HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-06-29 - Newport Harbor News PressllAl'l'Y WINNl!lR, ~ QWNl!lR -Mn. Braden (Kay) Finch, owner -llreieder ot many champion Afghan hounde, t. · lliowu with CNwn Crelt Zardonx, a male who woe hi.I second beat of abow Sunday in 21st Annual Harbor Cities Ken- nel Club all·breed dos ~ in J.onr Beach. Mro. Finch bolda w1a.n.tnJ rlbbop. lllve,r cup ia In front will go lnt4 J'lncheo' OQOCIO.O trophy cue. -Staff Photo JalJ .PtJL . HereJuly26 llATllllil& ··-.... 19 .+ 56 Fees COuncil IS Advised • • Ch•mbw Appn1Yes $25 Uc-e For Newport c--• all exi.lt.lns ordlnancea In UM Munldp&.I Cod. put&Jnini to r.. tor the luuance of ,city l)o ... IM>l!!i Ucemet WU today re- ' -• commended to Newport Be&c;:h Qty Coundl by Newport Harbor • • THINGS TO POP ON 'SAff, SANE' BASIS THIS FOURTH hbllc ~tiallier i«wic. OffeNd Ed lAwt. of Uf4 Elden Ave .. CDltt. M..., hu •tarted a pv~ It' Mn'ln weather report-fM f'chtam·.,, and tiahermen 1tart- in1' aero. the C&tt.llna Ch&n.MI at nl(bL .. So ina.1 p«IJl1I. NI.ft eoti· tacted m1 rt:prdln1 I.ti• --.th1r ...,... tMy Kart ·~ the ehanMl." 1.AWt• report Id. 1Mt J dtddt!d °" a ~r a.nd .U-4.lWWertrt.1 telephon... wu; tM .,,,......, .. . Now, _,. ~lftl U ... llU MY· Um* ~ t p. m. ud I a.m .. )'tle.btam• and n.herm• wUJ ... tomatkrally bur th• i.i-t WH\her report u or I p. m. fl:Orn ltollanu Alrlln. tcu-th• Jf9Wport-C1taltna Cl\81\1\.tl area. • IMPROVED MEASURED MILE MARKERS • Th• meuured mile, otf N..-port Buch between the WW\ jetty and a.Ibo& Pier, U.. ~ rt:locllled. Utuilu lo L. W~ Covert, head of the Rnet. department. 'MMi former w,.t on Baltio. Pitr wu located ln ~ ~nttr ot tM pier hou.e and the landward •It• ~ U.. nq pale 00 Ul4I pa•llUon . .._t. too BMr the PJr eculd not ... the e«'Ond tarst:l. IO 00.... Jl'll In \WO ~ on the WNl •Id• or the p .. r. Tacht.n•n UM th .. m.......-ed mUe lo che(:91 their qMd Wldet' ('fortaln ll!"nsfne ep.eda. ~ lht1 will be atKe to ch•J1 a t'G\lne In • to1. Of' dar91. The pictur. ahMie ahoW1 Covert with the two taryet. tn Jin•, -awr Photo - • ., -..")_ ........ , .. . .. · ELKS TO + OR ·SS • PHONE HARBOR 1418 Retord of Mesa Case Over Annex Missing! • .. HE'S LMNG! .· ·: Firemen Thanks 24 Yean Later -·· let ~ ., :~ HONOR SO. YEAR MEMBERS Two memben o( Newport RarbOr Elka lodfe were honored 1ut night when they received 50-yur membenhtp line. From Wt, Bob Cole and IUehard E. H&rd· cutJe, both o( whom have been membeni (or over 60 ~•ra each reeelve pina from Exalted Rultt Dick Newman. -Staff Photo • • • .. ... ' . • ~· . . . PAGE 2. PART 1-NEWPOltl' HAltlOlt NEW~ I ' • FRIDAY, JUNE 2', 1'56 1~1 / • . • • • • I I . .--°=1•. t • ! • ' ' . : • 1#. •• " . • :~ • ' • . .. BETTER HOMES dEslGNEO FOR DISCRIMINATING FAMILIES .. •, • ): .,. ., . :-: 0 ~ OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL PEOPLE ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' l • ' ' I . . . . -. "· ... ' . ' . . . .. • ,. ,. ,. " ~: .. A. 89C1uded commun.lty of ttn~r hom. featllrins ye&I' 'round livin1 ill a MCIUded attno1pbere ... only a. tew mlnuta trom beach play- powida for boating, fiahini and bathing -yet, 1et in a met.ropoLi· ta.a. area that it· en.ha.need by nar· by modem achooll, cburchet and 1bOpp!Jl1 cenLera. ' OIOIMI to On.np Couat7'1 e"f'er- mer r 11lq 1ywtan of moden. l're&- wa1f> llaloly _., "1'! ot Ona&• ... Loo~-llGI, ... ..-... qi, tr-!lie~ I ·-..-ded "blc dtJ" "'""'"""-lo ...-•Joyablo ,_, ·......i lnodo• OYOTf .da1• •• • . r • FEATURES ... ftN -aiw ,i.. "'o J1lll 1""' -of IUMdual b-atJllq la ellllu . ... , -··--kt, ............ '~· deolrablo '·-=· , ' . -.W• ...,_ ~ .,... . ....,..... ~w Hrttdl. G. E. lllermoolal loeb llll'lllobed ... ID· uh olab doon lbrou&hout. coatrolo.• · ....,. la -..._. r u ...iu., ater1or do-AD UvJac ..,.... deolped ,., o•ld-lhllls -:.-....a "'-'--llld· lliloir~.llbn ....... -''""" &flll llia1lnttra .. all ...:.0 ar•p. ~· . ' ....... .,. ~-· .. -· ...... .;.. .. -0.-•1 ---F•IO" ... ,.. ............ ....... 8allt-la 1G9*L. ...... ""*" ~... ... , .... -_ ... to _,.__,.. _ .............. ..- _____ V•W.llq_ ..... ~ ..... fbqk __ , .. ...., _ ..... __,. ·- -.&oil JOrhs. A.II uWltloo la ... pold Q, & f01'11114 Ur f'uMOll f~ lnclud.lac I e W I f I , .. 911!Mwn wltll. d • W • wtti I mw na•tt•1 water ud pa. · • • DEVELOPERS \, .. • • • • • • .. \ • • • • , I • ' . . • SOUTH OF ORA""GE COAST COWG'E • • COSTA' MESA . l •. • J• • • .· S A'T UR .DAY and SUNDAY ... ' ~ \ ' College Park Homu are lo.ceteil in Coile Meia on the table land of Southern C1lifornie'1 Co1st -where WHterly wind1 direct from the P1clfic Octen frHhen .tho ·air ••ery day of the year! " ' •• Perl: ~ ore d•i9nod ond conllructod by on .Oron90 County firm thol knows-tho Orengo Courify mo~' < ~ •· · J! G.E. KITCHENS ALL ElECTRIC Truly one of the molt delirable featwa of theM wonderful home1 aro tho oow G. E. ALL ELECTRIC KITCHENS . . . that make ordinary bOUHhold cborw ., much fun for .very member ot th• family • ' A kitchen .. 1ovtrly u thia IOOD becomes tht most popular room in the bome. Loo.II: what'• included.: Electric bullt·ln ~; ~~per ~iu ove. E*tric diabwuber, (in 10me modt1t) and di.poa1; Eltctrie wublr and-cDyer combination ; All Ule 1lnk top.: t.rp cabinet tpacee; oru.:c:' Arm· •troar vi.Dyl TU. Floor; Copper ann alumi· num. exhaUll vmtilatiD1 hood; A.NO tht magic ot the all electric kitchen completely butJt..in deco- rator colon. muterua!ted for lutinJ v&luet! • • • BUILDERS • WALKER & LEE -SALES AGENTS PHONE Kl 5-4341 -, ' •/ • • • " • I ' \ • • ' • , .. ........ ~ ........ .. ·---·-·~····· .. ·· ...... . = ~ -::-·1.-======-~ ... OIG.llM, U. • "!telm W.,non. -.-•• •• ...... w.,.,,, •• .,. aiPt ~ ... .., ... ,_.,_ ' cl Qttt .................. . -.. Of JDMn·~ ..,,.,.., IO~ ~·-CO. ~..._ .... _ w-~· acor.e lt dllll4. 'l"4o ~ ..... _-__ ._"_ ... _ .. _ .. _____ _ 1ed lt-lJ at M1ftlme. I~ • • ' llw ••oododoo •I 1110 wr:a:END -With ~,the J'ourlh cf Jal7 acttvitlea ln and cut of the Harbor here, Milo wi!I be thicker Uwl ihJo oo the Sunday. -Bt&ff Photo GORDON W. WHtJ'E . ' .. ' -- COAST CREW AT WORK ON ONONDAGA Above, the Bue f~ CNW':hoilte--ai!ell into water from lak-tde dock at.. the Olympico Trial litAo, where raclnc ~ !<>day. Below, CcuWain Jchnoy Swain gtve1 bia oarsmen a bre&tber.-Al Baker Phatoe ' 1 • F'Ullertoa'• llWDmtt enby re-ftl.8 marlced the fourth Olympl'c 7eam malned 1lftdet.&ted b)' outluUn1 •tl'aiJbt triUmpll for Rlcll&rd'e toid& our 11 """un,too ,,_ ....... a 111 """• n .. In loop ..,.,. Oponinr Zwick of J"ulkrton t&llJed 13 10 wu • fOrfelt. fotJ...owe<t by Dec.liiou Ma•e ,. ..... ......, """' -.. ·. ,. .......... ..,, v1c ....... ""' "" • · for the OUen. ~ b11 OH. will M Monday nJ«bt "°9.0N.l DEL ..... onK:& UULC...BIP•., "'--RArt-IUI 0 W' k• • John Henrotla ., .. blr sun at 1 p. m. ver ee en for thi Hanoi' ara 'ce.1en.. !\•malnder Of the Newport The a1J.1WW to ~Wr ~ Slarrinf tipth Oft of(tnM and de- Uon u to_._ "Jlo wdl r.phllent fen.9'1!, ~ ripped 15 f'Olnt.I ID.JACK'S the Un1ted ltatM la track and tt:rous~ tM boop. Ouatd o...y field compeUUon at the O(ymptc Gr~o ~4 HcroUn up wtth LEITER, RTOKI a Co. Game. tn Melboume wt1I i,. l 0 ma"*" . 1n1Wered tofttcht and tomorrow ForWard &ddie Pope eon:Mct.. attemoon at lbe> i..o. A.npl• f'd for t .:potata bltore toullq Coll.eum. • Jf"lft.een of tlia naUon'• out- 1t.ndtn1 athlete. WW toe the mark ltl -.ch •'ftftt -wtth three to reprnent thla country on the ftuJ t..rn. Comp.Utor. In Uteee ftMJ triab Include 91..1ch former 01,Jmpl&M u PaJTY O'Brien. the 1hotput king, Bob R ichard.I, the pol .. yaultlJls pu· 90n ; Horace Aahen!eltAr, et.Hp· lecha.e; and Bud Heid ln lh• ADD PAii Orange High Sigris 2 for N~xt Season · J•veUn throw. ORANG!! (0CN8) -Orance 111:.LD, 8IME ADDED "'-'"oot H Id and ....... . Hlgb ...... AthleUc DWector ~ .__,.. Sime, th• BlU nanCa bu announced tb• tprinter who q\.lallft4ld. fOf' the ••cnlns ol two add!Uonal l.rlal1 ln tbe l~m•llt'-duh onty. coacb• to th• OHS athleUo d.. have been adcled to the ~t r.rtment. fteld by the Ol7JDplc Tracie and p ' Field Commitlff ln an unpr. stcnf!d WeN Orville Nelle- cedentl!d moft .• 81m• now will eteln IS. • pdu.te of th• Uni· compete tn tha ZOO..rnet.en u V1!rallJ ti UlA. U. WO\ ~ weUj WhU• H•ld. wor¥ Cham· B football ~ ftNlty ~ pton In Ule J••elln. WW enter Ai.o Je1A1ac ua. Pant.Pr l&l.r bil raYOrit.e aftlll. will bt ~ Baca. tol'1l*t,J ot Tb• tAiDI; ot todaJ'• &cUv!.tJ Grtdlq ~ Ip Ca11fonl1a., .-ho beJIM *1.Qf n.lcl ntaU at 7:JO ._. \ht dlrwtor ot athletJa at p. m .. altboqti &t 4 p. m. trial that• ~l H• wW coa~ , B throw• &ncl ftm.1-ID. 't.he'twnmar bulletball. ancl wUI a190 ...ut. throw ...... to be dtt.rmlmcL th• ...an1t:r tnc1r. OO&Cta durtns nnata . hM:Jude tile J•..U.. ~ the Wncl&d cam.pa.Ian. H• wW put,. bro&d'j(iillp, blcb ~Jump, M:)O &l9o coach c football durtns the meter run;· 100-.&aeter dUb. and comlll& football MUOn. 4.'.::>-met.er ~ l _ OONOLWD PSOGLUI .. ovatiof trom the ,rMt ct"OWd Opu It Liil. to t Lin. lnYfftmu.f Stauidu llllMlllS NIW YO. llfOCl DOI• ... _ .... .._c-.1 FoaSt Free Delivery Ill 90. HOftl n., U)I ~ 1P, MAOltON J.Plll '-........ ..... la lla11tor Ara PbMe LL 1-HllO t lM N ewpon Blvd. Ql.llMOHI CIClaONlt. Dll ...... 9C#CI 04~• M04.1¥WQOO LOMO 111A01 r~ ~A ·- I Doon t..-Sateway COSTA KESA * A F£W OPENINGS LEFT FOR INDMDUAL LEAGUE BOWLING. CONTACT GARY FULLER • Free latruc:tlo11 for T"" Aoen BEGINNING 10 A. M. EA.CH llATIJBDAY OP!eN PLA 'l AT ALL TIMES l!OB "1l'l7VE THROWN 1'llE KEY AWAY" ()pee U Roun "£ve17 0.,.--bdadlat RmMl&J's a Bondan NOW ••• 20 AUTOMATIC AWYS """ ..... tREASUU CHm rw c-artNla •• r.&t && OIU" Mew ~ .. cw. VAN'S BOWLING n. f!V9Alnl"• Pf'CC1'am wUl ot .pltt i... who wm tie ta 110I Saj"erior, o..aa Me.. conclude W1:t.b a ~ tour I ••~t~t ... ~~-=~·.;·..:·_....; ____ ,!.l!~..,·===~~':"======================,,,;~~ man-880 7&N1 bJSJt. 9Chool ~-I· · Tomorrow, ne-ia ,._u J.ut at 2 p. m .. with nnt ruruililt" racu l~ mlnutu 900tier. Th• nnal da:r on« ap.tn will ttod Jack O.Tta. -•orld tlU• In tba hurdl.,., compet.Jn1 Ill the ttO-m•ter n 11ht. A.n out.et.andtnc 200-meter n•ld,. topped by Bob· by MoM'OW ot .A.bUebe ChrllUu, .,in be much in evtdenc.. u will 'te t.ha 400-metu dub. t••· turtnc •ucb kit11Plns .. Lou Jon• Of l.Jle Anny and Jim lAL fonn•r USO lnclanan. FULLERTON TAKES .· OP[IMISlJC · ~IEW INTO ATHLETIC IUTURE Tomorrow an.moon. alltl. an etptsman mile nl&y W1ll ,_, llU'e younptv• trom th• Loll Anpl.11 City Hlsta khooi.. At u.. eaftCIUlllon ol th• day'• --.t& U.._ entll'e Ulltl«I Stal.ell Olympic Tr.ck and Field team will M auembled to receive ''Coat•• Sc,ys- ' I -It • ,_, tin .. W.nl ..,. • _ .... u.a. u. ._,, aft 1'"-" wlillef,I • COUl1NEY &. LESfD • At The Willowick Golf Shop ••• 'llllllM's-t•--~ 1'9dleil: · Golf Equipment & Apparel .. ....... ""'""' • Now We Have Both Single & Double ELECTRIC CARTS DouMe SI.to for II Roi• ~ ft.II fer 11 Bolee • -Golf l'.lA TES - 8M'1., Saa'., A H°'*19 t.M prtee damq1 I ..... LH w ... """ lM 1""-.... ,. I p.-. Lii • • Phone Kimberly 3-8311 for R·e1ervation1 • -GOLF -LESSONS - ~~anew . l'o:rd lkmlly Pla11 meant ./!!§.t jb; you I • • , _____ YOUIHe .bow tlult ta ..,-fweliee a new mr __ ,,_tlllap ___ .... .... -Aa4 he ....... ftt ,_ ,..., ~ .... ,_ famllJ -- ;.... out ,.;,. _ • ..,,.;... plin. r. ·--'118' ........ ,..... ,...., .... k the ...... ,., ... Uld ..... .......-faml!l-1 ,_.....,.,...._ ... Y••r ••• P"4 wlll cftfl••• t• ..~t.c.11 -....... -••• ........... -r.w ••• I I lflll?Q" 1121 ..... ,.,... ..., ...... ,.,..., .- ~ ,.. _ _,_ ..... _,_ ,... ---·.,_,.,.,-... ,.....-a. ..... 1"" ........ P' er • hf'b •Qo; 2 ? A ~ ,... •. no. he-.... -... ----1 ..... ..,.,. .. "'-....... , k::pll 11•1 I Y• Aad • .tpal amnblr of ~ Ill tM ..... IIX. With .. mu.J ... Fordl v._ tt.n. 'ud • m1Q1•1•1• t. -a -Fcri-U.. llmbllfl:r al u.. ,... rimo.. Piao ...... ,.. .. ... _.,,_-.. ••• ..Swtlalo •a 97_platlleddlol'" tetlllll• ' --'~bemJ. ,.,._ .• _,....,.,..._ ..._ ..... ~-···"·-.. llor, y.._ ...,.,... ___ tllo -,...1'1iiilb' ...... OOlllii....., _.__,...., __ _ .... _.: ______ _ . ' ,., ... t' ........... ,. Oar, .... ,._,_.,01~r ...... 1 1111,_,•A N 1'1f THE,ODOR 1 -·R.OBlNS • roua l'G9D oc.&•u m ltl1 -cox llAllllfW Ima) J100 W. CMlt Hl .. way-Newplft 81a1•-I •lftf '4471 OJI.EAT TV, l!OllD l'llMTRE. Cl1IANNWL '""'"' P ... ftDMOAY ·~ -. • . . . . • ' ' r : I • • I • ' ' l I • ' I • • • • • • • • • • • . • . • . • ' ' ..._ I Too Late To ·c111U11Y-, • • to driY• our truck on de- Vfll'Y of carrier and new1 :, deakra bundlu and to work OPEN HOUSE BAT. A SUN. l~ p. m. ~:H 8ea"1ard Rd., CORONA HIGHLANDS CHILDREN MAKE CAT BOOKMARKS One ot the craft cl• 11 btln1 beld at Bonet EuiJD tcbool u put of tbe dty recreation program, 0. ahown above. TM children are m•ttor cat bookmarb. Showa are (left to rilht) Stepbanla Fou.t, Sue Matbea, Oleryl l'ou.t_ )(1.a Julia Root, craft leader; Velcohn Katbee aod TimnlY Tucker. -Staff Photo with camera. Koaday1, Wed· neadaya and J"rlcr.11 12 noon to 7 p. m. Kr. PABKCJ\. NSWB·PRIS88, 2211 Balboa &PACIOUS attractive t&ml1y -------------------------------'-----• r · Newport Beach.. 30ttc bome. 3 bedrma. plia Nmpu.t AFIHAN MlilcUv1 for Uwl'Mnde of y.a111 veatipt!J\I com.inlttff explaillle4 report.I conalften.Uy have advlMd lnunedl&ll rna.utta t.o relieve ti~8EKJCEPER Cook. New room. Large hvinJ room, :a and GO llltenninslins with oUler • me tn rullert.on. Pri. room ~.~placu, 2 balha. Hparat• Crown ei.t Rub&. now o..-nM varieU• wu anc:UoM • batL Nq noor 11.'aJdn1 or ..., ... n1 area. Lot.a ot cloMt.L by l:uWn do t tar la.A •t11Jat~ Btolfnw Wll&VOry condiliom and provide window wuhlnJ. Salary OJ*l. La1Te lot encloaed wllh chaln ~ry won ~ o-:Cb~ ln ftey eernd tMtr muten u a modtm, adequate facUJty., 1 fteferenc:ea. call LA 0041M 11.nk fence. Priced to eell at t.be MadlMn 8quare ibo'W. Thr-. mi(hty buntU'9 of p.m1, MJCh .. , 1JNDU OE.ABED ~ • collecL -OcUB. '32.~ with drape. " carpet.I. other dos• wbo ro.m about. tbt UMt . enow leopard and tbt ant· Accordlnc lo the corn:nittee, ·i P'or preview. call Har. 4H8 or ...._ 1 .. _ f h .,.. .. , 110.-. Bevft'&I One a..-.lmt ru 1taU.UC1 al'low the av•-- ctr.. • en , •• .,.-, eve np o n cnab Har. hilltop home, have alto won but were emu«Jled out of ~ coun· da ly population ln lbe h&1J ht.I ~OR I .. t 0 .-41."•r nt J h M -..-c oua iarucn o t " r 1nCuel r-· ... -I 1 --.- · orthand required. B&lary 6161. of _ .. ~ ,_ ... _1r tlm•. try b)' l!luro"""an army officera l JroWD from 94 ln M.ay lo u :: ranr• · 1150--$302 Apply atty ,..,.,_ ... ..... ~ .. -all TMM are Taejon ot Crowa. at the •tart of th• century. Flr•t rna.ny u 120 on WHkend&. And : M.anacen office. City H Earl W. Stanley Creal, world rt!Cord holder for abown to t.be pubUc ln Enrtand the lnaUtuUon la seared to ., Rar. 3131. IOc81 but ln allow In the breed; Amtt• ln 1901, it wu not unW 1928 handle 60. REALTOR lean and Canadian ch&mplon that they went bt'OUJbt to tht HitUna the condillona as I.hey Felt'a Thief ot B&Jdad. . and Unlt.ed State•. at.&.nd loday. t.be committee aaid -----------Am•ric:a.n. BelJ!an. Gennan. Hot-The larp body, at.andlnc 26-28 childnn are •IMplnr on double land champion Ophaal of Crown lnchet al ti.. &bou lder, l.I covt r· decked cot.I, 40 ln one room lJl Art C. Kistler Co. eruL Id wtlh a 1oq allky co.t. hang· ~gol J.pptarrnq lnr down llke a manU., covf'r· T d , N ~..i-! --~ Re --Ito rs TM black-muked a p r I {' 0 l 1n, but not conceaun.-hi• 0 a y s . y. ~ for Sale .,. colored Zar 11 u ~r•I ap~ar· houndy framework. ,~. Biiai you fix up yO\lr Inc .. th• crown c rest aPrtJon And ~ben tbe A!Jban hound stock Report -J.{ALL rldlnl borM for rent :: bl the ....ir or montb LI ;: 1-74121-SM !!. 16lh St 30p . ' ___ 0 .... BuUer'a OCEAN FRONT LOT. One and of It.a n.ame Indicates. The •tart.a to cover vaund It LI -..---... __ ,_. Uke the. n ow ol 1mooth v.'lnd -----------.• =· ewn. tdt.-top table. only. Sa.lhore Drive. Must p ......... ~ younpteT Hc&me the -fourth ....... 1 over fields. The whole a ppesr· NEW YORK N .. ' a. Qoaat Blvd. lA'"•na hu....v •10 ~ _ ...-at n ehow Alcha.n OON STOCK •-· ·~ • -bound l lb ance 11 one of apttd, atren"'Lh R"'PORT 8 8 J , ~. IOc32 a • F lnche1' Crown • .,, -y . • P'oley, Dean " BALBOA PENINSULA POINT. Cl'tilt Kennell when It toppN and J't'ace. Willer Co , Santa Ana. Lovely :a Hdrm. turnlahed all other lop at the Freano J DOW .JO:vES A VERAOF.8 home only ·~ down. ruu Kenne• Club &bow .. r11.... GRAND JURY 1 ,o Jnduatrtai. ..... '92.76 up .241 prtce U7,i 00 The AIJh&n, u It.a breed name 20 Rall• . .. .... 167.11 up .27 ~ trailer with lilt bar. lndlcaja. ortimated trorn Af· hal ...... 1 J I~ Ulllllla ... .... . 67 29 up • 09 11 Mercury motor all 1~. TWO HACH HOUSES TO Jhanliltan ·and wu the naUonal l ex_. .... on. They pointed up l PM. Volume . -· ...... 970,0oo uat Mil. Bar. HH·R. after CBOOSll FROM -Stone'• dos of that, country. Prl*d by crowded and unsanitary copdt· American Smeltl.ng ... ........ ai1i4 •o p. m. or aat. ... •un. t.hrow to ocea.n fronL Sach cbJeft&lna and rulen, th1y were Uoni ot the preaent facility. American Telephone -·-·· 1191' " • .. Jurors went back to the 19411 ' aOc32 12000 down. Fu}! price U0,000 known u tbe "Compe.n1on. ot rra d j rt 1 h 1 Anaconda .................... -...... 72% ~----------WATER.FRONT PIER AND Ki"-•·" l nd u1h re:: lo c le l 'r 11Chry1ler .............. -··-·---· .. fl'% Booal Ii Board FLOAT, remode led and r•l Llk• UN Arabian horee, their ' an on e i ue. DuPont .. . ..... -·-···-... 212 cut.e, ollly $19,500. Move rifht linear• was kept p u re and CITE t'TA!ll'D General E lectric . ... ........ 61 bcMt.rd •room one woman. ln. It read, ln part: "0 11plle tf-,Gentral Motor1 ............. ~1" bulatory, no penatoner. Call -----------flclent per.onnd , lh• det..nllon Gimbel Broa.. ·-· ..... 2,,_ lnp. LI l-'1169. 30c32 J.UlOsT BAY ~ONT! Pt~ DEA TH NOTICE home la the moat WlNtlafa<'lory Great Northern R.R. . ... u ~ m&Mnl View of balk SandJ of all l.n.ltitullon.1 ex.mined by No. Amt rlcan Aviation __ 90'4 be&.ch dll"IClly aerou atreet. Ulla committee. Quart.e:\ art l ~. Y. Central . . . .. 38'- .._ ______ -----3 bedrm. lowtr plua 1 bedrm. HU. llUTRA. BAROVORS en1t1r~y tnadeqU&lf'. Quart or· May Co. . . ................. 4F" ·upper, plua atudio apt. a))oye Kra. Bertl\& lAurhUn Bw-11 nal Y dealped for 26 juvenlln Monterey Oil ·······-·· ....... 33~ car. AU tuna. $1000 b&nd&el, roupa. IO, died June 27 al the are now overaowded wtth 4~ Sa feway Stores ............ ....... M full price H6M>O. bome ol her IOll. Watter Bur-or more · • · boya quarten are Sinclair Oil -···-·-~12 rou,U. IOI Cl1tt Drive, after aa '° crowded lt la ~ to So Cal. Edison ~1 1, ateecllld WDMI. llhe waa a na· lock two In a room. Standard OU of Calif. .. . ~1 NEW BAT FRONT PaR .AND ILIP. NOWI Puell·••tte• ••lllltlC8tl .. -- ADDIN8 ••HUii w1111f@wH AT NO EXTIA COST T t c· , n r .. n > tS.e ol Ottawa, D1. and bad ••.Another VW'1 Md t•ture ta So. Pacific .. 60 ii. 11\'ed hen Uarw yeana. prev1ou. th• handltq, enUrdy due lo Tranaamerlca .. -............ 39 '2 • Jf. II.Am \ 8 l1YINc A NEW HO.Us£? Story Building ~mer Parkin( Bandy budl, & bdrm.I., 3 batta. a car prqe. All tunmMd. r.P. ~.aoo. au.aoo down. balance 1!00 month. ly In Ta.cam.a. Wuli. overcrowdlq, oJ c.hUdru u Union 011 of Ca.llf. __ ......... 62 SANT.A. AMA lb• wu a member of D A.R. YOWi&' u flve or m yeara trom u. s Bteel 67 '' • m t-1111 , / and of Pil.O. llatetbood. 8b• broken hom .. belnr proceued to ----------------------_:..:....._ I.I IW"Ytvld bJ t.Jr9 aona, Waller bo&rdinl' hoDML Tb ... chlldren, .. Janitor Service B Elevator • Oppo1it.e City Hall Art C. ·Kistler C.o. J . and HOW'l.N A... the 1atter otte.n lDnoDce.nt "babff. •" 1oeke<1 ot Port W~ N. Y-and In cella at ~t M thare la no ·Realtors · tbnl lftlldcblldren; two broth-place elM to pu.t them. u.. ft. .A. I.Aup!ln of Ban "It 11 rwccmmended that add· Bernardino uwl C. J. La.ucblln IUon&l quarter1 be provided to :l}VILLARD KILLION =~ N{WPOrt Blvd. 'Har6or ~ 2901.Newport Blvd., Nept. !kh. ot Loi Anr1l11; two alateni, prevent over crowdln1 ... It 30c66 HAR. 0226 DAY OR NITE Mra. C. J . LaM&rre of Balboa preeent l\lgh coet of labor and _________________ ...._ ____ and Mn. Cllff~rd W. Raw ot materiala pl'!fClude connructlon SO-bCIOme ~~. --·~~~llM:!c~·~·~·~~~~!!-:...-- MODERN plJP~EX a blb to Lido lhopplq center, p,280 prNent IAcOIM LArp 2 bdima. e&eho 2400 aq. ft. $22,600 on pod terma. WW pay for tt. eelf. CL YOE MEYER, Reeltor 'ti/ Nine Shamel & White HARDW 1'U • NURSERY '410 Etsti l7th St. LI a.1042 Tbat'a a rood qu..Uon, and we l'lave the anawer. Btate Farm M\.ltual 1.Utomoa.111 .ll\IUrance Company 1trivea to 1naul"1 'ont1 card\al cb11'Ull. Qanl\&J drtvwt ha•• t.w.r accj"-'ta. You ,..,. t.111 MllJ.n6 ~ on17 I.hat'• th1 kind of w urance Stat• l'arm .. famous tor. 8o R coete litate 1''arm 1 ... to do bUISJI..., and becau.M Ital• ~rm 11 a mutua l company, lht pulley-holden ,.t t.be aavln~ If you don't have lbaa low coet dependable car lnw.r&llce, call U 1-1111 and let your State Fa.rm "•rent ahow JOU bow 10" can pt oonipkt.1 prot~t tow C09t. L E. CAIRNS W. t "81U0 LANOIS 1 ll E. 17th, Cost. Mes• LI 8-10 I I \ T 11 I r 1q\1 \Hfllllll 4ll ro \10Rll F INSURMfff f(1 "1PA,.V .. . . . . . . . Waablnrtoca. D.C. of ~anent bUSldiftia. tt 11 lervlc .. wtU be la.id labar. •netted that. -.v..t' quon.Ht day at t p. a. at m.Jta Colt& lluu H lMtalled to Mrve aa M...,~pel with Use ftn. Jamu 8Chool and recNaUon rootna , • ," I. ltewart otttel&UJ\t. I.aunamant In rolnr over t.be jury report.I will ai.. In T~ alnce 1H41, the cunut jury ln· o,.. &veq Evenlnr 'tll a. P.11. ,, MEIT Jeck B. Quisenberry ..... baa --.... at ...... rat• --ecmy. to-pc9f plan. A••tWt llltwwe • • • Mlltlwl St-4arll, ................. ,.aacy .... "conthwew•" ....... ...... ,.,... ................. , ... ..,. ... .... ·::•ra ............ ~.,. ,.._. _ .. _ ........ .... • ~ .... , ............................ '"4• fl' • oeallc:zlc .. ANNUM PAYMINT .... te ,.. ... ,... ...... ...eay .... MV9 y .. .....,. • TNdl "'-•&• ,_ ._.. -4 '"9"-1 • ....,. ... .,.,..... ", ............ ,. ,..c ..... flt ,... ...... ......... , ....... ,..,. ...................... Prompt Loul O•lma S.rvlce Jack I. 9•8beny TrtMM .... _ ....... .. nttW.N .... rt..._ Ji..,.,. ..... .J ' \ atwou Y,OU 0 wit .$ 9 ·e IP YOU OWN ANY CAa -anr ma&., any model, any ytar- tli1t'1 what yo~A win in Plymoutlt'1 exciting new oon--. the $100,000 TOUD ·OOIJ) LICINll ,LAn .IACKPOTI h '• eur to enter; ea1y to win! Think what you could do • wida~OOO in eah; INTB TOOAYI En~ 1'1r1101th's 1100,000 Solid loll Llctllt ""' J..,.i Toby I Ill NIDI W ,,tua •10,000 a._. . "2 ............ . •so,090 ... ....... •s,ooo..... '"""" ... 1 ........ .. IN CAIH 1 4111 ,,U.a •1,000 11-. .,...,. •• ,....~. LOU Hllh AU YOU 00. Tab your ....,_"-cmti6oa11 ( ot fAn,1 ~ ~ proof of oww~p) to uy pt,_..Ja clMr. a, ,...._your car'• lice. number (ANY CAI AT AU. lllMMI•>. and complete..._ aimple •try blaiftL N~m, to bey! 1t· ... r1 tat ~nd. U yoa 're OM of the ~happy wlnnen, the U-... plat.e oe_ 7our mr mar be wonla (fn e.11} i•...,.. la toHd gold. or ..,.. more I YM JU)' win 1fP '° $16,000. S.. n•F• Jec:ltpoc ..W. at roar ...._., ~ the •t:rJ for-. aocl yoe'te .. to be a wt..! Doh toaA1I lllrlyl I.It clesel ... 1 SM J• ..... 11111111 PLYMOUTH RllD. 6 AllOCIARI 1200 Wnt t<>ut Bl&bway, Newport~ I \ SmPS .A.HOY! -For lt '1 a "aummer auiae" din- ·ner dahce which A.sai.atance League.members are planning. The an.nual event, when huabanda are entertalned, ia calendared for )uly 13. Here, In fte unwl lllet•'leUoo of ~ ol J:lillllDa • ..,. Cbai*r. '48, Untt.d D&qhten Of tm ~. wu held J .. 21 at tbt Mme ot )11111 GeibUdia Monqomery, 2UT I:. Barbo& Bml. The ritUl.l wu ~ by Ute cha~• aonual P;Otl\llCt picnic hmchon held tub ,.... In ..... ll•ttom#J ,..uo, and tM D\tlllM ft ,. r Mre. OIMya t by U. ~ _. .. _ m..Unr Ktnr . 1 with UM ,,.._.. Kn. Jobi) Tbe w t;olaf .. prill4*\t, -... Youn,r, p~. John TOUl'IS waa ,,....nted wt°' co-Me~ tor the Wair Ill• f"llldenl'• jlla, cloiltQs ... wen ,....._ Jl. B. Ocess and alona for Ula yeaz_ R&lpb I t.ward ot ..t.na.he1m; Xra. -----------Lyn It.. WeiMr, llurbuk; Miu ROM Ma'7 Park. xrn •. I'. l. Job1·e Mo' thers LoWe. ~ Dee• ... ud LJ. Mark& , ~Alter nara w.re·actvane.d by Augmented by .Wra. C. J. Tatak aad Mr-9. c11dya Younr. all9f'ane• wu N M be pled1ed to the n.aUonal colort eW elll. r8 1nd Lb• UDC O.. wu l&lutecs. , In tb• etMMnce of ~ ch&pl&ln, The J~ 1 Da~J'lltet'1 Molben the pat.lo of the Learue Buildinr . work ii roinr Mr•. Beulall r ... ber, the laVOCI· Club held !ta rqul&r m .. un,r forward on decoration.a. Left to rilht are MmM. 11on wu 11.-by Mn. :&. B. Juna 16, 7 :~0 p.ro. ln lhe )la· llli&m Ki1ll Oeu Pr... llOftio ~empJe lOWIJ'e. Xra. faaul Roy Lyman, Allan Crlaell, W on and Hay Ml .. J)du. J"owler ot Lo9 An· Cooper preeded and welcomed La.nrenhebtL -SW! f boto ~elu. p1'91ident r•nera.I, WU lh• new memben, )lm... Jlowal'd ----------~-----41~'---------tn•l•ntns ottlcer. Tht imprmeive M. Paul, Guy llbeJJ, A.ubrq ----------'--------'-------c11 emeny wu conducted with Scanlon. J. R. Thomaon and J'tm 1n1plraUona t word&, and IJ\.ltruc-MWu. N E W p 0 R T H A R B 0 R Uona concordant.. with Ula dutlu M111. R.mlu>ld C. Ray read th• ot ••ch omce. lnaplr&tlonal Th• travellnl' ti.. MRS. WIN1J'RED BARBRE, Women'• Editor Ortlcers for lt!Wl-117 are: Prul· ket project wu t!Xplalned for dfnt Miu VlrrJnla L. ctrpenter, new member1 by Mra. Jack Yorba Unda, '1rst vl? .. prHI-Hal'T'Ui. Any member who •tW titnt, Mr.. Denni.on, Balboa; v.•anta a Secret Pal 1oould con- Second vic .. prutdent. Mr•. John tact Mra. Ralph Herr, It wu \ ounr . Banta A.A&; reeordln( announced. HCrttary, Mra. L. A.. .A.rnuo;\, Announcement wu made of !Ant.a .Ana; COl'nllpondln&' ~ U\e Job'a Daurht.era' annual plc- tary, Mrw. H. W. Robblnl, TU.I-nJc to be htld .A.ur. 28, for all tin, tr ... urv, Mn. ft. &. Locu•. 'Joblee ud U\elr tamlllH. It will S1nta AAa ; rt(Utrar, MIM Oer-be an aJJ-day picnic In Oranr• NEWPORT HARJOR NEWS-PRe5S -PAflf,I. PAGE 5 lrud• Mont«omuy. Balboa; ~ City Park will\ .. ch family to FfllDAY, JUN E 29, r956 ~:;·,, ~ 0~·c=.~:: b~ lta own noon lunch. Vlrsinla Carpenter y b& Unda. Mn. Ed Hobel told of the • or · card party to be (tven July 24, ...................... ... = ........... ,.. ............... , t~t..a.. 1111. Clloke el ..... ...................... 9abd----~ ... .......... ~fll~ SEALARKING chlplaln, MrL Ii. L. Bl")'a.nt, b th Starbrl ht Club or 0 E.8 S1 nt.a Ana; parll&mantartan. Y • I · · Mr•. Oeu Pree. 8a.nta Ana; ~ .....:_H:o.t.="'=-:..fo::r.....:.th::.:•::.....:.m::.:•:.::.:.:tln:'~w:u::.:~==========~=========~!!l porter, Xre. Teteak, Sulla An&. ~ IN FESTIVE SPIRIT-i.a Harbor founome dined, danced and enjoyed calypao ~utertainment &t Cap- latrano Beacheoblbert Club'• "Night in TrirudaJ," ve lookmg forward to the July 13 luau.. Seated, Mmes. 1. Lefter N~on and Charles B. Melone, 8t&ndlng, Mean. Melone and Newton. -Terry Bon. Pbclo "V_FW Delegates . . • • By GINNY (JIBS. EDWARD LESTER) 810TB Durtnc \.be bustn ... m..Unl' 1t wu chdd-9 that U\e chapter ABOARD TYPEE: Another clorioua week~nd at ~11 eand tavora to Ula 119Uonal 9nvenUon t.o be held tn Lo9 Catalina broqht over many New"port yacht.a to White'• Ansel• ln NoHmber.-. Ml.la Montrom•ry announced t..adlng, Ilthmua, ~ Cove, Fourth of July, and the orpnla Uon of the llmma Howland'• L&ndinf where the ,C..tallna llland Boy11 Sanaom R.ul Daupttr1 and ctrlltlcat.u of memberahJpe were Camp II now in full swtnr with Arnold Eddy at the helm. awarded to Uloee preMllL A. IaTHMUI ta bubbllnl over p1Lrt1keet Skipper , •• Bot» Henry certificate of memberahJp or th• with JOUJ\6 111. u tod., Ul~y aboard hi.a new Royal Oaka, La· Emma Ballaom Chapter wu pre-•tnltd to Mra. Tate&X. arrived at noon for a NDUDer'I naru. and th• Harry Brown• MIN Montromery, Mra. Oen- fun a t th• Catalina lallAd 01rl1' 1bo•rcl thair eJepnt crulatr nlaon and Mra. H.W. Robblnl Camp where Helen l0Mra. Don> 8Un1 Ray en~ wtUI a n ch reportad Oft the rec.at Crutckahan)t of ruuartoll a. VIP coclrt&IJ party .• .._what a ~t:, Calltomla Dtvillon convmUoA in &Joni' with 11 coW\Mllora • . . the moat complete ln lhe Cove Bakerlfteld. MIM rowler talked el>OUt bu recent trip eut. wbere amonr t.hem Marcla Monhead •• tar u rlowtnc WOOda. •t.o,... mh• pr..a\tfd award.a at w .. t of Corm& cltl Mar ... amon,-•1~ 8J>&Ce, flal\1nl' .iuJpm1nt .Poet and Annapolla. SPECIALIZING IN fabrics FRliE ESTIMATES SLIP COVERS DRAPERIES CURTAINS UPHOLSTERY HARDWARE TRAVERSE TRACKS CURTAIN ROOS Kimberly 2-96 I 8 COTIONS NYLONS RAYONS WOOLENS SEWING NOTIONS .... We maintain our own drepery work room. ~ l . 4TH AND MAIN ~ SANTA ANA OPEN · FRIDAYS 'TIL 9 P.M. Parldnf Tlcketa Validated at AD Partdq Lota at Convent·1on lh• Nt")Ort e&mpen an ¥&ren and amart d~raUnc i. conc•m· Amons U\e ru•ta lntroduced Brunlllr. Joyce Smith. Llnda Mc-ad ••• and • 20.-,foot ntn.era-we,..Mt. rowler, Xmu. Ruth Cook. ChrilUne and suaan Bue-tor and treeur. ~ cru111.ft1 Krauiteher. Tbomu M. A.rTOW· col.a, Joe.n Sallabury • . • &rrtv-yacht divine. • smith and Marth& Purdy, Kr. lnr for the Poat and Teen ~-POUS&A. lh• Oeor1a Wallt-and Mn Ha rry H. ea.rtar, MIM 1iona a t the end of the M.llnnHr era' nl!w H·foolAlr, wu Cherry Laura Porur. Mn. J.L. BcbuJt.&. wtll ti. Jaaa P'odlea. ,l.Nleinr Coviar .•. UI• Udo IAI• Wallt· H. w. R.obbln.. Chari• Denni· Rowan, 'nna BruniftJ. Wendy era had jWlt returned ftom MH· aon. and D&vid S.neom. Aft..r Gooue:r. Patricia Jon• and Pat· 1co aboard lb• lovely yacht and the bualn ... mMUnr, a mlaceJ• •Y. Pardoll • . . Moored ln the with ruuta Oral and Lowell laneou• ahower wu ,tven by J1thmu1 Bay noled V1t11· Lady, Dryden or Reaondo B•ac.h. had -----------_..:;======:z::::=========================== Sun Down, Fiddle In-De, Berco. •pent a s-lorioua week t11h1n1 and the South Wtnd. 1mon1 olh· at San Toma11. Delegates Earl Daggett, J . H. Patteraon, L. M. en •.. and tha Santa Monl~ HAPPY BIRTHD.A. y July 1 to ... Buddand Kenneth Brown and Juper Thoma.a of Coast-Power Squadron nfft celebrated Howard .A.h.mal\80fl and ronrr•· • • wtlh a berbeque uhor• Satllt'day tu1&tlon1 on 8lrtue wtnrunr the line Poat, VJ'W Aux.lllary1 left Tuetday morntnJ to IJ)lht. Stewart Trophy tor the around at attend Department Encampment beln1 held 1n Sa.n FOURTH OF J ULY Cove la Cat.aJlna Race Jut weekend .. Diqo June 26 throurb 30. 1park llnc wllh ngw brown and and a Happy F ourth of July Carl Hermance, and aqua bulldln11 wbkh are hou.-btr1.hda7 to BaJbo& Bay Club"• Mra. I . M. Tunminp and Mra. Darrell tny Girl Seoul.I . . . moored In Wayne .Ferrell aJ\d conrnlul•· Dac'J•tl Wtrf' CO-bolt.elffl at • Pattenon. the Cove nottd the leland Ctlp-Uona on hi• tl1"3l ytar ot Bay card party recently In the home CouUlne VettnJUI are t rtft· ,.r Sara with Junf and A.xtl Club VIP 11UccU1. of lb• foniur. OuMll Included w.m... Ray Scott, Buckland, In& two 1t.anda tor the 1ale of Stordahl a~rd ; Wanderlur.. BALBOA BA y CLUB lonlrht Brown, John OOI, A. R Morrieon. tlrtworka tor the Fo•1rth of July. and Sanda Gall. pruent.a the o~nlnc of Re« Rury Lan,.S.le, P. V. Parka. One •land wtll be louted at CHERRY COVlt, homf' of Boy Nicholl &nd hi• Five Ptru1lu . J. H. htt.-.m, o. H. Noland, Oranc• and 17th 1l, the other Seoul.I uhore. full or Newport eorry to mt. ll . . Don JohNIOI\. J . R. ca.nneld and ln front of the m1rtcet on ltlh mut.a and cnJIHn . . Weet J ULY ' RJ:GATTA boldll the ~ R..t.u Tallman and St. Flreworb wtJI be on ale Wind ill with thoee chamllnr forUI tomorrow and Sunday 11 Helen Oold. Hll'h honor-9 wtrf bt&1nnlnr at. noon Thur.day a nd Art Bttarlty1 1Ummertn1 . . • N.wport hl!ld jolnUy by Balbo• won by Mn. Scott.. M.lae Tallman conllnulns t~rourh Uie Fourth. Oonap.ln Cdn1lellallon, Cheerio Yacht Club and Newport Harbo and )llu Oold. Amtrlean rlAI'• WU1 ai.o be on lil with Peul and Vern CKPOPI Yacbl Club ." .. with Salurda· )lembe,.. ol th• auidllary who aale. Mn. R. E Moore, fire--Ll ndbl•de and their cute UtUe nlpt d.anclnr at lhe NHYC &n • .aUended the Joint lsutallatlon worlu chairman. wtll be a ided dl n(hy Burp , , . &nd of courn trophy pruenlatlon Sunday ,. l uxUlary Thur9day ave.ninJ were by auxiliary mfmben. their pretty palf yellow Lutlno BYC. . . ~ OVER AND Ol.rl 1 .,.,.. Mm-. a...... Budll&nd. FAC Group 8!oe~~ !!!!11 ~ •rt party ., tM cu'4l -=· tion •of U--M-l"rid&7 A.tt.ernooe ctu-. l'Une n ..... Mn. J. c. ~· and Mn. At'LI• IJ'Wlrt&, 'nw alfal.r WU at lM r .A.C clubbollae wllb .-v•n ta.bl• P~· Table prt.. ,.,.... won b7 to(m ~. P. Tqve, .A.tllta Pl\11• ttpe. At 8lina1l. J an CotUe. Paul V. Pan-. !lf®l• Warnun a.ad Ml• Edi°' OonaDL Tbe next teeUon m..Uns wiu be held a.t l l :30 a.m. -l'rld&7. JuJy 21. ~.-aid -mad9 #1th Kn. J..,-. & W&ten.. U M315. Of' Ktl. A. R. lm&ll. u a.-1 To Tell About Bonsai Trees l"rank F. Nac•ta. ot lM -.1ptn.e Balk& BoNl&l Nunery. ...-Ans-t'lt'll, wtJl lerture on 'Bon .. I Trf'~." at the reruler neeUni of the Co~ta Me .. ·Ba)' ::SUH Branch of th• C..IU«nla ~aUOnal •'Uchala Socltq Jut)' a, at 7 SO pm lD the Ew~tt A t.. School audHortum. Hamilton It. and M•>"'r Pl . Coat& Me• "fapta I• a native ot Japan &nd rpet"la1ltt9 In U. C:Ultllte of ... dv.-.rf tt'tte. R.efraahmenll wm -euved UMI t.be pubUc Le cordl&U)' .,., • ..... • • C.pistrano By the S.a o~ers the finest of r,..,,.tient ••rvices at reasonable rates. l.icens.d l,y the State of C.Ufornia C.pi1trano I~ S.. Sanitarium •pKieliuc in the tNatm.nt of nervous, e~tional aftd mentel ~isorclerc and alcohoHsm. 0 Jr new Harbor Ar" office loc.ted at 1424 Via Oporto, Newport Be.ch. Phone: Harbor 2 I 22 l 'oa A~ Cordially la\1tH t.o Vl&lt _ e.,,,d,,#M,.. B, n.. Sr. S.,.u~r1.;. ._.....,cc1111· ..... For lntormatioo call y.iur neuwt ottlee et • Capl.atrano B:t th• ... S&nJtartum DA.NJ' POINT, OTpq t4'1"T' ast11 cs.a Oblapo St . IANTA ANA. JOabcty•4'0 NllWPOR.T DA.CB. llutliir' l1JI ltll N. llroadw_, N.2' V1a ~ • 2 ............ .. ..... .............. ... ..... ,.:::.:_ ...... , ................ ...................... , ()nly OAS 3 Censl'•r ''''' · EXCLUSIVE FEATURES ••• "'1 -"• ,_ SERVEL GAS llfllGllATOl1 ... ,,_ ,, ,,_, Y•• 1•t tMM 3 excl••IY•• in the new Servel Gas lce&ner ~efri1erator '''" tum ot/J~ /wltM;., "* ..t: Bia ~ fNaer. Automadc detawdn&. eo1or.-1ancw1 Interior ltJlinl. Dew-Mask fretbenen. m-oui Roll~ tbeM!I. Sw:k .. .. that doublet ....... tlit. Tri1>4Aver door h•ndla VWI rour Senel..,ero..~1 pcJtcdlJba.._.1ido&1 .. ,... • . ' .,..,. . ·: . ..... :.: ."I . . ! ~I trayL 1n-a·door thelvea. • gives yotJ such modern automatic appliancail .; " CUT RATE Service .::_.M::;n .:!a ~u~ Honor Parent.a •h '" .... _ ..... 8Mt& AU ..... ..,... an wtn.Mr1 J'ormet y..._ Kr. and Kn. ol tM MMt.. Nn tournament WUUaa R. tell+.Ery W t.blib' J8t oencladed ta Balboa. P1aC-four .-~ ~ ,,.. bl la, .... ... Mn. i"l0)1I ~ 8GUW&ad lut weektDd to .....,., Hd Mn. Anne ~ Wp llra. .. 1' .... 17'• pe;nni., •• 7 • ..... ... $._.._ ... AT NEWPORT HEIGHTS home of Mra. Jack B. OUmJ.nabam (Wt) Mn. Blakelock, Mrs. Dewey Cal1•ban. Mn. Willlam J. KemnitMr and Mayor David H. Blakek>ck of San Clemente (ata.ndlnr> made plam for th• !Dllllbenlh.lp drive of Oranp County Pb.Dharmonic ~ty. -StaU Photo ·~-........... ... .._ .AD wwlt ·-•I I of Loq 8udl. Uld In th1.rd MJ'. a.ad Kn. W. Oecu WllloD n I) l p09!Uon ..... Mn. o.cwi· ear-°' 1anta Ana. oelebrate theb' fl.:J-v~la roll -el BaJlJ09 and Mn. C. IC. 45lb wedd1q um!~. BI I I n'C' •UTY conn .t." 1"lll o1 AnaMm 8&11Cury'1 pvmll were pioneer D&toA ~ PHILHARMONIC BEGINS a-kin w1JUMn were c. E. Coeta x.-remldata and be Tll Welt lttb.,... Kon.on and Andy Mabley Mn. owu property on Victoria Bt. COST A MESA A.rah McAlhlter and Mra.' Ca.r1 where b1a tm>ther Uoyd and e UBllRTY 1-llOl • BmJICll1. TWenty four tea.ma com-f:.:am~Uy~i;-.W~=hft.:.;::;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;~=~=~~==~==~ KRS. JACK GA~N PERKINS Gail Frahm, Jack Perkins Vow Exchange MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN peted. r L. V. Brown and Earl Brue. wen north4outh wtnnerw In t.be recent wnnia• ram• whUe hll'b J f Youth. IUt cbamW mUllc pro-IClOl'WI ..a-west were MJ'I. Concerts Plannea for (T&mll and die c:caUnuatlan ot BaDl7 ~ and Kr.. An:h t.M popa1a.t ...-1117 wortdbop. ~up north-eoulb wen Summer and Early Fall ,.... =~ uked ::: a::;=.:~.::: Summer platu1 we.re dilcu.ued and inauguration of a to &'In 00• of lta IUD llJD>pbODY Kn. Joe wucox. Mn. Frank Reed new llChedule tor It.a memberahlp drive wu on the agenda concert. .. a put °' Uae N..,_ and a.belt Lua. Rwmer9-up port 8-els Oolden Jubt"Ae, a eut-w• ,... Mr. and Kn. when Orange County Pb.l.lliarmonJc Society Area cb.ai.r-~ L•ti.tty Ml•Wltt• t.M staai97 AU81Dan. Andy Taylor men and friend.a of Philharmonic met W.m.iay morn-ot~• IOth 7w. IJld Dea •~ MMll 1.Aslle Inf at tbe homo ot Mn. Jack tram now throqtl AUi'• 1. The JublMo, opentq a.pt. U , 1'owW aad Mn. )(arprtt Cunn.IApam. 4~ Cat.alln& A.ve. or BOOll ta expected to attrut WlttOn Vaqene. Ml.91 Frieda Bellnfante, per-AD thoee wtto joln or reotw tram all Oftr Ula aaUoa, -4 Tbe lt"OU'p wm meet tonipt at manent conductor of Ule eocl-rnembenhipe bl C>ranc• County the requ.t for tbe orclNstr& to T ~IO o'clock a t tu l:&lt OcMn oty'1 orchutra, oulllned the plan Pb..Uha.rmoolo locloty by Auf . 1 lbare ln tlle cuUural put. of t.ba l"ront. Balboa. Oa Su.n.day aft.er- for a twtce·a·year memberlhlp wW ban tbel.r n&m• prlnled In prosnm l8 a hip t:rtbut.e to Uae DOOG then wUl be • Ka.tu . la 'DI Southland's Most Popular NITE SPOT ' Bl-. SUI· MM Danetac Effr7 N1&'ht ~-­ewir.,..,, ·~~ .4l A¥1l01 'I 1· . Uel:piftllli -.,~~-. NOcow:I NO "'"' Ensenada Honeymoon drive, the current one to atADd Ure memMrabip book to be dW-~ Uld to mmiben of Poblt Open pm• at the 1&111• trtbuted Aq. 19 at th• nrat tll• IOCW7. ~ wttll play .t.a.rttq at 171npbony prosnm of lbe llM· Tta.I ftllbannoDSe Teml. made l::::IO:._:d:_:•:loc:ll:_ ______ ~~=====~==============~ Home in East Anaheim Party Trio !!..:::' .~: :.. ~ :.:: ;:T~o~.:;: Wearlnc a l'Jllle tac. f{OCk Lil street length, Mias' p ff f HC:Ond memberlh.lp book wt.II be t..b9aual'y• a ptaao • celJo:Tk>Un G&il Miriam ftahm exchanged rtnp and promiaee with ayo or prlnt.ed tor d!atrtbutlon follow· trio whSch appeull at nnou. illf tbe drive tn early 19117. benefit t.a. 'nl9 tTOUP hu aJ.: .. 1~ Gaylon Perkins in an early afternoon ceremony at Ill The plan for th• new ....,n ready eanaed • apcmaonlbip tn tha home of her couain, Miu Margaret Farnham, 309 nesses. lnclud• etpt tun llJD>pMDY t.bl IOCl•ty and I.II ~ t.o- NarclMua Ave. She ii the daupter of Mr. and Mn. Three 11 parate birthday p&r-cone«U: otpt 8ympboni• tor ward • Doeonblp. U. oorn~nated ~e Allen, 10G l'AUllOX mlOW ~I'. Frahm. •12 l'em.i..f .Wed_,~• for the ~ ot lhe Jl. I... .A.ll911s of 721 Wll-Tile A.IUlua1 f'ubioD ~. ua- A ... and la new daufh~law and _._ nO'lnl'I ..... -80ll St.. Col!ta }{ea&, recenUy ror welcome New ckr th• ch&lnn.ulab1p of Kra. ot Mr. and Mn.. Sam Pe:r1Dn.I ot ba m. paUo wlten tb• recepUon the delay caUMd by a ltack.9 ot L. D. J'eddennan of Santa Ana. W.-t Anaheim. ltne formed. Mn. J'nllm wore meule. anti Rlumpa A H umpty• T trn t wW be .,,.._,tect a.pt. 14 at Oall wu (inn In k..plAJ by a snm .,..aet anhroidered at• dwnpty -decorated cake. I c • Qa8 as ers tAe Oourmet ~L 'l1lll • Ml' fal.ber, tho 8ev Jam• a. teman drandu 1''!.°:_ Plnkp ~Uoa cream oonta, punch and w cken Ralplt c. &medley foundu of year'1 ~.a ... "IO Kl.nut. ~ al •t. And,..... anuda coraac• ...... era.ana ... ck111hted claumatea 1n Ml'&. • Around the worid. .. ~ti for pldorml.nc Ulo rtt.e. Ba IUM-fOWDed 1n • 11Urnmer Cllt prtnl Ktn-•-• claaa at tho new WU-Toutmut.en Intemat1onal. wel-t.M fuhlon lhow hmcheoa may -•-•-With wllb bronae caraaUona. •-·1 corned two n-memblrl ot Udo .. ... ~ 1own. ~ • .an .:bool durlnf tho rtn&l w..ic Toutmutnw club at UN Jun• be ob ........ ed from Mn. Jolin W. .-,p necllll.M and t\lb pnd Tb• bride dloM a ~l(e knit of -1on•. 21 meetlq R.k:hard B. Bradt A.t.k:tu Jr. dJrt,,.... ~ b)' tM ~ *'-wttb J..llbt 'lit'--acceuoms On Sunday a lradiUOn&I ~ Wal'-' J KCMibi..akJ Wf• lua-tJona ...,.. ,.tftD for • ol ~earned out by iicr.,.. for tho J!!nMnada bonoymoon day p&rt7 and dinner In hia bOG-~~ otnccr · ... Al4b. ftMOUI wa71 ln wbkh . ~ Uld Dowen In bcr halr. Shi Mid 8be wu lftdualed from N-· or 1ftre ,.i._ by fUa rra.ndpa.r-ollto, table toptca mutw -.. dta!rmm eoWd a1d UMif,r local ~ w1l.lt.a Bibi• on whlcll ..,.. port Harbor Un.Ion Hich School ml.I, Mr and Mn. c. E Oard-SandJ Stainer toubnut.er al dri.-. Mn. Donald VandertJUt. #lltlt.o carnatlonL -and attendfd Orange Cout Col-ner 11l their home In Wbltller. the n-entnr .;... Clyde l!lmlth.. Lacuna Beaeh. reported Oft • Kn. R. M. Healey alt.ended le~• wben ah• wu cheer leader. 'Mle followlnc Saturday a birth-8 ak Robert Drew Ed 1Plmdtd JWPODM to a m•tlnl ~ mt.er u matron of bona.-. Her hu.aband ••u craduated day party al borne rounded out a:..~...:: 0 ,_..t. ~ ~lt• lhe had called to acquaiAt be&dl a. l!Math dr.. wu a1lo of Crora HunUnrton Buch Hilb th• celebration&. Ari unique cake wtnn of th J • of oriran1JlaU~ and bwdn .... THI FINEST • • • YET LOWEST PIJCED E&rly A.merleut MAPLE FURNITURE . .. an'Jw~•,.. 0,.. Mo.clays until 9 wbilA lace, but wu OftJ' pl.Dk 8 ch o o I and atlend"d Cout In th• form or a man'• bat wu ;u .,. nal :e :P· am wtth work ot the Pbllharmonte. an4 ahe curled a DOMS•Y of ~o. Mned wtlb IQ cream con-. enney ,,... ua r. -------------------------------------------- ,.._ ..-.. Tbe COUJ>le bu ut.abllahed punch. candy and nuta. Jl)ach Barry WlJl1amllOn ..ned u nsldenco at 7810 E. Monroe, ru•t -.. pruent.ed wtlh a lit-At J, w. Conventio fl'OOmmna.n.. 1:ut Anab«lm ti• book. "Very •oouractns:• aid Mr. Kl.a hl"ftbUt l&llS "Walk . Invited to lb• llam• birthday Vern A. A.bbOtt, pNllldlnc mW. ~ In Band" and "B«:at'M of Coes Celebrate party were Seth Watart. Jane ter of JeboY&h'1 wtt:MUol. "wu You. n.bmu a.a.to Jr. play1DI Wa t.ar1 Leon Mickle and Co-our ~y COllftDUcm at aan 11ocompantm11n\ a• d ·~ Celebrattn,. l'ather'• Dey with IHn Kilnger, • BUJ Roberti.. ,...... Dl•ro wbere upward of 1,000 m\lllle. a tamily rewdon and picnic •up-ry Ann and Bhorrt• BenllA Al-wtlll ..... from IOUUIM'n callfor· Tall CUldel&llr'a. white lladl· per ln Coeta Mw Park ,..... Im. nla __.. bl attendanca. olu and ptnk carnaUolll ~ MJ'. and Mn. Roy Coe of 111 ~===-=:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;=:;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;mt Broamra7, eo.ta w.--. and Ulelr " Mesa Guest Honored at rkShower 991* S..flce roa loller I~•~• • 7 rf .... CllOill wl 0.C.. 8Ji I R'", Dl'lp'l7 .................... QAU. •••*Ml IN THE SHADE SHOP ...................... .......... - chllcbwl and lftDdcb.ild.ren. lD the party ....,. llft-and Kn. Mini ODii and chUdra Gercory, Toauny a.ad Diane, Mra . .Maur- em Bailey and 06.ry, Mn. Stan, lq CraM. Kn. ~ Clay and dauptara Ka.rm and Unda. BALTZ MORTUARIES OOBT A MlC8A CllAPm. 17 u BupertOT Anaue eo.ta M.... Ca1J1. Phone Llbert7 1-2121 CIUft:L IJ'f TD DA. auo a. oout m.4. eor.a .. Kar, cam. .......... 61 . cottons for the junior beachcombers wonderf al to wear •.. euy to eew ln eolorf ul •mety in our fahrie1 cen&er ' NEWPOR OPEN SUNDAYS 10 to 5' w. Give • ... .,_ ............ SIH ~ N!WPOIT llACH iJ Grffn 0-_. m.elll .,_ N~ PW "" ~ Stamps ntodern truck VB's e pounds prove it I Pound for pound. the IDOll poweduJ lNct V1'1 llOday an a-.. roleta. 'That'1 ooe way you..cua &ell tbey're tbe IDDlt modlr'll Vl'1 toinal They C&1T)' around fewu poundl f« power m., ...,_ n.a mc&DI 108 DOC on)y C&D bauJ biger mdl ,.W baw ..... ...W. power '° ~ than! Stop bf and lee UI si1'e you the flCU 09 Cblmllcc'I ooepw:l. IOpCI" dllcimt truck Vl'L Weigh tll• laota ••• _. ,.'D eta ... .......,,. --moden\ tnacb MILLER . CHEVROLD . CO. 1000 W•t Cwt tflt'way NIWPOIT llACH • • •• ' . ' • • NEWPORT HAUOR ~-PAAT •• ;).\\] • I RIOAY, JUNE 2', 1'5' • • "' Nil ···z'i L9W • LMIUJC• n:•Cll PMJ111•1'T-llep<od•cod with 11-<tnr -. '<r!MI ~ 11upper" ill t rodltlonal cllmu of the Llfua lldoch Papant of the 11 ... HUGE CROWDS DRAWN TO LAGUNA · · F-OR lNNUAL PAINTING FESTIVAL town wu a f\ill-ned1ed art col- ony. RN<JE EXIUalTS ALL SAFE AFTER BOAT OVERTURNS A "PtrllqUin ci.... MJlbol.l, raportfd cw~ m:i tb• Ny MU" llOO ~lotJc. ot Udo , Saud .. turd.a, lllCht. ..... lowad ...a.ore by tbl !lartlor ,papartm.enL PenoJll; aboard cluftf io th• eid• Of Ula ov.rturnad craft ttnW tllay Live Reprodlk:lioM lec:ominCJ v .. 'Round 'L+•+or of Love' TII• Kl'ly paintw-• tell Into lb• h&blt of ban(fq thelr work 1---------.... .---1 ". Ken tbs.I'! 100.000 .,.,at.aton .m. ot. tba Kut.era. ached· ""':-draWJl from 1nry sta.C. ill U.. Wed for July 14 ~ Al&I· unklD .,.. opacllld t.o crowd u. u. To u.o. t.bou.anda ot yta1- ~ MUi49 art eok1111 ol ton. Uae Fdtln.l ot Ar18 ts a tA.pna Baatb ror Uta 21at an.--.....,..,._,. n111L Fnf .,..i..ia1 aua.I h?t.IYal ot Arla and P9S" tbet IAp.na's ,...tlftl ls a 11*'" Orange Co11cil Co11i~en m Acres Annex OllA.NGll COCNll) -'on.np wW "'°"' b1" Ill &CrM -· .9Pf'llld to tha ... t. w.-t and .-u,._,...,.. ... ,.... .,.. oomjkted. J'loo11t1'PP to br1.q a.ppraid• m&teJ1 ae .,... 1nt.o 0ruc- dlJ' Ull!Jt. .... tntualld ..,. c1t1 OOWM:iU Tuema1 n11ai.i. J..&rsMl pa.roid ot l&ruS w:ad ... eurwr tor UID...U. la a UO- acr• paroal IDcludhi.1" .P~ •OTUI of Gt:ia.....-Affll*, of th& laftta Ana JU..-ar, lnclud· tn1 the Or&o.r• Drtn 111 Tbaa.· ter ..... l ol Pl&clnUa .A•111ua, 9Cnlttl to Card.n Gron BIW .• 'l'DUad labor of love t.o mon U... 100 rui4t.nle of tha L&- l\ID& e..cb aru. Artist Ho rm a n llt. Clatr, wtw.s J&nd.IJcapa w1tar colon '"" popular ta 1900, la uuall7 crwsit.d ""1th ha.rill( balfD tll• dYooftnr ot: Lquna 111.&eh. HU WWII: &ttraci.d otller artlaUI Md U1.97, too, came for a da7 and for'IOt to Co hom1. More ~ ... klnl" tuplration, came to L&- 1"\m& and btiton &nybody r.alia- .tS •hit wu happanln&" Ula Safeway Has HewJype of PremluilrPlan on downtown tenc:. to attnct UMI attenUon of U.. t.ourl•t..l. When Uai ecrit1Dllo9d powth or tM colony became a cut.lnty, l•DC•• IU}d walls wer• lnadt- pt. and • IJll&ll buildln1 wu aoqu1red u an &rt rallery. nie pttM!lt pllery la one of Ult r-Ml!~~ &rt plltrlu tn th• United Bt&t.u, On April 11 , 1932, tha F11U- Actor to Fly 5000 Bugs Into County n.I of AIU wu bont. -a hum-SANTA ANA !OCNSJ bl• project daUned to be callfd Hollywood &el.or and profeulc.1n· "A.m•ric&'1 Unique Spectacle" al acrewblll Dumond Slattery. and to brtnr national pruUre l• nymg to Texu to bring to a trte.nd.Jy little lawn, OBn(I County lt.t tln:t lighten· It wu an lnaU1plclou• nr1t Ing bug1, after apendlng Hv1ral ye&r tor the F••tlval or ArU. d•y• ln the county checkln&" hu· Tiw artil;t.t bwi1 t.be1r painting• n1!dlty, weather and temperatuN! on a fmc-1 in & parkln( Jot bf>· lnveraion, tO makl flU!'I firl nLl!I hind 1 doWntown rMt&urant. A can live her1- lsw pltlW'ff .Old and the en· Sh1.ltery will make a trial 1'1Jn COW"&&ed utillt.t fl(Und they w1lh th• bur• .ometlm1 th11 m1(11t u weU st.,. It & tlln1 wl!l!kend In Ora.n11 County to th• nu:t year. prov1 they will thrive her•, bf-· Th• yM.r1 1934 and 1830 ..... fore h• run ln t.be m1j()r t.bl MPM1n1 of the J'11Uva1"1 •·.quadron" of 6000 on the f&mOUI hl1blli"ht. ''Th• Pace&nt Fourlb of July. ol tll1 M&1ter1." ArU.t.t How1rd so E...''EMlD' Shc-tdan and Lolita Plrln1 had ''They bav1 no natural en1mle1 Iona: played with the klu. of In Oran1e County and there I• "llvi ' pie turn." In 18J.t they no "'"°" they •hould not live P"• '-."<I a prorram Qf tablq,u11. 1ntl U.ght hue."' P.Y• Slattery, .,_.t to Lnrll BL and north to The next year 11136. arU1t-real· who hopes "the nrcrllei e&n ad· LOB ANOELEB -Southem o-M •-•-k " Cb•o ... n A.,., T ll 1 0~1 tor •w;, • nupp ....,... OTer lne Just t6 the c11m1te and 1t1rt 1 C.lllornla w.-ay .. ,_ wtlf .. t -· 1·-d C<>unty o.narat Bmpltal 1round1 ow, «ll e I ""' ICope •n new breed of Southern Calltomil find & new type or premhm Im -•-11 -• tto H 1 ·~ not lJM:ludld ln th• l.flft•lLI· P<vYu1( I p1vuUC n. ti a -t!NI !\lee.'' Plan awat-I.hem when. they -1 1•-·-p t.l<m.. M pve 1 "" name, ~"' 11· The attor. who hu pulled oft ohop tor the famUy'• food IUP-t t th '' t •• ~ ~tn1• to anau 10 •crH tan o t a.11 tr1. 110me or hlatory'1 bl(fUt 1tunt1 • .. tM -Lil licM ot. T ari .A.• ... pliH lhla weekend. In li4l the pro;lect lll!ttle,1 In W1th Jim Monn. New Tork pub- HERE'S PROOF -Lily Call demonatrat.. her proweu when it come1 to a.lbacon. -Don Bush Photo · Sportfishing Boat Totes Home 16 Albacore for Seasonal 1st Uly Call, 821 E.. Balboa Bl.d .• proved ~ the Friday L&dy .A.n1· • lrra Luncheon Group 1h1. d-.'t ju1t talk a (ood fl.lb 1tory, L&at week 1ha racked up a !Int for her club whtn the Jl'ury, 1klp· perl<l by Phil Pour, came home .,,,,ltb le elbacon wet1hln.1 In at 208 pounda. th• tll"lt of the 18Df Harper, Miceli Battle July 4 '" Maurice Harper, out.t1'1.ndln1 O•kl•nd welterwelcht. ll.lld Joe Miceli, veteran New York Ocbt· er, batUa ll out •t UM Oak.land. Aud11.Drluni In • 10-round TV bOUl W~elld1y nlfhl. H•rper, who dere1ted Al l&t1rr1 In hi.I la•l ILi.rt, Vll· won eeuon brou(ht Into Newport Harbor by a sporttilhln&: boat. Th• f'l(htln1 tlsh I.bowed up ftva houfll and 4lli minute.I out of the Jilly on 1 110 d'l"f'I" COUflt, Olbef'I happy with tll• prni- pect ot n1h ln th• rreeaer In· eluded Pal4 Torra. B~ 1 .. la.nd: William Gartman. Costa Meu.., who ha uled In tha lu-rnt •l Ii pound• 11 ounc•: Kre. Tbllma Bn.d!ord. Coats M-. memt1er of the N.,..port. Hatbol" La.d.y An1ler1 who mad1 tint tor har pup: K, H. Huyler. Banta .A.n1; Robert RMI and Don B.l&"ltr, ANihtlm: Warren Garaway, Nprwalk; Dave 8!1ll~ off, Alh&m bra; and C. A. Du Shane, Lyuwood. •. ·--•-·•.~· MO fMl l&al ot The pl&n \I diMdrned to rive lh11 compar1Uve luxury of Irvine llclty man, reme1n~r1 when h• _.,...~ th• food flrm'• cU1tomar1 • Bo • •-• rt d--aat.&Yia IL ..,.. alM bl.ltlatld. w., arec..-.. on pro1>9 Y _.... wu •boy ln lha )lfd-Weat. tire-th11 N1Uon&1 A.AU and Go.Iden ' City eouacU apprond anncxa-••riety of ~uutul, ~fuL 1.n.d ed to Le.run& Beach by the lat• n 1et were 1. b!J" part of July 4. Anaheim ACJrees To Sell 3 Lots For Courtrooms lion of l'J llCl'U &ions Tuat.U:a va.luable sttt. free of any charyt Jame• Irvine. An outdoor at.age Attf'r flN!worki and cel~bratlon.11, Glove11 cha1npion1blp1 In 19411 .A....., atmdlq Uta cttJ llruJt.I In excha.nc• for 1pec11I envt!O~I wa1 built f1cln1 1 natural amp-h• 11a!d, 1.ll the ktd11 ln. the neigh· prior lo tuminl" pro. The 211· te \M-..ort,b, n.. proputy iuu.. contatninc pink 8atew1y cub hlthut.ra of &lflulnc acc>u1llc1I borh«ld would t•ther llghfffi· ~r-old fl&:hter h•a piled up an ..ta ftam UMi ~t ltl.J llm• n:Jlat.er ~pt.a. 1>9rf1<?Uon. Now • n-$90,000 lnr bu&"• In milk bottlea, 10 lhf'y 1mpres.1iv1 record of 2e victor· ANA.HEIM (OC'NSI -Mam· it.9 ol T\at1a, DOrtb put t.ba TM ayaum, known a.a UM •t&c• hu bMrJ. ln11t.allad. Fundl would J"IOW In captlv1ty. iM . flv. by knockouta, In 21 ber• or th• Anaheim CHy Ooun· nllro..cl tnc:U to VlaL&, .alt .... ..,a·.A.-Tapl'"' plLD., lt •try for con.trucUon w1~ derl..-ad MAL"i PURPOSE bo\lla. He hu defeited WHUe ell WadnMday l (fffod lo Mil to a line baltWaJ Mt•-'I'\». llb:np._, explained a Compa.nJ wholly from FuUffl p~a, Slaltery'a ma.In pufJION nf Vaurhn, Al Wilkin, Diii Tian•· three loll to Ora.nl"• county tor ua u4 Cambrldp an4 91Nlh to spokaman. "Tba cu 1 tom a r plw 1 $",000 1rant from th• bringing thi bur• to Ot"a.ng• a:a.n. Charley S1.lu 1.no It.I.lo construction of • MCOnd depart· •·-.. pt k •-• ay --'" ,_ .. .,_ • .... •nd&Uon menl of the An.ahelm-1'UJ11rton U. pr91a.t city IWta. p-. r n ...... ew "691• ... ""-• .... • County la '° chlldren here ('an ScorUchlnl 1nd la unbea ten In 0.. bWMlnd torv ...._ eut. ~r r1e1lpt tapea In _. 'Bl•• ii,. llllit i v.nt features •t.. '" their tlr•t fl.retlln and en· hl• l•tt 13 fichu. While •l>Hnl Munlclpal Cou.rt. at Onllt• rowt:Jed .ut _... .A.·Tape' envelope wittl ahe bu •er.a oi ,rouna. dlaplay1. Paint· }OJ the bua:i tha llme u their from the nnc .i.nce l••t Aupst. Th• thrla loU a.r• loc•lad 1m· u., JIM~ll16:np. .-t..dlaa dtJ ucwnulat.ad $1'1.MI worth or re-era. aeulplora, cv1milla, photo-MJd·Wbt contemporarln. H•rper hia kept In. ahipe u Dladla tl!ty nortll of the pru111t 1lmlla In the 1:1 Modano ..,.__ Ottp~. Th.11 then blc:omff on. IT•phl~ I.Ad handlc...rt &rtlaana Slattery, who ta Robin llood the ('hlef 1psorr1ng partr.er few court hoUH on U. .AJ1plea SL Put U!.1 E&at Qapm&D bridp pNmlwn envelOJll SM then pru@nt lhelr cruUv1 output for h'om time to time. puJled hll former mlddlewelfhl champ At pra.nl, Depart.nMnt Two. te th• rauro.. traekac U4I 91NUl .tart.I. another en .. lopa unto lhl deli1ht of tha browtlln&" villi· "luckleat'' •tunt when the 8ham-C.rl "'Bobo" Qlaon. under Judie Claud• Owcia, hU i. La VllL&, .-e\NJ!nc ui UM Ml h&a the r-.quired numbs ot: tor. With fftlf acaptlona, Ula rock Hotel In Tex .. opened. Hi Mlcel! 11 1 converted IOUthpaw been holding court In the A.mu-- ., l.to Kraa Wor. ratr.u'll1q to 111.GO ~ •vad for tbl 0.-arlYork la for 9"la d.INCt.Jy from n.,,, to Jrtl&nd 1.nd packed • who dependa heavily on hla lift lea nLtclon Hill on Nortb Lem--,.... ·-ot,... p,..mhun.'' tb• ....U.t and crah.n.an. b&lo ot oh•---•-and •-·-t on St~L -• -"'"""""' •~&" hook. Tba 27·ytar-o\d ••le~ Many premium., It WU pointed Th• lArun& Beach .A.rt .A.uo-them 1-ck to Tu&a.. But when he h11 acnrtd 48 vtclorlu and Only prov\l.ion1 of Lhe a&le la a,clcls out. may ba had for u tltUa elation apou.-.. The Ca.llfornta rot bacJt ha couldn't contact fought 1even dr1w1 tn hi• pro that the county m U1t ...Wen Restmlraftt Ill u two •nvelope of receipt.a. J"or Gallery, an ln't'ltaUona.l exhlbi· Hotd Owner McCarthy 110 c11.rett d•tlnr back to 1948. He Romney1. 1nd Homer Sta. to N E I rtal uarnpl•, two 11nweloJIM wtll bti tlon ot contemporiry pa.lntlng by "Slata" and J. Carrot N .. b 1te h&• ml't mowt ot lh• top tlsht· handle the Lncraued tr•fflc load. flW ft ~ nefl ~for I ft..-e-pt.oe pl&ol artLIUi from all parta of the tha whol• bl.la, "Willi CrMm and er11 including Kid Ga.vilan, G1tl ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; a a I'•••• a ~t. 1110 Mtttnc CM' thraa f'Ull..-IOUP .-tat.. SIJl"&r like brffokfut food, .c1 Turner, Johnny Saxton, Art Ar-11 N--__. ao.ta M-., bM bowls I.a a buuutuJ halld·paint· For lha •mall fry tht r•'• 1 they would'nt 10 to wuta." 'Ion and Bobby Dykea. _ .. _ -ft-dally "Fre.for-ai.l"":u~t..;'~'~;:;~[::=======:------------------..... two ·ll:aoWa mut-ed dlwnr&re aet ncnir -..... elw to lta OftffR:"""WUOna.J "'"" -•he~t.--a~ wppllld u Oded hortl t and lnat1'1JcUon ctven by loc1l blallt. acoordillC" te B&rol4 YOU-n:Uums wt be • • y, t 1..U.U. The Junior Art Qa.llery CHARW CHAPUN JR., TOO mw, OWDft" ........ Jud7 Whlto-wu .t.atad. la a dtll&:"htrul fdture:, dlspl•y· MJ wtU pi.,.. tba BaU\mOOd llO't'· All pink 1&1--.y cub NJ\#--,_ f d lliCltllDnt a.ad W• Vau&tm will tar l'ICll.pta tatMd from June ... , the bul work o atu ant.a. red r klndtrg•rten throu&"ll hl&:b echool ,..., U.. elletrie (Qltar ud tloo· 29tll on. wtU be bono « pre-An outdoor dlnln1 room on the .. .a-·-BoUa aJ.-.ina. miuma except UW-on purehue1 ---Ffftlva.I of A rta groundl 1ervc1 V •.. -.. "1'9elllu -...,.. wtt.h of fluid milk, fluid cream, or --· "V hOm-.cooked food throu1hout tht ---..-.rti.11 &Od otbar name alcobolte "°"rap, which are Mary Beth Hughes to Open Laguna Summer Playhouse ··~ _ _ U by d1y, with complete dlnnera from Eight profeu1on11.I pt&yi and .......... u_ bM __.... a ~ prohlbU.l.d ........ r ... e.mp on -~ v..---~:00 to 8:00 p. m. a local 1'1.lent finale ha·--• m• ~ lbop 111 Ooata Stai.a law. • .. •-• d -·--t a"-The famou1 nlch.t.IY hl&:hllght ached.Uled lot the Le.runa Sum· 'U"-aaterta t am1at run.II .A. _,..,ay 1 n~ruen ... Of ... -• __ _.., -• r A•• -,_ .. _ ., "'' annu ... .,.,. ... v ... o r ... mer PlayhoUM lbla aeaoon by .. - t tM weak ocapt Bun· ,_.rtnc In th1I paper .....-y •·"'"" ,_ ... ,. ,_ ot , .. _ .. t he Pacaant oi ,_,,, aa ... rs, Ptoducer·Dlrector John Nol-. John Carridine doubUn1 u star and director, AUf. '1. 8eaeon Ucketli a.re now on aat~ ---·-•• .. t p.ra. for tour rurthllr detail.I u...-MW P"· •-'"Ill t tod t " _ .. ·--... ,ed In the " -pro e.c na • bounl ffl mu81c. rnlwn plan. ural amphitheater of Irv I n• Tb.a openln&: productJon. '"Oh. HELEN WHITMORE, Red-=::::.::.::=:=--------------------!Bowt Men! Oh. Women!'", opent 8 30 •ood CUy nurltl!, winner of '28.- ON STAGE nu: BROADWAY LAl"F BIT wttr. MUY BETH HVOllEB .... CRARUI! ORAPUN. Ir. JULY 3-8 La guna Summer Playho use 111 OCEA."i FREE CUSTOMER PARKING DINNER 5o00 P. ll. -9 P. M. Open Sundays 12 Noon· 9 p.m. (cklaad Kondaya) 2588 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MES~ (l•t I Woe.Ii: -U. of ll&?lta AM o.cmb7 CID) Pho•., L1bertJ g.uos alM w a. IWm It.. ()nap DELUXE LUNCH Evoryda1 u - CHINESE allcl AMERICAN DISHES ....... -... ~ FOOD TO TAKE HOME The Same Prloot the Y-Anta4 CHINESE C~INO .. ·' 111 Hain St.. llall>oe -- afar Every Ni9'it II_.. '1 SM 8UI' .i. LAN'l'Z&al DINNER SICRVB:D O p. m. "'tU mtdntpt COCKTAILS -' Jl· m. 'W 2 L m. 12 Noon Sattmiay 4 Bm>dq Special Sunday Buffet 2 'tn 9 p.m. aOM4 WW'Ffa1 lua Sou~ of '-BYalt .a.e. Lan.-y Coon. Crew lntered In Briflsh Columbia Sail Tha world'• he.rltage of g·re.1t p.m. July ~. It will nin through 000 In lrllh Hoepl1'1.1 8w1ep- p1lnUn1 and 1eulptu"' eome.1 to July S, l allf'1 -"My, I'm cr•letul to Ufa under the 1t1n1 with t.be Tlw £d...ard Cbodorov p\11.y. that hor.e. rd Ilka to meet him men, Wilmm and chtld~n of Lil-whleh hu been ~rtbed u a 1 ·•:•:•~':':'":•:_•:tm:::_c,,._".'.'.:::•~tt~y~."7• --'-~""""""""""""""""""""""~==============::;===~;==;::;===!!=­run.a Beach act.In&" •• modela. llght-hMrted u.UN! on PIYCho-I Th.-.e programa {A , B utd Cl anatyll• and It.ii pnr.ctllloMrt, are completely diffe.rl!'nt. wllh will 1tar 1'1.lented Mary Beth LaaaJ ODoll and. llJ9 Newport wu anly J-11• point. out of lbl ebl&"I• axeepUon of th• rev· HuKhff ano will fl!lltu~ up-and· ...,._. Tadlt ~ cn'lll', cra.11 nm plac. l"')U1J" lnl.D lb• lUt •~nt and tradlUonal cllmll.ll. coming Cha.rlea Ch.l.plln Jr. In ~ ud Pai. Oe6llr, .,. l'le&, 'WlUI a tr..u ...Urty ·~ Lan Supper." 1 comf'dy role. U. ... UMI bknriq they wwra forced lo Amons the m1ny •rt aubjf!t'lll "Ob, Mee! Oh. Women!" ~·ae ~ C.W:anUa l1:mkll' llJter ~l"M auddanly, pt a n-t.o the nt1t1Uy Prov&m aN a hit on Broa.dway In the l ~S. ~ O&mpl~p tut ,...._ knock down and ~ ... amp-"Blecha. 111nd Artad.ne" by Tit\· .... Tbq w1U ..,.._at Ute Id. Attar "'"1nf tranUcaU.J for U.. "S.ptembar Mom" bJ Ch•· :'.14 aeuan and later enJoyf'd 111 lou~cautonm TadlU.. A.-ll.lloal ntlM!l nWlutaa, ~ W.• Ma Ind ''Tbl B\llll1(bter." by •U<:el!.Mful mad tour. 90datloa la. tM a.n llml·tln-T,C. er.... pt under .a, 111.d C. Ruano Uopla. Six play1 .,.. definHf'ly 11:'1 .i. at tM Ao,..r Vk:torla Tacbt aDlrHd U. NC&. .A.upait lO. ll, l2, UN clol.l.nr and the remainder "'"Ill ~ •n· Oallll 18 BliUA Oolllm~ J~ OtMr ,.cllt .ololllll apt• •ntacl n&pta ol. Uta Papaa1. wW 1111& ·nou~ ahortty. a1ud Noln . •• • ud 'J, ..,. ... DlqQ. cunuo lleMll. ''0Dmm111.d Putormancea," thrM Scheduled Lo folk)w on the heel• Tbe N..-port llU'bOr Tdt VO'f&C'r&. WtlMhrvd and BllJboL ldanUcal procrama ot faYWllM or u.e July I opene.-'"'" Chab CNW dat•i.d ..... ll othar Viol • o-........ Qdp CIW7 ..... ~ &udteneti TC~ ~rtn1 ""nte ~ TN.p"' wtth Jack ........ ... .._ "'*"I wt * Md !>loll o..,.; fll Uta &T.C.. -.rfler pertonnaneea ot lhe 19~ Harri•. July 10; "So Very __... ol&lll .at tM &. C. T. A. .,.. ta ....... o1. aD ~ ~l ot the Mattera. ~h" -'1th nn D'Or•y, July A ,.._ nee tWJWI roMa ..... Uoili" tit" CW-W. J\Wftd 1etila tor the ~ 17; ''T• and S}'mPllbyn w1lb wa1 -1Md I.a TMIU• rm ' t sf ~ Coo. ..,. tM nqtlt Milt ,,.. u.ually .aid out well K. T; St.enna. July 24, "Stop. •Y tM 8albol. Tadlt Qu.b ,-. ., tJt,a ~ Jut J'9U" and In advance 11.11d th•' SRO .tp Y arAlA Room1·· w1lh Lyla Talbot, u. a.&. "-' Au.. ne.t ..... Oel• :·-·:.. IDOWblrt a.em~ & oommon RchL July 11 I nd "Hilmlet" ""lh ,.._,, -... .,,... ·ta -11 1164 U Git JfAT.C. _. .. ....... .... • rittorlous M VktOria. n.. -'" wu hll.ld .,... a thq will p to Mo.u-1. Ca.a- : ~ ptr1od. wlUl DIM ...W.C ade,. fOt> Q.s a.ra ftM.a. or UM ,... ~ ,.....W.. ... 0.P" ,_... Hat6ooal ~ fJl IMll, aee. o..alttee CbalnMll, Hortlt. Am--. ft6s -'-1"Jll tor a T. 0., ........ \JM ,.._ Mrt AllP"' mil. -r ,,,_.. n. U.. Illa T....,t a. ..... wtD 111a .u..ii I.ft xontr.a, Ltct>- wttll LM Q18ailll at Uta UU., atara at V\ctoria. \ , v;.,..., s""" Ihtii1 fro•' P.M . llllTllLI Fllll • P.1, fttt•rl•I ... ,.. .. ,,.... ""'' ................... Fill IHlll lllT c,_, ,,,,. ... 0..4' coon \~tINc ... Brunch 1§.ob l\alton' s WATERFRONT RESTAURANT o. ,., s.1 ., u.i. si..,~; c • .,.,. 3450 VIA OPOIJO • NEWPORT BEACH -~tu1·.iia•1..: ,,, •• , u.Hr l JIJ . ·, .;.. i I • ·. I .: I •• .; I • ..! '· . SAIL Wl'l'B 'l'lllS C&EWf -The11e 1() loveU. an entencS 1n the ~ · County J'air queen conu.t. The ccnteatanta. left to rtch'9 Include, Janet Dey. Brea; Lorna Rom, Oranp: 8an.d.ra Macintyre. Newport Beach; Marjorie otvel. · San Clemente; Karlene IDchmu. Santa Ana; Mary As-.Jatepe, Placentia; Joyce Hok.an.Ion, w .. tmbpttt; .1-.nnie KcQueen, eo.ta W..; Beverly Joyce, : Fullerton: and Carol ~~ Ru.ntmcton Beach. HARBOR AR~ GIRLS AMONG 10 SEEKING PIRATE QUEEN CROWN . . . ot Costa Meaa. Joyce BokaMOn queen activlUtL J ot Waatmlnltu, Mary Apalat.a· AlnODI Ula act1v1uea at.al*! 'Diii JmfG U:U.f-Inboard l!',~eboata will roar Into ~ middle of the aporta pic\ure Wednelday at Long Bea.ch. Right with 'em wul be petite Judy Bell, 16-year-old bninette, choaen queen of the 8th National Independence Day regatta on the famed Marine Stadium coune. Weet Long Beach Uona Club will &Cain sponsor the boat cluaic, in which 90 drivera will race before an expected 15,000 spect.atora. ·llG PARADE Huntington leach Plans . J1l14 Event Buntlnfton S..cb'a 12nd An· nua.I •lh of July Parade will .Srt .i 11 a. m. WedMaday Jeaturlnr a theme of "Portraylll and l>qanlry of i'lunOWI Prff· ldenta" and M&dl~ otf will be dual (T'&Dd manba.11 Roy Wll· llama and Jimmie Dodd, mWllcal "Mou.elceteen'' f rom Walt Dl9 neya Mickey MoUM Club. Queen of th• celebration l1 Mi.a Loma. Rou from Orans• and equeatrian rrand mar1hal la Qeorr• J . O'Brien from Loa f>l:,US: CLAUDE RAl~S ••PARIS EXPRESS'' Rancbero• Vlattat.orH R l d In r ~~~~=~:~~~~~:=:~:::===~=~ Club of Ban FranciJlco. The parade lt.aru at U th and M.a.ln Sta. a nd rou touth on Main through the buatneu di .. t.rtct, diabandlnr at 1,.&k• Park. Major General C I a y t o n C. J • r o mt, USMC, commandlnJ ,eneral at El Toro Marine Baae. w1ll be Ult oftleia.I military ,_. viewll\f offlcer. LI 0 0 -: "'·. ft.an..&.-1>&7 -ir .. t' ... la ~ v., .... "GUY" ien ltte11 ~ County ,tri. ar• In U.. runntn1 today for queen of Ula ltM Oraqe Count>' ~. Th• beauUu, r•prelelltiq c1~ Ulroupout UI• count¥. are V}'fJl1 lha y•r tor queenahlp ot the lar(Ut ahow l.n the falJ"• pt of Placentia Cor th• qu.n contutanu llO far K&J1eM Hickman repreHnll 1 la a trip to Catalina laland a.nd ------------------------The All·Bouthl&nd B&thll\f noor at <luiata.'1 But. but J'rancla Reynolda. h• who Beauty JUvue and Pareant 11 many ru1• and dolla IW"• gtt 1l&nd.I oft the Apache char(M acbeduled a t I 30 p. m. ln the their terplachore&n talent t1lll· way out thar at La P .. ta. wiah., Open Air Beach Amphithealn h1.lory. 4 complet.ely new and modun p~ram la ldladuled thlll ,...r w1 If' wch entartaineu u La•· rent• Welk and hll Cham pe.pl& Or~utra, lpada Cooley. Doy• O'I)eU. the Hooater Hot lhot.e an4 Lhe famoua lpor'Umtn qu,ar. tell Iii addition. a two-day rodeo ta )!lated tor Ula clollnr day• of :th• fair for both 1ttemoon anct evenifts performancu and mldr•t auto racee will ba run laala Ana; Marjorie Divel. San I a.n all-day tlahlns tnp. Clemente; Sandra MaclntyN , Thia yeu v.111 "" not only 1'.wpc>rl Beach: Loma Rou, Or· I a lurer fair but alao a lonrer Ul1'9; a.nd Janet Dey, Bru. on .. Jl'air dlrKtoni eet th• open- The .,_uuee are under lb• tnr day (or Aur u•l 10 with ,.,..i •uperv~ion a.nd cart of I t'lo•lnr elated 10 d•)• lat.r on Edythe VeDel. aupervl.lor of Auptt 111. ·MATHENY'S MEANDERINGS on ;Uie new track oa tha tlll.r-------------------------1~<11 durtn1 the ttJr. Oonwt tor Mlect1oa ot t.M Juat in cue 10me ult ub you how to box a compua, qu•n will be held Ju.I)' H at ...... _ don't don .... ..tded glovee and 1tart crawllllc throush th.: fa1J's1'0wlct.. ~ te ..--t- R..lf.C. hl*!w1der. ~ ropm waiµnr for a bell to clans. Simply 1tate-1ubtle- 1n-.arer 4lf Ula fall'. ~ u~-... ....___, th Sh bo t to T -d th T-'--d tor Ula contest la yet t. M Mat-»A9 -~"'' e ow a ~runa an e ~ lined. ruu.n.ncser Mid. Lady to Cat.alin&. '' lated to th• lop with thot• d d all th&l with Sandra M.clntyre, Newport Polynesian poem-tonea walUng I tu remin one a.n Jkach; Jean.nit Mc:Queen and tbroup the atmoephere a lready Sunday eervln11 •ta.rt a t U Mary Patt.enon both Co4lt& charsed wtth -mmmmmmm. f\'oon They'll continue alonr that Maa. al&ltd t.o ~ctp&ta from man. that prime rtb routing 1 lln• of choice Mexican food9 un· 1 Ull• a rea. Oft the Chine .. oven. 'Aa lh• lit th• bewiitchlnr hour of n1n~ _,------------- man at the next table aa1d, 1 In the eve. Honut lnjun. • "Honey, I can't dance now I'm not loo far out, at that. • 'ld ha\19 arTan1td for you to block thi. etd• f th s e 10me of lht but. To w1t. hunsrY!" Anyhoo, Art LIShelle'a a 0 • urrent "Picnic" la follaWed Rut 11 -well, It l8! Ana Country Club. Th duly 3-lhru·H ) by "Born Ye .... Have you 9Hn tboM Mural• er•'• a heap o' llvln oulllde Lerday." ovu a& Heary'1, on CoHt High· that tv of your'• It you'll only On the other hand, It you're a ""'Y' A.a proud M trc,ta Tony inveat11ate. Try 1teln1 aomt of dyed-ln-tht-wool clnematlc. look and Henry are about their "an•· our nelrhborly aummer theatru to the1 Port, UdO and MM& Cor tocrat or s .... ,.,.,. rood" U\tff I for real at.a1•Y 1Um11lat1on ~ ..-~· Pia food movlu. At the Port, ln two lada burst wtlh .. ride when JUll& ummer yboa" ll ln Corona del Mar, a double thriller they lhow 'off their attracUve f\lll ewln1 now, u la Tu.tia -;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ wall dac:or. l'\a,)'tlox. ., It aeem1 u If one (or two or Down Llrun& Way. on Ocean more l e&n fNl ., if he wer• I Avenue. yw'll ttnd "Ok. Men! actually ln eome IW\.DJ tuy Oh, Womentt with Mary Beth •Ware with 11enonta1 ' eotUy Hurhu and Charlie Chaplln Jr. Tt:" TIN PLA \'BOX Tunda7, ,w,. • "BOR.N YE8ft&DA \'" AU Seata Rte. SlM n-JU 1-nn Coming ~TOY TIGER-"You·a Love ltl ~ . . • . . JCntnu In lM fair .. t.t to ftlat'a all 1°" need to know' •••ta In nelahborly BeJboa aoon. dat.p tncluck Carol Bods• ., t• 9J07 an OCUJl cruiM a.nd On• Jwat can t wel(h anchor H~ Beacb, ......, JCllJ'Ce t.UtaJ. • u &aah and ally oaone 1n Balboa Bay w1lhout makln1 ot •rt.on. J ...ale ~ u ...., man can In a 90-tt>oler th• round.I of that co&y UlU• Un.kll.ns lea cuba ln a tall r •-1 trom JuJy I lo th• Ith. stmply laden W\th tonJc -a.nd Cathy and Sherwood Price are .. ... "'C" I t.. T••tl• auropln' el.le lo take away th• dd,o~l.n~(~Tul~~tla~P~•~1~bo~•~UU..~~M~1~eon~~~;~~;~~;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!! lute of that lime fioattnr In - unit taclio wiUl a fortune topalde and ba-community. Bo, let'• it.roll aJonf tow. th• atrand at Ula ocean tront HonuU)', how can you beat and drop In for a chat with lt T Tb1a Harbor area for a Dick and Kate o.nt. A11 If you place to live and rein and eat didn't know, they're lbe Balboa and .Sp and proclalm. "Ulla la Ina <A>ft1 \woeome the reflected aunll1ht Ahhhhh me, IO we have to work' my own, my D&Uva (adopted or How•vt r, th• o.itl1 do not -by Wl'lb> city wbk:h 11 1n Ill ent.erla1n mu1lcally, them11lvee. Golden Year." No air••. what with all their There'• d&J\clns nery nlrhl down the cout at leal&n" Locl~e, juat j!;"•l Lapna Ba~ Music Y>y-The Royal Lant.en v1 .. wtth delectabla food end a fin. ocean view. Cocktalh1 elarl at 4 p. m. and ketp n owln( I n, _.,-'vi rocfla y.v'll ..,., -"' • ~ you lt11e11 in on !ht rwrwy • lfts you tolt o~ l11teft le lhe ,_.- alen (Of olchttnl ifl .... ,.... • a+. IWO rodloe in the h4NM • 4 hofldy oddtllon to rour WOfbhop • .I\ ef!Kiet1t oftk• ini.ttOl'll ........ .-;. It ce...-ct --~·-ywt---.e.ytintle 1'941oel T ,.j. if todor flf- ,-: - - - -1 I : I Davh lrown. I .... , llM~ .... I C'M«a ...... OalU. I L----"J With Ula l'oU.rth of July f•c· l.altnll apread out to ma.kt your Inc WI. we ourfll lo plan eome· 1tay at the Ina veddy comfy. thlnf a bit unu.ual, eh! Uke. Kate hu a.rranrtd for th• Bud· for balal\09. brunch at Bob ()a.I· dy ftoh.ner Duo with Raul Oon· toe'• Oft Bund&.7 or the Fourth. uln to (Ive with the aharpa We reter. of courae. lo o.I· and nat.a parlayed Into dan~able toa'a-on·Ule-Bay. tha one w1UI tun•• or ll1tenabk dJtUu . unW 2 a. m. lncldent&lly, Frank and Gina G,.,.dolfe want U> rrt acqual.nt· ed Wllh you. Thty're ,•uch a n a.Cfable couple. filled with lnttr· u un, lu. t ' • •· n'\tlve Italy. that they love lo alt a.round and ,UU Wlln YvU 1t1:y U&}' Ul• vi.w lncomp. Dance al B&lboa I.an Oale on Wedneaday. Friday or Satur~ay. Or all three If your arcbta can like It! Thfrf' may not be a dance Natch, II you're Inclined to- ward• a bit ot lausna. ptua. ravloll or dreamy apapetll you've only to .. y the word Vino, too! Bpea.ktq of l)&.lloe' •. aa a lot of people aH, have you (Oll«n real ....U acq.&alnlad with Bob'• mlxoJoaiatl T Tbqre truly 1our- met.1 of th• )lquJd.I and art proud ot Ulir abWUu.. p;;;;;;......;;.;;, __ ..:;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~.;;;;;;~~ atJWY &VUI &VIC ftMd1nf tJoolD Jett lo r1Jbt, at llCllll• poUlt flt U-. pm.a dur· tnr a "a.J naah .... tb.ty an Art. Too)' &611 Norm. Yup. that'• Norm, DOl Al. Al la tie -· who •l&nda wat.ch ov-er a.t ne Hatch.. A.a tcnp\ll tu(lll, we'll try to tell you more about t.be9e nice pya. but for th• noa we'll only menUon that Topy bail• trom o.ltoa'1 LIC1ene1a OHQ and Art wu the nry .. me you'" Men a t th• Ro~ Hawaiian ln Honolulu. 4.nyone for lunch! Don't ~ your pretty bead• about ll. Jlin Karam hu taktn care of a..ery- thlnr. At llaralnll, In B&lbO&. you'll be 11rved a Continent.al lunch at your blddln(. And JOU know aan.r-rep for dloW, donlcha ! irooekr If Ooatlnetal lundi .... ~(who.,. how you speD It T) ~ated on )'OUT' J ap ala a per! ti f I Anyhoo. Rany v ... llktWIM Ill Bal, over at Tllie CldMM o.a... f•l\.tr'91 a dally lnuch. Canlina ofi'luor FOR A C'OOL PICll·ME-l"P TIU' GORDON'S GIMLET COCKTAIL I pe.rt1 Gordo•'• 01• -l part R-'• U.-,...,. -I b .. npoo• 1up.r -eradtM ~ -C'lllD •eD ... euve la «!Ot'ktall ...... ()all llAJl.BOR Mi For Fut, F'f'M Dallvery -No Orclu T.p 8lnall 0&>" 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. -Sat. WJ t :81 116' E. Cout Rw1.-<Alrona clel Mar Grandolfo 's t rormuly of Semet 1 • complete menu for the f •mily Plu.A e 8PAOJIEl'TI e U8AGNA HOKE • llADE RA \'JOU e STEAD e SEA FOOD rooo TO <JO s 11 1a1boa 11wd. BALBOA Harbor 4131 orsN DAIL~ U NOON·U IODNlQBT, OL08&D M0~1DAY Mtp.t ba ...U worth your whll• lo plan a noon·tlm• nuta and ............. ...,. ......... ...,._. ........ _. ......... ,,,. ......... ,,,. ......... ,,,.._. .... _._. ORT :7' .. ~ ORONJI ,,, ' MA"' 1.-f •• 'IJ/MJ • NOW • Double-Thriller "llNl ~IONI" plu1 " "I W.lcecl Wltll A Zombie'' ., ' u_./il ~ J F •• ,,,I "'" (};J.' BALBOA INN CAFE e COCKTAILS • MUSIC e PIANO BAR . e DANCING • Buddy Rohner Duo with Reul Gon1ale1 Entert•in1 Wednesd•y-fTid•y I S•turd•y ON THE OCf AN fR ONT AT MAIN IN BALB OA ' • • • ~ • .. L r- 1 get in the swim ... live in the sun at ·Halecrest CAMPUS ESTATES! RKlct.nta forHIChtad anouah to live at Halecnm Camput t Ett9t .. wlll llw tha fUll llft . They'lt be~ "pn>pri4'tof'I" al 14fftt-lft Wnt«n-ffolly ...... Owta their~ own prlveta 4-acra rec:rMtlon area, c:omP'llte wltft lun1 al.lad awlmmin1 poof, epaciou1 ctubhouM. UttM Leque BaNball Dlemond, P'enlc &rOUndl, H well H teftftl• Ind '1encf- ball courts. lt'1 community hvln1 •t it1 V&fY best-best fot 1rowin1 )'OUnptera •nd "younptars" Who nevtf crow old. Why Mttla fof laa than Halecrtist ~ ~1 ,._, ~ f1vor1t1 beKhet .•. )ust • ,,...,., llclp to .U lndu~ .,.... Coma ltv• the full Jlfe at HalK1'81t Campus tst.t.., ..,.,. IMnl it •ty ... wMf9 llvin1 is furt>. •• lft beeutiM c.ta ...... Y1ttnu: Al ._ 11 ~ IOWI (Pfus costs n:t impounds) ftON.VETUAHS1 Just P9t 0.... (pCus coats) • lullt·li. WHtiqtlooM Oittlwadltf IM Wawr-OrJtt • Ctdf .... """ lodloofa • Jand, ....... , ... • t c..r .... 11...., ,~ ......... • ,...., ....... Lita 7,411 ..... ...... • Uwlll ... ,......, .. ........... • '*-"' • a.ttr C... ltlllCI .. WitJ • MotWIWtC....., a..litJDM ....... L--------------- .. .. ,. .. .. .. . ' .. .. .. . . • . . . . , . . , " " . .. . • • . . . . . • • • • --. -.. .. • -. . -• --• . • t: .. .. • • • .. -· . -- __ ,_ i ·--__ ,,.,_ _. •.. • J I ;;)!$ ' NEWPORTiiARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I • PAGE 9 ·- • FRIDAY, JUNE 2;9. 1956 • SHOUTS FQR HELP, NOT OUT OF JOY., SWIMt..iERS LEARN Two lf•)'..ar-oid You\hii ~l.nc ta· lb. "'f'f ot.f OcM-. ,.,_t Wr,lJJ.k.a, W~7 ~ hnnl a min 1~ ud Utwibt .•t tllAlt hi ft. me lY ttloutlrle w1th ~ --"le Of Ult~ 'Wlltt. , .But Aldo Do.bw'r. toa w. Oee•n •hotat. an4 11111 J..,,..U, '°°.a.; Float, t06k .. 0 tlte00d look; an:d ~u..t tb9>' 40-~ fi"imrnn waa la 416.ua.,. TOWLJlf .their Cu-. VM 91lrf raft with lllem, th" bo~ -•m o-Hr \o Ult VlcUm ud pilibld )Jt. bn4I .011 uw n<t •iw. u.r f'&Ued tr ........ :n. man:;_ •bollil bn1e ,th~ ft~ io Pt.I \okl ~J ho ¥f. bMI!; MlW by a cram.p, allllo\lrh ht bad not ea.ten .• • tor u hota'~. Jt ... u.. ant Um• ho h-.d --...unmlq _ _ .. ".'l ,. for \b~·r-~1~ev ... ;-.•! ~d them., . / ; ~--~...-1 co1~ P"a~ Ho~ ,~alsa.tPRl6l End5·.Dari· .. M~t.h O~QIN ~f· This, .Weekend Open. ffouse at Cal-Va fann '~ laYlrecl 'to Visit NeVt Tract To Mrs. ~.· i. Wineg1r, 92451 11pec1any ~tr\tCt.ed C01Tala, ~ 1 Nlchola1 Drive, Garden Grove.. modttn mJlldnc" p&rklr nd tb See Pefflct House for Ho1 bw Uvlng w•• lh• 1ucky wlnTier or an oui.tandlng~~ ~ room. I 800-Jb, bab)' b9ef .teer lUt Ba-wtl.... mJ.lk .. -iijft' \irOiigh & orat11• County'•• ftewut luJI.. with traftUnc u ln a 1 son•. turday alt.,..., at car· Va flub cooler, • IJMb pu\.euru.er ~.tcin. COltos• Pa.-k· BOQ\Oll door1 ln 'U. ~ l'OOID °'""'81'. ranu. pklneer' md9'811$1ettt pro-an4" an t!lltlJ'llft bl(D. •peed jl.Yt: """tk ot or.a,. Cout Olll~ orito C9Wlt • '°°"""'*' , f!WM; d~r-dlatrfbutof GI allk for, Or-~mOpnfaer, ft• new• l)'pe bot· lei•'«' BaAw Blvd. 19 rorzna>.. aborat• muter INdrooat lluttM ans• OOWJt1. Inc lll.&Chtne I• UtObC other \Y opttdq Utlll ~~ It wu wttb pr&nti beit.k otf df'tlMIJ\r Kr•. \l!lM&'&r WN OM Gf U.. Item. °' lnt.erut ' ln th• procu-&M~· tod&1 ~ Wanm w. ak:OW. ~ \:""MIM UAe a·e1.rly ~ lLt'ton at tM Ill.QI' room. All peat..I an treated Qtbbon.I, .ti• .manartr of U.,e Olld jac~ ht ~ bedto0..t end IPOdal CIJ·V• ·~ n.Jry to a lute of Cal·Y•'a del.ICiow MW"r9)'·San4en Oompqy, bUlldo-at lb• klt.clatlft duk; Le.leriaion Month "Ope B.__., Celebration wi,llk at the oompleUOD ot lhe ·er1 ind deve.lopear of tM trut. anUnnu and jM!Q lnat&Ued and whk.h c:aI·V• 'l"annl la h!Tlnl \OV, .., ti lbe Dairy M.<etk .......... U. tt ... unounmd •y H_,,. Hunt. &cn11:ral ma.na.pr ~ Cal- Va FM'llla. * . llEADQU.Un:a& P0a VITAMINS ...... Alcllitl AJJ ZJiGY-&U.T·FUZ ... DLUll:'DO Dlrl9 HAUOR Healtfl Foods IU N. NEWPOBT BLVD. (2 Blka. North of th• """"' UMU& The1e hom.. reatutinr n..-. many other fMtuiw de&lped to e•c-b. latunt.1 &ftitmoOn dul'tnl' 8a bu!c nooc pl&nl and 1J a:cltlq m•k• lhrtAr mort enjoy•ble. the month or June. =;;;;-~...,..;;;;;.;"~'-;;::;;'°~·-"~°"~-';';":.!!~~~~~~~~~~~ .. , u:terlor dui(M an the produrt From the womu•e ,an(lt th• Viiltqrs to Ctl·Va J'arma Ue f ot Cedric Bandft11, n•Uonally· ll· .,, elec:trie kl.tcbe 1 t.uz.. lUMl on a apedally SUkled. tQJir known d•liner Wbo maku tu 1 ne ft.I u ot th• modern d&kJ t&rm, W'hieh hom1 ln Oranp County aJ>4 de-l.ng complottly, bullt·ln appllanc· baS befll r.celalm9d u ona •of lb """11 ,p 11 In doton.tol' COion att.ract •Ip• u.e ,...,. •P. , uk Rom• coMiderable •tt.en'U°"" .All th• the tlnMt d&irt• anywheter for Orat1rt Ooua\y • mod• of utllltlu lndi.ldlnc eewen, watar TUy u1 .ahOVrrl tu n1odem, Uvtn1. and ru ..,.. &llO ln and plld for. n-omc. bulldilll'. "!hlch hu Th• home ·f .. tvraa Indoor-out-Th• homM ln UM Sll IMI ju1t r.ce.aUy bMD ~mpleted, , _._ -lo , door ltvfr&&' &reU. bll O'+'U'llu n 7 l&O ~ ..:..itll with lta modern 4q\llpment, ln· lf'OP. WINNING M.s:r!N'n -°"'*' Jtc~ Scbalet (wt) ead Bob 1~ey. Show pnre• •.wt th tlll'H fMt by 2:0 t.o h1 · P t .::"' ranatq dl.ldins e. microfilm machine off P._lltndlter'• Kedat, the toe winDJnC Buenj('Mmi.d. ,td. Uat ¥-tor>'. ot the ~ feet area. tot.,,:work mhopt e.nd ~:~ i1.:ay~11i JIOth -V..t.. .,..be,. 'p«me.nent nicordl art1 breec:L Kedar added anofher laurel to hie cron. ~~ bftt of lJroMd .Jn the: .i:~1~·:.:..n:= and P'.HA. pe.yment plans an ~:h ro:c=n!Jlm~h: 211t a.nnual Harbor Citie1 Kennel Club all-biftd dos"~ 8~y.-8t&U·P!u>lo u with ciinc~te flo9r• and pi.. av•tlabl•. ~· at ·the n.IJI o! 1000 <:. .. to allow outdoor pla1 areu tor Th• compl1te.l1 tumlabed mod• umu per hour, plna.olher rnod· WINNINGEST BASE. NJI 1N ' CANINE children that art Tla(ble hum !!I home1 at the tr&ct wW bl em lnbovatlOM. ' ' . ·<,' · . •' th• kll< ... ; blr •ll"!"r •-opoo "'"' day ttom 10 a. m. Thoy a« th•n t•k"' on • toU< to e p. m.. and unW t p. m. or the corral• ,...bet'tl U!e:y are HISTORY LOCATED IN cost A -MESA ~p~s:: ,.~~~~ ~ .. ":£=!~.::~:~=~ ~i;~~j~~~~ I BANTA ANA, (OC'Nll Park liomH. ee.IYN. th• Oal-Va berd in lb• • Phemister's Keclar· Cops Cups, ~",.~ !'f.'~~~1!...,... .. s.n1& ...... ltl#I• • ..._... radlr lrape, two dett:ndanta And is Soundproof. to Woofst:-~ • ... "!"" "'"' ,, .... ~. Tuud•y w." .......... .. apHdlor charg'm. By LEONARD SAJWUNT . lq ptae. at • b&rk. Phlllllltar.'~ They ,.,,,..-Llona R. Lemon, • . Kedu ud Illa famllJ' em!t • IGl't 111, of 17t nowtr 8t.., CO.ta A Colt& Men pure bred doc. member of the re1f.-"'oootq,J'Ollkl •und. aut:ft'a Meu: and bblll. Phillip RoMn· Uvely 1e1.rce '"Baaenji breed of bound, Sunday wo.n bonom rtWI • Sood w.tCh doc'· ht cue berg or 2:0I m. -Ith IL, a.nte. u Best or~ in th• 2ltt annual Harbor Cltiel•Kenliiil an ,l:BttudeT oomu, It cu mab Ana. Each wu nned·.fl7 atW !. aa .xtra 1P9Clal nolH:, Mldom t.htir conviction by Santa Ana-Club all-breed dog •how in Long Beach. ~ but Ionr rcmunWed. oranp Mllft.lclJ*.1 Court Judi• 'l'hl• honor, of belnl' toi» cotlan about lhetr ntcJu W1th Th• au.Ji wW a r \n ., Ho-'rd cameroa. amonr 11 dog• competlng In the belli. at tached. M1f' morla now ~''Good· Jt wu the ftnrt Um• th• .,. a.a....Jl ci.. In Ui• ~eat dof When they Wer• 4Alioownd by• )(J 1A.Q .. ~ Walt dar n•tl had been teited In lo- ahow _,wut of th• Mtululppl a1aln ln 1881 bf • ecletiat IX· Bnnnan. Phu' Harrill aad Br:. ee.I co1.u·tL · River, I• ju.It one of ~any ac· pl or!nf Africa aouth of the IU-don di Wilde. It wW •how Ill The OGlta MeA real.dent wu quired by "Phemlater • Kadar d1tn, tbe do11 were ap.J.n -U b le d Th to<I f I •a II SUMMER--9RESS SALr ' . To Miko Room for Fol Merehoncliso ( Summer ' Dresses One Group 4.95 & 5.9~ Were I.IS lo lt..11 .10'/. Summer off on all Merchandise owned by c.mbrta 'Kennel-. 2 .. t .,.,earing wooden bella al'OUQd :ow-:...: !..: ~w!''lh ~ &rH• or So n1 "' m ea an Twlln Ave., maintained by Ra.b· lbeir neck1 10 they couldn't ,..~ ~UM ·Arnean n•tlvu UMt1 ~t = ~:n!:"~'::. ~:t ::!°: ert J . M1nk1y, Jack D. tlb:afer 109t In the high •teppe-rr..., rot. )lunllA( ln the bifh at•~ w 1 ,..... arrut.ed e.t Cubbon androre. k= h:~e::= .. ~~ ·th• Wh~~~S £~:::-~ R rra-. and Cyprn1. He wu chargsd TABAK-4VAN FREORICK-LORDLEIGH aioi:1,:~he~?~uj~~: ~= £:~~::~!~;!~=1~1~)'1= RICORD , SHOOT NUMBER Sk. =::;beia:~;aiu. · . 895 ~~2if ~~~d=~ ~:·~~~l~i~~~~ · 3000 t• Take1, Partfoodin Spun.day Ca;!~i;"s;~~·;~~0w .. ~ 7.95 .trllt yur1 ago In Gardene.. u 1ng or r1zes IU5 n!dllCf:CI Tbo1 ""''"' to .., M-iut Newporfer G.fs· C.shmo r• & Bolgimer• to 19.95 Die. 1. Th.tr fe.vorlte puniult The 'JIOOlblJ' Trap Shoot and 1eorona del Mar, and Robert blc&m• a prorltable hobby tie-$4950 Dania= Pistol MatchH ti.Id at I.ha louU! Chilton ot Laguna Be•ch. Sige11 5'1 to 1515-811 to 20'1 tor• U.., ~ been In It many "ANTA ·-• 1 Bl _ Clout Oun Club luaday drnr a In W trap •hoot. winning l'f: l'f: , ,,...,, 0 ~·~ 12 "'to 2~ .. ~oh of I B's & 20 • Superior C'.ow1. Ju<Sse Robe.rt recon! of 300 e<elf:ata.nta. ._ tour prlz.M each, were: Redman &l;C&N'I' DIPORT Gardnt:r" hu luufil an order e.au. UM prtiiM of IWN, .tealu, Jarrdl, N~rt Bu.ch: John All the Ne~e1t Styles In add!Uon to "Phernlatel''• Ke-&ivinit Onui,e County l1ntll\diate rout.I and turkey• Memed more Rotlf:r. BellfiO'l>'t.r ; and A. W. LAY-AWA.YB d&r winning bHt of breeds In po.aei11ton and tilling <la.ma.fee appeo.Un1 th.an 1old, •ilv•r or Speer of Ban Ju!.n Caplllrano. lh• Lonr Beach •how, one of at l4i.)O on a pleee ot property broru11 medala, only one platol Taking lhl"ff pru.t1 eAch U,. partner"• , recent Buert.fl condemned tor tll9 u:tit:uLon of match WU lleld In wtU.dl Uw wer.: C. J . Gre11. Ary.ht.Im; J tmporta from Irel&rld, Victory of San J uan 'Ave. to UM ltata tU.fh· medall were awarded. P'recl Kueter, Corona def Mar: "1nJ"d'leld, a new female, won wey. • Gold M9dal ....tnner. Expert Ray L. Roblnaon and John Seld· • lM9t. of oppo1lt1 .ex ln the 1how. The , councy · broucht • eom-a.a.. with a IC°" ot tO out ol Ucb of Bani.. Ana. LORENE'S FRONTIER VILLAGE 778 Wost 19th-Coste Me~I 8-4329 All tokl, they had five Buenjl• plalht tor eminent domala a poutbie ltO, wae Loula 1Pratt Two--pr1M wlnneni we~: Dick ut.n!d. 1.galn1t the propfrty a¥f"Md by of Ca.ta MeA, lhe.rplhooter Pt.rkar, S.n Clemente; A. M, The Buenjl LI •n Import from ,Ckol"Je H. Capron ot :e.,1 lborH BUvll' Medal winner "NIU! a Patten. Lon( Beach; Aahby l l;:;=::::::;:;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~ Af'rlea. recorn.Uled by the Am· Ortve. Bo y Shoret. Rlght-ot· ICOrt: of N •u Biii Blue, aer1·' Powtll, Corona del Mar. and W. •dean Kenntl Club 011ly •bout Way Arent w. e . Schrank Mt •ant, Nl'Yt'port Beach Police De-£. R~nlrt, Jr. ol Santa An•. , 1"3 althou1h hi• anct 1try datea ttnon&b)e nlut: of the laAd at .-rtment, and Marlulm.an Bronu Takln1 ldnJI• prtr.e1 weft': ... back to ~tore 4000 B.C.! They $4i."IO. Meda.I wtnner waa C. T. Norte RJcb.ord Rider, Forre1t J. Ru•· c.-an be aeen In •nc1ent l!:fYptlan of Co.ta Mt:aa w1lh a ite0re ot eell, and R. L. St.etnmeu. all of e.rt on tomti. dat1n1 back to the C $ U. Sa.rat& Ano; Cecil Bchmeeckle. lVth Oyna1ty. Then they were ar truck Hydraltt The rema.lnlng platol mat.ch•• Anaheim; M. c . Smith, Coat& rat....-.cl to u "Khufu Do11." Motorlat Ra .... 1111 A. Gollf:r, fl, -t'tl abot by "handicap" (fr Meaa, and T. Duncan Stewart The do1•. broU'lbt from lh• lAruna Beach, told pollc• Thure-UM mat prise•. Winnen wrl"f:: of Corona de! Mar. 8oun:e of th• Nil•. were pruent· day hi. auto had 1t.rucll: a clt,... Berc-.rit BhM, Tnnk O.rdlrare, Next month'• trap •hoot od u ~ta to th• Pha.n>ahf. On owned n... teydranl at Jun\tne eo.t6 Keaa: Ashby Powell, be heJd Sunday, July 29th. lbe ancient tomb drawlnp the Aw. &bd Crout HJabw•1 tbll I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 11 ~· WINI pictured with mat p!'lriou.I 8atUrda1, pµSH-BUTION • Paah-•ultloM aalpftaltlcal;..,.,. llmi1Mft1ll MaillJ lca81n'' !lftthenew ... ( 1 //ur r ..... ,. .... .... ,. .... , .. IP -~ ... _...... . .,. ......... ,. ....... ,.., '4 Q' a • ...................... !!f' """ ....... ................................ ~ ...... -·--ir.-' -'IO SUIT YOUR - •11.-• --• I DON'T M'1ss ~.~~ REMOVAL "" .... · ....... , .. "-SALi ........... ~. SAVINGS .,.. "' ---------········-······-- ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF FINE .. MA.PLI FURNnURI ' • AND ACCESSORIES • 1COT11 ••• nm ............. • .. "-ou o.r. ~ 8t.t9 -NMlllhr llM _.._........._..tor ""' ..... ll:VU'l'TBllli'O IN oca aou o&un'f'a&Dt:C&D ' A,.caJ; maple SI.op 1750 S. Main !In th Arcade I Santa Ana BUY FACTORJ DIRECT e SAVE! E·Z RIST. MATIRESSES ' OYw 16 y..,... .,,, ~ ""' "HOTEL'' SPECI~ TWl.N SIZE Boltt Pl«'M $44.95 lt l'r. o-r. ::.'!. $49.95 OUR "PRINCESS" Twin Size Box Spring & Mattress BOTH $3195 PIECES FUl.J.. il.ZE. Rotb P1ec'n tK.16 1w_ .... G~ Our Fo.,.,;,. "SLEEP.0-PEDIC"_ Twin Sire ' Box Sprin9 & M•ttr•11 IOTH $5495 PIECES ' Fm.&; 8J%lt. BoOt rt-NU4 ~!n!:.~~· ..!'~~ . $8995 "9-11" Siu 60.BO "ftollll ~ .. Low ... WH!t 111. ti« Jllh.-~ 16 u ,frt Let UI fuhio,n your coiffure to fit your features and your per. aooaJJty. We're &rtistl at ind.I" vidual 1tyling. Why not make l.D appointment lo aee U8 ltOOn t• Jane Fitzpralcl'1 ~-~111 1111 E. C-.& HW]'. e ON-eM ... 11u e ...... r 1111 REMNANT DA,YS! MON. & TUES., JULY 2ND Ji 3RD Group of Color Fast Prints • • FUN 'N FABRICS . "Buy Ill Coot& Kea" BolloU with E'nl'J' .,._ 177f·A Newport lllYd.-111 C... Me• Open Fridaya UaW 9 p. m. ' ' • .c ·: .. ·, ' ' l .. ' . ' '• • .. • . - r .• 1 ' •. .. ' • •. -~­I ' ' . • • • -' \ ' • • ' . -• r -,And in the l;nglleg• of the A.,ericen f-ily, PICNIC means th• ant~• family ...,.. mother, fether, .m,n, ....... ,. .. • ~'nts . and cousin·~ grandma and perhaps • few neighbors, too. ~~-.... , we ~f Ne'f'lpo.rt :Beach ••• in the heart of P'w:niclen4 fll• happiest;peopl'! live here end people .1 .. king hepplnaM '9fll• he;• ~;. .tt.eir 'picnics. In no piece else in ell tlte wotfd can all the world be found 10 cloH et hand -for 1111,ence, tlie old west •• well as scene• of what could well be Austreli~ pr New · iealend, or South Americ~ can be had at the Juffalo Gnch and nearby -Rolling Hills I to say nothing of nearby K~otts Berry . ' . Ferm'). • · ' ' • • • ~ . '4/t~~ p ' I • ., • . 3'~ ·~~ _.· . ··, • The 11e1hore· of Britain, Gibraltar, S~nny · Spain, or Africa can be found alon9 our 1horH or on the Back Bey. Tbe Riviera is better than the orii;Jinel alon9 our coast or et Le9una Beach. Tho quiet waters of old world laku and streams or tho•• of midwe1t USA can be had ri9ht here at home on the Upper Newport Bay, or Irvine Lake. , Ah yes, lucky hnerican1, Californians, and upecially Newport Harborita1. But with all tl\at luck we.must remember to take care, be safe, liv• with joy and never sorrow for a hasty or carelo11 move.'. Those children, end 9rendma1 too, aren't q_uite -certein s~metinles of which way to turn in our town, 1 and sometimes we natives are less sut•· We can match the scenery of any country in the world • We can, with a fli9ht throu9h fancy, Jicnic with our femiliu anywhere we wish. And our fun an that of our nei9hbora, a~d visitors too can cjntinue if we take care. Drive. carefully. Live ·longer! • ' ?fafyA.fl: ,.,a. ,. •• et;-£ [; ait-/"- All the picnic fixings, fine baked goods, '9ood meeh ere all available here et homo with 1urroundim.i1 too. And we at the store on 'the boulevard have ell the nece11ary equipage to carry it in, Ht it on, drink it from. So let's all have· fun together . • . F·O G . ·RE -HA • ' . . ' " THE FINEST· -MOST COMPLETE STORE TO IE FOUND ANYWHERE HardWare ••• Paints ••• Wallpaper._ Appliances .••• TV • ~,. ~~ ·--. , -. '· • - ' A ·aooc1 • Friendly Place •• OPEN SUNDA YI & HOLIDAYS ' . ' 2205 W. Balboa Blvd. Ne~port Beach .Harbor 116 I ' , • .. ' .. • ' r . • ' • ' ~NEWRO~T ffAR~OR NEWS~PREss • l<EN ALBRIGHT 'RECEIVES HA}f AIJAN .LEI < · Kenneth Albright, member of Newport Harbor Rototy Oub, ceil~f, recelYff traditional Haw~ia.n lei of friendebJp from Mi.-s Aloha Jil.otu'y.and DUkt Kahu.a- moku. Honolulu Rotarian. AlbriJhl ii one of 450 ~~91n1 from · 48 ltateA and 12 natiou in recent montUa who have vi,ite-d at Hono'tulu club lullcheon. - Hawaii vtaiton Bureau Photo ELKS SCHOLARSHIP A WARDS PRESENTED Two Newport Harbor Union Hlrh School student.a received $50 U. S. Savings Bonda from Newport Harbor Ellu Lodge No. 1767 recently. They won bonds ·for their achool, church and cominunity leadership activity records which will be e.tered in the EJ:b at.ate ccSnlelt.. From left, Fred Hulaton, chairman' o! youth activltie. committee; Den.nil T. Hendenoa·, EveJ}'n Pea.ae ift:id Exalted ~uler Richord I. Newman. ,-Staff Photo • • ftA!'"'>N~ -Ao much a port of -operi1ng ceremonffa u flac nlolng 11 't.M traditional picture of flac officers who will le1d Newport Harbor Y1cht Club dGrtn& 11166. From lefl Commod0re Harold Pearcy. Vic~mmodore E. ,-. .. AVe<y C1v7, Rear Commodore John Hunl!l&ll. Fleet Captain Elon Brown and t'ort Ca~ ·wuuam Severa .... -Beckner Photo • • . - ~ . ' ' rf, JUNE 29, 1956 ,l. l r l ,, 't ; . . . ,JU!;AD TO MCllPI!! -'-Dtanile VanDrimlen, 49 I .Baiboa Coves, ~ not atop iign painting loni enou.,h to poee,~bu.t tbinU -one city Would be fine w,tt.h the Coit.a Men part for industry &nd New- 'POrt •Beach for bohtes. -Sta.ff P.hoto ' ' DIGNll'ABIES -Seated at honor table at Balboa 'T~bt _Blub'a ~ opening .dinner-dance on June ' 2 .,,en. among' othera, Krl. POrter Sinclair and SCY A Commodor:e di.nclair: Mn. Chip Cleary .and BYC Vi~mmodore Ceary; Mn. Frank Wood . Jr.&nd BYC "°mmodore Wood ; Mrs. Paul Holme and BYC Rear Commodore Holme; and Mn. Ken· / ANorBE& :v1CIORY -One of the mOll con· mtent winDlin in the Newport BarbOr Yacll~ Club fleet le Boward A.hmaneon'a .eleek gray l~met.er aloop 1i1mii. Sl!lppered by -Tom w.-, Bhiu. led tho fteld again Iut weeltetld to !lniab rim on l:iOth iilii.d and corrected time in the Stewart· Trophy race around Catalina bland wbleb ·started from L :A... Harbor. Thia lat.t triumph tor Si!iyl . and her crew gives her the top position '\n the com. l petition for the Lewis Whitney 1ea1K1n high-point tl'ophy for tbe ~1.n Racine cl.ua.-Beckner Photo • ' , , -. fART ·TW01_ PA.C_F;· ONE-. - 1f84TS THE NAHE~-I'm for it, bUt who'1 ro- in1,to.pick the name, ia the opinion of Jim Samsel, 1983 Monrqvta St., Costa Mesa, u he loo~ed tor a Ioo.e wirlQc connection. Samsel thinka It might be more difficult to pt the two communities to &(TM on a .aaine for the sin gle city than to get Newport Beach .and Costa ~~ci;a t o \ftl.ite. ~ St11 rr Photo .. netll ltll)pley, '!rife of Lido .ble YC'a CommOdott CprMent .. but Rot lbown}. The pla decoration• for occu.ion conaiAed of'lai-ge murals of liie#can acene1 complemented by table diaplay of leqWn· studded fana, gladiolu and gardenias -Beckner Pbotr • • •• • ·. t.-ron ;., ~;., ;., •i-t IU!ft'INOTON PilAD R0111'11 Glphtlc .nllilary and potrlotlc pond< at HWlllnct<>D llea<h Io. IChoduled to ltart at 11 a. m. July i . ' .. ,• . . ,, • -· r .. ,. . ; ~2·PAATlf NeNPOal'~~· ,.,. , • FllDAY • .MN It, ,.... . ~ . .. • • • : ' ! ' I . l l ~ . . . MAI .... INSUIANl:I ON A· IUW '16 JOHNSON SI A• H 0IS11 • I ' .. y.,., ... ......,..y •ortai ... ., I 1•1'1 EUCTRIC SUPPUES ........ iii ..... . 1p1tk.lJ .... ,, .,, J••·~ }lfi .. ,,.., ••4•1a. J .. )0 .,. IMtfl c-t Co. ; Ntwporl Blvd. al Uri St. . . • I --.-,,,,,,,, ... ,,,, . -.:. R!'uteitold 6 ..,..._, FIRE E9UIPMENT 8aJM A luprMtlell IATIU.IES ELECTRIC CO. Radio a IW.S• • IOAT WIRING ONLY • t.IGOW.C-Bwy. i ~-~iiiiiiii~~~~~ . . • • l • • • • . • • • • • . . • ,, • • -• ,. CALENDAR FOR TheQ.Rolii --FORD · 1 ......... . .............. _ Alllloo.-Dealer_, --!.fslcle Tral1n C..-rnllon -to Yov Order ·-.._.....,, • ..,.ir . Surhlcle General .• eldlng~ ~1 W. Cout Rwy., Ne"pori -UbertJ •u'!I BOAT OWNERS ATTENTION 0....-t 7Mh' BLOW I ••It .tal1iq te ..-r. U ftlt Ill 11 mnt.. ,..,, ~ ••rtm .,_ ....... ltartff'..tk*. Clemplete Jdt JIK:IDMq al.I wlN ... aMSe for Mrmal ,,,..u.._ ..._, IH~ •• lMtall M flae ..... t• at ,..., .a. n -· . HONEY BA()I[ GUABANT!Z GJORGE & SONS Mt W. 8-lboe Blvd., Balboa _11 .. Ride Showboat to· Laguna .. the -tlful Padtle hloe Dally -ll.30 ..... ud 7 •00 p. ID. Adulla •t.l!O -rnuw..o 611 oeata OPEN A NEW SAVINGS ACCOUNT . OF '$11)0 OR MORE AND RECEIVE FREE GIFT Y~ 11vlnp book ret'lecU the pktuni: or your family's future. You can make It a picture or happiness. Surest way Is to enllat the cooperation ot Mch lnl!mbtt ot the famlly In maint&lnlng a replar schedule of aavtnp . tor the ulUmate benefit ot aD. FunllJes that llvt: to- p<h<r pt the best things that lilt hu to otrer. Start )'Oi.a own f&mi.ly aavtn.&1 aocount now! • . ' . . r '52 Plyit10uth -~ . ._._ -__ _! 'Sl ford.~ 1441 ~ v., __ '52 GidlUec _ 1MI ·-. ~3'\.ia.::.~,':~t' '?" 'Sl Olcl1111oblle TAI o.M•ls · '54 Plymoutfl _ 1491 ............. 'SO Chevrol .. >i. 641 --'52 Ford ..;i.· -.:t 19 •. , "'f' ....... llt1W.O....m.i7. "'~" 5!!5;!!i Hen:'• la. far al .............. ...._ 7I070.~-·-...... . !~-·--~ ... .. you're .. k a dwil. ....,,_ _ ..... . A.tlior*iilc ......... ..... lib -i.w.o.. , +'ha I 0 .... .,, u.o-._ .. two • 1 r mc1 .._ ......... a-. .. Mlt-~ ..... _...!:!.. ~w-.._ .. ........ -. ~ ........... . ..,... . ... ,.. ... ~ ............ ......... -~·~ - . - To,,, Thnft Coip · 11µ~/i ' . ' • lntwe1t on all lnYMtmont-Savlng1 Aca>u11t. Paid Quartwly THE TOM.THRIFT COIN BANK IS CRYSTAL 'ClfAlt • Each Account ln1urod up to $10,000.00 • C11ttont Roto of lntwost J I>% ,,... ~nnum .. . ... 0 Account. oponod by July 10 -n lntoreot . from July 1 ._...,., ....... ,.. ..... ~ . .....,. ... I Mf' --·r ....... ;)#fa·~,,,.. ~ . . .. . ' SANTA ANA .. SAVINGS " • .. . •. AND LOAN ASSOCIATION ~-. ..__ • 1416 NORnf' MAN STREET •J KIMBERLY 2-8806 Q.7 --. s.ni1tf 5-a. ..c ... , o,_,. c_,..,., .,.cl Soathen1' c.li/onU• SiAOS J9J.J .. . .--:britherans Add Memb.ers · at Sunday Rite . Church Shows Growth with Present Pastorate Tweoty-eeven p<rlOl>O ~ .-lvod Ullo ~ membenhip 1ut Sun~ at Newport Harbor Lutheru Church u Robert B. G...,JWld oboerved the tb1rd &1!111- venyy of hil installation .... putor of the_Newport Height.a' conpegation. A. b It. of flpr'lftl' by the -Mlrm.u. 1lackford, Donabl Bar• rouns mLnLtter dt.cloNd Ui..& rtek-&ad Dann7 Art.Dtlt•. 0.. lhla n1ade a t.otal of Mt Pft'90N A. Burick, Nucl MuweU. 'n. "'ho have become conJ'lnned Odon C:WU., Jlr& Duaa. Lew1li. mvnbt1'11 ot the c.bun:b under Kr& .AJ.1.• B&rtle~ and JO&Ull hi& leadenh.lp I.A lh• 1*ft 32 Earle wen reeetvtld by th• rU4i month• •In« the tint pup of ol conannauon. five wu reot'tved in Ncwember of 1"3. In the HrH putod ovu 000 baptiad addlUoM ha•& '>een made. · ,.,~~ed M:y .!..•;t~.:. ~= BOllAclc ENSIGN SCHOOL graduatel were honored at Balboa 'IiJUd Church, 1'1081: IN"OOMll Othtr edvancu include U.. doubling Of otrerln.r lnconM the put , .... 1-bd • quadrupllnt ol income llnce ttGI, w!UI an. tn- C"'*-lfl tn worship attendano. f rom an avera&"e of ~ pa-Bun- day In May of JN3 to 2U per Sunday the put montb. c-u. 1..avem LewU, ouan. u umaal nent. ta front row (1 to r) a.re Betttjemt Guenther, Doloree Harpe1', Lewis, Mr. and M .... P"9COtt Nanci Shooter; In rear, Pam Pe0p1-and Gail Graves. -Staff Photo , ~~ K~ and Mrs. HowanlJ-~~_,.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-,-~~~~~~~~~~~ Gtilley, Kr. and Mn. Wilm l'Nrtch&. Ectwart Marty. Kra. Robert Kanterui and Mn. Al· -rti4 m cu. Jolninr th• church bJ reatttrmauon of ft.1th wen Norman Hackford, Allen Bar-- tell, Alfr..l ioncb, "Mn. Barrick ~ Kn. George tforrltl. Jolnlnir Sunday by the Saaa.- mcmt of baptlam were: Mra. Tonight With n Lutherans ew.' A ..,, '"" ._ and pa•mt.· ;.J n.l(bl prosnm cklM. U.. Dally V•caUon Bible 8cllool at New· Patriotic Sermon Keyed to Religion J A l. port Harbor Lutheran Cbun:b 1-----ai_, __ Jmn ____ o_u_n_c_e_m_m_u _____ lthla evenlq (Friday) bel(innlnc at T :l~. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS-PART 11-PAGE 3 Born• 2QO ....... and ohll"''" 1 _____ ..;..FR::l::D;:;A.;,Y:.i.;J::;U::;N.;.E~2.:.9"', .;.l.;,956-. _____ 1u, ,....,,.. 1o .. ..,, '°' '"' cloiring eura ... whkh WW fea. tur• rec!t&Uou by MCh claa and I.ht •.,,.rdil)I ol memory and all~ priaea,, AW&rda will .i.o IN 111"'1 to tho99 DOI· leclln&' tM DMMt cancelled poll· age 1tamp1 whlab are MOt to t..utheran W.Uu• lnlUtuUorui In Germany wber• lh• tt.mpti are -ked, IOrted Mid llOld lo col· if'Cton or du.lan. "One Nation Under God" will be the sermoo·theme at Christ Church By the Sea On Sunday. The mioi.ter, the Rev. Roy A. Carlson, 1tate. that utl. 1ermon wW consider aome contributiona that religioua f&itb can make to our n11.tion. The SaJJ,ctu.uy Choir will provide 11pedal mwilc for the t t o'clock VKaUon Cburch School. cia- N"1ce. A (U'e9t 1tOloi1t ill wen pl'll.Yided for children from .cheduled for the 9 :30 o'clock .erv:iee. ' to 11 rear• ot are. Offerlnga Church 11ehool 11 at 9:30 a.m. each Sunday W'lth clusea tar all ace.. Duplicate church .erv· left are at 11 :30 and 11 1.m. The Senior MYJ' for youth meeta In Goodell Hall at 8 :30 p.m. The Junior FeUowab.lp wW not meet durillc th• month ot. July. Durtns the put week the church hu conducted • ~day wen recefYed tor • 1peclal pro- ject which wu the Methoditlt Home for Children at t.Verne. Adult ln.dera for the VacaUon School were Mmu. Mabel Stan· ley (dir.ctor), John Elliott, Roy Ca.r1-on, Wa)'MJ CarroU, A. J . Rutter, and Lonnl• Hqan. Senior flrll wbo U1ilted were Diane and ~Jene C.ITQl.1. SUMMER SCHEDULE CONFERENCE DELGATE SPEAKING AT ISLAND Mrs. J"ount L. f4Y•. who repreeentecl t.he Ba.Ibo& Island community 1'111\iodiat Church at the Southern CaJllorol&·ArUona AnnU&l Conference of Ur.e )(elbodl.lt ChW\\b Jut week •t Redlanda, will be epeaklnr at th• 9:30 and 11 a. m. 11nkea ot lhe locwJ chun:h on Sunday. Sha will praamt Ow hlsblirhlli ot the cont•reDCC. The •rmon will be flvan by the Rn. Donald G. Sapp, who on Sunday berfna hl1 third year u put.or. Re wu re-appointed to hi.ti church by Gerald H. Kennedy, raldent bitlhop of the Loi Ancelee, wbo ~ad: tilla appointment In tM cw.mi m.lnulel of lbe Redlanda conterenca lut Bun· .. ,. FROM PANAMA Bishop Heber Gooden Mesa MYF Has Election Sunday, June lT, •t c.o.t& Me1a KetboCUst diurcb. mem· ber1 of the HIP, School MT1" met for t.b• iutallaUon ..-rict ot ofncers tor the comtnr year. Le.Roy S(tnf, outatanlflnl' •Jl40· er. talked on ''Temperance and S&le Dri-riul' ... One Morning Service .~ Newport Luthe11an Preaches at St. James Communion Day The Rt. Rn, KAlrtnaJd HeMr Beach. ·a: • bu occupied t.. a.t CdM . Church Gooc1ai. 8.T .o .. bUbop ot P~ pulpit ol IL Ja.mu ...,era.I tun-, Baty Communion will be ob- . A .um.mer worahlp 1e~ule grade thtou(h adUlt department.I ma Dlatrict. Canal Zone, wlU .-bile Cll'l n.cauon In l<Ntheniri .. rred at both Wonblp Hour• roe-lnlo ellect at Newport Har-conventnc •t 10:111 L m., lll M commimlDD celeMant at the cautomia. SUnday, July 1, at I.he Coron.a bor lAl.tberaa Church thitl Sun· mtnut.e later u..n -uau.al. 1:16 a. m. famll)' Mrrica Sun· Then will al.lo bei eelebr&Uon de1 Ka.r OOmmunlly Church. Re- day, Putor Robert B. Gron· Church ottlclala al.lo announ· day at SL JamN ~ of Holy Oommunk>a at a a. •· cepUoD ol MW rnembeQ wUl be lund announced today. c9d that the church W. wW na Church and wtll .. I.et th• Rrt. wttb Mr. Parke u otnclant. held at the 11 o'clock •rrice. ll'or tbe durauon 91 ~ sum· lDlll'flr operate dfecUv. l.mmed-John H. Park• at th• 1.1 a. m. The Rev. Edwln C. Gomke hU mer onJy the t ... m. arty ... lately. Karins ..rre111tmort1'l*91 coultlimdon rtw. 8-wW prw.b Mr'n.1'sters· cbo9en .. blli NrmOll topic, Yim will M held .ch SundQ' mtaMonary pul'poM and Mtom· al botll Mrvtc-. ''Put.19 To l'Nedom." w1Ul the r.,W. U tlll a. m::. lnr l.ncreUlftlly COilUJ" to aper--Bllllop OooCSu 11 tlr.• 80fl GI J.ai. aentce dleCOll.Un!Md untU ate. the ttua wUI be add,. wt.th the retlnd 8utrn.pn Blabop ~ R t d tall. car pool• prcl'Tided tor thOM bert B. a.oden and spent man, e urn e BAHA'I FAITH A&Md teatur• ot the ~"r without tranl'port&Um. ot b1a bctyhood ~ II\ Newport Pf'Ol""YI' • WW· lnducte a ...atly ------------------------! Tbli KttbodiM. mlallten of coff• bour at 10 a. m. f0Uowtn1 lM N...,,...c. Barbor .,._ w'1'a ... "'"'" """ • • ...,1a1 •··· NEW ASSISTANT PASTOR ~".!!,'"~:::'."' ~·= 4-1 monUnc «liUDn of the h· mmlli were read at the cloelnc qU1hn Clan at 10:!0 a. m. NAMED TO MESA CHURCH -Ion of the Soulbern C'.&11· Tllo "'qu!Hn """'" ott.n In· t~t. • Anwoa -"'"~' Coo-t....U.. ln1lrucUOn and dll-~n In tlMi Lutheran ft.1th At th• ~I' ...a-ot Annual Confennce at Red. f.rencto by Biahop Gerald H. ·-• b _ _. 1 .... ll.nd•, •·-<Jerald Kenedy, ree.ppotnt.i the ~-KenMdJ'. Th4I confer.nee m41l ...... c urch a.... • open lo .... --~.-at Redland1 Univen.lly the wuk puWlc u -11 u the wonhlp J~ph w. Mc8han• to Co.ta Me1a for the putore ab:th of June 18 to 2._, ~ yn.r Ot' .ernce. At t.he aame Ume tht Rev. Clyde I:. Erv:ln The Rt•. Joeeph Mc8hane will ,Dllr.tna' the 1ummer lbe pre-wu appointed lo ea.ta X-u -.-xlate mlnlaler. Mr. Milum lo I.lie Community Metho- llCboOI and k.lndt:rprt•n depart· ltn'in comu Jrom Roacolli, Ill where ha hae been put.or diet Chul"th In CO.ta MeM.. A ....t. ol the Sunda.y 8cboo.I "111 ot th• nn:t MeCJaod,lq. Ctnuch a.nd attencllnl' .-nin&ry -·-•~ --eantlar.te to mnt a t e a. m.. dur-n-UlllOClate ., ...... .....-. the Rn. 1 .. _ iat. OUntt BUioaJ llllllt\ltil In~. DL Clyde~ bu baa .. ll'Mc) lnl "uui ""1.ca WiU!. the lit • TM ,,.,.,.. wictata la manied. and bu two children, to belp ln thll churcrt. The IW•. nine :rur old Buma-and .enn yMr .&d Philip. The f araily Don.aid Sapp retuma lo the Bal· expect.a lo arrift lJl CO.la MeM Balurday and will be bcl9 lala.nd Churcta and lht: ftc!y, pr.anted to the ~Uon• at both .,.0raft\p •rv1cea RoJ A.· Car)llOn coollnun at ChrUt. Cburch bJ th• Bea. Bundq, The tl1Mtff9 baq ranted a home &l .173 Con• Pr Ayer Discussion Study Science Sermon Str,esses God's 1"'19 u · • ~ tor U.. ErYtlUI. . Government ..,., all m•• ,,. ......,.. Bible School wUlt. ..U • pv•mm•t.. ~ and ~ 11 tokS in UM ~rmon on "God" bl 'au CbNU&n 8dence c~ SU- ~. On OW. subject Maq Bak• ·~ ·-· In "8clenc. Md obeerftd at 11 :00 a. m. with Mr. John90ll speeldn1 on the 11Ubject: "Chrt•llan Clti&enlhlp." The 'Youth Choir, under the di· recllon ol Mr.. LoWe J&mea, w\U .in,. In, clDlliftJ there will be a communion •nrlce. Program at First Baptist "'"'·Bl Tr •• ILICT•ICAL'LY e LET US HELP YOU e __, Tbe DaUy VacaUon Bibi• .H~t.k wllh Kay to th• Scrtp--School or the Ftrat &apt.lit MYF Group to Study ~ ''God bu 1111dowed man Church of NltW)IDrl Beach, lltll Race Problems D!i&.llmable npta, &mOlll' and W. Balboa Bin\.., wlll bold whlcb an lelf-irowimmenl, Na• Ill doslnl' pro..,am Sunday at MJD. Ud ooMdanca. Man la pro-7:30 p. m. Chlldrai trom the ~ ..it-coftl'1Md onl7 • nm ktnderprt.m. primary and 1W- M 19 ~td rlsbtly and ronm-ior department.a wUl lake pat\. At ~t Q\urch by th• 8M ~ bf ~ Mailer, divine TNlh Some ot lbe bUdlworlt ud lunday l..t l :atl p. m. Unda and ~' ,,. 10I). ma~ ttudl.s &nd wcrrk.S on 8Wlwtll wtU lead lb• dllcu.ion TM~ admpl• ot Gldi9on. Who In c.._ ~ will be ~ on "Raclal Prvblems." JUiy I. turn• the UM>ucbt ot bll JMOPI• ed. Awardl will be pr.-n~ to Judy Well wtll 1-.d u.. dlacu.- a_..,.· from penou.I adulatloll 'to tlle cb.ildhD at UILI Ulna. Par-lllon oa "Modern Utaratun." U.. eontemplaUOll of Ood u mtl a.nd triatd&, -.,.a tbe ft.n', Juy 11. at • 7:SO p. ro. th•N thtl\" ntlar, l• dteid In J\ldsftl Herbert Jobnlon. are oordl&lly wtu be a councU meetbir at th• (l:JIJ. "'And Oldton M.Jd unto lnvl\ed lo attend Wa propun.. abu.rcb, tn room o. tMm. l will Mt rvl• over ~oa.. 8v.nday Ctiurdl 8cbool. with June 17, Jac k Btoneback, neltlfllr ~all my 80n rv.1• Oftl' Ja.eph Ttau u l\lptrlntend&At. Charlot M&rJI and Don 8mlUI ~: ,th• Lord shall rule OY•r wW blfln at 9 :46 a. m. 111..,. w•n Installed, u '*" membera 10"':.. wilt be daMM rw an ..-. 1.n. a 1J11K1&1. prorram held 1n UM 'Dlt.Goldtn Tut from I OU"o&-Independence 8IUldaJ -"'1Q M dWrCh. ~ (11:11) -ma out.....tba.J;;;;=====-''-============• ............. ~ .. u.em..,.. demo • 0 Lord. t.Dd Utoa art ~---•bowall." ENRICH -YOUR· SUMMER!. WOfUIBip 1 :00 A.K. 7ff-Rl*SI ·-~-·llltdllT-echool -l:Ge .4.M. 1K O!Ua Tbroup Add ~ 9ollool -tO:U A.M. lUt.ntcUDlt tn U.. Lu~ J'&ltll lO:IO A..M. ifo 11~ a..'ltOe UDUI J'aU lli'ZWl'O&T RA•BC)& LtrrRD.Ur Cllt1&(l8 llill Olff DdN N,.,.... 1WPte ~ ltaUtlf'UJ M..,..-t Hartio,.. llOBl:RT a. <JaONLU'HD, Putor UlliM1I ~ • ... TUI • STAFFORD. & ION Eleoaioal' C..-.0 110 Blvenlde A..;. Liberty 11-D'll Upholstery Draperies -ll'loest CnttamaoobJp Plu. Ji'&bricl &t Clooe-Out Prkeo Eoablao Uil to Gin • Y<Mlr Old i'llmlturo That NEW LOOK at Aatdlmdlllg Fri<* Durio&: the "olf __ .. CALL US DA. Y OR NIGHT i.n.ty-S.al18 nir ..uinat..a or ... o1 our a.oon.t.. wm ~ wU.b amps. • .,., ~ Mil W. Oaoot BWJ. (M•+ n Miio) Newpwt - ' Church of ,the Air Lecture <in Prayer .• Enr'Ollments .Being HOWi ·ST. JAMIS DAY SCHOOL Taken A. u.Uonwl~ &UCttt:nc. WW bear a fl~ •tfth.G ""Wby Pnyer Ca.n Beal YCN" Lo ba ..... Oil Col~·· ~\U'clt. °' Ute A.Ir" Ml'I•. In COOJMf'ation wttb U.. Chr l•t l•n. smine. Cbu.rdl Sunday at IS:IO L m. ~ Radio Bt&UOn K~ i lOIO kCJ. The •pe&br wW ~ H. Phelpit Gatd. c:ircul&Uon man.a· pr ot The Cbrtstian Science Publ1ab.fn1 8oclety. A quartet and ~t will t\LnlJal:I, Lbie _mu· • There are oome opentop to &II pdeo betwMft ""· ------ --· - ---- Klnderpzteo and Grade Six. BrotbllJ'<o and fr<e Information available at .c:hool office. _Rev •. &>Jlo M. Boes, Director ,:::. * THE LAND OF THE FREE One of thf fint 11ndM.,kt the E•fopt.1111 tr1•el•r .,_ 1.1 he 1ppro.1che1 tlii1 CCIW!Cr, i1 81rthClldi'a,.fernou. St1hu1 er Liberty. Tb. .1rtltt Mre hN dehl1 dr•-• brok•• chain 1eroa1 tt.e be.c:k1round of freedof.•1 hol1 ll1ht, 1i1aif1it1C that 091M'IMiO. and bmnan e.l•Yft'J' c:•IUIOt tahit I• a land of free '"'°"''· 1 st freedom lf111'ol,... ~ ..,.., thl• -...._...,. ....,,. ind the fM"-1-•f c:lril eed ,.Htlc:al rishta. 0.. _,. ,._.. 111 thete altd ttil1 be a tl1•• e. hi• ••• -·~ · True frtedOln __ ,...._ tlN .tad ind -• ol -• n well •• bie boctJ eM tttli POlltlc.al nlltiom. ... ere ~ l>r Yic:I-habit•, ~ t1-ir ic-'enc .. pret-tk .. 1elW-11 1ardl hate. R•lictoa ._ the mother .i (retdoe., and die Cllerc:tt i..e bff• Its chief al!ld -t cOMta9t eaporwnt. Ju• Mid, "Tht treth •n·..ue ,_ fr"·"' ... dM tr.tll ia ..a..ditd M ttr.e Hol7 lc:riPtlrr-. N• c~ .. mm l•t• tile -t el ~ ... •M, 4..al• I• dtia _,... ol GOll'a &11,•s rs:m..,.~w. ... __ amiiQi n.a.... ... :.: ... -· ..... ~--·:; --. ··---··---.....:. :""-• --. a....... --.. , -·-... --_....,,., "--..... -= ._ .. , ··-~ r:;=: ...... ::. -:...-c:::.. ...... PW.,_-..-. ""7 -,Cl> ....._,.,... . dtrw.,. .... . . ,,,, ........ r.-.......... -!. .. ,., -............... """' _.. ....... ..... -;.,"'-.. ~ .. .... ...;. ........ ,.... .... ... C..,..y._ :. $.:..,···---I.I f· ~~~e::e'; = 1.tJ . . ·=~ == . . ... HOMER E. SHAFER Rl<.U.TOR -- POP'S Fwtw S!Mk Hoee &M Ima& alMt ,ohn 108 Mchd4ea 1'l&co lbrborlfG 8UtctJ)' tloDMI ~ • llall:iq' . {al Ille l'.lerl YI~• Reul Dl'W9 SIOl'fl Two locat1ob9 to Serve You Lido Isle .. °'"' .. del Har STAffORD i. SON ~ Qiatacl(h 110 Rh<qalde.Aye. Newport Beoell LlbertJ &#78 CHINISI CASl'tO Rul canton-. J"OOd to TU• Out _......,,,,, WJUlaSt..--·- NIWPOlT ~lNRUll CO • ...----. . .. -. . ": Gtall•'•·· ltd&n Oiimen P'rr 1..-k• 6. la ....,... rood i.iu. ~ 811 E. IWbaa 8"'L ll.utlw 15'8 S. I. RIGGS ART C, ll$TW CO., RMlton ' . , ................... Z901 l'le~ ..._ Nowpoft - ·-·-I DICK MACKEi l>r'Ape:riM -0Upa(I; -u....., Oompl.c.e f'Na Dreoont1q ~ -Via Udo ,' ...,.., - ,.....,,., Uilit ..._ Siiuiw '.\ --_____ ...... _: . . -11117 w. '(loaa& mp..., u .._. c .. ,_..._ tn..r'I· a.i. • lftllt•Dattoi _, '·C.~ _. ...... St. Llllerty JI.Mil: • •• ' • • • -' _, .. ,, -- "God Qt•nl Iii llio M-1ty 1J> ~ Ifie thi•g< w -change; the· cour1~ lo ~ tM 1~"'91 we can and 1:::,::.;p:,.:::,~RiJI''!--::::;; ~;~ .. ' ; ' • .... wiodom-hr..,_ .... d;ff,_.._..~ , .... ,.,_,,, • ' :--~;;;;.--··'~"-'·~~....,. WASHINGTON REfOR'r ~---,......,,-------""-----'------------'...:.~--""~..,---...;.,---------1 ... 'fJt~; :~;'. ED I-T 0 R I AL S ' -. .; lb y.., cm.,.·1 '1'.1111 lo Iba tint oppoctualty wl!lell I have hAd to uiw-ay appr&clatlool 14 •ot.n Ot .,. dl!trfct r.,, Iba lb!e support wblek li>eJ<..P" .. ID tb&_,_t prlmariM. It tau -.,. dedicated ,...._ -_111, to Con· 11W. 14 eonlider all· loCWatlOa -which I 1111,uot -• '°"'* f..-._.. ~ w.,. Pl .. ~ ... to ,.,.. Yi~: t J.) Dclte tW9 ....... It 16 A_... Al lUM ....-pt au. dcl ........ w u.. lliMCfpt U!n• t.h ... '-ll.d,000,0GO toll\• ffl o...ut&lUO.W ....,....t u ..Ult.eel to T ..... Yla to wtdd laM eowa y tbil tound.. ot we added an addtUOo&l p0,000.• W. eouaCry, 1Mlu411W U.. ..,... 000. TM erpmetit wu made lnp ot ~t WMhbll'lGe ill that It la Mt.C. ~ lift e ttW. bll taftw«ll acldNM and UM anf ~ that t.. remalDll wiU. ,,..,...n•t. ot 1'MMu J.Uer-u. tbu. to cut Jt olf •114 drift -T (t} WW ·'t YM to pr_.... IJm lllt.o U.. 0.-m\IJ\1& or41r. UMi lAlel'fttJ and dlplt)" ot th• How t.oll1b eu -. be T Jt )'OU lndtvtdual or ill "'1 wa.y abridre h•"W: bff.n reedhtr th• daOJ' ,... b1e~ri(lltl! IH.eH trom Mooocrw, be S. a.I· Co ciJ M be H' ........ tor a r.w. r.or...,.,., --tb&t w ~ on em rs ave, to_. &attic probl<a, -... ,.rty' .... ,..wUI ·::;. d Y":..' rl-' ( • ha ... ....U.r >"rdo and '-prtney;.lor .-y-1J!>· "5-an \.4uSe, · Problems ""'' .... t dlltri•t ._la by • -Joriti of bollH- bolden tbett ... IO ... 'lfbo -....... It DOl ;,. Wii,t t!ILQty ColincU of tho City of Newport ~-they did not "'l't tM lliqic9•-t. but Beacb 'doa lo of CODCft o and hrt-t to <VlrJ lllteW---t11ey bon..Uy felt they ~'t ~ them, cmt dtlltn wit.bbl ~ city limit&. Tbe CouneU and who now mu•t pay i for ftW7 ..... ord.laanee members have their problema; at Umee they aratte--Jl~perly enforced there are 'u.. Wllo ..,t. eiea..-or ~ ~Ponaiblt for eawd.rJs, prob~ It ia for thl.s na· a.re prohJblted from con'duct:ma their OWD. d'faln ... they would like. -· .on that the Newt•Prul, u • matter or public inter--~ . eat. trill publilb in these columftl tbe complete tat A. oouncilinan must wort for th& benefit and wel· , fue ot the gttat .. t -1&11 •wnbor of people. SUll of a taUt ~vea at t.he Mayon' and Councilmen'• h• mlllt protect, u wtU, the rtchta of the f_ew. Since .: In1Utute in Monterey May 24. lt ii entitled. ''The a iurgeation made by a ft:ie_n.d c&n be ju.t u valid ,._Job~ of A CChmcilman and Political Lea.derahlp." It u one by a 1tranger, he mmt not lean over too far wu delivered by Barry· MatU, ntayor of Modett.o. baelrw&rd ln bil ef(ort to be unprejudiced and thu1 Here ii the firwt tmt:.._alment: listen 'more receptively to the one than ·tlle other. ~or can he refrain from 8upporting a.ctloa. which will be Sood tor the eompiuni~ u a whole becau.e It will , a.1.o benefit him pinonally and there may be t)ioi::c- Tbo jOb of being a clty eoanetlmaa bu bom . ' . deoc:ribed u an "iceburs'' job ~ the 'blcresl pa(t ot -It da.rl't ahow. l"or thll n!uon a newly elet:ted · eounc:ilman, prepared. though be may be in spirit for the dutlea wb.lch be ;. undertaking, not infrequently 'dileoven that the peNODa1 adjUltmenti demuded of him ~ore taxing than he had expected. Be baa .. planned. ft elected, and be now most llincerely In- tends, to do hill absolute best for hit city .nd to cfve • :communJty needs priority over hil penonal c:leairH. ~But Immediately upon takinc oftlce be i. faced with two difficulties which 1eem IUddenJy to loom largtr thu they had before: Flttt, the problem of con- tlnulng to function energetically in the privatt bu.I· D-eM on which hi• livelihood depetuU while 1upportia1 community proposal.I or progr.a.in1 which may not be advant&geoua to him privately and may be oppoa· -ed. by a great many other peopl' illcluding m&ny of hia cu.tomen; and meeondly, the problem of timt, • · wblcb, u many of you will ~atlfy, an be the ~~e of endleu comi>lication.. A MWly elected councllman diacoven at once that· both of theM problems ar" more dltticult. to cope with in actual practice than they had appeared to be. And, since the day-by-<lay ' 'routine of city buineu eeldom llacken• to allow a · team.inr period for' new eoundl memben. !1e bi torn by c'onfllcting reaction• and beeet with a feeling or • Inadequacy or frult..n.tion. The new eounclltnan abould not be d.i.amayed. He ,~ust 1imply rJrd himae1f the more determinedly ~or :: ·lhe fny. Theae two particular pl'Oble~ he will · have with him tor u long u be nmaJas in office. :.They will recur •rain and acain with pcreru:Ual per- .i.tence, and they will have to be met and wre•tled With Individually every time. Their answtra Ue in the atftqth and cban.cter of the oouncilman and ln the ...,. ivneatneN of hie dffire to •rv• h11 community. ·-. Ftnt, he moat re•lcn himlelf to the fact that ~evtr acaln, unleu he r. reelected because or hi• •·• poaitioo on 101De hlghly controveralal lerue, will he •bo th( plouutq popular peroon that he wu before • .and durinc h1I campaign for o(tM:i. Overni&bt he • ·will hr.ve-ceued to be that llkeable SUY. Joe Do&kt•, a really Cine cbancter, who ourht to run for councll. ;:;: He hu become, lnstead, one of the "they'' wbo posted · two-hour parklnJ Umlta ln tho block wh.,.. down· · town inerchanta u.ed to leave their CUI all d&f.r or , .... the "dol'' wbo hired s.n aud.ltor e1peci&lly to mpot· -chock city laleo tu. paymenta. U ha II app!'<l&Chtd by old p.i. on 1ubjecll currently under ccinaidention . by tM council. be II 11.Db.appily s.wan that no matWr bow the matter 1a decided, just ·.. Diany ol hi• aequ!!lntODeea aro apt to be rebutted u are pleued. He flnda, too, tbat many people wboe.--friend1hip be hu enjoyed now become leu intimate, not becs.u.e they ll.ke him 1 ... but because be bu been nquired -_ to take atrooc poe.itioD1 on iaruea which .,.. "contro- vll'lllal." :; Theae consequence• are part of tbe pr1ce of public .erv1ce, and our new councilman bu to mme ateot anticipated them and prepar<d .,_If, but ·Iba "'"'"' ...,.. • ...,. ... of tbem diBllla)'a him -.. ; Jt dilml.ya all counctlmen. It ~ii ud that,_IO l&r(e a .gtopottlon of most civic improVe~entt which m&ke -lite better for a majority are inconvenient. or u· ., •• llAllllOlt' PR2SS •• .. dMO t•WIAIPl"N..._ ... ._.., .. R I .CAD .... 11~~--·".'·~o.-.-~o... .......... Wl.!!'._ ..;.·· Mil:'''°"* ............. , ........ . ... . ... ,........ ....... .. ........ ~ M • el 0.-.. o.-tl H..,.. ........_ I who will remark on th1t advenely. He cu.not even ltrlve to ln1ulate hb:uelf against all ettlzen comment &lld eritk:ilm in order to insure that his viewpoint may remaJn impartial. He must .erve u a walking .ugp1tlon .. nd complaint box. uid the continuing req\fMta of tboae who.e dtairee DUgbt unbalance the over..a.11 prorram of community Rl'"Vicea a.re a burden "'Which he must bear with patieD.ce. He will learn when to ltand eolidly and when to yleld--or Mf!bl to yield. All one of my favorite phil090pben said, "Whereu fotce may not prevail. • ma.n m•y pin bis end by Meminc to yield. u a ahip yields tO the tea. And that ii good, provided the ab.Ip d~ not yield too mqcb and be aw&mped." It bu been ~ that ln public aervtce the problem is to compromiM iuuea without compro- mialnr your princtplel, and 110lDl!timM, lf peceuary, even to compromilt a principle without eompro-miainr younelt. · In. the problem. ot tlme our countjlman 11 more fortUAate, thouib at t1rst be may ~ot think ao. In the "IUdden multlpllelty of thinp which demand hia ~tfon; he muat bold fut to and return again and ap1D. to the bu.ie prtndple that city council bl a POLICY-MAKING BODY. He and bi. fellow coun- dl memben mu.tl appraile clear-hndedly a.ad d~ tenDined.ly the work tbey are doing, and t.&ke 1tepa • to ... th.at u little u pouible of the time wbicll they • aped an city attain is wuted. Much of the pres .. SUN on city ofticlall the.e day., •peci&lly here in California. 1prtnr1 troni. the burgeoninc growth of clt1N themaelvea, the tremendou. lnc.reue in demand tor public f&CilJtJel of every na.ture, and the lack of t.hqqate plannlnc and for.lcbt to (Uide web STOWth in an orderly fuhton. Often, however, the adtnln· lltratJve proctdurea atW bting roµowrd. Jn citie• which have doubled and tripled their •lie are thoR which were u.ed, and perbapa !'ere 1ultablt1 ln the daya wh111 a more leh1urely tempo wu LD order. All routine procedww ahould be 1erutiniDd fo; po11lbl• ... •Umlm.Uoa or improvement. U It 11 foUnd that tht council II bo11>f re<j_ulrod to co.,lder lndlvldU&lly each nq~ foi & cuJ.'b cut or a tree removal or to author·· J.u flnanclal tranuctio111 or penoonel actloM Of a routine nature, then action by r.olution to ..t.abliah rov•rn~t pallcl11 1a-~ auch cue. and to aulpi th• l"elponaibUlty for carryinl them out to apecltled &dminlltrative penoru:uel will not on1y free the council for mon urs•nt conalderation• but will .auard apinat 1nequltiea, and r11ult In more convtJllent operatton• tOr th• reneral public. i..cwauve ' chanr,.. or · cha~ &me¥menta may be Indicated to mW the n&lel \Ulcl9r which the collncil oper&le• •ufflclently broad &nd adequate for preaent.-da.y 11.eed.s tn.t.4 ol roitl:lall•e and _, u orlctnally lonn· ulatad. After t.U the non-e:uenti.l.ls have been pnmed, the bulk of w6rk which rema.im for t.be bOuncU will 1till eeam bopei...ot acoomplilhment unleu ade- quate; prelim1Duy lta.ffi work ii done and unlea. a certain mental d.i.cipUne in ''problem probin&" ii -TM flnt of th• two requlaities may be the · e&ller to COble by. Though the admini1trative It.aft of a ejtf lo ollarpl wllll carrying out tho pOUci• of iovernment which the city council ahal1 dettrminr.' tt II a1lo Ult 4aty of the ttatf to invettigate e&ch of th• poujble alternativel iil a giVfn aituatloa. a.nd prtNDt· to ~ OOUDd1 for lta con•lderatlon a ca.retul llummatf ot the ~~ diadvanta~. implica· lion., and ntlmat.ed cOllta ot each. SQch lnvettip· tlona may Include the 1tud7 pf aimi1u pnctl-ln other cttilll, the preparation · o( comparative IWD· -or their evalu•Uono o( "'"'1ltl, t.nd tilca1 .,..q.. wb)ch .,.. both accurate and thorougb - the ..,..hy," bow," ''whm1" and "how-.at.ucll" f)f lllU• nlclpol lil•••lalftllon. It ·lo th• duty of t11e COW!d1 · to bo eortaln tl!at ouch llatf W<>rk II -tbo!'<luply and_c:ompmt.enUy ud to u.lmllata .. d und..-.tand tie matertal. IO pnlMlt.ed.. Counellm.a who are •sdt"Ad b)' OONICien~ and punctual adm1D11tra· ...,, • .,. -forced to wuta ftluabll _,_ \Ima ln 1poculaUon. · (To bo contllluod Monday) U l•Cll.laUon cornpllu wllh re&dJ In thelr camp and M Wlrl t.h .. two buic coocepta. I will not drl\14!1'1 then by u-. llUpport ll. Jt lt doH not. I hive W ASTSr\JL llP&NDINO a.no will conU4114 to '«'I.I •rainat I ''"° aupported a f\&rthw .,.. ll. ,.,_ tboup UMi leFelaUOn ducllon Of one halt bllllOll dol· mJabt brinl' lea.porat)" advu-en ln the t.ot&! allltOWlt ...., 1-lta. J mult alw•11 be more on the ' fact tbat" wttbout Ulla ciunc.rned over the w.itare ot reduction tn the unu.pcMSod btJ.. f\lture reneraUou lhU J &D'I ance, whicb 11 aow I or 10 "'I· ovu lhe dutCOtae of fuh1r1 cite· lion doll&re. it ~'4 be lnc,..._ 1------------------------IUon& Id at tM •d oC the comtns l"OA.lllQN' A1J,} fllCaJ y-.r by OION than U ... Jmmed1-t.ely upca m1.: re.tum dlUonal half WWoa doUara. Th'- troni Call1omi& the Houae ba.d reduction w.. ovt1rwbehni111"lY ,•' under coneideraUon the forclp deteated. READERS -------------------&id bill which, •• I hav• prl!· The admtnlltnllon. of h>fflP June 27, 19M or Olrectora, but wu not due vlou.ely reported to you I would 11.ld tn many ot tll• eowttri• Editor to the nawre or u.. oppmln& and did vote •calnet. hat been W&ftettll a_nd ftb'tmen- r\ewport H11rbor l'\ewa·Pr-: eJ~ent, And by thill It la mean\ Many unrecorded votl!1 on tal to u1 11.nd baa elmul&ted our What price c-omrnunHy aer· the leadrr1 ot th11 oppoeltk>n. amendment.II were t1ken bl?!ore own WP/.-. I am not oppoMCt vlt.•1 Jt wu eboul one ind a Ninety per t:.mt or thrlr tollow· flr.•I p....,,._ IA th .. I 1up· to c'lvllll" tore:lp mWt.y Nd h&lf yeer11 •co that a tax bOmb· Jnc wu compoaed of Sood pto-ported the pGMUon ot the Com-where Jt ls nHdl'd In ronno• aheU l'l'U drop~ on the west pie who l1ler cam• to ua and mltll!I on J'\lrri1n Aft•lr1 In ind Jepan and Bouth ... tern A.•la blult ot Col/ta M.e11a. Your piper 1ald thry were lporant of th• reductlic th1 orlirlnaJ t1"que1t bf tor the purpoM of ma.tnl&ininc refen·ed lo u1 •• (Ulnl!a 1ltna. t11ctlcs to be uae.1.1 •t the inert-on1 bllUon dollar1. I allO •up· our W11tern lll'le of def..,. . I belll!vr, tor the din and cry Ing or vf tne l ltel"9..ture pruited. ported th• antl!nc\ml!nt which Th1re le a tun.her conelMra- th.al w•a brine ral.ed. And &LU· Our.ng the rourd ot a .i.onny would cut oft aid to M111h1Jt '.:en ln t hat exUM.lvt1 foreip neu we were. One man row up year for the 1...e111ue, t.he new Tito In Yuplwl11. l W9• indtrd 11d 11 conatltullnl" an aanuaJ and brourht order 10\Jt ot th1l dLrecW1 1 polled 11L l...ell'le mrm-.Urpr&Md to nnd that thta •mend. dratt upon our cold tQU'ft at d!MMI. Ha w11 applauded for bi.I bert. tor their op;n:on Ind con· me11t did not C&rry. Our rl'ctnt f'ort Knox to u extent of OMI 1tfortJ1 -11 lonr •• the. 1ttack. ducte1 themaelve1 accordlnfly, axperience of •hlpplnr Lii of our billion doM&re. Our irold nee"'• wu beinr dlreeted U>W•rd the Eut wr opponent1 were not -er1p Iron to J1p1n prior to b already depleted below the ceunty 1eat. When a plan to through. We we~ 1tlLI to tMi Ptarl Harbor did not teach u~ •talutory requtre.mcnte to MIP- hav1 the vot1ra turn O'l'l'f a mlaquott.d. and, or all lblna•, ac· a leaaon tor WI! a.re c-onUnutn11: port our monrt&ry 1y1t1m. I'll,.. blank chtdl or a.a u~t,mated 116 cuaed ot an a ttempt to h11ve lo-to fl" t h1 Yuroa.I•• comm11nl1t thennore, tba naUone whlch w• mlLllon wu attacked, It waa lln-c.a l n1en:hanta boycolted. lA thl• latrllll• of th• K~mlln mlllllry t rt helpln1 aNI not conlr1buUnc other 1tory. The uaue.l lhr••ten-rtcard v•e wl!re cr1d.lt1d wlt1'1 equipment whl('h m1y IOm• d11y I to th.cit own deten.M perc111te11 Inc pbon1~Jl1 weN made. etan· hl\'in( acquired a new dlre('tor. be UMd •11tn1t Ut. w1M .. we •r• and eome n•· dard proctdure tor critiC1 of the T11t1 man ~·•• called bl!fo,. a Thtr1 can be no doubt In 1ny I uona u.. th11 ald t.o red11Ce echooJ 1y1tem we hear. Word• Rfltclal mettlnr of the Board to one'• mind but tn1t M'ar•h1U their own natonaJ debt.. wer1 twtalrd, character au1ul-&nl'M'tr charge• of mltreprUl!n· Tito It fully In aymp1th.• with I am hlfh.ly In fevor of a n:ated. tetton. he wu abj• to prod1K:41 lht •Im•, ldea.11 •nd tre1chery cold rl!appr•l-1 of thla prop-am. • wll.llt•!i to hla tl!al tta~ement.1 of ftuul11. and it would bi! ju1t Too many blank cheekl .,. not v.·blch not only l!xontrated hlm· l "-.~"~"~'M-•~bl;;;•..;;'";..:'~IV;;;•;,,:h~lm;;,.m:;:;;n~1-,.:;":::::'"";,,:'"~'.,:B~"~":'~":"~'~"~·---­ And then It was ll nll! for the ftrst annu11 I tl~Uon~ cf t11e tax· p1y1r1 ,--roup thlt thi1 n1ai.I Wlll ht1trumtnlaJ In tornuni;-. The cha.t:CU Ui.at lffw from Lhll n1Mtlnc were fant .. tic~ 111 An 1rmtd iuard \o\'11 I• li1e door, It w ... ,Chaf&M. to .kt11!p out tv.·o deflnffleai 'Womta. Jn tact, an •nned ·rual'd w11 poeted" bec•uM anonymou phon• cal1I ~ten­* tn0t1 tban mer• bffk.ll.ral", If ) P•rH1m1ntaty law WM vto- llttd, It wu claimed. Ht.vlflr bMa e.n "A" 1tlldent ln th• aub- jeot at th• Unlvei-14ty ot 80\Jth• •rn C&lllornta, 1 wW d1b.f.l1 pub- llcally "[ltll e.nyone on what they conlider vl~auoM. (Tlle- phont debatte are out), (I) H•nd-plc:ked Cl.fldidat•• w • t I pl•Cl'J In Office. l Wiii • "h•nd· pickto.l" candidate. I wae "hand· picked'' btcauM • nel1hbor told ll'I• l"roup that my tntu.et Wh 11.n>h1 In Meta1 th• t..-ru• eon · tlnu. &nd not be llCUlUld to pet• ty purpoH. J:Jec:uon n•cht wu my flret and Jut cont.act with Ule former Pr.eldent. (~J Tbe lAlll\le wu a polltlcal YelllCl1. Two Of the Laq'U1'1 l ll'OnCNl cnuc1 tn lhta chars• now bold eom1 form of poU Ucal ofrtc .. Thoee whom the cM.l'JN w.r• l•v-11<1 a1a.ln.11t have never •P· piled for poUUca.1 ofl\ee, tlH Th• OIMUna ........ a fll.tel, lnd:Md It .. 1 IA•l\I• opponent.I lackld OOW't.llJ e.nd • lm9W'9dle Of patli&mentuy procMu.rt. Mo- UGna w1r1 ~ In oft1 c ... with • f~allld "lAt'• tl\row lh&t lhlof 01..1l.'' Nferr1n1 to cUt1a1 'l'Oltl Of ~ ·DOI Jl,_t bJ' U.1 :Prald1nL With "that llllnl' out" • quonun would ha" bMn 1-cldnc 1111d the ...n•ttq dis- banded. The By•IA.n provl•kln on • quorum wu •tebll~M lily lepl COUllMl It could ha .. bMtl olwl1ad by th• aA.UJll 80&t'd a•!f but e1:p01td another f1eble atlt;1n1pt to <ll11eredlt U11! Lr•gul!. Sacramento ·sidelight Now our term of office t1 at an rnd, and we canAot "la.me public upln!on lf ll th1nk1 Ill ot uL Tbt public l1not1tuptd, 1nd l ----'"-------------------- when tntormlld corNCUJ' ac:t.1 SACRAMENTO, (CNS) -The recent deciaion of the f1lrly. Jn «rt.aln cue• It hu Mt MID Wonned w1ui. U'\lol 1tate irupreme court hoJdin& tbe •tate law exempting rui.. TCNr paper bu ac:eorded parochial 1eboola, &nd other educational inatitutioni o( u tatr tr•lmenL lera than collectate llandinc to be exempt ti-om taxation, Afal.n, Wbat price conunwiJt7 aen1.ce! J u1.1nJc ')'OW" paper ln accord with the decision of the legillature, wu not knowe. judctnc rrom one cour-1nUr1ly UAUpect.d. nor dou n •UtuuontJay ill lh• .. parauon apoue campatp you wac*i. appear tQ a. & deq.l.io& out of of church ._ad .c.at.e, and lhe.t But dOll •varyoroo -.lie kaow T llM ._.lh U.. ..-taJ. &Ima a.ad the problvn, iJJl;e man7 et.hen Many pr.Cir lo htd• blhlnd tWr p~ of odu.Uoft. in con.UtuUOll&l Jew, '9 on• of te.levlllion Mta and not 1Uclc PullU& edaool.I ud 'rl"t"&.t.I d•ll'ff. · th.i.r roecU out Perllape \ha la Kllooll Mlh an .._lid t.o pn.. 'ill• pl1.,,,I•· ot .-pan.lion or UI• bUt oourM arier au, •-mary prtac(plea. 'J'llMI princtpl• ch\u·ch Md .i.ta ta root. lm.palr.d pe<"l•lly tor • ta.ape.yere auoeJa.. ere the lducatkla of )"OWll by 1r1ntlbc ~ exemption.a to tlon continually ace\il>ld of mid· peopl1. ao S.Ut the J"O'lUI of -m111o1W rroup1 ,rn1,..111, and dllnl ln pollllCL lt It wsrcn't naU.n a.a •taie may ~ up It -m• el .. r that U.. J'll"ll tor · t&xpayrn, howl"'" lll1r1 with tb• lmowl.t11 ~--by A.msndmutl w.. nol latudild would be no ~UUclaM. But et-Ulllr .iw.. r.duuUoQ llU -u.. to prollUllt eucll a.ampllon&. •~ ter taklnr our money. they ._,... turuter purpo111 of prO'tidtfts tbe eordtnJly, an llPlllpOoR of P""" parently don't w•nt an orcants-MPll that the younpten wUI do perty u11ed tor ldue&UOft&l pur- ed lt'OUP or tu:P.,ere ~ ~ • btt bttt.r tbU tbel.r poMe m&J' vJLlldly be a,,u.t t.o II.OW that mon1y I• 1p1nL llden. achool property _.._ &nd op-- Th•· prlce ot ~-'t1 ..,.. CoDMC-.au1, It would not •p-.rated by nu,sooa orpnla&· vice ia mfoQ' c'-e wW be pMt Mlvtablll to MfNpto pub-Uone." character a111111a 1\,l-on. Jt 'I• lie education ftoca pn.-to .tu-'I"1:11a, th• etat. aup"2!le cowt 1urprUlnC' that ao rn&117 'honfft. caUon, in.ol•r u 9qU&Uaed u.at. baa put "" it.amp of approval people are Jn publle Mnic• d .. menl la concerned, no m atter on UI• proclldur1 approved "1 1pll1 thill. Many l'CfOd ~pl• Wh&t the d1no111b!.all0a of th• the peoplti ot the 1tat.e wherebt bav1 tumad down lMf\M •Po nlJi1.owi ldlool, or lfl• Ullnklnr echool• 1;1peratlld by char1taW., po1ntnw1nte tor tear ol rqril&l ., u.. prtnto c:Ur1t&bl1 m.u. noa-prfltlt orpnluUoa, -.ch u and U11Ju•t crtllclani. A ,,_t tuU-.. J"Or ,_..u,. .,.ialllc. lh• parod11&.1 KJw>ola o1 tti• etat.. t.tter wrttM t.o ,our papor. MrL UM \&lumai. pu~ ani ""11-ot 1 .. thl.n ooU•s• dqTM. ol Dt-lphlno, ~ \e bi\ UNI nail l&r ~ ll&lW.. ••.mptin.C' lh'" prlntll7 ~ on the h .. d, l'aplalnlnl on• poeo "lt .. •Peattnt." the c • u rt «I ac:hooie rrom tau.Uon. albl,e aourc• of . th•t . ct1Ucllm • ...,.., "tll•t t)• u•rnpuoe wu WNJe Wldou.btlfCUJ • rood There I• & Hon In U!ia ltrftl. tna.cted to-protnoto the plMn..I many thouMad1 of dollani will I nd tiw ._,. wftlln1 to pt,y the weUite thl'OUfh INKIOUl'llrt,111 th• .,. remoftd troJn tll1 La.a rolla price of an encounter, Would tidue&U.oe .t lb• )'OWllll and Ml becauN of tht• dedllon, the or- yeu f to fa,_ mu.-. .._ It ., MC. der of Lill COW't hh It. cora-- 8lncerely, latl.fd t.o. edloola INllntalald llJ penaUnt fM"-'" u wtlL Richard T. Whitmore relic'IOU• fNUP1. hi ,a,.U. al· Mby of theH prlvat. acboOI• ltO Nation.a.I •••· IO to lh<>M operated' by ocAer oould not continue to fww:UO. Ootta ~.... Cal.ltotni• oharitable orp.ataaUcma. llrtlJlout aomt t&x Hlllf. ahould •·undw UN clre\lmltaacti1, allJ' acy~or tMm ,h•'fe lwt to doet Mtilllt rec•lftd ~ nil~ di!-UN etudtntl Ulet'lln wouJ4I bt SCENE AT THE CAPITOL aomlnauou i. ~ lnl:Mha· tllrOwn kck lntmodla.t..1.y lnte . tal to "" ..,..,nm .. t c< a ,..._ U.. pub.. ""'""' ,,.....,, lo Ho pVl'poiM. *'111 Ule luta m~ aot be c .. · -na. Unit.Id Stat. auprtm• ct"te.Md because of Ult dedlioo. Olllutt, ill ~ thll prohlbt• 1-.ut, eGml Of lhe lD Cl'UMI pro. Uoa of la_. ftlll*IU:q-lha -poee4 tor Ule pablle .lehooJ8 mar ~t of ..up., reoonuy Ila" Min .lta"Hd crt bec9.U.. et 1t.te.d tut the etaM&r4 ot OOft• th• d.eia:lol'l. - Ask Will Probate of John Wilson • .!'~o 00~ .:::,c;::,.; SANTA .A.~A . cOcMe)-Pro-.............. NOTICE 18 HER.EBY G1Y111N bale of UMI ,..w ol John W . WU-that a ipeclal meetlnc of, th• IM!n. who·dled June I, wu uked ., 1 s-port Harbor no rt h J b mem rs •0 · "" tn •UJHI r cou era uni 111 Y Co It Che•t • Callfoml• hls wife, N . 1Atri11-w1.-.. ot lf=;;:,ty eorpo,".uon. will be 2UI Via Udo ford, N.-po held on ~y. the lOUt. d.17 Beach. · ot July, It:MI, at the hour ol HW-1 ln lt"9 utat• •n t.U lt:IO o'c'9ck p. m , at the Vtua wtdow, a daU&btl', Ka1 L...: Martna-l\utaurant. 104~ &.1· 110n of 8'1 N. I.Amon !It, An•· .td• Drtve. Newport ~•ch, Gall· helm; and a .an. Donn Wllmft fornia, for the purpase of con· or 221& W. l.,,lh SL, 8&.r:lt.a. AA&. aid•riq aod actlnr upoa a Pereonal property ll1ted In lhc. propoMJ lo amend lhe arUcl• 11t.at. wu eaUmated •l ••tn ex· ot lnaorporation .., 11 to ch&n&• ctaa or 110,000." .. the aam• of the corpc;iratlon. Vandals Enter H- A hOUM under con.ltrucUoa at ti20 8u.wan1 Ave., wa1 entered by vand&lll and tht wall.a ln&l'k· O.ted I.ht. 28th day ot Jun1, J961. Sf'Cretary, Newport Harbor Comnn.llllty ChMt No. lol74 ed up with obffnce wordl and Nft'l·P..-l/ltl~ • bathtub damaced M> m.ucti tt ----~~=c-c===~ wlll Mve to be repl1ced, Build· tzanncfu OF Bt:8~'E88 er Marco AJlkb, 2ot Am.thJ.t P1dltk• """ SMHI ' Ave., reported to pollce Sundly. THE UNOERSJCNED do bere. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF INTENDED SA.IA NOTICE 1!1 HERl:BT GIVZH: That !IPENCl:R DOWNEY. Vtn• dor, whOM &ddre• i• 121 8*.J'· 11de Dnve, In the Ctty ot N-· port Beacil, County or Ora.n1., 8t.lt.9 ot Oalltor•i•, lntenda to aio:ll to DON J:. NEW. VeftdM. fWhoM adttu .. m b it 16th , .... Street, ln Uie City of ca.ta Meea, County of Or1111e. !It.ate of can. fomla, the tollowtnl" deacr1bed person1I property, to-wit: All 1tock tn trade. ta1uru , equip.rNnt atHI 1ood will or a c•rtaln ahlpyard w.IN••. lu1ow11 11 BASIN aHIPT AJlD. and lo- cated 1.t ut Baylide Ort••. In the City of Newport Beach. Cowlty ot 01'"1111"&, St.ate of Call· tonil&, and that • aale, tr&Ut'ar and .-pment ot lha .-me will bao mad, and U.. con9'dera\'°n thettfor wW M paid •t 10:00 o'doclt a. rn., on Ui• loth d1y ot July. 111H. at the ..erow depart· ' by oerUty thlt th'ey are con· d~ a rataur1nt bu1lneu at 1'1' .. Newport Blvd., C:C.ta Maa. c..Jllomll., under the flclltloUll firm n&m4I ot THE NEW ClNC· BA}( JtESTAURA.f\'T and lk9t aaJd ti.rm II compoaed ot th• lolknvtJl.s penon1, v.·hon nam• lD t\IU and pt.ec11 ot reaidenc• an ... /0Uow1. to-wll: &DION KONVISER 6"0 Beryl Lane H•wport Beach. Calll, ANNl:TTE KONV18ER MO U.ryl l...&ne N~rt &ach. Calif. wrrNJ'..R8 our h1nll1 t hl• 7th llay ot Junt. Ji;M l •I SIM.ON KON\'1.!!ER /I / ANNETTE li:ONVISER llTATE Of' CAUFOR?'IA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE JU . ON THlB 7th day of J une, A .O. 19M, Wor• me, ROBERT F. WILLMES. 1 Notu-y PubUc ln •lid tor Uie AJd County and State, ruldln1 th• r •In. duly comrn.iulolMd ud ~..om, pe,... -•Uy appeared SIMON KON• VISER and ANNETTE KON· VISER known to me to be th"e RESIDENTIAL· INDUSTRIAL · COMMtRCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR lj)lU,r. UO aot11 SL. NO"l'Ort lleacli Hartior 2saa I • • • .... 1.ollS Per lM ... w ... 111.olO 20.08 11.10 11.IO ..... 2µ0 21.20 23.20 1•.2• lt.ol7 19.11 II.SO JO~O 27.4ol H .4.4. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFORNIA M.AltGERY ICHROUOl:R, City Clark GREATER EIRlllll'5 . ' --'{. REMEMBER .•• SAVINGS _.iYed by the 10th ol the month ... UllN FROM the let. ' ' • REPRODUCTION •.. THE SECOND GREATEST HUMAN NEED! And every eoPneer, architect or buai.neuman klaow1 the need for fut efficient reproduction. Huber Blue Print Company brinp at lut a perfectly equipped, expertly staffed a.nd compar- atively priced aervlce to Newport Beach. For your reproductive need.I, from blue print.I to pboto-, 1tata ••. C&ll .•. HARBOR BLUE PRINT COMPANY Harbor f.331 28Uc • • e PLANS • R•lw""'11 ~ B•udl1"ill J. W. PVTN.All Bu .,,.._W ' - Palnt!Ds Ii Paper1W)llq We do the woik ounelM IO JMn apuimct u_._.s • l-.ln4. __ ..... r.timatet rt... Cab J~ LI 8-2687 Ii LI 8-52811 flltlo REPAIR WORK CEMENT BRICK TRASH HAULING CLEAN-UP PLASTER Ii PLUKBING Uberty Wlli. ~ Generel Contractor -IJCl:NOJ:D , \ New Work -R<modew1c Classified Index Spodal N-J. MILTON McKENZIIC ..c;..--------·learbor tl399-W Mtlc I Ovt of ftaab I BpecW bMUIH'll"nH•nt ' Puenl Dlrect.n 11 B..t•eoe Qaldlt 11 8Glld1q J4aterla19 11 Bu1w1wc lk""'- lt PenMU 11 lllil&n y...., OU 11 TramportaUon 11 &ooftq 11 ... *'Aw. 10 H-.1~ Aim " .................. ' h ar-.... lu&ndlo• II Bltua.tl ... Wuted It Help w-w Jt Mlec:el'·-u .... a_.... 10--8 Applto._. 11WaaWt.8Q' IS Pllnlhln fer lale 11...A.A.aU.-.. a..u. &.p,U. N -.....i, a.die., TV II no,.. <-tao Ptita H PoWt17 11 U.eetod.: II A•l• W-t.11 &t Aato. fer l!l&a. ..... n.... & PUU ,1 A•I• &e"1c. ......... N U Alrp..._ ., w .. ted te A•• U Apt.I. • H-far Rt:Jta U-A Ap~ for Ben& &a.a Hotl9e& for Bu.t U-0 n.Der 8pMIO U &Mm• fer Rat &f..A Real B~ ~Boom. 8oud ........ lilec. .. "°l"etl . • orn-11-A 11.--a.t.11 H .,..._.. O,pntmatdM; 66 MOMJ .. L.-ai H M•ae1 \\'-Ud 117 11-1 E1ta&o W-ted 18 ae&I Estate llel"Tlce 11· Dleocne Propert)" 16-A ~. ladutrtal I l ._. Emtat• Ewe.bMp u ...., f;ttat• Y Newport Harbor ·a P. 0. E. . 1787 11 .. u •"'"1' Tllund&)t I p.m. \'ta Oporto -OIDtnJ Aft. N..._.._. l>lCll N.-an. l:u.lte4 RW,Z Mo'l"rELL'S AND PEEK Colonial Mortuary ' TIOl Boi.a-Juat South ot WMt· ~ miUtor MemortaJ Park. A.a Oru.I• Cowat1 lnaUbltkm SWriAI t&ml.11M ol all t&ltU ......-(Toll ..... ) ZZll.!Ua 1111 No ana ever t~ aWl.J' bocauaa al !&ck of tuadL "A•,•• VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY. THJ: NEW machUI• $1rGCOU m e tho d. ftu.IOlllbl• prtcu A•.,...-• S tape r..W.ti&I blind. ' Only $1.00 BllnU repa.lred and rebUUt. i'rea Pick up anQ d.U..•17 Work don• bJ ap)ointmmt Pbona Liberty W701 or KimberlJ 3-61611, pptfc -ror a &tpandabla uaed car, ... y<NI" k>C&l d .. lllr who w1U bo IM:N TOMORROW to back up what he Mlle TODAY ! Check the iiMd c&n bl the cJ.Mmlled MCIJOa to- day. PEI ANN~M CURRENT EARNINGS • • PAINTING INTERIOR-EXttRIOR ALSO KAJUNE P AINTINO LJCmNSEO -INIU"Rat Glenn Johnston 601·lllt 'at. Nrwpon BMct1 Harbor 3171 dUr CARPENTRY · MINOR REP AlR W()R.K · NO JOB. TOO IJO..LL. • IL 0. And~ • 101• 11. Balboa BIT¢... Balboa ll&rbor 1'60 l:JU< FURNITURE · · Dlatinctlvely dealped ltada, npa.tt'Od or rt:tlnithed C. EVERETt ·SMIT~ 413 .. JtUr. 8t.., -N•wport a.ch Har. "61 day• or ~ llc3r Painting, Decoreting Paper llaqinc GEO. BURKHARDT UCENU:O OONTIU.C..'"J'Vf} u was LD:IN17 l-ll2h QENJ:RA.L llUD.Z)J:R Expert Remodeling A.ddtton.I • MW ~ J:uy tanu caa bo arn.apcS Har.~..!£_ Ith- GENERAL CARPENTER REPAIR ODD JOBS Ne job loo amall. BNt et ref· •reneff. U ,_..T1'ol JTUc LICEN~ED General Contrector l\amodelinl" -AdditioM ................ Tanu can be UTaD.pd F. N. JOHNSON LExtqtoft .... , .. FOR RENT DUI .. .,._ J:ltc. Drtlll,. ~ ..u~., ................. ........... BOYD~S HDWE. -1'. oo.uT' IUGSW41' utMrtJ ... uu NWpt. .... CARPE'NTElt Re~Work · Do. TOW" l'f..C.~ ••• ,,.'I .. , .,...._..._ ...... Al. Wortl o.n.t.1111 f'tla Experienced 6ar4'n r . LANDICi.Pnllb ' .. aod Cl .!CAN UPS LlllertY ..--CEIO:NT" llUILDINQ. • AD .ll:liliM , , • l'ltEl:arm«•n:a .. Llllori7 Ml.lit CXllatZTJl 1LU41JMJ""" 4P•,.._~ .cua*1m 0 ..... U>fDDa • ..,.,. MIO llll &Lr-. Ntw)IOlt .... ...... ..,. ... 16... • ~""'w.~ W«lfA P. 0. 8m Ill ......... _ .,..,_ .._... ..... ,. .. ,. . • • • • • ' !l!!!;:!•!!!!!!!,te~!!.'.i,;" ··.:.· _.,~· _ • _ • ,.._.,.._ ........ , COl.D WAVE COMPLETE • GARDENING ·• . • Je.llO to '10 Your ·Relex·A·Ciior ommn...~ Demoutntiam. DO obUpUoD 8mn1e WU.. -BT&tt ""'" or RTatt ...... -· UDIJ:I WHO wq5 TO TA.D Swedish. Message ID the coevenlt:nce of t.belr bCd8r, pleue e&U tor appoint· mon< lilarbor tTll or Harbor l&n 'I • JOtlC SuperftuOwi Hair .. ·-.q, rtmOftd tram [&OI .,... .... .,... and hair la -~o IDGl"a t• 1 dn1 Girls MORE THAN i!OO GIRLS wW illart local TelepboM eo.np.n,. e&re11nJ thLt 11'10nth. Will Yon Be One ot Tb.em? FULL PAY As YOU U:ARN. J'Nquct pwiodic ~ -OpeniDI"• for - Telephono Operatora -Apply - 1 :30 to •:30 U2 Wut Th1rd Sa.nu Ana .,.._I. llllT~ R. ._ PACIFIC 'rE!.EPHONE Lido'• ...... Ill. J1111Prt7 Bar. llTf 1-----------1 ~ t!ll DO YOU NEED MORE L08T IA.IL ln JfMn Nll b&1 wttb Mltmll madti by J"red fAf'lna ot 0.t,. Mee&. 11~ nu. at.. Jrf.-port 8-ch. uw A.RD. aocu KONl:T! You can add P6-'60 a ~ to your mec.me by de"IOUllJ l~ bou.n or mor• a 'lllt'tek auppl)'inl' ConNmen 111 NMrfOrt or ~ Beacli w!.ih BawielJh prodlilctli. WrilA RawlCt,ta•1, 4101 I:. t9th St., L. A. IL F-IO \ • • • Rattan, Wrought Iron, Petio Fumltli" Completo odect.lon 0t W""'Cht 1"'11 l'lln1lture. Barboc:ue aad Brulero, i....., lhriDp, .- , aad Boach Umbrollu. • • llAllBOO ORA W DRAPES ud TROPICAL Floor Cover!np. . BASKEl'S ol all ldllda • Unasual Gift Itena. Canvas and Aluminum Awnings. SANTA ANA TENT & AWNING CO. 1626 S. Main, Santo Ana KI ~ Fno llollvery QPEN )40NDA Y AND FRIDkY NIGB'l'B TILL 9 29-Bel::;._:;:::;iPo..:W;.;aa::::;led;::o____ 30--Mheehs e 11119 Beacon Personnel 100,; employer retained agency No "" coJJ.ected from applie&l'lt f.13-u.t Newport Beach SOLICITOR DRAPERIES and SLIP COVERS -.. o.w Elltlmatm -•• ...,.. LUCU r JP DUPB:RIES llutlW lilf'or.- Matur<ld WWl'Wl. member of lo-TvtU if dlslnd, teUa cal church. t o r cematary.1----------- Momlnp only. 11 ~ ht. Inter· esUnc, perm&llenl work. All bm.dlta lncludln1 llfe lnl\l.r· a.act. Call Kl 6-llM or apply at Harbor ff.eat J.{tmor1&l !>ark 11802 Olaler, Corntr ot Harbor Blvd. 2lcJO Wu.tad boJ1 10 to lf. y...,.. of &&'L l'or N.w.·hua routu to M opm 1100t1. APPLY Mr. Pvk- .... 2111 WMt Balboa IUYd..,- Nowport U HAND BRAIDED RUGS J'ftD JN"80Cl'lON ORDJ:SI& TAD:N All UW ~ ...oa.hl .. Kuy l'alm1a. UM & Cit. Bll'd. t..c-, Bdr.. BY.U .... TIM. 17tfo WATCH & CLOCK repairin g ' Sc LADT to do nna hl..nd laundry 30-llleoellaneom ~%~:::!'~olt!!!:ooloi!!!!1.-~~!!c:tloa:!'!!!!__.1 1n htt home. Har. Ul24·'W. TUTORING """ AUTO 8AI.¥8MA.N apkl.J, etl.eUwa nadlnl" help -.tlh phOrue9 • otb&r IUbj.ct.m. ~ cuJtural readtnc .. •tw:b' Jlll'OSl'&D' for ••--a• or W· }kdor ,.--. Otl 8aturda,y8 at l TU P1a-. Del Norte. Ba.Ibo&. Call Ba:r. Jlt.J or AT'l&n Uc fi..1111 (i-cben nldtknot) Ln Monts.,-P&rtl. 2k30 Opportunity to a&m. up to $1000 • montb itelllaJ J'Wd can, truck.I ud numderblrda. Th.o- 'dorti RobtM otten U.. foll0111'· inc: ad~: lnta1"rlt7; pald Yae&tion; beallb. l.Mu:r· ance; html!red. IQ mon ror t..raM--lm ; b&ak finance rat.: ~ aew . car tn._tory: ll.ll ..i-a1d8: damo plan -d u.. tln•t COft'llD'-'oo plan. Apply .bl ,.-. 'neoOl:ln Rottm. J'Ord 1100 W. Cout HWJ., cu.aa for property OWDf!l'9 and l.Jberty I-Sf.Tl, IOcJI Fresh Hearing Aid --.tud)'\nl for • ..., •tat. .... _."' -20 Id t 8 . Jl.U'l'DJU '.REAL ESTATE -....... Jn· o OT Uft· W QI 168 Qnc •tam ~ day t.tteruoon work at Boat • " pa At OOMllUNfl'T CHUJ\CH, I l l ramp. Har. 1100-W. SOclS Gunderson Drug Co. SO..B-Applle~ .Jf.uotropi, CDM. I 1lltn Harbor 1511. Pr r! IT.\RTnfO JulJ "11 • EXPEIUENCEI> N'-l prdener Mala Bt. ac. BaDM1a 81\ld.. BaU1o9. GU ARAN'l'EICD a. t :46 p. m. 2tpM will can! ror 7'0Uf' yard month· --------'---, IJ rat.a. Kl M760 after e p.m. WAREHOUBll NOW OPEN TO AUOOKA'nC • 8bu.•tioa• Wanted 3-0p35 PUBLJC DUJ: ro CON· WA SHEM : BTRUC'nON lN OUR WARE-A8 LOW il ~ "RX-IT" • Jlhebenlc!eJ ud meetz1e&l :-Maln~ k'Tk'A 2oLL WORK GU~. WHIT.II or Japanu1 woman cook ror prlT&~ home 1t&rUn1 Jul7 11. RettnnCN. Har, 'ill3. 30<32 $69 H 0 U 8 IC, KERCHAN'DlSE HAS CROWJ:D UP • WE HA Vlt BEEN l'ORCJCO TO MOVE TO Iii.AK."& ROOM. AL.80 OUR DOCKS • All& • Thor·BlacDton.ABC LOADl:p WITH J'URN., A Frfgld&Jn..Apu·Dater APPi... WE A.JUI: cvrn:No ) IU.YT.l.0-WBIIU..POOL • TAJl'P.ilf pa 0'9'eA. broiler fi 1IUrmr &op • adl&Mt.a -...... ~ ma Wldilr'• .....,-. CUii or l.Hmil low u UO..OO & mm.th. J.A.D'I UJl'Ll.UfCICI .1tlT &nor. ~ .. RANGE-REl'IUGERA'l'OR AND WASHER Kuti. MN .... -LlCENllCO Jlll&l •t.ate l&lHm&n 01' broUr'" W&IMd. Ideal klca- Uon and cond!Uona. SM R. C. OrMr at hU Lafayette, ff-- port-... 30W OUR PR.ICE.I oa.urn:CL y Tb... .,.. ~ &lld aoc.-oo·~ TO YA8Tmft. MOVE OUR aamplea. 'nM:ieol7 nooa41U.--.rLETELY RE-PUILT GOODS. ed and suarutMd. o.1.1"*7 ...ii dln.n. ..u ~ mat.erW Sea BAUOHNB J'URNlTUR.E Uld lut.Lll&Uan opUonaJ.. •~7 ~ UP ,. A CT 0 R Y W AllJ:BOU81: ...., MV 10U'1 E. F\1'9t It.. SI.Zita Ana ClOMd lu:ndqli 0-9 d&lly. KI T-6f..17 t.A.DT "1IWd UM tirnplo)'Tnenl wt~ "-l Z.tate broker Ln HIOB 8CBOOL or OOLLEOI: -.eh .,..._ lat. -d lun. GIRL to help prepare dlnner. -'1· N.... UOIGa. Pbona WUh dlah• 6: do 11,bt clean· klm.bmJ' T4TIO &tt.:r I p. m. lna" I °" f. boun pet' daJ JESSEE .... wrttao •. Wood••d fi l•-W. H&r. 1511. 3ocai 7falll"'t I~ tan't.a .t.aL ~-----~----UPRlOHT p-.no A bcch, ~ ~-ZDplO EXPmlUSNCllD bNIJlJ oper&toT Ok"11 A M.trrtU ,pa iaqa, APPUANCE 00. lOU a. Ka1n Kl' l.aMI DJ"'mUmfCllO a U I BOT -,,..U 1"rtl KI l-OIT1 Of' XI _...,. Jtp&O LI 6-2f.l2. SOell $65. H1r. &If.I. 20c31 ......... ' \__ BNOWBIRD. Excel condiUon - chrolM fttunp. jwt. repainlCH!. Har. MM or Bar. 1678. 18c30 SO rl'. N . B. daM UM IJOop. hull nipnlMld 1 month ap. LI l-7DU. lltt• -· ... DO IT YOURSELF HI.fl BUILD TOUR OWN m • n -..... N_.6 Ban:nOa-kardoa .ul-ftl l:mMnri. &lllpllflan, ..,.u.n • n.d playen. Come ID ud ... lb-. w. wt11 laelp ,_ .. Me .. DAVIS-BROWN __ ....._ Omta II.a -U WOT Kmwlton- TV ANTENNAS {Cleu a-m -ID O&lll) IAat&Dld .. ,w.. to fOUJ° -- $9 .95 Utto IUJO(OND lplDet Orpa U. a .... la 70U' hmn.. trl~ OW' Ll:IS80N •LO.AN PLAN. PJ1. Tate ......._ Huny, anly a f ..... ~ Schmk!lt-ftilUP' 620 No. Ka.la, l:lt&lt. ltlL 11.AlOfOND ors-. aD modal.I. ~ 11 n. OIJ.. JO n. WL dMml ...,_ .UIJ1ltl7 U14. new dacroQ. mal!!Mll othlt Good •Yinl cm Ulill, Ul7 ona .0. pod. 8laap9 I 1D9l6I 6 Ma pLaJ" It wtUiout i-u.. I out.Ilk, h-4 6 ,pJ.191. ~nllllPAI 6JO No. Ma.ta. P.700 -in, 4owu. Bar. Sltl .... ~ AM. CtJit.. Oraqti &ft.Ir IS p. m. lttto Oouot)' e ammcwl Da&J.w. Star Sailboat lt'" it.CA T.f..91.a modl1 Witb f.15 rpm record c:Juaqw run price, ... LI 1-TJU. lhll • = • • . • •bss_.Ts ·, ·3 Star * * -:* Specials 11108 WlNDllOR OONV. a>B. -2 Tone red, -top-Radio, -· _ ... trlnd ..... --t. -lnll-. powu mertns. power pacllap (:IDQ bp.) Padded clu'b, car- poto. All llWMl&rd equl-t ·-·-.. -.'-.... : ...... $31196 lllae NlllWTORXER t DR. 8EDAN, 2 Ton•, -..,, Radio, bater, power brU. .. , W/S/W power ~ that.od stuo -All lt&ndard factory equipment ______ .......... -... -........ $3495 l9M IMPERIAL Hard Top Cpo. Excl<Wve car. All wblte, tuDy equlppod. Power irteerlnr, power-flyta, radio, beater, elec. windows, -. -to. pow., bnliw, leather upholmr:Y plua all mndanl equipment _ ... _ .................... $489!1 LOU REED & ASSOC. CHRYSLER.PLYMOUTH DEALER UllO W. Oout Blsh-Y LI 8·3486 W.W. WOODS GMC DEALER 116·11 IL •lll e:t. Santa Ana Truell Hladq1Prtera tor Oranl• 00. 1955 Volkswagen " n-Wanted to Bat FREE! ! Select-.&·Tenaat Th• tln•t tu~ fl'ff aarriol to l.e.ndlonla •vft'7Wh•re. CAU.. Sl!:LllCT R.&ALTY KI1-MOI "'" 11Ul'f ROOr. -1M. Bladt, beau.-I · UtuJ,.. ,.._"""""'·A"'"· Rente 1 Wanted abl4i for lmmedlalt delivery.-W• need apt& and bouae. tn all Guaranteed. 1ect1ora tar tlotb ~ and $1595 year'• Ida run. or c&nt\lnl. U you have a n.ca.ncy, ............ 1953 Ford Sunliner Tho Vogel Co. Fu.mlabed or ont\ln:llab..:J Bachelor and on. or two Md· room apartmenta. &1 ~-. moathly or. ,_,.,. LIDO Realty Aaocl&too UDO ISLE. Den.l1e 2 bdrm. un- t'W'n. bouM Oil Iara• lot. "rrly. ~ wtth opUoa to bu7 oo attracUv. 1.t:rma. Balboa Ba)' hope.rue, 150G W. BalbO& B lvd., Har. 5181 Sf.00 Via Lido Harbor U4f. UVlll YEAR ROUND to I.ht• ON BALBOA ISLAND LA.UKD!\OKAT 12.llOO down paym,enL Located tn Corona 691 Mu. ldH.I year round buAMM f<K CIOUp)e. Ptak ~ molltha Jutt ahead. OwMr oft pf'ftnlMt:. Stile !:. Cout Hi(hway Har Sto7. fic31 c.uu 2 ~. t.om.. w.11 built. lA rooc1 d19lrlct. HWd. noon. fenced yd a dlri&. .....-.. $12.IOO. I b<lrm., tut..UulJ)' t\.lra. U0,\166. A r-.1 boiM 6 a ba.rpia for ............ L Hammond llti E. l'ft.b Bt.-U C-tila 29cl1 Hwy. loeaUon. 1oocl mO Qe y -------- maker for wof'ltlq couple. l:a.ay ltnn&. OPl;N HOUSE Sat. & Swi. CON"."t:t:t.TIBLI:., R4ld palnt, w ... 3201 W. C.t. Jl.W'J',. NSW"poTt Ila ----------------------! tlra. R*1 and black leather Phone U"Wrty S.SUl SltE US fur 1M"17 and ........ 1 Natala. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor newly decoMlted 2 bdrm. un· tum. hou.t. ~ block to Bt.y or BeMlh. cupeUnc A dn.pe1, tuml.alwd. $100 mo. 18ae. Har f.07t-J. befoN noon or af\Arr 4. 30cS2 Buay Costa W:ua ))avd.. locatlori. ovu $1000 .,Mldy rrou and srowfnr. Pknt1 of parklnr. Mod. equip. Real term• to up. operalol'. laeome property. By OWMr .• Mpar&te new 2 bdrm. hou.. OD l WO li!&lM f't.. Iola. lacom• ISOO per month. See at lUI WalJ&ce. c.o.ta M-. 30oa2 il-A.wlollervl<e Authorized Distri butor Now 24 Hour SERVICE C1G Truck Repairing * ALL MAKES * EJfmtnat,e cosUy tiH;pe In &t 5 p.m..-Oat at7 &.m. Sinoo 1933 SEE US FOR GOOD USED TRUCKS ED. THOMPSON Garage 1eos-Srd • J'nDch) Pbou KI J.JMa llouta ADA LA.JUJ• ~ Dft' &Dd UMid ~ " ...... blqL J\mtu tMI ... ta AM K'M*--.IO 11-11'11 hUaft.om x-.. --a'" Mml ... th. MW orpa. MlJ9 tor _..,. ..... J:uy to p&ay. llclO YOU WILL GET MORE FOR YOUR CAR J.A.otr.A.Jt. ~ roMst.•. pearl 11'7, nd l•tbv uvhowtuy. l:tt+Oent coodl.UOD $lt60, after I p.m.. ~· 1711-R. JTdt lntotrior. 8-utttul condlUon ?08 Martne. B&lboa .Laland tJuvuPOut. au owner. l'ordo-Pbon• 11.vbor 'ff JOI Harlu An. Barber 602 maUc. R • K 2$47 E. C.t. By., Oonma del MM s.t..L804 ~ 8.AJ..BOA -BAYrRONT $ I 19 5 Pnoa• Harbor 17'1 BALBOA BAT PROP!:RTl:&S l.!IOI Balboa BlTd. Har. 6118 Lido omee, ..,,. Via Udo Deluxe Duplex ..... noac . SU'""' ,,_ -Harbor wn. to lanai and -.ndY" beach. t COITON GOFF lT02 ,,..,,. ........ c.. .... _ .. _ ..... '°'July, H ...... 155--Moooy to Lou LI""" ..... , FURNISHED "211. HcU l""_;;,;=;;...:;~=-- Tht Volkcwegon Dealer~-------" 1 =• ow, , ........ IUl4 Plt:N'IN•ULA. rum. , """"-· 2 LOAN,S for Homes N.wport Blvd. at 22nd llr'Mt, WANTED _ MO to 500 8qu&n den, 1"-b&tba, torced &Ir beat, balh bOUM, bwd.. n oora. ni. Kubor 1 J7c29 fe-et ot 9P&C• with f'UMiDa: prtvate, barbeCU9 and pauo. plate, unit bat. dliipoeal, rv· 1" -IO JT. Lo&M water •. alnk. If pouible. Near Beautlt'Ul .tew, ptctUN win· ., •. aw wwlt. •100 .. week. I Construction Loans Let RIOH Help You. City Ha.II. muat '-c or M dow• ovvlooklnl' th• oceu.. Wffk• or m°". Ba.r. 47~. D:ll BOB li~, hnonally MJ.cted ~:r.one. ¥11bt UM r ood dbl (&r-Very attn.CU•• and well (I .. , __________ ,..,_"_, '1811 &AST OOAln' BLVD. NEW 6 USED CARS are Har 2:125. 28cSO talled bom•. Nlc\&ly tumlatled. NEWPORT BEACH, ll bdrm O>l'oM. Ml Wu 111.rbor Ull TJJCll ADV.A.MT.A.GI: o1 bt.1!1'1.•"• Adult.. Ost• yu.r 1-M.. oHt ... _ POIRIER llO•TOAGll 00 _,, WANTED to nnt -a bedroom 14.orniAS C&a)'oQ Road, Corona turn ho\LM. Pl.er A: P'loat by cw-p. ,. · y.-n ot u;perleno. u a top hoUM, Harbor area, YMl"IJ' leut del Mar, Barbor "9MW. llcaG weu or --..oo. 4•ail&ble DOW. Metro LU• lna. nmdll Kl 1-6118 notch mecllanJc. Phone Har tTte. lftlc Uttc RIOH HAHN 'S :..!~,tba!':-t~IN,! Choice Winter Rental.I on 60t I:. wrH IT. Penn.a.neatly employed loc&JJ.7. Balbo& lal&nd le Udo la1f J"TJRN~~A 2°1:~ homt Harbor t728 N.-pcrt Beach Excellent .local reter911Cei. Wrti. Small It COS1 or tarr• A d-.lwc• box x.a, uu. uw.p&pw. latte $76 lo aaoo IDClll.t,b south ot the Hll'bwey, $100 'l.'lnm Puta month Oil yr. i.u.. '°'-"'-----·-----1•• REBPONOIBLll -VOGEL co. OSBORNE J'ORTON • ..,.LTY family ll chllc1.J Want 2 bdrm. eo·, 2323 W. C.t. Rwy. N--New &Dd Uaed Jf>I ~ A•a.. B&lboa llla.Dd a~~.. LI 1-71512 E hom• unturn. or put1y tum. P b.. flartlor '" or B&rbOr 1013 port .._..,. na. TRUCK ANtl VlclnJ•· U l •h 8cbool by a.pt. Her. 3%91. 2kSl "' .......... Ru. H&t. 382'-R or Bar. 1J2t..R l•L thru wtntu moaU.. onl7. Mttc P•11en9er Up to ;11 per mo. Pb.on• BY. EITHER roR RENT oR SAU:: a-:nav or wrlt• c. v. Lucu.1---NEWPO----R-T-----I bedrm.. lal"I• tenc~ yanl. T I R E S 2314. Lorna Vlata st .. Pua-J ICI Pirate road, cun Ha,..._ d.ua. c..w-. 2lc3.3 CHANNEL FRONT LI wsoe. soCs2 8-Hour 2 8 . R., ~ ye.ul.7 Hntal TWO Ba>ROOW: UNIVftN. Re ca piping Service £X.ECUTJVE 6 wtte. 2 daUChtmi lllO 1Ac. uWtl•a. HOUBE. vacant. 1112 Center Co de.Ir• 3 bedrm. u.nlumiahed Ph. H&r. UM -Evet.. Har. llM BL, Oollta Me..-. Adultli onJy. mp1ete hum• tn beach .,..... by S.pt.. tt C&lJ LI MBl6. JOc!l Brake Service lat. ~unr • drape. dae1r------------ 4.ND ~ Yrly. , ..... to 1200 pv mo. Vacation Rentals Front End Alignment Li &-6lll. llttc Larr• prtce ranr• available. for ROAD BER VICE WANTED to rent. 11m.all #ton.re .,.nou. .tu fl'OUJIL lnq. SDf· llir.t.onll Bud&'et Plu ~e In atudlo or office for llnd St.. N•wport. HN'. U2C Tour. for th• Aaklnr a rt 1uppllea. Private party Bolt I----------'-' _u_, H Q W A R D G·T. New .. Pno... 30c33 N EW 2 bedroom duple• untum. ELElCANT S bdrm. bon:lf, fir• plac. hdwd. lloon. patio .l l•rs• re.need yard, carpetlnf • drapea. Near 8. A. Country Club. YMrly leue $131 mo. 8le at 2CTI Club M .... Dri'l'e. C. M. -Har. 2614-W, IOc 2nd & I st T.D. LOANS 8enln1 a.II Orup Count7 w. Buy TruJrt Deedo " ~· Collateral Loans Royal Mortgage Co. Hoa H.wport 81.-4.. Nprt.. Bcb. Harbor 1549 2• br. pbOD• M"jl!e llU< LOANS TO BUILD. DIPROVS. BVT, II.OD~ aa Ul'IlUJ<Cll w. BU7 Trult °"'9d8 HJ:'WPORT 8.4.J..BOA IAVINOll 61.0A.1' ~OM 2!61 Via Udo Pb. Sar. ttoo "" HOME LOANS Corwtructlaa. -Retlnan09-8alee 51i' • ''"'~ • ·~ R y A N A vaUa.bl• July 16. '60 mo. '8-Anta. A: Rouw fOT Beat Ll 84100. . 30cS2 la&. l"Undti -Bldc-• Lou. -NJ:WPORT H1CJQHT8 I bdrm. Prtn.U MObeJ untu!'TI. hOUM. 2 batht. ther-Trmt Deedl Bou&"ht Ir Sold modor 1to.,•. retrtr.. Sl2ti Call l'o ,.,_ Commltmut month, yearl7 ieu.. u a.::c,•:j ' DON :. BUDD~N 801 • 809 W. 1st ST. • ·~~A IRVINE 'TERRACE. •• .. ~:~-;,_ o~E Smart, new modem untumtued 310 1..A.RK8PUR MOW l'Oll. TID nlUT 'IDOi ~ a buuutul I man· ual ~ -Pnet Ol'PD for 91y ttll. rNot a dtord Ol'pa) fM.IO lhll.,..... Come Us tor a ,.... ~DOW at Gr.ant W. Musick u-.t.nto -Your Hudson Dool or I --"-'-'-'--'""'---- home. 5bdnu. 2 b&tbL L&rw &auttful 2 bdrm. horn•. w to w U 1-554'1 eo.ta M- W1Ul .Udlq rW.. wall to -~l. drapM, bU&"• nr.p.i•«". ' 1 TS I:. 1 Tlb BL eluded patio. ~bog bar·lypt Llln•I patio, dJ.po.ai. pr•1e,f :.:9_;11ooo:::;:;:;:na:.,;.;IOT;.:.;ll<a=:;;t;....__ ----------- UIAFD8 lAlac:e 1"7) Ul-dl N. l)'O&IDOn. lulta AM Pllme .a...., l-Ol'l'J ~ eo.lJ'• Orpa , Bdlttr& lUtcMn. built-ln O'l'tn It r&nl"e. uul. S190 JIB mo. No pal.a. H wd parquet floora. $~ pu AV A.1J..A81...i1 NOW by w-. or •• * * mo, l y r leue. BAI.EB OFi'J.CE month. Cloae to beachet. Sl2 Vttltoo ! Vac&Uoru.t.11 oppo.it.e LRVlNE CO A 8 T C.rnalion, Corona del Mar. J:njo7 umr on the Oce&a l'ronL Up to 1~ Monthe to Pay COUNTRY CLUB. JkauUlul tlll"n. apt.a .. r•r..-•. Complete.17 flll1l1abed ldtclan• Cout Bwy 101, N•wport Harbor. laundry, paUo. $100 per week. etta apt.a. and room• wtth prt• S Cyla. -58.88 Call Har. 44"8 No peU.. n t• Nth. Ma.Id M:nkitl. trw SALES and SERVICE Motor Overhaul II! ff. Loli A.llpl• D 1-7271 •nabefm uttc NO MONEY DOWN TWO DUPLllXU Near Hlrb lkbool. UKIOaM II.NO. Total price $12,600. WlU ~ part tnd•. Bar. Mil J(k:l(I CHANNEL FRONT OPEN HOUSE DAILY BY OWNER Pltr, not.t a buUtb .. ct, 2 bdrm.,· 2 bath. aaol ft.Iver A't' .. OCEAN ftONT DUPLEX, on oomw lot. OM l bdrm .• ruw- pl&ca We. pauo. rarac.. Orie 2 bdrm .• botb completely tum. &unm.r nnt.&I $71 P41r w..ti:" Prt~ nf..000. owner c:xl premlaea e:at p. m . .l Bun. a. m. 24.10 W•t OcM.11. Vrolt\,.. Ka.r. Ollll·M. Alter 81.11111&1 Yukon Ml21, Uplandl. 3~2 Harbor Highlands BY OWNI:R, onl7 I monUu okl, ll()(ICDlATZ OCCUPANCY. I bdrm. 1~ MU.. ftnplac.. t I l.IMt. dbl prare, lenC9(] J'Vd, leatdraped. 84CIUl'ICll: tor nt. TllO. W'UI n..ance.. 61:1 Beryl L&ae. N-ix>rt &actl . """' I • ' BDRK., I bllth bom•. Jct. dbl ,.,.." C»o~ }OcaUQn UI CJ4.. J..uor• Iota, t.a. llHt, all Imp la • .-J4 tor. Only $11,700 to f U ,TllO, tema. CalJ Qe.t. wtUI DIM a ~. LI 1-2002 or U 1-1151 30cl2 ONE OF THE LAllT vlow· Iota ln CJtt ll&ft11. Per< -tvlow·of-• Oc:ou. 65 • 110. $7.llOO Harl>or 1!911. ~ 2llt!c CONTEMPORARY Cliff Hoven ... .... JU Kiap Plae. Pb. u l-1107 27tlc.,. JuN BlllNllI ..,... .,.... ... o( • 116& KJ:RCURT Noni.re,. &ta· ttan 'W&C'OG--9 peMt:n&"V. t'll1I pnrer. S'fenlnp alter 1:80 It -11 met. ~ lUIR. 2tcSl AU Str&Jgbt 2attC Ste or can ownn •t 312 TV, 2308 W• e>c-.n Front. LAGUNA SPilCIALI ~gb•-____ 6888 -----------camaUOn A.pt. 0 , Har. 18113 Hu. 61:17. NEWPORT HEIGHTS c..i .... ---•• • t •-··•y unlu, ., .. u r.m. on IO' S R I or Wbltm•n l\aa.lty Har. 18112 * * * * ,.,._ Br OWNER. , ........... __ -J DOG CUPPING ..... .,.. ...... lNt Tueitla .A.ft.., c.K. -- '66 l'ORD. I pt..Mm1V I cyl., Station W..,on Tu·lone, UH, u.nd•"'°at. $2100. ALBO. 2 wbMJ box tn.IJ• la.f. with spa.re Ur-e and tarpaulin 1100 . u .. 1'242. Jtc!l ENCLUDES botb t.bor A Part.a. UMmer enta S or Har. tf.ti3. 2Slfc lot, b.-t loca. Pr1ced. rtcbt.. _.--. New rtnp. wnat ptn.a, 'fLIT• -----------Rudy tor bi( w.mm•r ruta.la. IMdrm.., furnac. bat, !Nlw. Bay Front &: Ocean Front OCEAN FRONT f W'Jl.. rootn. o.u Jri(1'9 K.ohlat.edt. Ht.r. 4620 noon. cedar root, att.racttn l'rirld. ntUnr• of math and rod Locations. ~A-Apta. for Rent Private bath It entruce.. S729 aoca2 yard • p&Uo, ~ pn,s. w-t~ beartnp. m.p.rt motor tun.. Ocean Blvd. Har •lJT. &UK· -----·------I ~ room A be.UI,, Ul,llO.. :!',.:C-' ~"""'mil•...,.. Earl W. Stanley APTS. ON BAY FRONT """ RENTA.L. 211c30 , UNtTll. """""'' ~ .. , m1:1><od ... LLlJ1.T1UnpSd OABKJ:l"S It OlL l:XTRA. Slnrl•. double 6 2 bedrm. Bal· dutrlct. N••r bl:•ch. 8chtdu19d 2638 FAIRWAY DRIVE lHtPLTXOtrnl •taUOll W&("Ol'I. REBUILT ENGINES REALTOR boa am. Se&M.lnal, by wee.II 5S--8torm a Ollllla lncwn1 asooo. . Compi.t. motor owr haul. SllS Newport Blvd. Npt Bea.ch. or month. Court•Y to brok•ra. ::::°"'::::o:;::.;::.;:.;:::::,__ OOSTA llESA. . rood t1rM. 111 Weelo 1>11n BUlLT IN our etrn factory by Harbor 101S ur ••• aaoe · 21c3S ONLY $3000 DOWN .G'tn:Na. ,..C.tT. flurry, im.-akWed ma.chtnittt. Don't con. --:::=..,.=--=-=~--~ FOR RENT 2 bdrm. home. ,_ lot, dbl - --• -• ..... oft Pomona An. C. M. P1y off balance out of Income --_.. wu Hell tend wttb tb• mlddi. man. SEE ME -TA NELSON UPPER CHANNEL front :I bed· pr., MW dUtlkt DMI' ptf ....... Kama ped1cnied ~1•• =====-~===--Buy dJ~ CORONA DEL MAR rm. apt for Jvly by week or ?\ew otftc• 12-24. 1.1.do ahoppln1 EARL W . STANLEY eoul'M. L&rp UTiAI" room. ia.. P• ·ea Papa ni09 but JIUr. DDOIDU.TJ: DllLIVDT oa SHORT BLOCK mo. Sleep• C. Fenced yard. area. ST~ sn o. oa yr& le&M. RhLTOR ldleben 6 dl.neu. oam.b. 4.tue .... au.y. C.O Har. J7....,, ..., "-8.ult Md&a. 00 Dlil• FORD (1N2·'8) --····' 94..60 roR CHOJ.Cll RllNTALa. Rowboat a G•Ml(e. 3607 Fin· BAY A Bli:ACH REALTY L"'C. Si l! Newport Bl'fd. Npt. Bell. lnftlat.lon. bdwd. Doore ,_,. ..._ pd p1km $1Jt6. CHEVR.Ot.rr $ t9.CIO SEASONAL A YEARLY. Jey, N B. Kar. 1711..J. SOpSl Rlil..TOR8 Barbor 1011 Jud f.nc.cl. ~ doiwa, OW.. BA..USD:N • WATBON BUICK -1120.00 no& E.. Cout Hwy. Hu . CIMO SJ12 IMa,.U• nc21 tt, &. 0 . Ba\Uldln. W11t. eot- amll'l'. BOXllll PUPl "1r aal&. 1NI B.arttQr ea.ta .w-PACKARD (l-1.J --$126.oo , __________ u BALBOA 18~. yearly, lov•IY H .... -· -----------1 llAtorC..URM .,., 11..u t ft& tld. QD lnt-J' totp.m.. ~, f l Har. "43. ar. ....,._. . -T -.!:_~'..,!.~~~~~:._:~~!:;;o;>J~iii:~4;:--0i;:;;;;;;"'o;;:ol P1ym .. Dode• A f"ord I -1100.00 CORON • o•• MAR alni1• apt. nl~lY um . emp . •.ru.t to tbe nrbt ot Udo Bridl'9' BT~ ----L A.a. t Ol.ll Ba.r. MM. IT"& CHRY&. 6 DIC SOTO $12000 ... ..., .ober adult seo. uUI. pd. 31 2 80A-eomm.aa.&, bd•lrtll ........... ~-·-• llOO HAAB. t dr. ltai.m&A. l'l'UDICBA.Xl:R -1120·00 l'um . 1 bdnn., larae ll vl rig rm. Apolena. AU•ntlc J·03M. SOp ----------"-c bedna...,14 biltJI, dble. prql fOX TlllUUllll. lltaadiud. ma». ltll:ceDllDt oondiUon. Pnc. OD!J 01..08. 6 PON'fliCt=.120_"00 I.SO per wffk or 117.o, mo., "' buUl Us """-9'°"" ltiM .... ._.--old. Ull9ll ddldru. 1116 u. MJ11 • n11 ao111 NA8B auo.oo Ju11 • Auru•L Har. 4.f.2t. c oRoN A 0 1:1.. MAR -0c .. n e Ground Floor B· / B •· ~ lldclc a.r.plMi9. ,.,.. Kl...... ate.II LaM. N.wport Hatpta. It.ell JU..180 ll20.00 29c3 1 view. New 1 bdrm. A 2 bdrm, a dnp99. -..00. '81 &. lilUI ............. K unrum. apta .. c~tt It drapee e OFFICES OR STORES pi.oa, eo.ta M-. Ll 1-2060. 'II PLTMOtml BELVl:Dmll&. .,..,....,o (I) (S MalM! -1140.00 3 bdnn... 1 be.th 1.Jdo ho1'" -• bl.lilt ln kJ.tchen-. So:! Fwn- V-4 4 dr, bani-•-. 4 moatba PW8 INBTA.LLATIOK $200 month. l<•f. H•<. 37<3. SOc32 For Leue in -I I d I au. -· ~ ~"-a .. • Co Cemmorc'1• • n u1tri• old. Loaded Witl po"• r ...... ,..... ~ ~yfn:>nt •pl. tumh1h~11, wtth H&rbor lnvtistment • Bids. .. u SELL .,q~t. Low &ocaJ ~. MoadQ 'UJ 1 P. ""· pier. ~u)Q(ER RENTAL. Corona de.I A N rt Bl d. Department DON'T MISS THIS kaw .,.. --i. II" con Sun.eta, 11 to I • I l Mar. Be.cMlor~ apt, 1 block to 30th ewpo " YOUR CAR pa.,-• Bloc.II mu.t mM\ our at.andardll p. a . .,. mtr ricorporatf'd 1lal Har 1900 tnc\. bUnMIVlate lnaide and Ole Han.on Co. China Bay. eteluded hi de -· INVU'J'OU • Dl:VELOPD\& \.cwt, a Mrm., 1'1 bllthl wtlla ovL PrtftW ~· Jiu. 464.I P!Uil tu ... (Ukei. Mid oU 333.3 Via Lido -H.•rDo-.'_'_:':'°°:::_ I c~TV~. :;Hu.C..,,::;;'::;";;',-· -;;--;:;:=111<-;:;ao= --------~--1 A.TJ'SNTJOlfl ............. floOlil. ... tia:J1'. PA.ID J'OR. <:. JCOT nuc BELLES ENGINE SUMNER RE~'TA LS~ OC'l!e..n OCJtAN FRONT. :I bdml. tul1I eTORll « onac.-. Mo atorap Col'M"r Lot 90lled for 8\Jllll-loc&Uon. OnlJ' 111.000. T · -.... ,,_. -.,-.,,,--D-lllll_'-""". ___ R_A_H-.-N-•· REBUILDERS t n:>nl. 2 br.. $!00 wk JOt •PL bre•kWt bar, ran.re. •pa.o. ror rM;1.. IC-I > on Ea.-. 1TUI •lrML ot ooune. u.ao &. 111&111 ID l4IOT -•--_ ..... A _ "°· u , ... ~. ,,,. 0cnn Bl'nt. Har f.1.ST Baltto. aa1 ProputMe c.o.ta w: ... _ -~~t -............... -~ 110 It. Snl BL Kl S-llt4 H I r h I• n d. W. N•wport. su·-·---·· • JklO lCIOll w. Balbm. Bl't'd.., Har. 6111 ~ oe ' ..,_, ........., Cl.A..11\1: V41f HORN, Rill. LI ~ .,,_,,..,_,., 100 ~ .• --1 ......._,__ l-----------l t.0.ANCA.JUl-P1U:l:TOWINO &·f.m. 2131 W. Co.•t 1-lwy. ... _.,.,_ .Ii..-roR L&AU &BOP9 A OJl'n-f.11, ni. r•- '""""""'"-..-------1 !TATll BONDED l =c===~-~=--'-1 8UNNT l · rm. u .......... _. .• -C&B C.C Bl41 4n:a4•, IOT BUBDMalOK ACR&AOI: '53 t;1ERCURY .... ~ ...... Uri A A K. Vtq....., _, $1145 TERRY'S BUICK '54 BUICK PENINSULA• NICE AREA m'"< , .... .., July 11" Nou 11..-•-· ,,.,._ ........ IO Aaw Lovo1 ond 00 _..., At1TOJl.A.'nC TltA.ft9Ml8alONB Unllrnt 1,..1.do •bopP'nr Clfflt.f. T-.rl.J ....... i-IOI M&nae ........ «... wm • ...... Nftwa Cpt .• dynaflO':'I'. i9hetl •pta. -1tb Pr91"• ll!&H, $80 per montb wllll pr---.~-.. . P .000 Pft" A.en. ~I ·- ft .. H. ... utl.l'W nd aDd BYDR..UIA.TIC -DrN4.l"LOW 1 8 . R. -190 .. I 8. R. -$110 ., •. A.ctWt. 01\U'. °"1Mrr attar J'OU.I' li'rOUI'. ltdO ...... .,. tor ., • .mw•dal .. •bit. Gal& ()&lJ -C:OMP~~~~UL Ph. liar. l1M -S... H•r. UGI 1:00 p.m. Llbtrt.y 1..-a. llclO Oft"ICEll to rat tn n..-prot_. ccma. $1895 ___________ u I pa:NTNSUL.A, Jl"urn.. apt., ttle slonal bulldinl Us ttal« ot eo.t.a 0-t OOMml $119.50 LEASE onl7 I bl:dMn hO\IN c10M M•& With w wtu.ovt _,,... TERRY'S •--•~ .U -~-6 •~.._ to thopptn1 caiter, Cot.ta w...._ lllt<'hen It ba_lh. 1 ~''!~.'~~· t.r1.al Mnlce. Ooocl parldn.s --~ --KI UvlftJ" rm.. ' .._..._ fadJIU.. Lt "3llO. IOsll ALL WIJl'UC OUAR...LNTmED 11-1610 or Har. 1129 tuo Ital beat, pnr .. l?I _... S --~ or rnoni SU Har. TERMS ARRANGED -F M • .,.....,..,. -~. "' .,... 29c11 BUICK LOAN CARS your ioc..1 dea~r wbo wUI ti. M r. TOMORROW to Mell up what be s lJldu:R RENT AAS MB AUTOKOTIVI: SDtVJCll ~Ila TODAY~ CM-ck lM •IMd BAt.BOA 181..A.ND Jul7 1 lo 100' .: 160' ...,. ..., dty MD IA eo.t& MeM.. aft.000. Bay & Be .. ch Rlty. Inc. , RICALTOIUI ---c:ou ....._ .eaaterma Ith •t W AJ.Nl)T 5t.b ot WALNUT 11111 Hl:L80N 8'f'. AT A CAClA ct.n In th• t lau!tt..cl ••-t·tion 10. Stpt. I. 2 bedmi. 2 M lb. Lare• 1..1: t·l ~ .t.u pe.tlo. $10 t1.•ffk. Ll l ·TCJf.. 8AL804. LOC.A..nOlC. 0MeM. .i.or.... or •....-~ tor ... c BALBOA BAT Pl\C>PCRTlD l&OCI BeJboa al'fd. Kar. fllM ....... ,._ °"""" ft.. \\'. n~n HUNTINGTON BEACH .. HUNTINGTON BEACH -U -· 29c21 O&J w NP* ,,_ LL 1-111• ' .. 'ART' ADAIR, Rltr • 11M N.wpart Yml.. ~ ,._ LlWTtt U ..... IAc;iunt Beach Bt•uty 2 abRMa. ....,..... "9W. 11\111 o.ck. dbl ........ ,...led ll'f'\nC "'°"'· ~. '!mmlllt· lat•~·~- OWHIQ\ HTaU ... USO. J7c.U I -• PAGE l 1 PAAT I l-NEWl'OIT ~ ~~ ar-e•- ·'. Flll!AY, JUNE 2', I~ _ 'C THO)IAS 'C TBOKAI .. .a..--Oom' ... I I twlol ... Clim' ... WwlaW • COSTA MESA INDUSTRIAL Lon9 T •~m le••• n,..r-iroot WM. W. S.(NFORD, & Associates· P&d< Ave. at 'lfulne, 8aJbol ~ H&J', 2462 a._._ a .... - TEXAS 61L MAN? Not fUCtly In t'au, but 'tn Huntington Beaeh we havt five ~ 1pte lmpi"oved with four rental.I ud '1'HRU: on. \YELLS. * BA YSHORES * ·$17,500 2 '*-· MU J:"OOm, compl.ub' f\&rsSatMid, lbort dl.lt.ance .. prtn.la 1Wlnl.rll1q ~ - TSNlll $19,500 A LOW DOWN PAYNZNT wtn bU7 thl• I bdnn. (Urnilbtd home -tc•. llv. room "'1UI ttr.plaoa. .-uo. An uc.U•t BUY with many pGNlblUU• and BUYl:ft'B TEJtM.9, Harbor Highlangs $l9,QOO a ••• ....._. . ............ Lookilg for a Money . Maker?.? •,mart turnloh<d ·- PLUS • R"'9 --t rooDI and bath. And juot' In time to caal. la on 11.lLBOA ISLAKt>'8 Ncra- tlft wmmer ~t&I 9'UOJt! 1 .. . ,TV·JA~ LAUNDRY IWol(' k thira Showerw " d,...lnc rm1. •Gan& .. ' Extn SI...! .Lot Electrit ~ .. ., P)loae us NOW ts/ ... ~ -$46,000 !Ull priot. NAllE YOUR ~l Exclu1iv1, with MARINERS 'ISLE REALTY • ----ON UQO ISLE s t ..,. al.Alfl'1'; LID JC.w, 0."t. ~ ,,.. ... , .... atlll.tM. ....... NEWPORT BEACH ~IW.....,111p6:I ...._ . • kal' pt'ICI' • f"uJl '"°' -t.l T .aoti: ftt)' low ,fta. p)'JllL LOVELY CHANNEL FRONT a Wroom honw eomp~ tu,r.- nai.Md. pier e. 1.1tp, S2a.t00. OPEN HOUSE J OIANNEL FRONT Duplex• 1 t• 6 kt. \. 8un. at 400I A 4010 fUVER. f. VE., comer 4:1.lt. 5 bdnn., pltr and-allp, Q4,000. I bdrm.. pl..-A ellp pri'ltle11ea. aandy blach, ll&,000 8oUr. IN eotapk'tely turnl&hed. l • a..., ....... H.~• .Y wsider,d. tb• bdua'•• titf T .. tlli Nii•f · I • -nlw -""" and ---t .. - ·- • • • WIMn bandy teCIWllon mata f« conlfortal>le · li9tlc. . ,, e When lNeo. ftrtlle IOU and 10,QOO oq, ft. b!DI .ite. id•• )'Oil that .. _ .. f~. • Wb«f $20;87~ oau.tiea 1"111' ~ foil • com_plete modern homt:. • -... 20 new cutom bomeo by 0 .•111. Jtob. ertaon &Wt.It your lnlpectjon at W .H I S P E R I N G w·ooos ' Willard '!;. Jordon, A . I. A. Barbara Verrinder, Decorator ~;}ltR~,i !~\?.o Ch1rm1n1 I Ndroom. 1% bl.lb homt, hdwd. noora. tlrtiplae., WYe.IJ pmtlo, t1e1uutul17 lu.d- «•ped tor minimum• arnowi.t ol c:ar1. Immaculate condlt.lon, NewpGf't .cbo<N dlltrlcl. S18 Morine Ave .. l!Albo• l&l&nd Hu. •781 OCEAN FRONT LOTS -------..~--------------1 FROM •l'MO to $12,600 • 3 bedroom, family room, 1unken Uvinc room • Doible fireplacea, uaed brick. Palol Verdee 1tone This 11 a lerltim&te deal and owners have bonl-. . "C" THOMAS nde -for oelling. PL.EASE do not phone rec~c this l~nc. REALTOR and ASSOClA TF.S However, do come in u thlll may be your chance of a lifetime. W. STUART FOOTE, Realtor :12t W, Cout Hts-t1w1y U 1-Ml)l • Newport ikach 2117 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport lle&cll, Calif, 'C' THOMAS 'C' TH014AS BILL'S BEST BUYS NEWPORT HEIGHTS RUSTIC ' Three Bdrm., 2 Batht, Euly A.mei1cat1 CombtMd with mod· . fl"rl buUt·W 1.Aeludlnc oYen. n.nie awl 11'' taievt1\on-Ru heavy ah&k• roof. m&Ml.ve f I r e plaa, W /W Carpellnc, drapn ud .,&neunr. Priced at $2S.llO tor Qt&c;ll: Sale. If th!• 80Undl lnt.ref(in1 you better call ..,., It won'l ~ \'Vt c.n ·~ term.I. Call ua for llft appointment HOKE PLUS INCOME $1S.OOO will buy till.• 2 Bdrm home With ,fumUMd .r1nl&I brlll~ $60 mo. W.r11 Dbl. 1 • r a I•· Corner Lot. n.I~ 1round8, 11.rd1n and fenced rtsr yll.l'da. 01\Jy $i~ On wUl handle UUI dffl. W. A. TOBIAS REALTOR "you'll Uk• our friendly •n"kl" 400 J:. 17th SL, CMta Meu. Liberty 1-U.111 THE GREAT ORANGE COAST B/ B Hai to be .old-ma.kt offer, 0 N G L'd acr• on P1acentla M·l son•. ext to 0 on I 0 Submit down and tennt. 2 J'trcp1&ce1. 00' Lol. R.ambllns Choka bome Klnp l\Oad, view OM SI.Ory. 2 Bedrooru, 2 that'1 unt\lrpllMed -See Balha, Terrific Conv. Den, H&dlol' acUvtt.Lu -ocean -2000 Bq. rt. P IUI. Mu1l &Ill iAHL Buy tht. uclUnc U"ble, _ lcwelble. 2 bedrm. 2 bath To stut with ll'n• home h.u 4 irpo\,1-place. ldovt your ~ 2 baUw, bell.<ka Q\affft btre. Larp Uvlnl" Room overlook- DMlrUl.I nti(hb01'h00d for )'OUf bomt or unltl, t.otfa)'9 price $4000 rna.k•1 tl'lll torr1er lot a bu¥ t.hat'I ll&rd to nplace. Inc beauUful lara-e PJlio with built ln BBQ. J::qual to IO' Fronta.11. A1kln1t $34.~. 12e.wo 8h.&k1 l"OOf·Uled brick fireplace.-e Year old wtll C"OnetruMed 3 ra.IMd bMrth -buUt -Jn. et.ov• • bldroom. 2 bath•. carpet.Id. ov• -Ul1 baUw. ptrlm1t1r dilhwuher a nd dJ1poMl South h .. t, hardwood Ooora, covtrtd PaUo Walled. ll'1 next lo .ell. patio -paneled den, 2 bedmu. UY1n1 room ..nd hall• wall lo CHANNEL WATERFRONT wall cupet1n1. tencett rur IN NEWPORT yard, doublt attacht<t 1ara11. l lT,000' full prlct. term•. R·2 &OM lot Nr#pOrt Ktlrhta. bt•t lot buy. Jwit WOO tol1J. Hom• or Income unit alte. 119.eOO, New Prlvatt Pltr and F1oat Provincial typt. Room to txpand, l'lpaciou1 front area. Ntal u a p\11, MOVI!: RIGHT IN , •. -----------11.Arp commen:lal eornu lot Har"r 11.J.vd. "11• ln•1atm1nt with tn.come now IO u.n be held, or ready tor develop- mtnL Priced to Hll 11 In· Ylllmtnt. Ba y & Beach.Realty In c REAL VALUES NEWPORT BLVD FRONTAGE 101 by 2U deep with Rn Apt, A a. tratter 1pacea. Pot.uU&J lllcOme UOO J>1r monUl. IWt- able for Servfct Station. Dri., .. In or aaf kind of BullMM. Prield rllhL • TWO NEW I Bldr, 2 »ath ~ Dbl Gua1e end ~ to Uie minute ln every rupecL &ubmlt Down PaymenL B. A. NERESON. Jtr.ALTOR , f•> Newport BIYd., C:0.U MtM ~rty 1-1172. Evn. LI. 1-Ull Ublrty ·~-· . COM -$15,750 "Just right for MOM end POP" NJ:A. T 2 bdrm. HOMJC-Canlrl.1 LOCATION OCEAN lldt ot Hwy. -H. W . .rt.OOM - &neloMd yard. 11•r. -WALK- INQ DISTANCE JO BANK - GROCER1' -l:VERYTHIN'G llhould Mil In a Hurry-l'or appt. to INSPl:C'l'-CllU Har. , .... F. C. Andre ,en , Rltr. U&I &. COul Hwy .. at Ml.rl&:old ' SOC32 Avocado Grove Special . Jll9t reductd IG600 to $33,000, $2130 down m0Ye1 you In t.o alma.t n-I bldrm. 1 1~ Datha hom., 1r·1 mo. payment.I. All lmpronment. ln llnd paid. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1e'f' N.-port Blvd .. Coat.a. Mtu U "1"2 &vu U 1-1400 REAL VALUES 12~ ON. I bdr. Hwd. nr1 .. !Ira.,._ Niu aelloola, 1tor11 4 tranap. LC· lot. Lovely cove~' paUo. J:. lld1. R--4 . DUPL.EX -r.. 8JDE. walkln~ di.It. to town. 2 bdr. 11. W\dr lot. Dl'f'ldld 1ara1e1 • lawn1 2 yn. old Only $4000 dn. CHOICE CORNER LOT to1tl3e C klM IA. nu. ll a l(OOdy 1 1 131$0 c&ab.. Lot-I:.. Side.. 60x200. R-i $2760 Grsb thta OM. MANUFACTURERS ATI'&NT10NI X-1 ACJlJ:AOll:. Water bl, a.wen A cu ava1.1· abl1 by Dec. tb.11 yr. I acr1 choice level. sood dra1nar1. Wide 8L IT!IOO ~r 1cr .. '-II dn. BACK BAY, 2 bdr. It den. Hwd. nn., tlrtpl.. all 1ar11 nna. P1Uo. Appr. lMIO aq. ft. i21.· t~. Mu1t aell due to lllneM. Wiii trad• for 11n1\ler . .Submit dn. p1ym. OWMr trenafernd to &at! M LI b RI Dior•. """ "" oow. TOI& ·~ esa-nar or ty. a.ctt• mo« producUve pve ._ A880Cl.A. TES in a.bsolut.e (f\Mt.lrft a n&. O. C. Seymour -Re•ltor complet• 9PM.1Uer qatem, 6()t Center St, Coal& Mua UOOO y...-ly llM!OfM. LJ Hill or LJ 1-7'114 DAN A. JACOBSEN. ll-1 El· late -Har'kH' Mt1 • LJ!Mrt.Y t-Ul1 trnnbtr~ 1·2117 * LOTS * K~rt He!ChLI. l)()x.127 . lMOO Jofewport. HShta., COl'MI' .. ~HO Ne~ R·l. comt'r -.11&00 da. )(DlBD Jll.1t.T!PLm LLBTlNO HOMER SHAFER, REALTOR lot Mcl'ad<lln Pl .. at Npt. pier ,..... 1:1..-. ,1.0 any tt.... I.EACH HOUSE?. t So clole to tM MaQh, )'OU can 9" the leL I bdr..... 1119 b&. -QD!nPlet-'1 f\I"'. &Ml only ,10.aoo PAUL JONES , Realty .:Mn W, 9alboli Bmt. Har. Ull ..... CURT DOSH, Rltr. 315 Merine Ave. Seib" l1lend Herbor 15110 , EAS1SIDE• ACRE 112 lll lOO $IOOO , , • 8ff Ua for plot plen for tweln unlta. l&0.000 lMn cornmltment. 4 B. R. llom• oearly n-$13.- l>O. • I B. R. S-1.a AM Hd1ht1 $14,· 000. fenced -land.9Caped -mant lll_tru. WW tn.4e up tor La.· run• Be1.cb rt1ldenct. C-1 lot.a idMI tor Dr.'1 offices. Max W. Pope, Rltr ltol Harbor 82'-d ... CO.la Mea Lnt.rt.7 l •lltt ..... Balboa Island I 8DIUl. FURN. HO.MAI wlUI prqa. NflU' norl.b a.,., BJ OWMC' l. Jlar. 1119, Jac.31 Altadena Esc row tOoalA M-.offl('t t llJ•A E. 1'iU.. IL, U 1-aM . . .... REALTORS ii 12 Lafayetl1 Har. H-13 2"9 l:vea. 'Jwit t.o the ri1ht ot Udo II.rid.It' CIRCLE THIS 110,500 -1 bdmu. 1 1~ b1thL Ver y a/ur.rp. P r o ., I n ca l 1tat1nor. V1ry I\l'W. Bt1 lot tor privM:y or raJM your own ~om and fruit lrt>e8. Cotta. Me .. location N t1r tehooll and 1hoppln11. 1111 montbJy paymtntl. 12!!00 doWD 0 R LESS. Be aure anrl c1il m1 on thll one: l l • 1 honey! ALSO llO.~. Vuy tute· l tilly turn. I bdrm.. Ocean vi-. Love· ly In 1very del&il. Only llllOO dwn tor lh11 TOP 8\11'. h ac"' -aa•~o - Bick Bay area. REALTOR. Kl 5·3112 U no 1.Qwer-ull LI 8-2237 291:10 COSTA MESA NE\V 4 Bt4rOom 112,t~o 2 Bath.I. Oomer Lot. Dbl, Gar- •11. Excellent Ea1tllde Loca· Uon. lmmedlal.I Occu~cy. HOW ABOUT THIS! I 81droom1, 2 Bath.a, Hdwd Floor, Forced Air H 1 a t, Bre1Xfut Bar. Ceramic Tiie. Obi• G~. Cloae Ln. and only $2300 Down wiU!. full Prlee ot Jl3.~. Juat one year old. Ila completely fnict'd too. NEWPORT HEIGHTS Dre&m HouM. Comf7 cosy ru.uc rsnch bouM. 2 rUol at.Md boed· rooma. Mrtplace and \1.r1e Uvlnr room. BeauUful land· acapeod end ftncld. Priced to .. 11 at only $1 4,750. c ED JONES , Rltr. ltH Kar'Oor Btvd U 1-3333 ! 8EDRM. HOM:ll, hdwd. tin .• new W /W carpettns thNouL On.pet and curtains, venetian blind• Included. Tiled Nth • Mower, I car 11.,...11•· Com.a- krt.. 1004 Huntlnl(ton A.,1.,- HunUnrton Beach. 1 2tlcSI The Right Investment COJOrO:RClA.L LOT taa.llT on bulJ Ptac-.tia n-.r ltth BL, o.la JI.UL ldMJ fOll' IUl&Ck Mop. aton. barMr ahop, 1tc. HoUH • t0m• butk!lnS• on kll. Wiii tU• c•~n on 111.Jl• ur 1trMm u part. U l...eTM &ttt:r I or ,,...Y-m. ti BALBOA CHANNEL Road lot. unobetructed view of Bf,y. s11,m tenm. DUPLEX 2 bedrm. A 1 bednn., near bay. Good renter $21,500 COSTA MESA 2 BEDROOMS pllll lanai on tree cove~ lot. 88 x 30(5i. R-4 son8. $18,000. Terms. COMMER.CIAL comer l~'h x 150 ft. Near Har. bor Blvd. Present improvement• 1hould carry till property developed. Beat' buy on W. l9th St. ' ' COAST PROPERTIES RUTH J A YRED, Realtor Mildred Was and Sylvia Thompson, A.uoclatea. 301 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Hu. 2858 or .eoo LIDO IS LE OWNER WA NT S TO SELL YOU Shoul d Want To BUY Lovely yr, old home , made better th&n new, with ownera improvement... 30 ft. living room Provincial 1tyle, wall to wa.11 carpet.I, custom drape.a, dahwuher. garb. di1p., built-in kite.hen, large patio, i bedrma., 2 bath1, Muter bedroom (with tremendoUI closet 1pace), open. to patio with glue dooni. It'• truly one ot l ... ldo'1 mo.t attr~Uve bomea tor $45,000 MYRTLE DAV Y, Realtor -Helen Baum 3432 Via Oporto Ev .. LI ~297 LI 8-1709 & Au oc . Ha.ul Condon Hu. llH6 Har. 1017-J SUGAR AND SPICE LIDO ISLE Leue (un!urnilbed) with option to purchaae or immediate aale. Out of town owners are offering their charming ruttic Early American type home. 3 twia-•it.ed bdrm, 2 1parkling bath1, lge. living room with beamed ceiling and reaJ hand pened oak noon. Fabulou• patio.'Thia home ia rukged- ly built and will auit the m09t faatidioua. Located on choice 45 ft atreet to 1tn.da lot, near Club. It i1 vacant -we have the key. Drop by or ca.11 UI to 9ee, PS : We will be happy to a.how evening• if more convenient OSBORNE FORTON REALIY-.CO. 2323 W. Cout. Highway (at Port Orange) LI 8-7562, Ev .. Hu MM OPEN HOUSE 505 Irvine Ave. 1-~ P.ld. Daily Attn.ctive 3 bedroom home, 2 Bath•. fireplace, covered patio, dbl prace plu1 workahop. Very be•t location in Newport Hll -only 1 Bloc'-to grade and hicb achoo!. Priced for quick a.le at Sl3,9il0. Tennr. , BALBOA BAY PROPERTI ES 1505 \V, Balboa Blvd. Har 5188 BALBOA ISLAND FOR INCOME -Attractive 1 bedroom apt. com- pletely tumi1hed. AND -A mo.t delichUul 3 bedrm. home. outatand· ing patio, double garage. choice location near !he Bay. An excellent value. , $31 .~ tenna. STANLEY BEACH COTTAGE $8,500 You'U be .u.rpriMd what a ccat ot paint and a Uttle t:lbow creu. wtll do to OU. 2 bdnn. and den comp»t.ely, tunllahed Beach cotta1e. Juat a bop, akip and a Jwnp to th& cJwa. oel. fe~-ln playrrowi.d, ..,.. dy beach and 1ky·blu• waten ot t~ Paclllc. It all Ld• up t.o tun, fun and more tun with , peanut• for a down paymenL Ju1t $2000 down. Poue11lon at cloae of e1erow. Adjolnlnr Jot ev&ll&ble, HARBOR HIGHLANDS f bdmu., 1~ A 1,1 batha. A very beautiful 11.nd unu~al hom1 wit.A Ja.rre room.1, m.&· ho1any panelUn1 &lid r1al tlr•- pla.ce In llvU11 room. Hwd flra Natural ftnl1h Blreh eabln.U 1n ltitchen. f ma." old, ln ptr· 1 feet condl.Uon. Beaut lendtc:ap· td. 122.600. '6100 down. f ~ ~.lnt. Pleue pbone for appt. Sev en Isla nds Realt y • & Inv estment Co. 603·32nd SL, Newport Bch, CalU Har. UM, alter 6 p.n\. Har. Mt17 BIB OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY Arr!:RNOON lOR BY APPOINTKENTI 221 Via Ravenna -Udo Jilt Start your Sunday by aeeLnc th!• luxurloua 3 bedrm A den. 3 bath Udo lllome of nawleu coiwtr\icUon on two lull loll f And a Comer too) w\lh room a nd plumbin1 for pool. Bar· 1atn at l•A.~00. Get A Lot While You're Young .Ellclu11v1 B&c:k Bay 8 ubdlv111ion "Eatate Loll" -Hl1hJ1 Re· 1tncled -All uUlltle1 In. Your choice only '8.750. Balboa Island Pier It Float -The mo11t charmJnf 2 btdnn home on Ult North Bay with • •h1k1 root and rt'dwood and uaed brick txtertor. Huge kitchen wit.la butlt·in. Barblqtie a.djolna the family room. Beau Ufully i..ndite1ptd. A rMI •leeper at lf7.~. " Ba y & Beach Rlty. Inc. REALTORS 1875 Harbor BIYd. Co1ta MeN. Callfornla Day or niKht phorw U. 1·7114 Business Opportunities • Bullt·in ranges, overua, barbecues • Alderwood. cabinet.a, raised panel doors • Hardwood floors, rubber ..ile bath•, coved I kitchen linoleum • Deluxe kitchen and diahwuber • Approx. 1700 aq . ft. living are• • Houte1 lnaula.ted. forced 1.ir heat • Pluter thru-out, acouatic type aeilinl" plut.er • Extra heavy shake roof1 • aever interiors and exteriora • Good financing program ; Prospect Ave . Between I it a nd 17th Sh. NORTH TUSTIN AIU:A 30c32 LOTS LOTS LOTS The lut or that 11ca.rc~ ii.em -when the1e are gone -we've had it. All in Corona de! Mar and exclU1ive v.•ith us. ' $6,950 Level.· south of hwy. on Heliotrope, R-2, wonderful sandy soil. / $1 ,950 Block and a half from the Ocean, R-2 with ""huge tree•, 35 x 118. • $9,:>00 Providea a perfect view overlooking the city, 37 frontage by 60 in rear, the perfect t .... ·o wiit lot. $12,000 Level, \\'ell located Commercial lot on hwy. 40 foot frontage with 100 foot average depth, only $300 a front loot best buy in town. $10 ,000 A 40 x 80 Commercial lot acroa from Hur- ley Bell, new bldg. going up next to thla. Don't mis& the boat. th.1a i1 the Jut sailing. we• have the.e exclu.slve and can give you fut service. RAY REALTY CO. 3444: E . Cou:t Hv.')'. Corona del Mar Ha.r. 2288 (Acroaa from Bank in.C.D.M.) MEMBER OF lo!ULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE • CORONA DEL MAR FURNISHED 2 BR. stucco houae plu1 1mall guest house and eep. 11gle. ga.r. So. ol Hwy. Good tum. FF heat; eptd ; covered patio ; fence'<!: all for only $10,950. Tenna. 3 FURNISHED HOUSF.s on 2 lot!! plu1 1 vacant R-2 lot, 90 ft. frontage. So. or Hwy. Near tcbool. Can add 3 more unila. Thia i1 reason· ably priced at S~.000. Tenna. 2 BR. home plua 15 x 25 work ahop, dbl. gar .. .0 ft. lot close to Big beach. Hw. nni.; FP.: din. rm .; now holding "OPEN HOUSE" at 219 Ju- mine Ave. $21,~. low down paymenL JOHN E. SADLEIR, Reeltor IVAN W. ERHARDT, ~le 3333 E. Cout Hwy, COM Har. 2U2 29c31 Hen'• a.n JdHI ..t·up for a 1---------------------- couple to aper.le a pet •bop. Thert 11 no compeUUon ln town. The owner bu other hl-• • BAYSHPRES • • l•re1t. .o la Mil Ins at a Yery CHOICE LOCATIONS ~a10nabl• price. Thl1 la the lime to lake OV'lr a 2 BEDROOM, 1 bath -·-·-········-·---···-·-----·$19,500 1mall bakery In • Beach town. 2 BEDROOM, 2 bath, carpeted le draped _____ $21,000 Dotnr food bu1tne11. 3 00" 2 bath ••• """ For Ellchanre: ee.uU!ul home BEDR -. -··-·-··-...,.,_ In Garden Grov• on about 2 2 BEDROOM~ furniahed __ (Sold) $19,600 •Cru ot land to e111chanre tor 2 BEDROO" 2 bath ,.,_,_, d Newport BM('h oome fany m., , _. ....-..-. an part or Ctty1 nur the water. draped. Corner lot -----------$.,27,800 F~~· tn yo~r Rity""'~c· 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath. (Sold) $22,600 -11~mo~~TOR • o . 3 BEDROOM'.. 2 bath~ ____ (Sold) $~711() Buatneu Broker MulupM U1Unr 2 BEDROOM, 1 bath, cor. lot 31~ E. c out HJ1hw1.y (Ba.yahoret1 cutest home) ·--·-·--·--··-····.$24,!SOO Corona deL Mar Harbor 21.51 " WHY RENT Ntv1 3 Bdnn 2 bath.I only 1416 Down and 171. ptt mbnth. A vallabll for DOO!:DIA Tl: ALSO LUXURIOUS Bay Front. Pier and Slip (Shown by appointment only) HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. Harbor 1800 Evn LI 11-63116 HADFIELD WM. W. SANFORD Realtors OCCUPANCY. ~ •cr. country alud Jou . BeautlfUI CO"led P'or- n1le. atnk and counter LOJ'll. Garba1e 1111~11, exhauat fan.a. doubll 11uw1e. Full ptk.- $10.4N. JUST I AV AILABLE. Extra S~ial· Park Ave. at Marine, Balboa It.land Harbor 2'62 COM OPEN HOUSE SA TU RDA Y 22~ lrl• Ocean view. Only block trom beach. Brand new 3 bdrm., 2 bath houM. Shake root, Laree Uv. room. family ,m. with fireplace, built-in oven and range. Aa little aa $7000 d ov.'ll -\ruy rea- IOnable payment.a. 30c32 c ED JONES , Rltr. 1"9 llubor Bh'CI LI 1-IW THRICE R·I L0Ta lD OMle M--C'°-to 171.11 It. -,... Pini' c.nt•. Wlw._ "-lift •nd Banta A.Aa M.rHta. Paffd 1tree and NW~. Pnc• 12...• 77~ for el ch lot, f klt l l \'ILI· •ble. Mr11. Ahtena. Ill Vl• S.n Remo, Har. Oltl or U t-"4.12 UcU FIRST TDDl oF1'iREo 2 bednn. view home, beautiful groundA. lD Corona Hlgblanda. Full pric. under $20,000. Owne." leevlog thi9 area and wilhe• to ..U immediately, uxiK NOW INSTEAo OF BEING 80IUIY LATER lflJLlJTIPLE LL!!TING BROKER G. H. LATHROP , Realto r 363b E. Cout Hwy. Corona clilllu Hu. r.M2 Ev" Har. ll680 • • • • ' ' ' • . .,. ........ • . ......... • • ·s• ..... • • 11 7 ....... ' • • I .~ NEwrollT ~ ~AAT ll-l'ASE, RtlOAY, JUNE 2', ltl6 I NOW SEE -THE ' ·BEST YOU'VE SEEN tHE llSJ. • VOGEL. VALUES 11 • LIDO OFFICE· VOGEL VALUES . c ' *' * * View lite on 'H"""-Drift la Newport Hdsbta """""""' ..,, 1ove1y ..._ M' trontace wtlll alley In rear. Udo B&yfront bnme for oale with Only 29 per -t down payment or OWller !'ill uchanp far Palm Sprinp property. 2 flreJ>Ia-. 5 b<lrmo.. , 3 batha, plu.6 float. See tbio today. Builder golnf Into new nbdivilion, want. otter oa a bdrm., 2 batb U do home. L&rge comer lol. permanent bay view:,Bu.rry on thJ1 one. "-... 1'or U.. allove propartlea -• • • PHONE .HARBOR <4971 VOGEL CO. -UDO OFFICE 11418 Via Lido Evea.: Har. 8630-.J, Har. 11179. liar. 5142 Balboa Island Office-Vogel Values ' * *· * JUST $!!000 DOWN - MJa'bty neat 2 bdrm home wltb prage. Only tour doors to good batbinJ blaeh. Soulh Bay. It'• a \iuy. Un!urn., price $19,000. REAL SUPER VALUE - 2 bdrm. plua family room aM king alze living rm. wttb lge. fireplaoe. Cbannlnc patlo. U look· LD.s tor a amart beach home near South B&yfront, 1ee tbil one. Furniahed, $24~ and sood terms. BAY FRONT SPECIAL- • Only 4. bdrm., 2 bath bayfttmt home available at tJu. price and term.a. ftere ii a complete 1 bdrm. apt. over the dbl. carace f or income. Full price $M.l500. OCEANFRONT EMEltALo BAY - 5 bdrm,. ' batb wilh 3-<ar sarasa right on lb• beach. Owner will take llil&ll home or T. D. U down J"Ayment or ~ ca.ah payment. Full price $57 ,500. BIG HOME .• BIG VALUE -_ :i bdrm., 3 bath on lovely Llland corner. Extn. lge. IMng rm. and dining are&. Patio with BBQ, carpeta and drapes all Lri top condition. $10,000 di'll'D. For the above properliel - PHONE HARBOR 101'4 VOGEL CO. -Balboa Island Office 4,. 208 Marine Eves: H&r. 3629, H&r, 1229-R . I . I MAIN OFFJCE V 0 GEL VA L.U ES ATTENTION ' CIRCLE THIS ONE t ' . - NMr •-ruatice home In !!le~ Heigh u , 1hU:o lblntle roof, bardwood !loora, W to W cupola. br!'ck fireplaoe, llvin1 room ope.. onto !&rs• patio, nlcely landacaped and fenoeol pund>,' double aar garage, tbia beautlM 2 bdrm. home le undfrprioed at u .. 7!!0 financed at •Iii% jntereat. Call_"" now. • IDEAL FOR CHILDREN The. most for your money in NeWport Beach. 4-bdrD11., 2~ bath, hardwood floor-. F. A. beat, corner flr<place, built-In kite hen, W lo W ca'l'OI', dnlpeo, curtahui, Covered · p&tlo, fenced yard, nlcely landacaped, Among olber lovely bomeo, all for $28,950 and )'OU a11nme the $1!'S,200----f;1tJ:?C loan. Call now. For the above propettlel - PHONE LIBERTY 8-3481 VOGEL CO . MAIN OFFICE 3201 We.t Cout Highway . Evea: LI 8-7739, LI s.abso, LE 9-7~, LI 8-\Pl and H&r. 363p-J. VOGEL COMPANY OPEN HOUSES * * * * * OPEN HOUSE DAILY 1 . 5 Starting SUNDAY, July 1 ' 1136 ST. JAMES ROAD 8 bdrm, 1 balb, large covered patio. B .. t buy in CLIFF HA VEN at SH,9:50. Unusually SoOd term.. • * * * • -New Reduced * * Price & Low Down Payment 222 APOLENA, BALBOA ISL.AND OPEN SATURDAY & SUNDAY, 1~ ' La.rp a bedroo~, 3 bath home. Include. private boat mooring. Im.med. poueulon. For the above propert.Let -:. PHONE HARBOR '4971 VOGEL CO. -LIDO ISLE OFFICE 3'16 VIA LIDO EVES' H&r 363().J, Har. 5179, H&r, 5li2 Cbrona del Mar Offic-YogetValues SOUTH or THE mGHWAY - Brand new 3 bdrm, 11,\· bath home. F. A. hoot. r -.Udlng gtau doOn to patio. rteue call for Ul .. appoln-nl to -Diily Slt,7!!0. EXTRA LARGJt DUPLElt - ClOlle to 8hopa, etc. uVe in one and rent th~ other. Over 900 IQ.. ~ of living-uea In -.ch unit. Priced below replacement cost at $23,500. For Leue with Option to Bur-Corona 'Rig'1}andl 2100 sq. ft. rollio home. 3 bdrma. • 2j' den, 1" bath, F. A. beat. Hwd. floon. Illa In ldtcbaa and bat.ha, antique abutters, room for pool. WW leue for 1 year with part of nnt to apply oa. • purcliue prtc.. For the above properties - · PHONE HARBOR 0757 VOGEL CO.-Corona del Mar Office 2667 E. Coast Highway · Eves ' H&r. 1796-W, 411!1-Y, LI 8..%57, H&r. 2892, '288 Costa Mesa Office-VOGEL VALUES DUPLEX ONLY $1000 DOWN Sure it oeeda some fbtln', but preaent income ii Sl~ ~r month. c.n be lncreued. Cloee to 1toru .1ehool1 a.nd tran1portatlon. Full price, $10, 700. EASTSIDE 2 bdrm., hardwood floon, nice lot 60 x ll:S. Price $8,MO.. WANT LOCATION! 1 year old 3 bdrm .• nicely land8caped front. and rear. Concrete wall fence, 1 block from blf 1hO)r ping center. Sewen, curbs_ atr«t.1 •an in and paid tor, Full prico "$~ For the above propertiet - PHONE LIBERTY 8-5591> VOGEL CO.-Cost11 Mesa Office . 1700 Newport mvd. , Eveo' H or. 1539-M, Key 3-il9~ PROPERTY OWNERS WHO WANT TO S.E L L -LIST WITH · THE VOGEL_ c 0. You Will Like IRVINE TERRACE N•w Furnisli•il "Homu by Macco" OPJ;:N EVENINGS UNTIL U ,oo P .lL Interiors by Martin & Ven Hemert Beauutal home. ill Ua finut ·1ocatiou Priceo from $211,000 to SU,000 Your lnapeclloi> II re.apedtully ooliciled EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor • EXCLUSIVE AGENTS On lllWay 101, Newport Harbor, oppoolto new Irvtna C-t Country Club. Harbor U~. COST A MESA · The Best Town on Earth I.up 3 Br. home, dining room, 1erviee porch, ' 1 ~ balba. Hardwood floors, 2 car ,.,..., ••ANri'• a very nice 1 ·Sr. apartment, both vacant 6 ~ for Immediato occupancy. $1~. wilh reuonable term&. f C-1 Bualncu Zcllle: 2 Br. home 6 2 v.ry pid furniahed apta. on M x 150 lot "PLUS'' 'an ad= c1Jt1ona1 l58 x ll!O lot for turtber ll!Jl&Wllon. I, ,. f23,l500. with '10·~· dowll. _ N . P. HU. -Kinp R0&d. One of lhe belt for Q\>nln 6 lay .iewa -L&rge 3 Br. home, 1 ~ i.u.., '•wimminr J10<>1 • .,..,. _, room (wllb B&tb) Many other utru $ff,l500. ' A-1 location on Broadway: 3 Br. home, Hwd. !loon. Dbl sarage. $12,l!OO. wilh $6000. down I< balance on G.I. 4. )o loa.n -$61. per month in- dudlnJ tax It Ina. • ' G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd., ~ta~-LI s.n29 B/ B THESE ARE SLEEPERS! Not To Be Snooxed at. S:XCLUl(VJ: • rurr LISTED! Nm&r Jettf -0oe&n view. ' bdrml., 3 balha, 2 ltriq rml., 2 ftnplact., RM.1.1 dlnlnl' nn. U4 tuml91\ed too. f2&,750. Ex· ci:u-tv• U.Un1. • • Ocean Front -Batbo41. Pe11Ln1ul 1.. 3 bdrm., 1 ~ bat.hi. dbl carqe Nfftk tWD' -$11,tOO lull price. l:xclu.tn tat.lnl'. WHY PAT RENT! '5000 down JnOVfl JOU into a furnl&hed., M&.rlJ Dl'W tnodertl 2 bdrm. A den home c.loM to jetty, Full pric. 121,750. . ' - IU>Ott:lt AND YEARLY R!:N· TA.Lii. Bqtront -OcM.ntront and tn MtwM:n. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING 2 suit.el of doctors' offlcea, 1 leued, 1 available for leue. Large park.inf area, plenty of land, can build three apartment.I eepan.te and apart from ex.iltinr building. Fine location. Full price $35,000. Arrange' tetm1. BAY. AVENUE HOME Close to the popular 9th Street Bay Beac:b. Hu 2 bdrms. and sun room that could be a third bdrm., 111:! batha1 nice' di.ninr room. and living room with fireplace, Enclosed patio. Owner may conaider u little u $8000 down. Full • Price i. only $24.,000. HOTEL Fine location. 17 roo1n.1 plut ~ ap&rtmenta:, all furnished, $24.000, will handle. J. M. MILLER CO. • 2025 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 4091 Plenty of free park'ing. Near the Newport Pie r. • $750 Down • 2tbednn. • waU to wllll carpmt • n9WIY pamtea • Jeut •Ide, eo.ta Meaa ~ • Doub.I• PJ'I"• • aewerm • Clou '" e Full piice Sl0,&00 e •T.50 down, P~ per mo, e $1750 DOWN • a bed.rm. • 2 balha • hardwood floon • J'orced lllr llo.t • Doubl• ... rap • Corner lot • Seweni, curt. ud rutter• • lmmedl&t• ~ • 113.000 run prt~ e $2750 Down · • 3 bednns. • \I b&Uul • forced lllr heat Non· Vets $395 Cub Moves You lD 3 Bedroo ms-2 Beths-2 Car Garage Costa Mesa SUNSHINE 0 BEACH HOMES. MONTHLY PAYMENTS LESS THAN RENT WILSON 6 ~LA.Cl!:NTIA ' • Bay and B•ach Rlty Inc REALTORS -------------------• All •leclrio kitchen Furnished Models Open ,Daily ' l f.GO W, Balbo41. Blvd, B&Ma. Calif. Harbor UH -E"AL 1166 --------- NEWPORT BEACH 1 A I bldr'Oom hOUMll 6 l iWll'I• apt. DINMe ,..,... on two ktlL fl~'r'tlrmL 1 Mock tram OCMa • llU&a ... 41.ttnct. call owaer HU. 1211 after G p. m. or u)'UJM Mon., TIHil .• WM. 1Toao LIDO ISLE $1000 DOWN 3 Bedroom home, only 2 yn. old, new di1trlct. Owner leaving here, will take $82 month pay· menta. BEATS RENTING. Drive by 924 Arbor St. then call u.e for details. ' NEWPORT HEIGHTS Drive by 5H Ban Bernardlno St., 2 BEDROOM &: den home .. then see u1 tor ·full informa.Uon. Price ii low, tenns are luy, owner WANTS an offer. N.B.C. REAL TY CO. • S2nd 6 Newport Boulevard Harbc)r M36 or HM Tntk, -u or lda. luwrioua 2 -------------------1 bednn. l tle.iA IKwu. 1 '11 lOla. •l. lo •\. loo&UOO. J"\lU prtc. PT.IOO. ldllldt a.v.q WU. propert.J'. BALBOA BUILDING A·l ~ltoft, hll pr. 125.000 WW UUt ..__.llJ, S&lboUt kU, bouM °" duples. ean-Bay l'rojlut1'e llOI Ba.lboe. IMYd. Hu. 6111 ' MSW -I bdrm. bcM.l.M, J car ....,.. •I• c.1-. to lbdpptnl' ciaiar_ eo.t.. x.... B)' OWZlel'. Kl .... 10 w Har. lat Ne ' INCOME PROPERTY 4. wilt&. Excellent rent&l diltrict. Neu beach.' .. Sc::'heduled income $3000 ONL Y $3000 DOWN Pay off balance out of income. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Bead!-Har. 1013 • e Dlapo .. ~ • t:.nau.1t fl.J\ • Ooubl• l'•ra&'• • Cholc• Jocatlon' • .ewtn, Curt. and pttani • •1i,t!IO full prlc• New po rt-Mesa Realty 1199 Newport B!vd.. CO.ta Me.a u 1-&608. Eves, U 1-7237 Bal boa Triplex 2 bdrtna. -.ch Ub.ll, all l&rl'f rm•. Top renl&l )oc&Uofl. First clau coruitructlon.. clMA prop- erty near-bat b&y -1.mmlnl'. ' Call u• to we Ulla, It'• a .-L 5 Minutu from the Ocean Near Schools & Work COSTA MESA SUNSHINE BEACH HOMES OFFER , . • • "-..... Front or ttar ll•lng rooma • Pleoty of cloletL \ DinJng 1pace in ltitcbeM • .a pl water ha.kra. Natunl birch cablneta • Confetti We in kftda. r-1 ma e M~rk !loon e ,' ~· alldlDJ wlo· dow1 • 6,000 llQ. ft. Iota • Rock roofL Aluminum screena. ANOTHER B. V, HUN~ ALEX BTEPT Di:VELOJ>MkNT ., PAUL JONES , Realtv i--------..-..~--,~~...,,,,"='= 200• w. B&I ......... ""' ~: YOU CAN'T GO WRONG In Newport Hghts .Im M1ted uu madern.a Wmt 2 bath borrle. only 2 'ii ye1.r11 Oki., drtff by llO:f.. Red*"<U. then call \I• for appointment to &h(rw, DAN A. JACOBSEN, Real E• t..t.. -HarbOr 6"1 Ubtrt7 ~17 KlrnWly 2-2187 Wilh the beot buy In CDM. 2 bodn>oml, - brick flrepl., bwd. flooro. floor -lllttmo •· <OOlrolled, Garb, dlep., abln,ie roof, dbie. pr. All on level lot near lbopm. tbater ao4 lltoreL ' The price is RIGHT le: terms li~ral. Lel'a deall ..J R. L. STRICKLER.. Realtor -it. B . .UODGE, Aaooc:lete 3622 E. Coaat Hwy., ~ del Mar. Har. mr l ' i I <(r218 Via )leJltoa. Lido ' BdftD.. I Be.· $U,600 • Older roomy home on a eo p. lot. . 9 -A-206 O>Wnai B. I., • Br-. 2 ~ 6 Deil. SM.!500 Older but tmmacalate -pod Income. 0 q * 124 Via )(eatoae 3 Br. 2 Ba.. Oil Lido $83,600 Sun.ny South Patio -pod ma lot. 0 0 *308 Poppy, Corona de1 Mar 8 Br. • den $33.li()O Lovely Ocean ._. 6 Best ntmminr beach. ft.o---o *°'()() Vllta Baya 3 Br. Ir family room $29,9«50 - 3 car pn.p-Ramblll)c 2700 tt. Ranch ho·· ln the 2200 block on 1VUn In the c.ounty. o---o ~-482 .Eut 20th St. New 2 Br. 6 Den $28,000 Bluell built ln new rntricted aubdivilion. o.__--o *3109 Clay, 2 Br. le blr den $28~ Lovely yard. bir lot -~ to town -".Ml Diana Lane ... Br. Ir 2 1,:l Ba. G. I. $23.~ Good value in Harbor Bllbland.a. - 0 0 ~..01 K1np Place, 3 Br. 1 % Ba. $23.500 A prden apot in Cllfl Haven. o---o ~735 St. Jamee, 3 Br .. 2 ba. $21,MO New. Small down payment. 0 0 "'f 707 Goldenrod, C. D. M. Duplex $20,000 2 Bedrooma each unit -Reuonably priced. , 0 0 *1038 Weat Balboa Blvd.. 2 Br. $19,500 Try an otter on th1a one. o---o '°':500 St. A.ndrewa 3 Br .• 2 ba.. $19,200 . Bta yard -sood -corner, fee l!mple. ' o--~o 1'.128~ Wtllt.m.iuttr I Br .• 1~ b&. $17,900. Re&l ,JOC>d valu. -ahlke roof rancby style 0 0 *333 Stina1 Road, 2 Br.. 1 ba. $16,500 Sweet Utt.le home for a couple. 0 0 -erw w-nm., s Br.J 2 ba. ~.900 Nice comer -f&d.or C.Ountry Club 0 0 *6'2 Hamilton -Biodi Bou1t, 1 acre $13,500 DUNCAN HARDESTY,· Realtor • 2802 Newport Blvd., Newport Beuh Har. •718 Multiple-Listing-of .tf,e.Mortth CARAVAN SPECIAL ML No. 1--.VDY UNUSUAL three bedroom . bmne ln ea.ta Kea Only two year. old -Cbrk .Walla in Ll'filll Roam and DtnlDI Room. lArge Back Porch -Part Fenced cns M:dlO Lot - Price no.~. Contact y~ Realtor! Multiple Listing Service CORONA oa MAR Marine ~ from th.la attnctlve newer home, 3 fine~ 1% t.thl, rump.w room. Sb.1M tezicld lot. 1 Lol.da ot "emu'' in thia quality • ho~. ~·!flnc $32,lSOO with $10,000 down. SO. OF HIGHWAY Ocea.ll new Oil Poppy -2 and den and • tumpua or pelt room. 30 ft. lot well dewloped. Ora~ erl• JDduckid ta the low Wc1D1 price ot $28.SOO. Beech . . Comer of Loree and Soud ·Privacy and charm are to...be found In t.hia S bed.rm. 2 bath LIDO bome. Frelhly p&iilted ud vacant. Many cba.rm.lnr features. includJns a terrific patio. Pric. corner lota and then eee why we think th.a. ii such a good buy •t $32.:SOO. What's It Worth? We thou1bt ft wp a lood buy at $29,000. The owner lowered the price to ~600. u he wanta it 80ld. Tlu. ia a very fine LIDO 3 bed.rm. home with 2 bat.ha. Forced air heat, new carpeting, lovely kitchen and dining area, fireplace, dbl. prap, encloeed patio. See it today 4 Bayfront Lots with pier privileges, 25 lnaide lota (8 are corners}. p. a. palmer incorporated ol• hanaon co. management 3333 Tia Udo, harbor 1600 Costa Mesa The o~ of tbla home bu ipmt a ~' &mount of time mak1nr It a real . h~. ~ not just another hoWlel The laDdlCaplril. f e.ci.. and everyth{nJ elie In the yard ia dODe to prlectlon. Three bedrooma. lwdwood noon; eo • ~ corner lot 'Full price olft7 Sl2.9GO and excellent terma. · Ct.ff Haven Thia one ia & real cute 2 bedroom tiome. The owner'a excellent taste reflecta iuelf through- out the houae. Blend.in&' colon and W'allpapera make it unuaually attractive -and remember, it'• in Cliff Haven, where homes are ln creat demand. Price $18.~ • Newport HeiCJhts Thia lovely 2 bednn. 1 % bath home ia just that, -a real home. Situated on a well-located cor- ner. You mu.at .ee it. 'nlia won't tut at $17,~ p. &. palmer incorporated ole he nson co. ma nagement 1700 w. cout bJabway -liberty 8-5613 SEl ECTED VALUES! BALBOA tSLAND BALBOA REALfY CO. WHY PAY.RENT! Let ua ahow you t.hil lovely Bl B • (1) BALBOA PENINSULA DU· 3 bedrm, 2 t.th home, beautiful patio, plua 1 'PIZX bedrm apt. Funl.iahed. Near VWage Center. Beautiful and attractive I year . $34500. Excel. terma. old ~ property. All D1cely "°1Wibed. a bedrooma up aild MR. HOME SEEKER -CORONA DEL MAR. DO 2 d6wft. Laundry, double pr-• YOU want room for that larce family! Then :::CS!:.d d;.~:· tM~o;.• b;;;,~ come eee thia 2000 1q ft home! 3 bedrocmul -2 uuoo wttb term.a. baths --'-AND a beauutW LARGE DEN with 121 JUST LI8Tll0 ... on Wtat built·ln television combination. All wool wall to • FOR ONLY PEA.NUTS You can •teed ~ta -but tar 6nly ~ down ¥OU can move right la t.o th1I nicely turni&Md 2 bedrm borne wtlh pnmaneat .WW of Uw Oout-nne. Larp lot, enclmtd s-Uo. SOME PEOPLE EXPECr Tbe moon -and wtt.b du. "l'U· 2. r VA.LUE PLUS Z 'bednn. home plus (Ulllt room ploa lM biltbl, hardwood fJoon, r A bat, ao. to aopptnr area and only 21,-) blodlta to ooeaD and beach. Ii. best buy ~t $18$0. S. r BARGAIN JUS'l LISTED -Tbi9 2 bedroom bcme-, Wp Hvtnc room. fireplace, dDal ftoolo tur-naee.. (tbenno CCllltrolled) pfu tarp doubll pra ap atn•eli for apt. fbove. Better act fut on Ult. one! ONLY '14.750 EXCLUSIVE WITH US. t. tf OORONA HIGHLANDS. Fi.mt tUne offered. VIEW • VIEW -VIEW of blue Paclfic. S bdrma., 2 t.u., hwd. Ora., forced air beat. ldtal ~· tion for awtmm.lng pool. Houe only 2 yn. 0141. · Priced at $32,500 -euy terma. Shown by appointment. U.ted EXCLUSIVELY wttb ua. MDmER OF MULTIPLE LISTINGS CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTION, Realtor M•7 E . Cout Hwy. Corona del Kar Har. (7 (Office located next door to Newport Harbor Bank. CdM), LIDO ISLE 3 bdrma., 1 ~ batha near Udo ClubhO\llle, older with over 2000 aq. ft. livinc area. The beat buy on Lido Island, at $23,500. Ocean Front Home Lovely 2 bed.room plt11. l..arte u~ room with flrep~. 1 ~ baths, nicely furnlahed, Two car prafe. SO ft. lot located in bat beach uea. A true valu~ $2.:S,750 Bay Avenue. Lovely 2 bed· wall carpet and lovely fiber glul drapes in-room homt, well fu.m1.ahed. with atlracU•• ru .. l room ._ eluded in aelllng price. Compare! See for your· !~t~0!!, ~= ~ 4 Bedroom -Baek Bay · ot th.la Redwood and ~ucoo ' • For the diacriminati.ng buyer th¥ bu been with tull be.th attached.. .A 'Rlf. vtry food V&lue al $18.000 with food lfnta. (3) • UNIT INOOMI: BUILD- ING on Eut Bay 4v.nu6. Owner tMlnc tr&JUlferrtd ••• wU1 •ll th1I newly decorated ancl nicely tunWlbed property tor •ta.000. term.a. ('I NICI: T W 0 BEDROOM llOKJC and c:ut.e bachelor apel1JJM1ll la rear. Luse lot. lpadoQI s-uo. 2 lllf.nl1e ,.,.. ~--All tunuabed • • • M euA and ... th1I one al uueo. wnna. (5) OCEAN FRONT DUPLEX on l.be Penlntula and onJy 150 ft t.o bay~. SJeepe up t.o U people. J'tnplacu. large FIRST TIME OFFERED OUR EXCLUSIVE in Euluaive Beacon Bay Have FUN &11 the time! Let u.a &bow you thJa dellrht· ful 3 bedroom -21 2 b&th bome in a .ecluded re- atricted area. Ideal Ii ate for children. Private beach and anall boat landJ.nr. Beaut.ltul encloeed patio with barbecue. All th1a and a ch&nnl.nr 1- bedroom apartplel\t over praces completely fur- niahed and bu lovely bl,y view. Thia price 18 ONLY $32.500. BALBOA PENINSULA. Channing and spacicru. 3 B.R. h~e. 1 % hatha. Near Bay bathinr beach. Lovely patio and beaut. landlC&ped pound• Priced right. Term•. t22 BelVue Lant. walled patio. .A rut value at BACK BA y LOTS in excluaive re8tricted area. $500 uuoo. (I ) A.NOTHJ:R GOOD INOOME down. bdrm 2 be.th all ~*lrio bome wttll a 12 x 11 faniUY room. unable to find the perfect home. forced 111' beat. bwd nn. pine ldt.cben. ao x t0 labd8caped 1. • lee. bedrma., large cio.eta te.nced pr.Uo. ••.1&0. Top n-2. 2 batha, 2 a6.owera, beat la.mp na.nctnc. 3. Lars• paneled livinc room. &ll bwd. !loon. AN OLD SMOOTHIE •· F&mily room with uaed brick fireplace. Channincly remodeled o l de r ~. Bar kitchen with m.pb8&1 Is electric f &n botM w1t.b .. ..., mockna con-6 Sb&ke roof ' ==vi'::. 48~l:!: 1: Lot me 60 x 1:50 (Room tor rldinc borae) -. terrsced p&Uo. $t6.000. 8. "Belien it or not" cmly .122.600 WATERroNT SPttIAL 2 bedim with pi. a.nd Oo&t tor only US.500 tura.Llbed. No phone lntormat!oft on th1I one! Bay & Beach Rea lty Inc 'REALTOJ\$ Corona de1 Kar Oftlce ~30 E. Cout Bl,pwq Bar 6GGI JACK BRENNAN, REALTY "AT THE ARCHFS" 3320 W. Cout Hwy. KINGS ROAD LI 8-'7773 ••• rented SUDUMr and Wm-BROKER OR SALESMAN WANTED. Permanent. t.er. 2 bedroom bome and 1 (Confid•' t '&l) BAYSHORES SPECIALS bedroom aputmet over a 2 should know local area. vn 1 Property ts Getting Scarcer Than Hens Teeth But we have founcl a real buy. It'• brand new 4 br., dee, we:ll ~. p&Uo :-:ye~~ ~ufl~C:: , BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor •play yard. nr. beM:h uuoo • terma. I ~ER OF MULTIPLE LISTING 3 br .• attr. beach"°'*· kn. ptne ~ lnt., 2 s-uoe. $11.GOO (81 $5000 down • • • buya 1 lo•· 311 Martne Ave Balboa laland. Pb. Har. 1871 or 1672 ely, flew, Palnmla poln1 home ·• 3 br.. 2 batb. Jee. Uv. rm.. Dr. wtlh 3 Mdroom.8 a.nd 2 bath.a. Ba,y 01W» Sll.600 ft.rep~. ll1dLnc iiu. doon to J19tio and double I & r I Ct. '21,600 ... t.bl prS.ca. OPllN roR INBPJ:CTION Tu ... T'hun. and lat. atternoonL BILL'S BEST BUYS W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor "you'll like our friendly aervice" fOO E. 17th St .. Coat& Wea Liberty 8-1139 .. .2~:= .. ~x_,,_ STORE BUILDING ta M.9&. a bdrm. OJ. 1oa.n.. Paymmu Mt.61 mo. lac&. '" HEART OF COST A MESA ID~ and lm]MNDda. OPmf l'OR lNSPS<..~lON Wed. Brand new concrete and 8t.ed truaa comme.rclal. rrt. and sun. a.tt.ftoma. Two aoUd leuea, one-more to CO.· Lure lot., Relph P. Ma~key =~.0~=!:111'· ww net better than 1or.,, RlaLTOR CLllT HA VEl'f -• 2 w.. clll!a Vf/W ca.rpet A4 COIMUUon. on alJey 1 let-yant I $Jl.500 OPEN HOUSE SAT. • &UN.. 1 lo IS p..m. U6 RedJ&nda A •e., Newport Hetpt.a_ Ideal ta.nilly b01m with Yi#. L&rse UYiq rm. • den. ~ place. a bdrma.. 2 ll&Ut.1. &arse Ule ldtdlen wtth dJapoM.1. Lovely patio, 2-ca.r ..,.. .. All excepUcmallJ' loocl fN7 *' -SZ4.500 with e1tcelml flUDc> mc. • Cheater F. S•liabury 3UI Kartne. Balllloa Jsland Haftolt If '71 3 bednna., 2 tun bat.ha, d.ln.IDc area and breakfut area, &ttrutive double fireplace, Iota of iDd1nct U,btinr features, patio and many other ttrJ ucJUlive a ppointment. Wall to wall c&rpeUni and abov~ all thia ia a ritw bomia. Open House 470 16th Piece . (W..t Ot Irvine Ave. near HJch Sdaool) Ju.t OOKPLETED. A ree.l quality CUltom·bWtl Early AmeriaaD home. MAQJ eztra feat11rm Mh .. wall-to.wall carpettna -iDteMomm. .,mm to all rooma. New model ro~broD ~ID onn. ALSO -5% financtn1 -$2:5.800 tall price . Our penoane1 will be there to ~ you Sat. 6 Su.a... Jane SO and July 1 from 10 a.m. to I p.m. Lido Realty. Assotiates • . HAibor "" : ( Ull Newpo~t Bl?d. Bar.'°' PHlL SULLIVAN & GEO. EVERSON 1~ .Newport Blvd.. eo.ta. llaa' .. Choice Nwpt: Hts. ___ Ph_oni_o-:::Ll-=-1-~-1_e1~----=-Evea-,. _Bar_ . .-___ _ • EARl W. STANLEY, Rea~or 225 ~ Aw., Balboa 1lland Bu. 1175 Nlnf' • 1*Sim, ' .. 1 ~ bath. OU nr.., nawn& eab •. l\Rpl.. FOR SALE AND LEASE BACK 'rA bM&. atra .... wardrobe. a ........ ~ Dali. root. __ ,, ---hull..tfft locat41d on , ... _. llldtllc 6 ~ ritlGO er .•SS A st.ore -~ "":-""'Tl ....._ r .P. m.eoo. OWMt-mart important corner ln Pt •dens Price U ...,,, Ill hu.tm. 2tpll $700,000. Will p&y 7,. net net and will depollt Altadena Escrow - $300,000 u .... MCmit7. I.up depredation factor. CALL OWNER, T. D. Rosen. Ryu U187 or Barbor am • Income· Uriit Loh ~ 0.. KaM. &JI llllQ&u. in. ci.e lo m.ook ... .,,.. .,...., ""' ,,........ .. u. &,._ DAN A. JA.OOB'E!f, ft-1 1:.- l&k -B&rtlol' .. 1 Ll'9t7 ..alf ~ WU1 • -. SAT.• SUN .• 1 t0 t :ao p.m. 264 I l ay Shore Ofiv• ' bdrm..' a 'bath EXQUI8l'TE ~ ·vi.w Home. Qua.lifted clliDt. _,. Ml.OGG . HARBOR INVEslMENT CO. REALTOB8 , • • ,