HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-08-20 - Newport Harbor News Press-·-· • RE lid! l'llO.olll!:D NIXON-Ray Y. Copelin of21~ 41.t St., local rUJ estate aalea manager, f'int propOOed Rlchard Nixon for p,..ident durinc 11162 campaign which he bellevel re1uJted in N"aon'1 beinc propoeed for vice·prMident. Lettel'9 behind him ~ from Nixon "in appreciation·• and from Sen. WJliam Knowland. He alao hu one from Ike.-St&ff Photo NIXON'S RISE IN GOP MAY HAVE STARTEl-HERE IN '52 ... ' • • Plml ENction of 15-Room U.nlt of 75-lloom ~•I • mi.too turned down a pn>po.al of .lqrala te MIWl-Ade Ule b09t 1u4lq .ii. lllto ebl.lt• lam.ll7 r..td•ce Jot& )J.,...,r-.1 . ss ~· • ·l-c91TS Boat ·aia.sl 1n ll•llOr lniures 4: ' . ~ • -00 -YOU-SEE -MISSf"'G~LDEN-_JUBILEE -~ •· Tto Newport ll<acb loftlioe lined •P ll'rlday atter-Allco lllln1,'17, llll·Dlunaad eL; Pltjlli. vnno"'-"°,~.--1 • noon at atart ot tbe ,.... to become .io. Gok1a le, 2llU Circle llrtft; JOlll w...-.. 17, 218 Jubilee. Selection of the wlaner-will bo mada. Via Qalto; Judi l110>o, lt, 11211 -hllerton 8"' Alie. 28 bere wbeo th<> .. 1ect1on will bo plrt ot a Anita Pallll, 11; 2M2 Clrdo Drhoe; ,_ -. TV llhow with Kon c .. ue u eommeotator. llbown 17, 1708 htlt Aft.; Nand Cuiplloll, 18. 229 Ibo ... loft to ,.;pt .... Louile Harper, 1e. 283 OrdUd A""'; Mary Hammond, 28, lUl NOl1la S.7 Tu.tin SL; Nancy KWberlln,..ll,_%1'1.Jiolly Lane; FnlaL -Sta!! Pltoto • - f • . . Sot YOD walk along lhe beach. You breathe freeh &Ir. You tab it for granted. You feel well. . ' • • • • You are well. You IWiln. You breathe -deeply. The air" md.: Yoa'rt uvJ!r. Haft JOU tried that in Loa Angelea -oo a day when ... n. roU. lo? U you haven't, try it. You'll , -~-. .. : 'C aoUee tlMt dlffennce. Yoa people In Newport Beach or anywhere eUle alon1 th1I cout should bow down fSttrJ nif~t and ay a ,..,.Y.. of than.kl for the abundance ot fresh air that la. youn for the taking. Mutter a pteful prayer of thank.a for .the bene- ficence that natun hu bestowed on thll area and you, too. You don't know what it sa lo arile in the morn- m,, meezlng, Uld whee.zing. The air you breathe is clean. Beca.uee you're close to the sea. lt is clean. It •! ~ la pure. • . ' • ~ . The contJLmlnantl that shut out the very elixir of Ute In Loe Anrele1, Pua.dena and many otheT in- land cltiea never futeo their obnoxioua clutch on your throat. Do you know bow luclty~·ou ve! r~ u not, take a trip inland. • -Try and breathe! Try to see through the tean ·~ i ; f.n your .yu r 1 ~ Newport Beach and it.a environs have the un- tarnlthed, natu.r&-endowed a.nd God-given fresh air that wu God'E 'Plan for man in the first place - until man too-0il away. It cos&I no1h1DJ. It'~ tax-free. Breath• It. 1ove it, enjoy 1t and use it while it'• hee. • IJt'I th. only thing -at lea.at one ol the few thinp -that still doean 't cost a dime. In Newport Beach we're going to try and keep it. that way! ' . Tell your friend.I about it. Invite them down ! t • . . . . ~ . . Tbey'll tlke lt ! . . • Your Vote I~ Vital; Know What It Is For • . . " -Town Journal baa a high rerard for the lntelll- ;-r-,enc. of the American electorate. The magazine • 1&)'1 editorially: "We believe that plenty of polltici- a.na buk up \,he wrong trees when they appeal solely to the immediate aelt-lntcreat o! voters. The great majority ef Americana have the common ten.H to know that 'rovernment money' all comes trom 10me- body 1n taxea. They know, even though they may not think about it every day, that individut.l b1>erty la too precloua to be traded !or temporary tederal favors." Thm Town Journ&l liata some of the great ia- J tu• that fa~ the nation today: "Is the federal t poww to be entrenched further with leas rem.t.ln.Jnc to state and local pvern.QWlta f Are we following th• rilbt pollc~ for aau:ring peaee ! What coune of action will ~t improve qrlculture'• pro9perity! How can • the cau.ee of 'clvil rilht.: be a.dvuced : : without qpvaUna rad&l · tenalona ! Can eovtrn- t mmt 4o more to barmOD.ile the common lntereata f of .,rlculture, labor, tnduatzy and con1Umerat Oan t tipendtn1 be reduced., taxea lowered, and paymenta : made oo UM national debt t Shall the federal govern• : mat .-um• ne" ~bWUea in education f . . . : • · lt ii the duty ()I candidatel for ~h at.flee to t \,. ..... 1.a .J-I • ...-thg&" paaitioiw dear on such vital que.tion.a ll : .. U.... 1t Jt tbe 4ut.J of the \fotera to care.tuIJy ftlluata tho. poelt1au before mar~ their ballota. • Thi.I ia DOt a ~ matter. TUr. an men Jn both ~. wlioeie overridJn• 1~1 bl to ml.lutalD a rov• • em,men\ whJcb ~ tbe lel"V&Qt, not the J:QUter, ot tl>e ~pie. AIMS ther. are mm ID both ~ who have aaccumbed to tll• lun ot all-powerful pernment tm k1Dd ol government which muat ult!ln&t.ely lM'!llnft'IV humu freedom. 87 .1.ubr..s W. DOU'l'llAT WASHINGTON -By W1e of the veto and ~· ltiona, Preaident Eilenhower hu taken a fresh .ltan~ aplnat the recent Congreulo:nal tendency to concen· trate more power 1n a AA cent:rallzed rovernment. He bu lllu.ed & CaJJ, lnatead, for a Wtt bl N~~ to local rovtnuntnta or private t.o com9lete nlle by ,,..,.. IM>W'Oa -and in many cue. Wre&ucncy. a ~ of both coel and ra-,LOOD -Y•NTUll• lpol\llbWty. A.pin. in lbe MW flood dam· The effect of the Pneldent'• qe 1.1\aurance venture -a $7 •tand. a.Lio, I.a to op~ "itn· b1Won federal project -the a\ll'ay1" by CoJllT9U in wbJ~ U PrM!dent found a tendency to hu vot.d t.o UM It.a powtt• ot l<*d all cost.a a.nd rupon.slbUily the puree to take money from on the fe<knJ ,.ovemment--and one rroup of ciliRnl and pve he p:rotuted whlJe 11gnln1 the It to a.not.her. bill The stem toQit ot Mr. ElMii· One propoeel of U\e Ad.mini• hower'• admOft.IUOftt point& the t.raUon wu lhat the fl'dual way t.o a rnl•al of 1lbte . cam-iov•~nt and the 1t.atea ab.art paJp to "brtnc rovemment a 40 per cent aubaidy on the back home," which wu a butc pttmium.a p&Jd by lndlvlduala objecuve of h1a .t.dmJ.n1.trauon &nd flnfta t.&kJ.n,. out flood tn- when It entered office. Further, 1urance. lhe Whlte Houae alUlude Ind.I· But Congreaa _ moved by a calea that new We may be In· "Jiveaway" spirit -would not jected In to tha campe.lp tor en· agree. lt loaded the entire aub- actment of the propoala of the aldy ou lha ftlderal government Hoover a.nd Keatnbaum CommiJI· -tbu• ttducJ~ local lnlluenc;e •Iona to cut down swollen 1gatnat wute and mlamanar•· bureaucracy, and to net.ore ment of th• venture. power to the atalea. APPROVEIJ A CT ll!E'B VBTO Mr. E!Mbhower rlaklng poUUcal reprlaa.l.a -vetoed a U .8 bllUon rlvera and harbora aulhort.uUon blU ln whlcb Con-rraa both. flouted the law and succumbed to "pork burel" en· lrMUu. He found that the nwuure con~ l2 projec:U, tor which ~30 million waa authortlll'd, on wb1ch the Army Eqlnffre bad not reported. u ~u[Nd by law. Thc1t are e«H:ailed "pork bar- rel" project.a put Into the blU by ea&tr member1 of Coorreu. A 1peclal defect, Uw Prul· dent tound. wu the acUon ot Congrea In cutll"I' down the amount of local parUclpaUon ln rtvera and harbors and nood control projecta required -ewn below the amount a&Tftd to by loe&J l.nt.er•ta. Tbt Prealdenl nlt.eraled hi.a demand that on many projecta thtre ~ bot.ti local aJd and loe&J raponaibUty -thl~ in contrut. The Pruident approved a new waun ¥ a.ct -but ap.ln ht prot~ Congrualonal acuon. Here. ConrreN placed lbe f ull coat" 'of nood control In theM project.I -all amall onu -on the federal l(OVU'Jllnl'nt. An Elaenbower Adml.nl.atra.Uon policy WU thua r.wraad. 1n 1964., Co~ enacted a water· lbed law -recommended ltiy the AdmlnJ1traUon -to •Pffd build1ns of ar:nal I .... .,.t.trahl'd con- .ervation and flood conU'ol worka. Provlmon wa1 made for it.at~ a.nd local control and pay· ment or pa.rt of the coat. Mr. Elaenhower, In approving Lh• new law, criUclzed Oonrreu. aaylng: ''lt I.a unfortu.nate that the eonrreu hu tboeen to WTile tnto law an Incentive to loral people to ah1!t to the ted· eral r overnment a burden In whldl they lhould ti. wtwnc to lnvest their own-money In a polnl enterpriH wtU\ the federaJ covemm~nt." Sacramento Sidelight , ' <j,l'OIJI Convention feftl': btteU C.Utofnla Editora lut , anc1 all the 1)'11lptOllLll 'tft?e cte.a.r. EQ.mination Qf per- -1onalit.14il htW>lftd, the nominatJ.n1 mottinp themeelv THE CAPITAL WEEK B1 WALTER L BARKDULL Unit.ed PreM Sta.ff Correspondent and prelimlnary political movee within both pitt1es orcupled M\ICh ·~ a.nu be~ pruldcnta, who rtmarked U.-l Slvtl\ t.M·,,n.atyUw onct-over. to M a auccuatuJ ptWldw ene V&lJtJo--TCm..,Btrald: "Call!· muat be a aucceaarw J>Ul1 man om.lane ehOUld l\Ot ovetlook ll'I• Oertalnb'. J'r&nkllll D. 'Roalnelt 1mpart.anc. of Uie National, Re-WU DOl above rtortil&ft -pol(Uca.' publican Coa~Uon, 800I\ t.0 u-And Me col.&ld quote Harry Mmb.19 ln Sal\ ~Ltc.o. From Trumaa for more recent n1dtn(t pre.nt lndlcatJona It le not to of a ldont . . • •l•ped in eeea~ th• uaual ttNWOl'Q that pollllC9 • . and •quite tft.nk k .. p dtlept.11 on tbetr t .. t, abo\lt tt." and whet the ~ of fol.kl Battnsfleld Californian: "Oov . who 1lt1 at bOmt. \Vb.lot looked ftarrimNi • • I Mid l .. he la pre. Wee a cut and dried connnuon pal'lld to battle It out eplrlAL wlll'I little more al Jtake than 1.he QOP In the torthcomln1e oomJnatlnr Pl"Midat Eiaenhowu dtcUon on a bu11. not ot 'mod· and hi.a oJd runni-1 tnab, Vice traUoa.' but on an all-<>ut liberal Ptutdmt Nixon. bu blOSllomtd policy .. hell' 1pptrf'nt to the forth with • aurprlM wt\h nn· tenf'b nf thP 111 .. f'nnklln J> 1lettrm1ntd pou1b1l1Ud 1·11e •t.-RoouvelL 'D""'"' 1 a•a .,1 l'\f'~ l<'mpt of Harold St.as.en In dr<>p I Yorit arf' f:'""tt t•i , .. 1,1111n truf' Nixon • , . hu arollffd nallonal to the lib1•1111 1 11n1 apltic inrt lntere.t.. U' nolhlnJ more. 1t baa objttllvell th.11 1:111tlt·.t i•sanklln brou~ht Crom GOP J\'.&tlonaJ Roos \'I'll 1n.1 Hurry 1't11m1.n,' C.:h1lrman Leonard Hall llSl!Ur· he ""Id. 'An•I "'"'" i;111ng 111 Bnc• that. any deleple wilJ h•ve etiinxn to t 11:hl 1111 them.' .H" opJ>Qrlun1\,y t.o ptac. tn nonuna· emphuueit th• t \\I 1J.. 1 hl'n' 111 e lion 1ny name be ch~. which lhoae rer ~on 1 u lv11'1ni; the pnrty me&n.11 that It may beeome a 'to take It t.tl'\ 11n1I au eu mmi- f~ awlngint conv&AtJOn er11liun 11-i a •1 1111 "' the Umt.s To evt'n th1nga up and hold the 11 .. 111 n<1l ~ 1 •1 lln• 1 bill u u cent.er of the at.age , tor 11 ,.,.,. Dtn1rn r11 \\ 111 t1.:1tt tc11 ·ufvanc· ml'nt. .ce1 La.In developments 1n I td ll~ral1 11 111 1 11ucctng t.ii. De.mocratlc convenUon are I l'ampatp 11i,1111 l 1'1 t•1ldPnt El· at wblte heat and apeculaUon ffnhower \\'h, h• dlt1 not la buumg freely." nwnllon Aili.. ~ll'\1·ni.on 11~~ DEMO BR&A&AW•V apeech by lmpll 11t1nn cnnve)e•I N•pa Ref11ter: ''Tb• ~no-that thla 1·1111d1 htlf' repr eemted cratfc br.X.W1tf' trom former thf' modtrate• 111 111• party and Preudent Truman'• Idea nf a that this 1111 1 .... rt. t ~•. ru•d pre.WenllaJ Ucket and campaign •lemocra.:y \qi. r 1tt a,lcplable SACRAMENTO UP) looka u thourh It mJgbt ho 111 to Gov Hui 111 "" • • ( -OnJy time will tell What the w1y . . Their lflarr'imen, SAN F'RA:'\l'l~t'(> :'\E\\.3 will "finally happen to the sport of boxing in California. Mlt'hlJ;&n Governor 0 M1•nnPn "Stnllllr H 11t1!1 t H11mrhlt'y nt M it .2-~..... W1lfl•m1) Ide f ~ prea1t1ent111l Minnt..0111 t~ ,., 11~r Iv And per· now at.a.Duo, ~ is roundly condemned by n th:k• t. a plat and a tam· s'lnatty l'ln f"lt •;:mn11 rur M"<·ond apec:ial inve.stigating committee, appotntcd by Gov. P ugn appear mo1 e Ilk~' place nn L!le r ..,11~ 111i1t• llcktt Goodwin J Truman'• than the !du.a. for anrt tt hHM b..., n rf'poil~ tha~ · Knight, U a racket "tinged With the filthy 1n. lance Of Adlai !:. SteH·ra<>n the tHmnn alt I rc11)able tnp 1hadow ot U.. UAderworl4... acuon 11 taken qalnat lhe men . . There 1eem1 already to man. Adlll s1 .. venaon uqret.I It.Ja a IJ)QJ't. lt )'OU eao C&ll accused by Cox u beln&' delrl· be U\e beglnnlnp of a band· Senitlur Humpl111•v l•> s111 rt tun- It .lhat. whlc;h the commit.tee mental to boxiJ:le. wagon movement tor Slevenaon. nlnf. It 110, ,.," "on•lf'r why. a.uerta hu been reirul&led ~y a • The new ita~ albJeUc com· He look• now like a winner ... " I Humphrq 1 ., " m•n nimble commlaalon that 1a "pitifully In· mluton _ a flv&-man body ap-Orovtlle Mucury: "Tht tran•· ot ton11:11e Ever r e111fy lo make a~~tA." b ln, pointed by Knight _ wm be the ranmcy ut aome Democrats' re· a lfpee<:h on 11ny •ubJel:l at any • one w ett t.be com· trlbuna.t to decide Ult t.rulb or qulremenla that Republican 1:aJl· ume. he 11houl1J ™' an 81 uculate, mltl" auerta, 12 per cent of falalty of the charJH made by 1 t11dale1 are uked lo meet 11 'o 11 not aJWD)• , unvtnctng, cam· the mana1erw and more than Cox. 11pparent aa hardly to merit palarntr One 1it 1 h1i1 claimed 32 ,per cent of the boxerw · had And rommenl. For tnatance, the1-e la adv.ntagl'll 11 1 h• t he can help criminal record&. a man wtlh 1 tot of legal 1 lhe tlltement by Stnalor Psul whip up Lh" labor and farm' And, It you can believe th4 "'~:n~b<ilh In Wuhlngton Douclu ot Dllnols: 'l b<'lleve.' v1ole for the I >emocraUc UckeL 181·~ report tiled by Kntfht'• an urrua. a man namf'd 1 h1 nld, 'that many American• B ut 1r Hu~rt I.a a man who committee, It i. a apart In wbJch David Luce, will be UM proaew· haw irav• doubta whether Nlx· c11n make votta for Adlai why tor l ' 72 abuan and vtolatlon.1 haTt · on cou. d be 1uftlclenUy above w •• It lhat the only 11tace Sena• ~ found In CaUfomla.. U Luce dedde1 Cox hu 1uf· partiaan polillca If lit ~me lor Kdauver beat Mr 8t.evea- Thue lJ:lclude iuch thinp u Lldtnt nldtne. to wa.rrut lh• pl"Hldent.' Clnct Whl'tl must a atin In a bead~ prtn:tary flflal tlud 11,.bta; the '1M oC criminal tlUnc oC fonnal cbArpe •1a1nat pruldent bt above pert!Kn poJI· waa In .t.flnnuoLa _ where meant to lnnuence the J"Hulll &JQ' fqbt flsu.rw, w tMn will Uc1! It wa• Woodrow Wtlaon. Sen&epr Jiumpbrey ,.......,,uw of matcti.; controllinr otftclala ~· a compla.lnt w&l\1 UW oom· OM of the Ftaleat Democratic Stevuaon umpalp !" In charp of bout.a: fa11un to m.laloa and a tnat wW be btld. take action acalnst promoler1 COURT P.f..LU.LBL accwied or large·1eale gambUnc Sucb a trl&J would puallel .n and boolunaJO.ng: undealrabl• In· actual court pf'OCftd.lns. Tb• a.c· nuence of u.stern racketftn; cu.ed would be reprMented by a 4tmploymtnt ot dlahonut ottl· lawyer, tnUmony would be ctai. and Improper tnlluence itven under oelh -and the over the old athJttJc commaaion. proceedln~· could draJ on tor WROTE REPORTS montha. Attorney Jamee E. Cox, tor-Even If the commluton 1hould mer Stanford and caJUornJa decide to rev~e tom• licenaea football •tar. wrol• the comma-or bar aome boxing Clf\Jl"f' from l~ report on boxing and did the flghl game. that would nol moi.t or the tnveaUgaUng lo-nec<?aaarlly end It. set.her wllb ex-FBl ma.n T. Once the comnUNton'1 Jlldlclal Elton BllUnga. runcuon ~nca, u..e 1-ccuaed would Cox hu recommended-utat 11 have a rl1hl to l.lkf' lb• matter flJht f1gure1 l<>H lbetr licenHa lnt.o the rerular courta. It he In California; that tour olbeni availed hUlMlcl! of all hi• r1fhta be finl'd aml thal cfulcipl.l.nary of appeal, ht thC'Ol"f'U<;ally could acUon be con.sldered amonr 12 keep the ca...c alive for yean. other n1en. Governor Knight hu aid that On Cox • u.t ol lhoae wbo. he hu absolute faith In the In· ahould ~ banned from ~ rame tegnly and ablllly or hi• nve are three ol the moel lmportant alhlet.Jc comm1u1oner11 -a.nd r11urH ln atatA bolting circlff-he \\'&llla them to proceed on Babe McCoy and Cal Eaton of the boxin( lnve11..&1atton "and AFFAIRS OF ST ATE By HENBY C. MacARTHUR SACRAMENTO, -<CNS) -Proposition No. 10 ii a abort and to the point meaaun:, propoeed to the people of the at.ate in connection wilh the hiring ot private architect.a and engineers on contract when at.ate employ- ees are unable to ha.odle the load. lt UI apoNOred by Senator 11 confualn~ and dlftlcult to un- John F. McCarthy, Mar In der1t.and or admln11lcr. cowuy. who Aya lhal under the Proponertta of the meuurc. con.llituUon at prt>aent. It i. not aayw Senator Short seek lo t.ake cert&in whether a 1t.at.e q~ over irlatt work even thou1h the may t'mploy archllf'Cla or en,1· at.ate hu and c•n adequately nHra under contmt rather lben perform tbe work. Private In· u •tat• employtta who are ap-terclla, attkJn1 lo UIUtp the pointed In the manner provided work of •tale emplu)'l'C'•, are lb• b.v the atate. civil •rvlce •Y•· ch1et sponaon. atcor<llnai to lh• lem. Senator. ~ amendment, McCarthy He contendll that aomt 8,000 SA"'° .a. "~, (CNS) _ Som• indication of the the Olympic Auditorium in Loe let the chJp. tall wh're they ~, .. v " Aqel• and Jimmy MU"'Y· may." aya. protecta the rtibt.a of civil tmployeu In alat.e clvtl wrVice •rric• empl0yff8 bJ ao hmlting can be altect.ed In lbe mcuure and ~Ing lbe uerdw of J>UIWL ln n it.al• deputmenta. lM blrln& ~ that ll cannot '"TIK-meuutt llHk.t apedal be ulll!d to lnterft're with the prcfettnce for a •~l STOUP·" objf'Cta and pw-poaa of the atate be atacea. (ll t1 a ~ clvll aerriee act, or work to th• p~edenL" l upswing in bualneu cooditiona in California ii eeen in Northern C&lltornia p~r. Knight aa>• he ha• no pla.na McOoy. accordh~J to Cox• re-ar pre.Mnt to continue the Cox the report of pie State Board of Equalization, for the port, I.a "truly repraent&Uve of commltlff. He 1ndtcal<'d that the first quarter of 1~1 when retail sales, taxable under au lbat la wroq; wtlh bcr.l.lnc mveatipUng committee would today." Eaton wu dncrlbad by be held l.n rucrve ... and that the et.ate. law, were nearly halt a billion dollara, and 12.7 the attorney u a man who bet If fUrU'ler evldenct of Wl'Ol\f• percent hlc'l.tr tb&n the prevfo\.w ~ returned Stal,t2$,MO to the larp auma ol money on 'aurt doinf in boxJng co~• to llJhl, record Clntaquartv level wblch llate tn a.lei tu... and lher9 IJl.lnp' at UM Olympic and wbo ht Jlll&ht activate the committee wu .. tabllahed IA 1936. 18 an lndlcaUon that 1.he 1936•58 wUlfully defied the law. acaln lo make a new lnveeU· Tu.able .i ... lb• board Mid, nd1 year w!Mn flCW'ff .,.. com-Murray wu · a&ld to have pUon. actuallr &mOIP\ltd to at,39'7,821.-plet~ will yield UI• It.ate al· l~diq connecUona wtlb Cb&ncea are t11ht ta.na are p- 000, wbtch la a lot of money ln mOll ~11 11\llUon, which I• ti.n prot.-otl&J p.mblen. ll\g to have to wail a food many a~'• oalc:ul&Uon.a, but .ven aD·Um• htcts tor ..i-tu rev.. What happen.a now that the monm:r-or yeau ~fore they more" Iii)~ for tb• rw80D nwa. Cox report hU been made pub-gtl a final de<:l.lion on lhe truth th&t UM Om quarter or tbe year, TbJi W1.ll )I.ave &.11... import.ant llc T . or fal.tty of Ccal'a char&H C01n1r1S aa It GOM alter the n&ab ~"I' on tM tutuni~ fJu4iet Cha.noes are 1l wW be moot.bl. aplnat 37 Call.Cocnla d,bt lumJ· ot ~ bu.,tna. ~Y ia COll\PUt&tJona ot the itate Mai• po811bly yean before any final ..-. , dladYantare o! archltect.a and Wbolebe¢ted oppollUon t.o the enitneera 11•ho ari prmentzy em-meuure comta froru the CaUf•r· ployed by lhe lllate under dvU n1a Stale l:mployeea Auocta.· 1ervtce. Uon, whlcb bu ba4 a campe.lp AdopUon of the ~dment, under way for aome tlm.e to MY• McCarthy, wUJ enable the ralae money to dtlaal lhe pro- le(i1lature to provide for a at-posal. The AuoclaUon bu h&d ilfact.ory method to meet tb.e aom• dltflcully nJatq money, problerM lnvolvl'd ln t&ktnlf care u ft.ate law prohlbtlt .oUdUQr of peak work loada In the state a .1We tmp&oyft fol' tunda. public work.I proen.m. When th• A.aaoclaUon eenl a i.t.- On U.. au. lluld. t.bt Call· ter oul to M&.e ell..,,._ a foml& lta'-J:mplofMa A•oda-ireal 1DU7 ot tMm .....t 111to Ule IO"t quart.er. l&turt. tn that .-.erally, tatJ· TMn wu d\uiq lb• quartar, SMtaa ba" Men t.low actual a muked ~ tn auto-yttJd, and mme llU1'pJu m&J i. ~ W..•llM boerd l&ld, but U:..,.Ci.d to ~ttr up Ute bl.lp nu ao, tM bUa1De19 maJ'IAl'9d SPftldinc Pf'OST11111 of California. to pl& J.t ,...cent over tba ftret 8o far, t.b4h haa 1MeJl no Jal- ~ ol ltN. •"" ~ dowtl 1D the IKWD ... uJJ9Wins &MJ' were lnO" than IU0,000.000 wbJdl lllarted alter World War IL ... lba record ahal~ tot.al Calltomla'• pa.rt ln the uJ19Wlnr --------------------------------------Uoo c,.a~ Ul&t Ulla --..un Ule ~ la aa ~ a&.~ to cut· Law, atata ~ ta u. ..t la ~ third quarter of lhat -~ tnore fU'-reuhhll lb&n ______________ ..... ....,....,. __ ..., __ _ ,.at. ln maq •tu. 1Me&U8t of 'the In ye olden time, ft.omt1t tmperote kept In pow« by u. dYJ.1 •met Ill-~ • BacnlJDeto ..... ~ co liloM aomcwMt lldlai to • c111.aci1t and nm. to ..._ U.. old pt'Oftf1> ot ~ Ulll t\aAda. ~ .... Jaw Jl'O! camel rt 1111 halll4 Iii Ole ..._ ~t.8 UM -.le Cl( Udlllb fAll' 'Wen&U>r Alu ~ ., .. dl&Dolil -aui~ ..... Jo&qu.ln COW)"', wru. Ullit ~ .... ·U. ~ .....u.;.; tneflt aplna the P"» • ' ... ..,.. ~ Uae UdlllC& .u.; kn&tor Dorl _,. tt la tM ton1711 ,_. tM A 1f°U... optnJ.nc wq. to Ule nt.m1l of 11o ... , ... c UWlld. n.. .. , a ...._ the •-polla ~ ln Clltlll& tu>' u u. UClle&a ..,. ....... Ueed carm =VP bowe'Nt', ~~ S:~U: )l:ia .,.!: gn.ot.ing "bread and cltcU&eia" to t.M populace. BnM we jwnpec! 11.1 pm:9t O.C.r tU tncrea.-bualn~ but at u.. lee today -free Federal echlol IWicbM to poi a.Da all .. _.. .. • I 111 • O·r MaU. &t Ute PwtoCaoe tn N...,ort ...._, Qrat. •uartar of lltl6 -.la, to ~ um.. It Ide,.... ,ovem· And bread to the Hottentots and the WbU .Not& • ~ .._ &M .Mil ti ll&rda a;l.11't. Ind' '-that tvtll ~ n.• rncnt U'pen4M at all leveLI, and Since 1954 our "Uncle''•'---"Dia.ct=' .,9 ~Hu... ot au~ wen not. .. popul&t, lbt de.mcnO for ..-.tc.a ha.a run ' "-'" lllQ... --.. WU! ........ and UDdlnn1ne W'&'J, ... MLe tMl .._,,.. lbe t.t state J -"* .,. .. wbo. W'aMa a .._ .• tM wu l.n ll'I• n&Uon. Ba beldl that aui1m1•0t ur.t WUI ._ ~ Ulen la no DMd or jUIUftcaUon at ll• ..._. cu llliw U.. ,_ for the ......... 1riUch be .,. tne. • l t •MP$ I_, M , f•. Q I -· ... f'rWiU '7... tb9 IMC. atw I.I U&"1iq OA ·~ put the ablUt7 ot tM ta.rm avrplu.. owrwu,, at a ICllfts uackr. UM_._.. d.l lila" ; I ~~······ ~ 0-.AJllY ......... ui.. to ,,.. them, In Dl&l)J Jciet of iu bUUon. Wblcll 11\.ua """ tun ~ a.Ii ........... ~ •'CIL CJ.&LD', .._....._We Thi liot.td aid OM 1hOlt ttMt-nen th n~ Kr-a clur Jiit QC n.t blftlt;>n -IUtettul at.-'Amti1 'llW.. ~~~=~==~~-..-~~~~=~~~~~i..._j t ~ lft~ lD ....... WU ,._ 'ftcq web u 9Choola. .tale In• • cb&JrP a ,.,, .... AM ~ ~mt ................. ..___, MOC 2 •ttU ..... jlorUrd b7 dtiilt'.1'9 tn t~ itlblUona and otbers. toretpn of tarro lturt ak>M..;. IA Ol~ !:W di> f'AW __ ., ..... tJ1lla o.rt ielUNllll'e Cl; • ...._ Ne.' A-llM tlGatt. motorcydelt and alrpla.MI. 'ftlua, a era.di In th• u.,.wtnr A.re cirCWIU .-rt f lt '8 ,.. or TIDD K4K. lillll'P.lld&." . t u.ICtw. . "1ume wu a'""-'t t1n1 ftlch ~create tten a minor ported that f.11• bl• and JJW. to ~bt t.M 'd.e fA UM ! • , 0 la M• I '!" ~ A-...,._ Pft'CC"t II 1hv U\a.n f~ the a.me "d.pn'Alon" woukl brtnr rorth a C'i~ an on th• "GI* -too llM N.-'*1 P""f e.l. oiiii~iiillMi_.__..__.-~~-------------~ : • 111 •• N...._. ktl •Ital .A 111 Um period lut ~ar. wl\lcll I.I •n ln· m~r crt•'• In aut" financlftl, much compeUUon from T.V. and .,._t ~ Pl 81111 '* • • • If •I~ ()jiJitf N..-..,.._ dlc:&Ucm \bat durtft& lbe Ont aa ,....,., .. COU1d mfll away b.-~woop. ~ wtlh llllnot J .... H. llriiidlittid,, waa Ulitd In the C'W ~ a t.8chn'• lq"' Utle W wll2 llllft _. mcN ltl:DIUCK. PUN.IUICR quar\u of thla ~ar. the •tat• tore the t.glalature and tll~ ad-~ buHAll tam lboitl7 Mtcin •Ut U he r1&bt to'"* oaUW. • ctlOOl ~ t.o do ..... t~ .. • wn..t.LU& PH:n.l.IPI. l:idltor W&f pttt11r n.lJ for tM --mlnbltNtkm attually knew what &>.. wlM!n U. Praid4rlt h'COnt· tlM .-.COH•fll a.a:/ 1f.., Dia.la I 'ltiOUld ti.ate to call alWtiUcm to run a ,,.,.,... hW -..,.. J.uilm M. M4Tlllan, 4'~ Otnc:tor m• ncaUon eeuon. Upnrifte wu ~I· mmda. and Ool\rr-vot• a to U. t wwJd "Y•" h. tM t ... t the t ;. In t.nt t e. m•BL81 A. ~ Mecb&IUc:al hperiat8lldlnl tn lh Mlell Wldobted.11 wW 114 hw peop.)r. ta])f'Ct.117 th• M.Dlon or "'"o to k..-, ftamum aaJd. "J'\t dur up at ~ a qudtlo eama. or nta)bf' 1t jt(I~ ~r" jobs b7 l&klna , . 1~ 11.&%1:1& renKted In UM MCOnd &ftd l;hJnt ~ onea. upect even a aplNll ltlf'm 'N'ftW told: "It do&en." would bf. mo,.. profWr t.o aa)' on any ot.Mr wCl'k. ln fact ,-a..,.. aan., .......-. !'rf.Week17 quarten ~ 4ll ruoft.a and m1nor let-dowTI bul tht,.. .UU cant bappu ~n." AA Lbe bn&d and dn:u.m nf ahe ft<9..a MOOG a ,.u. wllldl t'mploy... would DGt ~L a .. ·-... c;:;;· ..... llW,..,, .... *-.iii.It..._ -otb« p1atu u.Md tor n.catloa rernaln ~ wbo went thrOuftl WMl U\lnk. JMill'bbor? bur.a tl'llJIU'98 ~unued lo aet equa.\I abOUl • a, tor O» tMlr men t.o uny °"t.tllde )Obi. T"" ., ~ ~ '1M purpoeea. the dJcnaJ d&ya toUowlns the and BaiJt7 iotas. aad t:bt C'lua the applauM ot lh"' pubDc. no UtH ah• ta et WOfk,, Tows tru17, ' ,_ ,._ Th• t\nt thrH mont.ha of the tut 1todt market cl"UJ\. m and IV -..b&U ~ ttorn doubt t.hoM wh o protl'wted I n.ay be '"'° , fut I do not A. T. W&Dla' ,- ,_ . . -· -- \ I •• .. •• • HARIO • h wu two r.r Ult,...___, ,,_.Joop••tC c•-.... -"'-la .... ,.._-..... ... J't1dar" ....._,_ ; CW.~11.t: ~ 11 .. ; ... -1-17 , I • l _________ ._ ____________ 1 Dodpr-. el U.. IDC".wiitu...1 Dal~rll ... all* .. II; .... M , ? .. -.tri .......,.._ ,,.,. --\Wt ,.......,... Jitn&as 1-14. .... ................ u.. 17 ...... pm.t hem the QalN • au~ Paimtn ...,.. ..-. -c.1,.,... .... °"" '--t•io NEWPORT HARIOR +IEWS-PRESS -PART I • PAGE l MONDAY, AUGUST 20, ~951> 4·1 an.tr pla)'\OC Cltf • U. ot mu • ,..,. u.. ...._.. QluU wtai ...., ~ ......... ~ ~ ...... ot ....... " Pd ........ lbrWbt.I" t&-1• wta ...,. ~ .. ~ ~ ., c. ...... m.i .... u: .A.Cl\l&UI' Ull oc.cbla OudluJa, ~· ... at c.ta "-Partt. ~ LAWN BOWLm.s ROLLING OFF · .,-rwc1 io Mt. ~·· pme •f \ha w.wro ...,,. ""...., ..-...,.. ... ~-..... ,_ u.. C1' . · •U. ... '°""' "" lht u. -. ...,,. Into lhi"' ...... ..., el ~.,. .....,. .,. .., MPIONS and tor ~ ~ pme. u. ~ ~ 'n. OIU&I a... ......... g ......... FOR· DOUBLES CHA HIP _.. ......, ...,.... wi .. , ... ll>o """"""" .... .,..... ..... ...... """ , ... 1, -• , l-. men on jChri• Mcl.A.chllA oa.t. ~ night at l:lt p.m. Ki&aq, IA.fT)' Dart, .,.. Jlrit WLDnu ol lM el.Ult ........ ua. ~ ot Walt Pear-and lkuot KCOtJre ....... la "9:lnw also bit t.-.o ........ alUl'f'&D tM). -and B~ U..-a.ad Wa.Jtff Wood U4 Kn. PMnOft • \be third. lmlinc-lO drhe owr to tpa.rk tM Olaal ..-t-..... Lee MarlcMa .. tow for-n.,. wlU M crowned Newport 8'Ncb doubJttl dwn~ an tm two ~ID tM fdurth 'Guy ~ Gary IJMrt-' u4 WU l;M lop awat .-.rtl t« the )fldlSdp&i, t..WD BowH• Greftll. ,,.. Penon-ff~ Ma.ptt, JSl&v• .lbedd •od David Jaek Bayel a.1so Sot l.b.rM lll6U Cardlnt.a.. J*M:)' ~ IOl combo WM.t64 Al OXIUld uc1 K. E. Taylor whlJe lhe Connell pt &ddltlbqJ •nr• for Uw wlnnen. Haro'd Orlm • doubi. ud I\ ~ tor u.. Wood·P..-.on duo dowiled Nicbolaa Bre\.lJler ud C. K. tor lM Dodpn. l>Mbkie by Piaf*l a \Op ddm.1.-rune dUb.. · : L CUbt Keith Jacobi. Mike Cle-tfft ft•\d for .. I.he ..-,.. '""' J;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; CIOM 1A ,emmftal '*'-Uel. .. · menee, a.nd M.lk• Pella IUld a wtilch f.aCN tN r.ut.em Qu-41.· , Ox1and and Taylor out-rolled Uoyd ateevea and Mn. --. ---'-• a-defeated l!:d wuco'i and "11'.A •ns• llY auu Elml failed to na1s w~y m..-alltC bt a ........ ~-· ..... Y'"' hurt the Dod,p.1'9. lower bracket baW.. Munet, BrettMr and CIOH bMt Harold Shandley a11d JilCKK'f" (Blll8ELP'J Rlcb&.rd Johnaoa Sot four TOURNEY CHAMl'8 CBOWNL.D -Art Woock preoonto prW!o to oingt .. ehampa of the recently completed Newport Harbor High SchOQI IU.MJller Rec.- reation tennJa tourney, Winnen. left to right, Letrb JohneOn, ~d divilion champ; Sue Helmholz., fint division champ; Eric Hamon, tint d.1¥iaiou champ; M,erldlth WU.On, eecond diviaion champ. -St;att Photo CoUb Bi'ow'll. a.nd Wood and ~ PMrW bettered Taylor Kiclley McGuire amuhed out •nc'" for U.. C&r4i••I& and carr and Roland B&lley fn tint round P'!Y· a. triple, doubie a.nd two •tn.1"'9 Gary Roblnaon I°' • home r'u.ft Jobn Wa.lker won ftnt plac• in lh• wHkly...Au.tral-to lead t.he "~ra to a 1w Pd • dOubM!. 1be CUdl bad tan BJnsie-'°'-'mamut Tunday after \yins foe tops with win over the Cuba' In American 21 hill a.nd the Gla.nt.s :llS. ca.rr at .t• poil'IUI ea.ch. Aller a playoff, can WU ~nd ~UOI\ play. Tb e w I 11 BfBLLS Dt;r•A.f' and P~l'IOQ third wtth 12 polnll, _ cou.pltd with a Gla.nt li-3 el&bt · Elev.n r\UlA in U. touitAln· ------------~-----------I inning-triumph over die C&id.i-n1nc~i>f0ie Bra"'~ de- Ga.la p:ve the Dod(er• a Ue reat for the lnternaUOQ&.I Prial.ff for fourth spot. Terry McWethy at Horace &nlip T'b~Y, plal@d a home run ovt-r the cen-ntrht. Bravta recflvff 10 wallUI terfl.eld fence to tie the rame and Col bite from John 'Wdeor, 2-2 ln the third Inning. Gai:y O.J\nl.a Hurwlta. and lfte'f'e Roth FuSMiman r ot the on1' Cub durinr the big ntth. CUSTOM- 2ni1Mlt ERIC HANSEN! COPS SECOND BO~S' SINGLES TENNIS TOURNEY ·TITLE BUCS . GET :BOPPED Loss to Redlegs Lowers Mesans ·into Consolation h.lt or the came. Rolb and Jim Cunntncham eot Fred Rich'• balel loaded two bill u.dl tor tpe wtanerw. grounder through the 1horlllop·a La.nee Ma.rtln &1n11e twlOe for lee• In. th• eighth lnnlq pve the PlralH and team. mat.ea Ken the Glant.e their wtn over the Newland, Mike F!aAaCU. Kill• Ca.fdlnaU.. Doug Rhodes hit a Ryan and Mark JUtter iut horner over the Jett field fencci ldng\u. Opposite hffwl'1 at 1 Olli Ir ..... Sb. Y ounr l:rlc HanAn vollled tii. way to IWI .-cond con.eeutJv• first dlrtldoa boy9' alngles tm.nh ch&mpt~ oa the hlfb 9Chool court.I lut week. Han.en. lul year'-' whiner ot the recreation J>t'O(l'Slll touraament, won In •t.n.trht Mta. lmifll" only nv• 1amcm out ol. M 1amea. Tb • JI-year-old c~mplon amaabed put q,uamr tln&.l1A Jim Hk:U $-1, l--0; cruaMd Rmi-ftnallsl Rlchl.111 B a , , I• 6--0, Ml; \bm' put doWD !'lnau.l Rieb.le Puke 8-0, 1-4. H&MU alternated between defenatve and •1fl'9Mlve ptl&Jt lhrou1b mo.t of iii. Mt& Of'tftl content lo let the Olbtt player mall.t U.. ml•take., Hu- Rn occulonally can1• tortll wtt.b brilll&nt (fOUDd fholl and alert Mt piay. Tbrou1hout UM mlin ~t. Hai.en proved un- HOME -tOANS~ LAGUNA FIDOAl SAVIN&S I LOAN ASSOCIATION rwo OFFICIS Te ·suw Y• &:A•UNA llACH J AND SAN CLIMINTI QUICK · 24 HOUR SDVICI LOW LOW "RIDUCIN41" INTIRm llATIS LUY MONTHLY. PA~INT$ MIENOLY $YMPAfHlTIC SDVICI FREE CUSTOMERS' PAAKIN& beatabl•· on I.he neL Only In M1..u Meytt and Helmbob tlnallal R1t'hle Parke djd HarlM!n were too much for OW Oqul1la. The HunUngtoa Park Brown run• were bluled acrou by the tllMI • player lo bre&lc bi. net MIXED OOUllLE8 LEn Recllep l'r1dlr.y nlfht defeated Redleg_m for a commanding lead. l&ma. The only relll&inl!ll' matcbel the eo.ta MMa Plratff 11-1 tn Wld.Mr 9t.U1.ed for the vtct.on Parke put down 6..0 ln tbe ln the Uu'MI weelu ~ot tourna-Banta An& Memorial Park to for the wm, being relieved by nr.i ,a..'t. chanpd h1a atralelY ment play are mlMd doubleL mov• abe&d lo the aeml·pro Du.net tri the Hvenlh. .Re-metn- aAd began k>bblng U.. ~ ewer The ~nlns matdlM have Meta bueball tournament. 'l'be loM der of th• burkn for the Buc1 the net-ruatllnJ H&neen. Bo Dl&M Meyer and .-Rtebard Bal-dropped th• Bue• lnto conaol-were Bob William., who worked brUU&nlly did Parke c&t'T)' out pe defeat Connie Miller and ation ~racket at the tourney. unUI the tlll'Venth, and brother UWi stralelJY that he drew even Ttm Brown; .Buao T'rudMu and Jlm Newkirk it.art.ed on the Phil Willlart1' ,who finlahM the wtUa Ha raen at 4-4 and forced RI ha-• p k• "'' l M ridllh e •u ar ea e mound tor the Me-. nine but Jlb'M. hi. opponent back to Ule bue Miller &nd Scott Millet"; Julle tailed to ftni•h the tame. Blx The Redlega, who have loat Une: hC'rl', howrver. he could not Jord&n and Jlm Hieb defeat but two gamn In their lut 40, baadle Han.en'• ground ahot.t .A.bbl• Oqul.t and J>t.• Ken-: and slanuned a pair of home nnui. and went doW"n M . 8i.ie Helmhols and ICrie HaAHn More Diamond Lon. extra hue bloW tor the Al.L Wl.VN~ll• defeat Mary A.nil Habena:t.relt Bue• WU a. double by K~ny For hla e[forta. lit.nan. like and Leigh JohlUlon. 1esulh From Moat.a. The Redlega collected 19 for the Giants. Ron Pa.la!erri'I doubW a.Dd single With -•ll com1as from tea.mma.t.es Qarl Cott.on, ~ Steals Spearqun Bryan a.nd Jerry Q\IMl'ln' pw Sa1t1a A.11a Talk about J' AaTl Dri•• your dusty, road-~ ar Sn bare. 'ntree nrtaut. ... I.et. drive It out aputi!q elean. CAR V.'ASH TODAY I ! ! • w..a.g a hthttr • A burglar uaed a crowbar to tbe Plrateti their fourth ~ break a wlndow tn pin.Ing ad-Pactnc Cout Learue W1a Thur. mlttance to a marln• corporation day night over the Bravea at I~~~~~===~====~ on Cout Hlrhway, from which co.ta. Meu Park. 11 a $30 IJ)Ul'JUD WU •tolen, poll~e r·Bl-ll;;Douan;;;;;;'.::=lo~(~O~l =~"'"-, learned thla week. The 1u•pect Left the c.rowba.r and a fluh.11.rht behll\d. NelghbOn re ported hear- lnr rlau break about 3 a. m. the day ot the bur1Jary. ftrtt dJ\"talon J1rla' .tn&lff Uw.t Te11.1lon hu locreued With hllt to 14 for the Buea. Bue Helmhola won a nne leruWI u. return of J.Uk•Phoenlx from Pl Last Week .. Aug. ~ the Mea team play• sovm OOAST 00. racket. Second divi.&on ' cil"i.' a two weeU' va.calloh. The 6 re+ ay watt.a at Wiii Rorera Pa.rk, Ct•tMI 20..18 Friday mom lnr lo 23rd 6 N...,.n. BJ";4 RnclM went to top.Meded Merl· mainlng mbted double. co teat-LoW. knick'• Amertcan AA· advance. Bill Troeirner rot tour ";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~55~ dllh Killer. who defated CoruUe ant. were lnterated. 1pect.a.toni Ca.ttltnala . Thur*'ay In llltema-tor tour and made fant.a.aUc ;;. KlUtr 1no relaUon} tor the UU.. u the aina-1"' ~favortt.e work-aoct.tlon cut. cinched .econd UonaJ Lea.gue. Jacot. blut drove catchea ln Jett ne1d to lMd his Wltb thl• match a.11 of the ed with bis pa.rtMr, Joan Reed. place in flnal learue sta.ndlnp In lhree rnn.1 to knot thr count mate. to the declllion. Hbi hornet" 111.nc* Utlftl were .t.Ued: ftnt Thert1 la 90me quntloft u to Wednud.l.y with a 10-T wln over •\ ~ a.nd h• ICOl'ed on a baae fn t.he Jul Inning Ued up the dl.Won -Sue Helmhobl and whether or QOt. youn,-Phoenix "tne Cerdlna1L Richard LanrMlh. hil by ~b BumetL Oary Couch game 11-18 and Robert Wllhlt.e'• Et1e H.anaen; -*Ml diriailon ~ can be back on bi1 sam• ln Bob McMahan., Richard Rtson lrippleod for the CUbl In the single w1th Robin Huvelt (alnr- Muidllh .MlUer and Leith Jobn· ume to poee a. .. rtou.. UlrH.t , third and KOred on a ......,,.,d out leJ on bue provided tha wtnntnr -. to lhoM who ban. conUnued and Grer Bmll.h were th• btr by Jacob&. •·--· mar1tn. M.lke Vanderl"J1lf and MESA UPHOLSTERY u~ a Or'&fel'7 UMrtJ M111 U60 #N_,.. Bl.._, O.ta .,_ Boys' doubktl ~ u.. to play. ball for lha CUM Richard Wi1· John McCallum tripled for the John Boyer went four for four ~ upset of the t.ou.rna.ment. Phoenix appeared to be In Uam• got a. two bacrer for th• Card• in the third and 11.ncled for the Bre.v•. I ~"--• B ,. __ _ NIM-year o'd Bcotl 8mith a.nd SoOd form hi• nrst da.y, a.nd to C..rdtna.J.. In the nnt to i.;M"' httltnr hon., Bob Ma.~ hll lwo alftcSn, • DI 10 ~ old nm Browa tMmed tbe dlacomlort ot tM·oOte.r play· Thunday nlrht the Bravet on wtth Rle.lr: J'1hMDn who ba.d doubla and &-homa l'WL..tor -Ll!s COUICllOll• r. ..... ., ... a...t ....... ~ .. .,.. ........ ~ P Ne "Zlfert la a.lllCf .. 11 .... eta.-•··- ' -• -• ...... • ..1 b '"'-...;:..._e;,,. _ _,, ._,. LL. waJlrect 0TW IM Plrale9 14•1 In ..._ ___ ,_ to put doWa ~-·-~• .... -..-""II' ..... ---... elr r--t lb a pa.Ir of bue bita. Ouba wltlle tam mat....-..... F• C I ... -Qiil ll' .. pd 0.Yld Jollnlon, w!M> 11&4 t1ftl" the tna.rlt. Mil9 Rwd. wM ftl'l&l pme 0 • HUOa Cellar dwellen of the Weetem _w4rnu pl • pa.Jr of trlpla, ~ Aeeouat.e '" N .... -a.... el ~ 1.J 1D a.cood , dli~oa ls havlq coDllMNblie· t.l"O\lbl• ;:u:~ld ~~un~lthan~ ~ r;=:v'! Leaiue. the Bravea, w!U face dooble and a. &1n1le. ~ ldlld el lieMll -..,..-,.. WILCH'$ bo19' llnclea. Thi yowapt.eN "1lh htt •rve, w .. praeUctns cornbined to to... a rour hitter either the champ oi lh• J!:utem •,,-,_ ..... ,, "" .. !~'vtt .. =- llloellted,.•pedaton-.tt.b • W mucll of tM dliy wlU\ a. whole while their ' teammlt.ea were fi\ U .,.. " ·---~ llADI llilQD ftrwt •t. TM Johnaoo nJUed to box of ba.U,-; her ground all'okee craahlng out JO hill. Mike Lea(t.le or the champ of the BE SUl\w~thlNS RE C&&DIT •OKAU--ttt cA...... .... taU UMr ..cond Mt ... ud &p-and TIIllea appe&rtod adequate for Lanie. Danny Kerr and BW WMtem League Friday nlrht to IllAURICE STANLEY \\'eauita 0rup 0-ty ~•• pea.red t.O Mvt lhiASs under con• U.e tuk U-4. Scott went three for three, two lower bracket pla)' In Dtatrtct 1aMuaocie OnlJ formulJ Crall\ aur.. er 111 0 :eMI W., ~ but lllnJtb and Brown weN f!Jl" nve and two for nve for playoff• for Ce. tu.me at ea.ta Pbo .. au..r U7t N_.pon Beedl. i...., a..Ja 008'r.&. llDA U ..... not lo b9 dtnled; tbrJ led a.11 the Brave.. Jim Norrid doubled Me ... Park, Th• hanl. tlchttng U_l~Oo~~wQ" -' ca.ta II-. ~ • ltw7 •Ja \be way to tab the Anal Ml JQMNN'( READY for Ule PlrateL Bravea deteated the Eute"1 104 lllftf'lllh A•. P.O. Ms* S t!!S ...... and tbe mat.ch ...... • Joh 11 McCillum and Bob NE\\'POR'J' ll&&QI. C£.Lll'. a... ...._.. Jor aaoR'l'-LIV•D FOR NATIONALS Archey leveled their bat. on ~:ii~~~:;;:;~~iii~~~;;;~~iiiiiiii~~:iiii~;;i Smith'• and Brown'• joy wu, Youns Johnny Hawley of the QI.anti to hit I.heir Cardinal• -JAMES D. RA y ~ ~ver, abort.-11.-ed; tbe MOODd coeta Kem y looking for-to an' 8·2 win over the Olanta round tound tMm mat.cbed wtlh ward t.o the JI-hydro Na-tn nnal lnt..ernaUonal Leacue Riehle and Roba1. Parlta. who Uonala att.tt nabbing nnt pla7 Friday at Hon ce EnatgTI put l.l'le Aitnppr yotlllptere p~ In tbe WHt.ern Dtvl· School. Archey doubled in the doWn In atnJ.rbt .eta 1-1, f..J. monal compet!Uon at Lone fourth Inning to puah over two Meanwhile ~ Rldlard Beach Marine Stadium Aue. runa. McCallwn got two lln1I• Bal,ier and Eric Haiuien doWned 12. Due to hla aon'• .victor-lo drive In two rv.n1, R1~k J ohn- D&vt-and R1chard Qoabert 6-2, loua actlvttiee. f•lh•r Bob 90n and Oenf\U MacMiiian rot H. '"-two, tMn took on Hawtey hu hung up hi• the other Ol.rdJJl.al htll. Dan Kerr &llcl Jim. Hieb wbo helmet _ temporarily at Chris Enp.I, L&"1-BroerinJ, had defeated A1'l and Dan. van leaaL and-Chril Curtia r ot th• only Ealon. Bair'& ud HdMft walk· Tbe N9.Uonala wUI be held Giant ht.I. e4 off with. a 1-• e-a 'f'ktorv Ke.Ilk Jacobi doubled with the ., • 1 In Lone BAch. arout1d a.pt. Generel Contractor & Bu ilile r OOBON.t. Dr.L IU& PllOllo""I: BARBOR fl6J • the Richard Beeson Company Landsc"119 Design and Constl'llCtloll OORONA DEL MA& PRO!'oo"'I!• 1141"0& l A to rnet't tM Partte brotben In 20. b&Mll loaded to lfTe th• OJbll t.h9 nna.ia. H--. too, Baic\e a.ndl ·----~~~~---·1f.·~·~~~~~om~•ba~•~k~wl~n~~··~·~·~lh~•:ij~':5':'"':::"':::"::'"':::'55;;;5;;;:'":::"':::"" lkl'IMn found UUq9 to t.belr :F""r.12~ ~ .. 1!1~'!: Private ·Police R 0 B.E RT f 0 R_ BES ~ touch ~ compett· •ll&:hllY wlMa the car ln wldch • luilder lion ln llaf7 .A.IUll Jhbitf..tnlt abe WU a. p&Mellr&"•r collided PBONll RA•BOK .... aJW1 Bu.a TrUdea.u. M1-with anothar • a.uto , on • Oout Hetmllola and K.,.r • ftMU7 lliPW&Y a.NI Nary\M:rtte An. tumtd Mell tbelt oppollitloll M, Aue. u. Dtj'f't'n -re Albert L. 4-4. w to lftoMt JObalmah a.ad Jl'tltU8. ••, Loa Anc•le1, and A'bie Oqua.t.' who bad def•tecl Paul L. S.t1lhouae, 33, a.llo Jou Reed a.ad Jul&e Jordan tn Paaadena. tbe .ml·ftn&la. Hen, too, eom.1------------ petlUOft ... bell. but th• ftne fonband &nd ..... kband drt.,. ol. CONCRETE Satiif action 'roua rr • THE EASY WAY A.NP SAVE• lcwefoot lqar? Oar! J. Cort.on. 16" Redlands Plac., co.ta K-. reported to police that "°'1\e on• ha.d broke9 a hole ln a screen a.nd ent.f"cred the hoUM thrwp. a.n open wln· dow, takln&" 11.7~ A barefoot track ,,, ... found under the win- dow. Lehman Dhlglly GoM William Noll, 908' &. Bay Jl"robl,,complaJnfd to police Aug. 12 b1a Lehma.a. dlnp n.lued at l lllO had bMn lloa.n trom hll front yard ...,..,. \.bat day. .Ualformod • Plala dotheo, Nlcbt watc~u Merchant police Boat protectloa patrol Burglar a bold ap alarm eerv\ce 'Call SECURITY POLICE Kimberly 2-7027 FM r;.w 1Sontltl7--&a&es Addre. lnqul'7 te Rome Ofrkle SECURITY POLICE "'"' .. ,,,,, ILICTRICALLY e LET US HELP YOU e . STAFFORD & SON Eloetrlool C...tndora 110 Rlvenlde Ave. Llber'1 a.ms ~rrnouncing Change· of Ownerthip RONAU>~s· SERVICE AllfOl1IOtlve RANDY CIA.!8JnED ll&n:U:lfOll l'O SELECTED SPECIALISTS =-IN-- COSTA MESA Serving ·.The Harbor Area • roa roua ooNVD"DCNm KEEP THIS UST HANDY • A Ito Accessories ff ~ .. ~':!.o.J.ueef!· san •••-._am. '' ; '* ...ua . ,J . /41to lepain & Towi11 Newport, Auto .Worb a.•r·n .,., .... .ue DfD11ftlll&L w•r •1 1 ..,. A. · 1to Parts a A1c111iori11 ... .1o1inst ..... Mesa Auto Wrec:Un w •• .,.. .......... ,..,. l'IA.oarn.& A 'Y1I. I • IT ... Brake·. Senile . ' I..ns Ga!!J: · . --~w. .. ..... ~u..., 111r11ce I • ESCROW SIRVICI. Malntenence Is Our ~1- • -IONA SANCHEZ o- ruce MClrli.,,-bJcal--Apnt·--r-1 __ ,..;:_ -· lWMICW~ ..... u ..... _.-.u .... EfflClfHTLY ~TE6 LAGUNA BEACH mo.-,.,_ ~HY.4-1177 SAN CLEMENTE l Ml N. • c..i.. Roel PHONl HY..i.tt. 2·1191 .. HYeclntlo 1.119' aa ... · 1·o,... ............... _, .,,. 'drt ..... --..: ..... "' .. ,..... ........ ......... I •Iffy l-2Jl3 :;; BAY ' 711 w. 17tlt St. a>ir'A MDA. • RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL-COMt.lt:RCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE Oil SMALL DO SOtb St.,' Newport 8-11 llt.rilor i3S3 Mobiig IMO!n" ,...,\. =--1 Sllr ct.-W~ lalbOa _llvcl. . Newport lecich 22 Y ••n' Ex;perienca in Automotive Molnt.nonce • ·1~~·t.·1~:1~11·m···~"@~r.1:11 1.111 • C-~t• U. of T1,.., "91tert8 ad •·•«-~· n~~ ... ~ PltON llaftlor t1U_. _ ' ·- ' . elnisio1 leAite 1 • • Davis-Brown C~. ,.ca::'.!:: ':Ow. r-a:"' re t, • • • ,. .. e 1 u ..,.~~-~~_,.~~,~1·5:•~1l~°""'~~~~~~~-,~~~T :T ....... ~-~~~~~1!!!!~;!'J~~y~·~-ii:!'::;;::!!!! .. 1 ! ! Wlll~l~l!__jilt!,!::!!P~-t~W~ .. ~~t.I!!__~.:.:_ ... "'-Ef-PAlTl-.,..o¥f()RT~:s.WESS,. ... ___ 7 ..... , II CAIQllNll' -.V 19W '' :~ MO~Atl6UST 20. I ~=:. t ,:,_';:: WANT AD will coat'" . . _..,&a woa ,,_,1 61RLS • , Ai ! • = IESEIVlll Int.. o..-v .. It. ..,. ., • ao IC8 toU p••• '11 a , , _......, TA.KID T Oda • N ¥ , ... -.. u:.:··-· ".! ~ . .. ~ .t.U. -................ ADVANTAGl!i y II . • . <OA" • --'•I...,,.,_,..,..,,.., • ._., -. ,., •==--= --"'-.. ., ---Stock Report dU .... ot ... ' ... , "' .... --.. -~ .... -only encl It wlll run --~---''-' -:,...---"''·I ~ --.. 4 'l•H ~ ..,.. .......... _ ... ., .. , .,..,_..,. ..... .,.. , • PAI•"'.....,,_ • . ..._ ... ~..._ ... :1. ,.-----------tnUre propotiUO. f4f' K...,,,..t .. ·~ el IM ~ 4 "r ,.......,. Vl"\KUa'W'Nli:J -m:w YOtuC HOON ITOCI< a-• .-._. In eU I " Dft'lllU<il --' ~ -a. J. ~. l>Mn l(ontiom;,,. •• "'*' • l*P W...u.w \be lmM ~ 11ue1 A1AO M..UU:U Pillft'INO ~ JNITAl.J.JCD • u.r OL VII--' •i..tce--.,._. aAd llpl ..W IM WUllat t9 -..,.,. Uls. . UCSHallD -DflUlla> AND &mn)VATED DOW~U &\"C&6.8 tcMll ~ be ..,..,to tM fll· .-.,. to U. CM1 ot 1' • 61 Joh to Pf ta a 1)11.. 8' hour, M ~ ..:.111.11 OU J.71 Utl!I It bond-...." t.qulredl llMcb It lt .. W P17"7 for Ulit' enn "' ft, flq .. ~LI MOIO at'ltr JI uuuu .. --·-'•.l'r' Clft .JO veyor'• .Aare.. Pf"OJOMd ..,. dl.7 otf'ldall w-Mt .. .. •tnfmum •• ,, 11 tin•• .... ....,... ll'N ""' ao ll&UI --.JM.I\ Oft 1.41 t.o r•I .. lh!! mOfM7 for any ,ur-dt.t to '"lo tt aiaM" u lla#~ · 4 IOt4lll et. ~ a.o •:at ,... . •· • 471*) 1 r. M. VclhuDe """ "It 11 poulbt. that not,1.U "'9-· knowa. oua ... .....,. mlfbt at a , "" M ' TE R .aJu•l'k•o lmcll.hi.a ~---~ t•r purvtyon wtn dMr• the future Umt tlnd Lhem.1e1"11 bt.. .._ CA RP EN SEAMSTRESS · ' AJnerlcan Tt~ • 'P amount or 111orq• allocated to pr-.c:anou. poil!Uon .. CS.. Ntw• , Re~ Work •. An&coad• _ .. _·-·-·---·--··aa them tn the labulatloft. 11 auch port lklcb end upect ta.. eolh• ..... Hulior 1616· 00. lour S-. ~Md~ pbryalu ""R--·-··-· .. \4 !1 tli• cue, It la ncoQll'l)olUdtd J>t,ny to ptO"Wldt &d!Uod&J *'* . • enandd'M1T vu..font ···········-·---21S th•t th" re.NrvOlr ~ J'f!maln vn• tor ,.....l'Tot.n. H""°" ...._ !f..,.,.,_ C&U f'nall. r..a..rtr .... General El~lric:i __ .. ______ Gt chan1ed. and thO!le 81.UU•• thtt ft• propel'\J la pruwnect to ... l'tloioJ --All' .,,.. OU&rut.eed ttUt .'" • ··-.. 111·•·1. W .. •w'•J I--·-Giner.I M.ol.oN ........ k .. =•·--· ,. do parUcl~te 60nal •r .. .., ' be worth at ~ • 4uartar mll• ..... - ClmMI Brot. ·'"·--·-·'"' .... 17~ dJtlon•I •l.orACe ftol'Q the VllW Jlota doll&n. U Newpo1•t ·Beacll tM 0.-tal 8Jw,,., 1f•e1..,. Dl'l"IM*.,,,0 Nd AlJJ'lft4 TION1I ~· ..... to~ 1711 MOll'O'ria. ()oilia Mua .._..,,,_ Qrir.t NorU\ern l\. ft. _.,.42\.i potnt lh•t the.)i-htv1 mor1 than si>tl· tt &&one on the project. dt1 , No. Aintrka.n AvlaUOn .. -·'°' the ff''' ct;ay1 em.•rrmcy 1tor9.1• otllclale hl.n up..-.ed th. •1 r..,,....,,..,....,,..,....,,..,....,,....,..,,.."'!'""""'"'""""'"''' BOUl~l*''PING or Compan. N. \'. ·Cenlr&J ..................... Jl'l'.r. atiown." .. _ H-! ~ UM "Ufpet Ba_y 1'..0..r · ~ • ,lob PM!Uon wanted"' bJ middle .. PAINTING ..... • NU ,.,-u )'OU a..nt • l'nt'*lt tact.... . ~-t act\a&Q7 --Openlnd for - TELEPHONE OPERATORS -Apply - 1 ;36 to 4:30· UJ We1t Th1td Santa Ana PACIFIC TELEPHON!I CXPl:lUE.NCED \V1.ltrua. Food 6 eodctatll, nlte work. Apply In penon. HENRY'&, 25'0 \\'. 0out Ht1hw1y, Nn'port ·-Oo .. ,. ___ ,, ....... _ ...... , .. A " Th• npoct nn•U•., "'"" "'°P" rboukl bo .... tnic ... -!===~·===::;:===========!PAPERHANGING ,.., .......... ....,,.., H. •&zw ~Mont.atty Oil ___ ,.38" "C"'ta r1hown) 4o not Include lncld.nt.al.17 wlUt. the l"NervOlr to •1-•• """'~ ......, \VOJ.lA.N lo t<h111t 1n1\ uaem bl1 :su.w..,.'·ltot'91 .. ---·-·:.,....,. ·-11nount ror land acqul.SUGn. rumieh th• uim.t ....... tect for . s & N II Oil 11 ... ,,,... ym~on o •r hand knlu. H11r oaao tor .,... :sJ~l•U' --· ............... -... The t:Ol!t of a1ch 1cqu1.tuan futur.i 9Uppl1 ot 'water &round e I • f • d ·-1 w ....... U, REFINED QOtrPLE W&nt apt. polnt.JTlenL ~2 "°'" :&>. Clll EdlJOn ..... -... 1:1 2 would be add~ lo the above the dry land roule INltead of s • I I e -or am. hotel to man.,.. Hu.- ,,,,....,.d 00 ot •C.111 . .-. .. tll ~ c°"t• undtr 1tt1tma1 etrcum· wJtb un41rba)' crouJ.nr. Jt UUa ·a ~ Bar. Jtot or 611'T band peutoatd. Local rer. BALES LA D\' &1pmenc4N ln 190, Paclfto ..... -·---·-.. ~1 • .1tance1. ll~tt, prelimlna).y la Ul'dertaken It la likely that the Reply Ida KWer lf,.0 \\'IUow Ready to .... t11· l'e11111nwt. ti i'rnnttmmca " .. -...... _ .... 38 tot&! coat WJllU.ld l.fl"repte 12.· FOR REN'T ~st Aw., N, Hollywood. day worek S1lal')· plu.1 com· ,Union ~!,_,Of Ca.lit. _ ........ ~!~ DEATH NOTICE 000,000 lG be voted ln ~ br SkW Bawa, Elec. orwa. Poll&ben, _ 51pM mt111lon. Rriuult 1 nept. Stor. ,u. •· ......... M .... " ·-"-• U.. City or Newport Beach. N. EWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ..u type. of Sande1'9, Wbeelbar ----------Corona dl'I ~la r JJ:ll E. Coa.!!t ; ______ . ._ ____ l,-----------1. __________ •l row•, •tc. WAIT Hwy. &Oc02 ;Too Lctte 1 10.Be "',':~~·:•!.:.;. ~~~~. _,.. Dia"er Set Doings Ewery t.1011day, Wednesday and Friday BOYD'S HDWE. WHY · -TUR--RET-~LATHE ,.. 2830 W. COAST RIOHWAT ENGINE LATHE fl Niicl~•U>J Ave., ~led at h!1 home ·-----------• Wed d . Claasl od '"' 19 ""' ..,, oxtMd"' lllz COASTAL SHOPPER-nes ays Wborty ,,,.,. Nwpt, 8ch, '"" CARPETSltUPHOLSTERY MULTI SPINDLE tLOaT gold llnk br1Wet SAt. • , VtelnJty Balboa. Bay Club or Rlrh1rdll !.lkL REWARD. tf11 r ' 1 ~29-R. ~:?r~ n~• Ht \\'U a native of New Ne .. arrlvaJJI In I.ha maternity C1e&ned. 11 deOdotbed ln York i n<:\ had ltved her• five ward at H0&1 Hotplt.al wer1 r•·I----------------------Compl•ti Lawn Care YOUR HOME OPERATOR yea rs, pr!or to that re•lded ln l'Orted today u follow1; Ooutll ahnppu Ad•,_ la tM Wad."'9411J N~w..PN9& ALL POWER EQUIPMENT 011 • day .e.rvtce TOOL ~.fAl\l-:ltS TAii Ani;elet for 60 ye11r1. H1 A boy to Mr. and Mra. Robert 4 1JnN l . laMJrtJOD .1.00 add'L J:lnea ,.%6 tL AL80 TRASH BA.ULJ.NQ ROY'I MAJNTml"ANCE Swing 1t1H t <'111$8 A -).lany w111 a controUer with American Alexander, MO Hamlltun St.. FRil~ l:el'J'IM.ATU U l-ll8I lflc.6? fringe t><o ntf t~ t n c 1 u a In I Avl1tlon before reUremf'nt. Colla Me .. , Aus. u . 4 IJnn 2 lnsertiou 1..50 add'l Uaes .%5 ea. BOWE .. BARNU, L1 a.1931 PROFIT ~H AP.l!"U He Is 1urvlved by hi• wtf1, "· • •---rtl aa • 00 -•d'L "-·-•• ea. 0, u 1,3222 R , M • t Cal-Vol Co. 17th'and Plactn· A dau(hter to Mr. and Mfl. ' I.Joe& ~ ..._. 0 •• ... ~ ~ oy s •1n enance Mibt'I. ''r tbe hnme : three Jam111 Antrim, 120 Clubhouae ' •Ill\ -"·•'L ,. ___ • ._ 3flp62 Y tia, Costa J..1 csa 50c52 l d1ughte1~ Mrs. Mabel Lorens • ' ua. -' IDlertlou ·~ -..u ll.IK9 ..... ea. ------------1 I p .. . I 28--Sltuatlona Wuted of CQron a df.l Mir, Mra. )ftr· Ave., Newport Bffcb. All(. lt. -Comp ••• ro1e111ona 1------•-- : .. ~"'------·----'I Jone u.ne ot P110 Alto and ll'l•Uoll wutect &• wlll ,... .. 111i;c. dlaoeat. u.aar. ._ MIV&DOI oal1 EXPERT ' "" LYouoecle en'o ng HOUSE WORK wanted. J:xper-Mr1. Emma Blain o! Dallu, LE"'-AL NOTICE MUflMUM AD l8 6 Lll\IEI RE"OOELING no Real E1tate Salesman · ienceJ Local rderencP. Have R be '"' IV1 Floo -~---• but'r'' Tvr.•~: one brother, o rt ·-----------· 1------------------------r Wa.a.LUI auu mg ' ft'"'" '''· 12.00 P'r hr l..J , y o 'dd1U--· o ftlnalra u.._.. Reed of Long l•l•nd. ="· .: "' .... _ r-Window Oeantng •• , il·46t9 .52pM:S three &T•ndchildrrn. ~·one& OP' 11\"TENnos TO UllADUNU for placln1 or canct1Unr &di ar.: • Cablneta • Lo\ivre Wlndowt Pl"1Vl le ''"ice• wlll be held ENOAOE l N TllE 8AJ.E ll'or MorKil.)' t'UblicaUUD -hida1 6 p.m. • Doon Up.bolltery Clelll1ing ' \VE have an "ff"., \!111t 11 larf e. modern an.1 1 ltmn where you wUI not be U1• u~f1~e hoy or Joae your phull•· ~:ill• or yo\lr prospecta bt(11 ... c thir office I• rloa.d \\'e'll ~n•,,1 ynu under with ca.ti• wl1~11n n \\eek And \l'e'\I 1dv1nt',. ) ''·• 11 etkly on your cnmn1b.1>.o.n~ wtule your ll tai. are In •»•1011 All In· qu!rie1 will tJ~ n~1i1 alrlclly ro1Wldtont1al \\"111e Rox No. 0 ·79 thll p1 pt1 f.OC52 \\.e.lntsday at 4 p. m. In Baltsc Of' ALCOHOUO Fvr Wldn-4&Y PubUcaUon-Tu.say l pm. • General carpenter' work Pa.Um Color wued Morluirv, Corona dtl Mar Bl:VEllAOU If.-i'l1481 Publkatloa -TbUr.ciaJ l pm. • VERY REASONABLE LuatroUI Re.ult.a EXPl:RlENCl:D ~ clark, ai.o Chapel ;,.Ith Interment to follow Au11wt 18th, ltM .NtoWl"UkT HAaatJK P U8U15W .. 'li!U 00. LJoeued Har. DM>l-W hilh 11ehool or coU•1• 11rl for at \l,'e•tmlnttu Memnrial P1rk. TO WHOM JT MAY CONCERN: Hll BUIN9 Jt.lvd.o .Newport 8-cll. O.W1rala. REASONABLE Mme nJlbt. • •etlt •Qd•. NDuce 11 h1ttb)' stven I.bat Painting, Decorating h Lb 8 1332 , OUNDIRION' Dtq, Balboa. K.r:1s110L.DT WASDDLLER nrteen day• an.r the above P one I 1rty • • JN.-Help w .. ted __:, Har. t\16. 1)2«1.9 F'uner1J Hrvice1 !or R1Jnholdl date, th• unMralf'Md propoM!I AD Clullfled Aft ••t be ,.id for oa.u. lll IMl¥&M9 ot pubUcaU-. Paper Hanging U• ' '~· 'Ti:D mu OI' hllh \\'altltmar W*""mlller, 31, nf t.o 111! alcbhollc 1Mvera1e• at l'tl• pUbllRI•• will not be rnpon&1bl• tor 0\0'9 than oa1 lncorrect GEO. BURKHARDT • AN t1QUt41" ;kittJum help 9611 Oak IL, Co.ta J.tua. wtU UW!M prerru.e.1, d1&er1bed u lnHrtkNI of ari ad, ruerv• Ult rt1ht to correctly cl&a111r1 any and LtCltN3&1J OONTRA.L''l"UR 1ehool oi1 Y ~ch · be held tomofl'Ow at 2 p. m. In fo.llow1 : ail ada and to reject any ad not cocturnW!.1 to ruJ•• and re1uJaUona. IJ l ·&&a2 Liberty l ·&e:ZI .• :Jim 1 ._,, £W1& t\2~!13 Parke•·Rldl.•)' Mortuary Chapel 011 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboe. ----,,---.,c--:'-'C'":-c~ with or. JUchard H. Po• ot Newport ~&ch, Cll.llf. a OIRLe k~r ~reelalon work In Flr1t Southern Baptl1l Cbureh Puriu.&I\! to 1uch 1nte.oUon, .• opUlltl c.. Alff 20 to 30 ottlcl1Unr. th• under11pld ui applytnr to PeM Optical 6 1Q.1trument Co. Mr. W'"mill•r wu pronoun• the Department ot Alcohollc , 19642 Br11tol St., Co.tla Me111. ced dead ol a heart 1ttack upon Beveras• Control fot luuanl;:1 ' KI ~-1186. tlo2cM arrival Saturday nia:ht at HOA.I of an aJcohollo blv•t'l.1e UcenM HQ!lpital. He wu a naUv• ot tor the .. premlle• .. rollGW"1 : -----::------,,.---l'reeno 1nd Came lo Cott.a MM• ON ·SALE DEER AND WINBl 52-Fumfture for &Je trorn La• Ve1u; Nev. ~ ltU. Anyone delirlnr to protfft the 2 PJ!:CE uphal1tered TI>M sec· H1 ownticl and operated the lMuance or wch UcanH may llonal. 11ke new. Ill. P11.lr W"arklng Min'• !tort on Harbor n11 a virllled p.roteat With tM brown club cha!ra llO each. Bl'ld. aad waa • member of Depal'Unlnt of AlcoboUc Bever• -1...1 1"6!3tl. 82eM f'lnl ~them BapU.t Chureb &e• ContrPI, at &acr&m1nt.o, c,11· BABY FurqJture. Nearly new, , n ry JOOll COQdJUon. Ctlb and matU-, play pen IQcl p•d. Baulnet, ltrolltr, Jwnp chfi tr "'Oootee lnf•nt tral.a1r. Bath- • lnt lt. LJ 1-2608. 02cM ot O>alA Men. Sw-vlVOl"ll .,. foml&. lt&Uftl' ~ for .... hit wtte, t.uh ol the horn_•: hlt nlal 11 provicsed by law. parenUI. Mr. 11 nd Mra. Rich&J'd KltNNl:Tl:I L. CIJUOCHAEL. WaeemUler or Santa Cnu:; a MARW" 1. CARMICHA&L, eon, R~lnholdt J . of Bellwood. ISABELLA :MASTRO Ill.; four 111tera, Mra. H. R. No. 731-New .. Prl• l t JOM Wadewtt.a or Cbowc:llla, Mr1. 1------------:::· I w. K. W&dl!\l'lta o! Bra:tll, Mn. N'O'l'lC.E ot• INTE.'i'TION" TO @-.,:,;~'l'l'llllen~. :;;:;;;c_ ______ 1otw MuweJ·I·--~~' ll"r~o beanlld t:NOAG.E JN THE 8&LI: OF • )(ti, H. W. R--.. of ._mp : A.IL'OHOUO BE\'E&A.OES :rz:;_ CO'ITAOE. bulant, dtan, t\l/'o bro!.h1r1, l!m.11. bf. Avenal ::Jleeoa t . 17fltl incluclln1 Ca· and P aul or F'teana. .IULY 11 1161 •M na.. ANCHOR TRAlt.ER lnttrment will bl ill 'RarbOr TO \VHOM JT MAY CON· P,,rt, Co.ta M~11.a 11 ml. to Rut Memorltl Park. CERN: tth,.., GJCS5 Notlc1 11 hereby flven that ~ MRS. ALIOE CllA...VDLER flftff!n d.11y1 arler the above /~ i"unera.J u.rvlcu ror Mr1. date the under1la:ntd propoau / ~B--Bouea for Rent Alice E:mm• Chandler. St, 2681 to ~ell alcahollc bevenge1 at #ARLT renlal, furn. t bdrm .. Otant• Avt., eo.t.a M•u. were ttie.e preml1e1, llHCrtbed u fol • r lvate honie. Encl0111d 1,rd, held Jn the Parku-Rldley Mor· loww: ~P betlell «hool cbW'Cl\el tuary chapel lod•y at 1 P· m., 471 No Newport Blvd., New ~~~•porl.Uo{I. 1t21.w ... ,. th• Rev. Kenneth Boyd of the port Ble~h. tl.N} · A NewporL Beach. o%pM WHlml.DJ•ltr Pre• b )' lf r I an Punua.nt to .uch lntftlUOn. • ve.. Church prMldlnc. the under1irned U applylnl" to SUMMER RENTAL to Sept. lri. Mn. Chandler cam• to Costa the Deputmait of AJcohollc Aft.er SfopL UI. wlnttr rei;itaL Mtaa In 189• 1nd had rulded ln Btver•i• Contl"QI !Gr l9M1allce or :.&autlf\ll 3 bdnn.. 2 bath her prNeDl a<>mt :M yura. She an ak:ohoJlc: ~en.ge llcen.te •rum. oon1e, \V \V carpet.I, 2 wu born In Rapidl Par\1h, La .. ror th-pNml.Ha u f9'1ow1 :-tlrtplaces, d.11hwul\1r, en.po.I and cam• to Calltomla In 118(1. ON-SALE ~BEER ONL'Y ""M' LA. 2llft. TV llpL l.6 Lo JWle l5 lbe died at her born' rr1da)'. Anyone dulrtnr to~prot11t the ·-121 Bapphl~. Balbo1 J1land. 8urvlvor1 Include three dauch· lpuanc1 of aucb llclDM 11\a)' :-OJcM ten. Mra. Olady1 Hoffman and tlle • wrifltd prot•t w!.UI th• +-----------1 Mra. ldabllle ~nhall ot c.'mta Department ot A lcohollc Bever ._ f Re t MeM and Mr•. Fr1neff HI)' ot •re Control. 1t sicramento 11'-:;=:;Roomo::::;::;:::.;~ .. ~c;::•::..,_· ---IArvtn: a 1l1ter. M.-.. Ettl• Bhaw California, 1taUn1 cround• fGr · l'P,}M with kitchen 1~14. Breed, SL; !Jle•<lb. W1r. 214+. 7 prlvUelff 11114 a brother, Geor11 PJ.re. bGth denial ... prov1c11d b)' law. N.wport ot Coet& Mua; 13 &!'&ndchlldt'ln RECREAnONA.L MANA.CE ~ and 16 rre•t 1randchltdreru ME1'.'T. J?\C. No. 732 N_...Pr ... 1no151 Classified Index 1 Oard or 'l'buU I~ &OHUGC'l'flU!Dt ' i'ueral Dlreclan 11 e.·11 0 P OWde It ~tarll.19 u--14 hnOUJI - 16 SMn Vour Car lt T......,.rtjillo• ,, Boorlal 11 8aauty Aldi 10 llealtb Aida n lAlt ud i'oWMI 14 lkllooW. laalnKUOll u .!UtuaLlona "'..W !I U..p "'-I.ell 10 Allscl'llaaeomi IO-A. lw•fl& • IO·B AppUU(lft ll "'••tell to 8u7 SJ. Funll~U1'9 for Saa. Sl·A. A•Ulaoee SS. a.ta. llupplleol I t. 'K...i.ou: Kadi.. T Y · ~ Dofa, C•t.a. hb »t .Poullq 11 Uv•l.eck U Aaloa "'Ml.ii ff Aatoa for 8IJe 'O·A ~A Puit t l A.ti 'servkll 'I Trallen .. .._ t'T Wuted .. Jleet &I .A.JU. • ll\Ml&l!a for &ul ff·.A. Apta. for .... ... n.._ ''' a.t 61..() TraDll!lt. lp&m &I &eolM tor S-l 4.f...& B•~ Home. tt·~ aaom & Boanl IO ...... Iliac. IS Slotd & OffkM iS·A lkWlana a..talll· M a.laeae UppertualU. " lfoatJ to 1Aaa 10-BualneM Gulde MOVING? \V1 l'llrnlah 2 e.-perlenc-ed ln1Ur· ed r A.ST MOVERS A LARGE l4-Penonall AJcoboUc. Anonymoue Write P. 0 . 8o:a Ill Newport Bucb. C&llL Pbon-1 Harbor tfll VAN ror only 18.M hr. up to 00 ---,-0-U-\\-.-ANT--14-,-,-,-,-,c-,, 30 mllu. Tim• 1t1rljl at your or truck ? CaU LEx t-4218 door lowe•t P . tJ, C. rate• on COllec:L · Mltl1 STATE A NATION \VIDE A: 8 TOR ACE, P'REE EBTl- MATE.S. Call N!:WMAN TRANSP'ER A STORAG!: lHtl Harbor Blvd , Coat& Mtaa Day or N11ht (no job too 1rnal1' 1..I 1-221• LI 8·9121 •9U'c l Z-Bulldh.is Servlttt General Contractor LlcmNl:lltD SAVE THIS A.,Q. Tt-ansportabl.I electrLc ors•n tGr all occulon., FASHION SHOY..'S ATTENr!ON. Ynu.r home. churc.b or club. AllO organ or Piano Concert.II tcl&a11c or popular ). DOROTHY GAVIN AT THI: CON80U: \Viii 1.cctpt 1tudenll fnr t>r1an. N ano or voice. LI 1.0311 \V ANTED the name a n d 29-&lp w .. t..i NEW BlftCK Automobile •&"ency openlna IOQn Ln Coata M.e .. 1·equire1 M<I'· vice• o! follo~·lni-office pereonnel: L PBX operator reccpUonLsl. t)'Jlllt. J. Ba..111 and· wrvloe cuhlf!r -Utly ~· 1ummary. a. Contract. llrl. new lllld wed car .. a... relief Mr· vice ~nier. t . Bookkeeper, attO\U\t.a re- RELIABLE wn11111n v.·n h own tran1poC'tatlon fPr hou.ework In 1m.1JJ hou\f. One day per week. lt.:'JU "" hr. Udo J&l1 Pb.one H1r. 1j :'Je. tltctl3 U CENS£1> nal 11tal1 MJeaman ur broker want.Id. Ideal JOca• uon and etindl tlona. S... R. C. Greer at 311<! Lafay1:tt1, New· port-BMch. SOtct Beacon l:'ersonneL . 100 ~ employ~r ret.i:uned celnble, ttliet PBX. •KeDC.Y Houra Monday tbrou.fh . !'lo F1t1 collectlcl from applicant • Frtd.ay 1:30 • 5:30. Altar-~'J.to Ttaat.ln. Ave .. Newport Beach aate Satu·rday1 8:30-12:30. A trrOMOBILz: ~xperlence eue-ntlal, GeMral Motol'I exper1enct1 pm.erred. Pleue rf'ply fully lo ST A.NS· MALE OR FEllAL.E Balrdreuer. Good suuaoi... LI 1-67:!0 1.-en1nc• 4ltlo BURY Bu.Jck, Box No. SO--MlAcrhantoU• C·28 c/O OUt nr.npaper, givinS complete hl.ltory of experience and backp-ound. aouo HAND BRAIDED RUGS l'Rl:ID lNll'l'ftlJC'l'IUN ORl.IERS TA.KEN New Work -Remodeling J. MILTON LlcKENZIE Harbor 6399-W , 68Uc address of Boy Scout who I ______ _,,, ___ _ wa.nted information re· prding city fina.ncea. Call All new mat1rta1• ava.ll.abl1. Mary Fe.nnia, 1116 S. OIL Blvd. t.aa:una Sch. HY1tt 4·1&118. 17tlc LICENSED Pfuntner-Har. 3131 Ge neral Contractor , ----------•'-"-' HA1RDR1:8SJCR male or rem1le f7~ a WH.k i"\llranteed. 907. commluton. Needed tmmedl· alely. Mario'• Smart BIL Har. WATCH & CLOCK 1:111K. M1c~3 repairing ftemod1lln& -Add1tlon1 F'l'ff l:atlrnalM Ttrnta Can Bl A.rrar1ged 80Mll l'R.Ell SOMll FEE QUAIU.N'l'DD. :1CL...;Bea::;:;;":;;ty<,.:Alds="-----l woKJ:N: Mati1 Jaba -ofnce. nuc& UTlllAT'EL C II domnUc A oth1r1. MEN: NEWPORT JEWELERS a Di.in: mecb: chlll'llcal; J:.ltc· 1710 N..-port BIYd.• Your ftelex -A·C izor tro-hydro: Tedl-quallty tontrol Ooata .w-u Mfll I\ 11r1m1 cbamillr)') • oU!era _:.::.::,_-..._, ______ _ OON&ULTA.NT R. 1 ll&A.JOCft&, Dunomtn.Uona, M obllp Uon I UN ll r ARR A ICmP Y· PLAT& ,tui1: WJNDB F, N. JOHNSON LEJlin&1on. M1U ..... CEMENT· lo BUll.DING Bonnl• Wl.laon -HYatt f.449" Arey. 4.021:-i Und SL, Npt. Sill: M a IJ l.n at.eel tramee. All KllM1a • er. HTatl.,..,.. BMcb acroea from City Hall. pert1et for p&UO.. 111 eacL FREE ~·., ~ Hue J >"'· okL Stec. lawn mow.tr, ~&.UQ.A&&:.oo;J &XP. wAlTRUS al8o a:· Ellffll111it cond. aao.oo. <.an Liberty s,a109 I --S-u_pe_rfl_u_o_us_"'H"'air"'·:--1 .,,.,_ ,,., ...., "°"'"" HU. •· ..... 1------------. cat1 13041at SL, Newport COMPLE:l'E PAINTING P•rmue.raut rtmovld from faet a..cti. H.a.r. 2131, 10c51ll arma, Mc"&-Ey1brow1 and bair &. Paper B.a..nging Service 11ae .U.P9d-No more l•...tn1. EUOJCHJI 0 . SAUNDER& ELJ..EN L. BRT AHT R. E. GOO 11-t llreet, Newport Blach Lido'• Balon {)I Beaut1 Har. 1171 Ha.rbo.r 2171 U. U1 Attn: Property Ownerl An JOU 1141:1tCU.111 fOW' wat• heat•f t. ~· BUY FACTORY DIRECT .. §~ s Av E ! E-Z !.~,!'!..~!!~ • ._ -61 MootJ Warted CEB1U'l•n..rt: or lltll!Wii"'"Ua f.1 &tat l:lt•ll Wuted GENERAL w1ter beater. ncuuoua~aroe 11 a.i :i:.iat. 9erilot ~ealth ~·---~-IMM"llO. OPENING, cature c.u rour OA.1' 41 NIGHT NEED 6ooKs. domutlc., 9Jalt· ru11a. dtahwub.er~ Aho part Um1. Bayview ErnplOyment AltnO)', 2127 W. Cat. Hiwy. NIWROT\ Beach U 1·6002. LlldJTED -OFFER $2.M Clean. dtalb ad' adJuA '""" THE UNDER N.ED CSoM IO lffDIM Pttpert1 CARPENTER REPAI~ Scientific Comprualon &Ingle man ~ work a.a men'• AUTHOlllZCD D&AUU\ hereby ClrW)' that • La con-.... ClommerlcaJ, Tailu1trt&I dormitory, eu,.,vt.or, C\lltO-JOE s~~LD ducttns a dl•trlbutor for lamina· ti KlaJ l'.oalAt• Eacll.Pp ODD JOBB 1 toot Maaaage dian, and operf.tOL. of awlm-~n&v ttd btl&ma INlllilua at l'T12 Pl&-a &ell E•i.ta No Job too amall. Bell Of rel· (REJ'LEXOLOOT ) millr pool&. Kwit llw ta dorm. PlumblnC oenUa Avlllue, Colt.a Mea. C&tt~ erencu. LI 8-t77• 27tlc REUEVE cdNaanoN •o-br. work wMk bl ackllUOll Ha.r IJIO -~ . .. • l'fl.'T-'L •'ll.U0::" (Ir) 11% P'VRT11£1l ~· kr..oOcrtON P'ROM 8A.L& PA.ICi&S ON ' ' 7 { .REE .ll&ADBOAILD • L&G8 ON ADltJIT • .\BLI: l • ALL BOX SPIU.'i'G rorn.la. under the r1cUtkMll flnn ------------1-::::::::::::::: __ -::----::---THROUaH no: l'El7I' to dorm tt•ldmce. Im pu --==-:::=o-::o:-:-:::::;--:; name of TUlBERlB BUILDING ~pedal Notlom P&lntiftg .fr: Decora.Ung By Appointment Only mo . ...iar, plua Q0 1>1-r mo. QUONlrr HUT •uUt¢ .. • -. . . . . .... • . • . . . 7 •, ', 77 ~ , I I l ? - MAmESS C:OMllNATIONS · .,_ ....... "PRl.NCISS" Twin Sias Both Pieces ..::.!:' $ 95 IYU&GU~l' 36 . • DISTRlBUTOM and th•t .. Id -----------• _ Call fur ttM otim1tu Pleue ml\ Harbor 6141 or ' ror dOrm. aup•....Oiar1a al 114 tt. lon1 lncludlnr me~ 1IUI firm la COflllpoMd ot th• follow· INTERIOR A EXTERIORS H&l'bor 47~ t.7t!c per m11. wtlJ be mu. ror "1\ rot noor. QOO. ll&r ...... w or In( peraon1, wboea nam11 ln Cull v Newport 'Harbor Z:.1>1r1en«d color apert. Com-~t end llnM Mr'#. NGOn u t-Ultt, 61C31 1.11d 1,lacu or rf'lldence are aa B. P. 0. E. plet1 dtoUnitlnlll' 9H"t'le«. 22--Lolt'ud Found a1'd •ve. meala aw.U. Mon. MO'l"Of\ COMPftDllOR8 h. p. reouaw1, to·wlt: 1767. t.. a. McKENZIE fUlr. 0380 thni • rrt. for sJe ptt mo; n.tll"! '• to l. lo I 'di cond!Uoa OEOR~R. JOHNSON lf:eetji ...,-'nluno.y I pm. _ _:_n_oo:_.-. __ c._n_R_"_·_'_'_ .. ILOST BIAME8E. tut S.L half Apply ln ~,.._at&::_ ()1~7:1 Jood to excellenL R.lchatdl 10001 •1 1>11•• Via ()pt.wto -Clfttn.I .11..... REPAIR WORK rrown. t1nuwall1 white, or-eou.,-1 ln AdnllD.......... 1 .. M Mark•t. INlu.\rl at otfkt. .Anaheim Callfonil& .t ange mldlcaUon on 1tomach. hln1"' Aft., ...-ta. e... llco.1 WITNESS mJ &.;d th.la Prd ~ Nwpurt Beacll BRICK REW ARO. Corner of M a.nd 62CM ---~-~c--,-.,--"'.'-:'C: Jift 1968 Olt:k fllcwmu. Enltld Ruler CEMENT vd. H 417-2 1------------DE WALT &AW. tAte mOdlL. daJ o~1/ o'i:oRGI: R. IOHNION Truh Haulln1 E. Balboa Bl ar. e.Oea2 WOMAN ot flrl to live In. bcellast cond.IUoo. IUIO lt.H. BT A TE or CA.LJJ'Oft.Nl.A ). t Clean-Up child C'I" • lllflt bouMwork. 1HWl &lp61 COUNTY OF OR.A.NOil > ... ~~ An.noancemen ..PLASTER A PLUMBING .. t.08T l!IUDl:t.y Aq. 1J In Har. u.-w. , \ ~ lk64 ON THIS 1Srd day ot lul7. ~ Ubart1 1-4.ltt Dal\olMI R...wrant or on Vi.a HOUBl:KISPCA '° llw tn. A. b . lt&C. before m•. Tbomu I:. DO YOU WANT to bUY ! .ca,..r 41ttc Vu•""•'•• ...... -'l.Al:J' .... ~: Mu.t UQ dllldttll. u a.1oet. Htff1man, a Notary Pu.bllc In or truck? Call LEX ...., ------------..__ _..... 52c'4 C»lleet. &OU'e a. ....... ..t... UBER.AL RZW A.RD. Karim and for th• Mid eou.nu and Palntlnr • Pa.,.. .. an..... •o...Jlo• St.ate, temdh~ th•rUA, duly cl>m---.----~----t. ··--1 &008, ' -AUTO ~lC lh•t II DRAPERIES and SLIP COVERS Mad• to OrMt' Eatltnllta -Sampl .. ALL OF oca ano:a QUAUTV_.llO){ 8rJW!Oll II M.ll'l'RIMl:S A.T Rt:D{JVU)" J'BICJUl mi•loned and sw~ pet'90n&I~ t-:l"u•en.J Dlrecton We do the wora Ow.aftl. -i'QUNJ)..• 8alboe.-P-.J......,_ tn.kltd lQ_ ..Ao eDl.Pk-tc.. .liM: --"tfallJIH?'ed 01!!011011!: R. JOHN-""'='------~----.Ou..!."'",,. 6 tn-·......... em.au female do« •tack With of work lftd~~.' .. ~ .. u~auc BON known to me to .1>41 the ,,_, --whit• b.....t. Har. J.2$4, ~ tranimt..toft. "-.....-.. ranee. per-.on whoH name I• 1Ubtcr1b.cl:d MOTI'ELL'S ..... 1&,..,""""-.., ...... "!.run,' .... ••--•., . . 8tp6J rood,. .. •.°""",. 1, condlUona. &ff UICll.&.m DRAPEIUi:S ·-:·~~rnt-:;· ;;:;;=-;;;;;;;;;:- -"0 " lCfNG SIZE IEDDING RA ft , ~n.ICS D~l..IYE&'I' e e &A81' 'l'Ellll8 e , . E·Z REST IEDDING CO. Ope. ~ • ...._ f. I •·• 11-. A Frf. t t1 ~L I t• I Santw AH. 203d',.So. Mala St. Kl 7.3440 .......... am&.,...,.._._ 'IO ...... , to th• 'lritf'lln lnatnam..t, an _.NO PEEK -• u-._ -""' T • MkOOWllJdl"l4 to m4 that bl r\ LI 8-2887 6 t.J 8-5289 ::-..... __ AL Jis.A'l'TT ICUTOM uec:utld the aiune. IN WIT· Colonial Mortuary llttc t~l~~·~·~~·~-~~·~h~wb!!!°"~'-~~-DODOm 6 PLTMOtrnf N'ICSS Wlll!:R.EOF, l have ~ -----------:. • -, lllG N_,.oft B:lvd,. Ooala ).IAAe unto Ml my ti..nd and atrutfd 7901 :::;'M~UI ,.:..:-•· FURNITURE SWIMMING •2"'4 my otncl1I 1otal th• day and JUI' OR.ANOS COAST ·or Bibi• Col• \ft \hll ~ertlflcata t int aboff Aa 0r&a1e'. 00Uot1 lMtlluU-Dlltlnctlvl!ly detigned kif• (1rt 4'1tudftlt w&11ted. wrttttn.. hrrtac run111u °' e.U taJt.bll Nao.. f'l"P&Jrld or ~ o, ra'vete lnstruc;tioni Room • board and am•U ,..,™0""• 1'. imrn:"""" Toi~.:T!'!!.,"'"'' c, EVERm SMITH ""'" '" ......_ "'' .. ., SAVE UP TO 70"!'. J.WelrJ, ..,,.O,riU.., lhoM. st~ .. Mala. ,.._.,."" rvp. d.Oi. \VHOl.UAI Ill WA&&HOU ... 346 • Itel, t~ We IOUt.b ol ~ (1lftl 1kat11 .:llJ' Bell. HARROLD UCPORTER ~ to pultll.o Mon. Ut.N ........ .., eommi-.. ,....,_ ---LI 8-1 ObS "'tint • '"'' ...... ..,,. •. June 2t., im Noone.vvtume0 awa7 baelu.i tl1 -ftt.11 at.. N1wpurt &Met-i..-1 Bat. 4dWI. t2cM 3leJS N~ ,,._ ---~"''._""""~~ot~,....~~~--!'~Rll~'.'.:_·~""'.'.'.'.°:.:'.d&:"":..:o~•~ .. ;;_;~::::_lnfO:::~·~l=tt=•------------"----~---~::.:,:._ ___________ _ NeWl·Prffl 7 /30, 1/1, 13, 20. 'M • - J. ll) a p. m . • • • ( ._J,,_ -' . • • •• . -. ,, -• i' • -·-• I -• -· PAGE 6 · PART I -NlWPOftT HARllOR ~WS"":B1i1 !!!!!::::!:!!!!!•!!!9'7..-to '-~--' t•!::!!!!t>!l!.!R!!!!!I !!l'~--i-=-l~ll!!!;1r;!R~l!ll!:!llL!!l~1~l'IL--••=•!•!!J.I !R!!!l!!!h!!.,-:-· ;:::-.:~·~~·~·~•ll.J•'!!!~!!!h!...._..;..._ M9N0AY, AU&UST 20. 1'156 ....,.. ro ••mA 1)1P11uv1. • 1· II 0 -• · ...... · ::tll-:!-':::-::"~"::!..~!!ror~-:'!!--. J '---.r.-, .. .,. . -: et..!!..,,. !;L~r ~8T.t~ .~ ~'=~I~ 0"~~6.6RCEAOT KQN-VEJS!., • . - ,_ l.1UZ IM22 lfM ......_ ftOOM...tt.. ,i1ntltiu1t&.s .. uw.._-. ·=~ •AYlN08 NW ot ftM _....a.it.... ;r;...., ~~ fV"Wll E AST , ' 29& ,....,... ....._ .. ..,_ 1 ...,,_ .. ......,_ """,._ • 1.11•1< ••noJ< • __ .,..._,IUMf _ ~-• ., • ...., ,gi S NEW llOIOlfl W1"me ua.hn·•· ....._ ...... pp. '°"' RA. 04....,, Jkf.4 -¥'• UdiJ ft. *' uiu nswrvKt ~ .. · .. . a1111, MO mo. W1b ,.IDt '-llr-• . &f9 J baw a ,_ ........ 9 I A',.., ,.... DUfUDt. A I -S '.4 llllJJt. Q& '-1 b1rG rtr. tor lo Nit. taM.nt. Call Har. Q-S&olftl A OffteM --~---'----;;: N~ .... D9 ...... ...a I I I 0... .. tM ...... tu.loo. ,... .... ..... ...... ...,. • $_7-Jlool -"..... Ho·~ ~' .. rrft ..... -. ,,,_ -• .... -'" ......... , 1 M~ ;:)MArCI\ ....... hwd n.. Ju.oot. ~ 3 ......... 2 .... ........ NEW' B I B , .. M•--,.,;..i ......... 6ET YOUR CRYING • : . .:.-!" ""' ....... !In uoo 15t.e • • Officu for llen t' · ~- A d!;=. ~ :::. ;;; ;:: PboM nar. 1 .. &n.1 Ume JOWEL READY lf" I ~ ~ l'A. llMt. bwd On W1 6ld.I T S B "d · · ,_ ..._ tldl ..,. 1 l 1 Yow 111,4601 • ""· • FQR RENT. .,_ •· wo tory un ing 30 BY OWNER • --.. ...,. .. o-. • BR nnp1, r .. '"'· ••• '"' ~ •• 10 p u ..... -. -·.-• ......._ ~ • • ... _ _.. Dn•• 11.1.m. ~ IUtc:Mn and Nth wilt! prtve.t• """" Dltt U'•1D( --.......... .,,. • ...,.... ·~ wt ...., tntr.nee. \Yllldl!:I 41~ to Janitor a.-.1~.. H ,_ .,.ted. ..._ I ....,.,.... Mt. Ul fl,OOO down. CU1 'nieM·.,... not Ju.tt bouau. they •· ----_.,.. OMES ..,....-._._~•· .,..,.. ~ ........ ,.,.·ao,... TO Bl! PROUD r vc&cb and WWII ........... &r. Elevator JArP t)I' ..... ""' Opposite City Hall IMMEDIAT. E.LY ~ ........ ~ ... '°;!'."'.,::; 'IEST BUY . • '"' WSBT B.\Y •VO., ,...,, . WILLARD KllAJON ........ no,OGO. un ,..,... ON UDO ISLE! 8lllaU F AC!'ORlt' M-1 Zone = : .. ~r:~ t~,:;~=~ 334~ Newport Blvd. New C!OIDpU)' m"1ftl lpto .,.,;. Place. _ea.La Kea. LI a:: \Tndtt lla,OOO, IOOd 1'"'14-a:-15 Jt 140 wtO:=n~ and park· loc9licin.-.~e M.y vt...... Wln· Harbor 5:io:i lnu.t ftnd bolGM. u.t. willil U1 f------------1 etllmt f!OOdlUon. ,,.... pbon., l t.!r ~ It~ mo. • Pbon9 ....... •.t one.. .,. OJVJO:R -Tr· old home. • for QpOUab:MnL lt Wilt ... OW' ~-all ready to lll&tl .y .' • • ••·"-· .....u. ~ bed!1U. 2 tia'..... 1 .. -.-lbt. pi..uur.. to llllOW tll'9 on• tc. camor• ,_ a .....,__,,__ TL-nk You! "--" .. ~ ..... ,} "'::'......-;::.~·-·.,,.,.:l-1=-~· .... -·· .~ to llv• lilcff FOR RENT I na ......---9IQ4I ...... .,_ .. -. I~ $1325 -a bedl'llJ hGnl• on Santa j NtM. Terma or _.. U l-IUt ra' I{. OU... Pl.IOO to $139,-Ana Bl .. ~wd fin, Ule kJtcben, Dt1PLEX 2 bdrm., untum. pr-New office 12XK. Udo sturpplnl C II LI · :Klcat OOO. • tr• arvi• porch, d~ 1a.r. all ::~d~:m.::..:_~~~ ~":: e:~eai. ~:A~~~ 1~ a ' 8-ll 6l QUICK POSSESSION SUMMER RENTALS ~and rMdy lo move tietm. c. M. u 1-11t1e.· REA.1.TOIUI Boy & Beech Rlty . Inc. SIOOO trom tu lo J500-pv wMJc.. 62c0< 2 I ...... doW'n. I BDR. 1 li balb, ORANGE COAST P~OPERTIES 31 1 ---~elte REALTORS 1 yr. old. Fenced ytrd. sewera. Jl'OR RENT on BAt...BOA. 19-HAT 3&t:l. Oe.r. 2911 Eve.. 118 .. N___. Blvd, Con.a MeM attached p.n.&"•. W/W cerpeL LA.ND. l ti.drnom tumi.hrd 'Juat to the rir~l or Lido, Bride•' ... ,....... $10,000. Mo. pymta. MT.JO 1184 gara1e apt. SM per month. tfc LI 1·1111 l:VH Ll 1-3010 Barlxw Blvd.. Cotta M..._ Ineludft utllltlu, liar. OSTT-W.1-.--G-r _o_u_n_d __ F_l_o_o_r LI 8-16'1 J:YH. LI wm 62tfc W A..$ZHOU811. •mall. or triple IK>p(i' ~~-~~---~--PNt:• WANTED ON LE.ABl:l----------''- CORONA Dll:L M.AR FUrni.hed • OF'FI(.,'ES OR STORES In Colta MM&-Newport an two bedroom ept. Ulil\Ue• For Leaae ln. -tor atoraae, pick-up truck • J>9ht 3t7A M•r&"Uerite Ave. Harbor lnveirtmeat Co. Bldg. boat re&r. cau Har. Mlll . H1-r. &IM. 62c!W Leilv•' phone no. or addreu. 30th & Newport Blvd. '°"" H&r, 1600 Forced to ~e.,ve Southern Calit WINTER RENTALS from 5'q lO poo pu month. INDUSTRIAL FRON: l TO JO ACRl:lt. From Ml,000 to $10,000 per acre. Get ln on tll• rroumt noor A tn&ke )'OtJrMlt a littla fortun.e qu1ck. A rrut many peopl• are dolns •• OWNER SAYS SELL! ' bdrm., 1114 b&Uw, Wre uvmr 1807 Newport Blvd. CO.ta Meu. Ll 8-1132 Eve• Har 1181-J . -·----------- 4 Bedroom - 2 Baths Ari.liable Sept l~th OOod Eut· aide LDcaUon, Clo.e to Bclloola and 8a('k Bay. Full Price $12,5()() Wllh $2000 Down. Balboa Isla nd OFFICE FOR RENT -9WNERS I wl1h tu buy 2 bdrm.' or 2 a.nd den In Balboe.. Prefer Eul ot Main St. GIYI det.alla. Street and numf>er to NEwPORT NEWB·PRESS. Boa ~- Mi.it Hll mOdern 1 bedroom nic-al,y tumiahedl Lar11 corner lot, Newpo'rt r.elaht.9 &reL Priced to .ell S l ,&00. Tenn.a , can be a.rranfecl, room. na·si<oni paUo It b&r~-O wner An xious oua. Juat 8 monUUI old. Only Winter or Yurly from Se11t. 8. $<10 PER MO. ill 31A Phone H.uboT JOit Op.11t&lra, re•r. S bdnn. rum. ApL Air")', Hcht.. Comfort.able. 31t Coral. 'flt trc '960 down.. Mova right In. 3 Bedroom, !! Balla, J year old ~lltc NOW J•O wk.' NtvJ I bdrm.l------------ . oourt. M11-32nd Bt. Kar. lnl 63-A. Bu8'QMI RePt.all 1-----~----- • .AUGUST REN",I'AL8 OPicNUc BALBOA lSUND -bide. 2& by 4.0 for ra.n.p repatz or -? Har. 6U3 ltlfc Ralph P.: Maskey • Rl!fu.TOR Seven Islands Realty & Investment Co . 003·82nd SL. Newport Bch, CalU. Har, 6llU.. attu a p.rn. HaL !i.511 Hantwood noor1, Jr'oreed Air I.eat, ClOM In. Owner m0Yln1 and mu.et M'll naw. Aakinl 513,2Ml y,·tth $2300 Down. $1500 Down ~B-HollH9 for Rent CORONA DEL MAR, 2 beod,rm. untum. houw. large living room. f!Niplace, plmly of ck>WU. Adult. -no pet.. YNrly renlaL Av&!L Beptem· her 1. Har. tlH. 61e~3 Mllriners Mile OFFJCE & Shop Space tOf' rent or lcue $2& per mo. It up. LI 8-11,1. 39Uc Pl_UV A.TE of11cn wtlh phone an· n>erlng senolce. Becretaf')' It BALBO A ISLAND, Baytront notary availln>le. Ground F>oor. fllmlahcd 4 bedrm. hou.e. Now Trident Bldg., 2200 New- J>te r A flOftt. Avail. 6ept... J!). port Blvd., Newport" Beach. Wlntrr or yearly rent.al. Wrtle (Adjacent Boulh Cout Co.I Owner BoJl F-31 NN"t·Prcu. Hu. :wza. COurtesy to Brokert. ~lc&31---· --------'-'-''.' ~~~~~~~~- \\'INTER f\ENTAL Lovely 2 bedrm. turn.. boo•e Bayvh!rw. UtWtlea furnl9h~ &too per mo. 107 Collln1, Btlbo& laland, or call eve.1. SYcamore 8-2126. ·-"1ff.Nl8H!:D BAl:.BOA PENIN· SULA on ocean front. ' bed- room.a, a batba. endo.d palle>. September to June. LI 1-1613 ""'"' \VINTER RlllNTAL. 2 bdrm rum. home. f.a. heat. Neu North Bay, Balboe. laland, Call LU.evlwr 1·1212. 6QdJ 114-BUAio ... Opportunllleo AUTO arency (Dodie • Plym.) •v&Uable In excellent 8. Calif. community OWner will leue bulkilnr. \Ve.II equipped • ea- t.a.bh•hed. MWlt eeU now to Httle estate. Box t .2l. ?o.'ew•- P-• Ideal Loc ation For SNACK SHOP BARBER SHOP GIFT SHOP Next lo 8hopplni; center. La.rt• 1ot 13 x 137 and buUdlngL Ll W711 aft.er .5 °" week eDd1. lf FURN. HOUU:. aleepe f r eum· mer ~t.&1 untJl Sept. JO. aJ.eo avall for winter ror 2 adult.a. I------------ MACHIN1!: • "-'eld1nc Shops, In· eluding 2 truck•. Completely equipped. \VIII le... or 9"11 property lncludinf 100x117 ft. lot. 2 rent1.U. Wtth or without oil right.a. Mmrt aell be<:•UH of 111 he&f\h. l.Exlnfton 8-3f 1T. No peta.. 721 Poppy, COM. Hl.t. Ol35-M. 4.Tlfc BkLBOA ISLAND WINTER RENTAL ""'" B/ B Comm e rcia I -1 nduat ri a I Deportment 1611 Newport Blvd. BY OWNER 235 ' R-3 FRONTAGE Acrou from. new ehopp1llr area Oil 8, Briatol A.lkinl price $126 per front ft. 1208 Glen- wood Pl., Santa Ana. tfttc Costa Mesa Special New tncxpcrWve home, cloee In. JUJl completed. Large Llvlnf room. nice dlfllnr area, 2 bed- room•, carport. 510,000. Sub- mit term•. 187 Flower St. Roy L. Snavely, 176 N. Chea- Harbor Highlands FINl:ST BUTS IN NEWPORT BUCH Jutt lilted 2 more nearly new 3 bedroom bomea. l:ach home h.u l~ battta; Sunny Kltchena: ex.cellent Jan4ac&plnf, ·ta.rre gar•ru 6 ahlntJe or compoat- tlon roofl, You can ... ume the G.J. klana or retina.nee to suit · yourttlf. For appt. to 1ee call: , 270' x 400' Commett"!al "Swlnr" Corner al lnterKCUon o! m~or hLrhway and lhrourh boule- Yard In Coata Mesa. Ample room for major oil company leaae and driYe·\ii rtataurant. Priced at IHI than $150 per !rt1nt foot on hlrhway. An ex- clualYe with ua. ,,0,000. ter Ave~ Pua.dena, SY 7-71M D Comm.t'clal Bide. -Balboa ~2 UMCan Hardesty laland oo 2 lot& -nearly new ------------1 REALTOR -reataun.nt -dre .. 1hop -1. J • t E t C , t otrtce plu. a aptl. Income MOV1n9 0 41 081 2&02 Newpgrt BlYd. 18.000. Aaklnr &ei.300. Excha.nre Mu1t .ell I bedrm. modem near Nrwport Beach Harbor '718 LIDO ISLE tor small home or "qpla. 1ehool, Coata Mea&. Priced to s.!ll $11,tpO. l Bay & Bea ch Rlty Inc. Ralph P. M.s~y REALTORS ' REALTOR 187~ Harbor Boulevard Coirta Mffa. CaJitoml.a R.. F. Geddet 3•1 1 Newport Bl~1. Har. '01 Channlq 2 bdrm home, large 1------------windows, IOme beam ~lllngw. tu.place. d I n l n r rm, dbl garage (atreaedl. large brick 1>9Uo. t& x 88 ft lot on Via Juc-.r. A desirable year round home. $2~,0-00 term1. Excluslve wUh R. W . GooaMn \Vorthlngton Lee Day or ntght phone Ll 8-771' $70 Per Front Foot C·2 PROPl!:RTY In ~ Mrea. Only J aYallable at thl.a price .for quick caah lo lo-.n •I•. New 3 Bedroom -t.JTe Lol Lo<:aled on Canyon Drive tCounlyl. Wonderful tpOl tor children. Hu large dining ar.a. workahop. 11111 11 for eorneone who doean't lllr:e belnc crowded up In a Tract. Eastaide-Westaido AU Around the Town. For quick •CllOll ln buyl.n1 or HlllnJ' your home, ''C'' . Ed Jones, Realtor and Auoclale1 1999 Harbor Blvd. LI 8-3333 OCEAN FRO NT DUPLEX ON 50' LOT! Cl1* to tvcrythi.llf. Good nnt•I .. an4Jlvtn.g e.rea. F. P . $22.600 TERMS. Pie r & Float Wante d? We have tt Reuonably priced too! See thia. Excellent term1. DAN A. JACOBSEN. Reill FAl.ate • 1 e ElA UT I FUL san Femando Har. Mil LI I-MIT KI 2"2187 John E. Sadl ei r, Rl tr. O wner Anxious 61-Real Estate-Exchan~ and LI 8-9761 horne, 6 rma.. 2 )lath•. EngU1h Jvan W. Erllan:lt. Auocllilte CQD'.lmercial Building atyle. 18 x •O t lltered pool. COSTA MESA 8333 I!:. Cout Hwy .. For HArbor •tt• or Banta Ana For Sale or Rent Corona. de.I Mar Har. 2422 in Balboa lnt.'Qme or home. Owner San 3 Bedl"OOma, w I w c:arpetlnr.1------------Conalder lrgde for quick ca.ti Fe1T11ndo, Empire 1·3717. drapu, J,4.3 Repvbllc, Open ouL See and 1ubmlt offer. ATTRACTIVE 2 bdrrn. turn. houM. Bttakfaat bar, dlap .. DlahmUter, 2 Ir. en c:I08Cd pa· UOI. Auto. wuh,r, thOUIK from N. Day.1 328 Sapphire.. B.L After &, HA lJTf-J. ==,.....-.,.-----'--''"°'c.,' sot .nd sun. 101. ,,,,.. Newport Heights ------------ITRADl!:--f bedrm., 2 Nthl. 40 Two bee.Inn. 1tuceo home. Hw-:1. nra .. dllpollll, dble. gararc. Wt &Cl x J27. Near Hellpgt. Prlc~ tor quick Nit et only 112,llMI with terml. See thla on1 for SUR!: beforr you buy. By Owner $860 DOWN Corona del Mar 1Slc53 WlNT1CR RDTA.L. UDO IBLE I bdna,. 2 Hlll nicely rum. llM month. An.lkble 8rpt.. lllh. Harbor IUO an.er • p. m. -filp63 BAYSHORES AV.A.IL. DPT. t , 2 bdrm . flf.c- ptac!a lftcloMd pat~ dbl. ,.,... a1e. ranch type hohie $160 per mo. cau Jam• LJ 8-32-4~. 47Uc A UAL DEAL tor a couple that wanu to ma.kc a better lhMl average UvLng. Snall cat• that -ta 42, an.d (1 a real MONET MAKER. Sff thla &nd WI CUI maJre a l'ttl quick deal. Call RU88 BENNER. BAUK>A BA.T PROP. Rat. &188 t!Kle W. Balboa Bl'ld. &lc63 LOANS ON HOMES .5~ -II '>ii"' l e;\ DON I. HUDDLESTON BALBOA 181..A.ND 3 bedrm., fWn. ...,.led¥nlce ard, 1ar- ..... corner. ~pt. . to June ,,u.. Ph. N ndy 3-4880.1----LI-"""_· __ , ___ P_•_·~'!-' , llOcllll WE BUT • SELL ft. lot, view ot th• bay, from front room Ir dlnln1 &re&. Uttk' laland tor nice htlme Uilo lale. Poet oftlce Box 003 Balboa l1land. 49cM EXCHANO'E bcfiuUfu.I 3 bldrm. y\ew hon1,, J!)ut Rldg' Drive Whittler, for Income .property. Har. 004.J. &Oc62 Ideal home for w.mt·retlred couple. w.,ik1nr dlll&n~ to eYerylhlng. Nice patio and rompltlely tenl'ecl. Priced to ~II with terma. 8ff Ru11 &nner. Nt w t bdrm .. i bath home, lo- cated at 289 Camellia Lane. Coet.a Mtu. Occupied on.ly i moe. Pouea11lon befon 9C:hool 1t.art1. Prtetl!d lt11 than $12,000 LI 8-0331. llZcM HOM~AL~~AFER BA YBOA BA y FURN. or UNYURN. Brand new lOI McFadden Pl .. at NpL pier PROP ERTIE S 3 bedrm. l~ be.th ho.ma In Phone Har. 140 any Ume CMtl. Me. l&rJ• dbl. 1anre. --------'----I~ W. Bl.Jboa Blvd. Har. 6188 thoroupiy modern. All lm- proYecnen.ta ln It Jl9-ld tor. Price &12,750. Terma.-can be 1ttn anytime. Call M:f. g.t• with IXke It eo1csro••· u 8-2002. _ 62cM Lido Isle We're Proud of Thia One B /B Lido Isle $29.7:i0 A HOME TO BE DESIRED iroR cUli. movea you In FuH Price Sl0.895 3 Bedrooms-2 Boths.-'2-Cer Garage Costa · Mesa • SUNSHINE • BEACH HOMES MONTHLY PAYltENTS LESS THAN RENT WU.SON & PLACENTIA . Furnished Open Models Daily' • '5 Minutes from the Ocean Noor Schools & Work eos,:rA MESA SUNSHINE BEA.CH HOMES OFFER ... ' Front or rear living rooms • Plenty of cloecta. Dining 1pace in kitchens • 40 gal water heaters. Natura) blrch cabinets • Confetti tile in kitch- ena • Maticork floors • Wood sliding win- dows • 6,000 sq. ft. lots e Rock roofs. Aluminum aueens. ANOTHER S. V. HUNSAKER, ALEX STEPT DEVELOPMENT • BILL'S BEST BUYS LIDO ISLE Horry Enrirorunent I.bat ap- prouhH lbe lde&J.. 1'hrff bed- roonui, 2 aparkllnf M.UU-N Brtrht Chced'ul kitchen With • built-In ranze. Oven It diapo1- al. M .... lva t irrplace, and a dlnlflf area that flvH 1pac' lo~n room to rnove &r0und 11o•Lth e&M. This 3 yea.r home 11 on • large lot which allow• for the OYtnUed p&Uo. See thl•. ll'e priced rl(ht at $31,000 ur $32.500 fUmiJlhed. W. A. TOBIAS REALTOR A A880CIA TES "\'ou'U Ulle our CJ1c.ndly aervlce" 400 IC. J 7tlr. St.., Colta MHa 'l.Jbert)' 1-1131 Today's Budget Buy! or i'airway Drive Compare theae fea.ture1: 3 bed- room.a. i"lrepl&ce, dlehondra lawn, Co.,..red P9Uo, Crape Stake fenc.lnr, b a rd w ood Floon, Modem KJtchen, Out· tert It downapout.., you won't h&YI to decorate.' Excl,u.elv1 With UI It p~ from $12.200 lo 5J2, 7llO. For appt. to -ee call; Duncl!n Hardesty REALTOR ,- 2802 Newport B!Yd. Nrwport Beach Hubor 4718 TERRIFIC BUY 17th SL Frontare Nea.r Hcert of Town :IOl X JOO lnv..Upte -It"• th• Topt """ f Acrea -Hajor C-2 Comer Th19 property will let JOU n- Ure vrtth a fine Income. PHIL SULLIVAN & GEO. EVERSON MESA VALUE S $2000 ON. Seit S bdm1 l'llue 10. Colla Meu. E, aide. 1'~1replace, h""·d flra., 1-0Ytly covtred pe.tio, lge. lot, nr. tchoola. l r1.n1p., A 1torc1. Evea. ph. ~tllte LI S·!.487 DUPLEX -WALKO DIST. E.. 1kl:t. E:Jlc. rent1I "rtll 2 Bdr. ee. G.1r. betwee11. 111·1ng prl• Yacy of 2 houtt1. Rear ydl "fenced • dlvld~. Lot 7~ x J2t'I Aak.inr $16.900 with &4000 Dfl. Eve. Pho. Crtay,·eU LI 8-37M. CHOICE comer I o t. 10xl31. Take duplex or triplex. 81wen gotnr In now. Ex. location. A bargain at $3160 cuh. Evca. Seymour, HA 1:1218-W. BA.l.BOA INCOME Choice Div, loc. 2 ApL Blda. Nearly new. Be1t rent.al loc.... 2 Bl:lr It I Bdr. apt.a, Dlahm., dil'p., all tile K. A Baths. Hwd nra. Sun deck. fully furn. 1 8dr Apl. ava.1..1 Sept 1. Room to build oinotru-r 2 Bdr. unit on front of lot, Shawn by appl only. 121.!IOO with term.. Jtvr. pbo. Seymour -HA &n8W, 3 B.R. -J., BA ni.S -E. Side.. , Neu lrvlfle Ava. Hwd' nr1 . flrept Dbl rar. IM,900 Only $3000 Dn. IC Ye. Petitte Ll 8-6487 OPEN HOUSE -Fr1-8un 2--& 20282 Ba..)'Ytew A VI. I Sant.a. An• Hdlht.a 3 Bdr. a4k Bay Home. View or Bay • HUl9 trom ru.r y<L Ct'lmpl fenced. Dbl. pr, Hwd nr1. Owner tr.naf. Imm pom. J Z600 on. 112.60CJ' -tu.11 prce. Set th.It for reel hoaia. Mesa-H.,rbor Rlty. A ASBOCL\ TEI O. C. SEYMOUR. RM.It.or &08 Ceflter St., O»t.a. MeM LI 8-ttlJ or LI a.nM 8/ B Attn. Yachtsmen.~ CHARMING btalld new unturn. ranch bclmc. on a 11tre.et of .u new hotoe.. 8 bdrma. a tkln 1" bath&. built In ranse JST AND 21'lD TRUl!T DEED8 UXAL PROPERTY LAS V.:0.AS, NEV. It 1'.'HO&- NlX. ARIZ. pro}>erty to tn.de for Be9ch property or Boat. Lat Vesu. new hou11e on HI- way Cor. ttnted to profcealQn- •·1 couple. Rm. for more unit.I or bull. $10,000 ve.lue clNr. Phoenix bualnca1 kit wtth 1r. hac. 20th 6 I!:. McDowell Rd. Int" 1lu 83' x 308' Street to Yalua $21:1,000--11&,00o equity. 4208 Tyler, Ph. OV 1·2208. Arllnrton, Cal. 62cl6'1 BALBOA, OCEAN TRONT near yacllt club. Spe.clou. lovable, well furn., ELEVEN room home on TWO Joli. Owner Har. 1016. \ 62cM ni.11 home haa two bedroom• A blltha, dlnlns areoi. A Brealcfut Bar. Ullllty room It I• carpct- &d. It 11 on a choice 37' corfler Btreda lot and hu an u.tra la.rire private pe;tlo. 'only $6.'iOO down. Ce.II to tee now! THE PRICI!: THAT I8 ftlGRT 18&1 Newport Blvd., COit& )(~ ftetre11hlng, pleulnf, Immaculate Ph. LI M711 -&Yea Har. 4306 la the true de9C:rlpt!on of thl• ------------1 YO\I can keep )'OUr own •Pt. on Catalina and lal the other two luxurious I bedrm. apU buJl4 your equtt.T. 110,000 WW l'l&nd~ le or owntt will tnde tor malnlan.d. Come tn MKt talk It over, ~ A Qftfl.. Will leue to reUabl• f""11Y tor 1 or 1 yu.ra at $11' pfll' month. Exceptionally nice nclghbon llve on t.hla irt,...t; A 8choOla .hopping • ~ a.re only mtnulfll aW&J'. U a.nn or Kl J.U'ft . • ~2c:M · For Leue ·Comp, Fum. Lido Nord Ba.y_fro nt • bedroom> Largo Lot $4-00 per month Sepl I "1 Dec. 30 Olbo.-Forton Rlty. Co. 23211 W. Cout Hwy. ; (at Port On."31') HAR. &201 02ci\4 ------- LOANS for Homes 69' -IO yr. Loula Construction Lo.,ns 80 808 BATl'LllR 26JO &A.BT COAST BLVD. ()orOlla 411 Mar Harbal' 3181 Rep. POUUER MOR1UAGS CO. Metro Uf• lna. FUndl Kl 1-6180 t8tfc I st & 2nd T. D. Loans ~1 au <>nqe OOUnt.,- Trlat o..ds Bought " Sold Royal Mortgage Co. 14 tn. pnone aervjc. Ha rbor 1549 60--lncome Property • All NEW $240 Mo. INCOME SClID. ... 3 qual. 2 B. R. unill on 62xl68. New 1L, cW'be, aeweni in a.nd pd. Fenced, ldlcp., near new llChooll, new bome1. Only $21,500 F.P. Submit on On. • Duncl!n Hl!rdesty REALTOR '2soa Newport Blvd. Newport Be•ch Harbor tT18 C -2 .EXCLUSIVE • Bl!:ST klcaUon on. Harbor Blvd Several other pa~ CO.t.& M- Max W. Pope, Realtor 1908 Harbor U l-114.2 LOrs-on the Bay · a bedroom 2 bath Lido Home. Cll.r)>et.9 •nd draperle• of tin• '}Ualtty. Lovely pello with rare olanUnr1. bMutH'ul roae rar- den In nrada. Bayfront..a Rent.al• Ba y & Beach Rlty. Inc. REALTOrul 3112 Lafayrtte Her 364.3 Har 2999 Eve. . 'Jutt to the rlCht of Udo Bridg•' Submit Your Offer Now Owner Moving ~ Mu1t Sell! *View Home KINGS ROAD U you want an une:acellf!d "1ew ol lh• entlrti Harbor ..,_ - Bay & Beach Rlty. Inc • Rl:ALTORI Corona del Mar OfftctL 3030 E. eo..t H"'J', Har, a6U Newport Beach U you •al¥• Uta ulUmata tn & unite. 2 klt.L H9U ba&cb Mid u clUtlv--Why not Me t.y. A "t'J' l'OOCI ·m...cment ua for appolnt.111ent. Price -ror tneome Of' bonMi and ln· m,600. • come. Raa • ¥e1')' pod tDcoml · G d S rt RI ~. Betta--tha prope:r-o r on e v e I ty. ty now for lletlnp tn t.bJA 130 J:. 17th St., Coela Mua loealJol'I a re raWna bud to l..l 1·1331 find tCA.NT 09'J' CM 1"0 Aufdtt-He6da LI 8-MOO JC'ft9, MOREi ' Severt.9 LI l-IUMI EvfllL 1------1 HOMER SHAFER LOOK ! CoJ'(Jft& dtJ Mar; Bo. of Wwy. "'°°"" hotM, P.M~-..,... •. IUIW.TOR JOI Mc~dea Pl,. ai, l'fpt. pt• Phone Har. &'6 -1 U.. U 8-71162 Ev ... Har. ~flit w·Jin'SR PmNJN8Ul..A. POINT II' TO lto' l'RONTAOC. $4.00 and up per front foot to quall- ned bu}'*'MI. Pien eennltted -a.a. ~a.mu&, COll1nl !al&nd Harli • Mii. I 27cA I bedroom• -2 Nth1. Fenced A felM*I. Tiffl' e'\lel')'lhln&. With ~ ~ Wukd ~ lfANCH HOME .............. -..... >"''' "°m -=!~ .. :"'':u!"~.!;~ Shore cr.ffs 1901 Newport Blvd., Nprt. Bch. LOOK THEN BUY ll bdrm. nim.. couple only. Beiaulltul lndOMci.)'ard, 2 car • ....,.. f:IOCI -per mo. lla.rbor Ht..J or A'l'laaUc 1...oeM. MO~NEEDED i'OR 3, 6, 9 or 12 of thete Money M.U:er.. w1UI. brick tlreplace. It'• oiil.J Harbor 4A20. • UcM ~--Y-. • IN HEIGHTS ' , ..... old In ?hwpoH R d d $5000 " lST a 2ND on Pomona St. betw. Vlcto~ A WU.On. Attracllva 1 bedroom, 1 ~ bath B•tlhta. Don't mt11 tbll bol.t-• uce TRUST DEEDS • BUDGET BUILDERS INC ::::---r1n~.:..~:.=; (;&II-NOW...... M·l ZONE QUALITY 3 - 2 \i 4-t::::iiaocmw for Bei.t t:ln'..tfMrlt w.11 M<Utl4 rooi • bath.a. Shake root, -·-b)' RM.I Est.Ile ' briclt pmlo, facff yard. D H d ty ~ "'!:.:: ~:::.=_,~.:;·;~! Up ~~~ .. :;.1d • °"' ........ an.ooo. unca ~ ... ro~ es 5 Acres...,sS2,000 :i~~C::~ -~. ..... ,,._00o41oe.11o puw,.._ LI S-n59 SEE OWNER "°' Now,.m "'"'· """.,. ,,..\,, .... ,.., Mar. OPEN DAILY. , .. ,,,... ....... .,....F_R_o_~_a_1_M_o_~_9_a_9_•_c_,_~tt_·'-------------·---.-------'-1------~~_ ••• _ru_ .... __ '"'_•_·_·....:':::-:;;;..:...'_'~_,.._"_"""' ____ H_•_·""' __ '_'_'_'._ ____ u_ .... __ ''_-_-_ • ....::••:.:ll:.:'....::-_sY~~ ·l!Oo52. '' . • _. -----··,,-------. -• ----··· ----------• - ---. - --' ,_ . . • • I PHOBIA? obetructed Bay view from ·tcnen of thia attractive Lido eet ot atreet parking. Ample room 1 in 11pacioua walled patio. A must full price. TTENTlON BUILDERS & SPECULATORS Another Vogel Co. excJuaive listing. Three R-2 Iota walking distance from Rictlarcls Market, Theater & drug store. On Newport Blvd. bus lme. $8,000 handles. . OPEN HOUSE 1-5 - SUNDAY AUGUST 19th 1987 IRVINE AVE. 3 Bednu and Den Back Bay Area For the above properties PHONE HARBOR 4971 VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE Evea: Harbor 5142 or 3630J "f 0 R 0 U IC K BILL'S BEST BUYS $7,450 NEARLY NEW one Bedroom, large living room, flreplace, overaiu garage. Close to acboola and abopping. $9,950 . Three Bdnna carpets It drapes tbru-o\lL Only 2 yn old -$l!SOO Dn -Balance leaa tban rent. $10,800 Three Bedrooms, l lh baths, diapouJ It fan. Land.acaped Ir rrapeatake fenced. Stove A refrt1- erator available. $12,350 · 85 foot Corner lot -• Bdrms, 2 ~e ct.ouble pr&ge. Nev.et.. .been lived fn1 0 MUST SELL. W. A. TOEMAS, Realtor and ASSOCIATES "You'll Uke Our Friendly Service" IFIC INCOME UNITS <FOR $19,950.) plua three 1 bdrm unitl. A.11 furnished & all rented. Lot size 65x300 or 2 more unit:JJ. Income $335. per mo, $3000. down. • WILL TRADE New}>oJ Heightl' unit.a for house, vaca.J1t. or what have you! Consist.a ot (2) 3 bdnn apbl. and (2) 2 bdrm aptB. Income $3,960. Price $32,~. Hue $14,500 equity. MOTEL & TRAILER PARK Good hilbway location Groaa over $12,000.-only $15,000. cub. will handle. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES U-Drtve cnliaer buaineu. 5 -28' ateelcraft "195Q". Fully equipped. Plua line of tackle to rent. Boat.a rent at $40 -$45 dally. $21,500 -tenna. B&lboa Island Cate. Doing U5,000 annual groes. Seats 45. Nicely equipped. $4.900 tenna. • Restaurant doing $120,000 grou annual. 9 ~:.! yc~rs lease at 5r( of gross. No minimum. Aaking $20,000. 1h cash. For the above properties PHONE LIBERTY 8-3481 THE VOGEL CO. MAIN OFFICE 3201 W. Cout Hwy . Evenings: LI 8'-7739 HA 3630-J LE 9-7912 LI 8-1421 . Corona del M• Ofrec~Vogel Values .. . BEACH COTrAGE 1 bedroom bOIM Clole to atorea, etc. Tb.la I.I fur- n.lahed • OD • larp .0' lot. Zoned for another unit. Full prlco $10,S:SO. ' CLOSE TO STORES. POST OFFICE, ETC. Cute 2 bedroom bame -lovely patio A BBQ. House I.I wt.red for 220. All weather •tripped & beat of all it bU a 4 % GI l~ Full pnce $H,750. sot1TH OF mGHWA Y-4 FURNISHED UNITS On 2 lots. (1) 4 bdrm. 2 bath with firepla . (1) 2 bdrm. with fi:repl'll., (2) 1 bdrm. units. Pre.mt Income $460. per mo. can be increued with aum- mer rental.a. Full price $(2,500. PERMANENT, PANORAMIC. OCEAN VlEW LOT High in Corona Highlands. Lot runs from atreet to 1treel Full price only $11 ,500. TerrM . For the above propertiea PHONE HARBOR 0757 or HA 1741 VOGEL CO.-Corona del Mar Office 2ee7 E. Cout Highway Eve•: Har. 1796-W LI 8--5457 Har. 2892 4288 BALBOA ISLAND-VOGEL VALUES -- * * ·* "THE DOLL HOUSE" Furniahed In the adult manner. You will call 1t home when you see it * 2 large bedrooms * Family living room with f lrcplace and cute bar kitchen • * 14 X 16 paved patio, glaM covered * Fruh u a daisy with new drapes * CompleteJy lc,..comf ortably furnished * A lot of lot here for ju.st $19,500 -let'• go. , DELUXE 2 BEDROOM HOME * Cloee to baytront Ii beach * King aiu living room, 14 X 28' * Two 1e_parate bathroom.a. * Orea.my 12 X 18 patio with privacy. * Lovely f irepl&ce Ii tum.ace heat * Yea air, just $7,500. down a.ad you move right in. For the above properties PHONE HARBOR 1014 VOGEL CO. Balboa Island Office (Next Door to P08t Oll.ice) 208 Marine Ave. _ _, Eves: Har. 3629, Har. 1229-R RESUL~ . .JS -L I S T WITH T H E V 0 GE l c 0. CHAR.Ml.NO s bedrm quality 1 .1 JUST LISTED. So. of Highway, cute 2 bdrm. home built on altracuvely · t' ti d bl Ca ta landacaped ea rt. Jot. Lge. uv. home. Large covered pa o, ou e gar. rpe room wHb pe.rmanenl view, and drapea, some furnJture included. Full price beamed c.Uinp, fireplace, w-w $ll 500 $3500 down. BE"fi~ HURRY. carpctin&'. abundance of cup-• • t.oarc1 1pace, dl.lpou.J. 2 p&Uoa. Exclusive with us. ROOM FO~ A POOL -An excellent BUY al 12uoo. 2. V SHORECLIFFS. First time off ered.1 fta.nch type, shake roof, 2 bdrm. and den home. 2 fireplaces. BA YSHORES $37,500 Exclusive with ua. Open hou.ae, 1 -5 FIRST TlME OFFERED -Bay-daily. 239 Morning Canyon Road. ahora Drive l'ltar private beach _ 3 Jars• bedroom•, 2 bath.I, 3 t~ 1t.r. din. room. ~at.. • W•W carpeting, tncl. patio. - V • r y allrac:_Uv.• 4,o me - iauoo. BAYBHORES -Luge 2 bed- room on• owner horn•. full din-~ room. fireplace, carpeted. f. mcl. paUo with built-In bar- beque--0000 BUY at $18,600. y THREE bedrm. home. (Old home but in good condition) PLUS level R·2 vaCLOt lot. Choice location, north of Hwy. in Corona del Mar. Full price $18,950, BETrER HURRY! Exclusive with us. BIB . REDUCED! $3000 WAS $22,500 NOW $19,500 · OUTSTANDING! a bed.rma -2 batha -hardwood LITTLE ISLAND BRAND NEW -In fact not quite completed. Larre living room with open at.airway. Spacioua muter bedrm. and two family bednn.. upstairs. SM.ART Western Holly kitchen adjotnJ.ng d1nJng room, and just the right size patio plus 2 car pn.ge. MAKE THIS YOUR PERKANENT HOME • • • ttoor1 -built-In l'IUll'• •oven HARD TO FIND -We have two -2 bedrm bouaea -dilpOAl -tan -t.ou.ch priced at only $19,500 on Balboa hland. plat~ wtrtng -wood pand.lq _ 16 monthl old! Shake roof WM. W. STANLEY -paUo -fenced -beaulltul , l&ndK'ap1n1r -•0u of s1 ... SANFORD ~ Reaft9rs HADFIELD alldlnf dOora -modem flr• LEm BOLIN • CHAJU..O'M'm FAZIOLA place -close 11\ -nur new M.AROI:' HA.DJ'RLD • NONA HYER ~~ ;tc-:1 alt•. Doubl• 1rara1r•. Park Ave. at Marine, 'Balboa Ialand Har. 2'62 I SEEING 18 UJ..UiVlNQ (Oh yea! A hulf• ma.Iler bedroom too!) ' 0 W N E R S W IL L ACCllPl' TERMS TO SUIT! BALBOA PENINSULA .0 x 80 resldenti&l Jot. Eut Balboa Blvd. 1ftt.b • permanent Bay view. Terma can be &rranced- DON'T J' AIL TO 81:"1: THIS • , REAL VALUE! BALBOA DUPLEX -Furn.iah~ 2 bednn.. and 1 /J 0> E. 17th St. ea.ta lieu. Liberty 8-1139 BA YSHORl:S -Fuml1h~ a bedrooma, 1111 balha. An u- cellent opportunity to put your deeoraUn abUlt7 to work - ASKING 119,&00 with LOW down payment. y $3000 down on tbil large 3 bed.rm. home, 3 car garage -located on 60 ft. comer lot. Room for add.iUon&.l unit Full price $17 ,000. Payments only $100 per mo. Truly a BARGAIN. No telephone information pleaae. Come to office, we are ready to abow you. Exclusive with U.S. MEMBER or MULTIPLE U.S~G8 Bay & Beach Rlty., Inc . bdrm. An on ground floor. $2:500 wtU hall& UALTOM GOOD BUSINESS CORNER. 3 witt. -be&~ ab.op leued -2 two bedrm. u.ntu:rp.lshed bouae. $18,000 wttb ta'ml. • CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTlON, Re&ltor 6 .A.19ocl&ta REALTOR M47 E. Co~at Hwy. Corona cJe! M.ar Har. U N and ASSOCIATES <Office located next door to Newport Harbor Ba.ok, ~) SEE US AT OUR NEW LOCATIO 22•w.eoutH1(h ..... yua.:11121 ----------------Newport Beet'h 2~ W~t Balboa Boulevard -Harbor 4091 'C THOMAS 'C THOMAS Bl B "C" THOMAS lfft Newport BooJnard eo.ia x .... C&ltfornla LI .. 1111 -Eve.. LI t-.1010 Newport Heights . Home with Wor& Shop COAST PROPERTl!S . ' RUTH JA YRED ,Realtor Mildred Riga and Syl~ 'l'botapeon, Aaeodai.e. ' 301 E. Baltm Blvd.~ Bal• Har. 2058 or •eoo (Fonnerly J. M. MiJJer Compa0y) • CUFF-HAVEN Thia 11 a very nice 2 bedroom ------------------- Exclusive · Ocean Front Near Jetty -Very att.racUve pine paneled 3 BR. borne -Completely and nicely furniabed. $29. T:sO $7500 will handle or BAY & BEACH REALTY INC., Rltrs. HM W. B&lboa Blvd., Balboa Ev'9 Harbor 1856 Harbor 1* r RUSTIC DREAM HOME , On lift. lol In Lamon Ht& ar•a with clrcular drlvew~ 2100 Mi ft. wtUa S bedrm.a .. 2 Mlh1 A lanai Ju.t 2 yMn old wtlh carpeu, drt.pea la ahutten ln- c:luded. A. ddlAilt MUST 80 at on.ty lf0.000 ...... u.ia euy terma or ~e. DAN A.. JACOBSEN, R8.l Ell.ate Ha.r. Mel LI 1-GlT KI 2·2111 and LI 1-1751 318 Snug Harbor P..oad WHY NOT BUY IN THlS VERY DESIRABLE ~GBBORHOOD? YOU CANNOt GO WRONG First time offered, 2 bed.rooms, den. 1 bath, paUo, all for $18~. Euy !inancinJ. Tbi1 is M exclulive. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor home tn a lovely arM. It. can be purchued t\lmtlhed or un- turnlabe<I • bu a compltt• tl•ctrie worbtlop for the hot.. bleat. Can be puttbufod w1lb M.tOO doWn or wOJ t&kt a 2:1' , l.Nikr tn track. J'or mor. lJi.. formJUon call. Duncan Hardesty • . REALTOR 15th and Irvine -lJ 8-2664 Evea Fred Barkn LI 8--8621 Stan Ld..Jevre 2t02 Newpcwt Bl9d. LI S.7008 ?iewport a..c11 B&rbor •Tit ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-------------- ' SUGAR & SPIGE NEWPORT HEIGHTS Cha.rnikii view bome, two bedroom plua sue-t . cou.a,e. 1..arg• patio, fuu &od fiow BBQ. hardwood fioon, fireplace.. Laree aun.ny kitcbcrr.. Cboiee lot, not a Jeuehold.. $21,000, Wins. • I . OSBORNE -FORTON REALr.f CO. 2323 W. Cout H.y. (at Port Oran.re> Liberty S.7662 Eves. Hlrbor ~lM ~-t .. I • • • • • -NEWl'ORT ~OI~ -'MT I· PA4"11 ...oND,t. Y, AU6USt 20, 1916 • THE VOGEL COMPANY REAL T.ORS 0 F_F ER • • Co5ta Mesa Office-VOGEL VAlUES J ONLY $UIOO DOWN • bedrooms, 2 boths, w;w carpet. thruOl!L Re- d cort.ted In.old,. and ouL 'Yard completely Wul- scaped and grape stake lence, Large patio. L&rp corner lot. Only 11.rl ya.n old. A lot of hOUll for a hltle money. iV,~ financing with $74 •; month incl. taxes and tna. $12,:SOO full price DUPLEX NEAR LIDO Attractive 2 year old furnished duplex oilly 1 block from Lido. Nicely lqcated on corner lot. Lovely 1paciou.1 ap&rtmenta. Uve in one and let the other pay-it off;-Low fina.ncing. We ba,ve the key. 4 ~!:';0 fil"St T. D. at $93.56 month Taxea and Ina. incl TRIPLEX -$2915 INCOME Cliff Haven. Immaculate units. Grounds com- pletely landscaped. Connected to aewer. Priced at $22,700 "''ith lcsa than 25{~ down. . SEE Tffi.S ONE! For the above propcrtlee ' PHONE LIBERTY 8-5591> , VOGEL CO.-Costa Mesa Office 1700 Newport Blvd. Eves. H&r. 3435, Ha.r. 6714 LIDO OFFICE VOGEL VALUES CLITHROPHOBlA? You can have an unObetructed Bay view froin llvinr room & kitchen ~ this attractive Lido home -162 feet of street parking. Ample room for large pool in itpacioua walled patio. A mu.at at $27 ,500 full price. -ATTENTION BUlLDERS & SPECULATORS Another 'l ogel Co. exclusive Hating. Three ft,.2 Jdt.1 walking distance from Richarda Market, Theater & drug 1Lore. On Newport Blvd. bus line: $8,000 handles. OPEN HOUSE 1-5 SU1'DAY AUGUST 19th 1987 IRVINE AVE. 3 Bednna •od Den Back Bay Atta For the above properties PHONE HARBOR 4971 VOGE i: CO. -LIDO OFF ICE 3416 Via Lido ' Eve.: Harbor 5142 or 3630J • • • • • • ' • • MA IN -0 FF ICE GEL VA .LUE S ' .. TERRIFIC INCOME UNITS IFOR $19,950.) . .. Two bdrm h°""" pluo UU.. 1 bdnn unit.. All funtlshcd & .U rented. Lot 1W. 65i<300 With room for 'z more ~ti. Income $33:). per mo, $3000. down." • WILL TRADE NeW}ori Height.a 4 unita for houae, vacant or what have you! Consist.. of (2) 3 bdrm apt.I. and (2) 2 lidrm apt.. locome $3,960. Price S32,500. Hue $14,500 equity. MOTEL & TRAILER PARK Good hi&hway location Groaa over $12,000.--0nly $U,OOO. ca.ah. wW hand.Le. • BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES U-Drive crulaer buaineu. ~ -28' ateelcratt "19ro"''. Fully equipped.. Pim line of tackle to renl Boat.a rent at $.f-0 -$4:S da.ily. $21,500 -~rma.. Balboa Ialand Cafe. Doing $(5,000 aMual gr08S. Seat. 45. Nicely cqui[fp<d. $4,IM!O terms. • Restaurant doing $120,000 groaa annua.I. 9 11~ ycti.ni lease at 5 ~;-of grosa. No minlmum. Aoking $20,000. " cub. J'or the above properties PHONE LIBERTY 8-3481 THE VOGEL CO. MAIN -OFFICE 3201 W, Coa1t Hwy. HA 3630-J LE p.7942 LI 8-H21 • . Coron~ del MerOffic,--Vo9el Values * * * ' ' ' BJ!:ACH C0Tr AGE 1 bedroom home c~ to •torea, etc. Thi.I ill fur- niabed A oa a ~ 40' !ot. Zoned. for another unit Full price l10,SSO. • CLOsE TO sToRES, POST OFFICE, ETC. Cul& 2 bedroom home -lovely patio a. BBQ . KoUBe it wired !or 23l. All weather stripped &. beat of all it hu a 4 50 GI I~. Full price U<.7i!O. ' SOUTH OF-HIGHWAY -( FURNISHED UNITS On 2 Iota. (1) ( bdrm. 2 both witb firepla., (1) 2 bdrm. with fireptl., (2) 1 bdrm. wiit1. Present. income $4e0. per mo. can be increued with sum- mer rental.I. Full price $42.500. PERMANENT, PANORAYIC,.OCEAN VIEW LOT High in Corona Highlands. Lot runa from street \ to street. Full price only $11 ,500. Terms. For the above properties PHONE HARBOR 0757 or HA 17'4 I VOGEL CO.-Corona del Mar Office 2967 E. Coast Higbw•y Ev .. : H&r. 1796-W LI 8-M57 Har. 2892 U88 BALBOA ISLAND-VOGEL VALUES * * ·* . ''THE DOLL HOUSE" ;:<' Furnlabed in the adult manner. You will call it home when you see il * 2 luge bedrooms * Family living room with fireplace and cute "1,;;r kitchen . * 14: X 16 paved patio, glau covered * Fresh u a daisy with new drapes * Completely A comfort.bly furniebed * A 101. .:>t Jot bl.re for just $19,500 -Jet'• go. DELUXE 2 BEDROO~OME * Cloee to baytront & beach * King aiu living room, 14 X 28' * Two 1eparate bathroom.. * nftamy 12 x ~8 pat1o with privacy. * Lovely fireplace Ii: furnace heat * Ye. air, juat $7,500. down and you move right in. For the above properties PHONE HARBOR 101'4 VOGEL CO. Balboa Island Office (Ne.xt Door to P<>11t OWoe) 208 Marine AVe. Eves: Har. 3629, Har. 1229-R f 0 R 0 U IC K ---------------- BILL'S BEST BUYS R E S UL T S -L I S T W iT H T _H E -~=--=-~...:___:.~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'---,--- 'C THOMAS 'C' THOMAS V KINGS ROAD ~ Best Buys Corona del Mar -B I B V 0 GEL ' c 0. UTILE ISLAND $7 ,'450 NEARLY NE\V one Bedroom, large living room, fireplace, ovenize ca.rage. Close to ~ooLI and 1hopping. $9,950 Three B<lnna carpet.a A drapes thru·o\lt. Only 2 yn old -$1500 Dn -Balance leas than rent. $10,800 Tbn>e Bedroooi.r, 1 'h baths, W.-1 a. fan. La.ndaca.ped &: grapeata.ke fenced. Stove le refrir- cra.tor available. $12,350 ' · ~ toot Comer Jot -4 Bdrma, 2 Bathe, Large ct.ouble garage. Never been lived in, OWNER MUST SELL. W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor and ASSOCIATES "You'll Like Our Friendly Service" f OO E. 17lh Sl. Coot& 14,.. Llberty 8-1139 B/ B SEE US AT OUR NEW LOCATION .202:5 WNt. Balboa Boulevard -Harbor •091 (Formerly J. M. ).tiller Compalty) Exclusive · Ocean _ Front Near Jetty -VeT'y attractive pine paneled 3 BR. home -Complelely and nicely fW"llilhed. $29,7ll0 $7500 wiU handle or cHAiua:No 3 bedrm. quality home buUt on altracUvely la.ndecap.d 16 fL ~L Lee. llv. room wllh permanent view, bea.med ceUlnp, fireplace, W·W C&J"petin&', a.bun~• of cup- board •PAC' dLapo.al, 2 paUo~ ROOM . F01t A POOL -An ucellent BUT at S:Z•,600. BAYSHORES FrRST TU.O: OFFERED -Bay· 1hora Drive near pr1vat111 beach 1. ,( JUST LISTED. So. of Higbway, cute 2 bdrm. home. Large coveted patio, double gar. Carpel.I a.nd draJ>ff, &ome furniture included. Full price $U,500. $3500 down. BEITj<;R HURRY. Exclusive with us. ' 2. f" SHORECLIFFS. Firat tlme of-fercd.1 ltanch type. abake root, 2 bdrm. and den home. 2 fireplaces. $37 ,500 Exclusive-Witll ua. Open houac, 1 -5 da.ily. 239 Morning Canyon Road. -:t l&r('I bMroom1, 2 balh1. Cu¥ •l&e din. room, F.A. heat, 3. w-w carpallnc. encl. patio. - V THREE bed.rm. home. (Old home but in g~ condition) PLUS level R-2 vacant lot. Choice location, north of Hwy. in Corona del Ma.r. Full price $18,950. BETTER HURRY! Excluaive with us. V e r y attr11ctlv1 ho m e - Jaio,600. BA Y8HORE8 -Large 2 bed· room one owner home, full din· lf\I' TOOlll, flreplace, e&rpeted. ~cl. paUo with bullt-ln b•r· bequ......OOOD BUT at S18.~. BA YSHORli:S -Fumiahed 3 bedrooma, 1 111 balht. An ex· cellmt opportunity to put )'1)Ur d~rau, .. ablllt7 to "''Ork - ASKING $19,600 with LO'V down paymenL "C" THOMAS 4:. .,.' $3000 down on Lhil large 3 . bedrm. home, 3 car garage -located on 60 ft. corner . lot. Room for &dditioU! unJt. Full price $17,000. Payment.a only $100 per mo. Truly a BARGA.IN. No telephone information pJeue. Come to office, we are ready to 1bow you. Excluaive With WI. MEMBER 0)' 14UL1'lPU: I..IBTlNGS CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. , PRICE T. McCUlSTION, Realtor Ii Amoclatel • REALTOR ::J1.47 E. Cooit Hwy. Corona dcl Mu Har. ti a.nd ASSOCIATES lOffice located next door to Newport Harbor Bank, U:lMJ 224 \V, CQUt Hlrhw•y Ll 8·~527 1 ____ _;.------------~·--1 Newport Be•ch I· 'C' THOMAS 'C'-THOMAS .. CLIFF-HA VEN" REDUCED! $3000 WAS $22,500 NOW $19,500 OUTSTANDING! 3 b«lrm• -2 bathl -hardwood BR.AND NEW -In fact not quite completed. Large living room with open 1tairway. Spadoua muter bed.rm. and two family bednna. up11t..&Jra. SMART We.tern Holly kitchen adjoining din.Ing room, and juat the right aize patio plut 2 car 1an.ge. MAKE TlilS YOUR PERMANENT HOME • • • tloor• -built·ln rana-• • oven HARD TO FINO -we have two -2 bedrm bouaet -dlapOU.l -f&J'I -touch'' priced at only $19,500 on Balboa Laland. plat, wtrlng -Wood pane ft( _ 11 month.I old! Shak• roor WK W STANLEY -paUo -ranced -be•utlrul • • ,., ....... , -"" or •·~ SANFORD. . Realtors HADFIELD •Mdlnc door• -modem tlr-9-LEI! BOUN e Cl:i>d\LO'M'PJ 1"~01.A place -clo" In -;-near new MARGE' HADnl!:LD • NONA. HYER City Ha.U •It•. Doubla c•r•r•. Park Ave. at Marine, Balboa lala.nd Har. 2t62 etc, etc. SEEING lS BllµJ:VING (Oh yes! A bur• mutar bedroom too!) . OWNl:RS WILL ACCEPT TERMS TO SUJTJ DON'T FAIL TO au: nns REAL VALUE! Bay & Beach Rlty ., Inc. REALTORS lltl Newport Boul•Yard CS-ta 'M-, CaU!omla LI 1-1111 -Eva. L1 l-3010 Newport Heights Home with Work Shop BALBOA PENINSULA (0 x 80 reoldential lot, Eut Balboa Blvd. !'Ith permanent Bay view. Terma can be a.rranced.. . ' BALBOA DUPLEX -Fumialte11, 2 bednn. and 1 bdrm. All on rn>und fioor. ~ wW ba.ndle, • GOOD BUSiNESS CORNER. 3 lllllt. -beauty . abop leued -2 two bedrm, IUl!urplahed I>®-·· $18,000 witb leriu. ' COAS'f....PROPERTleS .. . RUTH JAYRED ,Rultor 141Iclred_ R1Jga ua Syl""-Tho111p00•. AMloclo"'°. . 301-Edlalbor-Bml~B&Ibor-Ha:r:-29M"-.rf- n 11 i. a very n1ct1 2 bedrooml---'-·-----------~--~.---- RUSTIC 318 Snug Harbor Roa9 :!":!.;;',,",!~~~;; !:. :,~ SUGAR & SPICE . WHY NOT BUY IN <THl'S VERY •" • DREAM HOME DESIRABLE NEIGHBORHOOD? ~;.:,.w:..:: ,:, ::·i:::.~ NEWPORT "J-1---S-GHTS On 11•. lol In Lemon Hltl. arra t 0 WRONG -bo ·"-~,. . YOU CANNO G btul. ..... n purr_.....,.. ... , ,,....-: .. -view home. two bed.room pha ..,•eat , w ith clrcu1-r drtvew'f 2100 Sf;,.fOO oown Of' wttl t•kto a ~· ....,._..........,. •- llQ. rt. With S l>Mrma., 2 be.th• First time offered, 2 bedroom&, den, 1 bath, patlo, tnJJei In trade.. P'or more ln· cottage. Large patio, fert111 and flowen. BBQ. • · " l&Ml Juat 2 ff"•,.. old wtth all for $16,500. Easy financing. . formaUon call; hardwood floon, fireplace. Laree munny kitchen. carpo1ta, drape, A lhuttera ln-cl · ' eluded. A detlnlta k UST SEE Tbi1 11 an ex u.ive. 1\ Choice lot, not a leuehold. $21,000, term•. • .. Mly ~ wit• ouy EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor Duncan Hardesty ON REA TY co BAY & BEACH REAL TY INC., Rltrs. ··~~· 1_ ,..:coesEN, • ~LT!1R 0.S.BORNE. FORT L . 14:M w. Ba.Jboa Blvd., Balboa Hubor 1264: RffJ Eataa l5tb and ln"!n~ -U 8"2664 2&02: Newport BIYd. 2323 W. Coaat Hwy. (at Port On.nge) -~-----Ev_ea_H-arbo==r~1=856.:.:.. ____ ~ _ _'._H~··~·~'".::_'~u~:·~ ... _1T_Kl_"_'_''_'~E-v_ea_Fr_e<1 __ Bar_k_er_LI_~ ___ s_tan __ Le __ Lie· _v"' __ u_s-_i_056~~N-.-_~"°"-Buch _____ 11u_'°'_'_"_' __ LI_bert_~Y-8-_T_5e_2 __ ~~-Ev-eo.-:-llar--bo-r_5_Uif_~ and U ... t7~1 ' . \ I ' . - -- Immaculate-Newport Ocean Front 2 bedroolU and 1leeping alcove. One of New- port'• fine; home11 on a very deeirabl beach. See lt and you'}l buy it. Full price, $23.7®. AJjo, for eale, adjacent to the above .home the lUgast aVallable lot on the beach. 51x8:5. Excel- lent neJgbborboocL etjs1NESS BUILDING NET INCOME 10% plus. 6 top notch tenants all on leue. Beat location on coast. A-1 con- 1tructlon. Stre81ed for 2nd floor. Eutem owner desJra quick sale. $115.000 terms. .. . JACK BRENNAN, REAL TOR "AT THE ARCHEs·· 8320 W. Cout Hwy. LI 8-7773 CORONA DEL MAR 2 NEW EXCLUSIVES Sout h of Highwey . on a t5 ft. level lot U1 this cute 2 bednn. home with guest room and bath off patio. 2 car garage atresaed for sun deck. Asking $22,500 - rood terms. . also Corn er Bun galow· With Pool ~.000-A 2 yr. old home o! 3 bedrms., 2 baths, lar1e llvinr room with marine view. Fenced yard, forced air beat. Modem decor. Built in 6veo, ranee and diahwaaher. Shown to qualified buyers by appointment only. Evenlnp call Edith Maroon, HYatt '-622'.? r•r Lou Boynton Harbor 2878 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Harbor 1775 We Plan.ned It That W_ay Tbe lndomlnable spirit of over 300 Membel'S working together to aeU over $1.000,000 worth of real eetate per month hu been accom plisbeJ the first slx montba of 1956. Property owner'• confidence in our Board of Realtora, plua a concerted effort by ('very mem- ber 16de it pouible. To Lllt or Buy Property Call a M<'mber of Newport Ha.rbor Board of Realtors Multiple Listing Service OPEN HOUSES (Dally Except Wedne.day' 482 20th St. New ~oua 2 ,bedroom, 2 b&tb luxur.)" home. Truly the ultimate in dea1p. & livibility. You'll. want to see the apacloua den, kitchen and dining room to! 400 Vista Boya (2200 Blk. on Tustin) GJ"&doua Ranch Style 3 bed.room, 2 bath home • wtth bure family room, 3 car garage & work ltiop. Thia ta in the heart of the new Back Bay Ana and the-owner will con1ider a trade. ' DUNCAN HARDESTY, ·Realtor llQ2 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Hu. 4718 • IF Y'OU WANT TH~ BEST .. ,. -ln appearance t.nd con.trucUon IN CORON~ DEL MAR S.. ~ •utibll 2 .tory provil\clal today. AJ 1ft could ever '9\'1oDt In a home, plua a eecludec 2 Mdr. homt in nar .tor Income. $32,000 J'or ~polnt.me:nt to tee call ADA CROW, wift. Ben J. Whitman, Realtor SM.2 E. Cout Hwy Hu 1862 Evf'a Har ~f!S3 • • Not W1lta you let .omeooe beat ,_ to tldl Lid<> b&rp1n: , • i6 ft. street-to-street lot on Orvieto priced at only $16,MO. ~ -• 32 ft. lot on Nice -$11.200. • 35 ft. lot on l.4ndine -112,600. • For these and other Lido la1e barpin.a, COME TO HEADQUARTERS -our 21at year at Lido lale. p. a. palmer incorporated . ole hanson co. management 3333viahdo,harbor 1500 ... . WEST BAY VENUlC. Ali of the very best will ~ youn -8 bed.ri:n&, including acnant'a quar- tere on the 1st flper &nd ' large family bedrma. ._ on the 2nd floor. • batbroOCna, l*autifur 1lua front livingrm. 29 x 21, 2 firepla.cea. 3-car gar- age -and completely turiiiahed. Price $89,'500. Call Dave Oiburn. Lido Isle -$5~000 Down . 2 bedrm. 1 bath home on comer ~trada lot, .expensively landeuped. Sto~ and think -this home h.u approx. 1660 sq. ft. of floor apace, and la on a 50 ft. corner Stn.da lot. Available immediately for the low price of $31,500, and the owner will accept $5000 down to a qualified buyer. For details, call Joe Kincaid. p. a. palmer incorporated ole ha naon co. management 1700 w. coast highway -liberty s-M73 Bl B Bay Front Pier and Slip Balboa Reeltv Co. ( 11 EXTRA SPECIAL NoUce to bwldena or thOM propoe- tng to build income property. Two R-3 Iota, aid.a by •Ide, r.-eh 120' dttp. The only remalnlnr R·3 lol• oo the PenmauJa. '25.000. UMMM, W hat a Buy! • BEDIUfS , 1pacloua llv\J\I room, w-w p rpellnc. dan1n& area. modern kitchen, beauU· bijJy landtcaped patio, fl re- J>l•ct. dblt', prare. nice bridt work. f"lne buy al $31,600. lerma. LIVE ON A CA!li'YON TOP IN COM LIDO NORD, 4 bednna. plus ma.id's room, large double garage plua 1hower and dressing rooms. Second story eerviced by electric elevator. Com- pletely furnl&hed tbru-out. $75,000. Excellent tenna. Immediate ~on. Bay Front Pier arid Slip Privilege 121 3 BEDROOM. 2 bath BaJboa Home. Block from bay beech. Nicely f\lrn'8bed year around home. \.v'e.t Bay Avenue locallon. '18,000, rood termll. VIEW hllla to north. aea to aauth. Peninlula Point -Sandy beach. Older beach taom up11talr• and down. 2 • house of 4 bedrma. Full price $40,000. Low '31 Here's a roomy 2 bed~m home wllh very aUtacUve g"Ueal quartera In 1ur. All ~di furnlahed. Lur e lot. 2 mrle s arase11. $18.&00 terma. bodrnu , dining aru. 2 flre- placu. 1pacloua aun deck. larse down payment handles. Owner will carry bal- rnmpu. room with paneled bar a.nee at low monthly payments. 1lnJt, 1tove A rdrls . Tiied . kitchen with diapoe&L Shake 14 I PENlNSt..~LA POINT DU· fa;i:=.:~:.~~~cri~ Waterfront ~ier and Slip Privilege . ~nJ~::;:::~~ ~~~ CORONA DEL MA R OWNER U )"I SELL and at re- du~ed price. completely rur- BALBOA ·COVES -New lovely 3 bed.rm. 2 bath. large patio. Bu everytblnc. Only '3'5.000 " -excellent tenm. N ie-'¥ tum i.lhed. 1.aWldry zoom. dOubJAa p,...e. U 8,500, -rnna. • OOINO TO ROPt Want.a to aeU hta · Exclusive Back Bay 414 23rd 2 Bedroon:ut It Dm located on your own private lake, with m electric kitchen f\ally carpeted & draped, ptua wuher & dryer. TbU. ia a dre&m borne wtth all of the exclusive tea~ you are looking for. OPEN Sat. & Sun. 1-.5. SPECIAL CORONA ffiGHLANDS 2 Bedroom• 1 Bath home on 60 x 100 ft lot with an ocean view under $20,000. Exclusive with "'· W. E. FISHER & Associates 3024 Cout Highway, Corona del Mar Harbor 6032 Eves. Harbor 2420-W BAYS HORES DELIGHTFUL -QUIET-R~TRICTEO Com- munity -Favorite 1pot for childtth. DO SEE TWO BEDRM .. 2 bath, Cape Cod comp! furn- 11hed. Room to add bedrm. Lovely pal10 with BBQ. Thia is nice for $28,000. THREE BEDRM. Cnmpletely furn On large lot. room for awimmifl!, pool -ex. stZ<' new patio. Only $23,500 -easy terms. LIDO Owners leaving at.ate. must sell thia 1paciou1 2 bedrm. and glassed lanai. 2 bathAI , (with plana included for ex. bedrm.1 On 50 ft. lot with lge. covered patio for S31 ,500. This is a real value and a BUY. COSTA MESA 480 FlOwer. 3 bedrm. Beautifully lalldscaped. Only $2500 down. Hurry on thi1 one. MYRn-e DAVY, Reaftor & Au oc. Helen Bautn Bob Smith Ruel Condon 3'32 \ha Opono Harbor M-!6 EVe9 U s..5291 8-tT09 ~.1017-J n~ 2 •tory. 2 bedrm. homt' wtlh panoramic OC:f'&n •lf'W rrom Jars• IMns room. $5000 ciuh h•ndlea $19,900 f\IU pnce. 62 ' Waterfront Pier and Float • Vlllt tnc:ome property on ,... !!ul Avenue.• "11slea and ·-------------._.;;;;...__ A MUST SEE! L'l hl'1111llf11t Co1 ona Hiarhtands. :l b!'Jrma_ 2 bath•. \Jen home with a forever view of O<'t'&n You'll 1..IKE the pra<"t' u well 11.~ lhl' property 1 Bay & Beach Rlty. Inc. REALTORS f'oaona dt'I Mar Oillce 31)3~ ~ Coa1l Hwy. Har. M63 BILL'S BEST BUYS Harbor Hi9hl ends BF.FORE SCHOOL STARTS You tohoulJ eel aettled In th.la ht'ul-wannlns "Y' · thrUlm.. 3·1><'<11 oom. 2-bAth homtt. Only 111 yelU"8 old 1n lbe Newport School Dlatrkl. cloM lo ahop- p1nr. Abllolut.f'ly the cle&lleal h•1rne you \\.Ill find. Call wi t or Information. W. A. TOBIAS REALTOR and ASSOCIATES 'You'll Llkt' Our F(icnd!Y S.rvtce' 400 E, 17U1 Sl Coet.a Mua LI 8-1139 bachelor Bu ~o redtc· orated and In very Sood 2 bedrms. $24,500. YOU WRITE THE TERMS. condluon Good Income ART C. KISTLER CO., Realtorft "' ~~~i:~:~-~~ BA y FRONT SPEC IAL! STS :::a:n~~':v:.n: ~;o ':; Cor. 29th and Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Phone Harbor 5226 DAY OR NIGHT HOME . & INCOME Drive by 504 -5041/2 36th Street Large ~ bedroom, newer duplex, big double gar- age. wide alley. Only 2 abort blocka to Lido'1 complete shopping center, transportation and theatre. Present inc«ne $190 per month on yrly. basis. t:? block lo water. Will pay for lteelt or give you a boml! and $100 per month income. $!)()()() down, euy te~. Prieed at lea than cost of the building alone at $22.5()0. Won't Lut -Act Now! CL YOE MEYER. Realtor 312 Marine, Balboa Iala.nd Har. 2!525 garace. Renta well 1ummer and winter. $l!l,000, &'ood term a. Balboa Realty Co. Oppoelte Bank ot America Roll• Grteley &d Ltt J~phlne W.t>l> 700 p; Balboa Blvd • Balboa Phone Rubor 1%77 BAYSHORES t b r df'n, nH r bt'tlch. Drive by 2802 Clrcle 121.600 3 b.r .• 2 bath. part. rum. $21,500 2 b.r .. c'OOd locaUon $22,GOO 2 b.I' , cute $11.eGO 2 b.r ., pr. unit $21,:500 Ee.st.side Collt.a Mea • uni la '33.000 4 b.r .• den, room for pool '32.&00 3 t;.r., ram. room, rm ror pool aA.960 Oi>Od Iola $8400 ~P BEACH INCOME 11 1-b.r .. unilll·fu m . nr. bay and ocean· GI RESALE Spotleu 3 bedrm. home in good F.ut Side Co.ta Mesa location. Ras beautiful new WW carpet and 1liding glass doors to nice patio. Full price $12.!>00. Payment.a only $61 per mo. includJng taxe8, insurance and inlere&t at 4 < r. . INCOME SPECIAL 2 very neat homes on 1 large lot. Income could be over $1600 per year. Price only $12,500 NEWPORT -MESA REAL TY 1799 Newport Blvd. ea.ta !lea. LI 8-6508 Evea LI 8-7237 Corona del ar If you have teen-agere-a large 3 bednn. with aeparate bath, out.aide entrance, and f~lace will delight them. lnaide 1tail'I lea to the 24 tt. Provincial-type living room (an er attractlv• fireplace), apacioua family m, big ldtehen. 220 wiring. diapoeal. Large • prqe IJtre.ued .for room above. Nice condJtion, 10 yeara old. Only $23,500 STANLEY A .. SMITH , Realtor $157,000 CHOICE BUYS CORONA DEL MAR 2647 E. Cout Hwy., Corona. del M:ar Har. 882 fi~ ~ooo · • i-1 bednn. duplex. lot 60x118 ······-········ ······-···---$22.500 Claire Van Horn 2 bedrm. home IO. of hwy. ·················--·······-·· -15,750 REALTOR 2 bedrm. home, 2 bath9 plu.a apt. ·-···-·····-······· 26.000 273! w. Cout Hwy Ll S-4277 1 hOU8e rear of lot, eo. of hwy. . -····--···-····-··· 11,750 Call evu u 8-3209 HA SU3~ NEED A HOME! duwn to $6500 We have one for you 3 •ta f f ...._ 35000 HA 30S Mex W. Pope, Realtor 3 ~rm. ~:·f~y ... ,, ~~. ~ Co~~-ID;~~ ' ---- 1808 Hubor LI 8-11'2 b f• in DUPLEX _ uc ange or come. . 1 or a hall dozen. $14.9'0 .. ch Balboa Island . MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR ~~ ~-1~~. mo mo G. H. LATHROP, Realtor *· S BDRM rum home with J~ al'~ Near North Qtl;)": • .,,.'1'1 Qv.-nf'r. Hubor l '3lfc !"OR SAl.J!: BY OWNER Unfurnl11h,.d 2 bednn home. .3635 E.6 Cout Highway Corona del Mar Harbor 5442 Eves. Har. M80 WE'LL LEA VE IT TO . YOU • SEE THESE Max W. Pope, Realtor 1908 Harbor U &-Jl u BY O\.VNER S bdrm l\ome ~n . b&UI 6 • 1, l&IT• Uvi.ns rm. --------------~~~~-~ NORTH TUSTIN LESS FOG -~S DAMPNESS 20 Minutes from Cout 2.73 ac. Hillside rrove with attractive small bome, 3-car garage, greenhome, all equipment. Land ripe (or 1Ubdiviaion. $26,600. Term.a or tnde, ALSO . HILLSIDE OOT'l'AGE -.js ac. avocada. and 1b.tubbery. Ideal for young couple or retired folu. $8960 only $1.000 down. ' ._ C. E. MITCHELL CRESTH.AVEN LA.NE 10389 Newport Ave., Kl 7-3181 -Courtesy to Broken -~-. G1p53 I S.chclor •PL In rftl' Rilled al ..... month. Double saraa• al.relM'I for apt. Fenc*' tn yard, a bl~n1 tor emalJ C'llilttrcn. FULL PRICE 122.600. Opf'n tor papecUon dally ex- cept Sunda.)' 1 to t an Mari· &'Old, Coran& del Mar. 4Wl After practically no trouble and abeolutely no ~ c1inJq toom. break· fut a~ MtVI~ porch, J'. A. ----------__;;:.;;.__:.:..=-...::..::====--...,-- WE HAVE7 M-1 Somtt Of the Cholceal. St''ll t'r9 Ille C•ll Ull Max W. Pope, Realtor llfl. H.arbnr LJ 8·1H2 upe119t, we have just llat.ed a NEW 2 Br home. with HDWD fll'I., Floor turn., Fire pl, garb. diap., lhal. root, 6 double gar.1 AD on a level R-2 lot llOUth of the Hiway. Look at it, then tell ua what the price ahould be. P. S. You c:a.n IWl p1ck your own colon. Exclusive With ' R. L STRICKLER. Realtor R. B. HODGE, AAOCia e 3622 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Ma . Har. 27i4 ' .ti.At. bufil i& llo"tt.o C&l"peUd. drapes, pe.Uo, tttU:~, lailda- caped. dbl pniv. wm trade eqwty for lot. Alttt 'I pm or week meta. U IS07t • 111 P1~. ~c67 cuRT ' oO~H, R1tr. 3 I 5 Me rine Ave. Ba lboa Island Harbor I 560 WESI COAST HWY. as· front with ct.Ore bulld.ln1 and fine, tarie two bedrOOm home. Plue a pine candy manuCactur- ins and retail bualnea. Owner leavlng the state. WU1 acrifice for only $25,000. . OSBORNE-FORTON R'EALTY 2323 w. Coeltt Hwy. t at ~ort Ora.nee> Liberty 8-7562 Evee. Harbor 6154 . • " • • ' • I • • " :JJ/ :JaJ.;,; prwiau • Put lI -Pap 1 Mondq, Aucua 20, 11M .• • HEADING BACK TO SCROOL SOON Chris Hughe1, 7, Jett, dauchter of Mr. and Mn. Mn. Blid. lAn.ninJ ot Fairway D1ive, will enter Wayne Hugbe1, 324: Poppy Ave., prepue9 to enter •Kinderprten IOOn at llon,te Vial& School He the ~d crade at Harbor View School. with a ·wean A·l Supple-Drapi Pecpra and a red color S1n}r Broob rrten.. cotton print Of drip-dry n0-. Don. Rancho drip-dry cotton ahirt. All of the iron fabric, the Tyrolean· 1tyle outfit f•tw'el a chlldren'1 clothing 19-from Top Drawer of Balboa 1taru:l·up collar with ·matching cuffa. Her young hland. -Staff Phot.., companion, Jbhnny l•nning, ~P/::. eon of Mr. and ' . SCHOOL BELLS . RING " . !Strole Tre•• · to le•i1m Tone i1 Mei's S1its HERE SINC_E 1894! • l·Room School Opened .with 18 P ... s at 19th St., Court-Ave. A •trolls lnnd to medium lhade9 ln rntn.'1 aulll for faU aAd wtatu la .domLnaUn1 th• Cutt'ti'lt pictul"'I In c I 0 t b I ft I 9lorea ud dl]M.rtrnenll, accon:t- IAc to UM Amerkaa lUUtull of' Men'• .. d Boya' Wear. Buill IU"9 117 BDT U11'i"TNAU. unUI It .... fill lh•t theN COPIDI out of u.. .. .,,.._, dark" Al N.wport Beach bqal\ 'to iboUld ba • k»cal acboOL Utl to .tap. and Enrldlum lftYI .,. MtUe up and becGm• a 12 that um. Ht.nor ar.& puplh pa.ri«llarly popular followed. by monl.hl out ot the )'ear ...-fde bad cm• \0 ett,ber Banta .Ana blua cra11 and"mld-brown tonea. ana It bticom• tvident that a or Hu.nun.,ton Beach ti 11 h For the new aeuon, lh- publlc lciW>ol would M Mete-.i:boola. llchtar toM. ....,... enhanced wtth •ry. llO paople contributed the Al UM detjm60n to •tabll4b • -.{, 11UbdUad patt.na. KUtad mattriai. and labor and built ~ New"Port a.lb blJ:~ 9Ch001 took 1len plald8. YU"tlcal •triplnp. one-room .c.b&ol That wu' tn root It wa1 dlleoftf'ed It wu .n;iall chackl, pometnc d-11-. Jlt4 and th• bulkllll(_ atlll 1tanda not 1e1auy pciml,bla to 'flUMin.w bettiqboh• &lid lllack twtall at 11th Sl and Court Ate. from u..-... 1&-A.Nr ldHJOl db-t\la;hllChl i;; Io th I er•' aew fill )(lq Emma Moora open«d lhe ~ .o a •peelal act wa.1 pu( atoclla. 9Cbool th1t fall "''Ith 11 pu.pUa. lbn:MlCb th• legtalatur. cs.rtn1 A newaworthy counterpotftt to In 1906 t1111 room baeam• too the Wil3' for Nff'f/fJlflll'/' ~ to tM bUlc trend to mfd-t.on• 1a amall IO th• "Old Clly Hall" WU '° ah.ad. . the ruu.raenc. of lb• dark bluea. erected at Newport P\er. With Ula alecUOn of t.h• KhOol wbk!h unW recMUy were puah· By 1912 thl1 wu outrn:rwn bOU'd cant• Deed. for money and ed lnto the b&cksround by char- aftd Ule community palMd • 90m• orSe: te run U.. Mlboola. A coal cn.Y· boad lle\le of IZ1 .000 and JMll bOnd i.-u• wu pUMd and the J'abrics are llchter In we11ht up whit la now the u.ll half tloanS. iookinc arou:Dd. for a than ln pn-noua fall aeuona. Of the pre•nt Newport EJemen.-prtnc:IJ>9.l, pk:ked Sidney Da'rid-with niMti"u:m-w.lcht wonteda tary School on Balboa Bl~. Tbl 90n. then. tte. priAdpal Of Kunt· and tlan.nela, ll&htwelcht tweed• four c:luaroom• haw al~ been klltOl'l ~Kiib 8dl0ol. and new cqlorf\11 allll -wool lncl"l'Ul'd to CO"Yer the whole Tb•y · Cid nat haft any blenda ab&r1nl the 1poUl1ht bleclJ. • · · money DaYktltoll. nor Al to •t1le. the 1ilm sllbouett• in lilt Horace o . EM6p wu llD architect. t lbtJ' found aa with trim, atral,.t, natural lln~ empk>yed ... 11Uperiatendt!nt ot architect who wa.I 'friDlac to 10 bUn .. in ftSU'· w1th Ill na- th<I acbOOI ll)'IW.O and under h1' ahead on Ui$ proklltHl7 tM Uan.I ~•and nar row. dlr«.Uon Ula Corona ~I lUr. Mndl woWd paat and M fwnd lllcll notetl lapai.. ' HOl'k9 £nali:n and HarbOr View lepl by Ute court.a. Thi t.o-button llnal•brea•led doola. wfl'i idGR---ur-1.11 Tbl--an:bl iq edutaUon pknl. Davkllorl wbo dem&tlded • t\l.Dc-place. althouJh the thrH-button ta June. 1163, Roy 0 . Al:Mkr-tJoaal 9CfMlol: wbkh. wHn ii ..apecll"t to mOft r&P'd· ..ft, then .. i.tant to pletld. bU Ileen a a\IDdal'd tor ly forward. ' • , p ' ' COIFFURES, .MAKE.I.JP GIYES EMPHASIS TO FAU STYtES Hair lly'-a &rul maQ-u.p flay a dl'&matlc part In fall faahJOG. Lika ha ti, tlalr-dol ~ proTlda balanee and emphui. for 'tha llenller k»olr. Wblk the MUObal ranee or lllht to brliflt to dark colon tn ·clothins Ollla for a 1hnllar variety or.eo&metic hu.ea. MON width ti U.. ceneral.. NM ror colifurt., ~leved . by hair fluffed out at the lidee. tu.med under at tht endl .or 110nly curnn, aw.y from the face. Balli• comblned with • ldda.-n.·ept bah-alyla o;r a chlpon fll. t.ahlon'• .fuplre ·mood.' · Greena, black, 11~ and lh1 dwiy muted color1 popular u.11 fall' nffd th9 emphutl or ··•ronr· lhadel ot ooemeUca, 1UbUy applied.· mi...uq14. "'11 lD llJWtkk and roup IO well wllh. lhadM of Wue, and' roi1y ttda. cora'!l'"'a'ld .carletl wtll fiJt(I color matchinatea ln fall • &J, :Jo SJ«,,,/ Dili-• ~ ~6 · Eff~ Created Wiii Be • ... -f Slenderizing. Dramatic "Eue without bulk.0 detinet the neweat trend ln tub.ion, a.i . & pleull'.lg variety or silhouett.H and styles make a graceful f&ll entrance. The bulc line• of new • ~uon dreuea, coetume1, suJta and coat may be .um gr full, but either way, the effect created i11 Blender -dd dram•tlc. faahloDI. On• l'W80n for WI ii lhiit ~ew•-m1ker1. Tuture COl'.lb'9ft• fall 'tit fuhkln feat\ll'ff back are liked -for uani.ple. ..... lnte,...t In aclUn,: waya-Jn trimming on wool. 1nd ketW no.uns panei., deep pleat.I from or t\Jr tnm1 tor ju.t 1bclllt nW¥' a normal or 1mptre w1Li1Ulne. type of !1brk. ·..., bis and daahlng bow•. cutvlnJ There'• d0rtm1. too, In. the faU .• belt.I lo calller In fullneQ, end color , c h e m e. 8oph1itlc•ted , t 11 and bkl~lnr above Ua wai1t. b.lac kll, el~tric bluee, rHplend· HIGH·WAIS11D. SILHOuEI IE Thao .... '"'11 ' •••• '"' -· m"'..i ·-· .... ...,. e1M aad Sl"att to ctr...-ills can1bln1Uwi... ot black wllh , ' O\al ITl&Y appear, trom I.he front. broWn look partlcul&rly nf!w, foundations · Help• Shape •• lllendu, atmo.t narrow, em-The whole rionct or browna. . . . • ''" .... uu. eo ... ,,.1y. '"'' <rom "'''' '" """'· '"'"" , or afde..to.-b&ck pltat.11 and 0 bf;lt.I faahion allf'ntion. SI O R f A t take away bulk •Qd hold the ~ Atong .,..1th the new approach Im gures or U Umn allm line &I they con.trol UH! to the •lf'ndt1 IDi)k, aevl'ral . """•-n-ly ,.ld'"t In '°""' l<•nd• '" •lgolfl~OI IM loll. , Another focal "point i. at the Emph-e ette-C't•. ror lllatance, ~ned tor fall'• alim, fently· c~. hll'h-Wa1al.ed lllhouette, foundation prment. bav• ver)' ddilUt• tdUI for llhapln.1 round· ed bUlltlln•, aleQdu midriff•, narrow hlpa. , WaiatllftM 11.re marked by tlr· dle1 and panUe girdle..-that rlae hlP, bra-Jette. that ttook or ..sip In front aftd aupple, bOneleaa coraeletL JJnport.ant, too, art brusleres with a four·ln,Fh eln- tlc band to meet a hlCb-n.inl ctnlla and Jonc•r -Ui1n -waiat • ltngt.h 1tyl11 that •HrhUy owir- lap th• ct~lt. 1'b9 a,..pl-\heJfl# la r• peatec1 , 1n ba.adeau, 1onc 111'1• .._... bM-lettee.· ott.91\ wllh a.cka cu.t allnpat to. tha wailt to 1&Uafy the iow cull or outer fuhlona. Stn.pleaa •tyklm for youthtUI ncuna f•ture undercu.p wtrtna to hold lb• bust hilh. and COD• tour or puah-up ptld.I for rounid- . inc out curvM. while the major- ity Of auch atylea for C and D bu.IU\nea are wired over and M- tween UM: cupa for firm cover- ap and Cood aeparaUon. T1'end to flnn.er foundatlolll t~ the junk>r nsu.,.. ii moat flVI. dent In Jirdlee, l'Ytl'I power net pull-on.. h•'t'lnr front and back panel...._.nd tometlmu aklt In· top of the Dlhouette,· where have almo.i11 ,·nn1pletely takea 1oert.-for control. I draped neckllnu. bow• or olb~r over the t·entPr of the itage .. Girdle& &ad pantie clrdlN for tree.tment.11 add .eoftnea1 to aim-Comtumt"I, ag•ln lmportan'"' the averace and tull nsure• vary pie, elepnr---tuhlona. dl'ride ltlelr t11vor between •"- U!a chol.ca of alutle and th) Slnca thil ..._., fuhlOllll to era! jacltt-1 lttirthL NfWffl I.I placement of rlctd pultla In ..... often combine almpHclty wtllt a Jacket that I• wWt.-knsth ln laUon to .tze. The nu.m&r of lntrlcala: back or top detaU.. tront. cu.rvlnc downw&t'd In Uia corMl•t1 which depend le.u on fabrlca auume -iieelal lmpor-be.ck -more t..ck tntereat •net bonln1 and more on Inner, un-t&nce. They ara lntel'l'llllnC--" lft more tl\l.n a hint of C'Utaway ~n relnforcemenll, la Unpr•e!: te1.tur1 and appearance, enhane-'atyllnc. • 1\ve. lt!.1 I.he moat ~pllnly aUnpl.9 Fabric1 for foundatkm pr-de 1I1 n., yet U.ef ai.o ha ..... • CAllAOOS ARli TOPS '1mll era Hcht and lhel:r, often nutdlty, for ll"M't (\ll drapln1, Brief ca.raco J•ckell w1th ta.eel pa.ttemld wtth embroidery or tyln1 or pleaUn1. .tleath drtftlU carry out thl prttlled with appllqu•. Colora, AMONG ~'·MAKERS top -lntertt.l motif. ln other u trt. from tbe leadln1 white Silk•. alone or blftld.td with COlllumea. topper-lenclh jack~• and blac:lt. are Tariad; most Im-wool or cou.oa: li&htwetpt are effective. • port.Ml an tilnry sr&1". cata au woollna, .iona or blflDded wtth Sty&e tttods for necklinte:, l&lt, red and .a· peach or apriCo\. tur or IWI:: UMI dbtiacUVfliY "MY• ~-mCNlder tiaea Mada. U:irtul"9d jeneya .,.. __,. th• and hentllMI •how MVfl'&I lltlW DIYEISlTY Of FABRICS IMPORTANT THIS AUTUMN Supple 11 the word for fablic hf'' thla fall of beauUfully de- talled taa.h.lona. To the eye. fib- ric: aurf&Cft may Jook crllp, pol- lahed, brulhad or "el~y. but to the hand they fttl richly pliable. With UM emphaall on mate- rial• that can M defUy manip- u.lale<I Into aottly rtowinf Hua. ere~ of silk or wool and jer· 8l')'• e•ert a atron1 Influence. but diversity of fabrtca la •ven more Important development.I. Thert:'a &n •WYiJ'· trom -tba -neck mo'Yena.Al-ln neckllnN. with Uie al&lldaway collar eapadally popular. SYen Uny toUani U1uall7 dfp-..llJstl~ away from UM back o( tM '**-F Below--tltlow or bra eel•\ 1enq1 are liked fot;; .i.e..., with dropped llhoulder-Un• ~ rs,cl&n-dolrnan arrecll •PPM"IC frequ.enU7. HemllnH hl&'h In frotit ancl low In bac:k are noted hl 1-t.. day dreue., u are harem *IN with b~•lnl at the b411J, -. promoted to aiperta ICbool cs.isn e:ftr 11nce. oa. The dovb~bn!alted .wr wlM --~.., .. ~,.."':~'l<l"!-~~!!!'~~-~d!~~..m~~~-at H 1• .eoo'tl'Whal mora ltnpor-BklC\ u..n ton a.cb nt-tfi•n tn 1ttenr---,.n;---n1-'-.i"'"' .c'°61 bu been. buUt and the he WOriced blabU. Md -.ell-.dit lat.eat Tenioft hal narTOW• la.p- ldlool boa.rO la atarttns te W, w11h 'U\• IChOOl tio.rd bd archl· ell. rnon natural abouldl'l"I, lftll a lllte tor atW uotMr ,,.a. t.tiet lo &.t iQ&n. ~ ud \lat onrliJiiwl ~ lhan -ac:tiOol. li1I OM to lie ta a.& s:IOJI ilU.rttid. • form« douw..w.uliili. -y • aoulbeMt CGrMI' of SUt' lttJI TM .....it ,,.. u.at II ~ TofloO&tl Md Ohr'CO&ta tor IL and lntn. A.._ FlJW"M 111Jow aio tll.ll faD U.. blllt IChool tall '\a"' beHl tri.fnmed down ln that by tM Ume tl cu b9 com-...-°""'ad. c.rp-.i.r. ...,.. llaap&q ...tth tlHi CW'f'91lt tftnd pl•ted It wtU bl tlm• lo atarl .UU hammerlnl bd plUt" wu to tllmmer .wtouette. ln .Wt.a. oa ~ bulldlf'll. .,. w.L kt N.-port Haftlor UMoe IJICM,lkttra •"'a llOltmed and JIOR& 8TUDL''TS ff!P khoot waa lft ""* I I lllchU7 •loped. TM) new leftl'l!I A• Newport BMcll ac:cumulat-J\adp 1). J. Dod&• la tM on1,J Ill a lltU. ahorter 1'.tld lbould Id f'lrlktenta. llM m.unMr or 1tu-••Mr of JA&t ~ ~ natter I.ha appeal'UICtl of m•t den.ti Of . hlch achool ap p.-.tQl Mnif\1. '-men. I . Tt:iEY'RE ltil THE · .FALL_ F.ASHIOti! PICfuRE • See~ at ~b Dalton • . Rea tau~ on the Bay are . {\ty CA>tton of OOllorn.ia ii from JO-eia. BrWey le William Brieley and h1.1 chanruag companion. Miu wearing a 1betland. •port coet with contrUtJnr ~. Rew Colley. Miu eo.ley ii "'earing a Paialey alack.I from Bklwcl.L Slaff Photo • blouae by N•rdi'o /IC Dallf"· The (t'eel1 wool okir\ ------------•• ' -.. • • • • ' , . aome .,fop1e~• tun or love 'nltri u. n•i Waltr)'ds ..,, at. t1nt at1ht, but not Ktrtk Mr. and ~ t.Dd tm.e ~ • Woltrjd, man .... ot K&r\'a Doe Woltrydll. TM,)' MW beilf:\QI etor. tn Coata x.... Costa 11.. tour·,..,.., Wo!tryd w-. bona and rallled from Lo. ~ Wlllitre lM1 ln Brull. Ht 11,ad no Idea of weot wll• tlley ..,. muriH; ever k&vtnr BnaJl. hi• follUI "I wantad to ro .-t." •1' wen there, hla friend• wen Wol!l')'d, .. and thU .. U.-end there. It wu Jlla home. of th• lint." Then, one day a toumt cam• Juet now M ta bU9>' ,.tUQ6 tnto the •lore where WoUryd ---~~;;.:;:..~~------------:----------------wu workinr. He took one look In f.&ll atock for cblldrft wbo the butc lr9nd to mld·tonee 11 at her and forsot a1S about Bra, wtµ be rolns \o lthool ln a. 11ar.-....._,t'JWMI ~ 1Mdlum blue fl'&Y• aftd mld·brown ton.ea. .Ill .... 1IQlU tor ta.u For the new .uon, thae u "'*-i8 ~lln1 the llrhter tonc1 are enhanced with eu.rrmt ' picture ta clothtnl neat. 1ubdued patt.eme.• )luted ltor. and departmmt.a, accord· 11en pl&Jd•, •erilcal atriplnp, Int' to the American m.t.ltult of mall checka. seometrtc design-. Ken'' and )(oy9' We&r. BUit.a are btrrtn1bo~ a114 •lack twllU eom!nl out of t.M "dreuy dark" lllShUJht clolhler:s' new tall 1iaje. and medium snY• an 1t.ocka. pazlj~larly popular. followed by A newaworthy counterpoint to i . . ·-, TOP ORA WER'S OWN SPORTSWEAR FASHIONS FOR GIRLS IOYS lurrie . Pizer Spalding White Bucks Rocke' Socks .... ... u o~ u1.ah.a lSLAXD .. .&11. From there on out the only te'* wMka. Ht bu a number '11 tbAt re1u.rpnce of the dark bluee, thins h• could Me wu a ~ton neyr etyl• ln the atotdou.le h which unUI reoenUy were pu•h· ~at came all lh• way t.-om ham't taad time to unpack. Mil ed into tht b&cqroUAd by char-al _..,.._.._ coal Mectlcut. Ht sot there • he l&)'S the )'Oun&' _....__ &N .. sray. mo« .. aoon u abe did. wn to Uk• tMm. Fabric• are llfb~r ln welfbl th&n ln prevlofa tall eeuona, • :.!:tin::.:~u;~~h~== Flat Crownf Take Spoth1ht =:_dat:=::::.=~i:: in Men's New Fall Hat Styles with trim. 1:t.ra11bt. natural llDM Two ltyle t.nnence• have com· tut atry lll tba euual plctur'9. contlnUH ln voiue, with ill n&-blned to apark lhe upsurs-of Some art maooth 1n 1tn1lih. tural lhoUlckn and A&rrOW, lntuat lll men'• hcadw-.r tor ot.hcnl f'Wlll. )(any h a v • hll'b notch l&J!e1-. fa1.1, l.f., th• tlal crowa hat and toucbal ot red In tealller, brwa!l The two-button llnl'le-bl'Mll· the Ivy cap. and band deeoraUona. Id model wW ccoUnue t..o bold J'l&t crowu, tnt.roduced Jut lop place, aJtohu,b the t.hne· sprtq, were qulc.k to capture butt.on model l• npected to the fuhlon fancy of young men move rapidly to~rd. &nd older ~ who whl'I to ap- NARROW LAPBLB pear youthfUJ. Tbla converted The double-breuted •ult will pork p'e model, tocether with N t,.. Fall btc:ome aomewhal more 1mpor· capt In a wide UTaY of tabrtca, ew • ~ ta1U lhan ln recent year1. Thi.I will ma.ke fuhlon head11MI In ''Wub u you pl.U." leather lat--" version baa narrower lap-lhe new aeuon. 1 _.. s ovff a.re on b&.nd tor tall, put· via, more natural 1houlder1, Jen Center creue, tapered crown Uni e~ on a pracUca.1 u overlay and trimmer Unu lba.n and nanow brim lf\odti. have well u fuht nable buia. Tbe former doubi.-breut.tda. aire.dy proved their !uhJon sscw.., e&ll Laun4er1Aather, Topcoat.a and overcoat.a tor popularity and wm conllaue t.o ere wubabl• •Slher by hand or fall have bHn trtmmed down In hold their place 1n the i tyle ptc· machine and come bl stace kid, keeplns with the cul'T'lnt lttnd lur'9. cape or eott. pJ111dn. to allmmer aJ lbouett. In 1\111.1 Many o.t the11 felt.a a re ll(bte-r Colo.-1'&nl'I of UM stove1 bu Shoulden ar'9 ~ed and ln wript to tn.ure snater b«ea broadened t. coordinate 1ll1hUy eloped. The new lensth wearing comfort. with autwnn bun ln eoata and la a little ahorter and abou1d Medium tone1 will be very ~puai. u well u lho.9, ba1• flatter the appean.nct of moat much mot"W 1n nt~. tlll• fall. and otlwt aoc...ort•, X.CIVcled men. Banda wtU m&M uee of aubtle are color tunW• •uch u ~Uqw rep 1tr1~1. a.nd in many m~ll. brown, red browa, t.&up., tmJ .. Koman tic Gowns FiOm . " Other Eras bow• will appear at tbt back of Uant blue. dev red &lid lltlhU1 the h&L d&rktMd ITWIL Cape are cut amaller and &!'9 Al for llJllt.h. tht cl&ulc abor-. beUrr lty~ than ever before. Ue la weU reprutnted. and the Th• Ivy cap wilh st.rap and tour-button pull • on 1bow1 a buckle at back wtU appear ln markt!'d rile In popularity. hand.tome tweeda and berrlnr· Novelty •hortJt and puU-on bonea u well ·u In blue, IT'ff" 1lavH dlaplay cruUve aly~. and tan modela. Themea Include new cuff ttt&t· Blaser atripea and printed ror-mfl!ta rana1q from acalJoped duroy1 are other venlon.1 ot lhU or buttoned-down two·ln(h cutt1 Formal fuhlona 10 to many lncrn111lngly popular ca,uat cap. lo othera cut ln aaymetrlcal de· lenfthil UU. fall, lb ttCa1. ro-For lb• man whole face l• too llJne. 1)-.Jrred or flared to one I man Uc i owna that: ttt&ll lh& larg-e or round for th'" nanow lllde ot the ~ rin. • alylea of earlier eraa. Thett'• a modell there wUI be an ample Glove trim• Include tJny •If· 1912 look, exprelMd ln lavi.hly-u1o~nt of medium and J&rse color mother-of·J>Mrl bultona !>faded allm dr..-. whlcb do alu capa. arran1ed In ,atyUsed pat!ern at not qulte reach the floor. and Tyroleana are another lmpor· the wn1t, Ital.her t.abl and in· an Irene CuUe look, featurtns MIU 1n cont.rutlJll tone and full aklru lh&t.,.. tucked. Uutd To Une c•---IWtrt. or le&tber J>IPl.nl 01' lll.k or draped. ~.-cord.l.b&' c~ over tht back Duded •h•U.. low neckline• Bell-&dhealve, quilled ~c Of the s iove. with •hoeatrtns at.rap. and maka & pracUc&l an4 pretty auu drellliu dul.tm abow n oor-lenfth narrow drelM• .,.. Uniq for cloeeta. It can be ueed dalnty cut-out embrotderta ap. •-cover window ... ta aJMS for pU.ct ln a.u---v A.-_... _ .. th ~ent of lHO. l:.lpec1&1\y .., --· -·-wa popular amoni t.ht yonu,er Mlm&n -;;;;;;;;y;;;;;;;;otbe;;;;;;;;r;;;;;;;;deeo;;;;;;;;;;;;;ra;;;;U;;q;;;;;:~iiiiijj;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=d?'Hml-;;;;;;;;;ak;;;;;;;;;ft';;;;;;;;;tlnlah.;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;==;, ...,.. bouffant, b&llertna·lenith • formal dl'ff.IH. Floor-le,nsth sown.a. very full but ~lly mped. upreu the rept Jook with a Ions t.ra1.n.. Short lraln# appear on •h•th druM• •tor •venln&'. J'onn&l wear di.play• the em· ptre 1tnt In a vartety ot waye. a.rnons them dna PM llt&J'Uq \lftckt lhe b\at, defined midrU(I and bow trlma. Neckllne1 to b&n, eorneUm11 1'Jpplq to low V'• In front and back, eom1Umee draped acroA Lbe bu.t. • YOUR • • • STARTING POINT "'FOR .... - BACK-TO-SCHOOL SPORTSWEAR • .WATCH JlEPAIR Good·Senlc• Fi• ·WOftuMnshlp Spauf lftg'S · .i,welers · IAUOA Balboa Blvd • • Harbor 5150 COSTA MESA 1859 Harbor Blvd. Liberty rr·~59 ~--~ // . . . . • . . Whether you decide on 1hortband or 1heepekin a charm coune will give .you more pol.le and auurance thil Fall. Phone Harbor 3913 f OI' your penoDAl mterview. Marjorie Hale Stud1o ol Claann . .... d Modeling 2912 E. Cout mway. Corona dtl Mar Open . Sundays 10 to 5 • ' We Gh·e sae G111H tamps , Hai. %210 .:..oc1AN ••CfNT- Departmen• Store . 0. U.. 0-r..t al Hiid L i .. NEWPORT IEACH OM 8Ut1 81«.k tl'la N....,.rt l'tu '·~. ~ • ' Introducing New· \ :Lamora . . Full Fashioned CARDIGAN . With Coller • FUR BLEND, LONG SLEEVE, REGULATION LENGTH • Price $14.95 -Also- CATALINA . SKIRTS To Meich ..7 $12.tS • 'l JUNIORS, CHILDREN . FAVOR MODIFIED ·ADULT STYLING PREPABU FOB SCROOL -Linda GeJJto.l, 6, lint p-ader at Co.st& KM& Ma.in School next term, prepuetl for the opening of IChool by t;rytng Oil color- f ul drem made from fabrlca bought at Fun'n hbrlca, eo.t& )lea. ~ store. Linda, daughter of Mr. and Mn. Hy Gentiiili, 571 Park ~e, ia wearing a black cottoa felt jumper decorated with little yellow flowen. The yellow pin-tucked blowie hu a mandarin coJlar, The proprieton of Fun'n Fabrica made the out11t "tn four hours ooe evening. -Staff Photo hit News llolnes la Pictw'e Ch ft O Textured etfecl.I are lhe bis-Lon• overblou.ws conUnue ln anges aO n gHl new1 ln leather belt.I. Sort lb• fall picture. They're parUcu-I h • d I k a lUptora, mUHklna, plnMall larl7 veraaUle becau.M they C&ll e ID ac s and eeallk1nl that are .lmple be worn out. for a Ions look, or ~~ed·~ro~ln design are fa-:= In. for a bt(bcr-wwt.d of New Sails t • r 1rowLer ptera ..,. maay· • .,.. lftJ&rt. ftey're ...n tt llileTN Mad· M9MI ......... ,. If UM)"re 11tur4J for loer wear ... IDl&rt ti u •• ,.,. adt'•ttfk'ally ~W for foot Malt.la. • Expertly 1'1tted t ! 1 SANTA ANA 0,.. ..... Jl'rt. Ewe. "I'll • llbMerl7 I-MN • Ooreer 6U. A ~ Streeta See the new • • • Swf.a for fall 'M back the over-all ft.lbJoft trend to back lntrut, and aidonle t.hrH klnd.I of wa~blsb, low and ln· een. Pretty comln1 or sotng an autll wilb aottly t&Uored tronta, jacket.I that an back· bloll9ed or bettAd and 1k1rta W1lb wmJ-detachM or plat palle'll at tbe back. "Wa11tllpe. wal&UiM. w1111t~·1 the wallt.UM!' la auwered ln '°"'• cuea by tbe high empire line. ln oUwn by u. low -111l-u:n. t.bal • deftoed by a bud or aotuy-Ued •lf·ma~nal tMJl. ln belwftn ta the new lhortwal.ted k>ok. .omellm• combined with miplre-..tfect detf111 at the b~ lllw. Lovely excepUon11 to th.-f,... ek>n rulee are lhe box-jacket IU.lt and lbe IU.lt wttb Jual a hint of a watatll.M. exprnMd by martlnple bell.I or taW . • The new IU.ll.I make effecUve UH ol coolr and fabric to dl• play their -and the weare ... ·- channa. Comins attracUona ilb elude the laity In th.e gny flan- nel 1u1l. the black d~um&kn IUll or the .afteMd tWffd 1ult. Wol"llted tlaruWS. and jerwya. \liftfda ln wool. ellk or llllk-and· wool. heTrf.n&'bonee. ·itabardlnea, chltfo11-wetsbt broadcloth. and ,f'Ultka are fabnc favori~•. with Nd. trlue and at.he browna amons tha popular color cbolCft. Jacket.I for llUill vary from ftl'7 abort to topper length. 'TU IUli topper ia ~y ...,. wba UDld wtlh fur or synt.MUc pile. Wllb pleated aldrtl. 21-lnch Jackel.I are favored. Skirt. hllYe ea8ed allrnnUI or ahow & defln· Ii. IWlq to mo~ fullrwu. • fa 11 f a-s~h~i o n s While Taking Advantage of Our SUMMER • CLEARANCE • • • SaJe Starts Wed., Aug. 22 SWIMWEAR -SPORTSWEAR MEN'S, W9MEN'$, CHILDREN'S 8o"7 ••• Ne Orttt1 Getting Into· a romantic mood tor fall. trend- setting junior fuhiona borrow design blapiration from the atylea of the 191011. The result ii eeen in eoftened aheatb dreaaes with a hlgh-waiated )(>ok and attractively-detailed bodlcea. Going along with over-all trends, the slender silhouette for juniors get new treatmenta. Moat outatanding ia blouatng at the top of both one and two piece dreeaee and in costume jackets. One 1ucb approach to the two-piece dress employ a blomed top, called a "blouaon," with attached hood and a eepan.te skirt of the same checked wool fa bric. Derived from the hlgl\-w&iated look are dresses cut without a walltllne. Eaay fullness falls from a frtted buatJlne and can be controlled by a belt. One major change from last seuon'• faahiona la the prevalence of leather belts on m<>lt junior dremea. MY LADY'S CHAPEAU ' lnfluenoH of 1112 faahlona a1ie ahowo in I.be .. b&rttl" eilhouelle. narrow al top and bc>tlom with curved tunneu al the Jddet, and t In hem.line. that are eU(lhly higher in front t..b&n In back. Fur-on-tur lrlm1 are popular. eipC!ci&lly in the fonnal detlpa. lntereeUng exampkl are black broadtail wilt\ a IOW·Meked • jewel ahadea, framed with flash· tnr rh.lneaton~ and bafUetletl. are wually ~ on the formal I turban. • InsplraUon from the flapper days 11 90melmH evident In well down over the un, but the Hall ~ the autumn plcUU-. ·llOme, and tti. tall, t.all hat ap-romantic pre-World War I t'r& dllplay cirapln• and abaptns, pe&l1I very new. Somt' tall tur-i. the most Widely cuJUvated richnea of detail and IUDlplu· bau are alffk and amootb ot hat-tulon Wplr&Uon. Hats Display Rich Look; full Crowns Elnphasized_ ou.a m&ler1ab. outline, rounded llkt' a tower, Feat.hen of every Ya.riely - l"ull crowna are emphuiMd. but moN otun they're arttullt curled ostrich plume.a, met.alllc bul t.M brlJn or brt~ n-.. A---' A_..... ~. swansdown, peacock and I ,-----QI' .,,.-_,fd ln supple, flat.-pllHQDf ~l and nut•A-A jectton dOW'llward trom the tnn,s eol\Deu. >CT an .. crown. no Jo~-.-follow• the TA.Ill'! TllDI~ rm out t.be crown of hata ln dar- way to wear a hat Is Just beck Of For day, tbe ' tur11&n may be lnr dlmen.e!Ob.I. the hairline, w1t.b deeper brim.a fublon9d of beavn-or rum-f ~ furry look In ftlla ·~ • defl.IUUl,y ar<;hed abc>ve the eye. IUrlaCf'd fella or wool jertty' fa nu, u .... 11 u the UM' 0( runt lealfy '(re .. o,. than ...... ,. ••• they're <9ftv•rtatlon plecea for lunlora an4 aua.t.en .... to.ft or19M and fur w.Mt •• almpfy ttemend...a eana.,... .net .,...,. from Non Do,.., •nd lermYCla '" ~,..., MW tfy.d• ••fch c:olo,.., Jj fvl tk.lrts. . : --pt tk.lrtl. ............... detlks In hllNtca • '"" '" 17 Mlleal• •nd Mademel•I•. lltht now Delit't DM hn el the•-IR'Wt .. ~-,., , ........ •-' . ............ ' 4.91 .. 7.tl Ube~ 1-7731 '1I09 Newport Ave. 5.95 te 10.tS , ®eb~®en . b • • or entire hll.I or IU&h trtm-rowa. velvet or p&J•ley wool. Lau-day · Worn In uu. manner. fall wr-and evenlq turbeJyi asre ap~n-~r· .. a;i:.: lo the iplendor of a ·----liiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiliiiii ... ___ _ lliocu of the muahrooll\ bon.nel did In slffmln& 1&Un, rl.cb me-y • tttm lo lilt back a Uny btt ott .,.Wea. brocade Yel•et and ellkL r;...--,.;;;;;;.;;;;;;;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii-ii;;jjji;ijj~ IN COST.4 llDA I.be eye-ah&dowlnJ In-el ltaplflc.nt fake jffieS.. huge Turb&lul ro hl'll and bind-tquatt-CUl or cabochon atonea In . In a full quarter ounce PUffSE FLACON . ••• Completlno a aer1•• of ftve famo"• CSuef'1aln ~rf"mee c11.unctlvely pack .. eel ••tor the "11ree". I 8HAt.,MAlll, VOL o• NUIT, LIU ... 00 p l"• tax L'H•UR• •L•U•, MiT90UKO U .00 plO.• ta• UDO DRUGS -sa61 Via Udo. Newport Beech I 1 Strike An)' Match that Strikes Dyed-Jo-Match Skirts -for Bermuda Knitwear and Sf?a,gnoli Imported Italian Sweaters Jerry Gilden Jr. & Mines Oreues . Lor~h · "Hobbies" Dresses "La Fiesta's « ....... ----- .. ... -.... -:: . .. ~ ,,. --- .... .. . . ~ .. .. -- I. HARBOR DRUG -SSOl E. Coast UWf., C d M ~------------------------------------------------------------~~~~~~~~.~~~--~~~~~...:_~~ , •, _______ "'!'9 _________ • ______________________ ~·:... ____________ .;.;..J 101 MAIN STREET, l~LBOA, CALIFORNIA ' , •' " ' ' . • • . ' • • • HAllOll ~ ... , ..... . ·, POIS CAllPlll Wf:AR .._ Cliannero Shirley Stahler who plam to amnd Orangt Cout CoU.p nut fall and altter, Lyn, of Harbor·IIlgh Sehool, pt into the awlm of 1tyle at Lido Fa-.bion•, M23 Newpott Blvd. Shirley.~wearl a football ram• coat by Furigin&la, Ltd. the dyne! apd orlan man-made fur &horty coat in whU.e bu leather buttona. Her llOrt le of navy blue gabardine. Lyn'• 2-ply f'llr blend cardigan sweater by Glaago 11 In new fall u.nd color. H er wool fiannel alirt ii charcoal color.-.,... Staff Photo · • • • "''" ~ ...... UllllMd ... ina.n.1 t'-.. lW'• •fl toe eoutnactML • WA.llMU a&OWNS warm. ... ud brtpo.r bl'VWM bav• flr.t p._ in .-choo1 8boM, with rr•ys CCM!'lnr up •troftl and ndl well i:IW!d bJ rtrit. ,,,.. pump and ...trap Md 1-------------.... --...----'-I la Hllk rtn.' dral.,.... Whih '"L$0 DU•-.&•• e tt.. •hell. u.. ~v" aad t.be 1qltare ,.._ ~ ..._ UU'Oat an 1UU lmpo.rt.aat, tM A-HM or °bro.d-lhroat AllKMMlti. Yo11gsters' Shoes for Fall ":::~ .. ::..= ...... DKWt .,,. .mon la pwr\pe, ud St-Continent1I · Styl1'ng ......, "'" ........ ", ,.,.,.. I V.. 8ooie •tnfM an;onw:rtJbl1, to Chl1dtea'1 lihOM for fall are warltm&nahlp ioe-lftto oon-be W«'ll ~ \be ~p Ol' ""Well-mannand"-t.beTr• ~ etnloUoa ot thl Ustit.er oxfo:"tk caucht bUil'ld the e o u • t 1 r .. 0ra1ny Llld ihar le&tMr .,.. ehUll'iq u.. 8IJoe lroin a Muy 1"'· n .. ter and mon •ulted In Ui• .c:hool-1hoe 1potllrht, and Jaae into • "na.L each oecuion.. baseball-(lcnte leathers .,... pop-I ---------~~'I" f'ot> ICbool. boy1 and (1rla alike War &mOft&' the lmOOth le.lherL eontblUll to wp.t-t.he balll.c k&Ul-QIJUA PKUE& , er odord, no'flf in llJhler ldlher and ot 1tsht1r con 1 t r u c t Ion Two-and lh~e11< tin de lhroqbou.l, wtlb klw-elunr.' COil· mo.t. popular for flrls, while UMntal-typre. .tylln1. bO)'S ~rer lhl'ff-and fwr.ey .. DurabUltf hM not llMn n .. l1ll. Manr have moe..llk1 toeL sleeted, tor the HpUr .le&lher IUl.mmer iuta.pnvaU ln all type9 11 Ju.t u lltrdll' u lh1 older, of llhML b .. vler type, and more canf\ll The cuual ahoe, flO Important ---~---,..--------------------------I for .ctWi., I.a new ff'r children. -,r,...,.11 Since It. ii belweM a drua and Rf INERTS NEWPORT :?.$1:~~.w~~.:~ ... ~ Sllp-ona with frlnced collar• OLD BUT Up To DATE and It.raps ln bru•hed le1lhen. t for tio,. a.nd rtrll, and one· · • • alnps ln textured leathen for .,,.,, •'< a vonloo or the <ow•I llioe. All are llrht In welfhl; • 0n·a ot the oldetl Aol'M In, _______ ,_ ___ .:_ _____ .:__ ___ ;_ Newport Buch, &lmoet u oldj l"----..----------.,....------111 VIC BADEN -VIC • BADEN .. u.. e.1t1 1tldf'. " l\lin..u Al Department Store at 21.20 W. e X ocean Front. a atone'• Ulrow Colman presents . . Health Club Waltteeat aa4 Wool Jeney Blouae and trom Newport. Pier. A. M. Relnert Jr., .Vho hu owned Ule Ml&bllahment for 10 )'99.n., • ..,... tllllU M rot out of Ufll Mnk~ ln 1941, hffttalH to boUl ot It. 11.ftUqulty too "luch 11.noe ti• bellnea. th-en an two .Korea ~her. ln lh• cou.nty l ~'"' ~<which are older. n.. ofnclal elonrated nama of the concern la Reinert'• FIU.- palrlclr. Newport Dtpartmait •19n ud tM oompuY• 42 re&n ln buin-cartalnly quaU· o It u Ui• oldut In the New- port arM. RetnHt •keep• pa«. howner. With up to date 1tylM and i. came It la iarst1Y a "1ummer lltore'" due to' ti. nMmeu to the beacb, the u:t~alw aelac- Uon. of fall merchandt1e In 1tock· ad earlier ror "prevulnc" by aumrne'r vl•lton. ror f1rl1 bM:k-lo-.tc.hool Rein- art feature1 Catalina nreatera.. Craft •klrt.a and blouae1 and A PLE.A.BAHT f'ICITUaE _ Ecpecially for the ho1\ery. Aqelu~ Pe11ar1, aporbl llh.irta &Dd Twlrp9 l"Y Leap bJ&h llChool sirl ii thiatbeautiful tu.11-lencth coat bat. are carried for bo)'L with puah·Up aleevee and hood from t.he Silhouette He ..,,. he doe• an utens" Shop, 2737 E. Cout ul-bway. _ St.aft Photo bualn ... In athJeUc 90eka, basket-' .._.... ball aha.a and JYn1 trunk•. NeW ------~---------------l ln thla Une thl1 year II the .Ultfmate in Elegance· Is · Still Represented by Min~ Mink fur aun npf'Mf'nt.I tbe tM tuhlon 1ta1e ..,. the deftr "Wt.lmale ln eleruce· to tbe die-•dapl&tlona of fox 1;1 aboukSer crtrnlUIJns fur., buyu I.be workl lltoi. &nd caPff. Snowy nabiftt over. acoordinr to Cb&rlel of wblte fOll and cool lovune. of UM B&nt.t. Ana hr Co.. JOI ?(. aatma.I Sap No~ blue 'Jko.d.,.q, Buta An&. fl»t ....W. ex~pUou.I capn or Tbe brown abadt• c:if nalur&l atolel. stretch aUdeUc 90Cka ln Ml'eral pric. rant•· brt&uutul •klnl ln • llhoulder- hul"Jlnl" circular manner. A1lo ln u.. apotll(tlt an Ow veraaUle MW jaeketa of fe&ther- Uta natural and ctKmy whltA! bffver, 1U1teniq lllack and perly l1'&Y Mb)' Pe-1'91.an lamb and IU9l.roull 10ttneu • of dyed i rmine. O\arlea pNMnU them ln 1llm·llned bodiu wkh the new narrow •lwve and cuU and f .... clnaUna new cOllara. A.utUJnll Hue rnlllk &nd Ute lie bu deftly 1wtritd U.. 'bea1,1Uh1l Diadem natural mlnkl;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-.=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j ll 1latt been cratted l.nlo f\cuft- n&llerinJ atolff f.aturlnc I.be J¥?W portn.il coll&rl WbiCh.,~ tl!e ,_ . The delacale ilMdu Of nal...-J Oerule&n •ppblra tplnk. nalwal Jlre&lh ot 8priAk all'lk a.nd Ml· ~ Al'f'!l\&a m.IU' ott*r IOft tone. of .,._, and blue p.y. i A*» tncl!Je'dld ln the aeled.ion ·al Santa A.a J'ur .are u.. co1-- 1ect.ton ol Ml'fral R u • I I • n tabla .t.oae m&l'Wftl and broWn 'llltb 8kirt to Match , C-. bl ~l'!L 11roue, Ora1 and Blad< Gymnashlm ,..-,w;;;~~-fltt--• 207 No. Broadwiay Sa"'9 Alla 1(1 3.2932 • A PROOB.r..881\'E PHYSJOA..L FIT'NE89 INSTITU'l'I: FOR MEN & WOMEN • • Of:Df'raJ Rea.Ith BuUdlftl" EserclM • ftedU4':lq" • """-Iii' plldaJ • 8W.. Batha • llh:-P • 8WI A lleaL l.Mlpe • PROO&.Ul81 Duigned for your Individual N1ed1 , BM-1We.aa&e9 .,.,,,_., .... _ I ll•dla .• .,-U.. 1'..- • jllW.rtena. Qw.rlH .,.. the ·;:newest on Tyroli9n · Prints -Novelty ·Wooli n Tw-.-.dJ . . Bates bisciplined Ccitton1 -Brocades en~ Satins YllGINIA'S SNI~ . ·~ ,smcH WS Gin 8 "'-~-ST :ra ' , ---· , • .. • • • • · Ev.ery woma n's dream ... at a price every man tan aff ord ... FUR SALE N&JVBAL SILVER BLUE INK S:. GDll lf·f'"l ~ ) . • REG. $795 j ............ ..., hu--W.. HINK •. , •1 EMBA .U UMr' ... llul""'-'. c ...... ,,._1111- FRff PAP:ING . : . a cro11·th11trMI .Ckarfe~ OF THE 308 No. lroaclway Kl 2.4652 ' - .For 5'hOOI Dress Up or • • • • A, wonderful combed colto'1 checked jumper with lull skirt lo Ideal with a 100% Acrilon blowie in tolld dark tooea. It'• really •mart for school wear and it'• a PRIBBr MISSY. Colora : (Blouae) Navy, Brown, Red. (Jum~ Navy/ Navy, Brown/Carmel, Greeo/G re e o, Blact/lllact. Sileo: 7 to L1. -. • Wt Carry a.pktlctll Dk*e79 for . Blp llobool ....... -<llotba ;.MUMU'l'll. . _, ' 3337 E. Coast Hiw ey-Corone IMer-:-HA 3973 MOii NEWPORT BOULEY AJul NEWPORT BEACH ' - •• • NOTHING BETTER THAN WEARING GOODS Mrs. Virgmia \\ atson, who runs Snip Ii Sutch at 8337 Ea.at Cout Hifhway, tries draping a piece of her ne\\ wrinkle-proof yard goom on her d&urhter, Jackie. Mrs. Watson got in 8\lch a supply of new cood• for her !,.U trade that • she had to stage a pric.aluhing sale t o m&ke room for the many bundJea. Jackie i.a helping out durini valallon, but i.a look.inc forward to the tint of September when ahe can wear some of the goom the i.a now aellin1. -Sta!! Photo • Fall Dress ~tJles Show . Elegance Drcuee are endowed .ot\nea and f.mJntnJty Ulla fall, Ahowtnr laftced 111m llJM9 ba da7 to la~ I 9l7lea, l[~­ lftOte la elcp.nt lllmpUclcy, tlftb· . . ly blt.erpreted by the UM of CU- Ual 01' ta11ol'ed fabric for ct,.., ta.alrlona. A hlp-w&11ted look and lack lllLal'ftt move to the fore, Soinl ~ w1Ur Ule uay lilhou.etlA. • The favored emptre ~ It· M1f ln put.neratUp ~ .St.Mr very hlS"b or very low n~kllou. Alt·accmtuaUoa takH lhape ln tb4I form ot flo&tlns f'l&Mla TRDI COLLEGE COEDS -Shelby Tunnell, who will attend Ora.nae Coa.at College next fall, weara an aqna card.ipn sweater with puab-up aleevea and mock turlle neck by Wondamere. The Lu- bell& onginal akirt 1a tout color with front pleata. Her college ct1amate, Pat Noll&r, &l8o wean a cardigan with colla.r. She a1ao bu a Lubell& origmal akirt in aqua color. Outfit i.a from Bay Department Stoff'. -St&tt Photo t'rom jUlt below the lhoulder t,rpretaUoDI at back LnlereaL btadu. for tbe Important DI~ lllh HA\'£ CNFLl'ENCI'! rect.olre look. UsbUy -pther9d tolda ot fabric, IDMt p&nda, pleat.a. half-belt• and abon- the-want blou.tnr are other ln· Gloves Accented Colton gloves take on f.&1l 11&· mour tlu"OUJh the addillon of lavith trtma, .uch u embroi~ry OT be&dJnr. P'or aportl w•r. there are cotton abortl.e1 Un~ With fur. ' ,. I For that "Loo le of Distinct ion" You'll •ppreciete the difference th.t • custom. t•ilor.d 1uit wil make in your tigpeu•nce. Our meticulou1 n~ c•reful •ttention to det•il •nd ekpert fitting •dd up to • 1ui• you'll WHr with pride •lwoys • SUITS -TOP COATS SPORT COATS and SLACKS Select from a l 0,000 Dollar Stock of the World's Fined Woolen1 and Silk1 1985% Newport 81\ct S Blocks No. of Santa Ana Country Clab Phou Kl 5-2462 0~1' hmhll. Owner Dyed to Match AD S.t. fOr Fal Jo'ur packet• ll) rd to match Llng,ne new• for tall lncludile Silhouette Shop Features Ma11y fuhlona out of Ult pa1u ot ht.tory influence ne.- fall 4rHM•, with •tYu.ri. from the 1910• tmport.anl amonc th .. m Wal•tluie ·to· hf'!TI drip· nlu at th~ front or l'ldt of ~~n~r ~tat~ ~ct th~ ~· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wo<>lcn drt'UH milk• lmcunoua !re~ < ulor trH.tment.a tor •t. fall and wlnlt'r 1·n~t11me~ \:""<! of gowns and ~llstta. Tw9 au• mol4"skln and broadli11l·proc-harmonJoua ahade• of the ll&IDll es.a.ed Jamb, I color are p&lnd. ·final August Clearance COME EARLY -SIZES ANO COLORS LIMtTEO TABAK •• 24.95 Reduced to 14.95 22.95 Reduced to 12.95 LORDLEIGH 2~.95 Reduced to 12.95 . 19.95 Reduced to 11.95 17.95 Reduced to 10.95 IYAN • • • 2-4.95 Reduced to 14.95 FREDRICKS 22.95 Reduced to 12.95 19.95 Reduced to 11.95 17.95 Reduced to 10.95 . Bargain Rack Specials Name Dresses ....... -·~ ... -..... 3.95 & 5.95 Capri & Pe~ hshen Sets 4.95 & 5.95 We Have The New Fall Fashio'ns lor back. LORENE'S FRONTIER VILLAGE 778 W. 19th-Costa Mesa LI 8-6329 f o school • • • Popular Youth Fashions Fuhton. popular wtlb the b1Jb cowna, p&jam.u, ~rt• and Khool<OlJece Mt &N ~ ff*· corwt.a. ll baa tltt.c! many youn1 tured by The 8Uhoueu.e Sbop a t stri. ot hll'b achool or collec• m1' z. 0out ~. ace with ~ tll'lll br&1. C>-A Ra'manacer Mra. HAlncy Popular amonc HM-bor Hl(b Junlora LI tbe Campus Fa•orlte, Bruce. wbo bu bttn ln bual.neu a ptnwale corduroy loun~u wllh at lba locaUon tor etrbl ya.ra, booded collar. Many alJnlJa.r atill m&lnl&ina a 111mllar abop ln lU'IN a.re featured. n~~L 1 Wlrl• v d•colletare In front 1 and back, orttn combined with aurphce ~loonl• 111 a.not.her ldmtlf)'lnJ mark of the pN- World War I look RtmlDt.ct.nl of lht.a period, too. are bod.Ice• with tucher-lhan-normaJ W11lat· ltnu. dtaUnct from UM emptre. for a ·~ort·-lal~ f'ft«t. Some lonr tono. rn.c• the tall dreu plcturt. with bouffant akU't.a tndlvlduallllld by decor&· uve louchea, Hono!uJu whett ahe Uvfli ~tol"I r;;~~;;;;;;;;==~~;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;. Ille C»lfM to Corona de! M.&r. I 8pedaUlins In Intimate ap- parel, Tbe 8111\outtl• Shop ta ab14 to tultlll all the nttda of the dormitory, auch aa robe&. To Clean Coats Fuhlon tnltre1t tn ayntbetlc pile c:o&ta haa le&d to thl' devel- opment ot a MW clN.lllnc proc- eaa which rettnlabea the ptle. pollabH It and condition. tt to 1tay clean Jonrer. A 1pot clun- .,. tor pile fabr1n I• at.ao avall- able for home u... Uni119s Are Uvely I Uvely, colorful Unlng• are llkfli for stria' coat.a. Plaid nan- nel and brtshUy-hUlfd aynth.Uc pile an two nraona. To Treat Feet Beauty trulment for fttt on dlaplay ln .. barely thert ' 1hoee and ~eer hoae la a Usht appU- callon of llquJd make-up. Vie for Favor Vytnr for popularity with bracelet lenctJ't aleew• ar. long. Usht aleev~ In tall dreHU for day and late-day wur. SURPRISE SALE OOTl'OKS. riJNT8, . FAJ\RI~ The ueeptloaal Barp will be • tiapp7 ~l 3 BIG· DAYS Store Houn ••• 9-5;SO p. m. • Frldayw 'TU 9 p. m. • ; SPALDING BUCKS, SADDLES 'N' LOAFERS 1 r.idrnonal favorites ... pr.ilt1cally synonymoul \\1th ba1.k-to<ampus footw,ar requisites! WHITE BUCKS .... · I I .II SA DOI.ES in Blue oc I U& Brown and Whitt. LOAFERS, H~nd Sewn, 8.9& Bud or Bro""n ..... . ''Ont of lht l.JJo Sho/i'' 'N 3410 YlA LIDO. tflWPOIT BEACH Pbo • Harw 0355 ' ~~v,-.z:.--..K.F~BRICS ~ 1nt-A Newport AYe.-ln Costa Mesa , ellDLll mid PANTll OllDLll 1 •595 eocJt lad to tchool wffh yew ~ fttYN ,......,._ thoflb to yovr wordroM of V-.or ..... I They tcf-YCHI 9'¥91, ..... fr-. .. O....'• '" .. '9Mb In ecny comfort, otw.ys bep your C\lrYft under cor.tvf control. S.. our ~le tt1o tomo11ow I ..,: Glrcfte Ne. 5 Iha ond flatten every Atwe I '" hip alu. 30 ..... lndlea; ....... -,.... c.nten ,... ~ No. 17 .... y....,~ "4et ond bock. ... t.N. "'°"' ...... Wltlte, pfftk. (AA. ~ Otr.-. No. u , !Id ahown.) .. leftl ~Girdle S..1 fr... your figure;~ for molt~. eportsl Won't uowl cw aMp upl "'white, block. panla.. . NDERNEATH IT ALL ••• A YAllA••ITTI Badl to School HeadqU&l'Urs For LoY•l7 U...•rle . • %73'1 E. Coast 111wa, Coroaa drl ...,., Barbor 1 .. ll'8 BAOK TO SOllOOL -Dave Goodale, Harbor High School junior and a football playu to boot, .equirea Carol MacMUlen, up-and-coming freshman at Orange Coast College. Dave. who wean faded blue Angelua Peggara from Rcmerta Newport Department Store, also ha.s on a Caralina charcoal color sweater and a checkered sport shirt, juat what the popular 1tudent-ebout-town w~n these days. Carol's skirt ill o! plaid navy wool with flecka of ~ferent colon. The white Catalina sweater is f ul.1-fphion~ with high collar neck and ia called "Paradise." The blouse is plain yellow .. sleevelea cotton. -Stall Photo HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO SLENDltRIZE AT STAUFFER? 11 Me•r-s.ut.t. H...._I ,,..,~'"" ~ CORDUROY Ivy Styling Gets BOy'~ Approval ¥ore corduroy, rnore brown and more Ivy atyllns are 11et to ro Into boya' fall wal"drobe~ Bold, brt(ht at.Mpea Jive new· ne&-s to cordul"QJ', while ch1nO 1- another favored fabric. Wool- ~. cottoru1 and cotton llbef'NI, aynthelJca and blend.a continue Important Ll(hter &n4 brighter cok>n In boyawear have rep I aced IUt year'a ch&rcoal tonea, wtth brown lhf' t.>p favorite In sh&du of tan lo comae. corr~ to tnl• bl"OWTl. Red and bla<'k make an out- atandine comblnaUon. Light to • medium ~Y• and bluea and ;--""!"""!""--~~ Min' w.•1,,rn cct nurvdc-..u rnul11 olive drab provide wrtety. ALL DOLLED UP FOR SCHOOL DAYS Pamela Me.erve, 5, daurhter of Mr. and Mn. J . Robert Meserve, ll3 Via Yella, wean Prialy·Mlu)" dreea detilgned by Westways of Dallas u her rtrat school coetume. Of creaae-reailtant cotton, the turtle print creation hu a con· truting cord·trimmecj Peter Pan collar. The 1kirt ia tull-gathered. The school outfit is from Jeri's of Lido. Pamela will enter Newport School this fall - Sttff Photo fu1n1 '•1•11 ' !>r-ui '"111u" ""1Y Ivy Ideal tor boya ahow up In eta,.. /\nJ ·i'• ~ 10 obmn ck-lhree • button jacket-. back· ~lil!J"'°'l!.,....."'4 llftbk,.....Jn a-lnoun~ Ito,... r•rr. r><ry ''""run'• Jicun-11 ,tatkmlll buckled pan ta, caps, blended ~nJ ih<-iurit invol•ckprn.h.., ibe stripe9 and careful ta1lorinr. 1 numb<'r "' 'ad:ICI roe! mUll loer A.ftrc Tweeda have more surface inlf'r• all. " l\Jl tonl yun 110 pui OD c.u1 'l be f'll &J'ld tend to be U rh l w1 ll'l ulal <'6 IW-8hf!-bri&'Jll-<:OIOrf'd fia<:k& Ont wonJnful ibing •bout Suulftt Coata and jackela are 1llm· This Bay Store Tends to Plans for' Tot. Teen-Ager pn trouaen for t>oy. and JOW\S l1WI Spauldlnr saddle ahoee and "buck.a" tor botA boya and ctri. an alao carried. '&uytni la alrudy bri*, •111 Hannaford, because time out can eaally be taJten from n .. rby beach attlvltles. 16 &lul the a.me 11 c.a. '° ilwi d.> .. -n mer. with narrowed '-Pila. The . •·-1 h' tbc nwtlibd"'--..JL.CO~ent.al collar ("eta a bl( •--.. A Small u ~ •• ., up to you. I pla v tlalnr from flannel Allhourb fun Le IJtill Ul• froro th• Balboa Poet ornee. r"Mnwrns re ol " daai ~ _. you ~J ... ,iYr;• 0t'o teodwydl•r suit.a. watch~rd la tbe B&nio. ~ t~ fl•• yean. prevtouly wu, Small-pattemea t~ are , "' C'OClC • • o6ar • .,.,. ....._ ....., ... "' 1n... &Ad 5"unZoM .,.._ t.bl lJl San Franc1aco. He dOeln t likf!d tor fall 1ults and co.ta. Oayosfniec_..,..._oncoot_ All plaid~ •re popular. with Bay Department &tore la kee~ Matt.at.a lo •y which area he R&bcd aurfac-e interut LI char- • Cereue Ember • The New in Shoes. lor Fall I Exclusively here in the Harbor Area $11 .9 5 Mesa ·center -Costa Mna 225 East 17th Street 8-2778 Open Ftfday 'Til 9 p.m. • t.Ip!~ fisutt •he-.. ill ii"f'n ptslds headmg thf' 11"l· inr pa~ wtt.h pllna of tota to likell belL actertatle of theM twttda. ~~~~···~JOU~ ~~~~~ .. ~~4~~~~~~ ~r~~lo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= lont ~11rftl,.U eoa..Wft .. 'sure oUier favorite. Owner-Manarer Roctt Ranna-bloWlel and aweater1 for te .. you --. C.Onw in and '-' wb1 Probably the mo.tt unlvrraal ford, bu been In .oi. preaent and 1Ub-teen liJ'Le with Lancer Sc.utrn11dw~'1J.araQt.&a.da• boy•' faahJon i• the three-quar-location at 303 MtJn SL, acrou aport ah1rta and An~lua Pes· 0 1-.r~· ... ialll cbA& ter auburb&n coat. Ila vartaUona ;:;;:;:;::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;::;:;:::::::::;:;:;;;:;:;:;:;:;:;. Incl~. pearl bUutona. monotone Stauffer System. 8117 Eut Coe.st Hlghway Coron!\ del Mar . Harbor 17 42 .. tweed.I, leather t.Mmminr. al· paca Unlnr• 911d collar-, hood.a and t~rle raaterunp. Skl jacket.I are lonrer. an4 aome 10 down to car-coo.t letlJ'Ua -uaually about 311 lncbu. They're dealsnf'd to tit neaUy over tapered downhill aJd pant.I and can 1louble aa coa6 when worn o-ttr 1lackl. L • ANY WAY YOU LOOK AT IT ... a pur- chase from BIDWEU warrants approval. Be it • sports iacket, necktie, imported shirt or blue d~ms . . . it must be .. superbly styled, beau .. tifully crafted, r(1oderately priced,· then, only, does it qualify for the ~IDWELL label! . . ·~·~ • more give and talce no seams to limit stretch. From 15 denier o ylon $1.35 to $1.95 176 7 A Newport >ve. Coste Mesa ~ ~ GREATEST SHOE SHOW ON EARTH I I I (dwards loves children, tool For over 55 years they have carefully designed the finest quality shoes to fit and Ratter their growing feet. See our wide range of C-41 styles ond color~. let our trained specialists . ~ 1 give your child on acc.urote fitting.~ l l L j ~ L --- 225 E. 17th ST. COSTA MESA OPEN FRIDAY EVE. •nL 9 P. M. ' 1115 Sotitla ...... SANTA ANA Kl 2-6661 ... • • f 111 I• Dire , F1H l1lend .... ~ ........ ,. ~ c. flll .. tbe ~;, ~ -r.11 ta. lriat--t.e '"'tabl U.. •I• a d• r ~~--btW~ot bllMi9 Mt.I MW hliblae tren4i. Co&' ta~. too. aft 'alti.& tlftty varied. TwMcl U4 '""" -... atud hp ht tt.lblon'• ta· ""'· Whli. .,,. hix\lrj look Of CIMIC[iMle ot natural ~ JnO\lton '11la!t and ran Mfr UliXtUNe .-u.w .. lmportul. . h r • trimmed an4 tur • llMd OO&t.I .,.. bavtq & tq .. UOA. On4l dtitpttul *"'l>Ne LI UM ,.._ t.wn ot ~ ~ eoat wttb a ~ ot natural Jyua. JQ01ltoo I ot other tura down Ult frol\l. T ell o.&o, te17 lynt.heUc pile wtUI a tur 'look and alpaca JUl• appear In bOt.b 81 ftl and tuD coat.a ud coat lln- Ulp. Tb• .yntheUc ~le coe.ta ba" & new color story to tell. and .,. "'9eftt.d ha euch bun u •P- ph1re blue, cat• •u laJt, plat-! nwn, mtnk•trlped .,..,, betre, copao and rich. dffJ> browns. P1M In rwd. men, pink 01' blu. nne. man7 twHd coata and top. pera. It'• a colorful MlUalD for coata tn senenat, with ttd8, blut1, col-. or-nul>~ tweeda and plaJdl maJdDC" a b11' •pluh. Black U1 .mms her• u elaewbere in tau f~wilf. the cape and tu ~ Ult pretty protue rewtUnr fPoln back or liM ~ and th• •mptr. et!.rt an uwswortby, and doub .. • bNMUd ca.ta an mU.tns • bJr ~ • 8BOES FOR SCHOOL -Harry Fine, owner- manager ot Circu.a Bootery, 225 Eaat lHth St., Costa Mesa, is showing Foottla.irs to Mn. Ellu- beth Net.aery of Irvine Tern.cc and wonderful Edward.I Back to School Saddle shoes to Christ1e Godwin, alao of )rvine Terrace. Edwards shoe. are .old exclusively in Ora.nee county by Circua Boot- ery atorea.. -Staff Photo Prett7 vartatloM • the .itm ---------------------and ecmJ•Um line tndude a ..-------------------------------. stnlcht unfitted coat wtt.b esou- Woltoh Say bl~brMl'led button. and a .i.n- 4er, buttani.u coat With llhawt clollar and empJl"e-dfect -..m· fnc. Other detalla tor Illa coaa are low napped pocltlta an4 MODEUI DBESS -Slim allhouettea an back t.h1a fall and• Marilyn'• 1a laying In a •tock of them. Above ii 1hown Mra. C. E. Dulce H&lloway model- ing an S .. Eiaenberg mixed wool and cotton ah•th type drea. It ii a tlne check, ~uarta aleeve and blowie back. with leather contour belt tied In front with drea fabric. -Stat! Photo ~o Forget Ba lboa Boy Club Luau W ed., Aug. 22nd Get Matchin g Lua u Duds at WALTAH CLARKE'S poclteta or ....m. In Uen. c ful B • . R It a~of~~. c:~th:or":~~ are UJ_lng esu S weather wear or deciped to be • wom with a .cart fJU-tn. Sleeve ,·n Success for Mar·11yn HAWAJlAN SBOP %09 M.AalNK ., t:. t"6lmenta feature do Im• n 1, rac1ana and bracelet lenstJl1, Plenty Free P1rkin9 in De Grand C.nal <ff \Ot R CU FLOAT) Wlder 1houlder for coata are Mra. A. J. Friedrick, Marilyn and, u bull.MN tninlnr. the achieved with urow aUt.chlne, to you, hu been in ber eo.ta worked five ycara ln an eacrow ._ ____________________________ _.Jrounct.i eut and. 10me paddJnr. Meaa atof• 1787·A N~rt office before opentnr ber own ~-------Ave .. !pr 18 monlha now yd ahop. SPECIALIZlf'.!G IN fabrics COTTONS NYLONS RAYONS WOOLENS SEWING NOTIONS FREE ESTIMATES SLIP COVERS DRAPERIES CURTAINS UPHOLSTERY HARDWA!tE TRAVERSE TRACKS CURTAIN ROOS We m•int•in our own drepery work room. Kimberly 2-961 8 4TH AND MAIN SANTA ANA OPEN FRIDAYS 'TIL 9 P.M. Parldn1 Tkketa Valldat.ed at AD Parting Lob 'IT'S THE ~a:Jhion ' TO REMODEL YOUR HOME! N0Wa1 I" aa ~rmaoeat17 •dafJ'· tac • a rnc>ftm hotM for .YOU. 7our family and your sue-a to _,.y. ~.mockllnr fe M.ll~r ud I,_ u,eai\e than ) ou tlllak wtlell 7CM1 ~It "1UI Bert. PATIOS e. ROOM ADDIT10N8 • Pt.AV ROOlllS e e ' J..A.NAJS IUTCllEXR • ao carefuJ u lh• In her buytn• Marilyn'• MW 1toclt aoce.nta lhe bu built up an ncllllllv• cocktail and party dreNU and cUentele that tx~t.a ~ late•t her new tall aty1«1 are ju.at be- atylea and the be•t ln m&leriala. &1M1ng to COIM ln. She malt .. For a nwn~r of yeara MartJyn a ll)Klalty of llua 18 to 20 u wu an auiatant buyer ln BUI-&he f~LI many atona oUeod lock.I ln P~ belpins out M>rne ot their bMt cuatomV11 l:ly w1lh the modeUn~. But abe • not cal'l'Jlni t.boM a1aell Ul thelt cld«d to go lnt.o her ~ store bat atylea. STAUFFER SYSTEM OPENS THIRD . SALON IN COUNTY Stauffer Syatem announce. lta will be opened ln Garden Orove third aalon In Ora.nr• County, around the flrat of ~· year. A fltlh aalon wUJ be opt'n~ In accordln• lo Mrs. Beren I c • Lacuna Bach euly in 1967 ac• Adama, owner of the (tUc!liM cordiftf to a 8ta,utfn releue. for Wt county. In md&Uon to tM.e •Wn.!a Jo.. Scheduled tor open!n1 aoon UI cated eonvf'niently for U. UM the Wrd wilt at IA.Palma and of tMlr s-trou Stautf.r often EucUd. ln Ana.helm. Prtacnt a home unit tor tho• no ca.n- •lcm.a an on Wat !7th 8l., LD not. travel to a a&IOn. A18o, lant& An& and on E. Cout lhla ll qu.lt. popular wttll men Hwy., ln Corona del Mar. who with to take adv&nU.s• of Mra. Adami alao polnted out the 'home unlt Ui tbe1r ot~ • that a StauUer System ulon at home. SUPPLE FABRICS RI CHLY PLIABL E Supple la Ult .. •ord for fsbrlc In thia fall ot beeull· fully deta.lled !aahlons. To the eye, t'abnc '!"rtacea may look cnsp, pollaneo, bruahed or velvety, but to the hend ~ey fttl nchly pliable. With the emphula on ma· terlala than can be deftly manlpulated Into aoruy now- Ing lints, crtpea of talk or wool and je1 ny1 extrl a 11lrong mnuence but d1v1r- 111ty of fabrica 1a even more lrQpMtanl. Sheer woolen.11 wllh a moo I h or ribbed aurfac:e•. tweed• In f'verythmi rrom tlaaue weifht.a to bulky-but-nexlble hom"pun typea, .. un-back woratedl. pln·•nd-wtde-wale corduroya. rustic allka. chll· fon broadcloths, allk '•Un• -the Uat la long and .n- Uclll(. ud the tt'lltu~a of lhe fabrics an u n-and lovely aa the 1tytea they lntuprel. • one, ·in a aln•I• pin or other pleoe. Fluted, beaded' a.nd fro.ty tu- turee are ai.o to be Men ln new ~elry. 1~1m1Uy · combl.Nd with a brt1ht nnlth. Oold me11h la u.ed. •ddin• a wpple tu.le to a wlde cuff bl'acelet or-a rleam- • In r f rtll&'• to ea.rrtna"a. Oolor11 featured In It.one -aet tublon ~welry are In true au- tumn tnadJUon--cnoky and dW]) or darkly brllllant. wch u to- pu, run metal. brown and bronse. u well u ruby, emerald, aapphlre and ame~ylt 1badea. M o l h f r -o f • p t a r I and mock peula art fall f•vorlte1, In both lllllored snd more lntrlcat. de- 1l1n•. PaJ,&rna m&nutaet4lft111 are ~ P"MAU.,. an tnie...,. ..uns &ft'a1 Of eport.wea.r pat,.. term. Lou.nitq mOdel.I, al&cka. Dlsbtell't DOYtlU•, dlttertnt collar U.tmtnta and J'ar J:ut- un etyilJlC' *" teat~ Sncw. 7 Ho.r CAP ... Cl.I.DJ' s.nac. -all J)q ,,,..... .. "-d17. NO &n'&A alA.&GZ ..... OmN ftAJlll'a! DRY CLIANERS-LAUNDERERS u oo Wen eout Hlgbway ACJ'ON ti'om the Balboa Bay Club BACK TO SCHOOL VIA WASEMILLER'S ·WORKING MAN'S STORi These Are But A Few of the Ma ny Berg~ina We Ha!• to Offer , BOYS WRANGLER JEANS"-• • • $288 4 to 12 AMERICA'S FINEST JEANS ' 1 lf oa. ScaafOrlHd • •• 1321 13-16 . BOYS· "Pegged" BoHom Pants Meury colon lftd•cli11t white & black • • y OUllg ..... , PEGGED P AN'l'.S 21-34 • . • We're L.Ooklnt for the FelWws SHOES Caa't Keep In Shoes. 1'9 loys or Uttle Guys SAYE MORE FOR 1ma SHOES • SPORT SHIRTS FOR BOYS U\RGE SELECTldN-ALL GUARANllED WASHAILI -. BOYS KNIT BRIEFS ·2 ·tor •loo Reci. 69c-6to 16 FREE Glm. FOi THE YOUN(iSTEIS OPEN FRIDAYS TIL 9P. M. Wasemiller~s THE WORKING MAN'S STOii 18941 Harhr llvd., Costa Mesa Ua.ty l-6021 a.\TRS e L~AC& aA.&8 , ll&&EZK'WATll • c &ilNETl!I ELEGANCE FAU FASHION OPENING WEEK U1~1-.111tloD by ODe BdlabJe Plrm F1o.andn1 Avallab~ .No Down Payment PhoM Kimberly 3-8231 To-day 102t IAST POU•TM m.llT -SANTA ANA Latest Gems Glow. Gleam This Fall n. 11tam • o! pld-('olored metal and the dttp •low or rirhly-cotored •on• hl•hlfsht j autumn'• fuhJon jewf'lr\", ac• cordln( lo J~t)ry lndu.a~ I Council. Deal~ ranre from mnoolb. tailored pltcff to thOM ot MUcatt, alf1 tlfSllDce. S P E C I A l Prirfo1M . 'ROCKER Offer Good This Week Only • CHOIOE 0 11' f'OLOU Pd r ABl\IOI 801.ID llilD llOCll 11&.PU: s.4•s r=,..:.£~ ... ~.:~ ~ . I . Now ''The Cherm of Yesterdey, tf\e Service of Todey" Tutw-ed ,.old llW'f•ce• r9Cf'IV• 1901 r.-......... M • St • Santa .a • "'cros~ from S.en • Meyf•ir Merbrt l'pKlaJ mnpha&i.L A •Uny fin· ~ Gift • ~na PROSS KIMIJElll y M'64 ·~ ~c:onli'uled wt~ a pollahed ._ ____________________________________________________________________________ .;....-..-..~ l • Ii MRS. FREDERICK J AEGER HANSING Anene Studio In Ttie News at Harper Playground .. Att~ a. MWl at~ ~Mn. PM~ -~.4oud lt wMtMI' '~ ~'* or "'-srw. W• ~ M.cll J~ ~---:--!"--~------:- W. QLlel!Mr. who retumfd to f;pmd ~ Ga1 of her VMS• U0q ~at ~)'ITO\Dld. Sb• wW tM Md CO her home la °""°8 l!OQO, • la • COWiin of l;aur;.J )(ender. "Modt.llcJ day u a very p1...,. ant pa.aUmt eojoyed •Y many. on d y uie i?'Pt'll combined ei. forta 'by mod llq' a Dav)' ;;;.=:=.;::=======-Crockett tort, 111~IUOUt1 m n and NEWPORT HARBOR ·oci ~ l'I MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE. Society F.ditor Mesa Riders . Serving at Chuck Wagon Neu. Boot.a and Saddle £l1,1b chuc:kwa~on, manned by •cautt memben. hu been 1Jtallont4 ai the Ora.nre County Fair PAGE 8 -PART I I-NEWPORT HARBOR N~S.PRESS the bo.-. •tarted amvt.n1. For· rHt Paull and Brutt Martin, who n. chief coo'\t for lb\" con- ceMlon.. arrive daUy at 5 Lm. lo MONDAY, AUGUST 20, 1956 -----------------------prepare for b,..Jdut wbicb la aerved from 1·10:~~ a.m. They BOARD MEET, JNITIATION FOR LEGAL SECRETARIES are ualated by K1• Julie M&r- ttA and Jack Wllaon. Next week- end. Aue. 2:1 and H. tbe chuck· . wagon f'111 .erve meala for t.M J-Arabl.an Horw Show and Au~ hu a tull calflld&r for Ult 1nemben1 or the w11l be left at the taJrsrounda l>ranee County LepI S«rdarl• A.NOClaU.n. Lut unUJ after the chanty none i.how on Sept. II Sw:ictay. t.bey alt.ended wtth their famJU• the comma.od I Busy reltlne 1ponM>r1 and ex- perlorman« of UYlllr Mut«rp1ecea at th• i..cun-Beach hJb1tora for t~ Cua Colina borne. Oary Spa.rd ttu at• tadtd ttp.l&rly cnJOYtnc au t1J* of pma HO"ftftl', l\1a spedalt.y le Jl1 ... w pu:a.lea. .. D aoe Balftl retum.ed to her home '22 v~ Clty aner· a pleaant W.-a t Ult play· lfOUDCI, Bill ft1ce and other !Malben ot hJa llA1l team came to th• ~ to pi:a.ctlce bal-un, la ~uon tor t.Mir t\.nal etttea ot )(jdp~ Leacue pme. w. hope lh•Y WU1 do I well! Pat ..id Mlb Oontna come l'epiar1y. They Uk• to play 1 . "C'raiy -a1ht1" and cMcbr Carl Heller. a newcomer from New Jeraey, la ·f .. l malw\g frimda and eetUDI &eq\la.lntPd with Harper School, wh«te he will •oter Ulla fall." Coolicans Have Girl Boin Au•. 7 In Corona Naval I Hoapllai wu a dauchter to Army BPC/2 and )Int. Joeeph Glntrd Coollcan, Coeta MH&. Harbor Rest Memorial Perk Mauaoleum-lat.enunl G&ldeel, Oemeter7 llaner at GWer FeeUvaJ of A.rt.. Charity Show on SepL 9, the ; Boot• a.nd Saddle spoMOr com· I Miu Ann Whltener, iovernor of the Onnee County mJttee Includes Ralph Irwin, ueociaUon. will atund the first quarterly b9ard of rov-Forrest Paull, Johll ln,.,aham I emor1 meeUni ot lAp.I ~ret.arlee, Inc. hot1led by the and Frank Wa.er. Ozie or the Loni Beach M&OC1allon on ~at.urday and Sunday at the fee.lure• alrcad1 IM"CUl't'd for the L&t117ette H~ In Lone Beach, Mr1 WIUl&rn H~c~er, event ta the Sh&dowelte STOUP I president of the Loa. ~lea A.AOclaUon, presldlne. .,r San Fernando which will put on an exhibition lhow at t.M A dlnl\er meelillc I.a to lM held Aus. 30 at the Villa benefit. The atfaJr la itven ln- MariD& wba,.. new memlMra wtU be tnltlaled, comlne nuaJly by the club tor the bene- \'oa cu play the ·Hammond Chord Orcian la Klaui- Ne...,._," -Ne PYM-Uet FREE HOME TRIAL Phone Kl 2-51.W Ste our <'OOl!Jlt'le line of Hammond Organs \'our t'lano \\'ttl)t" In E·u hanrf' Schmidt-Phillips Co. ntabluh• d U1 • 520 No. Main, Saota An.a The \\orld'a tlnf'1ol l'tanoa to cboo-.e from l>PE1' l'RIDA \ 'tc.tfT • Convenient Complete Shoppin9 Center Hansing-Castle ·Ritual Held · at Saint Andrew's eftllta announced and • report had on the recent conven-Cit ot th,. CU& CoUna Hc.pltal hi ha d Uon o! the National Aaeoclallon or lA&al &-cretar1u held fur Crippled ChUdren.. Anyone Newlyweds Touring West, Will Live in . Hollywood w te t an rtoYea and the Wiab.lng to aid In ...... --~"'"nr or .. , at rort Worth. Ten.a. .,...._.. •• • w1ute orchid \'Ouaie from her Ule exhlbtla may cont.act any wedding bouquet ~re cboeen by ------~------------...._ ____ of the commJllee membtrt. ll11t nt'W Mni. HanilnJ fM the ======::::====:ir======;;================:;;::. ALFALFA FOR THRITIS!. tr1p throu(h Colorado and Utah. On of the moet beautiful and unpress1ve weddings She wu Jr*duated from New· ot the IUDllDler wu that of Saturday a.!tc~ in St. port Harbor Union Hiib ScbOol Andrew'• Preabyterian Church when Miss Norma Jean and Ble'ptacNI eou.p. Her hu- Cutle bec&me the bride of Frederick Jaeg1;:r H~g in band la a •eaior at tbe Unlver- & ..... le ring ritual Nirformed by the Rev. Louis Ev• .. • atty of Bout.hen Callf9rnta ~ r--1ehool of ci,nuatry. Jt. White (ladlOIUll, while Ut•n T mad deep red ron• provl<Md WIU14m Chadney John Evena, he couple wUJ u\.abllah • 1 Oora1 backcround. the note ot Donald FanmnR. Donald Han.I· boml' In North Hollywood. nd echoed by caacadlnii roae1 Ins and Byron T o.bome. 1 c:an1*1 by lh• bride' a atten-Krt. Ralph Ueaver WU orcan· New Reynolds Son d«Dta. ..U of whom were rowned lat and Mnt Robert Andr.wa l.n white chiffon. ~ Orelg'• l Love Thee". A baby boy wu bom July SO Tbe dbpter of Mu. RJchard For her daughter'• ~ding In Corona Naval Ha.pital to M\. Snow cuu.. 20~ Eut Bay Ave Mre. CaaUe WU rowned In Ice PARKES RIDLEY MORTUARY 111 BroMW&J -C•ta .... &lld t.be law Mr. Cuti• ~ blue •Un brocade with match-1 rtn1< lit Lt.. Frank ~n Rey· pn 1a k"Prn. by her unde. Ins hat and shoea wbtle Mni. nolda, Corona d•l alar, B1IUl D. Olbotne. to the aon R&natni worP Petal ptnk atlk -:;:::====;;==========:::::::::;;;:;::;:;: at Mr. and Mn. ~r1c:k Ed· brocade. 8olh mothers wo~ or- ward Kadlt of North Holly-dUd conagea. I LA TEST HAIR STYLING wood. She WU lonly In wblt.e , 8TAIJLER HOii& ~ W. w1lh lonr aleevu, Thr ~puon waa held al 339 FOR HOME molded ...._ and court lra.l.A. a..tu.e Ave .. home of U\e bride'• A. llD&l1 lu1dal bat of ChanUUy uncle l'\d aunt, the H. E. Stah- laee and ...S pearl.I held her ra. Un. St.ahler a.tiled with ~ ~ Her only Jrwelry t\"'Ct'ption deta1LI. aJckd by WU aA uUque pesrl brooch Mmn. Byron Osborne, Haul ftnt wwa by her cr-t·srut· Northcn»a. c M De&k1na and ~ on btt w.eddJ.DS tJw M1Mea Lynn Sl.&hleT, Mildred *"1· &bower bouquet wu of t..nd FJorece Cromer tA cirdlt&t. butterfly J'OllM A pale blue WClQl 0 auit with ucl ~ navy pune and aboH, wtnur ~'M'•NDANTB This Week lft I.be pt'OCM9ionaJ ~ kn: l>taa ter D&vta. aer"ttftl her llllter u matron of honor: J.llA Db'k1 Bt&bler. couatn of tbe t M llridt; m&ld of honor; Mn\eL a esa Park MartUt lloe Brockman. Channinr With only one more week of IAf.W. and Vi"t'd'e'rtek DeKlot.a. lhl' recreation program for lhl• '-i~ They wo,.. bouf-11\.unmer. acUvltiea al tbe Coaa ftult ~ ol wblt• nylon cblt-Me• Park are nca.rin their A>n. hU. lhbrt drcular veil• final endln(. Mrs Keneal~y'• lul wen by b...Splec:u. &ou_!>le alory hour was held on Thura- ~ a.s atudded wllh ~aria d&y and tomorrow wtll mark &ad Ulity .e&rr\ltd ~dea of lh• lul vlaH of Mra. Wfbb ... Nd ,_.. WU.b S.waJlan 1iM!R 1tory hours each we.k tl ._.._ u.J wttA ual• pink have been pully enjoyed. dMlOIW. The flower 1na.1Ung daa hu "'"'1 'l:faiia wu be9t man and Ill lut meeUng Tbund&y l.n th• ...,,. ..... Baro&d .E1um&n. aflemooA. 8o far Hawaii.an lcla. roeet. apple bloeeoma. poppl and blblacua have ~ made. Tb11 hal bt\"n onf' or the ~ popular cl&Aes .or the aununcr. 'nle regular craft rlau hal .,.nt lbla put week maJdng lh~na&on&l plctutt1 and poet.en advertlatq lh• Doti Show. I Aa lo the Doll Sbow on Wed· M9d&y. 11. la expected lo be lht' .....-i event of Ole aummer for many of the yo\mg aieW't'tl of Coe~ Mee&. !:veryone ta •ncour· &pd lo p.m_f: &lld -the larp var! t)' of doll.a t.l'l&l wl.ll lM on ttaplay. Judglni 11 u 1 ~., 1n the attemoon. ao all ~nldH nwat w &t the park befott t..b.lt Ume. BALTZ MORTUARIES COllT A KDA CHAPF.L lfn S\apetior Avmue a.ta U-. CaUf ~~l-2121 . , C'HAPEL BY THF. SEA 3420 E. Cnaal Blvd Corona del Mar. Callt. Phone H1rbor 42 • Barbor 4m .. 312 w. 4th St. Kt 3-3152 • PERMANENTS DAN'S IAllER SHOP &&.LBOA l!lAUIOA Tll&ATU BU>G. o,..~a..rw......., Open Mon . & Fri. 'til 9 ,.M. -Sun. 11 'til S ' ' • . . coocnaatal ALPHA TlBlm c;::::1 our~ o1 tbe --.&it11 m111io acd 'htitiuaJ rich AU'ALFA P!an< pi us faa •MkJOJ pain rdi~ ioa IJftCI can ef.niYt umc day rclid ftom lbe aJOftiW!a paiM of an.hritii. ~dun. oearltii. erul. nf'lltaJgia. ALPHA TAJ>. LSTS att sold oa a rponcy beck .-nntee. ioo AJpb.a Ta"'.o • .!. J -~ Tablca •sss TURNER DRUG ~'EWPOBT BEAOll ZM2 W. Coast Hwy. Liberty 8-1153 bo'~ .fo f n? I • •.,;"""ltla ,.... Utt!• L .. , ...... e11.r1~...,.11 '""'" ... chi~ ....... ............... t.,,,..._...... h•lalall.t'M,__ ... ~ .... eo-... .., .., .. ,..·11 PlttCEI f'IOM $1\350 YA .. tlA Tlnlt 3 , .......... 2tottll BANKS •f A,qaertea NT a IA '4U \ta Ude -lllanor INa GIFT SHOP a.ELLY THORPE M6t , ... O,.rt• llart.or Ull IUCBAIW' l..lDQ ARJlET NII \la LWo -ll.attl9r BARBER SHOPS LlDO aBAVL~O ll'CG IN UBA.NCE AGENTS a. 864Metl'1 Stol'e ror M1tn W. 0. BOC&, INC. MJI \'(a Udo -Barbor SHI Mot V\a Udo -8artllcN' .... BEAUTY PARLORS UDO SAWN or BEAUTY MlO NpL Blvd. -Har. Ult BOOKS BOOIL oAaE Mll Via UM -Bartlor ''°' (),\MERAS A SuppUe. v~ts.'"'T LU>O oacos Mil Via Lhlo -Barttor MOS CATERINO 81t'HAKD'8 LI.DO H.AAIU:T USS \I• Udo -lbrtiot f.IU Interior Decoratol"I Bludlie FUik.,.. A.J.D. ' M lt Via Udo -llar'M1 6111 DI~ IU<JUR Mn Via Udo -lla.rtlor &IU BONITA WILSON M&Jqa l.mpom ... , ... ....,..._......._ an MABK.ETS RIVBAJU>' UDO M.A&&sT IOI \'la U.S. -lla.tller tm R.£AL ESTATE \'OOEL OOllP~ Mlt \'la Ude -llutlo( UTI BAY AXD &EAQB aE.U..1'1' V\a Udo Brtdp 0M.t IUI L&F_,ett. -8.v. INI UOO U&J.TY AUC.O•'IU Clothlnat-OhlJdrn fl Infant. Udo Saka • Rmtal.e IEMJ'S or UDO .... \'la '"'° -llattlw .... ClA11'HINU-Mea'1 Retail BIDWEl..l.'8 SHOP 1''08 ll£H IUI Via Udo -Hart>or OM8 ClothlDJt-Womea'a Rd.all LA KE~E SOI Via llalap -Harbor •~10 UDO I! Al!iltJ0~8 M It Npt. IU~ -lla'4lor M'fl 8tlAUl)O(;k 'S M It Vla Udo -H.arttor 1111 \'AUA»UNU llC>tJ E lmported SpcnUWe&r 14%• \'la I.He -flaJ'Mr ltbC DRUU S'l'ORES , Vll\CExr9 LI.DO D&liUI Mtt na LkM -ea.-.. 1111 &lectdc Contraclol"I UOO ELE<..'TRfO NH \ la Udo -l lartlor Ut1 0 IWAADT STUDIOS M11 V\a Udo -,.._, 4tOI FUM ITUBE M.At.:k&ll RESTAURANTS BOB D ALTOl\"8 MOO \'la Op.rt• • llal'Mr 1111 SAVINUS a LOAN ASS001ATION8 !li'EWl'Ula a.&.LBU4 SAVING a WAN A8aoo. A. Sav1np UlllUlUUoo Loni Tvm Home !Mm UM na a.wo-...., "" BOES-'• BJDW&Ll.'8 tn'OU: f• Ill&."°' _.II Via UM-1M1 SHOF.S, WOIDelt •ULE'8 0 CJ.t.Ul'O&Nl.A .... \,_ ....... _.....,...,. TllEATa UDO 'lll&ATU Conault lb!. ~tor~ \-'la a.w. •• ~ ~ fl•rt.Dr 111' TOY UDO TUl'L.&.ND • .... \"la Ude -llartial llM rRA VEL AG OIU RA&bOa 'l'UVEI. AO&JfO'I Mii Hp&. Bl'"'--Bar. NM 0 ~ .. I.JU -a..-, &Ill • ,