HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-06-11 - Newport Harbor News Press• " Hospital Bureau to Chem Into Grand Jury Allegations SANTA ANA f0CN8) -R.e· pUc&nta f~ )lolplt.aJ medJCal llUBDER S1J8PEOI' LEAVES NEWPORT -Puadena Det.ect:1vea R. W. Rod- eollln( trom a f1'&Dd J\117 blUt, dlrector'1 pest. ... __ -L. d ti lb• coupty board ot .. .,...n.on A total ot 11 appllild ror lb4i man (left) a.nd R. L Jamison (right) leave Newport oeacn police etec ve Friday c&lled on the St&t.e Boe-poeiUon. The ua wu cat w bureau with Kenneth Puhby. 25, suspect in the alaying of a 19-year-old Pua· • pltal Burau to euduct a top-I rtvt, now to two. Dr. John Un-dena eecretary, Ml8e Marilyn Marie Fink. Puhby was picked up by Newport of!i-• lo-bolt.om tn-Uptlon ot coun· lOD reached l't'Uttment -C• and ty 1e.nen.a ~llal. wu forcecs to .iep oa.t .. medS· cen ye.t.erd&y morning. -· J Tbe board pa.med a raoluUon I cal director. • TBB WDJNa8 -Trying to take in three ttnt and two eecond place awards to .-J141pit&I Bureau Cblet Board Ola1rmu wuu. war- won ID it.at.wide weekly new1paper competition at the annu&l California News-Gorck>n cununi.Qf to Mnd a I ntr •u ai..t from tocl&J'• s • d SI ; paptt Advertising Managers Aaociation Saturday are, from left, 1.dvertiaing ~~ .:::;:u:;_1c;:eyln~k~: P~=rn"~0::::n::--~1·"! uspecte aye• ,-lt&!fen Bob Nall, Mn. Wallace Hallberg, Jimmy Matheny, Newa-Preu ad d.ittc· probe a,e tt&rtfi .... '°°" u don't know wbat we'reuca.-.1 • tor. Sancij' Hamilton, who waa in part reaponiible for one first place tbe new&-J>OMible." ot, 80 there la notbinf I c&D •Y ~ th d ltaff J' M b t b ln u lnlertm report m&de MLlJ we ... a ,..l'(lrt." _ -paper 1rOn, ii on vacation. Ano er a er, un ona l.D, wu oo usy pubUc yeat.erday. tb9 IJ"Uld 1Vr>'• luperv110ra •Id all tbey knew selliDr a.di for next y~• CNAMA contest to be in picture. -St&ff Photo ho8pitai • lnvesUptJoe commit-w., what t.btJ'4 beUd. r..s tn ~:ti:~tb~~~n:, ~~=:~I and beft abown., N·. bbed by Po1·1c FLUNG IN All brutality •nd d r u n ll e •De•• 1mon1 paUenll, u ~JI u d• 2 Men Hurl al plonble attu&Uon1 talllna ahort of *Pita! mlnlmum ltandardl. D'DOR81t8 P'l?VDINOS Bo.at lltWI Up Tbe irand jury llldoned It.I ~~= '~ Local Officers Book Mali: in ltpper Bay . tat. Acco I to the report. Ula lids. ·to Repair Two J>CJ"IODI wtre MtloualY can of eouty paU.ta "'9ta 01"' I •1.1• in p aden G•rll D th lnjul"9d y•t.rday alt.moon Wben 1quattly on the board or IUpel'-• II ..... . as a I s ea tbelr tnbo&rd motorboa.t b'"' up vi.on' aboulderl." b •tuch,.. at.. tn u,.per NftfPC>rt 8ay. l:llterprillq Ona&• Oount7 'rlLll LJ ,occ ' • °'-~ ~to lloq H°'Plt.al wen Newt.a.me.~ 'U c • I ' A • Otfioen ...__ _ _t..._J. De.in 'and Qerafa 8rw .. .-. .. ...i .... -•la to caae • ot ni. OIJ. ln.nk K&ntor. Ill, Norco, o.rn.r ed a lone .trtDc ot-"'*' ~ ,__,,...,..,, San.ft ti.. w ... ltonua N~I*' i..bl.\.lbereJ... of UM cratt. and hi. compa.nlon. pltaJ llT~ "U4 clltcpald .... Mt'e '*" NC:.l..ect bJ Or· booked Kmneth Alfred Pubby, ~ CICll"O'ria. on a cha.rp ..,._, aa elepnt. tallUlt joom&l ~Uon clt.aUca OD UI• .._,. Jtobert Abbe. tie. Arlinrton. tbem ln a 1er1ee flt ucl: ...... Cout Oollqe for ~ ~-of homicide in connl=tion with 'the mutilation attack· pa tane. weellly here&· ~. and Uk• NE.A. tor &a.. S(t. c. A Kirby of lbe Loa arUcles A abort Usne l&i.r U.. JDOdel(Q& ot an old clWl'OOm boUla. ba.p Uu-.. flrat p~ Int.ruled "COaummlly .a.nice" Ans«I .. Police Department, wtl· rrand JUry launched Ill ~ bWldln1 to Q'lffl minimum ltale slaying of MJ.I Marilyn Marie Fink, 19. blonde aecretary awU'Clll &n4 two eacondil at \ht ...utved lut Febnaary. n .. to the accl<Hnl, put out the pt.Ion. 1t.andardl and tor the COft4\r\IC· 1 •hoM body waa fouad Friday ed the •·trant." IO tbty uktd anaual Ca!Uona.la Newspaper At.I our beCrntn1 boy, Jlm:my Ma-nn whlctr followed and e1eorted Since the OCNS nr.t brolCt\t Uon oT a ~t 1pra,x booth. I.a lie r bedroom, 380 summ&._t him apn what kind or trouble xaaaeer1 AUl>Cl&Uon convmUoD theny, advtrtllll.nf dlNctor, w•t bOlb injured men to the hoaplt&l. the matter to 1tiht. the <>raaie Bid.a re<:e1nd are .. tollow1: Avr. Puadut.a. beMt lttm. Be replied a.taray 11\ Lone Beach! to Lona Seidl. predSctlnJ ...,. K.lrt>y S&ld he wu near the County Medle&l A.-d&Uoe alM> 1Umodelln1 of C 1a1 1 room She w a.. trt.abbed 1everal "Tou can't help me, 1 killed Jwt try that on for me wl\U.e eral tint pi..e.. aa be left. Ha Upper Bay launchln( ramp ddted lnt.o the hotplt&l ptc:ture ~ -tlme11, the woundl causrne her a pl tn Puadma •· Thty book· JOU're .UU pWnt UMd to the waa told not to come back wtth· where ~ accident oceurred and camt up wit.A .. ~1 r. Horac E •g J'amUl&ro • Slrombere Co., I death. her Mehl breall bem& ed hlm on homicide cJ:a&r.-u a.nd Idea tblt U\e N..n·Prul CX· out lllem. Of eoune. And be when be ob9erved nie men aet commended dlan1ut e OSI ta Ana. $36.9"; Tbe Maruna. tenred. An 8-1.ndl ldtcbm knife telephoned DeL Lt. Botncrott. cloatve aa.w1 atory you WTtlA on dldn'L u.ten to thll: ln Ow boat and turn on the Supervilor Reina KaJar. moY• Sant& Ana. Ut.687 ; low, South , which pollce r.covet"ed here In Paadtna. who Milt two dtlec· tM 8oulbtm Countin OH OQ. Be received five, count 'em, mtch. ed tor the 11.udy by th• 8~ Dies; Rltesl Coul Con.ltrvcUon Co .. Ntwport I Paahby'• car. bot'e 1pparent Uvee here lo pick .up Puhb)'. NO per lb maln charp t.o all· bronn plaque1. three laree an4 rtr\U a Ho.p\_tal Bureau. He wu -.nd· Beach, '34.tlJ, J. f(ay Con.true-blood 1talna 11UU 1ed upon the Th• 11uspect, who lQ!d lo the el«:lrtc: kltcbena won a.n honor-two amaller. Ol,le fl.rat pl&ce Un A.pr fn ~cu~lalfd r:: eel by su~r Wun~ ft1r-. lion Co., Corona de1-Mar. 131,· 1talnleu 11ltel Newport Harbor New1·PreM. "I a'1• menUon dalliM or,.~ .. award wa1 for belt retail food • umee e tom 0 e It I 242; Allan RIU..r, eoeta Mt'la.. ~~ and BtttH al 7:~:> 1. m. done It." declined lo &ive a mo- a t tn. June· 7 annual ?faaonai 1triea, bhed on Richard'• Lido .,. .. lcnltAd and clluMd lbe en· e "crrHE& UBoLL'TIONS WedneSday 529,334 ; R. L. stetnmetz, Santa yaterday were Mnt to 30th St. live. Ht told poll« lie 11 a J:llltorl&l A•oc:l.aUon COAftatlOD (Co•tla.,. • hf••> aine to blow up. Ktrby aald tbe Th board abo .... -.. two A..n&, '37.371. I and Balboa Blvd. to tnve111.J1ate power bl'&k.e ope,..tor. Ulat hi.I ma appaared lo fly lhroup lb4i e r---t mlno ...... JI ln 0.. Pla.lna IU a.Ir trom ~ force of the e.x· olber raolUUOJUI In connecUOD Conltnlctlon or Pa.Int spray a Lelepbone 1 tport o a r mo_,.. v• • . CaHf or C ~ 1'M7 land"<! Ul ab&llow wtth ~ b<Mlpll&l ~tt.et'. It ,... J'amed Newport Beac!I ~ Boolb _ car 1,CClcknt t.Mre. TMy tound Ht told otftcel"I wbhewr M-omi S _ ~ ounty water. Tbey were hauled aabore qu•ted a report fl'Om the cnnd tor Boru. l:nalp d19d 8aturda7 J'am\ll&ro • 8trombers 17431. Paahby waled on a Mnch ntar I lee& a p~tty 11ri an \l,.,e ~" Uf by K1tby and other wltneaeea. jury on Ill ftndin&a.. detailed If tn Wacbwort.h Vet.rua Admtnl.-'?'be Marttna, '6718: 80\lth Cou~ the lelt'phone booth at thal ln· 11 moved him to ki\I •nd,:tllck B ,,.. 8 ..,...ltaJ au"·-rlU•• thll po.Ible. Secondly, Penannel DI· lftt.Jon Ha.pit.al tn lAI Ance* OoMtrucUon Co., s:iMe: J Ray tenecUon I lht1 p~tt! P9aadena rtrl coma& -. -r ...... -WUlla s Hart wu ,.... UonJy an WI bod Conatruc 1 The tan, :,.(t . 11 ln. llender over me I ·am I N y Tho h mo~ Mid both men had been rector m . er noon. 1 ... w uon Co . I OH: Afla.n Puhby would not .._,,,.,. UM.Ir ! Mia. Ftnk made her home at n • • ug . t ~ attff emerrency lrul· quflted to mOYt ..nttJy ln U. la 1tat. In the Slumber Room RJtur, $8000; R L. Stelr met.a. quesllOlll II lo the acddml. the ttJlldence of Mr. and Mra. m•L ICl'ffDtnr tbe two ~ ap-•" °'' Vet.en.n.a Admia.latraUco llOOO None ha4 occurred lbtr.. He' Fred c. Mnk. 380 Summit AYt .. Newport Be a ch ~lorcycle Ct'met.ecy chapal from t :SO P m. I The claaaroom bulldlnr 11 one •cted nrrvoU1 and very ltnnp. Paaackna. She w11 found dead Pat.rOI OUlctr Ceorre Mom-Mrs •. lre1· •er (0.. ............ ,, (Co•ltal>fod Oii Pac••> the ort1cu1 aald. Tbey noUced by them ll t ;40_1. m. F"rt .. yl N ---· , .. ..L..t.1..--Reports Good ID&M. wbil• teeorUne tbt pair e --- ---blOOd 11t1ln1 on bla l\&ndl and Pa•hby bu bffn dHt'Tlbed 1'j •W~rwu llU lanwr hoapltal with Illa llrtn T 1 H E • Pup•t s clothlnr. then uked wb&t hie poll« 11 the wolbfl • 11 1e>n· IL-t.aa.• I• I'-ca.., Poll&l-Hot blowin1 wSlnelMd anolbw ac-SeeLs ,·t e OR orace 111r1gn I s et lrollble WU He replied, "You ln·law of the Marka. Mle .u-. .......... ... I I,, ~ ctd4nt 'In VOi Vin( two motor• a ,. •" ~ f r can't htlp me, I'm IJl bad lrOU• peel ~port«1J)' WU ll l h e c)cl• which colJlded wbli. 52 I b D I L • ~, ... They pUt him ln thr 1quad M&J'lU' home I.he nlfht of tJ\• • •1 au aDOKS UD\Mll to draw t\all bouae1 lo IQOYln&' ulde for the emer1enc1. -• • P•ll i.:.. ~.ul .. JAt• Th rscla car. took him lo the 1t1tlon for eJayin1. but h• fled lht lM>u• WSW YORK -OIJUomla 11 U.. It Jama bo 4'tll SL Jult ~ Chlaholm, 28. Htnnoa& I UI' ~~-IOh U y que11llontne nrly Friday Mfone th" &1rr1 ,~topic of coonreaUon tn New off Broedway. Re ta John Raitt Beech. and George B:dl'ICOCk. 2S, Kn. W. G. ('l'M&ma) Knls-• C"ffJ;CKl!D WANT 4eaui w.. dl11towr4'd. police ;. Tot'k. Not ju.t ........_ eome ba tba ·~ O&me." Raitt '?WrUJce, -uit two cycllata IUf· ot tbe Balbo. A.nl1b\S Club bu Nat ~ Ut_,.oon Ill l'ltaw&ler. Shury K&Uwyn nor-There lbey checked hi• ldtnU· •Id. • MU" OOlfomlana aN holdlnf WU star atlllfk and Junior Ool· f...S on17 minor hurt.a after the applied tor a world record from 4 o'clock lb• fo&aowUta pupAia a.. .Kattn J .. n Flynn. Jane f}cation wllb a tel•type put out PLANNED TO KARRY • ~ on Broadway ln a eouple lep Tbeepl&n whe.n he attended a~ctdebt ln front ot Port Ore.nge the International O&me F'l&b.tn.I wtU .-.cetv. ct~ll~M at the l'ra'l•r FonUu., Robert T. For· Friday by Pua.den• pollce fol· Ml• Fink had been kMPIDI et mciet ~ .a.wa. But Sant.a Ana Junior COJltae l&ndtn1. AilOClaUon u a re9Ult of catch· Horace llln.llp 8choclf tor auc-(Oo•U.llC!d 0,......,. '> lowtng d~ry of ~ youn'r eompany 'wlUI Alfred Ol"llaam. nUMr ai:.c.... tt ... CaWotnia Yu. evu)'QM tn N..., tdrk ln1 • 52·lb. dolpbln °" three-~y compl•Una thJ ecbool -- _ _ _ _ _ woman'• 11ayll\1 Pa1hby match· (CloaU.uN oa hp •> -an4 tta tall1 bl tM ,..._,., tw would likt to locate In Caltlor-• lhre&d tackie recenUy on a .ork lhr•"lb ~ ef&bUl ,.ra.de: A4'&1 atewuea tba 11·11appc>Md nla. Wbe.n we apeiiJt of e_vtt')'Ont Hin' t Act·1on crulH off lA Pu. Lower Can· ~hl1 May A ck • rm • D, to ~" Mt UI• ... 0 the we b)etn bWll.n .. &ouM&. 1'be fornla Chrlltophu' L Ada.ma. Jam• ecntna De ia o c r • t t MaUon· bMd.I ot t1tabllahment1 on Park Th• unoctlcW record. If ac-l\khard N\denoa. ft.oMrt ll«'- al OobpUon tn Chteqo. A.YCue and ntth A-..w. •oWd '55 G d «pt.eel, would break the preaent au Anderaon, Jaruee .Jot.nne 1'Mre w.N b.adllMa. equally amau you With tbelr undet· on ran l n le r n al Ion a I rt cord by Appleplt. Norm& IAt A~lll.9, -~ rela.Uns UM outc.ome of ata.ndlnf of our State. COWl\1 11 poWlda, ~ laid. KAIWI AM Babeon. John Law· ~ eautotala p~ aad.UM and .,,ct.Uy I.he CIOe.IUJIM. The lateat c&tcb wu made by re11et Bak~, AJdta ~ ~ork ~ ~hldl wttt Dtapla)'ed to u. M•e bMn JUJJ Report ~tra. Krfller dUrinl the cn&l.M .Job Barcla7 k Vai.rt. N. •on • UI•· -.m• d\J. Jn tll• j ~me ln~I statll\,lca oa ... board t.hot' KrelJtr'I boat. Ob-squ.. Lee Bea.,,....p. ent l..u4a• ot Ule New J?'OWlh lftDda. The t&1k ll Ou-11rver, otJ Lu Pa1mu B&.J, IWton Sutt.on 'Bell. ID1ltfn& UNI TOflt N,..,...,. h1' _... dea Cnft. ka f'..--.4e \'al· ' , • eouth of La Pu. on May IO. _.,, Unda K. Berurd. D&Tld lal"f• photoanphl from our I~. ••a.net any 11p<1t wtU\Jn t mlJft 1 8.Ul'TA ANA. IOCNSt-Jack It the record 11 a tftptAd bl J., Berry Karen Palmer Betz. Qolllen 8tate •O,. IJle • m toriou.I Of afty two f'rwitaya.• 'Ml&t to MJTml. JIM rrand Jury (oreroan lN lnlern&Uon.al 4-oci&UOn i\ Bia.ck, Barry l:arl Bolln a~.-a. b• ·•rndaliM Ulat ~'WM a faNl)" N of ubaC au~ Saturday a ipect&l wUl rnalle Mien lntUD&tro.a1,. hlblttn Bonn-11. lldWard T. a.. to~ •1r1e lhn1llwl ot •boot J.aJ\d ttann~1uea. lnrt mMUn1 had been call.ct for 9 cotda held by Mn. Knlc'er· BM llhAury. Mlcl\ul Alu Brs.rnblt. New rork u my principal con· tbl\ la the m&ln ca~a°" &aQd, a 1111• WednHday lo '° 0•• t.ti. tormerly heJd ui. dolphin ~ 'I1l«ul Matt Brenna.n. V1Yla ~ tor th• nomla&~ .an~ Wt had &n auwv or two. UllM lf'&l\d Jury'• final repert. ..._.. ,_,. ap. tAtcll Brown. Krlltlaa ICa7 ell• ~Wan~ eooc.t' ... .,.. ~ .. pod Ill ~.,,York. ot = ~ ~·~ w.,~ MrL Kretiw. who new borne Bn&nlnl. OUT It. Bryan. Jam• 1t•ttr and •UN... Wt did ~ .... cMJ)_,.. hil • ry two daya after makln&' Ula re-f'ranklln Butkr Jr. J'll&tured U. N.,.. Tort ~ ca OW' .a.&tWntk tb&t ftl&nr t:d ~e_::ow jurora ha~ cord catch reported It took 20 \VUlla.m R.o1 caw.. John ft. ... au.a. tM ........ r ..... '*l• In Newport aoc.p an taUon to mte m.1.nul• ~ brin&" In "and WU O.rlyte, Chrlatopbtr l4na can • .-tt,ch. and~.,.. l:ua• alp.I a.ilCh tn U.. ftr!t "'a~r ot wtth the c\al'Nnt Jury~ fllh~ all the way." Dcalld Thomu canw.u, Llnda M"'1" I the ~llWnla Kodea." •UWT bi p.rntoQa quarter fkr,_t .-t.d Ult P\IJ1'IOM i wm Jo,_ Caudell. ftoti.rt A. 0aya. 1'... h«)I b9ft cll8CO•CNd tn ln blatilry. We me.} aom• Of (h. Of Ult ...SO. Will M lo deter· She wae IO proud of ll, l 1'Wi&m Lamb Qsamploa, 1rtM K.. ork tbat tll .... la a better clt.1 aJ•'tu ~~ to p!'Oft mhtt wb•t. if any. 1ttp1 han ~m!t~:. 0";'; .:'~:'un':; l"t'-LOuJ.w Ci.taro, Vtr,hl.. lA4I -iWt. l• our cowalr7--our po~t.. tlM!!l taken by the board ot r · · ~ ~ LoWM ~ a. JJroa '!'1-1• .... oaMf,oml& Wal.er. Ile Med. avall&blllty IUl*Vlaora oo ....c:ommendationa Patrlda Jtl&e a..... _,.. a.. .. "°lli:llJ\C' '°""" Mkt ~ and 'tu .. ~ lo ...... ll made by the 1165 jllry. HARIOl WEATHR Ul. Cllh•rtn• oaadoft. au.. eo-al.J. "-aMftl ...,., I.a to 8WUleM C.Zitoml& -eoaUn• krl'tbl opi.taed "ao m&Jl1 Panl\all ~. Judltb ColllM. ~OM iii lft 'ftU"iii. W'6i tllf t Calf. ~ pnd .furl• madt rTport.I --J-4illa Lynn ~ JUr1t R. ....... II .ml' ~ li toni1&na •u.st o~ ta tM and NCCIOUDendaUona and tbe7 Telftpvatu..... for lb• ••• CM&tJ, Palrida AIUI Cook. at tll• Jill~ fW h ~. -0 • Cl baUdtq .... tw att prompU.J d ...... ~. TM tlid JA tba~ Harbor W ,.,... ltna Old X OWliA ......, ... n waa ra1t1 · ,oocs and tbt tatv. ot o.r mualu... 1M5 J\117 1a d.lalurtM-d. They rave were U. er.a.a.. c..t ~· •• temJl'ldM ua \bat .audn\Jl• It Sound buahl-&nal)'stl Jn a wllole >._r ot their ttme ap· HIP Lew cnn,; Nere Da* CJt. °"'°'7 Mt ~pletel)t ..... Not M New York ca.a l\lna to Wtr pll.nDUy ,., ~ " Tuud-.y. June 0 • ~ .. M • l"rul.ill D&....._ ~ 1Gdlatl .-., a•· ekl tr'W.J:ln lta aillJI, ftl• •d tell yov 0.. tact 111our Ttie 11155 1ra.nd Jury crluclatd Wedll~. Jue t -U 6' o.-. I • a• t A a \Ill oft 1 l"'*rt ca .mb ~ -.-to tllrM ,.-. ap whta tM Ot;J the Ju..U-MU f1cllltJee and 'Ml\lrllday. JWM 7 -ft • D"Srlb Jr~ 0.. & Dnlt 9ICI09d Mlllnc wttll •'Of hla of Newport Be.di waa down to admlnllU\Uon ud made "'"ral rrtday. JUM I -·-·-t6 • M Dalli r. .PaJM.la CIMrie old,. MtJt1. • ~r ,,..ter aupplJ'. Y-.lotW recoauamdauona. Sab.lrdq. June t _ ~ ~ ~ • .r... W&Jter Dw-. n~ l& u ~· C'OW\U.I\. tllty1J ~ n ad we didn't laJTent aald UM INI ttport SUJ'lda.y, Ju:ae 10, -M 51 DN'eGy lM • Swtl\s, Wllll&!a ' MU.,.. of Banta Ana. who con-I know aayU\1J\6 aboUt It. wW i.t wo1te over 1tep -Y atfp Monday, June 11, ~ M 11 J'*'f' hnJ. liUcU&l a.an- , • ;i(;NG8 OJ' TD J8LANDS -In an neniq tull :ot ~7 1Wpfh• c1miDs Balboa Power Squadron'• ;annual f~• lua a !DOit enjoyable one wu a ;group of Bawailu GJelodlel and chanta ottered I l.Iig4 S,chool P-T A ··.Readies . . . for F·an Work NEWPORT HARBOR •'RASCO'' -Aft.rd of ~ Community Pla,_. will co to yea.r'1 top performer. Above, planning the JUJM 18 Villa Karina event, are (J tor) Mmes. WU. liam TambetllnJ, Dewey Tackaberry, Robert F1qe. p, and Jerrold R&ndall. -Photo by N. Webber Players Name Candidates for Awards Comedy Skits Slated for Banquet Program MRS. WIND'RED BARBRE. Women'• F.dtt.or Preaentation of five "Raacoa" for oul8t&ndlng per- : • !ormance. of the year will be highlight or the Newport : Preaid1ng at her first meetlnc aa president oftHar-PAGE 2. PART 1-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS Harbor Community Players' award banquet to be held bot H.tsh Sthool P-TA. Mra. Harvey PeaM reported on MONDAY, JUNE 11, 1956 June 18 at Villa Marina. th~ ataie conTeJl\lOD and introduced her chairmen, who i:nurL&J.nment to~ the evenlne FRO~ PLA 1'8 wete raUtJed and tncluded: wW tutu.re the corbedy team ot The awarJ ceremonl• will Jlmee. Jack M. Srt.dbwy, eiU· rupcmdlng aecretary: Jack 8 ET 40 SAWN OFFICER nane,in a.nd Wenta 1.n a mu.a!· conaiat of 1k1C.. from UI• fOW' ~p. civil detenM and blood Bradford Kemp. rad.lo, TV and cal •Ure, ''Th• Seuon of '6e;" main productlon1 of ttre year, balf'; J. Malcolm Reid. record-mu.sic; Byron L. Nealy. h!ltor· INSTALLATION SLATED , Jim Webb, Roser Hope, Jerry lntroducUon ot and re1pon.11t1 Jnf• tecret.ary; Roti.rt Blackmu, I.an; Joeeph W. Mc&bane, cb&I· trGm Ule nominee• Ulem .. 1v-. • • • Graduating. at Pacific Calumpit Camp Auxiliary Unit intnaUonaJ relationa; Chari• aoter and 1plrttUal life; Harl lMt&ll&lloe ot offloen oC Oranre County 8&Jon ll3, J:vau. Bill Wlnuka and Mel and the pre"entauon or award• H .. ' 1en, h• ......... .tude.ot wel· BW11ell, record boOk; C. Orby 1 Berry lo a 1k.H, ''Jimmy M.ad• by fa.moua local celebrttl•. ....., Ma y __ , __ .. __ Of -n•-·-.., I tl 40, wlP be ~at VUl& Karina tomorrow at p.m., HI ~'nd U " d rial h '" .,..SU\I.. .. ... ,. far•; Robert &lecJv. ~11 ~ prc>p"am; It R. Ul· . I _, p : an Mve ua-Nominees tor awarda in ma.. tor Calumplt camp. L&d.Jel o. ;Morpn J'ltsw.Ur, 1M11'11Mr· Jentb&J. ha.pltalll1: M&rp.ret hUIM.ndll to be~ banda of well-known Pia¥V1 ln jor role1 a1 e. Orren BrooU. Auxiliary No. Jt, S.,.ruah • lhlO; Barbara MacN.illed(t. oor-May, welfare; B&n7 Hlill&rd, lut&Jl1ns attlcer wW be Mta. Al L&Y'&q\M Of P&lom&r th• c&Jyp.o l1mUlt, "My Wtte'1 Sidney Merri.JI, Robert M•t.a. Jim American War Vet.ran.a. opened auditor; Chari.. L. Ary Jr:• pub-!&loft. Offlcen for thl1 year wW be Mme& RotMrt J, a Member ot lh1 Playel'll -Oh McDonald, Jacki• Tackaberry, Ju.na 4. al tbe A.m9rican Leston • llcity; Brl(p, la chapeau, Coet& Mua; 'hd .Aa.hm&n, J& deml· Mlaery!'' Mlldred Wadt, Mra. Jerrold Ran· Hall, Santa A.aa. Kn. Vemit Y~cht Owners Jack H1rrl1, parent tducaUon; prtmler chapeau, La Habra; Al WatU.. )& dua.leqi c.bap-dall, and Mr•. mil.on Barnett. Oaklord premlded. Me.tine at Don Dwlaan. wa111 and mNl\.I; eau, Alamitos; Kenneth Markham, I& MC"~en. K • Nomlneu for awania Jn aupt>ort· Bowllnr Green clubhouM, San· A:re Hosted Denn1I Boetand, ma,ubie and eo.t& Kea; rr.d H. JO)"Mr, Ja arch.l'ri.lte, Newport Beach; amaa1nas 1n, rolea ·~· • Uaro Park. al noon. today, tM • pubUc&Uona; CharlM ltaAJey, Ted Cook, la cone!~. Alamltom; Cy r.athertJ, la au.moo· CO~'TENDEJlS HW1n1 circle wlll eew tor th• several Newport Harbor yacht juvenUe prot.ecUon; A.lex JC. MU· ler, Sa.I'll& Ana; PUie chapeau ot ora.na-e County a.loo Study ProJ·ect Sup Zerbe, BUJ Wlneaka. Lonr Buell Vetuana Hospital. rte dlnn sut1t.a Wed.-ler, art. and poeten; Robert ., GUe Bc.ned1ct, Ray Herold, Jean lcuttl.ea for fttertn pet.tenu wtlJ :;~ ::::u... :., at. a t the Harbbcxl. faculty &4¥1.or: lld· 113 ot 1 •l 40 .,.. MIL Carl Proctor, 8ant& Ana. Wa,ner, Mra. I..-Walder, M.ra. be made under dll'ectJou ot Mra. llome of Mr. and M.u. Edward iwy Gaynor, lectaJatlon and Mra. Don Fuller, pruident. en· John Fnedlander, Sandra Th.a· Edward Hal.I. ch&1rm&o fol' lM Mlftovlch, .10 Rocheatar St., tchool education; A L. Hay· BAGNALL RANCH tert.&lned memben of Kama&Jna den. NomuJeea for Ult b~•l ch.,-. day. coela Mua. Pruent wae M.r. •••rd, founden. day, emblem and Club Wednelday nlfhl at her acter port.rayala are Jtrry Ev· R41C\111L JnMWIC ot \be AUil· •nd.Kra. Richard Mahan of San· honorary 111• meml.nbtp; Ar-home, 1800 JC. Balboa Blvd. Re-ana. J ohn Nelaon, Mau.rice Ro-Utuy, Juae U wW bt ~ ta )tonlca from lbe yacht "II Ulur Und.U. courtay and Job.n "1.alon of club byla""' wu main laJld. John Friedlander, Musot by a poUudr d1AMr al I p. IL To~".)U, a.ad Mn. A.I c. John· Hau. cla.u' repraent.aUn. Gamma Phi· Beta Fete b\l•Jn-. Mack, }.{1'9. Jerry Slnykln. Mn. Hoe~ will be Kmn. WW1.am eon• Of•Pomoaa fl'om "Paula J " Mre. Jlllll&rd reported on l!ll Mn. Fuller nported on taml· Robert nanerin. Mra. Rorer Brown. .._i• J'lta:patrtck and ~ ~ and Mn. KJnr L&hta of •uccee1 ot th• rec.nt OAA u.. under conalden.llon for Hope. Bert Deck. Wklow9' Club will l..one Btacb from "Jovm clta". •port.I award banquet, •J'lnr Slated at Placent1• a "adoption" aJd. Miae Marl• Kim· The Player• wtll 't!eloome meet al noon in Oard• Gro•e. Q\ Sunday RIChard Mirkovich ltl dl.Antt1 had been Mrved to b&ll waa pruent tor eome those lnte~•ted in llltle theatre June 2J. wiUl Jira. Gladya v ... :Y OQ C!aD pla7 t.be. Hammond Chord OrCJClft FREE HOME TRIAL: Phone JU WHO Schmlclt ... lllp1 ~o. ••f.&liaW JIJf and' a fl'OUJ> of fellow atudentl tbt stria. mo.nth1, u •h• had been tnn•· acUvHy who ...Uh to attend. non .. ho9t.N for the day. Joe tram Occldmt.al eou,,. wen A IJ>rinf IJ>OrU award dinner Mr• H. D. NtwkJrk. TlT Bar· Gamma Phi Bela alumnae ot !erred by her eompany lo ~ Ruervallona can be made with u . a luncheon and afternoon 520 No. Ila.la, ..... Aaa su.iu aboard El Toro on a tor the boya which would cor-ru Orlvt. F\lllerton. wUI bt ba.t· Oranre County at I p. m. Final An&'elu for lbat period. Uavtng th• party chairman, Mni. Wll· meelln&' will be held,b1 the Put TM WICM'• ,..... ,.__ crut.. lo the eHl aide of Cata· NIPOnd with the fall football Ml for the June 12 mMllnJ of ~llOAll few the annual hu.-la th• club aec~tary. Miu Uam TambeUtvt. KI-62117. PJ'tltdmt.I' Club, aJao at QU'den .. ..._. f..- llnl( llland, followed by a dinner and bulcetball awina ba.nq\let band and wife potluck on June llabtl Burch. dropptnr vartoua Orove. with Nannie kttd u OftM J'lllDAT lOGB'1' paJ"\Y at the Mirkovich home. wu dlacuaHd. Mmff. Robert 11 al t.he Bacn&U Ranch tn Pia· IOClal actlv1tlee becaUM of ber .... ch~atrm~~an.~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;~~;;;;;;;;;;=55555~ Villasran&, Ziegler and p_.. c i·t 0 cenUa will l>e t.&kM. Plua for bM)th. Harbor Rest r will Mrve on the committee for USO 1 0 . ver the evenJnr tnduck a ham and No SUHtl were preRDl ..,d House Guests at Bridal Fete arr&Jl&'ementa. T ' turkey dinner, bowtlnr, table membera were 11rved a buffet Memorial Park Mmu. Borland. Kemp, 3UdlQI\ oastmasters tmnl1, danctnr and br1dp. .upper. Next !Mi!llnf wllJ be M~at...m.l Sutherland and PeaM wen nam· Mn. OeoJ'p McO•llen'\l Jr .. Jun. 27 al the home of Mra. Oardma, ~ Id to a committee lo 1tudy and U do Toutmuter1 elec:tad Al waya and ..... cbM.rmU. wtll lam Smmea, 2031 Fedfral A v1., llanor al Otalar • etltend h ueta of M ma.kt recornmendallon1 lo the Cuaolllo u their new praldent; alao pnieent the lichedult tor Ule Colt& w .... lt Jira. Ro OW:C:e. U• ~ uecuU-board concemlnr re.. Robert Drtw, vice .preaident and Chrlatmu trult cake b&Jl• Which ~~;i;;;i;~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~:;;ii:iiiiiii:iiiiii55i:iiiiiii:iiiiii~~ :'d.. Drtn..1....,.. )tra. Joyce 8dl9dulinr meeting d•t• and Jack Beaderland, MCretary, and alumnae wtlJ undertake lh1t Bt=,,JllalJbu· Jl1aa LI• John· ""1.alon of lly·law1. to complete their reorsanta&Uon aummer. Ptlocteda from tbt ale , aou,wood Miu Do th , ~o teacher reception lMI or June ~ ~ J. Buchardt ot tbt hom.-baked cak• wtlJ l'O =-~t ot loUlb Puadena roan~ ...,.. p,&anned for early tall. to of Sant& Ana u parllmen&arian. Into lbt phUanthropy fl.Ind to t follow the annuaJ b&ck-to-ecbool JCdward 8ouJe remaJna u vice tun.her benct1l th• Oran • Coun kr' Theodore Bielefeldt 0 nJpt ot th• P·T A pruldent I of education Bud ~ • JUvtndda. · · ch . ly hmlly Sert1c. .U.OC:lation , .,.. &mOJ\&' Ult 7• There will be no more board Grant of lrea..urer and pey olo· and the Gamma PhJ Beta lnler· su'!;t.7 &ltendlnl lhe weddW. meellnp unW Sepl•mbtr. ~L J. E. Hill of Mr(tanl at national Campe for Unde?'J>r1vi· ~·-~the KMn• boated lepd CbUdren. LATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME Bablrday after tbt m&rrla,• ot H d Jamea PeMey and Sandy All alumDU a.re ln'1t.d lo at· t.helt nJtce. Lyn SmlUI, to Roser onore at lt.elner encourar• the appU~-tend Utt meettq and Ule pot.- 1W4ap. • tlon ot new l'llClllbe.ra. luck by xr,. .Jack ltOdtdi1l. wm ILU.llOA • 'Jl• affair WU bdd LA th• Stork Shower may bt called for furtheT 1nfor-la&LllOA 'l'llE.U'U ~ PER~ANENTS DAN'S IARIER SHOP troP.caJ patio beatd• th• pool Dick Ward Wins m&uon. 0pea ~ un -......, and! under 'Hawailan llshta. Honortnr Mr1. Robert QIMa. Letter 1·n Golf ----.--.-.-----;.;;;;5;;;~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;~ a luncheon and baby lhower _... ,___ ,.,.. __ hl • h• Ii•• June e at the Balboa B&y RJchard Hadley Ward. '°" of COLU .... AM• .L .. eac }fig Club. Two larce pink and l>Jue Mr. and Mra. O.Orre Ward, 270I . ~ W ..... • booU• tilled with fiowen. MCh Cliff Dt1ve a Junlor at The ~ta• lf .... •a.... .t f dr Lutherans with •• quuUon mark, ccitertd Principia u'pptir (H1-b) lchool. &IQ' ldad ., ..... ..,...,..,. the table. J'avor1 were llUCkart It. Louli waa awarded hi• var· la .&--. "Ne Wleolh•..,__ e"1da.Y 111'vlce1 at Newport with "It'a a Girl" and "lt'1 a iity lette'r In JOlt aa well a• a Ne tee." We~ all .,..... Bujor Lutheran Church were Boy" print.ed on them. ''B" peltnl ln N&ktUIAU. at u,e OUDIT JmUAU et htl6a" aad ll:ll a.m. 'With the A ~ .,.. P~Led to annual 1.Altermeo•1 11anQUet ,... ' W•t.era Onq'9 Oout7 Ru; Wa.IW k1Mu. pad\&&ta lb• bollCJl'M.. Boete.ee tor the ~ntly held. He waa a..,.. u foft1Mr11 Ondl& Bur.a er atudaut at· tbt U9C llllcbool Of ,.. att.all' ...,. Mrw. Jolla Welda all·ltar ln roll u oae ot tu N-,on ....._ IAc'aa Be.ell ~ ,. 't'• ud J'ranldlJl Ud Mn. IC. 0. l"aruwortJt. IOw three ln th• dl.ltrtet ad aad Ooeta 11 ... llntt& U ~ Put.or Robnt Olbtr ,...U ..,.. . ...._, ftaJ ABC compeUUon. the latter 1M at ...... ·~· PA MK..• IL ~ WU bl DuluU., lbort. RUold Glau. le4le ~&. lftadt up Of tour at. Loula ,.. "POAT DAna .naw.,... • • • Corona del Mar PICTURE FRAMING AgT SUPPLIES PltTURES 2754 E. Coast Hwy. Her~or 5421 Klllf-• '9 perform f.be#w.ddlq t.Gft. aoM\ Jow, a.I 1-J', ~ecboo~~la.~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ___ ;;;;;;;;~;;.n;;Jll;;W;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;; ......... ;;;;;;'~ ~ b lda lm>tMr Olu. a a~ ~ o.orp llben111. llb.adim.t at W&IOUl'I lemlftN'J, ~ Nett, .Jamee Dder, ~:;;;~;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;~;;:;~~~;;;;;~;;;;;;;z Du~ 1Dft; Walter ColtQ u4 ltobeltlllllora. FASHION FESTIVAL , ' ' T~! lflT Of RIOES-fOR FOLKS OR ~REIGHT , • Wednesday -June 13th VERNA MU.I.ER llcMol ot Cb&nn 6 J'uhjon Modt!Jnf Bay Depertment Store -Lorn• Ellgen•' • -Marilyn 11 LUNCHEON -12 NOON RJCBB:RVATIONB -HARBOR 8930 ., - CHINA-GLASS-fURNITURE Auth...tic Stock No ReproductiOM • DECOUflNG • TREASURE HOUSE ANTIQUES I,_. ... r..ti9 01eM M. ~ llAlftA A.."'f A ........,, Wl1J A111 • ... ~ D&APD'I' STUDIO Pl.C 1 • L FRIGID COLD STORAGI YOUR FURS NOW Ulltl D.C. 1·1956 IRING YOUR FURS TO .US Give thma the benefit of IWeatulo drJ, e11l m atorap ..... a ~ et u:plri a.n... p tbem t.be CSl"9 U..1 ._,nre. Or • • • • • • Pllofte Kl 2-0652 for FID PICK • UPI RUTYLING lrlaAL Stole or Clutdt ~c-°"" nsuJu 116..00 Jolt .,... Ul1I e1&dr period • Clarf.6 . · ~re::· :-r ~m::. r: '59so Ouida Cape. . ....hlw...., .... IAllTA AllA FUR co. JOI No • ._ • ., Kl z.o.u .. . a-hnd1ure fot a-19 *>U> MT BOKll -Xuat "11 late model no••. ietriprat«. TV .et nap. lamp• A C(\1Allt7 Uv. roorii tum. Kaa'lf 1U1U 11" •MJ. lat'1• atM t•20. ---------Like new. Some rummap t ... llllllli&i arUcl• Har. nn-.J. ncu 8%-Beal FM&te : Balboa Tutoring & Summer School 1966 summer U11ion.. Elementary le ltl&h School aubjecta. American Leeton Hall, 21S ·16th St, N~rt Beach. July 2nd to Auguat 10th, 1966 Houn I a. m. to 12 noon. · RegistnrUan June 30. Phone or *• John W. Johnlon. e20•Narc1uua, Coraaa de1 Mar. Har. seM.R JAMES D. RAY General Contractor l Builder .. o-.1 .... OOl&Ol'4 m::L Mil .. * ltv"9y A~ UMIN UM fvlMr~ fw fvll ... ,........... ,, . . ........ ~ ........... NO PAINTING -NO RUSTING1 . ' . Get YMW H• 1 ... W ..._ U MOW et • .... --. -.... -< • • • ·' ' • PART I-PAGE 5 -----~-~N~EW~PO~R~T·~l;fARIO~~·~~~~--~~~~~¥~, ~JIJti' f i.'~~ "God gr•nt us the ~fly to •ccopt tho thin'I' we 'Corv>Ot d>ot\go; tloe cirw11 fl) ch.nge tlie tWnp we .,.. oocl BRUSH COUNTRY , tho wiadom to know tho dill-• """"-J , . , • ' I JOURNAL !'oucm ··-Supervisors Take Note of Hospital Brutality · Charges Th• On.n&e County Grand Jury bu now spoken . It. piece concerninJ. a.llegatJon1 ot brut&Uty and ma.I · t reatment of patient.I ln Oranre COunty Hoeplt&l. The Newa..Pnu, h•ving exclusively publlahed a num- ber of 1uch allepUorui throuch coopen.tion witb the · Orange DaDy Nm and Orange County Newa Service media,.10me moa.tha ago put t he county boa.rd of 1uperviaora on public notice about th. bolpital. We 11&~ nothinc come ot it, no public offlcla.l .coplunce taken.• Juat an we wtre about to uk the board, follow- ing the grand jury'• report which blamed the euper· viaors for "nqli1ence," if they "heard the mu.ale now!" the board Friday voted to uk for .&n inV¥ti1a- tion by the State Hospital Burea.u. So now we can expect 90me public actJOb in the linr ot probi.nf the county hor:pital'e procedure, tr the lnvutlgatlop i• to be the "top to bottom" 1CM1tiny the'bot.n! ordW-td Friday: A team of It.ate otficiala will be aent to the hospital for the rurvey "u aoon u poulble," to quote the board reeolution. We wonder' why It LI neceuary for the rrand jury to eear the Ii.id• off the 1Upervilon before .om• action ruch u th.la ii taken by the board. The juron' ho•pital lnve.tlption. committee alle&ed findlnc ln- •t.anc. of brutality and drunkenneu among patJent.1 u well u deplorable 1ltuationa fallJ.nc •hort of h09· pital mlnimum ata.ndarct.. The crand jury endo,ned it. comm.ttt.e report wblc;h 111.y1 are of the county p&tienta ''rat.I 1quarely on the boi.rd of 1upervilora' •houldera.''-· We cannot argue that point. We have been uy- lng for eevual 1D9Dtbl now that an invutigatlon of the hospital lhould be undertaken to put actual con· ditiom in their proper penpectift. Since we firlt e•· poeed tht. bnrtallty and maltreatment •ituaUon the Orange County Medical Society bu checked the coun- ty hompltal Ud ,.......,,mended 1<>me change.. We have not yet been given • copy of the medic•' report to ICZ'Ut.inJ.u 1n t.bl licht of aerioua cbar1e1 lev!led 1t the ho1pital. Actually, we feel conalderable invertlptson by the •tate'1 u:perte ahould be made before we can know the full extent of what the grand jury bu re- po rted to be a bad 1ituation. We feel the taxpayers of thia county have & right to know their tax«apported ho.pttal 11 be ing operated a• they would-want it done: if the itate .lnveetlptlon baclt• up the srand jury report and/or the meciJcls' finding•, then there can be no reuon to delay putt1n1 the county ho•pital In apple pie order. ..- Actu.ally, we feel the board of 1Uperviaora abou ld have taken •tepa Jone before t.hil time. Had they don• eo they would not neoeeurily have been b~ up 1n t~e staring criUcal light ot a crand Jury'probe and tlie ch&rgea of ''nqUgence'' attendant. We urged a fuil •tudy of the altuattoa in recent month.I of editor- iala. So cUd other OCNS media. Now, the "beat" ii on the board from the snrod jury eo it· La forced to act. We're wa.ttin1 the outcOme with lnten.t. Gov. Knight Discusses Some Facts, Ideas on Water Need for Lmmedia.le and broad pi:.n.nm, of water deftlopment 1n California wu atreaaed in a recent ,.,_., '1 Gov. G. J. Kn.icht &t a state chamber ot eo....,. meetinJ. The rovemor brought out lbme tnt.t.taat~ and ideu on tbe water lituatioD. •..., U.. wu hia tltatement that need f0r _ _. will -'5 per cent Ill the •ut 30 yearo to 8(000,000 .-feet a yeu. Ailother wu tho fad that Ibo rood -and rw"olr oltoo lltvo proctlcaUy all "-deYolopod and that from hen OD Gilt prQV\4· Iner-......._ u. rolllr to bl ~ di...... and -_uy. °"1" of •. dJ-.lon wttliollt lltOftlilU'I.-. J •• J • Dmos 111e .,a ao,...... aa _addtt1mo1 n.000,000 . ..,. teot muat lio ""'1opod to'tiob ~ ot - P<I-._, .. addl\loul l,000,000 _.. fllt .... bl •u•pcl ID ~ cart II ~ ...-1 ~ ~ ftlo d1li4 npl'UI !Ito w!Jat tht otefe la l'llDlllllr bolilnd at tho -t tlmo 111 IA.klllJ caro ot tho ....,........ powth. It II obown IA ~ uwrom .NE'WS ' Ill -""8 el Ille 1f1at,o ud la -tllilM loawod to tho,..., ... ,.,.. . •' 8ohldm ot ... pnb' •• at .... putil.Jlr, OO'f'. K.DICbt -la_. ot -• \M r-tW River ·m tllo ... t.ul. -jlot, wlllcll .-Id llOt only llO!l I t m --f• OT mptloa. i.- would at U. --.l"cut s .,..e1tlOa ot .. ~ tloods ~ -dlrtrl<t.o th.It ... wlntu. l'or lllo 1oa Lull• pNjoet ll':ulJPt II lfc1ll' Ill .. f"""1 old. ' • Wai. -thllO pro~ JCalPl: plolll to -J't u far ao to lloalllorn <:al.lfomlL • Bavto1 all the nm· off watu Ill c.Jlfonila for uoa hln II a much mort praotlcal pro~ thot the ott_,_ plpio 1111e !!-. the Columbia 'rivv. Knl(ht'o' •g!DMio lltn - mated there LI enouch water originating in t.hil 1tate to care for the 11tate'1 need. &nd b"e plana to co to the legialature t.hb nen winter with a loDJ dlnatance de velopment plu !or its ltou.ge and diatn'bu.tion. The"' will proO.bly be oppooltlon to Koirht'o plan by the time the Jegi.tature Jneeta and out of it 1hould come a healthy diacumk>n that mty N.Wt in a plan that wiU make it unneceaaary to po.t rign• along the border aayin1, "Keep Out-No Water.'' • Y ... lia .. WI~ JlllJ 1, W-tho ---tw -dool.,, ~t!ll<o a Jut lllnr ovu tho trallo ot tho CW-.'•9" w1 Ban llonwdlDo Natlooal Vo.-.ut.or Jllb' 1, Ibo "baek .,... of tho forwto wl1J be ~ for I the ...... tlro. --Wo btvo juat COlllplot4d Oftl' 1 100~..... •••'lilid '1' \Nlll I ll'lile ~ u.. 'l'ralNet> ~ ol all. w. ... •tod .... \ry. tnct ot tM QrnlQd ....... and IO b9 IUN and ..... tM pt.a I UIQb to tM Jilta nJM u.it ... "'-be.bind )'W. MOit ol ti.. ,.... .. form.," wtQi Ill wUd ~ le In th WU1b CIO!,latl)' .,.. .._. at IUI • tlpliDCtlnwi belt. Ut.r prtnc:)', .. ·-.. lllwa)'9 .U1 On -Jut lrtp •• oompltted 1. NM ot .,.,... atopptq and th• 11111.1 lap ot °"' uplorationa, burden1n1 the oceupuUI wtt11 a llnd ft CU ftOW M.Y WI Mv. k>t ol. cw1oua chatt.lr. -it )'VU tn.nlW tlri""'rh th" conttn• ban flu•Uoaa, uk UM f1Dn1t Or Ul1 t ore1t from Sllverado N ft(tn. thl1 le th.t' job &nd Canyon In Orange County to you'U find UM111 .-. oo~. 1""1Ubrook ln &all Dteco Col.lnty. A chury w1v1 bow1Yer, 11 al• Th~.. fuclnatlnc fot1!9l truck ways 1ppreclated by N.nctMor• tralla. built by tha ccc boy• &bd tn.\·e.tlen aW11 la Ul• bile.II du rtns thl 1130'• pl9":• tom• ot COl.lf\tl')'. · 1 lhe n101t .c.nic back country in 'nte otht r true.II trail that SouU:ltrn C&l!fom !a. Many of runa IOUlhward h'Om lh4I Ortoca thf!ae tralle eroe1 private l&n<U ''l.ak .. ott." a f-mJIH 4ewn 1 1 '.l.'llh lodl.«I aatu U:lat may •top the g rade tow1rd lli1I 0091t n-om YOW' Ult or anlrJ' &ad u.en 1'0U &be OU1.lo ftancw 11.&Ucm. 'ftll.I m\lat tum &roW:ld an4 N\not la imowa I.I ta. ~ TNeJI )"OW' 1\llpL But evea ...,. ot Tnil Ud ,._ ~ _. 1 t.11... •..:tend trtp. an ...u ta-.iou. terrttart. n. ,.._ • Emphasis on Education, Not ::""...::. ':.":~ ::-: ::. ~: .. r::.... ... _-.,:..::. 1----------------------ltuna trip. Th ... t.rudt traii..,.. prln.t. land. A aict nwtd tr1J Football Due Consideration ;:. '°:;. '"~·..:=."' :~ ::" ... ",."= "f...~ ·~ AFFAIRS OF ST A TE ... .......,_ " ,... .................... ._ ... With papen up and down the '°untzy editorlal· id.ng on the·tempert lo tbe Pacific Cout Conf'erence teapot &nd alumni crying to be let alone in their plans for 1Ubaidiz.i.q' t,iner and better football t.eama. no one •eeme to have hit on the kernel of the dil- pute and that ii that lhe va.rioua etat.ea npportin1 the acbooil U. J10t irt the entertairun_ent buttnea and the averare tupayer may not can whether the •tate univenity bu a footh&ll team or not. There wu a time when a wi.nnin1 team wu con.eldered 1111 diet to a •tate Khoo! becaUM it at- tracted 1tudent.1. That time ia put. Today atate acboola are in· terested ln letting the 1tand&r'dl higher in order to to keep the number of studenta down. Schools an primarily for ~Ucation. If 1tudenta find apare time for •thletica it ie fine and dandy, but the taxpayer who LI footing an ever-fncreulng bill for education doea not care whether the acbool he i• aupperting hu & winning t eam or not. Athletic• bu become big bwiineaa with million~ dollar .tadiwn1 and field bouee.. H1rin1 e.nd firing of co a.cbea bu become nation&! new1. Tellllll trawl by air and have equipment th&t cost.a more· than a whole science labioratory equipment tor a unall IChool. But what bas that ~ do wi th the dtortlge ot teachers or engineen or the cryinc need for more ecientiltr ! The average alumnua, 10 yean away from hi.a camput, ia more interelted in Boy Scout. than tn hi.a &Ima mater. I! the Cout Confert.nce hi to continue In bu•I· neu let us hope that a rea.liatic aet ot rulea will be Ht up that will include IOIDe ot the ethical pri nciple• our echooll are tuppoMd to incuicat. in their grad- ua.t.eL And lhen let. U1 aee the coUecea the.maelves run their athletic. for a chan&e inat.e&d of groups ot alumni and downtown butineu men. .._ __.__ C. -·*'•'aua pickup, J•p. or oldtr lamllT U.. Tena.la Trail Or J'O'l eu -1 nAn•• ----CU' J'O'l cq ct•a lMm • try tW"D -\M &ula ftoaa JILuU 1----------------------1 ' road eutward to KW'r'lata. U UP CANYON you So thro!ilp te De Lt.-, & SACRAMENTO, (C'NS) -AA b:ttareltin.& IUDlm.k· Your baet point ol •try In nice trtp .. to ntuni to MW"- tion of the ci.u defeHe lituation. WM p... to the Houac Oranp 0Dv.nt1. t. to So up Mta °"" u. DI i.u. road MUI•·-· Ope ti Co ·u-_."-.; i-., __ ---· s1lwuado CUt)'Oll to ~ "ry I.lid tba les•ae ~ ..... , ra ona mmi~u:ie m--. '"o-.u •"~iaco end anct thtn conU.nut up u.. ' by St&"te Seu.tot George Miller Jr1 of Contt& Coata C&na4a da Madera to .,...u..,o aou ,Q)lft'IHUSI . . ' " I n. ~r&lldl el. U.1 Mab. county, 1n which the California aenator ch1Jlenged the ex-~~ ~~'1~u ~ ~ ~~ Otrid• Tntdl Tr&1l wMeb wtll llt.a.nc1 ot an.t real cl.U dden.M "It 11 onJ w-• .. b d I lh• OrUp Hlpway On a clear conUDut DOl'tl!IW&rd to kaU..p pro1rarn tn thil country. 1 M ·-• e-• PKll Md Oru.p CoWlty 11 Mill~ laid lt q hi• flnn 'oe· cl.I.rid, .. U&t D'IUJ' ot UI i re dly Ur.a wt-from tha Olll·ft. entarM & m.Ua or two .,,..·tit• net uat •t lb.I p~t l ime. not 0&11 CIOClA1'ed, hl bu lo1t Lop of knU.,-0 PMk ln~ Otaq't road ~ Ult oout tnn. w1 do not ban a clwtl ddenH Wb&tntr eontldmoti Wii ml1ht ~°".:Ztb~rntbt~~=: the CUtlo lt.Uon. ·u nanow pfOl"r&m at all, and that durtnc = ::," bad la ~. Fldera.t Ptall with Ital ~win pe&ll: t roadt aad Mt1bU botbar JIU, th• put f\n or ~ y.ara. Ula _.. propm. Modjdka formi the tam!s Mat .tay off thta trip. T1l1I nallon hu 1ttn develoi»d MrOM J(W.er oulllnld bOW callforn11 .. 1 d4leb&ck " and 11 Ut4nll trail pu1e1 ~ th• Plaoe th• country "a 1potty cOllelom· hM chu,pd It. clyil dd•lllt th: hub 0( the Bou~ ~ Potrtro, aJoac the ..ride"• ot ti.. eratlon ot etforll at local ln · ~ IA • proiram which uldn't be rlHd. It lllllU A.Ila M~ to tM 111." could ba UMd l.n lh• e...ent or wo .urp ...rJ -•t ol tM TwnMCaJ c:::a.toa Some or thtM .aorta, II• 1&14. a A&tuna dialler Neh u rlood, =ty ba l.n aou;::,•m tbCaWomJa wttb 1upt1rb wt..,. ot tM ..._. hl \19 Min worthWhlle, whll1 oth· rlN. or Mrthquaii:•, &a well u 0111 Slddl=k m . • \op of ore. Albertl11l I.lid T....a&l •I'll &rnou.nl:ed \o aot mucb more In th• event ot enemy atl1ck. Th . th· Canyo~ alone the way. tAao. "bwy work" procnm1. He IUl'lffled thl• mleht be a 111 a~• ree polnll, of Ir!· Some of tht flnett 1t&n4.I ot H• point.Id out I.hat Callfoml& Sood policy tor th• anUre Unlted ~ lntof t • ~~v•~ National COulter Pine &Dd Bll Ooa.• h .. done'u mueb or mort thui Stat.a to follow, tn order to or .. t rom e rteea HIJh· Spn.ice to bl towad aa.IWMN la any other N t•, but 1tJU bu utill&• lbe cl.U, defan.ae organ· ""'ayS A •lop lit the can.o Rani· 11 •lone lhll "trail ot th• rtant not M&Cl!.ICI a workabM procNJn lu.Uora. ~~. r~a~nt.r •h:u~l~ut ~~ .. 1~ walk," 11 lb• WU• caU.1 lt. Be- whleb -would attain •nJWh•rt ' IM: • an ....... -, e.t.\l91 you. ..,.. • hlcf!. loOklnJ n•ar U\• MIJ'el of •tftcUYltftlM P&DlARY llOl.E •bo1.1t ealf!I. road condiUon.1, e nd down at the towu of Southern which can 1Mi &nUdpat.M u 'IMeoo Th• 11!.n&tor Mid grimary re-a map. Ttl• trip we mad• wu Calltomla •t )'OW' f..C. •h• 1•t.t ~ Ill tlMi ....i of u einamy spollltblllty rat. on th• tedus.J up lb• Ml.In Dlvldl Truell Trail lb• lmpNlllo11 oC tffUns Uk• attack.'' -eovemme:nt for plannlnl' dwtl at Ow ~P or th• Ort.ep rnd• .. rta nt walJdne o\'U' the .auth· so l..EADl:Rl!IHIPf defULH ac:llvLtlQ, and uraed throufh the MorrW and Corwin land. Miller attrtbUted t.bl llituaUon that a ttaeral. pro1T&111 be rea-ranchea, the 8&.r:1ta Roaa Re•ebo The• ~•tloGIJ ~tm ln dtr«:UJ to tht lack ot leader· llltk:. to the Terw.J• Guard Ste~ Soutbfrn C.Uforni& u. public llhip on th put of tb1 t9denl "It ii nothine and worM than the:n on throurh to DeLuz ana land.II tot" JOU and•t to UM and P"rnmant .. to wb&t Mould notllln1," h• ....n.ed. "to hav• Fallbrook. Thie trip 11 approal· mjoy, &ad tbelr rurthtr dtftklp- bl dona, U &nJlhinS. HI crtU· th• flden.I eowernment adwocat-nretely 4? miles. Ju..t one wor.1 mat rff'tl upon lh1 amount if d ud 10m1 of tba dlJIK'tlftl th• Ins wch lJlni• &I It h11 ln the 0 w•m n1. )'Oil ere c:l'OMin1 uu •• put Ulem to Thell' tedaral ,on rllQlltftt bu '•u.O. put lndltcrtmtnately and w1lh privale property much 01 the chvelopmtnt ahould ba hutmed namln1 fllhl recniJUq u • no real tllourht as to the prac-way'..and theH fOl'Mt ro.~ art to otter a ha'ttn tor t.ht ftl&IV plln which waa round to be im· llcaUt1 of th• 1dd ted pro-not public ri&hWf-way•. I.lid 1,000.000 ctty 'WOl'1l tOlll in. Ula prac.tlca.J ; lb.I m ... t!Mltv pro-iram• In the vartoua areh of If th• prlvllte• ot uelne them 11 8outhlt.nd -atttttnr t.btm the .,.am, a.llo found impractical, UI• Ualt9d ltatea. ab1aed they can be clo.ted. opportvntlt' to alow doW1l &nd and lhen U11 1vacuaU°' pro-Re adV'OCate<I a cl't'\llan d.. STAY OK P VBUO communa wttb Nat.un ta U!.1 (Rm, wllicb bl ltnUed ~pr&O-fen.M aee.ncy who&e 1t1tu1 In There ii plenty ot public land (n&t out-of-doan Of Olll' ... tttn tk:&l. th• federal 1ove:mment i.. 1utfl-tor you tq_ brow" over. 1lay off tof91t," ta tha ~ eou.try Koet ot tb• pJeruW!.I' done at c~nt to Ull.D'• lh• a11mry nee· th• private. And man Important et Bouth-.. Calltonl1&. UMi tlder&l level. }(Wer Mid, euary information upon which - ----------------------w•1 btl!ld on \b• lbeorJ' that lo plan, and urpd a natlon·w:ldl Grass Roots Opinion ... DRESDEN, 0., TRANSCRIPI': "For & lq tilal a lot of u though t there wu some maliCaJ way by which the iovernmmt could take can of everythln1 tor U&. .A.I wt look at other peoplH who have embraced t.h.ia 111.Dlfl aoclalletfc phlloeophy we now know that u . "' lean upon the rovemment:. in Uk• meuur9 we 1Qee Out peraonal liberty." • .lBILENEe KAN .• DAILY REFLECro&- CHRONICLE, ... A 111lrftY u.witly conducted by tho N.., York Stock EJCCNnp •.. which coven the p,riocl from lllSi to t»-t, abowa that 111 lllvat- ment drcln pUce Ja nprdld u a more favorable COlldltion tlwi WV ••• Tbo llU'Vly ref1ecto I oooclu- 1ion that m01t aenalbll-.IDfil muati.bave re&cbed 1n re- ... t YU!'L It U. tb11, 'tbat 111 Industry u wdl u 111 hum.n life cenerally, 'modern .. wv brtnp untold di. ruption &nd chaoa." • A·bo!a\I• would bl dropped upon muler pla.o tor civil defenN lm· cutaifl d U... ud Ulla ll~Ula-pl t mrnted by adequate tlnanclne sle h• aid la not 10und, Jlt(:auM to auurJ that eqUipment, m•· ln .th• coaalel &ml ot CelllO'I'-terlala, tock-pllln1 and olb•r nla. tbe po.lbllltJ ailt. that neceaaa.ry--phue1 will be .c;Arril!d bOmbt could bl la1111ehtld trom out. re11rdle111 of th• wealth ot IObmarlnH w:lthOUt ~I'· lndlri<i~ 1tata - Sacramento Sidelight SACRAllENTO, (CNS) -Go .. mor Goodwin J, KnJcht Kldom makee 1peecbu ot a political nature for anyone e.:cept Governor Goodwin J. Knisbt:. ao therefore, it came a• 1<>mewhat of a •urpriae to receive a releue from the Governor'• oUice etvin& the text of an addreu before the DemoC_ratlc and Republican Committee. tor Donald Doyle. ~ Doaeld OoyM 111 en UMmbJy. Knl(ht 1t.1pport ot Deyle p,._ tun from OJntra OMta 00\lllf;J' .,... eaot.hu Kntcbt..Nb.on ,Mt. and wu ..U.lne n-altc:Uon ti• for com trol ol the RapubU-· when ui. Ootwwr tutnad the can party in Calif ornia. • .soutbun c..Htomta lel'hd&tora, hMyY l\IM tD bll f&'f'OI', '!'bit IOatl of wbom .beed Npport Doylt IJ a ~bUCU ti; wadtir-lnOl'I than AMllnbl Do le •toed. fGf wttlt UN ~-po"l~ed ..,.. wn.whtt 1:;::-f 1 ' 111;pport r ,..._ ~t., aupport ....n o tM CLANTON; Af:.A.:NJ:WS: ''If you an the partnt Ur.at wu nol rt,.a to oUMr ._ ~Ol"a hlrh-~ lpeiac!ll of & ~ A..:-_,., -It to ~o·•-lf to _._,_,_ publieu ~ 1n ....att f•W'r . ol. lb• C..ntra c.t.a 0&&¥'Cf' ,,_ ""• ,, ---~1-and ..........,. ,._,. M eould. lilt --.iblym&r\ and If lhe1 .. " oat• • , and look at the hlchway Jr.bert they Ki-at.ch· · not °" the N~n band-wa1on oil Cll thtJr de&th-d.at,-.'tdp beck to town • • • bl no~ !':J.w. i.~t In ==J!f ·~•pl lo Jump then 8Ql'9 to•nate the "-• ..a.I.I -·........_ •"--.. L~ 11.1.... DoJ'J.t. ~lo lc.t .,,.,...t. -. ... _ _, '. ~ ~ _.._ --a Ul9..-..u.ft1 If fNln c•rtt .. Uoet •th!W .nOWIYW ,,_ r ove:mo. 1 otnc• where• cblcken' had to pve lD tor an Oil~ ear. uiu mtaht tie ~· u. hu mM'I• a pod 1el1et.1on tor . GNAJtLD> SKELl;l'ON -Deo4 ooli f-llltef'. e.U.g pattern along l(aJn Di'flde Tract ,Troll .... u. of on.ero Hirh...,.. -Horoco Parl!1r -• . ' A.ft.er ~ this, when ylMi get back to t .... wn you'll AY aur6ric..,.... ll'ilfll1.....,: .00:. ~ north•ra catlfOrnia vie.chair- • "'' •t'h...., i.u.u.e hr°"' -•-'my boy co ldn ' ~ er CNt tMa .. -erepped a.a t.n A...mblymen Doyle. Ju ._., u t be doing that.' Well, we jwit hope up that tM ~. taetkla th• eovernor 1&1•: '"There 11 no atlnd u ~ Mattw at Ute ia.t.emo. la !C1WPOrf ~ )'OU CID. k~p ffflin& that way when the u.d new• of lhl Republlcan party wantll mon ablt, no more ener1et1c. OIJlfGntAa ....-. u.. A.al Of lfUdt a. 117t. com.ea." AIHll'l~fnWI Doyla tor Tio.. no mON n11pected lefilllator -~f;~==~::~~~~f:i::i~r::::;:~~:!i~;-~ -------~--------------J eh~rman of ~ ~bllean Ul.aa ~'blymaa l)qy1'.~ ..... t """" -....;. W1 9 ,,,. ... ~ .., &ail Stell <*tn.I CommlttM WI .Lil.A.Na A.WAr Jl'OW M•WW "I ... PVMM...,.G (IOICp:AJfl'-!all. TH Ooatre ooa& UHmbly· 11 --····-•• .,,.., .,.... --.... Fanner McCabe Writes . . .... ....... _,.0 -:.: ,':;...~..,.:::~ :: ... .,::; ;. ...... • ..... ~ .._ _, ..,,.. ?0 ., .&II ~ 'ntl cbl.lrm&lllllttp ~tJJ .. ttm1. ,,_ to ell&irm-..hlp of .,-..., .... C r~tl~Oi.~~• .. ArtJ.•1-:""'"::-"":'..;,,'---~----':""-------he'd bJ Tbomu Ot.ldecott, .. th• Import.ant """'blJ' COlllJl\ll· \ -• --"" " N" ' J· ' Tb _, , 1tmblyrrwi l'ftlm Bft'll:eNy, &ad u. oa «hlea---•~· n-~~ ,....,,,., 1n •••*"•• t.-.1 ltlll qw•· a to-do about fo~ •-1n, too 11a """"" -~ ii s 11 J' SW'" sa..w *till•" • "f -1A9 uic •Ito c tnnan of tll• ~bl.1 tpoll: owr-th11 _,.i; _.. ob- Mr t (Ii ef ....... ~ W... ...... 014 ftt' wOrfl after they tuna -40 ••• hbi,,! rd' bate W•,a UWl K1&&1 OOmn.lttM. "'""'" ttlt he ...... too much on .... -.. ....,,...,,,_. Dn11>• ··~ to think what kind of lh•,... tbJe ooun•-. would be I• whtcti. le • ~-ll1Pb' ._. U.. .......... Loiw4 • ~ ._ ..-..,~ ~ .. # port.ant lo t1'e pr¥'111'Ur &a It tfonl& ~ ~~ Wt wn1.11., A.~.._ it.tu. ow one bad to retire llOOn. u they -ieacbed 40. Oet.ermlw u.e WQ•t tit.al• 1aw wrUca Ut.M-._ &ppMn • JIJDI M. JUIDNY, 44~ Dtrctor Why • m,an dam.'t OOIM tato llM owa. unW be IC>OIM!!a Mch l 'ffl'. Ka t ,....,., tht ~bl.Ir-i. ba drawUts ... , trorn that Q11••1,ge A. AaMaT&ONO. M•"'•Dkl91 l up.-lalalldlat halt hit teetJa "D Ult menahlp ,_. te '"Ulsll Call· pow-ertal leMl)'Ulr trpnlaUon. . laJi Mir • , --be .'t flOID• tomla. tor Uri• C.t...t Oomlnlt• 00,le 11 aMayn On tbt Job, -80W'DOll &Ami mence to do that till bl ,.._-hla ~ • ........, t.. •lt.rnatM bmrffft u.. nora, h4 NSU'dl• of hla dactaona. • ..,.... ......,. JC.....,..., ~w-., ..,._ --and tlll mu.Lil. Illa eoUetpea tMI Ula& ti. M.- • Olup o...r ... ,... ~ .. * -., l1M ...._ .. l'umw Kcabt R•port.I ooml.ns trc>m. louUwm tac:b m te prvbltmr ltOtJa wttll 0...... ., OnillP o.-tr tut .... ,_ (ab dJ'lal .......... , 4 ~ ~ Ga& tM ""°' ... lllleWtt)'. END .01"110UGH -Tbl1f II typical fonil 1n1Ck trall near oummlt of llantl&Jo haJi. • • --- L • . I 1 , • • .. a~~ &nf. eMC: • ~aid • ..,. a pM. llOUd ...... -w• w1.U C'OllUO.UC. a ~ .,. ...... CHllMPIONSBIP OOACHES -Above, ~ Neeme, left, mentor of the Sunaet League champ Sailors baseballers, greet.a George Hunter, mentor of the Orange League champs, at Thursday night Tar player banquet. Bunter replacel Neeme as coach of Tar nine next sea.son. Below, in chow line with their wives ue, from left. Hubter, Wendell Pickens and Chuck Randall. Upper right. Neeme, Hunter and Pie._. -Stall Photos HARIQR • Wedell P I c Jl ea' Oa:aqe .,_ bUeball,. oo..t OoU re au.1.ue b .. d •bO :;;;;;~·~;;;;;;;;;;:;;;.; -~ the (~ • ~•f-., Wn• l:ut.ern Oooft-tellC• cblm· ploo Ptre.tea to the atai. JUD.k>r CCIOtp crown llrl• MUOn. wu • ~ at. Tbur9day'1 New- port Barbor Wlb 8cb9oJ b&M- ball -.nquet u "lbt fine. ~h to win a 8uc.aet Leq.ue bue1-U c:hampJonlhlp ror Ute Tana." Plclrma. wlnner·ot I.bat lnlUaJ Sailor diadem ln lMl.1 wu IA· t.rodu.cecl by Coadl Emil Neem., \' the ftl'9t to pilot Ute Tan to I lb• ttUe lince then. Nffme ln· troduced P1eken1 u "Mr. Baee- ball" ot th• HUbOr arn. "You'll' permit nie to take a UtUe personal pride In the auc:· ceu of thla tum." Pick remind· ed the pl&yera. ·-amc. moet ot you b0y1 played on annrner teama of mine:· Belidea co11gn.tulaun, t b • Bailor varsity for their crown. Plckena e •tend• d co~"&t,ula· Uona to ~r.-e Hunter. who will coach the Sailor nine next aeuon, on copplnr the Orange IAarue cl1a.mplonahlp at Valen- cia thla aeaaon. Pri11te Polite • MERCHANT PATROt and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL SECURITY COMMBCIAL PATaOL 2-7027 Kl Tar ~trength · · High for '57 · •·1 have wtt.ched Oeorre bOth &;==;;;;;;===--=-==.:I eo.ch Emu Neeme, who tunu the vanity baaeblllt team ovel' to George Hunter nut RUOn while Neeme IW'ltchu to J BILL PHILLJPS, Sporta Editor football . and buketball, tol ·----------------------Hunter during the Newport Har· bOr HJrti School bueball ban· PAGE 6 . P4RT I-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS quet Tburaday, that be hu lix for your su pport e nd MONDAY JUNE 11, 1956 very pount ba11p1.ayera retumtn~. • ' They are Catcher Carl B«r· .t AB GREEN VARSITY . MVP ON CHAMP TARS . Gil Sharp Draws MVP Spot on Sailor Junior Nine at Feast geron. ).'only a eophomore;" l'lret BaKman Bud ThompllOn, "he played every poetUon;" Pitcher Gary Green, "one ot the beat In Southern Calltomla ;" Pitcher Pate Helkea. "who came throu(h when we really nteded him;" Third Bueman Bob Allen and Chuck Vandervort . Al the aame lime, fir junior varsity Coach Cl)uck Randall ln· formed Hunt.u about Clve of the JVa would be movin&' up to the val'aity to Lhreaten the veteran.a for po11lllon1 next seaaon. "I bad Pitcher Gary Green wu named moat valuable player a terrific bait club," Randall u- by b.i. teamniatea on the Newport Harbor High School Mrt.ed. "Bow they kept from be-tnr champion•. I'll never know. Su.uet ~e co-champion Sailor baseball team this They're the belt bunch ot cuY. .ea.aon. 1 ever had " • See . , pa rticipa tion in ma kin9 the I I th ANNUAL COSTA MESA FISH FRY the mod aucceuful yet! COSTA ' MESA LIONS CLUB • • You Again in 1957/ The announcement of Green's prron r r n('r, r• 1 , .. i,, ... '• " • Nttme aa.ld the Tar vanity was aelectlOn wu made by Coach ' ooachea. Neeme and Randall pr .. a "team of 1urpriae1; perhap1 1tnled le~lera Lv l •ht pht.)•·~· 1that'1 why we flJ'IU hed on top._ .. _:_~==================~~ ErnU Neeme durtnf a mothera' EXPBIMENT FAST BALL JOE WINS RO LLFEST bueb&D Mllquet for th• Tar __ vanity and junior T&nity play· era and menlOra lJl Bt. Andnnn Mn. Roe Gray Church Tbur9day anenaoon. Othen honored by tMil' team· Firat Bueman Bud Thompaon, New Class C Bait Raia in 5-Go Test · Class -A Tops matea on the vartdty aquad were Joe (Fut Balli Stamp of t.ea.m captaln next HUOn; Left· Balboa 1-land won the Au• ··n Fem Golf fielder Paul Lorentzen, bonorary t.rallan 81nrJea tournament captain th1a Muon; and Catcher TUeeday on the Ne'wport Carl Berreron. moat lmprowd Beadf liluntclpal BowUI\&' Mn. Roe Oray captured C1ul ~rtorroer. Oreaa. Jo. topped tbe fteld A honora In beat l2·bole1 with Pitcher GU Sharp drew the by lhrft points with a 1~ 2/3 handicap play ot llnka Jadlea MVP award amonc jumlor Yal"- Ptopoaecl new rulu In Claa potnt pme. at Irvin«' ea.st Country Club alty pl&yera of Coach Chuck C bueb911 for th• young-er bOya Three playera tied for Friday. She recorded • 42 1/3. Randall. Tabbed captain of tb1a ln ~ BaRor aru tummer dla· aeconcl place with 12 point.a There wb a two-,.ay Ue for year'a team wu Second Jl&M.- moad J>l'OIT&m wW ba (1ven a ach. T-th 1 -of.l WU runner-up apot bet.•een t h 1 man q.ry • PlckeN while moet ............ ..,, ·-tt ... d~ld-'" • uo • P ay • Jm _.. ... t to •-n·'d u .. ...-.----:r ~ .., "·-.,.,.,. __ d t ,,... __ ... I Mmu. Wayne Ba.II and Jobn p • .,,,.,,. uonora wen ...... Mar won aecond prhe, BW Greene, eah wltb U . w Jim Rebll. at the C1aaa ~lea committee ....... "'.....,. 0 .....,...,... uc ni .. Unc tn H r Boya' Club Brtma ot Sant.a Ana took Topplnr c 1.. B compeUUon Neeme I n t. r 0 du c • d Oeorre ~ momtnr. • lblrd and Uoyd Stenea of wu M111. Alex Dd"eo with (2 Bunter. who t.ak .. over u Sall· 'l1'e tlrst tlve p.m• on all Balf>oa !lnlabed fourth. while Mra. Roy Campbell lead or vanity bueb&ll eo&eh next Cliu9 C ~· tcbedulea -Clue c with 38. aeuon alter pl.loUnJ Valencia W-..n (ea.ta Mia Park), The Mm ... Howard FlemlnJ, Bish tot.he Orance Lea.rue di&· J:utem (Monte V1ata Bcbool). coachea wtll decide wllich rul• with 42 1/1 and Jamee Gray moncl crown th1a eeuon. N"11le. camonua st.ate (B~ Dl.llp) lbou14 be adopted tor-remainder 42 213• trall~ ln Cl ... B. a.1oni who will tak• onr aa hea.4 ba• &Dd Ptcn..,. (Youth Olnter) -at tbe eeuon. wttb Mra. Dorothy n.muke, •a ll:etb&ll e<MICh when the propoeed Will lie p1-,..S un.i.r U.. nil• llemben of UMt 1'U1-commit· 1/3 new eo.ta M._ HlJh School i. ~ 8bltt. ephula tram pltcb>-tee tor Cl._ c i.,.... .,. Runner-up honors tn Cla.u c bUllt, ah1tta to B football and ans to hlttbl .. ancl tleldlnir. Kr.. J>auJd Dullp, ~ went to the M.m•. Lawrence ba.tketb&U OO&Chinf ctuu .. hen .4ttcr t.b&t. tile na.t fln ftlU• OanoU. Bob Hutley, ~ Erb, u 2/3 a.nd Bun!«* Net.on, nut -.on. lar1J 9Cbduled J.ea,u. pm .. Davia and Hennaa To.dter. H . Al8o atlendlq the b&nqiiet ,,ell lie p&aJed under .,.W..Uon Ben ar• th• buic nii. . were Coach Wendell Ptckeu of ea.. C llueball rul• J"olla... dWlpa acned upon for tM W the Oranp Oout College at.ate Inc t.h1a 10wpme lelt, 1t wu tl(Wt ftve l..,wa pm. ln tb• ortd Champs Lose JC champion Plrat•. Lariy.lkr· ULM....S by Bwball Oom• C loope th1a ....._:TIM ail.tuna' m" d 27 Bod )(acMllliQ, t.ba tam lllall tumlab u. owa -•tch-ORA.Nam, (0CNS) -Oranp'a 4 Para ... -... World Champion Llon•U.. drop-July uw et to t»ow. H• llball throw no ped a hard !ouatll 2-0 decllion ,._.:,,,_I Hor~ • .:a. more Ulan 11•• plt.c.,. to each to the Lynwood Baney Otrla nii. o~ County H01'Wl ... WI' "" .. bkttAr. Tbe bUter tiUU nan on W-" _. th I r' ...... Carri•-Club ot N...,.....,rt V a•A" • laUt1 hlt ~ .ad t.bt de-...... n.-.a7 on • OM 1 .._. --~··r-_.,. ....... .... ::..,... team lball. pl&~ to put mond. The HarTey Ofrt. IClOred lied by Judiw RaJMODd Tbomp- ' him ._ Th• batter ...if be twtce tn the sixth ~ whtn. M>D. wtll particlp&te ln tha 62nd ~ ~ C ;;.&i out• with l"UJUlel'I on MCOnd and a.nnU&l Oran&'• County ll'ourth of .. WVIT I ~ • to hit ::: ~~ ':.;:: third, a b&ll htt to left field went July Parade and Celebration at • ....._ _ • betWMn ,,.,.. EIMn and A.II&-Hunttqton Be&cb, tt wu an-onat & BombM.ll, 90ll of ·1.i •uer may not w.ik and belle Lockabye • nounoe4 today. Mr • .-G lfn. Ja7 W. •Ro;UilU. ltla1l 1M out on -., oaQ&ttt Qy -----· ----------------at l)rUtwOOd R. 0 . d. ... 11&11. Tbe deftn.11... t.ID ab&ll Cllffll. _, • tftllbmaa at ni. UM Sta pitcher to pa., '-nt.a, PrtadPa" Upper (Biltll ~ pop-ups and ...., ~ TM a.·~ wu awarded I.a ..,... ott..Sn plt.cber ~ not play .it1 .... In Coif .. w.U ... hit llalJa. A b9l1 hltU. tM Of· '4C" p&tet tn b&ak•t.ball at UM t~ plt.chll' .-..U lie la play, aaual lAltarm•'• Banquet. Wlille' r~ naJee In Onnt'• ft.Hiity Jetter ln ('Olf a.. c ll&IJ mcir, cloeel1 ,...,. tachldlld an All-8tar award u W. )N'Of..aoeal blallmlMal.I. wtth OM ot t.b• low thrM in &trtel ~ pltdMnl atrivlJl.c for ~ and A.BO cornpeuuon. out. and walU 1JetJls allowed, TM Priaclpia llU a unique ther. an .-eepUou IUICh u : athletic pJ"OSl'&m tn that bOya A Ume llmJt on pmea; the an dt.tded lnto A, B and C pit.chlnr d!Jitanc. la 81 ft.; a c~ accarcln&' to -.... team mat bat U'OW'\d only on~. heiPt. __..t. ~ ao that all then. even lf there an no oui.. ma,y participate freely bl aporta the other team aut.op1atlcally wlt.hin thefr own ,.cllool and ln com.. to bat; a ti.M runner .-,.tit.loft wtu. U.. ABC IA&· may onq 8t.eJ one b9M on bi• ,... wti6clt ta made up ot tour war around; pla.yere cannot h~ lAUlit .cllOOll; •teal 1'CICM. UStD9'TIAL-INDUSTRIAL -COMtJtRCIAL NO JOB 1'00 LAROE OR oou. UO aoa St.. Newpoli 8eMll llai'bor l5d The St1nd1rd Min helped "'' eat •r p1lntl119 expense! • T• ea ,...._ ~ b~ o•lnt Jow-eoat Standard SbinlJe Stain cm all berm, sbedll and ,..,.. •.. no edra mblnf ---it ccm.-,..., to 'appl:f In nd.. l"8eft Cl' ~And ll dotl • Joni~ job ••• p!IDlltza .. deeply, ... ~ cbett:a cncklDc and .....u.. AU u to h)p ft.,._ ro/111 -tl .... ~ ... We atn WI JOU Wbat ~ ol coatins to -... bow to aPPb' Atmtant .................. ...._,., 1W* to cUp MW.....,_ UaliU ._., ...... it will not lom ....._........,... ridatl • lhfncle baa.. If• ., • ., • .._, a pboD.,.,.... 80 to~.,._. Ml CLAYTON THOMPSON . ...-...c...a.a liar. 155 180I w ..... 8h1t1. ' • Take the J YlUJel and-Herd for the Thrills I Enjoy the Blazing GO and Breath-Taking Styling of America's New Sweetheart! Point thll peppery ro-cett.er in any direction- and you're beedini for thrilla! When you wheel thia mUICUlar new Pontiac onto any road, you take over-and know it! You'll feel the tinslinc aatidaction of euy commend u never Wore. A whole Sock of new adventur. awaita you in the driv.'1 ... t-your 6nt ot many •dmirina sfancee, your fint steep hill, your fint brisk ovpke, your fint aharp curve at cruiEni apeed. A¢ not juat the &nt time, for Pontiac' 1 JtWl of brillianct will_ MUii' _,, tD thrill you/ Aak ua for a demomtration rid.. Put Pontiac's all-new, 227-h.p. Strato.&r.k V..S t.brouch it.a paoee; tee how anootb.ly the nnwt Hydra-Matic, Stnt.o-flicht •, deli~en all' th.ii ta....OOOU8 power! Cdme in low the IDOli rwvee.J.inc 10 m.inut. in motorin1-eoonl I ' •A,._....._ ""(!) THE CMt SA Ya H AND TH• Pit/~ WONT S1Y:>1' YOU/ ~ U/i,e; PONTIAC Comt • I t.Leitapa~ .... the wiDdow9 doeed iD aD ...... u.. the yeuaromad. I. Reculatea h.l&ll\idit7 tn all -•her. ' I. la eo111plet.ely t. .o.d ....t. the booctlaaW.,all valu~ ..-~ 4. ViltAn du.t aad pol- l«n from the a Ir • -· THESE "MtE REAl 'HµNGRY ' BALLPL!A.S A.lid lt looked nu tbey were hard at work. above, when the motbeni of tbe New· part Ba.t'bor HJP School Sailor nine held a buquet Tbunday. Tb&t'1 Second BIM!JJAn Dave Tamura. !Tar of the Year,' left, and portly Pitcher P• ffelke1. BeloW, Pitcher GU Sharp, left. junior varsity ~oat valttable player, a.nd Second Bueman Gary Picken., tabbed team capt.am. exchange congratulatiou. -Stall. Pa.oto. ... BUTLER 'GETS HOT IN 1O·3 WIN AT ENSIGN Deo•thlo1 En~s at 'la Habra Hi ln tbe Wrd BuUer rot two ' LA HABRA. (OCNS)-coach more nma. In t.he fourth. Robert WUJle Wlleon J'rlday crvwned Shewn.an and Chip Oreentn1 • thne new chai:npiona ttt hla an· •1Ji11ed twice and Edler and ua1 La Ha~ MlJh 8claool pclllt• Wrtt.e •lncled. Clemence walked. ::: a.cath!Oft (Ontdti Peyton. C&rpmt• and Ricky ~ tOUl'-day 9\'eJtl came lo a Lowe u1led. J>wi~ that Ume. ~ end Thunday altsr-lbewnan, Orecm1. Tom o.m- nooo. ~ t.he varalty d.. ble, l:dler. Wrt~. and P eyton caUL&oO ... ~n Oll»On. came acroea the plate. Captu,rt.q ~ clua B dec&t.b· Jon WN Jlm JCeeey. with Al Bl'O'W1l &nneximl" the C com..- tSlh>n. OtlleOIJ 8COl"ed 8140 potnta: X...~ ta.llled tliO; and Brotril recorMc1 DlO. erarrord •treued U\e fact that Knlrht tc!ld a new1 conrerence otnclal• ln hia rrc>UP attempt~ that all membe.ra or Uw com· to puah h\Ulle but the playera m1ulon have "hlnled" that they dJd not &Jwaya ebooM to do eo. would realm aa a reault or the Speaking ot lhe reuon tor the 1ovemo1'1 1~lal lnv~l1gaUon birth ot South Arrlcan aotlbell. of boxlnc and wruUlnc rackela C,..Cford aatd that ,ottb&ll "--rl· LO Callromla. ed to Ne In PoPulartty in 1946 Membtr1 of Uie commlaalon rollowing Ure amval of Amrri· are Norman O. HOOJ1ton. chair· can troop ahlpt1 In ttie aru man, and l:dward I. Beck or Men'• aoftbaU 1tarted Ill pwlh Loa Angele.I, J~ph J. t'hilllp1, In th1a ma.nnv. Craffo:rd aald. San FrancllCO. Dr. Dan 0 KJI· He attrlbuled the arowth of roy or Sacramento, anll S. women'• aortball to thf'lr travel· Thomu Bu.ecla.celH, Arhngon. I 1nir to •Lorelp land• durt111 the Phillipi ti.a. wbm1lted hu1 te8· war . !&nation, which the r overnor I An lnlereellnr point wae made aald he will accept. when Cl'9lford Mid that aortb&ll Knlfht declared there have bad bef.n more a women'• 1port been no accuaallon1 or mlllcon· began ln Jobanneaburr and wu duel a,alnat ariy or the commla-due to a hoatlle preu. 11oner1. But h' Rid th' commla-Be told of a South African aloner. oufhl to five him a rree rewai-per wbl.ch aald that aoft· hand ln lnllltuUnr reform ln baU waa a 1laay'1 aport and (tng manarement .. FROM .bisnesland .I "Thank you" Tlu.nb co you aod thrtt million ocher visiton, DisoeylaAd tw had a.·~ ful fun )'e&r and baa btto acablisbed IS I SouihaD CalifcnUa aod warld·widc attract ion. Undu ~ moll\ or lb• eom,.utora are 'aow ntnnlnl' UM Kbool'• croee country courN. Land Andy Andenon. Don Ander• ~~. ~ Bllh e,. mova aon &Ad uowar-4 Ol'Uftn, a.u of Q int.o u.. luNal ~- Bea~ of row support. Oimcybnd is cooilituU,, co pw · · · addiDa °"'. attrlCtiona aod eoeutainmenL Within a f~ days we will opco che first of our ocw in&JOC QtftaOpcDeGO. • • Tom Sawyer's lfPod &net Srotybook la.Dd.. A nit will cab JID'l co Tom Sawyu'a Island where you'll ttt loj\in Joe'• Cne, l'Cllf Wildetoat. dw ~ Bridge, cbe &utnin& Smleis Cabin aod life.like North A.cnaicp wild t.Ai-1s. 'nlla put ,_.., \he achoOl'• N~ 8ekh. wilt coacb the eeecnd tile w.n&ty I.WI. the PacU!o co.at !Aque BTavea In 'mpian:,. ~ ht ~ Or-t.be a.rtlor .,,_. summer t>ue- &nl9 IAque. WUloa'i cia.. B ball pro,t-am. The teem nNtter: tracltlt.re won ~ ~e cbam• N'~I Bob Anderaon. Tom plomhlp. AncHlnOn. Dan Glbeon. am -------..,.....--~-Kepptn, St.epben Lewi.I. CbM"l• Peyton, Jim Porth, Mike Smith. Donald Bwanaon and Allen Wll· ll&m.I. ' C09ta N'eMna John Jklford. DeMll Bioon. • Myron Davey. 1An-y Botpta. W-..yne Mayfield. Alan , Woodrich land Temmy Woodrich. u,..H._ • .......,. 1AertJ M'JWI UM~~ ........ c.ta...-. In Storybook Land. cacal bot.a will cab yoa ~ cht pt opea mou.ch of ,.rocucro tM Whale aod oo put minit.rutt fa1ms of IOCDC of JOI.II fa.ocacr srorybook chanaus. Very sooo to0; we will open our Skyway Ai« a.nd dir lta.i.abow Caftrnl M.ioe Train. Aboud che Skyway you'll ri~ hi&h aaOll faocaqltnd IO 'lbmonowlaod for an 1ttil.I •iew of all Oisacyla.ad. Specucular siaba aod edttftNl'a oa thr Rainbo'V Ca-mns Mine Traio wiD i«lude tbt Jaiabow Dacn. laiabow Ridge -an old mi.nUIJ cown -Teem~ iocb. Ntmtal Aida Bt~ aod fiaally biAbow Falb -eight of r&an. nch in' Uaet color. Out oew Iodian Village in froatiuland will ptaal' authentic clura aod ladiu ahibia ... And from tbett ~ cu tab &a Jad.iaA WU. WIOt for I thtil1ioa rilk atouOd lbe islaad. 'Thlak1 ape for J'O'&I ~t ~mo­ fidmce io DiwfJand. 1llf WtSl CO'MiMM co haW1 dat fWlt ft .. wbca Dilmy· laod opened· l'o ~ide a pleiar when peoplt cu ind happioae &ad Jmowlecfait:' \ , HlllllY'S The A.rtlltoerat la paalall Food ud '1a& S~ NEWPORT IEACH * OOOKT.&JLS * '6IO 0out e.,.. n . u s.toot BE SUR E. IN SURE wlUI MA l'RICE T.&.~ tuo.ruee <>a11 Pboee 8ll.l1Mr H '1' UU L 0--Rlaha7 a.-...... MARINE INSUUNCE Ollbor=. ~ 0.. ina w. <leMt m~ tAanJ ... ,5U How to make rough and ruffed wort eay f .. NEW light·d.uty ·4 wheel-dffve truck r , If yw .............. that wm op8ate on the hlah- way or tab o« ecnm CIOW\&ry . • if )'OU want a four-~ tnd tbat pw. )'OU plent)t of load room. plm tood ~ "'6Gii0'1 cmfwt-...... J'OUf~I Thia IMIW bmrlafAf'IOMAI. modft S.llO ( fzf) fGU!l- .t.f-drive truck wW ~ up dimo:alt paclee-cJI' reMlly IO tbroucb mud. and and mow. Md it may be Au.d for a biol& ol •ILwerr,....--. • You'll ftnd ... " ..... .., ~ • full brother.,, I the~ i-....~ ......... --ii 11• lid 16.000 Jbe. OVW. 0Diil1'.ID and -it, clriw it-..,. Tlllal'I A •IW ( I ~I ./ !I, I ~~,r~~e, J OHNSON'S MIW HOUDA~ IRONZI H A·HOISU • Tbey're •••rll T~tf tftllffl! The IMW 'j6.S.. Hones atyled ia H'o0da7 Bronu aod Spny Y1lke. Come in and ,_ ti.-. Nio• sreu oew mocfda ~ -3 U) 30 bpi 5ollltl CMU .. Co. N~rt Blvd. at Uni St. . H,ut,or !800 John .. ~011 •I ttflfl"'• "• ............ "' ............ ~ _..., .. 11e__,-.. ... ....,.eM _ .. , _,. • Cu .. 'ottt, .....,, '' .,,,. -·· '"•' ........... _ .. ,.,. ...... ......... ,... ... ~ • ·---c. .......... c.~ ,, • ., .. fer ,,,,,.,_,.,., fw • ............ _ . . . ... • ..... ~ .... -4 ....... ~.: : ...__.,...,..,r ....... -....__.....,....w. :::.·. -.. ..., .... ....,.-... _ ... ,~...._ ...... _ 1'-'...a. ·;:. e ht ....... , ........... , ... ........ ..,_ ........... . ,...~ ........... .. e ......................... _ ....................... :.. ,... ......... ............. ,llJeAI ... ..,is1a 4 .._.._. • -4W~ ........... l • • • . . iiiuu. 1LUBQ11 LP.Ml1!:118 -H. iwti. Noble, left, o,..;,... County Harbor Clsi-, Joolul 01 u Col. Ruf., Putn•m. oocutlve ottlctr ot Ibo Stole IAoda , Coruit.oloa. ITielll John J. HoW.ter.1r., rlrht, 1t.ote ...,.14, from Santo llarbua County •t luncboon of ll&te leaden In amall craft b-p"'1nlnJ. -Stoff ~~ . •AaaRl BHOPI LI.PO SIL\. VINO XOO la.,..,, StoN (•Ma MN vaa UM -.....,., uq ~PABLOU UDO 141.0Jf OI' KA.Vl'I' Nlt NJI. IUTd. -Jiu. UTI llOOIUI --·Oilll ait V. UN ""'t ......, MM .. . 0 ...... ...... fDitJl!HT LIDO Dll'O'Ga ... Vt. u.. -llM'liiiir .... Obft'ln I DUPDIES ,.. .. m •• ..... ftl'~ ····~ .. • • CoeY•nlent C•111plet. S•1ppln9 C911t9r • aoMITA WILIOl'f ....... "" ..... OM Vt. ~r U2T llAllla:'1'll &1C11••D'a uno v••srr "" "" Ll6t -...... - REAL ICftAn: P. A. r•1MS• INC. uu..._ ... _....,..,.,,.. vooa.. OOlll'ANY "" ......... -...... "'' ... y~-u.wn Yl&ut.'· ...... ~ 1111 ~ -liar ...... LIDO &U.LTJ •91<Jci4iu Udo Ba1M 6 ll.nt&J.e HOt v ........ -ll&r'-"'4 PLANNERS SL.A TE HEARING JUNE 13 ON OIL DRILLING SANTA ANA. t0CN8} -4. pub~...,., wtU • 1-kl by UM COIJftty Planntnr COmnU--at 1:11 ..... IYM u on a propowd amendJMnt to OrdlM'Me ,..., Ml • .U w.U and ~ drllllnr. He9.rtftl' wtU M eonduct.ed la Urie A.-Wf .... .C th• new Couaty Hal.th "BulldJ~ ...,.., ~ Thrl County Counaotl'1 offtot ~ ,......,... Uillt ....S,. mML -ordu °" tllit 80MS "" ..,..._..,. -. . C I a -s s i f i· a cl OeuW Do,._ .&.-,_ bi UM We4ew'y N...._""lw 'u.. 1-• tl.00 adft ... '811 ... ' u... % --uo od4'I. -.15 ... ' u... a 11uoet11ou· z.oo 1411'1--JI ... ' u.. . ' --uo "'4'1. ... JI .. 1t..._w .. wA'9.w,....,.11"cs..-&. °"' .. ..,.,._., ICIJl1llVM AD II t. 1D1m PANCHO'S CAFE - • t OKLY UO ••II 4CCC>l'dka. ---------Like new. Tour dlolH •n&. D3 CKZVROUDT Bel Air ..... Tuq2.1. '20 down 6 M ,.r mo. nrtible, r91. WSW, -1.11~ IJlU'D.I (ll.o. ~toT) Ul-42' H'! lyca.mon, hnta .ua ~ KimbtJ1y l-OfT2 --------~ A.t ••t our ~la\ wmmtr JIOKll TJUAL OtstJ'l and Le• Mn plan! · llLU"mJ\I (llDC. lfOf) Ul-tU ?f, 11camon. le.nta A.l\a Pbont Klmbei'ty J.WJ2 orans• COWlt>"• Orpa Bdqtn. JLUO(Ol'fl) lptntt Orpa ff, a ,.,. ~of DOG CUPPING Wo11ca bl 1our llome. 16tl '!Wt.la A•• .. C.K. ~nu YOU WILL· MORE FOR YOUR CAR lm.L 01\ TIUD._'H x.retl'7 eoDT. BJ&ek wtUt w1w. radto, 1a .. tar. NOHd and dee.Uc!. Good condSUoa t:OO. can LI J.Ht ).DfCOLN Ooamo, OU1t apa. _.A .a --· a. a..-. pta.; tm Me.port Aft., C.K. ...,-_-_...._ __ ._ .. _____ _ lOdl .Ntw and UM4 TRUCK AND Pauen9tr Tl RES I· Hour Receppln9 .Service 08plete Bnb .... .u.D l'tcmt Bid Altpmat JtQAJ> DBVICll .,,.... ..PU Youn tor tM A.ddq HOWARD ·RYAN · 801·809 w. lit ftt. LUftA AICA mwaa Per Week ft .3 I 5 Marine Ave. l11boa lalen Harbor 1160 8ELLINQ Comer lot. food JocaU-. ,..., • for 1ovr bolH w *"'*" Olllt to OoU COW.. JUl't .... ORANGE COAST "PROPERTIES . • Harbor 1549 • St hr. pbc!M MJ'TjCI ttttc NKW-1 bdrm.--. l-1!11'- ---------... cio.. to ~ .... HOME LOANS Coltia Mu&. 11J ..... SI &-t810 or Bu. 1m ' • .. • ... ! ' IAIJO~ . 'blima. tun. ~ Mlli; Jup ~roam wD fttW& tJalt .. ai.&. ....... 11. 2 CIU' ....... ~ ....... t8tM'-1. '21.IOO ...... nar 1'7JlS o1"JND. IACCDe aD1t 2 bdrm. .,.._ ...._ WD IUlii W.OC. pnp apt. .,.,..,nD&al ..... l ~to bq. Pl~ tenu. J I J'UU-ra_....IP_ J>UPLlll NI 01 .. Goof, Oood -•• ....,... 1 _._ te t.v. 11UOO ' ~ low don ,.,...t.. COSTA MESA · . Coq 3 ~ -4 1anal. ftaach bomt eompleWJ)' lunl. t ear prap. lit In hl&wn ot ftowww. tnet, ahn"9. rrutt ~ pJort. Com.I for ..... 411 t..._ M • IOIS. MOOO do'tna. ~ eorur 1'8"' a 1IO tt. Near Har-'*' ~ ""--t lmprqvtaMQta '1lo\&Jd e&"7 Wl propert1 developtd. lle.t bu7 • 'fl. 1ttb It. COAST PROPERTIES RUl'B JA TRIID, Realtor KU4Nd ~wt 8yhda ftoapeon, 4-odat.. IOt 11. 9'JMa amt., Jklt.oa B&r ... OP ieoo NEWP08T BEACH DUPLEX lot $6IOO. Jf... Ude llbopa. DUPLIDC ...., let •llll U. i..... NmWPOll1' lllllGllTll 19ta - .a6IOO .. -· ""°· <• ...... bold.) . Llatinp Wut.t4 ){D{B!:R Kt1IJJ'JPLll Ll.ITINO -.....-----------HOMER SHAFER, 8/8 \ BALBOA INCOME H.,. eehool. 'fraa4., GQld baWnc Moll. On· er'a 2 B.ft.. 6 Den APfl1,llleai -Bay Vltw, S Fireplacel pl\11 I •Uractlv• 1 B.ll. rctal untta, Nice paUoe. Showa Exeelleut rttunL ~ 1a OWfw'• family reuon tor salt. OWDer will ooe1'.., u1!11n11 for home la lf&rbor 41'& rour Uatt. on OQ• and On•half lot.. Nlcely f\lr- nfahtd.. PotmUal lDeoDlt S4BOO pu year. '351800 U~,500 Down. Open House Doily 1 -4:30 p. m. 111 "G" ltrelt Priet hu been ndueed. I a.A., I B&thJI, Oceu Vt.w. Bullt-tn Kltohen -Nie. patloe. BAY & BEACH REAL TY Inc., Realtors JUW;TOa lot M~ .... •\ lfJt. liln Phone a.r. 160 till U.•. Outstanding Homes u.ooo Qown Two beaut1"'1 ...._ •U~ I Nd- room.1 plu., t..U, f'IGal -I bath.I -tarp I cu...,..., - CUit.om built Wftll Jot, ol cha.r- aoC.r. •Llil~ &a.._ bt raqe -bardw904 ftoorw. 8-bicted Aru. TwrtftO _,. at •U.&00. Real Nice Home Nqr Ult COUJ\tr)' Cl\lb With 2 very Sara'9 bdflU, ~rattd lnllde. Bar4w'OOd floorw -very l'tcely ~ lC&Q ntn teaturee. A. ftae lilolDt IA • nne loc&Ucna. ftlC't tenu. J'ull price 111.TllG. Phil Sulliv1n & Geo. T. Everson UN Jf...,_n ...._, OMta Meu u.n, Mftl ... Jiu, '* .. NEWPORT HiUiHT~ Tll It. Jam• -Nnr I Jdnli; 6M ~ta .AU Ave. -3 Br. -wll1 tradl 1 1SOO It. .bdrewt -a Br. 6 De '°1 ~ Place -3 Bdrm.. CORONA DEL MAR. 3()8'Poppy -S Br. 6 ?>ta IALBOA ISLAND IOO Oonl -4 Bdrm.~· IDooDlt unit over garage IAYSHORES 2532 Cratvi~ Dr. -I Bdrm. LIDO ISLE 116·Vta Oniteo -2 Br. "' Vla Mentone -I Br. '°1 Vl& Udo Soud -4i Bdrm. on T1' ot Waterfront • DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 280I Nnport Blvd.', Newport Beach W.~Meaa Reelty l'ttt Blvd., Cott.a Meaa Y &oltOI. z. ... L1 l-T201 &: LI 1-TW. COSTA MESA ·uoo ISLE WANT Jl()Qk roa TRI CBlLDUN . .A.ND ROO)ll'.ro ~ OUTUT Let ua ahow ,ou t.h1a • bedroom, 2 bath, hom .. Nice lari• ljvinc room overlook9 larp patio wttll b~in BBQ. Nicely landac.aped. 2 car l'U'IP· outdoor 1hower. Aaklq Pt&oo • Here la a 1'Ch pte•• Gil Udo. A 1oo4 I Wroom houe, f21.7&0 Low Down. See Mr. Nortoa. ,_ . OLDER BAURONT FACING LIDO lSLS 4 Btdrooma, 1700 Sq. r£ Good Financinl. $(0,000 -2:59' Down BALBOA COVES WATERFRONT -PRIVATE PIER 6 fL()AT 3 Bedrooma, S batha, Carpet. 6 0rap.. Very large playroom. f amlly ldtchen, oombl.utlon liv- ing 6 dintnr room 18 s 30. All btdl'OGllla larp. Thia houae will 1&t11fy all need.I. Lovely prdta with lath-houae pagoda with 1prinklen. All tbtl and more for an uklllc price of $66,000. · See Bob 01bom $950 Down BAY & BEACH REAL TY Inc., Realtors 8 Bdrma, clOM ln. Completely r~· 3112 Ll.byette, HA 39'3 2090 1Jw8. decarated. Corner lot. T Ytar' ''JWlt to tho rlaht ot Lido Briclp" ol4\ M..,. 1:..,.u Rea Jr. Htr h -------------------8dlioot 4 ledrooma B/·B BILL'S BEST BUYS ---I Bath.a on1)' I montha old. P'u•J priot oalY Ill.TIO,~ Dov.on. 17t.OO pet month. Owner may NEWPORT HEIGHTS GRACEFUL LIVING wttll prlney a.ad quiet 11 U8U1'ed la thJa hutllr- loua LJDO holU. Ita fiawl ... con1tructlon on TWO tun lot. (and a corner too) ottera • I wt• bid.room.a • Plua dtilt or famlly l'OOll1 • I l».tb.a • L&rse cUninl room • Jmeetrlo kitdla ;pt*' down. a.. ud i ub· Four Bedrooma, 1 % Datha with F.P. and ForceG. air heat Completlb' fenced and aioely ~d.lcaped. Clo.et to Grammar, inteMJlediatt and High School Must be seen to appreciate. $495 Dow,, NEW a BEDROOM HO>CE8 UN· DP CONITl\UCT I ON A VAU..A 81.C A.BOtrr JUL\" lat. JUllURVS NOW. a U.Uu, t.azp ~ •ere J.oc.a. "C" ED JONES. Rltr. Membff of Multiple U.Ung Ult Bartlclr Bhd. U I-HU Full Price $1!5,750 with $4900 Down OPEN HOUSE Sat le Sunday 1-6 P.ll. See thia New• Bd. Rm. Plue tamUy room home, 1700 aq ft, H/W Floors, t~lace, r /A heat and numerous otbel' ut.raa. Located at 330 Jt. 22nd St. Coata Mtiaa AN EXCEPTIONAL VALUE at 522.000 , lf.50 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, Harbor 12M »N..Bar.lSM • ~ Pl"l9 *1th .... door opener NEWPORT HTS Corona del Mar • tsO'dS' WaDld 1an&1 -Pat.lo wtth • W A TOB S I D II H · ample room tor pool SPECIAL . · · IA , Re• tor BACK BAY •uL 2 ltdrm. &Dd Furnished & Complet. O OUl9 $11 500 "you'll like our friendly 1ervtc.•• ::: ~~r.~ ~~ ::: W\Ul RCA 21 ta TV, Hotpollrt N.at moda'a s btdnll.. ttr!p1a.ce, AN EMlNENT BOMB roR A DI8CRDIINA.TINO ~~:a=• 2 (()() E.17th St, Colt& Mesa Liberty S.-113.t tl~J. Lonly patSo, choice auC. wa,ablr, All 11Jte New! a pr&l'e, ~ uclpl 1toru. J'.UOX,Y -"8~. bdml. home. lAf1'9 OO'n\U Jot. --,........--------------- IOc:aUOll aear 1"* A"-fll,· WnU. rvat• wtth ..,trti.4 J"-1 '*" eo«r e. Call * * * * * ~ tcC:..S wtth "ana BALBOA ISLAND VALUES IOI ONd T..-mi. Allwa -, door • .,_ lawss tftlftt 6 back. f• .... lata•t aow. pe..S. .:~OMAL VALtra .. t-= ~!r°·~ ~f:u, wi: i:: ("' NOT ONE ·aur rwo OPEN roR INSPECTIQN -ru ... sPACious aoME oN LITTLE ISLA.ND_ Extra :;-:.n,~n;_.:L ~. ll= •'thlL 1r 1 TOn. Open For Inspection SPBCT4CULAR VIEW bomt1 011 i'• loll tn Tbun. aod kt. attunoona. , wide lot. 6 bedrml.,' bathe, 1arp Uvin1 room, m •1' loan ot •10.000 ..... J bdrm l'U8UC cott.q• wttb t1re-Sat. • Sun aflernooDI N'-Port B1l1ht1' mOlt wanted locatlonl PRICED TO SELL -TERMI eepante dininr room. dell1bttW ~tJo. playrm. Ind. ta-. • &u. Onl1 aa.ooo .~. rood loe&tion, 1uJe Jot sn RA.MONA. PL.. <ott laAta can be arr&Jlltd. NOW VACANT -We hav• the'"-. ~ No. 1~•• ....... UU.! lpe.ce fer Nfttal wdl 11UOO. Ana ..... ~ aorth el 16t.b ONW I.41'05 ONll KlmlUK a. .. ,, ~ '<IO CLIJ'r JU VEN, a bdrm. home It.) 1 JT, eW • Mdrm.., 11' •"" ' bedrooma ' bedJ"lllOID.I ~ II t B Oft wtdt 1iD\. HewlJ dee, m.u•• • lldrm, 116 llath •uoo only .,,. Jtum"nc. etc .. 1DOO eq. 2 bath.a 2 bat.hi 1;XC8 en WI • • • . ,. out. ~ ,.Uo wt~ blUa auoo d.n. n. ,.. ... 1tnet. pr. ~. An Bidden .,.,. 11uui 1n ru1• Ul,.JOO. _... Sui 21th it.. c.o.. ...... Bwd. flr• 1&r1• nu, ~y OOOD iaUY al ~r room 1t&r kJtd\Q '-11.... a bdnn. O.L loan. TWO UNITS -Oa.e to Bay and VUlap. Pleua.nt ,IDQac.f oa u.s.ct IL Only I Wnna. 41n lluu~l l&W'ft A SU.NO.. Low dn. pmt. 6 113 View from •vel'J' "90lll Worb!top la l&w\dry room ·P.,.menl.I MUI mo. incl. -~ 2 bedroom home and 1uoom1 apartment. '5080 •· •brube 110,IOO -91000 dn.. per llMl!llC. <IWLTI.PlJD ~ A. b&rp1a at f'T,600 Worth mon t.an faT.000 lnter.t and Impound&. Price $29,500 Terma. ML No. 7.01 VA.c.uft' .... &ut ltd• lot. Doa't mill wa ..... NO. .... ) . BOTH J:XPENIIVlD OPS'N J'Oft m·--o-w .... .0 ll IOO. ~UC .. bl •lllO ' (JIUt 10 U. Oa411l&ca) ...--u n -. e e W tor ~ .ie, L. Hammond Ml'llJOl\ga tot located°" s.... rn.. and l\m. attemOGna. ca:-:._~~ .... U::· .. ~ w m.11~ •&..c. w. :;0~1~.~~~!o.,~ BAY & BEACH REALTY, INC., Realtors Rilph P. Miskey ONLY~ DOWN. -Two bedJooom cottap, quiet • .,._ to a 1M. Oft1J lJ MUI urm H.arbor Blvd.. Colt& Mesa, California REALTOR location near So. Bay. KL No. 18e1 · ...., · Herbor 2042 ul;fty 8-711' IN• Liberty WW HU Newport Blvd. 11.ar. •02 Mesa.Harbor RJty. '~o~·! ~ .!.°io: FRANK JAMES, ---. ---------- ,. A.UOCI.A.TU BALANCJD Ll:88 TRAN~~-Re•ltor OFFERED FOR UUi: W.A.TERl'RONT Q.C. leymou.r -A-.ltor-Ownu Reduc.d price for quJcll Mk. u a b.r .. 1" k~ t\ll'D. ~ .. c.w 8\. COlrta x.. Ont1 I ,_... ow. 112 M&rt.ne A••·· &Ibo& Ill.and TO BUYER APPROVED ou~1a 1·2 b ........ _ !-·~ U .... 11 • LI 1-718' ""#" 4••n.. ....,,.,.,., • m>JUL ao111: Pno BY SEI .r.g • u .. a -~ ••uoo N H h STANL!:f; HAbFIELD Park Ave. at Marine, Balboa Ial&nd Barbor MG WM.W. SANFORD Realtors B/B ~-~~~JI(= aw.L l>N., JW...A.Ncm 111 mo. sn.1.rno LOVELY 2 •tor'T !Wwood ,... ltlldlo. aleepe. . .ll.TGO ewport eig ts! BALBOA ISLAND bad\ld. tu ... ·~" lnL Ullt PIER .. ""' ~If'\.. .., •• , l Wk ft.-h Jll1Woo .... new J 7•r old ••ry Diet Brlpt chMl'f'lll new dtconltd 1 •led r•ldence, wtUl prtyata ...... .., • ~AT TM Near No. Bay, btaul.oAoVU modarn tuna. a bldrm. ....... Pand lltneC. 4..,.... ~.Lot• .. by 110 bdna. Mm .. I bloekl. to Tl\JUty plow, at~ted on to tt. aC COi'" 2 ~r .. dbl. 111· (I Mtal) Prtc-.d J'lnt9i Home 2 bath home. IA.r(e patJo, doubi. pl"all, ltON Onier . .,o,ooo. WUI MU )al't a1J i.~ta tn. ' and Poet Office STIOO t\JlJ ner b&,troftt.ac• p11a1 ' loU 1111i' you room. Completely fumlahed ...., Barktn. PIUI or au. )!&,., AbNM. 116 Via pnc.. Temui lo 1Uil. adJolnlnl' on Ult louUI. With l)upln, I-I IM 000 han .een ln 'T' .. , • l4Jl ftemo. B&r. 0111 or U 1 m•u-80,. ....... ,.,.. tennlt court ud ,.... , .. ,.._ Duplea. 1 ... ... ~· ·-·.,..,. ycanl 2 bedrm. apt. ff0.800 • .. _, Ucll ~ -_...,., oa •N~E COAST Bandy bu.ch ... Located on Bal· .. r., -•• u ... o •••. ...,., AU.In• • e1000 DJf. u.ta1 nn. 11 ltJ lt, l'U'\ v boa hn1nlu.la a.t ..... ,.,.n, 'b ..... 2 ball\ aao.ooo .... HOME AND INCOMlil ON WATEIU'RONT. 2 J-•· f:...,. n atJ "· 04 eorner Jot. PROPERTIES _,, "°'000 v•wv · oeaA.N nom ~1 1n. ' =t~ :;!°~U::· = BA.Cit BAY ORN 1rovaJ1 lat. 6 •un. 6 room aptt. 1 ,iritb tlreJ)Jaoe. dJ.ninc room, mod- RDUCm> -pa,ooo LO'l'8 111~ !=" ~:; ~1=-lLlhtd "Th• 0o1d eoui". Poe-~lot, ~ uooo eor. Rl¥tJt1"-•Clay em kitchen, 2 lure bedrooma. UM batb. Pat.lo f'\al1 prsot w a Wllt ,_ta! 1 ....... •'o"'""'o ......... •t _,... all ....ion on IO d&y t9Cl'OW. -ure '882& • porch overloolui water. Excellmt natal -=W· , wwwfl*lJ fUrrll.lbed. • u t -.... ...,"~ --........ SHOWN BY AJ'POlNTJICIUft 1 lt.r .• beaut)' ••.tl!O Bay & Beech Realty Inc ule. Good terma. A.Ni.q. prtc. Sd.IQO. >ocacs. • U. PtldUU1&. lft-lmprovementa lA Good loc&tlon CLIFF HAVEN ONLY. TliL. Hatbor IO. Cl • V H REA.LTOi\a · ... oYer .. ,.. put ,..,. Paul Berto Re•lty Lc't· I bdrm. hom•. bwd. nra.. LOUIS w. JdUOOI, Realtor a1re. an orn 1191 Newport Blvd. , BAYSHORES 3 bed.room attractlv• home cm pod ltef ta now for aummw .... .,. a~ of cloet•• dl-' REA.lll'Oft OoAa K-. C&lltoinla atreet $23 llN\ ' eoa wtMQ *"1J4 11ft11C ..., 1n1 Harbor JllVd. -. rul\I room, Tl• Z. Balboa Blvd., Balboa JT&l w. Odht -LI .. •-T LI &-1111 Ev-. LI 8·S010 ,uvv • ...., __ .-.. TwtaJ u cau &ft1U=• u •TtTt n,..,au.. pauo, dbl•. ava&'9-21cn __ , ...,..., -opera "' ~eel. ChoJc• iocaUon. Re-• CORONA DEL MAR Irvine ~ home nu.le. .,.... Lnc. tu ... Ina. lam l. ---------tu.a mo ply. Dort .... duotd \o •1UOO. oo•o SEUJNO Center ball plan, man11peclalnaturt., I bdrtu.. We . umpc bQ.f. R\Jn7 .to 186 E. Wilson TERJU. ay owner, Ill Slpal THE MOST attn.ctive home NEWPORT HTS Wt mean "aaUft ... JIOlll''. l.crM ~ Ute batha. View of harbor ud ooean. c.. fto&4. u l ·Hk tc22 with Rent.al A t. one could • on Plactntia aa'flitJi at. trom •At.-OA UY PJ\OP~l LPB Ta l 9"droom A cSea. kltet •1-t11ct now bulldlnr new wMMaton. price $32,500. Good terma to quallf1ed bqw. 1006 W • ...._ Bhd. ll&r. 61R pi::-.!!,";:: ;J ;:a :rm· Near Lido !hope find Oil &A 0 A M>" 11100 ....,_ f\ll1 price 110.INIO M&Jlt you "'money pr 1 et d Low leuebold. • nara. a btdnn. 2 bath stucco. LA.ND for the price. Tuma. J,.arge View Lot If~ llta. Mot t. ~ ~ \o MSOO fOf' 'uJ°' cull aJe. DAN A. JA.OOUJCN, ... EIU.te. Har Mtl .u 1-Gl f XI S..211t, IOdl I BllDltOOJO. 11' b&tM. forced cJ0M i. Udo hopptzic"ccnter. • OOST.A....IO:SA. LOTS • -.. ·~ 1a,,. ,auo. -..... • be.1. IMrt&t at s bed:nM... 1" ~ i wna.. ORANGE COAST p &r q u et tlOorw. lot fa'leed •11.100. OnlJ STIOO doWn. 1 bath apt. a.uutuJ j.Ue, I t tarp ~ oar 1 TUI p 8hll6. A ch&rmJq !lome that a w. BlU liar. Olll-M.. car pr.,.. lll,llO. OON I t.. • ..,. 111ttket ..ac.a-. WW ROPERTIES can be purcbutd R I a BT. u Uc t.erma. .,Ut up. Prtotd Mlow maric.et. lt:sT 1'.wport BlVd., ~. ,, .. f lUOO -&Anna. l:XCLUSIVS \ A.D lmprcrnmenta an In. LI 1-1131 ~... L1 1-1'00 OORONA DEL MAR, Intne Terrace. I bdrm. 2 bath new home available for yra. ..._at $2GO mo. Call HARBOR 1775 0 b -~ rt ~~~~!:::~DORIS BRAY, Rltr. LISTINGS WANTED Im. !IOKll on luf9 lot EARL w. STANLEY, Reettor I Om....-0 On duded IHIO tum., will u.dt Ill Martne. BeDo& 1l1u.d We have m.-, ~"" wal~ IA Newport. M•bta. c.1-.n. 225 Marine. Ave., Balboa taJiod IY OWNER RlaL'l'T co·a. for loc:l.L I Bat. '* tnalnp Har. JO or " t.rJ \JI for acUon. • ~ Mfabllorbood, fctetd Jard. • 1U1 W Oout JltctaW&J lltlc • Coee '° ldMIOla SJ ..-ner •:uir:..= •'= caa ~ e>nqe> 181 ACRES NBC REALTY CO . tU ~dt ..... LI a.a1ot WATERFRONT Corona clef Mar. ........ -U.t nb&nL U u •1111 ~ ana RANCH HOMES Rollln1 toothlll nad\ "' 90\.lquet . • an.r l:tO P. m. m:to w .. t. Nwpott; ptcr. aoat and -r.. a ._. ~ ..,.._ •im. . .,. a .......... t• ft.. tot, ..,,. Oanyon. 6 rm. ... \09le. ~ • N...,ort Bl"-Bar. wt ·..rm.a QJ:K. Ahnoft ft bulkMad. I Wnn.. I Mt.b ,,_ .... -,...... Aft: cum. Larp bone Mm. 1 aew na-hon1e. t».600 -110,IOO a . ~ llw er., ._. ftlet' Lots Small • l;J0US9 .. ta ..ct ~ fW, ~ bunk mi.a. I car _.. t -••A'•J • JJ oout.ruct.ell ~ Wna. home, 8ef' OWND 2H~ 0UMt. ~ ~ ftllmft, .__. adl• I.Oft, • Ule "'1 •· "-J.40' • u n IUML. 0n17 • to choott hql!D. apnnp ,, a~ 't;;;s, Ready to Move in ace.lfat. locatton 90Ut.h .°' U\t Balboa Ittand. anyttmia or t die. _..... fOr.= -,W.:rr• =~·· ~ aM '!?._!!' ttO -MU-It. JM~ OCCUp&ncJ. CSGM to IO ooul~ bt t (wU.b eblldNnl til(hwaJ ~I\ Corona del J.ta.r. LEhl1h 9·2llll Mon. t.hna "'1. double-• -11 X. _....... a hit .-·~ -.,--~ and lllalileta. BJWt• approx •er. " pu Juat a btoc1' Of to ~ Ui• tldS •-.--_,,. .......... thd. OM. McH~ Two ot tllDte ....,..i t. pt. cloet ,...,, ......... f'l1'9.,. ~-ln perm. p&ltlma _. al~ J.JT • .W ~ ON hol'M on '5 ft.. OC*n. Ample llM room1 l&rJ• .. AU ~ ......... a. ...... OOUIM J.llMil. ..,., • aot.a. .... ...,.,. • .awa ....... and '6UOO ~ dowa or traO• fOr 19l aoutll ot blPW&J'.., llttk kUl wlU. 9q\.l&re tutJ. kt~ lndu~al Zoned ........ M. .. ft ..... A.,.., 11a. ' IOdS la ll· ~ 00., Utt.le ..-.. ... ,, 1, r.A. JileaL ~&re&~· lla"1Gr 00.W ...... I wnaa, 1~ In Cb.I.MM A.th, lt.'e J~ to.dtd >HI root -at 111.19' wlUI W h09M st ...._, ., ~ aot. • laliO-OOOO fa. MTl. ftc.21 M0w. fOJ'Wll alr bat.. 41afl wt\Jl cao..ta. llld.lnl fl&a .00,.. FOR SALIC OR L&AS.E wttb ...... ,.,...._ OCllA.N·ftONt' LOT t.ned ft·2 -f1G,.IOO t.wma. r.c.u. ..,, .. ,.. Dr. i.io.uca .It~ locaUoft. WW dlvidf' ~ a .... I • I wubl'I'. ~ l9ftC9d Td lo a l>eUUM rcnced I~ opUon to bU)'. r6od 2 1Jedrm.. ,...117. hl1 ~ a11.1~, °" ounuo ~·· '1'WtJJ) a tr-FOR SALE W1lb •119....W ~JV(• tlMt run ot nowen. All9otvt. ,_,. hom•, all Ctn c • d. u...i to. o.m.r 00 proptft1 ._11 c.ndl Ylnilo ~ No. lllf n .. It. R.&AL f'l!fll MSW 1IOKZ. B&.. I'--~ JIM.lo. a.10.~ 1.-1oo on a d n. Jot. UT.ao<I smaJJ tn.u1uracunv. · lto ft.. 8111 built. t.o 11P,. "7 .,..., I c:aA wtua llal&Ace at 6~. WlU wtth unp(e flJluc1ns, ay •P-tronta&• to ccntcr a.ta W.... JOHN E. SADLEIR R&A.L'POJt In.a W. 1Cdle.rdt. A W'Cl&lA 1111 & 0.. lhrJ, Bar MU aA.1..80>. UT PllOPDlla l• W. 11a1-. ...._ Bllf, 1U1 • .._...... P"OM Bar. toe&. Han.,,. Co. btJ t.ttoom.a " el• deft. .. u IW'a. Owner au. ~ PointJdent on.IJ -cau For( u AN A JAOOSU:.: , a..i r.t\Ue DcJI U •.DA Oa1J ftej]lo.-, B.i, "Ull: lfal OtiUrt8)' Qr....... 9ptl Va I badw, Har, UU, lleU Maio. tlU1, Ll .a..a\1 Ja. J.JU'l JOca _ ___.. • , • ·. DOCTORS, LA WYERS. BUSINESSMEN Are you ~ for a location of 10'U' own! Then check thll t'J' C2 property ~oft Barbor Blvd. On• blodi fl'Om new eo.ta Melia City' Halt Two 2 Bdrm. ham•' on pl'Operty cu euily bl converted for buainea. Thia deal can't be pallld up. . , Full Prtce $29,ISOO IUY WITH CONFIDENCE U you apprecl&te a dlltinguieed home, rood neighborhood,. f1nat Construction then check um three bedroom and family room,\% Bath home. Top grade H. W. Floora, Ueed Brk.. F. P. Forced air beat and a ttte.hen that will thrill any hOUM- 4 wile. Priced to tell ;t4'27,900 with $8000 Dn. . OPEN SUNDAY ' June 10 1-5 P.M. 389 Mira Loma ( otf Twltin A Del Mar) W._ A TOBIAS, Realtor "you'll like our friendly eervie&"· 400 E. 17th St., Colt& Mesa Liberty S.1139 PULL UP A CHAIR . • • • • end listen to · this! The 300 Membera of the NEWPOftT HARBOR BOARD'S MULTIPLE .LJSTING SERVICE 1<>ld over a Million Dollara worth of real estate lut month, and ezpec:t to sell more than a $1,000,000 t.hia 'IJlonth ! Cooperation among lta members and concerted effort made ft possible. LIST YOUR PROPERTY TODAY With your Favorite REALTOR Comer of Loree and Soud ' Privacy and cba.nD are to· bl fOWld '!I WI ,3 bed.rm. 2 bath' LIDO home. l'rMbl)' painted arid •a.cant. Many charmlnf feature9. Jn~r a terrUlc .-tlo. Prb eoraer-Joa and then ... wby we think W. i. Reh a iood ~ at S82JSOO. :Vm Healy will be happy to abow you W. one. . Wh~t's ·it Worth? · We thoqht' it wu a rood bay at $29,000. 1be owner lowa'ed tu price to $27,9Ci0, U''he want. It 10ld. TbJa ill a Yer, tine LIDO 3 bdftn. h0D1e with 2 ·b9tha. l'orced air heat, new carpeting, lovely kitchen .t dinlna area, flreplace. dbl pr., encloeed patio. See it today by calUnr mllcbe Harvey. ' ~odern and Charming s bednu., 2 bat.ha, waU~to-wan carpett.ni, alidlnr glua door to patio, near beat Lido IWimmlnc bet.ch, deelgned by Hal Lacy. Full price $28,lSO(). Call Lee Schonek for appointment. • BAYFRONT LOTS with pier prlvOeJM, 2S In • aide Iota ( 8 are COl'Ml"I). See lot expeq Ea.rt Har- vey. p. a. pal~er incorporated . ole hanaon co. menaz::ent ma Yta Udo, harbor Tblil home .. built Ola q ~ nice Strada cortMlr lo( Uli'Dluall1 ~ for a two ~ bome. It otfeJ'I fQl1 and eolDpltte ClOUlfOf\ for a couple ot di.crimlnat!Q1 ~. For a lurer. fam- ily. tMn la ~le room to bulld aaother bedrOoiD od a-th. Priced at pl.60(). Small Udo Home We ~ th1a one u either & •llDlmer bo01e. or lf yoµ pnter, u a small comfort.able year a.round • re1k1enQe. lt'1 amall, Wt with a little paint and · Wt.llpaper, It would be a real dream bowie. Priced at $21,750. Th.e Right One U you have been looki.Qg on Lido for juat the rieht bou.e and haven't been able to find It, call ua and we will be glad to lhow you how euy it ta to find the rtiht lot and build. Really, you will be pleuantly IUl'priled. It might be the an· inrer to your problem. Lido Bayf ront Extra wide lot, 1&.rg1! terrace and beauUlul yard with Iota of trff9, going to large private beach. Boat alip, terrific view from livingnn. and dining uu. S bedrms. with room to add more. Newly painted, vaoant and only $67 ,500. p. a. palmer incorporated ol• hanaon co. management 1708 w. ccut highway -liberty ~73 I 'C' THOKAS 'C' THOMAS Corona def Mar v v Best Buys Corona del Mar I Balboa Realty Co. Specials ltXCEPTIONALLY NJ c E -l . .1 SBORECLIJ'FS. New modem 3 bed.rm. &nd den South of Hlway, Vlew. a bed-,-.t-b Ai ........... t car room. f&mlly room. 2 batbia, home, bullt'"W sf.OYe and oven, (&r • .....,t"'-• • hdwd. floor•. t\rep1-cc. beauU-pet.I and drapee included. Large nicely lanmc.ped Newport Harbor Board of Realtors t E.~~~Jt tE:;~ lot. Owner leavin, :.~~· priced to aeU at ~ood one al 126,7~. 2. y BARGAIN. 2 bed.rm. turnlabed cottage located 9 UNIT INCOME APARTMENT BUJ1DING BALBOA OCEAN FRONT. Te&r around cllntele. I unit.I plu1 ~u·1 ap&rt.mmt.. N~ly fW1111he<1. laundry and uUftty rooma. A·l condlUon and nnt· ~ oow. $M.OOO, term&. COSTA MESA Ude Isle VOGEL VALUES , bdrm. ,o n. tot -186.000. clote to 1tora and onJy 3 blocb to ocean front, priced to 1ell at $$11,500. Only $3700 down. 6 UNIT INCOME TALL.. WIDE AND BANDIOtfll 11 Ulla beauutul, modern a , .. , old property. Sltuatad OG I loot.I In S&lbo& and Dear beet t.y Scene 1. YOU CAN ll'EAST ON '1'JIE VJEW, every moment of your leilure t:lm&. TM MID ftOOil.. ~ a tt UY room and two ot th • bl&' '*Inna face the whole Barbor. Ther.'• a rat dlniDC room • a roomy den leadJnr to a huce aided patio with roofD for a Wol Priced to .ell! OP~ SAT -SUN 1-6 June 9-10. 2816 OCEAN BLVD. (betw: Fernleaf A Dahlla). COM Scene 2. OCEAN PANORAMA &om the II*· ioua Uv room of th1a t1ro bedrm, 1 ~ bath hOme on atn. la.rp lot acroa from Corona BIP11JMk. A Lirp artisUcally decqrated and fUnllahed ho-pleuiaJ to both tute and pune • '2•,&00 C4mpletely furniahed with jult. $5000 down. ··~· SO YOU WANT TO BE SO. OF TH& IDGHWAt.;.BUT- "Everythtni la too hlgh'"T Well, yoa'll ~with ua that thil one la priced RIGHT. Two bedroom.a. 2 b&tba on a ~ ft lot. Modem dM~cn with Iota of clua and bullt·lm. F .P. $17,900, EASY DOES IT Relax An beautiful Corona del Mar by the .. ia tbia compact two bed.room home. Encloeed pa._ Priced to lell at $H, 760 with euy payment.. BAY & BEA CR REAL TY Inc., Realtors Corona de!· Mar Office 3530 E. Cout ~bway, Barbor 5563 OCEAN FRONT EXCLUSIVES Duplex. both unita nicely turniabed on corner lot 12 block.a we.t, of Newport Pier. Fine location w11l ahow approximately $3000 yearly ll'Oll· Full price only $23,500 with term.a. ALSO Two bedroom home at 3710 Seuhore Drive, ricbt on the beach. Completely furnished, comer lot, many extru including non-glare German crylltaJ glua in front windows. Two paved patiOI. Full price only $23,500 with tenna. OPEN DAILY 12 Noon to 5 p. m. ~ ACRE RANCH HOME s ~ 2' x ia Uv. room Only 6 yra. old with 2800 1111. ft. of living area very &ttracttn. 00 tt. comer -, Jot an Udo Nord. Don't m1U 3~ ( VA.LUE PLUS 2 bedrm. home plua guest room plua 1 ~~ bath.I, hardwood fioora, FA heat. clote to 1hopplnf area and ot\Jy 2 'As bl.ocb to ocean and beach. A best buy at $18,500. ~1::a.~U::; J. M. MILLER CO. a.. Ulla before b~ 1IJCOllW ~ w. Balboa Blvd. (Near the Newport Pier Har. 40'Jl property. S&t.000, terma. and comp, !urn. 76 x 315 Lot ant\ room for 5 in-Ulla at m.ooo. come unita. 3 br 6 lge. n.unpua room that can (. V BEST LOT BUY, 7.oned R-3, 40x118 and only 1 be and ii now being Wied .. a duplex. 2 baths, Bayshores block to ocean front OD M.a.rguerite St. LAST Lee. living room, dining room, Lge Kitchen, BEST VALUES AVAILABLE LOT -On11 $16,760. patio, dbl garage. Reduced to $19,950 for qttlck " .1 BARGAIN JUST LISTED _ Th'9 2 bedroom aa.le. a bedroom. turn. low down pay-"· ,. ment nuoo. home, laJ-re living roout, fireplace, dual fioor fur. LGE 3 BDRM A DEN 1 bedroom. 1 balh. vu:w ot nace, (thermo controlled) plu.a Laree double car- w:ltb 2 fi&ptone fireplace.. 1pacioua dicbond.ta b&y Ul.000. age ltreued for apt. aboVe. Better act fut on lawn with aevenl bearing fruit treea, lge. cheery 3 bed.room. suut or nunpUI t.hia one! ONLY Slt,750 EXCLUSIVE WITH US. kitchen with break!ut area and .eparate diniq room. 21, bat.118. B&yahore Dr. ~OF MULTIPLE LISTINGS room. 11"2 bat.ha. $21.500. m .100. THE VOGEL CO. 1700 Newport Blvd., ea.ta Mesa. Ena. Harbor 1639-M LI 8-M9& "C" THOMAS REALTOR and A8SOCIATES CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUIBTION, Realtor a..1 E. O>ut Hwy. Corona del Mar Har. 47 BAL.BOA PENINSULA DUPLEX! One of the tut attractl" Putn· IUla "poil:lt'' pro119~ OllJy " ye&n old and recently ndirc· orated. Bu a bedroom.I "' uac1 2 dowll. all nlccty tu.rn1aMd. double prap and patio. Call today. USMO, tenna. 4 UNIT INOO)(E ()wner beiJlc u.mfernd. Wlll Mil b1I ' umt ~. ~t· ly redecorated. al~lJ tumiabed. Adjacat 'to lbe ~. •tl,000, term-. FIRST · TIME OFFERED NEWPORT HEIGHTS Cuatom built rustic 2 bedrm. home. Old brick fireplace, b~ flrl., bar kitchen, ehake roof. Large patio and beauUful wood fenced yard. lnaulated and weathel"lhipped. 1 ~~ yn. old, neat u a pin. Owner movtnc from ua. and hu home pftc:ed right ONLY i1:s,ooo. OCEAN FRONT HOME Lovely 2 bedrooma plua. Large llvillc roo~ with fireplace, 1 ~ batba, nicely furniahed. Ttro car rarare. 30 tt. Jot focated in best beach &rM.. -----------------22' w. Coe.at BJsbw&y u 14627 (Office located next door to Newport Harbor Bank, CdM) mc;t: I BllDROOM HOM:I: and cu~ bachelor aput.rDslt In rear. L&zp lot. spaclou. p&tlo. 2 atnci. ..,..,... .All l\lml.ebed •• am~ .. al 117,000 "1th terme. A true value $2.tS,7~. LIVE ON THE ISLAND FOR FREE By ttnting one Ii Uvinc in the other of this TWO UNIT VALUE NIU beach A storea, completely turn1abed. Ez. oellent financing. $26.000. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 30e Marine Ave. Balboa Ialand, Pbou. llar. 502 -llar. te23 Luxurious Shorecliffs It ii our pleuur. to otter to you one of the finest homea In ucltaalve Shorecllffa. The home conai8ta of a lure Uv. nn. with raiMd hearth firepL, a 1pacloue family room wtth ita own flrepl, a lovely dream kitchen wtth loadl of ca6lneta, a garb dlap., diahwaaher .t dual bit. in oven It ranee. Theft are 3 1arse bedroom.e A 2 b9thl PLUS a gueet rm. A % bath over the dbl pr. The bom• A guest nn. are entJrely carPtted wall to wall. In &Mitlon a heated, mt.erec1 °1mperial" POOL fenced for protection. Priced at $49,~ • • . Tum. tf, dMtred. R. L STRIC lER, Realtor R. B. HODGE, Amociate Newport Bt&ch 'C' THOM.AS 'C' THOMAS ---------- LIDO ISLE BAYFRONT liOMJ:, PIER AND SUP. 8\lpv M tt. Jot M&Utl· tuUJ l&nd8c&Ped. Bui-e flq-· none p&l.loe and wallul. Luse Uvtnc, d1nlq and br.utut rooma. a bedrooma. 1" bath.I. , ktt. W1Ul bUllt-in ~ OTC • dlahwuher. Ret.. ctn~ • w /W carpetiq In ll•.. din. • 1 bedroom. .uktnf"' HT .000 - Very rood terma. SHORECLIFFS OCEAN VU:W. KAQND'ICJCNT • PDROOK. I BA. TH BOMJ:. HUI'• livinl room Is de. 117 ft. fron~.. Only 1 yr. old. wi.at.ever you ue loollinl tor In a hom.. UU. OM bu It. 162,6-00, t.mu. Ocean Front Loh IU30 to 111.000 lnduatrtel Lots • Acreeqe FROM 1 TO IO Aallsa. From s.5000 to •1 O.OC>t per aen. LIDO ISLE TO SEE -IS TO WANT thia u.quiaite 4 yr old • BR. home. Juat like new in conditjon but with many dd'l enru by owner. C&rpeta and drapes are lovely. Dilhwuber, dilpolla1 and built· in kitchen plua weatberstripplng. A home to delicht th• m()ft d!8crimin&tine. ~.ooo. BAYSHORES Ideal and safe for chlld.rtn in this lecluded reatrictea aff& -W1th p~t.e beach. Webft a 3 bedrm. turniahed ho~ with larp patio for Iota of entertaintna outside. ONLY $23,'500. AND A DELIGH'lTUL 2 bdrm. 2 bath home. Alao' tumJahed on Vilt.a for $28,000. Both are fine yr. round homea or incoma. Sum- mer rentala exceptlonally good. DO SEE THEM. ' MYRTLE DA VY, Realtor & Anoe. Helen Baum Buel C.Ondon 34,32 tia Oporto Har. M-46 Eves LI 8-5297, LI S.1709, Har. 1017-J FOR SALE AND LEASE BACK PENINSULA HOME a BJCDROO.M, l ,_ bath&. 8rud aew, bu.Ut-tn .ldtci... dlamraah· er. bu-ch cah&Dela. 1:ii3.~. '5000 down. Channel Front, Pier and Float OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNPAY fOl5 CLUBllOUSI: 62 ft. bulkb~ -One of the nicelt 2 bedroom bomee 6d ~Y 1 block to Udo ahopplnr A atW at ~:500 JACK BRENNAN, REALTY . Balboa Realty Co. "AT THE ARCHES" Oppoete Bank of America 3320 W. c.out H'fY. ROl9 Gnieley li:d Lee -------------.-----J~ Webb ~· LI 1-7771 to0-c. --Bh-4., B&lboa VOGEL v ALUES Pbone Barllor am S~G -TRADING a beclnn., uw, t '-Ul. muw bdrm. bu W. MUI. DeUJhtfUl • ... ,. alry cheertW ~ l:K· pOMd Mam oe.Wnp. Lou•re wtncSowa. SUdiq siau door• to cement p&tlo. l.tlter<omm 1yetem. Attach~ dblt. pr· &l't. Wide l&nd9capad lot. Take dear kl4 .. dOW'n or IUb- mlt. SD Uh W. Victoria. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1167 Newport BlYd., ea.ta Mua U a..1132 Z.... U 1-UOO ,UPPER BAY NEWPORT HEIGBTS • Outat.andblc 8 bed.room, t % bath VIEW bo1114 Sola windows. Jl'lptn. flreplaee. cu.tom draperies, w/w carpeting. Furnace. Acoustic pluter. Diah~er, tile link Ii work table. Mercury switcha. 'fwo 1'· beautitul bt.tha with colored tbrtu.rea; % beth betwee:u 2nd A 8rd hed- l'OOIDL Beaut. yard. redwood faced. Dbl pr· ap with sundeck. Don't buy before eeelnc th.la exceptional home. Full price $28, 7M-6 Jou. COSTA MEsL\ , • 3822 E. Oout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. m• Seven l1lend1 Realty I Investment Co. 603-oUnd aL, NllWpOrt Bc:b. C&Ur. Har. ma, .it• I p.m. Bar. Nt7 CLASS A store and office build.lnc locat~ on moet important corner in P.•dena Price $700,000. WW pay 7~ net net and will depot.it R.ANCB ITTLI:, S B&I>l\OOM, 1 \, b&th&. U9ed brick tt.... placl, W/W c:&rpetlnc. 8-uU· tu1 &and9c&ptq. L&rse oonnd Attractive 2 bedroom home loon out on beaut.J. ful Santa Ana Country Club srounda. Hardwood !loora, furnace, handy kitchen. .ep. dhUnr area. Vll;ety of UIOrted fruit tree., prden, nice • lawn. C.On'ftnient to Santa Ana A bei.c.be9. Owner movinc -priced to eel1 qUickly Good terma. BALBOA ISLAND VOGEL VALUES O Vi H. m · cean 1ew o e B&AtJTIIVL, RUGGED -LAAG.11 ca~ hOIM on J atnet $300,000 u leut MCUJtty. Laqe deprtelatkm factor. '::~eo!: ~~= THE VOGEL CO =ti. or aman.r Upper Be.:1 .2687 E. Ost. Hwy., Oorcna del Mar HA: 17'1 HA: 0757 Cllll R.Jt«. Ha.. tua. 2ldl • YOG _. dlU'9bllity and cha.rm of rouch. Awed ._..... Owner lftOYinl eut. CALL OWNER, T. D. Rorera, Ryu 18181 . or Harbor 3828 . ..... -tth ·-Uled Drift by ... CabrUJo Terrace. ridwood. and open beam cell!np "'' ..... 0oroaa ei,ti1.tnchl. nen c:al1 ~ Pl:o,«:tJ ftnplace: Mei patJO, and bu kitchen. f.a. ror detalla. -----~---..;.;_.. ____ ___;;;.;....;_ ___ Nearly new attn.cu•• Ooata • ._room. 2bdnDIplm-aleePI1. E:eellent tun. OPEN HOUU BVNDAT 1.. $8875 to $T4,500 w ... dUpla. bioome •teadJ. .y Ille $24.fiOO terma. DAN A. J.t.OOBDN. 8-l r.tate 115.000 ..U prto.. f11100 dawi\. •"''• ilJd. for QWti @ -ear. •a. u Hh' 111 1-nar INSPECTION INVITED & w. Hill. HD. O&u..M. Z'BR A DEN, 'juat platn boU11e i"OR SALE uttc Well bit:, ~ lDtil'tGr with bdw. tloon, fire-• U:OftOOK au.u. aoa on Custom Built Model• pa.. dbL p.np. fUabt ID top }oc&Uon....,. 9hopa 111-. °'1ft .,.._ g._ caw.-., A beech., uc1 n-for a namer -~ dell. ti7 0 nil 1a r...i ftlue at Select a home to IUJt your Deida. BuDt on JOW' r-i11u10.. or our Jot. J'BA term&. QnlJ 122.GOO ' o.11 a.Jtw. Ra. 4nL tleU THE VOGEL CO., Realtors (nat to poet otftoe) 298 NariM An., Ra.rboT "4 or 101~ BACK UT YmW OOltND LOT. TOIQf.O I. & CGfDel' ~ Ua 6 rra Vlata ITl50 caa!I u a..t21. ltd' . . ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1857 Newp.t Blvd. eo.ta Me91 LI S.1832 E\rea LI S.HOO tf BTO~-lbdrm.~6 paUO ...,. Mi 6 OOIRIL 4 'f'IL oJd. ~ ... SU..000 - Har. llM-W. llc21 Altaden. ~row · U2·A Eall llUI It,. ,,.la M.- Uberty ...... lleft EXCHANGES OUR SPECIAL1¥ ' SMuutul hom.t in Temple Ctty. 3 yrs. old. .Ru 3 bedrma., 2 baths, COTtNd petk>, wall to wall carpet A drlpa. Wa.Ded ln IJ'OUDdll. 80 a 200. au~ bobby room. l..atb and bot boa 11oOm for nrimmJnc pool Nothfna Dicer, oolJ $29~ · Owner wanta beach hlCciDe pruperty. ... • • TRADB WHAT'YOU BA.VB fOR WHAT YOU WANT , G. H. LATHROP, Realtor 3W E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 5442 Elrfll. Har. MIO ...