HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-08-08 - Newport Harbor News Press.. NEWPORT DUPLEX 2 bdrm t.&ch.l ....,. ocean, lower furn. Price ii1• •• , iaooo down. BALBOA 2 bdim 2 biUL hrn.iahed, sun deck. Low low p1cl '18,.l500 COSTA MESA -MODERN HOME a~ 6 cfm 1% b&tha on irre(. lot with rooin for pool Slid .. p.. doon from LR 6 muter bdrm to ..,UO. Din.ini room. utility room. Range. rmt1 .•• wuber btcl @> $35.~. . ~ EMERALD BAY , 5 bdrm ' bath, ocean view, u.ndy be&ch. Ideal f&m11y home. Full price $57 ,'500. Leue with op- tion at $400 per mo. $200 to apply to purcb.ue. rar the above properties, rt'fONE HARBOR 4971 VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE M.18 Via Lido EYa: Harbor 61'2 or 3630J BALBOA ISLAND-VOGEL VALUES * * * $19.~ Cute 2 bedroom coUa1e. Patio and lovely big ,.rd 1n front. Just remodeled and redecorated lut year. See it whilt you are here. $22,50Q 3 bedroom. tarp Uvtng ro&m, near N. Bayfront with ~k of lot clear for p.rqe aputment or hoUle addition. BEACON BAY -TWO UNIT BUY .. A .c::an:ie item - 3 bdrm 2 bath home and com- plete 1 bdrm apt. unit. DOW avail to qualified buyers. Bar kitchfq, rood hea~. Iota ol tile, and dhl. range. <?omptue" furn. Priet S38.~ witll iood tenM. For the above properties. PHONE HARBOR I 014 VOGEL CO. Balboa Island Office (Next Door to Poet Office ) 208 Marine Ave. Evea: Har. 3629, Hu. 1229-R PROPERTY OWNERS EXCLUSIVE BACK BAY You can now own a home with your own private lab front. 2 .Bedroom9 and Den Ba th le :i ,, all eledric Kitchen plua D9Auher. Wuher and nr,tr. r.aDy draped and -~.,, carpeting. SUding Glua door to patio with View of lake, Back Bay ud ~ Om ot the lnl1y ~t bu.Y• today. ()pm Baul S.t 6 Sund&!. 4U 23rd St. BAYSHORES I Bed.roam bath 6 % located on large Corner lat and proYcted by t.utl!ul aha.de trees. Liv· Ina roam 6 Dtn1ng room fully cupeted. Very ftM eackMd patio for the ch1ldren plua a very ltftbl9 home. Priced to .U and tenna you ca.n- llGt bM.t. call WI we have the key. W. E. FISHER & Associates I02' Oout mpway, Corona del Mar Harbor 5032 r Ewa. Harbor 2"20-\V BALBOA ISLAND TBJS IS NOi' ORDINARY .. GOSSIP" ITS "CHOICE'' Smart; ltooau'. Dlstlnctne, thia S.bdrm • bath i'GlltJc type home 11 just the thlnr for family tun or could eully be conftrted into two unita. Ex· oeUmt locadon nar So. Bay. OWNER READY TO TiUe -HOW' ABOUT YOU! $39,500. NELDA GIBSON. Realtor . 8 MuiDe Aw., Balboa llla.nd Bar 502 Har '623 C-1 & M-1 Acreage and Loh CALL US MAX W. POPE. Realtor .. • NEWPORT HE16HTS · . Thia 2 bedroom homo in Newport Height.a la bmDlcvlaW. Hal hardwood fJoon, 11D&1t """'°• larp level tot, ii fenced ud well la.ndac&peitl hD prb OGl1 S12,l500. BALBOA COVES U you are lOOJdni for a waterfront home with pier pl'iYO.tpi, be IUN to .. ~ 3 bid· room It den home. FA heat, abundant clo.eta and cupbouda. natmal wood til kit.chm. dbl prace. ju.It i yn. old. Priced ri&'ht @ $M,8GO. Call today I BALBOA OCEAN FRONT APTS. Income se.200. -Price $35,000. In strategic rental locatJon.. ~ b{Otk to Bay, 2 abort blocb to lhopping. For the above propertiea, PHONE LIBERTY 8-3481 VOGEL CO. MAIN OFFICE 8201 We.t Cout HJahwaJ Evea: LI 8-7189, LE 9-7M2, LI 1-1'.21 ud Bu.~ VOGEL CO. EXCHANGES $32,500 - Owner of two-1tory view home in CDM&r wanta 3 bdrm one ltory home with larp yard tn Newport Height., Balboa, or Corona del Mar. $14,500 Owner of • bdrm 2 bath home in Fullerton wuta bea.ch home or duplex up to '2(),000. Owner of 4 unit.a (income $350.) for $32,500. Will take home up to $U,:'j()() .iD uchanp. * * * * Owner ol Coeta Meaa acreage will trade for income property. • Owner ot 8:50 acre Arizo.oa ranch at fl~.000 will tnde up for COIDJllercl&l lDcoma. For the above properties, PHONE LIBERTY 8-3481 THE VOGEL CO. MAIN OFFICE 3201 W. Cout Hwy. - Co1t1 Me11 Offic-VOG~ VALUES VIEW HOME -<Lin' HAVEN DlltlndM a bdrm or 2 bdrm • den MliDI 1D choice Clift Haven locatiall. Permanent .n af bay and OOMa. 3 yn. okt, 2 ~U.. ,,1ua mclOMd back yard with ample room for J>()Ol. ru.uy Jud· 8C&ped, carpeted thnlout 6 drape. IDc1. An ex- ceptional buy @ $241:500. oozy 1 BEDROOM OOl'TAGE Very roomy. Wall to Wall carpetlnr, 11-apttte., 1tove and ~. included. Attract.lve, near New·• port IJelchta. Full price '8,DM. TRADE YOUR 3 BEDROOM HOME FOR $10,000. YR. GROSS INCOME Owner ot 11 unit motel on Cout Blwy. will ac- cept 3 bdrm home in Newport, eo.t.a Kesa or near Santa Ana for busy motel Walking diltance to Ocean It bay. Restaurant and beer bu on Sood leue, sood flnanclDr, with lO'fl monthb' payment. ud spendable tncoma. For the above propettlle, PHONE LIBERTY 8-5596 VOGEL CO.-Costa Mesa .Office ,1100 Newport Blvd. Eve8. Har. 3'3:51 Har. 671•· .r-- Corona del Mar Offic-Vogel Values * * * CHOICE PROPERTIES Priced Right! OORONA DEL MAR •1 -!5 SRI " rw:npua rm. Lovely home, built- 1.na. View. $47,37!5. •2 -2 BR home It apl on 2 corner Iota. Beaut. patio le IJ'OUDd.I. $2G, 760. •3 -I Bb A den. 2.00 IQ. ft. living area OD 2 lot.I. Corner. Patio. $23,MO. ., -3 BR.JI. So. of Hwy. ~· lqt. Newly dee. wide le out Low down pym't. $26,860. OORONA mal:ILANbs ·~ -3 BR.a " den. RUltie. 2'I' N.mpua rm. 2 ftrepl-. Low down pym't. NlS,000. •& -3 BR.a. Permanent ocean Yinr. Gt Loan. $22,'500 . •7 -2 BR.a 11 den. Ru.ltic. Vle'JI. w /w cpt., etc . Fine home. $29~. SHORECLlFFS •s -•BR.I -2~ batha. le· corner Jot. Built-in.I. Patio. BBQ. $28.7~. For the above properUe., PHONE HARBOR 0757 or HA 1741 VOGEL CO.-Corona del Mar Office 2667 E. Cout BJibway Eves: Har. 1796-W LI 8-6451 Har. 2892 4288 WHO WANT · TO SELL -LIST WITH THE VOGEL co: OWNER TR.ANSFERnEr) Mial Mii, lmm. pou. 3 Bdr Hwd n u w1w cup. lJbl ~ar Onty 2 yra old. Compl fenced, Terri!tc view o! Back Bay from ,..a.r yard. A beaut paUo lilt . f'uU p. 112.llOO v.llh $3000 Dn. Don't m1u lhi. one. v v Best Buys Corona del Mar Dt:PLEX -WALKG DIST. E . •tM Exe rental aru 2 Bdr. eL Gar bt'lv.ttn, (h'tnl prl· vacy ot 2 hoUH• H••ar yda 1. v JUST LISTED. So. ot Highway, cute 2 bdrm. home. Large covered patio, double pr. Carpet. and drapea, BOme furniture included. FUll price Sll,500. $3500 down. BE'M'ER HURRY. Exclusive with us. ren~ a divided. Lot 7~ x 120 2. V SHORECLIFFS. First ti.me offered. Ranch type. A.akin( 11:1900 wllb Hooo Dn ahake root 2 bdrm. and den home. 2 fireplaca. Ev.. P bo. Ctt.wt U L1 1-87&. ' $37,500 ExclWlive with ua. Open houae, 1 -5 ~REAL BAROAL'I, choice eut aid• of Coat& Me.a nc.-ar Irvine Ave. 3 bdrm . 2 baths. tire· place. dbl. garage, hv. d. t1oor11. 3. wcalbt'r •tripped. '•, 'o loan $1t.~ full pt ICC. $3000 Dn. Luge a Bdr. home. CorMr lot. Ortle11 qlra Ir ~ hobby work· ahop. Outdoor B 8.Q. A plumb- ed tor 2nd bath. 1 Bil< orr 4. Ntwp. Blv. cenlH nf town. Only $3000 On. Eve. ph Pt-Ulte L1 8-~487. BALBOA INCOME Chol~ Blv. lo<-.· 2 Apt. Bid~. d&ily. 239 Morning Canyon Road. y VALUE PLUS 2 bdrm. home plu• gueat ryom plu1 1 ~.. baths, hardwood floon, FA heat, c1oee to shopping area and only 2 ~ blocll to ocean and beac'h. A belt buy at $18,600. J/ BARGAIN -This 2 bedroom home, large liv- ing room, fireplace, dual floor tu.mace, (thermo controlled) plwa large double pnge 1treued for apt above. Better act tut on thia one. ONLY $14, 750, EXCLUSIVE WITH US. • ~!EMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTINGS . N«'&rly new. Belt rt'nlal JO<',. 2 Bdr A I lklr a pta Dlshm dJap .. all Ule K. A Datha. H wd nra. Sun df'Ck, tuUy tum. 2 Bdr Apt. avail ~pt 1 Room to bulld anotl~r 2 Bdr. unit on front of lot. !hov.·n by a ppt. only. J:le 600 with tttms !:w. ptio. S.ymour -HA 62tSW. CORONA DEL 'MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUIBTION, Realtor It Aeeocfatea 3447 E. O>aat.Hwy. CoroA& deUur Bar. 47 8/ B BEST BUY In Corona Highlands a bd.nn., den. I ti.t.ba. 1 atory bom. with c.hann and ll•- UWty. Sbake root, t\npl , patio. Under H0.000. NOW IS THE TIME To mon Into th&. apoU-2 bedrm. home on 2 beauutw lot.I. wtlh a ti.cbeJor apt. and room lo bUlld mon. Tb• bOUM atforcb out.door • indoor UWis and Is priced ricbt. flt,000. Bbown by appt. only. ATTENTION YACHTSMEN! You can keep your own apt. on Catalina and lat th• other two luxurlo\.ta a bednn. apt.a. buUd your equJly. $10,000 will J\&ndla or owntt wtll trade for maJ.n. land. Wb&l do you ban to trade f6r Utl.9 well localed lripla T Come 1n and talk t.l owr. Lovely Peninsula Home ~ Jt 70 lot. a bedrm .• nr.pi.ac.. llwd. tin.. -carpeUna. diab- wa&Mr. Lara• peUo. J'Urn.llUR l.nduded. ruu priee UT ,!W)O, w..n fl.nan~. BALBOA PENINSULA Sparkhn' near-new home, "1th 2 bdrm.I., 2 b&tha, PLUS a nice peat room, coonected by a covered patio with 'barbecue, in ooe ot. ~ beat location• in t.hia fabu.Jou. G"e&.. BEST BUY ON BALBOA .PENINSULA I A MUST SEE EXCLUSIVE WITH UBI Priced low at $19,600, and belt ot all, only $4000 down. ONLY $1000 DOWNI Lovely 3 bdrm. home on a 86' x 110' completely tenced lot, in a nice eectJon of ea.ta Meaa. Only 2 yea.n old, with many utra.s. You'll love livin1 in thia 1paciou. home; and the monthly payment la only $82, inc.Wdin1 interest, taxee Ir lnaura.nce. WE ASK YOU, WHY PAY RENT? Call ua to see thW one. f ISHER & COMPANY 2e03 Newport Blvd., Netrport Beach Harbor '"29, day or even.ins ' Mesa.Harbor RJty. (Office located next door to Newport Barbor 8uk, CdlO Bay & Beach Rlty Inc. - &&A.LTOa& -----------~------~--.......... -==---------------Ir ASSOCIATES O. C: !ffymft11r ReAllor ~· C«nltr 6\., C'Olta ).feaa U l ...ftll or LI 8-7714 Four Units P'ully turn 2-2 Br. 2-1 Br . ( ca rport• 1dnl. Rtnt.al Atta. OoM to aclloola Ir churchea Very ~.irOle rroJM'rly Good tncoma -Juat 7 yn old. A ITE.AL Al UJ 000 terma Shore Cliffs REDUCEO $5000 FOR QUICK SALE Quality 3 bedrms., 2 1 2 batba, mqnlficent vinr of ocean and bay. Open a.ftemoou until 1<>1d. 215 Drlftwood. Our exclualve, courteay to broken. FOR EXCHANGE, ~autilul 3 be<lrm. view home F.ulrid&e Drive, Wbittier for income property. Corona dcl Mar OaJce WO &. Col.It Bwy., Har. ~a Cliff Haven Horne By Owner :: bdrm., 1 balh, ""' Cal')JeU n • w I y decot'ated beauUfu ...,... CaU attemoona U ... 170'7 CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEX La.Ip room.1. 1 bdrm., fireplace. oa.k floof'I each apt. Two Iota, extra 1Jeeping room, 2-car praie. Exclu.aive $22.800. l.AJT• 2 bdrm. home. Lot eo Jt 118. -$17,000. Large 2 bdrm. bow.e. Lot 30 x 118. -$14.7!50. G. H. LATHROP. Realtor LI 8-1H2 ~7 It. B&Jbo& Bh'd Har 3808 even. Hu. o 23 • upte STEW ART REAL TY 3707 E. Cout Hichway. Corona del Kar Har. "515 45«7 $17,950 •4<:4• Corona Ml Mar Eve&. Har.~ .. • ' . \. f • P.Mlt I· PAD 11-tlrlWOIT ~ NEWs.ftiSS .,!D!!::R!!!l!J!loWo9!!!!!,. _ _.,_..;•!;::l!P!!!! ~ ::---....::;;;;;!!!.!!!!!!!!.:;.....•~..:•!;::!R!!!'!'D!!'!!slo~_.-14•!::!•~· -!!!!!"!!'~--·~~!::!!!!!.!!!!!!!!!---liG ltt\Y, "'*'51'., r... = -· :i: 1• -• ---au• z: 1 ed $2.500 dpWri -Newport Hthfs. LA VETA 'WOODS • , 'fCIWIZN -•• • S.nte An. & Orang• . $995 On. MOVE IN NOW 3 8cht'. .:..1~. B'ath, . • ,~. I ' J.up i....i Lota -°'""'" ~ Sbal<• or Rock Root• Hardwood noon ~ CoQCNla ...._ • Walb ' Ice. Dlnlol OI' Don Amo ~0-Doon ACCOllltlcal Celllnp l'oreed Air H0.t . Natural Cabineta ~·-... elidi Plant.era Stucco•--- Ptuu~ Wallll Centnl l<q~n !!'fr -pULLOCKS, Pac. Tele· phope. ·B11lldlnr., Market.a. Sclioola, .etc. ONLY $19,750-$14,500 DIREC'l'10N8-North OD Main to L& Veta St.: Weat to now. st. .:.... rrom. P'Teeway; Eut on Chap- man to n.w.., 8ou$h to La Veta. Open Noon On. FRED C. McADAMS, Tract Mgr., KE 8-8420 Newport Heights Charmine RUlltlc Ra.Deb 1-2 Bedroom• Drum Kit.then; lo'ftly yard, ju•t 3 yeara new. Thia la topa In Newport e.Jrhte . .A.king $23,000 COSTA MESA a -........ -2 Bathe -$2300 0own OW.mine hard,.aod floora. dlapoul, breakfut 1lor with ahutUn, fon:ed air heat, double prage and tuny fmned yard, .-In location makee thla fine hom• the belt buy In tnwn at $13,2ll0. Just a block to Jr HJa:h School Let 111 lb.ow you thll ooe; you11 like It. CLOlll: TO LIDO 8HOPP1NG CENTER $29!!0 DOWN 2 -... a eor..r 1ot. 11u double carace and la ~ a hop, .llldp and a jump to fabuloUA Lido 1111oppm. Center. Paym .. te may be ar· ran.pd u low u $M.OO per in.ooth. Exclusive with ua. See It now. · C, ED JONES, Realtor ;, .Alilc>OuTES LI 8-3333 B /.8 p. a. ' . , P .alm~r inc.orporo • developers of Lido Isle North Home • Tired ol ~ far a' nm: BAYl'llOHI' bo-! If ao. '-thla wt1Jiooat c1a1&7. - concDtloa throucbollt--~ -. 0 --. 4 b&tha, maid'•-. IOdO ltriDc -dl.nbtc: raam. .t1Jn'tsP .t.el kttchm 3 ear ..,..... nice yard with laWJ!. Allo ...... , ;,,.. .,t.'lfllll 2 beclf1m,. 2 bath&, ldlebeD .. li'flac ..-, ID fact a total of o-.c.ooo ... fL of ll1'inl' ar...: ' aeparate foroed alt~ 2 4 ... .-. 'and' other -t r--lf )'Oii ba ... ia,.. family, ...,,t a well arranpl -with opado<'"- ..... bave a member of the family who dNlrel -' 1 lndepeadeuc<, ~ -"" Ideal The h..... . • leued to ace.dmt ,.,,,,..r vatJl March lit at ~ por month. The apt..la avallallla kpt. · lat. By buy!Ar now you cu uoe the apt. and at111 pt p ;l!Ob rent. Shm by appolntmellt ~. $93.000. . Beautlfu!IJ fumiabed,.on your - Only 19 rtmab.mc lJdo Iale Iota for Mio. If you wish tn build, ,batter huny. 4 eold thla put -it. For th-and other Lido Property -Come to HEADQUARTERS -our n.t year at Udo. p. a. palmer incorporated· ol• han1on co. m.n•g•m•nt 3333 via Udo, harbor woo ·-BA YF.RONT - wDT BAY • VJ:llUJI -AD "' th• Vf!r/ -• llhaD ba yoan -• --illdudinc 2 _,,_ ant'• craart-on the lit Ooor &IMI 4 larco tUlll,f '*"-" CID Iba ,1-d floor -4 be-- baoutlftal poa froJ>t liTl!ll ,_ 29 K 21 -2 !'~ -eat prlp -· and nompktely CUralabed, Price $811,l!OO .-.. L.rcJ• Shorecr:ff Home -• Tbllo home hu _,:yu,in, a family oould ..... 'lf""t -• bedroo1111, 4 betha, formal llvlnJ!l'llL, fuU dl•lai"n. lSldll, .bNUfut r90m , dlahwuber Jn kltehen, butler'a pantry, forced •ir heat, hard· wood !loon. BeeutlfuUy plauted yud and of eoune-loCated ID' one ot California'• out.land· Ins aub-dlvlalo......sHOl\ECLIFF. !>rice $415,000 -Best Buy - For a .3 bedroom and den hoUH, thla '1llO la i.ee belt bay we have eeea In a long time. No .enae · writins very much about thie one -it you are loo.kin& for 3 bedroom.a and a den , lhil i1 it l ! ! p. a, palmet .incorporated ole han1oft co. 'manageme~t 1700 w. cout highway -liberty 8-M73 BEST BUY ON UDO ISLE! . UDOu hl,000, pod tAl"llW. U • ciellmt eoDlll.UOIL ~ pbl;IM tor appolatmnt. n wW M OUI' ~toilho'lrUdliOMto you Mid )'O'tr ~ te lift In IL Open Hooses • BALBOA REALTY CO. NEWPORT BEACH , IT AIN'T NO ctmll Uld It ' a!Ji't DO HODaJ bu& eoml.S.1'1.q I.bl k>caUc:m lt'a worth the money. I bedroom&. OM bop. Hip &ad jump to cbuoel • l&nd¥ M&cll ud lkJ"·bhw ..... t.9n of U.."Pacifto. Prlotd Ub• Ol.r 11,000. A.LM08T NEW DUPLEX. ,J.. ltH.l I ! ! QOM to UM c.ban· Dtl and bMch. Priced under • 111.000. OC&A.N va:w lot 60 CIOM to the ocean you could aJmc>.t UVOW a NM Ullo IL &o.::lOt jUI\ $4.000. YOUR ).AST CHANCE TO BUY .EVERY AJTEllNOON EXCEPT WEDNESDAY 482 E. 2oth St. ANOTHER beautiful new BISSELL built home of 2 bedrooola·2·baiho and den. See thla charm· inJ new .ubdlviitoD. oonai.ung of. 10 exclualve homelitea:. Thil la truly a home or charm and dlatinction-offera the "VERY MOST' tor_ under $28,000 400 Vista Beya I 2200 Block oH Tustin) Large colnfortable Ranch Style conai.tlng of 3 bedrooma, 2 bathe and a lars• family room - Shake rwt, modem tiled ltltdw>, 3 car prage plua a bobby ahop. Thia lovely corner. home la Ideal for the family that wan.ta ample elbow room. Submit your own tel'Dll ! DµNCAN HARDESTY: Realtor 2802 Newport Blvd., NO'lfPOrt Beach OFFERINGS (1) Ptinin.lllla bom• . , • uwly • tu.rm.Md.. 2 bedroonUI plua cute (Uffl t'OOm wttb be.th. Unit hffL Call to -It. Sl9.~00. 1oW t.enna.. t i) Balboa, a bdrm. borne with 2 bat.ha. Yur round home, nicely f~ Wut Bay Al'tnue localloft ud ln Noe condlUon. t ll,000, tenna. 13) Here'• a roomy I bedrobm home, well furniabed plua a very atll'Cllve J'\l8t room v.1lh bath In re1.r. Patio area, 2 fllnl'le pn.ce• and 1 larS"e loL 111.600. terms. t 4 I Ocean front duplex tb.!.t lt a pip. Narrow part oc t.M J>e,Nn11u.la • , • CION lo bay. Terrlflc Oce&n view. Wl!ll fumiahed &lid aleepil up to 12 peop'-t. s~·•ll renter. - 122,000, tenn.. (~) Owaer want.t lo So to Eur- ope and Mi4 "•li my t•UJUt Income bulJ4in& for tl&.000 Qww m111t eel. 8Dlmdt all delk. S a.In Rs • la Newl"" ffe!Pt• tarp U.tac -;,till llreplw. llee It ·*'-ko .a~. A.aldor $1UOO • 'I UDO -JIAR.GAINS - 2 ~ ...i ,_ -114 b&llla • 3 -O'TO ond da 1\<, ballla 3 ~ 2 bath< 2 w.r-a. 2 bath.a. J'woUl>ed Eleellent nnandnc .. - 4 UNITS -BAlBOA PENINSULA 1·2 bedroom, S.1 lied-. Pntqtlal -...... $7000 annually. .bldnc SM.000 -""""It .., priee a.nd down payment. \Wl MD"der trwst deed or trade on mWl hom~--~ down payment. FIRST TIME OFFERED North .... t PJSTA MESA. ucellent ,nelChbor- bood. eu.tom built Rllltle 2 bedroom and cueat room. Huge muter badnn. Large bath. oepan.to atell ahower. RaJeed hearth fireplace Jn larp living room. Shake roof. Only 2 Y'A" old. Prloed at $14,500. $2,MO down wlU buy It! OCEAN FRONT A heme nf quality and charm. E>rtn. larp IJv. Inc room with fll'l!place, Nice bedroom pluo ?- aleepins alcovea. Roomy kitchen and eervlco ' porch. 30 feet of beautiful beach, in belit loca- tion. Al.king $20, 750. JACK BRENNAN, REALTOR "AT THE ARCHES" f 3321! W. Coeat Hwy. LI g.7773 LIDO ISLAND • 2 large bedrooms • • 2 b&th1 • • Large patio • • Lots of cloaeu • • Built-in 1tovi and oven • • Built 1951 · e • • Poueaaion Sept 30th • • Full price $27 ,500 • • S7~ handlea • Lido Realty Associates 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 OCEAN FRONT An oceutront i. -10 t .. t wide tor .f\JA 11.aoo. We tur- Jliah trw erytnc towei. to t.bOM wbO COJM too l&tL ,witb term&." He •UN llu It --- fixed up Ne•. All new tile BALBOA Sbown by appointment baly. S BR -2 Bath ll'lnplace -Patio. S2e,l500-Terma Balboa Peninsula Point Modern. 2 Bil -Den -2 bath -Fireplace Clomplotely ~ S21.~down SUMMER RENTALS rrum ~ to l500 per week. WINTER RENTALS from 140 to '260 ptr monUL INDUSTRIAL FROM 1 TO lO ACRES. Frum $6000 to 110,000 per a.en. Gel IA bn the (T'O\lZMi 0001' A malu younie:lf a lltU• fortUM quick. · INCOME ~ .,.., ,,,.., "°''' ~ ..... ~'BR. "":te ---·--··-·---·-·····-··-··-·•27.llOO OWNER SAYS SELL! 1--2 Bit um.ti ---· ········--···-··--532,600 , bdrm.. 1" bath#. iars• llfla&' 4-1 BR. umt.I --·--·-···-·-·---------..$32.600 room. flaptone paUo • Mrtie- Oce&n J'root 3 unJtl ---·----·····--·--$32,500 cueo. Juat. I moaU.. Gld. OnJy ' SNO doWn. Bal-Blvd., 4 unite --·-··········-·-···············-······~,llOO ~ Blvd., 7 unite -··----··-·······-····-········$52.000 I unit apt. -·····---·.,,.----·····-----··-········· ...... $90,000 Peninsula Point 1 and 2 BR untumlahed apte. Year)J leaae -$llO to $110 BAY & BEACH REAL TY Inc., Rltrs. ltllO W. Bal-Bml., ~ Harbor l2iK -Har. i92:i - lNDUSTRIAL M, 1 .A.en Sitew -200 ft. I 22:5 tt.. -New •treet &nd curt. wW be m.talled. Clote-ln -on eewer. • $2o,OOO Terme. C-2 ZONED INCOME ' of the nic.t ~tial un.ltli on one ot the belt btud'W cornen iD Coeta Me.a. Hu a terrific .Pott'.lltlal AND ii n«tint 10fo now. PHIL SUWVAN & GEO, EVERSON • llllM Nwpott ·Bml.. ea.ta M- PboDe U M'feJ. -~. Har. 43ee WHAT DO YOU EXPECt7 FOR ... 600 f f f Nice netpborbood. Good 2 bed· room family home, lars• 11'1.nl room. dlalaa and bralcfut. an&. bardwood floora, Hob~ Room, Oarac-A PaUo. U you are a alow bUyer; don't eurt you.iwlf on 1um one bec&UM tt ,wl.U brt sane before you make up your mlnd ••• and you'll be IKtfTY t!! SeveA l1lend1 Reelty 1 & lnveltment Co. I ~)-32nd St., Newport Bch, Calif I Hu.~. after 6 p.m. Har. 6697 . . ' ~e:r'°O~a!'~~ ~~ J nic. eottar• turnlahed, •IMP' I I , room tor another unit. Onl.r Sl 1,600 tenna. • Home & Income A.nolher one cloM lo Mach and b&J. Home plua ' rental unila. plua "c*nt lot. STeG will ·~-CALL P'OJ\ APP'T TO en THl:llll: MEKBEft KULTIPLll: LllTING LIDO ISLE CHARMING lp&Cioua 2 bedroom and 1-t'ge glaaed WW facinr covend patio 1~' batha, ~ ft Jot ( a.rchitecta plan for extra bedroom or den included) Home in euellent condition thru-out. Owner leaving st.ate. Price $31.000 for fut u.le. DO SEE THIS ONE. We thJnk It.I a buy. noonns. turnWMtd p roperly and redecorated.. Don't wait too 'on.r fw a k>ok. II / PUW.Ula point duplex I.hat •houl.d •II from lhil one ad. Ku ·J bedroom. up and t dwn. A ttracUvllJ tumlabed. A be•uUful etuceo pr-openy v.-iUi laundry room, double prap ll(ld Oll.ly I year. old. 121.~. tet!na. BUSINESS PROPERTY ON NEWPORT BLVD. [ '" =~' ~·'; '.::::.,:",;:: · w1th eatra apartment over • 2 bedny.. frame home plUI adjoining comer lot, 2-a.r prap ... at 11a.ooo 18th and Newport Blvd. -in heart of Cotta · · · n;iJPt 90\md too Jood Me9a. ~ ft. front.ap, 9:s deeP on 18th. Excel· Lo M tru.. \Call ua. lent loauon for n.., rtore. building commanding Balboa Realty Co. top rental. Price $36,600 Oppu9.ite Bank ot America MYRTLE DAVY, Raaltor & Anoe. I"""' 0 '°7.'::.-.;,,., Ed ..., Helen Baum Huel Cocdot? TOO JC.. Balboa BIYd., Balboe. 3'82 Via Oporto Harbor 5446 Phon. H&rboT S377 Evee. LI 8-li297 LI S.1709 HAR.1017-J • WANT TO MAKE A BUCK- and still have & fine home A income! We have the makinp of the deal -A 2 B. R. home, car~ peted, lovely f"tttpl., plua an apt. over ga.r. Ide~ •pot for aummer rentals -on a corner 60 x 118 (that• TWO Jot.) South of Hiway. Bby it -bui~ on the extra Jot (we'll .ell it) & you'U h&ve home and income at a barga.in pri~. Juat phone -we'll ma.ke the appt. . R. L STRICKLER, Realtor R.B. HODGE. Auoclete 3622 E. Cout Hwy., Corol)O del liar. Har. 2774 MUL TIPLE-LISTING-OF-fHE-MONTH • CARA VAN SPECIAL Forced to'.Leave Southern Calif. Mu1t een modern 2 bedroom nirely tuml.ahed. Wrre comer kit. Newport Hel&hta a rea. Priced to Mil 111.~-Tum1 can be arT..nsed. Ralph P. Maskey REALTOR ltl l Newport Blvd. CURT DO$H , Rltr. 315 Merine Ave. Balboa Island Harbor I 560 SloPODOWN a badrm. boma 1n nloo Eut •Ide eo.ta M- -•""'· ()Ill "' •talo 0 ...... -to .. u. l.mmtdlat.e pa I Lim. hD price $ll,000.' HOM~~i;:tAFER ML No. 75:17 -T;..., Dupl.,... on 60x330 Lot-~ BR ea. BY OWNER I bdnn homa Oe:n batb • \ii. larp llYin(' rm, ft~pi.ac. dlnlAf room. break· tut area, Mr'rice porch. J'. A. he&L bultt ln M.ove, carpeted, drapea. paUo, f.rnoN. ian&- caped. dbl p.rap.. WW t.ndt tquil.J' tor lot. ARo' -f »"" or w.ell flld&-U---nrrt__;.!...•1• Plwnm.r. Ucll7 t , J'HA. i-. $3500 DOWN lOI Mcftddeft Pl: at"'1fpt. pMr TUed Bath Room witll Tub in each Ua.tt-2 Years PbOIM S.r. ltO ~ UOM Large Lido Lot 50 n.. ptu la w. .-tra alcl ear- ., ... lot. on Pt&aa Udo. lb.MIO ~ pno.. ~t 1M'IU. DAN A. JACOBamf, Jt.-.1 s.tat. Har. Mil LI t-Ulf Kl 1-1117 Old -Income $3115 Month -Price '81.500 Contact Your Realtor MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Modem Living a-la Eut 8kle Coate w.-. I ......_ I: a.DI, MMJUf\11 pr· dd. .Drlff 117 ltu J'Wlttlon . A"-llMll can U1 tor tu.rthu' ... ..... DAN A.. JA.OOBIZN, ft-1 r.t&\a CHANNEL Road lot, unobM:ructed view of Bay. $17,llOO termL DUPLEX 2 bedrm. • 1 ~.. near bey. Good renter $21.000 COSTA, MESA 2 BEDROOMS pluo lanai on tree covered Int, 66 x JO:j, R--4 sone. $18,000. Term.a. COMMERCIAL corner U5 \; & lllO ft. Near Har- bor B1vd. Preaeat improftm.enta ahoWd carry till property developed. Beat buy on W. 18th llt. COAST PROPERTIES RUTH JAYRED, llaltor I . ){Ud~ Ri1p and Sylvia TbompaCID. •wodatea 301 E. Bal-Blvd., Bal-Har. 211118 oo 6800 3 BEDROOMS • 1% BATH PLUS Mahogany Snack Bar -Lote of Stonc- Entry Hall, nicely i-pered -DinDlc·J'amllY room, beam ceillnc. IArce laundry room with gu and elec. Exterior entran.ce to % batb tor bathers end i-tto cueate. Large covend patio -Flaplone table on i-tto. 1292 aq. ft. In - 533 aq. ft. in prage. 90 aq. ft. In !dry ..... 2112 aq. ft. oove~ porch and i-Uo. N..,ly decon.i.d inalde and OU~ Ftnned -ba&utlflll yard -Con· crete driveway -Louvre room dift!er of. ma.. hopny. Some drapeo Included. Brick -CID front for effect. U you think this • enou.P for the_ FULL PRICE nf $13,DllO.OO, caU .. -'lff'ra not bluffin1. MAX W. POPE, Realtor 1908 llarbor . LI a.U42 CORONA HIGHLAtilDS Marine view from thla attnctlvo ..,... b .... , I fine badrooDll, 1% batha, .rumpua-. Mi<Jm lenc<d-Iot. l..oada ot ._... Iii ·wr.-illl]r----;I home, A oklq SllZliOO O~ CHANNEL FflONT l'wo ltaDdanl larp 2 bedrvom apta. (1 with fJre. place) ~ -modona ldtclMaa, dlapoaelo, i-u..1n -t. Schedlllad IJ'Olli"c-'8lMJO rr .. •sttns $42.MO, esce!lent t.ennL • a-., J ll&th .....i. lloula. Shiny new. with baautltlil -IClloollmtl7 Joeat.ad In Eut Side Oaota -Prioe at JU,000. Immediate po1111Fon. NEWPORT MESA REAL TY · ~::r:rN: Newport Harbor Board of Realtors :· ::; ~.::._ "'.:~ - SSIOI) kD Pl.NO. ' bdnn.e. upst&Jr. cHft RI CCK• Eveninp call Edith W-. HYalt ~ « Lou·Boyutna Harl!or 2878 EARt W. STANLEY, Realtor Harbor 1715 1719 Newport Bhd. LI MllOI 2215 lf&rlne A""·· Balboe laland ' DVNCAN IU.R.DUTY, Rdltor 401 N. Newport mvd. N Be h a.Jt ,:_,.,, to wud. Stl 600 ~~· =h.N't'WJOT'l ~~~ ewport •c "I•'· J.:lth It. Har. IOI·~~ • . ' • ,! ' 'nincet' tor .Ce11ter • • • 1600A>OO -by tile -AM pi. ..... Oimrnle!on Monday aipt U. J. IL illller of Heir· Port liooch. • I ' • ' • . .. • I i j Plllh ------.. 1/2Gallen I WITH SALLIE 8, 1956 Newpwt a.ch,~. Balled t. wlD ! Next week wlleD the Oraa,e Coaat7 Fall' opeu bWI· dreda of )'001 hopeful• wW w the effort. of their FF A projeeta . • . ChJckeM, lambe, bop a.nd 1 bed (I kJqlJ I abould •Y beevee, bui OCU' but.chert alway• lauch. ai me when I do) .•• Each a.a1m&l and fowl bu been ralted to ' will ••• -.eh ... poteatl&I wtnner ••• Too bad then eaa oaly be llO many net. white ud btu rtbbo &Dd ollly OM Oraad Cbamplca ••• Molt ol th_. kidt hope their entry will ~ purchued • • • in fact mofi ot th4an !*Pd the money deaperately to e&rry OD , • , What rm try1.ni to put over la th.II: Wby don't you and you and you 10 out ther. and buy a beet . . • or two or four of )'O\& ~ on• together • • • You don't have to buy one with a blue ribbon • • • Any you purehue wtll offer you beef eating like you've never eaten before . . . Thae kid.a ~ to b. encoura1ed . . . Ally p&ekinl bOUM will mW 1our purch ... ready and .... table for you . . • It you've eot a freezer that needa fillin&, next week at the Ora.nc• County Fair w the tim• to fill it • • • !l'b.e 8oUhe111 Bepon of htun hnDen •• America .atNtobM ham &uta Barbua to n OeD· -tro. of wblela oa.r Oraa1• ColllltJ lllgb 8ehoolt .... • put • • • Amertea, aot Josi Oruc• Couty -. PenWJ a 0 e d I tralaed Spcck'!lta • , . 1' OU Dow b7 1965 tMre will be 5 pileple lltUa1 dowa tlo every table, where there are t.laft9 MW • • • Oar r.':'9*'-srowa ud .. .. .t-::..-:::..~ Wflve ptta ...... more ............. 1.1'hst eeDI tor 111 el •ta . . . Ben la ()nap ~ty ... tm tumlal aa-ce be decr1atec' f'Nm lC.· '751 1a 1115 to iu,m • 1156 ••• 0ooao itodM fair • • • taDl to ldd9 . . • 'fte1'll aD be there If,... 4-'t..., .... • t!alq ••• at 1eAA atve ' ~~-tJMMdladMf .. Keep ap tM aood work I w ..... paf" . Of com"M the Richard'• M•t Balla from T·Bon• Steak flat. hue been 11& vinl their ~ to laao<> a load of thee& super dellck>ul beettea fur their own corral •.. Keep a look out for the Bil FT.A Beef Do in SeJ>Wn· ber . . • Ageh;lg yoll know! Should f.OU. wtah to retern any partiCUl&r cuta •.. stve th• fore an8 hind quarter bOy. th wink ahead of Ume • . . IA fact they'll even pur- cha.te a whole or halt ~f for you at the fair, take cue ot all th• caew~ rlcht down the line to 4eliv~rlng lt ready and wrapped for your f r . • • The Orang_e County JalJ' itarU th.ill Fri· daf and cont.in thru Sun-~ day Ausuat 10 •.• .... J 'q -.i dol•• tli ~r dtoal -• •. '• ytpt-oa .............. : .. Now~ p&a.....,• U::-' it • ..we: ........ :::;. fta • "'""' L':. ~ water your S-. the top hen at Rlcba.rd'1 one of the Lido . . 'tAGU.NA ~s.A~S lDAtl ASSOCIATION •" r w~ •• _gic •~ .. ~~ To Serwe T• ~ . . UNAAACH 'QUICK · M +iOVR iavt<!i :~· .. 1ow t~W .. REDUCING• INTEREST ~TES EASY • - , ~ WITH SALLIE Ao t 8, 1956 N e.rpon &Meh, Calli. 8al9ed to wta ! Nest week wtaea the Orup Couat7 l"&lr o~u buo- dnda of 7ou.1ac bopef ul• wm ow the effort. of their FFA project. ... Chlckt> Iambi, bop and 1,. beef (I bqir I abou.ld •Y beev-, but our butehen alway• laach.. at me when I do) ••• Each a.nlm&l and fowl hu been raised to wt.a ••• Neb la a poteaUal wtnaer ••• Too bad then eu o.Jy be 90 many red. white aad blue rlbbom and oa1J OM Graad Cbamploa ••• MOllt ol theM kid.I hope their entry will be purchued . • • in fact mo.t o! them ~the money desperately to carry on .•. What rm trytni to put over la th.la: Why don't you and you a.nd you 10 out ther. and buy a t>.et . . . or two or four of JO\& buy on• to1etber • • . You don't b&V• to buy one wtth a blue ribbon • • . Any ,ou pare.hue wU1 offer you beef eatinc llke you've never eaten before . • • Thae kJda need to be encou.raced ..• Any p&ekinl hOUM will makt your purcb.ue ready and e.&tabi. for you . . . U you've got a freezer that needa filllll&, next week at the Or&nge County Fair .1.1 the time to fill it ••• TIM SoGhera Bepoa of htun i'anDen el • America atntebd from Suta Barbua tie r.l Cen- tro, of wb.idl 90J' Oranc-• Coat,-ll)&b 8cboola .,.. • put ... Amerlea. aol JuN Onac• Cowaty -. pen~ •••d• tralaed .,.,..,~ ••• You kDoW by 1965 ta.en wW be 5 ,..,.. tltU.a~ dowa tlO every table, where then an ta... 110W • • • Oar ~powa ud .. 1a:i'7!..*!:.~~ -"• ptta nlM more food ........... '. n.a& an. for~·.· Ren la Onull• ~uaty alcJeeomfarmtq~ '-8 deer11Md fl'GID 18!.- '751 1a 1115 1u.on 1a 1156 ••• 0. • oat to tt.. fair ••• talk to u... ldda • • • TlleJ'll .. be ttMn If ,... ... "1' .... • tlllq .•. at IM.t &fve 'em •pat• UM '9ek ud •Y "Keep •P tM l'OOd work 1 Wt .... J9Gf" · Of coune the Richard'• Meat Balla from T-Bone Steak flab have been aavinr their ~ to 1uoo a load ol theee 1Uper dellc.toua beetles tur thelr own corn.I . . . Keep a look out for the Big FFA Beet Do in Septem- ber • • • A.pins you know! Shoul~ou wt.ah to re.e"9 any cub •.• give the ore ant! hind quarter boya th wink &head of tJme •.. IA tact they'll even pur- chue a whole or halt beef f Of' you at the fair, take care of all t.b• •~ rtrht down the line to ftllvt>rinc it ready and .rapped for your freuer . • • The Orange Counfy FU.r StarU th19 Fri- daf and contlnuee thru Sun- " day Aupt 19 ... , &Ma ) 'q WD dG4D~ Gii .....,, Mel ••• ·~ ~lrt oa ;?'.-,..._ pt • ~~ tw cMiaJr ,_... world ..... at • Ill the ......... : ;;. ftaVtt 1"bf'D ~ Ca-~ "*" yoar Blelll the black top here at 1Ucbard'1 one of the Lirlo Sbope at UN entrance to Lido Jale ... SPECJ·U..S roa AUGUST •• 10 aad u I TUCH EIS' (~ ,,_ ~ 1) (0..U....-tr... Hp I) C. A. c..rtJlt t.Qd Ted 1.Aad.tledt, aUU dUd u....... teuh· '-tr It ..... ~t ti ~ c-..,. AJI ............ .. ...._kl~.,., .. S.. -C:-St. T•eti. 1'70S COSTA IO&A ~t HAIDWOE . BalMd to wlal Next week Wlaea the Oraa1• Coa*J J'alr opeu lilua- dreda 'of 1oaa1 t.opdul• Wiii .W tbe effort. of their Fl' A projecta • • • ChlckeM. lunbe. llop a.ad i bed (I IDI!"' I abould ay beevee, bat om butduin alway• Jauih. at me when I do) ••• l'Aeh ulmal and fowl baa beea ralaed to wta ••• each 11 a poteattal wtaaer ••• Too Nd Ulen C:U oalJ be IO IDUJ red. ~ wtalt.e ud blae rlbboM u4 oalJ _. Graad Clremp'-••• Mo9t Oi theM kldt hope their entry will be purchued • • • in fact mmt ol them ~ the money deaperately to carry on . • . What I'm trytni to put over la th.II: Why don't you and you and you 10 out there and buy a b9et . . • or two or four ot yo.a bu7 on• together • • • You don't b&ve to buy one with a blue ribbon ••• Any )'OU pu.rchue will off er you beef eating ilk• you've never eaten before .•• TbeM kid.I ued to be encou.raced • • • Ally pacJd.Dr howie will ma-. your ·purchue ready and e.tab1-for you ••• U youw got ·• treeA!' that needa flWDJ, nut week at tlw Oranc• County Fair ii the tim• to fill it • • • n. 8oGbera Bepoa of ,.._. hnnan •I • . Ameriea ~ tram &uta But1ua te n o.- tro. of whldl .u Onn1• •. Coaatr mp 8choola ... ..,. • ~ ••• Amertea. ... Jmt Onas• Couty a.- pentely ••• d. tralaed .,.rz"rt ... Yoa know b7 1986 ta.en wW ... 6 ,..... .atuaa dowa to eftf)' table, where then ... --llOW ••• Om '°' ..... "'°"' ... .. ·~··~ .... ....... -. :·. So -.. .......... ., .. foM .. :i.e .... • I• 1'Pt ealll f• ... ~?·ta ... Ben .. ()nap ~ty ..... .v.......,~ ........ ,...1a.-, ... im .. 1a.m1a 1111 ......... u.. f* •.. talkto~11w. • • • ..,..,.. .. ... tlMr'9 .,,.. ... '*.., ~ I P.M. , .. Monc:l•y Thru s.turday . 1Qek larrwet. -..,, -,, ..... ,.,. .... ~ Sundays_ Tll 7 ~ .................. ._.. ............ ~te ..... Barefoot Beach Boy1 -Future · Farmers of. America . DartpJd Pure AA FRESH IUTIER a.,.i eo.t -A B!Hd or Bfltter eon.. GDc: FRESH COFFEE _ ... ·--.... -· .. 1.11. 10- &ldaal'Ce Pu,. Quality Ooatrollecl · • r'Je .FRESH MAYONNAISE -............ -Qt. '1.J- Cldclca of ~ U«ht M•t' 25 CHUNK STYLE TUNA _ .. ".·-· -y. na c LladM7 ~k BJpe 31 µRGE PITTED OLIVES -N .. 1 n. c - sfiAWIEiRY PRESERVES _ a...3fc ~ ' * SADRY * *D~-*~ IAM'• -0-....... ,., RANl<fUl~W .. ....,...-.... , • .W CHDSI , .... , 'l'Bt7UDAY Petet. oaa... &/•' DONUTS . l.W rlUDA.Y ()p.-Tef...... ~ Pia . ..-• ---..x ............. , . PICILD ,. .. • =m....· 6/11' I...-.. .... " , • 25' LOAF ·•• . ' ...... 4 '/ftAI' · T.AJUUS _.-.I.JR y._ a.lee! --•%0! tma u... Olftlllll .... ..., YAK YAKS ,,..'II Onlll• o ...... i..,.. 94' CAii •111 ... * nOZEN * • • i ............. .__ -.....~ . ..., .. , CAkl ~-·• 'r:!=.."*~ CAD ' .• ,. ... fr <W ........... ,,,., J~I ,.ug . .,. .. ..... .:,., CHU~U 11,. .1t1 W 's >,~.,, .. I ...... .., 21•' SANDWICH,.... W i;auMSrieu .... 15' •tMllc ••• at ._. atve 'ea -~-._ ........ , "Keep .. tW aoed Wortl t W• .... JWI" · l•ln1tter Ollarita l'mlaeD and Nldc Of --""''"' nla'L. • ...l•a .Jarrett ~pan llQ7 dkk wltla hall· I-ft-~ Prock" J.,,ia ";-liDJ m.u 8'"9t,Ne~ft•N-2 25' lu....W.....,_• .... ••s ....... 'j .. , SEIDW~ GIAPIS -·-... . ' 7-IOI• ROAST·· . ....,!M ..,...._ ...-~ ..,. .. frJer. K•t Bal8 fl'QID T-Bone Steak flat. haft been aving their ~ to luoo a load of the9e l\lper delb:loua beetl• fUr their own col'l'al ••• Keep a loolll out for the Big PTA Beel Do ln SeptAtm· ber .•• ~ you know! Sbould~ to reMn9 uy cuta •.• lfve the ore -.na hind quarter bO~ th 1'lnJt ahead ot tlm• • . • Ia fact they'll even pur· chue a whole or half beef for you at the fair, take, care ot all th• ~ rlcht down the Une to-ftlivertng tt nil.dy and ~ for your frener . • • The Orange Coantj l'alr ilt&rtc uu. Fri- • daf and contbnaa th.ru Sun- day A~ 11 •.• .... ~--doh!~ iilW • 1lli water d8I ............. rtca.t • .. -... ,,,, ,. : .. !ftlW~ ... ,... .. ~iJlliM ..... ,.. . ........... ..... . m J ... !tllat'• whea Ci7 ... ,.., )'OOJ' • ... th• blKt top here at RScbanl•• one of the Lido Shopa at U. ntranoe to Udo hie ... SP!XDA.18 l'O& AUQUJT I, 10 ud 11, 1936 .. Mwlllai...._, o.m..a. W..._ 3 • 25' &1 • I ~' r.-.. -.., -·· 15, llLL PIPP~ . SHOlt 111S · .. -... . ............. _ _.. ~;;us:_ ...... _._............... 1r , Gaou .... ar.· iUTiia ~i::__ V15' .u. ~iACoN ~--m --~ 49• , .. NewpOrt B&rt>or IDgh Summer FFA Club AethtUea ... ......... ., u.. .............. 1'"91!1 ... ..... ..,_ , .. r.ar 11•• uu.. , . .. -. • - • • ·---- - 3· . "'-..... ~• ... , AUG. I, 9, 11' , I ~ It's home connlr ~ / real cane Iii • • • •• --118. ' FTesll Eastern Pork •·oNELESS BUTT ROAS.T cl •• ....... 29 POWDUID C PREAM ~.~~ fOI C:OPAI _ _.J FTesh Slced laby ..... LAURA SCU LI .VER. c ' .. ..., -·" . ... Fresh Eastern Con-Fed Pork(3-lbs. & under) :SPARE . RIBS ~de """'5 SPICll\S r'---- ' Farm & Home ·FTesli -~..,. ~ 29ci Alll-•· 10._n_ ' STOKELY'~ FINEST HAWAIIAN CHUNKS PINEAPPLE N~N2 COTIAGE . l'lllSH IASTHN IONEWS PORK . CUTlm ·. ' . . At lllT 'HORII laN HAUIUT STEAKS · FllSH,1.EAN c GROUND .. ~BEEF COUNTRY-STYLE BULK PORK SAUSAGE Lbs. c lb. Dnll'afood SQUAUCAICI --LOAP 43'. °"-..... WESTON'S COOKIES UOUORS · 1_;~,;~-t•t•:•:*~ ______ _ .• --~--' • -------. illll 1 : c=.:.. i i'liilff -SS" :-tf NiifADE ft<.r 19° : • .:::..":'....: 1 spa tP :1 1-...n4y 1 --· -~ · 8o-. _ -1 e Broccoli Spears-',..- 1 .... CIM I MLM•ICAN llM'IOOF . $399 • , ._ I • F dh ok Li I/ 1 .,.,.......:e 1 VODlfA RJLL auART M0111NO's-10.0L PKG. o• s1xi 49 c Of'. o mas 1,...... . : YOUI amt : n :-;.:...~.~ $22.50! : BEEF TACOS : • Baby Limas ' I~ I • 98 . I Olds..._.,. "Yr. Old Dixie Belle 8 . '1 C I::::: I I BOURBON &I N ~ • 4 fl~N ~SORJMINT 43 I Pk '---~·~• ___ ~ ___ J Fifth s379 · ::-.~ .. ~. 'n" 5409 ~ !§.~L .. f..29...P.!...... c L _g. ______ _J::: • ' --· Use this' perfect egg mayonnaise on so many warm weather dlihesl FULL 9UAIT JAR .. 1-ll. CTN. 3.t.B. CAN 1S.OUNCE JAi ' 27° LGE. ITLS. . ' LIPTON TEA lllS mM.o-·na -1..._.,. ~ .21c LIPTON TIA Tll~BA ~-lb .... 37c Ripe, Plump, Juicy and Lip-Smackingly Dellclous! ' _____ -__;.. ____ a-i---, ----------. LARGE. RIPE, S~E~ . ---------.... I · IANQUn MONTlllY I JACK CHEESE I I 28°: . I I &3c:.· . I LAIGNYI CHHSI SWISS ... .. ; . AMONG GUESTS at tbe cocktail party h<>11t.eaed by Mn. Helen Wataon at her ,Laguna Beach home were Mra. Touch Connore ot Bel Air, Pat Randall, Laguna Beach; Jane Ford Getcbel, Newport Beach; Mr. Connors, Miu Jeanne Milner, LaiUJl& Wo& EARLY FALL -Th1I eJectrlo blue orion and wool Cannady •ult and white blouse wu worn · l>Y Udo FuhiolUI model at Friday'• taahiOo show-• · .. ·juncheon Jn Ittin• Cout Cl'* Her co10panion . · wean iraY flannel alacks toeped by Olen Plaid jacltet in which red predomipala. -Maggie Price : 'Photo ----------~------·-·-- Beach; Bud Straub, Santa Ana; Ai1Jw.r Atter- bufS', lrvinr; Mrs. Gayle Barnett of Balboa abd 1tandlng, her guest. Among other Harboritea present were Mr. and M.ra. Rex Brandt and Miu Margie Prier. -Terry Bon. Photo ~· Wl:-aF'RED BARBRE, Women'• Editor !PAGf 8·PART1-NEWP-OlIJ-tAR.80.B.NEYlS-PRESS I WEDNESDAY, AUGUST '· 1956 jP-TA COUNCIL TO STAFF SCHOOLHOUSE :AT FAIR Hubo«' Cou.ndJ ot Pu.nta and Tuchen will be lht flr•l ot lbe counellp to repreMnt Fourth District P·TA thta year at the Oranc• COunty Fair by pl'Ov1d1nr workeni tot ·th• booth tn tha little red achoolhOUM lNildlnr. when the falr opena J'rlday. Th• toUowDlr Harbor Council membn's will be p..-. •'-duriDc ~ day t.o pn>vide p&mpblela and ant~Uon; l'ort.r 11.nclalt, Gaora'• artaln, ~ennet.b Lt&U.re. Dania ~land, WUU&m a. Plclne and CU. iFOR ART'S SAKE! •• . ~ ~a1lfeathers 'take Tops f0r Cock-a-doodle-do Real t•tbera. bit.I'" or •lraw Olive White, Sant& Aaa; .ft. Van and cblclcetl •wtre belons In the Der Horat, Oo9t& Mna; Robert henhOWlt, not on palnUnga, optn-Dennl.ltoUn, Corona de1 J.iar. ed John Hilton, p&lnter of detert Land.leapt (watercolora) -JC. tctnM ha UM tnditlonal manner: M. Elliott. Lasuu &•ch, C. K. Mn. 1'•1117 Vander Velde. South Juergqe. s&dta Ana; Eltle ~who paint.a wann·toned Young. ~uth La1una. REGISTRATION TIME AT COAST lato the machin• '° u-.. 0ran1e Cout Colles• rt'Jlltratlon ~ et ADll HaJvenon, 18, and Ja.mea Tibbs, 2t, tha tlrat tw. llludent.a to alp up tor tall c1aua. Bot.b are returntnc etudeat.a and won't have to ....,ort back to «hool unw tM flm d&1 ot .cbool SepL 11. Ottlcl&la urse oUler .iudct.a to aip up now. -OCC Photo I MOZART AND JAZZ Major Music Events at Hollywood Bowl rour majot' event& are on t.b• Trio preeent l.n per90n. mualc and antert.a.ln.ment ached· bier Solomon, condw:lor ule nal week at Hollywood dianapol1' Symphony, will be JU..wlnctor Tbund&y (.AUf. Bowl. it> wtth Watter GMMklnr. aotect Noted. llOlobt.9. the Loe An· p.WU.t .. eolot.at. rel11 Pbllbarmoolc Orcheatra Old and new mtlodtu bJ conducted by Bruno Walter and Vlennea comPQHJ'a wW be p1'7· lhe Roear WtcJner Chorale wW -1 at tb• pop concert Saturday be heard T'uad41 n!Cbl tn 1M C~ lll. J oh.n.ftY 0'"4. will be guut conductor, with tb• t>eauutuJ Moart ~na 1n D aololet.a Pal11ce MUllMI. 16pr&n0, Minor. and Armin Striner, V\ollnUt. The aololata will be Bnaft•U& All concert& th1a M.auollni. .,prano; Elena Niko-at.art al 1:30 p. m. m.tDo • ~· Ollbert Rl.LtMJJ; tenor, and Olorsfo Toal. tlue. Moart'e eymphon1 He. 40 ID 0 )(Jn01' &leo wtll be play-1 by UI• orc.bfft.ra. • Jaa& In th• HollY)Vood Bowl" Will be etlebr&tad WedM9day with Loula "6alchmo" Arm· 1tron1. Ella J'1tqe&.ald, Art T&1Ulll aA4 the O.Car Pet.anon Yankee Picnic Slated unday Garden Party Fashion Show Tbe Woman'• Auxiliary ol Newport laland, Inc. I• to Jive a prden party-fuhlon lhow luncheon AUJ. 10, 12 noon. In tbe home of l.lra. Chnter Poll&rd, 317 Ramona Way. Coal• Meaa. Tbl1 ta open to all lnteruted wom~n and retW"rvatlon• lhould be made with Mrs. Pollard by Aug. 9 at LI 1-11024. Thi• ia a benefit affair, proceedl to 10 toward development of Newport laland Park, a communJty proj· act. portrau., caUed ll an · attention Marine (watercolon) -Betty The New Ensl4nd Stal.ell ,.C.Ur" and Leonard Scbeu. W • r n • r, &ulta_ Ana; Olive Society of Lonr 8-ch will bold p"9ident or Lapna Beach Art TMJ>I•. Sant& Ana. Ila t&th IUU\u&J plCNC, Snuday, St. Andrew's Young Folk Aaaocl&Uon. aald ~ lcl'T&Jll'•-Porl.ra.lll (Wat.ercolora) Elsie Aur . 12. al Blx.by Park. comer menl waa """*P91 tia cftalp". Younc.. South Lacuna. E. M. o1 Cherry and lat., st&rUnc al Thi.la did Miidred 8. Motley of l:lllolt, Laruna &&ch; Mr9i 11 ... m. Conmentator for the tellhlon lhow will be Mary Ahc~ (Mra. DonaldJ Muncy, dau1hter or the ho.t.11. Modd.t will ti. Ialand reaidml, taahlon1 will ti. by a M'ca 11\op. If. ~tt d s • ' c Santa Au WlD a diaputed "but Evelyn Cook. Santa Ana. Hom• baked Boatoc M&na an4 n_ en umm er amps In &how" for her pudy ~ yel· 8Wl llf~ (waten:olon) -J. brown bread. potato aal&d &nd :.41 low and Jrttn roo•ler wilb Isham. Sant& Ana; Robert ~n· homemade Maine btueberry pie. "'"'*l Jl'OUP8 trom SL An· Alao at PaCltlc Paltaadu was duckeon.e. ~lfle wtth '"1 t•th· o.i.stou.a. Corona del Mar. cotCH or cold drtAka will be dtd9 Prabytuian Church have tbe Junior Camp wtth Mr• Van ere. wire and •lr&w. al the art Charco.I -Mr&. G. W. Lerve. catered by the 80Clety, c&A be ~ a ttcndillf U. Prubyterl&n A.. Frans rn charre. Altendlnl exhibit of Oranre County Fair. 8&Jlta Ana; Jud.Ill\ Couch. had at a moderate c09l by '¥• IniUal plana tor the event wen ~ wtt.n Kama&inu held a July meet.inc at the bome of Mn. Rbbert Cbamberla.l.n. 203S Federal Ave., Coe\& Mua. To- nlpt Mrs. N ormaa nt.qel"ald loat Radio StOle11 .. J ohn Grtffln of Loi Anrel• reported to Newport Beaeb po- lice Thunday aomt one had entered bit tto.t dw1nJ the lut 10 daya ot July and took ovt • thlp-to-ahor• radio wbicll.. ha .atued' at H60. LIDOS' Salon of Beauty • , ' Announces Duane Larry .Katherine Change of Ownership • Minni• Toon. New Owner Lyle Van de Walker. Maoa&6- 0PEM1'0RS Blanc be ~ Open eveahap by appolntmeat I • Specializing in Children 11 Haircuts Lidos' and Permanents • • Salon ol Beauty lla.rbor !5'78 ...... .:.;... at p clttoe hU.liada and were Cben FniJu. DeruU• cr1.. which oprna l'r1d&). '· Oorooa del Mar; J, W, Cameron. who do not care to b~R-a pie· --.-Coro~ del Kar. ~ .... IJlJ Bear th' IUt \pro w•ka. man. Alheon Cri.aUer, Joan Und· Beca\191 Jilltca held out for a ..,.,.1 _ Mn. G. W. Lelve nio lWICh. Dt&1\a Hoftnit.nO R. i>. Boyte and awtt.. 8&1Jy Vaucha. PalU C&u· tUll ll!e of workmen's lwich But-. • The LoJ\J' Beach Munlclp&I KTa. Herbert c.lemilUl "ere <hll. Judy J.ta k1. Oeeyl Ul\1\ buclld., cap and M'Wllp&prr on a ~ :::; Ml 'Dortha Luatter, Band will ent.en&iA from 12:30 co~ In chazse oC t.ht Jlln· Jones. C\JrUa •t.oA. Carol workbnch. tb1a picture wu • rtam RJcb Allen, vlUo 'or ""•Ir camp. TbOH atten·fl"J Stott. Dian• ~Ulen. Pena,y _.vftl a '"compromUlt'' flnl place. C Gron. to l :BO p. m.. la lbe pa n. • '"''IV ,.... •• r· m Miriam Rich FoUowlnr the conctrt there .,rt11 ... Me.llnda Holman. Ctlria Shlndler •nd .roba Hoffman. Thi.a ,..., ror the first Uma c....... G De Allen. be a dlnralt1-1' procram oC Whit.My. D&mon P\irdy, Jud)' At 8 11' Beu Helen *" Ulert wu a wpa.r&t• division for Carden o rov~; borah a.a.., el\tMt.&Jnment for Mv.ral hours. 1&muela, Tomin)" .,)'ce. C&rol wu counaenor for lhe "D~r1" amateun and proruatonala. ll Cotta M rove, Richard Sinclair, Mayor Vermillion will open th• Tou.&h, Sheryl Crlnman, Carol Dtll. ~ade camp. includinJ Llnd~ wu lhe hope of Erne.tL Norton, )ftk ;::· a!t.emoon'• 1 Uv1~ TU• will 10,._, Ba.rtoD Cn.lkl', Alti.rl SprtU.. S.chel Kary Stewart. aupen18or of Ut.e OM art.a .. tulett. e ~ -Wll~rd Ber-!purl h Kel~, Jllobert Wlll\olte. O.von Qall Tou~h. Dave Berf'y and partmcnl, that a profeslional ~ ltt=r~ Beach, Larry !; ~;:u:::e:o:;; have~~~~ B&'aaell. Robert. Oluder. Nancy Sharon Hal\90!\. Al.lo at BlC •how .could ti. built up In Ume ry, em; Olive Teeple, GET ·THIS· Xlddl ton. lan•t Jon... Clifford .8eaJ' tor the Senior lil&h OOn· ud Uaat lnt.erut would be •hown ~~ .._ • .: f lr re(liter liat. eta.nt.on. PbU Lacy. Huold Pur-Cerence wue Mary Lu Downlna. th1a 7ear. Ho"""er, there wue ,._ ......... ty a art lhow ls The sroup m..U at the Silver- d'f, B&rbara B\.lm•ld• and Jan Dlane Hoffman. B&fbara LUJ n• onJr efJbt enbiu which m1Jbt ~~~yuth• Oranre County ado Park Cluti>IOUN. LonJ Beach. PalleUer. Ulal Lorralne CUlhbet't. Davfd poe91bly come W\der the clueltl· .--.. _..a ou of which Mra. lh• third S&turd&y ol every Vauahn. ~b Burnett. Dick caUon and they have been hunl ~ ~ke I.I prelldenL Mnt. month for a pot luck •upper Kornwc1b<'I. Bob Hottman, Tom rn a 1roup but wtth no awardf __..~ • H&tw ls attl9tant •ll· and an even.Jnr of cal'dll -.nd FAC Wome'n Benefit BlaJ<e.aJy. BJak.e Hamptoll, BOn· made. • .,_.,,._,. of the departmtnL danciDJ· 111e Shai p ~ancy Grtaham and Amateurs reaponded W•U, WUb ~~~;;m;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:=;:::;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;; OU O~arharL • 140 fll~H ap.tn»t M 1ut ,_,. -•and under 100 wett attepted Th• Costa Jofeoa Frtda1 AftU· p k p and hunr. N~•rly one rourtb of ar arty lhow ~MnJ awatd5 ~ noon Club card 11tctlon met at the from the Harbor area. Cluatfl· Plan • dubhOUM l"riday. JUiy 27. for a s•rthd c&Uona and awards, made oa cluaert card party wtlb ,,,bl I on 1 ay baal• of qUtclily. we ..... iouowa: tabl piayiq. HoeteaM!e •ere To celebrate 'victor Pilfttr'• Ftiutt pl~. (Olla) -~l w. Cameron. Corona deJ Kar: Jl&rle i:.m: :::an andr,~-: v~1 ~~;~ ::n.~1~rb0~8t~~; ~i.~:, On>~rtha La.- • . M 0 VE D: To O• Offices Ir Show ROOlftS 3422 EA~ COAST HIWAY Wl}ile the going's I BEST! • if~ prl.Mll " won bJ 1 M , c•lhued i.n youn:pte.ra at~r. 8aALa AA&; ltarprwt M* ".,......~-Mmet1. lf, Boullt. J\a1 al.IAca, JD: h~r atallon W&J'On AUJ°. '4 nu.uon, O~: MarJorte • ()lo&J'. eatherby, W l l I a rd and headed for Costa Kea Park G&rden Crove > Corena del Mar 0. PontM GO .-1 Put lta 2'l7 1.- thmu,b their J*9-Dimcowr the moo&b. ... .of u. 12''-wblelbda ride, tbi mlid GOmfort ot'\ta ~end luxury. the alert- ..,_ of it. ad\lllM Stnto-~ Hydra. fladc. Drive and price it,..,_! ~ aam cow.. 'J. P. ,..,_ A 12:30 h1nch~ wu hl~lhl· Port.raita (oil&) -~ i.:-w•u• a.nd W1110na ahawr. eel wiU'I • bl• choco1ale cake Pnauuvme. o ran r •; a.itrlCi ~nut uweunc ~ ... 17 wU1 cMc:orated with coybo,... Iridlau. Ray. L&JUI'& 8-cb: La"7 be a btf tu.nd NIMne nt tot !did popltcln. ?.tacaray, AJW.\etm. the l'AC nu111e'• tcl\ot&ratllp Praenta _..,. ~ned after 8Ull Ur• toll&> -Marr\lftit• fUnd t. -. awarded by the club. aam... prtsu and lwo dances. Prlndh111e. Oraq-.; M&rjom left~ \a t••tled to aftalr 'Ille r-..t of tbe ~moon wu O\ue, OarGd QJ'Oft. &nd ufle(I to make up tabi9a •l*ll cm I.lie park playJrounda 1.a.nd.capt (otla)' -o. H. for the .,.ct&l e..uat. o-tt aad Wowtna lbe toy homa that. J~ lanta .ua: fsorfh.lld will 11it ....net at it:ao tollo~ ftlltd wt"' candy. tiad betD P"" et.pm., ecmma del Mar: Alllt& by ._. afternoon of,,.ard.a. RN-oul wtth Ule s-rty fa,-on Hulc.'"-t, TrablK'O C&nyon •"•Uona muet be mad• by AUJ. ni. oceulon 1'-U eDJO)-.d by Marine !ollal 0 H. Juer· MarbcW 617~ l$ ua Mrs. H.y a Water&. tlchHI and Jeann~tt.e C&dnum. 1 JeM. Sant& A.Ila, Marruent• c.ba.lrmU. al U WW or w1Ua l Cb&r*i and GonSon Luldt. Den· PlUdlv\U., ocuce; Dortha IAll· co-cbab1D&D A.. IL lma1l a&. 11le ud o~ Gleuon. KeD.y. litu, 8aata .A.DL U ... -. .... aM Aleta P.uf•. .,.,... ..... (*' OOkll9)-"------~-'!"'!Iii--_,._.._ ____ _. ... ._ ... ~ -... . .... - • Splieing the Mainbrace . - l.llUA ............. l4"E.~ruaT DAC9 •OIMI..,.. .... :"'l -........... , '". ttP• ......... , ..... . ....... ,,.OMilt .... .......... ............................. ...._..,__....,...r.....,. ..................... C on .... ...,........... . _..... ITS AL AY8 "-PARTY when the Women's AUxiliary of American Lel!oji Post ~1 ent.erl&ina men from Lons Beach Veterans Hospital. Onoe a m~~ a group la brourbt to the LeJion Ht.ll and it there are birthday celebrant.a, ~ are pvm honon. In summer tablea are .et on the bayalde porch, in wlntet lit the ball Sometimee there la t. boat.ride after the noon dinner, this time on ttte Don MUD.llOn bot.t, alwt.ys it.mes and mu.sic:. At latest pa.rty, whic h wu filth annlvetaary of the once-1.-month affair•, Mn. T. M. Milla, first vice preaident and Mnl. R.obert J. Brtna, president, In ch&rre. They 1tand behind Bill Lein and Carl Younr. veterane. -Staff Photo - COMPlfl! sn Otl.Y 2 ,... ........ 17• ............. VI 8 f.. ••MA. .... IWTIU& ••=-n JURKEJS .. IAl.llCUINGI ,.,_, '°' ..... CVt-44» ~.,,. « .,., fWlt'"C ....... ~· PORK 5'ARERIBS ---O••- ALL MEAT FRANKFURTERS GROUND & ._ _, _ _, SMOKED DAlfl& ......... ... .,,, ,., ..... C>mN PEROI RllETS BREADED RSH STICKS ........................... ~ ________ ........,_ ....... .-... ..................... . ___ ._ ...... ,,,.. __ ___ .,. ___ ..,. __ .. ......__. ............ -... -----.......... .... ~ats a..39' , a..39* a..6fc a.. 39' ~as• .=..-r.::.:.. ............. ~ na wars cunuT lff! iiiiO.Dm 9ac , ..... u. ) l .. • I t RIORNEW~ WE!lNESOA Y, AUGUST a, 1956 THIS IS WHEN HE· SHOULDA SWUNG Wayne Mayfield took th1I pitch for a called third ltrike in Saturday'• game with the Pirat& Jn Pulflc Cout Leoruo play. -St&ft Photo • . ---··· ~ FREE STORE FllONT PARKING INVOLVING COMPLETE INVENTORY IN 8TORE, W .t.BEllOtlllll AND ANY MJ:R. Oll.t.NDISE IN TUNSrr, WlllCll W &8 nr&. VIOU8LY ORDEllED POii Tlll8 SE.t.801'1'11 • • • EVE&i fRING GEIS g .. ll.t.Bl<-DOWN8 I' 0 B OOllPLJ:H: 81:1.1. • OUT OP TRIS Eli'l'lllE lft'OOI[ - DOWN TO THE BABE WALLS. E. 17TH ST. • . .. -I . . '( ,. ' ~""" l ()"' .. ;· ... ' I , . ------ • ••• STOii NOin' PARKING ., FO : nDoOOll TlllU IWIY YZAU OUJI 8LOO&lf P&IOE8 AU • HELD AT~ KU . TOP 'f'AU!E AND 11Av.llf08 tJNOO•AT.;~~ lll'llT IN llDVJOI: ••• A1fD ~~~7.~ 1JE TO mJC VJ:BY END ••• ,....., .............. ~ nJl.L TIDO'OOB J'O& l.UWJ:ll QUAllTlillll • .•• Tlll!:llEl'OIUCWl!:-IELLOVI AND • PAST •.•• .JIVDY IUX IN OUJI IT()U: 111!111 801 • HUltltY, SAYl'lfO.W . ...... ncicaa ·-fu ·~-~-,.., ........ 119.50 ~ 0Jtt"1r . ' ,, ~ ' "' ~ ~·· • ~~ Dto,.~ ~ ~ $ '""' ..., 'fir'. ........ ~ -'4t- ' f '5ff flt.u,, -• t 427 E. 17TH ST.--• I • • > I ! } QUARTET PUPS Bury Hllllord -Aadn JUou. Demaio -· 0-.. Hood and Jerry Hllllud In • woftoul fot llaturday'1 threl mile race fo< bo)'I 18 and under at Huat.lqtoft Beach. Tbe local youth.,' under tl!O ' ' ~ DISTANCE GRIND .-blac ol -. will bor Soya' Cl!lll In th& A.A. Other HBC ...--,not lb Bob Ven81c!rla, -Staff Pboto·,.-,• "'~;c:,;;;c . ' .. v..,.,... ... ... .: ~ .. ,. .. n'ret ,.W.. ~ ... -......-..---:_:., f"'KSECURITY POLICE ...... -~°"'!' SICUllTY • POUCI ' .,,,~ t'ZJb,'_tt .... tl'"' YflllllCI -.WAii' co!llllf -~ , ... _ ... _ .. • 1'MI Mat I• •alOTI •M..,.._1 ._ --~r ....-. ....... , ....... ···-:r ·-· " I .... .... .... ,,, ..... -!_ .... -w~ c1..m,,,...., •.•..• .., &... rw. .. ,, •• 11 a tt Af"M•11:al\:_,i" .. fl llAI• • PAGE ONE PART 1WO -· • • ~ c:ratt. dl'flnl the off-ohore ......_ -All otoOby-r • • ~sQ.uthern ,,.. ".,., l I "' . . . pi~i;ish~ps . Here •) te Ive • race aerlea !O<llld Llndermaqn of BYC In fil'lt pl..,. with NHYC llldp~ Gelb, 01...a.' Gurley aoll Corlrett takln1 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 15th ill tbe 22-boll fleet. ' . l&undl lo< the trelt up the bey at tbe -of the three<loy SCYA. aeriee. Younc nm Wana- 1DJ!on took !Int pla'" la the JJl.boet -..bird flee<. ' . . . - • • • -• -' - ·- .. I • • •• .. ,_ • ' , ............. • .,.. r ,,......,. -~· -------.. (lrtt,.. '1' '.-.a-. . ,.. .................... - ------.............. ... .... 0.--__ ,...... ..... ..... •••'- .............. ............. ----• • • ~ .. ' '• I ' ' ··-,-.... ' . I ....... ( ........... --.. . -=----~ . -. - \ -I NE PART TWO ·· l . ern s Here BYCintlnt~ , C1aJitt Gudei and l th, and 5th In the 22-boot conclusion ot Jim w ...... boot llnowlllrd ' • • • • .. . -' . .1 • A I • .. I . . •1 . . . I .. " ' ' ' . .. . , ··~ . . .. , . . . . .. . .. . . .. . ;; . •" \ . . . . .., ...... ~ race eerlea found Llndermau.n ot BYC 1n firwt plac. with NHYC atippen Gelb, Clar Gurley and Corkett taklnf 2n<f, 3rd, 4th, and 5th ID the 22-bot.t fleet. . . .. ...... 111 ............................ ICl:c::l ............ ~T t • .. ~. ' I ~ c.. PICYURE OF WOMAN William E. Kimai. 1 representing the board accept. a $1000 contribution from Katherin committee for the board. The check g Fund. The lnc:UYldual rivalry ot the 21st annual the JIU~ thia poup sot ~er to dbplay • Yacht Qub NOD..C.Jmg Charming Vir(lnia victory u tlrat (lrl to ftniah while the boys poaltlons in the followln1 order; ftoll\Jen: ader, third; Lee Criaell. fourth; Jim WuJon and John Richard. tenth. Not pruent for t aJxt.h ~ -Beckner Photo . - 4t BA.WA.DAN !#~A Plenty Ft .. Patki"9 in 0. 6f-jnd C•n•I ) d it will run 4 i;1ue1 • 4 lines • II 1616 If lecl R NEWS-PRESS esday and nlday R -Wednesdays adtl L llnell .!6 ea. add'L l1Dee .!6 ea. add'L a.me. .26 ea. add 'L llllflll .26 .. 5~· cJl'lo<'Uftt. <Jull ID ....._,. oAJ.! IS • l.l~t:S or cancelllnr ad.I are: un -· Friday II p.m. Uo~Tue.d1y l p.m. n -Tbunday l p m. K PLHIJbtOl\O 00. port ~a.. CaJlforUl. •r CUii In 1Mhll.De9 ot pu..UC.U• 1lbl1 fur mot• th.an on. lnoornc:t ght to conectly cl&u1f7 any and nrurm1n1 to rules and r-suJ&Uona. 1 1%--Bulldln~ Services CEMENT & BUILDING All Kiruh F REE ~STIMA~ Liberty 8-6109 PAINTING INTERIOR ·-EXTERIOR ALSO .MAR!Nm PAINTING LJCE?'\SED ·-INIUR.l:D Glenn Johnston St Newport Buch Harbor 11•• attc LICEMSED ~ General Contractor [ Reroodeltnc -AddfUona Fr" !lltfmatae Tvma Can B. Arran1ed F. N. JOHNSON LExln(ton M 7'1 Redecoratinr CaJJ tor tr.. ..um.tee INTJ:JUOlt A: J:XTl:RIOM l::lrperWlced color tarpert. ()om.. plet. decoratinr Ml"fl09. ~ B. K~ H&r. OllG U no ana. C&l1 JJ&r. 4 T Painting, Decorettng Paper Ba.ape GEO. BURKHARDT. LICllNttD CO?n'IUdrOft l-M32 ~ a.aaa REPAIR WORK BRICK Trull Haul.lq Cleu-Up LASTER Is PLUMBING_ Utt• CARPENTER Re~~Work Doe. Your Need~ or RemocWmsT Call .l'n.Dk. ~ a.4IM All Worlr ~ T4U. EXPERT REMODELING e AddiUon1 e Repa1n e CabiMta e Lou'Yl'e WbadOwl • Doon • Genenl carpenter work • VERY kEASONABLE LlcenMC! Bar, llOl-W OOKPLETE PAINTING Is Paper H•DCDI 8't'tb muoDJa o. u.mmaa . GOO &lat ltreet. N..,.n Jl9acS Barbor .rt - FOR RENT aw aa.._ a-. Dime.~ aJl t7Pee ol ....... ~. rows. ... BOYD'S HDWE. I tao w. aaaT JllClllW.t..T l Libert)' I-NII Nwpt. ..... ~ l GENERAL: CARPENTER REPAIR .. ODD JO .. No job too mWl. ... el .... erenoa. LI Mnt 17th ~ ~~~~~~~~~-- I 'c Complete Lawn Ca,. ALL POWER EQUIPMEN'? ALSO TR.A.IS HAULt.NO YRl!E l:STDlA Tl:8 HOWE Ir B.UlNU. LI .._,~. or LI Mm ""° PICTURE OF WOMAN William E. Khne., reprsenting the boa accepta a $1000 contribution from Kalb committee for the board. The check l'und. ., .. .. it will run ad i1 4 lines. lll•l'bnr News-P,.. ~-Friday edltiou, Pb edae9daya P:s~f iecl RBOR NEWS-PB~ •cbl•sday and Friday PPER -Wednesdays $1.00 a<lu L ll.ne9 .U ea. 1.lO adtl'L llDN .!6 ea. 2.00 add'L U.. .26 ea. 2.50 add'L llnea .%5 .. Ive 1.5~. dl~uat. OUll 111 .. ftaee ~ t,M AD IS t 1.L,ES pladn1 or canctll1n1 ad.I are: bllcatwn -· i'rlday 6 p.m. PubUcaUora-Tueaday 1 pm. bllc.:aUon -Tbul'llday 1 pm. AHROK Pl,,81.J!;Kll'IO 00. d., 1'ewpon Beacll, Caillorala. pahl fer Caal! ID adVIUWle ol fQM'oltlt& tetiponalbl• for more than on• lnoorrect Ut• rtcht to coneclly cl.uaU7 &11.1 and not confurmln1 to l'uJn and "IUl&Ucma. 1!-BulldJn~ 8eniee. CEMENT & 8UILDING All Kinda f'REE r;sTDUTES Liberty 1-6109 PAINTING INTERIOR --IIXTEIUOR ALSO MARINJI PAINTING LICENSED ·-INIUftl:D Glenn Johnston ~1·31St St. Newport Buch Harbor ai •e t9tto LICENSED General Contraclor Reroodelln&' -A.ddlUona rree &tJmatAe Term. Can Be Ananaed F. N. JOHNSON LExin,.ton M7 t.a RedecoratiD1 can for rr... ..umai.. INTJ:RIOlt 6 llXTl:IUOM l:lrperieaced ook>r apert. <Jom.. plat. ct.corat1ns ~ L. B. KcKJCNZIE !Jar. Olla Uno a.na. C.U. ~ •T Painting, Decorating Paper Banatnc GEO. BURKHARDT. LICENSED OON'l"IUClOR LI ~2 UINrt;1 ....al REPAIR WORK CEMENT BJUCJC TrUh ~u.Uq a ... ._u~ · ..PLASTER la PLUMBING_ Llbert7 Ml• t CARPENTER Repair Work ppttc Dotl9 You S... R.S ~ GI' "•*'•"•' Call rr.u. UbelV l-tll6 All Worls Oaaranteect Httf EXPERT REMODELING • AddiUona • Repa1n • Cabtuu • Loum Wlndoft • Doon • Otneral c:arpenltr work e VERY kEABONABLE LicC\Md Har. llOl-W OOMPLETE P.llNTING A Paper RanS'q 8'nb ~GENII C,; u.t1Jll>aa • CIOO llat 8tl'Mt., R....-rt ~ a.an...,. tie "FORRENT lkU1 San. Ela DdDa, Poasa.., alltn-of8&DMn.W...... """ ... BOYD'S HDWE. MIO W. oo.uT JUGllW41' t.Dlct.1 WW Ntrpt. ..._ 11tta. GENERAL; CARPENTER RIPAJR .. ODD .10.U No jol> too .wL .. if .... erenca. LI MT1' ITUe. Complete Lawn C•re ALL POWER ~UIPKENT AL90 TRASH BAVUNG FREE ESTDlA TU HOWE 6 BA.ft.NU. LI ..-i-. °"LI 1-1122 llpl1 Uca.I J ~ tndUO-; lb• ~e lmperi&l m&rtn &Dd tou~t too apbl•t th• othtr <haUi. O.t ly .. U'I• canal" COUid bJUa -malaria. ~· try, ju.qi• fever. J'rom the enp.-cment. A1'.ller1- cu troopa lul'Md UU. Impor- tant thinp that Wtl't lale.r LO aitay a pa_rt In the vk:t.ory over Japan. TMy Jeamed tM etftc:t· lnnua ot amptitbJou auault. 1'ht1 l•l"Md Ju12tte ttchtll\f. ~.,,..,.,,_ ~!?i~~~~~ , ...... ,,,_ And, ~ Important of all, they Jeamfd the myth of t.ilYlnclbUlty t.ba t awTOUndtd th• J a pane. t.roope wu untrue. Tbe Ja,. could be, and wl'r• bMtcn. of Jn ;.Guadak~nal Diary," ,-...... me. p.sllla t.o14 thl' detalla or the poorly • eq\liP~ brleOy-traiHd lroopa wbo "'eat aahore U\at Al.lg. 7 monllnic On Nov. t. the remnant., war-\e&rv. but battll'· of th• 1"orld. A. .motion pJttUA hardened went aw ... y for a brief waa ma.dt of Uie .tory and the rut and Ulen turUler i.&lllu. rteenU7 ?Tprlnted for teen • atitl'll ., an hnportant The irtory or Ouadalcaiwl wu mtmber of the "American Hert· eoon forcolltn -an.houp the tart" Mrt•. ml'n of the famed First Martne Richard ~aukla waa tbe Dlvl•lon all II "ear tbe shoulder tint American war· correspond· patch with the bl( red one whkh ent to win tame In an America •• l'n9Crlbtd wttb the name ol enrarement ot the lut war what aulhorlll"• today le'1n the P~•enUy, h.e la devoUnr bis nercest of au World War II en- tltn• to wrtUnc m•l'uint artl· pgementa -Oua1l•lcanal clu and bookf in hla Coe~ The Ftnt Di vlslon 1t1ll hohla Me• home. · · It.I annuaJ nounlon• on th• annt· 'l'BOUOBTI GO BACll J verury of Ou1tak&n•I. In mt'nt· On a.nnlvveeYy y.iterday orv of thol!P who <lied o~ that that •&T1m. l"Y mornlnc oft Solomon lal•nil Th11 yu1 1 con· o u ad a can a I, however, II I f vtnllon I• now 1tCJtn1t on at San thourkt. muat be l'oinr back Le> Franciaco that ay Thl' balUl'. and th• Important The flr1t Martne DI.Won m•Jml'nt It was to Amt'rk 1n hi•· 9Warme<I Uhore 00 Ult far-off. tory, are all but torsotlen how · l.lland durinc tht ""'Y mornta• ever. on lbl~ l:lth annlvtrur\ hourL Al home. PIOP'-were "' All but foriott,.n pt'rhaf», tx· ~ to re&llu th.et t.be A.ltt.t( cept lo Ric.hard Tre1uk1a In powda ~ (iYlns u. a llcJr .. eo.t.a Mna. lfle men In San IJ\I'. We ha4n'l woe a tletUtt ~cl8('(), an<i lh11 ~porter at11ff Ult' war M(&n Jn Tokyo 1 wu one o! the Mannea on mOJt.ary leacs.n. t.Dcludln1 Blda~ Guadalcan&l. ' llJ Tojo, wtr• wondu1nr •h)" Too youna to have had a pm· we hadn't at.ruck back, why w te111111on bpfore. I wH 80 1mp1 Hll· llad Jet the "llmtf• In the back tJ by Trf'IUkla lhat I voww attack on P-.rl Harbor 10 un to ~c~me a "'ar rornapondl'nt. tMUcnaed.. · ThAl a why yNtetday waa a \ -. EWPOAT HAUOR N~RESS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST W~NT AD wiO cost you _only 'J50 end it will run in all A Minimum ed i1 4 ..... Hatbot-1616 Ne~• Ranor News-..,_ , lines. ooda7, Wec1Dac1ay ud Friday ecllUou, Plaa the Cwatal Shopper, ednalda19 ~Domssif iecl 4 4 4 4 NE\VPORT B ARBOR NEWS-PRJCSS Evety Monday, Wed•esday and Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdays Uolullal Shn1•1lf'r Ad• run IJI lhe \\edoe .. lny N....,.P ..... I .int>1 1 loi.erlion $1.00 ad~ L llDM .!5 -. JJnes i ln!M!rtlooa l~ Mhl'l llae. .15 ... Un cs !i lmertions 2.00 add'L ltne. .J6 -. I.Ines 4 IOMrtioos 2.50 add1. na.. .!6 ... ltuatlu11 \\ anlu.J All• "Ill rettl\•e u o;. dl'C>C1111t. Uut.11 bl .. .._. oaJ~ M l.!\li>JlM AD Ii, t 1.1..~t;S u~:AlJLIN~ tor plM:llll or cancelllnc ada an: to or Mond•7 Publtallon -li'nday 6 p..m. I ur \\'~tln•U&y Publl1:auona-Tueeday 1 pm.. lo ur lirld•y Publl~auon -Tburaday 1 pm. 1' M\l'\Jt;T HAJUWK Pt..UU~IO~O 00. ~!I l Ba.IMa l:lhd .. .!\ewpun S-c•. Callfonala. l\ll l t.. .... 111eJ A•I• mu..t be !Mild for Callob IJI MhlUIOt ot pa.Mk:aU... 1'11a pu"''"'t.tra irll nut be 1earona1bl• tur more lh&n one tnoornct ll\lll't 11un <•l 1n ad. ft'>f'ne Ula rlgbl lu correctly cla.al1t)r uy and all a1111 1n11 lo ll'Jf'f't a nv ad not contorn11na to ruJe• and ncuJ.aUcma. Newport Barbor n. r. o. E. 1167 1 t!-Bulldln~ Servbe CEMENT" BUD...DJNG All K.ln4a CARE TO TAKE ON THIS . FELLOW However, Tojo knew latf'r lha~ d<>uble annlnrMry tot me. Six day O\.at tht rUini tun had be .. )'l'ara eco l "ent wlU1 t pl"toon run lo •t.. . of m~n from "the hill wlt.h no ror tour-tnonlh• -lrum lh~ namf' to f('pcu"t on lhl' l>f1:'tn· BAREHANDED? -moment ot TnpaJlla' entry In nln,-of th,. flr•t ofrcn':llvto actlt11> Ca+.11--hi. cliarJ u.nW Nov. 9 ot U'lat of another war. The outfit wu .. , .. , t• ove1., 1n1111KJ•)' • pm. \/It. Vjlullu -l:entta! Ave fREE t;STDUTES Liberty Ml.09 PAINTlNG That'• what Mal ,. Fink and Ken Bickenon, who an pocin1 with the •74-lb. Mako shatlt, dld last week aboard Patience oft th• eut end ot ....u.i.wr. year. tti. M .. r ID t • • betUtd the lllme Trf'JUkl• had written laland. -Kent Hitchcock Photo Ulrol.lJts denM ji.a..t., toupt fa• about --the P'i~t Manni Div· Newpurl .B.IA<.n f)ll 11 ~cwman. £ulted Ruler l NTERJ UR • -EX'l"l:IUOR ALSO M.ARINJD P AINTINQ LI<..:11:?\S!D ·-INIUJll:D ------------------------~--·-____ , l•lon. The place wH Korn. The PfCtURE OF WOMAN GIVING AWAY William E. Kime., representing the board of d1ttetors for Hoag accept.a a $1000 contribution from Katherine Olson who headed the committee for the board. The check goes into the Hoag Ho1p1tal Fund. $1000 Hospital, charit1ett Bwld1ng · · EXUDl~G FRIENDLY ·RIVALRY !'be rtva.lry I the 211t annual Flight of the Snowbirda a lhli11 ot \be put. thla poup lot topt.ber to dlaplay the prowea of the NflJpOlt Harbor t Cliib Ncm.C.lmC Charinfnr Vfrrtnia CotfM (~ter) ttpeated her 19SS ~ctarJ llJWt cfrl to flnlah while the boys accountNI for .even of the {int 10 i)octtlon.1 io the followlns order: froQl.lett. Randy Hill. second: Craig Cadawal- ad r. third: Lee Cr1-ell, fourth ; Jun WarJOpe, flfth ; J a.mes Warmington. ninth: u d John IUchard. tenth. Not pruent for the picture wu Wm Fuller who took llxth place. -s.dmer Pboto , -----------------------....rdllll' WI• AllJ T. ltM> I IOOkl"<l bl mv watch wtMn lh., uUllc1 v COAST COLLEGE STUOENTS URGED TO REGISTER 'NOW I peneoJ f1t1. Tbe ttme 1111·u e.11, . f LEGAL NOTICE 7~::~~~!!!!!~~: .. C'Ell'IU'ICAT'B • OP BU811NESI' ~ t• P'ctttfOaa 1'1 rm N amt MOTTELL'S AND PEEK ColoD1al Mortuary TIOl Boiaa-.Juat Suulb of West· ml.Uter WmlGrlaJ Pack. menla lht.t have ~en ma.d• an (Ol•J a~ n.M. Dr. ,.. ,,..; THE UNDICRSJONED d<>t'a ~bill• -.Jd. Ht remind.a atUda.it. wlllie ban appo1ntnaent.1 hereby certily lbal he i. con· -: ducUng a Gardf'll equrpmtnt and •n Or&ns• 0ou.Dt1 LD.aUtutioD &ervlol ta.mllka of all Caitb.a Tel~boae (Toll i'ree) Zl:DSUI 62:11 to b~J thtlr tnonq tor 1tudeat body cardl Wll• \hey •upplll'I buaitlf'., al 17&0 Nev.. reJUter ~ are l'0\.11\MW. port Blvd Coal.a Meaa Ca.Jlfor· Each lltudenl at Oran1• COMt rffe4vee lft ••dllt.l nla, unctu t M flctlttou. f'rm No one evu turned away becal191 counaellnr when tht'y rtJitur,. •.. n•me of COAST MOWER and or lack of tu.no... Tht' coue1• phone nwnt>u la JUlnbf'rly 6-1181. 'nl • lhat aald firm 11 t-ompoHd of colle1:a la locat4'd at 1701 J'alrvlew Road In -~ M the foUowlng ptreon•. who• 1., B Udl Servioell namea and addrc.aae1 ara u fol· -o. •f AU atudent.e al'lould reptar lbta month tor ft.JI d& ..... "' ----~'-------Iowa. lo-wit: • ThoM wbo rert1te.r tt.rller ht.n a better cbolce •C.~iu-· l.AOnard A Fau H. H. HOLBROOK and clw U~ ortlcta.a "~~ , %> • 79 E. lllth Place, Dependable Plunabin&' Th• rtnc of war wboopa and the l>Hl .. r the druna filled th• air al th~ various playrrounda dunnc Inc'!lt.n Week !aUY1Uet lul wttk. The pro(T&m• are apon.eored by tbe City · ot New- port Beach. Park, IH&cla and Recreation• Department and tbe Newport Harbor Unloll H I I h School. Cotta MtA, Call!. A Prompt ·viTNESS my hand t.bl1 23rd Rf'palr Bervke Mt..lntallled day of July, J~!WI . Phone: Harbor 4414 /1/ LEONARD A P'AA8 STATP: OF CALIFORNIA ) 2801 Balboa Blvd .. NfW'port Bch COUNTY OF ORAN'CF; )a . pltp On July 23. liM txoture mt, the underatsntd. a ~otary Public ln and for aald County and Blatt. per110nally appHrt-4 Leonard A Fau known lo m l' lo bt th• peraon wboM name 11 1ubecrtbed to the wtthln lnalrumml and acknowledpd that be cxt(uttd lbt u.me. WITNl:SS my· 1111nd &Ad of· nc1al Hal <Sea!) ROBERT F \VIL.L,MU Not.t.ry Pu"llc ln and tor at.Id County and Slate. • ''A's" VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY THE NEW maclltne procaa me lb o d. Rea.aonabtt pr1cu. A •arqe 2 tape rUldenU&l blind. Only $1.00 Bllndl rep&1rtd and rebuilt. hee Pick up a.ad dt11"1')' Work done by appointment My comm1aalon expi"• or Phone Ubcrty 8-6 TOl IO..mberly J.att. ppttc Novtmbtt 17, lt:li. ----------- o 182 New .. PreN PAINTf NG /2~. 8/1. 8. 1~. 1968_ CEllTlnCATE OF BU81NE88 FlcUUout l'irm Name PAPERHANGING THE UNDl!!R810NED doe• ereby cf'rlify that be la cond~ lntr t. food conceuion butinf'a uniler'll:l 1010 Sbort Dr1vt. Corona del r. CaWomla, ender the tk· • Uoua firm name of HARBOR GHT8 CA.J'l: a.ad that -.kt lrm I• compoeed of th• toUow- 1' pl'rae>ns. whoee nam• ln ht1l pJ&cu or reeJdmce an aa ollowa. to-wit: JUCRARD J CALHOUN 429"9 Lukapur. Corona del J.far. Calif. ~:diMTNri:BS my hand thta 17th da1 t J•Jly. 1"41. I • RJCHAR.O J . CALHOUN TATE OF CALI.rOR.NU ) UNTY OP' ORANGE I a Ot thl• 17th day or July, A. D. Svmpson & Nollar S..t tapertenced Wotlolten Ht.r. 2t06 or 5111 CARPENTRY MINOR REPAJR WORK NO JOB TOO &MAI' a. 0. ~ 101• &. ~ ~ 8aJboa 8&11»or tuo At:tc -G eneral Contractor UCENlllCD New Work -Remodeluil J. MILroN McKENZIE Harbor 6399-W • 68tfc Glenn Johnston ~l·llat ~t N"'J»Gl'l a.ch H.ubor 11 te auo UCEMSED G ene ral Contractor Reroodeltn• -A.ddJUou r.... l'Atlmat.. Terl'TUI Can Be ArTanled F. N. JOHNSON Redecoratinl' can tor tree ..tUut.. INTERIOft 6 mxTD.J~ l:lrper1ccc-1 mlor Sperl. ()om. plet.e decorat:Uir 8tl'YSca. L. s. Ko.KENZDl !Jar, CUI u no ana. Call au. '1 Pa inting, Decorating Paper Banlfnc GEO. BURKHA~ WCZKUD OONTR.A L1 Me32 UIMl1;1 Mal REPAIR WORK CEMENT BBIOK Traah Bal.lllns a ... u9 ..PLASTER Is PLUMBING_ Llbut7 MHI 41tt• CARPENTER ReP&ir Work Oo4ll Yoa:r '"Jlom. NeeG ~ -1141McW''Cf Call rraoar. ~ ...... All Wortr Oaarutead f(ttif EXPERT REMODELING e AddJUona e R.paJnt • Cabinet. e LoaYN Wiadow9 • Doon • o.nanJ carpent• work • VERY IU:ASONABLE UC*DMd Bat. lloa-W . FOR RENT hm ..... IC!-. Dltl1I........., t.ll &.1Pl9 ., .. , .... ~ """ .... BOYD'S HDWE. -_.........;~-7_:... __ __:~=li9Mm. ~fore me. ROBERT 1'. l.MES, a Notary PubUc In tor lb• ••d County and :.idQ flltt.te-, ruad-lllC Ultralll. ~ «>m- .tM;tl~• oned and .-..rn, J*'90nt.Jly MIO W. OOA8T lllallWU Paintlnf Is Paperba.llCinc L1bert7 W4.ll Nwpt. 8llt.. .U.. ppeaftd RJCHAJU> J. CAJ, OUN known to me lo be lb• non wl'IOM name 11 tu r1._. the wtthin 1Mtr\lm4!nt. and owttdpd to me that he ae- ted Ule aame. JN WITNDI n&n....ul'. I Mft "•NWllo •t We do th work OW"Mlna.. IO,...... apmmce u..u.d • Wund. .. Ua!MUcm ,uaranlftd. Eltlmaw ,....... Call Jobnle. LI 8-2687 6 U 8-5289 llttc GENERA!; CARPENTER REPAIR ... ODD IOU No 10'-too maaII. -• ... •"'"*-u 1-ff'ft ITt!•- Complete l::awn Ca,. b&Dd and amDcS my .mc:tat FURNITUR E rtl;::t:-~:c9.: ,!u!!'' DistlnctJvely dee1ped AL,!-L.~~ ~u:n l •f ROBERT r . WILLMES )f•..S1. ttpaJr~d or ,..nn'81ltd FREE £STUU.Tl:8 My C'~n &xiu-No-I C. EVERETT SMITH I HOWi: 6 BAJl.'iES. U ...n-· vemtMr JT. ltu. 411. nu. at.. Nnrpun 8-cJ\ or u MDI No. lTt Bu. daya or ..,...nlAp nuc ..,. H..,..PNm f/11, 21 111. I. UM .. 11 Dz·'l' .. Os.t ..-E*tdl l1ttl Wl7t. \e ..... J'l*r _,. .. ...,.. ~ w Jf."T .... W..._ ~ C. att.r mid ._.. l!wottlM!t Nf. Int.. .,,..,. Ue. a.r. ltOO ..,.1 Call Your Relax.A-Cizor OO>IWLT..,.., D •*"UOl""M ......... ._.,,..._Bt'llt ..... .. , ........ ---• WHY .WAIT -. CARPJll!'lllH1PJi:OLSTERT QMald .. dllll I J' .. ' YOUR HOKE ""..,_ ROra.~.uca: , u 1:1111 lk6! . . !!! !ff"?''! . DISHMASTERS - . ' • 1IAftD ROC1C KAPLll -I J1C: ll't'tllir. roam, 2 ktVtl1 ....... table iautpa. I pc. dlllett.. I pc. rode IMPk b4nn. lel, boa -sutnP a ~ JOal. treaa. ICel'ltllator ntr\pr&tor, :;:ewood r&Ap wlth piddle HtJJS. DOG \V. CtnW. ~ ••c-tt FOR SALE ...tihl.,.. . • .... ---~ flf.-. 0 , •• , .... 19 w ............ ··~ ffa.l1liw .a ' " &AIL • H..,.-t *1 la a ,, .. 14 ft. Sandpiper dM9 Mllbol.L ..... ..... 4Acron Mil hr ea.fui.f I l;Me 8top Ill ., h.11 w. a.Ill ..... way, N.wport Beacb • call ......... - 80-FT. 1'IO OUUB ca.Aft endalr ~ T. a. ltl'a .... ttlMpt CGDdl.tioA hll)' ...... HOU81:1'UL of "1nllt ure. We ped ll'lc1. radio. auto. ]IGoC. a.it can outftt JOOl' L1vtn1 Room. taM.. mariln c.halr., na.,-top. B«1room 6. otntnc Room -tbr fl0,950. Owner Ru. mw. Superfluous Hair Pw 'pM\.11 , •• , ... rr.. cw --., ........ Mir LJCl!NIJCD ~ a&IPPl:ft AV•tr.a9i,& &.r. REPAIRED ' sna. Pay u. only p.• 1 ___________ •_iu_o per week or pe.y CMh. Bau,p.n'• F\IJ\lt.uN W~ -10111 s. nnt Btreet--8anta An&.-PbOM Kl T~IT. 8tOff Boats DRY STORA.GE ._ •rid Mo aaor. tw itr1 ~a.&.D" t. •TANT IL & u.w ..... ol S.llt7 BU' • .,.. ... zo ·-~ .... -=----- .... BclmtiCte Compreuion Foot MbAI• (fLU'LCXIOLOG!I 1t11LDVS CONGUTION tmwuoH 'ftll: rzrr .. B7 Appointment Only ..,__ oUI Ht.rtlOr 66tl or Jla,rbor •TM •Tttc ft LootandF .... LOST -Ontn PanJi:fft named PeppY. Cl.lid'• peL REWARD. LI 1-Jn1 or LI 6-Ttll. "8c47 LOST -BtllfGld eoatatnlAc' per- .onal carik A: money. Ftnda' pl-keep money A: mail bW- fold A: ~ le Denver add,_ ot B. ~•eckim. or t.o Ml San Bemu'dlno A v '" N •wport ....... ...., LOll'J' -• yr. okl llaineN f~ mai. (epQtid). Clllldnn'• pet. 8tN,.S t.rem '4IOO llk»c:k .... mhoN Dr., Newport. PboM Har :Ml7 , M. 4k• T L08T 1"&llet Willi parMln&l cat'd A drlftn 1ic.n-and •m•ll amount ol mo091-Pt-,.... tuna cans. • . ,...... to PboMia ~ ot Philip wu.ter or to MOO Via Udo t./o (]dll VrMl.and. 4Tp LOST -••-•• eaL ftt. ..,. epllt. 8m. .-1 pot.t. S...bor 1141. CJaDaat. a.Ao& Yacht -..... " ................ . SWIMMING UJt..W aNr I p. a. •fdt Jf'URlla. BA.ft urrz:a ...... Mn.t duct.on NI~ Har. uTW or Bar. znr.w •Tptl EXc&LL&N'T CA.Tl:lllNG 6: 1m.enl aerm. by a.our. Har. 1241.J. •Ted CA.SH for your .-booU. Joblmy"• hap 8hop IU W. JIOI !t. Coot& ..... AUTOKA.'nC WASHER IA.ft l lAOO .-d Hou.n: Mooday thru J'rldlQ" 1:00 to t ;OO &at.urtt.y 1:00 to OOC PER roar. er-. • ... ,_ t :OO 8unda1 11:00 to 5:00, a...U.bk. DUIJ • -ltertdm. • REcoNDITlONED STICKLEY c b • r r y ovustmcl MU W. 0out RtpW'Q'. twtn bed. box 9Prlnc • mat-u 1-11•1. nu. ' FOR.lilllR TZA.au:R .._,. upcr· lenced srtrER b.ou.ri7 °" week-4Dd&. H.u1tOr UU.J'. •Tp41 GIRL t.o llv~ In u motber'• belp- er, durtnc llCbool YMI'. Bl.art .Aq. JS. Room. board A: 11&1- ary. U do 1-IL Hu 2:172. "KAHOG. Met~ walnut oonaol•; oocaaliouJ cb&irs; HollyWood twl~-Ip. Mr. A M.r1. KOROll Dl:LUXll' bU nery· waa --'et! ""1t.ca. water awr, ._ UMd abort tlllW -tMii llond &114 uaclahned. &old ,....,.. s211.-. Pa7 ware- lto&IM n1eue tJCket at Jwrt SllT. or buy on term# u IOW u 11'. per mo. " ' ' . BOYD HARDWARE 2630 W. Cout Blway. tt--. Mmboo ~ktU& l&bl• SNOWBIRD 8&.llb09.t. oomple1e A 2: padded dWn. snail ,._ wttb t.nJJer. KI 2.Q71. hol'· rocker wtlh needlepolftt. I •k •T hand qullttd eolonlal btld· 1------------ •11rl!'adll with nounces, 2: •W~ 1906 OWl:NB 18 n.. OVEft.. 1 '-8eipW..W "'" down lamp tabla.. c.u ane:r NICHTER. 1771. u 1-2211. ...,., Maple ...._, ""'' " JESSEE =' .!':;..'"~:'· :,•;: APPLIANCE CO. Rlfle, .oopt 6 eaaa. MlSCl... 1011 L MAIN ' KI 1-IM.8 WE A.RE LooldDC ror a. "Oran4-Item.a. IOT Plrat. Ro94 llANTA ANA ma .. for a tour year oJd cblld.1---------~"~P'~.~· 1 ::=-===:::-==:::::: Newport Beach LI s.MS5 I p.m. 1010 Klnp Roed. ~ Har %216.J. •&c47\ -----"------,---,-'M ZVINRUDI!. aquuonk 15 1 2: COTTON RUGS, wtth luxurl• ll.p. ouJ,bo&rcl-llmpla twn0le 1 Un ln .,,d baby .tt eTminp. ll61 Gllld::IU.1. -EJ..:lrk!i Refr. 46U Room, bo•rd .A: mn&1I 1&1arJ'. n>R I.AL& E:qlmal•• Lemco Tbe 911 Crou T<lp .,.,..._.l~~=~=-==:,.--:=-=-:,,;;;;;I COC04l: I ' s. 1.2' -•pple (1"eeG. n-'296. 2&2• Wntmln•ter, oue cut-pll• )Ook. 12' x 18' -eontrot.. CO.t 1•40 • Uk• \I Real Elt&Ut Salesman or Brokers Wanted Call tl&rbor 11114)..J aftt.r •ti 12: 'f'olt battery charier. $27 .M. Cbdt Model, lpue tor BotUea HOOVER VA.CUUll CLEA.ND •6P'7 WUU. two-bum.er lib.Ip'• .t.ov•. 111 Doot', '"I'· ~ P4. lat.a mod~ a.luxe uprl"1l '"'' Uken-. Maka otter. H• latA C. N.. U IJTl•T. 4~ l p.m. 80KIC Jo'R.IS. ~ tff.. u rr. BOAT with deck , p...ed bull. AJmo 12 h.p. out-f10.2111W,Cout.Hwy.,New· na, to $141.M.. No CUh 124.16 BTROOTB BA.RD· AppHc:&Dta needed. away otnOI ~ .A.l.tO nftaUra.11,t and dome.Uca. Mapy jot. tor lillualitM<i meo. ftaC'litn' now. Jame J"arru. DIDJ'L /t.rcJ. port Beacb.. Lt a-eau. '6c4T Da. Pq 0Dl7.,ll.N per'month. WA.RE 1802 Newport Blvd., lT STINSON llO. LileetlM'd to llAUpn'• ~ Wanl!OUM Co.ta Mea. LI WU8 45ct7 June '&7, VtJrY cle&A. $1.000 fot" -1011 S. lint ~\& ' ROOJ4S of FUmll'Un.. W• haft boUd 6: control.• l:acellent Hundred8 ot' Room cornblna-COftdJ.Ucn. Ke.r. 1317-J. •7p41 UOna that wt cao. work ou.t W 4LKD A LD INC.. otter °"'9taadl.nl ft.Ml r..taw oppor- tw11u.11101U.Na& COUNT'(. n._ opmiAP in eo.ta Me& Securl\7 JWOl1'UI tw your ~ tun . 'ITaininl COUl'9'9. top '02"' !2nd St..' Npt. s-cll (a.aci. f1'0ll1 Dt7 Ball) ~. pnmot••' Pft-1 ·•~=-~~~·~-=='----::-: ..,..m. OUR B'tB'l'llN PRO-I · DUCD BlG OOMMllCONI. HAND BRAIDED RUGS Intuntw. dailf. Ad for J'ILUI JNllTIWCl'JON Mn. lbq6lrd. -..., omce. ORD£R8 T.A.D:lf 8dlflowW A: au.ia A.ft.,Lonl .IJl o• ma~ a...U.llk Be•ch O.t.JU'IELD Wlfi Yar7 i"UalD. 1111 1. Cit. 81.d. • UH.7 1.....-u Beta. HJ•tt ._7111. ITUc WATCH & CLOCK repairing au...........,.., """' 1:8TDUTU. N~E~w~PO"'RT JEWELERS JT}e N..rport Blft. eo.t.a Me9 IJ Mill WATCH REPAIR A. NEW Service Added. W• wtl1 call at 1"'11' ~ for nu ~ a.ad wiJI pklE \l,p iUld delJ't'Cf. lllRBOR 14-03 CL08ING OUT . TARN BAU: AU y&rn11, ~ d.rl! .. •traw1, m TllSlml A MAN who can .t.ra• tote blca. 20 t.o ~"$ t:rp9. fUe, , ·~. Hit. be dlacouD1a. Pq'bo&rd d I •PI a J rn.UC:WOU. .ad• ........,. an room divider I • I It. and omee aD at UM ..-Um•? ~ card ca.b\Det 6: canU.. o.. •bo ca ..._. m.-dlan-arr .A: KNIT, llS JC. Balboll. '*· route Ui. tr.IP\ and bl Blvd. ll ,.....t tetM~.,,ldle, .....,,.. '"' ,_. ,.. Attn· Pro""rty Owner! ba.1t lnterwt. Hyatt '"'312. A'• PtlW IO: 7~. lttora COLD8PO'l' ren11.. acellerit · •6c•7 eoun: M~ uv,a f't1daY condition, fl& for lmmtdlate for you, incWde Dlnlnl Room. U rf. ROWBOAT 6: O&n, A-1 , Llvinl' Room. Bedroom. Your condjUOb I!&. Alao 2~ p.L. 1:00 to 1:00 aatwodat t :OO to ..ie. 31.I A~ Balboa 11- FOR SA.LE. f '1l10' Cold PreM 1 :00 8111M1Q JlteO to 6:00. l&n4. H&r. 3102-W, filc•I wttb electric holllt. Made tor iunlnatlllC' fqrmia.. tor:i-. etc. c.iI 0.ta Me-. Furniture Mff. XJ 1-6680. '6c•7 Choice of llM R&.n1e. Relr. or I~ cu. nu.epo..1L 4021 Wuller, $189. No CUb On. Channd Place, Newpoft laland. Pay ue onJ,. 11.e1 per wMk. •Tp For Sal• -Power toot. -JJ.and tool&. Qanlm. ~ J 'lllt'heel t:ralltt. '36 Buick Cpe. In run· rune eoadltlon. Will corudckr tradin1 pow•r toot. on i.m•ll vacation traU.r. UIO Banta AM .... CO.ta MN& '6P'7 OIUJ:?ft'AL RUCUI EXPERTLY ~ et wry ktW MUDftMr t&t.eL • z.tlmatH trea. Paa.a .uter rup at fraction ot odllUI fthMI, fl• 6: up. PUl!llKAH'I. :rTll &. C.OUt UJ&b•&T· Oon:ma de1 Kar. Bar uu. •&dlO n WINCiliii'i:B 11 wtt.11 wpe UO; ZO plJ&e WlDch..tar dbL b&rrel. JtO; Elitt.id oe .,.,ui d* .A: ammunttk>n, SM. ttu. 3%86-M. •ac@ ' BA.ft.GA.IN! KENMORE Automatic Wuh9f', A: Kf'nJl'IOre EJectrlo Ran,.-. auto. ~ control. Both ln l:xcellent condition. U 8-6•11. ,l)c,7 ALUMINUM aqu&r• tub M.1.7· lal wuher. Good cond!Uon. S<ll 8tb St.. HunUn~on Beach Let: .. iaas u USED A UTOMA ncs S•ve $$11 $100 Off! nOGot .... ,1-. nne1· been FRIGID.AJIUi dt'Clric rq•, dbl. ·oven automaUo control. ex«l· }Mt eondlUon, Oattera A: 8•t· ler ,... ranse. nu.rty nnr. JOI tri.. Ave.. Corona del Mar H.ar. !'115-W '1 t' eauchD'• .run1ture ware.bonal! -------- ---- -1011 I!. nm Bt:reet--aulta u PT. 8An.BOAT, 7• bemm - Ana-Phoft• p T-.64.87. Store BEA GULL. UunchM Jw.. J, Hour•: Monday Uiru Friday Ntie&I nnt.hlnc. llf.uU A: Wier. e :oo t.o 1:00 Saturday t :OO to Ki. rtntnr. sm. Alao is n . e:oo SundaJ 11:00 lo 6 :00. outboard w1UI o-.r1. NH'dl \l9led -WllDtLPOOL wprem. moMI autornatio •ubet or dehuc.e NOR09 wltb double cycleii. autom•Uo lid, etc. ln- ...,.lled and paranf.eoed. No cub doWa, kM' u $10 month. JAKZ'B APPLIANCES, 1137 Harbor, ca.ta M•ea I ) ROOKS belt.UW'UI new modem palnL ·~· MOO )h1rcU1, Nl!'V.'• Serve -,,,.talnl,J 47pt8 tum1ture with Kelvtn•tor re-,..... • Ooubl1 unit model refrlrerator trlr . Wedg~ ranee with 8ACRD'I(2: cumtoni. rune.bout. WJ4h CfQ9• top rreeaer -likt griddle. & pc. wrought Iron tut Chryalln. Na~abycS. up-o 1\e# condition -BUii ln ruv· dinl'll• Ht. 8 pc. living room ~ry. o.nv .. cown, lr&11· ant.ee with oaa Co. Only 1135, poup, J mockrn .bdrm-8t't.a. er. top oond!.UO.. can Tom, LI REPOSSES!:O CUh or klw monthly bmnk All for 1990. 8nWl doWll pa.J"· wm da.ya. H&.r. 106 ...._ RmrRIOER.ATOR l•mie. JAKE'S APPLLANCES m~nL 104 wHb to pay. See at 1611' Cout RW}'. N--· SAVI:! 1120. 193'7 Barber. Colt& M--. HUB. 000 w. cent.I', ABabdm port lleadl.. -itc41 ROTPOINT wttb bir frfflR l------------1 ..... cbHl. 101/i cu. tt.. Bold °"""'In BENDIX DUOMATIC 1'' WIZARD '16 J~ JO ll..p. ·~ for $281.1&. Pa)' off ha.I-Dl8COUNT .SUM> $ ROOM.I of F\u'111b&rl!. .Ji.wt mot.or. OMd JI bn. ~ ance onb' 1111.11. Bur on pay· ,,.ABHEB, RllfllU, ud dry• tn rec411."*1 B\&Ddreclli rnort. Dtn-lfl.t«'tnr. i t&nka. a.ta. A!t- menta for just sa.11 per mo. one ...,. openuoa. u.-Oftly IRI' Room. U.riq' A: BedrOOnt. c:bor ... 71. Ha 12:fil•W. JESSEE APPLIANCE CO. •hort ume Ob our noor u SeU. can otw you ciomplet. !----------'-"-'~' demoMtnf.Or, Trouble-h'M & Room• J'\lJ1l. tor oo.lY $'/M. wUtr. dA7• tor ,..,.. wtlh lhY Allo llM Philco nfr •• Wedp-10 IT. PLYWOOD OUUllo&rd. 1013 a. MAIN KI :S-8348 bff.u•.... No Down P•ymenL wood ..., Grlddl• Ra.ft&e. No Oft. ""' ~ S• &10 Ol'bd ..., -.. CUlal B&.rtlor 4TIO. tTo SANTA ANA Only Sl2.81 per mo. PymL Pt.y onl7 ft.II pt.r WMk. BaU,tln'• J"UnltUN WanbOOM JESSEE .AUTOMATIC WASHERS J99. WHILE THEY LAST. 8'ndi~ APPLIANCE CO. Hotpolnt. Wtelrlpool. BlakJltone. 1011 11. KA.JN KI 3·13•8 &u1hn'a l"wi.U.ur• WuehouH BANTA .ANA -tOUi E. nnt Street-S•nta -----~-,-o-c--:--=­ Ana-Pbon•· Kl 7-5487. Store FRllEZER llM Admiral. Th• Houni: Monday thru Jl'rlt!ay BIC 14 "-ou. f\.. Hold• 1 :00 to 1:00 &aturGay 1 :00 to over MO lbL food, al"° hU 1:00 SundaJ 11 :00 to 3:00, .xtn. Bullet. 6: es.tra IJllMll 1n door. Balance •n thi. •••RIQJCRATOR BARGAIN only $249.<K. No Oaah Dn. .,..... Pay only Sll.27 per month. IA Vil Sl liO Baullm'• Jl'unJtuni Wuehou.M 'M P'LOOR :tie.ODEI... ts cu. n. -lOUI E. Flnt 8t"9t-8anta 2: Dr. Norse . .Auto. Del. Bild-Ana-Phone Kl 7-Maf. Stotl . -1011 E. nrwt Btf'fft-sut.a AM-Pbona: KI 7-Ml7. Btore Rours: Monday thru Y'rida.7 9 :00 to 9:00 B&turd&7 1:00 to 1:00 Bund•y U:OO \o 1:00, WRY bUJ ~ f\lmitun Wbm you can b\17 lit• D"' f.or J- •t MESA WOODCRAFT Jwit recel•l!d another lhlp- rnent of 3, 4 A: e drawer cb•l*. SmoothlJ unded .6: r-47 to ttnloh. PliNIMIULA. ....... t ..... c. to nat ,.ny. ....-.117 .u,p w dOC:k -"' ft. Cbrt&. .Aiao will MD to ft. ltlboU'd lllqiiW cnll..r pemct conltlU. ftAdlo. ,tect. bl.It t&1lk .u. • will ..U pr&etlcallJ MW I ft. fMe "" 8hoC. ..u boat. lbl'tlOr 01»-X. ,, .. I SAILBOAT 1J ft. ,_ -UO.. )(aluall i.nd Jib. 0.p)ele $11&. 'OOI JU"" A .... NW"• port a-clL . ""°" the ~ tll u.. •rtiad • ,..- UpU ,,....... wtlo Med ~' ....... JOU~ 1°"' .. ts ,,. pl1 ... M1nla.aJ. bUt the ..... , P~ivete Instruction• LI 8-1065 ABC Fr1r!ci.tr. KenmoTe Black.ltone "' ... lq Bbmtvs. F'rff• Cbnt Hou,..: M.ond•y thru Friday hel&I 12• pounclL Uft Price 9 :00 to 9;00 Saturday t ·OO t1} MESA WOODCRAFT 2121 HartlOr Blvd. U l ·llM6 H ft. DOt1llLll EKDml. llitmk. tw.d. outrtiien. IO ll. P. J\Mt reftniabed 1700. 11 ft. 'Aaw· 1tK1aL JO h. p. JOU-.UI. Hv. ldl-.J 'Sdf ttm. H11M• wu1 I'" p11~ opportuntu. -.c1 pot..nt1a.1 or LDllTED OFFER $2.00 ..-i..om. Qllldna and u.. comp&&)' are WLUin.ttmd. -.dultL can u ~·w mom· {&et. N'pt. S-Ch 1 yr..) lt tap. '7C'lt ,..,. feel J'OU ~. c.u Kn. Abi.olt at LI 6-1111. 47~1 aPatT ~ ltJCAD.1-~~~.,...-occ-7--c-,-~-1 IMO INft'ltWl'OI\ SlemeD-LA.OT wutad wtU. tOWlt.e.ia a · tu7' _. .,..,.. 111&'1-~-......... tel or °""· WIL 11Wi I .. ---"46t..-WIUOBT, U2 W. eout BWJ'~ st...._ ~ NIU!ta. N...,..-t a.di.. . •7c•I =-{;...."-:::::.::t X·RAY TECHNICIAN 'TP WIUTI: 11U; V-21. N...,.,art ''fDt.IT" ,, ......... ~ .............. A.LL""""~. BM'-~-.-.u. 'ARDENING LAWNS IN8T411.p:o A.ND RJ:NOV A.TB:D ..,..... .. W..Q. .,. .... lt.7•~ u~. ., .. SEAMSTRESS oa v•suro _. A.t.TDATJONa S.-I Lal. tat I ,.._ 17111CaeM'1&,o.t.M._ ........ ..- K ...... ~ fiTMI RDJDTl:IUCD NU1'911 W1th omce _,....-. Write .. W-'12. e/o thla ....,_,.... •Te•I MEN LIVE NEAR YOUR WORK We neod esporienced Bellarc Welder Engine Lathe )(achlnilt Sheet Metal Worker Newport a.ppl.J Co. 1&30 Superior. Cool.a w:- LI &a15 45<:47 &ALDWOIUJC, penoe&Uty •,,.aruce • --~ lapwtant. Ill A l'l l'l I If 9 ft I aTATIONUT aten, UD ....... ..... l.&pM. 8Mcb. RTa.lt ...-.. •klO water Matti'. CUI )'OW' DA"!' A NlCBT Al1TKOR.IBD DEAUCR JOB: en;JrroLI> Ptamblnr ........ DRAPERIES and SLIP COVERS ...... .,_ r..u··· -8unp&9 LUCIP & DRAPERIES But1i1r MM or MN ..... u--. SAVE UP TO 70'/. J""1rJ', ..,.artDN. w.. ,Uta. .-ad&1t. ria--ue. rup. •le. WHO•G•LI' WIJlEll.001&, '" • lnl, ~ blk .aiulll ot. i.. ,_ 1MKb City Ball. HiJlROLI> DIPORTER Opa to pub.Uc Won. thru S.t. ltolip.rn.. T ABL& top ODl:RAL rd'rll'· .rato.-•pl. sia N-. Bii Boy BBQ w\th electJ1c motor A IJPIL UU ...,... Har. J041-R.. •Tc41 ... ... Oellnred tnltalWd and guar•n· teed for juat ~.60 per mo. JESSEE APPLIANCE CO. 1011 S. MAIN Kl 341•8 SANTA .ANA WEDGEWOOD n.nt• Se In. top CO"Ver. !:xt.ra nice. Inetalled SM.50 STROOTS HARD- WARE. 1102: N~port Blvd., O>et. Me-. LI 8-3428 •k•T WEBER Bh01" Cue, 10 tL lonl' dlliplay freeser. ExceUe.nt COC'I· dlUon. May be Hfl " •ti 30th St., Newport Bch.. QH. KI 6-tO&O. '6P'7 SERVEL flEP'RJG. •pl. 1\141 de- Hftl"l!d A: iuarantM<I 19.IO BTROOTI RA.RDWARE. 1801 J(ewplrt lllY't!., co.ta M~-. U 1-1429 '~'-T 1619.~. Buy now for on1y e :oo Sunday J 1 :oo to 0:00 . I ST9.tG. PaJ onlJ $1.20 per wk. No Down P9.yrqent. RJ:P08S!:S..~JON 10 cu. tt. PHILCO re.rrlceni.tnr with cro. top A: tw.eaer, 1helvu In door. butter keeper, etc. AND • Columbia p.11 Sf" rure with divided top bumen. rJau oven door. ete. Have been u..,d onlJ • rew montha. Ploy caah only 1188 for both or wUl re:flnance. J.A.Km'8 APPLI.ANCES. Jt:ST Hart.or, COieta MM&. JESSEE APPLIANCE CO. 1011 8. M.Aift JO S.13'8 BANTA AMA WUTINGHOUBE 6 C.F. RUM ..-u Sl6. UOO M.,.:ua, N'mw· port. BeM:h. •7JH.8 KELYnfATOR ft.l:l'R.lQ!lR.ATOR with Bottom l"!eOf.r SAVE SllO. T. V. CUC.A.RANCE 'M Model• MUBT GO WAI J2fli.t& 1••1.95 NOW 1179.95 sne.9& .Acrou from Bt.allrm Market DIVAN, alff!I* one : .x~t condition UO. 'o'l.'ltldaor chain J3 eech. H&rbor 5339-J. t28 Fl!l'llleaf. Corofla df:I )lar. •7p4t 12: CU. Jl'T. AUTO, • Dllf'. Slidll\I 8.A VE lN ahtlVl!L n.tua• t.trruout. 8to~ M:otof'Ola 21" In Ollr -~hoUlle I rnoe. Sold Philco' 21" ,0, ... I .I&. TOI.In for un· _Maple Con.ell SJ.-A-AaBmlM I 2 " ltS0.00 l~l.ID -~ c11llmed b&Ja.n~ OnlJ 1334.81. S«mUne 4 Tak• CU11tomer'a payment.a of Ramote Control . onlJ 112.11 per mo. B11J thMI oi:i .... y 'Vonthly P.97• _ ... JESSEE APPLIANCE CO. 1011 a. KAJl'f Kl l-tM8 8.ANTA ANA JESSEE APPLIANCE CO. 1011 e. KA.IN Kl s-u •• &>JfTA AlCA o•KECJ'll .,. MDRIT't' 1•t• mock! 40" ... ranie "1th Np- &l'At.e hJ.brOIJar, clock. C11ddle. mhe1I A hid doWft top. Thi• Juat c.m. 111., need• clunl"I up. Towa ror onlJ JTI. JAU'I JJ>PUANCEI, 1917 Hutior, 001ta M..._ Tall Gable Country 8A1LB()A'I', J.S,. tt.. ~ w 8olnrtltrd. si...ed bl.Iii _.. pl•~ r«uu.Md. c'91111 A compi.b, uza. tot V1& Bar· ce1oD&. Har ms w. &lftf 17' CATAMORAN IKOWaDlD. I --· m.; I R --~: -tr ,.A.l.IJOM, R I t _., '""' LOOK Bl!tl"l'ER FEEL BL'l I ER DRINK J\AW VJ:Ort'4BLE ll/IC&a. BRAND n-O'Ked• • Merritt R&.o.i.. SIP. JU1t pun::h&Md 100 vl ~ Tbl!'y •ni the Bil cp all •utomaUc. v•nl&bln&' Melt. ,.ndd1• end tverylhlna. ~llnred A Jn•talled tor 1181. No Dn. 110.13 per month. Baqtm'e F\lnlture WarehOU81! -1016 E.. tint Slrfft-Smnta AA&-Phone KI 7 ·6487. Store Roura: Mt»tday thru Jl'rlday 1:00 lo i:OO Saturda.y t :OO to 1:00 SundaJ" Jl:OO to 0:00. A.NTJ.QUES Nice varH\J 1.utMr.IUO uu~ GOlored sW.. Dtt.llf. OOIPPf", PftUr, Jampe.. nn11tn1n. b"alM ln•spmillln ,Ut tt_.. to UM nnest • rardt for UM cou.cwr Personable I X..-Ill Home DCffS'!'l'B ae"I', map, t ~Min TaW. ,.-a ft" opftd to M" US. J ma.pit mil lablel -I ia...,. Mll Orele DriTt, BIJ'· .._ W~ onJJ", •Tpd roft 14L8-()t.tf• • ftlt.ttm OM n"OV&. PADDLE 90.A.RD 12' RO'A' BOAT with otn'- BOARD lftOlOI'. ~ TI!.ll191My Tit Udo Nord. Udo l1k. 4TC' AU'l'O)tA.TIC WASHER U8EO WHIJllLl>Oot. 'BE.A UTT 810 t lb. model -Uke n"" ·- 'lndd In .., new WUhrr-dr'J- tt. y.,.. of lrou•l ... trM .,.. ..... la ~UW... -·~ )Ow, )ow eo.t $1 0S. or monthly pay- llMIWI of Ju.,. -..00 per ma. JESSEE APPLIANCE CO. tOJS 8. M..uN Kl :l-8S41 !>Afll"TA A .. ~A R.EPOPUSED RA.NOii '!WI O'KEllFE A M:ERRJTT, Th• full CP model 'with aut.ommll~ c.loCk. rriddlt. roU-out brolkr. airome-top, .t.c.. llOld: new tor ,..... Bu)' tor pm.y-off only S1U.lt. JESSEE APPLIANCE CO. lOl! A. >CAIN Kl l -83•8 8ANTA ANA SL-Waat.4 lo BUJ TOP pr1cM paid tor JUNK Iron. coP,:.r, bl'll-. alu1ninum, etc. .AJ\1 quanlltY. Jnunedl•te J>'ck up. cau u 1-1101. ltc•1 =w=A=NTE==o"""-:-.,,-:..,:c:,-. ~Jo~t.::"'·moool ca.. ranr•• •nd rt tr11"ra1or .. JA.l<E'S APPLIANC&S 1!137 H•rbor. C:O.la flle-. Ll I-Miit ' u1·1:tfttlll ANN JUli.HI 1•771 H .. bor Aifit. ·Saiit:. .A1'lfi --l'or a depe~.b&e uwd ff.f, - your local dMkT '#hoo •U be hm'I TOMORROW to 'Mek up ...._t lw ..Ulm TOD A.Y I Chee.Ir. Lhe •..ti ca.ra In tJMo cluidfie.d .ec:Oon Iv .. ,. PADDLEBOARDS I:? rT, '-I• .. 50 110 lhnt• in«\on A"-o HLllllJ.1ll'la M. LS Mtt2.. 41e&T ,. . .-. aCHKll>T • PHJU..IPS BlC --.---------·!Pl.A.NO •nd ORO.AN BTORl:.1 M-Maleal. Radio, r v ~ lilt.. Alway• 100 pl..U08 to ebooM from. DJO Ko. Maln Knowlton Elec:trooJCI 8uta .Ana. TV-REPAIR A RllNTALA i'ASTBERVIC!!, RllABONA.BLB .hntce calls till I p.m. LIM200 JCX(!l:l.1.l!NT plain ce.M tnmp· low piano, P5 down. s12 per _.._ 8JLUrl:R8 (8lnce lllOT) •21-413 N, Sycamore, Santa Ana Pboi;iie Klmb.rly 2-0812 William• & Son Radio • Televiaioa Sales " Service 10.S W. :Ut -KI 1·7520 ..... -pAp PORTABLll Zenith Tr&M-Oc .. anlc. An •••• ra&o. Uk• tlft', new be.tW"J'. PrtTat. JIUt1.: ,10.00. can be --. •t :mtS w. Oout HJp_.j", Newport BeKb. llttc IU!:NT a trumpet. trombone, ~ 11..1\.-..Jlnn.. OU.. Pete lin. nut. or other tn.trument ~;;:_;_.:;..;;so'-'"'·=-"'=--­ tor 16 a month. AU. rent paid DOBl:RllAH DOG-ftllm. x.le Ulla yu.r applle11 on tuture I yn. old. Very friendly, n..&i pureh ... oo con..W.nt l.-m9. room to p19J. LJ WTN lb•• your INltnPnent JaJd t3c4T uid• now wbU• Ole H.l ectiOfl ----------- 111 SQOd, with ~nt to •tart when picked up. • &RA.Fr:R'll -421 N, Sycamore I L. Santa Alla Kl 2-0f72 Oran1• County'' oldut and m•l complete Mu.k: Stora. ttttc Why Wait! 1 t " Motorola JEAN HENRI l'rme11 Specl&llat. ot DOG CLIPPING wonc. In your noma. ltd Tustin Av•., C.M. H&rt1or ris•• """' Rm018T. BOXJl:ft PlJPB !or .U.. ' "" old. ca.u 1 i2W lo • p.m. After I c.a1! R•r. Wt. 2Ttte 1949 LINCOLN CLUB CPE. Dark .blue, WSW, overdrive. In perfect me- chanical condJttoa. ---·-·-··-'345 11146 IMPERIAL HARDTOP CONV. CPE. Cloud white. Fully equipped, power oteertnr. power brakee, electric windows, electric ..eaL healer, WSW. ' LOU REED & ASSOC. CHRYSLER. PLYMOUTH DEALER 1200 W, Cout lllghw1y LI 8-848G """ rrc.1 l!md Alfpmnt JtO.&D uavam ,,__ .... 1'ciun -ti» .......... 'HOWARD RYAN 801-808 w. lot l!r. . taa •• 111 fwa.at · "-• Bass,_._. cmanas · Marinas Lido Penln1ule, E. 3.ht St., Npt. Bch. OJTICRS Dlllabtfld lirinc. Apt.<lobonu. UtWtloo p&l<I. -with Yacht .Up ~U­ ll&lly, WMk!J, monthQI, )'tUl7. - l'or 1pp't, ... --. Call Bar. 211112. I!~!:::~~·!.!•~·~"~, ,_~~-!!'"!!l!~!:!!=-:!Af~~:!!'~tw!.'!.!-~-· ---• -IRVINE TERRACE MOW ... -w ... ..,,,., ~-----lllftlrlOs' ~ ............. La.a wttll .... .,.. ..a .... tour\. IOI-n.4 It. Bar. 1 ... A.t10DIT JU:lf'l'AU ()PD .,. Offices for lt.nt NEW 41-A.llto llat'6i ebMtld patio. ~ ~ LOVl:LT I ..... f\lnl apt oe M • erh I ~-:..-= ==~·':'J;,~;:'e Two Story Building otor Ov au _,,._....,...0.....,.1:-:==--=..,..---,.,-cu.tom .. Partt111 NO :U:ONl:Y DOWN ~~J'Dl= CO.A.ITT:. Be~=:.•= Janitor Bmtlce SPORT CAR C'ENTER Up to 18 Montbl to Pay Cout 8"7 lOl, N...,.-t .....,_.. I.JI Wrm -**17 ~ lmevator -e Oyla. --·· .. ··~-.JS• -call Bar."" ~~ =~V.:_ ~== Opposite City Ball All Stnlpt -., ...., --ot ,.,._ WILLARD KILLION 1932 HARBOR BLVD. 2201 SO. MAIN · Coat& Meea LI S.1194 Sant.a Ana KI 5-U88 '55 FORD <;USTOllLINE f DR. ---................ --.. $1701 R.·B., W /S/W. FordomaUo '56 JAG 140 MC CPE., Like new ........ -.......... -•... $3750 Wlre "'beela, W /S/W Tlrea '53 FORD ZEPHYR -Sharp ----.... ---·-----.... $ 601 B:lghto ----.... --98.811 "' A -ct .., ......._ ~ Newport Blvd. IMCLtfDlta both Labor 6 Puta. Cboloe WlDter ft.to.tall OD Writ. •20 E. ~ It., U,lud Harbor M(X5 K.. rtap. wrf1t ~ ft19t Btlbo. W&D4 6 Udo la&e or Pb Upland Yukon 2-'121. rrtn4, flJU:Drl of mas. and rod. lmlll 6 _.,, • ...... 6 Muu t7e ~ l:Kpert: mots a.. 111 ..... -up. to-4ay or .000 mil• ~ ....... VOGEL CO. I W. l be.Lb apt. wttb ... ,... ..... .A w.IJabla .... to .A.q. ll, ... to appndat.e. .A.pplJ U17 W. OFFICE FOR RENT ltO PER MO. •11 li..t ~. 'Barbor lOM "' GA.Sac.rs a OIL U'l'llA. REBUn.T. ENGUIES SUD.n' IN our own .factoq bf *1llad m ac:btnl-ta, Doe.'t oc. t.-.d wtt:i. th• middJ• mu. JOI llutM ............. lal&MI Pb. 8&rtMw ..... --l.01I BaJ A.'h.., -..._ tTM& ----------- ft-. Rv ....... -llu-. IJD.ft ..... s.q,,._, allOllT 9LOCIC • 2"UJlMDBmD -roa LaAU '53 VW Sun roof -Radio ---------... $1201 roRD (DIM.I) • .. .ao Nwl7 ._.c... _. eMnnbts CHmVftOLl!T 1 •.at W. I ~ 1lrsrr I Ma 6 nn N'SW UNJ'URN, I 1ldrlD. apt. tw i..... ... .,. 1110. 104 V1a uu-. Udo ble. Cla.ll HT&tt WOU tor llfPOln~L •Teti • Ground Floor • OFFICES OR STOftES For Leaae ID - Harbor bl-• Co. Bide. !Otb 6 N-rt BIYd. MANY TRANSPORTATION BARGAINS BUICK JUI.GI 1 bedroco apla. ,nu; ftew. ON:m BEDIUl. pr. apL, 111% P.A.CLUlD (I CJ'L) --fil,11.00 UW1t1M pal4. ~ dlto-llt!t T&A.RLT -No ptile - P!Jm.. ~ 6 hrrd I -UOl.00 ,_a. ....., roma &?Id K• ehOdNL A1-on• ......_ 1----------- 0lll\fl. • D• ooro _._... ,...._ ,.,.. ---" " ···-... ,.. FOR RENT Both 8:30 p.m. Bar. 1800 ' . location1 -8: 30 a.m. to _Clooed Sunday t ft'UDD• SW. JUO,OI mo. -1 lledr-.. t1Jl5 mo. ..-. Bu-. 1NI .... T 4.7c OLD&.. POH'n.A.C. --auo.oo CO.A.ft ftWPMllW. IOl 11. f'filB $110.0I Ballioa Shd .. llaDtoL .... I.or COROKA. DllL MA.ft. Uaf'llnl. N"' omc. Ud6. Udo llbopptnf .,..., l'JI mo. OD ~ 1-. McCarthy's . 1420 So. Main · 1LU.U:R , '1JO,.OI 1161 OI' HuW ltot. tt HUDSON (I) (I Malul -114.0.00 PLUS !NITA.LLATION Theodore Robins · ~. :;, .:. Block mJmt m..t our~ ..,.. ........ CORONA DEL KAR I bMnn unw dupkl. 6 pr- ~· •»"9 Martp'4. .A.pp;ly IOl ~ l'f.rcs.wi I 4&ptT OCEAN FRONT BA Y " BIDACll ft.&.U.T1' INC. llEALTOU aw~ Ra'r. 1643, Har. ntt s.... 'Jmt to u.. r1Cbl at Udo BrWr' "" Color TV $399.95 Full Price F 0 R Phle tax• ~ ... g[l D BELLES ENGINE I=..::~.:.:..": S9-'-'_A_u_1oo_w_ .. _..,. ____ ,·:;g CAD (62) Convertible REBUILOERS· ... -.11 , EL DOR.ADO Motor. FUD powu '54 Pl Belv HT $ ..195 SlO &. Ir( k Ill s..atc A.II el iaa.. ept&. .,.. __,.......,. I PVT. Otnot111 plu IC'•· ~ UOll, cl...scal or diq&&J ~ 0... 1000 ... tt. .r...w. tor 1111 mo. la~ UM Of H...,,ort. 0.U Jll.r\ior 1271. -· _,,.._ Reliance Home Appliance S.rvtc• Co. !102 No. Mat.a I .A. SELL YOUR CAR PALO FOR OR NOT M.cCartlly P•Yt M or• lUO I. lb1n Kl 2-IGOT Kl 1-7100 Kl J...ltal ----------- Open Bundey A Evff u.atn t :IO CO-Auto. for Sale Emmll!r.on 11 la. Kabos .. fUU doon., cuten --111 Olymplo l 'I"' ~ -··-Saa Hottman 12 ~" lllcad.s flaD Let IUUB Help y OU. P......07 Mlected NICW It USJl:D CARS doon ... -·---------"' TAD .A.DV.Alft.A.0& ot b.J8 many )lepl• door eablht for 11" ,....... O'f aperl.lne4I u a top TV -·-·---·----·····-·-"' notcb mdanle.. Du.moot 12"9" W1th FM -·-SU Completa HM Of RCA V\otw RIOH HAHN'S TV., new '17 modall ,trom ttJt tot S. HTS IT, 21 ·· RCA Vlctor colot TV Harbol-•726 N'-port Beech ,.._...,. -··--·-·"''1 --------~-- TAJtTl:I\ TZUOVmON '54 MERCURY Corona dd Ku Bar. 1411 MONTCLA.IR COUP!: .A.flr'Clm from Pwt ~ 2 TGM Whlte, Bterra 47ef.t WIW Radio H .. ter. G-JUND~~--~-... -, -..._.....,~~I $1795 Wabnlt. ..... UNI o..dltkD- lt.000. LI MIOI. .,... MARK '':.0. ~ """'.: !":' ,.:'. DOWNING P'co Qrud. PIAM for ... FOR.D ............... -..... . Ila. ·Clrpa ta ,._ hom• -8"'7· It at PMlftG Oout Hwy Ph• ~ SNlta .A.Ila Mualc HUNTINGTON BEACH Klmbm17 1·1111.. 1"\&llWta x-... L.t.mhert ~ ..... ODCE>U.T.111 Da::LIVJ:ftY oo a-llntu-b J'Qrct. tO mlln per pUon 111'6.. Ill UllCll?4' • WA TBON JOOO mllee, y. ., . ' -· 1"' LOA.K CA&I -J'RD TOWJNQ t.U7 lib &Od mut .. -C. '53 Chev. conv. __ $1195 ITATll BONDJm appnol..e,k No ,.i.. ._ .• $4995 '55 Ford Reh. W9n. $1945 AUTOlU.'l'IQ ft4H&IDUION8 =::-:.:.:~ = ~· Ba•12 for ._t a..uao4 J.aLA.Jtm-..4114&. 21 _, '55 PONTIAC Chieftain VB '50 Plym. d . cpe. _$395 BTDIU.IU.P0!1;'.;.,D.!".AIUYff i. .,....,._ ~ PmNJ::NIUL4 I Wnn. horn• 40 b ...... ~ IN -f , J ... _ oompl9WJ A nt.c.17 l\lm. Bar. I02 ltlle 2-ilo~r. \VSWe-Twotona, •le. 53 For Cust. 4-dr. _$995 COXPL&Tll OVEIUL\Ul. rtJJ\M. &..-TrtJW i. Udo w......,. ..,.,,,, •• ,,.... flw..1----------- $1695 '50 Pont.4-dr.Hydrr.$695 $119.50 _ v...,.. ..... • ..,._ ..... •· .._ ..,._ 11 .. ,.., ,~ Mariners Mile -'49 Chev. 2-dr. --Sl45 ~~-:r-~ ::,.:o' ~1 :S'.".:,•~_: Har. Aft. tfptl ·55 CHEVROLEI' Bell. Atr '66 • __ , 'V: T PU •1295 TER"'S ARRAN6ED ~--_, t -. - -ooo v.a STATION W AQOX Auto-rvru 2 'f •• _. f9'"' --_... On't ... Oll'IDll& ... MM. maUo Drt••· ll&d!o, HH.l•r, '51 Ford V8 P.U. _,$695 LOAN CARS. Mt--* m.. qit. ... -., n.t -· Ull-J". •7M1 omcm • Dop •~ tar rent or J--· Pl par mo. 6 up. U 1-UU. ltttc twot~ WllW ' Stud frOm 16 ... IROP BP.A.cm. IOO .... ft. Wired . 4' •~ P.U. _$195 au A.UTOK01"fff IDVICll ~ •..-t,. --nw ROUd T&UU.Y i.11•n: uo vo1c.. lll)......4tt.11. st.. Nll!W· $2395 ' Fo°' IV, T --1 1281 1 NEL80H 8'1' • .t.T A.CA.CU.. no.. A""-..,.rt I ldra. ..,.,......_ OU1l. pMt 11-.cJL. 11&1'. 1161, t7~t 61 "' 2 • P1noo $695 u: ,_,,.. Wiit• -·-_, .,. ..._,.us. -i---------- L&te Mode~ T. plckupo '37 Chev. P1n1I · _$125 ".RENTAL ::-..::...: ......_ = N llerb-~- ' ._ ...,, , ~-. '52 Chov. P.U. _ $795 U.....'l'nllon ............. "'"" • ...._ - $995 11nd Up Th od Rob SPECIALISTS -............ -...... Bu1ine11e1 For s.1. e ore ins * ~~ * DORiS°IRAY,°R.:ltor ~.~·.:~:::;. L V ............ • ._., '" M C rth I nt J1Ar1M. ..... i-.. U M1t1 MdT OoutaJ towa. Dotn.6)f00d bum · c a y s F 0 R D and BuppU. -· .. • .. UDO nut ::. ";!. ::. ...... ::-= 2200 W, Cout Hiway 1 Wrm.. I ~ «a~ f'llnl.. .,.. .,. da\IPW. USED CARS Newport Beocl1 LI l-'420 LIDO ~l't -.. ..._ -. 11 ,_ t lt.20 So. Mahl KI 2-3607 Our 35th YNr of Service AUGUST anct.u.a kthe~ :..-: -.... =..: ... ,. ... -= L .C::-w:".;;~:::. Sant& An "'1 • Tl_h Com • . ~· lpedll .... .,.,...... --mpwa;r l.01. alll&iJ & (! '" In mun1ty 'M 50' I fir. Pu Am. 111:11 ~ -~ ---,....,, ~T • ..,.., I Nra. ._ .......... ,., ...... tot ...... -------· M 50' 1 tir-, Paa Am. TIM MID _,, ' 6 ......... Qood .....au., You WILL GET ,., .. ,.,.,...,.,,,_ et11 -LIDO llalty 4...W• ......, ..... ,. .... -. _ 1. 1a ,_ _ -...... 3100 W. Coast Hwy. ,. •O' 1 "'-.......,., --.... .,. ~ --°"' ...._ ,,_ -.. -,.. .._., -. - MORE LI 8-3471 ,. , .. '"'· .......,, "'" --· ,..., _, """',.. -.. -_. M M' 2 tw. 1"11.ts.zant •lllO 1111 Deluxe Duplex mec:Mni• Prt.-d to .u 1-----------IM IO' 1 tw. PvMlat ... ..a H8Wf(M'f DJOJCTa. I ......... M27'Tra•-..1w.lllN!i 1195 rva1111aao ~mtUni.. uiasnoau.en fihmortie RJ+v. Co. 51 16' T.-Ty dudio 1010 1710 I Mna. • dm. 14 lll.U... I' . .A. i-_ U Mttt. flc6I J\&A.LTOft . J:ii&tTIUl'fca White. Hardtop, ~-4. M 2.J' x.n.kW twin 11'5 ltll bM&. "1ft'9 ,_... ~ 1-----;;;:;;;;;;;~---BUaJ:Jrf&U JlROICD. ,i'ordomaUe, Wl!IW, Rad.lo. 51 20' Kenell"l ll bath 2815 UDO 1-. '41 ....... Our7Cm WlN iWl 1111 S. 0out JllCltwar l FOR YOUR CAR '55 T-BIRD When you sell to RADIO .,., taMe ...... nfalrtil $250 H .. ta' ~ 11' Tftr)' ball!. ltN 1,.. ROid. Oanna lltfli]adl. CIDr--PIRfINIVL4 POINT Oorou ~ Mu -llar. nit $3095 IWI 15' Cl.rdlzW. brl.lt• Ill IOO w del Kar. MCllt I Mr-.., I ....._ •1111 ~ ........ ==----:=-,.--,,,.--~ ti' ,,_twvocl U.r '9IO ._ ,...._ ....,.. ,........,, ~ • .t,U'ft) ..,_,. (DfdC9 .. ,,,_,, MARK .. I t' Xlt -.... -.... ON BU.BOA IILAND -· -........ • ................ """'· '"' -,,.... ",;Anchor Mtr. Co . lachlde9 Jl'N u4 ... ... 'II CJmVJ'OLSI' COll"'1J.ble, ll&bJ Mua wtU!. White lop, W 111r~i.taMIOll 1tOI mue•~_. P. o. ._Mi or IT4ft ..... tt, ew.. wm-. DOWNING ......... _ ..... --="'" -...... ..... -·· .... ·-..... 174 Z. 17th LI Z·utl C09'rA KESA . .,,... ...... . • ACIOC TV 6 llADIO aw tlree, I\ 6 H. IMO. u i1ue ......... t4e41 ----------- Mil' J')ellltWOOd MM IM~-.. a~N, •-~-1::::--,===-..,-,,,,=-=-=o-t,~J!'llnl. Mwt ..U..,... to FORD D2 U' Clp~ toUet, *19 lltl' 1'115 n....._,a ,._.. ,._ 01' W.A.TD,, f. ....,_ ~ •tie aata.t•, Jioa tit, N_.. at u· 0onUJ:i1 1 ""· 1111 1111 IOI K&llM A"' ..,.. • • putWl1 f\ana. PW A Goat. Prell. : : US· n.t It. ll&r. llOt ~· . . .. TV Antenn•s $7.95 IMl'TAu.m> Ant..-. a.ti and up ACIOC T. V. '20 l:s.t It. ... _ Knowtt...Electlonlcl ~~ TV ANTENNAS ::: (a.r ..... -Bl O&lDJ tn.tall-1 oom.plttli to 10'U •et. $9.95 ,_u._ 'liil'• . EL&C'l'J\OHIC Orpa. Uke MW, --1311. 'hnu. st.to down., SJO : • per month. 8.KA.J'.tR.8 (llnoe llOT) •11-US N. ~ Banta A.Da Alone liUf'llMrl7 ..otTI Onuip Q:tyalJ"• Orpa B4q;lft. Grant W. Musick Your Hudson Dealer 84'JC8 and SERVICE nc"l'El\l:STED IN A NJ:W J'ORD't CALL LEX. 11-3930 J'OR A. JllZ.A.L 8..A.RO.uN' IN 19M J'ORDI 261 M. 1.49 A.Ji.pl• D tt-7211 - An•Mm '54 CHEV PICKUP Utf< Dual ranr• Hydrama.Ue R.. H. Bpot.llta. Sport.Iman cab. $1195 MARK DOWNING FORD 111fy. &• at Padf\e CONt Hwy . HUNTINOTON !SEA.CH '55 CHEV :Z D R. F ull factory .qulp. $1295 MARK DOWNING FORD Hwy. &• at Paelnc Cout Hwy HUNTINC1TON BCACH --~~~---­Like New Beautiful Blue '55 Dodge Hardtop Call Clara Har, 3579.W BTUDJCBA.ICl:R coupe, whit• Power B•W1L Almoet nl!W. 'CAD ·--ll:LA--C-,.-.,-.,-..._.--,-..,,,-. tooO mllM. ~riff lnclud· clesn; k>ctlJ e•r. f196. Prtvat.I! ed. ~oe •wt. ta.Ir. Harbor party. Ca.U HYatl t ..JOll. dlt-W ~ 6 .IO p,111, t.aM7 4Tc RWy. !9 at Pal:tno Cout HW7 111 10' Kit cuatom lttG 17W UJ.IQA llLAMD ...._ Alf. PIO _.. ..... ...,.-=~-~=.,--,-=-=-- __ HUNTIN ___ o_TO_N_B_EA_CH __ I OPICN 1 a.m.·t ,..._ ..,...., •TM• U Mm. ...,. MFG. FURN. SPEC • GMC TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS '4T Sl'UDll "' T. PklNp 'Ill OMC ~ T. PklrUp ':SI CRZVJtOj..rl' ~ T. hn•I '53 DOOOIC ~ T. P"lclcup 'lM OMC % T, Pickup '54 Jl'ORD % T. Pklnlp 'Mi OMC % T. Panel 'IO CHEVROLET % T. Plclnlp '40 OMC ~ T. Jl"lat.Md 'M CHEVROLET ltl T. Piclrup Hydrama Uc '112 FORD V..S 1-T. Dua.I '44 CKH:VROLrr I >, T 12' St.ske •do QMC 2-T. COE, I 8~. 14' 8tu.ll! l :U 1'1"" '60 00001: l·T, Dwnp, I .!I~. 1:21 Tiree '53 CHEVROLET. 2-T. COE 171" w, B., 2 AP"d, I;~ '11ru PAN AlOlRICAN J>anmount.X....,11 Tra••--T."7 ...... ,. ... .... , ID IOI• T~ Nt:lAoJf trJl'VllV.u.L'I' di&fatllc I W. N ... • atlnctlft. mu.i ..u w. OOROM• DllL u-... .... ..... dl.aiwuber krn'7 to ...... lllt d&NbilitJ; POOO nA w ...... 1111. p1119 .wlu. • ln .... "a't'M171 flOOO ln f'OR CHO.ICS u:zft.t..L&. &&A.8(.)M.A.L 6 rMJU.Y. -a. o.ut a,.., . .,, IMO tf Or:ftl .IL ..... i.aud. lfpL MW stocta; 11000 In parta. No lWme 11. S4 1111-f.Tett ,..,,.bit tltt« ......... 61e&J rtftt. Op. 10 ..... te 11 ...... llA YSHORES • ..,.. "' ll¥J/"19 tt,. -.. llM PAN -AliCl!IUC.A.H ••• I PENINStn..A .. NICE AR.&A. WINTllll ftDTA.L"" 'l'IWU.T Ana. ...,.. :=--~:~": u~ .,u. .-~ :=--,....;-i,.. = = ld•al Location For man1 at.ru. P11cact to ..U 1 a. R. -ltO iii 1 a. ft. -Utt ,,,. ~ oau Jam. SNACK IBOP QUICK. TtinrLI to rupooaibZ• n, lier. ltM -.._ 11.a.r. us: LI a.»tl. •Tllc BARBER SHOP Jl&lt7. UUl.fDW. at Lido VW.,. Trlr. Par1l. 700 at• BL Ba.r. ---·--------Pmllf. aoun. .i..,. •. ...uD· OtJT 8BOP ntT~J. f7ctl 48-!-Apta. fo,r ~t .,. ,..,... uW. hpt. it. -* Nut lo Bh_._ .. ter. lArp --•ftil. for whit.,. tor I ~-iot a x 111 Ud IMdldt .... 12' con'.A.OE; pckl MdrOOm. 1 BDllM. unnrrn. •pt. -I.Mo ... .... 121 ..,.,,., ODIL LI M711 att.r Ii or ---eftda. bui..n., elea.n. ti~ 4. 1116 wtUl a.,. .tew. llll o. 1-.. aar, .,._K •nk ti lncltldtnr C.bana. ANCHOR Hai-. uu IL lltto TRAILER Pwt.. Colla M-. 00&.AH l'RONT hoWN. 5 bdl'Dl. WSU. JDlt•H'llfl Pd ~ .... 't mt. lo Bay. 47ct• TWO .a:Dft.UOX utllnMlwd l'flMIJ ~. A..U. 8..,t. 1 t..ewL VWT poll-..! Mut •PL '80. ftHJfttb tnduttlftc' Utns ltma 14. P1wlbe B&r. 4000 ..U &t nut ot ,,_ --.. ••Wr-M.A.X w. POPS. ft.NJ-an.r I ,. m. •Te4• ~ "' w a-.ltk. "1eeif .. ... " • r -NU td& wtta tnM. rut~ tor 1 • r • r ............ .,. T&ARLT I all t\&m. holna tM r.oftL H.wpor\ .._.. MU. 1-llU, 47.0 ~ Oar .. pa.tao. WateT pd. FOR 1&UI: IOI •t• ltrMt.. Hear u.. .... Sill .,.,,.,, OJPI' man -••LaoA. .. " ---~ 1a·---•· 1 N-,ort 8-ch. tTpCI L.Um, l'w lnfOnnatton eat FREE!! . "' • Custom ]i·fi PRIC!ED t« ~ufcll NJ•. '51 Font Mr. MCI. Radio, 11.Mter. new l!JW. bMt eondlUon, ~. I:. 0. ~MUI_.,-U I-UIS. ~ -~----------1 911 11\lt'e lo ... what We )ltya to (for &ny ••c:a.M7 lft ~ Co.) QUICKLY AND EASILY BJlCPLY CALL 8m.r:T RLTY. ., ___ CM!"""" ~I RM°. MM tlMt bdrm.. unru.n...~ pr-_..;-;:.;:;..=='--..-.=--=~- ap, HO *· Wlfl ,.iat in_.. M 81 'I fW lat HARBOR ~l·fl UM OLD8 'ti', • dr. Holks.J, All P:lrM lncl .• ILlr ('OQdlUOn· tni. U'ftl. U: 1-ttTI . ~ Kat 1281-.1. tk't'J 1111 CHSVftOLJ:'t' De.1 Rty eoup.. OM o.m•r. V ·I tnf1M. potrll!rlll~. R 6 H, Wtw. UMfol" CMt, 41XttpUon•lly tlttan H•r OM4. 4!k't 7 '54 FORD TORCH RED CONY. \\1'$W Sllyllnl'f top. vftf'driY&. $1495 MARK DOWNING FORD oN•r betor-e buytn1 an)' i,,.. of • \I.Md truek. .All lrPH ant ••~ 10 choo9 trom. W.W. -WOODS GMC DEALER tl~l9 JC. 4th 8anla 'l'ruclc H•-4qU.rt•h for Oran1e Cooilty. .... ---·-lt41 FOftD eu.tom 2-dr . a:ioo Hwy. 39 al Pac1t1c Cout Hwy I Jn flnur H•rtior, Clltt Ha•en HUNTINGTON BltAC'H LI A·TITII. 48p418 Kl 7-3506 \\"lab p.1-nL pr!.-at.. room It blt.b tn PT'l••l• horu9 ror ll!lder- 1)' reUNd man. N-it la room or wtt.b family . Pbonot FAjrla.a •2411(0..flll Gr r.AJrraa Mt71 ! evuJ 11' Ton9inH, t :k!t 7 COUPLE W ANTI -'•t"t Mdna. tumtlltl9d •parttne~ nenL LI S..127& t Sp4 7 '°' ., -it i.ui. o.u 11ar. ftUV ,.. • 1iaui ....,.. 56-Xwz to i..a. 1011 ..... Bar. 1111. tltte: ~ ..;-:::, Aup«. -., WA.R8 TO •On.o. UIPIWV& mm.u. VACA.'l'JON' IPO'r'. BJ «' 111.ao ,.. mo. oa 1.... 8t11'. MUDCIUfl&a, Oft Bty, 11ear ~. rw-a_ •pta. Ha.r. IO'l-L IOI~ ·~· • ft&rlHAMC.m at...,. 4. Sta a ..... IOI &. •7oU We lh1 tn.t ~ -., ... ...., a.JbM. ._., It ••t. W1 s'as .. ' ~~~ ·=~"ri~:oe l•lboe lslend -... Lido ... a... •• wi..tar or Ytarty ft'Obl Afpt. •· 6areQ• "• u,.taJ .... riU. 1 OCbm. ll'\am. 1 121 1' MA.AOU.AJtlTlc. Co!'"OM -Oft i--. 1n u.. war• cNt ot "''-J..Wy, titllt.. ~...._ .._ Mar. HA 2lff JI.. • Uw W..J' With a ,.,_..,..._. )It C:.W.I. 4ttf t iN.I Wut Ad. Call Hartlor l lll. ------------------------------------~------------~- I I : '.._ . -· -. --, .. . . ---.---.... ~ •••• 2 . -.. ----. --I ' I • PA6E 1-P~RT I I-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-l'RESS l !"!:::·!-~1-~~"'~---l ~-=·~-~-=::~-..,....-1 ~·!!::-!!!!!!..:' D~llla~!!!lo!...---•!!:::!•!!!•~'!Dla~lo!,_ __ a ._,,.... • • . WEDNESDAY, AUGUST I , 1916 THE GREAT 'C"TllOIWt. -e<~ ·--' ··------- _.., ........ LOANS for Homes I~ -IO JT. Loi.Mi • Construc:fii n Loans al:llBOBU~ •1• &A.a'J' COASI' 8\.VD. Clllwoaa-dU Mar lh.rtlOI' 11&1 lttp.. PUJR.t.l:ft MOft.TUA.0.C OU. Mttto UI'• lu. l'\ladl ID MllO UU< LOANS ON HOMES D~ -6 ~ "° t 9' • l>ON I. HuDDLESTON COSTA MESA 3 -Ballut-$2IOO Dn Har4WOOd tJoon. fot'md air bMt, ~ ~W..btuk­ fut bU', dbl pra,rt, fenced. OOM Ul loc&t.lon, neuty new. Prieitd at. ID .... $10,500 3 .Bedrnui, occupied onl)' few mont.JY. Close to beat lbop- pl1:t1' aNL HU wall to wall carpet. lQ ,livlnJ f'OOm and hall, rear yard !e.nced. J"8A loan at 41Ai ~ an<l pa~u or JM per mol\th tnclUdUI& ta.as. U 8-~41 PAP U c .----------$950 Down I Thi.I I• au that I• ~ lo .I st & 2nd T. 0. Loans roov• In tbi• T year old a '1'nut Deeda Bought & Sold Royol Mortgage Co. :zt Ill'. pnoo• Mrv:c• • Harbo r 1549 S10t N.wport BJvd., Nprt. Bch 058-Money Wa.ated MONEY NEEDED FOR lST & 2ND TRUST DEEDS Inve1tment 'well H1:Ured bv Real EatAte Up. to 12fo Yield Harbor 1549 Royal Mo rtgage Co. 44t!c 51-llMI btata w .. w W >.NT to buy f rom . OWNER a or 4 bdrm. home on Udo. No brok.n. Box No. U·:ZO, care th1-papt:r. 4&p48 WA.NT to buy lncome property, oommercial or lnduatiat Prefer propvty wtth lmprov.-d build- lnl'• t\ on 1-to tenant.. Around 119,000 Cub. Harbor 0.11-W . 4Tpfil 80-lncome Prof!rty TWO bdrm. duplex, 1 yr. old. bedroom home. lt.t klcated near I.he Jr Higb School. nu recently been n!deC:Oft.t.ed and bat W/W carpet Ill livtnr room. Priced low at 110,960. C-2 Clo.e to center of town lllJtlOO with oldef' buUdinc. CUI be convertlld to n101t any type bu1:1neN. SH at 338 center 81.rttt. Out of town ovmer 1.nX1ou1. Submlt. C. Ed Jones, Rltr & A.iaociatea 19'99 Harbor LI 8-3:133 MESA VALUES $2000 DN. Bell 3 bdrm. Yalu• ln Coal& 1tleN E. aide. FireplM•. hwd. flr1., lovely covtted p&Uo, lgt. lot. nr. echoolAI, tn.n.p., A 1toru. Evu. ph.. PtUtte LI 1-1687 CHOJCJC corner lot. aoxue. Tak• dupla or triplex. &twtn rolnr ln now. Ex. ldUUon. A ba.Tgaln at $3960 cuh.. Eve1 Seymour. HA "98-W. DUPLEX -Heart of choice E. aid• area. I bdrm. ta. on wide Jot 7:UU20. Gara(tl bt>tWMO A dlvidtod rear ydll. Sewen bl. A real bUy at 11:1,llOO. Ew• ert-eu. L1 1-37811.. J'lApla.ce, •un deck, )IM> to un\I, other extraa. Income M Harbor Rlty s11• ..,. =· "'·"'°· '"""· esa-• 807-Hlb St., N1wport BeMh. O. C.6S~~~OC1AOURT, ~tor DO NOT di1turb occupana, phon1 LEhtc'h l ·HlS or Ham &09 Center :It., Colt• Mu.a t-IHI. tied __ u_._ .. _._u_.,_ ... _. __ ,_,_ .. __ 80.t.-<lommordal, ladutrlal B/ B Com me re ia 1-1 ndu stria I Depa rtm ent 3 ACRES Exeellent tor lRileT ptarlr: or Kii· ator1U111. OcMD brMM. Sewer• la nn.t. Jt,000/&CrL 10 ACRES Owner Moving East GET YOUR OFTER IN QUICK! Hu a btdrooma, h&Nwood flooni, lar,-.' kltche.n., dinlnr &ft&, 2 car rarace. On • nit:• ol&:rp lot. In a very Jood nel(bl:lor- hood. A..lldnJ IU.21M> OWNEI\ W ANTa OP'FER \ J'or appolntment Call ~18 l:v•. Rv. o.481 -·--• - ORANGE COAsT RANCH smE , Adjacentto -School -5 Minute$ FrOm Ocean . IJ'ZND YO\JR 5'I WJ&R.r WATCH ova AfM Jk&tb Kbmlll pd ~ alt· ua~ on 60 f\. kit,_ '» 1tktck from t.e&eb. 2 bedrm. .... hotM rurN.IMd with 'MbtUW MW Nmltutt. NIL wood Jdt.t. flrtpL On rear ot lot with ~ Yiew U • new l bdl1ll horn. with flntpl. 6 all MW turnltur-. ... home , &lt,)'OM would be 'proud ol plua an in· CO!IW. LCT8. Be1t Ea•t tld9 locatlOll two ao a 140 111d one M x 140 Buy nn• or aU &t U600" ...... Back Bay b<lrml. Unobl\rw:t.ed view of bay, 3 ~n. family room. 2 ft~l. ccwered paU11, planked h.,.,.d ftoQn. A q!J&llty home -top Joeatlon. TWO oUPi.ix.ES on Ip lot Willa reom for another dupM:x Quality builL Garar-for er.ch u n I t. E. I t •Ide location. 126,000 terTM. NEWPORT HTS lot -J63oo. ZOl\td R-2. On• of the iew lot.I left In area. NEW H.01ttE ~ewport: Ht&. $18,T&O. Hwd rlrt. Gil furnace, natural wood cabinet&, litl bat.ha. Landlc•p~d. Walk to the Mach. SN' lhl• one. OCEAN Vl!lW. Only 112,&00. S btdmll, vrw c•rpettnr lhni· out. ell.tom drapea. Lilndalca,. ed. dbl pr. Termt. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 11117 N-port Blvd .. OOlta Meaa L1 1-1131 Eva Har. lUl-J BILL'S BEST BUYS LIDO ISLE H~t Environment that ·~ EXCCf"'IO" • II J' I U ... 1 ' btddU. J w.d -~ ........ ldtcbta wlt1' ~ w , ...-noe pmJl. '"" ll•. ftlOlla o,tnlnS ~ .... Ulu&lJ laad--""·-,... -pa.U. wltb bit. la ~ nltered IWDOllNO POOL.. o._...U. dbL prap, r .A. heat, hdwd., !loon -lmaJjJM all Chia Ill a.n out.et&ndlAI' upper bay locatloA for enly $27.600 and LOW \~ 114ymtnt - tmmtd1atei ~on. · ' VIEW TERRIFIC VIEW ot bay ud ocean. t.c-. n-.. room wtu. ftr.11 ~e. family room with ttn. p~ brN.ld'ut room, I bed· rooms,-n,.--~43 ~ fee lot -fST,MlO, l:XCEI..LZNT TERMS. , KINGS ROAD Truly a hom• of chum on. u attruUwly lan<WuP941 to tt. lot with a ri--14". D\'ldc' room. tl.replace, brukfut b&r, I bedl'Oona, l" balbl, Jot. tlL ct,q>board • p • 0 • • dlqoml, beamed oetll!IPI " to ... car-. p«tnr, lowly pat\o, ROOM FOR A POOL -Onlf ,M,600 BAYSHORES BEST BUYS J, bdrm. ·-·····-.. ·-----J ll,IKIO s bdrm. tum. -·----·-'11,500 "C" THOMAS REALTOR and ASSOCIA7ES 22i W. Cout ~y LI 6-6627 N __ ,,_,,, 'C: THOMAS '<:: THOMAS • , -I ' COSTA ·MESA • Sunshine Beach Homes • NON-VETS AND VETS ' $395 Cash Move• You In Monthly Payments Less Than Rent 3 Bedrooms • 2 Full Baths • 2 Car Garage FRONT OR REAR LIVING ROOMS. PLENTY OF CLOSETS. DINING SPACE IN KITCHENS . 40 6AL. WATER HEATERS. NATURAL BIRCH CABINETS. CONFETII TILE IN KITCHENS. . MA TIICORK FLOORS. WOOD SLIDING WINDOWS. 6,000 SQ. FT. LOTS. ROCK ROOFS . ALU~INUM SCREENS. • • • pruacb• tbt Lde&l. 'Thr• --------~-­ bedrooma. ;1. 1P9rkllrw bath.a. SEE THE A TIRACTIVE FURNISHED MODELS TODAY! A Br11ht Cheertul kitchen wtth buJlt·ln ran1•. oven A dltpoRI. MUllV e ftNJ11-ce, and a. dlnlnl area. that S'Yfl ·~ lover• room to moYe anrund with ua1. Tht. I ,..... honw la on • large lot "h1cb allow• for the oversl.Md paUo. Set thl1. Ill prtctd ncht at Pl.If'° or $32,~ tundUed. W. .. _A. TOBIAS REALTOR ''You'll Ilk• our h1en~ ..me." .00 E. 1TtlL.Bt., ea.ta M.- Liberty 1-U.SI Income Property · S UNlT8 IN J'AXOUI CLD'J' HAVEN. All J....cL PreMnt =~~~l= WILSON & PLACENTIA Costa Mesa • pe.y oCf baJ&noa trom lnoome. Good. flA&ncinr. A ruJ ~ •20.too. BD IT llOl Ba'nn Plac.. l ttlo ANOTHER S. V. HUNSAKER -ALEX STEPT DEVELOPMENT Costa MH• Specl•I N-~Isom&, dMa ta.I-------~-----------------·------------=.. ,.~ ':::_ ~= OCEAN FRONT 11 I rt101U, oupol't. 110,aoG. 8U-.. BEDltOQK, 1 Yi baU.. T J..,. mtt t..rma. l lT Y1oww at. old ~ ~ 0p 000 do"1l. &oJ L. Bna•lil7, 171 ff. CbM-' B/ B CLIFF HAVEN 31!1 SnUJ Harbor Rood SECLUDED CANYON RANCH Slt~t9d I mile• trorn Santa Ana ter AvL, Puadma. ST T~~= NEWPORT BEACH 'A GOODIE 11 WHY NOT BUY IN THIS VERY DESIR.ABLE NEIGHBORHOOD! YOU CANNOT GO WRONG . -. &O acrea of .,_utltul tnL and -----------1 ALMOST NEW DUPLEX. A canyon prvp9.rtJ. Approx. IO MOVE IN 1teal I I I CIOM to the di.an· acrw of walendu and rood nal and beach. Prte.d Wl4.r -., • ._ _ ___, ""-'an~· of $1500 DOWN. I bdnn., 1~ batli, l llOOO N.ariy MW I brtdna. and d• n..... born• ta •e11 Oor"oft• Hl(hlalMU. Ullld brick n,._ p1-. bwd. nn. r A. hee.t, pan· •I.cl ldtchan_ lane.cl pa.Uo. Goo4l""""- Fim Ume otfer<d, 2 bed.rooms, den, 1 bath, patio, all tor $16,i!OO. Euy tlnancliis. p ................ ~ JtHLL -• • • aru. ii natlv• STOwth. llfll aid• ·1 yr. <ild, fute.d yard, --. and crtt'k bottom, lob ot oa1u pWU.., AllC• yud, patkl, eloee A 1ycaruorff. An abundance to marbtll. lt,600. Mo. ~1" of water 1uppli•. two l&fTe ment.e f'T.GO. 11M Haner GET YOUR CRYING TOWE L READY IF Thia hi an uclu.tve. EARL W. STANLEY,. Realtor • l~th and Irvme -LI 8-:zeM • Ideal M-1 property. Btwtn and uUllUt• available. l!:xcellent tWJntap oa ma1n1 blvd.. $lllOO ..... Duncan r.lardesty REALTOR Ill• 1tocked wtth pm• flah. Blvd., Colt.a M--. LI 1-1881. There an lnaumk&bl• cbo!.cti J:v-. LI 1-Wf. f.Tp4.I you miu uu.. OM I I I Tour tut ebanc• to buy u Oc..an f'ront lot on Beuhon Drt•• wttb. only IJ,fMIO doWJI, .uy t1rma. Low price. LIFE WITH FATHER & ALL THE KIDS Mil IM lot.I , man f\ln 111 UU. toODl7 fi bednn. and deft born•. rtpt ....... trom our bMt IW'lmmlnr Mach. V!Jlta-Ylalon Yiew ct tb• tnltn Hartlclr trom lh• JI rt. U...tn.r room , , . 1U 17 rt. dinlnr nn. , • , hu11 ptatio w:ltb room fOtT pool 60 rt. tot IOlled R-2. lf.:1 ,000. Ev .. Fred ll&rker LI 8-8321 SW. r..Llevre LI 8· 70M 1l!O ACRES On B&rbor Bl'f'd. pot.nUal M·l. a.at. J::Khanf• for lrnl)9rial v~. aubmlt. Bay & Beach Rlty Inc. REALTORS 11711 Barbor Bou1nV4 o:.t& x-. Callfonia "-r . G.sdd It. w. GoollMD W-LH DQ • .,qtat pboM LI &-171f. 2603 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Back Bay CW.tom bom1 I bdtm1., dining room. Uvtnr room. flrtplact . buUt-1.a R 6 0, l 'i batha. h"d. ~ nn., aha.kt roof, 1700 aq. ft. ... to appred&tt. Comer Mir• Loma Pla.c• and oru.un Av• .• Ootita Jlffa. OPEN ON WEJ:k ENDll. LEhlcb 1-Hll, H!!m t-12&2. ~ bulldlAC a1tetl wtth eomrnaod- 1111' 'ft•w.. Pav.cl road to en· trann p~ which wlll IM lock· td 6 ~troled by wardena flnt wetk nt dMr teuon, other earn• I.I plenutul too. Price ha.Md on valua ot citrus aer• Ill• only Wltft 21~ doWn. Bl.J. a.net amortlud 10 year period. Flnt Um• offered and o:clu-ml•• wltll ua. Call Fr.ct Cro- .ia wttb VERNON L. VAL- llNTIHE, RM.ltor. Tuaun of· nc:. lltol Tu.tin A'f'1., Santa An.a. Kl T-MTI, Jta:ide:nc. Kl ~16'1. f,8C\I LEMON HEIGHTS NEWPORT HEIGHTS Lovely I bedroom 1 1,io bl.th with beam oMlblp. breakf .. t bar and all th• oomforta found In upen.11•• llom.•. Own• }My. lnr. layt .. u. Mlllt aot '1&1Ck t. rel th1a. Duncan Hardesty IUJALTOI\ 2IOI Newport Bl\'d. R&:I' ... Tll BEST BUY ON LIDO ISLE! Un.de.r 116.000, rood tenr1. a.a· e.Ue.nt condJUon. Pleue pbon.• tor appolntmtnt. ll will brt our pteuuno te •hoW UUa cr.1• t11 you and your pleuur• to live ln It. Olhen $22,IOO to 11Jll.- 6QO •• SUMMER RENTA LS fl"OTft Pl to poo 'fl*T -u. AIT ENTION YACHTSMEN ! TOQ can keep ,.our ~ apt. Oii C..lallna and WC. the other I luxurloU• I Jledrm. a.pt.a. build your .quttf. 110.000 w 111 hal'ldle. Or crwn•r will trade for a.Jnland. What do 1fM Shore Cliffs REDUCED $SOOD FOR QUICK SALE Quality 3 bednnol., 2Y, hotha, magnifie<nt .tew ·or ocean and bay. Open atteraoon• until M>ld. 21!) Drtttwood. Our excluatve, courtesy to broken.. FOR EXCHANGE. beautltul 3 bedrm. vi.,, home EutrU!ge Drive, Wblttler tor bome property. STEWART REALTY ' 3707 E. Cout Hlgh,..&y, Coron• del Mar !!_ ••' !lo-E!c~ .. f" B a A UTirUL B&n remaiido LOOK! TwG plllll acrn rMtrtcted to I: bulld1q al.tee only. Planted to or~ and avoc:adMe. Pano- ramic "ri-from tither Pf,tUI.. Prlvia.cy and d:clu.lvenaa ra- lore. Own., wtU not 1pllt but 'n9w buyer ean. EnUr• peht1 122,000. Hurry nn UUa one! C.11 FNd Croeltr with VER· NON L. VA.LENTINI:, Ru.l- tor. TuStla otftc. 1311<'>9 Tu1· Un AY•., 8anl.6 Ana, KI 7-MTt RHldence Kl 1·1641. f.IScf.8 Forced to Leave Southern Calif. WINT.ER RENTALS trom JlO to QOO ptr month. b&.,. to u.ct• tOT 1:111.e wen ---------------------- bam' I nu., I b&thL J::n(l1.lh Coroaa del Mar, So. ol Hwy., fi #t7h. 11 • f.O ftlt.Nd pool nn. home, patio, rarac-. r,,t\· ~ Jl&rbor UM or Sant.a All• ced. near everythlnr. With tnoom• •r horn .. Ownw Ban f\U'nlture. only Jll,000. Ex- ~ Empire 1.&T1T. clUliY• with Mia KohlltMt, f.TpM Harbar f..620. fitp48 ~~~~~~~~- NEVER BEFORE ON LIDO ISLAND M1 .. t MD modefn :I b.droom nltel7 f\p1Ulbed. LarJ'• som.r Int. N1Wp0rt Betrtlta uea.. Priced to ..U l lt ,600. Ttm11 can be a.rnnred. Ralph P. Maskey REALTOR INDUSTRIAL FROM 1 TO 20 ACR.&8. From $3,000 to $10,000 pv acn. Get tn nn th• irroand IJeor 6 malt• yourmelf a UUI• fortune quick. A rrut rna.nJ peopl• ara dolnr •< loc&tect tnplcx T Com• Ill and tallt It o•u. Lovely Peninlul& Home Ml tt. • Tj) ft. let. I Mdnn .. n~ plac9. hwd. nn .• -carpetmf, dl01rUh•. 1,.. paUo. 1.,.,. nt9ht>d. run prtce •2 .600. Well nnanc«i. OWN ER SAYS SELL! Bay & Beach Rlty . Inc.' LIDO ISLAND Could you purchue a fi bedroom -----------1 lill Newport Blvd. Kar. f.02 4.,bdrm., 1~ batha, l&r(• llrinf RJ:A.L'I'ORB room. fla111 ton• patio A barb.-Corona de! M.a.r Office Real cbe.rmlnJ I b.clroom, 2 beth home. I 1ean new. Bet on a wide comer 1trada k>t. lt.9 a ...i dlllt and tll• 01rnen an ft!IO'ri"I' trom,,.the arM. Only •t100 """" -Lale d-1 -CA.LL u. - horn• complet-17 tumlabed on TT fMt of flneiA ,Bay tront. SPANKING N'i;\V - WAITING FOR TOU -.can u tw de\&111. Duncan Hardesty REALTOR Duncan Hardesty ,..., N•""'" 81""· Ru."" llOI H.wpoftrt~L~R Har. ,711 Moving to Ea st Coast • Cl'ff H H LOTS on the Bay cue. Juat I montha old. Only WO ll. Cout Hwy. Har. MM iG&O down. MO'I• rt1hl 'L'\. I aven ome ... TO 1'& ntONTAOI!:. '"" Seven l•lands Realty and up pe:r front toot to quall- By Owner Otd buyera. Pl..-. pvmltttd -& In vestment Co. G4o. McNamara, Colllnl hland ll03-12nd 8 t.. N9Wp01"t Bc:h, Calif. Harb• ttf2. 27c.63 tt.r. &SM, after 6 P·JU· Har, &MT 3 bdrm .• 1 bath. n-c•rpetlnr. ----------...:..:.:._.:._.:._.:._ __ '--''---- n • w I y decorated bea.1'tlful drwpea. Call anernoon11 Ll 1·1707 $17,9,50 LOTS-LOTS 140. Sewen, LIDO ISLAND 2 bedroom 2 blllb dream horn•. Lu.ctoue wood pa.nellnf. Ra· dla.nl floor b.eaunr. Ol.ttwuh- er -All .tee. kJtch. 21 rt. wt. p,..,,. -.u.tt to 1ltMl Jot -Inaui.ted W. roof. Call wi t<ir apJ*ntJNmt. YOU HAVE A TREAT rN STORE MAKE NO MISTAKE We made no mletake when we u.ted t:hil prop-• erty ud YOU will make no mlllWte ln ~ It TODAY. Two bedrma., dble. pr .. t......i yud, on level lot on M&ric<>ld Ave. You can &Mum• a GI lo&D. Only $12,000. EXCLUSIVE WITH, R. L STRICKLER, Realtor ' R. B. HODGE, Aaaociat. 3622 E. c.out Hwy., Coron& de! Mar. tlar. 277~ N. B. C. OU en 92{ Arbor, large home ··-··-·········--·--··· S 8,800 251 C&m.4'.Uia Lane, new home ·······--··-····$11,?tso '2077 Orange, choice home ··-·····--· $13,500 Multiple Lot Units Muet MU S bednn. modem ne•r «:bool, Coata Mesa. Priced to ._u I ll .~. Choice Ea.at aide 1oe&tion. 50 x curt., gutten pa.id . Duncan Harde sty 303 Ramona Place, Xtra large _____ _.__...$14t,&'JO ;, EXCHANGE $3T50. Cash X.. ecnt..r Co.ta Mna. Build ,our tncorn• Wllta, rent.all needed. Top nn.nctnr In We 1ou.uoa. Re lph P. Maskey REALTOR J).t.J'l A.. ,1_4t'C)BSmN, R•I S'ltate Jlar, .. 1 LI 1...SlT Kl 1-1117 Ifill Newport BlYd, Har. 402 T"f .. HUI IEST ' BuatneM Spot ---~---~----'-----------Int~ OSBORNE FORT ON REAL TY CO. ~·dol, bd..Ul&I 60-.t.-Vom'dol, lad.,.tml Futcst Growing Part :::;:::::::;======-·="-===;;.===--OF COSTA MESA INDUSTRIAL BLDG.-COST A MESA ' Leued to good tenanL l05e net return on total price or $63.000. TcrmA. 5 ACRES · l.1-1 ott Harbor Shod. $8500 per acrt. All UtUitin. . RUSS FORD. Realtor 1600 \\'. Cout Hwy., Newport ~acb • -Ll8-6HI tec<8 tor • CASH or c••h and other property for appotntmecn1 C..11 ~TfJ 1 -022& f.6o41 ~ -~~~~~~~- TWO LOTS R-S. a.-.-.. Nur -CatMllt ::t1111'l'h on It. \Ve.ln1o1t P1aC'f'. ~n one or blllh. Ownf"r 111·111 .. crtnc1. LI 1-601~ f.3pfii 1908 ' 2323 W. Cout. Mi1bw&y at Port Ora.op LI 8· 7562 EveL Har. 5154 C-1 & M·l Acreage a nd Loh CALL US MAX W. Pd PE ,'' Realtor H&rbor LI 8-1H2 · REALTOR 2802 Niewport Blvd. Har. t ill Balboa Island 3 BDRM. f\lm. bome wtth rar- qe. Ne11r North Bly. By .owner. H•rbor 1189. f.3tlc BY OWNER 235' R-3 FRONTAGE Acmt11 f rom n-,,1hoprln1 are• un !l, Bn.to\, .Aakin( p1lce $12:1 v-r f">ftl IL 1209 ~~ .. wood Pl., But& Ana. fi~ J ~l( S&n Bernardino, roomy ··-·-·-·--··---110,960 119 «th St. duplex .............. -"-··---·· ............ ..$14.900 Good value. good fin&nci111, •ood eervice N.B.C . REALTY CO. 32nd & Nowport Boulevanl Harbor 5536 or 1405 Four Units • La rge Udo Lof~ . - Ml n.. plu.a i. \bWI ntra file• onr-:, Fully furn .• 2-2 Br .• 2-1 Br., nt1r lot on P\aua Udo. 121,llOO uklnr prkti. lubmlL tenu. f. carports. xlnl. R:en t•I A......_ DAR A. J'A.COSBJ:iit, Rc!tl U..le Cloet to IChoOle 6 dlu.rcbls. Ku. 6191 LI IHJl 7 Xl :t.-N'i.. V•r, dMreble proptrt7. Good tncom• -JUlt 7 yrs, old. A BT OWl'tl:R -BN.cL MuM, I bdrm•. UpA•ln ffn. fl2 cot"' STEAL at P!.300 lf!rma. 1 nf'f', ~in Le lluiJd 'll.IOI oor &. BaJbol Blvd. H•r !WIOI Jlfi .11th llL 8¥. IOJ..« ev. Hu. 0&2J, f.ip(I ! Udl •z·pn1..- •• • I I - ____ ll!J::!l!!l!!!'l,!1!!!!!. !!!0 !...----1•1!:::•'111.'.,. !, ___ _,.,.!!! :!1!!!!1!.J-...!'!li!!!!f.---NtWr.:1;.1 HA'iiOit lok\\i.Wt<E.:.>-?AAI ll·~A&t t • - -• mi -""" ==" WEDNESl>AY, AU6UST I, 1916 T.HE VOGEL toM~ANY REALTORS · OFFER .. UDO OFFIC~ VOGEi, V .ALUES 5 Ster v...i v.1 .... * °"" 1/10 at ...... Oii UdO • ....... __ _ Tl Aftl.lablo .,... tor iddltlOllal bodroomo ' * Still mON room left for pool 1 ~ * Price PT;SOO -What moro C... you Uk. ' FOR THE Pl:RJ'JCCTIONl.8'1' * J\u;llllbod 2 -2 both -* ~-qaallty * hll enjcfymeot· ot eouth,Pftlo • * ~ flnplace ' ror the aoo.. propertleo PHC>NE HARBOR 4971 VOGEL 00. -UDO 'Of.ROE WtVlaLldo Z-: Harbor 51U or~ Corona del Mar Office-Vogel Vilues ' 1 NEW 2 BORK PROVINC14 HOKE Brldt-front. -1lent location. ....i brick fire. plla:e0 H/W noo.,_ ,&fh pau~ llvinJ room. Ip. , . fam.Uy kitchen. ..,.... ,.a e111d. for apL R·2 loL Bo ouro to -fCCl SlT;llOOo LARGE'FJ.KILY HOKE . ' . a bdrm. A dao So. of HJ1b,..y. ~lace. HW floon, r A beat. c1-to ichooi. mark... an4 1-cb, 18x23 llvinJ IOOlll, Ip lldrm.I. IJe. cor- ..,. lot. 2400-«i. ~ PrU:ocl al '23,l500 with ~ down. VACANT LOTS -CORONA !!IGHLANDS No. 1 tee. consar lot -upper !«&lion $7,VllO No. 2 S!Not to --Permaneot view No. 3 •lreet $10,VllO Very cbo~ -'flew -street to $U,l500 For the above pro~ . PHONE HARBOR 0757 or HA 1741 VOGEL CO.-Corone del Mar Office 2887 ll. Oout lllsl>waY ICYa: Har. 1796-W LI ~7 Har. 2892 '288 F 0 R 0 U IC K ' CORONA DEL MAR YOU WILL LllQ: TRIS 1>1c0 2 Ir, pluo utra -..i llliil 'I( llatll ott ..,..., bdw. troon, tir.. pia.., J'. A. llioat 11114 oo: an utra larp lot 40&"18 A .... I 11 JU' -plotaly fenood with 1arp poS1o ... llarlloqUll. Tlllo 6 you old h-II tnlr. a ...,.. a\ U.~,DOO. au.po., w.A.ND 'a.IL I-~ ._ cllnlna-. Bpecloua ... tMnalle-Patio. ,iu. aa m .. ,.,.11y attr; 1 .. ....._ aft. -N. Ba7, e1-to "flllop ........ 0-g ho!,._ SU TODAY, Prlco4 rilb\. udJQat--~ - OOftA )Q:l!l BACK BAY •RE .. -.,,;, MOOG· ...... wi ...... lltoitbll lloaallilal alm.ot -IKJllatb-.-..llwuU.S,lt llllO& ____ pnyouoo 'llUICl&for• utt1o. A ~ -.,. tru111'">114 to ottor ,.,.._ Full prloo $21.0G;O Wltll payment& 1-than rent .. p101 }'ENINSULA ' Loftl1 ... d 1U1 I JL.R.. 2 Bt.. home -ttl'J WI' --~~rtahtand-if 4-ind. ()at of towa 0WMr M)"I "8&LL''• NEWPORT -MESA EXCLUSIVES '8IJC)I) 1'1JUd:'IUC:S Jor Da\-2 bednn. (!oO!e wltb lwdwood -. Bui.ii\ low•~on~ u --tlnd and mlllt ..U. ~- '17,llllO "l'IJU'"'l'IUCS rot $"1i0dna: 2 llatb Ral!ell -llaalte root, kilt la ,.... ud ..-and t......i air llioat are _, the ...tru IA tb11 Wrillc bu7. SUbmlt' $1500 down. NEWPORT -MESA REALTY 1Tllt Ntwpolt 81-.d. .-0oota M- LI 1:1!G01 ll:vM LI a. 7237 Finest Udo Address Z Oflut Ifill eveileble, C.n be combined, 700 1q. ft. ee~h, $75. end $100. -nthly, ' ' V06EL CO. exclu1ive egitnh •• . 3416 Vi• Li .. o . Newport-Beech Phone He rbor 497 I . • , M A 'I N 0 f F I C E VOGEL VALUES • -tr 1 ' . -tr . ' NEWPORT HB'i'HTS , TrJ( fl,,pQp. DoWll oa W.. 2 ~ A Den Home. l;fudwood J'loor9 an4 Fireplace. Lciftl1 laiidocapoCt yard. l!eljtt la vory anxlouo for a quick ule, $1,,850, ·1 , • D\lploa -a ,...... old. 2 ll<droomo each olde. Corner Lot Full prtc. $1',l!OO. $a.500 Dowa. ilarbiW HIJblancla -a Bedroom homo. 11> baU... b&rdwood noora Forced. air heal A q ~home. NotblnJ like It ii> \tbs •HIJblaodli tor the piioe of $17,850. Tenna. BALBOA COVES a Badroom.o and Den with water f<qot&Ja. Pier prlviledpa. Price jwlt lllubed to $M,850. 6 year1 old. Tbll la your opportunity to buy a fine home In a lovely aecluded area. SM.MO. Don't watt on. tb.11!! BUILDERS OPPORTUNITY!! Wut to build Income pr,operty on IJdo hland. ! Liaten to WI i 2 Bedroom home 11 )'e&rl old on a R·3 lot 92x00x70, with room to build. two ft\Ore unlta that could have a Bay mw. Tiie lot &Joo. II worth the uklnJ price of $27,liOO. . ' CORONA DEL MAR Corona '!flthlando; 3 Bedrooms, hardwood floora. $8.300. i ll> loan now oo property. Permanent Ocean View. Thil 1a the lowat price home you will ever buy in the Hilb· laa4I J22,li()O. tmna. J.la<l 111 the, Corona HIJblando; Lovely ranch type b-o. Full obako roof. 1% batba. Bu.ijW.D oven and n.n.p. t.rce bre&Jdut room u well u Din1n.1 room. Fireplace, wall to wall carpetlnJ. 2 lledn>Ol!UI and Den or tb,.. bedrooma. Couldn't be replaced for tbe ukbl( pme of $29,SllO. Sood tenn.1. WE HAVE A GOOD SELECTION OF INCOME PROPERTIES AND • • ARE SPECIALISTS IN TRADING. IF YOU WANT TO SELL, CALL US Rl6RT AWAY II WE RAVE CUSTOMERS WAlTll'<G. r '!' ~ above propertleo, ' PHONE LIBERTY 8:3481 THE VOGEL CO. MAIN OFFICE 3201 W. Cout Hwy, Evenlnp: LI S.7739 HA 863C).J LE 9-79'2 LI 8·1'21 \ • Costa Mesa Office-VOGEL VALUES BACK BAY -TWO AND DEN ' Near new opacloua 'bome with 1800 oquare feet In llvlnJ area. 18 x 20 llvln1 1'<>01)1. tee. dlnlnJ ..-. Tiled kitchen with brukrut area. 2.batbo. Srv. pcb. H.W. floon. F.A. heal Patio. Yard land.oc0poc1 and feoced. Attractive redwood and tltucco utenor In ucluaive R-1 area. $21,TllO full price , NEW •·UNIT lNOOME Attractl.., well built, locat..i In good r91dentlal Eut Colt& M---. One block to transport&· lion, Live In l'OOD>Y 2 br. and let the S 1 br. aputznenta pay It oft Excellent flnanclnJ, tbe lat T.D. reducing down to t Y,, IG. Nicely land- IC&ped for a mlntmwn of upkeep. $2t,l500 full price NEWPORT HEIGHTS 2 bed.room In orie of our moat deatra.ble areu. u a 18 LR. Dlnlnr area. H.W. noon. Laree coverod patio wltb tenced-y&rd. A good buy for tbil location. Priced for quick Ale. $12,liOO full price For the above propertie1 PHOl'lE LIBERTY 8-5596 VOGEL CO.-Costa Mesa Office 1700 Newport Blvd. Evea. Har. 3'35, Har. 571t BALBOA ISLAND-VOGEL VALUES -tr * * FUllN1SHED COTrAGE ClOM to S. Bay and •hopping. 2 bdrm. home with room to bid. additional unit. Belt buy on ''!•land" for low price of $19,liOO. SPACIOUS 2-STORY HOME Near N. Bay .. Extra Jie. living room with uaed brick fireplace. 3 bdrmo,, 2 botbe, FA heat, S.parata dlninJ room. Tbli la bard to beat for $22,l!OO -:-tenn.1 HOUSE I< GARDEN BeauL t bdi-m le den 2 atory colonial home on 2 beauL landscaped Iota t batba 2 flreplaceo, apar&te dJnlnc rooml. out.at.anding patio de1lgn- ed for outdoor llvinJ. TuWully deolgn<d for lfl'&clooa UvinJ and the m .. t diocrimlnatinr buy· en. Amuateoe. • For the above propertiea PHONE HARBOR 1014 VOGEL CO. Balboa Island Office (Next Door to Poat OWce) 208 Marine Ave. Eveo: Har, 3629, Har, 122tl-R RES UL TS -L I S T WITH T H E. V 0 GEL c 0. B /B ~ Oc,en Front S.eahore Drive I ,...,. _. -I aa -J a.Ur. l'aUo -.J ..... ...,... fJl.IOO -- v'. v' . Best Buys Corona del Mar ' 1. 'jl JUST LIBI'ilD. So. of Hlshway, cuta 2 b4nn. bolu. I.up coverod patlO, double pr. Carpata and drapes. .. ma fumlt11nl lndwled. Full pri<e $U,500, $3500 down. BET! ER HURRY. EulualVI with UL Perinln1ule MoClern 2. "r llBOIUllCLlJTS. F1nt tJma olfer.4. Ranch type, Wk• roof, 2 bdrm. and den home. 2 flreplaceo . I ... -Doo -Ill kt>. .... $37 l!OO ElCd\loi're with \UL Ope ·-1 -5 ---..,,.. -.. dall~. 239 Koni!DJ ci.nyon llcod. Penin1ul• -Exclu1ive 3... .1 VALUE PLUS 2 ..:i....,. home ploa ~·ert room a u. -J -.u. -NWi _, , ·-81&11tU\t117 la•••caPld -plaa 1% bath.a, hardwood floon, .f.A. heat. c1me hnlu.t noon U4.t60 -to ahopplng a.rea and only 2'11: blocki to ocean le T.,... bt&eh. A beoi·liu7 at $18,500. a,.oego IUNDA. Tl DUIUJfQ .4UOuaT (. r BARGAIN -Tbla 2 bedroom homo, Iars• llv- inc room. fireplace, du.al noor furnace, (thermo controlled) pl111)arp double caraJ• ltreUed for apt. above. 8.tier &ct fut on thia one. ONLY B•y I Beech Rlty;ln,c, U.U.TOl\a ltltW.a.Dto&....._Bal ... H&rMr HM ..... H&ftar UM OJIEN HOUSE nun. u.nr ,._ -w J02U a.rt"' ..... a.ta Aila R .. S'lta CURT DOSH, Rltr, 315 Merine Ave, lelboe lalena Herbor 1560 $1', 7li0, lilXCLU8IVE W1TH US. II. r Tll1\EF; be<lrm. home. (Old home hut In good CODdltJcn\) PLUS levd R-2 vacai!t kit. Choice 1-ilo&I. north at a.Ir. m Corona dal .,... hll priee $18,9l50. BmTEI\ HUIUtY ! Eachwve with ua. M"Qll!Dl OJ' MULTIPLE LISTINGS CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PIUCE T. McCUISTtON, Realtor A ~tea,, SMALL DOWN. Cu _. payment& MAX W. POPE, Realtor 1U0111ut1or L1a.uu Open Houses •12 E. 20th' St. SparkllnJ ..,. Z bedrm., 2 be.th home -Hu every- tblnJ. Built b;r -- Drive by! Our l&letmen wlD dlacuu pri<el a'a d --·- 400 Vi.ta Bey• 2200 Block on Tuatln See tbll a bedroom home with bis family room -3 car pn.se and worlc 1hop. lta roomy -Like new I Duncan Hardesty · U.U.roB llOI Newport •l"td. Newport Jt.eacb llU'Mr tfll B. A NERESON BALBOA PENINSULA ' SparliilnJ near-new home, with 2 bdrma., 2 llatba PLUS a nice rt.i room, connected II)' a oo- patlo with barbecue, In one of the -locaU- 111 tbll fabuloua area. BEST BUY ON BALBOA PENINSULA!. A MUST SEE EXCLUSIVE WITH US! Priced lo" at $19,500, and best ot all, only U-000 dOwn. ONLY $1000 DOWN! Lovely ,3 bdrm. home on a 58' :ir. 11.V completely feoced lot, In a nice lllCt1on of Collta M-Only 2 yean old, with many extru. You'll love llvins irt th.ii apacioua home; and the monthly payment la only $82, lncludins int.treat, tueo A lnourance. WE ASK YOU, WHY PAY RENT! Call lit to tee t.hil one. ' FISHER & COMPANY 2903 Newport Blvd. Newport - Harbor "29, &o7 or evenlnJ Laree 2 bdrm. booae. Lot eo x 118. -$17,000. -Luge 2 bdrm. houoe. Lot 30 x 118. -$1',7!!0. G, H, LATHROP, Realtor 3e35 E. Cout HIJbway Harbor Mt2 Corona cleJ Mar Eva. Har. l!680 . . . • .' .,, ·.· ' ' PAW lo.IAIT 111-~Nll=WPOllT==~HAMOI NfWSllll!SS WEDIESOAY, Aueust I, ltl6 -•• ~ • ~. .. --. ........... LA VETA WOODS .. BCIWD!N -Senta Ana & Orange $995 On. MOVE 'IN NOW 3 . Bdrm. -1 J/4 Baths. Larp .Le\'el Ldto -OrallP Trtea :I' 8bake or Roclt 114ofi Hardwood . !l'loora • ro....aAlrHat Natural C&bin<le Concrete D!lvee A Walld lee· Dining OT Den Atta Slldlng Glua Doon Aecouotlcal Cel1inp ~·-... Brick Planten StuoooARedwood Pluterod Walle Centnl location near new BULLOCKS, P~ Tele- phone Building, Marl<tta, Schoolo, etc. ONLY $13,750-$1'4,500 DIRECTIONS-North on Main to La Veta St., Weet to nower SL. -From Freeway; Eut on Chap- man to Flower, South to La Vet&. Open Noon On. FRED C. McADAMS, .Tract Mgr., KE 8-8420 . . ......... • P11tB111111. ,,.• ·a1z 201 •• , !'!19 ... .. . , , , a • $1950 Down -3 Bedrooms p. a. palmer in co or A- 1 ' El 111wl'M B 'I'* "'8u. Doable ...... • ~. N1oe ._.. •1tc l'lreplaoe. -cW.i.loper1 of .CJM4 ... _,.... --Owner . ·-11111. Udo Isle, -Channel RIHd Home Udo Isle ::W.:~· -au deLll. s.o tt .... ~y ---"'the '97 lllll ..... ...... o• the 11a;rtroat. y.,. i..... a ..--..i ~ ~ , A -Pl.mg. Home -t to -tda al the -mterlaa wl Ila... 2 ""*-1 ... -Oi -· ............ J In batk'l197-. ~ Uvtog ,_with brick N•wport Harllor, a -viii& o1 the utJot. • ' J4all~ 11.~· ,,,..-'ii~_ W. th<t;hoa 1~'--J ,....11111. -w:,E Jllll'd :1:-::~ 7..:! '::"=it: al'l; I I ·~ 1eeo _... feet ol ~':,tlo~~'.':!' :i.!'Ji = you enter tbe larP .,.try IWI mnartly tllod In aoa. -..ud la'"' a ISO ft. -~lot, atoo-. 8oo W. qallty -. todlly.' ~at black and wbtt. lqll&l"OI, with.-dooet &114 .A.'f&llalllo ,.._Wy for . tbe low'· )irloe.. ol $21,9C!O. -·of -OPICN SUND.A.JC 1 to I. powder room. Next ta tho 111,yoldo II.tac ,_ Plo!500. aad the _. wlU I-sit '6,000 clowa 4a E. JOtb St., Coot& - wltb high celUap aad • ,,....... air. ,,,. fllll to a qULllf!od 11u:1w. ror -u.. coQ·loo •"-14 N . ' ' dining room Mo froate ... the a.,.. -on... .. a • I I r ewport Ocean Front a famlly ... iu -with walt•ln paatry Uld Value ·For Your' .. s~ .. . A diandoC ·'t..i at h-" -froaL 2 hed- aervlce room. Two mal4'1 l'OOIDI !Uld hallo. ~ • • ....,,,_1. ·-wltb cluied·ln ~ aloow. Sleepo nine upotain, tberear<5 ~ andlho!llL 'l'llla Rancllt """"'with talon ,.. of f!no-"... penoao. ElrtTa ..... llW!s ._ wltb &.place. fine, older hOIDj> hu -~ polated aad · 1PO-__,,. 1'T' "'" r· ~-v 1\i i.tba 30 feet of be&utlfUI heacll-~,7llO. docoTated. Thec'O lon't a omarter Jool:tnc, _.. -I~ opil ...._ JaD-to-wall ,)leo It aad you'll bu7 IL uaahle home on tbe Bay, &"II lt'i pricecl at Ollly earpet. !Uld dra-IDclld. llWlt-'-. -.... k • $89,llOO, incbicllog new c1rapoe uu1 carpeta. ....,... Arcadia c1oon '° 1on1,y ~t1o. aa4 .Lido Isle , Delay may meon dlaappolntmenL fully fenced yard. ODO la.I % i.tba U :rou ~,500 2 bodrooma pl .. ..-room 1'4 i.11uo See thil unuaual bo-today~EXCLUSIVI; WlTR' want tba-, eaD Jack Crlofleld for appointment ' $29,llOO a beclrooma and den 1~ i.tba S24.9C!O 2 bedrooma and cueat ,_ 2 i.t1uo p. a. palmer incorporated p. e. palmer incorporated '39.500 a bodrooma and dtn 2 i.t1uo ole hanson co. management ole henson (:~. menegement N.500 a bodrooma aod den pl .. apartment 3333 "ri& Udo, harl>or li!O!I i'IOO i'. -hlgllwv.-lllpoity a.CIC571 cmr pragO. 'i.tbo. ~ U4 beautlfull7. -=------------1-------.--~---__._ __ _,_ _ __._-"-:-....--'-..:__--~ O'.pen ,bfouse'sl Sunday >1.lfo 6 BALBOA REALTY CO. BILL'S BEST BUYS BI B 211 'ruttn, New..,.t He1P1&·-..iew home. You Wl'll l'1ke • SELEX:TED v ALUES . 2 bedrooml, 2 I>!lt.ha, 1arp """~·In .. m ..... (1) BAT FRONT DUPLEX. $23,~. . A<tut!ly tho """'''"'""" IE EXCLUSIVE 0 I $2~ 9S0 btJ tront vt!uo lo mt!n n Y -r, U81 l!lldm, ~ M-. Larp' bedroom Uld I RV IN E T ER RACE :::;... ',::'~::.;:·.:=_ S.e ThHe Exclu1ive1 ,,.. _..,"""' t11,,_t"" ~1 room. 2 i.11uo p1 .. 1l1lflnlaloed % i.tb. a car pr-.e. laUJld17 Uld * 388 La Qlnade _New, two le den, 1% bl.th, Price tlrep1ace& Wall to wall ~ Oil 80 K 300 uWlty rooou. pl• rtptli &ad ..... -ood "'-_ __.. 1......1.i.. ~-'·-f-----i _,_ =-Anuar.mmt lot, Jmt l'flbt for a larp family. OaJy Cll1I ,_,. i onJy 0 1••ni old. &xchllt•e P&l'"l&W' ~-, -... _-...... -•i---1 u~ -.u-QualttJ' aid. $11,IGO. ' l • New Furnished "Homes by Macco" OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 :00 P .lL wllh U9 at JM,000, eood heat. bo.Ut.-la. Offll • no.gt:. run priol '2',8C50 tenne. with $3,000 down. (J) n.. J'AXOUll HOLIDA.Y • .l()7 Vfllt& n .... - _ -..~ ...._.. __ ... , """' APIJtTMENT8.,.. tot .U.. .,_,. "~ ~ •"""" lunl.UI plu. manacv'•&p&rt· view, pea:pd hudwood'floon, ~ faroe4 "-=.. ":!:'-""": .= JACK BRENNAN, REALTOR ~ OO'llld WOltl out NwU-"A.T THE ARCHES'" _ .... _., .. ..._. --w CoutH-u '-7773 Interiors by Martin I Von Hemert Beautttul home. tn the Cmest location Pr!cee trcm pe,ooo to $34.000 Your Wpec:tin• 11 nopeetfully eollcit<d menL Ten1nc oeMn &mat air heat. CUpeta and drapee lnclad.ell. BeaaUtul' loc:atlon. A dand7 bulldinc ,,..,t1o and l&n&L 11'1-t•ce. Only •-,-. _ ..... ,...,~.,,_. ~ . ..~. i6Mi'1'w!b!o •• ·-""'1------------------.. ..,. anpMoe aad ....,. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS On Hiway 101. Newport Harbor, oppollte new Irvine Cout Country Club. Harbor "'8. Corona Del Mar Now fOU can live 1 ~ bloc.kl from UtUe Corona In a ..,.ly deeorat..13 -houee wltb 1~ bat.ha, H.W. floora. FA heat OD.~ ft. lot with room tor expanlion. Drtn by th.ii W,,utlful home and -OPEN DAILY acept idlllftay -1·5. 313 Poppy. remodeled 111 laol. 1Aundl7 r-·-.,,._ .. , """"' ud uUllty roomL Tar M.fiOO down. a.round clie,nteM. f'l,000, ....... * -Mira Loma ...: Ni1!W "'°" 'Bicll: 8-1 (IJ ~~~I=~ ~°1!: ::-e.~ ~~·~~Gt= BtrlcUJ' modem. One or thti nnp, beautttAl &Ider wood. -~ cl.Up-', n&lly ftn• •p&rtmM.t butld· 1np ,. "'' ..-.N.._ hooded faa Uld ~ dlolnnaher. later- ..... lf<,ooo, ..,_ com ll)'Nm_ 6 many oilier Ila. faaturea. Priced <•I HOO WITH CUTm to.ell at$25,'m0wtthoaly$5,000down.. ~:=",A.:!.,.~ W. A TOBlAS Realtor n.llhed ~ and ~ in I ..., ............. _, ... end ASSOCIATES tracu•.. tArp Jot:, paao "'You1l Ukl~ *~~· &ad 2: all!Jk ,.,...... fll,-1D'KTIQlll ooo, """'" tOO E. 17th BL )(-Libtrty '-llh (&) YOU COULD Bii .a. LUCl'1' -.·-- Btrn:R by Metq W. 9DOll. OwMr _,.. "HU um ' unit lnoome bulldlnf tor fll,000 . ··-·····--------------· LIDO ISLE pl&Dtblp la. patio ..,. to w. l'OOllt. QuopeU ud ... ,...., llu7 ... ftM atrM. • SVlllT lollM U. It. ou"1&Dd• las i.tui-. M W. J&1,01, ii .......... ffW7 wv. and .,. t. ........ tll18 ,.. will ... .......... 1-Metlil ..... net. a bedleoma ot c1ium wttll t lonl7 ba\brool!M. Patao ol ""T l'IM pianttqL .A.JI w. ... -... f« ... TIO. DO Joa .... a Ma fUlll7 bid ._._ .. pod ,... bedroolU T .. tMll Wlllollcallt J 9lorf bomil. .... )'Mio •,lliUOMa llBQ. ...... to' }Ol. "'"°· NORD BA.YJ'RONT J'llllNIBHJ:D DO~ i.e. &119'1..,. te ~ ...-.we-..·x--..• __ _..._ ......... * -.,. UM rl&tlt _,.. t• ... ..... ., Jllopab.~ .......... .... la ...... 111 .,,, -en U.. ~ u.t " t ... maD7 man UWI JIM _. ·~ LIDO ISLAND • 2 1arp btdrooma • • 2bat"8. • Larp patio • • Lote of doeete • • Bullt-ID oton and oven • • Bullt 1961 • • Pie• dO'Q 8ept. !0th"" • • J'oJl p-$27,llOO • • $711()() hand!• • -. ~ lido Realty Associates • Bey Sh~res Special • and rtv'cm pod terms. .. He i. isotAI' out ot lb• .tat• tor • wbUe and want. to •tl Hu 4 alftl'le unit.., nic.:ly f\u'lliMtld and 1edweolated thl"Oq'tlOUL Located on l:a.t B1.7 Annu. Pd cloM to town UMl ,,.. .. bM (I ) NOTJCl:I TO BUILDEfUI OR. CHARKING llpaclou '2 bedroom aod larp clUMd lanai ftdnc --F&Uo 1'4 i.ti., ISO ft lot (arcbltocta plan for --or d• lneluded) II-. In aeeJleat eoodltloe tbraootlL , Owner Joa.inc lllate. ~ 131,500 for fut ..i.. DO IUIZ THiii ONE. Wo think !ta a buy. W"OUMI l'O for. I Mdl:a111., fll., ________________ _ u..w. charm. ..... aad ..... J - ;,.: .. ~. - . . . . . 3 Bedroom l '4 Bat.ha, locate! on a eonier lot. larp •n-patio and cioee to lb• Beach••· Kuet -to appreciate. OPEN SaL A Sun. 1-5. 2!l71 vi.ta. Exclusive Beek Bey ' 2 Bedroomo A Den locate! on your own pr!V.te lako, with au aD eltctrle kitchen tuUy carpeted .. draped, pl .. -.. deyer. Thlo la a dream home with all of the ac.tu.ln featurea you a.re TB081: propomq lo balld tneome ptcp:t;J, Two K...a Iota, e&cb 1JO' deep. TIM only two Nmialn1nc R-1 lob oa P1nln1Wa polnL Bldil 1')' etde. $23.000. Balboa Realty Co. Oppo91t• B&nJt of 4.meriea R09 Oreel.11 r.d 1M J~Webb 700 n Ba.Ibo& BlYd., Balboa Pbooe Harbor IJ'l'7 • BUSINESS PROPERTY ON NEWPORT BLVD. 2 hedrm. tTamo houae pl .. adJoinlnc -lot. 18tb and Nnport m.d. -In heart" fl Cloola I.I-. M ft. troateco, do deep on 18th. - leat location for new ltol-e buildin( commandinc top rmtal. ~ $38,llOO I MYRTLE DAVY, Realtor I Auoc. Helen. Baum Buel Condon M32 Via Oporto Hari>or - ic-U 11-629'1 U '-l70ll HAIUOlT.J ..._ .Up -111 deli&ht CM tam- 117. Aa~forlMon. WbO mJct1it. need. It. NoW. 111 kft ftt. • -...... .., 'T . .... ~ ~ loottnc for. OPEN SaL A Sun. 1-6. 414-23rd TERRIFtC BUY ~ W. E. FISHER & Associates . INCOME MULTIPLE-LISTING-OF-THE-MONTH ' . BA.YllHOBJCS lo2' Coast Highway, Corona del Kar Harbor M32 A. N&l IUM a IMdml. hOnM thml I 1N!rm.. ... sr-tM .,._ __ ... __ : Eva, Harbor U2()..W L. well lald OUL ~ P&rtly tuml~ omy t yra. old. Good ooaatnaelloa., VttY ntoely CARA VAN: SPECIAL •-... ~ lfear ~ ........ • Wnn .. s ...... put ,.... lllMO ·'" BALBOA ISLAND Cbob comer location ... :. • • 3 hednn. home, iazI• Uving room, inviting lanai ~· and one of the Ialand'1 pn:ttieat prden.. $27,500 Low down payment :·. ·~· WK. w. :· STANLEY SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD .. , Parlt Ave. at Kartno, Balboa Ialaod IF YOU WAtff THE BEST in ·~pearanee !Uld - ~:. IN CORONA DEL MAR '·· S.O thll beautl.IUI J otory pnnlncial todaJ'. All :'· aiou could evtt -at ID a home, p1 .. a -1uded ;:: 2 bedr. home lo rar for tn.come. ~; For appointment to -call ' ADA CROW, with -• Ben J. Whitman, Realtor • aM2 E. Cout Hwy Har 1882 -Hu·~ 4.7c49 l&ndilcapeCL A real 11ice ~ yard thal ll tenffd. PLUB • •tt7 pod Nfttal on U.. rear of loL 'IWtaftt. .,.. weU p&u.Md llL No. 7M7 -T_wo Dupleu9 on eo.&10 I.ot-2 BR et.. ud have b9al. lllere ror t pL Good *-Uon· Owner mutt ..U lmmediatrt!J . • • te.vtns st.ale mnd wUl eacrtnce. run priC9 ONL'f fl.'.tc!O. PHIL SUWVAN & GEO. EVERSON 11M NtwpOrt Blvd.. co.ta Me. Pt1.. LI MTll -S... Har. UM Tiied Bath Room w1tb Tub In each Unl~ Yean ' ' Old -lncomo $31!1 Kon&la -Prioe ~l.llOO-. .... \ . I I Contact Your ' BALBOA BAY '"". -,. _ .. ...,........ BALB~ ISLAND Ooq ftU'ftllhlid,I Mdroom. CU . a.t.rMlaJ ~ Mme • a t01 N. Newport Blvd. add Income unlL Low down l ------------11~-----'°'"'1 COl'lier .... ilu ... Miio ~L OrU the pbc:ae : ,,. .,__ ...._. or l'*t .Ul c.n .. -Coste Mesa the Best Town On Eertfi... ~ .!!:.~ ;:.: .;:: Duncan Hardesty 2 Br. old<r .._., t1rep1aoe, .....ki'"porCli. dlnlii'r -...-. -'" ..... -llUU.LTOR room, douJilo priao, larp conletlot",ntb -~&AID! tt02 Newport BITd. Har. 'Tl.I to balld s man mite $l2IO. wlth--tmna.... . VIII Roaldeatlal lot .... Hlgh 'Sdrool ~-: .-~·:..l1:'~el!Y Modem Uving ~ la l:a.t ... eo.t.a. 11--. I be4rm.. I 119tll,. tt..utitul pr.. do. on.. 117 1eu ruDerton ...... Utm ed. -fW turtbet ....... DAN A • .JA.CX>BBSH, llMl Dlt•te Har. •1 U 1-AJ.T ID 1-2111 BT 0WNm. J ...._I.....,... lrfnL flN., pti>. ... ' f1Npl • .,, " ~ d,.,.. --MOW! • ...me. lfk-. l&IMkmped Jani. OOI A.llao, ·N9Wp(lrt 8-cfl. ..... R<aldentlal lot (build a utte) • fOOO. -~ 111... ea.. •m BEST BUllIN1:!S BUY IN ORANGE COIJNTY: BT OW*& 1 .... ._ ._ One ftall acre C.2 "'""• ..:ae. 8 uni.ti. omo. •tat·• "· m., ilftllC' .., a: 11icl heme with room to baUd e man unit. a ::=._ '!::. ";:.. ~ ot!lcM $6'5 monthly Income, Prioe ~.with ..._ lmlll 1a .._ ......._ $14,llOO m.... (GO phoa9-laf-1tso., ploaoo) ...... ..tlo. -,._. -·~ ftl ........ Wll tndl G. N. WELLS rReeltor :' !:..':'"u~ ''.'\:; 1810 Newport Blvd. Coota lfeM ll '-1'121 ·-. • ...., • BALBOA CH.a.NNEL.Jll-4 lot, ~ ... ol a,.,. l '1T ,l50Cr J DUPLEX 2 bedna. A 1 , _. lllJ<. Good -i.r SZl.l500 .cotrA0 ~A J llJ:DROOKll pl1lo laaa1 aa boo -lot, MalOll. M aone. SU,000. ~ 1- 0ClllJilEllQ.A. -1~ "180 ft.~ .... btllt J1mL Pt K llll ·implOf I mte ~ tm")'. t!Dp~~ ·-loto-m·W,<Utltlt. I coAS1':'~6PrflWS:i ~~~-~-·1 · ILtrrB J~ ... M .. fl:.cm«fl.j ~ -111aw--.Ja a,i.ta lftidlftiiiJ-.~"'"~Jliillj!I"'-~ IOI. .. ~-~ ..... -.~ .. ~11':1 4 EARL W. -sTANLEY,· Re•ltor 220'-Aft., Ba._~ i ~ 1770 RAY REALTY CO. 344' E. Cout Hwy, Corm& dtl llar Hu. 2281 C4..-"-Bult ill CDK) :• , 1' MEKBER or ·KUIJrll'LE LISTl!tO'll'ltitV!CJ: . -I ~------------------'-----------'-------~~----------~--------~----------------• . . • • • ,, • t • f I ' ' •• • • • ' EDITION OF • . .-(YOuR S • • I l ., . for • • OUISTAllDlllG ¥.Al • • FOOD .. . CIOTHJNG • HOUllWARll RIES -HOMES -GARDEN SUPPUES -ORU6S NE~S r;:, PETS ,.I t.11.!C~. ~ ~RE '. • t \ I " "' ' '"' 1--i ·~ • ( l ·I r' ·' h • -·ol .~!<I'll ''··· • 0 •• • •• • ~ . ,_ 'l for HARBOR A RIA NEWS WHILE IT 15 llEWS! Serving Newport Beach and Costa Mesa with QUALITY .., b11 .. e NEWS •I l .. PICTURES •r• •· • EDITORI . • De/iYerec/ to your · door • • d , . ... - LY -ONLY so; PIR MOlll'll I ........ ·------ .: ' . .. .. ' ' r. -, .. ' • • ·-------- ' Circ11 Day f 11 Hel• U1•er lie 11, .•t sath St. \I • I J;. __ : .. . . . . . .. . . ... • d.iy, Wtclnffcley encl 'Fricley I c:en look forwerd . ._ IMll ~ ~•et\n9 ell my bome town •r••· lietli Coit M11e end New11ort Jeech. The ..W...USS 11.• tUAUTY NlWVAPa livln9 ~ ~:•"•~Jr~clition of the Americ:en preu •. . ' . • ' ' t ••• ' .. • " . , . picturel7 'I would n't dte6ni thet'fl~el new1pepor would 1how 10 meny different pictu re• in • weekl Why I ••• Illy friend•, ne i9hbors, fellow thurc:h-memliiH end clui; people, bulin•u 1n•n end •cho c ldren woek •~er wook. It cert•in ly mek•1 for pl••••nt reeding, whon I cen turn the P•9•• of our NIWS. PalSS,. enll H• ~• '"'~"Y ·110111 picturev wliile r9Wlng the let .. + heppeni°'' ift 111y ht>IWll +ow. - commUnity. ·~ . I ' "' • J ' '{.1-"C.·i ,.'l ,~ -" . ' ... ' .... ~ ' .... " ' •• ' ' • ' " • ; . me en41 my •9• 9roup ere in tlie NIWSo PllSS contiltently from the vary ••c:ond w• be~om• retidonh of the H•rbor er••· And we ttey in the NIWS -, PIUS. too,' ri9ht throu9h 1chool, 'down the •i1le ' •nd Into bu1ineu "fnhire•~ . Me 7 I 9ot • long wey to 90 -but l 'H keep 'IP with my home town by r'eedin9'1 well, enywey, lookin9 I the NIWl'OaT HAltlOI ~:~~5:". -- ' . ' . ' • • .. ' l • ~DlllVIRI lY _ .. I MOllDAY • Wl_..AY ·FRIDAY ' \ ~1 ") l . ' ONLY SOC MO PllONI • • ' • .. . I < • fl • I • ' • I ! '4 I • Rube!- • on Mesa Look .. to Attend J • I t co"' at the fair, Hiram! TMh ~ of the Or.nge County Fair(rounclo , 't by the N.,.. • P,.... yeoterday J JohMon 90fl• Ooclled onto Ute VoWtdl 1 er court., dw11l&' the flrlt few hOIU9 tJtil; 1 liCIJltpe of c:ool IWnmtr inominc. • E Mc· Judi"•• were buay dl&linl ~ I km&n of tint houn, worklns thl"Olll'h U.• Y l.b9 different categt>rl•• ot nhlMU I • la ~ar. a.ad tianctnr rttition. oa lll• ludly blondn, wtnnl.Dr Item• . i.: One ot the rqor. •pect.acui..r chick· Mow• on the talr('l'OWUla I• • ot IJI found In the tlon.c:Wtww butld· for I.be lftl' where expr-'orui Or dell4"t dtaplay, r.-n apec:t.atorl are llOnM .lftdl- A.Dd caUon of lha beauty of tbtl colOr- Of tu1 ukiblt&. TM a~ I the exhibit• are •'-4rawtn& a ~t to de.I ot att.enUon ff'om early real. Y&ewera. . _ TV! Queen Janie. Johuon l'feet.d ortl-the ttnt tamlly ta .. t« um wt.th rno:mtn1-nie.. ..,.. U.. four th thtl JobA O. Cart.en trom J.aaheim.. 150,• Nam• your ~. HINan • ...,t Be It ~ ·-or ct!W -... ry. , 160 ?U· body f. aL UM ~l .~-=--=--=-~~~~::--~ ~t.quna .c.rucUoll .,...._ 00.t. JOchway. , )(OTTO Wo.-llc on aft elrtA!nat~ ol Erner· .. ~ ... 0 laM Bay .ubcU.-... a. a1-o under- '"' la UM, ..m. -..tdalty. Of A.a archlc..et. who tt.u been. ~ em~ to ...._. tM 9CMd. ! ........ erpedlld te " •t the _..... Brad las. Standllls 1n th4I -Y ot UM i..... ~t, ~ to )(r9. M .,... John Andrus, pt'flllde.t ot th• .moo!. ........ •l tAc-. -.ch. le • .. larJi: ., t\mdtL ... «ql«:t.9 lopMl & etU.ens COfl1ndttff to b4 form• With • 9d ...,.ly th&. faJI wtde.11. wlU eo.... Wlilhrt&ke to ttnanc. Uw lldlool thl• eltMr b)' a 1tJcMr tu rat.. Of eiin-bond laeue, or botJt. t Set fOr New , Motel Here