HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-09-17 - Newport Harbor News Press. . ' . . , , ·= ·-.~_;._.. ~ C-c ~ ,: '· ··-~: ,_,'' ~~ ''' ~ >. .,.,~" _ ,., ·-~;'··,~: -~ii T. I~• :n:;=-~' --~,....._...;Le ......._.,.., Ti -· -· · r------._.!_ f."~ "--• • 5 -... r n ~ a ~-·" sS5@ ,_ ' ..... u a sitt'Ef:--·m -z =-· --~ ~ -~ ----· · --·--· -- '· ' ( ··~. '• 1~ ' ~ 'P~ A1' nR8T -Rusty Packard l!ldes at.retch. to Wu throw ancl Pit O!li Daiiny Kei-r" ln recent ftJJee" tolfinal1lC!d ·,am. at ~I Mesa Park. ~ wu a Dodge.I" ldternational ~d kt & Brlr\'e Mnc!'~an. -St&!! Plaoto ' ' • ---. -------~':' ::·~ ~v.w:; .....,B_E_S_U_lt_E_IN_S_U_R_E_".., -~·22 .BOWLERS llM>'0\114 .... ~ out,-.t 179.I wltlt COMPETE IN pod4o po pla)"ll'. HAMLET DISU&ANO& A couple °' CbancN ban .............. "" . I LAWN ROLL t&ka pl&ee ta tb• ..utleJd. Du. llJdway to ~ OU al ~ .quad'a mo.It l&U S. <leut I JLr - vt t&clllen, On1a Auon b&I C.,... aat '-'91 •• ,, •• ' IL'ICT•ICALLY e LIT US HILP YOU e HiFFOllD & ION 110 an.n...~ Coll~/ » 8-%%76 I I ART STUDENTS LEAGUE ' Drawtas a hlatlq -Be&imllq • .Wnaeecl OIL AND W .&TEBOOLOB 81lf:roB Cl.AMP'! PBOFWIONAL MODf:LS Fall Seulon. Stam September 24 FOa DIYOPATION CALL llA.&llOR UM ,. OllARID B. DA '¥18, Director .· ~urtHy: Harbor ~rea Dealeta ... . · rorLow...,.tWJ&at. .AMNm ......, .. ....,~ SICURITY POiJl:I .. ....... ~ .. ~ ........ Olm.~ i4U. NIWPOU llACH DIALBS BMrlDI THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY l=RUITS v£GETABLES •• '· . ,. ri INOWIUll CIACQU __ _ ' 1 ~· .. ... MlllllS · DOe POOD ---.· . "' • ~ !• !" ' WHlllllJI& .. . , ... IOAP.-----~ . : . ~ : ,. .~~·---· .... ~ 7JC . "' .. . NllllftS .....:. .... JI 7c OIAN•I DllNI --~ WHITI ..... 'U9U•· Dl'lll•Bn' ....:. ·~ ' . . ~ llNDAW IWll D04i POOD ---• • II BOMEBVILl)J.~ AND ~\'t:RNOR ~ above analyzing rccv: <I-breaking interest.:..:ln th.la year• NauollM Home Month omerva.nce-4D the Southla.rid are~ ~ovd"nor Goodwill J. JQ,. and otflc:iall ot'\lio Hom~ Durldert InatltJi;, :p!anlr· inc the Governor a re R R,.~9'! Myl'!'9 <ri1ht), HBI prcstdC'nt, and \', 1llard \\'oodrttw, HBI Na- tional Romc\\tonth chairman. As 'HODJe • -~ 11• --~llltm-t 21 Z.441~ riM U11 ~ Mew :•'\...:~IMt Hame Month by,York. 111t>i<tant.lally In .....o or..,... G-1odwtll ~ K n i Sn l P.lK&...-~~ J.~.G.l,J J..vr \vbO -by l••<Jmtt l~ natlan n..-.t urr.t~ thft.n o.lifomla ~ tn ~ldl.Jll. c.; a t 1 tor n la ,.,J 1n the IKtmt' Pt'rl~t ln U.. b111Mlua lhMre pav~ tht! "a' for I fl~•in-• mil\' be found UI ~ 1C&Utonu. to -1Xaln ha al ra.nk tor 6ur al4tt at~ f\m rull Ila~ Wlthin ll ,......,. year.. ftllltanall.V In pvpulallon wju.&JI ·~rrua eonttnuf'• to Glory a htw yoau ln It.a pd~ •s .. uC 1•rol{rtB:t and 1 "1'he home bullden «>f C.nfqr. r,ro..lfl'Ul. Thu•~~ uf nt'w fn1111 nl 1 1trt' l\&j).y eJIQillc •P~ ] •• &l"t mu~ ll'olO o.:r aln t1• 'H'' nn!a• Of tl~ t njoymDt .acb month, br1Af&n• y,1lh,t!iem lo m<>r• l)(rlpl• u.&n f'V'ltr i.i .... unttmt~ talent. 1nu11atry and 1n h•rman hlatory !t 11 Clttlzll amMUDa. that th" month ot S••rte!DW ~ -+;V;1111rl.Jt namu · uo tiou.· It~ be df'9~ N•u.illl T\K fDt Lht'lle Jl"Olll• ha• ort'"r<'ll llnp1" y,;""' LO. ~trn Cadt_.. one 0( th• 1-.ajt ild.ynam1c ch•!· 11,a '" trillltit. &o ~ dl'•11l'&W Jenttf l'vl'r I'll~ 'try Aml'n• ,n m•• MWl women WM 9 l&n ~ tH-. D ll'rprlne. 'nu• "'" nnl"T l'l 11! rvM and otherwl,. t'ont r 11NC. nt. a<:Nt to & llUCCUrtw f&l'dcn waunnr procnm la thorouch w 1tui1'11• l1.11a lnfr .. qul'nt per1od.11. A void onr-wateor· IJllf lh1 1thallow-rooleotl !l~l'rl &11d ahruba "t bl lllN to r.ch Utt' 1QOta °' th. lara• ~" and treea. • • I thl' Cotonr tutn Pa.rnryl -six , t"t tall, •l&ht fHl aero•• In ' I ITllCd ul, ~ ma.nMr. CIUS• Plant m--. ·"' wtlltl1' -"'~ :C!{' of • k flowf'ra ttloom l• look .,..D Ml*' w1ut~;t.ht • I hell Coto...... (0. ~ lliiabMlt erirHn t~e. I t&nal. It apre.da w10t and hfma foUowl'4 by b rlllla.l)t toll berrlt'I mouDda to Utne feet. Altbourll Crom October w ~ember. It'• dwld~ua . ID cold "1.at.er T!w ao.wlt'6f Ooton.·aattr 1 C 11'9.1, lM ICU'lel Mrriu .,_, pa.nnOI&) hl-UI C1ltaJ lOlori'd In mau to hld.9 ta. *"-branchea. trultll ~ coot.rut a ttradlvt'ly 11/QB•A Q/l,OWT• wttb lM lll?Yl'ry-cr&y Collaaie and m.~r fTOWlll la ~ by whit.. tl9wera. 'Eqleii Bumlar'_ · MiiJ Have MM ReMdenNil P1;nffn9 a Deeoteff"9 . Fl.AHi KATNIK • 1911 "· OIMt ~. • ..... r .:a.llTI -a.1 & 117' ' .. . PO• YOUR OONVl!:NIENl-'Z lCEEP THIS USl' HANDY ato lccessories Wiit Auto Suoply ,,,..._AHnM~_.;..nltt • IA'T'T B41UW" 81.\'D. U JlT.KTl' 1-M 11 • I . FOLG.ER'S COFFEE ·,-4~. 83c C•- CHUNK TUIA !!~ ........ _23c Ubby Twto JUICE ::-_23c -"" -CATIUP ~----10c , H1111t'1 Tomato · -.. SAU,C,E . ;,·· ~''ft _3 ,.,,,c ' . <!> ,. l•cly"'!':lat r"9t I ' or .. l Cold CRISCO 3-lb. "89c COR ·-- APPLI SAUCE !!n--:~~-2 ,., 25 c: • \ , J I -.. -; - .. .. ....... -...... . ~ > f~ • .· ii!. 11· ~I: i ~ i I i .z ~ :i: '° •"' • mOc.n I O:z-~~~ I c.nm,... .. -' z Gl ' • ... . . , ....... • .• -7 Jinm,PAIR PROGRli::SS,la toi.s' to mem~ ot ~ ~ Beuh ~\er -ot Boaa Botpltat' A~ by Ne-wpcirf memben ~t at \ meeUn1 Jn th• hoqie of Kra. Ralph· Prlnfle. Look!Ac U a ~ for the 'event, to be held Ott. JRITE HELD HERE I • Calendar. 6 at the Ren~oua. are. (l to r) Mn. Princle. )fn. Don Coterrove, p~nt ot1 the A~ and Mn: Burnell Fm'py, 8pecW fea~. -Bo~ ~ive\ Photor , . ' ' \. . -~ ) Klotze-H~nnings Families United · .o~ ·Events LAGUNA CHAPTER HE.A:~. ABOUT . HOAG. FUNG·· FAIR • \ • • 11 TUl:spAY, ..-r ... POR'l'LA.Nl> ltlTES ..L Murlcd tn HbuiOn Mc· motial Baptlat Church, PorUand, <>rpere M.I~ X&l'jorio WeU.ter and Rich.a.rd .Jo~n. -Ken- nell-~ Pboto IOftOPTDO.aT -' p.m. J WZDJfl:SMY, BRJ'. II Altar candles, white 1tock, gladiolua and baby CIVl.C Llr.A.OUll -10 a.m. chrysantbcmuma adorned the. sanctuary and white satin VWa Marln.a . . \ ·, ~,.f._ ~ -I ribbons marked the c~nter aisJe of Corona del Mar Com· O. c. J>JUJlMACl:UTJCAL AWL U ::SO Waw Wbeel The Laguna O.pter of the Awdliary of Hoag Memorial Ho.pita.I met at the pome of Mrs. Ralph Pringle, 111 South La Benda Drive, Three Aroh Bay, for cottee and to complete fln&.l arrangement. for the i'und Fair to be Jiven Oct. e &t the Rendenoua Ballroom munity Church when lhe Rev. Edwin Gomke ottlciated CON Fl!:LLOW8!UP _ 2 p.m. at a lale afternoon ceremon y which united M1M Barbara church .,. --------------------- :~To Participate J .. in DAR Meet . . ~:At Long Beach l .. <.nm~ H~nnl.rll• and Jerome tfo.nnllnn KIOU.. Tb~ bn~ ts the d1<U6;hler of Mr. W. 0: ;tt~nnlop Cit \7~8 Santa Ana A v<!., Ooata •tcl'll, 11nd th<' late X ra. Ktn· n1ni,;.. \, lule Uw btidcaroom 11 the 11on ut Lhe Lo C. Klotua eit lbe bride, ln -·•COGW11 rue.u. Bot.h Uw dlnln.C room Qd pauo were dtc0rated w1lb wh!t.e nowera for u.. occUlqn. Another rra.nCStnotMr of tbe &rtdt. Mra. A. M. J.,dudan and M.ra. Cbarl• Hamilton. ~ndmoUler ot the brldecroom, ..,,re b o n o re d f-UYf"lliltft'. • gu~ta. f 'nr t hf' alnJle nng cr~rnh1w ()()l'PLE'S 8CROOLS Uut tindt• won-wtule lart in , ,,._~:1111 l\'nfth Thr ,,..00p nt < k· The bride altenckd Newport H 111 bor lllgh School, Orance Mra. Anne R. Hartx-son of Balboa. vie<.' chairman I Ion.· u1 .. ·e quiutrr •h-~"'11 and cuu.et college and wu rraduated .. OQ conr~ce exhibits and mcmbc-r ol Col. \Vill!Rm .tru1•1>"" Wltl!itllne ot the bodi'l lhlll year from the Unlvenlty of \\ ~ ,.. l)<o11nr1 with &llllu. /\ J>"'&rl Cabell Chapte r , DAR, wlll Ix' one of the speakers at ajand 111, .. rnp hrld lhe bridal \«lltor nla. He r husband attendfod "' 1 L....A r c . l•11•er111de H igh Sehool and waa 8J¥!"fll-o~rvancc o onst1lut1on \\"rck which h igh-veil anJ till•· <nrn~d • colon1111 al•o i raduated from u. c. thla lights the firal fall meeting of tht· S11uthcr n Cuunc1l of boU'l\ll'l 111 whl• 11 w re rnrnhlned >"ur. He ,. .... a rrtllated wll.h Phi the Callfonlla il.M.l• !ocll'ty ot ' plnJ( 1<>4tra ... llrdiv c:ht) ~•nlh•·· lk la Ka ppll and Mu Epallo11, t he 1>au1nt.esa ot lite .A.rra~1 ll'&n I londucle<1 by 'half men 1tllll '.e '' 11111111~ 1<lrph1<uulla, Iii.le• o! th" lrunurary malht'ma Uce fratl'rmty. ,.. __ ..... _ -ftlft l 11 cliitlrn.en of nallontli lln 1 .stat• 1 ·,.lh·v null '"l11l1· l l\.ltlM"nop .. 1s .n.e\l',_,....,n, UDQV4! ..... &' a a .111 1 The 1 ouple ha• eatllbllahf'd a tomorr<1W at ) th• l.Afav•tlt· alJtndlng comrnHlc,·.s ~·I lltl' ~rl!h11J.s ""rn lalrr wit 1 hu rc!11lt:n'e al 2623A 8'nevenua H otel, Long S.c h. • . MX iely. Mra. John J l'h1111· g1•~ t we<>d, ~olng -~~Y _•utl. I Ave., Ikrkelcy. • • SepL JT-23 hu bctn proclaim· Jllf:ux, Alhamb~ »late \Ill"• :O-l'l rt.K ,\rtl.:-;U~ l'd u QQntUtuUun \\'eek by 1e~ent, will pre&de. • I .:\11M N1111cv tk11nin~11 alll'nMd' P.rea!Gcllt !:1-entloWer In ~cord-f'"p<.'l'klln In the nlOl nlflf; " 'I he•[ blli 'r. WCULni; Ughl blur Nat al Fete for a~.of :wtth 'i • ·concr.,ional 1nclt11Je .M'" H.th ""~"·•••n tci!ff'\n \•llh •·•P alc~•\·u and tull J A F k - : . -• rnh\J ~1lh. .Wu. W•l'\IY. <lbl.lon.t ... r,;u f• la f<>l'• 1' 1 " 1 ... n<1r11u tor hc1 • '·~ l'r. r •'&n an. n ~POR~ PT4 TEA: - SIGMA. KHPP4. -1:30 p.m. 69 Beacon Bay THUUDAY;n:rr. W EBICLL P' ASHION 111Mbton .~n Hall BPW -6.4~ p.m. iraYc FILfOA\', SEPT. U ANGLERS -U noon NHYC rAC LU NCHEON - COARTLINID AUX -Open IOCl&l U. BaibOL Special iunta wtre Mn. Dou.ald Oolrrov•. premCS.nl ot u.. AwdU&ry, llra. Earl saw- yer, ~· and inn.na chairman. Mn. ctiariea ~ Mra. BurMU Forsey. and Xra. Joaaph Gau- tbet.r, all ot Nawport ~&th. Each pvt a report CUl her par· Ueulu work toward the event.. The Fund Vair will open at 6 30 p m. Meaa Lesion Hall "ATUIU>AV. SEPT. n 11 a.m. with a b41uar. Thtre PHILKAJU10NlC c.oncert-l.ao wtU•k boollu wrnnr white ele~ p.m. ocC Auditorium _p ha n t •. handlcrafta, hollday "we both like the !. Ju d re3t we get going S. P." 11tta, foodl, ~arly·oew ciot.blq. 1 b&ta, awaat.era and blowiee. a KexJcaa market, and .. ~lebdt)' I table wbera dOf\A~Ol\I fro .. ftlm not& blee ..,..w b4I aold. • BAND ., In u. MnUlf, ~at 8 o'clock, 1..4lPton Noble'll or- ch..tra WiJl pl&)' for ~. . ~. Harbor Red .: Me"'oriel Perk·:,. ....-.. ~"· ... -.a.en ••ta.on••f' ~~·llo~ r. "• ·.· ,. , • '•' e Convenlnt . ,·!) COftlplet9 Shopplnt, ' I I a... ·; . ' ... .. ~~. .. INsuaANCE AGl:N$ ·: 1clOlutJon apon.ared b}• IJ/natur~R.oua. pital "la!C' 1es,:-.•11\, :.lr~.la;k111 ll \.1~ bound \l.llh a Q Ilil ormane ·11 .. 1'.; & • t C"har!PJ1 R l'lm11., Mt•• W tr11tr""1 rrut<'hl 1;: ., irh Alll1 11m11 .. r I.A!• I ~· 1 ~ ~ t d ft{ ! ~.J}tnd loca• 0~ of and )(1'li Al'h<"it ~· \\'tnrt.>nd. lial• ::-itn• aai ,,,1 11 nullf'l:•n· or \\llllam l'u1m&nf k 924 Gov.rnor : !'..i·ttk 1n achQOla, parka. 1...o. An~l'I"•· .'.Ill~ Mu111s 1 .. pl.11· 1 e1l'lplt1111111u. 1'rnk 1 uara 11n11 11h.al· Sl., Co•l• MeJ<a. en~rt.aln.cS .... ef Amerfca NT .t 84 W. 0. BUCIL, I.NO. u•• Via Ude _ 11.anor NII HOO \'la I.We -llarboi '4 H • · churchr• and other ault.ablf" lo. :"'urlh H .... ""O<J M" t.-1~tl •u11.aU1111» lh1I v.1lh pl.Ilk m<•mb<'r1 nt l hf family S t1nday • place! have b rn ~u ... t by I Ht>nr wtta B ,fl\ •" I .utt, •"I<, ~tn."1•r.1• 1 in hmur ur their dau.:hter, Jo- : • Oo ...... l'nor Kn>&ht and Cahforrua J.fr .. T ,\ ·~ .. 1.u .. a}, \llfI•~"" \\'IUl.Alll \Yal~.l'I ,,. ... .,,1 ua tical Ann wbo ce~bratf'd har nlnUI • ina7orL Mn1. HotK>rt C Wood, AlLa1l .. na man. bl.rth'1ay SepL 4. Rel&U\•H frorn • -\A\.loml'y w 111taia • K111ll!\' ot Mni. Jnlul w. Bent'1Jh•t, J"ontana M 1 M G d I Lo• A.ng-elea Lonr; 8".ch Santa ' Lons a.oh, noted aulhorlly 011 M1 !I. Conlt&ntiM L. .'.11etz and ·, ~·· ,;.r111 1 11k' •t c_, rti;h·or,l hradn · An& a nd A~elm plM~ for • 1110 ..... e 1· CJ 111• 1rtuf", 08 c.sv a ~c ~ of Ole. Con.1lltuUOn. Mr" Winfteld G. \\ a1Lc, River· ti 1 It .... 1 .... _. 1 la d till" occulon pn:aeaUnc JoAnn M ,, ., re< f'f) on 11 111 ...... ....... s n • WlU &~us the mee?Ung at 2 •1•lc: 111. Arthur, ;-1ha"' ollnlll .. l •1 , 1 1, __ ,, r 20 "'ltil many lovely ctfl.a. Gamts • "-·· c d H '1 n l;c M 1101111' 0 ,.. I" • ' mut., or l p.-n. 414 · vwo ~ituUvn an ~11>ara; • M. lfT ~'" 111. 011 rnt><:in .,1 11 11.0 fllmihr~. wen-played a n a boun lful dln· A inNican Fr.4dom , \A. t'lll .. v G. Bai 11111.;,.r, E .. •c •n<ll<lu I •t KL t 1 d 1 nt"r wu aerved cUlll&Jled by UI• •• ., . ~ ... 1" "' r. \\ ,,> '' .t-c ii;ownc n The mornin;; JlrlliC1am "111 hi' 111111 ~.n. \, lnl1 l'U R. G•>tM.11rl. I Ilk . , t 1 k 1 celebrant blowinir ou t th• .., DI 111:1) • \·, 1 1r 111 1u·1>r11001 ta, <!~voted lo 11.n lru1trurllon J"'nel .. an ego. l110111.,1 ... ,, '"'l hRl Anrl "hilt' candJu on a beaulltul birthday THE IEST OF ltlOES-FOR FOLKS OR FREIGHT ------''""' '"'~""' "K~llllt•ll :.tra. Mal'-C¥kl'. ~~----------------'--------..a;..~--------~~~~~-----------F av or it e C·ookie Recipes ..... g .. 1 Hild Mt·~ Hndr lllllll nfl TUE lH•:.i:,T '""' hn l" 1011( lift Of R bl • w hut till' rryhl1t1hz.~ll 11110 1.1~1111.-.1 I epll 1can on1e11 ,•'~ll"l•('lll" of lhf' 1'"·•1 .... l~l(ll• , , 11• \ \flt .. , tl Ill ,,.. I OIJ .. ., l \'if.Ill . • Sl liAR ( UUkU::, Ii C\11> buttu l cup 1upr 2 -er >o111a • l tbsp er-.m 1 tap. \'an11\a , .}ii lap. M il • I Up. b&lonl( PQ\\ dCr , t ~·flour I ' '1". \ ('1 • .t • I \/,.,/\"'''IV \ ,f ••\II '· 1111u• be.n)l• H1,•t th1• l , ,.,. , , • . '"'u w111 r.1..-1 pr" 1\cd in 111 • rcrat '"" 1 .. ni.•I •\I.hell ti"• "\nthh11 :01 l'UR) BALTZ MORTUARIES (.'1 !iT A ;\IL:-\ l II '\I ~ " l7<t J ~UJl~ll••I 1\V,..fjl.I• Cu..~ta \.i,..!".11. \ "'• ~ Phnr.._, Ll~11\· ~ _1.1 'HAl'Jo:I l.Y Tm: s~;,\ .~~·~'' 1·: < • tk ( Hh· t <...010.R •rl Mar, t"l\l1C f'tlo ,,. 1 IR rhnr 4 '.! : ~~\' &Q4 11\IX ~di '-'1th 9U111r: add tM-atf'n P~I;~ l>lll to· 1.0.Z floor l>tkkln6; I'°'' •Irr An•I • ·aalt-add thl• m1."<l'll" to th•' I r' abo'H atlPrna tlnJI: "1th l h" • cnam. Add vanllllL Chill fur : ' one hour. RoU a nd ~ul. Spnnkil' ! with llUl"IJ' before bak mt;. H &kf' f. ln a mO!Mrale oven t 3!10 nr 37:'.> • F 1~11 inlnut~a I . • I .. I CHOCOLATE lllTl'~R 1 lb. bulter or margaim e l 0 c111> .upr I qr• 1 tBp. vanJl\lk • cupa flour 2 tiqa. rnelt;ed ~late 'Of ~ cup cocioa • er.ain buttu ud 111.1aar. sur tn 'melted cbocolate. Uf uatnr cocoa. • GOZD.b&nt w1~ .fJo1¥.l Add y,·eU- : ' ti.to qp. cxtnct &lid nour MOt wt1J. TMa dDU, roll &Ad ' c1.1t. ~ 111. too ~ oven for . ' •I •I .. .. . . . . • I .. • • . . .. . . . . . . . .. uer• ...... .,-c--.... .. ,._ l.JMftJ...., :u ......... a hospital bed raises the patient's spi rits I ·lowen the nurse'!' work ... "..rentifor pennies a day /. boep1ta.i bed i.e wa111l hirh for~·"" of palitnl withoul atoc>piw., • k"P' him comlort.alll• M tbe turn of acnnli • . uan aE...-n 90 100 CA" aar ... ~atthln1 for tr. ak krooua from eoirunoct. to o~ tat.. ·.ABBEY RENJS_ _ SAii I' PINfAJ \ Day or Ni9ht CALL Kllnbetty S· 1181 . 2130 So. Ma)JI St ..... AllCI .. Draperies MC.de· Free! Ju~c buy chc fa.bric from out !abul~s selection ••. Boo Marc.be i1 • ltlcbrau~g che Grand Opening of our bea111ilul n~ 1tore by G IVING THE LABOR oa your draperies! All wodanansh1p g u.irantccd ALL FABRICS OUAltANTHq NOT TO FAOEl <.:oiu m Afadt In Our W ~,..krooms on the Premises Come i.o and take your choice ol 6 baudfuJ rolon 10 upholstery fabric. Our slipcover upcrt wiU aia- tom an. and 6r your 1hpco,er riFic at bome , .• tMo bnn~ the fabric back for tailoring in OW' workroom. ~DHDS OP OTMH PAllJCS AVAl\AIU ,., ,_,..,..,. c..w ,,. .......................................................................... ~ ..... NOW IN OUR NEW LCXA'nONI Open Evenlnp by Appolnt1neni '• ......_ ....... ...._ _. ,.,. ... , • ua" 617-6 -... ,., ............. ~~~---~· .... ,/ MOM.WI' 'tlDIOOMI UPMOLITllY Ate SUKlCWllS • •411 a. C...c ......... C.....-.... ., BAUER 8110P8 . , UDO lllAVDIG llOO • .. llWMlll'• ... ,. .,,. .... HSI Via Lido -..._,~ ~ auun PABl.OBS UDO hWN or SEAUTY NII H,t.. alTIS. -Bar. UH .,,,_ . BOOKS llUCJ• OAU: • t1AllU'l'8 •• .. ... 141' Via Lido -Har«Mtr UM CAMw;KA..8 & 8uppllea VlNt,'1:.NT l.lDO DRUGI Mtl VI& U4o -lla~r IOll CARPl:IS A D&AP!fBID Dl(.;llt. KA<.;el£& IUO \la U..-ll&rt>or UU CATt.:RlNG . &1<.;H.AJ<D-S LIDO kAUET .... \'la lJ<W -......_ 1111 Clotbln1-Cb11dn!it & blfanta n:al'I Of' LIDO · ... ,,_,.rt•"'- CUJT~O-M~··· BetaD BIDWlill.111 IBOP WOii IRN •IUll• ... U'DO •ARKllT, IW Vla Udo -8utNtJ' tut f' P. A.. PAI.NEil JNC. ........... _..,...., ... VOOSJ. <Xalll".tNI u 11 Via ua. -lla-rtler ·un a& Y .A..."W at:AC H ttr..U.r-r I \'l& Udo lt.rfdc• Offine , I Sll I L&Yyefte -II.tr. .... ' Ltl>C.1 UAl.T\' A&llO(JIAfta Lido hr. la • R.ehtala .... ,. , ..... -a.rt.or .... I Dl'SCA..~ IL\fU>ESTl, Altr. I At *M ~ .. u.. .... lllJ ...-.,-ttte -llMMr •111 . , ... ' .. ': ' .. \ .Your New Buick Center Offers You . • -:". . • . . .. -.. r • \• . . • • ·: dervtce-.. pfuj l~e rf?ejt Buie£ ';Jel :re>Qay's N. Y .. Stock Report NEW Y~RK STOCK MARK.r.1' I By B. J. tol•y, Dun Wttter Co. ' DOW-'OflfU A VUAOJ;ll 1 SO Indu.ttrlal -· !)98.711 *>wn l.r.8 20 R&lia ·-1eo u C1oWn .o~ 'l~ UUllLJ.ea •.•• U .21 UJ> .18 j 1 l p. m. Vohunt> 1,120 000 I Ameot1nn Sm•lllng __ . _ :'\2 11 Amerh an Tel•pbone •. ,. • 17311 Anaconda -· _ ..•..•• ·-· _ 1q (."hryller -... I •••. ·-··· -• • 71 11 r\uPont . ·r 2112 1• I < ;eneral Ek-ct rt<: .. _ • 6Q '• 1 r.ent>rat Moton ... \ . 47 '• I c;1mt>el Bro•. .. 1 . 27 ... 1 C:reat Northern ft. R. . . 40 .,. Nn. Amertnan Avlall<>h . <11 •. N. Y, Central • • :JIC°'I I May Co .. .Mnntt'r t')' 011 , !.'&fl'W8V 81.of"f'1l •••• .Stnrlarr 011 . • 401• • :JI}., • 62 •. • 60'• DlU~ BUYERS TH~~ ARE HOT! !IOI OOEAN YllO:\"T ?.~All NKWPC>RT PJl!B NEWPORT BEACH .llABBOR I ,.. D FREI: 1'EDUCINO AID 8pclAL OFYJl'..a TAFO N &q. PM JtetUe et M T "11L1C"1'8 .,-~ yeu 8-1'n· tlM IMttJe of I" tllMeta. ELECTRI~ 'ILANKETS 81NOl..E OON'TJlOL-~1• Jn.tis Vd•, With tftl'IP"ratu,.. wttlac• . 'OOLOB~ .... - ~ 1575 AUTOMATIC TOASTER , f88," ADJ{ :o.T \BU: 518..111 ~ \'A.Lll; .. -.. PHIL:CO PORTABLE HAND AND IODY LO'tlON ora.t'XE Qt:ALITY TOOTH IRUSHES ST ANSB.URY BUICK 1 q,, Clll. Edialon • , ~andard Otl ol Callt, _ iio. Pac:-1t1c ...••. • 48~ 411 • 111', . :n~ • fl2 Sl.• DOWN WILL HOU> TlL DEC. 16 SEE duit 8 PAGE CIRCULAI OUT THIS WEii COSTA MESA liberty 8-77 bS 'tranamenca . . .• Onlon Oil of l'ahf •• lasY Terms ·' MODERN DINING ROOM a .. cular l>r1M> Sale Starts 1.,uesday, Septen1ber 18th, 9 a.m. "\I I . PRlt'Jo. I PIECE DINL"'G UT, 1.:•tP•lon tabl". 4 Mlal"' .. Beff~. Imp~ WaJavt ••• ~.Ot 1 PIS(,'& DtNrn'I: en. t:d•mloa Tablt. • Olilmln, c-lllDJ•I Jl'omah-a whll \\nod llt.M DllOP Ll:U TAIU.I:. Op..•• tn t rt. c omblalaa Fermka wllll WMd . lotJ.\ ' MODIRN BEDROOM I PO. S&T; ..,.._ wt6 r-tbnl. % aJte •taoda. t .,. .. .,..._, w1tll 'Miner, "'lllmut Hl.00. I m -W. A1&.rf, f~ .I alt• at&tMh DM. ~ ,..... ...,..,, .,....._ • . aa.s.oo ntROWRUGS ' ~~ .. .::::.... 1'5 1 PllOlll U 1-1113 419°0 14995 8995 COLONIAL UPHOLSTERED ft,·1ular .... \I •• J>rkf'I 1'1<11 • 41 II.It U \\I'" ,111 \ 298°0 t~ln•''' 411alil 1 :i~.·. hO lllliH \\ l~c; RAC k "''" \ 209so ,\lrf ... m ('.,•hl110-'lill :IB I .\ \\ "()~ ''H \ .. 16950 . r· ( 11•j1111n-. 199.~ ! 1•1t:< t ... t.t "TIO~ \I. 139so Hl1h Bark -llUUO \\ I ''l ROOUR 999s Alrfoam St-Ml A Haok I Ill !I,, (. H \' SEL BAC'K \~ISU 99'5 ~-·hf'I ltOC'kf'Y' 119115 l~-'Rc;•; WINO CM..\m 13995 Plllow a...ll AJrl-·-··· . 18.HIO LARtiE WING CHAIK ,, 15995 i-~--1119 •• \n LE A TllKll LOl ~op; CllA I ft 21995 "1ta1 Ottoma• !llfl IHl pp.J..O.W BA<'K Wl~U ('flAlfl Ab~--·· I t!l.t:J 12995 COLONIAL BEDROOM I Pll~CS Jfl:f, Al. ~r llre4. ti"'-t1~r wltll ... 21995 • mJmr, 1 atte •t.and.<L. MalP.na • • !~ • J>ll'IOS u:r ...... ftlrd. ""· ·-,..,...,. ~ ,...... *8L w/ 9dr, dlw!91 a I :11Ue .w. '81.IO I Pl.EOE SZT, ~d IMrt'i., 1*-. .......,.... Ha: *-wltlll mlnor, I alte •tutdl . -•• Slf.IO f P1ECZ llET, Blttll. lilk..,... llMlbrd. W/ fMUml., • llit. ....... I a.wn.-t~ w/ If~ 111.M • 39500 329~ 28995 MODERN UPHOLSTERED ~ l'IH ~ .... .< rtO:'lt.\I ~ t4a.·h !'M""t lun 7:?" ~ PIY,('t: ht.l 1"10.!'\ ,\I, "T .. Alrl .. ..,., ( u•hlona. l'ln .. t qu.allh 9·?·' !"Of".,. Alr1,..m CUllolllo•• ti~ !'.OF A. AJrf-pu .. hlnn•. Jl't-.rt QuaUt1 • " f'001' l'-0 .. A. < ont.-mpc•,...,,,, l>t·•lrnrd , rnr lllnflll l'Ot'•m• ! t•o:ct.: ~FA u ct ('HAIR :-.orA . .Sauphi. I phol•tl',..d. ~1011•1 %1111 Otl :?KO INI lll!l 00 ....... l«.M Alrfoam C'v<olllon• '!.'9 :Ill 4 PIECE Cl'R\"F.O ~U"TIO'.'t.Al~ A.lrfoem C'u.blon... nuom" !'.pwe I phnl•t"~ S~.00 I.CH NOE ( HAIR, Aldot1111 -I -!;, and fta"k ( u•hlim• . l•.Ail J\tOPltR:'li ('tfAl"'Jo: DuraM .. Mara11 -<'o"'' • W l 'XOE l 'HAJR, Alrf-<Wllk>a . · ..a..ou~o& aLU& ·"-" . nM 1 • ,\J,,_ ._ A -.Ck •• ------lltM LOUNGE OllAl& a O'JTGNAJf, u.....n,.r\r, ... ····-· .. -·--·--·-···--·· 13? ... LOl"N'GE CllAJR, Alrloem v.lllolu, UIM'9 ('o•Pr . .. .. ·-·-···-·-••• .,.,\LP: PRICE 299so 25995 24995 299'5 21995 15995 '11995 21995 558~ 139so 69~5 79ts 111'5 ·II'· 8995 FREE PARKING COLONIAL DINING ROOM •r:: ~ Pl[( f, ~f:T. Tahl• 4 4 rhal,,., S..lld Bl,....._! CaptaJJ111 rhAl,..._t Admlra.I ~hafn . • 806.M 6 Pn:n: l'\f:T, 4t" ROt '~O P:XTl:N"llON TABLZ .t • C'haJn • l!T.&0 5 t'lf:CT. !'CFT, Ump L••f F.•t.-n•lun Tll.bl,. a • c hal,.,. M" ROl"~ll ltROP 1.>:~·· 6 PJV'l': ~J:T. l>Ntp IA"ar r.,t••Hlna Tabl• .t • C ball", Btrrll IO" HtT('ll, '4olld Blrd1 "'-' Q-.llf) • 111..W I • N.1141 . JnM -14t.M / LAMPS All tamps drastically 5001 ·off reclvced-01 mucll •• _,,_. /0 MAnRESS SPECIAL ,f•111m SU-1• D1.,ra1t l1J o.11 ......_ •OlllllnlfllllS.hamW .&.•~t)llb ..... , ....... 2•20 W. COAST HWY. NIWPOITj llACH PHONE U 1-1113 .............. ---------------------------~------~~--------..._ ______________ ;.._ ________________________________________________ ,..... ______ _, I •• • • , • • .. lllDCSJ'. -(0CH8' -OOUJd tben1 ...... cloth• on th• .. ait:ldy. tbe llody ol lllft unidentJtlecl· wo-AU ldmutle&UO«I had been re- • maii.. Nmtsnc ln u umbat'bd moved f1'om UM body uit UM sra•• at B-.t. be U.. tl..s _,. lblpll"'lnt. • .,. aJm09l obUter. matu °" ID.i8slft1 Loe Anplee ated .bY tbe dlcompoeed state. 8oc:JaUl• tvet111 'nlroeby acott ! Tb•r• WH only on• tanrtbl.e UNI, OCN8 hu Jearntd that th• -poulbte c:1ue that dllpt prove ,.,.n:l&n -who wu placed ta a ' the wom&n'a Identity. Thal clue publ~ tra.-e without C.J'WDOl\J wu th• woman'• falae t.etll. lut 8ept.em'9r -hae 1'Nn kle> '"-1 . were unuaulll They &re Wied by al,leul one pe..-wbo made of a very •pedal kind of ebould know. u t.he mANlni wife plutk Only one nrm la Ule of L. Ewtns Scott. Unlt.ed 8late11 make. thet plaallc and OCNS haa lOW>d the nrm. T1M wo.,.n·a body waa found nott tr~ t Mre, on a "*-'>' Mr. Evelyn Tbonby Scolt de9wt. . It waa dUlc:o..-.d I WU th• IOClalll• wife o( L. Ew- lly tn p PtJ'ldletOG Mari.De.I ' tnr Scott. a prominent Lo. An· and Wl•• wbO were °" a ,.1 .. oouple. • hlkt~ ex.,.UU. 1ut Sept. i• t l"'ITEJl DlSAPPl'.A&AJlllC"t: Tiie f~ lllopped at a On or a~t May 11. 11611. Mr•. .. . over tor burial Pd u4 martc .. UWb' cue wwolved. ~ a Hlllber of ~ k •e ..... qlt,.'oaed about uM ... th. HOOINYtt, when tbe ,_Ua ol the IUvel"ltde Ooullty Yietim -.. .ome •vm moat.bl old, the al.Ory ot MI'S. 8cott &D4 ber hu.- b&od -· rnaJd!ll' froat ..... headlJ.nea. 8oott ha4 ~ re-~y qu~ &l'dlnc tbe dM!itppearance Of wtfe. Finally, he wu l.nd1ct.d by a Loe Anfelu Jury on cUrru of tam~nns with hJa ...ue·a fla. anc~L He poeted l~.000 MU and prompUy dJaappe&r9d. He U&n't beee tovnd to UU. dau. Early thla apr111(, 8er.,.ant Robert B Pruly of th• Rtnr- aid• OooAty Sherltf'a office took • <'h&llH ud quen.d Loe An· rt .. ,..,. ti the body they had buwt~ JDtshl be Ulat of Ule m*- tn,Z Mrs. kotl ' • billy turn • al"OWMt on Trv1nnt.aln· Scott d~ared from publJ~ ou. Ca.hullla ftoed to mw Utt view. J'or 1br monttur, her duiap- deeetl ICMft'Y, Wl\at they •"'· ~<'• remalllf'Cl u.Motlced. lytr'I rot-qu~ly apnwled on Aad tri.n. Mii~ bJr-to tllr cmt 'Mlow them wu lhf' uJr qUMUona. A r-.latlv• of-Wna. ba tt.ered. lliadly dttompoMd bodv f!lcoll ulled Loa An,. IN Cou.11t7 ot lb• womu who wu lain 8u)N't1or Court It It rould haMJ• Loe An,.lea police ukt'd about tht1 1la}"Uls vtcUm'• d~ntW"• Lnd ~ , Sft Pl'ffly told tll~m lhf' had burVd tn a.n ullJlla.rti.c! ,,...,,.. I attetra for the mlu1n1r woman an upper •nd lowt>r plat~ 1 IJftONO ~WENCK l Tben, lb• Loe Alll't>IH County The Loe An~lea homlctck In-, AJthou1h· Ulel"e la at..ron1 evl· dillt.rlcl atto"1ey'1 om~. an4 veatl(aton didn't 'bother romln( dnce to .,_ l.Ae W01:UJ1 waa I U'I~ Loe AJ\(•I• pollc1 depart· to Rtnrsld• County "Mra. BclOtt, raurdered ii.ad her bod7 dumped raenl bfo(U .. kin, que.ttou. only bad an ~per daatun.~ they over th• o&ltt, no •• llaa eYf'T I toe. I .aid "eo Ulla t'an't b4I Ult' •m•' l""DW\ed ,tbe vlcllm found that 1 ni. q~ tum~d lnt.o In· wo~.M j day mof'e than a Wffk after •h• VUU(allOM aod 111• IJ'lw.t11a· OTREJI ll&A.MlNI' had cUed. llcma tu"'ed up nUiehc-1. 'nl•rt Other reaaona for di8countiq The a\lJI bad ,bloetf'd and WU rVldenc9 U'tal.1.. l:vnns &C'Oll l tht body WU that of )(re. acott: I ahnmk the body out ot all Pf'O-j had tarn1*"9d wtlh Ow ~la 'Th• vtcUm had bffn ~ 1n porUon. Th• color 9f t.he e,.a I ot Mra lkolL '"'-" wu evt-l'hHp. chaln-.tore clot.hlfll, con· 1 ..,.. no lonpl' cUac~mabl• -d1no that htt dlaappearance 1tatln1 of a dark blue rayon I ••n tbt ccrlor of th• 1kln ..-u 1 ml(hl have bffn man-made rath-dr.•. tull len(t.b h~ a.nd l'h .. p I lmpoalble to t.all, 1 •r lboan oC l.b• popuAar woman'• whJte unctai.. Le» A.nr-lq de- 111• onl7 lhlnl lhal Riverside club ln~r·a own voUUon. t.ct.lv• polnt..d out that Ml"l. I County hnmlrltt.. lnv..tlpton A probe of ~ r"'P'rtV 1n1r-Senti .... a llOtlal·rtiplre -•h• coul4 l~D tor aur. wu that th• roundtns th• 8<'ott manalon wnudn't w•ar cloU.... of that na. 1 woman had di.cs •• lh• N!9Ult of I brourht forth a very lnl,.rr•ttnr turr n11.1•roua blowa to lh~ i.rt •Ide j du~. A Ml o( dentur•.. m<1£I• Hnw .. vrr, ther• art> C'•rt.a.ln 1 of "91" bead. Th.y ai.o c:ou.ld •· ol a v•rv 1pt'(ial plaatlc-, a plut1c rhara ctertallce that clneely re- tannine t.h4 ~ had laia on I mad.. by onlv ,..one nrm 1n th• wmblf'd Mn Scott: nu dud the lltde of the dltf for morel Unit~ 8t1tH . . . I woman hed '"7-haiJ', aa did tll• t.haa a -k befon her body WU ---'-' H n -" Id .............. Thf'ff' WU I c~elc.lrrablf' tl1T1~ mlulftl( ....,.,.,lte. f'r nfU'naMa '°'* -u.. ton' -rt .sun I ti rt f'd d hat1 tu Mr bod Into an WU'-.C· 1 1•~ betwHn tn. d1•~aranct1 •·•re n•• y mm an ~J• fllOUll: of flffh. 'MM>v or Mr• !(roll and ttil' flnd1nK nf tMr11 re<'1'ntlv marucured 8he =-learned tt.t the woman had I th~ unldf'nllrted body~n th• 11ld~ 1 wu appArently tn th• aAme .,.,. ~ ~ t .-OUt lhttt houn I of the P..1•·"r11"~. Count y < llf' fT'OUf' u Mni. Soott and Of lh• or 32 i And inaybf' tt.l • wh) no "n" approllimeta ht>lfht. altllouirh the bet11re hn \Gd)' wu thrown · f l down ~ OahuJlla Road I bu <"Onn•ctf'<I th• tv"o <'&JWI to-well'ht wu llOmf' te~ pound& I " k s•lher more than Mra. l\rntt • wel~t cllff to rMt amid llCR&"J'Y roe • _, th l"O ("0SSECT10S ll<'Mrdlnf t.6 f1(Uf"ff ,.,vt>n r &l\d -~ underbruah. Loot An(elH poll<"• dep&rlmnit I .. UT nJa(Tl.O('.f' At lhr llmr th• l><~:V "'"" b Mra. Sootl'a huabe.ndJ. 1 All et u.. ot1i1fto lbtnp leamf'd found. Mrs. S<'ott ha<ln t rven yll lll the• ttiuru t..hat ap- lry the ~ brt' ... ti1aton bMn cona~r.d m118\nf by law parently a"' ~ crux of any I Wel'9 nt.b•r nebuloull. The,. wer~ j enlo""'ment a11tt10Mlll'f' Rh·e~· fallul"9 .to ldentifY. t~ bodv .. , martia tn ~ in••I at U.e tum-aldt Covnty depUUM In their Mr9. 8C'oll · otf u.a~ llbOwwd Ute body mlpt : hunt for lh• 1la7f'T of the unld-DIFFEIUNO Drl'AIL" ha.,. tMea ~ from • car.' •nllfl.c! ricUm wouldn l hi•• AIU\ou1h Loe An1elea newa· n.e W."9 numeroua Un prtnt. j lU'lown to t'On.11.C-t her caa wll.h -! I •Ole ~ua4iltu'1Mod deeft-t that of the ~y whll'h no on• .. .aM &wit u.. llonid ectn• and 1 claimed. They turned uw body l'oa _. pla7 tile • . "' 1JNIDENDllZD Jd>Y-Tbs. ~ COGnty ....... ....,.., ..... t.be body of .. anJdctj... fled wosiwt, u It wu found a ,_,. qo. OCNS be 1eanMd the body may be that of m1-in1 lA>e ~ IOdal ftp.re, Evelyn Throebf Scott. -OCNS Pboto I • Hammond I Chord o~ I .. ........._ Na t.--Nfl hllc&lee I I I , ' FREE HOME TRIAL ...... Ml .. ...... ..,.....,..Co. ••••w in.t UeNe.llallt.a..taba .,.. ............. ...... ... ..... tire. Of'E.'11 t'ILID.& T ~ premt~ . . -':\ . . ·ao~DIN ANNIVERSARY VAi.UiS \ . • • I • • ' . A COMl'L:ETE'F~LL ASSORTMENT OF-GIFTS AND HOUSEWARES -, G. E. Steam ll'Oft r...1 ..,..1,.. ,,_.... wltll 12'5 0. ll. MIDtroUM ---.. N-Low I'~. West IHd Percohltor P'ldJy A•t.emack. Kee,. l"OlfN 7so • .,. -111 7eu'R ~to 4rtU tt.. ......... , ~ 3-ftc. lnere Set ...... _ ..... Ndll<"t alMI ·10•5 Kat bhs C.ver. (jeppfoT 1'aU ......... lad.lkc.•tU6 • lever• Comb. Special Stal.a..,_ l't..-1 f'OPJ>f'r kttom t'MftblnaUon ..-pu1 Uld ~'°" - .. 3" . .,... FROM THE GIFT SHOP MEZZANINE· IN RICHARD'S UDO· MARKET • \ ' • OPEN DAILY~ 7 :00 P.·M. -nut>AY8 m S:tt P. II COME 'N SEE OUR NEW LOOK . ' We're All Dolltcl Up With Olfta and Tldnp l••ere 1 i 9t. Sa11e• Paa Ice llldlets TIM We&I ,.. ta Ila'• fer u 3'' RAM ....... • •br••httle 1" .-nra. flCtatalMlt •i-1 eo~r ~ ,a..tte wft* Mftr. ~,..,,. • .. ' '-Uom. S..s. f3.M • A......,._. .... ~. N.•t .... Aumtnum Salad lowt Zombie Tumblen ....... ~ at. la pliabl aDd ua-'t 9SC 1-.u t.b18 p&d t.lllled freeW 3tc • roto,... "'"" ror t.w. dlaplay • =.-~"7h!~~.' ...... rqt\ ~ L ~1• si.u . • Mellncic Din......,. KllMJ Slae Ice Tray Ouarutffd --b~ At· 3" Malle ~ .. lea MlhiH ... 4tc ~··u.M ld-s .... lraeth" '-" -ttt patt•m plaaUc tnlJ'. .... . 11.!t . la ta~uol• Mid 1'..atf'. Pl. ~t • 26.Pc. Stainless Steel WaN Poker Chlpl . lmpert."41 rood 4Juallty •tal•· 3'5 tM ln&lortoc-ldq pfailUco PeMJ' 7tc '-,,..,. ... ,..._ :"'inl'r ..,,.. f'ltlpe i. plalJtle 41-' .....,.,. poUlllta1. MlrroT ftalalt • ~ \ Au't Cancle ''Closeotlt'' Puwch lowt Set Buy :'\nw far tbr Fall f'Weaoa : , .... ~. aUr9"ttn t'at 1laeol df'. • 2'8 8-lrtl "'1 t 1' l<o t4'd pialt• nu la 2fc .. ,.. hw1 • It "'1'9 a WU•. two •Ir.,.· 10~, la. a 1s•, ta. l.ar11fl MU ,./ R•1. 444-pr Ru. IW<' pr, • ~ Hostess Carts l ·ller'N C'al'ta la -rtH pal· 4so t•,_, Yor ,.u. or tlldoer -· ~. Sl.N . • ••.. on ......,... . 3433 Via Udo ' . Newport Beach, • • • . . . • In Udo Shoppi1t9 Are. • ·- r ' • ' - 'I " --~ Have You Broken Any. Good Old Laws Lately? n..-ar _, There WU a national rnacazine that CRrrteo ll cartoon each month l'nlilled It's The Law The plcturu illuatrated obsolete ordinances al1U' un tta\uu booka of citiea scattered about tiie United .Stats. ~ One council mcctiDg In .'lewport Beach st1rrrd th• dry oonea or two auch ordin.anocs. One ot thllfl lll4 to do with pl&ntinJt atrjps • .. SACRAMENTO SCENE ' ',,,SA.~ (CNS). -California 19M Demo- cl'lltie OC*v~UoD W • ltat. centr.I committee meetin1 iui weekend l>rougbt fortb much nolle, but little action and the Bourbon.a met in the becinning daY1 of the state fair and cauaed one ot_the bigpst hotel jam-up1 in sacnmcnl.O In hJatory. cal A.dOClaUon for .c!opUOn of Th• m • • l l n I • w•re noted a ....vt.ed mlnUnwn medical fee prlmarlly for th• • Jt o • • • l • • llCbedW. wu &n.Aounced by 8. &lllOW:St ot lobbyll\s on l.b• dale-W. MacDon&ld. c o m m l • • l • n ratu by thl propooenu and ch&innan. Sacramento Sideligh~t . 8ACR..UOlNTO. -(CNS) -Rewmptlon ot the o~ of Propo.IUona 4 and STATE OOMMl8SION 10 on the Nov.mber balloL Al Tbe .Ute ICholarehlp ~ lnvett.J.aaUOD of ~blio recordll and the publlc'a richt. to a rHUlt, the Cltplt.ol halla took ~Oil annount-' that ftO ~ in.l~t them wUf 'k effected ill aacramento October 23, on almoet a *tmilartty lb l~p· •chola.rablp award wl~era wW r-. laUve day•. ~nroU ln •• cautomla coll• ..... jt WU aDDOUDced Mn today, .... Senator Geotp Tbe Democrat.I, )\OW-VU, ea· UU, tall. The com.miuion Nlci 'lfJlliir.I ..,..;.,.1.t cohl..s1ittee Oil .-nYa'D.IDellt&l admlnlltn.tiell chewed UUoo OD Propoaitkm t. U ptr '*1t ot t.h1a yaar'• .... '"l':"-1 •- th• coatrO\'WSlal oll m...un. DU'I wtD croU In l"~ ~ l..,.,...P la tu ._... Cap· Uc ......... ., ~ ftnal Hatf.lrl. ud dunnr ""'-&t mll'ht be ~ and 9Clldce counu, lts P4'l' dlll& ttot: 4 ,. • ' a.nd lltllMld -Y the ,ovemor "" a rump .._ion, ln that a qoorum ln t~ atudt•. u per cet Taa .,.claJ comnrttt• bail lOf'e Al _oppane.nl4 to1111d out wun'l ...-a\~ IJ'tfly vatlll ,... ill~ aod related fie.I~ bMn revtnrtai procear. toi.! •hat £t wea all &bOul. 1,rJy to• op~ Ptopcllttiod 10, •114 'JI Par ctnl ln liberal .,,S lowed b,y vanou.a •tat. jeput-~. Ttd9 ¥1l.1a11• Muon t.h• ~t wblcb .--iaMa U\•...u.14 \0 bar. aJ>~ U'tl. JntonnaUon and ~ ... ~I U\e JUbllc'I _t.e ICOp .. l"Chea of hl• fO .. by prh1&le'· en~ra .U•WC:Jllleota a~tio. ~ tor th• lJMo rt&bl .to ID Into NCC>rdll ef UI• prt .. t. ftnna enprd ln ~ wh~n elate tfPJ>loy .. ' caa't ban- 1 :!7 9cholanb.lp compeUUon. ¥" .tat.e. .At 1a..nnp ._... urller pl""-bdonn•Uon on U«n.N9. dl• Ui~ir work. Uooriald by I.he 19M leplat,u.n, tla1a y.&1', U\e ~U-heard bOUa autoaleblle and drht,., OP'l'lCEIUS ELlfCra> wU! be uaUable U1 all Calttor-~Ol\1 from u.. J)9p&rtment te auppmt th-eearch•. l\ ocru:u• f'lecte J wue· Roier nla hip acl\oo!Ji 1.11d coll-. .. of AsrlC:,lure a.nd U\e state pve him lM rifhl lo have hi• Kent. of Kf'nlf1eld. M&rm coun-a'>Out Sept Z.'I. the commluton Employffl Retirement ly•Wm.. own employ•• do lhe worle tv, 1l1<t" , 1a1rnian: Wllllam A. 1rnounco·cl. Th~ d~rtine f~ ap· Next In Un' ottkl&lm of th• which ~vlouely had ~n don.e kuecnlh11I, ~Angeles. •Olllhtm rU..-.Uton11 la iieb. 19. ~u ..... , wilt ,,. UM .... ft. by Ul• pl1vate tlnna. C•ll.torn~hamoan. uontl .\ l!'p4lcial 1urvey of law en· . Taa ~ end UI• It.at. Un4'ou,tedly. Ule committee !ilt~berc. *10. Northern c.1~ C•umeal .~d· admini.t.railoft o~ ~•Dt ot Motor Vcb.lcl ... will So U\to thll pertkular me&· l!Grnia vk M!rmu; ~alltln• / .. lice Jn Loe J..nrln wW be Tb• l'rand\l .. Tax' BGard but· •ure. i. detenntne whtln.r. tn Rowland, \! nodland. vlce·chell • eomplt'led wllhln a month, ll&ld di• lb• atat• Income t&x re-vl.w of tbe UCllc11 Ultf'd, It wlll inan for womf'n, flav1d Fredne-Allurnry GenHal EdmurnJ 0. l n w!Ueh by Jaw are oo•~ recommended that th• 111::.) ... 1 ll llllh•llVl•l"ll nr•l11H•n,. .. •l'l· rhh, 1•alll Altn, 1ec-retary and Br<,wn Th<1 all•,rn,.v l:"lltr•I" t': ~bllc acruuny, and al.0 HV-amendmtnl be ??~11·•! M11rt111 U11fl, llakl•11<J, ,.,.,..urrr vrtll" I~ 11>nd11din1:. lhf' 11.irv~y , ral olhtr taxt•. tor mi1ny yta r8 Mnr~ 1r,\1·~t1i;11t1011 1111<1 lht 11r>d•·r <1.,,., li"ll of i'•>li.;or ~.mrr· Ill!' •ubJe<t or tha tnctlvldual'a ''The people'• r11ht l•1 znr.•111• ''"'fUlr~mr•nt• , .. 1 .. 011111 Kfl•118 uf !4l•le 1 ''"". Pim, !oJt1111"r t•A• at11nl dtalrlcl l•Xl"I, <>r i·nrporatlon tax""· haa &aid Senator Miller. "la a ~lirct \\l•lll.• 11, , ,111r •rmllv wHh ~urrr l'hA!·i,.. <: Jnhnaon w11• 11llc•r11t'Y of Al1111 . .-<111 tuuntv ~tn l:onalrterei aa a private iuarant" which muat alwaya b" tl ~plan ~·f niatoi hlJ:hWAV• 'J'h 1~ llnrw11n1 ··4 l•Y IAj;l.31all\" A 11•11• Ht''" n ••Id tlie aludv '" · tir111• mlil ltr, i nd from all lnr1lr•llon• maintained. Our comm1tte,., llur ·I 1 r. .,,11111,.1111,.111 11 .,.. a~ ioc, ""'" 1 1• 110 1•1< 11 th1n11 •• • , 11 v bc-1nac tor A. Al11 11 l'"•t, who .aid a mad, lo r I ear up 1 ""rlh.l,. I><'-i.pt!Unn l• prtp<>nderant to I.he Inc the courM of Ila at\41ea. h•• 111,1 thr ur•llnu1< r aJuple•I ••n 11 .. a•I < f'!ll<'r. ~ r1lher 111u•U q11calltin&.1r~ bou bc~n llt"fll to l"'•'N\ S E111t11l H<ill, Loe An· f'ffect that lhi. lhou.ld ti. \.lie found a V&•t Uf'a. or <10Ubl In fo tlltt the • :ohanly" t·\'ll the l• '" •l•I • r II ollpe 1,..h1nJ all bankJI lo CaJlfl>rnla '"kink I i;tl"• <ll•lntl atton1e>, •nd ~II~ caM! In Ulf f¥lure. the min' of Male offll'lala •• J•lannt·r ,,., '""'""r"l<·irn. 11u1l·lr~ I tlrt m•t 1h1nk 1111yunr w>ll fr,r 1nr1>rn1alll'>n l'Olll.,rnlll& au llam Parke!-. C'hlef "' ptillcl', to •bat"'ll.ordar lh• public 111ay I lnr I u<l• ,,,,~ • bl .. lllV I \)Ill• '"I\' 'lllll u.11 rllles .,,. th• Howtvtr. the matl1r of Wor· • t h h ,. 11,,..lbll! tuna111 lll>M hark lo ml'r lht>lr 1lull.,. In la-.. tnfot<'t• 8 () rt t ll'IAl>f'<l. Tht purpoae o l • tar· pllc11t,.d on,. 111.at 11 a•m1ue •ti ~t•~as:th <Jf lll" nw.llun, .,lJ at-. T maunn In th• tale ~P" m<'n ln lb u , lllJ~, 'Thr q11••.1111nn11 1ndud,., ha• mf'nl he •tud;• alvi lnthtd,.d , ka 11.1 h 1 dU Inc la lo d•lenn • • J>r•<: '!'" ur ,1,..ltfiuoll n• "4lrlfl rut tu luallv lh .. kr\'atcin., In the eflh Jrhn11on 'borro,\\rol 111<1n••Y j)t'r-01~ntlo11 of 11iraln•I cf111rll 1n ot Motor \tlUc 11 It>' • of euh •1~cy lnd1vhlu&Jly an<.l l r·rt\'rnt •J,.11, l\J•I' <>nstr." 111•rJMi•I 111:: the A111Hlcan 1Aay ot I 1t011&JJy from h.,1k• 11n<:t. 1t au Loa Ani;elu counlf I ffr .-nl. ' l'l "comml"nd l•(Ullallun "hen 1 'lll Tlit~ 1,.,, 1 ,.r Int 1 ri ""'" t1rr ·1 h ~ 1, br< om in~ rnnr.-1n1I h•• It bf',.n r• p.i!I ••or~ the> I A~ru 11ltur,. 11r:nn11nr" I a mr,.l· '" A 'l'MBl.L n•<'eUlr)' lo lnau1r eaav a_.r.a11 l I''"'"" ,., , ,.1., I a•i•l 1 ~,,. c••l• r • 1r lr\JI' 11.1 urbaniz.ation '"""a tre&.Auru "" n llll)' atol'k •xtc-nt Inc 6<"?l. tJ 111 !.'acr.rnunt11 tu ln lilt~ deparlmtnt. the law Cor Uw publlr tu alalt> recr,1da I ulup'rcl n ll r t"nllt>ol Slaln w .. ~al or <lepuall.8 11111de by t" •Lal~ ma.u,~ mark~llnr pror .. art•! I• eom..-what of a JUmbl• •• 10 Mtllu"• l.OmmlllM llU a \alt I f:v,.1 ~hu r tl r T•-...n s,.arl 1puhll< r 'rlr1al11 ~.11v• rnv•r l't· m th• 1tanl1 and ha• 11nv•mr <.unclll.Jo-.a f"1 lhe 1 ll'>ft nltvr ""t.al m•y and wltal may nol bt field In whit h lo work. tor lhr • Jllll"\·r J 1 h.-• lit•,._ c r•l•n~ri• r• I 111~n.ir,1lll1ra than we ••mttlmett oUl"r than lt1" lN>••Urf'r 11 a It-'1up 8 111\t' 1•ontrotl~r R nbrrl Cl\ •n lu the public. j ten<Senc)' CJt burMucrary I• tu It hL~ h-11111nu,1v A lnilr.•lrrf' J 1 M11l11 Th• '1rlo'!r.,., to whk.b w• 11ny prum1M1s •OD1tr11lng •u•h <· 1'•rkw0<\1 "''d <ountlta aot l In l~e dCM1lnr hour. of lh• deny the public UH• ncht lo 11.;1 u.11, an,1 th•l'1~ 11 r><rll'I'! "r.-t' t•r•frtt t.h11 r1ana,f'mfnl oC our o<o·poaltl!. Mf'enwn"• Johnsnn ll! J~ rn.IJlrin, r1l1r~ S2 million, 11nl'I 1(1():, l!!~u•lallv• •~Ion. Paul own rttord.I ln •vrry l11J1Ulnlt I nr orl'llnfonl'I' 1, env b,.\l,.r p ,.,, puhll•' arf.atr" '" the f'Xlt.nl to rrmalnln( 111 hi~ h"rlie in _ ... lu-1 tn .. ala!" btgh"•Y rnnalrUt.ll >n M•~nn, <.ht<'< tor or lh• dtparl· poa~1ble. Such a l•ndency Is nril it~ l1<lmlniA'r"'l"n "t.1..t1 .,... atr.,nrt hrn our jtOV· •·'in .. n ortltt~ of 1, a 1•hy1:cl•n ful'lll $1~ !I mllllon 011t <•f the n••nl, pr"-'4'nted Ill! amtndmenl c'nduc1ve to lhf' lonllnua!ion or C•llf.,rola 1. 1ont: ,,f lh" 1ratl· c·rr.rr1,.1lt>1f tn'lll1•ll1111•. •nrl di .. IL la not ""'Ptc te•1 ttwr.. ''Ill .A.Ui,U·'· ai•rnrllnnmenl of hlJ;h· to a bill. the conlt'Xl or which the democr•llc form oC cover II· liq~ •l•lra who•i f' pli1111unr 11 ""llr•itr 1rny i:1owt11 1n lllf'nlog1u b• mo,.. f\rr\\orka ln th•• Jnhn· J way ueera la.ll:ea, 8 ~, ptr re.nt hllcl a lrtal'ly bffn ..-olf>d down ment, and •v~ry ln•llvldual who r-l'lnr,.rn,.'1 OHr 'll)O 1111 ... rMnf· nn·1 11m~ nbnn111u1i. to our ac· •<111 proht al 1 .. .111l 11nl1l arter "'"'" lh11n In Auru•I nt laat by lhf' l•Jl•l•J11N' anr1 the Y.lnl.8 to melntalri f!,..,,11101 In ir, In f>'J1't1l•l i11r 11nn1 ~0:1 to , cptr•1 rr111""1IP• 11f Crt,.11.,m ti.,. N<l\•r111h<'r ,.,,., ttnn~ 1 \fl<r. C'altfonih hli::h" "v P"lrol a111,.nrlmf'nl waa adopte<t Th,. 1t<Jvtrnmtnl 1tiot1ld f!n .. our• i:• :: ooo O()<J he,,. r-•" blt•l'P·I uftl• 11 t11k"• cC1111 a11;f! tn rovtm. c ·1rn1~r1 nr t1111t1111v 1111·1 11 r .. pnrt ... J thP L.lll111r ri .. v v.r,.k· bill eh111 "'' J\lllH•J In lhe hec·lthe lnvuU1aUon11.. ,1a1 pl•nnnri.: •un11111•11or·~ /\ 1.11•l<ln11 It tll1• quallt.v of on11 a t111rnant' l1r11l111<'nt nr pn •1,.n1, ,.,,d u••lh roll 1" 1ta·c h111h J::l"•l n11r•1lu•r nl ltiPm • "111r~· • ... r\'I• .. ,, r1>lh1•r anf'mk P•rtl· liv •••me 11r lilt •mpl<t,\HI a t i "•va t.ota.lt-1.1 37 llveo, «•11114\l."" t'I l'·•'l 11111• r •n,11!11111: J1.-r'o'l•'I' flll11 rh It 1o1mf'llmt-11 r.qulr•• \.11>'1,.11tn i-tatf' ll<1~1·11nl wrtt' \\llh •3 for th" •111111• l"'iT<id 11~ 1 "'• 11r•l11 all ,,f :•e ~wr. r" llt11df' 111 •r"·nrt ,,,bll( monies. r.1 .. 1Jr In •II lllVMtlfll1 .. n lt'f><Jrt l••l y•u, Olvl•IOI\ or lllkllW•\'11 AFFAIR s 0 F s TATE ,,, flllJIP ""'~ •' ..... I' \1111 .. ,,, \f'l nri r<on1n.it1Jlly r•• l'llC:•~ 11>'< Altnrf'lf'\" G•n•.rrl f:•lrnunt.l ll!lll 1r..rr1c on the nrw l\lrh· 1l•lhrr ~n1:•.:rl ,. .. •i"\lrl'll • r 111•1<1nr. ,,..,. ..... ," l'Xl"<'ndltUN'• I 0 Rrown In ~u ~rinr J\J<l 1t• I mrr..!·San Rataf'I f!n•lj:f' ov•·r ,, , "'""'It uo• 1r ti " to Nll1ta1n lts,.lf in a I F'r•nll c· l••nir,.11 uf M1ulo1t 1 Ill• l.&hor Da\ w1•r1l ''"' aa BJ HENBY C. MacARTHUR j .\h.11\ l K\1• " r 1 r 11 Jf~ hi "''ml! "ll•hhlP rnannP.r J would J flrh\An Ala(-••t• p·,. Jn\r"'t~f r·#'rt1f+1J fl)(rt•1fft'I0'1~ t1V ~() f''r' 1 t111u•J11ln!f 11•"' It' bf> f)\fl: IMlt nnp h) l~<'Ummend r. .. 11 rn""'"'I 1n•u:O<'l,.11l lmu c,.nl and ,.xprua ... 1 ho11• that S ACRAMENTO, !CNS) _ Newton B. Drury. chJe! I rh•t" u " orrrra1wuull111 • • 11 r <tr 1c1,,111 •r·,.n•11nf C>t p ... b1111 ~l11:al1® Of • •11 .... rd t1•th lo ll Ott l~Hlc kMp• op 11-. .. 1:., 11\ l} f '·'"' 1 i: lh1u,1rh• •' f 11 11 l • on s:r nr1lo9,. lmprovt• lr•tirnl•. m•l•t1rn1111•tnl1<1n •:id <'Nit toll <•n h .. a 'l•rffi Ar•I of the 11t&tl" dl\·i.-ion of beaches and parks, aprarlnll,Y 11•. n11'1un ~,.,,,In"' tti,r1, m"''• ••r •n a n,· pr•.Jle<'t that 1 111111 of dr•t1rhn,.r\ ~·ll"n. ln-rull111,. .,.,d C'allt(l1r11• <lllllr l • df t l'u~ ''"'" •' (';i.prr,.r• 'l••c•11ld r-nr hr JU•llfell ~n lhe .,,,,k••nt Jln< h1atr1r-th,.r•1'"11ti.:11 rndur.r• 111rn~t1 do· ... 11 ,. •!•tr has plana afoot lo form & .t.roo' orga.ni.zalJon to ,. u th"''" hP#tl auc'• a unh·tr.llll IAC· ~u• ot need anJ Ute ~n•rll.8 l1,..\mrnl ovn<rm.-rttn~ ~!'11 lln r'"l:fan1 r..,r marl<f'tlni:; )''UITll••ithC grnwmg demand for practica.l &nd &dditionaJ USf' ()f l''I' l r I~•~ •11; I\ l•"<.lll l\rtrllf'IJZ: l•1 lh,. <'lllV'nry But '~r~t•ffllll; 111" l"\~alti;11U •n ll II O( b~"f J'rO<l,1 l•. \~11rh . . µubllr u(f11lllh "" A • •JH,111 hnv• u 1n '"'f'-\llh1AI,. th<' nf'C"IW? w11. 111• l• hv Hr'"" at ,,.411,.,l " ulrJ h11n•" h<> n ''""",. h' 1etAlc• pink landa, and am1l~ hl.S wav throuirh thr drmandll. '""'"'£" .... t•• Ur r nnH:r•1" .,, Thr an.•,.rr 11t 11 "lfllP tJnlv afllr 11: T>amrrll fill• "•re 1111'1\"1 t11m 11 •• ,,. '"' 1 .. ,..., 1 n ""' h h!'s1I "' Al 'beckground, it la fairly ... -in ~ot mak" rr1CJrl ov.nrnt ••I put;llr "'IMll• """ ,,.. l'r' " fl Hr nine •tu iv nt wb•t Ut• oC \'l'l\'A 1 -"« 11 oi.:trn:i "t"1hn e•1" »~1:< .. '••I ,..11 kncra-n that lht state d v-arouiTrl the I.Aki' Tahor 1HI'• \'f'IY ,,., I In ~ 1• "•tft<l"•I" ,..,.n• 11• .. <ltt "" n•"' •"'1 ~h.lll Ui"y I"'" •n lhl' h1 •pt Al nn .. rh11 r r• l '.1111 (' rrp111h liP'I 111 .. lr •r· lalOll ot b9ach .. and partta. end happy A hur;,. lan•1•11df' nn lh" "' t M•q ur• r.;(j\.U,, In .... an • I \' t• II\ '"' ln th.. (hi..... ('all .,, Of Involuntary I II uola i~l'''"r Ill ••• lo 11\r pllbl c •Pill 1)1' \hf' II p<11~t policy niaklaf Ot(An· rnad above Jtmrral<1 S.y "'"" ITJIHlHJ:"l l 1'1 In,. l&fp•' !\fl<! II •,.p,~t''lt l"011ll1Ulon W lrrlv .. d lhct <IMlll nf 1;1M1,., ~h'I. a I• '"" nf a l:r•11n11: hV ~rn•tnr ~lion, ~•tale ptirk•couiml ... cl<>Hd thct rne•I all rlllrlnJ' ltd• 1tfl1•ll•"' lll•"• '"" Lt' o1rn 111; Ml rhn,. I• "'' eel rormula. p~11rnt 1 c~"'"l!'I A M111 .. ,·. •r..,·1111 1·nm-•Inn. •r• 0~ Le dla"turblnl vacation •l'l!llOrt, and h•• rnar thP m<r• Knl "' ,,. .... .,,. ,r ll1t1 •p,luablC! Li •II eltlrs. Th• J'1'Rl.H ' llF.~IU'ill n11i1r .. nr, in\'rmmf'nl•I adm1nl· any of lhe .o-ea)Jf'd •·natural r.eort. awn•r• thC1Usan1b rot rlnt. )"'""''ta lo 1tt1bl1<' 1d.t1Hll••r•l11o11 c-h .. •a• ll'r nr anrl <'on111Uona in A 111hl1t• h•arooli: hv lh" In· at1al1)n in s...-rllm<'nln Orl11brr b4&uty" of th.I pat1t PfOJ"'l"ly Ian. not tn m"nlt•m thl' tr11·l'n· fl()-..IOJ u11l 111 11hu111tn& •NC.rue ··111.-1 Vllrv. F'or example •. a cllv loir.111• I .11ri l<l!'n\ 1·.,n1mu1•lon on 2:1 i·h., r:uri1mtl :"" '':ill r "''l<!W ewn Wh"n 10m• clulftl" could be venlui~ to tour'ita by the tllnu-rxli1t.1t1n1 an P1tfl r11 111 11a111~ '""" nroun11 heavv lnrtuatrl•l ltM •lrtl'f'• at SR11 I ronriJk·•• .... 111 "'" !r>n1ht•fl l.Ait ('orr,m ,. ... in. m~rJ• tn Jl"rmlt more UM of Anrt. lhtt l•••I '"' lh11 b"ll""""''t ur •• llvity h•• a 1hararter qull• b" htld Srpl .!I and •l 1,. •• "hli h h11n•11r~ 1nro111" '"it re-lhl! land• by IJI• public. Even 1r the mad la rleDrPt.I. • on111.11n1ty II.fr 1lll!P•e11l Crom lhRl of Ute <;tty An~"lf'• S"pt. 211 1 .. •·111os1111'1 a t1~1n1 for \tie atllle, anti •lao th• and hlftn'&y tnl\hH'J dl'I not Hriwevn, th,.111 Rrr •l1ll l' 1ntr: w!.lch tun<'tlun• put•ly u & r<lll1on ot the <·1111rcoml.1 Mt•ll· J department of mrotor '°ahicltt, Dru17, In • memorandum to e>c""""t' It to be 0,..0 btfnrr the nffh l•I • who havr. nr1t A4 , .. l J tnd" ren\11r. The rreort lawn, th• membenl Of th• 1latf ... ,. : .... ~ ... I I I I hi . II h 'If( t end rot Septt-mb,.r, ancl 11111yhf' hf'tn "" 11 on 11 ""n ~· t n.1 !'lflf11rA \', "' a " eren f'<cono- not then. 1....,,.. ellll la UI• •l•nJ"'r 1 lltlr lark o( lnterHt ptuhalilly ml~ be~ .... Ma ti•• community ot moni •lldn and rurth"'r clo•· I• Iha reault n( a t;Uu conc~ptto"'I ""hlch apra:1c up around an nC what plannln( 't•lly me1u1.e lralltutll>TI of 1 .. am1n1. Th• ballle lnr~ of the hlr,h l"'vf'I t'>Ad, aa It •Ile on • ~ formation af'llf toc1ay. Thirty • f1v" yora •ro n~8 art thll aama ln all t......, plannlnlf wu conaldvl'd a move· but the flC'IT'H lo wfltch thCJ' 1• •ubject lo alldu at anv t lmf', m•l fnr cal)" be.a11llf1celJOfl havt to be met, JllU• addttlonal .tthf'r tty t l>O ~murh w•lf'r nr •pc"RIOtt'<t bv a 1m•ll etury-ey~ nl'C'da peculiar to Uur parUculat earlhquelrf. '' 1>up of '1plllm•ll. Th• CJty community. mry differ wt~ly. WANTft NO UIOOf: Buutltul wu thf' t"r<'h thl'y C:on"'quentlor, .. <'h city r~ But Drury doHn't wnnt • , ar rlec:I. T~ht ta no reHmblanc• 1 lta own tndJvtdual ane.1~ ~dCl' 11.cl'Ollll the mouth Of f:m t'rald S..y, It mlfbl def a..,.. t hi" /t to be coeUaued) "natur11l M&uty" ot the par~ th .. •tat• acq\1.1,... '7 purch...., and Ulen 1 ... ~ Mell lo Ule opeT•tnr, ol the ~ B&y N90rl l••r a.veral ,_,., taklna UI• '""°rt alt t~ tax rnlha, and aruelnir to maintain lll• bulldlnp ror lh• prope-r l.l ow,..,.., llow to dYI ui. Pf'O'ltnl 1 Dl"ll'7 teO. ~ tmp~• In a quote from lto!Mtt Lou'• lte.,,.nw .,n ·111ttt ta no ~tutnr of tJI• Oordl&n Knqt.8 ot lift. k rh mullt bro llTrllllnlfl y unn Vl'l1"'1 '" Ro It Dr11ry tan •mtf., h • w•v U1ro11(h Chi• """· •n•t aat 111fv U1• r..iort ~ and t 1111 tt>ur i.t•. not to m.ntlon the I MO Wlnt•r Olpnp1" Oamt• r•im mitt~•. h• wtll hav .. a<'hlf',,..I •l- ma1tt th• lmpo•lbl• 1'11• df'l•y· lnl a<tlen of th• parlc rnmmt11 • UOf' mt th• road ur><ll'Nbltl'tly will hamper e.cu1y tra n'fl()rt.Alllnri around lhe lake for Ule Olymp·l a • FARMER McCABE • • WRITES • • Maine went ~mocraUc-New Hamplbi,.., Ver- mont &nd Wittconain went ~publican ln rftt'llt •*>- tion8 .•. wh1rh don't prove a thin~. Facbl la, about the only lhlnJ• folkn cnn b<-sure of "° far ln thla yl"ar'• Pretiidcntial Campaign I• ••• that the next P~ld~nl of thi8 country ia agonna IJe Bald, ju1t aa ah ore u lihoolU\ '. \Dll r.A;hLI ft'aetVto<IJ ... .. ~u;-~"it.T~~,...~~~~~~·~ . , .. ,. ... Ii .... j • ------~ -__ .._.._ . . . . . ,. • 1 I ... u ' .. .. , i • #. f> I ,· -' I . ' .J I t r ' ' • cu·s10MERS . WERE ADDED LAST MO.NTH ~ ' . . . e \ Have you notked ·the increase in LOCAL ·news ... the added features of LOCAL flavor . . . more pictures of LOCAL persons and places? , ~ . We are striving continuaUy to make every issue of YOUR tlWS-PRESS a better, more inte~ting newspaper to read . . . tell your t• and neighbors -they'll . thank you! ... ... • YOR NEWPORT HAUOR NEWS-PRESS IS DELIVERED J TIMES WEIKLY (Mond•y, Wednesday end Friday) by enterprising young Harbor area business men .•. also available at 67 news stands in Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa, New- port Beach, Balboa, Balboa Island and Corona del Mar. l ,,; .... -' ..... LOOK FOR THE COASTAL SHOPPER EDITION EVERY WEDNESDAY I IF YOU ARE NOT A suasc11111 To YOUR 'HOMITOWN'S oVrstANDttlG NIW~APIR ••• ' • 4 CAU. HARIOI 1616 .JmWPoill' ··11•w1 .... ~. . . . ~. . . .. . I . ., t I. .. ' ... • f . .· ... .. ' . -.. f • ~ . . ... - ~ ~--~~~te: ...... ~ttl '" ' ..-~ ~--~-le.ct. ,ulcJL blU-. rut 191~ ciot.dlt9 Wttb ill ..,trit ov: :-::.G::.... Md momw ~ 00.t CqDq• Hcl f\no dd-... .pY.7. Kc Woed .,...,.;,.., __ ... t.-tw... .......... -. -• ' w&ll proM"1 "" Uiift oa11 •L cal• .. ~--.,• ...,. • ...._ ,..._ fQO'tMU "'ul\llMI ., .. UllY9De4 al \.tt. • '°ul!M UM tw44*11 nt.a • 1KH1 ~ ,BatW'day Brice-KtUpp a,.,....wt .-nooth Htw"PDrt....,.,. Union • -1tUnOOll aplAI\ Lo.; B1&ch at time bu\ Md t.rOaW .... l\a • HIP .ac~-~ . bt.T CaUep AA Ule Pi,." <."•m· pulled Melt to pu1 two °" tu.e B7 · IO& !LAii ...........,w ' _fU!. No tally .wu k•pt .. Pl.rate U--. He M4 .a '4M&rlll um. pt• '..-a.tr m9t.on •Ullilld u. tnu ... tnm t.lzw Uae :udaillP rrom oent.e-. ~~~..;... ,_1;~ Jt, "Cit equally du'1nc t~• ~· Kn•pp•1 ~ wu betw t.b&D o.ty a few 1pectat.on wt',. on Crock«t'• but neither w.re abarp CE&09'1CATll °" al:ISDr&89 b&ACI (04' Ult th,... hour •klnntah oa dwp pullt\C. Pkmii• f'rm J'f ... w~cll wu ~t at the ~~ m~ Meet. 8otJa team• fluhed the 1" TJUI UNDEIUJCJNED Oo.......,,. attack whlrh hu l~d An&ht'lm LEGAL NOTJCI ·Cll'Uty that lM'f..,.. ~ &nd Downey Hirai fk'hool (T'ld.I • 1nanutaetutBJ and ~ •\'IA•"JlllV'« HIM MU. ~ ~ wu ruaftlJl& lnto to prep ram .. in rKUlt Y"r•. :SOTICE TO BIDDUS UJJ and CSll\'U product.a bual...- •• -· ...... ·-t• latunlaJ x-...., lo «IC*pt a ltorm. u co-part.Mn at MOT~ W•t -----Leep ICIWld l)tfkea -1.mmlnr In Mentor Al lrwln t.bllie.1 Tom 8-led propou.11 will be re-C.out Klp-y, Newport a.eta. afUr W,. ~ wbea flail· U. .. ...S tbe captain ret~ Lan~ u a JIOlt'ntlal llral altlni· c~lvtd at the oftke of the 'New· C&Jlfomla. under Ute ncuttou. ltOat 8unah1M I. on wlUdl b.e t. CIOtlll9 to u,. akltf wb.ldl Lftp t'r H U1e 23i p<111n•1 l&{kl" went ., .. rt Hub.-ir· Union Hiett &hool firm • .,.,. ot NlEL8EN la NE.Lo wu worktq ~ ott Nonteft)' laWKlMd ud declared he y,·ould lhrou;;h 1lefena1vt' n\aMuvcre 111 IJlltrlct, l:ul Flttunth Strffl, SON, SAIL MA.KER.a and U\at Jl&Y ~. .UCll willl t.M tub ~ •blch h11 !Int day <>ut. l.A~t'. l 1r1t Newport BH1:h, until l p.l'Q., Oc· aaid ttnn ta compoeed or tM fol· Thi eaptaia of Buaablne 1, IMI 4t4 n« IMlleve would lllnlt.. 1tnnr at OCC two yC'ara a~o. I t.ober a. J9!WJ al \.\-ftlch ume and lowLtl peniona, whoM nam• In. B~. Gt. Au..tlelm. bu 'l1le ~ of the akltf wu l\llted up f!>r the f1nit t 'm• tht' plac-1 lhey will be publicly opened full and plG<'• ot Nllid.ence an u 'beell tOWMl by UM eo..t ...._ ..a I.Mp bad trouble momtn1 ot the ecrlmm•c•. He and reart tor the removal o~ rub-rollow1. tn-wit: U&rd cult. a.ad plan• w!Udl ~ It afloat In the roup so imprus•d Irwin anll Lin• ble t·un•lellns or roncrete alaba. WILLIAM H. Nl£1.SCN, 11:12 .webad UM ~ llL He only had a 1m&U '9oa.rd Coach SIU Poore In hi• flral found&tlon1 and plert, concrete l\o9elnary Pl•~•. co.ta 14...._ Sp-A_C_ E CRAMPED BUT Ne~w Protest ~Ee~~ §,;;:_~g~~ ~~;;J;f;,:gr~~Je~~:fl~Ji ;p..~:~~~~~; da,a &ad b&cl a~l lWO t-.. et uot.Mrtwlboat. work Into the 1y1tem. ~jfreJlfnil~~·"'-'er, , .. ..,. 19MI HIGH ON t:D SIMJdr andll.._,, ~tL WiftjJ:~. NI~LSZN M d A I t THESE MEN HA~ DEFINITE --•u•i-.-.itWtwthe aal>NEY NgLSON SUBS FULL Of FOOD a e ga ns , :::r=.r; · · . f ~~~ ~~~::1:.~: Art )OU d13t~ll•fl~I \\th ur un•r 1111 wAih~. to pumll 'Model Planes. 58 NEW Jl:Mj~ D~Y rtlN Ray Adtman plow~d up * ~ :.~:~~-:'-=:~,~::: ~~ ~o~~~b~d,~t:'.~ wa~h )'CJUr 1111n1J ktlchen7 then 11n1tcmn '111klnL llmr; 1r11l Compl&Vlt• of m•I aiTp1ant LONDON_ How mUJ of• ~I *M Mh•r. I~ 'lly 117 Xd· mJddJj fl1lln hl.t tullbaxk aJot UMI ~~ tl'• or~ ol ~ Arc~I· 1.,,.,,.. therein, duly romml1- 'A.atu11i; )OU LOUii.i l11uJe a. rur atraks uf 11n1furm •11.1; i><>t fl)tnr on Ole 1round.I ot tha th t l td ... •JMtt .... _.. Mlled lb• Ntw &•• _. • ..,.oG JOb or llnr'~.r. tecta; ,JIJ:\ Eul Opaat.lllchway, ~ a.M .....,-n, pent0nally ap- o:ie of the ""l'"'"''u~r ldlchen•, 10ltsU; swlu t !ea.ka (t'\lbe Corona del Mar Youth 0..t.er II•~• .,,."':t0 :.._ Yau'• oV ... tl' ~rt ~. Ja Utt~ UM1 A•lerin11n ~ OotOf1t df'l ¥ar. ~ \Y1DlMli H.. Nltlaen and you druol ov~r ln homo mas;&· alcak,IJ: dked b<d and &:'ii3 wu repodjll!L n ftlll ..... .nu a..llt .... Uh irW_ ~-IM call In Friday ~l • St.di bi·1 t'IHuat b4t ~ .. t!Janled ~ !( .... known to me to &<.ih~ lll&At; ~I\ lllm II P.._.. It wu "9 ,_.., Ulat U al ....... • A,uatnU&n, ~ Nevt .... WUl GlencJalt whDI 9c1' ta," Cfftltled chi()( ....... v.·ttla ltll \M ~.,.,"'°" namn are •C \~~~r ~~:~:~ n~ JOllp :ll:: la ~:ur~o:1:.':Wj$~ ~~e m~~I =.:; ~nla UI: ~ :: .:t. :..:: ~rt~ ::: ~.":,: h:~,!~;k Q:.=; :.~-:>~::~ i:.11~ ~~ ::: ':e::w~=~ i:;;t~; )'uu ~ouh.1 have 11 mlk) wo~ uid aJao put.I ._t ~ ~ '1*111 ...... f!Wi'"'9 &1'e t.M ••• * It!: ,fl wboro l-an front ~as\ w1U 10 to rllhao D&Yt '8 amount ~ to ft¥9 (I'( 1 tMt tbt1 tMCbted th• eomf'. J;:.J •a• a \:OOk 1n a 1uDCD&fine. .. tn111ml11r and cutuq, lnfe ,... ~ .Ave. ~ Qmtmoewee.1~ U.. ~ ~ Nld ftv• 'hlllura • l>kk Grovr Tanl\U'& ~ .er.it ot Ula~~ u Wl'ftfm WHEREOF, t hue ID •·b 10 ltJOt caUoy on hands ot 111411etrial ITll'tl .. \:Onl1ol ~~ Mrtl pedltlon. ""'° ~, te N-z.aaw'• bter• .. rated • a!\a<IP •lrono;rr Oil af· JU&nnlY that 1Uit Mdder," •rn·· h~to Mt mv hand and atflx· lb'2 .:wuiu~uc Hldttlh; , IOJtt jJJert.., &.L CJolCb .aid. 1~;;:':':za ~ a. tt.i *'If wQI Mt otf froni ~ 0Mipby1la.I T.,. .-ny. ,._.. wlUJe i:roH'r R"l• ttM rAur111, will f'!1!erlnto a ron•rtd e1 my otf1c1a.l 01ral the tlay an•I ptCJ~ie 11c.il th1eP l.111r.a 11 L~ OF l'l'l'E.\ll U , ot 410,i Orchid Ave., aald London on the MC»Jld etas• ot "''ILL OOOPPATI: c:ia?hn no•I roi •JHr1tll •l•f••n,.. ull•t11r:orv to ttie l 11•!11ct I Hilt In thl• Crruflcalc flnit uay for ,., 1111&11y 1111 bO men. \\'I rn 8 teal1 la tnch.rclr•I on a 1 hf' wouht -Ii: a l-·populat.d what mwil Marely b4I the lut Fucbe 1&ld that althou1h lhf' Jllay. Irv. in 111"1"·'1"'1 l'ir '11" .,r I Tile I •jslrlrt rurr\'C~ llle n'hl 1 1 11bo\le "'nllcn. I -o ... u ol _._ l.a-JO"-...v_ ·-... _ "*ld. "'"-mon~a-•• .. -~tUOn" 910l lha CJ.Ill ptu.ir l l• Uie yllfn• "14111 to NJ~t an7 or Ul btdll. . M7 Oomm1UtOl!I P:\J•lt r.I ~lreln• uVCN.. IO bJ ·111 111ellN, mral are pr .. parad. . ~"'" .C ow ~I ;:1:,~ ,...._ ~ ftl Ula I'll· cllNcUy conrwcted Willi the I ~ ~ in.: ec or 11 nam I JA ~l\C. .SU. lbt rrovi> OctclX'r 12, t 11:"'4 t'ou\(&nl( .,...... 1111,;lu•.l.ea IWll 1111-.1 • mrrlll, I to "" poun I t~. the ~ur•. .._.. ~ _, -... -_ ... _ .-...-IM tat clecld r t 1 ln IUlti l ... u 1rilia. 01111 dnc IH.lok Cv•n thouiJI m.o.t or th .. raea ~·aay ~ &1d .. ~:l'fduc .... Md ct~--~ ~· RoJa.l l!locl•l'1'• aeophyalc•l ,..., I The :!~111r.11 (• fltl~ol to do I Ion_• of Wloa 17TS ol UI• 1-&bor BUNlC!C c. MA n.:H l'"n br. 1,11 ln the aalky at • au bMYJ coll .. ~ddrlker•. apo ,..._. 41__.. .... an ~ le ae _,..,. '9 \he _,...lion, lt wtU ~nt.e wttll '"vthtn .. t lht• nid ~tnn '°'(· Co<te. Ule alrl l)l1trid h•" 11.cer-1 ~lo. 735 .. t \nl". !"o th• ttu ... GUOk• P,r••lrlm&tely 80 plkmai 0 • of milk co•--t"'tl•e .. 0 ... .._·'for younr· A.Urctk. tor ha lta• al~y It eo tar U It It able ln llle f: I"' ~ 11111,1 t'\lK t h•: j:t'l'~''t<I,\' p11· ~•"· !'11'•.~ P·17 :?• llJI I'!, ,fl ~" 1 .-w...-.,.nvvT , , 11'pt111'1\\•t'1 h10,'rf'l!l11' ab<iar•I h.•\f' .. 1 ,.1 ,1~1 ., •ll•IY 1111 Jllll• I• ·•rd fur dr nKl11¥ f•Ut· •tar•. B·il nl'l(hbor1n& rffldente 8.,...t two •·ear-e on &<'llYt' u · cou1ae or lta wo1 .. 1 1 .,. .. , r··· ,, I r,r .... ~ .. r1.,, • . •u1 •• , .• ,, ;.; ". Jn lhr h"ll , 8 ~1111,11 '" ,.11• po ea "H' h '" r)( ~ protf'llt thP)' are "loo not1y.'' plrraUon wtlh the l'alllland "Our expedition," he 8'IJ. 'hK• l.J••Wn,,\"• B 11 Bn,y.ri ,,,,.1 ,\rtll• are pru<luu•ll ,,,. 'r ttir llJ1krJ App1 HAI 111<lcl)' 60 r .. •r ctnt nf l.ll&nda De~drn<I• Survfy, for 1 •tl lb• mod .. tn 11dva11t aar~ \\ p l\rlm •. "''"' l'l•JI \' I'" I llt' I t11r 't.,o<l• ... 1 .. J "'""'' th• aub· th~ lll•I• ah .. airJ •re 111111111'11 "'"Small.Boy Hirt which he wa• awardtd lh• •h•ll be ualnc tr•rked Vf'hlrlt'• ~l•rll•i;rpM•onlhelll\!'~lf l'll 111111111, ui ,,11 11 , 1111... whrir ll.o• 8 1·ip 1• ln p111t. n;•·n arl' Jt"oun der'• Gold Medal ot Br1t· f'no-cate for lhf' < ro1011lnl( a11'1 "' ~n• e 111 tti,. '"'"'~ 1, re 11 11111 ,111uwr>I 11 , .. ,.11t r1n1 <'f ltbtrty. aln..a Royal a.ocraphleal ~lely. w .. Mll for dt~><ll l:w1n,, w1lh p 1 ,_1 1 1& 1 \\'htrl ltl'tlr1-11 ... 11 .. '" ••I ,,... .. .l\A '""' n21 .,, ni:: " .1p r Vt' ,. On !'lu• Jn\'a, wlien a lai <>t' n u111 .. • H• an-•rt quntlONI briefly a~rert for lft1ppo1 l and r l'l'«n· ~· • 1 t 11 •• 1 1 t !W11lh H 11 harll J,.•11tt·r '"" •' ,,. " y ht F II ,__,, -ti.~ A • • l\'I .<1rt't1 7.• n llir)lllllll flr•l ('I•'<!!""~ 1''1'111· .... , IU .. ___ " Ill nd .. In l .... y ... r i .r ........ &l IMO y two"'""'' Rr1 aerveJ brurnhl lnJ ~ -. lC\I • aor ......,... rein.ad IMI W. a ... •" • • ' her Ir 111rn are on lib• rt y unly ID ac a and dlrecUy. "'neither nalalmi&· naluance, ant doc ., ... ,,., "'Ith I ••\ . .. "" l 11 Int ttlc '"'"" fl•~•· /\. lui.:" • u1n, arounJ g 30 IL m , uid dU\nn at I 9.l .. , -...-:: .. u-~--. •· -• 1111n1 Ute dans~re. aad "-rt• drtvV11 too, for i p«lal wnrk, 1 be ph)'•kelly atronser ''" • 1 tie l'oull1 l!l•ll•I '" "" " 11 • ot .-. ..., __ .....,.__.. -up from lime Lo Ume ID trice 'and 111 ca .. "'• can nol t•k., the C'l>rdlnK tv lrvdll "''ho t':<J>t<l~ U&e kallti~n a11I • i1 •11•' ~,Ir 'I~~ ,,,.n i;d lurJ!r)' ln thr "H· or M1 an'1 M1• Bruce Ma1'lt-ne on a tare• ••all map lhe routelnhlclee down tP.e 1tl•rlu on I.he both to lmpro•e ,Clt'~lly In lh~ •all or S•n Frenci.cn, wa1 aepor~ lit• expedlUon wlU lair.•. •eecllll to th& Roea lea. lneAl JO d11\·• In 111ck .n1 up thr 1 Jt>i:s~n 11 111 ,, •' t 11 ,., '11 I! u ·~ pr• , .. re ltlf'ir own •up· 1t'C0\~11ns Saturl\ly a\ Ho.a 11 1 1y1tem.. A1·tu•lly th, Mraw 111t' • t .. 9 1 lhepl' •I eflar ta1•1-t• t•l lfAn. ... O"I TaJ:& .A.lrplart• w1 do reconn& •-• 1rroo•f'r at f'nlt• than •t et • -Q lOlllJIA(tl'I u 1 l ,; '.•1 f II v .. ~ -, d Lt ti di ~ h .. , ' •t :Olri '" 11•~ J• •nncJ cart u Y 11 from raU1nn nn JIU• father'• .. Thera a.n tW'O thlnfl J v.·ouk! ur.ct an rou • n nc, < 1 otht'r ~1uon. snar1n11 • g111h" ''' "", ,!J n•I l.ai..n,c "• "'"' I }&cht wblcll \\u lied up M hke lo •Y a v.·om about r1fhl fllplaln"'IS. "Alrcralt are uaf'lt'ae l K.'1010'.'\ \ti f:l I EA:,\ 1 Cl IU. \C II • r ,, \ nn~ly 1n \<'AlUrto an I St ... rd Marine do<k l th lar• .. J'\l<'hl eald. ''Th.,. for uplorallon w1tJ\out s;ruun1 · · ' ~--• 1 •• ti 1 ·i h Id an.... • a • a .., -J -t-1 -om the a ir you quite Tom H1rn1on ntl!\ffd 1r-lr111n•i;:r 1 "E\cr)'\l 1'11: I "' .. J IJll •• l I •r .t ( !lllJ: •• Albt'rt G Hur of JufmVllle lte the nelun of th• expedition vm • v ... I I \n rea• htnc <1ist 1 • '"· 1.~ •u J !;~I"\, J <!ur n' unc day 'f' "re ~ ~ ·hit •• UI• ~)I' illp '•nd ll.t ru~. l'\nt, I.he H• d~ tlnllely unnot de our work ar llO~ "'1lh • •Ill •~!l<'•I ank 1C' 1 Ito m•i • or•i 111 '" 1.. •., 1 \I the :ul1¢v.1u• rr...enua: :Bre&kf••t; I &Jld ~;Jlouoe IW8d Uiit YOUftl· ped&Uoa 18 a eom-•-.JUi \ oo un.-t.. ror -.C11*. map 1:1\tt • IH bl rud7 to~ or1lout t1111 tbal "'h"n hr 1~ "' 11 , I.: ll1• ).'"Jesh milk, frted t&P to~· *'...,., tddill tir hla m.a.i.r Wllture. It wtll coet l l . .00.~ .. u~ct«ll1 ariUlowt around arternoo11. T,.,, l>lnl!ln and Jack .. 1 •I h"~ •!If'.... ll•llllrta dr" 1 H ... d r.arll•• or atucly th1 hab1Lt of Athbaui:n luokl't.I •111111;: a t ""It I kllch•n or ,,,~ ""' .. ,.. ·-I r• , .. p • I Inn lha achoont'r. f' "'" a wv•r• and tour Commonw.-alth 1ov•m· .... ' -I hf' rm,i. ti• ~'1••\11~ H' '• \ ··r ,• ' ..... n! 'h1llrrl f n1 t J111r .. , brraJ , bu"'i' on hl• fort1htad a.ad waa ntPnt1 ltava h•lped lo nnalk"e It ll>• le• A &tolo11.1t could nnt lrM and •wit! th'"' Ill ml .. ·r unr .. intunveri1~n1 ti11tt<'r 11n l rrirr... 1' .,.ml~..-1011• WMQ ~ Mal -Brll&Ja. t;-Z.alanil, A._ •ludy Ule ~~poe4~ of rock• I tHm •pot•. 11lrn~ '~ "!>1• '1 ar" D:ll<'lrr <Ulllfld porlr. ti,ope. l11m II ttllt h09Ptu.I.. lralla -"' Bout._ Atrl<'a. ''""' tlll• air. I Ed C'hambf'u "" 11. be •.t 0!14' K1trhr11 ,.,, k 1t-.. whlf'l'"•1 l'"'~toni itrf'f'n paa1, I_ -"Men from all th .. e ro•inlrl•• ln l'\ov•mber at lhle y•ar, f \J•Jtol "'c.'th i It h,., 1 .. 111 J ,a1 "h""", lll'•§ltf'•I In a 'ii'\' " ... iln•!, r••'>"· "'"'"'· bull,.r, 1 hlll· then, lhP m•ln patty undn or o1 orry tl! lhf'" lf'r 1"111' l<!Jlll•\', ...... lil•·ol 1' •t,,. "11" 1 •l\fth,.. n111I • lf'lllll, f r .. •h Cee Grldders are Laltln1 part 111 the tllJ>••ll· "'llt't\8 Wiii ... 11 from lhl!' Unll•d '"''")', a formn ~leoU&Le b .. y. nr lh" ('(1ok11•r "'"" Tl•rv "'" "'1 r • r lion. and lhco le•d~r ot thr N•W I 1 " 11 I 'r1fff'« I 7.('•lan.. parlv I• ~Ir• J'..Jmunrl KlnJdOm lc11 tht W""1df'11 S,.., -------------• ~~.:·.~ 11~"~1~~1 ·::, l ,',,?.:' ''' .. '. '":·~ :-: •l•J' ':1 l'r•I • o:11< F1 •r• h Hillary~ who 'n.,Pd• no lnlrodur· thh Um• In the M•1~a U•n, •11 rrr~• 1 ••11 or ll r, ob "u><f'•l s k B rth let (Olns VUM'I "°"" untlf'r con· !"••) £I•''~ ee e s lion. Georre Lowe another N•W h t1 C'""" '"'''"' , ..... '""' , .. • 1 .. a111 Z..alander who ~ ... ln the l:vtr· 1trucllon ln a Dental\ a lpyu Ll IJ~ I••• tKl•I 1 1 "11!:" IJ1rll•l anr1 tJut •1 fH·•h m•li< .111 .. 1 About tha 1a.mt Umt Sir Ed· ll up1•l" ullu <'I 111l•>Anl lllf h• I ••l expedition. w11l mak• I.he nd t Ill t tt f o J 1 oll•" crnuln• with thf' Unit I'd Kin&· mu 1 par '! w It 0 r m tl.lh aald ''"•I lf'l'\t'cl •'"'"'I ~·ito Rl.ll fHn1"'' CH foolballenr • Nnt 7.f'aland tor McMur<lo 11 1 1 1 \11\IO'l"'ll 1 •HIK1' ' .. ne trarkln1 leather In flnaJ dnm party u th• oftltl•I pho- GET ROBINS TOP TROPHY 11,.rlM•r f I 111 Hnl•ll•• __ ...... ______ .-.JO~ lll:Jj ......... ., .. , " Your pur•~ la like lookinc in the Want ma1·1Jl"• 18 ''" l1t101,. " r • 11 " tc _ her. aound In the Rou 8"•· lh•l (an 1,.. r 11, I 1 1• .. ,1 .. "". 1 111~,r"" n~ •~nl tr1 thf' pr a< lit•• lut "'Mk and lh• m.-n-, ... p Tb• .aeneraJ pUu1 i.. tor lht Hnhu ., ••• •ourird ll•• Jolluwmi: ed tor•ln•11ca tad that'mor• of lh• ·-n. TtlerGrl. ta nic11 .w1 l""O parts• to Mt \JP bA8ee on ~c;.,.,.1 1, 1 1• ni c _. <Ii • ..., 'Y "' mUona ln <>rdtr to )revrnt .&rna Sa an l•P lot' tMay &nd lnaO. lJlle *• ~1"1111 t4 \:all· I .,11htr etrle of U1• ('Ontln,.nl an'1 to 1.,,..1, Uf 111 ,.,1,. "" 1 • ontr•n.11.1l10·1 ftnd fo<>J·l> ro" lomorro·A u Ile trle• to rind hl1 M'l, Bay wt Wini.er, ,and which for Mrh lo work toward Uut "Tlurlrt·n "r' ~ Ml r r I• R• ,,. ell d11r1•" It I.II "al>"nl .. I tor ( of•ka awribtr ~ cs.le6116V8 &nd Of• .u.oci up '--.cJl • MJffeUnl lrt pele. The 'Ila.le In tile ~'.CSdrll JlCl' rtny 11 '""'' , 11 11 111 , ,, .. , It! r.t;,,...rv• atrl t t1'1 .. of 1'Y· f~~l\'t unite. Ule paclt-tc•. •·U a ~anedlan S.a hu •lraady Men utabll•h...t "'"U• a" aralrd "1111 • Hf"" l· :m&nlhlp t '0pb1 try \l>9 South•m CallfomtA loht?J· • ll'•I Burh•ll .\uo• ,,.,I( n Satuntav allt'moon a t Wr11· 1 .. , .. Flf'ld art,.r thr T.t" I_ Ada -al" aya full of even:thinr !" Thrt'" 11 rah ,,,. 11, r\ ,..1 • •Inv 1: • nr lo prrp11rr ~11llt1I rrvm r,. .. 1 Arter drc>pplnr th• ut 011 13 j Vf'SJlf'I, bulll &I • -l•r or A~· ••rllt'r thla )'•r. &Ad o•med by \\'hrn lhe ,. .tuu~•ui• '" ,.1 -•·I\ •1 a; r•lrd l'1.r,rr11r1.i" 1o rrfrig· h••ih Thur*'&)' nlirllt. Straw l\1r "''•t•n an11 h•r <•plain and J\K'• "fnlackleton" In m•mory an •>:lr11 lll"ttl v.11• •I~,,.,,.,,~ lho•Jl!tl:ll lnm"•ll•Lrlv a(lrr ""nl tn work .. mphUlllln• of-rr•w w•r• •.xp«rt In le• navl&•· o( tfl., JTltll ••rlnr•r who plan I. ~1 ., I ,., 1 •• rnh rtni: incrr•h,.nl~ .. nJ tn fPnM", The Tarba~ ,..Ill ronrf'n-•l<•n •n•d to ~rote th• tonllnf'nl •• u"'JUJt•tSt•"'"'I ...... " :l.:lllp 11 1 ,,11 , •r ir• k'I• r 11'11' •tlnoJu•~1110•.0dri;:rer1 tr•I" rnoatlv nn lhrir pa.wain& Now tor our purpoM Tllll l kJn• aro u JIU. ~Id AJnJ~ ,,.,. •'" ~\II u ,•, •• 1\'1q; I 11• ittaek In tnrnorrol.l • aee&1on1L la a Kl,.ntlnc ••ped1Uon, and A winl•r party ot tl&hl ... a• 11•"••1 rrir Frrn 11 tr.I\•' 11'1uulil I .lf'rrv H"l\n 1tlll lnnke like UI• tht crOMlll(, lnlernunc u It la Wt tlehlnd to buUd 1"-baae h .. a\ lr:u•l ton~ day 111<1 ICi.trrm"· j numMi 911•,ia~ W10a (kry la lt.Mlt, '9 lllOt lM tl\it.f olt)ect. cuip ud to haul t.o afet1 fur· I\ rr~h brra11 t• 'Tl'Jl •u•••bl,. fo1 l'kk•n• alat.ct tor tJ\e MD fur· 111• main party will conatet ot tber traland lh• i.'IO 1on1 o t u"' t hi. 11 r11 irlni l•fl ha.If •lot and Pete lwo ,..olo(llla. inclucltnc myatlf, •torH la.ndtd on lhe let tl'om l.l <"lvui;ti 1111 11 ltrf' ""'" "'" fl'ce lo 11x ~t>to• k• lt•r lh• Oi"•" • • y.,·hrntver lh•'Y f Pll hunitry Anrlr• ~art I 11.,ro Coul LNr;;-u• iani•. Th,. a .1•11r•I "1111 l"rt"''" 11'1 U•,. on,. llmm In ~"' h l,.111;11" J>l•:k,.11 ll\' lh" 11n·p1rM1 Anrl m•n•I:"'"' •• bfolni:; n11l11\Arnl· Inc In 1portsman.hlp ""ttl· oruitnatlnn In lettrtltt an,, tnumamPnt 1t•m,.1. "The uoly 1~'<1111rt111ir11t l• thlll ApJ•'Y ~11 v 11h .. uld l>f' rhlll,.11 1 l"uthtnll(ln at the opp<W11l• Ila.If two •urveyora. both ....ith pre•· Ute Thuon. 'nlfy wlll allO c1rrv they 1lun up •11,1 11u1 th•' 1••0•.~ ar ui•·•••I ,.,·llh wh1pprol rrram.ITorn Hubf'r l\&I the INdde track lou1 AntJlf'<'Uc n:~rl""ce, two oul .uch r~onn•l-nce H I• IEE SHIFTS 11W•Y whrrt th"v .... l hautti;h 11r •<'P~i1 w11rn1, ~'"'fl plaln nr1 al fullback. ml'tf'Ol'Olo(t1te, a .. 1emtc phy· poul.ie In the lnt•n.., rol<t anrl he ._.1«1 Fr~~h tn11l alw11p I• \\Ith tonr•I uu•f' I W)I~ bf~ l'fVll ~ •iet. • ~ l-enst-.. l'Olmd-Vie-elacll dal'lln .. of th• &Vall•hl•. l IRITI hn<'kl And lrtlllll ·lli.n~S ' DI atart .... ttr•w e&llW f• lllUllJ ., .. & fact.or, a J*CJtorn...,, a A.nl&rc\fe wf:nt.r, Ud (lft-lly •'AMII.\' "I Tl.I: b• 1Kt~•·<1 tor 11<tt1pa. rrrrl•f'~tnte to (ive all ~· boy1 redlo operator, two ptlol.e and an prepere the war tor thf' lrrlvaJ Wt:.al• are M>n,.11 lamuy •tylc: T""'• leUur ... chu;;lb \''llh eo•tr a ~h•n« In the t1n1l ouUn1. aJr mec:haetc lo J<? ... UI• ot ~ ma!Jl p&rtJ ln January, In tll• mt-u hall whil'I• 11 about I' rnrn ur .. ulnr ju11l ~fore 11•rv· Aom• i,oy• reported tor trt. nret kind of body we ate. lt6'7. Ula .Uc of an avl'111it'! r11nt1ly lnJ: lime wllh th• o~nlnr ot achool P'OA 80&NCS ----------- dinlni room nr,"lliue ur Jac:C nr Whr11 arrvlnl" fl"r,.nch "nlon la•t TuHd1y and are Juat et.art· Thfy -.ild be ll"l•klnr C>Oft· H I t! .-t mipa1.:c rn~•ls aie lttlr,,.ll 1n thrf'll 110up· 'Tout qUArt .. r-alic-t9 oC lnr 10 l''t t'he f..,I of tM pme. •tan t ac:lenunc ollM~UoM .. ftCJ ~ lhlft.e• lt•n ,.at , 11 t 1'1>< k..ry t>rrad <Jll day ~tar' llfr\'I<"•. Th•r• m•V be aom• abufntnc u f'uch• potnt.ct out. ,,._ would 1 ANT A AN A, 10CNSl- J'll&LU. 1111ll-1111 c..r thr ll•,.hllono I hm•h \l"lltt rudl• '1 hotter anrt aoon L!! the n-·oomen b,...k ln lndude mapplnf and ,unr11 PteHrntnary JIMHna f(W Hu~ e. dlvldf'<I ll•J 1 Olfl• ,.,. 111111 11 "n 1 h"n • •·tiu l 111 "'""" al ml'alllme. Ul•lr •hon work. metaorolO(Y, cll"""'loJo&Y, Bardlt-y. 11, one ot 11 accu..ct .. l lhe aame fO<>tl, l.a•lle ~up Into b<Jwl oor tout straw ta anythln( but ded.W &l&dolo(Y, Mt.amLc .oundblp, Oral'\f'8 County jell Mt'•J>t" Go Excelsior Thunday on Local Grid Coa<'h Emil l'\l'f'm• 91•11t h11 s.e. tbm111h a dl'ft'f\Jll\'1 •;rim· map "'1lh the junior varalty thta antrTl(\On In the final 1llrt With mrn In llll h dun r•rOJC· and rh~ lor ffn.'• tout on on the for-..·ard •·all. Neweont· which. on Ule actual ~..-. ... will ~ b11" In I ant a A n a. imtl)' lherw nevn ti a ny .ioubl I top <>f aoup). Her' •ra aunu:~ ~ anlf we!•h ln• t.omorTO'!I' may would be tall"' •..-Y 20 er 10 Orui~• Municipal Court 8rpt. IC th~y ,ar~ dt~nlr.11ac11 w1lh the .., rttn-1" fo a lo•-i s:r.,rn aa • ha\·• a -.nnr -hi• •t&rtlnc mll• to record llll• dtJtb ot \he 11. workout tor the lllellMI~ :~"r '" r r JtlO ru,.n II t t.a .... •-• __ , n-1--4-•• In~• .. •'-• ........ ,_ -u a-1 ........ --ro-Thuratl•y atlemoon ~ 1., .'C· food Lt t-lougb admlltt'd " combination .-pect& '1 • <' .... "'• ..,__... • ....., ~u•---_.. .. -1 -,, ....... , .,.. •• ti i., DELIVERY GUARANTEED Df'li\"rt"V nt the Newport Barbor New•Preu 11 guaranteed." Carner boy• will deliver their papen IM"fnrc 6 pm. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. If your paper is not deliverE'd by that hour pl~ call Harbor 1616 and your camrr will bring your paper. CI a 5 .5 if i e d NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS EYery Mottday, WedMtday a•d Frldmy COASTAL SHOPPER·-\Vednesdays C-.141 •11oppu •• .... a. &.111• w.._.., ....... ,_ C Uaes 1 lmerUoa tl.00 a&1•L U.... .%6-. t 1Jat9 % Luertloa 1..30 add1. U.. .26 ca. t u-.. S luertloos 2.00 add'L U.. .%5 ea. 4 1JltN ' lrtMrtJOU %~ add1. UllCS ~ -. ailt.aalloe Wuted Ade wW nittJu I 0~ 41..-IMlal. ('Mii la Mhaaee -17 ML'u .. l:M 4JJ ut • u.,~ "It' ~" I• i ... (Jf rovd 1•rovt·• 1 cau;t.~ t;Al.AO wh•re he baa eom• beat and at would be mMte wh.nnv --_,. a.xia.1d Crookah&ft)c. Ball ethlor on th• Inca! t' Th. ... . "r .__k I td rock preMllled ..,. -· :.:r.: at 1-.000. ._, pr•<' t I e • --'Ona ura .... y unpo ... 11Ar wa tr)' nol to rl'pcal I lbs <emllvr rullback 'A'b«e Erl~ Bjo.-.; 1 -....-·-.... .., •" 4 Frt .. •• oC •··• w•" ron· &.>£AlH .. UH:a f« p••~•n• or eancellUll a.s. are: ··-f h l l"' • • a 1 a r r • 1 t •""' I a ~ ._,, .... -,. -1• •• he •ld. 10 lha. 1uartel"1Jd rea <r .... -~~ • ........ ~ ... -... •"'-t ---.. Irland ror lllloode7 Pu'llllcalau11 -rnda7 0 p .m. .. ---'l~~~H~c,.~--"'C::i'r'7.,::r:" t::-::t ----1 t.u .. ,,.,..,,. .. ~-by u.. rm e.t· ,,__ ,..._,,. -.a-&talt and thl(ken, ~ most ma tou ....,~--.,.. •batter tadd9 ~ Oeorc• rur Wed.Dl9da7 PubUcalkiO..-T\MldlJ l ,._ f!OP11ar maln 41Ahca. &ft Ml'Wf'tl 2 lbs •·hOJ>ped ~n ~pprr m&Oa flt ._ , .. Ult '-U.. J&SI ....._ Madl'a.rland on UM off~"'! Iii# )'J1da7 Pul»UcaUOD -Tlaanda7 I' a bf\e Wbcn tn port. fresh J>1'0-11-1.i q1&&rlfTll water clfeet • UI• ~ WJ -' t.• csa,. ,,.-. ,_ ot UM lllii.W ~,Jl~WrutlT BUii«* rUllUIHl~CI 00. ~a.~ locally. Wb1:n J'. 11ua"la vlftf'Pt ~ ~f~~~~-a: ... Wll iPtOll&fed .oae CClllMM ~ ~ _. ,:1 ~U aaa...,..,. ,,.,.., 8w'A. Oltlf....._ tti. eub I.I at eea, fr11UJl anti r.an• 6alt ~d pepP41P • .._ ollaM ~ _ n<. rrult..a 111111 v~gci..bl"11 are Combine endl~'.~ ... '9id la w r ...... U. a A WT A A;Jf A , C0CN8)-WW. R1 Kuc. u 0-.'* •• ..-M ,... •• Oulll la ....... et ,..n..., . • aulNltlhited. Thtl l•Htr conarrvf'..t I matou 1tnc1 ch~ 11•n fllP-... Ull ff-.•e\ ftltecl Mqllt.... • ..... ta et ni. "'" ot Ward C. ud IAny O..tle •t ..,~ alid. l'la• ...... ,,ill not be ~bl• tow mon U1aa OM lnclol'Het 11tan11:• •r"c' ,..-1. ~bke ltru•!•. ,Oafnb,.._ tf.:__9c.h wh_.,l. man WM • hlet. la airtr. .,.... 41.CS Aur. I. wu ...,._ ~Ide: Pd )(a.IJ,:a d lnMltfon of an ad. ,..,-ve the rt&lll to C!On'tc'UJ c:&a.ttJ an1 and In th• fr"tr&H aboard sh 1• 'an w•ll!'. 11n•l vtn .. pr. ,.;;..... wldi m .. unr U.. air or ridtn1 • a ttacW • ..._. Ill 8\.ipertor Court hMt' Dave Vaufhn 11.f "'" • ;n all acs. and to nJ.ct an7 MS not conturmln& to l'\llu and ncv&.Uona. he elcir,.11 .. 1m11£h n1r11t a11J pro· Vf'Jflnhl,.• R•·• on hi tut• v.1th .. , would not fMI ~~ . I lly a.ta ~ Mlldr..t MIJ(e Oeorre •t c.ntl'r "" tlu-c. ror 30 to "4.1 •••vii( 1.1. aa\1 ari•I f'f'JlP"f ----FUc!la added. "ln .,...... • at. 9llll'k ot 440 Catalina Dr .. Komn ~ the quut..rbll'k ''1111· C'lous;lt 11111.1 rwt'nl)' on. 1tuntl1«'•I Halt mucb IDOltl)' and 110 naaay ,...,. NfWpOrl 8-<'IL 0.vfl •mm 0 n d and R"hln tSpedal NOCkim .. _ I ,__... to out ...... --·• 11-for , .. _ c~ '"-1\111 pro_... In U11 n-ltwtntord. tl'H> h•lr1'tlf'k a•lsn· peunda of h•d elrm• ··•n .... I! or• Pit._, r-hant rv.p• --· ·--·--.,.-•• , ... II Ill .., "' •u~ R~ llJ'hle aad bom WOWt.n& mr or UM C!Ollllnertt u u .nd late wu Ylllutd at 111\,000. mcrih anit TftTY .,..p·• .,.. ~e Navy hi "" f"'rlrn,.ntlng ,\ lhll'f with a pantlfl J'f'""hanl w~nt unJw«Sl'd "'t N • w po r l '" lt.Rlf. We an Coln& t. do • a.. a tunbllt'k. Wiii\ frt>U'll t~tflrle.11 l,....f J'rl"• pl• k,.<.l •"lllht •11<'11 from lh• 84'111 h JW>lkl ftn•lly 'ire" able -1oua, plannrd Job, &l\d C,_. ,... &I-S~•. unurl•ln f'fl1 lt•" '1•· qal. lrttilflll'\I lllld ratk•getl Ill.• 1:1t·n11 u llu,.11 linr. rtl 1209 to bc1nc motonat J•.an B. J:notl\o ln1 u.. CGflllDftlt harP8fU1 lo M .. ____,,..,.. ren•IH unit. WIUI pl•--' al lh" COIJ~ t<1 tho mrthu•I of~l.>ukin~ w ... t IJ.lb<"' Bl\11, ftbot•l ft v m •J. or 1730 &. <Nean P'T'fmt. to a.n ..a\tJaJ p&rt f'f tt." HI.IP 'M}'l'att, 211 UUJan lmprov'"""nt nf l•lck Rf'lr\9 &nd ,---.._which the wl• ••• hf'•t ~till• Th111.orla\' ar;•nn11ng tQ polite ,.. a halt, lhty rtporl41d n..da7 TIM a:pedJUon le di~ l"to Maet. Cotti.& M..., alOlll WIUI It.al\ lAr•LI and indicated lM)' td,' 1w11 ta H" •S..O Look aloftC tVto n1aht. Otric•r• 'llookf!d bn for l•o part.tu.. Oft• ulMMr J\afha. Ill• otll•r att0mphabmut.a. cu may lak• o.,,.., th• ~t• "°"' ;ft Ill mnOe up r;1 onn ''-""'-nl11bt1n.. rJn.tnlt drtnna. li:nGW11 M Ule ruJa 1W U9Mlq t&llt Oft Illa tln,r.ra. ~ 1lr7 Vauchn a.ad Alea Boria Newport Harbor B. P.O. E. ·11e1 v M"u ,,,.,, Tlturada1 I P m.. VI& OpW\o -c.ntraJ A,,. , Newpurt a-di D\dt 1\lc:•m&D. Eaa.lltid R~ 1-8P":"lal A.anoo~t. PHOTOSTATS HARBOR BLUURINT J larwr 4331 .BLUEPRINTS • HARBOR BLUEPRINT • .:. 2819 N"J>Ort Blvd. : · ·Harbor <&331 .. . . :SEWING MACHINE ... : ftl:KTALS AND UPAlRS -now euo : FUN ,.\ND F A.BRICS ma.A N9WJK>rt BJ., 0:>.la Mtu ~ l.J l-tl01 .. 631fc · General Contractor UCSNllSD New Work -IWm~lmg J. ~TON McKENZIE ......... 1399-W ~c PAINTING INTENOA -l:X'l'DIOI\ .u,.ao ~ PA.lNTINQ Ll<.."l:Nu::D -IN8URl:D Glenn Johnston IOl·lllC It. lhwpon Bach Barbor 1171 '911c SCPEllT REMODELING • Mllu.... e lt.epiu• e C.bl.lleta e Laun. Wlndowa • Doan e O~ral C&l'pftlW Work • REASONABLE U«Ntd a.r. 6~-W A.LID< IILMAN ----..-·-----HEAT FOR SALE BUY IT WHIL!! IT'S HOT Be Pre}>&ttd for Fa.U Weather CALL BT ANLEY ACKERMAN HEATING 'to cll'an &nd aemoe your be&t· inc •1allm Wore u. nlllb oc t.o IJY\all a MW OGe. CALL Harbor 1 .. T NOW 211 UUI Btreet Npt. Bea. lt Y l.n Ole Ha.rliieir .vea 6kT2h A.looboUce' A.llooymom w rtte p o. .. Ill N "'l)Ort Beach. Ol.111. PboGe Harflar '4716 I Completi Lawn' C•r• ALL POWER !JQVtPllZNT AL90 Ta.AllB U 01..IMO ~ llil'l'DUTaa" ROWll It ~ 1.1 a.4111 or LI Mm IW'7 LOVING CA.RE to~ )'Wt ellildNn ln my llonl .. Vlctntl)' 20th and Onn.p, Coat.a Meaa. U 1-UTI. lkt6 BOU812X.11:1lP11R &ftll&blt t•r Ml or ,,.n UIM. 1.-..... GIRLS TAKE ADVANTAGE Mp or oU7 trem~ ,,,,.ui u4 aumno\&I promotJOM. • ruu pay u 7ou 1..,. • J'r .. \ttOt Uicnuel • Adnace1nent actuan¥ •oouna" -Opaainp loz - TELEP BO NJ: OPERATORS -.f.JS>l7 - llOt.o•;.JO 122 WMt 11Urd lulta AJI& PACIFIC TQ.EPHONE w. ATCH & "'"CK KELVINATOR ~ DOUBLE DOOR ,.,.iring REFRIGERATORS O'OAftA..NTSm. 13 CU FT! ~•or..-. ..... D'l'Dl4TICI. • • · • NliWPORT .JEW1LERB e Seput.te fNear u, to to Iba. ALL f\Jralt.W'a &t ITOI a..uior. • ....... _...__.,A... , C'ot-Drro 2 Refrts .. a.a l\&Jl&'t. Bed.I •no ... ~ ... • -......... ._ • ·-..--4 ............. thar Jou.np ehaJn, Cost.a w.. LI MIU • JtoU O\lt ah~l,,.. e Buti.r K"I* • J:cs K...,_.. • Shel-etc. Awn1bla e3,. ~ 1'.AJt.AT diamond, • Ilda dla· "' IA .a.oar tAcl oU\u t.atuna. mo.ct.. ..,.,.,,ent rtats. Slfl RllMOI>a..uiO -M'UWI' a:LL. • beC ..... ~ .. pl.~ ~ or lndt oe car. Liberty THll WSSK ONL T wt will -..U. Mc4t ~ Cbe fallOwillf a.Dowa:nc .. ,.. 10\&I' Old ~ uu.- 1'()1\ J..u.s .-llVJ:NINOI ~D tn nh't,.,..tor: ... ,.,. ...... \ cem.~·. tal!IM. -------------~..., tte.e, l°dl'tf.. •• SEPTEMB1:<D . ___ .,.__ ____ _ Har. ~21. ~..J.ok ~ 8.A'nJ'ltOAT ONl.T. 'I 914 Up to 6 ,...._ 014 -'*60.1 su-J llldl&n beMled dloN &a4 "' tl9 w JTII. olid .-.100. moocutna, 1 p&Jr m• • bo)"I lt Lo 10 pa. old -.1116. chap.. Md4lebap, Wlnchtatar 111 to ao ,.,.. 014 ..._ •tliO. ~:::-:::: ~::t!r ~. JAKE'S . ' I'•~ •11\Sl• uo, 11 and 10 lHT JbrbOr 81\od., Coeta K•a 1a,.,_ pair ttAlll4 1au.., 2 Open UU 6 :30 -9:00 p.m. blank f\all •t.ocka, MW ~ and ~ aowt>Oy hat., 1 MW RO<>k OOOL&lUl ~atln&'tn l.Qot 111 • IOt, B•A'I' TKID HllAT. 1000 CP¥. R.e.mtn;t.on 12..pup mqnwn. No •pedal wt11ar or eapaisl•• U"S•\11'& Wtnsmua., Haft.rt &Mt&llatton. Oeol ....,..i room. II•• aal...., tnpa. Un ... "'°"' wtt.b th-at U\la Ww prtc. ot • trapa, l'l\A 1 Ja. Wiadl w&J-'"·"· auu.'• ,... ax._ .urrupa. JESSEE1S TO TllADS-MW tur co.la, l taltl• 6 cbMN. aattrem ~d IOU I . MAIN Kl l..a48 •pc1ala. J lap a pbU9 •leet.rlc IANTA A.NA motor. 1000 T)'cten rt.ti-•1 car UcM MitJ.I. llt E. llUI It, Colt• M-. U l -Tl2l. f&pM $100.00 OFF! 2 KAPt.11 cwa ., ctr.w.,. and 1 ma~r twin bed LIMTH 12°'4 ANTIQUES BOUGHT A IOLD 1iat11 pattern, cotoftd and cut ~::--ch1u t oiunn-rn&r"• /-..... ..,... • ch11T1 t\ln&Jtu~ 014 .... u. t•1.. ptllQ ball.II.a . Al'llTIUNO UJWIUA.L. lt will ~ our pleuw-. &o pie ... tou at the "IU:D B.A.R.N" iue1 Harbor Blvd., a.a. Kl l·lU.1 <l· bilL N. ol W..i.- m.lNtv B.l•d. Cl.0.) t:klll ORGAN SPilCIALS! 2 ONJ.T -SINOU: MANU.U. l!:leclronlc Orpna, rer. .-vs. now Sd6. Ternut 161.IO d<1W11 and $1IJS ,.J' moaUI at SHAF'!:ft'S (llnCI 1907) 421·423 N. Sycamore, Sant.a AA.a Kl 2-0GT2 0tlJll'• CQ11nty'a Oft-n Hdqtn. TV Antennas $7.95 JNST.4Ll.&D .AJrtuia.aa Sl.80 and up ACME T. V. '"'o 11• 8C. u.a.~ -~~~ ~~~-i:.AALY AMJ:RlCA!'l p1A1 cl•k: Att p rt 0 ! Brand n-lNT model OEN-Vlotortan ••tt ... __ S..uWuJ R.Ef'IT • lcu,in~t. uomboae, TI9o n: rope y wner DUL J:LJ!>CTIUC full •uto-(l(»ldiUon. 1"1ne WOO<l. Aeuoo· l.ln. tlule or elbtt tn.lt.rumut TERRY'S . . BUICK Huntington Beach 5th at Walnut IOc COMPLETE PAINTING Ii Paper Hangln& Serv1ce l:UGE.Nl: 0. 8AUNDltR8 600 ll•t l:itrwt, Nrwpurt S..cb ~~r atlt Uo BUSINESS CARDS HARBOR BLUEPRINT 2819 Newport Bl•d. .Ar. you 11•1i.aun1 1ow water maUo -.her wtlh fl.ltflr now able. c..u Kv. ~•Ill. UdJ~, tor $6 a monlh. ALL reAt p&1cl Real Estate Selesm•n M&terT t and au t.he bMt f~•tur.-Hu LIU. yu.r applJH Oil lutur• 60 PO:'\TIAC. !lydr. MK. '°'"' L"'~ a .Uicltl chip on on .. •Id• or putcha.M on convtnlmL terw I llrea, exc~ll•nl t:QDc1. W M~U. ainting Ii Decorating Harbor 4331 Wll 11.avr &n office I.hat Aa l.al"f' L.m.u JlAJ OFFER $2 50 lid.. Wiil tn•l•lt free. Low 33--~~ 8ug plflea Have your lnatrWnent laJJ 83c4IO modern LDd clt&nL Where you a.ii. lkata U4 &dJIMI& JOUr montllly bllllle term._ J .uu;·a aalde now while lhe 111-Uon ' Call tor fr" t•tlmate. rl:l\IOR 6 llXTERJORS 5:11 p~rsenctd culur •!>fl'L Com· lP.--Rf'auty Ak19 will not h th. omoa N)' or water lllta1Ar. APPUANC'E11. 1937 Harbor Bo--"s 111 &"OOd. Y.tlh not t.o a~ ATTN Tll&li·AOJCJ\I lNI Mer· IOH your phone t•lll or )'our Oau JOUr DA!' 6 NlOl:fT eo.ta Mt•a aT when plckN up. cury eo11w~. a..aoth ru11· p~ta becau.. tile otnce I• AUTHUl\JUI> DCAI lt1t ----DRY STORAGE SHAi'llft'I n1na. "'°°'9 Ure• only il'l2J. pl•t• deouraun1 euv1ce. clOHd. We'll snow 70'.I Wider USED A UTOMATICS I • ill N. Byca.more it., O&nla All& JOt CuWM, Ba)boa Ialand. wlth calla wllh.ID a ••le. AJ:ld JOE BIX.:HroLD A8C $711 ~oo PLR P'OOT. Crane • wa>·• I Kl 1~12 Har u .. w uca~ I. B M~li: Har. 03N Call • .J.l no •ft.I. l:&ll Har. 47 CARPENTER Repair Work -·u adYUc• >'°" ••lr11 OD Phunblnr J'RJOIOAlJ\11 _M,._., .... • • at availOle. dally • llrtek4Plcl.I. Or&»Je Counly'• o14Nt and mc19l Your Relax-A-Ciior your oommllaion.1 •hll• 10ur Har PIO WHIRU'OOl. .. . .. M • 14 ~H w. Ooaa H1fbw~. 1.:ompltte Mwlc atur•. 41-A~to ~ L'IJNSUL'l'Al\T dul• are In ,_.ow All In· 11LACK8TONI: • H U •1UL ll!IUc .SI.le " . .Du4t You? Home Need ftepa1rtn1 °" RemoddUlllJ f :C..0 5'raaJl, Ubm.J M8M A.I.I Work Guarani.ct 1'tto Painting, Decorating Pf.pet" li&DCiD& GEO.\ BURKHARDT l..lCl:Nu:I> <.JONTl\A(..."l UR l.l 1-1132 UWt.7 I Mn CEMENT & BUn..DINO JJI Kinde FREE ESTIMATES Liberty Ml 09 qultlu Wiii be ll•ld 1lrtclly DRAPERIES O.llvf>rM, lt1.1talled ind f'IAT&n· Demonetratlotla. ne OblfJ•\Jon rontld~tltJ. Write Box No. lffd for ju1t '6..l!O per mo. I FQR SALE BonA•• WU.OD -Htau ...... I 0·29 Ulil .-.-r. 6Tll and SUP COVERS or Hiatt&~ ---JESSEE'S e.uutw te· au.x k'llOOl\11'. f'O Nt!c ~ Lo Order 1018 8 MA IN K1 l·SJU I an)'Wtl•rw Cxcet. tor cnartn -----------The J. C. Carter Co. &.u.at .. -&a•pt• u..vu ANA 111.bOI'>. eon.10.r tnne.. 1no Superfluous Hair I LUCIU...E DRAPERIES net• w. 11&111oa BlYd.. Nerport Pem1&nU1l17 rallHrHd from lace 671 w. 17th St.reel, au~ .... Cir.... -----------Rutlut aoat u Co•t.a lrfua, Calit. T•nn• It dallr.d.. l:jtfo Hll!IBARD tl'ffMr, 30 cu rL v~ -----------•rm•, ! .... l:7tbf01W• I.Ad ball Ttpt, Ilk• nnr. Rom• or com·, u ft. ITEEU;tu.rr CftUil!!:R, °"'9 lllaJlltd-No mota twfflltn1 Aireralt Pumpt If Vah'H MOVING XUST M:LL '" mtt~lal u.e C(IJrt HOO. nil for hull h&a bHn dunasl!ld. 1.J at.1..l:N L. BR f ANT R. IC. a·oo Tl'lADI'! t tu NEEDS pup •hotrun. l't b p. ou1 ' or • or "' a-eo3t. n•Dln1 .Kar. 3~21 l.ldo'1 Balon ot Beaut)' Rar. 21Tt a.o.l'd. lnnenprlnr matt,._• Har. JU7 or H•r, 28tt·W t:lct.i ti• En9interin9 Drafhmen play ~. elect. table bc'olln •rt., ' P "'· lict• •~rdlan, vet Y ~uonabl• mt LOllJ. SEJll.VEL l'l#frtl. aln · MechaMcal or Kl 8-16'0. tlcte I II• door. tN<ot:tnr unit In top Aeronautical En9rs. HAND BRAIDED RUGS euo. •Ot flevtll• Avt . e~:~ rt vour ttrure I• aol becotnlnic -·• •M-UOTJO... -Call Llbcrty S-3•21 , .... _ ... _An ..... .. ·-uMAT1C-:-•• A8'-'~R.---ti. yn11 You al\ould be com· 01\0lmta TAICl:N ,.u • "' .-.r. REDUCING WILl, TRA.l>I: $2400. eqult7 In low mll,.ag• M Ol.01 ~ 4 Dr Hard ,.op, Yvll J)(>Wtr ,qwpt. 111c. a1r cond -lot bo6l MUI• ottu. Kar. H\H 60TJX.: 1n1 II) '"'· 62~7 AU n-mat.en&•• aorat1ai.1e. l'Hd Whirlpool .lkautv rte.PAIR WOR'~ I W.U., FanNA. 1116 a en. BlYd. BIO I L8. MODEL. Uke n-. ru; I\. Cl.AIU 8Y:MO?-;US I RJt.AL £81'.A'l'l!l flALUMAN ~· SclL BYall ._7 .. , a1uc trad..t In on n-waaher-d.ryer CEMENT BRICK 36:'> Nn.'l~Ort Bl'vd. LI I ~74 WA.NT!:D ..., y.,.,.. nf trouble frM Hrrice In Trull Haul!ztr 112c7~ ror nur Balboa ONlre An CAaPB:T la UPHOLSTi:RY lhia on.e at low ,low ooet-'80, C1•n·t!p .. c•llwlt J.cxoauon for 110m• CLEAN I NG Or buy It on monthly paymr11t1 ..PLASTER Ii PLUMBL"'CQ_ 11 22-Lo.t and Foand one wbo wtll wnrk. of Ju1l U 76 &tter ama.11 oown -SH P.. C Orffr ~DT D'fmNO -ym111l Liberty 11~1119 LO I afaAt ,_ l ~T -Blti.ck wallet flownttrWTI Bay 6 Beech llllty . Inc. n ouz ...--. or 70U1 bom• JESSEE'S 43trc Ralhoa lAlanrt S.-pl. 14th 100 W , lh.lbo& Blvd SHAUT A'S ----~-EN--E-R_A_L___ f>ror An mailbox or c&ll Har -l\tU'c Ll 1_7111 Harbor •UI 1013 ~ MATN KI 3.g:H~ \:1 40!>0 -Rew.rd. ~ Ml'iTA A.NA ·CARPENTER REPAIR ---MJlJL>LE ACI: couple With mod· ln U.. Udo llbopptq CMt•r rm IJ'Mler to openlt am&ll 60ltc :,. ODD J088 Jilo Job too .mall. But of ref· :erucea. U M7H :r7Uc ... FURNITURE _ DtstincUvely designed : Made, ~rad or r-ftmah~ :c_ EVERETT SMITH ~ • lltla IL. Ne""°" a.di ~· 4181 ~ Ot 0 nmlb(1 Uttc REAL ESTATE SCHOOL Th~ Al Tyler R-.1 &It.ate Adlool I• MW at l3lt B Maln IR. S.nla ""a, Kl 3·Ttll. 8tart- 1nr the et•hUI ,....,. ot wc- custully pr1partn1 peopt.. to PA9 tbe Stai. Jb:aal. lllptl ------- Learn Modern Piano I r•ll•r 1>41rk H1111ba.nd can work nu'\. ,..,_ca. 11 UJIUe1 ud amaJJ bonUI FL.UONOO PARK 7000 W. Clout H1-y. N~r1 Bla4"h. Phart• Harbor •14t, '3Uc Golden Jubilee Valut11 B&P'TWKBICll 1S UIN 23rd. UNJQUll -.U 4ieeo"'-' rut• tor Cha1atrau bu)'1nC .. ...u .. rt.fl.I ror all occ ... ton. at (!>It and 'Wbol.ale prtce1. WAN'DA'I , ot CORONA. de! M.AR TOO B, ·~rnaUcm.. -t. Oft •Ut It. OPICN 8VNDAY8 Bl.JILT·IN RA!'llGF. TA PP AN -Beant 1t11l copf>er - bnmze nvrn brolln and fo1Jr b11mfl' top. Contractor·• ort!otr, u~Alled tor. one only •I butld· tr'• prtra ot 1112 <'uh or luma JAKJ:'I .A.PPUANCEll 1117 Harbor, CO•ta JIU.a• P'.Al(&-FAN8 -FANS Blf(Ht -.uortment ln Oranp rounty '3.AI &nd up 7' No I !'"'" ~h,.11 1lln&hy 8•11· boat. a11d d<>lly J 12~. Har &OM u~ PENINSULA JU:l!It>tNT W&nla to rcl yea.rly, n~r'b;y 1Up or dork tor M tt. Cb.rt• AIJK> "111 bu.y board!lll ladclar, -41- ric:Uon tinder • &ut.o· piloL H.lll'llor O~li • •7llc RADIO An7 tabl.e mod.i r.palrwd $2.50 I~lude• peru and labor 26 1n E'llpanen« ACME TV Ii a..010. 41'. JJrt 8t. Rtr. UOi Knowlton .£tecb-on1ca TV REPAIR ~-~--~-~-~-· POODLS -AKC "'*«· 8eauutul J mo. old male. HM. brnk.a 8M lo app,..tat .. $JU. RYa· Cllllb i..aa.t Nptll SELL YOUR CAR r ·PAINTING • • I 1-rn to •IJ'bt-read. LJnprona., pl&.J by "'· Younpt.ra to 014.Ktn -will c.a.cJI yov .. mw:ta or .. ~ltU. aa you wttJa. JESSEE'S 1013 a. M.A.lN Kl 3-AUt &J.U.U &ST STUU!O UPRIGHT PA.ll> l'OJl Oil KOT .... ~ • la -ect ClQf'!dlUon. ~ ~· Mot$ • PAPERHANGING :Svmbsort & Noller • .,.-._,.,...w~• ..:. ...... S.06 -lalf !' CARPENTRY :. MINOR REPAIR WORK :,_ MO JQS !l'OU aMAL&.. :; 1l 0. Aideniba :-J.01• ~ lll1llee ..... B&lboe • ........ .... UUt ... -. . . ROOFS ·. ~ ! NllW.... ftCP.t.Jft GD~•Umct• • ~blt t'1Cel ll'\l1l1 IMUM -,·NATIONAL ROOF CO. • U MTll U Mia& 1t ct.488 dl'ImD l'r YOUR 8TA.R -(:I 8At.Jt8MAHI 11a10 l"lle.alP I\ UTH PILU.l:lf '"1 l-tr0'70 Neff REAL ESTATE SEAMSTRESS DRDBMAl(INQ aJM1 ALTl:l\ATIOMI Koun I L1I\. lo t p.m.. 17M Mf)llnM&, Ootl& M- U~ 1-t.at • eocn IOld na eoMJI rn N9W lllltJnp dallJ, em.. ... ....... Uld.u.r&. A1AO MA.HT JOU W'OR Nm4 .JUN a ,. .uut "ft. -pay. ~. fOI~ UM It.. PfJl., ~ llC1"0l9 from Ctty Ball. LOOK J"Oll OIUll aM .. tJI i.o.ta enct liltal.I ,.... afld Je.undromac.. 8AJllTA ANA ,......_, ,_a 1'10 8. Jl&1a JO J.l60T Tvrna M~ down, $11.U ptr month al IKAl"D'S (alnea Jt07) '21...U N. Sye.t.mo .... Banta A..n.a KI i.o112 Knowltcm Sltctro4tce TV ANTENNAS (Clal 9M.na -RI 0&111) Cnat&lled complete to 70\lt Mt. $9.95 ~2 llPINJ:TS l"RQll ~ .... ND&al Milt.Ima t1a Maple. --..._ m.._..uy ... a&'1np. New aptMU tti1m MN. O.naleal tlnal at IB.An:R'B (llnea llOTl 01 .. n M. a~mor-., Sult.a Ana 1Cl1..otn JOHNllOM 0·11. baby (rwlcl ptuo 6: kftCh, eat.Umt COfl· dlUon. Mab attw. t.r a.1w. Men BELLES. ENGIN~ REBUIL:DERS l10 & ,,.., .. ..KJ ...... LOAN CARS 11-'1U11£ T'OWJNO ftATll 801'0ED JUTHotuzED I I • · Diii You~ litow: ·Alfllt~····~ . Costa Mesa Beilt Baek ..,. ...... LoU eeooo -.... -~ up Duplexes . it:-41 ... w .Moefe,,. ----------------~I relier Perlr i mlle IENTAL \ Clair~~ ~om Mese-Harbor Rfty . . 2111 W. eo.a& llWJ. LI a-4J1'7 OPl*fte 11. 9.i Bank cau--. u ..am BA U1J.J o. c. arnro~ "°"' the Fretway In SPECIALISTS . the a...rt· .of Tu1ffft, CJ.t..11-m»tA au.m ~i•'c04veftJentto DO~RAY, Realtor ·~t~~O.:.~ eYe!Yfhlnt In and • ..._ 1111.Dd a 9allMa sw.·1.s ...._ •Jll.. Pr~ 0 .. 1 QCOw t-i... .OU. Serita AM. ..,., • • 11 m ... _,...._ 1 ...... -• ·------. ---. Alm • • ,W ~ tt t _. f.auT -. film. C.:U .,.._.. Wd-W1N'l'llR . IUllNT.U,.S 60 X 16 8bop. Newport lllYd. F q Ml.8JOA. Jllud ........ tal. a.w 1-415M.. tltl ....... at'Aft., Oceu (JOllll ....... fU:r1L -.100 Newport a.cb. • aJ.oM hnl. I Wna.. I ..._ .__, ~ llCllCI 11.AX.JIO~ Rteltor -.n.·119 ·~ .at t .,,,.._ A* 1 ~ flll9. -PllNUmJL.A.-----.-,...,--.-,._-.. ---i,y B.A.YSBOW 1toe ~. c.x. u ... uu ..... tiiiatli: ~ a .._ a.-=et, ,..aonabk .A4uJta. f\mdilrie4 ft5 mo. unW Jue I b..r .• Aina.. tD01. pr*pn 1116 &kM .... ,... arw.t.l!!Jft 001'-Ll .. Tal. aatt J b.r., 1\tn., -"'aw ... feU'l)' -----------DmOlf. u Mlil. Mell -----------u. Pbone Hu. 1181-X. IW3 n.......-........... . ~ HlllQBl'll ...,..._ u-' •.r., turL ftlO OS.A 8 ' I I Beatall ... corr.A.GIL ..... .... hnltlbld I ~ apt ln Tn-'NEW UNFO!UfUBZD dlq>Ja Cl • v H -.,. 6. "91 '*'•'•s c... pJa aftil tor ....._ JUO mo. apu. Quiet .u..t. No ~ air& an Om ~ A1'Cl!IOR 'l'IUJLl:ll C&l1 ..,. •1u. &20M worlt. Water turn. Ul ..... REAL'l'OR Mariners Mile ,. Two nry 11.loe d\lP,.... (tour nrn'-1 mt.I) la a "fwr7 pod S... locat1ca a.. to ..._ iPs etc. AJwa,.. run a.nd ab-. • l'OOll r«uro. ......... 1'00IU eub. I ~ _,.. Yb po~_,.,..._, can ua NOW hr mon mta111 ud appt. to lll'e, Duncan Hardesty JU:AL'l'Oft .. At Ulie ... to Ucln Iale" Lat-.,."41 t.t Un4 RartMlr fTU Pen. ~ K .. ~ lllL t.o -----------trice BL, 0-. X.-. laqu1n 2731 W. C0Mt sWy. LI 1-Ull Ol"ftOll A•-.--. fot Hat --. ·-· ~-DAT""" A T-A VT'\, MJ'1y .. ~ at m a JOt)l Call -WT • ·-'9 6 ...... -J -.. ---_,, -~ ~ bclrm,-J~ SL Malt s•--__. -. -or ..... UI per nlO. 6 ~ CUDT ,DOSH, Rltr. ...._ o-p~ fW9. altlM-rt7J\.N. l IQ:DIUI(. bouM. ~o LI .. UU. I 8'Cfc 1' .,_ ............ R•nt.Js Wanted w ..... .._ ... .__ .. an ---he-~~-­,.,. ...... IWa. -.uiun. U J9Q baft a 'fMIMIO.J, 'plaaM,.., Tlte Vo9el Co. '201 W. <lit. BW7 .. MMlrJWI 9c& PbaM u~ a.1&11 tlft ..-.. a.11•00 • ,_,..... BALBOA BAY FRONT and,.,..... water pd. N5 .o. P!UVA,..'omCll8 trit11 ~· 315 M•rin1 Av~. '111 ,.. mo t.o ,.. 11.. :Ai.o JVa.N. ....,. ... ._... .,ca. :rtarl7 iiiiP.Dtal. Har. U.Nl .....nq WTk .. 9tcritat'7 ~ 8 lb a&tncta ... lldtm apt eom-.... &lloll .. .,. ... u.. .... -.it.-.. .,1 .. Poppy. ---.,,. &•&Uablit. ~ '*''" • oa l1t.nd ,._..., ~ • ..,.,. to .Ju.ae .., ..,._ .-o. 1 bldrm s11 mo. a.A.ex BAT, ~ a bed-,, .. T't1dMt BIO. .• ~ New-Herl,or 1560 ~':a~~~~ UUllU. paid. Ouap aft!J· ~ ll!Gme. patio, dbl...,...._ pm\ BM., N9WP01t Belich. -.----------- able. Bar. U0t. 9c12 Adult.8 pnterred. JOnJ Orcb!d. (Adjat1mt to._. Col.It Oo.> B&.AUTD"UL 2 ..t.Cl\ll UT.4Tll. WD'hi:R JUIMTAL -BaJltoa B.ALBO.A ISLAND. Wtnt• nnt· Baata Ana BeJlht& IC1 6-17U. C>Mc.e fnMn PO. Mm!-pr'IY"alt 2 9tory, 4 bdrm. I~ b&Uu. 4 rm ....._ • ~ '3cl6 cSteir •pace Pll Har. JOn. ba•meat bome. PW• ll rm ....,. -1. • .....,,_ fan. bouM. al. Nice a1n"'6 bedl'OOl'll apt. 141mo..Bar.11H·lit. lkM Jn lnc. uWlU.... JU Gamet. FOR RENT_ o.t~ oot· llA.LBOA lALA.llfD-'14•. 10 bf rueet ~ .. I car ....,... •. Har Ol1T W 8ltt .e fOf' prq-e ~tr or -T One acre In permaneoc.,,uture. l'fJIW 2 BlmlUll. Unt\lm. Ule . • . c tqe aL 100t E. B&lbo& Bhd. Ba.r. M2 l ttf • Neu ioour.w.. .. T ..llOO lia~ &Ad kitchen. Luse !Sv· UNl'\JRNUJHl:D I bedrm. apL, Qu.lil~ OCMll tront. t.benDo IClTTJtl:NDALL IUD.ALTY &:as room. ftrwplace, parqUott ..moe porch. r~ ~ turn&C9. SoOd. beda. ,_,..,... 211 N. KcCL4 T, San l'..-oa»do noora. COM C&ll m-•--• or ......... Walll miaU party. Owner. lill'1I. M-Bulairm .lloportaaJUM Emp.ln l-0001 Sm.,U. 1.aTJ.I Kl -· v•-$88 mo. LI I-~. _....... 8maJI. isu W•st. Road. -----~;c;!;o..::.::...----- ..,. •·-.or Bar, 5"%. .._ WbltU.r. OX 7-2'86 t3cM ---------- 68 -pM-~ 8"'uyn~.NT2 ~u.rm.~ta1 i:;;: ld•al Location For -----------...... • NEWPORT Bl!lA.CH -Wint.er JUST LISTED! --------~·---GOt Omter CGlta ~ t.l .... 11 , -Z.. LI WTta TRIPLEX FOR ~~St FREE? Bow ft\lld ,... ..... to 11\q • top ,,... trt,ae:. tor Utie ~ loW dOWn ,.,mat ot OM..T tt000 T 'ftla ,._t low rmta1a, twhlda lllOuJ4 1M '1ncnUed) brt1'I' IJ\ '"° per moat.h and u. tM&l monthly i-,_g AN ~ fllT per mn. oe UM ~ ot the pUrcJaue • prke, wtdch .. • tot&1 llldudlQC tbe clOwa i-Y· m.t Of w.ooo. T1MM unit. ..,.. of Uw ftl*lt ~ ltuoeo &Dd plUIAl:r ""~ ,.... wood bim O\I~, eblncle root, Jmolly ptne ldtA:bm and n~ 1.n tniat unit. All DD1tJI baff s 1llce -..ad "1d· l'OOlm-a ...,.._ -ud u.. locaUcm .... Ute Qay ~ MMeb6ad 8ICUo6 ol MautlfUJ C11tt BaM&. Call 1Jl at the otnoe on tbi.8--no pbaae c&11a pi..... ('nll.I i. a MW mulU· 4J.M t1at1ns No. T9Tl. Frank James, Rttr. l'Tl E. 17th SL, 008T A ME8A LI 6-21'8 IJ~ llut o1 Tbrltty Dnir1l arBa .... W Provincial Tb.la )'OU 111.u.t _, llt&U roof· UMd brick !lnplace -blrcla c:&lllllllb -ll&ntwood ftoora.- ~ p&Uo -a BR and it• Mtba. Pftoed to all at ~.~ Countrv Llving You aboul~i ~ faai. aU R.ctwt»d MayY Bbalte Roar Ru.tt.lc R6ncb home on larp. beauti-• nau:r ~~ lot wlOl room I« poei. I larp MdroGlna. 111 b&U.. Ulid ntraa p10 .... .-.ooo Luxurious Udo A loVel;r I b«lrm and den. pl111 I bat.bl. Room and plumbllle tor pool On two tun )ot.a and a Lido Nord corner )'el I U&,000 B•y & Beech Realty Inc. IOI llariDe, 8albla M1alllll Plliaa9 Baftor ... YW..UU..Y, I-1. llldnn. apt., dupl-. yauly nnt&l. Harbor natal Nicely tum. 2 bdnn. SNACK SHOP -p&ete.&, tum., FA 1\•l, •WT Mra. N ... 1 ••P" houM. A.dull.8 only No pfia BARBER SHOP Udo Vogel Values ·ina =-rro~ lN Nl:WPORT B.mACH. utra Cotta~ ... Cautom.I& Nat 1packlw 2 bdrm. boiM, BAYSHORES BA YFRONT Day or nitht phoa. LL 8-7714 nee.r ~. tnu:l8porlaUon I • bdrm a bath. at,.. lar&• t il11 m. °"" ~-am._ del Mar ' Pbooe Ha.rbor l TU Lido ottlee,. Mll Vt& Udo Harbor U"Tl ~. fTO. mo. ----Ill& Oourt Ave. Har. 177-W. rearty •-. oomplet~ly f\Jrullh-LIDO ISLE GIFT SHOP espe~ eel ln•lf dowut.&Sn J bdnn. WATER FRONT APTS. _ __ _ N4'xl to Shopptnc ~ter. L&rse dupa.. J'lnpl&CP, ,_,.. .. S.n· 1 It 2 bcfnn. tvm ap!JL Wlntei • RA YSHOR.ll8 l(>t IS x 13'1 and bulldlnJ1 and City Hall. o..,...,.e appn>xt· rumpu.e room W'llh rtrt'plaCt, malely 111 x 27, •t.--ed for BBQ, plu • nnaer •llp, Prict BILL'S BEST BUYS •partment. • 186,000. JSlll "'1Mlllw. CllnL k>cUJon. 1 I or Y•rlY ,.. via Udo 8oud LOVELY t\&rn. bom.. 2 bdnna. U l-:i7M a!t.lr ti or .,eek eod1. blll. to Bay A Ot--.n. PC>. mo Harbor MT3 '3U<' Wlnter nontal. 8~ 16lh lo U .u Wll'ftlllt RENTAL&, i-1-3-ti _ _ _ • __ 1 Jun.• i&lb. m1 C."T•hl_. or.1 HUR.RY roR Tma &CT LIDO NORD BA YFRONT Udo Isle --.---------bdrm. apta. • bou... "'° • sw·1mm·1 9 ~ool I 13<"66 Y'Vk RJl:NT ONLY fU,Tl'iO rum. ri bdrm .. a t.th1, pier • U\1DI thal approacli-tai. ldral l Newport 8lft.. ea.ta M_. 1..1-v....., CO·-... .N··~ 2 DY>.-~ .. _ 11p par mo. n t' . ------F11lly tqulppt'd ····a~e on C'oul I II ...... •70. .,..,, ... ..-..--....,.,.... -N I nn1er I p .• -.. c. • .,,_..,, I in Uu• Ulne bedna. ~with ....,. ..... uvm. rm. &lld dlnJlls BALBOA UT PllOPJ:ftTIJ:8 UAlurnlllhed. WaM to y,·&1J rum. bouM and P"l'e. DI•· <"9nl• Onis 8lo.-.. Call u1 tor 1799 Newport &lvd., Ooolta »-NE'W'PORT-CHANNEL • ==~~a :at".! or •pL -.,..,a. ........ Mu.at ... 0.0. ai.wen. :"il:W l AN'D 2 BEDROOM.!! ~ONA DEL MAR -2 bdrm Hwv a~~ 11tzttt from Vin· ewport-Meso R ty . .,.._, WID \&M pod aan and Ui06 w, Balboa 81vd Har IU88 carpet, prtMl&'e di.lpoaa1. U7 .60 . Adult.I, no peta. •08 ct.tati. -I LI 8-MOe Eves L1 .. '1237 a bdrm.. I b&Ul tunL. Pier &Ad ann • T'Up, __..,. r. P. ,.1 "' to llO ,_ mo. can · · .. cee -d up. 1714 M.a.rtha lAM. Fe fft. Har. 2 .. ~w ~ w . .E. J'IBHltR • A.mod&~• .Up. Price pi.3i00, and • dlAlJIC ar. that 11~ 1.16-llM. ·--k.ot.a Ana. Kl M9J2. l.2c71lh io:u Clout Hwy, CDJ( Cl Ud to -..-B .t.T 'l'W'\.t. JBT &~ BALBOA. lALANO wlnter rent.al Bar 60S2 JCvH Har :UJO.W ose to 0 BALBOA OOVF.8 ..,_. 10'lftW .,_ move --..auA. UIU'I'-' BAY FRONT APT I ~rm. hom• tuTll. carpet..:! tkM &l'OUDd wtua ....._ Oat)" I mo. Lonly I a, ft. 2 be.. tum. home. • Lan.a1. n~~. U" mo I H~n 1 •n older 2 ti.dnn. bowie 3 bd.nn. • ~ J balha. oom•r 1 old. I&~ lot wbkll aUaw9 fw W.Aln' TO RmNT _,. ..,.... m OltoM 611 Kar. Har. 4alle ~ l3ctl AYa.11. .. pt. lOlb to June 3l()th UKll A. RON.&. I btdrm•. tum., Har. 6971. ~66 HA VE MONICY • Um• lo lovw1 1 for SU,960 With onl.r U8IM> I nap~. Price •:w.SMl. I tM ow,.._ i-tlo. ace TRD. IO'V'ely i-t1o. • n·rl1lhpla~. t\1~~~· patio porch aEP:" THI8 COrol\a Ml Mar In ima.11 profitable bUll.At• ln down. Tile J'ood lh!ns e.bou\ For Rent lta priOfd rtpt al Pl,000 or w t'ftrnmal\•unJ V1f'W. iia· 1 ' I Harbo Pro u t tht1 pl•~ II Ill locaUon alll.600 ~ )'A.KILT deli,._ I bet.rm., 2 llath l B.. 8. furn. •pt. Full 'ftn.· hf "'«•· ulll. p<t '12' ~r mn y.arly ,..ntal 2 bdrm unturn. r llN&, poeJ on mua about a bl0<·k tn Richard.I U~ BA 1..SOA PICNIN!Ul.A. -2 banle ·-tum .• ._,. -•-r on Bay. >.vwJJ .._l, lMh. H ... ,,. ....... houw rlOl'lf' to mxla .• h4'&<h · 1t.an'1 thoruujfh 1nv..uaat111n . -... lmu. turniatl..,. Yr·lv 51111 w. A. TOBIAS -· ..... _,, Ar, '"'"'' D........ . • • r1111rkM •ncl ..... n to swim· .... ""• • y..rty ,__ ft«lt to uoo pei OA.T1:8 ReallJ Harbor 11171 "'· Adult•. nu J>l'U. 600 Ftrn \Vrlte V·4•. !hi• pa~r 11.i.11., IHI beuh · mn, -O&D 8t.am.y 74137. Ss.13 CORONA D&:L MAR 2 bcltm. I leaf. Hu •iv 81dl4 -------: --· ---1 nc . I REALTOR . ---,· U-A.:..... ...... for ... I rum. &pl. Wtnt~r or Y•UI)' ~ -M-Mwy to 1.-n Bvb Rld&'W•)' (an ahow )'llU. The Voge I c 0 . AND ASSOClA TES \JNrlrftN, 2 Mc1nn. ..,._.or apt. i:.:::;; ltue. UUllUM paid. Call b«font ~ 0 MO ATTRACTIVE !urnlah· 1 Hubor 1118" ~~ T...,-1 ,_ lo MO mo. P"fer J BDftM APT tu.n1 wal,.r pd 10 a.m. or after S p.m. Hu I ~ doll hou.. colta,e. Onf' I ' - -I 3•11 V1a Lido --Har. '9Tl "You'll Wte our trieodJy .nice" "-dl..,...u ... ~ .• ,1>64 1 -3M..; ft•1~ et .~Ba•boa •·1-MJ!\ "\ -nuc.-'::!·.=~a:'!~!;.~:!: lit & 2nd T. 0. Loans ! RETIRE ----·•1 L1·~-1~nli~1.thd~osL,calcs~le~~" I land A-11. lkpt, 13 lo ,Junt H 015' ll I OT C $1250 DOWN FREE ! ! l&-OXlord •·0224 ~ CLEAN FURN APTS ar. . -" lkrvina ail 'l.ZIJI ounty WITH INCOME Ulllr aa7 ftGUC7 ID Oranc• 0o > CANAL J'R.ONTAOIE. Larr 1 l UTILITIES INCLUDED '°!'i~0';,,!.hl:=, :a::i:n~~; Tnm. ~ Boucht & Sold 2 tiouw1 on 9Q'Kl20 tt. tot. ci-. • V~ry ~lit 1oc1t1an QUUJKL Y AND EA.SIL Y • a bednn tuJ'1\. ~ apt.a. 1 b<lrm l\Om• La.rt., yard. nf'ar R I ~..II -&. C l n Eut aide eo.ta Me-. Only • S Mdroo!Dll m!lll'LT CALL n::LllCI' IU.TT. llmall ao.t dock. auto -.her ll'TUDlO APTB. 110 A ND 031 rl'nten ot C-09t& M .... Oarar I oy• mon9•9• o. '13.000 •1th term1. • 1 ~ bl.lha wlth cerun.Jc Ul• KJ 7 ?5Q6I ud ~-· 171\. 6 tlOO • -k. ai.o :i t>otnn apt. N•a.r H&r O>~. w H bor 6123 DAN A. JAOOBSIC.N, R-.t m:.i.t• • Sulit-In ra111e. ow• and ~-m.ontJI., mcl. 11Ul&Uea. UnW neryt.bln1. C'.e.n\en C<>urt. ti4 a r Barbor Mtl dUpoaa.I July 1 1L Kar. 1647·W attcr B:a.9l Balboft. Har. O&:Z3. 6.2e70 2802 Newport Bl9d.. NprL Bch. LI 1--975• Kl 2·2187 l.l ll-41317 • FonNca In Jrltclwn ~aim.a Prot• • 1 lo a a I 1 .au p. JU. Httc 49--Booma for Keat • irtr.plaa. wit.la p&ne~d -u ..... ,.. CW.~ ddJdna -----------CORONA DEL MAR turn ti.ch· LOA.Na TO BUJLD. DiPROVI:, •I.Arp dinlnJ' u-. ... ~ ...w Oil md'um· NEW, BDRM. FURN. APT JI() tlnr apt . utll paid. Adulla only, ROOM In N9Wp0rt Hel1ht•. Jl'tul BUT, MODICIUllZE. OR Level RA Lot • e,_atut b&r ·Ullled °" -wH.n.. ~ UU no ....... v. Morly If'~. Har Ule lwlth. PrlYale mtranc.-• l\&FlNAHCJ: • l"orced·air !Mat _._,.,, per mont.b. UUH tnclud.d. ,,. 4U lanla Ana A•• 82Cl4 We ~1 Trullt °"48 ill X 300. on •wer, Room for 7 1 1 ~ tll1" ~OJ' hr.•o-T\le ltltcben and bl.lb. Pan.I· bor ~-W. ---f'ilc&4 --1 NEWPORT BALBOA SAVINO! unlh -$4600 • ll"lftt pn~ Sia .• ")()() In lJ. ~O .....-. 1'..,..t ~ or "'Y 1-L 'M' utnna.. Win-T r ,_ ...._. "·-~ ... s1 R«· •• ·-· I NEWPORT H'IJGRT8 NSW * *. * * " LA.JAN A880CIAT10N noy •till,, Rnltor Op•n Sat. & Sun. ...__ _ _.. -...-...., ... r ,_OA&. 10 Aln..n.do Pl.. .._..... aatt Via Udo P1l. Bar •ICIO :U:.19 Harbor BJvd. llll&ll chlJdf'W\. no clop. 2000 h'onl. Col'lll>IM.ely tumi•Md tic LI &-0612 or 1-M17 12-5 p.m. ---. LI .. u.. Utlc Ba.Ibo&. Ha 17ll·M 6Tttc-2 bdrm. ......,ura..&pL $87.:IO. No I ll:NJOY UVtNO °" lh• ocHn • BAT VDW 2 bdnn. apt.. nry Coral Plau. LI 8-0.'3•. 12o84 kildWMlt• •pta. and room• !! :!f!! ••••• t•a-t nt(lft.r htra. TV. l"U~r we "1th pr1vat• bl.lh. Maid .. ,. I st and 2nd T.D. loans fin., Ip wa.rdrobM. ~ bNt. Wt'l'C'J iiR ""tat. turn. apt., 146 rice, rree TV. uoe w. cx-n Trust Deed.a Bought 6 Sold Th• ON BAIMA Un.um -oa•~t.114 1,11 bill '° IChocM. dcMle to u-includln"-uUUtlM In eeml· Front. N.wport 8-ch.. tropic J'lrden. Owlln 1119 &. c.Uellt lKlh. UUllU.. 1..11.cJudM. BAJboa BIY<f, Har. 0012·W Harbor 0137 2i·hour phOM ~ I Harbor 15•9 I EXCHANGE 1Culwit" ~t ··nOTl'EllT·· e~ spot j ART ADAIR, Rltr. ill th• HM NSWP0RT BL VD. Jrutrlrt Orowinf Part Co8t.a X... Jod listed -HOT!l _ Wt think Ulla I.I \be IDOlll ........ Uonal l1tU.oa Otl L&do tocl&.1. Three twtn..... bedto«N. J bat.ha. twp 11~ t'OOm, l&rp breaJctut b&r. ftla a.om. t. comp~t.eJ7 modern, biut. bwt ot all -ll ta oa a larl9 &r l9t &11d LI built around the buutltul paUo. Thia bo~ ii In •·JHttu th.an~-" OOlldltioa IUld I.I priced at only m.aoo. It wo11't lalll loDC • oall - for appt. '° .... Duncan Hardesty. l\&ALTOJ\ .. At the llft4l'6 to UdO Wil'°' Lata7.U..at l2a4 llal'tlor ffU -, twta& NIU>A GI880N,a.!tol' fU6. -Wt W. BaJ .A\·•. momtn.p. t2ct4 * * * * Bar..... 67tfc New one bedroom apL Wlnt.er leUe f'r'om lkpt. lit $56 per mo. UUI peJ4 21MOt.h 8t. Newport Bnch or a7 .. IMT ROOMS. •c:.lJlmt bedl and quiet. --------- M>Uc 1 Forced to LHve Southern Calif. oC Colt.a Ma& LI l..aTt1 E"9 LI ,._51M for 11at4 -------------~-----~ '2TPC Har. 1144 days -LI a-OM3 ev... 83~ I LOANS for Homes · Ralph P. Me.key . R.m4LTOB. M11°N~mN. ....... . .. 1 \ . ..,, RETIRE WITH INCOME Io heart ~1 beautiful Corona. del Mar. 3 income UD]ta; 2 are nicely furn., 2 patios. Close to lhopptng 11,1' blkl. from. ocean. $32,750 ' STANLEY A. SMITH, Realtor U.1 E. Cout Hwy , Cot·ona dcl .Mu Har. 882 • Cliff Haven B/ B WHY WAIT. MOVJC JN'rO lltl1 two 11c.o1·1 turn ho'tn1 with wrme view or lht 1ea trom u,..,,, .. ,.. lrg llv. r •rn Vndcr uo.ooo. OnJy J~.ooo ,1u Naw ,YOU can Uve IJl BoautJCuJ Clitt Jb.we11 witJI I.II lnVUl· ment or only JH,000. Lo<i.k W)l&t you set lO<I! Thrl>e cbee17 bedroo:au, tvae IMri1 roam. modern Uled kilt hea extra i..r.• lot for the kldd.IH or ,our prdell. only one baocJt from lM hilh IChOUI, Uuwt to th• eJernentacy. You Rl'VERSIOF. ol'n..ir 1rt Z bt.11111 UDO NORD A ~autitul hOl\l& to fL lot -Nrw pier • Jkdroom1 and 3 be.thl Dfn ~d Lanai l!J " 20 n. u.,. room 1123,000 Tnnu "C" THOMAS ' Rl!lALTOR and ABsOCIA TES 224 w. Cout H.IJhWay LI i·M2'T , New't°rt ~acb I 'C' THOMAS 'C' THOMAS BIB LIDO. ean take 'oH•r UM! 4 'is~~ u 1 cu1to111 h11lll h ;in1 Wlllhl!S t" • ioua and m&lte ptaymenla o! trade tor l\t\A IM" l h•;ruc vr 111· A Ltnrlv lrl"'4aam•Bulll S be.I· only $'17 a month tn~lut.11ng I l'Omr 1 "°'" 2 ua~i honn., \\ 1lll the •---a ,. 1~-... A·--NOW f ,r"'"l d 11.pp<>1nlnlfnla t.ndud- l..,..,.o ---IL .... ur ... t:c. ....~ BAY FRONT I -~ -111~ l!:k,:1.c contn.olll'<I t•u&~t' • MONTl I ,._ r ~ t> , 11,. 2 llll 1 ,,,,(lr 4U' lut larg«' f'1'll<', alcp-Du'ncan Hardesty "' b11l11s. ~I HlllU. u he<\..... Ml\1°1J: k1l< lien n11lh1ni;-l"OOI· i•rhi.l•· """' h lar·~c •P"~" r 11 111.1·a1i1" ru1 $31,7:.o. Ri:Al.TOlt bo&l;s &J1•I !1or.l Age :. }Ill • .. At U11 bradie lo Lido hie'' U ndt-I $1\ 1 ,1,111 i;~. ~Jlcr.t 1 1111• L&tayclll' at :Sind Harbor ·H 18 ON L,00 ISLE Bay & ~ea ch R~ty . Inc. I I.I.\ I. f(;p_, <•.,"•flt• tlrl .~ ru Off IN' L'Nl>Ell $..1&.000 Lu\t'ly 3 li<IJ111 ;:,,Jo 1, , , ,, 1 If•) l!n. .,; 1 ~ bfllh• t11ml•he<1 hnrne l.J:f I roon1a, brl~k !lrepllHt' rc/1 111: I frettfr, r&nlft, wuMr Ir 1lrve 1 Included. :'\1~ely furn. r111• tn Lars:• i::an'I;" 1trt'Ncd t1Jr '.! •t.orh·A E1u .v lerma. Seven lslan(is Reolty & lflvestment Co. 1 I llOJ-J2nd * . Nrwp•11 t H1 11 . 1 · .. 1,1 Hu. ~. af\•r ~ pm. Har ~~7 ------- Vogel Value l'a 1:u1'1.111111! \' it·w 3 Bdrm. & !lobby f!u 1m I ', ba lh.s ~· .\ h<'lli, 'l 1.1r f II!"'• h,.,. 1 l oai C111r11 .11 a. ,:uHnc 1t1011a •••• ,~ •• 1 ,, I t ,. 1 ~•ltn(:, 111 11;• I ' r 1•1 I • ,l,. IO<!C th•" o ne nu" 'In!}' $.i2 ·.ou LIBERTY C-348 I ., Outstirnding rcn tals . o:-.: UDO C!IOICL: BA \'fl~u!l:T l Ht'.Jn><m•~. ;l !>4th 1 L&nRI l.a1,1;l' 1<>l & 1u1ll<.1 1'11:.;ft A!l.'l • F L.11A I b•"a1,11r11ll\' h 1111u•hl''1 [ •• , ~, t h f11f ) ; ,,,. 1ru .• nd Jt nl· al •.• s.~ '" ti.i v .. ~I ·r: .. ind ~1 rlf'•I·' "11rna~l l"•I. '"•Ul l Ii< I h•r>;; l\l : ltll:t !"'f I• ( I roMnN :: bftth• • · · •l\ I HALL:O.\ l'E!'\l.NSl 'LA l'onrp!elety Furnu;hc•l ! :\ '"li u• .. ,n\ ':?' h.,tt1111 I t\.t JI I ""u :~i111u11 ~;-.\Jl l •t'''U. Excellent Investment IJN BAL.HO A IS t.A:.t• 8HOL'1.D !'>ET !l I I lit ~,, 1lt1·; SMART modto111 tr1J>I,., """' Park and 'ropl\Jl,on t'llltu ~•lt'1I loL Two 2 b<lrm •pt.11 1111<1 " I 1 b<lnn. apt. Hua• a.cld'I £Uu t room &nd bftlh, TY JM• I<~ b&lhtt11 ahnwer an1l <1r r "'ll'I: room. L..&unary room ""1!U\ auto 11·a.aher ..,,,, l ~1tr1<i;es Vogel Co., Mdi n Office 1 Boy lA Beach Realty, 'I. 1 " ,.,, .. 1 "" \ Inc. I.~./\ l.1 u l.l'i I 1 '111 '" 11t11..... fl '' l LIDO ISLE II.. ';,,I J Th is w;11 Sell ou 1 c:~ I BILL 1S BEST BUYS E..XCL. Rl:NTAl. HJS'l'ORY !Irr trr hurrv nn th1•' 1Hlt'r .... 11,.111 lah~ ~•.:.oo tull pru e \. I\ "' '"" ' I \ I I l111l!1 111.m1 1• 11 111 • :J·'TTr.t·:;-..11.:--r J 1u:.1i-: 11 • ~·, t (•'-ll lJ("<!I "'1.1 tn t 1 IU1 f '11 ~ Mariners Isle Rlty. :-~· ·"''' I• l 'li1 11 dlt ,, ' I J •·:'· v I r t I\' I r I l"11lil•f1 uul ' I J ~(f, • ! t I\ f' f ff ii,: I I f \ t l 1 • It \\ f n. I Ill u.\I ,.'.• ..... ,., ,, ..... , ". Ht 1j t I t' ,, 1 ! \ • 111 M•rln• Ave.. tilll1><,»• lalru 1 1 • Harbor 1i lll CAS~OUT Comer lot. n~ar Back Blly Mud Be Sold This Week Aakrn g $6000 BCst Offer Takes Har. 3361 l" 1 ... a•1r "I p l, 1 • r Duncan Hcrd-:s7y .. I l'I·:' I T IJll \ • I I • ' I • 1 11 '11 \ 11 • 1• ~. r I i ( •• I ,. "' NEWPORT .\ITH.Allll ~~ ~~!.\I.I I "IL z1n ~ri111 ·1 :-.;.... • ... "'"'' ------------- txa•h H"'°'' \1.1 •1111 1 t tll llt1fl 1•,,, .. IW hJ<.l l l 11•,111~ reAA<•nnhl .. Vogel Value Hideaway Hi h.l.&A~ Br. 21., Bntha 2i30TL\I · ·n1 ·H a: '. ;,.,,,, , .. u, .. 1 C • I or v11l:Allon hrn111• i 1r. 0 11111i;e I moe. okl. Corner fireplace. hwd ~l. Only ,;,;ir.o _ tt•rma -noon. r. A. 11 .. t. Wtll &.•<I· : .caped prd wt\h •rllt ,..,, ' N B C R l.l ff'.ftCL Le-. brick paUO fto<.tn • • • ea1 I y for pool. f.3t,600 with H800 3.2mi and N'twpor l Jll\'d, town. Har 140."i, vf :'.l3~ ' LIBERTY 8-3481 Vogel Co., Main Office ~ W. COU1. ffWJ'. -· Little 'i.land · · CRYSTAL 'cove TH.u; 1 ROOfn r11rn ht llf ti , 11t t&ge With OUT OF T lflR WORI.n \'lll!W of HanA r'otnt anii <'11tallna lt1 yn111 • fnr $6,850-TERM~ 1 ... utohoM F.xrht~l\'f • r t. tt ' r l ' a ,,t Ir• r 1 ••fd ftfl ,,_ 'fl lh1 I ftJ lft1.t( 11r tt '" \.,,., •1ld t11 1 ,, c',•I' J JI Hf J fl I ftt I Ml ! 1 lfitt \\ 1•r1.r1I kl S'11 '' 11 "Ill' ~(l«l l f1IM1'~ II h iii\ >ti HIJlt • .~\ ::--roM J;L 11.T T ,,, ' h•'tll ,.,, n1 I', t1h1t1 t-:nn\I' ~ t,.. c • •1 ~· r-" JI I\" 11 I 1n I u ti• ' I , • d1 •• t J14 .:• ,blr J;H ft~ )1 • I "' I II I fll "' ,. "' I '"' l ' ' IJl'f'I ~ 1•1 \ 11 r 11. r ,. 11 ,, 1 .. • $ 'f'I ~100 \l \ 11 J,:•ff1tl h rtu.r W. A. TOBIAS llEALTOI: and AS~OCIATE~ \, 1 ll hk\' ""' fncndlv f>• n we· 11 1 I, l Ttlt Hl., Cnstn Mc·" I Ll Iii-I U 1 ~;\'•'S 1· .. 11 Har ll l i ll I ., l NCf1MF. .-CJR VAt:A.'<T C:-~ or M·l -W11 need b•nlcltf\¥ arcs rl".r .:nrnrnt1rd 11l, hkve S:ll .t>OO "'l'uly m fl unit• wllh tn•~>mf' nt SHO m~ Ntwly cnnatnw litd, r rPI(~. dO•I' In ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES II!:;; ="• m t P.I· '' o~la Me!UI 1.1 11-16.12 F:n•• I.I '<·1400 $13 ,950 OORONA HIGHLANDS, '87 SeaWard Ro.d: 2 bdrm. home 11rith a vi•• ~ eo x 100 lot, nicely land8caped and fully fenced. ~ below the .. market OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. CORONA DEL.MAR. 2 bdrm. home on M ft. lot with plenty ot rooaa to bu.\ld another unll Com· plet.ely tttin.iabed and in tip top ahape. O. to atores and ahopa and tWJy fenced. Priced for qulc.k Ale. WE HA VE THE KEY. LIDO ISLE. i'Ully turniabed 2 bdrm. home, nicely loe&ted cloee to beaches. WW ca.rpe~ &Gd ne• drape•. Ready to move tnto. CORONA IDGHLANDS. Dnve by 520 De Anz.a, a cozy 2 bdrm. home, bath and 1~. Fully !urn- 1shed and with permanent view of ocean. Priced to Mell. BACK BAY. 2 bdrm and den, bath and :1,.4 fully carpct.ed and draped. All electric kitchen, wuber and dryer Vlew of Back Bay plWI a private lake for your pleaeurt'. OPEN SATURDAY AND Sli:'-:DA Y 414 23rd St. 1.0th l'LACE. ANOTHER FISHER BUILT home Wtlh all the rcrmemcnta for gr&ciou.a liVlDg. Lot 'i'O x 80, 3 bdrm .• bath and :i~. bw !loons, FA, garbage cua1-0sal, lot.a of tile Now you can cll1'1J"\e yuur own culont, call u• tor all det.aila. OPE.N DAILY, 2751 ViJlta, Bay Shott•. 2 bdrm , buth and ·• 1• on large comrr lot, ca~tc-d ww llv- i ng and d 1 ing room. Priced to eel!. Terms are fl•'Xlhle. t W. E. FISHER & Associates 30:!1 Cvast Highway, Corona de! Mar. Har. 5032 Eve• Harbor 2'20-W C-1 Coast Hiway Building bS-fool frontage hiway 101. Top location tor liar, rafc ur nt'ighborhood delicat~n. etc Buliding only 3 yl'ani old. Move right m. $17,850 full price East 17th Street Frontage C-2 Zonmg -vac&J1t lot -15000 aq. ft. Most duirabk• front.age. FuU p11cc $15.000. Duwn payment $i000 THE VOGEL COMPAMY 17(.lu :\c1\·po•"' Boulevard Costa Meaa PhonP LI berty 8-5596 E \!.mings: f'ilone Hubor 3435 -Harbor 5714 ----------- BAYSHORES One of Cahforrua·s uniquely dea1rable locations, th1.11 colony of rndividuaUy cha.rming homes com- bims apf>t&ling TesidenU&l character Ir ple.uur- abl" iwuide livinc, forever protected. Hett'• a h1 >mc to match 1ta benefit.II, ideal tor a tull-111.u family and ju•t et~JMJ from wonderful private beach. 4 bedroom•. 3 bat.ha, beamed livtn1 room. carpeta, draperies. secluded Ja.rp patio, . 2-car gan.ge. ~ltchen and laundry equipment included Priced at $33,!500, t.enn. anilable, must and will be sold, BOOQ ! By appt. at your convcniencf', caU &nytime_ . Mr. Slephena, Har. 4"48, evenings Har 3238 EARL W . STANLEY, Realtor Irvine Terrace Office opp. Cout Cty. Club. COKONA 1lel MAR -TWO -------- nlee lwlrl a11lt bedrooina., 11111"-0 :' H rOOla .11rep1a• d1n1~ r.)l)m, pen . ouse Ule baU• and Jdtcl\t'D. Rt>ar aludlo wWi • tfNpt.ce and Fdday, Saturday and &and&)' 11-5 U-B-Q. AJJ fenced .. a car P· at 301 Amdhyst. rap. About l~.000 chi. ~ poutbUllle9 hit~. By ai>J>;t onh'. C:nll ul"lualve a~nt ' . !<'ORO \'EttRfNflER 3•0 Po1na~tu11 •. HAT. Oil:! ~o• -----. LOOK!' OJ!f"\ 4-llY 2 to 0 p.in , IJ1' l>&h· ltt4, \ '<lf'vna drl Mar Only Sii' ~ 4-111\. honif'. l"'llc:.. IC••· Rl:f!, fe11rwt & t•f Uwy Ex- d1n1v1 with .t.taa Kolll~t•H. l.J ~ P!'.lflH 114,..&e You MUST 8ee this 1tU1U11nr pink houae with black tnm' ! DELUXE QUALITY -Larp .ll•. room, new ex'(lf'neive carpet.a and drapa, FA furnlCf', Ii double prap. LITTLE ls,J..AND, a BIGl ~UE for $35,000 -2 unit.a. 3 bed.rm. h~ &.ruJ 2 bed:rm.. furn· Wied apt., d~ble prap. Realtor Har. 20 or M DORIS BRAY. 216 ~fartoe Ave., Balboa laland -------· • ' I ' ' .,.. J:ULL PJUCIS ·tw eo.,.. Jlllt -JCldlll J.w. 'l'Hll:llJD A.IUD ec:uaa. IO rr. J'l\ON'l'.AOll, Bac)I aay • 111... .. "f,11»-. i. JS6,GOO • ~ ~ •f .. ur. t11100 .. dowa buya -~ I J"¥ZL OaJy Mac» tun pria ' 1 LD'T l'OJ\ c.u.IJ'OIS.NL\ VJDT8 OM¥iq. B?,and 0.-.. I Mdnft. Uh cablnet.a bi Mr ~ 11.ltchen, forced Mat. fl~d Ooor-..Cood ~ $100 clown. psoo >.Oft& 11.-l &cl'MP "7 Sn Oranre Oowli1. '° ~ bound to me.... ln ftl11e- Ptoo.,.-ty a.cro• ltntt tram city Umll4 of eo.t& x .... ........ ~ &Md. Unl1m1ted proepecta fott prudmt buyera ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 111T Nwte>rt 111\'d., 0-. X... LI 1-lW sYtl LI .. HOO EASTSIDE $1500 Down Oldn l tJe(Jroom b~iu• -cloeit tn -Excellent locaUon - ' GfJ"&I'• -ll&i&nc• llkt renL run pnce $121SO. 13°/~ Net Very atlracllvc bwl~ ln th• Newpo\1. Harbor .ArrL t..Md. Can M h&ndled tor approx. • Jl,000. Well kfpl and no up- kwp. Full price anty 1210.000. AT-TENTION SPECULATORS Ovu tour &ere• or top commer- c1&1 property. Major l~IOn. Hu tnconw a t preMnL RM.4y tor C11tvtlopmrnt No phone ln- form&llon on t.Ju1 properly. Come tn and t.a.lk It over. BEST BUY 3 Bedrm 0. l. ~aal• -Hd. Wd. noora -But E. etA. -mo pa y: only ~ 00 Incl. T. A l . A ttal buy at JI0,1500. PHIL SULLIVAN & I GEO . EVERSON 1869 New)>'lrt Blvd, Co1ta Mr11& Phont1 LI IHl7tll l:vM Har. •Me Costa Mesa Bargains W• h&vr wvrral 1e&lly rood hll)'• with low down paymtnll In chol<·fl Ea.at Ooel& Meaa Ii .:-au ona. One of them 1• • very nl<::4! 3 btodroom hom• ""Ith hArdwood floora, 11,... place, i.rae •unny kileh•n. dlchondra lawn, Covere<I paUo . rrape irt&k• ffnctnr a.nd i. Onrna.-ulat• INdde an<t out. Pnced a t only S12,7Ml and you can &U\une the &~~If loe.ii. We hope you wtn can on \18 ~ MIJ> you "'1th your ~ nff<la. Duncan Hardesty REALTOR "Al tbe brt~ to Udo 1119" lA.tay.tt. at l2nd Harbor •71& Vogel Value Waterfront-Private .Beach 3~ADen Pier A •up rlSJlll. The mml for ;your lnOfteT la an acn.. at" waterft'ol\1. home. J'\r. pl&~. H' batN. Only ' Jl'a. old. Toa'U l°"'9 lt. Btl-d\a- pllcaUOll ,cott et $1'~ 8ubmil )OIU' ...-ma. LIBERTY 1-3411 Vogel Co., M.in Office UOt w. eo.ait llwJ. $7250 CU'4 1 bt1ml.,. ~. ~ .. t\ahpon4, 0\.. lDk. ftnffd., mew- ~ a.I 60 X 160, llulld OD tr.L TOft7 ..UU. -R•ltot nn 11&...., mwi .. LI a..31-~ VIEW LOT Upper Back Bey IClaJOO n . ".2IO Har. 116-R Furnithed: M~dell · . . . -Open D~· • • ' i S Mi"utea from the"Ouen Nftt"' Sch0ol1 & Work , J ,, . COS'li. MJCU. SUNSIDNls • . MACH HO~ ol'J'ltii . :: "• . . • Front or rear ·u.mc room. • Aenty ·at• cJoieta!· · · Din1DI space in ~t:dtezi.. '°pl.,.. ba·:·. Natural birch cUmeta a .Oanf.w tn. in idteb-: el).I e Uat:lcotl'. floon e I Wood aUdtnJ wiD· d01J1 ~ a~ooo · mci, tt. :lat.a • Kock roota. • AlnmlbUJ!l ICJ'MDS. ANOTBER.B. V. HUNSAKER, ·.uJix 8'11l!P1' • l)E'VELOPKENT . • . ~ . . '.. . .... ~ORONA DEL MAR ' •79 MORNING CANYON ROAD. ~ Hifh· - land&. Deluxe <Nplez with VIEW. New, mwt, · -7' diat.iDctive inoderu wit.ll u.nmua1 c.bann. 2 bed· · ·· - roorn8 ea.ch, thermo kitchen, 60. ft. ·lot. S&t,000 ' LIDO JSLE ... . -. ~. ,•.I Larte f bedn:n. 2 ~ bath.I, ~ to wall carpets,, · • drapea. Larp lot. excellent condition. and a BUY at $U,e<JO BA-YSHORES 2 dandy homee, 3 Pednn.-$23.* and 2 bed.rm .•. 2 b&th, $28,000. Both completely flU'niabed. COSTA MESA '1000. DOWN. MOVE RlGHT IN. Lovely °'"1er 3 bedrm. home.. bealrtifully Laod.8Caped. tran.cerred.. MYRTLE DAVY, R•eltor Helen Baum Bob Smith 3'3.2 Via Oporto EYe. LI 8-6297 LI 8-1109 &. Anoe. · · Ruel Condon Harbor 5'46 Rat. 1017.J .: •. : .. ...... NEWPORT HEIGHTS . ,,. Spacloua 3 bedrm. Charmer, tn lovely neJp~ ~"'· • hood for far 1-tJu.n reproduction ~ Pboot .. ~ ua for appointment to 11ee. BALBOA ISLAND laland •t.e&J on corner lot. Cute 2 bedrm. · houae for jl.l.8t a little more than the COit ot the • lot alone. Comfortable A roomy home 5 bdma. le • bath.I. Idea.I for 1arp family or could eaily b.a ton· verted into 2 unit.a. Near bt.y A ahopplng center. NELDA GIBSON. Rea~or 306 Marine Ave. Harbor D02 BA.LBQA ISLAND • BALBOA ISLAND i22.600 -1£5()()() down. Attractive tum1alled duplex. R«nodeled. Oti tull m.e Jot. l " BLANCHE A GATES.. Realtot- VEMBER OJ' MULTIPLID LDmNG ~ .-.: 311 Ma.rlne Aft., Balboa laland . Ph. Bar. 11'11 or ltr.a. ~ ... INVESTORS'. ATT&NTtON ·· ... POST On'ICZ. ltl&riMn Ku;_ plUI .O. IUlit ilo-~ ' ~ TEL. plu8 100 ft. BmL ~-~i laCOIM •• $315,00G rrc--Pdoed a\1!8'000. ---- . : r. ~Aieat;' ....... j. , Osborne -Forton_ -Realtv ·~o. 2323 w. Cout HlchW&J, &t .. "'!_,~ LI 1-'nla ,-.., .Jkr. efA .. • •• • J • MdMS --- .. ' • ~ r . UNDER· CONSTRUCTION ALMOST ON . THE BEACH D1&pMx ••• Z-2 bedroom apt.a. 2 story. Fir&- ~; larp aun.d.~ on eecond floor with ocean .se.. DoubM lllnb, prbap dilpoeala. Birch " bree.kfut ban and titChen cabloeta. Sep&l"llte water beaten. 85K BTU Dual V. T. L. in each apt. lbaO :svace; rear ten feet 'tllould make a territ$e bobby room or play room for the chll- dnn.. ~ your colors and finiahet1 now! !· ! .Pftee just .,$.l.9,960, submit down. Tenant& are the landlord'• ~ friend. Live tn one and let JIDa1 tenatit ,.y the interest and taxet1 tor you. .. that t.d? :.BAUOA ISLE'S BEST BUY ! ! N.tc.iy turnlahed 3 bedroom home and 1 bedroom ~pt. 3% batha, 2 car 1arage, newly painted. 'l'b.t8 ta a real buy at juat $26.~. $9.~ down. Sabmlt otter. Thia ii another inatance where .. cu offer you free boUllng cloee to the Bay. W. OCEANFRONT-4 BDRMS. 7 .. year old 2-atory year around Beach Home m;noo -$5000 down. Good ewimmll!i and ftUdnc. Completely turniabed. Terrific View. Seven lsl•nds Realty & Investment Co. . MULTIPLE LISTINGS -REAL TOR -- • . S03 • 32nd SL · Office Phone Harbor 5868 Newport Beach, Calif. Att.er 5 p. m. Har 5567 Corona del Mor Vogel Values OPEN HOUSE SAT. Ir SUN. 1 to 5 313 Poppy Charming colonial home in best location. on 45' lot ocean aide, of Hi wy., near be•ch. 3 bdrm. l 'h bath, HW tk>ora. FA heat, flreplace, corner tile Bink, Elect. diahwuher, laund room & pantry, covered patio, cedar roof shutters, fully fenced + play yard. Lge. gar &. parking apron, nice landacaped yard. The only home m th.la area for only $26.850. Good tt'rnu. Dcn't miu thia Corona del Mar income oppor- tunity. 4 furn. unit.a 11 l t bdrm. 2 bath w fire- place 11> 2 bdrm. W/~lace (21 1 bdrm., on 2 tuJl lot.a. So. o( biwy. All ha VI!' dloll(IOM.18, tprink)er system, Brinp $460 mo. on yrly. re..._ Coclld be increut'd by aumm~r l"('ntal11. Full pnce only $i2.500- Vogel Co. Corona Del Mar Harbor 0757 2667 E. Cout Hiway. L YTLE'S OPENING SPECIALS LCYr -50 x 200. High and level on Sa.nta Ar__ Ave .. near 23rd $~. '\ TWO bou.ea on 60 x 180 lot, 3 bf·clnn and 1 he<lrm \ stucco. Only 3 yra. old. At 22nd and Santa Ana An. Lin in one and collect $100 mo. rt'nt &tit income buy in Coata Meaa at $14.:rioo $4DOO down and $86 per mo. doc• 1l. DELUXE HOME 3 yn. old with hwd nooni, f1N'· place, covered patio, eu , on chamung Colle-en Place. $14,.200. '1/2 <.<> loan. $70 mo. F. W. LYTLE, Realtor 1786 Newport Blvd .• Costa llea "Multiple u.ting S.rvice" LI a.H9S LI 8-2M.2 FABULo·us VIEW ; Mt.:~ .... . . Har. '448, neninp LI 8-7100 ; .-.EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor -, f -.. t lrWM Tern.ce OffiOP Oppcmt.e Imne Coaat Country Club Delay may mun dilappoiutment. 1 • . ) See thia u.nalual hume today-EXCLUSIVE WITH p. a. palmer incorporat~ ole hanson co., m•nagement 3333 via lido, harbor .l~ BALBOA REALTY co. I . ~. . '. SPECIALS! MULTIPLE-LISTING-OF-T~E-MONTH (11 TH.la OOULl> U WHAT YOU hava beftl l'lOkiJI& f~H Need.I 110me att.enUon LD lhr way ot p&IJl~ but & Sft&t value. Hu 2 bedroomJt plua bunk room. Fl.aulabed, pr- qe &.nd wlt.IWI bloick trom t.be Bay. WUl m&k• dandy l>ffch home. $14.~00. low lrrma. CARAVAN SPECIAL ML No. 7841 -Brand New three bedroom - One &nd a haU b&t.b-Hardwood floor.-Flag- atone fittplaoe -GE forced air heat -Double garage -Natural wood kltdlen-Garbage di&- poaal-BanJo 11t. in ea.ta Meea. lmmediat~ I~· Price $17 ,:500 Contact Your Realtor 121 TWO UNITS INCOMJ: (>ft 2 e.toROOM HOME WITH INCOME. 1'urnlJlhed, do11e lo b&y and OC4'&1\, lll?'pt.rate r-uoe &nd atnc~ prarr .'lie• property a nd not h•rd to b11y at $.20,UUO v. 11Ji lt'1·m•. 1J1 OWNER G-Ol'NG ABKOAC> AND WANTS Tu 8EU. Newport Harbor Board of Realtors HIS 4 UNIT ln<"<>mr bu1ld1nl' on K Bav Avrnu• In .Hatbo,. H.-~;, 1 t'<lf'(«•rat•<I "rll f111nt•l><'<I and m gQQ<J < un-- 1.llllon 4 &1fl6lt ap&rln1t:!nl11 I and JH1frd to M"ll al SUl.000 lf'rm•. I t 1 ASK TfJ ~E~; THIS 3 BF.D· rl ROUM llOM ~; \.\ ITJt Z l B A T H S u11 \.\ t'Ml Ha' AvenlJ4!. \\'Ill ma.I<" !<OU<l \rar &round ho11e. "'eJI ,.,, • ni.h~. pan••lra\' h<•al nrul adually a a'A'<'ll ''•lu" •I JUI 000 .,.Ith t••rmll :.1 AN UNL'Sl'ALJ,V AT 101 ~. '.':1 wport Blvd Newport Ruc·h OPEN HOUSE 1929 Priscilla Lene Harbor Highlands , COSTA MESA 3 Bdnn. 2 ~I hJI, n.arly 11«'\l' J:xcell•nt ltUtJl1dc! ~n Bullt In Eleetnc ranp and ovan, corner nrepl&c•, lowly p&llo. Prtcecl al Ut 000. NORTHEAST 3 !ledrooma, open be&m ~11.lnc• ~· l<bllft root IOL Only 21~ l~"' old and loe&Ud Oii a strwt or Wf'll kept hon\a. Just one blo<''k from TuaUn e.nd ~1 Mar. 1"\IU Prtc• $11.lk>O wlUI S:'lllOO Down. lm· meodi&le posMNIOn. t Mon&M Vtata lkhool Dl•lrtt·t 1 2 BE';DROOM Only a ,,..,,,. month• olcJ and ,,... 1•upi. .. 1 b-v ov.ni.'r l1111ltl,.. 1-;,. , rpuon•llr w•ll built. H .. a wmtd tlwrN &ncJ .. uur~ llou.•• l• t'li'l>''lt•d Wllh flllt' W•ll tu w1•ll 1.arpt'l uvl'r rubber patJ IM-rt:<' •'II• lusl'd patl<l on •t'" • ,.,,. and all 11np1<1vf'm<'nla Jn ><nil fitUtf A11klng S 14 f.00 C1&JI f11t apf•I. ,l•J ~ It'll• \r>d.tly s 1500 00\\"1' B111nd new ;J l:k'Oroon1. l..<Jl·nlf'<I Jll•t 011lald@ ell 1· limit. un 11 , ... 1 H>U.lllrv l<\Ud t .. t lll'Vl\>lll n Ut l • ly • 1 111 r • J 111 m•'<J•• to• ro1111e11111011 < "'n 1,,. arrango·<I '°"" wtll hkt• thl• <"\rl'll,.nt wr11t111tlt' h1t'&llOll. J•,111 p1·1r •' only l ll)i!'\(I $13,250 At •1t h•r •'\ rlh•nl hM: ;"(tlt1n ••n I I • ••I ' }.tr .. a ortr•. I J••~I t•ft JI \ lr.e -l\rdro<un11 u1 J rttt I '"'"· I Ins r1ro-;11,., ~ r •bl~ JC• I 11.:• "" Jlll\'••tl .. 11 .. ,. $114'111 uu Newport Heights $18,960 A quiet, homey atmosphere mounde you ln thUI apaciou.a, ch&nnmcly decorated 2 bedroom and family room home. Extra large Uvtng room, fireplace, carpeting, bu 'kitchen, f~nced yard with brick patio and fruit t.reee. Newport Beach's Largest Lot In best ocean trout area, 51x86. AaJdna $22,000. This won't luL JACK BRENNAN, REAL TOR "AT THE ARCHES'' 3320 W. Coast Hwy. LI ~7773 BALBOA ISLAND f be<lrm. 11 _ plua b&tha, corner lot. So. Bay 1 ~ interest in pier. Good condition $57,500. 2 units on good street. 2 bed.rm. houae plua 1 br apt. AU.ra~t.ive clean property - Nr. !'\o. Bay, 3 ~"<irnfB .. 11:.: batba, 2 car gar .. l bdr. apt. Small down. Owner eage1 to !It'll. $26,950 Small hoU&t'. corner lot. Good location S19.~ 3 O.·<lrm. 2 IJath. Little ldhmu $31,500 Uu~ilcx I bt-dm1 l'iidl good 11lr~l $22.500 BA YSflOHES 3 brs I balh GOOD BUY $21 .500 A~D OTHERS l''or ~xc-hange -3 IM·drm.. l 1 bath home on goo<l strt'f'l m Santa Ana for comparable !~ property m thw uea. Evemng11 call Edith Maroon, HYatl 4~22 or Lou Boynton Harbor 2878 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 22:'.l Manni' Avt'., Balboa bland Harbor 1775 • TRAc-J'fVt; an•I v.rll 11p· point~! homr nn tti~ l't•11· ln•ul" Point .,. 1111 .I 1 ... ,1. room• and '; halhM s .. w pn>pt'r1y . . • And " hon,,. fnr th~ v.ho Wl\tJI « ,..,•111 n1t•e h.,m... S:Hf !1611 "'tlh tPrnu• This exn·µt1onal 3 bedroom, 1 1 & balh hunw 1dJJ bt• open daily I rxcept W edneaday I from 1-fi p m. f11r vour tnSJ)('('tion pleuurt'. The lug1• ~lassC'tl in living room lookH into ll wond('rfully •'•){11 co\'• n·d p1tll~ You will be proud t•J r·.all tha your homt'. :-.:ow in N<'Wport B~ach. &huol l11l8'!•'S J•H'k up &: dc.'hvn thf' kiddies, Cl0tt1• \11 t h1· fuwst !'hopping rf>nlHfl. 1t iA in t he nt•w1•t>l. rrnd what 111 rap1rlly occommg thP finest ar .. a rn Or1t11g1• County You ran afford It tou ;it I l•All "' $':'.I !ot'I r •ntl11 ____________________ _ '"• fi••t ns: h1••••. ~1,lJin•t un di• 0:-;1-: UI'' Tit~; M<1KT A I TKAl~l'\iE A."il• MOIJ~:ll:" fl lJNlT JNl'U.t.f£ Hl'll.1• lN<;S lN BALLIOA ~ 11•"1 rooin 1•1u·h :l 11n1ta Alt' 11•1 n.-hN. C'OVf'l"f'd •><q><uU '"' ,..ch unit. la~ laL>n•lr) I ""'m. lt)<"ker r nome fn< t••ll· ~nla. Tht> pnipt'r·tv 1~ lll<1tlr" on 2 lot• Jtntt nntv ;\ '\1•ftft1o t1r•t PnfPd ... Sn• <>1•1 ""d K'J'W°S 1 ft'r-na,. Balboa Realty Co. 'Pf'WltJ • u.. JI 1f A•JH"I"• Hoaa l ,rPf'h•\! ~'1 1.,.' .l<111<·rl11r,r \\ ""h ~00 f-; Bulbt11-i HI\ 11 lt"'l••J tl •·h,,n•· H n bor :.-f Newport Heights ' PRI«f K~:l>I 'I ~I• T• 1 !'1~:1.1. A n~:Al~LY• ( 11\lf'l.F'.'n:, I •IU-:AM ll•J\! E Twn lui bed10<.mM taq;r II\ Ing room !1rll •lining lt•1•111 a.par·at• br»aklu 11 llri1n1 11nn 1mm•n-drn TI1• kit. h• n h"~ a dl•poa•I. ,dllh\\ 1olwr li 11> a111I < gt •~ \'011 ph•nt) .,c 1·tb<•v I room. Thi• h"mr "' ~a1111r111h· landkapt'd. haa • 1<pr1n• "" 1 ll)'&lt'm, And pk-nl)' nr nll' ... llhatM!o U-.. Alll<l 1l 111 on a ~rnt\C 9() Jl 220 ITTt'ft. lt>t TWo C'&r l'•r•K•' 1tnc1 '"" abope. You r•n h•ve All "' part of th• r111 nllm•. 11" ,.,., Anllloua. cau now to M'•·. Duncan Hardesty R&A.LTOi< "At UM bn• to Lido lal10' L&t.ayette at Und Har·bor .r111 Exclusive Beac!on Bay I t " n I'"' 111•·111 "'' n• r .,. 111 on I y S 17 H!">O II,., ~I' H 211. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor "C" Ed Jones, Realtor & ASSOCIATES I I "'•!I l11t1 I• •I B • I.I k ·!!Jot ·At rtw HH!IK,J.; to LIDO ISL E" (..afo\'< ti<' at 3:!nri Harbor 471~ RANCH STYLE 2 -G.I. RESAL;.S 2 "'°'"I 3 h!lrrn. ~ 1,a1h .. with ftrt'plllc ••, parquet hn1d\\•)(Mi nnct di JU hit• ~tt.rlig~. S22r)l() tlu'-'.-n h·rt\' .. ti Ji "'" 1 '''' '11 1 •-.·.Jr m \• ,., f"\t'I \ ftllB'1:° r1tl ('ti ot1f tl·Ad )11\\ mt·nlM 11f (jfl 30 1rwluding ta~f'fll And insu111IH'<' I 110,.1" hl\l ""l ,-111>in•·•• ltw .. 11 nr.d 4 •, mtrn !It f'ull pricf' $13.500. •I '''" k 1u•l11• 1•. 1111•h~ '"'"' ,..,..,,I 1tb.v .:_11nu;i1 t nrr·,1•1 U\'flf \,11. :! b<lnl'l 1\1lh l1t'1111t1ru111~lon-\111r111;,') <>11.1·• t•U ,.,,., 111..r11w1 • :r "Pq"· h lw•l flt111n1 K!ld Eipn! lrsR 111trono1 :-;1•·" t•al1<t \\Ith S1~drng J;lll.88 doon! ::'liiCl'l,Y frnc1 d Bll•I landscap<·d Prnmr•nLR $61 Jl('r mu tn<ludm-= 1RXP!!, lnl'llramf' 1rttr•rP~t at 4'•. NEWPORT-MESA REAL TY.._ l 7!10 Nr\vpor l Blv1! LI 8·!'>.')08 C'osla M 1•r.n Evf's LI R-7237 Upside Down. View The houec is upside down. the virw tfl on thl' levrl from ari up11ta1ra living room Your view 111 t hP rountry-11idE" and milt's o! blue PRC'ific. Thia cwat.om built house haa 2 bedrms and clr·n. .! f1repl&C'es. and unusual privacy. Would takr many thousand11 JT\Ore lo duplicat<· -only $2:'>,000 -euy tenn11. R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor R. 8. HODGE. Aaeoclate 3622 E. Coast Hwy .. Corona del Mar. Har. 277'1 1111'1' :.-.. 11·· r·2 Bv~-.,T 1ll~1·.-i-.I'~ I"""'' l••lt '"' 11, ...... , Hl1•1t l l•ulrrn 1 1 t;,.111 ~n•1•1k 111 11111 MAX W. POPE Realtor Lr 11·1142 Vogel Value Motel & Trail<'r Pk. Income $12,000 - Price $59,900 l , IWlO <uh \l'lll handlf' lhl• outttan1t1n1 N•-wport Brttc-h monf'V makrr. On btlf lot wllh i.;ood motel ""panllnn poairlbll· ltlf'tl. lAI u• ah<iw you thla nne lor1av I we.,.. pnMt to.,,_ w. m ... ---------------------- tlBERTY 8 3~81 Vo9el Co., Moin-Office 3~1 W. QlMt Hwy. "'"""t -• bldr1ft. I ath•fam. U7 Iii••... BSAU'l'lrtn..L. T -sun.Tl ~ s-uo. % Motk .. prt+ai. ~ Pltor for .inalJ boat Md ...... ClOUJ1.&. Alt.Ne-• tt...a,,~·~ nl\M •t Nt.500. Exdu.iw W1tll Mariners life RJty. 411& lla.riDe Aft.. Balboa blamt ~ '711 N1JWPORT HJ:JCJHTa, 2 'bdrm hou•. fetieed vard. hchrd 1 .~ ,_, w-h<W'i.. Ul·t l t l ~r LI WtOI aft•r !\•30 pm I CM2 Rlv•n16da A'H, IUl'fil't LIDO ISLE 4 bednn , 2 hl\th modem horn~. Built-in ra.nr and oven, c:liahwuhei. dlspol&l, fully carpeted. · Lovet~ in every detail. • Full prlet" $4:5,000 111.;th ~<;. finandng-. Will consider smaller Lido Iale homf' u part paym~nt, or vac&nl lot . Hirbor area . F.xctuaive with LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES 3ttl0 V it\ Lido ICAB1'81DE 3 bedrtl'I • nanpu. n;am, ranp, on Maut. TG • W Jpt. JI\ t>aOi. A. ._. •t au.ooo only ~:tl!OO down. To•y ~lte -Relhnr 2128 H~r Blvd., Lr t-0622 -a.MIT Balboa Island l Rl1RM. tum, 't1om• wUti aar· I ai ~ Nea.r Nu11 t1 Ba}' Ay 11wnf'r Uarbnr 1"~11. 4,Jtfr • BALBOA ISLAND ~l~LECT RESlDENTIAL L"1COME 4 unita on 2 full ajzed Iota. Compll'tcly furn18hed. H1·1tul1ful i•atio with BBQ and ~verythinr ll""•'~llAry for outdoor living at Jl.8 ~l. Hl'asonaLI,. down payment i l11tRt.md1rtg r<>t urn Rnd a BOund tn\'eatmeol. Appoiutnwnt only, plell8l' WM. W. SANFORD, and Associates l.-1:«' Bulin • Charlotte FUJola Muge l111dl1f'ld • Nona Hyer 1'111 k Aw·, at .\1ann<'. Balboa l.sland Har. 2462 B/ B OWNER TRAl':SJo'ERRED -MUST SELL! Cla.e to Jetty. 5 year old 3 BR .. 2 bath home, hardwood parquet floors, fireplace, newly deco- ra W. fully inRlat.ed, nice patio, $2-(,90(), Ownf>r might confider low down paymeat. BALBOA 3 -l BR. fumWled unit.a -heart of &I~'• best rent.al &re&. Potential inoome 1 $3000 plu. per year. Sl8,l500-$5,400 down. OCEANFRONT 3 BR. -2 bath, Forbea built. only :5 yean old, 2-ear prap. $2e.~ Bay and Beach Realtv Inc.. Realtors 202~ W. BaJOO. Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 12M EvM Harbor 18M SHORECl:IFFS 146 SHORECUFF . ROAD Pi.. drive bY thli c.tiarmlnl home: • ~ 2~ \atM. Located OD mp chob CCll'Dll' Jot. Beautitully Jandecaped. New 1up patio. TIMD call m to eee Inside, we haft the kq. Pr10ld • to wll now $f2,500 •P'"•"d tcrma. J.txCUJSIVE wrm .. p .. . . • .. . OSBORNE-FORTON REALTY CO.· 2323 W. Coe•t Hwy. lat Port Oran.re> Liberty 8-7:562 EvN Harbor MM ' \ ' i I · l I i