HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-05-23 - Newport Harbor News PressftU W llODY REllOVDI -Newport -Ilia.a-a con l'OlllOft 'the body of Mn. Belen Mulne Miller, her it-at Ill 25tl. St. !ollowlxlg ™al fire lut DIJht. Wllliam.Saundero who went into lmOt.filled room In effo,;t to,_... loeaJ .m.t•: Yietlm before being diiven back. other offlcen in the 1Plctw'e an RIHrv• ce4 Let Smith (left) *"4 , Chuck 9&deo--Sta!t Pllat4o- • • :~wport , ·Helen - . GllitD> . ~G OONDl:llNED -lli>y ,. ~""· (right) building department inveatig&tor, tacb up condemnatipn notice on building at 111 ~th St. after tire tn which local woman died. R. A. k;lenn, (left) .director of the Department of IJ1Jildinr and Safety, Iook1 on u Humane Officer 6'orce Myer., occupant of one unit. ualltl. Myen ~ the fltt. -Statt Photo , I " rrf -NOW -~ Mn. ~ Myer1 toDo coqpk'• pet peralleet, ·~ .. nnble .., low pereh nearest Mn. M,.... 'lWr feat.b.-ed ~ -bad-turned o•er, feet ln a.lr1 0"9tCDllM by unoke when Myera rwued. him Lut nifht from dlaaotrous blue at 111 25th SI. -Staff Photo .Offfa• R .. lef as ' • ~ T' .. '·, Pullit ' . ' --. .:;: -·· ~----.. -· -. -.-.. OOll&llCf iAX Ll8T -Tlis labli aliow.ls•\llt ofOcial aalea tu Gft ileml up to the lut. ti.pre. • • • • • •· Speaklns of the HPOD'• opening, we don't reoognbe It. ~t the Balboa Bay Cub. Not officially, that •; ~-~ t. buuing with activity throughout the year. ~admit, however that the tn.ftlc ia •omewha.t be.Vier dmtng the summer month.I. Accordingly, additional ~ a.nd orpniatlon are neceuary. , lfany projecta have been completed thi1 aprlng j.n ordlll to fre.b.en up~the Club. The a~ent.a and rooma ..... -llplf!ed up beyond recogu!Uon. The "°" State-tnom,, opeBed lut week. give. male members a much a..s.t fun sone of their own. The spacious lobby hu -~ with a rug 00 deep that people movinJ ic:fta it appear to be walking on ~ir knee11. Paint.en =IU'OUD<i the ltW& and ouwde of the place thinp up. Coutruct.ion of the new children'• will start thia week, aqd a. bi( crew of l:lfe-.. ........ an llt&ndlllf hf to mao the beach, ID&\!> pool iand th•· chlldren'• plunre. New plan.Ube ii' in around the ~ and w.11 IOOll k>ol like .omtithlng out of Better' , ~. Tbe ten.ma courts have been re&urfaced. and th .. an many other areu of Improvement. The point ot all thl8 ta to mate the Balboa Bay Club a most pl.au- az1t place to relax and aocialize -res:ardlea. of eeuon ! ·. * * * .. ~ .... BBC'1 teen membeB will hold their monthly party Oot, J':lcjay May 2:5 at the Juni<>r Club bouae ... Pacific e celebrate their t1nt big activity of the year, the All Tackle Toµmey, with a dinner meetint 1 Dlgl>L. • • . . f I , . • ' ..,., ____,_ --. - • , IUCHAllD'S FlOWER SHOP ·SP.ECIAL LONG STEM CUT RIDROlll . . · 'f<k~arcl~. FlOWER SHOP ~·~ • • I • Ha-- --+ -------- • ·WEEK' • • ~~~~· Sammer .Batt. f ragran~ .. ~ 12 ... -o!".r 'I • [itifii TAii.IT K<c .... ·2 ~ 2~ . " WI Silijif!f~ .. 6~ ~ ' rooliiristE ... "' 2 '" 39c . 9c a.c-u.111r11e DISH Cl.QTff __ _ -- J',4YLESS · PAYLESS . . • SVEa..llLLUY • &4Y.0.V40 --1lo ftc ....... jjO 2 19C .._""i ._ ........ _.w.............. 3 • $49t :fl.ASHLIGHTBAmRIES 7 AJAX ........... ---· -BATH fOWELS ~-... · 1 ................... __ .._.. ane· _ ... ,._ . . 2 37c ·=· . . ~19 :MEN'S LtJNCH BOXES. 7 i: SCOTKINS .: -·-·---.. ~ _ Plu.IC JUG-...... . £ ·. ' fowo(Rpiiffs:;._ ... 2 ... 2~ i01Tvr1iif...:::·2 , .. 2~ wis'fEBASKET I .... __ 43c wlxTAHR2 ... 3~ TissiiEs WWtll w ool1nll •es. lk -s ... w YINCINTS - ICE CREAM C::. --. ···--. 5c c:: ___ . __ 1oc ltiitd 1ac:lcecl . ~~k ~=J . --1/2 Gallon • • • • • • • 7tc ll4lfY n.&\'Olle 'ft) ICIM>Oa8 ... AuthoriHd Hamilton--Gruen Dealer ' Anthony Trasscn Watchmaker -Jeweler ' Stort the 9roduato ofi right with 1 new Hamrfton or Gnren wrist wotch. Complete .. ~on 10< Boys ond Girls. II" P01"t&We J?,4YLESS - .... ..... - IO Lbs. Chercoal Briq11.ettts Pc We have a complete selection of graduation and father's day greeting cards. suN'6uss1-s;;:_ 4tc --RA'Siflutas ._ w .-.... -. $497 'BAR·B-BOWI. •' -I : ' ..... v .... Liquor Dept~ j I j ' • , • • ·- • > NEWPOAT HARIO!t NEW~ WfONESOAY, MAY 2l, IS • , . . ' ' • , . . . ;. . Se up to-30"/. on Summer nvenlfn u ; through~. nltle ~.uie Id •114.&lft. De rt,;;ent. ye ~111 "FooCl' c~11i-N9ilter receipt. •nd tllrn th m in for I 0, 21> .. n~ 30°/0 Gff on your f• .C: eirs, fwimming poofs, barb~CUH end hundreds of ~er nik.neks 1 ire· •IJ available during this 6-week Vlocation-Time spree on th, Mauanlne.· Join the . . fun, take home something for 1ummer •. , . , ·... " ~ • .... 'TmAt a.w I._~ .. - • $75 receipts Hn11 10% Off on up ho $25 In merchan3i ... $100 receipts earn• 29"/o Off on up ' $35. in marchandiaa \150 recaipt&. ... ar~s 3,0"/o Off on .up ;to $10 I merchandiM ,.__ . . ~ . . I IVN AND llE.lOB LOUNGE au• 10-11).)o" Oft. .... /lOI' ..... C' 'lft Yllilt _....., .......... -....... ··- HARBOR DA·Y .. SHYC LU:NCllCON ·f'_ ,, ' • ' · , IATU&DAY, KAY M-ll:M p.-. Hon01' tM ! i'm6.,.rM ry ot Ute complet.km of N..wp9ft -Jifl.rbor and tbr Mrltllllnr or thr IOUt Anniv.....,. rnnU tor tbr Cl.t7 ol N.-wport Buch w1U!. JOI.Ir pr....e.. Tlo- kttl' ••allabM at Chamber of Commerc. and c1t1 Baa. '""'..... ' I .• lll:MO~ DA;Y ilPtWIAJA • Du~ ,. I -t.&:9' BUTTER . iii/I ···-··-···-··········.lb, JUcMrO'• i....,. A.A ' FRESH EGGS 52' -.. doten Neh&rd'1 QualltJ FrMb ,., MA Y.ONNi'ISE .. , ..... i"1 ~...... 29' LGE, OLlyEs No. , ~ C1roue BIM!lOld &A.L'rm> 35' PEANUTS •_ .......... 114 .. L Hunt'• PORK It 2/'1:' BEANS _,,.., ~'° "~ H .U bby'• U:OIONTll 2/'l:f GRAPEFRT. N;.... "'1 UbbJ"• Blic-:d aWSZT ... -Plump. Meaty, Tounc. l'l&nch .._. 63' RABBITS _.:...'..,_._ .... , kaM&Uan ~ er .Qank .... .., SMOKED HAMS .. lb. 1"' Tender De.Uclo\141 C9nter 91' HAM SLIC~S-...... lb. • y ....... ~ ....,... Killod ftl• JR. TURKEYS _ ... .1• R SLIC1EOBACON Jb. 45' r&ODllCS ..._.,._ .. ......, BROCCOLI ~2 , .. lt' •w.et. auctlll' at., N.w • ' ..PJ~KlES , .. ._ ~ .. ONIONS .: '_; s .... 11' M ........ lf-J 'tfttte Mp:ay ..... ..,,... .. __ , __ 11.H. ••v• ~ te 1.00 J*' thair. 1 • llWDI nN1, ·rAOI:' PIATU •' AJID 8N(M!Q:l8 ' ' t•'°'"ao"' Ott ......... UJne. lA mm ..._, for Kom, 094 and U. Ek*. Vtik. U.& Dmin.f HMIUl.WQll ucl ~ Klnl' wtll Md "Ml.U'li •Ill .. la '"" l\Dftm.' ..,.,... au.mlro-rr.o.,.n II ~~8 DON:T FORGET CMOS ' DAY IS Jl;J~E I 7TH. oh.•-7·0.S.. BBQ SAUCE _.u:- ,.arme111 O.uef\ter .A.mart«! f'l•vo~ 49' PRESERVES .. ....lk<., POT A TOES -·-5 , .. l5'' . mllUD4Y • oEuc.-..EN LOA~AKE, .. _..-47'. '.ii:Cil CHEESE . lb 49'. ,,_ ..... raJDAY 52' Zee EmboM4id P .A.PEil f /tftl NAPKINS , . .io•, M• .... B .... -... ... APPLE PIE ......... _ ....... CANNED HAM 2# Un 8ATUKDAY PLATESAPER 89' ·····-•······'o pk. S'ALAb 0wn MACARONJ 23' ~ ROLLS ~= .. I tor 1r ·---·-··•'"' LAreR'CA"i<E ····"'" 17' :.IJJo S~opJ PreJenf rila'J jaJ~ionJ 1'1.t. Frlda7 -I :IO p .M. -UDdtr th• P•lnw ... Richard'• ... f.il..~ a:.i,,._ h'bD'I fam0\111 UO. ' . 9aape. 11..-9'Q1M JM1 .,,.'t want t.. ..-.. Calt• alMI 0ott .. "7 Qranr• Count7 ~ kcl•l7. • • , • • ' (!IJI!•-<mtftAJJ .um IELGlt1ll ()I .AU " ._u~ colorM .,....,..... from. ..... staa a.n,...'llu Hae fJI ..... tut ....... ~ IUl't eui erpt.11 ...... ..... ..... .,......., lllr..U. ..... ,...., a.llOmlOIVSOU:AK . "''*~ . *'*;;me=--M'~ INc_ktl me .._ -_....,...._.. ... _ .. _. dJe. MaJI• "11dolM old·tMbklned --....... te. -. llq-atar U.M ............ up M 10.0I •IU. dl-,uat. MIUllllVD AND -AVBlll ... ....,. Ott. .... .... -•• "'° ....... J-.)'OUI' t.n-ol .,.. lllCi.ae. "-8 Rb r 1a 'r ror holl.U. med( ... ... .... BBQ'• wtUt. ' ......... -...,. ... -· .pl.ta. .... I.II ._ MW ftatK II.NJ - : . ' D 'llAllT or 'l'llE ~. DONI ... IU: 11l1a&.1 ••··Wt' ..... • • . - • • . ' • - ' ' --' " . c: -i:: - --. . -. ·- •J.S. Gracie 'Choice' i~ Stal-Feel leef ·SWISS · il'U'M$ IONEWS · ' OTTOM lOUND IONE . IN lOlllED BEEF . .... •i····· o· ... .._,,In w4a. =,.,.;.. ... ::r:,..,.. -~ ..... --i-o•..,• ........ _ .... __ . ~ ............ , -~ -. . • • -- Selected ftom choice young Hstem 11Mrsl M.l.AMERICAN'S FAMOUS l'USH, LEAi.i GROUND l BEEF .. U.S. G•ADE 'CHOICE' • IEEF- Center CUlll -Al.J,.AMERICAN FIRST QUALITY C EASTERN SLICED .,. · BACON ~::: · UOUORS ' • ALL-AMERICAN c-$ 19 . _.,.. _________ _ ' .....va-• ~~ s399 . ____ .7iriPiciE' s1 98 • of 24 12-0%. Cansl • AJJ..AMalCAN . -TAltl-WINl- VIN . ROSE . ~ .49c . c .. c c .. -- . CAL-TOP WHOu UNPEELED APRICOTS . • No. 300 Con . 21 C GREEN aow ASPADGUS GRifEfiUIT JCE. 4 For'~ ilDNEY BEUS 2 ~. 25c .. l'UU VIGET Alli . CRISCO · ·~ lllS WHOll IEW-PO'l ANTHONY SPIOHE'l PAQRC -f.U. pt GRAHAM . . '. .. MUNCHErfEsme ~~ ::~:nicl 35c ~-. i°HOll •i ' PACIFIC STA-CRISP 21 C SODA CRACKERS ~: . · . 37° CARNATION IMSTANT CHOCOLATE . MILK , ilioiox COOKIES =. ·39t GUY .PC)U,0,. PllPAUO DIJON . 2r/: . ' Macie with White • ~ MUSTARD Wlnel s4.. J., ,,, AIHound Pepp1rvUpp1r ' . WHEATIES 12-0i:. 21 c Pl<g. . ' • 'i!•OtTININO I -. . w.unct c.n . ' • I 1"--' , ...... ,.___ ICJO.ft. • loll • -~-- -t* ;;_: I . ( : HEAPING . IOXES IT'S SANDWICH TIMll J)e/icalessen c . - ' . . . . .. lRTiiS 2~ ... r:------'""""".--,__ -I , ., :-tiiAMOOK -: SALAMl l's~'?u:· 25~~ ... \ '!~Si?-,! PIC~E . -ri ft -'~ L-.-------~ I . .., ••• CAIN~D HAMS ANDun LAGUNA IOQ4,!VOIT . DRES$'"6 ------- I. • • • t ea. RATH llACIOfAWK . -YOUR··SAvtm . • • EARN '°~· • · THI usr ·~~ ma .:: ' ~ Pll'Olll Ol'IN TO THI PUIUCI · •• .. ... . : .:: .. ,., ' . ·. *l :V . .... ' . . . _ ...... \ . .-: . ,_ ... . -...... . ' .... :. . ., ... -· t ... • ( . -· -• . , . .. ;_~ ..., ... ·~ ..,i::· ....... .1, ~ I JO: .. . • j .... . -· ":• ......... -.• .,.:s. •. . . . .. . -... . .. I I t ' 1 1 ' P.\6E 6 • P.\llJJ "'' -. ··-... -.... • •• ~·; . '· .. ''-.. . -...... I ! • • : • • • ' ' . . --- ' • - _,... __ ._ ,. { ' . • , -------- ---- • ·. -- 11e ... Jttpo ........ ~-, Borreao pre.ert alter ,. p. ' • IN QA n:I; J:XauNGE ;_ PaDbellen1c ...... of ot&. dlanpl baDda Kay 11 In-a JuDch.oll 8"llt at Newport Harbor Y&eht Qub. Left to rlibt are Mmta. W~ Lie, tlnt Vice prtllident; M. L. Stannard, eecond vice ~ and J:a,ai.BJ~Wltmer, ~t. accept1°c &anl.from. Kn. H. O. ~ey, retlrinl pf'llldlllt. In nu and at rirht, Mn. lUchard Wmkv, recordlnr teer«&r)'; Mn. Nadt.Dt CopJen. 'treuurer and Mn. Kenneth 8Jmpeoll, third vice pl'Mldmt. -Statt ~* . HUSBANDS TO ·UNDULATE • IN DANCE OF 7 VEILS • LEARN TO PLAY THE PIANO , . I . 87 l'.aw -The Nalunl Way Kamaainas Plan Aid for New. family • • • W.. ,_ ..._, a..., TY 19' ..................... ltll CDVaOLET AB80L1J'l'ELY FREE I I Net..,. t.u.1 .. an • ellstMe ...... eta*-&. \ . ws BA.VE uam 1'V ... Aarw::s~ .... .. _ ... all ..... ... all ...... ...,.. Orup ()oaat,'1 Newest MaMeal 8M?M tloll t t t TBJI ''WIS VAUGHAN 'llJO" I ' wt&ll 1111>1' WBmUY a 08~Y lf .4.lllBtJUlE .\.ftDUle fol' prtftte ...,U... ..._ _, 00 &Othlu.. ... ,, .. , mUIM ........ te•meot. tor the •onr -th1a1;f" lftQP. ~ •••"•....,.. <DAY•) Kl'llli".,·Y 6-HCl (S\'D.) NllflJ Wq 14 H1CJT •••. A• :. HEA•I•• OLA·-·~ • • ... 0.-. ... ........ '-.. w ..... P11t•1'· ..... ~· H. DALE RATHER .. ......... .·: .. ~· ------..- JOIB. nANCI8 POKAINVILLE -Kayetto Photo -Promises Aid For CONTINUING ~· ::. TO PAY ~-.PER ANNUM -· . #I.I. .ACCOUNTS "5IJl\ED UP TO $10,000 .. 8UIA 181El\AL SAVIN&S I LOAN ASS0¢1Al10N . m~.& ..... • ,,__, D '*lln ----..... Yll•"1MP~ ................... v OOMN'A: ...... ·-Oilll..,_ .t.oc*il °LMVll --•... ..., •••eo+-....D ..... .& ... 1,;AGUNA Bl:Al"-"'-111-~ =~ • ' • TO ·ANNOUNCE • T.,-AT -~--,,--­ Hazel Parkerson r~u ~ ol. Coral Beauty Balon ''"" -•. and AU .: ---Kl.-..! '· \ I \ - · Marilyn Snedeker *lli.·1t-•'A ~WU.-'• ~.. ' . --... l\H Now With • ' . -ITll &. Cout H"J ~ ~CIOROM'A "Dl:L lOJ\ -HA 1171 Thurs ... Fri. May 24, 25 The Hoover F•ctory -Representetive wiM bt al Iha Nowj>ort Mimi- l ... . ' ' KISS GAJL couJ:Ns -'l1le c1auc~ter of Mr. and Kn. Raymond Colllu ~-of iiier-. .0. the Maypole at the Kay Qaeen ~ l\CIO!d<H _Col- l°f'• n1, when r~ ~ -~ rrs TDU: 'I'() SToRE YOUR ' FURS &et1y1rts.tor..,,.. dean "your fvrw. The llnt •rvlce • • • Herve Your Fun Res!yled Now at llleklc:M Pric:n Hertiof-.~, .. Melie!:lef Perlr OLIVE M~ DULlll · . FUHS · 211 N.1r11lw1r s ... -. Kl 2.1na • ,~There's no place lib Slfeway • · loi FBQB PBOllDCf-; . . D•-BUF IUCID n~:23c BllF ITIW Dh"Y Moore. 3 3C 'cMlc.d ln 2 ....... ,.. -....... HILLS COFFEE R'Gular 1!79' DILL'.PICKLU · or drip -~~~n-;:29-= YONNAISE NU MADI ~· ™" • Natlonlll rk:kl9 .... ' SSON Oil J:29' ::!53' TRIND l•I . . . ~33' BISQUICK Betty Vockor'1 . _.. i.-w deal ~ •12.in-l 11 mbc 2 ~.; 37c FLOUR · "=~y ~47' 1~93c -• SPEC/Ill VALU ES /H M l/IT SlCT/(JN I • ~ lure Co. to de"-stralt · f ')..:. :1 ' ~ th. 1pectacul..r new u,1e C1~aper i.bo, ,..;.9 1 .. 1 •••• 01 that walks the new Airborn HOover Const ... lion. To 0 n air I coi.i...1. thi• ocu•ion CUll'llY CAKI F .... WI s .. na Froah baked 4ftc by Curt5y .,, (11.,larfy He) . , ROUN_! !!~~ll I T ...... juky........ SCJc • we ~,. offering these &peei.1 rMuction1 in p,;c •.. ..... N .. 11 Ul'llGHT Sllcl11itlllls ....... 29' Mrs.Wfilltslreli °=26c ....... w\ ........... ($1d.frl.1&:J ICICr.-C.Uhll ·-47c c1••1C1<rtMI 1 : 47c ....,_ ... .--~ ' ...... "'!'.12' ..=:: 13' . 8995 l -'-· loftN><I, °"'"'""· ... , ...... ,, ...... ,........... . -- + .. • ':'sc,... -. ._ . ..:..._ ... _..... ........ &fJjat• =:::.• ":17' CONSTEu.ATION 9J54 + f 0 c... -29' C,-.,-~"--,....---~--· 11=°""=.=c"~o.~U~-,-:-c--,---tl-_;__2!!.~ ... -~UM - CONSTEL1ATJoN I II ..........._ .. "-13' • ;•AS ~ OMVf - 69'5 ~~J;:' ... ~;;:53' .... ---.. -'---·-it'!... , __ ..... _ ·-33• ................... - Newport Furniture Co. Inc. _ ..... -~l\L lol. -N. JS.16 •W..••-·----..... _.,.,tt ---W. o-t a.,.. l..AUfr •Ull 2' ... ?0a'Z a:t.&cll ..... 5 • ·------ ........... k .. _.,. ' Soloway. -· • • • BONaESS ROUND STEAJC ""69' ,(ANNm PICNl.CS e ~!_fl.59 s11cm BACON = !:39' fr11• · F-RANKFURTERS . ---··~IU~Q ROAST m· • ..:-....;-:6'_:...-...,..a.. IEEF UV& -··--lllADW SHllMP . · -·.:.---OCON HIOI HUIT .__ ./ - GRfiEN, WARLAUMONT TOf ALL ·STAR . TARS 2 Sallon on Second Stringi 5 Receive Honcwable Mention NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS' PAAT.11-PAGE I WEDmSDAY, MAY 23, 1956 I SWIMIUNG tOOLS '7C Htll PlAet COSTA MESA • l.tlUTY 1·1112 --. .. • I PEANUT LEAGUE DIAMOND CHAMPS H_...1 Capl Dour Tllgnll'o Period 5-ooftiian .team which clefe&ted Capl Stan llchoneo' Pertod ·e oquad lut wee& 1:1-2 "> cop the ttadltlooal !'Oftb&ll chomplon- ohlp at the hf&h ochool. -Dick Koehler Pho!<> • llLIDI: J'O& DR MO& -Jobo Eetn.da, Pirr.te thW oacker, Jfv11 It hlo all tr>'· 1111 i:oo third In p!ayott pm11 for Southern c.i an>WI\ aplnot Loni Beith City Oo11op -tbo 8--tho tltlo wit!' e:a ud 11.Q ~ 6Yw tho. VI· ...... --Tylor Pboto • . . • . ' ' . · WING-"NEED TAR GRID PROBLEM • KABC-6:30 P.M. Daily lloD. thru Fri. K&<kot Qiiotationo 1'tDlnclal Nowo -Clomment.ory 1Dta•liew1 11•1mMd~ SHEAISON, HAMMILL i.co. .. , .. ,. ,. '"' ._... .•• ,..,. .... ~ ....... l ,.,..,.s-t., ,,~ I ~ Vi& Udo Har. "°° ~rt-. • • JOHNSOH"I HIW HOLID.t,Y 1101111 llA·H6111S Tb•J'r• , •• ,,, Tk•1 1-!The -·Hs- -"Jt.cl lo HolldOy a..a..lod!flnyfttoo. eo...1a...i--Nlao __ _ _ , .. , .. ,,. Sotitti C-t Co. Ne,.P.n ISM. a& 1111<1 St. --Johns on ._I '\ I < >I '._ 1 '. "I I ' '-" POIT ORAlllE TRAl.£R ULES ' MAY 25 thru 27 MAY 25 thru 27 TRAll-'EB SPORTSMAN PREVIEW YOU'LL SEE Allerlea'• Fillll •••• • •••• 16-Ft. 1o ss.Pt, s1 ... Pi.. Nnte To S.. Th• 69·"· PAN AMElllCAN FlAGSHIP FREE UMISSIOll. AllD PARllll DAIUR-IOAT-ACCESSOIY EXtllllTOllS ... •• 1 •• .,...... -~·-· ,.,,..,.,. -ft+-'---11n--,...---.... .. .._ _ -.utt midi 0.. _._ .... w.r, o..-a··a•o.-..o.. ........... C..---• ...... G. ~~o..-0..-'t ........ ....... ...... ~ --- . - • .. -- NEWPOAT HAlllOR ~ART 11 · PAGE l -.-.,.,-Al.-N_O_TIC_I~ WEDNESDAY, MAY U, 1956 _.,. ~~ssu siurunn ti~~:: ~~.I Aluna;nl ., .,..,......, u.1 _. ..,. ... A mJATl)N ,i.,., -·· ....... , t.i 1• ... UMi ----t· 1t-iiini1t~• • akd • 1 1 ... Of ·~.won ol DU • irta~ ol. 0nn&e A.oc~O.. ~ ~ ........ -AAI corona id V.U'" M ....,.,. t:~ ~ Mdtl)"• blood OW• bli.xt bulk, t.M C.Jlfomla on • *P noord..a lfto Book ..... tomnlllt..e wu relua.d x.dka.l A.uoC'laUoa ,. wwua,. t.o '"'-• n.~ followla,.-• ..... 11Ar •pon.or It wl\hollt '*'"" to th• ;;~,.:;.::.Mor ~e::: w~ ~. (;'TW .. ':!' IGC~ ~ty. Blood buM ~ lhe °'1Uftt.I> Oilltora .... ~ la B&nta It fol· Cautonua Ml'di~ AMorlalklfl JMdl or ott*'l! .,.. tllY;lted for ,.,,.>-are non-,,..ont •1a.nlaUona. U ~d propert,J Ult •UC. M In n.; Ll&,A.r\pla M«topoULu blood la ,..~ t~ ,.-, 0¥ ~U.W aDd wtU ar., '*""* :;t f\elll ~BIOod ~.ot which lb~ i. ne ~; IC It II ,.. ttl• omc:. at Mltd)MJ, e• HllD· on.nae Otia(J' w a par\. i. th• placed ..me tor 001 \hen I.I • bttt atlorDQ'a tor Mks u.:iu· .,._.. ~ .--oLtk ta.l -.W,p. 17.M char(•: and If It la'ltot r• lrtx.' or tu.)' bit Ned ,.tt.11 th! pld' "'9cid ....u 1.n tlla worid. At Platwl Uler1 11 • chars• of m..ao. Cl.rk ot ..w Superior Court or the ~l tJma, &nd for Uw At Pl"eHnl the p&tiet <'Ml'J'9 ddJvued to Mid •xee-u.tt'lx per- l'Nt t¥M .mon~ W• h&v.,betm foi-Red Cr'09 l>&ood ,la Jl for tMalJ'. at aa1 tbn• aflcr first S-lU!'f' ~en\ .. n·i.c. trotn CroM matddllc, publle..Uoa ftf Uta. aoue. and UK ~ Cl"C* Blocl Sank. • All the county hoepttala and Mfore ~· •kl -.i.. 'l'ba ~· 0ollhl¥ lfedfMI _Pb)'llelaM want i. aa adequate Said u.J• wW M 111'1.$ upon NEWPORT B ... ACH • 'USICIANS wt'N . CO'"l't"'r:r-T .uroaanon hu •••er p11Mrited supply of blood tor ovr dtl!ZN. Ute toUow"11 lffftUI~ • C M ' l'l •C'1 I to lta ....,..,_, •OJ pt•n "'At .,.._., ,.. .,. r.utnc th•t Cub. l•wtut ..._, ot t>• Finest (r&de· achoOl orchestra in SoO.thern 'eau. orchestra ~-top•hcmore tn the re~al con.teat . pro(MM&L.tor •NJonment at lh• . Unltld Btat••· ,,, ___ ... -..II -----' 11...Jd•m,N~ .,.,_:_ ... --..11 HCent.J.y rfn...ted iJi the RMI Croea-Bloed Biftk noi ttil. from th1 RH C"mM BlOod Bank. DATKO; Aptil J.f., JtM. forb.ia ll the ratirlr of the Newport~ _.v .. MOa& Mei .... ,...... .. ~....,. r--lntltuUOft ol aa o',..n,1• County Ernma T. C'tt.bridp orchestra, directed by Lewis G. Kidder. Tbil Bouthem ~omia diltrk:t conteat at Coinpton Blood B&Qk. LEGAL NOTICE C.:eeutnx at th• ~tit. of orehettra, made up of 3t§ Eighth grade pupila, Htih School. The orcbe.tr& will lltage it. own A. Ciommlttoea w1u.. th• 0ra,,.-Ralph A. cuthr1dp. O.· eivht Seventh grad"-four Sixth grade and one recital at Horace Eui-School the evening of County·M.ldlc,1 A..M.alaUon a.ad --~ , ceued. ,. .. ·-two m•Onp With . th• medtcal ..... nnCA: ... OF Q811'n:88 lCT.eH.ELL A.ND R@Bl!llT Fifth grade pupil ia top group of seven .ueh in the June t , lo which the public ia invited. and 11,. dll'llCtor ot th•~ erv. TH~~=E~~= doe. Bl' Jame. H. KJtcb.U _ fo.ur Newport Beach elementary ecboolJ. Tb.ls Blood Baai: \a J•nuary ud April Attorney. tor Executrix ----------'----..:...----------------------------------------------------[of "'lhla ,. ... r. Tlt.a commtttM, beHby cerUfy thM "'• i. con· lil!TCHICLL and KillldlRT OOlllBDIJ:D OrrY ...iR. . McDo..".ld. Lido Puk, I• much Interested In gottlng the Upper Bay Im- proved a.qd beli~ea it mirht be poaibi.t tor .& combined citi to cet the work 1\arted fut.er th&n 'trith two plaitee fis,hting o\ter 1'b.tcb "O'Wnl the territory. -$~ Photo Mesa Post Office To Be D~icat~cl' Memorial Day -~---v-~11£lW'" pon-olnc• haft the two. poat off1ca ded.i· will be dedicated .. t 2:30 p. m. Cited together. . Or•nce Count)''• Conrr-.m•n )l(eruor1aJ Oaf. thl Arn• date Jamu e . Utt will add U... M:e11 as the dedication of the new pqll of{!~ ta hi• Khedul' ol Newport Benh J191l.' Qfttc,. It ~lea~ t.hiat d1y. At 11 am. WI.I announcld' ~-~ .. ~--wtd pW• a p .. que an tl'lt. Pottrn11ler ~ H~ ,,. .. of thifiaepole In the 't'lt'- GUberl St.al, prll.ldent <t',.1 th• 1ra.n1 plot •t Harbor Re•t Mem- Colta Mt.11 Chamt..r cit OJm• m .. 1 Park. mut:e, bpi been pla.c«l Pl f:harc• Be wtU dedicate tht. Newport ol Ul1 w.icatlon comnilltH and Be•ch po11t~ •fflce •l Rlv•rslda M&JOr Claire Nellon will c••• Drive and Avon Pl1ce •l noon lh• w1leamtn1 addrea•. and tollawlnr lunch wtll join In S.al laid ~ da.1.• wu mo'\red the .eo.ta Mea rltff. up trorn t.h• orlctn&J llChlduled Th• new Meu po•t otnc1 It dat1 in June In order to C&"7 loeat9c on Oruca A•a. at 11U. eut th• wWh.a ot Mn. 0111 to .•t: Square Dancl'!IJ JiCeets Wednesday 1---..-----...,-----------------·lbM!Md by LWlan Rowu. point• duetln&' a manutacturinc bu•I-127 w-. S.ftllth tltrMt -s out' what th•Y tell wer-. In· nt199 at CO.ta M. ... C.Utoml• Loi Anp:I .. 11, Calttornla •d~U6Clel In th• avaUibl• .up-unde.._ th• tlet!Uau. firm nam' Na. 121 Niwa·Preu Square danctnc ciu. at th• NNpaM Harbor Youth Cent•r. Fifth St. and lri• Av1 .. wlU H held Wednffday nl (ht thla •eek only, It wu announced tty New- port Beach ReC'reaUon Director Bob Gln(rtch. Calla Will start at 8:30 p. m. Wednuday, Otnrrlch uld, \'ilUI the da.nc•ra retumlnc to their replar Thund&y nt1ht Khedult. nut week. DEATH NOTl_CE HAAR~ STUN VANDAL GLASS BREAKER MAKES A TI ACK ON 9 SHOW WINOOWS A. vandal with an aver.Ion to ,..._ made • near clMJI 1JWetp or' a .ecUoa at c:,;i.-ona de.I Mat tarlr"Monday when nln1 eat.1bll.lhment1 nported their 9how wlndaw1 had been broken out by rack•. RaporUns darnaa• w•re Cout. Super M~rket, SS47 E. Cout Blvd.; van Whitman Re1t E•t.1.te, 3M2 I:. caut: Haven'• Coffee Shop. 1120 £. Cout; ·Villar• Vlllet Clean- ers, 1111 I:. Cot.I'!; Crown H•rdware, 310'7 I:~ Cout, 1nd Whit.man'• G.arqe, 32~ I:. Cout. Allo reportl..nc broken pa.n11 were G. W. Ritchie, 2111) E. COUt; Thaden Jntertor1, 2910 E . Cout, aAd Dr. Cl•ll Gray, aoa2· &. Cout. Pollc1 Mid. aome of lhl cl ... wu \4 lnc.h thick. 81v· era! roc.W1 Wt.re found which may ha•• don• th• d•m•a•. pl,-. and Dlood ,type t"Viitlea. ot MJtJ-Ull Kfc. Co. and that 1)/9, it, l•. 11, 11, 21, 21 tlM Mid firm M compoMd or Ute fal- Oranc• County Lt an autpoat \awlnc penon ~ name In CDTlnCA.tt Of' llU81~"1:8S ol th• Metropolitan Loli An111'!• full and pl&ce of ruldence 11 u FIJlH X A.ME Blood Bank and. beclauae at It.I fallows, to-Wit: sltu1Uoo. th\n .,.. 90m• dltf1-MILDRED J, BAILl!:Y, cuJtl• ill obtainlnl donor blood ll22 Broid Blreel. and In dlstrlbutlnc It back to Niwport S..Ch. Calif. lhia COW'lty. At pre•nt WI are WrrNEtll! my hand th!• 22nd tbankfUI to thl Red Croe1 lh•t day af May, ltof WI h••• an ample and properly MILDRED J . BAILEY ti&Lanced 1upply ol btood tor our STATE OF CALD"ORN1A I hoeplt&l n~ ' COU.NTY OF ORANGE IM . W1 &rl •tao thanktul ta our ON THI.8 22nd d•Y of "-Y. blood bank co~tt" for, by the JIM, befote me, a Notary Public upidlenc• ol lwo mfftlnp wllh ln lfld for Mid county and it.at•. thll R.r-crc.. BkMld Bank man· ruldlll.I lhettln. duly commll- ..-.. baVinC b~t • IJ&lanc-•loned and sworn. ptt.OM.lly •P- ad ud adeiquat.I 1upp\y at blood Pftl'.cl MD..DRED J. BAIMCY to our county. • known to me ta be the ~ Th• underli&"ned doff hen"by c~rt}IY thlt he Lt conduc.Un1 • perso.n.aU.ed n.tbbl1h coUetUOI• Mrvi~ 11nder tht. rallowtnc rtrm n1m, and •tyle: Dl:WICT'l!l PER80NAUZE.D RUBBISH Sll:RVICIC The •Id firm ll compoMd ot tht. follawlnc perlOfl. to-wit. Dewey Souder, of 2101)1,ii Santi Ana. Ave . C:O.ta Me-. C•ll· fornl• 0.ted April Ml, ltM . Dewey Souder 8T A TJI: OF CA.Lll'OR!\'U COUNTY or ORANGE IU W1 raadH that thett ar• ffl· whou name 19 111b11erlbed to the On April 30. 111~. Mfor1 u ... Ha1Ti•I French 8te1n, 86, or 2111 Qnyx Ave., paned urly Y••· terday at Sant.I. Ana. Bhe wu born In BTld(eport, Conn. M&rcb 1. 1870 t.nd had rulded her• far 1!1t month.ti, ln the •tall tor Mi ye•rL She ll •unr1ved by two '°"'• Edwin Y'. Of thi1 city and Heber 8. Of Betk•l•y: tour ,,·a.nd.ona, Olle cn..nddlUJhtt.r 11\d two 1re1t-1randch.Udr.n. ________________ ._ ___ .;.. _____ 190n&I de&.rtha of blood l1tUna: wU.l'll.n lntlrume:nt, 11nd acknow· under•lcned Notary Public ~ Al Chri.t.m&a and mid eummer, ledced to m1 that ahe exeeuted 110nally appured Dewey &ulkt We .Jl9o ·~llu UJ•t w1 hav• • th.e 1ame. known to me to be the per.a .. 1&rc• conttni-mt of military per-'A•ITNJ:&8 my hl..nd and ofn-who• um• la h«reunto •UI' Private ChrVtlan Selene. Mr· vlce1 will bl held by th• family. Committal will bl at Mount1tn V iew Cemetery. 'bu.land, Ba.Ju: Mortuary of Co.ta M-. dlrec· ten•. G t:Y P'OftCU:k Holy ra•ry will bl re:clt9d tomorrow 1t l:SO p. m. In Park ..... fUdlty Mortuary Ch1pel for Guy Jt111ph Fot'cM'r, ti, of 1119 M•r\.U Plac1, Coata M.ML Mau wl\I be calibrated F'l'ld1y at t •· m: In SL JO&Chlm C.thalk: ChUrth. Ttle ft••· ThamM J. N1vln wtll africtate.. Mr. J'nrclirr dlld May 11 at hia-hotn1 llfl•r 1. •hart lllrlUL He wu a natl•• ar St.ward, KinJI. and cam• to CIJltornla l.n 11121. moved to Coet. Me" litl from San Leandra. H• w11 • ret.h'ed plast,rer. 8urrivar1 1.1'1 1111 wl!., llar- jarle L. at the hnme; two 10n1. Kellneth. of Belmonl and Clif- ford, who ha• been 1rrv1n1 with the U.S. Army In Korea and wlll •rrlv• home today: tw1 dauchter•, M:ni. Harold W. Wr1fht of Coiltl Meaa and Mn. Raymond D1hl Jr .. or TO'J"rtinc•: two brotht.l'I, Leo at Oakl•.nd •nd Arthur of Mlnnf.llOta : tour rd.Ill.tr•, Mr•. Hsl'T)' Root of Sift Leandra, Mn. lrene Maclntoeb or Lo• Ancclu: Mn. L. L. Red- man. Ct.liver City , and Mn. Glady ·Marklowlts ol Mlnn..,ta; alto •lcht (rl.ndchl.ldr•n. Intannent wW bl privall. S2 · Mfflion Hogland Plaza Center Okayed -by Council Cons~tion to Start in 45·60 Days, Says. Deweloper, as Cofttroweny E11ch Tht. ca-ahead l i p la a plan• ned $2,000,000 lhapplnC center at tllh It. and Tuatln Ave.. of Denni• Hoeland ,...... (lven by Ute Coat.a Mua City Cou.nell Monday .,hen It •pfM'OVed a v11rhr.nce appncatson. Ho11-t1d llld ACently ' hi ws• not 1b&ndan.llll' a resoninf 1ppllcaUon 1UU pendlnc bdare th• clty coo.nell. "I'll cet tlr.1 •srtanc1 now," .II• ••Id, "st.art con.t.rucU.on and apply tor th• reaonJnc lat.er." n. J'ftOftinl propoaal n.n ln· to troubl1 wtlh th• city plan· nen r.cantJ.y bac.IUM they Mid It can thun l\O control owr uac ot th• property ••d m11ht prarnoi. ~uv.--In&'· NOT IPCOVLA.Tl\·m; Roeland tul•t..s h• did not ba•• •p«.ulati•• sonlnc lD mind a.od· fully lntanded to JO ahead with t.h• d.tvelopment. Start of eoft9t~Uon ww1u &Ji.• varlanc• >A•lll ahow hl• (OOd lntanUons. he Indicated. ''I'm ,.ab!c ahead •• .oon u the vartanc• It •J:lprovld by UI' city councll," I'll Mid. "'It'll tsk• .f.i) to eo day• bdon plan• •rt ready. howlnr. TM only th.Int I'Vf cot 90 la.r LI a. plOt pill." Hopu.d ..W Ule lla;rket Bu- kC 'food .l't.dh, 11w 1ar,..t unit In th• I0..1ere d1v11opment wt.II contain 33.000 .ci. tt.. al floor •p•ce: p!Ull a" 2M>O-iq.-n . muu.- nlne. '.A.monc the 20 or mort. 11naller 1tore1 will bl • W, T. Granto at.ore, .parttnc pocl1, ¥r- blr •hop and rutaurut. OON'DITIOSS err Condltiah..I of th• v•rl&.nce 1n that th• northw1•t 30 feet be dedicated to the Ctty DI Colla Meea and lmpT'<IVed tar road purpoee•. th• norl.heut 10 fMt IM """eel ror an a.ll1y, and th1t an 11Mment rar w&lt.r line• by c1ven to th• N1wport H1l4bt.1 JrrlpUon Dlatrlct alan1 lh• IOUthWit-!f. n •• feet, •II pro- pOlld by City .Dictnttr Don eauthwarU!.. Al•o tbt: oouncLI made a con- dltlon' lh~ aUdlttonal JO-rt. rl,tlt ot way be p~ided by 1djolnln ( property -nv Mrs. Marc. Sleinberc•r to bl 1dlied Hocland'• Ml f.ett tor ~ purpoae1. He la al9o ~ to ,nark th• p•rklnc lat tar p1rk- lll1, pravld• proP<"r llchttnc and other u fety r .. turu. About h•lf Of Hoeland'a lrart a. alnoa.dy soMd C-2 commer- dal. The t'ract up tOf' varlM1t1 cori.Nt.a of ,,410 &Cl'll. HO('land aid ot.ber a.er.Ill will M ,.._ .......,..,_ la UM f\ltV'lo, boW-. GREATER EAINllC.S REMEMBER ... SAVIN~S raceived by the 10th of the month ... WN FROM the 1st. IOll1lel tn our county, c1vlnc cl•l 1ul. .crtbed end acknawle-d1flt tu m• blood lo th• Red Croaa, who are Kl:N W. FOY.'LER Wt he e1teculed the u 1ne. not Onnc• County ctu-.na. But Notary Public In and for .TOM W. Hlt.~Dl:RSO:-.' l.'Oftsidar ~ numbl.' ot ~ .. m, 1ald County and 151-t•. Notary Publlc In and far u 1" who &r• t&Jcen car. or by our M.y CommJ.nlan Explru County ind St.at• k>cal hoepltai.. •nd, u JOU ""'d October 21 , 1861 No. ISO -N-•·P~ th• papen, the numbff or Loi Na. ltt N'eW11-Pt'.-1 ~/2. t , JI, "· 11:'.lf "-""''" 'Hllldlnta wham "' rno.p '"'~'~'~· ~·~·~· ~·~!<~. -'~'~·-'~ ... ~----1 -----.... ..-----up trorn OW" _,.bway• dally no -r..o.t': ..._,Lt biJ the Red C.... Blood Xe. A 11111 CJ:BTlnCATE OF Bt.:&l)i-CP Buk. sonCI: OP BALE OP REAL ncttUcuu nrm s ..... We, the memben of th• Or-raOrERTY A.T P1tl VATI: The under1lped di) hereQy C•~ lfll• Collllt.y Medical 4-l•Uan. 8.&.L& Uty lhat 111•1 1r1 ccmducu.nc &: ,,.. proud lG pa.rtklpal# In lb• IN nOi AUPSa.JOa OOUll"t' •lectrtcal .. M:anutacturtnt bua w0Tld'1 larJ~·l bJoocl bank. A.I OI" 'iHs BTAft ,OP O.U-ne:u 1t 21•5 W. Cout H l&1i••1. )one .. It IUPPll• the hM]l6tak f'OL''lA IN A.SD "°" nm N•wport 8e&ch., cauronli,:; uWll ind doetor1 wtlh an •dequ&t. oolnn't oP oauos th• b<CttUo\111 nnn nam• o« 14.U- blood ...upfl:lf t• en.iii • Oluol¥· tn. lbe Ml.ttM•of IA• S.ta&.e ot math !:14ctrk: • louc. ~ ana -un... Jlt.w.a •lt .Ill~'*' llAlOPJl ~ QV'T1IJU])Oll. Uw.t1 a1d ft.rm 11 ..com .... of ptt.U•olbr¥t IAd la • chaltTI af -D« 11 J. th• !OUowlJlt ......... Whoe• th• bktod lank ot tll• lloal' Mun-Notice t.-hereby fh'en that ruuMa and &ddnNel .,,.. II 101· arlal Ho.plt.&1 and tM Sant& lh• under.tptid, aa exK\IUrU low1. to-wtt: Ana Comtnu.alty iiofpltat ·and, ot tJri• 1:9t.a.t• of ft&Jpll A. CKARLl!I H. HOLM, therlfo~ Is ,In • poelUon to ·Guthrldt., Dec11Md, wtJJ Mil 210I Seuhore. know what th• blood affdl of •t pri•at.I; M.11 t.o tile IUl'h..t Nswport a..ch. Ollllorala our C01NIUINl1' ..,,..., and but 'bidder, upon I.ha t.1nna ROBERT w. BAKER. Thi doe*-of Onnp County f1WS aoodiUONI M.re.la&ft.er men-MJ Rt•'"6dl. ha•• lndtvtdl.a&U.)' eontrtbutad to Uenad, 11.nd. .u'ojeet to contlr-Nswport a.a.ch. C&llfoml• th• ftad Croll. many of U11tr mat.Ion by uJd Superior Court. Wlln"9 011r band ~ 1-1. da7 wtv• hav1 p&rt..lcipated In U!.• ~ Thurlday, Kay 24., llM, 1t of May, 116' Red er-drtve, and thtoM who JO:IO o'elock A. M.., -~-.y dAy, ROBOT W. a.ucat t'lld U!.e papen recall that th• ar UMr.attm' •wt th la the lime al-CH.AllL&I H. ,HOLK doctors tbe:rn•f\r• pv1 DkM!i:I to 1 .. ld by la•. at au l\eoMWlt !TATE or c.u.D'OllN1A , l the R.ed Crou In an 1tfort ta eJd 8Ull41.n(. 721 WMt 'lkftath COUNTY OF ORA.NG~ }II. th• blood dQnatlon pros•m. In au.et. "Loi .A.n1•IH 17, Calitor-On the lit day ot Ma7. ,19H, fact. tM d4')" lb• doClton ~tad DIL .n rtcbt. dUa. ta:l.,...t and bltor1 ""· U.. wwl•~· a bkloQ w.1 Uta larJ:Nl ..__,. day'• lllt•ll o1 Ill.Id R&lpb A. Ol.IU.-Notary Publk "' aM tor, .. kl bl~~ ln ~I Coun-,.,, ~'!!f:. !_l. yte -tlm• of Coua~ ud It.a.lit ~ ap- ty, •nd ma.n.y of, t.11.em wire 'tum· IUi d"th. and •D i1'fft, llU• ,_nd CHARL&8-&-ll0LM; and ed •way blcauaa th•~ were no and t•ll~t tMt aid ..Ul• RO.Bl:RT W. BA0R ~ t.o mor• blood cont.alners. w ..acquired, by operation at me ta be th• Plr9CIU .,""'°'" Th• quuUon of Ora.nj'e Coun-Ji'w' or othenriM.' oti91 tun name. an 9Ubeclftaiil te -UM ty hi'°""' It• ..-.. blood N.nll or In addtUon to that' of aid w1thln hutrumenl &ad icllilow· wa• appe.reqUJ' PoOMd to th• 8&11* A.. • ou~ at °"' lads " u.at thy --~~ Ui• newsp&paN by a l•f mmnbtr ot., tf!MI of htl d•U.. bt 'ahd to .ame.. UM! Red Qroae...-1.a paNClft ~ the i.l pNPlll't.7 CMerilMd U Wltn.9 •Y Mnd .. ..-omd&i '"ld•Ul)" WU -t di9el0Md.'' foHow9• .-_ .•i ' U ... -··o -·--.; " • .b ..... ---~w '"l<• ( .... ) :.:;i ·~' .--.............. ~,,. lll!ICIJCU .. _ -.... -.. 'Y ......... ,, l 0/ TO 1EI ANNUM cu~_RENT EAINJNGS . ' .. , • ..,..JllillMlll W_. fer .;.c-o...r, ... = J.., ..... No. laN..-.Plw 5/11, .._to, llt.lMI <ZKT01<l.A.TS OF BD&INl:88 no: nc:mtar~~· by certlf)' that they an i.Onduct- tn1 • Rettauranl u.- 2110 WMt OcMn Frint, :ote•· port Blaeh, Calilomta. under tht neut.IOU. t1rwl name Of IWllF FlSH 11\T and Ulat. Mk1 ttnn ii. compoeod of lhl followfnl: per-'°"'· whtleo n&mft lo fUll Md ptu11 ot r•lden~ an u t al· tow•. to-wit: U. WRl:NCI: 8COTI', lflll 'W. S&lboa. Bo\11~"4 Balboa, Calif, AU'PRl:Y NORX.A. llCO'M'. 1~1 w. 8aiboa. Bouie-rd • ......_caiir. .,, WJT1'fU8 our llU4-Ulla., ltk day of May, JIM • u WftZNCI: ICIJTT AUDR.&T N'ORJC.A ~ 11'ATE OI' CA.UJ"ONfU \ ooUl'f"rT or ott..t..HO& >• or THU lt.b Ny ft,,_,_, A.O. I.Mt. Won .... U:1 ~. a NO\.ar7 Pubfle In and for. Lh• • Ktd CO\lntJ' and fJta\.t, reelclln&" t.Mrellr., d\ll)' eom.mla""'*I and - IWOl"D, p•r•onallf ·~ LA.WJU:NCZ ~ UT NOIOl.A. 800'M', Dfta;to rMtoti.th•~~ nam.-.,.. mblcrtbN to tM-~· to "" lMt th.ty ~-lbf' aaan.a. , .. ' . IN. WJTM1CU WHEl\&OI", I have~..tm1 hud.Dd atn.14 lily .r:tktal eaaJ. \hit .,. ... ,.., .. tilt& c.rtlnc.t. ,,,.., uon wrttto. . • ltOJ!IDT It. HURWJ:n My Comn1\aaicM! ltxpbwi May 11: JWI • 1"'o. 118 !'1'-.-p.p:. t/11, D . IO, &II. lt.M ' - ~t· :fltl • 7 ' ~ ·'!'•-._·,~:=~-~ .. :.~· ,•illlb •1•!1 7 1 1U m • !! !1•.viiri ~~. • Tt!M'':;-;.._..,.,:. ; I :::=i~~~~~~~~~E=~'.11 A~'*• ... 1AU'fum • 1. REAL ESTA1E $AIM'~ , I= .___... ~ 1.,.is.,.,.~·~ .:! . ~ '. ·--.... !°'!'I_•·-· ...... ,.. • ' . . ... 11·w· s.rllE$S ' ...... --' -.... .. ..... ' faili!liialliW"""-WIE,. .... ~ - - . • -...... .,_._ .... 1Tll M 7 .... .... .... IW ... • v • I -1._ I 0 .._ i.-__ fidilT, 1,., ~ ,. .. u.._ ... a;, 7 •• ~._ ... .,.. • u • Id I llsmlulw • ~ • ·' ..-. ~ -~ ' ~ ~ -· .. _ 'G · .... , --r.!:°l\&'" C»IQ .... ""'*8 00. All~---z I) a ll;I ... & C . Mon:::~.~~·t~ You:~·o::a~y .. ~~-.,,, ~~~-:!.'";.,., l'::ff;;~~-IU&S =~=;;:.:,;-;:..-:,f,_:. Three TlmN '• ·w •• 1r u PEN y .. Ou _,.MOlft'llLT ™ '"'::..,,Pk '........ ·=I _, .,._ ;wt r .. I e ...... .,. g' 2 .. a; ; ... WAlmlD 'no. to au~.... u~-u~ ..... "1. ,',,,~U''-.-: ~"::"=~a= till. ...... ,...... . ~'"":.!":' .. ~"":. ~ MASONRY ::. ~,j.f !·"'"" Seven hlwJs Realty • i.w.;1111ent ~· p.-.. rtY• a.1 a trHi1C. Bar. • llJ -~ a .,_.. !!• •;;[ JI BOl IN k, Jlswpult ..... Clll. -.. _._ ....,. ---.. --. -.... . . .... -;:·===;::=-::===:;:;::::::::::=::;=====;"1 ~ \ ·-~Jt~_..-1?'71 •-• :; .. m11 .. -~---''GJ04..W. Bar.... &ftlrlf!llC. • . ,. LDl1l'i Miii MIU ~, .-..... -. 1ldl K & '9 ~A.. Me . i. ,~ -• * 16dl • 50c -PU 'MONTH ,.... 50c 1:8 ! •:oo•tz A?do ----"""1---'--;._-------..-----...... -DILIYERY GU ..... NTEED· ~ o.w......., WOM&lf • .-.... "' •, "" .... _... ,,. .. ..,.. ,.._ SupertluoW1 Hair -•-i>-....., .. .,. ---·-·., -. -,. _..._ YOU CAN SAY YES • • • • Delivery of the Newport Barbor. Newa-Prw Lt ...-• .-Lb' ~t!d rrom taCI OWn t:iuqortatto.. 1:111.U attar pate e1 e.lnd R\ Ml....-m 9AUQll!n ~ te U.-t1W'11 t r.aranteed. ~ ...__ -111 aellvtr their .... -&l'Dlllr. ..... it7ebrows ud ba1r D p. m. XI T-1291 lJpl' ..,y, A,,., .t kaltu'J Of , 1'.AC'l'OBY·WAldlllOOD 10ll •• ._,. w1&& r-r-• 11114i·-~o more tweM&nl N....-t. __, 1100 W. c.t. a nnt. et.. ... ta 4Da. o,. before 8 p. m . OD. Jilood&7, Wedneldly and l'ridl.)'. llU.mt I.. Sft.T ANT R. a. HOUU: CLEA.NllrfG, wiDdon A Bwy. (oppoa\o eat.ranee \o llq M CkUJ', lun. 11.._ P.,.. U your paper it not deliver!l(j by that hour pie.-Udo'• 8&kle. of Beauty Ra:r, :&Tl noora. old wiu remOvtd. -Club.) lkl' JO 1"""1 Ult Kl 6-29'8. Jlpl' ----~.,.------: ·call H&rbor 1918 ard your carrier "ii! bring )'OU? 11-----------wAll'ftUI• waa1.c1 -A.tao -tlN O'XIZJ'IJ • x.rttt,.... C II B~ MJp A ft7 eoa&.--e.pPIJ' Cf' tJl automatic. Pd. dJ\ te · Pf.P:9r· , a ~Help Waat.ed tn ,.JWM tJUmoom J-4. $10UI. No dn. pinrt. J1Vant1 • Your R1lax-A-Ci1or uaAN'a ~ 1111 ". c:out aa.oT ..-mo. ,.,. w..,.._. OONIULT.A.lfT o.mon.trauona, ao , obll1ation Boani• Wll.on -HY att 4-"64 or HYatt 6-UIM ...,, GIRLS GOOD NEWS! Hwy. C.D.JL 1"'11 rup. Bis CP wtUI ~ so MleeebeMMll Pd. dtt \o 1111.11. M• down pyml. Pay only $1.TT per mo. Al.lo 1Hf oatru1 • BalU•r CP wtth piddle. Pd. dn.. to $1,1.M . .No 4a. pyml. If you LDti,_ .... ~ . ...,. .. , 1. Do9 J'O'll' ••I' JW ~ youftw~T .. 0. 7°"' ...... ,.w --·-. bilUdt.J't. aad ... ~ .. , •. Oo JOU u. .. oom.pUO'•pUd ,...._, W. lu\daM ... --· ·Classified COLO. WAVE ' COMPLETE OOOD JOB8-000D SALAJlf! wttn tr.quenc IDortiUU ta a compt.ny that adully enoour- •1•• a dv1.11cemmtL "WA'T'.CH REPAIR .I. NEW Servlco Addo<i w • wtll call &t )'Our horn• tor l'ft.D •limat. Ud will pkk \Ip Pd d•livw. ,&,1 J!":C,=,m;,,,.NmJU WHEN YOU . WORK FOR • • ••• O.Utal ahop,... Aa. ru a. u.. w.....-.,. N .... ..._. 4 Llaeo 1 PDMrtloa SI .00 Mld'L Dad .:14 ... t u... 2 Palerilou 1.50 add'l --.:14 ea. . ' . f ua.. S 7DoorlloaA Z.00 add'L U.oo .%6 .._ • • •-.. 4 •---....£.1---z.60 add'L llnN .Z6 -. Hair cut $1. lbampoo A' aet i1.eo , -. uu .._.___ CLl:O J'ID'B UA.UTT IBOP , .aat-.clH W-ted .\.di wUI ........ 11,.. dlMcuaL ca.II. .......... .-l.r 11115 CbUrdl It. J"trtt 1tHet m..t ' $6.l!O to $10 ' FULL PAY u YOU an tralnl4. -Openinp t or - Telephone Operaton HARBOR H03 J'ACTORTWARmllOUUI 1011 E. nm. It., 1-ta Ana. OIMft t-t dally, lun. 11-1. Phcm• KI T~T Th• J.W•l Box 3721 I:. Oout. Corona 4•1 Mar 1----------~p LM WHIRLPOOL automatic wuh•. It.I Ul9 o.J.un ou Attn·. Prop~rty Owner! "'"' .., u.o •ia tu•. ,.it&..,, A now rtn., UMd 1 month. SOUTHERN GAS COUNTIES -co .. ' • -NINU(Ull AD ia ' UNa ot• Newpod Bl't'd, betw-ltlb and 20th. Colta X.._ LI l...aellt tt An 10ll n~ 70W' water Paid-dowa to $lit.II, Mo -Apply -Mater? eub 40WD If 7ou ~ tM -------------------- S:SO to·•:ao p.m. LOOTED OJTICR $2.SO ~ymuta ot I ll ... per moath. l 1•!!:;::Mb!J!!!oo!!Dl~t!D!!!•!'----_!IO!!::!Nl~lll~D!!2Qrj!!l!l!!-!!_ __ _ NEWPORT HABBOB NEWS-PRESS in w. ''' •c ci.u. """ """ ui-,..,.. '" A•• Ito,..•. no IO. Main. I. H--Lool ... l'o-S ...... ..... _ .. , ....... .... .............. J[J .. , .. ,_ we· GOT 11T · Every Monday, w .. e1d!y IUICf Fticlay LOOT""''"....,,..-,.. ot PACIFIC TELEPHONE ~,,:;";~~BT BU1LT-IN RANGE .,..,.i. Udo !Ala C!.ubbouM. REWAADi -----------~ $135 ()0 OFF COASTAL SHOPP.,,.. -Wednesdit.ys '""""· ""· '"" BONE '"""' ...,, ,... JOE ~·uLD. • . ~------------'-------------------IAppllcanta n~ JMll7 otnot Plumblnr TAPPAK IU oven, nu.,, ' -'4-8e.booll. IA9traetloa jobll. Ai.o ,_taurant -d Har• o.nv. burn.r top ~ ~bblMll H- dom..Uc1. Mahy' Jobi tor 1 -----=~~== tumed trom bQUder'a dtaplaJ. LEARN SPANISH quallllod me. _.,, --OOMPLETJ:Lf Rm-BUILT CUh ., ........ low u '10.00 D!:.ADLINU fOI' plad.of or canc•U lnl W art: J'or Moad&y Public&Uon -l"rlday II p.m. J'or Wedn.-day PablicaUon-Tu.day 1 p.ni. J'or l'rlday Publlcaueln. -Thund&y 1 J.m. ?O:WPORT llASBO& PUIU'llllll(G CO. . Juna :rarrv. &mJL Afe7'· month. apanllb coovenauon tausbt ln t.0:1 ~ Und Bt., N)t. 9-clt B9d dl nn. all new mat•rial. JAKl':'I APPLIANCE co.-llJT your bom9 or ottleoe. By ap-(•~ trom 0.ty Rall) Harbor JlllYd., ca.ta ll-. polntmenl, lndl'ridually or ----------! $38.50 UP ltell :;!_:.upe. Many ,..,.. Beacon Perso~~~~... R.EJ'RlG With re-built unit !llUJ'fD N.,.. Norr• rr ..... r. No •tudi9•, pronorreph or 16o9"o employer ~ Tb• bll' l ' cu. n. en• th•t .&.D a .... ,...••.,, ... , 1M p1114 fol' o..ai. ta......_ d ,utU.U.. &ftllllb. ~tu.ncea. 7or ln· &seocJ' All new ruk.ta. bold9 over aoo Ia.. food, all T'.b.• plolblilb .. wUi not be ~bl• tor tnof'9 Ulan one laoorNc\ t~OD~taet J, 1. = No l't!.9 collec\M trvm e.ppJloant tO-day l"W"'ft™'· :::;:~~:1P~t =-~ 11u11rtJon ot u a4 .. ...,.... th• rtsht to oen-.ctl)' cluGf'J' any aad oom or .. •tW:a..t N..,ert. a...c.ta UP UGI.ti. No caah n-s.d If .. nt rmJn \o rW and -·••ti W1lllam Pum Hotel, :IJOI W. $8-i.'50 "" ad9 and '° n j..:t an,y not co 0 r .I .. • ... -ona. Ith SL, Lo. Antek• 117 laJl Wanted bo)'I 10 ta ]f, yur1 ot J"OU,..,. th• p&ymvit. et $11.f.ll " Newport ll&rbor B. P. 0. E. 1797 ' . JlMU ...,. "nli.irtdt.1 • p.tn. \ria Opc#tO -Ollltnl .... Newport~ Olclc Ntwm&a. ~ Jltuler MOTTELL'S AND PEEK Colool&l llortuarY OOMPLl!lf!C PAINTING • P.per Banctnc -muOSNll o. u.tnlPm loo llOO llllt atr..t. N~ 9-dl ...... ..,.. tao CARPENTRY PllNOR IUCPA.IR WORK HO JOB TOO IMA''· 8. 0. Aa'I -1016 .. -..n-. 8l¥d.. a..s-. llu1Jiw MllO llttc .... S'or N..,._Pnlll n1ut.. te peo menth. b9 opm llOOD-APPLY Mr. Parle~ ALIO S.. A.61 atonce. 220 .lo. Maln, ... nn w..c: Balboa Blvd.,-Pl•nty of rood clothlnf and 1ho99 • Santa .A.na.. Phon9 J[I 1-1201. 1 '• Nnrport , tt tor th• eraU" tamlly. Roys M11mten11nce llllAL UTATll ui.raw•N _ ttM WHIRLPOOL auto. wubtor. \IMd onlJ ...... -.. O.luxe with btl' tab. wam. rm.. llftd spin. dry. kl $11T.et or tak• . ov1r paymmU « ll-OI ll'IO • No cam ?Mld«i, my .qulty Complete Profeuional Hou11cleanin9 Floor wulnf and buUlac Window Cleaning Upbolatery Cleaning Patiol Color""WU.ed Lustrous Rewlta wanted tor M•NMbed omc.. K urt M.•• toe&l a:perteno.. Call BOB !OHU. Bu1tor tal3 "'" Goodwill lnduatriu •17 W. 4tb It,. lhnta Ana ALL A.ROUND M4INTENAMC. ALMO!T NEW OlteriMr UO. Harbor JOU lf.clt . rr.c. BM uy time, d•r or .... ~ I . Main, Oru1• K& 1-681 T man n..i.cl. Udo Tn.l.kr 1-----· -:-:--::--- Park. Har. 2111 1wa Feet Hurt? 0-XZEnl • x....ntt ... ranc•, 1'61 b1c' o.Juu Model. C. 'f". PART TDD: JAJl(ITOJ\ -Odd T rv Kn•PP Sho•• au automatic, Harper .tmrnlT" JobL " IU'S.. I day• a wetk. W tat lit.: SUt& All& buntv, Lamp A clock w1th 8• Mn. .v aufh&a. Robtrt c:ebu1¥· t-IOlf WON 10 un. O•itn timtr, chrom• snu. bfUl- V•Ul'hah 6 Co.. U&·IOUl a!~ and l.ftt.r 1 J · m. HU:c er A blf O?.n. Bal. ow9d Ollly Rebuil' & Repaired it Are Tired Keeping it Slashed Our Price• On it You Com• & Get it CXJllPLETI: HOUllllHOLD FURNl.mINGll CLOTHING l'OR '11IE ICNTIRE l'JJIIL Y "SU1' W1l4.T TD BOYi RDUDD' Opm,"Koa.. Wool., l'ri., Bat. nkM 'W t VETERANS JNDUllTRIES 402 IC. •TB Rattan, Wrought lron 1 Patio Furnitllrt C<lmpleto oolection of Wroucht Iron 1'llnlltuN. . Barbecue and BrUierw, L&wn Bwlnp, OUdlll &lid ~ Umbrollaa. e.umoo DRAW l>WICB an4 TROPICAL Floor Co.-lnp . BABKETS of all kinda 6 Uau.ual Gift ltamL Canvas and Aluminum Awning•. SANTAANATEN'f I AWNIN6CO. 162418; llalD, kilt& Ana ' Kl UMll ..... ~ OPJ:N l(ONDAt: AND J'RIDAY NIClHTB TILL 9 ., • rao1 9olit• 1uai IV\i~ et w.i-----..--- Aa ON.Ip Oouat1 lMU\utkle lkrWll tamlll• ., .n ' t.W.. General Contractor REASONABLE S't N' K' t !.'!:°~' o1"' ,;t~ ":: ~= ::;,; ™**' l4A1UNE or aulomotl•• mllCh· I In nffded. )ly IMIUlJy tr•_. '91 I . -Wnr Won -RimWllill Phone Llbt'fty"'8-1332--""'~ "' ... ,..,,.l"'""''" <•• ITAllT alft-.....,. now '°'"'.i~""~n.=o.ans~~"~°'~~ .... ~1~•-=-:J !'°'!!'.!!!::~!"7liiil!.!. !!!!!!•!... ___ .!!l)!!:!•!:::!!lllil!lli~!!?!!?-·:_ __ J MILTO _ __._. tt• top man. Enstn•. In.c.., Ital Kolber'• 1>9.y-'l.tMr'a D&y:- • N llCIU!lol"~ -~--------Nnrport Bl\'d., Newport &ch. Bdd• -QraduatlOft -Bl..u... 8lU.ND New PhUeo ~r., hu LIANCES Harllor ea99-W llllttc GARDENING Hubo• '"· Uclf ,.,., N"' ,..,..., ..,.., and • ,,_ top ,...,.., "-' ..... USED APP cord._ Ill II, Balboa Blvd., for bottles. buttv, • .,.1c .. ,.r, • ExPERIZN.CED bool1dr. .. per 6 Ba.Ibo&. Hu. ~H.. SJtfc all color lnt•rtor. BHlt p&ld ~A'NllNG Haullnr -and odd Jot.. . RllAl!IONABLll ren•ral ottlc. work. Wr1t• boJI. 1-doW"n to l llT.U . No ea 1 Ii n<tiV . Llbtrty l ·l,IM. l0c2' T-.40 lht. pap.r, .(ivlnJ qUiill· ~~ llH needed If you pay the p&ym.nt.t -a· s·- T9l9p ... (Toll "91) • ZIBIUl am No on. ..... turo9d •waJ' McaUM: . ~ of-IUll .,_,.,.. ·~--------: f!caUon. • nr.-.nc•. lklt I rr. DEU....-c )( ll,f7 pe.r month. "11~8!!!"!!!!!!!~!!'!!1•~.llel~ .... ~-!!---1 PAPER" HANGING ONE ................ _... ·-AU ...... ~ ... lo........ ' -GARDENING end liOUBiiX4Jt:PEA wanl«L 1 1a l 8C4'U, 1 ooNDOu. aanta Ana. ~ KI 1-no1. G "Oll.50 tam.lly. Uv• ta. S&tary anus· Call Ll W7M alter l :IO J· m. · HOTPOINT REFRl • ·--····----·.,---------·-.. Painting, Decorating Paper RIQPI Svm~n.,~ ·N-oller CLEAN-UP JOBS ... -..... ..... ..... or ..... -''" J'IUdlSSR,I, , ... ,.. ..... ""'.,. I cubic ft. ao da7 -. ...... "'"'....,,_.m WANTEO ORA. PERIES ll\O ... tt. Pd .... to........ n----·-•.• -Har. llOfo or UlT PER80N.A.Btal LA.DY wuWd No tlll. nmt. Brand a.w nu-21" WES'MNGBOUIB -lif.ahocaD.Y "-'UIYV• -·-·.,...1-. .., ·.~: GEO. BURKHARDT ., SPARKLETTS = Spring Freob Water llalt Q,allon tor inrant U•. Mill• Dellcloua Coffee • ')irtnk I Isl._ a day Ud mJOf ·-. Ui• bMt ot bu.IUL --LL.8-5012. ''A's'' VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY TBS NEW macbln• proct9t rn • t .bod. Rtiucnabl• Prtol!L Aftnr• 2 taP* rUIMaual ...... Only $1.00 B)lndll rep&ir~ and ntlullt. n... Pick up and ~ Wor-k don• 'by appointmmt Pbon• L1i.t.J MT01 or KlmtMrly ....... · pptle' CARPEN-TER Repair· Work _-:_ ________ ..,_, 00.. Tour Home NMd ft•palrin1 (If RaimocW•••' QI.II l'ru.l, ~ ...... JJI Wora Outiru~ TWe '.~ ...., ... ~ '" PAINTING Drl'llUOll _ llXTl:lUQlt GENERAL -..uo 11.1JUNJJ PUM1M0 -·cA RPE~TEtrRl:PAlR . Lit&MIWD -nat11UI> ODD .10B8 · ,, · GleJ'ln Johnston Mo lOb t.oo ld'lalL Be9t or nt•r- .... 1..ai.t jt. , M..,.art Beech enc. LI 8-11T' 1 tc2I LIBERTY 8-6139 ,;,. -··........,....,. -and SUP COVERS .., ,.,. ... tt. 11o1. ... -... w. doon -111 ... p1c1uro tubo utfo a.-. MOak: '**'111.s, .ta. -X.-.. OMll' • N• & ,,...l. hy GftlJ' ft..00 I • MB•NV)CZI, Mll Via U11t. __,_&,_ .,_..._ . ,_ 'ftl)[. 1111 Allmlnl. ti.. 1'" HOJ'J'ILAN -Euy vilioa. --·---·-···,..$7'.60 OOLLZ<D ltaileDl. 21. Law N~ a-ch. Jl&r'*' Mn. ---bf.& lO'Ai C\L "-Bal. d\M Clllly major. Would 111ce 9111p1oymat Hc.1' LUcrtJ.!! DRA.PJCRIES 11•.oo. l'fo dn. pymt. Payoal)' New pl.z tube N...,..., ·~ wMk,... • I • 'ACHINISTS ......,. -., 1111 -. "'·• .., mo . .., -""" o:Nl(OU Wrill&er Wuher ~ bib _ .. .,149.llO month• 1.n wrrimar. Dep41Ddabl' IVI Tlm!n.e tt ~ ..i.tloll. HM'I n1J\NIT1Jtm ' ' ::;ien1_:. ~.l::,•;.a::'.:-1~ 0enen.i .a UOWM1 _,....,..., W6iiriiil\ lllJtMt tlW PTI -:~~WAJUIROUD 1011 21" SYLV4HIA TV -------:-----'1&8.60 ends w • 1 tttft Steady ~ aom. OONrtl•e. ~ ~ dlalnl' -t. o. .. .z. J'lnt It., ._1.a .Ana, a,. Ute model mahoe. cemH · • .A.U for Mr. Burdick ai pul!I button. lllo¥•. G. S. Auto.. t-1 dally, Bun. 11·6. Pllou · PAll\.rhNG . . . OlLL ELECT. MFO. CORP. wuhtr. MlK, bdrm.~ kltcMn KI 7-64.87 20'' pHU(Xl TV -----------···-·-·$119.60 I~ I I 'NO W. 17th St,, Co9t.a Mea. ltem1, Har. 17~1 12cl4. l"uD door we~ eooi01e II> s-....., or -JObo .... 1cl0 USED APPLIANCES "-aW. rat& ==-:-==---c--:-::-:-:-""'.: IRON, RllOOMDmDNED-OuarantMd • Y~Q MAN wanted. Halper WlTH A LIO-lUl'W WZ8TIN~ Rl:Jl'IUOERATOl'tB, COLD8PO'r l...DWtJ' 1-nl(L wf&.-ti om.mental Iron. Mech&ftc&I HOUBIC. Recently ov•rhaul~-168.00, WESTINOHOUBI: -- gpert911c1 de1lred. Blartinl only llJt buclu to own. to 8o;JI 188.00, K!:LVINATOR lff.00, r:LDBU.T OGi•~ wanta J>&Y '1·25 J>9r hr. Call In ,,.... v -u N.,..,.p,_ tr SOVEL Ht.00 Ud otlt-1885 Harbor Blvd., Cost• Ue1e LI 8-3437 compltw ,..,.. ot. ~dren In 90tl, 1"3 Buper1pr, Co9ta M...._ AUTO>.lATJC WMHD.8 -:..:__::_:: ________ ,:_ ___ "r''-------- btaclli • ..,.., -· llhlm.DMr lkl' GAITLER 6 BA1TLER pa WHiltLPOOL IN.00, KAT· ch top '°"'":.::~ ''~!!:!.__,,!=~·,!!'!!!!!!!!~~--l!llL!';!:!~.~~??;a!•!.'~·=·!?!.-~-~ mont.M. lllm1-tf 1-t'l'-W())tAN tor ...... tim• 1en•NI ,.... rom• ' ' TAO l l!t.00, nuomAD\11 -1~=--;=fl !!!• :.:;._. ~--;;;; • 1'c18 _. • iu,i. btiby crt• 6 U......• Pt oo and otMre. ~ork. Own tr&N1porta~ rood condiUoa. ttwi.'-lll ltctW. ' • · WASHIN6 I ""'· ""· ,..,. ......,,. I•' .. "''" ,......, '".l'!'.!. ~PLWf.,,,:";.,!m REPOSSESSION 'AUTOMATIC _ WANTED whder, ornam-.tal buthtL l,.l l-f.llO. l f.clf Ll MIM. .. 1'811 RANGE, JUCl'RIGJ:BATOK W ASH&RS IRQNIM.6--Inn.or~: ::;_ri. 1~,!: &WN'J«Jlm~ madmt9 oi: . .A.UTOJUTIC wadtn,. JM.. TAPP~,..-~._ - -~.~ ... ~- BJ ..,.... w ~ ...,., Wit wuh pen · po. 11eltJ wan -.i.r •20· eMM pa ternw-Har. un. wtt.t. '1ftdM toJ' '--"" ,..W.· a;7 or roup e,. Ut • E JOth, ICXPERIENCl:D WOM.Alf tor Rote 8"IW tOO MW, flO. nwUnp Har. m , l6cll dl-. ~ pull out brollw ft°"'"~J.BC o.fta KMa,. call U ~1621 dftM ahop 11VOr)C. 17'6 N.wpoft Padd)t ~ ... aatJ .. A..:::; D&n-AJtfD A KSJ..VIM.A.'l"OR Nf'J11, ltro .4.M eo.ta. MeMr tkll Chl.ldil JAa.1 Pftl · llM wm>OEWOOD ._, .... , &I wtt.b ~ .._. _,.._ ta ~J)a:ter DAVIS-BROWN ----------1· .. b4rd eap IS. 11 :a&lbo& Olftl. W B1C CP all aut.om&lk Ur. ,_. ..X~ tw. IU.'IT-40. W'lllltUGOL FURNITURE "f. IX IT". · ".ANTED-"'""''''""' ....... ,..,. .-. ""'' .....,.., -~ u:.. . ...;. •,.., -,.,. --,,_.., -·-· Patntblc , 6 Pa~ "'I I m>t.t t.o learn tet.~ ,.... bul'Mn and 1arp o.._ ._ cub bal&n.ctl •17 $261.00 l'OR .... ,, ~ ~ ourwel Dillinctively dllllgned .,....,.lcrel WI ~ t.auon and Proot .-ilnJ. SEWIN6 MACHl~ES dloWa t.o 11tl.ll. No lftCln9f IK7l'll. W• cu NftWIMo fW _. ........... .,.._,., and Jl&rtlor 11 Tl utte • W1 do tbe work ,_ Kadi, np&1Rd •r ~ ~ ._,.. oau Harbo'f 111t. • Rent A Machine down 11 JOU tU• pa~ ot .,. ,1100 ,.. ....., -..uau. ..,. .• ,, :!= := C. EVERETT SMITH .A.U.8==-~ 1tJOA L'EST ATs1a1_.... •3•50 PER MO. .!'!~.;:!,"-............ •.udr-•~.:,.co~MT ,.,__ ... ,, ... ,..rut.I& foll • Jltb I\., Newport Beads ,tltft Broker-ICaperi--la l't'.w-• knt.e An-. Pbane a 1-TIOl. -·-' lWI JESSEE lllltlaa"9 '"9. Call J~ Har. tau da1'll or ~ll'lp. 88cl& port area -a. .urnrtJ1\ t.. 'ORS' E -· U a.21S91 • LI N280 --o. JOHN80H ~ Mp'. M RD"IUOD.A'roU 1111 PWloo • .APPL1ANC8 00. ?~ -llltt Ol:MlllU.L :atTILDllR Gardening DEOLET' RmALTI' 00.. IM .,.ce tor botUu. ltutter. eoklr PHD..co ntrl&' .. tor, 411\11.e 1J.. 1011 ...... -Kl a.at. -..J,...--------1Exper,t Remodeling .. ------=~~...,,:: ... 1.o1:; s:i..c.::!er :..~:.~.: :..:;.t:"':.'~' .. 0.:'T'i:; ' _,....,. , .. ,. ' FOR RENT .A.&Mlil•• ..., .......U. .. , . LI W1lt llcM N...,....n lkMW ot Jtealtan. 8uta. •-" 1lilS 1..-. cbl«. 14. -. .,. ,._. ........ ....-..... -J...t.C. ••m·•M, UM..,,., - tlklll --.111-. DdU-.. ~ ~ .... -" •• ..,.. itd• a '~ .,., .. 1'• da.. ,,.._ ..,.., ,.. • *· a... .., ..... •• aia • • ...., ... ta I ......... -· .... ,, .... L. 1&• •. -uA. ()OU\ o-N W.A.l'l'ltEU. ~ .rtlft -. d lt.l• .,. month. .... 'IM .................... ~ MIL m: .. ,1.... • Ucll •Ill .,,.. eff $79' 9'Q' "'I dolllllM...., PllUoo Nfltwaa\# .... -n-l" Cf $1&,ft --1----------; ..... -. . !---'""'------kt ........ Ud .mpte...... DO NOT pllOM. er.ack NW, pd..._ te ·~ Jfe-. Re ................ flW. · BOYD'S HDWE. MIO W. CUAa'f llJGllWAY :JllWIJ' ...... .,,_ .... -· ~rent•~·~·~ .tt!t Jtmpi-t .. ., to flf141 • plaot -,,_ UMwutad9. ·-. --- '-tt te 45 n. 'Tor au.. .m nOI a. oo..t mpn,., .,.,..... roftT..A.ma wans.... .... ,,.-. tt ,.... ,.,. u.. ,,........ ... ..,um.. "°' a. Mdiii. or-m 1 •• lit ,..._, ..s *1ppa J.acll~or ~ ~ onto' .W Mu, 16c11 UIM ... 0.-. _..._ -of fll.IO ,_. mon.t.L_ _ ..... D Wl.1~ _,, a fllW .... ..,. Ml· t&hlP t-T'f7. fpll ~ bookk .. per ud Hu. IJ8.W. 1'P11 Ull B.AUG8Jlta ~ ..,. _..,. nu-it WtU r .. WOULD u:o ''-eon for ,..... ~-I or 4. IDM'l'llnp A.PT. alD ............. ,.n.. J'.AOl'Oln' w.uumoua 1011 R81'mODA'l'P" .... PIM\ ........ fW ,.,, ..... -.th. ..... 1 ... u --\o-., • ...... fet 1 yr. Na.med~ .W. thort. ftft ,... Har. & nnt .C... hnta UL 0,... QeM .-ldoll ... ~ JA.d'I Al'l'LIAJtlCSI.. 1NT ..,. -vttlrl llGJ. Ill Oo••DOI' or reiUn4 DWI...._ HU. 111&. Mft..J ..,..tq • llM'· IT&J..J N ..u:r. ha. 11 ... "*'• att -ltlll. H..,.,.t a.e.cL I Harttor •ff.. Ollta Kw. .. It.. ao.t&_X.. 1~ l41.ft t'J ID T....., , t'clf . ltcll tt !5¥i '! 0 • , - ' l '1 .·· . ;-. -.... -• . ' -• -· 3 -t .. -•.c .. ., -~·~ ·~ j '-'• ~ . ·~ . =·~.... . ~~~ ... . -_.;..,._-..,~.,.~ -. . .. . . ' -· -:~·-:-J -·1 -·.-• • . -• ... '" !l!'!&t.!1 ~ •.:.,. ,-...,._.. .--...;)jj!! · -•• •:.::Zw!• · 1\" 1 __ wi"ii.4. t*WPPIT"folAUO.~l"llflSo.#AAtn-•· :~ ,_=_~ ~ ........ ·-•o.-.:ba~~ no rr y~ . . . WICNESOAY, MAY JJ, '"' 1 • 'I;!; --'i"Jfj . ...... ...... ~-~--:.,,. I .. -.::;,", 1 lll=f -. A ' !:!!! !:!! • 1 ! .~ - > . " -. -· -·--- ·- • -- . - . . .. .. -·-·---- 1::: .: ---•.. ·--· ··-.. • • . . . ·-~ ,~ • ·-••• • I::: ----------·-. ~ . ----1 - ... . --. • • ---7'I. ....... --··---Kl Pl • r .,;. j r,." ' ..... ,..l _ ... _ .. _ = ::::' ::-:'"'.' ~ -: -·-. - -llUIU> '<JIUlt...:"'""' ·: • tflltll' • ·~ ·J..AR A1r.1.n.~NCE Grent W llllUiicl *~O~O~~ "" rn':W'\r.'l'CJll Ill ~-........ W. ~ ,,___ • U-.:U C ~~ t Tlt.AtLBi U •t•• -·...,....... ~-' "-·· U d " l'\...I • .~ -~·· a ..a. ~ ·-If iiilMi• • _LllU...,.....U -~--, •• • ' "DOWJf Dmuvaa BUii nnumuu: -• ""' -... ...,,_--.so -- --MOU FOi YOUR CA~-l.ESS FOlt OVRS 11ALIJ8 and llllllvtCll Z20C w eoo. Ql,..Y: • MA. WWW llO tsee!Mnt t• la.:t '!t'M•~ W• wU1 w,-,_ s' !Me a.· ".. IA~· Loi .... q •T171: N port B..e. fJ ~ ::": :.,~--• w;.:, 0:...:. ..... ., .,_-;;;.,...-,_. ::::, 1>AVIS-IROWN , ·-',.:...';_~ USED CAlS e ......,.., ..,,. • .:~ • ;. it:it.. -.....,. •""1 llD t ,.._ ...... <abla, 1'.04: ..... I U. ---, " , .. , ,_,.,..,_ '4MTOG.A. V.a " .. ""'D -l'o-1 6 I ..,._ -• • a.,........,. .& moVDl'UL ti.lb tJL&J.r M19 tama: \IMV6' o.ta .._ _ u wm . W Ud WMk i 4. door eed&D-J>oellent ft.t:H, ...O•t tlOHlUoD ~ PA.l\.AMOUlft ~ ~ hr .. a --. . tlt4l ·--dlM · Olliltit'--Mo: '"6. Har 1111· W att. t ·IO '9 te M ft., 1 A I .:'.-JESSEE 1111 cm .....,. , .. ""' -Rlcha.-Tadlt • mww ...,... -oa. -~4 --·---.. -·--~,----... ~ ,.... · ;.. e-..,....._ •·-· · .4PPLU.NCS CO. ..,. •• .,.,. ,...., ' ,e. u.. AnchoNp M.-. • •••*• •• sW 1111 1JrlPlltU.JJ lfBWPORfr . o• ~ .,... "' ........ _ Wo .., dM.11 .... lNJltr1. Jllll~"-. -............... -, . ----··~ --, • -.,.___,,....,.., P.••u ...... JA•U o -'l:ta..._a-=:.:~~.'t..-... ~~i:::=."'"-;t: =--:.;.."'A!!(l~~,,:;' -~~ect _:_-~e era~-~-··'= :-i:.:_~_1:!J•:t:r:;; ~~i;=;;r;.t;:-:1. llR.UO> NJrW CROIUIT a.tr ftlOO rt11UflTtJR& ' :;+.:. etbtr~s·· 'r_X_ j ···v::_----=-, UeJ_' ~-~q "' n.. bl& 11w. n.. WIUl Mi 0,.. ....._ W9d. • h1. nll I 1r16 ~!T.:.:.,., ~-=-OonM:I Ulll NA811 -1. dooi Sedan ---.tlj;t a-...;·~ -.t. .twe -w i.t. ... t.&1:: troll, batt tank. eu...,.... LIPll · ..... ~ -~~= . kM. f"Mlp. ~ent t~rttout .............. $7f.5 • ~~-:T mu: lNl-11 rr. ~ ~ ..,..... C11Upen, t11it -..... • aon.. r .P. a»• or _.... I• 1 ,.,,,... ' .. ~ ,.no. a-. ... -.et. l'tlf'dl .. ._t: lrM la --tor w.,.WC. P&M!I LI a.uu. lttle 1'1uoa: et lM ---• NEW CARS • ~AtlBDM a W4T80N ...... -tliJf~. -dowa to tw.et Ho_...,._ ' ~Id et t\u·•.ltuN tu.t Jut lll-4 ~ , • , , · .. -.~-- · ,.,, -bua IW.llM T...._ tr..,_ lf JOU Je¥ Uie ff'Ot. et fl).12 .... ta. IOduOM 1161 Wedp-11 IMCR 11otdiott 91tld.W ~ ' r Jl. t Door l44ti. -c...t.a at;: port Bhd., CJ.r. ., iliJe per month. :::.,.._ ~ ~ ~.~ wl! ~..a..&i Sli6a. a T \• 11 ltae ~,,.. Qlt.IO. aow white. aptomaUe trans, heat.er, pawer · · ., • - '-AM Monae. DI. k ...,., n. -JltelriS. with dairy bu. R lli TV S pi-ked tt 9'1l7• ""· s1• ML brak~ bum.per ruude. power pack, pt.dded CH.EVRQL&T aa lkl Alr con-C7-W..W .. .... ;. t.,; ._ .. ...._ .,.._ KI a-.noi. Oamplitt. 1 P"-unac room lgtO • pecrals Kala, hntA ......, 1t1 S..'!,.Of.11 duh, wtndahleld. wuhen. b&qk up light., car-•erttble, Nd. waw, 01"ic'tn&l ' ..-.•~ .ALMOST 1'WW" tft-.. cnt.te Cl"OUP."f pc. dlninl' poup and co ... -.-·~·--...... -.. ... ....,. 4--. -steerln( directional .t-•la tlr owner. low MllM.rt, .x.oellent ft•J4at.ll teuat want&,.,~ bedroom tba4 Lndud• book-_.._,.., _,,.,un. -_,,.,,...., . ., ,.._.. ,.. ..... ~ • o-' cort41Uon, radio, auto. trui.-4 "'94rm. bialnt,. ~t. • • x.nttt pe ,..... BIU'pla ca.M a-.dboNd, mattru. • nd&o • tnd u-u.:dtter . wtth Mv,~ ID-A 11 J-.-fona ... ta. PLUS all mi fact.ory lutalled equip. mlut01L TOT Ooldt.Dl"Od, CDM. \&16d• fer ••t wtMt.r ..... LI a-.w1 "'-', .. •· 1ic1I ~. trom 10 to llO ' I ladl .....-. H&tman4....... 1tor PoA eCtiat ~ .. Ma .,rtap. , Mr. 6 Mn. met.r ectM •la doa. TwMr ., ... nos Jf. Kala. 1jUJrt. -····-··--····-.. ·-----············--······· .. ····-OolY ~ 14U'e Bal:-blaad. .i•-t O'KEJCJ'JI) • KZlllU'IT Ra.., dr.Mer With minor. lf you .._.. AM. JCl ... noo lkll • " -• Y..• TM a. OP allaut.om&Uewtth dpn't llU tltla, •• haT• a'IAftJ UVDJ.L 'l'Y'8 uw.t M•• Me11 • ' 19&0 NJJ:W YORKER NEWPORT, ~A-!lrM a Pvte uae Jlft. up Ud. a-w bunMn. more, &U p4. down to '"1-7t. ti011111.pletf11 Nbllflt llicNL uw Knowtt.cm !lictroakll Autom. t.rana, power brtk.ea, eetrcH finder radio .,..,..,,6 that Orlll al"Cllkr. No cub nMd..:t It you JMY pktun b.lbe. &"'IT'rNN.&·r ·,I.ltd k P4. down to 1111.n. No cub 1.h• payment. of "-32 per TV Jll\rl I I: · l"\o r-r ~ er, power lteeriu.I', power electric ueded ltJOU. ~ u.. "1ftl&. week. tT" .l.dmip! eonlOle ---llt.t& aeat. tlectrtc wtndow1,, WSW, lovely 2 tone color, ot ..... u.. ... 11&\.t,shn'• run • h ctor:Y (ClllU a.ua r-.. O&ln) lex la-,.,. .,.. w.,......_ 1010 s . nnt &L. U " z..mua ..-. -~-111.to Wt&U .. emip•tt. w ,...... ML to -1-a.nd sun cap "Viaor. out.ide view ............ !~-'!°.~· ........ ,,.,, luta Aaa. Open t ·t ~11 H-rmu -·-io lltl6 it095 mirror. --·-"·········-····················-····ONLY $4210 ---. ...---lua. 11-6 Phone tu T·M8T. "~ ~ ··----·--~·~ ' •7• TV SERVICE CALLS u ,.,..., 1' ""' ~~ n(pl!JllLu. ' Door Sedan. $2 .00 50 f"l:R MOl'i'TH c'OOd practtoe Radio, heater, WSW, electric window•, electric ....... let the ~ ..... ..t. power lteerinf, power brakta, .au riua, AHTTDR 4.11 Wnn r•t tlloWtd •• _.. alr fotm eat. PLUS all fa&tory 1td. equipment. OoOd ,pruuc. p$uo. fU4. SA ••"" Television Sala1 and IMI. 111~ 11•0. a<l!DllDI'· VE """" S . PB1LUN 81f P-.. tad °""' erv1c• ,.. atan. aao ~· J4la. ----""--'~.f-1~26~---"c.fc .~tt AJlL SU, tMft& . • Kar. Hl1 .... LOU REED & ASSOC. CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER l_:IOO w. Cout Hlshway LI 8-~486 R· E-0 Authori .. d Now 24 Hour SERVICE on Truck Repairing * ALL MAKES * Ellmtn1te costly tle-upm la at 6 p. m. -Out at 7 a. m. l!lnco a33 Di1tributor SEE US FOR GOOD USED TRUCKS . ED. THOMPSON Garage New and Uaed TRUCK AND Pe11en111r TIRES 8-Hour Racepping Service Complete Brake Service --A.ND Front End Allp.ment l\9AD n:RVICE F'lrttteo• ltudlfl. Plan Toon for th• A.8tur HOWARD RYAN 801 • l!Oll W. 1st ST. l.ANT4 .A?f4 "' ...... Motor Overhaul NO KONEY DOWN Up lo !ll lllo!lth.t lo Pay e eyia. _____ . .-.aa AU StnJcht B:l(llt.t _______ ,_,84.88 LI.8TINGS W~~' ARTHUll 0 . JOllNIO!( W .urr TO ~U t '9dnft, md\uL -... ........... c.J1 JIU. lltT-W tiei.6 FREEi I lleJacW.Tmut DC'CUJDD Mt1t LaMr 6 Pan.. New rtnp. W11tt pm., "'" TM n.-l I .... trM Mr\'I.' ~ amap"' mtla ..._ f'Od to landlorU ~ Mttliip. kpert 11M1ttir SU.. CALL. ~ l\&U.TY up. to-daJ' « tooo .ue l'UU'"' • n t-llOI ....... GilKrl'I 6 on. DTIU. · '• l - ' ' • -----.. --. ----···· ---· __ .. __ .... ~ ----·· :....:....... • -· • IA$£ • .•••••, ~ , . ., !; !1 d !!'!tts •• ·-,.._~~~~~~~~~~.:::..~~~~-I -. ' . ,Oif'.Di I I llollPtfUI ~(. Apt..C.MnH UtlliU. paid. -Yaclit ollp -- Doj!J • ...ult. -uii,., yearly. :r.r ll'IJI. or ...... -. Coll llar.·Ma. -· • llDIUI. VJqUIU<. APT. •au e Ground Roor Klnm&r, 8-lboa p~ -• Av&U. ,tl&M llll y..,.11 "6 ,_ • 01J'ICES OR STORES . -.o. Pbft.• AMlletna DY9tOM J'or Leue ln - _ .. _n_n_. _______ 1"_"_1 Barbor Investment C.O. Bids. 30th ~ Newport Blvd. a ' Har. ll!OO ley I Beech Reelty Inc • l\&.<LTOU J.,I Harbor 9ouleYanl -~M...,, California U ... TTlf SYM LI WlN TWO ACRllS IDIC.AL l'OR M·l UN, n.ear Hell· pot. lllY-1, slf1'l ol ..._ Owner U &4211. l)Uc· f'Oft IALE CORNER LOT and Bl.DO. lftll • TlJB'l'IN, eo.. I • I bdM!l. apta., it.wulrJ' ftn . -------------FOR RZNT: Small oULc• or ta K--. Ownu , Har. 0211. BJ··ciq, "'9d or raoo~­ llLUE TOP llOTEL 1iOS Newport Btri. H"'JIOrt Beach .tor• bldJ': ···-······ Pl.GO mo.I-----------"-"" 0 . N. WJ:U..S, l'l-.Jloc' U f.71H 11Uc .-r WX. or MO.-J nn. IUlta "'lt!a 'klleblnAI -~mplet.ely ~ aooommedaUnr :a « ' peoplt. UUllU• pd. 1IO feet to IMub -n~ar elaow1t1c d18trict -nee 11$-A---~toll! 114' Newport. Blvd., Ooilta Kua. Combination bu.Jn-6 bom•. Parklnr. ldP.l for Dr., ~w­ yer, kle11 Or1aaisatlon, .ti:. Harbor 61IMI. l.JUc ........ ------------.-...... 0 . JetlM<Nl Branch MfT .. OF11CJ; aait. ~p .pace t0 let ln • -·-, ~ HY•r&l JocaUon.t. C&ll J'!U.N-j'. • ,Dls't7 a.tty Co. -Balboa ·CI8 J. JJOflVATH. Rultor -1 lal• .Apt. Bid&'· 12' Marine. Harber ltll er lM&, 12Jl4. Bar. '°'6. lfcll "f"A'l'DlJ'..RONT-1 IMdrm. rum. • ,~ C..rb&p . •i.p. Qarq•. COU!cUr y-.rl1 ,__ to adult.. --""No pet.a P . O. Sow: 155, Ntw• _ ptt~a.a. l'P GROUND floor otncu or It.Of"' Ideal 16caU0n for optometrUt. ,1ccounL1.nt. •ttoniey, l~rane• 'It rMI ..Ul•, etc. lt.on..r- rootn• &lMI to rent. 11-..., ~tate Excbu1e TRADE $20,000 IJQUITY tn 2 triplp.e1 for ~ clear Of' bu91.n ... op-PQlbUUtr. 1tT C.0.ta x ... I t. Mr. Wa.llltt. llttc ~Lot Bargain HI.-, ,leY.a IO s :toe on Sant.e Ana A.ft. Near 23rd It. LJ l-t5CJ. l 'p11 BAOK BAT ARl:A, $1000 dn. BACK BAY . VIEW. CHARlllNG eu&\<>IJI. bullt-llome In ...uilited d .. velopment. • Superb view Ot bllll and · bay. Spacloua !~ Uv. rm. with flrepl, 2 Ip. BR'o, 2 batho and wrm block' walllut ~"&nilly room with mar•• -f)rtp,I. .i.o.'thajl fT· old. °"""" muat retw:n But ,for ...,._ r_ .... $17',l!OO ~ ,'8QOO a0wn. R. L. STRICKliER';" ltor R. B. HQDGJC,•-•to 3622 E. CoUt Hwy., Coroa.a :~'f"\, Hu":"' · • O~anding! tay lrlle'8ch Realty Inc RE.ALTO RB ltM N.-pod. Bl•d. eo.ta K-. Ol.lllornt• LI 1-1111 Ev• LJ 1-SOIO EXCLUSIVE .BEACON BAY · Real charm In a 2 bedrm. and ~ bath home, dtri with fittplace, forced air heat, ruga ind draperie. included in the -..king price of $45,000. Low term• to qualined buyer. Land leaae only '121 ~r year. May we show you thia ! .* Ho... &·In BA YFRONT . 1118 come On euterly pa.rt of Udo Soud. A beautiful family I Bednn.-' t bedmt. Painted home of 3 bedrma and 2 batha up, 1 bath down, • ncMco .... t.rd. llk• Dew. Le•· t tt ti l · d ~-' ' faclll double i-arar• with laundry It a mos s rac ve a.na.i an ente ...... nine • room could M made into Mcb· ties, larse patio and garden. Fine pier and float. 11or apt. 'Near ocean, My 1t For pric• &: detaila or appolnlment tO inlpect. caD LI.do ibopa. Only 11,,000 HARBOR 1775 Uve In one ud ML your ten- ant. pay for tlt.e property. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor NICJll ocSAN raC>NT duplex. 22:S Marine Ave., Balboa Ula.nd plu. ftluable vacant lot. BMt ------------------------locaUot.. Only l'l,600 tw "'Doth.. DUPLEX lot l,JOO, Nev Udo "'~ SEASON'S BEST BUY! CORONA DEL MAR COl\OK4 DEL KA1\ 2 Mdrm. . . . . :. -·pta,1• apt. wi.tum. dnpee up. ~, M pet.t, llS per mo. T•r -.... Har. 'llJl. ltc18 . Bolbo& !lay Propertleo 1506 w. Ba.lboe BJ•d. Har. 1111 I Bit.. dble. s&J'al'e, 1 )'.an old. .. .P. llJ ,000~ UN Wlllow . Un~ Ciiit&Miiii 6t tN8• fl)]' UUM dMd or, tr&clot' or farm .,.ui)lm4lnt. OWner l.I 1-2611. DUPLZX corner lot 1'500 tenna. ·Immaculate oonditlon,.2 .bed.rm.. apt.., hw.dJIN___l"I, tub Ii: •~ower. I..a.rre living room &: kitchen . 23 ft. plastered carac• and 2 additional nicely finiahed 1leeping rooma with extra bath. private entrance. Can build another home in front. l 'tfc "" - C>CSl.N FRONT, ,. .... 1y llO mo., waw pa.Id. BMuW'UI upper flml., ,.,t., l Wrm.. hria beda, a..q. Uriaf: rm. It dinlnC a ... a, p.rW• di1p. It dlahmut1r, P"· H&t. JGIJ·R.. t'cll -.11ao1aw ou-nu111eo CO>O'l.ZI'm Mark•t. 1111at dept. feaMd •t 1ood rmtaL Tear 1'0UM n.i.n.... Ol"OM 1100,000 BtU , 123.000 Tft'T1ll or malr.• atf • ...:.11eacb tow?!. Write Boll 9-lt UU. paper. llpll I BolUl:a., UYlnf rm. 11 a 2'· t..ot. ot u1.. Pa tJo. tars• 1 car IU't.I'•· Le•· lot. Near ••erythlns. 111.000 t.,..,... 20t2 Kl.pl•, C, M. 12pl' CL YOE 'MEYER,. Realtor NJRWPOJ\T' lBJOHTa '6JIO (not lea.ehold). 307 Marine, Balboa Ia1an.d Bar. 211Cj(j Llrtlnp Wanted. M:miuu:f\ MULTJPU: LJlttNG LIDO ISLE JIZ.4UTirULLT tumilhed 2 Md· rom •Pl Jun• l lo Sept. 11, .-. ~-moKA.S. l\ealtor ~24 w. Oout ewy., Ll 1·6127 l'cll FOR ftmNT N,W , cor. 17tb. and Oranp. Colt.a M-. OU.tat.and· lnr 1DOm• oppoalt.e Alpha Btita rnkt. near n1w Polt Of. ftce. II.Mt.able tor """ cu lot. BBQ rataurant. 1boe outht. appu.itc. .outlat. turnltun. etc. cab.1 J'ruk J&nlU, Hu. toil. "' roUJ\ UKI'I'I NEWPORT HEQBTt. bceil•nt location I 6 I Bdrm. Wiii talr.1 part trad• for fll,IKIO equity. Hll..f'- bor 6611. l'tfc Altadene Escrow l ll·A Eut lltil !L. Co.ta M.a Liberty l·SNI llcll --Bo-for Be1& 1----------1 Low· Down Payment .c......,._:':'"-::':'.:'.'::::'."'.°7'°:-"-~OMJ tft ..... CORONA DJ:L KA.Jt, I ~nn. PSND'flULA PODn' ' blldmu., -I bath. r1replac1. ~II.Ill 1 t..tll. oom-pi.t.iy lnclond &:1d 2nd &: I st T.D. LOANS Ylew. Immediate oceupaacy- paved J19.Uo, Bar-Jl..Q. wuber, len'1nr all ""-"'-OouatJ; Hu. '213. 12ct' dryer, ~It c!Jlhwuh•r. ....._. •; blk. to kY • oc..n. JuJJ We Buy TnLtt Deida MIO. Aur. S700. W•k day&. 6 Make Collateral Lbana IT•l• t-UN, WMk endl Bar. ,. .. w. · 1k11 Royel Mort9a9• Co. HOME LOANS UDO J4LZ Jt02 Newport Blvd .• Nprt. Belt. aEAUTITULLT 1'111\NllHED 'I Herbor 1549 br. It du 6 lanai home for Jwn._ Ju.l)' A ~ ,, 11.r. p)toae MnjU , oe~roaroN tlttc Ri:..uJrT 00'1. . du w. Cot.at a....,.. . .. • <•' Port 0r&n1•l Oou~ -J\tlfblance-&alll ""··u 1-1111. :ana. H1r. ana 6'1. • l'Ai ... 1" Ucl' IM. J'u.nd.I -·md&'· It Loan -=c-==--:--:-::-:-'::".:'.,-=:: Prtni. ._., UIAlm -.17 a Md.na MUM cloM Trut Deeda a--1ot 6 Sold ~~ emta,C..UM-. _..,,... · ~Ut---tttt-Qttll--l'or ft• eonttnltthnt BT OWNER, I bedrm., 1"-bath h~ ....... 1diap.~ dbl. l'U' ...... I.need yd. llHO down. LI 1·1811. Uoll NJ:W-1 ltdrm. houM, I car pr. .,. cJNe lo t.boppln{ cent.er, Co.W. M...._ ay O'NMI'. JD 6-1:510 or Har. 112t ttfc NEWPORT ID!IQHT9, J bdrm. It UYlq OYlr larS-dial. p r- ap • WGrilroOna. UGI Jaroad Ill. KI a..l&w·N' XI WL'6. 12c1' $1500 Down ONE ftDROOK' · HOMS-WW bll lmprovM aornv lot. l..Arl• umr room. lepan.lll dlllln1 ar-. Bervke porch -rulJ prlc• only Sl7'°. · OPPORTUNITY 2 ~ J.O\l:&-to beco.MI M·l - lA•ll--Own•r BMdl cuh PO 'fJfUI .. crtttc. UW; ldMI ~p. erty for only i 1,,100, Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson 1114 K.wport. •lvt., -CO.ta x ... UbtrtJ S-1711 bu. Har. Ult $49!5 Down NJ:W 1 -.nd ' bedroom born..1, I bath• I' Wms. '616 dn.J. Ll.rf• country 'Ill.Md '4 acn tot.. ReedJ for occupancy about July lJlt. Loe:atld on Canyoa DrtYI J!W' North ot Vk:tor!a. Jit.uuy• MW, lmall upar&t holda uW l'M41 for occupancy. ' ~c·1 LIDO LOT . ;. DON I'. HUDPLEl!TON Ed J>.. .:sur am• eo.ta ,._ • .... u .. ,.., Coot& ,._ ,. re .. LIDO llOUD <>nes room Uf\l.rL bou.M. LI 1-7111 171 &. 17UI It. .u.ao I 1\-1 JoU la CMta w..... UALTOR .. .._. ltte I ~-,----------1 11•r abopplni ~ter. Br OW11• lttt Harbcw 111""· OMta '·J;,,;,.. ..... ~ .. ,. .. .,. ,_, .. LOANS for l'iomes w. au. o111 ., Hu. '"';,,. ----"'-'-·""--~~ " · 1iamedl&l41\yT 3 bdrm. turn. '" _ 20 yr. LoaM -·.:::..=~~::~"~':Construction Loans ONE OF THE LAST view 2 b.r., ;~!y.~~~~. JIJ,IOO .. . .'; ' HOMER SHAFER, !lll.A.LTOR tot M.cl'add•n PL, •t Npt. pier Pboele IJar. 1 .. 0 &n1' Um•. Catalina on a Rock•r7 ''C" TRO><A• YOU CAN, from th• that Po('Ch "C" THOMAS ? .. ~t.!~~ * 6ayshores * =~¥ ~ I btdrooma ~~·~ b&tha -tAW ~~ .,UI! ltru:IWJ' prlc«I down payment -Xllll. term9. at '"·*· 2f18 Oc...n Blvd. (Ntwffn l'U1ll.Mf It Dabllt.) I ~l~ bathao-VU:W 9Ql\.ON.t. D&L .MA.a et M1 trqm mull.r blclroom OP&'N 1-1-letv4.y A eun•y It llY. rooai.-Q.apton• tlre- plac• -hdw4. noon -wlc• Cute As A Button n.owaa II: Nnahln• combine te -.it• UUi -2 bdrm. home wl.Ul lt.e fllcto-1 patio, th• perfac:t •pot 1.11 which to n~ Ch-. art& 11: only $Ul.t60. BALBOA PENINSULA IOUlfUli Ulal, w-w.iw.r -bu\: 1l·• tru..-I Mdro6fn,, I bl.lb Ml'n• 11in • II ft. let •t • pri« )'OU eaa &tford, 127,IOO, •~. * * * * * Bey Ir BNdi.Realty Inc' R:&.a.L'fofta · Oof.o.a del~Mu ottlc• IPo •· Ott. Hwy., Har!Htr 6llU BALBOA ISLAND patio IA4 f•c:.d y...-d. Pt,760 CJUJUUNG HOMI: Oil BAT- IHOft.& DRiv&-1 btldroom1 -tar1• lWJ'.IP\19 or pMt room o ... r svas• -2'iti bath.I - "" to w carpet • drape. - cloM to prtn.t• Madi. - CALL .fer appointment u Ml! l'OJ\ TK&U .um Ol"HEft 000D BA.TBBOftU HOMEB . ''C"i110MAS ft.aahor aa4 AISOCIA TSS U4 ¥.', Cout llJ.ctnlqy N~ heh Llbert1 1-8611 "C'' THOMA.I tlcll an BOB IA'J.'TLER lot. in Cliff Ha~n. Per· 2 b.r .. 2 hlth .................. · $21,IOO U l& Utt 00.AIT BLVD. ma.nent view of Harbor 6 aHORJ:CUFFa -I br., den NO. •4.T Fl\QNT auUTT q:tr\blfA. D'1-M;AJt. -J BR.a. ~ home wtUt HW nn .. ftJt!pli. tlOO per month. N•w· ~ 6"cor•tad. Corona del u.. Harbor 1111 Beauty . . JUllT UI>Ucm> ..... REAL :VALUES I ' -• VOGEL CO. 1M1, & Cit. BWJ. KA: 174.l '~,. ' 1~11 -"'-' a..: 110 <7 96() -,........, It lni_,.l la ,..... aad , ftep, PODUl:R M.011.TQAQ& co. .....ea.n., Vo.I' X • 7 • U:MON ~OHTI -I M. f&oat! ITa at.DX AND I~ X•tro we Ina. f'ua6I KI l-&186 Hubor 6971 ltc23 oft acre. haut;r .,.__.._._,Nf,IOO ·Pllln'ICA.TmD. Tour SU-U I B&DROOlll: hom.• approx. I Ullo ------------TR.ADE LUl'.ON HJ:lQBTI S· will om_ M4I ..,_ wb• 7n. 9ld. Kdft., w, ftnplac•, L:o:A;;;i:>iQiiiii~~iiiiiiO~ •Y OWNl:ft I.,.._, .. , 1~ MUl acre vu;w,, ~ft. .t ....... .eoo .... _...-Jull&J~~ .t ..,. ~-•tta.ebild. '(tf//r'J LO.t.NWTI ,"'°.:.:• ~~DaOlO°"Vllo ~-VJSW ••--' '--...,..,, ~ r::-.. •-• lot toal .. . llom•. nrepau.. larf'I llWll --~ -• w ··.m1 an rr TOD.A.T l · .._.. • ..__.._... ~-Badl k)'. ---J'O'I waat • r-eaJ l'OJOd boml, , ., i:. .z.. TEIUIS Belt cooatruction; only 6 yeara old. Compare tbil with an.ythinr in today's market under $18,000. Owner anxious, will 1ell tor $14,~. No 1icht·aeen. Buyer nudl $7400. Drive by 706 Marruerit.e Ave., then pb . Hu. 882 to inspect. STANLEY A. SMITH, Realtor 2647 E. c.t Hwy., Coron& del Mar Har. 882 CORONA DEL MAR Need a lure bome! 4 bedrooma &nd family room, 8 month• young" Modern style with hnse flrepl.,,., OCEAN VIEW, paUo, . two batho, 1800 .q. ft., two car r~ built in rtove and ranp:,. diapoeal. f&rl, Iota of tile and form.lea., 5% loon. $39,500. A perfeet two bedroom ruatic with OCEAN VIEW, 15 x 20 livinr room, u...i brick flreplaoe, built ln book cues, hwd. noon, oveniud rar4 Al'e with sepante workahop. 100 x 100 lot, beautifully landacaped, a •t.eal at only $23,500. TmnL RAY REALTY CO. Mft E. Cout Hwy. Corona del liar liar. 2288 (acrou from Bank in C. D . .M.) 'MEWEJrOF~G "SERVICE We CHALLENGE All Comparison 23 Units Must Sell bv June AND A REAL BUY FOR SOMEONE. Conlii.t. of l{c modem apta., with ltitchena, 8 excellent aleepinJ rooms PLUS DELUXE owner'1 unit .... _ • with aeperate office. AU apt&. be&uttfUJJy fur-- niahed. ae.t 1 location on Balboa Pmiut&la. Eatabllahed cllenWt. E1<pected ..... $18,000. Part trade conalderod. Call ovmlnp for 1pPointmlllt. Har. 11144 :-W&i$0n .• 1n"1 betchT" ' ~, •f"' J '9,1\.,. I Bath, JO'ijlJ' boi»e. Wall lo wall car• •• _.. .. -rm., dlninc ..,.... ... --~ --M 1 __ _______,.. •· ft-4 · '"' · -.... · ......,64__ nook, built ta·~ roreed &Jr uvvu • -·------~-·.A.LL TBJ: nTN I.IN"!' JUft .._ _.. ------------------------ N w .... .,. ,";':! ..... VINO& ... L w w ~L ,,,..... Cl . v H ·~ .~ Ol'1lllt ~WI ' E POAT .B_,--.A. II.A. ,.uo. Landec:a..-fenced yd.. 51r9 an Om Tou"U. cdr'bai • a~ v•ca· _ LOTS _ 6 W.A.N A&80CIA'OON. ,,._ _, _ _.: 1311•VJ• Udo Ptl. Har. uoo dbl. "'""''' cau altw 7 p.m. RllALTOR uon; Mm.:. ~~· u ...... WE ITILL •tu.VJ; .A. FEW nli:ti • .,,U:.S .• ~t-ta kttcheh. Nice -i-u.. uat'lim. f•dy, r111trict- • ed ...,. 12&0 mo. C.ll Har· or w..Ji; "'d&.' llt Plun:itr. 2711 W. eo.1t Hwy. LI l-07'7 -4•prtd• of O'"'wn.IUP in um . . . tfe LI 1·307e. lkll -------'------.,,r\lftl' 2 ~. hom, and ttuJJdtn1 IGts, lood l:MU!d• PJUCZI>. U?tt>llft ito.000 -dlill'lct. • 1'._\ tJ"· ~., .... Barbor !!~ 51...!.Ctel 'Eltaie Waate4 ~ YOJ.181: t bdrm. ~ble. WANT> f:m , J;l:er :t: J.1ta:-i ~-T.arlr retal .i..dulla. with 2 br'•· Balboit. Wand. -.'i;Ui It. BboWa t:t lo , lit.at.a luWMt ace.pt.able cuh •• nt,1 A aar. ID:mlock '-7'11'. prlce. Writ• M.. P~ON- l 'P &U.. Crmallaw BlYd.. P. 0 . ------------Box ,:zsa1. LOii A.nl'elu. CaW'. R09'f wtth prtyale ii.t11 and -~ e.:.. JGri.. On• blk. f"'°' eon.n, Wut Newport- Har. ~· tte27 ..... ""' Brt.nc'!tl MIT~ OJ:OL.EY l\LTY. CO .. R.LTM. Ba.lboa hie Apt. &ldf . ''" M.artne -Har. &Ol6 y,.. Park!ns lle111ber of N_.port Board or RuJlon ~~t.._M_ilo,~----1---------"-'" (.Aft.A.OU fbr raL •11 mo. , .. ,Jy. ' II) Nf!'flfporl ifffcil. &lJ.-lJluome Prof!i:tl ____ ,,_._.1111.,11,."'.J or Ba'r. 117 .. M -l2clT Twin Duplex · Seer Udo lhope J'\lrn. I Hdrm. 2 bit.th •lUCC'O. Clolt to Udo SboppLn1 c1nt1r, be.<'ht'1 6 bay. ll•crltlce at Ill.~. Only IT&OO down. £. \\', Hill Har. ~13·M. B/B Balboa Peninsula T1nna..1:po! B. A. NERESON RJO.UJ1'6R 181 Newport Blvd., Colt.a Men r,Dl«tJ 1-1172 l:n. LI t-4116 Ublrt.r 1-NlS Uberty 1·3727 11UC ------------1 Bullt by a bulkier tor ,hll Dr!Mlft Home. BualJ\IM ucualtat.I movtn1 Inland. 'I'tlt. •-• hi.I 1vtrythla1 1aoept hot It cold numtrir u re.•tum! · S1fl ·-Oown Back Bay ln<'Ome Pro~J Nearly new attract!•• CM.I. Me1a duplex. Income 1teady. 11~.MO full prlct. I~ 6'JWn. IC. v.•. Hill. H•r. ~13-M. S J'edroom• • eonverllble Dtn 11Uc • cpmpjer. 1en. dee. built-In Lovely S bedrm., 1 bath hom• CU.tom built. Lerr• Uvinc room ind dlnlns room. '0 l't. petln. Hantwnod ftocx-a, forced ..ir heat, NJ:WPO!\T-~Km=o=HTS=-~.-.-m-fl, kltc.h•n HI-Pi -M••Y inor• com1r lot. Two bdrm• It dtn. eXtt•• in>eh •• 120 ,., y.ard ll&AUTtnJL I Mdrm. horn• -~ W(I '-"•It ca~ln1- su,1i.it17 #~•i.d. Man y utn&· 'Payment. ~.IO per mo. IMJ.udias ~'' lrwurllJ'IC'.e. db.I. pr.~ waUld ln r•rd. carpe.t1n1. Mu11t be "9n to boJ lllndllc•Pf<d. U D.000 f urn. 1pprtt'~tffi. Sacrifice $19 ,500 Altedene Escrow $17.~ unfurn. U 1·4G.l2 J:Jctt I f prtnctpal It tnrer .. t '' .-ii~. Bay & Beech Ree ty nc , iu:AcTo"" Newport-Mete · Realty Osborne -Forton I .. ~ "'" Balbo. 111Yd., S.lboa. 17• K'fl'POrt. 81\'d., COit.a ...... DG'l .f. 'TY CO'S ~ dm•·n Har. 12•• &"•· K•r ..... L1 1-6608 · llY•. LI a.7U7 ~ lll·A Eut 18th llt., Co.ta Mt1a .2.SU _fw. C.OUC. Hwy. Uberly 1-Ml6. 1kH p J J • 1 • 1at Port. Oran1~J NEWPORT HEJGHTI 1 \; y .. r1 ""4. 4 bdrm., l !~ balhl. knotty pine kitchtft, l'l.ft It rarb&s• dl•poMI. fl.rtpla<'•• t.a. hut, fenced • dbl raras•-~ lt2.50 MO~ -Nar mp ~ --U 1-4211. lk16 $6200 ictu,e1qu..oc~•nv11w '·' t-T~J H.-r. &iw eve•. 1 BD>tlM.. l tt. old home -rnoM Ttl1a ~"lltt.J' llotN ln Co. ----- ""'"' ... .-·--••II• -Hlf1tl&jW. :uoo ... '"' CORONA DEL MAR lnmldt. J.ot attul. plu. I~ P""J' arti ct..rpot:, S:nall &at•te, 1to111'1 tarow from Mikol Realty -.at~ ·treta 1 lev9I ... wi.-bead. Wld• lot. ra.ncb bouae, mil 'irad• . Kt l-660I fin, ov.tdoor 11v1n1. GIU'Clen 1'14 I . Mein, 9anla A.ftl OA.N + J ACOBSCK, 1'tffl r:.t&tl coU.1• ID .... r. Pay~ lnter- NEAJlt. DACH. Good rental dil-1 --=~~~~-~cc-O--"'." 61 1 11 ..... a_ Oft'lae...._~-..--· I trict, JAcom• 12111. Ct.n bl In• ON Tiii: BAY II' to t 'cr tnmt· lkll U 1-UJ.1, Har. Mil, Kl 1•1117 t,C., tue1 i nd t111ura~. OtU ----------~1' i.:.lca!.!..Ctb111: TO F.QRP_ VEfUU N'Dr:R.. H•r .. MS. FOil ' RENT Mew ottfoa Lld4. JJdO t.bol>Plnl u-. '" mo. -yt'9. '-· 8.A.T It aaA.P1 !lEA.LTT lN'C. 1tZALTONI • 1111 t.afa)"ltt• .-.i:.flfi3, Bir. 2ttl J!>\·•~ •jUI\ to tht r1 P t of Udo 8rld-:e· '" <'ttued. Fully Nftllld at pr• ar• MOO and up ~ front tt. HO,, Ot\11 11600 dowJI. Pey otf to qui.titled buyer. Pieri per· b.J.nc. ~t o( laeome. QS,IOO milted. Geo. M~amara. Col· full pri<"e. Un• lllend. Har. IH2. 11C'l7 Earl· W. Stanley • REALTOft 111 3 St11·port Bt¥11 . ,;1,p'., Bt1i H11•bor 1013 •• CUFF HAVEN n1,IOO. I b«tnnl .. 1 ti.th, drap- H . w /'fll CAl'pl!t. Very <"letin, I v1 • nld ln11r.tdl•t• O<'l'll J)llll")' i2 .. ktnr• Pl , lJ l ·rBOT. tetrc $15,LOO · BIQH ecH'.OOL -Moder,a 1 •"ii T "i7 llcl' v wrm. A '•n' boml, ll vtn1 rm. 4 BDl'tl(., I batll. l\om• with 1 <'•r 1•r•st. rtr.pl&c'1. FA ii rnbls• d i.poMJ, llltdlo*r! tan. All f•nC'.ttd, on• y •a r Old. Nt•r Hlfh 15cftool. A hom• far f:.)(1 1 1111.11. r or •pjl'l. Ub~1 v I 8-62~1 . 4• 17 ;.;u. •ID\or u... ,.,.,_,'CURT DOSH Rltr _n~ .._ p6du ... wtadow 1 • tv•rtQolllfll pt.U., C.f'l'llic Ult ) 15 " ' A la ... th. ti:ttcbeo .& M"1c• nn M•r1nt ve. o. s 11111~·uhtr, 1ft1cbld 2 Balboa Island l:At c•r .. ""'r poi t. 1.Ara• b t~ y11n1.. LI 1.Jc.11. · 1<'14 H'r or I 560 • Trailer Park 59 spacn, one of the finfft new modern parkl in H&rbor area. l\OOlll . l<> " exp&lld to 100 apace•. Choice pro~rty Exclusive with OSBORNE-FORTON CO.'S REALTY 2323 W. Cout Hwy. LI 8-7562 (at Port OranceJ Evu liar. 579' ' ----------~ • Only $13,500 B/ B BALBOA I BEDfi.OOM. l "'th ho111e wtth h1.rdwood floor1, ton:ikl 1lr beat. doubl• 1 0•1e on comft lot in n\C'.e CO.ta Meu 11u . • St.&r Npt. 1'e1'. YM'h\ CJub 1%000 down. IM )IE OJ .A.TS J llodftC. LllUt Kon111 .Jn;;;•·~• POSSE88ION'. 1 • ConYllll.nUy Loca\ed • OWnt:r mu.t •U-J.lake uf.er Newport .. Mesa . Realty 1 • Aektng 113.600 · Jllt Newport Hh·tJ., l,.':Ollt & Me1a --- LI 1-6&08 E\•e•. LI 1.1101 \'ACANT LOTS • Oceaatr .. &eutlor1 1J1 , •1(1,M>f BUSINESS SITE 1 • °',."'"· . ...,, Pmlo. '12.:.ot 90 ft. ON HAJl.BOR BLVD. Cl : COmtr Jot near Jttly 1.U.:klf. '°t. 100 tt. ••p -115,000 full B.ayrront . -... 123.orK ,..,..J ·11 •Bey & Beech Reelty Inc . , llILLER CO. , RSALTOR8 zots °"'· S.lboe H•r. '®l 11460 w. eai.--8tvd .. ll&Jl1ol 1a1ar lb• Newport l'tet) J~ar. llM. r:ve, Har. 115'1 BY 0\1.'Nr.ft; I bdrm. dllplo:, .• .., • .,..,...,.. oub .• ,.,, 3 Mutl. Unit Lots 1ar11 SU· Patio, tlttpl., 111• detk. f'tn11hed 1&1t till, S1J.9:M>,£Aa1'81DE C.0.t.e M-.. aJI ull• I07-Utb St, Newport 'lillN U.. du.e tel rchoolA I nd OPE..~ &AT.•ST..'N. Ot' call ov,.n•r 9bi.tt1v1n1 H1l'. w 1-J nr l.Zhl 9-39Tt .1 D.'.7'. ,\, J.,c·or~r.N. l'tll91 t~Uot• ~ur .Hly to Hroke1• 12<"1& U li-6.117, Hllf. U 9l KJ J.21117 I • • - ~~~~~~---~-~-~?!!!I' . .!Dl~llD~te!...&4---111-ltlil ,........ BALBOA lSLAND G-ORONA DEl MAR-~· .. . ·---NEWPOlT HARIOI ~ls1 'AlT 11·f'Aqf1 WEDNESDAY, MAY ll, 1956 Drrte by Ml JtGnUia ObJOa Road uJ tMn ~1ar ~~ t wtl.b u.e to allOW ,_. 8'.lllt t yrw.. ap. IMP Uril\I roam. I 1MdNCnU .,,..... ,., .. 11 ..Cb ~"'=·~-':::;"'.-. -~ --------~~~:.::;,::.,;:~ dm. .... ~~ ap. r .>.. 'Wt. anpac.. prta.--~··,. ca.rp9tl.al. am. ..,.. '°'-NO. BAY FRONT 1;., iot.erelt pier md float. Bea"1iful 2 BR. A den bome. About 3 yn. old. Really a BONEY! S'7 ~- Im -full Ille. su.~ ONE 01'. THE LAST! BALBOA PENINSULA. Charming and SJ*iOUI, a 8 . R. home .. 1 % 'bath& Near Bay bathlnl 1ae&ch. Lovely p.tlo and beaut. landlc&ped srounda. 126,000. Tuma. t22 BelVue l..AM. 1J1rwP. POllTlYWGT aboWa •Y appoUlm..& ..a:;. ftt. MMC. oD&lllM1 ........ • bedroomt. • ""'. l"flllDl19 room. ' batba. a 1arft bYiB&' l'OQlft, wtt:ll a Julp .... brick Qrepl&~ .,..... ...... wood tJoo..., natunl Alder· wood tdtche aa4 calltlMU( 0..1 .. 1tJCU ....... AM ,.memb«r Ut_,.. la 111 n. fTont..,-• on MontlJ\c canycia ftd. ••. and lt'a only l yr. old. Prtced at SSIJMIO - l•rmA . •·* -~bin.It doe'L NEWPORT BEACH ce.r p~t. lllmlOI n. lot. ll&a7 ~ -"m1nY". ~ &~ •:u..tTI -9917 11.-~ rn m.cm.Ual1 ~ NEWPORT HEIGHTS , ~a~-1 AIOI I• Ff! Dl'9 Drift N...,or( a.c.. OP'mN BOUU 1 to t l&L • aun. ·~t'9lM.t ya't Gad. --~ tum.hibed. traide"1c.4 al Nl,IOO. INDUSTRIAL 1. r' 2. v 3. y SHO~ Loftly 2 bedrm. bomt, 2 ~ .rperate din1nl f'9CllD. Ip. kttchtn with bnakfut area. Bilrd... flOor&, eovtrtd paUo, double garage. . sso.ooo tull prt~ - STOOO down will handle. BARGAIN. 2 bednn. fu.mitthed cottqe located eloee to ttorea and only 3 bloelm to · ooean boot. Priced to lltl1 at $11,500. Ouly~; $3700 down. -- alSTA ~A. INCOME MINDED! Here ii a REAL money maker. OWNER LEAVING STATE. Con.It.ta of eight .eparate homea. 2 bedroom.a Mch. beamed cei.linp, prages, patJoe. New and obanning. All occupied. Grou S7800 yr. BACK BAY ARE.A. $64..000. Term.a. OCEAN FRONT 1.:0TS Un pracUceUr Niil ftff lD a ~ MW dU]ll.X. A. unant s. th• Ja.nCSlord't ~ 111-4. un-r and tow· er Wllt. boCh ban two bed· TOOmL Real ftnplace In tower unit. lpedoUa deck oa u~ unlt. v.., dOM t~ Bay ud Jka,ch. Suy &c- ede tor your !)Mt. Over- c.. I car prap. Qet lb• detana. St.000 bandl• it. ,, ... -~ With .a. 'l'OCllD\ ~ ·N.., ,.int. ~t u... f~lft tot 15Gall1. Priced at 11.'&00 - TtrmL M·l A x...a -11.000 per &en -a.JO .... -1·1 ~ -14 aa. -1-11 ~ an4 eenNl ama.lln A.D bl N..,ort Buch ana. SPECIAL! 3 bedrm. home, lwd. noon. FA heat. prbage diapoeal. fenced yard. double: · p.rqe. Choice location and only $16,&00.· ~term.a. s,2000 DOWN. WHY PAY RENT? New and llpadoua 3 bedroom -11h bath home. H. W. floors -Uled brick trpl. -P.A. heat-Built-in 2'" oven and range -Sliding 11'-patio doon -Dllpoeal. Full price only $16,000. CALL ·Seven Islands Realty & Investment C.o. M3 • S2nd St., Newport Beach -Harbor ~ -aft.er 5 :00 p. m.· B&tbor C5IW1 . , US TODAY. SEE THESE VALUES p d f f • E lu • H I Oceen-Front-Hom• t. v OOBONA tnGHLANDS. Reftneinmt at it.I .. • best. Located hip on the hlll. maplticeDt~ view of ocean· and entire Barbor Area. Owr 3000 mq. ft-in this 3 bdrm., 2 bath home plul uuttnialMd nampua room. Ca.rpet.t wall to wall, custom drapee. beautifully decorated. . P'or thoee who want and can &ffol'd the FINEST -Thia i.a it! ML No. 7176. Reduced from $59,500 to $54,500. Shown by appointment. MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTINGS , BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor $l000 DOWN. a bdml. home. I ara e 0 1ne xc s1ve omes. O~l !'°: ~~ MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTING yn. old. Pm. Nduoed to SHOO emJMd t room ~om• or a for qWck aale. ~= lot. 111& LOVELY LIDO ISLE'---. bd'rma., 1~ •tha. thermo COG· ( 111 Marine Ave., Balboa Island. Ph. Har. 1671or 1672 rrna., near lhoJ>p~. ''Ai"' In. --trolled toreM a1r lle&t. ,.uo "a.nd f&l'CI, douW. pra11 (al.o JRONA DEL MAR REALTY CO PRICE T. McCUISTION, Realtor ----------------- -ON K ONTID VlfTA, nr. lraNlp. roam tor I lneome unit. If 1c KJM>ola. a bc!r., hwd. nra.. Deluxe · Beyfront desll'ed). A• low .. '6000 ctn. M47 E. Cout Hwy. Corona del Kar Har. 41 • ~Office located nm door to Newport Harbor Bank, OOf BALBOA ISLAND A SCARCE l'J'EM -Choice 4 bedrm. ( bath pome, adjoininc 1 full liJed lot, beautifully landacaped aad de9iped for outdoor living. Pleue call for appointment to llM. TWO UNITS - 2 bedroom houae and 1 bedroom apartment. Excellent location juat a step from So. Bay. ML No. 7(()1. Price "29.~ terma. • • • FOR EXCHANGE -Builder will ach&DJe for vacant M-1 or C-1 property• new FHA appf'Oftd 3 and ' btdroom bomee remaining, ill fine Santa An& subdiNIOD. Total value '51,000. nnan.oinl $3(5,000. I.napeclion wW coofirm value. WM. w .. ST.lNLEY SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD Park Ave. at Marine. Balboa i.land Barbor ~ BALBOA t bdrm. turn. ol,der hOJM. larp U...tq room with fireplace. Unit heat. prbe.p dlspo9&l. 2 car pnp. OM&D n.w, eio.. to tM bq, ua.~ term.a. FIRST TIME OiTERED. Income unit 2 bdnn. turn. bowie wtth tarp bedroom pra&e apt. Excellent renW Ut1L 1 blk. to b&y. $21,ftOO term&. FURNISHD> DUPLEX all on OJM floor. Good wmmer rfntala. 1 block to bay. $H,500 wtth low down payment. COSTA MESA Cosy 2 bdrm. and laDa.l Ranch home completely f\u'n. 2 CU" pnae. ..set in bM.ell of flowen, tr..-. ahrubL J'nlit treee plore. Corral for hone. All feneed. ee ][ soe. $eoo<> down. OOKKERCLAL corner 1'5~ x U50 ft. Near J1&r. • l>or Bh'4. PnMnt lmpro+emata ahouJd aany till pro~ dineloped. ee.t buy on W. 19th St. COAST PROPERTIES . RUTH JA. YRED, n-Hot- Mlldnd IUga ud Sylvia Thompeoo, Aaociat.. I01 E. Balbo. Bl~. Balboa Bar. 2658 or .eoo TWIN DUPL~ N-.r hlMh. cood Nlltal dlltrlct. lnoome $2880. Oul be 1nertUed. l'1ll1 rented at pnaent. Only S3500 down. Pay olt taetl"C" out of tncome. ~tun price . EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport 8eM:.h Har. 1013 OCEAN VIEW LOT Padno Drtn &Dd S.COn.t... O:>rana da1 Kar. 238 x 35-Room for two lOvely VIEW HOMES. On• of th• 1ut R-2 view Iota available. Call NOW CLYDE MEYER, Realtor • I07 MeltM.. B&Jboa llland -Bar. 2800 flrepl. 8-utltUl patio. Only Fl.nest ... t end Joc&Uan 12600 4n. LA,..1 pter and .Up CLIJiT JU VEN. O.Upttu.1 J br. 6 bedrooms. ' Mtl:lll hOIM Oil tnl lined SL a.&ut. A cue~ home tt•. rm. wtU. ft.Npl., ,ia. aUd.-For the Ml-=t buyer lnc doon tnto completely ftne· Who e&11 &tteld the 'beM ed le l&ndiec. paUo. A. nn bll)' '139,IOO at Slt,000. (mtpt t.alr• nmJJ.rlMmM Ill trade) CLIFF JU VllN I. bdr. hwd. fin. Dbl IV· N"'ly ci.corat.ed ln· 1ld1 .. out. A charmlftS home In an ~.,. n~rhood. $0000 wtll bandla. GOOD OOJOalltCl.A.L LOT. C-2 JWll off BanGr Bml. ebSM. 110,000 wtUl 14 4n. mxcat ln•. tor oowt9 or buldil.._ NOW. OORNm LOT l'Oll DUPLl:X or TIUPL&X. Cl.oeHn.. IOalH.- dnty .-o. INCOJa -~tN NmWPOKT DACH. 4 beaut. 1 bdrm. f\lrL apta. on BlYd. AM. tnc. 1-tter than $0000. • yn. Old. Tbe prioe wW mr- pn.. yoo. And •11.000 wtl1 bandi.. Mesa-Harbor Rlty. It .UIOCUTD 0 . c. SeJmour-Brokl'l'-Olrnw IOI Omw It. ea.tax ... Lt a-all or LI t-TT'h 8/B Shake Roof Rustic VIEW! A Reel Family Hom• :e.acu.. owner la 1•~ ar.a Tbll la ran barpJ.D u · corner lot ' b«tlooml, ·~ bath. Hue• rumpua room I peu. I ea.r prase s.u.r .. U\19 • ~.llOO -Oood i.rma. First Tim• Offered ror bu.me. nuona own. wUl ..... eu.tom, Dl&J'<ollW boml a bedNom9, I b&Qra ni. ...,.una ... .,.,.. ~ ta ...., d«&ll It tru),y lpu1rl•I 'l'oda1'• Ltdo barplrf JM,liOO VIEW Top ot U.. world ~ Mtbot &Dd oc-.n ' ~ each wtUl baCh Larp .. wtCh ~ ~patio Room tc. poal Bautttull)' laadllcaped OW1* ~ lo Colorado anen bUpJn •t ..... VlEW! KILLION, real estete LeftY Murdock, A.Moel.It. 3M1 Newport Bl-.d.. Harbor ~ SD TBD M&rty uw I bdrm. 1" bat.la l\Ulltio Aucll bom.e ~led 1n the ..iect apot ot th• Back Be.7 M9a. and tbC1 t' th.. extn.a and you'll AC"' wtUl ua that It adda up ----------------- to mon than SIT ,800. t' Mukr bedroom ll'xJO' r' Wallc~ln ced&r-Uned clc»et.. ,L BWJt.-lA b&rM<tue r' Bl&uutul tne lined paUo t' O...WldMd ........ wWl ...,.,. wortcahop r' Copper plumblf\I -c:u.t.om built U\roupoµt.. Panoramic View OF OCEAN ud BAT from \he i..,.... 1Mq room plGtun W1'l· dow ot W. l.mmacWate, CIOID• p&.W., ~ ' bdrm .• 1~ batb hom, "11.t around an enck>Md p.Uo wtl.b 011t.aid1 'bartleque . . • T-. 7ou can h&•e a IUpefb oc:.an 11.ftd ba.)' .tew and • ft!I• ' bedroom ~ wtl.b buJ.tt..iD ra.ap and nm. aD ltw $11,000 . • • • w. b• .. th• kq. Bey & Beech Realty Inc R&A.LTOR8 ll'rl Barbar 8oW..ard Co.ta M--. O&Uforal& LI 1-Tnt J:T-. LI Wl.&I LIDO ISLE Th.la ' 1*1rm. home will pleue tbe mOlt dil- criminating. Perfect in every way. Built-ln kft. chen, 30 ft. 11"1q room. wall to wall ~ting. drapea. weathentrtpped, large patio, etc. It'• choice for $45,000 BAYSHORES S bed.room completely fumllhed tn exclualve dia- trlc:t-ou extra 1arp lot. Bup loftly patio. partly covered. ~ for tnrtmmtnr pool A coed buy for $23.SOO. LET'S TRADE We need a lu'J• cozn.merclN property, M-1 or nice income ln the Cout area for tmproved VfJZ"'/ well located Loe Ana'ele. bualnMa property. Sh0wm1 $20,000 ll'Om ,ear11. Wlll ..-ume ecm- aldttable d.tt~ MYRTLE DAVY, Realtor New Lido Plua Bldg., M32 Via Oporto (Op~ Udo Sho1>9 Parldn& Area) Bar. 5'48 -~ .. Lt 8-52ln Lido Shopping Area 1 block 0... oeat.w ol Newport'• ftHll ...,,... dWtdet. I bed· DOCTOR LA WYERS Ima. -llatJl ~ attl'U-I I tt .. )dtdwli and diam'..,., · MERCHANTS CHIEFS ~ tarp ...,_ ~ --pelt t I room ad .u. dowuta1rs. 1r1 THIS IS RED BOT. an It-I Sot wtOt )Mat1 spaeoe It you know property value. you won1 bealtate to build u Income v.11.it tn after eeeing th1a 3 bdrm. 2 bath LIDO ISLE - trout. Olll7 •11.JOO tenu. ' . BALBOA ISLAND NewJ.J pabat.*1 ' Wr!M., I~ MtMt ~ ~ ~ PftC' W..Serfll4 for lup tudtJ. o.ra.r-amdoua ••• ~ prtoe: ••.aoo - llU!mlt JOU!' otter. . UDO ISLE , bdnu. , Mth9, lot &lld halt. Onam Mme. Pf .800 tnma. 2 8. IL plm 4-. I baUla. Moet &ttNcttw ~ • oat tu.IOO t.-ma. I b4h., It I M. abOwplace a.od ,..,. U....W.. '4T.IOO t.tr.... INCOME-With Value Dupla I Bil I baUa '8000 dA. 'ht:pl.s 1 .. .. l6000 dn'D . 5 ,.ui ..ai....-..... ........ 1llllU .... Ml" 'rt· • le• ape& bloclale "'" yr. ...,... la 90'"-t ~·-· and.,..-~ tttm•lhact COSTA MESA home. i'ully carpeted and priced ngbt at only $29.000. Hurry on th.LI. Vacant. Call tor appt. to eee tocky. RUSTIC RANCH Owner leaving' Stat.ea. FO?"Ced to eell at once.· .. ea.ta Ke.a'• i.ost exclUl!ve ~· A $30.000 ~hborhood. Word.a can't delcrlbe this lovely 3 bdrm.._2 bath home. Call for appt. on tb.il one. · Priced low at ,$21,000 TOP of the BACK BAY $11,900 S bdrma. Saota Ana Heicbt.I. Hdwd. floora, dble. ......... Leu thao 3 yPI. old. W/W ~t, lovely patio. 'np top condilion Ir • excellent financing. "C" • ED JONES w:.::":a!. ~U:.:, ~ ~ 2 HOUSES OPEN FOR INSPECTION the atr. ~ ta the OOmltJ. • . Saturday and Sunday Attemoona ... u tor fllD 6ltalla. '8000 to S6000 dowL Be Sure and See These Before You Buy TRADING-TO-DA Y'1 BiC'l tn.\\e la ••• low price • • • atT IWnon& Pl., ( ott S&nta Ana 1 HO A.mold-~ Uuat.. W.eat. ... tMi MOO aq...ft. CIOllUDd'C1aJ .Aft .. 1Wft BOrUl of llUl 8t. l of M•JW Pl., a.nd Badb' a t., biulldlnf. Dl:ell1. aan.o. loo&· 1 yr. old. ' bedrm. 1" bat.b. eoeta w .. 1. tlGn. BomlOM tie ptq to 1et laftd.lcaped. oopper plwnblna. N1!W S bedrm. l ~ bal.b home. a tt.L ' iaoo eq. tt.. Cune. paftd ei... Comer k>catlldn. Ja.ndacaptd, and ..,,.,.. tn. Ideal eut •S.S. curbl. p&Yed au., a.D4 ..iw~ ... Man.J OtlMn to Show You &oc:atJon. r .P. only su.980. In. Owner reduced price tAI SN ID6. aeD UU. week. • BALBOA BAY Properties ·~ w. a.n.. m.i.s.. Bar. 1111 NEWPORT HTS. .... HERE IS AN EXCEPI'IONAL OPPORTUNITY to buy income property. We have j\llt listed tht. : : tde&l duplex unit with $120 mo. income (~ between) plua additional lot auitable for 2 more . unit.a or ownera home. Located on Dden ••• .. Costa Me.a. P'ull price $15,~ lwldl-. SPECIAL "° HOLMWOOD DIUVll FRANK JAMES & LINWOOD VICK FURNlSBED, .,.., 11ttncU.,. 2 REALTOB8 . ~ .._. W.S-...,_. ioL 312 Kari.De Ave. Balboa la1and BacllltJ'U'd --wtUa " ..,.. &r.20U ~ paftd. OPmN l"OR IMaPllCTION Tue1. "nlura. aed kt. an.mooa.. • s11.~~1~1.~ux .. co. IRVINE . TERRACE BLUFF Panoramic view of the 11a.rt>or a.ad Padtlc. Brownell Deeip. 8 bdrm., den, 2 batha. Room for expanalm:i and pool 1201 DolphJJl Tern.ce f(9,f500 . BILL'S BEST · BUYS ------ta K.._ I bdrm. CJ.I. Joan. ~b JG.II Iha. Incl'" IJlt.erelt ud l~. OPEN 11 A.M TO 5 P.M. DAIL:'r- ~THAN RENT. Only MB.50 Mo. Includea principle, lnw..t, tax• and ~ TbrM ~ Cal'- pet,ed ~· Well 1.Udacaped "'°' .prtbl. ~ ant aloe paUo. OnJ;J tlUOO Wll1 t.Ue car tor part down paJ'D*lt. 8 INOOllE UNITS B&tt block b'OID ctowatowll Coat& ..... Can't a.i aA:f~ Wns cJoear l:n. lbOW1I pod l"ltuJ'ft. r. P. '4UOO Sl1,000 down W. A·. TOBIAS UA.Lft>Jl 'JVO'U llR _. m..tt1 Ml"'ftc9'' FREE? FREE? FREE? Ot ~ not. But w. &> hav. an eicept.lonal value lD Col'Oll& del Kar. Ftl"llt·ln importance ta tii. 4.5 tt. lot. ~ 't bardlJ pt them no mOft, (in C.D.K.) Secood.-Ter"J niol 2 bedim. home with pe11t bouM A bath -dbl. pr. Call m for detailll. )19\l will be pleued. \ MAX W. POPE, Realtor WUUa B. JOfte9. A.adate 1908 Harbor Blvd. Colt& lleea Llberty 3-Uri Eve.. Liberty Ml~ OPEN J'Olt tNIPllCTIOM Wed. rrt. &nd lun. ~ Ralph P. Maikey R&A.LTO& Balboa Coves I BllDllDOK ...... ......__ wtUl dlalDI ,... ~ . JOE FERGUSON, Broker $10,500 to $12,950 INSPECTION INVITED 5 Cuatom 8ultt Models -... . .-: Select a home to IU.lt YOUf need.I. Built OD you!". ' or our lot. ta.A Ulrma. ' =:: i::;! :_~ ORANGE COAST PROP!RTIES -..... ·. wtUl fJlfftl-e J'tf ~ 1~7 Newport Blvd. 0.. Mea Q S & S 1 5 .utrtnr sn.-o. ednt. W'ma. u s..im EYea u &-liOO u .. ------------------600 a lTU. at.. Ooata lf-LDlert.7 1-llat pen -at. un. -to New~ ..... ·M•·• .. _.LL. _____________ ....___ m APOLDA. BAl.IW. ISLE. " • "" !'7 sa or by appt. lTtt ewpct 9tfd... ~ii ... 3000 tea· ft. of tpldoua relaxed livins ln 3 bdrm., LI ~1 z~ f.lal Arthw o. Johnson, Bt-•nch M1na99F- I bL home. U:dt muter b4rm. plu. fl"Ollt A wml !UCll t ._ _,... ta DECLZY ~TY 00. . rear lllDCllck. run di.nine room. Complrtely em. a.ta --. t• ,_ 12• M.arlnl An. BaJbo& llllan4 Ba.r. 8085 :· NEW 3 BR 1 ~ batha redtcoraW tn and out. A must ... ! m.t.ap. .n ,_.... wm _.. f I • .. 0n1y s10,ooo down. 0 :;.ta .. ~.~Wat.at• or · rea estate • $750 On. -Costa Mesa -$750 On. • • NEW a BDRM. 2 BATH THE VOGEL CO. LIDO OFFICE Mo. payment.I ool1 f15 THE VOGEL CO. LIDO OFFICE LI Mllf. Bar . .-. aMtJT MEMBERNEWPORTHARBORBOARDOFREALTO~ 3Ut Via Udo, Npt. Bch. Har. •971 or Har. d72 lnqutrt, ownu 252E. Palme Sill Via Udo, Npt. Bch. H&r. 4971 or Har. 4972 _,_,-..,. =: = FREE PARKING ~Har. 5179 -Har. 5142 ,eo.ta Mm LI a..-r Kv• Bar. ~179 -Bar. 5142 Wlty dle7 pl~~ ,...ma -----14cl& ... . . ' . l • ... ........ LIDO ISLE Open Sa~y It Sw:ld&y 1 to s '°1 Via Udo 8oUd New' bedroom 3 bath on 77 feet of Baytro-nt- it.duced to '92,.500 or wW leue for summer at $1!500 per month • Lovely Waterfront Triplex ··-··-·····-··-···-·---..SS:S.000 ·: j .Bedroonw, pier and .Up ······---·--at $80,000 . ; • 3 Bed.rooma, pier and aUp ·---·--:-at f?S,000 • • Bed.rooma, 2 ba. Wire lot .. · iauoo J Wrooma -atreet to atreet ---$2UOO HARBOR HIGHLANDS . ' 681 !reredta. • Br .. 7~ ba. $2U500 .••.• Me Beryl 3 Br., 2 ba. $21.~ • • M7 Dlana i.ne, 3 lb'., 2 ba. $18,500 19« Prilcllla Lane, 3 Br., 2 ba $1&000 CLIFF HAVEN NEWPORT HEIGHTS :'TM St. Jame• Place uJdng price ··········-·--···· .. $21.!WO ~ Sa.nt& Ana Ave. Trade ·-·--·--·-at $17,SOO • ~ Holly Lane. • Br., 2 ba. --·----··· ... $1~.~ • • CORONA DEL· MAR . - 308 Poppy, 3 Br. ud den Octa.n view -Bariain $33,500 BAYSHORES 2532 Crestview Drive, a 2 bedroom Senaible va.Jue at $20,950 COSTA MESA 2•1 Meu Drive 3 Br. 1% batha- Nlce corner $15,9&> One acre on Hamilton St. with ceme9t block · · b0U84l 6 cha.Jn Unit f tne&-Owner anxious $13,500 WE COOPERATE WITH All REALTORS •1 DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2'02 Newport. Blvd., Newport. Ba.ch Har. 4718 I FURNISHED VIEW HOME Owners are plannlnr to travel for iteVeral yeane. Rat.be than lM.ae their nry apacioua and modlrA .n bmu, they hav. decided to MD lt ~Olll with their nry lovely la apeuive f\ll'Diah.. tnp. Tb1a hem. bu three blciroom8, two b&tU bup 11vlnr room, d.ln1.nr room, ultra modern kitchen and of coUrH there i.a forced air heat.inc, · · a fireplace, choice o&k flooring and a double pn.p alone with a lovely patio. • Tb• view at the bay and ocean i.a u.uobltructed trom the llvinf room, dining room and kitchen. ::::·The pro~y i.a on deeded land and high abo" ::·: th• Archa. : :--n. price 11 $32,500 which includ~ the turniah· : : ~. The property • tree and clear and the :-: ~ will .U to a RESPONSIBLE party on a ?: i:nodeat dqwn payment and finance the balance. -·. Bonifide inqui.rie. are invited. .,,,. ~: W. STUART FOOTE, Realtor · JU7 W. Balboa Blvd. Bar. 2(, Evee U 8-M90 ..... : .et>. :VOGEL VALUES CORONADE~MAR . ~-,. .. . develoRen Bayfront ·Ne~, ~o, 3 Bearoom 2 tlied ~bat.hi, aUd1ill Sta. doon from llrin1 rm. Ir"~ learm.;":to •c!OMd plaDted pet.lo. Bunt- • When, ,_. .. ,_.lalt b;u1 at only "13,000. Btuehe H.uwJ will be happy to show you W. • at your conven.Mnct. ~ Modem and Charming a bedrma.. 2 batha, wan-to-waB carpetlDJ, .Ud· ' ~ 1Iaa door to patio, Dal' bmrt Udo ntmmiDI beach, dtmped. by Hal t.q. Pull price ,.,'500. Call Lee Schonek for appointment. . ' wilt. on ~ ~ BAYFRONTAGE. o.iped by DlUbroelt, Ali... Two 2 bedtm.. and two 1 ,bedrm. apt.I. A hafd-to.tind bargain at $80,000, mcludiq fQmltW., with only ,20,000 down. See Earl Haney for full detaila. P.• a. palmer incorporated ole han1on co. man•gement Im \'la Mo, harbor 1600 of Udo Isle Seeing is Believing It ftu1d W follY to try &nd dmcribl In mere wordl U.. •my tt lheer lumry conWDea In th.la u.do li Tl"RONT home. Situated on .0 ft.. of choJcie South B&yfront adjolnm.1 a pet1IUlllllCt euement sivla& perpetual prin.ey. You muat 1e1 thla lo believe to much can be tncorponted in OM home. Call Bill hmsworth to ... thil and start bellevinr. Shorecliff Open House Beautiful ~ family home, • bed.rm. { bath, with formal llvinr rm. and full dining rm. Nicely land8C&ped. Call Joe Klneaid for deta1la, or drive by 221 Momin& Cu.yon Rd. Sunday afternoon between 1 6 5 p. m. It will be open. Udo Speeiaf Tb111a a cute 1n.pu1..bulft 2 bedrm. home. Only $21,7'50 with ~able tenna. Call Jack Criafield tor further information. Beautiful San Clemente On 1otfeoU1 1ite overlooking golf course and ocean beyond Ja a lovely INGRAM built home with 2 bdrm.a. 6 den 6 2 bath1. Bouquet Canyon atone fireplace. carpeted, alldinr 1laa walls, outatandinJ view and outatandlng value at • $22,l500. .Uk Bill Meuenger about thia one. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hen1on co. management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty ~73 Choice B•lbo• Properties I 4 Units Balboa Peninsula B/ B I UNIT INCOME! LIDO ISLE • II._,,.... ' u..s.J ~--~ and "-tJa ,..., oa Cabrlllo north ot lfUt a. • I OP&N DAILY t A.lit TO I P.K.. Im.A VT .IRA.Kii ROOFS. h&J"dWood tloo1' blf double • 1arq-. forctd·&lr beaC.. bullt..-ln oven and rlLllC' dlapoula, eewe11. alidinl Ila.la doora. Wied _. tlreplac• TERRIJ'IC LOOKING BOKJ:a wtdl eixceJlent ftOOI' plan. on Coet& )L~·· moet aeslrable Eut aid .. 3-bedroom: S21,t50-$2000 OOWn 3-bed:room and den: m.NO-UOOO down All hom .. haH I bat.ha . OLE HANSON CO. Tract Phone: Liberty 1-2141 or Otflcea : Ll 1-6611, Barbo!' UOO "We' re Moving - to Irvine Terrace" $&4.000 may IOUD«\ lib a lot Of money .buc. look what YO\& l'et In t.be modern beaOtituJ build· lnr. I bedroorna ln •ach unit, lt.ucco plut.~ concrete block cOMtru.:tion. locker ~ built on I lot.a. I apart.meat. are turnlahed . . • a pr•I'• tor ..ch tuaant. 'loo. ,._nu. One 2 bedrm., three 1 bed.rm., plUI extra aleeping room with bath. Bnt location and in A·l con- dition. PotentW income $5655 yr. Alk.ini $M,000, te.rma. Well dealped "EUerbrooll" ·~ Drive tn today and ~ tor younelf the many out· • bedl'oom Calltomla Rambt. wtt.b th• apaclouanua or • 1 standing feature. of thia remarkable community. PENINI~ BAT J'RONTI Ren'• aa olit.r bay ttoot home wlth prln.t• bMcb, pi.r ~t.a, t bedroom.a, and I b&tha. All fot t&0.000 and eia.ooo doWn. TM Jot •• would •ll for 580 ,000 . • • ll v a.cant. PDIH.uLA DUPid Du,..... lift MC. llO pklltitUl tut )'OU e&n ,... by thl.a t )'..r old propert7 w\Ch • MdtoOfU up a.ad two UW. ••. aicelJ f~ pd la ...u ~ dlUon. Oh, 7 .. 1 lt• "-,.... pal.ated ~ e114 .aL 121.IOO a.ad tAnu. UAUTIJ"UL JQ:WPORT BmOBTS ROMS! w e'U , ... u..,. ,... io find a loftller llolD9 la tJle "'lleqbta" tlWl Ul1a ' ~ JIC"Os-t7 wtUl I rpaelbGa '*tba. new wan to w&U ~. tu11 d1n1nc room plu.I Ula UIQ&l dlnett.. Two I car ...,......_ OWNER TRANSFERRED EAST MUST SELL AND 18 OFFERED FOR THE FIRST TIME. thia bea.uti!ul 3 bedrm., 2 bath home with comparable homee priced $3000 more (and worth it). 8e8 thil today at only $23,000. Sub~t on down payment. I BELIEVE IT OR NOT OCEAN VIEW HOKE' NEWPORT HEIGHTS. 3 bec!rtu, 2 ~tha. I~maculately kept and priced at only $H,7~. Euy term.a. lt1s Later Than You Think BEACH· LOVERS-Here la a dandy beach home only .. fflW atep. to ocean. Xhlt rental area, hu 3 bedrma., 11eparat. d.ini~ room and aleepe 10. Completely tu.miahed tnclud.lng TV. Aaldng $12.~ euy term.a. · JACK BRENNAN, REALTY "AT THE ARCHF.S." 3320 W. Cout Hwy. • u S-7773 H&ctenda. Hur e paUo creat tor entert&lnlnr u 1arre doors More and more Harbor area f am.illea are tn.pectins open to livtnr room. 4th bed· these exquisite bomea -notins their comfort. con- room nexJble. 2 outdoor ahow-venience and central location.. era It drtainr rooma. W·W Carpetlnr and c&Hmen~. t\ne More and more families who prefer a home in a re- doea not need lma(tnaUon to itrlcted qu• ''*" co--unlty a.re movin• tnto their ae. the poaa1bWtltL Call tor ..... ,, '-• appointment • . • ' Irvine Terrace homes. lkauUtul lrrt(Ular lot. aMUnC '21.000 ALSO M&nJ JI.lee lot ait.e• -tnetde It W'&ttrfrotlt ft'O'IJl llS' to TO' a t tracUn pr1c:e&. NEWPORT BEACH Beautitul Furn.iabed 10 Unit Well planned A located -mlnl· mwn upk .. p -la.rl'e 1und.ck, nicely land.leaped, exceUftlt cooditlon -Nearly 100~ on ,ear 'round le.Ma -107. a •u.ooo per ,-ear. FOR RENT Bc&uutuU:r tumiabed I bedroom 2 batb apartment. Ju.t off Bay. huoii SHOO. Inspect the model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert Irvine Terrace ia located on Cout fiichway o~poeite the new Irville Cout Coutry Oub. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVl!; AGENTS Phone Harbor ~ Foi: l'Urtber IntormatlOD * For Recommeadatlon1 we rel.er you to anyooe Call today to ... it. U0,000 ------------------- and oftly SIOOO tcnnl. I other fine propertlu ran11n1 rrom '22.1100 to 1225,000 who holda a Leuehold Estate 1n Irvin• Terrace, ' Beacon Bay, Bay Shoms and CVft Haven PI=~~~ Multiple -Listing-of -the -Month Bey & Beech Realty Inc ed. Within 160 ft. flt tia. ~. Rll.ALTOR8 and the .wlmt'lllq beach 11 wondM'f\IJ ... ai..,. &-.rt 10 people. Ut,&00 and low term.a . CARA VAN SPECIAL t e1nc'I uatt..• Jlllllt. BaJ _....,. ML# 6901-Two bo\Ulelll on. Mzl80 ft lot in COSTA nu., nicely t\l.t'll.Ll1*I a.ad bl MESA. Up-top Madit10ll tor 1Sll.OOO ••• &ll Xlnt bu.yl A 8pmatn'• dellpt • • • it - ner ..., ocie. I 1*lrMm bome on Ba)' A .. nu. wU.b a Mdlelor in lb• rear . • • really! fllJ'oo ll.lahed. AJJ for S11. TOO and lwma. One-3-bedroom houae and one 1-bed- room hoUM in rear -2"' yea.n old- Venced -Pric-4 $1•.~ Contact your Realtor reprciblf th1a one! Balboa Realty Co. MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 3112 Lafayette, Har, HU, 29119 l:vta. 'Juat to the rlfbl ot Lido Brld1"9' BILL'S BEST BUYS NEWPORT HEIGHTS Well located two bedroom rome OA ~er lot tl' X HIS' Zon1n.c w1ll allow butldfnc of addlUcmaJ unit. ,cloee to rrsmmar, lnler· J'Mdi&te It h1&'h 1c11ooi.. Prtced to ..U at St.T&O with 11~ ctn. Balance 115 mo. WA.NT .A DEAL! REAL . DREAM'f Corona Highlands Don't buy any Home from $29,000 to $3:5,000 UNTIL YOU SEE. 'n1IS ONEl . ' ,, . ; ~· • Bargain : ~ •• Corner, ocean view lot in Corona ~blands. ; ~~JJNd at $9,9~ will 1el1 for $8,500 cub tf aold : $:,.;..,. June fSth. $700 Mt of plana designed for Jot Oppo9tt.e B&U ot A.menca ~ ;~~~:;. ... ._ Newport Harbor Board of Realtors Owner leavtns 1tate. Will acrif\ce S400 of hla eqlllty on thJe nearly new four bdrm.. 2 bath double Pr&l'8 home. '1860 dn, and STt. mo. movu you In the tront door u the owner move• out the back . B!:'M'ZR HURRY! A beautiful entry into a ta.rie friendly Urine room with huge fireplace of \med brick from floor to ceiling. The kind of kitchen your .trienda will rave about-.lid.inr rlaa doora from cllnfDI aru onto a patio where you a:it and drink In the beauty of BOTH the blue Pacltle and th• Irvine hilla which join your own land and ID&k• you feel like you own a mllllonaire'a ranch. ; :t:::: included ln uJa price. Check thi• ! . . _.. ... ...... . .. ::;: Must Sell. this Week :·:•' bedrooma, 1 % batha on ~ lot that goes from .& .. 41&reet to leftet. Ocean view. HW floon, ' ~. w ;w earpetmi le drapes included ln B/B e BA.YFRONT Exclusive ·:,~jiice of $23,500. Fili loan balance of $1!5,800. !::· Submit NUODable offer-. Owner leavin1 : :::· country June lat. • P\v ud no&t • ~. e I Yean OM • • NlcelJ' l'Unl1ahed : :.: .. THE VOGEL co. • ' Bedrooma. a Bat.bl .'"1:1:. Cit. Hwy., Corona de1MarHA;17il HA : 07157 : ~==-Dtqoeal • • • Nice Pau~B&rt>4iqu. ~~·r CRY TO-MORROW BUY TO-J>A Y : !':t,~7!~ .,_ .. : :..::::,. • NEWPORT ISLAND • AD tor tft.IOO : ::-0orner-Du.plfm -a and 2 B. R.'a -Acroa B & B h R lty I : _; ...trom Park -ntar pla}'l"Ound. b&y swimmlnc •Y :!;L~• nc : ..: ...._ Putl-1 .t.w of ocean. Ideal llome and 1660 w. ll&lboa BJYd., B&Jboa • .,, IDcome. $2f5,l50(). Tann.a. Rarlm 1* -m... Har. JIN .. -~ NIJWPORT HEIGHTS . . .. ._. Put1a1 vw. of Oceen -~ Holmwood --Open llOQlt 8&t. .. Sun. ~--~ I B. IL U•ped etaaco laame. Encloeed Patio-~ • a~ • dbl&. pr. and wwk abop. Larp L. R. ~p. -• diDJns area. A.bout 1817 lq. ft. ln hoUM, 300 ba patio and eoo tn prap. LaDcl.ttcaped. A.pprai. ed at $25,000. Now betni offered at $22.500 -~:-• Small do*. . . -FRANCIS J. HORVATH, Realtor Barbor 1'28 Harbor 1~ --. --. " . I BDIUl. B01Q on la.ts-lot ln Newport B-'P\a. d eaa. aka nelfhllll'tlaiDd. flnle9d Jud. CloM to ec:boola. By owntr MJ J\1""'61 Aft., Ll WlOt alter ~:30 p. m. 1.JUc -i81 N. Newport' Blvd. . Newport Beach VOGEL VALUES -BALBOA ISLAND REALLY SUPER 2 bdrm. JMU.i Sleepin( for &-8. King aize living room with l(e. fireplace. Perteet interior le furniahlnp. Cbnn. patio. Near South Bay Beach. Avail. for aummer. Furnilbed $2',500 GOING, GOING -SOON Hold.inc Open Howie at 118 Amethywt. Sat. .tc Sun. l~. Ezcellent 1Wnmer rental. A, rea.J bar· pin 3 bedrm. home to eell furniabed for $23,500 THE VOGEL CO., Realtors 208 Marine Ave., Har. U4i or 1015 (Next door to poet office.) FOR SALE AND LEASE BACK CLASS A store a.od office bulldfAs located on moet important corner in Puadena. 'Price $700,000. WW pay 7 % net net and will depoalt $300,000 u Jeue security. Large depn!C.lation f~ctor. CALL OWNER. T. D. Rocen. Ryan 18187 OT Harbor 3828 W. A. TOBIAS "you'll llke our trtendly Mrvk e" 3 bedrma., big den with another hui• fireplace ju1t right for entertainin,. 'l'hi8 hom. la dreul,., we repeat DREAMY! On• IA a thouau4! See it now! Will meet you the,. -call Bar. ~ CL YOE MEYER, Realtor t307 Marine Ave.., Balboa 1l1and Bar. 2900 too IC. lTth Bl., Cmta M.. ------------------- Liberty 1·1131 In Corona del Mar FtR8T TDOl OFn:\zo FOR BALIC-2 bdrm. home and 1 bdrm. apt. Own~r built and occupied. )k&uUtul Yltw. BEAUTIFUL acreqe near Tu•· tin-192 acr• ready to be aubdlvided lnto country u · t.atu and 1olf courae. IN CORONA DEL MAR U you like modtrn at ll• bett. eee th1a I bdrm. and 2 bath home It u tJ"ul)' beautiful. There u an~ ocean Ylnr. Fitzmosris Realty Multiple LllUnJ RMltor B\Wn_. Broku 31~ F., Cout Rt,rh•11y, C 0 M Harbor 2162 BY OWNER A. lTRACl'IVE duplu . ntar Lido ebopa. Fumtebed '24.000. !ho•1 nrtlltnl rtturn LI 1·12:.7 title Lido Island We have just lilted wbat we believe 11 Udo'a be1t buy -three bedrooma, two bat.hi, beat location. BuUt 1951. Street to ltl"fft loL $21,500 -$7SOO dawn. Excluaive with Lido Realty Associates 3400 Via Lldo Harbor '-'44 s1000· DOWN Will buy th1I brand new 3 bdrm. 1 'h ba. home on a 7~ x 85' lot in one or tM molt dfilirable locationt In Costa Mea. Owner la beinS tram- /erred ~nd ia anxiOUIC to 11tl1, IO e&ll today. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hwy., Newport ~eb Ll S..3481 c