HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-08-15 - Newport Harbor News PressI ' WITH SALLIE Aupt 15, 1938 Onare County Fm Rip • • • Hlp • • . Hooray Come Come to the Fair We're all let to bkl oa Blue IUbbou Beef .Friday the 17th • • • Why doe't JOU f-YOU better hop out there or . the cupboard will be hue. ' ThJll I have to set down ln writtnc to mak• it authentic • • • On• ot our rreatest pl'idel an th• vialtora who come to our market from all ·over the United Stat.es .•• Not ju.t ai1ht.ee1"1, but peo- ple wbo ha vt market.a of th.U own or an 1ntere8ted in th• food bustnea in 801De way • • • Such vialton uauall)' prMeDt themaelv• at our offtce and an ctTen le pud tour •.. in and out of free:Mrw, th.ru the ware- hou.M, bakery, catering kitchen, employee.' recrea· Uon room. etc., etc. •• Th• adverUmni offioe uaµally ~rinp borth a lot of ob.I and ah.I wtth all th• bralna elat· · ~ all over the place ••• U1ually it ii th• fut stop, it beinc in th• uppenno.t hind end comer ... Ont day our M.Uo Lt.cy bl"OUlht in a IU1 with a srln u bl( u T-.u. ta pl1on hat and spun a-clankiu and all •.• Tbe ~ wfth the jive m\JM had that · well-wbat- do-you·think look in her .,.. • • • hit ~ crew bntadft and &. ar&wlect lane and loud • ~ _..l_ .::1f o~ I n•ver ~n-'aifym..ut" Uk...u.-. . . ~ Wiil bl T-.u • •• v ....... 8"i, htcUu ~ .... ,..,. ... ..,. . am 8ud&J at l:SO ln .watn,.~,. Oouatf la atartlq -tldrd :r-r aad wUI otter 1111 ftnt .,... een of tlM J.19.6'1 eeuoa ••• l'deda ........ wlII ooaclMt ••• wt.. Mf ... hdelae...,. .. p,..ed a bit ftrbi t:M liut two ,..... ............. tM ........ ltamd WIOdla& tile ' --• • • then ii _.. Wt.er • • • y .............. . .._ .. .. UJthbtc • ma.._ n ptta be ,_ .... _... soMe.r t.o rna.U.a•t, .. H ,... •..-'t af:tw«W one of .... hw ~rta pre- .... .,,. ... Onap Oamb ftllUnaoalo wl ,.. .............. tllat Wk ... ~ your _., w01 be ••ell, ............ CMpla •• d • Nd of u. '811t atv· ... ,.. the blJ flvwa ••• AM Ulen wOl M a pMt ....._ for the ftr'lt time l Ouit laelwon fNm the .. l'raa.el9co ~ wUJ .... o.r... aad°Toeea lD · Ml bat taor wb ... Thi• I call Georre'1 Dunk. w1U11 Break a caullflower into aec- tio.na and french fry uaing your own fa¥Orite batter ... Serve it with 'toothpicka and a boWl of Roquelort drese-m. ... Georp recommenda i thick avory 11ice. of corned beet u ti.a ptrfect aocom· panimcot ••• Alld I think 1 a· cole slaw -1ad would round th.la out to perfection • • . M~ ~ mJiht Hite t6 &4cl OVent Brown and 8ene d.lnner bU.- Z culta ••• Theee alwaya in-~ me becau.. they're '° cute aact lltu. and ·come already ln their own baking pan ••• A word of wa.rnJng. : mern tblm iood and warm lftJt not ~ ••• They muat 8et a minute or two befOft ~· ••• la ... you don't now ~ you ahould ... u you,,. aot that what'• • f« dinner loOt In YoUr e)'9 ••. He'll rfv• plenty • Rlcl:lard'a Is tlae Food Mart of the Lido Shoptia at ta.. MRuee to Lido ~ llPl)CIAUI IOB AOOVll' 11. 11 Uct Leaves You to Eat ••• 2139' 2/JS' 21' fer l9c · .• ... 29c 15~ I ~ WITH SALLIE Au1oat 15, lNI Oru1e County Fair B1p • • • Hip • • . Hooray Come Come io the Fair We're all eet to bMI oa Blue Blbbo11 Bef>I Friday tlle 11th ••• Why don't JOU T Yoo better hop out there or . the cupboard will be '-"· • Thia I ha VI to cet down ln wrttin1 to make it authentic • • • One of our snatest prlde9 an the vialtora who eome to our market from all · over the Uni ted Stai. .•• Not jUlt siJbt.eera, but PflO'" ple who have market.I ot thtU own or are tntereeted in tM food buaineaa in IOIU way • • • Such Yialtonl u.ua1ly pl'MeDt theJDMlv• at our oftk• and an rtnn le lftDd tour •.• in and out of fNeMn. thru the ware- houea. bakery, ca terlnc kitclwl, employees' recru.- t1on room. etc., etc. •• The advert.Jmni offloe uaµally !>rinp bort.h a lot of oha and aha with all th• bralna dat-· t.rtn& all over the Dl&ce • • • Uaually it t. the fut atop, it beinr ln th• upperm<>11t hind end corner ... One day our Milo Lacy b~ ln a py with a rrln u bl&' u Tau, ta pllOJl hat and ~ a:.clankiq and all ... The' .crlbe wfth the )~ mu.ft& had th&t w.U-what- do-you-think look 1n her .,. • • • hLI l'rin """' ~ an4 be irawl.. lamr and load . ~-"-"Honq I ~never aeen ymln' UkAhii ...... no\~UtT ...... . ~ ...... ~ ~ le ta. ,..,. .. be . nut 8ud&J at l:IO ln •"•ba1 .~se Coaty .. Martta& • ddrcl J9al' ud wt1I etfW .. fin& ... cert of tlM 1-..S'T leUOll ........ 81b•aMewUl OODd-*••• ....... T ••• AM .... bulln lapl'Med a bt$.....,tM._ two ,...... ........ ... --...... atarW Wllld1ac tM t.toa • • . tMn ..... Wter ••• y ......... ,_ .... , wMa ... .. ....,u.t:D1 • .... .... ... ptta be J1lllt Um& ..... joecler t.o .... mabadeat, .. u ,... ..._-. att111W ... !I ta.. fNe e•~ pre-..... ., .. ()nap Oamdy~wl ,.. ......... tat 9ltr .-alileTe you ... wOI ....... . ........ a..ota •• d Mt of .. r..,.. slv· ... ,.. u.. ~· flow-. ..• AMU..wtllt.a~ ...... fOT tlle fl"* l Ou1a ....... ,.... tM .. l'naeJaGe <>Den wUl ., o.r..a Mel "r4*a In Ida be.t tnor voice ••• Thia I call C.Orce'• Dunk. Br.k a caulit\ower into eec- tiom and trench fry \Woe your own fa.orite batter ... Serv• lt with toothplcka and a bowl of Roquefort dreu-tnr ... Georp recommenda thick l&'YOl'J IUc. of corned beef u tU l*fec:t accom- penlmmt . . • And I think a col llaw alad would round th.II out to perfect.Ion ... K'1bi mJibt like to ad4 ~ Oven. • Bron ucl S.W dinner bi.a- cultl • • • ,,.... always in· tn,u. bee.au.le th'Y'l'9 90 cute Ud tittle and com@ &l...cty ln their own baking pan ••. A word of warntni . • ltJ'ft pod and warm ~ ~ not bot ••• Tbey muat Mt a ate °" two belon ~· ••• Ia ... )IOU don't w a.exp, you ahould ••• U ~Ft that what'• • for dbUler loOk ID )'OUT ey. • •. He'll rfv• plenty • IUCllAl'd'I 19 Food Mart of tM LWo Pl' at U.. eatnllCll te Udo ble. ll'l!lCU.LI fOJl AVGUD' 11. 11 ud "' N. • c... aw PHOHI HY.... Its • HY.a.tla 2-11'6 I • • J:na..--.'rl' ~ .,.,, di _ 1-na. Ii.I 2139' 2135' 21' ....... w I ..... w ..... rr f ... .. WITH SALLIE Aapat 15, 19M <>ruse Comaty l'alr Rip ••• R1p ••• Hooray Come Come IO the Fair We're all Mt to bld oa Bhae IUbbon Beef .Frtday tbe l'Jth • • • Why doa't JOG f You better hop out there or . the cupboard wUI be ben. ' Thia I have to ret down ln wrtttni to make it authentic ••• One of our er-test paid-. an th• vialtora who eome to our market from all • T ' ---- ; . ____, Cool E--L nulalltlftl Rlchard'i . Leaves Yoil Refra61d -Ready . tmel a.In' to Eat ••• . . .- .9 ... - •• c . . c -. u..,-. .,, TOMATO IUJCE ....__ 61 ~· 0.r.M .,, lllZP II.UR -1-._ 61 ·over the-United Statee .•• Not jWlt at1ht.een, but peo- ple wbo hav• market.a ot the own or an lnter•ted bl th• food bualneu in iozu way • • • Such Tiaitora uaually Pn-nt themlelv• at our otttee and are c"en Je'pud tour ••• ln. and out of fl'eelen, thru the ware- hou.te9, bakery, caterin1 kitchen, employee.' recrea· tlon room. etc., etc. • • Th• advert.lilini otf ioe uaµally ?>rinp borth a lot of oba and ah8 with all th• bralu clat-- ~ all over th• l>lae. ••• Uwally it la the fut stop, JAM•• JELLY ~· ....... x ..... ~ma l.Mt'il • ,, .... ..... 2/J9' 2135' it belnr in th• uppermoet h1ncl end corner ... One day our Milo L.cy bl'OUlht in a IU1 with a crin u btr u T_., ta pllon hat and tpU1"I a-dankiu and all •.• The 9C;rtbe wfth the jve mu.ta had that well-what.. do-you·thblk look in her e,w ••• h1a ~ pew broader an4 bl drawled JGni and 10\14 • ~..&,~'Honer I never • aeeii-'ailyuun' llk~ : •• not f'lllia'l'GU ••• ,11}......... llwl; r.ua ~ ...... , .... -~·.,. . •at 8118illaJ at l:SO In •~•Ins .. ,. TIM -Onap =!a : :::W')..'; ud otfW. tint ... cert of tile 1151-11 MUOll ••• JPl'leda ••>•.-. wm co...aet ••• w11e•r ... hdelrie-.rt .......... abll~tMIMttwo ,....., ............. .. ..... ·-... .euw ....... , die ..... . ....... .. ... Wter ••• 1'• ...... ,_ .... , .... .. .. aaytldac • 1111111 ..... '" ~ be JM ........ peder to ........ •••~,.u 1W .. , • ._ .UeaW ... ., .... ,....~ .... ... ., .. ~ oe~na:=-= cMli4 .-.. year .......... •••11• ............ ·~..-~ ••4 • fllC el tllii ftoJ9, pv· -~':.~JI:!°:- ..... for tile fir"* time! <1u1e IM ... ma u.e .. .....-.o....wm .._ ~ ua""Taeea ta Ma beet tnor wlce ••• 'l'h1I 1 can Georre'• Dunk. Break a c:aulltlower into tee· tlona and trench fry uainr your own tuorite batter ... Serve it with \toothpickt and • botrl of Roquefort dreu- ~ .•. Georp recommends thlck eavory allc. of-eomed beet u U.. l*fect accom-paniment . • • And I think ..-k)O--uw .wt would round thia out to perfection ••• Ma~~btHke to add Oven• Brown Ud &II-ft dinner bia· euita • • . 'l'be.e alway• in· tricµe-. tiec&U81they're10 cute Uct Utdt &na ·come • alNl.dy tn their own baking pu .. : :&. Wold of Warnin«. ~ eene tMm sood Uld wann : art not hOt ••• Thtf muat • a llllnat• or two before ~· ••• Ia ... 100 don't bow a.orp, JOU aboulcl •.• If you~pt tla&t what'• tor dbmtr loOk In your e,. • •. He'll rive piety • . !Mo peat . t. Ude a.le. Open Till 8:00 p.m. F1tr . ' -Mvrt!llo"I l'nWll j., U"J'•J'nsa .. , IED IASPIERlllSi~.i.J IEF.~ TACO$ ·--'·pk. .. Ko"n•'• ~ •• , ENCHILADAS __ .,116 •. "'1 UMrT• ...._ • 'I.JM' GIEEN PIAS 1..... N FrMells ·Mad. I•~ Twe S-ymoo• . -69, BREAKFAST ....... -...... LIMt,'• I'..-• 1...... 2/M' CHOP. llOCCOU -» Mlaote ll&ld i/39' OIAN4'1 JUICI • ... z u._,.. • ..,._.. ..... 2/"' Fll!D POTATOU • TllUUDAY w-. Tab a Wldtt, ftiaM 6/24' CAKE DONUTS · .... -......... - . D9iNNo 10LLS 111r . -···· ....... , ... - FJllDAY .l'mldt 54' I APPLE PIE ____ ... Mell llakM....... 24' FRENCH lllAD -............ i..I 8A'l'UllDAY CfUllllMMI '1Wt9' •/'4f' COFFIE CAKI _ ..... __ '1 I.ii TOM~..... 95' LAYER CAKE · ----··-··---~ PIZZA Pll MIX 59' .. 6nacL tbparlmml AadrM'• •f IAplla ~... ft' DRESSING ----·-·-··-......... "'1 1.eo'• 1.-a •7' CHIPPED IEIF. • ·-·-.. ,_ ...... .............. ..,25, CHAM CHIESI...., u Kral&'• Natwna .. , SWISS CHUSI' •• • o.ktaD DllllP& &&q. 51' COOKING SAUClu.... . ,_ ....,, ~·,.,,. KoDAK FILM .. . .,,... ...... JI I .,...,, ... ......... , ....•. ........... _. ... ..... ... .. ..... """' ... ................ .. .... ,.. I $0 d .... .._ ---fll i I t ' ............ ,..... ...... .. ..... ~ ......... &.M ... ,.. ........... ..... .......................... ....................... = .. tbe Food . ' IPJDAIM IOS.ADOUU 11. 11 Md U. 11M f • OIU.J'Daun LMt'91S.... ...... DILL ftlWJ.M 21' /aw6I o/ all ... ·2,.,19· .. 2_a ... 29c CARROii 2 ceDojltp. I• 'n.-WO!IM'• .......... FIDH CORN ...... ............. . ... ......... .......... wfila •••• , ....... . r..... .. -. ... .,.., .. . .. ..,. ..... ..... • • • . LE.. ·LAMB lb. ....__.....,...,_...,..Lelia LAMB CHOP lb • ............ 5a1 Klem> MOOJf • a 7 .......... ,_ ....... s.a., .. ., cmomro aomm .... _...... .,.., =-. D. ..... '!r Dl1Na ~ ---~ ........... --~....___-c. JDlfO'IT9 •8'4 Mt1Cl9 ..,_ ...... ~ ..... -·--··---IM:OllSY ,.,... -..q &ltTOll ... , ~· .. ~----·--.......... --~~~~ • . . • ... The delicious bpneleu, pre-coolc9d t)am that's taking the west by 'storm . You can heat end serve, s~rve cold, or slice It es Is fat_.._-....,. sandwiches! lt'a tender and " bloomlQg ..Wt • appttlzlng pink· neu -All good, good eatingl -_ .. __ : -----~----.,,.· ----:__ -------------- -------_-_::::. ~---~-~ .~Y Trimmed ••• ··= ..... . ... .. .. . ua., ....... ••• I • ... _ .... _________ L---- - -J . AU..AMERICAN REAL CREAM WESSOI OIL · RILL QUAIT IOm.E • 49c ---. ... --. Lb. M.D. SOFT, COl.OUD TOILET TISSUE 4~.39c . A doll•r SAVED it better th•n $1 .60 EARNED, sJnee the money in your pul"N or pcpcket ALIEADY . h•• all the tax" taken ouf. In other words SA VINOS are Ulce AJl- American meat -111 the exceu fat ha alN.dy ~ trtmmed off. Whet you save 11 better th•n • boott of salary for lneomel SUr- veya show th8f you saw MOIE money on MOIE iteml any old d•y of the week •t Afl..Amerlcanl GOLDIN WHOLE KDNEl IBLET'S CORN 2 1~~ 31c IATH'I llAUNSCHWEIGER .OR IOLOGNA HonMI'• Can ... Oven ......... PICllCS =:c:M Armour's Ylldl1 All-leef SALAMI A~CAN eo.nQOf VOD'KA FULL Flmt ........... _ '2'' ORANGE JUICE~. 4tc CANADIAN WOODS IMPOl11D CANADIAN WHISKE~ ':'.::~ s5a LOWNICIUUTM ... FULL FIFTH 6-0unce Packages r-----:-- NEW CAILOAD • AllMSI • IUY llD THAn OIOIGll • LARGE PLUMP RIO' OSO GIM FREESTONE \ LIS. I . ~· ~. .. 1 PA•E I· 'ART 1-NEWPORT HA~BOR NEWS.PRESS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST IS, 1956 l'AKILY AND l'RIENDS gathered Sunday at the J>ome of the Dan Drl.lkehl on Goldenrod Ave. when . Dan Driakell talldnr to Kra. R. L. Rmellmq, Mrw. Unn Wllllama, Mike D,Nkell, Mn. David m.er. Mr. Blter, and Dan Drlakel, the ho.t. With bub to camera in the for~d MT. &n.d Mn. Georce Arthur. -Staff Photo . STILL SURPRISF.D an Kr. and Mrw. Aftcelo Cu- mmano, honoNd when 126. relatlv• and frlendil pthenct Swaday at their home, e810 Weirt Cout Hlahway. One of the hlchlilbta wu when Mayor Dora)lui pre.ented them with a JOlden ny to the city. Tbe bii cake i8 u.crtbed 0~ Anniveraary" in gold. -Beckner Photo ANGELO CUSUMANOS NOTE .. Chi Omega Alumnae Party: ' • • puty wu held to Introduce the newly married couple, Dr. and Mrw. Raymond Ac«· Left to right tn the photorraph, facinl' th• e&mera. Ml'1. David Ollui.d, Mn. Acer. Dr. Ager; the boeuu, Mrs. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-GOLDEN WEDDING DATE vnotERS PINNED -Soroptimiat •lee p t, Ks. Terry Jlorle, 0 to rl hu just Planed '1:ww memben, Mrw. Jack (Pt.t) Burkhardt and .. " Mrs. Km.netll (Hilda) Braadt in~ llbemu et the : :; ~ent, Doon• Laweon. hen ahOWI them tlte Sor· : : · eptlm.Wt Iateru.tSotW mapliM. ~$q_roptimists Slate irls Club Benefit tA T ~IXBY PARK • NEWPORT H:ARBOR MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women'• Editor PAGE I -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS WEDNESDAY, AUGUS'f 15, 1956 ------------------------...-:..----------------Splicing the Mainbrace· ll7 .... Wallah Say Surprise Celebr.ation ; .. Arranged by Children Pre.ented. with the r~n ,.key to th• dty by Ka"r Dora HiU wer. M,r.'ahd Mn. Anplo Vincent Cuaumanb, w_ho w ~ m&rtilei:l 50 yean ago in Bo.ton, Kua. and who were boDOftd with a wrpriM reception Sunday at t.hetr bome; 8810 Wtllt Cout Hichway. • A. far u ,UM O.Um.anoe knew wu that lh•1 ..,.. to '9 su•t. bMn Upped off to be purpoeely o( their eon'• t..01, th. Vincent alow la ~. for at ~ Ouw· C\lwm&n•, at ~ tn VUla mano i.oa. n&&ll•M had pt.ber- Kart.n&. °"9''P"M Miilot' order-ed to deck It wtt.b wbtt.e ud ed .callo,e Mat they _,.. ao pld dl,,_ntMm"2n.I Md ..t the ll.-In pnJIU'a1lon tMt he ,... Mtr.t wt~ tutttey, b&m aad mark~. '"l'be7 nl\Wl have Oow1\ eej&da. Police Ottlcer Don Mun- eut to 1« them" and Sol the een wae parkilll' all ee.n out of ...,,.,., "1'ell. Oru~ you mpt and wtwa th• ce&ebranu ordwed ...ura ecallope." retuned t.heT wu no vi.tbl.e e...i- lt 80 Jl!!llit •id ta. wttrw W dloce II/I UM IO ~ who J)lnctor Axwortby doublM J.t\ ........ Uthe CoaUc Jknay, ~IC'J\ eon,...ondnt t~ a Part.~ ,,..,...-wllo llwnble9 lJ\t.e U-. Red !Mdow'•. bid9ou\ and wtD& up In a bane. l.l\alnuDentaJ ucompa.nlat.a for all perfonnaaoee lncl\MM Lee v~ Dyke of i..,,.. Beae1' and R.oMrt AllLrln• Of a&nt& An&. (1'ffted them lNdde More th&A 80 arrhed lat.er to conrratulat.e the coup&.. All mealilen ot the fam.ily were p....-nt. lndudin« Mr. and Mn. Vincent Cu.um&no a.nd clllldre Prt.lcllla and LIJlda: Mr. and Mn. Grant Claumano of l\c.e~ ~ lrue a.nd noyd; a.n adopted 90n, Audolph eu- muo et Hollywood, and Ml family . 'Ole CWlu,o\anoe tint ca.na to Hollywood from Boaton, Un ,.._ aided here aince lMJ ~ 80 an ahartnr wtlh th• dty a 1oldcn UAlnrary. SPECIAUZJNw IN ' • • --r ~-............... . ~-. ........ c....,. ...__ __ ., .... ...... ,_,,_.,...... ...... fl..,.._...,.... . ....................... .,.,..,..,..~ ~ ..................... ,.., ....... ..... • --. "" .... _,..,. a .._. .... .,... ...... wt. -'" .. ~.,. ....... MVdl .... ~ ___ ...,, ................... ---.... Mm ..... -· .. ' COTTONS NYLONS RAYONS WOOLENS SEWING NOTIONS No Fo19et New 6re11 Shaclc on ltilhoo Island . FREE ESTIMATES SUP COVEtlS DRAPERIES CURTAINS UPHOLSTERY HARDWARE TRAVERSE TRACKS CURTAIN RODS W• MaintAift ow OWft clraf*'Y w-' room. . WAlTAH · CLlllrS aAWAll.A" _,,. •••UftAVL Klmberfy 7-9611 • 4TH AND ~N SANTA ANA OPIN FllDAYS TIL t P.t-t. • Half wear• ,.. ltftC ... -. ... c... &U ' ........ C-.'1.tt• , cmTIY ....... . , .... ..., 2 ,. ' • ' • . . top eeo onay : PAGE ONE P.--- . • . ' • • • • 'i • ,. - • !' ' • ~ .,,. } ~ v' ~ • • In all ' A ~nimum ad la . 4 hne1. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS I lv.y Monday, WeclMsday allCI FrW.y OOAS'lA.L SHOPPER -Wedneedays c:i..tal ....,., .... ,. ...... w ...... , 5..,..p,... ' • .._ 1 luertloa fl.00 a&l'L ll8d .%6 ea. '~ I laertlou l.M add•t. U.e. .%6 ea. 4 U.. S buleJUou %.00 add1. U.. .%6 -. ' u.. ' blertlou %.50 add1. llael ~ ea. .......... WUW Ada wW l"tiOll'1e I 6~ dlMeult&. OMat I• a4nace oalJ ' llWllUIUU ,._., 18 'LU'lU ) . DISPLAYS THAT PROFESSIONAL YACHTING . STANCE . Thi.a Newport Harbot younpter ahow1 off ha a.llinr boat.a, 1D snat dem•oct for ~. aldU with a Dlnkitten, one of ~e 1malleat. cla.u ot PAINTING nmmim -aTl:IUOft A1AO MAN:Nll P Ant'l'nto LICICMDD -Df'ltrftm '61•n" Johnston I01..n.& .. Jf..r)IOrt 8-cll .......... llft Otto CARPENTER Repair Work 1>911 T.u &-. N..a ~ . • ... ,,..,.,t CJallrtull.~MI06 AD W.-tt Qiluuteed Tutt PAINTING PAPERHANGING sx_~e~~r ear. 240& or 531T FOR RENT &kW 8&W.. Elee. DrWa. P ollabeni, ..u tJJ*I ot &and•r-. Wheelb&r ,..,., etc. BOYD'S HDWE. ltSO W. COAST BJGSW A Y l.lkrt7 l·HU Nwpt... Bch. Utfe Complete Lawn Care , Private lnstrucHona t . u 1-1065 !I •••tt-w ..... ''RX..ff.'' ............ -......& ~ ....... ALL WORK OV~ &.n. ..a ... GARDENIN6 LAWNS INSTAil.m AND RENOV .A.TED Pruatnf ,. ....,. By .... dq or m.oeth. LI 1-4010. '"" SEAMSTRESS DRJ:UV•mwat .. ALTEIU.21Qlfa ' Boun I LDL te I .... 1 T61 JlCllU'O'f1&. 0Nta llma Uberty M.111 WHY WAIT ALL POWER EQUIPMENT CARPETS A UPBOLSTJ:RY ALSO TRASH BAULlNO l"RU &aTlMA Tl:8 BOW'm 6 B.A.RNU. Ll M131 or Ll a.am ltp62 CEMENT a BUILDING A.D ltlMa J'REE Ul'DIATES Liberty Ml09 Cleaned • deododMt Ila YOUR HOD One da7 8W'11eit ROT'&~ LI I-UH IMJ COLORED OIJU. wata hoaM work by the -· ~. elu.ntnr. KI 1.u "'61 'ON WHEELS DAY' FEATURES. REC DEPARTMENT'S NEXT ACTIVITY COlLPLm'E PAINTING A Paper Burtnc Semc. J:UQ&Na O. U UNDD.8 PAINTING . By Hour. amaU w larp ,_. alt. Reuon&ttle ni.. LI'berl7 1-2712 DOO li.t StNet,, Newport a.Cb wf/U "A's" Bart.or tt'll U. -----------------~--~~--Roy''· Maintenance The dly playl"Ound Pl"Of1'9m of N~rt lkaeh spoNOred by the Pa.r1ta. ~ and J\lc,... Uon Depvt.meat a.ad the Barbor Union Hlfb .. beol Dletrlet, wu bipJtpt.ed wtlh • pl•Yl"'Ound cl~ua at MCJl ot the arna lut WMk. M.aay cll114rea were bualy ·~ In pruUdq the van. oue aete. clecorallfte the boot.M. and eout.Nctl.q a.a. "Bls Top" tor tlMtr lndlY1d\&I p&ayfrOU.Ad Pf'OITV!l under tbe ~tloD ot )Ul!e DlAM Darla, Nen&Uou leadff al 31Ul 8lrfft Park: Lee ftolch •l Horace IDr\.elp 9dlool; and Eldred LollUr ud )(lu Ellen lmlUI a l the c-on& dd Mar Youth Cmltt. The CtttU.1 a t 11th ftr.t Park ~ran v.1 tb a lftDd mueb and p&rade of Uw ~. · Ilona. bean, p~ !&l lady ud clowna. The maln ehow wu un· At Hor9Ce Eutp School the loUowtn• children w • r e In eharre ot the boot.ha. Glorta .Boe- que and MuJri, Ja.ne Stomp. the Dart Throw; J~ff Hein and 8lev1 Herw1ta. t.be )(arble RoU; ltarl Froet., Bombl' Away, 1J1.ane ra.Jr and Kile• 81.au(bttt. Sock Boppo, Bryu UJhUwart and Job.a WIUIUIUI, the Penny Drop, Tolly B.ette 1.114 BW WaJktt, the PendaJum SwtJl&'; Bobby .Pvrick ud Dtru\19 Bond.I, the Petat6e Jab; o.nru. Clendenin, Pal McCowa.n and Ttrt Hourt· p.n. U. refl'ftlunent et.and. ~I Fl'oet and John Boetto wfft clown&. Swffpel.ake "'"'"'r Jn lbe bubble sum aad balloon bunUnr c~teat wu Dlane Bu .. f///ty. Entert&lntnc muaic ~·u pro. Tided by Janel Boetto on UM a.ocordl.a n. AT YO'lmt CENTER VENETIAN BLINO LA\JNDRY Tllll NEW madltoe proeea a e t be cl. R .. -•ble prteea. • .....,.. t La~ r.adanU&I blind. Only $1.00 81.lnda rcpa.lred and ~L '"" PicJl ...... Mllft'7 Work .... ~ .., labD ... ~~WfOl -JlDUart1 ....... ntt• Complete Profeaaton•I Housecleanlng noor wutn1 and baUIDa Window Qentn1 Upholstery 0ttm1 Patioe Color W&Dd' Lustroua a.u1ta REASONAll:.E Phone Uberty 1-1132 .. ~r UI• Bts Top. 81ateen tn1Md Al tile O>mmimlty YouUI nu: UNDERalOND> do.- horw1 (ehllclftn of UM YOUJ\IU Center l&.t Friday evenlnc t.M hereby c:wtUy tl!.at b• a. ooa· &J• sroup) pranced and whln· eblldrtn pre•nled a UU1111ns CITY CONTINUES duellAS a Ga"'-equ.lpm•t e..n4 nled tor the • al.MUGaoe. Kent tun-packed cln:ue for their par-PE HEARING D"'TE euppu .. bultn ... at 1'7IO N..,. Rlanda, the Uon tamer, made h1I enLe llJ\d frltnda. Rtqmutcr for " port Blvd.. 0oeta MIM O&llfo~ tra.tned lion• <• &berman, Bob t.bl •~nt wu Jan Threlkeld. AlthOl..IP an .. um.attd nia.. under the &UticN9 ftnn 'Plompeon and Katia Albrtlton) The flrel act under the bls top, UOO.OOO tund Ueket.ed for name ot COA8T MOWD and ptrlonn. fClllowtns the p&.rade of the per· purchue of Paelft. l:lectrlc that eald ftnu t. compoeed of The ~ ftUa ad WU per-fonnen WU fl&l'iua Pat Cro... r1Jhl. of• W"YI ln the city Ule fOIJew1nf penona. ft DO YOU WANT t.e ~ a Oar llKP. W.Al'nlDI U. .c- Mplt w tnada t Can ur:x MMI p.tlllced try ...ar, ~ tormed by BarMra and C&n•y ma.n and hie trained Uon, hu bMft ellmin•ted from nam., and a.ddNileee ~ u fol· Cll.nsman. ~ 1600 pounda. Stephen C.-0.man. Thie wu f ol· the It.ca.I budr•l. Ot7 Coun· Iowa. to-wtt: ____ EX_P_E_R_T___ OlllleeL IOtle ~ ~ •t.. ·= AM THt• did a t lllins act. lowed 'b)' a taint~ younc Mn· eU Jut nlJhl a.ut.hortud Ctty IAoa.atd A. ftU SWiiie Haic.bu, t.be f.at lady, and back rldft', M.ame 'nlftlkedl. At torney Karl O.vta to ar· •Tt &. lltll ~ DO YOU WA.NT to bu7 a Car R.lcbard Cl1n,JmaA • and Jolan The elOWM Who P'--' the rans• a 11-date wtUI Ule eo.ta K-. OIJl.t. or tn.iek ? can Ll:x Hiit h.reon. clown.e, walbd the crowd ~ the enUre• •how Publle UWJt7 ODtnnUallon WITNDB my b.aac1 t.IU ,.... Ol>lleeL 50Uc REMODEUN6 e Addtllona e ltlpa1n ---.-;--------TD Ct1'1'00 ..., .... etl AIOOA wta -~ -"'-..ad like to ..,.. P l p.r . ..-·cau U,ht rope. Alter the 11\aU\ lhow. with tMlr a.nUta .... ,. 'nnk& t<W h•rtnr on Ule miller. daf of J\lly, lfM, .... a.11 ehl14"A pe.rt.ldp&lld I• t.bl H... Cb.r~ Recautk., Jin !•I x..ioNAJU> A.. rAil • CUIAeu • LCIUYN WtndoW'a • Doon Your Relax-.A-Cizor OOM'8ULT.Alft' Demaaatntlcu, .. *1pt1oa ._.., WU..-BYatt ...... worlttns .......,. Wwwww I A t p. •· Ill~ lltAl.N at • p. ......... 'nwe.. Alls· 11 at 1001 N. JlroedwlV, auta midway acllY1Un. T1M mJctway ThttUtfld. Pamela ~ Davt. lntonn.d Ute COU.Q• STAT~ 07' c.u.It'QJUrU ) ~ DINcUn WU colortully deeorated wtth Vlck1 DavU. ~er Ort.Me, ellma t.be P.&. b&d ftO ob-COUNTY or OJUJfO• )a • OceraJ CW)lel« wwll e VERY REASONABLE erepe paper Illa.men Wbfl'I Tracey Davia and Cathy Good· jec:Lione to th• clt.Y'• ,.. Oa July u . 1 ... .,.... ... MOTTELL'S they aild t.hroUSll clown'• ..mi.1 ma.n. ni. next act on the pro-qu.Uns a •Ix montha lbe u:nderll6pM, a Notu7 h.bUc Bar.11(19..W An&. '°' and irwunc °" pat blrdl &nd vam .,... UI• d&rll\I Uchtrope ~~n=-Pt%. °'~~~~ ln ,&nd tot MJ4 Count.7-"' atata. AND PEEK tM~r totc...Nd ., M&r'• Mada. arUetry of Cathy Goodman. who ~Uy appeared lAonud IL. Oolaa.i&l v .. .h••- ----------------------.. -llYatt ...... GEN ERA L 11tte ;;IGXP;:;;atD:M;;;;;;;;ca>;;;:::--.=-;::._:-:::strt=-::,_::: llAN't' ~ performed her tea.ta without tJ)a write a letter requMt.tns tha r au llaow1l to me i. M UM -·-1 AJoq wtt.b c1rC\la and e&ml· a.Id of a alety neL Suan era-. conUnu.nce. penon who• name la eull9crtbed 1I01 ao&a Jut aou~ .t We.t· CARPENTER REPAIR _Su_perfl __ u_o_ua_B&tr __ ~~~= nl spirit IT\&J\Y bootha'wen en· man and Emily JosUlea tMG to the wtlhtn tn.tnunent and m1Mt.-M--.. Partt. joYfd by t.b• poup. TM B&U perlorll'Wd Oft t.belr hisb-41plrtt.ed Re11·e1 N1· mber aelmOW'Jedc9d that ........... Aa ~ OODt:J IUUtuU. ODD IOU Pw ·ee~ ,_., .. 0.. ra. Apply ..ac .,._11-1. La No JM too am.all. ._ et NI· ...... .... .,.... ... tM Mir J"le.ta 121 K.U1at .A. .... 9al• Toea wu run "7 Twry HeM.lw; bone• for the apect&tora. The lbe ..,.,.. lentq ~ flt ell tam.. t.be hn.n,y Drop bf Donna Hack· cloaiq act of the malft •how tld~ 917 MM u4 -'· ~.~Tol.11111~> PatntJ.nr It Decorattnr elW u MTr• ""' .... ..... .. .... "' ... 1loa 111.aad. IW1 IUomf I.. D'l'.ut'l' a. & WOllAl' ~ W ._. ford, the IAc JUn,,er by U>ri WU th• "t\l'mblln .. tuttle•" -Goes Dow1 •701 (a.al) R<mDT r. WD.Z.MJ:ll _... Call fol' frM MtlmatM Albritton and Junu Owen.a wa.1 Barbara Routh, F lorene• Havena, 0 10 No•·-PubHe la ud Ne ..... t\&11Md a-., beoaue INTl:IUOR Ir JllXTSIUOU ~· ... -!'....,. Jiu. -:.: artJu1U. ~ wllllaS t. .. to ~. lloU'd, l'OOlll, .a1u7. i.o..17 ~ IOOl'W. oc-n ..,_t. N....,.n alter T :JO p. m. I IGtlO in ebirse of the bull.en tOA. Cheryl Llnky a.nd BheUa Btnng. _., ol ladr flt f\mdlt. 8uaa.n Hatcher told fol'tUJW\. wtlh 'M\e clrcue ba.nd accompany· In Oranp ~nt.y, the number ~ MJd Oouaty aad -----------------------~ oolor apert. ~ ._.Mltla .&.w. lhe a.Id of he1' cry9'&1 baJC' Th• inc the act.a wu compoMd or ot people ncet'fins tile eeunty· pi.te eeonUq ....S. ct~ua ended with the Mn1ns of Jan Threlkeld, Lenny Jone. and 1dmlnl1t11"ed e.nd county-nnanc· KJ CIOm.lll1M6on apu. 10-8-la-O.lde I. B. KcJalNElS Ru. '* 8clentlflc OompNaaion cookl11 &nd punch made by the v,m Thnlkeld. VarlM aide f'd direct senentl borne rela.f Ncnwnber 17. lltll. U DO UI&. Call Bu. tT J'oot M'a-C- lllf'l&'hborhood motlwra. abow act.I were at.o found on Wtnl down ST per eenl In ll"Y No. llJ N ..... Pnm ~ ~ovtNG7 (ftU'LICXOU>OT) NDID OOOU. do•r'kl; .... ,._, d' , a O ... Aa.t i-st time. mT w. Osua ...,. Newport .,_. U ....ot. ---------------------comp&~ wt\h Ja.nuary Of UI• T/18, Ill ... 15, lHI IVI Painting, Decor•tlng JtSl.D\'11 OONQDTION current year, Cantornla TU· Ne. .&.11111 We tumleh 1 oper1eoced tnwr-Paper BuatJal 'nDlOUQJI TKa rar Pioneer •. Cal State Ball Meets Tonight. Tomo1TOw payera' Aaaoct&Uon reported to-HaDCll or RllAalNO or Id rAin MOVER.8 • LAROE GEO. BURKHARDT .., .,,_.._t Onl7 day. Prl'mON roa PROBATE VAN for onl1 st.15 hr. up to LICIDflllCD CONTKAC'l'OJl ' PlaM .U ~ MU or MSW •VlOIC .t.• sMle At the ea.me lime. the numti.r OF wtu. AJltD roa I.ft. JO mil ... T\me •ta.IU et your LI 9-tlD r~ ._... ~ •Tts 6Tttc .,.-, ~ -ta on the •ld to the nMdy •red TEll8 TUTAill:NTA.aY. door loWUt P . u. c. rat• oa --v ----------------------o.ta Jl-,...wr.....,... ,..i1, I• th• eounty ....,t up 1 ._ .._ ,., •JW ~ "' tM llT•ft • N•nON wms • REPAIR WORK II u.t... ...... « tGllsa .. .,.,_ ,_.. per e•l the nu.Mr .t rec!· .._._ ef -..., _._ ta -~ .._ a T 0 It A G • J"IUCll UTI· Ml: P'-ll'-or aid to d.,_,._t e .. u. _.,. ~•----. L -.. lo.a ,Jlende LellmQ, N1WJ>Ort Jkacb ~OD Depe.rtmcnl eus-nt· sor, bu ea1led a l'DMliAS for aJl tau.en. 111othen, qect&tore and coa.ct.. ol OalitGnLI& Btat.e and PIOMtr ~ tMJl\.I ton.lstit ud toJftOl"f'A nJsbt. Pioaftt'I .... ~'""'" .. die o.at,. e1 ~ MATEa. Call CEMENT BRICK LOft' • urn.. I.aLAJlfD. .-.-..,.._ .. ;c2*'9. Illa; ,rouad NIM and ~ dnn went "1 1' per fflll. and 1 ~-t,.,ut. • nt1u; junior nnity p1•u; ftYe the numbtt ot -te M Ole atd n tll• --uer ot ~ &Rate •f ~wxAN TRANSFER Is Trub aauaia. lleldoom sold daatn and ~ r-r 1'RllD J4ooaa u. rRJCD a .... a ... u, locket. d.cont.ci wttll -I. a..i. .., ....... ......_ ptdl; tt.kt ma.lnt.enance; pubi to the bllnd rolle lleld alm1>11l ITORAGI: ..---d&llT _._ 1 ·-JACOBa . .Pr .t. ~ &.. PLr"6ft~G-JCaatw UJv M la d1lftlOQda. --""'' city; admlni.lraUon; need alt.ad the Talrpayen• aa.oeLa· n....... __ .._. IHI Harbor Blvd., Coltta Mtea ~1..c.n • v-.u.tn ' a. a.tract _. .. .,... -.. ~ ...-:-UM ... • • ~JU Pk:tuna of YOllllS ntui aM ..... - -coechee; pla~r MlecUon: p Uon a& Notice la 1'eret>y itva that the D"Y or Ntrfll (no Job too emall) • .., -woman llWde. A.L90 ....,_ car ....-. NIW ..._ Wit.I and tM dratUnc symm. In May, Ulel'I wer. Hl fH!Ople pet.IUoo of A.UCS M. JAOOU LI 1-127' LI 1-.tl.Jt 4.ltto loom lltU "·-· .._... -w -*i•. _ wt.0 lnftl at t :IO p.m. toda,y at U.. Tout.h O.ter ~ Cautor-- nla lt&UN wtll ...,.. tomorrow _&LI ,JlJll. IA u.t Ronee EnJll nm. Miss Rawenscroft Promoted at occ i.thmaa lndiaatH the Ot.y of Mt.a Vl,...W. Rav•naeron, N...,ort ~h la tnt•,...ed In IT.LU Kuntiqton Beacb Blvd., ....... C. 11-p..rtld,aUoa In 11\mUqt• B.ada. bu ..._ ~ 1~~ bl:•laal' ,........ prGa)Cllled ft'om tele:pbone epra· rw..-. .. , \1111 ......... Jlo)'e' 1Dr g .....,.r -~ era.a Cha .. &M • .,.._. aa aa.JWM> OoUep. ttoe wtUI ta.. ao79• Oub ... MlM Ra• ... enn ll a lftduate Newport lbliM>Y K\p ~tlool of Hunthl,rloe Beach R iel\ Butnn\ft' Rie,_u.. DI.Anet t.ble lk'hool ud Oran1e o..t Col- ~. ~ TM pdf"ILl.r )lift fta"ftl· l&a~ I« ~ a.ccotd-.-ell hu beta .mpl~ al lllil to , ...... ...... •Jtdt.,.. ~ et.a ltace oaitcpJeU.ias .. Cla ME¢ DJ ~ til ... Mr It~ tMn bl 1IU. • 1n Ule ly oa ~ •llnlJ for Ule .._-t. _. ... _ _... ~ Ulte -----------------..__. _ ... e .:.".:::!.-1 ~~ .... "':'" 6. JloollMr •P•t ..-'I ....,,. t .. t -· .,...--........... -P-1-~-._ ..................... --· ........ ,, - -_......_ ---coun y... ced an.. eoun ,...,. the ab!Jy• ~ deeectm• ·-• ..a--. • ..--.----... __ .._ ... _.. 1 -.. 6 ... __ .. -._ ... _ mlntate · d.Jnct 191.-J home for the 1w .. aae ol ~ ;;:. W do ""-·"' _ __. ::':=-~ ~ ..:;;; ..._. M.-dq • .. ,.. ""et rolla, eomparad wtt.b '11 tamentuy to U.. ,.UUCllMI' wtU ~ .&entme .. • w.. wora ~w.. ';;im• flu • rrw ....,_, ck1 l:IO • l:M. :i'h r'I for Janu&17, th• a.atOCll UOll be heard u 10 o'dodt A.M. an L:!.eneral Contractor .. ,.... ..,.Et••• Pl.aWARD. ™ Grand Oual ·~ •:ao.u~ found. Ausuat 11, l toe, &l the court Q UCSHBl:D u.. ... A lMUred. RA taa-J filclO AUTOMOSILll -..n•·i ... Nffdy •net roll• 11' tfll cwnty room of Depa.runent I ot the 11a11.racuom puut8SCL . MDu..I, Oe«ml x.tGr8 ._. ror May tnclud«t Ult peopt t\&jlertor CcRlrt ., u.. aa.au ., New Work -Remodel!J11 Llwt~ T" LI~.......,, LO.IT m!le -!~ ... cat t ....., •• ~..,.r=:,"t .,..... compu"t4 wt~ a.at ,_ Ju· OULtomia .. .-~ca..~ J. MILTON McXENZDll old, aam . VldnltY 111 JIUaT ...-; -..., .. \&&I)'. ., ~ • JJaiW SM-W 68tfo 111:11 tullllilPu. a.-.., var. ~ n.,.. --. 1,TTI ,..,i. (all· Date.._.. 1' &IM. ------------Kar .... etter I --....N. el• Ulle J 0 0 Ff, ...,_ drea a.nd adwu > .. u.. ..., to i.. a. w~aa. FURNITURE ....,. __,.. ~ ., .. dependent ehllGNll roUt .t th• Oo'la\f Qwtc 1 __.._ a ..,_dla1* UMCI car, -~ M ... h*S ' county for May, eomp11nd WIOa OALVlN R. KESlfl!: ,.ut iOCal dlaW wbO wtU M II.re Di8t.1D.ct:tnly ~ LOeT a1..uo:am. l&8t aat. b.alf 10tt9 l.~T few January. 414 !2nd St., Sult. t TOMORROW to beck up wbat M MaOe. N:p91MCI OY ntla1aMd IT'OW'IL tlDu.uaLIJ wtltte, Or· ---------------------- A."1 to tl\e bUad rolJll l lM Nf'wporl S.Ch. Calli. =: ~~ 1:,~= .=a~ C. EVERETT SMJTH ~~ca~,:" ol ~ Ne.,,.Prw CeelfW AU coun~ ltiow.d tu l*l!f• for AUOl'nCJ tow ht.lUclner. di&y. na. DUI a.~ a.ell m. malllea m.d.. ..,. •m. BAI.BOil 1111 )h,J, ...,.,... wit.la l1J flat No. 1JT ...... ..,,. ., 40 '1P l1Uil -IODlt Juu.r,. ...., ,.,._ 1111. II. -. llM -. • .... ..... ,., .. ,....,,. • ..... _t ..... • ...... • , •• ed.ual.11 -' -~tQr - 'J'ICL:ICPJJONE OPJlaATORS -·pgl/-•:IO iO f,:11) W WM Tll1N -.-PACIJ'IC 'flCLEPHONE llALl:I LA.OT. J:xper'lenced In RMdT te wu.r. Pf!f1Tlantnl. ti da7 ~ 8&191')' plWI ~m· ID..... Bnadl'• Dlpt. lltort Corona iMI. Kar. UJl E. CoNt Hwr. IWlc TVll.RET LA THE E!IGINI: LI.THE llUL'l'I. f PINDLE OPERATOR TOOL lUKEllS Bwtftl' ~ Oa.-4 -)!any trinp llenellll I n e 1 u d In r Pl\Ol"?T IB•lll)lG. Cal-Val Co.17th and Pliu:en· . tla, Coot& l(-lj()cll2 I..ICW&ao r-.a -.i. ..... ,, • .,._. wani.d. ldll.I loca· u. Ult ..nucm. a. JL c. 0"9' U: 111.J ~ N-· --IOtd DRAPERIES end SLIP COVERS ....... a.-. Enlmat.. -...... pies LUCD ,r.r. DRAPEIUES I ll&rbor N6f. er eevs Tanna lf denrtd. !•!::::!!-!!!!!!'T!!h!!!-~~----1 NEW HAND BRAIDED ~UGS .... DfftftOOl'IOM Ollomt.I T...._. AA MW~ awallab&e. *"' ,........ 11.lt .. <lltit. .... i..-.. BT&t' .. ,_, ITtN -· GOODWILL INDUSTRY COST A MESA 117 E: 18th St. ttlTH A UXS-Nl:W WUTING-J0.8--.&Pfl..iiueM ROUa& "-UJ' ....,..,uMd- ea,tr * bul:b to owa to Boa I CU. rr. rtinc:o def'p "V.fr.1 H .... ..._ ti 1136. U: 1·2U7. -• WE GOT IT Rebuilt & • Rep.Wad it - At• Tir•d ICMpin9 It _ • • • Sl••h•d Our !'ric•• On it You Com•-& Get It 1011 A. MAIN Kl 3-1348 l.lNTA A...."'iA • - OU'J'BC).AJU)... b..p. llM &-. IDll.f. Tip top ilb&P' forward • JMQtral, Jaw "mU..p" 1100. t.I IMtf.T. IOp 10 n. CABJN ORtnUiR 1161 RNIO. bMd. larl"• Mil Pwfect CCl9d1UOQ. aleep• 4. Hu. 213' TV REPAIR lndud• puU ud. labor ...... __. ACME TV 6 RADI.:> U8 ·li.t It. Bu, llO& TV Antennas $7.95 Williams I Son Radio--Sa.le. A Service 10'3 W. bl -XI S-7UO ......... .. .. MOTOROLA. O.r ~ -pa.- button mOIW -U9l4. .... lban WorU la ,.ur bom .. 1Ut TUt1ll •••.• c.x. --.. ,.. R.EOJST. ~PUPS tor Ml._ t wk& old. C&ll 1121-J to I p.m. A..tt. • Cd Bar. 1814.. J'l'tte SELL YOUR CAR LOOK! 'M CHRYBLER Wlndmr D.mN B.ud-T9p ~ Poww at..na.s. BnJl.11 a wtn.. dowa, low ntn.. o-a ........ kft.tf,Jell. JOHNSON and SON 900 W. Cout Hwy. NEWPORT llll:ACll LI 8-6423 LI l1-llM5 Open Effo. 0-S Smid&y LOOK! 't9 CADILLAC "JOHNSON and SON eoo W. Cout Hwy. NEWPORT BEACH LI 8-6423 LI 8-6G4o5 ()pea -· ~ lllaoky BlutlfuJBlao ·~Dodp Hardtop ' Call Clara Har. ~w · 1 month.. 1•.00 ma. LI --=---=,.-:-.,,.--. a.HI$. 1161 l'OlW oon...UW. a.u.-. Custom Hi·f i ~tk. Mii. wm, fllO prlftUI party. LI ... TU - J.•1 TU9tJa. eoaa --. - 900 W. Cout Hwy. . NEWPORT BEACH LIS~ LI~ Open Ena. Cl<*d -1· • ' -r------- I ! -·-:::t ::::'.. ---•• -. • • ' .' , RAY ~~..!.!". !'!'!' _:.._ __ ~M~!1!1~~--~19~'"!_ _ _:M!!;:;:"!;aa!!._~_!!fw!!"'.,!19~'o~..,...-llM!;:~·~·~'!_;t~w!_!,,!h!!,.. ___ ,!!!!:!!~,!'!7!!"!!'~','!..1fw!!!_.!!'!•!!!1!.:•:_j•!!:J!!!:::!•'!•!!!!~fw~!!'!!ml~-NIWPOll1' IUI~ NfWS-ftiS~AllT 11 -,A&E 7 '• ' r• 1Grant 'W, Musick f .. J....:...... ' 1 1 , WB>NESl?AY, A\J&UST 15, 1'56 McCOY 'four F•mlty o,aler . . ' Yciu r Hud1on O.•I• , Cabanas fTIClrllCD Ill ........ ~ O! !'"'1 w..w Bl ..... u ed C·· "'-'-e· • SAIJl:ll .... lllBvtdic .• 'Ud 'p I • . . . MONm -ll:D .oft a.1• s _ me; • · • "· .... -a .. 1111 o aninsu e, E. 31 ot St.,. Npt. lch. ~ceo . for Rent DURING HIS BIG STOCK .REDUcTION SALE· ,;-:_:;.:::.;:::t; ~~ lim~. ~::e:~_~u.. paid. New ,.~~~ _ _ . , _.. ..... ,..._.. _..., "f'.wo Story Bunding up to 121' Tlold tor Kr. or )Ira. Ireland. iw. • Y&.Cbt .Up ~ Oatnmer Putt.uc 1 ,, tlU'bor No >ro& ·-__,. ·~Y. moa....,, ,_.,. --~~ oya Mortgage Co. ....;.~='----~---'--For o,pp't, or rwervatlon, Call Bv. 2882. Mite Elevator • ,<•!f• . ... ... -SAVE Up To m om -• .. ,._to 1 P. ... ""'' ... -•• •••· -"• J··••·r ~~" R I '' U-.toto -) ~. .. J . 1 , OppqolU City !JaU -----, ..::........:...~ __ .... . I Fantastic '8~_......,•e~-·-1'-"1'-'-='":..:1.:;•r:..:llet\=t; 1~48-;.:.:"-"=::.il"==.:;fw::..; .. :::,.::.'::....--1 WILLA1ID KILLION ~1-a..J -W..W , .. -Look At These Pri~es WAS •UT01'4'11C TllAHllMU8IOMI -N ...... ~-...... I .. llTl)Jt.ULU'IC • rmtUl.OW I IRVI E TERRACEs Di. f A ' ...,. ·-......... -I °"~=:...vi. aa:.:;;-:.:::,.•,m .. ~ • oay ront pt. -r illl05 -BI B · . -. ·--... ,... -. NQW ·2499 J699 1799 1099 1599 1199 -. -$119..SQ wtUO -.... .,.,, to ---------== --.. ~:: '56 Ford Victoria Rael. Htr. Full Power ·······-·---·-········-----2999 '54 Mere. Mont. Cpe., Rad . Htr. Merco ............................... 1999 '54 Buick Super Riv. Cpe. Loaded ................ -----·--·-·--·--·2199 '54 Chev. Dir 2-dr. Red . Htr. Sharp ................................ -.. 1499 '54 Ford Convt. :R.--;d: Htr. Fordomatic, like new ............ 1,99 '53 Buick Riv. 4-dr. Rad. Htr. Dyna . Nice ........... , .................. 1599 153 Ford 2-dr. Rad. Htr. Covers, White Walls ..................... 1099 · '52 Cad. 62 4-dr. Rad. Htr. Like Now ................ : .................. 1999 '52 Po nt. Convt. Rad. Htr. Hdyra. W-W ....................... -... -1099 '52 Mere. Cust. 2-dr. Rad. Htr. O 'dr. ....................................... 1199 ;52 Buick Super Ri 0 v. 4-dr. Rad. Htr. Dy naflow ..................... 1099 ''52 Mere. Mont. Convt. Rad. Htr. W-W ............................... 1299 '51 Dodge Club Cpe. Rad. Htr. Ti p-too ................................. 699 _ '51 .Olds Rocket 4-dr. Rad. Htr. Hydramalic ..................... 899 '5 I Chev. Club Cpe. Rad. Htr-W-W ........................................ 799 '51 Plym . Club Cpe. Rad. Htr. W-W. Nice ......................... 699 'SI Ford 2-dr. Rad io, Heat,r, O 'drive ........................................ 699 .. '5 I Ford 2-d r. Rad io, Heater, O 'Orive .... : ................................... 699 '5 I Nash Custom 2-dr. !lad. Htr. O 'dr. ................................. 599 '50 Cad. 4-dr. Rad. Htr. Hydra. New Tiru ........................... 1299 'SO Buick 2-dr. Rad. Htr. Dynaflow ........................................ 599 '49 Pontiac 4-dr. Rad. Htr. Hyd ra .......................................... 399 RAY McCOY 515 E. 1st St. .......... pol\a. i.... ............. -.......... CA tl-: FOR REfl!T AU.. WORK QUAJlA,H'fEED kl~Mn: bullt·ln O'IH • rur.. I u9us N.w ottte. il:dt. Udo lbopplnr Hwd '*1'QIM.l t\ooc't. 1350 per · ar-. J76 mo. -TERMS ARRANGED mo. l)T--.liLZBOFF'ICI: BMuUNI SQ" rroat Apart.111.nt UT 6 QA.CB~ l.NC. LOAN C4RS oppcwtte Ut.VINE CO A BT A...Uabl• for Aqwit '\hroU.l1l REALTORS BAB \AUTOM.<YnVm BERVICI: COUNTRY CLUB, Labor 0.)'. • . llll lA.fayetta JZ811 NELSON ST. AT ACACIA Cout Hwy UU . N-port Harbor. (N...,. Udo Ceattr) HaT. Sit!, Bar. Ifft heL u: ... ,"' cau Har. 4tU lkrbo In tm Co •Jmt t.e u.. rlabt °' Udo Bridl*' d' :UUc 1. 1' vea ent • • lie New l."Gnl~ moV1al' Into area ----------ft.ealtor. -muat find homee.. U... Wilb \I~ 799 U-Tnllml Cbolc. Winter Renw. oa "''" • """°" a ..... ....--.;.': • Ground ICloor •l """'· 1699 Balboa lolaad "' Lido tale uNrURNlBHED , BEDROOM e OFFICES OR STOREs Thank You! 799 * PORT ORANGE * .,. .. • _, •• "''' • •~•"' APT. WITH CWUGll NltAJI. li'or Leuo iD - 30 • HOMES IMMEDIATELY 899 TRAILER SU .E8 "' lO ""° moolh LIDO -llVITABUl FOK Bubor lnveatment Co.Bide. . Call LI 8-1161 VOGEL Co. g~:::g:: ~.,.~~""" 30th 6 Newport Blvd. B & 8 h RI I • APPLY ......... ll.. NIOW· Har. 1600 ay eac ty. nc . 899 and Supp{lo. 999 2200 W. 90Ut Hlway 2ftl M&rtnll Ave .• Ba.lboa llland PORT a&A.Clil. dc&O REALTORS 499 699 499 399 7 499 299 399 999 299 199 Newport Beach LI SM20 ::-.. =~R 0~ ':::r~~;:.1: roR LEAB& 002 a1st. BU..t. OFFICE FOR RENT ~9:-~:';'port Blv:;.,~ 1~~~ AUCIO'lrl' ·~ 84.tfo Newport-~ laWrutiol" 1 f{O ~ MO. •u 1:ut. ' ----------. 1\91. 8poclal ----------bdrm., untiim. apt.., plu. pr-Phofli• Harbor 1oet WARl!:HOUSE. 11n1.11. or triple 51 GO' t br. Pu AJn. 41180 M196 ........ 0 lftO. WW pl.lat tnt.r • tfc carac• WANTED ON LEA.Biii &I !JO' 1 br. Pan AQ'l. 12" '896 WE HAVE 80ME NICE YEAR• krr to .Wt tmant. OLl1 Bar. In Coal& M...,_Newpart. area 51 49' 1 br. Pan Am. 1296 6685 LT rt:atala f\lftllJlhe4 and \Ill· 1011 .,,.. Har. Wt. Slttc Q..A,, 8"atnell Beaiall for 1tora1a, pick·up tl"Uek A 61 40' •l bl'. Paramnt 44f6 4-096 tumlAbMl, Ba)' i'ront and bO&t rear. Call Har . Wt.. Of SO' 1 br. Paramnt am suo lnald• Udo and vicinity. AlM 8PACIOUB 1 bedrm. apt .. N--B.u.:80.l 181....l.ND-bktr. n bJ Leave pbone no. or addres&. M 27' Travel-. 1 br. a;te Jl85 •WI t.w aom• AUp.tt vacu.-port 1')u4 MW" av.U.W. f11 .io tor p.n.p npatr '"' _ T !Oe61 M 35' Te.IT)' .tudlo J060 . 2160 Ciff. ~ wffk. Wlntar l"9fltal ,70 Har. IOI ll tle -----~~--~ M 13' Humm.Jnptrd IN 618 ,MYRTLE DAVY, Rllr. month. Call V.,.,. 8bffley ~IJMIOllMI Prgpmiy • 61 u · ,..IT7 ma 111e5. 1716 34:s2 v1a. Oporto, Har. M•e. u a.ms -u 1-1111 Me61 Mariners Mile ---·--- 61 10' Cudina1. brabl 895 t00 £vu. Ll 1~::97, U l-170U, • INCOME 1170 per mont.b.. I M 11' Kit twtn bed. ltf9' ~ Har. 1017.J. fl..B-8 f Bllat OITic:m' 6 Dop Bpaca for rant aplL includinr 004I 2 bedrm.. 56 lt' Trana twtn bl JOto llOO tlcllO oa.-or or I-. UI per mo. • up. ruu pdce 11.1,t11. T~L IM a:i'Tra.,... awn. JllM 2190 --WINTl3t LI 1-llU. title ltuat Sell. L~ &-$417. 4tcM u ST' &pm tu nM 17H 'Deluxe Duplex PENIN•ULA. POnn IH 11" KM!OiJI S bdrm-, 2 b&tta. mdoMd paved 8-Ut.1 1180 lOIG .. U RN 111 HI: D pa.UO, ,.,..._ WuMr, dr1V. 81 U' CooliD'I 2 bl'. 2118 199& 2 bdrm. 6 den, 1% bathe, F. A. (llabwubw, dWpoea1. lle.lAol. 61 30' Kit custom llH lfto hat. pltta.W p&Uo, attracU\l'e P. 0 . S.• 141 or aTA'l'Z lMM. tt7 Kornin.s Canyon MJN. llUm Road, C.OroM Bi(hl&nda, eor-1-----------== I OPllN' t a. m. ·I p. ni. .,..ry d&1 P1UVATZ otnoea wtth pbon• an- --.. """'""' • 60-A-O...'clal lnduArial aot.u,-ariU&ble. OrouodYloor ' • N"' Tndct Bldr .• HOO New· .rwt Bhd., N.wport BeM:h. ' (Alij&ollftt IJouth Cout Co.) Hu. IOU. CourtU)' to Broken. B/B OG& deJ. Mu-. edit Ym.4.IU.Y tum. am&U boo.I tn UIJc .. ................... _ c ·11d11·1 PAN AMERICAN ON BALBOA ISLAND or ""°'kins couple. IO'f 1aland rrou a WA.RllHOUlllt Ea· ommerc1e -n us r a KI 2-4493 OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 9 P. M. SANTAANA BEE ue tur yeu11 and A•• .. Balboa. Har. 20at. oa111at ~..... ~a.a c11;1 Department 41cl0 MUOG&I "ntaili. ~ K:Ar·. Plillat,J ot 'Jl&rlklftl• rotd . --------------------------------\ ------------1 NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 1---------~ Venhadar, Al"u.t., Jto PolnMt-370' • 400' oommerc:~ "lwtn1" 3 Star. . * * * s • I 40--Autoe for Sale IOI llarin• A•a. BarbOr 002 WINTER ltmNTAL Loftl1' t u.a. Bar. UU. 4lc60 Corner at ln~ ot major pec la s -··-:---'-'--"--·---I JOIN OUR BALBOA ISLAND bednn. rum. bOUM Bart'WW· hlrbft-l' Ud "1n'oOP bou&e- GMC Profit Shering Club PENINSULA. .. NIC&ABEA ~=O:~~t!!~ M B ·s-~ ;:!'~orC::.rM.:"'eoi!:1; Untu:ndabed apt& wt.di'",.,.,. or call ..... BTcanlorti •n11. lta.H and drt,....ln rMtaunnt. 1 B. R. -po a 2 & R. -1110 tlctl Atrl"O ...,._,. (Doclp • Plym.) Priced at ..._ than 11&8 J)er ----------a..u&bM ID eaceUeqt II. C&Ut. front foot OD hlChW•1· An ex- PZlr. Bu. tJM-s.... au. llM BR.A.ND Nmw: a bedroom 1" comamt.r °'9t'Mt wU1 1eue du.I•• wtlh u . m .ooo. tl bath&. Qaolce Colt.a M.. bulldin.r. Well equipped 6 ... ----ro-R-,.....,,--E---1 )Oce.Uon. To rMpOU!b1• &d\alt. t.t.H+se Kli9t ..u DOW to Commerda1 BJdr. -Balboa OORONA DEL MAR oatJ' noo pu mo. L1 l-I001 MW. .-tat... Bea '24, N .. ~ ~ °" 2 lota -nearlJ' oew ddO P"9t. . -..-.ww:it -drtaa l.bOp - t ~ t BR ~ed oMca plm I .pt.I. Income pound noor home apta. &t 110 COltONA DEL MA.A. I bdrm. CAFE-Hor LOCATION 11.000. Alk&nc" MT.000. .EKebul1• 19M PLYMOUTH V-8, 2 tone tao, club cpe. w;s;w TRIPLE CHECKED Automatic tr&Zlll., R.adlo, Heater, Sola ctua, Low m11eare ----···----·-·-...... , .......... _ ........ $1796 USED TRUCKS l9~ BUICK ROADMASI'ER RIV. CPE. -J'ully '52 GMC " T. P1ckup equipped. Powtr wmcsowa. pawer eeat.. pawe.r ·et CHmVROLrr ~ T. Pan.t 10% DISCOUNT Ll •2411 • ':ii 00001: ~ T. Pkkup lteerinr, Power hr'k•, Radio. Heater, all ·54 owe% T. Pickup other extru -Low mileace, Local car ..... $2895 '64 FORD ~ T. Plc.ku p '51 aMC " T. Pa.o.1ll Harbor Trailer Supply 2111 Harbor ...._ eo.ta M .. LArbpur. Avallabla now. unf'Um. ,.,_., ial'J'9 ll"rin.s nn., tor J;m&1I Jlome or duplea. ftreplaet, plentJ' ot etc.at.. Idea! tor eouple tMt wttt work A.CUit.. no peta. Y•art7 natal. a IWJ I hr. l?lllft to rwll:1 maJle -. -,, 1953 FORD CLUB CPE.. I.Jcbt tan, Radio, Heater, '00 CHEVROLET ti T. Pkkup 2 loY•l7 funllahed aptM. at 112 Canaatioll a..U.ble aepl 4 and Btpt. Jt aft.11. a.pt. 1. Har 121. tk60 rDOM7. Pr¥«I. to ..U.. lloma Bay & Beach Rlty Inc . ~-· -.....a __ · _.1 ....... 11 -'---" nn11: '60 aNC '!l T. Fiatbotd .ll'VI"UIB&tic, exc...,.........._y \0-.w. car ··--·---... rrvv '&-& ~ot...rr ~ T. P"tc.kup ''J-Wu.&94 18 ._1 1~2 PONnAC, 8, SUPER CATALINA., 2 tone .61 ~_:cl·T nuai pfth, Hydramatic, Radio, and Heat.er -·-·-' m flO mrc 1-T 181 W .•. • -J.-'00 OMC 2-T. 001:. 1 Bpffd. 19:>1 0000& 4 vuuR SEDAN -lJ&ht I""° -14· 81.aka 1:20 n,.. Radio, and Heatu, tn excellent mech.anlcal '60 000011: 2-T."Dump. t Speed, . •·•n... condition -··---·--·--................ -·--·-·····-·····-·· .... $ 5-45. ·aa ciszvRoLZT, t.Jr. coz 171" FREE!! lfor an1 nc&DCJ 111· Oruc• Co.) QUICKLY AND EASILY BDIPI..T CA.LL SllLl)CI' ftLTT. Kl, 7.3506 tanna. ... Au. Benner. REALTORS n:.A.R.LT I B.R. f'W'11..' bollM tor 111& Barbor Bou1"ard A.II of lbw apt.a. ar. a~Uon-couple. oar .. paUo. Wal.ff pd. BAI .BOA. BAY Coat.a M-. Cllllfonua ally nloe and muat ti. Men to Nnr Lido BhopL 1111 l'lllleJ, PROPERTIES R. r. Oeddea apprecJ&ta. No peta. he I»' Newport :e..ch.. IOt&l l&O:i W BalbO& atYd. Bar &111 It. W. Oooeiflm 4 call owner at apL D 312 ear.. ' ' WOl't.blqtOo. LM P&tJon. Harbor lSA. Courta.y CORONA DZL llLUI,. wt.ts "~~ FURN s·PEC °"' or ntcht phoM LI 1-711& to brolcua. Utfc rental. Nurly ""' 6 rm. M~. • • "°'*'· tum--LocJOMd pauo • M'ew ~ att.noUw, mu.et ..u du• roR ULIC: 8""11 mop bulldlnl .. .,..... .. Har. 2212-W, 60cll to permanent 4L1fblllty; t 2000 ill 11.t N....,.rt. ar will ·--'-W.B..1 lpeed.1:21 Tlrw LOU REED & ASSOC. RENTAL SPECIALISTS BAYSHORES in MW' machinfll')': UOOO Lo trade -zuil7 for JJMtuRr'.al tot ,.... .tock: '1000 tn put& No an ca.ta Mua. OWMr Har. ---Rentala Wented ..... -.m. oa..r NfUHd. c:heap t411:. -ddil -· Be ~ to ... wltAt we ha•• to offel' betoN bu71nl' any tnHI ot a UHd, trGcll.. All t,rpa and 1i.. to diooe. trolft. CALL J:Dl"l'A CR.AJG AVAIL U:P'l'. t , 1 bdrm., ttr• plaot tncloNd patio, d~ pr- .... raneh tn-a horn• JUO pa mo, Ca11 Jamee Ll .. Ut6. rent. Open 10 a.m. to lJ noon. 1 . • • CHRYSLER, PLYMOUTH DEALER ", We need apt.. &lid bo"1eM Lo &D MCUOGI for Doth W'latw ud 7eu'• ..... ~ -lanf\lnl. DORIS BRAY , Realtor dally. -. Jl-Jloll l!lltate Ex~ ...... • -7 1.200 W. Cout Hlrhway LI 8-3488 ______________ , ___ _ SPORT CAR CENTER HAIJSKEN -WA '!'SON We ue pl"OQd to an.noance that. we have been appointed lllXCLUSIVE DIDALERS !or Mer<ed ... Beua Auulmobllea la Oranp County -Service will be available at our new location opening approzlmatel,y Sept. 15 -We now have aut.o- moblle. In stock for !mmecU1te delivery. W.W. WOODS GMC DEALER 115-lt IC. 41.h It 70ll have a ftOUlc:J", --The Vogel Co. UOl W, C.t. BWJ,. N..-port Bc.b. Pbme LltM117 M4ll IOI ~ 8&lboll .lalaD4 .._...._ ... ·aa roRD Oouatr7 ... • dr. tMT a. est. 8)-.. eorom HI Mar llaUOa .,.,.. ll,000 rn1* or ..... ~ ITU 'M l'Oftl> 4 di'. Both U.e n-. Udo omc., 14Jt VI& Udo Har. SU4.J'. 60c62 B.Vbol' "71 19~ c..u>. 12 t ch'. Rad. Bealer 1102 N""JIOl't.BJ\'d.,Oolta M .. .Air Cond. Good o::ind. Bar i...u.t:f 1-6117 1361·M a1ttt 11 p.m. 60tfe U ttl Muma. 8albo& ll1aDd Bar. IO or t4 t7tlc lde•I Loc•tion For •J:AUTIW'UL 11a.n ,......,.do ... • .,. •a• .-. ~ ..__. horn•, I rm.a., t N U... ~ ~ -roa LUSJ: --...-A -·-1 -·-SNACK SHOP N-IJ dMol'alN. Pd ~ tup. eatpetal, • 7*fd, pr-.tJla. 11 :s: 40 tUt.end pMl. two 1 bedroom 1 bath • two 4-~. hpt. 115. to Junt BARBER SHOP J'or Barbor UM or Banta AA& 1 bedrOOm apta. wtu. Nw. latk. ft. HO-,...,,. a-6llO.. Gift' SHOP , =:. =:.. ~1~ UW1tiM pai4 Ga.rblc• dt.-IOal6 Nut to 8hqpplllc cdter. Laql 47p61 ~ J.atmdr7 f"OOIB and l'URNIBHl:D BALBOA Pl[Kl.K. kit U :s: 111' ud buOdi.llp. ---------'- SU-S• Two bldnna. 1160 SULA oeean troat, 4 bed· LI 1-6711 an.u a or wfll7k eoda. ll'ADm..-t Mdrm.. 1 bl.t.IMI, 40 mo. -l badrm. 1125 mo. on -tf tt. kJt. "t"lew of IM -_, fl'Ob!I OOA.81' PftOPERIID. 301 E. room., I tieu... •ckl9ed p&tl4lt tl"Ollt room • a&n1aic • .,.... B&lboe. lllTd.. Ba.Ibo&. Barbor &.pt.ember to .JtlM. LI 1-91 llACBINI: • We.&dlDC' Do. Lo· UtUe lm.nd f~ aloe ~ 2651 or Bara»or tlOO. tl eoc&2 eludilte .I b'UCb. ~eb" Udo late. Pmt otnea Bo:s: &OJ WINTJ:R RllNT.U.. 1 bdnn etulne4-WW 1 ... W ..n Balboa bland. tk.M N rt I I d f\l1'Q. Jlom.. t.a. bael. N.u pi'VjM'tJ iDc.ldn&' 100d17 tt. ewpo san " .... ...,. ..... ._......,oa11 ... ,,......_w ............ , ~~ -....,..~.....,_ w ANTllD to J l ,...r min. · GO ~ .. 11un. .U 'McaUa Ylfw ,..,_~ 1*t Jldi'a i>rl" 41-Aato -' ... t BIU>ROOM, f'Umlahad HuA, ~ 1-ltll. IOdl of m h.att•. •-......-on. •-u.u. WhltU.r, for Income ,--. .;::;...;;="-"=='----4-6 bdrm. bom., turn. or un · sea. mo. W!pter Ja&M. _.. .. --· "'f ·· ... .,...., tum. Ba7 or 'ocean front OORONA D.mt. KAJt., below th• , IOcei2 B&r. &CM1 . McU ···O: 2201 Bo. Main , 1932 Harbor Blvd. ' Santa Ana KI 5'1188 Coot& M,.. LI 8-lllK Motor Overhaul _ ....... ....,_ ......... AI.MOOT m:w, ......... •~ _w.,, • .., "" ...... , l-----.-'------1---------- .No MONEY DOWN f&mil7. Wl'IW Box •·2148= place, carpet, da.pOMI, fenced bedrma., J~ Nthrooma. ror 65--11_, to•i..a 8Z-BMI Zita.le ' -Up to 15 Monthl to p paper. pe.Uo, ''° mo. tor wtntq Jeue. !:n~U::~er:nod.,.,c::!r:: LOANS f I H I .._~ ~J • ' LOOK! 8 eyi.. ....... _ ............... ;:.88 w!:' 4 =~e! :_ 1 ! =: 4°'~ Hth st. '31"" •2n. • 4ac:aO or· omes Costa rM••a Specie •50 CHRYSLER AU Straight Yearly. adult.a, from 841pt. 11. 0.A-.&.pta. for Benl WINTER R.a:ntal. ._uutul 1 ,,. - 10 7r· Loan. Nrw tnupenaln ltome, cio.e In. LOOK! to.-.t.utoe for &ale tG-A-for Solo ·~CADILLAC Eight. 68.88 WW .. mlno• ·----bdrm., • .... "'"'· _ .. Construction Loans , ... _.,._ WI' ........ J'}fftwi;iod sedan, P-er Brt.kH New Yorker Sedan, 32.000 aclua\ -···· .. ----··-··--Write Box B-17 Ulla P9J*'• 1 BDRM.. unt\lm. apt. on Lido W W c.arpeta, I flrep1acM. BIZ 808 Uftl.lll ,...,,. ,a.Jee 4anln1 area. I bed- .. • &lid Pow'e1' l\Mriftl'. A alee mu ... OM owner. •..-Y clean. INCLUD .... lfl_boUI U.bor AP~ DOp62 wtth Ba7 Yfew. •won lea.H. dllh..,Uher, dlaPoMI 6 21ln. ,.11 -·-004 .,. BL.VD. reoiWit, t'VJ)Orl. 110,500. lub-. ene. Prtosd rtp-t. -Onl7 11111. new pia..Je eov.,.. and like ~d, ~ .. ~: q,1,.. Har. 6:ZS4 M. llU"c TV •160 ,_. mo. lltpL 11 to OoroDa :;-.i.,.. a...... IMF mlt t..-m.a.. 117 ll'lo-#er AL nflf nzuu. orif\n&l. rrc7 color, •••. nr• 0 and rod LUXURY larr• •pL or hOUM J\lM ls--111. 8-pphlr•. B&llMIA -PO--»oR-'OJI.....,". !\01.J... llnavt:l,, 178 N. Cb ... . JOHNSON rood Urn. A lot of c.ar-1196. ~-l::s:pert. motor nm.-wa.nted on leue. 2 lldullL B lb d laland. tto01 .,, ... LI!~, ..., _,_.,.':.V:.. ... "::.. t.er A\.e. Pa•den.a. BY ?:!.._~, •• ·-upt....--.,, or toOO mil• suar· J . N. f!itebtlltna. 18n*..-. tot a oa l1lan BAYIBOft.U. Loftl7 f\ml. 2 • ..._ ~ 6it: •. """" · ·::::. d:d IJPN JOHNSON ~.A.adlTS A on. £XTllA. Pln• An., l.oOq' BMCh.. Wlllter or YNrlJ horn Sept. I. bdrf!l. bom• nrt:pL encl, JUd, • • :::::: 800 w. Cout Hwy. and SON REBUILT ENGINES ""'" u""'"· ~·. ' ""~-rum. polio. ............... """ ht & 2nd T. D. Loan• Corona del Mar NSWPORT BEA.CH eoo w. Cout Hwy. aUlLT Qrf g>\11' own fa.ctor'J' .,. UNY'tJ'J\H, I or I Mdl'm. ~ •,,•,L ,.~~'"-?'· llcht. Comtort.a,bl.ue. ~~l "", ,_ ..,.,," an.U. _!~r. lkWed mMdWllata. Ooo't COG-bJ" lept. 1-11 W1th ..,ce tor .....,._, .,.,.. fl' eue. 0 Pel.a-ZN ~ &D 0tu&9 bauntJ- : LI 8-6123 1J A-M-t6 NEWPORT BEACH 1.eftd 'lrith the mJddl.a man. t'retaer, 1 ean. t c.hlldl'WI. NOW J40 wk. Nnf 2 bdrm. CrHlYi-Dr. 4tp61 Open J:vea. CIOMCI Sunday LJ 8-M23 Ll 8-6M:i Buy direct. W Ul 1 ... t mo'• °" JMI'· Will court. JOI. atnd BL Har. 1Jff ¥1.JRN. HOUIE. U...,. 4 . .um-TrUlt Deedl Bought 6: Sold ·.:: V DODGll Ranttop. Pvwwr Open Evee. Cloeed Sunday FOAi> l=>BLOCK .. M.IO ~:~!a B.~!lun~ AUGUST RENTALS O?mN lnC1' Nntal unto .. pt.11. ai.o R I " rt C ~ ~It. H. WSW. CllZVft.OLl:T I H.tlO tade!I& &YcamON 1-1702. tfc avalL tor "1nter for 2 adult.. oya mO ge9e 0. .::: OOOll oon4. ,, .. N~ alt•r TKUKDatBIJU> llUICK ---126.0I 60p52 Bm.A.UTIFULLY fuJTi. 2 !Md· No pet& 711 Popp,., COM. 24 bl'. ptlmM esn;c. ..... I ..... IOttc p rv.o.Rn (I-, llJaOO room, 2 bath • den. T .... Har. OIU-K 4TUc: Harbor 15~9 R·2 LOT 8o. of Hlll'ftWll,J', ~ bloeka tfl Carnation e.M:b. Olborne J"orton Realty Co • Ufa W. c0aat H"'1• at Port Otanp, LI l-1M2 .EVltB-Har. ane · ltM under JOOO {ni Jlonlmatlc ·A~-"'I~· --.. ~ • PlJ'nl., Dfldl't A Ford I -1106.00 .t• .a ._ A 8 f u. I ll'f'tnS room, lndudea •l'Hr A BA y J'RONT pter A ftoat aJSd-H01 K.wport Bl'ld.., Nprt. Bell. SALE or TRADE ~ 8~0~ ~~-CRRra. • 011 aaro _.uooo _.,.,_ oaw or A'll)"n nnena. 8epL to A.Pril '400 mo. tac l'laa9 ..u to. aa-1 • LOA.If• TO aun..o. lllPROV&. 41e50 ,---._ .. _ .... .. r , .. 1 JllLU(A1'. 1-TONJ:, -Bxcit .. UP i.TS: ~ 1120.DI l'CPT l•L.Jrri'••-~ Har. M51, KI 6-&631. 4tc51 ....MD41 ~ c1'umlg LMrm· aur. MuoalftD. Oil ----------.-:= ll&l1M:lr '41t. • iOp&I POWER BTl\NO. -...re. PH. ~~ • PONTUC 1 -'.=-: bdtnl., Ul'll'un. dup':i 1120 BALBOA 1aLAND -w1nwr 1 %. •tu n.m. R.tftt -trom ROtNAJfS.21 MoVing to East Coatt ·~IJORDU.TtG D&UVSll1' 09 U 1·1711. aft« t :OO p. m. KA18BIR -uo:oo ATOCM!o A.ff,. Corona Mar. N!nt.a.I. l bedrm. tum. 11pt. Ut)o Bepl 4UI to JOUl.-.NOO. Allio We BlfJ Tru9I u..tf K\.at ..0 I lledtm. moM9 __,, ..,, Drll.alt ~ tO m1M1 ~ BVUBON (I) (I ~I .llt0.00 IOt at.Un. 00 be.J rronL l.J'l-4Ti4. winter rent.al QSO mo, ,,,..... OWPURT a.u.BOA 8AvtHot 9Chool1 0.U. y..._ Prtcred '9 per pa. 1111&. ' PU19 INSTALU..TJON BATnlOMT winter rentala D.•-•ttle place. f . a. ,Mat. Har.= •WA.JI A-..cl.i.TIU/t • ..U '1UJQI, BA.Uu:D • WAT90N Let RIUS aw y ()pm DaSlJ • "" • .. rm ... Wroom. 1lllchm -.... via um ft. ........ ~ ua ,..,._. c.ta 11-p OU. l&oDdQ 'Ul' p.tL • bath. CGm.ple~ tum .... rut!:.~~'"":' ;r,.L 1:!:.: CORONA DEL IU.Jl 1'ffl')y -~, ________ u. Relph P. Ma1k•y .=-:-IUlf NEW•• 61,.0"!~ ea 8&IDd&1 ll to 1 • 1110 per mo IOI &. lldP" ,_ mo AdWW 1 u t-.S66I fum.. I bdrftt. bom9 wit). Pl"" LOANS , · _ B.EALTOR -..· ••• oaow ~ 111~• muat meoet CNf' ltUdarda -.al«. BalbM. DOpll ene f on y. 60e62 •P· Hu. 1.412-W'. ..,... tTtt Newport...,.; Jlar. m 1)()-y(JU WANT to bv.J a. Car T.A.dADVAJfTAGllofbl.em&n'! Plllll t.a.uli. P*•UI ud oll r p.m, 41c:IO ~T can Llk "::. ,..... of opori""" u • lop BELLES ENGINE BA YSHORES f111lN. 1 bdrm. •PL .,,;L A•J· ON HOMES -r,. • _,...,.. ~. -·:-=.:.:..:---""-,""'-nl>\cll mieeballlC. REBUl'DERS AVAIL.'"'AEPT ••• J bdrbJ .. f!rt-IO. 81kUn .. (IHI door to pat.IO ... B---Kooen a Bo&.nl 7wr iOC&I Gea~ Wbo wtll M """ 'JIU MODEL A Ford Pickup. I:. pl~ llldc»M paUo, .(.bl. pr· c-on¥tnlf'Tll lor-eHon. 2t20 AYOn !'I~ -&'1':\ t rio rt>MOMOW t. tieek Up "'ha.t be : ; ;J..oo, ..Ot \'\'. !kuhora Drt", RIOH HAHN'S 310 I:. Jrc»&t. · Kl J-084 •rr. rur l'I IYP" hr.mr $150 Bl. °'"" ltlk. t& 1Mppin1 ttn·j ~RD 6 room tlW .. dc"Y ..U• TOO.A.YI Cl)Kk tbt .Uled Newport Baa.c.b. H.,-0471-W. 4ot S. lf'TH llT. LOAN CA.M -FRLS TOY.'ING ,,.,r mo. C&JI Janiu U 1·224!). ttT • poat otflf"11 no y~rlJ. ....,..,._ HunUn,ton Bt.W....LD· DON l . HUDDLESJ'ON c.an In u.-c1 ... h.d eft't1on to- &Op62 Harbor •7U N•"'port Beaeb ITATll 80ND&D 47tfe Rar 3803-M l!IOL':S1 I 1"tt.mi l ·IOa. 4klll' U ~1 P6P' t!"e day. -------------~----------'------~~-I • • PAA •• ;Alf I ~FWPOltT HAltlOlt NEWS.l'tt~SS ~-_.. WIONESOAY, AUSIJST II; "" oc~ FRONT 11 '1 ----.......... TERRIRC BUY Near Newport Pier Jlfb l ..... fWL eottaa• oa • tTLW at-r....ur• ,_, el ftlM t.c-. .. ... Heu H-.rt ol Tow9 *' ... ,.,.. oa11 llJ>lf lenne. Jtl x - . L~ry Vie~ Home ":au~~~~ 0Wnera moY9d Miit. Prlc. jU1t nduoiid '8IOt '° Pl.800. T..-.u fot'-~utck .U... IMMS- , IJli. TS P09LD810N. D.ut A. JAOCJtilJK, JteU Estat• Bar. Mil U ..... tT ICl J.JllT &ad u •11&1 BY OWNER P300 DOWN. H'S'lfLT r.dec· onted. bHt I Bedroom-den. ...,.,., Hard'!ffod noon. tand- aicaped.. Lars• M lot. o<1x1t1. N..,. ec:hool Ir mkt.t. Kol trut holal. 110,300. 1"2 Meyt-r P!6M. ea.ta x .... LI 1-t68ll. -· •T OWNl!ft -yr. .id home, ' hdn:n9., t M.Ul.I, l&rr• tOot. Good &aM: llde locatlon, Cotta . w..._ 'hnnt1 or euh. U 1-1592 """ QUICK POSSE!SJON IJOOO down. I BDJ\. 11"' bath, 1 yr. old. Fenced ,..rd. 8-tre. IJ,.lached laz'al"'· W /W carpet. 110.000. JV. pymt.. M7.IO 11M Ka.rttGr i.lvd.. Coeta Me.ae.. U l-1Ml &Y ... LI I-SUI ..... I.Ill ...... ,. -ll'• \be 1'o'9 ..... 4 Acre1 -MAJor C-2 OonMr ft» prop9ft.7 will .... 7fN ,. u,. wllh ii. ttne lncom._ ' PHIL SULLIVAN & GEO. EVERSON tlOI N..-po"-Blvd., Co.la Meea J'h. Ll HTtl -Evu Har. 4111 Corona del Mar On U.9 OCN.1' .i&i ot the Hlfh· way -I bdrm hOUM •nd bl.ch· •lor aputment nn •O-foot k>L llT,&00. J'or J\ent -Jut off lh• Kish· way -.-outh ~de -Bulldln( of &ppt"OXlrnatdy IOO 9qU&,.. f .. t ta eon\lllerclal son•. J\M· .on.able rent. Fitzmorri1 Rlty . Co. Rl:AL1"01\ INBUR.A.HCJ: BU•INEU BROK&R 1115 It. Cout Blrhway Corona Ml Mu -Hu. 21~1 LIDO ISLE Charmin( 2 bdrm home, lerJ• window•, .-ome bu-In ceilln11. fireplace. d I ft In I nn. dbl 1an.1• (.tre.eeedl, l•r'I'• br1ck ~tlo. 46 x '11 fl lot Of\ Via Jucer. A du\rable year round home. S2~.* term.. J:xclU11ve with John E. Sadleir, Rltr. lven W. Erhardt. A.MocW.t. Forced to Leave ..., E. """" e..,. .. t Bl>ftOO ... l NU., f ,.., ... _!_.,... ..... NEWPORT BEACH A1MOIT ....... DllPUtX. A llt..a I ' I I C1Me .. U.. (Ma• ..... .., -.... Prioeid ~ fll.000. • GET YOUR CRYING TOWEL, READY IF you nd9 t.hJI OM I ! I Tour 1a1l d'lafte. to b\.ly an Oo-.. J"ront lot .n leuhore Drlv• wttJii only JZ.000 dOWn., ....,. Wm.. . !MW price. BEST BUY ON LIDO ISLEI Under •21,'¥!0. food tuma. n· cell~ eo'odU.1111t. ~ phone ror •Ppolnintent.. It wtu be our pl ... ur. to lbow th.t. one to )'OU UNI your pl•WN to H YI t.:.t. Olherw •U.IOO td' s1a•:· SUMMER RENTALS from Pl lo $600 lier Wffk. WINTER RENTALS from 140 to 1300 per monlb. INDUSTRIAL FR.OM 1 TO JO ACRES. J'Tom 13.600 to •10.000 per •er•. Get In on the 1round floor 6 make f1>UrNlf .. htue fortune quick. A areal ma.ny people .,., dotnr It. OWNER SAYS SELL! ' bdrm., i" ballw. larl"• llvlnr l"OOfll, tlaptona patio A bvJM. cue. J~t I mont.U old. Oftly ••M down.. MoY• rtr~i ln. Seven l1land1 Realty & Investment Co. 503-321\d BL. N.wport Jkh, CaUt. ~r. NM, alter I p.m. Har. 6M7 -·----·-----1 MESA VALUES Coron.a 611 Mar Hu. 2422 S uth C l•f 12000 DH. 8-I bdrm. value tn · 9 ern a 1 • c .... .,_ E. .... ,,~ ...... ""'' "" -~ • ...,_ Newport Heights •w• "'•· ,..,., ... ., .. '""'· ~ fvnu.hed. L&ri-e oamer le•. 1ot, nr. aahoola, traruip., A 'lot, Nftl"PO't ftMc1atl ....... Two bed.rm. 1tucco horM. Hwd. 1torea. P'l1ead to ..U.. l lt.l(IO. Ternui nr .. , di.p.o.J. dbJe. ,..,.., .. Z ve1. ph. Petit IA U l~Ma7 caa ai. a.rn.,..ct Lot 60 a 121. N..,. K.Up1>t.. Ralph · P. Maskey REALTOR, 14.U Newport Blvd. HM. 'Ot --'·~·-~---~I DIVERSIFIED . ·RANCH t ,112 lkT.lll. ~ow cropo1 altalta. beet. eaad. potato. "''"· per· mllllftt puture. Jn autani MelropoUt..n we ter dlltrlcL Now usl.AI" 1 w.U. Uout 4..000 p.»on. per minute. 71 m.U .. trom 141 An1U-Apprui• mat.elJ' H0.000 of mach1nary • a<qQlpment included. a I • o about &O JliMd of w!llt. faced ttW.. Prlc• 1200 per ac,.., •'9ut • 1360,000 •Ul h&adle. Priced tor qukk l&le at on.ly DUPLEX -WALKO. DUIT. E. l l2.8M with Urma. ae. tM1 Met.. Kao. ..... tel •r.&. J Bd.r. one for IUR• belor• 70u INJ. •a. OW. betw.an. ft-ri.Jll' prt. HOMER ·SHAFER lll:.UJroR VMIJ "' I h~ Ra&t ydl fenced 6 divided. Lol 76 a 1:10 .Uldar 111.too wtlb 14000 On. J:ft. Pho. crt.w•ll LI l-JTl6. JOI Mcraddaa. Pt. et Npt.. pier Phon• Kar. 140 any Uma CHOlCS coR.r t a L IO:l.111. -----------1 ~ du~u.: OC' lrlplez.. &aw•r• Shore Cliffs Reduce~ $5000 QUALITY a bedim'. 2 Y, bl.tbs. Shakt roof, ma1- nificu.t ocean rieW'. 2U · Driftwood, Corone del Mar. OPEN DAILY. SY camora t50t1 l50a62 rotn.r l• aaw. Ea. locaUan.. A b&rpla at PMO <lUh. J:yu. hymOW", HA. laH-W. B.t.LBOA IHCOJUI Choice Blv. )oc. J AJL Bid(. Ttrrittc ~pttal pin potenUal------------1 NM.fly new. Bat r.nt&J Joe., :I Bdr A: l Bdr. aptl. Dllhm., dJ•p., all u i. K.. A: Bath&. Hwd nr.. au.a dack. tuU1 f\U'1L 2 8dr Apl. avail &apt 1. 1\oom to build &n0ther :I Bdr. wlit en front ol ktt. Bltown by appL on.ly, 121,600 wiU!. tuma. J:ve. pl\o. &e,n-,r -HA. 5211W. ltJ. .... Ud ln .,... hall -.'4 u lllP, u llOO pw acre. 0 . Li,, MICHAICI~ k&AL'l'Oft IOI lut 4tb I L, Lon( S.Ch 8-loc"k UJOl ,...,_ cbp. - UPPD Back 8&7 Vlew Lot. It x 100 ft. ltlOO. H.arW W-IL 60p0:1 .WE HAVE M-1 1 BA -, BA.ma -z .-11d1. Near lrvlna A't'e. HW"d t1ni. ""Pl. Dbl r•r. 114.toO o.1y UOOO Dn. SYe. PeUlt. Ll I-HIT OPEN HOUBE -l'ri·lu. 1-6 • • , 'DWI .. , ....... ,_ - ., CUii.-·-· , . full Price. Sl0.81 3 ledroom1 .,... 2 Baths -2-C•r Garage Costa Mesa SUNSHINE BEACH HOMES • MONTHLY PAYMENTS LllS8 THAN IU!lNT WILSON olt PLoACENTLI. Furnished Models Open Daily 5 Minut11 from +h~ce•n - Ne•r Schools & Work COSTA MESA SUNSHINE BEACH HOKES Orn:R ••• Front or rear llvtnr roonu • Plenty of cloleta. Dinlng 1pa<e in kltchena e 40 pl water bat.en. Natural blreh cabinet. e Confetti We in ldtcb· eDI • MatiCork: tloora • Wood alldinr win- '=" doW. • 8,000 sq. tt:. Iota • · Rock roofa. Aluminum ICretm. ANCYI'HER S. V. HUN8AKER, ALEX STE!'l' DJVEU>PMENT ·~ LITTLE ISLAND .. BRAND NEW -In fact not quite completed. Lerp livtnr room with open etatn.ay. Specloua muter bed.rm. and two family bedrm.a. upitaira. SMART We.tern Holly ldtcben adjoinlnj dlD1nc room. ,and juat th• richt et.. petlo plua 2 car pnco. MAKE TIUS YOUR PERllANENT HOKE e e a HARD TO FIND -We have two -2 bed.rm hou.N pricod at only '19,:IOO OD Balboe lal&nd. WM. W . STANLEY SANFORD Realtors HADF.IELD L&ID .OUN • CH.UU.O'ITI FA.ZIOLA MutQll HA.DJ'IEU> e MONA HTD Park Ave. at Marine., Balboa Ialand Har. 2'82 -------------------~ WE'LL !.,EAVE IT TO YOU After practically no trouble and abllolut,ely "Cl,( upeme, we b1v1 just l1tted a NEW ,2 Bt home, • with HDWD flra., Floor furn., 1'iH pl., prb. diap., llhgl root, A: double pr., All on a Ind R-2 lot 10uth ot lb HJway. Look at It, then WI ua what the price llhoultt be .. P. 8. You can ltlll pick your own colon. . Exclualv• With • • . ... - $11,ICIO Full Pnu H~•.,.. ... .M.7,--. ......... 1 ...... ... pritJ 1W 'rtrL a-tit ...,._ ....... .mt. Get .. ,.... Wqdit .,.. ar.nt ,. Uta. OM. Clola .... ,,,, ... --· See 6eo1'9e Stewort Woterfron+. Pier Priv. .Attnctl.,_ yr, oW I ~ I __ "'_ ......... ~ ......... ..,...,HU.-. Urial room ..... th nnplaol. forc.d Ur t. .. t, lnit.Ck Mr, a1- "1ft1rls uu. Dba..._ pr. •nd ,.......,. ...... """' ........ Good-. Home Plus Income '!'ha. trtpla ill a Mftb, 1J9 block to oe9U er N.7, Hlf&!' tehMI u4 d111rchel. Uve In one and lilt the ot.h•r I ,.,. It off. &aeb Wltt hu HTIRC room diHlte. ldleh-. Nth, I lktnna. and two ..... ~ I Cir SU· .,... lbow1 ov•r t O"' net on tota.1 lnYHlm9",L Only '31.IOO .. _ Oce•n Front 3-Plex I f\u1lWIH \lftlU.. 1 t.ednu. ltl .eh p1"9 • ,Uc room and bath mt a lol. I.lid halt will!. • ' car.,.,...,... Eac.U.nt NnW locaUon. Pt.llOO tuma. Triplex - • av• ~•!.. ____ J•l!I.:-• .,7•1e11eli1 r..fa!-o:...--- 3 a.•oom~ $1,9so Down NSWPOltT l'lltlGBT8. °"9tto anDOUI lo loaft. -..U. See UU. boavtlhl h'""e In th• I iwpto'o-ntl'phorliooll. See It .. d make , mi ettw. ~ SH.900. • Newf:>ort Heights View Home ·a-·1o-,p1nr-ta. 2 .Wc1roomo. 2 batbo. Cao't tell It from a new home. Glue enclooed wt..i..k. forced air b<&L See tbJa lovely preatip boii>e ljldl.y. l'ull pric:e, $23,9!!0. Tenn1. -. . Front Immaculate Newport Ocean I bi)d.room ud •lMpinJ alcove. One of New. pol't'• flner homea on a very detlin.ble beach. See It and you'll buy IL Full price, $23, 700. A.Jao, for ule, adjacent to the above home th• Ja.rrelt available lot on the beach. OlxS:;. Excel~ lent neithbQrbooc:t . Coast Income 10"1• N., Six unit.I in a modern attractive brick and nar- •tone bulldinr. St.ttued for tecond atory. I! you are looklnr tor a permanent, itible income .,,.Ith , Jone leun and optiona for renewal at an ln- creue income, we believe thia ii what you are look.inc for. Price $115,000. Excellent flnancln1 . Let us ah ow you thla money nu.Jeer. JACK BRENNAN, REALTOR "AT THE ARCHES" 3320 W. Cout Hwy. LI 8-7773 CQmpletely tu.mlat\.ed, 1 bednn. unlta. Kave UYlnr rGOm dln- elt., tll• kl~ .... bath and ukl ---------------------- •how•r. Z.C.U.nt rental ree- otd. IU,ttlO. J:Z term•. Ocean Front· Special • unit.I f'Um.i.hed. S..et mon•y m&ker IA lhi. an&. Exc.llent *9.Uoa-'ni bkJck to UI• Bay. Prloa only Q&,000. Terme. H1re'1 a c:banc<t lo NUH on .,... doal. 8 Units • $9000 .GR Thw la1T• apl. bouM Y loc&i..d .,. I kK&, C"Omplltely tuni.lab.ed. ud r.nted oa • yrl:J. bull. Jncom• ehow• ltoOO ,,,,_. Can do much more on. 1ummer khe4"1a. Prlca and Mnru will amu. you. Owner will '- llC'Qaldff -· tn.d•. Corona del Mar Channtnl" I Mdrm. cloee to ahop. Pill -Jt..J }Ot.. lpac• to build spt. Oftr lfl.l'&P· Wond•rtul rental.,.... J'P 111.toO tArme. C&ll ftU• Barmer Not• Ste•I -Bu'l' A. OOOD GOOD BUT CORONA DEL MAR Attrac;Uve 2 bdrm home, cloee to 1hoppinr. Can build 2nd unit~ thia R-2 lot. Tile kitchen, bulli ln uWity . ker. A clean compact home. See it today. $ 4,ij()(), BACK BAY AREA F:or only $8.500 we . can delinr thil tine lot. Corner LI.Canada 6 Tustin. 72 X 101 feet. CORONA HIGHLANDS Four b.r. pla.1 family room, ocean view, the ideal home to raiae that luce funUy. All modern eonvenlence•, hure fireplace. Xlnt ttnn•. $311,ij()(), RAY REALTY CO. M« E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar H&r.2288 (Acrou from Bank in CDM) MEMBER OP' MULTIPLE. LISTING SERVICE BALBOA ISLAND Would J'OU Ult• a ,,.terfront llOIM wit.II pl•r and float?' U you an not. in tM mWlon Wclu c11M. twre•• U. kkal lo- eaU.. ud ooifttlH't&ll&a borne. LOT 30 x 85 -$11,:IOO ................. ONE OP' THE LAST! ri ..... ao teiepbOD111 lnlonnaUon., ID 1\\11111 :a.mer Trader• OWMra wU1 OllWider ~ tor • quick cam out. a.uu- Al.I U4o hJa, J bdrm. :I bath&. 2 patiota. :I ftrepla-. Lot and Ult. It. to et. locaUOrL Com 'I Bldg •• B•lbo• 0Ye.r UOO ... rt.-A·l COM~ Uoft, ~"' JOUL ... Jtu. Jlann•r. OOSTA MESA BACK BAY AREA $MOO dn. and move Into thla beautiful almott new 3 Bd. 2 bath home. Seeinc la wanting. It la not often that we can give you 10 much for 10 little. A bome ..,. att tntly proud to otter you. 1"uU prk,. $2).,000 with pa)'ment:. le.i. than rent. BALBOA PENINSULA Lbvely apacloua·S B. R. 2 Ba. Homt, very near beautiful Bay BM.ch. Priced rtrht and ternu If deolred. Out of town owner llO)'I "SELL." BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor JIJtlllBER OP' MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave.,· BaJboa laland. Ph. Har. 1871 or 1872 J'Oft 8AL& •T OWNJ:ft 'U'rlt\1nl1M.. 2 Mclnn. home. . a.dlflor apC. la rear r-ent-4 at UI a .-u.. DouM• .raraJ" Some of the Choic..rt. ..... ,.. •to. Ct.11 u, ••212 .. ,,..... ..... R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor Sant& .Ana H1(Sht.a . BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES CHOICE BUYS CORONA DEL MAR M•x W. Pope, Realtor ltOI Barbor u 1-114.2 ANmM tor apt. Pnced In l----~------1 Country Uving I BdJ'. aae• s..,. Home. v1..., of R. B. HOOOE. Auoctat. Bay A: KW.. from rM.r Yd. 3622 E . Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Compl. fenced. Dbl 1e.r. Hwd l ----------------------- nra. e>wiaw tranat. Imm poa. UIOO Dn.. l lJ,600 -tulJ pric•. ... Ulle tOI' r..i home. ll05 w. B&J:-. Blvd. Har. 1111 B /B 7U"'L a w...uic for .mall .....,_, J'ULL PIUC8 l:IJ.600. a.-ffW lllqaetioa daUJ .. .... ltOde,f 1 le I . 111 Mari· f914, Cerwa de! Mar. 4ktl "..::;:·~'b:""-:!. : Mesa.Harbor Rlty. "'°' Mm .. wtt.11 Iott ot spaee • ..uaocu TEa 4 Bedroom -2 Both1 A....U...W. Sept 15th Good &ut· al.de Locatkm. Clo.t to lchoOla and Back Bay. run rnce 112.aoo w1tb •2too °'°'""' THE GREAT ORANGE COAST 5 NEW HOllES Udo Isle '29,711() Z-1 bedrm. duplex. lot eoxll& ---·-----$22,ij()() 2 bednn. home ao. of hwy, ----··-·---1~.750 2 bedrm. home, 2 bath& plue •pt. -----:M,000 1 hou. ftV of lot. m. ot hwy. _. 11,750- 1 unit.I tum. eo. of hwy. -·····-·--~ .... _ .. __ 33,000 3 bednn. 2 beth, family room, In Corona lll&'blanda, · achanp for fneotne. -, I Bft 1'4 bat.la OS u.t lawd ftl"I 11~.toO. A HOKE TO U DUD\ED FOft llULTJ;vt.lt LISTING REALTOR BY OWNJ:R. tor 9Wlnu'4tq ~ horM•. •t.e. a. c. l&TMOVJt. KW.tor 235' R·l 'E.:"',,.thinc for hUJUly out4oor om C.nt•r It.. Cotta M•• Owner Anxiou11o •• LI Hill or LI 1-TTIM J'RONTA.011: DA.N A. JACOBSEN. ft4al i:.tat. ----------- I Badl'OOlll., 2 Bath, 1 7ur °'4 ll&r"dwood noon. 1'ofti9d Air hut, Ooae tn. Owner m0Yt111 and mu.et 1eU .-. Aakinl' 111,l&O with IUOO l>owJI. 2 Bil • den. 1J{ Mu. FA heat nm PJUCS THAT ti JUOHT .Acnt9 from n~-.oppinl .,... Har. lltl U t-U1T Kl :1-1117 • a. BNtoL 4-klq price • U a.t751 ::::. ~~ ::~ ~ 1JOI ~!:; -~.~M---1--Z-O_N_E __ Balboa Island s AcreJ $52,000 I aDIUl. f\l.rL hom• wttll pr- .... Keu KM'lll -.,. 9f OWMr. Barbor lMt. .at!Cl MUlt &ell lmmediatel7 u 1·1:11& • IMG• I Pnpertl • ALL NEW $246 Mo. INOOllO: SCHD. • I f1U1.1. 2 B. R.. unlta on 12x.1~. New 1t.. curti\I, ....-en In and pd. P'enced, ldsep., near ne1¥ • 1ehoot., new homea. Only $21 ,500 F.P. Submit on On. • 4.llfc LOOK THEN BUY \ • S. S. t or l2 of lhNt Money M.aktn. OD Pomona 9t.. betw. Vklorta ,. WUIOn. BUDGET BUILDERS INC. LI a.n&i ·- BILL'S BEST BUYS LIDO ISLE Home Environment that ap. " proachM the Ideal. Three Md· mom1, :I 1parklin1 bat.ha. A. Brtpt ChMrlul kitchen wtlh built·ln rans'-· Ov!n A: dl9JI09'- al. M ..... v, nttplace, &nd a dtnlnf aru lh1t rtvq q>t.c• loV'IN room to mO't"9 &1VUJ1d with ''"· Thie J year home 11 Of\ • larr• lot which allow• for the overalaad pe.Uo. BM thla. Jt•e priced r1fhl at 131,000 or Pl,800 tumlehed. W. A. TOBIAS ftl:A.LTOR 6 A.S80CIATEA .. You'll Uk,. our f11tndly MtVice" 4(M) n 17th It., Coata M•M Liberty 1-1119 Lido Isle we·re Proud of Th!. One Thi• home h•e lWO bedroom. A: bat.hi. dlnlnr .,... A Brtakfut S.r, UtllltJ room A: t. ~· ed. It I• on • chotc• •7• eorMr lt .... da ktl •1'tf hu an u:tra 11,.... prt••t• p1tto. only IMOO down. C11.I lo ... n<JW I Duncan Hardesty R&ALTOR tl02 Newport 811"Cl. NPwporl twech Harbor 4Tll ...,. ,,,.. '"·-~~·-=-...=:-~: G. H. LATHROP, Realtor I Bl\ ,,,..pl, ,. .... bHt. ..... ftn J Mdroom I bath Udo Hoaie. 3&35 E. Cout Hifhway Coron& cW Mar 111.000. carpeu a.M. crapari• ot rtne Harbor Mf2 Eve.. Har. M80 1 Bl'l. nrept, FA , .. t. bwd nn ,.uaiity. LoT91,. pe.U owtUI ,..,.. ---------------------- $1500 Down lll,6IO. plaDlJq'I. M&uutul roea pr- • BA nrepl. FA h•t. bwd f1ra We la Wad&. N-a Bedroom -Larr• hot •11, TIKI. Located ., c.n,.m Dr1n n .... ,.. not JWlt boUIM. tlleJ Bayfront.I • Rtntala (County). WOfldt:rt'lll spot for .,.. HOMU TO B& PltOUD <hlld .... HM iu,. dlntni ..... or. Boy & S.•ch Rlty. Inc. workehop. Thi. II tor .-om.one Rl:.A.LTOM who doe•'t like baln1 crowded Small J'ACI'ORY K·l Zone •tu IA.fe,yett• up ln • Tract. . 112.&00 Har HU Har !Ill l:vN. Ea1hide-W ell1ide All Around th• Town. J"or qulclt •ctlon In b1.tfini or Mllln1 y01.tr home, ''C'' Ed Jones, Realtor IUld A.oclatee lift Karbor BIYd. LI 14111 1ti x 140 with bulldlnJ' ud park-'JWlt. to the rllhl of Udo lb1dl'•' Inc 1pac1, all t"lldJ i. eta.rt buUnMI. •A25 -I badrm home on knla Ana St .. hwd fiN, Uie kltcheT\ • II'• .. J'Tlca porch. db&e ru. all "painted and rMd7 to "'°" "'· 1 ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES Submit Your Offer Now Owner Moving It M11at Seti! I ~ -J bit.ha. Fenced A: 1a.Dd8ca~rr• HY111or room Corona del Mar U you have teen..qe..._. ~· 3rd bednn. with .eparalt bt.Ut, out.Ide entranoe, and ftNpl&ct will dellJbt them. lnalde 1taira lead to the 2' tt. l>rovincJaJ-type llvin1 room (another attractM fireplace), 1paclou.a famUy room, hie kitchen. 220 wlrtnr. dllpooaI. LatJe rorare •treaed for room abov~ Nlce condition. 10 years old.. Only $23,llOO STANLEY A. SMITH, Realtor 2M7 E. Cout Hwy. Corona del Mar Har. 882 Newport Beach • Today's B/ B ll&T N.-port Blvd. Cotta M:e11. LI 1·1112 E'r• Rat Ull-.J wtUl brick nr.place. 1t•a only 1 unit.&, J lot&. N•r beach and I 7"1'9 okt in N I WP or t "-1 A ft"J' pod lnYeetmf'ftl Rtilht.a. t>on•t mlM lhe "°"t-tor · lAcem• « home aM ta- c.It M'OW to .... com .. a ... Y•rJ rOOd lnc:om• Budget Buy! or Fairway Drive Attn Yachtsmen! Harbor Highlands Duncan Hardesty You can \8'p your own apL on FINUT BUTI IN N&WPORT R.EALTOft Catalina IUld l•t the other two BUCH • tt02 Newport Blvd. ~ Beller _. WI proper- ty now tor ll.eUq1 In Ull• k>cauon ..,., 1atUn1 M.rd to 1\nd ICANT arr EM NO """"' luxurtoul I badnn. •Plot build Newport~ Harbor f.Tll • ER '°"' oqulty. 110.000 wlU haod· Juot Hot,. I ...,. Mari7 -I ' HOMER .SHAF I• or ownt:f° wtll trade f9" bedroom ttom ... &a.ell t1omal-----------i mainland. Com• In and talk ll tiu '" bathe, 1\Ulfty Klkhen.; ove.r. •xceli.nl lanrdac9p(nf. lars• Bey & Beech Rlty, Inc. Rli:A.LTOR8 Corona 4el Mar Otnc4I J.UO .E. Cout H"7. Har. MCI ,..,.,ft A: lhlnrle or compclld- Uoa root•, You tU liMUlh UM Q .I. loalUI °" "nn&DCe to llUll yov.noelf. Fur •ppl. to -ull; $70 PER' FRONT fT. IOI .. , ........... , Np< pl" C.I property I• Co.lta ...... 100-PM>ne Kar. 14.0 an.1 time 100 ft. a"llab&e for quklt .,... -----------.. --DAK A., JACOBIEH, Jle&I &It.ate Ha.rt.or Mil U l-tl71 C-2 EXCLUSIVE Cofflpara thaM t-ture1: 3 bed• roome, n,..p1ace. dkhondni lawn. CoYered 'Patio, OraP9 ltaka tenctq. h • rd wood noon, Modem Kltdlen, out.. tfJl'I • down•poule, )VU won.·1.,.. ha.¥ to dKOrall. ,CaciUVI wtt}i U•._! Jt~ from, l12.J80 to frJ.TDQ. For appt. to •• Nil: HarCletty RJ:ALTOJl JIOJ K awport Bltd. Kl 1-2117 u 1-1111 LOTS on the Bay Duncan Hardesty 1 ______ '"'°-Newport Be.M:tl HarMr 4111 B•IT lontlOll Ml RarlJior Blvd. ----------- __ ----If' TO J41Y l"RONTA.OC. ltOO JlCA.LTOJ\ BT 0¥.'NQ leY-1 olMT ~b lD. Coat.a .. _ BT Q\\'N£R. -~•di bQ\lae. 2 "'""•" 11p1l1l1'1 den. R·I f'O,.. nw. room lo INIJd. •11.IOO 114. • 16~ •t. Har. I01·PL -·-BY O\VNl:J\ -Lot 5T x :101 and up 11« front fool lo qua.II· · Bliek Bay u.. Comer Birdi nad IN)'e.n. P\an permitted - • Orcbrd.. UNO. Har. 601·R.. Gao. Mc:l'iam&n, Col1lm .l.al&Dd Ufr60 Hut», llU. noa Mwil 9ell "'1' ~pin. 2 b<lotrm. ~ •• W. P'ope1~1altor ..... Jill• MW. ...... 4.721. UOI llu1lior LI •uu -. -·-.. ' ! I • THE V06f L .. . -· . Colt• M ... Office-VOGEL VALUES ~ .. • ONLY S1100 DOWN • ' llodroel. 2 ~ .. ,.. ..,.ia utt-t. ... -..i..t .,_ and -Tard -pletely -- ..,.i and papoatalra--1-patlo. '-·-lot. Ollly 1\2 JOU9 aid. A lot el - .. a uw. -· J.\25' ,,,.,.., ..wi IJi a . -u. lDd, -and lu. '"~ full prloo DUPLJ:X N&U izoo . AttrOctm 2 yoar old tmnlallad dllplex cm1J 1 -from Lillo. NicoQ' io.tad aa -!Gt. Lo"'1 .,...._ apartment& U.. la -a1!'1 .i-t the other -pa7 It off. !Aw tiPHc!n(. _WI llal"' the by. . . • . ; &%5' t!nt 'J;. D. _,at $93.lll mootll 'hXM and Illa. lad. • TRIPLl!lX, -$296 INCOME , CUtt ua-. -...ia!Ai Ult& <irounc1a com· .,i.telY Jo-pad. ~ Ip __.. Priced at '22,7!50 wjtll -thu 2:1!& down. . BEE THfs ' ONJ:I ~ I l'or the above propertleo . PHONE u1eRTY l-5596 . VOGEL CO.-Costa · Mesa Office 1700 Newport Bltd. ET& Har. ~ Har. 071' -· .. · UDO OFFICE VOGEL VALUES . . . CLITHROPHpBIA 'r You ean bavo oa un-Bay -riew trom ,D-rtnr room o\ Jdtcllen ol tllla. altractin Udo JiGme -1e2"riit Of -"Jl&l'ldllr· :Alilpla~ -. for Jarp pool In opaclouo wallod patio. A muat at $27,500 full prico. ' ' • . . MAIN QFFf~E !l v'oGEt • VALU'ES i;r-.-c; "i .... ~ .. .. -• 1 TERRIRC INCoME UNITS I.FOR $191950.l Two Wna -plua-1bc1m11Ullta All furnlahed o\ ID ..... ie.:. Lot ..... ~1800 ' . with room for 2 mon anlta. ~ $33l!. per mo, $3000. down. . .. ' MOl'EL & TRAILER PA~K • Good hl(bnJ' iocatioa Grooo over S12,000.-<>Dly $1!11000. cub. will bindle . . • . BUSINESS OPPORTUNmES . -U·Drift erW11r bi•lf-'M I -21' lteeJcraft •119CSO''. 1'114" equipped. P1ul line of taUla le ..,t. Boata rat at $loll -.C dally. Pi.°GOO -tarmL . . . •• . . .. . .. . ~ -. ~ llalboa. lllan4 Cafe. Dome ~.ooq &Ollual rr-Beata ts. Nlcely equipped S'.9llO - • l • • t.ml. . ~.· ' . ~ . . . ' I ' • ~t 4o1nJ S120,000 rr-&Ollual. 9% yean leue at 5% of (rOlll. No minimum. ...... '21),000. % ~ • • " . • Of Fl -- Corona ~_,,~,, Qfftc-vo9,e1. -tr • l., • •• ,. ,t ·. .. , For the a"bove ""])?OperUls· ... .., I • r.r-!-• l ,': 1; F!HONE HARBOR ·0757 or HA 1141 ' VOGEL. CO.-Corone del Mer OWice I f. '2*t ~\~hway I · ·:.-. Eveo 11u:J17"'W .,u~1 11a. ~ • • . .. . ' BALBOA ISLAND-VOGEL VALUES . ' . *I fr fr ' ' ' "THE DOLL HOUSE" Fumlobed In the' l4u1t IJWlller. You will call It • home WI\"" Jotl ~ It. r ~ . * -~~~ .• * ~ D"flnr ill'oia 'with flroplaco ~ iil4 cute:. bo,r )llt<)len r • ' r • . * H X 1ll -pafttt pstlo, .....-....-* l'reoh u a dal8y with new dropeo . A'ITENTION BUILDEllB o\ SPlllCUUTOU ~ --AiiotherVop1·eo.-liidUom"llltlll;J. ftNI ':tt>2- 1ota waJk1ar clJoluca tr.. )Udaarta Karkat, Tbeatar o\ .....; -. On o.Nowpoct Bltd. bua Un .. SS,000 1!•ndJ• . . . ...............~~ ·-.......... J._ ,,, _--.._..c,. . ' ' . . • * Cocopletdy.o\ comfortably furnlahed * A lot of !qt'-for ju.It .l .. :IOO -let'• p. • DJ:LUXE 2 BEDROOX BOKll · * Cima t.o ""1frcmt o\. boach I bPEN HOUSE .. ---i-11 SUNDAY AUGUST 19th • I t87 IRVINE JitVE: • • Beh• .... Diet. .l ... .., Baek Bay A1'la - ror tho aboft p._ilaa PHONE H1.RBOR ~971 VOGEL CO. -LIDO OF.ACE 2&11¥1aµdo Enot· Harbor GlU or M30J ; :f 0 R Q U,I C K . . .. • • BILL.tS BEST BUYS St)IO ~y NEW ono ~ lar(I U-rtnr room. Ila Jll-. OiKll,_ C1-a le acboolo &1111 • :10 • · · -_,__ -:-. ' $9,tSO , . ftNa lldrma carpetl " cltapeo thru-out. Only I )'n JJl4 -flaOO Dn -Bak•oo 1-tbao ..,t. . , $10 800 ft,.. ..._ 1% bollll. dlopoMI lo.. fu. l·-pa4"' ~-. -"'l'efril-,...tor ....... ' $121!50 . . . "' -Comar lot -' lldr-. 2 Bath.a, Lorp --Nevar-liftclla.OWNICll llltlllT lll:LI. . · W. A. TOBIAS, Rwllor an~ ASSOCIATES ''YOOl'D lJb Ollr 1'rioDd1y Bailee" &00 E. 17tll It. ~ x-Llbart7 8-1139 . ' • . . ' • • -~ PH0NE blBERTY '8-3481 . .. ~ , ' THE~.V06El ,€0, .·~IN :OFAC!"--~-. ~; n •• • • • • 8201 w. Cout Hwy. . s-tap: LI S.7739 HA 3630-J .. , " . LI a.1'21 • •• •, ... -• • • ... ... ~ .. w IT H1 T H E KINGS ROAD "".!!""'~' !""""".....= 1. r JUST ~ .• l!o •. of B!rhW&)', cull 2 bdrm. ,._,.. 11 tt. lot. i., ... bome. Lorp eonNd patio, doublt pr. Carpeta ,_ "''" ,. •• _, ...,., and·clta-·w-lllcllldecL Full prk:O · ......._ .,.,....., Gnp&Me,....,.. -s<11 ilUlft S36QO"C10wn. BEttER HUJU\Y. .... ...,...., .,,._,,.,.. ot oup-~· , . .. • ___ ,,._ ---. ROOK roft A POOL -AA ' t ........ •UT •• -2. r BHoRilCLIITS. Flnt tlma ottered. Raoch type. BAYSHORES . obalie root, 2 bdrm. and du.~ ..... 2 flreJJacao. $37,500 ~ wJUt 111. 0Pon hoUH, "i -)5 l1IUT TDOI OrrsRZD -a.,• dally. 239 ltornln( C&nyoo Ro;<!. , . 1 ' ~ ~· I • ..... Drt ...... ]ll'lftt._ ~ • • '6' 3. • • __..... -I iuw-•• ..,_.,-. WM. 8. { TIJREZ Mdrm.. home. .( m1bome }>ut m·.~ "'" -""'" ....., r .A. -• · condltk>D) PLUS Jivel R--2 vocaot Jot. Clboloo .... -· .,,.. patio. -locallo --~• ·• H In Corona del Kar Full Yer1 'att.nct("· •••• -· D.. au.1·w. U4 !fY, '1 • .,.,_ piioe ·S18,llCIO. llll1'TER HURRY! B:Jr<JJl!ve wltll UI. &A.YIBOl\SI -IMp I W · ' - --.............. 4. r saooo down "on tlllo larp a bedrm. home, B/B REDUCED!. $3000 WAS P2.500 NOW SH.GOO . . . OUTSTAND~GI I bedhM -I bath8 -hardwOOd noon -b&lllt·ln raap • OT90 -dlaJIC*l -tan -t'** plate wirtlll' -wood paael1nl -11 moe.tM old! 8haa root' -p&Uo -t•eed -.-.utltul ~Int' -k)tol 9' p. lli4ln&' dOOnl -IMIMr'D. ~ paace ~ clNI tft>"-..., ... at,-Ball ati.. J>odble ,.,..., ........ BBINO 18 BICLISYIM'Q * Kins.-lhias room, H X 211' * 'rln>-'_.alo bothn>om& • * Dnom.7 12 x 18 -patio with privacy. * LoftlJ flroplaoe "' furnace hoat 1t. Y•.llr, ju.t ST~. aown l!ld you mov• -npt' .--' . Y.f'C' .Zar the ai.iv. propertleo · • • f'.!:i.ONE HARBOR. IOli VOGEi. CO. Ba.Ibo. lsi.nd .Of&. (Nat Door to Poat Of!lco) 208KarlneAff. -· EWilylllr. ~.rsat. it.ZZ9-R ' y ~ Wffl Like · · IR·VINE . TERRACE , ,, • c ··o. .,. ... 1 • • New Fuml1heil "Home1 by MetcO'' .. ~.~~GI . • tnmi.'t :OO Pll. r j,1'J • .. ·, " Interiors by Mertin lo VOft Hemert ~:;· ----1a b,.'~.,._ ·. -~,. ---000 ... "'°"° ... r'otlrbs*41ii 1o 11101 ''111 ~ • ----Scar(ll'ICO-locatodoo eoft. -Jot. =.,.:O.,"'l:UT""!:":',J:: -·for Wddltloaai unit. Full prico •11•000· 0 =:0 ';.:,;~ AOClll'T EARL W. S'(ANLEY, Reaitor JVmenta only S100 par mo. '1)Dly a BARGA.JN. a..'OllOl\U -..........,, a No telephone .information pleue. Come to OOH'T r..ui. 10 ID THI1 l!:Xa.tJllIVJl ..l~ w.---. 1~ •u.a. AA •-office, we are ready to ah<t'f you. Euluai.ve ~ VAi.US! On HJway 101. Newport Jlatttor, ippOlittl MW 1rftM =.:::'!:."::~ !: :!r"" with.... Bey lo Beech Rlty., Inc. CoUt Couatry auo. Harbo< '"'- ~"""'-'":""' """ WW ' V!CMllER OJ' llULTIPLl!l LISTINGS ll&AL'l'OM \ . _..... .. llM Hewpor:t ~ Colta M-. CtJ1toi'nl& . B I B . "C" THOMAS . s~~ci>~~~~~!!.<2.0• u •llll --Ll MOii COST A MESA-The Best Town on Earth RlCALTOlt S«7E.CoutBw) .. Corolia'delMar Bu.•·1 N. ort H • hts '--~~·VJ ~ vn_r_-,_l;t'f'!;"J.V't ""'" ,.. w. _,_u ,__ --:-· · · · '.::Some wllb-Wo;&.SbOp-1=;:,,old.,,,, -t.o-+'P• -lo lat•~ hi -.- ·~· •·r 0 1111 ... ~" ,_,...,..ATI"' .. ' ;3S_,\SllOCIATJ:B-:-_L001co1oca_ Uit diiOr toN~rBant.~> ewp , e19 ~Br.blaeowltb-•earport: 7Jn. _...... -a1 ---. AVE . ...... • ··-.,._ -.., Priiale • • JOlll WOat(~~J x..-c;.,;_•v) , · oC "C TBOIWI . · • CtJfT H N • -,._1 ....,. -t --fenced JVCL OOod nolPborllood, ·-...... ,.,,_., • ~ 318 Bnlic Harbor Rood """'" tn • ...,.., -~ llOTR for ttl,OOll wttla pooo DOWN ad Exclusive Ocean Front , NEWPOft.f' WHY Nat' BUY IN THIS VERl: ::~ ::::~ ..:.= '109 )er -_...._~~...... ol d 3 Bit. .,,,... LITS ' DESlllAllLll NEIGBllOltBOOD! • 1 ................ , ..... -Ne&r Jttt1 -v...,. ........ -,._par 1 · HCl\:7nt· vnn "•~OT WRnNn M•L o.. .. -·-~wit> -Ooafplet4l7 .... ~-·--~ ,,,,,....,_, • = ~--710 --• --wtJ1 baaclJo _._ .. I .)oll I , 116 .... Finl tlmt olferecl, 2 llednlomo, den, 1 botl!, patio, = :"'...:.. ";:.. '"!!.: ::: ..., •'"!!' ·-..,.. ----all for ttl,.500. l:alf °'!"'"!nc. ' ..........,. ""' .. flnfL, .......... ~ ftla ... e:kd•ve. ____ ....._ ... --0:;::,:,:· EARL W. STANLEY, Ree . a&U.TOlt .SEE .,..,_,.. : • illlll aod tnto•-u.a.218' · -,....,.... -. 111 -..... . llno l'rad Bari<tr LI 11-81121 ' "SlaD LoLirtn 'Li S.70lll ;;..,.., --tfll -· -. BAY & BEACH REAL1'.Y INC., Rltrs. HllO W. Ballooa 8IW., ...... • JIU1lor UM l!lYt&HarborUll6 . .. C-2 art"" -LQt lOOaUO • , '12,000 X -1 -lot A·l _._ oe -Sl0,000 l!.-4 lhol h tlal lot-Out :-.i 8 -• &.000 2 Br. older-· a-.... a larp l:ot. Jot ' 9,21JO G. N. WEU.S, Realtor 1810 NewpQ.\ Bltd., Coot& -LI 8-7729 ,, • • • • L tmlDOWK-a Wn1. _.,•-.old. t.up W:f'llll ....... 1, ...... ... .. ftY *'111 llDW!e-I ...... tlllJ ~,,... old. -.. Colla--.. -,,,, ......... 1'11117 's·t1111:1t......, a.. m1'St"a(tlood.. '11111-~loll! • 1. aooo ~ w... 2,... a11. 1ot.• :s 110, -.... Cool& -_, --I'd ,... -. .., ,.. -· ... -.. 1111. '-aooo DOWN-Daplos, 1 bdrm. -.. -i.ut ----....,1 ,.,..._, prlot ooJy Sl0,'!80. ' ' .. -~bdrm., 1 -old, --·. port -. Lot eo :s tz. -111 io..q. hll P.1-flO,llO ... ,.. ~ .;: ...... DOWN-4 bclrlll., nklo potle, 111111 8 - old.1% llotJio, Weot -c..ta-. $11,llOO, ·-· T. 'l'!lY '1000 DOWN-4 )>dnn., 1% llatll, noor -AM ud ll!lh 81., Coot&-. Jlilt flJ,lDO, N8 per month. FISHER AND COMPANY UALTORll INBt1IWf(Z -.is Newpott Blvd.. Nrirpoct a.lcb --Ccla1 .. nlPtl LA . VET A WOODS BittWEEN 's.nta Ana & Orange $995 On. MOVE IN NOW 3 Bdrm. -1 ¥4 Baths LAzp 1'""1Lota ~ ~~ llbolle ... Root lloofl ..,... AlrBoot Bu«wood J'loor9 Nu-J ca!llDela Cononto ~Ji Wolb Di .. 11rik a .. ,..,. X...DIDlnl«lle.lra WP•···· ........; Cllol9 Doon -.. llollioOd A-u.l ()ollln.. Pie .... - C...tnl 1-llon wr -llULLOCU, Pac. Tot. .-~~, ..... lie. ONLY $13,750-$14.SOO l>llll)CTIC>lla-Jfo<tll • )(ala to L& Veta llt., Weot to l'lowa It. -J'roa l"IWWl:J: ,JIUt • Cb&p- --lol'lonr, ~lo L& Vol&. 0..., N0011 OL FRED C. McADAMS, 'rract Mfr., KE 1·1420 • • t..4d-Sumrw M. ... 7 Nat ...... J'OI& llt 9' 5 7 111 mt ,_ to tlUt UdoflluPlo: • 1. 8lud ... , lldt., ~ VIEll.IL 2. 0. Via Ollltlto. ........... ........ • a. "'•rrl:J •-•-sd ol-. 4. I hll-I ktM, •••• Wno. 11u olJd. ... .---Ibo pdlo. 5. ...,._..,, .............. .. • ........ -wltll'lliorn. 0--...... JT. 'M ... p.. --u.ms ...... petloc a. ....... Air tua-u4 a 1 'N n.o,laoo. e. 'PNC at oo11.aa.ooo. Toa caa' do --... ' • 411 ft. --lot on Orrleto )riced at ...,. $U.llOO • • 32 ft. lot on Nico -$11,200 • • 311 ft. lot on Undllle -$11,800 .. . ,. • J'or U..., and otlter Lido llle barpllll, OOME TO BEAl>QU.ARTEllS --Jllt .,_ at Udo lllo. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanoon eo. ~lit -'ria lido, -llflJO 1hll w~ Best "If I......_ ...... 1 A '16 lnlk Uollls ,,.. ..... JIZ•I lo I (<WI ....... t1 I .... ._ ••c. .... _,. ., •c•• "" ,.....,.._ ...... .a a rn1 • «• • ••. ._,,.,'f'lf·.~.!!...-..• )r oliC ..,_, ..... II ~llf'\,;r;:; a 11"1 r ..., h\hiliiool ... ,... .... -.... -.. ...... -pdoa 111 .... -.... -.. w11 ·-Coll -. prtc·1 ... Oflll. Beyfront tiWf BAY Avanm,,All al U.. ftrJ' -..W .. ,,..... -·--_, .... -....... I.en ... tllo !Alt tloClr .... lap _,. -- 00 tllo :i.d tloq_or. ' ~ t.oa-.i ~ -II•.,._ •:s21. '1~ kar pr- ... -... _......,,. -Pttoa '811,llOO. Coll Daft Oollara. Lido Isle -$5,000 Down . . 2· bedrm. 1 bath homo . on comer Stroda lot, ••P='•'"'1 lwlllcapod. l!t6p """ thll1lt -tblo · homo 1u ._. 1880 !'I· tt. or floor - and Iii '"' a GO ft. -strada lot. Anllable '"""""laleb' fM lllo low price of '31,IOO, w\ '" -wm aocept '8000 down to a qualll!ed 1"17=" ....... clelalJir, call J~ .... ._Id p. a. palmer incorporated I ola hanson eo. management • 17* w. -blPw&Y _-: llboa_'tJ'_ll-35'1 __ a ___ 1 ' I ..! Ba. y front P"e .and (l:ft ui 1:!'::: ~ C:.u.. ..., to tlalldlrll .. tlM'IM ,...... -, LIV1I OK 4 CAlfTOM' TOP m -a>o< LIDO NORD, 4-. plal mald'1 .-,,!up cloabla -phii •aw u4 di I • w _d_,._.._..,._.,_. O...·'- • plotelJ --'11,000. -t . ,...._ 1, ...... 11p11tdoa. . Bay Frmt Pier and Slip Prm1ege. vmw..,.,._.., _,._ ,,_Point -8&ndy 1looeb. Oldor 1ioadl --... -I JloW .,.., --11111 ....._ UA,000. ,_ ..sr-.. 4ia1aS .,._I ft8. r-.-_,..,, -........ ---~ ~ 11•,.P--will e&rT)' baJ, ....,.. _ ..... -... -e& low -w:r ,,,_. --·-...... ' ... to ...... tncom. .. ..v. Two a-a IDU. Mlle br ...., ..a 1W deep. ,.,. oaly ,......,.. Jt4 lob Oil tbs p t ... '111,000, -(1) .-DDltOOJC. I ti&Ul~l!lalboll .... 8kM!& Ina My ...... lCliotl)' f\lrll:IAld ,... ...... ---. WM BaJ ' ~.... looaUoa fll,000, --J!) ...,. • NOlll7 J INdaoom ii.., iild: .,_., attraetf1"9 .... ....,.. la ...... .All __ ....,.lot. ·--·-- - " Coro... Del MM 111._ ,... ...... 1\i Moab -LIUlo 0... a e...., 111" ""'a.,._._ -l\i ..... ., ...... rA lllP •a 411 ft. lot -...---11 dce. l>llwo II; tWo --.... ud -On:N B.\T. It SUN. . ' Bey"Shores Sp~r­ an VIiia I · Boa.o 1• l'Ai Batlll, lo<ai.cl .., a corw lot, ....., .... patio and --to tM ......... _ ---~.OPZNllaliS.. t-3. Exclusive' Bec:k Bay 6H21n! 2 ...,,.aa I 6 Dm 1oeate4 oa yoar own prtYate -. -.. all --tally ooipeted ......... phio wuller" dryer. Tbla ... - b--all or Ille acluoiwe featm.a ,OU &re ,......, tar. ~ s.t. " Bun. 1~ . ~IAL ·. OQllONA BIGHLANDI 2 Bodi.....,. 1 llath ~ ... eo :s 1ocl tt "" with &11 --!ll1der 520,000. Ea-.. with ... W.,. £ FISHER & Associates aou Cout Blcl!ww. eor--•del Kar Harbor ll032 Eva lht!>or 2'20-W BALBOA CHANNEL Road lot, 1111obotructecl wle'rr of Bay. 4' I I $1T,GOO - DUPLEX 2 bedrm. It 1 bedrm., near bay . Good m>ter '21.llOO COSTA MESA 2 BBl>ROOlll!l pl1ll laD&1 oo -eo•-lot, 91:sp.c .lki ..... , ~.ooo. - COMMERCIAL comer Hll\i " 1l50 ft. Nw Bar- ~ Bini. l'Nct .lmpnmonenta aboald 04f!I tin ptilplilJ denloped., Beot liuy cm W. llltli SL .., <:OA-sT PROPERTIES RUTH JA.YREI>, -· Klldred Rlrp u4 S~'ria Thom-Ap>cJata 801 E. Balboa Bml., Balboa Bar. :lell8 or '8CJO ll:ltdam ~ ..,_a. a.u · ,. • (') PJ:ZfJH8ULA. PODl'l' DU-F~?!i'o~ Waterfront fter aid ~ P.riYilege ;r '"'!.~=~I--,., c_;o __ R_o_N_A ___ H_1_G_H_LAN __ D_s __ _ . ,,_ ............... ... CORONA DEL t.AAR •• BA,,.,., CdtD --1iM1; a ..._ J -... .., ,.._ -.. IUriDe .....-&aila'--.-..--.r borne, a ow..--llSLL -.. ... ..... •• ,,;..... _.... Ru__. ..... """' saa.ooo -flllo bedroo111.1;1% llatlla, -N .. ~ l8:s1l50 ..... ,....,.. '-pLttal:f fUr-' -. -··...... ··-1---. -1 ·---•TV-...... t ...,, I ..... --• -DOii~ ..... (I) ()WMl:lt OOINO TO ru-fenced Jot. Loada ot "utna" in thJa quality ~· ---~ -_._ .. • llOPS. Want. to ..U lli. home • .-1.t .. -•M RIV\ -----':' ·----"' . --· = ,':::., "W.:.:.-. 62' waterfront Pier and Froat ~'."'':-..' .::"" ...= ON CHANNEL FRONT A MUST SEEi 2 bednnl, $24.llOC). YOU WlllTE THl!l TICltK8. :=...-o':,:-1...::: ::.= !:.,2 .:=ld:..z = ------------·--~~-"' ':.:':::' .,,._ 8'""'= llJ,000. ........ • patio Ill fl"oat. ---$:5(!00 yr. bu· =-::~4: .. ec: ART C. KISTLER.' co.,-Realtors (f) :~ 1:~v~N"':; ~ "'~· __ 8!'1 1emt i.m.. . OPEN H0USES (ilo117 ICll..,t W-y) . 412 ~0th St. N"" opodoao 2 w._ 2 llath 1UJCW3' bome. '1'nllJ tllo 'Oltba&le la cllolla It U'lillillty. You'll -t.e -tllo _.,._.<Ila, kttcMa wl dlalaC -·t.ol ~ Vlo+. lay• (DIG Jiik. • 'hltlnl 0nici--BtJ1o a ""'-2. botla bome -.... fuall1 -• -·-"work ...... Tlllo .. Ill tllo bout al tllo --llq Ma ..s ta ...... will ~rt• • uadlti DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor -Mca,.U-.. Nwpott -Bar. 4711 . • • IF YOU WANT THE BEST . ......... 7 7 1 ... ~ IN C(ft)NA DEL MAR . .............. _., pro-1 lolll,J. il _... __ 1o.-. .... ~ I Iii*'. -lo ,... tor "'°'' ., ~ hr *fl •' rt tio .. e&D ADA CROW, with hn J. WhitrNn, Rultor .. tb9 property, TOUll MONWY .. W. I BAY FRONT SPECIALISTS -..... """• 1 .... EYmlllp call Edith Karocm. BYatt um "' ~ lay & Beach Rlty. Inc. .._ ~--• rro -. ·''"' lloJlllGl Barlxr 2878 ~ R14LTORI Cor. 29th w1 Newpott J!lvd, N'"'11ort"lleach a: _......,. -;; s'r. . ' Coron. del Mar <*b 5Rd wm. • •ti.ooo.. ~. I • _ •· """"' .....,. 11ar • ..., Phone Barbor 11238 DAY OR NIGHT • EARC t W. :A LEY, Rultor ·:· BILL'S BEST_ BUYS -----------.,..., -, -Ba-lbo.-_R•a.,!!!_Eo., __ 2211 "". --...,....· _•""'":,,.."-Balboa-.::l*"'l_..,.:.:· ~-_.__11711_..:;·~ ., -480 . FloyfY, COST A' MEsA --• .. Harbor Highlenda Lovely a beclnL It-la dol!Pttol MiPJtorbood. ,.... "'=....;......:, ·"'"'" * SAVE tlMn . ~ Ul'OllS ecBboL nun S.utltDU.y ku''c1ped. o.... tl'Ullfwnd.. • Too e. ..._~ .._ f:llrUU CAS.H • '* ~ You_.. ... ,....,.. la .... • • fJa,7l!O -PIOO ....,..,_ . . • .• ,,_ -ISTT • ~,!~:s BUSINES~ PROPERTY OH NEWPORt·llVD. , ..... !,""!,!f'!f' ::.1.. ~~bdrm":';:.::~~.: j .....,. .,......., ..._to -2 bedrm. frame b.,.. plui &41,lolnllll..0.-Iot:;-.,,.;i,-,,,. -0...0 ...... Bwd. Parquet floon, -·-kttcMa with"-•· • - • A.beobltalJ tM c....-18th and Newport Bml _:_ bl bMrt of a.ta I ,.r .. 1 '11th, put, Mll. 111.IM ~., -,-• . ... . ......... ---fut -· Hbonl --Coner Jot, ; -"°" will tlad. """ ,. 1.. Ill..,._ M ft. &ailtap, .., doop • Ulh. Jlloel·, • '-'· -1...-fmcod, pod laWlll. Woot Co1ta -wr . : ............,. leet 1oca11on for .... -.........,_., ... .., L•"';~...-· -..-w1 aboppbir. • ·W. A TOBIAS top NDt&l. ' Pttae ... GOO ' ~----' • : . ' '' " --Nl,OOO P. S. -It II ALSO • ..._._ ~.011.11;, 1 . LIDO ISLE . BA.CK BAY __, · .. Spaclouo comlortablt ~ -i:..s homo; 2 • ..... ...._ -""'poo1 Sll.IOO UTllO down -ll'llA. Jou. bedmuo. 1~ batb. LAzp al• 14 l&l)&I'"' GO 1 ""'· '""'· ,_, "",.. .... . .... ... 60RDON SEVERTS . REALTY . . . 'You'll UM OU~ ....... ... a. 1Tlll M. co.ta ll.- Ll "'11JO ft. lot. -1lflr--Ila .-.. .... --.. Ol117 $3J.,IMJO wl a ftrJ' GOOD llUY 1111 -17111 Ill. Colta -• B&ACB JNOOJa -I l·~r.. Lt S.--S'NI. LI 8-1111 A U lo660I ~ N -LI.. Udta-,.,., .... M7 ... ,_.. ___________ .:.... ___ . _':_.J" ewpOrt Hei~ .. ~ MYRTLE DAVY; Realtor .& A.ooc:. ,.,._ .... "" ; • ... .... Belen -Bab llmltlt -COt-IM I GI RESALE . ~--":.-.:::::::. U82 v1a Op.rto · · .--·Care Ven Hom . ; .......... -... -. 1ma.u~· u ... 1T01 BA.luolr-1 · UAL10ll Spo11111a-.-•~-81!1oc.ta : lot 10 s U1. OwDtr UU. IT!l W. 0-.... S,,,. U Mm )(-lo@ ,.,.. S. ,,, 1"ul lllW 1fW ..... : -IT JfUft UU. 1-----------------1""" -LI,_ ll4 MU-I anil olldJnr .... -lo-patio. J'ull price TIUPUO< .. Cla7 Ill.. ""'1 I • -' BA Mll $12,llOO. ~ enlJ '81 -mo; IDcl ... IM , .pW okl. I Wl'.lft .ca. \Wt. lit.. DUPLEX --• ~ ~~. :1:. -'= MULTIPLE~STING.OF-THE.MONTH , ., • ,,.,, ..__ ,,.,,,;. ..... taw. ._..._ w1-... •t '"· · 10t 111 ....... 1100 ..,. .,._ -INCOME SPECIAL TRlPLllX ,,._ -- 2 .. ..,. 11.at -on 1 la'I'! lot, 1-coald B. A. NERESON • ., &. Oaoot llwJ -l8U -Bar-CARA VAN SPECIAl ... -TH£810. ba,,.... •1100 por ,.,. Prt.e '"'11 $12,llOO ~ 4Tc48 ,., """"":! -.. -. -· ' Me:s W. Pope Reeltor NEWPO' RT. • 'ESA REALTY ---.-.~----------...,.-11.onim.1 1-1 •• 1 &\"a LI a.adia ll08 111.rbor ~ u 1-UU • m • I ~ COROH.\J)&L MA.R -.... ~·at-·,,.._,.... ollt wo1-..two ,, .. ,,. - -1-dloAc --............. -. • 11oar fia ••• ,.int. ................ ....,_.,_K's k' ..... •I 214 ftoen. •11" I._ ot ---.-.-...... Wl ...... -ra1 • JWf.1-. PIO ,W-' ,,.. ... "'1 pd .....-v • -;. .... -,._ .JOHNT'"'SADLEIR, Realtor t....W.-..it,A-t. mas. 0out lhoJ. o.r-11o111ar 11ar. 2422 ............. 1 -~--:...---·f lllL No._TMT--Two Duplaea O!I 80s330 Lot-2 BR ea. 8.,. own:a ,....., - -17118 Newp0rt ~ Oaata lll- $157,000 -T!l1cfiio111 ~ ~ .. ltlt Tab la~ Unlt-2 "" ~~ ..!."'t.::-t::'.'.::~----.:;..----·· _.LL_ ... _m_'--~-: -.. Old -Income $Slll Jlooith -Pr1ca '3J,llOO • -----r . .L • 'UN\ . -~~ . -------~ ...,...,..,., __ llmD A .... , '-~ .. ~ "'8 trMt w ..... _,..,... . Cot.tact Y-Re•lt.r _ .... .._..iw -,,. .. ........ u..,. .... Ma:s W. Pope, Realtor ~'l'!PLlll LiBdRG -vim """. , , -~ u•uu ...., . . ... :.':,i:v.:.Tll:: .... Newport Harbor 0 ..... ...1 of D ...... ~ors CURT DOSH, Rltr. ......, I '41bta• MIM DUClli ~· ...... , .... -......... .. 31"5 MellM ,., .... ::=-"ow':,~./:.':. tol N. Newport Blw. N~ Boaeb lelboa l1land RE11RE HERE -wl an -al '100 por -· fiw OllLY '8000 -Il!qlles. -IQ. n. 2 -' ... ---at -lhaa -al IMlcltng. Pl.- CLYOntE~~..virettoo-, -11-Re-ilt . 112 Karine. BOlboa 1"lalld; Har. 2:12:1 --Harl.or 1560 ~~---...,.--~~---------------~ ' \ ' • • -• • - .. WDIM .... ot llhort -tha "Klke" ....,..,._ -of that·llhyne-. He found --)>•~ lllJol9d telld.. wltll JUWS.~ ·-• ...,, m&klng cclo Joetloaa or deliverieo. He hu 1eorDed tile -. of eon tact and ite evmt..r • .....,.,,. fii money from real fint~band b11af0 -G• . ~rienee. ' IUSY IO'l'S ARE IE'l'rER llOYS ••• when Jou think your '°" 0t -you119- Jtw will ptOfit by oimiler New•-boy •"1'9'ience, .,,_ ~. t,. como l!t fe ... wllh ... .. H p • .. .. . •. 'I ...... • t Public Aslnd Dla111oncl J r-;; 'T" ~ ...::-· ( ~.lo i Pnijram to RemaiB 51112 i . • Injured in J- • . • • • . • • • . . . • . • . • . ~· ... • . . .. . . -,_._ . . • .. St1•y Meeting on lesenoir Here T1esday _., -HA•M• an• ..-..ca11011 F11hio1 Pace Set by Home:· Cl•• in Wil• To I auBLl!ll' 20ll.&t'O-llT . ' " ••••• ' ......... . ~ ltt111 r ............. W1•11tff' N...-PreM , .... 11 •~··· , .... s lmcttli••• , .... • kl ... . . ..... 4 It ..... ii : IP 7 ............ -- tlM ......,._ .. ... ·Ut : ...... __ .. ... ....,. -·~ .16 a. ;.,. ...... -.Iii ... ... _..., ban ltalk, Cbafk-~==I Ma FT Ill .Ml__. ... .-W ._ .... ,.. • .,, saWnetn ab.ow Jld&llbora~and. 'l1M ttt ,,-ww Mt• ... _.. ui.u..,. w1111C\ tomato-.. powiq'. ~ .--., ..... l'Wl'ft ... ....,.. to ~ dWif7 U1 ... .U •~to rejlet 9ZJ1 _.Mt ~btc to rtdM snd ....,..UaM. ' •, BAD&• . TIMll _ ~1-wJtr.-1-Fridl1 ---=::-~- • • • I • -· ... - • I" • ' T • 1 • ! '<' • SOR -· • • , •,· . . . .. . . . ~ :· .. " . . ,. ... ·~: .. . .. ... .. • • ·...:i:. " . • .. .... • • JeS I • 4 • ent. have been loou<d deaytnc with tho Qty ol Newport U... under DINct« Bob Glnpich, Pr.-W-1y, and~ tion tn the wmmer bueball Onb Glncrich to do a job and he U...._ Ml very ably 6one It. ln my c:iae-optnlon." Mid Bberrlll '"Ke 11 bard 'wortciq' and know• hl.8 ~uanea. It la not only my opttlion, It lA I.ha oplnto11 of U- .wbo recommended b1m tn olbn' dtl• w::Hr• h• hU a sood --The toUowt~ joint .Utement waa received. ~ by Oln- crtch· ArtJf:rt 8pencitr, Harbor Boy•' Club oecuUv• dll"Klor, ceo.tt.ued oa r-.. ,, TllrM ptf'90M ..,. llUr\, two ~1-at ~:•& p. m. 1Mter- • wMn their out.board motor ~t went out of -trol Im Up- per JJe.y. AttdrdlnS to Jobft Allen, who -• foUowt.ac theM to do. tn h• ...,_l Bea o.e. UMJ .. ,.. lL 111.aklnr Mtw91en 15 11nc1 11 knal9 Uon an hour wMn UM c..atl atniC1i: .... much • to .... than a rock aAd .-.nk . Aollen took Mra. PenJ llat.er ol 8&ri Pedro from tM '"'9dled bast. b• rwport«d to N..,..n. BMch police, 'and P&ul D. N• Un of ton of N'o. I Rudder Road. Be&• r the con B&7. too1c sau.7 e.lken. ot 11 . 110 WNl 1197 Al .. ud 1ti. ' JI, 3%·yM.r~ld -Bleck. to ilhOrc. ....... Al HNI' BMgital It WU ..... tlDC • termlned .. ,., lliater .... wd • dt7 :::-:.~~:.·= hi.red ,_ bonee. BoUt .... lllll kl Ult ._,,.t.&I ~ ~. 1".lt Balllea wu relnMd' after beiq" tnatad for laoeraHlrfl aad ......... 9IJlr;an told poUoe tlM:Y' .. at-.... trylftC' Mt .... "" ., boat &ftlllll &fter Kro. llatn ..,.. Y. drtftn It H liiA4I taltm COlllro'la. .... Ha ~ tr;amd hblliNU •· to .w. te man..-tM •t .,,,.,., da """t on tba Neb ...,.... M ' Jd4. ...,.. able to pt 1t ...,.. .-... trot. ha .... lllliil GlllL-Vldd )'8 ~·--­'>tantsllt In -Ana Jnjao !low~ IDCI -, ra.-llaren 'Jld <4 the • h&nd 1t pullinc up • few tM muical ewmL --statt : ' • • . • • •