HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-05-18 - Newport Harbor News PressDill PHONE ·BUILDING PLANS GET APPROVAL Anot.Mr atep toward dial telephOnea for the Harbor exchance wu taken lut night when the .Newport Beach Pla.nn.ing Commiuion approved changes in the telephone 1,, ,..,..~ company bull4ing at 311 Balboa. Blvd., which will make poulble in•tall&tion of dialing equipinent. Tlie bUlldtnc chanre entail• ff.arbor com~ny n1•n•lt't. Atler con.etnicUon or a eecond etory that \Ve11l!'tn Ell'i:tri•· Co. tH:h-1 ! '. iilclaM \\'Ill takt 011~r end llhould 011er U11 preeent bualneu offlct h1vt the di11ing t"qUlpn1l!'nt 1n-l I t a COlll of 1260,000. Tbe build-itaUed by tht following frt.ll. I tnr waa ori&tn&lly d .. lrned for He.mbrook beli!'11eJ1 I th.ii w<"Ond •lory 'lthtch wl\I make Oaillnr tqulpm,,nl dt11Unl'd ,(nr the atructun>. 31.3 feet hllh with the H11rbor phontll 111 of the ~ a penltlou" on top of that run-lateat c-roO'l!J bar <lt•1111:n 11n11 111 ' nlnr up to juat undtr :'>O fett. a ~tep towalld h11\'lng H .>1 hu1· 1 'Mie plana h•ve been 1ppro11ed phone Ull!'tt do th.-1r Jong J111-I by the tire ~eJ*rtment, John tance di1Un1 dlr..,ct. Han1hrook Bmllt\, Loa An1elta, who reprt· 1late11. Mnted the telephone company at :-Jewport 8 £'11,·h rl'~lllent.11 ~nd the hlarlnf. told the co1nml1111on. bU#IQeumen ha1·p ur1ed •!!111 whkh approved 'the pNn• telephone f1cllllir-• fur 'th!• l'Jt~· " " r Chan~ ln the bulldh1g will ever ltle put 1M1Vl!'r11l y..,ar1 11.~ be completed In February, 1c-.ft'01'·th lndlcatPd a ery!ng n..,ed cordtl'll' to Ted M. Hambrook. for the modl'tn l!'qU'pment MEDICS BACK DOWN IN BLOOD BANK FIGHT GO LDEN YEAR PLAN -The swank new .subdiviaion announced at the meet- ing of lhe Newport Beach planning commisaion by Welcome Homea i8 shown above. The new addition lies ea.at of Tu.&tin Ave. &nd south o{ Men Drive. Carry- ing out the 50lh anniven1ary motif of Newport Beach, the main atreet of the addition will be known as Annivet"Nry Lane and ahorter atreeta will carry 1ucb names a.a Paper Lane, Silver 1.-ane and Golden Lane. The property will be zoned R-1-8 an.d will have sidewalkf and street lighting. The la.nd hu a nice alope for drainage and looks into tbe Upper Bay area. Red Cross Pr09ram True Facts to Appear in Society Bulletin MAYOR Hill DUE U OF CHI KUDO . TARS BAG CO-CHAMP TITLE WtTH HB WIN -' . ~------HARBO ll __ P'R&ss· PHONE llARBOR 1818 • Big Subdivisions Girlri Planners!. Polls Open 'TII 7 p. m. In SChool Trustee Election 'Ann1versary Addition' Keynotes 50-year Mark H•rbar area voter• were 1e-Newport Beach'• development northward continued minded by elect.ion offlct•l~ to· lut night with three gia.nt 1trides for a total of t.h.fte d•y thal deadlllle for !'!•~tine 1ubdivilion. including 285 Iota. plats of which were Pft· ballot.11 tn the con110ltct~t tct aented to the planning commission. K, hool board.II elt"ctlon 1~ 7 I • --•••• '"'" '" <"-oort"-·ly ....., ...... ,. 11 "''' '"" prov11I. Th11 •ubdh·l•lon Lt oft o clock tonight. P olls Optr1.-,1 •t trend LI thf 1u~chvi-Mon of w..,J. lrnne A vt .• between Irvine OM\•• II 7 1.n1. tod•y. come Hon1'1 where the tlll!'m" of whlrh I• • cont1nu1Uon of Eut PolU.f!I placl!'a In :-;1!'\\'port lh4' clty'1 OOth aniiiver.iar)' ha1 19th St . I nd Hlghlllnd DrlYe, I Eeac h e re at three -chool•. Cor-been pickl'd up In. the Ann1\'tr· "'h1ch I• a t>ontinuaUon of Eaat 0111 de.I Mar. Hoi·11.ce En.tign •nd ury Addition, with the ~7 bull.I-) 20th St. Bolh !nine and Hl(h- inl' llltea borderi111 on 1tlr•el• l•11d Drlvt• -•ng around In a Newport Elemenlary. In Co•UI wllh th• namPa. "Aiin1\·er1ary huge a1·c to end up In V.'eitcllff 1 Mesa, polling Plc'CN are loc•Lt<.J l.aiie··, whic h !'Un• rrum Tustin Dnv,, .,..hlch 1" in eaat-w•1t at lhl!' followin1 l(hOOIJI : E verr tt A.tit., ea•tetlv acrou tht nurlh cont1nuathlfl ot Eil•t 17th St. Rt•, J.t11 ln, H•rpl!'r •nd Lind· 11id• of thl!' plat and 1round tht Nl!'wly announc!'d lut nl&ht to betgh. t ••t •nd , •11d thrte cul dt J11t.r lh<' p!ann1ng comn11Aalon waa the Here a re the candidate,.· ~treeUI, •·Paper Lant ·· .. Silver 124-lot .tubdivi1ion of •ltle P••a• Newport Be•ch Elen1l!'nt11r\' Lane" 1nd "Gold•• l..enl!'." d • -d Co . tna ..... n . pn11r:nted bJ \\'ll- lncumbeii.l.JI M.elwood Se.Ty •11d The addition 1Je1 ju•l aouth of ll1m C. H1yward. Thia wilt be Gordon B. Findlay. •nd BuJ11 -Meaa DrlYe and. bordtring ofl hi1d out in two unlta, the f1r1t, ne11eman Miio Lacy; C:O.ta MelUI Tuatln at the point wher!' Anni -or 110uth•tn unit. h•vlng TT Ioli. Union. lnc11mbenl.JI Br• d I'-Y ver111ry Lant takeii off. will bt> Thrre •re more than ~ ac~• 8ehara--d Herbert J eok11. an•/ a ~rk. 200 fttl !mt( •nd t~p-' 1n th• tot1I JJl!'c•. Harri.eon Sanborn; Newp<11·\ '9rlnr down from 100 feet •I the Thi• addition to N<"wpo•< Harbor Union Jll1h School, 1n-A "1bowdOwn meeting•· between Amerie&n Red CroM volunteen and 0~ County Medical Society chieftains )'tllterd&J' rMulted in tbe rtte4ic&l group'• agreement to print true fa.eta In the next issue of ill modl.hly bitlletin coeioernlQI the blood program in Orange Comty. Mayor Dora Hilt ls lea.11- lng June l for Chicago where next t!ay 1he wlllt recei11• a cltatLon tor public Mrvlce, from tht Unlver111\y of Chl- c•go Alllmnae Auocl•Uon. 10Uth end. L!k,. Iott In lh!' oth•r Bl'llch Ile# e••t of Irvine A\'e., cumbenta Donald Ounian and two 1ubdlvt1lone thelP wHJ bl'• bt>lwiten Eut 20th and Ea•t 2lat By BILL PHILLIPS [In three trips to the phtte and Hadd. R. R ing, •nd Lawyer Le-ed R lB d h ·u bl!' " Roy Andertori; Orang• Coa•I aon -•n t ere w1 Sta .. bordl!'rinr on narbor Hlfh· Cinching •t leut & CO-Chll1np· ICOrl!d lh1" rune. CoUeie, Incumbentll HatTy R 1ldewalk• and atreet llJ"htlng. le.nd, nn the north. Mayor Hill la on• o! 33 a!umn11.e aoelected Ull• year amon1 1radu.ale9 Who have "u1nmed civic, 80Clal and rell1ioua reaponalbllille. ... 1tnt1al to democracy·•. IDMhlp poaltlon In Ole Sunael Addlns power to the Tat' at-LeBard a nd Walttr M. Lonr;-Ml':l.LOTI' TRACT Tht Jot• will run tron1 7700 to Learue &11d a detiflle berltl In tack werl' Short.top Bob White. moor, and WUllam J. Sl•tfoHI, \\'filler B. Mellott'1 104·unit 10.000 IQ · ft. In al&e. the Cl1' prep bueball playoffa, (OoaUaued -Pas• IJ tool die 'maker. ckvitlopment in Ole Harbor High-M1ln Coach Emil NMme'a J'iewport 1---;.-------------'---------------I landl art.• waa ai•en f1na1 ap-t Dr. Ffederkll Hint. prf.llldtt1t of th• mMtW llOIM«,r, admitted betor• Ulll Dl"Unl tha.t th1 med· ka.I .:id"1 had Prnd IQ reveal- .. Red Cllf-• Mood Mnk tirur• t• it. .... ~ in u.. Jut ldl· Hvbor Union HIP 8cbool s.uor nin. comp&.ted lta i;qW&r ...,. ------------1.aon Y•twdll7•wt\ll U ~·• Mew Bu~t 19 to .ZO-cent Increase Seen; Wat« Rate Up )lore city tund levil!'I t ither throu1ti a 11 to 20-cent Ula ln- C"Ufl or I 11.60 per month dom•l.lc r1tuae ~ar1e ,,.. es- poul"d in lh• preliminary City of :-o-port 8-ch bud.Ce!. tt wtJ! IM reviewed •Monday nl(ht at 7 :80 p.m. In pul>llc hearin1 e! dl)' hall. Tb• nllW bud ... t propou.I pro- 'vldea a tot.IJ 1eneral tu.od out• 1a1 or 11,m.010. compered to 11 .oTa,1•e for UI• flacal yur 1tndln1. City council apokeame• ha'" lndlcated Ole lna·ea81<1 "'"""• aoa1 la tou1ht to take care of needed capltal outlaye In -ur.---wa7 ef new pollGe and fire lllaUona, pu.rchue of ~1·k and nc:raUon llitu. acqWa.I Uon ot Paclnc Dlcllrlc: Co. rt1ht-of- "'·ay ud tracka1e. triller p11rk lptprov•menta and -ter flclll· ll~ WATEa INOll.E.ASE Tbe budJ"•t .unut.a mcreaa- 1n1 the monltlly w1ter rate of 11.30 to 11.t !) M aa to rll• workln1 capital• by 163.4T5 to • total of llll.lt24. the new tu.m to be uaed mainly tor ~­ olacMnmt• and nitw malna. The au11uted tax lncr .. H , ll •doplA!d, woukl hike lh., proper- ly tax to 11 per 1100 a-..ed vaN•Uon, c0mptred to lhe CUT· IOotlltaoed •• ...... I) . ., * ..... '!lo'E' -: -umal Dr. Ullliii. , criatr- rnan ot the Wood mmlttff fer the aoct.t7.t'aaJd corr.cl tlf\lt'C9 had been .t9clh'~ and woWd be included ill t1ut montn'1 laaue. Tbit talH !lfU?'ftl ahe A id we" e.ccklmtally (t'f'Wl In an l•ue propoeinf U11 ~ahmdlt of a local blood bank.· The atipWaUon bJ lb• doctor• calmed teara by Ule Red Croat volunteen Ulat the medical aa• aoclatlon wu a.ttempttnr to folet IUI own blood bank on Orange County and do eway with Red CroAa -ervica. Everett B&nnl.lter. MCrelary ot lh• medical .ociely, told lhe croup the ..xtety bat! not dl1· oua.ed takln&" over U\1 blood bank proJ"ram In any muner. but ha d merely riade a propoaal. H• atated, .. Ole benk 1!fould be own- ed by l'Qldenla of Oran1e Coun- ty-with a !ew ot our doctor11 actin1 u a.dvlaor1. ·• PROFIT S l'8 Tt:M It had been reported Lhe medl· cal aoclet)' planned to do away wtlb Ula tree IM'rYlcu of lhe Red Cron and CharJ"• t or blood. ··w .. J:iili1Vr1n-U'le phllo.aophy of free ent•tprlae. •• Banni•t•r told the rroup. ..and it the people caii afford to -p,t.y tor t blood) why •houldn't they! U they don't want to pay, let them return two pint.II for the blood they l!,.ff." The 1peaker ataled lhe pro- poaa.I ....... only offered ln th1 event lhet Red Crou could not 1upply adequate quantltl..,s of blood In this &l'e.a'.. He aald it wa.• not meant to be taken •• an lm· mediate poUcy OT fonn of action for lb• rroup. BannU.ter aaid Red CJ'Ofl blood 1uppliee werit adequate In Or· (eoi.ttnUP.d en hi"' !) YACHTSMAN WYETH FOUND_ DEAD OF STRANGUWION Nae.HIOR Boy Char.ged With School Thefts Here Two burglarlea 1 ntontn apart al U\1 Horace En&lf"I School may have be'en fll'11red up. ec• COl'dlnr to Det. Sgt. A. L. J ohn- aon, with the alleged t>Onfeulon of a lt-~ear-old boy ll Ying quite near the 1ehoo1. The youlh i1 already In cua- t.ody ~t Ju11enlle H11ll on '.tu11pl- clOlt of r rand thert, auto and mlad~eanor joy rld1n1. John- aon Ii.Id, bec•u•t or t he auto 1tAllnf' ch•r1e1. no 1ppllc1t1on for peUtlon1 of probeUon or pel\le will be filed. The police rrport uld the Horace En•1in School mualc 1"00ffi wa11 l!'ntl!'n!d durl.nr lb• weekend ol FPb. 10-14 a.nd $31.20 wu tak•n from a cub boJI; •tored tn a d .. k. Johnaon old the youth Id· mttbed U\e lh•fl •nd 'Mid be entered Ole buildin1 by b[ti&klng a window 10.-ith a ham~r. A char1e of 13 :IQ for the ·wlndoW will be paid for wh•n the I.Mn· a.rer'1 parent• mike restitution. uld John.aon. 'Ille seconrl burgl•rY took place March 11·11 ln lhe -chool 11hop. A coin bo:< ~·•• ta.ken wllh 112 and 11o·a1 nev•r recover· N . A wlndow here wa• jimmied open with a 11erPw driver. In Addition to th.. r11..11h, CO.Ill or reptaclnr Ua• "'indow and the cuh wa.t "'t Jlt $21.T:J. aa.id John.aon. The fll'\ttl1\'I' i<a1d the bay told hln1 ht put !IOmt ot the alll'gl!'dly 1tnll'n nl<ontY In UH! blink. · \VhllP the bo\' IM being held under one Jl!Oltn r•r chute. he II bo-111g lnvt~llgated for laklng and 11b•ndon1nr •noltler automobi1•. the r!'port 1t1ted. ffarTJ Bl.Mell ""1etn' J r .. M. t>Ut the conJ an(! tried to rPvh·e prorntftfllt y&chllrn&ll •rid ru•-1 him befo~ calllni police. 1 'No Show' Delays lhnt ot MO 8 . San Rah.el Ave .• 1 The ricUm'• reru..._r nur1P. J•--' R ort loultl Pua~ and Newport I Pau li.e M. lArtwir or Temple ... .... • ep BeuJ\, wu found dtat! lut nicht. City. lt'ho w.a off-duty, told, off\. Oran1a County Grand Jury an apparent wlcide. po.lie• •Id. Cflrl all• had been hired by lttl Foreman. J_ R. !Jacki Stf'Jent t hie b 1416 It S. A j victim for four v.•ttk• after he revealed tod'llv the grand jury 1 OTfl• · Y ve. had been lnYDlvPd In 1 tr1fflc rl!porl on Or11nge Count,}' H•- He ., ... round •tr1n11ed with a .c:cJdent. pita! will ~ rl"!l\'rd until the limp cont trom hi1 Md at •bout \\')'~th leaves hli "'ifP. )of11 ry 1 ne•l ffplarly achrtluled mo.et- 1 :40 p. m. or Paudtna. 81ll& Mor111ary, lnir on J une e. ----..,"'"""''-!!!' , Corona del Mar. In chlrre or SlrJ"l'fll •l•t .. <t th .. jury wa• ... Be&ch_~lk:e a • hMI led t h ed a call to t.b.a £. B-., Ave. ad· ~femenU. •Id tu0 family K U 0 IVf met \VednelJ· d,.... h-.m Mn. HeMn Abelh delalla v.•ere not available Imme-nay to luue t11e repari 1nd dlalely mff!t with the bo11Td of 1t1J)tt'" D&n&. Mi o( lklulh P&a&dl!nia, • • vltora nprdll'fC 1 11ropotM'd non- tra.ln.ci Olr\sltan 8cltt1c1 nu,... W1eUi owned~ 16-ft. -choon.t or r•rm for Oran1r eou----M, 1•11 who Md Mn e"'ptoyed bJ Uie "" o.JJant. which JM •lied ln lnmat••· '1.cUm tor twu dayL Sh• aid the IHT. and IHt Tr.,,._P.w:Uic The ttport .,., ... llCheduled to abt litft Wyeth, lt'l\om ahe de-Yacht RM:ff. He waa a member ha'1e been IAUl'd oril"n.&ll)' on .cribtd u Mtn1 In an lrr1tabl• of Loi Afll'it"-Tadlt Club and May a. bt\l Wll• delaye<{ aa jllr). mood. to anak• .ame cofTH. N .. port Hartior Y•cht Club. proberll lnvNtt11t•d • •laytnc tn Wllitn atM retumed aha found He -• a natlY• of Phlladel-lhe l\l~losie ward. llllM •~ed •1 the lamp cord phla. He had retired from tne The JUTJ hNd u1fi \\.ednH- whlU •• Md apparenttf attach· tJIVfflment Molren.1• bu.in-. d•J'• mf'elin1 Wlll canc•lled he- ed t• lhe lri•alid a.-Ytanc-blr TM Bay Av.. addrP11 t• Ole ca~ of--tM \IMv•il•blllty of • "'• "'9d. M'rL 0.M ~ AM family aummer home. euoervleora. lH bomban'I~ P'•*) I foe, Hun~ "'-et "'l'tM'"1c- i.Ory at Oo1ta M.. P&r1t ... the eicftth-•u.IPt ioop U'lwllpb. for the TaZ.. atUr the loceJ:~ ru~ra dropped two first ~d 1ames. An&Mlm, who dd'Nted 8aa.t& Ana'• S.lnta 0-i )'•titrdaJ. le acheduled to wind up fta .-- aon aca1n1t the Orianc• P1111U\er1 ltl la aJ'tl'mOOn. The Colonlllta, &l'Ue-leader• unlll ~tm TUu- day by tb..a&ik»-9 2-4 ben., mu1t win thl• battle to ah&n d\amp- lonshlp honor• wilt\ th• Tara. Should Anaheim lo.e today. N-- port BarbOr Wf?'lll:\ be undl9J!Ut.ed diamond cb4mP· Portly Plete Helk~ pltche4 hi• beat outJn1 ot U.. ..._,,, tn be.I· fllnl the Olien wlUI a tour- hitter.. M.eanwblle. hit 1.e&m· rr.tn unleubed thelT hott.e91. hit b&rrq'e ot the year, bl.utinc rtval cbuckfn fOr 13 beae knocita and tekln( a.dvant.ase of ti" Oiler m.lacuea. G1ry Green. top JMtcher. plated third ..., and left fie.Id JMtffday and M)f"f hlt batUnJ" top tor' the occasion. He el&mmld a tl1pl• and dollbl• Mew · Industry Seeks Entry into Newport Plana have.. been 1ulJmltled to thit Orana:e County plannin., commia81on for a nelt' manuf•C· luring pl&11t to •mploy a maxi· mum nf 126 employee-.. The Bat>coek Co. h•• petitioned tor annvcatlori of It. propert.J to Ole City of Newport 8Nch. Th• O ac" tract I• adjacent to t.1'1• Pfaht.r-Tapm1tk: "lfth Bl. An· nexatlon." • 'Miit compeny, 1 branch of th• Babco<:k Radio Enrtneertns Co. or Van Nuya, .. -111 ff located on Ule eut lid• of Monrovia. A••· north ot 1~.., ~l Electronic:. equipment v.•lU be manufa.ctur~ Ulere, acc:ordlnf to tbe announc•ment mad• by A. G. Heckman, 1pokeaman for U\e S.bcock Co. Approximate 1tze of the bull!!· In~. acrordlng to pi1n1 1ubmlt• tl!d to lhe pl•nnlnl _comml11kH'I yHtl!rdl}'. will ba J00x200 feeL HARIOR WEATHER Temper1turn for the .lt'eek• end In Uiit Newport Harbor area WO .. mp Sat11nla1. May 12 .... 82 Sunday. May 13 _ .. _ est Monda.y, May 14 --~· !14 T\luday. )ohy 10 11 v.·Mneaday, M•J 1• 1n Tbut9day. Ma.v li _ U hkla,r, May 11 -·~·-T3 ..... .. •• .. " ., .. .. NEWPORT MOVE! NOllTll -Two or the thrH new 1obdJvii.ion~ ru.C~ at lut nig-bt'• meetinr of the city planning com.m.iaion a.re 1bown on the above map. The Mellott nbdlvilion la the MCOnd aei;uon by the ume builder and connect.I th• &Cl"Q.&e from lrviM .A.v,. wttl. th,. --~Uv •I!\· ' - eounced 1ubdivilioti by Aultln Sturtnant.--nte other new subdiviaion wu anneunced tor the Pua. dena i..;.d Co. by William 'c . Hayward. It U.. ' north of Harbor Highland.a; between East 20th and 21st Sta .. ~ut of Irvine Ave. The two new add.I- ••---.a.taia a t.ait-' ·" 221 lot • .r •• HORACE ENSIGN GRADE 8-A GRADUATES DUE Miss Elma Benson's Grade 8·.A is preparing for graduation next month. From left, top row-Pam Lerner, Jock McSevney. Beverley Ryedale, Geof- frey Sharp, Linda Redman, Melvin Swanaon, Sally Schussler, Barton Heiligera, Jerilyn Warren. Sec· ond row -Dale Ellis, Barbara VMdenberg, Alan Jones, Sharron Hansen, Johnny Fielda, Mary Michaelson, Wayne Mayfield, Linda Martacchl, Victor Martine. Third row -Linda Bernard, Georgia Creuon, Margaret Purvee, Pam Et.ner, John Jaaker, Pat Kinney, Hilton Bell. Suzanne Hubbard, Ed Bndbuey. Fourth row -Miss Ben- son, Ncrma Atklns. Pam Holder, Richud Watson, Peter Koch, Peter Morgenroth. ' :-VERMILYA FOUND GUil TY ON 6 COUNTS BY COURT Santa Ana-Orange Municipal 2 p. m. June 8. On mollon of eou1 t Judge Ronald Crookshank the p~oplt. four l lmilar coun t• We4.MH y touncl pnaral. con-agalnst Verm llya Wf 1 e dl1mlaud. tract.Qr paV1d K. Vermilya g-uil-The defendant wu broug'ht 1..n- tv nf ~Ix counts of violating, to Newport Ju.11tlct Court 1,n Costa Mesa and State Building March 14 to face the allegations. code•. However, he obtalnt-•1 a change . , Vermilya aaked tor a prota· ttnn heann(. The Judge eched-- uled hearing and 1entenclng tor Newport Police Book 3 Suspects 1 1 Police yeater<1ay plc:)led . up 1 three 11J.1pect1 !are \lf&t\t.ed. by l other law en!orcemenl a1enclu . · · At noon Robert Lee Sandy, 40, Qt San Y11dro wa.a 1topped while ·driving at Orchid St. and Cout ot venue. Co1ta MeM Bulldtn( Oftlcral A. J. Vo~ preued the chargea against Vermilya. The defendant .,..... accOHd ot bulldtnr d\lple.x· u a t 38'1-389. U9·388 &. ~0th St., Costa Mea, with unaa.fe con1truct1011, poor footln&"• and roundatlOru and unate tloortnc. H• • alao .....-i..cily back,(ilJed toimd&UOQ trendlH a.fteT' a city bullcUng department ln•pectton wu mede. Memorial Services S.t for Johnson Hl1hw1y atter a broadcut of a . au.apect wanted by the Rlvendde · 8h•rlff'1 office on 11.1.1pi~ o! ; Jr911d theft trrrob'tng S250. Th• CLAREMONT, -Traditional • au.apect, a co.1tume Jewelry aat... memorial eervfc• In memory man, wu booked and hla auto, of William A. Johnaon. former With caau of jewelry, wa.a Im-Pomona Oolle1e trultee who pounded. died May 19. 19~8. will be con- La..t nliht after a Santa Ana ducted by lh• coller• from 6 bro&.dc&lt of two auapecta want-to ~:30 p. m. Wednuday, M&y ; ed for auaplclon of ahort change 30 In Memorial Court hen. • and J>O"lbl• butl'lary, PatrohnaJI JohMon lived In Balboa a.t the : Ed Brawn and R~erve Officer Uroe ot hla death. He wu prom• , B. F. Van I>eavender atopped the lnent In banking ud bu1inU1 • deecrlbed car at Cout HJl'hway cl'rclee In Rlvtrslde. : and 17th Bt. Bool<.ci and turned : over to Sant& Ana Police De-l p •r l m • n t were Den-el Dean Turner, ao. i !Uloada. 22. and Thayer Wrt1ht Othen who Wlll be remember· Id. In tbe Mrvlcu a.re the for· mer trutteM, faculty memben and alumni who have died ln the put year. GERALD P. WINKLER, D. D.S. ,, ANNOUNCES THE REMOVAL OF HIS OFFICF FROM LAGUNA BEACH TO SUJTE 20 I I 3424 VIA O'POR1'0 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA ly AppoJntW\•1'+ . T elephon• Harbor 358 I .. ' ' ,., ' . .. Today's N. Y. Stock Report NP.:W YORK NOON COM- MENT-By B J Foley, partner Dean Wit teor Co. Do" ..Jone. A' ~"'l'e& 30 lnduatriala -,91,66 up 2.03 20 Rall• 176.to up ,33 1~ Ullllt1u . 68.19 up .17 l p.m. \'olume l ,110,000 Amerlu.n Smelllng ........ 64 \4 American Telephone .... 181 ~ Anaconda ····-················-······· . 80 Chr1flltr ···-···-·--·····-··· 14 ~ DuPont ............................. 216 Oenerel Eltclr1c ·--··-······· 697' Oentral Motore ....... ·-···-··· '2"- Glmbel BrOI ........................ 2HI. Great Northern R.R..···~·-·., 4•% No. American Aviation --···· 89lil N. Y. Central ···-·-··-11---···-· 42 ~ May Co. . ... ····················-····· '1" Monterey OU ··········----··· Sf" Safewa y Storti ····-·············· M" Sinclair Oil ...... ···········-··········· 88 So. Cal Edt.<m .... ······-····-49" 8tl.'ldard Oil of C&JU. -·-·-··· 108 So. Pacific .. ~······················ 64 % Tra.naamulca ... ··-··-·······-···· . '-' Union Oil ot Calif ................. 61"' U. S. Steel ·······--··--·-··-··· 67 'i4 King Files Complaint to Collect House Sales Fee SANTA ANA. (0CN8) -Ben 1 a deaJ with the defendant.a to Klnr of Costa Mua y11terday RiperviM con1trucllon of •1 filed a complaint In Bupertor homee tn the Newoprt Helght1 Court here. l4 tor«:to .. a me-area IMtwee.o SepL 28 and DK. chaolc:'e lien ._..t, detendanta 28, 196:5. B. and K Homea, Ca.1-Wutern King alleges the contract ca ll· Homea, L. W . naher, and New-rd for him lo receive 40 per port Balboa Savini'• and Loan cent ot the protlta from the Nie AaaoclaUon. of the houaea, plua $200 a week Kine aaaerta he enteaed Into 1alary. Th• salary was to be PUC Hearl't 'Oft P .E. Facilities Delayed · • Public bearfn&' OD tM City of N~rt Beach peUticm 1Nt.or1 tt\e Stale Public UtllltJ• Oom- biiaaton concernlnl' acqulalUon ot Pa.elflc lllectric Railway Co. tac:1- l1Uu hsr. ha.a Mell cb&nl'.ci trom June e to lfepl. 6 at J p.m. ln dty hall. Thi PUC noutled the N.,..... Preu of th• ch.aiil'• today. N.,.o- Uattor11 1Mtwee11 the city and the uUIJty a.re reported the reuon for the poatponement. deducted from the 40 per cent cut, aCCOrdlt\1 l9 Kin(. '"'9 plalnUfl conten~ he hu •JSOO eomtnr ot which 11000 ha1 bffn paid. J'\ttthermor6. he a•k• the oourt to order an accountlnl'. ICl..nr allqe1 moat ot the hou..e. bave been aold and the defend- ant.a have retuaed to render an accountinr. Musick Son Here Mr. and Mra. Willard Mualck. 202~ 2tUI Bl. are announcing the birth of a ba~y boy bom at the Hoar Memorial hQ.1pltal, May 12. The beby welrhed 9 Iba., 8 OU. CITY TAXES Teen-Ager Puts (0-U.uecl from l'tht ..._., BLOOD BANK F• ' 'M rent 78-cent rate. · ll the new (OoaUJauet ,,,,_ Jl'\nt ..._., 1nger on ae property lax l• adopt.cl, lh• t.o-..., ... CoWlty with lhe exception ta.I city ta.x levy from all tund• of Muon&! per1oda in July and W·11h Mar·11'uana' :..uld,::/1.H. compared~ u .a lat.a December. When Red Croe1 could not r•t '"many volunteer ActU&J tall lncr .... will occur Police lut nJ&ht booked JClmer bl tl\e l'eJ\traJ f\lnd, whJch now blood donon. He pointed out, Norma.n Brown. 2&, di.hwuher la 75 cent&. The tent&Uve bud-aleo, that ooncem had been ex- from Compt<m tor au.aplclon of ret puah.. tht.a to 91 cenu and preued 1.n medical aoclety cir- po1M1alnf marijuana. The 1u.a• deLlt.u 2 cent.a from the ad••· cl• OT.r the ab&ndonment In pect wa.e b•ld ln cwitody hue Ullnr tund, maJdnl' It notNnr. Orani'• County ot 1uch Red under "no viaitora" ordera trom Other tuJlda remaininl' the aame Cl"Qjfl project.a a.a the moU>r corpa Del. Juatln A. Epeteln. will IM puk fund and library and water aa.fety tnalrucUon. Epateln u.td Brown i. ti.II'\&' tuJld, 8 cent. ea.ch, Mwer tund, E. C. Stedman, cha.trman ot quealloned to eee ll h• I.a the man a cent., retirement fund, 11 the anMll •r and rep,-.entlnr the who handed a teen-a1er 69 centa and renerat bond fund. 7 ~ Crou volunt.aera, at&ted the marijuana ci,.ar•ttea to dllpoee cent&. two R.i Cl'09 aervlc• *•" of ln ~. ftenduvowt Ballroom TOTAL f PENDING dropped onl7 temporartly, but Saturday rurhl-. &CCOl'd1n&' to ~ ~t Y"r'• total bu.qe~ ex· plan.a were Wider way to reln- 17-year-old Lynwood youth ln-pendlture Ht forth total '2.819.-at.at.a th• HNlcee In the near volved. The teen ... er wu &IJ•I'· 1'79.75, com.pared to .z.ou,4u.Ot future. B • aald th• Red Crou .clly aeen wtth th• ctprettae by tor tM yaar endin&'. 81 oon· had no tl\t.enUon. bow..-.r. of Otllcer PhUlp 8. Hall on a rou-trut.. th• tentative buc1Jet droppin1 'the.rr • :.1ooct Hrvlcea, une check of th• wuh room. ahowa U .Nl,212.1'7 in t1in• ~ &ltow counUana iJ\JUHd or Epeteln u.td Brown had not avall&ble, 1eavi.n. AA unexpended in M9d otblOQd toreefeJn it wtth- admltted the act and that police balance ot $301.612.62 qri Ju.n• out cb•!'I'•· On.IT cha.rre ma.de. had not bad a cha.nee to talk to 80, 1967. ni.i. compvu wlth preetnU) t. by do1.ton who ad- hlm and would not r•t to him c.urrent ye&r'a ID~ ot '2,130,-mtnJater th• blood. until thta afternoon. Brown, Ep-MO.~ and the a.nUclrted J une • Vl&W8 1'UTUIU: stein aald, had been picked up 80 belaDce few the year of "60,-B&nnl.ater eount.ared, aytnr the on a naroouce W.ptcloft before 712.02. , medfcal IOCl•t.y wu "loolttnc to- but wae relu.aed. Th• foUowtq eum.a an a.lie>-want the fUtUff". He a&ld, "the Brown wu arree~ OD a war-ca~ for acqulalUon of property Um• may nnn come when the 'lt==:;:=======::::===:=::========di rant luu6d by Jud(e Donald J . and caplta.J improvement.a ta t.M medical e<>clet7 wlll ~ toroecs to Dodr• and atrned by B:pateln prellrntnary bud&'Wl: ... k 11-.aourc• for blood-but char(1nr the au.apect wtlh viola· Due July l on tr&tl• park 1ou can't tell wh&t rntrbt happen Uon o,t th• HeaJUI and Safety lmpro.am.nt•. •111,000; police ten yean f't'om now." He aa1d Code throurh p 0 8 8 • 8 1 1 0 n ot buildlnl' enla.rrement of 3000 aq. th• propoeal wu one that doe- marijuana Ball of 16000 wa.e 1et ft., l•0,000; nnr fire autrata-to,.. lbould bqin thlnklJ'\I' about. llilBOR P-R :es s in lh• warranL lion on Bayeld• Dnve, '60,000; Ed &cbotUand, reg1onal Red flr9 alarm a,.i.m al Corpora-c~ blood adm.tni.trator. potnt-c l1on Yud, S2000; M>q\lhdUon of ed. out that Oran,.. CountT ill lh• J'onMz1y th• Newport-Balboa New•Tlm• a u11·ou1 Tots· two lo\a (or Cb&All . .i Par)!, ···-only .,. ln th• Pa.ctrlc rq1on ud th• Newport·Ba.lboa Pr.a ooo: acqulaltlon ol "puit •t.e. of the CQuntry Whtch male• no . Fo1·1 Park Coax 1tth IL &ad lntM AH., 111.· ch.,.... tor blood at the PteMnt i A D"11d.Mle Local luUtvUea to.r Oftr J'N't)' y..,. 000; apnial of hclt1e J:lectrlc Um1. ' rt11't-ot·wa7, $&000; acquiatUoo Dr. Rowan eatd Ule 1ned.lcal : l:llt&red u a.cond-ct&u Matter at the Poatom~ ID N9Wp0rt Beacb, C.utton of tour children ID of P. m. n,-ht-of·way, u 18.ooo: eoclety •1\'.ad IOJ1'le cnUctem of : Ollltomia under the •ct of. Kuch a, 1179. Co.ta Mua Park yuterda.y af· Ml coet of NmovaJ of P. E. fa· th.e Red Crou blood Pf'OIT&m 1n hh"eb .. fftl'7 llOllda,y, w.......,. ... Wltdq .. 7 u.. :•moon may hoe avert.ct a me>-elliU• alter a&lvai-, UT,170; Uta put, but moet ot the prob- .Nl!WPO•T ll.UUIOR PUlUDBING OOllPANT ut&Uon lnct<lent, police a&ld. track and coat ot tmprovementa lema Md Mell iron.ct ou.L "Our : till..._ Blft., NZWPO&.T B&A.CBj o..u.ir • ..._ ~ HH Two '7 year-old boy1 and two b7 P. I: .. Ul7.2S7: a.ddlUonal blood aupply bu tncreaMd," •h• • (1rl1. S and 8, were. appmlehed flmda needed tor Rocky Point aa.td. "a.lt.llo\ICht we ltlll hav• ! qw=noett. • ....._~!fou.t W ACfiiiflii11111ii oTU-.:liii ~-.-womu who Uk.cl them to aoqulllltion, •10.000. aome ~ periode durtns th• '_.,.._.,Ulli!.auPUt-o.et e10...,.~Ja ..._Ne. A-llftt l'O to the northeaat corner or th• fte total fl~re• it.mOUJat to year. We hope th._ mJpt be · park WlUI bar to await their J>llT• tMt.tC>7. overcome.'' ICTBSCRU'TION &ATU1 Newport ~r Ne~. bt·WeeldJ bi Orui19 County, ... Ot p.r 79U: fl.IO et. !Me.; 11.60 u.,... •• Outalde of Ora.np County tT.00 ~r nu \ ent.a The cl\1ldre.n aald they dJd Tb• poupe decided oo a Joint not know the woma.n. 80 ret\&8o public re.laUon.a prop-am 1n an .cl. Police were unable to locate YIAcellt Graduated ettort to promote heavter blood the au1pect whtn th1 Incident from Marine *-L--• donaUou lit Oran.I• County. wu reported, they 1&ld. ~ Aleo. they a.aid, thty W1U call on Wllt\ ... ea dMOribed. the woman M'artne Pfc. Jobi\ )(. VliJcent recipient. of blood at h01pltala aa In her w·e. 6-S, 130 Iba., v.'1th JNduated April JO frbln th• to lll(n pl~• ca.rd.I to replace (T!'Y hair lied up In • white ban-(AC and Record lltallltenance blood UNd dUl'\q aur11ry The dana and molu on the t11ht aide 8cho01 •t the 1:1 nm> M&rtne f!'eetlnr ended ta • cooperaU,·e ot htr noe. and nMr th• Jen Corpe Ak ataUon. He ta ~ 1plrlt.. wta ti.. mectle&J .oclety romer of hn mouth, reporu eon of Mr. and MN. JoeeN K. Nlt4tftl j .,cla.rtftcatlon mt.~ ah.ow. Vtnunl of 104 VJ& L«-o&. ment.'' POUCE ARREST 16-Y!Al-Ol,D -Youth Ignores Sig~ Area, Dives Where -oy ·Was Hirt . 'Ille Boa:rd or Trult... " all&'• ODut Coll~• have ~ acUon &4d1tl&' tour to th• "'- _.trucUona.l .wt tor t.bt 1_.,f echool ,....,. 'Roti.rt ~. lCrlll* bu bem-oemp1oy..S to tac:b •rt. Mlaa A.nil& Rawehuc:k aa In• 1l1'.lctor lA home economJc:e. Don De.iifqr u butructnr oi JOQrual• i.m. and Oea&J Burdlett u part- t..tm. lnatruetOC' in aanc•.UUl"f.I mechanl~ · lbleg'~r completed hJa b&afc lrainin&' Lt the Univenlly of Cln· c1nnall pr1or to eot4111De th• Na'!)'. He i. now workiQC toward a m•atu's del""" ln art at USC. ln addtUon to bl"Oad preparation u a te&cher, Krieger hu had exp~rlenn1 u an lndu1tr1al de- ln thP wa.ke of an accident Roel Point w~n he aw the aimer and commercial arU.aL Jut weekend In which a u -year-youth dtYe from a T'«k posted M.1u &wchuck hu eer nd u old Rlv"alde boy tuttered a MNo Dlvtnr." an ln.atructor In home economic• MOore u.td the boy could not at both Huttolld Hlfh School In bl"Ol«n neck while diving ott a have railed to see theo e1p sin•:t' Vermont and • Burbsnk H t&'h rock.. ptJhCt> Wt"dneaday, arre.ted he had to cro.M over It to l(tl I School In Ca&llfornla. She haa a a 16-yea1 ·ulrt Long Beach boy to the place where he t11ved bachelor'a degree trom Keene tor vloh1tang a city orJlnance trom the rod<•. I College in New Hampshire &nd for cUv1ng uff a rock ln the M,ore called police who ar· a muter·s deg1 e,. from the Unl- ume v1canlly, rested lhe boy when he returned I 1·ersity o! Ari:iona. Llfe Guard C apt. Robert lo the beach •~a. Otrlcer11 held 1 '""for 111 eurrently employ~ .Moo~ i<llid he W8JI at the toot 1.1* 1Jwimmer until the 11r1 l\''11 : a!! journalism tn11tructor by Long of Gdl~t>nroo Ave. checking near of his parentJI. ' Bea,·h Cl! y College. He ttCel¥ed . -his JOurnl\IU1m tralnlnl' at l'SC ------------1 two b'rother11, Altrla sort LJsvid I where he 111 now working tor the DEATH NOTICE Skelly, 111! of Wt11con111n: 11 ala-muter'• de,rff. He le a profea· JlOBf.RT E. MARTIN P'llntra str-vlC'U for Robert P'Jton MR 1 t1n ~.3. of 24116 Santa Ana A \•· 1·m1la Meaa. will be held F': "'" 1 Ill 1 .30' p. m. In Ra.rkea-R1t11~y Mortuary Cha~I with th~ Rev P G. Neuipann, pa1tor • ·! Flr8l Baptist church ot Co11t11 Me.•a ofhclatlng Mr. ~la1 lln died Tueaday al his hon ~ He wu a native ot Capac, ~ltt'h and came to thla state an 1939. ht.d lived In lhe Harbor lift'& the put eight ye.an. H~ own,.d and operated a 1arai;~ on Bal~a ul&nd. He w as a 11 •·mber of the Cosla Mesa Baptist n1u1ch. H la wife pre- ceded hn1 an duth lhrH yeais ago. Surv1v1.1 1 are two daughters, Mn. B t.. McDaniel, Balboa and Mn. H L Thomu of the home addrea~. two 11<tns, Airman Rob- ert B Martin, LowTy Air Force Base, Colo. and William P. Ma1l1n of the home; two brothers. Harold and Brucl'. of M.lchlgan, five gn.ndchlldrtn. Entombment 'wlll IM tn West· mlnl•ter Memonal Park. ler, Mrs. LlllJan Luckeni<ml'ver 1 tlonal photographer, hu been a of Costa Mua, and three g-rsnrt-reporter on the Loni' Beach children. I Pren Telegram knd Compton Internment wlll be in Holy I Herald American and ·haa dli-.ct- Sepulchre Cemetery. Parkes. ed publicity tor the Cout Guard Rldley Mortuary 1n rharge ot and several commerchLl com· arrangementa paniet. LAURA M. TOZI ER Mre Laura M. Tozier, 75, of 2224 Paclfic Drive, paned away Wednesdey mornlnr al the ~ nard Sanatorium after an ex- tended lllne11. Mr11. Tor.ler was ftotn In Maine and had been a ruldenl of Orange County alnce 1918. Mrs. Toaler Is survive-fl by her hueband, Earl B. Tozil'r one daurbur. Ohve L. Slt'eper ot the home. two i ons, Cecil E. Tozier of Santa Ana. and Lawrence M. of San J uan Cap11- trano, one brother, Gram·1lle Follette of Oneonta, N.Y .. eight r randchlldren and one great grandc.h1IJ. Pt1vate Rl'"{lcea werl' held this afternoon In MelTo&e Abbey Chapl'I The Rev. P~11 y Jr. Scnrock otflclated. HARRY SCOTT Burchett is a pro11uct ot Or- ange Co81!t l . .'ollege he vine l'rar:I· uated In llgrtculture a.nd me<-h an1ca. He has bl'en employed b) the collegl' as a bua mechanic and transportation aupervieor During tl11s lame he haa been furthering his education at Lona Bear h Slate College. The l'<>llege Board alto took action -appointing Miss Loui11• Dowlen u1 acting chairman of the C!1vl1lon ot llteratun-1n•1 languaies. anti Ja111ea F itzgerald • aa '\Clang chalrman . .ot the drvl· slon ot !ml' sn<I applied arts for the 19~6·~7 sr hool ye&r. led In Foreat Lawn. With the local court for th• pas~ three yrara, SC'oll came here from Loa Angele• "'here he acted In the 1an1e caparlty with a We.al Loa Angell'!! Court tor more than 30 }'e&r1. He •llPd auddenly la.at ANAHP.:IM IOCNS1 -Funeral Monday In Canyonville. Ore. JEA.~Nr:ITI: TROMPETER 11enr1cu tor formtT Anahl'lm-w hl're he wu .aid to have goo• Holy Rotary will IM recited Fullerton Munlcl)l61 Court Clerk on vacation to vlalt fr1endt1 . tomorrow night at 7 :30 P· m. in Harry Soott.. 69, v.-111 bl' held Scott ta 11urvived by a eon SL J~lm Church tor Mra., Saturdav· Ln Ule LHlle Church Kl'nnrth of Coeta Mu&. an<I • Jeannette Ellaabeth Trompl'ter, of the Flowers In Fo~st Lawn 1 daughter. Portlly Bird of Loi ~2. ot 1228 Elden Ave., Cotta Memorial Park, Olendale at 10 Angeles The well-known cour1 Meaa. Requiem Man wUI be a.m. Burial will follow In a plot I clerk lived at the Anaheim l:lk1 celebrated Friday al 9 a. m. next lo Scolt'a widow, also bur· Club aince moving here. with the Rev. Thomas J. Nevin offlrlatlng. )(lra. Trompeter died Tue.day in St.. Joeeph Hoepltal a.t'ler an tun ... of a few monlha d11ratlon. Sh• WU • native of st. Pau.1, Tao La~e To Classify Minn. a.nd had lived In Coet& 29-llel W ted Mesa for 13 years. She waa for-P .•.n . ,. M-Mualcal, Radio, T V mer employt• ot the Safeway Store in COllt.a Meaa. Surv!von are btr ht11Jband, Herbert A. ot the home: a eon, Ted C. ot U.S. Army, FL Lewla. Wuh .. two da\lJhlua, Mre. Jeaa KW· Ing of South DI.kola an<! "Xr1. YOUNG MAN want~. Helper ornamental Iron. Mecba.neoel expertenc@ dl'aired. Startlng- 17" TV Ju1t overhauled $4 5 Moving, must 1ell. Har. '171 12cH pay $1 25 ~r hr. Call in per· -------------- eon. 1883 Su~rtor, Coeta Mua. U cH Rltha Helt.sel ot Fairfield; her SO--Mlacellaneous father, Edmond c. Skefly and ----- SIAMESE IO'I"TENB, good dl• position. Good tamlly. Har 34~-R 12pll SUBDIVISIONS ( Contlauecl from 11nt ~e) will be 80 feet wide 11nd cul 1de aaca 68 feet wide. There wUJ be •ldewalkl and 1treet l~tlnl' and the uUlltlt'a wtll all be under- (TOWld, Sidewalk.a will be placed ~.6 feet. back from C'Urbs, gMng wfde r rkln(1 and open vlat.u. Unllke the other subdivision& announced lutlit. the Pua- dena company a not plan to build any hom . Thl1 w ill be a lot eale only but th• aa.me R -1-B sonlnl' wUJ apply. TAR CHAMPS ClocaUn~d from Pace 01tt1 Centerflelder Larry Warlaumont, lAfttleJder PaUJ• Lorent.sen, Catcner Carl Bergeron and Helk- • hlmMlf with. a pair of hlta Mch. White collected the only other exlra baae knock tor the Sa.Hora with a double whlJ,. cinch· lnl' 1SWal honora for the looe.I team .,-Ith a ovel'-.•00 avef'll«'•· It Anaheim wtn1 today. lt'1 probable a colnnip will decide which Learn K<>n Into lhe CIF playoff• .. No. 1 and No. 2. Flrat round playoff• 1tart Tuee- d&y With the 81.1.nMt uarue'• No. J tMl'Q meetlng Metropoll· t.A\J''• No. t . Tbt No. 1 eun.aet L.aau• nine roea lnto action neot t "'1ct.y. . Fibre Glass Co. Grant Deferred WURLITZER Spinet piano $37~ Duncan Phyfl' dlnlnr Mt, G. E. push button stove. G E. Auto. wuher. Mlsc. bdrm. ct kitchen ltem11. Har. 27111 12cH ~Auto. for Sale OLDS "88" Super Holiday. Ori.J' lnal thru-out. RAH. P.8 . Trad• or tHm1. P rl. ptlrty Har. '117 llcH SNIPE In good con<!IUon $19~ -To rent a houa• or buy a boUM, tnoludlnJ t.ra.ller. Har. OOH -W lhe 1lmple1t way to llnd a pl&ce 12cH t., Uve. 11 throufh the want Mk 62-ReaJ Estate REAL DREAMY C oron~ Highlands Don't buy any Home f rom $29,000 to $~000 UNTil.. YOU SEE nus ONE! A beautiful entry into a large friendly living room with huge fireplace of uaed brick from ·noor to ceiling. The kind of kitchen your friends will rave about.---.liding glass doors from dinld1 area onto a patio where you 1it and drink in the beauty of BOTH the blue Pacific and the Irvine hills which join your own land and make you feel like you own a millionave's r&nch. 3 bedrma., big den with another huge fireplace juat right for entertaining. This home is dreamy. we repeat DREAMY! One in a thousand! See It now! Will meet you there -can Ha.r. 29:SO CL YOE MEYER, Realtor 307 Marine Ave.,· Balboa ltland Har. 2960 SANTA ANA, (0CNS>-D• ft'N'al ...,., Ule action Wednuday 6%--Beal &tale by th• county planning com.ml•· CORONA DEL MAR a1on on a request for clea.r&nc• to uU.bllah a fibre 11.. r• Small Jllllte.t4', atont'a throw fl'Om trlg•raud truck body ma.nu.fac-bu.ch. Wide Jot. ranch houae, lUrinJ bu11lne.. northeul of nne outdoor llvln(. Garden Co•t& .Meaa. cott&p tn rM.r Pay1 tnter- Permorlaa. Inc. ~•ka• a u9l' eat. t.axea and 1rusurance. Oall vtrlance to ""l up th• bualnni1 f'ORD VERRrNOl!JR. Har 4261. tn a 161 by l 7~·ft. eict.llnit evt'I 3477 12cH 1tn>ctur-. on ti'le ea1t aide nt I ---- s11nta Ana Av~. About 326 fl'el Low Down Payment eoulh of Palla.a.de.a R~d. Tl\1 CORONA DEL MAR. J bedrm. bulldln1 formerly •wa1 ueed by 2 belh. Flreplac•. E.iu:all~l the Newport Drt'dctq Oo. Th• ,1-. l.mmedla.t• ocnip&ncy- proptrty 1• under 1uburban Har. OH. lk H r•ldenu~ aon1n1. BUSINESS SITE 80 tt. ON HARBOR BLVD. CJ lot !()() fL de.p -116,000 tuJJ price. J. M. MILLER CO. 3026 w. B&lboe. liar. •oe1 t near the JI; ••·port Pter) CHECK THE WANT ADS.- f 0FnCER INDUCl'ION -Kn. William B. Tritt ~ted. pvel of Ebell Oub ~ ceremonies con- ductec1 by Mn. Richard S. Cutle. Here (I tor) are Mn. George A. Hooper, first vice president; Mrs. Ebel! Readies for New Year; Plans to Build Mrs. Richard s. Inducts Officers Castle Group !ilrs.. William B. Tritt usumed leadership of the Ebell Oub ot Newport Beach when lhe accepted the pvel at the concluding meeting of the CUJTent club )(,tar lut week at th8 American Legion clubbou9e. Retiring prmident, Mn. Nicholu Brettnero1ntroduced Mn. Richard CUO., ·who l9 prontm.nt In club acu.tu .. uaroupout ~south­ land a.nd who Inducted Mrs. Tritt and her otncen. Th• n-(T'OUP lnaJlldn Mme•. ot N_.port a-ch, who WM elect*1 ttatf pn.fdent at the Junkin' conclan 1n Ian Fran-,,_ Mn. Freeman l"fllber, retlrinS pl"ffldent ot the loc&l Junlon, and anotMr rue•t tor the d&T. pruented a check to the .eniol' • • Leon Yale, ~rdlng oecret&ry; lira. Tritt. Mn. Nicbolaa Brettner, mlrinc prealclent and kn. C..Ue. -Staff Pbol<> \ . .l'O!.Um OP411-=-: ft. •"'""''" ~ J"!"<>,. wtl1 be & .,.it of the clam· o._ l'allllo wlllch ·i. to lit ..-.i..i ¥ay ~-and lie Jn the a,.utorium of N-rt ,&rl>or BIJh Scbool. '!'11,t annual &!fair, in which huaboado portlci- ·P"le, la profemioaally otopd -"d la the only benefit held by tbe Junlol'f I<> pro- vkSe fucde for their maDJ. p,lillanthropte.. Wrt to right are MDH& Earl Peter"" • Ghrist Church_ Mn' Plans • • • • Mothers Honored Mn. E_ N. Ta7lor, 141. Dal ftocMft•r st. .,.at Mothtr11 Day WitA her daue'hter end family. U'9 &. r. lllyden of lb&OoW Hilla. MrL Tayklr Wiii aocompanltld by Kar panata. M1. b4 Kn. A.. J . Tbonlaa4 of Ula !Hime &ddNm and Mt-. ail!J Mn. •. J. Ta.7*. 4IS m. 11th It~ ..._, 009ta M..._ .t.11 moth· en NC.tY.cl l"lfta attar U\1 ......... .... .,Rkhard Parlt aQd ~rt Bartley.-SWf Phot<> New Collier Baby ~-----------------------1 ----''----------------~-~~--------------I Con.,..tulatlon. to Mr. an~ • NEWPORT HARBOR MRS. COLGROVE, H·OAG Mrw. l:arl OoWer, 11• PotnMttl:l Ave .. on thf blrth ot a bab.v Jirl born M.ay J. n. baby wellfled T lbll, 11 OU. Torres Baby Here AtJXILIARY PRESIDENT Mr. and Mrw. Samual Torrr-.11. and tumtd ovtr her offlc. to 21lt4i Harbor Bl"f'd .• eo.ta Meaa ~. Wlllla.m R. Dana. Mr1. are thl new pannte of a bab.v Lewlao cited tbe new member· (trl bom April 21.. The ba.bv ahlp lodl<y of lfl ... OM Of th• wel,tltld • Iba. 11 OU. Memben of the board of the Hoag Memorial Hospital Auxiliary met for their monthly meeting May 10 at the MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women'• Editor h09pitll Mn. Donald Colgrove, the newly elected preai-_ _.:;==-----...;· _________ ldent of the awdliary preolded. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS,.... PART I. PAGE l FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1956 • CARD PARTY, ELECTION FOR LIDO CLUB WOMEN Udo lala Woman'a Club will el.ct t lnal card luncheon ol th• aeuon, May Clubhooae. oUloera at th• 21 ln tbe Udo Final luncheon of the ~&r Will be tht annual "Hall ln Bloom," June' lll, when mambtln and p..U wlll ta.hlon or1.-inat creaUOAa decoNted lrith now.rs tl'Om their own tarden•. Club member Dorothy O'Hara (Mrs. Hank )(em.hen of the ,MW bo&rd ' attendlnr ..,... M.ai.u eo&er'oftNell Cam• r on. membl!nhlp f Newport . Be&cb. Bemazd dlatrman. N • w p o r t Bea.ch; :.Utln, 'ric• prelliit.'I.~ of Hunt•Cbariff A. L&mb. chapter-a. Nt,. .. tnrton 8-dl· 1:U1 sawyer ne.port Beacb; qiallitn D. !Anders. pr•ldent In ~ba:"p of -1~ atlo11P9rllament.ar1an, N....,port 8"ch; meaJU. Newport Be.ch; JamaaWUUam R. Dana. voluntter8 w Deck ~ 9KNJU')' chalnn&n. Co:'ofta del Mar and ~ i:;_.; Viet.Or 1'tn7: Jmepb H. 0.'lthiw, publicity corr..po.nd.lnc MCl'tl\al)', Hunt·chalrmaa. Newport BMch. tniton Beach; Ellan C. KeClal· Mra. Howanl 1.AWU, TOluntttr tan, e....unr, Lacuna 8-dl: chairman. pn bllr &al r•port h":"-t.r.ble accompllr.hmant.a ;Jf th•' I;===========; ~;:~en voted to ~eceive ..... "' BE SURE ~ INSURE plm tor 100 houra ot' 9'M"'rice MAUUo:*':r.L"'fl.ZT are Mme1. Ft&l\k D. Hs.tch, lMUUMle 09l1 Olla Johnaon. Kennl!th Klnp Pit.-. Bar1Mlr ,.,, 1.,-and Etmtr A. Tryon. nu & o... IDKlnr&J Nl!'W active memben received o...-6al ....... In May 19541 w.N. Mnua. nor-1:;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;:;::;:;;;;;;;;;;; enca L. D&rllftl, John E. Hutch· 1naon and Donald D. WtU1. H. S. Students Win Art Awards Harbor Rest Memorial Perk 'Ma•11&e..., b.termest _._.....,. llartNr a& Otuer O.Orie Hooper and WlWam Gamble, vtce-prH6dent.: lAon TLlt, Robert L. Trlimbley and a.ore• Str1ck•r, reconllnr cor· ~ponding •nd nnanci.J .ere· tartea: Thomu L. l.Atlo, treu. Url!r; noyd Jt. Bu•ll. 4aud1lor; Jatk Boy'-n and Ca.rt GIM. di· ff'Ct.ol"a. iroup to be add@d lo UM buUdlq' 1------------------------1 tund. A• • deltpt. to tb• Lunnt y I wW pnMnt her ort(ln&l f&M.iona. AU O.M B0..-.0- Junlon' dt.ltrict meet In C°"°"' nido and t.J\• •Lal• -6on, ah• ouWned the ltl1•l•Uon ftlaCted et both m•tinp. SEW KEMllE&I Mlnnbefiiti:tp now tot.ala m wtth tll'ht n-· attUilf.ta wel- comed In May. ntey tnchlda Mme.1. Lopn Jacluon, Donald Peb.lke, Robert A11ut, A... C. Beatty. P'red T..uel. Olp r . Jonu, G. F. Peters and ciOrdba B. Smith. ·' AtnOlll' oth•,. who will attend bo&rd m•tins• dunnr Ula ntat ytiar are Mm ... Brattnt1r, hMd· lnl" aiMnlUl!a and h<mpltallty; Ruth Vedd.1r, bUlldlnC: 0 . Z. Rob-- erUOn. curator ol MCtk>u; Clay• ton Thompeon a.nd John Lamar, houa. aJld ruW.; °" W. Hoop. luncht10u : C M. o..Jd.M, cour-~ Lbe out.t.andlnc P'O" teay; L. L. llbell, budpt; aD4I INIU of the dub ~ la that J'onut. 1. Alllnder, Junior !:ball pf'ffl!llted by .tudmta ot CM rlpl"llMntaU••· m\ll'lc and drama d..-rtm.at of Membl! .... •oted t.o ralH the Orant'e Cout CoUeca. ni. 1..,.. ae».ctk>na tncludM '"" rrom duea of lll.e OfI&lllaallon Lo $7.:>0 "South Puitlc," wtuch the col- J)l!r )'Mr for nplar and SlO lep wiU preMnt In full _... for UIOclatM. Thia move wa.a time lhla aummer, aocordlnc lo madt In ord•r to add to the nd I ced Howard Kay, dl.r9Ct.or. , 8oklr.. buikfins ru · t wu unoun · duet1 and aelecUona by the &ca. AnauLI. ,..porta 11"" Included f ottl ho tt ded pell.a choir we,. lnCluded. Lud-o-o Cl!n w • en lnl" up lo UM dram&tlc wrprt.al..bl" ~ Illa.le eon•entlon of r.ierated endiJll" of "The Mad Woman Of e.ubli htld NCenUy ln Berktley, Cb,alot, .. drama atU461ta conclud· which M.ra. Tr1tt attended. 8h' od ... _ ... ,_.. lntro-alao In~ Mrs. Nonnan ...... pro,ram ,...,., .,.,... Wataon,, mmftber ot Junior Ebtll OUCl!d by Kn. &uil Pet.enon, ,. p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_, Ur1nl" \'ice pn.aident. Steigerwald ~aby l(r, aad )(rL Jatnf!I L. 'Itel• ll!l"Wald. lill Mtb It. a,.. u- DOUDcirll" the birt\i. of a baby' rtrl ~ May 11. 'nl4 bab7 , wetl¥d I lbl, 1 "llu. Rug & Carpet Cleaning . Upholstwl J Cleasied • • la°"' Plut er la You Rome IHAUTA'S ,._,,. a., Cl1.-1 Wortca IN DICll JIACKD'll SPRING Cl EANING SPECIALS e l can't tonisht ... l'm aoins to ste GUYS and DOLLS lt'1 wre to .be a hit at the LIDO Master Point Game Tonight Cl B ""' Bal-Duplioa,. Bridp ara arton Club will bokl a -.t.er potat S d f A -..... -· •• ""' ,.... tu y or · UW ~ ~ ..tUl ~ *"-"" at. • • f :IO o'clodl. ~ trt MNI.• Palcanb and s.a.t. ot th• ........ ~--·--~-"""'-""'-.. 1 IUl\I .... xr. Ad Kn. B. K. bUted to mamben of tb.• Wallln(tord and-Kr. -£IMI Mn. lladior-•u6c1au. ot-Um.,.,_.1 ftobolrt Dlec1'laer. li.t wem-. rnMt.t.nc May u •t l :JO ,. .. ta the ...... of' tba G. I f Cluffs "·•-" ""· A. " T•11"'" ir or •a E. itlh. c.o.ta M .... Born Kay U In Boas Ho.· J"ollowinl" the de-i lunch· ·Grana Opening MONDAY MAY 21ST JANE FITZGERALD opens • modern Beauty S.lon to Mrv• the H•rbor Art• JANE nTZGt:llA..LD J J'orm•rly w1Ut MAIULYN BNEDEKEl\lTOMMT wnaoM"a -JU:ZSL PAJllXZl'tSON Jane BEAUTY SALON $1900 BILL bold b)' 11n. Harvey Mayer Cri&hti na ra1oed by Harbor area ~ at a _porty held at bapletrano Beacbcomb<ro OUb. wtl1 JO to their project for the year, the bul1dlnr fund ot the Har· bor Jirea Girlo Ouh. At left lira. Bruce 11.artln. Soroptlmist preaident, bolda one Of the ...U bulb which will be placed in ctof"9 for conbibuUonl of cltlRm. Standing at left le Terry Borio, Y\cO ~- ptt.r.I WU • bUJ r&rL daupter -. Miu Alma Morrta. lreuur· .C Mr. and Mn. l:Uwood Chlt.f. "'· will report on •the •lat.a ltll Wallace ~n .. ca.ta M...._ A...Ul'N. mMUnl" to be M}4 kl· -----'-;r-----lv.rda.J' at~ &NI to Whk)I& Grants Have Boy · ~ .. ~·~""~'~"~~· ~ .. ~,..~~"~· ;;;;;;~;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::~ Kr. and Kra. Robert D. Grut. ii IUf AYOCado A-.. aN. ~ lq th• birth of a babJ. boJ. Thi baby ... born' May •. 170 •• Cout HWJ'. -OOl\ON.A. Dl:L XAJl HA. 11TI .Sanilari1'1n dent. -1. Mull Photo • " Rowe Baby Born .A. bll.'-J pi ... Mnl to ,.... rlM 'I' /81\. and }(ta. ~ Jam.1 ~ o.ta KM&. liq I bl -OCiron& Na-1 llolpltal. CHA.PEL •Y Tiii: 81:.A . 3520 'E. OllUt ...... Corona dtl Kar. o.JU. __ .. . THll fllNIST • , • YET LOWEST PlllCED AiiiiilOU -.- MAP · LE . FURNITURE . . . an'lwken °'" Moiidclys ..,. 9 C.pistrono ly tM S.o offon "" finest of ;~t;aot services •t ruSOMble reJH. Yaa An ~·lavtt..i to Vllllt u.....c1 by!M Stmof C.lif....;. C.pim.no ly IM SM ~-.. ... s~in!M-of ----· emotionol •"" .....+al dil«der. and olcohotttm. e,.,,,,,.,.. Br... ii .. s. •. S.,.11.,1!'"' , ._,.._CM: ls • ... tftftlnnat&on ca.11 'f'llW ...,... ottk4' "' ~ BJ Ula .. laaU.attWll DA!fA. POllft'. OY'pQ-MtT• • ....... ""'"""-'" . I.ANT.A. AJit'A.., ld'Mbnty 14t0 tlll ~ 8roactway • , • ,.... ........ _ .................... ,.__,,.,... ..... _ --- • • -' -' Calendar, ~ l of ..E~etits { PA6E 4-PART1-NEWPOtu ~ ~ I • , ' ~ I TOSfQllT .~ ~ vrw .Aa-t ,.,., ar-i.. .... ...... . CJ.ROU&--Clilb Seoul. Pull 106 -f p..nt.. Newport lntmtnl.atJ llCboo1 •"udtlorll.ll'I\, , •HAY II COUJfK:IL of Cb\ll'UM -lJ-:1-1 ,... It. Jdr\• 21'.riab h~ LtW~OODt Udo Cl\lb, . .a.c- lloo ........ ILUC.90R. D.!:M0&--1 p.m. Clt.7 ! ... cou.l)dl 1'00QI. • ....... MAY ., BRUNCH ""7 Planning the,K&y' 21 ,_t. Jo be: beld ~t st. A.ndmr'• ~ Church· patio •re, (I to~) M-._ &rtley BQrnett, preai· dtDt of UJ• Wolnen'e hllowahip; J ohn MacVfDen. pto&ratlopa; 1.Amar John- 1\0A,'tlck•!A ~ ... &nd Don Ande'"°a, bnmch dlalJ'aan. The alfalr Optba at ll ·L m.. and there will be a progn.m of readin&• and mU1ic. -$tall PbO!•" • " I · DDIOLA Y MOO\en .!.... 7 p.m. H<Yw&rd'• Nit.llr&nr. • KDGW ra...IUon ShoW -12:30 ,ra lk!bC* Bay CJub, JIOTRE&-daU.Cb\8r b&Dqwt - l :ao p.m. ChNt Cburch by UI• --. MAY BRUNCH-11 a.m. BL . ' . . ~ Andrew'e paUO. !• CIRCUS TONIGHT -And Cub Scouts of Pack )05 will be having a nd p r oviding all kinds of fun for themselves and families at N e wport Elementary tJChool auditorium. Mrs. J ack Bradbury's den :Cubs Cavort Tonight at Pack Circus Ne\V I)unning Baby. F Mr. ud ».r1. Don Duftnlng, or :'I~ Dian• Lane. COllta Meaa are Alpha Chi Omega r..celvin1> convr..tulatlon1 on the b1rlh of a baby (!r'l. born .f.pr\I ;,o. Th• baby v.•tighed 8 lbs, 6 A:pha Chi Omega alumnae In ::__ __ __: ________ I tht' H11l'tJ<1r 1<rta are meeting at 7:30 ltay 23 a l Oran&'• Cout Colle&e in the Student Center. arrangetl the Spook House. Left to right ..... Mike O.Uini, Steve Adam (in rear, as octupU.,.- Joel Bradbury, Hank Manhall and Jim Waydelich. Holand La1erlof, 1ener&I ct1a1r- n1an. u 1lated by Mmee. Dr&n Bradford. Charil'• Sparku'1!, Hugh \Val.Min. Llndaey Youn~­ blood. Rlchar<I Park, f\101·g an :.;nble. Edward Boyd. Rex Al.- \ Lrlght, Waller Bp\cer. .Hana ______________________ _: ___ ! PrlM!rlng, Jack Broering, Fred -St.aft Pho to MRS. HERTZLER IS HEAD OF FAC BOOK SECTION huater, Jame• Law1, and Ed Hirhard.-.ol\. , BOB DALTON'S ia fa..'lt grl- t ng !nlo ~ha 1>4e tor the Prl'VH'\\' •·l•'n1n1 next Tueaday ~~a rd th11\ hla 11urrry·loppeC Mra Ray I Hrrt&ll'r waa elttled chairman or the book ~tuire boat wlll pick up Bljl and MCUon of the Coat• Mt .. Friday Atterpoon Club &t the Tnby WtlcOJlM' cocktall party tlra l luncheon mee.Ung. Other otflctrt elected were Mn. ~''"•la 1l their BBC e'partment 0. D. Kin(. vlre chairman, Mn. Arlie Swarts, 1ecrel&ry· b~tore the oprnlng and taxi treuurer a.id Miu Lyda Conant, llbrarl-. tbem acrot11 to Lido . Qu1le S-Ome 40 alumnae have been notified bv card of thfl meetlnr. bt1t anyone who haa nol received sUl"h notil"e m11y atlend lo renew frlend1hLpa e.iid 10 aid In lht formation of an acllva alumnae g roup. Mariner Girls · Off to Garn Newport Harbor Girl ScOut council "'ll be rrp1·etentrd by tv.·o Mariner troop1 at the "Garn," convenln11: at HanM>n Dim Fn<!~y and Saturday. Mn. O D. Kin(, chairman, prealded at the progTa.m an 1n1preulve Litt uf patron11 Cub Scouts of Pack 105 are holding their annual fuml1hed by mf:mber11 of the 1tttl0ti. Rev1ew1 and a nec· Rt •I patrone~ioes backing the dotH v.·ere givl'n by Mrl. King, Mr1. Arlie Swart•, MIU 1·~l•y A11mcl1tlon bo:nefit at the Circu.s t onight seven o 'clock at N ewport E lem entary Lyda Conant. Mr•. FIOT<l'nce Eighmey and othen. Saver&l 1 fW'nl ng they inclurte Spect11.I cert monlea. Scout'• Own, an•! r1rupt1re acuvltlH are being p!annrd by a Gh·il' Garn pla.nn!ni; rnmmlttee. con.'1\atlnjit . • 1 . That ·~ 11 good queet1un. 11nd we h11YP lhe an11v,,er. Sllte Farm f\1 utual Aulo1nob1J(' ln ~u111 nco; Con1puny alrlvea to lnaul'e only caietul driver&. Careful driver-h&v• [ewer accldent11. You pa.y the erll1n1 coat only~th1H'11 thr kind of ln11urence Stale Farm !a tan1oua !or. So ll l<>l!\S Stale Fa1111 leM to rlo buau1ea1, and bel"1111se State Fa1n1 ts a 111utual co1np11.ny, the pol1cy·hold1ra grt the u.vlng1. If yo11 .Jon"l ha\'a thla low coal 'drpe.ndable car ln1urance, call LI A-11111 and l'l your State Fann agrnt ahow you how you can 1;;0:1 c.o111pJt"le p1·olectlon-at low coat.. L. E. CAIRNS W. I. "BILL" LANOIS 133 E. I 7t~, Costa Mesa LI 8-1 0 11 STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY 9L0i ''-'< '• r, 't LINO'C. achool auditorium. orlgln•I poem• v.'ere read by Mn. Albert I:. Johnaon. ~1 .. ure. and Mmt~ Clarence S. h ' ' l l l th. Cl ---------------------------IHrf:!en11yer, J11y C 8ersemeyer. H. Payne T 11yrr 111 l!>l'n,ra 1 tu lll!B JI 1n 111111; ng ~ r· i I l l t th I .1 .. r Bmrough1. Samur:I J. Co!- ot two r •·p1 r~enlaU ve1 for ~•r h Ir"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"';!:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;; r.r the 11 ho.'lteu councllR. Of 11pec1al !r'.t..,·e~t on the r.ntertaln· mPnl RU" 111 e A HawaHa.n fa.1h· lon ahfl1• anti Hav.·Uan dance1 ChllLrman. f\1r~ John Sv.·1 ~111 t ia j'\ll uir Ult', 11~ ;i.~11111 ··fl u e ~· Robert M. Grel!'ni'Ttf. Ed- d tr1.:lln11: t11e CUbit of Dt-n 1 i;eneral rh111r111!tn, ?.t··.11. Ediar s E A L A R K I N G ,·, '' H Gr0enr11d)•ke. \\'1!ha.n1 \V!tmer; food booth, Mr.'!. Jhn in ba.akelball and h11t lOI! way<lrllrh an<I MrB. i '~tl pow-J 11t1 n1. Toti Ovlalt, Irving \\'1l- boolh1, ·•••hlle Mr11. H11.!e F1elJ ell; booth rh11.l rman, z,11 .. Frank By GJ.NNl' {MRS. EDWARD LESTER) SMITH 1h .. r, P<tr• Dorothy P. 8111.n- 11.nd her boyit of !)en 2 llf" JJTU• l<la"haU: prl:t°' chalro111.n. Mra. ch11rd and the Alan W. Gray!. J d M H I TIM J.1cLAUGHLJ:"-;S of Lilli~ ~·1dln1 movlt!I.' The boy1 or Den ohn Bo1111eranc an Tl. · ABOARD T'°PEE ' : . "'land entertaining thl'lr house· 3 are coo~raling with their Payne Thllyer; .Jen molhtr. f<.tra. Sally Bro .... ·n. 1-'ubllcl\y, .\Ira. Rob,.rt Gard· SHOVED OFF FROM. our Lido Iale slip to cruise i;ue•U M11.rlon 11.nd Jrrry s .... ·r.rt- tJfl 11 ptnK-pong booth. .\Ira. n..·r : po1iera. !>tra. ll•le 1-·1eld . about the Bay for waterfront news ..• and there was a Jsnd or Oxnard and their fivr J ' K bl Do children . . .Marton and Burr ~ltrling Parlft 11nli Mrft H l1lkell, o n Im 11 and n ''bagful." I l'•yna Thayn are worklng with Fullrr. aetrup chaitm•n. Miiton l<lapLa with Jullette Mllllken .Dena f, and 6 al lhe pound-a-).lcKenzie; clf:&n·up, AU11n Flah-FLASH, Bobbie and Bob Carlson's lovely sky blue ' dinlnr al Irvine Country Club nail and ring tou booth• 11.nd er: pr1t.ee, !tfr1. 8 11 Whllt. hulled crui.etr wa.s m oored a t the Balboa Bay Club's · · · Agne• Blomqulmt with the Mri. Jack Braab11ry and her ?.l ike 011Ulng. m .. \\', O. Ad-d k d t . · i m01t beautiful Jade ean-lnt• Den e ara In ctt.rJ' of I.he am and peney artR!JI , Cecil i:u~ll oc h · · 0"·n rom Toby I Wiicox . . .a happy lo ftnd riri"g ... Katy Doanr. wef:k· I d \VI bo for I l' wee.k-end · · a hear that Georce Read 11 ever ending al ~ Ve11a ... 1poook houH. l'owtll. Tht're ill no • mlulon rocktall party tonight 11.nd an· IO much bitter and will aoonl THJNGS TO COME; Or11.n1e Parent.a a ppointed b y n 111)tr th11_rge other Saf\lrday n11ht on deck, be down on Clytle IV ..• al.lo County Philharmonic Soclety'a .... 1th Bobbla and Bill Hunt a.a· BBC pool•ldr J o 1Mn. Bud! Udo t1hop11 F'uhlon Show at a\1t1nl BOB Albright. Shlrlry 1Mra. Ch11rleal Rkharf.'a ''Muaic and Snakt" BUSY CARLSON II Sparkuhl. and Oo~thy tMra. i'rtday, )by 2&al noon (Any· setting ready to crew In I.he Ge-orgel Ya rdley. t one wiah\ng to 'dona le a cakt '! Bermuda Race aboard B. A Long'• l:O:tw York) yaw\ On~ CLAUDlA IMRS. HUGH ) C&U Mary (Mra. F . G. Ferrey). VALLEY GROUP In con!lt tu11e. 'Security' Church Air Program Topic A nat1vnw1d1 audience wlll he1tr 11 11 ogram tnl1Utd "Flnd- lnJ True Security," to be given en Colun1bla'1 "Church of the A lr" aeriee, In cooperation wtth the Chriatlan Scl.ence Chun:h on Sunday, May 20, a t 1!1 :10 a.. m. nver Radio St&Uon K.,._X 11oao kcJ . The apeak'i!r will be Gardon H. Smllb. Chriatlan Sclr.nce Cofn• milter on Publication for Wl1· contln. Mualc will ~ turnlabtd by a qua.rteL Mrs. Watcher Heads Sigma Kappa Alums dint lt~vtng Newport. R. 1 Rutaon wu docQlde at h"r Ll· ..• Nl(hl ln Mexico ~rty at June 111 . . . Bobb\11 plan• ~ do Nord watmront and "'' BBC ~~y May 24 . • . New Herbert Son Miii from New York abotlr<d t1\a tied up for a vl•lt to )ltar a~t Balboa. IMY Club'• .Jam 8.e.uLon ~. Upholstery Draperies The Finest Craftsmanship Plua Fabrics a t Close-Out Prtcea Enables U11 to Give Your Old Furnit ure That NEW LOOK a~ Astou nding PMce.a Dunne tle "off .ca100". CALL US DAY OR N IG HT Liberty 8-5:118 FOf .. umatu or one of our decorator• v.·111 call with ~plea at your requeat. • M'f'mbtra of the Santa Ana 1 1 ou~b~ and Mn. L..ee.'1 daughtrr. Vallry Alumnae of Slgm11 K11.pp11 l.ou•~t!. Qut~n or Bermuda and ll'leet the Auiatance Lu.gut Folllea o! Tuuday ln th• new Stateroom The W&l ter Herberte, 211 A.VO· Bob for tbr· flnhth of the race 'M .. Wiii you ~ver for1et with Max 1Mur11111 at the helm cado St .. Co.ta Meaa are ,an· and tly back to the atatea with t htlr Jaat production~ A11 rood . • . Ba'lt Dalton'• formal opeq-nounclng tha birth of a baby him ind atopplnc off In Waah· a1 any in New York . The !no:-Tbur1day , OVER A.l\'D boy born May 18. The baby 3017 W. Cot.at Hwy. (~rlner'11 Mlle) Newport &M!h !nglon D. c . ror • vi•lt befO'l'e be•t part ot It all II th•t not O:UT:::·:::::::::::::;:;::::=~w~•~l~gl~•,.;:;~'~':"'~·:':i':"~· ;;;;:;;;~~~~"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'= p th,red it lhl B11.yl!l!de drlvt' Ar1 .. 1 the !unl'heon ~l~llon I ii n'I 1n11tlllla lion of off!c<'r• tor home or ).1 r1. Worthington Lee. th•• i• ;i1t year WU held. !>1r11. recently for luncheon. Co-hu11te811 \\ ~' IHl'r 18 preaident, Mr11. Let , wa• Mr1. 'Edwin J. \\'arhtl'r. Aft· v:t,. prr11i:lent and M'l'I. Bur· 111llng wrte Mr1. \Valter Bur-roui.:ht. 111<:retary-treuurer. Mr1. Baha'i Group Luncheon at Hrl .. n CruJkllhank "'''3 appointed 111 delegale to the n11tion11.l Sii:· I m11 Kappa convention In June 11t c:IPnnwood Springe, Colo. l:l ridg<'. 1.:11.na.'lta and con vl"Tlll· I.Jon <:<lm pll'led the afternoon. Attrnl11ng from the Harbor retuning tn their home In &l-only do the Learu• member• mont Shor,11 JJi.ntt 27 ... they dance but t heir "lon1•ufferln1 " plan to FLASH to Ctlerry Cov• hutobands join them in the act! tor the f•11rh1 wee.k·end. LEAGU E member• worl<Ln1 EVELYN IMR8. GEORGE) tow'al"d the INCff.U ., the ){•y Re11 d of P11adet1a wu lunehlng U and 28 producllona 11.t the BBC pooblde wllll Btjl !Mra. hlrh achoo! auditorium are ·Mra. Th• "''Milly prw.y~r ~nd 1tudy llrt'll w're MTT\tl. J ohn Murdy group of the Bahal Faith v.·a.a 1Jr . Georie Curt. BurrflU &h•. .ntert.alned In the hon1r of :O.lr1 \\'J1cht~r l..ee Carl \'rn11trom Thomaa Fen1ke, 182:1 \\'l'11l Ocean 11n d \\.;.,,~,j~,,~m~·"""~~l~•~· __ _.._.._..~llllllllllllllllllllllll~~~~llllll~llllllllllllllllllllllll~~llllllllllllllllll~~~llllllllllll~ l"ront. - Lu1 chr.on wa1 Rrvt<I by U11 holta1 rouowlns pray-. 11hwt.y ~ and dL.c:uulon or the 11Ahll"I ' I Faith a nd the mt'an1 or Jh•ln1 lbe 1pirltual lite. From th• Harbor area v.·err l.fmea. CJvtrvde Dou&la.a, anu 0 Rodrtquea, a Mn. Allen from Lo• An1ftlt1. •l•ltlnr here : 1'tn•f'11. J eua Hayden, \\·e1lmin•ter. J . - Ji!. Perry, S&nta Ana and rro111 Coata Me!lll Afme11. A. E J ohn- llOl'I, Lc.o RO\'Ln, Jo.:dward ){!rktJ· .. vlch aa<I Bemlce Chue. • Temperance Film at Mesa · Baptist At T:IO p. m. th&nday 1D Co•ta '- Meu. BapUA diurcl'I thtl R~v· I· P . o . l!J~mann wUI ha.,. ti hl8 rneuaca. "Dtmon Poueftlon. J'act er f'aneyT" Th•rt will alllO -"-lhe ahOWVll' of the fflm "Thf: Flowtr of Decision.." 1 Thl1 pie· turt brinp out the 1,'0UMl.ll' or a young man f.aced w\th the pov.·er-1. NI toelal pt'tA\ll'"fl to df'lnk alco~ hollc liquor. e Beauty CUT RATE Service • si.-po0 a Sec ···-·· 11.80 • llAftlNN -·--·····-· ... 11.N' • ~t-, --fnMn N..15 •~l'f'4 ~ront rot,.,.,., Voll· All 1rorlc: vwaro"leed • 11 /J. Vuta 1 '1 BEAOTY CORRAL 188 Weal 19th 8tree.t • COSTA MESA L.~-·-t.lB~E-R_T_Y_S·~l-"-'-·~..J l Bltl'NG 111.E FAMILY ' ' Visitors! to the City of ORANGE~ Miii ......... . MAY 'FESTIVAL SATURDAY. MAY 19 ~~.....,,.-PARADE-;;--.:;;;:::;:::n 11 o.m. SM tlM ...:.iou... ........ .... -...... ,_ ••t••·· -cJOWlM.bor..., Orn9" Moy FawllNI 0-and Attntl•t• * 0.. Iba Midway-a.th 20 1119 Sbow1 * Public --5 pa.. Qty Pork DAMcE l'ubllc l>aK• Satvrday 9 l'.M., Ills Cllob ·--a.a.•ua:• .. JOIN T1H: YUN AT Oa.4.NGE • • l>·-··· • • ' ~ if you hate to hang up and take cfoo..Jri laundry YOU NEED A OAS ClDTHES DRYER ' DllYING CLOTHll becoma one of 1he e•1le1t thlop you do •hat you havt 1n au1oma1if; Ou Clotbel llrycr. You simply toS1 in rinaed laundry aDd MC a dial. Cot10111 an ready 10 take out Co 1- time than ii look to •uh them. Chenill8 .._. cocne out u ftulfy-.oft u whet!. new -lnd Unt-f,..- be*dtl. See a demouttn.tion al your Gal ctom. drya~•I . ~. iilil ~ (IJ r.r.ITI• THAN IUNIHINll G11 lriH d9tt>ee IHtat tti ... c..1 ...... 11 1v..,.,.1,.. . 1111 .. lfl•" ..,, .... If ""'4. L.e ,_ ..... 11.N'r II-•. , ,., .. ,,......,, -..... 1 .... ,,.., ...... IMl!ft .. ft& •l,.l·lr1yN t.1.,.1. ,., .. .. ty ""' ... ••rt •PO'• I DlllD Q.OTMD TO 9'UT VOUI 1.t dlt l I" "OAM~ Oii''"' 11\d 11l1c11 .,,. .... .,. to ,....Id _,,,. -41· 11 ........ ·~kllo\s. .... ,., •• -'- ... di• ... "Dtfr' MM[ .,i.e .. c ..... """ -"-....,..,...,......:.,...,. .. !44"· ltt:tt: TMI .Dt,rtt:•ll'llCll T ... 0- <1..W ._.... .. left ... tMclt. ... , .. ,, 1111••11 • ., ... u ...... , ... , .... , •• , r'lf't ....... .....,., '"' IM ...... .,L O••+IW lau"'ll')' It _...,,,..111.,,._ , .. -..... 11 •• ''" " 11 ...... . -i .. i.t ...... ""' .................. . Jli A MONTM·TO-O"ftf"'-"'.-.tl'tii ..,...11,.. -I "' .., •..ttm91k: G•• dot .... ,..,... i. .... , •-lSt fW • 1,,,1cat ,,.,.11, fl 10 .. •. Tl" ,,.. H•ll .. .,-lu "' • 0-.a e..,.. II llM !eat V.-,... .. ,.., eut-_.IC Ollf'l'• .. Ylt.ll: '°"" .......... t't+t - aOUTH ." N coi.iwT••• ..... OOMP',.,.. A111omatk Gu clotha dryer lhuttr1tl!'d is the ••"Dll: Duo•ttc. Other famou1 makn are ABC. 811CUIOM, Ca)or;c. E..ly, Hun- iltoo. Kl!'nmott. M1yta1. 1'klrp. Rap«, Speed Only GAS' :v::w::h:ch modern automatic applianc.esl , l l I -· .. ... .. ""' .. . . ..... . ... ... -·· atuit.ni. wh(I 11.1U ti. .,-.JtuaW RACING HOME WITH WINNING SCORE To cool Guy Green, twirler ot a two.hit shutout, wenl the honor ot denting the dish with the first and winning Sailor run against cocky Anaheim's Colo- nist. at Costa Mesa Park Tuesday. Co ach Emil Neeme'a Tan moved into first in the Sunset League on basis ot the torrid triumph. -Sta.ft Photo TRIBE PROTEST FAILS Sunset League Principals Put End to Meet Squabble the broad jump pit rulerJ F u- Jino'a JUmp &ood. but up n a prote1t by Santa Ana Cv11rh Reese Grttne, the decl.l11011 ~iu chanred and ruled illegal Fullerton then prote11te<l the mttl. claiming the '1ccu11nn 111 lo whether the JUmp was to:JJ Cir not waa purely "one of Judge· menL" Santa Ana IQUl'd a pro- t•t over the ac lM>rui or Fuller· prote11t was withdrawn. Santa Lon Coach. Jim BWJh. P IRATE WGIWGHT -Catcher Ted Coutu cinched triumph for Coach Wendell Pickina pokere here by alam.ming a 450 ft. home run with one abOard. Here the Yogi Berra of Orange Coaat College 1s welcomad home by ru. t eamma.tee. -Eugene Tyler Photo KNIGHTEN, HEHN LEAD HBC WINS 8th Graden In Tie, 7th Grade Defeats Laguna Hubor Boys' Club f'lghth grat.ler Jerry Hehn and seventh grader Hal KniJhten 11parkr l the H BC tTack a nd !11:IJ tu ms in tlH h d1v1s1on t.> ovc• .itl victory over Laguna Bf'•• h lt.mc.:h1•l• thf'r,. Saturday. The HBC eighth g;atlers lied Laguilll 32-32 \\ t.1i•· Lh,-local seventh gradrr11 dr fe..lt-11 the r1vah1. 3712·:?511 HARIOR BILL PHU.I.JPS, Sport.a Editor NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS-PART I -PAGE 5 FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1956 ' BUC SLUGGERS, TOP PITCHING WIN FRAY The slugging <>f First Baseman Gene Raine, Srrond Sacker Jerry Wayt, Centerfielder Rowland Hill and Catcher Ted Coutu. balanced oU beautifully with the chucking of mound ace Wayne Coughtry ae Coach Wendi II Pickens' Orange Coast College Pirates defeated Compt1Jn Santa Ana Site for Fem Trials Santa Ana Colle1e'a Don Fteld will be th,. acene ·of Southern C&llfomla. Senior AAU Women'• Track ~h&mplonsh1pa tomorow, Don Miller. event chairman for th• tpOnaortnc North Santa Ana Klwa.nb Clu.b announcu Th• ml'ft on Don Field wtll I aerve u the t int 1tep in com-1 peUUon !or Southern Call!omla'1 Olympic ttilJTI trial•. The ftn&I Olympic triala for lhll area al.a wiU be htld ln Orange County, ac.heduled for L& Habra, August I 0. .. •t Lbal llme. w. Osccaf WILSON for ASSEMBLY t I Al':AHEIM. IOCNS) -Sun· 11tt Learue h1gh •chool principals Tul'lday voled 4·1 agauLSt l''ul· le.rton'1 prot.eat. leavinc S11nta Ana Hlch 11 holder of lh' t1 ack a.nd lield f1rat place tro· phy. Ana'1 pi otest wu repor tedly Bu.ab w1t11 reportedly 11een tlur· JUlll a rounter maneuver, "in Ins th• du1tance event!!, 11tand- caae Fullerton won their pro· Ing on tht> back.alrle of the track. test." waving to h1a runner 11, g1vml( HJ·l:n copped a tr lo CJt f1rPIS win111ng the broad jump w\lh a leap ot J6fl. 41n, the 50 )ard IE .hli m 6 O a•1<t thr. 7:1 y1mJ da11h In 8 5. Tom H uber prr"•nl· et! HBC with lht1T only olhn f11er place w1lh a 311 tl. l<1116 in the 11hot put. here Tuesday, 8-5, and moved into Wt'ekend finals In defense of lhelT Soulhtrn California Junior Collera diamond crown. clslon, Coutt11 wha~ked 11 t11'', •. 1n1 4:10 ft. two run homer. 111 .. , • Ing Bob LoClc"'o who wa~ 1111" on an error ahead of him !n tl.l' 1eventh. A moq( th• (TOUp of out.atand- lnr women track and field e th- letea acheduled to appear u-- morrow 11 SteUa Walab, one of I tha all-ttme 1reatl'I o! wome11·11 track llnd fll'ld. A llUmber ot '••rme'r Olyruplc champion• h11ve been lnvltert to give exhibition, at the me• t. 14th DISTRICT TWO t'IRST~ Coughtry twirled a n eight-hit- Voting here Tueadsy a!ttr· noon. all mem~ra ex.cf'pl SantA An11 i nd Fullerton took part. Fullerton wal'I repre11ented by Glenn Lewis. who " atrv1ng In h1, last ) e11r al Fullerton High F\Jllerton waa ProYlllnc owr them lap tlm• amt ln.t1tn1ctlons. a decla1on in the vanity bnied m.areuven were llle;al. Jump at the All-Leap c.b&m-!ho\lld P\illwton have wnn pionshlp meet 11t Newport Har· their proteat. then Santa Ana bor High Fulltrton fell thetr offlctala wer• cotnr lo back Jumper, Ronnre B'Ujtno. bu a thllr prote,t of Bu.eh "all tt.e legal Jump. way." Their lntmUon Wlt!t to Knighten took two fm1l11 nnd ter to &ccount !or hta 11th vtc- a p:i1r of llf'<·onh for the t'I· tory of tha .euon In J3 ouUnara. umphanl 11.-venth grader!!. Ht ll wu the Bue bal'lhera.. 17th copped tht century ll••h in 12 2 the l!hot put with a toM of 21\ft 6•n. an•I grabbf'd 11econd!I In the 76 ruJ dash and the H O tun Lineup, a t bats. rUM a nu hi:a tor the Buca: H ill cf 3-2·1: Bob Coopman ... C·O·l, Ralna lb. 4. 1·2, W1yt 2b 5-1·3, E1t1ada 3b 4-0-1; LoClcero 1t 4·1-0. Jed tv Youn1 rt 5·1·0, Coutlt~-:l. Coughlry p 2-0-1. Cass to Graduate Q111n1 \' l"l!~io. 600 Avocado Ave . 1s a u uid1&te tor a bach-1 ~lor ot st1t:nLe dee1~e rn anlm11l hu,.band1 y at the Un1venlty u! Csllfomla branch at D•Y11 TUu- day. J un" !I Re 1s one of 221 lmtrr l.atl'IV llfter tt>e votea 111111 bten tabulalfd. Santa Ana 1 Hi.a eHort woul dhan (inn d.l.tquallfy F\1Uerton'1 du1tanct him first placf', and the llldl&n1 l'\lllnfl"a from f\lrt.ber C1¥ cow- lhe champtonshJp. Olt1ciala .. l pcUUon. H BC 1m-.-pt th!! ahol put In t ighlh t:r•de competlllon, J ot.n Smkle takrng aecc>nd amt BTtlln ··TRIBE APPEARS OUT OF CIF Sailor Vanity ~~~t th~~~ i:~~:d ~~~~4' T:~~ anJ third In Ole l>f·oa.J ;:.imp CONSIDERATION THIS yr:' D Netten En,er E?:.F~·~;~~~:~~~~:~ · um Loop Protest complete Harbor .,... ICl)r1nc HUNTINGTON B~CH COC· four lnnlnga and allowed JUll , for th• elc hth cnd•ra. NS1 -De.sp·•e their close an•I two hllJ. He arave wa1 lo Tcmi J"ullerton lm't the onfy Khoo! RIXJORD-Bll~ hatr-raiatnc •-3 victory ov,.r Hf'nry ln the fifth. In lh• SUDHt Learue which hu Brian Lucu, tile HBC hip H untington Beac-h High h~rr Henry Immediately _cot ltlto entered an athleUc proteat re-j~p record-breaker, captured Tue&day, the Full4'rtoo Indians trouble. He gave up a nm tn the cenUy. Coach Glenn Basutt anJ aeventh snade event with & leap now arr apparrntly out or any fifth anu got nicked tor two hb Newport Huaor H1&h School of Ht. ltn. The locat. swept the CIF playoff conald4'rallon. runa ln the 1lxth. S.fora the vantt1 tennla 1quad enterecl a event when Jed Houlton •u While th• Indiana ware pin· lnn1nl' wu over, Flahcr wu prolut apln1t Orance'1 15·4 win second and John Kocher third. tnr lh111r elrhth w1n of the loop back on the mound, last wffk. Hou11lon and J ohn Kocher &dd- eea110n aplnat tJu'e9 ddeat.s. He cav• up a double and • Th• Panther• had two men ed a pair of 1econds. Hou1ton'11 the Tna of Newport were up-1Lnrle ln tl)e aeventh, bUt beid mlalnr whJch lhf'y detl(Dated came In the 60 yard dL"h and aetling the An&JMim nlne to on lo capture hil fifth pme of •• their flr•l and aecond be.It Kochu'1 ln the broad jump. J im crab nnt place by balt·a-,.am1. the year. Hf bun'l Joel a cam~ men. ao Uley defau1ttd Th1• de-CUrtia Wll Wrd In t he Phot put I Anaheim enda their loop aea-The lndl&N bavel won U and prived th• Sallora of Ulelr two Other third• came from the ll01\ today •r&IMt <>ranee. the locl Clve UU. aeuan. bMl men. Learue rulea an t.o HBC !Win.a, John and Rodr er Tan face HunUnarton .Beach. and tha effect th.at tha frnt and we-Kocher. John took lhlTd In lht I the lndl&M cloae out lhalr 1ea-Hana Pool T ... •Anm* cmd matcbu cannot ba defawt.4. 60 yard daab, Rodpr in tha 7~ •on In Garden Grovf. Tha ln-~-H¥91 U upheld, the win would add 100 and a Ue for thlrd ln th• dlana can atJll mall~ the Clf' Harbor Boyr' CJub Monday a Yid.Ory lo the Tar nra1cy bro&d jumJ). con1lderallon atage, ahouJd l hty afternoon IWimmlnc proJT&m ledru. ------------- beat Garden Grove. a.nd either found 150 p&rticlpaUns uu. Tueeday the VUJ1ly nett.en Anabelm or Newpart IOH. wHJc.. fl wu announced by A.th-were defaated 5-4 by ~lm. TUuday Larry F1abel alartt<l letic Dlrecfor Rod MacMIUlan. dl"opp~ the Tara lnto a third on UM Mound. WorklnJ ln au-MacMllllan ald 111 boya _..... place ti• with niu.rton. Wtn· perb atyle. he pitched tha tL··n In th• pool Jut week. nen tor the 6allon W«n Don C~llege Ups Rate For Stadium Use Oraage OouatT1 Newest Mmlcal 8 m•Uoa I t I ' THE ''WU VAUGHAN TllO" with IUDY WHD'NEY A COUNTRY WA8BBUBNE Available for prlvat• partll!AI, d&neee and Club actlvtUea. J&Jtce.llent mu1lct and ent.u- tamment. for th• "over -thlrty" sroup. DLEPllC>Nll LlBEKTl' I~ (DA~Sl IU)OlJ:Rl.'Y ~l«l (EVES.) Grando/lo , s (formerly of Hemet) complete menu for the fAmily PIZZA e UAOHETil e LAsAGNA ROME • MADE It.A VIOU e 81'EAJl8 e SEA FOOD 'OOD TO 0-0 111 1a1boa 11w~. BALBOA Hart.or 4837 OPEN DAILi' 11 NOON-11 IODNIQll'I', CJDIED llO.~.&r · • OPEN SUNDAYS • 'Friday Hites 'fil Nine Shamel I White HARDWARE • NURSERY 4~0 E11t t7th St. LI 8-1042 Coste Mew • DolbM. Mika Man1, Lee CNeit UM of ~· Cout CoUtJI' and Jim Hickman In atncl-. ltadlum w iotnc te co.t New· Tb• Tar Junior var11ty want port JUrbQr Uni~ Htsh !chool lnt.o BUNtt ~•rue aecond plac• t.m.1 1200 pw pm• next y .. r khlnd ~t.a Ana With a 9-0 lt wu revealed to membera of lrtumpb ovar th• Colonlata jun· the ac:hool bo&nt Monday. Ion. !lnJI• wtna wPre ~d The bo&rd considered that thr b7 Jerrt Cox, Chip Willey, coll•re has bft'n u11ln1t high Wayne Whlll'\fy, Dick Brldlt · 9Chool t11cllltle• 1or 11omln11l fHll, man. B.n Hickman and doublet such u •~ t« th• pool and 11 lr1umph11 b.v tht tluo• or Bill a. room fC1r CQTOOma and thfn Doner and Dirk !khltuter and decldf'<I lo ro alone wtth the 'nm Mane am1 Oliv•r crary. rollrit~ and pey the hl«her rate WANTED Rera,...lble fW'"'On" lnlf'l"Hted ID man.a.ctnr arnall, td1hJ pronta.M. bu"lnni1 In thJ" a.--. Part of u ellp&D.lllo• PJ'Olf,.. 91 a ·~ mannfk twer of utJoaaJ ,predUctL No MUl•f· \l1U ""fVJ'"" onl) part time al nnt. Only lllten-eW la per· ---'t propt .. \\ hn Allplrt' to eanlinp In t'Xt'Ha ftf SIOOO a Yfar. AppUc-ant ml.Ult 11>e &bit!> to 1'aaM -.II eutla7 of a ppN&J• IDMt'lJ' f'lH to c-n,,, m,-,·cbandlw, ~mtory, etc. If ddlnJtelr la(e~tf'd •nd fuU7 qualified. ,.._. llCldrM9 Boll C_.I. t"a~ of :St'w ... r,.,. ... , rh lnr adfl""'8 and pJaone w-ht'rtt :r-caa I!. rfM'hH. All appllf'&llllt "iJI be irnuited an hlten'Ww.. 0,.. Sftl7 a.;,_. ..... •UJ ·s ..e. M. triumph In a row, 12 of them ,-1vtng the Ptralu their fourth stra ight Eule1"1\ Conference t i · Ut 1n undefeated !ashton. H11l'1 flr1l Inning triple fol- io~ ed by Wayt a double ond J ohnny Ealrada'1 1rngle gave the P1ratu a 2-0 lead In Ula flrat frame Tutsday. Compton Corged ahead •·2, but the Bucs picked up a r un on walks and an arror In bottom of lhe fourth and ~on Lhe contest with a three-run ou·burat In the at.xth. Mesa Serviceman Takes Training Pvt. Jam,-1 H Coleman. 2037 Anaheim St , Cotta Meaa. Is ICheduled lo flnlth four weeks of lndlvtdual combat trarntng I.Uy 10 at the Marine Corp1 Ba!le. Camp Pendleton. '-'~" •• r ri,; ILl'CTRICALLY e LET US HELP YOU e Coutta 1tni.:led. Coughtry 11c- r1flced, an f'rror on Hill 1<:ored Coutla. RA1ne doubl~ ecorlng H111 &nd Wayt's double scoreJ Raina. Tha training' 11 rlv•n to Ma· rtno 1cheduled for duty over- aeu and ta &II g-raduate11 of recruit training before they a re ulirned to new duty 1tl\tlon11. I STAFFORD & SON Electrical C•tractors T o wrap thlng1 up with de- 110 Riverside Ave. Lll>f-rty S.ts.M Seen only on higher priced cars and Chevrolet The meaningful emblem When you aee "aterlllll" 01l 1Jlvv you know what ft mM11• eolid lil- ver, all the way lhroufh,. 1 ·And when you see the med&Jllon "Body by Fisher" on an autom.o. bile it me&na much the eame thfns- quality all tile w., throash, ln thinp MMf'm u well u on the of Body by Fisher mlbte. ifmntq Suit~ On11 OD4 who baa owDecl a Chn· rolet for "•verat yara can fuUr know t.ht uti.atadion thia emblem pltdfel. For onl1 Chevrolet 'h,,tbt low-pne. f\eld i• entit!M to w~r the amall, proud plaqne that pro- claima ••Bod7 by J'itber:• MILLER CHEVROLET CO. 1000 West COCHt HIC)llway NEWPORT IEACH ~hone Uberry 8-2261 • I . .fA&E 6 -PART 1-~¥POltT HA~~9~ NE¥1~-·~ESS FlllOAY, MAY 11, 191' I • ~IRST ANNUAL KID CLASSIC SET .l T HIGH·-wrooc· HERE . TOMORROW. • 2NI Tl-__.. Go' -... .._ ... "'" en 1p.... --... ,.... -.. ... wll• Aid of Local lor*' C..., ~ ~"':..... --...::: -' ~ "1Uert.on. Banta ... ,,,. --N.wport -:11).311 Club lDYlta--1'vk ... 8"""' -ioul llW and Gold ~IOnobq. for boyll Ot ar..,.e :.! ,!".;.. "'".::_.. to ~ ~ lloyo' Cluho and Recreation Doportmmta tokM\-:---~. -----~I -·oa Newport --, HlJh Bcl>,ool athletic lleld, Pcmct.& r ...;...w . llartlDg at 9 a. m. ~ i-__ ...__ .,..,....., ,. -... ~· .. r:: .. :-..,,._ ..,,.,... Ev:ery Pro n... ntiet (or J'OUU... Ut.tnl ~p nktsth lt'adl bof• >drop the ·--.-·~-----------·--- IPICIAL . 1l•C1D01110•ll • ---- •I t I FORD BRAKE t'bUlll '.. I ~ ~ I MAY 7th to JUNE 2llct , .. .... ...... _ ..... , ............. ilhtb met., .. ll&rtlor BOY-' 15 ud 60 )'&rd duh. and add JUcb&1'd Pancho Oonm,.. .. t~~~~~o!~Kl!L..C~~'"'lu.-ieo-mmr1 w111 aeru ..!.\ B&lboa ~ an• la the COmlq World Profe.ioul ApproalmaLelJ' 400 ">'• aid• ruulq th• 440 )'U'll relay. TeM1I Tour th• attemooa ot •xpeei.d to •Le' tbl u.....,:ri 8ooriAS •ystan wm be &"'4'-3· .Jun1 Z, 1hu durtnr I.be put two :~ ·ONE SltiGLE DOES T,HE JOB TUESDAY =..r..ttnelder Paul ~n prep&l'ff to •lam one or Anaheim South_paw Bob ~b'I heaves into rlcbt field in the (ourth inning. Thia WU the single that pp nt victory and tint pl&ce In the Sunset League for the local T&r preps. ~ Green, wtnnin& pitcher, Wu on second base and scored. -Staff Photo ,l'Ofl"UD-8ixtb. ,..,_9' and 2·\· A boy ma1 enter two track ,_,., e.ptured every prof-'oa· ~&tltb padl laU ltart their ud OM tltid rnnU or two ftlld 11 title. •Pins and wft&bt tom1.nc at and on• tnc)J ••enU plu. th• Pancho, who ts now IT ,_,. ) a. m., lt wu lllU>O\mced by retsy. No qOlld ahon .,.. al· old llftd leti. that b1 ia at the Dee Bumalde, JO-IO Club lracll lowed Medala will be (1vea for peak o( bis l&me, know. all too uul tllld ch&l.nn&n. Third. fourth tirit place. Ln event. In euh wdl that there II onl7 room for 1nll. 1Uth rr&de track beat.a alao ciaa. and ribbon. for aecond, one &t the top of the 1&ddlr ln .tart. third, fourth &Ad tl.fth. pro1aslonaJ tennla. n. t1r1nJ.a At lO:SO L m. th.t third. A perpetual trophy roe• to tan W&nll to -th• Winner and 'ourth and flttl!. rrad• entrlll the te&ni accumulatinr t b • la not lntf're.t~ In the &l8o ran, la unch their ftald •-ta with rr1at111t number of polnta. e•en thourh he may poue.. one .he iillth. .NVellth and etshth "It la our purpoee to rtve of the rreate1 t r •mee ln th• ~rad1 track buta al the ame boY• who have lacked the op-world. ( ........... , -4'.IO.... Brake Adjustment ""'----. time. After • 12 aoon br•k portun.lty of or,.anl&ed track Thia .,.,.... brought ham• lo l·-----------·l f<:1r lunch. tlnall tor all raoe1 meet. a chance to partlctpate. Pancho When Jack Kramer di• .1nd relay1 s•ta undtcw1.y. 'I'herefore, we are limiting th• poMd of him In ha tint ienm. THEODORE ROBllll YOU roao DEAl...E& POK THE P.&ST u ~ SWIM . SHIFT BANS MIDGET BALL CLASH To prevent compUcauan. in the Harbor area'• .um- md recreaU011 prorram, It baa been announe«i IWim· mln1 tor ,s1r1.1 1t Newport Harbor Unk>n Hl.Jh Scbool pool WW ta.lie plsce tn the mornlns while Ill• boy1 will t&.ke over In the afternoon. Yem Allen. director ot lhe hlfh 1ehool'1 1Ummer rec proa:ram. Bob • Ginrrfch, Newport Beach rec::~Uon hf'ad. and Hod MacMilli&n, athletic director or Harbor Boy1' C1ub, aJT•ed to the move to preve11t ln terle,r- enee bftween boy1' IWtm- mlnr and eta.. C momin.J bueball ptsy. ~ING HOl!E -Second Bueman Jerry Wnyt wu on second with a double when Johnny Estrada whacked a lhlJie apinat Compton here Tuesday. Wayt round9 third, takes a look to .see the ~ult of Johnny'1 blow and then coe, in to acore. -· Eugerie Tyler Photo Allen announcM tbe older Pl.I would be echeduled tn the ••rly mornln1 with )'OWIJ J1rl1 1akln1 to the watar cla.er Lo noon thi.11 Mlmmer. G~NDSLAM lnme links Ladies Open ~hampionship Tournament Ensign Hits Shellshock Rivals 18-5 . Mr1. Elate J.flTI"r captured 10. re11 n . J.frs. N•bon .Jone1: ).{1"1. 1):9u In tM Irvine Cou t Coun-Don AnoJ~r.on v .. Mr1. "'"'nice lry Club wotnen'1 rha ... plonahlp NflllDn. ... Cr111hln1t out three home run1. tournament qualltytn1 round thl•I·-----------two of them rrand111ammer1 In ~·ef'k. w ith an 84 . Low net WPnt BUY BONNET SQ th• 111me Inn ing, Horace En- to Mrl. John Lanier with 71. ~l1t;n'o11 Seabee nine blu~ Le. Mr1. Lankr dona~, two tro-AIN'T NO HAT! Jol11 Into 18·!1 1UbmlMioh. here phle1 f<:1r leaM putt. whlca wire l\1f'~•l•y a fl•rnoon. For the En- 'won by Mr1. Ralph Omtpt.on ¥"d There will be nn h11t 11lgn1 It wa11 theiT ff<:(Jnd victory t.tr1, Dorothy Dlmuke. • pl!IAed a mong fans l.llt11J1ng 11.1e1!n~t orie tltfeat In the Or- MovJDI' lnt"I yeelerJ.aJ'• nrat Mhlget L e •&: u e bll~eball ange County li:lement.a.ry School <r0uttd ol the tou,r1141y wer• lhe gamee In th1 Harbor 1rea Lea rue. toll~ lbika ladl .. : to pay for bat.I anti ball• La Jnlla leaped Into a 4-0 lhl1 1ummer. d ndl •-"I Chomploruohlp Olght -Mni. e1 . -.e ns two ..... q acrou Tbe nuon: No hat: ti o.o..11 carrou ... M.LM M&ry K.. on a nit lnnlnr homtt and an-Collta X-X.lwanl1 Club. lh nd. w BrowJM; Jira. Rawaon Foot.I ... o t i' pair ln the Meo alJu Mn. Harold &mall. w1lh proceede de.rived from and a hit by Allen Wllllarn.1 the reeen.t annual breakf11t .... rint 'm... -Mr1. Walter (IVI n.l\ll(Tl It.I fil"ft Kere ln la ea.ta Mesa PITk, pur-lh d Jt~ ,.._ Mn . Rolall• Vane.·, • ~ · --chuld the. bat-.t.nd·btll hat e l 1 lh lhl-• -J Ila )(re. •-Ila.I be... 't'a. Jlra. U D I 1 ~ ~ 0 ---1 with ~ donaUon. of USO, the , h .___ _ ... _.,_,. __ ,__ .. wa-.. Ball. mua av• ...,......,..,, .... ........,..,.., 1-· amOUDt neceuary to pa1 b s. ... •--.. l 12 ._.. ru,.t _,., l.rJ"I. Lanier Y • •ct--..... a 1e11t tor Mld1et LN.rue .kts and run1 romping-around the ' ti.... ft. Mn. Compton; Mn. ~ balla. • path.I. Th• .llan&a. waa •parked ~ 1 4 Clinton erue.1 -----------"'-by KT•nd1lam poilff.. fint by :nllW",... ~ Kit. llUGid tAD' DAY Jim Btrtltr and Ur.en Johrut1 ;~ii. W. Kn. Ben W..t; Hughea. Dl8eo "' .lllr.. Jam.. Jack Sehultt'1 homer 1tn the Tl( Jlnl·o( fourth '"'"hod ott ~•th" En· dlP,t -Kra. Dam· .... ' Mra. Frallk McOor- .. , Kra. Jnom1 Wlu .._ '•,c.ct.1 ......u. . ,.ratut fMabt -Mra. Burk r ah- U. S. S.•I• THOMAS KUCHEL ~•rv•1- . • • • all the .,..... l l-i 79"' M 1-r U.S. ....-.TMulf ......... aWJ .................... , .. .... ~ ......... c.llf.,.aa•,.,.. ~a::.~ ':.':·II~ :. a:•r • ......._, ...... ._, ~, ..... ....... ' .......... .... . ...,._..._ ......... ,,_... fll'lri. ,___. tt' w. ..... •Im n v1 ru.n oulburtt which Nill l11hed ::;1,~lded by Jae~ s tonebaclP;'• La Jolla rt'COvend t<:1r a lone by All he.Im dent dt1h in tl¥ nn.h on a~­ or walll1, but that waa fU' loo ltttle and much too late. ~thlnj' w1nt wronr 1or Ookh Oluck Randall'• -N-port Harbor Hl(h School Sailor junior •ar1lly TUl:lldly attemoon on the local dullt d\1mond when Anaheim drubbed lh1 local ladl 12·1 1n a 8unMt Learue tray. Held to two bH . .11 ....,d that lone run, the Tara addld to their troubl111 b1 a MW ncord aommltt.ed la the Wl'Ol'IS di~ uan. 1a • fl•• tnn111r penoo, fta.nda11'.1 l&dll booted that pelot.11 10 ti.ma That pre:tt1 much 9Wllli I.IP th• JUD•. A.Dahelm went tG work tut. ...::orlnr tour "1llll on a 1ln1le bfn&I• I.El I.a MCOnd e.nd three more on two buie knock1 In the lhl\"d. • The Tare rot their CO\lllter ln the fourth on 8t&J1 8lmoneoa'1 Car Run Planned Darrel 0 1born. Glendale, bu Inform~ pollc:ie that 50 or &O 1utomobilea will make a rill.a· blllty run fl"l)f?I Glendale to tll• vicinity of MacArthur Bl"nl. and Cout H1(hwa7 on June I. A .i.mnar run wu made by mem. hen or a Redondo Hlsh l!kbool cu club recenU1. walk and 1t•l ol ..oom.d. an error. ttrlkeout and eacriftc.. Five run1 trot ted acroq for the Colonial.I clouten In UHt lli•th to wind up the debacle. The only two hit. tor the Tera came In the 111eond and ntlh Inning.II. OU Sharp atnsled and J im Schon11 did llkewtae. RESIOEN'{IAL -INDUSTRIAL · COM~cRCIAL NO JOB :roo J:ARGJ: OR SVAIJ . ISO -St., Nowpoot -Barbor i5SI ...... -,.,,..,.., .... ti ,..,., ..... ~ .... t .... l , .. ~~~--~~~~-~~------~-~~· NEWPORT lll:&CR . SlOO W. C...t Hlry. (llula'"'• llllo) L111ertJ 11-Mn Eventa tor the third, fourth meet to boy1 of the elrhth tour ln 19:16. Pancho had to .tip a.nd fifth gradea lncludea ~. 50, (ride and below,"' Bumeld1 an-aalde, but like the sreat cba.m~ 7:5 and 100 yard duhea, broad nounced. pion he 11, he came etormlnl' 1iid high jump, ahot put and 220 Pre1111tatlon of award1 ll back to deft"at St"J11ra and 8ed1· I'::======================~ yard relay In each divi1lon1. echeduled ton101Tow for 2:30 man ln the 19M tour. and he I· Sl•th and 1ev1nth JT•dei drop p. m . or earHer, it poeelble, hu won the hu t two world pro-Use the Class"ified Phone Har. 1616 the S:5 yard duh and add th• i Bumelde .. 111 feaalonal tournament.. - • 377000 p®-banRS :full of money £or peopJe in Orange\ Ootmiy • FOURTEEN BRANCHES SERVING ORANGE COONTY If you figure that the average piggy benk will bold about $5 in small change, it would require at least m,rm of them to bold the more than $1,888,0CIJ paid in ll8larieo and dividends last year to Bank of America employes and Btockholdera living in Orange County. 'Ibis money, among other tbinp, was used to buy food, clothD/g and other neoeseities lfom local merchants. It is anOther esample of how local business is helped each year by Bank of America'• lr:ind of banking. We're statewide, 1ure ... but local, too! lSttttk of .lmtricu NATIONAL nw.:ct ASSOCIATI ON ' • I .. . . . ..... .. . .. local aesenet am tie-.. flos*'otdUn( \be (:uftMM "ill a Dour&:laa Sk,JtQNltr a all In • day'• "work for lbl enw or • f'(~ Air ftf'llll'WI tralUflOrl .,qUadron tacludlnr , lwo m.B from Nnrpo:t •Jl&rbOr. ~ Hrtldpatms ta the c r v 1 • • were Lt.-Codr. Richard Budd. ~ 'l'er'Wla lAne. CQ9la )(ea. em- pk>yee of lhe Orance COu.nty ln- aurance A&en<ry, and AN Theo--<k>r• Robina Jr., .,.,. or Th.odo,. ftotMN Sr .. ownu of Lh• Roblnl f'O':'d A1ency. -....... , May 11 8at~x. May II 8unday May 20 Mon ... May 21 Tlie9day May 22 Wednuday w., :u .......... 8 :40 e. m. 1 :15 p. IL ~ ... S:lt a. m. 2:2' p.m. ' 1.1 --0. 1.0 ' A:lr Tru1port. &qu-.dron VR-m , ori• of the 41 •·wffkend warrior" Uftits or u\e i...o. Ala-, mlt.09' Naval Air SlaUon. retum- «I rndlt.i trom ill u11u&l 14- day crv1ae. TIM two week.t of operaUonal duty took tbem tleoU_ibOUl UM Cllrrtbean aru and · doWn Ute 'Eutem coa1t of Ulfi Unit.eel St#.U. , under command ol Cdr-Otto ~y. a Bunank 1n.urance •-C-t bl d.,.U&n w .. Ute .quad-. roa ...._bued •t \be 'Naval Alr ' &t.aUon. p'wtwt&Dt Jttwr, Mery• 1u4. ud ..-.tM with • ncu- :) @.ct '· .. • .,...., nu, LAST ttuk!IMEa MOON • QllANTU .June 15 •11.Q' It · ' (UM 1 J:NSENADA CllAMPS-Ouring half-time 1t.ctivities al recent Lido Iile Y..Cbt Club Desert lsle dinner-dance, Commodore Ken Kingsley {center) made poM.ecript preaentat,ion of LIYC plaqua to top winnen of Newport· Eneen&da race, Rux Shub, left and Gordon Allel. Bach received emblem award.I for belnc' uYC member whose boat tiniahed ji;;, :in hia division. Shdb boldil. Govemor of Cali· fomia trophy he won for ~I' Altamar in fint, on COtreS,_ted itnui, ligbt diaplacement, ~ean racing divb'iott. ~Alles .took Preaident of Mexico 'trophy by akippering Cynjo into tint placie, on corrected Ume in h~vy dlfplaceraeot,40e&n -1U Ha."1' uniL . ~ of the' porU toucbM by the ~rTUu lnch1de4 Ben Juan. PUuto: Rico; Coco Bolo. J'llftAn'la and Cu.t.lltaoodlO ~~ T)ie ~ al.lo tour«I wu"hlnston. 1).0. cOas't Guard Tows Boat to Safely racing division. -Gene ROI.I Photo -------------:----'-------------------! The eout. 'auard. Seturda1 Let ua feel the divine enera ot Spirit. brin1!ng u1 into new- ne•a ot llf1 I nd recognlr.ln1 no mortal nor mat,nal power •• a ble to de1troy. -~lary Baker !:ddy Newport Harbor Yacht Club Official Opening Slated towed a. 25.tt. c.bln crui.M!" Into Newport Harbor a.ft.er Me cap- !lud en ~te lrom Catalina II> the mainland. Two couple1 In the boat, lrorn W..llbu and Pacific Palltadu. w1r1 plcl(ed up by a 1mall out· board motor nlbln1 boa~ and M & M Motors The official openinc of the director• al lha n11 -raJ1ll11 later tranl!S'ed to the M·fL lt5e aeuon or ttie Newport ctt"emony, Sunday. M.eaerve will spoi-t flaber, Mat Walah- ~arbor Yacht club will be beld pre.ent a brief addreq follow· ·-----------·I Marine & Automotive May 11 and 20 at tile club. lnr th• ceremony. Boat.a will be dre.Med and ln· Off1«r1 Include; Haro\\! W . OfFSHbRE FIRING~ GenAI Repalrtn1 1pectid on Br.mdly followed by Pearcy, Commodeu , E. Avery th• flar-~ ceremony 1.11d Cray.~,.., John R JOvi( .... ARINERS dinner.~aaturda,-~venlnJ a di• Hurndall. 1•aar cotiunodore. ). N. L.U m . • ner d&nc• Will N held at ~\M don, ~. a.orr• A.. .. Tb.t N•vr ad.W..· ,tMr• Specialists club. -M.ltcblll. ~rv, . lllqfa L. will be danrer ot otfahora Cadillac lnte~eptar & Cadillac •arlne En9lnes u 8-3381 • WUUam &..en.nee J, .. cour\ Brown, fleet'ca\'tala, W1W&m R. ttrlnr 1..t)Oy U;QW mldnl&'ht c1ptaln. l.e cha.lnna.n of the In· hv••ance. Jr• port captaln, aoiJ Saturday and &unday apecUon cominltt.M. 8 • r v In I 8hirJty H:. M91•~· jUdge" ad~ wJlh Severanoe aN Statr Com-cat.., Phllllp ' ff. su.ett: -fiHt dui'tn( dayllrbt. hOUrl near n'lodO'rl,-~n Buema.n... William aurreon. _ CUU. Rock, 8;&a Otment• EyKM, C .• F. L&n6n. Jedi. W. HerbeTt AllVll .J. N. Coor-1ll&Dd. and today unU1 f Coqdon, William -~ 1 don, Stnltlord ICDrl&'hl, o9or1.• p. m.-near pyram.ld Cot'• . . Coberly Jr. and Bo~~· A. M1Lob•ll. ll&tYq ~.,. and Baa .riemente 1a1Ud. committee 8'kt. a~-.,; ~ Q. Wann'9aton arti di-..., - ly 15 cratL ( ' -; , rtct'On tor Ill• club. . • ~r. aCatt com~ lhif'IMJ ~ SoDDy'• Hutnero !:.:".::.:,;::'.1 ~~~•=TROPHIES GIVEN MACLEOD, NEW MEMBER OF NHYC FLEET & MARINI, -• i.....t Su'nday·a )e.uncbing ceremonie1 of hi1 nt·~· Star b<l•l JIM'S MUFFLER SERVICE D I Pl ~ CSf MCVS:ft BY SCOUTS uw the be(innln1 and the end for Don Edler. tamo~a .u.. ... U~~8-·a5:r;-4...,._1 • '° ~u._ul~WS·.~,lll~p~;,,.,-.• > 1 ,·I;,_. lrfl11' NHYC racing aklpper. Aa _hi1 daugbt.er,i UonM. ora~etl 1 ..,...,.. ....... ., . -• the tradiUonal bolUe ol chamii..gne on keel and crh1•ten~d the new boat "O K'n" It wu the end ol.>l9f!J wet}Q of hant 1101 w. c .... ":":'·::'":w:":"~~~~!!;!ti'~ Troop 81 Holds D1"nner, Honor Court .c . work on we rllltenlng craft and the befinnin1 of what la hoped will be a lon1 and 1Ucce11t ul raclng c.reer. -Beckner Jo Reward Outstanding Youths, Men I F~·n·"~' ~~~4;.;f:~:;~~;f 1 REELECT Senator -John A; 11 MURDY ·Jr. 3~th S.natarial· Di1trict, Orange County ,,;;,...... '"'"'" "ml''"'' or Troop •• '"" ..... ~ ....... Police Hunt Man mem.benhlp In the Centry Club lnf Work and cooperaUOll." Cot for per90ftl: contrlbuUn1 •100 or Loy, member ot Ule Manae' Who Molested mor. to !\.• cau.e or lkoutinl Corp1, 11.u bffn .. lped. i..O'f'ar- w•r• prennted to John Ma.c-_... duty. To+ Aboard Boat Leod of Harbor I11\1nd and C. Harold Jame., ...Utent Cub- 8.' ~Hmeyf'r or Bay1lde Drive matf!;r ot Pack 81, htli been Newport s{.acb .police· today durtnr the BalblJa I11land Boy cbcaen by tbe 1ponl0rlnf BalP. •r• •till hunting ror an unldenU- Scout Troop 81 Court Of Hooor 1-land commwtlty Melbodllt tied boat man who May 11 plck- Moaday tt11ht. Chun:b to nplace Col. Lqy for ed up a 4.year-old (b"l and mo-n. dllu\er and Court of. Hon--tht balance ot the chartar JMr. sealed her befora releuinc her or. held at Harbor View School, Jam.u received hi• cb&rg• of on Linda Iala. · lnchided an !mpre11111ve candle-otflce from Field bec-utlve 011 The child, fTUldcblld or a lo- Ucht oer.mony for •even riew Bell. cal co\lple, u ld the man picked Tenderfoot 8couta, KfJ\..,,BollDer, R&CEIVl!S AWA.KO her 4IJl oft Beacon Bay bMch, Hank IO.pplngtt, Terry Lundy, Openln&" and clo.inr caremoo-look her hdla& ln hla boat and Rlcir-Maart1b. Keith Sour., Didi: le• were .uperri..t by Ron SL th leued h t bou lat-We.hrt and John Shaw ... , Clair Jr., .. 11tant Bcoutmuter, en re er wo n Tw91w bo}"I were ad~anced to who a1ao noel"Md ff'tb 6a-troop ~~~t~fflcer1 are buntidl" for the 21\d Qua. Jlm BTldgman. Tom a Sllnr Soout, em bl.em pepeT Ch"11•> Jlrn CulberllOn L•• ..,_, r-"ou•---.. •-r work A phy1lclan reported Iha wu ' • ... ._..........., brul..ed u d 1Cntched but wu Felllnre. Jim Jonu . Mel Park. with boy• and le&dera."' not criminally attacked. Dlclc B~enan. Peter nabut,y, Tb• cat.enid dinner wu .up-The molMtln oocuned be- Tom MacMuter. M~r1 Rork, pUed by R!cb&rd'e Market and 1 John seoot and Randy Wrirbt. wu eerved by M.ra. Jean Blair tween 2:30 and 4 p. m ., police Advuiclnc to l1l Cla• and Scout molhera.u __ u_m_'-""-·-------- lftl"I Manhall Wri.:ht, Stepb"en A Good Turn fl&( WU pte- .ON A fl41W 'S• JOHNSON SEA·H.ORSEI Your old o.tboud 11 worth •••17/ Let'• talk "tnde-in .. OD a •parlr.llas new ''6 Jobo.oa. Niae great mod1l1, 3 ro JO hp! Sauth CDGst Ca. Newpon Blvd .•• 23rd St. Harbor %600 Johnson ... ~.~~ .. -• • ..,,.,._ ... ~ eq,.eil .. n -. flt. __ ... ,. r.triyaukwl Ne~ .-1 • ,.,...,. ~ ,_ 29'7 .... "'~ ........... . • J ..... ,.......0-.1 ....................... ca- ~n ............... _. ............. ;Ill ,.frieerGtor deorl + 1 rt'c ,_ ' 1 .. ,_., ,..... Jvic. ~ 111 ,.._.,,... doer I • ScMMlfk C-.ntethilll ,.,_.a.it CMcil ,,....,, _ --uoW Ill ,,_, .... """""' ~......... . ,..,...,°"""I· .... ---....... T-.. C..... _. bolcMoed ........,. , l\o;I a.ik ............ 1 S-hl'll1•·~T,...._#"-Gi"'4"'-..... •• .. ,. ...... J ' .. : • ~-e&1t4tv-N~1 ..... .......... -.-.n....,.·'li .... _ ... ..,...{ l. -• 1iiliir~ • .....11 .......... l. __ ... ,, P'erry and J oel F niehan. .ented for "neighborhood .-ooct What ara ya orbl T Th• word.II Senior Patrol Leader l•t Cla.M turn." by Re•. Donald a.pp. Col. ~f God? Th11 8crtptutt• of tb• 1886 v .. .._r Bl""1 ~. - Jll'n.' ~.,. wu muter of cere-Loy ·pre.ented an HonOr ti a g l ';r"•'';;;';;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;Oom;;;;;;;;&ll;::..._;;;;;l!&U;;;;;;;;°'i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l;;;O;;;t;;;;;D;;;l;;;P;;;;;l;;;N;;;D;;;;;A;;;l;;;l<;;;l;;;f;;;Y;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-r;;;;;;;;;;-.:;.;;;;;;;;...,,..,.,..-::; •;,· ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;-. monlu . Aiding him wu tkout· to the petrol tor "out.tandlng -. JORN A. 111JBDY, aL JUNE 5 PRIMARY len H11l1e, p,..kfettt pro t.m ~ th. Collfomio $tot. S.note, 1ald of John A. M11N1 Jr., 61 know of no 1non In Sacramenlo who h0t o m0r9 ltrtlllont futt.1 .... • During t~ po1t fo11r .,..... M1.1rd y, who Mocf1 5 .~..;le atM- mlttM1, f101 '"" dtd In havlno oc:lap.d ..,,_., meosvre he ha1 pr .. ented for Orange County. A r11ld•nt of th11 county far 4ol yeor1, M11rdy complet•ly 11nder1tond1 pr .. blem1 of oil the peop1• ond ha1 lono Hen a strong opponent of 1peclql Jntere1t1-A farmer, bu1lne11 mo" and lead.',: '""church llfe, he 11 pr"'1dHt of Cl Mem• «11lal HOlpltol and pre1Jd1nt of the Collfoml a hon Oro~· A'.11n. VOTE FOR STATE SENATOR John A. .Murdy Jr. • \ Ill mut.er Matt Waidelich. l*l'l!cipatkln." ~y Gf:TS PLAQUE T•pis W411"1 llOUnded by Burien Col. Job n IAY received a ltt'Pbftl Fury an! John Shaw plaqu• and letter of aR>t'Kia-u Rev. 8tPP ck>Md the Court tkm trOm Scouter• \.nd l.Aaden of ,Honor wttJt, a. benediction. MARINE CARIURETOltS Repoln ---Part• ZENITH 11 STROMBERG GEO. J, MEACHEM 1439 w. eo .. t Wrh-y Liberty S.1.MI Marine 6. Ganerill W.Wlntl Autho.;...i-oa4·~ Siilf. .. Tra ..... Outomer Tn8en Bultt to Yow Order Trailer Bemoclelillc A ~palr : lurfslde eeneral Welcll119 !601 W. Coast Hwy. N-rt lleoeb ' ELECTRIC SUl'PUES u ................ FIRE 'l9Uft9NT ....... j;rda IATT£RIES ELECTRIC CO. -• .._. . ' • BOAT WIRING ONLY • WM> W. Cout Hwy . . . Fully Yes! Li9hts, 9as, water and fully paved streets ate in ind ~id for in beautiful Cowan ~~ights! 125 acres af pinned nclusive davelap111e11t lllllt w-. yow ·1nvntnteat Is pr~ted! ' · ' . The total area of Cowan H .. 9hts 825 Kret i• under. the strict.st arehtt.ctural supervision ind fOof•t• r•strictions. CONSTRUCTION LOANS AVAILABLE _. Kl 3-2085 View with from Acres .... , .. ·' beauti#ul f,..es .. ·--· .. :,, .. i .. I ... ..-.............. __... ........ _. ........ -...... • \ ~ I .. PA&E I· PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ~· .. .. •• • "' -. .... .,,.. . . . .. . . . . . • FRIDAY, MAY 18. 1956 • t ' • -~ . .tke · -~ . . " ... ome '~ · e~l ~opfe Q ·fl . ;,, ~· Lari/,, t · .. - • • • That ts • ,,.tty itrong statement but there are a Jot of people here, end afi'tr, who will agree that the Newport Har- bor area is w~ere all of the ·Best People on· Earth would like to be. That B.P.O.E. home whic~ is pictured above is the home of a fair share of some ol t~e best men of our ~ommunity. It houses the Temple of the Newport Harbor Lodge of Elks, Number 1767 . They now te!ly a strong 812 members, making them far and eway the largest civic or fraternal organiza- tion in our community. .. It is with good cau5e that men of thts community who bfnded together 356 in n\lmber for the institution of the Newport Harbor Lodg-. of Elh on February 5, 19-49 can boast of their achievements for themselves, and their ordee- and town. It has been the Elks who picked up the \hattered r~mains of charitable ministrations in our community in 19-49 ~nd moulded-a machin4' to administer all needs. The men of the antlered horde can be proud "f the c-0nfidence they have earned fr~ other organi2ations in the community whose 1chairity tt1ey administer. ' If there were no other testimony to the worthiness of their existence, there is the fact that several civic, social, aftd ser- vice groups each year ask th8 members of the Leading Knights Committee to administ~r the funds raise4 by other organizations, You don 't see a lot in this or any other news- paper about the charitie£ of the Elks. They are pure charities, given from bountiful he~rts and noble aims, and without thought or hope of repayment, recovery or reward. .. It is something to behold to see. the Elks of Newport Har- bor, Laguna B~ach , H•J l'ltington Beeck, or some far away city gather together for a ''c;linic-" for the office~s . or a con- . vention 'for all lodges. They have fun, sing, dance and cheer when it is time for fun; but when a job needs doing-they go PlortJJlED BEU>W ID fancy coat and ~ and a.rnyect with the-jeweJa of their atatlou are Uie oUlcen of the N~rt Harbor Lodp of Elka. They a.re at your eervice, all year round.1 They . • •trive to build a better &mlmunlty by livtn1 the motto. of their ltatlona ..• ~. Jliadce, Brvtherly Love and ndellty. TJMy practice th4 Golden Rule aa the law of their cmler. PSictured left to right. bac~ row, Je. Breftlo, =!!: Chauoey Druck, :A.Mt.· m.quire : Robert Tru.atee ; Jamee Ray, Trut.ee; George Pickeri:n•, Trustee: Georp EveNOD, ~: Cliff Varner, Trustee; Cbarlea ~ Tiler ; Henry Vaughn. lntier Guard; Ba.rokt Garland. Organlat: front row, (l to r), -Carol Thompeon, Elquire; Olarlee Lanning, Leading Knight;. Richard Newman. ~ted Ruler; Mel Wai.on. Lecturing Kn!cbt: Bob Willmes, Loyal KnJght; Leland ~ ~ tary; Phil Sullivan, Trasurer . to work with e fervor not o~en founC:J in towns such as •urs. It was the fervent effom of a building committee with able leadership end sound guidance that brought about the building of the beautiful Elks Lodge Bullding overlooking the Bay near the Arches Overpass. That building is rapidly being · paid for-by its members. It is true they may enjoy the us• · t>f e city lot for parking at a nomiul rental, but the service they pro-.:ide with their building, or9ani1ation and fortitude is a beacon light for civic c.ride. • • Their willingness to 'ilia i1i an'y community project is a divi- dend to a thankful community-recurring each and .every week. / _ The Newport Harbor Lodg.t of Elks is affiliated, of course. with the State of Califor'1ia Elks Association which each year has provided therap,ists and equipment and transportation f6r the treatment of victims of Cel'ebral Palsy. They have driven into hidin9 the dread of this afflictiorT end brought into li9ht the treatment and t'\uistance necessary for ih victims to lead useful lives. We said in the beginning tht\t this is the "Home of the Best Pepple on Earfh"-all of Newport Harbor, w• mean. And the home of. the Benevolent end Protective Order of Elks pictured above with its off:cers is proof that whatever you want you can find ~etter here at home. Whether fraternity, ~rC'therhood, friendship. religion, or commod,ities in package fMm,"' all are here at hand. Your local merchants, your local organizations desire to minister to your needs • They provid~ buildings and many facilities for your u .. , enjoyment .and auistarrce. Your patro"!age of your ~n community businessmen ~nd facilities permit them to bettel' 'd • f I provt e serv1c•1 or yc-u. · I THE FINEST -MOST COMPLETE STORE TO IE FOUND ANYWHERI Hlrdware ... ·• Paints ••• Wallpaper ••• Appllinces ••• TV ••• Radio .. A GODCI • Fl'ienclly Place to Shop SUNDAYS & HOLIDAYS • ' • , OPEN 2205, W. Bcilboa Blvcl. . . Harbor 116 Newport Beach I I , . .. PORT :?.'· ~(lR(INll l'[; ll,fAll "A~;J >11/Hl STARTS SATUROA Y \'AN HEFLIN .. ''Putlern1 of Power'' Pl~ "Crime Against Joe" NOW SHQWING r ' "Revolt of Mamie Stover" ... Sun'dey 2:00 . P.M. Dinners DINNER 5 ,OIJ P. M . -9 P. M. Open Sundeys 12 Noon · 9 p.m. .. (cloeed Mond1y1) 2588 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA t~t 1 ltlodl .C.Ot.11 of 8Mta Ana Cloua"7 Club) Pl!tm" Liberty 8-Z4-0S al.o w s. Mal• l!lt., Orur• · LID 0 ('. ··'" NOW SHOWING TWO SHOWINGS EACH !:VJ!;NING Rftrything you've heard about ~•GUYS .i\NO DOLLS'' i1 true. The fame of this great screen entertainment grow• bigger day py day. • SAMUEL GOLDWYI' pralnts Amerie1•1 Own ~(SA .. NDDottS 1 ~N BRANOO.:JEAN SIMMONS ---~ .tlU,l\ SINllRA · VIVIAN BLAINE j .in CINEMASCOPE'and m COLOR .M...,. qltJI • fT\IWI' lA\'I. • •"ft.UY • ;:..NfT UIStl .. ma GOLDWYN GJl\LS ........ A•.,._. 11.-. ,....,; te ' ........... -- I.& AM• 1:11 8«.-d .._ t :• .................. •I I i• a t :ll .w •......... 11'6 .u... ........ ~ .., .. Mesa~ ·-1t1\ ---.. c:o.t POll'TVt _., ROe("!T (\!!,£Tl Oil.AH -• FICill(RT i.:rw:s ,,_,. .\l11r111o~l O'Brien \\ alJ,.r Rr..no.-n '" ''GLOR\'" K kt'• MaL Sat. t ,._. "SIL VER WHIP" · YRt:f: CA!'l."DY Rt.a rt• ltl'~t "'Pd. o.loP. lle ... '1 llG• "DAY OF FURY" • , • . ' Mesa Girls Report Molester In Par:. Ttr:ee 10-year-old rtrlil rer.orl· ett tp Coeta Mesa police Satur- dily that a man had expo~ed lllm•elf lO them while they -..·ere walkinr In Coata Me1a C1ty Park at 2:30 p. m . The ch1 ld1en deecribed the man •• bein1 1n Ill• early twentlea. Thev ••id he 1truck up 1 conver11 tlon "''1 th lb.em at flnil. adllni then1 "What there W&I! to do In l o.,..n." DELUXE LUNCH l'rl.·S.L & Su•. 11 :M 1t..n1. -I :00 p.rn.. • CHINESE and AMERICAN DISHES • 1:00 p.m. -a :M ... m. FOOD TO TAKE HOME The Same Prices the 1' ear Around CHINESE CASINO LODGl AHO llSTAUIANT SHO"'l'J..At.:f: or THE VOA.ST Dancing Every Night DINNER SER V~D :> p. m. 'ti\ midnight COCKTAILS-4 p. m . 'Lil 2 a. m. 12 Noon Saturday & Sunday Special 2 Sundey Buffet 'til 9 p.m. Closed Wednelda~· Jut ioutb of Lacuna HYatt • f Roy Carver Building l\'itb " for '~The Car of the Year',- Things ere buuin' el 1400 W . Ooesl Hwy .-homo of your LOCAL PONTIAC DEALER. Tho public eccoplonco of the Febulous '56 Pintiec hes produced sen-' · •• t1~nal salot records. r~. locel deals. ' m11.de by Rc:y .Cor-or P~OVE _thet no"- is'tho time to buy •.. nevor will your pre· • • tent cer bo worth more then~righl now -in tredo on e 1956 PONTIAC. NEW 1956 PONTIAC CAT AUNA , Hardtop Delivered wl\h Hytln, R·H, i'phlo maay other ....... n.. """' 52490" pht1 l•x • liftlllil Our now Duilding cests it" 1hedow,. ecron the lergest displey of now Pon- ti•c1 we've ever had. Our selection is most complet~in1urin9 your 1ati1fec· lion• ••. When CO<"pleted our teles end service fecil~tie1 will serve your every molorWig 'noed . in keephg with tho 9rowth of tho Harbor Are• . . invest tod•y in "tho car of the yoer." ; Com·e in. tocfey, let ~s prove how easy it is lo own • 1956 Pontiac. . . 'ROY caRVER 'PONTIAC • • 1400 W. Coast Hwy. Yow Local Dealer Newport ... cit Uberty 8-1466 .. .. • ON MOTHER'S DAY-at the 8 o'clock Mua, the Rev. Stephen Kiley adminiltcred Fitat Holy Oom- • I • mtmton to nine girt. and 2:1 tioyw at Our !Ady of · Mount Carmel Chu.rtb -Pboio by Colleen FAREWELL FETE FOR L'f'. cot: Loy LC. Col. Joba Lo7, U. 8. K. C.. who will leave aa<t woeli for aucy ... otlaawa, -booo;::.i a farowel1 wpper lifa7 8, at -the Balboa Commualty Katl>odlat Church. The party wu arn.npi b)' the churcb choir of Which he la a , mimbet. 38 perlONI atteadtns were Dlemben or the choir, mualc com..m.lttee, and their famlliea In addltloa to p,_,.Unr Cot. Loy with a rift, the croup, honored memblra who h&d noted .-nt birthday&. • ' . ans ca --.. .. ... -· --··-· ., .......__ '1 .... lM ,,.,.... ......... •--.. - -_... ........ of U.. Wom.&Ot• AMd-ouWtJ' ODilto't:pUO.al Cbureb Uta'J llW'rins h1n·taa11 th'-8und&y WW tNi '"'I'll• Power of UM Holy lptriL" ta comm...., oration ot ~tecc»t. Lutheran Observance Al t p. ~· lhere wtll b4 e 1p.e*1 meetlnl' launcllJ.nc a Vla- ltaUon Evans.iiatri. prorram un· ... "" ""'"°• ·• "'' ...,.., of Pentecost ot d~. Weimer Bakkela, chairman.. TIM Re•. Cl ark -.Pentecoet, the btl'U!. of tM Harahtleld, eontarence di.reel.Cir Chr11Uan Church, will be abl;I"·· ot 1Yan1ellJ1m, will tM th• lead· ed at bol.h Hrvlcu at NtwPol1- t'J'. , Harbor Lulhvan Cbufe)I 8Ufll4t.J' Mr, Harahfleld came to the at I e.DC1 11:11 L m. J·-------------------------IConrtes•Uon&l Conference l1at Cltupled wllh the ~ yea.r from Rapid Ctty, S.D. He o~ the onml.nr of tha Holy lplr!.t hu been director pt reUclou• will be • •i>«lal bapUsn, rit. education tor th• South Dakota 1.t the lite atrvfce. PuentA Cori1~1"1tUONJ Conltrence t..nd wl.lhing to hav1 lhelr chlldrea 11 a 1raduat1 of Chicaio Theo-baptb:ed are ukfld to pbon1 the . Loctc.1 Seminary. P'or four church office. Christ ·ah·urch WSCS Elects New Board yeara, rrom 1948 to 1~2 he ww Putor Robert B. Gronlund proft"1aor of ni\1(1olll education will speak at both "rvict"a oft n at Yankton COll•r• School or Ule them•· .. If ¥• S. Jll9Ml'" Theo1olY at Yankton 8 0 v.1th th• Carol OK>tr linrtn-S at ' ---------·----· __ 19 L 111. and the adult Chancel C . Choir at 11:1~ a. m. . ew.,A_ 8UJM1ay at 7:IO P.,111. lZI J'1nt &&pt.I.at Church, 19th and Jl&j-Qffimuruon MeeUn1 Sunday for tha nr8t ;.J bo& Bl¥d., \he.-. w&U !HI a .tiowtnc ot "'The Land 'J'tma Forrot." time wlll ba a new youth rroup a rnlaalon....,. coJor-•Wld motion picture tilm,d by Or. Louia T. at St. J 8llles of the Newport /ft'llhtJI COll(T"t-' NEWPORT BAPTIST Primitive Folk Filrii to Show J l. Tal~t. r•thlon, the Junlar LuUl6an t.-.- aJI nnOUnCttmlllltA r1be h WLUI V.'l'.l.llw.nday, aeventh ar-i;ue for the 111itc.h. aeventh a.nd .-------------------------·I Th\1 tum portN,.. tha 1Ue t ...-Ith. dl~tln(l1l1he1 It.Mil tar Eut.«, obaervtn.r descent or eighth rrad•. Open to all ll\lllo • Mother-daughter Fet~ Slated for Wednesday amotll' prtmlUv1 trtbU of th• by wea.rln,g enormou1 and fan-, ta. Holy Spirit, theta will be dent1 In Ult. are rroup, th• J ul\-PAGE 2 -PART I I-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.~RESS utua uown llll&nd otN.-oulnt'• tutic wtga woven rrom the hair thr., ce1at>re.Uon1 of Holy eom-ior 1-Jua wtu meet tha thlnt FRIDAY, "AY 18, 1956 and (1va1 aa excellent cover-.. of their ante1tora. will !HI Mell. munlon It BL Jun .. Eplacopal 8undt.X ef each mont.b. at I p.m. '"" of the tTeal nature.I beauty ot[i"'""""""""""'""'"""""""""""""""'"";;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"';;;;;:;;;;i;;;;; -----------.---------------i th• tnlerlor of th• rurred Ll-l1nd and of th• native life. Officer• and heads of departments in t ... e Woman'• WILL HONOR GRADUATES AT METHODIST CHURCH Society of ChriltJa.n Service,' Cbriat Church by the Sea, ¥ounJ people of the Balboa Jaland Community Matho-~ere installed ).fay 8 by 1'1isa Cla~a KobtatedJ, outgoing dlat Church who will ba craduaunr neii.t month trom ~sident and secretary of spiritual lif e of the Whittier elementary &ehool, hlfh achoo! and eollere will bt honored at a church breli.kfut Sunday, June 111. Di.etrict. Tha annual affair for 1raduatea a.nd their pa.rant. ii Offiter1 cha.en i re: Pre.udcnt, j !tlrs. \Varna Carroll Jr.; 1tudent planned by the commJ.atOn on edutat1on. Mr•. R..Jph \Vataon. \•Ice pre11-i v.·ork, Mr1. Boad Frcltar: Chr11· Commitleenit'n named by Matthew v. Waldallch, com. denl. Mre. Harold Arthur; le<:· lian 1oc!al rt'latloftl, Mra. \Vll- relary, "!rs E11.rl Stoneback: ham Truaty; local church actl· mluion ch1lrman, are Mr9. Lawrern:• Broertn(, lnvitaUena: tre~•urer. 1'tr1. L...eon FersvMn. viUca. M ra. Rach('] wu,y 11.nd Mr1. Dou1lu1 FMTy and Mr1. &rt C. Lowm Jr., dtt0- Secretar1e1 of drpartn1enti In-Mf'I. Wtnlhed Young ; ltteralure, r.tlona: Mr.11 P F Balnea and Mr1. V!!m Smith, f1fta; elude P rornotlon. ,\1t1. John K 1'fr1 John J, Ren, aupplle.11 . .\Ir•. f.lr1. Baine.11 . .\lr.11. Smith and Clyde Shooter, food. Welde. Elllotl; .\l u111tonary education. Georca ~ldner : litatUI of WO· llch and thr RI!\'. Donald Q, Sapp will lf!rve on the prorram .\{r1. Zola Brunt; aplrttuaJ life, men and membil'rthl p. Mra. Oav\d committee. Milt Kohl1ted t; chl!dran'1 work, 11.·. "llultby. AUutinr ln tha ln· --------------------------Mra. May Delo&ler: youth v.·ork. tt&llatlon H.rvlce were tha Rev. Finance Drive Roy Qarlaon and }Ire. A. J . Rutter. RECEIVE GIFTS at B.I. Church Finit otficla.l •~t of tha lncom· lnl' pre1ldtnt v.•a. t" preaent .\1!11 Kohlaledt, on behl\lt of the P•rllh1oncr.11 nf the B1 lho1 l."1· ,.lCl('ty. with a put ;•re11ldent'1 land fi!n . Thi• 1ervlce wa11 J1P ld In the C.:omnn.u11ty Mett\o1h11t ~hurth 1111nt•tu11.ry fol10 11"1 ni a de-(.'burcb w ill plPdge their l1n11n-i•ouonal period led by .\1ra. David cla.I eupporl to the Ch\,ITCh fur ~lollby. Mothers Honored Island Church at tba liM-57 year on Sun91y. 1"hc The day'• prog'ram bPpn '\vtt.h day ha1 bttn dea!gnated u Loy· a worship period in ue Frayu &lty l!lunday. Room: led by ~fr1. C11.lv!n Stll- Prtrrioutly ml'mbr1 ~. <"hurc h well. The bwlne.M .._..10n wu ln :~ ,:;~vnt'~ ~~d t~r~en~l~\lwl~ Godt"H Hall. On the •1enda 'lll'•re atatune.nt of thP flnanc:11I need• completion of report.a and bu1l· tor u.., flJJCal year which bt'(111."1 nt1111 for the ye1r ending May :Sl, Jutv 1 Th 11 bf> .. 1 1.dopllon Of the budftl tor the ~ . ey wi t"ncourq -. coMIAI ~ar· and plan• ,..,.. <tile to brtnr Ul~IT pltd£:• c¥n.111 to 1ummer, Jni;;J.u9Jn1 Ula Mother-ett.her th• 9 .30 or ll a. m. 1rr· 0 bl d.. 1 ,_ b h 11 .. Yice Of worUtp. I 11u' er ,,.,,qua .., e e ;»il.y Th tin&nela.1 drtva la beaded !3, and Junior Cbell Club J11nch· • eon on June 9. by Burt C. Lowen Jr., cha.Inn.an Luncheon '111'&.I iervl!d by S.1-of tha comml11lon on finance boa CL ! He la being u1l1ted by Olt'l re•· Jt~g . Ted R . Hauser. P. F. Batne1. Mr1. Frantil RLlcy and t.I,... CMnton Co.ne. The budget 11 Mt. al 110.242, a $700 ln<'r'•-over the <'Ul'tent year. Honor Staffer of Presbytery Four rnother.!I -..·ere given ape· cl'al reCl>pllton at the two wor· &b.ip IU'VICU o! U1a B&U.O.. la- IRnd Community Method.let Church on Mother'a Dey. Rtcotnll.fd for b r l n r the molht r of nlna thHdren wu Mr1. Ma ry Duhn of Vlnlll(, Minn . who ettended tn• )ilO ~•rvice IUld Mr1. Martha A9ifn. Balboa l•la.lw1. 11M4.hu. Qf Af'tu ctr.lld.rtn. who attcMed tha 11 o'clO<'k •t rvtce. Honor<"d u the younge1t mothrr at the 9:30 Mrvlca wa1 Mr1. Patricia 01la, Balboa J1- land .. At <Ula 11 a. m. _.-v1.c1, Mr•. Richerd Harpar-1 Saal& Ana -d Mra. John Roll!, Coit.a Ma1& wera honored aa belf\I' the molh• er1 of the younr•t • ehlldr.n. Both mothar• have thrae-weell old chlldren who 'lll'era born on the aa.me day. The rour mother1 war• pra, 1ented booka of pltturM i nd poetry dtalln'C' "'1th· a ' mother- hood theme. Nln11 penon1 rttelvl!'d Chril· tlan baptlam at Sund.liy'• 1er· vice1. They w11ra M". Daan Gorton. Thom... Da1£n1a Gor· The Rll.... c urtcm E. Mom-e. director of radio and ttlevl1iori for. nia Loa Ancel11 Pre•byt.ery, II be~ honored by ht1 alma mater, with tha doctor of di· T\.n.Jty dtO'ff at Maryvtll11 Col· lep. lll&ryY1lla. T&IUL M.J'. Moare .. to ba th• commanoamant ~--" th• coller• °"Kay A \ tlerftct bomt :iDtb~l~pmtnt) 'Soul and-Body' &:ience Topic la .. --. 1lllllumed bnuty wWdt .,. I mmpaa •sph.rt -ollr,,.,... au..-r lri-. .m ~ dwtac ..,. ,._ .. -,_ ---s...t ta*. Mo.tiara .. -,.... • . ..t _.. ... idall ~ !O\ !hi n.qwJ llft ,_ .... far ,_..Jfllild,_-......U,.. Of -. Ill .....,. --ta-1 .. .... ~. m-11 for ...... ~ ........ I r---....... ,.. -·· _ ... . ..... ..., ,_ ... - The Chlmbu.a, r.moue becl.uae they ara t.he moet colorful prim• ttlve people yat dlaiconred, hava been photoJT'&phed am.id tha 1plendor of on• • of their trlb&l dancff. TIU'H people liva In lha 1ama jun1ll'lf u do the valuable bird.I of pe..radl8e. The Chlmbu1 ara not.ad tOT their rara and beautltul CMlwnM mada frofti. bi rd of J'9.rad.lH feather.. Th• W.i>ara.t. er w 11man. a ton, Gt'rald Brian Gorton, Mich· •rl J ay Gorton, J oyC"e Patricia Or ie. O.bra Charlton Zollf'r Ogl,, Wllllam Cha rlton Anthony Orte, Mr1. Cha•tar Newtornb and Rat:lly Le4I Newtomb. • .. .... BAHA1I fAITH Prayer Discussion Study Bak&l Temple, Wllmette, Ill. "O peo,le o/ God! Heo'rlu" Mlll.O llwr.I, 111<1 11Nri"J1 of wlucA i.. c°""'wdve to tM k- /lt.-.ro11el!'. tr1HwpWllw. 1t.,c1>1r- 111. azollatto.. olld io/H..u. of al -.e" l1t gftleroll" • • W ......... ,, I •.M. "Wooll1 .......i,.. -f'":"'i o•<I _, el oll .._ W..W, lol19le<o " no .. u l-INl-U 1-1111 llal1Mr tllo-.1 "Boul &Ad Body'' will ba th• .ubjact of lha llunday La.aaon· aannon tn all CbrltiUan llclanca chvrcbaa. Th• cornlaUva pu-.-C.-bl lhl• Hrmon are from the ondAlned putor, ui. BlltW and ··~-.09 and Haallh wun_ Key to .. Lha llcrlptur.·· by M•ry ~ker l:ddy .,..d are directed to- w•rd aplrttualtstnc lha human concapt ot Sou.I and of body. HA.I.I Cenat.'" ~ltet dut ~ _..·lt~••fu.JIWedota~ www....rowl fadlttla For tbtt .._,, )'OU11 llill .. ~ C..MPUI !n.e,_ a 11,.. prtva~ NCntUOll tr-. Hale- ~Park _,.....-ttb ch1bhou.t, U.. lla t...cua .... Jiii'\. pkDk piutoda, ._. .... ~--..ud~ "°°1-.U for t1io.I e.1clu11,.. ple11ura al ••• 4-ACBE --- Included In the aemion 11 U\111 r.eord of Ole .-.poaue P1ul: .. P'or wa k now that If oUr M.rthly hOU91! of lhl• tabarnacl>e were dlhOlvfld, wt have a building of God, ~ hOUIOI not made with l!&nda. etern&J In the hraven1" tll Corlnthlari• 5:J I. In tha Oi,.._Uan Science trxt- book, '"!klen<'• •rid Htalth wllh Key to th' ScrLptuf't'lll'' Mf'I. Eddy amrm1 ... Wh11ri you •Y· 'Jif.n•1 body 11 m1terlal." I N Y with hul ~ B• ...,,.t11tn1 ratl!er to bra ••nt from thr body and ttf be pl"Mtnt with the Lord' ... Araln lhe aaya, "F"ix!n1 your ...._... on th.a n-al1Ue1 i9Uperr111.I. you will rlM to thP 1plrllual' con· adOul!lle11 ot 'belnJ. """" •• th!! bird Which naa bunit from th\ ere and preen1 ll.t W'lnir1 for a 1kywud ntcht." 1pp. 21s. 2&11 The Golden ,..lit ot tllt l.e!llon· lltrmon I• from the P1111 lm11 114:~1: ''My ,aoul lon,..eth. yet. aven fa!nt•th for th• court& or th• 1,,ord: my h"Art and my nt'ah erltlh out for th• living 000."" f!tQ;t amam Of' CllRJST ~ 80idliiST • am "'• u.... ,_.,.. ...,.... A .......... n.. ......... ~,tM""°' O.W-..• ... o...i.t..,. ldMtttt. Ill ... -. .... ....u...- "'"""' ~ ti II • -. ....... , """'-·---q ...... w ...... , ...... 1 ...... "" •• '. " ... t • ..-... •-i.co••o •• n•I ..... U• ........ ....... .. ·-.... -..... , ..... ,.. ....... ... '. . ... . .. -... ,, .... •.• • ... ... , ....... ~l••• •.• , ' ,. ' 0...• M•U<10>1 n.. '"'"'" lo ,.,,.1.111 1• .. !'ed •• •"•~<I "" Qi...,. I.et.I<• ..... WM "'• ••o<ll .. - -···Q---..... --,,_ ·--..... --- UClllTIOI PIU r11 WllUTI -----.. .... _ --__ , -........ ....... HAtEcREsr Campus Estates IN llAUtHUl COU" ~I'" Ho•-... !••••<I I a.~ .. "- k J., "'""" -w.i..., a i..-1.i0..,_ u-, l-7'9J --WWW Mm ..-. --, ...... " . .. _ -.... :::x -- • ' ' ' ' LEARN FROM WATCHING MAMA The school of experience ha1 a wide reputation, and many are thote who are proud to be ita alumni. But there is another school. an elemen- tary school. And though it's Jess her- alded, it turns out eager scholars year after year. It hasn't really any name, and certainly no ivy-covered halls. Classes are held in the student•' own homes. And the tuition iJ a .wealth of love contributed by pupil and teacher alike. B•t this i1 the best preparatory school in the world. For wbatevet it teaches has a place in the life or its graduates forever. ~· •.. r, .• And the rnost encourag"'ine sign on the spiritual horizons of America i1 the greater emphasis now being P,laced on the Bible, priyer, and religious educa~ tion in the school of "wat,hing mama!" ~ {· c ' ) 1 l ~ This. Church Feature Sponsored by ·these Local luslllfts Finlll CHINESE CASINO Real Cantoneae Food to Tak• Out Open Evi-ry D1y 111 Main S~, Balboa BaJbor ZZOS LAUNDROMAT Flutf DJ')'lnl' Servlte J"lni1h~ l.£undry-Dry CleanLns .. %817 Villa Way Harbor 1501 NEWPORT FURNITURE CO. Complete Homa Fumlshtn g1 Z620 W. Coast H\\·y Ll.berty II-UIS PHYLLIS' CLEANns ll04i; E. Balboa Blvd. HvborMll HOMER E. SHAFER REALTOR 108 McFa4dt!n Place (at tllle .-.er) llMbor 140 Ylncent'1 Re1all Drv9 Starat T'IVV locallOl\I to 8er\'e You Udo IAle & Corona del Mar I TH~ IAY Dtl'T. STORI Balboa DICK MACKER Draperle• -. C&rpeta -Uphot.ta7 Complete FNa DecoraUnr Samet 14.ZO \'la Udo Barbor '818 Newport U9ht Plant Service Bm&ll Eil&lna ReptJr--Completa Pump llarvtca '• ' %811 W. Gout Wghway POP'S Famous Steak H- SN Irma and John 8trlcUy .bom• cookln' .I: baJdnl' a11 E. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 5M8 STAFFORD I. SON Electrical Cont.raclor9 110 Rlvenlde Ave. Netrport Beacb Uberty a.ms Newport Harbor Naws-Preu ''Your CommuaJtJ New1P1'1*"' S. E. IRIGGS Electrical Contractor "Good "'1rtnr donn't cioat • , • u Paya" 1:14 • Shi 8L llubor 1175 ART C •. KISTLER <;O., a.Gltors Bay F'~nt l!lpecrau.rta %001 Newport Blvij. N-rt llNoh BarbOr 5'lt8 ' ' I • . I I I ' -' ( ' • • ----., -'".,._ ._,. ~.~ ... ~.:': ... ~-=Tl:o:ICl::::--:-------,R£WPOITHAUOl ~AAT 11-PA&l l "~!!:::!!~L!!~--· t.r. •• a .... ,... w. ~ ·'" iiW FRIDAY i:.. akdl ~ • ci.w ,..., 1 • 01 * ~:if~~·~f~'~;;;~~":MA=:Y=;l~I;, ;1~956~:;;;;:::,;:;:=t! B•tr ,_· _ _..,.. ~ ..,..., tip\ I a lll'S&D ~ 91 .... -....... ~ ~ ... t•UJ l•loM 0-ft.oizza1-L -, ......... t; ... d'lll 0..... ... ~v ll'll ••cl. wm .... • ........ ....wwic1 ' .,... .......... -'* VU ,CU 11 .. onl)'. p ,....... e.ntet1 ~ • at... ai .,._.. ..... u. ....-.u. ..,..,,, -. ....,.. ·"•-. t~ .... Qon"'i19t• ....... .-... wkl ~ 1t-4. ._. ot l• K,,... Ud )la ......... U. &.-.. 1:LLS1t L. mtTA.HT IL &. »)' MU. VIC U(M+•N Reddki rtl t.M H.,....,.._ Mr"f'• lhe)t wouJd .. 1'MJl.....,. ~ ,..t ...... o.ta ..... wUI M ... C MU f ~ -... CllJ' el' K_,.... ._. tJ.•1 k1oe tt ._-., W•t. ~ ... t>d .. paMltat..Mn. Loqi.9 c-obta!Md b'Ollt •••• , .............. ~ • ,,, ' .. lft UoMl4. -~ .. , ...... ~-·~ -.. !"rot Ud ocin. ol '1t.&J nsrnnt au ... mootnt.or for tbe and ..... tlM ~ ·~-Mid lWiOW at L ...U.. '1 ..W ~llior Qowt. xonaa 'l'O a»fta&.Ol'Olll: &aw• • .,.. air.d trM)Jo at \M panel 000 now •1aoc.~ to sNbAe Patti•~,llOl'tUU7 0-,.I °" .............,, J!q 16. DOI. at n •1.eo 1"0POl.ua ~ 'e "°9h'td at u.. tftkie_ot u.. "'Meet Ute C&ad&caatd'' pau1 ,...u. AhMup an u. eaoc11-weu. u. Rn-. ~ r. llud 10:1t •• ,.._ + II.. ot ...., 4ilQ', aty CSwll.. Q()' B&D. atr .. K..,..-t -..u, Calllonll&. aw T:JO dblcuM}o;; of lh• n .. ~lN a&ICIEEI: QUU'llON dalfll .......,, .,... tndopm9al etnd&Uq. -u....ttw w&tlrlta tM dm• u: •'deeilll'.11. • tlM llllll 4-r., Jwia, UM at wi.ldli Umt.....,. wQ1 - CaH You r tor •tat• wmbl)"nl,U 'nd Jn -.n.nver to the qia.tioa. "Do wa• llXtnm .. ,. tm,_,..t aftd .,._ lc..d dlfd rridl7'•t1'er towtd by lli.J', at m RNll'f9il ~~and~ tor ~U,. work u tollowl: n•emblr. ot ~ pr .. , ~J' yw aupport the Bricllw A.mf'lld· would. l"t!'IJ\llN run. fln&ne91. ti Cll Balldl"J.! TaJ w.,... a.w&tll · For the eonarw:uon Ot. • _ CONSULTAJn' •, ::;· rr.vrnln1 al VIiia M9.r1na ~~ ruent 1" 8pmff ,..pu.-be w...uld Sumner alM ·~ the Y\t.al bOma. BM , ... a na .,., l~l. Loa AllC'f:-JT. CaUt°"'" COmf0rt tltatlclft NMr Budl o.mon.trattGM, H lllllltil&Uo!t Relex-K-Cizor _ tau~t. AM"&J11"ed un!Mr tb.e ~ 1Npport the ameodN blU .. doe• need tor the OITUopmfOt of M" lllMbtth, •N. J ,. came lll c..ll· Na. all na-&. UU.. tateNlt ad OllllJ &.ch lft Corona del llodi• wu.oa _ RT•U ..... pltt• of lb• N-port Harbor UMt Jtepublkan admlnlatntlon. tur11.I r..ouree. aad II ~ tomta In it46 and flad It•~ "'· ...._ ot ..W. fta4* A. Guth• Mar. or KTatt .._..,. Womaf'I'• CIYic Lu sue. mean• but h• waa oppoM!d to lh• bill cally poellM(' -UN r.ctucUon. ol co.ta Meaa tor t.bn.' ,y...... SM ~ d111&Md, at tlM U.. ot 'No Md wt.II be ~lftd un1_. tt la made on a JtVpoal tonn llllfe. t>er-ot th• CJ'OUP and ,. ... neral In ti. orfFnal •tale. Amendt. tuea. Re MJd althM.&cb ea:tTa wu em~ b)' Nannco p&anl .. dm.Ut.. ucl all '"-"t, UU. tumillMd bJ' U.. 0\7 ~-'· J:acb. ~ muat w aceorn.Pfil!llild ti11------------T Sf"'Cblon ••" stvt:n an oppor-Ddphlno IUld C&.n'lck Wll!re (tp-money mlatiit be olK.&IMd. t.bal , aD4 111.un.t Jlliat, ..W .tat. <....a. ..,un_. or ...nlft"e fhtck. or 'illdder'• bolld) mad.t J*)'Ulla • tunlt7 to bMr • nrat hand re-poMd and w1i.on Mid h• wu didn't n~ m.u I.be ... at Um• of her death. bu, ~ b, optir&Uon ot to UM CU1 ot N..,,ort Beach, for a.a amount -.uaa to a t 1-..t ten COLO WAVE l'Of'l of th• ~•ndldate'a tndl\tl· not quallfted to Annll'tt. Hmbly bad tb IPlftd U.. money. lkln't1'0l'll ~ lhrM broth•r11. a..,,.·_. ~ othw tua f'll'C*ll (10-A) or U.. ,amounl bid, auch IUU'U\7 to be fOTfelted CO"PLETE dual •l-1 on lead que1tlotu1 of PJ'OPOl'!UOn w recelved &a. 1111· WU.on 1'0l..s to ~tA any JOMph I., Port Huenem•: Jam .. w la add&U.. to that ot' -.i4 sbouJd t.be bt.ddw to Whom lhe oofttract i. awardad fill to -t•r m toct.y. dorkment trom Amendt, W1I-m<>MY I.it 't.ttlt tU&IZtc lh• &1-w.,and JOiia T. lltea4 of N_. Ralpb A.' Outllrldrti at t.be mi. the conu.tt . . Candldatet Job.a Ameadl. w. IGD, Ca.rrlck and Delphlno. Sum• loc•tlon.1, lato • lf!Ml"WJ t'Wld J .... y; a neph-. JOMph L. Ume ot hi.I dMtll. In aad to la acoordance with th• provleioll.1 of S.CUont 1710 to ITll ot $0.M to .$10 -Oecer Wu.on and Brue• 8umAm' lMT a.Id Ol\ face vaJue he would to be uaed ... tM sp«tnc need P'rUdtco 1 'tar-the reat p.repart,r d..ul!Md u the Labor Cod• UM Ctty Council or the Ctty ot Newport Bea.ch bu of lanb Ana. A. J. De:phlno of &cftl with Propoal.UOn W, but became app&ttlft. Btead ot Saa . ' n t follow1 : uoen.ata~ tbe sen..:t pr1tv1.t1in,-rat.. of W9&'• appllcaibl• to the C:O.l.3. i&e-. end Oland c . c ... r. b&cf' ..m atudlad the bill UIDr· Th• queaUon of fl.rtt aller--meat WW bl In HarllOr Ru All \Uld1Yld9d ~ lnl«'-worlc to bl doo• a followt: rick .;>f 8al'I Clement• be:gan U:e ouihly mou,.h to (lve an 11n· lance. whether to .tale 0r cou.n• Memorl.al Park. aet In lbat cartatn property Jo. HO\lrly dl9CU.Mlon with a brief l'Ul.me mtU1ated •tllnnallve. t)' alao eir.hlbltfrd a difference cat.kt ln the Qty or N#'WpOrt CLABllD'ICATION War• Se&le of tnrlr backrrounda. Sue HJtch· The reneral conH!MUA oq l'l• of opinion &moq the caodldate.. S..ch, County ot Orange, 8bte Bricklayer and Bl.Onto M•ton ... . ·-··· a.IO man of the Globe-Herald, Al'VO bt•llal .problem f•cln1 the U • ''The 1tate la pa)'in1 \la, Wit an! UGAL NO'IJCI of Callfotnla. and moN partic· Bnckl..nder ... -. ·····-··-··-·· .. ---·-l .IO Hupa of the Enalcn and Ben Mmbly~. was the devel.op-lo be •late "-"~ft!. and 1 ulaTly de.cr1bed .. bietB,.: Tlh ~~r !Hlt1r1 ........................... 1.12 -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;r !feel ILTat .U.1tance 1089 to the ~ Lot lfi and lh•· 90Uth••I· Eleetrlclan .................... I .fill ' eta~:_ aald llum.ner, "1 ai.o feel · ... A-11111 U erly hall of Lot ll la Bloc:k BruUi Painter ··········---............... I .to '%.,-ehott~ tampered with NO'ftCS TO ClREDITO lit ot "R.-Mlbdl•kln of 8pn.y Oun or Sand Blultr ···-·········"·;·-········· S.lll I vemtn1 c rn.l&Qca Umush'' ESTATE OF KATE :=!~· Coron., del Kar." u abown Carpenter ........ .... . ...................... t .to twi adcted. Amendt fdl, "'!"bat· CROrr. ak& MRS. J. r:.. • on a Map racordlld lft ~ Cem•t J'tniahltl' .......... -.......... 2.TM uvtr la the bulc tww&m&nl&! CROFT, DECl:AB&D f., pa,. 17 of lliaotll&neom Plumber -Lead or Cement Caulker ............ S.M li1 .. t. la th• on.ly &MWer to d'-NOTICE JS HERSBY GIVEN Map«, Racor.U of <>raase Roofer ··-····· ....... ¥. . ··-t .8& ~ermlnt the allestanc• of atate to the credit.on ot and all per· Oount7, Caltfonlta. TIJ• Bet.ten Helper ··············-··· l .M ur county conctimed In the 111-aona baV1n1 claim. qalnet the Bid.I or otferw ..,.. Invited tor ~bo,...,.., General or Con•tructJon . ... . . t.20 IDVlllO HANOI COUllTY Per Diem Ware ..... ·20.00 2fi.H 27.80 ..... 25,20 :ZS.IQ n .u ff.72 22.IO 18.T2 11.80 ue." Carrick dlle1ated hla aJ. aald decedent or Mid nl&te to Mid propvty -d mlMlt be lft Atty ci.u.tncauon omitted herein, not lMa iviance to the 1tate and o.l· nle ·them with the neci;--thry "'"rlUns and wlll•M rectj™ at than ............. . 2.20 11.eo pii1no to the county becau.11e, "ll vouchers 1n the office 0 ~ th• office of MU.chill' and Hlb· ,All bid.I.,.. to be com~rtd on th• H.a\1 of the City Enrtneer'1 la the ('Ommunlt\11 that make Cle'.rk of th• BupeHor court 0 bert. attomey1 for Mid aecu· estimate ot the quanUlte• nf wort!: to be done. BalTCUtlL aba.ra.poo A Mlll.bO Cl.mo J'IKB'8 Bm.Atn"Y BROP 1116 Church lit. rtnt •tnK J:ut ot Newport BfTd. botw._ ltt\i and IOth. Colta 11..._ LI a-M6t --~ • LEARN SPANISH " Spanlllh con~on tal,ISht Ln yooT home or ottlca. lly -f.- polntmmt, lndl'l'lduallJ' ~ 1rna11 rroup.1. Many y..n ........... No 9\udln, PfOlloCl'Ph or J:nslllh. R.at•renc-. J'or In· formation contact J . a . MIJU.- MON att.emoou ~ nftlinl'· William hnn Hot.L not W. Ith It., Loe Anp\M IT lc21 I the •tale, not the atate the tJ\e 8bt• of California, In and trl•, or may be Ned with the No bid wtll be accepttd from a Conlf'&('lOJ' who hea-not been comrnonltLt•.'" (or the Count)' of Oranse. or to Cl.erk of -.Id BuperioT Court or llccnat!d In accordance wtUI the provlllon of CMPt•r t , DI Vlalon ru Ho~· do you reei ,fbout the PrNent the aame. with the nee••· deHver~ to •Id 11Xec1.1trta per-of Bu.ta-and Prof-Iona Code. Right to Work 1 carwlldatee ...,.,.. •ary vouchen, to the und•r•~-.anally, at a.ny time an.r flnt f'1au may be _,,, and lorma of propoaal, bondl, contract. and Z8--81tmU.. W•ted 111kt'd . Amendt eaat hie vot., ed •l hU or her place of bu&t· publlcatlon of th1I aollca and ipeetftcatl<lnl may be obtatn"d 1t the offtc• ot th• City mn,1.neer, ~=~~~~....!:~~~-- SWIMMING 41 4 11TI PUCL COSTA MUI • lllEIT'f 1·1152 y1t1, 11aytn1 every man 1hould nea. to-wit: bafor1 m&kln( Mid aale. Ctty Rall, N_,ort Beech. Calltotnt&. , hive the rl(tlt to work. Sumner Bank of Am•r1ca t 8&1d Kie wtll M made upon Th• ipeclal attention of prospective biddara la called to the Roy 's Maintenance. e:cprelllltd a hlP.llet the inejor1t)' 801 North Main Btr-M-111• foUtnriq tenna: 'Propc»a.I Jt.qulrement1 and CondlUonl," annexed to the blank form 1hould decide the lllUe, thereby Santa Ana. Calltomla Cash. lawful money of the of propoNl, tor l'Ull dlrtlt'tlon• u to bMldln1. etc • C I t p f • I oppoalnK th• blll. Cahick a(tted Attn: Thomaa L. Chann-1! United llta.tH. Th• Ctty of Nev.·port. Be.eh N11nH tli• rlcht to reject Om p 8 • r O elJIOn A with SumneT ·addi.nl that .mona >Jal. Trutlt Officer DATED: £prQ 14, lttil. any or all blda. were dtr,clly rHpon.etble f o t' 'llt'IU!.ln •t. montha after the tlr•t Enuna T. Guthr1d•• City of ~"wport e.cn. Callfomi& T1l11n,. the •tandard ot work en. publleaUm ot th la nouce. becutrtt ot Ui.• ir:.ta.t.e or 'MARGERY 8CHR.OUDER, Qt7 Cluk \.\'11-on Llto •Iii ha 91elleved tn Dai.d May 2· lt&f • R.alpla A. Gul.brid,.., 0... No. 1'81 New.-PrMa 6/11, 25. 1968 the markad •atu. of unklna and Banll: of Amel"ic& 'National c-..ed. • :_:::_:::=~~~------------------I opposed tbe bUL "Union. are no Trust and Bavtnp MlTCHJ:LL .AND RDl!Q:J\T Au&11Uon • J more vicloua th-&n)' other By : Thoma. L. Cbanllell, )' am.. K. Nltchall rroup," he remarked, "after all, Aas\. Truat Officer , Attorn•ya for Eatcutrtx evl!!r)' gi-ou p bu a ipedflc aim Eaecutor of tbe •tall of. l&ld Ml'1'0il:LL and HIBBERT end that I• all Wlllln.I ..ek to d frd t TtT Weet llrtath ltre.t procnote, the bettermut of RUa:Tl'Z1111,.; RUBWl'rZ Loli An,.lel lT, CatitonUa 1Work1n1 condlUona.H Delphlno <\lterM,. at Law No. 119 N..,..Prtu *"-"II~ lo .th• alflrm1U•e de-llll Newport Bh'd. • ~/I. 11, lf., 11, 11, Jl, 11 liM clarin1 no man, ahould be denied N wpori BNeb. C&Hhirala th~ bUtc rlcht. ~:tome)'• to.-r.sMOtor NO'I1Cll JNVl'RJ(Q ·Bms Classified ()w:lal, ... ,,. A.d'a run i. tail W..._..T N..,._Prw 'u... l --· SJ.00 odd'L -.%5 ... ' u... % -.. 1~ ldd'L ·-.%5 ... HouHclea ning Floor wuin&' and buffbic Window O-ntnc Upbol.tery CJee nlnc P&tioo Color Wuetl Luruouo Rault. REA SONABLE Phone Lib erty 8-133 2 "' I do not feel It la 1. healthy No. "" Newa-Pre• Bea.led bldl will b9 r«91¥1d "l t i l h t I di I by th• lkhool Tnl•teM of the ~~~~~~~~~~~:=~~:=~~:=~~~~~~~!-U&J on o a ve a e"f n v • S/<. 11 111 20 lltlf duat. 111 wuatnrton ae-1~1 and • • • Newport Beach l:l 1 m •nt11.r1 diet.ate what text.. 11ehool chlJ-CE&Tll"MJ,'.Tr: pr. •Ull'.NE88 &:bool Dlatrict tor tu.1W.lal Mip- ' u... s _...... z.oo ldd'L -.26 ... 'u... '......... %.M odd'L u--:16 ... GARD~NING YES· we know what we an 'dOlag! We -offerlllg yCMI A· 1 Used Can at WHOWALE PRICES! drcn In Callfc.nla •hou.ld UH!," Fletltkl'u1 nr-}Ii... pUu. la.Id Amendt, "l am oppoMd to mm UNDEJUUGNSD do•• Bib will be NCl.lffd. up to federal aid for Callfomla. 1Choola hereby certU')' that. be t. con· 1:00 P' . .-V..y sr,-ItM, It tM and think thla 11 a localiad duct1ns a retail and Wholeaale Bualneu omoa. IOOO Oll'I' Drl"'- ·~ "'.-.... .&......ru Nl'flll'• 11%o dlllooll9t. OMai .. llbMce _,,. MDDltiX 4D-1a_t u:ma Haullnl' -and odd job&. R.LUONAJJU:: ui....,..,.... coLLilbi 8tu11eU1. 11. I.Aw m .. jor. Would UU employment N9Wl'0rt a.ru. WHkUldt • S WHY? CARP.ENTER .,...., '" ~"-"""'" .. "'" ~ BTcamore .. m, dur· problem and 1hould be handled IPOl'lll wur b~eM at 212 Nrwport BMch, CallfbmtL ll8~p~101~.tol~~1!1!•~6~•~-----l lJ~==B~A~Qc!~!~a~1~8er~~m~~-~~---w1thln the ebt•." he eddfd. Martn• An., Balboa laland, Call· The BoaTd of 9cbOOI Trult.eM I; ( TLll:ln1 a dtfferent Yitw potnt. tornia, Wider th• flct.IUoua ttnn ot th• Newport Seacb &;bool W it.on nh2-h9-telt thtr ....mbly naine of K1rn or C&Womia and Dl•trlct ""'"• UM rlf!!,l to 'f.i.. wouJd be lettln1 the ital• of that laid rum la oom"poMd of Jact an7 or all blda or wain u7 C&Ufomla. ctown. not to Uk tor the tollowtn.s parwona, • ~ lfttonm.1111 bl a bid. Y Newport Barbor RenA h • Work '"'...,. • ""'· .,,,_, ..... To t.1her prove that your local FORD DEAL Is the IEST DEAL! We are offering you these : '54 . CHEV. ''210'' 2-dr. S980 '54 Ford R. wgn. Fordo 1380 '54 ford R. wgn. 0.D. 1480 · '54 fonl Ctry. sed. O.D •. 1520 '54 FORQ Victoria .. '1610 ·53 FORD Panel . . . . 820 THIODORE ROBINS YOUR FORD DEALER f • d' ra I aid tor California nam" ln full and plkee of reiald· • Ralene Ceena.r. Ckrk 1ehoo.._ Sumner ·~ w I t II enc. .,.. N tollowa, to-wit: Boll.rd ot Truat- Amendt and 1treued the lmpo.--GUNNAR 1t. WATBON Newport. Beach tance of l\andlln1 atate IAM.Mi& 1612 Do~ TttT&C• llcbool rn.trict wlth:ln the It.a.ti, r•tber Ulan Irvincl T..erraoe, Newport ll&rbor New .. Pr-eu brlnf1nl' the federal r ovlt'mment Corona del Ma.r, Calif. No. lfto--Kay 11,11, itM Into ••ery atate !Mue. Delplll.oo wtTNUS my band Ulla Ith 1av1 an unQU9 lln ed, no, to UI• d•r ot >Uy, 1968 NO: OP qu•Uon and Can1ck exprq-d GUNNAR E.WAT80N hlm•lt u In favor ot federal 8TA1'1: o• CALIFORNIA ) INTE1'-0ED llOATOAOE aid. COUNTY 07 ORANGJ: )ii. NOTJCJ: II Hl:RDT GIVmf: vrra.AN8' PROIU..DIS OJI' THIS 1tJa day of KA1, A.O. That ROBERT L. CIU.NDJ.Zft Del~hlno ral-1 the queltion liM, betOl"I m .. ROBERT A. and,JO l:DD CllANDLER. Kort- ot varioua vetaran•' ..problem• EASTKAN', '• Not&rJ' Public tn PIOT•. whoel· Mm-. .. ·tNJt which her.to-tore have not bean and tor lb• a&ld County ud Bridle IA.n•. in th• CllJ"OI .Bu. tte ' hdro, Counl7 ol Lot Aq'el..: a nded to. He announcfrd the State, r.klinl lher.tn. dufyecnn~ llafa Of CaiJtom.la, tn\.nd. to or1anlU.Uon or better vtlt•ran•' m'IMloned 'and 1Worn, pa~ Pf'OJTam•. medically and In .en. appYred otiNNAR IC. WATSON mort1&1• to PA.Clf'IC STATE eral . .,oukl be on e or t1,1.1 pr!· known to be to be th• perfD'ft a..t.lfK, MortpfM, wbO.. a4- muy elm• •JI ,,.. 1.-mblyman, whole name la lfUbecrlbed to th• drtlal la Ull a. HawthOl'M W't'd., :..mendt rave hi• •pproval ot within lrultrument, and i clmow· ht lke Cl t7 ot HaW't.hOnl., Count:r "f' · 94 of Lo. AJlse:lu, State ol C.U. •n "equal ~Y ror equal work, led.Ced to me that h• oec\rt forU&. 'Ml• ,Motorbcie.t ·lf'\aytU\" r.prdl ... of IV!:" clauee, pro-the aame, . -..o.lft'•;!'Ttffft·ud that lln IUCVt4 poMd to him by p1nell1t. Hitch· IN WITNESS WHEREOF,· J ~-o4 _,.,.,.. 'of the .&m• wtU bl m•R. ·. !lave hereunto Hl m.Y band and delh•ered Pd Ule 4'1X.-d-Uon afflsed my o«lclal Mal th• day end year in Ulla Oertincst. tint thtN:fOT pald at 10:00 o'c:io.111 aboV• written. A.lil. Oft Ula 26th da1" ol X.7; ROBERT A. EASTMA?( llC!f, e,t Ole ..:row depl.r'tmlDl ... pl ot Uie PACil'JC 9TATIC BANK My Commi.ion '¥ at 1116 a . BawµtorM 81\l'd., lll ~ &emcee • r e pe:ndtq 11 July 29• liM CtlJ of Ha11'tborM, Cou:n\7 of Pa.rtl:..,.Rldley Mortuary Chapel No. 1'9 New.-Pr.. to. Anl(llN, lltat.e ot C&Utornla. DEATH NOTICE MU PEARL HAJlOLD B. P. 0. E. 1787 M..u ....., 'nrurlda7 I p.in. Vl& OpGrto -OIDU'al Aft. .. .._-.. Dlcll Newman. Exalt.Id RWIT MOTTEU'S "AND PEEK TIOl Bola• ' Jwit 8outh of W.t· lldnlt9r Memort&I Park. AA ~. Count, la.utul,lcm tlHWlJ fll.mlliM of all t..ttU T*pboDa (1'11ill ..,..., ZElllt:h 5111 No ctn41 _,._. turned •W'Q' bec&UM ol. lack of twida. l;I '8•''!!'"' - Pain tin g, Decorating Pa ..... Hanilq GEO. BURXHARDT . LlCl:HaG> CONTILA.<.."J'OR. Ll MIU Llbw\7 Mal ~ end&. lltle ~Tout Rom. Need J\epalri..q' !---'--------- • R •n&MQS T c.u rn.nk, LDtilrt7 ...... AD won OU&ruteed ''"' CARPENTRY MJNOR REPAIR WORK KO JOB TOO CM •t1, e.o.- 1011 .. Balboa BlTd.. BIDKal. Rutlor UGO llUc PAINTING PAPERHANGING sXTe.!~r Har. 2'&0f. « Alf GARDEN ING a nd CLEAN-UP JOBS WANTED LI BERTY 8-61 39 WASHING & IRON ING ...,, BJ pl1t1 OI' b)' }IOUT. Wet --.b or roup drJ. i1• ·I: JOtA. C:O.ta Kea. C&ll 'u 1·1629 •tto "FIX-IT" Jltchaftkal and 1:1.acitncal ---AIL WOIUC OUJJl.A.N'l'ZE>. Ba.r'bor ..... GI' ..a J:XPDJElfCED mu would nfe wwk ...-.,.tq-11.t tuechone A dWI• puUae. Loc&I "'· f ywi at Newport TMl!t CU. Ha.r: "11. 10p11 .. for Mn. P1arl Mumford Harold.1•_1_1_1. __ 11_._26_·_•~J_1_·_19_"~----I O.ted May T, JIM. 9en1ai" nit c.nmWllt)' fet Ny_,. or 2018 ll:alt Ocean Front. Bal· SOTICE OP PACD'lC BTATI: BANK. 1111 W. 0.. Hwy. Ola llarlaer'1 HUe LlbertJ ... Jf.71 H-. .~~·. ~~~ T\ieedey at.~~! tl'roTSNDl:D •OllTOAOE MortpcM CEMENT A BUJLljJNG All ...... i'RU ll:STDilTB:S Llllerty MlOll .H. H.'HOLBROOK Dep<md•ble P1umb1n1 Jo. """". G~rdening i.a..i.. -""""'• -"'"°"'"""-u 1-ITH "'======================~~~~~·~-~~-~-~'..;':_;·~-;;..;•~:;-~I NOTICI: l8 HJl!R&BI" GIVEN: By c. A. JJ'URNER ; T11at BEN Rl:DDJCK, Mott· "-'9ta.Dl CUbler Rqair a.rrica Maln.tialud PllotM1 lllrtlOr .... UOl B&lboll. Blt"d., N....,.,n Bell. .... Uc24 SUMMER LEAGUES • --.flNOW FOIMIN11i~-- OPEN A l l E f S. .... OPEN . PLAY AT ALL 11MES NOW • , , 20 AUTOMATIC ALLEYS roa "WE'VE THROWN THE KEY AWAY" o.-,. .,_.. STuJ' ~a_..,. a lleUdaJ"I ' • '\'Wt 'n.e ' TREASURE CHEST For Coekl&lla • Eat Al Ou1 New -~Cat. VAN'S BOWLING l 'ltl ...., ..... Coola ·- pp, WboM a.ddreM la 2211 W. PAt'ltftCl "BT.A.ft BANK Balboa Blvd., In th• Cll7 pt New· ""'' .. ,.., c.Kt. port Beach; County of branse. No . 1 .... 1 N..._Pnu 6/U /M lltatfl ot C&lllomla. lntendl to CD'.l'JftCATE or BUSINUS mortp.Ce to Bank of Amerka n.aue.a ,,_ N.,... NaUonat-Tnm. A llavtnp. Kort-TllJJ UNDEIUJIGNm do her. 1a1ff. wboee addreu " '''' VI• by eert.lfy that ~ . .,.. con- Udo, ln U!• City~ .. !'-:::! ~ 11. .wlMmtftC' pool' build· SPARKLEnS Spring Fnloh W&ter Ball Gallon for lntani UM. Malteo Delldouo Corr .. Drlll1r: • l1UM' • da7 -d imJo7 th• bael of ho&lth. LL S-5012 GENERAL CARPENTER REPAIR ODD JOBS No Jo11 too sna.11. Bee\ of ,..,.,.. •oca. Ll MTTfi tcU Beach. county of ..... -..... taa ~in.. II\'''_ ,lit.It. PSaea. ot Calltomla. c..ta """ ColltomO.. .......,. u.. 2clf FURNITURE All t1ztllrM and ..qu.IJlmaat "' netftMIM nna UJN ot '!'RADS-------------,~......, a certatn a.-pape.r pUbllablnS WJJQ) POOlA and tbat '..id PAINTING J)istinctiVely -•-' bualneu IU\OWn u NrwPORT Kade, ftlpa.I* or rtftlll1lbed KARBOR NSWS-PRE.fll NSW· -.. --..... ...,..... !!'!!"'~ -:01= c. EVEREn SMITH PORT H.t..RBOR NEWMiu:ss t.o-trl~uolf A .lfVNTEA.N .............. and COABTAL BHO~d COK11'1'1lt1C"l'JOH 00 Llcmnia> -lNIUaa> filS • attn at_ NIWJIOl1. B.a.ch ~=~:=:at 2111 w~ .,. 0oeta x .. atrMt Glen n Johnston Har. 4i1N...,... or ..,.enmp. Mell Balbo& BlTd.. In th• ctt7 o( N.w-~~ ..... ~ 1b .. liOl--lllt Bt. N9W]JIOl't a.eh ~UIU>Dl port Beach. Couzity ot Oril.n&'e. ... ,, ... ..._ ..,,. .......... _ ......, llutlqr-ain auc Ex rt R d-1· •••«or c.ufomo.. ... ""'',. ..,. ~.::f;.'~ pe emo _ttt1ng SEAMSTRESS DREllM•IQ'KQ A ALTZRATIONll , Houn I a. m. to I p. m . 111& xonnma. eo.ta x.-. LI~ Mplt · GARDENING 000 JOBI A CL&Ut' UP. HO Joa TOO IM&•J· •• •T HOUR. DAY OR WSEIL MOHTl!LY Ul'D&A.TD UMCllOwU ...... ., ... .xeaited 'MCllrtS..,• of tlMI eame PamtiDI A: Papertu.D.stnc A.ddltw & ..,. ....,...aw will be ffl~ and tis. ~ CONeTallC'l'IOK CO. We do the work our-1ftl. l'.u7 WnM eaa "-.,...... NRY 1tcter.llon tha1'1fM paid at 10:00 llYTHOJU.• H. KUNTEAN IO ~ ..,.-1•~• Bu. -..w MASO o'clock a. m. on .the 2fUii d.17 of IT.A.TZ °" CALD'OIUflA ) U..._. A ...._ l"lfl AM OMpmWr ...._BJ tatMr , -- ... , lttle at the ncrow.d•pa.rt· COUNTY or Oft.A.NOS 1•. ...~ ... ---~ •--· · o• -·,... .. , -..., __ .__ ... ·--•-......,1•rn.~ mertt of UM Bank of Amer1ca r •.cw. "'" ' Ntmat• frM, call Jalmallr. ~;::;;::::;=:=:::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~1N tiortalTr\YtA8avtnc1atM44 A.D. llH, WON me, ROBDT Ll •2G87 6 LI &6289 lH~=r~-~,~~·!..., ______ JlAtp M llO k\6 i vi: Udo In the City of M..-port r . WUJ.MRe II. Notary l'\&Mk' 0-.... .. C-Beacb. ciountr•of 0rlU'l'e, lt.a14 In al'ld tor the -.id eai.tnt7 •ftd 1---~------"-""-J Aloobol"" ...,..._ PAINTING • ot cauromta. State, IWldifts tMnia. ~ erom-Wrtlil P. 0. ._ -· ~ ~ ~.-, ..... • Dated )(ay,JT, ttM IJl•IOIMd and ..... penon&D)' 1'!!"!:::!!!!1!!!!"'!!(.!llw!!!;t!!-!!!!!!...._ """"°" ...... 0... 8)' a..a:..--.~-~Joa. 04. ....,.,... ta/ BEN' llSDDICX Mortppr •PPMr-.d .,,.OllAI H. JCUM. = .._. Jlutior ,,. "'u.;;c:;-~ . .......... .--.. w. N l4M N---~ 6/11/11" TE.AN known ta 111'1• to be °'' . FOR D ~ ... _ .. "' • o. ~ ............. "irubilcdb..t .,~~,.I. - ,.., A. ....,. • lo tlM wt°'1a 1.rwtru..-t. ... lldD ....... l:Lec. DrUll, ~ N'OTIOS OI' a.u.a or a&AL ~~ te .. • uiat ... .a tJ.-ce aa ''" ......., l'SOPD.TT Al PUVAft --Ut..4 U.. ......, rowm, .._ ui.m • m ,.11n11 .1t'llSftalCD'. 1 BOYD'S HOWE. IM TBS IVPSIUR oomrr ti.a ... bwwato .... .,........... -"· CO&a'I' lllCmW.A..Y or 1'ID ITAD' OP CALI-alftxtd .,. ,offtd&I ..... Ur-...,. ~ I-Mil ~ .. •tre POmRA IX 4XD roa "ma ~ ift tM8 ~ r1nt. oot.'NT'f OP ~· ·~ Wi1lta. (X)MJ't.STE PA.Ift"l1NO tn the M••i-flt UM Dtata at I •! KOBD'T r. WD'M&I A: Daw H•nciac~ ULPH A. oUTbJUDO&. My O•nnw.ton ~ .. .......,. OecM.Md. NOWftllti« IT, tH1 'C1.l'ODWI 0. aA Nof'lca ta ,_.by rt'f"fll that Mo. ltU H_,._rr.. toe IUt ltne\, 11....,.n -.cb tb• W'l':lft'Slped. u ea.en&UMlt/11, II, 1/1, I. llM alatllliW *1t Uia Lin STIJDE!ftll .. Hmw --OI' t...9CJTUW WWh .... 'J Oft. LOWm£ P AUL WADU!l lataeet.. ....... ~ ........... i..ac-a 9-dl. Pl14a)', 11&1 1a,-..,a:tt p. 11'1 MJ"..-Y of autJ.. )la)' 11--1 :tG .-. .. DI~ .t o..ta.. ,.,_, u ---tpli • • ~ ... ~= ow.~ cwt.n- 1. ,.. -. a t..ntt u,t1, HOUD CL&.A..JfDf'O. t"c'rw1 A OOe1'a, oN WU! I I W'fM. - · 1C1 ...... U,1• . ... GIRLS <?OOP NEWS! I 0000 Joaa-:.oooo aALAJt v wtth f~ut:Ot mer..-In a eomS-ny that actuUy •ncour .,_ lldvanumenl. "1LL PAY u you are trained = COMPLETELY RE-BUILT $38.50 UP REFRIG with re-built AU new rul<eta. li1H1ay guarantff $64.50 UP unit a. Doee JOUI' empk>yw ta• Yo4.1 for adnnc.mel T • a. Do )'OQ ha•• ptJd Y&C&Uon, llOUda,7' ud l1dl ..... ., 6, o;, 1QU WOrk C~P home! ---7"-' -- 6. Oo 7ou ba\e oomp&n)'·pald penalon, life lntur~ and other beaetJU T c1f. 1111 ~ Bay fum.tfure IDAt 8UYS -·DO IT YOURSELF ... ..,,,_ ... _ .... ~~ Q' W\AaSow llChoonitr al I HI Fl w.atta ... • c • .._--.... _.. •. ~ l'CIOlal· a b.~ Uitl· .. Lii ~ 1°"" 9W:r:'~ !:!! •tteal b;'j l)'lltlm -$~ Al!lU> YOUR O\YN Hl • n 11 JOU .,., PfDeai. o1 sis-is NfW 1a· 4 •1... 1. : (Wllmsnilft. ,11111, N~b ,. ,., month. I PC. 81CTIONAL, tO de· curv· · ~ '1: r-pU.y, I llanrwn-Ka.~on AMo-rM lWl•t' a.. A.H Slxlrq• UO to. N.aJn. ect c:•tu. Du1'9ble. all.r&cU.. new .. - . U .000 ampUL&ttt. ipealr ... ,. record 8al>t. A.a&. Pl\OS>e Kl a-mi. ;.~ALt•p; tl' Orttn. Dolphin aloap, nticrl play•ra. C9°'41 in Ut4' ... tbam. at BAT SUl.00. irt ... bllll, top cond1U.On and We wtU help JOU MMmble IL NEW Nora-• 1a.a ranee.. WW tall• ,ud work. fumltv.n or eaah. 'R-..c>nlblf, LJ l..N02 ev ... lOclJ SILVER 8 PC. LIVING ROOM GROUP. uctllenl for• d.ay •all-I 'DAVIS-BROWN IJ'\S .... . •P~ I llU R&rbor Blvd. 2t' Sport crul!Mlr, teak dec:kL COllt.a w ... -LJ l..S4'T lritn 4t cabin, h~ad. Slp1. 2 ------------ tlah chair and tank, 76 USED Plano.a wa.nl.eQ. Swa p btauUtu1 ........ ____ ....... '3.9~ your allent old piano oo a . Hammond Chord Or1an Ht1h· -Opentnc• IOT - Tele5'\ione Operatora. ALSO WHEN YOU WORK FOR 1900 1"1CPSTER-one ownu natchulcall)' ~rtecl. TRADE fur hou.e t:-ailtr In &ood oon- dJUon 118 JC. Wll.llon. LJberty 8-7896. 1 lcl3 Modern i>t-d divan w ;mat.chlna' comty dub chalc. 2 11.tpend. 1 cocJcta.lt lablt, 2 3-Wa)' table lamp&. J 6-way noor I mp, $26$.60 VALUE AT BAY fltUO Rtchardaon Yacht ut ca.ah allowance. SCliJ41DT Anchora1e · PKIUJPS 520 No. Main. -AJ1P11 - 1:30 to • 30 p.m 122 W . 3rd BL Sant& Ana PACIFIC TELEPHONE SOME FREE, aome fee AppUc&nu needed. many office joba Alao 1 t1taurant and domesllcs. Many Jub!I tor I qualltled men. Reg'Ult~r now June Farrar Em)1 A&'<'Y Plenty of t ood clothing 1U1d ahou tor tho ent11e f&mUy. Goodwill Industries 4£7 W. Hll Sl , Santa A11a DESI<S-FILES-CrlAIRS Orangt> County'• 1.&1 &est St>lecuon Leopold Execuuve Furniture Slttl Office Furniture •02~ 32nd St, l'\pL Be111:h I ANAHEIM l&croaa from City Helli OFFICE FURNITURE CO. RE.AL ESTATE SALESMAN -113 S. Palm KEyatone 6-&822 w&nted for eslabllaht·tl utflt:e Muat have 1ocat ex~rlenct Call BOB JONES, Hubor 2313 12\.H BJ:RVlCJ!l Station altemlu1t wanted. Full lime. 2100 \\. Balboa Blvd., Newport &1H II 1 kl :I Beacon Personnel 1~ employer retained agency No Fu collected from •ppllc-anl •U·lU.at Newpott Bea\.h Wanted boya 10 to H )'tar• o! &(t. E'or Ne\\s-Prtll!I rout"• to be open aoon. APPLY .Mr l'a'rk· er, 2211 Wut Balboa Blvd .- Newport t! MAINTENANCE MA:-1 -t In" . auxiliary ~a1lboat f'ull 11111e I year round Job for right 111.111, Wrtt" Box R -38 care or lh1s paper. t11t1~ EXPERJENCl<:lJ Ll';GAL St'cre· tary. Harbor 2787 I l cl3 PART TIME JANITOR O<ld J<lb9. • hrs .. 6 days, a Wt!ek. See Mrs. '.laugh11n, Robt-rt Vaugb&n &: Co. 426·30th Sl. 12• Ji MARINE or automnll\'t mt{h• anlc Steady employment tyr top man. E ng1nu. l nc • 2400 Newport Blvd , Newport Be h liarbor 129. 12cl4 Wf:DGE\\'OtJD 1ange $6:1. G<l<"1. dean cnnll1ll•in 9 xii J" all w • .ul .:ray pa!lem rug Ll 8-~912. Jlpl2 May Ii-18·19 HI ·MM At.a : SALE & nl'W d<Jth1n g clol'e uut 1 Al thl' Dee Lrnn Shop, 1700 Hlk Ne'Apvlt Blvd. nt'11 r Safe-1 way Bela Sign.a Phi be'lPflt l lt' 12 ---..----O!"E 1111 wool t..108dJoom carpet Ro.~,.·~l~I' 12 '< 12 pad In· du1fr•l S~ l11<r 185~. lkl2 Fresh Hearing Aid BA TTERI11:8 We 01ve S&:H Green 8tamp1 Gllnderson Drug Co. HM bor ~15. Pr M&l.D St. at Balboa BJ..d.. Balboa Movie Proiectors FOR RENT 8-Mi.£ 16-MM 3~MM H OBBY 11.nd MODEL AIRPLANE SUPPLIES Mears Camera Shop 178:.t Newport Blvd., t.'011.& Mua Phone Llberty 8-7()42. pr tt COOK WANTED. SM.aide Malt Shop. oaJ1 In peraon 2100 Attn: Property Owner! Ocean Ft., Newport Are you neglecting your water EXPERIJCNCJCD l&dy llckf'l clerk tor Or9yhound Bu11 8111- Uon. Appl)' Lii peraon 3200 W Cout. Bipway, Newport Bdl. 12tlc htater ! LIMITED OFFER $2.50 Clean, dr&Jn and adjuat your water heater. Call your DAY 4t NIGHT U..OY DISPATCHER for Yellow AUTHORIZED DEALER cu co. Muat tie tbort1ughly JOE BECHTOLD famillar wllh Ulla Me&. Apply Plumbing ln penoo 3200 W. Coul Htgh-1 Bae. MSO wa,, Newport Beach 12ltc ------------ Junior Draftal'\)an t monlh. mec:han1ca1 dra!Ung •perltnc-. 0 o o d lellertnr e:tMDU&l. brtn1 ampltt '·1a- • V&l 17th It Placentia. LI 8-2201 MACHINISTS General all around uperlence. lte&d)' work. Some overtlme. A8111 for Mr. Burdick at OILL ZU:CT. MFG. CORP. 830 W. 17l.h St., C0&ta MeM. 7C20 C'Li:.ANING woman -a hr11 .. 1 twice a week. Mu.tl h&VI' own tr&MportaUon. Ha':'. 4749 11r P.O. Box ~. Corona d<.>I Mar. tlc13 DRY CLEA.Nl?'{G PRESSER Woman ft11' ~rmanl'nt job In our new N~wport BMch plltnt Must b4I f\Jlly Qll&llflt'd 4t ablt to pre• au typu of cannenu VacaUon 4t Holiday pay. Phont Kl 6-5603 tor appolntmtot.. Sanitary Laundry 4t Dry Clean1ni Co. 1101 W. Cout H\ibway. Newport Beach llc12 CHILD car•, live ln. a&lary. Liberty 1·1440 atler 6 p. m. • ~Ur Sit N' Kint ST ART Glll·M&.ktnl now tor Motber'• Day-tat.bier'• Day- BrldN -O~u&Uon -Birth· day1! Nrw yama. ltt'aWll and corde. 313 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Har. •1122. 32Uc ltAKE OFFER 8 FT. DELI CA TESS EN ca11e ONE large commerc. re!rl&' 1 SCALES. 1 GONDOLA <.;all LI 8·6783 alter 6:30 p. m. -or w .. kencl.a. r title: VENETJAN BLINDS, METAL Uke new. Two 7 ft., 8"x7'-tl". Two emaller. Coat $85. Make offl'r. Harbor 316-M 12p ------------HOUSEHOLD FURNlSlUNGS, 1k11he11, •le 1713 Miramar Dr, Balboa. 12c ~!;-ArJ>lluOM AUTOMATIC WASHERS .AS LOW AS $69 Thor-Blackstone· ABC Fr1gidaire·Apex-Dexter MAYTAG • WHIRLPOOL Tllt'11e are trade~ln.1 and noor Mmple ... Tiloroly ncondltloned end ruar.nteed. Delivery and ln1tallaUon optional. CIOMd 8Unday JESSEE APPLIANCE CO. B;c:th•m CouoUf'a Cu Co. ln treaUnr anployment. nO\lr otfeNd to H. 8. 11&duatee 18~. 6-dflf, •O·hr week. Apply 1030 m. F1rat St I Suta Ana. M.on .. to Fri .• 1 :30 am. to • p.m. DOlLAR H&1 bor :le9, Lower road to• Santa AnL Cor0na del l.la.r2 -4-.-. _!._t_O_T_O_R_O_L.A. __ t.a_b_le_m_od_e_L 10c12b 1 9 5 e model floor demo. $219 95. SOUTHERN GAS' COUNTIES c 0. WE GOT IT Rebuilt & Repaired it 4 ROOM8 Furniture whlcb Lil· cludl'I 10~ Ptulco bl& IC:'ttf\ TV, 7 pc. dining room, hot· point. auto. wuher, beauu.tul uvinc r<'Om dtyu • chau With tablH. lamps, etc •. com· plet• bedroom with mattress & hox •prln111. Pd. dn. to $691.12 with no caah dn 11 8 PC. MA PLS WOOD ARM VOUp l'Ul\llllllS Uf IOf&, plat• form 101 ker, 2 atepend, l col· fee lalil1, 2 wood ba..se maple lampl, I Ruffle atiade.). Floor lemp. $2S9~ VALl:E 1t BAY $189 VALUES v MUST BE SOLD 2102 No. Main, KI 3-7100 81U1L& Ana 10cl2 32 ft. CABIN. htad, arall~y. 1ltf'p1 four, Chryaler Crown-121" PACKARD BELL T.V. - ka1l lank. Ideal tor pleuu~. I RaJ10-rKord player oomblna· Sport fllber 01' charltr. $3500 lion. 19~ model -U~9.~ tull LI 8· 71118 8llc P• ic~ 2102 No Main. Santa Ana 1'.JSHING boat 211 ft., Grev Kl 3-7100 10c12 ma~1ne engine. Readv !o.1 f18hlng $1 .MO. He1. t86~ 2 ELECTRO!'l'IC Orga.na like nl'w, our price only $S7~ up SCtiMIDT-PffiLUPS Bl&' Or· ~an It Piano Store, 1120 No. M11m, Sant.a Ana. One Solovox $1~0. you pay the pymnt..a. of J:l 72 wk. c llcl3 . Are Tired Keeping it Set Baughn• Factory Wli~ehouae, 1016 J!:. J'uat St., Sant& Amt, Open 9-9 Dally, Bun. 11·~. MAPLE STEPE!':[) OR COFFEE TABLE~ $22.60 VALL:~; AT BAY $~.60 H FT. GL.ASSED plywonJ boi<t Wlndahleld, oara, 11teer1ng f11r. ward. 1246. 1949 Fedt!!1tl. Coata Mtaa. LI 8-107 1lpl3 Slashed Our Prices On . it You Come & Get it COMPLETE .HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS CLOTHING FOR THE ENTIRE F A.MILY "BUY WHAT TH!: BOYS REBUILD" Open Mon., Wed., Fri., Sal nites 't.il 9 VETERANS INDUS~ 402 E. 4TH Ratta,,, Wrought Iron, Patio Furniture Complete Barbecue selection of Wrought Iron Furniture. and Bra.zien, Lawn Swings, Garden and Beach Umbrellu. BAMBOO ORA W DRAPES and TROl>ICAL Floor Coverings. BASKETS of all kinda & Unusual Gift ltem1. Canvas and Aluminum Awnings. SANTA ANA TENT & AWNING CO. 1626 S. Main, Santa Ana Kl 2-3M~ Free Delivery OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS TILL 9 DAVIS·BROWN 1885 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa LI 8 -3~37 , RANG~REFRIOERATOR AND WASHER $:s DOWN -$6 WEEKLY NORGE AUTOMATIC WASHER MAOlC CHEJ' RANOll HOTPOINT RJCFRIOMA TOR $6 DOWN DICLlYmRS ALL THRllll Out or State credit. cleared In ont day. Upen tvery nlg'ht till 9 p.m. CI011ed Sundaya JESSEE APPLl.A.NCE CO. 1013 S. Main Santa Ana Kl 3-8348 12cU COLDSPOT wltb treuer top - F1rat clau condition. Alao apt. 111t" 1a1 1tove. Uke new. Har. 117~. 12p BRA:>:O Ntw Nore• rr.ur. The BIJ 1' cu. ft. one that hold1 ovpr 600 lbe. food. all color Interior. pull out ~et.a, ahelvet in door. Pd. down lo S2S8 68. No ca1h needed If )'CIU pay the pymu:it. of $13.45 pt'r month. SH AAS Stora1'9 120 8o. Main. Santa Ana. Phnn• KI S-7201. . OVltR 3000 19~ Rttrt1ento-1 jl.18t come ln. Some wttll crate d&m•I'• with up to $200.00 off. Prlcea et.art. f.1 low u $129.00. Aho auto. wuhen. For lnat&ncf 19M whirlpool deluxe pd. dn. to $149 e.. with no dn. pymnt. just p&y SS 58 mo. St'f' Bau1bn1 hctory Wa-:-ehouar. 1010 E. J'tnt St., Banta Ans. Open 9·t Dally, Sun. 11-~. Phone Kl 7-5-487. 1954 PHILCO Refrtr•rator. A bl( 10~ cu. Ct.. one pd. dn. to 1198.10 with no dn. pay- menL Aleo 196e Wedcewooct Ranr• CP all automatic with roUaMl"I• pd. dn. to 1177.92 No dn. pymnt. 6 pey only O'KEEP'lC A MSRR11'T IUnp. ~.00 wk, to-: both or <."an Ttle 811 Cl> aU a.ut.om&Uc With buy Mpa.tal•IJ• lht lift up 110. atmmt~ bumen, 8" Baufbn• hot.of)' wa ... houte, Bir onn A t.hal QrUl Broiler. 1010 m. nr.t 8t., Santa Ana. Pd. Down to 1118.H. No ciuh OJ*l 1·11 Dally, Sun. 11·6, n~ed If you tale• ~ pymnta Ph<>M Kl 7-6417. of JI 29 per mont.b Phone KI 7·M87. AT RA TT AN Furniture 1 aectlon&l. BABY GRAND PIANO. CompL rl'flnlah'd and recondlUoned- Fully g'U&r&nlted. $890. 3 yn. tu pay. 2 enu t.ablu 2 lampe, 1 coffee 6 pc. CHROJ\tE nr w.r. DINErtE PAODLEBOARDS table 1 ctub chalr-1 lar&e rnund dininr table 4 4 chairs set, JOx 111 Mica top. exten.alon 12 n ., $39.60 -bar alool -$;$00. :I Heywood, table. 1 foum rubbtr teal 110-Jiuntin&"ton Ave., Htg. Bth. Wake!i~ld twin bedsteads $65. chair~ Luuit ••• floor trUpply. LlCXin&"ton tl-{792. OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 p.m. ESTF:RN CU , 33H E. Pacific C'out Hwy , Loni ~ach - HE •-h~7. llc12 2 oak model n end t.ablt11 & 1 $89.60 V .ALL'E AT BAY $49.~ cofr~ table $6:l l maric ~hd 6 DRAW!-.H llCJl'BLE DRESSER table lup a love 126. 1 \\ e.t· 1 Salern t •n1~h. Pt ovmclal bra.a& ingh•>U•r retrl1. $25.-7 · pcs. pulls. ma.ster ~drooin aet dllTk wood $e3 SO \'Al.l.E AT BAY $49.60 TRADE BeautiM 70' aux. •chooner, go anywhere. Excel. tor cha.rter- Wa.nt amaller boat or property. 1220 W. Balboa Blvd. Newport. liarbor 3032. 83ltc HT·Fl Motorola mahog. ha.a. FM It. AM Hammond Kar- wood tuner $U9. S16<), 3801 Seuhore Dr, New· 1 port. llp14 • BAY 8 re n F {1ROOM CROUP. In· elude! 6 d"' r. double dreaaer, 30X40 1 irror, 2 night. at.a.ncl.a, book1 "'" headboa.S. Ouar. WANT TO B\JY ALBATROSS or Mercury icloop &ny condition. Har. 1696-W 10c12 2102 No. Main. Santa AD& Kl 3· 71()() l0c12 Knowlton Electronica TV REPAIR 3 PIECE Divan Set. 8uut1ful nPw wuh11ble fabric, 01\an make11 Into ~d matchtn& chair h•~ 3 poellloo back. Brand I nf'w In atoTa("· Balance c1ut $149 i 9. P11y only 1ma'U month· ly pa)ments, I Inner~! 11ng mattres.a, matchJnc s~" AAS Storage 220 So. Main box 111 ' nir mf'te.1 frame. Slip & Rowboat .t. RENTALS FAST SERVICE, REASONABLJ!I Service call.a till 9 p m. S&nta An& Phone Kl 3·7201 S2tl950 VALUE AT BAY '171.60 Space for Rent u 8-~206 Mesa Woodcraft WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED anothu ahlpment of aectlon- ala Comer deak1, book ca.a .. l"pen A alldln( door), 3 drawer chut 18, 26, 30, 311 lnch. Cen· tet f"'ldtd drawera at \'try low prlc•. 30 INCH bar 1tool1 . .... $2.75. 2121 Ilarbor Blvd, Coela M~ LI 8·1M6 HOUSEFUL of Maple tw·111ture that lnclud~a l1vlnr room dlv&JJ A: cha ir, nice dlnln&' 1r0up, bedroom ha.a poller bed wilh waronwbeel d.reuer. Theae have only bttn 1tor"'1 • co.to yo• only $528.88 • pay only le u .. wk. SH Bau1hn11 Factory WC'ehc>UH, 10111 E. P'Snt St., Ranta .Ana, Open 9'-9 OaJJy, .Son. 11·5, Phone Kl i..6487. FURNITURE Oven I <at control, ' bumer1, broil• $109.50 \'.\LUE AT BA.Y $78.:10 Bay Furniture. DOUBLE Box 1prtn1• • mat· tress. exlr& lencth. 12:1, - Lawson couch, $1~.. 3 u.ay chain, $4. each-Har. 0818-M. llpll American Legion 215-l!'>lh St. Meeting 2nd-4th Wed. 8 p.m. PRt MAINSAlL -ALL !'YLUN - ~! •6' 7'" Foot 20' Sl50.- Gene Bolin, Villa Marina, 8Up No. 12. 12c 16 FT. GL.A.SSPAR BOAT. ·Ply· wood deck, 25 h p. Johraon, controla It alffriJlC $800. t.enna Su at 446 San &!rnarc:llno. Call LI 8-5135. 12cU 26 FT. CABIN CRUISER, ma· ho( h ull, 120 hp. Gray, 11!!!1!9& 2. lnclo~ed head • .Aux &•n•'ntl· or, bait ta.Ne. equip lo i:<> 21" TRAVELER table model romplttl' with table $H9.95 tull price. 2102 l'\o. Main. Santa Ana Kl 3· 7100 IOcl 2 PIANO BAROAINB -Bungalow -piano 11'5, pay.menla $8 per rno. Console piano $266. P11y· menu $10.83 pe1 1110. PIANOS FOR RE:-IT. H1•ntal aflphed agatn11l pur~h11 l' OPEN EVENINr:s TILL {I JI 11'1. ESTERN CO , 33H Jo: 1'11 1t1c <'oa11t Hwy. Long Uurh HF. ol ·7ill7 llr 12 Knowltein Electronics TV ANTENNAS !Clear &!am -Ht Cami FOR SALE _ LIDO ISLE. ocr in.tailed complete to your nt. ahor• moortnc near bndge-I $9. 95 $18M. U 8-TM2 or LI 8·39110 12cH Har. Ote~M. 12tfc LI 8-520~. J9ttc 9 IT. RED Davenport, 2 yrL old coat $600 will 9fll tor 17~. M--111~ Radio, .I TV LET th• KI D 0 I ES lesm Har. 0063. ) lcl! acc-ordlon whllt Utey luL Like ntw 12 1>8111 u ·cord1one Your Radio -TV Specials choice 12t1. nrm• .. 1ow .. FIVE ROOMS or Cood furniture con11lstlnr of: O'Keete 4t Merritt ra.nce. Jar&'• retrtc•ra· tor, dtnln& room eel, 10-pc. llvlni room eraemble, 2 bed· room 11et11, just repoue ... d Balance due $379. Pay $3.50 a wePk. HUB FURNITURE 1100 W. ~nter St, An&helm KEy1tone 0~028 ORIENT AL rue with pad, 11 x 24. Rt'd backgroun4. Very good condition. (92 E. 18th Pia~ off Irvine, Colla J.fua • l0p12 A HGUBEJ'UL For $28 a rtio. 19~ GE Refrlf,, 19H fU.11 t lH automacllc ranre. 7 pc. u--. Rm. &'P· ti pc. bedrm. co~p. ~ pc. dining aet. All brand new. $34 dn TECO FURNITURE OPf'l1 Mon . ~Ved. A: Fri. Till 9 2509 W hL SIUlta Ana 10t!c FOR BALE Cheap -Kitchen cabinet.a, Flshln&' tackle. Rods aud Reela, Bed Dan11port & chair. 1 Green oventu!!ed chair -2Barrel chalrt. oc· e&alona.I cha Ira. 4 dlnlnl' 'room chain With ITll'D plullc meat.a. 2 twin .ts. roll around bed• with m&ttreuea. 1 lW'll\ aiu coU Rprlnr 4t lnnt'r 11prln( maltre11 -l walnut Jenny !..Ind bPd & drt'tHr. Llnolt'UJ1\ ~ per mo. COMPLl:TJC iltATEUR HAM SHAF'ERS !Since 1907) radio and tr&n11mitter with microphone, from 10 to 160 421-423 N. Sycamore, Santa Al\& Phone Klm~rly 2--0e72 • met~ cotll Sltl6. ------------· ORAND Plano11 many llke new. SEVERAL TV'S that have bffn oomplett>ly rtbullt lnclud. new picture tut>t. • 17'' Adl111raJ conM>le ·--·-169 95 19" z.n.llh con.aole ··--J 7U:S Hoffman conaole ........ 139.95 TV SERVICE $2.00 ANTWHERJD CALLS Television Salei and Service Lill 9~126 sue 21" MOTOROLA meal con.al!. 1954 demo model 1199 9~. 2102 No, Main, Santa .Ana KI 3·7100 lOcU 3 SPlNli:'I'S A: 1 Ora.nd, miall Muon A: Hamlin, e.xotllent condition. Story A Cla.rk. l<l'abe, Edmund Oram, one only $435. Another $49~. Many other wondertul buye ln planoa. Come! Look! SCIDCJ.DT-PH.llr UPS Bi&' Pl&J1o Ston, lanta Ana. 620 No. Main St.. 100 Pluoa; Home .i ~ Ham· mond OrpA. MAY ORGAN SPECIAL8! B.anunood 8plllet orpa la per- fect cond. Save $300. Lovely EleclronJc Spinet or&'&D Uk• new. Save $600. BeauUtul Blonm oa.k CuU t manual Mlnahall orpn w1lh 25 pedalboard. Save '225. Liberal tradea, Contenlcnt terma SH A FERS (Since 1907) 421-423 N. Sycamore. ,Santa AM Phone Klmb«I)' 2--0e72 Orange Count)"• Orsan H dqtra. cue ~mace ln ahJpplng, fr~lght co. • tact.or; pa.y, you H': 11ave big money. SCHMIDT· 24. PHILLIPS 620 N. Main, S . .A. 17" 11" Table Model ....... -···' 22.!50 Sylva.nit. Conaole -Ult.93 Olympic Conaole ·-··• 09.00 Puka.rd•S.ll. new BEAUTIFUL Oufbranaen 8ptnet rent&! return. like new. Save 1100. U~r~aJe. Convenient tenna a t plrtur~ tube ... .. -· .I 8&.00 Big Trade;in.a on new RCA Victor TV'1 SHAFllRS (Since 1907) TARTER TEL~"SION i21~2a N. S vc-amore, Santa Ana .:.vJ Phone Kim~rly 2·0tl72 2ill)6 F..ut O>aat Hlf"way Corona O•I Miii' -1 J pc. ~ l 23·28lh St , :'\ept Har. M111 Bch. ., HAMMOl'D Or1an1 \l.l'Pd. .A lOpU rare opportunity. Ont! fantOUI ------------CHORD ORGAN. one BV IMPORTANT NOTICE-ft~ MUed Splnel pta.no. P&)' ba.I· aac• $SU. M.clGU1ly fl&1Jllen l.9 11'..M. Home Model bot.b llkl' nrw. _S"t-_t\_-_An __ f5..._oee~---A..· --· Don't. wait If you w~h to make a s'OOd 1 a ., I n c °'1 tM 1'Qrld°a t t a e 1 t Or~ 8C'HMJDT • PllJLLIPS HorM or Ute H.a.mmond Org-an, 620 No. Maln St., Santa An&. C<>od Term.. St! mo. Tall Gable Country Bouae AN'J'IQUF.S Nice variety authmUci anUquu, colored 1rlu1, bra.u, copper, pewter, lamp-. furniture, trom lnaxpenldve gllt it.em.a lo t.b• flntlt It rar.-at for the collector. KA TMl\TI'f ~N JOBNI 1'771. Harbor Blvd., 8a.nta Ana T2ltc OPEN llVZNDfo.I T1U.. t p..m. l:STERN CO., 330 I: Pa.ctn. Coa.at Hwy,. Cillo.I Beach - HlC 4·i"67 Jlc:ll Pl.AYl:R piano BALDWIN com• ~l" MOTOROLA. Blonde HJ.rt pletely reconditioned, pla.71 con110lr. Wu a demo. a real ...,. rolla. Fun for family ~ t&r -tMt.llO lull ~ room. $87& JUcbard-Y~t 2102 No. Ka.In, lanta An& AnC?h~. liar. •923. 2tfc Kl 1·7100 l0c12 SPINST PIANOS. All ..,ndt'rlul $5. PEI\ MONTH rood pra.c:nce bu)11 man1 111Chll1 uMd, nnt· piano, let the kidd.l• lnm. SEWING MACHINES Rent A Machine $3.50 PER MO. SH A.ta Stora,.. 220 Bo. Matn, 10\3 S. Main KI 3·8341 i.anta Ana. Phone Kr 1-7201 Santa Ana U<:U ------------ lt6e WtOOICWOOD R•nr• It• the Bir CP all auto1nat1c clock. lamp Criddle almmer UOUSEFUL of tumltute. Only $298 07 lhal.I bal. dUI'. Jt1'1l pay pymnt'I l)f net wk. 11 Pf' llV1n1 ""OOm l'ruup. 7 pc dlnlnl f'OUp, 11 SK' bec1I uom •t. Kl'•ldf't th-. ul< tor un- rf'lt'uH tumlturt In atonae. 4 0 000 9Q rt. of OOll'I' t\I ml tun ~ A 1ppllan«11 to ""OOH frnm 1 ( FT. L TMAN outJloard. Lap• • t rok e akltl, NeODdltloned l,ik~ n"'. Oumpi.te wtUI new c-nvl'r It runn1nt U'11t9 ntt0 AlllO 8nlpe #•OOI Compitt.11 rl'Nnl\ltl<>ned equtpped -1tb Wall.9 Mlt._. • and dolly $360 Harbor 2u..w. 10cu al ~tur*. new (WU'&nlff All lenn rtl\l &Uowed a b\l,Y }otapl.e. Blond. Ebony, Urhl Oood pncll<» piano. 11~. MORSE Sewing Center 12!:>0 so Main S&nt.& Ana 4KI 7-6t3e t1 19~ WKIRl..POOL aut.omaUo wuh•r. lt.a Ule O.lu.x• on• I hat h .. the bte tub, &&it.at.or A now rll\IO", 1111~ 1 month Pllhl down lo $169 U.. Ku ruh dov. u IC you pay tht rayrnf'nta or Ul.13 pn mOnth 6f'f! AAS Sloraire 220 8o Mein Santa Ana rbooe Kl 3·7201. BR.AND N-Philco it.tr~ baa bumtt'I and lar~ onn Paid Cl'Ola top rr...r cheat ep.ce down to 1181.19. No money fc. botU... Mitter,,... ,. .. ~,. down If JOU take paym.,nl .. all Colar tt1ttnor. BMn paid of I~ $1 per month .• down to SllT 13 No cuh SH AAS Sterare 220 ao )bin. n~ lf )'OU pay the pymmlJI ~•nta Ana Phone Kl 1·7201 of $CIT pel' month. - ... Alta llOfSI'• 2JO So. Mam. I MANOL.E IRONER -A &ood Sant.a Ana. Phone Kl 1-1201. buy at Ml LI I-HM 10c:12 Sf'# Bau1hn1 P'actor}· Wa~hou•"• 1010 E F inal St , ~anla An" 1 13 fL Ftbt'rcl•• CH.Al..LE!'\OJCR Op.11 9·9 Oath•, 8un • 11 -~ a.nd l,,.UJer, N•r n.w. Llber'1 Ptw>na Kl 7-:'487. Ml.21. llcU .. Walnut, .... 1100 to 1260 J246, $178. J19!i, 6CIUUDT· all llM nl'W, Mlrro Spinet J>HJLLJP1' Bt1 Plano and Or- onl7 JDS Maple llnl.ah Uir.. pl\ ,.._ 610 No. Kain. ~ball. ACroeofllC Mptn.t.. Sul.a l:Uy t.rma. h'otn ~. Many oth~l' IT .. ( buyL" 100 Pluoa t.o dlooM REilUCINO TO CLltA.AJ rrom new and u.aitd. 8CKMJDT· )tiny Plant.. .t.Jao <>rsua. PH1LLU"a Pta.no ,. 0r1u I &olovoJt, Ora11J knt.a Aaa tiore ac. 191'-m ~. MWlk, KI 1-im NJerton Ma1n. a..nv. Ana. Mwi1c. L.A. 1-0Z&L uen ... \ 1 I • + i I I l ' . t • ! -· •'f ~ , ' , .S.-0..aa. ~-P_eta __ _ AKC ~ Dacbahuodl PUPPia mo la\VJCW: Ph. LI ..... 11 l • T2 Moerovta A .e, eo.t.a .M ... &o.-t '-for 8Uo GMC TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS tp21h 41 DOOOJ: ~ T. PANSl ___ JEAN ___ HENRI _____ I ~· CKl'!VROLrl' BIJB\JRBAN Frwnch 8p«lallat of '51 ~~Ot.r?' '• , T. DOG CLIPPINC. '&3 DOOOE ., T PICKUr "1ti;;f '5' QMC ~ T. PICKUP WotM ln your bomf', 'IM FORD 1' T. PICKUP lMt TuaUn Ave , CM. .FORDOM.A TIC Harbor ~a.a ·tt STUDEBAKER t. T., 12p2t WALK.IN p ANlllL _R_E_O_IB_TER __ E_l>_O-al-~-l-la_n_p_u-pa ':K' CHEVROLET ~~ T. PICKUP Cham pion blood line 706 &oulll 'M CHEVROLET 11' T. PlCK\..'P HY DRAMA TIC PlM:enUa, Anaheim. 11c12 50 CHEVROLET 2 T , H a."T . 39-Autoe Wanted SELL YOUR CAR PA.ID FOR OR N<:fr M.cC&rthy Pay1 More STAKE, 2 SPEW 8'~ TIRES M GlfC 2 '1 T , DUMP. 2 SPEED. 8 I. TIRES Rtpoueu1on big di.count '60 DOOOE 2 1) T. DUMP 2 SPD .. 9.00 TIRES '50 CMC 2 T. COE. H ' BODY 2 SPD. 8 .25 TIRES '51 GMC MODEL 40.. IO WHEELER, DtJMP, B L TRANS . ANNUAL seRING NEW CAR CLEARANCE MORE FOR YOUR CAR-L~SS FOR OURS 19~ WINDSOR., f Door sedan Cloud whale, automatic tran... beater, p0wer brakes, bumpei: pa.rde, powei paek, padded duh. windahield wuhens, back up licbta, car- peta. power steering, directional aignala, air form aeau, pLUS all std factory inatalled equip. rnent. . ... ·--.. Only $322~ 19~ NEW YORKER NEWPORT, Autom_ tr&.m1, power brakes, search finder radio and rear apea.ker , power steering, power electric seat, electric windows, WS W , lovely 2 tone color , sole¥ glue and sun cap visor, out.aide view mirror. . ... -·--·-··-.. -ONLY $4210 1956 IMPERIAL 4 Door Sedan. to-A.t.for 8allt ..,... ____ _ '52 BUICK CONV • ~11o. Radio, Heater, Elect; wi:ndow11 Electric ~ta. Po1ftr •Leering. Thb la a k>cal car. A GOOD BUY AT S1()91j TERRY'S BUICK 5th at Wal nut HUNTING TON BEACH '53 Ford Cu,t. Fordor Heater. GtJJ·aav1ng O'D. S695 MlLLER Chevrolet • Oldsmobile WITH &AOD NBW TR..AU..l!R NCW n~· XAYFt.OW~ Sll».J We sf ve you an awatn1 FRU NEW 11' HONORBILT 1 v.1th ToU•l 6 1howar) . $10~!1 We 11va )'OU al\ a wnlns JfREI: New llS' DALTON Dltt..UXE S~~' We rive you an awnlnr YREE SJ!:ll THESE AT NEWPORT HAU.OR NEWS-;PRESs_..:pART 11-P'AGE I FRIDAY, MAY 18. 1956 Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bcb. OFFERS ' . Delicbttu.l Uving. ApL-Cabana.a. Utiliti• with ' Yacht al.ip accomodatlona.. Daily, weekly, lb0l1thly, yea.tly. Ha rbor Trailer SupRly 2lt7 Hubor Blvd. Ll A-~•11 1 F or appt. or reservation, Call Har. 2992. Mtfc S&Ju. 8e1 vlc• • Supphe1 · -----------------------12lfc ~Apta.ll Houtea for Bent 27 n . MODIC.RN u·a.11er. nt'w SEE ME·-T A ~ON awinr. pallo, re.nceu sacrit 11 t. CORONA DEL MAR Lido Trailer Park. Hai. ~2t11S FOR CKOl C.l!: Ri:NT ALS. llllttc SEASONAL 6 YEARLY. .-56--P-A_N_'_A_m_e_r_lc-an--l-~-ft-2 2908 E Cout H wy. Har ~60 ll bdrm. used 3 mor.lhi>, like I ntw. Will U lTltlce ll•r 11 • 1 k aale. Har. 2127-J. l h 13 43-A-Apt!t. for Rent • ·Ground Floor • OFFICES OR STORES For Lease ln - Harbo r I nvestment Co. Bldg. 30th & New port Blvd. H a r, 1600 100 a. M.a.ln Kl 2-3507 '52 QMC MODEL 470 TRACTOR AND SEMl·DUMP, 10 00 TIRES Radio, beater, W SW, elec tric windows. electric scat, pow~r steering 1><>wer bl'akcs, solex glas s , air foam seats PLUS aJl factory std. eq.ulpment. SAVE S800 MlLLIO:-.' DOLLAR \'IE\\' 700 W. Coast Hwy. Ll 8-2258 4'7-Waated to Rn~ Ba,)• and Ocun FOR RE:-."T, ~EW ottt1.a 12 x U Lillo Shopptn& llU!k. $75 per 1110. on ) 1 1. lea.al'. Bay It Bead\ Re&lty, 3112 Lafayette. Harbor ;l6'3. 84tfc '52 Cadillac Conv ert. R&H, hydra, power steering. Lite blue bottom. dark blue top $2095 MILLER Chevrolet -Oldsmobile U you want to 11a\'t 11<1llll' rtal monty. see u:1 r1111t ~ wt havf the larsut It t leanest .i;to1 k ut Uffd lruclu in 01 irn'e County. W.W. WOOD S GMC DEALE R 81~·19 E. tlh St , Slrnla Aull Truck Headquarter• for Orange Co. WORK CARS 1956 PLYMOUTH SAVOY, 4 Dr. Sedan. Overdrive, heater, 80lex glass. air form seat, Grp. 411, PLUS all std. factory in~talled equiprnt. ONLY $2218.74 (Plus tax & license) 1956 PLYMOUTH H ARDTOP CONY. CPE. V-8 Powerflite, solex glass, dual exhaust.s, air form seats, W SW, 2 t one paint, directional signals, wheel covere, back u p lites, windshield washers, PLUS all s,td. factory equipment. ONLY $2449 (plus tax & liceni~e.) Corona del Mar 40-A-Ilrw a Part. Renta ls Wanted !'\EW 2 BR. apaclous kpl. Bar We nffd apta. am.I ho11.,,.:1 111 all l kltch. Built ln 'COppu range New and Used TRUCK AND Passenger TIRES 8-Hou r aect.Jona tor bolh wintt'r anl.I oven anti re!er l:ihding gliua year'a leaae. 1''urn. or untuc 11• !Joor lo i.un deck. Lean $200 u you have a vai:amy, mo. Hui 1310 M Har 211·\V, phone t.u<lay 6tfr The Vogel Co. NEWPORT ISLAND- 3201 W. C.L Hwy., Newport nch FURN. APTS oo Walerfront- Phone Uberty 8·34111 by day or week. ldeal pla1·e tn 201 Marllle, Balboa U.land I 1elax, \'t>t y qulet WAG N 1': R Pllor.e Ha.rbClr 4H POl:-tT Har 1217-J H61fL 53-A-Buslne!fs Reotal9 I-OR lt"l:<t" with option lo buy 2 b1 humti on 100 feet 111d1111l111ll i:on~ct hunt.a&• antC"r l:ost11 Mt'llfo, HA ~Ill Ll 8·6311 Kl 2·2187 HY '6-M{l6 Uc:-13 2667 E. Cat. Hy .. Corona di:) ~I.tr Phone Harbor 17 4 I LlJOKl~G FOR A!ll Al'T ' I HtC I ~t·WJXll l Hlvd C..:nata Ml!i.a. Sl';F: COl'TA MESAS :>;E\\'E.ST L'••mb1n at1on bu:;1neaa cft hon1t'. 700W.Coa.st Hwy. LI 8_!258 '50 MERC cust R&H S3951 LOU REED & ASSOC. Recapping Service Lido Ofllce, 300 V1& L1Jo Harbor 411i I 1702 Newport Blvd .. <."·~t.i. ~t.11 Liberty 8-:>:>117 !um 11l11d10 8pl11. llith s• ><l 1·:11 km, ldu l tor &Jr Law- .Maple 101 12 ', r, Salr11 Organiution, ,.1 r . 1110 bor :>1~. 1¥itc '61 CBEVROI.J!:T Bel Alr, ml1t ~een; power slide, RltH, WllW '49 PONTIAC 8 R&H S150 llru; 4t,000 ml Enr1ne a nd I CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER Complete Brake Service Al'D l nr 2 l>-J1 rn. 8flll'l. IHllfl•lry rr ll By !.lay "'eek ur 11,., lh UI-FI<.:P. .rnd t<h<Jp sp111. ~ lo Ill In •M• 1hl '"'°"lu r .. <.:1111 fRA.."\• l'I ...... I. HOH\ATH Rult(lr pwr. l'llde juat overhaulf'd -'50 AUSTIN 4 dr. - . '$2i5 1200 W. Coast Highway LI 8-3486 Front End Alignment EXECl:TIVE .t \\ lft, :! ol.1111; t •·111 .ft do( de11rt 3 b<lrr11 11nn1rn h.~Q1e In bfoarh ar,.. In s .. p1 Isl C..:11 pl' ling & ilri; 1 • ' ····~11 - BLGE TOP MOTEL t OJ Newport Bl\d ?'\, wport &ach Perfect t ot' your wife. Harbor 2219. 121:14 '52 STUDE CHAMP . S575 -----------------------ROAD SERVICF. 11 u t.K.r H 2EI or 1:>66 12p I ~ 87tfc 1960 FORD CUSTOM convert R/H, overdrive, clean, &pol· ll(ht. Excelltnl condition Ll 15·6680 after D pm. l2pH ---\'OLKBWAGEN 'M . Save S3M Uk• new. Sun root. Red luth· er Hala 10,000 mllu, SH90 Harbor 3824-J. 12c14 1{1:\1 PONTIAC convertible hyd..ra.maUc -all ~xtraa. low mlluge, lmmarulate $69~• Ttnna. LI 8·1311 &tleT 8 p.m llC'l3 • DR. RAH. A UTO DRIV~ McCARTHY'S H20 SO. MAIN SANTA ANA '55 Chev. 2-d r. Sed. R&H, O 'D., Tutone, WSW S1595 MILLER Chevrolet -Oldsmobile 700 W . Coast Hwy. LI 8-2258 DEAL · with the Volume Dealer FULL PRICE r55 Pl YMOUT H Belvedere Sedan . $1495 ' Hca ul1ful red & whi~. fully factory equlppcd '55 CHEVROLET 2 10 4-dr. se d. $1-49 5 Stiver grey and sun beige. R(l<lio, heater, excellent family car F11 ulone Budget Plan \'011r1 for the A&king H O W ARD RY AN SO l -809 W. h st ST. SA?\"TA AN A Kl 3-8303 41-A uto Service Motor Overhaul e I. Yrly leue tu $:!1~• I• 11111 4 ROOM APT. with ~pknrhd LI 8-51 Ill. 1.!ll(' p.i;uo, ~xcept1onally n 1.e tl1'1---------I p<>BHI, l1tundry. gMaJ;• ~1111• 1,,1tu1·~1 1 f,,,.,, urt11e• "I ~•cires. ld• ..ii llX'.illoro for optometnat. 1t 1111unt1tr.t &lto1 ney, m11wanl t" ;, , ..... 1 hl.ill'. el• Slw•g• WANT TO LEASE 'J h• lrm B .. 1.1ut 1rullv l&nobulJ"' I \\ 1 11 untum house. annuiol l1>!.l'llll 11u~1 ,.11t<1. $82 611 ::-;,.,. oni:r r uorn• all!'> tv n nt. '· Call Har. 2837-W l.!cli Clll& Wad~ 1601 H.i\'"" }'Ill• r Balboa Bay Propert1c~ FRE E! ! 1 blk '°· Ntwport High Scho<•I 1511.".i \\ Ballx>11. Bhd Har . 188 ~trr 1 -• St'lect-a-Tenant -I l'SFl"RN l btrlmi. cluplex \ rl\' 54-8 11!\inrss Onnortunlt i~ Thf' ttnt•al fn!!tf'lll t 11·r .. \'11 e ' · · IJ.. I II .• 1• ll•aiw S6i'> 2113·H th l't. :"\"r,,. to itn• oruA ('\lf'I )'" l<J• I . CALL BF:t.EC'T REAL!Y _!oil l:k1t<'h. H.ir. 4151 P. 6tr Kl 7·3008 Fl'RN Single apt Prwntr en- 1 ~t ee I t111111·, &: bath $~0 m••. y11" IY Cafe M 4. BEDROOM hoUH on L1 tlu tor JOl i:. 611 ., Ave , Ualbua NEWPORT BEACH 11• 1H1ler a • 1lg e !·Heady ~tar 1 11nd e1- lllbll11h1••I bUlllneaa r-:xc'11t nt mo!.ler n Clxtu11•1 111•1 t'•tU•I> •5 3 Old1 .. as ·· 2-dr. R&H, Hydra, WSW tires Jo'ull year unconditiont.l No ONEY DOWN -----I Utl11llu paid Har l\159·J U t l o:. M th l p July .It Augu11t tt..llahl~ \\ 11lt -11 13 '7 DeSOTO need•. repau~ 17~ 1•55 OLDS . Holida y Cpe. .. .. _ ... ·-$239 5 P 0 " on 8 0 ay l.lr. Bleeck 81l s ... H 1•i 1·.~ay. t.: I W l-~38. 12l'H 1 n --16 C'-.J" 58 88 Los An&ele'I 14. l!Yan l !119:1 l ~ut1Cul 2 tone green. Ont• OY. ner car i'0 • • ..... ·-·--·---·· • • is, n t88--Huuttes for Reot mmt. ~l' 40 1,,,.11a $1!11,0UO. Huit oppo1 t11nr 1 •, a11•l "111 lh your invrstmeni mechanical guarantee S1395 MILLER Chevrolet -Olc.iamobile 700 W. Coa.at Hwy. Ll 8-2258 Let RlOH Help Y ou. Penionally ulected NEW & USED CARS TAKE AD\'A.NTAGE of hla many yeal"ll f•t e.x~rte,nce u a top notch mechanic. RIOH HAHN'S •09 E. 29TH ST. Harbor 4125 Newport Buch '55 Ford V-8 Tudo r R&H, WSW, FuU year unCODdiUonal mechan1c&l -~ $1595 MILLER CbeTI"Olet • Oldamobile 700 W. Cout Hwy. Ll 8-2258 1961 Jlll.LMAN convertible, rtd leather lNllde. 8arMble(e out· alde. RAH. Good condition. UI0-2201 JI:, C:O.at. Hwy., CDM'. Bar. 1213 OT 2W·J 12cl4 'M OLDS. "88" HOLIDAY - !UlH -N.w W.S.W. power brak• .tr aleerin~ -VERY CLIDAN-ffarbor !OM-W tvu. 10pl2 '54 Chev. 4-dr. RAH, Power glide, 18,000 actual miles. Sl295 MILLER Chevrolet • Oldamobile TOOW.Coaat Hwy. LI 8-2258 Buy my .qulty ror S27G a 11168 Ford hlrt&nl', purdl&Md rrom Mark Downlns Ford Company. Call U:.X 1·3930. ( dlr. I 12cH ---------'52 DeSoto 4-dr. Sedan M.H, Auto drive, Xlnt Ure. $495 MILLER Chevrolet -Oldamoblle 700W.0>ut Hwy. I .. t 8-1258 JOM CAD Oo•pe de Ville Full powt'r undf'f 7 000 mllf'iJ. c-lun . Prlc ... 409!\. Prt~\e party 421 Sant.a An• A"' Ll 1-l&t arter G p. m &ttc '53 Stude baker ~ T. ,55 All Straight ---- P Xl hro h FORD Convertible ..... . dn. pymt. $ 299 Eighta -~------··-·---··68.88 1 LEASE arounn !:too-:1 ~edr~m. BAYSHORES I S II I S tclt up. nt t ug out Cont.mental kit. Full power, cve rv rxtra added. INCLUDU both Labor It Pana. !1.':ruhml d ftn0r yen 11 J• ur ma Jewe ry tore $695 · .. , al n.<' an !I 11upv 11 1 unf' YRLY LEASE ~~STAHLl~HEU K )I" 1-ll "l ot- Bea1,1tiful sand.stone wh1tt!. "'"' r1np. wri.t PINI, ' "'I Long Bea,h ~·111l~l HEmlock · srtnd. fltllnga ot main and rod 9_~472 , 9p 11 2 BEIJRM, 2 Lath, completely ftnng. A .. , ullc 1n a qu.r 11t THE ABOVE CARS ARE NEW FORD bearing• Ex~rt motor tune-__ -~-'urni~he.t, Lm~n11. bllinkt"' b1utneu i.rtunc-that wtn <.It'· "" ... 4000 11 11,i.:ht you Clean, 1ale11.ble ate>t K. MILLER TRADE. INS up . ..,,...,..y or m • ,uar-\\'ANTl:D-hnu~ing C•·r 10 Po-dt1hu, a1hei"are, TV, H1 F1. an tee. mona Coltcgf' girl studrnt.s wul 11.g mad11ne. at""'' I nit ma-\\ ato.:h 1 cp&.1nng /. nnuat gro~ CASKICTS .... orr. EXTD. • $~11 000 l:>t>e lhlJI and you wl'I Chevrolet. Oldsmobile ALSO MA:"\Y TRANS PORTATION SPECIALS -~ ~ Aug 6 to Sfpt 8. p,·t hom"• chine. ete in• luded QualLl1td \\1lnt ll. 700 W . Coast Hwv. LI 8-2258 REBUILT ENGINES prdene•J Surge t two Kiiis family only $:.!16 ~r rno. in- J PRI CED FROM ' to a, room. Write W ~. cludini. ii:ardener. <.:all for a p $59 up SUlLT 1N our own factory by Pequegnat, Pomona Collf'gr. po1nu11ent M • Hardware 19~:l CHEVROLET dduxe 4 dr -RltH, auto. traN . WiW- $600 cuh. Har (>.488. i07 Goldenrod, Corona dtl )far 8ttc '52 Rover 4-dr. Se dan A HARD TO FIND MODEL S895 MILLER Chevrolet -Oldsmobile 700 W. C.out Hwy_ LI 8-2258 JAGUAR M -120 Road1ter low mlleace. &auUf\11 condition Se. lo believe. Ha:-. 3ill·R aftu l5 p. m. 11 <:12 '40 FORD TUDOR -F\111 Race •nsme. head.a, manltolda. p1pe1, headen. ap&J"9 p&rt1 Body n~ .ome work. Ph. Har. 3~4-M evenlng1. llP11 '52 Dodge Coronet 4 Door, RltH, Auto Drive $495 MILLER Chevrolet • Oldsmobile 700 W. Coast Hwy. LI 8-2258 54 BUICK CENTURY Riviera Cpe. Dyna • Oo, Radio, Heater. Beautiful red & white paint. $1995 TERRY'S BUICK 5th at Wal nut HUNTINGTON BEACH ''1 OLDS & dr.. hydra. 1UtH. C1Hn! Call owner, Private party LI Wt'TI afln D p. m. u cept wfflcenda. tell '52 Chevrolet C lu b R&H, 1 owner. Cleaneat one in Ora.nee County. MUST SEE TO APPRECIATE MILLER MARK DQ,WNING FORD, INC. WHE RE THE CUSTOMER IS THE MOST IMPORT ANT THING IN THE AGENCY TWO BIG LOC ATIONS HWY. 39 at PACIFIC COAST HWY. LEX 6-460:5 225 E. 5th St . ·LEX. 6-2566 H U NTINGTON BEACH , R · E · 0 1kllled niac:hlnl1tlt. Don t con-Cl t Ca.I t n 11 I .ar1ne ttn.d W!lh the middle . man. u emon ' 1 . ..~ HARBOR I:-o;VESTME:-."T CO u LI 8 0.3•5 l3 EQUIPMENT and 1upply atork. Buy direct. WANTED to rent -3 bedroom Har 16n11• Evee. .., .., I le Flxturf'I anll f'QUlpment lnclud- SHORT Bt.<>CK I house. Harbor erf&, yearly lrase ----Ing 8ome machinery ' .... , lot FORD ( 11133·•8> ·-··-·-... $ 94~0 or lea&e \\1th optlor to b\ly. LJOO ISL1': for lra ... e, fine home ....... . t ., bd ... b ti with ott 11trttt parklnr area-CHEVRULET ................. $ 99 ~ Want rarage, tlrepl. tented yd. un 111 n. 0 nn~ · ' d 1•· BUICK ~12"' 00 wl<I,. l••I, ta~t. patio. perfrd Ri>aaonablf' leue rtntal Owner .... ..... .. .............. "· Perm/\nently tmployed lorally. 1etlrl11r IUlU wanl1 quick ac- PACKARD ID cyl l ....... $125.00 Excellent local rdtrenceii. Wille romllttun. 1 vr. 1"88e OSBOR:>;t-; 1-·uRTON REALTY lion. P lym., Dodi• 6 Ford 6 ... $106.00 box X18, tht. neW11paper. 8Mfc CHRYS It DE SOTO .. $120.00 Co's. 2:12 I \\' L'out hwy. STUDEBAKER $120 00 I al po1 l c11.rnge l Ll 8-7662 oLDs. • PONTuc e .. -=.: s120.oo 43--Apts.& Houses ror Rt-nt i::v,!I H i11 3211s. 11c13 Osborne-Forton NASH . ...... .... .. . ........ $120.00 Choice Winter Rentals on T\\ 0 BEDRM unfum. house KEALTY C~S. KAISER . .. ...... $120.00 'd B tn••• , nM·' •so ""r monlh HUDSON (Ill <3 Malnll .$14000 Balboa Island & Ll 0 lsle ua ~ z., ~u. • ··-2323 W. Cout Hwy. PLUS L-..STALLATION , Small It cozy Ot' larse It deluxe Har. ~SI. Eve U 8•8317' llcl3 1at Port Orancel Open Da11,y 8 to e $75 to $300 month $97.50 Costa Mesa I w 8-7~2 Evet. Har. G794 llcta Monday 'Ul 1 P· m. VOGEL CO UNF'URN 2 le den. Garb. dl11- EXCLUSIVE WITH- 8unday 12 to 3 • • poital Ftnce<t yard. LEASE. I Dnve ln Ha.mburier 81.A.nd 14100 Block mUl't mnt our atandardl 201 J.lartn• Ave .. Balboa llland Phone Har 61;9, 11cl3 CAFE with !Seer SUOO Distri butor Pha taxu r uket.a and oil Ph. Harbor 4U or Harbot' 1016 ltr ' R-. Har. 3829-R or Har. 1229-R uDOlsu.: "ART" ADAIR, R • Authorized Now 24 Hour SERVICE oo Truck Repairing * ALL MA KES * Ehminate costly tie-upa In at 5 p. m. -O ut at 7 a. m. Since 1933 SE E US FOR GOOD USED TRUC KS ED. THOMPSON Garage (Comer 3rd & F rench) Phone KI 2-2343 Santa A na Ama zing $5.00 Buys Any one a Per Week Car! BANTA A~A. l'A Uf·.-DAN-In addition they will Include In- IEL RH.:HMA ~ :S &l 13215 So. MaJ.n St. Santi\ Ana, hilt Just announr cd a n1•w mPthod M JIPll· Ing hllh qu11hly cu11 to thf' motonni public. Thty state thllt. anyone employtd un drive off ' IA • clt1tn ('lJlrant etJ car ror as llt.tl• &a $6 00 pu Wffk, They ru.rth•r atat11 thllt lhtY wlll Hll t.hu• 01"1 with no t".uh do•-n surance anct tntueel chat(U In t.heae ~yment..a, offerlns tort.he flrat tune a complete "Pack-.e Plan." Da.nlel Richman'• la lo· caled al 1326 So. Main SW .. 8&.nta Ana. Ttlephon• Klmberty 2·M61. You can rt the ctr of your cholre within a ,,..,.. mlnut• lime. wf/l.t 40--AaU. for ~e 14()-Autoo. for ~ Dn.fEDIATF. DELIVERY nci Grant w. Musick new Rtnaull 11.-dan µl mllt"• 1 prr sallon S!Jll:> Your Hudion Dealer BELLES ENGINE 44Ue BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED 2 16&e ?\e"p.irl Blvd .. Coal ,.._ REBUILDERS br It den .It Jana.I bome for U i-3792 LI ~II 31 0 1!: 3rd St. Kl 3-8211• LIDO RENTALS June, July • August • OSBORl"E·FORTON COMPLETE Mari<'L meal l!«s>t. LOAN CARS -FREE TOWING NEW 3 ~rm. 2 b&. apt ytly. REAL TY CO'S I lcued al 1Jood rent&!. Year STATE BONDED 2 ~rm 2 bath Curnlahed aum-2323 \\. Coa.al Hwy. round bu1lneu. Cro. Jt•.OOO U-TraUua Inventory Reduction LARGEST STOCK ot NEW 4t • USED TRAILERS In Or· a.ns• county. S P ECIAL on all ntw a11d u1e<I tralle" tor one wNk only. Ntw Trallrni 16 rt. to 48 ft. t'•ed Trallt'r 18 tt. to 31 fl. LIBERAL TERMS O~ .ALL TRAILERS NEW 6 USICD Clolf'd on Sundey Optn Mond~ VACATION RJ:NTALS West Coast TRAILER SALES mfr. Several olhera monthly & cat Port Ur&n&"e ) Sell 12~.000 Term• or IMU yearly. IJ 8-7562. Evu. Har. 3298 ofrer-a...&cll town. Writ. 'Dox --12cH 8·39 t.hla ..... ,...,. l'"lt p. a. palmer incorporated ..-... ~ .... 3333 via lido 4t 1700 w. coaal h""Y LEASE only 3 beclrm hou11e claa"; hllr. 1600 & lib 8·M73, l lc 13 lo shopping centtr, Co•l& Me11a.. Kl 5-6!JIO or Har. 1829 9ttc LIDO IS LAND Fumlahi>d or unrurnl11ht'd Barhelor a.nd Ollt' or lwo bed· room aparlmrnt..a. By 11Jmmtr, monthly or ye&t'ly. LIDO Realty A ssoctales 3400 Via Lido H11rbor HH NEAR beach, beaulltul view. l'n- rum ! bdrm 11pt Yrarly. 123t., 43rd St, Newport Brh 7Uc AVAJL. May 20, ntw 2 br., 11n· rum. duplex. f'atb dllJ>~ s:sr 3M-20th St .. Coela Mua 180 mo. u s-e1611 10c12 RENTAL SPECIALISTS EAST SIDE Co~t.a Me ... 2 bed· room unfurn houee. LI 8·7632 !Uc "LlDQ ISLE, 3 bedroollUI, 2 ~ b&t.b bomt, OD IJUlU&l bUill. Slip for 40 fl. boat. UH of 18 fL Vlkln& n111about (l<)Wer boat. 2 car rar . t><oaulltully tumlsh· ed. shrubs. $700 ~" month. Inquire et «l Balboa 0(1Yell, Newpor\.." 38t.to 1.lt>O IS L.I: rum ho~ 15 b•lrm• 21, oath11. lar11:e aunny patio. cl1•hwuher hl"Ar club S.-iucm or monthly Har. 4418-W. 10<"12 FOR RENT N.W. eor. 17U. •nd Ot'an1e. Co1la Mua. Ow.et.lad· Inc corner oppoelt.e' ~· Beta mkl. near new PQlt Of- fice Suita ble tor u.ed C!lll' fat. BBQ reataurant, ahoe MU&t,, a pph11nce outlet. tumiture. etc. Call Frank J amee, Ha.r. 2&2. "Uo .. HOME LOANS · Conatl'\lctlon -Rctlnanc....aal• !\": -IP.,• • .,,.., Ina. Fund• -Bids It L9&n - Private Munfy Trust Deeds Bought & Sold Call For f°tf'r <.:ommltm.nt DON I. HUDDLESTON LI 8-~ 1 Coat.a Mua 13041 Garden Grove Blvd. CAt.t. ED?'fA CRAIG CL.lYF HAVE:'\ 3 bdrm. turn. bam• mdtlUl ot Junt. poeelbly Jonsu 1160. Adu.ill only 173 E Hth St. GarCS.n Grov@ R JIC 1.2101 Burt A. IARoy owner DORIS B A Y, Realtor U t-M32 eventnp . l Oc 12 LbANS for Homes .. PQRT OR'ANGE °" TRAD.ER S Al.E;S a.ad SUPPLIES 2200 W. Cout Hhny. Newport Bea.ch LI 8-4420 PAN·AMF.RICA:-q S~ lo 60 tt, 1 • 2 lift. PARAMOUN"l' C\u1tom built. 30 to 60 CL, 1 It 2 BR. HIShtlll tr&df'-ln allOWUC• \\ • nffd CIMn u~ tralltr1. PAN AMER.JCAN 214 >4ar1ne. Ballboa llJ.and Har. 20 or It 1 BDR...'\f FURN. APT with su· t1(e. 1911 Clift Ur, LI 8-•1>20. 12<'1' 1 BDRM. t •NFURN' APT 1632 )flramar, &Ibo& Peonuaol.a Avail J 1111t l~t )'f'&ll)" JJI,'\ ~r mo. Phon«" An1thrlm KEy11tun" 6-i777. 12.-14 .S&-Boems fur a.nt **** \'l•t tor•' Va~•Uoni.u' ! Enjoy hY1111 on t.h• ~un P'ronL C4mplf't..ly tuml.ahe<I kitchfn· t ll• 1pt• and roon<a w1lh pri- vate bath. Matd ~f't. frf't T'V !30IS Ocffn F ront. Har M57. **** o-;-,, -20 yr. Loan.a Construction Loans SEE BOU llA TTl.ZR 2616 EAST COAST 8&..V'D. Corona d•I M•r Mui.a.. ... R< p. POlfl[p;(l MORT044abu. Mttro Life lNI. FUnd• Kl IC.II Gt/e LOANH TO BUILD. I.ltP&OVJl. -ON BALBOA 1Sf.AND BUY, MOD&ftNJZ&, •OS ~-~Dl, M15C. RElo'lNANCE BEE l"S for ytarly and -I \Va Buy Truitt o.... . uuon•I .-.nlala. CAR.ACES for rrnt. SlO mo ,!';F;WPORT BALBOA 8AVINGI -Subeeribe to t.h• Lndn. M · Chevrolet -Old.amoblle nrUM IA t.ht BEST, OalJ Har- HAt:SKF.:-. • 1''ATSO:-I SA.LES nnd SERVICE C<11la M• AA 263 N Loa Anselu KE 6-73i8 1932 Harb<.tr; Para mount· 1<enalll U Tn"1ue-Terry NELDA c;IBSON, Realtor Y~Arl\ lrt -.: .. wr-•r-\ ...-ad1 It U.>AN ·ASSOCIATIOrf 308 Manne Avt Hetbor 002 H11r. :l~l·J or Hn !5li8-M 13K V11 Ud') Ph. liar. dUO BALBOA 1suxr1 I 1 2( 1' LLe bor 111a. 700 W. Cout Hwy. LI -2258 litre Anane1m 42ttc ~ PAGE '-PAlto 11-NEWPO~·r HAl<iOR NtW>PWS \1~~:;111!_!.i~. t.aie""----!D!i:-:::•i!!"!!!.l .!!Di!!!•!! .. !!... ___ a 11.i -i!D!!::;-;!•!!•!!l_!&:!!-!!!!"~--_..l!D!!=:!•!!..,!LlQOq ___ _cD!!::;l•!!..,~..;rlll!!!!!!!•le!!_. __ _ -~AY, MAY II, 1956 ----·-~-!-;z:; .. ~ .. ~--;!·~=l!e-Reol~~r..~1ai~. ===J"tati::· ~~~.Island CORONA-DEL MAR VOGEL VALUES ~ Tll~D~ ......_ ISlO Sea~-. OJroha -~ • 2nd-I ht TD. LOANS .......... .n Otanc• Oauet;J We Ba,, TnlOl Deedo • Kalie Ooll&tenl Looull lloy4'1 li.4ort9e9e Co. .. J(..-por"t Bl\"CL, KprL Bch. H•rbor 1549 ,. hr. peon. ·"i~ a •-z Wutecl . .. .,. PAaONED Ind. T.D. P300- PQaa&. ~ per tDO. LAcludlftl •"Ao lnterHL BplandM:I MCUrlty A payment r.c:ord. C&ll ffa.I". CUI. 10cl2 17 Bool r.tate WuW HOT SUMMER AHEAD !WDOllNG POOL W:Olrl' CKA.RlONG bomor, brand M'W, J bedroom8. I ft NtM. k>Ui of Ctl&ncltt and lnd$YldU• ..tlty. Drum 111\.chen, bullf·ln ov•n .net r~. Two nreplac" 2 tu S&raj'•. large twtmmJn1 pool, back.ya.rd completely fenc- ~ sunder wtU m&ka a t>uyar a t.errttio deal tor cub down to loan. Full prlee J~.000. Outstanding Home $2,000 Down ~ ud arUldel H a.1 a ()pm Jloul S&1. 6 Sun. 10 L m. to fS p. m. • ..,.. ...... ~ wiu-...... od ....... -.-,_ 1l<ill family b!>uie. Raotlc 3 br., l'li baU... 27' ptMa, ius• ta.1DU7 ,_ .. nur&pWI rm. brk. firepla. Full dining rm. bu, Ulnia .1*hooma. I '-UY. w;-u~u ... door to pch Vaew of ocean 6 bill. ~~WU fanlllim ............ • . "°""*' C\alllwuber, d1..,....1 New drapel. antique abt.&;ttera. Bfl.·ln HIF\. Le. .,......., ...... ........_ P<n>od pr. I< otonige. RWD fenced. 'Rm. tor pool :.., i:L pre-S.:... '°:o~F'° Owner .morinr. ooly SM.000. Good terms. ........ North Bev Front CommercJa1 lot -2:i' of highway frontage on Cout Hlgbway in excel. location. Lot 1lm 2:5' a UO' -aceeu to alley, plenty or rm. for p&rldnc. l'rl<ed at $9,7150 THE VOGEL CO. 2e67 E. Cout Hwy. BA: 17U OORONA DEL MAR RA: 0757 W .t..KT trom ownw 1 \llll.ta, 1 wtth 1 br'.. B&!bo& lalUd. 8tale .loWMt accf:ptabl4i cub ~ Write M. PEARSON- IU4. er-haw Blvd., P. 0 . 1kD. 4.213 1. Loe Aiipl•. Calli'. A. RE.AL OPPORTVNlTY TO PURCHASJ: I.hill nice a lll!d- room homa p/ua tam.Uy room. H&ntwood flooni, fon:«t air h .. t. Built In range and oven. Bu.uut\.ll cablneu. Home with pride of owner.hip -c:uatom buUt. A whale of a buy at- 122,600. CUAltKJ:NO PRO\rINCLU. Doll tlouM w1lh pter and float for JOUr bo&t. -Only I ,_,.. )"Otlq', 11......,..&lled to Ylew, troptcali, pla11t..s 119tlo,' ahllka roof, \!Md brick ONplaee, BBQ ln kit-,, e.IMln, paneled den. Unde.-prieed at \.qclay'a market ·at l'7 ,600. DON'T CRY TO-MORROW BUY TO-DAY ...,, W'ANTED -OWNER of COM· MERCL\.L LOT to build for t.Ct, we have the ptam. &.t.abllllhed klc&l bwiln-needll to upand. Write Box Q47 thia paper. 10c12 WANTED R·2 or ft.·1 lot. Newpc:r:t, Bilbo& or Newport Jl•tcht.. Private party. Hu. tlOf,.J or Har. 3061. 11c121 Twin Duplex NZAJl BEACH. Good rental di. t.r1ct. Income 12380. Can tM In· cnued. F'uUy rtnted at prt· Mnt. Only $3600 down. Pay off balance out of lncome. I U ,IKIO tuLt price. Earl W. Stanley RZALTOR lllJ. Newport Blvd., Nypl. Bell Harbor 101.3 11-Bool ll!'A-ll'l:<-.p TR.A.Om so• 300 n. Jot ln van NVya. value l lOOO on k>l»I anu.i• or !hnl~. Call Mr. Batty. Liberty J.2211 IUe Corona del Mar So. of the Highway Phil Sullivan & Gep. T. Everson llGI Newport Blvd., Co•ta Mru. l.lberty A-0781 Evee Har, 4366 BAYSHORES 2G1G Cte•tv!e>A" Drive XI.NT beach or yrar round homr 2 br .• PLUS g~r. apt. PricW RIGHT. WATERFRONT DUPLEX. 2 br. r• furn.. P1rr it tloat ···-· ·-··· $27.000 CONVERTIBLE duplex -f\lro. SPECIAL PRJCE ., ..... $29,000 Palm Springs Tr&ilor Park WE'VZ AN EXCELLICNT lnve.t· m~t aboWl.nr l8'A return. ln tu.U operation.. Phon• for de- lallll now. Mariners Isle Realty lll Karine Av• .• Balboa Ialand Harbor 4711 B/ B LIDO ISLE 1 Story on 00' lot i 4ROE bedroonu. 3 baUu. tr•· patio, wonderful for ftJnlJy and enlertalnlnc. 3rd bedroom fiex· Ible. AP.Jog $39.1)()(). BEA UTUl"UL lrrrrular l&rre lot With pl&n& $21 ,000. LlDO -3 br .. 2 bath, out•t&nd· Ing ..... -.. .. 141 ,:'100 ALSO OTllER \\'ELL LOCATED LOTS BACK BAY -R.:!.n rhy horues- 1.ot. acreagr. rRADE -2 br., 2 b&U. VJE\V home LEMON Hi::IGHTS on 2 ac~tor r ood Harbor home. A.LSO 2 br., den, new, hravy &hake LEMON 1-U!:IGHTB - BEAUTY on J acre -FOR BALE ............... 132,600 BA YSHORES 2 br .. 2 bath •um· mer rental. Claire Van Horn REALTOR 2'131 \\'. Coatt Hwy. u 8·4277 Costa Mesa ranging fro1n Stt.:ZOO • $1~.~- Newport Beach BF.A UTlFU LL\' furnlal:1ed lG-- unlt. ~eU planned and loca ted. Minimum upkeep. Lare• 1un· deck. Nicely landlC&ped. excel- l.llnl condition. nearly 100% on year &J'O\lnd le&HI. 303 down. Cllll tor appolotmeiit. 112,000 per year. Bay & Beach Realty Inc KEAL TORS 1112 Lafayette. Har. 3M3 Har. 2999 Evu. "Jult to Ute rll'ht of Udo Brldg1" THJS V.'HITl!: FR.AXE c:ollal"• turnithed and on a 40 tt. lot 'J ••1th many plantlng1 I• pr1ced • Bedroom. BATHS, CLOSE fN. JU•l 6 monUla old. Obie. pr'I'"· Full price 112,7l:IO wtlh payment. of S7i per month. :.; EAT QI RESALE. EaaUlde, 3 bdrm.. l " b&tti.. t\rtpl. <Jble. car., Only 13.000 dn. 4 •1 ']O: loan Incl. ta•e• A Ina. See thla Barr•ln! Nea.r Irvine Ave. ttl flJilJU.. NOW. 11).7~. 'Osborne-Forton RE:ALTY CO.'S 23?3 V.'. Coill!ll H~·y. 111l Port orangtl LI t_.;:i,s2 liar. 3298 11vea. ORI\'!'.: BY 1138 W . \'ICTO~tA. &Jr call to 1ee anytime. Nll'W 3 bedrm. ho1n1, 2 tll• balha, 0.· pcllt9d briLm celllnp, .:lldlnl si ... doon1 to pa.tlo, lnter·c:om. .,..tern. A tt. dbl•. pr&.J'e. Wide 1.andtcaptrd lot. Nearly New • 1 P.EDRM Ow11t-ra plruur ch•nr- rd 0c<"uplt'd jWJt one n1onth. lll'e>A·ly r .. 11ced, wall to 'A'lli cir· rat. Full price 110,MIO, 172~ i''llA loan payabl1 16• 00 per nionth lneludlng la:r<e11. Subo1!1 down. 11ayo1ent. $490 Down NEW 3 and 4 bdrm. home• with 2 batha, Ready ror occ:up1.ncy 1.bout Jilly lit. Priced at 110,4915 and lll.2915. FULL~RIC'E 111.700 1l"ar thl• t ine 3 bdrm, firepl. bta ut. p1tlt1, H\V fin .• Only 12)00 oown. vo itood H.1t11tle •lret't· CI.IF"F HAV!CI\'. Charmine 2 br horll<'. Ln1m11 culate tnalde •\Ill out w w c:.11rJ14!t!ng .on tn:e lln,.1! St. l.A>vtly tlttpl .. dble. 11•• un complttely f~nced, l11 nJ11ea11~J y11J, NOT leue-- hold-$16,000 wllh terma. L.AST LOT ON M:ESA DRIVI: overlook Ln( OoU Club. lt9 a beauty. $&WO, te-ma. NEWPORT ISLAND Corner -Duplex -3 and 2 B. R.'a -Acl'088 from Park -near playground, bay awimmi;g &re&. P&rtial view of ocean. Ideal home and income. $25,500. Tenns. NEWPORT HEIGHTS Partial View of Ocean -4.0:S Holmwood Open Home Sat. It Sun. 3 B. R. U.•haped stucco home. Enclosed Patlo- dble. gar. and work shop. L&rge L. R. Sep. dining area. About 1617 sq. ft. in house, 300 in patio ,.nd 600 ln garage. Landscaped. Appraia· ed at $2:5,000. Now being offered at $22.500 Small down. FRANCIS J.. HORVATH, Harbor 14.28 Realtor Harbor 1565 Corona del Mar Quality home, Shore Cliffs. Exceptionally fine view. 2 large bedrma. and 2 apacioua baths. All modern conveniences, beaut\fully landscaped A rare grounds S?s2,500 barpin. 30x118 ft. R-2 o! Blvd. $6,9:;() lot South Back Bay Corner. 72xl01 ft. Include• approved plans $6,000 RAY REALTY CO. • 34.44 E. Cout Hwy. Corona del Mar Har. 2288 (&er088 from Bank in C. D. M. • MEMBh OF MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE HOME BUYERS If you W&nt good value for your money, SEE 3 bdrm. in Cop>na del Mar, or 2 bdrm. & den in Newport Height.a:. But hurry! TRADE Beautiful home in Temple City. 3 bedroom11, 1~~ bath~. includes W /W carpeting and drapes. Large lahdscaped grounds, hobby room. lath hoU&e. $29,500, clear. For home or income in area of Newport Beach. G. H. LATHROP, Realtor 3635 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 54:42 Eves Har. 5680 _ft_/ B BEAUTIFUU $2000 Dn! • J Blt.-ea1119led llvtol" 'room! • 8.8.Q. -patio -.~wood te11cln.•! • Lars• \ot -po..tbl• OCdft ..... , e J'HA tl~ed-1ow paymitat.! e HUR.RT ON THIS ON&l-2 yr. old! $11,000 OUTSTANDING! • Jusl about the ftneat! " • 3 B.R..-lovtly view! • Barker Bl'OI. decorated! • You'll buy thl• on11 $1500 Dn. $11 ,500 Full Price Bay & Beoch Realty Inc REALTORS 1896 Newport Blvd. Coll• M<'w.. Calltomla L! S--1161 EvPI. LI 8·3010 BILL'S BEST BUYS H&lf Ac. Ranchette WITH GOOD Z BDRM. & DEN HOME. 1-lardwood. floor•. tire· place, double (&race and farlt cove™ pallo. Juat the place for the kld1 and their horH. $1000 down, u low LI $80 mo. SMALL HOME, Top location TWO BDR1ofS. completely re-- decorated In A: out. OO'x)M' lot. largr doublr garagr. Hook • up" to aewPr. Immediate poue•- aion. Full price 1991')() -with tenne. BLUE RIBBON SPECIAL COSTA MESA'S beat tt9ldentlal locaUon. Thrre bdnn., l&rJ'I J6'x.M' rumpq room with pie· tur1 windO'A'I and lndoor plant· Ing'; Two f1rt'placu, Inst.de bar°'" b--q, enc!oel'd patio, fenced yd., double garage on paved aUf'y. A mWlt to ,.ee, Prlced to MU at i11.&w with ucellenl tennt W. A. TOBIAS ' REALTOR "you'll llkP our friendly MfV(ce"' 400 !l. 11l~ St .• Coata Mua Liberty 8·1139 t BALBOA ISLAND IDLE MONEY GATHER8 NO INCOME'. Thia prUne WA Tl:R- FRO?o."T duplu lnril• your ln- •prt"tlOn. 2 bdrma. ff.. nicety rum., garb•ce dltp. used brick frpL 110 tKlO will haodlf'. Corona dei Mar lNCOME WHILE VALUE lN· CREASES! Own & pll!Ce of thlt fut rrowlnc community! 6 unit.; 2 bldg•.-all leued. Only 3 yn, old Xln"t lO<'&tlOn nt-sr btaeh Cao be aold Mp- •raltly, Out-of·town o~·nt-r 11aye SELL: llERE IS \'OUR 8JG CHA~CE. F ULJ, PRICE $62,000 Xlnt term•. NELDA GIBSON REALTOR 308 Marina Ave. B11.lbo1. l1l11nd., Phone 1-lar. &02 SEASOW'S BEST BUY! • OORONA DEL MAR _, • bnmae11lote ""1dltlon, 2 bednn. apt.;bwd. llooro, tub .l oboftr, Lorge lJv1ng room • k!W-. 23 tt. pWt.....i -and 2 oddltloG&l alotl!r flniahed aleopini roomo with oirtr& t.tll, prtnta ~tnnce.. can build another bome in f'root. • S..L conattuctloo: only 8 _,. old. Compare thJo with anythinc ln tedoy'a maTk.t 1U1der $18,000. OwMr arudou.., will ~U tor PUIOO • No •igb~n:. Buyer needs $7'°°'-Drive bJ 700 M&rJUOrlle Ave, tllm ph. Har. 882 to Inspect. STANLEY A. SMITH, Realtor 2647 E. Cat Hwy., Corona dol Mar Bar. 882 View lots Beautiful lot, view of Harbor Select nelshbor· hood. Title fee. l13,900. 110 x lSO unobstructed view ot Bay. Title fee, ... Clitt Drive, $18,000. Not many left! OOSTA MESA HOMES Resale of nearly new homes a.a litUe aa $&lO down. Better than paying renL Let Wi find one to suit you. NEWPORT HEIGHTS 2 bedroom home priced low. EZ tenna. Drive by 514: San Bernardino St.. then call ua to 8M. We have the qy. N.B.C , REALTY CO. 32nd and Ne':"port Bl\'d. MULTIPLE LISTING REALTORS HAR MM IN CORONA DEL MAR Maater crafted -artistically landacaped. In cul- tured community. 2 Lge. B. R. (16' x 12'3- ·12'9 x 10'3, W/W carpeted). Exquialte bath! Liv-room 24' x 18·, fireplace + din.annex:. (12'x 8'6). Attractive kit., with tubular Ughtinr. ventilator & disposal. Payne F. A. beat to all roolD!I. Sliding gl8B8 doors to beautiful rear patio. dbl. gar. $27,500. About $12,&IO req.d. NEVER AGAIN WILL you get eo much tor llO Utile. Three bdnna., den, fuU bath, 6lcloMd paved patio. Clean a.a a pin in•lde & out. Owner lranaferred. Reduced price Jor quick sale. $10,000 only $1900 down. Thia ia extra nice. L. HAMMOND 135 E. 17th St., C. M. LI 8·!1633 llc13 NEED NEW FURNITURE For your new home! Short of caah? $1 .800 will move you into 3 yr. old 3 bdrm. home completely furn., including deep freeze, refrig., rrv. 2 radioa, carpela. drapes, auto. waaher- ln fact everything but disheti & linens. Curlr- gutten, sewer, etc. in and paid tor. Large dbl. garage & work shop. Separate bldg. for garden tools, (toola & mower included). Partially en- cloecd patio. Portable BBQue, patio furn. Beautifully landscaped & fenced yard. INTERESTED? CALL MAX W. POPE, Realtor Willia B. Jonell, Aaaociate 1908 Harbor Blvd. Coltta MH& ORANGE COAST For R<nt PROPERTIES l BDRMS .. like n•w. Year1 leue lle7 Newport Blvd., C.O.ta Mel& SIMl per month. CUFF HAV!CN-3 bdrm. home Hwd. tlr1. 1300 tq. tt. on lar11::i lot. Frncfd. lovrly patio B.B Q, On 9'Wer. $19000. E.Jtc. term• A l&Jvrly homf. Shown b)' •pp\ OCEAN VIEW LOT Pacific Drive and Begonia, Corona del Mar. 236 a ~Room for two lovely VIEW HOMES. e IMAGINE THIS! 1 __ LI_be_rty_s._11_•2 ____ Ev_ .. _Llbe_rt_:y_s_-•_"8 __ _u __ •·-'-"-'--"'-•~u_. _u_o_-_,._00 __ 11 BDRMS .. available e month& atartlnr June i.t, 196 per mo. One of the last R-2 view Iota available.' August Rental IN BALBOA. balf block from oc.an and halt block trom b&y. HOl»I wblch 1leepa 1 ~· C. Ed . Jones, Rltr. Mesa -Harbor Rlty. M.EMBER MULTIPLE LISTING Call NOW . CL YOE MEYER, Realtor 1"9 H&rbor Blvd CM LI 8·3ll3 A ASSOCIATES ~------------I ~ Center St., CO.ta Mella LI 8--8911 or LI J. 7784 307 Marine, Balboa Ialand Har. 2950 100 J'Xrt' of C-2 tronl&I'• on lfewport Blvd~ l lJ,aoo, WWI ..,.Utlrd doWn. REAL VALUES Fitzmorris Rlty. Co. MOVE RIGHT IN R&A.LTOR THIB CHAIUUNO two br. home, JIUCn ... BrokM MulUpl1 u.unr elltra I&~ lot 63.xlSll room tor 1111 I:. Qoeft Hwy C.D.M. a nlce rrntal unit In rear. Just ta N9WJ)Ort BMctl Harbor 21&2 bforn redecorated throurhout. Back yard r~ with c..ment NM.t Lido hope w ait Thlll I• a real value for l"Uii. I bednn. 2 b&U!. ltucc:o. only 1"60 EZ terma. doH to Udo 8hopplftJ' center. MaobM A bl.J. 8&crlflc• at l ll,IOO. Onl)' 11500 down. IC. w. RW Har. OGlJ·M. 11Uc lnoome l'J'op«:'ty Kl&r'lr new attnellv• eo.ta )f-:i& dUple.a. Income ate&d7. l lOAOO 1'\111 prtee. I~ ctown. I. W . Hill Her. 0013..M. 11ttc KSWPORT JU:IQHTS Ito~, ciomer lot. Two bclmM A Mn. Al. pn.r, wallaicl lrl yv-d. 1 6dr. Plua Gueat Hou.1e APPROX. FOUR YEARS OLD b&ck yard fenced ll'llh &' red~ wood fenctnl'. nlc.ly laodpc;-&.1· ed. clOM In and priced to •tll a t lt2!10. EZ tenn1. B. A. NERESON REALTOR IN2 NrTt-port BtVd., Coat& MM& Ubuty a..1e12 Eve1 u 8·•120 Ubert1 8-M13 Uberty 1-3727 liudlc&ped. U0.000 fur n-1 --------~--­ l lf,OOO 11nturn. U M002 t2cl4 MOVE IN ------------i ltlOO DOWN. ff4 a mo. Im· MSW-I bdrm. hOUM. J car pr- .,. c-. to aboppln1 C'ffltl'r, c.ta w:.... By owner. Kl ~1~ or Har. im tttc BA.TBBOPlll LOT, L&9l one afti.1-bl' .,..,. low ,.er1y k~ BuJld to )'Ollr °""' 4*:1- 0ce•k'Ma. OWDd' LI l -Jtf2 -11c1a mf'dL•t« ix-.. 1on. carpeted W.W . tnl-OUl I bedrmll. hall • llv. room. Lived 1n Jua than l yr. Sll'Mla. curbl, uwerw, at. lll'bU In and paid. T .. et. In· t.,..t, INlur&n~ Included ln monthly p&ymant. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES JS67 Newport Blvd,. COflta M•1111. U 8--1832 £\"f'I. LI 8·1•00 K·l ACRSAOJ: Meor 'l\i•Uft, tO ------------ plw. •ClT'eL can b& .. rallroad NliWPORT HEIGKTS. 2 b(lrm. 'PUI'. A li'111( OY9r larse dbl. p f'" ... uwut Val~ rron wtth .,.. A workroom. 2808 Broad *'P Qldft' l'IOn'le. I acr-. l!lt. KI 1·1419 Ot' Kl l-6141J.. DtU.,,U'UI .pot. llcl4 nTZKORRlS REALTY 00. MWUpk UaUnl-R..:llor 8uan.. Bn>ller !113 S. 0;.al Kip_,... Corona. dt.I Mtir I" Nft-port Bcb. HarllCM' 116J ON THE B.AT M' to 1.a· tront· .,... llOO and up ptr tronl n . to lf"..Untod buy1t.r. P1er1 per"" rnltt«I. G4!o. JolcN•mara. Col· UIUI bland. Har. 2982. 12c l7 * Home & Income CORONA DEL MAR 2 Brdrm.-il I bfdrm. Palntad A redecorated, like new. LJe. double (&rare with laundry A room could be mad• Into bath· elor •Pl. Near ocean. bay • Udo •hopa. Only 114.600 Live In one and ltt your ten· ant• p•y t or the property. NICI!: OCl!:AN FRONT dupll!'ll, plu11 vt1.!uable vacant lot.. Beat location. Only 142,GOO for both. DUPLEX lot 14300. Near Udo ahop11. DUPLEX comer lot 14M>O temui. Nl:"'PORT HEIGHTS J.:i::SO Ool le&Mhold). lot - U•Unl'• Wantrd ).fEMBEH. MULT1PUC LISTING HOMER SHAFER, REALTOR IOt McFadden Pl . at Npt. pier Mlon' Har. 140 any time. $9950 NE\V 3 BR .. 11,j baths ).fo. peym~nt.s only $75 Near Bl(" Corona Beach, now be· Ins redecorated In &lid out and pnerally lmproved. Roomy 2 bedrm. home, hwd. nrw .. d!nlnr nn., dbl• sar. plu. 13 • 20 a.hop au on f.O rt. lot. 8pr, ay1., II.lip. P'ew •tepa lo ocean on Jumlnr. A buy at 121.&00. Only i3000 down. JOHN E. SADLEIR, Rltr Ivan W. Erba.rdt, Auociate 33321 E. Cat Hwy. CdM.. Ha.r. 2422 12c13 VIEW OPEN l~ p.m. dally. Very iaharp, 1.ttrectlve 2 bfdrm.. 2 bath bomr. Quick occupancy. View or Harbor,_ocean. Catalina I.ale from din.In( area. living" rm. A front bedrm. Fireplace, r. 1.. heat. papered, p&Jltltd, patio. 8" 1600 Kini'• Road. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 18ll7 Newport Blvd .. eo.ta M..- LI 8-1632 EvM. LI !111400 NO JUNK 2 houaea on l loL Be.It lnc11 lon Dc1llent condition. Ltt t house pay ror both. Low a11 $2000 down. Full pnr• $16800 Stethl• -J'.iUY h: lnquir•,owner 252E.Pa.lmer "ART" ADAIR, Rltr. Cotta Me.aa LI 8-26:>7 18" :»r'ft·port lilvd .. Cu.ta M~ l Bdnn. bome ... ---·· _, .... _$6500 I bdnn. home ........... 11000 down 4 bdnp. homa _ .... 12000 doWn Dupl.-.. new ....... _ ..... f lt.t&O M.AX W. POPE. Realtor \Vt11La a Jori• Aaeoc. Rtlaltor ltOI Harbor Blvd . COllla Mua U a.t 141 l:v•. U a.41:wl • u 1-11e2 u 1-oeae BY OWNl:R: 2 bdrm. dllplu. l\M.t B&y·lka.ch. C1rb. d\911 .• l&rJ"• (&I'. PaUo. nrepl., 1un d«k. Ftniahed. lut tall. I UI.~ 307-lltb. St., N1wport OPEN 8AT.-8UN. or call o"·ner Har. 3&2W or Ll!hl 11·31176 CourliMY to Broker1. 12c \4 Costa Mesa Colt)' 2 bedrm. A lianal -Rt.nchy home completely turnl•l1ed. 2 car r•rqe. Bet In heaven of tlowera, tree•. ahn.ibe. Fruit tree• ralore Corral tor horae. All fr.need. Mhc~. ltlOOO down. Coast Properties Ruth Jayred. Re&.ltor Mildred RJgga A $ylvta Thompeon. Aatoclatr3 301 E. Ba.lbQa Blvd .. Balboa Phone H1r. 2M8 or Har. 4600 Beach Cottage COZY 2 bfdrnl fum. ho~. Ju1t a ahorl dl•tance from tht ocean. end one block from atlll wattr bathing. H&.1 1 ,, ball'lll 1rul • fenced JU!tlo. A.lk· lnl' only $10,300 with good lt•ma PAUL JONES, Realty 2e20 Newport Blvd .. Npt. Bch Har. 2313. 12c 10 Acre Exchange SVBJ.IIT your trade for thla 10 acre grove with hlghv.•ey front· are nPar Orange. DAN A . JACODSF~N, Rl'•l ltl!.tate 1-l11rbor Mii l f..T 8 6:117 Kl 2-7187 llY 4~:M>96 2 DDRJ.fS .. l.1\'ln,i: rm. 18 ll 24. 1...ota or Ulr. Patio. Latif 2 car 1ar11a. Lee. lot. N•ar eveqU!trir. tll.000 lerm.. 2093 Maplt, C. M. 12pl4 2 BDRM HOMK oo lart• lot In :ooewpOrt H•tcht.a. clean. rilr• ritLChborbood. ftncf'd y ard. C'IOH to ..choo\11. By oWTIPr 3-12 RLv•nlide Ave , LI 1-3109 ""' • 2 Bedm11. • Hardwood floor• • \.,.all to w111 carpet • Large th·1n1 room • Patio • Barbf!CUP • L&rge g1r11ge • Fenced A: L&ndecaped • $9:KIO • Lew Dov1.'n Paym1nt • 3 bfdroom1 • 2 batha • Sh.eke roar • Hardwood noor1 • Bullt·in range A ovtn • Double 11.rere • $18.600 • i2wo down Newport-Mes a Realty 119jl Newport. Blvd., Co11La M1111, LI 8-G!IOS Ev" LI 8-1237 Bay View Estates LARGE BEAUTIFUL li01olE· SITES now bf'lnf offrrf"l to lhoae who f'njoy CTllCIOWI lh·· lng ln an exc luah·e and hl(hly * Did You Say, VIEW? * OK~ We have it. The finest view ill the Harbor Area. Where! Kinp Road of coww, plu,1 2000 aq. fL of luxury home, at the unusual price of $33,500 ca.ah . GREENLEAF-SEVERTS REALTY, INC. 3112 Newport Blvd. Newport Beech Hubor2:162 Evening• call LI 8-3186, LI 8-540.'5, Har. 8921-W or ~ogg 8-MS:i We CHALLENGE All Comparison 23 Units Must Sell by June AND A REAL BUY FOR SOWEONE. Conollta of 14 modern apta., with kitcbena, 8 excellent sleeping rooms PLUS DELUXE owner'1 unit with aeperate office. AU apt.a. beautitully fur- ni&bed. Be8t location on Balboa Pmina:ula. Eltabliabed clientele. Expected grou $18,000. Part trade considered. Ca1J even.lnp ' for appointmenL Har. 53« 2cH r'•lrlcted area of Upper Krv.•· ------------------------ port .. ,. ,,,, v"" .. ,.. CIRCLE THIS Corona del M•r '•17 Narc~ 10c12 $15.600 ~ UOR:O.t, 2 hath hon1e with •2 CIU' gara1;o. io'1replace, i"'A ht•t. (arba!ll'e di.poaal, kllcht.o fan. Ail rence<S. one y •a r old. Xt.ar Hl,(h 8chool. A home for J-ood Uvtnr. For appt. l.lbrrty 8-6261. 4el7 CURT DOSH , Rltr. 31 S Merine Ave . Belbpe Isl and Harbor 1560 • $12.&00-low doWn paym~nt it read what thla attractive h()m(' on beaulltul •i., •er' h&a to ofter -A.JI fpncfll. SpaclOUll A tmmaculale 2 B. R. pl\UI f1Lmll:y dining er drn. l .. l'ge kitchen. T h e r mo controlled tlt-aL Hwd. nra. A lovely ('OV• •red paUo with BBQ. All locatfd In Ulll r .. t pwlng •rt'a. Zo"td for • pony or a cl'llek. Immaculate thru~t. J'\ne c1rpeta • smart Urinr room (lrapea. ALL 00 I I REALTORS, KI 6--1112 JlcJI LIDO LOT 00 n. Ofl LIDO BOUD AUK> 6 R...,_klta In CO.!a MN& near ~pplf\I' c~nt•r. By O'Wl'Jl· •r Har. 0191 or H1r. 3106 tcl t This ia Nice TWO lal"I• be<trm.a. Mell. wtU. tt. own bathroom. Uvt111 ft'lL The kitchen and Glnln( ruora. ara ~ated bJ a.land·.,_. •Ink. Can -l I '9 10 peop ... Hwd. noon th.tu-out. FA he•t. All •1.c:tric ~ ta· C".llKIM r&nCI and Nlr1(. lb ... root. prqc. wotll llhop and den. Fu.U • price on.tJ tU.IOO. OwM:r. Har. 66<11-W. prU Industrial ) ACR£8 OCI Baka-Ill. "'th rood home prlc.d for q~k l&lt With 1, down. DA:-.' A JA.00881tN, f\nl Cll't•t1 Hai bor 6611 l U 8--6317 KI l--2117 HY 4.---Htl ... • ' f , I I 4 • "' n c • r, r I • " Ji • I I f · l I •• t I l , r r Best Buys Corona del Mar 1. 2. 3. '· .,' NICE CLEAN 2 bedrm. home. Double pra~. On &eve-1 co~r lot. COM. Room for one more urut. $1',000 tull price. wur eotWdw )ow dowo payment. v BARGAIN.' 3 bdrm. home, hardwood noor< F A heat, garb. dl1po9&1. fenced ya.rd, dbl. rara1e. Choice location. Better burry on thta! ONLY $l(l,500. Easy tenna. V DUPLEX. 2 unit.a, 1 6dnn. ea.ch •. 1 cOIDplete- ly furn. and on leue for $75 mo. Fro•t wllt vacant -ready for you to move in. Only $4000 dwn., full prfce $16,7~. r SHORECLIFFS. 3 bdrm. and den home, 2 full batha. Only 1 yr. old, built-in stove and oven, carpeted w~ll to wall, cu.atom drape• thruout, encloaed patio. Only one at Ulla price. Truly a good buy, only $34,500. y' IMMACULATE. 2 bedroom 2 bath home. 1 block to ocean and beach. Located at 239 Heliotrope. Dbl. garage, hwd. floors, fenced yard, beautiful patio & landscaping. A bargain at $21,500 OPEN HOUSE 1 • 5 p. m. _Daily until sold MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LlSTINGS \ CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTION, Realtor .. BACk IAY BAY' VIEW OWNER SAYS SELLl ! I 2218 Tu.rt.in Ave. OPEN BOUSE I . NEWPORT IEACH TON a. l3i we Dtlw OPEN 'BOUSE BAY.SHORES LIDO ISLE NEWPORT BEACH Ntw 2 bdr. each duplu ,111,000 -t.nn.t. Islands ·Realty & Investment Co. ~ • 32nd St., Newport BeaC4 -Harbor 5868 -after ~ :00 p. m. Harbor M67 B/ B Spe~ial! Special!!! Ocean-Front.Home ONLY 1 block lo ttnut bathing 222 Coral Ave., C8 talina on a Rocker? $66M. down. Unusually attr. 3 B. R. home. In tact. you'll Jove it and W&nt it! $154.60 per month YOU CAN, from the front porch ( . . • or lhru the picture wtndowa or more it yoll have Jt) until paid in full Al8o ot thlJI lovely • bedroom and a amall apartment. ThUI ii a CHANCE OF A dtn homt. Lu..-CIOUp tor LD"ETIME. OPEN FOR. INSPECTION FRI· comfort but not t.oo btr ror , convenience. UxlT dJntnr rm., DAY, SATURDAY & SUNDAY. Bat don t 11ecluded, brlcxi"d pallo wtth wait. Come in our office TO· DAY! hotel tlH grit .. Se.na.lbly priced al StS,000. 2616 Ocun Blvd. beach at the bay T h114 m Id· ernlatd e room homt of 3 bdrml., } l) bath"I, lh .. t rn11 I 1111. trolled torcl'd air heat r>.1!10 and )'m'IJ, doubl~ wirt1J(<' 1111'!0 room" {or 2 lnconw 1uut~ IC dulred). At low u S!IOOO ctn. Lido Shopping A rea 1 block from center ot N~v. r• rl'a • flneat thopptng dl!ltt •ll :! lwll· rma. a.nd bath up1t1111i<, dttruC· live kitchen and dining ueA, l1r1te living 1oom, 111~,, 1'1t• 11t room -ad bath down~t1rn ~ I r a • -·,, c .... NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS PART 11 • PA6E 1 follDAY, MAY II, 1956 Jt. ~; CORONA DEL MAR WANTED -A RICH MU.LION~ • ~ We hue a bOUllt on the bJutf that ma.a. .Budl· · Ingham Palace look like a prage. Ttrn.c<d · .' · ~~na P~Y banrtnr~"r ~ oe.n. ~ · Vlew unex~lled on thla cout. Separate pnt houte. Over $5000 worth of drape1 go with the hou.ae. All th~ on '160 feet ooea.n froatap. -- Owner mutt mow. : ~ ~ OPEN HOUSE F ROM 1-:S euh day. · • • 3927 Ocea.n Blvd. . . .. 50 FEET OF EXCELLENT IDGHW AY front· ... age acron from new Vincent '• Dnii .tore lD. -. . • Cd.M. Garage nets owner $10,000 a year. Pur·. chaser could lease garage for $200 per mo u · "· toola a.re included in aale. ExcelleoNor apecUr ~ latio.n or income. Price-S2!S,OOO. ~r will • carry part, trade or what have you ! T Corona Highlands · UNUSUAL 3 bdrm. 2 bath hoJJ1e in Coro" •. Highlands. Shake root. 1 yr. old. Many built in features and lovely landscaping. OPEN DAILY FROM 1 to 6 428 Cabrillo Ternce SEE US FOR SUMMER RENTALS. . W. E. FISHER & Associates · · · · 3024• E. Coast Hwy., Corona del )tar HAR. :soa2 ,. E ves HAR. 2420-W 3447 E . Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar Har. 47 (Office located next door to Newport H&rbor Bank, CdM) 1 betWffn Femletl • Dahlia) CORON A. DEL MAR OPEN 1·& Balurd&,J ll Sunday COSTA MESA OPEN FOR INSPFLTION 368 WALNUT ST. (off Tua tin Ave.) an R·2 lot with plenty "l'ace ------------------~­to buUd an Income umt in You Should See Thi s Mult.1ple -Lisr1ng-of-the·-Month 2 :T~~;n;o~:~'u07·:.m:e::t~ bedrnu.. on flrat level--MSd'L room It tboWcr out.Ide '1•.000 $2000 down. W!IY PAY RENT? ? ? NEW fl SPACIOUS 3 bed-room l 1t:; bath home. Hard- wood fioora. Beaut. used briclc fire-place. Forced air beat. Sl.Jding glaaa patio doora. Built in 2'" oven and range. Dilpoul Wired for elec. dryw . A real beauty. SEE IT NOW! FUlL prioe ONLY $16,000. CARAVAN· SPECIAL ML# 6901-Two houses on 55x180 ft lot in COSTA " MESA. One-3-bedroom house and one 1-bed- room house in rear -2~'2 yea.rs old- Fenced -Priced $14.~00 Contact your Realtor regarding thia one! with only J6000 cub wrape I.hill one up. BALBOA ~ENI NSULA BALBOA PENINSULA. 422 BelVue Lane SOt:!'\DS LIKE wl.ah!ul lhlnklnr Open for in.lpection on Sunday. but n·a true a 3 bedroom, 2 A honey! 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. ~g room. bath home on a 02 Ct. lol at • BeauL patio. Large lot. Block from bay bath- pi ice yuu can ~tford. '27.6-00. ing beach. Priced nght. Xlnt. term.a. Shown term•. " * ~..,, * * ;'r &nytime, BUT call for appointment. front. Only SUI.MO l• 1 nr~ BALBOA ISLAND Newly painted ' bdm1• J•, b&llla, comp\etely fur111~htd . 4ouble range, wonderful tor la.rte tamUy. Owner 11n,.1CJ1a • • • uking price $:?11.:.0u - 1ubm1t your otter . LI DO IS LE 2 bdrm.a, 2 bltlh1, lot .. 11.1 halt Dream home, '37 ~ t• rn1 2 B R. plua 11111 2 b.1 tt • '.\lfl~t atlJ'ac tlve lnah.le &. ••ul S 11 •,oo lenn•. 3 b<trma. &. 2 ba. 1h11wpl.11 ,. 11nl1 ve.y livable. s 17 ~100 "'' '"'· Bay & Beach Rea1ty tnc BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor REALTORS MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTING INCOM E-With Value Coron& del Mar Office 311 Marine Ave .. Balboa lal.&nd. Ph. H&r 1671or1672 Dupltx 2 BR 2 b.ilh S~(lou •In .. MULTIPLE LI STING SERVICE 303() E Cat. Hwy., Harbor llM3 • Tr1pll'x 1 BR l'll $~.11(111 IJ•i.• n -------------------------------~rental un1l1 SH>Ocl •l•1v.11 Newport Harbor· Board of Realtor$ BA~BoA ISLAND B I B : E:!p~~~s~~~~~f:ila~~h·:.r:;:~ WE BELIEVE and art compl"tt"ly t un 1,htil 401 N. Nt. .port Blvd., Newport Beach Our laland and ':OST A MESA the best town on earth LARGE 3 Br .. home, dining room. aerv~e porch, fireplacr, double garage, fenced yard 98~ 300, plenty of room to build. $16.500 with tenm. 4 Br., -2 bath older home plu1 email rental. good ~t aide location. Double ga.rage. Fire- place & <iming room. $11,500 2 Br. home near Blvd .. & markets. aervice porch, garage, lot 60 x 125 $7500. with 4 ~c loan. its way ot life ia God'• gift to m&n. "' * ~ PL'T YOU"R F'A.\tlLY' 1n lh11 wondtrful ho~ for the 1um mer--THEN tel ua rent ll for you durlnr th" "'ln ter-rr HAS EVERYTHll\O. Built·ln ell'Ctrlc T hermadnr barbeque. eleclrlc du1hwul'lc·r, 4 ~mu .. 3 b&lha. Charming Jlvln( rm * * ..... TO SEE THIS Property IS to BUY ~ARMJNG lat~e ll\lnr room, 3 Br. home, hwd. floors, large kitchen, patio, a b«St0omt1, lovely P•l10 double garage, chain lmk fence. 3 yn. old. __ • PLUS 4r. I •11 750 EZ te l Bl:DRJ.f furnl.ahed apartment. ,o oan <11 , • n:na. c v loH to l ht 11lage Shopplnr loll Inctu.alrial lot 63x300 ... $6500 with $2000 ,DOWN Multiple unit reaidential lot can build 4 unit.a .•• $3950 G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd., COSTA MESA LI 8-7729 LITTLE GEM • SMALL l}US INESS -~RGE VOLUME And completely ~harming 2 bedroom home adjoining. Located on Balboa Island's main St., "MARINE AVE." Approximately 2 do~n excluaiv_e .linea of little girl• and boya clothes. Carefully selected mer- chandise and wide following bu made the turn over phenomenal. Center- $3UOO •10.000 do"' n, o"' ntr W11l carry balance. DORIS BRAY, Rltr. 216 Manne, Balboa 1.aland Har. 20 or 6~ Balboa Ocean Front • BDRM. turn. oldl'r home. larre livtnr rm with tlreptau. Urul heat, prbace d11poaal. i car ,.arare. Oce..n view, cloee lQ the bay, $23,600, ttrlll.9. F.IRST TIME OloTERED. In- come unit 2 bdrm rurn. hou.e will> lge. bdrm. garage apt Excellent '"'ntal aret.. One blk. t o bay. Ut ~oo. trrma. Coast Properties Ruth Jayr~. Raltor MUdr~ Rt«ft I& VIEW -DUPLEX -VIEW I Bay Avenue, oppoeite nice beach with unob- structed permanent View ot Harbor. 2 bed- rooma, 2 batha each unit. $12,000 will handle. BAY A VENUE -Vl~W Nearly new 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. Oppoaite beat beach in Balboa. Wall to wall carpeting. ex~ nice lut.chea, 2 patloa. BALBOA PEN~SULA Completely furniab~ 2 bedroom, convertible den, 2 batb modern home, fireplace, patio, on quiet at. $21,7~ -$5.000 wm handle. BAY AND BEACH REAL TY, Inc., Rltrs. 1450 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1264. Evenings -Harbor 1856 LIDO IS LE 104 Via Ithaca, OPEN SUNDAY 1 -5 This t bed.rm. home will ple.ue the moet dis- criminating. Perfect in every way. Built-in kit- chen. 30 ft. living room, wall to wall corpetinr. drapes, weathenstripped. large patio, etc. It'• choice for $45,000 BAYSHORES 3 bedroom completely furnished iu exclusive dia-- \rict-on extra large lot. Huge lovely patio, partly covered. Room for swimming pool A good buy for S23,500. COSTA MESA 3 We have 2 1H-.. ut1 f11l I h rm 2 2 b&Ul llomea le> o/fer. Ont In I ~ Cll)'. ot1'11·r in l h" Count\ 2 Stt us <or lull Jt'\,ulA SlOOO to $!1000 du"A n 1 3 TRADING-TO-DA Y7 2 High tred• In ... low prlle . Stl' l hla 2.i)(J 11q It romnwrc. 111 bu1ldl11' E"(' ell On I b<111 l•J; ~. tiun ~111«'1•111' l'I xu1ni.; tu ~tl a atc-11.I. Many, Others to Show You BALBOA BAY P-ropertie s l~o:I W. B&JbOa Blvd liar IH88 , 'C" THOMAS "C' THOMAS SEE this ONE Onlv Sl{I ~111(1 Furn1ahf'd BA.YSHORES -3 btdroom1. 1 •,I beth1. flnl lime offered -. I E;x ceUml T~rma ! · I ALSO BAYSHORF. ORIVF: hon111 with 1 HEW of blly -3 ht clrOtJm, 21 b•U1. l'lli'e p111Jo 11nct ftn•l'd v<J $23,:'.>0Q T1•1m., • BEAUTY Balboa Island . '·' 300 Coral Avenue HERE IS THE most desirable t bedroom corner home that we have seen !or J10me time. . .... ,. ... ... Everything about the place ia 1pic k a.nd apan l .• ready to move rnto. In addition to having ~ fine home, there is a small income unit ovu . lhc garage that will pay all expensea of the ho~'1 _ : : REALISTICALLY PRICED AT $i5,000 CALL FOR APPOINTMENT TO SEE! We Cooperate with all Realtors DUNCAN HARDESTY, Real+~~ .. 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 4718 • I • • BAYSHORES • • BEDROOM. 2 bath -· .. ·········-·· . ... . ......... $24,600 BEDROOM, furniahed .. -.......... (Sold) .......... $1~ BEDROOM, 2 bath, Ca.rpetM ahd draped. Corner lot -.. .. ...... ..-.................... $27,500 BEDROOM. 2 bath .................. (Sold) ................ $22,6001 BEDROOM, 2 baths complet ely furniahed ... -.. $2t.,50C HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. Harbor 1600 E ves U 8-~·· .,. ... .. ..... TWIN DUPLEX Near beach, good rental district. Income $2880. ' Can be mcreaaed. Fully rented at pruent. OnlJ S~ down. Pay off balance out of income'. $23.500 full price • ~ · .. . EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor · .... 3113 Newport Bl vd., Newport Beach Har. 1013 ., . .. •I WHEN YOU GOTTA GO-.,. Our Manne Capt.&in haa to lea ve NOW. Thia ~ · your opportunity to buy hta loY'ely 3 bedrm. . homt-nf'&r the Country Club for only $11,950. "' Terms. Large fenced lot, beautiful lawn, flat-. stone flower boxet, patio, phab wall to wall nylon••.., \'Jscose carpet. Pullman bath. Sho.w1 beautifully: : CaU ua now. CL YOE MEYER, Realtor : ... · 307 Marine, Balboa lalan.d Har. 2960 .• Exclusive Listing Pleue phone for appointment to see Slyvia Thomp&on, Auoclates 801 !:. Balboa Blvd . Balboa Phone Har 2M8 or Har •600 Uc LET'S TRADE We need a large commercial property, M-1 or nice mcom~ in the Col.It area for improved very well located Loe Angeles business property. Showing $20,000 gto88 yearly. Will usume con· :>:N F.XCLUSlVP: HARBO"-Jg. I ~l\'D DRI\ E -Nl'w l>ro\'tn· l-------------------_:_ WM.W. STANLEY SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD Pu:k Ave. at Marine, Balboa l-1a.nd Harbor 2462 A Luxury Home \\>ITH OVER 10 ACR.P;S of or· an(tll near buay Jn l!'r9f'Cllon In Santa Ana no h.-tter lnvetl· menl. -------------------L-. DAN A JM'OBSFX. Real Ettal1 CLIFF HAVEN VIEW HOME \ LI A-C317 ·~;~~;1~91 HY''~" Una~ m• of Bay & Ocean. 3 lge. bdrm11., lie. Uv. rm .. 1pacious beaut. kit., blt·in range & own. dllhwuher, W ;W cpts. thruout. 2 ba., intA«:om ayatem. radio controlled garage doora. • Shown by appt. EXCELLENT EAST COSTA MF.SA LOCATION 14 mo. old 3 bdrm. 11 :1 ba. home. HW floors. FA heat, fireplace, bit-in kit., lge. garage. comp. landacapcd and fenced. Bar-b-q. Beaut. ranch •tyl• U\d n>ady to move in. $11.500 full pnce $2500 down. THE VOGEL CO. 1700 Newport Blvd Cost.a Mua l.Jberty 8-M97 Eveninp Har.1M9-M BY OWNER ATI'RA<..'TIVE d11plu, near Udo ahop•. Vurnllhed. s2•.ooo. SboWa U:Ulltnt r.•tu.rn. L1 1-1~7. 98ltt . FOUR UNITS N EW P-01\ T HEIGHTS F:xr l'llent looeUon 2 A 3 Bdrm Wlll take part trade tor 113.300 l'qully. H.a.r- bor MIU !Mlle CLIFF HAVEN 315 Signal Road UNDER SlS,000 1290 IQ. fl. Ju~t ~nr-lrd ML No. 710.1 8ht)'4n daily ·uu aold. L1 8·248' lk22 ciderable d.i!ference. MYRTLE DAVY, Realtor New Lido Plua Bldg., 343:Z Via Oporto (Opposite Lido Shope Parking Area) Har. 54~ -Evenlnga LI 8--5297 VOGEL VALUE -LIDO HOUSE OF POSSmn.JTIF.S ~~ly cha~ 2 bdrm., 2 ba ~ ~ designed by owner arcbitect for rracioua living. MuteT bdrm. ~pprot. 20 x 24 with Shoji screens 1 on &tiding clo.e-t doon1 -fireplace l .Franklin 1812 copy. Patio la lge. enough for pool and new ovenlzed dbl p.rage i1 atreaaed for 2 more • bdnna. It bath. Price $37,500. Sbowu by appt. THE VOGEL CO. LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido, Npt Bch. liar. f971 or Har. 4972 E\·e. Har. tn79 -Har. ~H2 ... ct111 home with all th1 t>xtra• I 2 bl'dronms ..,,. tll'n 2 bl'llhit r 111a powdrr l'1Xlm. all f'll'rt nr b1tlll· 1n k1lch"n A LUXl'RY HOME F u R S42.00o "C" THOMAS I . , Rf:ALTOR anf'I ASSOCIATES U • W Cuul Highway 1.J ~ ~:'.127 N ~~ porl Stach 'C" THOMAS 'C" THOMAS RENT ONE rn10 _N&W ciu•lll.Y homtt._ both turnahed. 11us l'n<'I t1l1 ba. l"lreplact!I g1ra~"~· ftl"W atrl'•t All tmpro\l'm'·nt• p•l•I ••rnr f'rty rl,.nr ~utunlt •lown A ~ym•nh •, blodt to aurl ORANGE' COAST PROPERTIES 1~7 ~l"Ort. Rlvtl, Cnata Mn1 U ~-1632 Eveii LI ~ )frM1 9AN BE.R:"ARDINO mount.air cabin 3 bdrm tum $24~ )tar 4~ "''"· llllc . IRVINE TERRACE BLUFF .. ·~: .. Panoramic view ol the Harbor and Pac1tic. ~-: Brownell Deaign, 3 bdrm., den, 2 batha. Room for expanalon and pool. 1201 Dolphin Terrace .:.:.~ S.Ot.500 , •• OPEN 11 A.M TO 5 P.M. DAILY~_ JOE FERGUSON , Brolcer . ;~ ·.e i2c1r·· · ,.,., $10;500 to $1 ?;'5<t INSPECTION tNVITEO 5 Custom Buil+ Models . . . ... .. . . ~.~ .... Select a bbme to wit your need.a. Built on Y•~ ; • or out lot. FHA terma. . . . ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1M7 Newport Blvd. O>sta Met.a ........ LI 8-1832 Evee LI S.1 tOO tt • • 'A~l -PARTH--NEWPOR~HARIORNEW>PR~ "!!;::·~lleal!!!!_~·~•!•!•:__ __ :_. __ !a!::::! ... !!!'Ll'!!!!'!t~:.;_--..!!::!~:!!!~;:;;..;;...._;;_..;!~~·~·~1~~~-.!*-!~...;...--~ FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1 9~ a ••' lllWI I ....... ------- n ~ '!t.e . · · GUIDE TO VALUE ' . LIDO ISLE Open Saturday 6 Sunday 1 fo ~ •01 Via Udo Soud ~ew 4 bedroolb 3 bath on 77 feet of Bayfront- Reduced to $92,MO or will teue for summer• at $1500 per month Lovely Waterlront Tl'iplex . .. .. .... .... . . .. '85,000 3 s.ctrooma, pier and slip .................. ._ at $60.000 3 Bedrooma, pier and alip . ... .................. at $75.000 3 Bedrooma, 2 ba. large lot .................... $31.500 2 Bedrooms -street to 1treet ... ·-··· ....... $,24.500 HARBOR tiilGHLANDS ~1 Terealt.s, 4 Br., 21:: ba. $24,500 546 Beryl 3 Br., .2 ba. $21,500 537 Diana Lane. 3 Br.. 2 ba. $18.500 1944 Priacilla Lane, 3 Br. 2 ba $18.000 20TH AT IRVINE OPEN DAILY 1 to 5 Wonderful new Bissell Built home in a setting o! orange trett $28,000 You must see this before you buy :LIFF HA VEN NEWPORT HEIGHTS 7~ St. James Place a.Hklng pr1re 464 Santa Ana' Ave. Trade W ·Holly Lane, 4 Br .. 2 ba. $21.500 at $17,500 $15,950 CORONA DEL MAR 308 Poppy, 3 Br. and den Ocean view -Bargain $33 500 BAYSHORES 2532 Crestv1ew Drt\'f'. a 2 h<'drt•"m Sena1ble value al S20,950 COST k'""MESA 241 Mesa Drive 3 Br 1 11 baths- Nice corner $15,950 I One acre on HamHton St. with rPment bl"c k Jiobse & chain Unk fence-owner anx10us $13 300 WE COOPERATE WITH ALL REALTOR6 I • DUNCAN HARD~STY , Realtor 2602 Newport Bl vd., Nc.-wport Beach Har. 4718 FURNISHED VIEW HOME Ownen are planrung to Lravel for several yearse Rather than lease their very spacious and modem view home, they have decided to sell 1t aJong with their very lovely & expensive furmsh- lnp. Thia home has three bedrooms, two baths huge. living room, dinmg room. ultra modern kitchen and of course there is forced air heating, a fireplace, choice oak floonng and a double garage along with a lovely patio. The view o! the bay and ocean is unobstructed from the living room, dining room and kitchen. The property is on dee<ied land and high above the Archea. The price is $.32,500 which includes the fumish- inp. Th~ property is free and clear and the ownen will sell to a RESPONSIBLE party on a modelt down payment and finance the balance. Bonifide mqumes are i'\vited. W. STUART FOOTE, Realtor '2117 W. Balboa Blvd Har 24. Eves Ll 8-5t90 JUST REDUCED FOR QUICK SA~E Choice Corona Highlands View Lot on The Desirable "High" Side of Seaward Dr. With a PERMANENT VIEW ot the wide Pacific Multiple Liating No. 7210 Pbone Harbor 2462 for details WM. W. STANLEY SANFORD Re~tors HADFIELD Park Ave. at Ma.rine. Balboa Island Harbor 2462 Luxurious ~horecliffs It la our pleasure to offer to you one of the fine.at home. in exclutti\'e Shorechff s. The home con.Jet.a of a large lw . rm. with raised hearth firepl., a spacioua family room with its . own firepl, a lovely dream kitchen with loads ot cabfneta. a garb disp.. dishwuher l& dual bit. in oven Ir ra.nge. There art 3 large Dearooma It 2 Mtba PLUS a gunt rm. & :i , bath over lhC' dbl. pr. The home A gueat rm. are entirely cairpeted wall to wall. In addition a heated. filtered "lmJ>('rial'' POOL fenced for protection. Pnctd at $4.9.500 . . . Terms 1f desired. R. L STRICKLER , Realtor R. B. HOO<;E. A8SOCiate 3622 E Cout Hwy . Corona de! Mar. J p.a. palmer incor ~evalopers of Lido· Isle HARBOR MESA RANCH HOMES • Lido OPEN BOUSE 10 to 5 . SA~AY & SUNDAY · W Via Ocoa CUdo'1 widest at.reel). 3 bedroo~. 3 batb.I, fuml.abed. $34.roo • Typical of Lido lale'a uttr'a-ama.rt modern home. la th1a 1triJUn1 4 bednn. 2 bath houae of unlq\ie compact design. The lMng rm. featuru a hand· aome atone firepl~ • ..beamed ceiling and 1Udlng glaaa doo~ to the pl~t patio. The kitchen ia a woman'• dream wtth built·ill oven and range. hardwood cabinets with matching fomuca sink tops. The home gaina added charm from the walJ-to-WaJI carpeting, huge windows, and atrilc- ing colors & wall paper. The full price la $37,!>00 Strikingly Decorated • TWO SOUTH PATIOS, 2 bed.ma. & den, 2':: baths.' Fully carpeted, completely modern, in- cluding kitchen ,with b'ea.utiful birch c&bineta, !ormic:a counters in matching tonea, bntlt-in oven & range, disposal. Worlds o~ cloeet le storage space. Master bedrm. with dreping alcove opens onto its o~n beautifully landscaped patfo. $37 ,500 p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co. management 3333 via lido, harbor 1600 VI EW HOME 3 &drwm 2 ballui carpeted. drapl'd 1n<~11 t• l llghtJng, b11e- mtnt gruv1ly tum..:,. d1,.h- w11 tlf'r gh11t·p1oof pl•ltgla.:11. flrt 1>lact of 11.1111tont' " yn nlil doubli-gD n•¥l' ''Ith room f11r 1 .. und1 y S:!!I G-00 Tenns BAYFRONT BALBOA 2 unit.a fumlahf'd Fine older bldf would lend lt.aelf to modem1ut1on It lntrt'IMd lne<ime. Lowest p1 Iced bey- t1 <1nt now et $31,000 It only $10.000 down • Eth l'n Rapp Large Shorecliff Home Thia home llu ~ a family OOllld ever want -' bellnm., i bat.ht, formal Uvin,c nn .• full dJninc rm. 13x15, bruklut room, diab- wuher in tbe ldtchm, butltt"a pantry, forced a1r beat, hardwood floora. BeauUfully pl&nted ) .. rd and of courae. loca.ted in, one of California'• outatandin&' wbdivtaiou-SBORECLIF'F. Pnoe $45,000. Call Joe Kincaid or Davidaon Osburn tor detai}.a. Rural View Estate Californi& Ranch Home on nearly 3 acre1 of beautitUI level land. A ~ew of rolling hilla, ,mountaim aQ,d the water. 3 bedrm., 2 bath home with radJant heat, and real country living. With- in 5 mlnutee of ocean. Cell Bill Farnsworth to ~ thie one. . Lido Isle 2 bedrm leisure home on 60 ft. st.reet-to-atreet lot. $32,000. Ten:ne available. Call Jack Crisfield for tw-tber information. 100 Feet-Bay View Without a dowht. the moat deairable in.aide lot on Lido. Room for a large home with pool. Full pric~ $32,500 with tenna available eou Breer will be happy to show this. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanaon co. m~na<Jement 1700 w. cout highway -liberty 8-5573 OCEANFRONT NPT. CORNER Loweat priced ocean ·r~nl prop-'2 bdrm .. 1 bath home fumlahed trty on Balboa Penlnaul.l at Laree yai d acroN the 1trMt lo channtl sw1mmmc. blk. to '24.760 e bdrm .. 3 baUl hOme ocean & beat 1urt t11hln1 y. Ith lncloeed paUo, dbl ca1 &fe 110.000 F P $2.000 dn. ~ On a lar1e comer loL per monttr on the balancl'. Ph) 1111 Kerwin Phll Rapp Bayview Properties Harbor 4814 2 3 u i Peninsula Properties tMAND NEW PENI NSU LA HOME 2 bedrooma and den, 2 betbll a11d rorcf'd-a1r he.at liu11t -In kJtchen. fireplace a11d f!Vf'rythlng ..• feclng lhe park lO·• , , S26 ~. $!!000 down rE:-;1:-o:st·LA HOME with 1uo•11 l•> in • alllf! Built on lol antl ont·h•lt 1 :12 611 1 l&rff' •nd j )>rirnt 1 Oil pal lo 2 bat tu, guest roum ''1th balh A homey·· 1 h•11111• ,.. $li ~o<1. tt1 ms HERE'S A l•A!'-.DY PENL-.:Sl..'LA I HOME \\llh 3 bedrooma a.nd 3 bitha Tttrlflc for large fam- ily I....a.rgt lot a nd patio. 3 car g11 B1tf! Full dining room and OCl'ln vltw trom up•talr bf'd- rourn~ $211 ~00 11 all they uk Tt1111~ w . B alboa Bl\'d ,, N e wport 4 Units Balboa Peninsula 1623 E. Balboa Blvd. OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 One 2 bedrm .. tbree 1 bednn .. plus extra sleeping room with bath~ &.t location and in A-1 con- dition. PotenliaJ income ~ yr. Asking $35,000, term1. OWNER TRANSFERRED EAST OPEN SUNDAY 462 EAther St., Back Bay Area. MUST SELL AND IS OFFERED FOR THE FIRST TIME. this beautiful 3 bed.rm .. 2 bath home with comparable bomea priced $3000 more (and worth it). See this today at only $23,000. Submit on down payment. BELIEVE IT OR NOT B e a c h , B /18 OPEN HOUSE Daily l 00 -5 ;()() p. m. •07 P irate Rd. Clift Raven Du lrable loc1Uon. 3 bedrooms I Shingle root. Hardwood floor • Kllchtn "'1r~d for 220V. 4', QI loan S l6.o00 Price Reduced! From $29.000 lo $26,900 with Juat l!i,000 down on lhl1 1 exqul11te Back Bay modern- lovt>ly patio-copper plumb ll\J thruout-radla11t t\Ml-a truly ... Uodtl lktwMn lrvlne and Tl»Un A\~ . ' on C&brtllo nortlt of 1Tta I t. OPEN DA.JI. Y t A. lL. TO • P.M. HE.A VY IKA.l(J: ROOFS, bardwQQd t1ov9, ~ ~ ... ......... forced-air he&t. bWlt-la CW• ...... ,..,... dl.lpoeall, MWtts, llld1nc (J.ua dOOf'I, UMd ~ rtreplace& TEIUUJ'IC LOOKING HOMlle w1lb exetil•t 1!os pl&N on Cocta )feu·1 m09t dtalra ble r.ut l1d6 &·bedroom: $21.~ GoW1I J·bedroom a.nd de: sn.~ dow1! All bomea have J b&tU OLE HANSON CO. Tn~l Phon•: Uberty a.n u or omen . u l-MT3, ll&rbol' 1IOI "We're Moving to Irvine Terrace" , Drive in today and ke for younelf ~ m.&ny ~ ltanding featu~ of thlJI remarkable com•ttalty. More and more Harbor area famlliea a.re lnlplctin& theee exquiaite i\omea -not.inc t.hlir comfort. coa.- venience and central location. More and more families who pref er a bom.t ln l r.- atricted quality community are moviDJ lnto their Irvine Terrace bomee. Inspect the model bome8, built by Macco Corp. e~quisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert Irvine Terra~ ia located on Cout Higbwicy OJlpoeite the new Irvine Cout Country O ub. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Barbor «48 For Further Inform&UoD * For Recommendatio~ we refer you to U)'one who bol<b a Leasehold F:.tate iD Inm• Ternct., Beacon Bay, Bay Shore. and QJtt Haven PE.NINSL'LA DUPLEX and a pip Unly 8 year• old with 3 bt>d1 oom1 u~ and 2 down OCEAN VIEW HOME NEWPORT HEIGHTS. 3 bedrms, 2 baths. Immaculately kept and priced at only $14,750. F.uy tenD.1. buutlful home ot a b~m•, 2 b1th.e . . . . A l'fD IT'S VOGEL VALUES NOW B I!: L 0 W REPLACE-BALBOA lSLAND •II ntct lv rumlahed. Pa't10, do11bl' 1181 act and laundry A mu't !lt't 11t 128 ~. term11 PE='l:'l:Sl LA OCEAN FRO:-.'T Lll.:PLEX Sleep1 12 ~ople and a 11Y. ell rental property .. we I hA\t the record9 ln good I conrhlton walled rear yarrl iarngn and laundry. S22.600 ll'rm~ OCEA=" 1-RO:-.'T HOME with 4 I bt'droom~ t •1 baths. enclo~d 1letpln( rorch. ,1 ... ed deck. Larit" roomy home tor la rre I • family . SUl,600. I lF Y(JU WANT SOME INCOME LOOK THESE OVER . . "r\\ o h~clroom home with bac.he- I lu1 in rt'11r. on Ea11t Bay Ave- n111 • l l'Ar renll-'CI. Sl3,700. trrm,., OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 ~ La Jolla. at Wt'St Chff Drive. It's Later Than You Think BEACH LOVERS-Here 18 a dandy beach borne only a few atepe to ocean. Xlnt rent.aJ area. ba.a 3 bedrm.s., separate dining ro0m and aleep. 10. Completely furnished including TV. Aaking $12.500 euy terms. JACK BRENNAN, REAL TY ''AT THE ARCHES1' 3320 W. Coast Hwy. LI 8-7773 BALBOA ISLAND CUNNING 2 BR. house, price lncludea stove, refrig. carpets & drapes. 1:: blk. to ~ch. $6000 dn. $1.9,000 MENT COST~ Panoramic View! OWNER SAYS SELL - HQ)ding Open House at 116 Ametb)'lt Ave. Mt· urday & Sunday 1-5 p. m. Here ia a barltJD 3 BR. bome. Always a rood summer rtttlil. Priced to .ell furniahed at $22.~. I o r Sack Bay A1ea Crom th, picture wlndow1 of this nearly new 3 bedroom 1 ~ bath RU.Uc R&ncho localed ln the I aelKt spot or the Bac:'k S.y MOST COLORFUL 2 BR. - Area ... The leut VCJ>f'n1lve I Lo bl --1 ood 1. · b fi?9nL hou.ee In a block of me nsloNI. va e ·~w IVlDf a reu -Uf9 --r ruaranteu your lnvutmtnt e11 Excellent interior slecoration and fumlahlnp. well .. your comfort. An•J I Near South Bay bel.h and cuaranteed. to ch&rm tl'• cu.tom built throuchout with all ~lectrtc built . 1n you. Full price $U,500. kllch~n -dlahwuher. lndlT«l 11~ung. toucti plate wlrinJ . SHOP LEASE - f!tc -f\111 Price u uoo. Quick poeeeuion. On 200 blk. Ma.du Aft., • Bey & Beach Rea lty Inc REALTORS 1816 Warbor Boulev1trl.I Co1'ta Meea, Calltornla LI 8·7114 Evea. LI 8·31 ~ $160 month. VOGEL VALUES for bat buy•. THE VOGEL CO., Realtors TWO BEDROOM HOUSE with ont ~It oom apartment over a two car gara1e .•. both furn· l11h~ anti a very rood ~nter w1ntt>1 end 1111mmer . . alw1y1 SELECT 2 BR .. attractive. Near No. Bay .......................... $22,500 314 CATALINA OR .. N•w·port 208 Marine Ave. Har. U. or 1015 (Ne.xt door to poet office.' Ay F IC Fu-'-bed $100 000 I Ht.a. New a bedrm., modem. 2 SO. B ront, ..i BR . 4 ba., •UUJ •••••••••••. , batha, aunken llvinc rm. wllll r,.ntt<1. 116.600, terms I brick flrepla«, natural wood ' LITI'LE ISLAND. A rustic t.nd u..able 3 BR., 3 I c:'&blnell S id• drive to doubl• 3 1 ':>;fTS, 2 bedroom homt Will\ bath, in & telect di&triCl. ........................... $36,500 (&r&(f l.andae&pf'd lol. Opfon two 1 bf'droom apa1 tme.nl• In I Sat. • Sun. 11·:'> pm. Onl) 1ur The two In back are rent-BAY FRONT, LIDO ISLE. Beautiful home, pier & $1 11.760 t'fl anrl th~"''"' ho11u 111"'a1t-1 Sl"cooo tnit for '"" . SHI 600 float ... ~ .. · ·. . . . ~·· . . """• t'lo telephone mforma.uon please. Balboa Realty Co. We have buyera for good listings Oppo11te 8a.nk uC Amf'rka f\o.~ Gr~,.ley Ed ~~ Jo•tphlnt \,l'"ebb 7011 F. Balboa Blvd, BAiboa Phont Harbor 3277 Bt'SINE.5S FRONTAGE HARROR BLVD. comer. loc:a· 11on for Sl'r\'tce Sta t Inn, 11tor· f'11, Ml'ftltal center. 161 ft on lillrbor Some lnoom• now . l! tnlertAlf''1 In 1~11lallng. tht1 1!1 Jt'llt Miff!. Prof'f'rly dear -1 Rmell d<1" n It no finance chrs ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 111S7 :':f'V.Por1. Blvd Coeta Mtu I.I II 1832 Evea LI 8-H llO 1 'l.IJ'F' HA\ EN S 2 I 1\0ll .l IW'd rill" , 2 btH h d n1 p • ,.. " ' ra1 Pf'l \'tn• rltan Z •)I• olol l nim"'11•ll' hl"l"llpAn•l U • ~In~~ l'I , 1.1 I( 7~n7 P611r Free est1mate1, excellent service. Har. 1775 -Eves Edith Maroon '. •• J ohn Macnab Lou Boynton HYatt 4-6222 Harbor 5359 Harbor 2878 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave .. .B&lboa laland FOR SALE AND LEASE BACK CLASS A store a.rld office building located on moat important comer in Puadena. Price $700,000. Will pay 7ry, net nt-t a.nd will de.po9it $300.000 u leue aeourity Large de-prt'<'ia t ion factor CALL OWNER. T. I> Rogers. Ryan U16i or Harbor 3S28 , • ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES tM7 NPvo1>0rt Blvd, Coala .M"a LI 1·1132 li:vu. U 11-1400 I EXCELLENT BUY I $11,500 EAST lllth ST .. COSTA. MESA. 1 3 br .. G 1. Ioe.n. Payment.a M2 &3 I mo. Incl. t 't lnltreal and Im- pound& Ralph P. Maskey R.l!JALTOR 3411 Ntwpc>Tt Blvd. Har. 402 ~'IWPORTBEACR-cu>SmTOI I HIGH SCHOOL -Modern 2 bdrm. A do home, Uvtnr rm •Ith dW.nf erea, naptont r1N"plau " P'(turt w111dov. o•trlook•l\C pallo C•1 amlc ttl,. In .,_th kit<'hen A llt"f"'kf' rm ti E dl1hwu t11•t , •ltlHhf'tl 2 rar r•r • rar ran Larct r'"'''1 . 1rrl Ll l ·ICf" lcl4 Lido Island We have just Hated what we believe ia U40'1 beat buy -three bedroom.a. two bat.Ii.a, be.i location. Built 1961. Street to la.et lot. $27.500 -$7500 doWll. Excluaive with Lido Rea,ty Associates MOO Via Lido Harbor '"'' BALBOA APT. • BLDG~. INCOME $8,820 -P.RICE $82$0 Pref. income from yrly rent.ala. Could be ln· creued if operated on 1ummer-wlnter echedule. Bldg. not new but ln excellent cond. All unit.a nc~ptiona.lly t1pacious. Tb.la i1 a sood oat. See it today! THE VOGEL co. 3201 W C.Out Highway. Nrwport !Wach LI 8·3'181 -.. • \ -