HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-09-26 - Newport Harbor News PressORAL: VANDALS «lCJND TO ~ (;ET DESERTS; IN THE END! - ,. . .. • Elec1tivea i• Dill at '1111 ·.u. s. l1tio111 Mel• .,..... i..wu ........ mx.a.r. 4...., 0oeta K-. WO a ....... ol t.ii CftW of ll u. .. 1'Ca'fal ...... copter wbkb WU r...s to )md ' , I • , LAllON sc0RE PUMP (o.Gaued "-Pap 1) ..,._ la U7 cuie, It la part and pal'MI of tM dUTti:ulty. TbiJI dllftcuJty hu be. bl&Jll911 • at,, ~v Robert &Ml· Ult\. .-. tiad beta out ot u_. ott1 tor a week alt~ a ~ ~h' cGnYCUon at Bantt, turned lD an tapenM a~ount at t.h• m•tlnl' ot Uie City Council Monday llll'h\ Ul&t made men f&.GU· U&r with B&ntt hotel chafed l'UJI In amaMment. The toi.J bW. lnclU41nJ rall .nd Pullman fare• wu S332 98 Bob admltPd he;u•l cou•d not do rlfhl by · "1wtnl\le ahMl" and that hf' lllwaya lo1e1 money on llU<'h tripe. Today's 'N. Y. Stock ·Report N.w York Btoek Mark,t CornpUed by Moreland Wt.hold. Shrarwon·H&mmlli Co. DOW-JONES AVE&AOF.8 so lnd~trlw • 711 2.:1 •• .l)oy.tn 4.13 20 Ra.11-lM 11~ ..... Down 1 M 1:1 UtWU• M.l~. -··-~'" 1.lt W,lNNA PLA Y7 1 p.m.."'Volam• 1.lot,MO Amrr1ca.n SmalUna . : .... _ 60"' Yoilb Ce1ler . ~;::r~~~: Tel•phon• ·· Fiii Football · E~~r z1~lnc . General Motor11 Program Set :~ toi:-bem RR. OI\ Ul• MW&C• lr-lment plant !Ito. American Aviation on Santa An& River by Jam.. .1'ewport. Beach JWc,_Uon N y C•ntral _ . 170"" .. Tl~ 12~ lk~ .. Ill~ 48,. 271\ ,., u SI Sl 80 &dwarda, 3800 Channel Plac.. ~nt bu announttd a Mont.er•y Otl and 80me 800 othu Apien °' • footbaJI r~ ~ fOf boy• ln Uie 81n· lalr 011 J19UUoa wh~ wa p~ to towth Jr.de and up who ar• l'o C.&l. EdlAOn Ule CM.lllty .upervi.ol'll tJda, .... lnlllftlllted 1n parOclp&Unf 1.n lM 8t.anl1ar• OU of Clllllf mer d4tmuidln1 actlol\ -U.. 0.C toolMlJ l"Ol'hJD tJaS.1 t~I Se. Pacific lr•tmeat plant. &dwardl "'111 p Tranaamerlcll be bu tnced the odor .. _1 .... • 'na. fteld day ..-Ill be held at ·---N~rt H&a1>c>r Community Union 011 of Callt .... 43~ 47\.a '"--31'1-.; t'l7 811'\ \Ip Ult llJ&bway toward Ute u.t-caur on l'nday, berlnnlnJ •l l' fl. l!ltttl mmt plant. hi• 1'0M betfts mon 3 p m. -A. 111rnilar ~•nl will ----------- olftaded P he nean U\e plant take. place at 8 am. Saturday DEATH NOTICE and ti. beU.v• lh• plant la I.he on Honu:e JtMlrn s c h o o. I IOle otfmdeT. f1"0Wlda. J:vrnlll to be lncludPd TM plant ttAlt t. dua for ,... &rt a put tor dl.et&DCe. pua for DAVID !llTANFQRO ntnpl.nc, ~ to !'fel.IOn, ucuracy, p.int for &.lance, aml D•vid Dodd Stanford. two Who •Y' that. •hil• It I.I not broken ft•ld runnln& v,.ar old eon ot Mr. and Mn o•~ th• Ume Ill fut ap-Pu,,_ ol the ~rid day la I <"oi!ne 9tan1ord Toi _ ... '111'~~ · ...... --·....-"l Ora.nee, former .-m..-pro&ddn.J when It W1Jl ..... • ... ~ tor l.mtnl<'llonal ald and • 41.cf 15\D\4&y at T1tll amount Of ...... ~ the oounty to t'lualty u.. pe.rtlclp&!ltl In I ~~1:r:.~OIJ1)ital. Laa AAc4• lln• 1a hMISlial' l11111ped 15 per ord,.r to .,.u1U. compttltlon 1 art r an rJ1t•nded tllndl Ht c-nt lut J•r ovtT t.M y.ar pr.. 11unnr rT&"Ul&r I~• ptar w.; bOm ln OT'alft and ll air· v\o\J9 1.11d did the .. m• that )'•r. ~~fott, It l.I Import.ant U.l i .nvf"I by hi.I <p&nT!la. a 91•l•r. MU'ly doublin6 tlla ILJtlOunt ln any boy ID~ed la pla)'I~ on Man /<nn. qt three JnonUI•: • l•am In thr lnru.r M pru•nl hi• ·matrma.I attndparellla. Mr at ont of lht two ntld de.ya. •nd Mn. Ct~ Dodd <>t Afltr tha t•arna are 81'lecled. Blalnl' Wuh: bl9 ,,-t•mlll pra<U•• wulona 'A111 tM pl~ itrandmolbtr. W1'9. a. R . lf4n· for n .... 1 wH"k R•i11larly .chrd· t'~r of Tampe.. T.xa• a.nd hi• ultd JamH WIJI ('.Ommenre on mall'mAI rreat · «J'&ftdmftther, r>c-t ti and 6. an<t uw mchl'dul• Mr11 Mary Lambert at Blalne. wlll mntlnut With ram.. held Wuh .. wry 1"1"\day attemoon and 8•· ~rvlt"ea were !\aid today at turd•y mornln1 at UI• aama t11ro 3 P· m. ln Salb Coet& w ... a.noaa. .. f"'h&~I wtlh U!e ftn. P. 0 . Neumann af nnt llcptilt Church. ofttctauar Inurment wu In J'alrha•ein Cemetery, Qldl;ala~ ....... A.fmC1 • AU U.. wrlU... ...,. BOWABD W. ODiiia llOI ~pt. .......... OCllllk ... ftlOJnB IDAft .. llJI f lllTEJ SCl£11ll · • .• , bisneytand IPPlc,JIVI Ot TeHl a • CLQSKD MONDAY .........-:; °'9 101.I.. · 111. •.-T..ay .,. ...t..j No.;.is rht ~ 1iint fat 1 Yisil '° wak.1>itMf·· Maa•< Kl11fcto.. u.. ,_,.,11 Oft ........ ,. ...• ~dlt.lllaiJroe_. ..... A new" inner car" gives you . a NEW .KIND of FORD for1957! . Oa W eda...Say. Oetober lrd, Pon! Deal•n Ulroelhoot .. u~ ika .... will ... .o • --kind of all1omobi)el . . -rian and rb1bont• tri•. TM C.-.. ~n ... ai.o 1ndudea. alainea Scidaa. ~ all lhnr. -U.. a....t ,._ c:bnm~ ol Ii~ Sia~ Wapne-dlc r.- ilarnovr rn.iaKn thac a.tr IM cti..pe.. '"tit• 6cldl .. C... _. "'-""""' iit _,,_A....,._.'• I~~-NftDll I( e,... /tu.a II/_. t. tM 6iaM llilttl f{...., *> ,..iJllon,, o( A~. 7" Bit N .. K WJ '!.!;' y *' Aw( ti( ,.... ••. a tW lololly IWl&1 UI . /roltt owl ID lruM Jod. na. ~!.. w •"* ~--,.... .. wUl Mill "' .. htlitloMlly Jou '" ~. nM..,.... ~ G W ~*""'"of~ ~-90- ,,..,_, ..... lltal it~ ---* purc/tlu"'f ~ el~~""'-'· " w-. ,_.,., -11. otJw-Cll1'I "'"' looi OCd of ~. ~ ... nY a. WW. TCMIWlf'T'OMI Sra1v ... with a B II N..,, Kutd a( Ford/ ,,......, .... L-6: That kl<w . ..,., ~..,.,, m--a low, low car. Tiw fair-UM~• onty be f ttt ~he inches frOlll roed to ronlf n.. ( 111t11m • _r-~ bJr ~ lliM i~ The MW ford ie DOC Oflly low_... ..... ford 1(1¥t!S '°" _,.., ...... t7 -... pnt knirdt .. tlw Fainartr ~a...,. lf!'M '" t.M C.CQm.. lt"a a aia ki..d oi '- juat ce kd. ""-lt"t wp.,.x.c •""" .. , "'"'~ ,,w.. • ......... ,.. ... 11 ... • Y.,. CH J.nor ap .. f4I •W f W ~ drrbirlt K:W1*4a a. '!91 ._. ...... TJlac'•• mockra ...... G': , ...... -0.lft .... ... .... ~ "' cubic~_..,. rmn1••--. wZ. ~::::. ;:'.C = :::: •• v ................ . . ,... ............ w 1¥Jfl .. J!l9' ,,..~ . rw. ............ ,_ ... ~lir roll'a ro11D D&A'•• aorm an1 -<OM ~ .. lllD.&> J100 w. Coat Hlt'way-Newport lw• -"'*" 1-3471 • .. ,,,,,I': W. •. ....... '"' 'f. ~ • ., ... Ji ILi ... .. ...... ~ .. ·.&:::r.1.~!.~ :=: ... "":'~I ; ~"''ft; .... ,, t ·*" 11t' ·-·.. I ._.,. -Qi •• .. ~=·,,, ..... . .....1..-.. . O;C' • ......... ... .,, ... liwt3 I ...... ·----1-.... • rl Q' A ~ '" .... -.......... .................. ...... _ ..... 1212•• ................ ............ -.. , •. ., !• ~')!I:.,. """ -Z• $ I .. JP I " ..._ ... ,._ ...... ... ti I .... .,...___ 3 ........:--... , •.• ., ..... mw. ... '331i*'·...w .. . ......... , ..... ..... , .... -... ., r''F ••• .._. ... _ --t?Ji ai t. .. a __ , .......... l!!!...*:.f\-!r ;;ii.: r· · ·r~ =:..-iH:'i -of-... ..DaJtall.'1 .. you know .. tbo -~...!!'".. --oar I.Mo~ .• ~ TM et;;O: "I .::...:-~ -.. ,. . ...,._. .......... ".\It· .. Bob llolla.. Ill 1Mt -fer -.-,...---.,..-·-.i llll'ilob ..,,, talllt --' --~ ............. ~"·· ·' 17rt' I 1::11 ltaa ta.t ~--g;' :::c.--= ta•s:-::r:'-~ --~~--, = ............... r .: ~.!:'.! u,:; --~ .. _.,_,,:.: . -.,,._ .. --... rz,.,.. · tl11sav=t -.. .. .... rsu..i.....,_ -:.· ;. •i!:r: ''-= """'-. · '. · I' ' I ... ··t·'-· .. ·• ~;,.:r~ ... ., .... ,.. ..... ... !' •.. • '1111 '-. --"" --~-°""'" =~'-'tbo CJ I I ftiiuli llol --~ crefo.J planntq ., R. "'milt -ql a-muL _,... · .. do made ... ,...w~tat.._. ... 1fte,... d ........ u4 ----la tbo ~J'.::l.i!'~.:~ ----ap · 1111111-... or--.---..i.11ao-=::..:::~·~ ·lfi-al ......,._at 1, ... •1' . '• ' ' . _ _., __ ,,• • ••• viianiin.J c ,.......... "' Watolt OIL_ -W .. ,., ....... co:sa ___ tr· 1 I .. _ 51' . ........... . .. ~'· . .; .. *"' -~ 25' ~11INA11.., •• ..,._......_ •141· MORE FUN THAN A PICNIC ... .;, . ~,.. " . . T~~~-£ ·• (;io SUDS ··-----· "-lr iOaUO --..... p:w ""' ... I. • II; .,. ___ ... BZAVi'D vu.r ll1TLl:D ........... Q CAUfOllNIA, . , DflNBWAU ' "-:=···· __ .. ....,; la ....,. ,..,. MODIU ____ -.., .... tlla bd ,.,m.r ---.. .. __ ... ,,., Dt/I~ R,IC1HAU'S _.,,..,......._ ...,.._ ..... ~ ...... ' • 0 .l!lr mx-1 ................ •••••11-e·' • ___ _.. ... -. ... \6 ............. --· • • ·-- ~.-....... .. -" .. ....,. .. iw ..... ----· .. ..., ........ ....., .... 11 .... ~· • • • ...,.., .... 0 .................. =-·---~=~ ...... _.,. ., ... ..... ..... .,.,...,.. I 1-ci::-"-· ..... 7-. "'-7· • ' . . ~ '· ' ' :=:=.. ............ \ IDI' OAD 11.-. A# ·' ., 'II;" .... ~ --2125' nlClla •K-. -· --']• V1t' -...., __ .... ·-·-V".,. 1.m4-.ur._-.... .... ., ' ' ; ..,, ·' ' Dll ICA.111•111 iiiiilitiii~ .... 47c ijiiiMifn .-.• ~~~ . LBIClfEOll llUT .... Sfc --~ $195 ' CAUE1 Hiii .... ... - CHOICI lli9ATS . .,,..._....i . . IOlll ITUI --fl9c :· ... ~ ... -·~ i!i.1!!1.!. ... ;:..~ ~· .\ itYlm · .• fir · \ ' 7 _ ...... , .. , ...... •••• ····-. 6'r ' ...... ~.--............ Mio Iii~ .SJC-· j ...... . .•. , • • .. • ..... I • • . . I IEST QUALITY-LARGE-SIZE U.S. NO. 1·1uSSET ... . .,,,. . .. \. • I . 6-0Z. -. 7.(tl.: IUCID IOLOGNA • 1-0l. SUCID WNCH ~OAI -IOTH FOi . ,l ::it l ' . . . . ... .. ... . . . ... ,; . ' -~ • -<. • ......... • : • .. ' , • \' -' -. .. I .. . . ,. . .. . . '~ .. • • wci1 ht. :-• , ..:. .1 , ~'4 • .. IN "INJUN~' SUMMER, OR .ANY.ontER"·· rtiAE,. RALi-FACE· AND REDSKIN K_NoW UI ' 4't" • All-AMERICAN '. SBl .QUAlrtYJOOD At 'l! Jf~ LESS W-:.@11' v~ : :uM 'SE( SU} 1: .& Y,OU BEr MUQJ . HAPPY! 1 : ·a~ ·· .!···'.:ill ..... . • HUNN WlfOU UN .. "0 NO. 2~ • · • I! APRICOTS : " . "' . ' r.% - --· .. - - - -.. . . . ~ CAl.-MY LIMON CUSlAlD SANDWICH 'I SUNSMIHI WAJaS ' COOKIES ~~~• 49c : 11Hl-l'.'I0'1'· WG~ed-Paper 17c 1 .·~ 3J :. t l~-----~-__. ........ ·~ ·1 • --_,...._ ... -a.w cot;•r . .!~ ...... .... ~ . cacUI .... 31',.. ....... ""1 .-~.~,~~ ................ ..... ~~-a1 nk 1-LB. CTN. c ~· • ' • ' ~ . . . . . c L ___ ..:..·--------.J IODO"S SKTIONS Ofl JUICY .<7rapefruit :.."".. ··~ OOU> Tomatoes . . MU_l& ........... 2\;CAHS Red Plums CHAii & UHIOIN INSTANT COFFEE NO. 2\.\ CAN ... - DIAL ·;REAM .-~-29' DAD'S OU> PASHIONID Root Beer · "-GAL · IOYTll '~'- • All-AMERICAN'S FAMOys ~; LEAN . • 4 ' .; t ••• . ¢ ' ' :: l . • , H.,,;.... .... lllA.,AIT . · , A~ MIT'Clll/MY . : ~k ~inks ·· 49~ ·sJi¢,~,l~c~n49i -. . ' .. .... -·~-:.:_.:!j '~ ....... Oc.IAN ~ ' • _____ · Lak~ rfraut, 59:. . Scallops -- .. --· · e DO~ .• NOIWALK2' ~·•.ttlWl'OU IUCH • ..::--...._. 'I nt4 1. . -COMllR~ • '6ot ~ JUI ~ llallWAl Af IWIM • . Ol'IN OM .,. II._,. .--, ... A.M. to -P& ..,., --~-"nlMIDNITlt ,M~ft"fll.1et.M. -•t1f A.ii.., ..... • GARDEN GROVI • co'o~ D~ M_AR • $A" c• •MENTE "8' -...,.. -. , .. ._ .... , -CdoatT lllllWAY A1j ... ~ 6U a C~llFllD -' , ....... ., "nL ..... ,.,. DAl.!,!S:.~'c:.~'.M.. tULto1••.M.......,, .... ,.,NL .. ~ ......... ~ •O ,., ... • • • , Shutter-Bugs Will Hear Giles Brown on Africa ' Hirilbr bot · M•llMlffel Part<.... :~ 1: . Splicing. the Mainbrace . ' • .-.,.. ... ..•. , ..... , .. ti -~ .. --..... .. .::...,. .. -... , 7 501 •• .. __ ........................... .. ...... _ ...... _ -po ........ 1\.c. _,_,,..,tu-IOI I YVoll \ ..,.. \ {"" ll(l ll) I ' Bulb TOlk for' Fuchsia Club . . . ~-.. J ,. ' .• o-=:J.1..-._._ • 011f AND .. IN YOUR HOME • • 00-11.tS .. ---= ~ ....... .. ..... " IT .. ·~ • " rt in & oon · lllfO. inlJ .,,_ c:loloii Slioi>" 345 N. COAST BLVD., LASUNA llEACH S.ptembe• 26, 1956 Deer Horborites, We, here ol Bob Dolton'i Resteurl!lnt, toke this opportunity to thank you for the wonderful reception accorded u5 this summer. It wo~ e good season, tht1nk5 to you, who w•re so patient with tht problems which we had to iron out during the "shakedown cruii.." Now that we are s~t on e ~teady coune we feel +hot our perwnnel, from ~tern to stern, con moke your visits even mo,.. enioyeb'9. With-the orrivel c f the current see'on we bro pleased to announce e NEW POLICY in our dinner service. Effectiv• now, Dalton's w~I feature a complete dinner fQf' $3.00.. This menu irJ;c!udes soup or salad, choice of e ight ent!"H1 , ~ablm. pototo,·de§sert end Hevereqe. This-is in addition to our regular •-la cer.t1 ('' service. Dalton's famous Brunch win b. off•ted on Sund.sys end Hortdeya startinq at 11 a.m. • Another feature for your enjoym9nt wiD be •ntertainmtnf NFtt evening, excepting Monday. The popule1 "Cerous.t" Bay •rvb ,..._ continue doily, excepting Monday end Tuesday, Wffther ~· Again, thanks to one and all for th• wer.fn wtleotM ,.. ~; · consistent patronage. Since,.fy, ---s. Ori•• ... P.S. When yoU_ • .., . pliu~;ng •n ••+•• speci•I _,,. !'of ~ • ,.n"ivenary. entertoinment of VIPs, etc., be sure to c.it 4l:t h1..fvl'r'IC9. Our c+.ef, Roy Hiii. con conjure up ITIOJt any kind of sp.ciel dinner for your pleasu~! I -. ' . • -·-I l_:·=~·:!='":""=::'.·:• J Plonty Meo,.,.. hi De S.ancl Ce .. I IOt N -11 WM1 _, • D • ' IL·:.,_ __________ ... "-----------""" L------------~ ...... ---.J:.; \ 1 •• .. ·--.. -- • • • • • • : • .. I • • ! I ' - • Newport v....., TOCJ& I ... ll 91va8 · • ~ ,8oil'llllW Paintlnt. l Deeor1ti119 PIANIC KATNIK IN.I "· 09lilt 11"1· ........,~ ... a .. n . iWJlol'( Harbor Elka' club. Cocl<1all1 ~ 1_1ft, ~\ UIE ~I.,;. IM ~·~to- ........ ud "ltmea. WaYJM= Carroll, Robert Bta.ir', ~ • fl ...... • llenill. &llcl Richard Sean u hoot · couplH. · Pla•nlac tlqolo ...,.. lhf -a-· COfPR CAICll 2 .. '5' ..... -•' -21' '4'IV2' • 1!11111fat ......._ .... --· 10c 19c . -.... .. -~ 19 Local XUk Al'M • ... ;; .. ;;-;.;;,;..,,, ......................................................... .. ................................. ,.. ................... _ ... .......... _ ................ ,........... . ...... .._ ................. ~ ... ..... --·-- , • I , ' • O..flat. ~ MIMTS-;t ___ ~----·_.t!.,7 . ,n.... 2 B BBY PINS ~ _ ___ ..... \ ~CilANSER :1i 51 1111 ~----191_ifiiES;..·;; 7'f ,..., .. . ~ . ...... . \ 'A ---------... 7th Annual lion1 Club College Football Game ORANGECOASTCOLI.IGE .... AMERICAN RIVER Fri. • Sept. 21 -, I p.-. Pirate Staci.a -C... Mesa TIOliJrn l"Oll IAL& VL~O&NT'll DS1'Ga ,. ~,,, . IS OR To sof..,erd yew ........ we , ... ~ .,._,, ptlyd('ioft •• ... .... ..-.. w6 ,.... ..__.. r"°",'"-,,..., .-b ., ,......, tip ' ,.ity _. _ __.ic.h. . lJIWPY ~CIALS llAD '· NEcKLACIS , ' .. S...dn Maclntyn, wJio lo &loo Ma Newport Beach, C&ll't decide which eervtn.1 to ti')" u •be attuda Golden hnlwnary ll'ioll Fry ..,.......i by Newport Harbor Veterana Orpnlsa\)oo.I. Inc. Proceed• f1"0m the f.iM fry So to vet.eram we1· fare. Pictured from left are Newell LUcu of the DIGGING INTO WATER LINE DITCH Thia Mai. ,L.111: a.id -"'"•L Thi• UtU. Machin'.. i. 1t1111nr • dllcfa fW N-port 8-cb'a n.w water pipe llna up Ea.It J 7UI St. e!1bt feet dttp, two t-t "'Ide &Ad abOut tSOO ffft • de.7. wa:uam Deraott•t. C'Or'ltractor, hopoN to ., ... , Ule pipe laid ~ the m-.t .'1ral.l'fllened out .. l ln lnalde 0:. to dayL -Stan Mlot.o , ' . . \ . " • ,_ - ' ' , MAKING UP. MINO . . , · Dlabled American V-: & W. Jll1k9ple of Amveta; ll"rant M:ocni, Vet.el"au Ot J"oreicn Wars; and· V.inae ~o. ~erlcan. LeJion, wbo lefWd u cbalrman of the J'llh Ery, that .... beld -S.tardaJ ·""" --.. J.ee Payne Photo · ·. ~ ~ f - Bill H "\)kln• r•-.rtnr hat 1, e. of C:O.tA M-and M UI:• ikndlln, I'•· 08.rden Oro1te, wer9 a~M!d by lhe clown• at UI• O.t..a Mf' .. Optlml.lt ctn:ua Sunday afternoon that the mlatu n1 of en.Ira a nd boya would be picked up bJ one hand aad e.rllotd around Ult! aral&. But JUllt u U"9 )'GUlll· 1ten1 were r atltnl' womf!d. Ultt tun man cal~ lbol whola thtnc orr. ~ tlJ"Ctw ••• bek:I oa U!e Count)' r.J~ _...,,......., and CbotlOJ' v--.-...... ., (UI wtll be at qualtertiodr wttlt J1oM1 ,.._. (U) at bait and Art ~ (86) •t bill. Boll lfmlder. lllot wUl start •t left lialf ....... ot Dole Martin (UH who la out ..tth a -la)llry.-.9taff Pboto • ' ·~ .. • " ' .. .<·~ '1.!t.0-1 ' , ' • v '\ ,.. ' • • LOCAL NEWS • ' :ii·- ' ·'·/,.. " ' ""'j d iN . PICTURE·S ' " • ' ' " ANGLERS .CLAIM THEIR A WARDS ,4, •• Curt Dosh (leftl, pNoilont of the Balboa A"'1hls Club, .-II bot at -ill Golden Jubilee Alm.iyeru.ry Fi.lhin& Tournament u t:n>Phl• u. ~..Sun­ day by J . B. McNally, h...i of the flahlnr commlttn 'of. the ~....., ot °'!"" mer«. Winnen are Harold S. Graham <center, lett}1 ot 3'8 Os.le St... O:iita M""f: far latpal marlin, -igbing llJ2 pow>da. and Mn. W. K. Cllrtltoplle>', 31 1 AIV&rado Place. member or Lady Anglen, who rot 1.upst croaker, a~- pou~der. -Staff Photo , . if'!' ! AfiiCAN ·.VJ:RSION ·of 'ROCK . 'N ·,ROU Gi1"' -· ara,,,. 0.0. Collep ooclal --· and aolMp p&<t;J, stop to take pietUJ"tS of • natiYe .dance MU Jobanndbufs, 8o'1.tll ~ Brown ii now condvctfn1 a ~ of Tuemday ·~ted lecbttel dla Abie& Jn Ibo Oranp Cooat Collep .~A.II. Pldlldtt•Tra..i..Dopt. 1'l\OtO ; . ,- ' t 1> . ' . . ' • ~ I- ·~ .. • ' PICTURE Sandra Maclntyre, who lo o.l>o Xiao Newport Beach, can't decide which aervln.1 to try u abll attHd• Golden Annherary ll'loh Ji'ry -rod by Newport Harbor y...,... Orp~ Inc. Proceect. from the fitb fry JO to wteram wel· fan. Pictured from left an Newell LUcu of the DIGGING INTO WATER LINE DITCH nit. bM.la J,e.k and .tto.•I. Til.11 Ultl• m1chl~ .. dl1C1n1 a dU.dl for N-port Beach'• n-w•ter pipe ILrni up l:ut 17th tit. 41!P\ t..t ~' lWO (Mt wide and •bout llOO fftl a CS.7. Wt1Uam O.mottet, contr.ctor. hopn to h•v• th• pipe laid and the street .ttr.J1htened out q•!n lnalrl• O: to d•y .. -Staff Photo ; MAKING UP. MINO _ Dlabled ~ V-: .& W. ,lllllMple ot Amvet.1: lf'n.n.t Moore, Vet.er.u Or Foreip Wara; and Vlhce Cqsumano, American Lfsion, who .......i u cbolrmu of. th• .Flab Rry, that wu held Jut Ba-T-""" ilDd&J'• --Lee • Payne Photo • " • "' ' Biil MOl?klna I W""11J h•t I. II of Cm" M-•nd Mikt Bandlln. 8\1 , O&rdtt Orove, were •~"1<1 by lhf clownR ai U>• o:-t.a W'• OpUmlat Clrc1a Suaday att11rnoon that the mlal11re of cl\a.lr1 •nd boy• would bt picked 11p by on• hind •lld carr\«I •round UI' att.na. But jmt u Ow ~I· 1tenJ W!l'e ipltbl.I worned. l~ fun m•n eallold I.he whOlt thin( otr. The c1nmi -.. Mid -the count,. r.tl'l'J'O'IU)IU. -8tatr Pboto Jmift Oin:IN1111rE Ollii•OION -N-ond a..r1eJ V.,_NL Oml I~) 1riB be at qu.-'Witlt ~ ,,,_ (Ul at bolt and Art Blrtdlu· ~30) at f1ll1. Bob Hendef'. obot ...W Olt&rt at ldt bolt In ploco ~ Dalo Martin (Ull who lo out wltb a·~ ID)llry.-St&ff Photo . '.port Baillor Hlch ~ POil BarM may ICart the w -.. milt .,.-McmtebeUo l'rl-' day n1Pt. that he atartecl at &;weelllkw. TM UM, left to rich~ eOb v~ Ron Tho,.., Guy Deem. Bob Alleu, Jim Bento, ~·Da>oboat, • \..". 'i•. : 4;TH1: .. ~11icus· F~sCi"tlATEo ·' n.fw' Bo 1lu.y ...... they -tdllns the Oj>tlmlit a..;,. peif«i' in ·'"llii °'*6ty l'alr G-CClot& ~ Sunday a,_;-totil-tollO~the ........_. Left to rtgb~ they .,. Biiiy Rook, W,, ·ud hJo ....r. "-UJ', 2Y,, <if O..t& M-and Dul"'1o 814ao, 3, S.nt& Ana.--SW! Photo LOCAL NEWS' iN -PICTtJRE·S . ~ .. ~· .J ' I ' ' ......... t . ~J~l-i r ~· • • ' t.. ·~ ) ~ ~-t ' ' .. ~ . I ,, ANGLERS CLAIM • WARDS .-<•· Curt Doob (ldt), p-'dent of the Balboa Aog!Uis Club; !lot of ~ In Golden Jubilee Annlyerury Fitlbin& Tournament u tropb.ie1 ~ ........ -BUii· day by J . B. Mc:N'ally. head of the fisbhi1 committee o.f the ~ber of c.c.a.- merce. Wlnners are Harold S. Graham (oooter, left), of Me Ogle ~ Oa1&a. M"'"' fur larp.t. .marlln, weighing 202 pounda; and Mn. W. K. Cb.rfltoplfer, 311 'Alvan.do Place, member of Lady Anglen, who got lars'eat croaker,• three-. ' ' poui:ider. -Staff Photo ~ i" · ' f• ~ -. . ... . ~AN VftlSION . OF ROCK . 'N 'ROU Gilee -, an.,. Coo.tt Collep oodal -... beod, and coUep ~. stop to take pictures of a native .dance near JobannO.bt.trc,. South Abia&. Brown ~ now conductin1 a ier-.e. ot. Tutmlay ~ kctmee on Africa jn tho <hnp eo...t CoUep a~ PulllcityATraw!Depl. P1ooto • • " ' " ~ • ~ • ,.. ~ • • . • :J: . - h• ··-~ .... .... \ ; ; . . • . i . I . ,. Maritime Education May Be Power Bpat Solution --~-~- ... requirement for operating a motorized 8E'&gl>lnl vcuel AFFAIRS OF STATE • 87 llENBl' C. llacAB.TBUB ,/~ink if through 87 EDWARD F. BU1TON Ult etherl" I -...lid a "packapd" Pf"· •.Q:. '.-._ • bia wit• to a.co.pt the ~ en any one ot tM ~ oceulonl -btrUlday, Clu'Wtm .. or ILNlh-t,.ry. Hu reJll7 '.Wu: "Wtut abiut ~ INnent.t" Tben J llMw .. Ntil """ r'llld- ~·NO COMMENT FARMER McCAB 4 • ,.. • t .. • • , • • WRITES • • The S-Cual la. a llaZlt .s.t bledlelae to the rr. Wortd -80 Nebn ol ladia Md !Wi man Priday oiler tllle ,.... W.W ~-et ·· ~ ··~··bl;ft lM7 an.alt ... u ..... •1A:1o PIM-.'· • • lfetJdakl-dlat tr U1i ..... Wont ' ~ ~ ~ Jrcnt'• cal14j. ... -ctp.. ~ .il!11 ~-would datn 800D a.I oqt ·t!a&t Na.er ii· ~ far too · upmm" ~P Child to Mei> on the pa)TOIL ' J'annu McCabe 1&11 ~ ,_ •• , l ~·I ;a I -0 z 0 r" ~ >·&; . a C-1 • • .;(.. ~· . . t!~ 7 ~ ,~ c:gs: -' . • c3 ~ . g .. , CLG\ . :i: ~ I t o" ~z· ... -, •. !;. •. '. -. . 4A s :-~ , r .::t!.t> -tV' . . ~l~ .. -_c·• II!!>~ ~-J :-~. ~' +';f -• • -~ ~ -. •• .. . . • .........-·-;,......,.,... t · .• ---•. I f ~ _..• ... · """'--· · l• "-' ' ,,.--· r •- 6 b .. j. -~ \ . .. Annexes Can Be f ·~~ i1 bity . =· - DEUYIRY GUAIANTllD De11VG7 of the Nnpcrt ffarba&' Nm-Prem li IW&D.~ Caaie:r. w1ll dlll.U tM1r' 119pen ~ 6:ffl!. on ild&y, WedAe8d1y aiMI J'riday. It 1oar paper Ja not dellftl'ed by ·that hour pi.... .. c&u Barbar 1118 ad ;roar canier wDl briDi you 'paper. . 8Sc10 SAVE UP TO 7041. . . '8tf• WOtJLO TH• lad.7 •tto .&led WOMAN AGID it, ~O -perm----------_;.;.~ m1U1D anent position lnt.rnattonally WAREHOUSE ": ~:-6' ,.Ji!. t~-cJ known company tn beauty bua- c i a .• s ·l f i e cl Jewelry, u.,_dn.llM. 11\oe8, ~· 1and-1s, Jluswac•, nift, etc. \Vff0Lfl:8.U..S W ARl!:HO\:JSE, a.u -3rd, \i 'blk • .outh ot L&- fUJU Beach City Hall. ---------------------STO"'A~E · ••• Ll MtN. •e&o'10 IMM to work In Corona del • • "-Q' Mar. Good tl~re and ple&111nt NEWPORT BARBOR NEWS:.PBEEIS. ft. Bar aJAI -Lt l-8t91 LOW? -~ Parak .. t, name penonallty. P'o• appointment . , p.\pllc XUte.. Very tame. Reward. Ph.. &mt Interview, cs.II KI S-7010. Ivery Moecl9y. w • ..s~., ... ~ ----.-A-.-.-0----a.. UU-MK. 125 Ill~ :.,~ ________ McTO HARROLD IMPORTER COASTAL SBOPPEB ~ Wedneeclaya VENETIAN BLIND ,. " Sebeola, 1a1tnettoa . 0 1!!"r1t. "°:ic!:~n:1v!h:'!~~ LAUNDRY .-4 .;i;. ,, c:Jio~ Har. S8t or Har .41~8 Open to public Moa. llU\I 8at. l to ~ pm. BLUELl.NE HARBOR BLUEPRINT 2819 Newport Blvd. · BUILT-IN OVEN TAPPAN delua• lllO'W oven. clock eontroDed, c:tu"Ome lllMCl, OliMW ..;,. Adi ,_ ........ , IQ w ......... TB11 :aw ~· FOC*I .-lt.EAL Jl;STAT& SCHOOL --------s&c_T_o m e tho•. fteuaaable prlcu. on.. Al 'l')19r R.U ~le lchOol 80.Jal l'R&ll SOME FEii SI .. own. door, etc. ~*' trom contractor wtUI al!pt damagt (nry .UStrt> -Will dilloount , to IHt. Tax oboly, ~ Cuh only. JA.kla'S A.PPL?• ANCES, 'lt1T Halt>or, Coat& Meaa. Uo'TO ' u.. 1 ....... fl.00 add'L l1w .m .. 6 Ua• I lalluttoM ~ add1. U.. .!3 -. ' ..... 3 IMertiom 1.00 e4d'l. u.e. '.!6 .. 4 fa. ' laleliiou iM .sd1.. ..... .26 .. ......... "·-t414 ... wtll reoeh'e 11" &_ .. t. Oull la~ eal..1 llUIUIVll ~ l8 6 UNU DSADLIMU tor placSq or ........,,., 1M1i1 .,.: . Vor llCIDday PubUcaUUD -~ I p.m. rar w~1 PubUcaUou-~ 1 p.aL 'or "*1 PubUcatJoa -~ l p..m. A.YenCI I tape r..tdtnd&J a. now at 1311 a, MaJn Bt., Nl!l'W Lllltinp d&iJ)', office, do- bllnd. 8aAta AM. IC.. l·Ttll. Starf..o m•Uo and elherw Only $1.00 iq th• ell'btll rev or .-ALSO MANY JOBS FOR J.tEN Bltnda re~red and rebuilt. OllldUlly prep&rial' peopl• to J U N II FA R R A R. Emply rr .. P!clc up and tleJJn.ry .l)M9 Ul• lt..i.te ll:xaJU. IWIP'A Al't:Y· t02'-t Und St., Npt .. Worlt dooe b7 appointment Beach &croM from City Hall Phone Liberty 1-6701 Learn Modern Pie no SAi J'.8J,,DY . or 11\&n lo !!ell OJ' JOmber'ty 1....at. pptlc Lealll to qbt-nad, 1mpl"ovt., tOYI and JUI.a. No d•I .. C'Oll . H. H. HOLBROOK Dependable Plumbing A Prompt Rep&lr km~t~•d Phone: Harbor 4.1?• play by ear. Younssten to or door to door. N.ed car. Jo'\111 olct.u1'9 -will tndl J'W u or ,P&rt Umt. JCI 3-6895. 6S.-i3 muc!I or u little u you 'lri.ah. -~ - PhoM EXPERIENCED WOMAN for RUTH PRALEN draJi.r)' wotk.lhop Top wa~"I Hnrbor 4.331 WATCH & CLOCK repairing .AUTO.llATIC wilHEJ\ GlJf-RANTttJ!:O. I U ... Whlrlpool .. ut7 FRU :KsTIM "TES mG • t.a. MOD~ like 6.W, NEWPOR1 Jb:WEL~RS I traded In oil oew W&lheNl'Jtlr'. 1110 N-port Rt•L Yuri of trouble tr'M .. mce tn COila Me.a LI S-4:Ut lb.la on• at low ,low oost.--QI, Or blly lt on monUlly payment.I I of Jtml Ja.T5 elW .m&ll down N ICWl'OICT R.&.&llOa PUaLISlllNO 00. n11 ...._ 91•tt. 1'1_,.,. ....._ ouu.nia. llOl Balboa Blvd.., Newport Sch. p,\p U 1-"70 1 ·to rood worker Apply In p•r· DRAPERIES Mcell eon 3•22 p;_ Cout Hl .... ll)'. and SLIP COVERS -----------C D.M. 6~ _ _ __ _ __ M11de to Unler ORGAN, PIANO WOMAN Break!ut Cook end E•lunalN -&mplu I p&y"m.enL JES.SEE'S 1013 S. Mf'IN • Kl 1-83'1 HARBOR BLUEPRINT 2819 N,,,-port BlYd. Hartiar -6131 And Voice Leuo11.9 wom11.n dinntr , c«>k Lido LUCILLE DRAPt;k.11!;8 Pa.rk Cafe &l the Cool ot ~1'1l 1 liirb .. r 6'664 or beU3 St !':ewport Bearh. lnt1 at Terina tr deatretl. 6~>1 tr f:ANGE -0'1'eefe 6 Merritt &OcT2 ofrlre nf Udt\ 'T'T'allrr Puk nr I --I aulomatlc timer clock. V&n- phone Har. 27~1 belore 8 pm I Nl.1:.AJ!.L \' NEW Underwood llhln~ •helf, chrome top, 6•k118 port.able t)'J>llwnter and Srnllh· rrtddle, 3 way broiler, eu:. FOR RENT In ;your borne by col.leice lal~ lnalruclrH1. U I-OU 7 B:veninaa. I aANT A. 4.NA ~·7 Jl30 W OOABT WGHWAY 1..Ibert;J W.-N~ 8cb.. Utto ---------t 'utt11111 tl&nc.Urd \y~wrlter A Alm~ new $199. kve UOO REAL !:STATE 8AI.P:~MAN WAN'J'EU 2 rood trurnpeu. 717 Ju-CaU owner Ha 13H·W D7tto ~UEPRINTS H!JtB~ BLUEPRINT "'2819 N~rt Blvd. fh{bor t.131 SEWING MACHINE RENTAL.! ANO R.EPA.IR.8 FROM P.&O FUN AJ:D F A.BRICS 1779-4 Newport Bl~ Coat& :W- U 1-MOl .. NOW L"'{ YOUR CITY A ·l l'lhlne l'lta.nd A.T HAROLD'S LIDO BA..llBJIR SHOP an N. N.wport Blvd. Croearoa.th VUlap MOVING? (no job too 1mall l Move Now, Pay lAler doWn payment" Qllc e7e89 "no 59 23 Hr. tor I men A nn up 1 t.o IO mllM, \\'}{ T PAY .MOR&? Lowut P .U.C. ratu on Sta.ta or NaUon-W\de moY- lnC. ~eota for S.Curlty Van Un• Our alor!ll• rat.el are law'eal. Nr'VMAN TRANS- FER • 8'TORAOJ: -l tee Har- bor Blvd., Coat& Mua. Day LI 11-nr• Ntf'lt LI a-ttn 6-nerat Contr•ctor LICSMUD . N.W Worir -Reodltlbr ,.., J. llIIJl'ON McK'l:NZIE ll&lt>or C..W Mtfo PAINTING INTJ:IUOft -J:XTl:RJOR AU0 JU.lUMJI p .ilNTINO LICllNn:D -INBt1Rl:D Glenn J9hnston GOl-11-t St. l'fnrport 84Mll Bu~ llff Utto OOMPLllTJI PAJNTING It Papa B.angtnt a.me. SUG&Na O. UUND-.a &00 11.tt 8tntt. Nnrport 8ea4* ~ltTI Paintins • Decoratinc ca.a tor tr-. •UDl&tca tNTm.IOJl • DTl:RlORa ICaJ>Cieeed OD)ar expert. Cill:Do plete ......uq ..... I.. & ""!C!!NID! Jl,R. -u .. -. caa 111ar. '1 CARPENTRY MINOR REP AIR WO.IU{ NO JOB TOO aMA.1.L R. 0. ADdereon "FlX-IT" Mecbanle&J and Bllectr1c.al Maintuan~ 8tn1ce •LL woltK au A.1U.N'tE.ED. Hart>or NM or 64113 lOlt &. Balboa Blvd~ Salb<* 66tft mlM A •·e., COM Har. 2706-J 118c89 u1rtllrnl Location ror 1ri1nf'· - ------- on• who will work. Pi:RSIAN RUGa &X.PJ:R'M.Y 8" R c. Crttr RllPAlRJ!:.D at very low rai.. Bay • Buch RJty, l11c. E1Uma~ f1"9e. 22 -u11r rup H~ W. Balboa Blvr1 at traC'Uon or or1$al vlllue. FRIGIDAIRll) T c:u. tt. a.tri&'· erator. Rt&l nice -ha.a erou top rr~er. Only ia&. ltnna. JA.KJC•I APPLIANCES, 1'37 H.arbor, CO.ta t.t..._ l&c'TO ..,-. Rubur l'60 , ~tf ----------- HOUlllWOl\JC -Da1 or week. - -P&lnting &a Paperba.ostna AJ.eo ~••ht bab a1w °" :1 \I l f (' I JW. tn. WI e to l1f1 u9d.aJ 1iSee aviulable '57 2-DR. SERVEL Automatic Ice Meker ...... y na. n GIRLS We do the work ou.nelvee. b'Vl8pori&Uon. u l-.Wi7. PlJSHMAN'&, :n~a I:. Coaat H...-y., Coro-~I Xar. Ha.r.1242. 88c7S $37•.95-. • 10 ,...,... ...-i-· 66p6li Uoeued • \aWJ'od.. latUf&e:t!Oll l"J&l'Ut.letl.. J:at1111atea rr... c.lJ Jotuull' u 8-2687 " LJ 8-528i J:.XPl:lUENCED 11\()?fER would 11.ke half ~·· lrontnr on P"T1· da)'I. ICnJoy ch.ldren'1 clothee Kl 8~ e8c&8 lltfo ----------- ROOFS Nl!;W It REPAIR GUAR.AN"rKICO-Fre. nUmalea Reaaonable PrkPe Fully ln.aUl'9d NATIONAL ROOF CO. LI 8-~788 Ll 8-663& ~7c70 --------- LAWNMOWERS 8AW:S !JERVICE SHA RPl:NlNG Al.L MAK.ES Compl~t• ll:nf1n• !'Wrvl<e COAST MO\\'ER Wt th KING 'O LAWN Power L&"' n i:.qwpm.nt Tenn1 It Tradu 1780 Newport Bh•ij, t;t:,.t& MHa lllnfc Roy's Maintenance Complete Profeuional Housedeaning F1oor wa.xlng and buffing Window Cleaninc Upho~ Cleaninc P~ Color waxed Lust.rota Rewlta REASONABLE Phone liberty 8-1332 tte SEAMSTRESS OUMM.A.KINO a.nd ALT'ERATIONS Houra 9 am. to II p m, 17!'>6 Monro'Yta. Ooata MeH Libforty 1-9"°6 CHILD CARE TAKE ADVANTAGE l)f our trtmmdoUI a1owth I Property Owner Attn. and numf'rou• p9'lmotJona, lS YOUR WATER B..&NI'l:ft YJ:S, IT'S TJWCI ll'• t.bll _.. ' ·~1. 2 door model wtt.b aui.- maUa lc»-rnaker, aut.orn&Uo def n111t. lhal vee on door, lt.c. only J'ESRrS bl1 YOllllM bu~ mu. t.hll prtce ,_. •i~ Bu7 lh1ll brand o.w, "'- Coloramtc l)Mul7 to.r 01l17 • ruu pa.y .. you learn • JJ•requent Iner .... • Advancel?l4llt aclually encourasrd Op4tnln~a ror - TELEPHONE OPERATORS, -Appty ..- l:IO l• •:10 12~ WNt Thl!J Se.At& Ana out ot tta ,.aarantee period! la lMn &117 4illnJ'ltY ot It flood· tnr y1tbr ho1r1e• IT'S TIME TO CALL An e •pert aoo11t lhe condJUon ot your water hMtcr. $4 7i w .. kl,y -No dMm Pl'J• ment. JESSEE'S 1011 S. Wain KJ 1-1141 I CAt.l. your authorlz~1 DAY A knta •A.D& NfGIIT Jf'lr.lau W11tu Healer With Trade Dt&ler. Joe Bechtold.-Har. :>330 KELVINATOR For P'ree ln1peetlon I $I 00 OFF! • 1 BlG 11 cu. rr. u.nuaKR ... PAC!i'IC TELEPHONE H0\'8S: TO BJC J.fOVED -ror ATOR -New lt5f ~ Wlt.b aa.11. 6 rooma. tarre th1n&' nn .a u~. tr.mer, IMH~ BABY SrTTER tor &llernoona ILnd kitchen. '2•500· 8" hO\.l.M llbelYU tn door. butt. 'eoodl· In C.D M. 2 or a hra at yo1Jr at 243'1 C'IMUlt Hl~hw&y, Corona tJ<'lnU ch... eompartment. convenience. Call Har lOl·W d•I Mar. Har. 370-J. 87~8 doubk ct18pen ,ate. "4cWu &lttr II JO. ~as • ---'31t.9:S, I only to JO at Ptt.t&. JlF.P'RIGt!:RATOR $2~. TYPE-$10 dow1\. UOIO ht•ath. WP.ITER sz~. ran Ha.r •SM-R JAKE'• APPLIAN,...... ltlT 87~9 ....._ WATCH REPAIR Harbor, Costa MMa.. lloTO ifOTPvINT RJ:J"IUO. 113'.tl --- -A NEW Service Added. W&r«hou.e oloee-out. a cu. ft.. HOU8EKRPER, cook, chOd We wtll call at )'1>ur home Br&11d new 1n ortJln&l ea.rtone. HOUSJtVnF"ll with e~retarlal lralntn~ to teach l) pln~ • ahorthand 2 or ll hr11., t '"'1<"' a w~k In mnmlnca c·a11 Kl f)-3339 ~II ca.-., no hea.vy cleanln1t Pr1-for 6RElr Mtima.tee and Jl'O' on ttTmA tcl2' dawn fT.tT EXPERT REMODELING e Ad4ttlona • ltepalrt nte room and bath. Ref. r• wtll pick up and deJJftr. pw mo.. ' MomlnJ or evenlnp b7 ?9llable quired. Hu. "60· e8c&8 HARBOR U03 "' JESSEE'S e C&blnirt.1 e Lo\IYTe Wbldowa e Door• e GenerllJ carpenttr work • REASOfll.ABI.,E ' Ucen8'd Har. 6Dll-W "'°man, who lov• ~cl,__ Ex-----IDCPl:JU)CNCJCt> 8ervlce Station <*lent r.terwno. HAT. IC*-J, ati.n .. ·-t. Jl'llll Um•. U 8·2060 tfcloh ...... or U a-2112. 117~ PAINTING AlJtX 8Il.MA.N -----------By Hour. ama..u ~ larla jot. ok. ~nablehlt• UbertJ 1-JTD IRONING In my home n hour, Al.o bookkeeplnl' I U!O hour Har. llU-JK. 88c70 WRECKING · MOVIE STAR HOUSE 724 Via Lido Nord Lido Isle SALVAGE The Jew•I Box 1011 8. lUJN ICI 1-"'8 JUll 1t. Oout. Corona de.I Ma.r 8.A.NTA AlU. pAp Sewing Machin• Bargama o~ • aA'l"l'LmR .-.... '40, .. cu.a ........ ~ .w 11ar. Bar. 1111.w. "• DOUllLID .... -.cN ..,,_, dock a.trot. ..... ~-· &or, $10. OU lt.cmt SlL llalW w;a. ~ Good UNd. in.acbin• an mak-. ~. Wbit., N-Home F.-w~ •om• neulJ n-at ~rd .ot _PRJLOO ___ ftl:l'IU __ c ___ ,_TOIL_.;.;._~-'• prk•. 'n'9 'plaoe &o ~ • IUM 12~ ft.f ~· ..... D-or UMd ~ willl .Au~ ~ II a., canttdence. 11 7-..rt SD Santa -tot> i..... aD i t ti .. Ana.. tnt.11'« ......... la~ ... , Wheeler A.PP'LlA.NCl!8 Kl 7-U01 $10 E. 61.b St: lant& Ana dlMM ... r.uu. ............ , clown to Utua. crr.. • t11111 over the ...,...._ .. SU.Tl ,. mocdJl. "•-* ....... JCr J)ql&lty ~ ... ~......., ..,..,.....OaaW•'lhrAt•h JESSEE'S io11 a. •A.Df KJ ..a. SANTA A.NA K8NllfOKa f\aDJ ..._,tsl ....... _..,... ..iuae ....,..__ ............. ,_,u.. · ._..__, _ _.,&llL ..... =~noN. J.t.Jl8'8 • A.Pl"LlAM~ 1m .~. : ea.ta *-.. ...,. .. AH'l'lm TO 9t1Y-a.te IDMll ' -... .,.... ... Nfl1asat.n. '\, l.u<S'I ~ 1m ....... Ha ..... o.na II.-. u ...... . • : ... TO l'IN8 t\&nillldap. ~ roam. =~ ..... ~l&naeet. : ....... ""1&w&t«. 8CllD• ua. : \l.IU&l ~u-. V.,-, ~ : IJll .. 110 ~ tAc\PI& Sch. • HY•U '-T91 , CT~ Sl" T.V., Bidli&Md, ' eept.abl'1 : dl&ln ..,_. otlMr tbtp. 114 : Via om.to an. 4 ,.a. ...,.. • l\OOMa -.illhl ,..,, ..... ..,, rumttu,.. wt~ •~ ,... lrtf., Wtdpwood r••• wtlh -.: f11illdlt. • ,w. ~l Iron • : ~ ~tte 9"t, I pe. ..,...., niam :. : : roup; t ...,.., Wra. .. 1.a : All (fir .... 9aal.I .,... ,.,. ,, ment. 106 .....w. i. pay. Jll18, IOO W. Omtw, AA&.belm Da:OILl.TOM CIUPPllND.u.& ao•-'. a\Mlllll.I ~ •100. : .. ~ .,,.. ........ aa J:lectr1e := ~ tit. all • ....U.t oen--.euoa. au. n11. aq l:ft--.. ea.,. ltd.. C.d.ic. tloTO • H IH, ROUND OA1t ea&nc .. • talltile ... ' IMtwd. C-.taiu a.in PO. 1• WhitUer, U t-411' Np'TO TWJl'4 OliklNaJ a...... c.M.lN, •• ...,, ~ .,, .. t&W.. ...... a... lulp. Al1 I.a pod -..,Udon air. '619. 17clt 90 POPPY, ODINM d4ll Mar. :-1x1J titue nu nas. t tt. .n. :': •t.&l n&Mer, old 1'9C1r•, m.u111e -~ ~ *-.... aino,, M\- --Ul(ue ... .,...... and ntrt1. ·--:: llile -· Wt. ... tUle, MU. : : : a._,. and lllilc. atru. 17 e n rr. CHJUs CR.Arr EX· l'lltla9 .lkl. 11..,. s. a.dio. N11 9'\llpped PtOO. <>wnu. Harbor UM. '6t1c 11 .-<>OT LA UNCH llLumnN Power.cS wttll Cbry1- a. Act. V.,y cl-.n. tlOOO. u.i-. 1U4 or -at au •· 84'7 ....... ~ Mell mama BO.AT 8'TOIUO• IOet foot J\08D1' 'VAUGRA.N 6 CO. U~ at. Har llM Mt.tc lt rr. TmAJt YA.CRT tender. A.tktn&' ""· CoNtckr part trade. Aleo 113t Ford PhHton. NW pe.lat, top, Uphoi.tery, chrome ,1te. Pufectly r.- 1to...S. ..... fl&r. 17&8-R l'Vl- lllnp. M<4ll arr. OUTBOARD. De 1 II• d itu-d. lltMrinl ~ u b p. motor Ult• ""'· ,..,,.,..., fut, Sood tor itldtnl. Complete f2T6 kve ,100. BUY NOW. H4 lllT .J. tedl Boats DRY STORAGE lt" n:I..J:'rOH& OoftJlole TV Jt«ondtUonH Ht.to R.&UANCll I HOME APPLIANC8 21~ No. MaiA a.A. KI ll-7100 lO S-18&1 ... 10 Knowlton ~ TV REPAIR A IUCMTil.11 ~ IU:ftVlCll, R&AIONAal.a lkn\c. e&lll W1 • J.m. u 1-6206 TV Antenn•s $7.95 JMITALL&D A.Alena.u U t6 and up ACME T. V. 636 Sl•t 8L B& 0304 21 ' UUMOHT 'londe t&b~ m04Stl TV. Rt<'OfldJUoned Ml ll&LJ ANC'll HOME APPl..lANCE: l102 No. M.,i.n 8 .A . Kl 1-7100 Xl ~l~ tlc70 RADIO .4n7 t&bl1 modef \9l)elred $2.50 lllclu4-pan. and labor 36 yrw 1Cxpu1nic• ACME TV & RADlO '53 . '55 Pl YMOUTH 2-Clr. St•. Wag. • • I '50 BUICK SPECIAL Sedaac:tte, RadJo u4 11-aer. Dyna.flow '55 OLDSMOBILE 88 Holiday Radio ud Heater, HydramaUc '54 BUICK SUPER 4-000R Radio and H~r. Dyna.flow . ' '53 STUDEBAKER Champion Rep! DeLuxe Coupe, OHrdriVt '795. 545. 2495. 1895. 995. MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FR0M EASY GMAC TERMS STANSBURY su·tcK YOUR BUICK DEALER 23~ Eut 11th sl.r.et, eo.ta W.. -LI 8-77~ esc&9 '50 Chevrolet Pick tJ p. GOid CondltioD $4?5 . '54 Ford 8 C'Uatom R&n<h Waron Fordomellc. Radio, Heater WSW. BeauWul condJUon Johnson & Son's SAFE BUYS BEST BUYS AUTHORIZED STUDJCBA.DR SERVlcE Prlc:el !Uiht Work Ouan.nt..a JOE NICKERTZ YOUR 8TUDllBAKER DEA.1.l:R 3131 Newport Blv4. liar. 110 t6c71 AUTOMATlQ TJ\AN8MlUfONI BTL>LUlATlC -·DYNA.FLOW POWQ.OU:O.. ooKPl.rr11 OVICIWAUL $ t 1°9.50 tDdudee au pana • 1a11or AU.. WOIUC OUARANT&ai:D TERMS ARRANGED LOAN CAltS Ma AUTOMUTl'Va IDV1C9 lJlll•NllLION aT. AT ACACIA ON ~A. 1llLAHD ID Ult ff/I' ~ UICI .-.unal ... ~ NELDA GIBSON, ~or 30I M.artne A •e. llarbor 002 a.u.BOA 18&.Al'fD IRVINE TERRACE Im.art. MW moden v.nflU'1dlbed borna. lbdrtn, J bat.M. 1&nlJ w1Ul idlcllnc ,,._ wall to ... elud9d paUe. MAIMS bar-type II.I~ W!Jt.U ..,.. It ranc-. H~d parquet nooft. $~ p.r mo, 1 yt -... B.u.1:8 OrrtCIC oppoctll IRVINll C 0 A 8 T C.'OU'NTRY CLtJB. I C4>ut Hwy 101, Newport Barboc. Call Hu.'"' P!lNINSUl..A • NlCE AREA Unf'li.r'll.iahtCS apt& w1UI ~· 1 B. R. -Ito • J B. ft. -JUO Ph. B&r. 1264 .. E'f• Bar. l&M u RENTAL SPECIALISTS ti CAU. l:Ul'f4 CR.UO • --------iDORIS BRAY, Realtor LZ t-1"4 42.-Trallen flf" Manne. Balboa l.ll•nd tt.r. to or M . , Swimmin9 P,ool N.B:W 1 .+.ND 2 aa>aoo• unt~ Wall to w&U ca,,,.t. ~· 41.tJIC*). SST.• and up. 1'11' Ma~ IA.n.-. a.at.a A.al. Kl......... u.t• lfEW UNJ'VlQUllD:!) ~ apta. Quiet. ttna Ho 1..,. work. Watar lw1t. Ul .... t.t1'ie St., COit& Kea. i*allln evly • .,ensq. al m &. 2UUa It. . :~ CORONA. Da. JUJ\ -I ~. tun.. apt. Wlllt.s « reaii1 l...._ UUUU• p&td.. C&ll INtore 10 Lm. .,. ltt. • p.a. Bar. M4L Uttc, 1 BDRM. tum. apt. Q&rbeJ• dl•poeal. tile blt.b. nq cl .. o. 602 Jumtne, Oo"-a del M•f· Key at llOO J.-llle. 11<:10 Y q,r1y r;;taJ · uatwL 1 · Wroo1~ apt. ava.ttaW. Oct. TUI 8U'1· .,., .... door to .. ~. • ••• b&&• dlllp, '70 2e30 Avafl L1 t-1721 • Mefb $1695 Lambretta S-4 MERCURY S 1895 * 0 , l\lunt. coupe, pow•r atl'f!r1n11 p RT ORANGE * SEVERAL l'URNISH&D 1 bdnn. !•URN. APT8. • Oeor'I fNtJl kit. :I bednna. llO mo. l btdnn. M6 mo, bachelor .. 6 montn. VuUU• p&id. UO IOU. *"" Ne11. port a.ch. Oll1o.rd 11..U. SkTU :.I >1tor Sooot.s. 100 )fllu .,..,. plloD $295 ··ss vw b1aku, W.~maUc, R It H TRAILER SAl.j:S h--. or apl,.a. on yrty. rent------------- All white. black .tr while Vin)! ale. From '60. WINTIJR. Cl-fW"a. 1 Md11a. trtm. e1-n. and Suppliea apL MO. s bldrm. a,1t. $'-i. 2200 W Co t Hi LOVELY uppc-r 2 Mrm. Cunllah· t:UI pald Auto. •Uber U08 55 CHEV V-8 $2395 · U way td apt. on yrly, ™ mo..• W. Ocu.o l'mL 0--tr. Phon• Bel Air, • ...,;_ v•a~vo, 1 .. w rr1l•· I Newport Beach U 8-·U20 VERY NICI: 2 bdrm. bou.e and Jla.r, llU-W. Mc1u ,,ir, rc.w•r&lhlt, rai.140, hutirr, Ref. &pet-1al 1 and I bdrm. apt.a. on wt11t•~ I Y&\JU.Y LJCASEI at 223 Mann; f;uuant~. ~ 60' I br, ran Am. '8111!> l~O~ RUii hne urellent cbolc:e. 607 A B.iboa lala.nd 2 1 j M 11' Ttrry •. J ,ttec 11\fl~ It. B&Jt>pa Blvd. Har a~ apv~ and 1 dbl. apt.·run:~~1: 60c PICR FOOT. Cnnt A waya rratl&ble. Dally • ...... iiencsa tell W, Ooul Bl&h-y LI t-1\41. lttfc •2:1 -Slit St. Ku. ~ Hardtop, bladl. r.<t lnlertor Ilk• n-. A val.llble for dell•1ry. 51 CAD Cpe. $I '49.5 ~ 11· KH t\\'ln bldl aOOG 1111~ .... pt1 • ~:'> JI' Travel Trlr It~ r.t 119:1 pd.. rmt I~ t. I~ per 1n«1lh H)"<2ramall<', ra<110 •r I ll uler, 6• 36. Traveleu awa.. :UD:I 28116 $70 l'Nl"URN. 2 Mnn. duplu, AY&U. now. 0.11 ape~ Prmckr· FOR SALE S.UUtul • awr tdlieocler. 10 uywheN. DtoaL tar cb&rttr U l .NO. C..S4-1' lra4• Ult W . BaJ-.0. Bhd. Ne'IFpOrt u.....aon u WANT ~ TO 40' Oommtttla.I bOet to operat.. lbare buia Willi opUon tO purcbU4. R.- llabl1. Jt.feren.cM. Ft.ply to Bot y.50 N-1-Preaa '8p70 NEW l:L.llC. ORGAN '3119.1 COTTON GOFF 1ood rub~r an-t new flnlah. I ,.. u· Bolf'l-Aero -· :ut:I 31196 yard. CU'llle. CloM to ICbnola, ,...i Kar. 1311 or 8tanl1y at SS FORD Vic . $2095 :,3 W P•n Arn. J br. :Mr.I 32»0 .at<1ru Chlhtreil o. K. IM II:. Har. J7ie. Mttc Cut-down pi&no9 $~!1. Low pr1cld \'1lld A pracun planoe R«tt ,to buy, from $6. Story A Clark 8p0leta, afty flnlah ,._ WurUtsu Orsan, '4 t!I a Wffk, ln~uc* 1_,... &lid d.tllvery. l\aUerton Mumc, 1.Amb.rt 6--0261, Ila.Ill• Alla Mualc, KlmMrty 1-1m. Mcftt ORGAN SPECIAL! The VOUCSWAGEN Dir. Ntwpart Blvd. at 22n.d1St. N-porl Belch. IUtbor u~ Mc6B :12 l6' Shut.& -·-·I ff6 1711:1 l&UI Pt • Coal& Mte. Ll 9--4561' B., .. ,..A 1., .. "'D W~ 000 I a1 l lo J ~ _., -lDl.w 4 or J:ln nu N , or nrn•· ~1 IO' Kil cuatom 1916 l~~ 67~t r.rt&I. 2 .,..,,._, furn. •nL u.11 lie, WSW, hMt..r, •t.c. Uke Ul'F.N t •· m .. e p m evtry c1&y ~-----• _.. ._ nrw PAN AMERICAN o:-· TRI: WATER 1l.l'ITL& mo.Ulq. Llpt.e and wat.w Jlo#. -Mt.BOA ISL.ANO) tum. llt P-.rl. Har. 018. ~ 1 56 JAGUAR SAYE Pa.N.rnoual·ltrnaklll 1-?wtt 1trHmlined 2 i.dnn. CSia· GMC TRIPLE-CHECK ED ' <.:onwrllbl• c;pt~ Jutr m11 .. &1e. t TnlYPle.v--Terry J"llf'>. Hf'at -.r.b rm. prk,.• MC HO. <'Omp .. uon r1111n ... j Bolu·APro dl.tp. toad be.r, bnet lr.iidln•. w1r• whffia, overdr1ve, almoet M 118 Bendtx 6 Pr&e• Sto JnO UIJ June Har 101W. 61c'70 USED TRUCKS "-· WE CAN ----OCF.AN FRONT, ~w 2 bdrm. U6 MO?l."THLT, • ream.a GOD> pl1tel1 tam. Uvin& A IMSnn., dlnett.. kJtebaa. 0.,.... YILD- tar buia. P.:J..-ll'Onle or1an. UM new. 8avf 5-4 p k d -4 d $1695 S3" HICAVT DUTY f'PORT· J.WO. Connnl~l tetnu al 'tt CHEVl\OLET '°' T J'lCKUP I ac ar r. 1 rIBKJ:lt ny1nr br1d(•. pl!Ql, IHAnR"B iRtnce l""7 l ·~l <:MC ~ T PA:-.'l'!L UllF"•maUc, pow•r llarilcH an•l l SELL YOUR TRAILER . tov.tr du~x. tum.. Wlnt#r rPnl•l 1'1r"'JI~. -11 a...1"" iarbAg• dlt~al. auto wubtt 6 drver • aaraa•. Har. 388<>-R TBAR.LT 1 ...... com,.Jetely tum. 2 bd'l'-~Nl&Jn apt. Cu- • .,. and hndh: laundtf. Bal· boa BJvd. ' ne11 1tJtool and churc:Me. l.tO • JDGD.... ... - O~ Btttll't, Calhometcr. Ch.ryswr Crown 01·423 N. !!lyramor., Santa Ana ':-.3 DODGE \" T. PICKTJP P<l""er ilMrtllc. R•dll, &11<1 1000 ftl.11• ,.dlu• ..,:.oo. Trade ' .~T ._1,..,lJ h•ater, Local &11d a cl•a.n rar _. KI 2-()eil •:a FOM \.; r '~"' 'P 11p Qr down pro,..rty Lbl• arw. 8'<:10 P.O. Box 27~ CDM. Ucio nnn,;e Coun~7·• Orpa Hqtrw _ :~~ g~ ~ ;:,P:P 53 MERC. Cpe. $I •951 - -"'-----.... '"""'.'""O• ...... , T. PI,.,,. UP Mtrnter~y. full lf'Athtr ,Mvln) 11 A 1' NO COST TO '-"OU -- ----------D UJ'LF..X -Fi'.irn. a!nglc. PaUo, I rr. 8AJLING PRAM, ov-. • li" MUTORnl.A hblt rn~I ~ ._ ....... "' ....,.,U~, • '•"' tnm, radio. htattr H C'>-\\" .1. , 1Mlue 1100 Hu. 3'"·' lie TV. Recondlllonld $69.t' ..... GMC "" T. D A&A> u NI w h th I t can (Pl YDU (Dp d<:>llar1. 1ara1t. Wat«r p&1c1. Y•ut¥ ~o mo 3nf P:. 21.t~ eo.ta M-. L1 8-S7N w....a ft4a. 12 rt. all w .. ded lrt .. I Dutbroar<1 J'lol&tlon tank 136. u 9-7el'7 ' fl.le plano, In perfect rondtuon Ttnn• SU down. '111.U prr month at aHA,fSlt'I (slnc-e 19071 W-4.U N. lye&111or., B&nt.a An1 Kl 1~71 (Qear -.in - . HJ o..tn) laaiau.d complete to your 11\ $9.95 PUC .•• CHEVROLET 1 T. PICKUP ma e. • r• • &YI • fft· w. need COn.sl(NTlant. due lo Rll:UANCJ: '42 00001: J T. TlUC'l'OR. l YIC• re<'<>rd h~avy lllee. w1M1: APPWA:-lc ic 2 ~rn:o 52 OLDS 88 $995 HAneoR I--2102 :-:o. J11&1J1 ." A 1 M CHEVl\OLET 2 T, COE. 171 • I'\ Kl 3·7100 Kl :-111~ In WU. 2 l'peed. 1 !I\ ,,,_ 6upirr • J : ,,..... whit• f1nuh '4S-A-Apta. for lkaS ~· 41c70 'M OOOCTll: 21, T OUMl', ! Hydramalk, R • H, l,harp. TRAILER SUPPLY I <:OITA MUA -------2 .-~. 9 00 TI~• I A 100.t bU}' 8M thl• 1f<1IA)"· 2187 Harbor Blvd., C.O.t.a Meaa 1 ThrM room fumlllbed ap&rtment. Custom Hi-Fi MU&JC IYITICM! ,.nr \lie bffl buv• In 1.>Nd lruclt ... ,,.. lhf' la.rc•t volume truck df't.l•r In Oranra County W.W. WOODS GMC DEALER Planned to :rour lnd!Yldu11 ll•to· In& AqUltf'n>ent. for h0m1 A bum .... KLU\ 6 COMPARE aulhlnUe 8\~lt I:. •U. At .. hat.& Ana btfb fld1Jlt7 at our complete I Truclt Hdqt.n. tor Oraiw-Co "Studio ot UYins &ound." • HARBOR HI.fl :f~;.:::-.f~u7J:; BteertD.r It Brall-. D)'la&tlow. WI M.wpwt ~ Har.= :".!.~I ~7 WUI:: = Htle 5~ Lincoln Cpe. $2 395 LI 8-Ull ReuonaW... Call Hratt •-oir.r. 1·apr1 FUii r<>""er a.II lll!IU\f'r ?'.lP _ _ _ ---~ lntfrlor Th,. rlHneat 1round Ill~ -3.-. 1-"t n..\l.(INGU Cu. CA:"/ Al. FRONT With boat dock. l0.000 a. tual mll.. ' I tom b1111t. l ~nn1 den, fiber· L&rs. 1 3 t><trm. turn. &:>'-R .. !Anni. U S-2111.1 atler l\ M auto. waaher 11po per mo Incl. lN nu: LONO Rli::-1 YOU'LL ,1an aWTilnr IUOO Ca.ah or I CJt!l\Uy ~rat-1., ran&"• and • SAVE I _.. a.nyUiae.. l~ 8uper1nr, ulll. unUI July ht, lJar. a&eT-W C, M Up70 alter ••IO p.11\. , 9'1Ue ' •-PENINIUU POllfT -I.Ma• ON Safe ~uy Cars AT Johnson & Son 41-WaaW -Jk!et ~ 1 bdna. tum:" a,c. and ·...,.. FREE!! (f!W' uy ~ an OnLnr• o.., QUICKLY AND EASILY BlMPLI CA.LL 81:1..1Dl."T RI.TY. Kl · 7-3506 Rentals Wented •I•· JllOD II:. B&ltx. SJ ... Ka1" U1J4. ~c IUt~)li) NEW 1 bdnn. Wltltm. dupl•. rental. Wal N.-port LI 8·0479. ' BAl..BOA BAY PftOPCR~1· 11S06 It. Balboa mft. Har. 1111 41 .. CLEAN FURN. APTS. UTILITIES INCLUDED STUDIO A.PTS. '10 AND '11 a v.·•k. aao J ID4ma. 1pt. N-.r rvtrytb.J.n&, Gll'dm Court. t20 F.ut B&lbtML. Har. OQI. &kTI 1 J:a~~e~thArt!~ nmHI DD.UXJ: APT8. AIM *Mlora. UUI Ulcl. ~ allllt Wllltll' 6 ,_,.., r.n'611 ~-+ pnftrrtd lenl\UM. l2JO '!9114 • D&l1IOa BtY4..' ft~ JIMd' Har. IOU ...,. CORONA Di:L MAR ~· JtD"l'.A.1.& -..... ...... • bNutttuJty ._ '?W apt.rtm.aita, at ~JI c:.m.Uon. NMr bei9cti.. C&Jl ~. Har. Jnl w lilr9. Wottt, Hu. .... llU• BALbOA UL.um -J.ttn. ·u,,. 1 bldrm. tura. ~ apt.• IA lftlJa ...,,,., 41»- t.t1ct. ~ 1>1odl: ta J'fo. 8a)'. TJ"ly. f75 IM. WJnt. 9&S. Leue ea.17. Bar. OTti.-W • ... Adnr\11ln1 II NJJW81 NEWI LAft.01: un.turn. ~· I 4 ". *1ul h•1•ve bwl bu19! Vor WnJ. apt.. 111 mo. Yant • Sood Nll:Wi •.• Buy a.nd •11 Pft&•. 416,. Qay. T8t.i ...... ( In oor C-ltl..S ,_,_ LI ~. t1e11 .. _,/' • • -· ::a..:.• .. iJ• ---~--· -· ---· . -fl a -!!:!:--~ ~::-;::.::€~!-.:.,,,.,..,J .. =;:!::.,, Rl~!fi~..;a ..... -...... -OllW.-.;......... ''· ........... ..: • ~ 1 7 'I' .... , b 'f· ... ... .... A I t .... ---.... --.... .. A UDO lbvll..T l'lli*•u ,., .• ...; ,._._.."""""-• --• ..,. ___ '1"•-Jli~--.....,. ' ....._,TR 'h.hll4 .. ,-..... -& ·y:::.:.::t ·--~ •1'-'•~ • ljj&-... 'lo•a-.... -·-:I -__,., """' ..... , ,_,,. . ' .~ ................... .., ....................... ._ ...... ~ ....... ,_..,.,.!'•••n lln1CllllBor.-. iNuo "'" -·"*!r{f: ·------__ .,._,..._ ·---... -· ' r.t: J\111 .... ~,.. """'"" ___ 1'; __ ,,. ... ___ '1•nn ·-··-• !I:!: ""...... • .. .,. ...... • •• ,, • •. .. -... lM .... 1 ..,. ....... . • .. .. ltd,., ......... • ' ' ' " 1 ... I 'w1...... ..... W ,.; 3:'1&~ -----.... dJIMl .. *"'*a.lT =· t.qlp *9 •-w· .... .-...., , "°· ~· ,_ ... -.... -. ... •ftd APrs; . •' .... - -I --••=-.· -b• • -Of ""1 ..... llliii'.-T-a.tOI I ' 411DMDlf~'f • ._ ... ,s ...... WIQ, ' -·· 1 I ~ • • °"'¥*'Ol(llATa = =-::,..•·~':: Ideal lcic .. ~n For -"'..!;!.O~,!!.~ ... "'.:\~~==· ~~"!:~.~~ ~:;;::_:,~.,"'~'a • ...___ ... 1L -'" -a. -,_ a+n.,_ .I.ND ..,._ -.... •-. t.-v WUO -Ll ,,_.. ·"""' '° "'4 a ---lPW~ ..AILN ___ .,.M!\. . • __, -_ .. .._ ... ::..___ -·--...... -........... ' .. ~ ' ------... , .,.,... -. .. • ..... .".'htft'•• ICAlm(ma8 Xll.9 ...u.'l'T -.na.-. o-.,,r • • 7 ._. hP9 WP! ll18N••... . ;.. . ,•M,l\r,Dlllilw•.. 111_ .. ..., _ _.. .,......,._...,... 1 ---00 ""' Excellent .lnv•rillt•nt ,_.,. ••-·-Bay & Jetdt '~-b Inc;.. lte..,_. • llema. ler•loi a. . .t.m OIJT BBOP ~ ~ ~ ox~ 'MJ.JCD • ..._-._.w.il•• nm W Bllbaa ~ ~ ~.UH • • •·1· I Pool ... xm te ••es , •-. i.,... ~~-', _ .... w,.'""!:! IROt1t.I:> .., .;. °" ~ • ....... ., n. ..,... ...,. . . ·, .. , •• -••• '" AOC 0 • UT .... .......... ·--~ -,__ IKAllT ...-. tdJlll; w a.t.. 0-. .. ~ -W m .,.. ...,... ~ , , d J'or•Jll' 1 t..a~ _, .... .,..flbaT·IMdrlll J'adl. ad TtlpM .. .U. ...... JOOtb-.Ulill.....,.__. ' '• On Oce•n Blv • a.-·-·,,.,., a.r. -• -. _.....,, --• -• ...., -..,. ..,. ..... -... -BALBO·A-."0"'"-EL V."'.t:t ne~ · ~ ~ Ud _,. r.,. p1m i lll -..,... LI '""'8. fd,!IQO ud ' 1 Wtm. apt...,_ Mll'1 Udo lld&. ' .y· V ~U~ .. .-...... ...,. ........... Phone Herbor 101-4 ---...:.. '"";. ""'--.,;.._.;...~-• ..,;,:,., " ' Jamaica Im Otcc1 11"'1' ~ ....... WI u.n ~.-:a to bl-Duncan Hardesty , u ...... _.._. ·~w wtulw tor ~ tiooo ,.. 1-...a. rue• -· ....,_ \J;O · -, ----. _. '° tt. "-----•-N-.~. •-.· ~ ,. ,._,. .. ,.. ...:.. -• --....,... -.· GEL CO llll4LTOR ~ --._, ~-. tm-. .taa4 ~ ~ • D0L. amt'l'AL J&ltor7. :a.t-"'At tM Brldp to UdD We'" ,11,000. w. z. ••ae1:a a. •••·o=•-.,........_ wm. .. V-4T ,. Balboa l1l•nd Office tri bmrJ' • w.1 ott...s ~at -.. a.. JIU'. •ru . ' ----.. ... Ff,,, -.... -IOHo..tlhr)'.0..... .... Jlu " ...... Mo: (l(• Dour to hll Clakie) 1-----------1 --... --w -...,._ ..... Marinera l1le Rlty. • ·· .,.... II '!•!!Z .. t.a ..,_, Bar. IUIJ, 11.U'. :tm-ll 111 .,.._ • ..., BiUlloa faand I.,_~. -iiiiJ' Aw 3 S I J'Oft ftmfl' .:r r..aaa -~ tm. ~~-.u;.::o::,:r: ·~.::=ht a 2nd T. D. Loen1 Corona del Mar ...... K «......, ....... mt PHOQHA•• 1016 ~al Onac9 ~ lltlow ~ c.. ._,. .... ..._ ..._ liar. = VOOJ:L 00. Trwt ~ ftouPt 6 ~ :.-1:=. ~,.:.-= .Wi&m&DM'l'AL.l•IWna. BA.LllOA.I!LANDOJTICE R I ... ~ -Ooma ft9w, Jru LulltJ ._ -m .,,.._ -u•• ,_ to -omooi oy• mortgege Co. .,. -1 .,.. ..,. - ....._ ..-.. MHT an. .,_.':... ~~-ua." Harbor 6123 :, ':: :-~ ::--~ f ,.-, ... · 1181 N_,..._ Bl"-. Kprt. lldL 1" ..tebld ~ tn •AUIGl.m..uml...._ftda. lfSW I am-. ,,__ ......_ C..O.ll.. SJ.1.600, wtth X1nt. = :...,.-: ~..; ~-~ ::! .::;, -LOANS for Homes -. ..-.,. ,_IOI>.,_ -.,. -.,. ....... RAY REALTY CO. --"'w. ..... "'-... ..,.. w..<M> .,... ....... Construction Loans · ...... o... -~ln:t ..,.._ tldJO ~ -~ I bedra. ~ ... Mar -Bar. 1111 bom• patkl, ---~-.. 808 UTl'Ulllll {Aer-fl-. 1-ak bt. CDM J COit.OMA.. Dm. KAJ' -1'.ulJ tw ... ._. BLANam QA TU. tlJJ aAft 00.\ft llLVD. X..... ot oMumplt LUt1fll" ............ B&rborlfn 0.-.. ..,. ....... ... ~ Forced to Leave Southern Calif. BE9T BUYll TOP, V .u..tJll ROIDI 01\ 0-1 JJOWOI!• I ID! ' _... I lldli. ..... a and .....,. oatte•n•• Talue al Ill,._ -Jlflf *"'"" ail mo. :iant I Wrta... ....... aftL! ~ ..... ~ ..,. ... tu.t60. .'*'" ,..., -"l ... c..a IOt. ~ ... ~ o.it.r. Ooulid lMdlll 10 ~ mdtll °" llUlbMM flO,T!IO. I bedrm. It -. ,,.., fin .. el-.n u a pta. ·~ mm -A na1 st.-! . Frank Jame$, Rltr. 111 Z. l fUI et.. ea.ta Jilela LI 6o1M5 (JU9t .. of '"1l1tty On.Ip) Call .... u &-HIT s bedim. -1~ :r:. _...,..,.,,... - trait heme. ~ to 111111etat. UM • ...-. eettac, ....... ' ,? .... .,,. °""' ._... Priea """°°' --' HARBOR 4971 VOGEL CO. UDO OFFICE 8'18 Via Udo Move in Now! •Nnu•l-.U. ~ I -U.. oN. -.... fa llutMr ~ ~ "' H-s-& 8rMcb. AD Ge ll&rd WOl'lt bu ..... ..... far .1"D'I- ~ ......... . RX. ER. UPfit:R ~ -.:-::.:.::.~-: "! .. *.r_ ,.,... t'lill9 ..._ •••••r en w• -IA-.. 'M ' I .................... 1...-.-..-. ... ,_u ----AP> 1 lledluoa IQl. '90 tid. ..al. • . tlcTI ... PODUa MC>ftTOA.08 OU. -----·------W..C ..U ...,.._ I IMdroom 1 '•> 111 Qt "° lad. u.W. OCSA.N vmw 1 ...... ~ M.v. ute i... r.a:s. 1C1 Wl• CASH OUT a1N17 ~ i..ra-..,_. -----------! can Jiu. t11 tlcTO pat.to, .acan. 1ia. ---. ,.... ~ ""-l!Ot. ~ lllilC'&1li .,... ~ -...,. .. ....,. ........ ..... ai ...... ......,, CLIFF DRIVE hnoe& Loftb ...,._ Ud ...,. --mru. ~ .... room .,.... to P.aU. Wltll -a.ooo llricQ. 'nDli .._. baa bardwvod Goon &ad 7wced air MaUJw Md " tu.,. Muter Mdlw wtUi pmai. bl.lb. Owllft' tre• hied to 8urtiaek Qpa'\ ..u . . ,_ -mow bl .... P4o,6DO. _. ....... ,. .... OwlMI'-.... . ... ~-Pdeeil ,. .. . ....... -.. .. 0.0.. --.n ....... _ ,..._ JmDIK)()M. I Illa t It. Baiil. ar um .... oil. Ko LO.&.NI 1'0 atJD.D, DIPIW~S. Corner lot. c.a "-arTUIS'ed.. I .. ,,.,.. funsMbed. 1100 me. 'P· """""" • .__ Wa!ktq .._..... t1t an --. can tor .,,,,.. ..... ITOt. ..... -...... -.... """~ BUT. """...,,_ Oft ,_,. Back ~y R I h VIEW HOME --Cl( LI HIH ..... Wo "::""..!!:~ Mutt a. Sold a, p ~!:;i:skey -ll.6.ftllt'.)ftm NSWPURT UL8UA UVZN'QJI ' Thia w •• 1c: WDf'l'l:ll r.tal. hn I 1"dnll., 6 LOA.Pl .lMUCU.TION j ••11 N'ewpart lll'f'd. Bar. '°' ----------1 I i.o.,. J'.&. bat. ~ IMf VY Udo Pb. Jiu. UOO .1 ocmAl" ftltOltT ' ._,. 1-.d ,.uo.I J..ot. -_ tie A nUabh; l -.i., l ....,., _.,_,,, Lcoe-iOt. IUI month. ~~1,. :=.., == ~ w • ..., r.. u Mt~ l1tend 2ndT.D. Lo1n1 wttll priftt. batlL. UM Wtllt ====-"7-,~~-~ l l'ruat Beed9 Bo\J.sbt A &Jd °'*"" n-c.t. K-.-t ~ LlDO I8l.9 -Lo..q I bdna. A St-bour pbon4' ~ RU'tlor liaT. 11th &18 ~ ._utlt\&Jb' tumJllb9c&. .i• '116 • ._tL H•rbor I 549 A,.,,.....O'ft'f'&T flu • t ' t t.dna. llpL Patl9 Md ll9Q. Utmtiel ,_14, ITI ..,.. Ult ran ·~ ...,.. lllut4. ,.,.... ... ,. IUl-ll. McTO li&'WJllQtt .. y ~ PUJUf. APT. I IOI.. • a.t.'1'11 -MO. trTIL. PA.JD. Jm4A ITOftD • EL 11111'. Of#.N. Upl9 &SVEN l8LAJfD8 RL\LTT • INVJCOTlqNT co. IOI -U!M1. At.. 1'(9WJ>Ort a-ell PboM,_S&r. NA. A.tte I p.ai. a.r. 1161"1'. l'Tclll rmlH. S llDRM. HOUBJll on BALBOA 18L.UfD. A~ta. u....a. .rca -------~ 8•'a:>A. WWWIJL.\ ~ ••·-I -· BAYSHORES nRllT TRUST DUD MOllo'ET an.lh.bhl on Bay Shon 1-.-. bolt! ..i.t. •%. Call John AboO. HARBOR INVES'l'MENT CO. H.a.r. 1600, ev• l.J. I-AM -.... mi.,e.a11 ... ,..-- ..... tthl)rttemoefll:IOJllM, CILUUGN'O tnmt ._.. ba ----------- Ull ... ~ .... tkTO ...... Pr'llf• m.an.. 0... .• ..a. •• • 6 ... _ LI a-tM4 e'l't'Ot PIUV.A.Tll ft.OOM aQd baUl wtth pn.u. ~-"° -ur.. u e.«lN atWr " p.ni.. Mdf LOANS ON HOMES 6% -6~<:" .... ' DON L HUDDLESTON u ...... P•P Uc Bat Offer Take. Hu. 3381 $4-450 S..Uti!ul R-< lot W x 300- 0n lltWen , rood Joe. Build 7 Unit. on thlsl ,~down ! A. C. TONY PE'l'I I"l'E Realtor Jl 2t Harbor Bl..S., U ~ Opp. llt&hr'• Mltt. Ll g..~17 BACK BAY SITE l.£rf• OOnMT lot-110 -.: 10 n. M<Mlt O...r.hi. l'eCtioe ot h&cll: S..y ant. . """ ML 19t2 Wm. W. Sanford I< ASSOCIATES :-------- $ $ $ $ Se.llln.c at knv, low ~ ot J3&IO u acre. Witll. tanna ., "" !!I:!. w.u kM:.at.ed •o ~ tract. W•W. -... CUI anaa: trito city. a.t IUMI ..iv. ln 0-.W ..cUQn ot ~County. "You wtll pay eapli..l ,..tr. tu on thi. .. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 18l!T N.wport BIM.. (lm\e "-- U 1-IUJ ~ Lf a..1•00 Newport Heights -433 Tustin Ave . Under $20,000 t.IDo ... '-9. lmf'llrD. • Mia. I" ...._ A ..a.liM <>et. 1llL TIMl'tJ', PIO ...U.. -----------Ba.Jbc. lalr.nd Har. ~·t.I HeN t. an adoT-abl• raneb l)·pie ll ~nn.. batb and oa•hall hom• )'OU O&Jl ti. pJ"OUd lo own II WI on • wond•rful ~ ~ tl lot with pa.UO and f.nc:ln.c. V1u~ant Vld Nady tor lmm.U· •l• oocup.ncy. •DMU ~WOLL J Wrm.. ,.,. ..... --Mid .,. .a. ..... -ft( 1111 -~ IPld. .ma-. T....C,.. TD YOCJm. 00. U4IO otno. 1611 .... Ulla, ..... oWr1 °'**'"' zm.. KAil ftllOf, snJDJ0" OO'ITA09 ..... ~-t1tllt:IM .... ..... ....... ..,. • Gr~und Floor • Ol'FICEB OR STORES For Leu. lo - Ba.rbor lD~t Co. Bld(. 30th .. Newport Blvd. Bar. 1800 lbll. H.t tit t1l'fh"'M OD. ... *'ltJ' ....,.. 9'ltta.bM ,_ lmlt. • &'ft -.op or ...._ .me.. Bar, ll01...T ... Bu . .m• ., ... M MO. I JIK llOWa. .... ----------~ ~.: :.. .. ~ M • I -On=!:A'!-! a .,.., ...... MD.a ... 11t ,.._ -JEWELRY STO)tE IALIOA ISLAND $4,0dO pl111 111¥entory ~.,... ..... 1.-bll -.. -f/f. ~ CltJ ......................... ..... ... a • u.:nn •..,.. ... .. a 1 1s ,.,, .... f!I. ,_.. *'· ... .,._. ,.. ... put .,...,, .... ,,. Attn. lnve1ton nm tnwt dMdil oa Harbor ~ propert.J• • .,.uatti• at 8 10 s~ lnt..L 2nd trollt deedll •l &... counUI up to '°"'· S.U i... back ln"'9tm.r1U paytnr 10.,. ML S..: Kortpp 1-.J'I Dotpt., 'Iba Vo.,.. Co. Main Otnoa, UOl W. Clout HSwy., Newport 8-elL U t--kll. MUe MONEY NEEDED FOR lST .. 2ND ramrr oEll:Ds B/ B OCEAN VIEW LOT, ~100. uUl In. <:!Ub A t-ch pr1YLl•S:• 12!!00 -11000 Oown -100 per ~. :J an" 4 Mdrm, home• In HAR· BOft HlOHL.ANt>8 l.l9D avail· ab'• 117.IM to J21.M>O. , badrm. hom•. rood 10.:•t1on Duncan Hardesty 17800, low dov.-n. RCAL TOR "Al the Br1dp to Udo taleH 3 ~·)lam• IHOO $12.MI dn Le.l•y•tl• at 32.nd 8t., Har. ~ill B~Ell.11 BLOG., Ntwporil-------·---- 8-olt... Oii I loi.. 118,ri<JO - ~ dowfi. 1bt11rm • equips m•t tnel~ad. lbc~ tor MMM. lot or boet f JOHN VOGEL. Rltr. KT N. N'.wport Blvd. CPI:* Jloadll VW.,... oppo•U• Hoq Hospital. U 8-1817, .,.. .. Lt a..1no or u a..1t11T l"Oll UL& OI\ TR.AO& .. , o.D- • fw ptopw1ty bi tbi9 aNa. n .,. nn. bonl9 I.JI r.ar, bun .. -bklc· on front ot Jot. $13 ,000 Only $2500 dn. Lp. family Hvtnc. ' bdnna .• 1 ~, ti.th• dbl plua pr. 6: ahop OT rumpus rm.., On FJ011ttT St., Thia i. • "must eee" Eltclualve with ' A.. C. TONY PETITI'IC Ret.ltot-. n n Barbar Bml., u l-4022 Opp. Mahr'• )(kL t..I 1-5411 &llt.abn.Md a~ ~ ---------- -la Yucca v...,.. f ll ,000 Tttma. Har. Sl t t..J lllc:TO Vancouver Island BAT.BOA OOYIJB ---was .... e:n. .... tT ,.. ' "*--I 1leUI .... ta o.tA THE VOGEL CO. x..oa....,..,......_ C..O..llly I ,.... old ranch type bolM. tun llbUe root ud aDf"' _. kit. .a. f'llD __. nnr t.- Ullm 20 taut ~ roonr. wtUI ()pa ._.. --.. Md n-.i hMrUI, flr.plam. ""'11J dlAlaC" r-. BuUt bl ovu Md .-p U01 W. Cout m,lrway kllehMl. I ~ly bed:I OOIU -d-Uberty l ·Ull .:... u a.n11 a Hobby ,_. WUb flreplaee, -- -talirclat I tldra. I ktla ......,..,.....,..._ ... fta ..... Dult4 tne .own ~"'"'"""a& ........ OO&t ............. ~ ..-inm.-at ,..r ,... *'-· ,... Id dltdll,. ..... ... .. tor Hardwood a.oN ~L BA YSBORES Thi• ta p"'*1 for • QU1CK --•l oal7 121.000. Good .. ~. THE VOGEL CO. 121>1 W, c.mt. mp..y t..n,.rty l,Ull .,.,._ LEH t-"714l I "bdnn .. J W.Ut,, IJ't. bY. room. w.w c:arpmt. BUT 8UY llf B4 T&BORU -·--Pl.MO .. bdrww.. ....,..,_. ioYW)' paUo --· ._ ........ 500 ' bdnna., fafrillJ' bome PLUS dim. _ ......... -Sn.- --BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES tlOI w ............. .... --------~-2 bdrm.., PLUI ..... . 1-------··-VACATION HIDEAWAY Two bil!droOl:n ~ I ~ bloelu to ~ Neu-.U... ~200 1..0WJ:ST P RICED In ~ty Um!t& Good nnl&J. OCEAN FRONT T'wo 2-bedroom wui..... turnlahed Good l.TM:Ofl\e. Only 12'3.600 Good nn&nd.J\i. N.8.C . Roolty 3:lricl .t: N_.,ort Blvd. H.•r I 403, 01' &1)38' Balboa Income A mt111t attrad.lv• dupioP ln r"clca Blvd ... ...._ 8-uL turn. All tile kkeh A Mt.ha. 2 A I 8. R unll• MUI pr&(tt. so,,.,. ocean vi-Room on front ot lot for another i.-e. im!t. 121.~. ll'COU>• IJ.400 annua.lly. Own« -tU con.i<S.r 11n1all cabin ctYiNr ,.,. part.J..mJ J"lT!ll•nL lhown by appt. M11a-Harbor Rooltv 5(11 Omtn •t. Ll ...611 Co«• W... Ev• Har. &ZM-W Rael Values BACK B.A. T IN'OOM'm. wan Jo. eatod Mo acre wtUa -a bdrm. boftMI u d -l bdrm. t.orn.. Hdwf!. tloon. tile kltet.n. Tbi.11 lll • ...a hU)' a t only f l4,600. ,._ I UNIT INCOICC. eut •d.t, ~ bl-N_,,,. -· Lot .... 108 by l M 9'0.000. 'IWnML w ..... ha ... IOftll .-.ll kloa.tad ..... unit, noaJ\t -Pl.MIO OPEN R OUUI WEIB:smfOll U4' &. l2lldl .... BA.CIC BAT I bdmla.. w.i:t,' room, clreul&r d11Ye, J ~ 100G fw -· BEST BACK BAT BLOO. LOT1I CORONA DEL KAR :I lldrm . llom• • l'V· apt.. ODmpl«aty ~ ... t .... Wldlleapad ....... Claire Van Hom ftLU.TOR 2"711 w. CCIUt u...,. t..I I-UTT call ..,. ... LI J...UOI HA MlJ-J' lnverfment Ac,.•9• fiAii&a .&."Y:& ' .a.cama .. ._. fll . °'9llllllo w.1,....-... ••t•l ... ____ ... MQlm TtfftlN .&.'t'& JO Aot\19 "Wltllr ..... • •n- Clldm JUll -a. fll orup. Gllty ...... Wltb ~ --. OIU.JfGll P AIU[ .A.CaM I ~°' AamB Jl'll. '"" •Wcadit .,,..,., ..... b 7 ,.... t. --... ~-'° ..... -··•l•k --~ ....,. ••••l•t• .......... ., ............ ". --· -----------IKANT O'ft!a .... • •• '*"" South of the Highwey in €orone del Mer MIN&I' .. ,.rn-• Omlip OeimrtJ' .. ...,. ... Moc ... -Two cut. Utt.le ~ i-&ad D A Je--L.. Rltr .) ·--.., .. . ..,., "· . t•o Wt'CllD9 •c -p-alWI 'l90CLA.Tlll a. attnu:tl'"17 f"llrnimb9d. wtUI ....... 1M1 .....U to ..n CIU"1l"lll ~ LZ 14711 1D loGIT LI ~f pcne tnt.rion. ud JINU1 paUa.. (UIM i--4 a .,_1----------- Un:imbl. "It J"l'\I _. • Ea1f Cotte' M ... =-..::::.. '::' .l'"C.:. IAR&AIN" M U., OPSK 8ATVtlD4T 6 BUND.A.Y l tq I . ~ ~·,_._ ... .,..,....~ ~~ ...... . o-.r~ .......... Mar1ner1 lala RJtv. t---. ....,.,o 1 ,.. ttrw Ill Xu1ne ......... Balbea" 1.iand ,..... .......... ..... Harbor •111 • ,_ ............ .. J TmA.R OLD BOU ... I 1ldra.., l \i batM. ,.... 14 IO:dh. Mo.UF ......... ,.,. I -.. from ~ ..... c •• , .. ~ 11000 wtD ....... MJ.aOA-DILAND, "ftal ...,... lot aod ~ .... .. ..... Har. teiJI,. ... ..... ,-,flll ... .... ...,, ..... ~ .... -.& !;lultt. • a-. .....,. ..... ~ r-. ... )saait ..... . __ ....... _ ...... . Tit Wt ,... ' ....... ,,... ___ , .... ...,,_ ..a aow ......,. ... .-11111u ' ' h .. • ~ • CORONA OEL MAR •?9 MORNING CANYON :aOAD. Coroaa ~·. lud.i. De!uu d"pld Wttb VIEW. New1 amart, ctiatb:tettf'I modetn with unURal cha.rm. 2 bed· roama ~ thermo kitchen. &O ft. lot. $M;tl00. UDO ISLE V try Qiarmlpl Ruch type, 2 bdrm .. a.ad WW, ?l -~ home ID lowly oomlition. W•W_arpet.1, cu.hwubar, 4lllpoM1. You will !Dre lt. )1Jrtar '35,000. We baw the key. · , COSTA MESA Bl&ap.. r_rope.rti ceDtu of town, 1801 New- • ~ Bl'fld. Vuant comer lot, pl"-2 bedr~ frame h~ 1dw location for any· buaineu. . '3&.000 NEw • Q)l(R1tacu1. BLDG. Weat of Colta Mfll& Cit'1. 10,000 aq. ft.' '88.000. Already leued for $MO. mo. !TORI: BLDG. 25 z 18 tor leue. 1777 Ne~ . 1 · · 'BIYd. 1..<?111 terma $2W mo. MYftTlE DA VY, Re,ltor & Auoc. Held Bt.uiri' l Bob Smith Hu.el Condon ~ ~ VJ& 0port.o Harbor Mte : ........ ~.· M ... 8'1197 .. · Ll 8-1709 Ha.r. 1017-J ; KILLION1 Real Estate "Friendly, intelligent service" We KNOW the area.! Lido Corona Hilands -' Nicest Yet! Lovely 'V'iew! Top nlJtll Dupl•, 2 bdrm , l a.ta Mcll. One atory. Laoat room, J'.P., lAundrv rooru, walJ-to-wlUI carpet In ownv'a, olher rentf'd !or $13&5 mo. Our u clua1ve at JOAOO. I BdrmL, 1 ~ Bat.ha. Wall· to-'lll'aD earpet, Drape11. DWI· • W'Uher, D1lpomL lm.macu· l&t.e. near n-. '34.000. . I . I .. .. . .. · ~ew One Story Bayfront! ~ ot the Jov.U•t hnmN 1n UI• area. I BdrmL. J'vllUy Room. 3-., b&tb.a, oomplet~ly ~ with cuatom !urnllu~ and appltancH 8ecluded PaUo B&y alM1 Oc4&n Panorama We know you w\U want IL ZX.~7 oun for you. P0.000. Willard l. Killion, Realtor Lefty Murdock, Auociete IM1 N9WJ0rt Blvd.. Nev.-port a..cb H&l'bor M06 OpJM*t.e Ui. City Hall · . ! S ·A C R·I F I C E ! Your cha.nee to take advanu,e of a real op- portuaityl Four apacloua bclnu-.:3 bath., uni- 41M ~t.r-k!tcllen. beamed ~iUnp, fire-·pl&ee: ~ patrQ, fenced, dotJh1i PJ"a&'e. Car- _pet.ed throupout .pm. draperiea. Superb Bay- a2l.,. JocatloD. '5 foot lot. juat stei-trom prl• .,..;~ ~-~ Ute?a.Uy thoaaanda under OWffn ~ CQ9t! DoD't delay, call D0)9! Mr. 8tepb=· Hu. "'8 nea. Hu. S238 EARL -W~ STANLEY, Realtor •• t• lrvlM Ternoe Ottiee Oppode 1rvm. CoUt Country Club • t • • .. RETIRE'WITH INCOME· -' . , 1-~Ill MMtltul ~ clel Kai'. S ..._. alti; 2 ..... ~ run., 2 ~ ~ to . ~ 1~ bib. from octan. '32.7:50 . ,. , ' .. -. :;.' ·. \ .. ST~NLEY A SMITH, Reaft~r .. •• . ,,..7 E. a.. ff1"·· Corona del Mu Har. 882 ''C". THOMAS t • ~ _.,, ~TOR - ud .ABSoci:A~ Ut W. <»Mt H~ U e.e6JT Nnrport llekb 'C' THOMAS 'C' THOJhs SPARKLING -FISHER- VALUES <1·> =•2 ==u! BLANCHE A GATES, Realtor bom• tor y..,._roun4 llv-MEMBER Of KULTIPLE LJS~G tnc. 1 a.,.,. bdrm. • b&Lb 311 Marine Ave., ~ Ialand Ph. Har. 1611 o:t. 1672 ~ tb• 1*8• with c..Artd ,.do, J-.J tor -----, --,--...------------- ~ b.ld9J' mtn>.bfr ot "' ' ~:.~u:!~ 0:7 '~ Work & Uve in N.ewport Harbor (2.) BA.LBOA P&NINSULA. 2 bdrm.a. turu. Only I y_,.. old. Ntc. t1npl&ce, Wt.c:Aen bu, .w\n)' p&tlo. Only - 111.•00. Where Nature Smile1 ond Industry Pro1p•u (S.) S UNIT8 BALBOA. One F ah -t-J t rtati b 1 bdrm. One 2 bdrm. One re ai.i • • • r1f! coa .power .•. t.raupo on y atudiD. N_. 90m• fixlnr land le& Ud air , happy employee. Uvtnc up, but Jood ln(!Dl'1l• pro-I ' • •' • ::'m:, 11 ~':.,to!::! minuta awi.:r ... center o! ezwidiq market.a • and bay. $16,500. t tJ . : . no reeW&J 6"1'P8· • (4 ) COSTA MESA. t bdrm., 2 blllh. Completely lnault.t· ed. "-'" Jard fenc.d. si. dbl. ~. J"ull price -- only Sl UDO wtUl '2100 C11'I HI l C'O~TA MESA BltAUTY- 3 bdrm home. only 2 yn. nld W·W c&T)lletlnJ. i...,v~ ly ten-aced back yard, oom· plelely endoeed with pink rlnder blO<'k wall. A rw buy et SI0.1'150. Good terma 16 I C<>STA MESA 3 bdrm, 2 btllh. 0.. ner arudnua. Try J I 1 100 tor thl• 1\ICI' tam· lly borne only 1 yur old. FISHER & CO. 26011 NeW1>0r1. Bhc1 :'\°f'wport 'S«o31"h Harbnr •~211 I day or ntirht I M<-fi'\ PRICE REDUCED CORONA DEa MAR 0..'11'r ~JUCl011• to ffll lhl• 1mall . . . '. See a member ot · Newport Harbor Board of Realtors f-01 N. Newport Blvd., Newport Beach OVERLOOKING BACK BAY 95 Ft. x 110 ft. ' Thl• beautLful teat.ncted lot Ju.at muced $600 !or quick B&le 29q. down ~ Full Price. HOME end NEW DUPLEX Vrry nice two bdrm. home with paUo and lath hou.ar and new duplex now rented at $130 ~r monn.. Located on 2 be&uutul adjoining lot.a with ma.ny frult treea. Cloae-in on Flower St .. Jt'lower St. OnJy $2#\,500 with $&>()() Down b11t vf'ry df'..11rabl• 2 Wdrm ~e:;.s~:n::o.c:r llO~~ht :'.:{~; PHIL SULLIVAN & GEO. EVERSON etrfft... It'• only a abort dl1-lSM Newport Blvd., Co.ta Meaa tance to th<! buch too! You Phone LI 8-6761 Eves. Har. •366 can anum• the ~ , O.I. loan _ ------------------ or refinance to IJUlt yo4 C&IJ DOW tnr llppt. to -. Duncan Hardesty RltAJ.TOR "At th• Bride• to UM I.lie"' Latayelt• al ll2nd St~ Har. 4718 Little Balboa·ltland If lt la a fl!llCICN.a, aunny, well- bullt J bedl'OMll h.om' w lth a g-ood lnc-ome epartmrnt.. 2 nr ... pl&ru, peek ~of U..,Bay (only '100 ffftl .,...,,, com· plet•ly a.od nkely fumlahed on ct.arable Ltltl~ laland, OU. la It! I A11d you'd betlf'I' lu.in·y I Only ~.~ Phone now fO'I' "" appointmcn: ~eriners Isle Rltv. Ill Marine Av• .• .S.Jboa. bland , Harbor •T81 • Bayshores • a -Choice Exclusive LLstinp 2 bedrooma. l b&t.h _,,. ____ , _____ ,.$18,700 2 bedrooma, 1\~ ~t.ha ---·--··-19,700° 2 bedrooms, 2 batha, immaculate (IOld) _ 24,:50() SHOWN BY APPOINTMEN'P ONLY ,ALSO Bt.y·rront Pier e\ Slip.. Winter Rental, Qla.lifled Cl.tent.a Only .. HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. ftarbor' 1eoo • • Ev• LI 1&86 . - .RENT 'LIDO 1 ... ' • • ' • ·~ you'O ~Udo. " Oiie to thnii! ~ apta. TM> to foul' bedrocm bomee. Waterfront or 1mide' Fumlahed' or Un.funUibec! Yearty or Winter' Jr'rom • eec:ee BALBOA PENINSULA rtTJ\NmmD su.ooo. Good .,. .,.~ COICll IN A.NI> ID Tfrm PIC'l'OU OP TOUR J'UT'UU llOMll -JI you an ~ and want to be oom- fortalllie wlUl mla1alum \tpbep. ... ha .. tM k91 to )'Our ~ 1lot1ell wtUt 2 i....,. bedroom., 1 i.uui Uld ..,..,. aloel,1 tum· ..ecs. I I Bay & leach Rlty, Inc. ltr.ALTOl\I 1'80 W, Jl&.lbo& 8aY4. Har. 16'3 Hu. ,... s~ COSTA :MESA ! Bedroom-2 Bath.a Blft ~ looat.fo&. LoYely fenced ~Uo. bv.Ut·ln ~· • oven. 41¥aoe, *' pra,. OD pand alley. IJh&We root, ou noon Pd oaJy .1 1ear old. nJlL PlUCS SlG,885 STD.GO PD KONTB . • • ,._ .I t • f I . WILSOlf • PLACl:N'l'U . , ,, Furnished Models .. · Open Daily 5 Minutes from the Ocean Neer Schoo~• I ~ork , '\ OOSTA K1BA SUNSBJNll ' BEACH BOlll'.S OJ'FER • • • . ~· . .... .. J'ront or rear UYiGC roam.a• PMDW ot d..e.. Dlnlnc IJ*l9 la t!t:ebaa· • 60 -~ .._. • ., Natural blroh ~ e CODf*l Ult .. ~ eu • KaUoork f!Qoiw • Woocl .~.a. · ciowa • e.ooo 111. tt. Jota • 1toc1i ~ ~ AJuminUJn ICNeDL Ii 1 • . ... ) . ANOTHER S. V. HtJNBAJcl:R. Ai;IOc SiiPr-· , bEVELOPMENT ' • You Will Like \ IRVINE TERRACE ... New Furni1neCI ·"Hom•• bi· Macco" OPIM EVENINGS .. • UNTIL 9•00 P .M. Interiors by M•rttn & Von Hemert Beautiful home• In the finut locatlon Pricel &om $28,000 to "1',000 Your lnapect.ton Ill ~>' tol.WtAld • '• I • ... .· .. . . EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor . . EXCLUSIVE AGJtNTs '.' • AM1n&' •11,000 1"1Cb ~down -' On Hlway 101, Newport Ba.rbor, oppoUt.e new lrv1na '13.!500 Cout Country Club. Barbor" '"8. I bedrooma. top ll:Utcde location -------------------on Coeta MN& atl'Mt nar lr· Yin• J'l..repl&ce. dble. P1'1"' w.u to wall carpet ,. 4raJ* lnclude6. 'J1IMI ._.,.,. tau dlllmL •2000 down taU. It. $1~ DOWN 3 bedroom• Lind Ill only 2 moa. Best buy l.n lM J'l'Mdom HomN Tract. Wall to wall carpet. fenced. "3.60 per mo. Snclud9 tax• and IMU.1"91\eL Thia bu an mA loan at •1>ii % lntel"99t. You JI.I.It oan't beat tJiia tor a pracUcally n-bOCIV with •ll 1.rnprovemtnta l..n ud pt.Jd. WATERFRONT DUPLEX Beat buy In yean. Only S28.&00. • ln.ap Ulil up quick U you Uk• waterfront BILL'S BEST · BUYS ( ' , Commercial Property Bargain ' REDUCED TO 8ELL -VT' x 1~· On W..t 19th Juat off Harbor Blvd., witb two neuly uw · • 2 bdrm. bomet euily COA'ferte4 to suit )'OUf bu.t- ineu need.I. THIS CAN'T LAS'1' -Call ua NOW Full Price $25,000 with ~ down. W. A. TOBJAS, Realtor AND ASSOCIA TICS ''you'll lib oUr trlendl1 Mme." Llberty 8-1139 .OO'E. 17th SL,'eo.ta K .. EVENINGS CALL LIBERTY I-«* -. "C" ED JONES, Rltr. Costa Mew -The Best Town On Ear:t~ and A.9oclatee DUPLEX -~t " deu • Roomy 1 bdfm. eM11t 1"9 Harbor BlYd., ~ M... aide. New doutQ ....,..,., pand dlfv9wa7. Liberty 1-HOt Jit.1500, with tUma, , • CENTEa 01' TOWN ..... I bdrm. ~rill ,,.,..· .... •re A ,.uo . .A.-1 1ocatJan. ~o~ tdth i.-, -liCX BAT, 90\lth of Meea Dr. Cute . 2 bednn. -b0t11-, 1•ra«•· , • t " J'ct"9d and Janct.caJ*l, Low LIDO REAL TY ASSOCIATES ~ ~4 ~kin.N:.. 'Tr 1noeUd7 Jl&Y•tnt-1 on o.t. 3'00 Via Udo tm.tn-. A~ from 'Hell· THE VQG£L COMPANY t : ... Sl 1.700. Ill uwu Placll. Harbor S023 pot. flt,000. Tenn.. Ll a-am 1700 N ft't....~ A. ~ . · ... ......_._ ~ ... · L1 • •n• •~17 --· ~ •DIYU•1 ~ )(-Lt a...._ ...,.,. ... .,. ........ ~ ~ etaTT --,....·· .___., CPVU9V '• .. : _________ _:__~ __ ....::...___.: _______ ___:_:_=-~---~--------~ , " . SH0RECUFFS J1B.8T TIME OFFERED. . · ft.lit dtltPtt\11 home, 3 bednna., 3 b&thl, fully •lo" ...,..... -1 llbllttered. Tutefully decorated • la, paper and wood, with Wied brick fireplace, l!Np &ttiacuve patio aDd extru too many to D!llDtim. The price la under replacement value at SCMl.MO CUFF HAVEN ' ~ On a !IJcely llDdlCl'ped lot iii the moat attractive ~ 3 ~ .2 bath bonw. Wood pe.nellng Uld paper ~ mab up U.. interior decor. l...&rye·prap, excel- ' lat lo(aden. Tb. payment. are lw than reoL BALBOA ISLAND ~ TbJI WOD't lut! S.utitul corner lot with cute ~ COU.,. OD rear-So you may build your m.m •: ~ Oil the froal TWO UNITS j• 3 yean old on the water· fnmt 'atiowiq over $l5000 income. Always l"lllt.d.. J'u.miahed t..utitlilly. Excellent financi· lq. W.!500. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 30e Marin• An. Harbor ~2 BALBOA LSI...AND IALBOA 2 bdrm. ocean front oot~t on R-3 lot. Thia 18 HOT! At $16,000. I ' BRING YOUR CRJ:ctmOOK FOR THlS . n.... bdrm. and den. 2 bath cottace near lhe ~ ·bey. A rood buy at $17.~. : FIRST TIME OFFERED :-: Nearly new duplex 2 bdrm. each, fireplace, ,.,.. ..,_, belt rental &rM. SD TBl8 -Ocean front duplex, 4 bdrm., 2 bath. 2 bd.nn., 1 bath, double cara&'e. Always raited. Only $27.:500. -· ONE OF 'I'HB: LAST PENINSULA VIEW LOTS aftilable, 40 x 80. Terma. COAST PROPERTIES Rt.ml JA YRED, Rea.Jtor " MDdftd RJcp and SylVia Tbompeon, A...ociatn 301 E. Balboa Blvd., B&Joo. Har. 2M8 OT 4600 .. WEEK-ENO HIDEAWAY .. •• Or yeu-round bom". Ju.st i:: block to Ocean i Btvd. 6 LttUt Corona Beech, ia th.la 2 bed.room. : 2 bath home. lt'• OOMPLETEL Y tumiahed, bu • • tlitc.. k.it.cben. The ~. UYi.og room look. into a l: lo9Vy bll yard which bu u tutomatic, clock· : controlled 8prtnkl1nc system. An ainuiq amount : l a1 .tonp 11paae will delight yau. • { Prtced RIGHT at $20,000, "1th ~ " on1,f $!50()() d~ .. Excluaive with .. , R. L STRICKLER, Realtor •. R. B. HODGE, Mlodate ~ B: c.o..lt 81')'., Corona del. Kar ~ . Har. Z11' l B•IMa ·Realty ¢b. OFJ'Jlllt8 701' llA1A , I I I MllW PllNDfSUJ.J. POJJfT .HOM& w.u •ppoblt.4 .-.. .. l:idQe. MJt-tia '~ &ISdlq doon to pau. ud •ma.iitair ~ I lleCllOOGI, J 1latM. .......... (J) PDC'IKSULA. BOID .. • ewit.. llllullt.. • ~--s tla1M. O.tra&W .... t. .,.... pl&c9, ......,. room. tlnmal· ly attnettn &Del cute i-uuoe. t-... (I) l:XCLU8IVm WlTR US WMt .. 1 .A:r~ I Mdroom bc:wJw wtta. perm&Dmt Nw el b&y. N.., NJITC. L&rJ'e Uvtnr 1'00ID, tJnpJaca. tu11 ~ l"DOID. UT.000 terma, 14) aun.oa·a NOTICZ. WUI MU 1*.b _. llQU"&t.ely. 'l"tro R-.1 lotli cm ~ potnL Ul' dffp. 111.00I MCA. 151 %UNIT llALBOA INCO)(J!!. 2 aJ:PAJlA'l'S UN!TS. 2 AND 1 Bl:Dlt.OOXL lodl- vtdu&l pat1oe and btl'qa. rum. uo.ooo. l•nna. I ' 111 JlfJ:l!Da IO)IK FIX'IN but l'IJOd nl&M. ~ block to blly ti.ach. I Mdrooma.. OuUll<le ahoWt'r, laundry, ADSW pr- ap. n~. too. IU.000. I - IMOO dcJwJl. (71 PENINIUL.A POINT DC· PLl!X. I ~ ap, J dowa. ~ ~ D ••df ._ bu:l~.1 '--dry SOOl!l, 8J*iAJ Ulfld ~ ......... s cu ,..,. ... Call t.o -t.dlay at ltl.600 wiUa ...,.,... Balboa Realty Co. J <>ppo.ty Sulll ol AmmC"a Ra. Orttwy Ed ~ JOMpblne Webb 7 0C> £. B&lbcw, DtYd., B&lbcw. Pborw Harbor nT7 Luxury Comfort Beauty 68:1 &.UT tOTH 8T I Ju.l elf lrrtne I We are P1'0UD to otter tbUi brand nr-limn• mu,.,s.ct In a i-uutuJ ~ Grov e ,,,.... '-''t &DOUIW home lUte lt\ia uywben! S.wy room la unique and ditfe.-.nt • rt c:on- t&tna two 1*1nM>ma, larp ckm, rtlnl~ room. bttill·ln ltlldwn. 2 tenitlr bat.ha.. 1&r,. ll'1n1 . 'SB DOWN 1 ~ Year. old. I b4droclm hA_mo. N•t -Clean. Balanee Hb rtDt. $6500 BUYS 1 bedroorn hOIDI OD R-' IA Cklill9 in. . . EXTRA SPECIAL Santa Ana ~t.1 home. Nice 1arp a bed- rooma. 2 car prap. Well kept ya.rd. Hardwood ftoora, patio and barbeque. J'IU. loan. BEE THIS. RANCH TYPE Home. Co!"Dft' Jot. Abon avenp. Lovely view. th1a • a MUST If you want the a-t In quality and locat1~. 3 bedroc.:m8, 1~• bat.\1-2 et.r prap. Fenced. ALSO Duplu -Triplex aod ' PL.EX al BELOW COST prlce today. Ml and Ml Lu.ea available C-2 BUSINESS propttty. 117 tt. OD Harbor Blvd a.nd othen available. S!Z US. MAX W. POPE, Realtor 1908 Harbor Blvd .• Co.ta Mea., LI 8-1H2 BALBOA ISLAND 4 bedrm. 1 ~l plua batba, COnm' }ol So. Bay 1 l interest in pier. Good condition ~7 isoo. 2 unit. on sood atreeL 2 bed.rm. houe plUt 1 br. apt. A.ttn.ctiYe clean propf'rty - Nr. No. Bay, 3 bednna., 11 t baths, 2 c&r pr , 1 bdr. apt. Small down. Owntr ta.p to et!ll $28,900 Small houet, corner lot. Good locatioo $19,960 3 bedrm. 2 bath, Llttlt I.land -······ .... $31.000 Duplex 1 bedrm. each, rood at.reel. -· .$22,!)()() BAYSHO)tES 3 bra. 1 bath, GOOD BUY '21.~ AND OTHERS. For exchan,-e -3 bednn.. 1~4 bath home on sood atreet tn S&nta An& tor comparable tee property l,n tb1-are&. Everunp call Edith Maroon. HYatt 4-6222 or Lou Boyntcm Harbor 2878 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor m Marine Ave .. Balboa h1and Harbor 177~ r0<>m, n,..ptace anti mlrTOr, ------------------ rovered JMlUo, .i.ctr1c Pl'&C9 openan, tancMeaptnc We rould p ori 9M on bvl N' you "'ant to -a tnaly dlffftWll home let ua Iha. It to )'O\I I Prtred undar UT,000 W1th lenn•. Duncan Hardesty IUl.ALT<>ft MAt th• BJ141'9 to Udo lale" L&ta)'9tte at Ulld Ill .. Hu. fflll CIRCLE THIS BABY 8110P, PLtTB a cbarm~ Mnl• on 1laJ1loa Wand. fl•~ toot lra.Mc. $SeGO ~ tn A~ alone. A· 1 •lAbliah· .ct c I I e n t a I a. I It'1 a doU CLYDE MEYER, Rfir. au M&ltne A..._ 11an1oa 1*M Harbor tau. ... CORONA DEL MAR FOR SALE OR TRADE Fully equipped p.r&J• on tsO n.. of hla'hway and leued for $3000 per yu.r wttJa option for ' mon ,._,... Priced to .U. Call ua for dmll8 and tenna. • CORONA HIGHLANDS Z Bedroom home, 1 1 t Bat.ha cm Jarp lot and unobstructed vf~. Fully tumiabed. B.W. floor -,.,..,. Heat and ma.ny other tlne featura Priced at '2e.600. Potential income, 2 bedroom home on 66 fL lot, tu.Uy fenced. &ad room 'for a.not.ha mitt in trooL Cloee to •tore and Kbool. Call ua ·to .... $1&.750. W. E. FISHER & Associates \ 302t Cout. Jijpway, Corona del Mar. Har. 8002 Eve.. Barbor k2o-w •. ' THE 6REAT . BALBOA ISLE'S B'EST BUY 111 ~nu~ a~ ~pd~ bedroom apt. a~ ~ 2 -. ~. 1l8W1Y pu.w. ThJit ia ~ ...i bay at just $2e.9&0. 118,llOO down: S\lblnlt off«. Tlah another m.tance wUr9 wt can otter you fNe hot.&Uag clOll9 to ~ Bay. C.1 BUSINESS · CORNER 13& ft. eor. on Newport Blvd. $11,500, '3,000 dn. WINTER RENTALS From ~ to $800 per month . LIDO ISLE -Lowly 2 beclnn. 6 den bomt beautltuly fundlhed. Ju.t $1StS a month. ORAN6E COAST • . ACIUI Pl.O'I' • w. uu.. Ooed Seven Islands Realty & Investment Co. *-' 1 w.., ~ w. lilU. ~TIPLE LISTINGS REALTOR lililctrle ai...., ~ ..... - h . rm., tll1dllt. na.. .........,. ~ -32nd SL Office Phone Harbor M68 ._... pnp. la8'lrJ "'1a. Newport Beacli, Cali!. Mt.er~ p. m. Har. M87 .. .-&. ..... alta -..0 etlt ...... Jilm7, maay lood _____________ _.;...._~-----~ ~ ...... .. price ,_ SlUOI, tAnne RUT TRta 0UT8TANOINQ OOIUllma. "-• u.. bmlint.I ot ""' ~-• ll•&•lly tra~ ~ oa Newport lll'Yll. -d'Mt . ,.,.. aa-te. :~b.room&ad~ room waD to wall ~. ni. puilm&a '-U.. ~., ldl· dlla. J'or ~ merchant.a. ~ i-1'0t..mou.s m111 ........ ~and~ locdon. th.ta wtll tll your ~ lteducecl ha pne. for C()JJdt a1 .. OOua.ID J'RONTAO&, irtnet lo •tree&. I a.a..• duple R-2 loL SU00 la N~ Ht.a. B.AH DOu..ut INCOM:Z-T!da ona rwJJ.y n,una. 111.,000 fU1l I price. lolOOO down. Collecl Ult a rnontb sreem lncmne. Room I lo build I ~ unlta. ... J:Xca.LmNT OORNE1t I LOT 1 block off N...,ort - nioa ... for tUILl.ly dw.uJna or two wuu. Pt..ACl:NT!A BT~ 1a1an t.ctorr bullctq aad 1a.rp .,_ tor I aw,_.. &ad parJdns. 'Mll8 muat be eold. orrER3 NEEDED. COJtONA DEL MA.ft'B bml - Ruel Drtn. • VW. 1 bedrm borne. UnGCelled. c an 1 o a. ooau. llUJ'f .i.w. La.rp rum P\1.1 rooia. 2 ~. N-ly bufll B .,. T or lllVERTTHlNO 1 1 •;;;:;-E COAST PROPERTIES JS!\7 N-·port Bhd., O»ta J.t- LI 8-18!2 EY• LI 8-UOO $18,950 -only $5,000 DoWn NEWPORT·HEIGHTS -Di:8IRED LOCATION Extra larp livinJ room with fireplace, family. room kitchen with larp mack· bar, 2 k.in.1 siled bedrooma. Beauttfally de<:Orated, carpetil and dn~ included. Bric.k patio, wU lan6ct.ped, •&lilty of fruit treet, fenced yud. . LIDO ISLE 3 bedroom Ii den, 2 bath.a, n~ clubhome a.nd t..ch ... Will trade on tmaller Nn.rport. or Coeta Me.a bouae or lot. 8 Separate 2 Bedroom Units · $7 .800 per year income _. "-. Prlct, $62,fOO Dearably located in the Back Bay a.cea -on 9e'llrtr -all interiqra plutered -t-iro with fi.Nplatta -all rented to choice tenllt8 at reuonable ratM -this propttt;y J8 one year old -and priced at le9e than replacement cost -don't wait, w m today. Reeaonable teinu. CHOICE ACREAGE 4 1~ acrft, soned R-4. Best C-0.ta ll-k>cat1on. $29,C500. AL.sO One &ett, zoned R-4. N"ar Junior Hieb. $11 ,000. Small home on the rear. SEE US FOR A COMPLETE COVERAGE OJ' LISTINGS ON. OOST A MESA INDUSTRIAL PROPERTIES. JACK BRENNAN, Realtor "AT THE ARCHES" 3320 W. Cout Hwy. ~ LI 8-7773 Exduaive Beacon Bay -- 1 VOGEL Corona VALUES del Mar W• are proud lo off•r uu.1 beauutut ' ~. I baUI I bame to a d1ecJ1.rnlnaUq tAm.lly wM '11'11.nla qulf't and prin.cy. nu. bom• la • ..., ..,.a buDt and 1n1ly !\ ,...,.. old -with mucb 1r1.... and I ~. a loYely p&Uo •mall drn tor Dad. compi.t.ely mod· •m ''bu.lit-tu'" foir liloOwT and Ml~ p&a)'lne .,.. for lhf' cblldna. OnJ1 -ball "lock to the prtnte -.ndy belvh. with 114..-prlTiler• tor ix.ta. en4 tcmt. cou.rta Phone now for &pJ'Otntm.m. Mariners l1le Rltv. au lilat1J» """·· Balboa fal&nd llal'bor •Tat EXCHANGE TM "HOI J&lr' a..eme.J a poi la u.. F'uUilt Orowtq Part ., c:io.ca ia... ~ $22,500 Cash -alllml& terma ..,....,, u.q rattad and t.Matll Wiii taM • ...... tor •PP"'ntm-t. ..u CRAIU..a •· ll1n'llil:ll. OWMr :0..,..: Bar. lell C... U H1M ..Uc >cea.n aide of Hicbway -1~2 blka. 1.o Main Beach Channing '2 bedroom home Ir ruest room Ir bath on la.rr"r than average. nicely landacaptd lol ~parate dining roo~. Expen.ive wall-to-wall ~ carpetin1. Fireplace. ~ rooms and more than ample do.et. A storage. Patio and 8undec:k. We are proud to ofter thia lov~y rellidence at $?2,500 with rood tmanctnr. Panor&nUc Ocean Vlew Lot S~t-lo-•treet. Bia'h in Corona Hi&'hlandt. Prlt*S at only $11.~ -tume. THE VOGEL~-CO. 2667 E. c.t. Hwy.,.Corona del Mar HA: 1741 RA: 07ff1 NEWPORT HEIGHTS CUTIE Jut u.ted w. 8potle9 bome. JtaDda ..,i. with opm bemna, hap fireplace, wall ...... 11aM doon to patio. ~ c:uiiew A bu breaeway to pnp .. '!be bit ewam cooatruetJoa and immaculauty deAa. l"QD· plVe ~NL Y $17,QOO. Elcelleot tmma. NEWPORT . BEACH : • . .. " " smo down baJI w. we0 ~ IMiilM IM!IU• Qty Ball 6 IUchanl'• ~ ~ ... bedrooms • tile kttdMll io taptlllr Wltll ..... l'OOlll UM! dmJoc room to 111&.ke a,m ~ 1or ~_... Oanp II 1td"l • lltl'tllild tW ~ a)IUtmmlt onr. NI price SlJ.1tiO Wttll ........ .. - ate IJ'7 • 'oD pomiblt. ' NEWPORT-MESA REALTY . 1700 NeWport 81\'d. eo.ta Me.a LI 8-SCiOS ~ Eve. LI 8-72.a! ... .. 1 .. . . . . -. ~ .