HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-08-27 - Newport Harbor News Pressr • • • ' ' 56 'Community S rvl • HOLIDAY FO~ -I NEWS-PRESS ON LABOR DAY ' I TMr• wUl bit 9" K.,... .... ....,,.... ...... _ 8eVt-I, to 9'l&ble t.M. .w.t1 hltt en)o)'lllidi'rt ot the LabOr, ..,.,--. • ' 1'\e lllrt•·d•1 bolWaJ' rnart'.I unotemi end ol. tb• Harbor ~ .. 1Nmd:lel ...., Pl and ..-,. fflebr&dae nf Newport. aeaeh'• OoLIMD A.ruliver•"1 tato hip par with vl.tt "ot the aircraft• CllJ'i4r Jlornei 9-e. •tart.lrll' rrid•J'. to ' ( PEDEBTBLUI mJ.>:D -The l><>dY of AJtrea Floyd Gibbona. 68 (Indicated by arrow) ue. in Col'la Mesa ..ueet where he wu thrown a.ft.er bei.Dg: struck and rat&lly Injured ·1ut night by car pietured at rlgbt. Driver Max . Sltttt, Bond Issue Will Not Make November Ballot NEW PARK FOKIJM4N -Calvhi Stewart, NeWport "&e&ch'1 new park foreman, who wet h1a feet in the buelneu with Rudy Boyaen ot the Anaheim park 1y1tem, inapecta MOme ot the plan.tinp De&t the Recriation and Parka ~ p&rtment building. Cal u.wally doetn't violate the park rute.-ot walking in the ~wer beds. NO HARDSHIP Trailer Park Plan Blasted by Planners Anaheim, recown from shock in troot seat of lti• car while talking to invee--By BEN .REDDICK ,ligating officer Glenn Walker. Other officen t&ke measurements at the Engagement qt. a. firm o! Municipal Ftnanclal Con· / -Staff Photo \ Newport Beach trailer s-.n: .cene, Ne1'p0rt. Blvd. and 18th St. -Staff Photo lult.&ntl to examine the proposed water reaervoir COO• HEWPORTS HEW FOREMAN :=~:.r"~£=.~ 3250 NEWPORT BEAC. H Pedestrian 3rd ~U:.~r!"'t.t ;,-: .;-::;:;::~~a!:~~ ~Pu:;', b: :.~c:: :i'c!t~~·i: . , ~:';~~ M~:r = 1 :~k:~te': p= L: ~-:; OF PARKS GIVES VIEWS <lly to <Ut. >.toot ..... , ... CHILD.REN HEAR BELL Traffic Fatal Bh•llo", Durinr today'o "".'!'° ... bnt m<thodo ., ,_ two feet In ordPr, u City Jr.!nel· ..,.mon the couneu ~nt con-Whether to reoomtnend ••ft .. BY LZONAJlD •A.AGEA.."" man 'wno look O'ftr hia dulll'I neer Bert WM>b adnittted, lo put 1"n Cost·a Me' sa 1ldPr&bl1 time wtUI. Sidney 8 venue Bond .. ' to the YOl .... OI' lf.orM owrien w11o doa't water UI klll&'tr l"11trs. \ \ Hook of U\e Stone ud Ytlllng-"~l·raiJ ObKr•Uon Bondi'' will young tl'ffll I.he city 'JOH to Uie Al~~! younc treM ne«I w11'r Qommlaejonen 8r1CC•· Srnllh A 66-yea.r-okl ()MLa MeR , berl firm. be roni..., lne<I In ~.!.wj.!_.~d. ex.pen. of planUq ill lht: re.A-badly," -.ya Stawart. • .,,.._.c ity •nd K.-.. led tM ~tack on t.M I El' meMary G d R tur pedutrtan beoarne Colla Me111.·1 I~ i9 quite likely Newport lpro9pec u11 on mun .... ._,.._., - ·-....... _ri ........ _,, YIU~ Tb• ..,plttMJo"n, they Al e . ra es e n '"lnl ·-·--"'t"''" -th• y•r Beticb. wlll undlh1.ak• to prellf'nt wh1£11 th• city wlll ~u.ortaa. .. .. .. •• ~ "" -t.er t.Ni:k lall't alway• abk l<J b.lch •-" ...-... uo.: ~ "' te bond l C<M¥1Cllm J B StoddarO r• Uw pet ,_,,.. of Qlh1n Bt.ewu1, &"•t arow>d p:ry place it .• il<""'J-•W mowlld ao tiardlblp w , tut rll&'ll wben b• we• •lruck lo lM t.lector. a •11ue an . • , • Newport. BM.ch'• new park fon-9d. 4M ft"1 up to the hon1e I•. of lhe _,.nm. NlqlliallU for to Classes September 11 Here by a car on Newport Blvd .... to COIUllnM:t lh• 1200 acre feel n1&rk11Cl• today he tboucht It rrp\inll'. ~" a nrtanc., and he w•• crouln •l UHh SL. 1·.aervoh· •• ~ 11nr1e entity, Thr would be poGI' 9COnOm)' to ..._. =·.:1~;,. ~:.~" '°' .,ant\•I It would ~••• • ;."'""'~"' d~d ot th•"''" th-y ot th• dly I• that ··-d ... ,., IO out'"" •tu at U.. ,Gold Coad Race AN JI B'!iRT llS;•.:;:~~ther to state 1 l8t:°:~=~--:!,~:,:iu':';~ ~:~0ia:~:;,~1•1r:r ;~te:! :::r.:~r:u~':;dat~!bo:~CO: :Or~'?-S:"=;;I ~v .. ~eN;:; =~c:=~~Y::n,~~= Goes to MC9'fa Stewart iurted with the park: t:hat'b• • ..., DO pkt In the cltJ'• In Ui. N.-port-..ela SLemen-ptovided for child.mi In I.he New-Tl'ller Park, 133 E.. 11th 8t. 01"'\ for any~ ~on~'~= =h !,-': u..Cl!!n...~~P.~ • tptem t.a AnaM1nl under Jtudy Sol"C' lnl.o compeUHon with tu tuy ScbOOI Dl.crtd" 1"Vi ~ port lieit'hts atta who a.re at-Dri"r ol. the cu, M.ax Sit· concerned Ill com , J odda It w Amelie Saff .,., mo,. ... aft.er he gr.duaw.t :rorn own tupayf'!R. He ..i.o noted. ~--au pad• ~-t.ndinl' lhe Newport k•IPtl ter. 27, ot 829 N. Lemon A~4 ttport to buy their ..-.y lnto an ~ .. 4 .. St ~ :!it.eel tu : OIJl(...-Polyteclullc Coll'"P at •hile m •lrHt en<a •.re beirll trauon win '-'Mld ~;tkpt . School nor wtU t.ranspOrtatioft-M Anaheim, told poUc. he did not lnl ..... ~:=. ::x ~-::.-~1t.o60 _ out.~ ev~ ,,_ lM .A.Jtl:.i• Milt Club ._ Oni.u where he ~.oied t.-d u public parlr.• w1.th0Ut f bf'Stnnlas at· 1 a. ._ aL UM prov\d~for Fttth ,-n4 l,bi:DT. -the l*te.t'r1an until hLt car ""'"'~.., -.. -~-• 8 • ••lt)' al O&bridlit Clan.1111., IMWUcullure ud. Jiwul1a.P".~ JMneftl of -uy ..,..1tary r.·WU• · .... at.r.edt Ml:m. BlU• le a ~in-OOUM:~ were ahalr.9 t~ U.. & &IDOllJJ\... • ... _ ... _ ... _11• ~·• Ulil _.,_,,. .,._ , · ,...._ .... _ .... J'lewport. c::r.-e _, , a.r.. Grade c d'tU llOU1h MHIP...,. day -t"'1r """' ..ioo M&ted ui.t ..-. tM muln\tun ~--ft -~ ~ __.t ~ -.-:;,r"J~::.r -;;;:~ tM f*--VWW:-Dl-,.....M*' 01 t~& _.. ...._ 1'1wui. ~~vw. .tt-wt.e --"-v.-u.a tq _.,. ee • It race~Ola;f.t'&:.tttbil, Boy.u.. tbe'on..,..ator or u. t1tl' bM NL ots the UM ac.,800 ~~·-~eRorere ..!Le:1_tnc t'he RarbOi' View~~ .';:~t. occumld al Mr. Hook~ • ~ nl*'\.....,.. Newport H&rtlclr' 'lKht ~··Doy~. and AUibelma p&tk f.el of publk bet;cb by lilalUnl D:ult&"l ,. wbo-.,.. Bah ~ 10 .4~ p. w.: 81tl• ••• drlvtfll tltJuL i Wt MOnlM pt' ~_Ir..,... UM' 0.t;r ot' ltth llftll\l&I RaQI. W•k Jll'O-llupertntnidrnt Vie Ruedy who the entni.nr e to one narrow ptaee enroUlng for \hf' flnt time In Chllaren "·ho will r'ci•ltt for nnrth on Nrwport 81\'ll on h.la mea.urti on the "'9llor tt a. mul· ~ 8-.eh ~ .., 1ram.. auceM<k!d BoyMn wtwn he ' died. at ea<"h Ind \lie i»atrkt Mould bf-accomps-Ne .... -port. H•n•..ir Vu.'"'· Cnro;uf w•y home wh~ the vkl1m Rid-tlpUclty ot pubHic •r~ bid 8DIPt.a ~Anox Marla Amidle woa a corred.ld Cal worked three ~ wit.h The conunl•IQll•ni, mor.over • .Utld by • ~t or C\l&rdlu. d'I W.ir or r-;,wPQrt He~t.s dtnly loomed before bun. he to bti dealt wit.h. At any rate In • 9Jnpie ....... tatioa lo time newry .,.,.r Howard Boy•n voho wu at A.l'lllohetm for d'd not Uk' thr p~t of -Children ar-. eli&ible lo en1"r Srtlool• •hould be e.t lhl!lr bwl told polic@. It tll'U decided today to abandon the coullcll bl It. lllt'onnal ..... Aluft&rt.8on'• ctr\t&a. nnt. craft te 2!l ,._n. "lte •ul'e kMW hlll lll( a ni<1lt1·1-olon'd err..:t of lha t\nt ,nde Lf they are •• "4.ope by 7 :•~ • "'· Child~ •l-The body W•• ta.ken lO the any hope or cetttnr a -ter 9ion., ~of Stone aDd Youns• fiftiab the U-1nlle .o&.t -.ti hortil;:utlu~:· declared S'---rt. trailtr and l'•bfln• en<ta .Uckla& yean ot •IP or "Wllt be I.ix on or tendlnS t hfl Horaice EMlp P1rku-Rldley Z.fort1o11.ry. bond laaJe on the NowmMr bers a&.ah!d h1a nrsn hM _btt,o race. He wu ..,tlh Ruedy fuU lime a aliat Balboe. Blvd . l!&Ch before ~ 1. Ct\lldJll!n are rllr-SchouJ •ho•lld ~ Al their bua ballot. Quite llkely the couneU ~fed ht. MundJMll l"lMnce Clrlua. flJlac NHYO ~lie. for the )llMt. ttve )'Mn unW he upl ~a tint lO Qlt u.e ~er'• lb4e to enter Kinder&Arl.en If they •top. by 8 16 •. n1. su-11 will will endeaTOr to Mt • ~te aa (c..tlnued -rap 8) bad aa •lal*'d a.nd ~ umnwd the foreman"• poat in :"hi"~. \Vebb • pl•na for a frnce are five .y.&n ot ag" or Wiii br nturn chllrtr'n to thf'lr hOC'nell Nixon Holds Own Ume of. I bra., 21 min., J6 MC. Kewport Beath upon the rellre· alon Bslbl'IA Blvd al.a camel on or before Dec;. 1• liH. 1'1•• •• ltOOn •• poulble •ftt"r r~-1 LA HABRA. IOC'NS) - Marla Amelie'• handicap al'°""" ment of W. C. MacDonald. unde~ r1n. tht1, 1><>\ng no un· •I' re;qul"ment ii not a DlatM<:t lion h•.s bf-en completed. Vfcio-Pr,l!ident Ni,.;on'• 1.llln1 a.oce eonected to I hrL, 8 min.. 8 /DB CHORB Anlnilly In r~rd to de•l(fl or po.Ucy but 1-a Sta\.e r~u~n'mmt. I On reir1•tratl°'1 d11y each child Father, F,.nk, 77, corll.lnued M :He wu al110 with Gordon'• t rial AU chlldt"f'n e11rollln1 tn KJn-will be given a bus ICh«lule I to hold his own today after the ~ &moo& Ulllt JO coatenden Murlll!l')' In Anaheim for 18 maA;ter ·the v1.>tl! Br\g-g11 cio..ed def'l'l.l1.19Jl Pr fu11t lfl'lode for the •howin( llmf! ""'-I pl11r~ whf're he ctrrarture of hi• IOn for polltlcal wu Louil Stratham'• ketch Nam yean. working Saturday• when the d1-cuMton w otn hla remark f\Qll t lmti mu•t prr.Mnt dOCU·' f(':ofttlnu,.d °" "'" lll fl"W ·WOWll In W•shington, D. C. Bans ol CIL.brWo Beach. he "'aan·t on lht crty job. dolne to Webb; "\Ve like you. Bert. but mentary evlden('e ot' bfrth. date. -.------- A tptaJ pt 248 boat.a, com· (Conttnu.-d Otl ....... 8 ) don't like YO\IT tralltr park.." aucb ... blrt.h Cl!'l1U'leate. family c 0 R II r . R h -unr on both boy """ _,, -~ -Bib~ ... pUamal oo..UM<>t<. ,..._ amp• " a on rv1ne anc r-port. dalod news ellppl"I'. n•tur- ~~:-.: "':.n:= Newport Boy. Mo~er Visit ~~".'::.:: ;,:;: ~· to Attract 1008 Scouts, Leaders '100PI -.re led afttt two ,.._ Chlldreo wbo have attended :r ~ """'"·· Wltdl D.estroyer Tender p·1edmont · ~· :::'"0 :·::::i. =t::. ··With ~ "''"'M ••mmr .. " ...... m di-.. .... 1''"' Amon&: lAhman 10 dlnchies. denee Of Uidt-~ levtd. rampltlr aeuon behind t.Mm, and by advleor Gii Bell. r.tn a.Ml'• No. 410 won the BllUHI will pick up cidldnn'Oa • IWW !koutfns proS"r9.Jll 1ev EM:lt ot lhl 70 8coutf"C' uniU •-"' .... _ -----· Ltt•-d ~ K 1'"· I '" •• •·1•-• I" _,.. lmmadla~IJ' &AHll. Scotil.9 and ....... ,~!pot.I"" Will bo J·~·•d by ~u-. ~ ·--••-... "A NrNport Beach bov an u 1• I e .,, • a .... rr w 1 ~ .... regiatrat.lon day 1t the ""me _..... ·-.. _ ~~ -•lod by N·-1 ~~.u. Id t boAnl th dr.uo-r Scoutere or lhe 0rAI11'e E,_..it'I! potrolll on cam"•'t.91.. orranlaa· ...--. --...._.. mother ,, I• t t ed the dNtroy•r 1 •<'c en • " ~~ 1topa , ... t were u.ed tit U'I• ~ ... ,. .-OU.-oc.a n.t _.....: . 7 tendl!f' USS Slerr. !AD-18), ""'" ~.,.. Council announ«'d plan. tt-~ Unn. leader1hlp, cookln( and ap- A81&l."'91 (1t e'tllrla), f\Oat'I• 'i-"doe.r USS Ptedmont f AD·l I ter ati lp to the J'ledmonL week for their nr11t big event pea.ran;ce. The Jud It n I and Ktttll LumpltJ.A. v~ Yaicbt bi Baa Di.?a'O Aug 21 to ... oe n" pot'111lll Navy man vi•lt-Newport Council or tAa n_. year -lhe Annual awanl• eec:Uon will be h~ed OIU1t. Jnternat:kln&l 14 (I en-lba type ship tbe father of lhf' I ed the bl& Rhlp machlnf'ry 1.p9cea. Co~! C.mp-0-Rall. lo be hekl vp bJ 8olJ M.Jller, .. 1a1ed lly Aa- UW.), Jtl, Vkl 8°"" MHTC. Doy eerv~ on bet~ hla death the ,_111e placr hill father worked A nd p -1..1--on the lrrine property 9.djaceal •llt&nt Sc:oul Executive Howard LUMta ti {J0l ..u119), z.pllyr. duriQI" WorW ~·ar IL Ke1lb befQn hi9. death. and ukf!d a . CJe Q fUUICflQ' lO the Burf1lo Ranch Octobfir 'Schoof. • .ota Tove'U. Nitro. PC 114 ••· Jacobi.. 13. IM)fl ot Mrs. Lllcll\I ·number of questions which wer• 131.b and 14th. The job ot making phyaLe&l triMl. Woodwind. Harry a . Jac:oba of 441 Be&"or11a, wa1 holll· *""""ered by the two N•TJ mA· Set for Toni(Jht Over 1000 Scouta and Ltaden arraagement• for lhe camp-O- WOOd. .U..mlt.• S.J 8nJpe Cl), -4 b)' the ahlp·• eon1mandln~ ot-rh\nery rt1pa.lrml'n from ttte ten• llN eJCpeelM to partlclpat• In Rall mata Oft the I.boulder• ot 8ee WMd D , W'rtd Miller Jr .. ttcer. Capt. Charl-e• E. Phl\llpt1 der'• R-epalr Deparlmrnl, Rica. for t.bto -..tructlon oL a tbJI. larc• encamp1nut. \inder Bill Lew I•. Harbor Dl•trtct NHYcl 1 Th&atle fl:l . Phf..lal'OJ>*. U8N. Df'irtroYrr • type ahlpw Urd l!Ollerete retainln1t wall and red· the lead-et.alp of Harokt Leicht· C&mptng Chairman, and bla &ut• Gllnl&n Jr .. t':'!abrlUo ~h. Keith waa gt\•en a 1our of the 1 .. .1on1l'alde "''eA another highlight wnod •take fence •t the ~J t\191. camplns cbail"lrl.&D fbr the llta1t and District l:xeeut1ve John r 1"000-h. Th 11 hi ed Munielpol Th.lier Ftrk wU COUncll. Advieor to Lelchtruu Sterrett . ...,. (11\. DK'n.. Don F..dltt; ... ton a ip by a •lAtf mcn1-ot the tour r •e am• er 11 pa -------------I NHYC. • ber or Rear Admlfal Che9ler c . are mALntalned tn a tilgh 11tate bt recel'<-4 toni(ht by Newporl ta Qour Walton, Dtalrlct Scout ....... .,.._. ...... _: Wood. eommandl'r ·crul11er--De-91 ope.raUonAl readlnffll by lt).e Beach Ctt7 o.t&nctl. ·The cft1 en-Exec:utlve. , ~ •--· h t d ""neer hU R__,. f:red.IJlr a Th-ema ror th!• ......,t wfll be Me\ull. ~ti wltllb.eld due alroyl!!' Force. U.S. Pacific Flt'f'l. ltndeN. both tn t e •ta• an •• r ~....-- (OOMUI_, .. ......, I) The tender 11. pre9tnUy •rvtnr during dl'ployinent to overeeu ten« juat inland ot B&lboa_f;~ .. "Onward tor God and M:1 Cowl· u flaphlp ror AAi•l-.1 Wood. ba"'9. to rurruati pr1vacy and ~-try", wtth the opening hour belftC t1orl ror occupant.a aLAft. tr-Mier dlrvot.ed lo the varigua c:hurcb- jan. operated by~ Cllf. 8coot awarU. !'At.ch pol.Ip wUl RMrn•tlon of Rex Brandt b. undtT lhe direction of • p.a. from • \he Pluiu, llaadM!a, a.nd klr rror. a local eburcb. ftectMtlon CO"hunl•lon ot tbe Soouta t111l be enco.rapd to ~ll)' pill be p~ted to Ute "tt'nd <'hUreb and Slalday lkhool council tof\!ShL A SUCCUIO'I' la and w11J be inlltrurted tn th ,.uppo.Rd to be 1ppolnlt1d at VlllriOua requirement.a needed lo 'nee. Brandl'• Jett.er of n:elpa-eam bola Seovt-ctturcb &Wald. UOft WM dated Aug. 22 TheN Wiii bri .ax major ~ Monterey Oil Company, ope· -Proleatant. r..tter-Da.y klnll, ratnra under • clly tldelandl oU Lotheran, CaLbolle. J~ and • 1-wtll -11. approval ot I.he ft<'llon for "°"9,..-WltO r.t-JtO ek1 tw a deepenlJ\g progT'l..lft on "hom•" ehut\"h. ~ fif the prodUCtnr -ale 1n Actlv!Uq for the remaln6er _.t -Newport. Th• appllctotlon or I.he wttk-end W111 eonatat ot • Ing Made under term.a of th" lknuterafl '"momtra.Uona with iee..-~per•tlna agni-ement be· opportuniU• ot ea.cb 8COttt tl')'- twta th• eUy mnd ~,oprr•llnl" lnl h\11 •kill. ~plor~u·• ta the ~pany.. Council wftl damoMtnte pb)'9t· 1 An aroend"1Mt to ~ P"ff'l!"Ll cal fltnr-. kecplnr •tl'Oll.f and bUftnM9 lieenM oMtln•ncie will 1"I Louchen up technlquea. Norm ,. ·w tonlCbt-pr?Mdlna In Schm.U.z., well kocrwn Sodu( 1-1· pnenl hlr a .single ltvel fM of I·-'-----------· I ''" '"' ..,.---t• """'•" HAltlOR WEATHER IA the dlJ' 8onM excepOon• 11n ~ provkld for. Oen..,.._. ot. title to t-.o at.rttC. nfflt the lily t.11 .. \e,, 1'enlpwei1.Uree for U.. wet*• md I.ft UM! Newport Hll.r'&o!r '-'-,.... Dolls of Nancy Wiison Win Sweepstakes Prize in Sho~ Uttlll Nancy "'t!Mln. 8. ot 814 Covemor St.. COllta MeM. Mlh the l&rs'esl wardrobe ot all the doU. entand in lhe doD llhoW In Coeta Meta P•rlt Wedneeday. wu awarded !he ~akte pMae by lhe pant'! of fUd&'ea. '1'ha lhow wu ,•ponaored by the Newport. Harbor Uniotl Hl(l school oatrlct SUJT1n1a Reem.· Uon Program. Six hundttd doll• _,.... ent.e-red. ·Melinda GallenUrw, 10. ot 212'7 WallAoe A\~~ Costa M-. WOii a .-peclal pri• and Dari Bow"en. t, of ~ Pomona. Ave., Colla M~. v.'on 9"CON! apreclU prtae. There ~ SO tndlvtdual l'n• trtea ln I.be ahow wtth M many u 43 dolla '"~~ by one. e~. OiVltkla wtnnere were: ,. 1Nrvat doll. tlnt. uu1 apd Jrl1 Kftrn, a(M I and 10; MC»l)\t, Virden• Blanchard, 8. Ima.lint doll. flrst. Jc>rpM: Sutton, 10; MCOnd. O\&M 1"11.plrl• eau. I!. Beet p&ir. ftnl.. Pftm]' Lfnn ClaWllOft, '7; aecond Mar.ti. Ma.Uliewa. •• Pftt.Ueet Jlrl doli, tint, K&W. Watennu. t: ..oond. In. ~ 10 . FunNHt doll {JIOfttt)'), ftret. Wi9' Ke.rlclmer. Coat& _.._: ..eond. JQU M.lddJebroob, t. Moet Unuwal doll. f I rat, M-ellnda b&Utntlne, 10: .oonid, Doftna Jontot., 10. M!Ml ~ bo1 doll. no ftr« lll\OUbiPff; MCOIMl. BeU7 Jal::JUon, 11 ~ ~ Laf"l'Hl wl..r'drObt, flrlt. NUlCJ WU..on, I; lleCond, IC'nlyn ~ ..... 12. (0-............ , I contJflu.Uon• of Via <>pono and Vie. ~ '9dJll'. &Ad .-.M Ut• Chrtat.t&n Scl•DCI! Churdl. the EpillCOJll.l O\Urdl, pd \M " flLP .... ~-Aui. 21 . 7:.1 61 WMiNaday, AUf'. 21 7$ ~ Tl'li1reday. Aull'. t:'l • &2 Friday, Aug u 10 14 S.turdey. AU£'. 2$ _ 'le "6 8'mda1. At11. M -~ 'O &I Monday. Aug n _ n u MELINDA :rAKD! ll0¥0Bll -Melinda dallentine Of C... M look flllllll. IOll YtK!Noen:&-KelUI Jacobi. ldl. lllld blo mother .wt w1tl>. ()opt. C. E. Phlllipo, ~ olfloer USS l'led!n®.t (IJ>.17) in But Dlqo 1ut Wttk. Tlrlo WU tbe ._ti &bot.rd .lbich Ktlth'o father loot blo Ufa dtar11t1 World War Il. -Of!lcl&I Pbotosnplt U. S NayY I A.r:etane. wtll be ~ lOftlft!t. This wUI pva11t th• ~ or UM dra.4-. erMf ol""V"ta OJM>rto flt 32nd al:rft1. adjaoent to ,,"' sta- Uoft Nvmbtt ON ot IJI• ('1t7. ' boooca In Wed~!'"• Don Show at c.ta -brl<-.Mellnda ~ ....,. bri<Mmald doll ...,blch took the prize for pnttlMi dOU. Melinda.-, -tM prbe for th~ moat dolla in the •bcnr. molt \UIQ9U&l doll (a. U:~) l.b8 wu awarded a mpecia1 pria. for bavinl' tbe gttt.te.l ftriety In bu collottlon ot daUo: -Staff Photo • ~ • ~ s ft. --- • I • • \ . • • • HOme .;,ti Gari/en GARCEN'S· SOMMER COLOR ,___________ SHOW (j()ES INTO WINTER. PA6£2. PART 1-NEWPORT HARIOA NEWS-PAESS Mi1i1Q11 ..... -.............. -,_..__ ...... -) MONO .... Y. AU6UST 27, 1956 1,.. •• ta ,.., .. .,, .. '"-.-,,. ...,,. • -....,.. -· *'""m" mo,Oui _....,, .w, to lht ..,.... ' m ....., .NATIONAL HOME WEE . .. ...~ ..... ..;. .. ~ :::;. ~ "'"::::.,,..-~ :::::::. -= !' ..::-.-::: UM. ~dlia. "l1li.. ....... aM ,_,.l\NAJfi 10W 1W <*ft _.. Wftit 9111. JtMl ~ ..,.. Mrdfie •••• .... ,....W. no ttod )'OU.r Wljo~ of wt&bUJ Ult pn1b-Bb ,...._ t!outtth C-."19 -..4~ lllr1. 'f")I '*lond llOWt'1'9 thftitqbout Ml.IC' o. ........... fort .. ~ SET SEPTEMBER 15 23 ltet\'d. • ~it , Mt Ml'" ot U.. "ter ud Into IPriq. •l lMt _..... 'Ol9l1J .U ,_, • T!oa ,..,,., """"'1 ,...,,. .. ::...."""".'.":'~:' ~:"..::: :!::.' !f.:."':,-~= • • mmlAI or \twl ~U. QL v.1 combln• -..UUNU7 •uttkqlOftcl now.~ atw &M • -...._..., ' ireVionL lftducle J ~ la Nll wltb ot.11.v wu.i. nowen tn UI• tJuaaA& "111 -.ad ,_ fW All u..t.·-MW la -.... ..,,.,._ boUallll' ever 8owa US""'Q"9 a.I: IWl Qa\,Plor.,b pnin.lnJ to dlreCt prdcn or ta cut bo\MIUl'l&. a.. Ka mp60 .,,_,.... ~ It . ,..at9111. &Del ..,.... ....,._ *"7 U...• w~ .._ srowth. lkn1e1 are ~ OI pnt a.ltia Mowit.aJo O&rlaad wilt ..,.. 'J'Oll w.U u a oOWftal bas .Hu p oa ....,. • 1q4 ••1ouu.era p.won* M aw llte9tld. 1•r wood. B~ tbal Ml •~r •Plrtril or P'nk Md uUil'7 for pu1dnc *"9 bl. ' 11,,.,. U. fQr holllit .,,....__ b&va1ben1w &o\lld ~cut bide ..,.. wbtcb a.t\ wonderful Mak COY"tf'I, • • , wlWa , N&U-.J Home •-,... ~r Ol\.ly to I.be ~Ut•ta.. loOCordua, "'bi;ptaaer-U~ for a wlflter 06tdftlel"I ln lb• fol" belt aNU We.119WW be ,s••••vecl la. tM fail;. dMsa _, Uat.w. IO to th caJitCD.la Aalodalloft ot and 9p11as pnMD. PuteMbfod• el U)t e&a'4 or the dtMrt. .._ Qtater ·Loe ..,..... .,.... U..: att...tt• Uw modrtl home Ntn11irr)'n\eu. ed ~ b&oom on wUMtr wUI ttDd MYV&1 n-,. ol. ,. WW&r4 WoMrow cbl&tlMn.. .....,_ Mn la Uot wtU be ti \'A.Um.a Clark!A ~ pWc.llUJa. C1u-nuala Ud ptteniU to plaal ~ Butl6tn JAatit&M II~ ....., u.. ~ ~ whk:h T'hert an ta.an Ua.a 11 Pyn.. Ilia .-OUld M plant.eel hi warm. now tor color tn \ht CIOllltq Weell cormntU.. -.MS morti \Ma wUI be a.,tu,.. tlld«l.S~ Ott eantba varic"" tult&bl• tor ..--.ndy, DOt.-too-moiet .UL ll wll! monll\L 150 lM4Utc ~ ftrmt ~t.HI 9lalel dUliJtl tM fttxt P•ll~ t.Plmlt w•U or lnlll._, perform beft. bf Jll.Ud t winter ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_,;;;;;;;;;;; lD. UlU wt& wt.U t&kt pU1. w u.r. ir;. ~" ,_,.,,. ... .-plam. nw coven o.er tt.l or hilly ..,..... before t.M ... 1her ,.t. U. ~ 11 stTtftf U. ect. ll'GUllCI and tor Mdtea. TbQ' Mt. 1 ...... ·' M • l>tar "*ri°'-'"-1 cOIOred 1>errks. FtoWera Of ..n puW shadu Ju111Le & prrtiew -' • Ult&r ._ ate ..,..._, b9 p04nt.ft out, ~Ula Roa~e 19 & love. ot ~IUM, pWw. rMI, aa.tmon. atodela. wOJ 11t • lndoer-oo\door U.vlftl ly '¥&riat7 nveallna' 1i. btaut,)' W&e ud carmine .,.. Gff•rtd CDr.\M SMOG TO ARTIST'S PARADISE ''Hor..-ktt11 tn Loll AnJUH Whll• ~ wQI '-..,...r ln 1n tha 8prin1 with an:.h1n1 l;ly tl!.• Lar-.,Ur (Dllpbtnlum rl'¢ ... °"'"' """'"" will -........... WW ... -........... O{ l>Oey Whlla, i&<y ·--Aja<I&) "'I .. ""' ........ """"" Out of tbft ~ where abe wu nJaed into the clear a.Ir that delifbtl the Mlm• IOO turnlm.4 Mod• I ~ thttlli "1dtoca bonuil, but •.n : ~~led by d.f'ek 1,..... Plant th• Lf.rkapur In m.llcl 'W'l.n· art:.dt ... L.'".J.'r'y_,; Earl, .......... u ... •t 1~· w-·~-St., ,..__,,,_ ""-bomN. re'""*'°"' u.. mOI( UM' n~-" ~ foliase. In hll and Wblte!', ter ...... In f\ill IWl. ~ a.rt. ~ ~ .. --~ • .__ MaldJt\d. lbe .rnoM. oomtort&b», and ._ •lid fou.r·!Mdl'oOm rem. bratidl• •ra covete<t w1lb *"k are won44'dul ait "°"''"' Md When .. llft't ma.kln.s &ncelfood Ciba for bef h\llbtnd, Jen, or other hOUMo u.. .._wot ud IMllt pneaca1 ~ wW ... .up ilbarpJ7. rou bt1Ma. Thia Pyne&Dtba i. er•,.._ Ya.Ned fQf' tbetr ......uot hold trlnket.S. lhe pa.inti. Here aJnce April. w bu f~ a rud.y market "' "Whi» U.. tNnd .. to J&rsu dt.ea-rflll'.!etant and can "f. ... ta rm tn the pro.. H D• d homes. U.. houtewtte wtll ftnd fl<lllered or ITIJwn u a.. bed&e. Showy end .an--~ th• for her Work in the Harbor area·and bopet to exhibit here U abe done' in Lo9 ome e, min It tP .. muph IHI time to do llA.ROIE8T SP£CIM C.pe Mirlpld 18imorpholMO&), Angelee. Mn. L&ns ii ahown above wi\11 one ot her autumn ICeJMS.-.Slatt ~DC' ID hOn'*' ot mod· Tb• h•rdlut apeca. of th• a nauve or Soul.II Africa. brbl.p Photo l '"' dal.p" M .id. "'Work ••· Pyracanlha le the eoccln .. whkb 1•1 while, yellow, on.nae. aprt- ---------------------------------I SWl"tches From lna now plau &Dd Appu..nc.. lnclud• UI• CoY•mi:Mnt JUd cot •nd Klmon now•r• Into aar-. . cul t.be ~·• work in half and Ial&ndlJ vari.U-, witb red (!'"• In milder cMmate. during Postma" $.fer MISS JUBILEE JUDGES FOR. Small to large u =.i: .... ::: ;~· .. ,,. ~ ';.~~~.'.'::.:'~ ~~~·:~: ~:;. ~~ ':''"1~·:~,.,;",: t .. lul'ed Ln IBaft¥ of Ute new cludin& *•berried JN.berl and In tull wn tor the d.Uy-11ke MESA UPHOLSTDY ITJlll'rtn .... • ~ l.n.t:J M1'11 116t NwJ&. all'd., a.. ..... Rr:;jdy Mixr:d Cuncu·lr Cla 'fl hoim9, ebow1na --.ny adv&l:left S&nta cru. varietlM. (1'0W in Oowt.rl eio.. in .tiMh. rl es TOMORROW NIGHT ANNOUNC•D lAbot.btlitetrica.nd kltcbr: ••preadtncrnanner,~ more In •dd!Uon to unuai. for .. i; Tbo """""''"' ....... '"' ru "" thin "' '"' hlfh. plonlin< now U.m ,,.. -Y •m&ller bomu whkb toUowed Be.lbrooma WW be more elal>-In •ddllion to the prevtoualy -renril•l• to plant tor wtnter J NIM Judie• wtU det.ttmiM winner 'ot Ule "Mlu .... ..., -w-· w 11 " ud • .-p D , ..,,, .,, .,.... u oral& more nwnerilWI I.Mn menUoned Ro.ed.ale lheri are and •prlng color. Th• Afl'lcan t Golckn J ubilee' eon.tat hara tomorrow night, It hU '· -nd ..,. ~~ b Os age Ue onr a bU '"'"'--1 ln put 1.an. VeaUlaUOJ!. Wiii be HYeral other horUcuJ.tural v•rl· Dat.y !AtttoU.) t. deeervedly been announced by Tb.ooore Roblne Jr .. chairman ol th• a .rulrb· to bu)' larrer homM. \mpt'O'Jed and .ome modeLI wtU ettftl of u n k now n parentare. ona Ot th• mMt popul•r eY•r-t. •ptte tit Ulie o.--t ....... Newport Harbor JuNqr Chamber ot Com.mer«'• quMn Ttalll le the report 1uuecl lt7 baV• comp~ atr-condl~. 'fl\t.H include Vktory, whidl 1l"ffn perenJUele bloomln1 from ... We .,. X.-.. &'"'7 Complal.Dt.W rwceived at N-· "lectlon committee, the Homa Bu.Udus lUU.wa.. IT'OW• t.o 10 fe't with d&rk red late tall to early •prlng. Jte Po.Diie l!!tt#t te ......, t.M port &aa.ch Polrt Office lnd.lcate '!'My lnchldt Sandra KM:lntyra, Whet ):lolde the Whom memberlhlp 1.8 C:Ompri.Md Wi I 1 I Ste wh>ti!'r berries: San J09ft, wtth bow, ... &n whit' plnk, lavender Needl et Ou ~ than LI Med for clarlllcaUon ot title "Ml .. Newport Be&eb"; WUllam Adriala ot PU&· of moat tu-ae .ule bomeballd· Ir ng S p Wk\41 • •pl'ttK!lfll", 1"1'1'• ecarl.t p~le, yellow Pd ot'UJ•· Tbe O--"J', -··• dlM rewuJ.aUone, Poet· de di ol -~I · ere now acuv. tn Loe Ana:t.IH lti.rrift: and Wald«;i, 'fll'llb IO'W· plant 1prade -'de and Mled.e .F•r ~ -o.D ITa. ..--·~ na, rector a u_.. ~Yi Jotcl.by TOWie, m&11-mut•r H. Payne Thayer Mid and Oran1• COunttu. In UM.Alftll Up JTOWlnJ' and wtd ... preadtnc wtUI pl,nty of room In tull •un. WELCH'S today. . •&er or the ButfAlo R&ndl; Rol.ud Wrtsbt. manqer ot R rMM Myen, HBI pl'llllldHlt, 711 '211 red berrln . '\·-, "rh• W&rguerlta or Pari.1 bat.y Tb&J'e.r u1d. "Conlu.ion quite the Bank ot Amerfa. Newport Beach: Wetton Jay, In• rew•led that a ne.nt airvq R"'A "Y .._,.,. on-ruulte when • 1irtter le •uranc• man: Ron HiMoft, Junkll' chamber; Mn. WIWam conduct.i by Ute BBi J"CMMdl Y sci for NI~ E ,.,..... ..,.,._ ''"'""' fM ........ ...,. • TrlU, p~ld<nt of N ........ llffch ... II; ... MR. • ....... M, ........ -... Property Sales in xcess of CONCIM letlar a ch&rJitd po11t.t.p ~or N'l9on Neice, p~cknl ot lM Aulstanot... Lea.au•' ol T. Sholtu.. .bowad only -• Qfte Of tM ftl'9l lt.eps la UJht· U. tJA.r dail WQ' Whal. a lelWr 'ii rtturntid 10 M Newport Beach. · 8'.iUder·~•mber now ~t,. ln& up your.,.yard tor outdoor b R 008li X&M U Mltl enoollled In a new wraHtT.ot Jlf'\S" will •l9Cl "Klee Golden Jubi~" durtnr the Inc homee 'with two bedNoftli• llvtnc attn dark U to la.st&ll ~181,88t\Reported y ealtor 1lolM7 • ~ -~ TM ~r explaiMd a ti!'i.vtaton ahoW "ctty at Nlrb.t" Oft OWme.I e;, Tuea-and a convertible den.. •It.her' pninan•nt or adeituat. Haatlll.sto 9a1r.. letter will be Ntul'Ded to UM Ali oUt« a ... )opm•ntf •re J>!llrt&ble "'1rinc· Lex. Mut Mnder tor poatap when the day at • p.m. Dkk Lue, noted la1evialoa penon&Uty, oU~ homa w1_U!. ~ or • U )lou'• ~ Una: kvt ral property aalff recenUy unite to be tplll e.m3n1 t.M pu:t· I ';;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:~5; enTek>pa hU i... tlWI one tull wW act u mut...r of ttNlllOClie. dl¢nl the •*llon.. mar. bedroom.a UMI. moet ~ portabM wl.rlaf untU you can tn uc ... of $100,000 ~ b&v• oh&Hn. lj rate of •tampa atf\Md. U tU l---.---------------------1•ra are reporttna an anr j.a· M.veapenu.neatwidnsay•tem been reported by J . Dunc&n Allk> oport..s wu the Ml• of retunl ~ l9 located at Ml· PUT PEOPL! IN PL.AC~ ~~!. .. ~!,=~ bylloi::..pui:= IMt&lled. remember tbe.t not. UI Harduty, Re&ltor, 2I02 N•wport th• John X. llahl borne •t 4101 other poA office, llW Milder will iurYey .....,,..,., · nibbK fleftl"M wtr. lt •ulta&ll• 81'¥d. Via Lldo 8oud to Anthony Broth· be .ent • not.I .. 0( lht amow1t p h Co A f outdoor 8* l Hard8ty reported 11&1• Of th• du.. u no r.ponM LI ~""" one mpany Hemp•-to 'Ml• HBI 'r.port Mid. "Tb* or \Ill& •unt 0 Toby and Vlrsln1• Wllcox bomt. er. Bw1mmln& Poola fen a prtce Of' lf U.. i.ttar dou not baTe Iii Buruu ot Labor StaU.tlce of cbOOM Ulit .,.Wpment you ut &t 71t Via Udo Soud. Lldo Ial,, ln. UC&99 ol SIO.OOO. a return ........ me ----1 Ule U. 8. Deparlm•nt ot Labor fr-om the llcil! var1ety ot toMl.andMra.JlmWe,tofBal· Hardeaty ea1d he hu pur- wtll M aoudecf1W Uw UIO t tit so--olks 1"nto D1'rectory NeanU,. releaatd & •tud1 ol Ont w•Uaer•proof oord """ dealp• boa i.t..fld, In conll!tderaUon ot ch&Md tbe le&.M ot the Bay and poet.age due. .. r I ,, family dw,nlna cb&n.cterltU~ ::0 ..,.et.ally for temporuy CM.IV fl00,000, Beach Re&lt7 olftc• at Ula ea- ' L•'l'f'•lf. 00111 tor tha tour ceJUUe rectone of r UM. kvea triplaxu on HaveA Pla.ce trance to lJdO l•lti and ptana •to Poelmuttt Thayv eald wh.n AbOUt lhll Utne twry yeu, le.mate tpelllq type of &ddiUon· lllt U'ril:ted Stata. ~ nawu OUtdoor llshth\i •peclau.t. be I 0 n1 In 1 to Mr. &nd Mr-.. mov• there on SfpL l . lnau!ndent JIC*lal• It atftaad Pactnc T•lephon• •t.u"te pllt.Uns al 11..urc I• OftlJ' Q09 oe-muy tndicat.e • aharp lncN&N tn both auafUl th&t • Jood ru.le ot Cllntoa Ea• t man., brou&ht ln Hardut¥ wu &ldecl in th• N- _.ul at l-..t tnouah for one f\lU people In. their place -the pro-that make a suNcriber .uier to the number and perctnla .. a6 thumb to follow 'f!l'bert tuerUnJ uce• of Sl~.000. TheJ were cent MlM by 9'l&lf members JM.II •--...,. _,.. ... ,_, per p~e In the forthcomlnc nnd In a yofuine"that now in· tlolr\H eo.Unl' more than $12.000 bulb-. extendlnc corde, or WOck· pu•ohuod jolnUy by Mwnlord Bmlltl, Ounct.D Harde.•-Jr. aad rate ._.. P".-. ....... "'~ter and l•rrer Ulan 1000 oqvarti '"' Inf on -'w ...... ent t. whether '"' w1ll be dlapatched •qd the ottlce Orana:e COunly tel~pbone dlrK· clu6'a nNrly 100,000 lllltinJ.. 1 1 -t r-·· and Kllns with ownerllhlp of th• Bob H&rdHl)' • • ta .... __ wtll ooll-t ,.,_ ,..t-tory. that i... M be f f 11 lb n •at.. The tl"llnd 1t1 more pro-portable or ,.rmanent. to dhi-1--.-~;;;;~;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;,;;;;;;-1 1 .........,.. -u"' • •m r• 0 a am Y 0 er nounc.cl In the Wut than el.le-connect au clleulta. Al"• due. When nr1t cl&M mall The Browru, Johneona and than tM 11.1bcrtber may have where. le Mort-paid for more t.ban one Bcbfffftt .. not to be contueed their umee ll.tted If lhey Maire. "The addl!Jon&l space belnc hrm&Mnt w1rtns bu 90 l'UIJ rate. the poeta,p dM dliat'st' With µi. Bi-ownn. Joluwtone and Permanent bou. p..U or vlsl· put in new hornu 11 In UI• many advutqu lll Ml•lJ and le t.be amount ot defldmt poet-Sbalira, a" beln,s •rtAd. ch«k-ton •pendlns .vwal montht In form of an add!Uon&I beclroom convenlenee tor comlort&bie out· .,. phla_one cent tor UiJh ehort ed and arranged In alphabeUcal the p,outhland on.in taM adYan· •• tPie •u"•Y Indicate. & declln• doOr lil"t for bYlnJ that many patd ounce. orckr with ~l•·•harp &ecu· taae of the add!Uonal U.Uns. In lPie number twio _ bed..-. new home buyen an ieek.l"I' ")l(cwt lnqulrt .. on pcJlllap due recy. Newport Bff.cb. Man&.aer T~ homu which wu aecompsnled thla fMtura tn. bouaa they buy. 1ritfr ·an race\Yed whea dOllbl• Skeptical dlrttlory deatpara, Hambrook Mid liaUnc• will be by a eharp Lncr-In the awn· For -1y ttullt or older pQpt.ac. 1-charritd." Thayer kno,.ins you can't atway1 be· acoepted Cnr the new 0n.q, bar or lhrq bedroom homu. homaa, con.ult yout local qu&tl· ..a.. "lt &n)' rnaH reachM the lieve w hat you hear, have buro.· County directory unUl S.pt. n . ~0ur .fl.l"'"J', madll b)' lb• f'-d electrical cooln.ctor •ho le ottltt qi_ delivery with no eVI-lld many a pllon of rnldnlc11l After that, cuetomen will haYa HBJ •monl' IU m•mben, further fan\111U ..tUI outdoor wiring 6enot ol pnl)9yment ot poet.aae. oil devlelns crou·reference• tor to wait ullUI next year to Me tublllallU•t .. thl• •tron.a tHnd ~U tor both permanent dovble the re....... rale ta col· .ouud-allke ne.in•-'nle refer-thelr -m• 1n prinL ' towU'dl taraer horn•." or t.empol'UJ' lnel&llaUona. ~ WMler po11t&ge due N1Ula· ence• apPffr thr1>Ul"hout the ·-----------Li"";;;;;;;;:;o;;;:o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;'c;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;a;;j;;;i;;ii: ti-..." dlrectory. WAU 1t•TURl'<D rRu••••T•o CALLER GARDENER'S CoDct"m1na: letters returned to Thty •how tor example that bo -In • ""' w.appo" • ~whol tNOlr•led oalltt CHECK UST Pmtmutlft' Thayer •xpla.lned who hu failed to !lnd UWI num- 1 __________ _._ " U...t whi!'n an enYelOP' hu h&d ber of an acqualnlance with a eerf'¥tt &Ad le ntumed to lbe name that aound.I lfk• Bayer, ...,. \t Mui tbe ru_.ber •t&mp mipt lmproY• hil luck by look· lmprtat of • hand wtUi. lb• no-Ina: un<Wr Beu, Beyer, Baer, taUoll ··~um to S.nder." U Baler or even Bair. tM. eawlope le rwn&Ued w1UI the ~ paid. U'lere ,_. a An lncreutna number or sub- danpl' I.Mt It will be· +.turned tcriben with eound·allke u.mn t•mitiaiely to Ule .. oder. "Con· have eolved the probl•m tn a aiaquntlJ', .. UM poetmuter Wd. more poalUYt. manner "Ulil ..... Wnc to do le to UR A••lllJ1S U!.emMIVH ot What ~ •v•~pe." tbe lalq>hone company caU. an Ia ~ he aurre.ted •ddluonaJ llatiJll', they ha,.. ...........,. ~·,. ta &obt u to tbetr number• Mown with com- the NUOn tw ""1 &CUM tak'n mo n I Y enoounla....S &lternate "7 u. JOit o1ftot. hi.I omc. will methode ot •P9lltns t.Mlr n&mn. -. P4 to Jll'O"l6l .. u.p1aa-n.!ja Mr. aayer wot Jt.t hta au.. • n\lll'll:ler wtth t.ba 111.erl ud -;;;;::;::;::;:::;:;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;::;;I Bakra .... u .. wtth hie own p pw,p of 8ayft'L kl lh1e way be CONCRETE proridee pn;.wpecu.... callers with UlN!t Ml,..nre metJlode; ot io. caUJw hta teh!pbone numbet'. AL'l'•IUIA.T• IP•LUNQ Padftc polDta out tba• UM al~ l . Broadcut thc!M • e • d • dlrecUy tnto UM 1arden -Vlqift1a 8tock. Vteca.r- l&, Al)'Mum, Caletulula, Ct&rkl&, Oodeua, Lark- •pur and Shirley Poppl.ee. 1. Cbrya.auwmumu. a r • OM ol th• tint fall Color plant&. )(any aur.rymen an offU'IJll them at UU. Um< 3. Waterins U the mo«. Im· portut svOen t&ak riaht now. ·water deeply Mid an OB Wt.lei'. "' '-Here an aome ~ Whicll CU be pianlaO now -l'nu&u, w... 8pa.r- _.. .. lladoNlla UWeL I. It. U... t.. • f&l1 prdea ci.a\lp ..,-. rr IASY • • t•e lic•ar• leeso1 Comp11y WAY AND 'SAYie • • • • ...... t1''7 F!* 11s1111 w.11 wMli a .1111111 .. pa1°t I ;ts' .-........ .. ,. . .,..-... --;:·1· .,, 1-JJU Ii: BAY ?1j W. 17tfl St. -- Luthalpe Deslp_ucl C111111wctl• Generel Contrector l Builder -ftlOn ........ . CAJlPEIS Ir UPHOLSJERY CLEANING DYEING SHALITA'S •ta n. U6e ._,,.,._ V.Wr" LIMtty ... 'Mll MM VIit. LWe Harter ... BANDY IJIA88lftED u:n:BENCE TO SELECTED SPECIALISTS · --111'-- COSTA · MESA Serving The Harbor Area • l'OB J'Otra OUKVENIENCI& KEEi' THIS UST H~NDY A 1to Accessories .'-' M ~s! ~'/!.oJ.uee!J tl1T •••"OB m.vn. Llll&&TY l-4lll Auto farts & Aecess0ries Used JohMt_, lvfesa Auto Wreckers w.-.,.o.na:ae,...11.w , "'11 PIACl&NTIA AR. UU&TY ... ,.Ill ,I Brake Service • Le~i .. 2~:..a..e:_ llotn ...,_Up HH RA.IUtOA Bl.VD. Lr 14lft I 1s1ra1ce · Bruce ~~ •• ~~~~Agent • .... RWl'OllT m.Tia. u ....... -.... r.a ..... Prescriptio1s Crawford's Rx Pharmacy o..-11 r ..... a.n.. a. u. ......., ..._ UN Hft7oaT 81.\'D.. t.mr.an ~ Television Service -Davis-Brown c~. E•pwt T~ ~A llwta 111& •A•llOll aa.YD.. 1nsm .....,, j ' The Ge.nuiM Pluttt wall• an4 ai.lin .. ol rour nciahbomood echoolhowt Fv• you • ........... of lttUrity • • • • proctttion &om rn due ~· ffOlll IMt othtt m•l•rial , .• provWe )"OU wkh a ,1.;;;.., ..... pk of .·tho ..... of ...,. of - olfkfalo ond lhd• •Khlt"'J who .... ..U.ly ..... well , , • with c ... .;u 1411' -' ""4J. GENUINE ~ PLASTll 1s?~t KNOCK ON THI WAI.I.I ·-... ·-· ............ -........ °' GENUINE "'" -l'l.ASTa - HOME LOANS LAGUNA FtD111AL SAYl..-S · l LOAN ASSOCIATION rwo 6PPICIS. To Sino Y• LAliUNA llA'CH ' AHO SAN CLIMiNn QUICK· 24 HOUR SllYICI ' I LOW LOW "RIOUCI..-• IN'llUST lATIS EAl,J __ MONTHL y ,,,.,....,. . ·FRIENDLY IYWA'IHlllC la'i'ICI ~~-• UCIOW laVICI, • • •II Cl9n\'t.."'9411t -LA•UNA llACH .m 0-. I-. -HY.4-1177 ' ~AN <;LEMENTi \01 H.. c-.... PHONE HY-.... 2-1191 ., HY..wto 2-fl'6 McFADDEN FAMILY ··of PLACENTIA PIONEERED INTO ORANGE COUNTY • • • • • Ul>U SAIA.>N Ull' B&AlJTY Mtl li'pt. Bl•C. -llu. 1111 CAllEBAS .t 8appllee VDi~OSll • c-- C 11 fl•I• . ..,, .. , c .... • 9tll•t ........... A.LU. ........ Lide -...... .. . . OKS IU.t*U Mii v .. Ude -.,.,_ ... .0.NITA. WU.ON Ma.Jqa.&.m~ ... Via ...... ...,.,.. .. , MARKEIB &1caa.aD'1 UDO •.a.•m M11Vla1*-.... S.. ... \VW"LMll-.......... UAL Ell&TIJ CAB.PEI'S A DBA.PEIUl'.8 P, A.. PA.•MW OIO. DICIL -...caw:• ... n. -..,._. IM MM n., U•• P·dw' .,_ VOGEL-CXMIPAM'I M&IYiaU.-..,.._tl'fl CAD:BDIO • ..._ ••• ..,,.. uno •·ecm MllV..UM-..,._ .. QotloltlC.(lblld-• Ja[- 1&&1'1 or UDO .. , &11'9 ll&&OB a&ALn VIII U.. ....... 0-.. JUI....._,.._ ...... llU UDU &IU.&Jft' ••JCD•m Udo ..... A Rm\alli HM Vie. &.w. -..,._ "" M06 11 .... .-. DIY4. Bl!ll'rAUllAN'l'll -DALtoij.a OIA>TllIHG-Me11•1 8etall NM v• o,.rw • ...,.... IUI amW&UIS 8HUP 9'0& M.l:.N && VINOI 6: LO&N "" Yto Udo ---• AllllOVIADON8 !ti"&Wl'Ul&'I' aA.t.aU& ciothlo.:-\fomea'1 ari.u UVIMOI. WAH .t,MOQ. lA aaM8 A l&vklp .1.MU!UU. Mt Via llUlp -llutlw till Lofts '1Vm Some Loaall '-'ou ~.UtllONI ,.. \"-Urh -~ 6ltt .. ,, .,,.. .,..., -..,._mt "HOD -Ma'1"' eMAPDOCll'll 8IUWD..lll nuaa ,_ ... I'll Via U.. -n..... llTT NII Vt. ut.t -....._ ... DBOO lll'Olll:ll YJJKJSHn UDO HOOS ............. _....__ 880 w-IWU'llGr~ lflf\'i.ut.-...... - l'll&Aftl:ll • ................... ODmt,att w. ..,.. for ........ V..U.a&lf..,......._ ..... Jtl& • lJIOn,.---.- bll "J rlnt• llJ TY'• ll ,, ...... --t.D4 ·a...Colt&, f llodaw -o( ti.. !ch6ol. -lllatt Phdto . YOU AlWAn DO UTTaol-...S FRIO EN CAL~ULATORS . A.OOI SAMPUS - ... IOY IA.W.CUI liaAlllU - IALI IT~TJ TUD., AU•. amt '• ., . ., .. •• . ' .. • SALE PRICE " DL 600-D MIMI' lllcL tJ-1)99.lr' 21"d1" ... ~ ~ •• ,111.· $2t9.tl - $46850 DL ·ioo·D Motwalld tl-899.lr ......... 7 L11•1dn1·26br20".,.~. ~· .... ~ ,.. ..... -•~11111 $119.fl· ----"*' ~ MM.i. .,. •11 • -• ...... ,."...,. .,. ...... •• JUI •tt -..itiettotr ,....Ki "'.' !!:':.~;:;.:;:-,":.:..: DLt..O • M1Mf * ___ L•_ .. __ "t~'g 9.'5 '" .... ., ..... ""''"*'· M a/M ftw.ttt .. rllflt I•'"' ...... ~ • J4" .... " .ttlM. .......... ... •.. '•'"·'' DLl-D·M•lw ... __ "'69'5 '°;::;::;::;::;;:;~IL11.,.111c1..24"hwt ~. "' ••••• Sit.ti • 1ng wnership SIRVICI • IONALD IANCHIZ DL1MI w1t11 •• dn1 "'l9'5 NIW Pap Grl • _11•_• '""--~· 11111• $24.tl • .. ' .. •' • _., • • l \ • . .u&.J~ -llE~ -11!"1 µits Wtlllrll 1'R>p playbtt -..-·beto.....- -p1W...11lji." Cord bollth •Jo<idoo watch Lula came Um>uP wttll -ble with anothor dollhll to P" tile Cardlnalo on'left t.o rlcbl: Milt• Grep, Coach ba .. Oren, Oar)' llOll. -statt Photo ...... ,_ __ _ .... a:••••·· ...... __ .__ ... I .. , , • I IA •• -·-·-;;~ = iA UAQ -I...,._ aie ~ 11, ca.q)ll lhfl 21 a., T ot. AIMeon AW•. 22 on lktp,.r Tom •na- .... l&a Juan. J~'• • the ton ot Kr. and t>Cn. Ra!pb DWM ol Nriport ...... JUNIOR AMGtlKG WINNERS K~--•flh lnftOl1 1!4doklna. • Lf ALFI ua UTHlltllt AlPllA TAILEl'S ;::Q ..::", ":'':: __.. ............. ..., ....... _ .... --~·-... ----=-. ':r."'""'_"' _ $: r _... ..., ..._ A1.PllA T~ tsn ......... ' wt "9dl: ....... .. ~ ~ ,,. -.. T.al. .,. TURNER DIUG cusro•- :l•fall OlD' Opposite hffulii'1 tit 1 Otll ...... 511. lllllf9AMI Tt.Jk 1.boUt rAa'fl 1>rtff YOW' Mll, l'IO&d•...., eat Ill htM. ,Three mtnu\em M.ter, drive It out ,,.rttunc .. dmua. OAA WAIR TOD~T I I I . .................. . Welcome Home -.. . .... """' ANITA O'DAY CONCRT· Jc ~ewfl, · " DANCI . • -.D1•1 •ns,c..11MaMW' RESIDENTIAL. INDIJSTRIAL. COWrlCIAL 0 .J9B-TOO LAllOS 011 p14U, at -Ill., N...,.,n -• .._ - ' .. DAY FLOOR SAMPUS IAlllCUI llbw •. ·: ... • . " •• • •• • SALE PRICE .. , _ ... _ .... _t f 9's IAmcul CUSOllll %Off ' • ·=-- • ' . ?.FRIDEN ( CALCULATORS Wlltitll,r ,.. want I lftftt f•llJ' alfteft!atle 11'1_,.., ~ all aifar .... d'4lMIW tlle,, •- '-Vt. All lrt _, ....... rW•IRf aftl at Tl11111n't. reti ttt a 9M •I I, •HHittJallll llllPlfltet, Ca.II ... tMay f9f' I llMMllfttt• ........ ,,.. Wiii ............... , ..... •ff.... ... •l1ll .. t11 ... ~ t C.1 lllt ll J DEBl11'Am'ES OF '156 Include lh1o group, amoos othero wbo ,..... honcnl with their mot.hen at a tea Aus. 22 by tile Chlldreo'• Home SodetJ, •ponmr- IDJ Jl'Ollp, at ihe home of Mn. J. K C&ld...U. 223 Evening Culyon Road. Greeted by ,Mn. Howard La,...., A11x1Hary ~t and ltlra. Donald Anda- 90D, BaD chairmen., were : Judy .i'erg111tm., Jn Blum, Alm• ,..smith; ... ted,, TerT)'I Jay, and Judy Qo!evn -St.aft Photo • , ..., ............ ..., ........ ........... ""N• ........ , ................... ...-. (lPctMT 8\f&UJJ ., ...... , ....... ~ 'It r .., er.ea-., N-----........ ._ ... .... •.e. .... m&Gl,CA&.W. -' . . ' SU.XS. SATINS AND LACES of a bype day will be pr ! 1·1 tM at Illa ..,.S luncheon with wlllc1l Ellel1 Club wlil open Ito ---Junior Ellell i. u 1 • ~·c with the neat, to be Jleld at ...,_ Lecloo Hall. -• an, loft to lflllt. Vza. Fomt8l >»tw!v, prMldos>t oL J1111l<lr Ebell; Mn. Out w. ai.e. dira!i*Or and dlalnnali or wayo and meana; ltlra. RlcMN B. Hodp, welfare cbolrmaa. -l!tatt Photo • -··· .. 11:111wt w .. $8.IO • TOP HAIR STYLISTS Corine, ..... a.. IS7 !<. Newpert ...._ ~Vlllap Col!t.or Bl4 Hoq X-orlal llolpltal Liberty 8-WJ ....... We 1.--H• Pnetlee --------CIWI WU ot1s·1M 1BI-MONTHLY -..... ,. ... I ..... NEWPORT HARBOR ••1•& m•m ...,. .,_ r tu •• l?MI Fourth .District P-TA FREE HOME TRIAL .~UNl I Sets Year's Calendar ' I ... -l ••• 11 ef YOU& W'A.1111.r& • DIY CLIANING . . ~ 6 TI.MES CLEANER! SPECIAL 7 Hclillr &811 ... e...-T Sa nice D1Y C~UNDIUIS u• W• c.i& mp..., ...m.. '!'--ta.. e.ni.. .. , Cub ... • • •< . ' • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Ha 1S{1iiad °'9111 1' .......... . la ...... .. Sclllnldt-l'lll Co. ....... tWltlf • · Now! . Golden·brown pancakes • in 2 minutes--when you cook electrically! Taau•• "'°"'' your k*cb" it cool.,. AN cleaw. Pott ud ,.... keep ..._ lldi1««W- lhine. Ki1cbn w..U. loot hail aa4 aew .~ -· _..........,,.. __ .....__ -'.!."• ,... • ._;,,.i,.i.._,,_ b lOlfM m:u.QllOUlfO ...... , •••• ...., _,.._ .. _* __ 'M ,._. ••li·roc ......._ \'Wl1' -... ~---,...,, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ·i • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • : • • • • • • • • • • • : SOUJHEll ClllFOUIA • • • • • COIPAIY : • • • • . . . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , ' - • \ I ~ I 1, I . I ·---.--.. --_. .. ,,_,.~-·~-;""··™;_ .... __ , •.. --_,.,. ---~~· • • • • • • MRS. BRUCE LEON NORDLUND Marcia Younglove Wed Riverside Church • Ill > The Bruce 'L. Nordlunds- to Reside in Berkeley of •·hilAI Jl&dlol"" &nd chryun- lhemuma. Similar 111ray1 wtrt at each of th• llide aJtara. Mn. Wayne T-pleton wu at the orrim co~k and Ff'Ulll TauiJUODe l&nf "On Thi• o.:t Oh 8eJ1uUiul Mothtr", "Paoli An&tllcu1". uul -*'Avt Marta." UOllB RBCBPTION • llJl8. WllJ,IAM WALLACE lolcDOIVELL J&ekaon Ingham Jr. Photo WILLIAM McDOWELLS HERE AFTER TEXAS RITE , Now ~ta.bU.hed. in their home at 4-'8' Serra Drive, fl.a~. to which •be matched he~ Mr. &nd Mra.e William. Wallace McDowell, wba.e mu-~euoriu. . . RllCBPTION nage in the Firat Melhodilt Church ot Vernon, Teua The recepUon ,.. .. held at lhe wu one of the moet importan' eventa of that cilJ'• tiome ot the bride'•, parent.a. It soci&J. calendar. The liri.de ta the f ohner Mi.le LoW. wu exqutsitely del&lled ln au Muon~ daqbt.r of Kr. .....t arranrunenta. from floral decor Mn. 1Uchar4 E-taM Muon t RoruiW Bartholomew ot th.la to UM!! bride'• tnle, covered with , o cllJ wu but man. uaMn wtr• a tiered cloth of net a.nd allver Vernon &114 lhe bridepoom la Wllliani. 8dnlorer Jr., Wall&ce over Mtln which fell to' the lh .. -.,n of MrL Htnl")' Cl&ren Gerrie, Jamea DoyW, JamH noor, W1lh a tour Uered e&ke Davi# of Col'on& del Mar and ~ ltocMhudl. al.lo or lhla city, at one end and allver pUDCh Hr- tale Mr. Daria. Benjamin 8U1'N of Cost& MHa vice at the ol..her. and Berk• O.Or11 of Lo9 An· A round ot enurt.&.lnin& occu· 8"keU and urN of white reWa. pi~ wttk ptteedlnl' th• wed· •tock. l'ladlolu and c&matlon., P'or Mr daui bter'• nupti&l8 dinr, on• ~Ill a reception at cathedral e&.ruUM In b~ Mr.-. Muon wu 10WMCJ J.ti atwU th• Aubrey Lock•tt honM tor eaadt-l&bN. adorned u. chureb plnk oqaua. &m&U plaJr. bat memben of I.he ~ party, a.nd tM brid.i lll .,._, an~ carried a white their rel&Uvea and pHta. ~r ,,. WJY WU on ftiCb ....... p&nned a ~ tbt reoept.lon Mn. Dav\.I WU maOad by b.un1c&M l&mPL • C.tU•ya orchid. Km. Dllvt. hoateu at a dlnMr. and the Wedd!.,,.,. mUlll.e lncludc-d "l Lo•t .. _._.. I h • NEWPORT HARBOR ~S -PA~ I· PA8'1 MONDAY, AU&U$T 17, 1"6 L ,;; --. • W<iltall~ay .. • ' 0 No Fo'9et N,w 'iran Shack • . on Bq/boo Island " > . • WALTAH CLAIKrs • . • • llAWAJL\X 880P ·~ ..:__ .,. ...uura •va. . !• .l .-, l'Wnty i;..' Paninv In o. Gr...! c....I ' . • I ·~ -T,.,.._....,,... .. ._. •• ..,.. ............. c-,. bUMI. .. _,._ .. ...... ,...,,_.....,... ._ ...... ,.,.. _ _. . .... ,-~ .... ~ .......... Uttte ....... .............. ~ _ ... _ MWta.AlltMC-..... ...... trltt"I ..,.. .. ti 9'..wl aut. "'"lit"' ...... Ill~ ....... _.. fwl lk'lfll ~ .... _ ... ,, PllCO FUii '"·"' ,,, .. ,..., ... ·: l• .. •, , . _, ' . .- . ,,, ............... : '1= 4':::--... --.. ...................... --_ ..... .. ·. . - ·: ... .. ::::;: . ·:;::: It was on Saturday at $:30 in the afternoon that lovely 1.iarc1& Younglove recited her marrlige VO"VB with Bruce, Leon Nordlund jn St. Francis dti Sales C:ithollc Church, Rivenide. The ncv. ~urice Cbaae The reception wu. ~Id at tM YoUJl&'kwt llomt. ~ Rllm.M,)' Drive, ~·here both mothen ua£... led In wekomlnc .tome MO iue•t•. Mr1. You.nglovt wu 10WMd In • pink linen Walll wtth appUqued medalllona em- broidend .... ·Ith pe•rlt, a pink .lt'""'elt'd hal and matchln( 1&n· .Sala. ?.tr1. Nordlund ""·o~ aqua cotton lace. ""'hlte acceuorlea and .. whll• ro• coraage. ... won a purple orchid eon&&"• on brick' l pannu , ... ._. a une · Thee'', ".Beea~", UM tradiuo-.t tM 1houldtr ot btr tout eolor.,:l eon al their country club for out ·:·:-~- man:hn --.nd u b&ck,(1'001MI· to W-th df'fU of re-.mbrdckred or town l"U"U. ---:~;:: or Toronlo. Can.all•. wu aaatated prayer book Gii wh.lch w11 an by Don l'cter1 an I Biel Cullen. atllingti?\ent or E~harttl Iii.lei and 1fephanotl.a. t.U ceremony, '"Cl&Jr ck. Lune" I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;•;;-•'"'-;;;;",_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,,.;,.;;~:.:; wllh ''The Lewd'• Pny«°'"'.Nq 11 u tba ooupM kntlt for I.be bl.... ::: trlendt or th!".)'t)Un~ t""JI,.., In oOWN1:.·o j~ BLUE lll't"\ Ing at 01t· nuptial ni.au_ At:.endon1 the tinde were :>.tr1. Marcia dau~httr or ?.tr. and 1'"rank S1n1e.-4Ann Slmpaon 1 al Kra. HO¥rarcl Y 01.1n1IO\'CI of malron of h~: Km.&. lhr-..rt RJvtnide and 1220 w .. t OoMJt Carpenter, Roy~mcU anl) \h• Pront. waa rtven In keep1111 ~· Donna Hofboan and Oon- by her father to th• M>n of Kr. nl.e., Burke. brtddNU&ldlr. All ud MrL Earl Nordlund of ......,. 16-JMd &Jbce In UUM bill'! 1\lff~ In • double rlnr niuaL or1~ oter Wfota wtlh WMQ lbrt WM JOWa.td In Imported" t. .1.1\d atlppt.rt Lo ma.I.ch. n»y lfWlM Ol'landy ~er lnullUoo.al wo ... .twrl wht~ ~l'\ud ct.r• bridal aUn. TM tltlff. local' r:led eatteade bouquets ~ ...,Wte ..... 119d!c• had • w1de Koop fff.t.htted Chin... C~· IMdllht!t and brief. ahlrred mlUlla.. ......,. ·orna.qienled ..wllh Import-WUU..m At Brown wu beet td embroldared rnedalliona. The man and uaMra lncllldM ato ..tdabklM al9e topPed .... Pan· YO\lqtoft, 'nm Ander--., Bill •'-oC toe bouffant Mtrl. 'Wt&clrl Jibody. Wllluun NordlUlldt Nor- Md ti.ck full--..,tni' to ton Tou.nl'kJVe. Do. • ilrbllJW)'. a cb&pel lraln. ilcr tlqertJp Don Gould. Gay Hoocl and Ron ...U ot ll~ion wu ~Id In pl&Ct Qlumv•ay. bJ' a crown of nUnlatuni orpndy Tapem bl.U"lM!d In tail C..ndc!I· aedalllon1 and little clu.rter1 of abra at each tide at...tht main 9tOd pearla. Sh• ...Uned • white &lt.ar, adomed w1Ul Jarft apny1 Spanish W ar Ve t er ans l:f ono r Vi ce Commander With M mernbtr1 from out.Jdt Pt.at Nallon&I Pret1i~nt Ann eampa and a 1ar1• crowd from Calwnplt Camp No. 26 and Je1mler of On.ng~ County, fQI· IO\<o"ed by other dept.rtment of· The home wu decoratW with white 1ladloh11 and chryaantht- mumt, and ""'hlle candlu In all· ver oandei..lnL Hun1c:ane lalnPI ll~htcd Ult pmea. wM.re. no"°"" er• float.d In Uw .wbnmiftl' pool. Bu~nd ""'* ~ .. "rovlde-d by a Uu•e. p+eCt ord!H- l<L LBND A8818TANCll ltra. Betther Hun1er. aunt of the bride, ~nt rccepUon ald a.a did Mmu. Charle• Dutton. Coleman Mackel and RolMrt Weatbrook. Mn. Nectoa YoUlll'- love and Mn. Bea Y~lcM'•, •l1ten-ln-l1w of the bt'klt, ~"' In eharae of UM! SU"l book. M,.., William Brown. Uter of ;.he bri<kpoom, and little Marci& and Sl•pl!in Younrlove a!ttf' I.he eeremony bad dl1lributed rt~ ln blue m-pn• bll.11 tied vttth while •Un rtbbon. For the honeymoon, nnt al Enwnada and then at CanneL the nl.'W ltra. Nordlund WOf'll an empire 1heath of Capri blue faUle with ni.atchlng thort jacket .... LACS AND TULLE Lotilae. eacorted 1nd fiven In keeplnr by her falher, ..,, ... lovely ln her robe of white ChanUlly lact and tulle over t.affeta. The bodlc1. n1olded and with Jong 1l~ve1, had a deep 11qu1re dec~lletece embroidered wllh ...:I ptarl8 &lld ... u&u. 1'bl boulfa.nt skirt ,,._. topped' w&UI a ~UID ol. *'9 &nd fttrl- td to a.. wtdo e1'.-PtJ, t.rala. A 1&eo c.p kid the Utua&on ttU and •he carried a white Cattltya orchid •1lll & ahower of ntpha· noUt and rtbbona. Mra. RuaeU Dozier ot Okla- homa. City, matron of honor, WU (OWl'MKS ln wh~:n~rolder­ ed orpactY O"tor wit.II belHU JM1C1llin!, briH' al ....... and bouffant walti lenJlh 11drt. Tbt •mpl.rw. bodice wu ouWnH wtlll a band of mint srffn rib- bon w:tlh bow and f\111 ltncth atpam.ra at the b&ck. Her bou· ••t .wd ot. white. ce.maUou and miniature lty With tull•. BRID•Bll.AIDS BrlclfflM.ldlt won: sown• a.n• o&rrted ' bouquet. ldf!TfUC&I to thoae of ~ matron of honor. They inctuded Mmet. Wllllam Moore Jr .. Ray Pttler Jr., Fred Luhnow Jr .. J. 8. Goodwin Jr., and Miaa Sheridan Touncblood, au or Teu.a.' Auzillary No. 39, pn"1ent.. the nocr1. f"ollowlng pre-enlatloh of &nd black atteuoriet. She wu knt.a Alla American Le11on lei• t'b r.tr. and ?.tra. '\\>'.1.ffle by graduate-cl laat year from the Hall wu tilled A ur. 13 wtth Lhelr twtn daulj'.htera, Ole p~ lJnlv•rtlly of Colondo wl\et\I ~ Bp&Jilah·Amerlcan Y.'ar Veterant I gram commltltt. Mr1. Una Pat~ wU &ff!Utled with Delta G&m- a.ncl t.belr wivea al ~ rccepUon more and C4!orge ~ll\lcr. pre-ma .tororlty. Her hutb&nd at- -aenled MIN Sw1&11 Brimmer, tended U. c. L.A .. then tr&Mfer-Harbor Rest for Dlfpart.me.nt . Senior Vk:e teltvtslon irtJ•. ""'bo •ng folk red to Un1..-ert1t7 of caJlfomia Ocrnmander Charin Watne and .tong• of different naUon.t. de-where he wlll complet. hi• Memorial Perle hi. Wife. boUi member• of the monatratln1 thf! nauonal <.'Oa-1t.udiea. He la a member. of .. oarl!-tatew• loca.l oamp. tumH ot acb. ftdrMbnw:nU. Thtt.-. pt fraternity. ~ o....t&l'J' camp Commander Frank' Row-wen arve4 by Jilra. Patmon The coupM will be al born,. ill ...,._ u o ...... l&nd opened t.M me-eunr I.hen &lld~;·~.,~·~-:;::~·~-;====~~a.~,·~·~··~y~att;"~°""'~~·~· ====~===:i;:::;::;::;::;::::::;:: turMd the pvel over lo Put -:: Dlp&l1.lnent Oommaadtt Frallk IUilfJ' ot Lona BMch who act- ed .. ftl&lltel' ol coremonl-. Hl&· MJ and atne •rvod toSt"ther In 1-. Opentni ctTemonlea lnduded DeparUMnt Bo~ Mt. ll1la WaHwr lltnfln.g the MtfiOll,tJ and the invoaL· UOI ltJ rt.ment Chapl.l.lft Da'tid Yoe escort lffm pt'fftftt.od the Nd rue•t.a. Main apeaken ~rt- ment Commander • \Y. oroen or &m Tran • PARKls-RIDLIY ~ . MOl1VAIY -1 ..........,., ~ O..pel SPECIALIZI NG--IN--fabrics FREE -ESTIMATES SLIP COVERS DRAPERIES CURTAINS UPHOLSTERY HARDWARE TRAVERSE' TRACKS CURTAIN RODS Kimberly 2-9618 . We mahttein ow COTTONS NYLONS RAYONS WOOLENS SEWING NOTIONS • ...,. drapery -k ..:-.V 4TH AND MAIN 7i •SANTA ANA ' ' PATIO FURN,ITURE STARTS TUESDAY, AUGUST ZITH I ALUMINUM • LOUNGE ... -.. ·-·"--'17'5 laclwoocl LOUNGE _______ .__ --"!rs DaluxeAlmnlMm CHAISE LOUNGE Deluxe Redwood CHAISE LOUNGE • Rog . $26'5 29 .95 Reg . ,$23'5 26.95 . 7..ft. l'tdlo Reg . UMllELLA 21 .95 w ... Pote 7.~. P'atio UMllELLA --. laclwoocl • 42..i.cJt UMllELLA TABLE Stock CHAIRS Reg: 24.95 Reg . 18.95 Reg. 7.95 ,I • , AJ9111lllmn LOUNGI CHAii • Reg-. 17.95 14-ladi R,eg. ~95 IAIROUE 2f.95 ~wtul.lfte. ........ ' &OW TEllM9 1'0 .UIT YOUR 1•c!OM• -. . -- ,,.. . . ... :: ·: . ' • .. • • ~- "\I ...,_:"' -O.ta Kt9 -OP'EN FRIDAYS 'Tlf 9 P'. M. NEWPORT FURNITURE . Co., Inc. :; ---+--1 u "'" Parlda& Tick•'" Valldated al MI Parldmg 1-. Liberty 1-1113 < • • • ' • ' .. • •• I , ,A$E I · PART I -NEWpr HAaoa NEW$.IRESS • ... ..... __ ..,.-1lo --- MONDl.Y,.~ 27, 1"6 - CHOW LINE .... °""' CS D ... .... .. ............ -a.,a., ____ , - - -... -ar....Dup;tw~ ........ • -• ....., _ ~ w ...,. ai.t0 .. ao 1111t11a t-. • •J& ..... ...,.., .. ...,._ •• , ,.... ____ -..... _ ....... ,.4J ....... ~ a.I"" ............... Mr -...... 't''. ... ....................... ..,. .... ,a..*' ....... .. ....... .. • ... ,.. a ..,. ,... .......... ,._, _..,. In'-1'nw -~ ,, .. ~· ,..,.. .,ci:1;--;;..; ....... ~ ... .......... ... ... ... ..... n~ .... ., ....,. ................... Ila. ~ 1\11 a """"' ir... ~ ~ ,... i. o. ._ f6 11.e. ,._, &J t l'a a.. · Qdlw, ... 111:14: "'*-... .._.a ....... ft:ll ~ ~;;;:, A.ICtllllt ... ,. • •• .. 7 .... ... ... e. .... .... er..... ..... l::lA • 1 .. 11 .......... ~ 1:11 .. hr .. '*' -...... lib f*W .r tW.;t Jlla'9 a pllit tNIUt -. ... w fw • ... -. el ~ let WI 1:4.0: ~ ~ Mil lklll .olit.lofta.I et; ... •J h9 tlM ...,._ wt .-.. 1'11 ,__ -_!II A ... wCI .. ONdll. 1:11 • 2:JA.. t 4:'.\y ~ lip u . ~ Mt\ • .. ,,.nl • ~ wWdt WOQW ~ t,.,. •• ftM~ .. i.111tWR•'*""'-Uit111A(d .. '. ....... wlllflf ltl_. ,._.,..'-.......... ftoMd ,_or~ i. t. ~ «r a .etdl hf t .. 1• ,_, ..... «re-..... "*" OI lllatswtt• wtU wdt ~ 111!1 tllrlli ,_,_ .. tro. fMlll ~ • ~ I _. &o __. ... Uri* ..... tM9 o...,_. .... '-~ ...... Ule oe..1aaod A-.~~~--.::-~ ff• would"°" pto,..-tY own- "'-..._,_th_ .. -... cr1 - 4 at.~ ltl. ,.-,.--·~ en wtt. ,..w .-i &WI' own p;.ridt ~ dplJ' -' ~ bie Newport B4iCllU ~ a..... OM-...... .,...., Kl..O.· _,. for tt.. .,.._.. '""'" UM .. -_-_ ........... _to:...~-..._. aJt rli''t -~~ ~ t;Ot • IJ:OO; ta.llloa dt,y ,_. pluted .~ -tnaln• J'U't-' ta )l_.,.,. ~ Wt.t ~ INa 8\. to tht Polftl I; Wn. lbw. '1 '-lMtlt;r ~ 1-.;...---------------~---·-1.c 1"'t-. ..... win ...... rwtQi WJ•« .. .,._ .... ·~ 11. 1: t-NJy. =·~ ··-... ~ orMt <:l!Mtt• IA attr (UUI .._. tluo.tCli ~ lt..1: l'lnll llUt do'H au ht ~ Ille• Ha.,... ..... qt lnjpa A.._ '!'JI Md 8ettllWI 0,..._ I • 1: TtUr4 ~ ~ thl dtillMI walk. ._... tn.ul*iation wtb .,. Or~' -1:to: l't:Mlrt.h uld nnta ., .ut kl... ot patU ttwit ~ tor an iow.,,-irrMa ~-OrW& ' • a:.... woukl tlke lft their dt)'. Att.r .._ bt tMa • .._ n · 11 ..-X..,ort lldlMa 1c19oo1 ~ •tt. lhq Hw to an w1u. ll4SIH1Ss.MUS11Y' '51 011 of 'All-Ti•• It.at' fearJ,-Says ~111 .Con1,l1y ltioped that it wtU M po111111-. to wtD Ille f'nina Wut N..-port from tham. • ~t &w ... u. aad ~ tw:'ta AM ftWf l""°""' ~ J----------o..d9 ~ tNm llfolttor. It.; Ubo. .-an.... H""J)Ol't ..,.._ ..... "--18...,."-""'"•wo--0-. Tioo Late To• Hewpott BaJINNt. Aavlnp a.I'd IM Jett.tr"• ~ta who forMH Bc.hool. , , KJ.nderpJ'ten lh1'0Qtl PIYe -~ Lou-Uoa.lollo ........................ -_.... llAV·BEL.ttl: ......... ~GnMl•OO.lh~ ..... c1 ....... .. l1 tJmlMN and .-1. ~ Jett• ..,...u, ta ~ ot ecwt·run It ff ttwy lMt ._. ... J'ln. ~ monuna • ...... tod6y, tt.d_.. anJy •ca• ~ &. Waln-~Uou. wtU bt'S.t• l'ettln,s WW. mi;. 1·11; (Wftlt.._Hewport. teth BL 1----------- tut:ropM can l'IOW l"'fVftll 111t '"If .orb ~~~~.!1"ue UMJ 08 resllitn.\k>n dAJ' Md tM ftnt I to Lh4I eanta AAA Rtver. Cliff n-llel• WuW troul klq ~ 61 tbl all·Ulna IN1' .aart l ......--.t a&&blKa-~otacbool. maee.,._..cbailN S,.~n and Udo Jilel; KJnder-lo;;.....oo""'•..:.=="'----- ~.l_,. for .AIMr1cu llUlf.·1------------lln ~ ~ a,lld prtea, alt--· 11 . !: IN•· PART TDd .Wt1tMl.Dol maa FO RMED ' HERE SATUR'l:.\A Y • ~ lndumtr)'. a.a· N011C 1t.opa an IHICle9ary ud It ~ port fl;dPU to lrrine AYe.J terr tr.Oar parlL tJdo YUlqe. .. Importul • .,, .. o ml< ,.,.. • ., ... TH I ,,_ .. ,. .. _...,,_ .,,.. ... ...,.,.,.0-..1-2: u .... ,..,... 111<34 · From left. Tom Cox and DJck Richard cet ptatd' at the l'Mdy during firll priN9"' uve c.....-.eterta.d Uta rwuUn.a' 1ehedute. "nllrd o....s.. 1 • J:SO: ll'ow1h CL NINO'" w ll'tlnc«l. annual OeMolay breakfut in Colt& Mesa Park. Serving them ia Ora.nee year to date. \M '9lttir. "Bwli· m ••am o. .DOPD 4 Parent . T-.eber O\lfde 1i1 ud l'UUI Or..te.. 1 • s. !~ ~~xi-WW.• or County Supetviaor Heinz Ka.iler, ccr•poqsor of the break!ut with Richard. ""' and Real r.t.ta ~." l'tmt!ral _..t.o.1 tor Qarenc. l't•an ea.eh child. ftll ~con-Bon.ce EN1p 8chool taku all ol'ieJilm• JJ .23 hr. Ku. as11. polnta out. cililll' the*: C. Dodd. 41; ot Ut ·vta Jucat" t.aiM web IN'onnaUon aa; aci.ooJ -.Venth •Gd ,E1rhlll or.a. 1tu· \ ' a!k:tiT An eetimfted 4.00, penon.s had been merved Wore 11 a. m. -pick Koehler Total output Ml upanded .,..,. bekll tod&J at :I p.m. ln talephoM numMn. ~-41ibt.t J.n U.. Nawport Be.ot ICle· i ---------~-- Photo deq&ll decli.MI Ira two major B&lta Kort\W'J Chaptl. Corona u.. -.u pe..-.at. t••*'as llMlnt&rJ Bc:bDol DllU1ct &lid -----------------,-------------------1.cton or tbe .oottotl'\Y. iuto-ckJ. Kar wtth the Riv. Jame1 B. ~I. ~,.. tor ,.,_i-etxtb On.de •t1ldellla from all %4-Seboell. h9tractio9 , motnl• and ho.inr: auw.n of It. Anctnw'• 'Preeby-lll( u.nc... and 9lhtr lafonna.. u.... not lptdtlcally de•il"rmtf!d REAL EST•TJl 'sc:HOOL RES,_!u.R!O.~ .... ,, Vidim Len·1~t But Police t .. '!:. ·:::.";" =.: .. .= '-::. '=" =~w:u .... :: :-.: ::':::o::=:. ~~ .. -....... a.....,"'° t• ""•1 Tr'": .......... -..,.,.. ._ ....... J t.ary and c.'redlt t?Ofic*: l'flwot, OMo.. Md bad um berw: wtU peliYa • q.fat.tia __, fM ------------ll now at lilt 8. Malrl st.. cr naultatlon Mrrictia tor th• T k J •1 • c tod n. f"Ml.,& ..,,.,..man hu not flll' Jltae ,...n. H• <:a.ma to Call-tbl lltOftth of~ .... ,.... llEW FOREMAN Banta 4n&..JO. l·'rttL It.art• a e UYenl es In Us Y been and ll bot )lkelJ to ba ~ ~ tn lnl ud bad --la trau.. 61.y, &Od .u:b iDoaut ft la.r t.M atchtlt. ~ar of .UC• ~~1c!ua1~r:~d=~d H:ic:: , turbid by UM JOittlCU cam· tba srocer7 bulM9 la (Jleda• uwN.n.er ~t UM 9Cbool C'Hlt\lllJ ~nl" people tCJ • 1tudy of th• complete city re-""·• .,_.__ ot •• , •• -., ~and. lak llnca comt11.s Mn he; waa 1-.r. (0-..._. ~ P&f'9 1) '*•OW Bt.ate'l:x:am.1. &tpta 1 t bo d -~•t ...... ...,..,...."' n.a ._..... Into cwitody IM juvenile court · Bu.tnea1 reneraU7 bu en -. •--•nl m • •a 1 • r 1..-.t .._. tho _, al ... _ all theAr --and ,. .... P-venut pc uno. n c•a---y ~·-..... ,,let two_ .... ro-··•·-U 1 -· ~---• otrtle. •·-1 -~ 1-....,. ' bo d d b\ nd J Uon .....-a ,-wi. ....--.,, .c on. n • ...-IV• a --foir JUcbard'o Jl&rkat. Be WM & Bona &nelp ~-----lq. He cNdl.U thll -vat.I .tde •r ......... __ 1'1..-~ 1n n e . • pro ec .,.... ••-y WON ••• L ...... -bo I ~ • -··· -·-·-t ----,,.. -_. ....-.-. .-<c ... <1t 1Utur1 rf'vf'nue and obllJ• """ "'-' ... e Y• weno 1 op..--. Y __, Tb4I kt!Ar -...,. .. .,, ayor-lllilmber ot the loceJ Clltl [AJd:le. ca--'•-and. wtUa uttfd-•AA job ot lcMJl&nr tWn posted on tha 1 • atl'allnr a carton of ctra-ttn Vlei&!. 1mp'-ea of Rlcb&rd·a. t°'· __..,.. r, tba ... Mt'• _....., --BLACK. ........... -••-hi! U<,na. Hook al.kl 1t.ated a por. and a uart ol =llk 1~-the -:1 abl• Jl'l"'D"t--or , lluntYON &rti ht. 1w1f .. li&r)'; Inc,_.. ln ~lb &nd l:tthlll 18.tfft ln plant. and •h.nlbbery. ........ ..... nry ren ..... , c • tJon or the work to be done bJ r__, ,t!,e bl.It pollea wer• in· Jow'lnr a purwult lflto the parkiq foorth qU&tter wlddl .. It appear• -. Mlft. ~~ ~ OM 6au&b· Ohde •1U·oummc_ It. ll ._,., Cal p1aJW to conce11trate on drtln'• pet. hu had •hotl. Mlllt. h11 company would Incl de ' """' lot about ll a. m. H• held lbe wUl be lha bellt ....,,,_., ol th• t.r. Jin. 8v.aa JO)'ft BllM of to tnnlf1r ...... of t.ba 8txth the tree pruninl and ipraylna' llrll. LJ.. ... 1111. ~ u cllned to be le .. lenlenL T'heJ car ll•Y• unUI tht errival ot " ..-· 1------------ba•tc NlpGrt for council advtre took the two 11_ ur-old bo 1 ri of ya:r. J'ullertoo; hi. tapter. Oeorl'9 0...-de to tbe JlaitlOrVi.wkbool. p~ here tn the weelc.e and t or a citizens rommnt~ UM Y Y Rlcti.rd. A third boy, d Ve!' Th• bis economSc new• 90 far Dodd. of Boulder, Colo.: and four Ena. tUllUy. u th• ~rlct COD• ahead. '"Tb• Corona del Mar 4.8-B--HOUMll for Ren' I the car, not Involved In th• a.I· U>lo "-loll-o••tea hU in preatntinr the bond n1easure year, u• -.... · -'Aen. Mn. Waunlla Ireland of Unuee to rr-. It le axpect:.N 1rea eapectalJJ need. trlmmlna: . to the voten DOLLS lered theft. paid Sl fOf" the 11.eme been th• contlnult1( UP'Q.rd re+ Lons BMcll. )Ira. Mayme Rktl· tb&t all 8iilh Grada d!.IJdttn wUI badly," he declarO!'d. ..Stronc TWO BEDRCX>M home, 1a,..,.. Aocordlng U, tntomu1.t!on pre-and •polo(laed tor h i• comp-n· vt.km of new pla.nl and equip-ard.e. M.ra. Bet'&. Bilen~r. Mn1. ro to the lower rnr.de .cbooll. wlnda alone the blurr..._1no11 rtu•·i f'nc'°9ed yard, rumllhed. Udo 1rnteq. to the rouncll thla morn· Ian• actlon.1. n1ent expendlturel prorr•f"•· Gn.ea ICUele,'all of CoJon.do and 1)me de'vol.ed tor cluRoom in· inc th• winter could caulf! ni&?Y lele, by ye1r JI~. Call owntr Ing, the but Umt" echedule tht.t (CenUnued from P•re 11 Richard told thtm. "I won't Thl!M upendttur., It addl, now two (T&l'ld80na. .fiuc:uon bl &II Ht.th GradN wtU ot lhe branchu to t'ruh do\o.-n ,.fttr 6:30 p. m. T1:1·mlnal 111n be propoMd tor compleUon . Be11t WWi"&". nm.' Belt)' Jae.II· report Ulf' ln<:ldent to the police. ...ent cart.In to exceed aa llWlon Remain.I will ba forwarded ta ba ldenUcallJ lh• ama. Wbllf' and creale • h&&ard." ; fl-6210, M"f<:rtncf'•. MctO or th• re.ervolr would be 1& to llOll, 12; 9t'COnd. Pam Brown, 12. Let Oo4 forfive your •Ira·· dol1&r1. 26 per c.nt more lh•~ Lonrmonl. Colo. for turtt>ar .er· I the ~e Sn.lip Bchool day '-' He alao pWna to noplant all - l!J monlhll. J Nlctat baby doll, first. klthle But ot'flcer• lndlcal.ltd they l14.t .y-r'1 record·bruklnr tote · ..tcu and tntannent by Balta .omewhat -k>nl"er than Ulat at ai·ea1 not ad9qu•trly pl11nted 1.f9--RoQm• for ReJlC Thi• maq that, at bffl, New· Wat.ennan. I ; lttODd Manha wtl'I not wWtnr to wait until ·•sue-nrme, accordi"I' to Mortuary ot Corona Mt M&r. I Harbor v..._., the dlttentnc" Ira alld will · trim ahrubbtry 11nd port Stach wtll bt faced W.lh On.ham. t . theft. Through tbe Sf11ope\'i.nt, reooenl re.port&. ,plan to continue Uma ii taken up bJ &ddJUon&J ttff9 at the end.I or rentf'r ROOMS with kitchen pn~ea. another .wnmer ot sbe>rt water Be1t t~orei1n doll, t1r1t. Su.an they heard or lhe lncldtnt and 1ucb txpendlturu &t hl&h level• OZOlt&e WITllEtAL4 I ~ lime· •nd·time ,.,..t•C 'to dlYidlnc 1tripa In Balboa and 3214 Broad 9L, He.rbot' 1144. •upply. Fo!Jowlnr compjtUon or Blclnner, 10; ..::ond. Und& L&f-went k>olltn1 for the 'JOUlha. tor th• nut Ulrea y-ra." aay Oeorp Wltherall, ~. ol MIO I dttMl.n( tor Ph,..tcaJ ICducat.IOn Balboa lalanc:t to f'llmln1te traf· ~T the ,._nootr, City 1 1Jfh:ittr lerty, 9. L"I' effect on th• economic •11· I:. Oeeali P'roal. 4kd J'rlday at ' lkrt Wabb told the co1• 1cil. It Tod , N y tem ln Ula yeara a>w..d." bta hom• /after an ~ W· SOllOOL BOUNDOJ.U Btst dnew<! doll Melinda Cal· 8 $ will ta.U lour lo •ix monlh• to lenUne, 10., ,....., Llnda Fr&mt!, y • • Tb• lettar aummartsee oilier neaa. He wu .. nau.,._ ol l'faw· Cor-oa• del Mar lchool pupa. ftD It. t-• .. dland •nd bad been a rMl• coma fl'om ~ 11.t Mar Boutll • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • GOLD COAST I Ootltl--4 '""' Pace 1 l to protest. DlnklUn (4 antr1M1, Blue.Jaekel. Bob D&a'rett. Balboa YC. ~h.m&n 12 41 ffltl1NI. Tomopteru. Tom Slc•bill, NHYC. Penequln c 101. SUCltja, Chuck Weber. Alamlloll Ba, YC. Sabot illL l"ffulU w11.Aheld. Skimmer ( 7 I, Try o~. Bud Horton. AJ&. rnltoa. Snowbird Jr. {31'),, JI.Ult M"-<I, George Vande:rroort, Ltdo lale YC. Boowbtrd · Br. t:Z• !. Blue Jay, Jim W~ e NHYC. T. S k R Import.ant a.spectl of th• butl· .,.... T" • toe eport n--'•ture ... Ill• ....... tblllty or dellt bera tor lbrw ,.. .... i.. rw .. ot Hisb•aJ 101, a.Jlloa bland, • WH. -~Is . Moat doll.I IUlt~rtd In ahow. a--r--... H lo -·-od B··'°' •·•·-• --Bo• --• ' a """'• demand tor llOT model lerton alnce 1 . • ._ .. ,,. .. --. , anu 0 0 nrmt, , AteUnda G&MenUn<:. 10 . ..._. •·· ..1 ........ -... lrTllM TerTM'e' ltiftda ..... _ W Yo•• STOCK ••PQRT lautomo!llea, · conUftuatlon of by one eon. ...... r_ "' ,._..,; . ··-• • .econd. Unda Durtuuu, 10. HI: n.n. ,...., nou.inc demand.e at a ~war Je'ffl three JTll.OddiUd,_ and al(tll 1:15 • 11 :ltl; nrsl and leoond • • &ft doll cotlectlon, nnt. M•y· -By B. J. Jl'o&.y. DMll Wltt<:r tha.n IUt yesr blc&UM al U1ht ~ ,Q,....., 1:16. 1;1&: 'nllrd Onida. • • ett.e. •IU1 R.aynell Leealek. •c• Co .. B;anta Ana: mortpa'• cndlt and t&Uure1 ot ServlCfll war;. held today at 1:15 • 1:4S'; rotirUI Grada. 1:1& • • DOING • • and I : a-eond:' Bon.Ilk Avila. 00"'..IOHU AVZRAGM MnM b~ to make hOUMI at• 10 a.. m. ln Balta 001tc Meaa 1:10. e : 11. _ Wladual."-1a ·· ...HT.•J down ·41 tr.cUYe to bu,.e,.. Ute !mi-ct of Cb.apd wttb Ute"*"'· )oaepb W, Kl.'1lor Vlaw Bcbool pu.pll• wlD • • OldHt <loll. ftrat. Electra Sul· 20 Rail-11)..'rl down .ll UMt Federal hJ(h.._, coruitnae-MeSli&lWI ot Ocitlta M .. Ocml-be from 0orrona «kl Kar North • • lon, 12; eecond. snnclra Ganl· 16 Utllllle. . 11.15 down .oo t~ Protram. and a n...:t tar mu.nltJ M1t.boGll Cll ore n of· of lllah•a1101. 8'on Oil:ta. Co-: T. M. Hambrook. yaur Ttft9bont Ml"l:ler Ml NewPort Stich • W II 7 I I U M J 1 P. rn. Vot.me Tit.... 1Umut.lloM of ramny· .. vi .. -f\clatln1. Dlterme11t wu at Lorn.a ran& H~. Hubor Ill( .. 0 • e , ; •pee a men on. n1. . 63 ..... N . Judd, 860 \Y, Jtt.h St.. eo.ta A.merk&n Smelll"I' ...... ··-% Pf'OST&l'NI· Vista Memorial pan., hl)erton. l&ndl -Or&Oa9 ~ • • e e e • • e • • e • ea • • • e e e • e e e • e ~ • • • • a I • f Mea. Americ•n T1lepholle . ···-· 181'4 1------------~---~-------~--.:----------A.naconda . .... ...... . .. ....... . 13 Bel9l rar doU. nn1t, E~n1 Chryaler .......... ··-··-··"· ..... 18!4 8\rttoa. 12; 1eeond, Dore Button. DuPont ··-··· . 200'tti • 7 · General Elklric ....... -...... 12 J~ from UIC Ha'l9or .cl'll.~ 3enera.l,Motor11 • 4T ler ~t the Eutern 8tar we~ Gimbel Broa. . . ... .....,.. . 2T ------------IMIP"Polly Owen, Mt1.• Dort. Great North•m R.R. ........ 41 ~ and Mn. LfotUc< Brinc»ro-American 4 vi•tlon ... t6'1 Diaper Set Doings ~~~~~~~~-1 AlnonC" th• new babia r.port • ed am..tng In the m•tem.lty -rd ot Hoar Hoepltal thl.I w.ek were: A.. daqhter. Mr. and M.rw:. RoJ Hirata. 4TO E. 181.h Bl., Coet.a )(-., Au.s. 22., ' --------- Baden, ~ Acacia Ave . New· port Beach. A.up; 23. A. boy. Mr. and Mni Charita ftuueJL 702 Marigold Avl'. New · port 8-dl. A.ur. 23. N. Y. !'entral 3T1J M11y Co. 3911 Moo~niyOO 37~ Safew1y Ston'I! ............ !IT Sinclair Oil M ~ ~. C.l. F:rli.kln '49'• 8landard OU of Calif.. GO ~ Bo. Pacific 49~ '"' ... , "" A. .:on, Mr. and ' Mr•. Jllmea Stoffle, ill 40th St .• Newpo Beech. '.A.Us· :IJ.. ""--. Mr. &Dd Kn. John ~============--======,,,,===o:=====-,-,..,---------------- None of that cold, hwt.ltut.ional atmoephere here! Instead : a cordial welcome. friendly personal in- terest and eaay ifttorm4.lity ... plu immediate eervice and "'8ny frtt utra 1e"ic8. No wonder ao many folkl are cbansinr t.o U.S. National W~donlJttL ~ 11Ma°""'1 ' .... ''YEARS-AHEAD" Once again ~ichfield translates • Promise into Perform~nce with its new $10,000,000 platinum catalyst refining unit W ith th• compl•tlon of thle l'em•rk· Anfl -.11•1/y lmporl•11t-llti• .t'flc'-nt -.w able equipment, "lchfleld contlnwee It• tradition of providing W••tern motorlat• with product• that aftfl- olpete rather .than follow advariced tr9nd• In automotive englnffring. No milter wh•t IM deman#• of fomol'l'Ow'I 111tomobilH •re for mo,. 11ow•rl11I 111•1•, tltl• "' w l•clllty will •• r••dy -•• It I• re1dy now-to more tlta1t 11tl1fy •II req11lrem1nt1. refor•er wlll •••111• "we1ter11 motorl•t• vn!"-f111ntff1H of top.,,.,,,111,,, ftHI• al tit• IOWNI JMH•lll,. CHI. Thie gl'eat new platinum refonner I• the ta .. et etep In fttchf'-ld'• never• 1 endl'll prqram of ••P•nelon and development-ml dffletn'4 to .. ,.,,.. you tNt ltlehflelCI petro .. um prod°. uet• •re trvly .. )"9Ar9-•h••d" and wUI continue to be. RICH Fl.ELD Quality petroleum products to mHI Ill• growing needa ofVle WINI -- ~ It's more than a job-Ifs a career Dkt you blow tbat om out of every a,.. teiepbO. 1DeO u...,.. been wttb PaclAc Telepbane .,...-20 J..n'!' One ovt ot four tet.pbona women bav. been. with ua o~ten Man7 ba¥9 hem wlt.b ua tnvc.h km.eel'.' For a t.elepbcme • mucb mor. lhaa jwit a job. It'• a <:ar'MI'. AJld ., and womtn 1alD Yaluable uperlence, tbey move up to wllb mora ,... 0apamibUlt7. Tbla afvea all of ua at Paci& Telepbooa a 9eDM ol. accom.pu.bmenL And It me&Oll that your telepbOM aarvSee la alwa)'I tn th• banda of *'ll tnlbed, expwleft.Cl9d ~-!t ineana better se"toe to yoU. The men and ""°""9n of tl'•cifJe Telephone work to nuik• your t•laphona mor. t.rMfwl .,.,., day, • •• close .. JOUr t1hpJIOM Well, lhq'U eoae bt padc.l ap and olf to tcbooL AM U.. U.. atam-baq actifit7 thtlt'• blen JOinC Oil all -·· ...... aiow -.. -ll'U .. -.i. But it'• • pod bet. -tbt. • -. ,..11 .. .._ ........ ...... __ .. _ ... .... DOW to .... nplu' 5 $ llGllW -""",,.., ..,, ........ •W&>' ac. "1aool um eoeUn& .......... Youcaatlil~to "'"---11Do'U .. ..,,...... ....... -....... d .......... ...u:y...,.,.. clall7 aft.-.~ -.... ......... ...,~ - ''We .Are C-.rh19 w.._, An Y•r' w ...... .-..a11hd&Tw1rt 011 , .. , ...... ...,~ c:i.-t7 ~MW. .. ' 1••• -· t -c:: .... ......... ~, ••••• .,,_..... e ... a e • .. c B,,,. _, WMer Ca = -. llMllr f.W. .......... fll W'M~f' .. W.. ..... tlilf L •tt ....... H-.... ....... 11 ... ~ .. no ..... ..... ....... • ._ .. ,. Ws 2lilllfi"9 tar. -S .. ldl .... ...... II Ill ...... .W ._ ... 0-IB .... __,"' 9"17- -SllJ 1 r ~ 11,...,. .... .._...,wac-. .... ...-,..,......_f u,......-..._. .. __ ..,..,_... . .... ....... w1t7 ... tell ,._. OI!"' O.•c: •f 0 "" er W&b><r~1' • , • --·~·-~ .. ··~·-. -··-· I t ,. ' • • • .,8ACK TO OLDEN DAYS -These &t"ven future firemen bop aboard the ol~time fire""'agon for a Utt to the other land• of Disneyland when 1~ N~Pres1 ca.rrien vieited there lattt week. From left to right next to the firemen are ; Jim ' • MOMlAY, AUG. 27, ~956 Walt&e, CcJd... Mesa, Patrick Portier, Newport HeightA, ~t McCall, Newport Height.a. Larry Groh1, Newport, Gary Lowe, N"-i><>rt Height.a, Mike Peblkf!, Corona_ del Mar, a.nd Joe Vie.gner, Coat.a !.tea.. -Staff Photos by Dick Reddick More Fun! • • •• • • . . PART TWO. PAGE ONE WITH A ROAR -"Rodding'' around the free- way al Autopia in Tomorrowlao.d behind t'A'O Sacramento Bee carrien is a black hat, under which Gary Lowe of Newport Height.I iJI ~ piloting through the _heavy traffic of youngsten . -· ~-t"". Du r1ng t he monlh of Aucuat 70 Ne-.,..P1·e11 new1i-.perboy1 compl'tl"d tn a contdt tor a i:tl; t o ot.Myland. 'I1ie 14 t911 ca.r· Tjt'rw of the i1ronth.. qua~ to •pend a day In Dl.ney1and. • ' ~ OUT -Popcorn time, and here Jon Pomeroy or Anaheim aella a box full to Pat Portier of Newport Heighta, Onlookers a're Will Nott, Gary .Lowe, and Lt.tty Groh•. OPT l"Oll FANTA8YIAND i A· ceaebrity bead• for Fanta1yland a.a Gra.n t McOtll. Newport Helchta. fint place winner in contest. and hil: cousin Bruce McConnell of El Monte ride the Main Street Trolley to the Plu.a . • • • • A rran1em~nui were mad a t hrouch Ed Meck ot the P\lblic l'tMlaUora Del)t'rtmcnt of Disney• land to pro\1de Ule boy• wtUt enough Ucket bookJI lo keep them b111v for a tt.v The exctted 14 arriv.d al 9 am .. left al 3 30 pm.. •nd were l-0 bu1y "they wtrt la-t from the photographer moat ol the d11.y. Carrlen 11.ltendlnK Wfll e Ron Noble. S..y•hore•. Larry Gron.. Newport .BMch. Dick \\llLUam· ..on. Balboa: ~U'lte Pchlkfl and R&pdy ReOOtcat. O:i1!Dn& del Mar; PalAc:k Portier .. ·~dy Young. o.ry Lowrl', Griull McCall 1t1n1t place-In OM coeten1, and Will N ott. Newport ' Hdeh~: Jim \\/all.a, Jot' WaJTler, ,and Bob Wal1ace. Co•I• Mf'a&. "HOT TIME IN THE OLD TOWN" -To prove it, Dick \Villiami1on, Balboa, cools oft on the way to the Santa F e Train station for a ticket to JoTonUer- land. Bruce McConnell. Jim \Valt.z.e, Joe \Vagner, a.nd Buddy Young, Newport Heights, wait in line. Not shown in the pictures were Ronnie Noble, Bay- ahorea, Randy Reddick, Corona del Mar, a.nd Bobbie Wallace, Ca.mpue Estala. WEI.I.., A Gl:\''S GOT TO EAT! -Refrooh- menta. and here Jim \\7a.lue, J oe \Vagner and Mike rehlkc pause at the Advcntureland Ca.fe- t.eria before boarding the Nile Prlnce9 for a ride through the Crocodile and Hippo country. . ~ .,..-~..,,---:. ,,..,---.--.,,--- ' r ' • • ~· J (}ovemmenl R·EA DERS ·WRITE • lldlW: "'-..... • --..... M -•• ~D IT O RJ A LS -.....,.,, ...._." ooro. ......................... .,,_. .. tc I_. «1e1t .C N..,.a: ...... ...._ .;-. ~ ud tora tUt.._ ..... •••: C•• w. ~ 11s r1·110..,~ .. • . . ... Cooperation .Is r os$ible; : ::.)E~~~pa~ ~ !!_a~1:.~!:.~ .... _ evuy llold at -·or-pbnu.. would._. to 1'e one-; llut at -la ....,..tloa, u bonillod la IUCh 1111e ""'""' tllrotlPout thO Nrwport 11Mcb -Colla 14-~by uio N-rt Harbor Ullloa HIP School 8 mer llecnatlotl Jll'Ol1'l'lD, INdl coopet'- aUon "' ble. A1ld pethepa th-adYOc&IM ol utter oeparaUpa between Newport and Iha -· aad .,. thooo wbo would Nttber d!Vlde the Corona del 14&1' dlatrict 6-NeWport llfa<h, could talte • 1-on from the b1Jb tchool proji.m uader Reett&Uot> Director V '"""' Allen. Lui week, the hil!i ochool'o 11U1111Der --Uon program compleWd Ito "lltth 1ND1JDtt. 'l'lie dally average attendance wu appro&lmately 48CS. T'ht.t la the number ol chlldttn mlllnl dill)' -ol Coota ~ Park, the ~h ochpol,• and Harpor aad Monti Viola Sehoola la Cool& 14-• Amon1 Iha orpnloatloal the _..... WU carried on ln cooperation ":!~ were eo.ta'.M.eaa Park Bo&id, Coot& l4eM Elementary School 1>1ob1ct, the National Amul<an lied Cr-, 'the Boyl' dub ol the ' Harbor Arn, Oranre Cout Co1le1e and Newport Beach RecnaUOlllJ Department. The high ochool program !umlahed three lull· Ume and one part-Ume wpuviaor in cooperaijon with ~ NO"(l>Ort Be&ch ncreatioo p-. They. worked ot Newport Harbor Youth Center, Newport Be&ch Puk and Honce Ena!"' SehooL • la put ~. the blah Khoot liNsran> handled tit"' 'ptaypounda In -peratlqa with the Newport BHch Elementary Sehool Dlktct ..-' until creation of the Newport Beach ....,..UOa oet·•P uader Bob Gln1· rich. Glnpich olmply took ov.r whet wu already la Qlotcnce; 'juot u hu ·been done In reprd to N9'!'P0rt'1 participation lP the summer bueball pro- ,.... tauached maay yeara 110 by Harbor Boye' jtlub. • ..,. Attendance 11,.... In .th• hJah IChool IWIUDer pfOJf&Jn, u slvJD above, do not Jnclwle tbe bue,.U program, nor tho hiJh ochool'a Wat.er Silttyl'fe): inm Jn cooper;aUon with. the Bbl er-'Ille Wot.tt llalety Prornm lnvolm IWlmmln1 c1-a~ ~h ochl>OI· pool and beach areu at Bo.Ibo& Mand, -cblna Co~e. Newport llfa<h and Bo.Ibo& l'ealalUla ' ud Small Craltl cl•-• ot the Ot&l>s< Cout Col· -lei' Bue bHlde the Sea .Scout Bue. ==-. Totol partlclpaUoa In the owlmmln1 IUld omall ~=ltaltl otanda at ~95. :: ~ Cooperatlori 18 poeeibJe in the Harbor area. It :-._ ould be striven for -yea, even 1D· lhe pollt.lcal .. ..;:._ MUe, whenever poulble. ·---· • mt· -t.bo .atmaopbero ll'<m ~ .....,i.ect..s IUD u ~-i. poOllno put 11to t.11o tut. .u- aro100 at lb..-oem.:. otallm Ill tlM -\7 -UM tub .,. lllled nearly ._., .i.,1 tblt iaou.ia to ' .. at ,.... hydrocariloll --~ .. ~ COuattano to -the. ·· -are nporW to lil'N -t a .mJlllon dallan 1n Orange County In tbl put .,.U 1ut1mor omolle preveotlotl devlceo; but ao. eftort, • matter·· how amaU. ·o!Jould be oparod Ill tlM llPt to keep Iha couatyo' air pun. A1ld lliat . ,_ tor crnmty tlwnp burning whether It i. a dump tit a thlckl,y populated area, like the ..,. , north ot Huatlnatoa Belrcb, or one up in a cuyoa: for the upper. a.In ~ave wayo ot brlnJhif.-mor a ton1 way, u Newport Betch ruident. have learned when atm01pberic trick» have dumped llODll'OI Loa An,.tel' llnllt ey .. ~er right onto OU"'be&clt. AFFAIRS QF STATE • f,... Clt)I wlU. lt.I ... dlJ .... ,_ .. t M ..... * - cU &NI olftd&&l1'" ..... 1111' .. * -..... . '1'111$8 ..--tau .... u.i.w. ., -....,.... ........ , .. . at .. .._,,.... ol Wn• ~ tun. ... ta ...... •.,. a.Al& lhe 11 ,_,. I ..... UN ...,... ...... ~ ..,. ..... ~-- L.at.t itndAm\ to Ult tM lOt .. ,,, •• ,, ' ''"',,. l'VllDll' .,.ta i. u.. aa.. · -at4d.idll Nat au.ital o( M....,art 9-etl ,.. __ ...._ .... -.. ·-A.1 ... ~ J.,..._ Utt. to srU u.. Iota! ,..nomc. .., m&k• tt Dear &dltor: , . .ullOtdlnaw to tMll' ..,., Whlft l'Nlldftt ~ "U ~ ... Mb wu a dtJ ,_..nt.17 .Sptd a * aWIJni' la l\t OWJI J1fht. u.., cou'd llOt ttM. puntehment «or tbe CCMl'rio- tllke aw~ OW' ,_iottlet ,. It ii Ooa ;)( w.aJ •lie fll fU'CO~- ...... • ~...--. ....... m n ouL • Jl:Oliil'""' UM MtJ1: -\ellOI g.,.,., ~ l ~ ........... U'lla ii.. Ulepl ....... ~bu.U. •'*Ulrlt. •Mu.t Coron. de! Mat -....... tl ~ ua1¥Jh'lllll1 1~ out en tts owa. " tifll acUowliMI" M ._,_...., '&1\4 -... oa Ul4> MW of ..m• .WpW 'WOl'UIJ .._w.U... ,,_.. ii n9 tl.ap, rre•.l. ~t or Mf\eet from ~ ttiut tW MICll draa• tM Hewpon Btatb pollUClal pun........_ t. not o.Jy MfY nee- macbine &lid Its aclherftlt. aJJ ....,. ',INt Ott .-tMetm•nL of OYet lM tlty-1.Mludll'lf IOtM MH!b lfl'IS&tl-. ...... ..-due. lfwtn1 rilhl ~ ln CDK. NareoUo a4dlclkm. to.tend TU ,u.Uoe bu a iot ot mer-tnd ra thertid bJ' UM IU.1&1 •Mi IL That II wl17 I am puWftl ot n&l"tOUn "'' Tlf:tou1 •nd al>-. It blto p.rlni-&IJMU&h It .....,, aolutely unprtnclpled crlmlnab to M~ Men taboo witb • &ot W'bo .-ow eoaapltt• dWq'&Td ,,i peopl• ptr!l•PI ~ UKJ tor t11.am1n rilllJW Md Ufe, 11 ,... to ta. brudlld .. ..... • Mr7 ..noW and ~ THE CAPITAL WEEK ........... , .............. t:."1"" -... •<W"L · ' """" ....,. '"' ""1fi ..... u... or u.. ,.....,... _, • , Ulat U.. Wpv a towa ..J--tM Ult. AD too on. tM ~ SACRAllENTO, (CNS>-An 1""Jtatloa to !Ml Iha 87 w.u.n:a L. a.uumuu. "'"" " ,... ". ,... ......... 1a ... ...,,.,. validity of city and county ordlD•nc• Which t.broUlb Act~ tt II .WM. lDl:etJ' \bat mella ot. ..,.iw Wcktkan. Unltod "':'-Sutt Oorrespondeot ,.. ........ ., "' .,.,_ .., "" --o< ..,. ......... ,,_ varioUI zontnc repl&tiona, preclude MtabHab..;nt of on• (AM w. ta a. me. -..aalu J ,... .,._ ~ ()ptUnla la· sale liquor dilpen.1inc, wu 1M\Mld by R\llltll 1. Kuoro, could do a. wbOle Jot. 'Mtt.w and ...... u.aa mwtq Ill A.Jiu director ol the state department ol alooholJc .,...,..,, IA.~, (TJ.P.)-A top to bottom •udlt ol '!::::': ~"":':; ~-.: ':...:;~ ":; control • the lt&tl trM.tury'1 '2 bllllOJ]. holdinp bu dJad09ed. 1at1llts1•t and e)'B'I ., ~t. UN world .. la lrff.tm•at. from NII dty UA. ~"""-a..mltNd ot OpU- Mwiro tlaUy relUMd lo eon-....,._: lncnNlftt' -.mo,inte ~ &ft DO lftioUI thort&pe Ot' major irrtpl&riUeai lt le very poulb141 U tM 1llcal •tat lnlttM.Uonal 1t HOU8tOn. lldtt a prot••t tot119d by tM "t.tani1 may ~ front th• If any at all ' 1 folQ b&d I.be -... to tnaU Udll ,....... in J\uM, llM, did .-pt city ot• Boulb P ... dMa to i. ltat• for pun:hua of llOm• and break for 1114epau1.nu 11 ynn a reeol11Uon I.bat u,....lld th• ._. t II - ' ·• r·-·· ha &I ,.. , .. ,. UI<• Bl.I.ta Olr«tor ot Ftnanc• John wta J. Kn.Jehl'• appolnled fl· ·• 11uanc4! o a quor .... _,.,., c: n nc o a1o-to11a1 we couW ban Ml:ri aetmenl of eewre pualll• I.n-on'-!• ~ 1tL tkt dt,y. ot. d.U dd'enM to U.. C&IJfOl'llla K Pdrc:. oplaltl.t that. b• bad u.nce chief Ued ln With, but. wu own~ fll d'llr wbola btacla front ducllnc I.be de4llb penalty tor Tb.• pniteat WU )aaed • .. eon. dlaltw ollle9: dJ~s atudlet not Md tlma to m&k9 a det.allld not. a dlrn:t part, of a le,W..Uv• and Ui1 bhllf'I, ha" l)eauut\11 tM tUeJ"•I l&le or aan:oUcs. t.cUon that lM\J&aca of otUCh a &Ad public hearif\l"a Q" Ole llatc ahaJ)'al9 of the audit ttmtinwL. 1nve1t11atJon of ui1 treuW',r'I lrM and ftower p~Ull.I, ple.nty Thl1 rNOluUon. phrlffd In lha lkaw WO\lld vtOilllt. rcltJ' son-to determlna water lnventorlea. But. h• II.Id IM h&d M•n fflOUJ"h oftlca requnted by the iovemor. of ttna p&nt9 Md, •1a1rvuna1, n1ore definite and uncnmproml ... ~:!'1-;nc~au:":.talh: :;'!~,:4 ::!'1~.:Z =~: to know wl lhef'tl wu nolhlllc "INQUJ.ar RF,QU~ :i:; ~·~ ~':Yl:w:,t~ ~~plt.:.r m •. was unanimously Ulbmenta. . :"'hich ·alloeatea U4eland1 oil HY· n1ajor out of l!M. Kni&}lt requc:1t~ lM • feJitla· poltc• and flni j,rot1Gllt>n. plmty Slace then, Optimist• ery• "Wt &l"t m•Ur11 tl\I l.uj\9 enuea tor purchue and develop-Pelrca_aaid that unW ha h.ad tlv1 Inquiry arter the elder John· ot water fOlt qur own nftd1, a · .,here have worked oonunl;ua11 bMd~" Mwtro Ml4. "bJ nalln&" ment of •talc Machee and parka, 1tudlltd all .the fiS"Uru ba oou.ld llOtl aired cha.rec• lhal tha chld f'."-llflf'I' MWai• dlAlpoul. and a •ndvll'0~1.ly to lnnuence -~· Ola.• t.b• ordinance. LI lftltlld. Umltlnc IUCb earmark.O tund.I li&1aftced bud •t-&U t iowa Tblirt 11 ftO nAta thins M local to $7 mVUoft, annually. ool •Y whe\ha( t.h9 MlCIOUALI eaee\IUv• ll•d ma.de campatp I" • • r \at.of11 and liiw enforce.men.t C· .. Uoa bl C:a.lltonil&. 'nit d_tp&rl· DetermlnaUon ot the effect ba.l.&neld out to t.b9 lut. .,.nns prom.I.la \o bank9 that. ha wO\&ld \U rate thu we &rl now ''t• Ocl&ls to tlfect the enactment . , Un.1 from the N.,.,,ort BMeh and pa.uqe of 1uch lcglll1tion. meat JlU ta._wi power to ll-which. .,.....,. of PropoalUoo 4 or not. Bo h1 ptlt. ,1l W. Wt.:/· '9WJk.h atal.9 Oepollt.t to tMm pollU.Clana ud probablJ wttboUl ~ It i.. wtlh , MnM ffl'll& or to ttf\IH '° llc:enae on the November ballot would "1'her• an qp MrlOUI lltiOrt.-1a Ntu,.. fot camp!llp. aid. boOdt, \00. ot real "'5• that OpUmlit re. liquor .. ta.bllahmanta." have on •tata control of Ud.. aru. lf a.n'y at. all. aor 40M ~t Uked that not Oftl1 '1'bll ta u tnt..-e•unc topte &t eopUa tM achievement of Ole -3'h1 dlnetor ct.llad att111_tlon landa oil development wu ap-ha bad to lba proYilllana ot-tha tta1.e pr-oatbecLc&\luauab' ;y U>a_tt&te t.ha report dlae.IOM aa, major J....,.'a oa.ar1 .. ba looktd lnto. a Um• wtten .. VI Juat p1 UM); work~ Ml hard to l!IOMtltuUon, wtllCll. .._,..I.bat tile Landa com.mluLoft. Munbf.,. ot lrreplarltlu. U a'1(f a(ilt"'"°" tnit-that the tnqull')' ti"broad•n· htaft•r tu.-.nd---ht&Mr--.,,.t• a~ Maw, ot' l'(l'Q'f'ft. It bllla lllOvad doWn OU!' t.broata to LI baport.ut t.11.at our Jud!cl1ry at.ate 11 tM a:xcluat•• lleenatn1 t.lla comm I 111 on. conald•rtn1 But P.~ MUI Ut.al .eom.1 ot ad to lndud1 a pro"! o( Lb• piay tor UM atrav~ of .a._, UM )l\T9n1lh '°" COUl""9~ lrPM>'• pOlnt• Oft the propoaal ra1etd bJ Ua• ~17\9i--• in Uae. nport ~ conduct. of UM. ~· I ~ _!fa dtr ooundJ._ wtt.ti IU -to \IM U.-n-llw1 •nd -COiiiiijiiiiii 1, rwm 11e up .to tM""lcdm.mlaroa'• 1t.att, ~ "'U-~ •..:.. c l:fill rk 11op waterfinilii ,=-:; uc h U.. OOW1a to ~ det.ar· &.o t•k• ""*"41 CllW"'thr~et-lfH;nt-of th• 1._ tl'traWry. He a Utat Uni• Ai4 bl e.r pa , I r e., pwiasn aarco viollton In t • ~tn.W~ or not. dU• and 1lal mltllW'• unw Uley ha" 1.11 no\ed that~ bOD4a ~ Mt.II wo\lld welcome 1Uch en lll...U· and actnomy m.llml•-• dlsl"'M ~tlted Illy thelt coUftU-. throup tM 11.1bt.el"fuge oplftlon f1'0m the attomey renl!f'· kept put thffr matvtttr date. pUOO. H• prtdkt.ed lt. wauJ.d llJ\ADEH FINCH horrible crtm• • or * aon.lnS ord;lunce, can ctr· al Oft Ula m•nl11.1 ot '°"'' et IJ:\1.1 depriVina \hi "'*'-of ...,, ..&how I.hat llOI. & pemv of Ula (.Id'• Not4: Jrilr. J'laCJt. _... It 6-OW'_ p.aotre convirtJon that cumvaat Ula ~tl:llt ol Ula at.ate pfOWllOM. lnteraM U.C: staW &llbt 'baft.-. ,., hlma&lt \o M u dart. of man· Ult-~ will do • gre•t c:on.Ututloa. Tbe c:onunlMkln Indicated It. ~ had tl i.m•JMdlat.tl.T rtln-Jl'.'OP 1 moaQ; w!-' mlMl.na °' ...., u of ....._, Wa too ,.. d-.J. la nsnov111r •nd ellmln•t· WA.TE& ADMDfUTKATION 11 t.ke a eland Oft the mea· vt-•ted the' bid 1none1. had befll mllu.Md.. m•mbu Corona. del Ku-wball ~ Ula m<l'll vldOu. and de· ao.. OOodwla J . Klllrht. •n· 1ure at Ill-mHtlnr la Aupit. 'MOKE UT&Hervr TM audit apparenU1 vlndtcet-tt .U w-at tor taQa -WM.ti ft!n.-rate crmlnal 111" today, nouncld .~-tment of Liie Propoatt.lon 4 II •n tn.1Uatln ••'d ad the a111n1 tru1urar oa that oorona del )tu wu * b&U and U.. lU11al vandor of narco!Jd. Pt'''""' The dlract.or ot lln&nce ... thrM mnibttl of Ula aaw 1tate meuure belnc 1pontored by ma}-lh d"t "cOrWd W or ~ But other cbara .. t1wi1 ctl&ta arowid th• aeck ot t.bl llncenly. water rithte board cr.atld by or oU compamu u, lhlf con-u~c::l;e.:"": U.. :;u~m an~ Oftr bit hrad, 1ncfudtn1 lboM balt.nc• ot Utt d\7 et NllWPOrt RUM Ford.' - th• JIN J.aclllatura .. put of tmd, an oll con•rv•Uon m .... nual auc1ll of a~ made that ha hed HCUred lO&na from 8Hch.. Th.It k f\OW, Mr. nncb Prealdl!nt, th• reorranllatlOn of Callfomla'1 sure. A rroup of Independent oil ...., hi UI lNUW'1 Nnk.I with which h• t(Mt ot'ncl&I aot. th• •lMlll• tbvnlt of Jud OpUmllt Club of water &dmlll.Litratton. f'{amed to compe.nl .. ta oppoa!D( tha pn>-.. ,, 1 0 c., dff.llnl• and U\'.n not paid them he hu' acqiUrM--U\l'oU,a t.a:x Newport Hlrrbor the $10,000 a 11ar po.IUona were J>O•I on pun.da tMt Ila pu· The unu1ual audit wu ordered bKll. Knt1hl branded thl• "ln• tJtlu and abandonment of -----'-------- Htnry Hollinctr, Bacranu~nto, ffll would bopllt auonne prt~ by Peirce U .a. "pHCauUOnary lhanca peddJi4r-" 1tt91l.1 bf the UtTl.bla Qty of Ausuet. 24. ltMI who wa1 prtntjpal •ltomey for 1na dUnlntlh rev•nuea to th• •tcp lo ... ur• th•t t.btre wtr. ON •VAOA110N' Newport Beach. Kr a.n l\eddSck the at.ate dlYil&Oft of water re· 1tate .. Tiie commi.toa meattns no tudden ebort.1r1u of either JohU4jn. Tl, tooll ott on -a Ooroila dtl Mar Ua a ,ubUc • .-=·==.vt:t County Add To' Smog 1-0W'CQ: w. P. ft.owe, aan Bern-wa• 1ttanded by mem~ of aec:brtUu or cub la t~~ cu.tody ''VacaUOb" Ibo &fter \lllleUh• Hach ln ft-Ont of IL Ita f'Ml~l.I Ne.wport Harbor New• Prffl .. --. ardlno. a member of UM 11tatc tba •aHmbly wb • commltt.ca oC lha eata trM.Nt11r. · · rU7 • L ,.,.,Md to bond .-.....i ...... ilfl W. ll&lboa ... ~ water Naource. board; and John 1tudyln1 the effect.t t.lla pro-Tba dlt11Ctor \Ook •tilt atep =: :!! ~~':ta io~=to & dietrict to pay tor Ii: ():lnlna NN')IOI'\ 8aM:h, c:allfomi&. ·--1 0 D B. ltnn.1, Ol.kland, dl1ll1ct tu poaltlon. lt adopted, would hava after rouUna ~ COWi.Li on to bold • t II.Cl At Oil Mar rtt\aMd a.n ui•n•ot o.t atr· '.~._ reators ts wn umps admlniltrator for I.hi at.ate boe.rd on~ t.lla atate'1 il;lterall. Jwa Aprl.I I', 18M, dl.C'°'9d 14 tbl the oont~ 11;«': pla~ad dlsb1c:t to P"Y for &n7-poruo. YM ' r hllol la,.cl a. ot -.ualtaatioft. To tuJ.tl1J. re-Unnah, Loa An1ek1, a member t.rh.IW')' • I.Ulla & diabooond • lnllt of thetr... bt&ch front IAdud1a& .....,.pc p .. ~ qulrttnenll of the new water of U11 lllbcOmmlltH, decll.rad taank check lauad "Y OIOr .. ::m_~•r '!:id."',..,.. .. &p China O:Wa Rodcy PoUU. &Od alplflqlnt part bl tM ~ _ W•ther cond.itiona 1ut. week may have played a Mlmlnlltn.Uon. law, Hllllln,.r tbe,propotrlt.loft -i. not. aotnl to JOhnaln, 10a ot atate tf'tl.IUrtr 17 the "'' -~ The tm'ilile a., • t.be K..,..-t. lla.l.'Mr... :§;~:~ tdck 01l Oran-County in .hrin-" .. g a. low wtU be tll• altomey 1nember of be d.c:ldfod Oft Ile mertta, tNt Cbarle o. JohnM!n, &ad ldmMU Jobaon w.. bolpltallted trt of NewpOrl Bfll.Q t.rdtid otf HJc1a ~ Dl..lti:kt ~--•¥ ..... .,. Ula boa.rd hd !\owl tbe clYll on U.. etftftrtll ot lhe. propon• a "deputy lrf!UWUo U4 ~. llacl'&IMtlto whaN hi• 11i,-a Oclaen nont trolD U. btUt ol ~ Membtn ol JllUI' et.an .. area from the Gu.lt ot Mealco to Jforot hj •ftl'IHer r1prwntaUva..-Holalnr· an ta 1ad oPPonenta." Un.nab •kl Peirce Mid 1 MCWd CUil wu dlaJ'l\OMd u • ~in-lh4 or11fMJ town.Illa toc u.. ..._.,. ~t.ed la flW"t1 PQ9' -!!IOI fi'OID the Loi Anselel buln, but the county .,. .,.. appointed tor three yean lhl commlae6on al\d _ottt.r •ta.I.JI count May 17 and turtbu •lud.7 i.UnaJ allplent. At wHll'a ..._d Mn1nt ol au Mid ~Nd (lo.. "-la-..,. TM lluccem ot •pro- -.. ll •I-otfics i lett.iJl Evan.. for two, 1Wn for one. tpnCIM ln~-·-1.tiCJl.tdlnt'_shl diecio.te<t.blt Joluuon II.ad C&lll• he WU rtpOrlad bnpro'rinJ, Mil l'Oftl d.lJ Mar ~ Now of pm 0( W& l.JPI C&A M _, fO U.Wvu lee PO ft&IOll Or I Up OD 'l'MrMitt•r thl l•mit Of mem• Je(l.aleturt, art 411117~"4 to ad ~ JN h Md C:Mdl.I owt a lher• WU DO lndlcaLloft when bl COl.U'M UtW ..._.•t ln(aJJtpnt .............. bl term8 ot \hi .a ptlwntlon effort.I QD that account. t.y ot u.a board wtll ba four m•k• • lbetr Jtldptetl*-oa ''"!'-It mon; period. lt. waa Ulen. mlc1lt b9 nle&Hd from · t.b9 "r ._;mpeU..Ue. t.e 1MI llJ', made OI UM fadKU" avallUle; ""'.:.."": They warn that ' IOme of J.he Orattie County y~r1. The appotnlmtnll aN .ub-propou.I llnOWa Ut U.. """""' hire• or<leNd U....tull • acale t.OIPft&.I. l'lOcll' tenn.a. -Y~ paper hU ~ ot sn&t -;:;,~ 1 ___ _... by --•-in' c11".••ua1· ~--~, .ol ject to oonflm\aUOn by lbe It.at• befor• t1111 S-eral •UOL · audit. , ' . Mranuma, th• ltislaJaUva ·ill· w ~emlNr Wib.-n Kr ftn& ~ 111 ~ U. peoplill !" .... --~• ,. _ _... ~ ..... 11\U"Blll Mtllite. TllAPnO ~ ' , 'ldtl,.Uon conUrtlHd under a • ' tbe comzM1elty wau ~ tn tdak:'Btlnc l"MpoUlble to tbe' countY. commillicmen • J\oundlns out Ol'JantaaUon f1I Ttla nlltllbtt 0(. ~o •t.11.• The check• were au made 1'etl of MCNC)'. A.· .A.Ian POlt, Mn'ad on tM Cll:J OowldL W• I.be -wiutou. a.cUTtu..t ~ -• the aew allJ• depa.rtmant ot In Callfomla dW1n JI.Illa •· pod by tha J'O"n1er Johneon, HONtary of U.1 jOlnt. leJlllaUYI a.Lao f't!Clll lhl.t lMt9 .,.. now ~ tM Newport Harbor-Uakle thtle ottlda.W, however, failed to comment on the water reaouf.e• Marcel J. tlhel· Unuld to buny tba lt. Oil-to mo1t of them Iona be.tore I.heir budset commlttff, aald no r .. two membf.re of Ula cllJ coun.-KIP -tkhOOI · RacreaUon Pto- d)uat;y dumpe where 2t.bour-a-4ay firea add their ton, deputy director of UM de-Ila wont. )'..._. I.a hl«hwaJ' f-I· dlacovery. He. •U~umu, re· pOrt of lhe lnye1Ug:1tor1 nnc:11n1• di from Corona det Mil". Thia JTl.M. _..._ to th .dt.a• free hydrocarboM' that irrlt&te pa.rtmmt.' announced appolnt-ltlf1. Ula .itat•~ htshWl1 pt\tol ttped hi• ofH"Cl&I poal~on.. He would be m•d• until lhe ln•Yll• m•y ·~unt f(ll' the o:pendlt~~ t -··nt to th&ftk Jw n .. -io-.• e ..... """'\ mmt of Carlyle llHd, El Cajon, f'l'portad. Th• lOU (Or June wu wu clear!(! of a.ny criminal g1Uon w11 complete llld turned Cf another fortune tor t.ba a all for \hi nn. c J::";ou the tJ9 &Dd hljure tb~· tu.np. .. 1-pttlal ua:l•tant to I.be de-llS ltY"M, a flOOrd I«-Ulat ch•r1e1 -by the 8acr•mcnto coun-over •to th• commltlc•. Hi In-qutlitk>n of Rocky ,Potnt and ha!e vtt'lhe H oopara ffa.ril!Oi' lhttM:r d1d tbe air poUDµon o:!tlcer note "that it putm1nt dlr.ctor and depart· month. lftttie&un1 a '11Ml"Jeu .._ V l~•nd Jury. cttc.atc:d that would be aome time iurroundlnp w:*'b~Ol~~e X:ton gtHlch 8c.hool ~ Rae--~ la • ..._ .-..v'""ce of hlB office to force -anlloe rwi... me.at pubUc w orrnalkltl ornce.r. I.be ,ata~·· hJahw&19i tn:tfle The audit mado by Gov. Govd· yet. ot the ftllln c t.y ... "', e Uon _,_ "" ....,. ..., •• .tQ •-r-· J\eed own1 a public r.latlonll dMOW for th• nm lllJr. rnonthl bfft cou,... tor I.be ""' Y· • ·-.·-- veyora to put automatic valvai Ob. t&n.U to prevent nrm tn &a ClaJon. H• 11 a tonn-ot 1'61 tota.IM l ,lft, hlpa.t t11\llk1 Mr. l'lltcb. we and Tour tl'Uly • toed.De of ~t.ed p.ollne into tbe air. • .,. OW'ftel' and editor of the IA for tht elx-monUt. period tllnce I ~ ot lb• people w.1 kDOW, Vernoa .Alln , Kea Bcout and m Oajon vau.,. tHt. CaJUornta•1 wor1' ,..ar. ,,.. ptot.ld to M rMkt.nta, Jn?" ~u. °'""'9r EvM')' time a . IUVice ataUon I iuollne t&nll Hewe. Tba: po91tlon 11 uarnpt The January-Jwa1 nrurt llurpue-h k h h ~ own.en. cttialu of N".... NlfWllOrt Kartlar u-.. -llllod, u ...... iuoun. afural<d air "' lon:od ·-d.U -· .. that "' Jut ,.., "t II~ .. I t' n t' t ·1 r 0 u' g· .... _.. It ............ .., u•-...... """"' --'------------·-----------MEW LA.WI 14 .4 pe.r ceaL Ul&l ,... panonalty u .. la (».. ...... A total Of M Mila puled bJ lf&"V 0. Bulla. dtrector of tba lW tpedal --'on ot th• Ula new •tlta depart.me.al of 1._watur.i Mca.ma law and wmt water rMOW"Cill and former By EDWARD F. RU'l'IVN HARBOR ·pRes·s itito attact. One utabrllabed the 1t&te enatae-. app"°"'!'d 'Jlpllce.· i----------------------uw tap1rt.ai111t of water re-Uona ot t.b• Eut Bay KW'lletpal aourc.. Uftder a llftlt• dlttclot' UWllJ DLetrict tor pannfta to • ' 'J>PO'ntad by and rN.pohl6ble to divert iH cullrk-t•t ot ,...ter The cw:tomer ·~rant.a to get h1a mooey'1 wortA ·Why Ute ,..,.,..,..,.. AnoU..r Miu.cl the per MCOnd alld aton 2Tl,OOO acre not! Are you getting it, neJabborf You are the eQB.. oU NWnue dlapgt.e betWHn t.l'la fff't a JI&!' on the MoMtumn• it.ate and u.. cllJ' ot Lan.1 JU"1' l')'IWb • .t..t tJMi aam• ttme. tomer of your Go~ent. Do you get value received Beach. The MtUm1111t. buad -Bulla den.tad appllc:aUone of tM ,. FARMER McCABE • I WRl'(ES ••.. a D111 *Ht Laoal _........ ,_ ~ ..__ r..,. llllc..nd .. --~ Matter at Ule tmtctttiCll tn lfftl'Ort i..dl, ouu.ase WMttl' Ui• .ui ot llardlr a. lift. court Nllnr In the Mallon ~. Calanru Couaty Wttat Dlalrtct Cor your tax money · tum«! .,..r 1120 mlltkln .in Im·· f<W Ckveiopm8't of Ula a~am'• When you j&m In bumper-to-. b\l.r(•r Vlffl I.I) la.ft today"• l'ff.Y)' 1------------;_;_ ___ ;_;__,.., • ...,. pounded OU r0,altlee to the uppu tlUln llttau.e, he Ml4. bu.mpar treltlc. perhapa )'OU t0 yet.l'I, and I f&lkia ot c:ateu.p llaU. Wt t1111 act~ tnn•cltoll water for the dtatrict'• -. wtll thlnk ot htcl'lway t..M!ll. And If tor ......, pound Oil tM ham· .,.... held up '8fldM llUpttoo be made a .... llable by the 1t•le )'OU uk any one • •ueAlon, )'OU bur,.r. ' Ptttt till •"'7 ...._,, w ... 1111.,-... ~ •1 \lie on * ~lalm for ai million bf u needed. ltanka Mid appllc&· \Wl.ltll1' Jct• llO\lr look. And thouaande or othv •· Nf.wt'Ulrr K&JlllOA PUauSH.UfQ WMPAIO' 'l'Mordore Jl. Qebrlf!Won, Loe tlon• tor watar for muntct,.i You h~lped pay Ule. frelJ"ht fUI' pendlt1u• aqu.lly \lnbUalrt..ilka Jill ....._ ....._ N'&WPU&'f BU.al. cA.ur . ...._ ....,..... 1111 An1elM, in at.tcM'n.!1 In the Mal• 111d pow«r purpoM9. under at.ate a hue• lhlpment of cal\ftt'd tom· -end costly. ,,,.,... are mlWOU i;;;;a;;;:;;;;i;;;c;;-N.u;;;;;;:a;;;;;;;.;;;;;'.~&jj&i;;<;,llon .,.... AJnons other law• llW, ta.k• prgedt:nc. ..,.. tMae •tot:• whJc1' ou Oo\l'IMltliwt ot ~Jam&. '9t'ftef • ....... Lapf N.U.. ... M•Mt '* er &II ..... whklt. became dftctlve -.N for other u.-.. bod)' ahlpJ*I from ca11roml• to That, nie1111•r. JIW!t JOU a aro.m-et ............ o.wt .. ~Oa.•A ... N-.A.al'NI ' -lt.,, Tork•' the aam1 tir-a• An• l'WCb ~ Wiiy fOW' t.P• ert r ·) ~ Nrnr,... p t; ' m .u11st1t• other &!Upped canned \Omltoe9 .o b.I~ M • N.n-1 S.Laf'W Ai•s•d• f'l'1)m New York to o.urem'a. We lll&N M•ti • JOU1 '°'-of .. _ .. ._._ N--G~c:.c:. Roots Op1'n1'on .. ,.... .... ,. '"' ,,.. ... , .. _ ................... ...,.-. --... 'f""'7 • • , .,.,,.., They 1c:t )'ou t'O!Tllflf or tn1 c..apa,.,.-$'• lnto UI• w.-... 811M RmDlCX. PUJiUl:IDK ro'ftl'I tnl(lon lli011' pocket&. Al~ WIWA.M a: Pfln..tJPa. r:dltGI' Stranp-tunny-hut •d. -wqte .un JOff on, the ,.._-it J.u&Za M.. lrU.Tli.UY, A.dv.ttlan.& Dtnetor --. Atao. you llelpf'd pa.)' lhe ra• ~lnl•lr11tkln dkl no< crffte CllAfU..U A.. AJUrurnwNa, Jllledl-.nkl&J 8upartntmMit. "Ont of the troubln with fumlnr la that for otlne bHI for lftlpplng: ct"m.-nt to ~ rlCJMlldlturff. whktl tha 8\JalrrC*IP'rtOM l&A.1'U: many product.I there la only one Customer-the gov· Bermucta and dot food to Oldn-Ko.over Comm*lon dY,t up, 'l1w N_,,.... .....,., N ...... rNM. M~Mktt ..... b)' .~r lcft>Alftlt:rl )er\ IM °'~ IQ•t'Y la Qruce 0.-&J .... ,.. Y•ri sa.ee .a.a -.:JtM UM-ta-. crnmtot.". . Sherman County Journal, Moro, Then t"omH tM: Navy. Your I Nd(hbor, alUIU ,P'ck up the O.W. Ii Un11c1 Oallll\7 f1.• pu ,._ 0RP,. 1aaea helped lo buy a~ll "---~ .,.tal ,) .I WU drl'flo( -tlM """" iut WeM -._. tnln ouddeniy blocked U.. traffJc. Nat~ _,. body otopa &11d everylhlnr lo quiet for llw mJautea ••• tlleD obout .ll&lf tbt"mOtortoto .wt: hODlrla' their homo u If ll}ey n_pected U!em Boa Cara to Nod otnt1bt up OG ~lo hlaCl w~ ond ~ om enm. Thia IOft&. eet me to u.tn1r1n• that u.. 1Pd.1ua ~ had 1t 1ood 11t . the" o1c1 ttayo. -they clN'N "1 aood - ole Ho-SeaM ud uplrtno ..-•t ...a lloanl of then. Boy -•-'t a coa.ttut. ' l'anaer 14c0obe • {ali rltht. fUU"ftCIJ • ·1 • " • W.UW IVJ!UlOJO: TO-Hl:WPOllT -Two new Newport Harbor Union fllP --'"4'Sdl-oolcla lltuclelita who aro far from home receive4 •....,,. ....-ot • partJ -. y night Ol tho. lligb «:bool si•ID by .10 .oulolalldl!!&Jtlllon. '!'be tw0 an Kriltlno Stong of Stock"oJm, Swedea, t.nd Helmut lleron ol Lloc,Au- ~ ~ traUa. ncbanp ltwk.Dta /here \o }earn D.ot ool7 what the ICbool bu to offer, but I.be woyo of Amerlan lire t!lroulb the bomeo they will 1'" in .,id tbetr IW>Clolioll with fellow lltudeat.a. .U-tbe -puiy ,..,,,-Kathleen Boffmu, l.alA!r Corr,,~ llultell, Ami Lardner, Chuleo VOl>dftvort, Karda Dovts, John Henrotlh, .L&uq Headrlcto. Robin WI!-Doll lledJuctm uid Mr. ond Mn. R. E . Harbioon. -!IWf Pllot.o • OPl!:l'!lll!IO DOOB ""'-'~ Stang-oM!todl- boim, Swe4<11, t.nd flebi!Ot _,., of j.m., A- tria. f .. I that • --"' opportw>il1 bu opePI for them u they enter l'jowport llirbor UnlOA lllCb School. They aro exchange -ta tram £Uropo, for a ,..r of ltlMl;r pd ... _.Uon with All\tric&nL Ktlltlna will nr with Mr. uid Rlcllud Stewart. 893 'llollUr St.. Ooota one! Helmut with Mr. ond lin. '-rel G,._ 210 ~A .... --swt Photo " • City Damages Denied BoJ In CdM Di¥e 25,950 ~WATER SAFETY LESSONS GIVfN HERE Kick-Off Breakfast Opens1 United fund Drive Oct. 9 •, • •• -.. -·-IMIWf'Olll HHllOll NtWWMW PAllT ll 0 Plo8ll l'Dft'l:D MCllMY, AU5UST 27, IW ...U.1U\ • '= .•pJ!M • ~ 0 I 1'.\1ID'I .......... llAJIJll• fer ....... Co --..... ...,. l111Hr a11r•s •. _ .......... _,,,, __ doliftry. 1111-lhd. 1954 farcl Custoin * PORT ORAN&I * • ·-· -· -. .TllAllO IAUlll . ... --.... """ ....... ::.:... ,. .. "="' = ZIOO W. Ooolt -.,. ,.., 1,. -r: -N.wport S-cll LI MUI AOOtlrt ......... .... _.. . Llmbretta 11 oo • .......... "'" ---M 80' 1 ttr. PNl A,.. tM ..._ Ooota KM& Ll 9-UM -.uolvn ~ .._ 90-MW 1 IN'. Pt.n Am. tlll -t------"""---"'-wtul 8lct.dt aun...., QM. OI 'to l br, ......,.,.t 44M '* UI ml* w a aau.t ot pa. DI ar 1 ~r. ~\ -~ ... ·~ lOr ....... lt .... tr ,....,.,1 ... 1 ,,. ..... . ~~". ,._,,, ~ M •• ~ atudlo IOIO 1161 0 0 .............. - --C TT N r-r. ,. ,r..,_, ....... -.... Th "ifi'"' .. lt''l'n-Ne• ..... .. .. • Volkawa9en DI • t< ...---.... _.... -N..,,.rt ...._ at ttnd at. •1 0 eo.uai I .... llM t• Klritll 11 w Kl.t ~ ,. ,,. llOll:DL\.TJf · osun:;al' oe OPJQI t a. m. • t ,. -. •""1' u:t - -..-. .. ... PAN .ua:RICAM SELL YOUR CAR P All) l'OR OR .N<11' MoCJar\lu' ~)'• MON & Mata ID NIOt rent W. Muaick ...... 11 ... &AU.CU .. WAT80Jt lNI ...... ()Mita .. _ ..,. VOGEL CO. --~-------111• Mari.lie ....... a&ltlu& Wu4· .A.tJTllORIZED STUDEBAKER Sli:RVICl!I I• . ft. ~ ... ot·fb.rb 111• a. .,, 1111-ft °'-Ku. im.tt ..... .. ··~---·-- L .•. ' • WE • Rebuilt I t.,,_ An nr.4 ltlepln9 Slashed~· ....... y., C.m• I "t COKPL9111 mcMJlmGW CLOTRDIO ll'OR THI: ......... ?_ .... °"" -.. 'Wed. rn.: ij;t,' V1ll'EllANS lllllWl:IUD - LOT &XPt:J\,l&NCSO ••to _,...,..,. ~iE? .,_ ............ __ c •1 with au ~ o1. hlC)I. eomm....._ di.no.. ,-. cx;p «c, Z. flUr Leoki•s tor aputaued palftl... S ... our ~ *"'· P:iiltt1 If u a-t•11 w.rtl to ....-. pod uu::iom.,_ la ua. .... llack·-· w ..... to Nrtnctitnow. GIRLS el. O'lr b •• •• powth pd avmttOIM promotion.a. • hD pq -JVll learn • ftet\Nlill bwlr....,.. • ~-&: Mtuall7 -~~ _.,,......,.._ TILEPHONll , OPERATORS -Ap1'17 -,, .. lo., .. m Weat hlrd ......... P.lCIJ'IC TELEPHONll, ltuoa, ... , IAl\OUk, .., ....... l\S4.L &l'l'ATll Ml rtMAl( 900KCAU, Oplata( in Kl!V• OM.It~ f\1mit~ Cllftlil. K\allt .... ,......_. ii nu.a. 01 J(al11ot_ Afta, , del lfu, 'JACIC BRENNAN, !Ui&)\y IUO W, CoMt. HJ .. Lf ... tT71 Nl:)VI · .,_. TIJRaft' LA.Tim MW ....... sor.u..•wwtt~u.. .... poet ,.., .. bnlflta, conplMI ~UOM. M.\18( .. ftnl cllll 6pttator. PICKUP PR&CI.llOM OUR. ()0, UT In4Uatrtal Way, OOeta M- Ll .. -..... ... 10. -Call Attn: Pr ""' .... ....... LIM 1----1 Add Local fair Wins -Jn ' ' NEWl'OR'r H;\BBOR NEWS.Pit •very M011t1ey; Wednesday •H Friday 00A8TAJ. 8hOPPI<:R -\\16dn1!11da11 • ... • -- !If• w llU1Cll Mat ssh : ___ .. .,... __ _ _,, __ _ ,.. ..... : l. l"BX .• ~-~ ....... J.klMUd•~~ --<lalti ..... ....._. .. Oootrr.et .... ... .... u..t car ..i.e. ttlltt ..,. \'lclt t!&lblet. • 4 lo6'i:Mpir, acicoua\11 ,.. ................... Haun MoDdl.y \broua'k l'r1da7 •:• ·•:•. J.1tu.. u.tJ ... ~ •~1.i;a: J.tl"l'OkGm ..,.tMllkil -Ual. Quint Mot.I ...,.ritftal ,.., ...... ,,.... npl7 t\lU;J' to IT.A.Jlf ... llURT atlldl. ao..·H-. c-• 'C/9 UIU ...,, .. """' .,tac eompliltli .....,.., tit : -... ~,.: • * PORT OltAN&E * ftAD• IA'D ~=·~ Newport..._., UMUI AUOUIT .. •CU'A ... -.. 10 J 11r. PU Am. &11W .,_ •Wlbr.PuA•. TM -.. '°' 1 ., ...... AllL 1111 ... .... 1 bt ........ .Dl .... ... ,..._ II JO' 1 W. hr&IDJ'&. ... ...... .... tr~._ .. _ 1 It.... ...,, 01 .. ~ -.uc110 tolt 11 .. .. h i\. ltll ,.,. .... .. .,. • tt' 'l'raaM twta bt' ION '"' If IO'Tn ..... •WIJ. -Mii ......... A.lrO .J* ... tl • Caetla'l I W. 11• ltll ll to' l!Ot ~ tM tTM oa OPU ta. a. ·t P.a. m'7 Uri ..., PAN AKEJUCAIC E PwUDowtt·ICsn '4 ... __ -· ... FREE 11 ..... .. f&-;Aet..a B-fo. a.1 -amio.Wlii~ .. - Bllbo& IJland ' Udo lalo lm&Jl A ..., or LUl't • ..iuu tTI to.~ -&a VOGEL CO. ----I If• M.lriM ""~ ......... illud· Pb. B&l\lbt "' or Batb 10ll ftM. 114f, ...... It. Or, H&r.' lm-lt. . ...,. VJaj jtENT AL , , ACACIA • SPECIALISTS ., c:..u. -.. aiAlo ~-"-IDORIS IRAY, Reeltor N 111 KattM. Ml'-111A11i11 ........... ON IWJIOA ~ -uacw ,...,,. ... _ ........... _. NELDA OIBl!OI\ a.Jtor -~i~ ........ . .. ......... ..___ w: endy \ odern I 111n. ay ln u1tln, entto -end 1------'---- ... ___ . -- \ I I s J J]'[!I St IJ R-... I ltep•ed it Ate Tir.., ICHpilUJ it • Slelhff 011r P~ On It y.., Ceme I 5-t it OOMl'laN JllUS90U> PUIUl\'S!gNCI . a.arRINO JOR THE EN l llUll I' AKILY ......... ,. -..,., .. _...,.. 0,. -.. w..i., hi.,' kL Dita 'ID 9 Vl:l'ICRANa lllllOftlUl3 402 & 4TH WANTED SALESMAN PAll'fTill ... •1LOT IOY GllllS TAD ADVA?ITA.011 __ ,.._ T!lLEPHONll , _ OPERATORS -ApJllT - l :IO to•:• 1U WMt 'l'Wld ......... I .if. I ---·· -..... -..... PMll•-'~r:rmr:L•"n•• •n ! I .... • •• .... . M:iiD1n onsm • .., ....... _. .............. u .. ,1111. ... ii. i c-'""'* ---~· .aw'° dna -oaa .MF • ..,,.,mu: . "' n 1 mou!: a.-oa .,.;;; .. -!I •1uci: ... no .-1---.1 ~ . Colla--- Udo Penlnaula, E. 3 ht St., Npt. lch. ' OITDIB Deltghtful itftns. Apl>Cabln1• Utwllee iut. • . .-,...,-, .. ~ U-----..,_.._...,I -I!•~ ~ di ..--·~v · ..tth Yllclrt lllp ~- 0.Uy, -ly, mont,bly, YMl'lf· , fJIU!lp't, or ,_..,,atlon, Calt'Har. 21182. .. _ ..... ~.. -•ptt.r.•~ -ta~. 11\alJt ....... _. tzc"'lwt. pacrltp retan-Pa4zty a mell ··----· .,,_,, ____ !» __ --. ~J!l!:AR_lw_J 411-.D ·-tor-lde•I loc•tion For 'B.u.&04 Jl'URl're'. TICA.IU.Y -q<)RON A. DEL M~ bedna.. SNA.CK SBQP J.ce. 1 BA Cott.p. NO. C.C-e. untum. 11ou.f1e, -...""'::::: ,. B.R. uPI*. \IUI,. JIO. 2 porn. nr.plact. pltnty °' BARBIB SHOP B.R. vpper, \IUl., '80. • B.R. cloMU. .Adulta ....: IM peta, 01"" SHOP_ ' 2 be.lb nlc• bome, SUM). Yearly rental. A..U. a.pt~-Next tr~ eeetei. IM'p- Many ot.hen. incl. Winter ,...._, be:r 1. Hu. nt . 5'dM: lot ta x 111 Mid ~ 601' 11:. a.Jtio.. Har. MOt. LI l-6TM an. 5 or w.U flBd&. ------------1 WINTER RDM'J.L l..ovfllJ' t U bedrm.-fU;m. ~ BqYI-. ----------UtlllU• f\lmt.IMd SlOO per "1)1 cooelder 1\IJI part.Dlmjb(p ta mo. l0l,C91~ Balboa ~ 1"7 n:taU ~ liquor bwll· f'O"llN. A.PT. avall. Bept.. }. to 16. or call evm. 8Yeamqr'IJ 8-212S. nea Aleo tn\fttMad in ,... OM block lo OC"11. 2 doon t.o -------""s__;•::8ctl= caUon to ........ qUIU'ten. Ny on beit.Ut. Ptrm. PolnL llOI l.A.mbert 64141 attar 10 L l'JL IC. Bal. Blvd. Ha UJl.. WINTER RENTAL, t bdim Mc.67 Mdl rum. hom9\ t.&. ~ Hee.r 5'0R LEA.81!. Nlcd7 nun. Js, 1 bdrm. apL A. .....,.. on. beaut. North Ba7, Balbo& Illand, cau LU~ 8·1%12. • 10tt3 M-Boaez to ,._,, PeM Poln\ •121.00. Clifton FURN. HOUS&. aleept t. mm-N A~!& , ..... Bal Bl••· -..., ...... untU ..... , ...... LOA s lor Homes 1a111, NcM aYalJ. for winter J.or 2 adult& ~ ..: No ptLa. 1'21 Poppy, COit. a,. -to 'f'· !Au.I BA.LB04 ISLA.NO -Wlnter c . L nntal 1 bodnn. -· apC up-Hu. 00.,._M •TUo OnStrUCftOn OllnS slain. On bay fla\t. LI M124. BALBOA ISLAND I bed.rm.. BEil BOB BATTLER =~=-~~---·•_uc tum. carpeted. nlte Yani. 1'.&I'• 1510 £.AllT OOABT BLVD. 1117 Yl,E8T BAY AVlt., Jon11 •P comer. &ept. lli. to Jpe Corona deJ Mar B&tbor ... ... z Mdnn. l bt.UI, lo\llJ>er U th. Pb. NOrttlNdy S-ulO. Rep. PUlftlEft llORTUAOa OU. apt. TuteMJy f\lrn. oeetLent MkU W.etro W e lM. rwwt. ID. 1-611& JoeeUon, rrlce b&y v&.9. ~hi· BA YIBORES ~ REN-tltta ~;; .!~: ~~one TAL. S bdrm. • makll nn., t • "'"' ._..._ TV, ......-. • ...,.,. ht & 2n·d T. 0. Loans ----------1 dlfPC*l A tlftpla.Cf. Com· 1 BDRM.. ~ apt. on Udo with S.y flew, 1126 OD 1-. Ha.r. Dt:H K. Uttc p~ tum. lntludl• llDm. 8erTtq: all Oru.p Count7 ~ • llltffr. 1180 ""' mo. ..._ _ _.. Oeeda Ro bt ... Sold A•.U. Sept. 15 to Jue u . .1.~ ug Adu.Ill! LI J-'1222 Md? R I M c lVlNTl:R lll:NTAC llALBOA oya ort9eg• o. ISLAND, J 1"droom ftlm1lhecl coaTA MESA-3 Wrm. ~. 24 ti.r. pbOfte lllrtjctl • • svar• apt. • Pf:I' l'NIQU.. \UlfuJ"A. J yr. old fUb. dtap. Harbor 1549 Includ.9 utWUes. Har:tll77-W'. tbtrmo heaL G&n:f•· Yenctd M02 Newport Blvd. Nprt. BdL &2Uc ,.UO. $Iii montb.. OX Mt61 ' • •lfO-R_Lli_lllO __ OOl __ S_ut __ S_tnet.~I att.r 6 p.m. ~ LOAN& 1'0 BUILD. OIPROVI. . . BUY. MODCRHU:Z. OR Newport Beach. lftt.eruttar 1 WINTl:R Rental, "l'7 atlrUU" , Rltl'l.NANCI: ..... ~ l80,GOO TPIIPl<1!X W -lte ---M 0. lL . -top~ Tiro -,. 'lot llOdOO No•porl Hofcbla ·BIZ THIS Is~ New • Batulttld cmtom 2 B. R.: ~ doM in-- Coot& -. C&rpeted -L C4nmio tile .... In -. tile floor la bath. !Arp fin. place. Looda cl -· I!() pl wal<r bea\.er. !Arp cloolblo -with u.c ....... llany other "f..-$17.SOO and worth iL KAY WE SHOW YOU! , Four becln>oni.-114 bath hom&-1 year old. Double -· largo nice yard. P&tlo-Drapee. .Kltcll"'1 fan. Diopoul a-to developing lhopplng ..-.. Is ocht>of.e. A ' real flu;lilY home for $12,900 l * Bat.ha 8· B. R. Home -Eut •kl•, Coota -. CUrb, 111tter, oewera. l~ ~ old - A -1 at $11.pl!O. YOU CANT BEAT THIS FOR VALUE. 3 B. a: lo Den -Near Hl&h School. ~place. _ bulit-b> range Is oven. Kitchen fan, copper hood. semce por<h. double -· llbalte roof, J:<d. wood ranch atyle, Drapt.., '•ndoc:aplo,r Inte com. 10' wardrobea. 1% bat.ha. So muy feat.,... • to write about we eoafuae ounelvea. SEE .THIS AND KAKE OJTER. I See Us for M-1 l6\NY MORE MAX W. POPE, Realtor . 1908 Harbor LI 8-1H2 --....... _,,._ ..................... ..,. '-'* WOli't ........ ...... 1'6 '-'ha. '*-...... .......... w ...... ..,. mid&, ~·~.,... ...... a.t.LBOA INOOMX. o.tet•e=t1'.lll' ......... cqmp. ~ l&lie .... Ctiolc. a.r-. A beaut&Nt ....... JOU'D lM Jlf'OUd to on .pm. -Room .. """" "l""!-..,..-unit. .. tJlia , ........ SM.MO. 8.il&O:t. 1&C.AND -Bu. • in· com. Oft Baytton.t~near f'wrT . _____ .. bo&rdll, 3 ftftlal ul'IJ.ta. Bbow• • Mtter t.hu flJ,000, ~ tft.. com-. mooo With tenu.. M·1 ·o68TA. .M:Ul. I a0e-kffl. .... --~ ""'' ......... I blwft. Wah r A eltc. 0.. a ...,. to ba 'in by Ont ol FT· nm price wU1 never be duplt- eated. f7200 pu acn. M-dwa. Meso-Horbor Rlty. le A.SSOClATl:S • . G. C. UITI(OUR. a.ltor 000 Ctn\.tr 8t. eo.t.a. --LI ..... 1. or"LI a..T7U . ~~~':i.1;;°"": • cn.wdl-U 1-17• ~.&111-W Udo Isle Tallor<d end Neat P t ,toer • . l kdroom1 -.2 ~. -2..C.r 6iir•9~· Costa Mesa ·SUNSHINE BEACH HOMES ll'ULL PRICE $10.llllC! • WJUION Is, PLACENTIA . ' Nnished Models Open Doily 5 Minutes from th• Oceen N•er Schools la Work . OOSTA MESA SUNSHINE -lll:ACH HOMES OJTER ••• • ' ' . Front or ...,. living rooml • Plenty ot eloleb. . DtntnJ llP'M» In Jdt.cll..,. e iO pl watu beaten. . Natural blfch cabinet& • C<mf-tile In ldtch- ... e Matlcork IJoon e Wood aUilinc wfn. dow1I • 8,000 oq. ft. lot.I • Rock roof1. Alumlnumacreens. ANC71'HER S. V. HI!NSAD:ll. ALEX STi:P,T DEVELOPMENT BILL'S BEST BUYS HARBOR HIGHLANDS Before ttebOol starta - -llllDuld c•t .. t tle4 In thJo !Jeart,.warmlnJ, eye-thrilllJ!g, 3 Bedl'OOID, 2 Bath home. Only 1* yrs. Old. In the Newport School diotrlcL CIOlle to lhopplng. AbloluWy the cleaneet home you will find . C..U u for an appolntmenL bdrm.. unturn. apl. plu. pr-1 " % bedrm. bOUle. Prt. W• Buy Trtl9t u.cse / ace. HO mo. Newly painted. paUo. Balboa laland, uar Bo. NEWPORT BALBOA 8.A.YINQI ---------------------' FERN DELL GOOD CUpbo&rd 8J*ff, llflce Pa• Uo llullt around a WO~ ~ I bed.room. 2 MU. bom•. l'onnlca kltehen wltlll bar to laJS• HTlnC' room.. Bulll· bl. T.V, U you're chooey. Ml ..... LIDO ISLE . C..U Har. 1011 •YCL Har, UIW. Bay. ()wnV at. J25 Diamond. '6 UJA..M A.S80Cl~TJO.N ______ .....;j:>::;;.:l~U-1 631>M nee via Udo Pb. ear. ooo TWO bedt'OOlll. unhtm.. hOUM.1 ---------~U.-Newport.BeJahla FIRST Oll'FERING of a charm· ~ 2 bdrm. ptua,#eot cottage home with the followtnc : Beli!oa lslend . Winter u~ troln Sept. lL Upat.a:ln. rear, I bdrm.. hm.. Jf..,Ort Helc11ta POO per mo. . C111 au. "74. Mc06 6&-Moae1 Wanted >~ < ... ApL Airy, Usht. Oomtortabl•. '9-aoom. for a-t 114 OonJ. •of.ti "'--"'===-'...-="-----1 MONEY NEEDED FOR v-of the Bay 1ST " 2ND C&rpoted uv1n1 rm. a dining rm. 1----""RQHA DEL KAR On 1 Year Leuea ROOM wi:Ut prtvat.e bath and m· TRUST DEEDS , ·-e awmy kitchen with breakfut -ce. ,_tnn<;;;;r.-~.,..."", .. '".,'nc'•r· _W_•-"-~N,;ow..,.j· ,__,Ia,,_...= ent well teeured ~'" "r " ' ,,...,.,,_,w:-.:c:...--1---..BelUtiMJenced yard - Up to 12\lo Yield Patio cover<d and rock barbecue Harbor 1041 que.t ·~ ~ I ,. ~ Royal Mort9e9• Co. ~and I< oh p _ .,,.,.--c;;;o Ail lmmaculate home diOSoe loca-Uoa-.-- :1'7-lUal btato Wutal----Qoly $21,000:--' ,· OSBOllNE-roRTON· REALTY 2323 .W. Cout Hwy. (at Port Orange) ~Y S-71182 Evea. Harltor ~l.M "---$22~ ··~Id. plua bUDk roGm.. 1% 11&\J», i.arc-Pt.Uo. DoD't fall to .. Ulla. Bey & Beech Rlty. Inc. Rl:ALTOR& 1112 WQ'et\41 H&r. MU._ _Ha..r_2"1 ~ Hom• environment that approache1 the tde&l. Three Bedroomo, 2 sparkllng bath.L A bright cheerful Jdt.cllen with built-In oven • nnpi. ~ .. F. P.'and a dlnlnJ....., that cl ... ep&ee loven room to m.ove around .with eue. Tlrll 3 yr. old tiOme la OD a large lot, whldl allo,,. for the °""""' t;».tlo. See thia. It'• prked right at $31,000 or $32~ Fumiabed. '1"" ..... .-.or Lido"".""" W., A TO~IAS, Realtor ! TRADING TODAY r end ASSOCIATES -i--H:A.~.....-CUent-wtt11. s--...,.. -·· r ou.111J1t~.-rnif,...,. •afflcUlt bomel JJr APP'-VllhJ, ,.IV\ E. •• v~ ,.~...., -•-a bdrma. • dim. ~ " bdnna. ..,,,.,, 17th St. . , a.ta Keea Llberty 8-11!9 • dea. ..nm pool in ... 11 ------------------'---- blk. from Gott' Ooune. Trade for thW area or .i.at M 'N you and wtm-e '!' J'or full detal.11. -. Oto. Stewert. ~CHANGE SPECIALISTS Pa•,,.,,. owner want.a Pa11den• property for ocean view home In llo. UCUDL . . -~ Larp Income In IDythe for apartmellt anlla In Orange County to $300,000. BeautifUI new house In Coron& 'Blchlanda for beach income. A few cboic. b!)me bu,yt. in Corona del Jib.i.. ,,. MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR 8/ B" • f . / \ l I \ l \ I I I I I ' l \ \ ' • • , ' . . : . . ,, ...... ... , ....... ~ •• '!rtp p ----• 7 !!fl! • • THE . VOGEL COM'PANY _,, ~ I REALTORS • , Costa M11sa Office-VdGEL VALUES BEAU'l'U'UL BACK ~y Near new 2 bdnn. and den. 18 x 20 Uv. rm., large • dlnlnr uea,. LQwly tiled kitchen with IJe bruit· fut &re&. PJped t~r gu or elec. F. A. heat. Hwd. ·floon, 2 bat!., f!nplac" Lup~. Landoeaped and fenced. Quality home ln exclualve area. • < $21 ,750 full price ABOVE HOME OPEN· SUNDAY, :AUGUST 26. \ 1 :00 "till fi:OO P.M. • THE MOST! 3 bedroom home. Wall to wall carpeting, draper! lea included. Beauti!ully land&caped, completely fenced. ,.Low down payment, low monthly pymts. $10,950 full price 2 HOUSES ON ONE LOT Near new 3 bedroom provincial home. Hwd. fin .. fireplace, heavy sha.ke .roof. Completely landscap- ed corner lot. PLUS 1 bdrm. house ~ rents for $60 per month. Property priced below apprai.sal value. $14 ,750 full price For lhe above propertiet PHONE LI BERTY 8-5591> VOGEL CO.-Costa Mesa Office 1700 :Newport Blvd. Evea. Har. 343:1, Har. 5714 Corona del Mar Office-Vogel Values * * * CHARM I< LOCATION -3 bdrms., 1', batha, hwd. floors, fireplace, F. A. heat. lot.a ol tile, patio. fenced yard, ~I. _garage, 40' lot, ocean aide of Hwy., oO'YY-S26.850. Terms. ONL ~RAND NEW HOME 'IN THIS TOP LO· CATION FOR ONLY $32,500. 40' lot, l lf.i blocks t o beach. 3 bdrms., 2 fireplaces, bwd. floors, lot.a of tile, F. ~. heat. built-in stove & oven, large window&. See this lovely home. CORONA HIGHLANDS SHAKE ROOF PROVINCIAL -3 bdrms. plus 27' rumpus rm., 2 fireplaces, 174. baths, antique ahuttcn, lge. kitchen, 68' x 224' lot. ·Price -· S33,soo...;.. good terms. AS PRETTY & NICE A HOME AS YOU Wll.L FIND. 3 bdnna., 1:14 We batha, aecoUltlc pla .. ter, W to W carpets. full dining rm .. built-in stove / & oven. break.tut nook, laundry rm., Iota of 'cloe- eta & cabinets. \Ye're proud ot this liating. Only $29,850. For the above properties PHONE HARBOR 0757 or HA 1741 · VOGEL CO .-Cor~a del Mar Office 2667 E. Co Highway Evea: Har. 1796-W LI 8-457 Har. 2892_ 4288 • • , . .;. \ I I • MAIN OFF 'ICE ·-voG .EL VALUES • ~· * . * . * . ~ * LIBERTY 8-3481' WATERFRONT P~OPERTY , • • Reduced to SM,850. Lovely 4 yn. old S bd't" It dee home. 2 ba!hl, l!'A hMt It fn. place. Pier n1bta. Good finallcln& to right buyer. Located ID fulu;ve Biibo& Govea. NEWPORT HEIGHTS-INCOME . . . l UNITS WITH $3,960. ln~e. 2-8 bdrm unit.a, 2·2 2 bdrma. Total price $32,t!OO, equity of $1S,~, wlll co1111der any exchlnl". DUPLEX -3 yn. old 2 bdrm each 1ide. Gomer lot. l'uJ1 prloe $H,fi00 with $3500 down. .. CORONA DEL MAR $29,800. Lovely ranch type home. 2 bdrma It den. Bit.In kitchen. -UIOCI brick fireplace. Shake root. In Coroaa Hlsbl&nda and you'll Ion It. Good lermL • " -ALSO- Muat Mil to dole eecrow !!! Vacant lot on Jum.ine North ot HJ&hway. A•klng ~,850. NEWPORT HEIGHTS 12 yr. old 3 bdrm ·home. HW !loon It firepl•c:e. 2 car prage. $U,850. l&lsht like •lll50. down. • bdrm ho"le. 1 'h batha, 2 yn. old. Brick fil'<piace. Owner trana!erttd. Alklng $15,000. Try an ofler! ' Lovely lge. C bdrm home. ·Dillhwuher, HW noon, brick fireplace, Lge. enclosed patio, Well landecaped, & fenced. Everything in "apple pie" condition. $17;350. owner will take $6,300. down and carry ~ce. Mtiht take trailer ~· aa part down. . A alee per! ! ! 3 bdrm home, 1 %, batba • .Fi.replace, carpetin&: & drapes. Room for pool. • View ot bay. $2l,tl00 -terms. · · • ANOTHER SLEEPER!! ! Motel A: ttaller part; lge. income, low price, good location. ABSOLUTELY NO TELEPHONE INFOIUIATION ON THIS ONE. l! you hive $15,000 tub to inveat, come lo -1n peraon. For the above propertiel Pl-jONE LIBERTY 8-3481 ' THE VOGEL CO. MAIN OFFICE 3201 W. Cout Hwy. • Evenlnp: LI 8-7739 HA 3630.J , LE 11-7942 LI 8-lID • • • -• J . I • -NEWl'OllT i:WUIC« HEW~AllT 11 • PMOt • l.IONDAY, Au&UST 27, ltS6 " Of FER .. BAL80A ISLAND-VOGEL VALUES • ' OWNER MUST SACRIFICE -Eltt.. ii"-thne t.drm., 2 bath home. W to W carpetin&. natural wood •h~tten. fireplace, slaued porch. full din· Ing rm. Jr. A. bt&t. 1111obatructed view of bay from muter bd""!-Elt--tlon, &arm- ing home. $33,fiOO -$12,000 down. A FIXER UPPER DELUXE' 3 ,bdrm., two story home with extr& Jge. living rm., fireplace It two full bath&. ·11oom to bulld 2nd unft on rear. Perfect location near No. Bay.. • . front. It yoU are 1pending for the tutu.re, 1e11-thil t oday. $7~ cub down &bould do it. VERY 8PEX:IAI, BEACON BAY -That private beach t. delight· ful. A DlOlt comfo~ble 3 bdrm. home plua 1 bdrm. furnWted ap{ •. on '5 x 90 lot with Jot.a ot patio and. dbl. garage gives you room to •pread out. A fine pl&c" fOr the whole famUy. Seen by app't and und1io $4-0,000 wit)) terma. AN OUTSTANDING VOGEL VALUE 5 bdnns., 3 baths, waiito wall carpet. lovely patio, $10,000 down moves you In. Full price $39,!SOO. FOR SALE OR TRADE NO. 53 EMERALD BAY Lge. 5 bdrm., 4 bath home. Outatanding view and priva te aWlmming beach. Out of town owner wW t.a.ke m or am.all home u down payment. For the above propertiea PHONE HARBOR 0444 VOGEL CO. Balboa Island Office (Next Door to Poat Office) 208 Marine Ave. Evea' Har. 3629, Har. 1229·R • LIDO OFFICE VOGEL VALUES BA YFRONT TO.WN HOUSE ' . Moat d.Lttinctive· home on l.Jdo. 4 bdrm., 3 bath plUI maid'• qurtera. Lge. dining room, lanai wit.b wet &ar, pier It finger 1lip. P rice $110,000. PERMANENT BAY VIEW REDUCED TO SELL 3 bdrm. & den, 2 blthl, lge. 1undeek ol! muter bdrm., corner lot. Price $39,500. For the above proputiet Ptl!ONE HARBOR 4971 · VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE . 3f.16 Via Lido Eve11: Harbor 51.il or --3830J • FOR 0 U IC K R E S UL T S -L I S T WIT tf T H E V 0 GEL c 0 LIDO BAYFRONT 35' lot . Pier & slip privileges. Probably your LAST CHANCE. HOME & • INCOME Lge. 2 bdrm., newer duplex. big dbl. garage. wide alley. Only 2 abort blocks to Lido's complete aboppiog center . Income $190 month on yearly bui!I. 1 ~ block to water, Will make its own pay- ment. or give you a home an'd $100 per month" income. $5000 down, euy terms. Priced at less th&n cost of the building alone · at $22,500. Act Now! CHILDREN'S SHOP Eatabliehed 18 yea ns, finest clients in Orange County. l ow ner. Several exclusive lines. Sub- 1tantial net lncorne. Only $15.000 down & $275 month tort. lifetime annuity. P LUS a little gem of a 2 bdfm. home. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN : Real ot portunity for bone1l, live wfre man or woman. Friendly, pleuant. successful, old c.atablishcd office. Lots · ot flooi:: time, heavy fool traffic, Iota of rentaJ in· quiriee. Red hot leads.. furnished with full coop- eration. · CL YOE MEYER, Realtor 312 ~arint, Balboa IaJand Harbor 2520 N. B. C. VACATlON SPECIAL. 2 brdrnt. cottage, block to ocean, partly furnished.. Full price $5250, ~~ cub. lit time offered. EXCLUSIVE LISTING. COSTA MESA BEAUTY Dream home, Wr.e new. Below caat of reproduc- Uon. \V\V nrw carpets, wrought iron ·trim, IU'liltJoally decorated, lovely pa.Lio with aha.de treee for outdoor living. ''OU \VTLL LOVE lT, don't mia llH:lng t hia one!. ONLY $10.950. N. B. C. REALTY CO. Tl:!E GREAT ORANGE COAST ACRE -A·1 S.Ck Bay area. Ru.ontd would make dandy lo- cation !Of" ama\ler ttaller court. Cfo.e to store._ Cub out pric- ed. Older house and 1heda on pren1ll!l!I but ot UtUt w.Jue. $9760 tull price. v v Best Buys Corona del Mar 1. y' JUST LISTED. Bo. of IDchway, cute 2 bdrm. home. Large covered patio, do~~ pr. Carpet.a and drapea, some furnitun lnclQp.ed. Full price $11,500. $3500 down. BETl'ER HURRY. Exclusive with u•. SAU PRICE duT -only 1164.:1: 2. v SHORECLIFFS. First time <iffered. ~type, down. Quick occupancy ot thl• shake roof, 2. bdrm. and den home. 2 fireplace.. almo.l new 3 bdrm., l \i bath, $37,500 Exclll!live with u•. Open houae, 1 -5 l&nd9oapecl comer borne. Dbl. ..._daily. 239 Morning Canyon Road. pr!lce, paUo. PACK.ED WJTH VAL UE. Newly 3. V DUPLEX So. or Hwy., 2 bedrm. liome plua redecorated, painted, w It h 1 bed.rm. (ar&fe apt. Both units furnished. 10me remodeling m1ke1 thl• :I: Priced at $24,950. Exclmlve. bdrm. priced at only 183" ...- worth 1ee1nr. Hwd. noora. UI· 4. V $3000 down on ~ii laice 3 ~ home, ed pullman bath. Eut rronL · 3 car ga.race -located on.. 60 ft.• corner lot. Dbl. praie. Quick pGMCMlon Room for additional uniL tull price $17,000. with $1937 down. Payments only $100 P!r Oto. Truly a BARG~. -Jt1.Dl:N AVE. corner lot. Locat-No telephone information pleue. Come to ed cood for duple•-ooly l3SOO f(' ~cl · N,S}VPORT HTS. LOT. Abto- lutely cheapeet pric9d lot 1nd n1u1l be IOld. $5300. -C...h. 5. Build home or duplex. OCEAS Vl.llW from i.ia 1 yr. o&d be1uty. 3 bdrma., well to waU carpell l.hru-oul, '"'"'~'· fan anti dl1poal. dbl. pr .. fm--.4. l&n<*e.ped. llreet eew. el'I In IUld paid, St2.5oo, temui. o ice, we are ready to 1how you. --. U8lve . with ua. ,I. ' . ,I UOIA.CULATE 2 beclrm. hmne, dble. prage. lmmedil.t.e po•,uion. OPEN HOUSE 1-5 p. m., 607 Larkspur. Priced at 514,000. Reuonable down pa:rnenL Monthly paymenll ol $75. llEMBli:R OF MULTIPLE LISTINGS CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. llcCUISTION, Raltor It Aaoclateo LIDO ISLE YES YOU CAN a/ford to live on Lido • . . ln tact you cant afford not lo .•. If you have a nice family lha.t enjoy1 a nice commu· n.lty llle. land and waWr sport.I, a bM.uUful club hou.e with club pr1vUe1u. a .:boo! bUI that calla tor a.od tttunui yoor ohlldttn llllleiy . . • a nd a lifeguard to. watch over them when they U • m the water. What mott can you u k for th1a llde of heaven T It will be our plee.auf' to ahow you lovely homu and income pro~rty r.nJinr In price from 122,500 to 1139,000 with very reuonable te.nru1. OCEAN FRONT I ! ! 4o BEOROOJI. l 1ii IM.lh. 7 Y"-'" old home, Jwil S.SOOO down. WINTER RENTALS trom S.0 lO '300 per month. • INDUSTRIAL FROM l TO 2IO ACRES. From ~ to $10.000 per ae.N. Get ll1 on Ute sround floor 6 make )-ourRlt a little fortune quick. A great many people are dolns lL • L~TILE ISLAND BRAND NEW -In fact not Quite completed. Large living room with open stairway. Spaci9us mul.tt bedrm. and t"'.O family bednrul. upollln. S){ART Western Holly kitchen adjoininc d.lniD.g room. and juat the right size patio plUI 2 e&r prap. MAKE THIS YOUR, ·PEJUL\NENT HOME • • • HARD TO FIND -We ba.ve two -2 bedrm bou.ee priced at only $191600 on Balboa Ialand. WM. w_.. STANLEY SANFORD Realtors ·,HADFIELD i.n BOJ..lN • CH.IJU.OTTI: r..u'loLA. MA.ROE HADn:ELD e NONA. BYD Park Ave. •t Marine, BaJbot. lala.nd Har. ~ • • BALBOA PENINSULA· 4-0 x 80 residel!l.la! lot. Eut &!boa Blvd. with permanent Bay view. Terms can be a.rransecL BALBOA DUPLEX -Furullhecl 2 bellrm. and. L i>drm. All on ground floor. $2500 will hl.ndle. GOOD BUSINESS CORNEii. S Wl1ta -beauty lbop leued -2 two bedrm. unfurnllbed b-. $18.000 with tenna. . COAST PROPERTIES . · C~L :.i:~ ~~= ha~.~ tw?. n~w 3447 IC. Coaet Hwy. Corona de1 Kar Har. t7 • $750 down on contract willl 10·riice 16Cltf4'ltbrtoorto-N~rt Harbor Bank, CdM) Seven Islands Realty . RUTH JAYkED ,Raltor & Investment Co. 14lidred Well and' Sylvia Thoml*'•· .-teo. your Cal·Vet k>an la arranred. Inm1edlate poueuion. FURN. or iJNFURN. Braad new a bednn. J '~ bath home bt LIDO ISLE SOW2nd 8L. Nwpt Bell. Calif. 801 E . BaJboa Blvd.,]lalboa Har. 26:58 or '800 llir. 58A. a rtir Sp.m. Har. 5M7 ---------"=-----------.. ORANGE COAST C01ta Mesa larp dbl, 1a.:ace. Otarm.1nrr11ann home. larre S b b L' • PROPERTIES wtndowa, eom• bM.m 'C411ll.ftJa, u ur an 1v1nq ""''°""hly mod•m. ~ ._ .... -. ~ ITl i f ffli. 4til In !ho 'l\oi!ln, Lemon H.tJbf, A 1~7 Newport Bl vd,., COit. Meu pro~.nll bl ~ paid for. ,....._ (~. 1atp brick Red HUI al'H.I, we olt•r 'I LI 8-1&32 Evet. LI 1·1400 Price St1.73"0. '!Wms. can be p1Uo. ,5 • II ft iOl on Vl& Wide*'""" o\·Ptopertla rrom • • eeee anytlmt. C'all Mr. Ge t• J ut•r. A dH:lrable yr.u TOUftd Ula.ti Itta t~ MW.raJ M:ft't. Mov1n9 to e ••• Co•st wllh f>ike • Colesrov• LI home. 124,:.00 tarma. Eltclwlve some W1UI home-and rvwe. llChuol. Colla M~ Pr1eed to tnr. the eurae It on. Call a.iu i 1u.oo. mw a BDRM.. 11• baU\a. 2.f:ar Joh'ri "E. Sadleir, Rltr. FRJ:D CROl!IO:R. •90Cl•ted Ralph p. Mas key * ' prqe. ••IOO oown. Full pnc.. lvu w, Enarot.. Aaoc'&te Wltb . vernoa L.. va~U•e. SUGAR & SPICE NEWPORT HEIGHTS Cbarmtn1 v~ home. two bedroom plus ruat cotllge. L&rp patio, fttn1. ~ nqwen. BBQ, · hardwood fioora, f irep'9ce. IArJe llWlDY tJtchm. Cboice lo~ 601 a leuehold. $21,000, terma. • OSBORNE-FORTON REALTY CO. Muat tell 3 ~m. ~ near[ 1-to02. 80c67 with , Join tbe trd tor C'OUDt'Y !Iv• R EA• -R -.USI ... tbut Hwy.. lstOt Tu•Ua Ave. Phone tG ..... v 110. Call owner at Llbttty Oonna Mt Mar liar. 2m1 j-ttf71 e-.~nlnp KJ 1·1141. , 3411 Newport Blvd. lllr. 402 1·2103. &3cl6 .\4cM uc:..:) 2323 W. Caul Hwy. (at Port Oran&e) Lll>!rty 8-7:>G2 Eve.. Harbor S~i B2nd It Newport Blvd .• Newpoc1. Buch Jla.r 5536 or 1-405 . . --~----------~ • • ' ' __ .;..."···-·- • • • • -. ·--. ... • • THE I Costa Mesa Offic.;....VdGEL VALUES • I • BEAIJ'l'lll'UL BACK Bf.Y Near new 2 bdrm. and den. 18 :c 20 liv. rm., luge ~nlnr area. Lcmly !lied kl,tchen witb Jc• bl'eak- fut area. Piped tor ra• ot elec. F. A. beat. Hwd. floora, 2 bo_tft.t. tlrepla1:4-Larr• ~tlo. Landae&ped and tericed. Qut11ty home in exctu.IJve area.. s21,100 t11u pm . KBOVE HOME OPEN· BUNDA"~ .. AUGUST 26. \ 1:00 'till 5 :00 J,'.M •• ,, • THE MOST! 3 bedroom home. Wall to wall ca.rpeUng, draper! let!' included.. Beautifully landacaped, completely fenced. ,Low 'down payment, low monthly pymts. $10,950 full pri~ . 2 HOUSES ON ONE LOT Near new 3 bedroom provincial home. Hwd. fin., fll'tplace, heavy shake roof. Completely landacap- ed corner Jot. PLUS 1 bdrm. house • rents for $60 per month. Property priced below appraisal value. $14,750 full price For the above properties PHONE LIBERTY 8-5596 VOGEL CO.-Costa Mesa Office 1700 Newport Blvd. Evea. Har. 3435, Har. 57H Coron~ del Mar Office-Vogel Values tr * * CHARM I< LOCATION -·3 bdrms., 1', batba, bwd. fioora, fireplace. F. A. heat, lots of tile, patio, fenced yard, dbl. garage, .._O' lot. ocea.n aide of !:fwy ., only $26.~. Term!. ONLY BR AND NEW HOME IN THIS TOP LO- CATION FOR ONLY $32,500. 40' lot, t•;:..1 blocks to beach. 3 bdrrn1 .. 2 fireplaces, hwd. floors, Iota of Ulc, F. A. heat, built-in stove & oven, large windowa. See this lovely hufb.e. CORONA HlGHLANDS SHAKE ROOF PROVINCIAL -3 bdrnul. plu. 27' rumpus rm., 2 fireplaces, l~· bat.ha, '&lltique abutters, lge. kitchen, 68' x 22'' lot. ·Price -· S33.500 -good terma. AS PRETTY I< NICE A HOME A.'! YOU WILL FIND. 3 bdnns., 1% tile baths, accouadc pJu.. ter, W to W cupet..a, full dining rm., built-in stove / &: oven. breakt.at noo~ laundry rm.. Iota.a! cloe- eta & cabinet.a. We're proud of thia lilting. Only $29,850. For the above properliea PHONE H#.RBOR 0757 or HA 1741 "VOGEL CO.-Corona del Mar Office 2667 E. Coutililgllw&y Evea: liar. 1796-lv LI 8~57 Har. 2892 t288 FOR 0 U IC K UDO BAYFRONT ~· lot. Pier It alip prtvUegea. ~bably your LAST CHANCE. HOME' & INCOME Lge. 2 bdrm., newer duplex, big dbl. garage, .wide a.Dey. Only 2 ahort bloc.ks to Lido'a complete ahopplng cen er. Income $190 month on yearly . bula. 1h block to water, Will make its own pay· menta or give you a home and $100 per month inconle. $5000 down, euy term.a. Priced at lea than coat of the building alonf!.at $22,500. Act Now! . CHILDREN'S SHOP &tabllahed 18 yean, finest clients in Orange County. 1 owner. Several exclusive lines. :iub- atantl&J net Income. Only $15,000 down & $275 pionth for a lifetime annuity. PLUS a UttJe gem of a 2 bdF. home. REAL ESTATE SALES.MAN: Real opportunity for boneat, live wire man or woman. Friendly, -pltua.nt, 1ucceutul, old C11tablished office.1 Lota of noor time, heavy foot t.ra!flc, loll 'Of rent&.1 ln· quiriea. Red hot leacW, furn.iahed wJth full coop- eration. • CL YOE MEYER, Realtor ---1 412 ~artn.. Balboa lal&nd Harbdo ~25 N. B. C .. VACATION SPECIAL, 2 bednn. cot ... go, block tn ....,., 1>&rtl¥ fumlahcd. Full price Si5250, Yi.rcuh. tat time offered. EXCLUSIVE LISTING. COSTA MESA BEAUTY f>r.ea.m home, llke ne'W'. BeJow cut of reproduc- tion. WW now carpel&, wro.,bl Iron 'trim. artJstlcally decorated, lovely patio with &bade ti-for outdoor livlnJ. YOU WILL LO~ lT. don't mlaa ...Snr tbla on•. O LY Si0.950. N. B. C. REALTY CO. • • ' • • . . , ........ .. , .... = • ' . ,, • VOGEL COM1?A~Y REAL r·o RS Of FER .. • • • • BALBOA ISLAND-VOGEL: VALUES . • • \ ' MA IN 0 F f'I CE -VOGEL .V'ALUES * * * . * * LIBERTY· 9.349 i' • • WATERFRONT PROPERTY -' ... • • ' . -- • OWNER ¥UST SACIUi'ICE -Extft Jct. throe . Wrm., 2 ,;.th· home. W tn W carpetJnr, natwal wood abutten, !lreplaco, J)au<>d por<:b, full din- lilg rm., F. A. he&t. J1110llltnlcted vleW nt bt.1 from muter ll<ln!-~tlon. clw'm ' Ing home. $33.500. -$1.2.000 down. A nxER UPPER DELUXE' • Reduced tn $84.8:50. Lovely • yrs.-old a bcl'l" a dm ~Iha. FA hMt " tln>- pl&A:o, Pier rtrbta. Good fin&nclnr i;; rlJht buyer. Located In exc~1oJve Balboa Cove&. 3 bdrm., two atory home with extra lge. llvinf rm .. flrepla .. It. two fl1U botbL ·114oa. to build -2nd unit on rear. Perteet location uar No. Bay· front. If you are spen~ for the future, eee thJa ·· today. $7500 .Uh down abould do IL • • , • -NEWPORT HEIGHTS-INCOME . . . 'UNITS WITH p ,960. Income. 2-a bdrm will&, 2-2 2 bdrm&. Total prlce-$32,500, equity ot $13._nc:>Ot will conalder &?.Y ex.cbanp. DUPLEX -8 yn; old 2 bdrm ucb aide. Comer kit. 1'1111 price $14,500 with $3500 down. , CORONA DEL MAR µ11,850. Lovely ranch type home. 2 bdrnia i. den. Bit-In k.ltchm. Uaed brick fireplace. Sbake roof. In Corona Hlshl•ndo and you'll klva It. Goo4 term&. • -J.LSO- Mult ael1 In c1-eacn>W !!! V&C&llt lot on Jumlne North nt fflihwa~ • .Aaldnf $5,850. NEWPORT HEIGHTS 12 yr. old 3 bdrm bome. HW !loon I< fireplace. 2 c:&r prage. $H,850. l&lfbt take Sltl!O. down. i bdrm boD\<. 1 \0 b&tba, 2 yrs. old. Brick CU.place. Owner tranaterred. .Aaldng $~,000. Try a.n otter! ' Lovely lge. C bdrm bome. ·Dlllhwuher, HW !loon, brick fireplace, ~· encloeed patio, Well landaeaped, I< fenced. Everything In "apple pie" condition. $11';350. owner will take $6~. down and carry baluce. Mlgbt !aka trailer 25' u port down. A ajoeperl ! ! 3 bdrm bome, 1 ')> b&tbL ~pl•cti . carpelli>i I< drapes. Room tor Pool View ot bay. $2i,i500 -term.a. · • ANOTHER SLEEPER!!! Kotel I< ttaller park. Ire. Income, low price, good location. ABsOLUTELY NO TELEPHONE lNJ'ORMATION ON TH1S ONE. U you bave $13,oOO cub to-inv..t, C01IMI lo -In peraon. For the above prope.rt..iel PHONE LIBERTY S.~1 • THE VOGEL CO. MAIN OFFICE 3201 W. Cout Hwy, Evmlnga: LI &-7739 . HA 3830-J . LE 9-79t2 LI 8-1'21 > .. VERY SPECIAL BEACON BAY -Tbat prtvate·beacb Ill dellgbt· ful. A moat comfortable 3 bdrm. home plus 1 bdrm. furniahed apt. .on 45 x 90 lot with tots of patio and. dbl garage givea you room to apread out. A fine place !Or the whole family. Seen.by app't and und.ei-$40,000 wltJl tenna. AN OUTSTANDING VOGEL VALUE r; bdrma., 3 bath.a, wall to w&ll carpet. lovtly"patio, $10,000 down movea you in. Full price $39,600. FOR SALE OR TRADE NO. 53 E11ERALD BAY t,ge. 5 bdrm., 4 bath home. Outata.ndiDc view and private swimming beach. Out of town owner will take TD or ama.ll bomi'. u down payment. For the above propertiea PHONE HARBOR 0444 VOGEL CO. Balboa Island Office (Next Door tn P .. t Office l .208 Marine Ave. Eve&' Har. 3829, Har. 1229-R • LIDO OFFICE VOGEL VALUES BA YFRONT TO.Wr:;I HOUSE Mo.t dilt.inctive home cm Lido. 4. bdrm., 3 batl;l plus maid'& quarter&. Lee. dinUJ& room, lanai with wet bar, pier 6 flnatt alip. Price $110,000. PERMANENT BAY VIEW REDUCED TO SELL 3 bdrm. I< den. 2 batba, lge. aundeck oU muter h<lrm., comer1ot: Pr!'" $39,500 . For the.above propertiea PfliONE HARBOR 497 i' VOGEL CO. -UDO OFFICE . -''3U6 Via Lido· Evea: Harbor 5Hll 0< l880J V 0 GEL ' c 0 R E S UL T S LIST WIT tf T H E - Tt;IE GREAT ORAN.GE COAST v' v' Best Buys Corona del Mar ACRE -.A.-1 Back Bay area. 1. y JUST LISTED. So. qt HJ1bway, cute 2 bdrm. LIDO ISLE YES YOU CAN alt .... "' !In on Udo , , , l.Q tact LITTLE ISLAND BRAND NEW -1n tact not qulte completed. Larfe living room with open ltairway. Spuioua lll&&W' bednn. and tw:o family bedrn!a, upotalra. you cant attord not to · · · SMART-We.tern Holly kitchen adjoi.ahif ""'""room, tl you Mve a nice family . . -.... Re.aoned wtiuld make dandy 1~ home • ·-e covered paUo double pr. Ca.rpeta c&Uon fOC' amaller trailer court. • ~ • ' OOH to at.orca. CUh out prt.c-and drapes. aome furniture included. Full price that · enjo;ya a nice commu· and JUlt the right aise patio plwi 2 car pn.ce. ..:I. OLde:r houae ud 1hedll on $11,500. $3500 down. BEMER HURRY. pttml.cs btlt ot UtU. value. Exclusive with WI. 11750 fl.Ill price. ftity ute, land &Pd water • .tPOrta. a buuUtul club bowie . MAKE THIS YOUK_ PERM.ANENT HOME BAUi PRJC~ CUT -""'' .,.... 2. y SHOJlECLU'.FS. Flnt time ~tered. Ranch type, with clUll privtlqu, a .cbooJ • • • • 4own. Quick occupancy or w. ahake roof, 2.bdrm. and den home. 2 fln!placea. atmp.l new a bdrm., 1 \\ bath, $37,500 EK:cluaive with us. Open boUH:, 1 -5 ...,_,.. """'' "°"'t· Dbl. dally. 239 Momlng Canyon Rnad. p:rap1 pal.lo. PACKl:D WITH VALUE, Newly redecorated, p&lnted, w I t h 3. r DUPLEX So • .,. ltwy., 2 bed"'!. bome plu• 1 bedrm. gan,e apt. Both unit.I fumi.sbed. PrMled at $2f,llll0. El<clWllve. , .ame remodtllng makt• ttil• 2 bdrm. prtced at Mty ll32'G worth ae.irir. Hwd. ttoora, UI· 4., r' $3000 down on J_hia lat&e 3 bedrm. home, ed pullman batft. Eaac. front. · 3 C&.I' garace -located on. 60 ft. corner lot. , Dbl. car.,.._ Quick po_.•ioo Room for additlon&.1 unit. tuu price $17,000. .wtUi $1137 down. ltLDP AV.£. COrfter lot. Loc:at-- ed pod tor dUplu~ly '3aoo Paymenta only $100 Rtr fuo. Truly a BARG~. · No telephone iofoni.Uon pleue. 'Come to ' office, we are ready to ahow you. ExclWlive bua tM.t cal .. for and nturu your obildru .tely .• .• and a We(U&td to wat.cb over them when they &H in tba water. What more can you Uk for I.hi. aide Of heaven f " It 911.U be our pleuure to llhow JOU. klvely horn• &ad income properlJ tanJ1ns In price from 121,$00 to 1139,000 Wltft very ru.ona'DI• term&. OCEAN FRONT I I I • BEDROOM. 11~ balb. 7 ,._r old home, Juat asooo down. HARD TO FIND -We bave two -2 bednn bouos priced at only $19,500 on Bal~ .~d. , Wl4. W. -STANLEY SANFORD Realtors -,HADFIELD BALBOA PENINSULA· iO it 80 raid4Ual Jot. &.at Balboo Blvd. wltb permanent Bay view. ,Termo <All be arranged. Nl:WPOR.T HTS. LO'J. Ab9o- lut.e17 cheapffl pri~ tot and muet be •kl. tMOO. Caah. ~­ Build home or duplu. with ua. WINTER RENTALS y' DOU.~ TE 2 bedrm. bom~, dble. prage. trom Jta to l300 per tnoftllL. BALBOA DUPLEX -F\tmkbed 2 ·bedrm. Ud · 1i l!)lmedlate po••aalon. OPEN HOUSE 1-5 p. m., iNOUSTRIAL lodnn. AU on crow>d floor. $2MO will hand.le. 607 Larklpur. Priced at $14,000. Reuonable FROM 1 TO JO ACl\Ea. FTOm OCEAlf Vll:W frotl tll.11 2 yr. okt k•ut1. 3 bdtoma. W&lt to Wall carptt.11 \,hru-OUt, dni.pu, !&11 anlll d~ ctDI. sar~ tim....a, Ian~ •reet kW· et. ht and paid. t i.fdoo. thrne. down pa~enL Mon~ paymenl& nt $711. ....., to 110.000 pe• "'"· a.t GOOD BUSINESS CORN1CR. a Wilt& -beauty Mp«BER OF llULTIPLE LISTINGS ln on tu CTOUnd floor• maic. ahop lieuk1 -2 two bedrm.. unturniahed. bou.e.. . CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. ~t :;-.:;,."'"! $18,ooo 'iritb terma. ' ~. ' PRICE T. McCUISTION, Realtor It A.-latea • COAST PROPERTIES ' c~ :.i:_• h;m':: h:r~ -=~ n;; 3447 & Coelt Hwy. Corona del Mar Har. 47 Seven l1land1 Realty · RUTH JAYk£D ,Rea.ltor ., .......... """""'" ~til !OUice located dbt door to N"!'J'Ort Barbor Bank, Cd.loll & Investment Co. 1411dted Rim anct Sylvian--· ~-,....., _5;-'1 ,·Vet k>an .~ arranpd. 1 ~Und SL: NWJtl Bel\. ce.ur. 801 E . BaJboa Blvd., Balboa Har. 2138 or ff-00 tllnmo. e P':llll!ak>o. FURN. or UNFURN. JJr.nd new LIDO ISlE Ln&I'. oaea. ·~a p,m. H•r. WT 1--------=:C..~"-----........ -........ ~- . a bedrm. l ~ii beth bom• ill ' SUGAR' & s 1 · E ORANGE COAST Cool& ,., .. , ..... dbl. , ... ,, ........... I ........... ,.,.. s b b L· . pc PRO '"'RTIES , -~ .......... -u ur an 1v1na r. = """"""'' ,. .. ,... ""' 1m-11 ... -~ • •' • r "'" •bl "' u.. '''"'" ...,,, •• Hdr•t. • NE\.VrORT HEIGHTS -1167 Newpori Blvd., Colt-. MN& prowment.e tn ·~ pMd !OJ", ,....,. (.ruee..d), la.rs• bridt Red HIU areu, Wtl Gffer a JY U 1·,1132 :£YU.. Ll 1-1•00 PriDI-fll.'160. nnn .. caa be PtUo. 48 :a a tt kit on vta wide n..np ot.properttee tram ._ anytime. Olli Mr. Gat• Jucar. A ON\rabl.e ~ar rou.nd utate ultae to ...nral urn. Moving to E•1t ·coest Wltlll Dlk• • Oo~pw. u .. horn •• 12•.GOO term&. J:ltclu.I.. 9omll .\th bollWll and .,,_.,., Mu.\ 9eU I Dtdnn., JriMen1 "Dear 1..-tl. NdT wtth , '"l"i'il.ft ~ ~tor cmllllty In• ~ ea.ta MML Prtced to h lq, t~ aurs• tu on. Call MU l ll.600. NEW a SDRX .. 1~ bathe. 2-ur Jo n E. Sadleir, Rltr. FRED .ra«>ell!R. a.octated Relph P. Me1kay ....,.. fl* --. .... 11 .-,,.. "'· .,,._" ,._..,, wtu. v....... t.. v .... uM. Charming "Jn: home; two -p1.. l1l&Ot cott.i•· tarre patio, tema.,Otid ~llllQ. bardwood floon, tlttplece. 4m llW>DY k ltcbei. ' Choice Jot. not a 1-hold. m:ooo, te......_ • OSBORNE:FORTON REALTY CO. o~ .. ·:roa ll" a.... .uu ... CM.at HWJ-I latOI Tu.aUa Aft. Phot'le Kl S2nd A Newport Blvd.. Newport Bc.e.cb Hu--6638 or 14.05 ~......,... cau. w u. UMrt-1 OCiMM Ml lbr Ku.'kU 7-MTI eventn&'e Kl s-1tt1. · ,_ _ fill Newport BlYG. liar. •OI a.21n Nc30 lidM: ~ 2323 w. Cout:llwy, Cat Port Oranret Liberty 8-7562 l.'v.,._ Harl>or 6~i' • - • • • PA&E I .. PAltT I ~T HMIOI NEWSaES5 ~AY. AU6UST -27~-·1& ·-~-~ G-IMJl'Mata · IN TIME fOR ·SCHOOL THE PROPERTIES LlS1'ED BELOW AU 'v AcANT or DOl.EDIATE POSSESSION CAN BE ARRANGED • 3 Bdrm.I -2 Batht Hardwood Floon. Forced Air Heat, Dbl Garage. Feococl Only 1 year old. Full P-llee-$1S'Ai0 with $2300 Dowo. $1l500 Down Juat lilce new. Octupied only 2 Month.a 3 Bdnna, Wall to Wall Carpet. Fenced rear ya.rd. AU lm- provementl ln and paid. Paymentl of $84 per • moo th lnolude Taxe1 and lrusurance. $1500 Down New 3 tledroom. Luge country •ized lot. Won- derful location for children. Not a Tract Ho'*'. · NEWPORT HEIGHTS l.ovely 3 Bedroom, 2 bath home. Fenced and Nicely lan<bcaped. Near High and Grammar School.I. Full Price only $1~,000. "C" ED. JONES 1999 Harbor Blvd. LI 8-3333 BACK BAY Two ~ and den, bath and :ii , all electric kitchen, dWlwuher, wuher and dryer Plua WW carpeting and draperies. All thia on your private lake. Priced to eell. 414 -23rd St., -OPEN SAT 6 SUNDAY. SALE OR TRADE Now you can own highway frontage in Corona de! Mar, acroa the at.reel from Vincent.a new · drug atore plua a fully equipped garage. Call u. ... !or particulars. CORONA HIGHLANDS Priced below the matket and must aell: 2 bed- room home with a 'riew. Tenna are flexible. Call ua, we have the key. • II! W. E. FISHER & Associates 302• Cout Highway, Corona del Mar • Harbor 5032 E~ Harbor 24.2Q-W BALBOA ISLAND 4 bedrm. 11 :: plua bat.ha, corner '9l. So. Bay ' ~ interest in pier. Home in gooCl condition $57,500 , ' 2 umta on food at.reet. 2 bednn. bou.ae plua l br. apt. Attractive clean property - Small bouat, com.er lot. Good location $19.950 lRVI.Nij TERRACE new 3 bedrm. 2 bath home, ' ' fenced, la.ndacape4 $31,500 3 bednn. 2 bath home. Swim.ming pool $~.000 For exchange -3 bedrm., bath le :Ya home on good street ln Santa Ana for compai;a.ble fee • •• ' property ln · t.hia area. ~-. Eveninp call Edith Mt.t00n, HYatt 4 Lou Boynton Ha.rbor 2878 EARL W. STANLEY, Real tor ~Marine Aw .. Balboa laland Harbor 1775 We Planned It That Way The Lndominable spirit of over 300 Members world~ torether to sell over $1.000,000 worth of real at.ate' per month hu been acconiplished the first alx montb. of 1956. Property owner'• confidence In our Board oC Realton, plua a concerted effort by every mem- ber made it pouible. To LLlt or Buy Property c&l1 a Member or Newport Harbor Board of Realtors Multiple' Listing Service IT'S ANOTHER FINE HOME · BY COURTNEY C. PLATI' .. General Contractor 3 bdrm .• 2 bath, fully carpeted. excellent view. A really DELUXE CUSTOM 'home for the d1.acrim- lnaUng bu~~ ln the up and. coming Ba.ck Bay a.re&. Spedal featurea: cetit.ral neuum cleaning. La.nd.8Cla~ •prioltltr 9)'atcm, bW.tt-ln oven and rap. ndJo and lnt.er-eom .. Shell mtone fireplace 'W'it.h cantilever hearth. BeautlfuUy colol' coordi- nated. Price S35J500-t.e,rma. May be eeen at WT "'Vista. 1 b16ck ~o. 22nd St., just ott Tustin An., Call Liberty 8-MM for appointment 55c!S7 Lido Owner .. bUUdJnr a 1arPr Lido bo&Dt. 80 we have tAe cltaDMt. m09l au.ractl" S bedrocill home lmaginable for eale.. ~bu belSl done to make tbia hOIDe UYablt. ea~ aiad au.nctiW: The riiarlne •Jew ia oat..lltaAd.lar. u lt'• on the eut 8Dcl of Lido Ille. It It 1Mill•t1· fUll.t tarpeted, clra~ and decorated. The ~ bedroom II ~ bJ 15. then are two batlm • ~ plua powder room. The· ldtdaen ii a 4i'eiun. • with 2 bullt.'ln Tbenddor cmm. raqe; tiib- ·wuber and d1spoa1. The cOverecl ~do liU ltl 11eparate ~lace 'with ~ Not.hi.If&' wu •pared to make thiit a qUallty home tram the lntttlockl.DJ Shake Tile root to tbe fine pie!-and 1Up. Phone for appolntmell.t. You ahpuld • see t.h1a now! $90,000. • Exceptionally well planned and conatnicted · ranch style home on dellirable street-to-ctn.et Lido ,!ale location.. La.ndscaped, euy 1 :i block to beach. Near t.Jdo Club. 3 bedrma. 2 bat.M, new and charming. $33,000 • At t.hla time we have only 13 Udo lotl for u.le. U you plan to build, better hurry. Fol' the.e and other Lido Ia1e bargaina, CO.ME TO HEAD-' QUARTERS -our Zlat year at Udo lale. p. a. palmer incorporated ol• hen1on co. managem") 3333 via Udo, harbor 1.500 . West BaY:front Home • bdnD&, cutQm turulb&ft, beautiful view, pltt ~ Bai~ nerytb.lns fO!' tunrtoaa UWiJ. Ooly $89,MO. Call Lou ~ for detalla. E. -Costa Mesa St. . eed a plt!&mre tO abow thia apotlem 8 ' ome, rad.1 to ID0"8 ta and la.nd9c&ped to perf ectlon. Sl2,9C50 tun )lice. and terma are a...U.ble. Drive by A 191 it, then c&ll Joe Kincaid for detaila. . Outstanding 3 bdrm.f., 2 bath horM on l&rp lot in Balboa. BeautJfUlly land.leaped patio and aundeck with ocean view. Full prlce $27 ,500. Call Bill Farmworth p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson c:o. man.•g•ment 1100 "· cout hlchway-liberty ~73 ; c· THOMAS ·c· THOMAS BAYSHORES .. 3 Bedrooms $1 ,950 Down Balboa Ree Jty Co. OUTSTANDING VALUES MOVE JN BEFORE SOIOOL STAR:rB' • Fumlah~ a bed· room.a, 1 '• balha. lfe. llv. room will\ Clttpl&ce, encL paUo, needl 10me ~Uns -AN EXCEu..ENT BUY al 119,600 with low down pay· lnl'nL LIDO NORD NEWPORT HEIGHTS. Ownen auloua to leave. Ku.st 11ell. See t.hU beautiful home In the Hei1btl' ftneet n~hborhood.. See it and ma.ke an otter. A.•ldQr $1',900. Newport Heights Deluxe Excellent Cape Cod 2 becJmi: with very Wie roorpa oo nicely l&ndlcaped lot. A !lome fw will be proud 'to own at l1819&o. Very sood fi. nanclnr .nd low down payment. · • tlJ 'l'IDl LA.IT R.blAINlNO JW lot.a oe the hnluu.la potnt. aide by side. uo• dttp Bultd T untta. HI~. (2) f'AMOJ11 "Hot1da.7 Apart· rnmtl' on lbe <>c.&n fronL • \I.Alla plUI manacer'• &pl. i:.tabllalled yea.r ·round di· ent.ele. UG,000, &ood t.emu. I • I Bay ~venue Bayfront .. 5 )l'. ~Modera-:s BR. -3 BaU1...:..pau. maier• roan a ftft~L&rse L. R. Nacel)• land· ecaped-Pier • flai.t. Oocnpletely tum. m.GOO , · Balboa Peninsula Near Jeuy -3 BR. - 2 Bath -bdwd. Ooora- F /A beat -Patio -A-1 ~dltlon. 0wne1'" trarwerftd. $2t.950 -Terms. .... , "'"'\ · Also Peninsula Price redueed ! -2· BR.· Is convertible Den. 2 BaUi -Modem .. -Patio -fu.rn. $29,:500 Also Neat Jetty Ocean Front Cutie 3 BR. -~ panelled - ni~ly furn. and land.caped. $29, 150. $7,000 will handle Newport Beach Ocean Front -Seuhore Colony. 3 B.R., 2 bath. Built by one of Newport'• beat bullden. $26,DOO Newport Beach ,. A re,.i Bargain! -Duplex $12,t)()(). Interior very attractive Ir in excel cond. Exterior needa a bit of'fixin'. Good terms. ~or further inlormation or appointment to see, call BAY &. BEACH REAL TY, Inc., Realtors at 2025 W. Balboa Blvd., Ne-i><>rt Beach Har. 4091 or 1450 W. Balboa Blvd., BaJb Eves Harbor 1856 Har. 12M NEW NEW NEW Aniiouncing 5 Star Homes • COSTA MESA Top Earl~de Loc~ffon 3 & 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms BE.A UTIFUL HOME on the bay ft'Onl N~ pier. com· pletely redecorat.ed. 1Ax2:> fL Uv. room. 4 ti.droom.. den. l&nat. 3 c&r rarqe. w w car· ~la. MW drape•. &howl\ by appoinlmt'nt • 8 -SEPARATE UNITS INOOME $'1800 PER YEAR ca) t Ba>l\OOM BOlQl WlTB MODERN QUEST ROOM A •th. I a&qk Cua&ea. pallO, la.rs• loL N..,. bey • OCUA. I lllJSOO.. tmna. • Forced Air beat. Garbage diapoala, exhaust fan., Fonruca counter tops &nd genuine Aah Cabinet.a. Street.a, Curbe, Sidewuu, Sewer lines and water in and pa.id for. · J VIEW SEE Uu1 c:hara.ntns home t.o<Jay : Qu.a.IHy bullt on a ~ n. k>l, beautifully lLndacaped patio, tach room lndivldu.a.lly deco- ratfd. twam cetttnp. nnpiu.. ctapoa) -lop location and PRJCEU fllOHT -U4.~ R·3 LOT ON CLIFF DRIVE suoo "C" THOMAS . REALTOR and ASSOCIA TF.S Each unit hu 2 bdmla .. large Uvtng room - 2 with fireplaces, bath with at&D tho.en. Beat of conatruct.lon. plutentcl walla. lot lite 1!50 x 200 on w#tr, In coQDty rBack Bay area). Should mA with about $18.000 down. Can ..U ~unit.a eeoparate.ly if deltred. All unit.a mited unfum. Price -$62,MO. ' BUSINESS BUILDING NE'f INCX>ME 10~<' plUL 6 top n~ tenant.a all on leue. Beet loc:atJon on cout. A-1 con· . st.ruction. St.remed for 2nd fioor. Eutt:rn owner deal~ quick aa.le. $1~,000 term.a. J ACK BRENNAN, REAL TOR "AT THE ARCHES" Hwy. L.l 8-7773 22• W. Coul HJway LI S-M27 1--_,&.---------------- Newport Bt'ach C~THOMAS 'C'THOMAS B/ B AHOY! Fishing fo r o good tr ode 7 Drop anchor and ier1 talk lhl• one ovtr. KMp your own apt. on Cata.lln& and lf"l the olber lwo luxur1ou.t a bdrm. apt.I. bUlld your equity 110.000 will handle or ownf'r wlll trade for malnland. 2 GOODIES FOR 2 SMARTIES. A lovely 2 BR home, carpeted, corner F. P .. ·BIL in ~B-Q It 1 BR. apl, over dbl pr. PLUS an X~ loL Thi.I t. on a 60 ft. corner. RcoJn for 2 more unit.a -Barp1n at $26,7!50. 2 BR. home, carpeted. fenced yard, patio It Ba.r-B-Q atart.ed. Needa a litUe fixinc but Jt'• euy if you're handy with a checkbook. Hu G. I. loan. Ezcluaive with R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor R. B. HODGE, Auoda~ 3622 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Ku. Har. mt < 41 OWNER OOJNQ TO EUR· on. Wut.1 to •U 4 unit Three bedro om1 a s low ~u $11 450 $69 5 dn income.. • USla Ll14 bacbe-I I Jor. Nlc9l7 ~ i. •·• Four bedrooms , os low os $ t 2,4'50 $79 5 dn con4SUon.. Block trom bey bell. eu.ooo. ienna. ! ll J BALBOA 'BO.¥.&. I bdrm.t... W. A. TOBIAS REALTOR I t.1b.a. W•~ Bay Ave. loca· I Uoa. v.., wdl tw-nJahed. 8well lw T•r nNnd bome. e nd ASSOCIATES 111.000. 'hnna. ''You'U Like Qur Friendly Service" (I) BIC8T llll'l'UJUl ON A UT· iOO E. 17th St. Cost.a Mesa Llbforty 8-U39 TUI KONrl 1N TOWM. 1 j bedniom bome ~-1 Md· -----~....._ ________ ~----~ room a.pen.mat over 2-r.ar prq&. Bent.cl .wnmer and winier. '16.00t, urma. Balboa Realty Co. Op-poe!t. BaAk of .._.,..rica Roa Ott~ty &d LH Joe.pbtne Wtbb 700 &. a..lboe &l•d .. ...- Phone R.ar8or 1111 LIDO ISLE a .._OClih -2 11i&t.t1 Y ou'U Jcwe llriais ta UUa com· ronuae bGtw. r..,.... unnc l'OOnl wtUi tlapt.one ftreplace. BnUtut Bar, d.la.Ul~ ...... • l&l'p patio. lt'a • a me. «' lot \ool W .600 and !LI JOIUL Duncan Hardesty R.l:ALTOR 2to:2 N.-port Blvd. Newport Bea.ch Harbor 4711 LIDO Ownen1 leaving at.ate, muat tell t.bJ. apacloua 2 bdrm. and gl.uaed lanai. 2 baths, (with plima included for ex. bdrm.) On 50 ft. Jot with lge. covered patJo for $31,500. Th1S ta a reaJ. value and a BUY. . . f I BUSINESS PROPERTY ON NEWPORT BLVD. 2 bdrm. rramc hou.ee plua adJotni.Dr ~mtt tot. 18th and Newport Blvd. -in heart ot Costa Mesa. 64 ft. frontage, 9:5 feel deep on 18th. Excel- lent location for new atore building coinmandinr top rental. Price $38,t)()(). COSTA MES A t80 Flower. 3 bdrm.. Beautifully land8caped. Only S2tSOO down. Hurry on thla one. MYRTlE DAVY, Realtor & Auoc:. Helen Baum Bob Smith Hut! Condon 3t32 Via Oporto . Hatbor 5"& Evea. LI 8-.5297 U 8-1709 Har. 1017-J OPEN HOUSES SACRIFkE ·;r~§ CD.Uy Except Wcdneeday) Harbor Highla nds 19 29 Priscilla Le ne THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL On Fairway Orin • 3 bt'droom.a • Hardwood noo,.. • Jl't.~pl&H • L&ra-KltctM-n • Ide&! Fmc.4 yard • PaUo • D1cbondna Lawn • N~ 8ll"ft\~ • A ~ood value at 112.7~ Dunc an Hardesty REALTOR . ff02 N•wpc»1 Blvd. NPWJ!Ort Ba.ch Harbor 4718 J"OR SALZ BY OWl'fEJ\ Untu:mllhed · 2 bedrm bome.. Accepting Offe rs Owner must ae1l immediately. 3 bedroom home Only 2 yean old. Partly ~ Garap. V uy n1cely Jand.ecaped. Plus a "fe¥'Y sood rental Best oppartunlty in Town. Call ua bnmediately. PHIL SULLIVAN & GEO. EVERSON 18:56 Newport Bml .• eo.ta Kea Phone LI 8-8781 -Eva Har. 43e6 " NOW IS THE TIMEU I To See OUR~ * * * Choice duplex on the water • • • Deluxe amllrt 2 bednn., 2 bath, dbk pr. bome.. A very apecial barp.in Newport ffeiahta $17 ~ A Beacon .Bay dltlUD home wbere etea)We wantl to live - ' will tell you all about them and t.beft91iil'J you at your COlm!llJm.ce. DORIS BRAY, Realtor beat. bWJt tD 'llCOft. earpec.ed; csra,... p&Uo. faced. ...,._ caped. dbl pnp. WlQ trade .. wt.y f'1f loc.. After T pm or WMll ..... u UOTt • •1• Ptwmner. CURT DOSH, Rltr. 315 Merine Ave. lalbo. lsl•nd Harbor 1660 B&AUTIJ"Ol. I A.CR.le aT A TS. J ll°"7• t W1'm, I~ bat.ha. • nn ._.._t.a.om.. PJ..Ua I rm Beautifully appointed 3 bedf09l'D 2 bath home. La.rp•cool covered paUo. A rta.l buy at U T,9C50. ALSO 482 E. 20th (20th & Irv ine J A really d.iffereot ~ecutlve Type 2 bedroom 2 bath home with Den. Dinlnr Room ancl B\lllt.. m lldtchen. It t. brand new and bu curbs, iut.ten. eewera, lidewalkl A ia land.lcapecl. Electric p.rage doors le many extru you mumt tee to btlieft. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Reaffor 2802 Newport Blvd •• Newport Bach Har. •na ,.......__6 1car,....... 0n. .CN ta ,.,...,....l putu"---------------=------- N=l~T~ TRAILER PARK ru N. KeCLAY, aa.n r....od9 for itmper.. i.aooi ~ •:: Balboa Island • RED HOT CUPP BA.VEN. ' Wrm.. J ktb-"*"' a.,.. ltirtas na.. M tt. m.ute:r Wnn~ wt.le lot.. Pl.llOO Modern t5 apace park, H.arbor area. WW~ 3 bdrm. home on J!:alboa hlland u pa.rt .,.yment. OSBORNE-FORTON REALTY 2323 w. Cout Rwy. (at Port Oranre> Baehelor apL tn rear re'\Ud at 141 a rnoat.h. l)oubl• prqw ~ for •rt-renoect • ,-rd. a bleulng for -....U f'tuldren l'VLL PRICE UIMO. Open • tot IMpt!Clloft ct.~ H• cept Bwtday l tLi ' au )(..,.... ,,,,,-:-,.._--sold. Corooa del Mar. •Ml -------~---~--~~~~--~--...:___--~-- 218 MariM Aw., Balboa laland Ha.r. 20 o?' M Not a -~ hr &pp\. call J"OftD \!'l:NU:l"l'DI, Rar UIS Skl6 Liberty 8-7~ Eva Harbor 51.M • •