HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-06-06 - Newport Harbor News Press-· '. • .... ... ' 1'BWP012T R&WS NEWJ'()RT BEACH, CAL!FpRNL\ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6. 19:18 II~ AND DAICA. -.UJ:-B<tty Hutton a.od Dana Andrew> rehearae 1eene for mO'fie ..... .liot ln~YIJ'loua point• of Newport Harbor. Dana, aald to be an excellent allal', took to tJt.18 1eene at H&rbor Ialand like a duck takes to water. -Staff Photo WIRE SHORTING ENDANGERS KIDS Police are taldns ~ to halt a d&ns.-ou. ~ yOWlpU11'9 MY• beel\ ....... baf' in MiaJ' u.. QQroft&. ... Mar Youth Center. Oilldrm. be.,. ..... ,..rt. ed throw1q .tr. and otbn' SMt&Wc.....udclM Oftt' a:dlMft. power •llQllf Ae&I' the M99- btll ~ •t MA ud 1l1I ...... ......, Ulll ..... lliwll to abort, out. ...... .......,. ......... ......_ Uc obj9cta. WblCll drop .._. onto U.. ~ tt ~ OOUld pron htslllJ ~ ..... .IOHN MURDY THOll.U Jl[(lOBU, Newport Schools ncumbents Win Tickets; Budget ·increased Total Preliminary Sum of Sl,105 .• 710 Up $178,597 ror • Um• Monday, Newport Hu~r WU mi&med tbll 0~ ot Cart0n and • al(n ~ lo that fact may have confuM I d' Out, Water In • few motoriat... ~t 19, unW llley determlned It wu p..t a movte Min's made nalnr Newport u t.ckCf'OUDd for Newport Beach Elementary School Diatr~t trustee& a m)ltbk:al lawn called Car.on. la.st evening adopted a preliminary budget for the com-1 and they ~ melt. well- ing school year which totalled $1 ,105,710. Th~ i.e $178, «nowa ttars u BeUy Hultoti and 1 Dina Andrew1. 597 higher than the budget of the preae1;1t year. &tty and Din. ir;, hNdllnln&" Al lhe nme Un1e the lru•teM vtce11. $100,690 fw upf'r&Uon ot 11. Bryna ProducUon11 pictu .... MRS~ HOFFMAN BEATS DE FOREST FOR POST voted to ralM the be(lnnln( aaLti the .chool plant. $20.100 ma.ln-"Sprin( Reunion." all abol.Jt a of tea.chen $100 a year, to 1•100. tenanc, of -chool pl11.11t. U r.187 II I SANTA ANA, (OCN8) -Ab· rwnloa ynra 11.ter o a ~P .__,I ·-• t S"pl. Ray Ander.en decland In fixed ch...,,., J.~7 ,300 tor lltlntM .,... Ota ...... l•e 1lflr.cord· ol ,,..duates of Caraon Hlrh I to IU d •· '" lhal th'-ral.ff come• al a tllne tranportaUon, ... ~oo 111 food 1er-Id prec nc w e...,rmine ... ,, _... School. Owner of Bryn& ProduC· •--l 1 Q ••hen It will be or j'l'Ut be.Ip to vice, $2000 tor playground dlrec· 1 tlOT\I Is Kirk Dourtas. actor 'In ou ... .,ma In wo 0 tha five r· klJll In oimpi.UnJ hla -of tin-a and CU8lodiana ind H:i.000 tn1e County lkMol Board Tnll· -.-hi• own ri(ht. and director or ·-di lri 1 t.chere. Ha •U11 bu al.a t.-.cb-for aplta.I. ..U..,·. ' "'Sprtnr Reunion" w Robert '""'' 1 c '· er• to employ: be aald, arwf IM Ji-K. E. Wlllt,neck or th• bl(h Plrt.*h. I Unoffkl•I r-elurn1 from ~ bavin1dlfflcultyjn1ett1nru.em.. Kbool 11.1.tt, -.w11ed befon tha prectncta out of Mi r-eveal Al thll time or ua yaar IM mua1.-baaJ1111 &1 ~ta.tJve to. the A •11n. "You are 1...Mvtn1 UM race1 tri th• ltlCOtld •nd third --M-tM.. H ca.I City ftf Q&.-.on,'' waa _, ... tor In u.. -0. Ola4 ly llu hl1 t.e&Chff list ~~ .. ~ ftl'll'0"1. HarMr ~~of the l-a few m inutia on top ot Tll• hrtne,. of Aa&)iei"'l polled 2-4.· Of ~ total bu41"et ltN.WP. ia r0f111a TM("hen A..ocl.atlon and A.rdlee whUe • ....,. ,... Milll" 231J: to h~ the thre. ex.pecte4 to come 1""'11 tM ... r.,.uffled tht t~ lo a:.¥• rr. ""°"'1f/ ( «'nl 1ny ora an •-•••d ~ a atudy ot w.y• Md mean1 LEI: ahot. 'l"De action. thli;...., a t.o can fl*Clt. • ' · "°" o( Jll,aoG,000. ni.. waa .... UlC tMCIM:rA" ~ K; 6 dock on Kutlor ud Vlcl9r1~ •ere rll'ar-rut fa;, ';;;,e dlKVfllop~~·"-¥.~ the ..-,al .unlllii . tiom I.hi l&r4, l laler to a beach hou.a. tn Cof'Ufl8 Jameti &. ~ or Or-a nc• • CllllJ'1ct valuatlM ~~\.Mil memben de<"lalidir I~ .... MEW MESA dtl ).far ~ &~Of Che Ltclo tn the fourth dl•lr1ct a nd Miry ldJh. 0r Whether Uwi "Ii.~ aid 0otns UUle d4, r\r Buaioea• w..t rlct: E . Hottman In U1t fifth truattt Andrew• .,.,.~ requir9!1 to aal1 11ree,. WOUid equaJ lM lati0,400 IM.Klr•t· IUQBt:a PA I ama.11 .allboi.t durtnc pvt ot l~ff.l~f~ ed. ~t Supt. AnderlfOa called I Wbiltneck dated hi• rroup \1 FIRE CHIEF the 1hootin but that WU a.I· I .Done11n Wll ahe•d of Rirha.rd a ttent>on to th1 1eneral rt;l9ef'\'1 lnter6led In -Ing bef{nni.Dc I r1 ht with ~Im. Dana OWflll • J, Red.letn or 'l"u1Un, 48,lll.'> UI .. wfllc~ the dlatrlct h~11 built up a&l•rie. .md at 1~200 a year ~tor hi• own •nd 1, •id to be 19.431. M.ra. Hofftn•n ,11ut 23,- of S•0,000 I.I a 1utr1clent cu~h·1 and lncreue to 19000 for t l'ach·1 .n eJtttll nt 11 134 vole•; Thom111 11 8 O..l-'ore~t ibn to c•rT)' the dlatrict tlnan«it era with muter'• derree• and Co•l• Me .. F"'lre Pr•veutlori • ___ ...:_ 111 or, of Ne .... ·port Be1rh, 19 310, Don· O'f'ft any buinpt Lhat mlrht ! 12 ye1.l'lt upe.r\en~. He •Id he j Officer Ralph i.-wHl 11.uume I aid J. Slevl!'n!I of Co11La MeS>t, ~ur. l w•• not. prepared to orrtr 1ny l dutle11 •• COlltll. )l,lf!'llll fire c-hler,1Angel Cas"1llas li'.948: •n•l J•t,qUl'llne Ellen lUAJN l'l'EMS I 1ugJ'uU0111 u to wheth~r thf! etfecllva June 18, !t w11~ an· SIWTnM>ll ur Co•la Mea1. 71141. Th,e main Item• ot the bud&et money 1hould came from increa•· 1 nounced today by )l,iPAA City Hvw111J M. Moore of Ga rden •t:tude 140,725 tor edmlnl1tra·i 1nr the tu umlt ab0v1 the P"'•·iM•11•rir Georre Cotrey ·rht•1Sa1"d SUl.Cl'de Grove .... ·111 •eoono ht1th with --------- Itkin.. N 40.4M ln teache"' u.J· ent 90 cent&; or rrom i tat. or m1rk1 lnlti•I move In cre11.Uon 2.'!,779 vote1. Only •80 votu i Ch b s erM .. 113.100 in 1uxlliary .er· I reder1I a id. of • city fir• department. •P· 1. 11ep1rated the two leadera. 1'here am er ees p1oved by city council a pprox.I· IR Sea I Beach a.re more th•n 900 abMntet NI-I malely two month• ago. 1 lot di th I Mesa Plans to Expand New th;o~::1dth:y c\~; ~~~ ~l dr~~·;! .. ~~~·.:2i2t)w= =~-~ cJ:::~.e~:of:0 of :~·=~I Golden Year have .elttted two enarneer• and P.!legedly committed auicid• tn 1ter tallied lt.t~ vote" In the Fi W t D rt t four hoeemen ... refllll or wrll· Sn.I Be•ch l l ( ·20 a.m. today, ff~ •• ·.·~,·.·Arnold ot ~.--Manager Heed re a er epa men S ten tall already taken ind Seal Beach police reporter! ln· .... ... '-J , ~-f oral ex.amlnatloru .ctleduled for vetili(a.tin&" atticera 1ald h•. •hot bOICS. 1 379.yoll l'dge over Sara lvln &nd broadcut.i unlU Saturday. It I• 1180 pl&Jllled to!hlmaelf lhfOUl'b th• tempi. wtth Jane Dlcken1110n of La Harbra in L~ C" RS I pu~haM a new piece of equip· 1 Colt .SI revol•er on th• w.lk tha third dl•lrlcl . The taUy: 1 _Far ed with the problein ot ~:e~i: ~~d::'!::'ic::: ~~ menL approa.chinc 1137 Oc'N.ft A••·· AruPld. 211.~; Dlc-kel\IOn, 23,. ehminal1ng • profUs1on Of Idea. Sumner, Carrick Battle Due; Utt Faces Shepard Ora.nge County voter1 gave whooping approval to the Metropolitan V.".1ter District'• Colorado River propo- sition in ye1lerday'15 primary election a.nd rejected tht 1 controversial $42 million county flood control bond illue while approving all in cumbent.a' tickets for the November elerl1on. An 1pproximate 61 per t'eJ\t of the county'a reg11'.ttred \'Ol<rr• turned out. Th• ""'ater dla1rlct'1 p1"0Jl(\1J11l to • llMUI l.'i0,000.000 in nott111 t• nnance tha Colorado River aque- 1 ilin:t p11;1jecta 1ho~d 1 yea vol.I ' or i8,0l3 In the unofficial. t.&llJ fl"Om 534 oUt ot ~ precincts. Thl'l'e' Wflf'I 1499 no \Vt .... Uno«lda> t~ fro~ M4 pr•c1ncta .lit of ~Mt total tod.1y , di.a<:io.. Oran11 Couoty ballot- f c11tt11 rejttted the $47.820.000 Oood l'ontrol bond 18IUl' . Nt'edlng twO·thlrUt or the \•ot• for pa•aage. the ye• vote totalled •7.302 •• 111Jnat 2~.664 no. The 11tcond 1uprrvi1or111I di1tncl gave I the propo11ltlon M 111~1111t vole ()f •JJpruv11. 'J'hp bond 11l11c1 WAI fl \'Ort(I JO the thltd di1tricL. The rir111, fifth aud roul'lh <11.~1nrt~ pro\·ed PRll:STQN" K-ALLltN' lo be lhe bonda' downf•ll. Lua AngeJu Slit• Senator, 17,- lnrumbent Sl'n11Lor Thom a • ~ to 14.178. Kurhel fR ) of Anaheim ret•Pived ~ A.DI.Al 1.1:,\Dl:\""G the l1rgeat vote total among con· County ba.llot-eutera followed tt'Ated offire11 the 1t1t.e trend and rave Demo- Kuchel rece1ve.:I 47,024 vot"' to Cl"l l pn'lldentlal aapi~t Adi.al outdi•tance hi• n"areat compel· StevenlOn an edl'e over Eatea !tor In tha Republlcari 1lde of the Kf'fauver. The toll.I w11 20,Mf ballot, Rumond R. Pritchard for Alll1i. 16.27;3 for E1te1. t RI, 1119'. AU talllea wu• unofficl!ll and On the Democr1t ticket. Kuc- 1 · incomplete 1"1.ve precinct.a were h-1 t"llld Richard Ric h&rd!I (01 (ConU11ul'd 011 Pap 111 Coat& Meaa City Council hu appro'l"ed plan& to vut.ly e•pand tacWUn of the new nre and -- t..r department.I &Zld dvll df'fen11. Mana.pr OeorJe Coffey )lo*J ....... Jt••n authority to cttatAI U\111 poelUon of wai.r Mr- "'1teman and to adverUH for bida far a n.w truck tor the water de· ,.,...... .. tor by Ch'il Defetu1e. '1'ha fire 1 tatlon w ill rem1\n Seal Beach, a.tter a quarrel VL'lth ISO. I to co11centrate on a. rew which ln IL• pre1t1nl locallon It l2tl hl1 estrui.a-ed will. "''i ll 11.dequat .. ly rut N"wport H I H H hbo Loul• w. ""'" or ...... m .... ,. .. Gold'" '"'u .. «l•b~-ere s ow e·1g rs on Area s Resulh In Board Race IR.oc:.huLar St~" Colle)' a1id.."'1Nt P_ollce •id he allecedl y r•thered 11.7112 vott'll and H. J.l uon &eJ'l'.lell, the Newport H•~r arr...,l'menta hive yet to be thrutened toComm:tt iUJtld• to G. KRU.ler of Cypreq !tad Cl\a.m~ Commerc@ board oi wnrktd out with I.he county rt· hi• ""'!fe. The ahootlnr la 1tUI 1.217 In the lhtrd 1rea. direclora e"nd commltle. chair-IM ed 11n:lln1 the preaent equipment " 11nd .. r lnve11Ug1Uon, orf\ce111 eald. D g Styllanou or SanLll. Aria v t • p • • , .... · _,, In th• ... ,,, dia-mtn ye•terday apparf'ntly af;"nled esa 0 1n r1mar1es Coffey aald l..Pe wa1 choeen 1 COila Meu. Police Department WM .. PJ>OI!"" '' 1 thrii.t a full ume manarer or co- Newporl Bea.ch voted Ilka thl• for the new city po8l follo~1n1 ""'•11 notit1ed of tha death at 11:50 trlct. He ru~. 82,330 .. vote•. ordlfll.tor of the celeb~tlon 11 ln the Atta :i County Boe.rd of 111 oral bosrd of lntt;rroiratton • m. today, Survlvoni lnclude hll The n,w layman board la neceiaary. Ho~· did. you and your Colla I pblno, 110: \Vll•on, 84 ; Demo- h.'. M.' '. --m~ ot Chol• • 11·lfe. Sally, their d&UJhler L., .... to 1.1.ke over In J uly. lt will I ,• I Mo" "•l(hbo•• ,.,,,, A 1-·p <••ll< <•"l••I -mmlllo•·W••l· l:ducaUon ra~: Mra. H ttm ...... .,........... ·' '"" ..,, '"' " '"'"""' " L... .,_. o an. min John ·Gllrlhl'. sun!a ).na l'nne Lynn. and h\8 pirent1, l.Ir. mark the flr•t time the county Yestt:>Td 8) 11 1econd 1 ptcl 1f of Colla Mel!!& pre.:1nct11 a.ll ol' x•te, 209; We!lltn. 338: Sanborn, j027; DeForel!lt, 1749; Slevl'fUI, fire chief; Ch11.rlei Carrell. Sant" and l\;lr1. F ern11ndo C11tlla11 of 111;:hool1 h11ve betn under control meeting on the lfolden A.nniver·1whlch were not In 11 of pr'M 170, Brockman. 270; Smith, 314; MIO ; Stormton, 3•8. Monica tira chief, and 81.111 1317 Avocado St., Coit.a Meaa. of other thin 11Choolmen. ury l e1t 1v\Ues waa chaJrmanned time, ihow IOllle lntl'rl'8lln1 a1dt· \VJl$0n, 310: ~r. 131 : Van In Co3ta Meaa, the board vol· Robe.rt.a, Inxlirwood ftrti <:hif!f. I The •hooting victim wu rt11h· by JI~ ..'l'. Vllll Dyke. chamber U1ht1 orl' men a nd \U\lt9 Der \'tld ... 90: Ltt. 29~. Mathew, 1,... Dt-F ut. 1183 .fl.I The rtndtn111 on the 1ppllr11nL11 ,.J to Long Beach Community. Need Ci'ted P"'11dtnt, who will llerve •• \\'Ith the Me111·1 hl"ll\'Y U••n1(1.. 1•1 . • full·ll!"e cr.w an.er July 1. 'I ... ...... OI . Tll Wl're arnn,~ In ehronoloo-iral I H~11p1"I wh••• •• w .. ,--·-<-on chairman until • {'OOrdl n1tor •• av ron1r"lll-hl'rl''I the ••• ' · H tt " " '""' ''"''"'" rr1t1c lntere11l. ltt '1 tlr•t ron-A mot.Iii* WU allo can1ed to o man, 787. Stnoen... 66~ and order and Coffey lntel"vlewed the l'd de.d on arrival. The body 11 rm med. llider lh•I part.\' 1 iii~. Adlll p11blh:1n lll•le returru1 In thl JW'ChMe fOW' moblle radio ,._ StormJIOn, tMl I (Co•U•ued •• ...,,., 10) al Dlld1y Mortuary, LonJ' 8-ch. Sch I F Van Dyke aa.id ... Thert will be Stevenaon fll n j97 ahead ()f E11l 6 :'>tl'lla piP<·lnrt.o -!:l..nhower, 00 or rio rPa.I nev.•1 until thf' comrn!tttt K,tauver'a 719 votea 10 Co11t• l~; US. Sl'nate-· Kuthel, 1332; R• WU .&eo auCC'Nll\ll tn cU· t1nc _...,UOn puMd to ad...,.. tl9& tor .... t. nnmp th• 9ee- ~ Goer-of tN fire .tatk>n and pu~ ~t for lhe Mua- t.111' at pereot'U'lel when lha new tlra departmut '9 manned by JllDEI IN TIUUDR-Nancy Lundwakl, perched on t.ck of convttt}bJe. reign11 u Fiah Fry Queen durinr parade throurh Co.ta Meu BtrttU ·Saturday. She wu crowned tty former movie atar Victor Mel.A rlen, (rand marshall of tht- l'llh Fry. -Staff Phol' M C mf'llll n"xt T'ue11d11y anti tr1e11 to Mf'llA or 1 11 but on!' p!Tclnct ~-Prltrhard, Iii ; Yorty fl; John· esa orporation Hand1'capped l coordina~e acli\'i!1e• and ,,.t up porUn1. Al rre1111 t\ml' Pte1Cinct 90n. 28: Cnngfl"<A-Utt. 1IOI; a budget " 2~. Coata l'ftll . .,.,11 unreported Shepard, 90; 11111 ll'n&le - Yard D'1sallow-..I V• oi·k• said ~m Ill-• •t the rourt huu"'" Mur•lv. 1119. Allen, 44: F'ln•· WU Need for a local achool for n ~" m "" more, 127. Mf'C1bl'. •~: ro.•lll. M,.811.1 corpol'ltUon ya rd handlc•pJl"'"f chlldrenw&11 brou,rht wtre ttnl.l.tively 1et up thla wnk The1·e folio"'·• th,. btll•ni l' ot A.u f'mbl,v-A/rr:il'ndt, 11 2; Car- be<:"n"• • tit ad iuue-at JM.St befOt"e thfl Newport Harbor I to rPprMent. different Pl"'Ofl'OMd ' Uw l.>emocrattc ticket . I rick, IHI ; Delphlno, 181 : Surnner. In 1t11 pre11enl location-Monday Elt111tnl11ry Sl:hool 1k11rd la!lt l'Vtnl11. but "'1t'11 too N r ly lu Ill• l" S fl,.nate Kuchel, 631; 700, \Vllton, 97. County oom• 111•hen the r1 ty rouncil votl'd to 1veni"1" by Ri;i1•r W. Har<lacre, I nounc-e c~lrmen and ar Uvltlee. Rlcharda. &M: Yorty, 3tl. Con·, mlttf't! of GOP, not yet com• go 111nn,r -..·ith the re.·omm~d•· who w111 -..•orrled ov,.r the po•-"'" h.l\·en t rnnflrmed 111·hl'l het l'rl'"" Shtp1rd. 8911, Utt. &.)4; pll..,1 \ri coucthouH, judcn _ t1on nf the plsnn1n11: romm1,.111on '•iblllty ot th~ rounty ref\Jalng l l hl'y 11·e JlOIUllbl,. In "·ork QUI." •I.I.le wnale-Allen. Ill: :llurdy,1\Vut. 26117 . Thompaon. 2662: a rid turo it tlo\l.·n. to take !\"I'"' port Harbor chi\· Onf' thuig 11 derin1tP, van Dyki 1132: McCabe. 1:16: F't~more. e1 : I Flood conlrol bond tuue. Yu- Apparf'nlly prott1La of nearby drl'ri a rtl'r th111 prt;tent achoo! 1J1id. "We'r,. got.n1 10 1-onr entrat.e l State Aut!:mbly-C11nc~, 871; 1849; N() 1218; Prop, \9' re1klen1.Ji Jln'-"t'nted to thl pl!ln· y••r. j on the week o1' ~pt. l~ lo 23. An1endt, 217 ; Aun1n,.r. :z<IJ ; Del· "Walet"'-Yea-2871: :S<t-lt2. 11era a. week aco were loud At p re11ent 11 Newport Har· with parl1<::11l•r ,vrnl• for each I · enough to be he•rd by the city bol" children a ttend th~ rounty wttktnd. DuMnit thti ~·ee.k • p i R • I • fath.-111. ne8ult tht c1t_v .,.,·tU lmaintaln9(1 J . P Grf'eley 1ehool propo1Jed Golden Jubilee n le wtU I rec net ecap1tu at1on h11ve to look ror 11. f'Ol"pora Uon near An1helJ11 and Supt. Roy be put 0n by lhl merch1nt1 In I y111>d f'l~f'where. prob11bly ln an Andtrwn uld l her• it a proba· the H!lrbor aria." lndu11t1•\11l t one. !bll1ly of thfl"l'O be•n& It lo 11t· .. . • f N wport B h v t• Ano\hf'r v1 r111.n<'P •pplicatlon, I tend °"'~ .chool thJa nut ytar. I 0 e eac 0 1ng """''"" •o P"'""'' ~m• p~ Wh" • Kh<~I dlol•l<l ""'w' HARBOR WEATHER II \l'.11!~. th11t nf H•rMr Trll'!lt\" "' lhat It h•• morl'. thin 1 n Bapl111t Church lo Ullf' la.n<'I ,·t 11\·l'r111• dally 11tttn<t11ric-e r.f --------------l'>1wporl Beerh '\-nle1• Wllh!-KIK'hf'I. 48H; Pri<:hard. 113, the northwe~l romtr l'l"f 8ake1"'!mt:W• Uwin :WOO PU?llll It LI e.it.· Tempe1 11tu~ t or the Wff.k-[th,.lr "°"""lly h•V)' lhpUbHun !Yoi;)'. 82.~JohnlOfl, SO; Co111T ... SL -1n11 F1un·il'"'' Ro11 d Jn •n peel~! Lu t.ake '111·~ .,( 11, n\\"TI ""'' 1n th" _'lra-porl 'Rarl>olr a~ 1 ~Lralioll.. -thres.. Jo.l.u.ttiin&L~-Lat. J.Bp.,, Sht:l>&ld. ~ 81..ala R·I zone to con1trucl a c.hUf('h. ban\lloapped chll hen "''er" 1.i<tf!ll,c:tltl Of! )·.-t.erdly'a .Ut.e1Sttiate-Murdy, .t:i,01 ; All.m, ;1; w•• 1pp1'0\'l'<1 without fncloe.t. An°'""n u.id that 111·11h c1t~· Hll'h i..w lpnmary tlertlon To~ how ) 11"'1.namo"'. 30i: McCabe, 17; Thl'. C'Ouncll .~ 1 .. ued per;. tu.I .creentnr: hl' bl'.lt~ t hetf' rour ptel'tnr l voV-1 '1n n1•n a lld A-mbl) -Amj>ndt. !OH: Car- mita tO .Mt-AA Ranch Marlr.el to •"OOld be betwt en 30 t o 40 lor11 I Thllrlldl)', J.lav 111 •4 no -~ the .,._ .... PT'eb ti .. ,,...l rlck, 7t"'i'O.Jph!no. 28'\ !lun1n .. r, op-ralt 1 rh·ewnrk• .Und a t c hlktrea who 11hn11ltl have lfU• h l-'1!rl1y, J une I &!I 49 c1ppN Ole l1bul1t1r-n t roin 1v11\I-%272. "'illrn\. 118 fH E. 17th St Junt 28 to J ul,-ltratntnc. but lhll if 1""'ul11 l>f'' ~alur•lay. Ju~ 2 .... 418 6:\ lbl" flgUN'@ •l pr..,....t ir.• ... \\r\ll'· Jud&n -\VetoL ,')6.",,1, Thu1np- t , a n<t tn thl'. !>fa rln,. C'n•pi. for lmpolllible to 11vl' Ulem 1 IOl'pt r· !l;qn<t•-.· Jur~:; fl~ ~~ in vnlf• '"'I <"fl"'Jll"le •O\J"l)' lllOn.5."i12. F'l0tll'! '-""lllU'I 1>nrt.I 11• a aoun<l 11urk to II'" throul'll 111• lr'bool anti that '.hi tialn'1'1J l"OI01tlltte"" ""I" '"·'I •\11l11hl,. ~"" ,.,.,._:t.'"141-1 . :.,.., ~;14 p1,..11, l ci'y 11 tr•eU th1 1 monlh to ,,,. "·ould nnt bf> 11.11 1<l"'!lu111 • ••I J>folldl~·. J•il>~ 4 ···-61'• r,6 H"'I'• th~ vn1"1 ho•'"'"'" \\ · ••L~r Yf'fl 160.SJ xo, 4'11. V1'rtlloe a rOtteo ind dance. •111'1 lh•l M:tn1 au~n l l lhl' CflUllly l T·1~•.;I•'·· Jnn• l'r'. ·-611 :l!:i' F··• 1·1·•··1,.,.1,11 ,J .. l•lt'<1'"" 1111 "'"~1'" I He•r l'""">rf~llc permit ttt 111"lLlvetl, l 11rMinl, V.ttl/1eW•)".J11nell _l4 :ir 1 !:~ttT1ho"'•r-4~1-;, L'.8 8•n•l•1 1t1nlh111rd .,. Para 11 1 • • . 'r' • l . . ' . PA6E 2·PART1-NEWPORT HAUOa. NEWS-PRESS """"'" 0&-'. ._ .,,,.:,.. ..,,_ ... ,.. 9tt .,.., '"" "'! '-.. _ -"'"' • wa>Ni;SDAY JUNE 6 1956 ... """,_ ... .._ ,._ .,... .. _... -~ "...,. .,,.., wt11 ...... ....... .... W\U .. "1""7 ... -,.,..... •t thto MltorN oourt eM Peu1" Had!: -,rt.II pa wte ll!le • ' ... ud Clll\adl 0.; U ..... ,&..t a ,.,_l C1i1 llbO Oil tM m.tfnp ACX &.flSOftl ~ .a. #' d 1d ..U., .Pa' t"ulU. aecepUii UM ~ wW • ...,.. .......... • W,. otftot. fll.,,.. 1' L Laurt• It_. :-.._~ =-l =· Ck)' Hlltdtltld will &ct N ~'7· .WC. bock9y L1Mir r,.,. N '• \'let-..... 0... .. "" .. .,. ....... ....,... _...,. GOI NGS ON AT THE t.---+--a.tttooA-s-AV-CttJB •· 8 T .-"1 •a.... Pr R 1 di'lcb wilt lU• ~ II lM , ....,.,_ and a. GI_... ell fl ........ ,r:~;::..--:-r' ..__. ... ,.Dir* (llOlllll ftqu ol ta,. t,_., _. ,._ ._.. llll .._ -=--p.e will M lM ... W..... • .... • r:t• ,...h ud&a a.:~ -~ 1• ............ -.. ...... pml$!.. _. ~.. 1 2 . I 1 0 ,, I -fflM .... .., .,. ... -.1..-. ..,.,,. ~ ..... .... ;.-t. TNn ......... bd ~ ...,... wU1 .... TalfY• °'"' Pa .. DA.NBA~----.-&a»: .... ·w :1r o..~.a. ....... c,.1111a ... r•cl • --~ _ ... ·--~--J ICelt.fr .ur-of ,_... •• l•llN..n.. ,_ 'IM'•• .... ...,_ • Mulift pt a13t1 fN ••• rtaaw wW .. ~ .....,..., . ..,,. -., ...... ~--.... . -- ': . lb ....... .,.. ..., lM mil :! • nd .,... ........... illf&Dl wu •'-tr '-c:Nl'koC -_. N r. I II ~ ~ ...... !t UM, -..... Rey.. 0.A..A. .. -........ ., -..... '""it ..----a.A.A:;: .. .......... h:l. W•'Na.t.-io~•inJ.tattbe-..N ....... ..,.,.. ~ar.=. wijl ltSlll nt .. ~ ~-.... ..,.. .... ~ ..... f'JloyClub. Don'tgo'\'Wliifiiftol.be'l'reuutyDepu1mtat .,,,__ Tool••-lfih..,. -• .--··..-=·~ . WIUt lhll information DOW bec&wie Outl wtll be a Robin co1e-. .. ~ ......... °" ... , ZI Cbanl.U.. ·~ ltahkr WW pay ~~ t .. : .Tb' 1-a .... n .. --'" .... • wbo .,.. ....... &l •1-... ~ to Nteffd ...,-·-type o operauun. e ce .... we-1w-i.ae ww,.,. pven ._ RMIDU. ,._,1 -re... .. pNtdent ot i..ura Ki ~ u t~•au • m.;r. to our membml bfs,innJaI ~ ..,.,..., ~--». r. · . 14"M Me:Pariand ~u ttelp ~ K.lllt.. will Au -:.:l':o and ................... , ....... -----·•iN:w• Mf.lnp. L~ a -·· Nt h.8lt Cw Mr«· HelfAna .... tM tor UM: clutMI in.a.. w....-flW ... wSll M 'flcCOfJ' MCt 19' wW N rer. Kl.!'«illa 0--. OMWllt M "8• ,,_.. WM&al)a', a.r.tJ'9 or.., munMni I• 6-1 Uld liw JIGOormJdl Md I D n r l, ..... Ceodt, &Ad OUel Talltn .. &At ~wt. ....... wM ... 8dad Production~wlll be tIWtacf t.o Pen* Ud _. ~ &a.ac:mO•I "I -.. at Uile ......,. u ~ taUt .... .... Nldl.91, but theff'll be plmty ot mootah to go arouod. Dari.. o..... • .. · el.lc:\ed ,...._L "---Hay• • • • • 11.ou a.£O'l'l ~ tbe mtri.D*: ftbMl of tbw "'°"' Woald be (N'uidotal a.L a ,_,.. X. 'r..t.M .... -.i ,.. MM ~ fll Man tlKUOM ...,..,. Dorldm wW ...... .. ..... rtcillltJ¥, ...... Uo& ON!lf tr....urwr UNI A.lac. Bunt wW wtl1 M Mu11n Hammond, weN hekl at be 1lwl uw ....,ort«. aau 1'1JtJta OOrlmaA. .... at.Clatr, IOI. U.. an bllblY Wlu.ual eoi1n.. J'or M eaoe, IMilUltf. •• ..., Mr• Wiii '-* ·""d• _.-... ., •• ,, ,, IChool"u.1 ao• tMN "'9..., blard of a ~1 w&tk.,a •mk:al r1D1? 0.. = :,-=... ~11:.,.~ =' o-trll wtll -211d * upp7 hW MW1ld ._,.. many wW 1M bUbtMll ......-u4 em.H.b Ud 1onJa Mooo u Ula C'UAp\&L ~ IOJumt WUl lMi1.4 IM ......... d ut111IJ7 vibrate 1rtth COUDta~ ..._ fffV1 Udllf M ~ '9tl#J .. J It '!'Mo otrW 1Mp# i.-t• trot to Dbdd&Nl Alld tbit Nldlol Wiii play tbit ,. '-· -,. -., r m & ca1wwwa 11 ..., ... ..._ ....._ 1tQ you've ne¥a" heard tt plt)'td Won. lo. ~ • ...., Orlns· .. .u ta.. ...& SM 9"tiAf ,_..their ,,...._.t roir unantmou. ..._ Al1w. ,.._. ar-... will CX>KOllA.fttll to a.u a..ana. u IN Iona _.. ........ • whq b&vt Men .i.tWd lbl oom11:t.1 wtQi tM OUO. -.. ottlol ror lbe C!Olll . .... ..... ... actuaJl7 .worth" tbolr Welstrt la _,.. pld. w, may bav1 to ,..rd tMm with & -••I <W&ll ~ ll'ort K-. . ro. ... ,.. t&War about Red Nld>ola ad hlo r-: ri.. ~ ""' 01 tho c-t b&Ddl 1a tb& llold ot , ~uok. Thoy'll opn u: --1 at tba JW. ~ Club oa the &tonmouUoaed d&tA>, whlcla lo the entiH&lllmenl ........... bad .Ill• pi...r. ol YOll -tho Club,... foanded ll(bt :~ y coutlllr Mr. Nlcbolo the lather ot ...i.. For be .S..elopod an ,.11re1y -tee .. : of jljli"'"-' tba ......C la tba early 20'a. Too Red ~ -y i. -"Penny" u & muolclan, pollob;I him up &lld lent htm on to hJt own wee-.. The lilt r'ddi BM a Who'1 Who of mule: Benny Goodman, CbartJe lad Jack Teagarden, Jimmy Doney, Gene Krupa. Joe Sulllva.u, Artie Shaw, Joe Venutl, and tbl late Glenn 11¥1• to name a few. SPECIALS FOR THUR·FRl·SAT. JUNE 7-8-9 lloO ud bla beDda &lao cat oome ot thl early -· fnp (for P&tho and Brun.wick) .rblch did mu•b to - lllltAI t.be pl&ltel' bcllln-. Many of th ... di«> -... colector'1 ltent1 .,orth u much d SIOO a piece. (let;i." toot around your attic if you were among the tint Nkhola fa.na!) Unlesa we're badly mjstaken, Red bu been conductlag an orc hestra lon,ter than an)' ot.W m.an on the ecene today. It'1 beep ' continuous thlaa wtth him euept tor 10me tJzne dUr1af _Ole war : &ea \!VU reject.14 (or •rvice, and drtetddnld to do eomlthlnr tor the natioa&l tftort joined • ~_»yard crew a. • welder. PAY LESS . S!IAVEMASTER \ Which remind. us that 'the muaical world almoet Jost Red to the Army when he wu a young man. He attended Culver Military Academy, and was uswed '?t an appointment to Wnt Potnt •hen be threw doWn hlB •word and ptclred. up the cornet. After bt.rnltonnlng thro~h the Midwest with hie "Redhead.I." he wu mws.1· cal dllWtor of NIW Yori!...,. oh-; It wu during thca putod tll&t be boc&mt acqa&li>ted "1111 George Gerabwtn, who later uid, "Red Nicholl wu the one n_iusician w~o created mooda of pure ja.u." Red worked with Gerahw1n on "Gtr1 Cruy," one of the composer'• mo11t 1UCC111tul ft>deavon. In 1927, he ent.red a new field, ~ -u tht m111lc&I dlr«tor or th• C.Ohuabia BroadcuUng S1:1tem. Todaf. Red ncon:U for Caititol, and th~ "Red Nichol.I Story" will be made Uito a movte with Danny Kaye in the 1tarrlng role. A tew weeb aro tbe Ftve Penniel ctoeed &n at.nmel7 aucceu1ul engagement at Ult 8hcrato&Town Home lD Loi Anreles. then moved on to tbe 8bontoi>-P&lau In San Francisco. I! hla Bay u. f&n.1 wU1 l&t Rod ro. we'll have him at Ille BBC right ~ul• at the Ind of thia month. We don't, how· _..,.., apoct thml to IPv• him up without a ClihL H1a fOl/'"".Jll LI J&rrl and .S..otod. HAKBOR HI LITES P 11.T TUlLE, o-Ooltlllllbt Tbll put tortnisht. bu been very GelUnr to every· on•. Senior Ditch Day, btacb part!•, and election.1 head the llat. Tbunda7, Ma7 2' wu the beglnninr ot a three-day weeUnd tuU of thrtlll and excitement for the tenlon. A be&ch perty at Utt&. OoTana wa1 u,. flnt atop ror many of the 1r•duaUnr cl•••. am on r lhtm weTe: John McKtnl)' and Diane J oye, Charil• &.-rry and Joanne fluua. Tom NLqu.tte and Jl1d.1 .. ndll. fton ..._yn•r and lhflb7 Tunn•I. Bob McOoUou1h and eve Thnm•Mr1. orut I Tl Mid P&t ?'foU&r. Jim T&y~ and 1faaq lleUtll .. r , Pet• kl'IW· Mtl and B«ty Thotnp«lfl. I>oft 'Wa&droft aNI kndra -.irt, Alan Jl1flalll1 and , Vkkla V•rrandar, Jim X:alfllt alld lu. Bouden, tJadl hlltb, Jmny Luncl, Melen, : .. , Ckmmona, Nancy Muten. , Rod WU.On, 0«1r11 llsWU. PIUI Walpa. M&T)' Kelta. H a ney campbe.ll Roser £Arly. Larry POilard, and John e.aly. FrtMJ, ... t.wday, ud flund•)' P.t.a tiulbff'I, Jw:k l mi c.h, Ton. NIQUltte. and Jtm Taylor b&d a llbUlOUa Ume dr1vtn1 U\• 1\&11' c&l'I to & p1'fmlet lhoWln( ot ._ SOb Hepa picture tn P&lm lprtnp. 'nl• boye &l.o t11joyed UM.Ir W9elllnd twtmmlnf. and 1111111 UI:• town. Volle1Nll and LM telllna ot ,om• rrut joke• wa. the put· • tim• ol Bert Myere and Gl1nd1 Q1,1Mn. J)av• Brtckller an4 Vlell· le V1rrandar, Denny Bu.1n and .C..1 Klaollld. Butch Kalloway &nd J.blda Pr•tOn. Jerry Whit, aker and Bitty Thompton. Bob IUcl &nd Will.re Kannel, Bob Tw"G• &rid Toni Owene. Dalt Martin and Melinda PHler, 'r., Melly &t B&lruna Beac~ We almomt ro.t •lrht people ncallJll Carllon ,Daw.on and -. NaplM_t JW!l Kamper an4 Claudia O...t.oel. ,a.n. RublloaN Uo4 atanle altJr. and Jlm Santo Md Pat.Q' l\ .. Ml, '"r-9 G&lmly ...U.. t.be6r dlnaw 4owa at & MKb 1n i..iuna wben • blr ..... ee.me and almo.t waabed U.m. •W&Y· J\Ml doWn the tie.ch Wel'll oar7 Oren and Pat rru.bltn11 De." t'9m\ll'& and OU'o:l Orana. a114 llM Whl\41 and JaJ ... Or.tr! wtio dldn'l 'fit w~t.___._ - IOPH PAJITY ft,tffnUy P\Mllu, ._ .aphomor• el!!tt. .. ,.. • bl& bHC'h party aM ~· rtported U1•l fl waa JU,tt & blul!! PatUt flmlt.h and (llAl'lte fttlch, sua ll Clair and lddi• Popi, Ju.,. Comnln &lid ll\tcldy T!Mn,.. Martl)'ft ll&nlJllend and ~ Mayhe. Oltnd& Qu.-n &nd 1'khl• f"~· t1rrt, Di&ne Ho1le &nd JolUI IAWia. 061.nf ftlley 1.bd Jay kaUoway, 1u1 1w1nk •nd l'foble W&M'um. Llnd& W&hntr &IHI Jer· ry WhU.U.a, Pltty Rllr•n a.ad IAYI IAFILY At Oron90 County'• Le•ding Home Lending Institution CONTINUING TO PAY PER ANNUM ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $10,000- Aft Accounts Opened On or Before TM I 0th of the Montt. Eom From the I 1t • LlGUNJ FEDERAL SAVINGS I LOAN ASSOCI ATION tno-a ...... ......1 llY '""'" LAGUNA BEACH 1bGn, l..1114& PnltOfl ud Buttll ,._ ________ ... , CARDS THAT SAY YOU CA WE HAYI A COWLITI IWCTION . OP GUITIN(i CAIDI fPll. F.ATHIRS DAY e GRADUATION e IRIDES DllLUY ~ Wrap ... A1&MA.lL TOIUT PAPER ENYILOPES ......... 4 .... 3~ 4'silif [ASSES ...... 49c ..... """ ......... ._ ........... -.. s495 POTTERY WARE ·-~·· - Mwimew DecM1&1 Edr-100 RAZOR BLADES 99c: OLD 81'1Cf: AFl'l:A 8tlAVl1'iG-4 ~4 oa. LOTION s1 l'ar~J A.PTEA 8HA\.L"(O LOTION ..... s.iso · PAYLESS Sure SICJn .t a liood Dr111J9ht Doctor'• ortlen followed precisely -----t lnto I Yll'J' prucrlpllon we Mm• pound l'O lWO ''\&naeu'' ~ Mta: prvr-lonal aldU md'. p&hwtaklnf accuracy. You .an d•penel on ua ! -~ CORINA LARKS CIGARS 5675 ..... ..__T.. s415 BANKER CIGARS -·-·-- KA YWOODIE PIP1S ·-······ s 4°!' .• 11 ~Jvor1 wltll. Gold Trtna STARTER SET ........ . bright ideao for ... .Rf,. .... $259 IJ ..... llwtlll KE?f'8 llAlA IRUSH $250 ....... Wallets ss ... lHIN. ~ll"CMI Briquettes 99c . TUia Tep BRAZIER Hqul!r Q ,tll '198 1 Ga.Hoa PICNIC JUG .YELLOWBOWL PIPES -~~ .. RONSON LIGHTERS 53~~ Regular •s.1t $239 BOOK MATCHES -~ fLASHLIGHTABA TTERIES 9c ••••"' '" -o1ou ·2 23c ASH TRAY . -" ,., YINCIHTS ICE CREAM GlANT DOUBU; D1' CONES Hand Packed 10C Pints _______ 30C 9uarts _____ §fc ......... 1/2 Gallon • • • • • • • 79c MANI' nA vou TO-moo.11 no• ,//• ' • 0. •• :; ..r• ... // Se rato9e Pink & Whlto Ch am pagne If."._ U " IEACHTOWE ~11.M 69c ,., PAY LESS Drobny Vodka ·- . Give A Hamilton or Gruen Watcll TO e FATHER e BRIDE e GRADUATE VINCENTS WATCH REPAIR Ai"tlioaf ... ,....,.., ....... - CAN ciOO YAC.UUM IOnLE --..... -----~ ~~! 511• ' .... OWi ...... 4" I 1 I WITH SALLIE 1-e.1w N""POri 8-h 80 I de•bed la a f1M1J to oor Bak<JI a"4 boqtol • dose. •f P'llrl&lt~• ~ ..... ""' -tdillooot 1wpp1nc, 1>111 _..i i. ......... , -P .... 1w ... blleo of the lblrd "' eoqltate .•• "WoD dalll me, for aeJleellas )'Oii oo loqt ... 8o da•bbJe '° mnnebable ••• ao llabt and teader . • . IO delfclouoly loaded .pth do-aut come- hlthunelll I" Bere'1 t b e reuon for my deluce on the do-aot Une-ap ... "Dear SaWe: After the experience 1 . jwit had thia morning, rm bunting to tell you ao you can brag about lour bakery. At brea.kfut round two ot your plain do-nut.a that had been over- looked in the b&clr: of the bread drawer. Realizing they were about a week old 1 wu dubioUI about .erving them to my huaband. But he in.listed on eating them. Watching him munch IQ con- "'8tedly I mlt<h.od a bite and believe ft or not that week old do-nut waai delic- lou11 ! That 1how• they've got the stuff in 'em! Your moet faithful do-nut COMWn· en, Mary aiid Walt Cole" ... P. S. "My hUllband oper- ··ates Cole'• Port on L&f'ayette '-.. .'Ay.-:. near Via Lido .• He .ella boat gear & hudWare and alao rents decorative marine iterna for partle1." · r··-----·----~-' Time out for a coupon: I would like t.o be on Rich&rd.'1 mailing lilt ( (. would like to 11ee a h&mburger bun made "-' that would hold one & a half hamburgen ( N&me A ddreaa Pleaae mail to Richard'• Lido Market, Newport Beach No. 1. Ri<ha>d'1 mallln« lllt stvee you the follow· .. ,. A first of the •·eek mailer called Oertle who keep. you poe~ on Moo .• 'IWll.. ud We d •e•day ap 1:' leudalloltvettyou a WsN'I' to wta 13.00. A -Ibo ""'1 of oar fall ---.. that ~.:.i;...~ ... ~~·­• ..!la Lido 0.,. .... .. -ol·tL -Udo ---i:.=et::.t: z:·= --Piao-• ?Set [I ts.tuea~ Uteri-_ ... , , ... , .. - "t"~:;-aad o half -.......... s....,. for blc b6,. and thC191 wlt.o aren't quite 1aU. fl"4 with ... lwnbwi<or. but -.id be uaaau.neil If 1110)' ate two. The Brown-berJ'7 llrood people and I are c-Brownberry hav- ing tbolr factory c1-llY In ea.ta lleaa are 80rt of hOme folka with UL Wheat Bar· becue Buna "7 Brownberry are made with the Mme top quality hard Spring wh .. t their wbeet loaf of bread. _.. ii such a thing u a ll&ia lwnbw1rer ...... this Is It\ Juat a Dttle omaller than average, they are IO-o philticattd and conaervaUve. One would not heaitate to aerve them at the •mart.eat lady'1 luncheon. Now the Brownbetry people think Ille J>a1Dburpr .,,.bile mtaht So for...a la~~-llar-1!,g bun ..• For 1e penon who would like one and ball ham· ""'-" aad rm trl'IQa to liili>,_ our ~ <lon't boiltoto "' put your x aerl to No. 2 aDd mall It right DOW ••• IUcbud'• .. the Food Mori of tlte Lido Shope al tbe .. -ta Lido blo, Newpo.i lleaclt. • in Our DAIRY DEPARTMENT SERVE MORE DA.IJIY PBODUtTS DllJUNG roNE -NATIONAL DAIBY MONTH llkUl'I'• o,..M A.A : FRES~.LA~E EGGS s,f.:-R~~~ .. 49' FRESH DAIRY BUTIER ~~· .~ ... , .. 5 9' . -·-----------Filisii" COTTAGE CHEESE :.!:!~3, ;:;;;-;;;;;;;:o;;;;;;;-~~~·--~~~-=-- iC£c i'EA M OR SHERBET : .. ~'F.-i:. J 9 , .••• FRESH PRODUCt: t"rab, Wpe Hawa.u.a. PINEAPPLE ......................... . .... lb. 12«= FU1Cf, KMl.._Bbe, 1l.ed DeUdotb 3 25c APPLES ___ ·-·-·· . ..... , ... Phmnp, TMtJ, P'1M1I EGGPLANT 8m1'Ckf!r't Stra"'be"1 37' PRESERVES ···"~•. i-· .. ~.. 3/29' TOM. SOUP # 1 ,,. &tarkht U(llt Mat 25' CHUNK TUNA .1111• u .. ,., Deep llntwa HANS ······-··-"•· ... 2/23' u...,.. . 45' CORNED.IW _....._ • , • , FKCYLl:N" .... 1oc wo .............. ..,,. 2/23' 3/file 5e Off OM.I 84Nlp Po•¥der 55• WHITE KING ,,,., .......... 55· WHITE KING ... ,,.., .__. 31 ' WHITE KING ..... "~• WH.RKiNG ....... rtut 43' •• r , MEATS Fretlll l....i f'f')1q 65C CH ICKENS ........ . Oaof<lll Qua.UtJ" Prim• 70c: RIB ROAST ........ 7- RIB STEAKS_ .... 7flc WAffW ....... 2/29' -·-··---···-···· -t Ila~ Delkaq: 7-Bone 1f'k: Doto F-......... 2/27' PINEAl'l'LE JUICE ......... ROAST --··-·····-.... J7 - NGOCl\M a Pot Boen! 0.-.. 40c: ROAST __ ._,.. 7-.......... 49' SIRLOIN Tll'S -··--····-·····'"' .. .._._ ... ............. 2/'7' ORANGE JUICE _...... 111 GR. BEEF ·-·-·_,._ 'Ollem P'uftl...8\7k l!llked. BACON ---·'"" ....,.,, 1Uamitawk SAUSAGE _ .... CHUSE"''' ,.elvff.ta 75' ··-·············-..... Kllll Aapll&.r 'Jl)t IOSCO ... --·"-oN muc'T... •· -·--·-··%-o&. ......... 33' FRUIT SALAD ~"~ ,.. ......... 25' TOM. JUICE __ ....._ ..---FREE MAP--- ol HARBOR AREA Pk/$.,.,,..._, o/ tl&e Bcarfi.or ~mt fro"' °"' c~.t-au.\f.g .~ bottle re-C11nt 4e1k far ¥0ttr 1'oms ol«I ~. Cf.t1t1Jt1J /,.om . , • • , , , BAK.EBY DLruD.1.1' .......... MUFffNS L __ RIDAT /0.cl.arJ~ widt1 Jt1feclion • AGfD .. CffEDDAR ............ -~~ 63c SWISS CHEESE -·-----·--A S9c -·-AMERfCAN CHEESE __ .14.B CifAMCHEESE ·~· .... 2 ... 25c J..u.pe OheeM! l'reU RICOTTA CHEESE _ _ .............. 43c · &Jn• F-54' IOYSINIERRY l"IE .. -. o----... 11.reUd• ,, ..... ROW -··-·---········-U. -.... If LAYER CAKE ___ llPIXJAUI roll ollJNE 7, 8 u4 8, 11158 FOOD ILUIT 0-, Diii UDO 8Bortll Ii I \ • r ~~ "HATS IN BLOOM" day ii bligett evelt' of the year for Lido Ille Worna.n'a -.. Club. Memben and guesta wear hat.I adorned with 1arden fiowen , model.a pa-· ra.de in a. fall faabion ahowlng of iowns a.nd chapeaux, and new of(tcera are in· troduced. Above, left, Mrs. Philip Stambaugh, in garden flower hat; Mn. Tbomu Letto, president; Mn. Martin Lockney, president-elect; Mn. H. J. Lunney (Dorothy O 'Ha.ra) and Mn. Keith Cordrey. -Staff Photo Lido W oman's Club Ready for 'H a ts in Bloom' Fete ' • Red Cross ,Names Field. Constiltant • NE W PO R.T H A RB OR MRS. WINIFRED BA~RE. Women'• Uitor ' PAGE 4 -PART 1-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRES S WEDNESDAY. JUNE 6, 1956 REV. PAUL M. WHEELER VISITS FORMER PARISH Welcoma (\Ifft in th• H&rbor _,,.& Monday and T\i..s&f wu ~ 11.ev. Paul Moor1 Wheeler, rector ot I\. Qun""t'a Jliucope.l ch\U'dl, Honolulu. Mr. Wheeler hM Nee ~Unr Hawaii at lh• labor•lory on CTOUp lite In eb.11.rd\~0 htld M•Y 21-Juna 2 at Aallom&r by the NaUoo&l Coundl. Department or Chrtttlan Education ot th• Prottlllut J:pi.tcopal Ctau.rc:h In America. •• tohner ftc:tor or llt. J&met vltlted the RAov. John ---- S'I'. JAMES BAZAAR -Membera of the Woman's Auxiliary try basaar art.1clel on Misa Constance Seeley (right), From lert. Mrs. Thomas B . Fro1t, cocb&ir· man, Mrs. J oseph Rigp, Auxiliary president, !.ins. Harold M. Beck, co-chairman. The buaar and luncheon will be July 18, 11 a. m., at St, James parish ball. - Staff Photo OLD VIEN NA SETIING FOR ST. JAMES BAZAAR Fashion Show Luncheon Season's Final Event membeni who have not wed up lhtlr credit for re.ervatlonl dur- lnc the Y'•r lo brine one or two ru••"-tor th• additiona l ~-t charge. ~1em~r1 may apply lhelr credit plua tht c.l'IUll and mall R. Parka. prueftt rtit lor, the Day School, and officiated &t the Tudday communion 1arvlce or the Alta r Guild. H• aaw u many local lr\endt 1.1 poulblt and vitlttd nlat!vt1 ln Puadtna, will ba tlylnr back to Horiolulu. "l~ Old Vienna" ia the theme for this year's annual 1ummer bazaar of ·st. James Episcopal church, slated for July 18 in the pariah houae. Final plans v.·cre formu- ------------------------llated for this event at the home of Mrs. Donald f'erguson Guilds: old curloa!ty 1hop, tn ch1r11:e of Mme•. Nell Harri. anct John Dod.t•: h•rid mad• ar- Uclf'11, St. Cac:illa'a Qulld &nd "''h!te t!ephanu wtth )lr1. Ora<:• Crot ler in char1e. Club members will model advance fall fa.shion1 by Dorathy O'Hara IMn. H enry Lunney) and adva.nce fall hat 1tylea by Leslie James a.a pro&r'am J une 12, when the Udo Ille Woman's C lub holds its annua.l "Hats in Bloom" luncheon at the Lido Isle ClubhoUR. a check for th• ba.l.ance •to ber. s l • • th RE8£RVATION"S p 1c1ng e Ao \hi• lo lo bo \ho IHI m"\. 1nf ot the year and luncheon re1ervaUon1 are Jln1llt'd to 2M, Mai· nbrac·e to IMUl'I member• beln• l&kM By w. B. care or prior to ,.u .. i., the ,.._ ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...,~-Hata dulrntd and decora ted by th.lb m•mbtr• and their rue•t• will nn lh• clubhou.1• with color. Flvt JU.dft l wlll declde which haU &N th• m<Mil beautiful. mo1t or\i'Ulll and moat humorou1. PriMI wW be •warded b)' M1yor Dora (Mn. Ed1•r) Hiii. lnlna:u and E. Leater 8mllh. Hrv&Uon. cl'l&irman wUI be at Dorothy O'Hara .•• Mra. Htnr')' Ute Lido CtubhOUll f rom 2 to 4 The 0 World'a Largest Dance," a. dance area. or 8 LIUUll)', la a club member 1nd p.m. ton1orrow and Friday to 1ell acres, room for 100,000 danceri, the date June 15th, Lido Iale re11dent, ii now build-ticket• Admlt1ion to the Junch-lnc a factor)' in COllla Meu. Hirr eon will be by Ucket only. Mem-the place, Ma.rine Corpa Lighter -lhan-a.ir Ba.ee at Santa !••hlon line mod"led T\J"•d•y It ben navtnr perm•ntnt re•trv•-Ana. Thia, and the Western Rodeo at El Toro Marine no..., belnf ahoWn to buyer• In Uona muat &'-o pick up thelr 6 d 7 · f' \ f h I Sew York. ticket• &t th• clubhou.1e. nckeu: A1r Corp• Station June 1 an l , LI tna e or t e annua in Harbor H lghlanda, at a recent meeting. TI1!' b1E11.ar 11 open tor bu.11-Color• o( Vlennu• blua and booth!. Ticket• nll1\• Le nhl111ned ne11 •L II a. m .. and Lh• lunch- Amencan Beauty red will bt trom Mr•. Orrin \\', \Vni.ht ion 11 •1rvtd promptly at carrl9d U.rou1hout th• decora-There will be f.,ur 1n11lurllu1t 111.1.Jtl11) r.1n111. John Donnelly liona--0n tllt tablu and in the bootl'la: cooktd foud11. 111 charj:t 11:d Hnrry H. Cate1 ara Ill food 1ervtd a t lunch.on which or St. M•rrarei·, an,t St. Joan'• chari,:t or publicity. Lmrntdl.a tal y follOWI th• b• tall r. I ;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:.:;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::; acc:ordln( to J.fn1t•. Thom•• B. F'rott,. Don11.ld Ferguton, and Harold Beck, co-chairmen, and ~fme•. J ohn Henry Sttley, luncheon. McColitter •nd in charge or Ult RUlee for Lhe chapeau contut a.-. alrtct. Hata mu1t be made of flowan. Each conttttant muat mllil• he own hat. Any hat• de· 1!ptd and mad• by 1.:omn1f'rctal nortata will not be e1t11b.lt tor M H b R I Ill -h Id r "-t1I fund driv• ot lh• El Toro ' n . ~r ert llty, unth@On w .... • or mem....,r1 Un 1111yer, Howard "t"rrlll, \V. D. Mm"'· JoMph H. Rlrga l prtll- rt•ervalln" <h•lnn&n, Inv It t 1 June 11 •t.atf'll Mrs. RU*". AWllUary, Navy Ralld Society, "'·h-k, B&lnt ""'tero, Pftd Hu-, ALL YOU CAN EAT Sl.75 1 -:_::_:_~:_:· ___ _: ________ _:. _____ -..:_' ___ I · d .... ""'.,.. "'' dent or the 1uxH1ary1 and L....A. now tielnr con uc.....,. bar, Robert McFarrtn. Wllllam Hamilton ""'lll grtel guc•l• u Every Thur. Nite 5-10 p.m. •"-WILL t:MCt:r: Act1n1 11 mlttrt• of cerernon- lea for Ult faahlon 1how will bl Mn. L. R. McCulley. ?.trt. R&lph Tllndow1ky will be •l th• piano. Modale arti Mme•. Donald Cole- (f'O'f'I, P&ul Ror,n, Kf'tth Cord- r 1y, Hal Dike, How•rd l\lo, Wll· !l&m Mlr&m1, Frf'ncla Daw110n. Pau.l Butler, John Glut, Don Hart, Jal"llmt Halperin. Huch HulllOn, Rob41rt Harri•, Joe Pr•- Family Event Mr. &nd Mr1. C. \V, Ne .... ·land, ot l.oftl' Beach, Mr. tnd Mr1. P. L. Hll(inl of Coit.a Meaa. •nd M.I:. Elata Newland, JlT 13rd St .. h6d a tamuy "1et t(lf'elher" at the ~t\N home recci,Uy. Ntw- land, Mn. Hl1('1n• and Miii N'ewl&nd &rt brother• and altter• and IJ>Cd ona rt.ty t&eh month ln oria of th• horn.._ Tht nvr:t mMUnc 1'111 be In Laq a.uh. So r optimists Hon or H oward Langley Mrs. Harbor SoropUml1ta Club. hon-\ the wttkl7 brellttatt at How• ortd at a recent bre1kf••l meet-1rd'• C•f• were: MmtL L&nr- lng. n1.tlon1\ home m111tu\ne Jey. H1rold Swa~n. H•rvey wrlt•r Nanry C. t Mra. Ho.,.,·11.rd t Mtyf'r, Doont Law.an, Cordell& Langlty. La Mon, F'artl Walker, Valma J.t r1. Langley, m'tUnr mf'm· O'Br l,n, Rob.rt P . Rea, Tarry t>tr1 of Lh• local club ror the Borl• •n<f MT'I. Lee Pratt. flrtt tim e, 'expre1a.ed her1elf 11 lmprea.11ed with tht lr achlrve· mtnt. In ltn 1hort month• ot orranl&•Uon, •fttr IL1ten1nr .... ·tth lnl,rl'tl lo bu.sine•• ot the d•y. The grou p. well on H1 ""''Y toward • $:1000 goal in •upport of 1 H•rbor Arn Glrl1 Club- hou... h.aa placed blrov.•n lninla• tura hou.tea with tlantln1 yellow roof• 1n many bllnk1, bu~!nf'At ~ouae.11 and •lort1 throughout the art&. A11 a r;e1ture of contldenct In U.elr 1b1!11y to reach the I~ mark, !oropUmlttt 1n!lclp1te Shower for Bride-elect B dm G• J the (tntro.lly of thtlr bualneu ran eyer lr ntlghboni In helpln( their pro· M lt1 Sh!rltt Howi1~ 41 t El ModM& .A.VII-, w.ho wW bl b'r\de ot Gordon Lon(f•llow June 23, .,.,.,. honor rue1t at • m1•cellan- ec.u1 bridal 11how1r lola y 39 ('lvtn by Mn. J.C. Davey, 2010 Con- tanental Ave. and her &11l1Unc hoal.AM, Mr1. Manuel I.A ''rll•· A pink &lid white pa~I .-et Ule decor•tlv1 theme. \Vatchlnr th• brtde-elact un- wrap many attracUv• fl!t9 wtr. her moUJ,er, Mn. -HUTy H ourt- g1n and htr tl1t1t1, Patti and Ttrri: alio.o 1'1rt. \\"UHam RJch• tr~ Ind Mn. Bobbi H ll~rl : Ml'~Mn.. Milo Bnaamuer jfct ot protect1ri1 _10uth trom Jr., Ill Dahlia Place, an p&nnt• the h1urd1 or 1tnet recrtallon. of & ,fl.rt kby bol"n H&y ll I.II Th• houffl are clearly markf'd. H~ Hoepttal "Glrl1 Club" on one 11ld", "Sor- --'----------~ .. opUml•tJt" on !ht other Son for Scotts Hot.a HHpltaJ w&t lba birth· ptae9 May 21 of a boy baby bom it K r. and Mn. Walter ~ott, 1111 ftaftftn&. loroptimlll.!r f111M extra monty to ctrry on lhtlr clubhouat pro- ject by a Wffkly rl\1trh auction. For thll 1ea1ton, m cce11tfuJ bid· dler w111 Mr1. Lan1l"Y· An1orig the group attudtnr Ml""• J t'anne Brlfll, Ntncy Breithaupt, Nancy Gritty, Carol Doal'lt, Jane l:lllotL Tonye Chrl 1t enetn. P'ren Gowen. C'crlnl Crtfly, Mareha Allen and the ho1tUH1. 111S PRINCIPIA. Mothers Club memben were recent guelta or Mrt. J•ek Brad- ford Kemp (left), 908 S. Bay Front with Mro. Helen Spangler of Loo Ana<Jee .. •peUer and pe9t ot honor at the l\lDcheon. The croup la participating tn tb4I NDftmber f..Uval of the l'uadena club. fund1 to ro to The Principia echool building tund. In center, Mrs. Rut.b Barcume, president and right, M ni. R . E. KJmball, hiltorian. -Staff Photo Nm of honon to Harbor Curltlt. Je!ftr.on SCov\llt and lhey arrive. ,.ln. ru1i• t trelMI studmtl at Btanl«d, C&!"OI E)'• HOWVd Law'°n, pretldenL Ulat c uu ll ahould com• -.rly to ma.nn, d•U&"htu ot tb• Jura• J, C&n&da-bound al't Mr. &nd t&k• adv1nta1e of I.ha many Eymann.a, tll Pl&ua Udo. on• Mn. J ... Gill ot Lldo ltlto, i..•llo U:lnl'• o!!ertd !or .ala in the of lll women f rom ovar UM wer. boftored at 1 farewell party 1-------------II UnllPd Stat.I• 1-pped tor C&p at Dlt.lton'• Jut Friday by Mr. and Gown. and Mra. Bud Caward. Al.90 In "THE HAP PY HOUR'" o..n Clay, '°" of MrL &. r . lM l'l'OUP wera Meur1. and Pare. 1023 I:. Balboa Bl'ld., Mme•. Frank Carlton. Fr~ But· •warded certtnc1te for meritor-ton. •nd Harold Ayer1. iou1 work In mutlc •t Kemper Military School, Boonvtllt, Mo. The Paul Butler1 and 1m1•ll B "d l dau.-hter Batb1r•, 103 Via San rt e-e ect R!'mO, juat relumtd Jrom a plan• trip ... t. They wf!'• ron• a wetk, vl1ltPd rtl.&U••• in But- lt'r, Pa. and New Tork City. Hid time for a bit ot 1hoppln1 i nd v\tita to nl&ht 1pot• In New H onored by Girl Mariners York. M l .. ,Jan Dulworth. -41 2 Hase! t"KOM HOSOLULU SurpriM of t.n• WHk -Paul lotoor• Wheeler dnipplnf In at the ofrlce. 27 lbt. llptar, lt yt•ra yotin.cer-not even f>.'ew• Bureau of L. A. Eplaco~l DloctJM knew ht wu hera. Ilea Drive, whoaa marrtar • to Larry Mii ler of Banta Monie. .... 1li ba an event the lltttr part of June, wu hono~ with a 1urpr\M kit- atory 11 .. where. M•u. c. w. Brad.lty, Allyn BraMon ~«tie. Taylor, m•lll.nr n"' e.nd.1 u memb9n ot' th• N..-m•n ,Cl~b of COr• on& del Mar. Club mMta at noMI, e•t.h fourth Tuud11y or th• month, In lrvlnt Coaat Club. Mra. Glen Young t.akt• re.erv•· lion.• ' Nt'll ~1urb1r1rer, "rovll'IJ rt- poi:ler of Ula 8oulhwe1t, retum· ed from a M1y trip throurh N1w Mexico t nd 1tat11 between. juat mllHd convtnllon of N1.- tlon•I Federation of Pr ... Wom· en at PhOltll~ Wht'1'e ahe could lave col11ctl'd her 1w1rd• In pl'rlffll. Ind now off tor 1 two n1onth.a j1umt In N1v1d1 •nd Utah. Sht wlll oollact m11tt'rl11I for 18 arttclta laal(Tltd by var· !ou~ publlr11llon1. SCHOOL YET.: Coron11. del Mar ~hool hold· tng it11 Sprlnc FetUval with .. u thitdrt'n partlclpa.Un.r In folk d•nce., Robert 1\'ealy, fifth 1 (r&der. 1111 Announcer. O.ncn were taugnl by rrad1 taacher1. I J.t!u Clara Ellen lpelm•n wa1 1ccompa.nb:t. Manv p11renta en- joyM the r•Y alghL I Atteridlnr Children'• Home Socltty of C&U!omla mMtll'll Jun" 12 ln Lo• Anirl!l1!9 w111 be n1f'm bert of thl! local 1roup, Mme•, John ~rlly, Martin M1ri- 1old, Frf'<lerlck Cleary, tr. P•yne chen ahowtr May JO at th• Ool- phln Ten-ace home of the Her· b41rt Coltmana. Strvtlll" u co- ba.t-• with Mra. eoi.m&n, ""'" Mr1. Donald Muncy of WhltUer and Mra. Lawre~ E. Brow~ "lnvlltd (UtllLI w~ra mtmbe'l"I' of tht Matl ner Girl Scout 8/up "Naiad', for v.·hom Ml•a Pul· worth h•• llt'l'Vt'd u a mate ever 1Lnce her graduation from New- port Harbor High School. Th•'Y tnclud~ Judy Coleman, Suaan Browri. Pt"(fY Bu1h, M11rr<'ll Carr. Luellen Davi•, Lyn Gin- taux:, Betty Evana, Btvtrly Gib· bona. Stephtnla H"ck. C•rol Hy- dtn, Carol and Man:ta MacM!llen. I rt"n• McCormick, Naomi Mor- Fireplace Fixtures ond Lffcraft larbecue1 ..-u can buy ~ • .,,. -ly ft fllo1;d J. £.e 2204 So. Mo,• SI, Soni• Ano Kl 5-27 89 Orup Clouaty'• Newest Mulcal Seuado• 1 I t THI: '"WES YAUCiHAN TRIO'" wtU\ •UOY WHITNEY A OOUNTBY WA8BllUll.NE A'l&Uab&e tor J!r.ivate part.I•. d&n~ and Cub a.ctJ'l1U.. bullent mu.lo and 911tar- t&lrunant. for Ut• "ovw • Utlrt)""' poup. ' TEU:t'HOSE UBER'tl 8·~T1 {0A'r8J •••BO& 4.\41 tEVU.) r&n. Barbara Nott, Gerry San- rti-, Marilyn Sfflty, S•ndy Spur• geon, Gerry N&ek, Dian.a S11.n- der1, Johanna Oqui1l, Kathy Raub and Robin Rylt"ll. COCKTAILS DAILY 5.7 P.M. Special gue1t11 "''rre M1·1. &r· n11dette OuJ.,.,•ortn, n1othtr of lhe bride-to-be ; C•rol Doane, ?>tr1. Wild11.n P. 'ntoma1, Mr•. 81dn.,y 8a.nder1, i.tra. Atbfrt Rylttt and LUNCHES HENRY'S DINNERS THE ARISTOCRAT JS SPA:0.,~11 }'000 & FISE llT~AKS t.~so Cout Hwy St\\jtOrl Bt•ch Lii ..... Mr1. Chetttr Pollardt. ____ _1_1::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ ·If you're savi ng for a bi g event ... Where you save does make a difference Big 1.:vtnt.1 likt weddinp are wonh ,w.v1n1 for. And U over 15 mil/lo" Americ1ns know, uvin1 In an Uuuritd S.v1nc1 and Loan Assoc1a11on often importtuu ad1•iant~t.T. /"" E1cellcnt returns from your mon•y l:a one advanuae- Another is modem, dfk:icnt, fOJWard-k>oklna ~rvice.. And, of count, your money i• 11.fe because in insured Auociat1f'n~ your uvings art protected by llOund man&Ci""'tnl and 1ubtt:ont1al reserves. They ire insured up lO SI 0,000 by the FSLIC-an agency ""' .... ......_ •• , ........ to{ the U.S. GovcromenL llll Ji'll"" l.lld 1..oall f•=l•tim Inc.. 1 ul.ioa..W.«1",.mdr .. Tht:1t art the rtfJIOfU why A mf'rir•n1 •rt pullifll trwre of tht'ir t..ured 5ev\911i Md Lolll, lllftdlial sovi'ltl occounf dollar1 /n10 ln,JWrtd Sa1•lnrJ ond I oon A.r:tnci1111riru ind '-"" tnd 111 , ....... Awi. rltan a11yw.lif'rl' tl.i1f tionll •Mc\ .,._.. fMI...,. ' · f · h · ·"-h in Uf1, Tha~t .,,.,,...,...._ 'Whatever t"vent you re 11v1ng or. start n1 f now IOtn}O)' un; wort -Reader\ DI-. IM U I ~ -..·hilt ad~onlafltl oft'trtd by your nearby inturtd Auoclation. •ad Wertd ~ ' ' RESOURCES NOW IN J!:.'(CESS Q;' S26,000,000,00 P. A. Palq:ier, Pre.atdent a J66 VI• Lltle • N I W,O RT llA CH, C Allf O I N I A • H•rlter 4200 (010 NA DEt "'-'I OfFIC( • 2'07 fASI CO AST t110HWA'+' )tE1'1BER OF Tltr: SA \'INGS A:-00 LOAN FOl.:"lJATlO~. UliC , alPONIWK8 0 1,. THIS ADVEJ\.. TISEME:O.'T J~ Llr"E , THE SATt:ROA \" EVE:"ISG POST, A t'. S !\~\~'S 6 \\'ORLO ftl:PORT • f I FAC Juniors Install at Dinner Dance 'w ASHINGTON RITE John Langenheim, Bride Arrivin,g In Chevy Chue '.tre•byttrl•n Church, W••hlnrton, D. C . Nt'W ottkitn or uw Junior Frt· amid a llC'tlinr of wh.ti4 ctadlol .. Ulilll Lall cudelabr•, th• R~v. day tdtefl\90n Club were lruitaU· Jamu 8. SLtwart, putor ol St. ~offw>. Churob or ll\i• ~l)', eel Ju.ne 2 at • at>mJ-tonnal din-oltklattd al the mld-altemoon vow•ach&bp Juoe J which Unlltd ner di.nee In th!" N'ev.-port Elki Miu Ma1 y Harriet Foater,' dau -terot id, l.nd k,.., w1tbm F or her daurht.er'a nupU&W •" .,.. CJub. ~ accapU.nr otnce. Allllm Foster of Wuhinl(tun, • Offered Three < -re Mn. Lyle Va.n de WUktt, D.C. ind J ohn Pel'T)' Lanttn· Tb. retepllon wa.. ~.at Ole prealdent; Mr•. Calvin Newton, helm, Enalr n. U.S.N .. .:m or KeiM41 Warren H~ J'W the ftnt Tlce presi dent; Mr .. Roger Mr. 1.1\d Mr•. Hay lAAf"enhelJn, occuiklla Mfs, Foater, ........ ol .Hfth. .wc»nd vice prutdent; Mn.: Balboa S.y Club. the '\rid.I; wore chabl~ ~­ IAllk Harrison. thlrd vice pral-The bride, ,tven t.n. kitepl.Dc wltli ma\dalq ~w Mt. NM doml;ikn. \'1clor Powen, ncord.-by b•r fa.Iller, •&1 '°"'""". la t.ritmn.t. whlle Mn, 1A1 In& 91'CftU.ry; Mn. l\'an Crim. Cb&J\Wly lace and t\&Ue, f'U1to helnr ._... pwlled ln ~.kc• . I c!cb10',.1 •.~l~t_n~k,lllon~u-co~ftllh.n18eeretar)':M:n.Jo-. loned 'Wtth a chapel inlrl. A and .... _. brown !~raw#hat. • "J ...., ,,__. ati--Bayt-. lrnaurer· and Jiln. laee ~lo confined Mr lhPft Ee.c mt.ct .._ pMWme ltr of the Leo CLu:kti Of m ' It• ..... _ .. , .. co ,..., wtll&&m Ad&nul partt.&menl~ yell paarl• weft! at _,,. ,.,_ • o~.... r-• Scholarships • Crove and (TUl!OaeChttr ot _ _._,.,.i..: • ' .... ~ ........ ,. ICHOO Mr• l'rank vt.i. of C.ta ")(... .'l'lle i. .. ........,'6 otnotr waa ~ &(Id •M carried whit. ,_ and r---La in Un! offtr of thrH c:Ou.i• llanAd Peter.. Oranp County lttphanotla. TM itWt-Mni. Lu\ctnhclm ...... •b0lanhlp1. Mlaa Clark '-a ,..ratio'! advt.or to Junior A'TTl:Nl)ANTS ' td.UC19\41d at Warttnton School Juna rraduatc ot Mater De6 JilemMnhlpa. Ml .. Zllz.atMth Cubberlat-mU:I tor Olrlt ~ G«>rce WUlli('lcton H ll h School and hU rtc411ritd 'l'bc purely IMldal event to or honor, wore coral c:qatalllne Unlwenlty. Ber b\ldlul4 at'-d· ottani trOm Jmmaculata ·H•rt which hu•banda wen Invited In wall.a ltl\j'Ul, a b&nckau 11,t ad Newport HarW Uldoft Hlct'i Colle1e and Mount It .MU'1'a marked finale to club mcuion• and carrilKI ptnk ro••• wtlh blue 8chool, RutharfOtd l'np.n.Wl'J llolb. 111 i.o. Anaaia.' II.I.lo ~ untn taH. allhoua-b Junior• wlll rtelphtruum. Brlde•rnaldit, •th, Bfho<>I llnd WN snduatH l\lM C.Ufornla •late Kholar1hlp. The continue to eervlli With aenlor club Ml1111e1 Janel Swearlnt;en. Karen l from the tr.I. Ma-nJ AMcktlQ' ICbolanhlpa ••re won In tom· ~blN on U!.e Well Baby Cl!n1c, N•nce, Robert• Gr•h•m and at Annapoli. Wlt.h &.. b&c>te-IOr petltivt1 eumlnalloni. held at Fr1day Anern,oon Club· Sar1t1 R••. wore 1\mHar gown1 of · .ctmce derree. He recet-fed Plaonln1 to t'Rroll et Jmma-houH the tlrat Monday o r each In pink, carried coral ro11e11 with cl .... and intramural number• In cu.la t.'H•rt con ... In the ·fell month. Thie 111 th• tnaln project delphinium. football, wu company erect a nd ~ mejor In matbemaUCll, Me ry for the Junlora. who aul•l In \Jllmff H•y Llnfmhelm lent rtnr reprccentetlve.. Lido Co~l s Note Double Anniversary · a t Bolt Dalton'• nltawut f'rlday l\IJ'bt. the oeeuson muldac' \he lTtb weddlOI' ann1.v-ir tor both die 0eot'I"• BuccolM anll tM . wait.r-Y'~ .. well .. the 13th Wrthd&y ot luan Buccol&. --It ~u a~ ce.I• ortrtn&.111 front> loutb p ... IN'&Uon tor two W. bk coupl• SALAD DRESSING MllAQ.E WHIP DUOIESS -~ 3tc -37' I• "" r:cHUNK TUNA . : STAI KIST SEA 11ADEI •v. .. z. 21• ..... 1741 can ... ·~F FEE ' NOi . A.WAY .i: 75' ~·6~ . -TOMATO JUICE StlllY DAWN RJ..ND Carefurty',,...._ ..,...,. --:I~ full ,~ ..... 10: •• • BEE CU90N ~Mollpp1d MILD CHEDDAR IMOt Mil CHEESE IEIKSHm CHEESE -··-IOI!:.,_. __ ,.... -' Ml.Illa: .. 4]< COTIACI CHEESE :::::-.:. "':'.37' ::: 19' f ,11f'F.RNE FRESll MILK Pricet effective ln locpl milk .marketing area HOlnueitNlZED ::;, .::: 20~ · CONCENTRATED ::.-=. .:::· 49' NONFAT-Mil -. =: 9' ~ 17' CllOCOlA'lt llAllY Dll• '::-i:.18' . IUiiEil•• r~ 1 =: 12' ·~23' • ; . i OTQR DAIRY· FOOBS Bunm ..:.~ =;.. · .. 59' taCREAM '~..::: 2~47c. ICE MIU< ·;::=.. ~:::39' Y08llT = "': 11' -CIEi.Ji \:'-22' . . SPEC/Al I/Al UES IN MEAT SECTION CURTSY CAKI APl'll!SAUCI lllMG AAn tollow-1 In tbe t~tepe of ~a-hlnc and c t..cklbr N bi•. the bl!•l man 1ld to hi• brother. Atter fbt: weddlna-lbti c:otlpl• .. r older lht.r, Ma.aine. who work do"' under dlre'Cllon of the After U!.e cereniony tha couple lefl by car tor Celltontta..wUI 1----~· .. ji;;~ • won a KOiar-county health department. walkad from the a1ur beneeth be In N_. rt Beacll tor two ea rt -ni ~u~ ..... atCll*wa.J oL ..or:da-bdd.. h1.! · . -~ • W 'now m.Jorinl" In mulle. pnmldent. pvc Mr l't~rt tor the EnllPI Donald Stone, J1mN I month.I. J',;ac in Laiiiii\liilfii Will e. a.rtu·are tanner Olllta J"IU', other report.I.,.,,. pre.111nt-Kant.a, Jack WletMm. JoJln l raport tor dut1 Au1. lT at San .H~~ VJ~f!!S Ra. 4-9' 1-~;::';·:;:;·--:; ... ;~p;,;: .. : ... -::.~:~~ MJ .... iid a& the annual -uni. Buck.111. Cart Wootten and Leo-Die10 and 'frill H rve aboard U!.• n&rd Anton. U.IJ.S. McDennott. '.-Wiien -:::,..-CORNED BEEF ICIF• Wit 45< -l.'7 . USDl.C:holco ..... n.. °"' C11kles ~-:w -25' ' 48 A Du6, Miu Cookie Prico (left l and Mro. Alex Del'eo (npt) won tho Juno I Cruy Hat conteat ":T'.-,---at-Oout-Oiab.~.llaaio Plica ~ ' ' F,ishing Film Interests . SLICED BACOtt ~ ;..,39' .v.mfil11rs ~ ••••• •r••• -... at .Cub .Pack 10 Meeti-n o-+--J n nal meeuoa-tw C\lb P•ck thre-e ailver •rrvw1; Mic1'MI 10 afCUtt H&ven e,nd Ba)'•horu Hua-Ma, ...ut&nt dMl!ll' liiadr•· wae Jalfhllihted by lhrllllnir Den &: John Tatum, •olf b&d11: J im VOO!'hJe•. rold and oommcrclal albacore t\1hln1 •llver wolt arrowa; Man: Miller ftlma taken and 11\own by Jo~r..., bear batt.J'e. Den T: 8tev1 !l•u· mu muwn, c0rnmvelal f\~her· (ht.er, bff.r bad11; J im Berrell, man and owner o(. the f!1h!nr denner bad11: Jim Berry, uel1t- ll>Oal nora. The film• aleo 1llo-ant denner b•d&"•· Den JO: Gary ed talllna-o! ler1e tl1h 1111r h •• Boltl, bur bad11 and 10\d &Tio jwfllh and porpo!H. row. Two Bobcat.I were wel· CANNED BACON ~,:~~2-" w.•rr ...... "'i:.. ... 29' SMOKIE µJll(S ~. "0::~~-'";:::45' ·,...*-M:·:~~A::::: 17:. 1.ARGEJOJ.OGNA . -:.= · .. 29' ~~!..~52' .. GROUND BEEF a::_,=.:.~K .. 39' '--~·'".'"-;-Nu!W-"" ... _•0c-:-r·:-n, _ _,·;. CUbmullr Don Alldtnon •n· c:omed into th• pack. MLk• no~ n_. 'toluntecr workeni Blaurhter Into Dea 7 end Tony Bof'tto lnio Din t. tor nut year. M.r. Ind MT•. Mr1. MUclf'ed Bond'• IHn f Kilton Shedd will cooper•te ln clOffd the meeuni. The final ta. ltam of cubrnutcr and Co- FISH STICKS CAl'TAIN'I c-.. .. , 0 ........... -~. FIEEI ... ..._ ~35' '"'''"* ... 6:; IO' • h'-olt, l'Nfl"t.. quality, frodn WHITING CAl'f..:::..~:i..~· '':::39' PWi L•····· 2::25' ......... ,., .. , .... quellfy,fw Of'dlnatO'!'. Mr11. Alen Gr.y will 1et·to11ther ot tba yee.r will be Ile the denmother of Din 4. •tr .. the ILftnU.I picnic lo hoe held at Olto Cb r I • t • n • • n and Mn.. Coala Me... Park JW\I 9 at S.fe••1' l•••f a SANWAn -ftAd TD 1UY CANTALOUPES 8(. lb. . . . Arthur U(lh1.rt will be co-den· lt:llO p. m. Alwayw: IJayel motMn of De11 10. Mra. Mu nJ8 c c ,_ )(IUer wllJ hu.d ben 5 1.nd Mra. FAC Co t• Ylll OI .. -27' Leon WllU.ama Of'n T. Mr.. 0 ll)UeS \VP" C..,p'a, wtth Hefti l\&lph Bond• "'111 ~al .. den· ( ...... , " "'" •· Bridge Games ' Y• 111111's l•1l1s ~-= 23' Kn. Milton Shedd'• Den ' r &.I. Rice opened Ule rntttlnr •M Oen• T c 1 1 1ti.-·-th ' "'Ilia .._ C..,'• ,.._. _. ICJC --• • pre11enl1d lklU ln lh• ont nu na-,.··-;--·· 1 •um· ~~ '" -i•-r '"• r..H~I """ ·~. ' ..... ,_,.. ~ n1onthly tberne ot b0boe1. Mr. rn1r, uit can• I« ""' o ... , ,,....... A - Bhedd took 0¥17' th• preiHntaUon CO.ta. Mee& rrt~ Attemooa. ....1 ....... . . ··-~ 2·---ol aw1rd1 end the f0Uowin1 Club met la.it wffk tor Jta _ ..,_ ...._ &7 boys won rnerll•: Den 3: Bruce monthly d .... rt • card ,_rl7. .... p ' ' •-'" R-t • "-W ---"":'.:. .... 19{_ ,..._.,ner '""'Ptl r Jlo1.t.-1 tOf"'lli .. ift&lr-wii'91 ..,._ ._.... .-..- Olaftc)er, two •llver bear arrow•: Mra. I.. w. ()oft~ Mn.. Rwbtn 11-lz·· b f ....... 95, ....... 57' Harold Barker, lwo 1llver woll D&y and .ice dl&trmu ot tM .. •rrowe: Mike BNdtont AMbt-eectloll •. Mrti. 8'.m Cm;. ctHfdtar nr.d ant Mnner hlld~ and th~ 'h.blt prtsee were •on bJ 1--..l_ft.. .. I "' ':•rs. J"!.-mnrwott~ •.J.P. eouper. Tttm ~.. "711-llWll --& ,, · tot4. pld bear &IT(.IW ; Jobany Nollk 1'.a.niun. llelna Kataiw. ........_ .. W\Mt.ame, .U.... wolf ano.r: W. K.~Nfdt ... Uoyd ...,_,.. ,._ .:;::..,,..._ 2-25' DCiok-OU'htt. WOif Mdp. P4 Mlm .llarab o-nt. lira. Qen 4: Robert OordoA. cMMe:r &. I. Main. eard tiicuon e:balr-• ~ Dlt·fM !: 5,. bed,-.; Rkhard Ho&Mer • ...Ut· man for I.be 1..t. year. will be 1n1 cJenn,.r bMlp: Pl\llip Jril.6M(le. llUC<:ffd@d lt7 Kra. Jay 8. "'•ltt•. -~ ~ ••• ,_ • wolt 10111 1rrow, De• t : Leonard 1'tie iieKt MCUon mffllna will "I Bonrt., 11fnn1r badf"• and two a Muarl card p&rl)' Ju.ne 22. 0 •llftr wolf &n'O'!Sa : '*1nl• RHtn-atiorul ahauJd be mada .... fllutNOWC..IMI _ Bond.a. ~ pld UTOW aad witb Mn. Wat.en .,, Jun4 a / liOMAINE LETIUCE UMBERS u:.-:.:=-:: -IALADI .CABBAGE SOUD,Gal9f..,... bc.llent for~ re11'0ll•1s ""5c · 2i..15' ? ... 2• 1 i;~9' lml IRICIM ... IL w..' • 1. I. 9, 111111-,....,., 111111. ......... --c ................ _ ....... ' • ., ' ··---...... --4----· .. _____ -~----___ .. _ _..._.., _.., ___ ·---,..-, • . . ' • . . . . K>dD . sPietALS!~ .- 5 A F-•i• GRINDS! ;.-COFFIE . 1-LI. CAN -' . ' r , lushed Ill 11 tht pe.it of ripe .wMIM• f.-the lmp.rtal V1lleyl '1." -_..., ___ --------.., ' . Extra-~1~ew Crop 1 · . n I ·cuc·uMBERS ! Guara.nte.d . I Ripe, Sweet .e d I an 1 Delicious! For I I I Make 1 big cool ~licll I L--~---------~-~ PRIORITY CHUNK-STYLE TUNA NO. i "FLAT CAN c • r - - - - - -l DELICIOUS BlEND OF APPLESAUCE & BERRIES! i 'V~~~ i APP-L-BERRY : DITERGENT I GREEN BOW CUT _: jf;~_49c: A-SPARA.IDS ~------~ . ' . ' MARCO 9UALITY DOG FOOD SAUCE 303 CAN 303 CAN TALL CANS! . • c --FREE--, I REG. 15c HEAD OF I : LETTUCE I I Wll!t Purch1M of I C I Mexican Village I Salad DressillCJ I Sand W . ' . ' e VEGET AILE COCKY AIL e PINEAPPLE JUICE • TOMATO JUICE e APRICOT NECT Mix or ' $ • Mcstch 'Em! 12-0z. , luy Thes•~ Cans In. Any --Combination! . ----------------5 and W Super fi)uaNty .• GRAPEFRUIT JCE. • LIQUID APPi e PRUNE JCE. e PEAR-PIN.APPLE Mix or Match 'Em! Buy These in Any .- Combination! 12..0Z. Cans • ~~~~ lJelicale.rsen ---... L~~~-~J~J . RANCHO Cream of Chicken . ' . . -----· -. -... ----·------• PRUNE JUICE --·· uo.. .,.. . , c:AKE (anlnl _. SPiCIAlS Julie 7, I, 9 ~ ~ ~ POOD CAKI ........... -w-•: ,.... ... ..., ....... ..., •• • ,I ~Ml•Che•I.,. •• " 1 I 9"41 Derih ..... ' . ..... I CAl(ll,. ...... Jf' ... ~ •• .._ ... -.J I ' • ........................... _.,_.,$$ 1 PONGI CAKI If'-. : ......... .} • :--1 ClflffON CAKI : .... 79'-. -45'..: .I ,.. -~ ........ -./ .._ -__! I t-&.-,w a late ,__ _. : C1w t CA.QI ... _ I ....... _, I e I a ..... mon : IOU.I •••••••••• 23' .. 21•.-I ..... I ····--·--····· ---..... c-..... r----- RATH SMOKED ' 1 All-American I I All-Meat I BRAUNSCHWEIGER I FRANKS I : ' I I CI I 1.U.. I I "'11-I L - - -_· -· - - -J AGED, NUT .SWEET, LARGE-EYE SWISS -CHEESE S -3•. 49~~ - . r--------1 I Dubuque Canned 1 : PIOl.ICS : , Trimmed of fit & bonel I I 691 1 I 4%.U.s. I Net . I I Weight 1 · L ___ .,. ___ J Pillsbury OvMHteody, Quick . . ~~'~~UT ROLLs29c / SOUP • LIQUID APPLE 111t. • 2 1oi!~~·· 25c HEART'S DEUGHT r _______ 1 souD PACK --UBBY'S TOMATOES : CORNED: GLOBE A·l ! BEEF : SPAGiiEnl· 15c . 1 12.0.. 39c I PILLSBURY . L__c: ____ J fUiUR-. ~: 33c_,,. WALKER'S AUSTEX DIAMOND ~ TAIALES ;APER ~. loll No. 300 Can ---C DENNISON'S -No. 300 • With Melt 11111 SPAGHITTI . . .,_.;;..-.;;:"::-;::=-'"--· ... ·---·-..... ,~..,...-, .. ·-· ... ~ ........... ~-:·# ~.-........... ~· .... ... . .. . --..-.:'"''"' .... , .. -.. ,,,.. . ...... _ . I TIP,• •• • r •• r . '· - I All-AmeriC...- •oving1 on ti,.. l>t ftnel a.n.r .... pric .. for )he month's eli..dl ~R STOKEL Y'S FINEST -NO 303 CAN FRUIT "JIOC·KTAIL • , __ ,r --- • ..... & • • • ·- CUDAH:r'S HICKORY-SMOKED Fann & Home FRESH con AfiE ~ . IACON SOUARES . , ' . · """ FllUIT JUICE IUND a·r allan -Punch c Ful QvMf llettle DEi. MONTE PINEAPPLE-GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 46-0L Con POTATOES ~~. · Al,l-AMERICAN BURGUNDY Full Gellon ---- 27c HUNT'S WHOU! NEW 2 15C ---THE NEW -106% STRAIGHT WHISKEY'S - OHIO DECORATED IOOK 2 23C 4 ROSES Now • leoder of 1troight M, AT!l'ffES ofc'"so'·1 . " whiskies! -Fifth SWEET CONCORD WINE · FRiTOSCK Luge Pkg. 29c MtJGEI DA_V_ID __ ~:!~ ~KisLATECHIP ~:: 3 -0 --sil'iiGiii~eouirioN 1-1,1. CRLO ROLL c lb. c •• c c •• ·• DOWNIY . COi-F I IJOt• a DOI.AM .............. -..MIS..,. ...... e NORWALK COIN• MllTO• 6 PIONMI <>PIN DAIL T "TIL MIDNrtl su•••Tt "ffl 11 P.M. e NIWPORT llACH 2 .. com ,. .. ,,.., .• , - SU•Aft ' A.M. YO 1 P.M. --AM. '° -, ......... , s.tnttan ' A.M. ro 1 ..... e GARDEN GROVE • CORONA. DEL MAR • S~N CLIMINTI "51 ........................ , .... , COAST H .... W&Y ., JASMINI Ml .. c-•••o .... , DAILT t~ A.M. TO 11~00 P.M~ eAR.T f iOO A.M. TO 1t:M P.M. - MlleA'1 t ..,.. f'O It •.M. Wffll"' 't A.M. TO 1 ...... • 4.M. fO • '··~ IUMtAYS t A...M ,0 1 P,M. -,. • ' I ' \ • I ' • UliUllllG UN~ LADIES r -~ of tho -.., boonl at Irvine Cout c-w,. Oub: Sta..lmr, from loft. i.n.o a-ue VaaeJ, MJ:n• Howard Flemlnr, Doaa14 Harwood, Roy HallberJ, Jhrokl Small. J.,....e Helperin. Seated, Mm.._ J ohn Prtco, Mary Jay, Robert llup.o, Roy Lyman, Ralph-Compton. -Manie Price fholo PAST AND PBE8ENT-Mrs. J ohn Price, left, paat ch&irmadof. lrVlbe Cout fem gol!en, pins poay on newl7 ,elect<d ~ ot tl>ejady lin~tera, ~ R.oalle V&nce. -Margie Prlce PhoCo FEM VICTORS IN 'BLIND DRAW NINE Mr e. Joh n Lanier wu Cl... A winner In ye:J11ter- d1y'1 blind draw nine hole toumament with o n e -h a I I handicap at Irv!nt Coaat Couritry Club. Sh" rerl•lered a 3•. Behind her flnlllhf'd M1·1. Elale Ml!ltr. 37. an.-1, In a twa-way tie. the Mmet. Raw.t0n Fl)Ole and Jeronie: Htlperln, 37 '• tach. 91 ... 8 wlnnerl Wtre the Mme1. Burt Sutton, 341Ai , Donald Hummel. S&l,i, and Bart Mc Hu1h. 38\ii. Jn Clau C, the vlctor a w1r1 tht Mmu. D. v . Hayu. 3•4., Bernie• Nelaon, 38, and Frank McCorralck, Ill. LINKS LADIES Annual Meet of ICCC Fems Held Friday )Ir• J1mt1 Ward, who lower- ed her h1ndlcap f rom 13 lo 7. waa n11tn1d th.1 moat Improved pllytr durln( the Jut 16 n1on Ua by the lrvinf' Cout Country Club hnk1 ladle1 Friday. In the annuel n1eell11g which ftalureJ the election of ofrlcer1. Ml.11 Ro,.lit Vant'e w•• tabbed cha lnnan, Mra. Fr'-'l.k J.l cCor- mlck. ...::rttary: M ra. H. 8-K. Willl1; Mr1. Jerom1 Helperln, -----------------------~--tournament cha irman; Mr.1. J ohn GTHne. rule:11 chalrrn1n; J.fn. Robert Ph1lbnck, publlcll,..chalr- man, and J.lr1. Walter 1\eevu, Sunday event.a chairman. Mr1. Harold Sma.Jl deftlltd Miu Mary K . Browne In final round for the club champlon- 1hlp Mr•. \V1y~e Hall wHh 3811 .,.... w\nntr or th• Crazy Mata One g&me at the Newport Harbor Youth Center and T ournameot ove'r nlna holea wlUi three at Colt& Me.a Park en.eked' open. the Harbor area. \1 h•ndkap. Runner-up honor• ...,.,, 1 llt between lillr1. Cllnton •urn.mer t.aebal1 progr&m graperruit practice league Mon· Crane and Mra. Raw.an Foot• day nlrflt. "" 1•,.Hh 38'1 each. Winner of thf' MESA PARK SITE FOR CLASS C LEAGUE TEST . In •n lntematlonal IA•ru• fr1y 1t the Youth Center. the Brave1 dumped th• Cub1 7-0 Tomorrow nilht. eWUng a t 8 p. rn.., ·the l.nt.tim&Uon&l 1..e•(Ue Otant. &nd Card\nabl have 1t out on I.la• Youth Ctnter dla- mood. At Colla Mua P.rk Monday nlaht. the ~ u aru• Cublo ud Brave. bll.tUed to a 0-0 dMdlock whlle the American Lrarue Dod1en 1hutou1 tb• P 1r1tt1 ~-0 The Pacific eo..t AfttT' lht J!l!.hibltlon. par,nta hHt Cllntf!lt 10.'a11 Mr•. Alex Dt- wLll dtc1dt 1to•hlch lype uf b11•t"· F'~. ba ll they want lhe C Ltasut ------------- kid• to pt1y In tht Harbor arta. At 8 .30 p. m., Rod J.f1 cMil- llan unveil• hi. new H1t b6r Boyt' Club Robln1, aponaored by Th1e1 Robina. apJMt the Sant.a Ana American ~n Junlon.. The Robina -. open play In the Loa Ancel• Mwnlclpal Ali- IOClaUon. Tomorrow n I I h t 'a pr1ct1c-e .:hedult at Coata lilellil P1rk Mesa Pirates Capture 1st Practice Go League CUM b.at the Bravu find.I tht Pacific Co.at Lt11ue Ed t..ne'• Co•I• Men Pif·ates. • OR CHAMP TO ANOWWW -Miu Mat')'. K. Browne, left, runner-up, CCIDlf&tulate1 Mra. Harold Small, new golf cbamploa ot the Irvine Coa.at tem golfers. -Maggie Price Photo HARJOR fO~ BILL PHILIJIPS, Sport. F.ditor PAGE 8. PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6, 1956 TAB TAMURA 'TAR OF YEAR' AT HARBOR HI Little Berry, Ace Beats Sports Lorentzen Out . for Honon Dave Tamura, football 1eatback, basketball dribbling act and steady baseb&ll infielder, baa been selected unani· moualy by the Newport Harbor HJgh School coaching aWf u ''T&r of th!!: Yea.r." The clever ·Uttle senior athlete be&t out 1uch rraduating rrut• u Charlie Berry and Paul t.orel\l:Un, b<lth ot I whom l'l!Ceh•ed honorary mtntlon tootb&ll; HopJdAI, foo t b • 11 ; bth!nd Tamura. Geors"I lchultt, football: P1ul Tamura w.11 a let ti!' rm an tn Lor-.ntaen, football. buketball, football, b&ake:tball and baM-b...t.11; Larry Harper, football ball. capttlrr:d •ll·Sun.Ht Ua(Ue and buktlb&ll; Farquhar, 1wt01- honon !n football a.nd baaketball mine ; Pate Schulber1,swlmmlng ; and played on ~hampion1hlp Pele ktutlbel'"(, .1wtmmln1: Ta· Tar team1 thi1 1eaaon in b1aket· mura, bueball: Bill P\(g. crou ball and b&MbaU. country; L.arry C.11tro, rro11 Berry •tarred In footb1111 and country •nd tr•ck; Olis Bo!lnr. trick while Lorenun .,..,, alto clo•a country 1 nd track , and a thr~·•port athlete Uk~ 1'11· Au1 ie 0 1troakl, crou country. mutt;, in football, ba~ktlball and The followln1 ch1mptonahlp.1 In b1.seb1.!l. I tll1 Sun1et Lea1ue were capturtd Thf'll thrte top perfonnen by Nawport Harbor H lfh a th- were: named wll'h J ohn Hopkin•. lttlo .qu1'1• lhi1 1chuol y"r: Bob \Vhltt . Rod \\'UJtOn. J ack Vanity bueball. "'"'l"1mtnr and Smllh, Tom Niquettf!, Larry ba.Hball: junior \.,.r11ty croa1 Htrpe:r and Jerry F'1 rquh1r 11 country; and Clan B 11wlnunln1 the top ten !H'oiOr• in loci! pr~p and lrt.ck. 1port1. JndJvidual ch1mpion1hlp awa rd• Earning two -ton• chen1ll.1 e ra beln1 preMnted to tach awarda. -ptcial 1w1rd11 to a:rad-+ m~mbtr of thue crawn-copplfll" uat1ng Sailor 11n1or• who h•v• 1 lt1m1 by the Harbor H igh Tar l~tttred t1thtr lh1te or four Club compoeed of Harbor'1 let- tin1e1 In any 1port. wtre : Berry, terman . # o••••'" 11n Un;: SA!'.'TA ANA, (0CN81-F\ll· lerton Hllf\ lcliool'1 er.ck rniler, Grady Neal a nd 0~1• eo&.l Ctlllege'• ace ri(hthander, Wayne Couchtry were named Oranr• County tr.ckman. and b.utbmll player of U'lt y11r. lt ~tit• l'IC-.d ll1$9 thlll )'tV a J\tllerton prep hu tak• U\a-tfttpbJ',. Pet. i..,, Tribe'i ~tr-ru.-.... Ula ... ketfliaJJ piarr .i th• ,.r. Pa_llerson FiCJht Ith Hurric:aM on Video Friday A key hf'avyv.•elght ellmln•· lion fiJhl tor tha Utl1 ~tnUy \'ICated by Rocky 1.tarclano will M ttlev!Md Into the Harbor area Friday nlcht. 1tarunl" ahorUy at· ter 7 p.m. Floyd Patttr10n and Tommy (Hurl1Clan1 1 Jackaon, the two top ranked younr -:rap- pers In th• nation, batht It out. A lthou1h Jae~ hu m.t th• btU.r oppo.tuon of lh9 two, Pat- tereon wtll pr"ONblJ 1 0 Into tht bout u tht favoritt. P•ttenon !1 n.tM. u a two-tl1lt1:1 puncMr a nd a poUah~ boaer w!lll• th• Hurrican1 m&n 11 u unprtdlct- abl• u hl1 1to'11NI &l90rlmf!nt ot 1qaur ed-rtn1 tacUca. ONAMIW't6 JOHNSON SEA·HOISll Y CNf O&d O..boUcf l• •onlt .,_,,I Lcr'1 1allr .. tract.di" oq a 1p•rklia1 ••• 'S6 Job11H>L Ni1M pnt •o4•l1, J to JO bpi Sout,h Coast Co. Newport Bh·cl. at Urd St. Barbor 2lflO,, I ,., DIPINDAllllfT ····-····· ' .. For a fl'l.I copy of our nft fold. about mutual ""'•ll· ment eorap111!11 : call, writ.a -lrlMl \he rouparl. • ---~---------------- f'r::\\'l!:L a 00. t•.1. National 8-k Bldf. Coat.a Hna, c..llfonla l.lberty 1-1•11 .,._ •"4..-· fthMI .wird.I, t- ....... ~A ................. . N-............. ,, .......... ,, .. ,,,,,,,., ,,,... ................................... .. 0., ..................................... .. t -1. ,_.. Dod1el'll and Pirate. meet1n1 1t com~! of b1llplayer1 from BillYYONJIEMERT PE:ABJ TdftArht '•t c oela Meaa Park, 8 p. "'· •M 0ie MaJor EA,1ue l c oach w"nd'U ?tckena· or_11nrr r -Always-the W!RR aOliii---c-.nr-=tnntnr e"hJbtt+oft-DMf•n end etxate• caiu in&. Coa•t ColJq:e l l.IU ,iuniOJ" ....col-- - -... '".j .. -_ --W'w-11 :.rr:=~~;~u.,.~~;:~101;;~n!~ w•;:;.~, ~.1::cJic ~~lit Lf'l·r:r,icnt~ c~:;!l:::~ ~~~~-~~d .Ei.e~:~ REDINGTON WIN MVP HONORS baU rule.1 and thrff fram111 un-11,111 C&rdlnala •nd Gl&nla match 11nn1n1 Ml·lo at El Modtna Sun- der naw naJ.1:1 which place em· runa at I p. m.' tollowr:d by lht d11 y. pt.a1\11 upon hllUng. fltldlna-and Major Lfftut Ca rdln11l1 and Thl11 1111bb1tl11, u11 Plnt.t11 tra-Don Redington, Doug Pearce and Barry Von Hem- runn!n1 rather than pltchtnr. Olanll •1 7:30 p. m. vtl Ill \\'Ill Rn11er• Playground ert received recognition ae moat valuable perfo rmen for lo litkt on the \V11tt1 Glant11 · 'I · Thl• will be final pracuci fr1t; the Newport Harbor High School Sa.1 or 1w1m e~ua~ befon-th1 Loa Angelo Munlrl-or 1956. The trio w a1 announced durin& last night • p•l A•1ox\111t1on 91aeon opentr banquet for the mermen in Elke Lodge. Junt 17, t..ne aald Pl k' N · F'o1 H1J1n.:lun. thlt "''II tht c • ewport Harbor hurl-1,t'«ond ~lr•ight ~f'•IMUl the All· lll(I hn~),.fUI.• at OCC ntKl 9ta~on.1 Anlti i.::., prep freelll}'lel toppold .Jim Newkirk and Hill \\'ttz,.1. \'llTllly Tiu •pl•shtrs. Lail Y'-'•r ln,('OOCI condition Lhrou1hout the ~•w •ctlon on the niouud fnr the he •hated the honor with Jf!l-r( ttep Talent Sprinkles Grid Turnout for Anaheim Team o .. nny H.u1h, B, anrt Oo11K Mil· 1ei·. c·. 1-llllrr reee!yeJ a •11,.c1Hl eward '" "lht moat lmpr(lvtd 1wlmmeir In ••II dhrl1lona." A NAHEDI, tOCN'll -'l"bere. are fe'O\' who'U deiu-that the Ana- IY!m ColunliU 1161 toolball edl· Uon la 1J1rih1l1ed with 10mt intr hty hep t&Mnt v.•htch ar;a.Jn lfl•k~ them tenon of the 811n- 11tt Leape. but Coach Clart \'1n Hoore~kt lnal1t• that lhcr,. ~rt SC.111 major probltm1 lo work on which 1to·itl kMp him hopplftl' fol- litwln1t thl awumer. AnahC"iM, co<h&mpe W'lth 8&n Dt•so ror Southern crr nonon I.Mt fall. opened their 11pr1n1 l'tld ron1lttlonlng pm1rrnm thl1 Wi!t!k "·1th a ruu a.quail nun1bf'r· lnl nearl,V 7(1. ~XPA ,VD PARK In addition to the lly "''Ork· tut.I 1.l AVH.8 • Uc Id the tall football p sram la gln- lllrJ&" to take a ahadowy rorm a mOe down the road u'lvre con- atntrlktn ha• bef:un on the ~ T;20lh-.t: llladlwn_at La Pl..101a summer months. Plr~l~.• alon1 "'11 h Stan H"r-F'arquha.r .. ~r e:, 1 t y I 1 r Pean·e STR.ES!J POINT I pirk htlld!nf for _ Slllnlord. aut'cttdll 'TM Von Hrmert ui B Th" banquet n11rke!I !11.rtwe.ll "'Ible laat potnt 1to'11l bt 11trr••-1 .81~~111~h fou; bin~:"' In five MVP 11.nd B&rry Von He:n1C"rl or Coach Al Jr.o.•1n a.Cler eltht f'd thlll lpriOI .'' .. Id Vin. "It 1 d'lpll ~I e r l lt. Tll Sitktr IUCC"tds,Jerry Y,'hllaktr •• C )'f'lll"I 11 htlm of the S1Jlor prep I II I t that UH! .__ enf' ne M lht LO<"lll p]lllC" !.!VP c1tw. Nn:l fall, he t1ke1 OYll' "la Y mporlan ,,.,,., p<l\\'tr Herplck ol c1e-\ot fot ' maintain 1ood 1ummtrtimt ron·, lh 1 h h 'Pl J,rty Farquhar wa1 n11n1ed l l Or1111e COll1t College 1111 VM'-, "'' n w tn t ~ r11lf'1< 11rnrei.l _ -B f , .. II o 1 t dltionin& U "''' are sotn1 to 10 r 1 Ill 1 h •·111111ty captain, \Vhltaker cap-111\y l)O an ""'' m men ot. an~·heu \n the fall,'' .;;,ur a t~ n t t .. Vt"nth l<llln-ta1n and Bari)' Von Ht"n1ert C R"pl1cin1 htm 1to·lth lh• 810ot'.1 The mainr problem confront-r1pt111n. ~1011t Lmpro•·~ 1w1rd1 i11 Ed :"o"ewl11n.d. fl"\\'ln'1 11dt th\1 ,¥ ·"""k!tk wnrkl'<1 lht 11nthill In& Va.n 1• t ht tack ot .d<plh 1 \\'ent to Emit Minney. varelty; 1t1-.m. nr rour r111nl!'11. i ~vinK up four 1,.,_,_,__,,_,_,_.,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; from the .. n1ore leav1n1 the , 11n1 on four hlta, He itrolled I j ICll'nt. u11 \\'rtz,.J tOll~etl two !nnln&•· 1"t be.ckfitld. of CO\JrM' \\Ill 11lln.,.•lni four run11 on thrtt hit.a Include Ha1n,,ick1 Mlckt.v 1"l.1·nn •nd \\"l lklng threr. Hrrpick play- and Don Pl""41eid, "'llh Joe,A1·1tll ,.'11l11n111rt Ht p1tch .. 1I one ca n- al Fullbark. In KIVlll K up on~ i:ounter 6n "\\'f' lo11t our ~rv111. IJ1l'k thr"t hll1 1orl a lone w•lk. Gt'Over. Alan Moo<ly and John Vlllafa.na.;· \Ian pointed oot. _ n·IDB ciPEN pa1~11 1no1 one 1outhP.,w "''Ith H 1a..1-· .. that 1 nH1rh pro111l1H1 "''orklng 0•1t for 1 t l!.p ·~ nt!•r Y e•·ery I lht 1lot tht!le da line poalllon 11 wide" open Tht Tl 1 r J ya. at.&rtlq center, indl and uarili 1"Y Ire e ly ohn Biiker, who b..•''' lt>n tht ~01 •• Do~ Ab-I klcktU lhe 1io•nt•·•ft,.r laal yiiar, """'t -"' ... • """-lbf' J " .and Jo Knou·1.u anQ JOllA M~ Plirk. • .,.,.. ' ...., .._...n1 ra an .... 1..-y I '><•nald TM atadlum w111 bot compkteJ Fell Otparted. "\Ve ml&ht ha\'e to "-.-;;;;,_,· ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; by ~ l llnd thla yH-r the two-platoon lhe.. apoll thl• r AUHB altllttlo ctfopartme11t Wiii Y~•r.'' aald Van. ''Thow bo\•• a ~ ~:n.•ai~ an adult rewn•f'd Ht-!·;:~. a~o .,..,.re IO-n1ln11l• pl1•·-I ~ SJ~tfl. Dunna apriftJ dr1 1l1. Van A bit ol optUnl&fft 1• "'"'n al tW'"'" RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL · COM~cRCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR SllALL 30th St., Newport Bnch BM'bor 2J.SI • .. x ·X. • x x x Let The NEwS.l'RESS Worll For Yo-Sellinq Your Men:honclhe Or Services-in AU of Newport Horbor Hoorll'belte and line coe.cll Jolln I the q~rterback •lot •·acated by SOUTH COAST CO. Wallin •rt so&n& lo 1mpbullaJll' Geo,.. Dotna.. Urd • N•wport 81..:t. I ZSO w...t UM •lhkt-·...t and llt"1I T1'1•h &ti tw• n(ht hu:ded '~~~~~~~~~~~• •~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_.1 11 .......................................... llliliiilmlliiiiiil ............ .. I ., • • • •• - • ~~---... -··-··---' . _ ...... , .. THIS , GOLf COURSE . • BUILT IN 27 YEARS SAN CLEMENTE-h took the combined effl'rt• ol a Lo.ii Angtlea father &nd aon-phu a lapse of 27 ytan -but the job was done. The opening of a nine-bole addit ion to the 58 11 Clemente Municipal Coif Count Saturday rompleted the l!nk• orlllrlally laid out by Wtl· lla.111 P. BeU in lil&. HI• '°"·I plaint )fr. Bell. ''Tht1t'1 a allHl \\"1LU1.m ?. ir.ll. now ruldh\I •l now runnlnc rlfhl ®,""'" tbt r 1n-6~t 81 VL l p d 11 • t•r ur on• of Da.i • propo111<.1 1rra 1 1., •511. flW., n [a.trwa ., lah&d tha jo'a. l t r. Btil, anlor, I ya. ~-"'-.:.L.J I d1~ ln 1163. '----- Wht>n \\'Lllla.m P . BPJI. a pron1-LISTEN 1n<'11t coif ~:ourae arcllllect. M-Nm D'S A ll.&IiL\Clt -U.,, 1'lnt Be-• Bud 'l'hompoon put.ee on• at 111o ~ Nat fall, ~'II watth Ba1fback 111111 'l'.hOmpooa IWl..i-hlppms over Bun· oet Leap ~ with ~t ;plpl<m -8tltt Photo . OFFICIAL OP.E81N8 OF · YOUTH j l1diai J1nion. CENTER DIAMOND JUNE 15TH Open Season 1n Double Triumph •1in•d thf' Silt\ C\ent.,nle links in l!-128, he lllld nut a de111gn for n1n~ hol11 which wrre built Im· n,etUlll<'ly. He 1l1n roughed in a fU\U I"' nine. Kbtdult'<l lO be added wlthLn a ytar or two. 111 19:)~ hl• .on, v.·uu..,11 F. Bell nuv.• ahto & ~nowned roll ,·1.ur~P d•11cnfr "'"" i:alled 111 to l1 y out a n!.n•·l;lole .,ddllion lo the San Clemente i:ovr9e, RI.a rin11hf'Cl dealr n matche• that roui.:h•d In by hi• falhl'r :r. yeara agu with 0111 exc1pllon. "l had lo 1bJft, 001 hole." 1x· to the Shearson, Hammill "Private Wire" KABC~:JO P.M. Daily Mon. thru Fri. Market Quol&tion1 Financial News Busineu Commentary Interviews presenlM lty SHEARSON, HAMMILL~CO. IOl~llliO I~ IOU BASEBALL PLAYER OF YEAR MOBBED Since Wayne Cou1htry bu been named Or&nge County buebt.11 player of the year tor the mecond aucceulve aeuon, a replay o! the 1Ctne !ollowins hil pla.yoft vie· tory over Lone Beach City Colle1e ia in urder. Coushtry wu undefeated in Eut· em Conference play thil .eaaon. -Eugene Tyler Photo Official opening of the Newport Harbor Youth Ce~ter baaeball diamond will take place June l:S when an exhibition game will be played there by Intematlonal League playen. All Harbor area 1ummer diamond youths will par- ticipate In traditional parade and ceremoniea at Coata Meta Park, 1tartlng at 6 p. m. that night. J'UL.LERTON, 10CN81 -Ful· lerton'1 Junior Amtrlcan Lll'gi on ron:e• opened their 1869 Or1nge county bueball campalll'.n th1• pllt weekend In a \'\clo11uwa mann1r. day Ult WU TOI\)' Ank.trlOfl. IU .,, ........ N•• r ••• s,., r .. ~.~,, ·~' .,~ .. """'',.., s...-.1 •~' c ..... ..iu1 £,, ... , .. ;~or~~= ~':un~r1t lhr• lnnin(S 8331 Via Lido Har, 46W Following the Me11a Park ceremonle1, a cara· van of Pioneer and International League playera and parenU will leave for the Youth Center in Corona del Mar while a Major League exhibition game. wW 1tart at Coal& Meaa Park. YOUTH~ CENTEll SLATE Class C Pioneer League Stans Season June 19th Harbor a rea 1unu11er b1•1b1ll pll7 for boy1 In th1 CIUI C Pioneer r...cu• 1t lhl N1wpor1. KcbOr Youlh Cent1r 1111 under· way J un1 11 and conclud•1 Auf . I . T'Wo flmd 1r1 .chedulld tor Mell aft1moon of play, th1 flr.C. 1am1 1U.rUn1 at 6. HI p. m. and th1 11oeond 11m1 1l fl .~~ p, m. All pme1 1r1 .cheduled on Tueaday1 and Tburlday1. The lOop flChed ule w\.11 b9 fol· low"4 by a tow.rnament lnvolvinc all C t.ana U. t h1 ttarbor a rea bueb&U profT&m. The t.ourna· ment wW •tart Aur . 13. C1r d1n1l1, :):15; Olan\A • Plrall!I, fl .46. JUIJ 17, Otanl.l·BrlVl!ft, 6:15; Cardlnala • P'lratee, 8:46. July 19, 8r&Vl!t ·Plrat11. 11:16; Cardln1l1·0l1nlA, 1:411. July 24, O~aal• • Plr1l1•, 6:1~: Bravtl· Cardinal.I, 9:46. J uly :Zfl, Cardin· 1l1·Pr1ate1, 6:t6; Ol&ni.Bravee, 8:46. J uly 31 . C1rdln1l1·0llnt•. 6.15 ; Br1v11·Plrat11, t :t 6. Au1. :Z, Br1ve1 • Cardln1\1, 5:16: Ol&nt1·P1ratu , 1 :•6. Aug. 7, GJant.e-Br1ve1, 6:11: Cardin· 1l•Plr&t.11, 1:4~. Au.1. I , Brave•· Pirat.N, 6:115 : C&rdlrlal .. OlanU, 1:4~ Pl1y1r1 ar1 urpd t.o M at lh1 tltLd .a mlnu.lu prior to cam• Um1. 111.turday. In their opener, the Rocket• ga\'e I.Ip 11x run.a 1n the lut two 1nn1n1•. but held on tu defeat Hunl1ni;·ton Beach, 13·10. The ram• ....... played ln Fuller-- "'~ Sunday. the tY1·0 tean1• niet in Huntington Bea('h. There. the ho1t nine committed 11x error1, and lh1t v.·a! 1norl' than t nough for th1 R(o<.:ke\A' ll·l mar11n of victory. Neither tll'lm w11 lmpre11.1lve at lhe plate. i"ullerton mr.rchll'd to th• plate 70 ume1. and rot juat 18 hill. for a .2:17 av1ragll'. I HunUngton 111'u 1llghtly bt't· tfr. They Wlfll to bit '13 tlmr•. a nd got 20 hlll, for a .27 4 1\•tr· age. Saturday, the Hocket1 a re ta hOlt oranre, 'Vlnhlnc pltch1r In th• 8alur· Top Boat Battle LONG BEACH -Rou1rh·,hod l'·Cl&la runabout.I and eletk C· Racine hydroplane• are expe1·ted to provide top b1tUH Sunday 11tbll'n mor1 than llO buckaT'OOI or th• wor•t t&n(l• ln the lltb annual J un• 1\.e11tt&, In Lone Beach ManM &ta.di.um. TM 1wuhbuckJin( l'·Jotll. wh.lcb Cl.IT)' both pllol and a hurricane dick rider, .,,,-111 M crut 10 1tron«· Sunday, Mike Jtwett wenf. au 1 ___ N_•_wpo_:._rl_Be __ •_c_h_:--_ tht-Yl'ay to f~l the victory. It "'"'X the rtr•t tlnlll' In fou r lflMM lh11.t a Fullerton hurler hi.I (OM 111 nlne frame•. 11-- 1 Private Police I • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL SECURITY COMMl!llCIAL PATROL 2·J027 Kl BIG SWL~G FOB THE TABS-Third Bawnan Bob Allen swat.a one while Coach Emil Neeme'1 prep Sailors wen aa ro&d to Sunaet Learue champtOnahip at Con& ~reaa Park. The b&llplayem bal4 ~ &12.nual ~qutt at St. Andrew•' Church Hv•'• the complete P1onel!'l' Luru• 1Cbedul1 at th• Youth Omtar: Jun. 11, Brave. • C&rd!nala. :5:16; Qlut. • Ptrat.M, 1 :•~: June · 11, QIUU. ·Bra•"'· 6:1.); Ca.rdin&i.-Pll'Me•. I :t.6. JWlol M, All you want in a hartltop ... including a lower prtoe! torfforrow aftefnoon.. -Staff Photo ' Bra.._.• Plr&lel 6:11; CJanllna.19. -------]Giant.a. 8:11. J une II. Giant.· Orange Grid future Gives Coach Qualms ORANGE, 10CNS1 -The Jong Clckle finger ot f11.te 1hall ht 1 1vin~ Co1u•h Eddie EAtun th• nervou1 Jlller1 •• the Iii~ 8unHl Le111ue 1ndlrun race 1et.1 underv.·ay com• late Seplitmber. Eaton • i:harJl!9. who Jut year puUed the y90m&n Uk• t.uk of holding up rtmtJndl!r of th1 !u.D• .at )Oop tee.mi la ••ptetad lo have I.II evll'n weak•r aquad than l.Ut ,_... o&ub The OH! eleven thla yee.r wtll be 1addled wllh the nt.t.hl!r Hr· lCHMI problem of arrtvlnr 1utfft with lM MaaU*t In -.ch con· tell for the .euon. •rvlce• of their own 1parkplur, Mu Darrow, who tallbac.ktd th• Oran11t club lut Ma10n. Up 11.nd down mon ume1 th&n a kid'• yoyo due to tnJuri11, 0..1TOW 1tlll 1na da tU a.ll·!UnHl Lt11ue .econd team and wu lbe Ol\ly Panther named lha.t hilh 1n \he .electlona. Coach Eaton "''I ll al.lo M mlU· ln1 t.M play of 1ucb men &I J\os"1r S..kenhu• and Norm f'oi · t.er who Wt'l't lop n1en In tht Oran11 altar k Unlike tht' An11.ht'lm Culonl•I~ •ho ha•t a 1mall battalion ol lalent at their dl•poN.L. <..:ua<.h Eaton will be tac1nr an .. xpected XI boy• to appt•ar for Lall drill• 1 come Sc11te1nl)('1 ~f Uu.-111uu,1. Mt lca~t l:"I ""'Ill ht lre•hmtn Yl'llh a fc.,,,· more ttom Uie Beta and ~· or IMt y.ar. It 11 hope4 Lha1 J;f.LOd. wUI bev1 U\I! -~ ol ~ )(Illa who uaditrwt.ud~ tW Du'- niw durtn•...,M -...ont C!D'" pe.lp. ',. The lon& aD4 IPkJ' XUla lPU " the vtcUm of & forward wall Wblcll. W&I wtUJl...to .M!e the opPQ91tlon av.'&)' fl'Otll tlMI puMr. On many a.n ~ Ml.Ill ud Dam>w ...... ,.. fof'C9d to a&t lhe f(IOlball \lli1th Orlftp quKkly kll· las ,....on of lhll' bl.II. Co..:b Eaton, rranucally look· las for an oot. ha• dt'c.l<Wd to 10 With lbe .pUt T lhl• ye...-. Local iPw taNi ..,.. pol\deriq IMtW UM club will work whll'D they did not have Lba •Pftd to So Wltb. the alnile ... 1ng. l t II baUli: 11toadu94 bow l.M.)' ... w tare W1.lb tbt 1pUt T. - \ P\rat-. 0:10; "Bra••.-C.rdlnal1, 1:40. July 3 Card\J1al•·P1rate1. ::. l~1; Olant. • Bra~•. 6 :4~. J uly 10, Cardlnal1-Glant.1, ~:1~; Bravf'11 • P1r1 te1, 8 :4:i. July \2. Br1v,.11 • Set Olympic Trial finals N o l's• than I~ \\'tlh 11 n111·:L· mum num~r of 1.·1, uul.\.i\nWnc a thlete• "·ill be In each t"Vl!nt at thll' fin11! tn1!1 for tile United 8tate• Olym!'1r tr111 k a nd nt-Jd 1quad to be ht>ld J une :!9·30 at I the U:i! Ango:olr! Colu1tun1 . Stlt<:tlon o! 1thlett• 11 bl.Md on the ILX top f1nl•hl'l'I In H Ch l \'tnt at the AA U mffl In Bak· erdield Jun1 22·21: the l1x bl!•l from U.. HCA.A inHt at Jkrk· •le1 on Jun• 1&.18: and up to three m•n from each event In the Arrntcl Force. mfft at the Coll· M\Ull June 16·11. In \h• C&M of th• H rv\ce meet, 1t In the opinlon of Olympic or. llc;lala, the oa.llbl!r of t.h4I p1rfor· mane• I• 11,1eh th• entrant would It.and no cha.nc. or quallly\11.J. .. mce qU&llller• can bl. limited to tbe winner only of the Armld J"oreta M"t evtnL ROUltTINO ON nRST -Lettfielder Paul Lorent· ten, right, one of the top ten athlete1 of Ne wport Ha.rbor High'• graduating eenion, made 1<>me time· ly 11Y>at1 for the baseball Saliort thia aeuon. He al.lo 111.arred in too. '.U u an end &lld in ba•ketbl.11 all a warw&rd. -Statt,Photo A total In 9'1Ci!M or ~o alh· lete• wl.U be vylq for UM thrM epoll' 1v&ll&bl1 ln e&ch of the lT Olyf\iptc event•, and the trip 10 Mtlboume tor the XVI Olym· ;ilaJ. &Clusiwe Franchise A\'All..Alfll.E Newport, S.I~ C'n<1la MMI I: t;orvns 4el lfar -------- P S. I t d 19411, followlni th• death gt For AA·l Ntt'd ayne e ec e <:Md\ Nunn. Nunn coached a t Marvel Water s.lkftere f'ullert.on. ror 27 )'Hr.. and wu JteatMI _. 84'hl H t' 'Mod tuaou.e ror eo&chlnr ,...,,.,,._ --... -• orne 1· · .......... b&ll ....... _ _: :...,..~::-. .. ,... I.I I.be MCODd COMICUUTI ... rit)-fK IJ!e. I "rat' al' aUlltle from WhllUer to •rn U\la lbn'.a W ...... 9e"-0... ftlpl . IOn • ...._ ....,, ,...,, ......," .,., -~o=:!. a ... ,_.,, ........ " rut.lP\1"0lf. (OCNI) blipor. l :.,....,.::·;:.lkh:::w:•:lk:&rt~..,,,..::=-=""~~~~~~w~,. .. ~~~~!I Wt,)'M Paynt. itJl·liutlm ODa· m-ence ruaf'f; tor two ,....... Ml t...n Mlectld u runertoa IC• "mOlll ln1plraUpn&l athYte 9l Ute )"Ml'." In u.. .:boor• •wvd'•• ••"7· IM ooi.tudlnf t'l>otlli&ll ,..,_ v•a • pn>wnt..S the prtsl, U. A..., thur L. Nunn Memorial athlettci aw&"1 Th• aw1nt .,.... lntl\ated In '"'~· .. ,,. .• ILICTRICA-LLY e LET US HELP YOU • STAFFORD & ION -1Colllraclon 110 Rlvenlilt ...... Ub<rly 11-%276 Tou 1et !'Quit. quicker, a .. per l.hro\l,lla Ne-Preis ._, Ada. UM the Cluaitled-PlL Hu.1111 i...----------------------' Ford's New Customline Victoria Open-air smartness of a convertible ... carefree GO of Ford's great V·SI If you'va admired.the wki~ beauty of hardtop1 but hive always been a little ·aun shy" ol their price. then this n-.. Fon! Customllne Vktoria wu meant for vou. For hll're it All roo have dre&ffted of in a ban:ltop-(ndud- ln,11 o ,,,-k"• ta,11 lliat wlll be o pietUtJnl ~I But thit car's n:onomv only \wgin5 "'1th its ln\v price. Its lo\\· npn1tin,11 rust "111 drli!!thl ~nu' In l•1ct. 1111~ •1·ry model v.'Un lhe ~lobilgu Av.-ard for drl1vt"nn11: the j.!n·:i.t· e1t p1 eoooomy per pound in Ford'• field! Or, )'0\1 may ord• tha mJabtY i()2.h.p . Tbundnbfrd V...S enpna that'1 now avdabla lo all Fordom1tic Fordl-tha 11m• bulo mp. that~ Ford tD 'riotDIJ a.t Dayt.ona. Like lb Fairlaue runnin1-m.1te, tbb: Customhn• hanl· top hal quart.-'MDdows that roll d()WTI COfflplet-1~. 1-vtng DOtlml& betwtto you •nd the view b11t fl't!lh air. Y6'1 Pf the open..alr anartoeu ol a COflffrtible, the trim J1nt11 ol a 11nmJ.erbtrd. aod the mu1 oomfort oC • Jedan. A.I for ...Ctty, you drive tun'Ollnded by Ford'• Life- prd DMsn. Yt111 IM'1' neYet' need Ford'• deep-ollnlft 1teer1n1 wbeel, doubl.grip door locb ind other Llft-- prd. f..twa. , . but If• nice to luve thnn juit in ca1el ~ uran1e lor your "'drivinl date• soon. SliJe behind the whHil •nd bead for the wide: opm l'J)K"f1. Whea rou r1lham )'OU'U wtderstand u;l1y Ford b the \'-8 • '" '"'o•m•~il•Bc/otr !l '"-.,.t ..,._........ ---·-, ... _ ..... ----..... ~. ---.... -~...... ....-,...._ --- ~Ford-goes fimt ! rw.I "' ..... .nth __ .. _,,. .... - ..,_ _, _. ..... ~.,.-'"-' 1t.• rr, ._ '°*flf .......... _....~ ............ wtth d. work1'1 bl.llflll: followioa. THEODORE ROBINS YOU& FOll.D o&A.1.Ell -llNCS lJll 1100 \\', Cout IU&bway, Ne"·porl Beach (Mulner'a Mile) Uberty 8-s.&11 ----------ou:.t.r rv, 'roan tuunu:.. JLBCA ''> nruuDAY l:to r.x.-----·---- ~AGE 10 -PART i.41EWPOllT HARIOR!'lEWs.PRESS WEDNESOAY, ~UNE 6, 1956 RALPH LEE Today's N . Y. Stock Report FOR OUR FIRST ANNIVERSARY • • • • • ------- I -·-·-···-·--------·--... -··-···~·· --·-- Me5A YOUNGSTERS ENTERED IN 'U. OUTBOARD REGATTA BALTZ MO RTUARIES COST A !.lESA CH.APEL li41 SUpt'l"illr Avenu1 Cu.ta t.ttN. Calif. Phonl U berly 1-2121 CHAPEL BY' THE SE.A 3620 E. Coa•t Blvd. Coron a dtl l tar, c aur. Phon• Harbor 42 TO SHOW OUR APPRECIATION TO THE PEOPLE OF ORANGE COUNTY WE HAVE REDUCED OUR PRICES UP TO 40<'/o ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF CUSTOM FURNITURE! DUE TO OUR LIMITED 9UANTITY OF THIS "CLOSE-OUT" MERCHANDISE WE ARE FORCED TO RUN THIS SALE ON A 1 ST COME 151 SERVE IASIS. FREE COFFEE, \J CERAMICS & .STRAW HATS SAVE $74.62 ON DISPLAY AT OUR SANTA AH"ArA-CTOllY SROWROOM- • UOULARLY $204.50 1$ 88 'SMALL DOWN PAYMENT e 24 MONTHS TO PAY PHONE KIMBERLY 2-9462 407 EAST FOURIH STREET THIS I ... ·--'- WEEK ONLY --...;.- ' .... -\." . . . .. .I ' "~ I MATCHING WING LOUNGE CHAIR Reaularly S98.S6 NOW $69.56 SANTA ANA FACTORY SHOWROOM • Wt;D~~uAY, jUNt: 6, i~!Jb rAKt' 'rwO, PAGE ONE RmTAUBANT ROW ARBIVES -Talk about loy- alty, Johnny \Vll8on, one or Bob Dalton's restaura- Uur neighbors on La Cienega Blvd., above with !It. own. p&t.ron8 and aome of Dalton'• uptown friends, ca.me lo Newport Beach by buaload for opening night of the new bayside r~aurant here. -All Gene RoM Photos FULL-RIGGED BUT FURL:t.~ -Model of 1..a France. circa 1816. rests on mantle a bove broad brick fittplace at end of Hob J)alton's ne\\' d1n1ngroom \\·here she dra"·• 1erutiny of Mr. and Mn. Johnny M£'rc£'r. NeY•port Beach, v•ho attendl'd p review opening of restaurant. BAY Vlt.:\\• ASPt;CT -Looking from fireplace al tout end of ney.· Bob Dalton'• Re11taura.nt ahov. .. 1114·ttp of tab1£'a on opening nirht. Dull bronu. ape- cially de111gned candlt> chandehen hang artfully tw-- t .... ,een broad. bl'amt'd Cf'1l1ngs. HOAt Dalton i1111tand- in1 in left center bac:k1round a2'aln11t bay 'A'llldo.,..·. . ' BALBOA AT LAST -Myford Irvine, lvp, examines with Bob Dalton, left and Country \Vashburne. right, first statue or the famous explorer, Balboa. evt'r to be placed in Newport Beach. Statue Bhows Halboa in breast plate as he stands un- der protecting overhang. Balboa and Ji&lberd he holds were obtamed in Laguna Beach by Dalton for his nev.• restaurant. OPt:NlNG NIGHT TABLl~ -Admiring night-time view of Udo Turning Basin art> theAe diners in new restaurant. R<'acling clock..,..·i¥ around table from Mrs. 1-iy- ford Irvine. foregroUJ1d in profile are T.-1m Hender110n, ~1ra. Herb Thoma&, Emt"8t Saftig, 111.rs. Hadd Ring, Myford lr.·1n". P..1rs. Henderson, Thomas, Mrs. Saftir and Ring. DlNlNG ROOM Dt::PTH -Another opening night ~ne from rece-pt1on area aho.,..·11 capacity or ne.,..·ly launche<I .... ·aterfront Eniliah-type t.a\·ern. Fac1iltJ£'s providf' for 200 gucalJ in thi11 main dining arH. wllh Kpacf' for 40 more on thr docka1de dt"ck . -------·--- I I • t • • t : • • • . . .. ,. . • . . . . . • . . ·---. • • --.. . -• • • ~ -• • . • < • -. • -• • 3 . • • , ~ i • • . • • • 4.191Nlf --,,.,.,_,,,..ccJW~ftlltll"1Jdlon --·Pi,..-1""'1'-""'",,_,., - . .... Pi~ di#m•~ln-llH-~ ~WvdJM PipolitW '""""-·11t61ol.1·/"9H1d -- lhtpoud '!Mt Al-- PHpowtl z-111 RH""'* 11/o./ ~ti z-V H,.,,,...,,,__ ,._. l+apos•tl -IY JI.--Mol 11,.,,,.,.t1 z.,.. NI J;,,_..,/r Mo. Z 1+apos..1 z,,,,.1v-~z IJ«Mfv P""'~ - °"'"r county F'-£rl.n#on I. ..... I . .. . ... --;r -- • 1 ' . • • .• • N!.WPORT BEACH COlol9lA.n!M S'll CID .... ---, .. , ... .. ........... CM.I. - ----- PAGE 2 • PART II NEWPO~T HARBOR NEWS.PRESS WEONESOA Y, JUNE 6, 1956 • "God grant us the Strenity to ecupt the things we cannot chongei the couroge to chenqe the t hings_ W9 con end the wisdom to know the diff1re nc e." (A. Anon.) 1 " Future City Boundary Line Shows Great Area Available Thi.I i.1 the Golden A.n.n.iveru.ry yu.r of the City of Newport Be&eh and reminders have been iuu~ of the prorreu of thil p&rt.icululy bleued commun· lty. Wt b&ve paJd tribute to thoae who1e fa.i.Lh, pene· Ven.nee, and undylng etforll have made po111Jble the town oC today; there bu been much u.ld about tho• who worked to hi.rd tor the creation of the Harbor ~ yean aco. Yet, everyone bu had high praite for thoee who had the foresight to bulk! Witely, plan. albeit cuu..lly, for owner.hip of the" beachea by the city, creaUdn or the p1era and a good water 1yatem . But what about tomorrow? That is the obligation of thOH o(' ua on the scene today who are collttting dividend• on wise 1n- ve1tment11 of the pa..sl. We of today mu.st plan our re· tfiVetilment of effort, bWlding and mun1c1pal direction to that future renen.tiona will continue to oollect dividendt bt..wd upon aoWld foundation plan- nlns. •There 11 a lot of future pl&nninr underway. The City of Newport Beach hu apln encaged the planninc con1ultant to up date our Muter Plan tor hl1hway1, parka. and future C&c.Wtlet. The city 1J planninc a 1peclal atudy of aceountinc pn.cticea within the corporate atructure. The County ot Or· ance hu juat adopted the Muter Plan for arterial hflhwaya. It wu approved by the City of Newport Buch and much of the work wu done by our fellow DWPORT j ReWS RARBOll PRe~S I f'ormtrly Ult Ntwport·Halbl.oa Ntw•Tlm• and Utt Ntwport-8&.lbo& Pru. A Dtpead1bl• Loc&J LutltoUoa rer OYw ron, !'Mn &nttrtd u Second-0-Mitter 1t th• Postomc. 1n Newport !t .. ch. C&Wornla ~der Utt Act of M&reb I, 1111. Pw.llll.Ued 1"-"1 MG.d.71 "'ed.Dll4al ud h1d&J lllJ UM NEWPU&T tiAUoB PVB.UIKDIU OOIU'ANY 1111 llMltoa 81v ... N'EWPO&T BEACH. <al..D', ft-BarMr 1111 ~ te hM.llli Lep1 NoU.. Mt1 A~ et .&.U &ladl aro.cr-11tMa11..-c...m11.,,.... C.. t. ...... N .. A·llTH kw._ ta.WoniJa N-....,.., ru......,. A_..,,._ N-W NMlte&I Edl&ortaa ......_ M-blr 1f o,,.... 0....tJ Newo awn- BE.N ft.EDDICX, PUm..1l1IZft WDJJ .ut A. Mota. lldltoc JA..MU M.. M.A.THJ:Nl'., Ad••rtJams Dlrlctor CUJll.ES A. A.AM.STRONG. M«b&nlcal BuP9rtntandent llUllSCRJPTION UTE!J1 !lo•"PQrt Ho.n.r !lo•--V..-. Tl1·\\•llJ.J lo Ontn&• Cuunl)', ... W P"t 1•u: p ... .U n1ot.: fl~ Un·-.. .,., Outs}dt 1f Oruf• Col.lnt7 f1.00 ~r 1~ I townapeople, Harry Bergh and Kenneth S&mpaon and their plan will .erve u a template tor development of Interconnecting roada acrou the county without regard to community or city boundaries. Pictured above la another plan for the future. A cuual glance doea not indicate too much but the creel impact ot tht map i• that lt in<licatu "Future City Boundary" by means o! a dotted line. The dotted line ia colncldent&l with the boundary of the Coa1tal Munlclpal Water District in the area. The map wu prepa~ by J amet M. Montcomery. Con1ultlnc Engineer for both the City of Newport Beach and,i.he Irvine Company. The"tore we 1ur· mile that there wu al leut "cuual" conference with the company before he laid that dotted line on the toporraphic map a.re.a. H.ia plat reproduced above for the purpoae of detailing t he water fac1htie1 nttded for the City of Newport Beach of t~ future will be at leut three t imea the area it now containa. Th~ pro~t.ed plan would indicate thal our city of the !ulure will contain aome or the choicest re111· dential and bualneu land too that 1a left undevelo~ in our County of Ora.nee. Mr. Montromery'• report prt1clict.1 a population or :ui,800 in our City of Newport !ttacb by tht time ot I.he 1960' cenaua. The engineer allo predlcll a population of "73,000 by t.he year 2000. Thi.I. we think, ii moat conaervative. In order to keep abreut of thll population in meetinr their demands for do-- meatlc water tba engineer recommend• many thin(t. A complete inttall&Uon of la.rce teed.er maln1, ere&· lion of oot one but aevenl eto.rare reeervoln, and aupentatkln oC our "water well r.erve l&nda" wlth the purchue of other well •Itel lnl&nd. A 1tartlit1J 1taUstic contained in the Montromery report it Ult fact that water u•ace here bu 1hltt.ed from 75 per cent locally well·produced in 19i9 to more than h&lf obt.ained from the Metropolitan Water Dtlltrict in l&O:S. Not only hu u.e continued to rl1e but th• production from our well• in the S&nta Ana Valley lowlands hat continued. to decline from 2187 acre feet In 1949 to 1704 acre feet in l~. Creation ot water retervoln 1a now the prime problem of the City of Newport Beach. The Irvine Company hu ottered the City of Newport Bet.ch the choice of 11evera1 reaervoir site., The company bu recommended tht.t if poMible the etorace facility lhould be jointly cruted &nd owned by the cltiet COD· tatned. within the Coutal Municipal Water Di•trlct. The city bu acc.pted Lh1 propoul wttb the 1tate'!1ent It ii wtllinc to &ha.NI, cooperate or JO It a lone what· ever moves 1hould be mac:t. with rratett apeed and determination, a paraphrut the city council. Wt con&Jder it partJcularly lndJcaUv• that the Irvin• Company it now in the proceu ot aJ?,nexins ell that land d@plctf'd above within the "Futu~ City Boundary .. limit. to Or•nge County San.itatlon D11- t r1ct No. :lo. In 10 doing part or nn1tatlon di11tr1cl 3 whteh now ext~nda down the co .. t toward Laguna Beach between Cry.ta.I Cove Lnd Emerald Bay will be left out of the reviaed boundary. Thill ia in line with the Irvine Company'• lonc·•tated policy that 1ome day Laguna Beach and Newport Beach city boundaries 1hould meet at Cry.ta! Cove . In hne with thi1 acknowledged proce11ing of the area by the company &nd exten.1ion of the boundarie1 of the sanitation district it could well be proper for th~ City of Newport Beach to make new propoui. to the Irvine Company. We would propoee that the city 1hould 1ug1e1t, 1! legal and pro~r •o to do, that the lrvine Compa.n.y annex the &&me area, designated within the "Future City Boundary" line to the City of Newport Beach. 1'his would een•e many purpo1e1. The company would, of course. be ta.xed. Their 111.nd ~'o uld continue to be "unclu1ified" agricultura.1 land and thUA the t&x penalty would not be too •teep. 1--l owever. if the city can eo agree. it 1hould propose that tax fund~ derived from the company 1hould be earmarked ano u11ed progressively for the creation of the facilities that will be used in the area to be developed u and when the areas are de\•elopcd . }o~or lntt.&nce, under 1ucb cirtum•tancea the city would uprrade Ill propo.alt now tor pten1ion and develop· mtnt Ot the Wlttr-.yttem in keepinC with-the pro- poaai. of the Mont.gomery report. Under 1uch &n agT«ment the city park depa.rl· ment could better extend it.a planninr, u could the IChool dittrlclt 1.nd the 1treet department&. Every one wou1d be benefited and it could well be th&t' the money the city would receive from the company ln tu:u would be fundt that otherwiee would ro to Uncle Sam In taxu anyway. Therefore, city, com· pany and the future would be 11erved. At a.ny rate the future i11 roay u projected but continued aound planning ill needed to protect the future ao that dividend• of the capital created now will continue to accrue to future 1eneratio111 . City Council Wheels Still Go 'Round in P.E. Circles Anyone who wiahe• to leave now may do 10- thJ• l• where we came in. We refer to the current confuaion over the attempu. or the City ot Newport Beach offlcialt to get the Pacific Electric Co.'1 rail faciliUeti removed from the heart of Newport Be&eh onto a leu congealed aite in We1t Newport. IC you had leaned elbows on prt11 table. eyu propped open by the beds or your hands u tlie publlaher and the editor of the Newa-Preu did on May 28 al I.he uncontcionably long council 90MiOn, you would wonder what It'• aU sbouL The publlther of thl• elegant family journal on Joc..t happeninp hat. tor tome 11 ye&n u pubUaber, beta tryi.Dr to get the P. E. out of Newport lhat the town might prorreu. The editor, for nearly five yean, bu teen him port by the hour over maps, fa clll and rigurl.'8, plans and propo11ala -all aim~ at removing thi1 unaightly tnrkage, th1a a rchaic trans- portation racthty from th• heart o! Newport. The hours bave run into daye, the da.ya into wttka anl.I on into month•. All with the idea of improving our city. Then at the May 28 Couhcil bet.ring on pro- powd capital outl&y funds we see the tabulated fig- ure1. Barely included In the regular proposed annual budget wu the P. E. removal Item. It wu omitted for lack of fund.a Crom the ao·ca.lled "Exhibit A," an inaert aheet for the budget . And that railed the queetion-where, oh wh ere, <lid the P. E. funds ro? They were hardly in sight In the budget. Under the tople, "Available !undt,"' you noted the legend, "Ba.lance ot P. E. Capital Qutlay Fund -~.2:57." And that, friends, would dirt buy too luxurtou. 1. home hereabouUI, much leu do anything 1triking with the P. E. facilities. So where did the money go? Well . it waa prop· e.rly allocated to different city upenditures. aome $111 ,750 went to buy P. E. property adjoining the ci ty trailer park. The land ill being incorporated into the trailer park area to provide a better over· a.II layout for renters expected to occupy the ground.a on or about July 1. Other fund.I went onto other projecta. The point ii that throurh continual attempta to i« the P .. -i!.-mov.ad out of town wbt" Jt. will 110 longer be a barrier to procreu, dividJnc a port.Jon ot the penin.eula and the wetterly pa.rt of town from the inland aide, we aeem to progt'eN In a circle. We talk. negotiate, poltpone. •tudy, take under advtMm.eat and IO on. But achievement i. no part of our a.ctJvtty when the blue chip. are down. In fact, when the cblpt are down, u ddcribed above, we don't aee a very tall 1tack. The prOblem ot the P. E. remalnt with ua like' bad debt n owe ourselve1 but the eaah to pay it 6tt we h&va booted ln different direction•, au atrlcUy teral &nd lD sttp. taken with the belt lntetttt of the city at the tim' pretumably. But we have not 1olved the P. E. prob- lem . We may never do M> in our lilet1D'h91 becauae_ in attempting to, we will have talked ounelve. to death. We may have 10lved a variety of other probltma ln the meantime but the prime project ot removtq the P. E. apparently wiU remaln until our JOOth annJ. venary. It could be that the new 22-cent tu IDCft&.11: fund.I will, In part, co toward removal of the P. IC. u promised. But city council promi.H:I, we have found during put yean, cban&:e with condJtlon1 die· ta.led by expedient 110lutio111 at the time. ~T~e ~l~ from the Latin, "Oum ~lro Spero--_ ~ Wb.Ua I brut.he I hope.'' Grass Roots Opinion • • • BELLINGHAM, WASH.. HERALD: "O..pllAI the political cry of 'rtveaway' wben any dlminutlon of eovemment--OWned property it •ucrNted, It much of thht property Wf'~ on the tax rol11 u prlvatt: property the tu burden .. , would be matenally ' ltJhtciied. Bu1ca.ll:;•, t.be nauon ,..as bwlt on • JX>llcy or pr1vatt enterprLK.'' • • PLAN OKA YEO FOR REZONING • ACREAGE NEAR COSTA ME~A .. ..-.............. ...,..._._ ....... Ana ft'Olll. .,nct&l.tun.1 to lndutrial wu apprond Tbun- da,)' allll'DOOD bJ lbe county p&a.ftAlnc commi.-on. Th• proper\)' n.. on Nth MM ot "'-'bert ., ... MP· Aini' 2100 te« ..a of Katbor _BIYd. and eal.#ndin& to Bria- tol 8L Ud on tM .ou\h '641 of U.. Paclfle E*::trlc !ltiU· road rtsh w9;1 tron:a Brilitol It., to th. JMibl DraJn.1• . Ch&nll"-. llEAIVON WATRS Mn. Strotker's Help to Man from l1ai1 Now Mag Article ''l Bouall a Man tor MO." '!bat 11 UM lntrlpiris UU. of an arlicle, ti nit to be IOld by Ledia l Ml!· B. L.) Strother, Ml El Modena A ff., and JUft purchaHd tor O>ronet iii.apsln• bJ r.quin, lnc. Bllad lo OM •7' ah• expfiet. 1o u. tM moner for an o'"nUoo. Mn. 8i1"0ther, once a 90kller tn th• army of her natlv. Ruuia and wld<nr of u American whO •rved In that country ln World War l, found th\• ma.n. "a di> placed penon, by accident", fO\l'I' ytar1 &&O. ' NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-IRESS PART II · PAGE l WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6, 1956 . MESA M 4.RINE · 1~SUES INVITATION ~f,trlne lit Lt. ~•ck Lloyd Dru.yer. 2427'1 S1ni... Ana A\'t Co1lll )leA, tell11 Starlet K1rt n Steele hie n116ie. ""lolly." "'On't hurt her. The jrt pilot I• 1l1o a rodeo clo11·n. 1ppf'al • pearlJ\r with "Molly" In 1h0W.. Mi'M Bteele. a S1n1 G<>ld· \ll'Yn player, 11 qurf'n or Navy Re.lid Danct 1t $1n\i1 Ana BILnip &111!' June l!'l at I p. m. Son1e 60.000 JH!r•un11 i re f'XFJ«led. Ju1l out of e<1noentraUon camp, 1pskln1" no Encu.A. he wu 1 fellow countryma.n who had reached aanclual'J ot um cuuntry but wbo wa. .UU full of tear. Th• 1oc&l woman. lllp«I tor him. help.cl hhn ftnd work In a hotplta.I and 1t.arl.9d him on the path ot Mlt·Nhablfil&. Uon. Jn two yean, lhe report.I wttb pride, h1 hu l&Ytld SJOOO on hi• Nlary of po • .-k. "''alklnr 24 block• from hi• lodl'· ln11 and nev9"' mlutnr an hour ot work. I Stable Disapproved PARKES.RIDLEY MORTUARY llOBOLAJllllllP WINNEll8 -Tbeee Newport B arbor Un!on B1gh School •tudent.a were honored Frlday night with ocholarshlp awards. From left, t.c.t row, Bob Walker, Jim Bath, Dick Abrunaon, Dave Tamura. Bob DeLong, Bob SmJth, Rob Rager; front row, from left, Gloria Chapman, I.Aurel Woodaon, Sharon. Crowl, Shirley Young, Sue Duuler. Winnen not ahown include Eva Alae Mumby, Bob Cheney, Jerry l'arquhar and Kathryn Hull. DlYI Tamura, !·1e1r buebeJl; Bill Pll'I"· s--1ear crou-country; l..arrJ Cut.ro and ou. Bollnr. 3· ,...... cro.1-COW!.tey 1n<1 a-ye.r track; Auct1 Oltroakl, !-year )t1 ... Strother hU doae much wrltlnr, tome or her 1.rUclu h1vin1 MM publllbtld ln tht. paper. She llu alao wriUen & book on Mr own n~rience1 ln U::DIA S'fR<YnlEll RUMla. 8h1 wu active In ~••r reUef work ln World W1r 11, taurht the Ruu!arc language at Banta Ana Co1fe11 and 6 11.nta Ana Army Air ~ SM la very prolld ot her d1u1bter Sophia, Mr•. Robert. Bchepe, 477 Either St., who ~ M:Uva ln P-TA. Cub Scoutl and var1oua civic 1tfalr1. A commtrclal it.Ible propoaed tor the Santi Ana. HelghtA area drt'w diuppro1·1.I or lhe Cota Me"1. planning comml1111lon M<>n· day night when It "-'ill pointed <>Ill the 11table <n"ou!tJ be ln a hlJirhly poP,UJated art'a. L. C. \\'eatl'H.•r"NaX. l.Agun.a Beach, pro- ~d t<> t-1tabLL1h th!" bu•lnf!I• 4:W fffl north of M:eaa Onve cm Cypre•• SL ln the Meaa zont-ot lnfl11enct-. Commlu!oMr Harry A!dnch moved tor dental. 110 Bruad\\IY -Cutia :lll"tla I'hoatti Liberty ll·S4SS ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIP I MERIT AND SPORTS AWARDS GIVEN AT BANQUET .......... "'. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Robert Top Rager, Margie Stovall Seniors; Honor Pupils Told Two Harbor High School 1tudenta who tried for highest 1ebolutic averagea during their four yean of high IC.hoot were awarded identical honon at the 26th annual Service Banquet Fri.fay night tn the high ecbool c&feterla. 1(.em.M,.. of National Honor 8ociety (on bOlllDI' roll tor thrite con.ecuUY• quarter. or n ve non· ie>': Rooert Walker, acholanblp l'XIUeC:uUYe ona) 8f'nlon: Sue to Reed College: Gloria Chapman, B&ker, L)'llll.a&JuMir, Helena BM· 8cbol&nhlp to Untveralf.T of i.~ Richard caaur. V1.lerle Col· Bouthefl\ C11Jromla; Robert ~-\on. fl&1ly cro.tlnn!t. Carola Ed· ,.,., .cholal'llhlp to Air J'ora W&rdl, RotMtrt. C&rdner. Norm. A.nidemy: Jerry J'arq\lb&r, aebo-e..ttnu, K&)'i& Hunt, David l&nbip at Air Fore. Acacktsl.y; J'obuoa, Karl&a Koemt-r, Vick!• Robert O\f'ney, .cbol&nhlp •l ~JN, DoMld Meridith, Dlit- Cout Guard Academy, and Don ttt Nop, ~ OUpha.nt, Mt red I l h, S...ni FoundaUon Aft.It& Rt.lm, ba..td Poweri, Ra· IChol&nhlp to C..Ufomi& Poly• Qe1. Qu1ro., Ethel Slontb&ck, technic. Carole T•Jktr, A.ndn11. Toblu, HMdlfll' the lllt of J7 Mnlon -t a.lmo.l thto entire 1tudent JIORE SCHOLA.BSBIPI Tet/ Von Jfemert., Sandra Wll- lo be Jiven p&rch~t certlfl· body In thla cafeteria. now oftl.J Other .cholarahip1 wtn s'Yft liUtla. La.uni WoodllOn, Shirley WALKER ELECTED LIONS PRESIDENT Gordon Walker, CorOAI de! Mat ral.l eatata ma.n, w1.1 elected prHldent of the 8&.I· boa Bay Uona' Club durtnr a meeUnr ln VW• Manna recently. Lt. SplefJel Grad of Infantry OCS I FORT BENNING, Ga .. -Firat Lt. &rnard P. l!plf'l'fll, 211, 10n ot Mr. ud Mn. Frank J . 8ptt1e1. / HM Newport Blvd.., Coat.a Me11, reoenUy vadua.t~ from UAo- clata omcer a.dYat1ced courae at 1'11 Infantry Center, P'ort Ben· ntnr. Ga. The count p v1 him advuced lnatrucUQn In tha dutlea and command po.1lUon of compa ny and !lt'ld J t'l.dl ofrlcttl. r atet of honor _.,.. Robert Ra.-~in ttn may attend and ao the u follow•: Crutcher l'ou.ndaUon, You~; J'unlora: Ann Arn- lt"r a.nd Margit-StOYall Becau. di.UncUoci of an Invitation lo Ulla 1100 to aenlor pl&MJ.nc lo attend qui.t, SJ b 11 Carney, Mary of Ula Ue thty reulvf'd ldentlc&l b&uq!iet ha1 becOn1e (rt'ater each Ora.nra Cout Colt.,., itwn lo Delpbino, Ch a r Jo t ta Dalton, phu U well aa ldetr.Ucal. llonon year and Uk reQUlrtmen~ tor Dldl: Abra.ham110n. PIJl Ht-lltnic D&'t'a Oltford. Jarry H 1 n d, 11.s valedictorian. of t.htlr claN. achieving Oil• d!~tlnctlon have award, l200 to itrl to ~ In AnJta McClelland.. Jl'n'I'°'! Mc· Ha aucc:eed• Chick Hl1bl1 In th• poet. Olhtr1 elected were Georg• Erlcdon, tlrat vice • pruldent; Nonn•n H1clcford, MCODd vlce-pre•I· dent: M:Jckty Heath, third vice • pruldent. director•. Carl Thoma.a 1 n d Buu Br•rr: Bob Jayred. till twiMltr, •nd Ray Brown, Uon tamer. Ut-uten&nt Splrijel t ntrred the Army In October, 19415 a nd hu l!\nc. been awanled UI• Purple Heart, Gooil Conduct Medal, C<>mbat Infantryman S..dre and the' World \Var Jl Victory J.ledal. ··rc.M loo C<J ll b"JI" PO.\"TIA.C Cof(l/11111 H11 rdlop for 011'y Oavf' Tamun WU Mletled a1 bttn con1tanti}' lncrt'aled.." Da· college o! her choice, Lau~I Coy, Michael Milburn, Naomi lhl' Tar of Ult YMr by the Har· videon contlnut>d ~-ood,ton Morra.n. 8 lf'VIL"n Oq11i11l. Suaan bor coachlnl' 1taft w1tb honorary TM Girl1' Athletic AieOClaUon eualntN • n d Pro!eulonal Ren• kt r. J udy Sutl'ltrlud. tnltlLllatlon of offiCft't \\"Iii ba held J una 13 at Ir· vtn1 Cout Country Club. radio '•oid h("''' -11,•d hll re 111011r» ''fl 01rr Jo~ mention to Charlie Berry and In tt<:O&'?llllon ot four yeara of ~·omtn'1 Club award, 1200, lo Dougl1JU1 Unruh. M1rlannt WU· I·------------ Paul Lortnllen. Tamura waa a wrvtce to tile GAA. awarded a H.achat-1 Pt~•. Pa~nt·Tachtr llanuon; SQphomorea: Pe111 •tt.~rman In fooU,.lL bukatball plaque lo Laurel Woodlon. Ind.I-A uuclaUon Award, $400 for col-Ander10n, Joan Brandt. William Avto ·Body Gouged Hia wlft, Kathryn, l!vta In j Colt1mbu11. CL IJ '""011011 ... and bueball wtth all-Jtarue bun· rtdtJal sporu:maruih!p trophtn le11 of choice, to Sb&ron Crowl. Brew. Robrrt Burnett, Mu.lne A culprit uatnr • arltrp In· or1 In "rootba.11 ud bukt-tball. wne awar~to two aenior 1!rla, Junior AlaiJJtanc• L •a g u c Chung, Vickie C1enar, Carol atrument rou&"ed a half • doaen Dowffn Son Born ltl•RIT CBRTl'l'IOA.Tllll Rachel ~~-and Vlrgtnla Fugit. acholarablp, two kholar1hlp ... D. w I 0 n, Mlcb&el ~nllngtr, dMp 1eratctlM ln th• automobll• ROY CARVER Robert Walkar and Miu Sto· TBA..llS RECOGNIZED one lo boy, J'lm Bath, and gtrl'1 Paula Echoll. Betty Ev1n1, of Mn. Martha CUnr\ltl(ham. 'Th• Gtarr• Dowdtn1, 720 vall won Otrtitlcalff ot Merit ln Rubor H igh athleUc tt-ama a11i·ard, l!htrley Young. Bath 111-George FlUwater. John Fontlui. :506 Polr!Rltia Ave., r.cenUy, po-Lark1pUT Ave .• •re parenta of a National Merit Schola.rmh!p and W'tn! tt<:O«Dlud that had won ready had tt<:elved a $1:)() Lyn Glnow:, David Goodale, Ray lice wtn lntonnt'd. boy born May 111 ln Hoar BOl!I· General )(otora Schola.rahlp u• Sunllrt LH.gi..ie ch&mplonahlp1 echolal'clhlp from Coata MeA. Godwin, Robert Orl-r, Bever· 1-------------1 '.':1'"'=·-----------Pontiac am.lnaU011.1, pl&clng In the lop durtnc" UH put 1ehool '"'°"· Grangir a.nd SlOO acholar.hlp from ly Glbboh, Ma.rpret Hadfield. 6 per cent ot the naUan'a 1ehol· varsity buketball. junior vanity the Union Pacl!1c Railroad. Darid Hammond, Mary Hennll'&r, Chari• Vandel"'fOnl. D a" I d an. Lury Hueston Harper allO CJ"Ol.I country, var91ty -·tmmlnlj:. &nlor Au11tane. Le a gut Dorothy H iatt, Rona.Jd KMler, Vaughan, Oren Wade, Mart&nne woa 1ucb a certincate from the c lan B IWlmmlng, c lus B and Award, p;lrl'1 award to Sue Ota-J'udy l..a.Bellr, J oyce Ledbettf'r, Wllllamaon: NaUonal Martt Bc~r11blp Cor· vurlty butba.11. 1ter for $500. and boy'1 award to Gary Lineberry. Lonn• Lloyd, 8ophomore1: Pf'fl'Y .A ndt'r80n, poraUon. I n art. Penny Nl«ly won tlr1t Da\'t Tamun. 12Ml. N-·port-Claudette Lomax, Dla.ne Lund. William Brew, Robrri. Burnett, Nehon Son Anlves Born to Mr. and Mr1. Iver T :-; .. 1aon. lall-4 Orange 81., Co1ta Mtaa, a boy, May 19, 1n Hoag ho.pit•!. 1400 W. Coost Hwy. Uberty 8·3466 NEWPORT BEACH Othtr. a.monr thON earning prlA In Ora.ngf' County 1.nd lhlnl Balboa Savini!"• and Loan A11.wc-01.n Mcl.achlan, Diane Maru.c, MAitne Chun&". Paula Echoa., biJbttll KholuUc avenl'el dur· lnlhe 1tatf' for her p<19~r. "Wheel• lat Ion 1ehol1r11hlp, to Bob Smith. Sandn Martin; lttn.e McCormick, Betty Evan1. Geofl'I Flt.water, 1---- lftl' their four )'ear• of hlf:'tl anfi Wbl1kty Don't l'of!x" In 1 $iMl thfl tint year !n collr g,. ~1nne Miiiar. Dava Moody, Oer-Lyn Olnoux, Ollvtd Goodlllr, Ray K.hool \ll"fre: Glorta Chapman. \\"CTU contt11t. and Li·n Gino•i-.: 1r.d SM><I for aecond yl'llr. c. ~·. aldlne N11.ck. Neill O'M11.Jley. 011.n Godv.·tn. Marir1ret Hadtleld. Hon- 8haron Crowl. Vlr(inla t-'ur\t, .,.-o:i fir•t honorablt mf'ntlon In I Rf'hnborg 1eholar11hlp. a 4-~·,.,.r Phalan, June Paynr. Loi• Ptllf'· a.Id Kttler, J oyce Ledbetter. Lon- Robf'rt 8 nfith. Robert Dt Lont:, county and •late for po11tl'r, "\Va' IK'hOlanhlp amounting to $7.'iO I !it'r. Danit-I Pltn:r, llt11 n RickrllJJ, I na Lloyd, Diana Lund. Diane Kattn Bjol'IWby, Phillip Brownrll, It \Vorth 11 ~ .. ihowtl\i" i ccidPnl pt"r year. Ii"'" by N'utrall tt Grrry Sa.ngrr, Frank Schulta. Alanac. Irene AlcC<>rnilck, Junr .llhlrley Younij, Stanford Lyon. f11.cto1 10.'hllP drinking and drn·in~. ( ~·nvndal\on to Bob Dt Long, 1tu-Clermont 8ht rn1an. Cy nth l a P1yne. Daniel Pll'r«, Dea!! Ric~- M&ri• !tone. Walktr, Marll)'ll The tf'n oullltandtng 1!<1"niori to dl•nl body \•ICl'·prttldent. j Smith. !:!uun Stewart. Cathy 1 ett11. Frank Schulli:. Clt.nnollt Hill. Patncta Adams. Patl1C•I (tt boy•' phy111cal education I LF:GION MEDA L.lf Sturte-v1nt, !\larp l'f't s w. In.. Shtrmon. S\1111.n ste .... -.rt. ll•r· P la .. · -· I •<UU VI •kl V ~-.,_ ,. II \\"h "'ITTl $'\\·a.Jn, Judith \Vbllnt')", Kf'lter and amt-nner. 111a • ..., n • on to Tamu111, American Lrrton Medal•. gll·~n c • e ••• n ... -r. v i Ile, '" Supt. Sidnf'y Davidaon. In pre-Berry and Lo~ntun "''f're John lo fTTahmtn Jirl and boy "'1th Pally \\'hltt-tleld. Elaine Whll· Linell. Wlckay. J udith \Vllll&m.on. Mntlnl th• award& to more th&n Hopklrui, Bob Whitt', Rod WlLJtOn. h.lcnrat number or 11ervlca point.II. man. Judith Whltnay, Linda toO student.a, rtm&rked "lha.t tM Jack &nlth, Tom Nlqueltf', Larry .,.·erti awarded lo Robln Ry lett Wickey, Judith Wlilll.l'JlM)n. ot Lbe room (the ca.tf't.erls ) Harper and Jerry Farquhar. anci JoM Haaktll. Boy'1 State Add!Ucmal atudflllta added lo bu aot IDCi'l!iiid lil tba 28 fl'IU'9" Smtol'-band award for out·· ptJui "'~ (tvlm to John HtT1rllt1n Davtdaon 8crot1 of HonO'I' !UIOll! of tM ~ual 9tt'Vtce banquet tnit ltlllldlng -1enlor In concert band and M!ckty H11kt ll, Nt'Vo-port atuflenl.'I on honor roll tor Ula tha JI.Wilber of 1tudenta hu In· &elected by other playera in bani.I Bellch. and Budd~ Thom~n, put year, \.hf! fourth quarter of crMmd tremendoualy." wtnt to Robf!rt Ragar. DAR Co9ta Me-. Glrl'a It.ate award laat yt:!9r a.n<t tbe tfntt thl'H ~~~~ .. WMritM tormarly we could a1vard to aenlor rtrl tor out.at.and. wu l'lvt-n to But Brown. 8Uvrr quarten of Ull1): Ing clllzenahlp .,., .. rtnn lo Lynn pine, lllM 1t1rl. fltf'I Ann I.Ard-Senion : Pat Adama. Kuen CAKE Qimill· SPECIALS Cool it Thore • • • Don't Bo A ~u•rtl Down •t the J t wel Box They h•v• t verything there GRADUATION GIFTS For Tho Hot Rod S.t •nd Sophistic•+•d Sue 1uch ., W 1tcho1 -Jewelry Hind 8191 Greetinq C.rd1 c...-... liar Jnl_L .-, """· -. .... nNE WATCH • ~'ELSY U:PAlR.lXG Pe&ae. Time Magaalne 1w1tdl!, lh'r a.nd Marjorie Stovall; bo1·. Bjomeby, Gloria Chapman, Sh1r- 1llue1, werl!I (.Lvcn to two J1~11-I Terry D11.1Ja11. Gold pln1t, I9ii.6 on Crowl. Robert ~Long. Buan denl.li rettlving h!gbt-1t aco~ In ar\rl, Pat Kelter; boy Robert Ra-Du111ltr, Carolr Edw11.rd1. Vll" con1peUtlve exam ln current gnr. glnl• Fugit. Dr:nnl• Renderllon, June 7, .... 11.Ualra, Mike Michaud and Pete Jn g1rl'a physical t-du<"allon. P11tricla Kelter. Sl.lntord Lyon, Sc:hulbtt'g. tour itlril Wtre awarded chenllle Robert Ra1er. Robert l!m.Jtb. I ,..._ TM Zonta Club ""''ard, gtvcn to 1h.r1 by th• GAA, atplf)1n& they M•ri• Stone. Marat• Stovall. I ANGIL fOOD WI outstanding gtrla recos;nJ.leC1 tor had ~f'lved more than the t2 ftob@rt \V•.lkt'r; J'unlon: Jean-I &.Al unuaual qualJUe1 of leader.hip, ll!!eded to t-am all poulble GAA nette Baird. Robrrt BIO. Roberta I 1.-p W'T-. ......... trif'ndllne11, 111.nct-rlty and lnlf'rtt;l 1w11.rd1. Addinl' to the 82 stria aJ.. Bolt.on, Tl!IT)' O.liu, Oe.ry 1 1 ,.,. ,.. _, • ,.... ...., _, In other1, WI.I tbia yea.r awarded ready .... 1nnert1 of the .at&r wtlft Detma. Bart>.ra Dor1dn. J'o.D lo L)·nn Peue. 'l1w award cbn· Jud)• Coleman, Vlrg1nia P'uglt, Farquhar, Davtd Gltford, ..,.. al!rta of a IOO war bond. M.a1(1t Stovall and Laurel Wood-ban Hammond, Jerry Hand. I ....,.,~Q1 11l 1a llORB WINN•RB Mn. Charlee 11.uktll, John BM'lroUn, Bank or Amarica cert1ne11te In boy'• phyalcal education, Nonnan He•. Jerry HJlbut. CAklS • • • ••••• Jf' ... "1 us•__......_..., .... -1nncr1 were Bob Walkf'r, lllb t .... ·o-toned chf'nllle lf'tter1 were Henry Hill. Robln Hill Chari• 11 im.. ._ -.J llcienct; Oltlly Baytr, hoAle econ.; given to grad111Unl' Hnlor1 wtlo KNlmer, Ann Lardner, Atllta I ~ • Rachel Qui~&. bu.tw; Marjorte ha1'e lettered thrtt or tour liml!IS MCCieiiand, Janie.. McCoy, Jay II W.,... O..C. ....... r• Stn1•all, Engllah; Laurel W00tl-In any 1port. Mika, Steven Oqulal. Diana ... llOD. •rt. ud Jennie Lund. aoclal LIST 1'"l!>'NERB ~nder1. Conat.ance l!eeley, Judy 1J:5'0NCll CAkl ... '<'lenC'f'. Cup and certificate .... 1n-\\' Sutherland. DJ ant 'nvolen, ,1 - -_, lnMr• wt'rt: Charlif' Berry, ne1·1 tcup llated f\ratl Wi!tt: Vir· John Hopktna, and Gf'Otge Behu-'I • J lnla l"ug11, llbtnl arta, foreign ltt, 3·year football~ Paul Lorent· MESA I ~ lang:uaget: Jamel S..ltl. vooaUon-&t'n~ 3-yeat football, l ·ytar bl.11-•I ClflPPON CAKI al arta. aJf1culhlH: Ol!,nnia Hen-k~bl.ll and 3-yn.r baaebl.J\: I UPHOLSTUY II 7• .. ~ lltl"80n, nn1 arta. mu11lc. and &b Urry Harper , 3-yeu football and 1 l ",.-olal•Mr & DrapetJ 11 ....... 7.._ ... ~.._ Sntllh. IJCience a.nd mathf:maUca. S-ytar baaketbaLI; Jerry J'1r· I ,.... .. w.J ..... .,. -.J mathematJca. q~4 4·)'tRr 1n•dnunlfl&"; Pel• Ubet17 ':'111 ,.. 0 Honon at Enlr1t.nce, "even 8ehulber1. I. year iWlm~ ..u.60 .... ~wpL Bl~ ~ ~ ~ ~ G; ' Is ,_ WM1 mon. ditnt:Ult Ulan to win l!Cbol· F. -a.r11h.lp.1ln1K1me colk!lft," aoc«d· C.--t CAICIS ....--. 1"' 1° '"P'-oa .. -. '"'"'""" HENRY'S Newport Y....__ - -"""' to Marjorie Stovall. Stanford --• r I • l:lli\•endt.y, abd Robert W&Ucer, 'he AIWailftt .. ~ YOUll a ud 11 BTOll.E I 0Rt•I ... ftef;'d Col)ep. ........ ... ~· "'• Giff erow. ~ ..a..w .... ···-i.---· I .,..... NEWPOI CH ~-~-•. N-.... I ~--•••••••• """"' ,_ .. p .,. nnerc wen ........ ,. -...... 1 -.,,,.. ,_ ol I lttTl Huff, alumni IChol&nhlp to * OUCJaTAQa • Nl:Wl'OAT JIEAC!B - tnuttnd.cy ol Calltomla a.t Bert... a.. llWJ'. n. u 1 • • "! • • • • • • • ~ ~· ~ _• CJUtW.NA lfCI,. ilAa-Okl .... '.!.';:::,...........,. BE SURE -INSURE I .. co.;': ::::"UN":'w .,,, Harbor Re1t Memo_rial P•rk lla•al1-b\e....-4 _.,.......,. ........ U G!Uet' A.11 lllla. .nttaa. -..umo:'~ANLEJ" Ill ........., I n..1.. &Al MA ~ OWABITW;O••'Bll n:! ~"""i4'1t .. ....._ &-._ 1808 Npt. Bl•d., Coat.a w:.. 111.5 I:. ~ ~ N'SW'POH •UCJB PHO~"l: UBE&TI' ~1111 C.,... ... afiir -Ill 0.... 9wJ, Ara you loo .. tnr ahead to a Jlml<met of fun at tha beach~ So much ot that tun can revoh•e around ~our bo"'-11 you have the racUlUt-1 of a modem liltehe:n, 1. patio for Joun1ln1 and extra roorna tor 11al.-ta.1.nlnc. 1-'t It ume you let 111 remodel your beach bouM to uwre you o( that 111.lmmer of tun 1 C.U "9 eooa for ,,... t1Umatu u d plan1. Guest Ho uses Sun Dec~' P•tios Klmborly 3-1231 Brfi1fw1ys Kit~hens C arports 1 OJI IAST POUITH ITUIT-IANTA ANA I I \ -~- I .... PA$£ 4. PAH 11,-MWPORT HAQOR NEWS-PUSS • • ' ., .. • . ' -.. I I ._ .. -· . . Wfiat-· 2JoeJ ·. th~ ?:)et~:J :St(lnJ : Say! , , , I . , Three ·Afternoons Every Week . , . . . ' ' On Monday, Wednesday and Friday a#ernoons the Newport Harbor Ne ws-Press is placed in 73 News-stands throughout the Harbor Area. In many cases these stand are em tied with in a few hours often readers are waiting for delivery to the stands, because every edition carries stories of interest about people and happenings in this community. Yes, ou·r News-stand sales are increasing each and every week. Proof of the Popularity of This Newspaper! -- • FOR COMPLETE · NEWS COVERAGE OF THE HARBOR AREA . . . I . ' -....... FOR INTERESTING ANO ADEQUATE NEWS OF ORANGE COUNTY . . . . . . . ..... ..._ •' FOR THE ADVERTISING MESSAGE OF YOUR l CC A' ~ 1r-r "" A_NT ... Read the LARGEST -·' The -BES--T-Newspaper in-the-Harbor Area .NBWPORT HARBOR RE-WS PR SSS PUBLISHED MONDAY -WEDNESDAY -FRIDAY At the-News-stands --or Deliver__ed_to_y_our_Home HARBOR 1616 ----- .. , . ' I' ,, ' '" ,,, .. • r ( .... MAiLJ NEWPOAT HAllOtl NtW~ART 11. PAG& g '""""';ll;;:;"G":AL;-::;:NO=Jl;;:IC;:;l:-,i';"' J1': ~ , WB>NESOAY, JUNE 6, 1'156 .... ~1;J1i==:;:=======:;=;::======-"" __....__._._ nmneu NEWPORT HARBOR ·rv REVIEW , ~. ~c~~ lu ~ &a111 ~o ~ Kat~--. ilY-t •l 1cM Yla Mn• en, promlot!8C. H...,_.. RatMr \oM. 'fttl) an Nt.ai 'M:Uft ta LIM .,.. """4Stntt Md puUtrtn ta lak Qom.musdt7 .A.uodt.Uoo ~ U.,. .. Of UiJ .... ~··rt IN ,,.,.... of two mAftUd CG.., 'o~ ...,. M<;.n Mve dr.llJhlltn, t.llo ot W. Tidally. a~ thtf .,_.. . .,..,.....eon. They are Mn., JohA c. 8ebwvt.a ~ .. ...._ a( ~ate of Newport Bt&cb and llb'L ot UMlr Well .wm.,....it. Oo1-HOWllrd la'WIOll )r. ol Cott.a .... Park. C,,Utp Partr.. .. 91HlLb )(Ha. ot Crance: Coaat C.Uep .. Har- Mr ~vd.1 ~ )(~ ' ' l'BIDENT BUILDING OPENS -Newport Beuh'• n....it office buildlns, the . l&nden, whO naldn with )'11 Wilt, babtll, at M C\lttar ft.oaA la dl&lrman oi t.bri osUp Cowlt:r ltCUoA ot. Lba Home 8ui*rl ln·, tUtuta &nd & well-llaowll dHtp· er ot bomH. Hla dMIPI for the bou#eoe In ColllJI Park are buad Oft ft•a floor pfAlu Wltll 1J extu'- !Ot'a and l.Qclude ~ outatand- lnc' f•lUJ'lll .. ~..U..-w&ll. lil"eplace. to • .,.. both faml\J' room ud livinl' room. bullt.-1.a la\llldey emtlr placed when eoO· ed cLothea Ucumulete, e.nd ~ 11eeu.· aP't bUllt in t() a ~ Trident, tormeri7,k>c&Uon ol Bank of America, has been remodeled into small tn~dual oUlea tor ~e .convenience of the 1mall bU&inessma.n. The oUice 1tructure LI locat:ed. at 2200 Nevryort Blvd. nat to the South Co ut Co. -St.aft P hoto •· ' •· -. .. LLOYD FURNACE LIVES UP TO NAME "Hot" aale•m.n LIOyd hmac•, left, receive.a conl'f'lltulr.tlon1 of Dick John.on' ot•John.ton A Son, Uncoln-Mercury dealeni, toO W. COUt Htlbwa7, fM •I• of four Co11ttnental1 In tlvt· wedl period. --et:att Pboto ·Asks PrObate of · Dolfald> · Metz WUI . W'~ • • . M\l.rray, bu#lMM pl&MJlll' ol the .ti.rm. aid Collep Park la a S3 million e11terprite.. TIM new· community wUI t'Vlntually tow 3U home.e, with the lint II· hot11e unit J\OW uri.d•• conatruc- UOn. ~ five modei., now near· I~ compleUon, are n.pected to be !'ffdy ror di~lr.y by mid-June, Murray ttated. They will ba tur-- nllhed In modern and contempor- Probale or the ..-Ill ot Wlddy ary decor by Fl'&nk Brothers. known builder Donald Lewla-Lons Beuh a.nd Lapna Beach Metz, who auertedly• ended hll decorator•. M.artlll a6d \'on Hem- own ura In a Venlura Motel ert. May 29. waa atked In 61,nta In t he $US,950 to Sll.~ pr'lce Ana Superior Court here Mon-ranre, homea tn thla new rHldeif· day by the Calirornla Bank. u,J 1ubdivitlOA will •lt ln a - The v.·111 \lated proparty valued eluded community ot lhelr owza al $:ZMl.OOO, "with annwal lncom1 when lt1'fftl wtll be named for ot $3:1,000. ~ ~-Ug'e• and univanltl.!!..._ Heir• at law ar1 the wrvlvtne .uch u Princttoll, Harvard and v..!dov.·, Anita Mtta. S7, of 421 IW&thmore. Namee of model.I M SL, Balboa; dauehter Donna have M.n takl'n trom turrowui· J.let.z. 8. of the um1 addreA; !ft& btacb kie&llUeL The ttva a.re daughter Mary Allee Alfred, 10, the Udo, Newport, Lasuna. Me1& or Younr•town; m9thtr Billie and Balboa, Murray NJd. lleta r.nd father Adol)Hl1 J.l•ta Away from b\Wneu affalr1, ot Ntw York. Murray, a )'ldltin1 tnthU1lut, Mtu alJ<O lert port~ of hil l.t a me.mbtr or Newport Ha,... vut t•l11te to the f0Uowln1: bor Yacht Ctub, Ht and hi.I wife, <JJ;D&JO IA.NOUS United Jewlth Welfare Fu.nd.1-----------------------~-­ " $11,556 D~llJage Suit Filed_ After Newport3-Car Crackup S dnlHt lb• net~ tLnn nU.. SET THUR DAY NIGHT AT 6:1 5 "' "'"'"u" -· co. ... "'"' ..W firm i. eo1npoeed ot th• J).ll· ~ ~ of la.al Wt'l':kend'a activity around 1Dwlll1 penon WboM na.me;11• H.wport Harbor wW ba lhown at 1:15 p. m., Thur9!1&1 fl.Ill and ptaC. ot nisldmct &I iaa OVtf awm.I • OQ ~ pro1ra.m "W .. kell4," accordlft& \o followa, to-~ , Orvil'9 klt.l\Mter, pttside.nt of Ba.I.boa lalpro•e.ineat A.No-.MILD J. BA..lLEY( elation. • !ILH Bro&d StrMt, , le.blue Id Newport &acll. Calit. : tilt • ta keynote lh• lhrbor toplcl lht \'\'ITNr.58 my band thla Und eom.rncmtator baa been a1ked to touch on the clty·a 'Jr.y of J.lr.y. ttM • Oolden 'ANliverevy yaar upc!4JminJ". Piclure1 ,vere take.n 1.ill.OR.ED J IJ'All.J!:Y fll ~d Ute Harbor, Schlueter r.ald. STATF. OF CALtF0RNlA )'. '----------------------!COUNTY 01'~ ORANGE·. · }.u, ON THIS 22nd day of M;y. NAVY MEN 'SHANGHAIED' title, befort1 me, a Notary 9'lbUc In attd tor n ld county and 1tat11, .. . ~ c Ab d T SI tttldln&" therein, duJy oontm111· man rew oar ug eep, ...... ~· •WO[n, P"~n•ily &p-peared J..tILDRED J . BAILEY S 'I c· . known to m• to be the per.on as a1 or, 1v11ian 'Joyride' :~::,:. ·.::.:..~,.:,~~-:.~~~·,.:'. 1eil1"N to m1 tha t •h• executed the. aanlfl, LONG BUCH IOCNIJ -A N&YJ lUC boat and It. crew or eo men were "ll~aled" .. far .oulh u Huauncton Beach Mon- day rnonllll before Uwy awokl!' cu1tody, Capt. G. G. Crisamln 11ld. 'l'be civilian wu releued. DEATH NOTICE \\'JTSESS n1y hand and ofrl· "ial aeal. aftd 1'W:&plUMd their vu.el f rom I·------------ a joyrldin&' Allor and a clvlllan . .\IRS. Ll'(1Ll..l: t:. RO~EAI KES \\'. Jo~C'Y.'LKR Nolary Public In aud ror 1ald Counly and StatL ?oty Comml••ion Ellplra <ktober %1, 1969 Tbe la"CI oc.-n•(olnl' \'l!'IMI '1 d bff tak t th t Sl!'rv\cl!'I for Afr1 Luclll1 E be. n en rom I!' ug Plf'r Anderaun Ron1be11u, 66 r 717 ~n~~~~v~ti.:11~1ti~::. °;;: lr11 Avl!'., who died S~n:ay at Xo. 141 Ntw.-Prea1 \/23, 30, II fl. 13. 19~ 11~r honie following poor ht'&llh eurna. !hf p••l year, were held at 2 CXRTlt'JOATE Of' Hl"SIXE s The ve-1, 11.ffl't'd by the tlp1y p 111._ today in Gi·1ct Chaptl. t~lrllllnu• Finn -''•n1e dtlo, ruched HunllnJton 8e¥ch !n~ll!'wood Parle T hi!' RI!'\'. E .C. THI!: t:NDERSIUNED do h11e- before t.1:1• crew, aleeplng be'low Cn111ke and thl!' Rev. Perry by ct'rtlfy that Lhl!'y 11.r'tl conduct· deck-. a woke and "rrvolt~" S~hrock off1c!11tl!'(\. 111g a Re1t11u1ant b1unne11 •I a1a.1n.t the unathor'lsed e11cur-A nlllvt or \\'alth11.ni, Ill !IHI \\'tat Oct•n Ft·ont. New- 1lon. •ht c•mt to Callr<Jrnll& In lilQll port Beach. C11hforn!a, under thr Navy authorltlt• at Loni ~nd h••I Jlvtd !n C•irona de.I Mai Cir1JllotU1 firm n•111e uf SURF Beach Naval Station .. Id tht'/ tht r•at 10 yeara Sh" v.·ai 1 f'lSH FRY &IHI \Jal\ uld f1nn, La a.ni holdlnr an lnq1dry Into the l.if'rntwr or \.lie Conlmllnity compo11~ of the lollow1 ng Jiff• "capture" ot tht veuel by tht I ('hurrh ConJ"regat!onal, Corona 901\.1, v.·hose nllrne1 in flJLI Ind duo. ~Shuo tl belnJ" held 1n I.lei 1.lar. p\1ce1 or re11!denc11 1r11 u fol· lilly Estate Sought by Mate She leafta her husband, Fe lov.•s, to-.... ·ll · A Romt>eau of the l'IOmt ad· LA \\'RENCE SCOTT, Jrau. n. ai.w, Jrl"'-A.Uca _ 14\i \\',Balboa. Boule\'lrd, R•Jttbur. Lo• Angele•. lntern1ent ~alboa. Caflf. "'111 In Jngll!'Wood Park Ceme-AUDREY NOR)IA SCOTT, t~ry. P11rke1 - Rldlty J.lortuary l4l7 Y./, Balboa, Boule\'&n1, Coita Me•a. v.·as in charge or Balboa, Cahf. 1rran1ements. \\'JTNESS our hand• th11 Ith • SANTA ANA. (()CNS• -day or !>lay, 19~6 Clalmln1 her decft.Md apo111' -------------1 LA \\'RENCE SCO'IT obtained a final divorce through LEGAL NOTICE AUDREY' N0R)1A SCOTT mllrepreaeotatlon. )(n, Pe•r'l STATE 01'' CAL.IFORl'\IA ) Biiiy of 1903 Santa Ana Avt . COUl\"TY OF ORANGJo: )J11 P4!41 Co•l• MtA, bu uk9d Supel'-('t;fl.TIF"ICATE OF Ht:SIXESS OF THlS 8th d•y of ~lay AJJ \ar Court here to 1Tlnt her ' l95fi, before m•. the 11ndtrt1"'nt-rl, t 'lclllloua Flm1 San1e " a 1har1 In a.n 11tlmated $200.000 a Notary P ublic in and for the The under11ptd do hareby cer· c • eatat1 left by her matt. said ounty anti State re~1dlng Illy that we ue ronductln• an h She brought •ult a,.tnat the " t erein, duly con111111111ont-el anol eltc•tncal A M1n11!11cturine bu1t-e1tai.. of Cha rle• F. Bialy Ind 1worn. ptr11 on1!ly 1pp~ .. utata executor Bank of America nt•• al 274tl W. Coa.•t Hl1hwiy, LA\VRENCE SCOTT anr1 AUD· Nev.'l"•rt Beech, C1J1rornia, under R National Tnaat and 11avln1• All· EY l'\QR..\IA SCOTT, known ·to the fl ·Utloua firm n11n11 of Ha.r-eoclaUon. me to be the perJ<Onx wholie math Electrla 6: J.l(K. Co. a.nd · LGI Angele•: Hebrew U. of Jeru.A.lem, Kew Yol'k; City ot Hope. Du11·te: Brandt.a Camp WtJtut.e of ttf1 West., Santa 8uMnna; Jewlah Hom1 for the Aced, Lo• AAr•l11: Brand11t1 Unlver•!ty; Children'• Ho'ipltal Lot A n1elea; Jewtah Center• Aa.an .• Loi A..aeale.; -d Vlata --------,,.------------------1 del :Mar Orphan&J"•• IM An1e1e .. 'BANTA A.NA, (OCNS) -A. three car pUaup on Coa1t Hlth· way at Jumln• Ave., Newport Beach, Dec. 11, l t~. waa reflec- ted I.II a Ito.Mt.ii damaee 1ult rlltd l~uparl..?" court htr• by driven by Edmund Popa 1tn1ck htr• tn the re1r aftfr Pope't wu hit In the rear by Norman McBtath'a machlna. J ude• Kenneth E. MorTllNln name• are 11ulw!cnbed to the wit.It th1t 111id firm hi compo1ed of hu 1ra.ntad a temporary re· !n ln•trun1ent. 11n<t a1·kno1vledt1"! the followtnr per.an•, v.·hote TIBE OOMPANY EXPANDS -Willard Courtn•y, (left) head o1' the tire recapping dept. at Courtney It 1..ftter 'nre Co., Colt& Meta, ahowa 1ome, ot the new tire mold. to hia partner, William A. Lester. New equipmeot i• part of large company expa111ion now in. working st.a.ge . -Bernie Alden Photo Shoe Store loot•d ShopltttLne over a two-week period haa bffn reported to New· port ,Beech police by a •hoe 11tor1 at S'lO Via Lido. Arnone tha lttrnt taken were a S!Wl hobo br1celet wtth rhlne•tonea !n1et a sold-plated key . v.•lth rhlnt~ atonu and a comb with white enamel ha.ndla. Mary . lbotiM. Lonr Beach. n 1 named Edmund C. Po LalMlle Pope, Mu: W. Popa Luclll• B. Popa, au of lhe N-port Jka.ch area; and Norman R. M.cBeath. CKll c. Kc.Beath and Bernice H. Mc· Beath. no addreaat• eh•en. al defendant.a. Tha plalnlttf usertl a car State Apportions Gas Tax Monies A rttord total at i21,oie,111.- ~ ot 1tal1 ea901Jn1 tax reve- nue• hu been apportJon9d to 324 cltlu In Callfomla tar atreet work durlne tba current fll!Cl.l year, State Dfrtctor of Public Worka Frank B. Durkee 1nnounced tOday. Th• total apportionment to N.....-port Beach for the tltcal year endtnr Jun1 30. ll:i.41. wu $~7.111.0S, and fot" Coat.a Men ~2.4M.et. Or a n 1 • County'• 1har11 waa SU7,IHl.71. Lut ya.r'1 amount. th• prev· loua rte0rd, wu $2•,0l6."6.42. •lralninJ" on1er holdlne off d"· to me that th .. y exe1 utti..l the n11mt• and addr\-11 are u fol· Th• plaintiff ll•ted her Job u a ,o.choot adm1nl1lrator. trlbUtion or property pand1n.: lov.·1. to-wit: ' ~m e, ca11t dtttnninatlon. 1:-; \\'ITNF.SS \\'HEREOF', J CHARLES H. HOl.,..'-1'., Th• plalntlff clalma tht tle· have hereunto •tt my hand ,..,,, 3703 Seuhort. ,. ce:al«I Ht forlh 1n an J.lllA.rlocu· affi>.ed n1\' orfu:-lal 1eal the di v Grettenberg Awarded MIT N,,._-port Be1ch. C11ttl'ornia · · lory dtvorc1 complaint ht had and year Jn thla Certificate fir1. ROBERT \Y. 8Ak:ER, bo no chlldrtn. He ai.o contendf!d. ~42 Rlveralde. a Vt v.·ritttn t ccordlnJ to "" p<tltlon, that R OBERT R. llt.:R\\'ITZ Newport Beach. Cahfomla he had no hal(linl'•· ~ly Comm1111lon Explret \\'1tnn.1 our hand th!1 l•t day Mra. Blaly auart.a t h• l ft'ted of May, l&M "°1ay 31. 1i!i9 to & prop<rtw HlUament rely>of ="'o lJJJ New1-P11q ' , ROBERT \V, BAKER on bu hu11barid't dect1ratlon. 5/18, 23, 30, fl 8, 19M CHARLES II. llOLM Scholarship She explain&. y,•\11 n1ed b)' )!er STATE OP CA4FORN1A n11te declared four children, two COUNTY OF ORANGE ~18 CLAREMOl\'T, -TI1oma1 L. by htr and two by a former On th1 lit day of May, J9~. GrtlltnberJ". t0n or M.r. and mt rrlag:t. before me. tht undu1i~ed. a Mr1. D•I M. Orttlenblrj, 2219 Attorney M. S. Bernard'• com· Notary Public tn and for ta.Id Channel Ro.ad, Newport Beach, plaint filed for lhe pla!ntUf County a.nd State. peraonally ap- hlt bttn awarded a r raduate charrea Bialy amUHd • 1lu.ble peared CHARLES H. HOU[. and 1eholar1hlp for 19!>8-~7 to con· fortune without hi• wife'• know· ROBERT \V, BAKER knov.·n to t111ue hi• 1tudle1 In tlectr1c•I ledge. mt to hfl the peraom· who•e tnrlneerlnJ" at Ma ... chuaett1 In· Whl!Tl 1h1 found out •bout th• namet are 1ublCri~• to the atltute -of Ttchnolo(Y. va•t let'T't'l holdln11 of th• de-within lnetniment and acknow- Orettenbtre, who waa at Po-ceaAed, Mra. Bii ly bf'OUJ"ht the Jred19d that they executed the mona Collt.ge from 1951_54. 11 •ctlon. a.skin( lh• c-ourt declart u.me. now 1tudylnr a t MIT under the tht eitate property hera and ll'lat WltnM• my ha.n d and official fi...e-year proeram of th• two the propt'rly aettlement In tha MAI. colltcea. He WUI bl a cli.ndl-final divorce be 1et aa!dt. (Set i) • data tor a bachelor of art1 de-1-------------I R. \' MARSHA!.L frtt from Pornona Coll1e1 and a bacbelor ot aclence de1TH from MIT ttu. June. Whlla ha ll'&a at Pomona. Orettmberr wu de•lrnat9d a Pomonr. Sdlolar far OU(J[landlnr 1cademic achlevtrnenL Ht ll a 1951 1raduate of Newport Har· bor Union Hl(h ·School Swim Trunks Taken • Notar.v Public In and tor nld county and State. A clothulin1 belonirtnl' to Mca. Joly Commllalon Explru Robert Vordalt. 128 Via Nlct. July I . 19tll wu •tripped of beach dothlne No 135 Ntv.••-Preu by a thttf M.ay :Zl atufnoon. &ht told police two bof'• -1m1='1010'=·='='=·='-'-·-'-'-"='-"'-~~-­tJunk.1. two beach t.owela and One CERTrFICATE OF BV&INES8 white IW•Uhlrt 'falUtd at 114 .f\etltlou• Flrm.. :s .... tot.al were talten. THI: UNDERSIGNED does SOTICE f)t• HIU r-.'OTICE IS HEREBY GIVll!\' that the Boe.nt of Tru•tee11 (lf the Orange Coa1t Jr. Coll•ii~ Dl-'t. of Or1n1:e County. CalJC. 11·1JI receive b1d1 up to 2 :00 p.n1. J une 22, 1958, 1t the Qffica v i .o.11d achool d11t. local.c'd at 2701 Fairview Avenue, Co•ta M .... C"J1f., at which time nld bid• will bl opened tor; 1t1Uon9ty 11upp!le11, ~line, towel •f!'l'vl11e. 1nf1 marulf\IL 8ptcl!icatlori~ fnr 11bov1 may bt aecured •11 the office ut tbe A•L 'supt: (n ~!~~:: thS:·~~q.{h:r ~:: lr.1 any and all blU or to wr.1)1<" any lrrf!C\llaritln or lnfOT · malltles In any bid or In Uir b1ddln1. Sl(lltd: 8 . H. PrTERSOM S«ty. Board of Tn1.1ltu Adv. Jun• I IAd lJ. 19::wl Open: Jl.lM H. l~ 2:00 p.m. No. 150 M..,..Preu t---"'O_,,YENUS! ' ' I Famed Statue ~Replaced by New : Figur~ LAGUNA. Bl!A.CH. (OCPl'Sl -Th• dlrectar or tM Lacuna Btaeb hlt&ftl or arta denl9d neenUy thr.t tba 1ppeerranc1 ot VtDUI • Milo In thla year'• ParHnl ot Mut•n Md been c&nCtJ&ed IMcaUN of naUonwlde eontro•eny lut eeuon. Clarence UpM>n To11n1. pro- ducer . director of Ute ft•tlval pa.pant. llated, "WI juat dtcld· td that Venua ..,.., a lltll• tired lbla yaar and we'd Jet htr ruL" H• r..tllMd f\lrtMr cornmtnt. TU:tnr Venua' pllrce will be ' ,)(k:i.elanl'eio'a 1ta tue, "Aurora.·· "Who appean ori the tomb of Lorenao de Medici. "Ttl• ll't'lnJ" 1talUI" of the fame4 beauty hu been an an· aUaTbJ.lhllJb( tif th• ttlttnl Jm lM put •l1ht 1yMJ"9. A. klcal '""11\U wu Ml~ed. tlJ' ml!Ullr. menta. lo pl•J tit mtde-fro,...the- hlPt-U.P t\atue In each J•I"'• pall perf~ntt> Rh• wu am .. ..-d with whh• paint to reMmbJ. the marbl• atatua unconred tn Gre•• rulna .............. ,,_ p.rf~ ot "Venus'"- "l'be llYlftl wom&A Jlla11n1 the a:tatue-wenl 1Jon1 without Incl· ffnt until Ir.at yor. wMn a liftOlOrnptf" of the rtrl. ·~,.... lnl on lht trunl ~f • tourill -p11btkau.-cat1Hd l ftiU<iil-W!ili -· • • GREATER EIRNlllCS REMEMBER ••• SAVINGS ..-1vec1 by the 10.,, of the ~lllh ... WN FROM the lit. • 2 " • . ,ER ANNUM • CURRENT ... f; ' EARNINGS " " " '' • I " • ---., ot i-. Nftport (l&rbor N ... Prm II ~ Curllo """ will ...... Uiolr ...... • Wen 8 pja..., -1· Wda '!)' ... 1'riiloJ. -:Jl --• -deli-..,_u.t -ploooo Mil -WI and your carrier wW .brlnf yoar _paper. • ~tor pcil.r or CMCe1ltq adl ar.1 - For ....,_, P\t\HeaUon -J"rid&.1 I p.m. ,. ... w .... ...., hMloa~Tv-4a7 l , .... For ......, hbltealklll -ft'lf"dq 1 J.m. lf""'1'0llt •••ap& PUSl.llJlllNO 00. 1111 ..... ...,.,; N'efl'port ....... OllfWala. • ' A111•111eo ._,.... .... .. 0. .... ' • • WE ~T_ IT ~I Rep•1'1t l &a Qr ••• .uo-•,... "'-•,,. " ";sir ••, ";;':,' ~ ,1:,;~ Rett•"· W-u9ht Iron, P1tl00 Fu-ltvro Tltlt_fl\IW ......... 111i11..,:rfl -=-.... h" ~-t:ll ,,.. ,., 111 ... •.&e ~-Ml ad not, •z I w •1•1tdP': y "--!t-B~I£. 'f!~ted . Coinplete Mi.ct.ion of WJ'OUlbt Iron J'dmtture. · 11 81re Mr....,.. B&rttecu:e 4Dd Bru;Jeni, LaW1l lwtnp, oaNP ~......,..~~~"~ .. ~~.._~ ... :;:~~·~..,~;ri~rM~-.~~~~·~fr~·~'"7~.,.~J~;!~~~~;;::::::== ---~--------.:......---llpr W 11-!! !fl! 1 '""1"" •. 1111>1! WAllTllD N...,.... ,.,. GRADUATES "'d lleaeh Um.,..naa. -$f' ....... \,ell ....... lkf, JUNJOR COUAIOS (._ • I Ult -:·:-~·::-:. ~: .. . "''")JI'''• ~ " <' I \. ( ..,; ' , ' 1r ~'/ '.~ ...... ...... , .. "., . A t11xldermist in the \Vant Ade 1tuff1d it ..ii -and It wa1 delJcioua!" .- MOTTELL'S AND PEEK Colonial Mortuary .. . &fl'llJlAL ttu -1 ,_ m. "'" HIOll -~ BAKBOO. VRI. W DRl.Pll:S and TROPICAL • Floor Coverings. CAS~·ll lllPAIR "=~ or-;;:_ w1:nt = ~r: ~:!1~. "° :,.• Z!u':~ Glf Ite QDD -,.., ...,, ,.11. '" •U"1nf ~ .joboo With ,.., BASKJ!ml •! .U l<lndo fl '!_n1111ual • t Ill"· .::.,• ... -::n.-" ":::; l!!}l:;,;!l'!!f"!!•!!l!l:.J~~-*!!!...---I · C•r••• Oppcirtu~ity ~·~v'l't ·~~;·~uml"ul'll Awnl~· . • It'• \o o"' ""' Io-U wo $.(NT A 1'111.' '.T'ltfT I A WNIN5.CO, ~:i'r!,~• .tr° .,:!1n:-::.,~ lGI I.. Mabl. ltata Alt_,, ~ NW l'rtl ~M7 COLD WAVE COMPLETE ·-w. -"" •""' Ot'P MONDAY AND ~y NIG!ft'I TIU-t !5teaf7 /Wt , ~~u.~n:~~· !. •••e w'8w.. •• , !:: :!!-!!1' '!' P!MliblUU• w AJtfT'CP-11,lfRJn_. ...... .,,. D IS '"'"'" 60 "'· 'w""· " .. """· oou "'" '"' RAPERI '"""""" ....... lmm ... to lhlO •"" J1f.P COVERS openbiJ• for 1tud1nl.8 lnl.,...t• W41rfTllDI OfftN ,...*,t fDr • U ~ ~4 ht Jun1 op.ntnp. Mllltar)' •&r, _.. ""4 ~\ Qe011.1• , ,=r.-1;' --..... 1tat\M "°" eeutder'9d. oa11 u •nto da11 t• "'"'"f'U -• ~ S JI 'Hair · apppolfttmllft\ fr Har. • 'aftM llarW 1M4., ... Upt&i..1UOUI _ Apply l :IO -.m. Ul.n& t p.m. 1. 18"1 '-• tt ..,.. 11ttc: • [ M~ I m If .. ,_ fw ·1030 I:. lit Blf'Nt - -.,,.," • ... ..., SANTA ANA Low e-•· oa\•NT•~ ,.;,. · ;.,.ru, a.. ... d ........ I'•• " • ,..u.d. OlwsH """' m-n· &Liiio '-• .,~ o. a SOUTHERN A Good Joli J'or You . ..,. -"°' -lf•w Ude'I .._ .. ..., Ru. llTI .Upmen' II ....,,. -tter 1i.-11a1141nJ~ PAINTINt "' COUNTIES Traod •-=el A1aoo1 !IP " .... ..., ., -·· "'"S .... uf-tr<W_,. .._ -, ..,.., -au -111 "••· Us 0 .. ' HO" 'E ..... ---..,,... ... w. tu.. -... Kl !-·lot! WlllMAN'I lfl6 .. .,..., C T IVI M A&.ICI v•aqai P4lllTUIO C II CO -lltlVIUID 1 . Rl .. w11 C.D.M ....... lt't. 11uildln1 &Dd -~·...... •i.n" hh".+on Your -lt•lex.A-Clsor !!I !!'! ;r'!!!"'" "'" C.~Le tnd ptlia. .. ..... -•~ IOl-11.lt 8t. N..,,,..... ha.ell OOHIV'L7Alf'I' ll>.IR etyUK 'Wfaftte4. HJcbMt , 4 • • ' "'.-INO\TK "'41 .. -...... ~ rMt ... KI s-t010 i1._. Rartlor 1111 Qtto n.ni.out.rau~ "' HUadqq' CQll\~ "'4. ,\U )'Out Attn& p,e,erty Own1,J· WMll•Ce, Ml11i •••• ••• • '· ----------------------------ft<ult WU.. -lft"-' ....... W'Ol'S'1 H.UIJJntnt f\UTI.l.lhtd.. Jfa'f&Jt ~ ...... Mii;.,. G.n.r.I Contr.clor ... rtat• l...uN MAl\I. I IJL4.AT Jrl', IWJ .\ft you" ~tetlnf your wattr lt1m1 whol-11, II• It. 11th • .. r ... ...... ;J .. ... ... .. y. y. -.. ... ... • • I ... .. ... ... ... .. ... ... .. ... . • Htti If, Cout JlWf·· CJ).J4. IUJ'. bMWt Cut.a MIN. llc20 I Lic;Q(SllJ:) -610.. 17Ue Y£ New Work -lloraodelull LADIU '!"lo WWI t'O '"'"" Elll'. W<\l'l'MH. ,., 20 to u LlMITlllD OFFltl\ $2.DO F1et H~rt7 J. MILTON McKENZIE Swedi$h M11$$0lle '""· i..mo<o Cott" ••op-!:'::' .~'::! .... •<Juot '""' Try Knepp Shoes Harbor 8809--W Mtta ln tht oopYttftlttace of th•lr llOt W. H""port Jllvd., NSW• C&ll your OAT • NIGHT . 'loa w. lit at., au.ta Ana home, pl• ... M11 tor appolnl· port. ~ lklO ~UTHOJUZEI> DEALER IO.mberly 1-SOlf bdon 10 a.m. H. H. HOLBROOK ::;.. UN .. -.. CXJ1-C91> ~ ... JOll llllOH'1\liJ> ......... ,.... ""0 Dependable Plw!lbln( 20t.tc ... ....,..,.., t • i ~ tHOf IWJTR 6 ... •.-nt • -"' S·rr. ~ "'1 P111111blD1 . na ........ -""' -- R •••• 8A_!ro~~·-·-· ... • ., rtUNI """ 1.11. MN'. aue. Mar. IQO. ,,......, ,.. ... J: aus. e_.,.. ..... ce ............ nwu ~1 ... 1 u4 ..... 1•ttc --------'--I Phoot: aartlot ... , ... _ ......... ltaM •-=· 2801 B&ltae. ..... Htw)Oll't ..... ton' lat. !nP,t lrMlie9 :r-llO'lf IRON ..,, Al(. '· ........... 6 ~P p141 ...,_ wrtn w at• ll. wrra: A UKa-Jf8W WWl'UfO-p.a. lT122 --------'--'-I _,. .................... tilRLS KOVlll._P,_ .. ,._ D,..., .... ; ;;;;;::;; "A' 11 VldAit)' lhW&U&n Broiler,~· _ ..SJ a \oUCiD tf twa "Joa _.,.,_ ,.,.._.. V~ I ' ...... VUla -"""°' GOOD NEWS! Y-'I N--It .,._ -· VENETIAN ILIND """d uw""""" ,,.. a. . . 1--..... ...... =. .·, .i...,... -LAUND.RY. ---------.'Olll QOOD •Al.All• ~ Pf, DJIWCA ....... ....._ Tml N1IW .,...,,M PIOOW I& Ball~ lutnotloa wtUI ,, .. .,.., laortWI .L~!.. ~.'j7.! '1"'~LA Ii.I om. nnJ.t~t rnetllo .. 11: .. ..,..~ ,no.. ·., ••• •• _,.., ""°' lfW&U1 ,--o.p W MTM lfttf l1IO,... Alf4JDDI .......... I .... _.., LEARN SPANISH -.. _... ' .. ........ . . .... omCll 1'UllN1'l'UUI · ~· 0~1 $I .OO llpanl..lh ·een,,.,..uon tauPt •• fVUt.•A1' 11 FIN u• trained. ~ISll•A TS11T,*iiia• lll I. hla u,.... '""' ~-., ...... BJ .,. -0,00\IJlp tor -.... -· ................ ; H ... "'D •• "ID~" R "'S BllAdt ud ,.bl&UL .. tla•\. l.Ml ... ua.U:J 9r c.za _ Jlar. ....... .uTIR-4' "'4, """ Ml • ~11: dont "!..and.,_.'!'l=t ·~--~Pl-Many yea.rt -TtllJbo~ Operat.oN ,.m. . . u.11 ,,_ Qfl'l'Rvcmolf ; ;::'... ... .-. r-• •..-w-e. • ..... .• oaD9.I ,......, Phon• _.,..., l·D1'01 No 1tudl••. ,f'O!lo.-ph or ~IUW ~~!!.!...~ ...-, ~.,. mMtdll• ........ 1,, or JCJmbei'17 1-tMI. pp!Jc .....-. ..feNMu. FH lft• -ApplJ -A • 1 ~ ..... U.. Mlir l'uala, UM a. Git. al•ll- fermaUon Mll\a!'' J. I . Mlll4• 1:30 to ';IO p.m. War, llfJ, 1"" L1fUN..., Datt "''-tTUc PAINTING PAPERHANGING S~e,c!~.~ ~!!!!r Har . ..o6 M' lllT CARP.ENTRY ~Oii Rll:PAill WORK KOM plteft .... er IVdinp, 112 W. lrd IL IO X IO ........ = _.,, WWI ....... H ... ~ .... w. ..... ... • ,. N•• WATC"' REPAIR .-.1LU.~•T ldl Uv•·"'*1 .. ,..._ n ' p ACU'IC TEI..EPHONE '"'" ........... -... w. A NEW Sernc4 Added . TUTORING ._ .. ,,, _.,., "'"' .,..,,. Beicon Pel'llonllel all 1e..i. al*> •thlr' -.illj..te 100,.. esnplo)w Ntaiatd OaU •Mk ...... Har. IM·J a• &S-CJ writ• Mi. MarJOfie O._.. No 'e• collk\14 from applic&nt "'97t'I", Ill H. Qanfy, Ktnt-US-Slit M•wport Blacb INJ •utt. lWl MACHINISTS pLN inal'IOI· top UiO 11 '"' n uprlpt llub Z«o 4eep ~ . · perlt'Cl ti0~Uoa ... Har 4•1'1. IOclll COlolPLll!!'ELY RE-BUILT Bed dl't'an. ..U new material W1 ..W oa1I at )'Otzr llome tor nam •Umal.M and wtll pt.Ill •• Ud ,.ll-nr . ll4RBOR H-03 Th• Jewel Box lfM IC. OMat, Corona dt'I )IU .... I CHEfn.LS U:irow rup. P. $38.:;() UP J pr . .,... nrt64N .... 1 r. : ceneraa di around ~enc.. ... -..liaca.curLUAL~~~-.. 1"647' lFO!'IL Som• onrtlme. 100,. ,_tber 'Pillowi 2 pr. atlll ~na. II, 1 pr. "~ rnB"·roo lDULL Roy's Maintenance IL 0. AIM!enon .. • ... • • .. ,.. * * What do YOU 1y9,t1t •• e fitting event I or 1erl11 o IYtnh) lo be sieged in Nt)l'port leach? • Athletic T ......... nts7 • 4quelle· Pr.trern17 • • ao.11., 01.,1o.,.1 . e Cunlval7 • 0 .... ,7 Write or ,call your Golden Aftnl~rHrY Celebration Su9gestions at once to: Newport H•rbor Chamber of Commerce; Your Oistnct Councilm•n in the N I 1016 It Ba.Ibo-. BITd,. Bl.I"°' ..,.. 1660 .... l'OR. RENT lldll ..... 1!1111. Drtl.Je, Poliab...., &lJ t1'1*1 of Bandera, WbMlbu .......... BOYD'S HDWE . JUO W, OOAl'l' 8JQllWAT t.n.t7 "'"81 lfwJt, ... -~ Cornpl1t1 Prof•11ional Hou1e1lt1nln9 noo~ wu!nc and buffing Window, Cloanlng UpbOlltorJ Cleaning fatiol Color waxed Lutrous Result. ........ 811n11~11: It Jt.M ourtalfte 7h ~Uful '0lltto llLIOT, MJ'G COP. •OJ!lC•H $119 ~Al. tralnOt dJll.i.Df Mt ~ wft.h UO W •. 1T .. a.. 0-C. II-. ~ ...,.... · e__... J Ip, 1 .. ...., • cbalt9 -• 7d0 bu.fttt fT&. ~ ~ W-,.-... ----,.-\0-,-,'-,_..-=.r At.SO I .ir"'" 'la,., .... ......... .... .... -........... '°""' to WO#o•• OnlMI .......... "'= UJ ~':· '11 ....... IL. = be open 900ll. Aft!LT Kr. Parl&o "· 2-~ w-t Balboa 1n.,. -WOnffft'• D~• ........... J&c up ....._. -.----CAICJ'aSU.i lllUP ldlahm. 110 Newport U Veit .t..C. ••tom&"-' Silll•i-, 80~ -1:1: . t Woo .. wlll Industries can opener, 1111• MW. 1 ean -.-• n · IO~e ee. arum O' mulhroom .oup . CARP E NT ER REASONABLE .,.,,.,.,.,. ....... ,,,..., '""" ut w. "' 8'·· •~tr ••• ,,. ..... jobt. 4llo re1&&urul .U Webeor 4vl0ftl•Uo NeOfd ~ Repair Work Ph LI b rty I I 3 ~ z 4om..Uoe. Maa1 Jo• '°' a .,..., ampllpbkr • .,....; .,,... ..... Homo ........ _ on• • . • • ......................... o. ~ ... ......... . .. "' ............. . • R•m.Mll ... f ----------"'·I Juae J'unr, 9"JL APJ• ~ ktte+i · ove. $35 for UM OU ewtftl •• e\Ur wtU. .,....,. C&D l'IMll, &"""1 ..... '"" Ulld It.. Hpt. Buch I Inquire 109-Slnd St. f"ModJ to lte rtanMhld. IJ.M. "" -· -,_ GARDENING ·<"-"""' "" B•!ll "'21 Ook ,,. • 70" ...... .. ..... --~::!'--llll4LIDITAT981tOlllOR,8ale>-Sit ·N' Knit ...... .:,,:;-:; .. '"·'I"·..,.., Palatial 6 PaperlaaDltlf aa.uow-aan IJnU or 1'POll\IAI J..onc IT.t.aT ~ ,.... tor ------~-- Wt do tbe wwll ~ ~ "'*' lOoU .-ta•llabd •a I~ o.a ottlC9. ~· ~ Day-··xmo. lrn:D h""I Nfrlf., II Jllft ...._ ~ otnol c.. ........ --a.-1.'tt• -BU1Jl. Ilk• MW, pmuitee. A"-... U• ... 6 ....... • operation.. Harbor IID, Mr. _,.., JflW' ,......, lltft .. end f'MIS'· 8-&rt.er I or w"" .. ., .... .,...... G1rclen1n9 -Greeley. lldO .... 111 •• a.JM& Bl .. d., ..... at ltlt P•r11 It. Hu11t- &ltlmai.t ..... OIU ,J...... ~ Kar ... 12tte lllJlon ._eh. JOct2 LI S..381T • LI Wiit l.AWM -MIWIU -a.o ... u. SXPl:IUllMCJIP \yp(el .,,, It II . • ISdt I.I Mt• bookk•pllll' im-led("'· Call KN1T tclNG, &liPtilC MW. COllt 1..AJW• ~ Cbel IU ..._ ___ .....,,,...____ lltM Har. 1• tor appotntmont. 17"t flN. ..U tw ft.II bldudlnr clock conll'OI, ml.Qul• mkld•. FUR" ITU RE ~ ........ llO 0.1 el-.,,a. HO. TO In. r.hrOod " &ARD~IN& ."~ PDION...... you.. ...... -"" .,.,, .. M-· L1 "'"" ,,... ........ With N~ ... ..+-1 • .............a...A .. , "' tll IOr ,_Merk. Kt!n Ml• Vdla ' pknta Sn IOT""-H·•~-.. -M·---CL"" .. ·"P JOIS _, .... 1800. ,_ ·-.... , 'l:>.D.M. -~ -, .. ·,, --,....aM .. ,.,,....... ~, .. ...., · -c,-=avER~-s·•f""" ~ -WAl«ED l"O""" -... -·· ....... n .. -. 111111. --<!! ... " •. ., ""' 1 n &xpe.rlenced in cooktn1 Sp&n.IM "'•11•, • JU to 11• Ta ... ._.ft1r? &II• -It, - -LIBERTY 8-6139 food.. Honl'J"• 203<> W .,..., ._ G.& -. H,.t pod. -_......, Har. 6MI _,..or ,,...,.11cJO . -.._~ H....,ort ...,. ' IOdl Port. fMlt-;-Ctililil. .VUctea o•uaoa • ....,..tt ,.. ·~ ---:zr !""""#" 5 _ ~ ~ • ......,..... .. t. co.tum• Ud \op, A.pL aile. Qoocl eon-OEHlll\AL .un.iDa &101 •W••CJer1oNt-•• Dr••l'••••• lf'U•tmi. ~ m w• nr. atuoe tin. Kit. neo. ros-s. Exp. _ .... R cl 11n·--• -"'"'' -'~ • ....,., --•· '°""" ·-""' JSer ...... ..,.... '°'" .... emo • g -.. """' -.,..., H ..... ,._. -= -L1llOl. WIU. -....... PHILCO "-· -...,..,.. • _. ............ • HOUA:ICl·V·NiJiO ~ru ,_.. ...... ~ 1'"' n.. dl'lil.it .... Mrt.Wttc CU,, Wrft!lll .... llfUlf'C xaz>ED A'J' OKCS -l..... 1.ita ~ 4.1 lhtroltlq. N ~. _.. \op JIBWPORT llUBOR Bw. ....... w=--:u.a::--~ = _,.n.nc..a Y•c .. t C•rpentan .'*fibOCe ... -.... I.lid ,,....,oolOhd lntMiOl'.lhel ... ]( ews "" ..... 1 -a.al aulldln .sewn..,. -w.tllM' JlltlnJl IA cir. ~ and ltUUM PRcss ,_,.. W*-' ..... lllJ'M"Oftl.Md Cuti --..,.r. PaW 40WW1W11MM. . ~ -fftf ~-DIUU'I pCAP.t.•La ........ ._..4n17nNomct . -,w..tu. ........... -.nd OUh or,_,_._ of S\O.T& * ---:-. '-----..... _ tuiMr,~~lflll!ln-.,.._ ... .., .. 1'55~a1r IOUTRCO~~~ ~-~, .... ~_,:.u..fllllw~ ~:H ... •eu•·~~ • ~ .;i_ ...._ -. _ J"l'I .,, .... "* ,.... -iililfti"'lhe"ll • _.,,..,....--"""'" ..... It _... .... wrl""' • ,.,, • ., ..... ,,_ u,Ttlrne 409 ll Ma1n. Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt ••• IP • IP Jt • ft ._ .. Jt ... It Jt, Jt Jt Jt_ Jt. ---111&. ' -· Lt MCT1. 20J '°"' ""' 7 p. m. '"" a-,.. KC Mll7. ·- ' ' • -.. . .. --- -- . ' • • • SELL YOUR CAR PUD f'OI\ OI\ NOT KeCa!'thy P1y1 Mo,. t .. 20 ll M.aln KJ 1-3~7 GMC TRIPLE CHECKED . USED TRUCKS Pouen9or TIRES 8-Hour Recopplng Service 'Complete Brake smtoo 4ND 111<>nt End .\Jliumeot f\WJ) IO\VlCJ: J'irNt.Olil Bqet Plan Yo11n for UI• ANln& HOWARD RYAN 801·809 W. let BT. 84NTA. ANA.' "'..- . . ' •. ' ·-· ' _.,. ___ _ 11MS OLDS, 2 door aed&n ' 11MS OllSVl\OLET, • door 10U BtnCIC • door 11M9 cmtYBLER t d.oor 11115' N.\&H • 1N9 BUlCK 2 door 111M DODG~ • doer LOU REED & ASSOC. • CHRYSLER-PL Yt.40UTH DEAL&~ 1200 W. Cout 111&bw1y LI •UM C. McCARTHY'S WORK CARS l>own P•yn1a• '82 BUICK SUPER IUV., <·dr. l>yl>., lll<H .............. $2 ' Tubeless Tire and Reeapf!'.~2J:!dqtrs. '02 BUICK CLB. CP. l\&dio, hit.tor ........ ·······-···-····'~ • '62 FORD ODNV. Rldl A~tomaUe ............................... 2· rr-PJck up 6 dell.,.,.,. 'G2 CHEVY Powel' Olide, ll6ll ................. --··············--Slr Courtney & Lester ·o2 M!!;l\C. HARD TOP, RP ................................ ,2 · l~M Newport h1Yd .. C:O.l& Mt:M '51 NASH RAMBLER, Ob. Cp .. O'Dr .................. ,,~. PRON!! LillQl.TY 1·1191 PAP '~l CHEVY Ob. Cp., R6ft ·············-···························· l l '51 PLYM., Conv., Rad.to:hutw ···-·············-········· ..... ~1 • ':Sl Pr.TM., Hard top, JU.H ............. ·-··-··········--···-·· ~, '50 01..DS ROCK.ET 88, :II 4r. ............. ............. . . .. ~· ' Motor Overhaul 'l!O roRb F>.IJU.ANE. .... motor ......................... ~ N(! MONJl'Y DOWN 'l!O MERC. Clb. Cp., llAH ........................ -............ .' l Up to 10 l4ooth1 to P'V' '.~ ~·BT~~~ i ;;;::; .. iiii-:: :::~.::: : •;~: S Cyla. .............. . ...... 118.83 ':50 l'ORD CLB. OP., Rr.H ........................................ $1L'I· All Stnllgbt ''9 FORD CUM'. i-<lr .. Rid! ...... _ ............................. 3i • l!:l&bta ......................... 68.83 '•9 LINCOLN, t-dr. R.\H, O'Dr ...... -.......................... .15 . m;;.~!' .. ~'!~'°;! P:. ::~ ~VY, 2-dr., lUi:H ··--··············-····--········-·-·······$6 ·, lfU!d., rttun11 ot PJl.tR &etl rod RD CLB. COUPE ········-·····--........................... ~ ... :; bNJ'lnp. Expert motor tun•· Bank Ttrmt up. ltCk1.ay or &000 mU• par. &nlel. GA.IKll'H 6 OIL mxTl\A Rf;BUU. T ENGINES BUlL'1' lN our OWJI, faatory bJ 1kllled machlnl1t.1. Don'' con· tend with. th• rn.llktl• ll'l&n. - 811.J dlr~l. SHORT 81.0CK McCARTHY • '~Se. IWn Sant& A4• R· E-0 FORD fl932·'8) ---·-1 llt.641 CHJ:VROLl1I' ···--I HM su•CK ·-··-···-·· 1w.oo Authori1td PJ.Cx...\RD (f c7l.) -fU6.00 , Plym., Dodi• 6 ford I -1106.00 Now 2'4 Hour Sll:RVICE on Cll1trilui or CHRYS. 6 Di: SOTO -llZ0.00 llTUO~J.KJ:R --·--•l:I0.00 OLDS. • PON'l"'lAC • --11ao.oo NASH-:---==---··· .. ---1UO.OO KAJ.ID -·····-··-.. -... -llJ0.00 HUuaQN (dl ll JUintl -1140.00 PLUS lNITA.1..1..ATlON '()pin 0.ltl I to I Monda)' 'Ul T p. m, 8un4Q 12' \o a ' 8lf<'k n1W1t mM\ .ur 1tandard1 PlUI l&JIM, pak1ll; al\d oil BELLES ENG!NE REBUILDERS 310 E. 3rd St, Kl 3·1214 Truck Repairing * ALL t.tAKES * EllJllillate ~ tlo-upo ln at 8 p.a -Out at T a.m. , lblce 193.! SEE US FCR GOOD USED T~UCKS ED. THOMPSON Gar191 (Comtr 3r4 Ii Fruobl Phono XI ll-:i:Kil ... ta Alla LOAl'f CAAi -Jl'lll!J'l 'l'QWlN<J .._ iTA~ 80ND~D -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- 11-Wuted 111 Bui ---------. ~-- EXECUTIYlt 4 wife . I CUu(hlt!l'I • M l MlllN I Wm. 1ml"\lm. h..tml I" ttea61 vw, hy a.pl. tat. C.rttunc 6 drtiPM dulr- 9<1. Yrlr 1 .... to J21>0 ,.,-mo LI 8·1111. Jftfc • FORD RADIOS Two 8 tube radJoa ._ ................... _. __ ....... '82.Zl One 6 tube ................. _ ............ -.--.. -· SAa (llldudla aotcnoa and mmtlatloal MARK DOWNING FORD, INC. ,. ff'"Y. 39 ~ l'leu. Cout R"7--LlllX .,_ • !m ti:. 8tJ. SL, llllntlnll'OO llea<h ..: LJ!:X '-20IMI ~ ll<S~ • ' I ~ • f , I: ' • I ...... • ~ ... 'If' ,, , .. • ,AQE r. PAAT II NftlrOll ,,~ HIW$.l'Q5S j,!•!:::!•!!!!!!!.!ft:!31!!!9:L •. -~ .. !!;::'!b!!!!!!!!.!il~:!!l;l!!!·!L-,~--·I •!'!::::•!!!::e. =~---1 ~•!!;:::!'!!'!' '!.!Iii!!'~'~·----....!!!·~=·!.~·!!!!!!' !!t!,, __ ,., -- R.ntela Went.d .' ~Y, JUNE 4. 1"' •· • at.IX 11.\Y ......_ 1 -.., 0 " ~ ... ____ ,.,.1,,,_ ____ ~-----------1 1-:!ARIOR AREA -. -,.. .. ,., .. ;::..' :.= ;:..~ ._",_... ' . -a~ = ..,__. INCOME PROPERTIES - -r-::,._ ''Ka...~..-.:; Ii ..... ncMCJ· r...a..§R~ l1~~ . ~ I ---..... "ln!IM A.ft. ah!• . i-..., \.clUCI ICD l"Klll ICD tu . ,. """" ....,_ -"' Vetel ¢o, , . Nwport JJo111o1a -" mi •r. C... Kwj. --. 4 W11t.t oa ~ ...... Two I W.. 6 two I lldnR UC&FtwKAL VAWm ..,_ ,_~,., LidoPeoinaula,Eut318tSt.,~pt.Bch, .... 2 ,,_old.-tobld.~untt..~t -• -• ..... -~ ----,,,._ llW ............ -.... -1 Orn:IUI locome 13MO. Priol SSJ,llOO. WW ad>1~1 for at <II .... ti Sit.• aa. MOT & Cot. 117. ""'-., ..., Dellchtful Uvln&. Aj>t..()oMnn Utllitloo pold. olnclo bomo Ill lw'bol' a-. Jncl. <ow 4 -°"" 11.000 PbioM ~ lTtl wtUt d:a.. ... tllleJ Udo om.. Mll "Vsa Udo y--•t -11 ___ _. •'--(2) cun RAVSN, • w.r.. Mm• R""'°' <071 --P •-•-Balbo& Point , · -' 1TOI Mewpot1. •"-.Colt.a w-Oil WW. lot. N.....-1¥ Mc. _._ Lii.rt.T MN7 Dally, weekly, 1Ponthly, ,_,ty. 8 1padoua un.IU in atratqic Balboa reotal aru. •out. ram ,.u. wtUI bl.Un _________ u. -I'~ appt, or ,....<fttloo, ()aJJ Bar. 211112. Mita 4o llSDJW())l J1oWNi 08 Lido fin I J\&17 ti Auplt. ft•Uaba.. Writ. 43---Ap.._& Rou1e1 for ltMt flll--Bowe for a.a Dr. BM-e.k; 10 lo, .,,_..Q', Lm An1ti• lf.. RYu l·tlt:S. Choice Winter Renu.i.. on &Arr ams ODM x...., t Md· lcJI Balboa lal&Dd & Udb llle room ..,.ntum. bOWla. U a.'?UI =w::..,...=:-,::-=1=a=, .. ~"""=<u'-.. -•• -._. -. IU• • ...._.._ ... u ..... &mill 6 coay or l•f(• A dalux• 1 ======--,--,,---,-~tor I &dulJ.1. P,rt(1:r nur J 7a to poo m.ootb WATERFRONT, Mnllf bMcb--.... ., ..... -.. VOGEL co .......... B.JL, ....... buy. Pft'11l&MnL -Call OX· • lo.d7 borne. W.U to wall car. ford f.71MT C'LHdom) or "WT1tt 2fil Marin• A't'e., Balboa hi.and peunr. IMlll~ID klUben. NIC'9 Box' Y.f.4, Mew .. PNI&. JOp~ Pk. ea ... 41f.f, or Harbor lOll J*llo. Ul\IUnl. Y•rl7, rMtrict- EX ft.ea. Mar. "3429-R or Hu. )m-R _, area,-1260 mo. Call lhr· CU'I'I'(E, ltub..,-6 t yr. f41Uc i.or l2tf, Ev•. H.anor llM. old .an. want 2 ~. untum. -----------l41tfc home i.._ ~ oa Uwi POINT 1------------ trom ~ 14. l\.ttr•nc••· RENTAL CORONA DEL MAR buutltul Call aft..-f.-Har. 111S42ocl8 SPECIALISTS FREE! I Select·•· Tenaa.t Th• tln .. t ful••t tn• qrvfct to landlord1 1veiywh1ft. CALL lt:LECT REALTY Kl 7-S&OI ' lltfc CAU.., EDNA CRAIG OORIS BRAY, Realtor 211 Marin•. llallbo• lal-"d Har. 20 or Mo new comer homa untum. AvalL Bept. 10, -3 bdrm•. a b&Uwi, -carpet.a .. dr•pea. Elect. 1tov• A rerr11. Water A prdan1r paid, l blk. fron1 beach. I~ per mo. on lease. Owner Har. 3628-M. 17c23 UDO JSLJ: avaU. June, July A Sept. . Cutt 2 bdrm. home ~I CORONA DEL MAR blk. from cl:i:h Miid red Rlrr• Income from mo.~mo. rent&ll $8820. Prial •.a.Q. B•d. ttra. lars-rma., ~_ .. _¥. c:botf:-It.. Only MZtw>O. ,aubm.it PCh&np for boua or Y~t. iD .,_,,. ~ Harbor area. (3) Back Bay 2 bdrm home for owner and 7 re.tall. c1n.n &1· tracl, prop, Income $M20 -Price $47,600, with only $131000 down. Cil Ocean Front 8 fum. apt.I. in heart ot Balboa. Good money maker. Show• $6200 yr. Inc. Price '35,000. Will exchange for imaller houte ln area. ' (5) Lido Bayfront 3 deluxe unita. two 2 bdnn1 le one 3 bdrm. Bay view from each apt. Price W,000. will exchange for harbor arear houae, vacant or truat deeds. ,,_ THE VOGEL co~ 3201 W. Cotu1t Highway, Newport Beach LI 8·3481 • .. ~ lot. to •rr&0 CHOICE OOM'ER LOT, dOM 1a.. Sulla.._ t• home, duplu or trlplu. to a 111. Ont)' -I .Mesa-H~rbor Rlty. • AUOClATEJI O.C, hym~r. -Re&ltor-Owner 60t ~t..-al-. Coa~ Meaa u Mtll or LI S.'?7M ' BDRM,, 2 BATH HOME 110.t&a -11zao down., BALA.NCI; LIC88 THA..N" llENT. Reduced pr1c• ror qu1cll eale. OnJ7 2 y•n old. 3 BDRM. HOMm 117&0 VII ANTED to rtnt -I bedn>Qm hoUH, Harbor ar ... yearly 11 ... NOW Ll!:ASING-ready for oc-COAST PROPERTIES Har. 41600 1-----·-------------------1 SM.ALL DN .• 84LANCE 170 mo. tnclud. la.Ila, 4~~ Int, Like n....,, :I year old, vary nlr• Mjpbothood. Lot ff by 110, all J1nprovc-menta Jn. ' or leaa1 w:ltb opUor to buy. Want rs.rare. ftreph fenced yd. P1rman1nUy 1mpklyed JocaJJ7. Exc1U9llt JOC&l rt11rencu. Wrtt1 box Xll, tllil Mwapaper. 16tlc cupe.ncy June t~th. NEW. Un· 101 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa ~Money to Loan turn. one and two bedroom l &c20 o;; ___ ,,__ ______ _ 60A.-commerelaJ. Jadustrl&I 2 BDRM. 110 Jal St!MKI TENANTS WAlTING Why h1Y1 a YUl..QCJ, whtn w1 hay. ttnanll w&l.Unr for yHrly 6 -.unmer r1nt1l11 GrffnJtat 81.,trt. Rlty. Call Mr .. Payton. Har. ~2 19c21 apartmentl -Ocean view one 1----~---.~--­ block from China Cove, birch j9--Roonu for Rent klt.c:Mna -built -in Hotpolnt ------------ ovane J •nd re.ng•. built · Lo * * * * bftaldut bar1. mahop ny pe.n· Vlaiton ! Vab&UonlaU ~1 elllitc wall to ·•••all1Cal"J>f'tln1 A Enjoy Uvlnr on the Ocean J'ront. (lraperlea. Cenerou.. cloaeta A Cornplet•ly fumlal'led kitchen· ato..._-e. Separate 1ara1e and ette apta. and room1 with prl· laundry t1cllitle1. Automtlllc vata beth. Maid 1•rvl•e. trel wuhu ilr dryer. One Mdroom TV. 2JOe Wut OcNA Front, 1150 per month on yearly IUM. Har. 1107. Two bedroom $176. 3~ Fem. * * * * leaf. Har. 3743 , 20p26 ------------ 48-Apta • .t: HOU9H for Re1t J'URNJSHJ:D _ .-OR LEA.BE ROOM .with private bath and entrance, cu port. On1 blk. 'RENTALS FURN. Newly clt:eor1 ted and channln( f rom ocean, v.·eat Newport- u~ 2 B NI two I bedroom 2 Dalh A two Har. CH9a.J . 14c27 .,.., . R.-c•, lff:uon 51300 1 bedroom apU. with vie.,... ------------ BA. Y f'RONT-t B.R. July -uuuuea pa.Id. GarN1• dt.--.. Aue ........................... Sl&OO mo. poa&l., laundry room and »--Storee " Orne. B. F. APT. -2 B. R. -NI~ raracu. Two bednna. llMI ""-===.c'-"==~--- July 1660, ............ Auru-t 1700 mo. -t 1*'.lrm. 1123 mo. FOR RENT B'Oft RENT _.., 11000 DN. Uvlns rm. 10 by 19, LOANS for Homes NW COR NER, 17th .. Or•nct . ~;r:;•l;: by 241• on corner lot, &'J", -20 yr. Loaha Co1ta Meaa. SHOP 1pac1 ot ' " Constructi&n Loans :,!~,:;· !;ei1 Ut 11000 9q. rt. LOTS SEE BOB 8ATT'l.ER FRANK JAMltS, Harbor 2042. 2 ADJOINING IOJl:131 •Ith &II "la ltA!T COAST BLVD. 17ttc lmprGT•mentl ln. Gaod Jocallon Corona del Mar H1rbor 3188 ----S--1------- R•p. POIRIER Mo •TG AG< co, For a e or Lease Metro Ll!1 .Ina. J'Undl Kl 1·51'5 WITH OPTJON TO BUY. Good 411lfc 2 bdrm. home, 100 tt. tront1re. LOANS TO BUILD, IM P ROVE. AJI !enced.. Zoned M·l In ctn· lrr Coeta Me1a. BUY, MODER.NlZl!:, Oft DA N A. JACOBSEN, Reil Eat.ate Rl:FINA.NCE Har. 1111111, l.J l ·l :Sl 7, Kl 2·2111 We· Buy Truat Deed• 18cl 0 NEWPORT BALBOA SAVINGS ------------I ilr UJA.N' ASSOCIATlON 1311 Via Udo Ph. H&r. •200 62-·Real Estate "' ---------~---LIDO ISLE Poul Barto Realty 11121 Harbor Blvd. Call anyUma l.J I· 1t 7t _, ______ _ Coron• del Mar Two SR homt ahort dllfanre from ocean on Jumtne Av1, r1r1plac1, hw nn. dual noor t urnan, Jtlninl' room, Larre kit· cbrn. •rvie. poreh, I a r I 1 double gar ph.11 16 X 16 work 1hop. All Ju.t. ttdecoraled. In• .ade 1 nd out. 40 ft lot. A Yrrr • B/ 8 GRACEFUL (MNG wllli pttnq and quiet la -In tb1I """"' loua LIDO -n. llaw1-CODiltnl<llOO oo TWO 11111 lol8 !aod a ..,.,.... t.ool of!-. • S ta,.. boclrooma • Plua dee or famlly room ·~ batha • Lots• dln!nz ...... • Electrio kitchen • Ot~ p.ra.p with elec. door ope.ner • 50'x&:S' walled l&na.i -Patio with • amp&e room for pool AN EMINENT HOME FOR A DISCRDllNATING FAMILY -$48,500, • * * * • NOT ONE BUT TWO ' SPECI' Actn..AR VIEW horoea on FM Jot.a ln Newport Heights' ma.t wanted loct.tion! ONI: LARGE • bed.1ooma 2 b~lha Hidden bar Dlnlnf ~m OHJ: WEDIUX .... .._. 2 bath• Built In ran.re Bar kltcht.a V!aw rrom every room A b&rsaiA at f47.~ Workahop 6 laundt'1 ro61i1 Worth mon than Pl ,000 BOTH EXPENBfVI! (But .., are Cadllla ce) BAY ~ ~EACH REAL TY, INC., Realtors 187~ Harbor Blvd., Co.ta. Mesa., Californ..la Liberty 8-77H Evea Liberty 81 31U • • BAYSHORES • • 1 CHOICE LOCATIONS 2 BEDROOM, 1 bath ,.,,.,.,,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,, .. ,,,,.,, . .,,, . ., .. .,$19,500 2 BEDROOM, 2 bath, carpeted " draped ,,.,, __ $2f,500 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath __ ,,,,_,~,,,,,,,,,.,,,,, ___ ~t,500 2 BEDROOM, furnilhed ,,,_, ___ ,(Sold) .,,, __ ,_$19,500 2 BEDROOM, 2 bath, Carpet«! and draped. Comer lot __ ,,_,,,,_,,,,_,,,_,,_,,:_,$27 ,500 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath _,,,,_,,,,,.,,,.,(Sold) .,,,,,,_,, .. ,,,$22,500 3 BEDROOM. 2 bath _,,.,,,,,,,.,,,(Sold) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.,,~.750 HARBOR lNVESTMENT CO. Harbor 1600 Ev,. LI g,538ft B. F. Apt. New 2 Br. aeaaon 11320 COA.BT PROPERTIES, 301 r;. HOME -3 8. R., 2 8 ., lovely. S.lbo& Blvd., .B&Jboa. Harbor Nnr office 12x2t. Lido shopping ' e_1 ea. 176 mo. on ' yr•. Jeue. BAY A BEACH REALTY ll"C. 56-Money Wan_led"---- lst TRUST DEED AT $300 A (tm. LuxuMOUI dream home. excrptlona J ma1ter bt!drn1. with b1.th. A •l&hl to Ht. F. P. $37,000. Owntr tranart1 r~. nea.ulu1tt• lmm•dlat1 ttle gr TRADE. Submit Beverly Hilla l'ood buy at 121,600, with low -----------~ HUOn · ................................ $lto0 JW or Harbor 4800. t! BAL SHORES-4 8 . R., 41 B . ..:... ------------ tea.an ...................... $2~ BAY FRONT, upper 2 bedrm., BAYSHORl!:S 3 B.R . corner -rumlah«I apt. Year Jeaae. eu.10n ...... ··-·· .. 11300 Adult.. Har. f.774. 20p22 BAYF'RONT APT.-Udo 2 8 . ~ yrly. . ..... -·· 122~ mo. '~ DISCOUNT! REALTORS 311 2 t.!1yette HIT. U-43. Htr. 2999 F.vra ____ 'Juat to thr rl1 ht or Udo .Brtd1e' PENINSULA ' NICE AREA ---------"'I Unfurniahrd apt.. with ... r•r• • Gro'und Fl l B.R.-seo • 2 B.R.-1110 oor Motl of lhc11 hom1:1 can be broken down In monthly rent· •ls tor aumnu~r. Ph. Har. 12&4 -!:vu . Ha.r. lMI " Has a p .. rrect bank record ot Jl•Ym,.nta. \''u 14.000 nuw S3,S80. 1i-fonlhly paymrnt1 ••• l~."l. lnttreat I pt:rcent. Th• lt>t has a 100 ft. tront&(r on the matn h11hway with a full ,.1,.w of the <>C'e11.11 and 11 \"ery • OFFICES OR STORES va!URbl• Ph. HARBOR M6& ~lYRTLE DAVYt Rtoa.ltor Har. 6.f4f lk20 NEWPORT - CHANNEL FRONT a B. R. tuM'llahed yearly rental 1100 tne. utlltlea. Ph. Har. 1214 -Evra. Htr. 13..'ll 1 or a bdnn. apu., laundry rm. By day, wMk or mont.b. BLUE TOP MOTEL f.03 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach 17ttc SEE ME 1 TA NELSON CORONA DEL MAR F OR CHOICE RENTALa. 81:ASON AL 6 rl:ARL Y. no& I:. Coaat Hwy. Ha.r. &MO u rUJtNlBHED bachelor apt. ullL ------------1 pakl. ~ mo. Petman•nt Delu.. a bid.rm . 2 bath Bayrront A pt., with n-rurnttun. Sum· mer 9'UOn, 1700 per mo. Boat •lip a•allable. • Avallabl1 now on Udo. E)tctUen\ I tt.dnn., 2 t.th home. Y1ar leue. IZMI per mo. p. a. palmer lncorporated ol• bu.on co. m&n&aflmcnt 1331 VI& lido b1.r. 1000 1100 w. cout hwy. llb S.M7J ON BAL.BOA IBLAND Ull ua ror y1&tly uo aMIOn&I nntall. trn.ant. ~ Jl.fil\lne, Corona del Mar. Har. 229. ltpll 20cJ2 LIDO Baylront 2 bedrn1,., dt n. J •1 balht, pler. and alip. Avail- able Aur. 1 t(I Sept. I ~. Har· bOr 0211 l0c2~ --~--'-----.WEAL f"'OR. CHILDREN. Un. NELDA GIBSON, Ru.ltor turn. 2% br. redtt0rated home toe Marini Av•. H.arbor !Wl2 nHr center ot COila J.re1a. - BALBOA 181..ANO ' LC•· yard, p.ra1•. Har. 111:..c. • l :itfc Two BJCDR.M.. duple.a: '80 mo. -----------Bnno new -cut.. MAX. W. POPll, Realtor. ltol Harbor 8J'ld., C.t& Meaa.. u 1-114.2. lf.ltc. Deluxe Duplex FURNISHED t..EA!E only a brtdrm hOUM clo1te to lhopr»n1 centv, Cona Mtu . Kl (>.-6519 or Hu. lilt l ttc NEWPORT BEACH 2 be<trm. turn. ho'1M. S0.-32nd Street. Har. 122t. llp20 l'fll:WPORT KJ:lOIM'S-2 bdrrn. houae, aome drape• a. carptt· 1n1. Har. N7f.. 1&c20 For Leaae in -after ~ p .. m. fA.R80 R &.:.67 Harbor tnve.Lment Co. Bldg. ----------"-"" 30th & New port Blvd. Har. 1600 ""-A-8u1tJne111t Rt-otai. lt44 N,..w~rt Blvd .. Coi t& J.tc1a. Attr•cli v1 unfur'fil11hl!d orf1ce1. l room 130 -2 4 room~ 11:. - Harbor 61!).8. rm~. l !.10 Park.Ing. 17t fc BAl.J30 A ISLA ND-bldg. 20 by 40 tor garace r~p1lr or -? Har. 092 19 Lfc M-Bullin~~portunl~~ loco I 5 & I Oc Store Gt>o<:I lea.11e. R~••on abl• 1122 Newport Bl\'d., Jite111. CAFES term1. Co1la l&c29 2 nice •pol•. Pet ahop-Laundro· 4111t. all top loc•tlona. Open tor dM.11. BA LBOA BA\" PROPERTIES 1:,0~ W. Balboa 8 \Yd. H1 r. ~Ill.I M-Mooez to Lou 2nd & I st T.D., LOANS Iii'• v1n1 all Or1nge County \Ve Buy Trust Deeds le Make Co llateral Loans Roy1I Mortgage Co. 2llOJ Nnvport Blt d ' NprL Bch. 57-Rea.I Estate \VantNI Listings Wanted }<'or quick sale o( Costa Mesa Properties (Member of Multiple Listing Service) ED JONES REALTOR port H•rbor area. com• property. X-44 NtWl·Preaa. LJ. 1-3333 Conalder In· Write Box llp21 T\YO DUPLEXES Near Hl1h School. l11come $3.8;)(1. Total price 132,000. Will tak• part t radt . Har. 0:'.191 20c30 60A-...COmmerclal. Industrial B/B Commercfal lndu1trial Department M·I 10 ACT.f:S -Now R·4 but pn::· po~ M·l under new ;\la11te~ Plan. Top location -~0,000. C,2 LOT &O' x 300' on 17th 8\., Co1t1 "ieu. In · the h~&rt ot thf' new f'O!n· n1e1·c1al 1trip. $27,.WO. 2 ACRES 1'1·1 Potel\li•I v.·eu elh.••led ba· tw•n two v.-.11 k.no11o·n manu• tacturln1c-oncema.120.1)01), 1 TEAR OLD, 2 ti.di oom and den. l "\ bathe. forcfd air ltMt, pr1v1l1, Mrbttue and patio. Beauu rul v\1w, ptcture win- dow• ov'-rlockhlC lh1 ocNJI. Vtr)' &tU.CUY• and w.U d• ta.11«1 hdm.. Nl<iel)' tumW!9d! Adult.a. One J'Nlr 1..... Ull J.fornlns Can1on Road, Corona dti liar. Harbor .t.tMW. 11CM CORONA DEL MAR, Ckl•e to bMch. Be&.utlf\il 2 bdrm. ranch hOUN and (lb&na. Ldvely 111· ltrt11n.1nr pat+o "'{llh BBQ. $MIO mo. tor-JUM, July. WW conaldtr 1tUI "'""· Ca.II Ford V1n1nd1r, Kar. 42N. lfc2l 2 BEDROOM 6 d•n rum-. h~m--;, 2• nr. pnone aenic• Bay & Beach Realty Inc Colt.a M-Ba"k R•y. All ~---------•-•_u( REALTORS Harbor 1549 1~100 ap11Uan~•. S l2~ mon1h IJ HOME LOANS 1117ri 1-larbor Roull'Vl f!I • 1 brm. a ba. Udo HnuN 12l0 1·3!1~J ltp10 Co•t.a Mua, <"'mltfornta. ""' •' -C R.a R. F. Of"lldf• • B&yrl'Onl apt. hirnlahed, Wllb I BEDRM. \Ullum bOUI• y,·lth onetruoUCIG -fui&nc-8al.. R. \\'. GooN9n dov.·n pm.ymenL Furnished & Completa JOHN E. SAOLEIR IVIU. RCA 21 Jn TV, Hotpolol R.llAL'l'OR •ulo wuber, All lilr.• N-1 J arrL l van W. Et'Jul rdt. A•.ocl11.te bdrm.I, 11.ra1• ,.,1th ovem..d BAL.BOA BA Y PROPERTIES 3333 ~ Cout ""')'. ffl,r 2422 door. nne lawn front A O.ek. u • 20t-i2 Only 110.~ ~ dn. Why not M I~ \V. BalOO.. Blvd. Har. :11 rood lo your family A cheek I SELLING on thie. lt'1 TOPB. OPEN HQ USE L1r1e H•rt\Or Blvd. bu1inr 11 ror. 2 bdcm naUo ~ta&• wlth ftrt- 311 l t ARIGOL.D, CdM nw. priced tQ -U u 1n\'t1l· j plM:e, rood. loc&Uon. ~ iot 2 bedrm. hou.11e • r ueal houH. I m.ent.1 lli:I mo. Income on lpaff tor n1u.&1. IUlit 111,000. Carpel~. 45 It. lot. St1n d11<k . I portion of kit. tor lnterut •nd I Fenced Yard. OPEN l·l P .M. a.xr1 orf-~t u 1pticulatlon).IS bdrm. 1 \-. ti.th It.~ ol\Jr AU.. \\'EEK. Or call Belrt Jocallon for mercantile, ll,500 dn. MAX POPE' Rltr. 11le4_1ca.I or llf!l"'t'\C. .iaUon , Hu 3 bdrm., ckn be&uUful ta ..... n I: lo bt 10ld. C1t-•r-1mall down. 1hrub1 110,SOO -12000 di .. 1ai11 H;u bor Blvll. Coat& 1'feta J,lbrrty 8-11 42. Evet. LI &-41~ 1~21 CLOSE IN R·l LOTS In new rl'1lr!ct~ •ubdiv. IO rt. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1M7 Newport Blvd .. C:0.'4 Men Ll 1-1 832 Evea. Ll 1·1400 ~-------- rronte ge. AcrOll lrom Ci>,l• L v· L Mrea P11rk . 18th A Anahrlm.1 arge· leW Ot Only a rcw left. 13300. Term• \'all. LI -8-1711 or LI l -ff21. N"t""·port Hll. Not a leaaehold. • lk32 RN.uced Lo Sl~O tor quick -------~-~---cuh..ie. DAN /I.. JACOBSEl'I, I LEMON ,til:JGHTS DISTRICT La•t available Jot. 100xUS5 on cul de ••c 1treet •urroundtd by vtclu11ve cuatom built homea. All improvem~nl• plua 20 11.rg, a VOCl do l~ea. Real Eal.ate, Har 0891 LI l ·U lT Kl l -2111. 20c:!2 - Reody to Move in (with chlldren I S·}'r. old C&jlt" Cod home on 4:. tt. 0on·t mlaa tldt ou. L. Hommond 13A r. 171.h Bt. C. JL Ll 1·'813 Right on tho water In Corona del )(ar -2 bdrm.a. J Mthl. A d1U1httul 1pOt. Very pr\v1.t1. For the pel"IOn who lowftl chlldttn -Pn..chool for tOta;. Pol"&" rood bualMN. Price la •try ..-nab le. Real Values G.l. RESALE -I Bdr, turniahad, Hdwd floon. Ula. IO It lot mi Coet.a Me.. Bt. Full pnH- 111.IOO Trade equJty tot :U toot Modem hoUH Tn.!.lar. LOW DOWN -I BedRt J )'MN old, Hdwd noon. TII•. ,.,,.. pt&ct, 2 car Cara1r. Lot 60x14.ti LOT• -E. 211t. a t. aoxuo. ail< ona on Hamilton 70.ISJ for 12&00 or tn.de for .-qulty ln I S.dR ci-In bcnnl. B. A NERESON UA.LTOft 1982 Newport Blvd., Cc»ta Mua Llbart7 1·1172. E.,..., lJ. 1·1611 ,. LJbm:y Wiii WATERFRONT I b.r .. 1 l\ bath, rum. Dupl•x 1·2 b.r, turn. f. b.r ., ! be.lb Studio, elet"p1 I ....... IH,Mlt 12t,600 lll,'f:.0 PIER AND FLOAT J b r., dbl pr. {2 bai.baJ PriCt!d ri(ht Duplt:x, 1-J Dup\u, J b.r .• -atudlo .t. b.r., 2 MUI Pl,000 117.000 ... .... l k 20 Jot Mnlth or hlchv.·ay nur Uttle Corona Btach. 3 bd~ l _!.; bath&, fon:ed air ilH.~ dl•h· •·uher. Complttely !•need yd. v.11.h 111parata play ,-rd a. nbar (l&M covered paUo. •10.000 ca.ah wtth 'balance at 5';' •. Will wU rum. Owner Har. I069. Courtny to broker1. 20p22 C·I lot.,. 300 fMt on Newport Blvd. Ill,~ BACK BAY . Good. ktt. fOslat -... .. CURT DOSH, Rltr. 3 15 Marine Ave. Balboa lslond• Harbor I 560 SELLING Corntr lol. good !oration, reedy tor your home or duplex. Clo.a to Golf CourH . J UST $f.OOO. ORANGE COAST PROPERT1ES 18:17 Nt wport A'''· (.;oat.a )(tu LI 8·11132 Evee Ll 8-1 •00 THE MOST a.ttra.ctive home with Rt"ntal Apt. one could find on BALBOA IS- LAND for the price. S btdrm•., 1% bat.ha, l bedrm., l bath a pt. Beautiful patio. 2 cu 1ar11e. S31,000. Oood ter nu. ••• ~6~!;1~~~~. , DORIS BfV. Y, Rlt~. 11n\tl forn. ReducN lo 135,000, 211 .S.r.U.., Balboa l1l&l\d terma. Real Money Maker. H..J.. IO or M BALI!OA BAT PROPERTIES 1----IMI~ w. &lbol. Blvd. Har. &181 181 ACRES Rolllnl[ tooth1ll r1nc-h In Bouqu .. t BY OY."NER Canyon._ o rm. edobe hom•. BALBOA PENIN8Ul..A. newly tum. t.-rc• hor1e N rn. J fumlahed 2 bedroom plut 1 br. bunk rm•. 3 car 1•r. ' runnln1 111e•t hou•e. pat'61. 1 1\ bath1, eprtnp 4 ~ 1crea ftnced, Small down. C1.ll H1.r. lll iO-W. approx 10 aCT"t-1 could be put l!k20 In P"rm. p••ture or alf1.lf1 -----------SSl .M>O •, <lo.,... nr tnt"le for H•rbor 1rea propl!rty. H11rbor ~971 2ik2S Fitzmorris Rlty. Co. ~.'.;"."' ... "'' ....... lt&ALTOR llUllhffl Broll:•r Mul.Upla lbt1n1 11N E. Cout Hwy., C.D.N. In Newport Bealh Harbor 11~2 Lots -Small House . l'wo of tho.a ha.rd lo set. clOM lzl ft.·2 Iota. PIWI ca.y tittle home at rear or 3rd )oL De- alrable loca1.hm. Wilt Mii •P- arately. Full Prtc. -11:.,7M>. Owner on property Wtt• end& or evanlnr•, phone Har f.088. 1Sp10 Sptct1tor1 Attention CatalJna Ii: Ocean View S bedrma., 2 baUI tt.aldenu, 'IbiJI fllle property rt4U«d for quick 1&Mo. Owoar ha.I mov~ \Q an· olbu city. MUST BEU.. Full price S22,500. Only 14000 dow,!l. Claire Van Hom R.E.U.'l'Olt. 2711 W. cout Hwy LI Mm NEWPORT HTS. 1 btld.room 6 dill. lhilact. dlat.rlct •1&00 down t\IU prlot •10.l60 COS"!'A MESA LO'l'S I t..rr• bulldll'lf ldlaa MU JTlh It .. near market c.nter. Wiil •Pill up. Priced be~ market, AU Improvement. a.n tn. LISTINGS W ANTpl We h•'I• many bu)'IN W&l\lftl", try \II tor acUon. NBC REAL TY CO. Xnd A N..wport. ll~vd. Har. OMI SELLING BACK BAY AR;i;A., 11000 dn. 2 BR., dble. 1•rai•. J year• old. F .P . IU,000. 2~99 Willow Lani, eo.t.a MIM or tra.d• for .U.uat de9d or, tractor or farm 'ART' ADAIR, Rltr. ------------1 llM Newport Blvd., Cea~ Mt• BY OWNER LI NTH 1 LI ...... Dfl-1r&ble " atte l\.AlfWO, 2 Md.rm. homa, ~mlalied. ftee· tn c and s11 ra.nsat, doubt• pr•r• hu rwrtied·ln plumb- tnr to ronvert tor l~ft apt. Car port fOI" 2 ca.ra. Rep&bl.t.K. J"\lll ~IWM. 'hriii. eq11tpme.nL Owner U 1·"32. l•tle --------1 Nl:\\'-3 b.lrm. hou•. 2 c1.r 1•r- ..,. clo.1 to at1appln1 ce11tar, COit& w-. By owner. KI ~-1)10 or H1.r. 1121 Ille A'tTft.A.l..TlV'E duplex, llel.r UdO •hope. J'U.rnlahed. •t..,000. Sho.,..e excrllrnt return. l.J 1·12!.7. lltfc NEWPORT BJ>,CH I A I INdt'OOm ~ A 1 alq'le apt. Doub14i ,.,..-a on t•o ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 11.,7 Newport Blvd .. c-ta )f-. LI a.1a32 £ve1. LI t-1400 »l&. lll,600-Ter .... l llaocll ------------ CLIFF HAVEN ....,...,. A ttorqe roon1 ~lJ ~~ • a~·-.. · t 'i\ O..y or nl aht phone U . s-71l f. • Pl•r. c.t'l~r St . C'O&l• M• .. Adult. Ina. hnda -Bids. ~ Loan ----~ BY OWNER, new ranc.11 bom .. I '· a. palm~r lncorporat.fld Gfl.tJ', u MN.a lkJt Prlv1te Mun•y' 2 Acre a Beaut M· I twi.tnn, 1-. b1.th. dblr ,..,..,., BA CK 8A. Y VJJ:W COft.NEft LOT. 70lllf.O .•. E. comer Tl.l.-u. 6 1Mrra Vllt&. ITllO cub. u .... 11, llkllf. f'nila w • Mwllll w 41.1\11el. OaU ........ HU. dM &tUr I p. -. or u,uma Mo... 'r\Mll.. Wld. 11cl0 516 Blpal Road UNDER $18.000 Alt1dtn1 Eiccow Ole Hanmn Co. M&na.,erril'nt. ---~· · --TTuat Deed• Bought '&i Sold 1'EXT To 1100000 NE\\' BAB· built ln ovm, ato"•· dtahw-..h- UU m Udo. Kar. ltGO OCEAN FRONT Cl.ll hr ~ Cornmnm .. ot COCK ELECTn01"JCS Ml"C-er. ue1>d brick fhTPl•c.c-. ror• Tau 1•~ ~WLI quJcker, e1tu.pu ~ N" .... P,.. W&At &dA. • • Y&AIU.V 2 bdrD1a., C'Uftljllf't1>ly tum. util. pd. iOOO W. Ocean F'Pon.L. N..-port Ilea.ch. ltUc DON I. HUDDLESTON J.lonrtnia nei i 1t1h 124.000 • dr•i--l lO,MlO f.tl E. 16tb Ll ~J ~ M-'"1" Owntr. w 1·32JI!, 2otf. Pltt•. Coet& Ma11.. U 1·2~. JTI JD. 1Tlb IL J'l!deral. CM lllfo , • lttl• LOTS, on t ha Bay M' lo 1f.0' trontare. s•oo i nd up pet" tront lt:tot lo qUllUrlld blly1>ra. r 1era rermllt'1t. 0-. McNa,.. m an.. ColliM i.l&nd. H~b!Jr ... 1 ..... • IHC'I tq. tt. Ju.t ~ 1J2·A ltUt llUI Bt., CCllU M-ML No. 7l,ll lbcrwa MU7 'UJI Llbtrtf ........ llcll IOkL u f..141.M ldl • r •!';::!ll!!•!!JIPli!!' !!1!,I -..;· __ _!•!::!•~•!!,' !D!! .. !!!"!!.::....--1!•!::!!f!!!'!•!!!!!~':;__:~-i!!!.::.•!!!'!J•!!P!!0!!__..;-;;...=::!•!::!•!!!•·!!l!Z!!!!!!!! 1~ _ _:·:._,1a!';:~·!!!!!l'!Jll!!•i!:!!h!..'._ ___ NPNP'OA.'F"~ ~AAT 11-PAel t . ORNE...BY.;..l'WEN ~Al L USI .. ..... 7 -h_h WEDNESDAY, JUNE .. '"'-- BALBOA ' bclrm. film. older bome, 1arp u.mr roooa with flropla<e. Unit llool, cutiop dJlpooal, 2 ear prl&'8. 0.0... new,~ ID tho boy, -P3,l!OO- i'IJIST TIKE On"ERED. lneome unit 2 bdrm. tura. ·llo,_ with .1--pnco apt. Excellent rental area. 1 blk. ID bay. $21,l!OO terms. VURN1SllED DUPLEX all OD .... noor. Good IUDlJl1tT rentall. 1 l>loet ID bay. $H,l!OO with low down ,.,,,, .. t. COSTA MESA Cozy Z bdrm. and 1anal. Ranch home complet.oly tum. 2 car prop. Set In heaven o! flowers, treea, 1hrubo. Fruit U-galore. Corn! !or • horH. All fenced. ee x ~-$&000 down. COMMERCIAL comer lfl!Y, z llKI ft. Near Har· bor Blvd. Present improvement. ahould carry till property developed. Beot buy oo W. 19th St. COAST PROPERTIES RUTH JA YRED. Rultor Mildred Rigca and Sylvia Thompson, Associate.. 30L E. Balboa IDvd., Balboa Har. 2MS or 4!!00 OCEAN FRONT HOME FIRST TIME OFFERED. 4302 Seuhore Drive OPEN DAILY. Completely rebuilt. !urniAhed and beautifully decorated. Living room 115 x 23 with fireplace, 2 bedrma. PLUS, bath and ball. Roomy kitchen and aerviee porch, patio and BBQ, 2 car g&r&ge. Located on 35 ft. lot, beat beach aru. Aakin( $~. 750. 4 Units Balboa Peninsula On• 2 bednn., th,... 1 bedrm .• ptu. extn a1 .. p1nr room wt.th bath. Beat loe&tion and in A·l con· d.1tion. Scheduled income ~ yr. Aaking $3:1,000, term-. Channel Front , Pier and Float &2 tt. bulkhe&d -One of the nice•t 2 bedroom homee and only 1 block to Lido aboppin(. A ote&I &t $24,500 JACK BRENNAN, REALTY ARCHES" LI 8-7773 * Oceen Front * * Home & Income 1 JWra&.-6 1 w.... NllW ·~w. .... 14Wr-dou~t. ,..,... ""' ~ • room eoW4 .,. .... lac. ._... elor apt. :K._ ...... M7 a ..... _ ....... ..... lit• ta ...... Jll ,.., u. uta Ja7 fw * p s;atf, NEWPORT BEACH DUPLEX k>t JtlOO. H_,. Udo ...... DUPLEX coms.r Sot 11.J&O da. ....... NmWPOltT BSIOHTI lot. - INOO Is cor. a&M0-(DOt i..,.. bold.) Ltatlnp Wan.i..d MDCBER MULTIPLll LI.ITINO HOMER SHAFER , U4.LTOI\ 109 Mcl'addeo Pl., •t NpL pltt Phone Bar. 1•0 cy Um._ Outstanding Homes $2,000 Down , o ""'*-' .... .,_ y IZ .. , _ 11= ... 7 -• W& HA. VJ: Tft'I: • .m • nr ,. tt • ·--UPPER IA Y AREA •Jll""IO -2U K -Drift ...., s Br. oonu • oa S-lsit&.,__ 8/8 "1 IC. 20th BlroD bullt ..., : :..%. ":: =-- • PllO.,.... ' COSTA ~ESA M2 Bamlltoo -2 Br. 1 acre -make otter U2e Wlllm!nAt<r Pl. -2 Bdrm. NEWPORT HEIGHTS 7311 St. J.,... -Now 8 Bdrm. ~ Santa Alla Avo. -3 Br. -will trodl llClO St. .Andrew• -3 Br. " Den ' tOl IDDp Placo -8 Bdrm. CORONA DEL MAR 308 Poppy -3 Br ... Den BALBOA ISLAND 300 Coral -4 Bdrm. with tneome wllt over prqe BAYSHORES ~ Crutvlew Dr. -2 Bdrm. LIDO IS LE na Via Orvtteo -2 Br. 124 Via Mentone -3 Br. 401 Vta Lido Scud -4 Bdrm. on 77' of Waterfront DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realto r 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 4718 • $750 Down e I bedtOOn\11 .., • W.U te wall ca.rpft • Hlcrllf Meorat.ed ....... • .. pl. w&t.ar heater • nu. tn.ill\ • Nlct-lot • ...... cu.rtlll aDd rutt•n • ......, per MO. iAcl. enryt.hln1 e P 7IO f\&U prt.o. • Balboa Coves e I Bedrm. plUI deft I Voreed a1r h•t ·-· ....... "'°"' e ApproJdmataly I Jn, old • Lars• Baytro.nt let • Prtvata pler rl&:ht.1 • Prtvt.ta be.ch • $ST ,600 tull pric• • E:&cf.llent term.a Newpo rt-Mesa Realty l 7tt N.-.port Blvd., CO.la Mte11 t.l 1-MOI, J:vt•. LI 1-7201 &. LI A-7231. LIDO ISLE WANT ROOM FOR THE CHILDREN AND ROOM TO STRETCH OUT!!! Let 11.1 lhow you thlo 4 bedroom, 2 both homo. Nk>o large livinl room o .. rloob larp patio with built-in BBQ. ~y landlcaped. 2 car ""'"' out.door ehowcr. Alldng $34~. Here ta • "Chea.pie" on Udo. A rood 2 bedroom hou.oe. $21, 7:IO Low Down. Seo Mr. Norton. OLDER BAYFRONT FACING LIDO ISL9 4 Bedroom., 1700 Sq. Ft. Good Financing. Sf0,000 -~I{> Down. BALBOA COV ES WATERFRONT -PRIVATE PlER lo FLOAT 3 Bedrooma, 3 b&thl, Carpet. It Orapem. Very large playroom, family kitchen, combination liv- ing & dining room 18 x 30. All bedroom.a large. Thia boute will eatillfy all need•. Lovely garden with lath-house pagoda with 1prinlr.ler11. All thia and more for an aaking price of $5:),000. See 01bom. COSTA MESA $950 Down BAY & BEACH REAL TY Inc., Realtors J Bdrna. cio.e llL Compltte!y rt· 3112 La.fayette, HA 3643 2999 Evee. decorated. com~r lot, 1 ,.,,.n "Jw;t to the right of Lido Bridge" ollt. Near Evu-ett Rh. Jr. Hl(h !-----------------=------ BcbooL VOGEL VALUES Two beauutul bomM wit). I W- roolnl plua & tamll)' rocea. -I ::.':':.;-.:::fW:.::.r::c--.. COSTA MESA the best town on earth '4 Bedroom& J Batbls only I monthl old. Full price only $12, 7IO, $216(1 Down, I Tt.00 per month. Owner m1 y accept It .. down. Se. an<! 1ub· mlL NEWPORT HEIGHTS acttr. Built tn o.en alld ,...._ -hantwood noon. Jt.Mtricted A.rtL Terrlfte Bu71 at 111.&00. Real Nice Home NM.r lht Country Club with 2 ,.ery larp b4rma. 1\.-decOrAttd Inside. JU..rdwood noorc -••rr nicely l&nd.caJ*L M&a7 •xtra fM.lUru. A tine bolM la & fine ~tkrn-JUrbt tenna. J\111 prtc. fll,TliO. Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson UM Newport Bl,.d., Co.ta MH& A-Number one IocaUon Eullide, practically new 2 Br. home, large fenced patio with 6' block wall -Plua a duplex that 1a rented for $13!5. AND there'• room for another duplex. Try to beat th.ii one for $18.600. It'• the first time thil houae bu bee:n offered for aale. One of the nicest homea on Broadway. 3 Br., hardwood floon, Large bath with aepa:rate tub and 1bower. Nice B.B.Q. Fenced yard, double gt.rap. Very, Very, clean -Vacant A ready for lmmedlata -ion. $13,750. $'495 Down Nlt\V 3 BEDROOM HOMES UN- DER CONSTRUCTION A.VAIL.ABLE ABOUT JUJ.r lit. RESER.VE NO\V, 2 B&tru., Larf• \i actt lot.I. ''C'' ED JONES, Rltr. Member of M:ulUple U..tJn~ 1m Harbor Blvd. LI 1·3133 Outatanding 3 bedroom. l ':l bath VIEW home Sole• windows. Flgstn. fireplace. Cu.tom draperies, wfW carpeting. Furnace. Acouatie pluter. Diahwu.her, tile aink Ii work table. Mereury awitchea. Two lg. beautifut bath.a with colored fixturea; % bath between 2nd Ir: 3rd bed· rooma. Beaut ya.rd, redwood fenced. Dbl. gar- age with 11undeck. Don't buy before seeing thla exceptional home. Full price $28.7~% loa.n. COSTA MESA ''AT THE 8320 W, Cout Hwy. --------------------I.Ibe:rt7 MTll Ev-. Hu. ua& Corona del Mar Doll -House $11 ,500 Eutalde not far from Alpha-Beta. A two bed· room home (2 yrw. old) with ruace. prbage dJa:poul. comer loca.tlon PLUS a completely fur- niahed apt. both connected to th1 .ewer, Where can you bMt thl• one at $10,~! Good tenna. NEWPORT HTS . Attractive 2 bedroom home look• out on beautl· ful Santa Ana Country Club groundl. Hardwood floore, furnace, handy kitchen, 11ep. dining area. Variety of auorted fruit tree.a, garden, nice lawn. Convenient to Santa Ana & beachet. Owner moving -priced to 1ell quickly - B/B BALBOA INCOME Near achoo!, Tnna., Good bathing beach. OWn· er'1 2 8 .R. & Dea Apartment -Bay View, 2 Fireplacet plus 8 attractive 1 B.R. rental unitl. Nice patioa. Show• Excellent return. Increue tn owner'• family reason for aale. Owner will conaider exchange for home 1n Harbor Area. Four Unita on One and One-half iota. Nleely fur· nlahed. Potential income $450 per year. $35,500 - $16,lj(IO Dowo. Open House Daily 1 -4:30 p. m. 111 "G" Street Price bu been reduced. 3 B.R., 3 Bath1, Ocean View. Built-in Kitchen -Nice patioe. Neat mod•ni. 2 ~ tlnpl&c., G N WELLS R It .......... , ...., • .,., "·~· . . , ea or td..i for rcurN coup1.. call 1810 Newport Btvd., Co.ta Meta LI S.7729 frw appoilltment now, ------------------ Open For Inspection Sat. It Sun afternoon. 127 Jlt...U(OH'A. PL.. (off Santa An& A•• .. Just north of 1:ilb •t.) 1 Jr. old' bed.mi., l!li. balb, copPW plum'MD(, etc., 1~ 8Q. rt. pa...t ldtrMl. pr. dl1p., An ex.o9pUonall7 GOOD BVY at fll,150. Low dn. pmt. A: 113 per month. iKULTIPLll LIST NO. 1611). BA YIHOl\E& lot located on ldtal comer, 119&0. A.L.80 a I bdnn. tlonw tor 111 .•• call now. Ha rbor 2 0'4 2 FRANK JAMES , Realtor BILL'S BEST BUYS NEWPORT HEIGHTS Four Bedrooms, l ~~ Balm with F.P. and Forced air heat. Completelf fenced aod nloely landac&ped. Cloeet to Gra.mmar, lnte.nnedlate and High School. Mu.et be teen to apprecia.te. Full Price $15,750 with $4900 Down OPEN HOUSE Sat Ii Sunday 1·8 P.M. See thil New 4 Bel. Rm. Plua family room home. 1700 11<1 tt. H/W Floors, fl.replace, FI A heat and numeroua other utru. Located at S30 E. 22nd St. Costa Mesa. AN EXCEPTIONAL VALUE at $22,500 SPECIAL olf.0 HOLMWOOD DRIVE FURNiaHED, very •ttracUve t bdrm. horn._ Lars• oomer Jot. Backyt.rd tanced wttb % area pa•ed. OPEN FOR INSPECTJON Tue•. Thun. and Bat. att.lmoone. PRlCED TO BELL -TER..\lS can be arran('M. Excellent Buy 111~00. -"'61 .a: .. t 18th St., Co1· ta K..._ 3 'bdrm. 0 .1. lo•n P&Jment1 582.M mo. lllcl. ill~ illterut and lmpounde. OPEN i'OR INSPECTION \\'ed. Frt. and llun. a..ttemoon•. Ralph P. Maskey REALTOR lf.11 N1wport Blvd. Her. f.02 Good terms. THE VOGEL CO 2667 E. Cit. Hwy., Corona del Mar HA : 1741 HA : 0757 Luxurious Shorecliffs It i11 our pleasure to offer to you one of the finest homes in excluaive Shorecliff1. The home conliiata of a large liv. rm. with raiMd hearth firepl., a apaciou.a family room with it. own firepl .. a lovely dream kitchen with loads of cabinets, a garb diap., dishwasher lt dual bit. in oven & range. There are 3 large bedroom.a & 2 baths PLUS a guest rm. lt ~' bath over the dbl. gar. The home &. gue1t rm. are entirely carpeted wall to wall. ln addition a heated, filtered "Imperial" POOL fenced for protection. Priced at $49,500 . . . Ttnu lf desired. R. L. STRICKLER , Rea ltor R. B. HODGE, Auociale 3622 E. Cea.st Hwy., Corona de! Mar. Har. 2774 BAY & BEACH REAL TY Inc., Realto rs Sii Marine Ave., Balboa hland W. A. TOBIAS , Realtor B/B H50 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, Harbor 126' Eve•. Har. 18M BALBOA ISLAND VALUES SPACIOUS HOME ON LI'ITLE lSLAND -Eztra Wid• lot. tS bedrm1., 4 bath.a, large Uvinr room, .eparate dinJng room, deli1htful patio A playnp. CORONA DEL J.lAR "you'll like our friendly M:rvice" iOO E. 17th St., Coeta llleu Llherty 8· 1139 N rt H ' ht I ENJOYWEEKENDSNOW,1---------------1 ewpo e19 s. R.ET~ LA.TEil! I bdnn. cottace. Ne&t allope A trarui- portaUon. R-1 lot. Week-end Special $9750 (TER.K8) ilU: -IOI Ll.rluput. We have ~lr.•J· CORONA DEL MAR-6 1 I POINSETIIA ST. OPEN FOR lNSPECl'ION -SATURDAY " SUNDAY DEFlNITELY -A FillILY HOME, bif enotll'h to accommodate the most active faro.Hy . Th• Ftnut Home you have -n In yeartt MklflC' l f.0.000 OPEN H OUSE &el A: Buo. NOW VACANT-We have the key. ML No. 74.58 < • • • Fisher & Company 2801 Newport Blvd., rlawporl Harben' «JV. lk20 3 bedroom.a, 2 bat.hi -AND a beautiful LAROE play-room with built-in t.elevi1ion combina.tlon. All wool wall to wall carpet and lovely fi~r glua drape• included In telling price. lt. a. Jhn Dandy. Cot. Riverside Is Clay Bay & Beach Realty Inc REA.L.TORB TWO UNITS -OO&e to Bay and Village. Plea.sant 2 bedroom home and income apartment. Price $29,:500 Term1. ML No. 7401 • • • ONLY $5000 DOWN, -Two bedroom cottage. qu.iet location near So. Bay. ML No. 7367 WK.W. STANLEY SANFORD Real tors HADFIELD Park Ave. at Marine, Balboa I1la.nd Harbor 2482 CORONA DEL MAR CUTEST house in town , Early Amtrican 1tylt, 18&23 livln& room completely cupeted, thermo- controlled floor furn. 1ecludtd patio off living an:a.. Bl& kitchen with Copper hood and fan over 1tove. Smooth redwood panelling around red brick 11 ... place. Thill ill the tblrd "food buy" In a ruaUc, they don't lut. Xlnt term.. $17,900. We hav• jUlt the lot to duplicate the above - South or Hwy. One blk from the bea.cb. Only $7,950. RAY REAL TY CO. 3«4 E . CoOI! Hwy. C:0..... delM&r Har. 2288 (Acrou lroon Bank In C.D.lll.l llEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 5 Ac. on Baker WITH GOOD I bdnn. and den bom., now Mini ruoned tor lnduetrY. "" down. DAN A. JACOBSEN, Real Eatatt Kar. Htl, L1 1 .. 317, Kl 2-2117 lk20 Let U1 1how Jt to you TODAY. Balboa Peninsula-Choice Loca ti on 422 Bel Vue Lane Block from Bay. Spacio\UI 3 B. R., dining room home. 1 %. batht. Lot 50 K 100. Beaut. patio. Shown UlY timr.. BLANCHE A. GATES , Realtor MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTING ONE OF THE LAST view 311 Marine Ave., Balboa laland. Ph. Ha:r. 18n or 1672 Iota In QJ!f Haven. Per· olanent view oC Harbor A BEACON BA y <lte.an. M K 110. 17 ,900 Harbor &Q71 14c.23 A NEW LISTING in thia eacJuaiw W.lrlct with •Uch Cine waterfront privilege.. Living room· NKr Udo 8hoP9 dining room opena to large patio, 3 bedrmt., 2 rwa. I )Mdrm, J bath .tucca._ ba•'--__ ... J t•-"ti e l bed cloM, to Udo llhopp1n1 c.nt•T. .... .._ a VU)' aJ'lfl a ........ v rm. be&t:llM A My. B•crltlce •t apartm.C'nt over 11.r. A real low price of $38,ro<>. 11•,&00. onJ7 17500 down ... w. Hill ...... 041 .. M. . BALBOA IStAND lltlc With va.cant Iota .elllnr at over $11,000 (when SELLING we can get one l thla nne 2 bednn. horue well located with atove, refrigerator, carpet.I and draperie., fenced brick patio la. a real find at $19,000. 8riPl c:Me.rt\1.1 naw decoratad 1 Wrm. bof'n9, I WOe.M lo nrttty ucl P09t Ofnce. 17600 f\111 pnc.. Ttrm.e to wl\, ORANGE COAST r .... N!!?.~!!'~ .... AR U l-ltJ2 E9-. U .. 1.00 Call HARBOR ]775 W. STANLE'f., Realtor 225 Ma.riM Ave., Balboa ll1and.. 1895 Newport Blvd. Coet.a Me-. Callfornta LI 8-1181 -• Evee. LI 1·3010 SELLING -TRADlNG We mw.r1 "mu.t be told" :S ac:rte on PlacenUa acrou llt. from now Wildin• new tubdlvlslon. Make JOU money prlctd Te mu. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1~7 N~ Blvd., Coeta Me1& LI l-1632 Ev"' LJ 1-lf.00 COMMERCIAL' LOT 68 x 1M to alley. Near 1Dth A Harbor $M50 Ha.r. 33e1 1:5trc 2 BDRJ.f. HOME on l••'W'! 101 In Newpurt. H .. t .. hU. ck"f! nlc. nel1hborbood. 1ftkled Y•~ CIOM to .-hool•. By own~\ Ml Rlwnldre Ave., LI 141US: &fttr ~:30 p. ra 12tfr 'iA.!'l DERXARDINO mountat tlbtn A 2 loll liur •tort. •• dudtd 12CW> furn. Har. •~ Penlnfa. llU• ' ACRE eut aide Costa Meta $8,000 132 by 300. PERFECT !or 12 unit.a. • 3 bedrm., 2 bath home, eaat aide Co•la Me1a. Dbl gar., large rumpu.a -came room with fireplace, BBQue, &ink, dl.opoeal. Many other feature. $19,600 DUPLEXES, curb, Sewers, paving tn & paid for. 2 bdrm.1., garage each unit. $160 mo. income. $14 ,!l:IO MAX W. POPE, Realto r Willil B. Jones, A.uocia.te 1908 Harbor Blvd. Costa MMa Liberty 8-1142 Evea. Ubtrty 8--ilM 2112 ACRES BUSINESS PROPERTY On Newport Blvd., close in. Only 1,i of tot&l area i mproved with good buildinp. Income $4.00 a month on leue. A fine invMtment Aad •peculation for 162.500. $2:5,000 cub down. Balance euy 'tUDll. RUSS FORD , Realtor 1600 W. Cout Hwy., Newport Beach LI Mlil EXCHANGES OUR SPECIALTY Bcauti(ul bonte ln T~mple City, 3 yr.. old. Hu 3 bedrma., 2 bath1. covered patio, waU to wall carpet &. drapes. Walled In ground•, 80 x: 200. Out.aide hobby room. Lath &nd hot houee. Room for swimming pool. Nothing nicer, only $29,000. · Ownen want!I btach income proJW-rty. TRADE WHAT YOU HAVE FOR WHAT YOU WAN? G. ":f. LATHROP, Realtor 3635 E. Coast Hwy. . Corona d~l Mar Har. 5442 Eves. Har . .5680 , I • • I . ' ·--a RM'F....a. "We're Moving to Irvine Terrace" Drive ta tod.&7 and .,. for ~ the many oot .. llancllng fe&tun!e or lb.ti ~marbble eom.munlty. More aod mon Hartx>r artt f&mtliee are tnapectlna ~ nqulait. bom .. -aot!ns ·tbeir comfort, coo· venJence and central location. MoA and more fa.m.i.Het who prelet a home in a re- ltricted quality community art moviri1 into their Irvtnt Tern.c. bomee. Inspect the model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely by Martin & furnished Von Hemert lrvlae Terra.ct 11 located on Coast ffiabway 011posit.e the nn lrrine Cout Country Cl:u~ EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor f4t8 For Further lnfonnation * For Recommendation, we refer you to anyone . who bold1 a Leasehold Eetale tn Irvine Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bay Shoret and Clltt Raven BILL'S BEST BUYS DOCTORS, LAWYERS , BUSINESSMEN A.re you lootinr for a location of your own! TtJen check lhiJ 97' C-2 property jwlt off Harbor Blvd. One block from new COlJta Mee.a City Ha.ll. two 2 Bdrm. homes on property can euily be converted for bu.1ineae. Thi.I deal can't be p.used up. Full Price $29,:IOO $10,000 On BUY WITH CONFIDENCE u you apprecJate • dilt.in(Uilhed home, rood nelshborbood. tlnut Conatructlon tberi check thia thr.e bedroom and t&mily room, 1 %. Ba.th home. Top rrade H.W. FIOOMI. UMd Bric. F. P. Forced air heat and a kitchen that will thrill any houae- ,nril'e. Priced to ..U at $27,9!!0 with $8000 On. OPEN SUNDAY JllDO 10 1-6 p .x. 3811 J.!in Loma (off Tlulln A Del 14ar) W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor "you'll llke our friendly .ervice" •oo E. 17tb SL, Coot& Meu Llb<rty g.1139 PULL UP A CHAIR ••.• end listen lo this! The SOO M'mbert of t.ht.MEWPORT HARBOR BOARD'S MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE ..id over .. Million Doll&n worth af real estate tut month, and expect to tell mon than a $1.000,000 thil month! Coopen.Uon among its members &nd conctrted dfort made It pouible. LIST YOUR PROPERTY TODAY With your FavoMte REALTOR , l l . • • p. a.· pa l·m er· i n:c or~ o r_a_t e d .. • .· .. ~ -·--• -,,. • dev.elope~s of Udo Isle • --Beec~ House a-to Lido'• -beoclL 2 bdnn. 1 bOth In -81ooPnc""' and % bath odjolnlnJ •P"' ap. Immecl'ete p? J r itDc. f.22,000. Tmns. Aak Dick -to ... this. . _ Comer ol L0rc11 and 'Soud Privacy and chum .,, tq be fOWld 1J1 thlo 3 btdnn. 2 bath µJ,JO homt. FrNbly paint«! and -vacanL , iwi, cb&nn\111' r .. turea, iAclud!Dg • tenitlc i-t1o. Pri<>6 _,..,.Iota an~ then ..0 .-by ,... tblnk th1a la ... h & lood buy at ~. Vin Rtoly will be bappy' tO obow you th1a 'one. What's it Worth? · We thOOCbt It wu & 'ood bu.y at $29.000. Th• owntt loweted tbe priol to $27.9!SO. u he wull it eold. ThJI" is a very. fine LIDO 3 bdrm. bonic ·. wlt11-2 baths. "°"'°" air btal, .,..,. carpotlng, lovely ldteben I< dfntnr ...., fireplace, dbl. pr .. enclmed patio. See lt today by calling Bl&ncl1< Harvey. Modern ~nd Charming 3 bedrma., 2 botba, wall-to.wall carpeting, sliding glau door to patio, near best Lido awimm.ing beach, deoiJned by Ral Lacy. Full price $26,:WO. Call Lee Schonek for appointment. -4 BA YFRONT LOTS with pier privilege•, 2' ln- 1ide lot.a 18 are corners}. See Jot expert Earl Har- vey. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hen1on co. m1n191m1nl 1333 'ri& lido, h&rllor lJIOO • ~omfoi:table Liclo Home Tblo home la bul1t oa &11 iapedo!ly -8trlda -lot. Unuaually !up for a two bedroom home, It off..-a .full and oomplet. cdmfort ror a couple of cllicriminatlns IPle. ll'w • 1arg<r fam· • • .... .bad • lly, there 11 ample room tQ bt.lild u"!Ylerroqm a~d both. Priced at $31.liOO. Small Lido Home We 1U1geet thl.a ooe u elthtt a summer.home, o· If ybu pmer, u a small com(orj&ble }pr &l'<!und realdenC.. It'• small, but .>rttlt -,·~J>&lnt IJld wallpaper. tt would be a real d.ref.Dl houae. Priced at S21,7ij(). The Right One lf. you have been k>olting on Lido for ju.at_ th~ right houae 1LDd haven't been able to find it, call us and we will be glad to abow you bow euy it ii to find the richt lot and build. Really, you will be pleaaantly wrprised. It mlght be the an· awer to your problem. ' -Lido Bayfront Extra wide lot, large terrace and beautiful yan! with lots or tree&, going to large private beach. Boat tilip, terrific view from livingrm. and dining area, 3 bedrma. with room to add more. Newly painted, vae&nt and only $67 .~. p. a. palmer incorporated olo han1on co. m1n1gem1nl 1700 w • ._t bicJi.way -liberty 8-6573 'C" THOMAS 'C" THOllAS Corona del Mar v v Best Buys Corona del Mar I Belboa Realty Co. Specie ls 9 UNIT INCOME I £XC£PI'ION .u.LY NJ C r: - Bouth of Hlway, VJ.irw, a ti.cl· MIOnl., tamtly room, 2 bl.l.M, hd111·d.. noon. ftnplaoe, beauU· ful paUo, lAcludH dlahwaalk r A dnpea. kit IO 11: JIM, room for in.eome unit -Thi• lt a • 1. 1; SHORECLIFFS. New modern 3 bed.rm. and den home, built·in ato\'e and oven. garb. dilipoaal, car· pet. and drape• included. Large nicely land.ICaped loL Owner lea.ving lhia area, priced to sell at $3•.:IOO. 1000 one at 'M.Tl)O. I _ . ' 2. ,I BARGAJN. 2 bednn. fumiahe4 oo\1:4ge located Lido Isle 4 bdrm. t3 tt. k>l -W ,000. 3 bedroom-. 24 a 11 UY, room ff17 attracuw, ao n.. comer IGt on U.6o Mord. Don't m.Lu UM •t "6.600.. close to atore11 and only 3 block• to oce\n front. priced to sell at $$11 ,~. Only $3700 down. 3. JI' VALUE PLUS 2 bedrm. home plua gueat room plua 1~'' bathe, hardwood tloora, FA heat, cla.e to •hopping uea and only 2 1 ~ block• to ocean and beach. A beat buy at $18,500. AP ARTJ.!ENT BUILDL"IG BALBOA OCEAl'( J"RONT. Year arouM cltnlale. I unit. ph•" manapr'• ·~rtmant. Nlcely t urnW!ed. )&wu!ry and uUUly room .. A·l condiUon and rent· N now. ~.000, lenna. 6 UNIT INCOME • r ALL. WIDE AND HAND&OMZ 11 thla bM.uWul. rncNMm J Y"" r old property. Situated: on 2 k>t• In Balboa and nee.r bNt t14 y .wtmmlnc H&ch, J~ll!•. lo<"1· er room.9 a.nd l&fTe •und1·y 1 Sn UU. •ton b\Q'ins' t!K'ornc· propert,.. JM.000. &enu.. BALBOA PENINSULA DUPLEX' •• -_ .... Retire on five Thousand :Dollars a Year! r I With thla 7 unib In Balboa. ' alnflM and 3 doubles. Exquililf'ly redecorated and tttumlah· td. ..(You've n~ver seen anyt.hinc like it.) Near to Bay and Beach A everythin(. Rtad.v • to go, & many l'8Kl'Vationt already made ro wltb it. A cold tnine for aomt! lucky buyer! $~.MO. Do'111it]>aymt. a.a low as $7500, or wnl tra.de down. WHY WAIT7 THIS IS ITI BUY NOW AND HARVEST 'l'RE JilGH SIJllMER RENTS J UST AHEAD ! .... tOur E.XCLUSIVE, but co urteay to other Realtora) Fisher & Company -2603 Npt. Blvd., Npt. Sch. Har. 4429-Eve. LI 8-321i ~~-------------~ B/ B TWO , ON THE AISLE For Southland's Biggest Show -NEWPORT HARBO:l. Scene 1. YOU CAN FEAST ON THE VJEW, every moment of your leiaure timt. The aun Oood- ed 32 ft Uv room and two of the -4 bir bednna face the \lo'hole Harbor. There's a. real dining room &. a roomy den lea.ding to a huge ahaded patio with room for a pool. P riced to sell! OPEN SAT -SUN 1·5 Juoe 9·10. 2316 OCEAN BLVD. (betw. Fernleaf &. Da.hlla), CD~I Scene 2. OCEAN PANORA.lJA. from the •J>aC· ioua liv room of this two bedrm, 11:: bath home on extra large lot across f rom Corona Highland.a. A large artistically decoratE"d and furniahrd home plea.sing to both taate and put'Sf'. $24,500 Completely furnlahed with just $5000 down . * * * * Bayshores BEST VALUES •. . ,1 BEST LOT BUY, Zoned R·3, 40xll8 and only 1 block to oceu. front on Muguerilfl St. LAST AVAILABLE LOT -Only $15,700. One ot UH la« att.raetiYe P'nln· SO YOU WANT.TO BE SO. OF THE HJGHWA Y, E .... j a bldroorn. tum. krl'r do'fl•n ~)'· ment '11,!IOO. 3 bldn:ion., 1 % beth. VIEW ot bt.1 .. 2S.&oo. I bedfooom. ruut. or rumpua room. 2'i betha, Bayahon Pr. Pl.1~. "C" THOMAS 5. ,1 BARGAIN JUST LISTED -Thia 2 bed room home, iar(e dvinr room, fireplace, dual floor fur· nace, {thermo controlled) plUJo iarte double c•r· age at.resaed for apt. above. Better act r .. t on th1a one! ONLY $H,700 EXCLUSIVE WITH US. MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTINGS CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO . PRICE T. McCUISTJON, Rea.ltor 3-4-47 E . Coaat Hwy. Corona del Mar Har. •17 • REALTOR and A.SSOCU.TES (Office located next door to Newport Harbor Bank, Cd)I) 224 \V. Cout. Hir111n.7 LJ. 1-&:121 N"'JIClrt BM.ch 'C" THOMAS 'C" THOMAS LIDO ISLE BA YntONI' HOKE, PlER A.ND &LIP, IUJ"ll' M ft.. lot be•uU. ru117 w.ci.capec1. Hur• n .. - .tone paUoe &pd wlllQ. 1.arfe I U'rin&', clJ.n.iAI' and br'Mktut rooma. I t..droom., t"' bl.th.I. klt. with bullt·ln 1'8n.gt, o•en • dlthwubtt. R.t., dr•~• 4 LIDO ISLE TO SEE -IS TO WANT this exqui.llite 4. yr old -4 BR. home. Juat like new in condition but with many add'l extru by owner. Carpet. and drapea 41"e lovely. Diahwuher, diapoul and buiJt ·in kitchen plUJo weatherstripping. A home to delight the moet di.lcriminating. $(5,000. - BAYSHORES auJ1 "potnt " propert.L". Only fl I YMl'8 old aii.d rtttnUy redf-r- oraled. Ra. 3 bedroom8 up and I 2 dowll. all nioely ful'Tli.t.hcd double 1•rac1 aod paUo. C11 1• l~y. $21,:ioo, terma. 4 UNIT INCOME °"'"Iler betnr tn.iwt'err-.d.. \VLU t ..U hi1 4 unit bulldiJll", !"O"Cenl· 1 Jy rfodeoor.ted, nJoely f\lrnLlhe..l j Adj1ocent to the bay. $18,000. t'rm•. NICE 2 B!:OROOJ.I HOJ.[E and cute blochelor apartment In rear. La,..... lot, •S*Ciou. pall<> 2 ain$1e ,..,..._ AJI tuml•hed .. • muat. iii. •t 117,500 with ttrm1. PENINSULA HOME J, BCDROOM, 1,. bath•. e 1 .. n'1 "'"''• buill·IJll kitchen, di1h...,·••h· .-r. birch cabinets. l::J,,MIQ, ..,.,. down. Balboa Realty Co. Oppolllte Bank ot America. ROM GrNley t'd Ltt Joeepbbw Wtbb , "Everything ia too high"! Well. you'll agree "''ith WJ that this one ia priced RJGHT. Two bedrooms, 2 batha on a 45 ft lot. Modem detign with Iota of glua and built-ina. F.P . $17,900. EASY DOES IT Rel.uc in beautiful Corona del Mar by the sea 1n this compact two bedroom home. Enclosed patio. Priced to tell at $1-4 , 750 with euy payment.I. BAY & BEACH REAL TY Inc., Realto rs Corona del Mar Office 3530 E. Cout Highway. Harbor 5!S63 BALBOA ISLAND VOGEL VALUES BEAUTIFUL, RUGGED - You get durability and charm of rough, uwed redwood. and open beam ceilin.p with 1ge. uMCI brick firtplace. Nice patio, and bar kitchen, fam· ily room. 2 bdnna plua -aleepa 7. ExceUent fur. nishinga incl. tor quick sale @ S2•.500 -term.a. 2 BR It DEN, ju.st plain hou.M Newport. Harbor Board of R It \VfW c•rpetlfl&' In llY .. din .• 1 ea Ors ...,~m . .., .... HT.000 - V arr l'ood Urmll. Ideal and aafe for children in thia .1t<:luded restricted area -with private beach. We have a 3 bedrm. furnished home with large patio for Iota of entertaining outside. ONLY $23,500. 700 IC. Balboa Bl•d .. Balboa Phone Hart.or 3271 SELLING Well bit., plutereid. interior with hdw. floors, fire. place dbl. garage. Right in top location near abopt; & be11.ch : and ripe for a 1ummer uvlnr d4'11. Only $22 .500 COSTA MESA VOGEL VALUES '; ACRE RANCH HOME Only e yn. old with 2800 aq. ft. of living atta and comp, furn. 70 s: 315 Lot and room for 5 in· come unit.a. 3 br le lge. rumpua room that can be and is now being uHd .. a duplex. 2 bath•. Lft.. i.ivtnr room, dining room. Lge Kitchen, patio, dbl. prage. Reduced to $19,950 for qukk aale. LGE 3 BDRM I< DEN with 2 na,.tone fireplaeu, apacioUJo dichondra lawn with .. veral bearing fruit l.rfta, lge. chttry lritchen wit.h brak.fut •~a 11..nd .eparate dining room, 11 :: batha. $21.~. THE VOGEL CO. LI 8..'11106 SHORECLIFFS OCEAN VU:W. MAGNll'ICEZ..'T 4 BEDROOM, I BATH HOME. Hq1 11~1ns room A den. 187 n . trontq._ Only 1 yr. old. \Vh•l.ever )'OU ...,.. looklnr tor In • home, thl1 on1 hu It 1:12,IKIO, tenn.e. Oceen Front Lots .. 7.8~ to .. 1_2,MKI AND A DELIGHTFUL 2 bdrm. 2 bath home. Al.a fumitlhed on Vial& for ,28,000. Both are fine yr. round homes or incomes. Sum· mer rentals e11:ceptionally good. DO SEE THEM. MYRTLE DAVY, Rooltor & Assoc. Helen Baum Hazel Condon 3432 Via Oporto Har. 5446 Eves U 8-5297, Har. 8-1709, Har. lOli·J J bedrm., new. 2 bath, nlAtler bdrm. hh tile b•th. Dellg-httul I large airy cheerful room.. Elci· pol«j beam c:elliJl(I. Lo\lvl'l I ~·lndow•. Slldlnr ,1,,.. door• to Cl'll)tnt pa.ti<>. lnter-cu111m •v~teom, All•l'hfll dblc>. f'Jr· _ '''· Wld1 landllCaped lot. T~k t cie.r lot u down or 111b· n1Jt. SICE 1131 W. V\ctorl•. ORANGE COAST . 1 PROPERTIES lnduitrial lots '--------------------18.'ii N'wport BJvd., ccwn• Mtw & Acre~ J I u s-1'32 en .. u ~1•00 . FR~ '.,'i'10'.:00 \., .;,;rom I FOR SALi: AND LEASE BACK BALBOA ISLAND Seven Islands Realty 1 CL.ASS A atore and office building located on A'l'T'RACTIVI!: 1 f.IR. HOP.tr;. & Investment Co. most import.ant com('r in Pasadena. Price .(Uest nn. •bath. Al.lo 1 bdrni ~-:S!nd St .. N_.pon lkh. c.nr 1 $700,000. Will pay 7rc net net and will deposit ~i • .t.0"~:.h. A•ktnr 12/it.M>O. H•r. aMI. en"" 6 p ,,,, Har. !W'.17 j $300,000 aa lease accurity. Large depreciation factor. BALBOA B4.Y PROPER JES l&M \\', Balbo& Bll'd. R.r. 511!! 10 Ac. M-1 & C-1 1700 Newport Blvd., Coota Meoa. Eves. Harbor UlS-M CALL OWNER, T. D. Roger•, Ryan 18167 or Harbor 3828 ON WEST l 1lb 8t. ne•r Harbor I Blvd., B&nta Ana. T~a now ~-------------------! btllrir pulled. Buy pa.rt or •II Wltll rt:leue cllwte. --------------------·! rNOUITRIAL .A.CR.JI.AGE 8o. Eut kttta AM fnHn • t.o 46 •ere• or more. UtWtlM, RR 1 ... cke with front-.• on protu- lnent llrftt.I. LIVE ON THE ISLAND FOR FREE By ttnUnr one 6 Uvlnc ln the other of t.hia TWO UNIT VALUE Near beach A at.ore&, completely fwui.ahed. Ex· cellent financinc. $26.000, NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 308 Marine Ave, Balboa l•land, Phone Har. ~2-Har. 4623 DAN A. J'AOOBBmN, Re•l .£-tale Har, Mil, LI 1-4317, KJ i -2187 ..... $5000 DOWN OC'&A.N rRONT, l bdnrw.., t •t MUia. FA. •t. daiiible prq., ue.11. !oration nMr Bay. BALBOA BAY PROP&KTIEI 1300 \\'. U&lbo& BIVd. Har. 61111 "JO!HU A·nu:J:" -l•t 1ctt1, n_. ca~ U200 tull pc"ite. ~I ml. from P91m llpT1ftCt. 1Sll hnla A.na. COila Metia. 18p20 $8875 to $14;500 INSPECTION INVITED 5 Custom Bu ilt Mbdels ~eel a home tti' 1Wt your nteda. Built on your or our lot. FHA terms. ORANGE CO ... ST PROPERflES 1857 Ntwport Blvd. Cost.a Mesa U 8-1632 Eve• 1J 8-1400 u FRED CRO&IJ:R LI 8-7180 Kl J·IMJ t8c20 Income Propr.t1 N'.Morly aew •tt,..cll•• C-ta )(@9 dVptea. lDoam9 .-t.Md)'. llS.llOO t'llR pr1e1. t.MOCI dowa. I!!. W , Hiii. Har. 051.J..M'. 11 lfc ~ltodene Escrow 1 111·4 c..t 11th 81., CO.ta '-'"" UMrty l--JM3 JJclf THE VOGEL CO., Realtors (next to post office) 208 Marine Ave., Harbor 4+4 or 101' EXTRA SHARP Lido Isle 'I'wo bedroom bceuty. Tops in e,·ery deWI. No "touching up'' neceeaary here. Full price $26.500. Good terms. Lido Realty Associates 3400 Via. Lldo Harbor 4.4.44 * KINGS ROAD * Unu.ceUed view o( bay and harbor, 2 bedrooma, dining room. 112 batha. 2 flreplacetJ, large play· room. double Ja.rage. Lea,se.bold with 15 ,._,..to run. Price $33,950. EXCLUSIVE WITH GREENLEAF-SEVERTS REALTY, INC. 3112 Ntwpen Blvd. Newport Beach Harbor 2552 E\•eninga ('•II I.I 8·3186, L.I 8·5-405, Har. 3921·\Y • ' I i'