HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-10-05 - Newport Harbor News Press\ > .... die-." • 'nlU tlffmed to utblfJ' rrt. ..... ... " I • Ttil 19 what tltopt 'em in llCrMn n..-on ot UM ~ llt'Mdway colJlof47 Jail. ~DIM It.op," ~ "'°"'Ill.I at I.hi x.. Th..U.. lllantyn 11-.. • the "M.nW. School Site Steps Taken SCdUTS ROLL O\JT NAVAJO BARRELS!· Boy IC!Out Trooft u ot ao.. ta II-. .... .._ lfYW1 city •ppf'09a1 to lMtMl ~ ln ,..._t ot the Qty HAil. tu .. ~ alld loc&I 1to,. to ooDKL ckltlliq and food a.ruet. tor lhe ~y N&'t'aJo ........ ~ -. .. wW M ln p&ac. tor about th,... w .... City eov.cu Monday •P11rovec1 .. penntl fw I.he drt"' "1.lbout ,_ OPEN YE.AR 'ROl'HD On The Bay •• Balboa rARKI''' . ~· STA&U TUD., OCTOIB 9TH • VAUX-BALBOA -A•AIN PUS1N11 OUR Famous 1918 Menu Weekly! 3 DAYS -TUIS. WED. • THURS. * • 'ltllDAY wbtlllDAY THUISDAY .... ID ------e..aa.uu (0.& 0...) .. <JU&&QS -' --4r --1# 1r ........... 57c -__ ,, ·---....,_ ... a-..... ---TOTAL __ .,._ .... &.-.,. a:.. ~ ..... -• ., 01- • C.1 ••••••• ll'llllltw ""' .. ~Oet. .... , ._ .. ~ 110 I. ........ lllwtl. Ha•or IJl4 TM'I Say 11'1 IM 1111 llnl [m -"""Tn Dill At SEASl'ORT COFFEE SHOP t•l1 W . OOA.8T HIWAY l'\E~'POaT KA.OH -U HIZ• Fl.SHI.SO C'(P'()aMA110S-BOX Ll'!'ll'C'Ht.:8 Fft.F.C PAKJllNO-P'AMT MERVICE PIUV A. Tr:: DIXINO llOOll •""Oa oaoUPS or 11 ro M Canlina ofl9uor ANNIVERSARY? Uur Cham~• L.b.la Show TI!.a AllJ\IV•r•ary Yttar Idea.I Gitt MAGNl..M!'I IER..EBOAM8 MJCTHt1841.Elf8 lba7 It l'IJ TM °""9 -0... ~ CONE \!llllT OIJR OOllPl.rn: WIN& C&l.J..A.Jl ~· HAa.90A "' ..... r .. t., r,.. Oell"1';J -Ne u..r T-8mall o,.. a-.. i.11 p..a. -e.a.. w11:ee UU £. C-t HWJ. -C.-_. IUr Now Sllawl119 z.v .. SlleW la.rt. T ,..... v..t. ..._ r.-t:M Broadway'• blggeat hit become• Marilyn'• beoll .. :::-.::•--" -- AJt1e-a.w11w....- "A. IL.IN a&nJ«t; DttNO" U. 8. FORCEa, VRANCll Anny Pvt. Nonnaa J. JlaJna, WhOH Wlf.. Butlata, l!V. ilt SOOl Wuren IAn-. OotR.a N-. la a member ot tM Bn.conne Ordnance Depot In J!'rance. R•ln•. .,,,. of Mr ud Mn. N C. RalM. 3001 Warren IA.ne, i. an •~omoUvo raechank: In l------------------------lh• IMpol'• Berrie• Company. ~lli:Jd.• *NOW* Robtrt -Mitchum "Bandido" Coler lty • ---Kiiiing" Starts Sunday C.9ney St•nwyck lo "These Wilder Years" -Pl ... -., "Hot Blood" c. . 9tarrial' J•n• Ruuell Cornel Wikle E.-ft---7 "Th• PrODd and Profane'' ---"Lacly Killen" nun RIDAT KMll lllllL ......... ··.-..co lusters'' ·~-8'1!1 ....... ~1 .. 11 --"Towwd 11lo ~ .. ·· ---"Cry In 11lo "'"''" IF This Sunde.y -.. Dlf•IY&A•IJ'I aKIJ A••DA& f!oitseless ~anriage :Oay A di.toy arMI fHll'9Cfe of ._ Mlllt WlllW9I ................... _,,_ .. eu1 ..... ~··· ~ by·fOM .,... , ........... ~ 5'rMt ot 1145 ,. .... -· IOA.M.-1f:M.1 0.-:t JllMlt<l0.T Iii •• '?'0':01 """"" .~.?···· ~ .... , ... •t;2• ·--- ... CJUlllOlllla P&&UXO Fer r 1 ; C -11 .......... 5J'8 ' -.- afar &.O•et AND lllTAUIA-HT mown..i.m or ftl& WAJIT Every Night Ill_.. '7 u.. aotAL LAJlf'l'ZU9 DINNER SERVED D p. m. 'tD mldn11bt COCKTAJI-'l -' p. ... 'W 2 L ... 12 Noon Saturday lo SW>da.Y Special S..ndey Buffet 2 ·1a 9 p.m. ·-. *~--a. TOUDRIOW ···'al tp&-11 l1IJ'P t If' ~ Ail ltAY IUMI TOMOllOW u.-....__, .. .,.._ XKrt1 w-aati. -~......_ta -hod -&au ~ a....._. -llol:MQ Gitt. DoM.UO. ir..,. o.brtt• ......... .._ ........ l&I , • .....,, 11poi-ed ltf A\Wltary a ... K....w r>tt··-a 1:1180. ....._ •• =u......,. .. Wiii iir-•-c....- I ( I Friday, l~~~~t ;5'th., r9,~~. cf ed•cated · • to The Leaders of Tomorrow 'w ho deliver ·your newspaper today 2211 w ...... llYd. Piton• Harbor 1616 HARB PR • ' . ' ·;., .. • •• ... -. ( •'ti:~~~ \ ~-···· ,1•.J _11 _ NeWJ*f ...... c.~ fo rt' Annual SubschJ>tion • ' """"""'~ 1'1' .. 4-1119 m.tatti "' ""'4lQ[ x. "1.Jti.-wrn. ti ~1.-i. N.U.:. .. ....,.., st-"' Ula __..,_.. 4pl9 .. "'1b.~ ......... "' tM ..... ot ..... X.~ 1 SS .... t1' -~ ol, Md. .. ,__ ... ..,. .......... tbe ..W It I! Md, ,to pWt t-. wttl!. u.. ~ ~ 1 -. wltNn .. d'WlftU. an. a.. ftNl pltblMaUO. 1111 ttli9 -tb. · t6 tM aid i:x.cvtrtx at ta. ot-n-o( R<lbert .L ..... ,, .4J" l ~sti.w.m&.~. c.-.. x-. E'!._!i_~' Q&r -eo.ta IC-a\ ~ flit Otulp. Mu. ., oantom&a. ......... omceu..~..._. .. .. pl&cl of ----tn &U m...-. ~ .ma -.Id ..._ .• to m. U-0. W1t21. u. INI! J l ........... wtWn IR -.cbadlllr u.. ftnt ~ ot tldll no&., • uw ~ ., u.. dml . ot .. ·~ d.utt ot u.. ~ ol Oalltonit&, la -d tor tll• :t11v.:z:r-f., 199 ; \ c a '.!"' _.. m , t,.. w: kif.,,,.,,,_ lut v• f7t fi4ilOUILUNCM . --------, ·~·---... ·~ ... ___ ..., ... """"' ~----1•• ~ IOWL SIT .... ,. ....... .... ..,...;.._ .... a._...... 11' OVBi CLIANB •--h.,.. . --· ..... ., •• -• v.a.. ... , ._ ______ ...; _ __, DICALCIUM PHOSPHATE CAP ... :. W ._. 91. lM-UI V.a.. 75' VITAMIN A CAPSUllS .._ ""'' " . ' Show s,,., _ ............... -. 1'' Da STAIUt'.'1~ l·X THaTY ··-... ·- e.z. --~· ... -12 17' FLA'h. IU'..IS "L •.• ··-·-·-···· ... . . ... r-..-v.... 3'1 ~ l'•JtS --------.... --..-..................... 2" MSTn Uf 8 llHOII!lS ..,. •-... L..---------' AIU FILM "-1tll ........ , ... -11'1', , .. ... Ile, 111) -(llllM* ........ ..,., ........... ,.,~ ................... orni ,... .... AOJfa a ·11ro1cA.wrn No.l-• AIU ..... -·•--•11..-.....,u ... _ .. -• .. -.. ........................ . Jf........_ .. M.D.•Jo-a.'11 • • • • " • • ....... _,, ......... ., The Stanley IMurenee Agency __ .,._ .. ArHJe'is., and Atflth , Effective October 1, 1956, Our Offices Will le Combined .. t 337 Bayside Drive, Newport 1 .. ,~ ~-,........ Address of ~enon I met Anidi. t: p, ~ • • I . ---............ Amlaaon, .~ · .ml·Stanlq . ~I of Ow P~ will, be Locetea et ' ' • • oci-New Office · .. 111..se C.I Hnot 24i4 or Harbor 4"5 It 1h °"" ..... •loi Earl W. Stanley • ' . " • I • • - BELTING MONTt:BELLO -Chuck Vandervort (38) hita riva.l.,rwmer hi&h wbUe Bob ~ (26) al&ma him low In this fut actian from lu\. .,-eek'& OlJ. er fray. Vandtt'>"ort waa named Player of Week for bla ttforU. The Tan Jost 13-0. -Start Photo ",,, • ,• 1 r r • 11 I ''c:o.t'' Says - A frtillt _, W:Ss--t: ....... tilM~­ .......... -u.. ,.,. ................ ....... ..,~ • COURTNIY Ir LISID 1 .. N.....,.n Bl•'- CX-'A llEllA .-_.......U~lllT ILICTRICA·L.LY e LIT US. HEU. YQU e ITAffHD & ICQil II ctllml c.&nd:on Ill -.... . " l.llolr'1 ~ll'l• ...... lOtt ANY ft.OMllN• . "PIO"IM • SOUTH COAST PLUMBDIG .. w. vw.m. -()lplta .... ·, 6A1'ES TQNl6HT FOR T --.. a..:. •• ;19 ........ ~ .. ,.._,... --r ................ ') .... , .......... .. . ..... ..., ... a. ..... JDP .... 1t1•1 ,,., u.tu.c "' .. ~If..... . Drills "el~ Satarday for Newport Boys BEST FOR YOU BEST FOi YOUI COUNTRY Th• fl•r tootbell Pl'Ol"r•m or r\twport 8t•rh ReertttlOfl [)e.. paMmrnt 1'01 underW•Y 11st .,. .. tkrnd with f'()(ltMll YI 'll d O.y• htld a t ="l'..wport Harbor rommun!ly Youth Center and Hor•l'-Enal1n School "''ee.rly On• l!undrad boy1 turn ed out tor lht ac:UV\U .. 1, which lnclutlfd n.innln11. kte1tln1 •nd T rlbe Ready for Sunset Go Against Argos on Saturday •• .. P°Ul..L..ERTON 1(¥;NS1 - Jl<I""'"' drlll1 ObNA·atloM wf'rt Fulll!'rton H11h'1 Indiana 1tarf. made on th•lr ~rformanr11 to Id 1low Friday nl1ht, but tin.Lail· lid In rl&Mlllc1Uon tor lt1m I foC1 faat to captur• thfolr Jt·I MlttUona. conteet o'er 1 ~•lly Senta re H IJh rrll'w In F111J.,rton Stadium The w!n "Ila Fulff'rton 1 tlr.t th!• )"ll'lf, Tllt lnu ,,.,., ttw! Ch1tr1· r1r1t thl• iwll.-on. Perina: tht 'l'IC'lory wu 'RJ(ht Halfback 1Jo11 Sell_ Ht~ all thrtt ll'"ullen°" tourhdown1 He .corl'd th1 t\tl'l Ol'lf' In the IW<'- ond quar\<'t. from \!i )·udl oul. Late !n IN th.lrd quarttr, he 11Vent nft le(t tacli:Hi •lain. th111 lime Land.Ina ta tho' ll'nd sane from 1tw "'(h! M~ltway In \lie fourth ~rtod. S..U Lellled f'r..n c;1ry T1van ldrk~ th.e talra point lnJl.nwtna: th.e lnlUal Tt>. Th@ <"h1 .. r1 ..,n,..j midway In the h·Tar Top MIU.IE ROBBJNS, a. T . ood· ely "Olumnlat-·'"'fbw9'• no~ ll&dder than Ut,,_dbare ..,nUUt7 lryl"I lo m.-111\.f,.I" & ... ,.e th:Nlt." MEET Je<I B. Qu~enbeny ,._., .... &.,.A,_, ............. ...... rm. .. -..,.. --- UUrd ,.nM. ~ • .....~ '1'.ua.rterbull enft• by M.anuel o,_ St&UaUc.lly. Uw lndtan. madir a doMll rlrtit ~ (ti! I.bf ~ The Tribe mad.I l7t yanU r-uUUq, to Sa..nt& re 1 &f Saturday, u.. fncll&n.a OJWfl play In the 11111\Hl ~f"M' The1r oppoMnl 11 a..nt.n Grove wH.h the ram• wt for l""uU•rt.ofl at.e- '"~ ~Del Wl111 • SANTA A ~A. l()('Nfl! l!'UU back llanll D.riq11.u and Half· Ml'k Pa" Al\lltTt kOred t•o 1eu.-hdowna 1.JHece e ncl ~rter- 1)1.ck Johza Kelly boot8d thrM c-.-..rmon, ... Kat« t>.a Hip khool JM"l'et'"ld to a P.. T ft... tory over S l. Mon!ra lut •ll'l on U.. ..._ .• neld Ora1199 co•••••IM•• Re-Elect Ol'lAl'fc&. -t OCNI I -Quu· l•rtt..c'll rr..ct ZlD&"leT ·~ a 'H Win oYU' Mp~ 0r...,.. rrw..1 fllPt u u.. OW-Pu· UWn put -........ ._. ,_ the U-d Tho Pt.atlten led al h&ltt.Jme ..... . j JAMES 1. uTi. REP. tw a•* TUESD ... Y, NOVEMIER 6, 1956 Utt: ht' o-.n-CT Pttw1 a. C,...,, ~,_.: '-J, llW'"...-..U, T..-.uru. Announcing a to Plumbers New .Se,-,ice Thia. Area Wo Invite You to Come end ~ot Acquelnted end ln1poct Our Now Plumbing Ir Heetin9 Wholeselo Houso, Located et 135 Neverto ·Ave, San Clemente. Opon Hou•• 9 A.M. -4 P .M. Saflrday, Oct. " 1956 ' I Gonorel Public i1 Also Invited et This limo to Look Ovor Ou,. Di1pley of Plumbing Ir Hoetin9 !quipment. T & I Wholesale Plumlil ... ' AND PIPE SUPPLY CO. Bill Taylor & Adolph Zweigort Prop. Art Freid GNi•r•I Mgr. Joe Fornened1, Aut. I I I I mGllD l&U:Nlll'G -Aa "paduotl" otudenll of the Power Squadron Pllot:b\1 Courte. meniben of tha ~uadroii are enUtled to branch out into any w of num.fJl"QU cpeci•liaad atulMa web u weather and navipUon. Shown bore: member John -plOll ....,iy owolll t>epnnln1 ot tbe E!>glne Jl&ln. teqance cla.m u tutructor Randy Miller and 1uperviaory ,lutnlctor Ray Don- ald diacu.9 9QD:le ot the W'Ol"kjnr '91od.els u.ed to demonatra.te en(in°e upkeep and repair. -&dr;ner Photo FRIDAY, OCT. 5, 1956 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART f . PAGE 5 llOU -JobDIQ' Hawley, lQ, of tel Abbie Way, ..i in action 4u'iltl reoeat National 0 u t board Ra c in r iD Lo• Be&cb ».Ptne Stadium. The boy came in fifth 1n ..UU-ln year wma 1arce trophy for coming In first in d1- vWionalL HARPER ··SCHOOL YOUTH AMAZES OUTBOARD VETS WITH ABILITY Johnny Hawley, M-Hydro National 10, In V.'hen the crnwd •l l.nn;i; 8-ch Marlne ~la<lrum a few cl•)'• •&"o he&rd lhat 1 ('oat. :w-. man end ht• 10-y .. ar-old ..,. wf!T" bolh cornpeUn1 Ln lhe M.-Hydro dlvialon or the /'111tlon· al Oulboard flacln1 Chanoplon- ahtpe "••·h dr1VlnJ 1Uffei-ent boat•. ll'l•y ftre 1U1ht!y amaz ... ' ~ l\obtrl H•Wl•y ot ~61 Abblt \\lay t.ook a U\lrd UM:! hi• 10- y•ar--o.ld ort•pr1nJ. Johnny. a •lft.h ~ 1t11dent Ln Harper a.Qllool. man~ to eke out a fttfih placfl .1ohl\AY. one or th• r•a•t oul~nl racL111 llrlvenr (n the ~try. won a flnt place tto- Nabs 11MIQVlll AW 4lllJll -iliiklY JllOud to add U-Golden Jljl>ll* ~W&rila Id Ihm nopoctiYe trophy collectlollo IN W,,. Slmpooo lleftl oni Jobll DoneW (risht) both ol the Newport Harbor YICbt Club. BID( and J-. eboW11 with their crews, wtre bJ&'b amoni the winnen ot Ule centerboard di'rialon ot the Jubilee's novel revene handicap .wn1 race on Sunday, 8epl 23. -Beelmu Photo PEUECI' LINE-UP -Seven ol. the 13 entrie. in the Bop.rt Trophy aeriu held Jut weekend at Newport Harbor Yacht Club made an al.moat perfect ala.rt in th.LI race Sunday. Trophy de!eoder Saint Cicero bl No. 402 lied for firllt in the rive race evttit .... ·ith Pete Geib in No. 410 on polnta but lost the trophy by virtue of Pete'• "be.t three out of five:· tal.l y. Making lt a cleaf\_ ~p for NHYC 1kippen1 wu Bill Clark who took the third 11pot. -Beeknl'r Photo JISW-WOllUlll l'O-()Glilatl:,-~111111-< " \rfilit>. _...,.t "' ... .... u ....... ;:: -~ the',,.,.. l;IUI)' -~ .. '• .t.IJ<e 'IUl4. 'l'Oil -... -.. for diMlo ~ to "&<!I I!> thoN -pllth'!" In Ille fM ..... -iii -•ow -way .t Newport JWl>or Ylid>.l ' Club."1<* A1J'll. Jr. lo at ~t a the •i.4 with -Sklhllll runnlq ......i &tier tbNo ..-lut suodoy "llltb -two to eo on s~. Oct. 7. Thie trophy la but -one of .everal t o be won during a.n am:bltiou racing ecbedule plan· ned for this increulb-tlY popular cla.M. -Beck-· ner Photo Boat Cuts Neck of· Downey Man picked him 11p for NI. .m.ra-- ency pt t.o th• b•pUal, th• Hubor 0.p&l'trnent nr-pPMed. 4 J;>owney man. .lohll .'X:-i<IDU. (:J. 1Uft•r.d a CUL n.cJI 8~ &tt.enioon Wb•n t~ bOal. ~ whkh hi!' •• rfdlnr ,.,,..,~. med by U!Olhtr In tM 1JPr( .. ,. 8cott WU lLk~ to tfoal' ff-I~;;:;.;;;~;;;~~~ I pilal Cor treatment. •fter U)e /1 aecon.d ~i-&ft. dr1ven by Larry Peart. li'.i 0.l"den Oro.e. •Po p111entl,y r&11 over him whtrt M !till Into lhe ... ater. I Sc<Jlt ,.. . .._, taktn to Hay~ho1•1 Trai.ler Paik at 17tb and Co.it [ 11111;h"•Y ... nrr~ -.n ambulance SEXTON SUP'l'LY CO. \\'e are nuw ln oo.r new office . Formerly B&ok of Alnf'rica 2200 Newpon Beach All Type1 or . Trklmt Blda. Neft'(K>rt Rl"d., Aluminum Windows Trio from Ne-M I are tnr«' pupil• fn:i1n Newport•-------------1 .... r'_..' · Bra<·h_ They are Bob Brt1r;1, IASSEMBL YMAN'S Loin tr \\lndoMa -Advr Doo,.. -Ar.enlJoa Uoon l lleck 011r l'ri"-" Bet•"' Vw lklJ' -,.._ EMl-1- HA )-4!4 -\\ arell<HHM• !81 & ~ Vay•U·• POMON,\ Among mort lhLn I 270i c11rr Dr!ve; Bruce A. Bald-BOAT BURGLED ~00 new and r-eturn1nc 1t~nt. wrn or &fl2 Lido :-:nril and St.ate Polrtechruc Colle~ her• Dnvt, A-mblyin•n Wiii.am ~ for UW" rLll quart.er al Caltrorn1a IGt!<:>r1t• Pettri or liOI c 11 rt I A wna!J tnlt belon1tn.1;: •o !Bl!l1 M•r1h •Republlt•11 l...o• An1elt1 r-,,unty • .,.. .• ~ hit by a v1ndal 11rly Lhi• W'ttk ae il w•I tied up •l Friday "" ' 8aturdav °'"' • 8undav 0<1 7 Mnn<'.l•v O•! 11 TIDE .... a l i 1 m 10 ll I m. 1148pn1 l!O:lp.m lO 24 a m. 12 01 a m ll03am. TA ILE HL " .. .. " " " " T'•rMlay I !8 a m 3 • Oct.II ll~Oam ~O \\'t.,1n"••l•y :I Ill L m_ J t 0<1 JO l2'>flp.m. •·~ Thor..i.v 4~la.m. J~ ,,_ ..... '-O'o • m . :I ~.11; p. m ' " • m • .. p m. • 0\1 a. n1 ·" 34 P-m. • " • m . • J3 p. m . " Lm •• " °' " °' ',, '" " 00 " °' " lO • .lock •l Kini;: I l.Andin1 Th,. d1.alr1butor w!re• of lhr Crill. Dull, ha<! been r11t •nd the 1!l•trtbulor l.'IP remnv,.d M•,.h rPp<>tlf"d to L"'l\r,. \111r•h ,,,.,,,1 .. 10• II IU!n· "'"' hnrn,. h"re •n Llrln Vil I~~ .. ·rr•Lltr f'•rk Marine & General Welcllng Authorised De&ier ud Manufacturer Surklde TraUen Customer Tr.lien BlllH to Vour Order Traf~r Rl!modrUac &I: Repair Surfside General Welcllng ZOOI W. Cout Hwy., Newport Beach Liberty &-U~I Sea-Horse Oct, I! 229pm 43 (f 7 fl p. m fl S:<. a.. m fl Mp m II 'II A m tr. 18 p. ni. • " " MOREA POWER nlL8T rvu QUA"TF.R MOON lkt. 11 Oct. 19 UST Qll.ulTU Ort. 1:1 """ t1ttUN N'tJY. 2 .. _ .... ,.. ...................... C..W_ ......... I I 11• ._,~ . .,...........,..-.-_......,_., ..... rw,....,._ ~---................. ~ ....... ,,, .. AC«l•MAll •oAT WO.Ill RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL· COMt.4dlCIAL NO lOB TOO LA.ROI\ oa 'DI u.1. UO-lli..N..,..._ Harbor %611 THIM NOW AT ' lor'&J ~~ Johneone wet.• •• $M~a,,,._, 23rd & Newport llvd. -HarD« %600 • • I ... DANCE PLANS MADE FOR 'A LAS VEGAS HOLl~DAY'· SEALARKING District 'Juniors' Board Mee~ at Costa Mesa eo.ta Mesa J'rid&y Attenloon Club Junlora were b~ to the Oruc'e Dlstrict Federation ot Wome1l'1 ~ Junis>r MemberabJp boa.rd, at their dubhOQlle, OeL l. Kn. Duane V eDel of Btu. Orange Diltrtct 1\mlor ~t, P~,;i, a bull· M9 -liq the "Lu V ... Holid&,... duce at U.. ~ B&llroaal • N~. J. Mn. RolMrt BUM ot Fuller- toa d&M• chalrmaa. Mrtl. Ve~I, Mn. Robtrt C::t: ~" ot eo.t& w.... ... . m&11, aad Kn. rr..e.aa T. ftllb- tr, pr... chalnn&D. Nd w1th band 1.-der rranJt DtVol Loe All(C'8 to in&ke &1'1"&••1 .... for O.Vol'• "Muatc of U. 0..- H A a B 0 R tury"' b&nd to play tor U. duioe. Th1t la llw 8"0nd &DUA.I "-9- ay·OINN"f (m. IDW&&D l...IJJD&) 8IOTB NEWPORT ABOARD TYP1b: UDO lBLE: Anyone tor Euro~! • • • anyoae for HODObilu 1 • . • well. it you can't take a tons wlnter'• cn.Wle, try Catalln.a'1 fabulou.a Avalon. TYPEE CREW did Jut week--end, and at the cataUna wnnlna! at Wllm1.na'tOll then WU all the "'18ll!t. bulJUa and aiettmwat ol a bon-voy.,.. ftt t'ftnl ot Oraac• DtaUtc:t. 41\m- for11 &Dd prooeedll trW '° toward a~ pool tot-ot <>n..ase Oouaty crippled dllJ4re ud Miu.it-. It wtll cmt approld-wa• 11&vtn1 tMm mnoke4 ti\ mat.elyjlft&,000 &ad wt.JI M Wllt A valoo. la conjunrUon ~1\b a llmUar to fap ot1 plM'ea. 8.8. ~t&Un.a •t"'114r U.u you t.o ~ m.&&1c hie W1thln a ~rtod of about two be.Utt and om lrlp tee.med •vtn mioolher th.an In Uw 9\munar • • • and ,..11,1.er Um• lJl .+.nkln pro•.S •Mn~.....-:inotor cruit- .,. wdt ~ na.nn1.qf th• entire •1.111.S ... It .. ~ tat Uwy IM'lll lo ~ adoptlJIC tb• a lrlt'llN W.. of wn-lnJ ootf• a.nd donuU and r•frtilhm•nlt dw1QC Uae t.rtp. Saturday at 8 a.m. we bo&l'Md pro)Kt. a •tac• coach motor bua 1de· MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE. Women's Editor T ----.---- qned 11kt an old Unw cov~r.d oastm1stress ..,.on I and had th~ Um~ of our I """ ror lh• nut rrw houn PAGE b ·PART 1-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS 'Speakers li1ht-lns on tl\e In.Land tou1 'FRIDAY, OCT. 5, 1956 •• El R.an<'hO 1"..-cond1do It.ht Hubor Toutmlstr....,. Club Wrt1ley•' puttbr.d Ar ab I & n I 1 will n!#fll at 7 :JO p.m. Munda). ._,... l'&l>dll .• • .1111dd~ ~h LUAU FOOD t lkl A •t Hotpllallty HOWM, • , . R.Mtio tlaUOn kBIO • • , liall>v• M ra Oanlel Rorne 1 a.t&llna'• flctu.rHqoe "alrpor-t "'II• hf! toutml•t•f'!lS of thf' .ve--1 ln ~ •k,.'' and a ttop at hl• I nine and Mna f>t>\\'ltl Won:- tor1r b«k. Nfft u>t11r• ror Al h H l•r Will be topl<'mi.tn.sa. cotfH and donut. undPr tf>• <'Ot 0 a on or A re-port on ITC Co<1ncll No I 1 ton•·oocJ ~ 1 H•r tt1at thl• I• l•1f'cllnK on Ort 1 y,•111 be glv~n Cit". Wll.LJ.AM LE 1 I K. I OOf' or the mOllt popular Y.1nt»1 h\ Mra \\"ol'T'f'•ln club rf'pff'• snutw of the II Cal&l:lna _...11.rlpm on UIC la!ando f K • ,...ntallv ... SJlf'All•u wlll IJe Mia D'loel lnt.ef'Mlln& to chat W\th .. FLYl:\<i nMH or am a ain a f'tlarl<>tte Skinner •n•1 Mr•. Hall· hu a-ta '111Ua UM 111.Mm.thlp t1IW I &J:AL ROCK AND .. ,.'l'l:"C '' R Klft< ,..Ith Mn1. Al~rl E for U ,_,., .tartin, out w1UI rlah nlchl trip wu our f!atllr•I•) Johraon, #Valuator VIA1tor• ar~ t.Mtr lUI' boata la ltlt • · · Uld ai,(bt tan af\d .. hAt f11n I An Al oha party &-pt. 28 at thf' R.oy Keene home. I" ,.)('om .. at •II mf'f'tlni.:• .,_ lllil1 pt.t • lhrtll out of "ny ..• ml-1 ti» r1au b .. ttom 624 Ramona Dnvr, \\U an honor event for M11!18 Lucillf' Cf'OMllOI' ••• U wu tntare11Uq tio.t trip Wa llmf' but hnar S IT ' } L" k to now lbat the a 8. C&ta.11.Da I.hat Wf' can <&l<"h It laltJ f<H ...... m1th a.nil MIM Dorothy &II, memhf>r and prOSf>t"<'llVt' rt p e l n .. ~ n'1t me ~r autllO\&Uc ,...,... •urpnM<! to ~ana th•H th" I mf'm~r reapcctivf'ly. of the Kamuma club. The two are Cl b H t'Jot du,_. UM illhort cru.atns. trip 1r0t• on all thruugh tht .itlllnr n, l 17 tor • varallon I U QSteSS ts HA.&JM>a I Wlllt«"r . In Haw1tll 1.nil lhu" \\Ill al~o pl•VP•I th,. f'I""" h11l r111npo~•I : LOS ANOllLD HARBOR WU P'ORIC8T fO.HTH !'I ralallal r .. • " IMtn \'1'\'Ai;' .. plUI\' 11n !hr •unit• on Ill• •pot. I Trlplf! I.Ink 1•111h mtmhf>ra e ..,bt. to -. u attar the yac)lt Toluca bovf'red nur L111ll•ll' Thr Affair ha11 flnit l><•••n pl"n· "'''" IC11''111 ~ at ti•• F.hn•r ~mith lwl\ltltla ~ Wt 8l#tUJJl'd Ot'f lm&rlln flahlnl(I &I Wf hoAr•1rd rhr •ff~&r \\1\11 I\ lol"ll <lllrn••I lll'd ''h"ll ffit'Olbf-1• rn"t Ill lhf ht11lll' :n:U ('rnitlnf'n!tl ,\\'# h t ).n. M l"n•t • :\t••..,a. '"' lh• ~··pl 11 ~ Uw cb&nNll. Oank~ by Bud Am1tb'1 lo•ely Dn M•1lln1 '"''''''" "'"1111cl lh<' 1'"111' fK><ol "'""" ~ a '1'" 1'111111•11 ,.,Ill mrr1111i; Mn A J hr 1 t l H'<<lll, 941 c.aAbra. cokJ&MI lullury HI\-t~ ~'<l mnl'"IUl"IJ fnr n<1r ll"lr l.1jtJll .,., .. p10\"ll\1'u h\' l<•f< ho• All•n A\'f! and aK•ln ihM·111..-<1 p.o•I J l<'JOltfrot l''"~lfl#ol at lhr ~ ~ frtll'tll•rll froni tuttlJn barl1 to 'Wllm.ln11on •. • ma•lln a nti rt,.ro1al1r1n1 '''"'" hnn"n"' .. ,l'\Pn Mh•s sn.1111 v.u 1111~1r•1 n '""'"'!.: ""llh Mia \\'allt'r B1111 •·nd.I . · .. t.o our ~fl, thf' huge Cl.eh«'d on th .. trip horn .. hut an1I I 1,.., ... hlh1•• 1• htou 111n• ~<'Pl 111 •l h"r '"'m'" 1111 /\ ''"° ,_ 11• llni.: ,.. ""' 1 "tar\' 1·r<>-l•mi11>1f' ,~ Tr9.Juport O\Jt "! San ,.ueu \\r '"tre ball lu<k lo Bud anl1 '""'• T11blrll '""'" dllll"'IJ A\!• o; ,,..u pr..,..nl \Al"ll" M11t f'ollnwine U1 .. hu•1t11'fta "'""'" ~"-· to our rt(hl uw Hol· for Uw oaly flJlh ""., .. .., ""1111 • "',1 n l1•tir1.i ,.,..,, I hr 111·11 I fl"A I •on \"1<1 ,.,. uf Mon1u\ 111 !11•·nl'I 1'11' '"" ""hll •nt• w"r" arn ,.r1 \aad.J.rnmcan Un. 1,.m1lnal broa1fbtll Jurnplni: O\'F.R ANlJ tnr,.•I b•1t:.~11·'<1 •r•or••1hP """ •t 1h" h• ... tPa;. •nil"''"" !i<'ll '' 1ornmlll"" rt•Alrm•'l ~r" • 8 . D&lentJk from RoU.l'rtJam OltJ'. ••n , .......... •n•I rmn•h 1,, ... 1. Mr• 11-'tl\· flut.a \\IU \1•l•1I In l•••"r• •••l•lt'd h\ M•• 'rll• • • • and,..._ .... lm.Dd. _ .... , llZAR 8EAL.AHKINr. "Ith "''t'r<' ln H11,..·•1lan '0•11'"'" ,.,, 1 0 " ""' mrirob•"' C"olrro 1111 Thr .,,.,.. 111 .... tin,1.'. will llll potn .. fll tatawlt u -~f\ Olluly and Ed Smith aboard tlw l.hf'n Y.11• •lnc tn1 lfPth ..... ,,.., -.; .... : nrrtln& "'II b" lk'I 10 t,.. a Hnllov.·rm flRrl\ •t t~# J.btl' 1000,.. wMlt ...SD cl.a.aMl. I ~ . . KPOP •vf'ry Thur9-I panlml'nl or dnmt .. u~ l<'I ... ""I " Ill .. ,, •I lh• hnlllO' of Mr" hnme ol ~11 ... BP•lrl•"' l:Rh•I : AVA.1..01' ~ '"1m • 11• ...._ day rnomtnK et HI l~ ••• l0:20 1{1Ulano Bob Rn11hl"n n• t • n \ I!• t,..,, Smith. 112111 \\oodb111) !Ml Ol&rlJ."f! A~# Yollh !-!fl for• -•ri-ll • lhf> hl.lltor1· on l\lal --~· ':1u•l·•n <:ro\'' 1 Jl'Hf' Hl11r k u en hnRtr•• 0.1 c:hll ... -u.. bUI above th• ----- - -Poetry Folk Meet ·)'a<'hl dldl l1"t1ac 118 ... 1th Qllca1 nota .. ~ I G d h"ld R~den a t lh• op .. nlnr r .. 11 =r , . .i:.,,bD,, -walk~ Co~ ran C 1 ren I aruinn nt floulhf'TI\ \'.llhf 1rn1a Our Mforwlp" \'&cation H d rOf'tl'T R"n•lf!J'VO\tt ~ .. rl :Ii •I Onore at r:lo•n•lal" 111•r• Mno Al~tl ~~ :"O (JA&!lt AU..OWEO I J ohnAOn 181u1 C:11hlf'•I t:i4 c .... ,,. ' Lil CAJIJTA.R Bun1alowe B•rthd F t MeJUI anrl Mrt. Jni. .. 11 Pauhoon ~ OW' cSMtlnatlnn .. ·~ 1 ay e e IV.nit of IA111na R ....... Ar('Om• w&Uwd throUl'b the lowly Htllt • pauyln1 I hf'TTI t1 nm h•r" w•r# '..\~ ot Anloll • • lt'1 palm Mr and )fra. P'rank rhllllf'4' Al~rt John.nn Mn JC<iwaro1 bntd ....Sele tropl!".111 main atf'ftl :13:1 WHtmlntt•r AV't., enter· M1rknvh h an l'I M1.. ir .. tn• ;.. jo7 to ~hold • . no auto-I t.ainf'd a ramUy party l"kt11tly lllf'«rN. )nobU.. aoa-d 1 what a ~t tn honor of lbetr (T&.Dtkhlldntt. -I ~ a cb&n1'9) • .And what a J'Clll· 81Uy and Marr M1i.. trtlo were Jfrry and Prank ot senla An• ~I p!Me to .t&1 with our oeJ•bralm. ~eir birtM&.1L A Hal1bi.. Mn Phillipe' .i.ter An<I I • ..,. ....... ~ '" at~ banlburrer tt'1 wu cjoyed ta huab&nd. Mr. and Mn. Fnnk 'rnodda dee<>r ('IQIJlpWt• W'lth t•a.-t.111• JMlUo .., tha two lleaUUf'l&l Downa. ber niece Ml.,. Domthv "lllrillOa aDd buUt·ln radio ••. aDd blrthd&7 caltM ••• wt aDd Townwnd Pd htr fal~r. 1r"'•' prh'&t• patio wtth b.-.nn tor w""'1 wit.Ill punch. (l"l.ndfat»r ot t.h• honor 11110, :~~ • _ . Gtat.U ~ WWN Uae I'll~ W. J. Rot.ti&• of :\....,.port • Up•' two ~ a.ad Ua* Baldi. CA.TA. L JN A VJ8M'OR I f&.1nlll-. Mr. Uld Mn. W. O. Blllf ud Mary rteelv.-1 m"nv "Cotatry Ch1b Lii a .toot'• ~· WJI• and cllDdPa Jeoq\MJya. MaUUtu1 s1tb and .,.. Y«"r"Y :rr.n W. C&ldl.U and a ('°'10Ut Billy &Dd Mary ot. Onl&rlb and pd tWr Mrtlld•Y• •r• onh· ·eopot to wUle. dine Uld pit • . . M r. and Mn. Carl W. Hacu two dayw ·~ for ll m r11ru1 • It wu tlMft wllll .. --~ M•· and c-hU<Sr.n Unda. Mark. B.ruca. blS par\y. :1q 41.aDeT tM nat llllhl \Mt l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;--~;;;...---.....,. :_.. _.. ~ to NA lnta •our U.O IM ..tpbOn Madia : ... 0.. Out.er ...... wtlll : t.bdJ' Mil ~ M.ac.b&'• .... IATIS : ............ -.tua. ... ..,. Man.Ill& : &..a ........ Kn.11.arjofte lmlUll. lat plows C• & r lll•d :.a~ Oaud ............ :JI , • .,. . !~============~=~~=~~~~~==~ : 9&T AMD Km.A. MACHA AJC1> 0WKM ~ : .... now. ..... &ft A.Ya)om . Ampllillt to JGC• u.. llm1Uui aa.oud t.ll6&r OOllnt1Ald A. VR cndlllr OfJ' Watt1m C~ ~b­ ..,. lbd:n D17). Jid:IUa J..JTLl:ll&AAUORI serving greater . ~ranae .,..... ai.o at UM Coalltl7 Ctult G ·• ~~ "i....~n:=,u't~~ ~I . . . dd .-.t r1W1 .,_, la tbt I .. ). Md l»Ntl out marUn hunt· C 0 NT R CT 0 RS ,,. . • Lodr>' Bud 1raut1 t1at1 ... ., N N Bl d catfS!tt twe I• two ._,, and '9o.1 O. ewporl Y • .. county FUU POUND ' Rt. a .. 111 ... tW ,...., l Die«~ flANI KATNIK In.I "· Ocml ... ,. ~ 1-1tn ._,a un At DECORATOR FLOOR SAMPLE Terrific Buys Every item in our shop has bHn reduced . Substentiel Sevin91 on Beker's fine quer.ty furnishings. Cheirs, Sofes, T ebles, Lemf)I, Pictures, Rugs, Room dividers, ecceuories, chests and desh. Eech piece cerefuOy se~ted H decOf•to" Floor semples. We need room for OYr new fell styles. [ Q~~lity Brands CAL-MOOE MAATIN • IRA TTRUO PAUL McCOii IROWN JORDAN • DANISH. MODEAN by swe Sale From Oct. 4th Throu9b Oct. lltft RTOU llOl'U POil OOT. '-I. ft'll -1111 A.II.. ft) ea .... &&GUI.A.& llOUU lilt 'IO ta RJRNITURE I -~ ..................... ........ , , • w.: Seirsen-Huff . Wedding Held . at St. Andrew's Young Newport Couple Will Live in Ventura lilll& .10IDi' wn.1.1~-·~1a. ; lla,.U. fliolo . Whi te-Ro\>~n~ot)'~ Vow Exch·ange l' 1 '::> ' ,.1 at St. Joachim . ,, Whit. &nd yellow chryauilhemuma fonued bdfia.l b&ckl'l'Ound in.St. J0&cblm Catholic Churcll on t.li.6 lfl(WTI· tnr of Sept. 29 when Mi .. Patricia Roblnaon, daughter of Mrs. Kathleen Robiraon, ~12 1 2 Mari&old Ave_, plighttd troth with John Allen White Jr., IOO of Mr. 11.nd ~Ina. John White. :rot.l N•wport Ave., tl\f'Ath. white hal •nd JlOYf'I Ca.ta Heu 71'11' R..v. Thomu J. tnd black ~tent tho.• Hei Nevui. ort1c11te-0 at Ul• double cor-..1 w•• or v,hJt1 chl')'a&n· rill& ceremony In which tlle tll~. )()'II. \Tbu.. w• ,.,.._ New Art Show at Lagµna br1M wu J!Ven In keepln( by td ln 0.111 lact with CQ<'oa hit >'or lht month of Cktobfor U\e ber brother. Ru.ueU l:L RobtlUOn. Uld acceuonf'I and 1nalthln1 La1t11ru. Beach Art Oallery "'Ill Patricia wa. a ch&nnLnf chrywnlh....,um ~rull'"· reatunl" r•pr•-ntatlve ... ork by bnde ln ner rown of tull.t with nOM ALA~KA tour of the top Motion Plrlun II.JI puff elttved bocll~ and tier· A eptoel-.J rue.el 1.l Ute Wedtlln1; Pl"od11eUoo Jllu.1t..-lor1, T t d I'd. OoU714~d eklrt. Loi\( ~r ••• Mre Von Dert..icke. lt"f"•nd-Haworth. Gf'nt! Allen. Harlan llo•u wer• topped wtlh t>M flothtr uf lhe br1de(TOOm. who F<'&er a.nd Eddi!' C..rnr& ... moe Lac• "''hlth orn&mf'n~ th.t came lllitn. trom ~ Ior I.be 1 111 tn.. "'P"'" &"•lleq ll leetir- l ""''n Hf'r vtil w11 held by a CWT•monv ed. a (!'Ottp of H~rd Krom•• coto11•l of P""••l• e nd •he car-1 P'or 11'• Palm Sprlns• honey-""~ and 1n th• main and ri'11 a bouquf't of "'hll• 1pLder ..oon the '"""" lo\.!"&. WllU,• cbOM ~ ~~· tM Jury ol Jllokn r.hl) .. nlhf'niuma •nd • emall I. bllJf' •ult wllh n1.vv er~llOrlM Wf'ld. John di-\\'l\dP 1.n.d Viet.of whHf 10.ary. 11rt ot her future ana whit• chrywnthf'nll.im ,.,.,. Kouaer n..... pLtl<..d lht ~t from Columbus Day Dinner Dance; Officers Elected Thi Jta.llaa-Amertcan &oclet)' t>I Oranst County m•t Oc:l. l , 1.t C. C. N"r'1 Barn ln Santa An• tor the annual t lecUon of O{fl<'cl9. N•w orfk•r• for tl'I• romln1 year •rt pruldent, Loui.. [)yna\elle. nl'ft vlc.c pr•ld•nl. Rmahto Sp«tnol1t1•, ... •and Y\c-e prea1d.,,!,. l,.ouU C•l!a Jr . third eio. ~t. AUonao Clatfo: ; Feminine Duo Captures Master Pair To'urnanfent Lt:NCH OOLF ' . FrldQO ."lU. , .... • ', " ., .. ~uniwr .. up 11iorUi-eoulh w.ni Mr. 1nd Mn. II. A. Grltfttha. Mra.. Mart.I K•n'lll anci 8l.Uli4')' M9'tll, Mra J'nak RM4 ud ltobert Lumk. lliinNl"l-up eut- wtet wire tha W. A. StambfrJ•, Ow Stanlf')' A~ Mn. •rch MacAJU1ter a.nd Mn.. l:d)'tM dErlans•r. F~ RIOS Mn Charlff Rr•ndol and Otto COUNTRY CWI • IE ' Hartfl•ld w•ni .... t-w••t winntn j In I.he M'Onday &~ltOll. S--A.....-J--,,0 CATALINA VISITORS whil1 11ortl\-90uth hip .i:onr• nmrm 1779·.A N...,ort Ave.--111 Costa MIN rnother·1n-•..,·. ....... ,..,. w ... •rMlu•IM& J:l'ua tle n«r·lOO •11.1T1b9r artillt. •n· IS FALL SHADD ,.. .... h'Om l\'""JK)rt Rarbor 11" tMea. Sh•ron V•rTlll'I" WU Ill.I.lei ol lclMfol.~w ... a mf'mbfr ot Ct" A T1w openi"J lf'& tor lh• -_,_. 'P'llii ~...a..! d\lb He.1 ~ ........... ,,_ .... , .~ .... -. honor "'"f'•l'tns ....,.,,....., ~.-n Mnd -.lt.-~ ...,._ u" .,. "''' --.r• ta/leta with brOW9 ..tw"t ldm. .,._,,..ted rrom Maler 3 to ~ and 1poneorf'd b~· tlw ..ecntary ,J r·~•~n~M~n;."";;;"'~,,....~~~·~.,..~~"~"';;:~:;::;::;::;::;::;::;:;::::;:!;::;::;;:;:;;;~:;;=:;;;;:;;;:;;;::;:::;:;;;:;::::;:;~;::;;::::;;;:;::::;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:::::;:;:; Jol lke ~ ..... tru111rer. P•t Tanc:rf'dl. brown M lln •™* aOd 11maU [)lit fflsll ~l and 11 pr.,..,.,l· Soro llmi.t Club \!" •U~ Oran&• 00.et Ool-j __ •_~-----­ M~Lat11hl!n. "rSe&nt •l arma.. Th• b<Mrd ot dlre<:t.o" h•• paet l'1eal4elit lliddl• Campu. ae viriled hal. 1114 brldMmald' le,;•. llvely Taylor and B •"er I Y TM rouple will bf 1.t hnm• Tho.mil, -re ""'11'' dr-429 1~ •t•ri ~l<I AY'"' t.ut In ~po9lt~ color• br-oWll •l At Laguna DAR honorary cha1 r;n•n and memb<>" Mm ,.• Alvin P!nklt\ 1· K 0 J 'N&l'dl.llU. lld Ca1tell• Ru~ lrlmmN! w1llLi emerald All rar- r1ed •·hry...-.ltl•muma In ahadu of brons•. y,1U11W and f'U81 Jam• Wlnprt wu !>Ht r..ui •n.d 1uMta .,..,,.. -I.ad by Jilar- un Lo••rlnr and ftoberl Wh!ta. -no. f'ntoura1• l..l.&0 _ 111eh1dilid M1rha•L "'hH• 1.1 r1n1 beol.Nlr a11d Tiny J1c;-obam •• nuw.r 11:•rl w-rtns a yf llow ttitff'ta fr-o<'k •rwl c•rrv1ns • bl•ktl or )"tllow flower• A\'E MARIA Mr• Ml'Guk•n W•• aolnlat •ln&ln& Lht "... J.t&l'I• M IU J<'•n e..i-:-v w•.11 In rhar1• or th• JUf'9t bo<">k 8itventy rtv1 1u•1!.. 1tt,.n<lf'<I the wtddln1 •rw:! !hi rKt'f>llon h•ld atterw•nl In Ult Villa M•nn• wh•r• whit@ r10 ... ·er1 d•- cnr•t~ th<! bride e table and 1•rdf!n111 Ooel .. I ln th• punch l:>oowl Mother• a•l•tf'd !n w•l· oomlns 1u.,.\.a.. Mra. Rob!J\90fl -rtnr a matalllc turquol•• Rummage Sale Location Changed Th• 81. Joachim Mothers' Club announra • <'II.an(• ln the loca-1 UQ11 of lh•tr 1i.unmase 1al• alat- ad tor Friday and Saturday o( U\b WMk 'J'be buildlnfl .. l l'\h &L and Hubor Blfll. h•v. bMR l....S a.nd are no lon;t• •bit. N-locaUon to wh et ... n, ~bl• Item• m.&J &11 a 17A N~rt. Blt Calendar of Eve:p.ts ~fr vrw Ap,. --1 ...._ .. ,.._,_ FUND J'All\-11 a.a., I ...... 1-U p.m. a.11.~ 8unda)'~ Oct.. T Ct.r» PACK 10-Plcnie l :JO p.m.. 0....,-• w. Ocna J'nmt Jilooda.y, OcL I NSWJ'OllT PTA-l:IO, 1cboo1 J..mQ. AUX.-f:IO p.m. JO.-A IJl'.~l oot ~~ ~ R.&. PrA- Nffl.luta hal.ltJ wtftll DJ:LL 1Sc>Ofll 1-IJ:IO p..in.. oa-t:JO. pol luck HAJUl'SR PT A-4 p.m, New England Kin Visited Boardman en<l Ann ll••l>••"n ~·11ml, Dnrnlntc Sfer1ola end J ) "'r th• l'nl V.'!lU•m Cab<-11 rh ap.1 Canel• Jr ltr or th• ''A. !l wtr• In IA A C0Jun1Due D•y dlnner-dUI<'• ' 1un1 Se•ch Tmlll'I•). l""•l• or 1 ,.1 the Pl:tJen•'t W n t:hl O"plftr. ~: l M d •l the Balboa Bay The mtttin, w•• hrld 1.t tht ult CXt 12 at 8 Pm All Ki-Gr ... l(l<lder, 4lli.at:ht•r ~na Ho1 1>J In hnqor or ih" Jtal11n-A mtnca.n1 of tht ... ount:r •t Ml-•n<1 Mrt Hubert JO<'ll\•r.1 etate ,.t._... '"f'l!!'I' M:"' Jnhn .,.. trMl.1'11 and thote In lh• JllO Wl'!Jttl•r AYt \"Oita Mtu l"h1mp1t t1JI who ...... th• apf'ak H•tlx>~ •r"a ,.-ha h ••·• 11r>t nb- 1 1a1n•r\ !lll~r adn1l ulon !lrJ!•t• rM1an .. •1 .--.:-nu, from It-ll'\p to •r. _ m1_1 d<J »at UM c:lub 1h11 •V•l'l- tht :-;,..,.. F.n1tl.11 nd •l•I•• ••1'11 ---~ int '" m•v rnntart Milo Met· th• .. u .nur ff"•~t1 "'1 .. 1<«1· Lido Tennis Club 1·"'•'11 •t H•r 1337 d•r a rqtat.e~ J urw, 1.1rnd as nur"" rn.-• ,,.,.n•11:• 11:irlo ,.,.. Lido Tai• T f'T'lll 1• tlub wrll - ca m p nf'ar Ansuel.JI Me ~~"hill hal<l l!>urn,.n1ent1 lhf' n•lll '''"' l•n•I The Lournamenl.I will be 1b1 m.IM vt.U. t• 'rl• D.U't•,....l 8 ufl4a)I Q.t. 1 .. d 0.L 1t. neld Ofl lA aarc1lona Ind 8"&11 bf1"lllpla(e \n M•aurhui•tt1 an·I All membt!ra nf thtt <h1 b I nd P.•m" Courta •nfl pl1y wHI •l.Jlrt to her mntker 1 \n "'""'"' t.'1~r ftl•,.rl• ar,. "'t\comt In i t •' 10 • m lllMtl1.1r m•ny of htt rsJath·f'• f'lr lht r1r•l l>m• ltnr<;>ulr horn• .tMi ••d I rn1r .~n vl•ll•<l "aaN~ll u a. Mt. Vtrndn anti nlht r h11tonr•l pl•c•• Th• K1dd•r r1mll)' hav• bftn r .. ald rnl.I or co~t• Mfaa fnr more lhan 20 vNr• M iu K hld~r la 1 11ehool 11un1 In 81n· ta An• lr)n/JW\ t~--YAIDAGI ..... Ult.UI 2.98 While they last! L1DO W•,fttftl , Ctu~l2 IO p.m.1._iil ...... ~~jloo 90ll0f'TU(18T-J 1..m., J1h\l.JCA ji ••• • r 4 " AO UP TO DURING Our October Jewelry Sale BIG DISCOUNTS ' .. • • On o ... Srock to Make Room NEW FAU MERCHANDISE • ,.. • BUY:! "°'"';f f ,AVE Fine DlalftOllCl1 ' ' e Dla111111111h ..... Ila ts e P..t Ri1'91 • -• w • ~ : ' 1'/!f'"r H ON -JIWIUU- 8AUOA ISLAND jAI s.1.. R .. ~ for A •, • o,,..,, I 0 A.M •• 6 P .M. , I I l ' l f .. . .- . . . • I I i • • - • .. '"· , 1 . .. • . Tbet Is the ttieme of the UNITED FUND . ' l'llpei911 und-.ey In NIMpolt Bekh now. 0.. gift for ell 'ft-0. 11.-wtlte charitebte. cherectel', Mel citizenship orgemutions formerly "'pported · ~ the Coinmunlty Chest · plus ii helf ' -•aj11 In ecklition. -. 'One ·.cempeign to reise the bud~ of 11 or9eniietions wi'H permit the better use ·of time of hundreck of devoted citizens of, this 'community in the ectuel worlc for their _ orgenizetions end its · eims rtther then westing the time of thousen4 in1 ~ndless •ppeefs. • Newport Beech is e ftn•rous commllnity. It hes been generous to the point of being liited es e petsy for any end every fund c:empeign of eny _ Hnd or nature, reel or fencifully -dreemed up or supported by one or more citizens, honest or otherwise. This hes worked e -hardship on everyone. The l.efJtlinete charities end cheracter !>u~!ing or,ienizetions: the dedicated· campaigner for worthwhile causes, the homeowner and business men who ere constantly heckled by one ceuse or another. •• • I. . "·"'' • • _,Ev.ry chentY in this erff worthy '-of il~fJ · ·· considered in -the UNl:tED FUND hes \,9n , . ..L { •• iiWitect to· prMent its budfets. " s~ --have · coopweted end their b!HJ9ets ; f,ave · been epP,ov•d. At IHJt e couple of. off.en r.;.;r ' ·made the flet . stetem_ents thet · -·~we Un teke more out of Newport Beech with our own cempel9ns." To the letter two we sey ~ Not • cent from us. ' We wi11 give more then before. More ~n we CJaY'9 to ell Of those on the list inCrwicfuelfy will we 9ive to ffie. one FOnsoGdeted egel)Cy. Then we ere ffirough. ( Exc;ept, of course, for our church end very personal cherities. l I We ask you to look over the budgets • presented, telly up tll you 9eve lest year, double it, give es much more then thet es you can -end then 9~ tough. The UNITED FUND is your contribution to your community! Give once -give enough. Refer ell future soricitetions to the UNfTED FUND. •~•• Gii HA:. . .... YHI RNIST-MOST COM~ SfOll . TO • POUND AlilYWHDI .. . ·-t" { -· 1tan1wn . . . Paints .•• w~ .... Applnes •... JV ••• ""° I . A 1 Gtiocl Fnencly · ·l!hiii· 'to • • .. .• • • I. ,_ ' , II IU•AfS 6 llOUDAYI I - 2aosw: H ·~ 8hril. 116 ~ .. , 'I ' • • ' , .. !' 1.\1 . • , ' I . . • • • • • • . .. .. ~ ·: ' . . . . . . . . . -. . .. . . .. ... .. • ... .. . •! . . . . . -•' -· -. . ·-. . . .. . . . Thia it Natiinal New1p1per Week anCf . ihe motto of the occa11on this year ia- "Your Newspaper •.• Freedom 1 Key to Bett.r Livin9". We h•ve choaen fhi1 oc· caslon to •ccount to you not only of our 1teward1hip of th. ~ewpor+ Harbor News~Pren but to inform you of Jome of the growth that.hes been taldn9 place at your newsp•per, ,. . .... , Acron the top of this pa9e is pictur- ed our f ondfl!st dream. It is • tentative rendering of tfte propoa•d ,,office build- iag whicn is being planned to cover the property we have qn 23rd Street iust in front of the new compoiincJ room and pre11 room. Newport Beach and the are11 sur- rounding have been rapi<.tly 9rowin9 ·in the p•st few y .. rs end the News-Preu he~ +ried hard fo lceeD apac• of them 10 th.t we migftt continue to render the maximum service to our r•edera, adver- tisers, end fellow townsmen. I ~ - 210 W ....... Blvcl. ' . rotary is hbu1ecf In l>uildin9 ~rtion 6. Spece 7 houses the· circulation offices end cars~ Although the pl-nt in which the News- Pren is produced h.1 been expanded by 30 times in 1quaM foot19e since I ?40 lt is neceuary that further plans be car- ried forth. (In 1940 the plant of the Press ~occupie,j 375 square feet, today I 0,625 aquare feet are used with plans for 2,000 square foot addition mede. for 2,QOO s_quer~ f~ot addition made.) In 1940 the,.. were 6 employeH, to- day there are 42 adulh and 69 news- boys. The building pictured et top of the page is to be ereci•d on the cro11 hatched •r•• merk•d 8 on the aerial photograph of News-PfeU property. When the building pro9ram i1 com· pleted for the property now owned by the Newport Ha;bor Publi1hf ng Oom- pe ny there will be I J,000 square feet of production and office area. An area equally as lar9e i1 shared, with our neighbon for offitreet parking of em- ' ploy••• end customen. We are striving to be worthy of your confidence in • consistent program of news coverage extension end picture presentation. We ere creating a faci- lity capable of k .. ping abreast of our community. We desire to prov1de you the finest n•w1p1per po,1ible end pledge ours•lves to cover en of *"• . n~w1 of J.n.t•!tt•t to "thl•· community with · de+.rmiMtloR and fid.tlity • • t . ·- . . . . I I I I \' ) ~ I • t : The Canons of Journalism I t EUaltal .... Adopted b7 th Americy 8odetJ of .: -~--~ !'Alton oa April t3, tn( ud 8laee EllclonM by ~State A.a~~-a.ad <-. en.,. et , .......... l ' The primary tuncUon cl rwnpapen la to com- mWl.lc&t.e to the hum&D race what fta membel"I do, fMl a.nd tklnlr.. Jou.rnallan, themol.", demanda of It.a pract;ltlonttt the widllt ranr• of lntdlipnce, ot know&J,.. and of ~ 11 wtll u n•tural and t.nJMd powera of obeenaUon and reuontn1. To It.a opportuniU. u • cb.ronk:Je an lnd"'eolubly linked It. obllptiona u t.cher and lnGarpttt..-. -To U.. ad of findiq ., .. meua of codifying ·-llOUJlc! practic. and just uptration1 of American journal imi. thae e&nOIU are aet forth: (1) a..,,....,_ni. rtrht of a oewwpaper to attract ud ho&icl radera la ratrict41d by not.bin( but conalderation1 of public welfare. The ue a nm· paper make. of the .hare of pobUc attention It ra.in.1 •r?fll to determine it.a .ena.e of rMponsiblllty, which It •b&ra with every membtt of ttl st&tf. A journal· lit who u.-bil po1"T' for any •lfld OT' othtnriae unworthy purpoee ia f&ltbleu to a bish trult. (2) Fnecloei of tlle Prell Frtedom of th• prua l1 to be suard~ u a vital rirht of mankind. It ia the unquemt.ionable right by law, including th.-. 1"1.9· dom ot any ...uietJn statute. To it.a privileges under the fnedotll ot American tn.titutlon• art1 ln· •pe.ra.blJ jobltd It.I ,_poollfbi1Jtie9 for an intelbc~t fidelity to the C01:1.titution of the United Statea. (3) lllckpclMleaOt-Freedom from all oblira· tioa.a except that of fideUty to the public interut 111 vital. A.. Pramotton et any pnvate int~rut oontnry to t.N ~eral wellue. for what•v~r r.•"9t'ln la not competible with h-On..at joumahan. So-callr.-d newa comtDun.k:aUon1 from private 1ource1 1hould not be publlahed without noUc. ot th~lr eource or elae 1ub- at&ntiation ot the claim.a to valu~ u n...,1, both in form'a.nd aub.tan~. B. Pa.rtJa&nahip m edJtorial comment which Jtoowtn1'1 depart.a from the truth doea Yiolence to the best 1pjrit ot Amencan journa!Wm ;....m the newa cohmm• lt la 1ubveraive of a fundamental principle ot lhl profeaion. (') 818aertty, TnaUala~ Accwy -Good faith with the r.dtt JI the f oundatJon ot all journaJ- lam worthy ot t>M nam._ A. By every conakleratlon of rood f&Jth, a Sacramento Sid~light . ' ' &ACIWO:N'ro, -lc:AS) -~-~ A. Jillllr, Jr., JUdmlcod, la ·a'°'ft to d:l.alk UJ> a.ncde:r ~ for tbe bbnaucnt1c ba1D1 .... In the Jt&te depart.meat of tlah u4 tame-. ' TM eenator fl eoamrhat maeued becauee of WI __,~ .be ~ froza & OOG· P'f!'d Ul&t M!Utr "wttte a ~ .UW.t. Alwl O. HallCf. , ~ *-· . , • btlDQ. Jla1q, It 9"IDa, WtDt ~ .. ~ &I tat.er.Uq ..., ~ Da AJp&eie ~ouaty, M Ule ncmt ~ -W.C ,.... ldl1ed • ~t-. taAtd u.. ded\&rt ~ .. .,. a...·. ...,., and •91\&lltartty .t.opptd at dlp&.rUnnt.. WMcb JMit 1lieDe oa • flab aA4 piii• checlnq .t... taon to II.a" t.1111 deer la.J .U· .... ·- llow'wu. 1111 wu laformed Jl4 fl'll Ulla wrot11 U11 oa au. deer. at llMNJd ban -. • wbltt • tq tuteU ., • mm • &as· l'fonaalJJ, .. ..wN Wilk thal a dt.1-"llPOUld ti. allawed to C ...... lqt wlla a miat.IJlt WN .,.de, DOl hofa delibtTat.t •t· l«'DpU lo Mat u. ft.eh tlld pme a...-.. kl .. Ulll rMUlt ot u Q~b .. tl'T'OJ', Not eo. 11-.nt", lJl the C&M ot Dlnctor leUI Gordon' 1 bu· ,..ucraUc. d.U Mrric• enaploy· .... wtlo appear to M tnlMd for °'9 expnM ~ ot J1U9lun1 pubtlc around. 00Nn80AT'E8 DU• Ra--.·• tecon4 dttr ~ wu ~ttd.. aad Ult •late famt ~&rdla dttd him tor a pm. i.w vtolaUoa. M-.nwhti.., Katitc noUc9d a pick-up tn•cll lc».dtd "'1Ul -r 1111utt• unkno"'1'. at lh• ch«k.IAc aauoa. J1&tat1 ~i.d the clt.&Uon to a J~ a-.OUt IO ml.tu away from u .. chl'ckln1 11taU011, and wu told that he bad tht option at payl~ a ~ flM or torff'IO,,. 1\14 cs.er. A• be dJdn't ha~• W W1~ him. H• 4rov• homt mJnua deer and nunu. the npt t4 tumt any Jl\Ol"t th&a y .. r. Wbu Senator Miller cal*I UM .. pat'lmcl ot fiM aJld same to laq\lln JUI\ 1Wl\&l k1NS ol a ...i 111• eo1U1Utuent bAd &'ott.e" Into. DINetC)r Gordon. lhe ..u&tcw WU laform.d. wu too a.u.y ,.tu,,. rHdy for a oommtaalon rn..uni to \all!, ud the patrol chi.t .... (1:4. b9tttr kJtOW1I u "Tht Deacon," la oo• C)f Ult top typosnphen In the nauon. He U.. ~9d the NO :COMM·ENT \ But wtiat uout UM a.cUou and talk Of tM ~ lroo1*9 w.dtt Da~ ud Cl\-· ... W... .._. U. foray on ti.I _.., .... , ~Ulla_,. ... - ~ ._... for t.be ~· eo-u..·.,.. u.. ~~t Id~ et Uw OalSforai&M at War-Mr'• wtucb rwutt.d In Ole Pauitia Mt-cw and t.1111 lat.er ftY9'p ol t.be Ca.llto..._ Gil t.be la· dlaN at U. ~ Maawar1'. !fo auu.rttr. fll Wllaa 1 - •• ..,... M.t "91' ~ --plaiMd Ole lluddea uprltlni ., OW .,..cecul lDdlaN of Pa\b*a aaatnat Ole Californ.l&M. It all boll.I dow1I to w1wlbtr Lt, Da'148oll and pa nwn ""Weo1tt uu. .... ,. or u..taway,r. UI pUJ'• l)dt .,, u.. b ..... Mr'Ci ot J'1or'til. ADd lf u.. pod Dolt Joae LUro etotdd lilaYt rtm• ..... hia data &DCl ne.a-a llWt more ct.rly we mAPl pLa,..mt tbe aaa)r. t.ater, a t.1111 u.p ~.-.· n .uic.. me c.ntanU&at t11at wore k1ll4d awnbered uar-- mrn wlMt lllad ,_. U..O bwau.e tlMy diet not w\ab lo ha" uy part le ti» 'tll'U' .... IDlt ,.. U"4&.H St.ale& I la acMIUca •t.t tht D\llll1NJI' el mta 1ftlo Wm ~tu.cl ..... ~ ..... IMeaU9I ttu. .. t.eaee " ln ltdct. ll ... , a amt« o4lt0f'• Mte aad oot Lq"o'1 obell'T&Uon&. Sarlltr IN· • Jt.ad It.a~ ''-lbl ~ ft-. .. Diiie ... •1"" I.hat lboP ln6aM Md JUISMI llftW Calitomlana ln lbt aa. Ja. V..n.y!' Wblcll would IA- d.lcat1 tMl M C'eUld not ,........ Mr 'll''bo, when or wb&l Ulll DUIP· btr wu of the mea kili.d, aad • ..,. OW7 .... u..n ..... aJw'1f ben a 9CN1'C'I ot coejectw-.. (i. ... ..,,, II) .• - ' l C'ommunion Service at Mesa ·1st Baptist nm eommr ~· Day •t Tube.." t!M ~ o'dodr • • r a I n 1 Wedn9da7 at 1 :ao p .... la UM . ......... ...no. of ·u.. l'lnl pnlM 1od Bible 8l11dy bour lo ~ Clt.urell al. ca.ta M-. IN follow.cl at I:~ by U.. yaft. qomer Of KapoHa and But• °"' p...,_ JnoMttqa. .lM A,,_ '-l\n'. I'. O. Neu-----------, .iaru1 wUI haft u )M CommUJI· &on t1t.-'"To .... Uke J..-... ,.._... oriU be an ~ ot , ~ 1-d'1 lklptMr and UNI Mod 04'.. lwQonbip wUl ... ~ to au .... _,,...,.., hDday lkllool e.TeMI al fKI ._._ wttll U.-.tor all ..-. At t :ao Pi"-u. Youth TnUd:Di' Union wtU ..-and ... at U. mme ,_.. u. ~· 'l"rabllaC J1'0UP wUI llol4 It. claa rolknrirtl u.e UM1&1 1 ~ao p.in. -.-~ ~ b)' ,.._ ~ tM ,.... wlll bri.nc ............ -.. ..uuad 'ICbrUtlaa t-.. ta u.. TM C:FO Group to Hear Dr. Brown Christ Church to Welcome New Members IAL'fZ MORTUARIES CllAP9L ., ..... sill. auoa.eo..t.,. 0.-... Mar, Odl. __ .. --~...-auu.f/fa.~-........ Sj' I I l&tlliaa ~ °"* --. .............. ,_.. m..--..Oet.11~•-t1WX..S ... t ..... ... c.. u. n-. a.. ......_ oma ,..... n.-._ .... ..... at»aa. ... c-.••..-.--"' ... ~ .. -..._F ,~ ... GlllM .... ... wMlll _.... ... ........,... ........... __.. ~ .... llllU. --... --. ....-... chlklr9'• dill&-. ~ -..... ...) .... ~......_.'-._.._....._.....,. ... 1. 'W. DwoltJ', CMJd ~ .. ..... 5 --.... ....... ...--..~ ttD YOl INOW • .............. ---"ju;lli A? ''t • r~ UI &. 11'111.-.... OIS& -a ............. • • .. -" { .. .., ..,.. f .. : ... ...................... Mtaa&_....,._ ... ._., ~1 ...... .. ........... .,.,__ ..,. ............... -... ~ \N,..... .. .,, 'h7 ......... 'nl-. tnal;J', • lll7 a.,. ..... ... ,fll. tbfD' tM& _,.,. ..... .. -t. ,,..., ....... lll Mail Away SOUVENIR COPIES OF THE Nawport Harbor NEWS-PRUS Golden Anniversary Edition A Pew Cepll1 Sltl Aw••11 Ar NIWSolllSS Office, 2111 W. I I 191 ""'- Compl1te Coif j ..... , M11ll19 a .. ,, ollily • • . ,,. '-1616···· .. HARIOR lo Your • • aaon ow OONDmON or THE MAu.u IANIC 111, .,. LOC~ 4T K&Wi"C)ln ll&Aml. <lA.uroll.'ilA u or '191: Cl.oe& or lltJ81NaS O!'f TllE nu. DAT or 8EPTl:MftEA, ltM ....-t «a. re111rta-wttla a mil .... ~ ta. ~rill'-*•• .i ftAak.9 COm&ClAL OMlll. "9•1MW with otlatr b&ftlm, Incl~ rue"• b&J. • ...., a8d CUb ltllm Ill proc.-of ex>UacUon _ ~· a. ~t ebl~ d1nc:t and tn.117 l\l&l'Ul"-l '-m and ~a. j~ JltOO 09Wdrat1A). -- 911.ak ~[ (IJA:l uc .. '•••"' .... not ., .., ~llcik) -p-~~-~-~----~~- 1'\mlimn. 1bltuJw and equipment------- Total A...u ----------- ----- -----~- - ' 810,758 47 2.202 Jlt .. l.lTl.611.J.• IUIUll G.8,112 12 4.071,103 u 11.2,.210-21 •U.OOO 00 t..118.'4 17.TUU '"l..Ul.151 . .11 m.000.00 • 110,000.00 ...... Lill ~ TotM Caplta1 AOOOWlta -------•a&.NUl ri-.i UaMllU. ud Oqdtal Accocmta '4..071.10112 -. . . ... I - 111.0IUt lal.OIUI .... 1 at.ie11 H 1 e.11.02s 21 100.0QO.OO 2.302.Jlt .k ~1&11 1,T97,7J8 Ml 30.128 60 ~.1112 72 , , • ' '1 4,101.111.U MOl\12 44' M0,1112 •• 162,%1 •. 21 U2,000.oo 2,U.SU 77.7U..J2 N0,1112.e 4.2","4.TT 11,00l.to H0.000.00 I0,000 00 110,000.()() M .Ml.61 T0,000.00 llOl,MUl 1ao.a1ua 1•.aoe.11u1 PHOTOST4TB HARBOR BLUEPRINT %819 Newport Blvd Babor 4331 MOTTELL'S AND PEEK C.OloDiaJ .Mortuary llOJ ----J•t aw~ of W•· au.a. Mameirta.1 l"arlL A.a Ol'UI• UN.aty lAtUtuUoa hniDI ftUDlll• of UI fa.ll.M • Tt.aepcme ('hi} Wf•) UlaJU. 1311 No OD• .,.... turned •••1 t>Mau.. .. lael .. twMl.a. 10 8_,._ Ualc!e PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Lesal t21 15. Coul Blvd. t.ariqa S.ach Hyatt 4-STU TlcM MOVING? !no Job too sma!Jl Move Now. Pay Lat•. "no down paymm l ~ •t.211 Hr. far I mm It van up to SO mu... WllY PAT MORI: 1 Lowut P.lJ C. ratel on Stat• or NaUon-wlda mcrr- tnr. Aren~ m Becur1ty V&n Un•. Our •torai'• · rat• are PAINTING INTl:RIOI\ -l:XT&Rl<JJ\ A~ MAJUN• PAlln1.NO LIL'llNU:O -lftlUftl!D Glenn John1ton &Ol·lllt IL Newport S..ch Harbor llTt (ttlc FURNITURE Diatlnct.Jvely Wiped Made. repalled or reflJlia!Md C. EVERETT SMITH 41a • ~ ISL, l'fewpurt ... ~ U..U. ~day• er enh!ap lltlf CE¥J:NT &r BUU..OJ.NO j ........ nlEE mTDUTES Libe.rty 8-4109. CARPENTER Repair Work °'*' 1 our Home NMd lt.epUUta -,... ...... ,. Ca.IJ J"raak. Lnlw\7 a-aM ~ Wortl 0-Zuc..M TMll PAINTING Paper Ha.nitnl L. B. McKENZIE Lle&NISD INBUIU:D KAR 0316 H>J\ CT Pailltin1 la rapertla.altq We do the work OSM1Tee. IO,.._.,,.~ I 4CIG'M4 • ....,.., l&tS.lll'acUoa ~ UteetM &M. 0aD J ........ u 8-2887 ,. u 1-6288 lowut. NEWMAN TR.AMI----------- P'ER 6 BTOlU.Om.-lMt Hu- b4'r Bi.d., ea.ta M4111&. Dey u a.-m• :mt.e LI s-.cao a u ·~l:H. BLUEPRINTB HARBOR BLUEPIUNT 28li Newport lllvd. Harbor '331 PAINTING INTEIUOR.I -EXTERIOR.I LoeaJ J\til--- Uc-.d Md luured Haynie -Harbor 30M 71tte HEAT FOR SALE BUYIT ~rrs •Al.Sa -Q:l'YlCZ ~o AU. ... ..... Oompl.C• ...... ~ COAST MOWBR W\Ua · IGN6 'O ~WN ~ Uawn llqutpm.en't . WAR£+-IOUSE STORAGE Pb. Ka.r 1111 -LI ~ ,..,Ue 11 htu 11e ~ A.aOll)'IDOU8 Wrti. P.O. 9cs M1 If ...-..rt -Jtaadl. oau~. Pboee ftulllor 41'1e BUSINESS CARDS HARBOR BLUEPRINT 281~ Newport Blvd. Harbor •331 OPl:NTI'fO tor driver tn da.lly e&r pool to downtown t.o. ~·· u a..112•. 71•72 -~ ---- UCl'lrl'ART CS.lrea rid• to lant.a Ana from Balboa .lal•nd Monday thru P"ridey Har 171\2 attn 15 at73 )(.of de•res ride to VZJ\N01( er MAYWOOD INQUITR!AL AJUlA 1 day. a wHk Unablie to drln but w111 llhart ••· ~ Har. lK&J. TlpT4 Call Your Relax·A-Ctior OONaULT.utT Dem~ ....... u.. Boa.ale WU.. -Hiatt ~ •Blatt ..... llttt Superfluoua Hair ........,...t.11 ,.... .. ~ ,... .......... _...,,. ..... IWr ...... .......,,.. ~ tww<•& m.u:l'll 1. llft'f Aln' .. .. UcM't aam fll --~ Bu. SITI "" REDUCING u )'OU!' ftlun h not ~ to )'OU. )'OU Ulo\Jld M COD1• lq t. us.. 0.AIR,m aTll.01'08 Mii N_,..-t Bl'f'd. LI l-HT4 Qc71 Roy's Maintenance A.~w~;== Compl•t• Profeuionel .. ~ '~· "°· au:: Hou1ecleenlng J\i:oul..ATION .._ Bl'\IMWtell noor ..... and butnn1 ·Pool tui. complilt• ..,_oo Wladow OeuJD1 axe.ii. CIOIMt!Uoo. H' 2 B.J..; i.o& Ow-. Ha. IMO. .,..._, Ul)b011tt17 a...nm1 ..... Patlot Color wued 1-tt"OUI ftMaJt8 REASONABLE Phone Liberty 8· l 33 2. tt~ D\ONINO don9 tn my &om ... U.00 per M\lr. Pl-brtfta hanlft'. 1624 S..vl•w, Corona cW Mar. 70c7 WHPr& '"'"° will do hOUM- -rtt ~ Q)t.1'*oaP. llXpefto eftotd. LI MU.&. 70c73 LICSNIED a,.ne.noecS aktppel', availaM• fA>r tlah.lns tripe or bo&t m&lntma.noe for th• wtn- LU', Pboft• Har. 111 .. W. 71CT3 Rl:TIRl:D adloolt.aeh«r des\n1 praet.lcal nwwla1. companion or l\a'ht ~i.ek•ph1&·· Can .. nve.. WIU tnv.i. Har. '713 or 00-Uth IJt., Newport BeM'h 7tp7J --'-SEAMSTRESS Dft.ltaUUX.11'0 a.ad ALTSIUTlONI Hwra t Ln\. to • p m. 1 T ra& )(tWI ro.ta.. U09la M ... ' U)erl1 1-HOI &ol:TI PAINTING a, Bou. lmall or l&rl• Jobi ok.. ~blerat" ~ .. nn GIRLS TAD ADVANTAGE wf/U et our tr«11...,... rowt.11 and nWDd'Ol.19 promotJoaa. • run pay u >'"OU Jeana ·~tl~ • A~t actu.U,. SDOllUJ'-.,.d -()pelilqw for - 'IELEPHONE OPERATORS -Apply - l:IO to •:JO lb West Th1nS a.at& A.a& P ACinO TELli:PHONE . ftOTO-BltOlL .00 wtlb 8t&nd' an Mt.Mc. po111a lillnl'a bed. compk'IAI sz. lAWll ..._ J7, LI •121n or U ....,2. Tic1• -P AAAJa:rr rMCUna • ._ua,. bout .25 ,aac:ll. ll btrd c:ac• • 71 -. 11 outaida cac-~llO. Aquutum. Me • It. 8*t onalMl uUL table. c:Mo1ns Ms& LI ... TS-66 lat or IWL ,. Q. &. AUTOMATIC~ rnai- clU.na. MO. Har. MT1 4->'a. Ha.1\- 114 evu. TlcTl WXI: NEW, ftemlnatoe J2 rUle. H-*r lt.N-W. f "llcTI Sk XMAS TOY SAUD incl~ !s price collect.or'a Boat llo6- •la P .911 Llba.rt1'1 wft.h motor. now Ji.ti Wood speed boat. 4'I outboard-wol'M fJ.1>11. ~crrr BAZ.AAR '"'304 Main 8t. Bal~ 71CllN Movie Proiectors FOR R.EZ\'T I-MM 16-MK 14-WJ4 HOBBY and )(OOSL .u.RPl..J..Q IUPPLIJ:I Meara Camera ~op l7U Newport aJyd., ONta M- p~ UbertT •'ICMI. pr t.1 Fresh Hearing Aid BATTJ:lllID "' 01w UJl o.._ lta.IDpa Gunderson Drug Co. Harbor 111a. Pr M&Ut at.. at 11&1boa m•cS.. Balboa ,.ER8IAN RUGa ICXPl:RTL'f REP AlRJ:D at ..,.,.,. low rac... ICltimatee Cr.. 22 ecatler nip at fra.cUon of o1'1tn1J va.ha' Ext*' ta,... to Ul)mual aiaee avaOab.le. PU&IOU.N'll, 2736 E. COUit Hwy., Ooroaa dal Mu. Har.UU. llc'1J .urro LUGO.AGE can1er, •10. Trailer Panet-Ra.1 beater, '10. Call att.r 11.so. H&r. tH•W. TOpTJ WHITE depba.nl.a tor -.le al J'und Fare Sat.. Oct. e at R.s:n· ~ Ba.11room. Bala-. Ina. anl!Qu-. furn. cwamica, aceo"' dion. Jn&DCM. 70c'tl Property Owner Attn. rra TDO: TO CALL AA expert alloUt the ooecMUoa of your .... w lllilatsr. SEWING MACHINE HOT l'lENT A.I.a AND JlKP Ama Be Prepared for hlJ LOST -Lady 8lpa diamond -ca~ •-oodl tMmd. "ri· clnitf Udo ~ or Udo Bak Ot' JUtdni' lot dlne~ Wtllld Mm«. MW A.ltD. IQm. bwly 6-lNl. TleTI DISPLAY ADVER'rlSING kknDaa wa11tad. u~t ,.i- tioa wtth ........ " .rp.ma. u.. ~ ..,_,,., CALL your twUloltsad DAY 4'I NIGHT Jc.,,._ Waur R.U. Dealer. rROM P.60 W•Uler 1oe Bechtold-Bar. ~ J'or ,..... 1DapecUon P'UN AND I' ilR.ICS CALL Wrtt.e detana to Bax l)rto. ~ fll u.la H~1'. 1771-.A Newport Bl.. eo.ta w.. STANLEY ACKE:R.MAN LI 1-uo1 HJU.TINQ Learn Modern Piano UU• To clan ud ~ JOU1 ~ Leant to lllO~ ..,....._ ----------,.,. .,..i.m '"'°" tht l'\lab Cll' ... , ~ ..... 1'0UJllSllllUW ... Beacon l>eraonnel SAVE UP TO 701. 100,. .. pio,er retaJDed J""*J. tspadrtll4s. .,.., ..,i.: ...... ,tulW&N. ......... GENEML CARP£NTER 'lEPAIR OOD JOBI No Jo& toe' lllraD. 8mt ot re. .,..... u 1-CTT• 17th to lNlt&l.I a M'# one. o*'-9 -wUl tMcll" ,.... u ..-c1 W'BO'a•1.w W AftSllOUa. CALL BarWr 1'11 NOW llllld or u .UUJe u ~ wl& Net FM ..u-t.I frofll •ppll .. \ N6 • lrd, " bUL· eoiutb ol t.. 19 'l'altla 4.,.,_ N""'°" ..._ ,_ ._. Qty Ball. 21.J nth ltnet l'fpt. llclL. l'tMloe 11 'fM.re ia tht ~ ~ • RUTS 1'IU.LIM IUCAL Sll'l'.ATS l41.1'.8)1Uf IU.ltMLD IMPORTER Gto'ml Lt ... .,.. ".A.lftl:D OJ*. le pobUo -. Uml lat. ---------~ TO!:a tor our aaJ'boa 01nce. .Aa 1 to 6 p na. Paper .Hanging ~ PAINTIN& ORGAN, PUNO -n .. t *600ft. Many drop------------. l.M. ... Jt. c. 9re. -~ wodl lie...t la 1GUI' .._. ~ ... ~ 'Adt ,,qpllllr'_ Lt Moat ~ ll&y le a.ch Nty.. lee. 1'IO W. ~ Bhd. eeu. I •tca u M31T •.in,.. EXPERT .:>UIDM ..... ellM C1N !•!;;!"!!'!•'!M!•!!!•~W!!•!"'~---• ._.,, ct.rt a: Prt'llllta t.. :U~.;..:'a.r.': WATCH & CLOC ''FIXlr' .. hp ~ .tlcfl ~lrint ._.rm eon... au ,.... 91T111Anl.. ~~ = .m-. .._ Nl!WfORT JKWIU:lt8 : Ilda MAIO MAHT .JOU ro1l Mm 1f1t H....., SIN. • -Y-OUN_Q_f_Uld_IJ_ ...... --.-u.odlllf--J t1 M. r A a a A .ft. DnJltr. o.ta ..... u .... ai • •• 00Desw ...._ _,...,...,.., "Pl· .ol'4t .... .._, Npt.. aftanolma _. • ,..111 • ~ aaw t.ww Olty Rall. H•t. , •• F .... fus Ill Hu.OU...,, .,_,. ll!!;::!Ml!Ull~''!l~R~l~I!•~~--,,,_ TYPIHO tn ray bome. Oo'"8' ~ ~ condl- ,_._~ "'1tlas, mUle. Sta.. Uoa, aa. .Aho cwam. bed- CS.t, 4epnl1Me U ... ..., side wun11h. Kar. "81·R. 1M• 11cU DRAPERIES and SUP COVERS • KELVINATOR DOUIL.E DOORS StOO OFF! Sic 13 cu. ti.. .i. wltb all delux• l••tP,.... WbUe It luta. only 1-at fJOD tor,._ oZiil mrtpr. •tor in l"IUU\ln( ....ttUon. Lonr t«"Tn b&nll OM.nc&n,r. J AKrl APPt.l.A.NCl:S, 1U'T Harbor, """'"- Oood 8u)'1I In vsro 1U1'fOU, WAIJHl:lt.8, REntlG.ER.ATOR8 a:a..,. 'TM-n. alld •re. 0.11 ... ry Bttwt'• Tnrillkle Hardw..,. l IO:J N _.-pqrt Blvd. Cost.a Mof'M w a..Jt2t PAIR. or Y•ry old ~lehlnf mahoJ, hllbboJ11, $3~. tach Aao, m&Jtoc. spool Md .. nit• •t&nd8. U M424. 7lc72 DUNCAN PHTl"KI ima.tio11 drop SEU YOUR CAR JtA.JD Af'08 OR NC71' a .•oc-.. llfflll! ~,. rar-,.... H' l:XPftU8 C4BIH a\UUJ:ft. ,.'-"° __ .. _ ..... _____ "' __ ,...., __ 81-pll S, IM&4. Dbl.I Pluked. maq. ~ten -ma. I cyL 1,to-.__All...oleo=_f_.OT~So-'"--.,-­ OrtiJ·M'art.ae Phult.<a. r.i..d 103 JLP. Aurwyett 1955. ft.. ....... °°"' NIOQ.· ke:'l· nc. 8ltT6. CMb out u I&. Har. UlaM. S... or ...... Olk 7JcT• Wll.l.. PAY cub tor Snowbird 1 n cood condtion. Ptl ... tt party. A.ply Bax ~. thla pt.ptr. 'T2l::7t '50 C~evrolet "Pk:lc trp. Good Colldllloft $495. '64 Ford 8 Cutt.om IJ.arlcb Wa,ron rordonw.Ue. Ra&. 8-Uir WSW. S-Uutul eoadJUozi. $1695 lembretta ~otor leootar. 100 MilN 14r cal.Ion $295 '41 Chevrolet 1 own•" ce.r. Good COl'ldiUon $95 COTION GOFF The VOLKSWAGEN Dlr. Newport Bll'd. •t 22nd St. Ntwpart 8-ch. Harbor 44tl!) fllk:Tl i...t d1Jliq' table, 6 ci1atn.. Hot.-1------------ f 0 RD I Theodore Robins 1 polnt ran1e., ~~ l ... c:•rL qulllHI hM.d board. matchllis ·~ Md d""t rw.n.. pie· tures. lamp., mi.c, liuna. LJ a-wru. 7tp7a '!t;Muokal, Rodlo, TV '49 F<'RO 4~r. V -1 o·or. ' IUI '61 Hl!.NRY J ~r. llO '63 P'OftD Viet .. l'ordo . . l31M Ka.--A IYOrY, Beat..-, Intra 0.-. ONEOWNatCAR '50 BUICK SPECIAL SEDANETTE $545 Radio lo Hea..,., Dynatlow, Orig. dlt. Green . . '55 OLDS 88 HOUDA Y CPE. Radio ,. Heater, ff¥dn., J'wr. Jlral\eO. Greeo 6 lvoi:y. ONE O~ '55 PLYMOUTH STA. WAG. One Owner • Sl!IE TO APPRECIA Tll $2495 $1795 _MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM EASY GMAC TERMS SI ANSBURY BUICK .'YOUR BUICK DEALER * PORT ORANGE * TRAll.ER SALES and Suppliea 23< Eut 17th Street, Coot. M--LI S.9511 2200 W, Coast Hiway --------------------1 Newport Beach LI 84420 C. McCARTHY'S CASH T A'LKS Rt:1. lpecL&J :i. ao· 1 br. P..n A.n1. $11~ $64911 M 18' Terry lilil& tOill 00 11' K.Jt tw1.n ~ JQ9.ll 2itb 611 11' Travel Trlr alee ret t9fl 6.ll .0-Pan. Am. 2 br. 36115 anti, 112 '26' 811 .. u. ···-··---·.ltiti liil6 Full Price 111 30· Kit cu.tom lW6 ll\ill 'M PLYMOt.rrH Cranbrook -i dr ..... Rad.lo, Heater, 2-lone, WSW 'M MERCURY CUSTOM 2 dr. _ .... Rad.lo, Heater, Meroomatic 'M DODGE CORONET t dr. ···-·--···· .. ·--·--··· Aulo. Drive, Radio, Heater, new rubber '52 PL Y>IOUTH CRANBROOK i .U. Rad.lo. Heater, WSW, Original Pa.int '!IO FORD V·8 CLUB COUPE $ ~ PAN AMERICAN e~ 1 OPEN 9 •-m. • I p. rn. tvery aay I Parvt1oun1-KenMIU 87!'.i Trav~Twcy 875 ! Bol•-Al'n:i !lk:71 ! ,\olOD~ HOUS-.li TR.AlLltR.- 1 12:ZW.. />tutt -Lo •pp1'9Clalt. I No. 33 -Anchor Trailer Port. 1627 Nr.vporl Blvd., Colll• M-. 70p72 -•1u c."oSTA MESA 1 Btodtoom. ~ bouat, paUo ~ .... 'f'&cy. Ad11Jt.1 Wily. •78.M> ino. % BEDROOM. Wllwn. &pl. plu.t 111.raae. No pei.... 11'0. 01Q. Vucel Cp. U ~7 · H c7' 3 B.R. W1turn. lowtr dupi.x on N•wport t.lMid. 111~ ~ uu1. J. B.R. fW'n. car. •Pt. or p.M"U)' turn. r-rb' or Wllller Seo. Jill.I.I I"'· Garq._ 2 BJ\. u.nfucn. apt. Co.ta. .... Gar. •pt. 3 B.R. hon1•, U!\l\l"'.00.lf. .a-.. FRANCIS J. HORVATH. IU-altor 3t20 W. Balboa Blvd. -Ku. lUI l~lfl Npt. Blvd. C.M. -U MlOl 7Jp1f BALBOA BAY FRONT 1''\JRN, ~l alld dollbM apta. JM. and JM ,.r monta .Bach- elot' 9f)t. JfO. l bedna 175 mo. uuuu.. pi.Id. a.....,. ••all· able. Hu. 1306. 6ilc71 NE\V :ii bdrm. unJ\lmbthad up- llt.alra apt-on b&y tr.mt. Docic:- •c• •1•ea. 8"'1t·tll ni.na• and oven. Kar. •817 . 70cTJ. Rad~o Lnd Heater 41-Wanted to Kent BAL.BOA i~LAND iftnier l"f'nt-"'--~-'--~~----· I al. I bdrm furn. apt up.ta.Ira. FREE ! ! on Da,y front K.r SOlll. UUc W/f 11 OWNER'S ~t'90nal pGaNNle>na. Juat ~ fl'Oll'I alor&f:t. CKfUSTMA.8 HAMMOND OR- GANS, pleu. pl&<:"I your ordv IM>W; ahGrt ~ply DI!. IOlll• model•. S. an EARLY Bil'tD, hurry. '•8 JAGUA.Jl Mark JV ~. &ilO '!'12 CHRY8 Wlndll. 4-dr .•• 7911 '3 t f'ORD Club Cpe. Tor-do &WI ·~ FORO Reh. Wac. o·dr. 194~ '60 MERCURY Club eou,. &t/J ·u CHEVROLrr Conv. 1190 'II• FORD Reh Wq Fordo 1491 'Ill CADJLLAC 12, 4-dr. . I.JN '4'0 FORDS ~~) 2 dr1., t drs .. Club Cpca, $195 up 't8 CADILLAC CONVERTIBLE 4.95 Fire engine red, blk., top, R·H. Hydra. ilur any vacancy 111 Orang• Co ) QUICKLY AND EASILY 81.MPLY CA.LL llELIX.."1' RLTT. LIDO ISLE \V ATER FRONT APl'S. WESTtNGHOUI• R.efrtpralor JOO, l;l&r, N2W afiu 6:.IO. _tt_u_. _..,_,_,_.,_•_•"_1~_. __ 11_'_"_ 1 UHd Bpi.net ptuto iit:rf.-t condl- 'l'k'l'• COMPLJ:TE rt1RNl8KfN08 or UOG. '32'5. JU pu monUa. 1421 ~ C. McCARTHY'S Main Santa. An& .. Kl 2-3007 Kl 7-3500 1 4 2 bdnn. furu. apt.I. or yearly, =,,,-o,.-;~,l~IU~C,..,8TO=~n=.-.~, .. -~ .. -m-. LIDO HO .... Jkr. f15$1. 70eri ALL model HAliOlOND OR- .... plWI OHp-weU <'CIU•r, llO. liar. Olll-X. Udo 111•. iAcroM rrom Big Safeway Store) Open evenings and all day Sun.day• Harbor 1Sf76. ""' OC&AJ'f FRONT rzu .. O' ...... MERIUTr •t.t mod- --~ .... ,..... willl dock, ehrom. top, fold down •belt, .t4.. 'his .a»o bu • 9J*:lal tr&al!. Nmw a.ad qiace heat..r Wllt -. ... ~-Thi. razir• 1a tn Uk• n-COlld!Uon and ,..'°" r...-mor. than Ult Ut pi-kt. JAKrl APPUANCES. 1137 Harbor, Coll.a Mua. REPO'D WASHER Norwe -~·· top rat.ct ........ -Ud:I °"' LI Db ..._._ Fl1Q,J •Uiolll&Uo. BoJd for ........ -8\aJ tor ~ pq-ott Gnlr1' UtMJ. ..U..-~· ..,.,.. ta.15 pwr 166. STOVE. cllnlnf room Ml, lampt. bunk boldl.. .an&ll cou<:"h.. mi..c. All In rood condt!Jon and ve17 r.uouble.. f&6 Cabrtllo. f'o•l• M-. 70Uc M.AHOGA~Y coffee table, f"f'<'- t&nc"U•r ab&pe. G~ Lop. Cati Har. !1993.. 7Jc MAHOGANY doubk hM.dboard. twin fr•mH, malln!-and boll 1prtl't1"I. tWg btfl-tab..,•. lamps. Jrolahotr . hi-boy I ULlable 1ny room. Harbor 3111. 72p7f. MUST BEU.. n-rly n-Phllc-o rtlrit. -frff&er top. lnOOl!r11 d~1111 room Nt. rall.•.11 ..C· Uonal. chain. tablet, tam-p9. •te. M"-W&K!"IUlt. H&r 011111 or JUr t7. 72c7t 'IELLOW Yormh.·a d111hic Nl. 1115. Uke 11.-U a..J167 nr LI 14872. 7:Zp74 GANll a\·an.W. ban! Try lht Hammond Splntt l.n :rour homt wH.h & r,... 1-...ona. only 12!1 Tnde your old ptano. n~ f"Tntch PrOvln(lal 8pl1M't lttte ntW, U.Vt $2&0 Tl'rmt Ilk• rent. UBED El11etrlc Orpn.-u low '' J4fl7 Alm09l new B&.htw1n Spinet Orran. 1e2a. •ILchtJ7 u..d Mlntha.l.L •v• J TOO. Modern •lyla Splntl pill.llO Ble- que M.&b. Rel'ltal rtturn U..Y9 $1111 Hard lo nnd UM<! HAMMON'D CHORD ORGAN. r•I bar(al11 Alan II.led 9plntt Hammond perft<t. T..ul•t paymtnt.a. s.Je 01"a11d Pl.anm, wo11Mrful har1•Lna. M11ny tam.ua m•k~• Prl«ii from "417 up. B.nch 111- cluded. Pn.et.lc. pla.noa r.ro. 186 or wW rent to buy. J5.00 up pet' rno. BCHMlOT-PHll.LlPS BIG PT- A.NO a114 OROAN aTOflE. UD !". Mdri. S...t. AJIL <>p.n Trida7 rdtA. OaJJy to II IO Our 35th Year of Service in This Community 3190 W. Coast Hwy. LI 8-3471 NEW 1956 BlnCKS ARE STILL AVAILABLE AT GREAT SA VlNGS TERRY'S BUICK Huntington Beach tilh at Walnut 72c ONE OWNsn tl02 POJ'fTIAC hard top, C:ataUna. N•w con- <UUon !Mich 6 out. 8-at Mlk• Mtyera ktTkw C.0..M... m· Har. N41W U"tar 4 p.m . 1Jp7f. 40---A 11tos for ~ GMC TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS '47 CHltVROLl:l" •1 T. Pantl "•9 CHl:VROLrl' ,., T. Pick11p ·~ GMC '• T. P&J1d ·~ DODO.£ ·~ T. Pltkup 'M, FORD '1' T Pickup 'U CMC ·~ T , Panel 'lil G.MC \i, T. Pickup ':)4 CH~ff.01..ET ~ T Pickup Hydr•·matlc Tru11. '48 CHEVROLr?" l T Pl.:kup ")3 CHlllVROutT 2 T. COP.::. 11"' wb, 2 •pel!'d. I 2.'.i Urea. 'M INTER.NATION' AL R 1&0 COE. 1T4" wb. 2 •~II 2:1 ._,01"9 buyln{ ~y uMCI truck bf. avn to "' our •tock. Our pn.-and t.nna ca.n not IN -L 72c 40-Aat.OI' tor 8aJe Mlt8T &ACRIJ"ICE $2'00 1qu1ty f"r $MO or Mat (ltfrr. "04 Old• 18 t -<loor hart1to11 ~·uu powl!'r an<l air cond low mUeacir Privalt party. Har. l~lt 80tft Rentels Wanted Wt nWd tpta. and h~ In a.11 MCUOn• f()r IJOt.b "111t• Md Y•r'• l-F'llrn. OI' u.ntura... U 7ou b•v• • l'aca11cy, pho(i• 1oaay The Vogel Co. S201 W C..t. Hwy. N-put'l Beh Phont UblrtJ' l·Mll 2.0I Marina. Bal bva .lala.lld • Poona Ha.rbor •f4 •_1 __ A_u_to __ .. _.n1_« _____ 12&67 a:. Qt. Hy~ Curuna del Mar Phan• H..,.bor J1tl Motor Overhaul !J Cyll. ( mo.t) _____ f8.88 Ei&ht.. (mOBt) ----88.88 Lido ottic.. ~4ltl vi. Lido Harbor 4VT1 1701 NtwpertBl•<L.C:O.ta w.. J.J.NrtJ' ·-~lt7 Available; 1 1tnrl1. J daub4 lf>L Completely rumtthed. O.!!y m•td aernce. Alto fOOFI with prinle bill.JI. 23<M W"•t Ck:e.n Jl'roflt, Newport 9-ch. Harbo'!' 6107. lltle 2 &MAU. •pt.a, ln dMrntown BalbcM.. Yorty rent.a.a -.S.60, tnclurl!n1"-uttl!U1.,. Har. Wl·k "''" _________ , YEAHLY LXASEB at 221 M.a11M Ave .. B•ltio. laland. 2 ~ •pl.t. UICI l dbl. apt. tum. vtil pd., rent '60 to MO P"!' monlll. Avafl. now. Call arent.a ~ar pst ...... Jlll or "'-""' at Har. 1778. talk u~~o ~~~th~ow:!Y EL.DERLY c_~urLE wooJd ~: 1 0~:a l,~e!L Ae_t~ m1;Lunn bdlh l.4bor 4 Pw.rt.a. ,,..,.u 2 Bdrm. ho1111e or •pt P'URN. oa.uxa A.P1'S. A.l8o H-r1nC9.. 'Nl'l.lt plna, vLtv• on ocn.n .i11p of hl-y. C O.M. bacfM'lo'"*' {JUI !&CL fteouon· C"'nd. fitUnra or ma.In and rod on yl!'arly lcuc. \.'r"nt. C L. ui. Wtnttt 61"-flY ~to bearh1p ICxpert motor tun.-P\l!'n;:e, 4~ HarMWI\ A\'•. pttfernd tf!Nl&lll&. tno w..c up. il0-41.7 or f.000 raua par· Campbell, CalU 7k74 u.n:x. BlYd., Newport 8lllch :::Crr11 6 Ol.L ltXTRAf 1.Ru. ao12 tQffm REBUILT ENG!Nj!:S -Apia. & B.,._ for .... , CLEAN RJRN. APTS. 8~~ ~a":iue:: ~~co?-PENINSULA· NICE! AREA UTILITIES INCLUDED Unturnlll!ied •pa. with p,...,-• I 0 • ·~ h• tend With Ult mWdl• rnan. 1 B R.. _PO 6 2 8. R. _ fllO ITUDIO APTI. 1 ..... ,..., ,_. W. W. WOODS B!I)' direct.. Ph. Bar. 13_. -£.-.... H•r. 1...,. • -0. aJ.o I l:ldr1st.. apt.._.. KBOR'I' 8LOCK ~-G&rdn Court. 1211 GMC DEALER FORD llhl"-41) -· --1 H .&0, __________ 11 Zuc.s.JbM.SIU'.'82.i. IJcrTJ "5' FORD ~ toa ptelrup 1200 81t>-lt J:. '"'et .. Sani.a Ana ClmVROLET f MM1 -T for tqulty. ruu price 11•n. Truck Hqt"" tor Ora.1\1'9 e<>unt:r BUICK 1!1.0I REN Al nNIHSULA POrltT -i..rr-RADIO ........... """'· ... E . PACl<ARD ""''·' ___.,,... SPECIALISTS l ....... """-.. < .......... Ao7 \all._ ..eel -Ind Bay A.-.., ll&Jloa., afta I. Pl;rm., ~ 6 l'ord f -1100 00 a,p. llOf &. a.JbM BIN. Har ·-~ '"" COPELAND CBJtn. • oa ooro -ft.IO«J CALL ICL>~• CltAlO uu. -""'• $2 50 JIM 9TA"'1Rll OLDI" con-ORS OTVDCBAUll _ __;s120oe DORIS BRAY , Realtor LITTL!: BAL80A tu..um, 1 t~ Jl&N Uld .. ber nrt.Jble. Whit. wttb bla.ck top. MOT 0.~. PONTI.AC. --'1,~·oo,. Ill Kan.. a&JM-. tal&nd trdnn... apL. wlrltM r.nt&L fTI. Urn..t:apcrt-Goodntbbn-.Tttm&.KJ.a-,u2. ~ ..., ___ ._...,_._,._M __ .. ___ 1ncJudi!lr uUltlle.. Har. UU. ' -.....,.,.,.. ~ TV ~ D. n10 -Ll -··-71c""" 321 E. lat St., Santa Ana IU.lDR ------1110.00 r -~ =ac:;:: A~ • •~ ... ..._ '" Kl 4 •t-HUUSON If) (I M&lrlll _IJ.rJ.00 3 flOOM bo<.IM: nlctly fum.,1------'-------XARINE SUPPLIES t21i-ll•t_8t. Ru. UOf,1------------k "° ~ PLUI IN8TAl.LA.TION ci.an. all coav.nl.ncu. »O. CLEAN llODIDUt Tuphbln -H&mllno..u --K-.-~-----lll~-----i Grant W. Music 52 Will 1 Picku $995 =-~~;:a.: :;~~"'!ieKI~~~;' ::::_ b9d ..,i.. l1WIU.1*Jud J:ES S ~E:S , P'loWroPll tor rnuJllC 7our own TV .l "'"""NNAS Your Hudson Dealer '-w..J. Drive p sundt.111 to1 BalbM. T0c12 H. G&n.r• avallald•. L&Pd.ry 1011 Si ii.bi ' &t .._.. lld ftopn l'\I, I I;: 8ATJCI ud u:&VlCI Block 1'1\llt ...-ovr llt&nd&rdl wtlll IMlt.-..a. ......, ud ....... ...... BarolMlan fl"OM •10 ,a-, --ID GUI) -"· &al ...... D •mt 51 Willya St. Wag 795 PIGll tu.. ..-.u ..... OU J70 -1 bdrm. duptex. Complet• ~· -" -.... ~ r·- 1.A,. ,..... ,. en:-. ,. ~ 'Q9 "~~ wta111111 ....... $9 95 .. ,.... "'"i-~·~··~-~'.._----~-~I ...,._.. Driw BELLES ENGINE ~:U:::-1·::!:"",!'w.-*' ::::_ a;;' ..ui ,,._ ii-ii:. -.,. ----ao -.._ ,..._ -• ,..,,,._.... SO f.ord St. Wag. 495 REBUILDERS ""· ""' "' ,. ... -1 - - ---· Hor • ......_ 1 ..... • • ,.... u ...._ ' -1100 -..., .... -47 Ford St. Wa9. 295 "°a 1n1.. "'.-. ........, OO'!T"""" ::;;: ':;,, .. i:;.--':" ~ ... ~~.: '"' --~11.w~-:.=~$48uickSuf.Riv.1995&.0A.M~ft~Wll<a w:!",'::'.&-;:".,. : .. ~tS,~·-~..,.., tocn ~ • N_,...i &J In a TV REPAIR 2-TON"&. ~ • UP L,!!-Pwr. llrlc. Steer, Dyna. ·-· ...... -.... -• "eMl&IIUN• • '=-•~ ~-. MOTEL • • fileTt $100 OFF!• 14 ft. Sandpip•r :::'':.':':'., ·.:;~°f,..'"'; .;:-SI GMC Pickup 495 ':.TiiiWl..m-:OTiu.rt.ow ..;;;' w",;;c,;.,. H>,...7 OOflON• Dl:L iia'.-•-.. WHIRIJ'OOL WASHERS c.._ ..Uboflt. MM lnelu4 • a ....,.A-IA • IOtto Yll t°" PUWSROUD.S N'_,ort a.eh rum. ._ mac. or ,_,.,. . ~ .u. ro .. Wonnt.Uotl FAl"l'BDYJCll,. llaA802CAlllMl"'.,.,-==-,.-=--=-,--=:--1 OOKPJ..n:a QV&IUU.UL 'Op'l'2 ...... U1.1JttSm ...... Cal~ n.. .., 8t1PRma ..,.._....... stop 1n at JW w. eout .fltl'll· ..,.,... ~ tll I ..-. i• rcmo • Dr. Rell. w..,-. <X_>PEL.ANI> MOTORS $119.50 BALBOA IBLA.HD. t brtllmi._ 10 ..,.. • ..n.-I -,.... BM. .,. J ... i.n MltlN rttliii wioi ...,., lf.-port ~ cw ean u ..._ ,...,.,, I\ rM fL "'"· *"'tr., n..;..,_ Cou.a.Uel"' .. -,......, an -• la.., -• Utk --~·-"" ·-u... .. & ......... ~-• fttl<11 T. ,....., t T-1.1t q,.... _..__..... ...._........ r. A.. heat. ran.a•-.... Pl'-,-'-------,,----•u.._--. .. ...., .....,. .._ ..... -·-J-. ....___,__ •• • ......... au.tJlA.HTll-_...., ... -•· WlJI '-t OUl ...... ...,. WtiJi9 An W.ty ~ aadl-u.p ... -.. ~ -"unat. -.. Ir, encloMcf 1-w. ,,_,. • s • min • p I ,.... ... -... -• ,.. Boats ORGAN llPECIAL• ... "' °"" -..... ""'~ 72c TERMS ARRANGED ·-· "' ..... ..-. "'" . wun g OQ Of u.. Wt at POI~ tM DRY ~II.A.GI: El90CtroMe orlflll. lib.,.... Ba'"j _.'.:Ll:_:l-::'.1:.'.Tl::•::_· ____ _:.'::"':':j·-----------i LOAN CA.RS tltl--M 71Uc JttW 1 A.HP 1 a&DaOOMB r"lflSUlu' ptb fll P&f.M. h;r Q.1.vciut ~~~7'~~IOT~t -·u BUlCK ...... OoM oandl. 'Ill TfUUXP1! Tf\-2, RN .nth MB 0 .A.UTuliC<.mV& •KRYICll NGW t bdrm. untum. tri,.._ unt'Und.lbecl Wall to Wd _.,_.Wt doWn.. lowu •10 IOrti P'l:a roaf. ~ Ul..U N. 8 ,__..._ Banta A-flN ~ Ownar 1'fo. II .. W..&W ~ condlt1°'1. 12111 Nl!lAOf'I 8'1'. llT ACACIA ..,,,,..._ f.nc-1 J'anl. """1ta -a,.,.t. ptfM,p ~~ .... '!"!• U1.IO • .mo9th °" U. Mknm. •Y&llabl&. Dlll1 • Kl Mllft claof Tftl1tt ......._ 021 ,....,._ U..01~. Har ot"'"'-lt• I La ... IN&' Jtot Coral P1., N.wport .ikoilc'h. and up. int ........-u111 LMe. .I.A.KS'& APP'Ll.Ufca., 111' IUI W. ONlit RI~. -.., .. _ ...,__., ... ..._ ........... pm. 71p71 tt Lfl~l'7M. 711'fJ SMta Ana. Kl MIU. ....,.. taa.t.r,d:ortaM.._ -Ll~l-~J~t•~L:_ ____ ~LIOth~~~a...,.:::~:..::°""':::'~7·~·~°""'"~::~"":'.:U.::_...:_::.:_::_.:::·~~:::::..::::::__:·~~·.:_·_:~:_ _______ .:_ __________________________________ -.~ ... '· . ''nll\l8 .... OOM, J ... lb. CWWWJ1JttC1 f'Vldlbed. 1100 mo. 7'• ........ Gft 1-. WaUtlJIS ..... 71 '9 mll ~ UUUtMI • ....... a.a ,... appC. Bar rt•At. ....... Ttlt'Tt ... ,,_°'AIL It,.,...., prt. .U. •baw. lla.r. MN-W. llltTt CAlf AL raOMT wttla 11oat clerk. ~ 1 ......_ ,_,.. apt. "'~ .... '«ti ud auto . ..,.._, na ....... .ww-uua ~ 14 Berr. INT-W. Ttttc COltOlf.t. om. IUA. ..,... t\n'&. 1 ....... •Jll. ,_,..,. -wt.at.w. aw. a1er. ncn B.U.80.A. PtCNllUm...t. POINT tuna l 411 I Wrm apt. JTG, 4 511 uW blchad. Xl T 4'11. 'Jlcft LIDO l8LI: . , • ,. A.lLA.Bt.11 ... t. Jlollle 15, HIT. ~ 2 ~ apt. Ol'I a.y "'-t. ~tuna. wttll T.V~ pr~ .. ~. w&ah- l11f ma<"hlM. dSM.ma.IWr • ,.,.. ...._ vt... ot •1 or hWI from an ~ Can --· Bar. eat. Tlc'flB "11'1'. DTR.A CL&A.N ' room ..,.._ apt. Dc01o ~ .. puel-m.7 beaL Ill 1llO. t.o .JllDI 10th. UWIU• pal4. Bar. J.._,, IOl &. Ba1 A"-. 8IAoa. Tle'71 a.LY YD:W J Wra. apt., Yft"J JIMll7 t\ln. TV, rubW ui. Ora. .............. tood baat. l \9 .... t.o 8Cboo1. doee '* ... OOftOJfA l>CL 1IAJl J'lwn. l ...... ..-r ...... ftt...i. • ,.u.. m mo. <>wntt, n-. LI •Tll'T. TlpTI WINTER RENTALS lla"f'e nry tuc:raU¥t ~ propoeUoa-$S500 MMld ,.... b.aWle all moAMe. Jteply Box 7'51 thia new..-~. T2p1' ---------M-115 to Leu NEil LIDO SHOPPl:NQ nlce I yr old s '9clroom untuni. Mwle. FA. beat. t\,.,a. diab- ...._, prlle.c• dlsp., double ........ Tart)' ..._, Aftlt.t mq. LI l406I &ft.er t p.m. Tle'ft l1NJ'Ul\N. HOUU:. Oomplnel)' ~ J Bedloom&. •Met. 411 water paid. po, mo. -611 Beru.n1. C.X. -LI e..6t2T I Liii. or l!IO p.m. 7Jc7' BAYSHORES FIR8T TftUST D1:1D> MONSY a~• lta7 Sbo,.. ..._ ---P----C--8--- hold est.at• ·~· Call Jo1an UP ER BA K A Y AMQ, +ACRE VIEW LOT JU.RBOR lNVESTKaNT CO. HU. 1100 . .v• LI a-6181 72c'Tt ~. down l'UJJ price Juac> Har. ~'\R. Tk:ll LIDO tSLE I at & 2nd T. 0. Loans Ch&rm1n1 2 bednn. home, tars• wtndowa, aome beam celllnp, llervtn& all Ora.Alt <lmmlJ' (tl'eptac.. dtatn1 room, d~I. ,.,.... t .u-J •. lar1• bric* Trust Deeda Bourht I& Sold patio. 46 1t IA f l. lot on v1a . Ju.car. A dNtrabl• y-.r TOUNi Royel Mortga9e Co. hum-. 1:u.00o tarm.a. 1txc1u.atve QWPORT BC.ACH -'two bed· • b H•rbor 6123 •·t room turn. bowie. Wlnttt rent· u J h E S di RI &1. STI -~ uuuu. paid. Oar-2902 N9W11Qrt 81"4 .. Nprt. Beh. 0 n • a eir I tr. Fmmorris Rlty.' Co. a&AL'l'OR. ,, KU1t1ple Llirdal lNurance SW·ll. eo.at llllh-Y 0orona del Kar ~ nos Duncan Hardesfy IUIALTOR .. At Ule Jbi41• t.o Udo Ial•" Lafa.Yelt.e et l2lid It., a-. 471' r Newport· 1 Hei9hts Special $15,000 Modun I ._...oorn.. COJ"Mr lot, 4iUI« lltJ'MI, eo..ll Yi-from froat yard. l:XCLU8IVIC. - T..-.u Oii\ .... ~ Ralph P ! Maskey REALTOR II,('-'101 B&lboli Blvd. I Ivan W. E rhardt, Auoc:lala 72pH U)AN8 TO 8UlU>. DIPIWYll.1 wi E. c-a Hwy. au t s.wpon Blvd. -8Vf. MUDSRNlZJ:. OR I Corona del Mar Har. 2412 Har •02 OOIT turruaMd 00\l-.• oo IUCJ'tN A.HCll T2t tc I JT'OUlld no.. ll&ltable for 2 We 11u7 Trwt Deedm I ---EXCHANGE adalta. No peta. R.a.aon&bl• NJ:WPURT BA.1.,.BOA eAVlNG.l j TRADE or ULl.. 123.~ Vl- i.t. Apply Harbor 1122-R. or • LOA.JI! A88(J(.1.ATJON home, 2 bedroom•. J'"' b4lth1. Tb• "KOTMC8T'' 8 11•1.nt'N Spot 1n Apt. .Ave .• B&Jbo.a Ialand . '* Via Udo Pb. Bar. tJUO 1' \&Wt llvtnr room, flnrplaC"e. I Jn Ule 70c72 tie dtn~t.e. auto. heel. •arba&"e di•· Fu«oet oro-.1-. Part -----------_ pMal. enclOHd Lt.11&1,; peUoe. at OoetA Meta 6 RM. "'"'-Houee. HI p« mo. I at and 2nd T D Loans lot.a of bri<'.k. troptral plaatJD.r. I • for l~JeUl 8 t., .N"'port IMM'.h. • • flln<'~ yanl. Outatandlq OC'«An 1 1.-.. 1..o June 1. 10pn Truat Deeda Bourht .tt Sold , \'lew. Se.II nr trade ror moof'm BALBOA J8LANL> 2 bf>drm. tun1.. AouR. Modem. Yrarly -.... Har, 1922, 7lci3 2t-twur phone .em~ <t11plu or houH wtl h l"P.fll.AI llfl to 12~.~ In ("orona del ~far t:aU owner, HYalt •·2~14 1 Harbor 1549 IOltc TOc-71 J"UltN. cw partly ~ • bdrm. lllome. a1ao ~ IDCleth to ript party oa ....._ llOI W. Ocean Front. Kar. 1903-W or Har. 14U. 7l c72 LOANS for Homes 19' -10 ~. LoaN Construction Loans CORON A DEL MAR 2 betlroorn 8EE BOB ~A 1"TLltR tunl.lalMd i.c-t. 19(), mo 013 2lH6 &.AJIT 00A8T at.VO. ~Ua. Har. 209:>. 7lc72 Ooroaa d•I War Her~ SW -----------l ftfop, POIRIER MU RTOAO.ll <...'O rt.11\N. 2 bdnn. ,_,.... ho11• 1 Metro Ufe lM, ""1rta Kl 3·0 ~ only blc1r. on lot TMr round 1 fill< LOT Best Eut Sid~ Location ~ l( 135 ~Wl'nl, curhlt, and gutten1 $37~ Lt 8-i562 -Evf'l.•lhr. 51M $22,500 Cash or 111bnUt tern\11 r1 opert)' aJru dy l'Plll•d a nd trD&.llU w1U t&lle a k'&.k. foe appotnUDADt. ca ll CHARI...1:8 8. RE"l"JoflER. owntt Day.. H&r. 1511 En e U l -6TM ~tu(' Business Bldg. In :-\f'.'A'pocl, 1200 aq ft v.•tth rflll<luiUal nmtAI in rf'Alr onh I lfo.600 V. Ith ":UOY '"' Jiii will lta.<11 with upllun IQ buy lo r11hl part)' U:NTAJ..8 -alMe • Office ·~·· Oood Loc-atlon • .,.,_1oe . met. JOHN VOGEL, Rltr. llT N. Nwport Bl\'d. Crl* ~ 9J.Dal'9. oppcMllt• Hoq lloepltal. LJ e..tel'f, • .,., LI e..J.JIO w LJ 1-ttlT Corona del Mar IdNl ..au i.om.. c .... to aop. ,..., t M4ro0m.. Mrdwoocl noorw.~~· Jll'l"fKt l'9DlA1 wt Ul l"OCJID 08 ~ ot lot tor aaotbllr U.Alt. 011Lt n•MO. View lot OD B.-Dn... over- look.I uw. Coroca a.ad OcMn. OM of tlN lut av&Uable a1uoo. R,A y· ~EAL TY CO. MH I!. Oout mpway eorou del 'Mai' -H.r. t211 (Ac,. trorn Milk ln Cl?M) MCJnMr ot MuW&1t. u.tiD&' ~Coe REAL VALUES .u.M08T HEW I l>edrm. plua d.m. BBQ. i-uo, double pr· Ill" many o~ a t,..... J:a.t atci. locaUoft. BAROA.L..., et s1e,NO. i:.1 t.trnis. O "ftOOM I tMMirrn. llomf>, bard· wood noora. pia.t.-ed, dual b•t.JllC. ~•7' deco1att'd. Wuh room. and a r r v I c • porch. L>oub.le pra,., k>l lbllO Stl.900. ltrma. B. A. NERESON JtEALTOR 10112 Nrwport Blvd~ Qiet.a Jof..a ALWATI OPEN Pbone U a-11?1 LIKE LIDO ISLE? nn:N r>RlVE PAl!T m VI• Flren&a. Thla 11om• l.e J ye&rw old. Ku I bdnna 411 J .,ark· llnl' t.tha. Hu,. uRd Wkll n rt111.att. a nd cm • .O' lat. BuUt-lna tn klttM1L Can t>. pu~h.a.llil'd tunu.&IM'd or unful'- nl•h.-2. S-3 1.000. °" UJ.~ t ur- ru.hM. Exc:rlltl'lt t,..nu. ·W. A. TOBIAS REALTOR AND ASSOCIATES ....-Kt\. uunu.. l8t.Judld. JUI. -Wt W. Bay A•e. ... -. lnte wttll opllGA lo buy. 01 Lark·l -----------apw, CdK. 71c72 W A!llTED lit TRl'&T l•EF.D fot •rrro". l llOOO on local lnro•nt' I .\f l.J-:A Vl NO. W ill w ll mv Ot'W 3 t>Mroom. 2 ti.th horn• with quality ta rpel•, dt ape~ r-· tin • landlK'•llln~ alrnt1.r In· ~railed, r M tfy for lmmedl•t• II\ Ina 1 "hoi< • Corona d•I Mar ln<'et1<1n Tak• 1 ... th•n <'081 Ulla ..., ""k univ. OWnr.1, Kar 32311 il('TI DAS A JACOBS£~ Rut ~:AtUr · l'O\I II Uke our trtr ndly W IYIC• LIDO ~ roll ftlC'n' OR t.Z.ASF. rru~i ly t' O &:.. &i i , u..a .. ,,, Harbor 5691 i OO !:. 11t h St., Coat& Mesa Laue ,...,,,, 1 bed:nn. untur-O IMdnn. 4-M lh. wa~rfront ; 11 a l,I !1·97:11 Kl 2·211!7 lJ 1'.-217 LI A·ll39 ....... apC llay -n... Call eJ'tm' ~ Bu'tm UM-X. UUt 1 mllU&. fl-. ---uw. pd.. T.....,. ,,.. -. Wblt. .... 204 Illa It, ........ TOp71 home. unt\lrnlabfd. 5300 monlh H A \'F: Tl\tE and mon"Y t1> in· PHONE HARBOR 1014 I ,.,...t In llJ'l\&11 b11Alnei511 10 VOOEL CO. °"'"'"' c•ount~· ",.,.. Mo~t BALBOA ISLAND OFFICE I •l&nd dOtll tnvel!11,r•llon:. R~ I ply H•j '.'l ~. lhl.a JWIPfr .lpd (Nat Door to Poet' Offl<"et _ _ • __ -- - - 21()8 Marine A vr . • Ev-es: Har 3G2t. Har 1t19·R 16)-BeaJ ~2~·~J_! __ Ill "8 Y l.:'\"TF.RSF..C.."'TIO:-.· >'f!">'port l\o111 .. ,·ard. lilt1al <'Om•r tor I • a n)' buain_. ... p dru« 11tf)f'tl ucr" 1 ti plua ~ 'x 1'0' a vall• bl•. tHl)ntnlnr nn •ld .. trHt Pr" .. I rnl blrlg• tQ ~ move-I. 1o·RA:-.1CLq J HORVATH BACK BA \", M>Ulh of Mesa Vr, oute 2 h~drm. tw-.me. Jrlll"•i• 1-'t nred and l&ndllcaJM!d. l..nw monU1lv payment• on <:I loan. 111,T:IO. ftJ Lilhan Plar e C.O.ta Mf'D. U U713. 11!\<:77 --------- Balboa Island cc»tO"KA Dl:l. MAJ\ -1 ~ .... ~ lAIJ"e llYtac -·'90& no 11'11· Ind. aUUu.. EXCHANGES Rn ltnr ftOOMS. wtUl ti.th or prh•1• We H-ve-You Want '.1420 w Balboa Rh'r1 -H•r 1428 s BDR)(. rum. hom• '111th 1•r - tl\l.r&nu In n-home ~r u ~219 N~port Blvd. U ll~ttH I a«L Ntsr Norui Bay. By ...._ tut. n.n achoola .. market.ti,,.,., ... You Have-We Want ~1"7'1 O-·neT. Harbor 10811 43ttc a..aooM' apt.. natll.. ..., Ntw· ,.rt ............. -,..,,, b..-.kfa.at lt dutnid. Ca.II after I _ 1_ ;-.; JC:ltMT home In the block I I p.a .. LI ~ 7CkTJ !'IM'. HTS. f unit•. 421 3· 1 i..t'!nN. 30ll12 ft. ltv1nl' rm • BACK BAY AREA CORON.A DEL KAR -LadJ' or I ll>drma. A 12 1 2·b<1rma lnc'Om• ,.. • .,, cu~t•. 211 fL nf <'U.ton · ...., Be. tT. Tlttc .va.M. Arr. 1 ....... J ll&tM. ~ eclau~ .. Uo, lalllDdrf "-. Y.atty. llOO J'«Wltal. ear-._, Mar. Har. tlM..J after • ,... TlpT1 ti y 1"ft01'T. l ......,,., l'UrL apea., ut.11. pd. Naar •toww • 1NI. ......... •· au...-•...alallla. OwDn. Bar. ~M. · npn ............ 001.1,i. la Prin.t. bonw.· In· \3720. J>T1(1! m ~oo. ''"'Pfl' ••rs• llltt'hf'n .. t'lrlln. 41Uln aftr r tO a.m. Har. IOtU, YOR ,,... 30 by ill rront pnl"l'll, M ll 72c7' • Hnu.M, vacant 1>r what hav• ynu • U fl, p&Uo, 20Jl2~ fl. pra,.. __ t .ll>O Baytront duplu. 3 bdrm. 1 <'mnpletely lent1«a~. >'um I A 2 bdrrn. $16.at)O -$8,VtO ttn. OWNltR. J.'OR 2110 OonUn•nW .Avft., <:. M. -------·----I Vira nt In Oran1e Courly nr 1ub-I t..l ll·t7U. \, 71d 6 • Ground Floor mlt. a I ---v1iw -,8,Ml;, • OFFICES OR STORES --7 I f\J • Cute 1 bdrm. pr., Ir abop. •Ht• BALBOA ~ un ta, r •hit blutt, l'OUlll to tl\llld! 14 X For lA&ll tn -ntahtld. Oood llleo1M Pl11<1 &ov• ,,.. lot. PriOl'd r•r 41lick ac- Barbor ln1"11tmnt Co. 91da. 11 ltvtn1 q~~~ lion! 10tJa A N___. 8hd. .. _ ,_ N l Har· A. C. Tomy PTUtle, Rllr., ..... ...,.. • I bdnn. ... ,u.t -"-per 21Jt Ra~ Btrcl., U ~ Har. 1100 I>« U.. Qnnn. ltaJlr'• Mrkt., U 1--MIT -•-• •·r- u ....... omr.. 9TOIUI 8 U t L DJ NO P'OR DltLUXE. cualom bll. f bdrm ANO'fHER BCOOP ! LIDAD. u.xu in but..-aeo-hOme '#ill\ awtmw.lnf pool In \\'ONDll:R.rUL VIJ11:W ov Lll>O. I Uon o.t.a N ... at Mn N9'1t· O.nlm Gl'O'I"•. BAY It CIC'Mll. ,,,,. 2 bdnn., MWfOlt'I HmOBTa. • ........... ~ .,.,.,_ YOR KW nra.. J")ftpl. UM>d kUch I ,.,.._ .... llwd.. tlrw. ,,_, I> Jr.. VY, Mii Via 0 po r to. Harbor an& borne or tnromt and MtlL, plua a l'IMilll ._.., P.•A. ,...._ pd. ......... Jiw, ..... 16ttc propen1. ¥"1th ~ baUI, a atlop. clblit pr. .......... 0 11 ,.U. • mBQ -&-and pat.lo -A. fl-.1 •t 4-Jl.,flOO _....__.... ~.0. o.&. . ...._ aiuu. .._... lllids. U' a H ', 00.Aft HJshW&I 'Mnt•I -Gr~ We M'h Ufa. '119-._ ..... ~ t ~ ....... •t lM 411 l'lleeDtia '30..000 ,_,i-oft . A. C. ~ ~tle. .Qr .. ~ ........... • • ....._ ~-..._, t1'I ao. Ind. n. Dtec11 ar ~aJ ill• ll» Harbor Bmll. LI ~ -~ ......-,.._...,. • ~ a MH•, ...,. Ha oome. " _o_"'°' .......... ~_-...__· ... Mrllt.._--.~u--'~"-_.,._, BT OWNER, J k<trm. I.ot t0 x H O. Paved atrttL PaU(l 1.Andacaped ... t~ $12,:100 ~ tenn• S:SM Willow La.ntt. }fonunr or f'Vt'Olnc LI a.-002.'\ '6c:78 CURT DOSH, Rltr. 315 Marine Ave . Belboe l1land Harbor 1560 LOTS Choice Back Bay Area 8NUOOtJCO r.f A BliUTITUL ORA.NOi: ORO\'IC! ..... b... mm.. ,._.. ~ta "' a 11""1.J relllrtet..I 9cl ............. • ...._. 0wtNr WllJ Wiid CD ldlt °' Mil oat lfltll. c.n now ..... .....,. ...... ....... ,.:..,....Jlt~4:: iae ..... u ......,, tt THE VOGEL CO 1'111A.ROU>•..._••t.1a--. ..._._ - 0a·t~~ ::;-! ... ~~ Dunc•n H•rdesty U ...... flc1I OrrlCll • 1't. N..,.,.-t _,,.._ nr. UOt W. ODeat lti1t1way • ...._..... ·-... _. 8 8 iJiCiii . ..,. tor ..., _,.,.. ..... .....t.al. WID Nllt or Libert, .. Mil .l:ft. LI e..77• wtlh dlapomJ. Moww. Roetlil JUtALTOll a ........... a "*-....._ ..... ..,_.,at t&I. .,_ °' '13 ,,_ . .._ n.. pet'°-~lot prot.....,.... "Al tM arid .. t.e U.O We" Ult 1lau., ~ ~ .._.. ,_..., fWD. U l-Ul6 • LJ .1.n.a.a.'1•• ly IAadaapecS. Pt91ratlle ,ea.rt .....,.,_~at llM a.. Bar 4711 -llJ'lltl.-1111. • ._..._ ~ M"m. tOcTa ._.muJ _... 'fll"W lot DMr--~.=•au.too.. ~~f. AU YOU A PUTTERERt ..... Ill 1MM. all• ltda 8C.. BA.L904 ULA.ND AW .. ,, for 8&1"a ..,_,., hit tM Ultna _ Trtpta. •eel· ·~ 'lkr' .m.:W. ~-i.ct no.. llT Marine 'T'rade dltelft Iota tor RAJlBOl\ .. -...__.,, 96.A4 v• " • ...-.A••• N -.-. rt-n--and !al locaUon In '""'....-. _...,,... ''"''" A". A w; II. prlnl• •lnll.... . ...-. r-• r•YWll • .._ ...-. ---------_....'90Ct---:-411 waall '°"'· Rr..ABONABLE ct.A.IRS VAN HORN. RJtt, pk t11r• co..,... ot Ule HarbOr II -~ malt~. NMda t>Mt at· TWO lift ~ i.o.-. RJ:JCT. Owntt s.a-7-tlOt u t-tm ar.. lht'M t\JnH • •f!>efl; tmUcm ot Mte putt~. ~tv .. --~ 41G1 Rhft '7 lc7I ~ a -lb. l-l40t • TlrTS Aft. 11ar IOM-W. • 'fJUc ..-111p. 1k1• .... Y.\·e• 1.1 ~-6971\, U I ·"-">M Newport Hts. Area \\'F. hav~ a f-3 Ii 4 bfodroom homN In the c:lly'a nrw .. t and _... 1 N I: 8 T r8«1Mntlal U M. Pr\('H from •lT,IJM to 124.M>O. You won't find ti.lttr vaJuea an\'"''her• In the Harbt>r Anoa. ea'i1 u1 now t<.r turtllu ln tor- -Uon. Duncan Hardesty REALTOR "A t tbe Bride• to LMo lat." Lafay•tte et Und 8t., Har. '711 BALBOA ISLAND A attp from lM M Y on UlUe laland -J met Ul!Jt. -u.. In o""" and ,_ Utt otiwr·, nr 11 abnW• t lte lnconw. C'.oocl ~.ssa.aoo. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor BT OWM'D t D.. I aATIU BAJ\. OLD. CL o I e 'ro ac:BOOL& Ll ~ or HA 1W7·W 6ktt Kt.All H.A.ftBOR JUOH ....., ""'' ...... 1 Wnn. ,....,r-. BBQ l * ftHlandl Pl. •au~ W. A. fC>BIAS UALTOa ic ilSOCIATD ''You'll IUI• our ffMndly •rn." 4UO &. 1TUI IJt.. Olllta Kea LJ a-1111 ~ U ....... LI ._..,6 bclu1ive Beecon lay Tw~~Vablel ATl'l\4Cl'Jft a ...,_. M-. wtt.b SftCOllMI apubaat. .,.. d111• "'9ml, --7 ~ aook. ftltpt,rlal ,.u., "-,,~ 1... "6au.. MrdWDOd noona. N.Ua ....... UO.t7 ptM ~...-"\Mtnpae...,.. ... ott.-.d twf1rt a1 pa,ooe, uo.ooo---. A Ll!IO , beau UM 4 Wdn)OID I ball! home for a dlaicrlmlnatJ.nc family. 1&u. ....n to p&Uo, butl l-lll ,_,. and 0-. ,,.,.. trtofl• rtrep!aoe, lDdtnduaJ ..... t~ &a befroom.. Modem In """' t,.qeall ~ -Pt.160. BOTH clOM t.e JWivate Nl1Cfy ti.l'b with plt'n fw email be&ta al\d ·u. of ~nm. eourt. Exclwiln wlU\. Merine" Isle Rlty. !ti Man n• AYe., Balboa la1a.od Harbor 4711 BAYSHOR.ES Larst tt•. ,__ ~ w;w ~ Ip. kitdliea. I u " I .. u.. ax. ,.tto mr Jn.TY I1'( BA. TBHOftD U"UOO OtNI,.., 2, J ud • bedreom BACK BAY OPE:.-.: HOUU WDK·END8 tU ~. Dad St., Rrtol bMuty, hu f'ffrythln• and room tor ,_1. CORONA OEL MAR Xlnt 2 b r. doU --· io-41 ot .tora~. .A}fl) pr. apt. nr. mlrt.. Ul.tot Vlf'W ~11ty 2 ..-rat. wtDp.. loadt4 with chaml. oa w1dt lot by appt. Claire Van Hom R&.ALTOft tTJl w. Cout KWy. Ll Mm Call ........ I.I a-HOt KA 141J..J Jest Buy On Lido!! ' W nn 2 baUL. ~ ct&IWIJ room. u tra '«•· -..u.na .. uo. 45 ft.. 9tl"Mt t.o .cn.t lot. MAQ7 _.. t•turft. Prlet "8.000. COSTA MESA C-2 I 00 x 300 ft. E.-117tt. St. I 9ftW'11111 'IWtla • lntM·1 Co.ta ..._ •• .ftlelt -"-I PIUCS --• , I aaao-.r . ......,_ ,.... (I.) I U"1TI aAtaca -Oeocl ..._. ,.at I. Or••• 1"'. 9iq .,_, inla Ill.ID-I .... a.. ........... ......... '· ._ ... ~· m.eot. (f.) con'A. Jlml4. '· MnD.., I .. 0 ucP1Ult:r ..._.t. ........ ,.,. ......... . ......... hll ... -917 UUle ,.... aue a (0.) ooe'l'A KDA &1'11CLU. prtoe UM ... -17· Ill.TM ferl .... l~W-. ..... Wired for ... ......... 0..., ~ ..... )al. ... u.a .... ............ ()wD. .. ...,,.. ··u ...... eold Ult..I ... IL .. RSHER &. CO. -K..,,..-t ._ K~ .8llllC1a Harw-"" (-.. a.apt) T'Jc'T• ·8/8 Udo Isle 11or .7ia.t a ._. 1lut a i.uru- "'1 .,.doul ............. ....m..--.1....._w.e i.Uaa, rtdl ~ ........ ,.,...., lus'e •tl7 MD. YW'1 ----nnskc, all .... lrM llltdl9 wtUI ... ..... ..... ~ ............ ...u pl&D.Md patio. 4 .,,.. to ... deltnd .,,., ..,..... SU.GOO. LIDO 1'~ W A.1'111Rr1\0NT - IM11--.1a.u.. .._ .... aaM yr .• ,_., ..u.eo DnUDm I •1 llre r, t 8aOia, IA.lye Pa- Uia. ..... --'Ur'&. ... .,, ......... Bey I leech ~ •• Inc. ft.LU.Tata J6IO w ....... ..,,.., Har. IMI Har. _. ~ Eatt Coate MHe .IAR6AIN Htn'a _. -caa "'llMi aad ...i wtua WUJ ~ tor ._Dr. ltM A.uLo o.... ...... to..aum..,.... , .............. 0-,..,..-. f __ U...,..talM ...... for ...,.. ta ... tt. II ieeiC uwic i--. t1a11 ......_ nM11a. ~ la.J'l9 k1tdlm wSUI • -.l buOt tn Wile. Jaimdt)' ,..., play~&ad..,...._.hW paae. n. J11iaa 11 arm at •u.· no ..-yoa ea ..,.. J"9U1' _. t.naa. O..'t IA U.... -..u ... w... It'• -~!! Du.nc•:.t"i,::desty "A.t U.. ...._. te LMlt w." 1Ata,.tt.e at a.ac a • ..., •n• N.8.C. REALTY --~~~~~~~~-·-XJ:Aa PAall, ~ ... __. l(SWPORT IDCIOBft -:Nfl# I ..... i1M ,.._. ,.... t a.a. ................. , ..................... -UL. ..,.... wtdl ...... ..... ... ·~· &--.. bl........................ :nu;.MCllll s. JICllt'Y•Tll n~ .-.. iwtl. rA ...._ . -~ paUo &DI .... , C'CUM. Olile M20 9' . ..._ ...... 11.v IUI an, 431 C.t..aMna Df .. Pf,M. 1211 N...,.rt *'94. LI W10l ac1• ?¥• ( ,. ,_ ·BALBOA ISLAND ' bed.rm. 1'1) ttplU8 bath.I, CQrDtl' lot. So. B&y ~ tntenst 1n plat. Good eondJtion SGT,&)(). I 1ID!tl ca aood m.et. 2 bedim. ~ plua 1 llr. apt. Atb'ac:Uw cleul property - Nr. No. Ba~., bldJ'ml., l~ ~2 car pr., 1 bfr. •Pt' tlDall ~f a easer to llll. $2&.9'50 8mall hOU9t, comer lot. Good location $19.9M I bednn. 2 bath. Llttle lal&nd -·--····$31,:;oo Dupla 1 bedrm. each, rood •trfft. . $22.~ BAYSHORES 3 bra. 1 b&lb , GOOD BUY $21,500 AND OTHERS. For excbanp -3 bedrm., H' bath home on rood atreet in Sant.a Ana for comparable ftt property in thta area. Eveninp call Edilb Maroon, HYatt i-6222 or Lou Boynton Harbor 2878 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor = Marine Ave.. Balboa l.a1and Harbor 177~ UOO ISLE OWNER ANXIOUS TO SELL 3 bdrm 2 bath lowwt priced bay !root with pier and float. 4 bedroom, 2 ht.th dclijbt!uJ home, wide ma1de lot. Exctptlon&I term.a. $42,500. - SHORECLIFF, tmcellent buy only 2 yeua old, beauUtully l&ncbc&ped. C&rpeta It drapea incl. iM.600 BAY SHORES a B. R., 2 bath tum., very euy ttma. Only $18.~ a B. !\., 1 bath furn., 1&raut lo~ $23,!500 i B. R., 2 bath furn., very atlncth•e $28 000 COSTA MESA Ideal awr. ~-· Newport Slvd. ~ m•. BualDa9 prop.. 1801 Newport B!-.d., • buy $!M,500 10,000 11q. fl. com'mercl.al bldr . le&.lll"d $850 mo. 15 actU Ideally located M-1 Sl0,000 acm MYRTLE DAVY, Realtor & Auoc. Helen BaaSl • ~Plith Hu.el Condon 3432 Via Oporto • 1 Harbor 50 6 Evea. LI 8-~297 LI 8-1709 Har. 1017 -J You Will like IRVINE TERRACE New Furnished "HomH by Mecco'1 OPEN J:VENINOS UNTIL I :00 P .ll. Interiors by Martin & Von Hemen BllauUflal loiDea 1D tbl 1ID8t ~ ' ..J..i•• Pd.-trom '29t000 to SM.000 Tow~ II reapectfuU, solicited EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EX<LUSIVE AGENTS ' -Oii Blft1 .101. Newpart Bartior, oPllCllb MW lrdi• QiUt Cciua&7 Ollb. ~... • • • Ji! e LOVElY J TO l!OOK AT e . e ,.EASY TO BUY e ,. • 11'o..-t.tt41 2 ,..._ t 2 bath home ' .,~~9!.. ~-~Al...~ ,.,., r • ,..___...W71Hd*n: t • Wall to wall earpet.t, drapea incl. • sa..aoe • '1UDO down OPEN HOUSE SAT. A SUN .. 124, p.ft\. ~ ~· lrvino ~e~ r HARBOR INVEST~ENT CO. Harbor 1800 -Evett. Har. 8688 ,.. ~ aacl ~ ~ .., !Wm Pe&.Mlt ot . • 1Alli ~Md~ plafte.t..,. ....... ~el!Mr ...... J ... -. ..... Let 'ua..., 1W u.. ..._, t Udo , Isle P.erfection! • • t . "' Mt.•tr a,_ ,Oaraer WUI ..U ~-....... ~ ftl'M '*'1'1 am r. two 1l&u. r!M~Ud ..... ~ ... ..,., ...... u tNl7 .,.rkSl91 • ~-Ul-~Ba11 Evtninp or Sunday ca.II Harbor 08'1 or Harbor '°8a (. ·' J ST. HUBERT WOOD TUSTIN'S f INEST RESIDENTIAL AREA nu. I bed.room a.n.d den born• wLll pl-lh• moat diecrtminaUnr 1>uyer. lOOO 1q. f t. of Uvtn• area. Nlre Iar1a roorn1, 21, aU UJ• bath.I, built-In Hol.J><>llll ran1•. O'\en and dl•b· w-.aber. Sh&k• ruof, beautiful firi'place with ralnd hMJ'tb. TtW h OD a 117 fl. frontaa• Lot tor only '31.000. Stt U\1.a custom tNl.lt .,.,, .. I Mctrooma and Mn. 2 'iii '-the· .8e&Qutul ca.rpeUnJ &nd drap- •n•. 2t00 aq. It. Ii"' you lar,.. alry rooma. Dn&m k1t.caell W'lt.ll t.wl't·tn Hotpotnt ~·· oven and dUl.hwa.aber. 2 flreplacea for com· fort&bla UYU\s. PaUo and a fully l.&.n<!Kapad yard wlU\ aprtnklar ayalem Sha.ka roof, /, o~ pr..,. on a q. lot. THE W.l.LTER H. LEIMERT CO .. Land O.velopera, '309 Crenahaw Blvd., L.A. WALKER & LEE, Exclusive Sales Agent 17982 Sa.nta Cl&ra, KI 3-8792 Cat rroapttt A Santa Clara ln Ula af'M of TuaUnl THE GREAT ORANGE COAST IDEAL LOCATION for the buay bualn-or prof.aona.J penon who deaU'99 bualn-loc:aUOn A ll8-\ a bdrm. bo~ with fc:M vtau.al advuu.tnc. a.way cor· ntr dOM ln on H.wport Blvd. ... Lil• adf"an~a h.,.._ PATKJCNTS rnay be t.r\09 autf, ren ta will aoon maka lham rea- aonabla If you pay onJ1 '1000 down on lb.la brand new du-plu with pailoe and o9S'l1hd two- _,. prap. $11.IOO I.a Ule full pr1ca. 1 C.2 lot.a. tO x l~ tot.&l lootA&'e} Bu1 at 1HO prtc. ot $1100 w1 lh ("ood t.rroL Room tor 11 unit.. Adj&C4nt to atorea, • NEAR ALL HARBOR Ac;l1VITY. J,t~ M-A eluded, quiet an4 perm&lletiUy protect*! u _ a reGdential diatrict.. thilt ~ ~ 1,,tH affut •pM:e pl\l.I, at very ~~'~ u.ia j Three bedroom.a and d'en, or ' DedrOOrii; ·s b&lht; liviOg-dinlng w1~ ~®tin~ ... aod fireplace ; bar-kltE.ki \ f encM j:ialiU · double pn.ie; ~ toot lot ~ .U.t from private beach. F.quJpped with'~ d.r&~ and ·~~1'1Ua la ch~ ~i $borea off~ an o.~ ?'Jf meana "btwneu. You ~ y it ript, if you act. 11ow ! Mr. Stepheac, flir, ... revea. Har 3238 EARL w. RNft0r lrvUle Terrace office opp. Cout Country ClUb ·c· THOM.As ·c· THOM.AS I tranapol"t.aUo11 and downt.aWn. ------------------- Sound nlw• -Poluiuai ruone. Unlock the D~or . GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS * VIEW * O.luxe 11iuurpaaffd \'I-h••m• ov~rlooklnr i'nUre ~N port Harbor -Extra 1,, 11vlnr rnom, dlnln1 ar••. bu1lt·ln ranr• t.nd o•en. "11'<'tr1c 111.th I w..nw, 2 Ir•· t; .. '1rooma, 2 bat.la, lower lave! tor addl· Uonal lmpTOVf'men~. tM!aut 1· Work & Uve in Newport Harbor . Whtr• Nature Smilea end lndu•try Proapen Frtsh ur .•. low COit power ... tranaport.aUon by la.nd. 81"& a.nd air ••. happJ employen living minutn away ... ~nter ot ~xpandmr market. • . . no freeway tle-up1. Se. a rtMmber ot fully landa«Pf"d. W·W rar· pellnlt and drape.11 -A h11n1,. lhat v.·111 plea.,. !.lie mo•t 011 cnmtuun,,3~~::· I Newport Harbor Board of Realtors * BAYSHORES *' £.\t~llf'TIL J.&r1~~1ly home 1n· dU<1111C 6 , ... Iv· 1n1 toom 11n kr':tyJN '111t· d1en. many b\Jllt·iOI. cloae to prlYala beach Li el\olct r• aulced communlt1. $31.600 * CUFF HAVEN * Ctiarmto.r ftOm• Oft • 1-.. <"Or· Mr lot. MaaW'llll)' land.ec:ap- «1 • b~rooma. laAal :t~ IMltl\a. a ,.,,. . ftnd ai m.ooo. "C" THOMAS ' REALTOR and ASSOClATES 2Si W. OMft Blpway U 1-~37 NftWport Bwrh 'C' 'lllOMAS 'C" THOMAS •a I b r= -~ ,.. t ! i I Duncan Hardesty R.L4LTOll "At lba Brtdr• to Lido laJ•" IA.la.yatta at !2nd at. Har. 47111 401 N. Ne~rt Blvd., ~twport Beach -\. I' I ~D ~/ D f ! t • ~( l! 2J09 £AST OOEAN BOULEVARD 3 BR:-lJ~ 6 ';J Ba~ -J'inpl&ce -Patlo - Sun Deck -1'urn.&bed. ~.ooo -Tenna. NEWPORT 2 tu.nUabed qnit.t -pot.ctial mcozne $2,000 plua per year. $1U500 -Tenn&. Cute 2 BR bom• -Newport Hetpta area - 3 y~ old -fireplace -cupeted. $11,(500 - T f'1Jll. ,, y .... , c-v I !'1 r I ' ..J \. ,, , • Bay & Beach Realty, Inc., Realtors 202!> W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Bet.ch Har.I* Eva.. Harf>or 1858 2 'tHci13t : 1 J3 C0~t8 :rit91Bes+~ToWW8rifarth C.2 °81••• bti 1IO s' 111 'Near Harbor Bl..t, Wit fclr llbltlple ..... odmt; ~ ._ ~a.u.2 ·11r.·1r1ar.~atta.sa,eoo. wtUJ •ooo. cSoWD. ' ... r DUPLEX -1'<teat Is c;M.Q, 1 Br. each ~ with prace-,· sulSOd.1 wUh $2t500. down • low month- ly paJment.t. .. J 21 C...• 0 I ' • I Br. home, 'UM a.w. ncaat • ...i1 for Im· mtdlat. oceu.puiCJ • .-O. WtUl a low don1pay- ment. ., G\ 1N. l'W£liS, Realtor 1810 Newport B>ld., eo.ta 11-U 8-'n29 , : .... ~ ~ O::n; :=: With "Your" Key bra&ldut room. n,..,iac.. 2-ca.r And enjoy the freell ap&rld6 lf a MWer bome OSl ,.,...,.. &11d l.aundry. IArfa cor· Balboa I.aland. A.rchitectunJly correct, n1pted 1198 abed. 1-11 apot , tn ralM tamny and bankroll at • carefully plamaeci tl\4 aam• ume. IH.&00 v.1lh tarma. 3 bdrm.s. w1th ample ruen room. 2 ~2 bat.ha. Cat..altn& DT1 ... Kaw'pof't Hel&'bt. I• a J"OOd addrea._ M:oYa In t.hl1 new 3 bdrm .. 1 ~ bath. Hml· modem 8unkm llvtn1 room. coni.r DNpl.aee ud planl~r Birch kltch.en ea~. rnnnlca alnlc. tort*! aJr ti.At. S.Utnr pr1~ $17,t&O. Term• to llUlt. M· 1 property wlUI bu.IMnl' nn P1•c-•nlla 8at'rttlc. pnce only $9000 <'U h. Valu. hf'" Flaptooe fl.replace. plea,Hn.t pav-.1patio, completely &Ad oicely fu.nJJabed. Call for Appointment to tee a.nd Make it "YOURS" eaclu.sift!y F\Jrniabed prtc. 128.!00, tm:u -0--0--0- , 1 -, ' ') ' • Stt our excitptionll • wm p~ny ae two tun 11zed lot.a. definitely income prodUdn&~ pr. Full Price S• 7 ,fSOO • ORANGE COAST l . ' # PROPERTIES WM. W. SANFORD.~~~ .Associates 18:11 Newport BJvd., Cost.a .M•a Lee Bolin ·• L~l'uiola LI ... 1832 Ev• LI ... uoo Hub Powel'8 • Noa.a.H,w Park A"-at llarirJe, Balba. ~ •• Har. 2"2 B/ B SHOR.ECLirt'S )~ QONTaKPOllA.1\T 2 BR 6 df'O plu. )anU. 2 baU., • fL. II\'. ro.m wttll ooeaa Ylaw. ... eluded tropical pa.uo. Too rnan1 unique t .. tun• to de-. cnbe -sucb aa NYO&vtq pk'· tun wUMlcnn, eaal.11 cJAi4td from lnllde. Priced tor 4ulck aale. l«JIOO, Tvma. 8l'l" BA.CK A.ND ~uJ07 the ._kt ..nee ta ,.our C1WD I Merm. lilolna. It't Oft • comn -._. • tu•~ .. and ta n•t u a ptn. 0... UM I air..,.... .. ~ s hdna. .. t wtlh a\Dl dacll. Alf Ulla ·ror ~· !Ul1AL cozr tPDIUll.,~~ llwd. n,..., ~ ~ n. -.need et,,. ........... i.q. ~ ............ tw uftSl .... 11..-. . i hy I< .... -~ t~ • ~ • OorGG& ....... ~ ING&, ea.at illf7. u.t. Mii 2 Homes $13.000 oa • i.,.. So~ autJd6a eo.ta w .. c1oee tq l!Mpplnc and tn.....,.t&Ullll. 1"9tJnltMnt .. ~ .. pef tum&. D.AH A.. JAOOMll:M, ~ l'.WtatAI • llar'llor Mil 1-fT&l KI 1-tt.tT LJ 1-1217 CLIFF DRIVE~F.QI, $17,000? .·. ... :' t. "' . NO, but just 3 h°'*9 •way Oft a lflp l• ~ . lot in uclualYe CUtt Bafttl, we b&Ye th.a a:t:ra nice Jarre 2 bedroom home with hwd. flood, u4. ·.": fireplace. Excallent._~~. ~ 190 ~· aeeW.-' -•-1tJ.a lk ·• OPEN HOU. at m..-iiJWii 4n,i;·~ •• and-+ -'ulfu to~ ·~ f\ • • ·~ ....... _, . ' ... 1 -,.. f .. ' .J ) It .. , 72e7t ,, 81Wnit-T8M TWO 'l'HJ1t1>8 SOLD Ot.rr w: _. ( · 1·o~'tAS. Realtor · . end ASSOOATES °'YCMl1l Lib Oar r.rtendlJ Semce'' IOO Z.11\k.lt. Calta K-. Liberty S-U38 &9*jlidU .... BA 61'11 -LI Mt'ff ·LI a.MM ------------------. . . BALBOA 2 bdrm. ..... fraGt cottap ou R-3 lot Tb.ii m aor1 .At ua.ooo. .. ~ ~ tBB.ING youa CRl'aL#JOK roa THIS ~ bclra and a.. 2 bath eottap nee.r the ... ,. A pod "7 at UT ,&00. flB8T 1'DDD OJ'J'l'JO:D ' Net.lb'...., dapla i bdrm. each. fireplace, pr- ... belt rmta1 ara. -111118 -o..a boat ctupm. • bdrm., ~ t.tll, 2 bdrm.. 1 bath, double p.raie. Ahrayt1 NDt.1 Only $27,800. QNm °' Tllll LAST PENINSULA VIEW Jnrs ~ '° z 80. Terma. COAST PROPERTIES &trrlt JAYJtl:D, Realtor K1Mnd ma. ud 81twi& ThomJ*>D. Amoclates I01 • Bllboa ams., BaDN» Bar. 2868 01' feoo . TWO DUPLEXES 2 lldrm& ..eh. 3 ,_,. old. Top condition. Moe,.... -f,2&000. Twml ,,... ' : . 3 Be~. Home JJ,.)0 7fl. ·Old· : ..-0 : $950 dawn. B&l&noe Ji4e "' .... ' ,.. iilat. v&hae ca.•t be ~ . . . .. ' 4 ' -". ~ ... NEWPORT \EACH OCEAN FRONT LOT •14JOO ! I ! J~t ab9at )'WI' l&tl cbanc. to ... -~ ftllalnS • l'tf1mmJna epot with .,... .lo tNSl4 a aSoe d1lpleK • ..... alMl .. trou!>ltl at all to pl a t.ut w ...,. ,,..,., ta: \..-t u4 tu• eo 70\l can Hftliba~. • I BEDlWOK 8M.cb CotLaJe. CklM lo Oceaa and Clla.nn•L Jt'a nrpriatD& how OOi&Y )'OU 1 C&D make UWI bom• wtth jU9l I a nw. .erst. Prtoe ... ooo - lt\IJml!t .,.._ BALBOA ISLAND'S NIC£ST I t ! N.IOO Pr1oe J\«tDCUOn fw a qaldl Mle. ! I I 9-UUt\ll tars• t ~ 1 ~ bat.ll JM>me w1lh 20dO llTUIS room. IOaU mu- ter Mdroom. · c:om,at.IY t'Ur· • niabed.. plua • Jdoe paUo, pill.I a IM«b' 1 bedroom turnlahed I a~ ~m a I car pra.,e Full Pnc• Pt.600 -tubmll dOWa. UDO ISLE I BIIDROOM .. Om. 1 \i '-th. I atol7 ~ -Ju.t UU6U _ J:Z ~ Cloee to the I Ou~ • wcmdertUJ swim· ' •mt ~ ~ UW• patnt and 1 1 llRlow ~ wU1 mu. thl.11 • - ,.i nice .._.. f01' a ~ taaally IAt ue aboW 1" · INDUSTRIAL nroM 1 TO to ACRES. hom M.000 to no.ooo ,,_ acr.. o.t la Oii ~·around noor. make younelf a UtU. fortune qutd1. A rr-t m&a)' people are dolnJ lt. Seven lalend Realty I Investment Co. aoa-&tnd St .. K...,_.t Bdl-C&Uf Kar. NII alter 5 p.m. Har. IMi LIDO ISLE LIDO LIVINO AT JTS mT THD fl"SdeUI bwn• offera 1 l&l'J• Jluaed IMnJ room with • a ... ton. nrepl&ce, dlntn1 ....... brealr.fMt \au, modf'rn -c: fonnkla llJt.chen. Three bed- 1 room.a. 2 We b&tha. Th• mu- tv bedl"OOm opena onto th• I capUvettnc tw'ln pe.tlo 111d ' hu Kr •Kn. wardrobee. and. of OOIU'M, Ua 0"'11 tiled bath <Antra.lly loe&ted OD lh• Iale.. I thla holJl• la on a dealrable ,,. lot. PT1oecl at 133.&00 w1th J1>0d U:nna. ON SXCELLSNT CORNER BTRADA LOT THU i. &A uoeptJcmal n.lu• at ...... Two tw'l.ll-alad bed· roons.a. two tiled '-the. Jarp tbMr7 1h1nJ room wfth dlft- lq ..... Mauutul 1arre bnck I n~ n. 1tttclM!l t. eom-I .:pJlit.e ~ t1eetrlc rJlllS'9 and ,~. You m1* _1 U.. atre Jure patio to appr.-I Cllate It. l:la*J•t tem'UI, Duncan Hardesty ' IUIA1JJ'Oll • .. Al ta.. ~ to Udo lll•" ~II& UM at.. Bar. f1JI o.i -n o,.._,, ..-,.,,., I......_..._... Pf.., 111.rp r..-and ~ &Na fe<r ._,.... .._. 0'9lll R.U. pet. ...... ......_ u .... 1 Mc'M I TEXAS SME ' ~._c•· ~ NEW .... !~,. ·VJEW 2164 · Oceln . ' BALBOA PENINSULA LARGE Liytq R0oa LAROE ~atio LARDS Puktq .,_. LAROE 4 ~·I Mtha LARGE Ooeu to b>k at Dlapo9al • Dlabwuber Radio OObtroned door. W&Dtowall~ Priee '65.000 • DEAN A KEPHART ' ~1 Ocd.n -Harbor loel -Or eee Y oa.r an.u 71c76H CORONA DEL MAR IOR .uLB oa TR.ADI: ~ ft. on Cout HJrhway. LeaMd for S3000 r year. Priced at Po,000. $11).000 down, balance O?er 10 yeara. TWO BEDROOM hou.M oe M ft. lot, fully !en~d and room to bu.1ld in front Near ahop. lt Khoola. Priced at $16, ~. BACK BAY Two bdrm.s .• a.nd ~ t•• bathe on 1arfe lot over- loolr.inr th• l&lte. Sb.ab roof, &11 electric kitchen. diabwuhrr. wuher &Dd dryer, .,,,eted.. It drap- fd. Price bu been ndueed $2000. New prlee $37,:500. W. E. FISHER & Associates 302i Cout Hwy., CoroDa dd Mar Ha.rbor llOa2 Eva Barbor 2il0-W -~----- JUST LISTED CLIFF HAVEN · RUSTIC HOME & POOL On Beautiful C&ff Drive nu. ch&nn.tq home on .. I bedrooma. 2 bathe, ooay u.m, room wtl1l 9lecl hdCk ftreplace, 4hl- bia' room. lwd1too4 tJoon ... "'"*' air Mat. Tbe WOllderfQl 'eoftNCI patio ,_.. a.. retr.b.1nr 14 x 28 heaW M4 ftJtMd pool. ?do94 at only ~ . P6.00Q, Cell • DOW for &~ to ... it, DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor .. At the Brtdp to ~ .J.lle" Lafayette at 12114 It. -. Barbor •na NEWPC>RT HB6HTS $11, 960 ~' iOniY S&OOO I Ocwm. I.Mt' MoMblJ ..,..... IClrtn .,.,. liriil ...... ftl:IJlk• ,(MltJ.y . ,.. klldl•'~#liP ...... 2 ....... : ~~~-.... ....... ~ lndlalid. Bdok .. tie, 1nll ua.c.,..s. ftr1ety ~ tlult tniei!-' .... ~ UDO ISLE • · a bldrocm9 ...i dfa. J ....., ·Kar CJ'qN,;- ud ............ 0..-0 'fW7 ...... -wm aooept UJ rte-•blt o&r. · JACJG IRENNAN, Rffltor .. AT THE AR.CHE8" 3.120 W. C.out Hlpway. 1J 1-7773 (I)~ WITH~ 1fe.t 8-7 AftDU, I ~ "°"' wtU. l'lllftllAHllM1 \.'MW et tM '->'· ~ llf•r HBTC. Larp 1M.nf "°"' .w. ~ m .ooo. \#m.L (I) PllNIN8UL4 H<Dm •• At· tnctlfto cute. OultGm bullt. t baOoolna, I batM. can- ~ .. Mat. .ftreplece. lilobby ......._ It J«S wurt a .weU ...... ft. -..oo. tc"1ILI. (4) IUJAO..t. t UNn' INCOME. t ._...iltATID OOTTAOJ!la. t &act 1 ~ Wd- ual ,_.... Md Mt'.-. Ooae t.a .q. aatt -.n. no.ooo. terml. I ,., 80NJ: p AINT A.ND A I t.rrn.JI rlX"Jlf WfU put you lnt.e u.t. t~ ~l'D ....... j\mt ... Modi Mm ...,,. IM&dl. ()Q~ *""-· ~~ AUfor I '14..000 ... •·* down. (I) ~ .AJUD JNTl:lUCllTa) I -, IN' BUTIKO an attr .. UY• • UDtt modllra ""d~. '°"I ldMIOI 119 · blt.nlted Jn ULlil ....,..-v. atw-t• cm tw'O Iota. t b+dr...,_. ~ apL ~ lauad17 with wuh- .. &ad ,,..,., locker rooiam. OO'ffnll c:ar,.u. ao-to "* -...... .wtmm2nJ lM&cll. IM.000 TOTAL pn~. wiU. tau.. . i Bay P'ront-Pler IE float. ' B. R. home '57,000 Bay J'roDt-Pler 6 float. ' B. R. Home - 1 B. R. apt. ····--.. ---·-----·----SC.000 Duplex-2 8. R. ~ batha--p&tioe and IUD decb-FtnMt lncome ...-···-····-· .... ~.ooo Lovely' B. R. home with 1 B. R. apt SM,000 Sm. cotta(e on nu of Jot, room to 1ftllld $19,960 DupJez~ attnetlve. $22.&00 SGC)O() dn. SHORE CLIJT VJmW HOME Be&ut. eom1a1 Style 4 B. a. 2~ bath home »- cat-' in most aduaive pan of 8hor1 C1itta. See m toda7 u t.bl9 Jlt oa.r J:Xa.A18IVB LIBTJNG and It .. Jll1oed rflbt at __ .. ___ ..$U,l500 OORONA DEL 11AR $1 T ,SOO. 80 WDS It ;rov. want u attncUn ~ 2 B. .R., 1 batll ~ Db l"OC8 and bath otf ,.,.,.. RardWood ftoON, ftreplace, u4 beaut. patio with BBQ. Lup lot '5 s 114, oomp&ete- ly fenoed. PRICED RIGB'I'. BALllO.A PENINSULA Nicest location on P.tinnla. ot1 Cbann~l Road, Vflr/ near Bay ktJdnC beaclL Modern 3 B. R. 2 bath furn. boa.a. P.A.. Wat, p&tio. 124.000 -Goocl Wm.a. I 7 ) U1.100 A.ND Tl:llJU •1ll I put you ta\o UU. beauttfUI P111b:mlla Potn.t OUPLl:X. I tmd twe ~ nJoal)' funaWl.. and .al7 • ,_,. ~1!d 1:8:.~~~ BLANCHE A. GA.TES, Realtor double ..,..,._ ve:vBER. OP' MULTIPLE LISTlNG 111 wi; amL•CT•D TRI.a Sll~AvL,B&JboelalaM Ph.Bar.18'Tlor1872 HA.UTD'UL JIOKE ta the ----------------- UPI*' M,J' -ud Jlan It for Ml•. Ru I Mdrooina. 1 ~ be.tbl, built·ln "t!Mnna- dor ~ rans-, tes. l!Y• ~ ~ w-to-w earpeot1nc. r . A. Mal . . lndudM drapea &lid eurt.alna, out· ·~ patio · room tor i-1-'l'NJy a W"Oll_.,Ul I bome. m.aoo. t.-ma. ·mxif•NOJ: I V--1 I.-. Cll>.K. ..... OMll ,_ • Bayshores • a -Cboioe Euh.Wve Liatinp 2 bedroom.a. 1 bath ____________ $18, 7f50 2 bedrooma, 1% bat.ha ---19,TlSO 2 becl.rooma. 2 batha, .tmmacalate ( 8014) -~ SHOWN BY. APPOINTMl:NT 0Nt. Y ALSO Bay Front Pier • SUP.. ~ lt.enW, Qaallftecl Oielita. Qlly . HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. Barbar 1tOO • E\'91 LI Ml9l Utr• 1 (t) t ., a ..,..,,. Rama. ______ __. __ ...__ ______ _ I C.D.K. (2) ,,I OW ' t , pf a ·-Jl.ome. ~.Ana. • IS> Wlllllt A 1W. K·l .... .n,. 0-ta' ..,.._,. • Jtaaltor aa--.A ... ......... .-. aa...ltTl ·Ttcll I He,. It A"l;aMI New j I Olll .. •Fii au; u -. Bu . .... -°""*AA~··~ -..... -~:.,... ..... Jot..~fll&:.M......_ o....:s-.... w. ..... ftp1't. • RmRE WITH INCOME ~ Ja a.it ol beaaUtal C«ma M ... I .._... ..tD; '2 AN llleel)' fva.. J.... 0.. to •Mt I l~ bib. tram °*II. -TIO ' I STANLEY A. SMrrH, R .. ttof. l • • • ~T E. co..t ~wy., ~ def Ma-r Hat. &&2 {> ,,,~· \ .1-' I ... / , ....