HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-06-15 - Newport Harbor News Press• SANDRA TO BE NEWPORT 'OUEEN' ENTRY LonJy 8udra Keclllt7n. a..... m,h Junior, ~ boDOr of -..... .... Cit 1'.wport lle&c.b ~u. .... .. llldl Wtll r•P".-t dty la Pirate QuMn COlltlK -..r annually few ~ Count7 Nr: Ber •lecttoa WM announC'ed ~ JUMa ~~ prtlllidmt ot Nnrport ~ Junior Chamber ol CGauDttee UMI lfi1 Lan1.mftm. a.c:a- Uv1 eecr•ta.1:7~ ol N.wport Barbor Cbam~r ot Qxn.merce. -0.. 8usb ~ REAL HOT Sleeper iii Blazing · Cir Sibliation Districts Mar.a1i r Outlines 2-y.. Prolect Ideas i Saved in Time Rea School's <iaduates .Get • Diplomas fol'tp'OUJl4 an two, table. Oil whkh wwe piled the diplamu W'blCh p-adU&t. ncm .. at aa. of the proiram. StandJnr at ~ tab1e9 an speak~ boml memben aad Supt. Sidney Dant.on.--StatC Pho lo BIG PBOH'.Cl' -Pictured above la $500,000 improvement plan for aite of the Balboa Inn ae it wu preMllted to the buildlD.I dePa.rtznent of the Oty ot New· port Beach late Thureday. The architect'• rendering was submitted with re-- quests for a uee perm.it for additional property owned by the Balboa Inn Co11- poratlon and upon which tllq plan to erect cahtnu and a swimming · pooL Pictured aa the p1ana were .abmltted. O • r), City Engineer J.B. Webb: Build· ini Impeetor R. 4.. Glenn: Wood,y Holder, hm proprietor and M. S. Bernard, pnmdent of the hm compuy. -ltatt Photo • 580 ,000 Local fovement Set . PAGE 2 • PART I ''God gront us tho Plaudits Due Courage·ous {Orange County Grand Jut)i ' : We would like to ahake each Orange County : Grand Juror by the hand today alter hay~ been : informed the grand jury will .. uphold It.a hilU>tic : right and duty, that ol guarding the pu.bllc tnwt : through ecrotlnlzlng ,carefully action or inaction of : public official.a. . or course, there wm be hard-world.lag, honest, .fntelligent county offlcial1 who may feel pressure . that the grand Jury la questioning their work. Men like Les Eckel, .our efficient county auditor, for ;example, a man who hu all the anawuw right now, :a man who 1'\lD8 an ~llent department in all re-- ·apecta we have checlced, hu no reason to fear a :grand jury inquky. A man like Eckel will be lauded :for ha efCicient work. So will other public eervanta :who are dedicated' to their work. On the other band, you, like u., know there are '.somP public eervants in the county government ~phere whoi<e perfonnanoee leaves much to be deaired. 0 You know their namca and the offices they occupy. 0 You hav<> read them m tbeae columna in time put. :Some of them may get the grand jury's ruping . cnt1cmm. We think a number of public officia.18, .wme oo the board of superv1aors. will feel the wrath :of the grand Jury if they cannot juatif y their la.ck of 1icrformancc on 188ues r ecqmmended by previoll! gram.I Juries. · To hark ba'ck to Wednesday's New.Praa ex· :Clu.aive story in which the grand Jury foreman, Jack fla.rgent, prom.i8ed • thorough airing o! various alle· .gdiona lnvolvi.Dc county government Inefficiency, r-e <:an only applaud. Sarcent brought out the fact lt ia :Useless to have gra.nd juries recommend impro\e· :ment if such are &euttled promptly. : The board of supervisors, superior court judges, ru.trict attorney, county counsel, co~t:f treuurer ;and varioua other bl.gh oUice bolder1 1bould in any :County bear ln mind t.be grand jury 11 the people'• voice. You qtlght aay the grand jury must function u the public cotll!ICience m studying the dlltiee and performance of any public oCCicial The grand jury la our aupreme county inveatiptive body re9p0n· 11ble to none in county 1overument, much u eome county offidala tn yean put have ~ to Jeed the jurol"1' down the pat.ht they dee!red. We are very proud of the counge of t.ke l~ Orange C.Ounly Grand Jury. First the jurors adopted their h09p1tal committee'• report whicli cutipted the county superviaon for "ne,ligence" in letting con· clitiona at Orange County Hoepital cet to the point they were headline 1tor1ca. We are prouder of the gTand jury for deciding to take ofricial scrutiny of our county publk 1erv- anta' job accompllishments -starting with the board of supervisors. The people of Newport Beach and Costa Mesa, we !eel, are delighted the grand juron a.re sta.rtinr with the kingpiruJ-not the little fellowa. Theae two dtJea have eeen much affecting t.bem which b.u been mis-managed at county level in the past few t• yean. Now, with a. courageous grand jury ably led tt t. pou1ble we wtU see aome action to curb sundry politicos wboee self mt~reat in time past may havp exceeded the public weal ~y are paid tD hoJd MCUl'e. The June Bride What i11 ao rare u a day in June -e.pecla.lly to a fOUDI couple 1etting m&nied on that day. Ah, June! Ah, love! 'Tia a wonderful combina- tion. To eac}J youn1 Misa who wina her •Mn." d~ thla month in matrimony, and to her gT'OODl. our very bf11t wtahes. They have entered the mo.t important b\Wneu Jn lite -making a happy home. Thoe• who bave been the m<N1t succeu!Ul in tb.ia eterprlM will tell you that the formula for euccea 11 quite aimple. But lt needs to be PRACTISED. Common aenae. courteey, klndnaa auma it up pretty well 1Cn4eavortni to undenta.nd the other partner'• JCEWPOllT BARBOR R:5WS PRESS .. au,,,... ~ M~. Welwrd., ... f'rtdQ 1117 ... nWl'UllT MA .. J& PIJBUaHINO OOllP£.LO' tsll _.... ...._...,...,.... JUIAal. c.a.La. ftMt ...,._WI Q .,,.. .. ....,.. l..ilpl ~.a.. ... .Mnrd 1111 el All ..... SJ.,.._., tM-ld• o..ai el 0nq-. Q9. la ..._ N._ A....Sl'NI M hr~ zc.,...,..... ,,..,,.ll1n A.••*t'n M t I N'.uw.t l:cl.l..W 6 I 11111 M t1r.r~~w ............. BIZN u:DDJ.CK. PUBLl8lll:R W II .I 16 M A. 1tnu:s. l:dttar JUla M. MA'lBDIT, ~ Dlrectar ~ A. ~ Mecb&nJcaJ Supertn~~ • . problam and. po'int ot 'fiew aJ,,.ya beJpa bot.b ~ Dent and the part:Derahtp. • . It II well to blPt t.be ~ge in modest living q1W'tml ratW tMD to make a ''splaah'' with a ~ that • ra1lJ ~ tbe family budged. It'• &11 too euy to s..t ._., ta debt. And debt. la often UM caw ot manta1 troablel YoUJ\I couples &boWd .U. a poblt Of-~ 80Dle money rlgb~ from the ft!'y fint; fte habit of putting a part of' "'117 pay check fD the bu.k •Wige account ii both sGod dllldpUne Md a pn;t9ction aiaWt tioaocial emers· mcles, I The happiest ~ ia an unbroken court- lb.ip. Ndthtt ~ lhould ever take t.be other tor gra.nted. h.mlllarity will not !bl'ffd cont.empt but a deeper atredioG and rspect when the \eart. ii ai.nctte •• Llf e ia a wond.8rfU1 thing. Maniaee ia the mo-l wonderful th1n1 m life -if you wru but make it llO. A Sack of Groceries Juat how rood were the good old day. of eome !50 yea.n ago, when prices were much lower for prac- tically everythinr than they are now? The Sun, of Saratoga, Wyoming, bu aomethlng interesting to say in thia reJard. Back in the 'OOI, round steak aold !or 12 centa a pound, butter tor & quatter, and a loaf of bread went for a n.ickeL The co.t of the gi-ocery order which came to 85 cent.I then would be about $2.98 today. So it loou u if were taklnl a tea.rf u.l beatinr, price-wt.e.. However, u the Sun point.I out, there ia a.notbrr aide to the coin -earning power. Govern· mmt fig-qr.a 1how that a worker wbo avenpd 18 cmta u bow-in the •go. a.en.fed $1.88 lut year. So, to quote the Sun directly. "The f&ctory worker who bought the list of staples in the 1890a would have worked about 5 hours aad 20 minutes for the money it took to pay the bill. Today be can u.m enough" for the same aack of croceriel5 In about an hour a.nd • half." The altuation would be generally the aa.me in the cue of good8 other than foods. Ma.ny cau.ee have contributed to thil grut increue in pu.rchaaing power. One of the important ones hu been the cha.op within retailing itaelf. M ... distributioA - bued on big turnover at a very amall unit profit - wu uU:nown ln tt.-•eo.. Tbe percent.ace of profit on each tr&DN.ctloa wy far hlCher then. Todat-'tM r " food chaim commonly earn u little u one cent net on et.ch dollar of salea; other at.ore. ala<> earn very modest profit.a. That helps the f&mily budge enor- moualJ. Where Government Is Boss In a competitive economy, free government con· trot. and other artificial re•lrlctions, con.sumerw get the goods they want. U one concern fa.i.la to pro- duce them, another will -and it will get the busineu. It one store fail to stock them, a competitor down the block will -a.nd it too will get the bueineu. But the aituat ion ia enormoualy different where government ii the hos.!!. For wtance. the New York Herald Tribune carried t.h.ia news iwm a abort time ago, under a Mo.cow dateline : "Lett.en from anrrY Ruaiana in villaie. that do not have electricity were printed in 'Pravda' today. They complained that vlllar• 1tores are out of keroaene lampt1 and flyb· Uchta but have plenty of electric light bulb9 on ba.nd." Now Ru.ala, wh•e the ltate own.a practically everytblnJ, la an utnme example. But the 1itu&· tion ta aimilar Jn any country where rovernmeut w>alda a bii atie.k over buaine.. There ie no neecl for pt'Oducera or retailera to go out of their way to pleue the conaumer -for the economy ia run on the "take Wb&t la oaered OT go without'' aystem_ Secondly, the oonaum~r get.I a. far better nm for his money tn the competitive, econ~. Where the state aeta prices, it uaua.lly incorporata a very hish prof it -and no one can do anything about tt. But where manfacturer muat compete ap.iD.lt manu· facturer and merchants mu.et compete ap.1ut mer- chant in order to attract a critical public, proftta, of neceaity, are held to the lowelt pomlble Jevela. Rain Maker!. The f ollowfn& adverti9ement. ·~ANTED - GENER.AL SOAKING RAIN. PLEASE RUSH. CLIFF PERKlNS,'' appeared in the.. WtK Bl"aneh. Iowa TimM--Herbert Hooftr'I bUthplae&-on April 26. TM paper went into the mall about 8 :00 ln tbe morning. By 1uppertime the rain came &bd broupt an end to an 8·month dljY 1pell It LI C9timated t.hfa advertillemect WU worth mllUon1 to th• rwidente of Cedar Coqp~ a.nd the ltste of Iowa. You don't have to &1'1'Q8 with aJff Perkin.a and ht. f rienda on the power of ~ country preu. Working for Government The •t way to jucise tlM .cope' of the tu burden ii by bow much of your workinJ tim• pa to pay for lt. b 1929, one day'• labor out of 10 W'tDt to support th• SoVeJ"1UIR!!ftt, accordlnc to the National Auocia- tion of M&nu!actlll'VL Now. the average ii one day ln four. What will th• fiiun be 1~ ye.an or so from now" ---Wasted Effort WAlllll«lfOlt -TIMt nattoa•a ~ 11 fu1I el ~ -1111cle1l7 ft.4D polltb tabla cnw. A._ da,a MO 11_.,,. of .l&bor Kltcbtll ,..W -. & . waa acWr • I tM Amalpmatecl Oot.bJ.Qc W..,....., ~ ... 'fention.. He ..... a .UOJll pit.ch for UDion ~'of G• a-'••• antWn~ .v. to U. ..... .., .,. ... , tM t.o • propclald ·~ .._. .,,..... ., .... l'fPL-....... '10.CI00.000, the~.....-:""" la_.. a Dll , ..... o•~ Ct.Ion m•t notuy u. ,..... .. fltat.e ..,........_ ID""11.ment tO ...,_la adsMI .. $ Ollce ~ -la UM -Mt. ~ h.u .alold Y >•v']~ lllltebell .... ........ ...... olUectiou t.o ur. 'tlfr!•tlee ..... !". pro..S ot ltat.e laWll ~ 1-.at. JudJcta.ry OaalU. .... -; t.b• npt of _.,..,,._ '-__. clelUpd by per-. WllldlC t9 • Without ........ ,.... to jola • t.uty. union. A. bowl Of prote.t foDow--Thi. I.I la contrut to tM .. ~ ed. Mr. J:lemlloww awu.11 .. t iaaUon ln Ule BoUM. UtU. In• It ti. nowa Kl'. KJteMU wu dust.ry conum wu aowa \MN not lpe&kln1 fOI' the Wlalt.e -and ~ bill pu...s wttll tnlJ' Hou... aboul ·n rnernben, ool ot "6 Tbe RepubllcaD atnt-a to p~"'1t • the noor. date hu beca to appe&l to th• Th• S-..t.t JudiciaJT o.matt• lndlvtdual worker -knowlq le. •&a told that -la pq.cUce1 ruu w.11 Ul&t un.bl ,.._.. -ettect -lh• pr.m-'-' ,.. . almollt all tn tact -wen w.4-qutttment would be lD~ d.S lo the ~ocrauc paiV. by enforcement acenct• u UM •• A week betor. th• Labor Sec• equivalent. Of a OCACI 11a'ObA1 ,! nt.arr1 lrpeecJl. Cba1rnWl But-flndlna ot tact u.at ...., m.,...,. ler -Democratic Nat.Soul Oom· or ... ulliUon m..uq U...dollar mm ... bMd -uJlOU:ll.Ced ap. 1W\d&ld i. prtma tacs. ala•· potntment of &A a.man law ful. advt.ory oommru-. ThoM...,... 'nl• -nton:cnct ..,..... - -----------------------.s ...,. 1a.rre11 ~'-• hdval fratk °"'P'•'< r anc1 v1c•preatdent.a of tba ... lat.. Department 'ol•JU.U" -would nauon.aa. , conUnuall7 be ~ject to oon• AFFAIRS OF STATE By abBY C. HacABTllUS Sacramento Sidelight , lnaid1r. bare ........ at lb. &1'9Mional lnwAiptJoa lt t.bey M.lt.ch.U'a opUml.e -~ dec:lW th.re wu ao adnl"M 1uch odda. Tbey al8o wonder at ~omlc etcect requlrln1 court judcment. Opinion poU. have acllon to 1top lht merrer . ahown overwhellnlD.J publlc -Soma recorn1uon of th• prae· even worker -oppomUon to Ucal probluna -the pc>UnUaJ compul~ry union memberablp. ll"Ul lnterfert·nce with compe· Attack• on r1rht·t~work lawa UUon -trttdom of bu.eta ... m ay eoflm up a tftf kaden, acUon -wu ahown by mtm· who may ti. flepublJCaJ'l anyway. bu11 ot the Sf'nate Judic1ar)• but could -mol'9 liktl7 will Commllttt i Uenate lhe lndJvtduaL So. Wl:IOHl'G ANGLE - Republican at.rale(Y -pl&ytnf Senator O'Mahoney tD-Wyo. I up the tlltme ot &ood pay and conceded that C'onl'f"U muat ateady job1 -could be nullltied. weigh tht connnlence to law· THI: COND~'ED enforcem ent •1f'nc1u of a pn• · 'Jht Amala.m&t.ed convenUon erser noUc• a&ainal lhe 11111· applauded Mjt.cbell -condemn ne effect. o"'tl'-.dom of com- t d th• Elaenhower admlnl•tra· petition Uon. The policy of "lnoder&Uon" lnd1.11try hH ra.IMd ~ "atop-proclaimed tour monU.. a10 ll7 look·ll•left" w'&l'l\lnc Cla k6ial&· Senat. leadera •• rapldiy allpplnl' lion pe,ndln( In Coa(N .. which into an extTtme :'\ew-J'alr 0e&J would Mrloualy reel.rict the free. policy ot rovemment ownV'llhip dom lo conduct tiuiatn... ~Uvt· -rovemm,nl lntnftrence wttla ti•• ln normal fublon. buatnau -a.nd hu1• spendtnr. The l•6i•lallon -pend.1n1 In By a rlo11 vol• of U t.o at. bolb Senate ud Hcna .. -would th• Senal.e 1pp1oved federal rtqulre advance noUtlcatlon to con1tn.1cllon of 136.000 public federal aulhoriUu ot buain... bouaing un!UI u cb yea.r -for merpn fc.ur yeara. 'l'hl• I.a about oae- Tbe obj91:Uve -IO proclal.m· balt of one year'a t.ot.tJ ne.ldo• ad by 1pon.ora -1a lo pul t.Mth tiaJ conatrucUon ln the counl.r)'. In anU·m•t1ttr lawL Ona bill Tht 8 en a l • rt J • c l • d Ute would amend lh• Clayton A.nU· "mocSerate" Etacllhown 'adJni&ll-' lnal Act lo rtqUlre I.hat where atr1lUon pro('tam of a&,000 unlc.a lhe comblned capital ot partt.. for eac-t1 of two y .. n. COURTHOUSE BEAT CITIZt:NSBIP ~ il BE& -From left,•· Robert Banad..:0r Pamela· •• Evan1, Barbara.Cooper a.ad Steve RoblnlOD, receive ctmc..htp e11ay honon from Princl,.rJ;,., ~er •t E•emt Rea School elJ~th gnde gndu&· tion Yes\erd&Y· -Cooper topped tbe glrll, Robluon the· boy; in the .... y competition..-Btatt Pboto . _..., ' . . Calendar' of Events EllMORr llcycle Taken Noel A1bel1Klfl, 433 Flower St~ co.ta MH&. told Nnrport Buch polic. hi• ~ btcycle had been taken Tue..:lay att.ernoon from !:i::'rt Harbor Un.Ion H!1h .......... afar Dancing Every Night llaaie "1 -. llOT4L IA...Vl'U:Q DINNER SERvil:D 0 p. m. 'ti! mldDJgbt COCKTAILS-4 p.m. •w 2 Lm. 12 Noon Saturday A Sund&y \ Speci1I ·Sund1y Buffet 2. 'til 9 .p.m. ' -. Ou. can now .-,07 .~. 1*ul.J' ~ and Gnllllltf of 0.. LU'-T tub .nt.SoMIN wtth 11Ws1u door panel9 at a co« ot OD17 toT.IO eom.plet4' ~ lnllt.aD&Uoa IA 70W bome. Beu• W\ll ooknd J".tbvrlu matnt&S.m __ ,....... __ _ ltltlL Tbll t\lb ~ckle\lr· frUDert, eon- atructed ol bJ.Pl7 poU.tbed lnt.er'-lock· q, 1'\IA-proot' met.al' ".... JOU ~ '""nert.t. trouble • ,.._ inmt.a&Um. u,tlt tD 1"fltlt, the doOn roll Ol1 ft7- loa roUfts tl'olll .tUwr _. and mu be MUii moftd tor c1-.nin. of u.. tub. nberllu Pute1. eoaor. A.1'1111&11M la ........ ----•U.. ad T.OOW. ...... rw... - IChOOI With tha 12:80a CW-U. CompMJ' outllt.andlq" achkye. Ufa.rd. O.Ch Dale Coli prnent.- ed l.h9 oot.lt&ndirll a t h I a t I e awarU to. Myrna Fe&thertn,.W Ntd J .ny Hello. FUCHSIA 'S D ...... Vadetla tp«NilAI _, 008U 11D4 ... ......,. u .... NEWPORT HAltlOR NEWS-l'RESS -rAllT I • PAQ l .. '.t-~ tO.X ........ l t< -- Cll '* JOW' cnatift •lm4• , ~Of ...... ~ boy lWo )'Mn ap bl ......-. India.. a boy Wl'lo WU ".:tatl:f\s polio. a bety wbo WM Uft.19 ....utna · ln apit• 0( Illa ~' and Richard9 aa14. M WU lhrill· -i to meet that .me bOy In Ntw-;· port Ike.ch and ltad him. Jadl: Bryan, • membu ot thll prf!1181t ,-raduattnc ela•. ." • The Rev. Ja.l'TWM Stewart pve ' lh• lnYOC&Uon and Kn. Ronald r . Barlow and J. i.. atett--. repr-.t~ lha bMrd of t.,np.. t~• to dl3tribut.e Ule diplornlii lo 1nembe.1·1 of Ute clua. :. fj)uick Senlce FOii Roller Sha~es Standard Shade Qothai &nd Cunom Speel&IUea • Drapery. Hardware • Vm•tian Bl1ndl CALL ILUUIOB 1M THE SHADE .SHOP .. ~ -Jlonco ll:Dolcn •11111 ,....io ~ to receift· llnal . "'"'°'" •t yd rdcJ'a .... zmsMMDt. made bJ.c line~ of '° 11-.t st.. Kass'*" e.dl ...... u.. .... -. ~ liOSPITAL AIDES LEA YJNG IMSTIMION Mld.. w.,. "not a direct dllml&- .al." The h011plt&I dmlalmtrator al&led tha fOOd adm.Jnlatrator .. ha.I had a dl.Uillty for th• put year 'I'd stated abe mlaht haw \o re_atp." Ha #&k1 UMt Juna I ao· MIROU.RY • DN8 F BD 8UWVAll'9 ~•418,000, llaRCURY. .} EA'5Y :To ENTER-EASY to . WIN • - ' 10 FREE PHAETONS ' EVERv-.'wi11 FOR •. WEEKS STARTING JUNE 11™ •• .-YOU CAN ENTE_it' EVE"Y WEEK ' 2110 YALUASll 1ST PllZI· I NEW MDCUllY MON'IQAllt PHAETONS °""--""" .. ~paid -md trip to Ntw: Yort for two with .......... tioo by A-i. e&n Airlinea DC-i • w.itAt at f•mo\ll Waldorf·A•torla • apecial ~ of Ed Sulli-.u. at hio toleviolon ....... JI 1Tfll-3STH PRIZES 200 -· LATUl MODll ORVAL illc:tllc 1V lllS-U--°""-'-_,......,,,._ •• end -... ....,.. Color-twl:r t...w.t.. ah-b' : pio. tun tube, bullt--lo aa\.inna, lfnlod ..,..,, -· , .. AU. 2ft)..10TH PRIZES 72-MDCUIY MONlRIY PHAETONS ·--all.M.....,,. 4.i-b&nllallO •.• tM l.fontarl)' f•tunl •· dt!na low-""'"" end ..... .,, ......... Ylolblllty '"'all ~ F Cat DO ~ -t ''blind llPOt" ••• .-... mtruce and ait , • , uch.i.ve lt7linc tow::t.. NIXT 300 PRJZIS :!490 ·-AMBICAN -, ouarm. uwtiMS wmt WW• Bl' IMTIALS , , • AU'I04IU-l'f Bl SUUIYAM ----8'ylodl&tho-.io.ol ... JowWJ', -6nloh, ....... ...... ttoa. \ ' llllll'l'AI& 1'0U DO TO Midi 1 •. GO TO YOUR MERCURY D£AlER TODAY 2. PICK UP OfflOAl Rill$ NC> ENTRY 111ANK ' 3. COMl'lfn LAST IN OF MERCURY PHAETON RHYME 4. MAIL 0PflCIAI; ENTRY lllANK TO "MERCURY CONTEST" UICIAL .. .,. AWMH $10,000 CASH TO NIW MaCUllY llUYUI Adrdiied ...,_.ol IMrW PhMtoD tf JOU~ a Dl'W Msemy durinc ---"""" boinc ldriood ol winDinc -"' tho "'!' 10 -"lf..- $2.000 CASH ro UllD CAI 11UY1U l'DfD ovr ... ...,.,., ~ llO llWIOJIT CO>l'D:ft ••• W..t.Ym ~ .. IOLUV&Jr WJW' lmcD.&.Y &f&NDC'O. ·-'l'O ........... IDm'I'. Cam I I JOH"SON · & SOii, Llncoln·· Mercury. NEWl'OIT l!ACH Pllane Lllerty 1-5545 • I I l . . PAGE 4 • PAR'J f o,; filEWllOltT HAltlOll NEW$.PUSS FlllDAY, JUNE 16, 195' . ' ' l • -' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I I - ' .. . .. ' ' -. ' ' ' • • . . . . . -• . . • • : ' : ! ' ' ' . .. ' . . . . • , • , ' , • " ·SECOND AWARD . --+ FIRST AWARD Best Retail Food Series RICHARD'S UDO MARKET Newport BH<h • ' , ' 3 FIRSTS 2 SECONDS AWARDED TO • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS '" . ST ATE-WIDE COMPETITION ol 31st Annuaf Convention of i Calif~rnia Newspaper Advertising Managers Association • , J .1 ' \' I ' . I ., i I \ ' • ' \ . ~ ·' . ' ·SECOND AWARD • • ' I • • • ' . Best Use of Mat Service • Best Speciat Edifion SPllNG FASHION SECTION 1956 Boyd'• Hordwore, i<1~" Shoot, R 0 IL,_AU!o Senlce Roy C.rvor p..,1;.c, Top 'Drowoo: .· Rather than proof of past performance . . . . . . doing a GOOD JOI for local advertisers by keeping Harbor area resident'-well informed on merchandise, ' products and services available AT ~OME .•.... the Newp'ort Harbor NEWURESS produces these facts as A PLEDGE TO . CONTINUED EFFORTS TO SERVE YOU EVEN IEI IER IN THE FUTURE • "' . , I • . , ' I • .. -. • ' • • . • • ' • • , . • • • ' ' . ' ~ . . • ' .. ' ··-. -,_ -• ' -~ ' • Newcomers Luncheon . • Tonne Son Born • - TALKING IT OVER. -Barbie and Howard Murphy, honored a.t a bon voyage cocktail party at N!wport Harbor Yacht Club, look over various course• which might be followed by Murphy and his 64-foot NHYC yawl Quest at start of the 3571- mlie race to TahJtl from L. A. Harbor Saturday. Hosts were the Yaohtamen'a Luncl:\eon group of which Murphy la preaident. Mrs. Murphy will fly to Tahiti to meet Quest upon her arrival. Also in the race are Georre Sturpa' Jada, John Scripps' Novia Del Mar, Jack Heddon'a Celebes and Vivie& from San Franciaco. -Beckner Photo SEALARKING By GINNY (tllLS. mw A&D LESTE&) 8Ml.rll ABOARD TYPEE. Covered th~ waterfront via terra HARBOR WOMEN wer, amo~ offlcen tnatalled by Orange County 8 et .0 when 52 memben and guest.a dined at Villa Muina. Ill front are 'Mn . Cy Featherly of Santa Ana, la awnonier and Mn. Fred H. Joyner of thia city, la arcb.M.ate. Rear row ( 1 to r) , Mmes. George R&iney and Mabel Matherson, pourar membel"I; Kenneth Markham, NEWPO RT MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women•• Editor NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS-PART 1-PAGE 5 FRIDAY, JUNE IS, 1956 1ardf'n hat full of prdentu and c tranlum• ••• Club'• party of the month prom· lllU to be another fOO(lle •.. TH June 21 with blue jun1 and cot· !Irma this week gettiJ'lg ready for a 8UD'lmer at aea · · • BKHIND JC BCJ:NJ:S at ton• the order of th• day for d h h Ls I t . t •· tr. · down th"• Lido i'uhlon Show •.. an wit sc oo et mg ou , vacauoners tppmg Mulne fMn. Joel Prelnincer guuta and member ho•t.a and from town for the aummer, plua our usual Newport vrr In charge of model1, aDtl a hoeteuea. Ool. and Mr.. John .. _ Earl, the Jama Holllday1, Hen· activ1t1 cs, our little old town YiU re1llly J·umping • • • 1Po11t "finUhtd" model ...,,...lf · ' • . Letllt Jame• halt dreW much ry Sch&effera, James H olliday• aurprtu Goldt>n Year. celebra· 1 tt U d k and A. E . Nae1ell1 • • • over mor duUe1 in a moat pro-approva . . . a rac ve ar tlon1 also l"•PPln& . • · R NJGHT IN TRJNlDAD Capl rualonr.l 91d grac1ou1 way ••. ha11 t>1I model Ricki• < Mra. ob· , • UDO ISLF. WOMAN'S CLUB ''MODEL'S EYE VIEW" waa ert 1 H arris 90 df'&r to u .. ~r alrano Beachcombflr'a Club 1>9rty held the •r•1llighl lut Tuesday tprofl'vlonaJ knowledge (a Lido June 22, 11 another 'mu1t" with when tht'11 "Hats ln Bloom" fun • • '-one way to «et t.hrouch Pl11)er1 1tar and 1 hear Broad-1peclal Calyp90 mu.ate and en· luncheon ntPetlng and Dorothy lbt crowded t.Ablf'a and see all wav actreu to boot l In a Jul tectainment. • · O'Hara Cuhlon ahow bloeomed the fant.utk &nd bf'suU!ul head-minute make·up for her fellow ST. CATHJ:RINI!: Hotel tn torth a t the lllf' 11 atlracUvt dtt•ea whir h 11~ 'rn lo (TOW modf'I• . . • the O'Hara draH• Avalon will be th• 1Jamorou1 aqua by front clubhouH ... more f'laboi ate dnd f•xqum te I di In Polly (M 1eltin• tor the Balboa Power h h h Id 11 a "°· ao v e · · · ra. a "It waa ao bf'auUful. eo tlepnt, eac ytar · · sue: "8' re s. Mall Obf'r a fine co-ordlnator. Squadron'• dinner dance t.omor· •• lhf' llkV b!llf' ltlllf' rhapf'A U 90 r eorgtou1, 80 divine" . . . lrlmml'd \\ ilh l•i~h rf'd ruu~ Otrr FRONT . . . prt&ea for row ntrht durlnr the Squadron'• --pythlna r a'-orr I''"• • ,.... Aftftual ea--•tna Rend-~u1 ... 1. ~·-" n "' worn by nPw T r"XY Amdia I Mt.a headN'-• went to Betty -"· -..u• .... ~••v .,, amooth r1111ng clove u cept that 1 H llld r th Wffk-end . . . predicted Joe ct.atrner·rlub member Dorothy M. J 1 Lork• "Y Julldlt amui 0 ay or 8 pret-race. for crulMra and auxULar1ea O.,.. __ Lunnt." at the laat' min· 1Mr11 J Oandr1dge1 M1l11k .. n 11 tlut .•. a rid, white and blue wUJ bt IU .... 11 ...... CO.ta Mea., la .ectttair-cuaier; Carl Proctor, ~ chapeau; Al J..a.v&cpla ot Eecondido, inatall- inf officer; Robert . J . Briggs, Coeta Kea. la chapeau; Al Wattle, la dewdem chapeau) Ted A.hburn, la demlpmnier chapeau and Ted Cook, la conclu. -Photo by Coleen ~· ' clevPr Ind111n headJr,.1111 n1ade 1 r11h, made entinty of flowera iu •u.... • • • ut. could not be preffnt t.o r b ,, ln fllh 1 tt d SCUTTLE'BJJTT: "N typo rt ,. -commentate the 1.how ... bow· enUrtly 0 ru Y rt!d bougatnv .. -~ • pa em · • ' an Harbor'• Cotillion VIP Vlrstafa H~E FOR JULY Tb J Rogen left) d .nr pPtty and ttrlclent Mar· lau Crum~~,.: gi;n.len ... !>tPlba •with It, blut> eyed Belly wore OoU h tri """r -• a.mes ( an l aret 1Mr1. Hall Dike took tMn I nino1 \\'atd · .. 1 1 1•1f'll\ 111'1 eleetr1c blue drt'8 ... J.fo1t aud ~ a t re.Id lmonl th P Ernttt Staftip (ri(ht) spent an even1nr together .. I l (I al prize went to Ja e aroun ...,. wor , nc ud1n1 a • ------or n n monl.h'a aatart in south Africa dining and dancln00 at Balbo& Bay Club. Mr. ud PEPITO and · JOANNE Academies of Dancing •••• presents . "Varieties of 1956" IMr. T . A I Fiabu tor her • blrthd1y cake nower creation · • • Helen and Harry Kello Mn. Rogen will i,. guMt.a for the month o! July land It wu rally her bll"tbday) cru1Jtn1 about 1n thdr new at the Balbo& home ot Jlm'a mother, Mn. Georte . • • and "lll• prise for the molt launch C..prt • • • OVJ:R A1fD T Photo humoroua went to M.lldred (Mra. Otrr: "' Rogers. -fllT7 ,,BoM IJ. E.t Kelm for her clever--------------------~-------------- "Buick Car" miniature ln n owen (a repllcla ot the ona ahe won). Toastmistress lristal·Ia ti on Mit. Cbarlotte lklnntr, Yi~ prea.; Kn. Haul R. IUak, eecy.; Mra. Dant•I Roeerw. tr.uurer; Kn. O.Wltt Worceeter, council ~tJn; Mn. by Trult- wtla. altenlat. Npl'._tatb• A put p,....dellt'• ....... ~t­ .. to Mn. Jolulaoa by tM MWly "'9t•li.d preeldent, llD't.. ~ fO"• and MrL JCrwtD Toone, I VACATION CLEAR.ANCI J'amoue nam• and st~i. hom ..Marilyn' a ~ .... ..-prtced ao low ~t 1flA1Z early eeleellett t.e ...._. ... beat cholc.. Prtce. ettecUve for llmlted tbM .. Dresses and Suits Bee· Prloe wow fl0.95 ____________ _., .... $J2.95 ..... su.~ _______ nuo $18.95 ____ •n• $17.96 ---'1JAO si9.95 m• f:?·; . $1UI GS:i.u ·--~?; $29.95 -ii_. '35.QO PLIO 139.s>s ·····-----SU.IO =.00 $%"1.00 .00 W'AO .95 sn.oo ... 00 ... $69.95 ______ .. ____ ..,$&5-..eo~ ~.00 • $50.00 $89.95 $56.0Q f98.00 ... suo.oo '8500 Sweaters Bes. Price NOW $ 8J50 -· ··----· uo s 9.g:5 .... uo SlO.~ -·--·····----' 7.50 s~.96 --------· -··-·--···--• 8.50 $22.~ ..... __.HAO HATS ----------·-······--%5'• OFF OMii 8alel OllJ)' Dvtaa' ftJ.s k&e. czx~p• • Conmnalty Cn!cllt Aecou.ta) No BehiaM, Exclaaac• er IAJ'-&_..p Fashion Apparel 1767-a Newport Blvd. Coste Mei• •••• fHturing •••• "PEPITO .. MAYOR DORA HILL u beau- Utul and chic a.a ever ln na•y blue and whJle at the Udo htad table ... Jean (Mn. Ralph) Tandowa><y wtlh lwr llP&J'kllnc piano mu.tc ••• Ruth (Kn. L. Jl. M~lley, a lovely mla- t.re• of ctrtmonJ• • • • and Marr• !Mra. Tbomu) I.Alto JiY1n1 up her year'• work a.a hMd ot th• Woman'• Club with mlsed emollo~ . • • wendtnr lhelr way betwffn lh• colorfully decorated (cenurplecea of vari· hued. nower -accented straw bat.a) t.ablea were t>MuutuJJy pwned modtll. Mmea. l'rancla D&WllOn, WWla.m M!rama, Row· a.rd Illo. Dike, PrelnJnrer, Don- Mn. Mak Mcllahan of Sf.nta Ana. prMldent of ln-"'°' .:.:==========2~:=;~:::;;;:;;;~;;;:;~;;;~:::;=:=5~=; ternatlonal Toutmistreu Clubs, Inc. w.. the honored r • in person e Enchanted Forest e Megic Toy Shop e Circus ot.Mn 1ncludlq Ballet COf"IMI CAST OF 500 • e WEDNESDAY e THURSDAY e JUNE 20· 21 \ ·. 8:00 P. M. ----AT -- Oreng• Coest College Auditorium TJCKET8 .AV~ .A.T BOX OFFICE Upholstery Draperies n. l'lnemt Cntta:mamhlp ~ Plu hbrb at ao..-Out PriCeil JaabJM t1• to Give Your Old i'Undtu.re That NEW LOOIC at Astounding ~ Duri.Ds the 0 oU aeuon'' CALL US DAY OR NIGHT Llberty 8al8 l'or ..Uma._ tr ~ ot our Mcor'at... .SU e&ll wt~ Mlftpa. at JV'U' ,...ueat. # , ald Oolrrove. Paul Rosen. Keith Cordrey, Pa u I BuUer, J ohn Gtau. Donald Hart. Hufb Hut· aon and Robel't Harri.I • • , TH1C ROICDOWN. Balboa Bay ' gue.t at the summer lnstallatiott dinner o! Ha.rbor Tof.ll.. mi.nreu Ou.b held Monday eveninc at the Villa Marina. Mn. 4Jbert E. Johnaon, prealdtnt, presided. Ou.Mt speeJtera •are seum FrankllJl ot eo.ta Mt• and William Conwa7 ot Anaheim. Mr9. Frank OUqy ot C&ndlt1lrtit- 1ra Toutmt.atrMm Club w a a Toutmlatnu of lht evenlnJ. Mualcal .attrt&lpmtnt wu pro- vided by Harbor Club members. Mnt. O.WlU. W ......... 9'nl' t1" 90np, acoompuled b1 Xre, i... roy AndenM and ~ ~ Re>19MI da.neecl two Bawall&n hulaa. Inatallll\J offlc.r wu Kn. Jean M&t.ueo( ot Candi.u,tlt.en Club.. New omcan are Kn • Edward Mlnmch, pnmd•t: Cap~lrano B, If.., S.a SaAilari,._ C•pistr•no By the S.• offers the fined of in..,.tient 1ervice1 1t rM10n1ble rates. Licensed by the St1te of C.frfomta C.pistrano By the S.a S1nJtarium specializes in the treatment of nervous, emotion1I end mental disorders end 1lcoholism. • Our new Harbor AIM office loc.ted 1t l-42'4 Via Oporto, Newport Beech. Phone: H1rbor 2122 You Are CcmDaD.7 bvtted to Vllll& C.,U1,... B, L S. S.,.,,.,. •• ........ ,. 1 l"or tntonn.aUon call your nl&l'Ut omc. of Caplatrano By the 8-SanJt.&rtum DANA POINT, GYpsy 1-f>TT' 13916 de.I Obllpo St SANTA ANA.. Kimbttl71440 NEWPORT BEACH. ' • . I011 W. c.8t BWJ. (...,...,• llJll) Newport DeMil ltUI N. Broedway kH Via Oporto • LESS THAN WHOl.ESALE PRICES! Brana New, Mooern e LIVING ROOM PIECES · & SUITES • ,e BED ROOM SUITES e DINING ROOM SUITES e DINETIE SETS e 30 BEAUTIFUL LAMPS .,,,....,...-' SUITABLE FOR BEACH HOMES-RENTALS APARTMENTS-ETC. • lpeclal Courteiay to QuanUty B'U'Va ' ONE "'PIECE • .'~R A FULL HOUSE •••• THAN WHOLESALE PRICES • • • • • • • • • • This is oll QUALITY FURNITURE f rom MODEL HOMES in thi5 oreo • PLE.Ass ooxm JN &AJU.!' l'OR ~ft . am.ECTION. 1' I'. •OPEN SUNDAY JUNE 17 10 A.M. TO 4 P.M .. • J/o~r Coveringj J420 .VIA UDO H1rbor '4328 NEWPORT BEACH I " -·----~ ~·-·-=•----' , rA" '· rAAT • -NEWPORT HARBOR N~W'llESS FlllDAY, JUNE 15, 1956 MRS. JOHN PERRY LANGENHED4-En.o. Lan- gmbeiai, eon of tke lfay Langenhei.ma, and his lovely bride, the former Mary F01ter, are expected hen today from San ·P'ranciaco, one of the atops on their trip· •crou country. They were married June 2 in Chevy Cbue Preebyterian Church, Wubington, D. C., day alter Langfnheim was graduated from the U. S. Naval Academy at Ann· apoU.. They Will remain here until he report.a for duty Au,c. 17 at San Pieio. -Hessler Studio • MISS DE LOS ~IOS Bride-elect Honored I at Luncheon Event Ml.la Jacqualyn d1 IOI Rloa "''" honor" at a Uower and lunch-11"en June I . in Illa hom1 of Mno. Robert L. Boyd Jr., who wu co-ho.te11 wtth Miu Mar't'tlll .. Moody and Mr•. John J . NWlwn. D.con.Uo!WI featured a white (:Nlpe umb~ll• ov1r which ftil a llhow1r of "rain". A ho.teu cart wu p.lly decorat.cl in kHplnr with Ill• "bridl" ell.ct. htid th• ma.n,y kl"IY rtftl;, which includ- ed a tpecW brtdt book l rom th• now.r rtrl. Uttle Charla Spar· man. ...ch irueat wu ,Wen a plete ot ~per llJld Wtructed l.o place 1' on top of her head and UIMI draw 11. picture pr the bTide-to-be. The outcon1e wu~most amualn(. Tho11e preaent were· Mmea. Robert Boyd, John Nuxu1n, Rob- ert Chami>f,rlaln, Jame11 ?ikJ.(a• han, Charle• Sp.nnan, R o ber t MoMy Jr., Robert lt100<Jy Sr., John 0111, G~l"J"e C&ld'A'ell, Fred Earel, Roger McKinnon, Dulin Grant, Leo de IGI RtOA. Lyly .. Pan.i~m. Sara H~ner. J o n I Boyd, M.1&11 Ma r\'ellee Moody, and Mr1. Boyd. JUNIOR EBELL CONFERENCE -First meeting of the newly organUecl Or- ange Di•trict was held June 9 at Oiritt Oiurch by the Sea. From left to right, Mn. Fol-rest Allinder, prealdent of the hostess club, w&tchea u Mn . Dean Gorton regiatera Mn. Norman -Wation, local club member and 111.Late preai- dent or the Federation of Women'• Clubl, Junior Membership, and Mn. Duane Ve.Del ot Brea, dislrict president. -Staff Photo Federation Junior Confab . . Hostes~ed by Local Ciub .. Workshop Units Prepare Chairmen for Duties • Qran.p District Federation of Women'1 .0ubl, Junior Kemborohlp, chart.erod Ito coune, "A -Voyage to Infor· m&u. 1*," &t a -•ummer conference held at Cbrilt ~·Sea June 9, with ~-Duane Vellel, Brea, ~=~~-"..Honored guemta were Kra. Norman Wat.Ion, 1-.,_t ~ pr9ldent ot ~· 1 le. COY.-.d tn tbe pr.ldent'• ~ ftderaUOll ot Women e wwbliiop,,.. "'Clult Procedure" Clu.._ ~ memberehlp, who by Mrs. Uo}td IC&Uol'J', Full•r- •llOID9 • Mr bip to 1en.1rtJ toQ, tnunecH•le put county pree-f~tloa mt.Ion, Kanel.-~"'P&rlWMiltary t.w" aty. ic-,.. A4 ¥.r!'· c. M. o.Jt-lit' xn. 1-Picket, a a rd e n ln.t; NrtfpOR ....... Orana• m. cf'°"' Onia.r• Dlltrlct parlla· trict ~"' The bMrd ot mantanan. the lf~ a.a.fa Jwdor l:btl1 •'11(,.w to Wlin .Award." wu ~ to ·~~ fo&wllcl cOno.uct.ed b)' Mr... Wat.on and by ,, ~ lo llf. d1lb1Ct Mrt. Ck11 n.ro.tt. B&nta P&Ul&. Jon""-~~£Mer, Prw WWlt thop ... eoadUcted ,,_....tlo"N ~., l(p. -·-N--Kna. .I.Ole ~ .... ()r.. port ·11.utior lf ........... aJdlq' _,. Dflriet. ftnt Yice )lrWdet.' M1J ,,.. alWrmm wttlt. JocLI ~ 1pecilt.1 lllh'• rn.rclil chab ni-..... Kn. J'rMmu w. '"" to be st,,_ .p. bo&ll. Ute J'\abe,., Newport 8-eh, 0ranse •mall (1"'8) ud ~· {M and Otltrict p'""'9 chairman, p-..e O'l'er' 'IMmberahip rl••"cauau point ..... tor the prw ~pell· to\o out.tandlns eommw.ll)' 1te-Uon. Tf01 Roberta. 8air. ae- hlnement durinl' -the D-,dub meat•, d&leuMed pubUca.Uon of J"MI. tbe on&np Put. Oran&-• ot. \\'OKKBBOl'S lriet periodical. with her committee to dl.tcuu the planl for the Or&llr• Dla- trtct dance t111taUvely .cheduled Nov. 3. Funda from tllla annual dat1c1 will turther Pf'OITl!M on the phyalolherapy pool for erlp- pl .. to be buJ\t near the Oranre Cout Collere pool. Th.a 11 Or. •ltJ"e Dtrtnct'a eecona year epon· .orinr thla project. 8Pt;CIAL AWARDS Speclal awarda were prl!Hnted by Mr1. Wit.ton to the Anaheim ~na Beach and L. Habra'. clube tor 100 per cent particlp- 1U<:1n In all ca terortea or the Oen1rL1 Federation ot Women'• Clube' community achievement conte1t. Alter lunch Mra. Donald Tay· lor ot F'ullerton, prog-ram chair- man. Introduced the audlllona. Flora Gardner Bau, Laguna Bf.ach. •poke ot ''The F"iUptno Woman'', htr hlrltare and cul· 'tu.re. and Mra. Tony F•rreli, Ga.r- dan Grove, on "Chann", With a demonatraUon ot th• "horrible example." The attendanc; trophy wu awarded to Anaheim Junior club. Lunch w .. aerved by Lu Aml- ru Circle ot w .s .c .s ., Chrilt Chllrdi by Ille Sea. • O.C. Insurance ~--~--------.. ·---· ' • • . . on - • • • wurance women ot on.nre County htid It. montll.b dlMer 1n..uor tr• the Park A .. ftlue cate. )f"9. N4ll.J N•lbl»our or a.a• Ana.. n-17 lnetalled preai· dent. presided •t the bU&lne&1 f'•llng. . Gueat •peaker, Lowell Baker ot Santa Ana revh1 .... ·ed the hl•- tory of fir<' 1n11uranre and the m1.11y Problema ertlal~ In tha l!Jijul!lting of fh·e cl1lrn11.. I 1n1n9 ,., 5helves, drawen The nCJ1.t board ml!f'tlnr will be held June 20 111 !he hq.n-1e ot Mra. Aln11 Hortnn. Santa Ana. Credit Women Meet Wednesdiiy Mci rvoton is the wonderful . pknhc oncl Iott~ lnO!erial thot welcome, long ho1d weor. ll'l odorlen, won't crock, <hip, Of peel, ond efff! ink won't 1!oin it A¥oilob!e In check1, .olid1 cw cl.Yet potte11>1.. • Cr e Cl It Women'• Brf.akful Club of Orange Coa1t wlll meel Wedne9day at 7 JO a.in at Hown.rd 'a Reataurant. Gout Highway with Lloyd Sugukl, manager ot Co.ta Me1a Ba.nk of America, u epe&.ker. Mr1. Burton Miller of Coeta Me .. will pre- eid1 and "boue1" w lU be 1peclal ruMt.i. PLEXTV OF FREE PARKIXt;·\\ ~: Gl\"F. ("110\\''.\' STAMPS THE RNEST •.• YET LOWEST PRICED t.:ariy American MAP.LE FURNITURE ... an'Jwl er e Open Mondays until 9 Tba brtd"e-to-be wa. prlMllt.ad wtth a M&uWuJ fX"Chid coraqa hem bar ~ Juel batoni Ille luncl!.ton WU am-v.cl. hveral ram• w1r1 played. For ona, ThOM ln\'ited .who did not at• tend were M.!•11 Be:verly Bee~ Kn. Harokl Bff~, Miu Lyl1 .!tftl'art, Mn. Wllli•m CUnnln(· hatn, Mr•. Donald Jacluot'I and Hn. A1 OJt,Sen. Jn the momlns ... 1on 1p1etal J.tn. Robert Stint, Fullerton, 1--------------------------------------'----~-------- Worltahope were conduct.cl. Top-••Y• and meana c.ba.lrman,, met . . :. : .. .. . ' ...... . . . . . -. ... . . '· get in the swim· ... liveinthesun at Hawcr est CAMPUS ESTATES! , . Relidents fornirhte<I 1nou1h to liv• 1t H1!1crest C1mpU1 Eatat" will ttve Inti tuU llf•. They'll be proud "prop.-l1t<n" of . . theli;. very O'tllt" prlv1t1 4·1cr1 recreation 1r11. compll1e with ltin1 siled 1Wlrnm1na pool,. 1pedow1 clubtKluse. Litt._ L111u1 Baseblll Di1mond, picnic arounds. 11 -1111 tennl1 end h•nd· ball courts. It'• comrnunlty.Hvtns at Its WW)' best-best for 1rowi~I younpten end "ycunpt1n" who nh"..-arow old . Why Mttte fOf' leu tf\4tn H1'9cf-e1t C.mpys E1W11t H11r your , f1vorite be1ch11 ... just 1 fr-ay U Jp to ell indu1tri1I areet . Come live the full Uf• 1t H11eerest Cempu1 C1tetes, whel'9 IMn1 ii .. ly ... wt.Ire livin1 I• fun ... In beeutlful Cotti M..a. Yetfr111s : As a.. as $300 DOWN (PllJS costs nt iif.pounds) NON·l'[T(RANS, Just $999 Down {plus costs! -L--.,--.,--------- , • &lilt.Jn W11terrH!oll1 .... ,.and 0..11 • lullt-in WutinltlouM Ow.w..Mr Md Wlshlf-Orytr • c...--..,...,, ......... • 1 ............ 2-• _ ... ""' ... r .. .,. .. • CllOOll troM If 0....., •ta~n..,,.. • -Lob 7 ,'3114. ft.""'• • li'rint llOOll-~ltd with Asll Ind Allllrwood • s..• anti "'"" Cwwtl StrNb for'SlfttJ • Anotller Hfl1 co.,.., Ovtlity~11t • ~~ ~\\fc.\ \/>.~c).. (~:~· ~r/i\lf'fl • ~~ .. ~~ .. 1( 5s~s Cetli(~&-C&taw Tu Tho.IV ' ENSIGN, OBA.DE 8-1. Clay Sumrell, TO.J> Row - Stepba.nle Koch, Jim O'Connor, Kristina Berg, Richard Shaw, Doane Schindler, Bob Hadfield, Holly Hyden, Terry ~ .Mary J\nit& Bandel. Second row-John Gage, Jerilyn Godfrey. Matt Tritt, Lynne Raacke, Jim P oter, Merrie Hitchcock, Rob- ert ~ Suaan Nealy, David Rayle. Third row ' MATHEN Y'S ., 'MEA.NDERI NG S -Lynn Ho!fma.n, Dennis Popejoy, Sandy Watson, Paul Snydh. Beverly Paul, Gordon Kilmer, Valeria Bayliss, Danny Supple, Mike Stomp. Fourth row -Clay Sumrell, Dave Berry, Jett Smith, John Carlyle, Tom Brennan, Nancy Mangan, Mary Jo Rc1lly, Ann MacLachlon and Melvin Grimee. • Pnl nallvf' c· 1111tne" I type •pot near the S.A. Counll'Y I \rt l..aShelle ha1 Alyce bal"k Club. Isn't It? Anyhoo. for tlloae r 'm England llnd Hawaii and who Jove their en!hlladu, l.IC()jl. ~· 1111hall alllO frnm Hawaii eo frljole11. etc. Mr R. ha• a plal"e 111 l"Jtl llrf' rf'fllly poppln' down ready for l."omly dining. I 1 l h~ lovroly Tahiti.an room ov-Were we •pea.kine of lrtos a • I ••·k•n1 th" 81\v at C'hrl111tlan'111 while back? Cueu we wen', at tlut IJare ) a' to atroll 'by lhro lhal. Locahud aonri -wnt1ng. that 11m1 lnhnl" the aroma from car-eeUi.ng. r11COrd-m1klng, tuba- l hat pr1mf' rib In thro Chlne11e Inhaling, baal·t hump 1 n I J o "vt n 11nd !I/OT ~n ln11lde to ron-Wa.shbume, known far and wide Now that the \vater is warm enough for at least l '"Y at. Yummy. they 11y! 11 ~ • rountry," ha1 a nice llLlle 1 · t · h · JIM'~ HIOH AIM three.some of music that will submerging one toe or testing of Fahren e1t, a nd the cap ploy Cu parue11 nnd gath ·rln••s d h · "Th•·r~·11 always be a Kar-r ., and gown crow c anges to swim fins and Lastex, it be-I 1"11". aa Ion' 11 goot1ly pt·ople anytime you nttd to n•r1111. the ; boove1 ua to start mea.ndermg around tht>Se parts. 11 k to Blllb< , for fine food ~om! <'~orui1 on irumpln ya I Mu<'h waler haa flowed over .,. 1 H•I th• wa\ tht'y want IL ha~~11·t hesrtl 111~:' Sa.n d Juba n l<.'f' cuM1 llnce we lul jotted dainty t1.,. in 1 hylhna 10 8 t.ut l 1rn K hu!I trl hla JO&I as HI 11 capturl'. A 1~1 an ~ "1l- 1 down memorable moment.I while ot 1°'111 un.•·nt;;I perforn .ng no! hln' but tho \.io>!lt a.nd from ting ole "C'oun~ry .. a~e hU• '! meandering 'rouncl lhro11e part.a. Don't kno" l~ much llb<>Ut ,,111l 10 many "'a11.,nf'd patrons1whltney ~ntJ "1 • llU!t1 11~1 11, f&<'t new f.i t ,., ha\e tM-en it y1·1 b•il 11 .. othl'r "'"" of '"" .,.., t.,..1 an ' Try 'em fo:, 111ki:ro 110m1,. C'n It d ,_ ,_ I J I hi) '11 I "' nu1,ht). lnlJ:I 1 \' , f wh,.n yuu t'n 1 " putt nt f'041• ad ed u»tn to UUI ti.Lt of per· I llW mi.n\' 0 "1111 ·an rl'mem-l aooalllle11 and to the building cGmfy and re'd>.ih • wh..il Wal' l.lf'1 \\RV ., .. ,.k .,, 11' • Hold on by on an . upper cou f'r. fae&d• bcAl.lln' th .. H11rbor'• pool and !!Im· now, you don't t-ave lu be THAT N'oche oe Rondo• mun mean1 n.n. biltroa and !'ffla11ranta. fl£ALL Y ~EW OlJJ All you havf' to do 11 enmethlng to aomt'Onf' To Hen- Our'1 ll taat becomanc a aub-Ud hi.•• you -n tn>id~ th• lltop bv Vao" In Baloo. soy ry from the rt'9laurant-coekt.ail I ot• ~ w11h a J.ACitnel'a Jr. Nmw •7 S-.Joiu.ty W• W~Y t>ve antt ,_.t.ak.-of lounge or the ume name. It tilant yeti l"rtn Dalton and lela with Bob liacil~lor In there 10uJ and pa .~.-• remtnlecl'nl of mea.ne all you can eaL That ..... .Mcintyre han both brought and eo bdp me, al dOdn l aeem "thf' frt)U(I ole dan" Wor,t Is on Thiu ..ctay night at Ht"Dr) • their popular recipe• for food th&t Johnny ell.ft ~et use..1 w the out 80 vou Mltror gtl In tarly 00 Ule <'oMt Hwy Loo~ fot •n• tun \o our 1ho~~. Bob 11 "new look'" F1u111 what our to Lak•; advantlJre of FTf'd the sombrero h(hllll& up the • ONLY THI'! BIXU.N~l~O Well. It'• bffn tun. And th,.~l' will be tven more tun H thl' aeuon unfolda bl'for" our eyea 1·i•ht hue In d•r old Newport Harbor. l\e:it1illllber -you might Jual •a well be a bit more oa,... !ul and BE THERE. ln11tnd of a lilUe cttreleu ha•Le that ml&hl make you ml.11 the roll call I Ha\•e fun! 0 RT 11-.. [.1:. ORONA PEL MAR ·HAR1wlli8i ' e NOW e George Gobel Mitzi Geynor Oevid Niven ~ la , ·~ llrch attd Jhe .... ~ T~leolcw \'laf.&VlalOll -A.lilo - "Inside Detroit" DINNER ~:00 P. M.. -9 P. M. Open Sunda ys 12 Noon -9 p.m. (cloeed Monday1) 2588 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA (lut 1 btodl -tll of Saata Au Coaatry Chall) Phone: Libert)' S-240S / abo W 8. Hahl St., Oru1e ,. , .. .,. .,•,...._. ltiifll', .__.. .. "Ot Ill Walt<t.W' ................ ,.._.. llEll FDID ERIEST IDllllllE Ill mllER -.y-~ -• Fa FARR ._ __ ... { . . . ~- ' ' . . ,,,. . ·1.,.J.·'• ' . ' . '. . , ..... r --. IUDS llAT. 8~ "'Bel'R1hi1J LeT~ lb" Nm .il"D.ACDON DAN DAD.&Y 0TD QU~ "MEET ME IN LAS VEGAS" , . on h"1ld wtlh the revl'rb"auun1 ac"ul.8 sav. the too.1 .,. 11 .Iv "tor Krauu • gtnuou1 tip of the re-neighborhood and undtr It you'll ~;;;:::::::=;;:;:::;::;::::;:::;;::;:::;::::;::;:::::::===~~ of a bea.rly welcome aUll ring-hat, whllt U4! and tat111 ' bul ?<>ra to thro p81t fin<! II plll<"f' that ao m11ny ~pie • _...,...,._ ___________________ ..,....,_...._. Ins In b:b earw. Al If you didn't Isn't It pleaaant tu 1" 111z,. t hat Like Chlnl'l'e Cood ~ Then you 'round here an cruy abou'! know-Bob O&Jt.on'a-on-t.he-Bay one can enjoy 11ucb .td11~1· rare must vt11lt Chinn. Ca..Lno In Hl!:AR THAT HORSf baa tmpl&nled lt.Mlf rlsht In the whlat eeated in a pair ur baal· Bal and 8ff what Harry Yl'e Don't w11l for the dlnnf'T brll be&A ol th• Udo l?lopplng Cen-ur bluee with acroungy "Top-11nd hl11 ..ohortll have cooked up lo nng. h11ten tor t.ht Olnnt'r- ter and '11<> tA th• hearl.8 of aHlf'ra." GueB1 11tte 1tll that for you M11ny a Karborlte will horn lo <:Bil you lo lhow at the are&'I JOUrmatJI. one'tr attire uoe...n t par!Jtul<1rly ttll you that ChllM"tle 0-.lno Woody Holder's \'Illa :\tartna. a.&NNr8 BACK a fleet one a appetite. rlbs f to talua out or eat there) Rlght theTe on the Blly, at the On h&Dd t.o aid ln landlns the EIPel<'ador n ... ari. --. w!'ll e.r11 mli:-htv. mighty. Don't tal<e G\liance to Sal Iale lht'lt''a Sa- .. nauUc&l eu.rNy wllh the fringe anyhoo we tn1n-1~t•• 11s fulluwll our word for It li:yf' It, try at' Qlrday night d anr1ng with all on tQp" la able Kenny Cawthu "a <'OZy harbor for f,5),1•1111f'n. ''l':\Cl.P! TOM .. EA.PANOS the folk1 yoo know from tbeH cu-BBC aide de camp) over on would-be fl11h1·1i.. """ nn •unl' "Unrla Tom" Noit.on hs"I pe.hs. Jl'a a pla pU1t 11n1. '° lhe -u-of our neweal. «''--who wanl.t! •-""I',. n .,,u.,f 1 we arP tol.t, ~h11t w!Ul roud and .... .....-.., ,.. ~ ~owl.'tl and «'fOW•d 1u ike 8ooA to com•. we heer from time . . piano bar ' rn•lv nt'Br ·roptiy 111 addltlol'I to the popu-refrP11hmt-nl llvtnr rlgbl up to the llpe of Andy Mci ntyre. of entrance . . lot.la ".n,.;1 an•1 lar ( alW' ( 04 HO\nc' on Ba.I Ulat \ lllA :\lnrtaa ...... : Encore fam' la hla winery and tunn . • . JOily t11rP for all rile 'mm haa a ,l>Ody-JOOdy Johnny Oxtorit -.·ould llke for diM.I')' tn tbe Jamaica Inn a~t hend11 . • K"l •<'qll'llnt• d with Oaff' Cod No. 2 o~r In Garden you lo 8f't' "The Btrrl11 Rnrl the in Corooa del Mar. Without ~-"Boat.a" anti "U'Jack" 11n•I K11th Orow _ out Harbor t::lvd. at ~·· over at tl'le Port Th"11trro t.r&Jinl an7 c:onlldences It can OtdJa know th •t rr.rnk an· dhapma11. nr11r that fllmCKU In COronA del Mar Up Meaa be told t.b&l Andy 11 contemplal-Cina Gra.ndolto went rlear tn pla.ce n a r r t> fa U'll ---- tnUmae. tnat.MJmenlel trios and hume-folks., Bae k now at the' r .,.,.. ~ stand on the shores uf ll'e Paci-rrancla Ra..> oolda holtta hJa Tbe Art.t.IM'rat In ~paot.b U you"ve 11\Nked liulde the fat· the Crandulfo:1 111 .. runtlnu-owo aga1nat 1111 Jndlan Rttack11 Food ao4 f'lM u.ke Junaka Inn of late perhepa you Ing thelr famed srorvms.;"I uf pl%-out thf're In the lonely 1lrf'lch NEWPORT IEACH Continental Lunch Dinner ~ eome •eddy nl~ muatc ala 111unny Italy to 11~,. th .. lr nl<'e mt~11.~'hu• cr-::t°::J~ f:m~WI m~r-1 HENRY'S can eee al a tlance ldl'•p1le lhe u . lua~e. 11vlol pit&;heltl uf araf'rl 11t hi" LaPo'lta. Jl'jlln<'I-* OO<'l(TAIL8 * F ti Barbo !'7%6 saiulne lathe and plutl'r am.at.-and -ahhhh-v1no' .. , frank "° f\11 lrnlhl-uµ tor 11 cozy Sparullh-HU Vout ffwJ. Pb. LI 8-IOOI or relef"'& ODA -r tered &rOUDd balween lhavln.p aptly pull It. •·-11r ~'lur~ .. wt ::_:::__::::::::.:=.====-----:::::::::::::=..:::::=.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::===== and looae o.alll 1 that here will have atea.1<1 fur those who f1o be & COC)' epa for tapptns a not wllh Cb partake ot our n· Grandolfo 's (tofn*Jy ot B.met) complete me~ for the f•mify PIDA e ... ().B'Eft'J e U8&UN • ll01lll • IUD• II.& V10U • l'l'SAU • au FOOD . POOD 1'0 00 CHINESE CASINO m 11a1a &.. .... ._ BanOr ms .. "Se rvlns The Finest Food In The H a rbor Area" . open et'ery . day from 11:00 AM to 2:00 AM. , ....... 11 .. •••• ...... UMt1y .a241 • y~ hit .._.a.,oer te .. t: Keittt Na ..... ) Serving at fhe S.r: "Bo.ts" and "O 'Jeek'' Ano•r Pa111t•• FONat Wtll lteateaN9t I 401 Eaat 1 7th Str•et, Coat• !"'••• to find hes: .. NOW Zad WEEK ENDS TUM. -JlmllT'ln~ WaDIOD·Kmtlll ... ...... -------·~---c.----.,,,,,,, ... ...:;: ~~O •-"ATUU EVE AllDEN "OU& 11188 BBOOU" STAllT8 NEXT WED-sJ:IDl.1' It " ••• THE FUNNIEST ••• r• -""/JtlAMZlllW .. ,_ICT'Vf'• Of' THC MONTH¥' At.80 -JIAltncM """'''~ • _ ... ,. ...... , ·•OD AGAR •AJtrr& VA.l'f DOll&:'f n' AB IN TllE D . Use the Cla~sified -Phone Har. 1616 WINNING CREW -Dick Ru.-ert (Wt) poee1 prQudly with hi. two YOUDI IOU.I, Steven and ~Ult)'. who formed hl1 mt!r. crew ~board their Luderm-18 ' sloop Zeph)T in the I.Md.en divia1on of Newport Harbor Yacht Club'1 Huntinston-Tldelancb Race . ~nd uiJed her to victory. Presenting the WilJi4m ~.Jalee Perpetual and bJa ai.Deere conrrat~ttona on a fine job ii NHYC'a trophy chaitm&D, Dewey Ca!aban. -Beckner Photo .,... .. n-... ..... rrtd&)' 2:11 a.m. u l :d a.m. O.f Jun. JO 1:U p.m. 6.0 lO:U p.m. u laturdal' 1:51 a.m. a.o t :lt a. m. 1.1 lUM lf •:at p. D\. u ll:IO p. m. 0.1 Bun~ 0 :20 Lm. I u lO:J• L m. u J\\M 17 D:lt p. m. a.a ............... -.._ Monday t :ao a.m. ... 12!17 L m. ~a June 1& T:37 p. m. u ll:H a.m. 1.1 Tuffda.1 7:8• a.m. u 1:11 L l'I\. -o.a JUMlt t :U p.m. u 12:10 p. m. l.O W9dn~Y 1:22 a. m. u T:M a. m. -0., 5 T:ll p. m. •. o 12:51 p. m. u ~ t :Ol L m. a.• 2:32 a. m. -0.1 T :•~ p. m. •. o 12:%1 p. m. J.J • nK8T ruu. QlJ.&trn:& llOON June 11 June 12 LdT QU4lfl'Z& July 1 • llOOJI July 7 DlllVINO ~ -A fleet of 22 Rhode. and P. C. aloope raced u a 81.DP claa in Netrp0rt !!arbor Yacht Oub'1 annual HunUncton ·Tideland.a n.ce lut Saturday. Hook Hea.tdalee of NHYC forced ahead to an early lead with 'hil trim Rhode. •loop Sea Bee (No. 8, foreground) to fintah tint and win the h&nd- LIYC SEASON DEIUT 110me .Ruill Sheppard Perpetual trophy. -:rJmer Photo Plenty of Action Slated ~~!;~~ POWER SQUADRON. ANNUAL as R atta Due Saturday D::::~~ .. ~~ ,,. RE~~LEC~US ~L~ ~~~ ·-· eg partment for May u aubnd tt.s Oataltna'a Avalon Harbor wW winner ot the Andrewa trophy. 87 Ka& MAft om IL lnr Chuck Vandervort aad lM to th• city councU and the Or· be bw,tnJ, tomorrow and IUD• Othw entr111 ln thla r~ are Lido lale Yacht Club 1>rlltl11 CrlaeU. UTC 111,. In· &A&'• Oounty Harbor CommJ..ton day, wtth to Bal)Oa 8quadron ~-I Volp~ rteldin~ Tbayt~~ &eUoD un. th. wU.b Dlck l'fHl, •-·&' b B&rbo Mut boat.I added to th• m oortnj' pop· "''" "*• ·ft. aWd Y yaw • with Ji . t:: ta Ula at.ructor, expect.a a nc:onl tum· were ti.Ii.I Y r er u.Lation. Thla annual rendavou.1 W. R. 81m'a 40·tt. yawl. Wlnd· the pe~ = b u./ p,. out whee the jwllor raebts aad ftuaeelJ S. CraJr u followa: of the local Squadron will be th• fall: Dick Lemer'a JT-tt. ketch, ..., .. keadLo oRace JU:e II. lutructJon prorram r•tl Wldtr-J\re calla, O; re9Cllt calla, I ; luT .. t to dat., Ulla year. Main Robvla. aklp~Ad by Ph118mll\); dJct.ed r Dleht 1 way th1a month. ..a.t&AC• rendered, w.,. boata, features wU1 be the p..-dlcted Stuart Baird • 11-fL cutter, Ku· Al.o bWed Ute .am•. 4.lM~ PraUrntnary nS1•traUon wJll T· .--u~ ...U boat.a I ; IOI' race from Ntwport to Ava· krt Il and Earl Doan•'• 28-tt. UI• annual Commodore I be held fl'om t a. m. 'tll nocia , • Ion. with a poulble 21 crulMN aloop, Cadence. d&Jle• at th• UdO la1e M~1>-June 27. %1 and 2t. N.wcom.ra '°9tl Woken into. allpa. l ; boata compeUnr for the Robert L. In· a~lllon to Commander Jed. bou.M. •Ill•• LIYC 0 bor 1.: to th • tn.e~Uoo Pl'Ol'f'IJD llrO&ea lnt4, m~ I ; UT•t.a. Boyd Memorial Trophy and el(bt warda' nar with. lta blue n d d thrcnr11 out th• aoetal a.nc lbould be prepared to pa.m i.-. .,._d, t ; arN9t.a. ot.ber, l ; dare-aunUl&ry wl boat.I fir hUAI' tt ----------- Ut• 'OI ..uon. swtmmlq t.dt at that Ume. Uct. rowbaatl 1'lmd pd d... ou.t tor lh. O.Orr• L. Andr.wa An lnnovaUon ln atarttnr larr· BW Schock alld laint Cicero tn> 1• d..W found 6 du-Memorl&l Trophy. A dinner SAILORS WARNED OF NAVY FIRING ar bo&ta soee Into tffect at t.o-have ~ made a lAhman 11 ~ 10. ta, held roe daDce Sa turday nJrbt, to 1>e at· morrow'• ~ratta. PC'a, Rhod•. available for lnatructlonal P~ tzoy.d. ' ~ tended by more than 239 mem· Star•. Luden and ThtaUea ~ poaee, aloo.s wllh Staff OoD\Jno-ideatitlcaUon and retum. .t; row· bml and tfflr t&mllltt. will ~ Ml out. trom Mark ' in lh• dore Andy AaWllon'a Dlnkllt-. boaU, lolt and aot recovtftd. held at UM St. Catherine, It The Na vy ud Oout Guard tumJnr bU1n. TbJe wm ~rov1d• A mut~ ealandar of au ju. f ; rowboata, found la returned, wW 1>e 'birbJlcbt.ed with th• hu w&Tned of practice a mo... adaptable area plu• tor aaJJlnj' nenta ln the· New· 11; oompJ&Jnta, llpMd, I ; com· tropby prtMntaUona. utertaln· flrtnr oft Ian Clement.a avoldlns con)\a** with th• port..Balbo& aru wtll be a vail· plahsll. other, lT; (UNl VMMla. ment and mu.ale f\lmlahtd by bland, CuUe Rock vea. a...--·-......... -.t., ..... -.k .. fl ..... -~ ........... -...... .......... ..._,__, ...,.,_.._.._..,,.. ............. _ .. __ , 0 .__..,. ~ 1s .. emalltr bo&ll bl tMat ol tM di• al re(tatnUon Ume &Joni' 11; ahore moortnra lnatlt.11~. I ; membeN. Monday throurb r r l d • y, Lido Club. aocord!Qi to ~ wt.th a t\&Qdbook eqla lntn .. oftahore moorinre ln1t&lled, l ; n&phlp ot the Squadron neet June 11 to 111• I•· m. to mid· 1998 Harbor llvd. Jahna. race commlltM chairman. many Of th• eventa. mlactllaneo1111 calla, lOt. will ,,. the crulHr Mlll .B.e n, nlrht and Saturday·Bunlky, rINllR AT CLt1B ~IOlll'ln&' to Commander Jim J une lt·lT, dayU(ht boura. Costa MelCI U S.206Z All boata wt1l tl!\l•b In tronl s t o at f400. Alter July 1. Mlec\lon !Mwarda. Squadron enatina wtll :::::::::::::::::::::;~;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;;;;,;;;;;~;;: 01 th• club. Commod4re Ken COU $ pen wtll 1>t on a nret come fl.rat ny trom th• bo&ta ~lonJinr to ii KJn11ley'e yacllt will be th• of• Mrved baalL ' Squadron membera; boat.I whlcll ClclaJ'• boat a t th• No. • ~-In order to lnaure hl(heat wt1I lndUde every t~ or craft TOP HONORS -Bett corrected ~ in a fleet ol Sl crack ocean raclnc yacht. lut Saturday gave the beautiful Huntington -TldetAnda perpetual trophy to Bud Delenberr (left) ot Balboa Y. C. ·Younr Katy Deeenberr, wbo CNWect with her dad aboard their La aloop M1ttn11a tM 31>4.·mile race~ In ~ptinc ~ llilftr aervlce from Dnrei; Callahan, trop~y cha1rmat{ of the Newport Barbor Yacht Club, lpODIOl"I of the event. -:- Becmfr Photo · The traditional IOU}> llUJ>Pft Res....,2t1·ons type of luderablp tor th.a boya. from th• 11-ft. outboard CNIM"9 wtU 1>e • H rYed lo partldpe.nt.1 ._1 JU part ot the leadera' coat.I will to Charlee Lamb'• 40-ft, acboon· Sunday, alter th• lul race, b4t wbeldised trom th• rtpl&r er. La Volpe, and Howard when lropbiee will be awarde4. J bO' J11nborH J'und. Petenon'a &0-tt. en.ii.Hr, Jodaro. Servtnr on Jahn'a race com· 'or am ree Boye mu.et be JI yeani of 11e P redlcled 101 aklppel"I ln the rnltlff Ulla y'ar art Martin Ii by Jan 1. lHT ind Second crulaer clue wlU preunt aomt Lockney, Jo• Arnold, Ron Claa acout.a a t the Um• ot the atilt cornpaUUon tor each other, ~ Bob Randall. Ron Mac· Newport Barbor Boy leout.a. '-lllorM. atnce the enlrlH Include Ray G~ror, Johnny Mercer. B 0 b ll:xplonn and s.. kout.a wW A limited number of boy1, not .Brid&' .. ' M•n1• B. Ju t )'&ar'a Pinkerton and Hav Smllh. 1>e numbered amonr the 111 boy• more than five from the Orani• Cralr Trophy winner, Jim Ed· The tollowlns weeltflld Mff the Or•n&'• Empire OouncU pl•na &mplre Councll. will ha ve the w~ Kt.. S.., lut Y•r'• U.t Lido Lor Race, conducted a.a-to und to lht Fourth NaUonaJ opportunJty to attend the Br1t1ab rmd..-.oua winner. Dean Camp- au&lly by tha Soutbern CaUtor· Jamboree 1.n Valley Fors•. Pa., Ju.bll ... n .. t year. The dtJ•&"&· beU'a VIAS• 1lI, alwaya .a con· a Ja Crulalnr Aaaoclatlon. All July 12·11, 19~7. lion wtU parUcnpat.a 111 the Na-tader; Worthtncton Lee• Mar- ehtranta ln tbe poww boat eotn· 1 dcliUo th will be worth which ah-ed up ao well paUUon wUI rendeavou. at th• n a n .,... open; uonal Jamboree and Utm ro OD laat week ta the Cout Guard Udo Clubbouae. Anyone wt.lhlft( lnri h~-~· ~': ~·;•·,.:. to Ensland for tb• Jubllee. awlilllary race llere, and maay Id •• ,.,,._,_ w c ....,.. w un .. n-attinb9r boat. am-• wl\lcb to •l•r ahou &e>n ... ct ...... ..-and r1 .. aeeUonaJ atatt t...dera. ,. -~ man Keith Cordrey, Harbor ed New1-PrHa ad• brlnr ruulta. may be the dark hoMIU • .Aux· 16'1-W. ReaervaUona will be9 accept WJary aldppere wUI han to con· until July l , th11 y_,. accompanl· rou r tt result.a qulelter, cbMJ*" tend ap.lnlll Jlm FWNll tn b1A Al boat club, LJYC will pr• ed· by a 110 appllcaUon r... throurb Nm -P,.... want ada. -----------aent winner'• trophl• at th• To~I coet per boy ta .. Umat.ed Commodore'• formal dl.nMr la· ____________ __.:::.__________ MAafNI turday •venlnr at the clubhoUM. • Leonlllw::r::.d JamM HoWday Bo1rd Reports .T11es up 1~.&°/o INSUIANCI IDX TROl"trf ~ ~-~ 0.. At.lo on lb• Udo lor are plan• in 1955-58, for Californians 1111 w. c....~ for UTC to be rep~ted In ~!!!!~~!!~~!!!!!!!!!~ tti. tllmlnallon for lhe Seu• IACRAMENTO. (CN!)-call· A brukdoWll ot Ute eount1'• :: -trophy, NaUonal Junior 8&1Jln& fol"lllana paid l l ,108.t6J.2T4 la iu ln1• wu Uated u toUO-: l•lal'I A •IW CHECK THE Champlonahlp, wblcb will be btld county, city, achool -net. City. 13.674.000; COWlty, UO.· ~ 80A2' OOVZU I ~' In Newport Harbor, June 21 and ipeelal dlatrict. IMpronment and 14o.OOO: acbool dlatrtcta. Ill.· aAUIO.& CA.NVil ', . r;· I e' WANT ADS. 24. Johnny H u ktll, uaiatant penona.I property taxu durtn&' Ut,000; otber dlatricta, '6.· =~ junior a!Jtnr lnltructor, bu Un· the 1966-M 11.acal year, the at.ate lff.OOO. ..::A.,Jltt St. ed up a tentaUve t.eam l.n.clud-board or equa.11.utlon aanounc:ed. ltat.ewlde, UI• total ltYJ ' •1Aa4 --------;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;jjijj;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;m;.i Tbia wu an lncr .... of 11.I ~ll trl'BOL8'D:&INO per cent onr the precedlnl' ytar. amounted lo "6 f9f' • ..,.,., mu, ~~~~~~~~~~~ I I / / / In Oranr• county, tu I•~• wama.n ad e.b1Jd In the etate, ----------- • IONNION•t NIW HOLIDAY llONll llA•IOllU Tla9J're •••''' n11 ,,_,,..., .... -,, s.t.. Ho ..... ~&. S.IW-J ltom ... ,.., ..... eo .. a..,..1!19 ..._ NIM.-C .......... -S•SOllfl SOlllll c.-co: Newport amt. a& tint 8&. eanw~ Johns<Jn .... \ ' 'I •, @s " tol&Jed 1311.I07,000 bued on a t.be board reported. Thia wu tow UM-.d value of HM,· •" a per ~•t per capita tac..... Harol I. Johnson • llT.000. o..-the ye&r before. Q Propellar a.p.a,,. (?\) o.a...w.a ... GREETINGS FRIENDS Marine " tl11Vllla~~~~ · · General Welcllng W1•11 GLAD TO II AIOAID -For l3 yHn the Thomu Top end Upholstery Co. hes been producin9 the finest custom work from our Hollywood loc•tion. w. ere now openin9 • new shop on the M•rinen Mil• to serv• the Herbor ArH. We w•lcom• O\lr old friends e nd hope th1t we wil make meny new ones in the yHn to eome. WATCH FOil THI GRAND OPENING • . CUSTOM YACHT l . IQAT COVERS -IOAT TOPS , Merine Upholstery -Air Fo.m Bunk M1ttr111e1 Auto T •Pl & Upholst1rin9 • Ttp 61 TIMl~I ~ -N..,.n 9aMilll TllOllM 'IOP .. t'PllOL8T1t&L"'i0 00. tttt w. c.-.t mpw.1 u-.n, ~• .... c Authorbred Dealer ud ... afMtarer s.ts1• Tn1llera Cuatomer ~ Ballt to Yoar Order Traner Bemoc1e11111 a ...-ir lurfslcle General Welcllng %801 W. c..t BWJ., Newpori a.c1a L1b1rtJ 1-U'JJ BOAT OWNEIS ATTENTION Ole~ J99r aLOW I ftll ...,.... ......... U ...at~ It ..-utM.. hDJ -t-Ut. ..rtia elf ,..., ..... ......, .wtt& o..,.... lldt lllCll .... aU wt... ... C'Mte fer ...... -.ala· U.u, P1.IO-Or .... lmtalt -,.. ..... ,.. .. 19U ... w, --"'-&'· MONEY liCK OUAMNl'EI: GEORGE & SONS MIW.Bal._ ........... f LECTRIC CO. ILIC111C SUPPUIS •. 1t1•••--' Fiii 19IJlttMNT ...... h ...... IAn&ID • IOAT WIRING OIL J • %500 W. C..-HWJ. ~l.4m ~ ~ sours oo.t..n oo. 23rd A Newport Bl-.d. sw,erlt "MATCH-MATE" ·~~ SHIP LAHTUN D1S1G1C. willl .............. l..,ala "' .... ... ..-(,... ... -bowl) .,....._. ........... .... _.nn',aw..._..._ .......................... ..... SI ... ....... ..... " + These Are Ideal for Father's· Day Sunday June I 17 Complete S.lecti°" at DICK RICHA RD 'DADD Y OF YEAR' J;tore honorw were ~ped on popular o. w. "Dick" ,RJchard. owner of Richard a UdO Marut, th1a week al natJodal • venUon of National AaaoclaUon of Rel.all Grocera of the Unlled Sl&lea ln bh11ne A udllOrlum, Loe Angeles. He I.a ahown here recel•ln~ "Falher of the Year" award Crom Ro.e Marie Kiefer, a.uoc:laUon ae<:retary, for h11 oullt.andlns wurk on be-- halt of varloua Newport Harbor y~ulb procrams. .. ..... .... .. 'Jubal' Stars Glenn Ford Now at Lido BecaUH ht wanted hla atan to look real, and ••not like typl· cal dru~llore cowboya," director Delmar Davea lnal.ated Olmn Ford, Erne.t Borp.lna and Rod Sletrer wear ouUlt1 bo\ll'ht rrom workins local cowboya, for their rolea In Columbia Plctuns' "Jubal," now al the Lido Theatre In ClnemaScoite and color by f t c:hnlcolor. "Jubal'' waa tllmed on locM.lon at Ja,s:k.lon Hole, Wyoft11AC. . t Wardrobe med \tad to tlnd cowboy1 the aame al.u u th• atara UMl then NisatJ wl\A lbem for th8lJt old dolh& fbe cowboy• thourht at flral It ~u a car . unUI the wanSro~ men offtrtd ~ ti.. prlf• of a~ oultlt, trOlh head to toe, JJ\,. ea· chans• tor the.Ir 1weat·1talntd 10 sal,\on half, faded patched ltvla, WOf'n ,w..rll ablrtla M d weat.be' • •tllh wtndb~ Ford, Borpln• and Stdr e.r rmer(ed looklns Ilka real bon· eat·to·1oodnea cowboy11, and the ·rea.1 co;.vboya nnlahed up lookln( Ilka dud•. ln lhtlr fancy n.w outftU, t 1 . . "!OU'l'll PAOll'IO' -Howard Kay, muaie m.truct.or(•'Onmce·Cout C.DeP. and Joleen Murdock, student, pottt a notice calling attention to the Muaic·Drama Worbhop to be held at the colleJe !hia summer. The Rodgers and Hammer· ttelll hit mu.aical, "South Pae1fic" will be pret1ented by workshop participants. Applications fo\' Uie workahop are now bemr ~ · 'So 1th P 1eifi1' . A1~ e n D.i~~ .. IOl~IY at OCC - ------- CclNMtctJa. of UM l.quna c..n,cn rw.w.7 wtlb t.M · kllta Ana ..,...,.,..,,, w1lJdl la planned tor U-. immediate f\atun Win require at.,._ Of Valle.Dda ~n .. IOUthe&ll • from CeDtnl An.,~~ UM •p~ fhewa.y, -.unt7 •pen1.lon wu. atMMd by ~ • dtp.rtmmt HeeAUy. •To thLI end t.be ..,.rn.r. approftd the plan wtlidl 1nua be ru.d with ._. ltatt De,.,.tn\ tor ncopJ.u.nce la that departmcnl'• heew.7 dt.9tp.. • • e NO GREASE e LESS CALORIE e HEALTHFUL • DIGEmat•--· FRESH-TASTY GOOD ANYTIME WITH ANYTHIN6 Try Some T.-,1 .. • Take S01M Home 60c Per Doz. .. Olt7 ----------Phone ----. BO.An a t&A~ 0 AV'l'Oll 0 M..DIO 0 ( a.eCill 0..) UNIQUE ·CAFE . : Ut ltlld •&... Aenee ,,.._ ... C1t,J 8aD NEWPOllT mum .. · Many people tell a&we are a good neighbor, thank goodnea That'• ----_wJiat..Bank of Ameria wants to be. And that's why i.t year we made more than S0.000 Timeplan loans totaling over '44,700,000 to Orante County peaple who needed help ... to meet ,.,..,1iect.1 bills, atraigbten out the family budget, pay for baby'1 anival, buy 1automob~ and app~ances! and o~ such .important purpo111.. Our readiness to pl'OVlde quick financial help 18 ju.t cne more .,.1 we ~ 0nnp County. :W.'re statewide, sure ••• hut loOol. too 1 . 11unk of . \ntirint NATIONAL ll~c~ ASSOCIATION ·--. -.. ..... ...... ... . ----.......... -. ·-·--.~ . ....---~·...> .... --.-·--·-----__ .... ·---.... .,,,. -.... ·--.......... . ...-·--~· .,.;. . ..... . . ~ _,_ ---··-·-- .. ' . '• .. ,l,. ... -. . ' ... . .... . . ... . -..... ..... -· -· -• • . .. -'·.... _..,_ -. • . (jf i 8.)~J ~'· . I · •I 1 SUNDAY. JUNE 17th · \ ...... "Dear Old Dad" -that's an endearing tenn, believe me And don't think this is the only time I want· to· speak . But on the . day dedicated to dads you must hear and see . . . • . . I To you,·. Dad, ~ ~ alway$ been · C!oSe to me, · Who has sh~ my every confidence ·great or small, I .find it so ea$y to award you a degree I - ... The pra~es you deserve so rightly but dO not seek · Of ~agnum Cllil L~ with a diploma for your wall ... . . ... .. , ... \ How can I, in mere words, say to you all there is to say ! ·On it. I wiD insm'be in-woAk ~er to be orgqt . · To a man who is my pal, my buddy, my gufdi~g hand . . · One who helped _me to aawl, .walk and Start each day · . What all of us thitlk of aU our dads abroad · or at home From our hearts we will transate the-entire Jot . -. . . , With a hope ancJ confidence to make my heart expand · Be~t by beat to ay.1hanks, Father,·for being my very oWn -·· .. •' • I I .. . WhUe they'~·eD ~telm' 1bout 1 special Father's O.y P~"'~ript is tight11 Pop,.on account of my word You see, it's fftis way, as I see a· from my S'!'•ll ·perch ..• · I iust coo. •nd . ~o a/Kl . cuddle • little bit more I Nave a Daddy and of course he ~a1 one too, I've heard So whUe we're praisin', we can't leave Dad's Dad in the lurch My Daddy calls ~is Oaddy Father and sometimes Dad, - BUt to me he's sumpin' special like a Bunny Rabbit Or a Christmas tree package to 'make me so viry glad Sofhehow I call him Gramps, and it"s a good ht.bit Harbor 116 To my Deddy11 DeCl<fY end· try very hard to say .. They .haven't forgotten ,you,. Old Timer,_ that's sure . . . Dea~ ~Old · Grand-Dad, w• love you very much, too, And because my D•ddy' S receiving praiSeS this · day Please . don't think we'~e· forgotten· good old , you,· For r.•~•mber, you .ha·v.~~a1G~ND befor.e .. your DADDY ' ' ' # - . . • ••Dllatc O&&D8 -Grade 8-B-Mra. Jane f~p row-Patty ·.lone.a, Bnice· Muon, Gall On.ft!'. 8e&1 Stephan, Jeu ·Ullman, Do>ile ~ughea, l;iJijlm .P.W...Peter Winger, Ludl)' lfoilA. Second roW'-Lomia Kelly, Jim WOl'tlMG; Jacque' Gut.on, Johll DaWllOD, Pamela TM.t, ltany Stanwick, Swum Hughe., Tbomaa Smith, Judy Colllm. Thlrd row-Jim Frederi~ I)amil Poet, Jan• Vaotlua, Michael Linde~~~Btfl ~. ~ ~ David Lourie, JUd( Lynn COtuna, Mfeha.el S~ -FoUJ'tA Row-Da"ltl Kampert, pam)d Br...,..-.. Earl Thom peon. 1Qlu1 ·Huft. ' • DIJON, GUDE MJ, Mn. Lee Mouteller nrat row -Jackie Walker, Bill Haworth, Pam Tohlll. Jim Corfma.n, Rachael Stewart, Byron Cow. Holly lq'ram, Gres Danon, Pat o.tlif•· Second row- Jba o.teer., Jim Andenon, Nenll SUckler, Jim Porth. Mary . Lou McCarthy, Keith Ma1coowen. Dorothy· W"oodworth, Jim McCulla.r. Sue Hau. Third row -Steve Henrotin, Jim Corfman, G&H von Hoffman, Sandy Hooee, Carolyn Newcomb, Pete .Pre9ton, Cbri8tie Carver, Pete Pringle, Julie Jordan.· i'Q\U'th row -Ma.nhall Wri1ht. Linda Reed, 1'ad Hankey, Suranne Leigbte. ' , Hlitlor BOys' Cluti ·CIM . '!!!'!. .~t!_b.._ ~. •.d OCC Sophomores !:t.°' .. ~..::::. ~ ~ ·';:':··~ ~ ..... Commencement "' u.. wo..-ea.mp pa1ed9 coal,... mo4lll ~ ... u. SI t d T d :-..:s!u..ua. eo,. au-. Rancb ::::-Kockl Ra1lNMI Club. a e o a y The ~ptac PJ'OIT&IB CGa· GAVS ftAMPS Orance Cu8Kl Collq'e .opbo- ttnuee th1IDQlb _8ept. J· _. / Ku tamilt ._.__ desi morH "',II n"t el\e t.belr A. A..~ • ii.~ et ... ad..... · 1 • ··-In 1"-Cfft9 al <"ommt~l l:Mt>o to att.4. l'or ~ put ......i :1blt ~ Tw aadf= :m clMa in th•· rnlJere auditorium ,._,. ta. dulJ llM bMD -.wt· me t. 0 .. today at II p m lac 8CmM '°J'8 to t1'1a camp u rtnn 9tampt to U!e Bo)'9' Club Dr. G<>or~I' H Annaco.t. pre&i· w.11 u ncocnmad1n1 ll to Stamp Oub In Neel monthL dent of RP•lland.I t:niver8lty, wUl mazi.y p&Nnta. 8-14• ranch Boys' Cub mem!Mr Ktcbael be the t1pea ker Hla addre99 11 acth1tlel; • w l mm l n I · hUdns. Bowe. now In awtt.rland. hu titled .. The H.eapon.elblUty of an c:nft.e and otller camp lite are eent eeversl rtlta ot. ~ ICducall!d Peraon '. Dr. Arm&cOll !•ter.d. • • Rampe lo be dl.utboted aJDCllll bu bffn pre11ldenL of Redla.nd.I 00.,...111.'JONS It.amp Club boya. Unlver11tv for the put 11 ye&ra. TtMI 11ar1tor BQp1 Club re-Still other gift.I that haft la a m~mbt>r of the Committ.H on cenUy had a den' aiutrattoo of belped the Bof9' CIUb otter • A ccredltallon of the State Board parent )oyalty ttta.t *uld brtJll wide ftNty of a.ctt'ttUn ha" d Education and a put pl'Ulcknl atilfacUoa to both Club 1-.dera, beer\ Jl\Ul7 t.ab1'e pmea ot all of the We111r1 n C'ollep .AHocla - and memboent. types. tton. Of 800 Bof9' Club mothen , , Dr J11 mr1 \\' Thornton Jr, called t.o f\ln:Uab cake• or plft Means Car Hit vice-presich nt will make 1i.:holaa· for the Uonettd cake and pie I tk a war<h Thf' Oran~e Coaal booth at t.be rec•t Uona Club A car drlnn by Ke~lh H. Co~rt Urtht.>11t1a .... ,11 plav Flab Fry nearly halt ot lheae Meana, '9, 575 Plwnu S't .• Coat& "Summf'r Huhda\ undei the ba· moU!en broucht aomeU!tnc. Mea. wu at.ruck from• ~bind ton of Ho"ard Kiw Or Baell H. Many cabtnet llbop9 and boat on June 3 • b or t I y after ht.enon pre111dent ot the collq•'. dlopa ~.,. kept tW Boye' Club Lta.tnc Inlnt Park. Tbe Ileana will preaenl the <·hi.a of 1958, and ood wwktns abop ~ tull car bad stopped behind twv othPT dq-rtts will be conre~ by Of choke wood ecnpe that a.re can at a Cl'Oe81.nc. wbe.n It wu Lout• Conr1d\ p~ai~nt or th• uaecS bl Jn&n7 junior al&e pro-rammed by anotNr car wtUch lD ~ ?I tn111t•>e.~ jec:t& tum WU n.mmed, accordlq to Rec&U7, Sbe:rm 1 Allen of t.bl Jqtlway patroL No one In the rfoftr It.. OQala K ... donated MMU car ... IJ:ljuNd Wt allpt Mesa Pane Broken a oomphtt ,..tauraat 'kitchen ~,were auttered by tw• lo the Boya" Clult to u.. or ta ebUdren le t.be othsl' •n whldl di.polle of vi the be.i tnteruta were both trom Buena Park. The ol ~ nurly 2000 boYI who ehlldral were taken to private are membe,. of th• Club. In· doct.ora. aocordlq to the .tat. duded in U.. rttt .,.. two larl'e patrol which reported the acd· no.... a larr• refrlc-'ator, dent. Philip Kll'f'r of ltS3 Anah~lm St., Coet.a ~teaa noUf\ed polic. at t :lO p m June 6 that a rock came aihng lhrou&'h an 18x24 ln. ii.a.. window 1n hla ,...r bed· room yeate1da\l sttemoon. Value of the window ~·as wt al $5. Three J*'l'Ol'S In ecatt.ertd a.e· ctdellla ln the beac!I ..,..., ,.... celved mlDol' lnjurlee JWM 2, po~ -.Id. Mrs: KAl1e c. llOU.. ace not pwn.. Loe All&'elee. 9Uf· fend • 1.Qch i.ae-at1o1a -U!~ ript 'Jrttt •hen Ille fell otf the Mdewatk, b~r Mr ,ia-ea. C.,., Palma-, u.. cul Illa ldt band on a broken botU. •hUe cUmblnr roclta on u.. wMt end of Main bea.ch. Corona dal Mar. C&rl Pl'el.ley, 12, 901 17Ul St.. O>ata Kea. authred a.o udi. cl09ll!d mln01' lnjury on t.M beach. All were taken lo Hoe& B~llal f11r treal.nlenl. MocMl 3804 -1-tm, 108 ~,. box ;-;;;~-=----~---;;;;;;;;;=...;.....;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ VAGABUNDOS IOYS CAMP A. DAY-CAl1P WITH EVERYTHING FOR BOYS 7.14 !1Ul8, .. 1NCLUDINO SPORTS, SAILI.NG. 8WUUUNO. J'IaBINO, HJKING, NATURE STUDY AND OPPORTUNITY l'OR L&Al>EJUllDP .. SPORTSKANSRIP. ,- Special High Sierra camping and fishing trip pl4nned Write Vacdcnlcloe Phone: Kl 2-0826 1371 S.E. Bryan Ave., Santa. Ana • Take your pick of today•• m.011t modern Pickup•! Tbey'tt the champ1 of the lightweieht clus, loaded with the kin<L of features that pay off in rut-working efficiency OD any job! Model 3104 -Y.a-ton, 78~" box Uuder the hood you've got Chevy's famoua Tbriftm.uter 6 engine, the work-hol"Be or the industry! Or, optional at extra COit, an ultra shor"Wtroke VS. You get Ball-Gear Steering, High- 1...ervtl ventilation, concealed Safety Step1 and Work St~ftf/ You.¢ a ,rain-tight tailpte, flat- ledpd side panels and a low plat!onn for euy Jc.ding! Stop by for detai'la on today'• beat Pickup buy! WHEN IRISH EYES ARE SMILING' New Clwvrolet Tuk •Force Plckupm ! ecm.o Carder -sb.arpat Pickup OD lhc road! Just to prove tbe Newport llal'bor New90Prea ~ d~t won fintt and two eecond place awarda lut Saturday at the annual Califomia Newapaptr Adve.rt.ta.mc Manapra A.ao- dation.; SvbU Smith. "MlSI Welcocne" ot Lone Heach helped aiake trip1 Cll JiamlJ 1. M1 director, abow. to trophy roatnuD ofticia1. Jimmy wu eo 1tunntd at IUCh a clean nreep t?Y the Newa.- Preu ht forgot to kia "Mias Welcom .. t -a titua- olher awa.rd winners tned to MtU!f ... M-LLER CHEVROLET CO. •. loot Ww Coat H ... ~ ~HACH Phone LIMrty 1-U61 • L E. CAIRNS-W. I. "BILL" (ANDIS Ill E. 17th, Coste...... U I-IOU: FRUITS OF LABOR Harbor Area Kids Launch Baseball on Mesa tonight &anor .,._ .,.,_ll, •bo W.I QLZA& THE n&LDI WMJl wwnt thtoufb th• pr... once ther1'1 room on the di&· 1111n ol ptUnr Uletr .one out molld ap.tn. the Major LMrue ol Kbqol ar'4I 1Dto Mi4J•t I.A&• learnt will J.ake the &14 tor rue ba.Mball UJUConna, wwe to-an ahlbltion ccmtut. llated t.o nlfbl able to enJ01 the truJu •tart at 7:30 p. m. and tln.lab of tlMlt.r labon at oo.t.a W.. at I p. m. CLEAN·l'P CBEW-Pttpared to make the Costa }{ea& Park mack ,aback apic and sp&n for the Hubor area IW'llmer bueball eeuon whJch opena t onight are Mike Vall. left, and BQb Allen. Vail Sa clurti.nf otf the cetlil1f while Alla ii pryiq open the paint can with an old tplked ah~. pilnt- bruah at the ready -St&U lboto Put.. atart.lq &t f:IO p. m. Kot.here, l"U.lbed b)' (RduaUOll ft&l'• t.be Ume t.bt awnmer Dec..tU• for the.tr bof' b&ve ._,MD 1elpe pl&,_., a UloQ.. ntnrtMl ... found ttm. to do sud .,._., ..,.,,. cmto ~ IUcll motber11 Ullnp u tron1q 41amODd In t.belr tndltsonal ,.,.. numbert upon the wiitonM &.Dd 'ME WOMAN'S TOUCH -Yea, even tn B&rt>or area summer bueb&ll, bu to take the usual feminine hand. Here .Ml"I. CllU Curtl1, left, of Pacific Ave., &nd Mrs. William Armltrons of 385 l'lower St., Colta Mesa, numbers onto diulood jel"llel ln Batbor Bo78' Club. -Staff Photo -- mom 2277 iron a.de aboUt u.. ~tha. 11le dittri!Nttnr them amoq the JD«Mba'a of •T Jdd ball cl\llle 11.atbor u• b&llpl&ytas ~­ Pr• • school • ai• chll4rtG mQ from u.. )(&jot Laaru-npt ater. UU. w .. k. ccm. to the pJa7J1'0Wl4 pro-dowa to Ci.. C loope pa.rt!clp&te. a.sdu ovv· ... lns th... all· ahma tt t.bey an accompU.led Councilml.Jl lt&nl.,. JUddel'lld Important acUY1U11, .... b&U by an older child or adult ~ of N.,ort -..Cll la al&t.ed to Oommi.coaer J\od Macv1111an w1ll be N9p0Mlbl. for them at to. out tu ttt« b&l1 w1t.b otb· llu found Um• to put lNCh cap- all Um• Bo71 and ,Ult wbo ., ottldala •peot.ed to work able uaatanta .. tbllplu Kllle &tlend tM playa::round procrama t.bt bull. U.pir.tn.Olet wUl Vall and Tblrd Buemaa B ob wOl be r-.'*'9d lo tU1 out a be C.ounc11m&n Bruce Kut1a of Al.lea of N.wport ll&ltMlr lllCb ~Uon ca.rd. Ooet& Miii&. Coundlm.an A.. L. lc.bOO& tame to work ntu.rtmh· Jl'or adulta dUrtns the awnmer ~ ol Oollta ,,.. w11J haft· tq t.bt lft&Clc tha.c:lit Mltde t.bt moot.M there ..,.. .... ,.. a.c:UY• del UM pu)Uo ..,,.. tyNm. x .. Park l'f'&J\dtt&nd. SUd now tt Pl'OJNU Which .,.. ----------------------- SEASON'S BASEIALL SLATE IN ENSIGN INTERNATIONAL open to Kewport Seuh r9Cd•ta. lqu&n danctnt ta Jletd ..,.,., Tburtd&y ns,tst at the Tout.la C•nter from a to 11 p. m. ~ prosram J.t now ta the atxtll wHk ot a 12...,eek Ml'I• and la cl«*d to bel1Jlnerw. SS,.. fenced ..,-. ~ ma1 IWl Join the pup. The InternatSonal I.Aacu• IChedule at Horace B:naiJn A "llim u4 Trlm" d .. ta School pta w:ics.rw&y at 5 :~ p. m. !ionday and continu• ~ ~=ua~-:! ~ throufh AQJUat 17, with two fray1 al&Ud each playin1 women betwem the houri et 10 day. A tounwunt involvtni tea.ma from the Inter· and 11 a. a Thia Pf'OJT&JD la naUonat X...ru• and ~utcan W\da 1-.deral\Jp of )In. Dol'OUa7 ~lat.Jon wtU start Al&J. 20. lJ:IO ;.m. A.Uf. t, Plr.tel-Q.lbe. Jo IW&MOn. S.re't the complete 1chtdule !:lll; 8 r & v • ...c&rdtnal8, •:•5• AD adult 90tlball pro1ram la at &n.ttan lchool: Au1. I. CUM-Brav11, 1 :111 ; DodS- n<Nr belnJ or1an.1Mc1 tor men ot J 11 Bra•et-Cardlnala 11·111 en-Olanta. l :tll. Aus. 10, 01&.n~ tb• .,. Wfto are lnt~ ln une • ' . Pt.ratet, l :UI; Cardtn&a-Dodsere. a recreaUonal same wlle.re U\17 p.m.; Ptrat•-Cube, 1:'6 p'.m. t :'-8. A.Uf. 11, CUbe-Ot&nta, 11:111 ; oan rel&x and s•t a UtU. • .,. June iO, Dodsera..Qt&nUI, 11.18 Brav ... 0o4&'1n, 1:'6, A.Uf. 1._ clae once • ... k Th1t la not p.m.: CUbe-Bra.11, t :lll ~.m. Olanta-8rav11, 11:1&; ~ beln1 dllllfted u 'a hlsblJ com· June ti, ~Dod(lrt, l :l& Pll"aie., 1 :'6. AU(, 11, DodfWl- peUUve typ. of aeuvuy and p.m.; Olante-Ptrat.u. 1:6& p.m. Ptrat.u, 1:611. A.us. 18, Cardln&lt· rul•• and ... ruJ&Uoni w1ll be June 28, Brav.-t>qen, 6 :1&; Cube, ll:U ; Brav .. Ptrat.t, e:.a. 1owmed by the ullber of th• Cuba-Olanta, l :t6. June 21, C&rd· AUf. 17, Otut..c.rdtn&l•, 6:111; team• who a re lntereated In lnala·Plratu, 11:111; Olan~rav-Dodsera-Cube, t :•a. parUclplUng. M , 8 '8. JUnt 29, Dodfert-Ptr• jiiii;;;;;;:=====-=-;;;;;;;; Th• Municipal Bowlln1 Gretna. alfll, 1 :111; Cardinala-CUbt, f :'6. located on lllth SL at Balboa JULY-OAllKS BJ•d. are open to the ft'neral ' J uly 2, Br•vu-Plratet.' 5:\5; public every day In the week Olant.a-Cardln&ll, t :tll. July IJ. from 1 tq 6 p. m. with the IJtavd-Cardln&la. 1:16; Dodft:rt- u cepUon of Mon4aya and Thur•· Cub1, e 411. July e, ~ert­ dayt. Members of the Newport Olanl..9, 11.16; Ptralu-Cubt, 8:~. Beach Municipal La'Wn Bowllns July II, CarcSlnai.-Dodctr•, 5 .16; A..MDclaUon are mor. than will· ~..._.,...,, 1:'5. J\lly 11, Bra•• BE SURE -INSURE trttll 11.1 vmom nANl..lff IUGJUoe OU, ....... ..,.., .. ,, 1111 .. 0..t _...., 0o ..... del ll&r ' s f.1 lf f .1 t. •.• •,• ' : I .·.1 ' !) \' 11 P,' I I 1 '4 ''' IU\ ~ l ! I • ·.' ¥ , ... t .... ._,, When you art aboard one of Kttro'a eoaeh-. ft'• comf orttnr to know ~en•a a de~ndable driver behind the whttL He hu beta eartfully chOMn tor h1I fta.. to • .handle any traftlc altuation, bJa tut nftdtl and hi• drlvinr Judrm1n\. Ht la alto a fl'&duatt ot Metro'• rlrtd tr&ininf COVM. whJcb conn tVtl")' pbut and rttponalbllltJ of h.la Job. Southern Callforala baa mort eara tho 01 other area In the world. Crowded 1treet.a. hl1hway1 and frt1way1 create conatant huard1 for tht motorlat.. WiH cf tl.ltna often leave their can at tlomt. eo they can travel "a&f t and WOrTJ·frtt" by Metro. Bar! ~y~ MITROPOLITA COACH UNll ._... , .. , ........ "'&......,. .,,.,..., .,_.. ""' ... ..,_ ......... RECREATION PROGRAM ·HERE HITS HIGH GEAR FOR SUMMER.· MONDAY tnr to weloome new bo"'·llnr ee-Dods•re. 1:11: Qt.ante-Pini.. eatlaval&llt Mld tM.dl thf'm the IS :40. .Ju11 11, C&rd~Ptrat• tundameta.t. of Ute 1ame. :1:11 : OW.Ol&nu, 1:66. Ju1J 11, • Tht ~led ~ball pro-Oodl_...Plrai., 11:111:. Olanta.- I rram tor bo71 ot the Ire& l• Bra•... 1 :'6. Juli 11, ....... lpOAaOl'ed by t.be Rat bor A re& Pt rat., I :11; C&rdln&1a-Cuba. Bo)'9' Club. the Nt'wport Beach IS '6. Jul1 10• Ooctpr..cube; Recreation Ot'partment. and t.h• Git.a~ 1 :'6. 10 . Mel-cu,Y1 fre8 Newport Harbor t:n1on Hl&h a.cc.sd b&lfl Jul1 If. Ptrat.11- and variou1 typu of mWllcal lcbool Dl1trkl. and w1U bl In Cube 1·11· Bra~ Area School Co,perate in Districh, City 4 Playgrounds a ctivities wlll bt Included In th• pro.,.._. throuahoul th i ummer • ' ti oia..an 1·11: prorram. Tr9lned auptnUc>rt montha. TNm1 a nd 'acbedulea 8 .ti. July ' ••· . ' an<l recreation leader• will be ~ta, 1!'41. July 11, 1 di t h ! 11 hed lid havt already b~n prepared tor Olante-Ptr&tea. l :ll: ~ n rec c arge or a ac u tht. pro1ram and gamH will be ,...,.....,. t ·'6 July IO ,...,,ti. actlvltlu during the optn play· pla)'9<1 al JC.naisn anrt 1.h• Youth ~·rt, ,' .' ' .... ., The coordinat..d rccreal1on pro1ram for youth and ground hours, accordm& t.o !\«:· Center ln Newport 8 h 0 Giant.I, 11.111, Bfa••·Dod,..... ad\llt.1 of Newport Buch opens Monday and continue. reatlon Director Bob o1npb. a.re IChtduled both m0~~ ,::;:i~ IS:.a. ACOVl'l' ILA'lll throuabout the 1ummer montha. The proaram is de· A t1ptclt.1 mu.to proira.m wU1 tnr and at twWpt on moat day• O • be conduCt-4 at llnatp for aJ1 Of the WHk. A.UJ. 1, Ql&a~Bl'&Yel, 1:111: aigned for retidenla of the Newport area, and 11 belnc boy1 and stria or Newport who The people wbo wm be rt· Card~Ptratet, 1:'8. Aur. I, jointly 1po1180red by lhe Cily or Newport Beach Recrea-hne had at least Oft. )'Ml' ot tpOnaible tor 1-.denhlp on all C&~bt. l :ll: Doqen• De tm t 11 th :,,; acbool ln.t.ructlon In ln8lrumenta. u. .. prorram• an Recreation Ptr&telt, 11611. A.Uf. '· Brav ... Uor\ par fn an e ' rw· 11:11101 11t Hor11re Enalg-n School, Thia apeclal ennt pro1ram will 1upen'l1ara Judy Root.. Bf'mle Plr&t• t :ao a.m.; Olanta-Card· port Harbor Union Hllh School whllt boyt and ~rl1 from Cor-be htld Tuuda)'t aod Thurtda71 Lehmann, an" Eldred Lokktr. Ina.Lt. 11 a.m.: t>q....CU'be. Dl•Uicl In 1:ooptnHlon wUh lh• ona del Mar are rtqunll4 to from 1 to 3 p. m In the MU.So and Recreation vadera U• ----------- Newport B •a~ h ltlemtntaiy t11kt advanta1e o! lht proirram Room. and will ba under the Roush. Diane Davi• and Ellen School Dt1tricL at lht Community Tout.JI Center leadf'r•htp of Lt'wta Kidder. lo-•m1lb. Pn>JT&m• 1 re plaMed and ., echeduled for four city a1eu f\uldenl41 from B&Jtio. bland. cal f'ltmentary achool mu1lc ln For further lnformaUon on rP- Tbe four at eiu wl'lt:rt e11r•r· Btacon aay. Ba)'llbotel. and 1"' i tructor. creation prog'T'llm1 In th" City vision will ~ pl'Ovfdcd .,., Hor• Ylllt Terran have an option of Tht,.. are no t ... attached to ot N.-port Beech, Oln~ch rt'· *l"M'fW:.C ace En•t.:n l ntcnuel.llatl School alttndlnr elthtl' Monce Enalp lht Pl"Ol'ram, ncept fOr the pur· queett lht f\ttrution Depart· lavaround aru. IO<'aled belw!'fn or the 1'ouUl Center, whtcllenr cha-. of muac which will mtnl at Harbor ~3 bl con· w1111M y191cc • PLANS• ,,,,. I • •.i ••I t .. t.'.J ·.••1•r•. llHjltR frvine Ave .tlld Sl, Andre~• 11 mon cooventtnl. amount lo "° more tha.n 11 per tacted. • Road on Cliff D• 1vt~ the Com· All rulcteni. Crom McFadden child. RtplnUon for Ulla ac• ----------------------- munily Youlh Ctnl<'r IO\ lllt'•I bt-Place on lo the end of Bllboa tlV1ty 11 raqu!Hd and bo)'I and a1rte the Hilt bor \iew EJ9111en· 1 Peninsula a.re \J\Vllfli Lo have (irll wUI be ...Sped to tMlt 0111 ~ 6lh llDd 1.11.1 l&a. thei, cnUdru t.lleod &he pro· 1roupa T\lt*7· In Corona del J.1,u; :14th Sl J:ram al Newpc>l"t Elflntntary Part'nla mutt .trn the ~ r 1aygrouncl h><"•trd betwtt.11 iltUl I ~c:nool. whUa rutdent1 from Bea-U-1Uon cardt tor lht chlldren, and JSth Sta. on B•I* 81vd . ahore COiony, U4o la.It. w .. t and allhoup alLvtdanc1 I.a not and Ult Newport. S!1unenla1) I Ntwporl and Nt'wport ltland can comput.ory, rerular at~ndaftce School located btlwMn lltl\ anJ JlllrU<'1pate In the 38th St. pro-will ~ expttled from thne who Uth St._ on Bal* 8Jfd I gram. re11.tttr. Thi.I pro1ram will run HOl'RLl. ~cAEDt'l.E Oft A0Qt1AI~'TED for a period ot ataht w..U. l"or thf' wetk of Ju""' 18 Tbe pl"O(T'AJ'ft at all areu In Thou boy• and (lrt. who haH throuirh J u n • 12 U.. bo\lrly the atltrnootll of Ult ft1'11\ we.k not rec:tl .. d Ulelr nftaO't.,UOA echt'dule for play,round 1upu· will be al.med at ptUns 11c· appllcati.. UU'oup \be Kboel •l~lon will M l to II p. m on qualntflt w1th Ole ~)'I and r lrl• may ·~ \I, at tire ftrat ,... •II af'i'•• u~pl th• N~port •ho w\ll •tt..nd t.hra&arhoul the heeraal T\1-..,. J!:lf'ment.ary SClhOOI. wh.lcl\ wlll aummf'f' A.ett~ ud pauln All pla1f"OUA4 Pf'OIT'&!l\I an M t to 4 p m l"or tht r.. pmt1. 1tory ttlllnir. 1port.a. art.a ckli(1114 for ~)'11 and flrb wbe malnder of lht' 1ummtr to Au1 ant1 <"raft.a, llcbt dramaUca, l1n1· an now attendlnr ec.bool or will 2:> •umm•r playrround hou" Inf. IJW"Clal eWftU. to\lmam~nt.a. bt aUtndtrlS ecl\ool thlt fall. "111 ~ 10 • m. to nonn 11ncl l tn l'I p m. on 111 &rt'I ~ rx· <"f'rt thl' J\ff'wrort S&bool TM l\ f'\\ rort $<"h('41I hOlll"I .. ill ,._ niiun "t 1 to 4 p. m. UltouSll· oul lte ~umnil'r. HO\, •Dd U'I• fl<HU !'\ f'V. f'<lf l }l,.1 11ht1< and ltarbo•r Kltl\J•n-t• •'" \Jl a,;Nl lo a ttt-ml ttie rro· t • OPEN SUNDAYS Friday Nites 'Iii Nine Shamel I White • HARDWARE· NURSIRY 410 East 17th St. ' . · k 80 PHAITONS every ••• .• • • IN ALLI .. ht PllU ...... M8CUIT MOlllCWI PllAITON __.. ALL ~you DO fN ED s·u_LLIVAN'S $425,000 MERC.URY CONTll? JUNI JJM -AUGUST 4tlt . Mew CONTUT IACH WHK POI I Wl!KI 2,610 'RIZIS IN ALU !NT!I EVllY Wl!KI !ASY TO WJHI ..,,., ..... ---. ..., ¥1111 ....... ~ *'-"' .... .......... ".~ ............. ., ......... ' --...... a..-. --TY• c......--. .... ... ..., .. •ffrf· ~ ...... , NIXT ... Nda __ ........ ..,. ___ .................. .............. aWt' faltt1!1, ..... .......-~ .. ~ YOU MAY W.. .. ,.. ca81 IP YOU IUY A NIW MlaCUIY ••• 1&111 Ulll If YOU IUY A ... CM -1. _.._.. ___ a. c.,.... .., ... .. ~ ......... ~. .. Mel Ofldel ~ ... .. lo "MMalty c...t". II! us roa INTIY ILANK Johnson & Son - 900 W. Coast Hwy. Uncola r - .. .. \ 11 Take P1rt in ICCC F111 81est .D11 lo OM . HIGH FIDELITY ·SPECIAL .. . -~4!5° 1Ws Mt consists of • Gerrercl record chengtr ~ on • b.11 with GE c.rtricige end stylii, ~•rdon empllfier and • 9oocf qu.t.ty two,. way SpMker system in enclosure. Completely wired re1dy to ~Y· We Uncondttionely 9uarentee your complete s•ti1- fection with this apecier system. Tr.Y ~ itt yow own home without obligetion. We wil cWver end demonstr•te m verNtit.ty end qu.lity. Simply fil in and' mail the coupon stetin9 ct.le end time you would lib us to ul any day 6r evenin9. w of AtMriCe ftnencift9. MIUlOSI ELECTRONICS 'JI) 0 If o.IK. ( ....... ) ( ..... ) New· Afflletic TV lout iext '"'"' .... , .•• ILICT•ICALLY e UT US HELP YOU ·• IT1AFFOllD & SON .. - ~., ........ , ......... ............. ....,_.,......, .. _... ............ ..., .......... ....... ~ ............. .., . ...., .... ............ ,,:,,,.,... •'f...., ,.,-. ... -........ .,,....-... -... ---__. ... _ .............. ..... _ ..................... . Opening SATURDAY, JUNE 16 of BERJACK'S LIQUORS The Newlst -Most Modem - Complete l iquor Store S.rvinq The Harbor Area • I · J'AST -FREE DELIVERY -PHONE ~TY 8-2280 I 1704 Newport 81vd.-at 17th St., COSTA MESA I OOOR8 P'ROX "SARWAY" AXPLI: 1'IUCZ PARKING AT BOTH OUR FRONT A lltZ.il ENT1U..NC2S ·, I I t i . I ' Spiritual Forces Discussed in Lesson ~UATTO?f CLA.81-At St. Jame. Day Schoo& · tldl ll'OUP of ainh lftden yesterday completed their yean of attendance In a 1 :30 p. ·m. ceremony In charge of the Rev. John Parke, rector, and the • Rev. Rollo Bou. mchool dlreet~r. Front row, left Meth Odis ts Planning • for Conf ere nee Mrs. Elliott Is Delegate, Miss Newland Alternate Local church peop&e will be attendin.g t'he Southern C&lifomia-Arizon.a Conference of the Methodiat Church which hold.a it. annual meeting June 18-~ at the Uni· veratty of Redianda. Bt.ahop Gerald H. Kennedy will pre- 1ide and ctve the daily mornin1 &ddreu. Eveninr •peak· U> n.bt1 are 0eorr McCulleT. Dan.a F\nk, M&Duel Juett and John Roldnaon. Rear row, Richard In· rold. Jam. Brown: ltobert Parke and Gary Couch. -Staff Photo PA6E 4. PART I I-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1956 VACATION SCHOOL OPENS MON. IN LOCAL CHURCH Tba Dally VacaUon Blbla kbool of 'the Ftnrt B&ptl.lt Chun:h of Nlrwport Beach, ltt.b and W. Balboa Blvd., will bec1n June 11. The llCbool Wlll be tor two '#teka and lh• boura from t :SO to .11 :ao a.m. Cbildrwn trom • Utrourh ll ,_,.. of ac• are ln.ttad ~Uon wtU be Sunday at Ula Sund&J School hour. "' There wtll ba clUMI ln worablp, Bible 1tudy, mU1lc, dramallca and handcraft Potnu wU1 be ('lven to the pupil.I for atl.C\dance ~ for brln(tnl new puplll. The awarda for t.ha Uu'M who nceJ.,1 the moet potnll wtll be a trip to Dlmsyland Scout Pack 81 Has Picnic at Mesa Park A tun-nlltd prosram for CUb Scout Pack Ill of tht Balboa ~ la.nd Co m m u n I t y Melhodllt Church wu held June 9, at.-t.h• Colt& Mua Park. ll wu their annual plcnlc. After the traditional bueball game, lunch with tr.. 90ft drtnu af\d lea cream was MtVed. At a ahort meeUnf the Cllbe weN preuntad wiOl "' • r J t a w a 1' d 1. Other prt:Mntallona era uve Ma Mlectedl from .,. )toJ19 wbo .,. l•d•ra 1D ll«.bC)d.- Llt Wor'H lliuloru. Blabop Bhot K. Xondol of India wW lpUk the nnt two .. .,,111p, Kooday and T\Mlda.7. Wedll.-., to J'r1- day, Jl1Mop N.W&ll Boot.b of Miu Ellie N•wland {alternale). The Rav. Roy A.. cArllon, mW. t.u ot th• churcll. wtll ba a del~ c•ta throuch t.he weak. several women of the cbureh will attend th• Woman'• 0&1 Procnm J'rt. day and a dalepllan ot younc people will p tor the T oulb Day, June n . ___________ ..., __ ..., _________ w•~ ln&de with Chr11 Mu.Uer belq (tvan tint priM t6r b.la out.-tandlnc ...... perform&nea • 8cout ClrcU1 llc.k•ll ln ti.. local ara a.od Wrd prt~ In the Har- bor Council Bill Thackaberry and Henry Sp,..ua followed MCODd and thlrd ln Balbo& lal.&D4 al-. 41.rtea "'111 be qeaUr. Iapar\aal ~·e4u. Wo~ \.be umU&J OODf«rence wtll be keyed ----------- lO ta• dn.1rdl'1 wvtlt ln h1•bu edlueaUOll. nae MethodLtt School Baha'i Speaker of T1'eok>p wUl ba con.1ldered WUU&m A. Conway of Ana- FATHER-CHILD 'Bush' Pilot Speaking at Lutheran Ban<i_uet • 'Ill ter1DI ot Jt.1 Dnr all• and helm, a weU known speaker, dneloJllMftL Al.lo, Calltomta will pNMDt bi. viewa of th• w.._. Coll•• at La Jolla wt1l writlq• o( ...._ u U&h at an 8Mk f\lll stui1q .. a Ket.bod· open JUeU.. 1n bome ot r.t coll••· JohJl A. MlacDonat• 621 Lark· ftobat RutchU\&.Of lb• wi..ton-work. He wtll aleo 1how film• of Tba oonf~ wtll allo eo~ 9J)ur .An. latllrda7 It I p. m. .. .... Uo , retl ·"'' d New Guinea and the mlu lon IAder a mor. aat.1Dcto17 ,_. Ttle pobllo u 1ftleome. ary A...... n • • ow .... p an a pla~-a. e40D Pf'OIT'&lll fOf' ltl nllNd ptlot tor the .Amarlcan Lathe~ ·-mana.t.n aia41 "'--"-•• Oon Churdl'I nWll&GD fteld In New J4n. John Hampton la chair· (.......,. budcetl ~u; n~ Harts Daughter Ou.tnea wW lie t.be f•t\11'9 .,.U· ~ of th• banquel With Mr•. tOUl"-7.ar period wW ba ap-xr and Kn. La ·V•m• B&it. er at t.be fll'lll uaual J'at.ber-Cari Wemr u her u.l1tani. w11-Jll'O"d. IOI Cyp... It.. Nft.nort BeaeJL, Qllld Bl.nq\Ml at lfewport Bu-llam eani.tt. Men'• Club prell· CU1A Qburda 11y tlM .. 'trl11 are auoandJll lhJ. 'btr\.b of a Mr Lutberut CIUD'tb MOGdq at dent, it ""111.( aa program be r• tuat.11 bf Ill •I.clad bat., d&qllt.er .Tuna u 1D HOIJ t :ll p.m. cba1mWl. RaetnaUon11 may be ~. Mn. .Job.a EllioU and Boepltal. apoe11nc1 ~ US. Ken'• Cl\lb irMMte at ~ CbW'Ch oftlc .. and ~ "1 UW Womea Of tbe --- Church. • .... alDMI' wU1 1'lonor ~ .. uonaJ acUvtUu lnclu4ad the whee.I barrow, -.ck. &lid th""'le((ad r&eal, and t.bl Wa· tenntlon·eatlnf an• ecc·tbrow• lnr conteat.. The picnic wu planned byNeU Halloway, 1coutmul1r; Haro 1 d J1me1, u1l1tant ICOUtmUllt', Ml'I. Ann Mueller, den mothen. and ' membera of the Cub Scout Commltl••· Diocesan Garden Party Korean Conflict Film ·at First Baptist Church th• tathere °' the conppUon Bible School with Hut.chlna aa>lalnlnc the .-oi. Local l:pllcop&llan1 wU1 ~at· of aY1aUon ln modern mimionary Opens Monday ltndln• the Sliver Jubll .. Bt.- Registration for Vacation Church, School -~Uoa tar Yaoatl•• ~ lello01 a.re ...... ,.. .... um week at lbe ..._ .land QoamUlll~ KetMdilt Church. ,,.. llCbool WUl ... OOlldUd.H u lM dlW"dl Ina hi:/ • ~ JuJ.1 u. It .. .-to au ebildr9 of lllll o.clll « Ullt -u&'7 wbO lllaft cecn,a.t.c .,...._ l.._ ~ "' Ullt ..._. wUl ... Ml* 8 If aid Q , la~ At Costa Mesa First Baptist P-romotjon unday for Methodists hop'I Garden Party, to ba htJd > tree bu. tnnapoiUUon. rrH TUeed&y from 2 lo I p. m. •t Hanard School. EpUcop&l Dlo- plna to all mrollHa and pri&a c.-n IChool tor bo79. 1'100 Cold· t.e \.be cb1ld1* wlnnlDs lh• moat water C&nron Koed, North BoQJ· ncW pupU. are .am• of lh• at-wood. tracUona of the annual Dally lponeored by the Bllllop'1 OUUd of the mp1.1copa.1 Otoe.a of VacaUon BThla School of New· Loa All(elN, thJ• la lb• o,...anta- "A J'atAar'f lnfh.a.nc•" will be port Harbor Lutheran Ch u r c h atlon'• eole M?tcfll project of the th• Mrmon &op&c al anut Cburcb which open• It. doorw Monday year. All proceada, accordJnc to 11y Uta a... The ~. Roy A. al -:115 a.m. Mn. Malcolm DavUI, Arcadia, Cari.on wtD ·~ at both wor-"Our Chri1Uan Faith" 111 th• chairman of lha Oulld, (0 d1- ahlp urv1c•, t :IO and 11 Lm. lueon topic for the ten-day recUy tnto the Dl.9cretJocuU'1 Th• Sanctuary Cb()lr under tht .mool whJch, will cloae Jun" 29 Fund of th• bU.hop of t.ba dlo· direction Of lln. A. J . Rutter wtth a parent.' procram at 7·16 cut, th• Rt. Rn-iFrancil J:rtc wU1 ']n'OYlde 1,.ci&l muato for p.m. BaHd on the Apo1lle'1 Stoy. • th• MCOnd HMM. Creed, lhe leuon theme will be The Dllcrtllonary J'und ll Ot Tb.la Wlll 61.o be promoUon developed throu1h 1tudy, craft• lneat.lmable aid In um .. ot emer· lund&y for ehurdl ICbool clulu and vilu&I ald1. rency, acco~ to Blabop Bloy. at t :IO a.m. A promoUon pro-Reatetratlona may t>. mad• be· With lha fund h• la enabled to sram wW ba 1'.id tn t.b• l&DC• (l.nnln( &t 1:'6 a.m. Monday Al Ult.l the clfJrl')' and t.belr fami- lUVJ at the open.lnr Of UM tint the church or by phonln\ the 1111 In Umu of audden ttnanclal 1trv1ce. At t.bll Urnt stft B1b1-, church ornca. Non-member• ot dU.lr ... , to help umlnary 1tu· ln tba lt.YIMd ltand&rd Vwaion. lha Sunday School &r• we.toome dent1 In their vclra yean of Al t.ba J'lnt Bapu.t Church will be prtMDtedl to puptll '?o 1tudy 1n prepantlon tor UM Of Colt& M-lbt Re.,. P. Q. an ba~ promoted tnto t)te Son for ~-he-pr"8t.hood, and to provide tor fourth lftde an echOOf. IUblel f us 1. 11 many other utra tln&.Dclal ob- Neumann will h&Y• u hi.I Mr-wU1 ba ~tedl t.e eada Get Sia Ttla Gary rtlhera. 27~ JC llpllon1 not Included ln Ult Dto- mon toplo tor ftt.ber'• 0&7, \.be ci... WllO ..... llad •tWy. Palmer SL.. Coal& M.... are cw.n budcet. HV.0 Pop-. ............ Bund&1 lc:bool -.,rlu oon..=".:t'tb cl.-i. all tory att••-la luDd&y lcbool cetebraUnc th• birth of a b&by ..,.. at •~ L "'-~ ::o::t•;:u~°"~•-901l, June u In Hoar Bo1p1ta1. Minnesota Picnic A.t T:IO p. ... Mr. N~ lhlp Jr0UJ19 wtU meet at 1:30 wW conunua t.ba ·~ .. on 'Th• p.m. Th• uw ..vt1tlb (T'&d• c1u1 Manning Birth Poww of Oartcne-. Tbere wtU wtU be tn~lad to the JunJOt' Fel-A (irl baby wu bom June ba ~ lpecial rteOp.lUoll pVU lb -A to d tA9 ol tb JsJ-11tb00l. liMnhlp, and tM ntw U. •·-· 1J ln Hoar KOllPlta.I to Mr. and &'ft ua • -.,. WUl nc:al" a 1pecial w91· Mn. Vf l l l la 1n Kuning, ~ of membef'9 of the cln&rcb aad come tnto the lentior F.UOW.hlp .....,., Lan• OoM.a Ken. 8und&t School. 8pecl&I DIUllC • ' will ba a taatura ot \hil Mr· vi The MIMuot& P1cntc wUl bl held Sunday at-~ Park. Lone Beach. J:nt.ert&lnmallt 11\Art. at t :00 1'. "'-Lada « m1'ffllne:nu can M ~ on thll ......._ dallJ a'_,,,_ a.& unW 11~ a.a...--wm ... .,. aa Sermon Series op~ ..... --· WO..-• abiJ. .-.. vea&l'N -.cu.su .. at B. I. Methodist a.ncl .... , ... tuft WUllCm or CJllllft wwwmr .... ~;:.E:-; ~ ,;" ~. "t.:: .... * _..,....,. t11s .. .., ~~ , ..... w.....-....... ™~:= ..... ._........ "9 ................ .. .... .. .. :.. .... , ....... ,,. ........... - ' .. t. ~.:.:·r.=i--~ .. ....... .... ca-o __ ... ,..... '""" Tiie Rev. Donald G. lapp of t.ha 8&.lboa Illand Oonvnuruty )lltbodll\ Church Wlll conclude bl1 tb..,..waek eermon ... 1 .. on '?owtrtul Propba et Ula Put" al the t ·ao a.nd 11 a. m atr· 'rieee 8wa4't1. The t1naJ •rmGll wW ... ~t .. Juem.la.h, u. Pl'OJMl ot Penon&l f'lety.'' a.n- tnr U acetft.ea &t the Mr'Yt~ wW be Kai Pan ..a TtrrJ Lundy . lnto tb• Houte of God tl\ty ~· come for "4r1tual 1trencth ind comfort. Tht ~rt or torrow Of Dffd wlakb brou1ht thens here i1 not important\ It I• Important that tM upe~ienc~ of a lifetime have taueht them that God ts their refac• and tbair 1trengtb. Tht~'Uty of filth 1hinet ln their faces. and from tht1 dt'fOUt WQUhip they \1f11J go forlb 1tron1er in 1pirit. But faith 11 not tht uctuaive possession of •I•· From childhood to the grave. man may find bop• and comfort and peace In God. For faith banlah11 fear, overcomes dllflcultits and im· part• ntw life. In thett troubled· dava. men need religlon more than ever before. In the presence of vast po,.rer1 hitherto unknown, we may feel frus· trattd and belpleaa. Human problems Jie heavy upon our 1pirita. But Ood ta a Rocle of Refute and PW. of ltrenrth to those who trust Him. Come to the Hou1e of the Lora. HOMll I. SHAFER UALTOft 108 llcl'addea Pl&ct Newpol't HarlMw News-Presa ~<at -fter) • II.arbor HO VlacMt'• llexel Drvt Stores Two 1oc:&Uonl \o lerv• You Lido We a ()orona del Har THI IAY DIPT. STORE CASINO C&Dtonue J'ood to TUia out Opeo EYUJ Da7 • 111 Mata St., Balboe Barbor !IOI • II CO. "Your Community N.....,... S. E. IRIGGS " Electrical ConlrK\or "Oood wlrins doe.m't coet .•. U Pa,fl" 424 • Slat St. llatbor 1115 ART C. KISTLER CO., I ...... 8&7 J'rcmt lpadalllta %901 Newport Blvd. Newport Beula Bart>or me DICK MACKD Dr&penu -C&rpeu -UpbolaterJ Oompla&.a f'l"M DecoraUq ~ 8'20 Via IMlo ....., '818 8malJ &nstM ~pl.U Pamp....,. 2817 w. ~ Btcbway U Wiii POP'S FalllOtll Ste• H- ... Irma and "Tohn llric:tly bom. coo~ It baJd.q 811 E. Balboa Bl\'d. .... lid , ST AFFORD Ir SON Cl«:lrtcal Contract.on 110 Rlnnlde Ave.. Newport~ Ubeft)' &-ml SWIM• ~ LITTLl lg11re l11ei1c Cl111 Still Ope1 at COmm11ity Center I .. Alltmand• left "1th )'OW' left tqu&N d&lletQc &re lnvtt~ band ••• Rlpt to )'Out partner, join th• l'fO\IP· Id .-llh~ and &.rt pand.. •• ~.. Tb• Corona. del Xar Commun-ity Youth Centel"" la located at 'nlU. a.nd many oltulr ta.\ll· ~th and Irla A vea. and the cl.au tar aqu& ... dance calll can be meet. each Tburacia¥ from I h .. _,. ClOlnl.l\C trom UM 0o1'0n& p. m. to 11 p. m. A fee of '1 per del ~ Comm@lty Youth Cen· coupi, ror Ueh cla.111 nlcht 11 ter •ch Thuniday CftftlnJ. be{q cbarpd to otreet the coata A be-4 .... 1 .. _ -•--ot tbe prof.-lonal caller and •---. "!\&aft .._,. .._ equlpmtaL waa .tarted May 10, and alne• l'or lnformauon cont.act the that Um• Ute fl'O\IP bu spent. Clty ot Newport Beach l\eerea· •'ftftl eftftJnp lurnlnl IMllY tlon ~t... at HarbOr of the Upecte of popula.r modern USJ,. tquan danclnc, wtth llpOClal ------------ emphaala belnr ,tven to curnet alnfUll Cl.lla.. Durtna tbe COUl'M of each evenln( a few couj)le- daneu are p..-ented wbJch are clOHly a.aoclated with aqua.re dandnr. Inatructlon la by Al Lockabey, a widely known 1quare dance caller In Southern Callfomla. Accordlnr to Bob Oln(ricn. director of recr .. uon. the ttfth week In a 12-week Mrl.. hu JU.It been cempleled and the couree hu now been clOMd to bettnnera. However, It 11 1WJ poulble to acoommodate a few more aquarea, thereforo c:ouplea wbo are already famlll&r with Jamaica Inn Opening Due in Late June • The new Jamaica Inn hotel r~ MIDGET LEAGUER IN MAMMOTH 'UNI E1 ~ OF BEAUTY, PBOORF.SS-This i8 how Newport Balboa Savi.op 6 Lo&n Association today appears froab phC?to taken by Pacific Air Induatriea. Tiny office buildinr at 3333 Via Lido which was uaociaUon'• HCODd home, la now part ot cluate.r ot officg in tria.n1le, lower right, acrou. street trom new "tlying" modern edifice. Staff' and customers in new building have bay view of stately Pioneer, large llChooaer in turning buin. Gilpin Resigns County Schools Finance Post eort and rutauranl which open• here In late June wUJ Include 't!I rooma and 1ultea, exqulaltely turnlahed, each with awttchboard service, radio and televWon, and enry roem o'ftt'aookiar lhe Pa- cific Ocean, Olymplc·•lzed awtm· mlnC pool and tmnl1 court1. The bin 11 on Caul Hlchway. The rMtaurant hu been taken owr by Andy Kcliltyr•, co-owner ot' th• Encore a..taurant on La Clenep ln HoUywood and w111 ent u many u 200 people with a print• banquet room to accommodate up to 12~. Cock- t.alll and dJnner will aleo be 1erved around the pool. Whatcha want me to do, crow up an<! have troublea llk• you! aakt John Jacob Swtrart, 8 ur 808 W. S.y Ave.,~ bueball uniform-filler KJke Vaile a!Ler donnlnl' hla diam dud•. Valle wUI aee to 1l Swlc1rt 11 bet~ clad at l :S o 'clock ton11ht when Harbor ar .. a 1umm1r buebell'a ua- d lUonal ceremonies are .Mld ln Coal& Mte& Park. -Bt.alli Photo I SUPERVISORS GASP-DEMAND AIR CONDITIONING UNIT NEWPORT BAlBOA SAVINGS & LOAN I NOTES 20 YEARS .Of , PROGRESS Growfft In Resources Jumps $22.800 to $26 ·Millions By BILL MOSES I t lon clubhou.e. Ml• Btomqulat wu aecret.ary arui oftice man· ager and Palmer wu 1X99Utlve mana1er. 'nlG\ 111 .A,prU, 1937 the a&tOCl&tion moved to the Uny tbr.-roons otttc. at 1383 Via Udo, ah&rtnl' lt with a real From $22.800 toW re.ources to more than $26 at.al• ottlce tor ~tve&opment of milli · 20 th t' ~ · wth · N Lido Illa, ol wlllch Pahner wu on m years -a a amumg gro 10 ew· ln chars•. Thia ,,.. the flnt . port Beach ot the Newport Bal Savings and Loan bulUHnf in pla.na f~ denlop- 1Jaociat1on, today celebrating It.a progresa -with an open m•nt of tn. naw beialitlll °udO h f 9 30 .. 30 ShopplQJ 0-U.. owie rom : a. m. to .,, p. m. PIAN NEW J:DIJ'ICS , To P. A Palmer, uaoclatlon Pa.uldinr 8 !:utrnan vice-• _,.t<ftnt. It'• a long larc• 1tfp · · At th• Harbor ar• vt, eo ' &ward. "Feellnr th~ •me way ,r.1dot and loan om cer, Lykl did tbe A..oc .. tlon an ,.,. • 19 Ml•• AJnH Blomqui•t. hla lhuch. aecretary; Frederick G. vice until ln 1153, pl&U were I -"'l ri h h I •.. IU Croll&n, lllll!lttaflt loan offll"er be"'" fOr a new bUlJdln• There .., • I t. and n ~·l' now mu -be R H •-·-· -"'I d 11 -----'all n whJ h Ro rt leld, .complroll!r · 1 wtre ~n 28 on tht ttaft.. _..on 0 ar ......,... 0 c Florence Earl, l'l!Cr'OW urr1cer otc\lplN the "Oyln("" bulldln1 on and director• J o.eph A Brek'. Amonr oripal dlreclorl and Lido TurnlnJ Buln bay front l'\&tph P. Ma!!key and C'harlH ataft atuJ 1ervin1 u ~lo1'9 , 4111poelte the 1tately Plonwr. TeWlnkle have at>en plenty o! are Beek, Meyer, Spicer, Ml.al , Yea, from cattail• to commo-progttM In the new building. I Blomqulat and Palme!'. l .,.... Crom lllerally financial Wb lh 1 u When the tnatltutlon w a 1 , ~uta" to bl( bualnu• -l&" .. chend 1 •1,,3~th • on wu I l&unched In 193t the Newport .,. .. t •1 th fabuloua hiato of _, ' n " v l're were no t _. • l'Y lendln·r a1encle1 nearer than Bea ch popula.Uon wu 1-1 than • ~w~rt Balboa Savinr• and Loa An&elu willing to lend ror 4000, compared to the recent f Loe.n 1 rrowth with Newport buUdl d 11 Ith Ceder&! tpeclal cenau• o! 111141 ~Harbor and Oranre County. .._ hnr orrt remo ' n!t w d wtilch la now probably IOOO ~out l .-c prope y u 1ecu11 y an • ""Tt>day'• annl9fr1ary celebra· the ~Jue they put on beach or of date," baaed on rapid tTOWth. ~ fealure9 • tour of th• new , INUdl th IBM 1 t 1 Mua land In 1936 waa low, ac-But from the aroaU atart. fll, • new ' ec ron c cordlnc to Palmer. Palmer recall., a vlnJ• il\Het.ortl accounUnc machlnu ln opal"&· ho ed bet f Ith In th Uoe. the famoua Gene Nlcholl So he did 10melhlnf about It. • w t r a e new ~ collection oC rare colna. Rt-With a JTOUP oc retldenta who Auoclatlon and broul'ht. ln their ~ ~enta wUI be 1erved on the knew the Harbor area'• poten· fund.I, Lo&n bwlineat waa brl1k. : ~ ov.,lo.klnc \he Harbor UaJ he planned a lendlnr arency "With ua, that fll"9l haJ!- • qi. tutJtu ... flUlted U.. to be managed by local men who million wu the harvut," Palmer : put l1t'O ,..,.._ knew nluu btre. 'nley uk9d now l&ul'ha u M think• ot lhe '-• ...;. for a fedeN.l diarttt for New· early day1. "Our 1'ffOW'CU had ~ -..u"D> OROWl'H port Balboa Savtnp and Loan I reached that ttrure by lhe end tum lncree.aed our rell0'1n:ff tor lend.Inc and in.de pOMible th• conatrucUon of more and more new home.a. We continually u - lended our aervlce to an lncreu· Inc area. lendJn1 to raidenta of other Otani'• County cornmunJ- SANTA ANA, (0CN8)-Ch .... t er &. Gilpin, 48, Of H 'T W . Al- b4trt& st.. Anaheim Tuuday an- nounced hi• reelrnaUon h'om the poet u aNlat&nt 01'.rlJ• County achoola •Uperlntendent ln chars• of tlna.nce. b\atn ... 9-nd admln· latratlve lteld 1ervleH. Hit rulrnauon beeomn eUec· Uve Aur. 15 Of thl• Y•&r. Gllt>ln h .. acoeptNI a poelUon M ~ t.ant aecret&ry of the Callfomi& Tuchera Aaaocl&Uon, 8oulhern Section, t..o. Anrelea. Other facUIUea available lo l"-t"ll at the Jamaica Inn hotel ruort will lnclude boat1nr. !l1h- 1n1 and alto a woman'• and men'• ahop by Jean KcC&llen of Beverly Hilla, t~nr 10me of the Southland'• tlnut ortrtna.J duil'na a.nd acceuori•. Future plan. for th• South- land'• newe.t and m09t beautiful resprt la th• bulldln&' of an ad- ditional 50 "90m1 and 1ultu , •~am bat.ha, beauty parlor and bal'ber ahop for the convenlfnce of rueata. aup1.n·. po11. .nu .,. tilled by J'rancl8 A. 01'\lenlelct.r of 723 '~ N. Claudina St., Anaheim. He cam• on with the county echooll .. a conault.a.nt ln 19:>1. In July, Newport Driver 1955, he waa elevated to admln- SANTA ANA, (OC'NSl-Wh1lf' lht mt'rcury tllrted wtlh lhe 100 mark Tuuday. county 1upervt1tOr1 were burned up to find that they <ltd not ha~e a.Ir condttlontnr bec&uae there 11 no thne-ph~ electric current In the court h OUff. I • The new ahultel"9 are all In place on the wtndow1 a nd the tlolea cul In the walla for lht' air conbltlonlnl' fluee. : '· but no fruh alr flow• ln and no aar !low1 out-of Ule room ... ' that Ill. .• The aupervl90ra autlrorised the purchaalnr •r•nt to ir•t the three phaM juice into th• bu1ldln1 u fut aa po1aible, th• holler lh• wt.er. Too Late To Clas•ify· tataUve &Miat&nt. • • -J ,. -C ash U-i.o.t and Foand Gilpin Joll\fd \h• ~lf .JooJ lft ~~.-r board af6ce to •orlt' tn ~ ! Ne•port Beaob tA.:k driver LOST-=-a )'n. old Blamne ftr dary· achoot. on Oct. 11. li4!1. wu lnvolYed In a thrff-v.hlcle male eat ti\&• crooked t.&il)-Stop t ook & List9'1 He became &Nlltant. wperin-pileup 0t1 Cout. H lpw.y. 150 REW ARD. Har. 2207. 24c28 --~ tendent In July. 19'7. fe.t 80\llh of Allio Creek BrldJ•. • -------------II ACRES lndu.triaJ prvprn)' County School Supuintendent near ~ Be&cb, J une 7 29--lleJlt Waated aernd by raill'o-.d.. Local~ on Unton Slmmona calla Gllpln "one accordiftC to the California Hip· £. Har.Par Blvd., Coeta M.-; -.,1 of the outatandJnc men tn Call· way ht.rol. OM drner, Robert.a W A.l'ft'J:D maid tor Motel -work. uulftl• In. "600 P'f acn. fomla tn the fWd Of achoo! ti-B. Derua, 17. of 311UIO Jewel Stare Motel, 3028 Cout Hwy, term•. na.n~. Hla leavlnj will be a ., Laruna Beach. wu hurt Newport Beech. 2.a8 DON'T Orr CAUGHT 'llal:P- "Today, our aavtnp ln.....tora -.real Iola to th' office of th• allpUy. WOMAN ahort. order cook. Call INO .AT THZ 8WlrCHI ~ come from all J>"tU ot Oran&'• CO}lnty euperlntendent of 11ehoola Drlvtnr a ewnl-traJler truck Harbor TH. 2•c2e Uee u we.IJ u our own. ,. . County, m09t of 48 1tatu , and and the achooll of <>ranee eoun-wa• Robert 0 . CaJJla. lt, of 308 from forelp countrlu u well. ty." Haul Ave., Newport Buch. The WRlTE WOMAN cook, upert- On one particular day not lonr ------------thJrd driver w .. JamM P'. Ber-enced pNftrnd. Apply at Udo aro, the mall brourht the uaual , bwm, 18, Camp Pendleton M.a· Park Cafe near entrance of lenen from lnve•ton 1n many Mesa Y oufh Wint rlne. ·Tb• Injured woman wu Udo Trailer Park. 24c2e parts of lhla country, and In ad· tre&ted by a private doctor, the dltlon. cl'leclui rrom • corr.· y op Model Prize patrol .aJd .• apondent ln the Ducby ot Luxem· ------------ boUr( and trom another In Car· acaa, Venezuela." Probate Ehli Wm llESOUBOl!!S CLIMB 32--FumJtve for Sale OUTBOARD motor. 1.7 hp .. Neptune. One year old. In per- fect condition, wei.bt 7 lbe. 1441. Har. 2994. 24dt WAITING FOR A · t EAD PIPE CINCH2. YOU CANT MIU tt )'OU ~ chaH 11 &CMa conalattnc of ~ ft. tront.lq -:.: Blvd, In eo.ta M--. PO cub requu-.d. Total e 17UOO. 'NUPT l~UIClC ACTION RllCOJOIEMDl:U • .,, Architectural dratttnr award• In th• annual contest •ponaor~ by P. A. Palmer and the New- port-Balboa 8avinp and Loan Aeaociallon were preeenUd to wlnnlnr 1tudent. :o11ow1nc J•dc- SANTA ANA -(0CN8) Public Admlniatntor Earl Ab- be7 June 1 peUUoned Superior Court here tor probate of a for· WANTED ueNI Balboa dlnfhY RUSS FORD, Rlfr. tl(ll will and Jetlen of admlnl-aall. Har . .e1o. 24d8 tnr laat wkk. atration with the will a.nnexed ------------1800 W. eo..,i BW'J .. LI 1-nd. P . A. Palmer, with h1• I.NO-A..oci.uon. On Oct. 21 , 1938 I of 1141. tn 1H4 we topped a • cl&Uon'a otncn., Walter S. wtlh a few nlea, a couple of mllllon dollan. Moni and more 8plcer. vtce-pruldent: Sa.mu•& A. deeka and a lypewrlttr. they I people heard about u1 .. the l Me,.r, t reuurer; Mlu Blom· opened the nut office In the l community I'""'· , They placNI ~ cucuuve vjce-pruldmt; Udo I.ale Community AMoofa.rthetr a v1nr• tnt.b u., whJch ln By the nrat year•r'id follow- ln( Wotld War IL the &MOC!&· lion'• ruourcea had J>UMd 11.· &00,000. Al the end of 19~2. re- 80Uttee totaled $7,818,"6. In- vMtment of n-aavl np con- tinued t teadlly and a t the end of hbru&ry, 1963, reeourcu near· ed $1,760,000. to the at.ate of Oeorr• H. J:lvta. w CffRl,S-CRAFT ti. Beau. con-LI 1-allG u_.. Elvt. dJed June 11. 1941, leav· dltlon. Nr. new enctnu. Jola.ny • ~ lnf Improved 1'all1 property In extra•. Priced to Hll. OWner Lacuna Beach. Har. 4tll or Har. n u . 2'Pn ,. .. ' .,, I>etall~ .cale modela of l"Ml- denc.. were pupa.red by thirty architectural dra.ftln1 atudenta ln cJaaq tau1hl. by Oecar Tay· lor. Oranp Cout Cottece tn· 1tructor. AIAlo tubmlli.d. by each __ LE_G_.&_ 1 -N-O-TIC--E-- JUDCDVJ:8 SCJIOJAllllllP ~ Bob Smith. Newport Harbor Union High School ...Uor. w~o waa ln top 10 of Clua of ·~ la shown receivtng check a,nd aav- lnp account puabook repr.ent.inr $1~ 8Chol&rahip award from M.&U Acne. Blomquiat, uecutive va.praident of Newport Balboa Savinp A Loan AMC>Ci&- Uon. At left ii MrL R. E. Harbt.on, prll• W.princlp&l at echoo1.. And ruourcu have jumped by leapt and bounda ever 1lnct, · keeplnf pace with the Ha.rbOr area'• &'f'C)Wth In population, bulldJn&' and thrift. 'n\e 9tatt now tot.all Ill, handJtnc m&11y Hrvices which have bMr\ added alnce the move to the n-bulld- Lng. Whlch &1vu you a.n idea why the auoclaUon dl~tora and 1tatf today a.re feelln( 10 l'ood about their 20-year a._\nlveraary and the total reaourcH ot mort than Ile m1Jllon--a tar cry trom 122.800 and a thrff-room office to the pretent $800.000 1tructure whJch hu been heralded In mar· utnu throu(hout the Mllon u the ultimate of lta type for be6uty and efnclency In opera- Uon. High School ~y Held few 111eft · A t~yl&J'-Old Newport Harbor Unloe Htp khool .tudm1 bu been booked ll\to Orw.nc-County junru.i. ba.ll on a chup of petty Uwft. police ..,rted. •. peUUoCl hu been 1\fed. Tbe boy told~ &ll\b04!1U• he "WP -watdltq'"-a 1D111r-11tnd to butcher a ult at ,app~Xi~t.ly 2 p.m.. May U wttll ht. ciu. on UM campua wbm ~ ~th ..id him t.be mu 1lla4 ... suna la hi. tNcll. Re clalmed a. wet to tile twuck lo .. tbe sum .Un be noll~ a wallet on the noor ot lM ~ 'n. boy &IJ4C'edly took tM wall.t and put f ln h1I iott- u. Tbe wallet coata1ned ~­ UUUl7 po, pone. 11114. VlCilba ., die CW\ ... ,,._ O.a.del. ... ..,_t. ... . ttudent were penpectivea. work-"""' Inf drawtnp and det.a11ed plans. Three awarda were pruent.ed CZBTIP'IOAT& 01' •IJU8JNw:88 to aecond yur a!'Ch!teeturaJ nctttloal ,,,.. Name dran.Jn1 etudenta, u well u a THE UNDICRBIGNED do here· tpedal pns. for the be8t model. and three award• to f1ft year by certify that they a.re con· ducunc a rutaura.nt buttn .. a t 31 rr. CftUISJ:R with radJo tra.namJtter. dtrect.lonal ftnder, dt~hy with outbo&rd motor. 11 new Ut'-jacketa. Good money maker or family boat. Full pr. $3000. Will conalder 1111all fu t outboard u part payment. - C&ll LExlntton f...4e30 or Lllx· f.2790 Kr. or Mh. La Verne, Jr. 2•c2f WA TZR.J'RONT PDl:R A a D FLOAT, N9W'port lllu4 tac:tiri- Balbo& Cove1. a bedtma. ~ 11e. paUo and plq .... A WONDmRrUL 8UT, OfAt' J!IOOO down, fuJl price tie.a-.. ~ FURN. BKACB COTTAOB..~ block to ocean or ba.J'. ~ down, f99fKI f\lll prke. ,... , 1tudenll. wtth 1 mC>CM prtae. 17U N.wpc)rt Blvd., Coeta M•a. Cbecka were pruentad at the Callfomla, under the flctltloll.I conclu1lon of the Jud,tn1 by firm name of TH!: NJ:W GINO· Steve !mlth, NeWJ>Orl -Balboa HAM R.Etn'AURANT and that Savlnr• and Loan repreaent.a· ta.14 firm la comp<>Md of th• 48--Apbt. a Bouee for Beat BAYFRONT PDlR ~ n.oJ.i Uve. followtnc pert0n1, whoM nam• OOJltONA DEL MA.R, 1 bdrm. exqldalto Yiow and ~ ln nnt-y•r eompeUUon. .Jlm ln full and placea of --'d•n"e t 1 '"--.,,. .. L --<mm'"•, I ....,..._. I I l'1IOn Cotta Me.I&. received ._. "' " um .. year y, Iara&'•· .._ "'".,. .... u.. --~= tl~t priu of II(). Tb• MC-are u tollowa, to-wit: P'emleaf. Adults, no peta, 180 3 car Pr&(•· LOte ...-. ~ ond pme of 140 went to Paul SIMON KONVISER Har. 82t. 24c28 $17,600 down. tull II"· "1 • FaJr, Coet.a Kea. and the third 1140 Buyl Lane - award of 120 to John J onea. Newpprt Bo&cb, C&Ut, 43-A-Apta. for Bent 8 F'URN18Hlll) UNTra, lle&rt.qf Cotta Meea. ANNttrll KONVISER _ B&Jbo&. a.t _,. ........ ant second-year nudent. wtnn1nf MO Beryl L&ne FU1Ul. APTS., clooe to be)--rental .,.,., ~ barpia at prl&H lm:loded John Ballt!W. Newport Bach, CaJJt, ' 110 wk. • \ltll pd. IOI &. Bay, '47,000. Low• d9w'a er a.de N~rt :Beach .. nnt a1t'U'd of wn'NEIS our band& lhla Tth Balboa. t•c equltJ. Out el etate ~ day of June, ltM •• 180 /a/ SIMON KONVI81lll -S'~ a ckpeoda.ble UMd car, Art c K· ti ci.~ Purpoet Of th• contest .-pon-!•I ANNJ:1TE KONVISER ... J'OUI' local dealer wbo wUl be • IS er vie IOl'ed by th• Newport-Balboa STATE OJ' CA.LIFORN1A ) hen TOMORROW to back up JUD~ !avinJI and Loan Auocl&tion i.I COUNTY OF OR.A.NOil )M . What he ..U. TODA.Tl Cheek the 1901 N...,..n ...... "' l~ atlulate lnterut ln atchltectu-ON TRIS Tlh ~ of June, Ullld ean ln Ult ci...tned ~ (cor. St 6 N-~J ,. ral dratUnr. Judcea W1!ra Dick A.D. ltM. bdor• me. ROBERT Uon today. Har. IDI *'7 .:~ ..... H&n80n. Erneet VUlal~ ud r. WIUMEB, a Nou.ry Public ________________ _:, __ .:_.:._....;~:.:,:. Rod Lauter. lD and for the aid Couaty and klaclergatte11 c~. C ...... A•o•11C•d Stat.. rtaidtl!S tilt r .i a, duJy C01l1IDtu6oned and ~ ~ ....U,. ~ SIMON KON· VDD and ANNJ:TTll KOff. VIal:Jl known to me to be the Newport Bea.cb ldlldarprteR ..,_na .._. nant• an l\lb- IChedult bu bee Chan.led .. ~ to the wtt.bln IMtnlm•nt. foUowa, .......... to 8Uflt.. J\07 UMI aetn "'1edP4 to •• that o. An~: tMJ' -.at.lid u.. ...... An.moo. ~ ln the JM WlTHDI WBSRllOJ'. 1 N1wport 9chool wtll --"9 the baw lllilnanto Mt my hand and area '"1m lltb It. Weal thl"0\.1111 att\Jt4d m7 otnct&l ...t the day •5th St~ and ~ attemoon KJn· and y-.r la thta Ctttltk&lt nnt Mrprtm la U.. Newport .a.a.. wrtttcn. • Htlpta k.bool will Mrve the /a/ ROBIMT r. WJLLXl:S ktwport ffelPt.1 ana 9ver to My ~on ...,.,_ ll"V'lne AYaut. All olJ\d Ktader-~ lf• 't• p.118a8_..~teM_... No.1 ............. ... 'I 111,J.1.lli.lltl* - LIDO . ISLE A real smart 3 bdrm. INGRAM built ~ 1arp ' lot. $36,800 fall prtoe. Near the club houae 3 bdrm., 2 bath homl. needs fbdnr up. ~.7~, Euy tma. lido Realty Associates MOO Vla Udo .. .. ~ . =: -•• ... ... .... -· ·-· .... ...... -· ' . ' . -. - '~ ............ '"· ' "Yeur! W,Jttt Ad AM you arn·rd only ara• toocb,.-Ja th.t dria\IDf water, too?" ' I DELIYIRY GUARANTEED ' . CARPENTRY ll:INOR REP AIR WORK .NO JOB TOO SM.A.U.. li. (,). A.ad-- 1016 &. Balboa Hh'4., ·Bll.IM Rllnur MIO llUt OID'Q:ft.Ul. Btm.DllR Elpert R-emodeling Addltor\1 A new coe1tnacuon. ma.,. tenM eu bf. •fl'l.lllod Hal: Moa-w .... Painting, Decorating P1.~r Ha.ogm.1 ' GEO. BURKHARDT l.ICICJllBE!J 1..VNTR.Al.. • .l'UK l.J I-MU Llbert7 I-Ult 1 · -FOR RENT 3tpM "FIX.IT" W.CIWUcal ..... 8*\lt~ _,nten•..,.~ ALL WORK OU.tAUl'l'IDl:D. Bubor ....... GARDENING PRUNING, CL&AN UP No job t.oo am&ll. By bou.r. day • or rnonlb. µ HOIO or LI MM4. ltp32 GARDENING HaullflS -ud odd job&. RllAIONA.BLBI LrbertJ 1-1181. lOcZ4 CHILD CARil tor tha irummar l.n uu. ll.l'ff by Hich School ,.trl. Uva ln. Kl 2-6114 alter t p. m. 24p2~ • 1 rr. ~CA~EN eaM Mears Camera Shop 1013 ' I JESSEE ~PLIANCEr<X>. I . Iola.Ill XI a..atl Skill S..w1.-Elec. Ortll1, Poll.aher1, a.U a,y,-. ot tliaadUS. WbM&mf Gardening ONlll la.rp commerc. r~trll' 1782 Newport Blvd .. Coat.a Meaa 1 ICALJC8, t GONDOLA • Ph0n1 Wberty_ 1·7042. pr tf Ud6 can-u: l-67M attu !!:Jo p. m \;:;::-::::;:--;-;-'"--:::::::-7;-:;I--------~=~~ Santa. Ana """" .... EXPERlENCED bkkpcr, typllL Part Ume. Write Box hold<W BOYD'S HOWE. ll ,. P.O. Box ... ea .... '" Mu. Lawru -J.lo'Wlnl' -Ranontlon LI 1-37'51 or ...... d& tf:tc Fresh Hearing Aid KENMORE AU\.I, Walhtr UM BA T'I'ERlElr ~ model $130. Kl a-.4ll.1 M.pJI 1ISI 1f. 004.IT 81QHWAT c Me21 lt rr. PADOLEBOARD 120 WbertJ l-U3I N-.pc. Ball. nttc 1-M-.-RIN--•• -.-n-.1-.-'"-,-.----u-,,,.l------------·I Har. at&-a. 21pS:t F'ret e&tlmatea. U l..t0l4. Ntl:DED AT OHCll - C A R " E N T E R "'" _..". T""'' "'""'..,.. i:.Ai\om """"•· '""' ... k .... W• Olv• BAB Green Stamps Gunderson Drug CO. Harbor 61~. • Pr Ml.ln BL.at Balboa Bl•d.. LJ._ c 1--~-==="'==o--''-Bo6t Bulld•n rubber tlrtd wbeti ba.rrow, 409 Repair Work HOUSEX:LEANING We14ut. Walnut Place, Costa ·w ..... u .,, wtndow•. noon machine cleaned Appl¥ Tvd Ott~• MlM. -2411" .;N-~A.PJ!Ua.nces GUARANTEED ' AUTOMATIC WASHERS AS LOW AS D.Uvlrf oC .tiii Newport Harbor N.W..Preu ia suuut.Hd. Cuder boya will deliver their p1.pen bof~ 8 p.m. -..i ,Koncl6y, WednHd&y &nd Friday. U your paper i_, not delivered by that hour pleasP call Harbor 1616 and your carrier wiU bMng your paper. Ooe1 Your Home Need Repalrlnl and wued. Call Kl 6-2$41, 80trnl CQABT COMPANY BRA.ND ?aW j\M Wed&9Wood I or Renlodtll.QI' r after a p. m. 20f2a Newport Bl•d. al 23rd St. COMPLETELY RE-BUILT ranae CP automaUc wtUI \amp, ' Cal.I Fn.ni, ~ MtM IOUC -1 All Wor• Guaranteed 74tte lf YR.. OLD BOY -11t.. .,1111mer 1 ----~~~~=-~-I Btd divan, <all lleW m'terial clock, frlddle In mldd1•1 b'I Thor-Black1t.one-ABC -----------work on ~t u declc hand. SPOR1Tl8HINO BOAT -NMCI $38.50 UP oven • nice chf"XIM .broiler. Frividaire·Apex·Oexter Classified FURNITURE Diatinctively dNigi:ied Ml.de, npa.tr.ci or rttlniahod C. EVERETI SMITH 413 • nth St .• Newport ~ ------------------------I Hu. 4161 daye or 1venin,.1 lk3-0 C-.tal Sllloppu Ad. ra. hi tbe '''f'4ne9d&7 New1-Pru11 4 Llnte 1 l.uertloa • $1.00 add'L Unet .~ ea. ' Ua• 2 luerUons 1..SO add'L Unet .25 ea. 4 Unee 3 luutlou 2.00 add'L line. .25 eL 'l..IDeo 4 -2.00 Mld'L UO.. .25 OL SI~ Wuted .&61 wfll ""'"IS~ clhlocuat. CM• ID adva.nce 0QJ1 lllNIKtJll AD IS 4 l.L''l:S ' NEWl'OR'.t HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Moltdcly, Wednesday and Friday COASTAL sHOPPER -Wednesdays DmADLINU tor plactr11 or ce.ncelll.n1 &di an: Foir Monday PUtieaU011 -i'r1day 6 p.m. For w~ Publlcatsou-Tueoday l p.m. f'or l'rida.J' P\lbUc&Uon -Tbutlday 1 p.m. NEWPOST RA&ll!C)& P~8U8HINO CO. Painting A Paperha.ngtn& We do the work ouneJvea. ao yean upert~ I.A~ • ULIUred. S&UaW:UQIL panntoed. z.ttm.atu tr.... c.u JGbW.. LI 8-2687 .r. LI 8-:12811 AJcohollce .Anonymoue Wru. P. O. Boa Ml • Nf!WllOl"l Bach. C&ur. P1torle Barbor '"' ... Ull ....-mvd., Newport ._. <:alU'onal&. -;;;;;:;;~l ·'~~==llea~~·tf!l.;Ald>:!:!!:..~~~ AD ('en'fted A8 maat lie paid toe ClMll 1.9 M VUOI ot publlcatio& TIM pubUlllen wW. not be rupon1lbl• tor mora than on. lncorr«t lu.Uoa ot u ad, 1'__....• tb1 ri(ht to correcUy clUalt)' e.ny and COLD WAVE all &di and \0 nject &OJ lld Mt contormtn.1 to rule• an?! re(Ul&Uona. ' <:;OMPLETE I i8M to no ~lp~eei~lol~!N~o~U.~~::_ _____ 1 !1!2-;::!B~u~l!!"'~l:•g~Se~rv!lceo~!_--Halr cut $1. Shampoo • ••t 11.ao GENERAL CLEO f'IKE'8 BEAUTY &HOP 1930 CbW'Cll 8t. F\Tlt •tnet Eut Y Newport l!&rbor B. P. 0. 1S. 1767 :~ 9ftt7' 'Dniriday I p.m. :, Via Oporto -Olntnl A YI. . Newport 8e&cb Dick Newmu, llDJted Ruler CARPENTER REPAIR :!,.";;;rrt""~~~ ..!!:: ODD JOBS lf No jCllb too anal!. Beat ot reter- enoet. LI M 774 lc22 ..me OM to take over 1aU.1. Nev~r UHd Pd. dn. to $184.48 P Ll MIU. 24P21 LI l..t~2 alter 0 p. m. 22c24 Rerrt g.• Mmpletely rr·hulll \lnlt, :-;.., dn pyrnnt . pay only $8 Ill AIAYTAG--\VHlRLPOOL all new door gitskell. llU day ,,,0. Alt.o be"auti ful Tappan l Th~"' are lt1dt·ln1 a.ad tloor ICXPERJENCED • You.nc I.Ad)' SWITCHBOARD operalor 6. re· 1uar11.11ttt. r6ngc v.1lh ,verylh1ng on it •~!llplr!I Thoroly 1'ee011dltlon· dMI,... hou.te"WOrk or bab7 i;eptloniat. Apply C'lty 1'tan· tur oniy $183 n pymnta, onl)' ed end guaranl<!'ed Delivery alltin(" by day or hour. Refer· •rer'e ottlce, N.wport Beacb ALSO Sii 34 No dn .. nd 1n1ta.ll1t1on opUonal. City Hall. Hu. 31J1, 24c2~ Clothlnf & • ~• or 1 c c-n ire g, r BAL'GHN.S W AREH0l"!1f.: Clo!l;od Sundaya nica• turn. U l-t774. 23p,. h I h ,-I Rl!lUABLm elderly couple. Beet family. !OJ~ E F1rlt St. Santa Anw DO YOU NEED >.!ORE ,_, ,,,1,. Kl 7-:H87 \lie h•'e JESSEE reteren«•; wlsh lo care tor y • y dd G d 'II I d t ' Id ... M O .. "fE · ou can • oo WI n u~ r1es ,.,,,·thi~g her .. ,,, 40,000 M".rL I re11 .ntl.al pro1""t7 duunl ••,. S.OO k t t • " .. APPL! NCE CO owner'a a bHnce. Avallable an7 ..,... a wee 0 you.r ncome tl7 W. tlh St., S8nt1. Ana • --A · by oewun1 1~ houn or more --------G. E. AUTO.\IATIC \\'ASHER. lOIJ s. Mein KI 3-&348 lime. CaJI belwMll I ll I p.m. a wuk .upp!yias CUnaum•n Dlx tilter flow model that"I HT •·7N2. 2tpll In N9Wp0rt w i.iuna Beach Attn: PropertY Owner! hllld!I 12 lb~. ~·!lh, ovt>rfluw l~ Santa Ana COLOR.ZD rtrl• want HouN wtth Rawletp proc.tucta. Wr1U r•riV!I • 1plna damp dry, Pd. -----22C2 t. R.awlet&h'' 4707 J: . .(Ith St., Are you nertecttnr your .... ater l!n. to 1113.23 No dn. Pay only ;~~~4.by hour or attadyi.l c~ L. A. 64. pr-30 healer! $899 1no. , .. t0,000 aq. fl. ~~i~r!'~r~alfl ___ _ fol.u-nlturr' & AppUance11. I Jl'Rl!I: robm ll bO&rd In Oce•n Front hCm• In uchance for nit• baby 111.tttr. 1111.fa E . Oc-"an J'n>nt, Balboa alter & p. rn. 34c2t U CJCN8ED n&I. Mtal41 •l..rn&n or bl"Oku .uted. ldKl loc:e.· tlon and eoncuuems. 1 .. ft. c. Oretr at 1111 1..&tay1tt4i, N-· port. BM.ch. 23cU PORBSN _ HELP WANTED BARBERI wanted, ttMd)' em· LIWTED OFFER $2.50 S•e BAL."GHN'S \A/AREH01"SF: l"np11n•rd .I: JUVrnll• rurnlturr. pk>ymant. V18TA BARBER Ci11an, d rain and adju1t yO\Jr lUl . ., E f<'1rat Sl, Sant& An• ~= 800 W. ltth.flt.. i;:!: water heater. 9·9 dally. KI 7-ll-487 Mesa Woodcraft BOKJC n -900le fM. Call your DAY • NIGHT 2 L·s1':1J KITcHl:N s toveti. Oil<' Bi g Cle arance Sale -AU'TBORIZi:D DEALER \\' .. 1lt1n Holly & on"' T•1•11t-n, 1 .AppUc&.11.ta nMdoed., m&nJ otnoe JOE BECHTOLD f u<ld l<>nolitLc.n \•"(f ~h<'•P I SA\ f<: AS ~l l'CH AS t O•;. Ori Jobe.. A.Lao "9ta.w't.l'lt &tl4 • JIYr. 491'lr, ;I.I. 23(·24 S01't~; ITl!:MS l·11ce1 r~UCi"<I dom..UC.. KMJ' JoM for Plumbing ru1 che1t.s, waro.lrobu lo hutch· qu&Uaed ~ ft4CS.t\.u now. Har. "3u. FREEZER. Big lnternatlone.I • ~ C"n1r f'fltl_v. f'!ICe Ui 1ubjec:t Jia. l'Un.r. Sm)'L .Apy. H•F1"eJ\••r hold,. O\'tr 4~ lb• I lo •l""k on ha1 ,<I . (02 ~ l2nd llt .. NpL BMC.b. aub-i:ero. :'ie\·er ua~d. Jf111 2111 Harbor lll\"d C09ta 1'l!1a • (aero. from Ol.7 BallJ DRAPERIES tull KuarBnl~. 811lance due l LI i·161~ n:ltaJ' CLA.88 braktMt cook. and SLIP COVERS S2111'l .• Pymnl• only i11 .~6 _Ar..'.:_u~~·~lll 8:~1l~la1kcl - Early mo~ lhltt. Apply mo. \\e have l,:1•t luta othera t:Oio'F~E TABLE and Ma hot:. I 1.. m. to Ji a. m.-2%17 w. ).lad• to Order t() chou•c !~-om ."t f'<!.UILl!y I~ plalB glau t•JP (Duncan coul HJchway, NpL Bch. E1umate1 -Samptra buy11. ?· E. Nor~~·. ~ hllco •. Phyf<'J. ?>taplt hunp tabl" lo • 2lc.2:S LUCILLE DRAPERl_ES Ainana I, Holpoinl..IJ CUll\C on larnp. n11KI. 11 t1rltll Her. ------------Harbor 6&454 or &6113 Jn A: bro14·11r, ,40UOO llq. fl. J~·!ol. :?lcZ6 MALE AND 'l:'U"I.••, eo CAPABLE bookkff~r ror CPA <>tt~ tum1tul'l! • lppl11nreo1 It you _ _ _ _ •~ 1n Pl t kl Termi" If de1lrtd. ~ . o c:•. eaaan wor nir con· I------------can't find lt l1ere l dt•n"t know r.11s r . hgg11~h('lld furnllur~ for Joba OJ*D tor Trµck Dr1v"rl, ditJon1. W, D. N-.n111, 2101 whtre you'd go . , . 111lt. lflL 3~!>7-\V 24 ~28 El.ectric&l &llctnMra, Surt•y· La/a yett1. Newport Be1ch. DESKS-F1LES-CHAIRS Stt BAUGHNS \\'AREHOl.iBE --------• on, Labonor-a, Dl-1 Oplratoni, Her. 137~. 24c:M I 1015 £. F'ir•t SI. S•nla Ana SOLD MY HOME -Mu1t uU O.rical WorkAra, Bten.orra· Oran1• County'• 9•9 diuly, Kl 1.04g; 1111 model •love. retrt1er1tor. ph1r1, Steamfllt"n, P'ortm•n SALES LADY a11 1S to 40. Lar1e-t Selection TV lt'l, rug•. lamp• A quality and many oYiier job el..u'ICI· Mt.1St have koowlea• of aewlll& Leopold Executive FRIGIDA-1RE: R!:FRIG. S:Kl H;;.-ltv. room rum. J.ten'1 su!OI tiona. Sil61e1 1'7:50.00 to Snip A SUtch. C D.M. Har . F'umlt uno MM·R 2<tc28 11i:e 40--4 :?, ladle.e 1IP 11-20. l l&OO.OO per manUl.. Forelp 3173 lor appotntment. 23Uc Steel Office Jo"umlture _ __ _ _ __ _ Uk" new. Some rummage Redecorating Ca ll ror ttte r1Um1te1 INTERIOR A: EXTER.JORS Jtxperlrnced rolor opert. Com· plete decorating 1ervlcr. Your employment provide• J'R&E Wanted bo)'I 10 to 14 yeari of ANAHEIM i-IOTPOINT l'\li!ihultOll ran.,e. arUclea. Har. 2216-J 22c24 OON8ULTANT tranaport&Uon, board e.nd ~· OFFICE FURN1TURE CO I 4 yr1. •1ld. nn.-c:<Jno.l. $1 00. 11'1. 11'0T N...,a·Preu route.e to · H1r. 6297. 2Sc24 Call Relox-A-Ciior WALNUT typewriter de1k 30 x 42, $20 Srt1all pulln11n LJ'unk JZ x 20 x 9"-$3. lbr. 1128. ---MOTIELL'S AND PEEK L B. McKEN ZI & Ha.r, S&:i OemonstraUona, no oblllaUoll ln1. medical an, t.nnual vaca· be open *Xln. APPL!' Mr. Pa.rk· 113 8. Pa.Im KEi1tone 0-8822 1 __...___ Bonn.I• WU.On -HYatt 6-Mft ,uom an4 boll.¥"--~ru.Uoa. .... 2211 Wut Balboa Blvd.,-1------------2 11~8 APP UANCES. JIM or H!'att ~H a nd wia1e1 AN tax ft9t. N~rt ti .. u., HAND BRAIDED RUGS ------------Write to INTER.NATIONAL SALESLADY eome exper1enca. Phllco Refr1g"ralor with dairy . · 23c24 FREE J.NSTRUCTJlJN ------------!LADIES WHO WISH TO TAKE Room 302, 1-t24 K SL., N. W . Good ovorktn1 condlUoru. lib-ORDERS TAKEN PAINTING s ed"sh Massage w hl gto • D c e ... I benent.1. Apply In penon. AU n-matarlalt available, ::. Coloni&l Mortuary b11.r door A croea lop free&er ~-c~====-=---,--·· cheat. Pd. dn. tn $13808 No 9 x 12 REVERSIBLE ru1. dreu· dn. pymnl. pay only $8 49 mo. Ing table or d~-Nrw red· flOl Bole• .Ju.t llouth ot Wut· ~ ~ Kamori&J Park. Zn Orus• County lAlutuuoa ~. tUDllleil ot all tall.ha :U Telepbooe (Toll rr.t) :t ZDllUl Ul1 -... ..,..-, tumed a w., beea_UK -.. 111.S. of tund&. W l U O O "' ' ' • 8t<oot. T•Wlnkle 18th at N•w- INTERIOR -EXTERIOR In lh• convmlence of their 21c32 port Blvd, Ca.ta Me.M.. 23c~ Ma.ry S'annln. 1196 S. C.t. Blvd. ALSO MARINI: PAINT l~G bome, pleUI call tor appolnl· 7,~.,;;;;;;.,-.;;;-;~:;;;;;;;;:;:-;;:-l '."""'~::'.:"~'~lk=h~-~H~Y~o~tt:__:_•~-?~8':•:·~·~7::_:'" LICENSED -INSURl':D ment. COOK. wait,_• ana diMI· BABY NU RSE for°'"' 1Umm~r in Harbor 4796 or Hubor 70 W'&lbera. Otller Jobi now OOll'I· Balboa, llv" In. Call coli.ct Glenn Johnston lOttc ln1 in . Bayview Dllplo)'ID'nt Br•~haw ~841. 3Jc2~ A1ency, n27 w. Gout Rl1'1·1--------·----~l-311t St. N~port Bta~h ---------~--1 wa7, Newport. Bch.. LI. l-MQ3 He.rbor 31711 tlUc "''" Feet Hurt? Try Knopp Shoes 805 W. l•t St., Santa. Ana Klmberly 2-3017 Delora 10 a.n1. Dix. \Vh1rlpool 1uto. "'Uhtr wood ~Uo louna~ v.·Hh heavy only 1l1Jhtly Ult<'d pd dn. lo pad. LJ 8·721~ I81i Plattn- $149.81. No cath nealed If Ila. 2katl you )Joly pymntl . of $8 Ii mo. - St·e BAUGH NS \\'A REHOUSE KAJtPEN SOFA, ro.e color. rood 1015 E . f'1 r11t St. SIUlta Ana ~-9 dally. Kl 7-548i We have e\·eryth1ng her~ •.. 40 000 "<I· f t. --~-=='o.;s.=rv1ceo-"=--i CUSTOM HOME , Superfluous Hair Perman111U7 nimovld trom faot anm, lt.p. l:yebnnn and na1f U.n1 lhaped-No mo.r. twealn.1- EXPJ:RlE.."lClCD waltre" w111t· !Pd.. Gr1ndolfo'1 ~ata.urant. 611 J:,ut B&lb<Nl Blvd. lnqulre 6 WOMAN cook and wok'1 helper. to 10 p. m. l3c26 and alter f P. m. 99Uc • Rerrigerator Freezer condition 17~. M•hoeany drop IPR! table, 520. Excellent cont!. Druci mahoaany bednn. 11t, 7 plectl $~. Uke n-3 pc ct.inred ll!!Ctlonal fDllm rubber, green col.or $3:w>'. SOI Morn~ C111yon rOML COM. Kar. Ull ,.. Building and Remodeling [_~!'._AIR WORK Coo'"'"""' potlo. •~ H tl-~ BRJCK mate11. Kl 3-M711, I7cJO = TftA8H HAULING -CLl:A.N·UP PLASTER I. PLUMBING H. H. HOLBROOK Dopond1IM Plumbm. A. PrS="Pt l\epab' kTlce M&lnt.tried Pboftol: Bartor .. Mo 8'0l ...,_. ml'fd., NtWpOrt Bch. .. , DR.AF"TINO SERVICE e . PLANS e c • Residential • Commercial Remodeling J. W. PUTNAM Har 619-W 2lp33 PAINTING PAPERHANGING s~f~~~~~ ~~~!r Har. 3404 or 6317 OOMPLE'l"E p AJNTING -For a dependable ult'd CIJ', -your IOCll dealer .,.,.ho .. 1u be nere A Paper Ba.aclnc Service TOMORROW to bl.ell up what h• WQIDCS 0.. &A.tnfDD8 Mlla TODAY! Check the uNd IOO a.&: atrwt. N..-pcll'\ .8Mcll can In tht cl.u91nN lf'CUon to- ..,._. 1r1• tto di)'. 24-&hools,. lnatnsction Balboa Tutoring & Summer School 18C5e .ummer eeaaion. Elementary • High school ftbjecll. Amtrican Legion Hall, 215 • 15th Sl .. Newport Beach. July 2hd to August 10th, 1956 Hours 8 a. m. to l 2 noon. Rf'gi.l!tration June 30. PbOM or Nf:, John W, John80ii, 820 NarciaMu.s, Col"Oll& del Mar. Har. 3634-R Et.l&N l.. BR TA.NT ft. .C. Lido'• 8&1on ol a...uly Ra.r. 2671 lf• 28--SltuationA Wanted Experienced in cooklnr span.ab Sit N' Knit food, Henry°• 2630 w. eout w AITRJ:88 tor food • cock'taU... Hwy., Newport Blach. ;i3tlc Hanry'• 2~0 w. Cou:t H(WY .• START GUt·J4&kintll' now tor Newport Bea.ch. 23c~ MoU11r'1 Day-E'ath"r'e Day- AITENDANT-Sa.leaman w111t· Bl'id• -Oradua.Uon -Birth· ed. Union OU 8tatlot1. 383i w. NUT LADY tor NewportHolel, day•! Nl'W yum, l'lrawa and Cout Hi("h-y, NCWJK>rl Bcb. cle&nlnf, sat A Sun m ornln1. corcH. 311 I:. Balboa Blvd., .l .... Har. 11.58. 3Uc Balboa. Hat:"4e21. 3Ztfc LADY want.a h.OUH work. ex-c ..... ------------------------perlenced. Ca.II ata' O P· m ,RJ: --A-L-~ES-T_A_TE--8-ALE--8-MAN-- Har. 1118 Mn. Scott. 24p l ~J Ex.per1ence ~Ua.I. 1------------AdYert\1ln1 -delk -I.tie· IBM ELECTRONIC phone -otnc:1 coopuauon BOOKKEEPING lurn!lhed by eata.bll.iied otftce In «nler of Coat& Mua. Writ• Box A-1 N~S-PRES8. 2JUc Stream llne your bookkeeptn( tor a1 Uttle I.JI S23.50 per mo. For ln!om11tlon call Har. ~418·W 24c28 GARDENING and CLEAN-UP JOBS WANTED LIBERTY 8-6139 '"'' WANTED -Expert.meed boOk· llMper for Lido FuhlOlll DrH& &hop 8411 N.-port Bl'+'d., N-· port~Bl-a.ch. :ndt Beacon Personnel 100% employer retained agency No Fee call9Cted from applicant ------------f tlWllt Newport Be&Cb WASHING & IRONING By pif!ff or bY bour. Wit wuh OT l"OIJ(b dry. ll t -I: IO\h, Cotta Kua. Call LI t.-14• "'' Roy's Maintenance Complete Profeuionol Housecleaning Floor wu1nc and batting Window 0....ntg Upholatery Cleaning Patioli Color waxed • Luatroua Result.I REASONABLE Phone Liberty B· 1332 '" GIRLS GOOD NEWS! GOOD JOB8-000D IA.LA.RT w1tb tnqum.t I.nu..... In a mmp&AJ that actu&Uy encOW"-..-e• adnncemaiL nJ1.L 'I' .AT u JOU llf'I trained. -OpuWap for - Telephone Operatora -Apply - &·30 lo 4:IO p.m, 121 W. Jrd BL I tt.l:lt& Ana PACIFIC TELEPHONE WE GOT IT Rebuilt & Repaired it Aro Tire d Keeping it Sloshed Our Prices On it You Come & Got it COMPLETE HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS ·CLOTHING FOR THE ENTIRE FA~ULY ''BUT WHAT THE BOYS RJ!:BUJLD" Open Mon., Wed., Fri., Sat. nite8 'til 9 VETERANS INDUSTRIES <02 E. <TH Rotton, Wrought Iron, Patio Furniture Complete eelection of Wrought Iron Fu.mtture. Barbecue ar.d Bruieni, Lawn Swinp, Garden and Be6Ch Uml>rellu. BAMBOO ORA W DRAPES ond TROPICAL Fioor Covertnp. BASKETS ot all kinda A Unusual Gift Ttmis. Canvas and Aluminum Awnin91 . ' SANTA ANA TENT & AWN ING CO. 1626 S. M.aJn. Santa Ana Kt 2-354:\ fo'rrc IJehvcry OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS TILL 9 RANGE-REFRIG~TOR $299.50! Brand new-;.incrated bul 111wr u.eed. TAPPAN gu ranp wllh Crid<Jll, divided top bum· n• and aw1.n&-out broiler A.ND • btl 11 cu. ft. KJ:LVlNATOR ref'r1pl"l.WT' with double aVp- era, bl( cro. • top tree91r, 1h"lvea In door, buttter keep. •n. etc. CUh or '!I""'-$14, down llt month. JAJC.l"I APPLIANCE co.-1931 Har- bor Blvd., C:O.ta. Meq_, ()pea ttll S p. m. Friday. \ RANGE · REFRIGERATOR AND WASHER ._ Jlttc --$S-I)o~ ~klI_ __ ttlJlNITURJ:: for compleU 4 rvomA. eon.i.lil oT 10-pc. IW· NOROS AU'TOMATIC WAIHZR tnr room, 1 pc dllllllf rooni. K.AOIC CHZIP A.AJ(OS • oomp~t1 bedroom l""'P· 111S ttoffOINT RZnJClD<lTOll 10• .. eou. tt. Ptr.Ueo ntr1,....aor 13 Dow-a Dltl""9 AU ~ with c"* t.op rr.u.r • d6lrJ OUt of fJtate end.it t.*tld ln blr door. Jt5' Wt41ica God Ot'le de.1 , r111,., UNI CP -.odeil. wWI ~n ,,..,.,, riJ&'ll till t p rn. ' Cl~t 8undf.y1 JESSEE APPLIANC>: CO 1013 S Ma in KJ 3 83 18 611.Ilta. An.a :?21 ZI ckl<:k. lamp, (Ttddle IA ~ ht& uven A rotl141<tria. All aew A JU•rant911d. Alf tb\a pd. dn. tn 176$37. ray only M.~1 wef,11 ~ .... nAUf"IHN8 V."ARl:HOUSS lfll~ E Vtnil et . lan\a Ania ! 3 1llllly. KJ 7-6487 v.·, hll•• •v,ryt111 11r here ..• 40.000 .,.._IL ' Do yOli Uke Maple hnlUDftf SS-Boef.I. Sijtpllis • n.n lff THUi ~ ''OLAUP•I\", 13 !l : 19~ Hal· bard roe& J.t•mr l'OClllD .,. u..1 tioa 111odt'1. Wind arue10. \.OJ>, hM • b-4 ..... ~ 1 .... m:aoc.. "-'I.Ill' •-i\d CDOtOr lnl 1\1.&tlOnD rodtar, l ~ cccWOlll. '1'oe Nee tn.Uat. ID~. tor loUJtl• , , IM'4'•r Ubttt}' ~ Up2• at.ep llDd • ..._ ~ wtUi lf" , .. o. a Cabltl CrulMr, ma- lamP9. Is ~ tUle. . _t · {IC-bopJ.ly bull. JlM.00 or ana.ke dlni~ room Mt wtUl vpbOa.-oUcr AN1dc.s 3-8(1:l7. illO tl'red eha~ Ndrooa bu a lo, Bunot Dr. H. ltUtott I... A bll' bOOkCU. ~a.rd 'Wt°' f2p~• tootbo&rd • a nlte .t&Dda. • MOVINQ, MUBT SELL l1 ln. Pbllc.o tal)le model TV, aom- plCU w1tb ta and nbblt ..,.. Oood OQnditJen, eacnnc. prtc.. JTa. c.lJ • ac uu w-. t.kean lt'rOnt attu 6 :JO p.rn. 23c26 drawer douai. 4rUMr • plate CRA y MOTOR 23 H P, Pr\c<' glu• nurror. and our hJU.lu p~. Kara 72. %3<'25 stat ~o aet ot matt.re. a epnngs. You r.t &D W. for only $4'1.8.84 and )'OU can pay l'Mllh or taJu U.. J)1'DU\t.L •f ~ Bpectau. ot 19~ J AGUAR MC HO Coupe 4 pua. 0~!'! t!~~!on !~11~ DOG CLIPPING An ~nm. eoo·mues ----··· ........................ s3m Uater, K.nab41, C&bJ•. Dtn Work• In your homt. 19M J AGUAR MC HO Rdat. Llke new. l owner $299~ 84--Mmlcal, Radio, T V 11pe<'1a1, tJchMcher sranct onty 1M9 Tu.IUD Ave .. aw. 1955 FORD THUNDEBBmD $<11~6. Atfolhl!r apedaJ, ftne J!arbor 63411 ,.hape "*· save nooo on 12p.ie R-H. Aut o trana. 1 owner ...... .".. . $2996 $4 2t WMk. l\AOJO . 15~ B.AUOHNS WAllllBOUSl!I 1015 Z. Fh"St SL. luLa A.m • t .11 daily. KI 1~1. We haw everyth111g J>~ ... 40,000 aq. ft Auy t.bl• model repalt~ J<nit~ Grand llkl' Mw. 1 •' 1954 JAOUAR M. C'Dnvertible. Excellent condition $2495 $2 0 S4 hmldl-PhJDlp• Bia; Plano & •9-... • ..... W ted .5 01".n S\Ol'c. 620 No . .MAin. ., ,.u-ua 1953 JAGUAR M. COUPE Induilu psrta and labor snnta Ana, a!way1 1~~ SELL Very ~lean. Never raced if> yrs l-.:x:periu~ I "~'T I rulJ _ ... Aci.1E TV "· RADIO ·"' '1 • fl""'"· kl'yboarn 1953 VOLKSW AOEN, Sun roof l m • "" Six yr old $311~. Her 3382. CA ~A-Ant<J'M! 426-a111t st. Har. ~01 2-tc?fS YOUR R Hard to find popular model $2095 $1295 YOU WILL GET MORE U ED T1UJLD Special Sale i wEkK ·oNt.Y FOR YOUR CAR When you e~ll to '&0 i!nRR~~~u=.' bdrm. h Mt C I 'l\:i EASTERN bUtlt SS n. ,I Br. nc or r 0 I '!H TF.RRY CRUISER 1'' mdrn. • " ·~2 STAR lS-fL tnodftm lH & lTth L1 l-1269 ·~1 KIT 2i·tl mocMrn COST A MESA -I 'M BERMUDA SO-ft. n1<'4itrn tltfc SICVERAL OU>Cft TRA.Q.l:lt8 ----------I TOO NlJMlCROUS TO JO::N• '61 PLYMOUTH BEt..VmDJ!!RP!.l TIO:-l ALL PRJCEDTOSllLJ. v-a 4 dr. hard-'l.Dp ' mont.M old. Loaded wtUa p o w t' r rqulplJlrnl. Low l.o(aJ mll,agt<. tow down payment. e•., con- tract. lmmacuJat.e 1n"1da and out. Private party, Hu. 4~46 22t!c NEW TRAil..ERS ·~e LIBERTY U -ft. 3 Bdr1n. 'M LIBERTY 40.tt. 2 Bedrm. ·~ ROLLA \\I A Y ~-rt. l Bdrm. '!'>6 RUl.l.A WAY M-lt. I Bdrm. 'M ROLLAWAY 40-tt l Mrm. '~IS 81-:A«ON 40-ft 2 Bclnn T II G bl Co ..... H I --I 1953 JAGUAR XK 120 Rd.al. a a e un ... .1 OUle \11 rt UHOLA conllOle, blond, l ll&e PAID l<'OR OR NOT ANTIQUES ARE YOl' THINKING" 1 1 • ~ ...1 r11ke uver pi1y· M Black finlah, red leather . "·1c• \•a n ety auUlenUc a.nUqut9, I Ot a nl'w organ or piano ~ T t111l1• "'""h ot $1218 pet mon th lolcC&rt.hy Pays ore 19«3 ENGLISH FORD ZEPH $1895 4 52 CHEVY DR. Md. Guod tranap. Ins mana •JW'iClal. Work- ·~ TH l 'NDERBI RD Cr l' at llrtt 30-ft 1 Bdrm '!'>6 8 HASTA 22•., ft. mt>Mrn '' I·' t ~o mon•y d1, .. ·n. "1 "'~ N ~1a1n. 1420 S. Main Kl ~·3&07' ..i "' ER 1 ed i..._ ~ _1 ) our o; ... p1 .. nu 1n uow or 11 ~ .,, • v• ,. co or I • -r..-· 1 ti io o\·l'1·.,.111u.. 11'lowanct' w,. s 1111 , An 1 22l·24 1 owner, very clean J>l'Wler, lampa. turnJ~. trou1 ·.-d ... ~ .n ht l RlCU'I 1n.,,pen,.1lve rtttst f ltcmath tolll'<!tth• I nA,\\'A·Y· 1 1 1 0r r ll:'our P~ au~o~;n , .. nt ------40-Auto:os for Sale 1931 A USTlN SEDAN ,,1 !:-:ET 8PEA:1AL.l), TRAD&: IN -------· -----1 ( t ne1>t n1te 01" • et> or , r 'ood condition 'ATHRYN ANN JOUllll 111:.. Ct' ore you buy ~l'l ut11 A:-:D HENTAL RETURNS"' 55 FORD ' 1 · · H7~1 Harbor Blvd., 8allt.a .Ana big tr11tl~ 1>1>p1111 al 11t _ :.; 1011 ~ul1.>riu1!M'n 1pmtol $3~~ I , • 1918 M. G. T.C.-Chrome wheels 72l!c SRAF'ERS lSlnn• 19011 1 ·o·ol Mnplo A1 ro •n1<· apmtl Cl ST ranch WiJl o'drlve, R&H O ------------U1·(2S N. Sy1<1mor,., S·inla An" h\ H11.IJw111 $.w .. {;ulbiuru.l'n lit!tk¥hu'e ~p Hn. Ame11cio'11 verbauJed motor · P LA YER piano BALDWlN com· pl,.ttly r ... condltloned. play• new• rolle. Fun for famJly 1oorn. $375 Rlcb&rdaon Yadlt Anchorage. Har. 023. 2tfc S3-Boal8, SuppllM Phon" 1'l111llcrly 20oi2 1 •ndt O&J< t montJ\a ol<I. SllVr I f•vorile atat1on w~on. Oranr e Count\,. 01gtrn Hdql1' SllH) Ktmb.tUJ Sal41ni maplt \' ACATION SPECIAL -----"" .. U 43 Other tine bUY'f In I J UNE ORliAN SPEClALS! 111o•ht1,(any Spt'l:ls l cvnven1<•nl $2095 Lovrly a1ngk manual electron I< t• 1 nu1 at F'\Jll I org•n hkt· nrw. S<lvP $~UO ~HAJo'ER.l:> 1S1n..:11 190i t I , pr "*' Beautiful (Ull 2 manual ele-ctro111c· 1 1:.1 1:.:'J N Sycamore. SIU>l.U Alla MARK orgll.ll "llh 2:, pt'l.lal board J'hOAe Kln1buly' 2-0613 Rave $'.l'.!r. DOWNING HILMmond ,,pinrt 01 &&n in Um· AC l 'ORDION Bl'EC'IALS! 3 only I 4 Hausken· Watson SPORTS CAR CENTER 1932 Harbor, Costa Mesa :!'.WI So. Main, Santa Ana Closed Sundays $ 795 :s 395 $1290 LI 8-1194 Kl 5-1188 ·~·21' OWENS EXPRESS 96 HP al Balboa Excene'nt con- d1llon $3400 c.11 state t -4575 (Sherman Oeka 1 24p21 condition !';ave S300. (1111 120 b\11a arcordiona. Extra I FORD Conv,ni'r•l trrma a l hHl ell In Jl"rff'I t condition. 1 SHAFERS f Slnce 1907 I T .. , m-. u o "'""'" 1tnd $:1 2~ ~r H ... \ :m at P adtlc c .. ~ l ltwy I TO CLOSE .,.STA....,. Well ·~1-1.":1 .:ll :'\·1 <1more, Santa Ana 11''1 at '12 .. W !'.I St 6 tlnat 8 h .,. • r. ... SHA F'ERS I Sin, I' 190i l -' ' •· "1111 .,..on l'aC GRADUATION SPECIALS known beautiful Hu.c:hoff built f'h11n .. K lrnl>Hly 2--0612 f Whl'T'f' the moat lmportanl thing I $395 Full pdct MARK DOWNING FORD Hwy. 39 at Ptcltlc Coast Hwy I 226 W. 6 Sl., Huntlngt.on Beach I (Where the cu1lDmer la lhe moet Important thmf In th• accy. I I New and Used TRUCK AND Paue nger TIRES Iv. tn ~· 'M A l...JO 23 Cl modf'rn twlft lll'•h :,6 Kl:-:KRA FT 1'1t ft (1bl'r· g1u, tup C'O~Sl<..;N YOUR TRAILER to u' fur f&M u lt' and ready cuh lO )'UIJ \'Af'ATION RENTAL& I'• v· \\'ttk·Month-R.alet LIB~.l~AL TERt.fB ON A.LL TRAIU:RS Nl-:W & USED CLU!:'f:l 1 ON S UNDAY OPl!N MONDAY W est Coast TRAILER SALES 1:1ue1 r;ardf'n Gro-.., Blvd. <:A RDEN GROVE I I:: 7 -27tti Burt A. LeRoy, ow11er I 1.1 l:?:I N Sycamor" Sant.i An11 6'• fl aux achoonf'r. Equipped Orenr .. Cuuni~· • 01'1an Hdqlri Phon" Klmb<'rly :l~i2 in the a(<.'}'. '" the cu1tomf'r l 1954 FORD CPE. light gray -Low mileage, 1., nth" dqre.. B:verylh1ng TO h $97 unagmablt, In tip lop condl· HAM Mu:-; l> , .,ans au modo·ls. ~ l>ODGE C<m>net 4 dr ""dAn I Excellent rubber-In TIP P a ape ... . . . . 5 , lion Fur •ppolntm-t to -·. chord urita allghlly u ~ R d" TV S • f IP•" .. a r (OOd condlltun $7"~ 8-Hour Re capping Servic:e Complete .\iODER:" Moblll' home SJ ft., 2 hedrm. balh. 28 x 9 A"'"1tDJ Ste al lot 37, 1~27 Newport Blvd, Coat& Mea&. 13pl5 " ... -· a 10 -pec1a S ' ~· ~ • 1952 DODGE CLUB CPE. -Light blue. Radio, lall LI 8·3134 24c26 COUU ,.,,ong on l bia. an:v unl (.t•h. &r. 1388 2•c:l6 _I <an pa:" •t w1lhnut l•·'lltfma C'· 1r,i J'L.l:."TE AMATEU R H AM -.. heater, excellent tiree. exceptionally ~lea.n.. Only $695 \\A '\T 111tp pier or mooring tor Schm1dt·l'hli1'p•. ,w ="0 Main, ra'11o t.nd t.ren.emltttr wlth 1' FORD VICTO RIA 4U rt Slt1<1p mOllth of July Santi• \11 • C1>llf 1 Orirn,e , rophon•, from 10 to 160 5 I 1 19:52 PLYMOUTH-{ door sedan. Light gTeen. nl'.tr 811lboa • 11land J ohn County llun 11111tf1t IJ,.aler. 11 '"'r colla $1 1}3 HAP.D TOP. Be&uUtul blue and New sea t covens. In excelLent condition .. $625 Ch1tmp1on E:Xbrook 4·811~ s • VEKAL TV S lhat have b<'"" grey flni1b, u'drt\•e, radio. hll, .., ..,. WAf\.'TED. 111 11'\f'(J p1anoe for c1.1llH·t ,4c..v o umplett ly rl'bullt lnclud. new Yuuog people'• ape<.'1&1. bl( rl'ntal •1•'1 l Hlgheat cai;h SEAGOING LAUNCH. 21 fl. A p1r lure tube $705 a liOWll.JlU! In lt11.Je fur 0r&'an 7 S • .., P 17 · Atlmlra.1 cuniiole ... __ $61111:\ plnf't or 1.~.1n11 1ano 8 h 1 , 2 s M I!• z,.111tn con11<>le ..... 111111 ... I c mldt-Ph1 111••. ·• u • o • a1n t' "' ''" l •11t1>I" ~a11.u .• l>foauly J800 Har. l606·W 23<.'2~ Full prlt o• MARK DOWNING FORD "SEA SPRIC\'" St ' Santa Ant TV SERVICE CALLS MO'IURULA <ulor TV. U.blt' Sliichlly 1111e0J 7 tt. tlbf't'1lu• model. T11k" "v•·r paym,nta 111 I $2.00 SAJLl Nli dinghy complelt' $2'2.02 ~1 month. 210'2 :-.; .\ -.;y\\ HERE ANYTlME with ril'1 r11n .. ,1 -1no W Maln, sant.1 Anli 221.:.!t Balboa lllvcl . Npt Bch _ ----- H.arbor 3032. O'w\NER. 24c~fJ 12 \," A DMIRAL ~omb. AM .t11d l HIDRENS boat 6l, tt. plywood 1711.96 2120 :-.; M .. 1n. Santa Television Sales Service LE »·6l26 a nd Hwy 39 at P•clMc Cnu t Hwv I ur, \.\' 6 f't . H unlrng-lon Bra<.'h 8lfc JThr mo~l. Important thu1g F .t.f with re1 <J1 •I player Spr1 ml I Pram. oartt. l°'k• -compll't.e Ana. 22c24 - Ca.t new U OO Sell i:~. Kar I -I Ill tltr agcy. 18 tht cuatOnlf!r I I 3!>18-\\ 2Sc2~ 12' i" ADMIH \I. um•ult• T.ho1 oUJ;hly re·• c.11iJ1Uun•·d. univ U<JHTN!NO C\a• Sall Boat-531196 2121• N. Milon, Rantw Good cond. and «"ood oylon An• 221 'l 1 •Jl• 1976 •OOI Channel Pl. ---- Har 2S37-W or OXJord 4·72U 1 T. V. 23p24 ----------Anlf·nna.a $J 9;) 11n I 11p Knowlton Electronics i 1!l:l0 NASH • itr Slat,..anian I TV REPAIR R .. ;.NTALS 1· \:-lT ~EltVICJ-;, R~Al40NA 8f E tier v11.<' 1 ... 1w uu v p rn. w 8-6205 E.xct'Uent "-on<lllJon Pflcl' onl1 $:?2~ LI W2ol or 2215 Molly Lam, Nev. port Heitchi.. 2-lc211 -1 ~ELL OR TRADE-'IH MttCUry OUTRIGGER CANOE -N'w ln11ta1Jed -compltr' $1 ~ .. 11" aa1l, very Ulht Wtl(ht -l3b() I Br111~ your ael lo our 1h•1p. \\ o• ---- 118 lnduatn al '.\ a,y, L't>ela \\ II file end "a' r ~ 11 ~ S T V conv. Blade w1U1 \.\ S\\, rad10, n.,ater. .Soaed l\lld deckelJ 1 ;ood Mn•tllum $700 CA II LI H·il25 22c24 lteaa Har. 20ff-W 24c211 I ACME T \' • • ·~-a11t st. ""' .,.1•>11 Rental I rr. BALBOA aalllrtr Otn~by. Excellent condition Compll'le Har. 2826-M ' 25cH CHAMPION LEHMAN dlnrhy f '· 2 .utta ail.a, co-.er and trailer. Ll 8· 7l44 20p2~ BOAT WA..N'TED-Molor or Sa1l. 8uU.abl.e tor alibacore fllhtn1. Operate on ahare bula wllh opUan to buy Wiii pay all operation expenae1 Write Box Z-tt We paper. t2p24 21 I:\ MOTOROLA l011,0Jlo I 1 hke nrv.1 1 tt>b r t'pu1n ':>:i•01 I Take ovo1r l'ilYlll"nte olf $H •~' P"r rmr :\o •Jt"'" :ll02 :-: Main. Sn.nlA An , 22• .:.1 -Knowlton E lt"Ct r om cs TV ANTEN NAS fCle&r 8-m -U1 <:•in 1 [l'latalled complete to your ~d $9.95 1250 So. Ma rn GMC TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRU CK S Sant.1 Anll 22ttc ---.---f '47 CUEVROLET 12 T. l'ANEL I :.Pl:-.H:r l'llll\\18 tt• nlal l l'!lU11ll' ·~9 C'HEVROL&."T StmURrlA•. llk11 It·" tlt You 8 1\\&)ll flnJ j '01 CHEVROLET 1, T PICKUP V.unllt'dUI ·~v1n1u 1n lh111 dept. ·r,3 DODGE 1, T. P ICKUI'. ~m•ll •rlnf't Ut;.i. Otht>aa U J.> .. 1 ·53 OMC '% T. PICKUP $~ti,;. Mrrru l>Pt' Maµle Spin"t '!\ OMC l 2 T P ICKL1P $.!di MahnJ: $19~ :\4 Jo'OP.U •;·f PH.:fn;p s r •1r.11oh·l'hllllp<1, 620 No M1t:n ·t.a CHEVROW:.'T 14 T. PlCRUf' ~a..'lla Al•' Sa\e $120. on ~ 1 ·~3 GMC •, T P ICKUP 1950 FORD CONV. CPE'. -Radio, beater. Low mileage -Very clean ....... -............................ $M5 3 Star * ·* * Special 1956 NBW YORKER, 4 dr. sedan, two.tone sand on tan, power steering, power brakea: Rad.lo, htater, WSW tire.a. All other exCtu. Only $3500 LOU REED & ASSOC. C HRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER 1200 W. Coast Highway LI 8·!«86 THIS WEEK ONLY We mu&t ~U our over supply of BRAND NEW A.'lBASSADOR V-8 220 h. p. cars. Full factory warnntee A~ low P.~ $2995 with ultramatic and beater - W ard S. Lee, Inc. 1236 S. Ma in ~t. 53 BUICK Super ~1viera qie. Dyoa!Jo., R & H Power btaku NASH Santa Ana 22c24 Let RIOH Help You. Peraonally actltcled NEW & U$ED CARS Brake Service Ji.MD Front End Alignment llOAD BER VICE .P"lnston• BudJ'et Plan Youn tor the Aalidnl HOWARD RYAN 801 -809 W. lat ST. SANTA A.NA Kl MM& Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN Up to 15 Month.a to P&y 6 Cyt.. . ..... ---···-58.88 A.ll Straight Elchta __ ........ ---·---·-~·88 INCLUDE8 both Labor A Pa.rt.I. New rlllp. W11et pm-. nlVe rrtnd. rttUnp ot ma1n and rod barlnp Expert motor tun.- up. 80-day or 4000 mile cua.r- antff. GASKETS A on, ICXTRA REBUILT ENGINES I BUtLT IN our own factory by skilled machlniat.a. Don"l con· • tend with lhe middle man. Buy dJrtet. SHORT BLOCK FORD t 1832-'8) ·-··-....... $ 9UO CHBVROLET -·-·--·--I IHl.llO BUlCK .... -... ---·····-··-$126.00 PACKARD (4 cyl.) -··--·112&.00 Plym., l>od6• It Ford 6 _.1106.00 CRRYS. It DB: SOTO __ 1110.00 RENT Vacation Trailer ?\F:W I~ rt Butane ll('ht a.nd bunk l~<J By lhe Wffk LI IM336. ~G k PORT ORANGE .. TR.A.ILER SALES lllld SUPPLIES 2200 W. Cout Hiway. Newport Bea.ch LJ s.-.«.20 PAN-AMERICAN 3~ lo 60 t\.,, 1 .t 2 BR. PARA.MOUNT Cuatom built. 30 lD ~ tt., l A 2 BR. Hlghut trade·lD allowance. We need clean used trallen. PAN A.MERfCAN Paramount· l<en.aklll Tra veleu-Tury '7-WanW to Rent Slnrte man, DO pet.a, went. 1 B. R.. bath II: kltchl'nette l>Y month or .-.OD J:xcqlirnt care ruarut.eed. Bartlett ~· Wm "D" Ontario. 2'J>2• WANTED to rent -3 bedroom bouae, Harbor area. yea.rlJ .-.. or la.. wilJ> OJ>Uor tO bl.17 .. w.,.t svac•. o:repa . t~eec1 yc1. Perm.&D4DU)' eaaplo7ed loeally.• J:x.ceJtent local tef•reDC& wru. box Xl8, Ulla newapaper. M&.tc BY REBPONSIBL& Puadm& taml17 U child.) Wt.nt 2 bdn:n. home ullfUm. or putty rum: Vlclnlty W.b 8<:boo1 by 8ci>t. lit. lhru wtnw mont..b.a only. Up to 176 per mo. Phone SY. 8-~78t or write C. V. Lucu. 12H ~ Vlaa 8l.. h9a• dtna, Ca.111. ZlcD 12 rr. MA.HOO plywood boat Mercury auper 10 with trallff $326. Har. 2431·M. 22c24 DO IT YOURSEu: \ O<l Pr:H ~10:"''1 H bu)• 1:°'' I pt ,\I \IC" .PIUnOI $ II S l '.l:. • 0 ,.,., i.fJln• t• all&htly 1lamai;t'l.I J 4 CHEVROLET • T Ple .• kl..P R' F t &. H~~{J~ --llYORA-)U'flC TRA.XS ;,2 FORD VII. I T DUALS :'iO CHEVROU:r 2 T. 14' Many other extra.a A beautiful car TAK.I!: AD\'ANTAUE of bla many STUDEBAKER -· .... --.$120.00 ye<ani or e>.perlen~ u a top OLDS • PONTU.C IS __ .1120.00 j no.t·h mechanic. I NASH ____ ,,_._ .... _.--$120.00 ------------ RIOH HAHN'S KAlBER -···-··--···-··-'12-0.00 TENANTS WAITING HUDSON (I ) (3 Mainlll . .$140.00 Why hav. a vacancy, wbeft tO'I E. 211rH ST. PLUS INSTALLATION we have tan.ant.a wa.lliDI foi au rr. HUNT ICXPRESS. Ball t.a.nk. Can U~N -t2 pU- Ml\~UL HY •-62&0 a!\41'r 5 P. m. Hc2-t HI-Fl S137. s1:.11 anJ "I'· Rn1n1ldl·l'h11l1pa. :r~O No r.t un. ST A KE. :l S r E E 0 11 ~j TtRZS Harbor 4726 Newport Beaeb Open D&ily 8 to t yHrly It .ummar rent.ala? $1395 Bl!lLD YOUR OWN HI -F'I phono1rapll. ualng Nl'"cumb 6. Harnion-Kardon AM· 1-'M tt1nl'111, amputlu•, apeaJcera It record paayera l:c>me m and ~e lhtm We wlll llelp you &a11cmblt rt Santa An11 E.lt. 1914. i'r.:t Valld:itf"d 1 3.1 kin~. 'iJ GMC 2 T COE. H ' asr \Kt-;, :! SP EED 8 211 TIRE!'\ Monda.)' ·w 7 p. m. Orwlllut Sewrta Rlty. TERRY'S BUICK 53 BUICK Sunday 12 to 2 Call Mn. Payton, Bar. ~2 ~2 ClU. \'R0Lm" 2 T. H JJIJlJY , 810('k m~ mttl our •t&ndarda 21di6 aBOR.ll MOOJUNO tor aale. Ba.I· boa i.l&n4. 1000 blocll, Sout.b Bay. 107 Ooral A.,.. Har. 2111~ 22p2• LE.A VING. mu1t MU my 1200 lT tt. Hew l"OLD BOAT. Wet LhrM Umu. Ofter ml' Jl26! Al*> rood mari.nt toilet JU Troptc Ul.1 S:. Parle. B~ll­ Oowe.r. Uc24 LJCIDlA.N -.iunr din1hy #377 ~ A dacron aall•. $400. Oomplete. U l-079S. 22r24 U" LD'E R.1NO JtO. Northlll a.o.cbOr with ao· ch~ a 100' nlrW' llM 136 ''i pJ. at.alnl .. at.e91 wat.r tank IT .&O Board· IJ\C ladckr UO. I day Nav'I ahlp doCk '36-O\mbal Jamp It 2 • ~ IJP'-t UO. New troub.i. u,tlt. • cord ». PtlddJu n . lot V\a Mutooe. Udo Jtl&- -it.-d. 22p24 FOR SALE DAVIS-BROW N 1880 Haroor Blvd. Coala M t U -LJ g.:i.:n HAMM0:-:1> Hpmtt Organ $• 11 2 SPEElJ, 8 25 TIRES w1·,.k In yo Ill 101111', \\llh •JUI '50 OOIJGE 2'a T Dt..:Ml', 2 LESSON. U>AN PW\N. P ii-I SPEED. 9:00 TIHES. I Vtl le l• .. on• Hurr.v. nnlv 111 few 11va1111 i,,. ~( you &re In ne«'d ot any type gchmldl-Phllhpa. :'1:.:0 No )t111n "' U!'leQ trut"k t'QUlpml'nt ~I ~lh at w ALNVT I 1o:~t1.1b 1914 I ~ure to AN! our •t<X:k. 3Q unlt..1 HUNTINGTON BEACH RIVI.ERA »ed&n 1' ull power- w1re wbeela, ~y It maroon, W/W. l owner New Ford t rade In. $1195 F\111 pr1Cl'. M-Muatcal, Radio, T \' 3~Mu<1lc-al, Rt\<tio, T V ~~~~~~~----------------~-~-~--~- ~ lo thUOllc from 00 S l'l3 CHEVROLET-B-;1-Alr-co-n-MARK W. W. W D v~rtlble, reJ, WSW. orlg-inal DOWNING GMC DEALER owner, low mllrare. radio, auto. 1ran11m1.Nlon. Har l'i4M. Hl!c 0.l'h.111 ta.a-. 1aakeL8 and oil BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS 310 E. Srd St. Kl S-81~ LOAN CARS -FR.El: TOWING STATE BONDED A UTOMA 'l'lC TIUNSK1S810N8 HYDRAMAT\C -OYNAFLOW POWJCROLIDll: COMPLJlTl)rOVERHAUL Used T.V.'s and Appliances 61'1·1!1 r:. 4th ~t. Sl\l'I"• AM 1 ---FORD I Truck Headquartt'rs r 1r I 5 5 Chevy I H11>o·y. S9 at Pa.ctnc Cout Hwy. $ I I 9. 50 ura nge t.:o. •·DR ~~1111 turr.li . ti'4n brrgr a. !2~ \\ 11 St .. Huntlnrton Beach lncludea all puu II: labor ---J',ithom &i•Y Thja a an ,x.l •Wherelhemoat lmport&nt Uun1 A~ WORK OUAR.A.NTRD 1930 FORr1 q > 1.tcH:ll'l A l':n· rdlr It r1wnlly \'Ill. Nf'w Ford in lhe a~c:y. la lh• cuetomer ) TERMS ·ARRANGED I ;;•'1e <·ompll't,ly O\''rhaulf'd tra•I• In fMMJ:Dl.ATJll DELIVERY Q# Har. 27i'O·J Z3c24 $1595 new Renault aeda.n. 6C) miles LOAN CARS 14" HOFFMAN CONSOLE $71.50 ,.1111 pr1c, per 1a11on 113'6 Blr.B AUTOMQTIVJ: SERVICE> New picture t u°b':'. bl&ndc oak l :!bln1t. 30 dtty I G rant W Mus"ack KAU&KEN -WATSON usu NELSON sT AT >.c Acu • MARK 1932 Harbot ~ M'• I LE t -lt&'S guuantee on parts and sen 1tl! your Hudson Dea ler tuc 11 16" PHILCO Table mod<'! S72.50 ::;ALES and SERVICE DOWNING Completttly r econdlt1orw.I. :m day guarantee 2:'>3 N. Los An&elu ia: r>-72i ¥ FORD . ~1-Aoto Sfonitt on parts and ~rvicc .Ul&lle1m uuc 28c24 21'' CROSLEY ssg,!)Q 19"8 CHRYSLER club <.'pt-. 1ood Good sbape. 30 day gull.rant~ on ser\ice & psrts rondlllon sm. 17" PATHE .... .. $99.95 Har. 2i70..J. Hwy :m 1l Paclfl<' Cout Hwy 221\ '"'' II at . Huntlniton Bl'ac IWhnl' the customer 11 th• moat lmJl(Jt'tant t hlnr In lhe agry I 41-Aute Senior R· E-0 Distributor BeauUf\.11 ft' a\P ad\oonu, JO ~ l:xcel. for chM\.tr $17,64(). COMtder trade. 1220 W • ...._ Slvd~ Nnrport. ----... ..... -,. Utt l! Buutltul styled mahog cabinet with 30 day guarantee on M'rvice and part.a. 10 rr. N. R. .._ JcMI sioop. 16" PfllLCO conaole •uU MOntalwa ~ ~ ap. dOOl1!. $8 1.50 ~--~---~--~- 55 OLDS HOLIDAY C'PE lOTle (T'ttf\· WSW, H , raaro. 1'1!aftr. trade In. utltul rw.> "" brak N .:vt Jl't>rd 53 BUICK Conv. Suptr Autho rixed Now 24 Hour SERVICE on u a.Tm.. l&lfc New picture 'Tulx'. A very ntr(' buy. ma1 M tt. OAL. 25 n. WL G. E 8 cu. ft. Refrig~rator \ • ..,, daCl'Oll mabla&1l. oUln Sta.ioless stN"l shf'lves and ~ bin. $9~50 Very .o. pocs. 81.eepe 2 &m1de A good condition. .. eutllMle, head 6 pllq. U 'T:' UX ~ sa.no-" down Har. rue AUTOMATIC WA..<;nr,.R DEL , E an. II p. m HtJc Uke new, Port'C'!tu n thru-out. Snp & Rowboat Space for Rent A.nw~n Lf'l1011 rt~l~th St Meet.l.q 2nd-4th We(!. 8 p.m I I I • PJ\t Davis-Brown ~9.50 Ll s-3437 :! k21! $239 5 Full prttt . MARK 1 DOWNING L .... r2~?.,. , "" I ,:_ Yt ~ ht .. H11nt1niton 8-c:h 1 \\hen th" inMt ln•pcrrtaol lhlnJ m lhc •i.o y t• lhl' <.'1111to111cr.1 Dynaflo .. Radio, Heaur White with black tO}S $1395 TERRY'S BUICK I WALNUT ~th at BEACH I HlrNTINt;TON I Truck _ Repairing * ALL MAKES * EllmJnat.. costly U&.upe I~ at 5 p. m. -Out at 7 a. m. Since 1933 SEE US FCR GOOD US EC UCKS ED. THOMPSON barage (Corwr 3rd It 1-'reocb) Phon.-Kl 2-2343 Santa Ana EXJDC1JTIVm 4k WUe, 2 dauptes • dos d..U. ) bdrm. untum.. bume Lo be&Cb u. b7 hpt. lat. C.rpetJnc. c1.ra,.. ~ ed. Yrly, 1 .. to 1200 per mo. Ll MUI. Utto Rentals Wanted We oMd a pt.a. and bOUM9 tn &11 eecuona for bOUl wtn&.a:r AM - year'a .,...._ rum. or 1lnlUrL • U you ti.an a .. C:uey, phoDe tod~ The Vogel Co. S201 W. C.t. .l:lwy .. Newporl 8dl. Phone U~rt7 I-Mil 208 Manne, 8a.lbua la1al\d Ptione HUbOr •« : 2867 I: C.L ~. Owvna del Mar. Ptione llar1Klt 17 U • Lldo OUtoa, Ull Via Ud9 Harbor •tTl 1702 Nnrport BlYd.. CO.ta, Mee& LJbert)' M69'7 EXCUTIVE. t.e&cllu .ts 9 Yf• • oW eon 'want 2 b4rm. untwn. home 1n 8&Jbola on the POIN't from July lat. Rct~: Call a.tter '-H&.r. llN. ~· FREEi J Seled.-a-Teoa.nt The ftlMfi fa.neat fl'ft Mnic• c. ludJOld9 •ftl'YW!Mre. CALL 8tUllC'T R.ZALTT Kl 7-uot lllft. WANTED-Board A room fnr i rol~ youn• mi"n fl"Oft'I Juna 23 lo aoout S.pt 10 rr.ttr bfonh an• nr C'O'lll )f.-. !Ur. &loth). U.c:I!> -To tf'fll a huu or buy • hot!"!• \1'4 8lniplt1tl Wa) l-0 rind a ~ to fhl', 1• t1ln111 ;:-h II'" •"11nl • :h .......... _ ... '•'1 ~.iwt-cw &wo ...... • •• itt T nioa a~t& ' 8J -..nlMI', mao1Jd7 w 1-.rf1. LIDO Re&lty A lllitodat.a MOO V U. II"'-&«t AVsULA.BUI NOW OM~ COAONA Dia. MAJ\ S 10 LAJU<.8PVA Be&uWUl 2 bdnn. bome. ., to w ca.rp9\. <lrapaa, l'IUI• ftnplu.. tAnal patto. dltpOMI. pnSfJ, util. .a1eo per mo. No ,.w. OCUN Vm"W -310 L&rkapur. W,-e MCOnd fiOOt l bdrm. apt. <lt.poeal, pras•. laundry 1100 per mo. No pct.a. . MODt:RN unturn.. % bdnn.. apt. ,.,_,. ~ • .U\O .,......r, ........ bllt. from INKh. Y-.rty leaa(. IOt·B Dahlia "'-'c:e-Bar. ao.12·R 2k26 CORONA DEL MAR LIDO BaJ'h'oat. 1 bednu. Ht 1~ 2nd & I st T.D. LOANS klba. pier, and .Up. A...n. Uh AUJ. 1 to .. pl. 16. 11&1'- bor Ottl tOdS CORONA Dl!:I •• )CAR. Lcmtly t bedl'OOl't'l Ul'\fUm. boUM )'Ml'IJ 1-. 1 child OK. $128 in· cl\141n.J utUiU• Is prd•oer. Dnp+.w A ca.rpN. META Nm.&ON 2t01 E. Cout Hwy. Har. 6660. Hc26 WA.Tmll'llONT, M.nd¥ bt&cb- brand new S B.R., 2 Bath, lovel.r home. Wall to walJ car- ~. bullt-ln kitcben.. 'Nlc• patio. Untum. )'e&.rl.y, r•trict.- .S ar•-1200 mo. J::&J1 Har- bor 1284. .Ev•. Ha'fbor 11&1. Uttc • ficnUll ail 0rup eou.lJ We Buy Tnut Deed.a 6 Make Collateral Loan.a Royef Mortg•CJ• Co. MOJ Nwrpon BlVd., Hprt. aeh. Harbor 1549 2' hr. pbon• HrTjC• Nttc HOME LOANS Oon.lt.ruc::UOD -ftal'JDl"OI llaJ• ~.,. • 6 i,i"" • ,.,. Ina. J'Unda -Blde. 6 Lou - Private Money TrUlt ~ Bourht a Sold Call rot rr.. Commitmmt ... . ..... ,!m)l~blme, ..-t. ~ ~ I lllb. .. ftitftT ... ~ ... .. ,..... ..,...... ........ ..,... 11&11 prtc. "1th '--ta 1'911 ,._,. ,.... a ....... ..... , ~~ pnftCJ _, ...,.,...u Ult W. YICl'QIUA, liwpect 111'W K·l A.CRlllAOJD lkwtr1, watcT 4 pa anUable ~ Dec. tlll.I 1•t. Prkle9 ai. Jumplns ln Ulla a.re&. Th18 t acre pitce wcm't J.ut aoq at •Taco pu &CN. CO>IMERCIAL KALJ' ACRE. Only 2 lot.a W. or Harbor Blvd. Hu .m&J1 houae renu111 at '66. mo. exc.u...t lnveat Only •10.000 wtth ~ Du. COR.NJ:Jll VA CANT LOT 10 x lM. Cl09t ln. J:ac Duplu or t.11pla bid&' llt.e. Ul60 cub. ......... ~l llatJLl .. i.&--. ftll.k• con t ud ,......, p&act ... own. OUlh. t.e.mra. or trade. l.lnlMdlatA oceupanq. P'LACJl:NTU.. 8T. PAftCEJ... th&l wW make your money ,.,..__ I acru. Hu low ..,... an• Neda 110m1 fUl. Priced ac· ~. • HOWi: OR DUPLEX LOT, co~ ner. Back Bay a.nd 00Untl'1 Ch.lb ~ A ••OOO b&rp la. BUSINU8 001\NZR. H&J1M>t' Blvd. Invutment. opportunlty. Property muat be .old. 1116 mo. lncome on portlot\ oc premlaN or rftdy for lmmedl• ate ct.nlopmtnL Ul tt.. OD Harbor. CUSTOM BUILT HOKES ON TOU!l LOT. $1175 to $1UOO. a.lecUon now. • ••1 lllta KINGS ROAD Property la Getting Scercer Then Hen• Teetfi But we ban found a Na.I buy. It'a brud MW \ I a bednna., 2 twi •u.. dbilni ..,.. and ~ area. attn.etM double fireplace, Iota of IDdtnct llfhUnr feature., patio and many otNr-~ ucluaivt appolotm~t. Wall to wall ca.rp.tlai and above all th.la 1a a vtew home. U you a.re looltl:nf for property lD th1a ..., a:cluaiv.-area. by all DMU.a call m. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor l~th • Irvine, LI 8-zeM EVES Fred Barker, LI 1-1111 e Stan Le Linn LI 1811 . Open Saturday end Sunday T-9 2662 CIRCLE DRIVE. BA YSHOREI AV AJ.LABLlll NOW by week or month clOH to bncba. '12 CarnaUon. Corona del Ka.r. Two beautiful newly !urn. twin bed apta. With bed divan.a wW al~ •· Dt1poaal•. diahmuun. ,~... 1aundry11, film. pauo with B&r·B-Q $100 per wlt. Wiii conaldt1 ytar le... to a.duJ t.a. No peta. NOW LL\IINO-rcady for oc- cupancy June l~th, N!lW. Un· ~m. on• and two bedroom apartment.a -Ocean vi-one block tr0m China Cove. birch klt.c:.hena -built· in Hotpollll ove.na and ranee, buUl • In breakfut beta. m&hopny pan· ellln1 wall to w&JI carpeUn1 6 draperlea. Otnuou.a cloatta A atoracr Separau ranee and launda y faclHUea. Aulom&tlC wuhea A dryer. One bedroom I $1~ per month on yearly leue. Two ~droom UT~. a~ Fem·------------ Jea/. Har. 3H3 20p25 ruRNISHZD new home with DON L HUDDLESl'ON LI 1-Mtl eo.t& Jal.a &. IIDID LOT·on Santa Ana AH. 60 x 200. Reduced to $27~ for qUick &&le Mesa-Harbor Rlty . a JtJ:NTA.LS, 1 bednn. duplex I bednn. 2 bath home. Income SJOO a month. $6000 down. J'Ull J>rlc. U 7 ,000. Delightful atttnr. re.trict.ed and aecluded. 1 block !rom private beach. Wonderful for d1loo dren. 3 bedrma., 30 ft. patio, extra 1arp lot. completely fumiahed. $23.~ BEi!: or call owner at 312 Carna-2 BEDRM unCurn. houaf' with Uoci Apt. D. Har 1M3 or atrvice porch Dead end St. Whllman Realty Har. 1M2 or Lai gr play area. Near 8Chool. H.r. ••~a. Ht.re $7:1 mo LI 8 ... 07e, HI! hcltlc LIDO • 3 bnn. 2 b&.' Lido Houae $2~ mo. • B&}'fl'ont apt. tum.Ian.ct, w1tl\ pier. p. a. palmer incorporated Ole Hanson Co. Management 3333 vt& Lido, Har. 1500 23ltc IRVINE TERRACE Smart, new modern unfurniahed home. 3bdrm, 2 batha. Lanai wtlh alldlnr rt ... wall to .... ~ pauo. Mahoe bar-type klt.cbtn built-In oven • ranre. Hwd pa~uet tloon. $2~ per _JDQ. l yr leue.. SALES OFFICE oppo.tte IRVINE C 0 A 8 T .~ W,JJNTRY CLUB, Coaat Hwy 101 . Newport Harbor. .. Call Har. 4H4 23Uc LARGE 1 bdrm. nicely turntaMd apt. '200 a month lhna lepL l~ .• lhtl\ drope to $100. Have many OUltrt. 3 bdnna. homt OD o~ TT-ont 6: EL81tWRJCRL 2 A 3 bdrm. apt.a. moat any where you want It on 1Um.tner 1 entala. ~0'1 E. Balboa Sl\'d. Har. Je<>e. %3pU SUMJ4..SR RENTAL.A 4 bdrm-. 2 beth houa, 2 bdrm apt • room wtth prlv1i. entra.nce. Har. 6478-W 24c2a CUF€..liAVEN, untum 2 bdrm. duplex. -~ oC clout 1p&Ce. cane• A fmced yard. Ttarly lean. LI 841117. 22d4 SEE ME-TA N~N CORONA DEL MAR f06 CHOICE RnIT ALS SEASONAL .. YE.ARLY. no& IC. Cout Hwy. Har. M&O u TWO B.EDRM... auptex $30 mo. ar.i,o ~ -cuu. MAX W. POPI:. R.&Jtqr., ltol Harbor Blvd., Coil& Meu. LI 1·11'2. Uttc Ave 2tc26 FURr.;lSHED -FOR LE.ASIC Newly d~corated and charmlnr two 2 bedroom 2 '-th It two 1 bedroom apta. wlt.h view. UlllitiU paid. Garbage di•· posal1, laundry room and teal a,u. Two l>ednJa, $1~0 mo -1 bedrm. U2~ mo. COAST PROPERTIE!. 301 !:. BAiboa Blvd.. Balboa. Harbor 29~8 or Harbor 4600. Lt SUMMER RENTAL -Furn. alud10 Bpt. at Bay Front home $~0 Wf'tk 4-006 River Avt .. Newpor~. Har. l80e-W 23c2~ SUMMER RENTAL -LaJT• 3 btdrm house, ptu.e atudlo apt., J 11 blo<'kl Crom ocean or bay. 240 Hellotrope. COM. Har. 3640-R Wttkmda or after ~ 24c2t Vacation Re ntals Choice 1 It 2 btdnn. apt.a. on 6 near btachea. By w .. k. month or uuon $00 week 6 up. BETTER Rl!:SICRV:E NOW. Greenleaf Severt.a RJty. Mra. P1yton, Har. 2M2 22c24 APTS. ON BAY FRONT Single, do\Jble 6 2 bedrm. Bal· boa aru. St&IOl\al. by wuk or month. Courtuy to brokel'tl. Hu. uoe 21~ CORONA. DICL MAR. aummer nntal. 2 bdrm. furn. bouae, cloM to beach. June Ulru Sept. $100 per wk. Har. ~11. 2•c2e DAY, WK. or month. Furnlahed 2 room 1uJtea wtth kltcberu 81-pe 2 _, I . UW1Uu pd. 150 IL to beach 6 a.boppl~. P'rM perktn1 $86 wk. up. BAt.BOA ISLA.XD APTS.. 32• Martne, Har. ~. DcJa LARGE 2 bdrm.. ~aulifully furn. ranch type home. Cover- ed Lanai, B&r·B-Qut. A Pallo -July A: A\JI'. Har. •0'13·J Ude ----·------OCEAN FRONT 'i!:ARLY 2 bdrm•.. completely a<ean view, 2 bedroom - den. i b&Ula. All 1pp1Jancu • 111 &. 17th IL M&tl'd pool. July 6' Aua-mt LOANS TO BUILD, DlPBOVS. OI' 12 month leue. Avail BUT, MOD~ 01\ June 21-CaA or home moet ft.DINA)fCJ; Import.ant factor. HI RJvera Wa Buy TTu.et o.eda Ttrnce, Corona del Mar. Har. NEWPORT BALBOA 8A VINOS IHOf·J 24c26 6 LOAN A1180Cl.ATION BY WEEK OR MONTH, July. AUJ. 6 Sept. 2 bdrm. l bath turn. hoUH, A pra1e or room A bath. Sleepa up to 7. W&1t Bay Ave., bay vtew. $&:! week. '32~ per mo. Har, 2'°4·J. 23p26 H .. Via Lido Pta. Bu. UOO Ua 56--Mooel Waated $T,OOO WANTED trom prlv1te p&Tty. 2 bdrm. hom1 .uuth of Hlchway. Corona d•l Mar. Pay back '70 ~r month a t G C. leymolU' -Realtor oot Center SL Co.ta .Mua U 1-Ull or LI t.'1714 Close-in Home 2 bedroom home, lot a MU. Can build on. Floor tumac•, wood floora, double 1ua1e. tile kit- chen, patio. CtubhouM Ave. near channel 6 Lido lhopptn1 Center. lde&l for r1Ured couple. na.ooo. Good ttnancl.nr 49-Rooma for Beat os':ORNE • FORTON ftEALTT NBC REAL TY CO. Co'•· 2323 W, Cout Hwy. (at 32nd •Newport Blvd., Har. H31 Port Oranr-e) LI l-TM2, en•------------**** Vlattot1! 'Vac&Uonlall!I !:njoy llvln1 on the Ocu.n J'ronL Completely turnilbed ldtchen· elte apt&. and room• wtth pri· vate b&lh. Maid Hl'Y1C., f1" TV. 230a W•t Ocun P'ront, Har, 6157. **** Har. 5164. 24c2' WANT $3,000 for I yean. • .... Paymenta ample MCUrlty. U 1·27tl 2Jc24 '7.100 TRUST Dl:ED t~ pay· a bla $711 per mo. Gilt e<t1e Ll 1·1704 aflA!r 10 a. m. H e WATERFRONT By owner I bedrm., 2 b•Ul home, bullt· head, pier • fla.t J4oa River Ave. Will Jive inunedlate occupancy. 14dl IMAGINE THIS! ROOMS with kitchen prMlerea. Handy location. 32H Broad St. 61-RMI Eltate Exdlufe Har. 2144. 24o2S '750 down for I bedl'OOm 2 yr. old I'll.A bunt home. Beaull· tul w..U lo wall carpet and nicely decorated. Only PG.50 per mo. lncludlnr tax•. lnaur- aJH'e, pri ncl p.. a.nd 4 \9 ~ 1n • t•~•L Full price $1700 FOR RENT New ottlce lldC. Udo ahopplll( • ata. 170 mo. on yra. leue. BA. T 6 BEACH REALTY INC. RltALTORS 3112 1Afay1tte H&T. 3g43, Har. 29H Eve&. 'Juat to the rifht of Lido Brtdre' ttc • Ground Floor • OFFICES OR STORES For Leue ln - Harbor lnve.tment Co. Bide. 30th A Newport Blvd. Har. 1&00 bF.ncu FOR UNT Birtcher B11lldlnr. Mar • Crut Corp., 201\ E. Cout Hwy. Corona del Mar. Har. lt64. 24c28 .8A.N .BERNARDINO mountain cabin • a lot• adjolnlnc n.ear ato're, Mcluded, will trade tor local. Har. 4080 °eventn11. lllfC TWO DUPLEXES N'ear Hip School, Income U .'60. ToiaJ Prk• '32,600. WW take part trade. Har. Mtl 20c!O J'OR RJ:NT - NW CXl1Uft:R. lfth • Ohnre. Colt& Meaa.. SHOP space of 1200 aq. !L plua 16000 aq. ft. parkl.nf n ... FRANK JAXU, Harbor JOU. 1 Tttc T Ac res Beaut M-1 N&XT TO $100.000 NEW BAil· COCK SL&CTRON1C8 KJ'G. Newport-Mesa Rea lty 1Ttt NewpOrt Blvd . Coat& Me• Ll 1-MOI, SveL LI I · 1237 ManufactU..er FOfl 8ALJ: OR. LllA&J: w1lh option to buy, 1ood I bednn. home all fenced wtth 100 n. frontal• In center o? C. M..a. DAN A. JACOBSEN, ftul Eatatt Har. Mil, LI 1"'311. 1C.l 2·2117 14c.2• * Ocean front * U>VEL Y STUCCO DUPLEX - Lars• dbl. rar. Near the pi.r. Enjoy th• 1ummer In your own nice home walchJnr th• bo&ta • yaehta ro by while )'our t~nanta pay the bill Only $7500 Down Level, Sea view. AU uUlltlea. Mu1t. nil lmmedlaltly. uo.ooo. * N ;eort Beach FP. Owner. LI 1-3215, 209' 8W ORANGE GOAST PROPE.RTI ES 1837 Newport Blvd .. Coata Me.a LI 8-1832 Evea U I-HOO ' NEWPORT BEACH Live prKUcaJJy tent ftff In a brand new du11hx. A tenant i. UI• landlord'~ beat friend. Upper llld low· tr unlta both have two bed· rooma.. Real fireplace In lower unit. Spaclou1 deck on upper unit. Very clOM to Bay and Buch. EA.y ac· ceu for your boat. Over- alat 2 c.ar 1•ra1e. Get lhe cltt.alla. U ,000 h&ndlea It, Se ven Isla nds Rea lty & Investment Co. ~-32nd SL. Newport Bel\, Calif. Har. 6161. alter 6 pm. Har, &M7 EXCLUSIVE CLIFF HAVEN BeauUM I 'bedrm. S bath home on nice corner lot. J'lrtplace. forced atr hut. wall to wall carpet, dllllnr room, 1pacioua patio wllh room tor pool make Ulla an out.t.and1n1 buy at ' $lt,160. H OOO down. Newpo rt-Mesa Realty llff N'twpar1. Blvd~ Coata. MeM I LI 1-~. Evea. LI 8-1237 AFTER ONLY 6 MO S. ALSO A VERY attractive 2 bed.rm. 2 bath on Vusta, completely turniahed. Cape Cod atyle, all electric home $28,000. ll~O ISLE Nearly new, and perfect, 3 bednn. and den, H4 baths, carpet., drapes a.nd Quilt-in kitchen. Thia la extremely nice and a real home. TWO BEDRM. and den on one of the ni~ atreet.s. All the charm imagmable -a..Lso like new. Call for further information. MY RTLE DAVY, Realtor & Anoe. Helen Baum Haul Condon 3432 Via Oporto Har. ~H6 Evea LI 8-6297 LI 8-1709 Har. 1017-J BALBOA 4 bdrm. furn. older home, large living room with fireplace. Unjt heat, gtrbage diaposal, 2 ct.r garage. Ocean view, close to the bay, $23,500 tenna. FIRST TIME OFFERED. Income unit 2 bdrm. !urn. house with large bedroom garage apt. Excellent renW area. 1 blk. to bay. $21,500 term.a. FURNISHED DUPLEX t.11 on one floor. Good summer rentals. 1 block to bay. $14,500 with low down paymenl COSTA MESA Cozy 2 bdrm. and lanai. Ranch home completely furn. 2 car prage. Set i.J\ heaven o! flowen, tr~. abruba. Fro.it trees galore. Corral for bont. All fenced. 66 x 300. $6000 down. COMMERCIAL corner 145~ x 150 !t. Near Har- bor Blvd. Pre3ent improvement.a ahould carry ttll property developed. Beat buy on W. 19th St. COAST PROPERTIES RUTH JA..YRED, !Ualtor Mildred Riggi and Sylvia Thomf»Op.. Auociate1. 301 E. Ba.lboa Blvd., Balboa Har. 2658.or 4600 Deluxe Duplex tum. utll. pd. 7000 W. Ocean 5S-A-8Ql1.-Belita Ftdtral, CM lltlc HO.Ml) and COMIC. t bednn. 6 1 bedrm. Hp&rate WI.Ila. We'V• ~n moved &nd mu1t Hll beaulltul n~ a bedrm. and 1 dell (or 4th bdrm 1 21, bath home, In 1tcluded Harbor Hl1htand.c. Jtx~n1lve pallo tor rndou• outdoor Uvtnr. Linen room, tieape oC CIOffl apue, halla carpeted, Other tin. bwd., Birch cabin.ta. 1arb. ~p... venlllaUnr tan In kll· ch•n. Above all thl• home hu ROOM -over 1600 14. IL of It! Priced at $22.t~. Buytt may &Hume owner'• 4')"'o la&n. 671 Terealta La.ne. Ph LI 1·2~ 2Sc:M Are You 'Looking For The ... Finest IN PLEABUREABLE LIV ABILITY. THEN SEE thia truly outstanding home . • FURNJSHEO '1 Tiii ft OLD, 2 bedroom and 4'en. 1 \I, bat.ha. fore.cl air be&t, private, barbecue and patio. Re&uUtul view, picture win· doW1I onrlooklnr the OCMn Very &ttracUve and well de· t.all~ home. Nltel)' fl!mlahed. A.dUlt.a. On• ytar leue ut Momtq Canyon Road, Corona del Kar. Ha.rbor 4H4W. llc30 'Choice Winter Rental.I on Balboa Wand 6 Udo I.ale lm&Jl • 001(1 or tars• It d•I~• •T6 co PoO month VOGEL CO. 208'·~ A. ve., Balboa laland Pb ... U.rbor 444 or Harbor 1016 R-. Har. 1819-R or B•r. 12H-R RENTAL SPECIALISTS CALL l!D1' .. A CJtA10 a.uc DORIS IRA Y, Realtor n• Marine. B&Jtboa 1a1a.nd Bar. 20 01' '4 ON BALBOA ISLAND au ua tor y-.rly and ..,.onat nntal.t. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor IOI K&.rtn• A ff. Barbor 002 BALBOA I.SL.AND '3-A.-Apb. for •nt Front, Newport Beach. lttlc PENINSULA· NICE A.REA Unfurnlahed apt.a. wlt..b l'&~e 1 B. R.. -$90 A l B. R. -$110 Ph. Har. 12M -Eves. Rar. JIM u NEWPORT - CltANNEL FRONT 2 B R. furnlahed yearly rctital $1&0 tnc. uttlllta Ph. Har. 12H -Evea. Har. llM tf 1 or 2 bd.rm. apt.I.. l&W\dry rm By day, week or mootb BLUE TOP MOTEL 403 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach llttc UNFURN. comer houae, 2 bdrm1. Near t chool A beach 190 per mo. ChUdren OK. 445 ~1onla, Corona dtl Mar. 23p24. Nl:W 3 bdrm. 2 bath unfurn. hou.&e yHr lea.M, $96 mo Ll 1·3333. 23c2G OZ" E BDRM. Wlfum. houw, cltan, tarp lot 382 E. 23rd St . Colla MtM. $50 mo. Har 1294-M. 24c2e UTILE ISL.A.ND Bay FTOnl 3 ~rm home. !\lttpa 10 Available June It July. Har. 38M·M. 23Uc CORON A DEL MAR tum hQJ.l.M nn lf'&a<-$86 mo .• or will rent tor 1ummer. Adulta Gara1e. Nnr Ha.. Ul Fernleat An. 24p suMJilJCR RENTAL ntar hurt - of Bal~ 3 \9 bfodroom l ''t U.:ASJ: only 3 bedrm hOUM cloet bath. "1J'nlahtd 6 all autom I to ahoppln1 cuter, ea.ta Mt.a. appU&.nae. Bar &1a1...i. pr30 Kl ~O or au. 182t tl.Cc 43-Ap!!: A Bo n • Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., NpL Bch. OFFERS OtUfbt.tul Uvln1. Apt.-Cabanu. UtiliUea paid. with Y&Ut abp accomodationa. O&Uy • weekly' monthly. y.rty. ::.tcr appt. or ~ Call Hu. 2UQ2. .. lHt Newport Blvd., Cotta Mua. AltrecUve unlumilh9d ot'flcu. 1 room '30 -'2 • roonu '75 - Harbor 616'. rma. $~ Park me. 17tfc NW CORNER. 17th A: Oranre. Co1ta Meaa. Oftlc• or ahop apace of 1200 aq. ft .. and 15000 aq. tt. ot park.Inc aHL sutt- abl• for Htall bualDeu. or ll&ht manutacturtnr. FRANK J.AKl:8, Hu. 2042. lltlc B/ B Comme rcial Indust rial Department Pottntial Subdivision &:I Acrn -IA't'el -Conll1uou1 lo Colt.a Mesa.. ~.760 per acrt. COMMERCIAL Lars• dbl rar. and laundry rm NMr bey, beach • Udo l hOP"· Only $14,500 NEWPORT HEIGHTS DUPLEX. S bedrm ... 1 l>edrm. nn rear oc lars• ft-• lot - 76•111. l\m. tor 2 more unlta, n•r t111t1 achoo!. Onl y $I 6,250, terms C·l Lot. Newport Blvd., In New· MtMBER MULTIPLE UITING BY OWNER A TnL\t.'TIV~ duple•, nrar Udo abopa. Jl'Urnlahed. $24.000. Bhowa e.xcellent return. LI t.1267. Hlfc 1 BDRM. ROM.I!: on i&r~e lot in Newport Hetctlt.a. clean, nice n1lfbborbood. fenced yard. ClOM to echoola. By ownu 641 Rlverald• A Vt • u 1~3108 after & :SO p. na. 12llc PRlV A Tl: offlcu with phone &11· awertnr Mrvl~. Secretary It notary available. Ground FIOM. New Trldtht Bids .• 2200 New- port Blvd., Newport Beach. i Adjacent !ouUI Coaat Co. I Harbor 3021. 19<:32 port Beach 124' x 100' $18,600 HOMER SHAFER, CURT DOSH, Rltr. M·l TO LEASE R.J:ALTOft • Wt ti.ave cuenta that are lnt•t .. 1oe McFadd~ Pl., a t NpL pier 315 Merine Ave. ep~:Sul:n:~~dlat~r ~~\.o c~~ Phon1 Hu. uo any Um1. Ba lboa Island 120 x 130 Comer. Near Back at&nllal firm•. It your company Bay. Cotta Meaa comm•~lal tiarbor 1560 I• lnlf'rtated In th• tax adYan· lot. Cuh or trade for Corona BALBOA ISLAN[)-bldf. 25 by 40 tor rar111 repair or -! Har. 502 lllfc l•&'• of leulnJ. "' would like del Mar 3 bfodroom •nd pay to dlacuu lhe propo11IUon wllh caah dl!terence. owner. Her. you. 3361 tt M-Bu1lata Opportunltlee I Bay & Beach Realty Inc : LAROE older horne \11'W of REALTORS Harbor 6 ()('Un. $17.500 tum. CAFE IN CORONA DEL MAR Hat 4908 tfler I p. m. or -A nel1hborhood bualnu1 -187~ Harbor Boulevar•1 wfftl •ndll. 14c2t t•t•bll•hf'd over 7 yra. Priced Co.ta Meaa, eaurotrua -- fllJhl 6 terma aa e offered R. F'. Ctddta VIA XANTHZ-Udo Iele. beau-R~corda A partlcuJara at our R. W. GOONen llrul I Br. 2 ball\ aln&I• alory. office. U .000 dn. Day or nlshl phone LI. 8·17U Lot ~ x 11 Only 4 yn old Prlc. $47,000 Brand new wall L!:E CASEY OJ'F'JCI: to wall ca,,,.un1. Vaca.nt ONE OF THE LAST view lot.a hr Cliff Haven. Per- manent view of Harbor Ii Ocean. 65 x 110. $7,9~ Harbor 5971 Hc27b N'EW-3 bdrm. )louae.. 2 car r.,... •I'• cloM to ahopptnr centu. Coat. M.... By owner. KI 6~10 or Har. 1121 tttc 2721 "E Coa1l Hwy , 62-Re&I Eatate See today j Corona d,1 Mar Har 0848 BALBOA BA y PROPERTIES Aft adena Escrow 2lc29 Near Udo ShOJl'I l~ w. Balboa Bh·d. Har. 5111 -----------F'um 3 btdrm. 1 baUI 1tucco. 112·A Eut 11th St., Cot1ta .Mt.a cloH lo Lido ShopplnJ center. 11500 DN mov;-1-n.-I -m-ontha Liberty I-~. lk.2a Loca l 5 & I Oc Store btAchea A bay. Sacrlfke at (lld 3 bdrm .. 1 •1 bath•, 2 car Good leaw Ruaonable tnm•. 1822 N.wport Blvd , Coeta Mell&. Jlc29 $16.500. Only $7500 down rarqe. patio renc.c! back E. W. Hill Har. ~13-M. yard On ... wen. 1114 Har· SANTA ANA INDUSTRIAL CENTER NOW LEASING lllfC bot Blvd. Ll 1-1141 23p~ -----------LOTS, on the Bay M' to HO' front.are. ••oo and up per rront fnot to •ua.11.tMd bu;f•ra. Plua penn9td. 0.0. McNa· mara. Collln1 laland. Harbor 2N2. 20c23 111com1 Propcty BY OWNER. new ranch home. I bedrm., i-. b&UI, dbl• prar•. built ln oven, •love. dl.lbwaah· tr. UHd brick fireplace, rup 1t drap.a. uo,aoo. us E. Hlh Place, Coit.a Mta. 1..1 1-2060. Jot re By Owntr Balboa ~nlnaule llfWly fumlah• e0 2 b«lrm plua 1 btdrooM ,,...t houaa, paUo, l 'i batha. Small down. Call Har. ttTO-W. 2.k21 OPEN DAILY 37~ OCEAN BLVD. Word. cannot paint the picture o! thia diatinc· tive home built on 2 level.a on the bluf! overlook· ing !he ocean and bay. Hu large living room, dining ana, 2 bedrooma and bed-aitting room, maid'• room, 10larium and terraces. Deligbt!ully arra~ to take advant&ge o! breathtaking view1 !rom every room, of rocky couUine, jetties and broad beacbe.. AU plua aepante gut9t house with magnificent view. Priced below replacement coet. W. E. FISHER & Associates 3024 Cout Highway, Corona del Mar. Har. 6032 Eves Harbor 24.2(). W COZY & CONVENIENT , Tbls one bu a friendly warm interior with knotty pine livinr room and ued brick patlo, ~loH to tra11.1portatJon aod within a block of MJ or ~an. 2 bedroom.a, can.• and WOl'bbop, excellent condition and completely tu.rnlMe4. Open afternoon.a at 1038 W. Balboa ~ Owner Will eell with amall down peyr rat.. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor au.•na ~ • ' 2eo2 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach SOME EXCELLENT BUYS 3 bdnna., 1 ~.. bath., Corona Hlchland:a $2B,l500 3 bdrma, cloee in, COM ..... ··---------iS,...lt,000 2 bdrma. le den, Newport Hta. -$17,!IOO 8 unit.a Corona de! Mar, EXCHANGE -$80,000 3 unit.a. Corona dtl Mar turn. . ......... -··--·--· ~.000 Mod~m concrete tilt-up bulldinp Tailored to ttnanu nHd1 M-1 or M-2 soning. Nearly n.w au.ra«l,,. ea.ta ,.... dupleit. lncatn• •~ady. lllUIOO tulJ price. '3~ dolnl. I:. W. Hill. Har o.">U·M. 11 tfc LI DO ISLE MOTEL type apta. I tum uNn•t• 13 bdrm1' low down WW carpet' , ............ ·-·-···---.$11,000 -very best IU<aUon et.a , over $MOO F\lll pr1ce u~.ooo G H LATHROP R It .ICZ81: trnna Conatd'r hl>u-" • • , ea Or WM. w. SANFORD & Pan A Y9 at Marifte. Balboa I.al.and Associates Bar. 3'62 FOR IAL.IC BY OWNER 2 llllDIUU~ l ~ balJI• Exffi· kftl locaUOft. For tull lntO\"IT\A• U. -U Bar. 1"'1-IL Udl 1" trade. ~ E. Coa.lt Hwy. Corona del Mar BALBOA. l!JAY Pt\OPltRT11!8 1101 w. Balboa ...... Hu. 11a Har. MU ~Har. &880 • , • (:5 ft. R·2 lot. View Harbor entrance. s bednlil., a Mths. lari• brick patJo. l'umlahed. ~eenent terma. YOU WON'T S~ ANYTHING UKE THIS AGAIN FOR S26,750 (For earlier appointment call F.ditb Maroon, HYatt t-6222 or Lou Boynton, Harbor 2878 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave.,·Balboa l.lland Har. 1775 Now Is the Tim• 01 . 1.1 ~ To move in.to tbLI eornpMte11 • fUID. I 1itorr ._. Wbeft ti.. eYer ~ .... VIMP wfoll cs.l1Cbt you and YO\IJ' tridd.l t bedttllMlo 14' ~ •lt.b otM oullldil room &¥ • b o w • r. ' '2'.000 TetiU. • SPECTACULAR HARBOR VliW 4 bedn:Pa • ckn. lull d1nUlc ropm. VOGEL VALUES-:::~~1tn!~~= u:s.ooo. CORONA DEL MAR Bay & Bea~h Realty Inc MOST ATI'RACTIVE 3 BEDROOMS, 13~ BATHS JUU1ll'OBB South of Hwy. Modern 1n desip. Sliding glue Corona del M&r Olftce 31130 IC. Cit. Hwy., Harbor M&3 doors to cemented patio. FA beat, beam ceilinp, full red brick wall &round fireplace. Arrangement of living rm., dining rm. and kitchen afford.a ma:ximum "Indoor-outdoor Living". ~ under $20,000. -$SOOO. down. 2 BEDROOM HOME -$U,9~. -$i050. DOWN - BALANCE LIKE RENT. Completely furn.lahed. -ocean aide of Hwy. Ez. cellmt condition. Dbl praie. Fenced yard. Flar- atone patio. A "Real" Buy. In ShorlCtlfft 2 bd.mul aM ..a. OM ti the ti.Mr horotl ln ~ MOUon. Very att.ra.c:Uve. U you lijlf a M&u~ loc&llon on U.. Wllt.r, w1 ., lt. Your own ~ to bfmt and Iba most deU1bUul Yl"' lmq'ln- able. I bdnm. I-._.... ao acree bl the County. Zoned M -1 and .A,ttt~ • <ft JIOUI\ BJDD!tOOlll - •.lKILT ltOOll -ft'SW, BW -noon. i bath.I r.i-.. •11......,, bUUtLD'.. _,.. Dbl. ~ '" P. sn.aoo i1.ooo dowli..· 1f Tlll\IDI .. DEN -'hf "41Jbborb00d. ~. 11 ~ ~. oaly 1 yr. C>ld. a botef1 • CIC a 'llY· owur llM'ltq mat ..U. J'.P. Ut.600 -tT MO ..... tr THIU!Z .. WCN -~ lilt. OW1W built. nice •b'J b&Ll. Mat .. new. Tb1I can't Jut - lA&IJ talk nnarv:tq an um o-. F '· SrT.'60 -Sl.500 down. * THRIZ BEDROOM -Sood vtew, pel'Jed H.W. floorl. S'.P,. r1• heat, ~. drape• tn- ctuded. beauutul pe.Uo • WW. J'.P. only '27,600 -'5,000 down. 1f ~ BEDROOM Ir r A.KD.Y Jt.OOM -igw vuy adulll ... rt&r L.R., J'.P., J'/A Mt. ~ "1tcw, lnolueliq ~. ln~ llYIC.em. .. 111&111 otMr flM f~ .,. .P. H'U50 -$1,000 dDwL W. A TOBIAS, Realtor "you'll Uk• our tn.ndly MZ'Vioe" THE VOGEL CO. Fittmonis Rlty. Co. .00 l!l 1Tth St., C49ta KM& Llbertt 9·1119 otn0:a IR1S;l' UCR.D'lc&. I ~ tlllird .0oora UJ•. Lot 1 B. R. ~ Cu be divided b1to two IOOO -· IOl&lOO fll8old. C&U • lh1.I bar-_, ft. _ _..,. _ salA 90\lr. ..... r-".,.... , . . LOn -E. nat •t. ICllllto.a.11o 1 B. R. turn. $&800 near marktt and .poll ofllGI. · OM °" JiamU&cm toxin for , szocr O!' trade for equity tn J 2 B. R. .:..... Reduced '° $7000. $2GOO .,...., Mdml cloee la aao.m.. • . 8. A• NERESON 4 ·B. R. "family rm.-Redueed to $ll.~ .. r.. down. Lota -from $2200 up. ieu N~l\eo.t.a Mee& OIALLENGEI CHALLENOIC! ~)·-: l.tbert,-1-tt'rl. 1tvM. LI 1·1511 70' 1~0• N rt Blvd -C • "''.a--• _;._;,,a~. .. Ll'baft1 .... , . x -. ewpo . zone. '1 ~ ...-. • repaitw to code. Key lot. Orictnal ~ '2'f,IOO $495 Down Ntw I 8tdroom. J ll&Ul Homea Oll ~ Aue Lota Located OU C&n.JQO ·Drtv• Jl.9t Morth ot V1f*ri& (County) Jut a Avall- &ble. Move Ln about July laL 'J'ull Pdce e;io,293 wtth p&)'- 1M11bl ot f7I. per month. $1750 Down --wm now co er all ottel"9 unw $204)00. . Qwner unable to ma.ke rep&ln. Aleo 110' z m• on Broadway, incl 2 B. R. tru:at ad pr,~ Alley. Ideal corner for multipt. or ,rat_._& . bldg. .. NEWPORT BEACH .. Duplex on Newport ~d -3 B. R. and 2 a. It. ·• ·• One unit fu.ni. Acroa the •treet tna pe.rk ud _,' bay s\\'imming. Good view. Owner auSoaa •· to sell. $23,750 a Bdnna on11 1 yean old. Lov- ely yard complet.Iy fl'~ c.,.,_, M.ont.hly payment.a o! SR tnclude Ta.Xet, and tnaur-uce. All lmpl"OvemtnU In and Commercial office bldg. with lovely 2 B. R. home• . J>&'d f4r. J'U1l price •tMOO. 1eeond floor, 'off lu1hway in rood locatloll MU • $2250 Down new poat offi.ce. llri61q. ft. in otti~ eeo mapt;~ -·-lo , ... ~ 1 2760 aq. ft. in 6 gar-~hoUM unit.I. Al8o 1IDt ...... Wu-• -.nu near y new • • ham• bu au the tine quallUea for off-street pt.rlting. Muat be Mell to r.cos· ... , tfound ln bomu priced .everal niz.e advantages. · • •· thouan4 doll&ra higher. Check Uie fOUowinc featuru. Hardwood floace roroed Alr HMt.11'• 2 Bat.ha Completely ftMt'd ar-kful Bar Dbl Oarap c..ruuc Ttle Lath and Plaiter w~ J'uJ.l pn~ $11.~ wttb pay· menta of SH. per UlOllt.h. BUSINESS OPPORTUNl'nES Long established jewelry store. M500 plua invmtory. Exel. location. ... FRANCIS J. HORVATH, Realtor 3420 W . Balboa Blvd. 2218 N~ Bt'6 Har. 1428 Eve. Harbor 1565 U Ut~ 2667 E. C.t. Hwy., Corona del Mar HA. 1741 HA 0757 "C" Multtplt LlstlDf "-!tor. ------------------COST A MESA the best town on earth .. VOGEL VALUE-MAIN OFFICE NEWRORT HEIGHTS Thia lmmacnalate 3 bdrm 11'1 bath b~e l8 3~ yra. old. HW floon, cpta., brick fireplace, lota of tilt. dDl prap, N\lt. lucUca~ fenced. GJU¥ $19,900 includlnr carpetlng and drapeL ' THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hilhway, Newport Be&Gb lJ 8-3'81 You Will Like IRVINE TERRACE New Furnished "Homes by Macco" OPEN EVENINGS UNTn. 9 :00 P.M. lnt.riors by Martin & Von Hemert \ Beautiful homee in the fineat location • • Pricu from $26,000 to $3(,000 Your inapection ia respectfully aolicit.ed EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS On Hiway 101, N,ewport Barbor, oppoeite new Irvine ~ Country Club. Harbor U'8.. UDO ISLE DELIGHTFUL! ATrRACTIVE! PERFECT! 2 bldrm. and deb, l i,it beautiful batb.t, 1W111y ldtcllen, lowly new carpet.a and drapea. $27,800. 1 ~down. Term.a arranged. naa ~~WV CorOft.a ct.I Kar Hatbor 2152 Your LUCKY NUMBER May Be Liberty 8-11~2 8/ B Wt ha•• theM cholc. propertlea and many more. I 1 aa. -r. tjdf C. M. 181000 -~ -take 12 unit.I. Gracious ivmg 1 B. R.. hOUM _VERY hi~_ '8800. c.11. with privaq and 41$t 19 aMUr- ed an w. lllX\lrlou. a bdrm. i B. R. houa. 1% bit.th.a-low down. C.M. A: den I bath Lldo ho!M of t 1aw1eu conatrucuon on TWO BEAUTll11L RANCH HOUSE -2 B.R. A Den doz.. fllll lot.a (U'.14 a comer too> ma ot features. wtlh room for pool. Barft.1A at • ' 5".500. 3 B.R. lbnt -J'laptone plantert -fenced yard - • • • • beaut:IM ya.rd -patio -blind. -many other atra t•tunl -,18,000., Sweeping View ot ~Y &Del 0ceaa tfotD Uda JbOd.. 3 B.R. 6 Rump\19 room nea.r new ..choot Ideal f.&mlly em home ot man, W1DdoWa -home. • ~ bed:rooDa " 2 b&lha -Jara'• &.D1ftC rooatt:-: Mz.-. 3 B.R. cud Haven-mooo. completely '1:&1'pettd and drap- ed, AND llta on one of veey 2 B.Jl. w /1&rp lot -2 car praft -vlew -per!ttt few t• W.. Wl&.b iaoerQ&nbla for rlsht parcy vie-... Real ~ for l&rs• .,, ' • •uooeufw = 3 B.R. 1 yr. old -1 % baU:m -bcirt nei1hborhood -· •tv.eoo. Submit dmm. · • • • • Sey I B •e-tt RJty. ltu~. REALTORS 1176 H&rbor llouWvard Cost.a M..a, C&Ufornla Ll ... 171' Ene. Ll ... 1111 'OPPO(\TUNITY MAX W. POPE, Realtor • Auoctat.el 1908 Harbor Blvd LI 8-1'.1'.2 Coat& Mea. -~--~--~~~~---------~ Open House Sunday 1-5 p.m . 2092 a.dlanda Drive (NN off Mtea Dr,. j\dt _. OI 'haU. A.,..) NEW MULTIPLE Ufrr!NG Two Bou.au on two Mp&rat. Iola. Be IUn and ... th18 top quality Back Ba)' aru J:u\llde of tOWL V vy cloM to home of a nice bedroom.I, hardwood f1oorl. !Jr. NO. 1 maJor ahopplnf oe.nw. Mow place, copper plu.mbfnt, tldna1-roof (parkllb) mi~ Owner Ml'da \.o MlL OJ\e hOUM bu 2 bedroom.a _ all fenced rMr yard• priced to Hll for $12,950, h&rdwood floora -.,..,.,. -4 ~ loan, moderate dawn payment A $71 per mo. a y•ar• old.. n.. othu t.a •one For pn-ahowtnr, call now. bedro<>m tlome. The price la on.11 11,ooo., Open Hout• Sunday 1-5 p.m. NO. 2 _ oPPORTl»llTY 327 Ramona Place, Costa Mesa Wllh '"'o atnet troatape. 'fOx Cott Santa Ana Ave., ju.at No. of ~th St.) ED JONES, Rltr. Keft\ber of MWUJ* Llltlng 1991 Harbor Blvd. LI ... 3333 NEWPORT HTS. SPECIAL . UO HOLMWOOD DRJVE J'UR.NlBHllD. very attractive 2 bdrm. home. I.Arr• corner lot. B&clcyard ten~ "1th % area pe.ved.. OPllN )'Oft IKBPJ:CTION Tue.a. Tbura. and Sat. atternoona. PRICED TO Sm..L -TJ:RltS can be arn.qed. Excellent Buy 5 ACRE ranch located in the beauUful 8u Juae Caplstrano b1l1a overlooking the ftlley 6 Ire. way. A ap&cioua home (approx. 3000 911. ft.)"' -· 3 bedroom.a &c den, large rumpua room, 2 bat.bat _" 3 firept..cea, double 1a.rage, beautiful ahnibs Is · . trees. $45,000 with good terms. MORE a.cnap ... · available if peeded. • • Newport Het&'hta --ON THE CLDT. Unacel· led view. 3 Br. 'home, 1 ~~ ·bat.ha, 1arre ward· ·· . robes, double garage, aervice porch AND nrim· ·· ., ming pool with extra dresaing rm... toilet SM.000. On CATALINA Dr . ....:_ N. P. Hta. 2 Br. homt, .. '· 1 ~ bath.a, tire place. Dble. pract, & bup1a at·· $13t500 6 reuonable ~ • G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd., Coat& K11& 'L11-1111' UUOO. -'U Eut lllJl SL.~ ta K.u. a bdrm. 0 L loan. Paynwiu MJ.61 mo. tncl .,.. ------------------- GENTLEMAN'S ESTATE inter.et ud Impound.a. OPEN J'OR INSPECTION Wad. rrt. and lun. a!t.ernoona. Ralph P. Maskey RLU.TOR HU Newport Blvd. 3 bdrm 2 'l2 ba home on full acre. Completel¥" -- fenced Ii land.caped for prtncy. 815' Lanai. 20 X .: 40 d'1ue pool Call for appl to .... 8-luoecl to' .. sell at $46,500. ··• Balboa lslend Income THE VOGEL CO. LIDO OFFI~ Ne~rty new -furn!J.hed att.ra.c· 3416 Vi.a Lido, Newport Beaeh Har. -mt Unly. Eves. Har. 5179-Hac. 51'~ Har. ae.30-J . .. 11e&ut1tul two ~roorn ootl.••• with ~out two bedroom ·~t. Th1I property ha.a !l V Jt .ft Y- THING and lhoWll a lttm•n· dou.a income. Ll:T UB SHOW IT TO YOU. NELDA GIBSON REALTOR IN M&ttne .Ave. B&lboa Ialand Phone Bar. 502 -Har. 4823 • LOOK !"! Attractive Cliff Haven Triplex Threet room aptL, pra&e A .t,rap ~ ,.~· PatJoe -ahake roof. Beaut.lf.UD1 landlcaped. j., ~ ALL LEASED ON YEARLY BA.818. h'm. . ..,. by owner. To Me it la to buy tt. DtoeDiDt lo.come, pri~ to 1ell quick. fteuonablt t.wma.·· Clinton Eastman 505 St. Andren Road LI 9-6'76T ·: .. ., OSBORNE.:fORTON REALTY CO'S eoo. Cood locaUo.a. Here'• an Ideal family home 1 yr. old,• bed.nu., 1% bath&, o~un1t¥ to ma.ke • few coppet plumblnr, p.tb. dlspou.1, llSOO eq. ft. An at 210 Vta Lldo Nor4 thouand buc;)ul. ~lbUlt,y ot 2323 w. Cout Hwy. (at Port Orange) ~. Jh ui ettnt tld.t II t&Clption.U, IOOd ~ at $12,GGO. low down (BAYJl"RONT) . FOR SALE AND LEASE BACK:~~ LI 8-7082 -Jhe1 Bar. &298 24c26 .uu a iooct lrl .... t.mem. OJ>. payment ud ~ per mo. (ML No. 1683) • a bdnn ... J b&tha portwut.y pr1c• I.a Oftly 1 • Pitt It tar,. allp 62--1 x -·--···· -······-··-·· .... --·---· --............... s '1•000 FRANK JAMES, Realtor • 0omp1ete1y turn .• ready to N L P • d D p ' NO. 3 . -OPPORTUNITY 271 Jl. 1 Tth St., C.ta Kee& LI 8-22'6 1tv1 ln. · ew ow nee an own aym,nt M·l Acreage (Jt1.1t Eut of Thrifty Drua> s~'~i' at. u11.600 ("o .. 222 A.POLENA, BALBOA ISLE ThrH ac:re1 of itve1 .proper1,f. ------------------TJU.DE !-Y~! ioodcomm~I Now soNd M·1. OWnw m~ CORONA, DEL ~~AR or "lll.llde'' realdence. t.UJe S 1*1rm. 3 bath home. Private boat wll to mHt oUwr obllptlona. fVI Jltl!'NT?-T•! sea'°" u .600 mooring. Vacant -_., anytime, Opportu"!'t~~~C:, a only First tlm. ollved. nu.. bedroom bom• with oceupy immedla~ly. separate bunk room and bath, juat a tnr f•t THE VOGEL CO. LIDO OFFICE s.ue V1-Lido Newpo~ Beech Har. m1 Phil Sullivan & trom Oce&Jt Bl..t on 90uth aid•. Dbl prqe. CIJ'INlted, drapm ud. loftly i-Uo. All modern Geo. r. Everson convenience. and in immaculate condJUou. ONLY 18'>1 Newport Blvd.. eo.ta MM& $~.~ Eftll !Ur. 'e179 -Har. ~1..i -Har. 3QO-J ---......;;...----..------------I...IMrty MTll S.... Jlar, 4.aM CROWN OF THE · SEA Thia King Siu 8a.J1afA la pl'k*! below replace- mmt c09t 1n beautlful Ooroaa. deJ Ma.r. With Jars• rooma a.nd cscellent view of the ocean, thia bom• hall 2 bedrooml, alMplni den and la.tJe fa.m.il¥ room. Dia.iDJ a.rea. built·in kitchm 6 a double firiplice. UDO lSLlll ,._ tM, t• ~ rolllld llvtns la .... , can. t bedrm. 1 ~ baPia, -.. den. flrepJ.ac., new W lo W carpet.. 4n.pea. cloet\a plore. ewlh p&Uo. •:tt,IOO. Owntr Har. !IS5·R llc24 Altadena Eauow 11.J.A llaa tit.I\ It.. CO.ta IL .. LAert.1 WMI. Udl ~y REALTY CO. M'4 E.. Oaut Rwy. Col"OD& del Mar II.at. 2188 (~ from BaU ln C. D. 111.) KDBD OJ' llULTIPLI) Ll8TING 81.IRVICE . RETIRE IN THIS Roomy 2 be4rm.. •Jt.h hwd. noorw • l.lreplaoe. Beautiful patio and la.nd8caJ>Ull, iarp eo ft. lot with 801M Yiew ol tilt blue Padftc. Take over SEE THIS! . HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. REALTORS 30lh • Newport Blvd. Har ltOO 181 ACRES RoUtn1 flliothlll rancli ln Bouquet Canyoa. a rm. adobl' home. f\lnL Luye hOrH barn, t i. llUalt nnL a cat ~r. t runnfftc' aprtep tll •Cl'flll f~. approx 10 aarte oould ~ put In ~tm. paawre or al!alfa $G2.&00 \4i daWn or tnde for Hartior area property. a.nor •'11.. 20cll NEWPORT BEACH CLASS A store f-Dd office bulldlnl locat.4 oa ma.t import.ant corner 1n P•uc1ena. Prioe $'100,ooo. wm Pt.Y 7~ net net aDd wm 4epoilt :.-. ,.. $300,000 u leue leCUrity. Lup ·. · depreciation factor. CALL0 OWNER, T. D. Bosvt. Ryan U18T· ' or Barbor 1121 PULL UP A CHAIR . . . .. • '. • . and~ lflM to thi1i -~ ·~ The 300 Members of the NEWPOJlT BARBO& · BOA.RD'S MULTlP!.E LIBTING IERVICll .W ' over a Million Dollan worth ot l'M1 lllta.te Jut, _._, month, and apect to Mll aaon than a •to00,000 th.la. month I . -Cooperation ~ona ita m...,.. and coucis1114 e.tfort made It PllliWI. • : l LIST YOUR PROPERTY TODAY O~ EVERY .AFI'ERNOON at 308 Po~y LOTa I ft.a a.&e Ila a.-Ilea ~ "'1ata ,, S.t& ... .u. ... '8400 '" 01 1o&11. ruu price $19,000. 1 • s bedroom bouaee a l s1JaC1e WJtb your Favorite REALTOR DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2902 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Bar. 4718 1 Wll Q-. ii --..,,..... MftW.Jll9.-•U..ta6 .......... pwn r. '20.000. WMl ..n ,.n -au. Mn. ·~ 1111 Via lu R.etno. 8a.r. Oltl or U ..sao2 Jka& A R. b STRICKLER, Re~ltor R. B. HODGE. Auoclate 3822 E. Out Bwy .. Corou del Mar. Bar. 2'77i apt.. DoQbJe prq~ on two 1ote.. n~~ 1 bloc• g :;;.;.;.":.: ~ Newport _I .drbor Board of Realtors ........ 1. -TWO DUPl..JCXD. (t Ualta) Furftt1lbed. in · ·B.tlhc-'• tie& natil tqM)t.. Okler, 1"rt eomplottely mod~ a.ad nbuDt. ThMI wilt. are .iwar rented, a.nd wUl~ JOU a Geellent lneome wtth Utti. ~ ~ P."OU -U,400. FuD pnee only SZ,9C50 wtth J!0,000 down! 3. -RETIRE o~ rIVE THOUSAND ooILAR.s A YEAR I wtUi Qt.la 'l ..ita in Balboa. 4 s1D11- &Dd .3 doub.... ~ redecorated and returniahed.. (you'v. nner Mell a.nythins ~e it) near to bay I& beach I& neryth.ing. Ready to go. and many reMn&tlo1111 already made go with it. A gold mine for .Gm.e luky buyer at $29,500. Low .. rmoo down' or will trade down. WHY W AITT THIS IS rr! 4. -BAY FRONT; PIER I& FLOAT, ffith . apt. to rent. too. Beautttully mod~~ with llldblr d001'-full w1dth of liYlng room, with prpe>JUI ·view of the bay. Open Houae Sat. A !wtday- See thla at 1100 E. Balboa Blvd., e&lboa. Only '40,500 -Ttnm BUY NOW A: HARVFSr THE ffiGB SUMMER RENTS 1UST AHEAD! fisher & Company 2603 Npt. Blvd., Npt Bach. Har. «29 Eve l.J 8-3217 8/ B S.lboa Peninsula Exclusive Juat lilted. Approa. 1700 lq. ft . of fine COD· ltnlctJon. 20 x 20 li.tng rm., 2 lge. bedrml., full dinblc room. KUST BE SEEN . 'i to N appreci&t.ed. NEWPORT CORNER LOT ft..t . PENINSULA-MOVE IN NOW 2 B. R. Dm-;-1% Batba-Ftreplace. Completely h:rn.lllhed -Nice Patio $21,'"50 -$5,000 Down PENINSULA-LARGE CORNER LOT 2 Bedroom -1 % Bath.I Beauutully Deeonted - Mee Patio $22,&00 -Term.a -~" BEACH COTT AGE '0n Rear of R-2 Bayview Lot Completely Furn. ,10,000 -$2,000 On. -• Summer Rentall -Y euly a.ta.la • Baytront, Oceanfront I& In-betwem BAY & BEACH REAL T)' Inc., Realtors 1~ w. Balboa Bmt, Balboa, Barbar 126' ET& Har. lB -C' THOMAS "C" TBOlUB ''C'' THOMAS COitONA DEL MAR CHOICE 1.00ATION SOUTH OJ' HIGHWAY -4 ICDe VIEW too! Really nice a bdrm. A: tamR1 room. 2 b&tha, fireplace, hdwd. floon, •11tltul p&tio, dlahwuher, drapes. tee. lot 30 z 1M with room to add income unit, EXTRA GOOD VALUE at ,2e, TM. HARBOR HIGHLANDS ONE or THE Nlelm' IN THE AREA-In A-1 COD4ltlon. a bedrooma. 1 % bath.a, ise. Uv. rm. irWl ttreplace. hchrd. noon, lovely patio and &uc!ICaped ,atd, fenced, FULL PRICE $19,000. "C" THOMAS, Realtor and A.SSOC1A TES "" n& W. Cout BJPw.y, Newport Beach LI 8-M27 ~· THOMAS "C' TBOKA.S ''C'' THOMAS HARBOR HIGHLANDS OPDI-MT. A.fro SUN. 1 • 5 561 Diana L..n• LOYl:LY ' bedrma., J~ batm_ wall t.o wall ca.tpetbal. CJUl'taim aod drapm. cllllnruber, buiJt4D Holl7 pa nnie and OftD. wb'9d fo~ -:v, ridwOi»d O"&pemke fmc., laJ1e pati( Judec•l*'"bf B~. TbJa home bu a•~" Gt lau and my be purcbaled for $8800 down. BUSH roR TRIS ONE! DUNCAN HARDESTY, . RHltor 2802 N~ BtTd., Newport Beach Bar. f T1.8 Uc2I ·Lido Beech • Pu&ct for ftOatlW! ,, r • . 2 bedroom, 1 tiatJa Pbil ~DI room an4 1Aa •~ Nie. p&tlo, '2 c:v ~ MOM ID tocl&y!' All aoellent "f8lue " m.soo. . · · . 2 Bedim. 2 Beth on Lido . U 10lll onq Mid I Wi1u., wt want a .UY ~ home. um• tt. ao u. tt'• h&rd to 4eMdbl. -.~ .tc>-~ ~.Timm. cmn I& ran.., ~. tuJJy deccftted •Del nJBNI8BED at OG1y Pl.GOO. Comer of Lorca & Soud On• of Lldo•1 belt CGl"Mn, Improved wttJa a nl~. newly petnted a· bed.rm. a b&tll home. Os-beam oeiltng, wood pemltn1, Iota of tile. OOMP .6.RE at '32,MO. Owner uudaua. We Thought This· One W 11 Sold! But the buyer wu t:ranaferred. 3 bdrm. 2 bath, 'ftrf mwt, ~ s1u8 to patio, carpeted. MIU' ,North Lido Beach. M-1, 5 Acres On Briltol next to Penn Optical Co. The perfect location for a plant or buaineu. p .. a. palmer incorporated ' ole h•nson co. m•negement am • lido, harbor 1600 1 1 .• t I 'f • l } The Rigf.tt ·G>tte ~ · If JOG ban been loo1dna cm:.Udo .ftr, j\mt ~ rlAt laome, and h&ftll~ &1111 te ftld Jt. call ' .. ua and w. ~bl slad to allow JOU Mw tU71t ta to ftnd the rilht lot and~ ~. jw wtD t. .· p!'!'Nntly nrpriMd. It mipt be tM ..... to your problem. p; •· palmer in~~rporeted ole h•nson co. m•~•nt 1100 1'. ea.a hJPRJI -·IDliltpM&'rl OUR SPECIALS! CORONA DEL MAR-61 t Poinsettia St. s··1 B Balboa Re•lty Co. OPEN FOR INSPJCCTION -l'rid&1 .. Saturdl.y ~ Bunday (1) •WlllLL llEACB BOKI> Oil . I RJ:NTAL PllOPl!RTY •• KR. HOME SEP%ER want room for that !up fam- bd:rm&.. 2 t.Uu, ttnplaoe. ny ! Thu~ -um ~ 8Cl tt iu.n.. ·a bld- p&Uo. llO tt. to •1 nnm· roo1118 -2 batb.8 -AND a beantffQl LAltGE µPO. ISLE ' $19,500 • o~ lovely Lu.xuriou:._!•~=·· Ho'."• ·~' t.thl Larp ,. ... Mat IJlp ....... t .. (wW laM anaDllr home lft b'Me) • Reel V•lue -65' Corner ~· ·' ·w~ WnlJJ' bome ' Wrocilm, J~ b&t.be · 1Arp ntml"l9 room J Patios ~QI' PdP . ~1.100 -aceDeat tM'llV (Lol alone ll fort.b. \JUOO) Owners' Plans Changed N..,..n..., cu.tom home I bldlooma. I MUie • nne earpt1t1q • drapee ~t•" Lido b&rp1n -SM.600 Good W•terfronf'.Buy a bedroom9. s ~ b&Uu Pier 6 flo&t A.eldn& sn.ooo -# . ALSO~ high on the bluff OV•looldns harbor and ocean Lonly •lew home 2 becSl'oolM. each with bath Larp dm "with ft.replace napt.one patio Room for pool BeauUtuDy la.ndac&ped Owner' mot'ed to Colorado Otten barpln at JSl.IOO mlnJ. lllMpe UJ> to 10 peo-0 _., · · .,, .. 11e,eoo. Xln"l t.erma. c.1" with built-in Ulevialcn eomWnatioa. All wool ftll to wall carpet and loftly t,Jber ata-l•vf~· Ne•r Lid~ KILLION, reel estate I 2 I OWN'l:ft BmNG TR.A.NS. nM.m>. WW Ml1 hJa • wlil bulldiD&'. NCCnU7 re· 4~ nlotl7 f\lm1lbld. .\«Uaotnl to the bay. '11.000 1WmL drapee included ID 0 •Dlni price. Compan ! See for youneit: . . . . FIRST TDIE OJTEUID · OUR EXCLUSIVE in Exduaw Beacon Bay Oil 'PllNINSULA. DUPLEX and a far1¢i. a bdrma. \Ip~ 2 Have FUN all th• tima! Let ua lbow yoia U. ~ down. Attracttvet1 Nmlllh· M3 bedroom -2~ bath home In a 1eebade4 r. =-.DOO~•ia:!. Laundry. micted.&ft.L ldalcA aia for -cb.ildi-.'~ • bet.ch and lllD&l1 boat land.J.nr. 8e&11Uf\ll eclmed (t ) MCll J Bl!DROOX HOllfll patio with tJubecue. All th.I.I and a ..... _,.,._ 1· and cut. bacb.ior ap&ttm~l ~ ........... 1a rear. L&rp lot. ~ bedroom ap&rtmalt over Pftl'I* eom~ ~ ,.110. I ~ ..,.,.._ All n.lahed and bu lowly bay .tew. ~· fliiO'i!* f'Unlilbed ••. be .we to .. ONL y $32,liOO. .· ~ ••. 117,600, t,.,.., (5) OC&A.N l'RONT Dt:1PLD BALBOA PENNINSUU. CbarmJq az4 ~.8 on UM Pentnaula ••• and BA hOme. 1% b&tba. N-.r Ba~ bethtnl beach. only 160 f~ to be.J raim· Lo'ftly patio and be&ut. land8Ca--' _ __._ ~ tool 8MeP9 vp to H ~ ... ~ people. J'lnplaeee. a..rse $28,000. Tuma. m BeJVue ~ wa.Ded .,-uo. A ruJ nlue at. in.&00. BLA CHE "> ANOTHD 0000 mcoKll. N A GA TES, Reiltor t bedroom boaa. and 1 bed· MEMBER 01' MUL'l1PLE LISTING . rootn ~t onr 2 car 311 M.ariDe Ave,. Balboa Ielend., Ph. Bat. 1871.0!' 1872 p.rap. hmLlbed. Near -----------------bay and ~ Rent.e ..U lummer I& Wlnt.er. i10,ooo. terma. - (7) Bm..D'lVll IT OR NOT • • • PenlU\11& B&y tront home v v Best Buys Corona def Mar ,~':a~== pi!r ~~ 1. ·r SHORECLIFJ'S. New modern a b9clfm. and d&ll all tor m .ooo wtth mall home, built-in 1toYe ut4 Oft&, pitt. &poeal. ear· down J>&1'D*l OldeT ~p-peta and drapea inclucW. Luce nJGety·IHd ... pM •rt.J. but WB.A.T .A. vA.J..tJ&. lot. Owner leavinc th.ll area, priced to 9111 at (I ) '6.000 DOWN • • • blo'w SM MO. elt.bw al I krft11' Pen1uu&a ' Potnt bom-. Mt.b ... OM 2 .. .I A RARITY. Seldom can .. oUu a 3 bedrm w'lth 2 bedrooma and den y • at '2UOO. UM ot.Mr with 1 home So. of Bichway, chol.ce loeation, R-2 aone, bedrOom. and I b&tha at I rarare .treaed for apt. above. run price Ul,600. $1'5,500. $MOO down will handle. Owner wlU. B lb R I C carry bl.lance on reUc>nable tmm. Should ro a oa ea ty o. in A BURRY. Shown b1 appotnanmt. Oppolllte Bank of A.mmc:a , ROM o.-ley l:d Lee 3. y' v ALUE PLUS 2 Mdrm. home plu.8 cu• room TOO E.J=•:.;.~bBalboa plua 1% bath.I, hardwood floon, rA. 1*.t, clo.t to Pbcn. H&J1M>r 1277 1hoppin& area and ocl1 2~ 'blocb to ~ ud beach. A bllt wy at ftS,500. Ocean View Home 4.. ( BEST LOT BUY, Zoned R-3, ~and only 1 LA.RG:JI qU&Ut1 home on 2 lltl'Mt block to ocean front on lil&rprlte St.' LA.Bl' ltnl& 0 w n • r movtnc ... i. AV Drive by 6" Cabrtllo Terrace, AILABLE LOT -On1f •15(7'M>. Coron.a HishJ&nda. Tb.en call ua · for det&Ua. • 15. y BARGAIN 1UST UBTJCD -ftfa 2 bedroom OPl:N HOUU SUNDAY 1-1 home, la.rpJivins room. tlrepl&ce. dual floor fm'· DAN A. JACOB81lN. R-.1.:.tate na.ce, (thermo cont.tolled) plua;.!: douMe _,._ Har. Mtl, LI 1-4117 Kl 2·2111 •-,age sb IR?d for apt. aboY•. act fut OD BACK' BAT VIEW CORND LOT. 70..UO. II. s.. corner T\11- Ua • Blem Vl1ta. 17960 caah. LI 1-tal. lid• RETIRE HERE Not a tract home. 71 ft.. ll-4 lot, channt.ns I lldnn. home. LA'T• Unns room. beauutul pat:Jo. now... 6 •~ Y°'1 thJa one! ONLY Sl'17fi0 ~USIVE wrrB 08. MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTINGS CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTION, lt.Jtor 3«7 E. Cout Hwy. Corona cW Mar Har. •7 (Office located nm door to Newport Barbor Bank. OdM) K~1ao::' :! Lefty Murdock, A.uoclate a ,... ~ fl "*'1 i. add ~ Newport Blvd. Harbor S505 .... ••f&llld. AIJo'••• lot--~-------------­ a..o.MelllSlt.JIO. . We M'9 ~ 1fA1, BVMY Well ~well 'PlafDM le WI 1oHl:,y ' ~ boma. 'ftie II~ roam. Joolltl oato. l &pUfdr f'rate• 1Mp ,.a. .u. ~ DQ. Lot -.uaJ to .......... i..a .... &t ~ ,,., .... " U6I lilt. .... ~ ·~ . -· u ,.. ...... -at. " will ..... ... .._ ... ,_ Giii DLDD ~n'ftOlft' t.MUc llalW Wied. It -'~ lTOO .q. tt. Gd ,,.wt ... ~ ftO.odO.. • OCEAN FRONT EXCLUSIVES Duplex, boij:l UDit.8 nicely furn.1abed on eorntr lot 12 blocU wat of Newport Pier. Fine location wtll thow approsimately $3000 yearly cro-- Full -priic&-enly S23.l500 with ieml . ALSO Two bedroom home at 3701 Sea.lhore Drive, ncttt on the beacb.. Completely tu.rn11hed. oomer lot. mqy utru tDcludins non.glare German Cl'fltal slue lD tront wtndoWL Two pand patioe. Full price, only $28.'500 Wttll t.ml. OPEN DAll.. Y 12 Noon to 5 p. m. 2 BeuUta1 ...... ~ ... i. ::=..-=:::!!''°! J. M. MILLER CO. Me.r lld w. ,,_..,., 4U1AS 2026 W. Balbo& Blvd. (Near the· Newport Pier Har. '091 iu.m. lltl}'A:r. · lay a 1 .. c1a.1t.atty 1n·c VOGEL VALU!S-COST A MESA . .. Ra&lll'OU . .uu L&ta,.U.. Bar. *J, 2111 mv-. 'Ju& to U...dsM of LWo Jlndp' BILL'S ·BES1 8\JYS HER.E'S .: OOOD ONE .:... ....,. HJh2 Ort 0... .-.. .. -_ ... ft.l ...... .u1fl111,~ ~,... .... ,.elf .. t:imr. u.~ a...~ ............ ~ ,,_ llJ,IOO :i:~r-···· ~THE POWER MOWER Complet tum. 2 bdtm rustle tyPe home. Shake roof, mumve n.l8ed hearth ftrepl&ce. a.nd lltep •vinl kitchen. 3 bl.U to echool and ~ptai ctn· ter. A real ~ at $2000 down. BE REAUBTIC Buy what you want at 1.· price you can attord. $ ~· tA. heat. BW floon, dbl ~ oomplet. f enc.d. cheery atm09pbere, low down. '11.US. · THE VOGEL CO. TMt' ~ )l ~ bomit w'IUt Ji.w. Ooel'I......,.,.., Lt.raw Jl700 Newport.Bhd., c.o.t.a lie• .. ..,..._ ........ A ta tM ftr7 Eva Hart.r 1539-M LI 8.o6f8 ~-QieMle-J'ut .. r-r -----------------old..'aaiet.....a•~.· 1'IU II.-. ....... .,,. .... al. SU.TIO 9M th wwtJa .man 90 Mlt aow. 1 w.~BIAS "you~Jib eur frimdly •rYtce" 2 6ot &. ID«. ea.ta Kea . UJlelt;r •Ult . FIRST TIME OFFERED NEWPORT HEIGHTS Cuatam buDt rude 2 bedrm. boaie. Old brick flrwpl&ce, bwd. nn., bar kitchen, ah.ab root. Lars• patio utd be&uutul , wood I fence4 JUd. laaulated and weathenhipped.. 1 Ys yn. old. neat u a piD. Owaer mOYinr trtm a. ud bu Home prleed filht ONLY $115,000. OCEAN . FRONT HOME Lovely 2 bedroom.I plu.n. Larr• Uvtns room with tlnpl.ace, 1 Ys b&thn, nicely fumiabed.. Two car pnce. so tt. ~ located in belt Mada .,.... can enJ~ qUI•~ ~mtort • ~~-~~-~-~-------~ real beeU\7. Can add unit.I • ,· 600D.NEW$ JACK BRENNAN.· REALTY for tncom.. iu,000 on terma. . 1'boee wbo d*ut • ay MOOO Bar.*°' Den GARDEN OF PARADISE ·. ~=-.:::.·::o~... ua.ma ., 'Md&L '-Ir ........ ------------------. Waterfront -Pier A Float I b.r.. J bath Prteed r1C'lt Dupln. ... '"1000 Oup'6. I lu. -awdlo UT.500 4 b.r., I i.t.b M0.000 I br.,. dU, lit· rooma &M.000 BAYSBORES 4 .. , .. den. loada"' ~.000 a~ .• 2 bath. Ip. liv. rm. Pl.MO Tft.A.011 -·~.oe ~ foothW -..i... llie&uW'W laome, tw watelinlat. • Claire Van Hom ltl:AL'roll JTJl W. Coe.at Hwy LI M2Ti Refrealdnrly cosy a bedroGmt 2 '-th ~.... ~-) ... '*"apt. tJed &mODI aotic tro~·· ...... M--. ~ N~ ............. ; Lilt e'IJl ta. lrd .--...... -. ........ ..n. ...... fU,liOO. ·in ptctul8QU. CUtf Bann. Thia bom9 off.. ... ... Aped -1T fine conatnaction, along with Jase llvtllJ l'OOlll I wr.:. 1~ W-. •i 90l'le. a.nd ftreplaee. d1ntni room. ~~ 'With •nice . ..... .,,... ...... b&r and. tarp 2 car p.r8.Pt The price 18 TttJ L. m"MriNo • U HUI reuonable f Of' th1a locatJon liD a. .1 TUa . a..~ ·ea.a MM& OPEN MOST .Arl'JCRNOONS.. See thJI at 4-01 lDap P1aOa ' DUNCAN HARDESTY, Rffltor 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport BeecJa Har. •711 -· . Lar9-· V'..w bri HJiillW"'*' lllL, Mt a ~ ~ ,-.. te .... fW ~a.a.a... ~ - D.i.N .A.. J 4'X'til* M ....... &ltai.e Bar. •t. t.l 1-Qlf, a s~IU'T Hdt POSITIViEtY CUFF ~A ~N'S BEST BUY 3• ~ comblnatJOD 'bf'ealrfut u4 edDJ ~ 1up 2 car prqe. PIOll*t7 f...S ud. a.adicaped. ~ 11 Ol1lJ ~ nil>-4t _. aooo 'llmo"IM cSoWn. otbenrw. lt'1 a STU.Lt , ·EARL W. ST ANlEY; RHltor 15th 6 l.rvtDe. l.J 8-21564 EVES r.'9d Bubr Lt well r _ Stan Le Uevre I.J I-~