HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-10-22 - Newport Harbor News Press'ADa ~ aon our -And JtnuaY J-.pb., fciuth fn4e at.acleut tn Mn. )(arp.nt • ~·Newport. Sehool ~ prove.a it by rowtnc tD•Dool..,..,. .,. t • • / YHti loes1't P1~~le His Ow1 -!I .. If"! • • .. ., •188& ,JL&l' -Al Gard& pOe9 °"" middle for ~ eo..t ~ touchdow1l Ina one jvd out. Glttla 18 top man <lft u,. pile wttla dark llW't..-Pira tee 1-at l"alllrtoll 35-T to Pl otrlct tlMir . D&UCllllLI rUbll f6 No. t a.nil ef9ia1> t.o t.op of Eutern Ccmference st•....ttnp u n.uit of Ran Bnftardino .. U. wtt.b Ola.ff.-y. -Staff Photo Nn.port .U..ch pollC"e -.rly Sunday mornin.. e.n-.1.ed Col. l>MM Cal'l"'OU Roberta, cbJd of •I.aft at El Toro Marin• Bu.. m1 a <"harge of drunk drh1n1 fol- klwlnJ a traffic accldelt ln W'bicb ~tnlc1n1 nt a Ja~ eub- martna In th• ant.nuioe to N-- port Ha~r wu liN<-nMd t.octey by O.Oraa Jt. Nolaad. JJQ:I~ Ocean P'ront, Wht> WU U ~ lo th• bombtal' ol tba .ub .... cal'M to b9.. At t~ Um• Noland wu nJctlt ,. .. t.chman Of the Amer"tca/I Ptpa 6 Conatructioft Co. plluit. l't wu 2:JO Ole m~ ltJI ...... n, 1144. Nol.mt mcl he ~ ....,_ eral bUmpt1 ..mn. around and U>en ~ tM -r of a f'ltlllt ot I a ••Om&n WU 1JlJund. ,,...,_ t1"0m Mardi 1'Wd and Polle• aald RoberU. 00. or l lA bomt. bepn ctropptq. A ,..,, Grand Cana.I, ,..be> i.. chief 0( mJeui. lat• Not.d ._.,._ a at.alt tor u.. lCar1ne .U-· n..t t.elePbOM can rrom m. ea.. PM'lt1c. uullild tnw the rter of Ouard uldftl ldtn If hi9 plant did a. <"Sr ltopped at a lralfk: lla'Jl. not. b&Ye a b4S &&l'IJl&UllL 'Dia Hurt wu a puMll,_., Mr& Cou1. Guard pt Ute ta,>. .-oland 0.Tid nt.c~ a&. .t 8Ut ..... ...,., COY•fed tJM llit."J -ud The cu ... ..,... .,, .... , .... --tt le • ltO~ al ... t.nct. Davtd JUchardMm l'lt4b. hcj10. Netbtq ..... nw puWAd- 41. a ~ptwr. Kn. Wltcla td about It lh•t Noland lmoww ...... takea to no., HMptt.&I .nUJ ot. . mlDOf' tll,fmt& • NoJend, mw 7', ~ I "'" ...... t eu:w; ... .i •o..t "-' J'nnldlli awleil.. ....... Jlitlaw'q Ud ~ ..... la 11# wftll & ~ Ill Ctra • 1:11 ~·-...,.. --... _~·-~-... .. om.an. ' ...,.. At tMl ..... lie ....,.... nt ,_.. tii ......... to am .... .a • .A. u.. &·THa 165 cit u.. ~ u... u. • ~~ .. .._ ..... qlUtAI .. ·~ .....,.. footban and ~U11& .. .At OM -r.ni11eratw. tor the palt Ume he ~ a NCOrd for tbe Uf ... lit In Ula Newport Harbor )'&I'd clul\ of~ and V~ .... wtaidt •'M att.rWvd ~ 111 HIP Low the l"ftl J~-o..-.n. 1n '° .,_ ~.Oct.11 ... Wfld 0 7, Oct. lT M 'l'llundq. Oct. u ·.ti\ l'r1daY. 00t. t• -.. Retunsay. Ort • • TO Aouhdlly. 0.:-t. 21 . 74 x..-,. Oct. n _., &t ~ 61 ...,,,, •Y wnu.D llP tll U.. U ...... PIW9 et '9ft. T. UM. a3 -....... h• Nt'lfftll aA ._..,,.. flt M u Ute and' h .. tth pol~ h'em trt• '*"~ tnr Ille bud a.M -1 um-a work. ' : Small Business Grows • : Thurman &n.alnf o! the Southern StatH In- : du.atrW Council wn~ "Bil Buaineu la &m&ll IJwil· : .... vawn bil throu&h tht wtll~eu ot m1lhon• ! ot .u11 itiftllton to riak the money they have t aned and and ln buyfnr ah.a.rM in the bu.sine. J. in tM Jaope they will 1et a dividend lhuefor. Ac- eord!na to a recent nport there are almoet 9 mil· ' llDo lnd.Mdual ahan-holder• ot •l<><'k m publicly owned eoropontJona. .U.0, Uttt9 an at Jeut 100 million lndrriduala who own llte in.aurance policie.e and 30 rhll.Uon lndlvtdua.hl wbo have aavmp &c· count.I -all o! whom have a ~ lntereat l1l the wcoem ot American buain .. :· The best JO'"l1lDM'nt policy for mnall boaineu la that which • trimdly to all tJrwlnM( -and whlch llleepe tbe door open for u1 bmm.. to srow aocl proepe.r. Our:;Small Towns Count t.>tttblly epeektn~. how lmporta.nt are the cna.lltt_'comJnunlt.JN o! the nation -thoee with leu than •.ooo population • Town Jowual, workini from the bf-at available data, bu provided the UP'er 8m&ll-tOwti a.nd !arm Tftlidenta bold a clear •otJnc.maJorlt.7 ln i2 of the ~ .Utea. Thty cnnlrol 84 or tM. 9ie u. s. Sena.le 9e&l.a -and dommate 275 ot thP 435 Conrl"f!Miona.J diiitrkta. Anrf -ot nry Jl"Ml polillc.aJ importance wider the rull'.'e that sovern our Conrreu -they elect 18 11( 19 a-.te comnilttee ckWl'm~ cd U o! the ~ Houae ~...,._, IM"',,._roota 11 Qt oater of JM>'li'er In thJ. npa.bRc Harbor Area Now Home Of Nati~~ Ranked Team Oft ,.rfOtmaJlfll to date, the Harbor aru hu &ppal'9t!,r beocnD• !lome of one o! the out..tandin1 ~ ooDeit'"toou..tl t.ama m the natlon. Tboee who ~ lmow memberw ot the C<l9C.bLDr irta.tt are oonMent ~ ~ ~ ua one of the to~ . Ifft *'Pi tiecau.e lbey ue TWfn1ID1 pme., but bau. thQ. ate ~.t pnta.aen. oa11t1odln1 hancl-- lllw ot ~ and capable GC dnwtq the M9t poeaible ... . •. .... . G191 .. ~o.; .. .,.... ... 641. ' •ca V t ?7 I A 0 di I ' M TS 2 I ti • I~ I I • •r l • , ..... a..., .......... Make Your · Plans For . . . . Voting on Nov~mber .6 Have you made your pa... fOI' v~ ii) the general electlon NoY. e ! TIIOlle ot m who Jmow we Will be &t home on that datt b&t9 DO paH:Jcul&r problem, ucept ~ ~e dme . to IO A tq t11' .1>9llt. But lt yo. ue colnc to be ·~ traal th• Harbor area at that timf!1 you mu« •m for a abeentee ballot. ' I Here ia the proceu: Write to the Oran.re Coantif , clerk in ~ta Ana. at the County Courthou.e, sJl! the requeat in your own bandwritJni, lltate the ru- aon for requeatin1 lhe ballot, where you want 'tt eent and your ree1dence addreaa u a voter, Requeint tor abeentff ball-:>t.a mu.at be received by the cowity clerk be!ott Nov. 1. So check your achedule. Whatever e1M y0u are doing pr wherever you ma.y be Nov. e, don't forpt your duty u a c1tiun of the United Stat-.: CUt your vot.e. AFFAIRS OF ST ATE By lll:NRY C, Mac.ARTHUB SACRAJ.!E..""TO, (CNS) -Whtie it may attm a trlfle tiring to conlmU&lly discu1111 the 1ubject ot water, there ii no auliject which at the pre~nt tim4'1 i..a u im- portant to thr welfare and future of the 1tate oC California. With tbt approachm1 lk'881on of the a'tate le(t.laturt, SACIUllENTO, CCN8> -An overall budJ'et of $t&t.24'7 ,288 for U. UCSl-68 flacal year wu •dopted J.u~ week by the California JD&bway Commiaion. The bu<t;et ii ~ue in the fact tbt k is the largst ever handled by the commt.ton, and a1'Q bee&wte it la the first budget that prvvtMI tor ·at .... -for lhl• pela&llJ WU &dVU\eed aaip__,. prttjld la PIV1 ...a11:7 by Paul i.c-m, It.ate Ctl1'9Ctor ot ~ u.. It.at. ,., • nacaa ,... motor vehlc1... !ollowvtnr the pet1od.. rovernor'• •at• l y oonlarence ot U. amM.111& ~ aaao.,.. .Mre. Muon alao tavol"I IJ&bl.en- 000.000 a alloc&led for major Inc up the Uc.n.M I.Nuance z-.. cOft•lruction p r o J •cl 1, w-hlch qutrement.. of the Ill.ale &11d mak0 meana mo.,. t~ya and tX0 tnr It toufl'her to M<:u~ the pr1° pr-.uwaye for lhe llt&t•. All In v1J .. e ot dr1vtnr on Lh• •l&te • &JI, ll\e eommJaaiOll pi.u. ti.At IUr;hwayL add1Uon oC to mil• ot t.h.la ma-Tbe -.ntt. commilt.e on 80<"lal Jor type of to&d lo lh• •IJll• •·elfare, h.aded by Senator J .. wMr• waltr •Ill ~ a ma.tor qu ... u .. 11 al l.1)1.t ume. pe.rUcu· Ull,M~ 807 tor alJlle hlrh~•v • • a11bj.,·t nt itl.c11uton anrl P<>•· i 1u 1y ~hf'n It 11 fa~ wllh ll)e pul"J)Ollft. In addlUon lo lttt lt&nrlinr; nKeasary to aucceu ln : _________________________ _ .. hty oC arlloa wtuch will aUed riruhlem or tlnanctft,11' th• hute »M.082,0:17 t 0 r <:0natruet.1<m. •mpl1>ym"nt. Uw el&l• tor rn&l\y ,.ean1 ll' <".Om«', I rnthtr lllv.r Prn)f'C't, W?ltrtl Ill rlJbl.8 ot way 11.nd COllUDCPnt w• Th• allorrMlp flln~ • Qtflce the public c;.an '\•II b. advlW<J i t. final llhAM• ta vq>Kltd lo 1 lh• itatc hlfl\way •lloc:aUona In· LI •ludytn~ lhl TMulll of an In· of lh,. ma.ny lnlr1caclH wl\.11 h rOl'l In tM rwl(hborbOO<t <>f two elude 12& million for m&Jnlen· VHtlr;allon lrfto the e.n!orrf'menl ~t Ole aol11t.Mrl to Cautornla I bllllOQ doUara., an~ U~~.000 tor prellmlnan o( IAw1 rfl&llnf lo O\'f'rloadlnr problem. Howenr. Ula racl ~IUI Ulal , tn&U\ftnnc. u.000.000 tor lh~ lru•ka ln lb• northwHttrn ra•t Sacramento Sidelight Not Ula ~ of th-t1 ft· Without the proit'<;t~ "''atn de· al&l• aa.tirirway Pla.nnlna' aurvry, ot lh• •l&l• Report.I u.-that SACRA.MENTO, (CNS) -Government employees ln na.nca. A.Ad _., !Un•)' o. ••lopmenl, a l malt rqarCl.e.N ot 1 $7 •. -.oo.ooo t 0 r admint.trau.on. cu ... pit• 11p ., tut that th«' lhe Sa.cramento area, who derive their livi.n1 from b.ard- 8a4k.e. dl~t.or ol \he 11.M• 0.-U.. eoet, C..tiranU& 111111 ml'(>: S• ~.090 . tor bulldJnr;1 •net court• In the ,,._ ~·t bandit ' earned tax dollars paid in by pr1vat~ buaineea enterpr-Ule, ' p&rt.nwnt cl Wa.&ar ~ JTTA It la not 91;W\d, ot coune. pl&al.a L.ct $1.760,000 for 111o9or th•m part1r111arly when d91en baa eom.e lllt WU2L an Idea lot .., nlu Int., &11' l\ate--braJ.n.ed ca.mp proJ«ta. danll d.mand a Jury lr1aJ Wblrh can now be tremendoualy proud ot tbell\9elvea. 11tatil ~ Ill U. ft.an. ~-· ot flnandftr. tlellllff 1a r.o.T'IL.I aJd ac·count.d tor mn.t mu•t ti. chm ln so 11a,.. or the For, accordmi to October iuue of GEE Reporter, lllate participe"• la U.. ts.nr.--. tt .. unO lo contral'l tor P*Y· ot the •ddiUOl'l.LI fund.I In th" c•-la Ownl-d. The attorney wht<·h I• •horl tor Govemmtnt lrt.or• v.hlctl can1H dry rooU. lq 4f lolal .. tw ,..jeda. ~ llltrlb i&J'S'er tAan the &blllty ot Hw 1t114cwt. •ion. .,.'1t.ll a nw, pn4'r'aJ'• ornee •rs It la Mt Employe-H P.:xd11sh-tly, th•)' now applla.n~•. tooO, liquor, ~ ~ ot Ule prof09ld ta. .t&t.t C.o mN(. But on I.he ma! r1M hi hlfh••y uwr ta" r•dy y«t lo ma>ce rK"Ommenda· hav" ~0.000 membf'ra ot Govtm0 toy1, c~eUu &Ad what baH ~ WU.r Pl.aft. olll•r hantl. lll•r. undoubtedly 11 l"f'\•enuea collttll'd by lh" •tat.e. Uona. but I• eonlldennc whethtr m r n t l:mploytt• l!:n~rpr1w1. you, CJCE II 1A UI• automobOt 'nil.a 11 a rww facet lo .,.taT a happy n19dl11m alone the llrw ror 19~~8 Callfornla will ,,. . .,,. not to uk t or addJtlonaJ help whkh Hll• trooda at almolt buenf'U, and will ttna.n" n- <Mvelopm&nt. Ban.ka Po'nta out I" her r wal#r proj"Cta can M con· 1 ce ve appl"OXlroaltly 'l:U mlllion from th• JudlclaJ council to h..,.r tv..-y detenptlon to rov,.mmf'nl C'ar1 aa well u ~pt tra4e-lna. lbal maay of the JtO ~n •tnir\.td a.nd tln&l\('ed .eiaaoml· l.n ff'd.,..J aid ror Ill.ate hlllh •th• ra-M•a.nwhlle, lh• C1'1l0 •mplf>ytt1 urh11lnly. at a r1111' Il b&1 a compi.t.t ln8W"lltl0t pro- <'.ont.tmpl&led under u. oaator, callv. "'aya. plu.a nrarlv f'IJhl m lllon tomla Rlrh•·ay Palrf•I will con° rount. snun. end now i. lnva41~ ~ rua Water P.l&A wtQ be coa· ll I• .wit1oubl"'11y Wt happ) In ton.I Cunda for cvunty ltntNI to five out clt.Allona for Ho1lttd In an olrl •nl'I aban· ca-<>llne at.aUoo neld. •l.r\IC .... "1 local ..-Cea. medium U\at U\• 11.At• dt1M1rt· roe.lb. over1oad8. t!onf'd danrt hall In thr tnnr;t Baale&lly, the phlloeophy of at to 1-,a,. t\IU ... , amt mtnt or watrr Tf'81>11reH h Hf'k· ASNOl'SCI: PRl'..(:ISCT~ A new plan fnr •late eld In '"'al or SeC'ramf'nto. vrbf'r• thr GD I• •pon90nbfp of the ~ a . ~ or W'& I Lnt at """ P~nt ttmt and ~nary of 81Jll• Frank M. 1~ water pro)f""Ut wu advanr th""' arw no ell)' taxH to CCITI· lrtnd loward Sod&li&m wlUch __. ':91' • ..-notl"9 ~ nn<flnr IL "'ill be up to the •tal~ Jordan announced 2•.lls• ('allfur, ..i bv Hll~Y n Ranka. atatt 1'.11· •td .. r. th• Gl':IC haa built up dur· characler1a.e1 th• civil wmoe l&.rSW tMa kle&1 needll t.«!cia&a 1"1talalurt•. wl\li.:b loo ~'Ir ha.a nla p~·1ncl.8 will be oper•tina rector or .,. tt~r r_,llr<'M Bank• tnir lht put ~vnal montti. a sv•l•m ot c ovl'r1\m«nl lloc:la.Uam 11 , .. _. 1 1 t1 ' Ifft lh• wet,.r prr.b)t.na <>f r.11. ~o,·rmbf'r e lo La.k" ,are or ltw •UJJft9led U>al th., l"Kl•lature rlf'p&rtmt>nt •torr or mammoth cont•mplttr1 the WI« of private •If TTfT ....... ft oca n&nrtnr r I I th .. __ .. _ r • I , , .. _ __..._ 11."\lt 1'4'nnrt; ... wate,. dnf'f .. \'I om a n ......... 0 I h• ff'dl'r 1tnf'1 al tlf"<:Uon. or lht touu ID I might .... II al'.lvanre ll•lrllllona rroJ>Ol"tll>na. While •Cl rrhants In •nl•l'Jll'i# to prov! .... t.be .....,....,... · al Jl">vf'rnm•.nL 1 h• 1tate, t .1'1 &rf' 111 Lo. An· r11,;~1 nn loral pl'OJ«f'fll 10 brlni I '~ 11a1t'• rapltol cit~ who u• j withal lor promoUon of lt.8 •Y._ In "" h "'-ta.no.., It woulol t... CJn basta or r ohl t11C't•. !ht,.. ff'IPa rounh 1.M7 In Alam eda lhl'm up lo the ita.nd&rd• \\ hlr'• a 1>1111 an'1 J'ar" I or lh• rnm0 INTI and lhla 18 H4CU)' wt.t J ""''°omlcal tOf' ~ala !,. lhrn111h °""'"'" h4 :•lll,. 11,.v•lnpm•nt of rounl\ 1 •.O In s .. n roq-o will mMt TfoC!Ulr-.fTill'lt• tor par' mun1t\', •ll•mpl 10 m•k" a hv· i-o,·Prnm•nt tmploy .... In and 4"m• ,.....,u~ to provide add6· v. al•r In 1 allrornla tooay w•o <'<>uni) a nd 1 I02 In 61.n Tran, dpaUnn In it.al• waltr plan I !nit lhl' r.ir.tr: haa H>'1ur .. rt ~ 000 arot1nd S~ramento are dlXnC'. tlonal n~nc:-ta. to brtn( the It not for lh,. F''°"""l r;o\'•m C••"o Manv of the lo<:al J!MI""'' h• r 1alolmf'r• ... ,.,.,. trcim th,.m via t '1'0E&'f1NIX0 ~T JlfOJf'<°t up ll" lb• lltll.l\dan:t """" .. mt-I'll. but not <Nen wtth lh4' /\llWmblyman Palrl• k Mrr.-1 polnlf'il 0111, .,.. nol l'1fflrlf'ntly tho-dilM"'nllnt rnulf' For by r«aeon ot I~ locaUoa, • !llLry for .w .. .....tc» bfnt:nelal l•rir• auma •f"'nt In f'allfo1nla nr 1,,,... Anc~I•• ~ 011 n 1 \' an· lar-K• to ltlv• anv etali&-Wl<le ben· I Hn 1J11r h1u lh• .. ~.-.11on ~-th• irov .. rnmtnt f'mploy..,. •t.oNI ' uw ha.a 1hP f~~•ral J:Q••mm,."'t ~n n<Manf".-d folltrW1nf • h.-.rin"c-1,,. artt but roultf ~ brourht up tn r-om• that c:1:1: 1• now lnatalltnc la nnl a per\ of the bWll.nieillr AntiUlt:r Jioaablllly, ho! M)'ll, 1bla In k..-r l>A"" v.·l!h lh• CT°"· vGIYtnir lhf' •tat .. ~rk rnmmU· I •l•n'1•rd ••Hh ilal• at.I, and 1U1 own iraaollnf' •talion to r om m u n It y of lacnunmto. fr•r •tat. •qat&oon ln l~ly· lnr •l•n1•n•ll "' th" •l•I• !or lllon lhat h,. lnt .. nt1• lo lnlrodur" th,.,...hy ma•i• a part or th" at.alt' "uvr·· m"ml'W'nr a ff'\\ rf'nl• a Tbn"fort, It h&a no obUpllon to butn aJ'ld locaJly-ol)f'r alf'<1 proJ· cnnr• .,..,,., lf'1[1alallon llboh•hln• th,. rnm, 'wat•r ..,1 • ., raJlon on lhf'lf Cuel r11rr~a1•• partlrlpat• In lh• rommunlty ft\• "'"" wouli:I b. Iha Htabllahmt'nl T h tor,. It l'>f'h h I " ,, ... t h •-,.,.... • ,,....v•• 1 • "I m1-1on and 1 i-.attnc a •tatt ti•· Plana for 1>eau11ry tnr C all!or· l'T'll.J, ADPfl' 0 1 .. rp .. ..,.• o t i. city or .,. llllJ' "' a W111rr df'v•ll>f'mf'nt nn&nr .. r11n1t 'Thi• Bann ~nl1 out. would ,. rwtlle loc-aJ 1l~«n1'1 .. ..a lo mHt ~tr n .... .,. and u fh• 1•1a111'" ''1 ''•lltornla 10 •tnp 1 J16rlmrnl cir r"<,..allon whlrh I•'• ht•hwav• are belnr a111rtlf''1 Th,. Rrportf'r pr<"'lalm1 It I• oth .. r I'll)' wh,.re •ur.h a ltoroe th• <t1ll"-<.t11ll)'tns Chat h11a char· would La)!,. CJI~ of the r-.r: • :v lh• itate hlr;hway rnmml••lrm addlnr; a n-Ju"•nll• df'part· may bf' loeatf'd Thu•. 0.. 00 artPMr--1 U,. svent. of Uie p&.91 atJnnal nM'<!a ot th,. •lat" .wu':'h (ollnwlnc a hear1nt nn lh• •• h· mtnl, u ,...11 u a MW pboto, f'nlf'r'J>r1aoe apptraf' to bt p&rt 20 \'f'llr• nr mor" wuh nul th• d1-llatac-tlon ha.a l>f'ton «VI· j&C'tt l .. l WMk. Information Of!(' 1'1"9Phlc dtJ19rtmtnt. and pe,rctl or a ach,.me to 11ndllr· lnlhw<;Uol'llLJ .teut1a that ha,,• rl•no.d a.mon• lf't'lelatonr tn UI• -ry la ~tnc pf"l'J'Arf'<i by And to rurth«"r c»tnu·t trotn min• tht 'b11.llneu acUvttAll oC ~la~ .. at•r pro(Tama, and ,,..l eaveral yeanr Wllh Iha ar., Oeorr;• T McCoy •l&te hl«hwa.v palron.ap lo thr l•l1UmA1te bu.I, lbe ~It who pey the bUla, •~nd ttt;:..:1::11 t11 -;,im• c-oncrete ttvlllH nt t~ italr ~rk .C'O~, tn(lnffr and wui be preaentP~ nf'M how"'• ot Sacnun.ntn. Gl:IC and who have bftn paytn1 th- •mt Unte eompl•l• Yllal llmbe In lh" el •l• • ma 11 ar platt for we\.l'r devf'lopmtnl. J uet how ta von.1>1¥ lh• l•I'~ lature •la 10IA1 t.o look upon pla.n• for &li.1JA1 Ill IO<'~ly coa- rtruC'lf"d water projecta I.a • 1ood :, r lltoml n::...: th,. p.opl• 11Uaalon &Ad 0.. elate dlvlllon of at a fulu.re m .. tlnr; ot th• rom In lh« Mille luue of llw Report· lltnce lht naUon WU fOUllded. • • f>tl• ~~pa nl.8 In a beaci.. and pa..rlu l•lon ,.... drvotn 111 tull J>-f" ad eoUdl· Appal"WllUy. lh•nt a~ no Ja .. ~nir~ whlo'i prl.m&rlly ~n•· "'-'1bly~ Chart. J . Con· m A d~epuon or 1:1 Don.do Inf. !ht bu•IMP of vtterana. prev•n~ operation of u e:n. 1-hem rsd. Hollywood, •Id he would l"(IUnt, ~ mtn appe&Ad <:1tC t. • complete del)art· tu11rt.,. of thla type, Uld ,...... ~om! What did OW' ~~th.,.. mean bf "Frff.. dom" ! They meant freedom from• Govtrmnenta.1 control baaed on unoonstltutloll&l regula.tf011a. . ' Ourlnl' the put 20 Yea.t'loi tli~ New Dealqw created a huge Goverame.ntal deviliiab with countlal. tm.tachs. ~ Dlt•rprt8e .,_... GMJ4 AIMttd. prtor to a.. New not tab a 1Uf 1'ttlltlNt -..wt· ~ wu t.y and ~ tree c.rtDf ~ .C all ...U. ft'-. ~ ~trol. A 1hw7Wl),f, -.... ., Ill CIOGt.nc1 wr1tt.e Olll t.bl .... el red t.spe. ....,_.,, -*'( ftlll9 a f~ •u nlld •• die dnd "°"' to feed Uielr oin chldtem •ftd uu. to your ltOffte.. Now Ute Wllw t!My pt • Oo••-•tal OcMfHIJ .. -INMO.te t• ,... O.K. No contr.ct ftM' ~ent wrtte &l\T contract you mue. wu 1..,.U u.nl-• Ooftl'ftlTl•nl0 ~n one m•de a.n bon..C llt&Dlped paper. No bu~ buck It waa hi• That wu lit the COQJd be •larted, or nin. wtt.Jlout old·fUhkmed da19 at. tN lu· ~ 0 K. fl"Clfl1 a lt\mcll et ~ P~• O>urt. ~nt.a. How -w1tn•H Ute :Euro- Th• younr wsn b.,..l11W'llAh-' peanl.uUOll of Amer°k'a 'nlf> ...tt.b the th--,. Uaet ao..n. INap nur fONfatnen lsrt t.hf' menlt.I jobe otfwN a rnuJJrtom 014 C"Mllllr}' to ._.,., w 11ow o1 -=wtty. lo Uwl7 ""~ brine "'*' ourwtwa. Utelr btrt.J'lr1tl\t to Ill.rill• out tM' Nels'lber. a.re ,.. to 1Unwnder Ul-.-l"' In o~ to pt OoY· wbat IJI Jett Of J'rwd-&o • emm111lal MCUr1ty. on...-orM ~mt! be l'lad to lntrodure 1 bill et Ut• .,.,0,... lb.• •late hictrwaY ~ mnit •tor-. whut you can In· ably ti..re llhoukt i. ao ~ n~t ~n of the 1..,_1atuni mi.loll and urs.o rtJllCnnlenl c1 ea• your paycheck 22.11 ~r tlnn atfeo<"UAC llUdl u operaUoll,.• to ....... fw ltlrf jall ettN......_:,~t.a. -,-. ~~ ,_,. ,__. ..... ~=~ wet t fW *mil.,...._• ... _. a~lbcleell~ ,.. • _, .... tad :u f -~ lilllie •••laeu •• 1. • Fl Ulie &lit .,,....... "" -..-a-_ ..... ...,. , .-~ ., Qji -· .;_ .... """"~ • •; ... -. ... , . . ·-~~ ~·--. ._. tM.._ "'OlllJ'8111•,.W.-B11e;w,a.9f I' I ~ F M™ER McCABE·- 1 • • • ··WRITES Farmer .McCa.be (all rifht.1 reR1'ftd) can atntM"'-8 ..... ,.. ._. Jtl8 Ule P 1•11 II *6 Hal public .. not .................... ~lf- T!Wft an lT 1arse ~ ,_ ..-& Id ...... -.._ to .,.,. you at OICJI, and .... &ad lf -. ..... ..._..._.... euy t.erme au M a.lt'Mlpd for ........ \e .. P•Wl Z ~ JOU lt e...ut ll ll4Med." _,..... ~ •...,a .... .a In addSUoe to lu dep&rt.mdt U. Nit fll Gile ,...._.i OOllON4 D&L KAJt.. l bedrm. • fllra. ....... .. Mldud.. u.tll. 1 • •U<Uo •pt~ Ml tum.. tn<'lud : utIL ·Hu. .... 79Uc t'~'TL'ftN. I bedrooma, ~l­ ine. l,.&r9e lilltchu., ,.t1o, doubH 1arat•. tarr• J'Vd. Hetpta. Kl 6-18K on,. llX'·m&ll, lllX•WOm&.n jurJ ~hkll delOlersW 46 mlnul• recoauoended Ute lmpiUonm~at for Uw •i.nMr dark lkf..clant. 8-aue!M, ~h Ilia &uM· ....,. z. a. w-. uked '°" lJQ- IMdat.e •nt.9nclJI&. au P• rl•r ~ Jlld(t R.aymcmd a. HEALTHFUL HEMET INDUSTRIAL 11 ACRU of 141nl Wla.ble 1an<! I eer. et apneota, eome wal- nuta, tuilly ol"Cha.rd. I bedrm. 1 edW'OCMI rudl i.c-, tlnplace • 6m. ,,...i ..,_., ,....... bam, Sem EmmH lJ 1-TIOI H • •Id the o'" nu• plaJI a «"lty mod•llt'd a!'t~r Vernon or tb.t Chl<'a10 Cftllr&I Manufacturlat 0Uil r1C't onh' "'bettel' ·· ~berl. after Who'• f'IUn-• 11tna.ll Yllles• alons the nortll 1 bo\1!14ary of UM propoMd cst1 , Tkl 1 1 .. n.a.m94. Mid the land _,,_.. -----------1 wUl -Unue t. ta.rm the laJMI I 1• TiaQIJfIA rt.ACI: Quaint mtttl tnctu.try 90ft'I• tn. bWe l"'J' 1-. LcrU al '1iwy haft aJ:rM,dy st--,_ A.Se old U-. I Md-~ •JllPOrl t. tb• ,...o:twt,- ......... Lsp l!ttt.I.. "'°"'· "• .id. tTIOO. ""°° 1ou. Reu rra. Tan.t aid -" _._ llltnl- LI ....,, ftpll '*-u rw ~ u ,....._ a : I ·=·\~i.,!.'~:.:; ~ cleee to ODeta W.-~ CanteT J' ~-P,IOO. Low clow1\. Owlter'• .A..-it. DI DllLUS 10 TO IO .A.CllE8. Moetly r1nr a.ottom land. wtltv a...O.ble. .., .,. Mn. ...... -u..r ........ wtly ---,_au. le Mats I ldf•ld. ... clalm.-d the a.ad _..,.. ti.. tried tor •O ,_,.. to lleep New· port and l..&CU1I& Bea<h tram umn1 -ter In the ---.i.o ~-I Tal'Wt ecored the C0\•1'tJ P1ann.lftr °"9lm imtOlft • • lhla y In approortnc eoov count7 va pre} VOTE .............. AftM-MW.S a cun • T1llit ArebM u4 ,._riq about Oii bipway, aecordlns to police. ll&rTJ Mlebul r.--u .... "' Ill N C-. Bh'd... ~ -..Cb. WU U1"'ll.t.ed &t U : 51 LID. 0ot. T at IOth •t. a.ad K~ BtTCl. •ft a rha,..e nt druak d:ri~. IPO CALI November 6 YOTI Litereturt o,, All Republiee,, CendicletH, lumper Strips •"cl luttona, M•y be Ot,teined •t 141 I Newport llvcl., • N.wport leech. Th fa la f o r the Conveni•nce of Voters in Thia Aree. RALPH P. MASKE' S,(M EMMES teta.. ''8olnetJmee lt ~ t1ro y.e.ra to pt a project throu,._" l~!!!!'.!!!!!!!!!!!!~~=~!'.!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!'.!!!~~~~!!!!'.!!!~ U ... TIOI "9 Mid. ·~ Ill moUMr ,...... 1'tc8 l for wt .n.hltl1 to pfde tur ~ I RA VE Q.IOO CA.Ul la t 1., --ta tile 8&11\& ... Jlaaa-~ wlUa IJ'll'e ~-'falua St,IOI. WlD ...,_ ~ f« -.uJcy In dQplP or T LUI Docza Ua.TMI ct.tiny.• ! Talbert eald a dM-p w..W barlJs a. p~ "6t ~ yet. .• Re .aid Ute •trtacle e.-... Ml will be loot feet wide ....... tMe ,..u--6dlit ,...,. en ~d be ~ at "- ..,,. tlmt .. t.M knta AM ft1"ftr Md le'~. l·l \ Hf'OUIU -thinoafrom tM tnii"' AftdS.f. mu Jin~iM J/r~ •Ol1Wrfl· ,. - • •t I THI lllT'OP llDIS-POI f OLICS 01 .. ttOHT 2142 W. e...t H-y .... ,.,. .._. l.A.ty 1-1 IQ A womaa dri'fl'J' blJr1 her ..U IJta'bUy at 11!.IO .... ~J la a twe car ~ at .,.._ An. ~ hrll A"-~ U"9 otlMr mecort«, &Jao a wom.a. ~ oa ~t atYb\r tdlQt.t-n..u... ~ ... pollet. Marion R. H-'tt, n. or no U ilOWNI co-ui. ... ,.._ ,.... 1 > dtown1q or luthNd' a .troke. • 80YtF, W2ao .... .,... 1'1th the N.tu BotWq Co. for 2T ,..an. ffe WU put )ll'ftlldlfnt of U\e CaHfonM • N....,_ Otnomt.d 8octlaw 'A9oetaUoo. put 1Mlard m...i-" the I.-Anp'- CllamllMlr ot co..mwoe ud ---Mr ftl I.-4Jll'91e9 ~ Clu._ In N9WP0rt Har11ior, be t>.- loQaed t.o Ult ln1m c.-.wt Coun- try Club. IMJb9& Sty Club &lld UW WIJM ud Food aoct...ty of Smith·Coron- Wof1d's Fastest Portable .................. , ... .....,, .... .,.....,.,.~ .. ......................... SMITH-CORONA CLIPPER ..... hle4 ~ 7850 ......... ~. ,..,. ...,.. ....... 902 N. Mafn .... ........ Kl 2-2165 I ------=...=.:....:~==:__.-~~~~~~~~~~ ,,,_,.. a.wrolet 1ivclml . . !!!!_T wrTW Yim -..T JI IWf nA ,_, H.w _, II ... rd , ... VI It fL I< .. .... .....""' ........................ .... ..... Mui,. ............. 21t .. Clu ...... ~ ,._.....,., ....... Vl_.6~ ........ • , • .,, , ...... I ,, , , t ....... Qu ......... "* ... ...... • «. ••• , , ... , .................... -... .. ............................... .,., .. , ............ ..,. ..................... .. ..................... LC.I •............ c.u. ...... ....., ..,, "' ........ , • llC.O.l.•s c =· ,., a..,. .. ,.......,_ ..... -.,..,.. ... .,., ...... , ... ...... ....................................... [ MILUR CllDROLn CO.· 1000 Weir 'C1tiJI tltlk•llY NIWP :>IT llACH 1.IRS. TEO HA~IBRUOh., WC<l• 100 ti11: t.Jlue !ox stole prucntro to h r at the· A..:rn.~nncr> L<'egu · lLi.Dchcon i.n Ba.11..iva B&) Cluli. -1u1 y r.\ ru. ~la* ·i S'E A_L AH KING By Gll'fNY ums. ED\\ ·'!'D L~ J f·,R) SMIT! I The Jh·1tt·1t \u11•nt1 ""' tl"l!n•tr.: ":': •' It "''• r,.lllh• l.11o hlan.1••• 1 ,, '' 'n I ~••Ill 1.1uu •• v• • ,. • a. I '1• 11 11 ihe1r tnlu""l' 1 ... 11•1\el l1•,.J•u11lfl~ I•• 1 ,. ·~ .iv. f111m Beve1l;1 :111 •• 111~ plu~ tl'r 1 h·i111t'. wti • t \t .•• I , I' ,J~on1l••lt 1 • 1 r•t \ 1 .. ll 1 \ (I I iV• k I i•\I• : •' U t l I" • .. W£1..<..:0.M!:: lu th• J. .. , 1a !11.n , ... ..., o.MJ.. 1lr'Wl•w1&1 "',, 11&'• ~nt:y mottd t .-u· I•"' I lin • t• • th• \"tntt· li•d'\" fl ..,.n11 ,, l.un 1 \,; ... 111, 1#'' I 'f '-:·' t I 0 't I I Of Cf! lht'IU tt.' "' ,. I J11Ht\' 1Pa• &llJ T. .\1i<rll>•lr0•1$lh l'i<tJtSIT 1• ('I i'!'ll,1,lt .''-, \ r I tt u I 111' ~ t1rt ,u1.. • ., I I' '. ~f ' ' '" n II f't l'llt rtlln<'e ,., """ """ :Zl "'"" H• fl>'P•'ll Jtt• ''""' '., .. ,r h ... ,, .... n I I' J \ ~ I I t' fl -------------11i.ana fur U1nr l1••ll•Jl&11l l>ail. I PAT A1'1J E.~vmv HANSON •a d~ hont\: 11.ny W.y now tram a <ieYIM Honolulu vacaUoo • , • PARKES-RIDLEY MORTUARY Fomwrl1 Cnt1.Jel Chapel l.I 1'-541 & '1c.'fn.<licrMW'~ r to .!mw ,,If h.r r Ji.,lt.1"''' '1 f\U UWI ll•~C Jf \OU \ .u: ,.., .. W it' I '• .. ,1ri, r ''" ,. $UU SttUllflC \l O: ~ \ t •Ur tq!UU tlar-. ••• \\'1th l!h 1, "~ U litt(" \•"JIU nrt'C"'llU ', ~rh1hl '""· rmn1"' hlnn ! 111~cu nssu£ "''a L ·•· l1~.: rbr "'" ,, 'r ., ~ l"'nc. ~uuffer tn•l~ '~ 'l ht \lnnothly 11n('r ) "" '"'" "'"'.!"' SI PlL•JN•. HUllll Y"u'l! l .. vc tll<' 1nJ1v1ol11,J 11.&yed In a fr\~nd 1 hon1e, wtuch wae tnt<n to them •n U. ftteftd • •~• ..• ~ ~mplfte with ...ar • • Dlcll and Domll )(ar- &t'fhu •l"o due holM from l.bdr 'FllH1da l11p. H E A H SE A I. A I' K ING A kOA HI I TY PF.I-. \\ I I'll ('lf!'f· IN\" AN'fl KT> 8MITII 10'<•1' •:\"£HY THt'ft:!l'TM Y !.(111 -:1-.:• I() 2:1 ,\ '.I 1'"~11 "" clo.d, :-,;,." part 11n1~ 1 .. 1,., "lu n.1" .. r • 31111!. COAST HIGHWAY \ CORONA Dll MAR -HAllO"· 1742 • ' Th:..ACHERS INSTITUTE -St. Jamtt Churdl, the Church Day School and Pa.renta Q>uncU hosted the recent Teachers Institute of P&rl.ah Day ~chools of the Diocese of Loe Angelea. Among spukers were the Rev. William S. Chal· • ~ ID,t~ ~muter;a.n e Rev. John Gill, chap- ~EWPORT HARBOR DAR ProgrHllif !l. · by Mrs. Waldeck The Newport. H.ubor Yacbt Club waa the 1ettini 1 , recently for the first regular luncheon a.nd meetinr of HRS. WINIFRED BAHBR_il. W~ea·~ Qlitoi: '1 the Col. Willi&m Cabell Chapter of the D.A.R. Mrs. A. L. I 1 . Pinklt'y, ~nt, OJ>(>ned the mcetin1 with the tl&g a&lute. ' ?AGE 4 -PART I -NEWPO-t HARBOR NEWS-PRe5S I MMI. Pinkley introduced her committee. for the com-1 MONDAY, OCT. 22, 1956 T'\VIN YOUTH SYMPHONY PROC;RAI\1S SLA'I'ED NOV. 3 Th• f 1 l ••' th• curi•""\l ,.,8."11'1," Tw\n !-\-.mphonl,.~ try., If\ l''""''•'NI tN tht 011u1." 1·.11nh' l'hlharmnnlr ktt• j I I ol ),t : •I ' :.\:.1 '" A•,, J .. t1 !-\•I .,,, A 1•11 " hf I II" II! •I f1 c ,, t t "",,J tJ ,., 1 u. •• , ,, f e.,.11 !'>1 a -..J \ hl~ i u Ii •4' ~ 31) i I T .... ,j.. ,... I J I I 1-I I JA 1 .... •urHar '"' I '\111'1 t<.•~,,1r1tl••t•''' ,..1•1•Mdtt11"1t J1n£:Utt11 tht' • I,.... l1l ,,, ..... I l \,\ ••• h ... l i. • 1 .. ~·I I \. "ll "• l\fJ HI"' ~ 111 • t V '' rlt•'t'• I f ~ I I• • !I EXEMPLAR Honor N~w Chapter of Beta :'S1gi11a Phi , . ,, ... C.0 Sfql&UY POLICE KlnGify 2-7027 For Low ~onlhly Ital" ~ laqwry tn a-orne. BAND BaM., ~ JfT ••• IH4 Ha LUe -~r ~14 BAUER SHOPS UDO laA\-'L~G MlO I• aw..ar1 It.re l•r 111 ... JUI Vt. I.Me -Rar9H 11H BFAUT\' PARf..OB.S UDO •A LON or llCA (lTT .-1a "''-Blvtl, -llar. Ult 800&8 80011 CA"E 1'11 vi. Udo -Harber '40& C.uu:RA8 a 8upplle9 \'lNCltNT LIDO DRUGI 16'1 Via UM-~aotl C ARPrl'8 A D&APl:&IF..8 DlC& KAC&.r.& kit V• lMo -RMtlw U1I CArE&ING &MMAawl UDO MA••lr:T MU Via 1Me -......_ laa Oliedrt91~Udrea a lafudll Jatn or LIDO UM !'I _port 91.-ct. CLOTHIN G-Ma'a Rria.lJ a1nwu.1:s SHOP roa ~N HU Vla Udo -H.wtier N61 CloUlla1-Wom~a'1 Rriall L.-\ ftEISI!! JOO \'la Kall,ra-HarlNr '~10 LIDO FAl'IRJOSI Silt Spt. Bhd. -HarMr N71 .JU.DD()(;Jl •• l 1'11 Via UN -......., N7T V 64* 90NI) HOVq lla,.rW 8,..VW•r '*VlaUM-...._IOM ... Convenleflt Con.Im Shoppfft4J c...., • IN8URA.NC!: AG El'ii'TS W. O. aUo&. lNC. NOt Vla U4e -11.arbGr ... , Interior Decon.ton aa..eM hill:• ..... .LL.I> • Kit Via UM-Jlartiow Nit DJC& llAC&U ••• \'la I.Me -ll&rtls &UI IW>MlT A WIL901'f Malap Import.e 6M V1a .. ......._.H&r19w ""' M All&E'1'8 l SICHAAl>'S UDO MAIUUtT "'" ~1a Udo_ •rt.or ma I Rt:Al~ ESTAT!: P. A. PALHJtll (ll(C. ...,, ~·la Udn -Rarbor 1509 \'<>GU CO.IU'A..'"Y tua\'1&......__ ........ un DfT1'CA.'I llAJlDaTY ...... ~, ...... , ... a.Ma• ............. ..... ,u. LD>O &EAL TT ANOa..&.l'Sa u.» ... Rant.all Met 1'la UM ----"6& • aaTAVJL&..NTI BO" DALT01"9 UM Via <>,.no • RAl'boJ' .... I SA VlNG8 a LOAN Ml8001ATION8 :SP:\\ IPO&T BALBOA I ~4"'11'6Aa a LO~ .6SIOC1 A s.vmr lnatltutlon Lon• Tu"' Homo Loa1.a Uff \'la I.Ado -Harber UM s::.:.-: .. '•] MllYlaU..-llartMrlMI 8HOD-Womea 8(71.E'I OP CAlD'OILNlA Ml•-;.;---i Ji.~·=..e=-1 ~LIDO HAIU[ft ...... Ill. I eo,,.. .. Tabl.e A~ TOD l M1I "-I.Mt -1bu11.r ..,_ IJIH> ron.um I ~~~~;I~J F01J11iT,AlN, GRILL VINC&Jn99 UDO D&VO Mil Via a.--...,.. nraNl'llJU i*ee .... .. ,,. u.a. -..., .... I .... \l t t -..wu~~~ ............ -....; ... &mr alHJ AllOP I &ELLY 1"88U'• ...... 0,.... I a.n. "'1 I alCJIAAD'I UDO MAUET TIU UOP .... Via IM9---Jiii !'(Qt ...... ~.., • • • -1" ._ _______________________________________ ,._ ____________________________________ ~ ' ... > • ~ ~ -A p...w a!aower bdd al UM 8liftta Ana bonae Of Mn. I. D. Fedder- •••,,... a IRU'pl'We honor for Kn.. Kane Jf~ 8"ininc of 2663 E. Cout Hieb]'&)'. exec1ltiVe dtttctor of Or&nJe County Philbar- ~ ~ty. MrL Bl'\ULiDc w lhortlr· to marry 't'hcau L. Wood, aJ.eo of UU. city. Standing aro.ct ~ t.autitully appomted ie,. ta.ble are Philharnionic Group . Hears Committees J Mra. Karen Marsreta Bruning, uecutlft ch&irman, preaided at the October bualne .. ~ion ot the Ora.nee County Pbllhannonlo Society, when U attended break· fut at J&m&.ica Inn, Corona del Mar. At tbll time no (I to r) llmea. Harold Bec:lt, ~ }Ott.._., .Tobll E. KOiter, co-h~; MN. I'~, 'lo MN. B~ Mn. Carl K. eo.ftU of NtwpOrt • ' Beach, aJao eo-11.Mteu; MIL •Arthur S. Will*' and l.!iM Fried& Belint&nte, p~c ore-. Lra conductor. Seated, Mmes. G. R. Winder~ • Jack B. Cun,nincbam. -Tutin N"8~ PliotO HERVEY COSTUME PARTY INTERNATIONAL; IN SCOPE JIU. and Mn. W. R. Hervty Jr., llOT -.,, ..... •tel'-, l.&lMd wtU. an lnternaUona.I coatum1 ~ ~ OcL 20 Questa arrived dr-4 bl t.U a&Uona.I • ~ ot thf'lr favorite country, the oo.tWMm betJ11 very eolOefUl aD4 t>Muutul intim&Uoa W.. (tVen ot the 11urpri1e shower "for Mn. The lntemaUonal theme wu carrled out ln UM food ! I ' l No•! Hot soup in 68 seeon@ -=- when you cook electricallyl TODAY, NOTRlMO COOICS PASTO u... • modem .-:tric raop. Hot IOUp in 68 1CCODd&. Bacon and .... la 3~ mioutill. lmWit coffee ill 60 MCOOds.. F17, bake, broiJ or ro.t -electricity doll_ ii better. 1'Jlua'1 MOQ: your kitchen ii ~ Aild deaaa'. Poe. aed ,_.Uy~~ walls look frelb u4' IW# twa u loDJ. ... • . . . • • . . . . . . -. -. :1 !I Bnmlna:. MW Jal.er la U.. ---·I ull'd for Nn. lrd, laturday, Mrved; lb4I hora d'oeuvrH were t.boM tunou. 1n dllferent --.. ~--.. when lb• aoornJac prc>IT&ffi "1U cowalrtu of th• world and the buff« couLlltad of sucb na-"*•1811!'• -' two .. ._.._na be hurd at ll:• at Lh• hJp Uon&lly kJ>OWll dJ.lbM u curry trani. India ud laa&pl trcllD accompllahment.a of U.. eoclety .ch~' audlt.orhun ""' Santa All• t ""' ... -ll&ly. ln S.ptember "-•Te beard. A e&· ud u al'-"-,..-.....cie at Laurie Hendricks N arned Zonta 6irl of t)le Month SoWIDAY TOU'&.L COOi: 011 • modUD electrJc ranp. It'a aboOlt U.Vilable. But wby pattpocte it7 E.cliaan ram are amana the loweat In tb9 country. What'• more, Itta the warranty on your ran,e apU., ,Edison ~ it /ru u 1001 u you own It. (The ottJy c:batf9 a for putl, when needed.) Jp YOU'U mu OOOICINO the old way, it'• aim ply became fou bawa't eetn the new '56 cliectric ruau at your appliaAce dnler'a. Why not .tit• limn dne week and lee how eaay mockrll c:oot.lna c.a bt7 Amon~ Ult ~ wer• the Geor1• Pf~lera. Thomu Laurie Hendrlcka ., ... announc-p&<'lty erow4 attended t.he J'aah· 2 30 wW be ~in the Fuller· N _.. •• h• ... •• ....... _ _.1_._A uZon· th U -•-HJ•" ...... ~1 .a. Qutnna &11d Edward Leater Bmilha of ~rt Beach a nd U'lt ... -••• " .._.., ,.... _ _, Ion lhow Lunch.aa OD Ula 1' l<>n ......,., -........, auwtor· ta Olrl ot t'll9 M onth'' for Ooto-,,-A ....__. ___._. 1 ---.... _ Ul IUc:h&rd Dwyera, H-ud Moore•. Raymond Kl'ntaon.1. Paul at i>tsrwJ--·-... --....... ~ -.. oon-ber when th• N•wport Harbor by TWA., to Hcure fUDda n-=--C.W will be a.iu.uno.d later. Lerpaem. S.n MaOlaah&na. WIUl&in C&nten., Dull• WooOiir.·ard.I. Zonta Club h•ld Ila luncb41<>n •rv &o ~Le U..:,1119l r.u .a. .. ~.r-l"'Aa'f 4UA Commandn 8Jld Mra. Philip Warren. and Mra. I.Ila Q,..y ot mMllnf at th• Villa Manna. Oct e<1ncut ril tM eodwt:f9 ~ ~ at ~."-kfaat mfft Loe An~i.,.. 11 sional ordlut"-On--~~ ..,./It· ff'Ola , Qil '-di ar-. MlN H.,.,t1rkk.a, a •nlor, la th• cnrdanf Lo P'nanrea Vand4'11dt. Ml... .• y ~rd,·~ Cun· t1au1hler of Mr. and Mn. Rupert cr111.-. U.. 01 cM&lra playtll wir• ~l'I\, '-Ja )'(. Harold MRS. SPETH REPORTS / I(. HeDClrl()Q, 710 l'*'Jlle&t, tlJ•lly lu •Oil ~ ~ ~ H ti, Hen&ba111. Jamu Coaica del liar. ,.. .. cboeen fo~ to· diata. ~-~. Maril' Uke. and O.r-"Girl ot the M.onlh" a atudent J'neda a.llnfa.nl• th• ... u,.. or· trude McCall. of Uua rlty: Mm• Round·up Story Told muat ll&alntalll • blfh ~le ehntra. and ao.lolilt ...,, I.iehlcll Ounntns Bulle?', J. Maddox and ratllls ud ~ MpKlaJl.Y _..._. were COJTlmtn~ tor a brtlll&nr• WUU&.ia R. ~i.eJ of Coeta M ... : mlftd.cl. Na.ma ..,... su"1lltted w~eh llrouPt la• a1Jd11Dct at M.m•. Dunt Mn.dlth. Donald M s c • 1 •C'h month by fellow atudaftta Onn,. Cout r.t>Ue .. Auditor-Vandat'btlt Forb81 Mcen.ry. esa cout ounc1 land th-are earetully tnveatl· lum to u .. !Ht ln rtpeal-s CUI'• Vt.f'Slala WooU.,. J\ubf Gerard r•ted by a corrunltlM ot teuh- l&ln call& de Leal. and Xary O.Bua, &JI of Inlroduc.S a t the Octoti.r math•l'9 lnl.,.tal.S In parUCl1>9t· 8RO PROBLEM Laruna s .. c11: Mmea.. Moreland Coeta ..... OJ.ti lcout Cowactl ln1 In lh•. Gtrl lkout pro1urn I CommJtlM chairmen "1'0rta Lellhold. Harlan Cuata.faon. Hu-mMllnl' ln th• Scout HoUM pa-u Brownl• and Scout Troop And a qu..Uon and ~er P8'-ry H. MOJI' '""81-Paddodc: tlo, IN P1ummu Ill, ware i.adtra. rtod h•ld t.he Interest ot break· iMra. P'redrtt.l ff~PesJY 01· Waltn Mtller, pr•ld•nt. con tut ....... for UMt rema.lnd•r of '-•·-and .,.__ Brun· El t' p ~ucted the bualnua -Ion ·-....... _,_ ::-:::::. ~ • .;.\ . ec ion rogr.am Lia• momlftl: Att.ntlon DOW \JI lft6, ....... --.. .., For IBEW Unit •-hich ...... foUowt!<.1 b1 a COf\l• batq tlll"Sl«I to lh• ,....w. per· munJty alna101 anda proir-m to~ of Ult future Wh•n All propoeltloru to be voled p,......l~ by Mn Ro~rt Speth I 1t.andin1 ·room-<>nly ~M a.n AAU Women on In lhf' No\'f•mt>.r •IKllona who d~rlbf'd hf'r eaper1enl'U OrlUl&'e Co\IJ\ty problem.. Ml• I wlll b4I d•ball"d bv tb• Womf'n'a at the Senior 01 rl lkoul Round- .. ttnfant• and Mra Bruni.nit rt-. A11111J1ary .\" Hi ~ lntrrn~tonal up h•ld In Mlchl1a.n la.It July. I • It.sated an .. rly and pcnnan· Supper Event BroU1prhO<"l of 1!:1..-Lrl.-al Work· AnUclp•l•<1 for VIPWlnl' at • • 1~ .nl poUcy of UM eo<'tety, which tn at the nut m•f'llnr which later date are movie• of tht f · t,1 le to k"T' all ptrf()rmaftC'e& frtt Th• lnt.rn&UOnal relation& MC· #111 boo h•ltl at ·" pm. nn Tuu · j Round-wp and C-ta M .. a Clrl i;o to the pubUe, and all Matlnr tlon of Ult San&. A.Ila ~ nf dav at lh• \\ 1>mtn • C1\lb a t ~l camplnl' plrtur•. 1 -ru&J. t.h• A.mer1C'All A&M)ClaUon · of !Ith and Rak•r l'L• In Santa A lunrhf'On prepared by Mra ~~~~ Twtn Toulh Coflrerta, und•r UnJveratt)' Women wt.II ~ u, .. A.na M mM. Jut .. S.11r .. ron and Mabtl Ha.Vt• a.nd ..,rv.d to U.. cb&inn&l\811Jp of Mra. Fred year'• &¢.IYiU• •·tlh a ..._...., Victor St•ln are <'ommJtlH co-o•er 70 people cllma.ud the LAURIE HENDRICKS F•'r'?TY ot Sant.a Ana are 9<'hed· <liah IUJ>pel' at lh• ho~ of ~ mHtlnf. ' ------------Kr& W llllam Waaley. 2406 Rori· --::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;====-=--..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;._.;;;;;_.;;;;;;;;....;;;;;;;;;..;.......;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;; al• .,_ &ant.a Ana. n<-t. 21, at !13-0pm Mra W W Walton w111 di•· ~ Udo lale Tennl.a Club wUI C'U88 rec•nt de•nlot1m4Slla ln 0-e m .. t &l Ule Oub Kouaia T\Jeaday I t.'nlt"4 l'\allou with '"The Unit· at I p.m The Ttlflntll C"llnk for ~ Nat!ona Afl•r T•n Tf'&ra" •• tbe el1ilclnn will ba dlileu-4 and h" INbjH"t Re .. n-atlofta •lMluld a.JJ !Mlllben are Mk..S Lo " I be made w1Ut Mn. o. S. aau. ~t. Kl >-9817 BALTZ MORTUARIES JAMES D. RAY S.n•r•I Contractor & lulldir ,. •o..a ..... 009Glf•Dmlo11Aa .INTRODUCING OUR "M1>le of the Month" Club J°Oll NOW! NO OIUSATION ON YOUR PAIT I co .. "lN AND IEllREI ' FREE • ' -' And You Will Be Entitfed to lvyrt Monthly S~del1 Lib Th it ~ • •• • Something New and Dill.,enl facb Monllt l en a.nd th• CommltlM from lhf Zonta Club. Laurie la Jlraldant ot the Girl a i:....ue. ha.a M rvad on Ult Girl'• i:....ue eabtntt for two y.&1'11, u 1:0-chalnnan ot th• 8Lu· dent Am•r1can Field Service commlltw, play• a.nd roachu b&aketMll, and ill a member of G A.A.. and Tr1 81rma, a 11en1ce ory&AJa&Uon In bet' "apare" time ahe tndul1• IA lier hobby which l.aru~. Foll~ lh• Zonta Olrl Ta· port by Mra. Jack Reinert. chair· man, oth•r commltl" report.a wer• heard Mra Jamf'a Aspln announ~ that plane are be1n1 comp1-t..d for the "rolden aK• tor Mnior cllluina" mMUn1 to b4I held Oct. 23. LIVE 1£TIEl-ELECUICA1.LYl " "l 'Olt# l Af.ai I • • • s '"'" -10,,,, 0 I ,~, t:<u~tion.J CARPET V AWp 1""1 "'l /r1,1tJ t "6i;1 10/J #U U OIU. lH 1•r1 '- •11 1h1 1""'' romto111 1111"'11Miot1 u· '"'' Olf m1 r1rp#1 jol>. l •Utr1/111frJ JO• ,,,,,,., 2J IJ,,;.lf Cl1'1 Crlf 11,,,,,, .•• #01·1 .JI ••• I "M.J-! Th111 I I r I I < I I lhtd '()II rcJ~ to 1111 1 \·/1,,J1J O'f .ANY ''"'"•JI ... t. h11h" 701t h•J <•Ptl /or ,, SQ. YD. or $4 j SQ. }·v . &1'"111 Jht JlllJU 11TS'irt1 , , • t~11 tllfli rol~ r#-orJ11u· ''"" ... l•rti "'"''o", I 11 I .,, J 1f '"'"" urnrtr' , . • 10 '"1 .JI ''"' '""' rlf· d1tl1 O ·or tit l11:u '.JJrnt, tllllltll Jtrtp, 1"tllil1111on 111J Joor ,,,,111 I/'' ,. . ,_ .. .. I .. ' ' 1 l l i ' I ' . ! ( r "LOOK fOI TIU HUG£ PAD OJ IHJIAl.S ON ll{J STOU" ~......., ........... ....... ..,. ... .-: ....... ~ .. .., .... ,..,.... .,.._,; .. , . .... t··---........ ... -.....n.. ..... _ .. _, __ ..,._I -........ ,,.., ( l "' Lltlit .. .... 4•.-2 .... . v.... ...... ..,. • .._...._, .. ~ ....... •.Awan a....mezn > ..... IY ..... A..._ ........... ~llTl , 0-. ... 0..-lAk• ...... --··-·· -----.-....-___ ll&UNA ,_M.MW. 11.0M~ftON rwo 0••1c11 SAN CLIMINTI •• M. • Clllilie .... fttONI HY ... J.1191 *HY..-.. J-11'6 ' ~ oes· KOCH UNCORKS WITH THE DISCUS Here one of the manr Olympic athkt. wbo will be feted tn Jlfft'pOrt 8-ell 8anday and appeu OD ~on·• Wide, Wide World from Newport •• i. LIFE GUARDS GET PLENTY OF SUMMER BUSINESS ON STRANDS Newport ~ach Ufc Guerda put In a bu.y aum.m•r. Uw report Ju.t 19\M'd by Capt. Bob Moore ":oukS lnd1cate. TM U ruarda put In a tot.al of 1T,t!)6 boura look111,r a.tt.r thol••!!da of people ..,ho l'njoyed Ole city a ~bre and durln,r 4b-t Ume mad" 403 1"C\Jn. Th•)' at.a p ve tint ald In 26 ca.a ot major lnjur1H and tl04 m inor onea ~ ll&DdMd:JI II.Ill~• -·· lbre-P ruiwcllAltton <"a.• and ...,_ lnhalator CLllH. ~rf! we.-. thrtt •lrowninra and -cltath b7 beart attack. And la.st, but by no ml'ana lr 1u•t lh<' ruan;la wat<"hln1 tJw eblldrefl MW that ?J1I of lhl'm Wtt'e returned IO 2ND . SlRAJGHT UPSET Dons. leliver Surprise Loa To Riverside Tigers, 12-7 WILCH'S ..• , .... CONCllTI mo•• .. _..., OQllT.t ldllA u ...... I ~·BwJ•:ta a..ttqt .. ... Lu. .... . '-----------------... CONTRACTORS I 483 No. Newport at.~. Harbor 1fiib School athletic field 1bo,,.,. ·top torm in b.la event. -SC Photo "' I~~.,~ leno1 Co~p11y I •dlc1p1 ....... __. Cowt1atloa <JOllO.U DCL IUJI PllONS ll&altOa Ill CALL US FOi ANY PWMllNG PIOIUM • • ., • I -0 tW ~ ...... ·~··'"-SOUTH COAST ·-• w. ,.,._. -c-.11- Ul&Dlt our euetamtT11 tor thW J19tler>ee Ud aequ&m1 ~ "'1tb 90ltt• ot our prOtll.m. ! l'lure ln't a.ie ot 11111 w"4t 11.aan't t~lt Ole t111J19rl of tM tentno CJ'O'WUI tn t11e aouu. Clout area. Llke a aro&ll ell1dr ~ out of hla ~U. It la lmJIOMflJl• not to rwt t.M pJ"ff9Ure at 901D• potnt. 'l'llla in-ure telephonnrtee IO- and other lncon~•-Let'• wun't. nee_,.y but we ran.not d.epl~ sr-tb wll1c:h m&Jtee ChU't .... Imper-all.,.." Martb& Pc>Mr'• 1.tl• mt.de me (HJ (ood .. all of ua are cratet\t.I to our cu. to1Dera for their patience alld underatAAd1Ac. J am ~ te rept'Oduoa thlt ll'ltl'r '" orctn th1t you mlrtrt ah&re It wttll ua. Ted RambJW!t • .. . " 11' • :r .. ' . ·• SHoWING ISLE · PROMO'tERS :.HOW at!• 1'luld nol eotalA promolon ban been ..-, a pid bet In DOI ..U- ... ..,_ there for arrtculbual purPc-, it would ap.,._. fr1Jm the .. .._ ~ ao.i ,N"""Y Selxa and.their -Cluiatlne Grwud ha" bad,..,....., • ..... ...... au Coral 8\. ft'oballly. tbe .... ...._ clld .. , tlllnk aay- tlllni'-...,, In the aaad of wblch tbe lolaad ill cam_.i but thMe -dill4ron ha .. prodaced their OY1I Jaeir-'o-lanteru and If lllora ill aaytblr• Wt ot lt aftor Ha!!owem they ~ to Ila"" pumpkin p.,_ Pllo!AI mAIBll«r BY fllJOWll<G -ea.ta Meaa oec:oad ~ llpve ~ taldug leuoo• In f1'!I prevent! .... ··-· of .tbma .,...,. u..-.p 4 School ill ohown llll'"''"s ·to · Enclwr K: -11. G&llaJber explalD how the department'• bis . ,,, .... ' .. ' ,. -, .. _ .... ' . . -~ NEWS IN PICTURES ' Tlllt Am'l8TIO Fl;AU --pttlnr ..... totandlnr city manager lhla year, Newport Beach acquired an outatanding artJ.t in the ume move, the a.rti9t bein1 on the dist.aft lide <it. the fU'llily. Abovre a.re llbowu two en.mpleti tclay) of Mn. Robert Shelton'• work. In modet. W bu made of her two okier cblldf.en '• had&. Friend.I claim the 00 y'a bead looka more like Robert Sr., e.- peclally u the boy bu developed and hia faai lenftbened. Mn. Shelton at.a.rt.ed clay work u a child and punued it in college. She intend• to t.Ut It up 11.pin u 900111. u tlie four little Shelton. are all ln .cbool -Sla!f Photo . -' ••-DEVilLOPD:NT _,.. Onqe County Harbor~ a! Dana Nllot 9 ..... ''*' with -t pictured aboft. A noad bu -p..ted -·-"'Ille cllfl wtlh. roclt -alr<ady caootructed --• pu1t-... .Jol wtll· he --Plua oall for remonl of llllall pier wblcb II picturod In )IQnalA ~t of a llDtll craft nr.p at Dana PolnL The "'°"' lo bdnc dGj>e will! r...dl ol the Onqe C.-ty Harbor Dlltrict without a blad -· ---. . , ft8B Al.A••1 -'1\leecJay &ftlirnooa )(n.. Watt ~ Jr, MS VW '\tbiera, ~ a fire Jn hU ._. t..bl ti made a ktt1 of .:noke and eome name. She dld1the eensi~ thing under the e~ called the fire department. and c&l"ril6 out her cat and blrd. When three piecea of tire equipment arrived, the fire laddln helped her c}ean up. -Staff Photo OOLUM1lU8 CENTEBPl!XJE -So th• .dlna.r -he "la= Richard provided the above centerpiece tar c.olambm Dq · · ';"' Itallan-American Club. Included a.a ''ftowen" are •prays of~~ Of chee.e and aala.m.I and bottlet of CblantL Dick thoueht tlUa would be ·~ priate at a dinner where the matn oour.e wu u-d alad &lid lout _breet - swr Photo 'l • TRB TdWdliNO Tl'PE -It II loft' ....... 1Jie tall ....... ~· t-.. 1aJ1. cj>ryanthe11nam1 crow •• the h"-\1 Ill ""-0--~li! • 1'0pp,. Ave. Vrt. Slmmoa• hu been lf'O>A·inc m 11m11 tor yn.n. but t.billb U.t lb! ~, D°'f .-pectaliu ln dwarf gera.nfuma. The above mums, whkh lln. Simmon• had , lo Up owr in onier to att "''hat thf' hlonm11 rMilly lookf'd like. are JO fttl. 4 inehca WL -SW! Photo - ''·* ....... , .. ._-w .. m.oiom.111te,..... al I'M MJft' ..,.._ 111• tee. .. : ... r, ,...... "Jt11 • 'lot Ot ...._.. tllat CRmMAIMr debt II •••MP-~ ••eNQ Amntcan II 91t11aPPT unt~re are ...... .u.cton &l JUa door '' Mn. Truly Knox. State tapt. at Jwta ti.id reprelllltati.,._ ''?to tucW•• from Juattc. can really cb8Qptar. ftOln birth ~ uncau to d•~ Clrttttcate - every Um• a mu mov.., worlct or marTl .. -h• ,.OU on record." (PollUc&l Adv I "'. ·. _...., .. "'I ~ ~tiaady JIDi:lO'" 2R1 I 'Y•• _,.. ~ Che J*'fll cm Cbll ~ "'CllD!cal and wataolfellial ......,.. ... k 1 arr at my tudUaritJ with the many tledmlcal pt'Ct'r J U.11oh•d bl PfO'VldUll the proper QC>nlerVaDon "am oU and pa reeoun:ioa. I lhall YOtll 'No' OD Prooo.i· lioe 4. • u. .. ~ H.alll I. rO'Wm. Attorney General ., -,.ma ao .o4o ap..inlt the ~tioo because it u. l bdieft. anwiJI to by-pasa the lcsitla11ve procc's in 'och a complex and conttovcrsi&l matter." AllorN)' Gr.1nuJ ~G.Brown. .A,,, ... A•••mblyman • ''"' t • .. .. )0"11 si/,f, 's ROftSLOG Another ch&r1ed. '"nl«'y broke t.helt promi-but then their prom1-wue never any rood. an.r-y." A• a ruult. ~nday nta-ht'• OoU&ni for Democrat.a dri.,. ....., th• V•n Tatenhove facUon Mt up •hop at UI• lpur.-.on St. ad- drtu-whue they had planned to h-1quarler their nf'wly-or- ra.nlzed, rump~lecled central c:ommllt,.. M .. nwhlle, lhe NcNulty !ac- tion •t lMlr "Hcret !Dffllnr," 1111atsned a ll'io or m•mMT• to l1vHUfale lh~ Ch&r(H a(alnat lh• "•uapend~ alx " (\ WU lhue •Ix who had orcanl:r.ed a revolt ar~lrut M~Wt.)' bee&UM lht)i ha<'! at1111cedl7 j\&1t l.at1Md Ula1 Mc Nulty )lad .,.... ~ tor H1rh School ana Nn port &..ch "r:\11 BAJUtAO~ Cit\' fon:n •·Ill romblne to pr•; Howr • th<' wn1•la hAd barrl\' 1,.re lhe .itt fur tht t\·tnt ~fn l"ltlyped !rom San P"ra:i· I Fl"Mh •havtnr• wtll be bf'o111rht I rl•·o '""r preas "'"1-u Y.htn Me- in Saturday mtJmln& for l!u plUI I f\uHv ••nt r,u• a be.n'aJ" of !•I .. a.nd the •l.-.,l(fttaw&y .... 111 bf' pr• rram• '"' lllnr; nrf'm~r. Qf hi• pared &n·1 llnf'<'I Thf' hl(h l\'hnol I fartwn t" • attrrt r~ntral t"Om· bend Wiii ap~ar nn lhti national milt•,. "'""'lnic Mnn•1-y r.l(hl I lPlt<"aal to (1•• th• Jll"t>Jr&m a In '""'' fa1lh. th,. \'an TalPn hit uf lo.: al p111ttr lf""'"n I h< ,.,. !A• u .. r. with r.artlrn Th• s:ran11al&n•ll "Ill lJ<' , f•tn l~ro•• Alt•irnry Hf'rb l.ldcrr a• rnr •re· lator•. 11a • h••rm•n drank •n K,nt • w .. ,..1,. and aePt uul l"l•Kr .. n• ra ,,rrllt.i; 1hP1r mrt'tlni; whit h .•a• 11• '1Prl•llf'•I fl'r :IOA :-; .!'\pur K"'"n St a )r1n1: "'·".Y A"A' .. ,. (fOn1 Christm~s Next Work Program for Merchants 'lh•" ljth a n•I Brna•IW"Y Ir.• •l111n I M• ;o./1111 v had ch"•"" for h111 Ch.r11tmu decoratl<)M In kMf' Lnr w1t11 th• city wldti plan "' fOldln N>lorw lft OM )'Mr •·I Jubil• la nat proa-run of ""'";.. for th• r.orona del Mar "'"' chant.a dlv1alon of Newport H•r· bor Chamber .of Commerc• PTu1d.ct o•ft' by Kann Mar- (Teta Bnaninf, 30 mcnben or Ute ~ funUy ot CllP"'" conun111uty 1tudl9d prab&flm.<i Jl8.r· UcuJarly ffi•Una to Ulem ln th• brealttut -'on Wednftday. Ttllt&Uw plane tor'oolnmu.nlty eoctaJ · eVWlt.a to pro~ l\&nd• for UMI. Ol9ltrnutcl 4eve.lo"1111t or \be Toupt c.ttter were •re.nted by ftoWrt Milrphy. .\mona tho.. p,_t -r• Mr, .,.ct )if,.., R.obnt MurpbJ'; ~ l\uN. 1'om Wood. i.,. StUle. Mn. LUU ~enao. K,... Jewel Wel\fJ. ftalph Mey_., Ol'IUlt ll•'llt'el\ Jlern.le lAhm.aft, Thelma P. Hope. Jam• atnt.on, Mr. and ~ T9d ltU1Mlt P'ranlil Jordan. 8r7ant Chriltl&nlOn, DoroUly · 97i...w, Mn. lll.wvt. i..,.ei1 • auu...ion. 'll~"t IO«i' W~fll'k \\ ti"n r1l'A1' atrirlf'A r•rnr n11l tr al' nf !ht •llAJ>"OMd II'(, •v· !hr ''"! •lllY aaylnt Mt N'111Y I 1nic 'W•ll 'llll yO\I hrel' what """ ""'''"""Iv hit• k 11'1 th .. ''"" I nur 1lf'lt'cl1v• nld about th• cen. rr • !'ltl\' h~ •. ~ll"" tifll' hart rr f"'Alt1~·1 trllJ C-OrllnUtt_. .. Otf'ntbf.t tharaf'd 11\••r tt~, o'lh• r .-ntr"I c;r•nHnH1,.•1nn th,. fT'nral• C"C"tUnt11•• / Ray Rceeo wu sel~ct.«1 aa bead ot the Harbor Ana Spot'U Boostuw Club in an orp.niu.tional meetin1 Jut week. Primary pwpowe or the sroup la to bo<Mlt community sport.a t.ttltu'de throUJb ulliltance in supervt.loc; ep~nc knowledfa and un4er· urer &.nd Al Brannon, Hal 01.Ua. 11tandln1 of locel prosrame ol e&rl Thomaa and rr.nk Z.ftla eporu for all ptl"llOna, youn1-were appotntld to lh• tio.rd of ater• throufh adult.I: makll\f dlNct.on p n • • t bl• adlllt parUctpaUon nnt of a ..n .. of a.ntblUO\Je eporu; or• at t l:l.f addltioMI proJ•ll " • brMktut meittlnt sport.I ouU.ut for boy• and Mt for nut Wedn•llda7 monWir prl.t; lntormtar people of com-at ~ Cout Colht .. C.f•· muatty act1.ttf•; ptomot• t~ tma for all i.poru .etlllMl&lu deftlopmtnt et addluan.J ,_...., of ltl• a"• tor UM p\lrpMt of aUOflal. and aperte oan~ .. ouUU1tnr Ule 8Mlt8 p1'0rram wall u UM ot ..m·Mns, la4W~. and obJecU•.. aa well .. •c· ancl lo SpolWOf ""'1lrdlftr ""l)V· quaJnt the ,..,,.. with th• lenCIM f06" 10Uft1W sport.a par-cca~• and .amtalatnUOll n( Uctpa'll.a. th• 'l&riOU8 f~ &Miu. Pftn· l\alph l"r't&t.q ,.,.. ..-lid clp.. f\IHU wtD iM.11* laifh vi~ eba.lnlUill. ~ lAIODlr, j 9Cllool and ...._. ~ or 1«retaty, lt4' KacM\maa tnu-t.M ..,..._ ... -plain& .,u.t low tly- ....... ~ JllaM!ll NUiq .. ~ for qtat netmw a.ta 'Mi '-ila ...... ta t.be,Newpart .... ,.... ........... ........ IUtta ~ im k "J. Ollia ntit. ~ a1,;ia:ao • Or111e 'P~o1e . . liwiliol ·Filla P•ants Horace 'Open Police Affend 4 ... ._ House' Chief set to Athiad 'Frisco Me.t. ~- ~ ,...., .. ..... .... J.~ -.., ........ a-.., Mt ..... "1tliS ..-....._ .. Mr -•• 700 • llQlorij' ....._ iW .... .... ....... ~ IUJnOa C>OLU':GES cw._.....,_,.."' p t.k l:mptn ~ ..-. 411Jtetl1 p ..,. ... :,fil . \ flh1111u .. <>nmp oout U. NJ.ton 7, Mat t.-.. moblll&e at tt &. M. tM ..wliS ~ ~ ~ .... Wlllcll Kt. BM A.a~ lt, Phomix IO. Poll.ell ~ tM plan" ot Nov. I tn a cam...,_ to a-t caa ... ...., •-.. • p&attd 8an BC'nardlno e. Ob&tfq e. Cilme out cd ~ Onunt,J' A.Ir· out vol""' !or the fllfetlon Nov 8, In window&. T'heee b91bi will not Sant.a Ana lJ, IU.,....ide 7. port Bil U. &oww .,..,.lor arrr>rdJq to Richard Kendall Of be left Otl doort ~ Uui 8couta. IDOH 8CHOOLA Jlf'Omi..d IM woukl till the pt.lob S•nt.A Ana, cht.lnnan of th• com-but will be p,.....t-9 to hou ... -Hunttnrton JleM-ll 20, N~rt to al.Cl the Jat.-llour fiJ1 OVf'r mlllefl Which la handlln( the hQWertr When, 11\4 Oftly w~n thf'y KanM I . h p ... uld .._ "' rt· .. lhto drl,,... Bud W1)9on I• "'P""· anww•r their dOor !MU&. Ktndall NalAr Del 20. Pomona o om,.. or 1 ... y wo .,. r•ro .... t th Clvtl A U A th f'nlaU•• on the '°mmltlM from •U.t-. An&h•lm M, LaH•bra T. 1~ • ervn.au c. 11 or· \h• llarbol' ..,.... kout leaderl llieUne thl• cun ll'uUerton 47, Oran•• 0 >'• Th,. bf>y• wlll be mobUIMd In pelp will not onl7 Jll•lp pt mor., Sant.A An& 13, Cud4tn Gm'• 0 , trno"-In their ~UH di .. Yot•rt to lh• po bOl will. al LAcuna lffarh :\:1, R&nchn Alaml· The clt1a.n• who ro.nt. vote 1 incUI. Th•y will JO to all bom• the ea"'-lift\., 11•• Jkoute • 1.... to-. 13. The •otee that c•t count..t •rt 'I nf ~J1-lel"9<1 Tnl•"· ur~q -In thtlr duty to .ote ..,..h,.n I TU8'Un 311, Cap\alrano 7 the one• that are t:&Jlt. Vol•! l'f"OPI• to recorn1H lhe 1mpor· 1 they rome ot •I'•· Br.. Olinda 21. Valrnc1a u. UGAL NOTICE NortcJc or nuna'8 !IA.LS T..S. IM1l On October 29th, lllM, at 11 .00 A M , Udo lneurance Aftncy, Jnc u Tn.19tff undu and pur•uant lo Dttd ot Trust datrd l'tbruary 111. lll~t. execut· ~ by n. A.I.ant Corporation, a OLAl•rnla O:lrporallon, and r~ cord.a rebruary 2•. 111~. In Book l873, Pare 113• or O~f1c1a1 Record• ln th• offlre ol VI• R~ corder of Oranr• County, C&U· fomla and auumed by an In· auuma& 1D llR'Wna-by lA&ter C. Nott ud S.-.. Nott. hua- band a.ad WV.. wtll Mil at pubtlc auction )e ~t "6dda' tiw above wnttrn. I•! ROBICRT P". WJLl...)(J:S My Commlulon Explrw Nov· • f'mbu 17. 19~11 ': No. Hl • Nt>v..·1 Prw• 10/I, lb, 22, 2t, 19H ' -------- CERTtrlCATE or BUIUNX&I ~ttUom n..... N._ 'IBS UNDER.!IIGN'ED do her.· ~ c:11rt1fy lhat lhty ar. con-I ! • ' Ulw .Gcltlto11• nrm namt of Th• ~ I ii&. COUNTY OP' ORA.NCI: I • or TBI8 •th d•y of OctAlbcr, ·' A. D. 1164. bf.for• ow, Robert J'. WWJDea. a Notary Pub& Ill aa4 tw the aald County and St.au. 1'91dina-Ulnetn, d u I y commlalloned and sworn. per- 110r.ally appeared Biii N. Papp.a' and Walll'r Holbrook known lo me to ~ lhf' ~nidne wboee name• ar~ sqbecnbed lo th• within ln•trument. end arlulow· led(M to mt \)lat Olty u.ecut- ed tile •me. IN WITNl:U WH!:REOF' I l\av"' twr.unto •l my hand •nd &!fixed my offkl&J eral tht dav and )Ur la W• CA-rtlt1ratt !tnt above wrttt~n. 1SJi;Al.1 ROBEHT '" wn l,M.l:JI. !wf\• l'omnu ... 1on 1':.ltp1ree NOY· .. m~r 17. 19:'>11 .. ·~ .._,. •• pt i. "-Wu& AM ens t• --.... &Ml,.,,. ' .: The NEWS-PRESS Monday, Wednesday,1 Friday Delivered to Your Home Three Time• • Week 50c -Pll MONTH -50c ' . DWYDY CMIA..UNTDD Odlftr1 o4 tbe Newport Harbor N.-.Pl99 la parant..d. C&nW' boya will dell...-Uam ~ blton • p..m. ca M.c:m41. Wet lilr and l'ltlay. u ~ pa .... -cs.ltftftd by that ~ ,_.. call l!il'boi 1818 and )'OW' cam-will briq you paper. Cllltlfletl ladel _... N ... I OWf ef n..1111 Newport Barbor 8. P. 0. I:.. 11•1 GENERAL CARPENTER REPAIR OCD .l'<Jlll "• JM -...... ... fll ""' ....... "' ....,.., lfUll Cl:MDft. ISUILODIQ ....... l'lllZ m'l"DU1D u._~ PAINTING FUINtTURE ~d .... ~ .......... -...-... C. EVERffi SMITH UI .~a. "_.,.n._. Har ... ~ " ., ...... 111* CARPENTER Repair Work I Do-. Yeua S... JIC..S ~ ,... R...th t 1:.1 U..1,· a...tflecl ...... • r .... , Newt...,,_, Moa'*lr..t&te Qe...., .. ..... .... 111• • •nr1mci PHOTOSTATS HARBOR BLlfEl'Jtl1li"f m~· Newport 81\0CL Harbor 4331 11 • 'a. o.wa PUIUC STENO&RAPHEll ~·OW• ;•f•c1 MA&J<*IS LTOMB ., .. a.II .... lAil9& .... • ll1lllt .... . "* • ft1 i1tt91 T Can mu.~~ 4.1 Weft ~ TCtflt PAINTING Pa,.. ffuCllc L. I. McK&alE UCZJQtD INSUJml) RAJ\ -1¥1\ 61 .-....u.,u,r.a -·-.,. • ~· •'"" 1lt .... • USl:D al:l'IUGBRATOBS ~· t•7e, Mel iW', ao.Ot ~·waJMI& _.,..: lkl1 N-.t atn .,._1 .... -60 tw lClllaM. ...... Gift........ a."ftl ~ 8Umt. ct.pm-* J11at1a ~........ '1eM W .. 11 ...... , ~Um. U• o.aa•DfO._.._,......, ..... i.a.v ..._., ncm 1.11 nmm,u ...,. ar prap ror • WJLL ANiiftCi -el I fllle 11st a&.:.!:~..... lEASON'AILE .,..w • ..-. ... • w.w. JESSEE'S 1011 •. Ka1D KI 1-1141 ...... ... ..,. ' . . ... ,.~ _,..... ~ ....... ljberty 1.1112 .... 11u. Jlll:oll. nrre __ S_A_V_E_ laata Ana .. Call Your Relex·A-Ciior CUN8ULTAXT , · . • wiiiGiiiOOD ...... o.&,. D.uma----,..._---. -.-, -1,-.-~-fits. --W9111ir, ta-.'" UP TO r:ttr . ...._ ..... INNl 35a'-t111111 ..... .,... 1 ...... Ga*. .,.. • .... • ....... 70 ~ ·~·-..... ....-. ,,_ Bu-1M ~ t ')A ,.,.. ••• I OH W ilJIEl"8 ON DllYJCIUI ANTIQUES TELEPHO~E OPERATORS rtTLL PAT il YOU L&AAN TUQU .. I DfQR4 1M ~onrn -.A.P'P'L T - I : .. TO t :M 111 ...... TllJJU> LUft'... .A.J( .. OK R&ftlQICIU TOl\8 ON JU.NOD OH BUlLT·Uf JlAJofQE8 ON W.A.'nl:k BM.TEl\8 w • boDar" A.9C. rsooo. &n4 an mUlt&ry '&ltd ~ ~ .-nSa. . PU7a l'GOd aoc.J ..-vk'• P'Ltr8 low r..-Mak i... JAKE'S aouaB'l' • 8QU) lmty,.._.. ...... _,wt pa ,,.. ~·· ~ ~----.... ..... ...,. •...,., r , .... a.. .... ~_,....,... ...... .un i'llDfO 011wauu. 1Ht wm• .. at ••~ ,_a 111111 ...., • .....-. ~..,..-.....o&IC 1-D&l ( 1 11111. J(. ., w.-- .......... CJ.CJ.) -...i Applla ..... ~ lnT Hanoi o.t& ,._ o,_ d&Uy t.11 O:IO, rrt Ull I R.AJUl old m_.. MK. PIO: u- Uq\le dodla t'Nm .. ; ... io.· ..w. no -.. i..rp ..,._... ... ...................... Apa. B__.. O.&.. ftoTe..I, w.~ JCUn.kA. Lew'Tl. noor ampl.-and ~ ton All wtth ...., SUU"&Dl.MI Aa ICl"llr u UtH JESSEE'S ~'--•U. Alie old ..... 1~1 Chm., ~ IM'· tw., uawual tn.IDM UM! 1&111... Copper. IOT• Uld b~ p.a... BaiplN ..... We tRq and .-p. Wb&t MH you ' Vbtt 0111' ..,... ...... CharUe ~ ~ IL ~m •t.. 1..-c ...... ne.u Property Owner Attn. 1011 a. wain KI a-uu ta T001l WA.TD IDIATSft -Saal.a .ua • !' !•5·1!11$ eut et 1t11 ,.nas-~T HOTPOIN"J' ~ ....... ,eak. P&NDCBoW.. •pQWN'r WUU u Ulafe Ul7 ...... of It Good· -. lltW c:rslecl lilca'tnee. te ..... --., ...... trc ,..... ._. 1 H.u. ""· nm ,~ M n. a.1e. A»e .m "-'1 Nor9e Automatic $2.91 Add A Dryer Ol\ly 4 I c; Per -n· •II: MOH ,,.. ~& ' DI. lo&4. top rat.d Norp! W....... 11-. aad ...... ..,. a1a-tteeDy. Jt.ec- ui&rly fut M. TM ft.,....tul Norp ,._. .,...,. ,..uat!J 111' M . Buy UM pair and an MO 00. ?-;o trade-ln niquiradl Pay onr1 ..i.a, u.x down! ,.,... 0.11Ytry ..., lut&UaUoD ! """ ~ -Ollie ,-..r --~-~ I aUJ\.NlCJ\ ph• ~..U OMoll- -· J ........ •te. (!Ollln>l, u.. .. aM etock. lUlt the ~ tor 79411 -.uata.la • ...._ IJTI. Har telT. Thie '04cL ............ M+e Bat· « • .... P'klt-S... ft».M -~ -tTUc FOR SALE B-.o°"*1 ... --• .. w, ............. .... Wiii emir·• ~ UIO w ................... .... ~a.I " I.UL -N~.., a. a 1( .. 14 ~. Sand~iper t:1-........ "*"" ~ ~ ..n. ...... ... lit.op la at 1611 W, ~ ....._ _,, pr~ -..di -cs.D Ranor UTI. ntee • ttrr.~11JLP • .._. nde. u a.ft•. ,..... UXIWK ·1rr 90AT,' • ,_. _:.._ ................ ~ Wt tMll. ..., -~ *'P'.. ' t ·~~ i...a. 111 .wrsic~& • ...................... ~. ,.,rt. • • ? ,,"'f · ... a&M 0.C'Uld Pia.no•. ww1derlul Mrp.inA Maay taau;",14 m•liles. Jlfto-. froa 6'17 up. lJ(lllCh In cl- rruUoe pu.-. f l'Clm $lib or will nnt to btCJ'. $1!1.00 up '*' m'l BCmUDT -P Kil..LlPI lllO Pl A-!"0 arut OROAN' STOH£;, &20 N. M.&ln, Santa A !\A I Opgn Frtllay n!tfl nany to 5 :;Jn REZ\'T a be.ncl tnstniment $& J)<'• monU!., wlth r'nt to •rrly on !1.1tur1 purrh&ff at H!lAFrR S \!!Ince 19\'11 I '21-41:3 N. ijyu,.mor.,, ~nnta Ann Ill ~--()1!72 RADIO $2.50 BELLES ENGINE REBUIL/;)ERS 310 I!: 3rCI St. Kl 3-8264 WA-N <.:AIU> -1-'R.E:E TO\\ I.NG ST A Tl!: BONDltO RlOH HAH..i\ .. S IOi Ii:, !tth Rt l!n1 T1nr t7i~ -Newport u. "h :-;,.,., e.in ritiVl,,11' NASH "'""haruc Wit h :in , . .,,.,, •·>IJ>•·nencP Jiat t«•rnrlr!P·I ""r1>•·1·PIOr ~-·t>,....,J Jn bte m.t<\l'I <t b•1·1e! t-Ar•l•J~l•J.r~ Alo,., d)!t'1>;,Jltll;I( Ill(.,)!• ON DIS PLAY 1957 PA:-.· AJ.lb:.:KJC.1\:-\ T' ,\ R,\.)f(){_,' :\'T •f•1 t.f ; It(,- ., ... Advfttw;:; 1a wmwer MEWS t.boUl W<lqt ~ l>UY•' For "'} ') _"'., I ': t' 1ooc1 N&Wa ... ~ .-n<l Nll Spiil .Shell .t.Pt-5·~ .. = """""'"' .... J Ci r 2 bdrm. WLlh 2 bl.Ill•, 5f ~9&!!! :, J,J ~·DELUXE~· ~ ~~ .... ~~~ ,:.r.::·:,; • G.rounct Floor praterr ed J-eCftl.lll&. 1220 w~l • OiTICl!:S eR STORES Bt.J~ Bh•d., Newporl Beach lit.r. &032. 11Uo COeTA MESA. New unfurn. :l bcdrlll.. (11.141ip,, lf.l'q• • )'11J'd.. ~rn._. t~041. \herfno heiol. ~l.U. }lwa, flooi-• yiU t,U11. dU-p., hw.J, floor1, eoclo11td Nt'll/' .bop¢~ teii,u . A4ull1 Pk:NlNSULA. Ftttn. HoUN. ' •hO"-'at $100 llU June 16th. p.r•ferrN. po mo. 7'3 Co.ta ~t.9 1 IH1~m.. tu" •RI ..: &Ht-M•a St. or .-tar 3!d.7~W, rnu h~•l1 c1t.p., ~~IOIH!'d 1h1J¥1'· 78_p8(1 r r $.~l'i n1~. "Q J1uu1 16th. I --------- Har. 41'~ -'llcl U Sl'."'·D~.+Jr.t.,q Y£.UU.V, 2 '*i"*'lr me. MY- ATTRJ.C."I'IVE 2 bedc.rn. 11uplu, Jn( r~ -..u&.h .. Jf~ tznl\Jrn private ft"llO, dl'I blith N'!eeJy flH"h, rarare pottal sai; II:. 10ttt. I t., Cu~t"-lo"ll*ll ioca.Uon. V"y ...-on· Meaa 'ld!O abl• C11.thertne Apt1 , 1633 A\' A IL. Wr \\"UJ.;,.r. O. b.tdrrn. & 2 tlftlh Lldlt !Ii.. ~'· Sl3l'J r .. 1.,-anH•. 4 1&o a,iU! /uru. 1 llf'<f"" "'"'· st& fl"r m'1'Pl!h ""hi·! uttl r.100 Rf:ALTY A~ Har tfl2~ I fll1P~\L f"l"lt:-,". hQUJlt!. $TS ~O ver n1" : 'ftf'IR.\1 l'"''l"l'R~ dvplcx. "" J•tl• STr, 1·~r nin. 1 tl.ti: \'OOf:!. LU. Jo: Halboa, B hod. 78< 1iO W.OT&:4 AP'l'ii i I n I I• 1 6 JDublN. ChLIJren Ii pel• wel- ' "'T~ l-'u1n .. 4 11111. pd i~.o to 1 ·~, f'~r lJlQ. 31:! BaJI,,.,,. Bl•·11, Jtu11,.1e i llp.80 ON BAY FRONT APTS . iTOIU!I B U JLOl NG F'OR Ulil&. U.X&& U1 bw1i..-. ~ lion Cot9i tf• a.t 1T77 New· ·~ 8Jwrd. D AVT • .Jl•32 Har. G«a. Vll 6 pc rta estr(' SMALL modt rn b1'tl;~ l •' a 2~'. located a t lttll • Mact'nU• tn Co.tr. lolraa. S'll ino. tne.L llt:llltll!"e-. Call 09, ,a, a.tn-Nr, .. ,. "-a 1S16---ev..._ U 1-•1M tr !~(ll.f.;S.Al·:l-'.U Kfo::'\.:-.:h.!!,!.1 ___ _ LI 8 &l'J\17 FlAl"!IEl.Ok, fum . $1 0 SJ~ pet "p .. 11. E.\:( ·1:1--LE:-.-r 2 t"'1.!11111 I '' r1, !11 rp.l.r.\er, (lir....-.. \'rr-,.,,_,d_ Y'l•""· U I per 11•""'" 11 .. , )'ll()IL 7~, 91 '"' ')n rr l'•n ",. :··•r :-o'P.\VrORT lITS :.''"' lltr Inelud• p9.rta •nd l•tio' U yn l:apl'r\ence ACME TV " RADIO I ~·' 81 tr e.11 T"' hM• l'l:') I~ fl i •. 1,_,,., <i~1·, 1•f '' 'I fl. f•ra lt1~ ~··llooncr 4 ~2 f' Y"1ak'll 1 •'h ~·111•:'> r ~rn :: n n and !:'tr• '""'t r'"''" 1 11 n nio I 1:\l.l1<•A l~LA ~fl 1JtN1,1 ( R LIDO JSLE 11 " d•n • n. twn1,. .n1 \VA TER FRONT APTS. Pftl'yAU moderll otncc -1tre•t 8"tnl.nce -~t <>rt "''""" patio. m oo Al11<> .u.iom. -.rt11 liCbL l'..:Ul'T<tDt l•nanll in bulldul1 . cnrnm,rrhd •~Wi~ 1,>hotoc~ ph&r. r.rcW.lecl..a. thl.i)artc. Il1Jll· 11Iacl\U'l t1 repr~ntaUv1. m•r- lnt .Urt'eyor and advertt..inx <tl•play eoTnJl'!IY· OJllAPHfl' ARTS Bl'U.DTNU, T"()rtirr 1tftn .l:ilrffl .&: t..!•yett• Av"'-nue Ne,.·port Beach. Phon• Harbor 3130-M • Clo~ ta Broken 1tc7t •2ll -lht at. LOVZLT Kl.XBAl.L mad• IJll.'1• 11. pla.rlo in mr.hoe hk.• "' ' '6Sl!I 00. 1'""111 J M.(;() du~ r. U O 00 ~r nlnnlh at SH/lt'fo:RR l•ll•r• 11tu7, •21·4%3 N. JIVCIUTll)~t'. !\•nl .. An• KT J-0412 '.'.l _.u rt J'-ln Ar· f'rH mn ,, $() fT fl•I .3 rr Kit balh '.,~ 1<111~ 11 c•~ 1~!·~ • PORT ORANGE • TRAIT,F'R F;,\f,F::--) an,\ Sl'l'l'LTP-': ~J1111 I\ • ·,.a•1 H lfh"'·"v HlanUJ~ A lf•te• t!•tnn JU!'l\ •pL \V1t>tfr or n1oulhh-b••'-' l'o I-I''·'~~ t>drrn furn •rt At,,1 ~ 11 M~nn., "'' Balt><•t. J•f11.n•l }f'~rh 11 .. r ~1.~. •1trr llar Jl\71 Har Hill 11c<P ~'l"f'.'-.; l b<>dl'90Ul •pt :\'1r<' :-;rrp; :Z rm. ort1c1 •plClf, tn- rludM \••• or f'&rk lnl' Lat A •1J ullllU•. f ll>O. liar. ~1 4 '""' Lil"• J~LE L>.10:,. 'l t~lrm Ha' rront nfll'l'• turn, vi.,., 11-pt . S 1 ·,r1 per mo tv Jul_1· I ~l v ... nl'r liar ~l\~2 ';'7r711 /•"-!!<• fl mnnth 10 2 ,-r. l<'-'9t' l """'!~"-'~;:::B~~'"'~lln~-~'...!!'~·~lo~lo~-­DVNC4 r-; l-fAl\llE8TT, J R. Jlar. 441.S or Li a-S~bJ ,,.,, 11cl0 ~·""''l''lr~ 11·~··11 r r k ••7" 1nPt::N II a 111.A 0 .., ,.,.~,,. <1-• T\\'V I bdrm 1,1nfurn. JlvUJC• PJ'tlV A T1J OrP"!CES W'IU. phont •TU1Wtrtn1 Hrvlce.. s.cr.ta.17 • not1rv r.1·1.llable. OT-o1:D!d ftoor, New Trl<Jel\t Bk1&,. Z200 N_. pot'1 Rl1'd... N~ ia.cJL. 111.\~ l'A'; "'11':1111 ~~: ,.,,.1,,1.. Or11"t.:" c ..... 1 rrnp'!Tt!e• . ~· ,.\1q~ ,.....,., .DrVanuun a II • QUIRl:O. llu'. Ulll W. )(r_ ·--KA VI: 8£VaL4.L cbo6c.1 k1ca1 l!nd ..... o(~---·t dl!IC'OUl1l , a.u ....... Lnwrt,. a-11~1. ..... .... l'&cllO ..... ._. aa.A.UTD'UL .-SW • .... 1..-tqr ....._I, blrdl ~"......... prb ..... -..e. -•ten.. ~ ......... all umta. Sale or Trade °'"'"" JNt i> 0.-.. ~ B.t•C"h-ttr.W ~-92:21 ..... SPEClAL u "{ ~ • -t ""4nn.. 1mtte. 110,000 c... dow'a - moo >'8rlY ,_ Ao - .,.. c.a.ui. ,..,.. Ll ~7llf T>U< G. H. LA lHR.OP. Rltr )(ultt,... u.fi1iit Btoltu -m. o-t ....,., ""-""-..., "42 ..... JlllW --· ''C'' ED JONES, Rltr. a.od Aa.ociatea ·- BALBOA fsLANO MONCY IN TH..B BANK! ... Jil&t1.e ·--H.9,._ &0'2 BALBOA Ull-AHD MULTIPLE UNITS TV Antennas $7.95 _ __ . _ _ _ I ,,u ... J4 ~ per '""· 1,.,n, .... 1·, •I""''"~ l.r~" '"'" J.'\.1j ;'\'e"'P<-'ll l3l1'1. NE\\"LY d11:cur-11tt'd h1u::he:J or •rt. i'um. Xau "h,-,ppl"-'. IC~ tr11 1!nl'Alf' •pAr" nn ~llTI de('k S4ll '"" 111; J'lh St, :'<:. B ll1r 11144 R ( A<l jr.<'cnt llO Stn:JVa Coul Co) 1------------ BaT lNCO)d ""1 1111 l'f-,-t. s ""1U ... 1 lot.. C-plettll7 tum. " pn,c-. a.t JoeaU.. -.._.,. _. Udo 1' fl I ;t· C...n.t ftCJlni -......... .,.c.-natal. N.I 'll• " ~_,pod Lu-. ... Udl ...,. J'OV. ""7-Call L'JSTALl.ED An......_. U !IS •nd llf' ACME T. V. ._AatM Wa.uted SELL YOUR CAR PAI» rOft OR l'IOT KcCartllJ' Fa y• Mor• 1tl0 & llaln Kl 1-360'7 --.&oto9 t~r SU! JIM THUNDER.Bl.RD Fordornr.- UO R • Ii. T-01""3 ALL aurrt ws"'-· \VJ.Rt: ''°· v fOWER ii'l'JUl;G_ £TC. i:JJ!lli. P1L LI 1-1711 allcr 8 00 p 111 ~trr '81 CADll..LAC t ·ilr, 6l, Hyfu R. and »., w-1-w, s1r11:1 Qood OCWld.it'On. Owne.r Hai aaus. 1!k!110 ;tltt l"ORD Va Sllltlon "''•.1:''1n red condition. 10°'1 llr..• $3~0 LI •NOt or t S• \V. \\jl9(ln. co.ta M-. 11c;~ Ral.UO. heater. waw, pwr ~l~r. l'few ttt,1 a~ bnll~• lmn,ar- ula~ Pr1n.C e farty. S2t ll!I. Htr, 27'7 7tp81 anJST lACJUncJ: J140(l "<!Ulty t. ~ or Met otfir, ·~ 01!11 M f-door br.rdt.op.. M'ull p<Tt11°t'r Mid •Ir eorid. )ow mile•&• prl'"'t• rarl.Y Hr.r 1014 ~Otf1 .-<~·Ill>-" l._1· ''"'" l-'•ll<I 1•'•" [.I Jil-llil'l ~;, .... IJ 11-14()1) Rente ls Wanted II• n~•d 1pt.e. Ln!J fi<Juie• In ftll •~ct1on1 for b<Jlh "'Inter !Uld Yt'a r'~ l"a•e. Furn Qr unturn.. rr yau h•v• • "'"'lll\ry, pbnne today Tho Vogel Co. J2Cll V-.' C1L Hwy, Newr--1rt Orh rtion• Ub<rrty W t.SJ ::ri11 Marini , Balboa 1~111nd Phune H.llroor ttt Me7 El 0.L Hy~ Cunma del M11r PllQn• Hllll)nr 17'1 Ud<l orne1. ~tie V1r. Lldo Hr.rbor t WJJ 1702 Newport Bh-·•J, COlta )teu l,lberty 8·!)6117 FREE!! ~ lnr a nv •ac..-icy ln Orange Co ) (~U I CKLY A.NO S:ASII~Y Sl~!rL'{ (."'Al.I. s~"T Ill.TY Kl 7-3506 Cbolce Wlnlcr Reotala on Balbo& lala.od Ii Lldo lale ik...U • C01J or larfa A delm-t '1• l-41 $300 r!M)nta VOGEL CO. 2<-8 Jila.rint AYL, Bl.lti.w f.lla nd Pb.. Harl':lur 444 or 1-tvbor 1010 I nes. lla.r Sft:ZV R '4tfl! A•·e. llalbor. !•land. Z ft!nCl• 1pl11. and 1 dhli, apL tum. Ul1l pd .. nint J:.O lo '60 per month A vr.JL U<JW. Call •i:•flll Pre.ndet K•-•t Jlr.r. llJl Qf St.&nley r.l Har li75. 68UC" ------------r"O!'tONA DEL MAH -'i blk rrom ,,...,.lln. !lpadnu• 2 Mrrn turn. •·1ew •J>L Y•arly l"JUie 11,.r 10~1 1•r Har. Ji~7-\V 1'7cTt l lt~.IJR.'\L Apt Jo'urn. or partly farn.. prllr.ge (l1.l,po9al, i:"r-"I>• 7U~"T Larlvipur, r.;orura ti~! Mar Ebr 32'1 t-R. 17t"'t9 l\HW $11~• 11111 tu Jun" J'olll /di<> tlnt! a'f'lltl•hl~ Nnv l•I 57,, mn )'#•riv G•r•1:~ H•r lD"-i!iWlC or l:l3 29th l'H , N!'\\'f'Orl li .. cl'L. 7'7p79 \VlNT~ RJl:N'tAL t a bdrn1. f\Jrn~ ~Otl Hanline, lboL ln· qui~ 417 Ji;. Day BL 7k.8l NEW l hdnn unlum dupla. pr- b•ir• dl.epoHJ., pra(i!. 'f~rl7. t2:J'fl-t~ ... Nttrrport lkh. U .... 0479 TtTTC COST A MUA. a room 1pt tum. or unrum -Re r.aon•ble. HY11!1 '-'167. i •ITC WAl..BOA IMLANO \Vlnlet' rent.- Ill, 1 bdrm furn. 1pt uplrl&Jrn. On bay front Hu t08t. title PP.:NIN8Ut.A POINT -~ l bdno. tw-a apL and pr- •1a. lfOSI E. Balboa Blvd. "'" l!ll I 80lfc W'lTLE 8.u.BOA lSt..AND. 2 bdm, q.L.. wtntu n11Lal. J TS lnr ludLrc uUau-. Har 4341 e1uc NJ<.:\V 2 btodr 111 <l11p1~ .. Mp[" Qu!r• 1trlt>'T. r.o Y•"I "'"rk walrc r·! "'' "°" now :U1 R••tru•,. lit. l r.Cjulr t 222 -2•llll l'i ! c ~f 71k.llJ 0frh'e.. fro•1 aao. •f'ml-prl\'t le ll•lr. •paoea i~j U.. JOl8 Mariners Mile Oi'FlCll • a 11op Bpar• for ~n! or ltt.H •l~ per mo. A up. w f-.11&1. um: TRADE BY OWNER S \~.000 SQUD'T 1A • _.ta tn N _.port lkiPt.I f« ....,. or .,...~t la.ad, or ,,.,,.._. 111' to no,ooo. Cd. TOpu t-r.11 (~Jl, ~ ' , .... CLIJRE V UI HORN, -fit-HalT.ltMe U 1-UJT -.,. 11&1. k1W ...,. ~54!;:~Bo~m~·~""~Op2!!P"!!!•bw~~llloo!!!~ll'.'.::=:!=:..!!~:!..-----I 11,n WINTER RATES ALL l'Tll.. PAlD. ~-urn. bache- Ideal Loeaticm For ftlCBU>El'fCZ Alm SNACK SHOP DRIVE-IN LIQUOR l!JTOP.E Gli'T SHOP Nr~t to lbop5*J1 canter. ~ Vol aJ IL: iJ7 &114 '""'41np i'o?" ·~tmsil. oall CUZ1- B. rt.Univ , '""'111'. ~; &r 1619 -~-Ll J-,51flt- l1lr apt. f lf:i manlh, Al!ID 4 nn. M--Monf'J to ,..,.. turn. •pt. i.w mo. S02 l!:a.t 1 ----~-------- 0t-Mn ~·ronL 79c92h --------1 1.t le 2nd T. 0. loans f.8-..B--Hou1e1 for Rent .....,.. &11 ONai9 a..v '.\"EV.'LY Dt'ror•ted, •Htt111:Uv• Trust [)eecU BolJ.ibt 6 Sold Royal Mortgage Co. 111.rge r<>nlllllo, lam:ad 1ar4.. ua.- l'nrn h,,..•e. J70 mo. LI 1-6600. , .... Harbor bl 23 CORONA OICL M A.R. unfurn. 280l N.-port Shd.. NprL Bcll. 1 VllQILl Loll C.D..K. .... ,,.. ... (I I ;i: ar J a.sr-HorM. ro.><. IZ) 2 or a ...... ...,,_....._ (J) Vr.eanl fl.-l, R-4.. M·I ~ ..... ~·•t' , .. ~ au~"" ----" llK.U. EST A Tl: 8ALESWEN WANTED M U 9 T 8 a UPWN'l:NCED AND AOOAD8JV1 CHA.Na TO womc: Dn'O a "-Le I XAJiAOD.. • .ur Ucm..u:NT DC.AL P'OR TH& IUGKT PER· 90N. GD'.>RG& SVSJla01f, RL Tft. u..-i 77c7t OCEAN FRONT COTTAGE I ............ !Mi lllda, ~ .... -• '-di ...... lll.llO --Hardesty ll&Auroot "At U. ........ to Ude 1lh"' ~ at ..., 1tt.. """· cm Bay & Beach RJty., Inc Jta,ALTOM 117:lo l:larl:lor Blvd., COi.i.& On7 or ........ ,-.. U. .. n ATTENTION llOO DQ\\'N!! ~ Mr .• E. H•d On... walk&: dllt. •"'~""~ on.a, ' 1R. Giel ... POia. ni. ~1 nice h cen'l ti. Mat (Of pl'tC•. I Uon. 6 low Da. Jll,)'fllenL OWittlt TIU.NU'. J alt. Ill• kJtr n.e1 rly n-. Le nna tJwd . Dbl i•r-Vl•w ot I --\: hL0.. /J. R.ea.I Buy r. tfl. wM b9JO on. on bf' •s2 .. ,.,.._. Av-.. o Mt-Drlv• • e•U UI , TERRIFIC VALUE City of Oranp rr you ue • 111.NWd bu ~ tor • t ft.Ot'I ...,. .... ... _ '" •";'""~~=i .... 'iJttil-. Cll'I pk.• wr.lltd-ln Jard, Ulla wW your ln"•Uc•Uon. Jnob \UI d•r priced. M'o bltln bu7 p&,000, tw-. ROBERT WHEELER, .._, ,, P1aal.. Orup K•UoQ' •iTll "' SUBMIT OFFER ALSO TRADE WATERFRONT HOME lAr1• Jlvl.nl' ...-. wtlk f1111ot,, I bed,...... I~ r. ,A. hK t. built•lft .......... --. laundry r-. "*"' ,... l"a" nwm In ,.._ Y•rd. nce.t prt\otllc .. w-111 a.crr.llee an ._ _.. paym'"L ... Geiaqt. ·~ BALIOA IAt PROPElTIE I* W, Bt.Jboa Bl'id. RETIRE WITH INCOME IA Mi.a.rt OlbMu~ Corona.del Mar. 3 Income .sta; a .,.. nJoety turn., 2 paus ~ to ~ 1~ blb. from ocean. '32.'.780 " STANLEY A.' SMITH. Realtor . 21MT E. Cout Hwy., Corona de1'11.ar Bar. 8U I Priced lea tha.n replacement at ONLY~ ONLY •.. i:s,ooo down .•• See uw.. OCEAN FRONT, DURLEX . , ''A 1 ltory, 2 bdnU ~ clhL ....... "' wmlt I reuoaably prioed dupJU ~ ooean front. ------ttc Bffk Best Buys VOGEL CO. OPEN HOUSES ·- ,.. Bova MOQO, to $1'7,000 -$000. DOWN C.2 LOrS { $9,950-0NLY $950 DOWN Put. you In home ONLY 1 ~ yura old ••. bu 3 bderoom.a, large kJtchen; tub-ahowv bath: 11 z 18 liv. room; •tucco u:terior; p1uter witbm; WEDNiSDA Y -THURSDAY I ' t io 15 'CLl~F DRIVE • View home near Santa Ana A\tenut to 5 Frlcley. S•turday end Sunday I to 5 1987 Irvine Avenue A loft1y modern home on 1a1'p ,tl'ee ahaded lot. Voqel Co. l201 W. Coad.Hwy., ~ewport Beach BALBOA VOGEL VALUES BEST BUY ON LIDO ' bdrm 2 bt.tha. •P· dinlo1 room ov~rlookinc atra tee. beaut. planted patio. ~· atreet - ttrMt lot. Owner &rudou.a Movln& to Arizona. Price IM,500. . BUILD YOUR TOWN HOUSE ON LIDO Be&u.UtuJ lot with permanent bay view. Extra J&rie balld.1n1 are.a. Price $29,500. HARBOR '497 I VOGEL CO. LIDO OFFICE Ml& Vla Lido BALBOA liYl'RONT DUPLEX. pier and t\oat. Printe beach Ul,'500. ON PENINSULA cute 2 btdrm. fu.mJehed. 2 car pqp, fenced $2500 down. DUPLEX 2 bedroom.a each.. Ooee in. ~ dn. $10.500 .. ~y ft'. OOftA llDA. TIU a.-ca.a ....., J'OUI' P' ''m• 'nr9e "8GI II' 1~ 1t at II a. mc.17 .._.pied. plallter9. f....S. ,.uo llBd Blll'o&Q. Oll17 ... .,.... J J '' • 1 11·1 1.01'8 a Aat.lltlG!l l'or Ol.eerful 8ervtce -Can 1 "~ THOMAS REALTOR and ASSOCIA TICS s~.;; pw -LL Builder Max W: PoPe Realtor., • .,. ~~a..ch1!·M621 'C' THOJU8 'C' THOMAS WILLIS I. JONES, REAL TOR, ASSOC. ~Tl PA.DlW.A.T DA. A. two Bdrm wtth appeal BardW'ood noon. r-1ca ldtdla, UMnDo Ooatnl Mat. o.uMe ..,...... Ccmp1eetl7 fenoad IO'lrlf:V lot oa tully laPf'O"d .,..,_ Top ftnanclq a...uuk. $11,500 Members Newport Harbor Board of Realtors Multi pie Litt1q 1908 Harbor Blvd., eo.ta Meu. Ll 8-lH.2 LIDO ISLE llEIT -.,y, an Lido I.ale I J'rom ll modMt a22,&00 bomt t.o • b&,y hont. Jn.600 MW man- "°11. It wW be ow-pl ... un to lbow t1*n t.o you.. Jttl AANOU>, C. M. Thia -------------------CORONA HIGHLANDS m.ay ._ IL Wa7 .-... &ftl'· a .. Uine ri.em-. -1!i Mtb ARST TIME OFFERED Exclusive Beacon Bay ::::._~ ~aad ::::..:; BACK BAY Two Opt.tan~ Value. ..Gii. I Wrm. A nanpu.1 reom. 1,.. b&t.h4 1,... UY, rm. It dbl. JU . on nt.ra Ire. lot. Oeean ..i-. Ju.t SIT,&00. 8ubrntt down. N\ce CC1rMr lot witla aD I.al· A Tl1UCTIVI: bedrooll1 po-•ta ID -.ct paid foe On a com~r, w1lh nn•t JMtrm•· ln I bome lJ.1e wW llaadk. Konthl)' nmt _..,... ... 1-from If• ""~ c:om• aputmmt., spa· paym•ta _, 171. pirlun wtAdow, 2 br. ud d~ ef room., •uany \>re&ktut NEWPORT BEACH $12,000 JOIU OJltCB..UlD Dll a.ANT A .ANA ROT& You ~1 ... UM MPP1 ownw al UU I Wna. B. w. "°°" Al. ...,... .. lmced.. Oa11 -~ -la· dlldinc tau. It IM. ()w'Mr J ' b&UI wtD am•~ wtU ~ Oellpttlll paUo, ttre-all ~ uuw. _ a..dlt-1.n place. 1 ~ !Mat.bl, budwood CLOS• to Oosan A Bay. Unue11.i ran .. 6 -. 41.ebwuher, di• ftoon. PLUS CU&e knotty plne I bedPoom, 1 ~ Mlh borne .,_i. men:. .wttc!Ma. dbl. ~l .._.tail t.rtple pr-OOlllJ. tum~ Jut I~ yr.. old. .., .• elK. ~ ... 111ldin1 slul ... attend tum.Waed-111.000. rua pr1oe 11.6,000. u t•~ doon w ddlpltuJ paUo, at.n ft0,000 clown. ,. .Ip. mut.r •r. Well w... roR A DUIC9"'DU.TINn tun· WATERFRONT 11e&P91l wtlh room ffK pool A Uy, a beauWW ' bdnn., I .U. DUPLEX bom.e lot U.. dl.ICFUDlqaUna bonw, ~ ..it to patJo, P'tlJ'.R and 1Up prtvtl.,.., fOOd comp. ~: et.e. , ' SD nus ... prloed to ..n QUICKLY. Loan on property QOW at only t ~ 9if Int .•• Try a ~ tt.. OCEAN FRONT· LOTS ~1' x 86' -ONLY 1arrt lot Jett. aaJd.ai '22,000. and · 30· tfuntac-lot -uk1nl SlD,9:iO. Submit your ofter!! JACK BRENNAN, REAL TOR ''AT THE ARCHES'' 3320 W Cout HlV)'. LI 8-77U B/ B EXCLUSIVE LISTING • BAY AVENUE BAY FRONT Pier and Slip. 3 BR, l.&rge liriJJ& room with ftl'9- pl&ce, den, duting room, extra la.rr• lot. J'ull firm price -$t59,700. ' t LUXURIOUS LIDO BAY FRONT Pier and aUp, 3 Jure BR.a, -.Utital llvbls room, dining room, unu.1ual.17 nlct patJo, two finplacee. ·ahown by appointment only to qualified buye.n. No telephone Information. JDOYta1 \Q A.u.ll.nJi&. w. .w thaw JOCJ at J'O'lr ecm~ CA.LL UI. C&ICll.Uft, opp. '9ture ,.,tl. bullt,la rap ud ...., O..· c:ondtUon. pod tncome and PboD• fW appt. lo .. IMlde ltone ftreplaca, llldMd\W i........ pod pTt~ '25.~. 12 t.anu. ALSO EXCLUSIVE 2"11 Tuun AY•ue. torlM IA bedroot' Ill!_.~~~"' 111 INDUSTRIAL $1,000 DOWN buy. fu.nU&hed 2 BR hOUJe near OP~ so•rw.• -s";"~o·T •"'""7 .....,_ · .... .._ ... -, _, ...,....., ...,,, "' Pt.MO. FROM 1 TO IO AC1\ES. r'n>m ocean, balance 1llre rent. J'luJI price -Sl0.&00. 111 W •LNUT 8T ~ C liL nat. n:s ~ can ..u. you )aapp •U I:. Z2nd Bt. OPICN EACH doee to pr1nte n.ndy lntoooooa ~ .. ~lO~dr ~ ~dt BAY & BEACH REALTY, Inc •• Re•ltors cu.tom buUt I bdrm_ 1 { WIJ:l[-ENDS 3 • r.. fam:Uy beach with pWl'I Jor ana1l w-··--· ........--· u b&Ola. t!Md lln.. r . P. Cu· room, 2 ftnplaae lp. lot, boat.a and u. ot tanni• court. malt• youraelt a UtU. fortune 2025 W. Balboa. BJTd., Newport ~. Bar:boi" 1llU ~ I-~ • baJla. tore.id ,_ fot pool. l:JlclUllVe trrif+ quJclt. A mat many people ~-~ 1,,_. are dfttn• It. Eva .n.anNr °"'! $16,500 &Jr b•t. built i. OftD A J Jt>t.e left In Ot'lwriTe S.d1 Ba,Y I M • I I fUt COAST PROPERTIES ~·~ ~t.oda;:'4 ahau.at "400 -Mt&O -Tnma 1311 :.~·~ •• '.!boa Ji~d Seven Islands Reelty RUTH JA YRllD. Jtea\tO'r ~ at:re *'°° -~. down. Hart>or c111 Two & Investment Co. EXCLUSIVE ~CHANGE Mildred IUCP and Syl'f'ia TbomP90D, Auoelat.' w A. Tobias, Rtt &03-12nd Bt .. Npt.. &h · Ca.11!. BA YSHORES Th9 "BClltE&r •wt.-Spot 301 E. Balboa Bl•d., Balboa Har.~ or 4600 • r Claire Van Horn Corona H"ghland Har. 6"' l:vuJns• Ku. M•7 NEW LISTING 111 • • • ~ tlc R&ALTOR l $ Tut.-0"'918.f 'Jlut AND A890CIATa 1711 w eo..t Hwy. u MITT YOU CAN OVJ:R.LOOK J:ULL8 KER.I: LI a pufaetl,J c..b&nnlna '1f eo.ta X.. . -------------------"1ou11 like our fr1eDdl7 ...-.;c.• Call • .,.._ u 1-llOll HA 1411..J A.ND~ from the 9J>&C-CORONA home on. a WOl\ISartUJ comer tor •OO I!. 17t.ll, eo.u .,_ ~ lJy~ room and view HIGHLANDS lot Two LAftGI: bedroom.a. ~.soo "--L Newport Heiglits llX'l1l4 JJJW• I bednn .. more UIM lllO ... n. of llYIDf, lo· d\ldlDI a t\IJl dlnll'll room, l&rp ,,.aiman ltlt.chen with ~ an&. l ~ b&.Uui. lkS1 li~ room, nreplac• .tua beatolator, I lonly p.Uoe. WOW ONLY $1T,IOO 11:.A.8 '( TDllJI Another Newport Heights Special $15,000 Ut>.rt7 a.nn deck ot uu. int~ two-two W• b&t.Aa. SipaUcoo...-.d ~ "°111 s-ilAp call H>. lll"t LI ~ OPEN HOUSE J.ve1 plan ID 'IVondat'tl.ll ~ SENSATIONAL and upted paUo. VmauaDy or nbabit tam. 60 I CUF~ DRIVE rona BJp&o4-, Three '9clmul. FINANCING -u appolllt.., lnl•rlor. Pr1c:ed Propeny aJ.n&tty ftllW Md two ._ .... rum ..... room "1lb lo• tor a quick ..iet tc&nU wUJ take a --. SWIMMING POOU ~ ~ce:-u.i. kitchen. POSSIBLE!! tcw ~ntmeat. e.aU AFTERNOONS EXCEPT ~~ ~..Jt~ ~ YOU CAN sull9lll your OWJI Duncan Hardesty CllAIU.D .. ftlrl"JGD. OWW' WEDNESDAY Jarse play a.ad ncn&tlou.,.. t.erm.e OJI OW New Home! Two REA.LTOR ~:Bar. WI.._ U MMI 8/8 D-lb I · chaln-llnk f~. JOOO 9qU&A 01" ~ bedrooml, W'p 9\ltl.k· "At the Bridp lo Lido lale" IMf. IHI oa Peninsu a A HOM& Wte ow LI a rare Item' feet OJl a a10,ooo lot for cmly en.den, d1n1ftl room. U)U1Mllod· Wayatte at a2n" Bl~ Har. '711 Ralph P. Maskey ~A.H .A.DOR.Am.a A.llTUTS o..r.tds nlltk ranci. type P7.llOO \Qt&l, an OU~ em "'1lt41 k:itelMn. ~ bat.M. BAT FAONT BUSDf'JCl9 u:n &"ll' ... TT()R HOlOI: -uuoo ..._. wtUI..,... heated and ru. yaJue ,n-s ew ~ ah! J.&rp lot and "1-ot U>e Pa· BACK BAY SPECIAL 4 !\AU pPJ~ tw ,...._ ~ ~ pool. WandiarfUl 00.,.~1'9d C&1I now ror appt.. Kr. J11a.o. clltc. TM p'4ce la nnn at ntnt ...,...~ JocaW IDd uu N.wport Bh·d. Har. cos 1 ~17 ~ 1 ~ WM. JIU» wil.11 ~Tiu-bed· nab, lh •••a. • ....., Ha Wt. Pl.000 but cnmer •UI <'.On· no CollMn Place -I bdl"IYl. lot M.1t of l'ft1)' ~ • TWO a.droom wtUl IArre ruut ut1ll.a llt.udle wttb propc-,.._ aJM1 iw. balk d1ntnc a1d9\> JIM, C-doof car or boet hdwd noon. ftreplace, dlnln( ..._ IGancL 1"rt91ftt t1bW na111 Uut 'Ji MUI O¥er ctoubl• lla"Mlns ott bMuUfWJy plaat· 1'0m'll.. 1arp ft.-d Uvtnc E I W St•nley u doW1I paJ'lle11t. You won't rm. coftr'lld pauo. •tc. o;.1.7 *"· oen.,.... .. .Dr'a. doe ..,..,.., • Sood ..,.. ot New-C-1 ACREAGE --ii pe.Uo. A ....... ""I ,..... wtUa 1lddt COl1)IT nr.. ar . lliill h .. r "' anotll.w deal like thl.a ! yean old and amon• lbouJd be nptac.d .. ~·moo- pon ._,.ta. Ocean vi...-from UIJOIV lo ... aA4 Mva. p1ac9. P1'lced CONIWllnW, un· llZAL1°" tf for a lent' l1m• .o don't l'lt channln1 homa Strwl paY. em ..,.._ Mdf. WW. epl&. • I\*& room. TEIOd a COM11ER~~:~-· ad· N .. u.. c.t of npl&ccmelll taC&IT llom• ill UM bliQck • UMn, call \II quick fM more ed and curbed. Only •••.JOO •otf'IOlil OoYa: e .... ,.~-ti•... Jobtln&' n..,, __ ._ «<nlef' ... ,.::f.u~~&I\ l't.t a 1ws tnM! NdnM.. IOll1J tt. ll'1Dt' ...._ deWbl l:Z TER.Ma 01*1 &!tar 10 ._,. 11...,. ttmttk'J._,.,,.'* ~ In An&halm. now ...-d7 for ... _ _,, __ ,..m. daJ17. At.o 2 bdrm ft<lm• tbJI '* a DIW u.tbis _. ~ ART AOAI • Rftr. •,.,~~lopmenL Call I>• fOf' cte-"""' caJ'JllU. .. ., ft. v• ... ~on 0 H d ty "It ll15 Colleen Pia~. ...,_._ .. , t ... .---... • .. s10.ooo -11MO DOWN 0 H d ty cll'a,., a..rp •1tc.h• ,. t'mtn1 uncan ar 85 ..._..._. • -· -i• HSWPOftT BLVD. DAN A. JAcoee1:N. R.a11tatat.e uncan ar es 8J'M. ao by • rroat porc11. a5x R.&A.LTOR F. w. LYTLE, Realtor tenna. • ............ M-Harbor Mtl UDO ISLE l\J:A.LTOR n ft. paUO. IGxM tt. ,...,..... ".A.t the B~ to Udo la!•" MUIUpl• u.un• Service J"RlCO J . .,,.naY1111'6 ...,.-.. -a 1 • •t ....... Brt.._ •-Lido •-•e" ,..._,.... J •·t I ....... __.. ~'urn. d It ~--C711 • ~ LI wm J:wa LI 14* Ll l·t701 -Kl 1·21 7 • Ll f.131 K tha Uda ,., .. _ -.· ..., _, ~1"-1 at1._...,.... r Lafayette al S2n ., ._., 17141 Newport BlvcL-eo.ta x.. •••_ • -. --.~_ ~ . .!':!. .• • ~ -~ .._ Lafa,..U.. al l2Jld St.. Har. t71t 11~ -f&,5"0 dn. OWNl'lR. Ll ._Htl Ll l-2M2 .__....,,_ ,....,..,_ 1ac.o _..u ...... UJ • --..... nu ecmuneta1 ......... c. x m ~iMJ. u M11M Duplex lergein home "1lb u. l&t..t appatnt-LI M7,L Tlcla G. I. RESALE 4°/o TTdt Or ... ,..., )bll!pll .... • ~ .... e9plCiaDy attne-E FECT TRAILER i--. K .. tut. OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 Near Udo Shops u .. nnpaac. aad utll a p R a.t on U. 1aU ud p11ona UDO ISLE • 't.tt~~ vtsr·•,-a.. to <>c.a &114 a.1 ,aUo. c.u.,. atTJ 11&11.·A -. PARK SITE cao1cs tuni. tr1Pl• wtlll prt· o.o. atArnrt Har. 1111 • • • NEW LfSTIN6 ...v•u ~ NEW -t....,.... .-a -..... ltl1lt to ..... A.lll1ltc .... 000. Waao7 .at. -~ ·-• .Up l'OW ••• Dm't delay •. Too • .& yrLU-t.RES· .,_ o-J..c -Cl'lll'DU9' MNTAU or SYDT ·-~ ~J..t.edl ~-=-~~ ~ ,..... • J'S. old. ....,, wW ..... , um atlt'Kth• 1 , --~ ~ ftnlllW. ~ -.....-n-.. ·-..,.__ -.... o:w:r a. ..... _ -We )dt-r ,._ ........ Wf9CllDI rvmr -.:... a.c 9t1te. 1 - -~ 1Ai. ,..,..,,. ....._ u--... ·,....., 11t1111 lroGe\. r 'TW'O u. a..Uw • ,__ · ._ Ml7 1a u. ....i LIDO m.-A &UaDA Mr'.trt•s -Wiii u•I r Rlnf I .......... lt' ._... bw ..--...... --.. a.at W-* I 11&1* ftrtl*oe ~ A 'I ~ .. 4lectrte $10,ICIO -taftt d9Wa A QO(JD anoa1'UJUIT ,_ tm a.. Ill Ud talk. itlP ..._ .-._ bldlt·ID ldedl-;:w ,;.;.--.. tllil JlldL 0--I -..iitut tliar • ' • Mltran • ..... la tau. ol-..,. -ft"t 'fON. · I • ......... l Giii ..,... ""'*' • )ea~ toir'ft Ud d -.etf-I CarpeD Ujl cln,. MY:RTlE DAVY, Rltr. WUJ&.rd L. Kil1kla, Realtor nc.. , .... 1ot.. -.. ..,. o..i&. nee tot-11uoe. ODl1 POOO. r ,...... &If i..t SS41 Ne'W'JIOrt ...... Ru 1101 SQeO DOWN w..._ a1t,10t untum.. dclw'1'. ~ a.z.. Im.med· ,t Pr1N -Pl.JOO -TmM MUV\a ~Har. Md Bay I Beech Rfty., Inc. K~ e!,. = = ~.!:itu,,.,_. tate pm11<cci. 1.o«. bacll t1a1 I mi. do 10\>~1' io-su ..... -1.J Mt'71 LIDO ISLE J\&AL'l'ON .... JC.-......... C91W mz.u. Sammer.a.om.°"~ area. Du H d ~ 1aclO i.ae w . ....._ ~ 8'9t..,,... ta tow'b tor~ ~ MllrrM... t i.ui.. BALBO• BAY ncan er e.,, _________ rorrr f\EDUCZD TO SIS.IOO. •Hu.-... 11ar. -i:... ~· .. ,,_._. liar• rwnt. n .. , ... ase. • ......,.. ,.iso " -ftSALTOR _B_A..._C_K_BA_"""!y-.~A'~~-A • bedrm.. I •U.. ~ loca• ... ,nc... ... pa.,. ,.....s. $12..llOO tuna. • PROPERTIES . "At u.. BrWp lo Lide I.... ""'~ JUST .,,JOO FURN, U. ,..., ~ 6 etu~ '*--IUILDIN.6 LOTS Stt.IOO. -laoG w Ba.la.. 81.-d Bar 6111 Lafay.tu at Uad 8L.. Rar. 4TJI • , It . . lbown by a,pt. • • . ' BT OWN1:1\. I ...., IA& CUTS attnrtf,. I bedrm, w-w MYRTLE DAVY, Rftr. °'-~-A.~~~ PHIL SULLIVAN W B RI TWO OOOD L1WZL LO'rl. BT OWNER to•la Pa•ed -.....t. ~,,.da. Mrpet u-nnc ""' .. hall. ~12 A~ --·--_ .. -Louia • riqqa, tr. BACK BAY .A.JU:A.. Ma1 ee.l1 LandidPtd • reDOJd. a1uoo ft.sdlaadll P1aca, O..ta M-. Ull Via Opor1o -Bar. IH6 DAN 4-J.A.001181CM, ..._. Elllat.e 1 .. M_,,art ......... Obeta If-'tH IL Sal-.,. mYi., a..ni. eeparat•IJ'. Oath or '°' down, Lot 8T a 201 8&<-11 Say ANL S.., lerftlil J).A. VY oo., NU Via 0.,01'1.o. l:VU -LI a..urt lla.r"-.-i ,.._. Liberty '4711 Harbor 80 110.!IOO TDtlll price Otrner Olmtr Birch A Orrt\Jlrd. 2.,N Wll'low t.u.. 11.oftWa&' fir Bar M41. TlclO f1dO LI 1·'711 -Kl 1-1117 -1..1 I All JNK. Ll -.n02 TlclO Raf' Pll TT1TC $ateCI Har, llOl-R f~P*J ~ U. a-oaD tlcll -'. .. ,, .... \r l ..• 7k80 . . NEWP.ORT .HEIGHTS CHARMER Jf [JW "W'llllt cbum u4 ftlue, let U1 abow )'OU tld9 l .·•-.•1\i latb, akt roof, ftnplace, HW ~.~CAN'!' BB BEAT n>R $22~. '~% ~~· COAsl HIWAY FRONTAGE 'tap~~ for bat, tale, eenuni~ etc. 85 foot fMldlllw wtt!a -11· s 40 wr new WDdlni eully '*''•tied for hwc-.. Try 115.8GO full price BALBOA PENN! lmmaCQl&t. boale! a bdrm.a, one WttJi outaide en- ueaoe. OD!)' ' 7f9. old. CoTered patio. A home wttb charaeter at a modest price. Onb' $23,&00 THE VOGEL COMPANY 1700 Newport BIYd., eo.ta Meaa, LI S-M96 • BALBOA ISLAND I BEDRK. HOU81C p1ua 2 bedrm. apt near E. Bay. Priced rtpt. 2 mdta ae rood It""-2 bedtm. bou.e plua l bf'. apt. Attncthe deu property -I Nr. No. Bay: 3 Wrma., 1~ bath.a, 2 car pr .. 1 lldr. apt. emaD 4owu. Owner acer to ..u. ... ~ 8mal1 home, corner loL Good location $19,9CW> I bedrm. J bath, Utt.le ll1and $31.~ Dapla 1 bd-ui. eadt., sood street. -$22.~ ~ call Ed.Ith Karooa. BYatt ~ "or 1 Boynton Harbor 2178 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor ·. m Mar1M ...... 8&lboa b1&nd Harbor 111~ .· BALBOA ISLAND ~ER J .tory, a bdrm.. cdonia1, 2 bat.ha, double garaie. W/W ,~ Is p&ttly turn. Cloet to everything. 110,000 ~ ~ cood tttma Oil bal&Dce. OR l ltary, I bdrm. coatemporvy, 11_.. batba. lars'e pnce, W/W aupet. Good year al'61md location. l'uD price $28,1500. Terma. ,-. -' -WM. W. SANFORD, and Associates • ...... ~ • Cb&rlotte Fuiola . · ·: Hub Powai • Nona Byer ~A.Ye. at 11.a.ribe, B&lboa t.lanJ ..Har. 2462 , CoftONA' DEL MAR VOGEL VALUES c:t.Jn HAVEN '.Piolldl.Y ..... pn91Dt - "'8' teol.,. ft. of cuatom built home. beautiful ID delfp. . ~ ID utail. 3 bedrooma - 'IUtl':. bidlwm wttla ftttplace a .WW -2•2 •• • I~ Blltry ball Js. ~ l'OOlll wttb tlreplaoe. .... ~ roe.a. t.aut. kitclMn, expemift W/W ~· • ~ J"orcld air heathJa, dJspollal, -. a JllaYJ ._ l'OQf. Atb"aetlft ank:apn1. , ~at Pl.1!9.-tNll beJow replacement cost. . . ~ .... t;' ...... tmmt. :--• ~· Oii; K4& • ~ -..... D\IPleZ lll'lit tame orfwedl 2 bedri>oma each Unit. attrac>- . dftll1 fw "'wL ........ cloon tram Jarp ..... ,JOCm9 to .... Oftdo<>klnl Uae 8-y. ,.,,. pllc.. rtdl&1lt .. t. ~ 3 ,....,... Stp. IA\&DdrJ roam. C.U now tor tarther tntonnatioll. , . ~ wQ1 p&uned • ~ ranch lt.)'L\ b~· CIO dmlrab11~1'Hlbwt Lido We JomtloD I•~ tlq ~ bloiJl to beach.· Near U&10 Glab. .& bidrw. 2 batbll. ~ -4 c!aarmlD,i. $31.000.' • •• BALBOA REALTY. 00., a.,.. 't"l'RACTIVB • v ~EMINSULA POINT HOMES:. • r11 ~ i.llt I ~ ........ 2 b&tha. b~.L ..... aad cmtnlsed J.car pr-... WJUMJly attracUff. &pllid· oua ~room& ftt,IJOO, rood term&. I 2 1 TWO .BEDROOM. 1 "4 ti.th boll)• Lar... lh1ns room w I t h napt.o11e tlrep~. open beam. IUdinr ,._.. doon to l•rr• paUo ana Tou will ll'ke t.hla o.ie at - · Jll,000. terma. I 31 BP AC'IOUll I BDR.M. home Lars• llvtll( room. llnplace. •peclow patio area. Nlc4 tor lar1•r funUv O,...t Yalue al $19.600. J6000 dOW1I. 14 1 VACANT CORNE& U>T. on Use P~llul&. 64 " l 00' R-1 .oatnr. It )'Clfl waat a , Sood lot Uli.I ti I\. SUI. 000. OTH£R DANDY llALBOA VAL- Ult8 YOR YOUJt PEJ\UllAL. I EXCLUII'Vt WrI'l\_Ull; W..t S.y A~ 6 lild1tu. Mm• wllb per•uaomt -n.. ol UM bay. Nr., NHTC. a,.... llnn1 room ~ u ~r ln.-.· tory. $27 .000. t¥ma. .j p" _ •· palmer incorporated ole h•n•on co. man"ement . . "' ,• ., lTOO w. cout Jttcbway -llbelt)'o ta'13 v Best BuJs. Cofona .del Mar 1 { 8J;!OUa.D'l'B BARGAIN. lt&Dch tne 2 bcti!D'.. ...... -home sb•b roof, 2 fir&- ~ Mlcet;y llnd-=-ped. ft!J4'1d yard, com- plete ~· Prioed st $1'1,aoG. Shown. by apPoblt:nMct. , Z { .J.' ~· !.-. taa.a l bl~ to ocean fr.apt. 2 bedl Wi!"-· 2 ~ hardwood fln., PA beat, nice petJo. Oli ~ ft. lot. Com- pletely ~ 2 yrs. old. $27 ,000. Excbmve with ua. 3 •/ JUST LlSTED. Lele tba.n 1 block to ocean front. near Little Corona beach, 2 bdrm. and den. carpeted complete and completely tu.rnlahed. AaJtlnl $2e,l§OO. Out of town e>Wner __: muat 11ell quJcldy. SEE THIS TODAY. ' i DUPLEX BEST BUY. So. ot H1rbway, 2 bednn. home. 2 bath.I ln froGt plua.1 bedrm. ~In rear. Showa pod income. Better lfUIUlY on tbla ~ Priced at $18.'mO. Both uni? tundabec!. Mrxm:a OF KULTIPLZ ~Q8 CORONA DEL MAR REALTtCO. PIUCE T. McCUUJ'l'lON. R.ea!tor 6 A.mociatee THE &REAT ORAN6E. COAST NEWPORT llLVD. tmpl'OV..S \i acre. IAMed llU1l4lq MW ' ... .. cate, will ott .U-t p&rldq. 2 Coed I bedroom hom• Incom. Oft p....,t uatu about ft&:! per mootb AU unit.a abou.14 ti. nat.cl tOll bU.tn.a. Onr •\ premteM ,,... cant A rWod1 to d.-...Op ODly SD.600 Twma. 4CR& PLOT wttb Sood older h-wtth a bdrm.. d1D1Af • brdktut rm .. -f1Teplacoe, We alnll, Mn1ce porch. cfbl. pr- ar with laundry. L&T ... tor- rupted lron 9hed. Bite for many. many multlp.t. dW'tll- tncL R.&l.M nunery atock or~ Probabl• C'hanr• tn sontna llOOR. fU.600 with llldtable tarnu. I llo~'\:LY ButLT rloM 111 ape.a w1Ut pnre 6 l&UDdT'J rma l>owatown. UJ.000 tuJl pnce. ..Uere equtl)' about '-· I>Mln lrade for vacant. ci or JU lo· cal area. 10 by •u It. mulllple u.11H l«ll· lion. QOM II\ CID W•t Wlaon Bl. Pr1oed al tUOO. KEW HOM.a '°'11#r ftnpi.te. - p&ant.r. natuntJ wOOd k1td411 ~ J bdnu, 1~ Mtha. a.t IN)' ~ble ln N~ H .. itata. I.Au Us.an Sll,000. :\EEDS so..-ftX'IN 1ma.t.17 paint 1 BUT ORJU.T VALUE. 3 ~ ouu.cte aboWer 3"7 E. 0>ut Hwy. Corona deLJlar HU. 47 YOU OWN DUPL.l:X, bru14 room.,laundey. &.-of all -Bar CdM n-tor 11 ,000 Down.. Mcie~ Juet ~ blodl to -~ &etch. (Otftoe loeated Hitt door to Newport bor Bank, I I ly rent. a!loold earry unUI Ind JU.000, $0000 doWn, -------------------Tnurt o.tt p&JS ... par • month. ~~m;'~~ ~=~~~:t 1 lOVEl Y I NEW DUPLEX 2 STORY, 3 bctnn . den. family crv.r • 2-c.r r&"P· ClOM t.ol ~LER•ROOK $34,500 rm., 2 W\hA, 2 flrepa..c.,. town, b&y and °"61\. ew.u tor Est~ .... ~ b11Ut In kltcMn QI-wall lo home Willi lM'om• v,.ry food Vrtlao' I CORON.A Htp.landa tl 07 <-O•~Tet'I p&Uo v1-of lied rt!l'lt&I property. S16.000. wnu BA TJl'!tONT. I bednn .• 6 Mlh• i Momtq C.n)'Oft Rd. Modtn1 T~.'nn·waler • l11lb Ja~., l 2 bedrm ... ch. with .i~. On ~ ~ I cu pnre. p4ft' • NI" 10 t\, lot. Bullt In ltdtdlen. Balboa Realty Co. MYRTLE DAVY, Rltr. ~ caraw-~ • l'Jl· ORANGE · COAST I k G ..... MOdt lntvm•. DAVT CO.. PROPr.RTIES °"• rHl"Y _, LH • A.-o<:.. I ua2 Via Oporto, Hal &441 C' I J-plllJM w.-b 16'!2 Via Oporto -Har Mte fW'! 1~7 Newport Btvd Coat& MeN Oppoetl• Bank of ArDmra '=\T1:8 _ u Mtil ----W •1UJ £vu U •uoo I 7 ()o I: BtJllCJi& Bl.cl , Ba.Jboe 71dC) I Phone Barlllor l2i 7 WATERFRONT 1 B/B M-t CORNER PIEi\ • no.t. I bednna.. I plu• lliatbll. par\. tum. ~t a all 1 tO '1Cl:T P'ronca,._ C-tw J\JJl pnc. U.,.000, Good t cnn. Coet& x-w1lh Sood 2 b4ldml. eiome. LHaJ toir sma.11 NEAR NEWPORT PlF.R OLDDt I llednn. homt. 11.....S.. Ft SH ER'S BEST BUYS VOGEL , VALUES 'I . . UNDER THE MARKET FOR LIDO ISLE! 3 bdrm.I 1% bat.U, FA heat. kltcben bar, bG.Dt- ln Hi-Fl Thia.home 18 only 3 yUN old and eutt· Jy la wdl priced at 129.000. BALBOA CA.PE COD The best buy we'v~ MeJl all yr. tn a 2 bdrm fa dea home on the peni.naula. l.c'e· Uvfnr room with open bee.ma Ii llidins sia-doorw to patJo.. 2 tu11 t.t.ha. A rully pleaant home in the tlnat loca- Uon for the low price of $19,000. $950. DOWN -$80. PER MO. Payment.JI ind. t.u., tn.uruoe, Intere.t I& prin- clpal. Tota.I prioe only $9,.9~. on W. near NW Balboa Vlat.a 3 bdrm F .H.A.. built home. Or will &M8t at -7 .OO·pv JDO. and live option to buy with $SO. per MO. to &pPly toward& Dn. payment. THE VOGEL MAIN OFRCE 3201 W. Co&lt Hwy. u S.3481 Eveniqa u g. 7739 NE..WPORT -MESA EXCL:USIVE 1 • OPEN HOUSE SATUBDAY AND SUNDAY I • 627 SANTA ANA AVE., NEWPORT HEJG~ •. 3 BEDROOMS .. 2 L\.TH8 I • HEAVY SHAKE ROOF, USED BRICK i'PLACE ! I • BUU.,T-IN RANGE AND OVEN I • 1'. A. HEAT, QUALITY OONSTRUC:t'ION • FULL PRICE $26,900; EXce;tJ.ENT TERM.S NEWPORT BEACH • NEAT AND a.E•N • STUCXX> AND PLAB'I1i1R CONSTRUcrtON • Nf;il RICHARD'S MARKET • NEAR OCEAN .A.ND &A Y • OVERSIZED GARAGE READY FOR 2ND UNJ'll • FULL PRICE $13.7~. ON. PAYMENT P150 NEWPORT-MESA REALTY 1799 Newport Blvd. ea.ta KM& LI 8-M08 PM&. U I-7217 I maauractww. CORONA DEL MAR 1 DAN A. IACOMZN. l'teal i:.t&t• ttlll~. bllMJaMa &Onf' Tull l. BEACH COTI'AOP:. Nl:W· -------------------- Kan. Mfl RELAX.ED UV ING I Ll l..-J51 -KI S-21.17 -LI a..a1T 1"1~ Jl0.000. PORT. 2 .Bnna OnlY ~ ~ I Robert V. Bl"OMif Rllr. tram be9t oc .. a beach lor nrtmmlna • net~. <>w•r In thle 2 Wnn oonMr home with NEAi\ BHDftl)CU1'J"8 I lHO W. ll&lbot Bh'd. n,..plaCAJ, plua 2 bdnn apt onr: I lll!DIU(.. bem• pt\ll 2 tneom• N~ 8-.ch. Har tO'TJ I anxJoua. Open Lo Cler: a car raraa•. Chok• 1oauo.1 ' unlt. • IO' lot for eely 1 71c80 I . COSTA Jd!aA. 0n11 •Loeo A priced to Nll, U7 .&00 and '10.000 doWn.. , .. J'Oft Co Itel .h' I Down for a.n tmmaea.lat• a LZm cAD"t <>mes ' • 1 -rona r 1 Bnn HOUM. tn nice nmd.,_ SHORECLlFFS 2n1 I:: eo..t Hhnay lot•. You ~ l>I•)' two 30 11· I Ual ·_,uon. anct on.11 l , •• ; Sff th• oc•n from th• 21 rt Conma cM1 Mar · Iota 011 a cOrMr for 16•600· old. Lot to' Ill ltO' A ,..., llvtnr rm of Ulla bfeuutul,. Tec.o I =~UabUJ'J _ ~tM ll.nd at .•11.~ Papne.nUI Wta cont•mporary W\t.h 2 bdrrna. BT OWNlll\ _ 1 "4rm. lllOaM &II Mann A rent. ~·." t..roplcaJ pe uo, i 4 l .500 on ~ acre: 8-uutul ,.nt • a.ii-1:..n:· a BALBOA P ll N l N a U LA . fnilt tr-. 2064 8uta Ana~! Harb9r &t'Tt POl'NT on Miramar Dr. Lo•· NEAT AS A PIN Aw .. C. M. TldO I 7kl3 •I)• bom• In till.a CXC'lual•• 2 bdnn. hdwd noora. 1•n.r• atre~ Mr apt. R.tal nl« SU.750. SOUTH 01' HI· WAY N. B. C_ area. 2 Bnna. I ,._,.. old. N!ee tlnp'la«'. JCJtdaen bar, and .unny p&tlo .. 111;600 D - ctildl Tsm.a. 6. Ja4.LBOA.. 1-UNlT& Qrom lt~; 01' "" la J Bdzn. apart• m•t Clow1S.lt.Un. aad .,......,. --1100 ,. l'DOllth tnm tile I upltaJn ape.a. Ba.t .WW tnn ........ ac. to pod ........... ----..,... .. MT:" J'\M M ' LSI' TJd TD.Alft'B Btrr IT .oft TOUt ........... ..., n&MO. .._'*......,. , ASHER & CO • -' N.wport IUYd . Nftpor\ Jleaeb a.r.r «It (il67 or llfltltl l'IAJUIOft Del OC94J( """ ,. ... let II X U• •UGO Ollila. 8tt· ~ "-llJ'. Ha M&l'lM ..... Bal-i.ta11d, Karllor .. 71 i~H • Bayshores • 3 -Choice Exclumve u.tlnp 2 bed.roome, 1 batb ---·-·-,11,m • 2 bedrooma, 11,-t bat.ha 19,'lDO 2 bedroom, 1 bath, furn. --·-·-· 21.000 2 bed.rooma. 2 t.tba. tmm...W.te (ll>ld) _ 2',IJOO SHOWN BY A.PPOINnfENll' ONLY ALSO Bay J'root Pier It Slip. Winter ften.t&1, Qualif'lfd alen1a Only. HAR80R INVESTMENT CO. ·1 Harbor 1800 E"9 Ll ~ C. D. M. DUPLEX ..... $1~~1 ~ L STRICKLER, Re~ltor ' . ~ B. HODGE. A.aoclat~ 3e22 P!. Cout Hwy., Corona. dtl' Mar -Hu. 27'7• I