HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-07-27 - Newport Harbor News Pressr HlJB T -At 1eut to other Luden .Oona; ibla Geriae hull wtth the flowery name ot Geranium aDd the attr&ctlve bnioette •kiwr 18 certalnly •ell·known and usually apella trouble for their competition. Ruth Hukell of Newport Harbor Yacht Ch1b d1d It apin in the five race Luden-18 Champiombip .me. which wu concluded lut week-end. -Beckner Phot-o Allon'1J fir Tr1llWli1 lo Seek , ••• 1'8 ftoberl Hu~ &Uoritt7 tor John Trautwein; ll, 1121 8ant.a A.JI.a Ave .. COit.a X... today .aid he LI WW1dic OA papen Whlcb will be tlW wtwa a nek ~ punlUft damas- and csa.macn tor ual&wtuJ arreat and .... uJt and Mltery ~ New- port Beach pollce. He aid Judsf Ronald Cf""'e)enk'a nall"S Wed· nNd&y had deand UM W'a)' tor a pert.ct ail. for Illa client • --------------~~---.-~...-"'"!"- In Santa An&-Oranp Mwdd· J)9 I Court. Trautwein waa found ,,.111ty ot techmcal bettery. Tbe dee talon !ound•th&t In &!~ and at>etunc Peter PendaJ11' ttrtit with Officer Biil 8 au n de re, Trautwein wu cu«t1 ot count one ot thf' two chars• mMh. In effect. Juqi: Crookaba.n.k tounrl Traut~ln (lillty of a ch&1 l(e that wu not filed ..,.lnat him and not cWJty of thoee which had been !Ued. 1n the aam.e dec1a1on. Juda'• Crookah&nk Exclusive Revelation Claims Lawyen Lmnch Legal Probe found that lbe .cUoo of the SANTA ANA <OCNSJ A I tomey'1 offtce." Munlt !pal Code ot lbe City of hlctiJY-rupected 'VoUP ot Orance noai: LA Wll NfWJ><irl =ch ~o wbich Pend-County attorney• wen .-rchinc ' Tbe lepl apert. were problns ari.I plea Sll ty wu :.ru:otl· 1 law book.I today to ... If cba1'l'M both at.ate &NI federal law r.- Attut1onal. Whetiler UU. ran be could be bn>u&ht ap.lna Onq• p.rdJnr tJt. situation. today ma.de l~ retroecUwly • ft e ct County DLltrtct Attorney ftoberl '!be actloo c&im alter two Pendan..1 pita i. not known. Ip Kneel&Dd Radio KW1Z learn· yean or rnunbllnc by Orance In hndlnc tne Odendant ed luai~ County LaWfera over Kneeland'• S\dlty on count OM of Uw two exc · otnoe Prlllclp&J ~ eon· Munro Tells Jury Considers Combine of Office with Auditor - One of the certain recommendatJon1 of the Gnnd Jury of Orange County thia year will be that the offiee of County Treasurer be eHmipated and that all tunctlon• and dutie1 of the 1tatutory offtcer be con.t0Udated into that of the County Auditor. One hlllh in the accompllsh· 1 er1d h .. continual a~ trom mf'nt ol the conaolidatlon la the bia ~. • fact the treuurer. Huvev A. .Mo.rt ot the Grand Jarwa b&M Ovdner, 11 elected by the ~ ~maJ ktd that all of UM actual and h11 ortlce e&nn0t be ellml· work ca t"OUnly ft8caJ audiUDJ nated unW ha ltnn uplre9. I a.nd· ~port. are dOne by th• Ovdner hu unUI 1903 to aerve otftce of Lei l!:ckf'J. aJao an elfC· and h .. ofnce la tor a rour )'t'&r Uve ott1clal Eckel wu before period. tht" Grand Jury yMt"rday and PE Removal eowiu levelJed a,atut him, tbt I The move wu ~ ma4-. a I cttned ~ death of bff.uteoua OOW't obatrv.cl then la no rtuon· apokuman tor th SJWP ~ Mu.s.r.d of la.nta Alla, wbo able do11bt Trautlfeln st.ruck Ot· j ed. tn th• wa&. ot mouatJas ~ wu ldiled OA Ute El Toro 11111t· !lett ~aundt1'9 u cbarpct by pl-..ure owr 11elloaa ol ~I way in a hll-nui death t.be pr oa«ution. But h1a en-land In Oran~• County law en~ I · 1"'e perwona w.r. con.Meted p bl f courasemenl of Pendarla WU (l)l'cetnenL wltll Ute 4-th an El Toro Ji.a ro ems 0 mtlldent pundl for h1a con· Th• lcal probe w11 •t&!Ud. nn.e and a ~ llU..; ....a-. ll&ld Ille Judp. u,. tntormut.. who d1d AOl waat m.ww. dW's-....,. ...._ Grand Juro,. ot Oruace CoW\ty I dehve~ to the Juron • num· •pent Ill _, ,_......,. doeeted bt'r ot book.I trom hl1 otttce. ~th W'itn .... -and prill.clptil I The Grand Jury i. pna.nUJ at atud)'in&' the tunctJcca. dubell and a loea tor an7 llnmedLate 80h.lllon aclmanutn.tton of the otftee of Lo tbdr crtuc:i.m of G&rdner'a County Treuurer. In aU 18 office NOiie of the ftlltrtmtA witnf'-• were called lndudtnc b&ve aald wtlethf'T they have In• 0.rdlUlr, County 4udl\or lM forma.fk-n upon vhlc.h to place & llcktl and t.b• b&rt•der of a club true bOl of a.ocu.UoD wblch neu the court.hou.. It u unde1'-m.iCht ca.UM Illa remov~ from ht. •tood tbe bartender wu qu.-olfttt; or aa ~t whlcn UODld a.t leqth about the tr. would fora ldm to et.and trial. •u.nq ot n.lta to hia .-taNto. n Ill a.• Wmq tllal tbe Jw7• meat bJ Oardaw. Bo WM &lbd ma wUl r-.oommmd tbe dt.&- to HU.mate the tJmo SJ*lt and bllUoa ot the omoe and the liquor _........, by the ~ ac..c tlL 8upll•ti1Ka i. pat ~ attlcer durlq U.. M'dl· IUCh a ......,. on tM Ml.kit tor Pia Still Reibert Hu.rwtta P" nouce ot to be tdeDWted. .aid. -'*' &a.. mil ....,. tM deaUI. ~ It)' ABC A .... aunU. te MM'• for a n~ land reflaellll to accept _..... • -.i t. ~ • ..... gency tdal u4 a ~ on t.U mo-ot two <>ra.n.c-Comity ~ ec :.liW Jl9t ~· U. ......... for ........ ll. wbo thNW a llll 11' f p # rM -o:i~~~~...;.;,;,..:,;.+""""'-'i!--..,.;- ------------na.n:ot.lca caae out of C*ll't W... \ Alt.bough one councD.ina.n, lpieialdnr froai the council , stated that tbe Pad.tie Blectric Rail*ay en.cuatlon SJ:rOjtct wu "dead beca\Ule the people do not to w&nt to pay any taxe. for the capital improvement," plau for the project are 1till proceedinf. It ii understood that at Jtaat a majority of c:oundlma WU UMJtruct.ed by the cowncU at wtU CGll'le up wtth a propoeal one Ume to tndude the rouUnc t.M.t th• projttt be undertaken of lllrewll a.round. &Cl'099, and In with a llHl Improvement DI• conaection wtt.b an abendo:nmmt t rtcrt. AcL Of the Pacitlc Electric In the 'nw council. whlch h&a •Pf'nl central Newport area. at ra.n4om tunda accumulac..d one tund which the city coun· tor U.. pl'Oject. la appa.renUr ell up to W. time bu ..._ un- t.ry1Qf t.o f1nd a lepl route t.o able to Junia, mantpula.ta or dh- ~h U>e pro)eet at Uw aipa&.o la ~Gu tax mom. of uUre crpw:a.ae ot the a,.a NI'-appnmmately SN.GOO earma.rk· ro lbe depot lite ud ed with the St&C.. tor Padnc trac~ &lwctrlc Railway a.cqwaUon. nm ta aol a new plan. 'rhe ULOCA'D DICPCnf ame p~ bU Ileen propoowd Theoretically at i.ut. the fund by pa& cowadla and hu cled could be uaed for Nlocatloo of beca.U. of lack of ~termlnaUOn the ~pot which wouJd M tbe by Ull t.beir adm.tn.1• l.attLaJ WOJ'k to ,. atan.d. 'fben HEAP HONORS ON .SEA SCOUT FOR HEROICS Sf'lll'd• Di ot • Mll"Mil el \!lie , lcout fl"Oll'Ua ... ardlrat ~ er of ... looutlftC' in Or- mot Oawtl)', ha.I l9id ,.... c:ca. w~ ot .. El Toro Kartu pUol by Ana· Wm ... kGllt Jlmn\t Nel· Illa I.I Ule ~ t.binf \bat c.uid baH bappeneci fot tbl propam. Pla.n.a are underway today to b.cmol' the membere ot AnaMm le& 8cout ahlp Roto Leo wbo pertlclpeled In the ctramaUc If'& reacue ot tile downed El Toro Marine pilot. rouowtnr a pered, I.hey will be treated 111 a full tour ot El Toro MtSct. Oeorse V a n c • Mlkkeleon. II. the t'ffCUed Mannt, aJao will lie Oil b&n4. I Ull ms.- I n ~ la Co-Ptlot 2nd Lt. Tbomu Baroid La Toof, 23. WHAn NO ARF7 •UM oftlcln lllid ~ \be Law" IJl pWns ~U.. K..nee.la..nd ~..a. te tlae Ol'ud JllJ'Y, eeelliq u4 noet ..... 1Jtdktm911t oi ~ • 1.&t.11. 8eeo9d ,_ ,.. 'oa~.­ C&iN ftea tt ........... ,.... terdat t.b&.L • ottkt ...---.... LDC' tntonnaUoe t.o the rep.tltl.DC UM -..ll'a an.nd J_, tnYelllt1p.Uon ot tU .ttlM .t Coaty Trauurer K..,.,,., a.rd- ner. AJJepd to frequently be simts out "contldtntJ&l Inf~ UOft" J'llCVd.1q UM jury'• P w a • Kneeland'• lnV..U.-UV. chief, M. D. WUlia.ma. .wunama, It waa charpd, weut. out ot hl1 way ..to lntorm t.b• prua that Gardner wu the .ub- Ject ot the Jury ln.....t\ptlon. and malntained clOM lal*"I with courthou• ~porten. tdeattf'.1Ul;I w1tllt89t• and r1Yine beeltf"O'l*I ot the top • eecret beartDp. "WWiam• IA t.oo cloee to KBH- land to be dofnS eomethla&' 11U lh1. on hie own " t.be 141Cal ex· pert.a M.ld. ObvSoualy, he mOlt haYe been artln~ on wbalf ot eomeane el.M In the di.t.rkt at- Jm11e1 H. Loftus lecomes Dlstrid Deputy of Elu EL CAJON, (0CN8l -Jamea R. LoftUI. pa11l l:x.&lted RuWr ot EJ Cajon Elk1 Loqe. bu bHJ1 named to Mlve ... Dl.tr1cl De- puty Oftnd E;xalted Ruler ot the CaHfornta South Cout Di.t.nct atraUve ...Utanta. tven the council "black make l'lt1.L PZNDINO plan" of an .-mwnt diatrlct SlW pen • the Paclfic wouJd be f-..fb)e. 'JClectnc R&Uway l"9D109al plana The city couDC1I bu m.adt 110 Not~ing Ari '1' Art About by Grand Exalted Ruler Fred H. Bohn. Leftua wUl wcceed ()car atnt.bd ol Oranp lJ1 tbe ... U. fW Uae diatr1ct Widell dlm- pr1MI the l:llal Lodpa of Or· &DI'• ... a.n DtlCO CoonU... are the aubdirildoa dttaU9 of tblt ladlcaUon t.bat lt would retUnd r 1 s h t ol way between !2nd to ~ Pad.nc JClectrlc tmpro¥w-- at.rMt and 112nd Sll'Mt tnm~ met tund t.be quartc' mtlllon on leubore Dr1ve. Somt polnll doUan It took from the tund ar. IUll to bf Ironed out btlwtftt tor lM tl'lll~r pu'll tmprovemenL ~ e~n"rtns 1tatt1 of the Tbt trailer income, lf tt IA ever Clty of N~rt Stach and tl\t , tlnlll\ed and er.tu any Income. ~ q Company. could be Uled to repay the rund1 Tina's Finl Pip Litter ............ Jollm Lolb.ia i. a chart« man· TM clt7'1 c:ondlm.n&Uon aulll Into the aource ot ong1n and tc. are at.ID pen • Mtor. thf' u11t In the matter Intended ~ PubUC UWJU.. Oomn\l-.lon. The t.axa were )ev1ed. plann&q cOnau1 IAn'y Wel11, (0-U.W. Th• wetma.raner populatJon wa. tncreued by 11 pupplee M- cenUy, bOrn to SIJver Chrlatl.UL. OW1lf'd by Mr. end Mra. J. C. Swart& of '22t Klnp Place. Sire wu Cl\a.mplon Han.a V, D. Gret· chenhof, CD. bat ot breed ln rece11t B.arbOr Cllln KenneJ Clu-all-breed abow. BULL p • 0 PUP8 -Silver ch.nstina. ~ e weimaran~r bf.:. lottlins to Mn. J, C. SwarU. 224 ~· Place. proudly dilpi.y. her 11 puppies for the fint Um• this ~It. Sire wu 01. Sau V. D. Gretchenho!f, C. D. Na.mn have been eboeen for th• pupa but '° tar uvt not ... n ~ to ~ do19:--SWf Photo .. Mn. swutz ha• her -'-" ol El Cajon , ....._ No. 1112 tull man.asinc the equtrmblil ...._. maaa or do(dom •tnr• th.la .. and bu ~ hi.a lodse ln many b flnt experience In ral1ln1 capadtlea. He hu been act1Ye eT 1 In the work of the Caltfomta pupp e11 -'-· ~• u Blle•en namee h&Y• been reft• State ...... A~a on lor the t..-ed wtth the Afberlca.n Kmnol put 11 year.. Club for the younpt.ni althoup One of the ftnt duUH of the am• of th• namu have biMrl new di.u1ct ckputy wUl be the .-tcnf'd to a specific dos. tut.a.DaUon of • new loda'e at The reuon tor thia, me aid. Obula VIila which hu been .. It II too hard lo tell th-orranfmd WlCkr LI» dlr9CU- •part at prMal. Al.o wbe9 tbey ud leaderablp oi ltut.belt ol are .old In a.bout mr,. ....... Oranse wSUa t.be ......... ol the new owneni can pick their Franll Unnlil ol Jlf..,..-t Blacla, q. then chooee the name tMy a.nd J'1'J\)I Mau-of •wt ' I.lb beltl. I TM __.,,,,._ f/6 Olll• Tlllla The atx main an Alt, Alu. Lodse ... .... M Alto. Atto. Ario al'ld Amo TIM ror ..,._ &: temaltw an Adda, Aldt1 A.-pa. -----------Aata and Aa.n. Tbt namee are all Of'rm• ~ come undeT tll• l\nt letter oc th• alphabet to oeatorm wWl the lwart&' plan ~•GCIW·••• to kHP tnelt of Ttn&'• ftnt litter. ~ Ara Qr ClllM. 'nna won a touru. ~ 11 ~ flt ui. ff••'• rt ta an AnaMl.m allow but mother-BMcb Pal1oe ~ ,.. l'Ood lnte111ptM t.emponttly &DJ • nm ladlo' • ..,,,.. ,.._ 11.lrUatr trl t6r' champlonabip Qty Hall,...,.... Lal I~ laonor&. ft\. WU IJ-ztt• ~ _, Of• .. The pupe tnc:tdntally, are acer o. Kua... II• lakl lie ai,...dy f'nunod ~ field Onml· would ._ .. -.r'lkr, lllAl'kllll' \.bl hlc dop) and bf'nch (•how ctop} '°"le to M to"°""• ~ euturtUu. of tbay -.eka of llm. &a- dkated fortbt~ tuma. H • •101 WEA THEI Five Ito to locac.. • pl&ytq .. ll'A •rd wtO "9 nQW*--.u. \.bl Tmi~ tor tho ™ '--poker JlaM a&. --1\Mkm of llld la the Mwport Barller aree tM ~ ftJunl U part el U. .,... 1..,,... M~ UJ'IM t•••Joae mp .... ~ to attcld &Ad partln· Saturda'" Julv 21 _ It ~ palt. sundav. Jtdy 22 ·-il fl )tuMOn rnnMd N • w Jt or t Monday, J uly 23 -· 72 SJ Harbor Pnet 211, Amertl'&n IAJ· Tu-SI~'. July 2• i3 f4 ltoa. hu made &ftilablt ont of w (I, JlllJ U 7t t4 Ulil tl\dldlr'I' at llUt and Bay ! TllllU91ay, J.a, ,. _ TO 0 r:r-t for u.. .t tale c-ar t"lu~ y, J y .r_ Tt • a u eJ'ullb•• ... r utblif pJw. I ury worklq dq. ~ ooat)' .i.ca. .i 1111,. n. QET TO OA&DNJm Qardnere ~ uptNa. C)' ~-la ~ 1AllM 'l1lle ~ Onnd ,_, AiMt.lly Amons Uaw ~ with the )Ut lly l\balil • •. pl ~ Won u... n.. Orud J0r7 ,......1 -addl· ..... ~et U. aqi.e 0.-~ -... ... ,.. UM to OU... A\Mlt· .......... 9' AlCOlloilc 8"~ Je&r. PNTlclU .ttlllil ~tar JlclleJ. , ..... ffT, OoMrot. ' baY• tOUDd It •cnr sot ~ RO'btrt 9Ml llfftU ap, Munro .id, C. CJ&rd:lter, U1117 ...._.,. that lloen.ee ..,. .... quotM at UO.· utUd81d 111111 lal'cttll'M at'*'1M1a. lliat Uwre Wtf'e no t.alrf>ra. ~ ~n wouJd MU cb.apeT aow." M unro commtnl.cl. ~fer· rtnc to an add1t1011 217 Uquor JiceoM1 in 0~ County fOT w!W:b the at.ate wtll btg1n taJtlnc appl1c&Uona Aue. 20. Munro •Id oru-place In N..,. port Beach h1d pald u hip u $16.000 tor a lilluor llceNt. 01SSCIUBD rROftLl.:MA Tb.• ABC director ~acrlbtd UM ptoblema faced by hta ·~ency when M took over In January. 1J66, repl&clJlc the 8oaJ'd of EqoallaUon when "eU-publlct.d corropUon cauaed tbe •Olen to adopt PropoeiUon 3. Munro •Id majorttv of tht retoma needed WM accompllahed by the people In telcinr poltUca out ot llquot control. "We found a .,,..~. awkward, chulic orrant•U0n ln which ~,.. wwrw tour <tiArtcta with each board member akJq ln ht. own qual- tatlon diltrict., ' MUArO aid n>en 1ftft tour poUel• wtthln tl:I• four dlltrlctl, 1' ~ dLaUtet omc. wtt.b tJ oftlcM fanud out from thoee tltroup- out the Ibale. .. Munro aid the ABC decan· trallud the °'>11&1tlon. dJvtded (o-tta ............ , Mm Needs S11MMJOO More tor Drainage Projet;t Work. • ' • ,AGE 2. PART I -NEWPOllT HAUOll NEWSJ'llE.SS ~IOAY, JVtV 27, loS• TKjJUW'T lo ... _. .. o-J pw lt'.l' ... ii .. ~ ~ .weMl+I Ynn M IMY .. WI b1"1l:.-~ lfOW ~JfOWUIO ''The l'l'Olld 0-" I flUBUT &Y._"f VllWl~IA MAYO <ll•1rss•...,.. o.oi.r ltJ' 0.1.a.u _,. __ "ZJ ,._To .... Sl1i16t" VAN IOHS80N \'l:llA kl I.RI Qsm·8N,. OltiN' '1' DtLU• NOW 8BOWINO ---"l"L.UIE OP' THE J8LAND8'' Su--.1. Monday, ~1 ---"""'-"'BOGART ••• ,., Fii& -AJM- JAHE CIWllJOll WYMAN· HESTON. LUCY GALLANT PASSING SEAL ROCK ON SHOWBOAT Si(bta like th.ii a.re wn by p1 .. opn ·wbo take Dal Grettenberr'• Showboat out of Newport Harbor for th• IAiuna Beach cru1M. -Don Bulb Photo OH ot Del Mar DEL MAR. S.vuteenth rum- mer aeuon or tht Df-l Mar TUr1 Club opened at the turf-Mlrf cour.e hare Thurllday !or a tO- dr y -1on. Poet Um• tlu'oul'b-- out t.he mH lln&" wUI bt J :lG p. m. ;· LYLE Talbot ''SEPARATE ROOMS'' Plan Revealed for Membership Cl1b on Top of Lido Building A. m.mberahlp club tor New• devel~ today when O. N. port Beach le In the m&klq, ll Bhumaker, who t. buHdlnr the Lido Prot-IOnaJ Buth!Lnr. nlM plarui for an axtenllion of I.ha third noor or that butldlnr. t" •II• • c;LAMOltOUS l'A&TY ATMOSl'IClt~ Tbe prdenl planr f or t he buildln( call for a third 1tor')' centl!r aecUon. C!ub plazu call tor thl• l.hlrd R ory to b<t vi:· tended to th• eut end or th• buildinr, m.&kl.nl" club room• to by 13 t«it 1n arM. Tb• plana call for a dlninl" and loun1• room, re•dlnf room and •te&rn "'°"'· Ttl•,.. are (our nien lnterMted In lh• club, lnclud1n1 Sbumalttr, lh• 0Ut1n Mini" J:d Thruher. Maury lmllh and William Lan•· -ct.Mtt: THELMA daJ•. A tlfth man will be: tddtld TREVOR• RITIER llll7 11 ~ Au1. 6 -I :JO p.m. lo tonn • bo&n1. lhwn•k•r Of' THE SOUTliLANOJ M08T Bl:Al!TIFUL NIGHT SPOT 9TAJtft wa>NUDAT l t&t ... H• I# pr..nlly Hrinr In "BlllDS AND w.za::s• Sa.a. Marino, but plant to moY• "1IOOI< ilOUND LAGUNA SVMMJCa to N<wpo<t ....,. I• th• ••u ftO: CILOC.. PIA YHOUU i~~~~~~~~~iiii~tuiiituiA~,~··~""iL~iii!iiiiiiii ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!i!i!!!i!!!ii!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~IU~~OCEAN~~~-~H~Y~•~H~<-46~~n~. Ltno ·-· •· ~ .. 9booor lltart• l:U C.•tlll-m IUD4aJ fNll'll 1:11 NOW IBOWINO e COCKTAILS e MUSIC e PIANO BAR e DANCING Buddy Rohner Duo ...ith Reul Gon1el11 Enttrt1in1 Wednt1d1y-Frid1y & S.turd1y ON THE OCEAN fRONT AT MAIN IN BALB OA • • ......... '""" ....... ..;....Jother ~......wk u4 ..... we ..... L "'Tk ,......~ ,,...., a l\M wetk..a. ,.., .al• ... tsn"\ .. ·~ It' dt, L ... """' llte 8'U" U.l JW ni ...,,..-.. ... NO rolil,..U -...,, ll&ft ... Tiiis ~\,M .............. 1-~~~~~~~-~·::.. ~ == !!!~.!'!:! I ...... Mow ~Ill tlldll looal r... ............. "'~-u ,,...,. ,....-.......,_ •• .. CH W'7 Ml eon'-l u.. ,..,._ 1a n5nrva1 ...., \1-.e tor tau eualhMitt. * QXat&IU * -llfyr, .......,., -"""' -· ... u - NOW SINATRA'S A COWBOYI Fra1lk Alnatr• hill the traU ln "Johnny Concho" At Udo TbeaUir at&1"'1n1 lunday. 1'Aw•7 All Bol.1-" hu been Mid over throt1(h Baturdl.7. • Ntat ·~ SIJMal We'll ...._ or 1llta o liiN9lc at Dltk Ml Katt Dtn.l .......... ~ .. the ocean. h'OaL W•'ll df"'9 In .Lh :i contlllf'l\l&I m.UMr •t ..,.... ....._ 111.'•'ll IMll• .,,..,..._ti tot' laktq borne --· .... ·~rlbt trom ~ ~ -· w. mlfhl ... tu• JOU 9"°"" on that ....ody COl.J' ~ rUk dawn to LaiJU.U and Mdc OD U.. ........... 'nl&t'• tun fQI' lonJe u well u for •illlten. apMJ1:1nr al OONon fOl.DC, bOW'• •bout th• ....... i..,. "°1'qt to C..t&lln• f IOUn4 rood! lpan1-h or llalcu food 90WM1 tatty t Theni'1 I.a ..._ ln Co.ta ------------------------! Met1., and HtmrJ"• ewer oa Oout Uwy. T•k• yar thOilce and you MATHENY'S MEANDERINGS wW n'"l"lr, .. ,..,. ro ""'°"'' vt~ I.At.ff'.. up In ~ BeM:h, ottera danclnt ...,,ry otatit wh•n YO\I fH-1 90 lnclln9d to trip th• llfht r..atuttc alter a drive up to ocMA Vf&J. lly .IOI llUTllENY QUIOJl 11!.4.TING I mmediate ... uftl' on all \ll'here •* can you 11te to Sundty buffrt down th.at a way. noo". Popcorn and candy ln the n1uch ror to Uttlef too. • lobby. On the ICl"M.ft, Mlhlnr but W• are ~rerr1J11, ot courae, Ht1v'" you had Sunday brunch th• f!nl't t ot cln•ma attractlONI. to one'• vtew1ns ot th• famed at Bob D•lloa'1 011-lll .. Ba7'f Thtt •urne up our l0cat mov1e "nllht of the Bnowbirdl." Up 'Twould be !\ worthy thou(ht to tked1 thlt week tnd. Al th• r.rt pop• th• 2l•t annual edition thla comblnr wHh your !!lnowb!rdlnf' Robert Ry&n end Vlrflnlt. Mayo \11ry Sunday and If you'Y• never lhl11 Wtl'k end, eh! In "nte· Ptoud'-Qll••" plw Van w1tneded thll (ala.xy of fUYI Alright (lrl1, w•'ll tell you ail Johnton and V'•i a Mllu In "'23 t nd 1&1• l"lldln' o'er th& briny I about hlt!J. Or at \eut eomethlnr P•cr1 to S.ker St~t ." The b&y. you•ve a tr••t awa1un1 :;ou. about him Tha t &:ood lookln1. M.._ 11 111.ow1nr Martin and Alter • f.l':ulon ot thl• nauti· u.ui•t . .,.. t mr r. at Paltoa'• It Loo" 11 In "Pardn .. r1" alon r with Arthur L!cker1. '1"ht LettMr !la.Int." Ud•"• at-cal \'tnlure you're certain to be aaelonc food and l"l'OI' In 11t1rn• •hape or another, .a here'1 where we pt In our tupptnce worth. Jft:'S BACllEl.08, GntL8 ln1rt!on ii P'ra.nk 8in°alra ... A rt It a bachelor. Ha .,., .• , , "Johnny Concho" plua "'Th• Anl· mil \Vorld." D&nny Kaye u RCAF pllot dunn1 the war. Our •. 11.e Court JNler .. 1, at the Bal- lnform.i.nt 1amer.cl the Info thal 24 Houn a Day Don't W .. h Di1he1 T roet Y ~ur Fem fly to Sundey Din ner at SEASl'OlT nlRL~O INP'OAllATION BOX LUNODA ru::r; PAUING FA8T IEllVIOS To rutrvt our Pr1Y•t• ~ Room for Oroupa of 11 to IO. C&ll Ubert7 1-lllt SEASPORT COFFEE SHOP Hal W, Coul Hw7, ~ '"''°" &-.ell t.·., A lco.\oUO B~erogr1 Rey. 1peakln1 ol rounn•t•, •• ncelvtld a ••ry nice and thou,.bt- tul poatcard trom th• Canadlall. aide of M.....,.. hilt. lhlt WH.k trom one of tM Harbor •re&'• out1t&atdl.n1 'Judf" of f'ood food. H11 nan'M .. TbllOdor-. Roblnt. H• I• ln bualnt .. H-lllnl' • C9rlaln type of product OY•r on CO...t H11b.way. ln tact. Theo hu bffn ptddllnr th•l .. me thin( for JI yeua r11ht her•! he la a Tutc•orlt lndl&n, from ht>. plu• "Flam1 of th• Jlland.N I So """' come tn th• end ot an· the ntlion or lroquot, or Can•d.L 1 ~-..::.;..;;~;;;.:;:.,:;::,~;;;;;.,:~~;;;;;;;;;::;;;;:;;;;;;;~ After the hoeUlltlM ctuied Ar· thut ""'orkftd In Miami Beach, In compuiy with Mra. Robin• and daulbt•r Mary, Theo I• ha,tnr on• tin•. well-earned vacuh. DriYlftf • ••you-know- what" etauon waron with •Ir· condUlolllq. 'VE.aY OOOD' AnothtT report that came to UI Utl1 week m,inated In IA· ruaa 'Bu.ch. OU.r acout who at· land..t U.. t.ac-& l!lu.mnw.r 1'1a,..._ pnMntallon or ''The nm. Of· ft• Cuckoo"' h id ... an ~ .... ,..,.,. (ood ... lie foUaiad out to ut that DaTkl Jit! a, ll·Y.,ar-old tetl· den[ ol IA(\Ula a.th. •lrtually .tole lM ahow u th• youthful ru>de and t.lde-d•-camp to our lourtnr atar. OUr Informant trom h1tt "two Ml the aiale" •lllllA&I point alao llk9d the out- 1t&ndLn1 work on Vtmon Kidd and WhlO!ey Blake. Thi• cap- able pair were Included Jn • f ood cut In tupport ot Molly Dodd. Texu t nd or late th• Ba.lln- Room. I ctn only tell you what I'm told -he l• a bachelor. Ir you'r• one who Ilk•• to t.ke a da re -like ettpplnr throu1h •!rllne ha tch•• without Jookln1 downward -you'll really ro tor th• T&h lLl•n drlnk ll•t at Chrlttf.&A'• Hut. Some or the namu of lhMe conoocUona .,.. u lntrtrulnl" aa btlnJ followed by an unaavory chtNcler down th• 1treete ot I•t•nbul after mid· nlcht. l Whatch• 1ot to I011e? Th• view trom Art L&8M lle'• T&ll.IU.. a-I• equally apptaltnr it.and· lnr , tttUn1 or rlat on your bf.ck! Sur-. It t&ku r ood tood and per· tect HrVlce mlxtld In Miila.i pert.a wlt.h atmospht N to inak• a plaet: u popula.r u El PMNdor. But. let'1 not overlook the lf'tll at th• u.. on. Kermit R11p. HI, of .uch iUuatriow bo.cklfVU11d 111 the world of mu1ical •nltttaln· ment. rldta nerd on the piano mt lodlt• over a t r orrt•t l!lmllh'1 17tn 8 trHt llJIOL Sur11ly aeem1 to be a lot &t people you know conrn11te o'•r a t El Pl"Uc7 da y and eve. • DINNU DANCING In tho ACj)UARIUM ROOM Evf'n If you don't know a th• le•d. Edw&n:I. Cui1lno and •lrlk• from • 1par• you can have S.tay P•ul. tun at Van Bowllnr In CO.ta N•a:t on• lll "hpara.te Roorna·~ Mea , by t llppbif quietly In T'M I !,====,,.,=================~ with Lyle Talbot and Molly T~u"' Ch•t for ol1vt1, ch•r· I• Dodd. CoftM wlll be ••rvlld In rlee, chaerrt and plenty r ood ~ lobb7 between act•. chow. Ll1ten tor th• tlnklt ot Ken Clark. h• who l .. d• th• IC'e on glau between bl11ta or ~FOREST SMITH'S ·~ .... , \J. ·~~ .... ,11, ,.,.~_,,,T< trio over at Andy Mclntyre'• bowllnf ball• .,.1n1t pin•. l ~==========,.,,==,,,;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;:;;,i141-'-..._LI quite• f\IY with Cathy and Sherwood Pr1ot a 1ot of b&ckrround wov.in Jnto 1------------ • eoLorfUI ca...._r. U you can etQp your tou from tappLnr Jo'll -·7' fjL' .. i' :PEscADoa* .&L90 AU TBJa D<JITINO PICl'UKK TBS WO•LD roU'VI: ?t"J:VE& IEEM "Tllll ANIMAL WORLD"' KJDll' MAnNEI: &ATOR.DAY, 1:'6 "ll&A& 00.Mli TD Nl:L80Nll .. ITilT8 NEXT ra.pJA.l', AUOUllT I I BIO A'ITll.ACl'IONll Mesa-¥V ,._,,_ •11 SV& I.BOW ITAJl.TI 'f PM- OONT. iUN. P'BOJC l :IO NOW lllOWINO -TWO BIG IDTI TRI '1GJITIHO Plll8T WHO LIDA DOU1U 1.1111 lllDOOlfD n.A.'l'tma NAftOA.llm' tpfDl!IEY "EMDGENCY HOSPITAL" FOii '"l'llAn:ZC" EH a&OW 8TAaft 1111 ~ alter Km •lf!JI' a-y from lh9 piano, you'll hMr him tell JOU that he met Mclntp• In the nary durinr th• "'la te fTe&L w l:YU HAVE ff Amonr other tbinp K.n wu 111u.GcU dlnctor tor the l!ltne Allen lllow In Gotham. And he loY.-hi• lit tle t•mll7 eo ••l'Y much. That on• can tell jU1t by watchtnr h\1 eyu wilen h• •pet.kl of th•m ~ Woody Holder It m lf'hly ter- loua about promotinl" the al?pn, "Be th• G~tetl Guy In th• World -TU.t Tour Family O\lt to Dtne." He t• ., Mrioua that M la readylftl' that other Dinner-- horn Rt1.t.aurant over on Coa.tt Hwy. Remember -tom• week& aro w• I« you In on t~e pur- ch&M of Th• Co1onlt.l ·R .. ta.urant barelY mlrwtM alter Woody bad alpld tho pa.pen! Ju1t ~th of t.a,.w:i.a th•n:'1 1a.nclftl' •very nt1bt at l!.eatare lAodp aad K.eHav.rutL You ml.f'hl ma&• a note of the apeclal IJilldMon ''"" $1.25 o;,,... '""" $2.35 Spociat Childr10'1 llonq LODll AND lllTAUIAMT uwwri..a.(,:S °' nui w...n Every Night .... .,. ..... &01' &I. l..AN1D&a DINNER SERVED b p. m. 'tll mldnlfbt COCKTAILS -oi p. m. 'til 2 L m. 12 Noon Saturday 6 Sunday Spociel Sundoy Buffet 2 'til 9 p.m. Clooed W..._y lllt 8oatlill of Lap• llYatt • FIEATUllllNQ •Complete Dinner M•nu •nd Sorvlns tho Flnoat Food In tho H•rbor Ar•• Open Ewrl/ Da'I/ from 11:00 AM w !:00 A.JI '°" llDDYATIOllS,..... •u•••n•r•M•.,1111 YM"JolflAi 1 eaw...-:.._ ... __ ...-.:• .. --= ........ .., tHo {'. 1l· ' . '"')" {(•·· . ·'' ,.,, ,( 401 rat 11tll Stnlt, Cetta ... •A -~.......,B«o,_ 1''•."'""" S."4 BMn.ra..t• Ollwf- FcnotSne R1u•s: 1rt1 • J NICE MESS FOR AN OFF DAY Jlurray Darch ot Garden Grove h&d a good day out at the end o! Newport pier and had th.It nice me. lieft after givlD.g away the large11t mackerel. He had about the only f'Wt on the -pier, everyone declarin&' it an off da.y and blamJnr It OD the full moon. -Staff Photo Set All-Star Game• .. ....,. taco ..... ot ,.. ...,,.. 8 b ff I • _ ... ...., ......... .., .... ..,.. ·.._ .. _ ..... -._. o aw ey 11 aJ.lf at C.ta MM& Pl.ik...Aq. 4 ~ all-atara wW tea: a contia-1 -.... "'-.. ...... ._.. ....... _ ... · · Speedboat 80 GOtF .SHOE "TRU • GRIP" .. ,.,_....., SAtE ·· • . ' ~95~ More lhA.D. I50 top ~boat ·cer1 from 11 wfflern at&t., H&wall and WMlern Canad& an •Jecttd to tall• part tn the We1tern Dt'ftlllon&l CbuapkMl- PI CYO 8-etlt Reptta a t Lonr eeaeh Jor&r1M-ltadlum Au- l'Wl 12. ~ ..... ·-----···-·-·-NOW USED Ct.UI DEPARTMENT Amonr them Will M Doa Ben· 9()fl, !iell Rankla hd Dick Brun.• ot ... tUe. Wuti.; lack 1-k, Tafflna., Wub.; Mel C&IJ. &way. Spe~e, Wuh.; Oll••r DIQ>u1a, PiMu, Kal:at.; Donald .Ateh180ll, Onr•p, Ore.; OUbul 'f&td &a.d PUll Woodrott, aa.. i.n. On.; J\odl;y iltoae, WUJ&.. mW., On., all top pr1M wUuieni ~·~:. WAUCEl -~~-~-~ ... -.. 1595 MocGretor TllflllllY Armour 4· 7so 9 Irons _ · ......,.._. WILSON TOl'·NOTC .. · • 4500· 4 Woods -~If !"~~G-AUTO&W:.~-.. -1995 la ... 1115 _,..tkm. . ailJtoml. .............. .,._PM!Ar wtll lfdude Boot.I ka_ye ~. ~: Bob Phone • Kimberly 3-8311 for Reservations • -GOLF LESSONS - 15 Mile Scenic Pceai! C:rulse Brtai: YOtlr Car,,. TAU PIOl'U&EI OF TIO: SEAIA Ar IUO:&AJ..D .&A! A LAOl1NA. ll£ACH ..... n.17 u :.tO &.-. , ....... AduMe 1.11 .. ~ U. 80 f¥1ERCURV PHAl!TONS ... if;j§jj IN l!O 8\11.LIVAN'8 '425,00o MEICUIY WNIEST I I cNN• 1j -.,.;AUeUaT 4"' • 9'0UltY MONTCLAIR -·10lh P'N%p UCH WSIK 8 MSl!lCURY MONT•R•Y fOHA•TON8 fOHAmTON ..... .U...., 1 pU1 lrip .. 'N .. Y.-11 for -·~--·-.;Waldo<!· """"" • -" l:d --""w. ....... ..... u Q.B. ,. • ..-a. 'l"f' .J..11Pt. _ .. _,.,,IOO~i.r· ...... ·-tic -""'"-.-; .... 8fO•CIAL llOHUa AWARDtf •t0.000CAattto new Mercury ••.000-ah t~uHC!l car b~,.. u••r•-A'llf•r~ff i11tt•1i-.f n•w -Awarded 1n .Uitiort w-.... PhMt. U ....... II 7W but a ... M1P91117 ,.....,. a.-.1 t.r ..... .-;"" wl _ ... _.. ................. -,.,. .. --" .. ,,_.,..... ....., ...... YOU CAN •NT•R •V.RY, w•,aK .•• h ...... au you dol ' Go to.,...,"'_,. -........ •. °""PW" lilt .... "-"'~ -- •Pleil --_ _. li:b"1 Blonk. .. MUl-l»"1-'*"M ..... Coo-·. ' . • • • ' . - • NEWPORT HAUOR NEW$.PRESS-PART I· PA&f.S F«IOAY, JULY 27, 1956 1IM I ............. UIUI...,...... _ ... I OW. wttll llMtp.. lltMI ....... 1st Place uoo.oo 1st !'lace 5400,00 l!it"'D l&D IND um $400.00 $250.00 $300.00 $150.00 GU..&.a&HTU Wll'B llANDIC&I' GUARA.'"TEE 8CkA'l'(lll ......... ENTRY FIE $12.00 VAN'S ·-M CPJ SJ •il'T 1,....~UJ.-... BOWLING ' ' ' ' • -• • . --. -. • . . •: --. . -~ . -. --.. .. ·-·--.. .. .. --•• ----·-• • ; # • ---. .. -: ·: :: .• ~ .. ~ i .. • ~ > ,, ~ f ~ ~ • -• ----• -• --.. --. . • · Wio helps CEJ\lY out ·w • . -. V.A.VA-·es -:tn D.range GJun.w?' • . • . • . . . • . • . • -. ----· ·-.. -• --;i: 1Jaink. of .Am~rina NATIONAL l}~l,'\n AUOCLUION ...... ,." ............... --- • j I I • [ ~ ' • ' l •I I ' • , ' ,• i ' ;i: ~I J \. • ! ' -• -· ~ - • TOP OONTENJIEJl8 -1-linr In the Newport ... ~r Star Fleet EllmlnatJoa IUiel at ... W. time are tbae three of the 10 eutria C.nw ts NHYC'1 Don F.dler and hil new D K'n who have the 1eriee ' flret wrapp<d up. Tied for ....,.,..i but with John Pearcy and Bill Ficker treodlng on their t&ttraila &re IUdwd .Hahn'• llenehune (left) and Chuck Lewoadder'• 8\lcV Rabbit. -Beckner Pboto ---' .,. our .,.&ltJ, ,...... ... tin do • ..,.,.,~ lllwlilll ,. lot JM • J • .. -.... -.. llt ... .................. -··Wed-... .... 1 &l ' . ' -·--tt --· ......... M>:• -""" ... .,,_,,,, -u, W-1 ...... ,.,.._, ....... TIDI TAILI' --11:.llt La U:IS p.llL --11:11 .. .... ll:tl .. ... 1:11 .. .. l::tf ... .. 1:11 """ 'i:oT,.. .... ·....&:JI ... 1:47-&.m. t 4'!at p. .. ' I : .. a.m. l:llp.btl .. ... ... ... N ... u ... ~· p 1.1 LT .... ... -· ..- 1:1'.L .. ·~ ,. .. ...... , ...... •:ha.& 1:11' .... '*a.-,: lt:tt .... ~ l:~oa.-... U:l.I p. nlJ l:fO .. m.. ---. 11:1.l .. .. ll:M .. .. -. .. u l.I .. u 1.1 Lt ••• ... .., ... 0.1 ... .......... , .. ,, -........... .,, ...... ,.. ........ ---·•:•£4• EJ:R.BCTOR ~~XS:Ss:s:s;s::>S5' -IO~T TOPS -CANVAS CQVBI BY THOMAS . _._ __ ,. __ .!.~- Newport HGlbor loat R o ...... c,.....,.u.. Ht&. owt.....,. M l1~.., ...... · 0.U &fht ISll J'or i I" I • • 11M tv •. a..t Hltra>' , . IOAT PAINT •• Marl•• .....,._ , O.'l'M>....._ID ..i . -· ._,.. fflNIUDE OUTIOAAD MOTOIS SALE~~ SERVICE DeMen fw 0-. l'laplllf.-G ........ & llhdleU .. --~ fw,... Dlwrw-Alr llfln'9I hllUM•fllartM~&a.pph Dt11TON'8 11,tJ11NJ: llAllT hi a ........,. _ IMta Aaa -aJ MUI {It l( ( 7 (711/i -.-., . NiWPol~MACH --... ------------. ~ ·-·-~ . • • ' --• ~--- l t • ! ' . . • • - .. ~-----·--­~t--'''"""'" .... -..... t'q ........ ..,.,..._._,, ftit~•••t1:1 ... as•t:• .""*-................................ . •l\Wr ttem"e~T rli FDmCllllll•Oll'" -s:uo ...... , 7 .............. ,... ..... wtu. ..... ,. ......... , , ••• .,..., ••• te Pt Pl l M; lit 11r _!!'.?'...__~~ ~ ......... Aus-•• Ill .... fUt7 at. ~ r C!"-,...._ aoro, ti a llorN ........,. '*"-,..... ... ..,.. _., _.., .._ _., tunUMd. V~ ......... MN at I p.a ... ti,..•·•,.., X. ...,...u.. an a1i .,. f'wtJ 11• "JS DINNER ,' a:ao P. M. -t P. K. s. ' • 1 ._..r . . ' . : ~.· -~•!·'"'• Open Sunday• Ii N'~n ~·~ ~-· ~ : ; i• ~ (ci..d ~) , ( • I I :· , t •: f ' .... .b • 2li8I NEWJ'(lllT BLVP .__. •.. , ........ v "' -., ~J;4.,...,.. I • (' .,..l ..... ~•· ,, •• c '3~ "-·~ '""°*' rn 1tt ..._ r r ..... 1 '·~< I • •'; l11 •J;Jt; t: t •~I .. , ............... -... -~ .~ CARS! • WI PICK UP ,. • NIWfPRT S1111adtlll1 • ' Upholstery Draperies Thursday • Friday • Satwclay LADlt:S' tJ.,.4' te f',~ \'ALVU W elco and Sun Step \\'A8KAl!ll.I':: 8A."IIDALS-FLATS A11o'D \\'EOOl-as ·-·· . lhF Qeorl"F Walles rulMr La re.Uy .,.,.._ r1le ~ •bout .•• an oqul•te pirate • Delmar Lea Sandals $299' P.13 VALl'U -NOW . ... ········-··········· 1• wall of th• pUe-y other wall a cunnlq pn.ll:UJ!I" Uuou(h a · . 1a llF)' aport.t a , all rtainlffl .tee-I tlt- b'-dl ~ White •lnyl bM ;...-lllhnlsh to n eabln wtlh walla CW'eJy llgtlt ,run.- . turquolae and u and luM thick tUf'- Delmar Mesh Flats llli.M V Al.VE -NOW ... 53 ALL SAW FINAL Not All Sizes IR All Styles emeus· f ···In lhe teroom. the dl'ffa!ftl'· La nnt.dwd la anUque . ud 8')Cb • loftly The Cl'\IJau La e...,,. ff 1U1 lbe Walker'• Nord 11.1mmtt hom• whlcll it La &Upped c1eftr1.t noc. of all IOOTERY OPL"'t' Coste Mew l"B.WAY 225 E. 17th St. ot lh• dlnl'hY ( ..,,.... to:SA CE!\"Tll Bet"·_. 'l'larlftJ .... Alplla Ma I.I l-!'7'7A VE FEATURES 2 Sl.llT Ill ..U11111 °"' ... 3=--·-SIMI fin. . c.n.. ... Ice ··-.......... :::r.: .• c::i..-Olli, a.WI c.wril& • 11).yw .... ................ . --~--~-.. rettk. s.wt ii '*Ill 11J lllltl --. Y•pt-IMlwe,.._ frabmen. Tll ........ i. .... -andmore-ia U.news.wl C. Ic:e2 door ebet'ttl. Roll-out tbel99. Siadt S..-Re-l«ollic_.fo-....... il.t • u. Automatic dtfrottiac. Cok>r·bll· ~-·-anced interior llJliq. Drw 2 Maiit Serwl._..wG.0• IOUllU• CHllm Ml -MIJ t P.M'. I ,. •• ives you such modern automatic appliances! •• ' I ' . , • • . . • . . : • . . • . . . .. • l • ' l I I 4 I ' ------- AT PRESIDENTIAL P Mr&. Jerrel Richardt o Don Belding (at Jett) · . with Amba.uador Spar Reception tor 2000 gu preaiaeot and one ot th LIDO PLAYERS IN'"ROUND-Ul"' uaemblcs to • reh.ef"&1 schedule r (I to r) Mmes. 'L. ll. McCulley, No 1: and Robert Harris. St.aftding, 1 Dick '~ Michaud: -Gene R.088 Photo • MELODRAMPJ • LIDO ROUND : . . ' During the hurly burly of '11nC"e J,.fr1. D \ 'fnr a ''bool brl t!ie Lido Roundup, Lb.e ia-!~'"r w111 ""e t, nd'a private street carni-1 lhe •hoolin' I I ~neral Cha 1 and dance on Aug. 18, It• Importing-e t.ido Pla)'.era are pruenUn&: win Include ' tJat cJa.mc meJodram&. Ba AJ.n'l ]lOne Rl1bl By Nell. : )tra. !'iomu.n Wat.on. 1t1r of ~ Udu Pl&y•n' fir•l p1vdUC· tfC>n, hu lh• title role ot N •II ~rklrul and IUcll:Rd Cnickrwood 1' lhe hero, Jack Lofan. Mike >llcbaUd ~ t..-.m h1-~ the yWfaD., . 1 Crana7 ~ wW IM plaJISd t¥ l(ra, '1oba ~t and JUclde Jb,.m. will play Lolly WllidM. C)b«ll lft V.. cut an Mra. BrJ"· aO'lt. Wet.t Ucl Bilton Ha11- • M .. ter ot Ceremonle. Bob lfM'tb will introd\M:e the ollo numbeni whlcb will feature Mari· ~ Thomu, the "-P.et •fn(er vi. !An Remo." 1lnKfn1 old 11 balla.:M. 1 CAN .CA.N GIKUI 1 A can-can chol'U• will Include Nn1N. DavW:I Nielsen. Robert rraUey, Gt:Qrx-• Crupe. i:Ugene \IQ1918.nd, Jobn Brou,-ht1J11 11.nit .l!Cal• sawyer. ! ThU entire •how U aune<l lo '11~• full pn1ut from lear• ~ •upter wilhln a •pace of onf! t~ Jt ~I "ve Q1k perform· ce •tartlns; •t 8:30 p.111. and en will rel-the 1ctor1 to J1?1n th• UU'ons;• at the pm .. bootllli. U'lf! c.rninl ride• which will Include • 1nlnl1tUrf! ti·&ln tour of Lklo lale a.ad pem1lt all t o enjoy the "•h~le• da.nM"" to ba "'hekl etn thf! Vta Bu Ren10 wiru. court. : BOOT BRIG )Ir. and Mn. Hal Dike. co- ehtJl'ml!ft ot the tenn11 court daf~ npurt t.111t to p~Nl'Ve cotu't surface., Ule Udo Rowld u; clant..._ tl"MfiUonall_y helrl on ui• evurt. mmt bf! a Mre-fuut .. Siii.rbright Party . l card party wu beid July J4! f.\ UM Ma.MWllc Temple by ft,tfuben ol the St.arl>rll.hl Club wipl 160 aUendinJ. k1,'9. ltd lltb.t. ,... .. t, •• pl'f!ll88d appnc.i•tl• l.o Utolil 1ttendln1 .... N!Mdnr:ed UM not meetlns; would be held !kpt. II at the T-emple. J ...... ,,_, °"""!"' .................. c ,, •• ~ . . ......... '-'" _, ·------._ ............. .. ....... .......... .... _._ .... _ .................. "-·-..U.iw.'90. • .. • I t. ~ ·-• .......... ~ .... ,. ........ --' .... ..._ .... ,..u. ..... ,.._.-..C. ,,_~..,. .. ra ... h t '! • • .u.. .... ~ ............... .,,.. ..... . at twr =·-Jra ~ -•o•I 1• a.~ Oaf&-\ lllb'Ull ....................... ,..,__a& ..... wit). priMe ,_ flnw ... •r 01 M t -p. a, 11 •• tO "' .... °"* .... ... Ml ... st111 e«Mt,, .....,, ••· tt. tt • ......._ ,art1 u lcocdt-ka 0..... JllM: W'tll f/11 a ...,. 'INtW l'Ull:. hOd Ud drtak auet be ~ Wt ibwoo4 wtll M NndmMIL V~ ......... 9W1a &t .t .... aM ftn9 at ..... H• ,...,.u.., aN Piil? 2'7• PAGllG MUJ01t llAUlml ..... lirta, 11 ... -~' l Soic .. for J1•ilee --- • I»' µphols~ery Draperies I J1DOOt Cr&ftamonobip l'&brlca &t Close-Out ces Enables Ue to Give Old Fumlture That LOOK &t Aatoundinc it.ca Durinc the "off le&IOn" IS DAY OR NIGHT 1 lbezty ~18 t '. ! DD1 ol GUI' decor&Lon will call 1• at JOQr ""*" • • FREE CUSTO~ER PARIQ DINNEl ' ' 'U • t•· I • f e; .. , 1 I .\ • J. a~ P. 1i1. -• P. 11. ~ ' . 1 ... ·: . ' . . ' . . . .. " ' . . . I '• ' ~ Open Sundeya 12 N'i>on ··f 9Jll•" ·., . ·., · ' .. I I ·• , t ,: , J . " ·-. ,; -•• ......,,_,RT BLVD -:......... .. <'J..J.." .-,,, -,.,.. .. ,~,.,.,, .. ~J;.&.1-.p& I I I • ,,.,.._. ..... _, ...... ._G '3 .. )r , .~ ....... : t•zzlJ .... •'Ii'•! ••• • .• ... ,1 •t,t :r:,.,..,,,., ............ ~ _... ,•,!nr 1 =riday • Saturday ,LVEIJ n Step FLATS 5299 • rn dals 5299, lats 53~: W FINAL In All Styles ERY OPEs"i Coste M•s• YRJD.t.Y """" I P.lf. W•NG CARS! • ' • c appliances! . • • • . • • • . . : I l I I 11 • ,, t • •• I • ! LIDO PLAYERS IN. "ROUND-UP'' uaembles to aet rehe&tsaJ 1Chedule ! (1 to r ) Mmes. 'L. ll. McCulley, No ~ and Robert Harris. 8tudirrg, 1 Dick lfichaud: -Gdle Roa Photo MELO DRAM • • LIDOROUN • . -~ During the hurly burly of 1l1 nce Mr1. · I for a "bool f!,e Lido Roundup, the i.a.-""r wtll tM- 1And'1 private street carni· tbe .oootin' -r I Ceneral C "91 &nd dance on Aug. 18, i. tmportJnir Cido Pl.a)t.era.a.re present.mg will incl\Mfe ~l c1adc analodram&. He A.IA't QOne Rl&llt By Mell. : Mn. Norman Wal.9on. 1tar of ~ Udo Playus' finl p roduc- 4CM'· hu tha t.We aot. ot Hell ~rkina «ltd JUdllltd Ulllilerwood I• tb• hero, J-.ck Logan. Mike Nlchaud llQllda Ml e&m ht.. .t t.lle TUaL :o~ IWldN wW IN pL&Jed ~ llfW-M:. J"roet and Rlddit !lam. ... ~ LollJ wwu-. ~ la Die eut. are Kn. Bry· 8'it Wmt .. &Utoa a.,.. • ~ o( Ceremonies Bob ~ will lnt..rodocl the oho numM n which will feature Mari· lfn Thomu. th• "IWeet etn1er ~Via San Remo." •l~n1 old • ba.lladll. CA.N'-CAN GlKLI; i A can-can choni• w111 Lnclutlot Mme1. DaYid N'lelAen, Robert PraUey, ~I• Grupe. £'u&1'nt V~d. Jotln B rouchton "nd Jljai• SaW)'U. ~'lbll entini ahow ... llln•ed to 1'fli,~: tu.11 p1nut trom tear• _. ~ ter wltbin a spaice of one -i I t d i pve QI». perform- startlq at 1:30 p.dli. &ad wW ~ the actore to )?In lhe Lhron&• at the pm .. bootA., the carnlYal rtdea which will lndUd• • miniature tratn tOur Of 1..tt'lo !Me and pe-rmlt •II to el\joy the "stKH>-1e.M clant't'" to be ""Mkl on the Vls a.. Remo le.m .. court. : BOOT BRJG i tr. and llltL Hal Dike. ~ thtinnen of ths tcnn~ court dafOe. nport that to v~rv .. eo11rt aurlM:'H. I.ii• Udo RoWKI u ; ftnot, tndiUonally held un ~ eouk. mu.st. be. a bare-tout Starbright Partv . .). .:ard party WU he'Lt Jul)' ,,: at UM )(Uonk: Teinple by m4inMn ot th Starl:lrt.sf'll Outl w!Ul 160 aUtftdlnc..._ ko. Sd BM*. ..,...\. •· p.-..d ~tat• le ..... attendlnf ... ..,......, llM nlltt ..JDHC:ln& woukl H h~d Sept. 19 at the hmP'*· ~ Bi:arer Da ui::hter It~ .... a dll.U.C'llW" for th• i.--aa w.-st.~•eM'.. ...,NI• In 8.nta AM 0N•U'llDkJ Ko.pi· tiJ. p. welshed t n.., l 1 oc.. • ..... WASH • Ulll<D90llAI' •M&WW c~,._._. ;· '> .. ~s+t!ll!.,...,.111!1''1»"'1 ••r DAI' • ..,.._. WW.... ' • ~ I ' --. .._,_ ., .. --___ ....,... ___ ._,_, ____ .,..,... ___ -~----...,rr --~ ................. u.,.....-.. WATEI OR SEWER --... -..... ......... ..._.,cwfllllJJf II ---........ • ... llili!S&h• ill• ...,FF:• ... • 1n ....... , ........ ~ ""........ ,, .... J. I. HANAUER • CO • • ....,.,,.., •• ,c ........ .. H .................... ~ .. T .... Ol-1""4• .... BOUD MapJe Twin BooJc cue HMdboarda, P't. I ft. pa&o .. botlrd, •tl.50. Hu "'' W • ..... ..... . .... ........... 'Ill I P. M. IMPORTANT NOTICE OUR MODERN SERVICE DEPAR'tME T NOW OPEN St•ffed with Ni~ory • T reined • T echnici•n• featuring only the ~ Finest Authorited Service end Pe.ts. .. - We are looking forward to Serving You. WATCH FOR OUR tilltAND OPENINti • NUT MONTH ROY CARVER PONTIAC NEWl'OJIT BEAOR HOO W. CGMI BWJ. . Ubert)' W* OPEN EVENIN08 -OLOllED 8tJNDAY9 MEET Jack I . Qui11<1"-Y ,.,, ......... " M.A,_, ... lioi--.. -............... ..,... ... _ ...... ....... ,., .................. .,It~ ._Nllli&lllfll .. 11 .... ~USS• - ........ ,.,,uaat "-,...-.•XI•••':!~~~ ................................... .....- ... ..... , ...... ..... . ......................... ,,, ..... .... • • . Balboa Island • BDIUl. l\mt. home yrtth pr- ap. ""MIU N'ertb 8&7, 8J" -, .,..,_ ..... •a_ .... al C ....,AL PATWT ,._ te,.. ----...----· ' • ,,.. .......... ,., ..... -4 ............ .... .... IPINf•.. .., ............. H ......... fll ,_-. • Ufellla•••AI,_,..._.._ .......... ''°"'pl Loul ~im1 Service Jacll I. 9uhffberry 'l'tWelll-... ... ....... .,.. w. x..,,.rt .. .,.., ,._,..._ • ,. -~50.oO ' . ·WE .GUARANTEE UP to • • -. • • • • • FOR YOUR OLD TE SET TIADI IJt AUOW I Oil • ~ New 1"6 Mo .... le TMvfsloll S. •• --..... ._""'ow N-INt TW'11f a .... • INnd N.W t•U ' MOTOROLA ' T llnlsliatt Sett OW"' ... ~ .~~r. '10 .:.:., ' •\ t ' ""I ~~ftA.DatN . . , . . ' ~ ' ' .._., Mwt WeWll Allow .. Y-OW TelewlaloL 't'Ji" .. to ,, .... 17" ut 2t" .. 21" ... IJLlllCE TELEVI IQfl ~ Meil St. ll'• 8ent. &w..,w.r ... Ml .,... ___ .,... ... -··· .. -. pholstery . Draperies -~p ..._ at ci--Out Dt.ablM Ua to Gin Old Furniture That LOOKatAotoundmc ...... Durinc the "off -· l'iclay • SaturdaJ S2ff "'~nda~s __ $2M· ln.Til.-......... -l"'!L W•----·---· ___ ,.. wl'.-C J I....,.. • omatic appliances! i . . • . . . : . : ------. ~; ......... ·- • • --· .. . ... ,,._.,..._,...... .. .. T•-.._ ·- • WM ta ,..,,._. • . Il"l'llUld DW91 'fte•V.-n , .... N ,..._•two~ ............ t. we .... WI' ~ ~ c...io µJ. 6'J' call• ~ •1 Mr bu. • ·,. uca Kn.. Merit, daucbi.r • lbt_ .,.,, _. ....,,,,, ........ .,_. W1IAWt ••4 ........ ~~=M a.,._. 12 '111 a.tUllraa.t .... tM .. rTI .... • 0 1 -fi ...... ....., ........ nrow. . . oa.uua. ....., .... r 11 l~ 11 • 11 ,. • ! I • I I I. 4 r de tdp .. -. ........ J.,. UlllJ..U..lor...UW1P7 ... ........ ......,. ............ ~ ......... tM ft-~ .............. n. 9r --.. ~ ..... dlW9 ~ __ ... _ .... -~-... -.... ..,.. tl'lllllllJ ,. rat•'"* • • • •.....,. W.) .... t6 Pll1it r •--.ir ........ .._ ~ lop flit• IWI' ....._ tdp UMJ" Clln. Oeel'p•.,....... ot ~ ,.,..... .... ~.wport ~ ""°Ullil~ .. .... . JaM •• ' .... ,... CllUllll .. ... ,,. I. to ....... ..,.. Atar 8.Dn'HDA\'" Pl"* ......... Clll pit».,., .. lht .... .. C.0~ ~rt ~ ~ iut WMlt ... at U.. X.U.,u. ..... C!MllUll• ol aU Ulill a.m. eam::'rtod .ad .u CloM. whea M&rwQ wu ta. ..utac' W'Or9 ltJ a.err-Pa.-(M WM , tor ., QM ll&rpe"I' df.&aP-o Mrd. on lhlp l\ocll;• • • • ~!' Vu BOl'M ter'1 nkllndon J V -OVER A.ND OUT ..... TM'tlOll• 01. tbe It. Calh• 1 i'-'~---·=•;:·-·-· _ _.._ _________ ~ eriat wW1 llm't p&nbla. U. OM. 11 AT PRESIDENTIAL PALACE in Guatemala City MrL Jerrel Ricbarrt. of Lido Ule and her father, Don Belding (at left) W..Cuu Fretdoma Foundation . with Ambaaaador Spark•. At right, M.n. Belding. ReleptiOI\_ for 2000 cueata WU held when Belding. p'teaident and ooe of the Ot>,anir.en Qf the Founda- tion. preeented a -plaqae to OuatmMlleD Pr1dteut Annu for hia aclMty In UIM!nllns O-tw••1 from Communilt rule. Kn. ~ former -t o1. Guatemala City, 'llldbod frimdo Won jalolnf 1* huobo.nd In Mexloo. Tbq are apoded lrome 111ror117, " • , Vd' llOftlH ot Tucl!Pll , .,, , Jlm I pl&aMd to -..et Dkk (Ible ta N~ t.M1 WMk tor a pW ~, .• at Y. IL U • .. UUroa Cn&i. at Rowland'• l•nct1n1 lUc. week-4nd, Cb&r• uttiau•o lAl'md t0.lal1 o MC- ~ la tM MCOncl day't r&Ce tr.a W'Wte'I t •ecl"I to BOW'• ...., • . • Bob AUU'• Bolldll.)' W1tJt;' a tbtrd; , , , HOwofd L&w• tonlm I>huw • , . HUw)' ...,.N .. AnMSrtta, Oeorp QrUtlUl't C... Andra. l"Nd 1.o'Oa't IDltJQ .•• ~ Gltd.blll'• Bll&d&, Dick • , .i.tl\; ~ BW Zluma)'· .... BapWl». f'rank Wadie'1 ~ all r.a.ta . . . in t.bl .. , ~PC ~ Btn.t hrifb.t , Wdq" top ........ wtUl h1ti Wit.ch • •• Petal' Darit ~ a fourth ~ wu.• "'Pooo "-Po . .. . ..: ~. 1'.U..NTI DA.Y , . B~ A CR.OWD!!D COVE, wi~ g,Olt ot the trollcklnc ymchtJI -------------------..:.--•! froPJ Newport • waved to Lonnie Vincent and Kay and Ly· m&n Farwell aboard that Keol'J"e-- Upholstery . Draperies l'he f'lwt Craft.am• nabjp Pluo hbrica It Cl-0.t Price. Enablel U1 to Give Your Old J'unliture Tbat NEW LOOK 1t AatollDdinf Prleet Durinc the "otf 9e&IOD" CALL US DAY OR NIGHT Uberty 8-51118 ,_ •tlmat• or OM of OW' decoraton WW cell wltb .. ,a. at )"DUI' ~ • N E W P 0 R T H A I( B 0 R W, bJ.actt hulled .chooMr SH· drlft a• we headed out the ODve 3017 W. Ceul Blfl'. (Mariaen Mile) Newport a..dr ; t..o attend Parent•' Day at the Ott.alj.na lll&nd Otrl'a Carnp . , . &mOl\I" Newporl par1nta WM chatmlftl" Mr1. Ka.ten M&rJ"reta BrJnin1 \ wt\c:I ii noted for her ·"' (f'ri"n1e County Phllhannonlc Work), wtth Mr dauchttr Tina -bo wUJ attend Teen Seulon MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women'~ Edilot '.A'.~-~22 ... they wire vWUn& ~ Bruntnc who 11 attendl.l\J U., ttrwar .ix wMk'• NUton NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS..,.-PART l -'PAGE"7 • · .. uad& Mo<:oo•" .. ~ .... FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1956 . 11><' 1!111 woeoo1u ot Balboa SEALARKING •' Uutalns over with the Geo~ llUiccOJu ot Udo lal1 aboant ca.ca . . . loan and ne Buccoi. are cam,,.,.. aleo .•. beard that Barb IMra. Thunday • Friday • Saturday LADlt:!il' U.U t. f'.~ VALUES W elco and Sun Step \\'ASflAftJ.E 8A..,'"DAL8 -f"LAT8 .__,..D \\'l'::DGI~ ....... • ' Roberti S&ll1bury ot Balboa 87 OIN!n' (W. EDW.&.aD LISID) &l(ITR Ylatted her daushter Jean lut 1----------------------1•11.k ... ABOAJlD TYPEE: · POLJIEA. the Geor11 Walk· Delmar Lea Sandals $299~-p .n \'ALl"E8 -N'O'," . ..................... - LIDO PLAYERS IN• ''ROUND-UP .. Tbe cast of '1ie Ain't Done Right .by Nell" auemblC11 to llt reheanal ac.4eQule !or A ug. 18 Udo Lile Round:up. Seated, (I to rl Mmf!I: 'ti. R. McCulley, Norman WaUO'll, Bryant. Wei.t, John Frost ~ and Robert Harrill. Staftd.itrg, ' Dick Lerner, Richard Underwood and Mike Michattd! -Gene Roaa Photo ~ new cru!Hr ll really ~ It WN a beautiful .nv~rv 7 a. m. morn u , ~ ~ lliin.r to writ• ttome about ... -' ' ~D hu an. -o:quialte ptraU shone Oil the rippling 9e&I and bin. makinc them ahlnin fitun.I on one wan of lh• pJJey d ~u and rr t A al and0 On the other wan a cunnlnr an _.ye , , . we were o or • on from .our 1fi!tlii'• rat pn.Jittnc Utroufh 1 r.thum9 hldmwq • • • ot.t to Muler Chi~ll' Upton we• ~ ,Porthole . . . ralley eporu 1 rnarlllt, to Olt&lloa'• oalJ" dC.,. kd to our faYOriU moortn.r• ta l"'Mnlaeter, all l'l&1nleu 1tttl nt· BIRO ROCK l'Jllt.eD&aS white frvnt of OM Jacht club wlie~ tiftCI,' and biack ~ wll.ltl vinyl In the mo,.. MP&. peMall _. Uwi bospitabi 1111.!fekeh ,l!-1' dli ~ . . . hu pua-thf'ou1h to stem u we ,.._... OlpL &ddk-..,.. of 1'f''"'POrt ·~ • ous matn cabtn w:llh w..U. ~ •t tM .-.s ol TJ-, l(SWPOAT TACln'B &1 B\t 'of -qi.t mvely Hg-ht prime"" headed for CbftT7 V&Jkoy BoJ • . • On.ad 8l&m, Kil )Ca. 9*1p phopnY . . . turquo&M end Scout ca.tp for tbe "°YI' weell: Oltol&. ~ cnUer ~ sold drapu end lu•h thick tur- ly .n.w ot Ca.talina'• colorftd Lamu. B&Jbo&'• Bcboolbc'O', ~ •UQUie c1rpeU:n1 . . . In UM ; •ubmatiM p.rdeN around Bini Barney Btlll plcturnque ttladt re 1t.ateroom. Ulf' dreaCns· Delmar Mesh Flats 15.95 V ALt:E -NOW ALL SAW FINAL Not Al Sires In All Styles emms· MELODRAMA By PLAYERS Rock: b\lUed Aqullla , .. and tbt 'Y'll-~ble cll.elt ll ftru.hed 1n anUque CATALIKA ISLA.NO 1ue1t laN Thuntonl aboard tllerr Jll!n'Or ... and 1ucb a loYely , . ~~h. W>lte.. L .. d I a 1. and ...... , WIUI& .......... olioo, ~ ,__, Th< oruuu I• ~"'l'- ' Carl'• 1aUkop •bode near the .. tbe ~ lqokil Wbo ~ id: u atU.CUv1 u the Walker'• LIDO ROUND Up FEATURE rock quany,lpOtlipled our9ta.I'· la a-.d tielr kwtlJ' n..' c:n8-•rrui Udo Nord •ummer bom1 BOOTE RY OPL"' Cost• Mes• FRIDAY 225 E. 17th St. • board .tew aa we crv1Md &Jone RI' Jlob..H-tuell: and lrue td ta f'iont of which It ll .Upped , • "" ,_. and """"' ..-tho ""'""' ,.. Mlft• On< In, U.. • , : .. , the <lewriot not o< all ~Durin g the hurly burly of rl1nee ~tr•. Dike hu •rran.1fd alrplene ride. pon1e1 and other lovely It. Ot.Uwrtne H~I u uw marll:et -'wr9 we wen .toddns 11 lM name of the dlnJt'hY 11Mne-J.. . I for a "boot brig" where ell toot-1 mechanical 1'dil to thl~ 1nnual f1med OIUtno fklwfd Into "'"'· tM bmtJI • • • lul tlJtte W'f l'J!!t" ~nt\ q1e Lido Roundup. lbe I• """" wUI be ehlcked. •lone with funfHL B~ll BOAT8 •' t• d'a private street cami-!lhe 1hoot.in' lroria. B«au11e ol d1nser from con· AVA.LOH BAT ... full ol 7~;;;:::;;;;:;;;~;;;;;;~~~::::~~·~1irl I General Chatrman Paul !killer re•tld 1t,... the carnlq\ 11 ,.. Kewpor\ yacht.a ••. the meJodl. . t and dance on Aug. 18, I• tmportl"f caratnj, riMlll which 1tricted _to "91dent.a of Udo lale fMal cbia'la rsac out, the '-al' oC Cido Pl&y.era a.re preeenlini wlll Include a mtl'l')'-pround. •nd th•ir cunt.. alM and with a Hi. to Harbnr • tJ:at cl&Nlc: inek>drllna. R1 4.ln't 110~ Rtabt BJ M~U. : i.tr .. Norman Wat.on. atar ot tJa Udu Player•' lirat protluc- Upn. hu the UUa nM OI. Nell ~rldn1 .:Dd Jt!ctmrd Unihrwood * Lf I.lie huo'-Jeck Locan. Mike Mlcbaud ._.. t9 ~ hi.Mel .k Uae 'ltJltian. . l GraM)' l'erldn.I WW De ~11111 btr Jira. Jobn J'roct and Rlctil -""1 'pjq Lolly Wllldna. <):D-.. 1ft tbil tut an Mn. Br}'· 4't Wmt Md Bll\Oll Hl.1-. •Muter of Ceremonlu Bob J:farrt. w1ll lnlrodDCI lh8 Olio numben. which wW feature M1r1· ~ Thomu, the "rweet atn1er Via San l\emo," •ln.1lng old 11 ballluJs. CAN.CAN OlKUi i A can-can choni• will Include almea. oav\d Nielsen. Robert Pn.lley, 0torr1 Gnipe. Euaene \t'91and, Job.n Broughton 11ond J~ .. Sawyer . : na. entire ahow I• 11111e,1 to f111\:"th• tul.l p.mut from t.e1r1 ~ tiWfhler within a space or on" the Kitchen With Duial•! mon from Bcm'1 who it INtalling .:obi. nlh iri a ri.wly refl'>Odeled lr.itchen. lorr'• 11tlmotor1 ore belnt i"""-d into homes oil 0"91' Oro""' c_,.,. hw l conwftutiGfl on 1v1ry kind of home lmpt"ov.tnlOI. • ., 1.J 1-tn1 ~IA. It 1((111 pve qoe, perfom1· ce 1tarilns 1t 8 :30 p.m. ud en will J"ll-the actora to Jql n the LhronC• at the pm., booUUI. the ca rn!nl ride1 which "'111 Include • mtnlalUN train tOur at: Lklo lale and permit •ll to enjoy th• .. ahoe·le11 dance" to be -Mid on the Via S.. R emo te~I• court. Wh4ith1r you pion lo odd o roont, remodel 3 EXCLUSIVE FEATURES : BOOT BRJO )tr. and Mn. HM Dtk•. c• c.htltmeii oC the tenn11 C(lurt Oafce. report lt)lt to preserv~ cofrt su~ !ta Udo ~ Up d&n1,,~. t,.,i!IUonally held on tb9 toUrt. 1i1u11t bl a i,.""root yow Doth or bvild o lonoi, 1(1 wiM to in•it1 n lorr e111.pert into Y<'UT home. Yov'll lilr.1 the C:O'.!rt90\ll ~nt Of7d dki.ttt bu.iiwu.tik1 COMPLETE INSTALLATl()fll . By JUST PHONE Klmb.rty 0. 11 Yfft'1tlf flNAHONO AYAH.AIU 1MllOUGH make the SERVEL GAS REFRIGERATOR tlilftrMI M If 11ltnl IP.W. • . Stir-bright Partv . i cUtl patty ..... h1id JUiy ,,: at tM Muonic Tempie by mPbers ol th• St.artutsht Club wtjh 1~ •tteftdlnf. On• l•llabl• Company _ 3·8231 • SUIT US tf'WTJllt °"'1 .. till 2 Ser* ..... lil!J' Cit .... Nb lc:I --·-··--...................... 3 !ta .. -·~-.......... ~ ·-preued llpplKlatka 1-U.O.. alleftdiq .., ...-.--1 llMI not meetlnc would M he.Id SqL 11 at th• ~pie. -B~arer Daull'.hter it' _... a dlui't* tor the ~ ... w.:·J,;t; IA SUit. Alia 0DmDtd"¥ H09pl· ta!. 1b4i .wel1h~ 'T fbs.. t 1 OI NO DOWN PATMINJ .... ___ _ YOU CAii WUI A YIAl'S SUPPLY Of FOODI * ......... ;::· OnlyGA!iA t.ttil. SIMI is ..... qi lint! y .. p1...,_,.._ -andlDGft-ia the new SemlC.. lot- Strver Rmipnt«: Birlfl*&Le rre. u . Automatic deho&t.iftrl. Color·bll" anted interior ll)'ll.n1. Dew-Maile SOVTllUI ctU1111U UI COlllAIY ' - 2ives you such modern automatic appliances! • -. ' l . • . • . . 1 t I I I l • . . . •· PA6E I· PART 1-NEWPORT HARIOA NEWS-PRESS FllDAY, JUt.Y rt, 1 ... ' • ---------··· .. CUT RATE ~· MR. AND lo!RS. JOHN T. OOOPER Kaggle PrieO PbolO Cooper-Tesman Nuptials Held at St. Andrew's Reception for Guests Held at Tesrnan Home MIL AND KRS. JOHN PAT PAYNE Magsie Price Photo JOHN PAYNE, GAY ALMADA SAY VOWS AT ST. JAMES of lh• bride, and a c:ou.tn. C'br1N1e Onerem.. Th•Y .,;... ,._.. .pecUveb' pink tatfeta and tuUe. blue taff1t.a and tulle, earritd e&m&tkm8 and dala:I• la. mat.ch· ........ White •tock. &Ladiolua and cand"w adon.ed the alter Pa\ll PbµUpm ot North Rol.Jy· K0'121D8 A.rn:ND J Ep 21 hie wood Mned .. btft ID&D aod )(ra, Almada ..... i-1• pink ot. St. amm imcopal Churdl · July for the dou u.btn ....,. MutNd ltftw. ol aUk tattet.& wtU. m.teb••r bat, rlag V<1ff ezchange which united Km. Gay AJm1d1, lfllWpOrt :a.ca. ud LlioMld Be-~ and Sim'• Kn. Pa,JDI daughter of Mr. and 1Lrl. C. V. Alm•da of Anaheim and dale ot J'uUerton. wu P9'ned 1n pWIOClt Mue 9IDi: John Pat PaJM. 1411 Via epor.. 111ee. EKh carrM4 wblte cama· AW ha U.. t111t.ou.rq9 WeN UM ::!~ ':..i, bat an: to, .oa ot lira. AJ6ce Pa)'IM ot UON.ud dlJa&M. ftow•ltrta.KlmllAlmede,.uter a&Uft'orcbid '"'" Cb1no. Tb.e Rev. John Parka ot-OCll"lqW.. ndatad. 4 rlOtptkm tot IO ~ wu The bride wore a 1tnet leqth beJd at Balboa Bay Qub amid mo.. of Ch&aUU,. i.ce aad tulk. • ~ ol plall: -"' .Wt. sla· TM bocllot bad brtd 11..-vftl Md dlolua. ltar jumJn9 IUl'l'OUDd· -off-ehou.lder neckline the ed. tile -..dd:lnc cake. w!lkh WM bouffant lldrt of ~ .,,.. 'pmed: MrYed. lrJ'" tbe ll1-Alm&d& oY ... J&19n al t\llle. &be WON ud 0Mram, Mliat9ll bJ Ule a pe&r1 neckl&c• a.nd e&rTtDp l'f'OOOl'• cowtu. JOhn and Jlm btloq1zl.r to ber rrandmotber, lll&tk "' Banta A.u. cvrt.d an old lace handkerchief Amoac SUMt. were &u1 Ber- TllWMtltO..- OOSTA KESA e UBatn W161 e Munsingwear Boy's Skivvy Shirts "MICF"SIZlS 12-20 •100 • , . and th• lr&dJUonal. blu. prter reut ot BU.entt.ld, U.. IUeh· It WU on the Weddin1 anruvenary of h11 pa.rent. wu borro~ from an aunt, allo ant 1lcMaharw ot Pomona, Roy that John T. Cooper. ion of Mr. a.nd._Mra. Harold E. Coop-a NOl!llt brlde. TIMI tUU• •eil tell M&pl .. ot um city, .Kr. and Mn. er of Newport Beach, claimed Miu Teryl Teaman u ht. trun a crown of l>NllP bloaoma. auton de Elim, Mr. and U:r1. . Sh• carried a white orchid ar-ftU8Mll B1aelt '&ad llOll.I of Banta bride at a ceremony in St. Andrew'• C2aurcb July 21. rured wlt.h oran.,. blo.eolNI and .t..na. Daqhter-ot the Theodore Teen.au of Lido Ille, the bride .. Un .uumera. •·n ... a tull JenJth white em-...-ormed lhe double rln cere-ATl'ENOANTS brolckred Of'll'Od1 rowa with,..... I ~ 111•lron•of l'lonor,Kr1.K.C. n1atcbinc l'O•e&. A pMrl coro-mony. Bradford of ClnclnnalU. aunt of net taflkl beT ttnrerttp len,U. A.'IT&JlfOANTS the ~ wvr• a .c.Net lU\Clb nu. BM cankd a Pf'&1# Mok .._... 8bd1a W.. acted u d~ of coc:oa. tac. and Mm with a eonap ol .tllta orelllde, maid eC llitmOr, ~ a dre.pM 8-bara Brsdlord, a c:oula. .. ,..... !Ille-ot the Talley ud biotn'V· •ee.th Of plnll clUtfOft wtUi am&ll tnr .-bl16Mmald, •or. befC'e di.a. 8he wu rt•en 111 marrlap .JUtchinl u.e eh• canted a .._ ----------1 by Mt" father and Ole Rh-. zw. quet of pink and red carnations. b!'otber u bMt. man, w.ben __.. ln( Buct.an, ..m.t&nt putor, lamuel eoop..-attended. hie Ptit.T Wrlfht iand Brue. Nott. ;;;;;;===================;! Floral dec:ore.tk>M at the .PL~\DS • • • 6ummer church and the Tnman bom• wbere the recepUIMI wu held w.,. white ,..dlolw, 9tock and chry11&Z1themwn._ O.raentaa and , botlvardia encircled th• ba8e ol th• waddlnr cake. na brlda'a mother wo~ cham- p&(ll• broc.da With amall match· In( hat and a cDrh(e of baby orchid& and camelllu. The poom'a mother wore pink 1aOll and hl'r coraare wu or b&b)' rose• and 1ardenl9.a. llONO• OUE8T8 1n attandanca at lht weddlnr Wll"9 the brlde't (n-al-(rand· moU..r, Mn. Sophia l:rlck90ft ol Norco and her (T&ndmother, Mf'9. Allred QH1alian8en of 1111.i... wood. Alto tn at~ __.. UM sroom'1 (T&ndpannta who nee.Uy eelabntAld Utetr ~ W'addiq arudn19UJ' tn Newport ...... l"W her traffi C09b.1.me UM IMW KN, Cooper chOM a cbu- CMI and pblk lnMmble. After a w.ek'• boaeymoon ln Lu v.,.., U.. couple wtll l"flllde ln N~rt """'· . AN EARLY AUGUST weddlnr i. planned bJ Kla Taj& TohUI, claulhter at tho G. E. Tolalllo, 108 VI& A.nb.lJrea, who fir'lt announced her eapcrem.ent to David Hugbeo. oon or th• A. G. re..,.., 701 attr IJlin, to Alpha Onilcron Pl oororiV-. at use. Siie wu a 1llC5C5 Children'• Home 8oclety debutan~ will mter O>aa Collece In the tell. BOT rlance i.. Ii USC p-aduate. -Cbateau Phot.> C.pistr1no ly !fie S.. offen !fie fined of ln-paltont Hf'Yices tt rusonabte ratn. Uconsed by !fie Stile of C.Gfomla C.pim1no By !fie S.. Sanitarium 1pecitlins in the trHtrnent of ......,.,., amotional and mental FUN .. 'N FABRICS 177t-A Newpllt llYcl.-lll Coals ..._ O,..~llalllp.a. clilO<dan ancl alcoholism • .-~~~~~~~~~~~~ 01 naw Hatbo. Area offica located ~t 3424 Via Oporto, Newport IHeh. f'tlona: H1!bor 2122 TO ACl.U'IJLOO For the honeymoon trip to Acapuko ~ bride donned a bets• 1Uk .mantuftr Ill.Ill. pink bat and ~riN and tur tll.ole. Sb• wu (!'&dua ted from the Atnerican School P'ound&Uon In K.xico Clty and attended l&nta Au Junior Coilt&"• Where the ... attW&tAld wtth aasma Nia -Mr. Payne attended WhJtU.r Md J'\lUerton Rt(h Reboot., trU ll'*du.tld Crom Fullerton Junior Colles•. ti put pralMnt of Ula f'\lll•rton 20-30 Club, and sen- ..... manqar ot a runerton .. ..... ''Cowt'' Says - llemem~r thal .W - •••• t --n.e..... Ht•tq- ..,.. wltlll llM ew. II'• .... ••• tMt ltokta tlMi wtifflf lt1D tr.e, -·· ",. COuaTNIY & LISIM ,_,...,... ..... .-r4 llllOIA .._.u ... 1.m ··rutY" SIZES .a9; 2 thtovgh 12 Cll.4RANTEED /'lot,. Shn11• 0... e/ rl1l F °' actne bo!t choote M •uinpur Skn.•y Sh.irta. Tope u ...-....., or for oataw_... K11il for eomlort and penaaneal 61 of light-igltt pare eombed eottoa. Collarette llre•gtheoed witil NYLON. Shoulden are fully tapa·nialon:ed. Ea.7 to J.uttdtt ••• -ironing _,.,. Buy .nerd I OPEN SUNDAYS 10 TO 5 I -OCIAN F•ONT- Dep 1 1••••1 ltere f}1 .:~+.e:~: il'1 m .. ~. t: it:dlt~ WE GIVE NR OUZN ftAJal WALTAH SAY Big P'iteh in Laguna is Festival of Arts Big Deel on Balboa Island is WALTAH'S PINEAPPLE PAGEANT SARONG FOR LUAU (Goocl for Iii on floor and Mt poi witti i-) BATHING SUIT P• your Last.. TirM w--Cotto.. Swint Suits) GRASS SKIRT (l,.t your boy friencl -·you .,_,, FAMILY MATCHING STUFF (Eesy for fine! fomily In aowd) SUNDRESS (You .-ba iH9 bust in a~J KNEE LENGTH SURF PANTS (Gvaranteoecl make virl frioncl'1 !....th -io ,,. """* pantsJ W a/tali Main Feoture AM•aatlc Con• .... ............... .. • ly ALRED SHAHllN WALTAH CLARKE'S , Hawaian Shops 20~ M.rin• Av•., Belboe lslend Plenty Free Parking in The Grand Canai • . . . .. . r I I ...,,.. ____ ...... • ... Co·sta Mesa First Baptist Al l.ht i"lnit O.pt.U1t Cbt1J:11 of ~ta Mf'._ Oi. a.v, P. !J- N~Q wHl l\ave U hi. -~ mon toph 'fur \M l\ o'dotll WOl:llllp ur\'lC,.., "R&ltiant a,. talntl• M n~r~ wUI be lf*lpl mu.tie &nd lhe Clwncd Chq'lt undfoor thO' dlrt-o:lllrthlp Of Toi• N-·n1au wlll etn1: ''God I• W-1l- 1ng In ti'e SHtence." ' Sunday &hooJ co11v9Qel '-1 1 9 ~::i w1th t t&J'SU tor ILll aa;(~ t Al II.JO I' Ill the Tralnla~ l 'nlon wtll tt'ef'l In i.lltfC"-f"(llll dt>partn1ent.1. J'ollowlna lhe ~u•I 11n111 .or· V.lOArlONINO 11181.Z VLUBllEllll-Next year'a office,.. of the Bible L1ub of Newport Harbor lJ'nion Rlati' School 1tudy bible. on Newport at.rand, fill to be dlatn.ctcd by beach activlUee and the praen~ of a large llhip offahore. Lett to ritht. an ~ Queen, .ecretary .. treuurer; Donna McGinnis vk:e-• • vtcti at T :JO t hf' re 111•UI be a Mlectlon by Uit Junior Chq.r and • duet by 11111 Rev. JC, & Tut u6 Newma 11 "I'\•a Dla· ~.red tll• ,,.,l" Qf ci,.<:1ne•·" Mr. Ntumann will h1tve 11.a l\Jt •nnon toplt. "Tht j;hlekt nf _.s.nt; and Mary l>elp!ili>o, preoldenL -Staff Photo hlUI." ' .. HIGH SCHOOL BIBLE CLUB GIRLS JiAVE HIGH AIMS Wldnetdey at 7 30 p. ll'\. 1• the PnlH llftd H1b!i~ Study hour followed by dcp1111 rntonlt11l pr.ytr mfftln... Study 111 fr1•m th• A t.eenasen (l'OUP. whlcb conalden It t. doing a Uc1, Metbodl1ta. Epl.cop&Jtana. CJ'Mt'Hf'Vloe Jn oftleutn& ·the uaual &dult conception of llnd member• of Four · Square the bobby-eoz: and Cl'IW-cul. .et, la a Newport Harbor and A•membly ot God church., Union Hl1h SCbool di.lb whlcb ironically wu able to In the club. Facu.lty •dvlaor lut year 10.·•• EmU Neemt. buket· rtrat Epl•Ut "'of John Guest leds ior Rent 81!tl'h W' Do11ble f'oldllll ROl.1..-A.· \\'A \ TYl'f:S Call Lllwrt\ X-~ IMt ...,. Bura:lral S11p11Ues Ill Center St., «i :Mt.a Mua Cain recocnldon only lut yeu. ball coacb or the Tani. Tbti Bl~• Club, which ba4 1o'r""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'""'""""""'"""""".:.::;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;:::::::::-:-:::::::-::::::o; mamMn IMt ye&r, Ml h&dfMS byll a t.adaine OOrpl ot otticen. preatdant, M&r)' Ollphlao, vie• pruldlftt. non.. KcOlonit and LUNCHEON FOURSOME in patio of St. Jamea Carver, H. A. A..rp.brtfbl, Jo.eph Nlclterts and IM· wcr.l&l'J"•lrauurw, a.tty qwea. Chnrch attending the annual 11ummer card lunch-ter Smith. -Statf Photo NO V10LATION eon and bazaar include (L to RJ Mme.. Joseph RacoptUon tn4 the rtcbt to - ----------------------------------------------------jhava th• club'1 ptd.ure la 'l'IHI ------------------------!Galleon, Ua• echoOI ,..noGk. To Tell Story of Martyred Missionaries Fellowship President to Show Acua Pictures Jamea C. Truxton, vice pre.ident of the Miationary :Aviation Fellol\'ahJp, will 1peak on the topic "Mid-century Martyn'' at _the Finit Baptiat Church of Newport Beach, 19th aod W. Balboa Wvd.. Sund~ at 7:30 p. m. WU wttl!Mld by UM llChooJ bO&fd unlll a ncen\ rv.li.D.f wu mads n by I.ha COWlty OCJUM1 tbat tMN" wu no vlol&Uoa ot a Uta 111,p ionlddlnr u.. taacbJ•s « rlll-ew.' A rtCA tn lh• ecbc>cml. ;J 'ti>• ... b, ... of .. .... ldloo1 orpniMUou, mH\8 tw\ol J · A a monl.h durtn1 acUYit7 periOd au ..../<lnnounc11mmu ••riaf .., """"" .,_, ,._ _______________ ..... _____ ,.,... l.nd\lde .,.akft'll ,... Boutllwa CaW:oml& BIW. Ol-NEWPQRT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I ·PAGE 9 ,,.. ,.. u.o Bib"' '"""'"'" ot FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1956 i..oo -·-. ot u.. ,. __ -----------------------! .,.. pJ&n Oft "''*' Into tll• WIEDMAN MEMORIAL -ESTABLISHED BY CHURCH A memon&! lu.nd h .. bffn utablilhed by the i'lr1t Ba.ptl•t Chur1;h of Newport Beach for Chaplain jCapta.ln) Ge<>rre H. Wltdman and hit wife who were kllled Ju.Jy 11 ln an. auto accident In Oklahoma. Thia rund w1ll be min.i.try aad two ol ~t )'Ml"• ottle.rt1 .,.. now attAedlq' Bil.A. SOCIAL PL.A~8 Ml• Delphi.no Aki th• rroup la already plannlnr a picnic tor next tall and hoJH!• ~ h•" Bible Club pins madti up to Identity membeni, O.nomlnaUona very ....... tly. There are BapUtt.a. Pr .. by\lt· l•n... Con1"re1aUonaJi.t.a, C&lh• ' Truxton ~ u a pl}Ot lnl under the MiulOn&I')' A.-tallon th1 N11.v11I ~' CoTpl d"11nr Ftllowahlp. waa orie ot U.. ftY9 werld WH iJf~ •which Umr mlulonarie• mauacred lite Ja1t Um• Lt wlU be med. the vtrion o! M 0 .'1 ''air' arm" ye1r by tM Auca. Jndi&U In , / known aa th• Geors• and Ru.th Wltdtman Memorial F'Und and will be .kept In lru•t at U\e Ne~·Port·Balboa 8•Yinp and I..oaa unW tba new cburch t. bu.Lit, at w.hlch • Trinity Baptist Services 'for ml1slo n11 wa.1 boMI . He Ila• the JWl(lfll of Ecuador. '1111 8un4-y Church 8cbool..,.. tlut N_.port Baplbt rteenUy n~turnfif !rom Bra:r;ll 8,\JJ\T.ILIDU Cllurch hold1 clullff for all al"U .-nd ~flna at 9:4~ a . m. where ht hN baorn laylnr lh• Tnllt.on wtn Mio. kodachroma The M rmoo topic for th• 11 o'etock worahlp aerv1e41 will .ftoundwork for lhe new pro-alldu centerlnc aro\U\d Ula ft'tt be "A God•plu1in1" Coni"tt(&Uon." fram to th&t country, and he ml-.loti.•rl• and their attampt!------------~--.1.---------­ and h11 wtre •rt looklnr for· to ut.ablllh friendly cont• ct ~•rd to rtturnin, there l•ta thl• with Ule .. "''' 1ndl•n1. 1nc11td-In All Areas fall. eel ln thlll IKKlftd·alJde rro .. r~ IN ECL'ADOR wUI 1M allde& of tha hltbtrto 1----------- Tnixton vl11ltd with N•l• and unpho141T•pbfMS AUCU, takaft b)' Pl d A t' • t ¥•ri Saint late lut y .. r llnd Saint prior to tht lt.ltack. aygroun c 1 Vl y The momlnir wor11h lp Hr"YiC• ~nfarred with Nate and other• Thi• proSTIJn a open t.o the or the Harbor Trinity Bapliat J>oncer11ln1" their pl&NI to contact public T k th s tl • ht Church, htld Jn the c.tuipel of ~1~1.~u=l~n~~-:· ~=:r ~~o~: . a es e po ig 6'o~1,;u~~~ bt~f:-~ :."':. :. N•tfl Salnt. a pilot terTlnf Science Sermon The m ..... , .. mUllad "i:>o. OOd Newport'• rt(':reation program, conducted by the city Really Know he17thln1"1", wW l.B.E.W. Auxiliary Has Ca.ke Program ' The Women'• Au.ill&ry to the D'ltar11atlon•I Brother"hoOd of l:leclrical Worker1 met July 'l4, •t the Woman'a Club In Sant.a Ana. Mn. Clyde Gilb«t demon- atrated lh• art of calla dacor&t· lnl'· Well known u an u;pert In thl• neld, llha ia al.a dl9plal11 •f tM au1ttl~ry. Mt9, W .• .A.. Fer1JU90n prealded ~var tbe "trteeunc •tt.,. whlch tefreilbm.nta, JncludinJ the dee· erated cak• were MrVed. . ' Balboa Island Methodist on . 'Spirit' "God · ii a Sptrtt: and they that 'll'Onihlp hlm mutt wonhlp him lo •plrlt a.nd ln truth:" Thi• decl&r•Uon of Juua u pen In Joluf1 Goapel l 4 :24) la th• Golden '1'at ot the Leilaon-ler- mon on "lplril" In •II Chrl&Ulln actenc. chlil'Chu Sunday. A Scriptural •ccount frQm Luke !4:!1-'91 ralat.u that .. Ut•ra wu a man. wt-deb had a .¢rtt 'uf an uncl .. n devil, a.ad cried out with • JoUd vole•. Say· lnl", Lit UI alone; what ha\<1 wa to de'> with. lhet, thou Je1u1 or N,1urelh t , .. I Joiiow thee who thou art: tht Holy Ona of God. And Juua f'lbulild him." and tlle defil "came out or hlm. and hurt hlm not.• T'bl df.ct ot "Belle" In You&elr." will ti. tbl• heallnf on the byetandera tlM 1ennon topic tor I.he 9 :30 wu \'ff'J' 0-t. li.w the BIWa pe.e- a.nd 11 a.m. Sunday •rvl~• at •ak• conUnuu, NJ.nd th•f •~ tile Balboa lal&nd Community all 'llITl&ted and irpalca among Mtlhodt..t Church. The Re"t', Don· lhemmelvea, aaylnl", What a word aJd a . S.pp. who ww at..flnt ll thl1! for with authority end from hi• pulpit laat Sunday be· power he commandelh the Un· c&IJ.M of aummtr camp "'pon•I· clean 1pir\U, and they come ouL" bf,Utlea, will pre•ch. Mary Baker l:ddy upl&lna 111.r .. junlor-a1e youU.1 of tht chu~h wtll leave tomorrow (kl· wch he&Jln11 ln ··Selene. and HMlth wtth Key to the 8crtp-Utd&,yl momln• tor one week ot turfll" whva ah• ...,... "Jtl\ll Chrlatlan Adventure CUil• al c .. t out ••II ep\rit.9, or falH ~mp Cedar GI.en n•r J"1Ja.n. bali1fl. TM Apoatla Paul bide Ttley •rt Chriltlne C.rl, JUI m.n ha-,. the Mind • that wu Blrnett and Robert N.alY. In u.. <;brlaL Juu,s df.d hill own Provkllns tra.n.-porUUoo to ,..-bf u.. on• 8pb1L lh MJd: dd from camp will be M"r. &nd 'My htller workeUI hltllerto. Mra. Michael Carl and Mr. llnd and I work• H• never deteribed Mn-Uoyd BarnetL di--• .., fer u can ba lumad ------l rrom the OOl'pel1, but he tt.altd Priscilla Guild "~ ..... "· ,.,. Aberholdt Son H bo H. h c-Ah I be given by Bill Ac.ton. The recreation department and the &r r 1g ""-' oo choir, under th• dlr.c:Uon of •um.mer recreation 1taff, UBed local talent aa a basi! Gary Mann. wlll brlnl" th• an- ror: their apecial activities laat week. The children at them of the moni.lnl". Sunday the vuioua plavln'nund1 presented a var1etv 11how tor School cl~• ror •JI •re 11'00Pll ""·-" wtll ~1ln at t :4-' a. m. th•tr par9ntAI and frl .. nlll. 'Mar&hall. During tbe ... 1.n.1 •f"flce Th• pla11round at Corona dtl The ahow concludHI with • report. and lNUmoalM will ba Mar Youth C.nter held It. 1hoW mlnatral act by Pete \Vinger and rtven of th• wmmer camp, Tuuday •Venlnl". Tne flr1t act !kotly Telling which wu held at ~uma IAJt• lntrodtxlld l.J Bob Hamtlloll, At the Horace 1o:n11~11 J;ll)'· in u1,. Klnp RJvw N&Uon.al m&•ter ot cartmonlea. ,,. ... , • (TOUnd chlldrtn'1 llct.1 in t'le Park.. LeRoy Grauer wu pr.al· lu.rnbllnc 1.Ulbltlon by Vicky talent 11how lnc/url""1 cowboy rlent· of the summer Camp of Undber(. Mama Thttlkeld pl•T· rope trick• by John tWelto, the North .Amer\<:9.n B•ptlat ad aavutl 1electlon1 on the 110n11 by Eliublth Co5ton, .ludy Conference. The youni peopl• plllno, ronowlld by Jlln Thrtl· John90n, Richard Holmtr, Kath!t will brina-·~la! mulic and keld alnl"lna' and r.11T1nc the Brown, Route R.ictian.!1, Lind& Acton will brine a m-.-. on ukulele. Qwtn• and Janet Bortto: • "Spiritual rarmlnl".H OORONA Dl:L MAR tuR1blln1 act by Kllth!e Horn, Tht WedneMl.a y Bible atudy A eklt entitled ''Tht Mtllrr· Charle11 Mru!nr and Prta O il· and pr1ytr mntlnc wi!J bel(ln dra.mar" wu po:eieented wilh a llnr; tip d&nctnr by Joan Boat· at 7 _30 p. m n.. l~n ..,.UI cut compoNl.I ot Phyllla Bonde, to; poem recitation by Karen bl tllken from th• Goepel or PhUJlpt Bonde, .Pam Mapar, Owen11: baton twtrlinl' by Kathie John. Vicky O.vla, Toni Dover, Mike Brown. Jan.et Boetto and R.o:r;llle I------------- Hutton, BWy KIUL&n, &.-r R.lch&rda; •n H•wall1n dn.nce Ora.bit. ll&lld1 Bacbom, Pio~ by Ell-beth C.Glll&n ; min tricQ Havena. oar,-M'«ner, BIIIJ by Tony Boetto, .ccordlon play- Witth and M.lme Threlkrld, lnl' by Janet Boetto. The fllO· Piano llOlo!J were a:ao i.1r11entf'd vam lttmlnat~ with ll•llUP by Sally Brown 1.nd Phylll• 1lnginf It'd by Dick Stone ind Bonde. Charlena R•r111.1.ck aang Ri<'hard Holmer. ''The Graen Or ... G1tw All lfONOJl-f"OUSDY.R. ATI>und". Th• flnal •ct In tht Artll1tlt1 for thil 11Vek hive bffn planned to honor tba birth· day or Jo-eph I!:. Lee, the found· ar o{ the pl•)'Jround movement tn Am«1ca.. The P"Pllf'9tnll at Ula plann>Und area ~·Ill Include the dr•maU•tlon of tM play "A Child N..rt. a Place to Play", l'll•Y pmea, d&nc.tnc •nd liniU'I" pmu; family actlvlttee 11UC.h u • felhtr and llOn be."ball l'•me, mother •nd d.&U(hltr deck ttn· nla rr.me; favorite c•mr.a of IM, and a mock track mttt. Variety Show waa aeveral •e- lactJoM by Jan Thff'lkeld playlnl' the clarUMt and Lenny Jonu pla.1lae U.. dt'\lml. Wl'.IT Nln\-T'OllT At °'-Sith St. 111ay1ro11nd, Jatjc ftcua WM the matter of ce~I... In th• finit act Donna land PhyUU. llacktord did • roller akatlnr duet. Margo end Judy hrla, 8uaaa Wtnrer and .-:MY a.JJay M.nl" llnd dailcad M> "lklp to MJ LOu". A comedy act WU prMoented by Tom C&r· den. kmte Bacon 11.nd Bob Sher· man told Jok• and did trlck.t. Guest Pastors at CDM Church The Rev. Norman B«7Wn. 9\1· perlntendent or th• Corona del Mer community Church Sunday School, will prMch Sunday a t lt:30 ..nd l 1 a. m. worahlp Hr-- vice•. The l'\IT, Edwta C. Oomke and hi• ramlly •re oo vft1Uon. will rrturn la Aup&t with th~ putor ruumlnf duU.. Auf. 12. Or. William s . MlddlWTl ... occupied the pulpit Jut 8\anday, Dr. Al· bar t 8tautfacher .tll pn-ach AUf. 6 nua OOVLD N' YOU!"" Doa't Ull~ •-Y 71u l,,_.. ••re book c.11-pe--art..f er aeM Ula JlA Y nm..t>S VS.ta iPriaclll• Service Gulld o{ Co- rq.na deW•r Communlt)' Church wlll be huded lh.Ja comloi- dj,ureb year by a JT'°'IP ot new ot1hc1111 which 1 ft fl I u d • I Mn. Walter Splc.r, cb&lrman; Mni. JOfln M•dor, Ytoe chaJrmsn; Jrrirra. 8'dn~)' Blaadt.._nl, tr.a· _..r land M""' X. V, Dllta. *"ta.ry, At 311th 8t!"Mt playKT'f)und, the pl'Ojfram wa11 held Th11rllflay, at Hor•~• i:nal1n t.h\Jll •ftC"moon and at Corona del "f•r Youth Center to9l1"hl at 1 o'cltK:k. Pa.rmt.I llM irpectaton are '"1· Marilla l /8&"L and ICtL Roa• TM IOfll". "t Xaow an Old Wo- ald 0. Abertloldt ol Coat.a KMa rnanN .,.. .uni b7 • croup ot welcoS\ed .-aitWI July IO Ill C.. boy• leclUdlnJ Pat Carden. Rob r"'•na;;;;•"•"•'"';;;;;;;:;;lf• .... ;;;;;•'"';;;;·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"'"';;;;.ohal;;;;;•'•"""';;;;;;;;;"•'•""';;;;;;;;;;•'"•';;;;;"""';;;;;;;;kll~r"m•'··;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I ,.....,. _, ...... wti. '° ......... ...__ ... Mc:k. y.,. _,. ... a ......... ' Harbor Rest Memorial Perk M-ae..N-l•termMI our , err,...,. -.. - priw-4 ........ ..... ftM.. ..,..Mnbforl ,._.._ ~ .. "'""• ... ,. M7 ... ...... ,.... .. , .... ,.. .... •rawtai1 ... _..,. Mt' 11J1N ,.... ••. U .....a. Ml W. lttll la Ule Vlata. .._,.._. 0..blr ""'" - BALTZ MORTUARIES • • --- . -JI'~ ... n.. tl4A .. Ula sr..utaai4 .,. 1.W..C. .. ltrik1 ..... ,. ...... ,.... pf~ .. irolaic te do UMdJ' dlaL 'l'w. Js )lls dq fM a abut-o.t pine , •• WI "7 to wt& H1'1 1 .. 11.,-pr.tty r ood about it, and who'• to bl&m• tu..1 Bwt whit If thiap had •0111 the othu way r WMt U •om• other boy had b11a wualas .. la U.. bol1P19. about to a,.. ... , tU-aa Id• pl.Kar llot IM I• • well-balaacad yourwater, tad IM ~4 .... tU:• that la 1trid1, too. Ha bu leUD<ld aboot b•hlC' a l"ood •port, abost racud f« b.11 f1Dow meQ, and 1bo1rt R!.aai other eqully leportant tbinp in Church. For, Hka tho•..__. of othtt Americ..an younc1t1r•. th• OmrU alrMdy pt.JI In lmporUJl.t part la bb We. Tblt la OD1 flfl'°" why bit puents hi•• tdUi la the fact tbtt ba will c row 1111 to b• • prtttJ Ma man. This Church Feature Sponsored by these Local lu1lnes1 F111111 NEWl'ORT FURt:UTURE CO. Complett Bouia ~ %620 W. Cout Hwy. Uberty 8-Ul! Gronclolfo 's Jl&llan Dlnoera--Plu&-8ttakJI A Sea Fooda Food lo t&ka out 6U E. 8&11-Blvd. ll&rbor '831 HOMER E. SHAFER IUULTOR 106 Mcf'adde.D .Pl9ce (al UM Pier) Harbor Ito Vincent's Rexall Dn19 Stores Two locatlom to Serva You Lido l•M & Corona del llu STAFFORD Ir SON &lectrioal Contncton UO IUttnlde A... Newport lleacli Uborty 8-%%78 CHINESE CASINO Real C&ntont• f'ood to Take Out Open £"-17 .Day Wllala81.-Harborm>I Custom Audio Hl·f'l Sal• A ln.ttall&Uoo J.C. MUSICK 2650 A\'OG St. Liberty 8-86'1 l l'Ol''S Famous Steak House ... 1.nna &n.d John 8trictl)' lloma cooklnl" • b&JU.nC 811 E. &11-Blvd. Harbor ~ S. E. ... GS l:&ect.rtoaJ Ooolnlctor ''Good wtrtnc dotim't COit . • u Paya" t:U ·JIM 8L , Harbor 8275 ART c. 1usnu co .. Reii1ton Bay Ftw1t' 81~1.ata !901 Newport Bl•d. Newport BMcb Harbor6H 6 DICK MACKa Or&pcna -C.tf!N -U~tet'J' Complrta Ff'M 0-...Utw ~ 9420 Via Udo -U%8 NEWl'ORT HAlllOR . NEWS-l'RUS nu a.ii-111..i. ' . ' .. I I I , --_ ......... -...---• , PA&E 10. PAltT I-NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS.PRESS ' • ; v ~IDAY. JULY 27, 1956 • • . I That's right, we'd like to see you all at Breakfast Saturday Morning. The 1.oJ:ation,is th, Parking Lot ·of the All · American Market at 2600 W. Coast Highw y. The ~~asi'O fribe ei9\tlt«inuifl; benefit · brea~ast for the welfare fund of Newport Harbor . American Legion Post 291. Hours are fom 7 to 11 a.m. There'll be sausage and bacon and the very best hot cakes ever. The cost is only 50 cents donation to the welfare fund of the Legion. Most of the food and ingredients have been given for the occasion by the processors and manufacturers. All American provides its facilities, personnel and no small amount of influence to get things done. . It ils a good way to"meet your neighbor. In fact it would be a good idea to invite everyone on your street to gather at the Legion Breakfast at one time at one table and have a meal together. ' --oRGl·T H I le • ' . ' ' • • • •• You might be surprised at what nice people we have here_, in tht Ne port H•rliw area. . -• • ·' ' Just to make sure ha~ of tltose who·should . come ar" there we will offer to buy the breakfast for any member of the City Cc>uncil -his family too -who will share a morsel with us. Who knows even the city !=OUncilmen might enjoy meeting some of the people of the community. ' '~ A good way to continue meetin~ our neigh- bors and to make new friends is to shop m r local stores. Your neighbors are the personnel who staff the stores. Your townsmen own and run the stores and it is their desire to serve you in every way with the best. Your patronage of your local merchants makes it possible for them, you, and your town to continue on the pathway of progress for the better- ment of everyone. : . And don't forget-all you can eat for 50.cents • at the eighth annual American Legion Welfare Fund breakfast at the All Ame.rican Market-7 to 1 l·a.m. Saturday-that's tomorroWl I THE FINEST -MOST COMPLETE STORE TO BE FOUND ANYWHPI . Hardware . . • Paints •• ·• Wallpaper ... Appliances •.. TV • ~ • Radio • I • . A eoocl Frlendly ll»lace-to .... -' OPEN · IUNDAYI 11· HOUD.YI • • I • ' . .. • • ·• • t • • " . . 2205 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 116 Newport · Beach • ' • • . . t . . . • . . ' ' . • • ' • • NEWPORT HARBOR FRIDA¥, JULY ' PAR'l' 'rWO, PAGB ONE EWS-PRES..'\ 1956 27 ' ' • • . : ~ "\ . . . . 8NOWJ!!Riw!. FAB A8 YOU CAN SEE -This wu the way Jut yiar'i;'.start appean4 u the MAKE 8AJL -Up S-the maJn dll Vqinla Cof- fee'• Cruz Cata u her btuy•.crew, Sheny Ander- IOD, give11 an extra heave while holdlnr the bow of the boat with one foot. Virginia i. one of the NHYC Non-Calm.I' most able Snowbird 1kipperet· tee listing amonr her accompliahmenta the first girl to finish trophy in laat year'• Flight and cur- rently among the top six in the 31-boat fleet com- peting in the Twilicht Series . • ' . Snowbirds Take • Flight ' in Harbor Here Sunda:Y . , r Hundredl of younc Aillnr entbusiutl ~Y. are eagerly • anticipatinc the 2ht &D.Dual f'tirbt ot the Snowbirdl, elated to at.art at 1 :3Q p. lrl. • Sunday. · ' ·' • A crowd of .ome 7!i,OOO periou, ii e~ted to 'line the aix mils Qf •bu to watch the race. the first of the major event. beinr b'eld to ce~­ brate Newport lleoch'• Golden Annlvenary . .A.ctJ.q on th• .ur1uuon"""'' -.. Waltir 8plcar ol. the Oran&:• Coimt1 Harbor OonunlMton. ttt. yachtlq commltta. ~l &.ward a apecial troplay tci9 Uae OOtb boat to ttnJ1h in fte n11tit of I.he Snowbird• tn honor ol th• city'. ao Colden years. A new •waf1t wtll ai.o be r tv-. for tM ftf'lll rn•JT1fld coupl• to nnl•b th• rau . .. venlMn trophi• will bf. pre· Nnled to the winners In c•re· rnonl .. al & p. rn . al Newport H•11:1or Yacht Club. Urbfut Beh. ch•lnnan of th• IPOMOrinf New port ~r Chamber of COmmar«'I yacht· tnr oommlttte, declared., thllt appUc•tion1 returned by entranu lndlc•t.ed t.Mre woWd M from 133 to tao mn•ll •llboata part1· c\patlfll'. Tropblq will ba awardM lo th• firwt 10 1klp1>9ra to fJnlah th• race that wiJI bepn and end near the Balboa Pa ... tlton be- twaen Balboa Ialand and lhe penluula. Other trvpblea wtll H J1v1!11' to tbe JOUllle&l boy •nd (lrt to llnlah, nrwl J1rl to nnlah, oldeat aklpper to nnlah a nd flr.t rented cratt to flnlah. HELPING HAND8 -Altbouch·rtvala afloat, the Snowbird •kJppera ate all friends ' ubore U IM!!l!n here Wben Tommy Schock &eta & lot of help rolling b.i8 new Fiberglau boat from it'• parklnc IP&ce in NHYC'1 1ton.ge yard to the hoist for launch.inc. Of COUl'M, the 0 quicker we get 'em all in, the quicker we can cet to racins." From left around the boat are Poncho Edler, skipper Tom. Eddie Meten-e, Gayle EdJer,.and Vetn Edler, Jr, •• *"Tim .. haw. n•ver been kept on th& race bee~ of the vart· aW. wind condition• frun y .. r to y..,., .. Bell reported. addlnr "that appro.xtmat&IY two boll.1"8 a.r• required to brtnr I• the tl.rwt ..uaet." ~ . . beautiful birds apread their winp -All Phot.09 by Beclrnen OOASTING JN -Crew Joyce Keim It.and.a forward to fend off u Charlene Coffee brinp her aleek new FibertlaM Snowblni lo to the NHYC dock between racea. A• crew for her •itter Virginia, Charlene 1hared in the glorie1 of being first girl.a to finilh and 10th over-all in lut year'• Flight. b~t intend.a to. deflnltely better her poaition u •kipper or her own bright pink craft app~ priately named Pink IA.d7. • • AND AWAY THEY GO -Here'• anothtt ftew of the Snowbinll •tart. from a different an1Je. Ally· · way you see them in action, it'• a tbrillin& •i&hL . THE 'JUlll!f.£88 8N0WBIRD8 -Cloee starts are a rule rather than an acep- tlon whenever and wherever a croup .of the popular Snowbird catbo&U pt togelMt-t'or a race. ThiA one, durinc one ot Newport Harbor· Yacht Cub'• Twilight &rim eventa, fives « fair idea ot the tactical maneuven bein& prac- tk:ed by entrants in the niSht of tlM Snowbirds Sunday. • • • • ' • • I • ' • "(]ovemmenl mn,,· lxce;t , ~t Jt :laL11J :lrom· 5~e P.;,,,t '' PAGE 2·'All11 NEWPORT HAuol ~ . BIOAY, JUl.Y 27, 1"6 B~psa fcquNTRY J OtJRN AL :uCIJ PA•Da! EDITORIALS '/ J/ 'Straw of Desperation May Build Mighty City . Many City Council obouvtro beUew tho molt important aCdon taken by the coundlmen. Monday night wu the announcement of intention to e.tablilh • CIU-. Committee. Since lhill Council _,,.. to be •lo11&blnJ In the ..., of flnancw &lid poUtie&I con- fu•lon &Dd the rrowinJ waves ot pro~J tupl.Y• er1 threat.an to enculf it. there 'la UtUe queation the idl!!a pre.ented a at.raw at which ita crew eagerly gruped. But out of desperation much good ia contrived, accidental though it may be. PerhaP9 a Citizen.a Com- mittee will prove, not the atraw that. brok~ the coun- cilman'• b&ck, but the acorn from which a mighty community will rrow. At lust it ii a con1tructive effort -an action unUIU&l from thLI croup of city fathen: on buia of their J1ckl1.11ter record to date. atDena Committee. formed in Rivenldt and MO. dllto -where City Manager Robert Shelton one• worked -proved htrhly 1ucceuful. Shortly alter form&tloo of the commltteu. both cities became All- Americ&n communities, thtae bein1 aelected on the bul8 o! outatand.ln.1 aamplm of public participaUon ln their eovemmenta. Bat tt behoove1 thoee local citbelu wbo m&y be nlUDod to tbio committee not to ru&h ,Into their job on the ume balt-coclc.ed poaitiOD.I too· often adopted by our councilmen. 10me of whom, on the buit of put experience, •hould know better. Who compo.IM thi.t committee, a.nd it. formatioa, may be the ma1t important ltema lo the hi1tory of Newport Beach. Slpce the Council bu at leut had the pre.ence of mind to recopiq It. de1perate need of a.uiat&nce, 1n thi.t commlttee lies the future fate of our city. For thll nuon, the committee, u llOOD u It II formed, 1hould contact such citiH u Ri ve nide, Mo-. d•to and Covina -all ot which have retorted to Citluna Committeu -to •tttp the1Melve1 in their experience, to learn ot their 1ucceuea and, more im- portant, the pitfati. that entrapped them. Cfime, ·Money's A'Wastin' You C&ll't vote if you're not rqt.ttr.d. Lut d&y to r.pter lo SepL 13, &!moot two montbo away. Two montba Call teem like a lonr time, and the tendency to put off r<Pl'rlnr la oci ouy that tho cut-<>ff dole may lllip by. Try thla tor remembertnr. When y.ou &et your nut paycheck, note bow much la withheld for income tax. 'l11at'• your money that those elected on the Nov. 6 ballot will •pend: Some •ill want to •pend it wiffly. Some will be willing to lavi1h your money for &ll kind. of give-away prognm•. Note what'• withheld fro m your paycheck, and remember to • . . Reritter, Think, Vote. Patriotic Handful Mans Our Skywatch Towers An 1mporta.nt date went by almoat unnoticed lo NewpOrt Beach. July 14. wu the fourth annive.raary of the Ground Oblerver Corpt here. Had It not been for the fa.lthful few who currenUy perform UU. nec- e1Ury, but little-recopized patriotic service in the Harbor area; ha4, It not been for the White HOuae and the United Statea Alr Force remembuio1 to dia- petch meuagea of praWe to the 133 volunteers under Supervisor Gene Rou and Chief Observen Mn. Joli Beek and Mra. Oarence Turnham, the day would have fallen into the limbo of this nation'• many for- satten occuiora of 1ervtce for all but a ba.ndful ot un- Rlfilb lndividu.U. 'l'lMi News-Pl-eat takes tb.11 me&n1· ot ... luting tht.e peraooa, theM men tJld women, thue "little people" who continue stv1nl of their time in a caute most of m 1carcely corJ.lider, now that the immediate · JO!WfOllT RARBOll .NeWS PRESS chuoo of a ...... lo DO lcnpr -ta!AI -..... Ill ,..~ th• lack of tliat t!inat hu left Ibo IJlo Chal>- hOUH tower -tho local OOC w•"'''rl pool -far ollol't of tba number of 'IOlantww -..S. What llllouJd be a :U.hour job hU .-roduoo4 to - only tho period bot-. 5 a.m. &nil 11 p.m. dally. Rou ,.porta tho i-1 GOC lo haYfnr • bani - malnt&lnlnc tbio l<bodule durlnf Ibo .... _ --· Thia la too bod. It atf<><do any P*Jhla-momy contemplatlnJ .,, attaclt on our llllorH ID _., of tbno In which to ltrllto. And ohould :;... ~ ·at the idea ot 1Uch an enemy att&ck ever happenl:ns apin, juat rec..u there wu a peace conference rolnc on when Pearl Harbor Wu bombed. Do you doubt importance of the Harbor uea to an enemy o! th.it nation! Tbat importa.n~ wu eatabliahed tw'o years ago when Newport Bea.ch wu the first point placed on & dlrect line to the filter center in Paaadena -even ahead ot mcb polnt. like San Franciaco. Or perhape: it t. the value of the Ground Ob- aerver Corpa that you doubt. The a&Uonal covem- ment ls 1pendinf $3,000,000 on phone e&lll a.lone in GOC work, ot •ucb importance iii this orpni&&tioo deemed bt deteD.H plau ot the country. Certainly it bu been demon.It.rated Ume and time apin th&t low fiyinr plane. ca.n come in off the ooea.n and com- pletely e.upe radar detection, upon whldl ~ many of ua miata.k.enly pl.a.c.e our hope• in event JJf enemy action. But you AY you could not pouibly be ot ....Ut- ance in the GOC ; you know nothing about identity- tnr planes. Don't let that stop you from volunt:Mring your aervicea to Rou· or Mn. Beek or Mn. Turnham.. They in.torm us, '1t ls & very simple proc.edure. You do not have to know anfthlng about planes." Duty hOUtll &re very •hort. The Udo Clubbouae '\ower hu been made very comfortable for our vol- unteer lk)'W'atchen. U you pou.ibly can, con&ct the GOC and ofter your tervicea. And thourb you are a nonetity in our national defense, though you prob- ably Will never receive headline recopition for your p&trioUc resture, you will be joining NOW the many "Uttle people" who ha.ve ma.de t.hla United State. of oun mat -and intend to keep it that way. Editorial Circuit Rider Supportloc the theory that the world 's getting am.aller every day, Calltornia Editors turned their atten- tion and typewriten away from the d0Dl.1'1Uc scene lut • • • • • • • # -. • AFFAIRS OF ST ATE , 0.• ot tllo WODdero of tho Colorado D<eorl tb&I CID ll&nd retelllnr ill tJ1o olo<y of lAlto Cahullla 0< Blad< Sa. And evm to tho old-timer who ltnowa the •tory weU, ht a~ ctUel to pat11e, marv.ll a.nd wonder u ho puee8 ~ old llhcn .lino, or runo oato • hlJ&O dopoolt of f.-11· •ter aheU. and obHrvel. the vand11laed rocb at Tra'W.r- PolnL • . ' The )'9al' WI WU a ,_.. of l..&ke Bonnn!Ut 10 I.I the Baltoft tev.n.h aplofaUon ot UM Far llft l.M re.a.dual la.k• .t ~ WMt. ..vcJdnc tor rout.ff by cahutlla.. whkh ln.,.._tlntnt&l H1ll'M4I What ln~ Wm mo•\ oou1d JMrot wa l'l'Mt troauu -"' ow \epftda utoq UY ea- ot .A.m.riCL 0.. well expedtUon buUI& Indi&u of tALI .,....t ln- UAder Lt. ft: •· .)YUltuMon of l&Ad ML TbeT told of tbelr tore- tM Unlltd lt.a.t.. '!'opocraptlia.l tather1 llrin.r around lt1 ahores Dl.iineers. 'f'U tailped u.. tuk U4 boW the lake diaa~ vi lollowiJI&' U.. mtna HnlMI& -poco • pocO," or UtU• by UtU.. .Jilou.nt&Jn Rarip .autbward In Whlcb a1IO told another ,..olOJ'le -J"Ch of .Wt&b)e ,....._ :nw stol')', Lake Cahulll& w._. a "'fall- PoC"lortK for UWI upedlUGe tq lake," not a "fluctU&Urt.I' WM a r.m.a.rkabk )'V\q JN.Q hy lake," ttke many ot tM ancient UM n&ln• ot Wllli&m P. BJ&ke. dry l&kit• tound on the Mojo\'• When the)' dl.loonrM ~UM ka O..rt. ()nee It lllled It rnalnC... ~ Put ... ,..U..S IY a1Md 'It.II lntl tor perhapm 0-. -·~u.. ~ ........ u..,. tW'Moil, and Uwn snduaily dl.Mr.p- ba.d f tM tnat aat.&1 trom pearM. tbe lnte r to the Padtlc Ocun. 'M'IDUT POINT Caretu.dy tMy i.s-to 9ll.'dy OM of our areu tor ck'llfrt. the countq, ~y fOWMI hup exploreUon WI ln the Flah Critell llhell rftfa ot tONlllNd "0)'9tar11" eounl.J')' on th• -oul.hw .. l frinl"• wh.lch. -re a ck&r indication ot the BorTq"o D@•rt where lt lhat, .om• Un\e back 1D Ute rail-WI beUv1d thit old Ja ke wu at It.a Uona of ,...,. ot po'°licaJ UIDlf, "14Mt pot.nt. Hl1h In lM rocU tM &l'ff. wu ov... run wlUa atKnre OW old lbore line w• flnd ------------------------locitui wat.ra. They noUd by drclu ol rock.I indie&Unl" old SACRAMENTO, (CNS) -A recent state depart-their b&romet.en t.b&t w. l'ft&l k\ah tlhelt.er1 ot the early Ca11- ment of finance survey on the projected enrollment in t.rourh. ot a va11.,. b&d ~· &nd fonU& lndlanl) 11t1t1 and broken C&lifornia ICbools from now untH 1970 1hould •l&rt the !:!te~t 0i'4 m:::-w:n-ti.a: =-~ ~!'~~-.i1:r:r t!;"";:;, ::: people of CalUonUa thinkinr on what they •re up l.hru1t up on Jta eUtlfrn a nd actually ani uttered with kit.cblfn aca.lnn durinc the torthcominc fifteen year period. we1lem border1. The sa.1ton debrla ot bleacM<I ftah. vertlfbrae, Tb& eurve)' iadlcat• I.hat cal· portion or the inadequate and Sink aa w1 now call I~. embrac-expoMd alter Ol!nlurle1 trom Jlornia will pay U~• •t•cr•rtnr unate cla1aroomi now In uae, Inc the v•lloey1 of eo..t:b.all& and l.blfir protecUve covenn1 or drirt total of $20 bllllon dollan tor a furl.her aum Ln the nel1hbor· Imperial, 11 ln the lhape of a aa.nd. The Cir• nng-1 are thitn, educaUon ln tbe el1mentary •nd hood ot $i00 million will bit rlant •poon with the aout.Mrn the charcoal. nr1 bla c kened tee0nd.&ry field durtnc thla ~ needlfd. and "open" end ck)Md to lhlf rock.a. and Uterally ton a ot rlod. Alth.oush. the r1,.ur11 ar1 ital · llf& by t.hlf O.lta. of Uw Cok>r&do. broken poller)'. Aaaimlnr th• enrollment ..,.,.. td 111.. .ornewh.al ,.enen.l tum1, OOHC>ll&TS EVIDENOS Th• "tt.h trape" In back ot italic betwM:n now and 1170, th• ttpoJt la clON enou1h to 8tran,r•lt ol. all, 11.l&k• and hi.I Velerle Jean. on H11hw1y N th• operaUon of todaY'a public ,.ive lba public aom1 idea or part)' found concrete evidence are on1 of lhlf true •11l1mu of tchoola a t today'• per C9op&ta what portend•. out of th• proJ· that In compu&Uve raoant Um.a, lndian W1 around old Lake Ca· eoet, would require a ll·yaar ected 120 blWon, only halt ,_ a.-about &GO• yw.ni aso, tbe bulll&. A rreat deal or "debunk· tot•I of almOlt $11.I bllUo n. If billion will com1 trom alloca-"llnk" had been ftu.d with a lnl .. h&a rone °" a bout the u• Lh• current trend• cont I n u e. Uon1° by th• feder&I 1ov1rnment. hup frelh or at litut ltracklah· of th1 "fiah trap•," but moat of aboUt ~-f bllllon wtM.lld come which mMn• Calltomla t.u:pay-water lake. Aa thelr nplon.Uorui the 1tor1•1 arti more unbelleve· from local tundli. $1 billion from •rs. throu&h. the etat1 and continued, they 1urmi.d tb&t t.blf Ule and wlerd than Ir w1 call ital• apportionmenta. and UM lbrou1h 10cal .chool dl.utct tax· c.b&J\C\111' Colorado Rlftr bad Ulan almply -tt1h tra p&. Y.'e mllUon from the federal pv1m· u. will be required to put. up built a h~• delta·dilltl ucludµle know they are man-nadl and ment. lh1 1urvey 11y1, $Jt.a bllllon doltva dlirin.c lb• I.he oc.an water1 and then pour-t.caiae tney ..,.. alon&" the old But. 1.117,000 more pup\JI fifteen pur JM1rlo4. If. perh&J-tor aitnlurWe, It. lhortl line Olly mu1t have had ar1 1ape<;ted by 1970. and UIUI 1'1• projected Orur-lt.N tte... watcn Into th• S&Jtoe Bbl.IL Tba: 10m• connection with Lake Ca· will edd another H .l billion to ed OQ U-"n\pUon1 that th• tc0no-hu~ Mpo91U or tr.ah wat..r bul\JI.. I ti.ave ..en them a num- tchool oper1Un1 ••pin-ii ovu mlc .yatem will maintala Ji., lhall.I, "trave.rtl.M" on tbe rock.a, tter of um11 and they alway• In· th.1 ndt l~ 1•rm. wbUe the p,_.,,t tu•ra.1 pattcm, WIU. d&llU.act ah.oni llnu., and anclnt W-t me. hou.llnl" ot th"" add!Uonal pu· aome Ouctua'Uon. but ao ~or lndl&.n ca.mpi1 lnd&cated tlli• ftat But u -cbKk our •·topo~ pU. will co.t 'about 13.2 ltUllon. depruajom; that 110 •lomlc at--. wu "trell:I. water." At lta ma.pm UMS the alUmeter on the NEED MOO MJLUON taeJu or warla.r. on a world-S"&tfft Jwlfhl It covered 10me jeep and watcb for the old 1hort! Thi report N y• that If an wld1 llC&l• wUI occur, and that ltOO Iqua.re mUiti wu about lOO 11Dt, I c:.ua't hot)p but feel that 1ffort 11 mad• to reduce half. 110 major cataatropb.e wW'btfall nillee kine, by n~rtty 15 mlllf• Bladl a.a llhould tte the prefer· !Uy HUton1, and to r.pl&cl a UI• It.a.ta or -Uoa. wide at lta wtdeat po4nl. With Ila red nAmt ,..thlr tb&n Lak• Ca· week to welch and con1ider evenll on &n internationa.1 1------------------------.Ibo.re Una about .a Ifft abon: bylll&. tor th• .clenUat v.·ho ftrtit .. arteL dilCOWred It, rwned It, and C. a )On& and bttlll&ftt carMr worked out Ila my.c.itrtn ovn a U. ._... • ., 1111d tMoNUcal .... century &CO• It would bl a nt- ped.e ot IALI pw.t Sake wa. OM U..,. trtbute to an early Amer1• -----------...-------------of at.Ile'• pwteft adli~ta. can ptoneer 1 c I• n t I• t. who scale .. TI!• San nanct.co New.: "The 8ovlel Union a1aln ch.II· len1•• the United St1tr1 to •rr•• to ban further teat• or etom!c and h.ydrorlf.rl weapoM. Thi United Stat.ff 1J.,.,·1y1 haa rejected 1uch propo••I• In the pa•t -· wh.1Lh1r ml.de b)• the SOvt1ta, by n1utral India , or, u reeenlly. by Japan. But to dl l'll no hl1h American otflcl•I 11.u vipl•lned to the American peo- pte -or to the re1t or the world -why the U, S. mu1l rej•ct 11uch. propouta. S.n UI' bomb 111d ban Lhe teal.II IM>Wld• like good 1en .. to m!llton1 \Ill· Initialed In nucle•r l ~hnlque• or Bolsh.evlk pT'Oi>-llllld•. Tb~ ruult ta that, whether or GOt U.1 Sovlata are alnce.re, they &ti reapln1 a rich prop&J&nda h&r· •ut . . . L&9t April Thi San rrancltc0 Newe potnte<I out th• ur11nt need for an official ex· pl&naUon of thl1 nuclMr l•Ung problem. We aa1d then -and we repeat -that only th• Pr ... ld1nt can do th\a job aulborlta· tlvl'ly and aatlatactortty, H 11 rlobel pruU1• u. (!Ut .•. w• u.r11 blm to ,.ive Mriow t.bou1ht to m1JL1n1 at I.he u.rltet1t "pou\· ble date , . , Am,rtcan policy on nuclear w1apon1 and t .. ta. Santa ROM PH:M -D@moc:rat: l•ader1 of evtry olher nation lh.•t they lhOUld join \II ln • po11IUv1 11.nd lrr1voc1bl1 plan tor peace. The Fullerton N1w1 . Tribune: READERS WRITE Dear Editor: • .tibt _ council mlftlbcn tab He ll&lMd it Lalce Cabul!W. aa acJUned even patlfr M11hta With an 1Qpe1 cltisena cutlilll' a furlouJ:h rrom atnn,p.Dt M ski. "trom UM MlM et tM ta )at.ft' f Ml"I ln hia ~~=n n: down on water u• to help IDMt "'dream"' project&, watttl\IJ • 'f'&l1q and ol thl Indlaa trtbe." .-WIJU&m Phlppl .. 1' r'! of th• )ocal 1mer1ency-cil7 coun· ereUnr 'pracuc.., and poUUc&J AJKI like UM Ol'Wt eatt Lake fll ~. eq>k>nr and fat,M clJ •Mu.Id dilly-dally no ion,.., wrt.& and llri.nl ot otttdala and U'6lt la tM l'MMtual lake ot uw Colorado I>Mert. about •t.artlnr th• 1200-&cn foot cammlulOM -Ind .. tt11 down ruert0lr back In lb• Irrin• lo ,.ivtn~ .om• rood common hlll•. •nH admlnlatraUoa w1th th• "If we 1r1 In a 11 tale of be· wllderment •l tbe 1lrht or the Kremlln bolaoe1 aoblrly atandln1 on tbelr 11.anci., lm&(ln1 the eon· fualon of that capUve al.Mtlencti of Pravda reade,.., P revda, chlaf new1p&per and fount of wl.ldom fundamental nttda and wiahN nf th• people comlnr t1r1t and torema.t. Brad1n ot the RuNl&n Communlat party. Down 1t Laruna folk• an h&I (Ot into the •cl of •que1· happy with I new 5.000.000.p.l· ttonlnr' lb• lnt&Jlibtl!ly ot Khni· Ion 1tora,.._ L&runa council built ihch.iv and Co., on the lll\ll of Lt Jail winter when It becam• rtn.rerly -parlaytnr 11 11 'attack' clear th•t aummer 1951 wu 10· on Ute prMlfnt regime by an oul· lnr to tH1 dry. No c:urtallmenl Editor New1-Prua Pravda, to be ~" did tt very Ulere.. Sir: rtnlUV l .urertme by 1 nout· Up 1t C011ta Me• whlcb h.aa I enjoyed your editorial about aid• IOW'ce, and I I\ Amertcan crown evlf.rl mare l.han Newport "they'' and "you". 001 at that. It publlW!ed an ar· Beach there 11 enough. nuld In P'or el1ht year1 I have lived Ucl• by Eugene ~nnli Nert-lb• t.anka. No curtallmrnt there. on the bay ihore. (plrt Ume u tuy reneral ot the ' Unttect It Mem1 to be Ju.at locally a ranter, and part time 11 an !tale• Communli t Plrly . , that I.he green lawn• 111d brll"hl ownerl. but alwav1 In .oma 41.- Moreovu, Pravda even •cknowl· nowen are IChlfdu.llfd. lo tum trlct wh...-e rentai pro1>9rty pre• Meet thal Uw ramou, Khruah· 1utumn brown. domlnatu . chiv hot·toot •peech. 11 tint r.. COUndl had pl.nty of wemln1 In thoM yura I b&v• obaerv.d vHled ln tllla counlry. 11 t he • y•r 110. "lA.t l1lftlmer lht Ut.• followina wute of water: McCoy. And It lmpllcttly ••k• re1ert0ir -nt pniotlcally empty tl) B a lh•r• lift 1xceMlft th•, preaent top 001• of th• and u extenalv. and d&n11rou1 amouate of freah water to r\nN. Kreml\Jt 'why Lh~y didn't do watl'r pollution condlUon occur-after b&W nr. .omelhlni a bout Ule bad Stalin H. aocord:L"I' to Merel coundl (2) Children conduct ·-water et tha um1 ?" me~ n,.hta" wtlh hoH, or ;uat enjoy TllOOP HORAL Council had plenty of money tqulrtJnr t""h w1ter lnto lhl Thi Nipa Re(itlt•r: "Aa Jone avaUable to it.a.rt ato,..,.. opera.-bay. •• th• unwritten. lnrorm•I cea .... tlona. It blew IJo0.000 cul.I trnrn II ) noata ,.el! r1nMd tar moni , ttr1 In hrmoea Strait contln· the t.raa.ury on a fancy trt.llitr tNquenUy than n-=-17· 1--------------------,.----- U•, th.• •ventual f•l• or f'Clr· pe.rk apan•lon. ~bl•, lnclud· (f.) Boe.ta ani kf'pt excMelvely h ma.a appt:are to h•n1 on th• lnl" 1100,000 that had tMl9n ••ed clMn.. th t t' th rnoral of ch a I n 1 KaL-lhtk'• In rood faith. bf a torme.r COWi· (51 P110pl1 ar1 very cttt1-• • · troope and rollowen. It waa to ell to help buy out Ula Pl: t..r· abo\lt tully dolilnr wat1r flucata. t n t r 0 U 'J •void ~•k•nlnc th.at morale mlnal bll1llt. n... waaters are rialton. that PrMldent Eteenh.ower did Amon1 pollll.bllltlM th.at coun· Th•Y do not read loc•I pape,.. By EDWA&D F. BU'ITON not ln9'9t on thi evacu•Uon ol ell could ha" worked on W t or know ot local problema. The1 1 --..,.--------------------- "Nikita Kruahehrt, tbt Commu- nl1t boN. hU .oundld off 111 1re1t 1tyle tllat tln1erprlnUn1 or RuNtan mltor1 to th• United ltatit1 11 outr...-eou.. and lnault- ln1. Somehow, we doubt wh.U..r U.14_ ltlt'I up mucb excitement tn the Unite<! Stat11 , . , We doubt ll It 1Ur1 up much excitement UI R11&1ta either, wh1re ldentl.I\· cauon ot ewrybody la "° corn· pleta that It Ivan light.I out •croN th• border to tf'Hdom the l'ona"'1,J' LD• H•port·M.&!bl.i& N-•Tlmea aulhortu .. can locate and puA· ud ti• H~boa ,.,.... 1111. II.ta mother or .tat.ti' fOT hta Quamoy and M.at.u, keeptnr t h• eeaaon 'IM9ld• the lmn• lak• •r• Import.ant to our local r • Reda l'U•Alnr ... to wh.eUier ere enla...-nmt of th• pl'Mf.nt eeonomy and •• atwuld be happy thl• coun1.r7 would ri_cht u they corona dt:I Jll'•r 1,I00.000-IJ&liOll to Mn tMm enjoy our lbotH. attl.ck.t u.o.e liland •reu. I l atora11, and rucUn.Uoo or th• City Man•~r Bhelton'a re· wu to· Wtduftlin• that moral• '60.000 ,..non conereta taaJt and quNt com11 to m•, a bom• that PrMLI• Q ou of Rlfd Chin• 60,000 pllon et..i tank on th• OWNER. I woodc how etfeet.lv. tuued ld• neent •ppeal to Cha· M•• -altboup tntM IUt artl prtnted req1.1e1t1 m&sht be If tnl'• torou to accept the ·inevt· really Inadequate and at tb1 pl&CICI tn •ch rental unit. When people w what Government ii pla.nnlna l'OR them ud to do TO them, lt'a time, neichbor, to remember that "for'' II alwaya followed by "to." Whatever they put tn one ot your poclleta. they take from another. behav ior • , • If Nikita A U.• •* ... ...._. ....,....,. t.f UYv FortJ r-wan ta ta holler •bout lnfrlnre- Cnt.ed u a-d-Qw IUU. '' UMi ...,...,,,.,_ bi N.wrport w.dl. menu of liberty 111 the lhlJtad O&llfonda ......,, &M Ml ec ......-o 1, &ltt. ltat.M. h.• Cf" flnd a ,_ tM.t p t ...... Jw.,,, ......,, W• s I I ... ..._, ..., t1tie 'flat.m to ldenttfp tllPPffJ' Cl'9o --p;:.:::~~~:::==~~~:::::~:;:;::::;~~u;;;---,make MOl'lo MIWI thaa. & pro-H&Wruta ...... "-Ill Wl'NQ OOlll'.AJlifT · tomer1 wno would , ,..tll•r ,.._ till ............ HSWIVll'I! a&Ac;a. OA1D' • ...._ ...., tell main unclw W.. ldeat.IU..." HO ft.OUIWIB f ••w .. hMWli a.-..__,.,.,.,,. • .... ., .&a S-na Rem•t lfewt: ...... Jons lJ ................. o-rtelu...p 0.. .. AetiM N .. A..sl'Ttl U W9 ·C&Jl't hl¥e dlMrm&Mlfllt " t O&llhnlla ftw z f1r Pwtt t • A•tpls.._ .M ...... ft ...... N...W a Ptt1• a-Mr .C ~ O..C, H ... .,...b BJtN R.WOJCK, PVBU8HER WILLI.A.I( J:. PKD.UPS. Edit~ JAMES M. M.ATHl:Nt, .&.dYU\ialq otnctor CHAJU.1C8 A. A.llMlll'I'RONQ, Mleb&D1W 8upt:rtalendent MJ88CIUrTIUN UTU1 N--pe" ttartt.r N-.. .. ,_, fl1·\\Mk1J • 0.....,. OIHI•~ ..... per ,._,: 11.00 Ma m-.: SI M I~ nHI&. ()atJoidl .t 0raap CoWIQ 11.0f ,.., JtoU with mutual tuptdjon. -mut mak1 nhr Wff.PClllll -but why ftovri.ltl ... ,,. one ot th*"l u • tbrMl T And wh.y not Pl th• '11t11r1m1n' who !X'nUnueuy •hoot orr th11r moutn.? _ • . Her• In lh• United Statu WI 11-e 1111ld to be a counlry of -.i- per·u lremen. Rlf'C!Opl&in1 th•t war I• 1tupld 1.nd certain to 1n- ur1 all conctl"ned. It would lftm lh111t An1•rlc•n 1alr1man11htp Ulouhl bl 1bl1 lo convince tM \&Wa,' tum acaln•t Ch.Ian a nd best temponry "'...,,..., llncereJy youre. retuta to their homeland l~ ,..... M...nwhU• Willi tU w1ter Home Owarr cetn toqj'Nn... and rewlf'da. •bort.11'* and tO!'C«I nt.loelq bl (Mme Oii fUe) Now l'Nllde:nt EIMnhower )'lu MM" a kttw to Ctlla111 wl'loee .,...,_. • • • UI lo counteract UNt dfact ol. Chou'1 move and bolster W.UOMllllt m(M"alt. etiou hlld •Id, anions other thlni•· tbat the United State• COUid not be relied upon In 1tand by Ill N&llcmaJlat nie'ld•, The Pretti· dent aad Mr N111t on 1&y In ef· feet the U. 8. wlll n.ver aban· don Ila cOmmltmm t to fltht U th• Reda a ltack FormOllfl. Thtl 111 a pl.tr• wblch h•d to be m•de. Th• Chnu 11tat1ment ., ..... • Jlfychol01ic&I warfar1 IJlrok' which, lf left unan&W"ff't(I. wnuld l'lllW'lf w••km.i:t OIL•nJ •nd left P'o1T110.a mor1 vutnertiblt. • Fanner McCabe · Writes •• Harold SU...."o otraw In the wind to -If the country 9tl11 wabted Dick Nixon bu tiad it1i effect. Nb:on will be DI:•'• runnlur mate ,:ome NoveftilM:r and tho Btr Brau of both putleo'..,, et.art looltl•' over the ammunJtJon they'n aeonna fire ln their Bir Gun1 come election Lime . . . politka (1 a atrange pm•. Fumer McCabe 00..n\l'Qlftt ..._,t a ftlnDY Then we hit th.I top -''"· dlme to ,.... If ,.., ~_nil It ner. UI no Umlt lo "Untl•'•" U..-"" row ...... ·~ doM jfower lo taa. It stt I\? • 4 Tbia la .ued "pt0p11t1I•" TM DrMW1 ..... ~--ta. But Cllll. Ur.Ml •..a.t. dat 1" ~ Did u..,-maat• ......,r ....... u Ula7 ,,.... you. 1a Nla.J A-.o..t IT~ or a.II ~ _,. teo1t, lt'1 .. Mpll'Md ....... aMatd bt1111MI .,..u.. .... ioC·" ....,. 1''11..rtlll ~ u.. n.-b ll01, &D bleom• TU, ~ .,,.,. Malla. .,-ill 19' ..... declutd tul«le• Now, lilOw did tbe oeawr. i'IJI •UtuUonaJ. But on ,......,,.,,. J:I,, thtb' ltOolll! ...,, ............... u.. 1tUI Aa---t .... ....,.! n.; ldt '" ,..... u. adOpc..d. .,.. • OttoMr a. ot Mk..., tac ....... ,our lalllM. Ute .ame ,.ar, tM nnt lneofM 'hat"• hoW'I AA4. MllJllMt", It'• TU bUI ._.. 11.ped by ,.,._.. ~ conn.11.UOn. dllnt Wu.on., makln,. le&'aJ a tu. A lu.Y '"tlll taub1e saeom• up wh,.__ .._tor a.Julia B. to 12000 pa.11 ~. 'ftl•t'• HOO. R111 for.wamf'd-oukt tmpowff lAt'a move on-from fooo-tOOO, tfl• Ooftrnment to "m•k• all ..Uncl•" taku ti~: from HOO-propertp and rt(tlta, au· alaWa 10.00&. lM bit• ll '•; tram 11.-&Ad P40Pkl. a nd &JI llttertJ and noo.-11.000, •1; from St.000-11.· hope, It. piaythillll lft aa bour -=-. h : rrom &O,ooo-t0.000. 'Jl . ud 1ta ric;um1 to,..vcr." • • l J I I TEEN-AGERS TURN TO H? Narcotics Officer Says Marco . Habits Spreading! ' l'ULLJ:RTON, (0CN8) -In· bru.k the h1bll.." c,..,ed ua: · o( hlrotn amonr 11 Bro.dbelt made Jt clear that and ll•year-ohb In On.t\P anr• County~ a n1.reotlc1 Cawst}' "WM dlfc~ here. Tue• problem and that 'Ill ,the cltlM In day by ll'L Jamb B. BrO&d.belt. the coW1ty have a pl"Oltletn of aucotic1 officer attached .to th• var)'tni" de(rff. · · -.ritr•,offlce. • . Ha pointed out illat ·t!M ur- Youns peopt. ~I' narcotlca cotlc. detaU ha.11 made 105 ar- oon..nned t.btruei~ motLIY ~ ruu .to' fir ll'wl • 1ur In the m&rtjua.na before, BrO&dbelt .-1.d. county oomparea wllh 12 tor aD but now tl11r1 la evidence lh&t. ol lut y .. r. mon '&(9' lurf'dnl' to hei,>W. a. utlmaled thtrt: ar1 f.000 In an adctru. btfor. the UOM 1u1pKted uaera of dru11 and na.r- Cl.ltb. Uri• ~r ~ad cotiQ In• UMi cbunly coaipt.f'ed om.lnoualy : '1 have nev•r known with :woo a year~. but he O:• a pt,..,n addle~ lo hel'blh .to ptatfte«l "Uiat the relaUoMl!ilp to ' Newport9t' Pleads 511llty to' Battery poP\llaUon • .rein.t.llll . •ba.Ut ,t.be -.me -approxtmalely one pet · ~nt. Uh11t:rat1n1 how tbe nvcoUa habit can sprad th a C9rttmUnltJ, K&aford lhlrt.)', 2to0 Wfft Br"Mdbelt cited the c._ 0( a OoUt · Bmt., plffdM plltT to beach .. ,..._ yoti'Ui ~ho lnduc.d M.tt.ary Wfor• Jude'• D. J . Dode• betweoen 20 &lid 40 otMr f.OOllt 'l'UHd&1 and WU nnM 1:mo. peoplll to t,ry lvro!n. Mo.t ot Judp DodW• twpen&rd' ''°° ot' them, he •fd.. ftrt rlrll. t.bla op cobdlUon ,lbirley abatain Broadbelt 1&"1 a m-,jor ahare front alcohollc liquor ·tor two of Ilia ti.lama for UM Of dnlr• ,...,.... • upc • i9ren;.. wlio faU to u:arclM A.~ felony char(• • 'r a I n 1 t pro par .UperYiaion over ·tha chUo llitrlay, iii Uw matter Ot "ha dru or malnt.ain a whol- i.&~ 'taken Jawelrf which. be boml' We. bad depOllttd i.· tla\l ol a cub ''We 0doA't flDc1 nareoUc1 UMl"I atton.ey IM, WM droppad. amon,-famWu •It.fell at~•d Tb&&'• • l'OOd quellim. and w. ban Ill• answer. Bt.ata Fann Xlllual A.utomobllll Jnwranca eom.,.ny etrlv• to l.nalA only taNt\ll drtnn. C&nlW drttft'a ,..,,· f..,•r acdduita. You pay t.lria MIU .. cost OAl.J-thl.'1 Ilia kind ot 1NurMC4I BtlJA l'arm » famcM.9 for. lo It CCMJU It.at• h.t!n JU. to do~ ·and • ' I LUCKY Wlt-!NERS MAKE HAY WHILE HOMEMAKING! ~VlllJ the -~·· Homemattnc Scbolanhipo at Orup Cout College fOl' $125 are, Jo,11. lrione Ball, s.,111& Alla, from Dick Riehl.rd, owner of Riehl.rd'• Udo Karket, and Kanb& Allen, Coot.a M-. from Sollie (Rainbllng Round) Flemftlr. '111e stria wen choaen. becaU11e of oullt.&nding gradee and contribution to the total achoo! Jll'OCRlll· Cantina efi'l"or OLD FASHIONED Cube of lllpr • Daab of alUen .. Dluol.,.'bl IP'uh'.t" SV&a POPUIA.a OLD F.t.VOIUTS 1fod.a .. TWiat .I.Amon .. Cben7 .. C>raQ. aue. u n.. 1\rad • 0...bed lee • Jtn'lr IA C&nt:jna, 't 'fr. OM lltralc:ht Kantaelcy ......,_ ""1'.ftor n---un-Wll\"D. am OOIOI VUIT OtJa OOlll'l.rl'S ~ oa.L.la Oal! B.tlf8ol& In ..... . rut. .. __ .,...,.,. -If• OrM>rM ..... o,e..1 a.a k U P.M.-llM. tlD l!M ·au&.&. O.-t a.,.~ .... ....., VACATION · SPECIAL ~ NEW RAYON CORDS •• 6.00x16 •• $12.95 Ex. 6.70x15 •• $13.95 Ex. 7.10x15 •• $15.95 Ex. 7.60x15 •• $17.95 Ex. P1111 Tax ' . Preview Saturday, Showing July 21th . 51.. Big D K··W The Big DKW is Germany's most sen1etionol low-priced car ..•.. only 7 moving parts to the engine , , , , Front wheel drive. • 35 MIW .'PER GAUON • AL BEllTTY · MOTORS ' · COSTA MESA 11.eo Now/,o.f Blvd. ' • • I Liberty 1-:m1 • \.,,, ... ,, •• ILICT••C'A,LY e UT US HILP YOU e STAFMllD610N Dt 11 .. I ONt21tM1 110 ....... .t.-w.. 1 9 b...,. When you'r1 havirig ~hi •lighborl' J ••..,-;: What makes a gla al beer . so right? Httt in Califomia, pwplc ire friendly and~ r:iblc. And beer is the sociable bcvcrar yoe 1ornrcd when the folk.! ncn door drop ov• .. chat or a charcoal-broiled steak. Light and ~er is a welcome asset ro 1ny gathuing. lt"1 not hud to sec "·hy beer has always heel. popular hcrt. Beer ts the bn·cragt: of modcndce- thc perfect co111plcmcnt to rhc n:l:axcd infor'lllllllky' that lw become chc California ""·:ay of life, .,, Beer helongJ to California livint , U. 9. Bftl!WER5 FOUNpATIO"'*' • • Mcau.a Ital• J'&nD II a: mutual com~. tlw poUc1-bofd9r1 • Ii"="' .-tft .lM lf'ltnp· U JOU dOn't be.Va thia Jow COil deP*fldabla car tmu~e., ed.. U ,.1-ltll and kt JOtll' 8tata Fann qant ahow J'W how fOU cM ret cotnpltl41 protec:uor-.t &ow co.t.. L E. CAIRNS W. I. "BILL" LANDIS q3 E. 17th, Costa Mesa LI 8-1011 . q~n l~Rll IHllllM "11TO MOl>lll INILRANrt CO\\PANY ' . RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL. COMt.ltRCIAL ' NO JOB TOO LARGE OR s>u r.I. --8&.,N .. ,..._ -- I WnnL. I ktlll. *•· MMltlhllf.1 ,WW,...... ... ,.uo. 1• ... ft. Sa .. ,.,__,...,_ ... ~ SU.500 wl~ 'W!l .. t terw i:.--Chester F. Sallsl111ry ·hill• OUJlT D08R A..''D CLAR&NC!& L.U[I: AS800IATl'AJ Ill NA.AINI: A \'E .. BALBOA ISLA.>.'~ IL\& ll'fl Nete t. P,..,..nJ' 0...... a.........,..,_ u rou want a pk:tun ol J'VW' boi. 1a lkll epot au us at ,.._ .... FREE STORE ~RONT Parking- C.O.TA MllA FRD STOU SIDI ..... • C-.. Y-A MllA FROM .9 A.M. ~IL 9 P.M. ' ' • •.. • PAel ~ ·P'AlT I ~ltT HAllOl NEWS-'lESS • ·------ ~'!'?'ftlllMT -' ........ ..... - ---USa&m•a.mm111• nu1 a ~O?]??a ..... ::. .:.:. \:I.'= r-: ••• r .. a '"' •1* I ,_.. ...... f,fllJll uut __ -.... --1 -- l,IOl.70 ··-.. 10.:llt.11 1,U&ll 1 J ._,..= cw•aon ____ _ (1) Dtstrtcl ~ g ( .... -lboflo> ........ U.W::..t ..... ltat.e .... ----(1) I>6ttrkil. ~ to .... tltt..ted .. ...,.... Jltfttr. 11*'1 ..... ~t .An.. . ..., ..... (I) 4U OU.. ,,... a.us--....... T-'l'ft.AJtuaaTATfON or Plll'!U ....,. ............. -----oc.w ....... _:_ ____ _ a--.i __ _ -~ .. --..... -. 10-CAPJT.t.L Otrn..LT b • Jmpf'O"te:ment of Oroundl c. BuiJ4in.s---------d. &qutpmt!ftt ____ .:._ _____ _ Total ----T-TRAN8P'ER8 (11 Tnnlfen t. lpec:lal ltMtrY• ru... -· - (ti AU Other Tn.rulf• ... --·-- Total TrwalleN ·-------UNDISTRDIUTl:D R&IJ:ftVJ: _ T0r4I. &XPl:Nt>?MJR&I 11,Ul.tl lt,ITLTt .. , ... .. . ..... . U ,d"J.t'J ... _,. 300.TI 11.IH.IO 20,llT.M 11.111.13 lot,OU.17 300,000.00 ll0,000.00 • • • • >JU) Tl\A.NU'l:RI -l,164,tll.IJ V. ENDING BA.LANCll, Jt1lO: IO Cub ln OO'lmt7 ~ -----a.a ..... ---------Ol!Ml:IU.L llUEaVm JVQ IO, 1111, fer 1•t-11 ----- 4tl,80l.tt ...... •••• ........ , n,nuo ' ,. .. _....... .......... VL TOTA,4 •X"P•ifDITtJ.ll •• Aim 'l'ftANU'IZI PU18 Nn SNDIKO L\LANC8 Ult,11"11 • = -... .. .... - ...... -..... ...... ...... ...... !.IOt uoo ..._ ..- 16,000 ...... ....... ''·'°' llT,609 4Tl,000 tfl,000 ...... 1.111,IH -,.. ... •••• -··-Thl9 c!Utrkt LI not a mmt._ et U. C1Md7 Ulnrr .,._. •1111111 V•_.... --PUOl.010 __ .._ ,~ ......... -,_, ··~ . "'---'--a...a.-..111 .... ,.... ( .... ) -1.1111 ...... -°'"---__ ..._ __ _ r-...,..Jtoaa~ ............. ,_ __ _ Amount ........ t9 ....... Buclpl 1.....-r ----- ...... ---------a-mnauonoH la • o..unc.t..t klarlM ot Inc ......... ···--------------h . OUMr-. .....,., el lMlruetlon Jc.~ .. ,. •• -of IMlntc:tlcm ~~ .... .;;;;,,;-::,::::::::::::: Tt:T.11 12,411.41 ·-· 12,llUI , ........ a. a a a aaas. M.051.11 US,111.71 D ,111.11 IT.144.TI •••• 8l'DJl,&L 91wre911 l'VJID L BIXDl!fNINO BALANCa. .mLT 1 CUh ba Coual7 Tr9umJ' ---...... Total ··--------m. '°1-AL, Nm" BllOINN'lNO B.AL- .A.N'CE PLUB TOTAL JNOOKZ ·---- .... Cl.U'Eft:UA lmGJNNlNO BALANC?a. .mLT 1 """" .. u .... ... ...... •••• - •11.m a a a a ..... ., 1,.U0.108 "OperatJnr" c&lb -·--- CUb ~ •walttns 6tpolllt. - Total ···-··--·--·---·-----Net JkiPnalni" 8alaaoe _:___ AdjullDMnte to c.trnnt LIUUtU. ~ Net Btstnn1n& 8a1aDce IL JHCO-c.t<tma ..._ __ _ ...... m. TO'UL. 1'ST IEllQDOIDfO &At, AMCal PLUli TOl'.io IM'OOll8 -lV,......,,_ ._ __ .... ....,.,.... --0,•1• I sz?r 1 _. ... -......... 6,,, •• •••l•r D• t ,._ fll ..., - ,J,111,llt v. I at.DO ..... ...... ...... -----~--~ .l.....nilaUft Co(--,....,., ...... " .•. --- H.t ...... 8.seM9 ----·-500,IOO VL TOTAL. &Xl'D"OJTUIUCli PL U I &a.MO lCft SlfDDCQ B.4LAHCZ --..- ...... If .. lf'fl -M ... Pn. -T/11/M ......... .......... ll0,000.00 ._ .. ........ l.I00.00 -· -· -·· llCl,000.ot l .Nt.tt .... ...,, ... .. .,, ... ...... ...,... -... ...... •.IAll •••• ........ .-... ·---·----------~- ---....... . ..... - . --=.--- -- ..... u ::::: .... - • ' • l I ') ~ ----•• . • • . -~ ... . , .. ·-~ .. .. .. • I e WE 60T IT RebuiK & Repand it An Tired l<ffPill9 it Sladiecl Our' Price• On It 'You Come ~ &et It OOJll'Llll'l'B HOUll:llOU> J'l1JIHl88DICll a.oTHING FOR 1'llB .mllli P4MILY ...,., WuT '!'Ha .otl ._,.nDI' ()pm Mon.. Wed. J'ri., Sat. -'di t ~II INDIJ,ntIEll 402 &. tTll Rattan, Wrought )r'on, Patio furnff!lre Com~ -of Wroucbt 1roa rumttu ... 9ori1oc1ie and llrulenl, t.wu SwiDp, Galdat lllld-UmlnllU. BAMBOO DRAW DRAPES ...ii TROPJCAL ,, ... Cowrtnp. lillKET8 of all ldndo 6 Unuaual Gift It.em.. C.nve1 encl Aluminum Awnjn91. SANTA ANA TENT & AWNING CO. 182&8. Ma!D, Santa .t.na IQ 2"3M6 ..... Dall..,,, 'OPllN KONDAY AND IMUDAY NIORTS TILL 9 . . . . . • • -- !!::,.'!'-fo .., • TOP---JUNK .. • ~!!.!•!.!•!!!!'!!"!---!NEWPORT HARIOR NEWs.PRESS PART 11-PAefi 7 FRIJ>,f.Y, JUlY 27, 1"6 ----------.-~ ------... . WUftU -aut.4 fQDIT I ...... I lllata.. •d I 1&M ---·-· llMb...... 41.llpOIU. ...... ,.., ... ~--- M a ' ••;c?a• 1 ... W.U. •a1tM1t I .... ... ...,..,.,.,. ........... .... -·~.,,,..._ ... --,,, QI ....... "'*' .. .. IMl ... IUt _.. '""'-H....-t ..... ..,. OH ... =:...~:=. !! !'~!Z • r.-. .-.. atuc ~ .. ~·:t.<:~-•: HOME !-Q~~~ Con9lnlClW -~ WINTU ..-ntaJ. f\&ra. 1 '*""' . as . I\\.. •• a H..-.. (Of' fte•t bout. llt • IOUa It... Newport lU. ~ -·awe, 6 ,..._ - llqcb. ITO. QwDer mt ften.· • frMW .,.,.., VINE TERRACE .... Nvvt1 ... eallf . .,,....... Tnlat Deoda lloufbt a SOid ....., ~ untunllabt4 a.MM. 41ett eau ror ,.._ Cloa*ltmeat · ....... I b&tbL...,.. DON L ~~D·~N • •lldlq c\&m wall to _. 18DJ\Jl HOUSll Uftl'Uft. I car ovu ..-.. v paUo. MAlq ~ p~ tM mo. u 11'05 u 1-14'1 Qall&.9 .... bl.lilWft owo 6 ranp. tt«-3 1fl m. l'fUI ~ d. ,,.,... flOOr'lt IJ:W) PM' I BDBK&, I l»&lba. f\lmLtibtd. IL0-4-N_e...:,TO:....;:e;,_U.:n.D;,_;,_,_;_1 ....... --.-.. -:' 1 yr ...... IA.t.&8 orJ'ICll C'llolOI ~Uon fO'\,lth of Hwy.. SU'!, MOUmuflZll. OK \e IRVJNll C 0 A IT ())roa& ctel Jl&r. AUJU'l '500, ~AHUll UM'l'ft.1' CLUB. BepWSDber StOO or will "--We .. J 1"luM 0..- Rwy 101, Newport Hanor, for a tw1191' al 1260 Pft' mo. HJ:WPUlt'l' UL.BUA U.VCNGa ' C:all Har. .... No ,,._... hon• ·~A\. J"ord a LOA.H A.UU(lU,'l'IWI Z3Uc V•da*r, Har. UU.. Uc44 aaM Va. Udo n. Har. O.IO r;;;;;;~;;:;-;;-;;;;;;:~ ... p HED an• )Mdrna. apt. COZY 1 bednn. rear cottaa• 1----------- V• ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ :~·~a~':r.~ :!: LOANS for Homes u... t,.oeat..d la w .. t New· of awy., Cd)l. Call Arent '" _ 10 .,r. Lout t. Lr l-CM71 42tfc Ford V..n.dtr. Ht.r. UU. C +ru t' L ..... ons c ion oans -----------I .. ll08 14Tr'LER T\\'0 B&PfU(. 2 bf,lh, 50, of '16l6 IDA8T COi.iT BLVD. Ut\11, J BR unh~miahed Hwy .• C4M . Uv. room. kitchen. Coron• Ml Mu ilarlllor UA floor Mm• apta. •t 310 1 b.r. a.ad batb upatalri. Znd ftep PUUUCR MOllTUAOm CO. bedr~. A bath down. LeaM MeUo Ut• In&. Fund.I Kl Mlll pur. Ava.Uable now. Sll'IO mo. Cali aaoent P'ord .aue ,..ely turn.Wied •Pt.I· at 312 V•rn.der. Har. t283. •2c4t 'maUon av&l\abl1 1S1pt. t Id Sept. 11 COZY t Mrm. ru r COll&I• f\t~ I st & 2nd T. D. Lo•n• nlahed. Prtv•t• patio. 1 )'t&r ot thea apt.I. *" actptlon-i•ue. "6 nio. NO Prrs. 16. &wvltll all Oranr• OoWlt)' ty nice and mu1l ~ teen to ot Hwy .. Corona de\ Mar. Call ppreclalt. No poet.I. Se• or Acenl Ford Vtrrtnder, HarbOr Trust Deeds Bou1ht It: Sold f11 owner al •PL 0 112 Car· 4263. t2c44 ltlon. Harbor 1113. Co\lrtuy TWO BDRM. 2 bath. So. o ( HW7 Roy•I Mort9e9• Co. • broker.. 4itrc Coron& de! Mar. Uv. room. 1tOl Htwport alvd .. Nprt.. Bcb.. ~ BALBOA 18LA.NP kitchen, t bdnn. and bath •P-Harbor I 549 .Ulr1. I 'odml. It bath down. ID UI fU/I ,_,.17 iUW tA&H Jta<I mo. Call A1~t __ 1:;'_°'.;:;,_' ,: .. _ .. _,_-_'.:,i .. __ _ MUUll&l renl.alil. Ford Verri.nder, Har. ~.S. µ.DA GIBSON, Realtor t2c•• ~'7-Real r..tate Waatied neAff. Haf•I02ll -----------IWANT TO BUT borql from a.u.IKJA '8L4KD 4.t-BoOIQa for Bent owner. Vlclnity BtJboa. Wrlta ummer Rentals Front I< Oona Front UODL ro1t Ratftl-ailll'k comfort.a.bl• Box I Q-18 thl• "'"'' il<:4t fumlab.H blldroom for workinl -----------womaa .r stz'I. IM per month. Wr1tl Kn. Jenlllns P.O. Box 6Q..A--(lom'cial. lndmtrial 21'14 Ctaremonl. Calltonua, or try Har. O~J . 4lc rl W. Stanley l\IW.TOR Newport alvd. Npt Bea.ch, I ~-'!::;:~ltm~t,~111'-!!!!~0:!a!!:n...,.~~-I B/ B Har(tQr 101.S Commercial-Industrial DEPARTMElilT 60 ACl'H -Level -on MWera. PotlnU&l M·l. f:l,000/ac. Con· llldeir ucb&af1 ue ~I a.e..... l .... C.I Jot -.....,..Ua Ave. In c--. M ... sa.too. f'O wk. New 2 bdrm. . Ht· 32nd ISL ll&r. 1211 UIT UNTAJ..I OPllN '" Two Story Building CljotolJ!ar Parldnc Janitor Service Eleva.tor Oppooite City Hall R PtENT AL J50 wMk. WILLARD KILLION •Pt at Bay J!'ront hom., 8M6 Newport Blvd. Bay & Beach Rlty Inc. R.&A.LTOR.I • 117~ KatbOr Blvd ' Cc»ta Kua. Ot.h!onlii I\. .... dllddell R.. W. Goouan Iv. t... D•y or niSht phoM L1 •n1• I. rrom A\lf' 11 on. Ha.rbor 56().'I SJ n-1 •·ta.W"bda.u-R1v1r Av•., Nl'WJlOr\ Bch. --lCa •"'." •1c•1 1---------'-°'"'-FORCEI)TO SELL ~.-=o=c•Lc-:-:M-:-AK~, .. =ca"'m:-:-:-•· e Ground Floor OR TRADE. 2 bdnn. 1pt. Av&llabl• 1 tlll Oct. 0n bluff over· e OFFICES OR STORES 1 bay. Gall July 2i•lt. For Leue in - OM·M. 41ptJ Harbor: lnv.tmat Co. Bld&. 091' NEW I Mrm ... SOU. 6 Newport Blvd. , tlttplact. bu kitchen ann •. e1e v1ctorta. co.t.a Hu. 1- 1 1221 or Ha.r IOtl 31-----------1 ... .,.. FOR RENT • lm&U manu.tacWrltll' bu.ata- ln B&nta Ana. ~'t d*"' bWcy" tore. owaer &f ..U oz trade tor 111i11Ulll' ia boJM. Very eal•bl•, alU'MlUvti AeW !&a, VVJ' prontabk hJ1J" equip- ped wt\b ..u ...... ~. ... w. "*"' 4aU7 10 La\. \o lJ p.m. t2I llUua&f. a,, SU· ta Ana. MUo -==c:-:--:;-,=:::-1 New otttc• "'1t. Udo ebopplq' R.EMTAL, 2 bdrm. u... 176 mo. on 1"1-1..- pt. diqlo9&1, pta&'• A a.&.Y A a&ACll RIDALTT INC. -.. _, .,_..__ room. Quill. llN REALTORI ---•1M1 lloU lJ Lita tte ......,.. .,.. .. ...,. -· ~ ...::-,._ Countrv LN,lna Tt.-. 1129 on IMH. •Ju.t to tflit rtpt or Udo llridat' En~ be.i~ 6Vlnl' la ~l!tl.ll ><. Ut.tc tte P.-r&m& Jhllhta. ONJ' 20 mtnuta to bMdL. Dln. ale• N FRONT Iii•& 8 ... aW --I bodrm. -· .,_ ..-oau u• tor •'6UL P!\IVATll otfle19wlUI pbOot ""'°DA!( A.JAOOBl&H,J\le.!Dlatti 11101t •ulltW vt•w rnrlnl MrvlOI. hCntarJ' A 11.ar. Ntl u .a11 JC1 t-n.17 hu ru•• hou.M apt. •otal7 .. ~ orouDd noor. • PrlVJ.t• rrounda. N Trtdd' 8ld.s t200 New-BY OWJfl:ll . Rl(ht nut to ,,.: alvd. N..;.,n s.a.ch. IPACIOUI t. Wnn., 1116 bs.Ul 91 Mu belch, lA.dJ&Otn' 'aouUa Cout Ot.J bome on d5m•. tloet in. fln• Jilt.)'. 172' Qcea.n. Har S02I COUrtM.)' to JlroMn. locaUOft OMlta Ii-. ~ • Ml or Ku. •1a1. • ~ terM!'94. OOY•Nd f!&Uo. dnplaff 31lfc A ca.rpet.a4. V..UU ...._ ~ftENT-~A-L.--l-bd-rm. &A.L8ClA 11L.A.ND-bl4'-1a DJ KOT A 'l'tU.C'I' HOMS-,fll.000 _., •. prlvatli IO for llU'IP repak or -f PhOM Lt M121. toc4J a..r. 002 ltlto OWNER SAYS SELLI Ftrfl)e&f Att., Cor--..... ltome. Newport fln,, F A Mat. • exc•L loc&Uon. f. OpUoD to buJ. o. CaU H&r. 179-K. 41c'3 ----Mariners Mile QITlCll: A Shop 8p&C9 tor rent or 1-.... S21 per mo. A up. LI l-llal... Dttc ~ Op£'!'1W!!tloo_ la<ALL CAR C11T' ale. f'lat locaUOft • nnt um. ottered • t Mdrfti,., 1 '4 ... ..,.,. UV'll\I room, ~ paUo .. tti&l'M--cue. Ju.t I M08tht old. only _ ....... Seven ltlandt Realty & lnvHtment Co. aoa..und at., Newpon 9Cll. Ca.tit. Har. 5111,.*&ttlr I p. m. ftar. IM7 or 1.6.rty MIM t.-l'Urn1&Md Doil'll' •cellent 'v. I I•••• .. o...ner ntlrlnt' 81" OWMEll -· ._. ...... t OLD KOUSE Wr1tli .. Box pU• Newt Pr"MI bdnne., uplt.altm dn. JU <Or"" dln.-rm. Mdrm. A f lc•I 'ner, ,..._ '° "dJ4, 'lll.M lM balb 162.601 ----=,,,.-=o-:-"::'.=-llt. lath I t. Kar. IOI-It rt 811'd. 4vallabll WIDOW )(tJIT 11:1..L NOW -'JdT Call Harbor 47l&. -11 •.t&b&hlid (42 yan) ---,..-,==-::=-:---- ""' AUTO AOICNCT. ,.,..,. -HESPERIA .. bOme (OI Plyftl..-trv.ckJ Good le.IN on VIEW % a.nd I .. ~ ltart at . trom oe.a. 1111 tM.illdlllr aftllalll1. LDCated In ll90 oalJ' t01' down. $tO ,..- c.ali .,...,. • P. ra. cholM. (UC. powinc oonep me · .. ..-atNe\a, wa.ter u4. .w. •Op42 town. o.11 Kia. C.H. a-. eiedricltJ \o Pflll"1 JiUC& ~!'Kt& p ,y , a.-101. 41)>43 JMIO n. e1 .... UOll. t~ 11111ur HLA.HD8 -Uu• tronl: G&tdt:ft Ol'OM. Buy • ,..,.., ieut bq1I\-Ideal Location For ,., ,.... "'Wtvtder .,...,. I&. lmm&cW&ta )'OUf Ovd4a Orn. orf'lcL YI• Mmu.. 1'41 bath& SNACK SHOP Mt\lt'e ttM a.Mt. ~ c. ""aftd IC*"-. nio. BARBER SHOP H..,.na tor JOU lftd ,.... prqe. """' ot SHOP k~. t11ctucH'nr ,,... 1~ t 1t1tchen. dtllln.& nn. GIJ'T REIJABLE REALTY •• .... ..... Nest lo -~·r center. IA rye ,_m. ...... per ···--· ·-........... -c ..... ulred.. PaeC. Of lol 11 a 117 aftd bUlld\JIP. I01. ~ .. la1aJtd.. • u W7M attar a or ..... 11 ~ rAllb ..... ..... • .. • I , I Ii J i • 1 ·, . ' . : ~"!"'!Ii Mitt!. · tlUllllDr . ~ -• Off' OftGAlf • 1 *hit ,,. ..... __ _ Ana. tor nlQ v .A.Lll>A,Tm PAJUQ'NG. 1tr.iCI ·OOUIJCI>-...... !>lp.ot aJJowant. .. tradl for ,,.OllOAJf._,.,._ I IPUfr:I' l'IAMO' Of Q&UID. El..O'..."TftONJC Orsall Ulla ... ......... '61&. KNABE Gn.nd Jwt Ulwi NW. repouelMld; ~ ot't ~ ·~· M.m4I ..... "'" Ouye IWMt ~-G,r~ mao1 ot.Unl like ,,_..., WutlltMr, 11n.s:" p Muon A amh11. eto. All woe-"'1IN ~--·~· A MONTH .--c. IOOd fNO-1963 tJot pt•no: a,pply *"' "9,t oa h pt»eh•• CkiOd UMd ~ • , 1'9.. llJ6.. ltll.. Bte1nway 10•0 sm . £a*.i tMuu .-u7 rur ....... \VlJRU'l'ZD &lfflforUc p&.uul trom Nli, ... it at °""'7· WMS w be,.._ H 4' MM 0 N 0 Oft.0.t.N 8 NJ model' won4ertuJ ch&nc• to buy a 100d l&ted Hammond ---Or.an; aJllO, OA9 Os\17, • Bammond Cb.Ol'd Orsan. burry 40--Au and ,.. ~ at OI'«. blr ...... BPI.N'k."'T Pt&no bMuW\11 CAM and \one, uv• ovw $160. llA TJllP UU.. Aaotbcr bupin KnalM lllrro-lyPe lplnet IUt~. Many U $ otNt'" ll'•t bUya. RE.NT Jiluamond SpbMC. Orcu. 'f.7 FO fll • NOD°' wLUa 11• kNou '6J CHi) ICHXIDT • PHlLUPt 810 '62 YO PIA.NO A ORGAN STORE. '&3 DO 620 N. Maln st.. Saota Ana, 'N QM.C bt. 1914. Open Prida1 alch&a. ::: CHE ONE .~mpletc!y rJbuUt MABON' ':If. OMC A HAllLIN (J'aJ1d plaoo. HY \VOODWOJ\TH P14HO 00., M IO '63 J'O E. COut Hwy, Corona dll Mar '60 CKE ibr. 3312. -lletS '00 CMC 1 • "' ON!: USED fu.JJ. kayboant Bplut '60 DO pla.nO $376. t WOODWORTH RAto'O CO .. 2910 ~ 1i'E\ti! E. ""9t Hwy, Corona Oil Mtr. ':'. Har. 3312:. 41Ct3 JULY OMAN BPl:CIAL&I On• Nil I JnUU&I IWondt file· tnnJo OtJ&A wtUa JI ptd&l· bO&nt. hve $400. Ort• atnc1• manuaJ •ltct'nm.ic orp.n r•r· u1U UOIO. Ub llfW tor 5*. One m&bot'UY -11Gtrook IJlln· 81G-llil F.. •t orp.n. MV• 12-. On• Dam· Truc:ll Hq mond aplnet Of'Pft, .. .,. PIS. ;;;;-;;;;;;;;i;;l:i 8"' our NEW 8plnet Of'IUI BY OWN tor oft17 '"~· »f,.IO d•ll••rt. t.(lr .. o · Lt b • r a I t.rad-. conttnlent motor, 'fl t.e.nn• at door, ~ SHAJ'ERS (lllnC. 1IO'TJ mech-.ntc\. 421-423 N. Syc:amo .... a&nta Ana f:vtri'ree' Pbon• K.Imberly 2-0872 U 8·2•00:: Orang1 County'• Orran Hdqtra. lV" J.IOTOROLA -$399.~ Color-T.V. Kl 2-1668 or Kl 3-7100. tlrtl .. SPL~El' iPliCl.ALS! UtntaJ rettll'll, IC'tt}J mapl• ''68 io"'ORD J &lM. See, P reu 2211 port lksc aplnet -only t month. old. The Germ aa,. s:oo. eeauUfUl Kimball 1n today maplt likt nilW, a.. .. PU. •t will buy liJl...U'ER8 tllbCt 1807 > 427-i.23 N. Byc.nore. Santa A.Di AL B PhOM K.llnbetl1 2-0872 1880 M -P· Cato, Pota • t MONTH old Reptered Fe- male Boaer . .A.KC. ft-.n willl ftltA m&rtdnp. l.Dsty .. 1..a. Sfc.41 JEAN HENRI J'renCb lptdallH ol ooc;. CUPPING .... Dyna .. -woru ID 1our botlM. 1Mt 'lVtia ........ c.w. _ .... T SB.L YOU YOUR CAR P..&.m l'Ol\ oa NOT IR'IC:luUl1 h7ll Kon FOR '"°'-""" lt:lWOOI Wbe '° Alltoo _ ... &lo A h Th .... :..;. ... Rob. nc C\llnAl: ins lT' & lTth FORD '55 Ford Roh. W9n. $1945 '51 P...t. 2..lr. Hy. $1095 '50 Plym. c:1. ope. -U95 -.,,-ro-R-o-,,,- '51 Ford Cuit. 4-<lr. _$995 <0nd1Uo~ I '51 Chev. conv. _$11 95 "'"'"" 0 '54 Ply. lelv., H.T. _$1495 .,. BUlCK • '55 ford l/i T., P.U, ..$1295 "-P.s. P. '51 Ford va P.U. _$695 ~~ ~·c '46 Studt. P.U. _$1951---- '51 Ford 'Ii T. Panel $695 ·s~ R.lvlcn R Power •teerlt ........ 1 Low mUN '17 Chev. Panal _$125 . '52 Chev. 1/1 T. P.U. _$795 Theodore Robin$ FORD Our 15th Y Hr of Strvloa ift This Community 3100 W . Coast Hwy. LI 8-3471 ... , .... --Qi. u~· ' It • • JI&) a , I • .. ,,, ...... Opla&o.: . lu•••1.W••-•r•11 ~~ ~ SaoPPEB-:-·W......,_ Phone UiMrfy t-n32 ~·#1--l= ..... ~, .... ,-.,...+~.~--·~·,...,.,~,~~~~.~,~--::.--~·-.--·1 ... • f .............. .._ ..... "'* t t........ ~ Wll\ftAlll' ....... 'IJillli 1 •n 11e fl.to llM'I. ._ .II -. twd. Mf'lollit a '"''*" .,.,.., ' .,.,. .. s •s '1 n ., 1.ao ....,, ,.._ ...... -.-.. ..,.~...., ..... J •I I i'll' 2,08 ......... .A-. ... 1. w~ ~ .. ..,.&,e.. Lllilt. •la&••• %M •... 'L lw .JI-. ~~--~· ;.i.;ti - SU; JC :tW..._.Aa.we ...... 11% ... ttw&. ~O. .. {'t? _,. ...... w:: ~ tlMI • ' ' .. tir. I \ • ' • l)CADUJ(U ,_ pl&clnf or canoeWDs ... .,.: • ,tit M....,. ,hMcatwn -6'rtdaJ' I pJD.. ,., .w•: 1s1 l'l&Dllcatiou-~ l p.a. fVt J'ddt1 ...._uoa -TbwD7 1 p.a. ·' Nt:W'run •••941a ruaua111Me co. ..., ........... "'°"----~ Privet• Instruction, LI 8-1 065 .. ' . DRAPERIES end Sl:IP COVERS ........ .,._ m.tbn&tes -kmP* LUCO ,LE DRA.PERIES .Barbor 116' « MU ......,,,_ ..... WATCH & CLOCK repeiring GU.ut..U<TUD. l'ftD U1'DU. ft&.. NEWPORT JEWELER8 Wrnl A. UX&-OW waTDJQ.. s:ouu.. lteomtl)' .,,.....,.._ _., .. IKacb to ow-. ta .. Y-0 H..,, .. PN?s ti -------- .. I '· 1'Dt1&!! W ~--­.......... ..,... .............. -'I -., ""'-.. _,,,ID ..... .,._. &e ... C. .... tut .... ,.,.. ................... .,. !t !J:•z ........ ! HOME l.OANS ~--ftaft.11tr •W .••. •3'• ... .... ,,... ___ . ._._ . """'-...... • l'r1tet £>.-........ Sold CaU .... ,_ o.-1 DON L HUDDLml'ON u ..... Qoll.9 .. _ ,.,. &. llUI It. L0AM8 1'0 IURA rKPIWYll. 9t1T, MOl>mtHJU. OA ..... ...... Wt 8Q ,..,...._ 0.... lf'CWPuft1' BAL.BO.A IAVll"'QS A WAH ~TIUN _ ........ "'-""!·-. ... ~ LOANS for Homes . l'5> -'° ,..., 1-M · .. Construc:tion Loans o( AD 908 IA,,,,._ en 1110 Mn' COAST 91.VD. ind Ooroa• 4W Mar HaiiMN' &Ill lttp. POUUllR MOll'l'UAQa OU. rd Ktno Ult laa. l"WMU Kl Nlll '' ""' ht & 2nd T. D. Loan• a.rvui1 au Orq• Ooulltt .. , Trwtt Deeda Bought oll Sold ~ - ~ lioyal Mort91ge Co. m. llOI NtwJOrt 81Yd., NDl'1-o Bell. :: Herbor 1549 · 1tnt 1' ar. fbODt _,.i• ' ~•• 51-Beal f'Atate Wuted WANT TO BUT bom• rrom owrwt. Vicinity BIJbOa.. WrilAI Boz ' Q-lf. thfa ,t.r.r, . .,,,,-, < Uc•• 8/ 8 Commerciel-lndu.triel DEPARTME~T i:tlc C·I Lot_ -Excellent ClOt1Mf' ~ cauda on 1 TUa at. 111.oofi nt 60 ACZ"fl -W.el -011 MWera. Pot.an.U&l M_-1. ».000/sc. Con· lfder t&Cb&llft OD ~ ~ • 4 • C-1 lot ~ PlactnU& .Ave. I.a Cotta J(M&, P.150. ing Bey & Beech Rlty Inc. R&ALTORI ' tor 117& Harbor Blvd. ' Cocta »-""""""' It. Y': Olddii R. w. GootilitD. Iv.'" Day Ol' ftlsbl phollil LI I-7114 11.-11oo1 &_&s_r -' . or RES 814 .... ,_ FORCICD TO SELL • OR TRADE. lm&ll muul&c~ ?NmGMll iD &uta. An&. Ptrmutn't dlA· blllt7 fore. OW"atr '9 .U ' or \rade for -..wlf iA hOfM., V•17 -....a., aun.cU•• MW Uh.. •V7 proflt&Mt. J'ulb' tquJp-- ptd. with .U MW ID&Cblnery, ... w. paut 4'.U7 lo a.m. to u , ..... au.aQ. .tt. .... ta. .An&. Mtto INC. ___ - -. Countrv tiV,fnc:t ~ Enjo?' be&i~ '""' iD ti.u.Titu.1 t--e Puorama 1WP1.&. 0p1r :ao mt.nut. to bMcb. l!lltra DM:e I llitd.tm. IMlmt, ta-.. ....... C&U \ltl tor det.U&. P.. DAM A.IA.OOIUJSK,JlMJ.Dtat. 6 JIU. Mtt LI M.ll.T kt 1-1117 ...... ---~-----'-H... BY OWJO:ll Bte.cb.. IPACIOUa I Wnn .. 1~ btlll ,• oa.1 booMt on diinitt, dOM lll. tin• ioc.Uoo co.ta x... a... l&oH , ..... CIO'ftl'td ,.u., ftnpJaee •.-v-........._ 21 111 MOT A. TRACI' BOlal 111.000 -r PbOM LI MTJI. tOtti au. =-::-,,--~----1-.,-le-IOWNER SAYS SELL! ·-·11-..... ·-room, tlapton• pt.Uc • ba""7 NL 'J\l.lt I moatbt o&4. Ord7 _......_ Seven l1l•nd1 Reelty It Investment Co. l'lat IOW2nd I t., Newport lleb. c&ut, ierwd • Ku. &Ml. .. all ... I p. m. Ku. IMT ••• ·i-~~°'~Ll'ktt-...;,1_,..~u-• __ W-,_.., For ..... ....... ...... ti BT' OW!fD -9ta<* hout, I Wrma.. U.ptta.11"11 den. AJ COf'4 'ner, t'09fll to ilJoulld. • •11,IOO Jlt -J&tb •t. ll&r. 161-k ..... 'I , J. • f 'I ) ! . . ---~ 1!41a:lf 41 A'OI• 9 !I f' !I Adip 1!!!14' f¥i--ll!4t!=:!!ll!l~1! .. :,!'!!!"!!...-.-.l~!!!:~'!lf!t~!a~.!!!!t~!S!!l .,.,:.·_.;.·!•!::"!Jl'!!:P.!!!.!•!.!=!!!!!..--.l~NEllE"l.~IPOllOIT HAUOl ~.UT 11-PA&l 7 1CWU1>T "M;!I' .. ~ ' ~ __ ...... r-. . ~Y, JULY 27, 1"6 .: :of .. ~= 3 Star * * * t::=': •· .,--:r.... ·· · · Mari1aS ----.... -----.w--=-· ,, .. --.-.--• .. --_,, v••~,.-. ~ MSW A llMDCUll , •• •: ,_ _ - , ,, u • --·-~ -·-'-~·~-, ... -~.. .,, • PAft¥ll<O. UJ:IG W?troeoR <Xn!V. CPE. "111.r "lllit•*' + = :.:r '.4 ... "' 31at St., Npt. Bah. -~-"!'.!:.:":: ~ = .t'. '· ,.· uac -...... ,.._ . Radio, 1$ter, ,.. ... steerloc. -llnlillo. "'*-t•w-~ .... ..,...,. ., --... •--1=~ =:-= Automa~ trw. W/S'tw, white tep, 2....., RIOH HAHN'S o.lichlllll fMlll. ~-~ ,.is. 1 =:-:.::.:!' ;t~ :;:. -., m --,. ELECT1'0MO Orp. .... W red, 8olex ~ .. ~~:_a~...... ' wttlt l ~ r:::-a.t,i::-...-=: =-.o.:..:-.:: c:: '411, .. " WUl. 1115+ am rll.JGR Newyorkrr DI.&. Dark blae, • ' ,• .!ldlt ~ --·-OH WAT9l. 6-. -II !! •-KNABE Grand Ju.sl MWa MW. radio, heater. Power brakes, ~er ltetriDf. 11U l'OIU> iooU: ..t.. ptckup. DaUJ .-;j Ualy J'IU"l1 or~ tura. Ps.r 4k o.&L ft!~ ti -- .,....,_., .. , ••• ....... IJ. s. Royal -· Tir .. -New -t ..,..... """' ........... ., .. w .... ~ "' oppt. ... ~......:. ~ ea;.. -.·. Mite ' ,_ -.... - -Ho· •e io ..... s ..... ~· ...... ffll, -Ont • . S2(M6 ' ·-·-.,.. .. ..,·.,..,.. -· ' SV1 I. ,... .. _...._ WDC!ld Ql'flill'd; ma.n, 1 --.--· f ---'°'4-mlw 6: r... .,., 't..iion --,... .• , •·-I ...,_ ~ -ttan·1i 1• • ._ oUNnl likt l'ilic.IMt'. W'\lrlitstr, • • ... . .. ••• ......,.~--......... _ .... Muon ............ AU ..... 19M PLDIOUTH• floor ....... V-8 2 tone WfS/W New &ad Ooecl -~Ae••· ··~--11•--... ,..,..... .... ·.::. ·-~'::.. ·"i.-a - '"'"' ..,....._ Low mll••J•, ot,<t. factory equipment -..$17Da TROat AJIO ~ FOR ~·-°'•-~~~·~.*': IRVINE TERRACE -., 11~ 0w .. , -...,.. • ..,..,. -• fl-. ~-~-·-. I-•---u•••-•-•·• !':!:..~. Callf. °"""""· --t ~ ......... DoU lice pl.a.no; t.P,11 k'1ll rtDt (9 • mt ., -f" ..,. ' aW.. ... . borne. lbdml, J !IJiaU.. L&nu C..U ~ n. a.-tUMDt '" A MONTH ..... -, .... 1953 PONTlAC Club Cpe Light blue. Radio .. . .... ~n~•r ·-------·~ ---- ,......,, Good -,,.._ • beater W /Sr •• ...! Local car, low mlleqe -$1093 T I R S w1u.' ..._ ,._ ,..., to .. 1801UC eouom "°'""' 1 ..., DON l BtJI>DLa'l'ON t ua .. JU~.. 1111.. 8t.e:lnw•y 19t0 CHR S' .li'll d R lt foot ltaU•r a&eept t. PRICED oJIKled plUo. *bot bf.r..type ~ '60 mo.. u 11dl u ..... QIM&.lli ..... 12'~. Eute•t tenna Ill u7 Y' ,,_.... • .f oor sedan -Ulla pod -.$1M ... t .. ttour FOil Q'UICK. :sAJ..a, J'()WMr~ titthtll. ~ Oftlt 6 nnp. Clcd "\fl a l'ttll at. . w~ .. , ..... ,.. .. ,........,, •• ..!'.~,. .LOU REED & ASSOC. ~ Rec:ap&:~~ervice ,:;•·:,, -~"~ ::41 ~..:! ~ =1~ •""'.=o== ..... '" .. "~:-::.,.,.,..,,,,-U.-~:.-°',,..,."..,. -LO-,.,.-,-m-.-un.o--, -lllPll_,_,.o_v_s._ ........ -LAND YACHT. N.ew mot«, one-It. UlVINa COAST • Coran& •t K&r::.usuf{ .:lo: SUT, .. ".!!>~ C!ll Lu4 Ol' ber .. ' ' ~ Brake Service t'ood ~ alHps ' -fS,?IW) COUKTRY a..tra. &.ptembe 1400 a'r wtU ~ _an_.....,... M •'MMO ND oaoANa all CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTH DEALER Fro tEn'1°•" t 1.11-1904 •• ""'' Oou<H~~"Z"Hubo• . .,..,..',....,,,..,...,. nw.::':1n~~~"~"'os mOdela. wWlderfW chMc:• to 1200 W. Co~ Highway .u 8-348_ S n IWgnmen -------, . ..,.----• 23 No »fl& Pbon• •PnC. Ford a ~ A.UOlllATlc.AN buy a •ood llMd HllMmOnd, --------------~· -~-----ROAD U:ft!_ICID <ll-WMded,.t.o...Bell& Uc VNMdier, Har. '* •2c4t Q al -• I -' .. VlJUtuoe 8LJ4set f"Wl .... vi. ~ "" Raf• &JUO ... r1an: .,, OM .,."'' a Y°'*"9 ftp f.ht ..... ,.... • • • .,... VNJ'VR,NIB)IED G11J IMdtm. apL COZY l Mdrm. rur cotblp: lbmnJ011d Chord or1an. burey 40-Autos for Sale 40-Aatoll ftr ,_._,., ....... • . R•ntala Wanted Mew m.odem, With or wtlhout hlrnllll4d. rflvat.a paUo, l yr • ... -..... •• ..,": "• ----------------.-...,....,.... .--HO ·" ~ R D . w. _. .,... _,_ .. a11 ..... ••• ":!:(· ·~ •• "' ...... .., .... No •&Tl .... LOANS for Homes •Ne. ' GMC NOTICE~, RYAN MCUona tor r.otn wtow ano ~~ u ~71 ta _...t ~;;; ~n1"V~CC:.-~~ ~~t C '"~ _ 10 tw• "-- SP1NET ...... -.... , '! 801 ·809 IN. ht ST. , ..... -....... M......... tru ti L . """ "'"" "" .... 11"'· .. TRIPLE CHECKED USED CAR •ANT• AHA u , ............ <;!., l'OR Llll.Uz • ..... ons c on oans uu.. Another .......... i .. Knabe .,., • •••• ..Anno ·-., •-~a 1.~--•--.........,_ ... -.. ,..... ... • .,. I CORON.A. DEL MAR T"'O BJ:DRl(, I ~t.h. ao. of --·•nwion: J.Urro-typ. Spinet •u~o. Kany USED TRUCKS Th Vo I Co H-....... u . Uv. room, •••-•on, Ul6 IMlrl' COl#.f' BLVD. otNr -•t buy• •f • e ·ge · .~ ~ w J IJMuutW, J BR ~ralahed .. , -_., Oo M a. -•· 41~ ·~~~~:!!!!!...----! · · l b.r. f.lld ~Lb upait.alra. W root dJI U rbOr REii'? .lllJQ.JnODd 8ptat.t or,.an ''7 FOftD " T. PlCJCUP · ..J _ -n.Ot. ~ S!Ol w. Ult. lfWJ~ ,.....,-on.-. , ~ floor II.om• apt.9. at 310 bedrm. • bl.th down. Le&N a.p. Polllll:R MOll'IUAO• cu. l1J "NODth, WWI. tr .. J.r.uoia '$J ctwVRC>U:r ~ T. PANEL BUYERS Pbua• tJbfrtJ w.ill IA.tbpur. Anllabl• now. $1 50 . mo.. Call agent Ford M..irc, Uh lu. f'wtdl Kl MJll 8CHMl.M' • PRIJ.U.n ma '62 FORD V·8 ~ T. PlCKUP Motor Overhaul 20I MU'tne. Bal• l.aliria.... 'i k>v•IY tunil9hed •Pt&. at 312 Vtrrtader. Jhr. !213. tk•4 41\1• PlA.NO A ORGAN STORE. 113 DOOG!l' l,i T. PICKUP Phone H&rtlor «t ,.,. ' l" CamatioD avaUabl• S.pt. t l----+--------1 ,., N .... 1n st ............. CDW ~ T. r1CKuP You M.•y W1"n No MON!;Y DOWN ,.., .. ""'-..,._.,.,...., ... ......_ ......... " cozy ' ......_..., .,. .. .,. ••~ I t & 2 d T D Lo r..t. 19lf.. 0pu Vriday alchte. 'M J"ORD ~. T, PICKUP U Pnap.e ~r l~fil • . nl.lhld. Private paUo. 1 J MI' I rt • t anl ·~ CHEVROL.E'I' ... T. PICKUP Up to 16 llootb to Pay Udo ort-. Jlfll v.a~u.. AU ot thea apt.I. U't ua.ptlon· IUM. au roo. NO Prr1. ao. hrYlAa all Oran,-• Ooutlt.J o~s .:°~~tcly~U~!ON 'llt ~~!t:ii~~~B. $2,000.00 6 Cyla. ·-·--68.81 1702 K~r:.::7J... M~ ~:r:c:~ndN:u~LI~ = ~~ !.',!!i7r~:*m~~e~~c:: Trust Deedl Bought • Sold WOODWORTH PIANO CO., '610 '62 FORD V·8 l T. c 6 c t A1J Straight U.IM(ty j.W7•.••·. "'6· call awntr •t apL D 113 Car· 4263. 42c"4 E. Cout Hwy, Corona 4111 MN. '6(1 CKEVROLl:'l' 2 T. 181 .. WB a Eight.a .. • . '88.88 ... . t. --~ ~ ·" ftf,UOO. Harbor LIP. Court .. )' Ro I " rt c Hat. 3382. 4.lc41 'li>O QMC z T. COi!:, 14' STAKE ·---· to brok•ra. t.2ttc TWO llt)Rll. J bf.th, Bo, ol Hwy Y41 MO IJ•CJ• 0° INCl.IJDD Mlh Labor 6 Part.I. • ·..,;,t , ,. Coron& del Mu. Uv. room. 1101 Jf\wJGrl 81Yd .. Nllfl1,., 8dl. ONE v•ED full k•yboflitd sphut 'M) ;,.;:;:·:~.~~MP Johnson &.Son =d.~:,.":'~ &AdftJ,: . _ ·. ffl~t:E t ! ~· •. , ... _. oN BALBOA LSLA.ND ~~~~en,1 1..!d~·.·• .. il .i:.-t~!' H•rbor 1549 piano $373. 2 •peed a·23 Un• rt au ua tw ~11 Ud ...... _..... .... _...... s WOOOWORTHP'IAKOC0..2810-.,.,....,.VRO·.·L ...... ,T.COE, ,,, bea np. lbpwt ...... WM-(lotan.yV~J'JoOrans•Co.) l.uH 1100 mo Call A1.nt ,.., ........... ot I -~_.,. U£.o~ w ·th Th p h up. ~ or 4.000 ... 11 ... ,IU&r-QUICK'"" ... Mn li'!A!ilfLT'"' .\ ...... , reota.IL F-v --· 'H . ' ~~~;;~~W)', Corona derl .. ~c":3 .. we. 2 •Pffd. 8:25 Ures I e u"rc 'e1e Mt.et. ....... tul.i.T ~ ~:.::~ RLTT.. ~ELDA GIBSON, Realtor "'" 1:.--.-... er, •r. ~e•• 5• ---· ··--.. ~ -----------I Be1 th• 1arrut v-olume t.ruck of Any U1ed Car GASKETB 6 OIL EXTRA Kl 1 ';"~~; ' JOI Marine Ave. B.arilor 102 .-...-... _. " - IULT ORGAN llPECU.Ull de&k-r In ~~-County tor REBUILT ENGIMEB -~~ ll.ALJI04 &al.o&.ND ....11 I u •• 1 WANT TO BUT hom• trom On• run 2 muual blond• .i.e. "•' me.1tt:tl;;.-;,f uw1 trucks. From U1 During the auwr Di our. "fl' hCk1r7 lt1 • 1 .._ cia-or_,_.. own.r. Vlct~ty a.Jboa. Writ.11 =t ;:~-:.~~a!'. =t; Ed Sulliv•n Contest ~ W1m~~h;:~·t :_:: '8-AJ!t..·a ·RoueitOPiteat . Summer ~entals ":~: :;ni_::; aos 1 'l-1• w. ,.JN'l',Uc•• manual ,1.e(ron.1c orpa r...-W .W. WOODS h:Jdftelt. · ' ' .• *•i't"" a,.yl'rontls OceaA l'rant womaaf#stri.l60p11'monlh.l---------- ulu u .... Ul<e •-"" .,... GMC DEALER GET DETAILS AT 1HoaT at.ocx RENT.ll.~ ' ' • "· ~ LocatlowL Writo -. Jank!., P.O. Boa 80-A--Ocm'clal. hld•triol , One muo,.uy eleotrook 11Pln· t!11)·19 E. •th SL, !knta Ana 600 &. 900 W. Cat. Hiwy. roRD tlW·tl) 1 tuo SPE'"' •' 'ST'$'• .-• ~ E I 2M Clarllmont. C&lltomJ.a. or et orpn, .. v. 1200. On• Ihm· T_ru_•~·~"-·~.,..~~·w~o~,....--·~"""-~·~·y·I NEWPORT BE.A.CH CHJ:VROIZI' • "·&Q •. VV'\U •• ~ •·1 • ar w. Stanfey try Har. 0616-J. Uc mond aplnat Of'prt. .... JIU. '=" • Bl11CK · 1111.0f 0Au.. ll:UJl'A. • CAAlGr • REALTOR ::: o:: I~~ ~S:'!se~::. B~~r~~d':lv:.2 :t~de:::::b:u~ '54 Ford Viet ....... $1795 ~·.~ ~== 0,01., ~~~~-~.RA r ... ~·:!!:' !lU H~....!!"!';..,N" llne.b,, 50--Beat, IOtctllaneoua LI •••• I ....... ·-•••1""1 molor, $473. ·:.1 PonU&c 8. f... • ~....,. ~ ._.._. -..- ... ....... ..... OJ\,ly 11.000 aotUIJ mUea. CHRY8 .• Pl! 801'0 -•120.00 ·---~H~u~·:.· _:20~.,~· ~ .. ~~· --liiiil<i<Ei\;;;;;w;;:--;:;:ii:~;; C.J LOT for 1 .... Co.la MML terna M door, Hy~c, t '!s: ~ Fordomatlc t.ra'1,Unlmi(m BTVDCIAKllR -fllO.M IUJOOCR Rent.a.a. AYal.l 4~. IO by toO plu. drlvewq. En· SHAJ'ERS {line• !IOT) nwc.han.lca v ........ ec . . pl)Wtt"""'brall:e .. ftc. OLDS. A PONTL\'O. -=-•120.00 LIDO ISL4ND ~. I i.t tlouN Cffp• • Cott.ar• tran~ auw lll•d .• Cbart. •21-t23 N. Sycamore. lanta An• Ev•r&"teen Pla~. Co.II.II MCA. • NASH .SUD oa l • •• • . . . IL l"OOd tor aentc .. warabouee, Bl B Commerclal-lndoitrial DEPARTMEtilT Phoo• "1.mberly t.aeTJ u S..2400. 41•., '53 Lincol"' Cap,'$1.695 JU.J.Bmi , f120:00 l'llmWlecs Or unu·et~ ""' •i..pe t . CalJ at 721\i Poppy. faaen.l buCw. LI 14671. Oran11 Cow'.lty'• Orran Hdqtra. . run power, lCxtft cJean! HU1.>80N (I ) <I' il('Jn.1 ~ll4.0.00 St.th.a.or~ ....-...-or,, t•• .-,. Coron.a do& Mar. Bu 083& ll. l3Ue C·t Lot -ExwUent oomw J(). '48 FORD 2 do0r. Good condltlioo. PLUI IN&T~TIOM nM.llll e.p.lrtmdt... 37c61 -----------c:e.Uaie. on 11'Ua at. ~' 111" )lOTOROL.A. -13f9.N Color T.V. ""· .,, BURKll. •t N""~ '52 Olds Super ... $1195 0pan Doll1 4 '° • 9' ....,..,., -"'"' or ,....,, ~ ·-. T• ~ ""N .. •1oreo ~ ~··-Pn:u ~ll 8-lbof. BtTcl. New· ...... BoUdi.y· a&rtl v...--."UI f ,..._ 1J:OO SeaJty ~a.f.ef a.a.a; -A '"~ ..,...--.., •vu~ 60 Acru -Ln-•I -on ......,«ra. port Bnch. -......,., Ji i "Oot«>NA DEL KAR ..__. .... ..._..,°"'==---I Pot.nuaJ M ·L 15.000/ac-. Con--KJ 1·106&: or Kl 3-7100. u '51 Chev """"""11..$695 ,......, '° 1 "'°YI• u~. ...,. • « .,.,. ..,,.,,., ...... _, . • -..,-~ .... ,,-. ~ ~ . • roR cuoJcm amrr.u.s. Offices for Rent -i SPlNEI' iPECL\LIU 1-----------1 --R&dlo. Mot.er, automaUc Pllll tu-. -wuk•tlt Ud oCI lfunP!Ow. l>Up'fe:s ,. i IJ:A8UNA1. A Y&U\1.1', • ..i _. ~1 "'""' ~tum, , .. ,,. m•plo D K W ,5-2 .......,.•'1•• BELLES ENGJNE• PIIllKJGm> 2908 E. C...t Hwy. Hu. B6eO ~ NEW eplnet -only .. rnonth9 Old. Tba Qf_rme,n wonder car. Stop F d v· t $995 v t. w-" .. • .... -I v 00 ....... _..,, or •c · REBUILDERS ' ·~--...• ":.:-, 1-,.~ .. • •• c, ---------·I • • Sa\"I 11 . Be.au ........ n.uu ID today. Drive one and JOU _..__ _.. .......,. T s B I ~ERB (.&W:e l80lJ D4MEDJ..A.TJ: DELlVERY ti • .,,., .,. • ......,.... let. ""....._ n-- C.I Jot -Plaeentla AYe. IA ' eoe,a )(--. ... ,. Bey & Beach Rlty Inc . R.&4.J."lt>R.1 • mapi. Uke new, ea .. 12'1. a t will buJ" ••· Radio, :=::;,:t.::••Uo 110 a lnl It. . Kl a.au coreed air ~ prt•~ t1r1dc 63--A.-.&.pta. for Bmt WO to~UI ding f.21-&23 N . Bycunofe, 'Sant.a Ant AL Bl!A.TI"!' MOTORS •5• Pack, •-dr. $I '95 LOAN C4RB -nu:J: TOWING pe. o -,. ~-• .. P un .., • .... ~er ,..,. •• PbOM 10mbart1 2-0e72 1180 ·-., .... ~-·· ••••• ~ ~ 0 ITATZ BOKDmt> • WindoW• CM:Uij °'*I;, beauU• HOW uo wk. New 2 bdrm. Jantto Service ,,.-,....... ....__"' -Hu pow«r ~ng 1.nd tUI 'It.-. ettraeliY• 1 .... Ir 00\M't. IOl·32nd It. B&r. UH r 1115 H&rtlor Blvd. I O>fla Ji-. Ca.flcorttli ft.. F. dMdM ., t MONTH old Rel1•tered Fe· mal• W.O.•r. 4KC. J'•wn wtth White DW'klllp. I..Darty I · 1"4. !f«l JEAN HENRI l'renc.b I~ ol DOG CLIPPING woru ln your bome. l.MI 'fulUn A."9,. OJI. ............ U 1·2291 41c43 brake .. automaUc tran.· 4UTOMAT1C Tft...Uf8KiaSJulfl m'ontn to monlhf 4'9 ~ , AUOUIT UNTAJ..8 OP&N Elevator '54 Buick luper Rlvl•ra Coupe Oynaflow • Radio • Heater M.an7 other ot.rN Sl~5 TERRY'S BUICK Ollalon. 1 owner. Llk1 HYDft.A.KAnc • DYNA.FLOW C&nyon Ra.d, eotona deJ Mu, Uc Oppgait.e 0ty Hall new. POW£ROl.JJ)8 Har. filft·W 18«4. ' U1TT" , nn l71T 1' "ON R. w. GoolM.a .... re. 0011.PLETll OVl:flHAUl. -----------ISUJO(l:R Jt!:NTAL PO weak, "~ ........_ '5b Plymouth ..... $2595 $I l9.50 WATEIU'RoN r IJ'T. nom. 1 '"rn. '''"Bay r ... , bome. 8346 Newport Bin. &lftdeN bardtop cpe, bdrm., Qre.p1&ct. SM'beou.. ..-,. a. From Au, J.l mt. ""-rbo ·~ DaJ or lllfbt phone LI •111• • lndUdu all puU • labor 600(! RIY•r Av~ .• N~ Bell. n.a r ~ I '81!',!;~·!:!·~t ~Eo~la~le~D~·~·!!"lft!_ autonl. R rni~700 rnlie1 ALL WUJtK OUA&l.NTllCD Summer ~tal.. f.09 C!J&7.; flcU IOcM I' .,. 7 '55 Chrv•ler ...... $2795 TERMJi~R~:--.ut:!GED ---s_,.(,.TSH-.-o-:R'.Ea--f',~·'.,., ...,'.~ "'°~uRO-NA,-~-z_L-....,.--,.."-~-••. e Ground Floor FORCED TO BELL • NEWPdRT HARD TOP ~ wtnt.r ttnt-1, I lldrin. tu'mtibid" °" ..... "" apt. ..... 1 OR TRADE. • a.a Atrn.IMOTIVll IDVICll tlCINed UO. dbL Pn.te'. cir AUi'. 21 till Oct. On bhatt over--• OFFICES OR STORES_ lmall 11wu1!ut.\lr1nt ..... ,,.;,. COUP.IC radlo, heatf.r, autom. pow•r ~ and braku, and power window .. '52 Cadillac ...... $1795 11eet:W'OOll. l"\IJ.l power. Good condl.Uon 12111 NllUION IT.AT .A.CA.CU ~o mr1r11J trom &qum~r' 1_ lookln•,..~Y· cau JW1 27·11, For Leue tn _ in Ian.La Ana. ~t di;.. LS .. lHO Call LI a.224.5. 4.lt<I H•r. h . ..,....x. 4.lpt.2 btll~ for"ffS ....., tf .U or U Barbor lllveetmttit Co. Bl"• ._ .. _ , ·" 1a •·-· v -_________ ..:.:I cUiiTli:\ViN--==-;;;;;;;;;;:-; f78 A.LM08'1' HmW I Wnll UAo-.... ..--or ..... .., -U7 a.JJT H4 YEN untum. I eur apt, llrepla.ce. bar ldtc:bm 30th Ir: Newport Blvd. eal•ble, ·~ an Uhe. bedrm. In Trlplu. Neal urp • , ......... fUI Vlot.or1&, Coat.a Bar. llOO • .,,. profttUI&, l'lllb' ..,.,. 8cllodl. Jr. HJch, RellpoL lkr. MM& U I 3221 or H&r IOil I peel With all MW INdli•~· JU:GIBT. JIODlft PUPa tot aa.t.. " ' na. ...... QIU 11»-1 to ...... :Sth .Alta' , c.u Bat. llH. Jruc H . untington at Walnut Beach U.11 Tln:Sil AND ldORll A• Our N"' JJMd car Lot Johnson & Son 206l·W. ,. t1~3 tlcU FOR RENT • a. WI ,...t daib' Ui ...., to * PORT ORAN"""E * JI p..m.., 121 -...ua.rG It., a&.. " UDO'RENTALS, i llUK>BR Rm<T-!J. 2 bdnn. ""' °""' 00.. Udo ........ ta AnL a<uo TR.An.ER SALES hraJ.ebtd a )9drm J bialh, t'Llrn. apt cHapoi.J., IPhl"• • .,_, J T& mo. • ,.,... 1--. ~ • and Suppllee klvel.1 pe,Uo, ~TV WW c:upet. laundrf 'room. Quiat.. •1• ........ am.t..CB JlM14'T INC. a .... ....... . . '!-:!-Wuted . SELL YOUR CAR P .t.%D l'OI\ OJ\ Nar ~ P&,. Mon 1'20 .. Kain. Kl l..aeoT . YOU WILL GET MORE FOR YOUR CAR Uncoln·Mtteury·ConUnental 600 w. Cout HJwy, NEWPORT BEACH Liberty 8-5423 2200 W. Cout Hiway Watft' and &"ard.nw tur. W\n. mo. Ll a.1"3 tlcd llU~~ LI o .,~ tu 0< Y""IY ...._ _.... c ~ I L! Newport Beach __....., 2 BR f\lmlabed &pt. Pnn1nclal l BDBK. wd\&r&. QL • Udo a... M6I. H&r. »ti Ev-. OU L.w.lftO' f'vrldatllap. To ~ With Bay Tlew. •m ob. 1..... •zu.t to t.bo rlstl& ot Udo ~ SnJo:' bait.Ju WW" la ~t'Ul AUGUST IPmCUI.a , 15tL , · Har, llJ34. JL Nttc tte ~ u .... -... ~•-'° ft.tr. 1pec1a1 • -..,,.., 61 50' :a br. Pan Am. 18196 '8116 THE VOGEL 00. mlnut.a to ~ &xtnl ,Ilk• et !Kl' 1 '""Pan Am. Ttle 1115 Udo Oftlee, If.JI Vla UclQ..o OCEAN FRONT 51-.& •Mr 111 a.tall 1 Mdnn. ....... tr'lloa ,...... &e W 1 br. Pan Am. 12t5 G19~ Har 4.'71 C&U ue fW 6tt.allA. When you lell to M •O' 1 br. Par-~t f.ft6 4.0ll • &OINI wltb ••t MouUful 'll&'W Pl\IYATa oMc9 wtU. piaoo. ..... DAM A.IACOJllD.a..aatai. '4>-.Aatoe for Sall 1-----------l&e "°' 2 br. Paramnt ••ta •oe& Choice Winter Rent.ala on on cout. u.. l\lbt bolaH apt. SW'U'IA& Mn'kle. llectet.al'J' • Bar. lltl U l-til'f1 C t-lil7 A h Mt C Grant W. Musick &e 33' 1 br. Pvamnl •160 1115 Balboa Ialand a.: ~ w ~~r rea1L ~~t l1'0\LQCk ~~ .. ": ':.:: BT O'Mml .. Theod' Rob' nc or r 0 M JO' l br. Panmnt JIN MIO lm&ll • t:IJlli1 °' ...,.. A deh&ae eepe our. ._.. next to SIYd., .Newport 8eNh. IPACIOtrl I Nnn.. 1Mi b&Ul '' ore ins 11' I 1Tlh LI. ···-·· Your Hud1on Dealer .. 27' ln••luo I ••. .,.. .... ..,. .. .... ...... lltU. 0o ....... Mu -.. -.. Clout -... "'--... "" • -....,., M 20' Teny atudlo SO&O 2750 , , oppo•te Jatt¥. ITft Oceu t A4,Ja<W't loll Oo.J locaUocl ......__' u-~ ._• 008TA ~ • SAi.ES and SERVICE 61 22• Ken.kJll twin JT4& tt.16 VOGEL CO. Bl•d. Har. 6"1 or Har. f.137. Har J021. eowu.y to-= ~ ~ ,.U..---AH~ F 0 R D 21Uc 261 .N. J.Aa Aqei.. D 5-7111 et 20' KaMklll bath %315 2200 tnA Karia• A ..... 8&1* lelMd • ITtfc I c A rirptted. y._... ....... DOllD>LATJI DELIVERY oa .A••be&m Utfc !1111' Ta-ry bath 1111& 1111 Pb. Barbor tU Oil' a.rt.or lOU ltJMJCEl't •l\Elft.AL, 1 bdrm, lit MA IU.A.H'D-blq. U tf NOT A ftA.C'l' BOMll 111,000 naw l:a&ti* J'ord. 40 mil• ff 19' Omltnal, tlroku tt3 NO it., fte. Mft..R·« ll&t. iJ9..1t tura. a pt., e1te:pt fi , prtYata 40 tor ....... ,..,.ir ot -t non. u_ Una. fOri9'2 pu sallon 11aN. · JG •I' J"leet.wOOd lbr •se '111 •. lfitl• polio. 803 rerrueu AM .. Cot--B&r. I02 · lttl• ::":C!'::-:-:::-:'-7.,.,.~-:=-'-- '55 Ford Roh. Wgn. $1945 IUull<JlN. WATllON .FABULOUS ~ :~=-.... ~= :!: BAYT•oNT APT. ""' ......... "'' ""'· '"'" ••art'ners ••"1 e OWNER SAYS SELL! • • p-~ 2' H •1095 1911 BarlK>r eo.ta MMO 84 J6'Tn .. 1e .. •""'-2115 teto NOW. Pl• aad llllp eatra if M IVlll 'IMdtm.. ltl .. ""-..,.... ilrine' 5• ~· ..,,, y. • ' '"' SUMMER SALE .. u · ""'"""" .... ---'8-B --, .. a.t ' omcs ..... ·-tw .... ::'."' .:::-:":.:"~ !.. "".;!.'; 'SO Plym. cl cpe. -$395 =·.,=-=ro=RD:=--,"'-.-,-..u=•:-w-. -=E=--,-,,."'u.,.n"'t 62 22' Clpr. ~t. •to tlfl 1m t' ' y 1 BDRM. untum. irom.. Newport ~ ~u. •21 JIU' mo. •311:f 1900 down. '53 ford Cult. 4-clr. _$995 condition. tUr. •678 ~e1. 612 HURRY FOR THE :! :: ~u~~mtu-. ~~ = FOR Au,_c~~~~· a.. 0 Kb1.f.AJbta. llWd. lln.,Lr •~-~t. , c Seven lalendi fte•lty '5' ~'-v. conv. _ • 1196 Bople. co .... "'' Mu. BEST DEAL ANYWHERE •·-• .:::-......... -,, · ,.,...., ,... --~ I t t C ~ \,,oM • f.2c4.6 OPmf f L m •• I p. m. OWlty day ....--· AAIU.U.. pNC. 0pUoa. to tlu.J'. ~ ~... • ft YI I men 0. '54 Ply. htv., H.T. -11495 .. ~ .. ,....,11t11=-=cx=-8=-,-.. -,-,4-c_...:--.-=0 -yn-.""ft."' IN•• lt.a.tJon Wasw, Seda.n• mVINE Tl:RR.ACll beauUM 1110 per mo. Call Har. 11-.K. hULL C4.J'I: tor ..w. nae IOl..atad. IL,.,.,..,.,,.~ daUt. '55 ford l'f:i J,, P.U. _.$1295 H. P.8. p. B., tT,IOO ml. vn, and lport. Mode.la. PAN AMER.I.CAN _11e"' unf\lm. 3 l:ldrm .. 2 Hth t lcU 1ocauon • ftnit time otfU*d • Har. 6111,•~!!:."!-.,.ll&r. NIT clean. On• owner. Gar. r.5964 A1.M> Para11u1u11t.XMMiU houN. Mott ~atlred.ln :rard. ror Jkn~ Dolftl' aoelJol aaat•••• • or --v -'5 1 fo,d VI P.U. _$695 or a.-. 1 ... 311 t?ptfi IMO Powrr Hawlt t'ravele»-Tarry Ye•rly or lonrar at S.U0 per Tllia OLD HOUB.C .. OWner Ntlrtnc", BT\ OW!fa _ 9aadt bolMe. J '46 Stude. P.U. _$195 l NJ roJ\D CU.tom d\lb cpe. aoi.AerO , .. _ ........ ~, ····-• -·• " In A Uvlns rm. dln.·rm. Mdnn. 6 Wrtt.o • Bu P11' New• PteM Wtm&., uptb.ln Mn. IU CIOl'- L 1t61 CILUIP. J dt. ll9d&n ....,,...., ... ....uty uo e.r • ni.. kl\oMIL 8haN u.. balb. ~a.60 4k41 •ner, ,... '° IMltld. "lll.600 •51 Ford I/a T. Penel $695 '54 Buie" A.&M Balboa t.i•nd. Har. tm· Ma· noo N---' Bl"' ""auaw. 11,.aau. at. Har. 161..it "'-p _1 t: lll'rifl,_ Ro«4mut.er 4-dr. J STUDEBAKICR u~ ...u11 po ...., ot 9o)'Dta. 4lcf.I '5 .. _. • • • WIDOW IR18T ll:LL NOW -... A .. , 'l7 """"9\o. •net _..,125 row.r at.tertnc". '1'e.ke1o wtnctow. 1,.,, 1961 .:C. 1.U u Cle•r•nce Speci•ll ""•· i.t. C&1I H&rttor •711. well utab11aMd (ti yare) _.,.,. '52 Ch.v. lj1 T. P.U. _$795 Loaded -wtU. a.u ntru .EV&RTONll A BAR04lltt NZW ttU .KaJ"tlowtr n~ n. PENINS;UL~· •. NI~ AREA filc•I AUTO AOl!IMCT. (Dodi• - Low mUeqa -IAcal car Tenn. t.o Mlit JOU.. wtUi brand MW li:tl Pnlln,-. ~ qta._w1~~· 2 llDIUl. l'ID'rlWttd lMmMi tOll P1ym..-tnack) Good *" on Theodore Robin$ .FORD Our 35th y .. , of Strvlct In This Community 3100 W. Coast Hwy. LI 8-3471 . S1895 l B.lt.-$t0 618.&-•\10 nDL f, blka. from-W. Ml ""1.ktln.(' h'atlabl&. lioeaJ .. la JOE NICKERTZ """ V.llLUll n. Hu. UM-s:v ... Hu.,., .., _,. .... ~....,.a p. ~ ·-· ,_ -.... .., ttMV\ DISCOUNT " ............ w. '°"' t..... "'" -C.H. "'""'· YOOlt 8'IVDl:BAICD 08.ALER fFTVV 8"1•* P.Y. :H~ 4.1pf.I TERRY.,s ltSI Newport Blvd. Har. 610 TO. -.. --nnunaHZD -.oa..\•••• CORONA.JIIQHW.1fDI -Uw.. ...w.n. N .. IJ fetar1t•• &bd cunntnc l\lmlahed. ,-.r'• J-Mlt9' 1111 l"OJU) coavvt.lble, ll_R, smi two I IM4toom I .... A twe 11li'll llfcpt. 115. Jmmac:.data l Mdtoom apt.I. wlU. .... Mm.. I WtmL, J\6 be.Ula BUICK ptpeia. tonn.au CIOYW, JAIO. UUUtleo pahl. o.rtia1e .. cupettd, ~andklt .... nlet: • Hu. INl.J. 41cf.3 po.le, laundry f'OOhl. and )'&I'd. dtll. 1a....,., 'II.. of -TERXI ,.,..._ Two badnU. i100 oeeu fnint tlt.t:Mn, dAa1q ""· '15 IUl,J,V.Ji N , • dr. Mdul, pfi.. "" down. be.LflAce to ll\&IL mo. -1 ~ f1115 mo. and u.ina rwn. IUO .,.. Ibo. 6th at Walnut n.te perty 11000 -511 Karl. CO.uT PfiOl'Dt11-IOl" .. Rofllf9lffll ,..wl'ed., PM Of. Huntington Beach C:.w"° .... '" ""'· .~ ~:~~~•jer ~'!.~.'l ~ ~8:.--: "''" ....... Bal-~ • Ideal Location For SNACK SHOP BARBER l!HOP GliT SHOP Ku:l to llhopplaS.Clf'.ftld. Larre kit. a a Uf tM MlildUIP. u. u1• ati.r a or ...ii: ftld9. " • ... ... • • BALBOA ISLAND HUMTI ._ Ud.111 Ju.& ,... d1ICed to .,,,., a bdnn&, 2 bat.las ,._.. ..,... apt. t\u'- ld.IMd. ,....., For Quick titulh Cor. 29tJi and ~ Blvd. or PboM Bar. 6228 OPENING l'OR LOCAL LIVEWIRE &WESKAN OR BROKER 4-0cU INDUSTRIAL BAYSHORES BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES J'ROK 1 TO 20 ACRES. J'rom JUST LIBT'ED a fOOd 2 IMdrm '5000 to Jl0.000 per acre. CJ« home built a.round a pa~ Ill on~ IJ'Ound floor It mak9 wtt> 'blt. I.ft ~ b&a Ip. yo\lntlt a lltUe fortun. qule.IL Uv. room wtth fl.replace, f\ID 100& w. Bal1loa Bl ... Bar 6111 ~ rreat many people ..... dolnl' ... din. room, lp. mutet bed· room. 1 bath ,>lu.t tned b&thlne •bower. w t.o w carpeUn1 throuchout. oversl&e dbl pr· a.i•. lllcely l&ndlc&ped -C&ll tor appointment to ... thll a11e t.t '1&600. BT OWNER NEWPORT HEIGHTS Seven . Islands fteelty kodlm etucco. 1 b.r. IWpent. & Investment Co. Jc. pat rm. A bath ewer ~a2nd It.. Newport Itch. C.Ut p.rac. on alley. (lcleal for I.ft· Bar. IMI. after 6 p.m. Bar. 61517 ln9) B/B C·l BA.ROA.JN FOREVER AND EVER 4 oftlc• on 47 feet. Newport Blvd., New})Ort Beach. Income 'nWt plctwaque Yiew ot the e• '3800 8111 131.600. Ure 11.&ti.or -and beyond! DUNCAN BARDEITY RH.ltor 4 bdnn.a. 11 den. HP-. dbl·nn .. Har. 4711 2t02 N..P,rt BIYd.. over 1700 llq. n. Of old-.Wld Newport Beacll. 34tfc cb&rm. 60' ~J lot. Room for pool Alkins S46.000. Mab otter. a bdrm. i•. bath completelJ J"OJtNJBHl:D, LOW down pq- iu.ent. excellent terma. '11.000 "C" · THOMAS OCEAN FRONT DUPLEX On corner lot, compaettly tu.rn11hed. lllcome isooo yr. Full price only $21,7'50. F;xcellent tsma. ' WATERFRONT HOME Pier and float, 3 BR., 1 lh bat.ha. many extra.I. Full price $28~. Term.a. TWO DUPLEX LOTS 1 a corner. Owner will .ell oo unbelievable terma. J. M. MIL~ER CO. 2025 W. Balboa Blvd. . Har. t091 Near the Netrport Pier U1e our IArp Parfd.111 Lot W>Nf TO MAKE A .BUCK- a.nd lltill have a fine home Ii incoa:le! We have the maklnp of the deal -A 2 B. R. home, car· petec!, lovely tirepl, plua an apt. over pr. · Ideal spot tor nm.mer rental8 -on a corner 60 z 118 (tbab TWO lotl) South of Blway. Buy ft -build on the atra lot (we'll ..U it) 6 you'll have tiome and income at a b&rsaln price. Juat phone -we'll make th• appt. R. L STRICKLER, Realtor R. B. HODGE • .U.OC:iate 3622 E. Cout Hwy., Coron.a del Mar. Bar. 277' HARBOR BLVD. business frontage ' locatiOM \ 3 BR ,HOME 1600 sq. ft.$ I 000 dn. A real buy &t •10,'60. SlaMl 1 BR Good House-See It LIDO ISLE 10 ac $70,ll) 4 B. R. 1 J/4 baths A bll7 at •U.960 e.. ua and &n"&np Jow down low Down Payment Wiil bue I nice bom• that we cu eell with dow1l payment.a U low U MM. Tell UI your JIHda and ._. may ~ able to pron~ the auwer. COSTA MESA SEEING IS BELIEVING. $8000 dowD ~ W. WUlllUaJly ~ a B. R. (or 2 6 dim) qaaltty bome •. U )'Oil want the &e.t ta ~ choice locatloa. WI t. IT. PtCPd B. W. ara.: F/A. beat. 1% bl.tbl; ,_nelW waJJ.. elec. kitcben. Uncludlq lJiuilt..m OftD and raqe. wall ~-u4 m1 e~-l!Wnruher, faa and hood. ~ wuber. m,er,) Jcmly drapes throqti· ~ a ear ..,.... wtUt .a.c. door, aad ~ beaut. Jandmcape4. KoatblJ .,met. an UOT.•T. You' can BUY tt cheaper than you can ~ lt! ft.la 18 YOUR oppoatwdty. n la a . home JOU will be proud to own. Winter and yearly rent.ala. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor KEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine A~e., Balboa Ia1&nd. Pb. Har. 1811 or 18'1'1 TOO LOVELY FOR WORDS An you looting for a luxurioUI 2 bedroom Ranch Style home in NEWPORT HEIGBTS! lt'a t.ruly dittlcuJt to find 1fOt'd.t that will ju.t.ly d61Cribe thia eueptlonal home, the ID09t tute- ful interior decoration. the tine carpetJns and drapes. th• beautiful and apert1y landlc&ped P'Ollllda. the most attrsetlve NEWPORT HEJ:GBTS locatkm. We aun..i that you drift by 909 Alde&n Place, then call ua for an appoint- ment to aee it younelf. Priced at $28.000 BACK BAY New a bedroom and family room plUL Thia loff17 COlltemporuy Ranch Sl)de bu juat bMe compJeted and ta rady for lmmediat. occupancy. Bu everythJns lncludlni built tn Range a oven, inteN:om .,stem. Uled brick ftnplace, larp tamlly or d1ninc room. breakfut room and bar. Luse breaeway. to pn.ge. fenced. Excellent Term.a Priced at $26.~ C. ED JONES, Realtor 6 ABSOCI.ATES 1999 Harbor Blvd. NEWPORT BEACH MAX W. POPE COST A MESA-The Best Town on Earth Now you can have a lake front home in Newport S.Ch with your own prln.t. like. 2 bedrma. REALTOR C.2 Buaille. liODe -ee :s 300 with a good 3 Br. and den. bl.th a % lge. ttv. room and MpU&te 1IOI Harbor Bl'fd. eo.u Kaa home, Bwd. 1loon. eervice porch A prap. A 0orcaa cW Ku omc. SHORE CLIFFS din. rm. Fully carpeted &: draped wtth an all u a.uu wry pod bu1 at $12,!500. 1530 1:. oo..t 11w7 .. Jiu. 6M3 DELUXE VIEW HOKE electric kitchen. 811cUns clam doon ~ ontx> 3 Br. home, 1~ bath, Bwd. floon, W /W carpet. Income Property ---------•:-a wan':~~ 1m111: the patio. A real f&mny home, and prtced to ae1L B / B ~. clhalnc room. double p.race, A·l loca- BAYBBORES ~emu.too. Ope afiernoclm W E FISHER & Uon SU,000. with termL I UNITa IN •.U<OUI CLIJ'J' ' B.1',. den beaut. pat.Jo, pl&y UNTIL BOLU. 216 Drtttwood, • • Associates HAVEN. All .--. Prl9ent yard. t-.i f&llS. bolbe. Stow· eorcm. cW Kar. SO'l• Cout Highway, Corona del Mar Harbor 5032 LIDO ISLE ~ Lotll M z 188 (.Wtable tor 3 Unit.a) . • • $3325. mco::J!iOOO· Exce1J111t rental ~'" .. ~ Good t.emw. Evea. Harbor ~W Ocean 6 b&y view lot 70 :it 1'0 . . • $13,000. relll area. t4ISOO down.. -S2t,600 BOUUl OJ' CBARX-'nle most DOUCULA.Tll I BDl\K. Home ~aft n: tr:n ~ a b.r., l" bath, 1,e. llv. np.. fuUdioua W'OUJd be prood Of ~-------------.,....-,,.--------Lo .. ly ooat.empor&r)' Koctvn. NEWPOU.T HEIGHTS -One of the best tor i:uoo. an rr 1501 B&Hn p&rt. tum. nuoo uu. equtata bOme and tta WORK WHERE YOU LIVE equipped wttb u. iatut ap-OCMD a bay NW'L 3 Br. heme, 2 ,batha, W/W Place. atttc BACK BA y =~t ~~ ~w °!::..:!: potntmata. CM.nntq M.ut.r carpetiDi, forced air heat.fq, larp llerVice --• A _.__ Bedroom. 2 bat.ha Carpet.a and porch. doable ---••AND" ntmmln• pool. Il'1 I.be rnau.t. 110 Mmtcm. 4 b.r .. room for pool, VIEW for Income property. Rarbor pnmc location in the heart o:f Balboa laland'1 Draper1ea, BeautitUlly land-•-·--• - 00 -RlNTBIAN----mi..-.NI>--"om-+-e-ln HUOO oou. _ •hopping center, 310 MA.RINE AVE. Succemaful 8C&ped. AaJtJq 121.TllO. US.MO. 8an rruclllco aq. aupe,_ a 1u .. 1"' bath. a,.. kit -bu.ainea. with attract.Ive 3 bedrm.. apt. Poaibl• & bedroom bonw wlt.h 1 G N WELLS R ft 91.w, cloN t.o wa.tar, 4 '"'1'ma.. AtlklDJ '21.000 A IT&AL-Ch&nnlnJ J bedrm. MtM. Plumblq fof' pool, t7' • • I •• Or .. --· .. •tudlo • ....... ...'citJ home t.o c:loee .. tai.. 1 block EXCELLENT OPPORTUN"'.V Comer 0am ._. .. ,_ waJ'-"' 1810 N----+ Blvd ea.ta Me.a LI •17-ot ~ J car -~ran&. » &cnt, l b.r .. Ju). pine lnL to tul• ~ C&1J Wooten M ' I · · p .. ...., -w ... ...,.... ., -_. ruoo. Attn.cU~;;;:.. Con· UNO Hu. llCK1. EXCLUSIVE WITH = ~ :· = ------------------ lfder ach&qe. llu'. Dff..R OCEAN J'ROtn ~r rental, tall to -.. _______ u_,u_ J b.r. We ·~lallM In uch&n&ini WM. w. SANFORD & Associates Would JOU llM a wtU planMd J OORONA DEL KAR IBO&llCLU'J'&. 2 b.r .. crm. lanat propertJ JOU don't want, for Md.roam, J bath bOme! Butlt .... _ property J'OU DO WA.NT. Df.I.. Part Ave. at Ma.rtne. Balboa IaJ.a.ad Bar. 2"2 ...... Bo. of Hl1bwa7, Jl•J Jot. 2 ,,_ • Ml,500 c:\19 rou.r pro111ema with .., &round • Joftly wall-p&Uo. Woe.Jg h'OID OClaL bat Joca-Cl . t V H We baft St and It bu hrmlca Uoa.. Te:rma. ~e LI a.1112 a1re an orn Stewart Realty :=l .. ~~-~r~11:0"7 s.-. Har..... 41dl REALTOR L·c1o Bayt t ·-------· 1707 z. Cout BtPw.y 1 ron 2111 W. Cout RWJ. Ll Mm Coroaa cleJ K&r Bar ~16 OPl:M llOUlll. 110 ~ . 42c LOTS on the Bev Real Values ti' TO HO' l'l\ONTAO&. t.&o l:XCLUSIVIC LIVING -Good and up per froel foot to qual!• Bt.c)c B&y aree. new I BdRm. 2l67 Rural Lane fled buJva. ,..,.. pmnltt.ed -2 bath home, Hd'tfd. TU., Fin-•11.500 Geo. McNamara. Ooll1M Wand pl&c9. Dbl p.n.p, mes THIS a bdrm. WUb lot.I Of clolet ·~ce Jl&rb , nu. JTcll 'l'ODA Y. • 10,000 equaro ft. lot. fully COSTA MESA 35 ft. lot. Pier and allp prl.tl.epa. CLYDE MEYER, Realtor 312 Marine Ave., Balboa laland Harbor ~25 NORD BAYFRO A o.upt:tul home wt doam8 • Kata a It ov..a.ed lltp. D9U«. Joeatlon. fM end of Ia1and.. The deal place for a family. ~t. 8 & Beach Rlty Inc. RJCAl..'l'OR8 fenced A completdy &ndlc&p- CURT DOSH, Rltr. 8~~ eo:w x.!,0:' ~ ~~~!., ~:~ .:U-: ------------------11ar. a!!au l&fa.)'e~ Ev ... 315 .. _. · A nne r-.tUN1 here. will trade • fireplace • dbl. prqe FOR SALE AND LEASE BACK •JuM. to tbe rit'bt o< Udo Bridl'I' marine ve. tor 01oa Newport Beach 2 wtred tor uo • carpettnr. Balboa Island BedJbn bome. sumcrr ON drapq • YentUan bUndl • F L--• BUY OF THE WEEK Practically new a 8d. Rm. < ucept an ~ wort 11 done) Bd. Wd. noon -F .A. !Mat -I bat.bl -Nat. Cabinetll -Dbl. Guaae -Patio - All '1'hl8 l'or Only $13,'500 OPEN HOUSE SAT. AND SUN. JULY 29-30 11 :00 .A..M. to 5 :00 P .K. .eT Weetm••....: NEWPORT BElGBTS -A. m.11 older home wttll fireplace -B4 Wd. l'lool'll -1'.A. Jllat- Sep. Dfn1nl Rm. 1~ B&tba -l'enc.cl yard -• Beautitul Lend8caped ,.tio. '11,GOO '!'er-. PHIL SUUJVAN & GEO. EVERSON 18 Newport Bhd., ec.ta )(- Phone LI M'781 -EN: Ba.r. dee . TIUB. cUer7 kitcl.len wtth pr.... CLASS A 1tore and oU'lce bu.i.klini located on or .>01e By Owner · Harbor 1560 CHAJUIINO 1 BedRm H<JrM, ~ It lot.a ot •torq• moat important corner 1n Paaden&. Price v.,., atU"llcdv• 1 bdmw., 2 bath ------------------ space • co .. nct ual • urma. ~oo ooo ww 7ct.. net net &Dd wm .......... ,t ~t i .. .i -n-bom~. In • ... J.1 FA,...Ton·y SITES Hdwd. 1'1e, Dbl pr&&"tt. Lot Showa b7 apPotntment Olll)' •' ' • ~ -,. · ._,_ qw.t MCtlon ot Newport IVI \;i 9'c OOBONA. DEL MAR • x HO (UICed. PRICED $300,000 u ... MCUrit;y. i..rp He11tita. TM wa.IJ.to-wal ~ J 1MlrtL turn.~ dbl. pnp. IUOHT. HOWARD B. LAWSON CO. depreciation faetor. \ pet and U.. drapee are lDcJ\ad-5 1CN1 tn eo.ta )(11&, c1oee In. Low price. ~~~ B. A'. NERESON ~·~~~·== CALL OWNER, T. D. aopr., Ryan 18187 ~=~·r::S~= eJUd9 all awo.t ,__., 6 C09l· UALTOll atc46 2 llldinc rtu. doorl openlns .ll.80 1.1 map!• t\&tfttlUN. Room fw 1112 Newport 811'111., O.t& M.. OI' Barbor 3828 to U.. paUo and IDAllJ' otMr Subdlndon of I ac:lW for ft...1 Mmee a.rs. bDllU .. unit. ta fl'alt. Liberty a.1m l:'fel. I.I 1-8511 WHY RENT? modem Md att.ractJft f-... Jll.000. tenna. •11 mo ,P'1nt& ~ ~ -uu.. n. p11c. .. UUIO 6 MULTIPLE Ll8TING BROKER . Moving to Eest Coast Extr· Good Heme then " a I C;\ lo&D oa UM JOHN E. SADLEIR, Rltr. BMAU.. cottqe cm ..... of IW u95 Down ... property .... uu. at m La G H I A 'THROP "R It IVA.NW. J:IUIARD'I', A8ociate Jot. ld-.J Joo&Uon N.IOO. <rT Ku.It ..U I bedrm. modem near IN NIW'POl't IWPta. 1 bdrm. J .Jolla Drtn (AlJq mtlUCI.) • • '-"" H Of 1311 m. Oout a.,.. tft'm& TOI 1r1I. ror lntorm&• IMM I! DI A 'I'll OCCUPANCY .chool, Oolta MM&. Priced to bath for p&f'UcuJ&t buYer Drln Or call LI &-7114. 40c4J ae35 E. CoUt BJahway OlrqDa del Kar o.reina _Mar-B&r. HD Uoo call HU. oa&-K. N.W 1 bednnl l 1.i bath&. ..U •n.600. . by 606 R.Oudl, then call wa ADOBE ~ 5'U EN. Bar. M80 Oo lute Drwam kltebea bu c°"4 for-R I h p M L for putlcU1an and •ppolnt· MODERN DUPLEX S bib. to Lido abopJ*ll center, $2280 ...-mt tnc:Gaw. Larp 2 bdrm. MCb. 2400 911. ft. $2'J,GOO. oc pod terms. WW pa7 for itlelt. CL YOE MEYER, Realtor w Marin• Har. ~ Balboa laland •0ct2 msca eouatcr topa. &poat. • P • as-.ey .-t '* ....... reiatunCt "' IMIUM MGUGu. _....,....,._.-----~----------_,.;...-- tan and bar. ruu price '10.dl REALTOR DAN A. JAOOBaM a.J m.tai. s.uunauy ~ arehlteo- wttb p&ymata ot "2 pa mo. MU Newport Bl..S. Har. 402 Har NH U t-la1T KI J nl1 uaraQ1 ......._ Rtilbaat lMat.. llOVS IN TOOAY "' Nnd _.. We f'Joon. .U ....... ·C ED JONES, Rftr. 1• H&l1Kw lllYd. LI a..aau CB.A.NN1:L J'RONT 4 unit.a ~ llMataftll Ut X.tone ~ ~ -~·i!: eb0le9 Jocatton with bleUtitW Md. 2 •tba. HQp prap °NW ot ~ °"91. P7.t00 BT O'rt'Na -I WrDt.. Jaowll. 1* llCf'9 pm« r1...il7 plaat.- Call Ill T-.19M afternoona Pd J&rp llWC ra It dtnbal nL ..S. ~ • DO upar..p. nu. 40pd Bwd. a..._. ~ ai.ob $32,IOO tumlllbed.. s:xa.u--'ltl11ior'Mod. II a u..tL lot. 8IV1D A.GENT, l'ORD ~ New $1.0,!SOO a.uwun,, la.nd.aped. f111ced tu:NDD. MO PoluelU&. CdM. · lUWPORT BEDIT8, by otmer. • ,.,,s. Al ..,.... on anq Bu. ua. s..., 8eftor 1417. J bdrm.. •luceo, 1arJe 1\.2 Jot. I Wna. a.ou-. 1 Ml b&lll. lhlqSe raol. 0 . L Lou.~ 41c44 0.t& K--. OM Wl. ... ot bwd. ftoan, lmSe ku....... down Jl&rmet. 6IO l\iww It. --------- th9.tre. 117 :newer. Open. and ww.Ded )'Ult. UUOO MT eo.ta x-. LI a.dOf JMe -~ BO • ~~ Har. 14 ... R. 4Ck4.J El Modena A... tOo4J • I_. ... ,. UD. llO _,n..,.,.• ...... $1,000 DOWN 3 bediOclm la"'-ID bm tW1 2 ~ old tnct. Owmn • .,. )('(J8'I' DLL. .. tllJj eooe. .WEST NEWflORT. Dupla, l ,.... old, bait Mod£ to 1*ch, fm'D· Wied. otf..S ..... ~ COit., price $1 UC50-0ood l9tal are&. N.8.C •. REALTY CO. hDd A Newport BoUnvd Barbor GG3I or 1406 , •' • J ! ,j j < f .. •• I ........ . ..... ,, . •• . ... _ • • ........ • ' NliWl'OltT HAUOlt ~AllT 11-PA&f t RUDAY, JULY ·271 19$6 ·J H;E V 0 G El C 0 M PAN y: REALTORS OFFER . , . ' ' Corona del Mar Offlcer-Vo9el Values * * * mctSo OPPORTuNmEs Ocoau side of IJl&'h~y ~ f fumlihod unlta on 2 fuD Iota. (1) f BR, 1% bath unit, (2} 1 BR unlta; (1) 2 BR unlL Sprtnkltt ~ Nice p&Uo 6 sundeck. DilpoMla. Income $«.o/per mo. -can be lncru.oed. ToW price ooly $42,doo. Modem , corner dupla. OYer 1800 .q. ft. of livtns &reL Parquet tJoon. Lovely home to live in, . Other side to carry _.... 2. J1Ra each. Belqw replacement co.t at $24:,600. Pro~cial Duplex or 3 Bila and den, 2 bath home. Juat like new. Excellet\t opportunity for praent lingle family ume and easily convertible to in· come property. CbarminK exterior -room,y in· terior. Good location. $24,000. PHONE HARBOR 0757 VOGEL CO.-Corona del Mar Office 26117 E. Cout HJrhway EvH: liar. 1796-W LI 8~~7 !l&r. 2892 <288 BALBOA ISLAND-VOGEL VALUES * * * IT'll THE MOSTEST FOR THE MONEY 3 BR -two Batha -$2:5,000. Good location near South Bayfront beach. Spaced perfectly tor buyer deairins to build 2nd uniL Good terma and poueuion can be arranged. CHOOSY ABOUT LOCATION • • • Spacious 3 BR year rou.nJ b9me with two bath• a.nd Wry well turni.lbed.' Should really pleue. JUlt a atep to best South Bayfront Beach a.nd near to Marine Ave. Full price $28,MO. BEACON BAY HOME I< INCOME -• . Spac.ioua 50 foot lot with private beach. (re· atricted to owneni &: rueata) 3 BR home' with large covered central patio &. yard space. lncome unit -1 BR complete Apt. well aeparated for privacy. Lot.a of wardrobe It 1torare space with very &mple bathroom tacilitie•. Lota ot tile. Two nice Bar kitchen•. Can be had turniahed ready to go on rood term. " t.ot&.I price $38,500. •hown by appointment. PHONE HARBOR 1014 VOGEL CO. Balboa Island Office fNext I>OOr t.4 P09t otti~) 208 Marine Ave. Evea: Har. 3829, Har. 1229-R • \ MAIN OFFICE VOGEL · VALUES ,... \ JUST LISTED I HARBOR HIGHLANDS Finl time offered : The nJCeot 3 bedr home built Jn the Id unit: !Arp corner lot, well lauclael<pod wl!h 1pllt-rall fenc:loc 6 ppoolalr.e. Bardw<>ocl flooN. 1% batha Bul)t-ln oven IU1d ranp. !Arge living room with mahoplly p&nellns 6 fire. place. " AND hHt o! all you may ... wne the $~.300 Gl. loan with. 6\ij{. JnleNIL Priood to ..U quickly at $21,760. "THE LOWEST PRICED HOME IN HARBOR HIGHLANDS -It you are lookinr tor &JJ. immaculate 3 bed.r, 1 ¥i b&th home 1n Newport Beach, be sure to lee t..hil one with a nicely lan<iK,iped. yard, forced air heat, hardwood. floora with w&ll to wall carpeting, drape11, fonntca kitchen, .iiding rlla door1 to patio, double • ~e. JUST $3,350. DOWN FULL PRICE ONLY $17,87~. EXCHANGES '83,bOO Owner, of two-story view home in Corona del Mar .iranu 3 btdroom one atory home with lar(e yard In Newport HelJhto. Balboa, or Corona del Ku. $14,:500 • Owner o!. ' bedr, 2 bath home in Fullerton wanUI beach home or duplu up to $20.000. . Owner ot 4 Unit.a (income $350.) tor $32,500. will take home up to Sl•,roo in ex- chanae. Owner of Co.ta Mesa a creage will trade for Income Property. Owner of SW acre Arizona ranch at $16.'S,000 will trade up 'tor commei-cla.I income. For lbe above propertiea - PHONE LIBERTY 8-3481 VOGEL CO. MAIN OFFICE 3201 Weit C~ut HJcbway Eves: LI 8·7739, LE 9.7942, LI 8-1411 and liar, 3630·J Costa Mesa Offlc-VOGEL VALUES NEAR CITY CENTER , One year old 3 bedroom on 86 x 128 foot loL Yard lau-pocl and fenood. I block to larp lhopplng oeoter and waJJdn& d.iatanoe to Coot& Me.a city center. Nice attractive home at $11,?GO full price. Submit trailer or lite mod. car. $lli00 down SEE nns FOR $7' PER MONTH The monthly payment Include. taxet and Wur. ance on th.ii ne&r new ' bedroom J bath home . Wall to wall carpet.in&" throuibouL Redecorated in.aide and out. Completely landacaped. Larp patio and grape 1t.a.ke fence. One of..&he nicet:t in the area. Submit on down payment $12.500 FP. ~Y, A~ ON lfARJIOR BLVD., Coot& M .... Strateeie comer location with 440 feet on Ha'k'- bor Blvd. All utilitiea in. M·l i.oning. Aet now - thj1 won't lut! BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY SNACK SHOP -buaieat Balboa bayfront loca· tlon. Excellent aeuonal income. $1800 full price . PHONE LIBERTY 8-5596 VOGEL CO.-Costa Mesa Office 1700 Newport Blvd. Evea. Har. Ml:S, Har. 0714 LIDO OFFICE VOGEL VALUES LIDO NORD Attractive 2 bedroom home on 91 + lrrerular R-3 Lot on Lido Nord. Room to build 2 additional unH . .s tor income. FULL PRICE $27 ,500 BALBOA. COVES \Vi th Pier & Slip. Lovely modem 2 bedroom and den home, full dining room. !Jagatone fireplace, FA beat, Cpt1 and draperies incl. at $40,000. UDO EXCHANGES 5 bednn 3 bath bayfront home with pier & float will take 1maller home in exchange in thil area or Palm Springe. , Owner of 3 bdrm. 3 bath Corona del ?t!ar home at $3:;,000 Trade up for Penni.nau la Bay front home Bay front triplex owner will take acreage or buildinr lot.a in exchange. PHONE HARBOR 4971 For the above properties - VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3'18 Vi& Lldo Eves.: Har. 363()..J, Har. 0179, Har. ~142 PROPERTY OWNERS WHO WANT ro SELL -LIST WITH THE V 0 GEL c 0. NON· VETS! $395 Cub move. you in . Full Price $10,895 l BeClrooms - 2 Baths -2·Car Gara91 Costa Mesa :~ - SUNSHINE BEACH HOMES MONTHLY PAYMENTS LESS THAN RENT WILSON lo Pl,ACENTIA Furnished Models Open Daily 5 Minutes from tho ·ocoan Noar Schools & Work • COSTA MESA SUNSHINE BEACH HOMES OFFER ... Front or rear livinf room.a • Plenty .of cloeetl. Dinln& apace in kitche.na • 40 pl water beaten. Natural birch cabinet. • Confetti tile in k.itch· tDI e Maticork !Joon e Wood •tiding win· dow1 • 8.000 .q. ft. Jots • Rock rootL >Jumlnum Kreerw. ANOTHER S. V. HUNSAKER, ALEX STEPT DEVELOPMENT --------------~--- CLIFF HAVEN SPECIAL $S:M>Q down bu.ya thJa 3 bedrm. 2 bath cUJtom home on. uJc:e corner lot with room for pool. $19.~ Full Pritt. SACRIFICE Submit $8$0 down on th'-3 bedrm., 2 bath home on nb corner lot. Baa hwd.. flra.. forced air heat and dble. pn.ce. Ownv hu moved and m uat HIL NEWPORT MESA REALTY 17119 Newport Blvd. LIS.~ LIDO ISLAND 5 bdnn .. ' Ba. pl•r A 1llp •t~.000 ' bdrm. I Ba. 77' Bayfront $92.500 J hr., 2 bl-''' k>t ...... •33,600 J bdrm., t Ba. bit comer 1trada lot -·-.. -........... _ .. ,28.500 -·-3109 Clay, Bil 2 bedroom Md den ....•..................... $24,5>5() v' v' Best Buys Corona del Mar 1. Y J UST LISTED. So. of Highway, cuUi 2 bdrm. home. Large covered patio, double gar. Carpet& and drape1, some furniture included. Full price $11,500. $3500 down. BETTER HURRY. Exclu1Jive with us. en I L Ja.mff RO&d a br. ,1 ~.&00 2. v' SHORECLlFFS. First time o(fered. Ranch type, 1bake roof, 2 bdrm. and den home. 2 ti.repla.cel. :ioo IL A!'drew1 a br. corner ···-· $37,000 Exclwiive with ua. Open hoUM:, 1 -15 lOJIW.B&Jboa Blvd.2 br.,17.~ daily. 239 Morning Can).-on Road. -·- Balboa Island 3C)l'I Col'a.I, • bdrm. and lncum• unit over 1a~1-Be1ul1ful cor. home can be bourtn rirhL 3. V DUPLEX, furnished complete, 2 bdnn. home. aeparate patio, hardwood fini., plu. 1 bdrm. apL Both units deluxe. Ready tor occupancy. $24.~. Only ~ down . EXCLUSIVE WITH US. J1)4 C'ollln1. 4 bdrm. plue l bdrnt. 4 unit. Good Income property. · )fak• otter. JI' VALUE PLUS 2 bdrm. home plua guest room plua 1~.'.i. bath1, hardwood tloor1, FA beat. clOM to shopping area and only 21f.! block to ocean and beach. A beat buy at $18,:SOO. -·-308 Poppy • 2 bdrm. Dtn • t1UT1lly room ..... •33 :ioo • · 5. V BARGAIN -Thia 2 bedroom home, large tiv- :11:1 Orchid, 2 bdrm. -pod . r· I d -• fl ( (th buy .................... _ .......... ltt .7~ 1ng room, 1rep ace, ua.a oor urnace. e.rmo 707 'rim Goldenrod, Ree. • rare.re •pt. . ·---· ....... $20,000 -·- controlled) plua large double garage •treued tor apt. above. Better act faat on thia one. ONLY $14 ,750. EXCLUSIVE WITH US. ze20 ra1rway Dri ve, 3 bdrm. 6. V BARGAIN. Summer cottage south of Hwy. ·~ k>an ........... ...... '12·~ Built on rear of lot, room to build another unit ~ .. alrwe.y Drive, a bdrm. in fronL $7000 full price, CASH. Excluaive t ~ loan -·····--·······-.. SlZ,7~ 'A'ilh ua. Duncan Hardesty REALTOR ~ N-port Blvd. Newpwt BMcll Harbor t ll! MULTIPLE ZONED LOTS ht coter CO.ta M.-. Blaild 10'Ur lne'CICn• unit.. rent.a.la ne.Md. Top nn•nclnJ In lhll DAN A. JACOBSEN. Re•I J::11•te Hu. Mil LJ M S17 Kl 2·2187 u•T £IDE coat .. Mu• bom•. 2 !Kinn .. larf• den, patio, fLrt- plael. carpet.. 6 drapu. lA tf• ldt. lalldlc:a~ fe.nl'td, dbl. pn.1• llt.000. Submit duwn Own~r L.I l-f.Tt7 t Octl OPEN BOU& 110 MENTONll MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTINGS CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTION, Realtor 6 Auodatea • 3447 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar Har. t7 (Office located next door to Newport Harbor Bank, CdM) BALBOA ISLAND THIS IS NOT ORDINARY "GOSSIP" ITS "CHOICE" Sm•rt. Roomy, DilUnctive, lhia ~bdrm . .f bath n1atic lyJM! homf' i1 just tht thing for family tun q; could e-uily be converted into two unit.. Ex· ~llent location near So. Bay. OWNER READY TO TALK -HOW ABOUT YOU! $39,500. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 300 Marine Ave., Balboa laland Har .IQ2 Har 4623 J BALBOA ISLAND BU8. • APT!. Waterfront Hamb. St.and It ApLI, Near terry. Bbo,..a over Sl0,000 In· COIT\•· Can be tnere .. ed. MUllt ft.ii dU• to lllnua. 8e1t part Of MUOI:! Ul•d. Don't ml.N thi. opportunity. Elle. terma, COSTA MESA ICXCJ:PTJONAL DUPLltX on 711 .a 120 loL t bdrm., tpch 9idt. 1ara1ee bt:twMn. Larr• rma., divided yard. only 2 yrt. ,,Id. J•OOO dn., or aubm!L We.Jktn1 dlet.ance. Eut aide. lewen 1n. J'uU prk:t Jll.900. A REAL BAROAJN. chok:t eut 1ld• of Co.ta Meu nll!U Irvine Ave. 3 bdrm., 2 balha, fl,... place, dbl. pn.,-e, hwd. floor•, wea U\er atrfpped. 4 ~ 9'. k>an. S14,900 full pt1ce. $2000 DOWN ! ! • price reduc· flt lo 110,900. Thia I• on1 of I.he bat buy1 Wt've had In many a moon. 3 bdrm .• hwd. nn., flrepl.. lovely covered paUo. on Ea.at t ide nr. achoola. tr&11ap. • t toru . CHOICS CORNER LOT, cloM In R-t -tox13I. s.w1r1 aolnr In now. Exe. Duple.It Of' Tttplu lot. Barratn 139~ cqh. • YOU C.t.N'T Bl:AT TH18 n- 3 bdrm. 1 \ii 1».Uui, dbl&. rar., w -w carp.et.., near .tiopplnf. Only JMOO dn, • Ut mo. MANUFACTURERS I ACRES CHOICE, lev.t, Jood drain. Water In. 8•wtr1 and 1u b7 Nov. 17500 per acrt . 1't down. Mesa-Harbor Rlty. A AIBOCIA TES G, C. Seymour -Rul«ir I08 Centu 8L, Cmt. M .. LI 1-81111 or LI 1-TTlt OPEN HOU81:. 110 .MENTONE JU8T COMPLl:TED. Two ba.u- utul cut.om built I bedroom, tt.inU7 IOIXD. home&. .BaU!. and th.-.uartan. b&dlt--ln ... .......,, foretld •tr tt.Un&". bard· ~ noon. Two b1oclu trom CO.ta Me:ta e.hoppln1, and near th• park. 1773 Kenwood Pl. LM JonH.. 471 & lflh 8t. L I 1-9&08. l3ptf By Owner, Custom Bu ilt I B.R.. 1,., bathlo, lotl ot Ule. frpl.. din. rm .. FA ht•t, flwd. Or11., Mrwict porch, II•· dbl .. l'lll'., tcncrd. on cornar, n .. r KhOol. s1e.aoo. wu1 ttnAnca. • .,;.oa .. nt. Alla Av ... C.ta BILL'S BEST BUYS * BACK BAY DREAM HOMES * * T\VO & DEN -NE\.\' 13.l bathJ. H.W . !looni, used brick firepia.~. forced air h,eat, built· in oven and range. F. P. $25,.500 $5000 down. * THREE Ir DEN -corner lot, owner built, nice entry ball, neat u new. Thia can't lut -Let'• talk financing on tb1-one. F. P. $27,960.-$<500 down. * THREE BEDROOM -good view, pe((od H. W. floon, fireplace, forced air beat, car- peted, drapes included, .. beautiful paUo le lanai. F.P. only $27 ,.500 -$5000 down. * THREE BEDROOM lo FAMILY ROOM - New very exclu.eive, rear living room, fire- place, forced air heat, buJlt·in kitchen, in· eluding diahwuher, inter-com syatem le many other fine features. F.P. $26,500 $6000 down. W. A. TOBIAS , Realtor and ASSOCIATES "You'U Like Our Friendly Service" 400 E. 17th S~ Coot& M... Liberty 8·1139 CORONA HIGHLANDS .Marine view from thi1 attractJve newer home, 3 fine bedl"oonu, 1% batbl, nunpua room., 68x150 fenced lot. Load.a of "extru'' in th.la quality home. Aaklng $32,'500. ON CHANNEL FRONT Two •tandard 1arp 2 bedroom apto. (1 with tJre. place) din1na room1, modem kltobena, diapol&la, poUo ln.!r<lnt. Scheduled ~ Jncome $5liOQ yr. Aaking $4.2,500, excellent tenm. BAY SHORES OPEN 1-4 SATURDAYS A SUNDAY 2651 Waverly Way A fine buy ln a 3 bedroabi home completelJ. turnlabeid. 2 patiOll and pla.oned for outdoor ~ivlng. 1 abort block t.o fine beach. Excellent tenrui on uking prtoe of $23,000. Eveninp call Edith Maroon, HYatt .f.6222 or J,.ou Boyntoo Harbor 2878 EARL W. STANLEY, ReaJtor 225 Marine Ave .. Balboa laland Harbor 177~ PASE l~.AIT i ~RT HAUOR NEWS-PRESS • • . F«IOAY, JULY 27, 1956 • ._ ... _ THE 6REAT ORANGE COAST BUY A LOI' .. --5bl211 ... Salta price ooly $7ij()() i:ksm Aio. --. p>d loc., Ml<HO. ~ ca.it. Npt Ht&., R-2 soolnJ, bargain price $5300 cash. 17"100 cor. Boek Bay &re•, 2 unlta here $4000 &.a. home 1oc. V.. Dr., waler view $7000. t.mll End Banjo 8t.·pl• ahaped Back Bay view $7ij()() TRADE 100 &t:l'M • alf&lla farm tMoj&ve river bottom jpd) equipped • 3 tractors, 7000 ft .. aluminum ariPUoaaJ pipe, 2 irrigational Ii 1 domestic well. 73 acrM leveled for 1prinklers, 2-room home -trade for income • motel -boat or sub- mit. Va.Jue $500 acre with $11,0CK> rportgage. I.NCOKm JlkoPJ:RTT ne&r 20th 6 Onnp, I unlt>-a J bdrm., 2 b&lJl rMldmc• with tlnplace Tn front and flUS. 1 bdnn.. ~ In ....... Inc. 1200 • moal.h. Da pymt. Juat $6000. NMr C.Uioltc Kbool. TWO NEW dupie:&ea. room tw 1111. JuA completAd and tulb' rented. 1 bdrm. ea.ch lfde with f'&Hl"tll divtdlns. BuUl tor ma.imwn income with miJlimum. di"'"" and upu.p. 1%11,IOO full pr1cf w1lh \.nmli. NEAi\ N.wport Blvd .. bnnd MW I bdrm., bwd. fir ... de- qned ror modem llvln1. •reakfut Mr. IOUVN win- dow•. UJhl cheery appear- ance. Ill.too full price with imznedlat. poewulon. ON BLUFF. ~11h \'~W or Catalina l11le, Ol-11 and Beach. FHA cQn.strurted, 3 bedroom borne, wall lo w&ll ca rpetjng through-out, f"tnc- ed, tlndacaped.. double J"&r· 11e. Value here -$12.MXI only. Improveml'nl• all !n A: paid. Quick poll"t'11111>n. THREE BEDH00~1 -den- famlly roon1. ·• fire11La.ce1. Back Bay -''11!'1" • planked ha.rd~·ood !loon; bullt·ln kit- chen. 2 11tory "1th all !ea- tore• for plea~anl C1Utorn11 "B.' or $32.!100 Tl'!'IHS le1aure lh•ing. ORANGE COAST PRO PERTIES 1157 Newport Blvd Costa Mea Llberty 8-1632 -Eves. U 8-1400 BEFORE YOU BUY ... TRY FRANCIS J. HORVATH, Realtor Harbor H28 -LI 8-7451 -LI 8·5101 NEWPORT BEACH S BR. frame "oldJe" on 2 lot., R-4 $10.2:50 terms. DUPLEX. cor. Newport Jaland. 3 & 2 BR unf. Ideal home ii: Inc. lnveatment. Wonderful for raisin&. a famUy. Owner very anxious. $21 ,900 terms. COmmercial office bldg. with lovely 2 BR home on 2nd tlr. Off hwy. in good loc. near new po1t office. 1056 aq. ft. in office, 960 in apt. 2780 aq. ft. in 5-pr-warehouae units. Also Jot _ tor off 1t. pa.rking. Must be see~ to recognize advantages. . • COSTA MESA 70 s. 1'° Nl!'Wport Blvd. C zone. Key Jot. Con- lider all otlen under $21 ,500. Terms. Shop rental $38.50. 2 Iota tn eo.ta Kea, 173, 175 E. Walnut Pl. R-3 on MWtn ~ for both or $3000 ea. cai:;h. FRANCIS J . HORVATH, Re altor M2Q W. Balboa Blvd. 2216 Newport Blvd. Harbor 1'28 Evea Har. 1565 Liberty 8-5101 II --. ....... . ........... . ......... .... 1 ...... ........ ' . p. --- ( ' ' Open a. palmer developers House 110 Via Jfeat<llie, l2:30•to 5:111) dally , ' . FurnW!ed-2 i.i-.... ~ liatbo-2 patloa, allding slul wall1 -therm. offo Ir ran1e - carpeted -lanchcaped -$37 ~ fw,iiahed or may be purcbued unturnished. Brand New Lovely home on Via Orvieto. 3 nice bedrooms and 2 bat.bl. SlldiDJ Jiau to patio. BullJ..ln Therm. oven and J"&llge. Separate ~dlnJD1 · &re&. Overaize double garaie. Built by V....cber and land.leaped by Beeson. $33,000. 6 unite tin 80 feet·BAYFRONTAGE at 320 Via LiJo Nord. Built IO well 15 yean ago that when it wa1 modernized lut •year, the termite and dry rot man just charged (Qr inspection. You juet can't be1.t tbia for value at Only $10C!i,OOO furnished. Terma1 For these and other Lido Proputy -Come to HEADQUARTERS-; our 2ht year at Udo. p. a. palmer incorporated ole han1on co. management 3333 via lido, harbor l:w>O incorporated ~ : . ~-:~··. of Lido Isle --~--~·· ·\J ,..... BA YFRONT - WE8T BAY A VENUE -All o( the _,,-bolt 11\all be ~ -e bedroo"" indudinr 2 ..,... ant'• qua.rt.en on t..be lit floor and 4 !up family bedroom• on th~ 2nd floor -4 bathrooma - be&UutuJ. Jlua fTOnt living room 29 X 21 -2 fJrepl.aCM -3 car iarage -and completely fumi1hed. Price. S89.MO -Large Snorecliff Hon;e - Th.iii home. bu everything. a family could ever want -4 bedroom.I, 4 bathe, form&I Uvlngrm., full diningrm. t3x.15, brea.kfut room, diabwaaber in k.ik'beft, ~uUer'a pantry, forced air beat. hard- wood noon. Beautifully planted yaf.d a.nd of courae--located in one of Calitornia'1 outatand- lnc 1utrdivialona-S~ORECL!FF. Price M0,000 · -Best Buy - For a 3 bedroom and den house, this one is the beat buy we have seen in a long time. No leUe wrtUng very inuch about thia one -it you are looking tor 3 bedrootrU1 and a den, thil is it ! ! ! p. 111. palmer incorporated ole han1on co. management 1700.w. coaat hlghway -liberty 8-5573 I • • BAL BOA REALTY CO. B /B Open Houses $2500 -DOWN \\'1!1 buy ttua really exqulid.1-I bedrm • bl.Lb home with a large family room, nunpua room It :r.. bath oft the com- pletely ent·Loeed tropical p&Uo. An Ide.I home tor a am.all !amlly ~·\tb gue.t aecomo- datlona or a larg~ !a.mUy ~·antLn( prtvac:y. Located 1n a n xlnt. neighborhood over- looking the goU courw. Full price $1 7,500! Owneni wUI 1trrange the monthly paymenta to yoor ~·on.,enlenc:e. Hurry on thi1 ?n" .. ·~~e·re rotnr to Sl!:LL IL ...,,,. Shake Roof Rustic Sff' thl• nf'arly new 3 b64rm It ~. b11th Ru111c: Ranch home lo- l"ltf"'I 1n the aelect 1pot of the Heck B11y Area ~·Ith a pa.no- 1amlc vu'w of th• mounlatlUI and lht•n 1 the~ exll'U and you'll agree with u• It adda up lo more than $~.too. r' Large Maater bednn. 1' All-electrtc: kitchen r Dlabwuher ti Ra1ae<I brick tJreplac1 1 indirect llghtifll' 1' Mercury awltc:l\e1 ,t Cu1tom built Lbruurhout Boy & Beach Rlty Inc. REALTORS 1875 Harbor Boulevard Cotta MHfL CaUfonUa Day or night phone U . 1-7714 BILL'S.BEST BUYS $9750 Two Bdrm, EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPI' WEDNESDAY '48 2 E. 20th St. ANOTHER beautiful new BISSELL built home of 2 bedroom. 2 bath• a.nd den. See; thil charm- ing new aubdiviaion, con.isling of 10 exclusive homeaitea. Thi.I i1 truly a home of chann a.nd distinction 1.nd otfer1 the "VERY MOST'' for under $28,000 400 Viota Baya I 2200 Blo ck off T uslin} Large corptorta.ble Ranch Style coneiating of 3 bedrooms, 2 bath.I and a large family room - Shake roof, modem tiled kitchen, 3 ear garage plu.e s hobby 1hop. This loveJy comer home is ideal for the family that wanta ample elbow room. Submit your own terma ! DUNCAN HARDESTY , Rea ltor 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 4718 ' What • IS a Realtor? The term REALTOR is not a synonym for "real e.tate agent" SELECTED VALUES ( 1) PenlrU1ula home. lp&clou.. ruoma thru-out. Cullom-built• J...ua'e llvlnl' room. Beauutul Interior. A lovely 2: bedroom home. $23.~00. term•. (21 Penlniiula home , . newly furruahed. 2 bedrooma plu1 r ute l"llell room with bl.th. Unit he&L Call to M!e IL $19,!"100, low Wirm•. 131 &100. 3 bedroom hom• willi 2 b11UU1. Year rOund horM. nu.-ely fu mlahed, We11t Bay A venue locatlon and In nice c:ond!Uon. 118,000, term1. t 4 ) Here'• a roomy 2 bedroom home. well tumt1hed plu. a very •ttractlve cu.eat room v•ith bath In ror. Patio 1 1·ea. 2 Mele 1•ra1u and • large lot. $11.'°°, tenna. l~J ()('e•n front duplax that 11 • pip. Narrow p&r\ ot the Penlnaula ... cloae to bil.}'. Terntic: Oce&n vieW, •ell fumlah.ed ~ aleeps up to 12 people. s~·ell rent•r. - $22~. term•. l 6 ) 0 .... ·neT want.a to 1"0 to Eur· ope and .aid ".ell my 4-unlt inrome bulldln&' for 118,000 "ith terma. .• HI 111.ln haa It fixed up ntce. A.ll new UJ1 flooring. fumlthed properl7 a.nd redecorated. Don't watt too lone tOT a looll. ( 7) Penlnaula point duplex that •hould .ell fn>m UU. OM ad. Has S bedrooma up and 2 dwn. Attrac:tfv•ly furn1-h9d. A beauutul •tuc:c:o propert)' ~·ith laundry room. double * BUYER'S ' PARADISE NOT $13,000 IUT"·$10,500 B&8'T COST A KESA LOCATION 2-0utot .. •Unc londocaplnJ Nau l-·~ OO!!lers You tenna * NOT $1.,,00 BUT $12,500 NEWPO~T~CH 3 bodrooma fUrnW>Od 1800 "'l,llatt feet Sleepata> -Just a ltep tfom the ocean Your term1 . - *·NOT $23 ,500 BUT $19,500 EXCELLENT COSTA MESA NEIGHBORHOOb 4 bedroom.a and family room 2 flreplacea -2 bat.bl Therm.ad.or stove and ' eve.a 66 X ·llOO 11-4 lot One year old -1800 aquare !eet Beat tenna * NOT $25 ,000 BUT $23 ,500 LIDO ISLE 3 It den -2 bath1 . Near beaches and club house Large patio Excellent financing * NOT $25,5 00 BUT $2 3,950 NEWPORT HEIGHTS 2 bedroom. -2 ba.lh• Glau enclosed 1un deek Overlooks bay, bea.cbea and ocean We lhoW it with pride Best te.rm1 - THESE WON"!' LAST -;. SEE THEM TODAY JACK BRENNAN , REALTOR "AT THE ARCHES" ' . ; 3320 W. Coast Hwy. LI 8·7773 LIDO · ISLAND • 2 large bedroonu • • 2 bathe • • Large patio • • Lats of closet. • • Buill-in 1tove and oven • e Built 1~1 • • Poueuion Sept. 30th • • Full price $27 .~ • • $7000 handles • Lido Realty Associates ' . 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4«4 You Will Like F H A loan. One of the c:leaneat horn"• v•• can 1how. Hard· ~·oocl floors. Patio, Fence<! ttar yard • nictly landacaped. Very (lUiel .0-L 8" lhlt Only $2400 Down. lt ia the exclusive designation for those pledge to tr&nnct all real estate bwineu according to the high 11taodard1 presc.ribed by the Code of Eth.icl of the National Auociatioo of Reel Estate Boa.rda a.od the California Re&l Eata.te Aseocia· garare and only 8 r••rs old. ----------------------$28.~. terma. IRVINE TERRACE New Furn isne<l "Ho mH by OPEN EVENINGS " " Mac co Miniature Ra nch On Me.a Driv•. next to Country r1ub. Two bedroom•. "'"OOd f\oora, padded for carpet.a tllro111hout. lA.rge 7~'x11M" lot ...,'Ith circular drlv1 to front door. Twelve produclnc fruit lion, and coVerned by !81 \\.'on't tell you much h•re a bout a 2 bedroom botllC With u:tn. ap&rtme:nt ovtt a 2-car p.rare .• , at 110,000 Newport Harbor Board of Realtors : i. '"-:~· ~ .... ·- Balboa Realty Co. 401 N. Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Oppostte Bank of Amenca ' ROM Creeley Ed LM 3 BR "d Oen on view of the Bay . B/ B LIDO Udo Nord comer lot. Nice 1JNTIL D:OO P.M. Uff1lnTM~Wbatmorei:ould -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-1 you 111k for f Full pric:• only $1 2.9:;4). Jowphln1 Webb 700 I!:. Balboa Bl'l'd.. B&lbo& Phone Harbor S2'77 BAL~OA lnterion by Martin & Vo n Heme rt BlauUtul bomet1 1n the flneat location .,.i.£ from $26,000 to $34,000 Your impectlon ia reapectfully solicited EARL W. STANLEY, Rea ltor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS O. lliway 101, Newport flubor, oppoaile new Irvine Cout Country Club. Harbor 048. W. A. TOBIAS REALTOR "you·u llkc our friendly ecrvlc:e" 400 E. t 71 h St.. Coal& Meu LltM!rty 8-1139 OPEN HOUSE. 110 MENTONE ' Garal('e and T une-Up Shop In lA.guna -Ideal for one or two mechanic:&. Can tMI bourbt for ln\·entory. In Ora.nee Count)' -20 •Cl"f'• now In Cltrua, lU•t off Hlgh-.,..,y 101, lf200 ~r &C IT. \VE NEED RENTALS. partic- ularly yearly. Have cllf'nt• e e BA YSHORES e e '""'"" .. CHOICE LOCATIONS Fitzmo rri s Rltl.. Co. Z IJ:DftOOK. 1 bath ----····---·----··---··--·$19,500 REAL~:iN£88 B~~~CE I BSDJWC>Mi 2 bat.la, carpeted 6 draped --···-····$24.500 31~ !:. eoaat HJc hwa1 I BSDJIOOV, 2 ba~ , --·--·----$24,500 Coron11. del M•r.-Har. 21~2 2 111CD1IOOll, tumW>ed _____ .(Sold) _______ .. $19,500 2 IllibllOOIC, 2 beth, Carpet«I IDd dnpld. Ccmv lot ·-·-·--·-··$27.500 • m:iaooK. 2 betb (Sold) $22.500 2538 FA!RWAY DRIVE COSTA MESA :J bdnn. hQUff. 1.(e. kit. dbl. LIDO IS LE CHARMING epaciou1 2 bedroom and large ,(Iuaed lanai racing covered patio 1% batha, 50 ft lot (architect.I plan for extra bedroom or den included) Home in excellent condition thru-out. Owner leaving at&te. Price $31 .500 for fast sale. DO SEE TffiS ONE. We think ite a buy. BA YSHORES -2 Excellent Homes 3 bedrm, 1 bath. Completely furnished. large lot. 30 ft patio. Only $23.500. T\li.·o bedrooms 2 balha, completely furnished, pa~o a.nd barbecue, Cape Cod 1tyle. $28.000. EXCELLENT TERMS ON BCYrH. MY RTLE DAVY, Realtor & Auoc. Helen Ba.um Hazel Condon Harbor 5446, 3432 Via Oporto Eve.. U 8-5297 LI 8-1709 HAR.1017-J CORONA DEL MAR Commen::ia~ on Cout HJwy, acrou from Hurley Bell, Only one at lhia price. 40 x 80 ft., only $10,000. South 1ide, near Sea.view, 36xl18 ft., R-2 lot, laat .. BmlllOOll, 2 balll (Sold) _.$26,750 I'&".. neW' dltllrict DIM pit courw. Larp »'1Ai room. Jp. k1teben • di...U. comb. Awe one, ottered at $8.2l50. • 2 qDBOOJI. 1 batb, Cl"· lot (8Qobonl c:uteot home) ·-·-········-·-···········$24,500 ALSO LtlXUlUOUl! Bay """''-Pier and Slip (Sbown by appo~tment only) HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. -1800 Ev .. LI 8-6386 uuul&t.lon. bdWd. Doors. Nat • y&N tenced. i..us-OOWn. Own· Three bdrm A bunk room. ha.lt block from Ocean eT, £. 0. BauMen. Wr1te 000-front. A very tine home in bel"t. nei,(bborhood. Slat u call Hu. Jt'fl t'1c61 $25,SOO. Retire wit h Income 2 ho1n,.11 (Ill 9-0lc120 n . lot Cloa• 1n 1"_..ll 8ide Colla MIMa. C)nly I 13.000 t1nna. f1AX A . JAOON&N. R..._. .Eal•ta RAY REALTY CO. 3«4 £. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 2288 (AcroN from Bank in CDMJ WEMBER OF ll\JLTIPLE LISTING SERVICE • I OPEN HOUSI:. 110 Ml!NTONZ Forced to Leave Southern Calif. Al 1.1tt .ell n1od•Tn 2: bedroom nicely rums.bed. lArr• corn.t lot. Newport Hel&hta anie. Pr1ced to "II 111.~. Tenna c:&n be .an-aired. Ra lph P. Maskey REALTOR 341~ Newport Blvd. Har. 402 A BETTE R HOME 3 bedrm., 2 b•ths $13,50()-$2050 down \\'e a.re proud to ahow Ulla i t· trac:ll"• f-nn,1 I bdnn home. On• year old at a ,_.onabl1 price. Beautiful c:IMr. bwd. floors. cir.:ular floor plan, f.a. heat. dltpou.I. cti"&mh: Ul1, dbl. P."St, Jot al by 117. W•ll landKaped. mMU,. I.need. 2 Cute Beach howte on R-2 Lot neu Bay 1wtm- min,( beach. koom_ for adclit)onal unit $16,000 -TenM PENINSULA f>OINT • BJl -Den -3 Batba -2 Firepla<eo. Com· pletely furni>bed. '$28,700 -'1'<111111 1 and 2 BR unfumi1hed apta. "'$110. Yearly Leue $90 BAY & BEACH REALTY, Inc., Rltrs 1'50 W. Ba!IM>& Blvd., Balbo&. Harbor 126' -Harbor •92:j BALBOA CHANNEL Road k>t, uoobltructed view of Bay. $17 ,500 tenn.o. DUPLEX 2 bednn. I< I bednn., Good renter $21.500 COSTA MESA near bay. t• llChool. Good MiPbo b!Q. to b'&nlportatkm,=t blk.. 2 BEDROOMS plua 1anaJ OD tne covered lot. ""1• hava the 11:.,.. aee an7titn ~.\ro ee x.305. RA sone. 118.000. Tennl. PAUL BARTO UALTY . 1tt1 Har~ e1vd., emta M... JOIERClAL eornerl-"5~ s UM> tt. Near flu. Office LI I-mt Ev•. LI '!!1:, bor BIN. Pi.eat impiVteUNDte aboakl CUTJ WI property cle9elopod. -buy OD W. Ultb St. OPEN TODA T -110 MCnONS RA.NCH HOU8E, 2 bdrm .. Mn. l"\ .. 111 ~lal9. Arctllt..n bulldrt-. l"l'ult, ahade lrffl. pairtu ... 1va1lable. J mllu Eaat O&rtkn O"°"'f 12ttl I.AW\• Ill .. OWMr "'ebliter f-ft4T. t tcU COAST PROPERTIES RUTH 1JAYRED, Realtor Mi1drod RlJp and SyMa Thom-. Aaood&tu. 301 E. BaJIM>& Blvd., BallM>& Har. 2ell8 or 6800 ' • Har. Mtt Ll t.a31T JU 1·1117 ~~~~~~~~~~:.....:::.:._~=--~~~~~~~~~~~~------------------------· ---· -·-:( ·-•• ' • • --· • • ..