trophy want to ETCl'llq' lt&r au Tou .a f9t &lie SU ctaam• tar rrom a lllhted' ct.pntte llum· ·~ llet ia ..__. .. _ accol'dtq to Oeoi:I• IL Hobt..ta Die10. ud. th• Wlftward Yacht IMMlllinl ll• tb&a." i. 11'11 Into tu ... t. fl .. -".:~ u--~-=~-pro-I lll, JtlM ah(lw c1'a1rma.n. au• tnf!O' -taMa.,. AIM-SVDft v.a.ons 1 t --...,. • .. -~-.._... -... . tr-. ...-cl. "" ll. W, IC&hrl-t1Nll9t rotat• •• loolt tw a ... W •I k Ind Uu•or1_. pourad ru.n of N" Tork City. Tba WIOd&nt 914. IJI "Pl:r UI TM ffftndut 1-WW he tokl. ~ ftni\ tone ovw lh• Uuou1J1 Ula 110,000 borne lo ti. Comp.hole r..u.lta b)' cia-th1 lnlllnuatJon h• ll&4 Mell,.mlda offle1rs a 1lory abOut laltll\I two bl.laftee of 1.JMi da:r . u Neent (lvtn •••J' and" Into tJae MW' Toea..t.TeBe c••••••••ll folklW: lb• hll au:r, "I ju.It. ... t .S..-Karia.a to • a..ns-Gr'O'W'e Mr ~ ad.juat. bhtbltl BulldlllC' ta "'"' th• -·--======-! CLAM •A" HEAVY ..-t!JI th• 1t.ori.M ahe ll&d \ta4a lh. n11ht ot Ui• 11ttolld all•rd .,.._,,e_ A.ftNCM llundNdi or d~ tirouc.111.t n.-H.in W W teWn1." ott..... ff• aald th9 ornc.rs rot (room all ~ flt the nation ::s:. .. Cynjo, Gordon A.Ilea, LIYC; na. wtui-' ooet...,.. t all lliiU*. Hi then admlttld: "I IO Jn~ -·-11f..t8 off 1.11 ftlr 1.JM nbt. WAITRU8 wanted. ltxper1· llllyl&rk, DMa Brow'n, UTC; thrwp. .It.le ~ t..u.on1 did It." JO Rau. ..... --···-· l?l..JT vp ·°' n. di.p..,. rtP"Mflled Tlr\U· •need, for breakfut lb.I.IL Aleo O.lrt,ul, St&nle)' D • • h • "'· that ev1nt. ol tli• eaptur. alpt Walker .aid he had ov•rM&rd ll Utllitl• .......... -tt.OS up .IT l.lly ev1ry phull of bom1 buOd.. will tn.ln tnexsi-rknclld ,Sri• WCYC. {Jan. lOI wer. •&&'\&•· "l don't Jl!'I. Bretl and h•r motl'l•r e•· 1 p.a. VelGnM l,nt,000 tnr. lmpT'OTtfneflt '&nd Nl'Vt.C41, now f« .ummer. Wffk ... nde A CL4U ...-DA.VY k.aow wb.al 1 ..W. I r_.-mti.r ,....i.nc Ule w1ab ~nn•'• name Am1rlcan T•lephOn• -·-· .... 111 Rol1t.ln Wd, nltM. M•ra. Bam., Huber. BYO; p&rt. of ll (refecriq i. die tape cf'&" b9 ~ out ot the n•W•· •naconda ........ -............ ·-···· .... 11 1-----------" 11 ALSO Dl8HWA8HSR wanted. l:ver.tld•, atephen N•wm1r1t, NC*'dln11... ~re. Chry1ler -.. ·········-·--···"-····· M\ii Ylacliftt, Y1ctor momlnf or ... 1te 1hllt. Bnack WCYC: Jll.litreu, Dix ltroiw, au1llft11 ~ .... Walbr • 0. Ula _.,...., drtver matt1r, DuPont ............ -...................... 2M llbop. 1SOlli E. Oo&et HW)'., CYC. a bl&ek ... lltltd l'lood, .:nw drf'f'· Walker -.Id It wu u-«i to abort 04ln9.n.1 El.c.lrlc -------4li. Build Your Own Boat Yi• .... SEVEN /, Dlfferoat ...... F l ,E E • COM. 7Uc Ol.Al8 "A." LIGHT •r, billy club and flt.kl 11 ..... out Witti to at.art hl1 tw.r. H1 O.nerlLI MotONll ......................... " -1 kll .;, LITC ftldl -,re tound Ill ~-dtmlld ever 1U1ln1 It to toru M•:r Co ....... "·-·····-···-···-·-t.2% IO llhce''e•eou A.~ :::XB&.,: LATC; ol the dat-.danL, tlle bacll door or Donn•'• u ny N. T . Cefl.tral .-.................. 43'>( Yucu, n r r. : Wilker t.elt.Ut..s h• flr•t uMd Q&rden Grov• hom•. No. Am1rtcan Avl•Uon ...... 91"- t_.,., Vlllctmt ......... ~t tor a 1-0 lunMt. ~ pttO• u.s pertonnanc• n~ wll• SUI.ta Alla ~•tM an.n,... WARD I HARRINGTON LUMaR CO. NowportlHU J GOOD RUG8, 13 by II .. ' by l..frend, Chu. tnlman, LAYC.l the hood ror euryt111 tooi. from sor 8PYIXG Monterey OU ........................... ae ·E SURE· INSURE 13, reuonably prteM. 1011 w . CLAM "R" LIGHT hi• c•r uphol.t.ry lhop worlt ........ So. C.llt. Edl10n ___ ....... M .. , t.ll4 u e '"' billy club tound In hi• e1r l\··'al OI 7 u .;. Balboa BIYd. let 1'epenthe. GI• n n T l'I or p e. bf>nen to nu bome. H• -.Id h• '""' r I ............... ---··-·-1-.. WIUl ·-c Duh 1-•· R oil od wu "\.I.Md rm-.. rety" and th• &al 0•• " ,...-...... -.. --.,_. ; c Mit, u.u• UrnMJ', c l'lolu tn It W l Jlallowe.n cway ...,re. . ................... "_..._ -...... ~. .DTC ,.., __ , • d --bo 1 rt.id ,.tane. w1r. uMd "by my 8 ..... .., OU r ~ .. , 11, •-nlO• ...,, !! ! iL ----; ,.,. .. t,..._ pU .........,., rf, to ply trick& c;MI ht.. IOI\, ..-if• W°h9n Wt parklid Oft a c\lff ....,.... O _...,.., _.......... .... -llt alt• !15 ~ BTC. Ttl• wtoi.w Mid n. l•ter oar· Ao. Pacific ............. ,. .. , ____ ···---H I a&. a.'411 :.rr. naBJHO lto&l.. oomma,... A&Bn&A•T "A'" rtlld It In ht.. car to ..-tpa .n bl9 *':!0= lll• OC"t&n dl&nn•l" Union OU ot Csllt. -------'°" 1111 a. o...e ~l!IJ • dU M',........ MW!y'NCIOD-.linker, Clark Bwe.t., HBTCi wtadal!J.W. It .._,.., ., .. UNd u.lq U.. ..... tolU::_ . .:"-:.:":""=-=-=-"==""-==-.:'°:.:"~=,,'=-=== ... ,,,,,===~~===================== llllUOMd. lldpt.o •Mn. It alt T'nDq.ulll&. Robert oattl••a. tw...,...., ,..,,_.,,.Ille -. ..,,.. • Doana.. tank. UISIO. Alao 11-n. an VTC: Atlflr, Rd wu..u. ..... -.'!':.~on~~::.: boat, pod coodlUon, Sii. Har. XTC. JO ... WDl»Othi ft4 defendant .aid U.. oom· 4N'. T.ct .aana&ilY ..... Wautw ... tlla .... W pl•1•191" wttnw tokt hi"' Oft Trideet, 0eorati Re It I a a o a, __. U.. fnet ... t 1 ... 10. Re tile .., Mell from thlir .ub- ............. for II.le LaTC;.o..noc.. SctprT11taer, toad the Nl'7 tile _..,., ot di.Woo pariWlc ln.cld1nt that ah4I .,WANT NGO .,. or tftdl tor CYC; I.Arp. AllU P11ta1tar, Illa Maa ..,.. ei..... alt.r had cut llet hand. R1 eald l'I• eq\lllJ' •UN Qwf. I-door ... 8W1C. ... Ud tM W"7 OOC ....... aa."t WU ll wu much or , -·· -,.-.. u. ,.,_ . ~Y ...,. • had relaUoM .. aa ...._. av-. cat..,. dldll.'t 11*"9' how •h41 rot .--. ~·.. daft Orrra .u.WI~ lie .W It. lllW. , .. Jil&nlrlal, H•w•r• Bartrtf, IMN'lli111•t11•~,,_ ....... xn. ar.tt.-..ai. ..it•red ntc: Ha\IWua, J~ kt •• ,. Ula &lat. ..,.. UM ........... u.. -.... ·-....... ~ 81t: wi.u. W'IA ... Otl•ert put tt ..... ._..... ~ • ,...., ..... ·caTC. 1lllit ::;:;;i klllft. •"7 frora tie def4nd&z\t. ft.AMQD -· tn.11•· "..... ......... ... "D"' .......... 0.. fltlO uw.' WU& , aaaa aet.tol. I . P. 1--. .. ACIUnCll ..................... c: -~ ....... Wl17, ' t• du._ CTC; Oboaa, Jlrtc Dtdl-, . G-:l-'-:Afl!: , .. -. ruJ\N. Mc:Mlor &pl. for man. ft.dric... Oft ,.uo. •10 per wk.. 111-Jall aL Tct • & M Moton tl•in I & Alll 1 m Ulft a-.a •··-c. ·111 ......... ln1sc1p1w & C• Sac Mn• lall1111 u 1-llll . . ' ....... 11111 ...... •. m¥1C1 - Re~dy Mixed CfJncrr ft· JAMIS D: RAY . 6•n•rel Contractor I Builder ... .__ ooaoH4 .... llA& ROBERT FO .RBES Wider PBOn •••MMl n• \. \" ~ B I 1 ''I' I. l~ICT•ICALLY -'-e 1Et-US--ffnP -YOU e :ftAFFO•D lr..ION P aid 'I o.taadiln 110 llhonlde An. Liberty IHI« ' • 18 . ' Go quickly, comfortably, inexpensively I • " 6 S•nta Fe trains daily from Santa Ana ... Ride along the scenlC shoreline ••• . • ~~~-~ You'N right in the he4't of San' Diego ... ,.... __ f I , q 7 I MIT ........... PJ!l .. • • , . . .. "' .. - • _, -~ .. . ' ·- MR. AND MRS. GZORGE RBW> and ~ter Aahley of Puadena aboard their aloop Clytle 'IV. The ReadJI week-end at their Balboa 8-y Club ..,.,.un.at wiw. the aloop LI alipped. -E. r.e.ter Bm1th Photo. SEALARKING 87 GINNY (llBS. D>WA&D LESTER) gMD'll · Rn. Tbomt.e J. Nma. Mia& BJdwd Altman, tnuurer; Robert JJel.mboll, .tint Tjce premdent; Edward J(uaby; fecordinJ ..uetary; John Leahy, conwpondinr 1«ntary; Ju. Quiatianaeo, aec- ond vice pruldent. -Staff Photo. CATHOLIC.W·OMEN GET 1955 COUNCIL REPORTS Officers Installed ' # for 1956-57 Tenure P AIKIS-llDLIY MORTUAIY '. ANNUAL GARDEN TOUR PUBLIC 1NVITED ~ AMual Garde" Tour conducted by the Wom•n's Committ• qf th. Ntwport Harbor Chemb.r of Conimerc.t wiJt b. s.turdey end Sundey, Moy 12th end 13th, from 1-5 p. m. S.. e selt<:ted group of some of our best plann.d en0 .planted 9erdtn1 in thi1 inspir1t ionol ond educational part of the "City B.outiful C.tnpai9n." SAVI ' IA FE LY At Oren .. County's Leeclin9 Home Lendln9 Institution CONTINUING TO PAY PER ANNUM ALL ~~UNTS· INSURED UP TO $I 0,000 Tic~ek at $I .SO include ell 9ordem both S.turday end Sunday afterooons plus r .. , aerv.d from 3-5. You ma~ pick-up your tickets ot the Chomber of Com~ or af lhe two pointJ of depertur• 1-+1--=~-=-~:.-;:~~~;;._ Publit Pier et Via Lido Nord end Ant;bes or the -FEDERAL SA I Coast Guard station on Bayside Drive, Just south LOAN ASSCSClA'!10N of the Balboa Y 1cht Club. Ferry end &tation w190n tronaponation will be f umished by th• CommittM. BAUD IHOPI UDO IRA VINO 11110 h BldweJI'• ...... ,., ·- MU Vla Udo -..,._ UM BEAUTY PABLOB8 UDO u.£01f or ft.t.tJTr MU Npt. IUT4. -llltl. 111' 800118 BOO& CAU Mll \'la Udo -llarMr MN OAJ0'3WI a 8appLlc9 VINCENT LIDO D&t1GI Mil va.1*-...._ .... OAan:l'S a DUPJallll ,DIC& JU.CU& Mlt\'la~ma FREE HOME TRIAL PboM D 1-flM llAUE'IB &rnEftATIC P. A.••11...-Dia. .......... _....._,.. vooa. oo.Pd'I' kllVlaU..-....... LIDO a&&L'IT •MCMW•'N Udo ...... a.taa ._V1-Ul9-..... MM 880U-llta't mDWm.aJa ........ --1&11Via1* -..... ... -. u mo ·-· DIWGUO.U VDJOSNra Dln1G8 Nil \'la UM·-......, - &t1LS'I OI' Gf.LU'OaJrlA IUI Via I.Me -..... - • WINDOW OOVl".aJXO 'l'llS ·~­---r•om.-a.r. • ' Mrs: Casala Reports Success · Of Local Scouts Spring· Camp Sprin1 Camp for Intermediau Scouta of the Ne~rt le1. Mia. a. R. Hotf'mAn Uld Mra. Harbor Gitt Scout Council waa an "unqualified aucceaa " Woodward. •txlh srade; troop T, • . • Mn. Kfnne}h Harri.a and Mn. according to Mra. Joe Cuala, chairman. One hundred Ralph Wiicox, eevenlh l'f'&de Now Serving tev,enteen girls and 22 adults attended the camp April and troop a. MMJ. J~ ea.la 21;21 at Peter'• Canyon. with and Mra. WlUlam Kennedy, Kr. and Mn. Art Remley and Mnt. Darcy P'rance, 11.xth Jtade ervenlh rrade. the Harbor Area OTlZltNB J"OR EISENBO~Among the prln- cii* wom.a attmMnc a "Ou.a. tor Etaenhower" bru.Dch at tbe Balbo. Ba1 Club recatl7 were (Lett) Mra. Frank CowcU1. (npt) Kn.. 1'ullhall Nei· decker and Mrl. Thomu (Valley) KD'Gd.8en (eet.ted). , Mra. Knudaen iii cbairawl of the Qt:bem for E1-en- bower committee of Southern California, Mrl. Cow- ciD &cti.nl u her .. istant. Mn. Nlild.ecker ii chair- . man of the Newport Be&ch oomm.ttt... -Terry Bodi Photo. IO'. and Kn. Wllda.n Tbomu troop 35• MrL Harold Wtlch Tb• C°lrt. aqulred •kW In eervt.n~ aa ca.mp c:owuclora and and lf nt. Jack ftudall. slxtll woodcraft under the direction of' coordinatort.. ~de troop 38, KrL Francea A.rt ftemlej Mn. Al lrwln '!be ~pe and leaden parU-Schultz and Kr. and Mn. Fake. laUJ'bt corutrucUon of l'U9tic cl~t' .. ~ --MM wi. e ... tlwp ST, 11fn". cainp racwUu out of aau-.. PA&ftCUAftNO Earl Pttenon and Mra. Smith m&terl&JL KIL Art ~)' , Troop tt, Kn. 8. A. Hall and Newberry, aizlb en.de; troop allowed the pi. bow to cbut , CCUJ'11U and tl.nd lhelr way wtth Mariner Scouts Awarded Native Daughters' Flag t.he comJ>4l•• and by the lt&ra. A rouatn1 eonc·f'ut wu led by Senior Bcouta Patty WlldJx a.nd Bal'be.ra Nott. At duak tbe Jirla plhtred around • l'OU'bll campfire lo entartaln each otba n. cautornl• State Bear leader .. Ml'9. Kuney la alllO MC· and lo dlaplay Ill.tr talei\t in ...... WU p"9ent«i by Mn. ond vice pre.ident ot Conchita dram• and mu.tc. Al llUft·rUe llladolpll P•~ pr•ldent ot Parlor. camper• attended • noa-Metar- Conolltta Parlor 294. NaUV. On Af'bor Day lhe parlor pre· Ian reU&10\U Mrv1ce held at the Oo,... W aented to the Newport EMmen-brow of the mountain. Daupta~ of the ouen ul, tary School a tree. Preeent al --------------------- "'"°~· to M.artner Ship Kaut. lh• ceremony were Mr1. Peter· -- Picture Framing Art Supplies Pictures we solicit yoor p•tron•g• for home or prof euion•I needs Corona del Mer J'\Ry Kutner acouta. mem-eon. pwtdent. and the MmeL ._. ol Mtpl Maui and Naiad. Helm Colllna, Jack Wllaon and 27S4 E. Co.~ Hwv __.. ,.._i u Karlcw Dan· Walt. NoUar. COWl' A Ml:aA CllAPEL llllA .. ' BALTZ MORTUARIES w.. o. D. ol Kaw ~pted Uw Next re(Ul&r meeuna-of th• 11u 8\aJ*iot' .A...u (neor Golden_rod T roffic Signal) aq at tbe Olr1 Seoul How.e. p&rior wtll be held Kay l2 at co.ta Iii--. Oallf. T.a.pL ---H•rL --.:: ... 21 'ftie a.. wW ._ J"&1..cS at Ban· th• American Leeton Kall in P.bcme r.n-n ...su1 none vvr .,-. .. Dee ln t1'e 8an Fema.ftdo Oo.==:ta:.:M;._::_.....,,,.._~~--__:~~~~~~~-~~~~~:=~~~==~~~~~:_:::::===:===:=:::=::::::==:::==:::::::=::::=:::======= MRS. HAROLD JWBl:RTSQlf, preal&id of New• port B.Ubor Zonta aub (left), with Karp Stonll, 7.onta Girl Of the Month for April, who ia ~ her UZ'' pin from Kn. Arthur Throuon, oom.a:ilttee cha.lrmab. -Meara Photo. Marge Stovall is Named Zonta Girl of the Month Vallq ••W..7 11, lt &M 20 ........ ~all Oftr loutbenl calltorata wUl ptlw' tar tMtr &mlua.l pm. Be.ed• the m&mben, preeent weN Kn. W\Jdan Tbomu, ex· ecuttn di~. Newport Glrl koat OouncU; K.nL Sidney 8&11· ..... prultt.nt. N.-porl Girl l«Nt CouncU. and the KmeL Morma.n Dulworth. L&urmce avw., Albert Ryletl and the ~ Jan Dulwortb. Carol Doane and Mn. Don Kuney .• Barbers Plan for Convention Kut.er 1Su<bare CbaptA!r 318. ~ County, diacloMd. plan• tor ll\4 eomtns Ollltomi& ltale ConnnUoe at a be.llquet for ~ b&rbtra and thelr wtvu at Anaheim. PrMldent Daft Det- wtllr llltrodaac«t Roe Ko!Uktte who ~ the pl&N ot u-e , Karr• St.oftll, cSAupler ot Kr. hoaonble meoUon natloft&1 merit K rla H vey 9"4 . Mri.. 1l. 1l. ltova.11 Of ... 8Chol&nllip nomlD&Uoa. It.ale COftffJlt.lca. 0 0 • • • • Betn1 a akilled cartooftlat, ber llata Yioe p~t. reque1t.d ~ It.. Costa Meaa. wu ....... u...... lo act u · OOli9d "Santa otrt ol the KonUI.. c~Un and arUaUc talenta ban th• ladt.:. ........._.,,. • , bhn plat to pod Ula la act.In&' boet.euea for tbe cioaffftUca. f"'! Aprtl and l'«'ltved her "Z' aa 8ludent man..-ol tM n-Mn. 1....fte Detwt.ler, hoelea ,.. tl'Oll1 Kr& .Art 'IbroMOn r.-c.nt dance u.embl;J. Other ac-ch&lrman. and be1' commJllee. ~ at ~ N.-port Manor complllhmmt. tncluM wtnntn& 0.0.-Jia Hovey, Vada Swearin· B1l'l khool. the recet local aon. Olab pub-i-and H•'l«l MorteJette. wtll Jilarp'a lllf.&Dd Kllo&MUcally la I Uc lpe&)dns oontellt and ~ entertain the wtvea and puta ~·~-~~~~~ ID .... t.op SfO'lp ~ ~· the 1-d lJl two ecbOOl dramatic cunt Mc Kinney. newly ap· a&U.. Mae a.a.sq NC.tftd profUc:Uona. potnled naUonal repruent.allv• for lb• .AKBBA. reported to the JtOUP on lMUJ'&nC• and new memberahlp. McKinney wu pn-HAWAIIAN MOTIF :c Mrs. Holtz Hostess .. ~.. for Kamaaina Binner ' Rnt..d wtlh a brief cue 1rom Chapter 111 by DetJriler. Bu. llleJ Cut• expl.alned and ctta.- ~ UM new mm'• ba!ntyle chart for UM )(.Uter ...,..,. .. INSUIANCI aacl IONDS John Leehy Mn N ... llh"-Bar. 1MI LATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S Ullll SHOP Watclles IAdlft' tT 2891 ~ •. .,, .. llnt'a JT 39j~ l.w~a. 'JlM .... Diamonds Aolltalni ITt.tO, •ow Muy 001.r 1>l9m .. dAI F.irttptkmally 1-· Pl1eed II•'• a LadiM' llrthstone RiftCJS , . ..._,.._ 11 .t.na. N- M•'1 Jewelry .... Geld. 8t.U.,. OeN ,,... Yahlle Mt le U .tt 1" .. 19" Brand Neme Uijlsters 1/2 PRICE Acron from-th• Balboa Poat Office 125,000 ITOCll OF Fine le•8lry IAClllFICID ! I o.r Olllt••t YOU'D tile ftr'lt te .._, ..... OIOAN'l'IO CLM&- A.N<JE s.u&, WI: rAC& a • FIWJI n.t'• dJ .. an lllPftNG-aJ'l"IU(G _. ll·•llONG n10BI te fore. ..,.... el oar llllp t6edi of DLUI01'D8-l"All- OU8 JU.D WA'rtJll" IEWY-m.~.u.z. YD-EVDTl'HING!~ ...... ._ ._.,, .......... ,. ... _...,.....,,umat,.~.i Ii',._, · ..,___.,. et ui ·-·· Vtihiiet Z't&Jllllac -' p .................... ~~~~~~~ PllOnta-Oosn ud FOa11D1 m1ao ruca ... ... ..,,., .... to_... ..... '$ .......... .... lllt. 2 ...... ca--SAVINGS .. -.... .. ,19 • .._...__. a e c,_,_1-xew 11• -.. St1T .......... JM .... ,. YOl1Blft'- ,_ ON'*' fW WD1Jl!tG CJll'n-..l9r dMlua- M'lft e. maawo&n ... swm1 OOOUIOMt 'llli9 ~ ..................... ..... ADYAJnAOael WI OffOa.'IJNllTI ............ - ...,. ...... &11~ .. &h'e ,.. Oma'• 9 et '••11 ............ ,.. ,.,, w. ..... .,., ,. t ..... --.. ,.. iilflili' Iii ....... ..;_WILSON leWil8•s -~ ....... 205 ...... St. LAllT HIMWALD, Ne~ ··-..... HoriMM' 2261 CJocb ..., •r I a::.n-V.._ l.IUI R A .... ,,_ .., , .............. ... 4• .. ,,. ···---- 1.-p 11 1 I C•mp•dl ......... JlfOW HALFPllCE ,. • • • • PHOTO TALE OF TORRID TA~ TRIUMPH A}ove, ls the happy endini &tea.ta Short.top Bob Wbit.e 8COf'l9 first run. M.. Park Thursday. Coach Emil Below. Catcher Carl Berpron bunt. Neeme and team.mat.. joyously llUJ'· singles Larry WarlaumOllt acrou. round Pttcbtt Gary Green after 5..t Lower right, Paul Lorent.Ho scores. win over Fullerton. Upper riJlrt, -Staff Photo.. TARBABE THINCLADS. ~ROYE BEST BALANCED TEAM IN (EAGUE MEET • Fem Golfers Have It 01t wit~ Pair of Divot-Diggi1g , Odi1p, \ \ TAR TENNIS TEAM TAPS WAY INTO SUNSET 3RD PLACE TIE Co.ch Glenn Bauett'1 Newport Harbor Hlfh School \'Varsity tmnil laam moved Into a ti• r-tth Fulltrton for Sunaet l.Aape third place by drfeattnr thf' Indian nf'tlt-~ 5-4 Mra Tbureday. The Tar Junlor vanity loet by the • aam• llCO~. 8tnclea wtna by Mickey Hukf'U, LH Crbell, Mike Man,'. Don Doltie. e.nd Scott Thompeon waa the v&J"9jl)' difference. For the Tar Jualon . etn,.lu win• were tW'11"d In by CbJp Willey, Biil Doner, 1\n Kanr a1ic1 Weyne Wblt.n~. Ettois .. MiAN 'NOTHING ~ Roy Dalton Gives Gutty Chuck Chore in · .. JV Win WEEK'S PIRATE SPORTS SLATE n. Oranr• 0out Coll.,.. alllleUc sport. c•lftY!ar UW. week t•t.u.ree bueball, -. oU, track &nd CttW. eo.ch W~deU P1cke»' undef•ted Eul~m Coal.,.. enc. nine atrut.. It• atll.Pr ap.ln8t !ant.a Ana he.re al 3:SO p. m. tomorrow a.ad trawla to 'Mt. San Antonio Friday. Thurllday and Jl'rt. day lhe Ptrat. ~nnla aquad partlclpate1 In the Southern C&llfornla Tournamtnt at Lonr BMct\ City Collere. Saturday. Bue t~k e.n· triM ro to t.M Ft uno Re· 1&)'11 whJte th• OCC crew of eo.ch PauJ Bapllat.e ta.n1le1 with USC at San Pedro at 1 p. m. Pirates Poke Riverside in 8-3 EC Fray GOING I FORMAL? Rent • Tux from Malor's Tux Shop GLOVES HOOD ''PF .. CASUALS aM Su•St.;s Shoei ' Private Police • M~CHANT PATROL . and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL SEC9'RITY COMMERCIAL PATROL Kl 2-7027 [Xpert outbio1J motor repairs Our mfdlWa are ~ tniatd io tM •• of ,.a.I factory·rype C Tiiey UM Jobmoa ..,.ffoii_... ..,,._ noclc, as1u1ia1 )'(>\I of NlJ the 6oest maiac.na tnd ,.. pajr work oa JOUI .utbiatd motor. Loolcin1 for a •~11 s-.HorM? We laa._ tlM. It prices you'll appreciate.. SOUTH COAST COMPANY N~\\porf Rhd. flt ~3rd St. Y•'• ._. ••rprt ... bow many far• 1uppllea 8tandad mdea fmm • b&r- nl ol cnadl .u. .lat • ff'W aTe u.t.d ., the rlcbt--.nd tbeYN onl) .... ot tha 'lc.---U...wa.haw cm bend Oba. m a call foi ~tiod on Stiiidud·• fQ1J cl prod- .. .. ,,_r .... Barbor 2GOO '"''""~ , .... ,,...,,... , .... ....-. 'ft"1kt ..... ''*'"""'"' ... , ........ ,...,_.. ,....._ .... ,~ .... ,,Al..,.......,. .. CLAYTON" THOMPSqlel ·• &.'l.llOA IUXD. :\f;"l'ORT Af~( H JfO'DCS or PUIUO 9'*JIOr08 HoUct t. ~ ct..a that tM Plunlaf Com~ ot ~ CltJ of H~ Beach WIU bold two pubUa bMttnia on ~ CormntMon ~luUon of Jnt.n- LOCAL FOLK IN HORSELESS CARRIAGE PARADE Uon ft01 to amend 90ll1nS from .. v...._. 1 ...,_ • a UV"' &tnct to 9011lnf dt.trieta NO'l1CJ: OF PUBLIC -a •Rin The pro~rty, tlxturet and 94ulpD'lent ~n •J\lcll the Mid chattel mortgage I• to be placed ~.ti ot the followtnc: Meuiber'I o! the HorMt.. Ca.niap Club of Am.rte.a. N~wport Resfonal Group, just recent- ly put.iclp&ted in a parade u pvt of the M1a1 Welcome to Long Beach *uty contat and fuhion 1how in Belmont Shore. Heading the line ta a 191' Buick o! Sam He.lnt.ulman while tmJM. diately 'behind J.t • 1906 Tourlat driven by ZUll Z&nder, GOO Poin.lettia Ave., Newport Beech Farther down line la 1908 Vord 6 of NeJ.on Holmwood, 308 Holmwood Drive, and a 1911 Locomoblle ot Judge Raymond '11lompeon, J'uDlr. ton, preal4ent of the group. -SWf Photo 1Shelton Narcotic Arr1ig1ment Conti1aed by Judge to M1y I SANTA A.NA. <OCNS)-Th• arn.ll"'U""1t of Jam111 R. l)lelton, ia. of 119 1:.. nth St, Co•ta Meta on chars .. ot p<>UM•lon and ~ Of narootlu Tuuday wu cont1nued to May .. by Superior ' Court Jltd1• Kenntth &. Morrteon. Th• d • f • n d a n t '• attorney wun'l availahLt tor court. pro· CMdlnJI today, Shelton waa IU'Ntted by New· port S-cb police on a atalce-<lut at 24t Calatln& ~.. .April •. PoUce daunad U.., f.oua4 t.br• minor• emrrrtnc trorn th• reef· uenu-..11 a.uertedl7 wtth tr• hypodenn1c nffdl• marka on tht'1r annJt Police Uffrted th~ found a quantity of btroln a.nd & hypo- dermic lnJtctioli "outfit" ln tb• Catalina ruldenee. • Shelton t. charrt<f with poaHNlon of her- oin and peddling It to U\rM mtnoni Th• defendant la In cuatody. Dimar Co. Gets 1 Acre lease on Cou1ty Airport Property anl!Ule tn 80C.lftl ontt~e ~ 4m that WOUJ4 b9 app~te Mollet la here\))' (lY• that 1Jll ,_. J&ad u.. aletlft6 or Pf'OP09-Plannins C4aun'-lton ot the at1 .. • property kaowa u th• of Newport Beach wUJ hold a ._... Almaa.UoL publlf t1 .. r1nr °" t he aJ)1>Ucatlon ot R. r. A.JIMANSOl"f tor a nrt· 'n. ftnt ~ wU1 be for ance-#293 to permit: A.n eft• i.....i di.lc:u.mson WIUl OWMn ot croachment or u· lnto a r-iwr- pnperty ln•otnd 1D tlle rMiOn· ed 18' front Mlb&clc JMvlq a O' iJ16 te Mt.ahl Ula vWw°I ot th• eetbadL. Oil Lou 11 It 11 Tract ,.,a. t.nTolnd la ..Sd ..u.n.. I02 11 Harbor Ial&nd. ' l&Sd Pf'Ol*'tJ• are bet ... n J(otJce t. hereby turthn J1ven 1"t.M, Tu.Un, 18th and 11th that l&Jd public bffl'tns will bl etnet.. ne.,,uns the t.NCl known Mid on t.be 17th day ot Ma7. U Alde&n Place flOU. llN. at th boor ot 1:JO p.l'A. lA Moore Jfc Bore 6: Rotary Table fl; EIJln P1eclaion lathe and acce11orlu #EB&C-Mll; 10" Monarch l'.:ngmt' la the w1t.h Taper Attachm•nt A a cceaaorl•• #D240i0. 12'' Monarch lathe wtth Taper Attachment IZMll; R.tpJ Cablllet Type latbe wtUt Taper Allachment lT"xt' wtua Classlflecl "ot.lce la h1Nby tul1.her rtnn tM c.owfeil Ch&mben ot UM that Mid public hear1np will be H..,ort ... ch Qty Rall, at held on lb• 11th day of May, 1'68 w1aldl Um.e and plec. any and tad tha 2ht day of Jllll•, llN, all ,..,... bltere1ted may appear • at the heur or 1:30 p.m. In Use aM N llllll'd thereon. OIMtal IMH• A"9 ._la dllll w11111 l&J N..,...,..._ Council Ch&mbel'W of tM N_,.. RAT T. COPJ:Lm, aecrtta17 ., LIDee 1 blertioa ft..00 add1. U... •• -. port Beacb City Hall, at W11Jcb JfewpoJt.-Buch Caty · .... •---- Um• and place any &11d &II per-Pl.ann1q Comml..son 1 ....-% lwilo• 1..50 Md1. ..... .%5 -. ton• lnterut.ed may ap~r and Ho. Tot Jf•a-Pre• 1/1/N ' IJDee S he rffmp !.00 ad.d'L U.. .%6 IL be heard t.hrnon. · ' !UY Y. COPmLIN, hcret&ry VUtMee l......., . ' IJDM • J.m1rtleli.a !J50 add1. llw .15 .. Newport Beach CltJ MOl'IO& OI PtJBLIO DUINO --.ctoe w .. c.d .,._ wlll ...n. U41o ...._L C-.. la ..-,._ eatt Plannlnr Comml.ulon Notb i. berlby riv• that I.he ' No. 681 New•·Pr ... 1/7/64 PlaJulinJ Comm1-1on of t1'e Ot)- ------------ot N.wport Beach 1'UJ bold a \'an.ace 1 Beartas )iOTJCll OP' Pl~LIC Rl!A.RINO pulJUc Marine on the appiitaUon ot CB.AJU.&I W ~ tor a ..na.nc.-# 2H to ,..,rut: A ir ~menl lnto a 20' front. eetbadr. OI\ Porflon o1 LOU I It • B1.ocJt ut "Tr.et c::DM WM..w NEWPORT HABBOB NEWS-PBESS Every Monday, W .. e1day ucl FrlcMy COASTAL SHOPPER -WednNdays Notice la htteby ri"•n that Lb• Plann1nr Commlu1oft olf Ule City ot Newport B...u wtll held a publ6e M&rtnr on ti•• anllaUon at nzo 1 ORDOCA tor a Van· A. 60·yur le.ue of 1 a.er. or $160.000 and that th• compe.iiy a.nc.-#tto to ,.nnlt: Aft •n· oounty •lrporl property Wit.It a.n plan.a to con110lldate three other croachment of 5• Into a noqul~ Avt. Notice la ht~by hlrthtr ~ven that aid public heartnr will be held an the tTLh d&y of MAJ'. 19~. a t the bour or 7:30 pm. In the Council C'hambeora ot lM Newport. Beach C1t7 Hall. at whlcb lime and place UIJ and AU a..tfW 441 .-i be pllMI fer (' ... la Mlvaaae et ,.bU~ The pubJUlben wllJ not be reapoo&lble for IDO~ th&ll ea. iD~t lnac:rtloa ot an &d, reMrn lhl rtrht to correctl1 cia..ity UtJ and all ada and to reject any ad not conrormlnr to tuJea and ...,.W..Uoaa. all ~niona lntcrated may appqr a.m1 be bard lhel'f'On opUon of 6 more acru ••• plant.. on the county la.nd. lO' r•r yard Mll>Uk On Lot -t.ect April 2• by th• board of 22 Block 1U Tract Laite 2~ 34th county 11ui:w-rvtaor• to ~ Dlma r McU-ne-Trains street. Oo. at 1100 an ~re per month .._...,, • • wttb a puc:&'llt..ac• ol 1roae r•Y· Wt...&.. 1 t Mari NotJcie la hereby rurther KIVtn anu• In addition u th• com· nn S .... U.t utd public heartnf w111 be pany rt.a Ill bu11n... und1r TWENTYNINE PAL.MS. Callr held on th• lTlh day or May. tt~. at the hour or 7 30 pm DllA.PLINEll for ~dbl Ot' canceJ.Uns ad9 are: way. rFHTNCJ-Marint' Cpl. Ted L. ln Ult' Councll Ch11mber111 or th,. M~,..,.~~M:lJ Th• company wtli repair and McMuter1, eon or Mr. and Mra. manutactura alrpl+nt ani-tn•11. It Ted McMulera of J7t Mamtl• Newport Jharh Clly Hall, at RAY Y. CQPp;LJN, Secretary Newport Buch City Plannlns Commi.11on For Monday Publlc:aUon -Friday I p.m For W~eeday PubUcalloa.--TUeeday 1 p.m. , For Friday Publication -Thun1day 1 p.m. NJ:WPORT RARBO& POBLISRINO 00. nu~ Blvd., N...,,.n ~~ o.ar...-.. 9118 AO.ADfST 1'1;1-Don Zimmer, eervice station attendant of S2S P'lower St. &n.1Wered a deciJlive, "No," when uked If he would favor a pouible mercer between the citin of Newpott Beach and Co.ta MeM. •'Co1ta Meaa ha. everythini it need.I now. I don't Me why we nffd Newport" he added. -Stal! Pboto DEATH NOTICE Jl.&I. &&KA ROFFMAN J'\lneral aervlcu ft>r Mn Erma INdll• Rottma11, 39, of •09 Mar· ao&la It., Col~ Mew. will be "'1d at I p. m Monlley In 1 f'lrwt BapU.tt. Churoh, Collta ........ "'"'· Pall! o. Neumann. pu. f1D! ot the churc:h wtll ottlol•l•. L _~., HoCtma.n died al her llOm• J'rtda7 attemoon CoUow· .., an otefldad mn ... She wu a aa.U" of Tnu and had llvw a Coata Meaa for th• put .... ,..,., Priol' to blr llln•e. 111• wa.a , a ~ nurNt and b&d WWW ln Ule Cof'unw\Jty Ho•· pttal of lallta Ana and St .J-.,b'a MoepU.al. Orul•· Jin. Rottrna11 wa• a m•mber e( lM f'\nl .. pliat Church, Olsta 11-. 1nd lh• CaUtoml& Wunm AMoc1.atlon. • l.t IUMftd by har hu.a- '1Pd.. ft&tm.ond &. and a 1·>'"'" old 4auchtfr, Mt'lody, of th,. bom• add rt 11; fat.her and mothel\ Rev. and Mn, &. Smlt.h .... twater, Ttx.: allt•r, Mra. lade .. Culyle. Tuu: and three broth•"" LeRoy iinlUt, Clyo 8mlt.b, both or T._..., and Wood· '°" 8m1tti: with th• Navy In .,..muton. Wuh. ' 1Dle"11ent •Ill '--In Harbor "-' ~· ,..,... Oefn•l4'ry, )(..-. P•r"n-f\ldll)' Mor- tuary, -co.ta w..., la In charre el arran~tnt& . Mocsilft Gets Permit Joe T. Mot'lllM, O.'-W.-. wu .,..ntect a variant'e Tu_. .., ~ I.he bovd of ... ,.meore. to utabllah a malWln'!t 1to1a1te )'&NI and ~ar1111" 011 tht north· el Baker I t.. w .. t of 1111•· tel It. Which time and place any and wu explained by C. W. FeathM· ton. Newport Bea.ch. parUolpated au pnaona lnter99led may a p- Jy, aupt1 v111or, who aald there In • dtserl fltld tra111Lnr .Xer· par and be ht'&J'd thereon. Will be about 200 1mployt't1 In cl.e March lt-%4 at T-..mtynlne RAY Y. COPELIN, S~rituy Uta pl.&nt w1Uun a Y•r· H• ai.o Patm11. N"'l)C>rt Buch Ctty · H id that ht' had .. ,n architect.A More than 1 000 ml'n or lht Pla11ntnr Commlaalon plane tor a plant to COil about lat Marine Dlvl•lon t ht Rer;I· N'o. tel New.-Pr-5111~ ment went ID the Marin• Corpe ------------ Stawicki Quallfie1 ~':!r".~c~t.tt' to tak• part m SACRAMENTO, -!CNi) Unlike recular field uercl-.a, The contractors elate llcena• dettrt warfar• dt'rnanda ·~ed board announrld that Joeeph L. and mobtllty due to th• l~k of itawlclc1, 2602 Nt'wport Blvd . natural cover. Newport S.ub, hu qualified for Tanke an4 hellropt•re were a ftntral bu1ldlnc contract.ora j uNd 11\ 111.1pport of tht uuult Uctl\N force. ' Vari&Mft 1 B•ria• ~OTICE or .PUBLIC H&A&INO Notlc~ I• h~•bY riven that th• Plannlfll' Commlu4on o>f I.ht City of Newport 8-cti wtll l\old a public httri"I' on tht apphe&tlon oC J N GOODE for a Varianc- ,291 to permit A rear yard variance ot ' f t. plua a I ft ----~~-------------- No. 102 Newa-Preaa 6/7/5f ~""'' 8-ari•irw NOTICE OP rtlllLIO lll!ARINO Notice la bflr•bJ ,slven thal the Plannlnr Conim1 .. 1on or the C'Hy of Newport S.et'h wlll hollt two publlc h•rtnp on th• aJ)1>11Catlon of Plt.nnlnJ Comrnt..lon R11olu- llon ot 11\t.ent .. n #802 to am1nd Ordln.an.ce ~1133 to CTtat• a con· trolled manufacturtnr &One to be d .. trnetec:t u a C-M dt.trtct. Notice le hereby tul"thc1' swen that .. Id public h.arln,. wtll be held on the 17th day ot May .. GREATER EARNll'5 .. ~ - REMEMBER ••• SAVINGS received by th• 1~ of the month ••• EARN FROM the 1st. , Y Newport Harbor 8 . P. 0. E. 1767 Meet.I nery '!llureday I pm.. Vl+ Oporto -Octnl A.n.. Newport Beach Dirk Nf'Wman. J:nlted Rulf•r -For the flneat In Commtrcl&l PT1nUnr raJI Harbor 111111 Job Pr1nUnr Department. MOTTELL'S ANO PEEK Colon1&1 Mortuary 1801 BoJ.aa.-,,Juat loutb ot WMt· mtut.w Memot1a1 Park. A.n Oranp Coat)' lut1brtlaa 8crvinr taroll!• ot aU ruu.. T9Mpllcme (Toll rr.) .zl!tlitll 5211 No one evar tunMld •W'a7 llNoauM of lack of tund&. PEI ANNUM CURRENT EARNINGS • .., ... ; .. '· : ' .. .. .. ! . . ,. .. .. ... ... :. , . -· . ·~· . .. ~ - PAINTING •J:NTl:RlOR -&Xl'LIUOR 9..u.ao IURIN1I p AJNTINO .UCllND:D -INSURED ~ 61enn Johnston 4i..t at. Newport ~ "RX-IT" Kecbanical ad DlcU1cal ll•lnt#l4¥4 ....... Al.L WORX OUAft.AlftllllD. Batbor .... "' "" .,. ~i; BarW ane Uttc --------- .hinting 6 Pa~ Y. do the work oanelftlL ao ,.,. apm:i•oe Ucen..c! • 1uured.. -.: BatiatacUoa iruarutMd. 1:attmat.ee tt... P-AtNTING -.J ltA.OERHANGING $ympson & Nollar · >-'t~Workm• ! Bar. 2'06 01 AlT .. . COLD WAVE · SEAMSTRESS DWDUICNO • AL.1111\ATlONB Boun t &. m. llO t p. m~ ¢0MPLElE· • lt&Al. ~·,.. ... tr ft fW .. ~~laeo;.. SI.DO' to SJ.O · -.eutJL aawnpoo •• •uo c:t.mo l'Dlfa BUVT! IBOP 19 Onlrch It. ftr9\ 1tnet llUt ef Newport 81"9. bet.WMn lltb 8lill tOtJI. ea.ta ...... ., LI ..... ~ ~ OD& del KP>. T _, a _. noor ume lt....., ~ wor~emdiu.a. • BDI I . Wl!IJ'l'KA.K. • a AMIM:iat. aMI m. OOUt Bl""1 OOrou .. K&r CID J'IDU1' DAT .ti Miml'r A.UTllOllDZD p&A..LER JOE BJ!X':HTOLD . Plumbing Har. 6330. DESKS-FI!.Es-CB.AIRS Oran .. COuntT• lArsMt Mlec:Uon Leopold J:xecuUve • J'umt~ It.I omc. f'unlltun n... ears can M bou&ht t~ u low • . $11.11 PER WEEK MARK DOWNING. OORD, ·· 1NC. . . =. WHERE THE CUSTOKER J8 'rBm-' llOft DlPORTA'.NT THING JN TH!l AGl!NC'l' TWO BIS LOCATIONS HWY. 39 at PACIFIC OOASr HWY. ~ ~ 225 B.. 6th St. LXX 6-2l5M ' HUNTINGTON BEACH R-E·U .. Diatril;utor For Orange County Now 24 .Hour SERVICE en . Truck Repairiing * All MAKES * E'Jlminate coetly ti•upt In at 5 p. m. -Out at 1 L m. Since 1933 ,__ _ _.___. __ "----'--a_•tf_c ~ ~.Pet. BIG SAVINGS ON NEW JEAN HENRI WANT UGO CA.8H r•r • ..., ta U 8aldllMk• V .... 'na.ke o•er pe.,.,._ta. Bu. OIT•·W att.r. p..m. ... JOVBUJ. ·SPINBT l'r.w:ll .,.....,._ ~ PIANOS! ·ooc; cuPPtNs WCllb In 'I"' ~ 11'9 TUllUa ....... ea.ta MM& . SEU. '/ Y.OUR CAR P.t.JD l'OR Oil NOT · .,as~ d ~ ... u..· muar A)fJ) • • ... ROAD IDVICID ,.~ BDdpt PSu Youn "1i U.. ..uldaS HOWARD RYAN 801 • 0 W. ht ST. l.ANTA ANA kl a.au \ . ·~ ' -""' ~u~·-==·~·~·J .. ~·~-~;'--~-iJ• ... ....... ,_ ... I ~ ~ ,. .... ~·· .•• ..... ... ~ flrepl~. h I XILUON DOu.Aft VD!W ..... pnp. AftSl&Mi trom Motor Over au •>' ud 0ceao J... isu. utti .. pt. 11th. CoroDa dd liar • ~ lt p ' S ''Jt. Ult NO MONEY DOWN NEW 1 mt. •cJow ap&.. Bar ,_ .. u.. Lnlett1 w1u, ---------- Up to 15 Mont.ha to Pq kttdl. adlt la copper '!.'!! Tpl WILL PAT cub 1-I w:a.. .,.. a.ad rater. llJ~ •-... t Cvla. . . ......... _ ....... M .88 door to ""' deck. I.Aue UZI rJV9 ..._ Dftln. S.-. I M· home CUit Bava °' ~ .-r.. mo. Bar. n-w. •ttc ..... AL .......... ,a,tso. Acbllt.I del Kar. Wni. P. o ... 60I All Straight ODJ7, ao ~ sao m.o .. ,.u17. Balbo& la1an4. M 1'4bta . . ..... ,,,.,, . .__88.88 IK41'.L tum. apt.I. Bacbelor or TU bf..~ ... at&t. owa-w· ~ TO B~--.... _ • .___ ooopae. UU1. pd. Oppolilt• n.w Wt' A1'&n.U. UIU or Bar. .iuu ·u~ I llldfm. ..._. .,,..._ a .Jon-. Aaoc:tet. INCLUDU bOth l.Abor rana. Bellpot. b1qutn fft •N. New-in N.wport IWctlta. Cl\tf llOI Barbor Bl\ld eo.ta K MAX W. POPE JUUL'OOR K.w rlnr•. wri.t. plu, valnrt __ N rt Bch. ...... 11MM for appt. Tct 8& LI ., ... crtnd. ntt1nr1 ot llWA ud rod po -·-twJIO ._. ftD.,.... Un4-'90,000 -1-llU .._. Lt MtM beu'hlp. Expert motor tune-NEWPORT ISLAND &4aT am• Co.ta KM&. , bed· LI l-T8". lc'I Mesa-Harbor :Rlty. u .. ICMSay or •OOO mil• pa.r-J'URN. A.PTI. on W&t...,...t-room Wl.t\lna. boUe. Ll Miii B I B aot.M. b)' d&y or week. Ideal pl&c.e to lttc • i•H•• !'!" !f!1!l 509 C:,.~ ai.a a~ 6 on. JCX'TR.A ntu. .,.y qultll. w A. Q N• R "l'W ~ NllUlta .,aldter ch..... 9Ul!Mal ,. JNOOlm ~1· LI Mill ... LI ·~ REBUILT ENGINES POINT. B&r. 1211..J. Mlle • 1IUa .ti PJU.u.. ay ....,..__ 8UILT IN our own taetory tly IUKllJt!t ...-n..uou.. bdrm. Ut.rouP N .... rr.. .... , ... LI MTll aft.er ..... -..... Newport Heights! *Wed mac:Mnt.t.a. Don't coo-• 1 bdnlll. .,ca. newly ct.coral-.... lfOtfo 3 ye&n old! i.ncl with tb1 mJddle m&n. ed. Waterfroat. Bar. llffG.J, • a., direct. •v• •wk endl. lc:I • •a• for a.t IOA---OD-r1N1111. bid.WW • 1 A + 0.0-l~ bat.Ml I.HO.RT BLOCK e IA.rre kt~nto. porch! J"Ol\D (1tal·t8I .......... $ tUO BALBOA PDINIULA, 1552 NSWLT deooratied room tor • FlrePla~H.W. floort! Dbl-. .. Kira.mar Untu 2 bdrm world.De man. Priftt.e •-• ...,..,,, CBEVJ\OLET ........... ___ • .ao · m. · tl'MCll, II per ...it. 1MI B I B • WU $26,,500-Nowl Ul,900. llUICK . .. ......... U2ll.OO lower ,15. One bedrm. upper ~-Ave.. Ooet& 11-. • v ..... mrtru-u.•--J PACICAJU) <8 c:yl.) .. $116.00 115. 0e.rt.re and laundry. -·-· -v u .... , PIJm., Dod&• A r ord I . 1108.90 Aftll May 16· Call Kryst.on• tel LI 8-1161 Clll\YI. A DE SOTO .. Uto.00 ~Tm, owner al apt.I. &at-Sun. * 'tr 'tr * · aTtlDEBAKER . IJI0.00 llpT V&lllt.onl VaMlSoGlAlll COMMERCIAL OLDL • PONTIAC 8 .. 1120.00 CORONA DEL KAR. beaUUh&l Ealjo7 Uytq -UI• Oc-.. J'nal INDUSTRIAL K·1n9's Ro·d'. HA.Ill .. __ .... ... . l llO 00 iww 2 bdrm apt Unturn. Oompl~ tundmed ldtcllen· u KAIRR · .. ·-.... --'120·00 modem 1 btk t bea.ch ct.i.'. eti. apt& and l"OOllU ""~ pri· DEPARTMENT • SIX BW.awut Romut llUD80N (IJ 1a Mt.W) SHO.oo poeal. Hu 2302 °°" Har'.ueo .ate M~ Maid ...nee, &ee • Take your chotcet PLUI INSTALLATION . fCi TV. 2IOI Oeeu ""°°t. Bar. M • 1' e ftt..t YMw9 tn A.mwtcal Open Dally e to • aa1. M Acr• ~aeeat to ....,.., • ae.ooo &Dd up. cau now ! M'enday 'lll 7 P m. NI,.... 1 BR. -"-·-t with ...._ ...._ ...._ ...._ t]WJ••-_ ........ lunday 12 to 2 ....... ••nuuu. •P . " H " M -··-M,IOO f.CH, a • 8 f. R lty I --·•JM mo. Good 1ocau------------ay ••en •• nc mock must meet our etandardli ·--""' ,.. ____ ,_, -auf. .. ...... rroRS • .,. ebopptq. eoata wea. na!::· :!8!to!!rw!!!~•t!!2f!I!!!!!!•~--~ IONl.I ~ PIUI t.uu, rukeu and oil LI .. -. • 1c1 .;. , • ....,.. TwO •tot. plaa' aft.I.• Oout lete Nft'pe>rt Btfd. Costa · M,se $750.00 Down Nea'!}y n-a b&1n. Mime <>eeu vi..... Xonth11, pymt. ot 111. lftcludea Tuee and ~ W1l1 LandadaP' ,....t JVd. A.11 lrnprov.menta la ud ,a.Id f1>r. Btr.et. Upta. N pnce ••300. Impouad.a &ll4 doetaa COit• about •l60. Kave Ill lm- medlately. Bualnea Property Plu Ntee 2 bdnn. boma. 100 a 111 C-2 lot. ClOM In 1oe&Uoft .Wt- ~le tor cle&J\lnr plant. Ga.r-are or many other bu.11.n ..... f'9CIU1ria.c c~a IOD&.q. a.crwo. at ITS00.00. $2260 ~ aad m .oo per lllOllth. . • ' The plite II $32.:SOO which tncludea the turnt.ll· .; iDp. 'nl• propert)t la free t.Dd clear and tlM ..: onen will .U to a ltJi2)p()NSIBLE puty on a · modMt down pa,ym&t and finance the bal&.nc.. ( Boa1Me IDquiriee are invited. W. STUART FOOTE. Rea~r 2117 W. B&lboa Blvd., Har. 24, E-fea Lt a."'80 CORONA DEL MAR One' of th• moet outata.ndlnr homes alone the Southern Calif. Cout, 165' of front.are on ocean .. Blw .. 130 t.et ot water frontage alta the homt ot diatinctlon. 1rith a view from all rooma,'from ,. which you can watch the ever ch&ngiq eout line, plua overlooking our two rreat beachee. ; Larp li.tn, room and 101.a.rifun, dinlnr a.rea &Dd malda room, plua 2 bedrooma and a bed.tttm, room in the main ho\l.lle. J'or gut.eta a hom• of their own, al8o with a view. Priced below replacement cost today. ·. . OPEN DAILY for in.apection, 3729 Oce&n Blvd. : EXCLUSIVE AGENTS W. E. FISHER & Associates SOU E.. Cout Hwy.,. Corona dtl Mt.r 1UJL ~ : .r.. HAR. 2'20-W BELLES ENGINE OORONA DEL MAR 2 bdrm. LIDO OJTICI: SPACE llJl'h.., ia ODrona ~ MU'• Co•ta Mtu, C&b>rfti& u~ Down REBUILOERS ---apt. untum. drapff up. NOW IJ"AllNO om._ 8PM9 la ftn•t '"'llRW Metkla. IDcamt LI 1-1181 Ev .. LI 84010 (8) New 3 ud ' W19a. IMN:Ht ---------------------·---ui•-.-..~--.......... _ ... d....i--$550 month. Pnoe •a.aObo. · AduJta, no pet.a $M J>«r mo. ...... ':':::::""-......--& --Will ......... _ tor ar:oalib;,me. under-coutNcU.O. anUable JJO IC. Int St. KI l ·IM4 Tur 11 .... Bar. 3621. tca ... ....._~-No &er Wil4---· l k h d aboUt J\uu lfth, ~ now • A TIENTIQN! LOAN~~~B=Z~OWINQ ----------~0am;;n-. .AllOclai. Bay & Beach R•elty Inc 00 w atwefoun and'Hlect your lnlertor caaon. 1 or t ~.!1 laundry -mt. n•"" 1' ~oa <>c.J'l vtew, $4000 down. 1111 2 b•lh•, larr• lot.. approx.. 1 ----------By ~. WMk or month. HOO Via ~bor "" ~_,no Catalina. OPEN L\TUJWAT % .&cu. Call tor J.at~ · Located ~ bet.UL. St. 1n.. Harbor HJ1blanm 3 n.ice bedrooma -1 ~ bat.ha -• NA.SH -HUD~N BLUE TOP MOTEL tt• Uta Jl&rtlor lloulwar4 AND IUNDAT. "C" 2. <>wnen 40a Newpol't JUvd. Cost& KM&. Clallforal• I bearm1, 1 '4 bathl, ha.rd· 3. N.wpeit .a.aca 17tfo • Ground Floor J\. ... o.ctda9 Wood noou. 1800 eq. fl 3 Ed J R It ... HW tt.oon ~ IA beat Choice C&rpetlnr A dnpee Lre. kitchen It 1erv. porch . , RICH HAHN'S AUTO RADIO ftllPAJJ\ BYDRAKATIC UlRVICJC • OiTICiiS Oll STORES Dia or :tp~· =:-LI •-nu Y .. 1'9 old. Lovely p&Uo and ones, •• or S. T&A.ftLT I..EASll 'I double Prat•· Own&r l•vtfti 1"9 HarbM Blvd.. Oolt& MM& 8 ODreea ~el Mar J'or Llue ill -, at'M. '22.600 tull pr1c.. Libtrty I-UH ' Hewt1 •.. utlfUU'I tnnWb..S. 1 Harbor Investment Co.Bldf. a-a .. ir.tat.t !?'!~!!(! ''ART" ADAIR Rltr 1· Patio -Dloely landK&ped Ir fenced Thie home ta only 2 yra. old It bu FHA tinanclnc. Price '17 ,875 -t.enna. -a ttTB ft. Harbor • 721 N..rport JSeacb ~ ...,._ ~L .uww IOth Is N.wport Blvd. WILL TIU.DI: to tt. ot...i 1 • 8 tlD1)' neo -~ ADA Har. 1eoo crulMr, home afloat. tor mW-lHt Newport Blvd .. Ooet& MM& ALBOA ISLAND CR~ ._ J . Whitman Uple unit property. Ll 1-8811 LJ W7H Oom.plet.ely deb&'ittul le UM THE VOGEL CO. UU a. Cout Blway f'Oft All!ft', NWW ofllce 1.1' a k CALL EVICNINQa. tel onJy deecriptlon ftT Ulla I We!!"!~ ~=din all ltanof 11U -Jlatw "61:; :!::. 'tf~~ r.= ~dt ~: =-~~ .!~ Must Sell ~=~~-!uth1: .. w:-::: _a20 __ 1_w_. _eout __ m_,_hwa __ .,._N_ewpo __ rt_Beach MatSW ,_ Mu. Wt.U4r ... l\OOM An wt•.. , _ _.,.. MU. lttf Pomona tor N.wport or B&l- LI 8-MBl ~1 -... rum. ~ \aflarn. ' · .. .,_ ----------0 M& propert7. 0&11 Har. ino-w IPOTLl:U J ti.c!rm. home with CORONA DEL KAR J:r 191 bft a 't"UUlllJ, 'popa~ ::?!ODRll7, --!!' •. ~~ att.. 11 p.m. 1o1 l&rce llviq ~ lldw.d. nra., • )MM to4'1 _ ... , •--....... ~ ~ 8 '1 IM ...... natural Wood kite.Un, eoc:loaed BeauW'lllJ:J laa4-pecl. Well paUo, dbl l'&rap on beauWuJ The Vog•I Co. aupentMd. ._ -er. au. N1C9 MODDM tton room or a ••I :r.tate la.nclw~ lot wtth lree9. - uo1 w oat. -M-JldL Wad•. ll01 Ba•• P..,.. 1 Wk CIGlce at 11U PlaclGUL JbqUll'e Owner mo-.ln• ~ tnunedla~ ....... ~ t:Mii' .o. N.wport BJ11l lchooJ. at property atta a p. a WMll CIRCLE THIS po11u.ton, ,i1,eoo.-Uberal IOI ~ Jlal-.. Jllaacl # • &tie U11 Or UJ' time lat. la .... tuna. PMne ...... "' or call LI..., .. an. t :SO er UCWl!l.(>R'I HAVEN 17900 *'a. Cit. II).,~ Ml Ku CORONA. DEL Mil wffkanda. ITU cut. modern•. % acre.' located NewJ:rt·M•1a Realty Ll4o~c..~\~l.do l'llftD DD.BX. 1U.\n&.na. Qt.~ Nt>RTJIWM1' eemer lTUI and Baek "Bay AHi; "lW Wt•. JTtt ewpvrt BlTCI., Oollta Mua __ .. - 1 Yra. leue •1t0 ,. month. Ol'aftr•. Oofta ,..._ Outlt&IWS· ~onderfUI climat.. .A·l son .. LI 1-MOI 1:v ... LI 1-12.37 ---· 1 bUr. from ID&bl M&eb. A.Cl\.tlta, 1 It'• a one bearoom hou11, tur· So. ot htwu. • unlt.a all l....,ed. near new '9t.utitu1J1 lan&icap. ed moat altnctl•e propert1- dllp08&)e and muy t•tune . KuJt U.t No. '7000 CLin HA V!lN. Everyone'• Jotned tbe cboru.. .»~ ~ cte.v.r a bdnn. hom&-2 baULe, lovely patio. '21.600 1'0I 1(..,.... ..... OM\a Ket& ne ,.U. awn.,. Har. 1111-M. nr corn.. oppoaate Alpha at.bed too. Uve htr9 and build BAJ\OAIN -BA.CK L\ y LOTll ~·waf lcT Beta mkl. near HW" Poat Of· bl front. We're In the country. hubdlvided lot.I with improve-NELDA GIBSON • u . ----------flee. Suitable for UMd car lot. Oou.nt Uvtnr a t lte beat. D\ent.I' -OWntr le&'flnf atai. ~WPOllT BlUOBTI BBQ rut.&l.fru\, thoe ouUet.. TY and mu.at 1eU tnunedJately. RllALTOI\ We CHALLENGE All Comparison 23 Units Must Seit by June A.ND A. REAL BUY l'OR SOllD)Nm OoD11N ot H m(\dem •pt8., wlth ~chena, 8 ~cellent aJ-.plq rooma PLt)s DELUXE owner'• unit with. "perate office. All apta. beauW\ally f~ nJahed. Belt location on Dalbo& PIGlnlul&. Elt&bti1bect client.ele .. Exptcl*' IJW9 l18.000. • Part trade couidered. Call eY9D.lnp for appointment. Har. *' WAJn'llD te .. t -I betrOoa Untumi&bed. J bedrooma, ......._ appliance cnaUet.. tumJtun. eto. lUD.ALTOA XI Wlll. WOO. IUD price. C&ll LDerty sot M.ariae An • ......, llU'-....._ ,_.., i.. Wt• a ..... $U. Bu. llOI. tt C&ll Frank Jam-. Ha.r. io..t. P.a . .Ad.Jolnlnf ~ acre ava11abt1. l-t791 ICT B&Jbot. Ial&n4. Phooe Bu. 502 Why rent this summer? • ..... wttk .,U. to _,, lfc lcT -------------------- Wut,.,..... flnp&.. , .... ,.s. ......... for.... ~-O .. WNJIJ\•1• _WD, -~ ... -· ~~~ BBAUTIFUL MOUNTAIN ,.._ .. 2--~ ..,..,.. )Ooall)r. M. ! • .. IAM St . 0 v· A-... • •• .._._ .... --m.oau-t ~ .., ....... w..u. o-·-1 .......... _ ..__ 1 ::::: • !l unn1n9 ceah 1•w &cT treaL a"' &Cl'M with about to _ __,.,. ..-a--. ,._ addlUOll&l p-nr11aet ._... .. lDI. ddl ... 0 ... lltft ~ ~..oiw.a 1.:: HOME LOANS ":~ ,,:~ ~~ 60 Acres = =-~.:::: !I !J!!:•••••• '-~ IV·,,.,..,,..._.• Dr. 0.lb..U. -Pc'esan It'-ft. plua doUU ..,... ,. ..,.. )H aon. la Oowity r..a. ~faall1 ........,,. .... GT~ lcT It' • '"" _ It' ~th:~ tr.. two....., on mm ......., prdtft. QoM ..-. a..1 for ~ ~ ~ OOROKA D& MAB. Ip. Im II& ,... -...... LIM -DAM A. J'A.coBuN a..i Mata .ntan.oma ~ Company a lover Of....,.. .... a11ell of l•to watllr Jd. Aftllable June • r-. I •• 6 ._ ,_, lilNla. Pl'tftt. JlleM1, Banor lft01 tl88 I:.' 0oMt B1,tlft1 r1~ ~ !a aeniiUd 1. ML 11111'. d.lf.Jt., !tpt. ~ 6U f'lml. ...,. 11&.1 6 .... tH Trult Deed.a Bo\aaht 6 IJold t.1 1-U17 Kl J,J1JT RT ~ 0Df'Oft& del Mar 'or.et. .... Jr, l'Wa4. plu. .. wsu... Call l'or rr.. OoauDJtaeat :NliWP<Afl lmlQHn Kar. 0'81-W. lcl DON I. HUDDLJ:STON CORONA. DSL MAR'I ftlutl Lido &)'froat lnoom• llOJ • 1102 Ha,.. Place. Tw-o -N-.-w--.. -..... -_-1-~----.. -0.._-1.1 ._ ...... 1 ,..._._ ~-J bednn .. ·mut.er cratt.d. ..... _ _.... .. --_. ~ -aru.tlo ..tUnr, cult.u1" oom-LID NmW :-~ ~a:~~°::: renoed IA J&N. A•lllta -..,. ___ 11_._ .. _._1_,_~_•_L___ •UllJ 121500 " tlpre ,..s. LOWER LllAl&D. Ko.. rtpt c. aerm Allen. LI a..ew. •1>• ~~~. A.Ye., o.ta ~ It.op Paytnc RENT! Into umr °'"" bedroom, two RENTAL SPECIALISTS CA.LL lm!fA auIO DORIS IRA Y, Re•ltor 11.t ~ laaUMa I.eland Jiu .... " ..,. LOANS f H 1 aR. ootia,.. 1 11au.... 11,..a.c., bath. How can JOU rnl9. o.er • ~ Or OmeS dr t. 11&.oJl. apt. AU tor .ll,• 3000 equan r .. ~ Oft the wattt- 1.MUV laUD tum. hoUH. I bn.. --t •-•·"I"• I--..... d su. ba1"'• ~ U 1• _ 000. fllOO dn. (koh apt. will nvri ...,...., ... .-..vvma an 79 ..._ -•• WM1 ,. ., ?"' IO Tf• t.otAt •all• your pa.Yfll'ft.ll taerty • baths. ftlchlJ carpet..s and 10-10 ACR&ll river lloltom l&n4 tormtt11 tn walnut.I It p~. a360 per acre. water aftllable. other preparty . :;'1'=.:, ~.:-: C fru t• L I-MU. tel dr~ fOf' mly "6.000 cteu. ons c ion oans 11tc 1oan to quallftec1 buyer. AVA.IL. May IO. new I br .. un· Ba BOB l.A.'m.11\ CURT DOSH Rltr l J E l JES turn. dupl-. p.rb. d.lq .• rar. SSll L\IT OOAft SI.VD I • Lido Re&lty Aaocialft SAm Mm aaa--. It.. eo.ta ,. .... -Oorona d•l Mar Jb.tbor U.. J 15 Merln• Ave. ••oo Via Lido B&J1tor 00 ~L ESTAT9 BROKllR Llblrl7 Mi.at. lcl ~p. POIIUD\ MOll'l'OAOS oo. 8 IL I I d kT Uberty 1-TIOI lcT wa HAYS ,... ma.u. r.ur- JL T BOIGI oa & qul.9' ttnet -..... uw. IAIAM. ' be*ww ai.au.. AD .ieatria U--. OWJC'm lllu ~ '8 • la.rtW ..... UMl S. R.SADT te ..u. * * * . ~la.1'1.1 ......... ~ Jlq'e J*Uo ~I OORONA HIOJILAH1>e.-t '-~+ VIJIW ------..... OORONA. Dm. 1'.AJt,-1 ~ ~ • bath, PI. U I IV· w/IW. J>l60I --·· .. -•it.1111 lav Front a.ACK BAT-ouataad1Jla ....-.. ' BR.., I WlM. pl• an4 Ooat. and Iota. DtU. wtde lot .. T ;IOO. ocaA.N 1'RONT LOTa DORJS BRAY, Rltr. Cl • V H 111 ~ ...... B&lboa JaJand a1re •n om Harbor 20 or '4 kl!A.L'!'OA 1111 w. 0.... __,. LI l'4ln •NUJt ~ llea\lut\lJ 'ftlW. Un-X.i.. We....__ ---~--• •••• a uoa I en I lb 0 ~ nt tura. • ...,.., -.,t.. Tearty. LIDO tat.a IWftDler rental. I ..... ·---H b I SLO e oa cean r'~ W'ii .... It.. Nw,ort Bcb. f>r ••• bath, Juae 11 te a.pt. 61tfo ar or g 10 Acres C-1 & M-1 Ba boa ·c ' BDISIL Mn.~ ....... ,. HOME I INCOME TUC 11 OI wtll rent. "' IDOllth. ON W&8T lfth ll fte&t' li&ttlor I oves UY!af f'ftl. WIUl ftnpl&ce. Ulllt -~ ----------cau u *-2111· · 1c7 2nd & ht T.D. LOANS LIDO LOT B1'fd. tn auta Ana. wu1 aa1.1 beat........,. •1•1• 1 1 ..,. Two ...._ • ...a ,.., ., ChJJi6oe Wlllt:lr ftatala OD "LIDO u~ .1111 • _.___ ,.... or leue part or all. I BICDROOM ph.18 dtn Oft la,,_ ,.,...... Oceaa \'kw, cloee to Mt.ha. rectW'OOd bat Ut4rMf Balboa ~-1--..11 a. Lid ,_,_ -. ---.,. ~au °'1ual'e o.uet7 ..a ·.-u.. bq. ua.-eo. t.wriw. pan.Mod. ~ 1MMta 1ao UIAllll • 0 ~ ~ MID' on au\a&l ......_ We Buy Tl'\lllt I)Mdm ft.. '* UDO IOUt> DAN A. JACOBSEN, fte&l E.tate Bayfronl lot ln nlc•l r.tr1ct-nftlT TDm OITZftED. 18-tmor. ~. taermo .... lmaJ1 • ooq °" a.,.. • Ckhm• 111> • to ft. '°'t, .... ., 11 A.lAO • R.a lot.a ln Ooat& ,... H&l'bor Sft1 ed a.r-. H&Ye J'OUI' awa ,rtY• •• ualt • bdnn.. t\&rL ~ tl'OUed llleat. We ln kt~ m to .... -i. ft. Vlldaa•ruaaNlat ,.,._ •t. It Maire O>U.t.ral Loan.I a.at ebopplnr centft'. By MN• U ls4SlT Ja l ·lliT KT f.MH ale pier • llJp. Rome lau I wtlh w• Wr1ll. p.rqe apt. Ir bat.It AHO .............. Vo~EL CO I ..,. ~ ~ ,..,.,.. • er. ll&r. 0111 or Har. llOI. . b&tbl, F.A. haat. ~ -S...U.& "9lt&l ......: o..,. Mk. BR. ap& .,tU. ~ .. i · g • ... .,,...._ '700 ,. -u.. Royal Mort11a9e Co. l•H IHOJU'JCLU'r LOT •1•.000 -Jarre ~ l"90ID ..,,, .-.., to...,. uuoo. "-"'-· n1.IMd.. JtentaJ 1noom.t na , IGt MaltM A..,. ..._ ,..... Jato1n at u a.JM& en. ~ ot.h•r .uu. c.n tw ~ &o -n --,1 • N--,. llU llOt Newport Bl'fd., Nprt. Bdl. BY OWNER lllllffUent looaUOI\. ... Pno.d at,,,. IOO. C t n..__ • mo. '" r·-I • ~ =-.:.'. 9:r :W iJ:.': ·-..-... • Harbor 1549 • mma 1n Newport R•ti1'te _.001t~ ~Y ~-= M" ooon TmUU. • OM rropert1e1 ._.._, ""' lao# ....,. ""' Mtto BALBOA ISLAND H lilr. plloe• M"j•• • balf ac:n, I ,._,.. old. Ift. OcT . I Rulla J..,,,.., Rtalw ••t te qualJhed ~-~ • ftAAI t .... Nftt>' o.coratacS 11ttc eom• SIMO. mtteuent toea.-Newport-Mesa R•a ~ Mtl4nd IUae • W E FISHER · 8lllD Mll·TA Nl:LllON Mr. l·ba~ ·aNN . ....._ lion, aoned for a addlUosW MOVI: IN 1Tlt N.-,ort Blft., eocta M.. 91yv1a ~. ~tei • • : OOl\ONA. D& JUlt. a.. to Mach. ~ mo. LO~.~~~·,~~va, Wl1t& Ma1 we pan ll'Ue.-•1000 DN. ·~* Lout. I br. LI W60e ....... LI 1-ll• ..:::. ·Rar~~:rd..~.eoo & Associates ~ • roa mmm RllM'l'.ilA. O.A.TD -..it)' lid. 1 m -W'Df.A.HClll • DaJw Kar. Mil. LI MtTO Rl.lllll• fente lft fronl NlCe St. KI.NOa ROAD .t.w ,., ladMla ti• - ...,,.,.AL a Tll&JU.T, llTJ. ' W•19QrT!Wlt IMdll ~ 1 p.ns. N ito iMllO.~ Jt&d,at'Jbd.. C.M. .,,.,plate pWia.. tor 1-.B&. I Joi.a.c.t.H'W)' .• OimaM ... IOI ... & OOllt ..,.. ll&r.... t.D>O JIUl 6 wnn., I MUl MllW'POJtT til.9QA u.VJNQa . LI l ·lMl. 11!\t.._ U 1-2338. bath lllome. lllrft1'9CS. lld'T 1..oelE at l UI Wt Tictol1t. ... ll&r. IOll .,_ ~ ti bome.. I MP..,...... tc-. paUo. • LOA.M A.llOCIATIOH ATTN BUILDERS! apr .wr"' pool pl&M too.. flOOO. a ..., ... t bath home. 1n.w-. ' ----------lm.....&ai., a4jM111t l.ldo .. vs. LYo ft. Sar. dli BU.)' Ulle doWlll.owtl p&rcel, ln 1Authold ano·a ,.u. ..... ..,__. ...... ..-.. . -ON BAIMA IILAND aa hM 11 to .J~ 11. A. d• LoalUM llauh. aww • \Ullt.e NmWPORT aBACH--CLOllt ro ORAN&E COAST _,_. .._ atn,... 8lldlllS $f760 . ; ..._0:,-:f = w = ~ a.r. 11 • ":; !! !!!§ w..w :,~.~.~ ~~~ = .:c!n00~ :'~;"' ~ PROPERTIES f::,:a-::. 'W:::.S: '":..:~ ,,:.• t!:. •:. Nl:LDA GIBSON, Realtor You pit ..-ilta quicker, cMaper' ... with d1n1bS area. ttaptone lUT N~ Blt1l., ~.:C,.. '°'-IAlr9.I ~ ~ a\ .._ ra., ......._ a...., ,. i 1 IOI ~ Aq, BarW I02 • .,._,_ N..,.PN. wut ada. W~t .~·-. ~-~ ---8-y--0-WN--E-R___ flr-.pt.ace It ~ture window Ll 1-1 ~ , •n,500 J'enoed 7ard, J&lm • *"" a.A1..80A. 11LLKD --u --· ~ •ftl'loHlns ,.uo. oarem1c w. ORANGE COAST '' Sou. •ubmtt dim. ........... t.etMI.wkr,A.~ -~bod'! Nada and Ueda =.:;::-... :~~A=~~ ll~~ ~. ':.~=::.~ :..S""2 1 N=i.·:::a:1!:~ l»ROPERTIES HENRY c. VAUGHN ' . URe bl lb• Bl:8T, can Jlaftor Nnr•Prw want ada. 'nMlt'• PbolM Dvnell. ~ Wtl SboWll ucallat nwrn. LI ear pr. It oar port. Larr• Jot ~ Oeala ahia 1"1 1'1Fwj1Wt ..,._, OIM&& MMe lost ~ m.c.. Oleta ,.-. 1111. ~ ~ l"l ~ ~ ..W~ klO •t11T. Mlle t.....s ya.rd. U 1-l UI.. leH 1 111,000 t"'""8. U Mita. Id LI 1-ltll .,_, LI •HOO LI 1-'Hl ..... U Hfll • - .. A -... .. .. - ~ ,.tso ........... ~All l:apio~• -- • pUd.: 1'111 tUa .. fer ,.n don. o.i, $10,DOO . DON'T OV~tOOK ME 'f Do you Med a ~ to ualoed your fu.rnltureT ftJa a.. tour be4rOola bome wtth 2 bathm. caf.- peted floor and douMie p.n.p CG full)' iJQnn'ICl wtde lot 18 wa1tmc for JOU. Call ua for an ·~ meat. Priced at t~9C50 wttb f.2,800 clown.. . ·~LMOST FINf SHED Ready by cl09e Of elCl"OW. Ranchy home in G• ch.tve dl8trict. It'1 b ... 1100 -iuare fed. • ~ Bm., 1" bath. ... plu. Jaip famllJ Bm., ' lumdry room. built 1n kitchen, H. W. floon. '.A. beat, ued brick fireplace, ah&k• roof. But Bay area. A .teal at iit.500 Don't hesitate. C.U u. Now. ONLY. ONE LEFT . Theo~ are SOLD. Panoramic View of Back Bay 6 hllll. Over 1600 ·mq. ft., 8 Bd. rooma plu. lA:rge family room, 2 batha. U1ec1 brick flreplaCe tad fOIC94 air M&t. Kutt. b:8 aeen to appreciate. cau for appointment. Full price $28,!500 Excelleqt term.a. W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor "you'll like our friendly .ervice" ~ E. 11th 8t., Cotta Mea Llberty 8-1139 • T003 ......_ Drh'I OPEN ROUSE 1tolkL61ua. Will tlacp lt1'1 oontortably A fl\19 mote ~0~1~ Cont· plet.ly ~ A'*tl T5 IL t.o the bMcb. Pnoed at fltilOO '- COSTA MESA a Bedroom born• on a teflc•cMD Jot eo x 110. An ~ ttn• home w.tl ~ and newly decorated. Onl7 I yra. old. ~ ~ ,lS,700. A bo,me realJy wort.b 1198lns. Th.I.I mtpt be the home JOU han Mc Joold:Qs tor. IACK BAYi ALSO IN NEWPOftT BmA.CH at the weat ocean front., a lot underpriced a.t '9,500. Seven Islands Realty & Investment Ma· 32n(i St., Newport Beach -Barbor 6888 -alter S :00 p . m. Barbor 5&87 ·c: THO~ 'C' THOMAS ·. We Know lnC-ome Propei'ty! * VIEW · * oUr .many yean of penon&l experience In owning and operatin1 everything from duplexea, tri· Corona del Mar plexea, 4-famlly, 8 unit.a and up to 20-unita, uaure ~~~~· aelection of an ~~~~~J -v~~~~.f 528 Redlands Newport Hts. OPCN FOR INl!IPllCTION SAT A: SUN I BR., •U,600 ONl.Y '2000 DN. Not very oft.-do you ftt an opportUJlit.)' \o buy a W•ll lo- cated home cloee to echoola, ln ~ i:XclusMt Udo Isle Deluxe leyf ront A. ..,.,., Qld.al bOlftl 0 bedroo.m.--4 Mt.Ila IArl• pier 6 allp OM ot Lldo'e tlJH.t J'w t.hl Hlect ~ l'bo cu afford Ul• beet UJl,IOO-l:aeellenl term.I Cliff Haven Panoramlc l'tew of henor • -.a Roomy C\Mltom bullt Jilolne , bedrooma, ~ ~ MQ La.rs• de wt~ finp1Me J'laptoae paUo Owner mond to Ooaondo Unequalled bu)' at Sst.IOO-Oood t--.. $ummer Rental On a olumv. -.y 111.ancS ' bedrooma. I .,_UMI t )(Ofi cbaf11llnr .... , KILLION, real estate Wayne M. "Letty" Murdock Bert Ptcrul 83U Newport Blvd. a...-&Ml CHA.IUO.NO BOKll -I bed· rooma, tanllty room, 2 bat.he. fireplace, b wd. noon, beau- t(lul paUo, 30'll1M' lot son~d for addJUon.al unit -•28.760 f We know a good one when we aee It! And w• can •clUlllve Newport Ht1., f or ------------------8/8 Exclusive -Bay Ave. Bayfront IS Y tu old mOCS.m, nicely furnished home. S bedrooma, maid'~ room, 3 bl.th.I. Extn. park· bl( are& -Pier &nd float -$79,5()0 • • I Exclusive -Lido Nord Bayf ront I Wroom home plu.a maid'• room. Very attrae· ttve liTing room. Wall to wall ca.tpeta. NW. Jdtchen -$80.~ Balboa Peninsula EXCLUSIVE -JUST LISTED -INOOME 3 un.lta, nicely turn1-hed, rood Income. Belt NDtal area -$7,500 will handle. $5000 down. new 2 bedroom 2 bath, den, dinln1 room. built-in Jutcben, patio. Many extra.a. 'EXCLUSIVE -3 bedroom home, do.e to jetty. $19,900. Owner 1fill conaidtr low down pay- JMDt for qualified bQyec ' help you pick out one that will be aucceuful, and l a pleuure to own. Our helpful, expert ad'rioe m BA YSHORES • operating it afte~ ll aiwaya at your dia- 1-llA y vu:w -I be4room9. I I poaal, alao. i bat.he. BUT VA.LUE IN liY· SHORES TODAY ,23,600. J-PRICI: R.EDUCZD! ' bed· room•. dm, a bathl, J flre- p».cu, nice pa_Uo. •H.500. I-BA TSHOJU:a DJUVz-Love- 17 home, I bed.rOoma, PLUS 111. nunpua room. 2~ .,_t.ha. ,38,760. * VIEW LOT * Cororta H IJhland.e 110,000 "C" THOMAS REALTOR and ASSOCIATES 22' W. COUl lliw&J LI 8--6~27 Newport Beach 'C' THOMAS 'C' THOMAS Among the out.tan.dine properties we a.re now of· f ering are the following: • l . S.Unita, Balboa, Groaaea 20~-$1&.!500, $8000 Dn. 2. 2-l!nita, Balboa, $H,~. Only $2,~ Dn. A Buy! 3. 7-Units, Balboa. Gr. In~ $4740, Only ~.ooo. Excel Cond. '· Duplex, Nr. Ocean, Newport, Furn. ,14, 'm0- '5,000 On. ~-Two houtea on 2 lot.a, 5 Brm. It 2 Brru. $20,000. ' Try $4,000 Dn. Room for 3 more Wlita. Build an estate with thia one! 6. 8-Uitita, De-Luu, Balboa penin.aula. $62,500. Excellent In.come and pride ot ownenhip. BUY NOW AND lURVESt THE HIGH SUMVER RENTS JUST AHEAD! t.hi1 b&rpl.n price. Bwd. nni., 1'rlck t\repla.oe. dWe. pr., on p&ftd alley. 4 % GI IO&n. It wU1 l>'1 JOU t.o ne thll home .,_,on 70" buy. * * * Bayshores Lot BRING J.. CHECK ln today, tomOl'l'O"# wt U be too la le If 70U want an ld .. I comer leuehold lot. 1n excluaive ~""91'19. fT9&o cub. * * * 5 INCOME UNITS TO BE SOLD at 1... th&n replactmtnl co.t. Better lnv11U.ate t.hia lde&I la~• property. • excl. unit. of 2 le•· bedrm1. each, hwd. !1r1., plu1 additional ownera boUH tn rear. Lot alu 118 a 200. For lull putlculan, call . BAY & BEACH REALTY, INC., Realtors d 1 ~J • f·isher & Company i~ w. Balboa m..s., Balboa Harbor 12M Corona e Mar Harbor 2042 Frank James & Unwood Vick R&ALTO.R.I 311 1Marlne Aft., Jlalboa IalancS Eventnp -Harbor 18:58 PAJ\TLT turntahed, 2 \>edrm., 2603 Newport Blvd. Npt. Bch.-Hbr ~.Eve. LI 83117 . .om• vtew, 40 fl. loL So. of • • 8/·B B1Shwa7. Burry on Ult. one! -- No tel e p h ~n e Worm&Uon BALBOA ISLAND ple&M. ,11,7&<>. Multiple -listing -of -the -Month Osborne-Forton CUNNmG 2 BR. ho~, price Includes ltove, refrir. Udo Nord Bayfront REALTY OO. 'S ~ It drapea. YI blk. to bu.ch. $8000 ctn. $19,000 . CARA v A~ SPECIAL ~ ~~.~:r· 2 BR., attractive. N~ No .. Ila¥ • _,$22,500 lleau+ifu~::!~l·z view · LI f.TIH JU.r. 615' evu. SO. BAY Front. 5 BR., 4 ba., i'umt.htd __ ..... ..$100,000 ML# 8901-Two ho""9 on ~IO ft lot in COSTA . I bedroom• I w.t.U. maldll a: KESA. EXCELLENT BUY Ll'lTLE ISLAND. A ruatic and uaable 3 BR., 3 .,.ua, 2 out.aid• llhowere 6 ba~, in a select diatrict. ---···-··---··----...$36,500 ~t!' ~ma~: .. ~~ On&--3-bedroom hoUN and on• l·bed· room hOWte 1n rear -2~ yeara old- hn* -Pric.d fl•.600 Contact your RA&ltor reprdinl th1a one! I .MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE $11,500 BAY l'RONT, LIDO ISLE. BMutitul home, pier It mut4r, pot clottt. nw\7 ex· bu, larft bar. S•utt.an thnJ. float -· ······--···-··---~--·-···-········-············--$135,000 out lnlerlor al.lo oe.rpet,a 6 EAST llt.ll IT., COST A KESA, 3 br •• G.~ Jou. Payment• 112 61 mo.. 1ncL •f# tnm•t 1.nc1 tm· pouncSa. No telephone information pleu.. ctrapema. Cbannfns . i.rwe · muter bedroom• wtt.h Mr. A: We have bu,yera tor JOOd U.tinp. Mr1. dreui"-rooma. and u· Free eet!Jnatee. excellent •rvice tra 9 " H area aero. rronL Relph P M••key · Lovtb' patio • avn deck. UA.LTOR ... ~ Hu. 1775 -Evee mdith Maroon HY&tt U222 Mk~ ... ~. Hll N..,-port Blvd. aa.r: 402 ' ' John Maon.ab Harbor 6359 N H 11 \'-·Bo --U-..Jo..--2878 l.Arp. tm,W.t'. tn~r lot . rt bor DA~ d ·t R It """' YDwiu ~· only Olll ot lta kind. 121.000. . ewpo ar ooar 0 ea OrS 1S°~~:1~~ ~~~EARL W. STANLEY. Realtor Bay & Beach Realty Inc t 401 N. Newport Blvd. Newport Beach NEWPOltT HEIGHTS c• bedroom -2 bath) TbJa home Ii 01S a larT• lot, bu ttreplace, beam celliai, knotty pin• trim 1' kitchen. Juat 1 % yean old. JIO!' only $15,9~ Vuy low down payt. . OPl:N DAILY 1-6 p. m. •ea Holly Lane l'or further Information call. DUNCAN HARDESTY. Realtor Bar 'ru 2llm Newport Blvd.. Newport Beach • tlnpleol. unu:c.Ued Hubor • 22:5 Marine A.w., Balboa laland 9'&ALTOR8 ~ 't11W. ~Uon tnYlted ------------------3112 I.Mayetta, Harhr H4S ea. afternoon, W p. m. Call Ev• Harbor D1t ~:s";· coAsr v' . Best Buys Corona del Mar , ... '° ... ..... ' ~ Bri• .. PRO,.ERTIES 1. JUST LISTED, 2 bedrm. bom•, eomer lot, wall * 1137 Newport lllvd., Co1ta Mt ll to wall carpet. C1oee in. Room · tor a.not.her OCEAN FRONT LI f.1UI ..... LI a-uoo • unit. .i~.ooo. HOME & INCOME $15,600 2. B~AlN. 8 bedrm. home, hardwood ttoora, OUPL&X mciudiJll' v~t lot. FA heat. prb. dlqoAl, fenced yard, double n.. wry ftioelt ta a bOm• • ' m>JU(.. I ~th home with 2 CU ranl'~'!t!Ace .. F A h .. t, p,rtia&'e d llll.chen tan. .A.11 l•ced. on• y • a r old. Near Hifll kt'lool. A bome tor 3. l'OOd Uvi"f. ror appt. Uberty i-lllL 4c1T NEW 3 BR .• 1 ~ bat.hi Ch · locati Be,..-h .. ...., .. '"1-1 kloonw. -.u1Uul Yl.w, bMt prag'~ OICe OD. ",..... w.u, OD uua. location. only •tO,IOO down.- ONLY $18,~. / Euy tenna. Mlpt oenaldu dUJla or Lrt- pla Oraftl'I or iru.tJa .,... u part-iBORECLIFFS. 3 bednn. and 'den hom•, 2 full bttha. ~ly 1 yr. old. ~ti.ID atovt and OV«l, c:arpet.ed tJa.ll to wall, cuatom c:lraplll thnl· out, enclo.ed patio. Only one at th1a price. Trul)' a lood buy -only $M,l500. ' l(Jl!VllER OY KULTIPLB LJBTING8. • u.Unp Wa.nltd Kembel' Mwupae ~s HOMER SHAFER. JllLU.TOI\ lOI Md'adden Pt .. d ~ pttr Pbol\e Ra.r. HO any time. COJUfllft KAJUIOll BLVD and SPECULATORS-DEVELOPERS -INVESTORS The largest C-2 Zone Vacant LADd bl the Vf//Y . heart of downtown Coet& K-. '1111' P'Ol*V ll ldea.lly located. Will divide Into 9 f!M buml· nea lot.I. Developer will be ablil to dilpoM of theM Iota f or a price far 1-than marbt value and still make a l&rp prom. Undoubt- edly the fine.t location la towu. SM QI for complete details. CAMBRIDGE' ESTATES $2000 Down Fine cuatom built homee bl top loc.UO.. ~ ltricted. All imprwmMDt tn. Ru.dJ to ahop. ping cent.... 3 bed.rooma plu a f&mily room. Two bat.M -built ln <>Tell and ruap. Good workm&ublp. Larp two car pnp1. TM be9t homM tn the .,_ for th• moMy. Owa. leavinf for Europe ••• Let'• talk tubJ. J'uB ~ '22.800 Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson 1856 Newport Blvd. eo.t& X- Ph. LI M781 Eftl. Har • .- Lido , Open D&Uy 1 ta It ... n Feet of South Bayfront Lovely• bedroom. I bath rambllq .met-Morf. White w. rool, •Ject. p.np door ... all electric kitchen. ColllPINly tunlilMd .... . cuatorrl built modern furnltan. NEW -Nner lived in- AUIO 1M Via Mllltone A ru.l ttne 3 bedroom l bath .home C111 a " ft. lot. BEST Buy at Pl,600 Ttnllll. • DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Bl'fd.., Newport lleacll Har. •nt LIDO ISLE lM VIA ITHACA, QODlPletelJ charm1nc • ~. l % bath -1 yr. old hom• with wall to wan· cupetJq:, drape9, wuw. k~ .......... 30 ft. livin1 room. Jars• pat.lo ud ~ ._ modern conveniac. for Jf'ldoua Ut'tq'. We feel thil le an out.tudlos home tor ~.000. ' BAYSHORES nJRNISBED I bedrm. hOIDI oe lup W witll room for IWimminC pool. atn. larp DIW paUo (partly coVVtd.) Very eolitortaalill heme with hiJh MHOIW rental retVft. 0Dl7 '31,IC» . t.iYR1'LE DA VY. R .. tt.r New Udo Ptaa Jlldl.. am VI& ~ (~t. Udo .,,. P.Utdls .... ) Ru. 5'44 -EYmbap LI M2ft . Huallton. 1MJt12QalTO. ~ ------------------..;.;...~--­CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. TIRED OF LOOKING? DON'T live up -wt'Ye reoaU7 leGund 8IYtr&l new"""9P•B4'W>AlSLAND1DdBEAOONf BA1'. in..-.. In l&a. -4e1-well located and fa'fOftbly pno.a ... • • • . • ar ,.up. YR wwld prefu to buJJd. We bave a cholcl vu. lot on Ltttl• laland $1T .250 ~ • 1'01": lot 1Jr -tme.t a.ck .,. .....,--$8000 WM. W. STANLEY SANFORD Realton HADFIELD Paft Ave. at Marlne. Balboa laland IJartM)r 24.62 roll au. n OWNJJR, ' w # Nllll a.mt; 11t ~ • ..... • taeed. nu. loan. f'reedoM home ..,..., Call i.n.t>' ...... -.1.Qp - af\s. .... l·~ MOUNT .\IN LOT. aJO UAJ\ I..AKJ: ntu Peter Pan Club. .A.U .U..\ol • uUJlUu 1J\. ta ft. a lJI ft. )&,-tquity IT&O. ~ fll per mo. H&r t.IOt. let ' OCfAN VIEW LOT Padnc Drive and Bepnla, Coroaa del Kar. 236 z a-Room fol' two &ov.ly VIEW BOMIB. O...of the lut ll-J. nnr iota anDablie. Call NOW. . CLYDE MEYER, Realtor 301 Marine An., Balboa la1and.. Ba.r . .O. l oome now wtUl roont to•con· atruet .me. AaUae. ~ \lnll Of )ul&dt"P wt~ ~. .,. .. ~..ia C.r .-Olm>lt _ ...... ORAN~E COAST ~IES 11n R Oleta 11 Ll •tm ..... u a.1.00 14 Acres -POHl--K-TJA.l, lndllltr'W on nil.- mad and two ltreN MU 0,. a.nt'I-anJ1 S.000 ,... •ere . DAN A. J.t.008.IEN. a.J Eat.alt llanar Mt1 U f.UlT Kl 2·1111 HT Will WHEN YOU GOrrA <;o.:;.. . CL YOE MEYER, Reattor SOT Manne, Balboa Ia'land Har. 2960 , ... ... . . . -.. --. . ~ .. . BAY & BEACH REALTY, INC., Realto rs Corona del Mar Of&e m3() E. Cout Highway Barbor ~ . VOGEL VALUES CO~ONA oµ. MAR Charming home with view of ocean, canyon and · hlli.. Newly ~ecorated 2 bed.room.a -+ lg. nunpu.a rm. HW. flra., w/W caipeting. 13~ bath.I. M1tr. BR. 12' x 15' w/lg. wardrobe & bJt-in.e. Fireplace Jn both llvinr rm. It nunpua rm. Handy kitchen w/ditp., plumbed for auto. laundry. 40' tot, dbl. gar. Prie«l at $32,000 with $10,000 down ir will a.de !61' 2 bedroom home in area. SANTA ANA GOLF CLUB AREA Nice, neat 2 bedroom cotta19 loob out on beaut. golf coune ju.t uro .. the .u.et. Replar fruit fa.rm on a city lot. 13 beari.nr tree. + rm. for Ir. garden. Tbe home la cosy It lilht. HW. flrw .. lg. living rm .• dining a.NL Handy kitch., Mniee porch. Nk& patio. Owner muat .ell becauae of ill hH.lth. Ju.It move 1n It lt&rt llvinf. Full price oaly $12,000. ~ THE VOGEL CO. 2M7 E. Ort. Hwy., Corona del Mar HA: 17U HA: 0757 . THE VERY BEST BUYS ~WPORT HTS. 2 B.'.R. Ir den. Extra lge. lot $17,500 NEWPT. HTS., Very ~arm. 3B.R.1\2 bt.tha $22,000 CORONA DEL MAR 3' BR., ·FA. heat. Choice 1&,~ CQRONA HILANDS, Vi~ home 3 BR., 2 bL $28,f500 . TRADE !'p Gabriel 2 B.R. home for San Diego W..SOA Ooean Front for Downey, San Marino, or Whittte1'. . ... . :·: . G. H. LATHROP , Realtor 3835 E . Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 5-H.2 Eves Har. 5680 HURRY! GOING FAST! PARK MANOR A Restricted Lot ~elopment By Mce.µ:AN It PEARSOL Speculat.on It Builden Welcome :. : eo• retddential lota. Duple. corner Iota. • ·· All lmprovementa in. .: ~ou Can't Beat The Price & Location. : . Drfft by and bu). Aero.. from Co.ta Meaa Park. : •: I 18th and Anaheim. 'TSj<, ALREADY SOLD ~ : Phone Liberty S..1781 Liberty ~ tf .... • '\ .. ... SHORE CLIFFS .. ' . I .. VIEW of ocean. hilla, canyon. 2 larse bedrma., 2 patioe. lo6i ot tile ln kitchen It bath. d1lpoea1. dJ.alnrMbtr, lllat artte• forced air beat, bwd. Ooora. '27,600 STANLEY A. SMITH. Realtor 28'7 '&. Cit. Rwy., Corona 4el Mar Bar. 882 ' . F!OR SAtE ~ND· 'LEASE-BACK · a .. SS ~ lltOl'e 84 ott1ca bedldq Jocat...s on m09t lmjoriant corner In PliliiaiDL Price 1 $100,000. wm pay 74J' mt Mt and wm 4epo91t ~000 U • leue MC!Urity. Luse <Iepl'ec.Iatiol\ r . CALL OWNER, T. D. Ropn. Ryan 1&187 or Harbor 3828 Newport Heights st Jut looking at it trom the outaide will convince you that th1a la the be.t value poM.lble. 2 rood· med bedrma.. l % ; bath•. L&rie kitchen, tl&r· · atone fireplaee, 2~ pr&1e. 1200 1q. ft. in a 2..bedrm. boue meana Iota of room. Bill Farnnortb will gil'6 you tu.rt.her det&lla . . The Best for You Once in a B~ue Mo.on a Juclry buyer be1lef it11 from the rqany $ $ $ $ an owner bu juat 1pent for new features. Such is the cue in this almost new houae on Lido. Thermador oven and range, w&ll-to-wall car- pet.inf, nicely furnllbed. sliding glasa doora to pat.lo, S bedrml. 1 % bath& and only $32,000. Lee Schonek will be happy to tell you more about t.hia home. Quality eon•tnctJon lt.andl out in thia *utiful Udo 1treet-to-atreet hon:te. It hu an enormoua 3-<:ar garage wiµi one huge aingle door. Radiant heat that will lpoil you forever tor any other type. All wood interior walls that glilten from the owner'• care. Completely built-in kitchen with tw<' overui. UnU1Ually high celllnJa that take away that depreaed feeling. Pleue call Joe Klniaid for f\uther lnterestlnr detallL p. a. palmer incorporated ole hen1on co. management 3333 via Udo , harbor 1500 p. a. palmer incorporated ole hen1on co. management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty 8-6573 OLD BALBOA NEWPORT LOT NPT. BCH. HOUSE JETT BA YFRONT S Bft., t ba., fl,..plac., aincle R·2 ZONE rood for two untta 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath. 2 block. to 4 YRS. old, 2 Jr. • br, S tHl. furn. ran&•. oa rood toundatton-$4300-Street. 1ldewalka, cw·bl, beach and bay. Room t or i•r-SM all the boat.I In II: out of N..S. aorn• p&int. ~mod. roof. 11ewen1 already ln. Walk to .,. and aparlnlent over -the Harbor • nn1 vt.w of Hae extra lol-make otter. Lido ahopptn& 19950. beache.. Mt,600 EllceL tenm. EilMD Kapp. PhyUle Kerwin. Phil Rapp. Ba yv.i ew Properties Harbor 4814 2 3 0 7 I PENINSULA DUPLEX! DUPLICXJCS are ,.tunc ml1hty aearoa. ... th1a t y•r old atuceo P"41>erlY • . . I bed· room1 u-p mas t bedrooma dn~ nJcely turnfabed. UW1ty ma.. 2 car fV*I•· ~led lD and OUl. 128.&00, lama. BJ:A UTIFQ:L • y•r Old prop- w . Balboa Bl vd .. CHANNEL FRONT AT ~ CLUBHOUSE OPEN D.All.. Y 11 • -t 62' frontage plu.a pier, float le concrete bulkhead. Plus very cute 2 bedrm. furniabed beach house. Close to Lido Shopping. See thla one today. -BACK BAY AREA BA y FRONT DUPLEX! I :~>' f:!~~~:= :::i:;;,~~ OPEN SUN., 1-5. ~9 E. 20th St., Only $23,950 bu.utltully tumJahed. Private · Coey and appealing la what you'll aay when you beach, pier nlJ.hta, uUltty rm1. see this 3 b:edrm. 2 bath home. Large liv . .-oom, :~:11!._~::; ~: .~~:" ~~ fireplace, sliding glua doon to patio, bar kitchen, or SM,000, with term•. and the price iocludea all wool carpeting. drapes. BALBOA B11ACB HOMES; new 1tove, refrigerator and tlrepla.ce .fixtures. ( 1) 4 bedroom, 2 bath home 4 T • I 1802 • • doon1 rrom best tHly l>Mch. ri p ex -4-6 Haven Pl., Cliff Haven Oanr•. utillty rma. Swelt . • for Ja~e tamUy. •te.600. OPEN SUNDAY 1 • ts p. m. Bat value m seooo doWn. Harbor area. Each unit bu 2 BR., 1 with fire- 121 a bedroom home, l\o place. Income $2525 yr. Priced at $19,950 bathe .•. n .. r bay. ltlrtr& Onl tA9cn dn lot fOll wtth It. dandy tor Y ~ "" • NEWPORT HEIGHTS Beach ---------- Cliff Have n A moat d•lrao1e location. 3 s.droom1 -hardwood noora Shingle root. KJtehen and p r· qe both wtr.d for 220 v . Larr• yard. Only 11s.ooo. Sweeping View ot BAY and OCJ:AN trom Dana. Point to Cata.llna from three atdu or thia modern home oC many wtndow1 -• la!'I'• bedroom• -2 bath• - 11.rre dlntnr room -tHlr - completely carpeted and drap- ed AND It alta on one of Ule very f-f .. lot.a with a view comparable to uone ! ! A ~al home for a lara-e. .ucceeatul famlly ••• UT,&00. Panoramic View pelto . or JardO. Older pro~rty but w~l worth I.he UT ,000 Ul•Y uk. IN£XPp;N8lVE BALBOA RENT AL PROPERTY- ~euon Jual !M(WUnf 131 Rl1hl on Ea.It Bay .Annue. rloM to town. • unJta - 3 1ln&lt1 and a bechelor. All redec<>t9ttd. tumtahed and In nJce condJUon. '18,000, tn-rna.. I• t Here la another one -earn• location wtth a 2 '*'""· houH ln front and a cute b&Chelor tn rur. Nice lit· lie home wtth eome in· come. $11,'700 and terma lh&t will Mll It. 3 BEDROOMS. 2 batha -Panoramic view from upper story. $14, 750. Will take lot at part payment. OPEN SUNDAY 305 La Jolla Drive (Weat end of Oiff Dr.) JACK BRENNAN, REAL TY ''AT THE ARCHES'' 3320 W. Coast Hwy. LI 8-7773 Lido Moderne Dream Home of OC&A.N and BAY from UM la.IT• u~ room plctur• I window oC WI Immaculate. complelely redecorat~ 4 bed· room. 1 ~ ti.th home. built I around an encloeed patio with out.Ide barbeque .•. Yu, you can have a superb ooean and tHly view and a tin• 4 bed· room home with bullt-tn ranee and oven, 1-r kJtchen, all th• exu..-.nd a lot you own . all tor UT,000 •.• We have th• key!! I IS) A.Ile to 1e1 thl1 I bed· room tumlahld home wtt.h a nearly new bachelor In rear. paUo, and I 8lngle prqu. On a lafTe lot too, UalOO'. OnlY $1'7.&00. l«ml. It ) 2 bedroom home with a l bedroom apartment over a 2 car prap. Cloee to town In Balbo&. A r ood I rtnter 1umma-or w1nllr US 000. terrna. Balboa Realty Co. I Opfloelte Bahlc ot Am1r1ca Reim Oreeley l:d Lee JOffl>hlne Webb TOO Z. Balboa Bl"f'd .• "Balboa Phone RarbOr 121'1 t.O ACR118 betw.m ec»ieta K.a I.Del le.lit& Ana. tarrft land toda.7; ta.rm pd.mll toda7. tul>- dlvlslon pricea llOOft, 2t~ down, ia&oo pv acre. Acttoo now Bl1ilt on a fully enclosed lot and a half, patio' and •pace for swimming pool. Worda are inadequate to deecribe the artistic arrangement of thia lovely home. The attractive liv ing and dining area ' with ita fireplace and beamed celling ii '*all to waJl carpeted. The master bedroom and bath is most unuaual, another bedroom and bath for the,children. also a ch'eerful kitchen for ~laay. , Ovenized double garage atreued and piped for addition&! bedroom aJfd bath if desired. We invite you to see this beautiful home -ahown by appointment only. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa Blvd. Har. 5188 Bay Ir Beec~ Realty Inc REALTORS 1175 HarbOr Boulevard Colt.I .Meu.. CaUlornJa LI 1-7714 !:'\tee. LI 1-3158 DESI GN FOR LIVING (with chJldttn) ~ yr. old Cape CO\t home on 4& fL lot llOUUI ot htJlnftY neu l..J'M'L& CORONA BEACH. I ~. 11• bat.ha, forced air h•t.. dt.ab...aber. OomplcttlJ fenced J'd. w1Ul Mp&nt.e pla.7 ya.rd and ft1ler rlaM covered 1 patio. '2J,'T60. WW •ll t.Um. 1 Owner B&r. 2088. Court-.y to brokcnl TC'tl 27 BACK BAY LOTB. Tl'J\t.aUn ONE OF A Kl~D :::' :.0001":.:!'': = ONLY R-1 lot 90Uth o! SeavieW for l&l~ in u.oclat.t, actt•e or •llent. ~ del Mar, 40 x ua and i.vA -You can ORANGE COAST have thia tor cub at only s10.150. PROPERTIES ----lJ.BUlnJlDllLBlvd.~ )I-. ORANGI COAST Down Payment Trouble u 1-iw ET ... u a-Hoo PROPERTI ES Try YOURS on thia 3 bdrm. corner hom&-Near iatr Newport a1..s.. eo.t.a ,,... •hope Ir only 3 blocka to ocean. OveT 1100 aq. ft. Another Luxury Home LI ... 1.... WrrH OVl:Jll 10 ACRES of Or-... ~ u f-1400 Move in •~-••b• n...1 __ s1is500 1 ..._..." "' _...._.._ "" ....-w llu.ly LD&«l'Mdlon CLIJIT HA VBN R ln Banta An.a atte, very ex· nuoo 3 b.drml . 2 •th. drap-• L. STRIC KL ER, Realtor dualv• e.a. W/W Carptl. Very clttl'I 2 R OAll: A JACOBSEN lb.al E•lat,. )'1"I.. old tmmldl&tf' ottUp&nCY I · B. HODGE, Associate Harbor 1191 BA VY 8114KS ft001'& budwOOd tloon, blc double 19ftltll; t~..alr lleat.. lmllt·tn o..a aftd ranp. dlspoeala, .ewers. ~ &lua doou, •\Md ~ tt~ ~ LOORJNG HO.MES with acell1r1t ttoor 'pl&n8 cm Colt.a KM&'• moet dealrable Eut Side. I·~: i21,MG--$too0 down 3-beelroom and den : Pl.950-$2000 dowu AU bome1 have 2 bathe OLE HANSON CO. \ Tract Phone Llberty 11·2383 ' or 0!11cn· LI 11·5673, Harbor 1~00 "We're Moving to Irvine Terrace" Drive in today and aee for yourself the many out- .standin1 featurea ,of th1I remarkable community. More and more Harbor area families a.re inlpecting these exquisite home. -noting their comfort, con- venience and central location. More and more families who prefer a home In a re- 1tricted quality community are moving into their Irvine Tern.ce home.. Inspect the model homes, b~t by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert Irvine Tern.ce is located on Coat Highway OJ>p<>elte the new Irvine Cout Country Oub. EAR L W. STANLEY , Realto r EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Pbooe Hubor ... 8 For Further Information * For Recommendation, JVe refer you to anyone wbo bolda a Leasehold Eltate in Irvin• Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bay Shores and Cliff Haven Lido Isle I The Southland's Fined Addreu FIVE BEDROOM BA YFRONT Th.ii new listing ii in a clua by itlelf. Superbly decorated in the finest t.ute and quality. Every conceivable built-in luxury for the convenience and pleasure !or the d.iacriminatiDf family. ALSO A place for .ervanta - 3 can and a large boat $125,000 Full Price Lido Realty Associates MOO Vi& Lido BA LBOA ISLAND'S SMARTEST" TRIPLEX 200 Topu Avenue 3 MODERN one and two bdrm. apta. with 4 garages. laundry with automatic wuher . HUGE guest room and ball\. shower le d~&­ ing room. Thi.I pro~rty ia attractively DEOORA TED Ii. FURNISHED in Con~mporary atyle. Individual TV jack.a. all copper piping. electric kitchen units. EXTRA SIZE LOT, one blk. \o buch. Approximate sro-annual retum se.ooo. $!,500 lncome summer alone. $4.e,000 Full Price. food terma. MARINERS ISLE REALTY 318 Marine An., Balboa Iala.nd HMbor -t781 8c3 r NCOME-UNITS l· Ooee to tn.naportation le IChoota. soo4 rental record. S:SOO per month i~come lncludlng llWI· aau and ~rd iuint. Price ~7.500-tenu. THE VOGEL CO. l 700 N"'J>Ort Blvd. Liberty g..:;.;97 Colt.a ).le.a E\·eninJ• Har 1~9-ll n4 Kill&• P'l., u &-TIO'T. titre 3622 E . CoUt Hwy .. Corona del Mar. Har. 2ii' 1 u l-'St7 Kl 2-2111 HY •-MM ~~~~~~~~--~~~~~--~~~..:,_ ____ .:__~----i"---------------------------------------------------------------------. ';