HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-05-25 - Newport Harbor News Press- ,futur. ~r developera la Up~r Newport Bay wb<>1e ft:it reaches ltretch from alt flat.a at left down to Cout Hipway bridge. County airport i1 at lower riiht. 'Navy helicopter fleld at center Jett. , Two IW'Vi•on wbo wen .. e., ~ u. Nomc:t&a t .. ~---­"· JC. Drab ., 1411 .~« ... O! .,..,., to ~ Oml'' ..... ~,.,~~ 1dlt:a( ..... --~ n.cs .. w ....... ., the a- o..ter ..... ~ ~ L =:~1t~~W:~·1"' o· Buy··. F. . . ~A ~~~~~-. . · -Un 01m H&rehlDC for.UM mJ.u1nc Illa&-----:------------~~----~ §~§§HARBOR-IMPROVEMENT . . . · MacKay Pla.n to Wr~p Up ¥£~~~~ BfGA" HEM IN .1888 District.~P.f. Disdosed .87 BEN REDDICK U.. ttttl'bt.e:r, reoe!Hd Mo1U7 • ~!:.rac::s~=i:-= Pioneer Group's Years ' Of Work Acquiaition of the Balboa Fun 1Ane and amusement third occupant or °" ,e.ie " Need1d for Today's , Beauties area u a public park and the Rendenoua Ba.llroom tor un=yi. a bachelor of Bel-a municipal auditorium will be propoeed to the Yoters of maal 8bon. Uae Newport Beach by ta city coancil it propoe&J. of Tracer owna ·Tracer A.llod&tea While we are celebrating the 20th annivenary of Councilman Sandy .MacKay a.re approved. Voting of f. and 11•• at nu Coul B.lpfty, Newport Harbor hue ~morrow pioneera •tarted work bond INue kl the amount ot at ---'-------- Corona dd Mar, t.ccordlnJ ~ Ui. OD the preeeot Harbor u Jong ago &I 1888. leaat Sl.000.000 would be nee_. ...,~- Ooul Guard. It ii tru •"--t t h liah ury to •ccompllah the Balboa Newton Uvea at 6eot cart.ax e. ~ DO muc WU accomp ed in the Improvement.a ·and to clean up A..... Lakewood. Be i. ltlD way of dredsinl or jetty construction tor many years, but th• enun Pacific Electric Rall· m~ u ot 2:11 p. m. ma ·~ to J\. L. Patt.enon. way ~O'YLI In one .tep. Mac-.. f.atbel', 'hm, heeda the NewtcMI ..i,tnttr who laid oui the ,..~ -Kay uld today. 0...CUve Apnc_y, Lonr Be&cla. •t Harbof'. It ..,.. tbe prellm· HARIOl WEATHER Folio.lnr Worm•I converu- A.I of 2:11 p. m. todaJ, Ula !nary work of tboM -.rly yean -_ Uone wttb Balbo4 bualnearnen follotrtnr r&dto from th• nwpt. th&i mad• It poMillJ. to obtain and •mllffment area operatoh et wu l'ICfl•ed ln Loa_f ~ tbe . tund.8 that completed the Temperaturea tor the WMk· tut nifhl. MacKay and the Cout Gua.rd ~quuten, com-work. end ln the Newport Harbot_&rea council were to meet at the lnC from the plan•'• untcknUfted 111• flral dredltnl waa a prl· were city h&ll In 11peclal conference pilot: · vai. job that c.reat.ed Weal New-HICll IAw thle momtnc. Propoeala made to "Aircraft deputed Lfr1c Jle&Cb ,Ort h'of'I\ mat.er1&1 taken from Saturdday, May ltl .. 73 50 the amUMrnenL aon• operaton • at 9:30 thia monlinl' for rreano N"'llO't cbanMl ln 1806. The Sund&y. ~ 20 .... M 50 were that their UcenH1 be re-' but IOflt transmitter and compaa MCOl'ld wu al«> a private Job Monday, May 21 . 97 58 newf'd only unlll Oct. J. 11157., and ran out ot tuel Olt.cb~I and It built Balboa lal&nd ln Tuuday, May 22 . ~ 1511 Theoretically lh l• would rtve waa rood. And all th.re. occu-'!907. Wednaday. May 23 93 lie thf'm Ume lo recoup their m· 1 pant. ~ out of aJrcratt okay. Th• real stal't ot the Harbor Thunday, May 24 .. 83 65 vestment. from their bu81neallH Pilot and co-pilot ~ to-came wb«n ta. 8aata Ana Rl•· Friday, May 26 . 64 ~ and p,..per? lo evacuate the rather unw picked UJ> b.r tbe ... dGIPd tta eourM bl 1125 aru. In th• me&nUme c.IU&eu 8blp. Llte rtnp were throwD .. 'from Loi Alamlto. to lta Pft8-lnr lbe orana-e County Harbor would be uked lo YOte auttlclent rni.atns occupant who wu Y'8-•t bed and Sa tba fJood lb&t Commialon and pualnf a bolld tund8 In lmpro~nt bonda to Ible llWiJnmlna. Ship'• par80DMI ~ht about u. cJwap It ._,. of h&lf a mUllOQ dollan handle tlle cond«mnatlon and • • ~.._. btm; Newton. ltiappup-.nd ,....... ao mada allt la.to t.be with w1l1cb coutderable dndc· rum,. ot the atta. • • • • ln Yiew 0( no 009taUOll rur. t.1-.-n lbat aau.. Ptn.ln.mla WU inf WM down and the ••t Jet-Mac.Ke7 Ila• propoeed lMl the iJt!'.11; \\. ~Al'\,.., eantTtns pttot betnftt no ~ ~ted. To IM .-i..an tbat U.. y, wtddJ had UJUf\ a ~ J\ia Zooe a,_ M ,JeYtieet ~. 'I":" _ /_ of aUrYival tor mlu1n~ man. No 11 .... would not tu.e a new ln • b&d I atonn the pNIYioua the laOd upoa wtllcb bulldtap 81 ·w1erm 1 . ./ r life jaclreta or 009tatlon r-r ol spurt and throw a kit of llllt wtnl41t, wu repaired. Put of are IDcat_. and lh' trontsac 1 _.,. any ldnd aboafd the c.a.a. lnt. the Barbor. ~...son dalll Ul.la money, 1147.400 ... ~ bl bay ii.di ~ madt a pub1lia a: ...... Crua.· Cout Guard Cutter Peneu1 wu Writ at Blt\er Point by the buUdiJlc the dlWffion dam and park. Re a1-Pf'OJ>Oll" tbat lbe .,,.,. • left Tffmb\al l•land at noon dt7 ln 1920 and lhat. Patt~ openJnr the new fl'loulh ot tM Randesvow be acquired u a • • .. ' todaJ to pick up the aurnYOr11 dedarea. wu Ila ..cood of u.r.e Santa Ana rittr, mentioned mwUclpaJ •uctt.tortum. ln et.ct llflt. Slllr .. ly from Cutlrvtlle. She la expected bnponant .tepa lo c,...t. the abo'tt. lhJa would 1 .. ve only ~ front.. .,. • to rendesvoua with the ""l'bt•r Ra..,r. Jn 1927 the city qaln bonded :: propa~ on Balboa Bl•d. Prominent O r a a I • eou.t1 at T a. m. tomorrow. -the fm,tlt-RARBOll UNa l~lf to build '™I feet ot the w~ ocean beech and ftancher Ben w Oatennan, D ff 11 iound tor Man.Ila. 1"'• tlf"I\ Np. he aaya. wu eul je{(y and there matterw bay In ~ai. handa. of EJ 1'oro • wu kltte<I aat1y y~ Two Oout Guam and two •labl9hment ot Harbor Unu •lood untU federal money wu ~ALt11: ~ tft'day tn a tnfftc crub on ln• Naf1 l"MC\le plaaMa an nytns la ..tllf and a.. third MlU....-t ~t.M.Ded. In &.ht m-'ntlme the At laat =..•council meet-land Hlpway 101 nt ar C\tlvar ~ °"' the a.-. of OWDAnblp of Ude land ..,.... Jl&rbOr entrance kept tlU~ u11 ~ 41 A .ed "fiat of tb• l'un Raad, eouthe..t of aanta Ana. WltbcMA Uiea. h• _,., tl would and tJaer. wu no moa.ay to C • ~ a. had been B• wu a naUn ot N..,,ort OKA y J 57~ TREES -.... ..._ dltnc.k tor him and It opea. In lt2'f. J09tpb ~ ~ff•~ ~-11• of U00,000" Buch. b&vlns been born hen ~ Gears• A.. ~--to bave • RCalla. tMrt wu a .,_,.. 2 f•t .or ...,. •..,. Zone. ~ &Dd NOT. 4. 1•. FOR MESA PARK w... fO ..... l ... , "' ot water over tbe lJmcr -4 at OJ~ I\. JoJwoo; ~ Of O.tennan, tonntt prffidant. ol Pennllalon to-speDCl $IOO ltU fot ~ticm ot Ule ~ th• channel and 4 feet at Ult tlle l\aldcnoua,,. haft remarbd Ule Ollltomla D.k'a AaeodaUola Ill pl a• t 1 a C 157 a.., llor &Ad would Mft held up Ule outer tier. at Umea lbal th• '-11.ro.n wu In 1900. wu dead on amftJ at ~l Qo9t.a Kea wu wotlt f« .......i ~ The neat.. year the city wu ftJu.d ~l • ._t...._ 118,0M .act laata Ana COlnn\tml\y HocpllaL '1'*' Wedneeday ,lry the 111 Ute meaaume dYlo-mlnde<I lo bt Ule 1t.art1nr place tor UM 1~.;U lllte. att att for Batu Nlay. county ~ ot. ~n. Barbor cltiRl\8 J\ad bwn to Honolulu nK"e tlld aa Watur '"'t..... on of that pro]IUU• 1 "l'hrw otbera autter-s a.rioua Tb• o.ta JltH& Park ull-Wublniton t"1ce to cec. .,..,., Hubba.rd. repn-wnttnc the New-and • (ftltral cl•n up of 'lie "'1Uri• 1n the Ulunderin1, he.ct. l'd Ula WR for clea.rance tor Manor cltwlopm•t a.nd porl Harbor Star n .. t bad won Ballloe area ta •lal~ IA ~Uy on colHlioA. Tbe.aa were u,. ctr1or- to u... UM moM7 wh!Q ua MUI t1JMI bad Mia tunMCI Ille lnlemallonal Stu ~ratt.a. enhance P•eewrtY' and Mt~Uc er of the other nblcl ftaadolpll Min ......,,~ ta&o u.. down. h' ltlT·ll tai. dty rMMcS lllat annu&I 1ffan wu 1t.o to va::!i ~ lbe ~~ A. ctu1at.le, 11. of Beftrly BW. acx.L )>aqet. ... .,. to build CM •Ml Jetty M hdd hett In ttlt P t t• rcnovaa aod rtJoca-1 and Palm a,rinp. and *8 pu- ta lt!I auccdded J11 -t....i-1 (0.U..... .. --tlo. of UM Padnc Elec:U1c l\all· 11npr, rranca. Clu1atle. at; A. f -. . ..... 1) (0.. ............ 1) I (~ ....... 1) I ' • • ' • • • • • • Opinion ••• I j . . -.,.. . - .... , ... 81-LllY CAllT • .. ,..,. ,.. a n .-,. • t111 TV .. -tllil .... I ,. COIOO mrtJ 1fM• MP. Top op-. .. to~· a~· ••• ...... .,,.,a.. --·'*id_.. ...... ~,..~T>ftOll.e·~ ___ ....._""'*""""'"" ~ .... ..v .. _.. .. . , ............. WI: On'I! & "AEDUll 0&0WN ftAI0'1t 209s "' T1\st'1 a rood qu..tlan, and we have the &MWtt. State J'amt M\llual Automobile luura.nce Company ltrlne to In.lure only careful drtftrl. Caret\ll drt-1 .. have trwer accident.a. You pay tll• Milin&' co.t only-that'• the klnd of IJUurance State Farm la tar&oua for-. So It co«a ltaie Farm 1 .. to dO bu.tne.. Jnd bec&Wle State J'arm ll a mutual company, lM poUC17·boldere ,.it fhe •vinp. U you don't ban thi. low ooet depmd&bl• car lnsun.nct. call LI ... 1011 and let your State P"arm •rent 11\ow you bow you can ret complete protection-at low coet. ~ L E. CAIRNS W. I. "BILL" ~NDIS ~ Ill E. 17th, Costa Mew LI 8-1011 Saper SpeeW/ NOISELESS TYPEWRITER • THE BRIGHTEST SPOT IN ORANGE COUNTY---OFFERING mE BEST BUYS T • .. . . I Our New Used Car· Lot At 600 West Coast Highway is Open Every Week:day Eveoing Until 9 p. m.-Op~n Saturdays til 6 p.m .. .. us·ED CARS '5l CMllac r a DorMe. .....,. poww ,...,,,._ Wire wtlulrl 111.e.Die Or117 _ ......... -.. ··-. '13 Ford . °"'*-.'hdfr. I'd• .. _ ... ... .., ...... 1111 ..... ' ·n ... e WE'RE CLOSED SUNDAYS e 53745 f ,. OotnJllaJtder 6-dr, .....,._ 51025_ Aa&o-<ll•ter -.,.._.... Slpala : ........ '52 Mercury llarcltop coupe. Mere.-l1095-~ -lle&tM -.wsw tlJ'M ................ _. ____ ...... 'SJ Merc.ry ·ss Ford n.clerblrd llardtie• .-•••• fleei· s2945 ::. -:..~~ .... ~~ • '54 Mere., E.~ ==an:;~ 51795. JOHNSON & Plymotlth '51 C•vrolet '11Mr ..,.._ -llaclJo pelat .............. '50 POlltloc . ..._r c:JWeftaa .,...._ Byctn. a a B -----' '51 lelck 'SO Ferd 5645- 5645 CONTINENTAL -UNCOLN -MllCURY (Newpmt leocl9 I u.rty 1-5545 '5' Ford v.a r.artu. ,..,.,, Mc .. e.r, eD ...,.. Mitt pwr. .t ........................... 'SS Chewrolet IDow-.... B•tv 0..rdrtT. ....................... 'IS IWcl ·sz ca••c DeVUle tJf8 c... eMFpe. • a..e. .,..... pwr. at.v .. ..._, .._, ............... . '54 01• .. 52495 51595 ... ......,. .... a.a. llTdn-51945 ==~ .. ~~ 'SS Cllemllet ~w~-:.-~~ 51645 • 1000 W. Cod Hwy. Shop Any Ni9ht During The Week Until 9 p. m. . . . on Saturdays Until 6 p. m. • • At Our 700 W. Coast Hwy. Used Car Corral. '52 CadDlac 0-Yert. epe Llpt bhM •/A Mae top, •·II. lay· ~ pwr. lll•r llke ...,_ '54 Chewolet '54 Cllnrolet Mr.MdM, &-11.P.....,. .... -...... Mltml -___ ........... - • 51995 • • • '50 Olds "S••r a" au iedaL l.t ._. a. 5695 .... ..... .... ·tte - WWW ti,.., like .... r -- '55 c .. ., ... , 'IJ Ford · , , ... • dflMW, ..... >.. thl '9l f:4 tt.e 1918 illfteer'• &.ct la t1rokeD <*t \be offieia2 . cAM1&1•• markinf tM •1ttt of N_...t Hattior 1'acbt Club'• 19th IAIOb ~ to a a•d•i• ..._, .n....-. eM-uing a 1ala waJmnd for ..,,,•r.. pa.ta, ataft-co~ ... d. tie flag officers of tllU yM.r. -SeekMt-Photo J ••• ~ L\MTA ANA (OCNI) -fte ~ p&analnf eom•llidoll • ......,~ateataUft ~ .., ~ woWct .,. ............. i.t••~ ..... -0.. .-u. .,. ot-a.at& -...a ......... tMt --ol • .. A.-..... Mat ot a-. ft• wwntder i. C. 9rJ--. If JOU would make a man ..... ~ • llM ........ poN99· l&ona ~t 11Ubtrart from t.he wm Ill Ill.I d lne. -Seneca , .......... .. _...._ ..... " .. toOT.W. ·$9.ff RESIDINTIA\.•INDUSTIUAL • QO~RCIAL NO JOB '100 LAROE OR SM.A.LL U8 SOU. St... n 9lklt Barbor iSS3 Ptrls Ahnosphere ~attd li1 'Madwoman of Chllllof Cola""' ActllMJ, Seti. DNW h••• Appre...t 111 co.st Collete '9•metloe Wonclerllg H«aw to Sell Your • • • Car ••• ~·,•I ,,..,,,; TRY CLASSIFIED WANT ADS Call HA. 1616 'it1, you 09ft th•t furniture, bttc·•-brec, clot+.ts you no longer went by usin9 cle1fified A4s . • . • just cell • I . 179 arrests fn one ntfjht f bft ti ope peddling end dope ad•ttfon. J 1~' indecent exposures affmff teii by on•l sex .maniac ••• ~ These were the hNlines only a few weeks ego ! l LET'S DO SOMEIHING ABOUT ALL TI-HS "Your Next Stet• s..lir'1 PLEDGES ~at ht· wit fntrOduce -legislation . to thake life sent8htes mandMm J.or 00~ .. PEOO~RS and CHILD ~~. "Let's make ~ 1 Safe Place for Oii . Clliit" LET'S ELECT A MAN WHO CARES ! I Let's Work-Lers Tit · and Lefs Vote / FOR • • I I FRED ''FARMEF McCABE IS Our Next St•t• Senator , {Thi1 Ad Paid F.r By Friends of the "F.nnw'1 . POSSIBLE STARTING TAR BACKFIELD? TWI eou1d be Newpmt Barbor HJch Scboo1'• SailOI" backfWd next fall. Uned •P du.ri.IJI sprint trainJ.n1 drilll under Head Coach Don 8Ul"Da are. from. left. Quette~ GtDI Ha~. Halfkcll Bud Thompeon, FUllbaCk Doug Bowler, Halfbaclr Dial. llartln. -Staff Photo • BllL PHJI .I JPS, Sports Editor . DO ft AGAIN , ... ,.m.tt lllfmllll. , lllLlllH Tbe mldlbJpm• did It ~ l.ut May with u eetlraat..s D , • 000 ~ ftntq lliotla cJdu of the 2000 meter COUl'M t. ch .. r them OL BrltlQ OokuQla WOD Ule ~ elfJlt. Ud n.nlty COG· 80lation. Kelly upMld UM I!Vh lJl the u11 .. aad San Dl.,.o Rowinf Club eoa.Unued control Of the fOW'I with eouwaia. Blf UpMl WM Ora~e Cout'e MC• NEW~RT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS-PART 1-P~GE 5 FRI DAY, MAY 25, I 956 ...-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..;;;==:;;;:;:;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;:=:;;;:ijjji;;;:;;;:::;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;iiiiiiiimii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 'Ham Shoot' Set June 24 Allt PLAYOFFS KWIZ Carries OCC.:COalinga Crown ·Games 4th Annual Bowling MarattiOn ={] ' , I IA.DID . 1-a.... .... , .. . 1t a.m-B.DCP ~ .. .. ~ .ICNDY n:& ... .. lll;N8 t I It 0.-. .... IUM It lt ..........aOOI' ~-Ito D~Y~.to OPEN PLAY AT ALL nMES "NOW •.•• 20 AUTOMATIC AWYS IO• "WrVE TIDOWN THE &ft AWAY" 0,... U ....... .......,. IJIQ-ladMl9I .....,. .. ......,. Hen .,. ~ ol tlM ..-,. ,__.. ._ .. ,_-., out aheed Ila a..., Cl11nuoAIC T•·Perce ..-. Ya.'l W ._....__..__,sik1 dtiklilN. at ,,._. Ck•Mlt __..et Se .U a • ._. *-°""· n..-.......... .,.. ....... ... TllASWtl CHDT r·~ • KA*.U~New ~~ . '' •• • 'It -.. •;. .. •.. .. ... ... . .. . ... , .. .... .. . . ... ' . -.. ,. .,. . ... . .. . .. . • • .. ' - I 1 • • ".SKULL S~ION WITH ,'SAILOR VETERANS Bead Coach Don Buru, cmter, &Ole over new 111pa1 •)'Item with N\an>111c .. to. ~ ~. Halt. 1jock ~ Tbompooa, End Onook Vandervort, Quarterback Gene Hubbard and Guard Deem - Quarterback Gene Hubbard and Guard Gary Deem. -St&ft Pboto REED; SAILOR ATHLETIC ·HEAD, RATES AS' PIONEER COACH HERE Shoot Victors in Gun Tourney Earl B. Dilhaua of South Lll- runa Beach wM overall wtnner or Frtd•Y• •pprovtd sout h ' Lists Self at Bottom, lut Is Tops Among All·'(ime Mentors · il1 BILL "'°1.ur9 .. Cout Open amlllbore touma- 50; Jim Miller, 50-~2. and CUT· ment at South Cout Gun CJub. r.ntly, C&fY Oare. In irwimm1n(. Th• flr1t ,match wu 40 &bot.I at ft.I.eel bandied U11 altuaUon until ti() mette. prona with mata.lllc Irwin took Oftr aome et1ht 1!ghta the aecond 40 thot1 at yeara ap. Durtnc Reedy'• d11.y, ~ y~da, any 1!1ht1. OM Tart entved only th• tu.rue Second p I a c a wlnnft' wu mtet bc,ulN tMy had no pool George A. &lmJ*»:! ot 8NJ J)owa at th& bottom Of next year'°I !1st of CO&Cbel And bUeball WllJI handled by Beach. Slmpeon ._. runntr-up ~t JCewjort H&tbcri' Uni.on Hil'h Scbool ,pubJ.lahed in the Trine, 30-S.e ; Reed, 1937; Pick~ In .both mak.b. ... N---wed-'==-' th ' ,_ lJatl... ""'---ena. .4.M4 , Elgin H&ll, .... .02. GtJraid w. Dowllvs'of SAnta ~-•-., __ ,. .. ._, WU • IUDp.,. --.. -...,,v.i Netme. and. nut uuon, Geor1e Ana captured Uta eharpllllooter COUDtr,1, R.eed." Hunter. CIUI In the tint match with ... t at ta. top ol Ula U.t ot trom lfJC).13. Dick lpauldln(, It'• obvlou1 that tr.11.ck and the mark•man claaa gol.11r 10 TaryiUe'• aJl-tim• eo&dlldl •~ now prlncli>aJ' at BlMlna Park Cl'Oh country are Ralph'• f!r11t Aahby M. Pof..el.l of Newport wtD ahrqs .. At.blft1e piNcl.Or lf1&1'1, loolt: ov .. from ......,!, fol-lovu, Trµe, he'• (iven Up the S.Cll. Raymond E. Bramel ot 1\alpll ~ lowM ~ tll&t well·knoWa devti-tMc:k hMd eo&chtnf dCJ.., to Sanla Ana took the ehazpMoot- • • ONLY $37.50 Perfed Walllff Everi Time, Aui-.ticolly • • , w.---,...0-ior d• ,....JW.t _...,M __ ...... eiW.,~ .... -ri=•I)-• kMp c:off•• llo1. !••J•t0·9" 1i1 .. ""'"" . ...... ... ·u.95 OSL\' ~ t 111.,.11., , •~, •• I ~ ·, '·''"" .. ' .. , -~ ' lt'1 kind ol ftttint today, ops of m.ajOr lMCUe butball Bunui lhll Muon t.l1d to Bill er c1.... Jn th• MCOnd rnatch. w1lile the JIOP"l&ca Ill C'tllt&lrat.-tal4111.t.. W...U Pickaa, fnal Straw nut ~. put 11ot corn· --------~--1 ~ U., IOUi ~ of U-U. lM llDl9r, MW a H-· plat.Jy, you u.denta.id. The Bruk up dlque1, lev.i. wMlth N~ Harbor, t.e tu• a port: Harbor r.4mlailtr&tor, IMM· )'OUnfer rnen P91 1tr1ct head to wilh h 1 1 t rth bl J d • "6cJl ~ look at !-man _ed. t.bl S&llol' _P.!_~ for the wily R~'• wordl of wt.. ed .C:::• 'to ·~ u.:d1-------~---~----------~--------'--'-----+--L~-<'-"-=-;t°~ ~-;::,~,!.Ulm:: ~ ':~C9-: t':: :,;::. =·M~ ;,'.:~,:·o:u=ts!:; ~· ret ;:._~r :· :!t h~an-HIGH QUALrn PRlllTI, N'-PHONI HAlliBOR -616, i i.e.-ln the Hartlor arM. eou bef0rt rnoTtnf out to Or· athl•Uc tltld th .. y.1r, Reed Y· --:r er Y ~ And lt'a pvUou.l&tly lllce to anr• Cout con., .. lrwtn took carefull)I-and lovinrly handled ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=:;;;=:;;;=:;;;:==:;;;=:;;;:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:====i""=~==========ii;;;:'=::'=:~=~=~~~;;;;;;;• bl takbls a backward Joe* at ..,.. for -.pt ,_... and.. an. Uie a~ent.a. t¥ c.-r ot a s-u.maa wbe ,...II& for on.,. Oout him• Hl1 touch •ae e'tldent Lbf'Ousb I• .till ,....,. muda ln the pl'Mlmt. .at, SU,.. a---. command. out th• 1rocr..-.. It ...-, on• ot a little rowi.der, pwhape, but ln • OAQIC OOAOBU the tln11t run, moet enjoyable food enoup ahai-to bold hl.t a..tketball co.ch• at Tuvllle i nd rut•t-mo't'lng t'r'ack and own wllb 1uch acUve 1&49 .. Include th• late LM Trtn' SO-tleld "1how1 evel' 1ttn 1n prep pok•r·fa.eed Al Irwin. Ul1 Julu .. ; lpauldlq, ltlf: Raad, II-rank•. a.,.., bol.ttero• Emil Nten11 'ind youthful Don Buma. ON HD TOM You 1.1.k• a m&n llk• ~-­ IOm• Ch&r&el.eronlJ bu to )oelc lttm. ln ~ cloelit.od1r• OM/• U4 J\Mdy ..... pf)~ p9' lh11'1 ap.1&. I meu., aa atlt- ldlc dlra.ctor ~ hM to tit <Ch18toa..W..M'1~ With •ucll .. -~ lad· •ffldent coaUJ.as rtAlf .. f ... "-l Newport Bartlor ~ ~O WOnder ftaed'a ~ &a ti!.• t1l7 old foa: of 1.IM aun.t LtiqQll 8"-ck ln 1tao wb .. lh•l'I wu Ml of 110 boYI at Kt"JIO'"f. Rar- bot''1 new hlftl. .chool. Reed wu toot.ball. bMk•lb&ll, track, -un.. tnlllf. buebail and tannla co.di.. ~ II.la .-r1 lime, he cl.._ up UH! joint. Cam• 1112 aa4 a-ty WM almoet reUra.d. HI Gnly llUtdled f~U and tn.ok. Jl"or variety, 111 lhlftM,.;. ..._ ketball and track ln ltarttn,-In 1150. Rat;,\, ... to be .. u.n.t With jmt and Cl"ON country. Buf ii""'~~ .on. ft.Md tumed th o.,... to .BUI att..1' ..... "Qiiit Burn. and ($noted *~ ttt.enUou ta.an amulnr .Upn~et ~ U1lora G"r other •lllUlt ~ ft\llih In dual ft\Mt Ooal,.UUI& tao when you ooalfder ~ -.jder a man wtlo atartM f/11 aa THE 11.igb KMol _.. ... .. now bead ti. • llt&tf.. el lf •pcM"ta ma.Mt.roe.. II•'• u.o· .. mu at a hlP llC1'ool .._ ,... Icy 18 to obt&la 'th Mil ..... jloeilble tor Uie kcal ,_... _. not j"9t the OMCll. W1to eaa wlll Ui• mon........... • oopn CllO'Wlf• 'I'll• capt ........... ... ........,., ...... ....... :IOI' ~'~ -At.hletlc Dln<:t.or Ralph ll'!'d ploOoeN4 ~ -g In the Harbor 'area 28 )ea.ta qo. :_ f!ftalt Photo 7lfl&T ud )'VU cu. p1D .. wsa.a ol holir lh1ll poUey hu paid otf. ':Jllld came to Hawport Har- bg 1rJ ~ of Oblrtt. Oolles- 1 Oldd. He ollit&bMd Mai mu-~1 at U.C. At.,....., .....,.1-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ::. ·:=...:~SUNDAY SHOOT OPEN FOR ~: .L"_:... ... ~ PISiOL PICKING NOVICEL . rui.•5 ...... -. -ncan.a. ~ _, *'--Plmtol m1tcbll in which even the Wnner ---~ · .... .._ -llM &' -wlll-'bo--from 9-nir.'t0.Wn "';~ cu~ ,-.U a pM.ty cont-Sunday &t the South Cout Gun Club range on pl•C.. f\il(car,_...flt apqi:&L..&1 Ntw· MacA~r Blvd. north of Corona del Mar. There port HarW J• ~ ~, wQ1 be med!'-for aU clwifw:ationa, to RMCI • ""' ._ .,._ T1la IUD cit.a~ lUCt '1 Oj)t:D W:onda19 ·~ ha" a-*' \lie ..,.... ........ .....ii _..... -..__ , _ 1.U;J eMClille ..... 1 WwitM ....... , .. • • ._.,. .._ aoaa to I p. Jll. and. I wltlt tM ~ ,.,... ... .,11 _..,:a.tm.ia,.:::,:::,;;:,;;..;; .. :,4:,;;lund&;.::.,:;::P:.:.;· ,_.;.:.:;.9:..;: .. :.m::. . .:••:_:5_P::.;·.:m;:. __ .... --~·ssas IF ' * ASK AIOUT THE ' NEW TUIELESS TIRE SAfEGUARD FACTOR, LIFE GUARD SHIELDS DON'T PASS UP THIS CHANCE TO SA~, ON TIRES! le lllfe fllls --.. Thne tiffs ON Factory S.COll• wy affe'9d at · · ·socro OFF •• , Otllers dlac'OU•t.ed tlCr!CN"lll.lis M llme. n.-an -TvMINe n,... -,,.. fenoed ~ ~1 I out. If •~'tfJ' IOmotorl1C... Come I.II today "'hlle •• •ve your idu I• 11tGCll. ""-7 ...t ~ 799r p,_.t. ttre. -· * people ride on Good- yNr Tires thon ... ••y other ~ncl. Courtney ' Costa MaM • ' l ... .. ... ......... PROM QUEEN AND COURT AT HIGH SCHOOL DANCE .,,..t...t to ti• ..... W'Or'CI Ac.dan7 after recetv- .. ~Uon Kay 1a. ao~ wU1 repot"\ u a member of tbe ~ c1au to tnUt the Acadaay oa July t . Ht bu tW'l\ed down • ...Ct'ft t appolntm~t .. a replar mJdah.lpma.n lD the NROTC unit al Unlvenlty of South· tm ~mfL 'fte local atuckft. who STMU•telt J\lnt \I trom Bart.or Hip SehooJ. la oo• of H youth.I rrom eattvrn~ to tie a11eep~ tor ~· ~h• (Jf too at the A.Jr J'orce Acadftr\Y. ,..... 8'aa&n Nimen, cmter, wu crowned queen at the annual junior prom \ut Friday nlJht -t dance held In Newport Harbor Union High Sdiool gtrhl IYID· Her qoarl ot ptinc•e.. from ltft, includes Joanne Hagen, Nanci CampbelJ, Min ' Jn.en. Lynn Peue and·Pat Kelter. -Dick K(){'hltt Photo UHrlrN«>ST6SSES tnv~ Ua-twm.rJ ot oce of D-mobile hOl'l'IU on d1a'plaJ ~. <• ••• anc1 IU.Dda1 dUrtDr Uie.. aiecond annual w..y· TraUw aDd Bpol't.mMn Pnvue are lit ... two bold• ... Jo AM HJIC'ID, Weierport ... ch, and ht Bilyke, Buisu.n,ton Beadl. The event WW be belc! at Port on.nre Trailer .... Oround.a. noo Cout Hlrhway. n-e. prtao and mavtaa an ~ One ot the prtnclpal attraction• wU1 be tbt .,.ctaatilllr Exec:uU.t rtq.hlp, Pao-A.merlcan'1 i 16,000 ~ CIC ~-"--rtant b.ome oa wheell, more Gia a '"' ta ~ .. ...., known tr.Iler with .blllcopUI' l&lldiq port Oil It. toot: -Don Buah Pb$to Hirbor Commercial fishing Now Centered at Cannery ., about 120 ton1 OC fWI for •PorU- men an4 JIU'-ap at>Qu\ lot t~ (# comnaerc\ally caqht n..h tn cm pukarea. ALBA<'OJUQ OllS 'J'bu .. W&1 a be&vy f\ql ff aJ• bauo1.-lut year and evei-y pro- ntf11a or anothc, l'U<'h U1L11 year. ACC01·tlln11 to T. A. Thomu. m-.nt><-r ot the rtrm who hand· i»--ffelp Waa&ed lt1 lh• mecl\an1cal •ncl ot tbe operation. He t>.ll•v• al~core and other variellu ot flab nm In cyclt• and t.h&t flah.-rmen cu e.JtJHct a rood run tor th• next few yMl'll. BABY 8lTTllR on Balboa llland or Pentnwla aftilablt to ~.,.. tor ' yr, oW !IM>y In lier cnvn borne (IMU&U~ Hminp), Wrtte Mn. eoa. aaa AUendal• Rd., P._dana. 1Dcl7 M~ckarel are the MCOOd ft.8h caucfit In t lM MUOll ad tMy lie be,.tn t.o come In rtpt afUlr 80-IOMl-P I~ Labor Day, accordiJJr to" 'nw>m· l.UOONJTll l'ortnspter uo _ u . The plant •pecta to bandle TN...._ rod. dallrJ pink draJ>- about !000 ton1 t.ht. year, The -. Some 61 a.. eom. aa ln. HUOn rurui Mfht up to Chrill· kml' 'or wttM wtndow9. W•t- mu. ~ l.nJbouM I cu. ft. r~. $711. Tbtrre tlu beta 9cln\e talk Kmmon 40 tn. non 1111.- about the city law apl1111t cle&n· Quilt.eel T ft. .ota (MW) Pl)O. lar mackerel bo&la In Ult Har· Trav.,... roa, m.atd'8t.lck barn· bor hampt.'11111 lM ope~ bu\ boo c1Npe1 M aa. loQa', UO In Thomu doe1 not bellsve It wtU wide. aoe B Dahlia Pt, Corona do any ha.ml. 1'le law ha. *" del Mar. 16cl 7 on the 1tal•t.e boolu tor yeu.. _ ---------- but tor pn• remoe or anotller wa1 not enforced. The cannery 1'.1--ltllltlftmti for llale ottlcl&l1 cWm their end of Ute Barbor 1how1 I .. pollutlon than REDWOOD dl&llle (needl eom• other put.a and the company 11 fb:tn(). LoTt .. t, cha.Ir 110. &lad to help keep It "°· '"'• takM all. 101 vi. Nice, Udo p1-l\,t hu ln.1tan.d a plac. fM lilt. 1k th• maclc•Nl bo&ll t.o pump t,o. t.o whet beln~ wu!I~ and pNp-~~ VU., Pet.I araUon tor Uvtnr up to t.M law - ahould not coat a •lllrJe boet R.EOIBTERED Dalmat1on pupa, over UO, Thomaa •ya. champfon&lllp blOOd Unt1, 7~ Mac~enl bo9ta an wb&t s. South PlaccntJ&. A.n.ahelm - lmown .. "llOOOp a.o&ta," WN&JJ7 ~M 1-1061. 15c ~ ene or i,... inu.1 Bait , S. thrown tnto u.. wat« ad ua Bost 11 ,_ ._. a.. ne ~ 1lf° ta • ta.r .. ,., • , f'lllllnA-1 llbOop J•t.)lou'df Uie ruJl.N. I bdrm. ~ ,..,... .. boet.t l\lpplytnt UM e&nftery fl 1 blk. trom be&ch. June lit to workfn« tar enoufh • .,.y to be Oct. 1.i.. Inqutn •U-Stui I t., rone more U\a.n tbrff daye u Newport Ial&n4. lllcl T the caoner7 dou not pack rn... ----------- ea rlah. CORONA DE. MAJ\, J~ JO to OC>AftA.L IW1'f The l&rrer a.lbaoore boat.a. 8411>'-"' N~ tu:m. I bdrm. _.hlch are l'QmeUmu •QH -.... ~ • .tudio. OnJy MOO tor ., _. -....., Call ,ord V...,.._., ~te.4 ftMM U\tl, tin .. Bar •na 1Dc17 wortc up the ~ from M'Dfco ___ · __ . ------- to ~t SoUftd. t&klnr u.s, COKONA DEL M.AR, cloM to ttah Into Sa.n Dlfl'O. San Pedro. the Ml.th, be&utttul I bdrm. llU Jnnclaco and finally t.o ~ nnch MUM 6 eabanL "°"11 t.arlat a1 the run work1 11p t.ht ..-uo, ~ rno. July, A&e. • i:a;.:.... .... '--~• k Sept. Call l'ord Verrin<Ser, Har. ...... ...... 11\&c...,... pac under '213. lDcl 7 ~ the pla.nt cana aome n.r- dlnu wl\Jch beftn comtnr Into · Uw plant a.tt.r Oct. t&. 'nit aa.r-11--Real bta&e Ex~ d1M MUOn ~ Ml by the de-.- partmtnt of ,_ aJ\)S pme from mxcHAl'fOIC '°s boUM on ac:n Oct. 16 to Feb. 1. The .._. ot nnr tnD&ap 1a r'MOrl plant wtll pack jual .. Jn&ll)' area o1. Dvnlmulr, Callt, WID •rd.ta~ aa It 1Ua erd... I~ '"trUe oft ~ tn ~ .._ 1'bornu _., Wlltn the ardlM LI Ma&• dplf rvn failtd. ju1t \at the ~ ., • al fiahln1 la ~die pany'1 otra ''Olf't Padlqt.'' Wol'lit War 1J pebple dldA't ............ • la fOlnr to ta.kt N BaTbor area ..., ~ which an lblpped all onr UM pack on lrooet'Y 1h•IV11 aad ..,_ ti. pt tlle demand buut tan U'9 plat ot lll• world. 1'11• pla.nt U8Wllly ha.nd1e11 ltOt out of !hf' habit "' buy1nr up apln. Thomaa fttla. 3. -RETIRE ON J'IVS THOUSAND DObLAR8 A YEAR! with tbM T ·untt.a in Balboa. t ldqa. &n4 .3 doublea. J:Kquit1tely redecorated and • retvmahtd. (you'w DeVer l6lll a.nyt.b.lq Uk• It) , Mar to ba)' • beadl • 8VVJWnl. fteedy to co, and 1!DUJ reeenadalle ~ made So wttA tt. A ' iold mlM f_.-; ... luck)' buyer at $29,500. Low u ST&OO doWa or will trade down. WHY WAJTt THIS TS IT! 4 -BAY FRONT; PIER Ii FLOAT. with apt. to rent, too. Beautifully modernised with 1UdJ.ni . doora-tull width ot living room, with rorseoua View ot the bay. Open Houe Sat. A Sunday- See this at 1100 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. ' BUY NOW 6 HARVF.B'i' THE HIOH SUMMER RENTS JUST AHEAD! fisher & Company 2eOS Npt Blvd., Npt Beach. Har. ~ Eve LI 8-3217 LIDO NORD · CORNER Lut of the Mohlca.n1 •o ft. lot. $16,7lW> Thia r~lly IS your 1a.t chance to cet a Lido corner lot. Call • CL YOE MEYER, Realtor 307 Marine Ave., Balboa hland Har. 2950 ---------- MODERNE 3 bedrm.I. 1 'h beth.I, forced air heat, puquet flool"I, sunny ~hen, d.Wpoa.I, tan. lovely patio. Lot M x lsts Redwood fenced, eut .tde. • $1 ... 600 term.a. . Exclueive with OSBORNE-fORTON REALTY CO.S ~23 W. Coaat Hwy. (at Port Orange) LI 8-7M2 Evea Har. 515-4 A DREAM HOME 3 bed.nna., 2 batba, larg. den with buce fireplaoe. KJtcben wtth built in range le oven aod muy new feat.urea. Sliding 1lua doon 1-d into pat.lo. Beautiful view 'Of ocean ~ Irvine hllla. Fenced yard, dbl. garage and lan~ped of coune. For information call CL YOE -MEYER, Realtor . 307 Marine-Ave., Balf>c>a Ialand Har. 2960 Bow'7 ~'l'ION --. w.,.. ac.19 •• DMln .... .. .. -.. . , ~ .. Ulld ... Muon -·-··-·-··-·--uo .... ..... .. . ~ .. ---·--, ... TIJe i..,.... (llNler) ·-·-1.lJ ElecU1otaa -·--··· ·-·---... BruU Pablter .. ···-·-·-·-----··-·-l.IO 8p~1 Oua or Band Sluter --···· ,_ ......... ·-I.JI Carpl'ntu _ I.to Ct>mtnl rtnlaller ... -·· ···-··-······-··-······-··--I .Tia Plumb.,--Lead or Cement CauJ.ker ._ .. ,_ Ut Rooter ··-........... ···-··-· . ····--I.ti Tiit a.tt.en Helper ···-·····--··.. . . . ........... -. I.It Labo1'91'8, o.D•ral or eon.t.rucuon ............ t..IO .Any ClualtlcalJQll omtti.d b...ut. not 1- IO.ot M.M l'UO D.IO 16.Jt U.IO n.Ja 11.11 n .ae u .n IT.to lh&A -· ........ -· ... ··-·-·-···· ............. . 2'.JO lT.tO ·- All bld9 an to be compared oa the buil ot Ult City llnftn"'J' •Umate of t.be tUUUtl• ol. wwll to be done. No bid lriU be aee.pt.ed fr'lllll a Cont.Net.or wtso kaa aot ...... llC4Med in accOrdanc. Wllb tM ~ ol O\apter t. Dh4.._ m ., au.th.-and Prol..SOU Oode. • Plant mar be .... and tonu of propoaal. ..... ~tnct,.,.. 1pectttcaUon.1 may i. obt&.lned at t.be ottlce ol tlM Ot7 ..,..._., ' • · Qt7 Hall, Newport a..da, OlllfomJ.a.. . I ... Th• tpedaJ au.nu.a o! p&oqecGft Mddara i. ~.. t9 Ult _, • "Pt.~ l\9q\1Jnmenta Ulld Oandlticm" ••nad La tM Mull ,.. ... ot propoeal. fw tun dlrectlou u to D6clcllal. tite • , • TM . cu,. el Newport S..Ch r,... •• UM npl to reject ... ~ : ay or all bJda. • • ~ • CltJ ot Newport ..._ OallfonU& IURaDT ICBJU>tTDJ:R. Clty a.tr1t No. 1.U New .. Pts• &tJS, 2.11, 11&t ..,....,. Canner. l.Dc.i ll belq UM .aly OUA1QI pi&At a o,..,. Uoe db UM Barbor. One ol the two Cllhtr flull that once op-wated ._.. bu ~ clown tor alllOUt fou ,_,.. anlll UM W•l· em ..._..\ UM other two 1•re ap ect coriaMn.S the two OJ>- ----------r-----~-----~~=------------------------~---------------------------__;,--------................ ~--------~·· - ·~ Tb1a c~ empk»ye abOUt JOO people la UM pl4At cturlnt U\• ~ ...-wlUcb ruu b'OM diOut Ju!.J 1 Into tM nat ~ At \M ,.....t time the Jlut .. .--tta .... ~ Mallat' ~ •tan. t a 111ta1 ...,. all tM OOQlllt'et\*9 ma.Ch· tfttr7, dllfl • ,.... ........ ~ U... •ta ,..an a.M rtMW&la .. ~did. Ollll el ... --~ a.a.-: tn1 .-tW... cJi.m~ ..... ,. Oftr Ult ,-re .... )f...-port'• dou,t.t, dot, tlailMrae:o. Each da), or rat.Mr ............ t"7 .... 01l Ula ldCtt ' .... Ii thetl" ........ llAl'CY llOOlll ON UNS ,.. .... ._ ...... of tMl ., .... wtU. .......... a 8lbllt ....... aput ... ttrort to ~ na 1l'Ml .a ...,... "' ... ~u-.... ~ ftMll. n.. teUb ... ftad1 u.. MeW '°' ...... Tllt1 rtdt llll* ...... J&dla with tMt tlatdl. lb,.... Ulte ........ j\aal --.,, ... Ort u4 tlriaf tMlr ._.. ....._OMe...,. ~ oe ....... ,_ __ olt.M -,.,., .ea ..., ,,.,.,.. tat ~ fW ~ NICAMDVt 'fbO .,.. ._ ,,._..., caupt nu \1n-..,. .._ .. , .. ·.~~ ... 'l'M • .., tiMt .... la MU••~ UM ... t Wdl Qft Ult Pac:UIO OD1t.ll i.icl ..... Ma\ io'it· t•n "' fn utw.. JQblt.ltled ac......, Ute r.atioa. &ul '9C'k lo th taaMt)' .- .,. •doa: 'Ra II,.. Olll oont(J\C Into '"1 • p.laat Will '9 aJllMo" ~ plMt f .lttlq ~ ... JM lM 9port nablDI boat.It and Ult' ('()1'11· ' . . -GREAliER .· ElllllllGS RE~EMIER ... SAVINGS receivecl t,y the 10th of the r'°nth ... EARN FROM the 1st. . , Pll ANIUM CU II ENT -EAININGS - , ... ._. .. • -·· - . . ·-. ·- '• . . ... . ...... . 4 .. ..- '·' .. •• , .. , • . • . . " .. • . ~ . : :::. NEWLY INSiAI·I.ED offlcen pther at c.o.ta : :":; Mesa Friday .Mtunoon Club. Seated, from left, , Xma. Paul Roberti, vice preaicknt; WWWn Covert, : =.. · litcomtng pruldent; Lewia 0 . And.ntwa, Oranr• ·-: :=--County Fedttation president; Reuben Day, out- • ·- j iMrs. L. W. Govert ! HeadsNewFAC ~ ! £0f ficer Group . ·-. . , I , • High School Ensemble Provides Music Progr.am soing prelldent. Standll>g, trom left, Mm•. E. I. Moore, treuurer; C. J. Fisher, recordbig teeretl.ry and Winona Shaver, correaponding aecretary. ~Photo NEWPORT HARBOR MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women'a Editor PAGE 1-PART 1-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS..PRESS FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1956 NO SERVICE CHARGE Rail-Ship-Ai1 ... r-H ... otel T~A VEL SERVICE GIRLS OF TBX llOM'l'B at Barbor Hlch School •llo ..,.. hooorid by Zonta Qub are abOft here wttb Zonta members. In, tro.t row (1 tor) Patty Kelter. Raebel Pera and Kql& llunt. Rear row, ¥afaie Stovall, , Shelby Tunnell. JolND GrMD, Laurel Wood.Ion, Lynne Peue, Mn. Harold Robe!Uon, put ~t •and Mn. Art.bur ~n, p1 eha.lrman. -1.onta Pbote> ZON~ArHONORS GIRLS OF . ~ HARBOR HIGH SCHOOL 9111 .. Service .. loller s~.~es ltudard ~ OotM aM Cu.tom lpecial(l• • Drt.pef1 Jl&rctwan • V...UU ~ OAU .,..,. IN Interior ~orotfna • we •w~ YM -Pl.••'-' er INlytaCJ ...... Y• .. COIM .. ULIOAllLAND • • , ...... CONGREGA'l!IONAL WOMEN of the Women'•. Fellowahlp Mlblltd oftart at a ll&y 18 tu. Mn. ; Edwin Gomke ~ided at the tea urn, servma (I to r) )i,. J, k. ltamel. first vice president; the Rev. Ec!tno C. Oolnte (t-elt")," Mn. lit. J . 8~a~nnon,~ SEA1'ARKING 8J. quorY ( ... EDWARD ~) lfll'l'll 4board ,.,.,.. ; DO azt.l&VS u.t Je.8t ..ek wu the bu.itst l~<'hl •nd ,.n1 ._ t tftat K"~ baa •Yer bad , • . and wmmer .if yet to eoDM , • , better do your cWJ,-doun and CM IA trim tor "t.blbp tO ~.·· ' TWO RESIGN Nightingales Welcome Nine New Provisionals ''ONLY A .Rosa.·· SWIMSUIT desioned by 2>e ~•'- ,,;;.;,,.;a - "ONLY A ROSl" C.t.f. Htft4 ~,... ... cotton, one piece 1.s+i- '"ir fotfflflt iwt~ suft. '"•.Wualty .,,.,.. qu.d cwt • wt rOM hr1 mm l'«im tuit aldna 1295 ~~~· ·.. ' I . • . • ~ll1 •1:.' .... ...... , lhlvlil ..... ~r, ..... ,.. ••• r Biby Batiste tri1n9re frent, 1htrred • ' ddt J>lfta1', bo'1t-bt1 ebnfrtd ntt· row b.M t•p. Staa JJ.-.0. .. . . . A !. • . .. . ',, ... .. .. .... . ., ...... CitMs in W.U. WM~.~ pink,.W..tncl . ........... • Offtdll "" s.llt 'MSS YNIVHa" Contilt. , .. .. . -. ., .. . .. ' • • ~.... ... . J ~ ......... 81tiilDAY PACtt wu full for ~ 'l • Jam. Bampert. 112 Via Geno. an4 trienda invited ! :... cfor bl-11th ·untV9nal')'. Buffet d.inDer featured : :. lhlp.Teck cake, •kier boat wt ca&llJ rocb on a i =: -..rt ts1&nd. H~ Jpee uawrapa stft-. Prise • ~· for best girl'• CCMttDiN went to Vllld Stawtcld. .. best boy'• to Richard Horne. Others present I ' .. VACATIONING la Bawail are three Barbor couplea, ahown u they am~ Lift to right are Mmea. and Kwn. Norman Cutelan Ronald Rima and WU.: Ham Bertuleit. . • • . Costa Mesa Girls Club Plans July Election lll9d aa well u outdoor llehllnr. bdd at' th• Fann 8\ll"9U RaD. Mn. Pret.a. Mowed IJ.1da OD Tb• nat club m-.U. will '9 teble ..ump and arranrementa June n. a poUuck bmc._... at Mn. 0 . R.. Kit.bott pn a COW\ty Coeta Me. Park. OMcerl tor committee nport. next year will be tutaJW at A barbecUe Kay 2t will be lbat Um .. Et.cUon of two new board membera ud di.cu.ton of awn· mer p1ana were the matn order o( bu1tnea at th• ...cent ex.cu· Uve board meet.tns of th• Bart>Gt Aru Olrll' Club Monday evmlnr. Mra. C.cU W. Cranfield and Mra. M.. L. OonMll\ll wer.. elect-1 to the board .• tbalr tcnnl of of- fice to st.art ~tel)'. Uona l'lah Fry parad• Ju.n• I ----------------------. will follow 1&1t year'a pattern . were Karlynn Humpert, Dicky Vanderv~Buuy Penon, Klke Trapp, John Reilly, Diana Gervail, Barbara Butter, Joyce Kelm. David Peters, Bartan Towle, Van. Smith, Randy Rlgp, Kathy Newlin, Shelly Chuin, Douglu Schmuch, L&ny 1!2mA, Gordon Forgey, 1..&rry and Don Gibeon and wWl membera ridi.n&' decorated bteycl•. Membera wiahtns to partlclpate In the parade abould lip up at the clubhou. by Mon- day. Tbe (trbi wUl .... mble at the clubbouee to chconll thltr blk• A report on the nab rry tlclet l&lta for t.be 011111 Club PREVIEW OP ·.I w~ I I CbJldnQ ·swim · Diane Rlgrt. -Staff Photo A alate-'1! ott1cera WU Ml.acted to be voted on at tb• nut m .. t- e&adld&le WL1 (tftll. tq. A aecond annt .. nary otri.-Homemakers Club dlnner and lnlt.allation ol otnoera will be held tn Jul.J'. _._...-----.,.;,_------------------Plan1 were dlacu--1 for a llUm-p· • • d d 'H ' c mer'• actlviUea PJ"OST&l'D lo llrat tcn1c-m1n e umpty ame at the end of echool. . A. letter wu read from Mra. Coet.a Meaa Romemaken bald Sun & SUITS e Balboa • Jantzen • Gantne·r WEAR • other brand namea we can't mention to Celebratl.On Clifford Lewil. former prutdent their May mee~ at tb• home and mtmber of the board, who I.I of MTI David Cbamban 2211 A "Rumply-Dumpty" party a l vtalUnr her parent.a ln ConnecU-Canyon Dnve. FOOCS. for IWltmar cut before attending the Otrll outdoor eattnr ••1'9 ouUln~ b1 the home of l'lil parenll, Mr. and Cluba of America train~ ecbool M.ra. Chambera and MiJ. Howard Mr1. Bobe.rt Loud, 307 Narcla-lealiona In ao.ton. Kua. troqi McDowell, project i.c!er1I. DebJ· SUI A.Ye., on a Saturday attar-May 28 to June ll. ctr..ted tooda tor emerpney ldll valuea to 18.95 8.95 Cotton Suih S.00 noon c.lebrat-1 the birthday of A Olrll Club entry ln the ad camptnr trtpe ....,.. CWM~.11 :,·Y=~ =· ~U:~ -----------su.i of 1ar aoo.. l:dwlD D!tcll. (J ·a' f ..,.. pl&C• m•te .. ball and tav-Mother Child ~peci Ol'I, the bJ(bUsa.t. of t.be re-former member of tl'I• eo.t.a I treahment table wu a &arr• nat w .. eo.rd of l:ducaUon and purchue c.ak• decorated to repr-.nl a p rty E t ~ Iara&'• openator. Children'• wall with Humpty-Dumpty MU• a ven A hl(hllpt of Mra. JCdick'a playau.ita -S Oil It. vtmt to Aahland wtU be tbe lftd· EnJoylns the party w.re frlenda A comblnatlon of luncheon for uaUon ot her rrand9oo. Harold ff trom Barry'1 claa at achoo& tn· th• mothera md • birthday Jadicll. from Albland R l J b • c&~r PerlJ' Jollmon, Tom ,.rty tar ft•• year okt Jl&l'k Scl'lool, wti.r• b1a ~ J"le. am.ty Callla, Francie Cox. McC\IUocb. waa holi.c! Saturday ,nduated &I yean ap. Jteunklu 1• lMll 8t. Shorts 1.49 Bcott Weber, Johnny Poole, Den· ~ Mra. Clarenc. KeCWlocb, 400 Wifll many ot ber old rrtmda are Newpol'\ lkL Open lundQa Ilia O'Brien, Doona Loud and C.t&llna Rd.. Newport R ... hta, plamMd dW1nl Ml' •t.&7· ._ _________________ ---'!'..,... _ _. ""rry Load. "Cowboy• and lndlaU'' oecupl-1 =-===:::::======•===================::;;:;~ -Natal Fete for Tim Jones th• )'OWlpten uaw 1"&tNlb-• mmta It IC9 cftllm and calrr. PrHent to enjoy tba c.Jebra- uon were Mra. Albert Weber and LM, Mrs. Weblt.r Jonu and nm. Mn. Hoblart Loud with Donna and Barry, Mra. L. B. A. fltth birthday party for Vle.rllnr wtlh David and John. nm Jonea, 90n of 1.fr. and Mr•. JI.mm)' and Hurh McCulloch Web1ter J onea of 3H _Cotta complelffl the ~. M-St.. wu celel7r•ted at ht. bom• recenUy. An err hunt for Tak p . IW'prlH. flll-1 .,,., a pl.D&t.a.. e nzes • pmett &nd relay r&CH W«l'e en• Joyed by th• ten JOWlr•tera .,... t FAC B .d tor• tile le• cream and cake a n ge ' ! : ~R FLOWER, the Barbara Kart.e bouplnvillea, i1 pl&nted at the Girl I' i ~o~ Home by Troop 37, spouored by Bualneu and Proleuional Women'• ~ Club. Gathered around the vtne are M.n. Earl Petereon and Mrs. Smith New· .,, J>erry leader and co-leader, SCout. Patty Caudell, Ann Jorgensen, Julie Hall, ! ~ i>tanne Daigh, Diane DeVlnney, Kit Sharp, Marilyn Koehler, Cvol TttJey, Diane I Lorentan, Joan ~datedt, Alliaon Christler, Vicki Newberry and Chria Peter· were Hn'ed. Preaent at the celewation Ho.tfMU for th• ~ card wtte Sandra Jmu. Randy and party of the e&rd aectJon. ot th• Gary Stuart. Donna and B&IT)' P'r1day A.tt.ernoon Women• Club Loud, Jimmy and Mark )lc<:ul· ••" Mra. &. 1. Moore, aecUon loch. Hllle and Gene Crain and cbalnnan, Mra. ~ T. Clark. the honoree. nm Jonu. ualata.nl cbalrma.n. Mn. Dill.II I ~n. -Sta.ff Photo hit.er a.nd Mn. J. P. Cooper. ,,,.,. ..,.. abl tabae8 of br1d('e Park Playday Mesa Family ~~-=woe by tl'I• C.pi1tr1no ly the S.. offen the fin .. t of in-~tient aerviees at rl.aonable rates. Licensed by the State of C.lifomia C.pi1tr1no By the S.. Sanitarium 1peci1li1es in the t ... 1tment of narvous, emotion1I ind mentel disorden and alcoholism. for Girl Scouts R · H ¥mes. w. T. : l ~ . High School Bands eturns ome . =. ~. llcbmldt. ~ l .,_,, . of Costa Mesa Mr. a.nd Mra. Di Wilcutt a.nd Otninu, Noble Warrum, E. L J ~T AUDITORIUM O..-MW Harbor Area offie. loe.tecl at 1424 Via Oporto, Newport Beech. Phone: Harl:M>r 2122 l • 'T' ...,. ,l ,,...~ rt aon, Butch. °' 180 Victoria at.. Moore and Mlla Elate i..et.aa. AU '"' · a Ufp ID C>pllall7, Neb., emu. u -.ttftll! ~ Clint.en Bawtn. dlnetor ol ta-MCtJan ot t.be orch.u& la featur-jo)'9d a flayday at Irnne Partl. tM7 attended the OOtb 1"dd.lnS pt!lerblp. Xn. Koon at&*. Y-a -1"1-'wtv la~ tie \'Wt 1 1n J.-Ueb\Nl once Kw. alrl aooui. .... Coeta Kea, bne returned fnlm card pl&yera ln tha an& are wel- ~ muafc at N-eel la U.. IOlo part. Mn. "-7 Ludt wu chatrmu. unl....,,. nception of Kn. -----------.,. ,.... ~ .t:Nmata.l ·-~· Ber_.. Dance Band tu• with 176 Oh't Scoull and 107 WUcutt'a ..,_ta. Mr. and Mn. I' ll&fflCW Utdco B1'b &dlool. --Ot'tt LM 11ext Pf011'&m lpot wtth adulla attadln.1. J'ollow1n• an Otto PJnba.ln of that city. • In Oregon e •• ut,... D du s.. .S.,.;,.,,.._ M'l1fll*" tbt lollowtns PfOIT&Dl a S"NP of foul' numbera. TbeM )lour'a exploration period a lO:IO n. famsn. of th• Pa.nkontnl' ,-~ ..w.ch 1ljJl M b-.rd on 'fUeada7 an to be Intennl.ulon Rlff, a. m. prol1'fJll opened wtth tour ~ten and tour aona Plann1ns to be l'OD aboU.l ._ W. Ci•--......... .-..OW la Ule btp .cbo01 audl· s.v....oom..&Jn-, Bern le' 1 Senior· Scout Troop 29 leadlnl pthered t;rom all p&rta of th• three weeU. Mra. Oertnad~ l:dlck r« tnform&UoD call ,.our nearwt oUlce of t«f~. Tbe ooncert lle1.I, at I Tune, and Ia X, lolltude. n.. the 1 al u t' to lhe fla,, tbe count1'1 for the a.ftalr. There of eo.ta Maa, former harbor C.p.truo 8)' the a. aamtartum I O'doelr. numberl ..... tlllf9C'1&0y ur&ftl• Brownie Prombie wu lead by were Jt p-andcblldren and als1lt &ft& neWI corrupondent tor DANA POINT, C1Tply Wnt ~·Tar Band will Pla7 ~ eel hr • ,~ by Wood:/ Troop 19 and the Olrl Scout paat·palldcblldren there. m&n)' yean. left NeeDUy tor a 31915 daJ Obllpo at. pl01119 Oft Para4 ~. on.,, w .......... II • member ot Promlle by Troop 13. A wel~• lo-day ·~ at Modato befON SANTA ANA, Kimba17 l·6HO NEWPORT BEACH. Barbor WI S.2' Via Oporto ll&roD. eons of ~pt., and o._. Ullt ...._ to all wu extended by Priilt· Blkea. ram• and t>Ueball pn· cotJ\I' on to A.ab.land. 0rqon.. ltll N. BroadWQ ~~~~~~ ~~~olt.be ~~~~r~~~~~~~· ~~~will~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~=~=~~~=~ I • JaA ,..r, ble.ludM ln lll ao-~-."lll ti be plqelt by th• Scout Council Xeetlns tocethu a,aln for a · ~ t m t l t a pUUctpatlon ln t.ba ~ Tbla '""1P hu A Pl'OJNm of aonra and aonJ..felt. the pro~ c:loMd ~ 1NIDll, p1&7a ta mualc .. recosn&uon for d.ancu faatured cluaa conduct-wtt.b "Indt.a.n Taps''. The cotr .. ....,...._ ... _,. ,._. f!rif O or ...,.....,,"-,. "1 ...., ... o. v. Cl•-_,,,.,,..., wu Mn. Hvold c&usmen for ~P tn U.. la tllll part of Ula pro-Robert 8path, Jack HlrUer, Ar-Knipp and Mra. Ray Lud1. ODACert Ban~ • .... .... lkmpet J'ldelea. cJPn Lona and Pat Overltta. At Troop• JT anll 49 helped wtth .1'be ~t of the C.oDIC91 t Plilid9D -1ec;Uon. Rt>lax ! 1 he potluck luncheon group "lng-lh• nrvl.nr far thl"lr <'ommunlty ortl*tra ~ la a eehctlGll (~ ..... ,. Suite.for Band Ing wu Jed by Mra. Speth. aervice project. •••• written f .................. Bind.. -----trom lb• m ..... o or -........, -.. obtained t 111D1Jar and ta.plrUlS Vlc10l7 Al -~ ~ a a-. Bealdu th.la nll.mber tM cltliilir • fllim &AY band or wch•tra wtU play Tara ttroib Ol'Cbeltn •emMI'. Oo9 Wltll the Wlnd) •Autumn i..v.. and Perpetual Motton.. ln I } d M y F I UM 1ul na.med, th• entire violin s an . . . 2 Florida Guests Spring Picnic 1'11• unual IP•inr picnic of Upholstery Draperies Entertal• ned the 8 .IOP Youth FellowabJp of th• IWbOa IAla.nd Oommuntty The Fi.nest Craftsmanship fMthocUlt Clturcfi waa bf'td 8U11• Plua F&brica at Close-Out Admiral and Mra. l\Jcba"N.I day atltrnoen al Irvin• Park. Pricu Enables· u. to Give IMlts• of MactlllOo, Florida have 'nloee attending tncluded Ron Your Old Furniture That ~ ln the Southland for the SL Clalr, Chuck Kramer, Dick LOO A.tou d' .. ~ wtddln1 of tbatr dauptcr. Louae Brl"•m•" n...nna SmJth. Jean NEW K at n ....._., ..... , __ ,_ .. ___ n. ... ..... ,.,., Prt--During the "off 9ea&OD" lcJlSP to -·· .... _... ~,-Smit.II. Daron Smtlh, 0fl>"I" .....,. --. l:J.a.N. la C9klr&do cm Ii'->' H•Uftl', 1Uck Lund)', Sandy CALL US DAY OR NIGHT I a.nd few Olia o.:ntn.r W«MlnC F1eer, Jtllftine Bonner. Henry r n...-. 0 c.a1 0 ~ _.\!a* -. RicMrd, Jr, who r.n-,. a. Cati. Ooush Cart. &.6&,_. •3 _.,..,.~ wU1 .. manMd the da1 at\.u bll and Onie Sapp. Adulll &eeOID• ror ..um&t.at OC OM of our deooratora wW call lftdU&Uoa .._. lltanford Uftt. ~ then -.-. Mr1 v... wttll -.mpi• at tour requeat. NtiftY la lWM. Smit.II. Mr. and JO'S. Ml~ .A.dmlral and Mn. llcn.ICP ..... Cari. th ..... and l(rl. Donald D Gani M . booor l'J•le wf'Ul Mr. and Mn. o. sapp. Oltie fJI ~ ~ Ko....n.oin c Palr1c1a Bar· At the next meetins of t..bt ) ~ bml at mi. dDUWr pa"1 '"9°' 1nJUP on Sunday, Juae 6, UMy UI rAnt I ~ Mn. Paw WUllam lAwrece will •lertain tbe M. Y J' ol cd!Bfail JJr and Udo I.a. ta th• Chrllt Cllurcb by the--. New· 801'1 w. ()out &WJ. (llartaer'a IDie) Nft,on 8eaeb ODcouut Ol'OTe lla7 11. port M.u.odtat. -.. -.. • ..., . ~- ~:·1 D IA CASUAL FURNITURE WITH A 1:• • · . CLEAN SCULPTURED LOOK ..• ., ELEGANrL Y STYLED TO BLEND Hand rubbtsd hazelnut finish .• 'deep comfort foam cushions •• tailored slip covers of fine im- ported linens . . beautiful ash or walnut formica table tops ac- cented with woven cane .. over '45 pieces to~~hoose from. Sof o $249.50 Exclus~y et Fumiture in the contemporary mood. WHERE GOOD TASTE COSTS NO MORE Corona del Mar 285'4 E. Coast Highway Harbor 5437 ' WITH YOUR MODERN LIVING. · Consult Our Decorators No Cost or Obligation. I I-, . ' -' Tli! lll?V. DdNALo !APP of Balboa bland K~ cbUtth recett!, beptlud Roeky ~ fhw W'fflim-eld ehild of Cpl. and Mrs. Chest~r P. ~ewcomb of El Toro Marine Base. Corporal New- eomb wu a member of \he youth grouo sponaon!d by Mr. and Mn. Sapp when the former Wu ~ of a Peabody, Mue. ehYH!h -IWtttle Alden itbtJt6 Epiecopnl Women Hear Speaker on ~Saint Jame8 Strvlcei and W11k' Ev1nu Brownie Scout.a to Plant Trees l"ourl.9en s lrl1 of Mre. John 8t.&llman•1 Brownle Troop M will plant eettn treu next Tuu- dliy .t ~ Commvntty YOl!ttt Cent« In OD,_. del Kar. On Heh t1.. wtU lllil woocttn tap OD Whlob t.re bUmed na1ne• of UI• two ,Ull who ottldat. at plaal!Jl& of tM.t partlcW&r u... • r IN HAU11,Ul COSTA WUA ...,._ .... ..... ......... -W•lter I l_, .. ...,_ \ .· It tWt .. t "-•t ._..eq _. trtt- dom, 1tt ...... cdM t"1 laid .ted tMlt lives? It la Iott But t~l\ It ~. ••l bf -ct!ttfW lfl8 ri5'n CluiaL The O.• wbo pnfoW.d foe mail· • kind U.. thatia OI bed~i lo.,., tl. \~ Out el wbica ~. ltWOm. b4 aacnlid llari Coailt. T.,. ........ .-utt" IT• .. It ....... u.a -e cMl ti> ttlt II~ to Ill .w tbrtMe. It ia a ..U -' ~ 1'itll _.., •• UCl'lidtl devotion the Lord whoa• Truth rnea hn• died to prnerve. r::--:-:~~~;i;~ Cotn~lke Home ~· -w. ()4IMI "*' ~ 1&111• -. PHYWI' Ct.bNlh . . . .. '.) ........................... ~ _ .. . -! S. L ..... • l a.ctrtcaa o.trt.ct.G. "Oood •lrtna ..._'\ ..._ .•. It..,... .. m . n.t a ...._ma." "' ' 1"1 fAY ...,., STOii IMINESE C~SINO . . . . .. ... . .• ~ ....... __._ .... _______ --·-- -"'--- .. • a • • ' ' In recent years., and because of the recurring ~wer•i·.this ;ra d ition has fa11en away. Now veteran organizaflorii .have their own observances, particularly on Veterans D~Y. ·No- vember I I. ' I - ~ ' ,_.,,,, 'f' ~11-11~ 'SSE.·~ ~· ~~ ""'1311 ,,_., ~Si;· . , 4P~ '-< i. MJ,¥30 y ~ 121... ... ~ 4L\f · THE FINEST· -MOST COMPLETE STORE TO IE FOUND ANYWHERE " . • -•nr~ORT BEACH, CAL -- -GOLQEN ANNIVERSARY'- • -19~6 -1956 • ., .• -NEWPORI BE~CH, CAL·.- ·.-GOLDEN AlllOVE~~Y- -!906 • ~ 1~S6. . " ;.-'-NEWPORT iEACH. Cll....:.. . -GOLDEN' ANNIYERs.av- --:---1906 -1956 . ·--~E'#PORT OEACH: CAL.- -GOLOfN ANNIVERSARY- -l901i -1956 RE ' Hardware . . . PaintS ... Wallpaper ... Applances ... TV ... Radio \ • -A--Good '. Frien.-ly -Pl•ce. -10 Shop . OPEN SUNDAYI 6 HOLl,AYI . . . I . ff W. '•Uloa Blwd. Hal'bow · 116 ' • • ' . • ' ' , lt ' •• a • • • • • '#' ______ .,....,..,..,.. __ _.llil'll!ill • ' -• rAjE t· PART) 1-NEWPqRT)jARl;OI NEWS-l'WS ' .I -E>"W7 .. l:yeal•I" • . .. 'Ill 8 P: M. -~_a.;..;;,.,;.~=--==-~~~-~~~ ------·-- • . • • • i . FRIDAY, MAY ~ 1t•6 equalled our public healtft eosts We Califomiaru hne ~taken pride in the foct th1t W !bit~-Ill the health;... places on ~ Anti Wt .~ hard to keep i1 th1tway-~~~'tt~d~ Il l mil- J.,.onpubhc ..... piojeca. 'f'hat's a N:>r"ef -,.c.-aic it's more thfn cqwillc<I bf 1111 11 ... d ra;,.d last y.., through Jillt lll!f 8-'l\o &rewc<T and~ I ributon of tit ,Ill lllM-.:W lk~ sold la · !Om;. contribuic Mlonl,; tmnrd Ille well -be~( of ourstak . • • f.10lHER 1 NMIJR . HER PART IN HAR ' • COUITNIY I. ~~..,:;.. 00::~ ....... t-lttT ;. ' ~NIO .., ......... ..,. • ..... c.u& lht'J. Oii Me .... 11D9' ·l.D.tr ..... tl 0 • """* ""'" ....... 1111 ... .............. , •• t .. ........................... ........... ..._ ......... .. . _.....,_ ........ ..... ............... _,.. ..,. .............. ...... E ~-· -~· ... _ _ .....,.. ........... . ............. ., .... . -~·,:.:;=== . ... ...._ ... -..... -........... bilW.-.-..... ....... L -...... ~ ........ ...................... .................. =-~gi.:":'..: ~-.... -'•e ·~54,_ - •• VT'M .... ~ ~ ... :: ....... . ' ' . • ··-------·,. --. ·-- , • I ~ . l . . • • -· . ~ -// #111! Da.vls~Brown llfll11 l/J1 llllflil liipt/ "*1111"1i11!ar 111!11wr! ~ .. :· > • . -• ... 11/llJllAIRE . MODIL l'D-95-56 . . '" .,_,..... .... Is=••= ·-· ...... "· . ...,,,,._ ,...,..., • llO f.I CU. rr. CNICrrt • ftlM fOOO '""'!' It ~ TOI COMalNAT IOM • AUTOIUflC OlrlOstlNO IN TMI 19110WTOC IKTtOH • lllO ZONI l'OOO f..UU wmt ... l&S. CAPACln AND ITAT~WM r11u11 toOI • f.utl!OH fhl.INO IT OfMllAl MOTOa " IVITPIOOfl .lwMtNIJM Sftl!1VU • flCU-TO·"".U IHllVU • ~ MfAT ttHOfl • M'ACIOlll POICILAIM ~TOI • ... ITOIAOI DOOi WITM IUTill COlU'AITMINf, fllf.DQWM to0 snvrt. u nova cqNTAJNtll • llMOVAkl ICI • llAT lfflt.Vll • JUICI UtiDlll'tNlll • llMO\'AU loot IH!LVU-,.,_ "'-_,..,._ f Ut ~ ,..,_, I coo · I I • ' -. lCl-'-~, 'IAiMos AND ttM APPUAftdD · ) -CAU. I •art 1-3437 • , ' ' • • • Your U~d Staf.es Senator THOMAS 'H. * H.• baa faithfully oerwd California and tboi nation for 20 of bia -.5 yean. * ·nurin( bis 3\i yeen '. in tboi Upif*I Stata s.n. ate, be bM opoollOred ~ bill8-vot.d Into public . law-baie6tinc ALL tboi peciple. RE~ELECT hi•·Ju•e.S ofet~ .Jlave 50 :lime~ fhe L I } -· . ~d ---~-~ _ n-!lt. C. ~) M~ -R. a. (Bob) W.,,90#, Fino-Cltaitmon . ' ~un • • • • GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY . c.J1 Tfllllll a.am ... "' ....... ff QI IAt. ,,.._ ..,. .. .. • t\LI LI NP .._. ~ .. ·~~-~~=-~1 tu worW -liit.'• ...... , ..... ,. ~un 11'.;:' -~,...,,· . --C.C r JC ,, _o M A I ..... • . . ' ... ··--------- I I ' • { ..., lh126 8&barUy xvu ....,., ... ,,., Mond&J ..., ~ ~ Ma,H W~y ~ .., ., ltcH a;o1 ,. m. 11:0. a..m. 1:•0 p. m. H : .. i. ftt . lt:U p. in • ll:U p.m. 16151 ,,_ m. 1:86 p.m. ll:st p. m. 1:80 p. m. 12:80 &. m. 3 :ti p. "'· ,,..,. FlJU. QUi\MTU atOO Juae JI June Z2 6.7 3.4 48 u u 38 3.9 3.'I .. 1:06 p. m. 4:29 a.m. 1:29 p.m. •:•&.I'll. . i:ot p. lb. :la a; ftl. •:&1 ,. .,: 1:W. .. m. tltO •"'· f :lt l.1'11. T:1l i. m. T:&T a. m. .•:M p. m . • ~­... _.,. June I ·U -().t 2.a -t.4 ... -... .. l.f ~1 u ~ .., u o.t u HAPPY 20tb ANNIVERSARY to .NEWPORT HARBOR "' We have wetch•d you fjrow for .. 20 yeen. M•r pu efwaya reft\eln • ~ • sour•• of recr••tion & r•••nue to the toM VAlty, • ~CHA DSON Yllc:M AflChortltt IAtf' leM \. e..-. a.I Mar -RarMr • , • .t"tll'r ~.u.za • et:1n1cz -- MARINE · PAINTING • • • 'I DUAJI DU Fr. dmm <l&Ul't -0~ .. JL •Att~'blf ~ Perticular Boat OWn..-. Sfft11 193' Heve Been ~tyint on Us f~t eltty ft lfttMi ttnl Outs .. •• 4r ' 80U4l'HBRN CALIPORNIA Bl>ISON COMP4'.NY ~--,-~ ---~......_,_.. . : ,. ~ "• ,:,~ ;.._I or car • • • "whereY PIATUllNG ' • -t"~•r-..• "'; _. ' . '· . .st:IOAeQil SERVICE ••• GUEST SUPS AND DOCKS. Our "Cn.iser-• , ' , wllli,~op" wil col for portios of four or moro (oncl ..+um .,,..;· ~iJ: ..... >ony .londing-~h to BoyshorM, Bolboo PoniMulo-,to· Now• :.~.'1o/Jlor Y'>Cht .Club oncl ol of Uclo,ldo. Wo'N show you-t"-'li9hts of tfiio tfMt>or ••• no CMr<JO, of course! • • \ -,,. • . ' ,I , . . ' . " . ,· ..... • • ' • .. - . -. ., . • -~rant~ JUJt 9pene~ • • • • • Head fo:r . BOB DALTON'S . _.. • • • "Set Soif' lo; a .,.,,,. wliie..;.,. in line. l.0001 . . . ' ' •• F~US IOI D•LTON'S food oncl bovorop ~°' tho ditcri.w..t~'t t Nowport Booch -on .tho boy -in. tho coolott, most ..loxing otJ?ios~ 'lmegi~I*..-. ~ ~ \ •• ', ~,OF P,ARKIN(!. ON •THE . .,.y AT UDO SHOPPING. CENTa· "' ' for ~ ••• tho • '.. m..t, ,for boots, right BOB DALTON'S RESTAURANT ' .:.w. It our pmoto . ' , i . .; '.-"I~ , '. .. , ·• • . . . · . -.. .. . ~ - ( .... :; ' ... ~~,~~-'~-~ 5:00 .P'!9-, , • • , . ,NIWPOIT I CH . lnindi ~ _10 e.111. S.." Ii HelWays l_ · l~so ;t'ie .. o .. ·~:; .. ~,"-Qllf.' .Siqcere .. T-!iany If!· flt. ·lifle, .. .l0,llc1 wna slsared· .Jn . Bui/din'! and Supplyi~g Bo~ D'alton's. -• Harbor 5383 '..1!~)$,~~~-~~su~ pf Bob Dalton's ·NEW BAY FRONT RESTAURANT ~ , ' • I ~ .. 1:"-••. ~· .. .. .< I .. ' ' • .. ... . . . . ' . . • • j -• : ... • 1 ~ I ' • Ttiitln . . ' .. . . -1'\lewp"' . Ii 1116 • ----"t....... . ~· ·-- -,~----~-- ---' : · ~ .. ·&itic-tmtallar -. -~ai Gontr;(-f or ~ · · . . ' . ... . . . ~ ~ ·.:lfOME 1 RECTRIC co. ~DON -BJIHlliY Plumbing W.R. COLLINS - ·, NewpcN:f leach . I ' , . - ~oo{ing .· Costa Mela [ •1 I ! · Intercommunicating System . • Lumber ' -~ ., . . BARR LUMBER CO • --. •. ·Equipment -. ' . . ·Ails ROORNG CO. --~ ---- • . ' . . ' . .. ~ FOSTER-BARKER CO. ORANGE .CO_. ENTERPRISES ; Coda Mesa S.1ta Ana Steel PARAMOUNT SlEEL CO. Equipment pottRMANN HOTEL .SUPPLY LoncJ leach ' . ' . .. . .. . " . Los AiicJ1les. . -Meats :. . ' • .. . . .· Mll-SIEAD -M ,,., Painfing = . ' . FRANK KATNIK .FiSh _ ···"·$; Newport . l•ac:h ... ............ , I -~----··~·---·- ' - . s-ta Ana ·' --. . ·'Interior ·Decor· . . .. • . . . ' Le11 • ,... • -:::::-~~~--- " I , ) ' .. . , 'floor. . . nlu.:. . , • . lllC' . 1-. ms -- ~ ' .. .. \ I ' I: • ' t-H.AJ~HtWQl~ ••• '. ·-'!f, ""' .. ... . Mesa ~i ·-· ' .... _ ...................... . ................. _ ..... .. t ' Yll!IT DALTON'S -Some ot early celebrant. at tbe newly opened Bob Dalton Restaurant on the Lido witerlront are PiStured above on openin& night. Lett to right, oeated, Mrs. Myton! i,ryine, lln. William C&llahaa, llyford Irvlno, lln. 14ont. Brokaw, Mhl. Lya>An F111Well and Brokaw. Stand!nr In roor, c.Jla. --•ct Gully c-. ........ by 1lilef .._ euw ..,. """-•i. .., 11. ~, .. ~ w.f ...... .. ................ -... .. ... -8tr'riceman IUcb&rd W'aUace. Pu.dt111trp -14 II ti. .. eUh I Md bMm. takea and a ,._... .... ! Thornu Hamilton, Pa.-lt:na. lo.t tll. I -Brown· 6eJ y ...... n. ................ 't ........ .,.. .... NEWPORT llACH ''WES VAUGHAN TllO" , .... . '1/DY WHn'NJ:Y a 00t1NTRY W~URNll , ·Grando/lo 's --· 1ronn.rty ot a.metl · • • ' ·complete menu for the famUy '!ZIA e aPAGDTl'I e L.&IA.ONA. , ..... K&Di:·u.VJOU e Wft.Ua e au IOOD -l'OOD•l'O 00 • ~11 1a1boa 11vc1. IALIOA HatHr 413r DAJLi--U lCOON·U,....9f"• <MID 'KOfn>Ar • • DINNER . f , ball ~ Lyman Farwell. -Gene Rqu Photo M*1l'in Matt.hies, March Air Force Bue. IUT1r1ld1, u ld an und•termln..t amount of money b-4 Na t.U:en from w alhltll In bl. ear. oi.ry WuhbW'n, Pomona, wu th• tlllrd m.tori.t 'rictlmlsed. U. did aot •1 how much h1 -. 5:00 P. ll. -i ,P: ll. Open Sundoy1 12 Noon · 9 p.m. ( clo.ed Mond&y•) • .. . . LI UO -· NOW IN THE :lad WJ:Ell. . . . iD .. ,_ ~ .. ~ ~MUEL GOLD~'s proidumon ot ·America'• Own Mlllieall ~ JEAN'" .. fiANi VIVIAN WNOO·~·SINA'l1lA·BUINE • • 4 • ... qms·s;...-,.., • OOLOllll• ' ,__..,.-... _ .... ,._...._._ ........ hJllllfr••• .. -----1· -.. THI OOLDWYN OIW • -.. ·~JOSEPH L. MANKIEWICZ .... _. ...... 0 O C\ 'r ..J...w• PMNlt LO ... ~• NICllA8' ltlDD • -- .u.eo~'=--.u.:..m. . w--••-... ••-~ .... ,,_.ia . , 8RCIAL KA.1'.,.. MEMORIAi. DA Y ~ .... .. _..,....-... , ...... . ~ '6\JYS AND DOLLS' NOW AT ·UDO ~'l'HEATR~ 1'hit musical interlude t. abown t rom ''Guya and DoD&."' w1th Vtvia.a. B1aiDe and a line of lovelies singing new Fra.n.k Loeuer . .,ng hit. ''Pet Me, Poppa.,. Show lo Goldwyn't ·ftbulout produdlon of-l!l'otdw'at-•-.1~~~- • Simmoae u4 P'rtnk Sinatra It.an ot lhow. · Grant Tripp Ucense SACRAMENTO. ICNSJ -Tht conll'&cton •la.Le Uc.... board todmy announced quauncauon ol O.rald . L.. Tri.pp, P.O. BOil .,, -M~ Buch. tor an-~leetr1eal contftc\ON llCl!J'IM. ·a1~i , 'Y) "Servin&· The Finest Food In , The Hes bur,..,.. .. • LtD81 ~ND lllTAllAHT IHOWl'L.t.Oll or THE OUAST ' 2588 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA llESA Ci ut 1 Wodl: H9t-' •I ._ta AM 0.U.V,. Clo~) Phone: U-, ~Uol aho 165 8 ...... 8t.. Onap Sundoy Dinners ..; . ' , D11ndn9 Every Night lllllle 1tJ U.. BQl.U. _J.A.N'JSEU DINNER· SERVED b p. m. 'til mldDlgbt .oocKTAIUl -• p. m. :.W 3 a, m. 12 Noon Saturday A Sunday ~e~­ da.11fr<nn 11:QO AM·f'l. !.~AM. Speciol Suneoy Buffet • 2 -'ta 9 p.m. ~--y ''°'· 8"jll\; el S:.C.-BYatt 4-6Me. \ ----------~ . . . . . . . . --·-• ..... , ... u ...... -.....,.aa.1 ~ .. ,~ .............. ~ ...... /~ . ' • y..,....,sa·sasr I I t;11a1rP:1•1a1 ,_....._...,, ..a· ;"", '!},'' .,,,,, I , l J 1, '''''I\. ... I !IOI •eet 17&11 •tr-t. Coete.Meee .. ----·-" ......... . • I • ! I • • ltiittllll: ••• ~ ... p.; i·ia:~ tie Illa R ~ ltMd wtll ....... , ....... unUI I ,. Ill: -.. illllciGI day tflt • *-Ula ii ... llC.bool y.ar. TM MthilMe •••lht.t. ... lael~ TOl h1 ball """"'3 -~. be.lk.cMU. t~ o4 Balboa Power l(lllWoft. no" lO'ttr-orpn'-d ~ ,,._. w~Ul UO CMmbent, 1a • \lllll of acu.ttt.. will lie' liilldilt th letdtr&lp ot ~ Lttl• Mtnn, Cit}' ot JifftPOtl Beact\ Recteatioa\hpe,.,.r. Pu~nta a N 1nY1i.4 tb tit· cU11 u-new -cwrutJoft p!'Ofl"ll_m It ~ pla7p-owi~ OlmlMil .......... ·~-·····-·· it~ berl. In 2J dilltrtct.a. and thf're or caU Harbor IOl3. 0"6t MortMrn R.R .. -·····-ti>" an* "paral• Squa.dl'oM. I No.~ Aviation ...••..... u MnnMnhlp 1a b¥ed uJ>Oll OSTEIMA&a ~ ~~ -~::~~-~=:::::::: ... ~~ ~~ ·:: =:,:.::; • KonW'ef OU ··-·-·····--··-··· az prtndpl• of marine law, aately, I (ContlalM'Cl .froa ,, .... hp) b kt ... y 8tortll ···--········· .. ·· . M et&IDUIAJp, d •ad recllonln(, &nd &aAA:Mr O..._ & 1'&UIU, two )'euL lbe '-.vvtved l 1 Sblcl:air OU -· ·" .•.. --···· .. 14 com,.., cM.rU. roles ot the I 411 r~ wt th ~-a ..._ aa.Aer Cad.oft of o.:,: k Cel. ZdLeon • • ..• 41% road and alda to navipuon. The 1$r9ll tN WU l'Wlbed dora: ~ ....... ....., 1 Standard OU of Callt •.... -II~ All !Jult.rUctora are volunt~rw. aa lo ~1111t.a Ana Oommwty H~ M&rilYa om.a ::.,_JOM Caro k Pad& -····-·-· .... ·-··· .... ao~ .... •D ottl~ra. Ad v a ft c ~ d p1UI MJller. ~ ., e&m. uni. OU ot C&llt. ·······-··--M'4 OOW"llM are offered lo m~mber·• 1 A'l"?L'io&D flOl:S'DNO hnval .. ~ wUl be Mid U.&. ai.& ···-······-· ·-·---A" aod'"to wamen who .have pu.ted Accor<ltq lo t.b• hi~ pa· lt Balta KOt"tU&TY. coet.a )( ... They are AdW11ced trol. Ollterman waa drtvta1 bomt Chapel, la~ •'-~~ P. na. HAllOI Pt a..manantp. w~alher. Crom a club meeUlls la 8anta wtUl U.. ,_..,. J~ .cetiane En,tn• M&Jntenanc~. J u n I or Ana. 1t wu ahortly atw mid· ottlclaUQI. Inwnnent w1U be In Navtption and Navigation. nl1bl He appartntly fell uleep llarW ltMl MlllnOl1&I Parll. (0-U.... ~ l"lni l'ap) CBASl'Z• ME!\IBER!i al t.he atMrinl wbffl, an la· >.a J&Ch~en could not aee ... ulfallnr patrolll'um •Id, l\la very acUw tn ~ UtualltUc pro- entriee ot dt.ber Of Ul ... event• Balboa Squadton wu charter· I c"r alanUng ac:rou U\ft dOuble rram apon80l"ed by he et.ate uvt.pUn1 In two feet of water ed Lo lHO wlth ·ia char~f rne1n-line and collldtnc wlt.b Cbri..tl•'• .-roup. •ntas &.rm, ~ u 41• a cttlaena commltt.e _... form-ben: Koward l!hJ"1· A \I'" ?. north))oun4 machine. lrlct 91\d Ital• rltualiaUc tbalr· ed w1t.b 8"k u ch&lnnan. He C. Ora.I.&, T. JC. Johnaon. Ralph J"untral atrvtc .. tor Olt.ennan man. ptclnd 1' otJ\99 i. wwk wtth Phillipe, ytlll•m Bania, L>on r .·y, hav~ bMD echedUltd ten-2 p. m . ----------- him and eftl\t-.0, na.ed atO,• ni.ocsore Johnaol\, C11.11t lem1n l&tUTday In NtlroM AblMy Kau- 661.fO, eomt W tt bt pen.n1el. SmUh, Robert L. Boyd. w. H 10lwm. Brown Colonial Wortu- and dredpd a cl\a.nnd 100 feet Rltchma.n, Harold Muon, and I ary wrn be In ChUJ• ., tbe wide wtth a m.lDimwn depth of H. S. ,Winkler. These mtn had rltea. f\eveaf'nd Cbarl• A. Bn· 10 ffft at -Ude. jollrlled t.o Loe AJ'llelU, where I dy, rector Of O~t TnllflJ • DO THEY KNOW YOU IN TIMIUKTU! ~1 ocx-but ..,.,, ..... 1ou 10 t.bty11 koow youi Buk of America Travtlen Cbequa! That baad7, adf. icle,tlf7log c .. equu tre ~ IA 1 ('C)Ovtnient. pock· ~ wau.&. Yoo~ a..b tMm, jUIC by aping them, at bub, bo<elt., pt Stations or -netyWbere you JO· U you•re p&eooint 1 ftCllCioo trip or ._ bolida7 wttkeodl, caJct chem widl you tO proc.n J'OUr Cll~ f\aadt .,.aoa W. or tbefL A*._ f~ chem at ow bnnch. '· DtO YOU ICMOW THAT .., lull 11111 r... D11 I 11111 ~ cooftlUeady loc:aud all ~ die _..p n., ....... u., ., ••• of CalllonUw ......... -,... .. cm ~ ••lfue ol their fwllill _,. • r .. ptDp•CJ· Wlay MC lee UI &ftMlt .............. W tf ow TNlt c69n, • 70UI .. ,, ' t1 ud • • *'r'U tn lHI Palt.oreoo bad com-a lquadron wu •lao . n~wl} or-Eplacopal Olurcb. wm ~te. ' rantMcS., and the~ MU taken I l!ntomlm\C\t wW bt Ion M-1· plat.a Illa p1aAa for tb4I Harbor Ul&lr Aqulred baalc courK. 'They roee Abbey Kau.eol.wa. &Dd M ud ..,._. Look ott tor bt'1u flv1AJ the Ptlotlnr courae I Tht' family hu aaktd frieo48 ~=~~~=~=~~~!..:_ ______ __:~-- Wuila~ lo try and pry ti.re In tMO llAd ll.a about ao ,.•,hlnii tQ utablah a memorta.I .-oup maeeJ eat et Harold 1~ a.er.ta,,. ot Int.e110r, to membera when pro,-rua we• ~o conlrlbat.o to Clalltomla Etu do u.. joti.. lck• ., .. ..,~ aknrecl down durlnr the "ar Club c-rebrat Pally flmd. ) . "h&rd" the Barbarit.M ,._,... llucUvated tn 1947. Put i.ada of U.. IUlt& All& ~ oU : Ian J'r&Dci8CO COUM8 ap111 began lo bring tn Elk'• ~ TM. <JilWnua wu and ~ tM aW.U. 0.-i_.r .t\ldmta and the mf'mber· former praident of the ~· wtth U L aeoatot-IDt*lll Jobn~ ab.tp,,...., '1 abt rtt.e of about 30 County Sbrtne Club and a ..-n- aon. • Md aucs•i.d lck .. to net. a J•r WIUI tbe value of "r of the A.I Mallalkah IDartnera Rooenelt tor the Job. Wlth th19 the counfJ9 beaan to bt' ttcor · of Lo' Aqtlea Oowl~. ata.rt u.. P9ir picked tMtt dip-n1Md lll t.be Barbor -.r~a. 'Tht 1..0AN"ED &AN(IB Jomatic way U'OWld lbt Wub· t.ut three ,...,.. have 1hown In-H e alao wae • member ol lhe lniten ~ a.nd ame bom• cr..-cl medlM911lip e.nd all<'nd-Tuatln KnlC"t.a ot P,urtat. Loe1 w1lb • toe.al of u.in.ue. To anc:e ln all cou~ which makea Beach Ccmal9tory of kott:lab t.h1e ~ COWl\1 ~ ~ a.I.be* one .C Ole faateat growinr IUtta. M.a&0na; SUta Ana Ledp !don a.d6ld ta matdllnl mooay lqu&drona lD tbe world today. 247 F and AK and l&nta An& -~ a ..._ a total at · Counb'y Club. Th• wtll lcnOlft SUia TN WllMlll UM ,_ nen-PAST OOXXANDDS clvlc leadt-r ~ beloq.d to tht tuallJ ~ Put OoDUD&Ddera an: 1040 Hennou chapter of OJ:I. Rl1 1 d and ltU, Howard B&ker; 11142. ranch, well-known to llW)J '00\lll· That t.b1a WU U U,N un er .A.J&n P. C. CN.lJ, lHS-·U Robert Uaa. b11 IO&Jltd ~ to tb eatbDatll ...,... bow Ch• • ---·-· ..pon ptnc:Md their n-J.. Bord. lMI Mark; Healy, 11148 all fra&emal, .uw&1, dvtc. and ~-._ a:!!. tncta. ~ Al'fta P. OUIW., lMT. Howard charltable STOUP• wtahlnf tp bold n-- -eon Baka, lhl Bart Bendenon. a t>UbeCUe · LOOll:lq °"' 1da ....,.,. l4-!Ht. Harry A.tbt.on, lt~. Ted He l•na hia wtte. Cynt.b.la; day Pau..no. 0-. tU\ lbe llaalllrook. 1901 fta.Y Lan,en· two dauplm'I la& Ml«fr and Ctly ol 1'..,Grt a.ell bat helm, 1962 Baroid Holla, 11153. MUlM .A.ndenon. bot.ll Of Cl speA1 al.OM.Ml • lM BattM>r, Rea BlraDOt.. 1JN aDd 1111 Curtla Toro; Ul1'9e bl'Oth•n. ~and lb• coot)' •U'Tl.111. Ul.t tact. Do&b.. PnMDt Qmnmai•dn 1a Elmtt ot ... ta AM U4 JCllm era.I ao;-•t •1,ar.aa. fW Ja.JW l:dwerda. Kemtiua may of vaa H•: ~ motber, ,.... • total tll P.JTs.IOO, l'Jt..ct tzl. be '9th boat ownera a.nd non Ulll«a. ~ . ~ te.ta ba" apet 1n1.aoo. tlicat owners. At pruent. I.he and Mat-·~ rn&JdDC u.. total oo.t ot iM 8qudron n.et llata n~ bo•La. Olt.mna.n ,,... lnidat.94 Into Harbor to dai. M.CHl.SOO. bGlll Lehman din1htu to large lanta .All.a ~ Lod&'9 .Jn. I. Tble ._ net. loclUd.t any lm· pow-er and aai~ yacht.a. MPm-1'11 and becMW a Ute lbemW pro...-,.nte la U.. U~per BQ. ...,. fly a ~ en.strn. on Oct. 4., ttlt. Be Mned 8llMa Wbom U.. IDOlleJ wu all .-,nt wtl.lcb may be nown lnttrcl1anc· Ana Led,. .. llultAd RGJer ln the cttr foaDd tt.Mlt witll a Ha.r-abaJ wtUl t.be ~ of the 114<>-41. u-a ..,., J&&e u bor •truot wtQ • mba.laaa Unit.I! ltata. The Squadrone lodre ~ Illa E1k1 $eer ot IO t• Of wat. ~ ....,.. founded Lo New York at lnch*<S m• M:UYttr la U. • the JietUt9 *1tll tM tllttar 100 the tlme of th• flret world War atate .-ocl.Uon of which he fM ... on lbe eallL lllU a4 by • JrOUP of boat OWMra. who ~ed u vtee premdent of the IMO t.t. on U.. ••'-akh. 'lbe felt that better LDtonn..-aktppera ao\IUl &trlc\ and u at&te l'rb- dl1 a!llo bad '80 au. ttl 41'41111· oou14 bt of emulUC)' ..mo. i.. for hi. &ttlA Be a18o WU ed c..,.Mla Wbtch comJ*'l.M the to their country. u Squad.rOh Ir==-=:=:;;;;:;;;:;:;;;;;:::;:;;~ s--t hubow. membera h••• been tepeatt41Y ,,_. tM mC11W7 WU not mi. and ln tJ\• lnteruu ot aa.(ety at .,..t 1a ...or..,. 1a ~ ...,-. .._ .. toda)' WMft .,.. tM tUM TIM Un!t.MI Stat.ff p 0 w • , cm the aom• i* •fa '-• ~na, u a (Toup are not. ~ .i ulb ea.ch year. , wMle t.betl' ~tncbon a.nd tp-oomaec:t.d with any branch of"lbt lt"'9 provtdea WOl"lc tor a whOl• IO'fCl'IUDent or with a.ny other anay of workmn.. ~ ueocia~on or dub. Ot CIOW'99. that ta j\Mlt lb• ftl1 Ila•• the profound ble•~ II -wdaJ Go. ot the &*lure. of t.be military branchea, _,.. ftlt wM1 4rnll• a.. Barbor dally t.be u. a. eoaa OU&l'd, a.ad r..allJ 4ftluab&e to Newport are pl'O¥tne an elrec:Uve foroe .... rea"-ta la -the --for ater. mon compatent and ............. u.. ..... ...,. QOt&.rt.oua boat opemt.lon. r... ~Mu.... paet :::":1 : ~ ~-i:: IOID ISSUE ....... , bWa. a...-. wa ..tUllr'• lnit· 0Mt!81M!d ,,.. rq. o.. Clyde _ & Dick Johnson sly: '' ·. 2 3 ' w.·~ out to the *t sales · IOcl In 9Uf hlato,Y. flll In .. thl• ticket. Iring ,It to oursh~w.·11 bend over Mclcwanl1 to give you the deal you want. I would lilce to pay $ ____ _ per m0nth _ • ..._1 .• m...,...1 ....... ~ ......... • .. ~ .-u~ brlop Jlazbortt.M ...., from ua. o.ntral l'Cewpol't lliilid fNID """-n• ~ m.a.r B•ch .,.. la e1tlmated to coa ~ .... •l the aame Um.t lt f4H,OOO. 'I'1U9 doe. not l&b ~ • ,...._u. CJIBttr ad bsto cculderaUon any recovery ' MIMl&t.t fOr th-_..,• of ,... flAft4.I that the city might pin l pie ,,_ an able to tl\jOy It, from rualt Of propertl• att.• ..... c> ""''17 ~.......,I .. "' ta. the IU'ett' l'e•JocatlOn ll Com• ant• ...,..11U ... 1n..-.. ,..'*'· .., '9 ln otlMr eeetSofta °' the Tbe 11ro"""'•' for the ct•-to 8nd make biQ savi gs ~~ THE Bl.GM a.at?' S. a~~ u;-amuMment "'son•, . If' =-.... ruulled from tll• ••• II~ 2 ~=~1:...uebyof~~ ~} • M9ft la OM .,_ &lid dW"pe lfel Here W~ile ~ ""!. p=toi:;en: Cli• 1 1;• 1 otMr &J'eU. In Ute p~ ••••• 01 ~~:°':'°-ar: aot.1ce U\at \mdU DO clrat1!1· WlDI ID~ OD• man .tan~ waul4 their tJeen.Ma u wUted 1-'lkalaUca ol ,.,..,ie by now panted ba NJDOYed alter CM Lee~ callforDla Youth OcL 1. lt67. I ·~· kwpott 8eacb ..., I u.. tM1 ..._ u.o oam.a "' roacrso PATJU!li,. .ma a ... wuW • • t.-, Tbe'I aWl rwmalDa u.e prob· ..,...t ......,.. tlll ........ t )em " ~ NJl*ll to the I ta LM Y.... dl.7 of Uc_... that Al .And•-~ _..... tM 1)rUtWllocl eon baa collecttcl fl'Om opuat.on u z: 1 ... ..., 1:10 ....... tA4t&1 ta J\UI 1'ln Zoo• and oau1 ..... _. ....... i.. ,...._ -and tu.Md to pa,)' t.o tbt city. It ta WILSON for ASSEMILY 74th DISTRICT DlliUA LeBlr1 NoilU'd&o IL 90t)a erpectfd that provtalou Will at ... Ultil1 ,..... ... at a..fa 1-.t be IJ'l&de lo •llhw colleol Ila ...,., wM _.. M weuld l~ ll'Offt lllMt oper.tow-e or •ft'•f ••--•HU•• to 1f•o~rce~~them~~to~e1~a..~~a~t~on;c~•·-~$;$;~~~~~i:$;i&1 tfl' a .. ..,... .. ...,_,...; ...... x. ..... ... .... ~ ............ . ...... A~ WP-l.ArllllU' --"~·--... ,, .......... -..-t fir .... ftoiaU.. ot ,...... cwa.U.},pft ld9...,,.. .. llf .. 0....... Aft.. N•l'C. .nle9n ...._ ,... a ci-e' MIM "' Nell>-.... • ,,.. ~ .. A.\a~ WU'nl'l ................. n,.ud ..... ,...,,, l ... ,.. ..,.et .",., ... ,,._ •. ILICT•ICALLY e. LIT US HELP YOU e IT AFFOllD . 6 ION Dldrlell 0..,..,..... . 111 ....... &ft. ' I.a.tr ~ • ............. ~ ... . , ... .,~-- .... ill ......... 11.:; ..... __ ......:~-----------------------------------... 1 J . ., :eome In tofl.yl lee why your 1!11 HY 11 I llAIONI • WHY NU CAIM • ._..-.. ... We .....,..._Wt, "TM& ID 1....uYAJll .............. ....-. .... " • • -...._ ucn -c::....I I. NIWPOIT llACH f ...... ""' .. "\"' . • : -Delivery of the Newpo~ Harbor ~Preu Im • f'd.l'allteed. Carrier boy. will deliver tM:ir' papen • before 6 p. m.. on Monday, WedDeeday aDd Friday. · · U your paper ia not deU.ered by that hour pleaM " call Harbor 1616 ard your carrier will bring your paper. • UllM S loeertlou %.00 add'1. Une. .23 -. COLD WAVE COMPLETE $6.50 to $10 GIRLS GOOD NEWS! -Opedtnp ,in -' . Telephone' Operaton - Attn: Properbf Owner! AN YoU ul'tcUns ,1~ 1'aW P'JUCJ:ZJ:M. 1Nt Norp. the a.ts h•tc f u"' cu. tL Pd. dn. to am.oa. LIMITED OJ'PER f2.SO No dn. pymt. Braad new PbU· oo, H "i cu. tt.. 11&1. dU. ntll.10 Clean. drain and adjut )'OQr No dn. pymt. p_,. (Ull1 t•.OO water hula. · per week. 1908 Admln.1, t.tt. oa.u your DA)I-It IOOlftt blC 10~1 oo. tt.. B&I. due onJ7 .Atl'TllO&JZllD ~~ • ll".00. No dn. pymt. Pay only no• per mo. ~ our hue• YOU CAN SAY YES ta tbMe •U•t.lclu l. Do you have ~ mlployment T • • I. I>oefi.your ""pJoyer train you for adv&r.06n.nt T I. Do JOU have paid vacallcll. bOlldaya, aftd alck leave T '-Do you work clOM to your bome ! 11. Do you have compan)'·paid pena1on, Wt wurance and other benefit• T WHEN YOU WORK FOR louU\em CounUH Cu Co. • • ll'lten.Uns tmploymem. now ottered to a. a. sraduat.u 18-t :I, 5-day, '°*hr wttlc. Appl1 1080 E . Jl'lr1t 8t. 8&nta Ana, Kon.. lo 1'r1 .. l :IO Lil\. l9 'p.m. ' Liit• ' lnlertiou %..60 &dd'L Unes .U e&. Hail' cut ai. Shampoo It Ht 11.60 •tt.U-WaaUd Ada "111 ncetve U% ~'-Oull 111 adYaaee ~ ~~=~ =t~ee~:.1: -Apply - &:ltO lo •:SO p M . JOI! BJDCBToLD •lecuon. °"' .. '""C ID BAUOHN18 ruRNJTURJl nilllD.-~ F ACTORY WAQHOUll: 1011 SOUTHERN eAS COUNTIES co. ~AD 18 t UNU t Newport Blvd. betwnn ltth WW. 81'd It. Santa Ana PAClFlC TELEPHONE J;lu. A::•. J:. i'tl"9l 8t, Sant.a Ana. Open A.LKot'J' N9W Or~ '2(), .... cW17. Bun. 11-6, Phone NEWPORT HABBOR NEWS-PRESS . Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday .... COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdays .. . DEADLINES for placlns or cancdlin( •da a,..: For Monday P\lbUcaUOn -Friday I p..m. F or Wtdntllday P\lbUc&Uou.-Tuesday l p.m. For l'ride.J PublluUon -TbW11d.ay 1 p.m. NEW.O•T KA&BOB PUBl,.lllDNO 00. 1111 ..... ••d., Newperl ._. Callhnla. and 20t.b.. Coet& MM&. Ll l ·M6t u Ha..r-Dor Mil. liell Kl T·MIT • SOME FRn. aomt f". Feet Hur+ 7. I Applicant.a n~ muy office Try Kru1pp Shoes LOST white pul'M In vicinity of jobL A.l8o rwt.aurut and t03 \IV. l it I~ fut.a AA& U do laJe Clubhouse. REW ARD I domeeUca. Many job• foe Klmbefly 2-I01f bet_.. 11 l..rn. -Har. 4317. H c18 qualified men. Re&Ut.er now. and after I p.. m. "lfc June Farrar. Emyl. Arey. _ 2Z-Loat ud FOU.Dd 402 •, 32nd St., Npt. Beach Sit N' Knit U Sdloob. Jutrucllon 1 acrou froru Ctty Hallt ST ART Gltt-~ll\K noW tdr LEARN SPANISH Motha'a Day-J'at.btt'a O.y-Beacon Personnel Jtrr4e9 -0r-'oa~ -JMrUa-spaniab conversation taupt lo lOO«fo employer retain9d ~•! ,._. J'&rM, atrawa •d ybur home or otflce. By ap-cordt. IU Z . B&JbOa m..., polntmmt, Individually or agency Balboe... au. U22. 12Ue small sroupe.. Many ~arw No Fee CQUected from applicant --~----------~--~ USED APPLlAN~ UCONDmONEIMJu.ar.at..s R.EnUGER.A'IORI, 'COL08POr lQ.00, WJ;STIN(l80UD - ...00. JO!LvOfATOI\ Mt.00. SERVEL Ml.00 and oU\- AUTOMATIC WAIH&R.I - WHU\LPOOL QUO, MAY· TAcf H3J.oo. nuomADU: - s.H.00, and olhan. JAKE'I APPLI.A.NCl:I, lHT Ha~ Bl•cl., eo.ta Mua. Ll ..... lktt WE GOT IT Rebuilt & Repaired Are Tired Keeping it Slashed Our Prices On it experience. U3·8Jal Newport Bu.ch )(..UClf OFl'D -No 1ludlee, pronoJnlph or I n'. D~CATUamH cue All C1auu1.a Ada wt M ,... for CMl la tldnac. or pabllcadoa. ~Ulh. Referencu . For In· Watee "1a 10 to H y-.n et ONll la.rs• ~ retdf a.E. .A.UTOJUTIC W'&tbiq m&· cbln• "5 tecme-Har. sen. enninp ll&r. 171. Hell You Come · & G•t it COMPLETE HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS CLOTHING FOR THE ENTIRE FilCILY "BUY WB..A.T T9 BOYi l\QlJILD" °n)I 11\Jb~ wW not be t91ponaiblt for moN t.ban one lncorTec:l fonaaUon cont.act J. 8. MIRA· al'e. 6or Ntw~PrtM note. tit 1 IO.&LEa, 1 OONDOL.I. UnuGD..A.'J'OR.a ltM Plillce q>ac• tor tiotUu. butler, coler Open Mon., Wed., Fri., Sal n it.ea 'til 0 lrtlerUon of an ad, reltel'Vt tM r111St lo cqrNc.t.17 c1ua:lly aay and KON afternoon. ot eveninp, ti. opea 11004. .APPLY Kr. P&J1ll;. Oall LI M'7tl aft# 1~11 1· "'· all ada and t.e reject &ll7 •d not confoY'lftlnt to.,._ and f'll\ll&UOJ'.1.1. WtWam Penn Hotel. 2208 W. er, 2211 W•t ~ B?Td.,-• °" ~· tUc tn~or. Pd. dn. to SW.Jt. No VETERANS INDUSTRIES '°2 E. •TH PAINTING ·y·' Newport Barbar . 8. P. 0. & · INTEIUOR -CXTEIUOR 1767 .l1AO ~ PA.INTINO Meet• tvlr1 '!'bUl"lday I pm. LlCSNU:O -DfllUlll:D via Oporto -c..ntra1 .Aft/ Glenn Johnston N.wpurt BeacJa 001-11• St. Newport Beach Dack N tWlll&n, Exalted RW•· 11.a.rbor TITI l tuc I ' \ .. MOTTELL'S ANO PEEK Colotdal Mortuary CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORK NO JOB '1'00 '8M ALL IL 0. AAc!m lOH I:. Ba..1boa 8lTd.. Bal~ flartlor ICOO Uttc T&Ol Bc1aa-.1Uat South ot Wut· --------------m!Mtet llamorl&l Park. A.n Or9..nl• County J.uUtuUoa •· ''hrvlo1 ~ of all falt.b. . · · Telep-. l Toll me) ,., .. ratth 6211 · :scr one evu w.med awa, becau.. ol _. of rund&. ...... Peinting, Decorating :. Paper 1:1.aAsmc .... #'II , '"':r·-GEO. BURKHARDT --WCJC.Na&l> l.'ONTltAL"l I tH ·~ MU2 Llbuty I-WI • ·CEMENT a BUILDING Generel Contractor LlcmNU:O New Wo.r.k -R.emnde•ms J. MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 8399-W 58ttc PAINTING • PAPERHANGING s~~!:!~!r Hat. 1t0. OJ' 6317 FOl1. RENT &t.h It., Loe .Uselea 57 k21 NftPOl'l ti dn. pymt. l tN Oenera.t CMc. --------------~-----------------------,. DRAPERIES .._ tr ..... ca.i. pd. dn. to Roy's Maintenance Complete Professional Housecleaning Floor waxing and buffing window C1eaninc Upbot.tery Cleanlnc Patio• Color waxed Luatroua RelU.lta REASONABLE MACHINISTS •nd SUP COVERS :!~1!";!0 ~~v: o..al all &rOWld ~ ...._ to Order dou"9• 6eor P'IU.loo retria'wator ltady work. Some oftl't.lJM. llittlm&t. -km,U. MW, pd. dL t.e QU.n. Noda. Aak for Mr. BunUck at LUCJI.l.IC DB..U'EIUEB pymt. l.t Jaa& .,., Ute pymta. OILL ELl)CT. KJ'G. CORP. Ba.rbOr MM or Nta ol lll.IO I*' monlll.. , 130 W. 17th IL. eo.t.a Mea. Tuma lf dulNd. 16t.tc IJZ llAUGHN'I rtJJUnTt11lE T~ ------------J'ACI'OllTWA.A&HOOD 1011 -------------1no·N ~ c. ,,,..t •t.. auta Ana. ofd WOMAN tor ~ Ume s.-n.J ~ t-t ~J. Ila. 11·5. Phon. bou.ework. Owa tran.aport&Uon WlTH A Ulm-NEW ING-K1 T·IU'7 Har. UllS. 1Jc1' JIOlrl&, Rec«nl.ty o...UuJ9d----------------- R•ttan, Wrought Iron, Patio Furniture Complete Mlection of Wrourht Iron Pum.lture. Barbecue and Bruien, Lawn Swi.n,p. Ga.rel• and Bet.ch Umbftllu. BAMBOO DRAW DRAPES and TROPICAL Floor Coverinp. BASKETS ot all kindt It Unumal Gift Jtema. ..., *' ~clu to eWll lo JIN WANTED wekW. or*m4ataJ v...u H..-..PHM tl Canvas and Aluminum Awnings. Iron, call lD pG'IOn. 1MJ au---------------REPOSSESSJON periol', Co.ta x.+ lkU OA.l'l'l.a • U'ITLD &'U ft.A..NGE, RJDl'IUGERATOR SANT A ANA TENT & A WNIN6 co. ----------rans• Chrome top, &ow "'°'-lft', • EXPERIENCED WOMAN' for w .. pte ~ cm. It m•t.ltdl TAPPAN Pl ,.,..._ J'W .aim, 1826 S. Main, Santa Ant. KI 2-3M5 Fl"ee Delivery dreu ahop work. 1191 Newport &ood condtttol'\. aunbeam. botU• wttla dJYSdrad top bamenr. ~d· OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS TIU,. 9 Ave., Cotta MIN. lklJ warmer (elect.ic), walnut dJc, two,pleu pUlJ out broU.r ------------------------........_...___ buffctl.-U .....,0. 1•c1t AND a ~ATOR ,..tri(. R JI: A L JC IT AT• 8altllmAll Or with r..... cha.l. aHlvM la lM...~•!::A~-Pf!._~!!!_!!_ ___ _..!•~B-A!;:::!J•!,!-=!p!?!!!~.----Pho ne Liberty 8-1332 Broker-Jlllp.rtmotd In H.w· KJr,lOlOftl: Waahlq machlJI• lb• door, HlfoCWIWUDa'. etc. ~ rr,,.. ~ .u;;::;: ;;.Ho· uo port area -"" All~ aio. Holl)' wau Maler no. u.--a tnr ..,.. ,.., USED APPLIANCB · ---------------O. JOHNSON lhnch Jlir. fto~ .,_.r .00 new, 110: .... ~ .._,, aN.IO 'Oft GARDENING DllGLEY REALTY oo,. U4 Pa4dl• ~ aa ... n •ma.a. 9onr. We wn rtaauoe tor x.rm. Av... Balboa hl.. QUJdil plaJ ~Q "· Pla.llUC ....,. •n.oo per .... UL Aauun,--and od~ jobe. Phone Ku. IOU. Mem• "' ~ ca~· ... 1 '1 Jlalbo& 0o..-J.ual"a APPLLUIC.m 00 ...... 1•1 ·aoo TVs R&ASONA..BLE N"'POf"t Bo&l'd •t "-ltora. Ucl& .,_ IQYd., Oolt& X.. Wbtrty &-1.IM. 10c24 Uelt 1"1t _G_A_R_D_E_N_l_N_G_a_n_d _ EXPERIENCED booltk"per and SEWING MACHINES .tenoinapher. a Of' ' mom!np Rent A Mechine &lll'!UODA'l'Oft 8°' Pl:lihlt HOTPOINT REFRIG. -··-··--·---------$108.50 CLEAN-UP JOBS :r w~o~>:.:ax~~:: ·$J.5G. PER MO. ':;r _ ~"°;~ = 8 cubic ft. 30 day~ JUU • WANTED 1utc >•cit 21" wmTJNGHOUSE-Mahopny C.Omole. $1'9.85 LIBERTY 8-6 L39 NOW.HIJUNO-J>lM IS'l"TmR&-MORSE IL~ ir.. W. doon -New plcture tube 62tlc Full cw part umc.,.Appty Van'• ~ Sewini,Center ar. llileaU. condiUon -~ --------------&wtlnr. 1703 luperlor Ave., ...,.,Moo. hll tor~-14" HOFFMAN -Euy riaion -·····-··-------PUO PAINTING . Coeta M... lklT l':nt.a ·!,~ ...,, Har. ~M. 11;11 New pix tube I By Hour am.au or la:J'l'9 jot>. ok. BKIPPERS btJ,.r or '41ck ban4. la T·Nlil ft.ANGS..Rl!rJU~tOll KENMORE Wringer Wuher, Porcela.in tub ~.J50 • Reuooabl• ratae. ealaJ'y operi. a monthl wottr. • d . ._ ~ lkill llawe, Eltc. Drtlle, Poliaben, I...Iberty &..2722. Student or local youiw m&I\. · A.n&.f WASBltll 21" STLVANl.k TV all type. of laadera. Wb•Uar wfM..h Mual be wUlln&' worker and PORTAllL.s WHJTJt aewtq ma_· '5 DOWN -$5 WmLY ·La·-mood mahO(. couo&t rowa, etc. . wanttn&" to learn. Mu.l live al ~ ua. Good ooedlUoll. 1fCJmOll AVTOM.lTIC WAall:aft ..., soro·s -·HDWE. E1!~p~~ caC:.:ve;:-:ia,:nao: home. Poaltion o,_ al oooe"" Wu....... . Hpll llAOJC Cbl' RA.NOii 20'' PHILCO TV ---------<'1.-llu.l.IO IUD W. COAaT HIGBWA'f durtnc 11ebool •ae&tloa. A,ply ·--- • ~ •MM 1'Wllt. 8clL nuc beach •"" durtr\s S'Wnm•r in per.on. 120 v1a U• ,N9t'd. Fresh Hearing Aid HOTPOtNT l\P'IUOllllATOR Full door ma.bor. con.eolt monU\a. Klmberty t -U.H. Udo Jeland. 111.tc ••TJ'l:lllD SI DOWK DllLIVD.I SPARKLETTS • • Sprinc freah Water llalf Qe.11-tor lnlant u ... Make.a Dellcioua C.Offee Drink I ti.a-• M.:/ and ~ the bell of he&ltk. LL S-5012 ! ••• ~ GENERAL r ARPENTER REPAIR .,...y ODD .I~ •Jobtoo ~ol~ •c.. LI ..-1. ... '• For Ruulfi . .. -u •• 0 ,,-: ........ Cleuified ...... . ......... Ada :' r. .... ..... ·-.. . the .. an . -·-.. ~ ' .... . CARPENTER Repair Work DoM Your Rome NMd ll~rltli or KaaloGWaa T Call ...,._.,, UMrt.7 ....... AU Won o.tua..M 1'Ut FURNITURE ~~ IUcSe ........... or nftiiJahed 'C. EVERm SMITH .ia • atO St.. Ntwp0rt Beach Har . ._ da,fa or nadQp. Heu --------ODC'SRAL ButU>&ft 6-pert Remodeling AMtGM 6 .,,, cou&.natUGa &aq term& oaa ..,. &J'ftft(M .... ..... w ,..__ ...... _ .. A.lmboliw ~ .... ~. 0. .. -11..,...i 8eMA. Od&. ...... ...... ,,.. ' 14.clt -ALL TBft.Cll -------------CANVAS MAN muet be ('God an We Om M.11 0.... ·~ Out of atau CHdll CltaJ'td l.n bo&t coYtra. Top pay. •tftdy Gunderson Drug eo~ OU da7. DAVIS·BROWN. WASHING & IRONING • work. &'iv• retertnt't Mr. RubOr &11. Pr Open _.._, lllf'ht Wl f p.m. Thoma.a, Box w-u. thl• pe~r. wa1a at. at a&lboa smt. • ..,.,_ OoMd aU.nc<a,. 1885 Herbor Blvd., Coste Me1•-1&p1T • JESSEE APPLIANCE CO. AOTOMATIC WASHERS il LOW Al $69 BOIPOIN't auto. w.-. ... dryar, one 7•r ...,, ...,._ ffa.r. 2111-ll. llelT • I • ENJtl&;teM ~ . nv• IOQU 1#1 111n1iu,,. -·==~j m dtt O"llllllb " ..... ,.nij ... . • f09 ......... pl j.......... we.' Mlt- WQ, ..... :,.I ... I I d. 1)' t'AJOf boa.t. -~-. .._, M ,,_ ..... ...., __ SlTO , _. ... "' . it• ... CAA~ oumoar4 ~ ftS' 0. BUB f'UJUIJTUU l -· -··-· a11• •phltl:~ Miii&. l4' o... A't, t ttlr.. 'lio.t...t.- 600 Wr ~ 8t.. Anaheim 10 aa.,. Mercury Kun1claM .,..._."' • ' D··~\Jl i"\t_~M,:~i DJlt-oft• MOU ~r ~':..:.'._~·~·~~--~ ........... n .. AdmJral 19ta Jl\Y-1 ~yy.r. lt ' CWL.JCPWN Gtldu outi:= -' t lliWOf UM! ':O, a:•~. 1~;0:::,:-~U.t_..-~ ir llMlta ...-. -...... .,..., }'te _ tt ._s.,., ReddJ~~d btack ..._ • doot'. ~t NM 11::.:...-::t,:~~ : ~: :·ai~~~ ~ ~::. ~i:;"Ci -·· ~JO 0: '?"'"...: ·::..-,:.' 1ooz :r.:~ ··;:;;;;···-·-·-·--·-···· .... aa. b · • Jd· lltdnn. coatP • t.W ""' ·-···········-·-·---auo \'U tA S .-au... •1my • ci.r11 I ran, ttt~d 2 .............. ....,. dd Mt ~ & felt ~· •t• lO' C ..... kJ1' tt\bo&rf crutHr. 'tt 00 ~ JlllDrun4 Gi.ftl. 0'14 ~ eC) l.'l"" -· ~ •••1 c All brand o-"'. as• dn. ·~· on lraOer Sl750 • .., .... .uathtr '''°' Malt} I lf9Ch\nfcAJJy p·t'f~l ...... --···-········ - TllOO rURNJTult'> BA A BOAT SALES A!n'W'!tl:IUI ~& otMr ~~tfV,Ya Jnp\a()I,• 0pcn MOL wed. • rn. TUI t toO w t ~ • c.Me! Lldltl 6CllMU>T·tfm 1 ~~2 NASR -4 ~~r Sedan • ~ w 1.1t. l&I\~ 1~~ ""· iAtttr ~m2~ ~ T •l•Y1iltSn ~•I•• ar\d ~ :: :':"° :ai.~~ I Med. lfte~. ~c nl!'ht t.,.,,,, .. .,,."t ....... . 1146 • ICe f'teMll; llmnt ot l.b1 lla111 ""'' ~ it. , R0<>11&e ot rum1tun lhal jual PADD• ~BOARDS ~ ...... · 1ttc mad°"*° • Ncn C" 3 • tn._lfteludu l~M Wede~· lidi8 lf'j~ WINDSOR. • Door 11da :.;; rtip TM Cf wtlh 11 tL. fll.!50 IMKft J'UMol. ilU ~I 24 INCH XOTOROl..A-maho& 1 • '"~ a..li.. ~ • rOttMlilt'9 i.6. l'h1ko tbt~ cu. u~ Ah •• I\&-. ... ttlte ft\,dy ~, . t'ftll· <'OMOlt . "1l• 6VCt p1ymc1!1 of C.oud whttf', lttttnfttat'c tJUa. aMWll", ~ ft. Retrti. W\th dairy. Mr l.Dlft(\.on M 7t2. al retW'nl. MW suaranlee .U.TG pet' mo. l"o ~flt)' Cln brl1ccs, bum n~t' tuarda. ~ paU, "\~ ;:r-i. t pr. 11vtn1 room ScUI Map•. 8loft4 ao19, Ulbl IJlot 1'. ltaln. San:t. Ant.. _ t.'l'\h •··:ndrhk'd washc~ bl.Ck ~ ltibti. tlr. f ~ dUUnJ fl'OUP ahd WA!nbl. •~ '100 lo t~u Kl S-'7100. t:lr l 1 • ' · . . TRAf'\E all "-• -'fl klrro .plnet L. -.__ • r ... t... ro~-'lt~11ng". dlrectioneJ ••• &1r :::.~eacl~trd.l~~r:a;; •-··••rus •O' ., .. ~t only Ud M~plt fltUah •296·1 ~,t:, ~~~~Al,.OW rf'"bal\9l' ~r•"; fo:-nt ....... ,, PLL~ a1l 1td. ftctoty ll\"91\M = t... _.,. 1 auJt. llC•W¥1• r co Klm~ll Atro'1obt lpb\tta. I o;uU• 1uua11. l'lay o uo,~ 4 n..\ bo• lpttnp. •t. a., >trt. anrwbere. !:xc:fl for chart.er-rrom st•&. .Mb., ~et' t COS1ln<'t. 1211. Pymh. ft(),;;; m~l ··· .. -,.,uiJ d,.... With hllrtOt. u yo11 Want am..ller boat or pl'Operty 100 ·~ C ~n\.h doo'\ UM Ulla. •e have many a.no w. Balboa Blvel., ~.wrior~ bu~."" 111~1= ~ OP.I ~L'l«S 'tl' t. 11 p,1,, 1 < .. ; • N~W VCP.t<~ NEWPORT. mo1' ail pd. down lo "81.78. 11anor 9032. 61t fc ~ILLIPS PWlo. It Orga~ I • do.. :iM ! J.~ Pa~11 • Autom. t.·ute, p~wer bdMw; $~1'Ch l'nlfet rad• No cuh needed It you pay • QoMt H;vy J.O'l!{ lht'"h -+-• .1.. .... t-'~ lh• ~menta ot ~.82 per H rr. LTMAN outboard. t.ap· etore stni:e ttH. NO Mo. t1E 4-'i•5T ! • l~· t7 and l t':lr sr'""'hrr. por:"t • ..,.)nn.C, \H>~tl' • c:C nu wed. ~lroke aklff, recondllloned. Main,. S.nt& An&. --· -it"al . tl<'::tnc wlnt1o.,..&. WSW, lovely 2 tont color, ... B&u(hn'• run • Jl'ac:tory Llke nfl'V. O>mplel4" with new 2 JCU<1!'k0N °" ana Uke 10 f1"ff, P ttn.CO ll'11• I ... ,,,., lolcx g1n~e &l\d IW\ C1'p v1sor, outlltde Yfew .. WarehoUM 1010 J:. Finl St.. COVl!T "' runnlns :1ght11 $360. rt .. dl' A.e-t-onditlonod U 9.l:·'· ~ "' ~o Bani. AnL Open 1•9 0-.111 Allo !nlpt #toot Compl~tely ~~H~-~~iu'.:i~ :l!) ~:. 1\02 ~· Main, S1ntu An'l ~ ~I nlrl'or. .. ... \ml.A~ ~ ... Bun. U-~ P~n• ¥1 7·6t87. recon<lltlof\ed equipped with r•n A ~ a~te . .J No. kt 3-1100. -1.,.·1, I 1c~~ l .. 1PG'RJAL .. Doo .r. ... t .. u.:.. Walla a&ll1 • sand dollv $3~. ll ~ta l -I .. J '' ,.., , r ;;:,vuan. MAP\.111 twin •l.N-&Id '20. and Harbor Z.M·W. · 1oc1~ :l~"· '8 !\l. Ont Bolovox I.> PER lfOKTtl .sood p:·• 111" I R.1·lio, h~&ttr, WSW e\e:.trlc '11ht'IOM, et~et'l'1c booMltlYM $12 6-0. I.l l-t7tt. · •· p.11no, ltt lh6 JifilClh-" I >1~1 ' • t.-~ l ..t.....i.. lk T,. d e tL All tE-tn\ h nt ltl"w~ 0.1 bl!\ ••mt. power stt~rtng. power ora ,"I, If>~ •-.. •· ----------BEAU I UL tl ft. tm t r Hl·FI M01"0J\OU m&boc hU Good p:-act.lr" pl~"l' \\;;I air ro~m 8~!lt8 PLUS all lletoey ttd. ~Ull>tnetit. rotTJl J\OOk8 ol ntw tun\JlUtt t ln. beam. b\&Ut by Brown FM 4s AM Kamroond Kar· OT Oo. Ch"91.r '1 hp enc. wood tuner, •u•. sa•~. Jlil. $J9~. SCH•U . , SA\'£ s800 cau.tattbf ot: tull·liM ranc•. Leatbtr cuablonat ltata 7 ar ~l02 l(. Mall\, ea.nu Al\L PBTLLIH Bl' r11no an' Or ~=en.tor with crou· moTt. Olh!t c•r p\lit ~.en.it l<.t 1-7100 • 1.&:17 pn ltore. &tO :-lo MaJO LOU REED & A~SOC. tit, . dln1J)1 rm. aet. cOOltt. ln ftter ttadY to ,o. eanla An&. Ital)' l~tin1 110-~. li.iftl room eiwemtllt. But otter lalsu t.l\ll w•k. a&ltrttrUL ePntl:T BttL! U " MAPLE COM014" T\' ~11"13.n· Mdloorn complete #\lb bo• 1 4008 Rl•er A.;e.. ~ p~o rt~U""'LI •-¥i..-•a •. -..i. ... """ .., M • ~rlDp • inner1prln1 mat· Har. ltol-W. Ucl6 '218. p~'-''t.. U M~th. ~~-'1~·3~,1~." lll'I, ~~~~!.I •= \o ~ul '496 with tat OPEN EV~~ 0 p.m. mm ~TURE I •' MUST BE SOLD ~ t(wy'.: Lona \~tt'!c: ~p:.s& :,y,;:. ~~,~~'\~~ SOO W. Ctftter Sl.. An.ahelm 32 Ct. CABIN. head, plley. ~ l -T48f. 1~17 taJ appUld to.aid pUtthuc pr CHRYSLERaPLYMOUTH DEAlER 1200 w. ~aat Hlgtm ay • Lt 8:' •es R· E ·O Kl:yatone H028 al f ,_ -•--Cro _ OPEN &VENINQ,S Tu..L t pm eepa our, .,...,ry.-&" wn ,... • ORO' ... 1--·~ •• ..,...,. ... N CO ..... .. P , B&lt tank. fdtal tor pleaaure, aA • .iu, r~_...... E • ., • ""· '' •. -''" -I' II ' HOl1811t'UL ot lltl>i-. IJlcludu Sport d.iiher or charter. '3~ Hammond Splnf't o.rst.li '11 p~r· Coast Hwy., Long OMrll • A• :rited evC'r)'Ullns. Lovely 6 plt!U u 8-7611 ltfc feet COft4. save '300. KE 4·7'87. 1 ~<'17 UvUlf l'OOm. dilllna It chair. Lovely Electrontc S)>ll\tt 0t1an --------- Rattan coffee tablt . • 11lt!p Ka:TCH 30 n . OAL, 16 ft. WL Ukt new. Save '6C)O, M-h.;...';,,. 0.. p ...... tM. Wroom with bookcaae n .. w dacro" main.laU. other BeMUf\1.1 m.dt o&k f~ 2 .. :M? • • .C:'" • b~ maltr.. a box eatla tood. llefl9 2 lnlld• * mlhual l.Unthall orpn with AKC • aprtq ~ 10 yelt' rua.ran· 2 out.Ide, hUd A call•)'. ;• RM•l~rd. S.v• tt26. &Md. de\l-le ~r..aet w1lh svoo-1, do•n. Har. 11;1 U'oertl t1:*4#· eotiVdi'11t tetwlt Refii\ued Dachlhunda a lrror. compltle din Inc r roup, alter 11 p. m. u ttc SR~li tJ\8 I !lnu li07) pu,.,.rme IT\1'0 IERYICE all new pd. dn. to Sta8.-t9. No UH2:S N. S)4tnot .. ltilta AM Ph LI t..eU 411-prll\l. IC yo1,1 pa)' th• 11· LYMAN ln~~rd tunaboul Pl\on• ftlD'litriy t-~T2, HT2 •ttrro.ta Avr oi.ta Meaa ~Mta. of St.'rt p•r wu k. ht clua C9ndltlon. 15 h p. Orbt-CoW\ty'a Orran M !qtt1 tp22h Bh kUfM'a P'Ull • ~·11<'lo1' t<ertna•h en:tn.. runhln1 l\,ttu .. . Wf.ttboi.tt• Uh~ It. F"h ll SL. lll.o b II Weflc d I lt T•ble "'"'I .......... $ ;&l.(IO !ant.a Au Open 9.9 01111~· ~02-38~h ·~l. tUr bortn ntt~,f. 24'.'. 8fl'f&all Col\_,.. " .. $lrtt H sun.-11·~ M\or\e JU 't-~~87 H 1 ~ lT Olympic Con10le a' ~9.00 __ _ c 17" Phb~..U. ne• .JEAN HENRI . ,.,..,,<!h a~l•Jt•~ of OCG CLr.IPPING BlMJilO!'tS hide. a · b«d. tabl~ u FT. ULAHPAR, ta I\. p. J)lotUre t\lM -• ... 00 1110\lt ;t.c :ue Pint~ Roat!. Jvhn.eon It u-a.Uat . New July Big Trad.e-lns Ot1 neW Woika Ill )'O\lf hom·e Newport Bfac!h HcJo ·~. lbtJu l&&o cub. 11aT. RCA Vlctor tv'a 1649 =t 1&6" C.M .. l&o&-M. t Vt!IJ Hplt T .. ft..... .....!..~ ..:-~ ... l·ON • • J 2p26 •"OR sAL.e: 0 ... ref111 f lOO. ----------IU't'.lJW\ T~Vll5 Wedt'eW11bd atoY• . ·-t I&. Bed daYel\port -· S 96. Twbl bid.I and drt et _ I 38. CllNme dlnettt tel .... $ 36. Call Har. 1379. U cte •ouaal'VL or f\ln\. mo11.1dea \W.11\7 Wqa. LOmpltt1 '*i· tootn. bv!Af ""°m la CSU\ttll WANT TO BUT SAJ(D t>OU.Y tor S~bot. C&ll HJ!:mJodl - 9·9818 or wrlle m Granada Ave ..• t.cmr BMch. uci• 2904 l:ut Cout Hl(bway Corona d•l Mar Bar. 6491 Tl' P'FlJIULI: Ptoml\!!ZD l!!IM«le pu~. wllb pHer-3. '36. each tr.Gt Octan !nYd., .. \boa. Bar. <r.4:>-M. llk17 PURE B'lED SIAMESE klltent, 1 Ito ~)tsn sio. lta.r. 1110. I 16<' BEotiMTOl't lertltt-, n\a14 - B\ue. 1 yr. l\cgl1t.eted. Al11at tell 11ttt price. fJ &-he. tl'lc ~uu~Ct18-ft. i... mu-... u l ·hO H p! -.• -A86--=--LC-<-cn--, .... ~--1c_l _l11U1' lllO .... dr. Vlft df'I tut-. mt-\ . 141 P0.""'1AC ~rtlttl•, Ir ~. po.-er ~ulpmC'fl'-"•rr • l'luJl ,. ICU.\ Nil lmmt 1n • \7 1U •· . i•· Now 24 Hour SER \tTCE on Truck .P~:1airing * All M~l<E$ 1t &limlnat• cOlt'Y U..U~l lo 1t D p. m. -Out t\ f •·fr\. Stnc~ t!le3 S~E US ro~ GCOD U5!D TkUCl(S ED. Tt-:Ct~PsO:~ Gara~e (Com r 3rd ' Freoch I Pho~e Kl 2-23U Shi. Ana IF YOU DON 'T KN~W U&ID CARS KNOW VOUR D~AlEft SELECT -BONDED CARS AT LOWEST Pl\1C~S - YOUR NAS!-1 DEALER WARD S~ lEEt INC. . McJJ\ St. -, Per Weak Gari New an4 UMd TRUCK Un> Pau•ftt•' . Tl~ ES 1-HOtH' ~ecappin9 Service eo.&~tl HOW~lD kY.l.~ 801. 80I w. 19t 8'1'. ... ·~~i • • M't\V 22,.,. MA Ylt'L..,,\I ... w. st•• JOU an ~Wll II t ••• fill-.\• t;' JIU.. ""I • , roUe\ It 1ho·n1 I Wt •'"•-YW &I\ I ... ,, ,, : L l •. 13~• nn~:~u ,.. T H4t~or flaiter CSuDpl ',' NlllW • OSEO ~·aUl.iJik~ Am> ALL 9UPl'Lt.t8 tt&'i !tartlor "'vt. tJ •-'4J l OPJC'N BUNDA 'f \() • t . ll'-• p - Yacht 1lip accomodatlona. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. ror appt. or reeervafion, Cati ff•r. 2W2. Mttc ftl,.A-Apt.s. for Beat FOR LEA.Sf!, etorn-aom llx". Plmty ot "In front" parklna. 184 W19t ltth. ea.ta t.l .- • LI $-M9S t&l7 ~ OFFIC& and anoq. epece to let. tH7 eo...t Hwy.. Coron• del Mar, and llt 1\.ullln Ave .. Npt. Ht.a., call FRANCES J . HOR- VATH, Rfllllnr. Har. 1'28 <>r lrifl3, 1Dp17 l or 1 bdrm. apt1.. 1aund1'7 rm. By da¥. week or month I 8/8 Balboa Peninsula B11Ut by a bulh1tr' for bit Dttiun Hom<'. Bu.1lnt-.U n~ll.Alt'• moVlftf Jn1lnd. TJUt bolfte hH <'vtrylhlnr ex ct pl hot It coltJ n1nhlnJ Uranium! ldtchen HJ-Fl -Many m<>rt e:xtru l'UCh aa S20 per ye prll~. Ownu wan&.11 all oUera IUbmlttf<l. 8ff U\f l«ta7. J . M. MU.I.ER CO. 20J5 W. U.lbo~ Blvdi. NEWPORT B&ACH (near lM Newport plerl Bar. •ot1 1acl7 LlSTJ.NGS WANTED ARTHUR 0 . JOHNSON Branch M&T .. BLUE TOP MOTEL 403 Newport Blvd. N ttwpor1. Beadl U-BmlllfJM Of ee,rtmdUee OOMPLJn"ll Market. meat d~t. 1-..CS at Sood Nnt&l. Tear roulld 1M.WneM. G"t09 •100.000 ~ SU.000 Terina or malle o1f~Beach town. W~te Box 8-39 .w. paper. llpte 2 Becttoom• A ConverUble ~~ complete cen. elec built-In carpettnc. Jtlun be aHn to be ----------- apprectatM. I BAY SHORES · Dl:GU:Y RLTY. CO., RLTRS. l'ftlc BaJbo& lale Apt. Bids. S24 Marine -Har. 3080 • Fr.. PatkioC )/ember of N-pon. Board O( Realtora 1001 OCEAN A VE., SeaP S..eb Dduxe l br. Br&nd new unt. apt. Picture w•ndow v1ew ot ocean. Lot.a ot We, dUlhwuhu, dlapoeal. Open J.._Bar. IHH. B•y & B h R It I 2 b.r., PLUS sar. apt. --sn.ooo "" eac ea ·y nc 1abr.2bath .. -.......... -... ua..aoo u~ W. :!i~~~. · Balboa. 1 SHORECLIFF8 -2 br., den H ell FOR RENT N.W. cor. 17th and Oranc .. eo.ta Maa. Outat&nd· tns com• qppo.tt. Alpha Beta tnkt. near new Poet Of· nc.. 8ultabl• for UMd ca.r lot. BBQ t"elt&ur&nt, ~ outi.t. I ~uly .. ~ ..• JUST REDUCED Har. lJM Evu. Har. 1836 LEMON HEIGl:ITS -2 b.r. mo -----------on acre, beauty ...... -.. W ,000 Jl.JJLLABWC tenant wa.nu 3 or • Mdnn. home, baytront or wide for nut wtnter. Har· llor lftL Poet oMce box ~ BaJboa lela.nd. U cte !8:-:?Yta.A Boaee tor Beet Choic. Winter Rent.ala on· iltQ!*Ja Ialand I& Lld6 Iale lmall .It OOJIY or t.arse • deluxe '16 to '300 month VOGEL CO. 108 Manne An., Balboa aland .au Barbor '4f or Harbor 1011~ JIM.rllm'. 38H-R or Har. 1229-R 8'tfc l&tl 4.88-lloaaea for Rea& PIININ8ULA POINT • bedrma., a~ outlet. tllmltun, etc. COMMERCIAL LOT Call l'rank Jamee,, B&r. tot!. 2 ~ ciompi.uty lnclOMd UIS tlc 58 x 163 to alley. paved patio, Bar-B-Q. wubu, -----------d1'7er, dlapoaa.I • d1'hwubtr. Near 19th & H&rbor $5650 11' blk. to ,bay It oc~. July M-11~ M Lou Har. 3361 !Otte MM. A.q. 1700. Week dAa,)ra. 2 ..J & T 0 LO NS IT&te f-43H, week enda Bar. n~ I at . • A 7tt-W. lkll &rvlDI all Oranp County LIOO UILE • • We Buy Tnlat Deeda 2 BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED 2 • Mab Collateral Loana br A dftl le lanai home for R I .. JI rt C J une, J'uly & A11g11•t oya M O gage 0 1 OSBORNE-fl'ORTON 2602 Newport Blvd .. Nprt. Bch. REALTY cos Harbor 1549 2323 W. Coa.at Hwy. <•t Port Oranitel 2• hr. pbOlle MrYjCe 118lfc $6200 BEDIUf., 7 yr. old home - etucco oulllde plutered walla lnalde. Lot 62x1'6. Mikol Re a lty Kl 3-~ Ht• 8. }ialn, Sa nta Ana 13c1D ,..,. •• lJDO ISLAND LI 8·7C>e2 Eves. Har 321!8 '•ftnd.ltled or u.nturnJllbed _______ 1_2c_H HOME LOANS $15,600 lllotfelOI' and one or two tied-LEA.SE only I bednn house cloae Con.atructlcm -Rettnanc&-Salee l BDRM . 2 bath home with 2 C&t" rar.ce. 1''1replace. FA. h•t. sarbal'e dt.poal. kJtch.n fan. .All fenC!ed, one y • a r okl Near High School. A home tor Sood Uvtnc. For appt. Liberty 1-6281. •ct7 room apartmenta. to ahopplnr ~nter, Cort• Mesa. 6'io • o 12 ";. • 41'\. By .ummer, moothlJ' or )'Ul'ly. KI ~10 or Har. 1829 9tfc Ina. Fund.I -Bids. A Loan - UDO Realty Auociat~ Pr1vat. Money l•OO V ia Udo H&tbor "" IDEAL FOR CHILDREN. Un-Truat Deecia Bought le Sold turn. 2~ br. ~ecorate<t bome c.ll l'or rr-Commttm.,,t neu center of Coeta Meaa. -DON l HUDDLESTON ~ KE· TA NELSON CORONA. DEL MAR FOR CBOICE RENTAL&. 8EAIONAL la BARLY. ,pef,I:. Cout Hwy. Hu,GMO .1!-·· vv v 1: ...u Lee. yard, svare. Har. Ol&e. ONE OF THE T ~ ""' • ..i lSUc LI 6-6641 Co.ta MM& ~~ new 173 E. 17th St. lota in Clill Haven. Per- 1 BDRM. tum. hoUH, prase. manent view ot Harbor & patio, rarb. <116p. Water paJd, LOANS f Hom 0 10 $7 950 ... vau# June 1.t. LI 11-3817 arter Or eS cean. 65 X 1 ·· , 15. tlkl 1 15~ -20 'T'· Loa.na H.arbpr 5971 Hc23 Construction Loans RENTAL • Cot\oNA DICL XAR-FumJahed SPECIALISTS You wUJ Jove~ eummer ln lhla ea BOB IA. TTLmR 201&· E..UF1' COAST BLVD. TRADE LE.MON HJ:IQBT8 2· acre VIEW 2 b.r., 2 ba U0.000 VIEW ac:,...,.• -Lemon Bta., lAsun&-B&ek Ba7.' GOOD M·l acrea,.....C-J -R4. Claire Van Hom R&A.LTOR 2781 W. Cout HW)'. LIMm Back Bay Lovely S bedrm., 2 bath home Cu.atom built. Lari'• livln& room and dining 'room. •O ft patio. Hardwood noora, forced u r heat. Sacrifice $I 9 ,500 •~ down Osborne -Forton REALTY CO'S 2323 W. Cout Hwy. l•l Port Oranre) LI 6-7&82 Har. OlM eves. Only $13,500 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath home wtth hardwood floont, fol"C4d ail' heat, double l"'J'S&'e on corner lot In nice eo.ta x .... area. S2000 down. I M M IC D I A. T J: POSSESSION. \ ''C" THOMAS RMI tor and A.880CIA Ta 224 W. Cout Ht&"bway Newport Beech Liberty a..M27 .. C.. THOMA.a "C' THOKA..8 B/B • Exclusive! Newport Heigbta Ft.neat! $4-0,000 • $10,000 Dn. -owner wW carry balance I • Most bea11utul bom. la 8o Callt.! • RueUc n.nch -ah&ke roof! • Hl-i'l-lnt.r comm. .,.eteml • B ure rumJ>UI room -'alect. kltche! • Completely e&rpe~om bu1.lt! • Immediau ~on -now Yac&nl! • A.bout 1 ye.u old-<l-.n and JOTely! • Paloe Verde t\rep&ac. - patio -etc. • Outstanding! Bay & Beach Realty In c R&A.LTOR8 • 1 IH N ftrpOrt BJYd. Coeta M--. O&Utoni.la LI 1·1161 ~ LI 1-IOlO CAU. ED1'A ~Q charmtnr Utue oomer home With 2 bdnna. Ftrepl.. private DORIS BRAY, ealtor patio, prb. diap .. «er. Avall. Corona ~1 Mar Harbor Ula R.p. POIRim\ MORTOA.G.11 CO. Metro Ute in.. J'Und.I Kl W1l6 BY OWNER 3 bdrm1., l ~ ti.th home. Fireplace, lar1e llvln&' rm.. dlninr area, breaktut nook. built tn etove, forced air heat w w carpet. d ... pe .. i-uo. L&ndacaped, fenced yd., dbl. prase. Call after 1 p.m. or weelt erida. 8111 Plumer LI 1-3078. U clG Newport-Mesa Rea lty BALBOA ISLAND 17911 Newport Blvd., Cotta Mee& LI ~ EvtL LI ~-1101 118 Marine. BalJboa I.aland June 16. 11000 tor 3 monllu. Rar. 20 or 66 • Bay It Beacl1 Realty, Inc. t.'l:AR ~•ch, beaqtltul Ttew. UQ- fum 2 bdrm apt. Yearly. 1231, 431"11 St, Newport Bch. ,;.· 7Uc Har. 6M3 l!:Ya. Rm-. •~f llk17 SilASON'S BEST DEAL Penlnaula Point. 2 bedrm. rurn- l1btd home $300 mo. ART C. Kl8TLE'R CO .. Reallon 2901 Newport hlvd .• Har. ~22'8 day or nlte 16c17 .Sttc LOANS TO Bun.D. DIPROV1 BUY, MODERNIZll, OR REFINANCE we 8"'1 Truet Deed.I NEWPOltT BALBOA. BA.VINOS It LOAN ABSOCl.A.TION !3M Via Udo Pb. Bar. U00 tlo Neer Lido Shops rum. 3 bednn. 2 bath etucco. clOH to Udo Shopptnr centu. tleachH It bay. Sa.crtnce at •te.500. Only 11500 down E. W. Htll Har. 0613-M. $9950 NEW 3 BR., 1 ~~ batla • Mo. payments only $75 NO. BAY J"l\ONT BEA. UTY with half Int.wt tn per and float I 1T8 8Ll:mlC A.NO 80- PHIBTJCATl:D. Tour rutmta wW OIDUI and AHRH when they etep lnal~I AND-prlctd to ffll! sa JT TODA.YI i TRXIS HED '2 of n.,.. duplex. ~ room .. $110 ~r mo. Modern, adult• only. No pete CblnfM dn.ntal rup, blonde rumltun. ven \ihnd.t. r •rb•r• dlepoAJ, automaUc weahv, Keffman W ,10&rap. i block to Santa An&, Ba.Ibo& and L&~ Bua. 2161 Chart• 8t., Coeta M-. 1 block W•t of Harbor, ciom.er Vlctort& .Ave. lCJplT LlOO ISLE LoYe11 tumlabtd 2 bednn. pha cS-. comer borne on Lido Nord. June lto Sept. 11 $2"0. 57-Real &tate Wanted lltlc Inquire, owner 252 E. Palmer $850 TOTAL OOWN Coeta Mesa near 19th and Rar-Cotta Mesa LI 8-2657 AU. THI: FUN ISN'T JUST FOR THE OTHER FEU..OW ! You too can have a sood ••ca- tion home, comtortabt. lJrins and pr1d• of owncrahlp la thla darlln&' 2 bednn.. Jao~ and PRICED tJNdD U0,000 - Tuma tool WANT rrom owner 2 unJta, 1 wtlh 2 bl"'a. Balboe I.eland. State low• aceeptabt. cub prtce. Write M. PEARSON- D 12• C'renahaw Blvd., P. O. Box •2361, Loe AA6elea, C&1tt. bow', • bedrm. 2 bath, double t ~· Only a mont.ha old. BUSINESS SITE ART C. KIB'M..ER CO., Realtont m1 Newport Blvd., Har. 6:28 day or nlte. J6c17 ~ p&.yment.. Domutic R&90DL " UDIXX>RA. Tm> untwn. 2 bdr. II.AST amm eo.t.a Mua. 2 bed· ttttc ART C. KIS'n.pt CO ... Realtora 2901 Newport Blvd. Har. 0228 da7 or nit•. dupa,,. le ~ar&&'• between unlla l'OC>lU unturn. hOUM. LI 1-7832 -----------fTD WANTED -OWNER of COM· mo. 290 Walnut Pl., Coela ltfc MERCI AL LOT to build for )ha. 10cl7 Do you need t.emporary quarunt tenant, prefer Ooaet HJ&'hway. •~IP< .. 2 beth ~ome. po. to lmme<tlatelyT. 3 bdrm. tum. ~Litt w dlownsta1n bra. boma. aw HaftD.. June. 11&0 Eslabll9he4 local bualneu needa to ex-pand. Wr1t• Boa Q-37 th!• paper. 13ct0 BY ()WNJCR~ 2 bdrm. dupltlt. near Bey-Beach. Oarb dlap., larle rar. PaUo, flrepl.. aWl deck. Flniahed lut tall, '19.960 301·3eth St., Ne:wport hip pay the "nt. Har. S.71W Adult.e onlJ LI l-4032 ev.nln(L 10c17 __________ iac_ui __ Ll_S_TIN __ G_S_W_ANTED ___ _ OPJllN 8AT . .SUN.' or c&U owner Har. Mu.J or LEhJ 9-1978. Court.-y to Broken. J2c1' ·oCEAN FRONT YtiRLT 2 bd.ml9 .. compl•tely Ma. Utll, pd. 7000 W. <>c.&11 ........ K...-pon. Beadl. 10c17 ON BAI.SO£. ISL.l1ID aD UI ta ,._,., and -=ma• r.L&J9. NJ:bDA Oma>N, Realtor .. llula• .... Batbor 602 ~UL.Um CORONA. DJCL KAR -J BR.. ARTHUR 0 . JOHNSON untunL. home with BW tlra., ftr-.t>la. SlOO per month. Ntw-Brancb M&'f., 11 deeorat~ DECLl:Y RLTY. co .. RLTJUJ. Picturesque oceenview VOGEL 00. Balboa a&. A.pt. Blc!C. FROM THIS qua.ttty horn. tn Co. 32' Alarl.M -Bar. 6086 ~ E. Oil. Rwy. HA.: lTU Fl"te Parkin&' rana ffithl&nda. J200 .q. tMt H ele Member ot Newport Bo&rd plua 2 car ,.,..._ and carport. -.:>-----------of Reatton cntranc• tl'om 2 levela, aul>-"ATl:RFRONT, a.ody ba.ch-m.it t.r&dem. brand D... • BA. 2 Bath, Helt DAN A.. JA.C0881:N, Real Eat.at• lovely bome.. Wall to Wall car------------LI 1~17. Har. 15691, Kl 2·2117 pet.lq, buUt·ln Jdtcba. Nie. ~oome ProP!!!Z i-uo. Untura. ,_..11, l'ellrt~ ed ana:.....Sw mo. c.an Bar- bor U64. Eft9. Ha.tbor 18M. lnfc CURT DOSH, Rltr. 60 tt. ON IUR.BOR BL VD. Cl lot aoo tt. deep -110.000 tuJJ pr1c•. J. M. MILLER CO. 2026 W. Balboa Har. •091 fne&r l.h• Newport Pier} Income Propc:ty Nearly new ettracUve Coeu Meta duplex. Inoome 1tead7. '16.~ tun pr1c.. IMOO down. I!:. W. Hill Har. 0011-M. llUc Altedena EM:row 112-A. Eut 11th IL, Cott& Meea Liberty 1-1116. 1ac.2t NELDA GIBso·N RLU.TOR IOe M&rtn. A.n . BaJboa Ialand. Pbolt• Bar. I02 B/ B BALBOA e Near Npt. Bar. Yacht. ctu~ • Mod.-t. ,LlW. ~· lDcomt • OonftnicnU7 LoeaW • 0wur mu.t ~•h otta • .uk1Da 111,IOO NEWPORT KEIOHTB 1 ~ yea,.. V .t.,... .t. ~ old, • bdrm.. 11$ ~. ltnott7 .A.\.;.IU'U LOTS pine kJt.chen. Fan Ir ra.rb&C' e aic.antr .. a...bore Dr. f10,800 d!qou.I, ttrepi..c., f.&. heat. a Oeeantr., Bal Penl!L Sll.CIOO rencect • dbl. ,.,..,. •. 192.00 • Corner lot nea.r Jetty su.aoo mo. Ne.ar Blfb School. -LI • Bayfrorst ·-·----·· Ql,000 1-0261. 13c10 Bay & Beech Realty Inc EJ\CON ~AY I Real chum tn • t bedrm. and I bath home. ct. with fiftJ>lace. forced aiJo be1.t. rOa and dN~ Included in the ukin« pr1 ot M51000. LOw terms to qualified buyer. • l.And lHae onlJ $121 Pf" year. May we abow you thilT .. BAYFRONT I On euterty part of Lido Soud. A be-auti!Ul famlly home ot 3 bt.dnrui aod 2 bath• up, 1 bath clown. a m09t attractive 1a.na.i and ent..rtaining fadlJ· tiea, large patio and g&rden. Fine pier and float. For prk~ & details or appointmPnt to inspect, ca.11 HARBOR 1775 EARL W. ST AN LEY . Rec!ltor 22:5 Marine Ave., Balboa laland . Open House Saturday and Sunda) May 26 and May 27, 1-:Sp. m. UNSURPASSED view of bay a.nd ocun, 3 1arp ~~. large living room, ipaclou.s beautiful kitchen, built-in range and oven, diahwuber, wall to wall carpet.II thnl-out, 2 batha, inter-comm •yatem. radio controlled garage doora. room tor pool if destred. U you are looking tor the finest in home design, drop in and see tor youreelt! 1~11 KINGS ROAD, CLIFF HA VEN THE VOGEL CO. 1700 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa • • BAYSHORES • • 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath ............ ·-························--·$2f,l500 2 BEDROOM, furnished ---······· (Sold) ·---Sl9.~ 2 BEDROOM, 2 bath, Carpeted and draped. Corner lot -·--------·--··-··--·$27,SOO 3 BEDROOM. 2 bath -··-·-···········(Sold) ··-T"·---$22,t500 2 BEDROOM, 2 bath. completely furnished ---.. $2.f,!SOO HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. Harbor 1600 * Home & Income S B.trm.-la 1 bedrm. ~nled • reci..cc>rated, u~ n-. Le•. cSoutat. rvas• wtth taundry • room could be matt. lnt.o bach· elor apt. Ne&r' ocean. bay It Udo ahope. Only SH.~ U're ln ooe and i.t 7our ten- ant. pay for lb• property. NICID OCllAN FRON!I' duplex. ptua ftluabl4 ncant lot. Beat locaUon. Only 14.2,000 for both. DUPLEX lot IUOO. Neu Udo ehopa. DUPLJCX comer lot $4~ tema. NEWPORT HEIGHTS 18200 (not leuebold l. lot - L&aUnp Want.ed ~IEKBD MULTIPLJC LlBTINO HOMER SHAFER, l\l!ALTOR lOI Mcl'adden PL, a t Npt. pler Pbooe Har. 1'0 any Ume. REAL VALUES Eves LI 8-~ B/ B Catalina on a Roek•r? YOU CAN, Crom the hont pon:h or thn.i the picture wtndowa of UU. lovely t bedroom and den bomt. Liars• •oUlb tor comfort but not too tJ4C for conventeoce. HJIJT d1.nlns rm.. aecluded. brtaed paUo with bot el e1u ,.nu! Bcnatbly priced at 1tO. OOCI. 2618 Ocean Blvd. (between F'ernleat It Dahlia ) CORON A DEL )(AR OPE:i 1-6 Saturday A Sunday C ute As A Buttor FLOWERS It aunablD• combine to ~ th.la 2 bdrm. born• with tu tncJOMd patio, th• pert.ct •pot In WhJch to N1&x. Cbol~ area It only 110,960. BALBOA PENINSULA SOUNDS LIKI) wtab.tu1 UUnJdn&' but tt'1 UU.--. 3 bedroom, I bath hom• cnt a DJ ft. lot at a prtce you can attord. 127,000. ttt'm•. * * * * * ) aED::-oo; ~prox. 3 'Bay & Beach Realty Inc yra. old. Bdwd., Ule. tlreplace, RZA.LTORS 1 e&r rarac-a ttaclwd.. Very C4rona deJ Mar Ottlce Sood l:..at.afct. 1nel lot 8011'0. 3330 E. C.t. H1ty., Barbor aM.1 U you want a r.J sood home, ... t.b1e one. -LOTS- wz STILL RA VJI J;. FBW nice bulJ.cU.q iota, Sood ~ dlattkt... B. A. NERESON UA.LTOR 19U Newport Bl'rd., eo.t.a X... Ll'b&rty 1·1171 Ev• LI M120 BALBOA. ocmA.H l'ltOMT I tuna. a.pt.a. ~ -J bdrm.a. It 1 b&dla. <>De ha 01M bClnn. It b&t.b It one tlecbeklt qt. It bat.II.. TbeM apt.. &re aD tum. Locat«1 onlJ 1 % bib. from BaJboa Pier -2 bib fl'Om run Zone. ssi.ooo la fUlJ .,no.. Reuora!>&e tum• can b& .,... ~. NSW S bednn. dupla (untuml ~ electrto Ito.... • ..... ptbe.19 •· Wllt4tt' Jlllld a )"Ud m&!Jlt&tned. m s. ----------- !Mb., Ooete JibM.. Hell 49 .,.._ tor a.t B/ B 315 Marine Ave • Ba lboa Island Harbor 1560 ON TlU: BA. Y M' to HO' hont.· R&A.J.TORa ac-• f'OO and up per front ft. 1~..,. _ Bal....._ 0 ._cl. to quall.tled buyer. Plen per-....,., .,.. ..... _ ... • Balboa LD>ftt7 &-8611 L.tbuty 1-3127 BALBOA, BAT J;. Vll:. DOM& 2 bdrm.a. plua aun room. 1 •~ bat.ha, me. ln.cloeed patlo, n.... ~ Of COUrlf, dbl. ......... Located only t~ bib trom the popular tth St. beladl ee the bay. 8" thla hc:llM &Alday. rw1 pnc. only n•.ooo. ~ on&blt tenna C&D be ~ TWO JllIDRK. di.lpl• '80 mo. * * * 1t •ac1 MW-cute. MAX W. • Vlaltorel VacaUon.laull PQPS. ~ ... 1901 Harbor Enjoy ll'rinJ on th• Ocean rront llh<l. Costa M.-a. LI Mill. Completely tu.rn1ab«t Jdtchen- HUc ette a.pu.. and roome "1th prl· J'llNIN----,-VLA-----Nl-cr_A.R.E.A____ vat• bath. Maid ""'ce. tree I &A. Un.tum, -------IUO TV. 230e West Oceaia Frant, 1 a.A. Untum. --·---l lOO Hu. 0167. OtJJ a.. ""'· ll:n&. lat * * * * Ullo ----------- C01\0NA ~KAR. new mod· .,. at.nt.. t bednn. apt. 1 Wk. hom OCMn. vt.w, dlapmal. au DUll lkr. ncn or Har. DIG. UctT , \ ROOM wtth private bath a.nd entn.ne., car port.. OM blk. l1'0lll oceu., WMt Newport- 11&1'. Odl-.J. 1~ FOR RENT Mn omc-e 12:df. Udo .aiop])iq ..,..., $15 mo. -,.,... 1-. BAY A Bii.ACK R.llALT1' JNC. MALTOl\a lUJ Laf_,.tte Har. ll6J.. Har. 2'111 l:vu. •.ru.t to tht rtPt. of Lido B:rid.le' tlC! Commercial·lnduatriel Department 60.ACRES ConUruoua to Ooeta Meaa. Level. Ptewnlly zoned Av. 16.700/ac. 100 % Location Buaineaa corner ln Center of co.ta Meea. m .ooo. Ba y & Bee ch Realty Inc R.&ALTOR.8 1'76 B&rtM>r Bo9&na.rd Coat& Mua, Calltomla U 8-77U Eve. LI 14161 T.win Duplex N!:AR BJCACa Good rtntal db- lrlct. lneom• izaao. Can be ln- creued. rullJ neted at pre- •nt. Onl1 fa600 down. Pay ott balance OUl ot income. US,800 tuu prioe.. Earl W. Stanley REALTOll SlU Newpoc"t · Blft., Nwpl. BdJ Harbor 1013 mJtted. ~. McNamara, Col· Har. ~. l:Ye. Jl.ar. UM BALBOA ISLAND llN I.eland. Bar. nu. 12c11 Lot Bargain BALBOA ISLAND LOT Hl(b. lnrel 00 x 200 on Sa.nta ON SOUTH BAY. Owner, 308 AJ\a Ave. Near 23rd St. LI South Ba.J. llclT l-2M2. Hpte BY OWNER. rww rancll home, a BA.CK BA y AR&A. 11000 dn. btdrm.. 1 \. bath, dbk carace. S BR., dble. ,.,..... 3 yeare bullt tn oven. atoYe. dtabwuh· old.. F .P. IU,000. 201t Willow er, UMd brick fireplace. rqa t..ne. c.o.ta x ... or trade tor It drapu, po,000. '81 JC. HUI ln.Llt d-1 or, tn.t'tor or rant. Pl~. eo.t.a M...._ u t-2000. equipment. Owner LI 6-%Mi. lOtlc HUc CORONA. Dl:L MAil FOUR tmrnt N Ill W P 0 RT BA TJ"RONT, ocean A t.7 Tiew. Hl:IOBT8. l::lcelttnt Jocauon Seclud~ prtntt beach, t br. I la I Bdrfn. Will tak• part home. Make otter. Har. IU'TW. trade fol' llJ,000 .qWtJ. Bar-1Gc bor M91. Htfc Low Down Pay ment CORONA. DU. MAR, a bedrm. 2 bath. J'lreplac.. ~JCxcellent new. lnu1Mdiat• OCC!Up&nC!y- Only Ill.MO. Ru. •:tU 16cle 81' OWNER. I bedrm., l % t.UI FOR BA.LI: OR TllA.DI: on tuw· er home. prefer BAY J"l\ONT. Attra.cUve h'arne .iucca, I br. home, patio, I yn. okL ~ bUL to bay, 1 blk. to ~ room for t.ddlt.lonal UD!t. o.m-on premJMI on week eod. 20t- '3rd St., N"'PQrt 8-c!a.. 115cl7 NJ:W • and •• bedl"oom hom•. 2 baU\8 ( • bdrm.. ION db.) Lars• counu,. alaed ~ acre lot.a. Ready tor oceupancy about JuJ7 let.. Located on Oaa)'on Drtn Ju.at Nortll Of VJ.ctor1a.. RIMrTe now. eman dtpoatt holda uaW J-47 for occupaner. "C" Ed Jones OPl!N IAT. A SUN. t • 0 au Ruby DO WO't Drl" put. See lhJa be&MW\11 wood p&M)ed Interior. 2 ~ bedroom&. r A heat. ttre- p&ac., Yet'J' loftly IJ'!inr room, tnt....itns sunken pa.Uo. ft-. d\.IOlld to S29.t60..-Eu)' term,. llaJ'. tn& ..... IDdlth Maroon. BY&tt U222 l:'Yw Jou M.aealt ~ 6&08 EAR\ W. STANLEY lt&ALTOR REALTOR Ultl Barbor Bl'fd.. Cotta 11-nl Marine • .,..., Balboa lalaod LI I-Sin USC! CUFF HAVEN m S1pa1 Road UNDER $18,000 $6244 INCOME BUT OClllA.N l'RONT LOC. I UAlta tW'B.. r :P. cm17 s.auoo, t.rm&. J . M. VDJ.p:R, 00. 2028 w. Selbo& .... NmWPORT BJIAQI (near tbe Nftr]llOrt ,.., Bu. 6091 llclf $1500 Dawn ON9 BC>ROOK KOK& WUI be 1mpro..s eomar lot. l.ut'9 U.tnr rvom. lf'pente c1bdnS .,.... 8en1ce pordt -l"till pnc. only M700. OPPORTUNITY 2~ ACR.U-to ~ M-1 - lA'reJ-Owfta .,.. e&tlll llO wtU ACIUlct W. 1-.a prop. arty for Olli~ 11'.IOO. bome. prbap dla'J> • .-.,..,iae.. THREE M-I LOTS cfbl ,....... ftQCed yd. PllO down. LI 1-1893. lklO ADJOINING ~lll oUler. JOd3 I 8l>1UI. B"OMJI • fU'lt kit ... Loe. on IOtb St. a.tW'ffft In NIW1C!"\ B~ ci.ua. Sl(XM} Down Phil Sult.van & .PLua naotnm8 Geo. T. Everson NSW-1 bdrm. lloQa. S car ,...,.. N....-port Bl'fd. Md Bay. nle-a 'II;) a•ood. tliDC*I yard. lil.80A llA T PROPJ:RTISa 0.. ilcMol& .,. °""' ... cloee \o ahoppln.r cc.nter. 1005 w. BALBOA BJYd. II&. IUll MS JU ................ Ll WlOI Ooata M..... By OWMT. Kl aft.er O:IO p. m. UUc 1!19.A.UTD'U'L I b9dna. bame llOf Newport B19'd.. Calta ._, wttll wall to wall ~-~ M7&1 ha llar. 6111 5-alO or Bar. 1111 tuo 3 Mutl. Unit Lots BY OWN"JCR --U1 decorat.ed.. Man 1 ------------.-tru.. Payrnmu SU.60 per mo. tnellld\n& ta.. I~ $5000 DOWN llALBOA. PENJNIULA newly tum1ahfd J Wroom pllJI l br p..t boUM. patio, 1 ... betha Small down. Call Bar. lt'ro-W. 1k20 EA.STaIDC eoata Meaa. a.n uu-BY OWNER ,nndp&I 1a 1aw.t at ·~t>; abopptnr -... ~ Ut.OOO. Newf_!rt-Meae Re alty l.IU• ln. c-. to ac:boola &Dd .A'M'lu.CTIVll ......._ oearUdo I DAN A JACOBSEN,~ ~t• IMW9 .....,... NtDnl. LI 1111 N....,_n 8hd... C.. M_. U a.a11 Ha.r. Mil. ICI ~lll7 f.12ST. Ntto t.L f.alOI ICY-. U a.7U1 • .. \ .. • NO. BAY FRONT '~ intere.t p!tr and floAt. Beaut~ I a • *9 ~ Alo.at 3 yn. old. Ralq • HONEY! UT ,600. LOT -full 11!.ze. $11,500 ONE OF THE LAST! I BALBOA PltNJNstn.A. Charming and 1pacioU1, 3 B. R. home. 1 % bathe. Near Bay bathing bath. tA>~ ~aUo ami beaut. \thcbsclpigd c•••te. sa.OOG. Tettu. 418 BetV. ba.ne. CX>STA ~A. tNct>tlll t.tlNO!tr! !h~ is a REAL money maker. OWNER l£A VING STATE. Cona1sta ot eight separate bomee, 2 ~--•dt, ~ ~. pn.ga, petiw. New a.ad eharmlng. All occupied. Gross $7600 yr. BAat BAY AREA. $64,000. Terms. OC!AN NONl' L0f$ Seven Islands flealty ' N&WPOltf .-.!48tifr5 ,,,. ffoneymo. •• -I yn.. old. a.,.. With d\ra room &ltad.et New ,.U.\. J"naAt ~ t.c.M-ta Wt Galtt. Ptf'1ll ll ·-- Term•. & lnYestment Co. !503-32nd St., Newport Beat.b -Harbt>r 5111 ua tfttt tt:b() ~· n\. B1"'6t' 858' "C" • .. $2000 DOWN. WHY PAY RBNT? New and •pacioua 3 Mdroom -is ~ bath home. H. W. noon -Uted brick frpl. -F. A. beat-Built-in ~" oven and range -Stldlng g\aas patio doors -Diapoaal. Full price only $16.000. CALL us rooAY. SEE r"1s1 VAl"S:s h .J of fin E I · · H I BLANCHE A. <SATES, Realtor ,1000 ooW». 'bdrin. b8ihe. ~ rftr°"e e XC USIYe omes, M.,.,.~ ""'"" Mt)Ltll>LE U~TING y,.. ~ Prtdl r._ ~ _. · HOME BUYERS GUIDE ED JoN~s REALTOR 1999 HarMr, Ce.ta ¥ .. -1 -·· ~A VI' rrotn, •. , .. ttineae*r ... b~p~ •• ~~~ '1n11 . l '0\'~·v LIDO ISLE-. -311 Marine Ave •• Balboa Island. Ph. Har. 1671 or 1672 ...... ... 711 IV la y Sia ~ ------------.!--' -----ON MOlft"tl ~. ttr. 0.-p. . LIOO 1$1.~ ~ HOUSES OPEN ~R INSHCn~ IAllOA ISLAND A SCARCE ITEM -Choice 4 bedrm. 4 bath home. adjoining 1• full eized lot. beautifully landscaped and dt'itgnai fw out'door hving. Pleue call for appointment to see. TWO UNITS -2 bedroom house and 1 bedroom ~ent. Excellent location Just a step from &. ~1· ~L ~. 740;1.. Price $29,500 terms. • • • FOR EXCHANGE -Builder will exchange for vac&ht M-1 or C-1 properly 4 new FitA a pproved ~ ahd • bedroom home6 remaining, in fihe Sant& Ana •ubd.iviaion. Total value S5l,OOO. ~nancing .ooO. l*a)ll!Cliot\ w\ll cottmm 'Val~. WK. W. STANLEY SANFORD ~ealtors HAD~IELD Park Ave. at Marine, Balboa Island Harbor 2462 BALBOA. 'bdrm. furn. older home, large living room with flreplact. Unn heal, g&rbage disposal, 2 car gt.rage. Ocean view. close to the bay, . $23,500 terms. Ftttst1' flME OFJ'tkim. thcOme unft 2 bdhn. furn. house wt"" lafie bed1'lbbt garagi! apt. Excellent rental area. 1 blk. to bay. $2l.fi00 terms. l'Vl\NmHIID DUPli!DC t.ll Ob ~ ftoot. Clt>od ~ rental& l lU• to btcy. tU1rJOO #ilh low de1't\ pe1ment. COSTA MESA · Cozy 2 bdrm. and lanai~ Rancll h~ eompletely tum. 2 cAt ~· .&-t lb lt~av@tt bf nowert1, lree8, 1htUM. Fh1n lr~ plott. Corral for hone. All fenced. _, x 30~. $6000 down. CX>MMERCIAL ~r l.45\~ st lM ft. Near Har- bor Blvd. Preaent improvementa shouJd carry till ~fb~f'ty df\Y~to~. m.t 6Uy oh W. Hltl\ ~. COAST ~OPSRfl'S RUTH JAYRED1 Raltot- Klldred IUdl l2W 6yi'ri61'tlbm~n. ~a~. 301 E. Balboa Bl'f'd .• Bt.lM. Hu. 2658 or 4600 A achoola, 3 &dr., hwd.. fln .. rt~~I. BUUUl\11 ~m. Ofl)y UM><> dn. CLIYF HA.fttf"• •. •w. th. Obi. pr. kewl) ~i.cJ IA· aide • oul ~ ~ Mm. In an tl'ttlllllft --~· ~will bandt .. GOOD COHME1lCI.AJ. LOT. C·2 JUal otf ~-~d. M~88. $18,000 •tl.b dJt. J:x.ce). Inv. for court. or mu.. NOW. CORNER LOT FGR DUPLEX or TRrPl.D. ~JA. '°1l1ae.- 0n11 J3960. lN~oMf; -l~ IN m:wPrutT Ball.~. f btillut I bdrm. turn. apt.a. on Blvd. .lb. ll\l~. ~lltt tMt\ **· 6 ~. ofd. ""' t}r1~ Wilt tur-~ ~ "t\d •ta.090 "1ll ht.ndlt. :M~se.Herbor fttty. 1 1 >.MooU.'fi:s I 0 . C S.ymottr-Brok.,-ewtl r 609 Oentw it. C.ta lleea LI 8· 1111 or LI l·ffh y Muter bM1CICM1\ t8'd9' v Wallr-in ~r-llft"-2 ~ta v BulJHn barkoque I Beauut\tl h"M llt\M .. Uo I Onra!Hd prare with Jarr• woru>t@ y ~ ~umbtnt -cuttott\ • VIEW! Deluxe Beyfront Ftnut eaat end location lAJT• p"r and allp 6 bedro<>m-. ' b&l.bi A cuai.m born. J'or tb• ll1ect buyer ~ho can atf ord th• belt ••at.Mi <mla'hl l&Jte amaller borne In t.rad.el A rt .. t ·"9,,,Uy Herne Beacu.tt owner l. lea•I"-a rta "h\a ll Rn Bklta1ft .~ tttn• .-: ' IWl'oenwi ... batha Hurt rumpua reom i pltif>I 3 car rar&&'• Bttttt-.. Ulli ha.600 oboe! terma . Kit.Ir.ION, rttl et .. le Lefty Murdock, .uaotatt VIEW! 3341 Newport Blvd. Harbor 5505 • FRH? FRH1 built t.hro~t. Of co~ net. Bvt " de have an ekee.ptlonal . ,,, Bayt'ront co1 Boia~ 192.600 Sabi~ u4l &~day ~ · Pt«l .Up th 8ood 1711000 . Pier. •lip llf Lido Nord $7~'.ooo B• $ure and s •• T~ ••• Befor• Yov luy" .. LM ~ -...io• a bFi _ u1.ooo ·-l'-' \f'ta dtv1eto, s br ... nooo 321 ft.am<>'}& Pl., coa &ant& AA& ttto A.....w ..... (Ju.t. 119\ AYe .. jl19t dlllf\.I ti 1~ at.) It Me~ PS... bd ....... a , 1 yr. old, • ~ llJl l9'ta. mt.a lltll). land.lc&ped. copper plumblna', NEW I bedrm.. 1 '4 MUI ...... D"' 'IOA ,., ..& 11uo ttJ1111a. th CW9' ..... aia.. <JurMr -·~on. luUce,... 191'\.. 11'-"'\J"ll and Mwen In. Idal eaat lide C'\U'be, ~ 8\.1 .. Md ...,_.. 300 Co ral, f t¥1rm. . . $4MOO loealk>no IP'\tM pnc. only fll,1141 ln. ~ ........... M IAYSHOR~$ UH C~t'fiew1 I !tr. ffeltoo "9 ma. W1 w.. WMk. • HERE 18 AN EXalilPTIONAL. OPPOaTUMIT'f . z te IN, ineome pro..v. We he"""' MnM &Ma·~·., ideal duplex unit Wit& '120 eo. l.Dcome <rara1• between) .pita additional lot suitable for 2 mo~,,.. WLita Of' ownerw b~ Lecatiell en .._ Aft.· CORfJNA Gil MAR Co.ta Men. Nl price fl~ bandlu. .. .: .• 308 ,,.,'*" s 1\1\ • dti\ tu .boo FRANK JAMES & LINWOOD VICl< -·-·-~ 312 Marine A~. BIJM 1*.n4 . ... • .::i.;, Bar. 20U .;;a,.. • HOME BUYERS OPSN ittNW1 1..a ~ .. &~ (Can show anytime by appolntme:nt) . , , 8US Ma.rguerlt@, °'l'{)ftl atl MU , • Wiil., oli ,..... I\\ bel\ ~ ""' I CLJ,. MAV!N a1~ . ... . . . ........ .... . ...... t..~Jll)Jl)o N5WPOR1' · HEIQHTS •53 Seaward Road, Qn"bA ~da. !!! ~~ ~~:aAv".~~ i.d.· :!~:~ l = ~-~~--~~-~~~-~-~ .. ~,IOo- 5H Bolla, Ntwpwt Hta =-t ~ .._ tan , din. room. Lot 76 x 127 ····-··--·····-··· ......... .SlT ~ ;vE ALSO RP~ U( llk<JIM.HMI • ··~ . $, t-t. LATHROP. R .. tt., MM I. e.t Hwy. OoitM t11 a.. :· :;" Dunc•n Harsle1ty Mar.~ · .._ • ... : l\&i\JtroR - -I D ".J ~ Ntwp&Sar~!fi1• H1r1tt. •h. COST A M&SA ~ balt toll'ft on •d• Panoramic View value in eorona de1 Mar. :Flnt-tn t.mportanoe 111 OF °"""" and B"Y from th~ the ''6 ft. lot. ru~ MH.11 ~ them no more, NEU...r"\•t ....... larre 11v1nc room ptclure wtn· (IA abilt.) ~-"tt 1 ~e I atftm. MMt Iii" r\J" -n I ., dow W lhll htuna~tt. eeifs~ ..aa.L. ~ -..~ A lalb .. -.L a... C6l1 .. f,,t SP~l ..A.L plet~ly red"ecbc-alecl 4 bann.. WlU1 w•~ -=... •cu · ~r"\ 1" tl&t.h ~o~, \iulll al'OUM an ~ yeu fi • ~ •*"> lt6UfM)of> Mlft ~i\d~ P.Uo wtlh ouUtde 0 nnbftsiilo. Ytf7 a\.trta.Jt. 2 tivbequ• ... 'he. you C8ll MAX W. P PE, Realtor bdnn. hom._ Urft COH'lfl' iot. Bb' l i UPlrb \kiln aBd ky ·""·-a '-or. ~ ..... _..11,.,. ~a.rd filldil Wft1i • lteA View and a f'\ne t b«boom WWJll JS •• nJ11N, ~ ~ pand. boma wtth built-In ranre ao4 l.t<>A ~ Alvd. · O:.ta Mma dt4h; lll tot ~.-... '. 1' ~y,, -1i~"' Evee. Lfberty MlM OPiN tOR mvieriok Tda. We have the key. __ ~_~___:_ "_o-___ ::..."'_.:;.;:·~:....-:z=·•· -e..1c:c::......;-~.~-~-o.::o' --:.:;•.&or----11\~ and 6.t. ~ Bay & Bu~~·lty Inc Open .... Set. a Sun. \A.a 1 te 5 ~~· 'in.o;t -TE!uca -----------------ilT6 Harber Boule'ftrd m ~A. BALBOA mtl:. u t."ft{r M1...i~tr\11aa df ny k"l\l. 1W1N· OUPllX Near beach, good rental district. Income $2880. caa be tncruaed. Fun, rented at pl'e8ellt. Oftl.y • ~ dbWtl. P&¥ off BlW\~ oUt ot UU:ome. ~.&oo filll ~rice !ARl W. Sf ANLEY, Raaltor , - &113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach -Har. 1013 Trailer Park C58 spa.eel. On4 et h~ odem parks m Harbor area. Room to apand la illO ·~~A. Cftolce properly El~ I\' wtlh . { 05B<?!~~~.~TON %323 W. c.obl Hwy. (al ~'1 Orange) 1f1 &;7M2 • Sft8 Kar. 0?\}4 BILL'S B~ST BUYS t>nJ) •~ an . w tit).~ B..ch Hou.a on BaJbo& Bl~ I -lo ~8"'. ·~ ·~ from Bay ART C KJri\.aft ~, l\..i *-'' ~ rt IM~d r. d&j m-hl\t>. CA.LL OWNER. \\ D. ~. Ryan Ul87 or Harbor 8828 •u.~1~ ~X.eo.. \a Kia&. • bdrll.. OJ: l!illn. P&ymt;att ••au••~ •9' lntere.t and &JnpO\&Ddl.. OPmN FOR INIPJ)C'JION Wed. ------=~-_.-::.-..::..-...i:.•....;:-~n=..:;....-•;i..a.-...a-. __ ...-;,. Fri. and ~un. a.ttehbona. hro M ... ~ Itta ltlll aatbo. ..,.; ..... , •rm. houae and nn. to a.nolh~r boUae or du91Q. ART C. fUl'ri.d bot N~ 81 day or rotW... tlt•llft•• ... WE OOOR:B..n Wllll. -.uioM . . r W • .... -. .. .. _, DUNCAN HAADll1Y, R .. tter ~~ -Mlport al -..... ~,ftt., ..... ~ •. v; .. ~ •, A ·-• •I ::!'l I . 1 ' ' . ~ia,J·'"!1~o~~~~~ •!!:::=7,'!''~lt!lrfa!!l!!!!..~ ..... ~~·!!:=•! ... '!!..!!~'!fe•~·~ ..... ....:•!!:~·~.·!!!.!B!Ll:!!.. ..... ~.:...J!!!:~!~•!•'LP!!'!!!!!.~ ..... ~...,.l!•!!::!'~·~·llllll!t!!!!~~..-~~!11!::::·!!!~'!·~·!!!!'.t....:...~ !s -. . . •. ""!!' ~lli!ie==. ==-1""""""'.-.:_;"";.~7~:-:1_..._ ~p• ......... a:-:. -'.P...-. a-i.:. m...-e --r· int P. o r a t e -~ ~-.• H -!,ptftdnrde1 *1___,.-~,~~A . .,..__Lido_' -B--a-yf-ro-nt---oevel~~o!, Lido~ S.ein9 ls Believing . -HARBOR MESA: RANCH HOMES 0 • ~ 2 llodrm. home, Z • '"'' It .....id be toU1 to try ODd delcribe la.,.... \Jtha, plm ,_.... .._, i-. Ip. Id~ Extn wide lot. lup ternce and beo.utlhrl yard wotdo !loo 1rtavt1 6 · 1beor llU\U')' conta-la .. 1 'lrtt!I .. ~ ._ llwd. lloal'o, covtrod : with k$a or "--eotnr to tarp private ~ tblo Udo 11.\YJ'RONT -. Sltllated cm .a n. • :·:.-.·, ,.UO., jloalrlo --.ooo tan price ,,,. -..llip, t.enltlc ¥lew !.-Urin1 rm. and din-or~ South ~,rront-a4jolnlnc a~ -:..~ ~ 'fill hnd!e. h.i liM. a·-. with """" to odd more. .,.,,,.! sit"'I ,.,,.w.i privacy. You mut ' • -Newly. pointed, ...int and oulJ-$7G,OOO. ;~;./ ~~ Jo.=-~ b=~ -'hllt...'witb Vin BoolJ for~ b.fonnrtloa.• :" .!'"b!:.~10081~~::..~I~ -trdlll! Pfic:6d to-"'l.at f{UOC). Only • ' and ll&rt bellevln1. -:-;, ,~ ~!, 1 , 1 New, · lido, 3 -Bedroom . Shor~liff Open House 1' "r!, 8Pl!lCl4Ll 3 bedrm. h°""• hw~. fk!on, F /. 2-tlled "bo!Jla, alldlng rlaao doon from Urin~ rm. U..ulltul 1a1p tamlly home, 4 bednn. 4 bath, • '· > , bert. ....... di-I, f~ »rd. double 6 muter bedrm. to encloaed planted pallo. Built-with formal U•lnr rm. and fall dining rm. Nlctly • . _.. .~ loeatloll and only Sle,l!OO. la ldldlm, boot pouible buy at only $33.000. Ian-peel. Call Joe Klncald for detllia, or dri .. ~1 ~ "\ , fl . . • I Blanche Harvey will be happy to 1hnw you thia by 221 M'ornla1 Canyon Rd. Sunday ~oon 4:· y <X>BOMA ·lllGBf..tA.Nn«. · Refmement at itt at your convenience. between 1 le D p. m. lt will be open. -. l«aled liJs;ti on the bill, marnlflcent L•d S ' • I .... ..-cit .:...rt anctentlie ROrbor Aree. Over Modern . and Charmine}. I 0 pecia .> IOOO-.q. ft. ID 'lhi.8 bdrm., 2 bath home pluo Thia la a cute Insram·bullt 2 bedrm. home. Only . unttnt.bed rwnpua room. eaq,tted w&U to 3 -bednm .• 2 baths, wall-to-wall carpeUng, alid-$21,700 with reuonable term. . • _ . ., wall. CUit.om ~pee. be&utifully decorated. in1 glue door to patio, near beat Lido 1wimmin1 J'or tboee who want-a.ad can afford the beach, deeigned by Hal Lacy. Full price $26.!SOO . Call Jack Criltleld for further information. • " P'INEST -Thia la I\! ML No. 7178. Reduced f,,.;,· ~~ i.o ~liOO. Shown by -appointmenL M'!lllBER OF lolUJ:mllLE LISTINGS N,A ,DQ_, MAR rREALTY CO. -P!l.ICE VHCCUISTION; RHl!or z '"7 E. O>aot B\ry. Corona del Mar Har. 47 iOl!i'oa.Jocaled nat door to N~ .Barbor Bank, CdM') •11. ! ' ~ .. .., • • , ..,. - ':-. .r.,1· . . ~,;,.,.;i • • .:~ .. P.ULL UP A CHAIR • , •. end lirt•n to thi1! ·-· .. . .;:.~~ 300 Mt111berw of the NEWPORT HARBOR . BOARD'.8 'MULTIPLE LISTINQ SERVICE oold · o:iftr 'a KJIUon Dollan worth of real-..tale laat ~'.:'"TJiionu,, and expect to oell more than' a $1,000,000 :.,:;.-!· · thil month! -~~. -• ;'Codperation amons itl members and concerted eflort made It ~ble. ' Lrsr YdUlt P.ROPERTY TODA y With your flyO)!to RltALTOR · NeWport Aarbor 8<2rd. of Realtors -. ·--~GEl '! All:J~ CQltONA ~L MAR B•rgain Com.er, OCe&D view Jot in Coror11-· ffllbl•nda u.tod .at $9,llCIO wm. ..U for $4,liOO eaab If aold ~'11y 1un• l!tb. S'IOO aet of plana desicne.I for lot ' -lacluded In aaleo prlco. Check tbfa ! Murt Sell this w •• k .. 3 bednJoma, 1 '4 batbl on 40' lot tblt '°"" fr$0 1treet t.o eereet. <>oe,.D view. HW noon, flrepi&ee, W/W carpeting 6 drape& included In price or S21,GOO. rRA ·lo&n balanoe of $1ll,800. ' Call Lee Scbonek for appoint01ent. Beautiful San Cle.mente 4 UDita on 50 ft. BAYFRONTAGE. Deoi(Dtd by :Glerbroek, AIA. Two 2 bedrm. and two 1 bedrm, apta. A hard·lo-find bargain at $80.000, including fumitUl"e, with 'onb' $20.000 down. On ~ua lite overlookinr golf coune and ocean beyon'd. 11 a lovely INGRA)! built home witb 2 bdnna. It den ~ 2 batba. Bouquet Canyon 1tont firiplace. f'&rpeted, lliding glua 'W&.111. ouut.&nding ·view and outatanding valu. at $22.~. Mk BUI Meuenger about thil one. See Earl Harvey for full detail•. p. a. palmer incorporated ole h•nron co. management .11333 Yia Udo, harbor 1000 p. a. palmer incorporated ole h•naon co. m•negement 1700 w. eout bJchny -liberty &4117S Choic• Balboa Prop•rtieal I UNIT lNCOKJ:: "4.000 ma1 toWld like a lot ot mON:1 bUt '°Ok what yoo r el ln ~ modern beau.Utu.1 bulld· int'. 2 bedrool'ftll In each unit, •luoeo plut1red concret. block conmtrucll.on, locker rooma, bWlt on 2 lot&. a apartment.I an tul'!llaMd .•. a Pn.a• tor ...Cb. tUILnt,. too. Term.. PliNINSUL.\ BAY FRONT! Here·• u olde>r ba1 lront home with pr1"t'&tc bKdi, pier rishla. ' ~ ..S 2 bathe. All tor M0,000 and fl~.000 down. TM lot alone would aelt tor Q0,000 •.. U' vacant.. PZNIN8UU DUPLEX! I>u.pldq an rKlt eo p~nW'Ul that )'OU _,,, p&l9 b)' I.hi.I ' ,..,. old properl)' wtth a bedroom. up and two doWn . . . nicely tluniahed and ln swell con- dition. Oh, yee! It. been rt· pe.lllted ,lnald• ud ouL Ul.000 and t•nn.. BllAUTirUL NEWPORT HEIGHTS HOMJ:! W•'U chall1nr-1 you to rind 1. loTeli.r hom• ln th• "Hel1ht.1"' UI-thia f ti.droom pfoperty wllh 2 1paclouti bat.ha, n- wall to "'9Jl c&rp9t1n1. full dlnlnr room plua the u.u-..1 dinette. Two 2 ear pra1e•. c.u today lo -It. 120.000 1.11d oniy l lOOO down. 4 Units Balboa Peninsula 1623 E. Balboa Bl•d., OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 One 2 bed.rm., three 1 bedrm., pJua erlra tletping room with bath. Beat location and in A-1 con- dition. Potential income ~ yr. A.siting ~.000, term•. Channel Front, Pier and flloat OPEN HOUSE 11 -4 400 Clubhouae 62 ft. bulkhead -One of the nicest 2 bedroom homes and only 1 block to Lido 1bopping. A 1te1.l at $24:,600 • BELIEVE IT OR NOT OCEAN VIEW HOME NEWPORT . HEIGHTS. 3 bedrnul, 2 batha. lmmacular.ly kept and priced at only $14.,750. Euy Lerma. ALMOST Ocean Front BEACH LO~Bere 1a & da.ndy be&cb home ooly a few atep. th ocean. Xlnt rental &rea, baa 3 bedrml.., &eparate dl.ning room and •leei:-10. Completely furniahed includlns TV. A•king. $12,liOO euy terma. JACK BRENNAN, REALTY "AT THE 3320 W. Cout Hwy. ARCHES" • LIDO ISLE LI 8-7773 B./ E LIDO ISLE OPEN HOUSE 149 Via Venezia Sunday 1-5 Well deel.lfted "l:UeN>rook" 4 bedroom C&Ulorn1a R.a.mbler with Ula ip&doumua 'bf a HultndL Huae p&Uo 1rtat . for entert.aininl" .. •!Te doon open to um, roam. 4th bed· room nt:X.lble. · 2 outdoor atiow- ere 6 dttuin1 room1. W ·W Carpett.nr and cuem.ent.I. One dote not need lm&(ln&Uoa to Me the poulb\Utltt. Cl.II tOt' eppolntment . , • BeeuUtul ln'q'VJl.r k>t, elklnr 121 .000 ' ALSO Many nice ldt llt.e1 -!Mid• A -tlrltCHtt tr-om as· to TO' atlr&c:tiVI price.a. NEWPORT BEACH Beautiful Fum.iahed 10 Unit W•ll plana-1 6 loca~ -mini· mum upkeep -i.rre aundeck, I nicely ~. excdlftlt condtt~ N•rl1 100,... on yeer le.-. -SO'i' dn. 112. per 1•r. FOR 1RENT Beaut1tull1 t\unlahed 2 bedroom Model a.tw.e• Jn'bi4 Udl T'IZIUll A'"- -C&brllio DOl't.ll ot 11\k ... OPEN D.All.Y t A..JL TO I P.K. RE.A vY llUKli ROOH, hardwood Ooanr, INC dloul>I• ,.,...... ~·air h99t, 1'U0t-t• °"9 ud ,..... dt.pmaV. __..,., 1Hclln1 ,-1&11 doon. UMd '1aicJI nl"9pll.CU. TERRIFIC LOOKING HOJ.IES wtta u:Nlkont noM- pll.lll on Colt• .Meaa'e m01t dtsin.b141 £ut 11.S.. • l·bedroom: $21,960-UOOO OOWn. !·bedroom lll'\d den : 122.t6G-iaoo& dowa All homu have 2 batNi OLE HANSON CO. or OClicte: LI l·M71. "We're Moving "to Irvine Terrace" Drive 1D today and 11ee for youraelt the many. out. It.anding features of thl1 remarkable community. More and more Harbor area families are lupectins the.e exquisite homea -notinc their comfort, con· v~ence and central location . More and more familie. who prefer a home in a r&- abicted quality community ~ moving into their Irvine Terrace home.. Inspect built the model homes, by Macco Corp. • exquisitely-furnished by Martin & Von Heinert . Irvine Terrace is located on Cout Hisbway 0J,1posit1 the new lrvine Cout Country Cub. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor «U For Further Intorm&Uoa * For Recommend&tioo, we refer you to uycm. who holds a Leuehold Elta.te ln Irvme Ternct, Beacon ·Bay, Bay Shores and cutt Ba't'U I S.dimlt _.ble often. Owner lemng J'.., ~~ ' ,country Juna lll PICK OHJl OF THmB& . , • tor lncome or a bu.ch home.. 4 Ndrabml a.nd 2 b&thl, tumlah· ed. Wit.bln 1.50 tL ol th• baJ, l.1ld th• -1mmln,-beach 11 wond1rf'\IJ ... ai..p. abOUt 10 people. 111,600 and ~ tel'mll. This perfect 4 bdrm. one year old home bu everything, carpela, drapes, large patio, built-in 21 bath apu'tJMllL Juat. off --------------------.. ihr. THE VOGEL CO. I ..., E.,c.t. H..,.., Corona delllar HA: 17il HA: 0757 ' , CORONA DEL MAR 4 stnrte untt. pa Eut Bay ..\.Te· nu1, lllceiJ" rurniahed and In Up-top condlUon tor 111.000 ..• all Xhlt bu)'! A lpln.t:u'I dtlllpt , , . ft w. •"'r •w oa1. J bedroom hom• on Bar A•tnua wtth a bl.chdor ln ~ rear ... f'Mllr! rw-- ni.hed. All tor flJ, 700 -11d ··-Balboa Realty Co. OJJp(lltta Bank Of Ametka ft-. OnidlT Ed LM kitchen, etc. It'• lovely $45,000. BAYSHORES NEW LISTING very attracUve well !:nrllt year round home. 2 bdrma., 2 bathe completely fur· ~ahed on Vista. Nice large patio -$28.000. and 3 bdrm., 11>1.lh completely furn. on Circle. On one ot the targe.t W..ide Iola. Very lovely p&tio, room for swimming pool, only $23,500. . MYRTLE DAVY, Reeltor New Lido Plua Bid(., M32 Via Oporto (Oppooite Lido Sbopo Pati<lng Area) Har. ~Evenlnp U 8-5297 , .. ,.. 1=:.""s.':."." ea,... VOGEL VALUES -BALBOA ISLAND Pbane HaAor 1277 B/B e BAYFRONT Exclusive e P'-and Fio..t • I y_,.. Old e NlcelT f'umlsbed • • lt«lrooma. a 8.atht e t f1Npla.NI • {XlbwaiMr-Di.9po.al ~EALL Y SUPER 2 bdrm. plu•: SJeeping for 6-8. King 1iu living room with lge. fireplace. Perfect i~terior • furni1hinp. Charm. patio. Near South Bay • ~ach. Avail. for 1ummer. Furnlahed $24,500 GOING , GOING -SOON . Holding Open HOWie at 116 Amethyst. Sat. "- Sun. 1-5. Excellent 1wnmer rental. A real bar· &&in 3 bedrm. home to aeU furnilbed for $22,!W)O THE VOGEL CO.. R11altors 208 Marine Ave.. Har. ""4 nr 1015 • Bly, Beaeon 11~. I other line propertle1 ranrtn1 from •22.000 to 1225,000 Bay & Beech Realty Inc REAi.TOM 3112 1£fayette. Hl.r. 36•3. --~ 'Ju1l to lhe riJht ot Lido Bridr•' BILL'S BEST BUYS l'JEWPORT ~ W1U located two rome on comer Jot 11' 'X 1"6' Zontnr wW &llow buUdinl' of •ddluonal Wiit. Ooee t.o l'ftDUD&r, int.er· medlat. • h!P Khoola. Jtricltd lo •ll at fl,760 with StlOO dn. Balanc• f71 mo. WANT A DEAL! Own.tr lea"t'ln.r It.I.ti. \Vtll •1.Criflc• HOO of bla equil)' on I.bl• nMrlJ ,._ tour bdnn .. 2 bath doubl• ·PNC' home.: ll.l60 dn, I.lid f7t . mo. rnovtl I 1ou In the front door u th• ownv mOT• out the baek. I BE'ITER KUM.YI ! W. A. TOBIAS ~TO" I "you'll Ilk• our tnendly w.rrioe" fOO &. 17UI I t., C09la Me• l.Iberty l-11H I 105 Via Ravenna Lido Island Open Houee Saturday 26th Ir: Sunday 27th, 1..:5 p. m. • Cloee t.o the Club Hou.e. • Ju.t in tima tor a wonderful IW1111!Mf • Tb ... l>eclrc><>q>a, 2 batba. .• ~50 Full price -Euy ....... EXCLUBIVE Wl'j:H Lido Realty Associates 3400 Via Lido Hariror 4444 DON 'T CRY TO -MORROW BUY TO-DAY DUPLEX -NEWPORT :SLAND 3 Ir: 2 bednrui., corner. ACl'OM P1.tk I& Bay 1 unit furn, Idea.I home I: income. WW trade for Ba.lboa J11and. COSTA N;ESA 148 Cecil Place corner. Challenae \o .eome 011e ha.ndy with tools. Price $3000 cuh.. 70 x 121 C ~ne Newport Blvd. Needa• ~ to code. Price $28.000 now reduced to $20.500. Tmn1. Small 'i!own. • N1~ P1.t»-BarMque • 1~ caro.,... • .AddlUonal Parklnl' 8pac• • 411 for fTl.800 Bay & B•ech R••lty Inc RliL1'0R8 (Next door to post oUice.) Lido Isle -~In Corona del Mar TDOC Of'nRED f'OR 8..u.&-1 · bdrm, bom9 and 1 bdf"!ll. •pt. Owll• buUt and , oceupted. lk&ut.Vul "t'tew. SPECULATORS INVl!~'!'OJll!. HARD BUY· ERS. -UU. 110' on B-y by 12.'I' on Fullerton to alley, the make U oflir! o....n.r will aubordlnata. 1'60 W.,Ba.lboa Bl'fd .. Balboa Harbor 1tN -~. Bu, 1151 A. at-'• ftrow to • I -OCEAN ll'RONT .. o:Jo~risof~.~aneli'Manager '::::-.::::-;.,>:-.,:w,= ~ .1-:lJ ~ .MOl'\pp ,..,..... at HO mo. ~; DIXlLft n oo. _, ,_._. .. _,....,. ... -:--\a. Kaftne~-1 Big;;.,~ Bu. 5085 Tru.t Det4 wtUl IM&1lt'r doWn .......... :$ · • ~or real est"'te •RT c. "'"""""' co ... .., .. ,., -T a 2t01 Newport BrTO. Har. Int ~ . VDIBER NJ:WPOll'f HARBOR BOARD OJ' RULTORS -~-.. ..,...'-"-' _•'.,."-· --- 1 Alt•d•n• Escrow J'J\IS PA.IUCDfG llJ..A CUI. lllb I L, Colt& M .... r 1k1• LlbutJ' ....... tkl• . . .. I " '"'l •. ,.~ ' .. ... ' ..... _ ........... .---··-·· . -· ..... ... Open Set. & Sun. I to !> 40 I Vie Lido Soud Spel'ldlng DOW OD 77 faet o! Lldo'a -Bay rront, 4 ~ 3 ~ Funlahed at ·$92,600 or "1fl leue for IUliuner at l1800 pe!" month. lo. WE COOPERATE WITH · REJtLTORS DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor . 2602 Newport Blvd . Harbor 4.718 --- FRANCIS J. HORVATH, Re•ltor UA UTIFt1L acr.s• ftll.r 1\1 .. Harbor H28 Harbor 1M5 • Un-m aCIW ~ to -wbdlrided mt.o OOUDU)' ... ------_.,,--------------- Lat• Mid pU 09Un9. ' IN OOftOHA. DIDI. IUJ\-U 70U ·ui.. ....,_at It. '-t, ... lhlil • Mnn. ud t bath Jrlot'IM. It 1-bub" t.auWUI. Tbarll Mi .., UAMITJMl.-d oc ... "t'I .... Fitzmorris Realty ).luH lplt U..t1n1 l\.Mltor I ' Bulin-Broker JlJI It. Cout Ht,hway, C.DJ.l H1rber 2111 • $1000 DOWN Will buy thU. brand new 3 bdrm. 1 ~ bi. - on a 75 x ~· lot ln one or the moist delinl:lilre locatk>n1 In Costa Mma. Owoa fll beh:ta t:ru. ferrt!d and i• anxiOUlc to .. n. to call today. I THE VOGEL CO. 3201 V.'. Cout ffwy . .-NEwpor'\ Beach U ""81 --·-... - •