HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-10-26 - Newport Harbor News Press._._.,__ -~ ----. '~; <. ~, ~'~f!!I' lJ 1 Io-f ·Jc ~ f . rf ('f • • .. 9· · 1, -1 .:Jr• l • • • I ~ • • < • . ~ • ' • :"··· ·> ' ' f S ' '< ~ . .. 'oC " ' • f ' ' . . .. U~ui,!h li~hU~I Jfohlil ". ~ .1dl1 atr!~· rrHH rhlrs!n.J ._ ... •~1,lt.1~!-f Jl l~ ~ "'J~ ! I~ (ir1 f ~ii i!lfUgl: ~·~~1·:;1P!i~'~ ~i'~ fr _i~I:!~ i;f ~:Fifi.,i<111 ~1.lJ~•~t:r.!" -~1 H H. -U~:!!~iil?!iii 'f ·~ uf1lu11f.f).11 f ~ i!H;;li:: itL•~I. tl..ic~"'J'rff;I 1;r;s 1:•~.: -3 i.rJi~lf'lfli-1 w .... 111111 1 iii;~~ a·: i'lfrrii! !;!j!I J 19 t 1 Ji1~)~t~~;·, :1~~.' ._ f . rtutfs:iH iOHisrhh'"1sd .-1 1hJ.l hnH :1 l:ihll1ti ilh;j. llHnJ &' l:df --.. ~-. .. .,_ . . .... I ii · ·f't••J .. l'I~ II 'J1f' ! J 1fll tJ • --~.· ... t · , f .. _ . 1r ,-~lftJ , 1r11 1 1J1 h'li ;i• 1:;;u -1 -1~-~m ~ :1.~ • .,. l.i ' <ff;-I !~ ih 1 I lfili 1tif!Jh~ lfil J11tl ~ef,Ul~f nt11tlfl . --:·• .. h.~' 1.s~h• ... ,.,. .. ·~----.. ,__. --.-.._.. I - -.----... --- -.. -~ f'W:·~ ---• • .. ... .. -,. • .. ,.. ..... .., -...... ,.. ~ > ;:I . . ·. . . • " .. r \ • o• -"' • -t " ' .. r i " I .. i I 11 r I r l ' .. ' I . ., -' . I ' I i • I f I . : ·-~< :: i '.. r ·11 -· f I 1 £1 . . i ' s • ; , , ~~I r B.f t~ ~ 11 . 11 ~: :f ' ·'. 0 ('h h l I 1d'.i .uf 9 :f ll il"l!! l ( J'~ -· ap t -,. · .· ~~ • • .,,--. ~ ., i::.uui .'.lr l -!hnd1l1ul l!r!!U1ri_~ · ~,,~fr1L!! ~ru!ls@l,1r! :hi!~ Ir !Lil. I t·:.1 ··ii ii~ ~I ah 1 lllf'r1.J!11 i'~i[1fl~f'. i,~E ~i IJiJ~: fiihP'1i;[f1l li~itf~ Sl8 ij!~'i ~Jn.u1 r· l·u 1.ti , ·•!.i :a s: I: .q ,. ·ii . i~ .f~ '4 it~ if l ··J; . • l' ,r, l ji~1I 'J~r~r --.111--_ ,r~t~1~# . ~!•;i~ aiJ! 11;1 1,1 it I ii ' : •. :ii!~: 1t u .. •t r , 'I , 1.1,; e . ~ lti ~·m-< . ~~:. l . h!,~l~ni1Jl!ii.~;.. hrn>~ u ~ h:f ,~ .-. s-~!~ h~H. :rib~ h . tf ·rt.Hr., ! Z -t ~~w-{ l~~,, ,......, . . ~ ~-I Ii i ~ ~~ <:: ~ , • 11 fr i ~ ~ ii f It ~ a 2 e: g I f f . ~ I ff r I n R r l j 0 "'h : I ·i .' ··IJra~ _ 11 i 2 ~[1 i;~,1 ~1 tr1~1 1 t1i !»!lhri·a~. c:; -n .. , if Hil a2 I H!~·iUr -,. -,-r~1Jt 9!iJ!;~. s;;: il g,··4 i·l.lfl::l"lil =-4.111·· r~1.hd'I ·~ l"I :::ia,...,. '9' -i•' ·.1 ... J z ·~ '.-t., i Ei ~~ CD ' ~i: ::1 ~ E tar 1if; (! !li g . ,SL I Jl~ fl\ 1:· ~---. l:J I ~:rdnf t~~ij1!::: h•:I a~nl·ihrtJ[I~ l...., I rld'···Jhrlf-Vt 0 . hf&'. _ U:~·a.·,:l: .:.. . , h;nU lid. lh .. ~11Hn1dt¥ ~ -!!,,,.t &. h~t. :z: .. 1~1fl·,.,..ft1Ji1 : .it.i11r.~l!lf'l'lill 8 > f1~a1111~t}liJr fi'~i ti;li'f:r·~ ~ •·t ,-'11 .;u 2. . ~.~.~~-·~ .. : ~:2 .-z ~·Ir[:· •,,11 _I .. !J jiJ~ 'RtJr~ ~~ _ ... _,._ .. -~'~ 1101 i ·~.•t: a 2~J1..1 t~oa -. ...-... ._.,.~·r-. -c._ •• .. Jf z :.' r:H f~f·f f 11!;1Jif i~11'} ,nlltt•l· t-J"--111~~,ift~~· 1·;1,1~ "• ~iii ~ =· l1.f ,r 11 1 ·w ~-~· ~··~ ;;·• ~! l f ~ .. ~; f!!;, . ~ ~~ a I~~· : ~ i'.~ ri' i l: t n~. JI I l,!l· jt' ~1· {'iJ ~i~ f ~I' :~ '.·,.:,I J1· .. a . : w:. ~ i J t I r _u t ( !:r.~ ~-;:. I ::''.t.:.': • a. .I 0-.;... ~~ _ 14,.! _,~ .. ~·ij l .n-:)J ,J, ~ ... "" e 11 ... , • .ra ,l .. t t " •.. a .... -· -• t v-.fi.11 r . f~:J ~-:; ·1 · I :j.1 ~. \ ~··1 ·~1 · I !! ~"ll~f (11(,"l:. ~11111~·· till'·" I ..,, -, = Irr ~~ -a. ! l '·!~itJf ·i ;.. : ~{·,~~1!J1 ·;f4 :fl«f~~i .. 1fl~1!1= 'f .r .:s' tf:s.t•~ ·~ -.. jJiJ(f I i 't.liY~ ~ :r~ ~ , . ., • , , .. -----J-:~f'l~if ili'1· !.~.i~~~,!1-'.4·,· 0 -••. -.--• -· -----•• -- f JI t' e i 'f r,.t · •1-··It. l 'Jj ~ ' i " . .:a 1 •. 'ii I~ f ,l 8 ! , ( !: ~'~ -JI I . -.""',. if -_ _ i 1~:,1: . ',i 1 .. riff i2'i rl lJil 1l!1!t,1., iL I rlil!t1ifiJ: oH r(~ f !i fAr ~ r fl i i JI;· , lltrfilili 11 um11~~i11Uhttii .. I :~'! !Hft!,11tt4,;1~i.iJa111ei1l:illi 1tt11111 1111t111111111t1 ,,. -. .. ----------~ ................. -~------~----------~----------------........ ;:s; ........ ..i ..... :::::=;i~111 .... ~,-i-~......,. .. ~ .................. ~ • .__................. . -.... ""J9J _ ... " -' l • ~ "'~ ·,, , o;~-. ,._1.>-,;,, zgz . ,. . co4;su - 'o I ' I . . , J • f?rrj~ck ~ oli<jllorj .AJOIOl.OllP' .... COMPLITI CATlllNG IBVICI T9_........ r .. ..-i ~ .i.n Ihm ..., ____ ... ____ _ ..... IAoerty •1:11t ... 0-..W 0.-..r WUI "'Ip Y--• D ...... 0... • ._ ,.. DelW.r A.93wMrt t. ,,.,. r..11"' ..,... ~ I.Mt l'rtd&y tryen.inl Merlin Couch WU chOMD Queen ot tht 1'9ot~ Jamboree and Buddy Tbompeon wu Mlected to retp u Mr. Football. lle.iiln recel•ed a atwl· n..tn1 bouquet ol red ra.M and her princeeeH wen pr&-lt::;;;;";;°'~-;;t:;•:;•;;,.;;';·~;;;;;';;...,.;;;•:;";-;;;";;;;;::! I .lenll!d wJth carnation conare-. ni.. prt-w"r• ~aJUM! to.thy McAhrtn. Pat J'brulln& • r.u.m-. Jt•r•• w..-r. and Job.a Lewta.. Walt HowMd • . • • . : . . • • • • . . • • . ~ r.-.s.,r1 .. tat••U•--T•1t1111 c,.w .............. .., , •• .,.....,. ..... JM A,..,. ~ •LAAA ....... Mr. room.JI _. .... tour uid Dtaa. Hoyle, Ora•• .. .,,,. .... UASPOmT cos: a ~ tftlrun&le• au ~ mln!&tUl"I anc1: ... G1-1l. ftell •nnet ..,... _, W. OO&ft mw"AY footba.Ue &Ad'" caf"M.Uona. Roa Marlyn HanuooN:l. Pa.I Kt.Loy •&Wi'OWI D4m -U MUI Tb~ .. H~ aw. &nd Pat rt..-,. Dole N.,..berry nallDAI ~-aox LDJtcxa&I .ua•~Anmv .. nlY.AB llDONG aooll I'm Q80tJP9 CW d ro • ~ aad Daul 8ow'-W"N &ad lcm)a M-. Wtadil&i JU,. ,_,...t.. ot UM foot._..., birry ll.Dd ~· 'l'taorn,..,._ K.. T . N. ra11.t be conc-nlu· Butch Kallow•y .ad J-.n Anidn<- lie.tH oa WrrlOc dotcon.Uoaa lh&t ..i, T-Bridt9er and DU.M Oley en.led fw tM JamllGl'H. Or•a. Jett ll'Pl~ and D&'t'tl -r.. -U. ..... " CO"t"er.ci wtU. Popa, J~ ~ ... C,.... p&pe1' tootballa Martnc on u..n UU• BellraA. ._, 'ft...,.. U.. --of OW ¥•r.tty 911\l&d aad Judy Corf,..., ... 1•1 ... --.. Alae tm OW.~ I _,.. &m09il' t-. ~ •' 'tie -.. _.,., and nqtwtri.n ~. N4 -ra.pho-lftUllllc&J. DOtH .....-rca "nm aA.1.L Uld O..• ""'1tll UWtr nama 011 After tM a-Taotoa 11&1W ta.. -u.ef'ed U!.n>u1ho!Jt lM hAd her •n'"* ........,. PIJ't1. ~ IL T. N eopttd farse A.II M. H. ~. ~ repnc.... .,_ u.. n"• •poMOr1fll ~ ..., ...., clu.M' pla1 &ad .. you walk+d 1. compktlty ~ !Pile UM ll&ncehall llMy W..-. U.. 1Jrith UM e>tM.,U-ot • t ftrK Uiq U\&l c1.u1tlt your •l· party poop1n Hk1 Chl.rrl.t.h. tt.nu.a. A jOb .,.u dolM • Rl.N. Lyn, Lee, Claud.I• and Tl.ft)', K.. T N~ z.t.a. Lw-11 Kl ()'lit.Ilia.. A n d NATUlU.LLT and M. H. A.. Jody. !Who 1U 11-pt'l Tlwrti PAT90!18 or DANCS wt1'9 • r-braYI ..,. .... bo • ~ JlartMlr' WU 4'rt.ated '1y Huallqta a.ch. U.. pa- U-ot tM ..,.. .... c.uialy ~ .,...... ,llli:* A.Ut11 U4 Pat ~.Ted Klrt.h ud LJti eu,...,, 1tu 9ho-...:i ~ O.nt.ocl. Duy.. Bally ud 9b&ro1. l ?J, 1'od Mon~ ... Jkrrt• TVo, ft.oj\ Thro- ... 1tar. w,,,_,., Wllltrw7 Jloy ... J.... lU.ttMwa. Wl»tiwy ....,_ _. ..,_,. Klrkpati1ck. NU n,7tor ud w:-Bui-. llllllt , ..... Nd Linda Deer· .... ~ 9llMwftl _.,, ..... a.iU.. A..U. al1dltr and ... ........ O. ... Miron a n d TooCM AudlMlJ, Qr.-Wadi •ad atlw 1<*ipblc" ~ 0. Jl!Pt. ~ to ... t pWa •t l :IO 111 0.. -......._ ,,..,. wtni ~ NQ!t:J, TNe., ptryW.., 1.00 )"OUf1I truly. lbirltJ and r•tMr .... r1 UMn too. 8U1 W.-on p ve a blr'UMlll.J party ktlU"day atcnt a.t .-., HarlM>rtt.I att.D*d, p I• 1 J al ce.rdil •tld M...S. won6trtul N-,,.,...,.,.._ ltOMOS QUlftaa O;:======================lu.-~ .1.,.,. Rldut.rd-• .w1 &114 Uncla ~111\. t\ay • Tht1 f'rtday ftlp.t la Jb.rbol'"I Ho..-coaUac ho a• r I as UM c--f/6 ''1 ... w.a. o.rtnc halftlrrnP • q\Jllh Ulld Mr court ...ut " •o.....:t. nu 1..,..1 ea• .._t.. tcw q'""9 an C..f'OIJa °"""-N.acJ Jtt')'Q1 Ptay'I .. Xllum. C,-.c.Ma a.Jtraa, J- ~~ at..~ &M ll&l'ftl W...-r. A 1m19r ~ ..,.,. .i-.,. ~.. rrorn u. ..... ..,..... Dancint &try Ni9it --~-... ~ DtNNl:ll llllllVSD D p. m. 'ID -!Pt OOCltTAD..8_ '""':'',. m.. 'tll 2 ... m. " ~--Alhmdq Speci•I Sund•y luffot 2 '1' 9 p.m. a.-1 ......... , ,__.,._ naaa..- Pie... .... .. khliMlm", rn.aJI ..... AM. .ludy Bone ... u.r. I.ad ...._ ~ .... Marttn. r1'0lt &ltd Do9na WtU•rl...._ Da'N --_. 8eUJ a\ack· m&r. C.rolJ'll l.M RO)' Da*I. Jay Ltndlnnl.A uid OiaM RIWy, 0.,.,. H-.rlb and 1...onnl. Uoyd. Dc.rla9e OrMll Uld 'hJm Halcll. Cllucll la.l&Uon Ul4 Jud,-ColUna. Toe. Hou.ton ...S Ju~ Na&17, .. lluolkl.imbot u4 Pli;711i1 Ml~ hJln.. Dlnay .. &Ad JU.rc.Jt. K•ll¥, O..ry C.-..n and Nancy M&flcu, Larry IMrdlor Lnd ltaUly ·-. w..... Ooucil and Deua-Bowi.r, Boll 1\u'not!r and MU}' Jo ..._17, Nobl• WarTUJn _, ..,. ~ JCa7 i-:.- """ UMI Qiue)I VandiarYort, Jim ._to lltd U..-s-,.,, Jlm ~t and VklM V1rT-6tt, Daft aie~ ... 1-O'N-1, J•rt'J' Wh!ttabr l.lld DlAlml r~ "-at., a.Jr -4 ,_ ~ Dale Martta and ?fuicy 9rJUt. .... ~lalJ and J\laklr ~u t• ~ llre Vk kl1 Vw1c116tt, Bal'tliiln. TlloJnpwn and X'UIJ"' ~ mbnd.. !lopbolllo" bopltu.I• al'9, bWs Naplee. llla&ron h~ l.M M•rt)'ll ....,_ VJllllf lw troU pn-...... 8b91Ty ""'-. Naney Ma.ap.a 1.M Jena17'11 . ....,. Don t fortet. f""Ol.lp, UN bll' d&no. •f1.•r t M CLm• ln UM Social H.all 'nek:rtl ar• oa -.. &nd can al-o • obt&J~ at OW cklor for i I. HEllRY'I n. ............ ~ ...... .................. NIWPORT llACH * ooan•n• * ... 0.... 11W7. PIL LI ....... TM• honeybueket • I I ,, ...... 1 ........ ,. I No Aci-. c ........ °' lvn Gala HALLOWEEN IAWL A COSTOMI AFFAIR SAT. OCT. 27 11111c111 1122 Fii., OCT. 2& I I And u.. Bay ol BaJboia, ,Jim IC&r&.m l"CJOl'tll be ~ n.ot ,... eommeo4 Mn, Fred 8'1c:k:'• ~· dpt tor bona.._ ~ cr-.m pk TU• llr. boala.. t.nanu, SJ"led. Kn.d U-and pt.t out 0..L 8Hp a pie enut UDCkr U.. pe.4 ot b&naau aae • , . If )'1N .,.. • • boy or 11r1 Mt:•-t1U1 &1• ot. 14. and 20, and unmarrMd . • . U p.opM on.... have• .aid ot c.-... '--·•-··· ---- Jn.t.aad, ....... the l&mou• Ka· '-n ~ ~ • whirl SUdM .,_,,, MM 1Ull ..... klnp &.l'ld ~ toctrga ~ •I& tor &eam. .t.t -JC*t ~ Jut .,.,...,.... ~ eo...t-run.rt.on 1T1dlrot1 p. o. football u.n MN ....... ... UM W.llla for • t&fl dla~ act. Too b&d tt 4'dll't ....-i ...itll UM pr-nt I'"--•-• ____ ..;.....; _ _. root>' rlluhan re ~ h&ncln&' ta Jn!d-.ir, w....wi.. llirMk • UM ,_. ta..u.at" ..... u.o. lllqldr. ot C:O.. ~,., "'-er Uld Henry, rr..n ""' ..i. -tM --........ JleolYa. that 1t ••• r•port ~ \e M ~ Jamu ....,.. °'"'SS JM .-.Ur an. ....... .. C.U,..t)orwJ CW • .... And 1-.'t It cnat HollywoM i.. .-nn,r UI from -om.; a( thirir t,yp.caJ -IS.rdra.lnu lat•I)' •nd putUq out nr111.-c1a .. fart twb ... -Hie' locH<y ~ "'°"" In I~ -.d -..k 1.t UW Udo. ...... CAIL o."t torpt. the E.lkl Clur. wNftldlllc MM11ow Ncbt •t u.. B.&ll. A out-. dlruwr • d&noe tirlth dloW 4oWn trom f.I Ud noort.oanl Cuttft111a from f..1 . rt-.! tJNuc11t · Jim Mal.Jwny in,,.. lrllJ7 .. J«·prop1lll>d to writ. _., lM rHllurut roulidl ~ ..... J CUI j\at bar&l7 ._...... to wnte Mme for ..._,., '!'Mn"• .UD Olrl.U.n 1 ffvt. uw ~ o...t. BerjM:k'•. I.. a.nu-. not to rnenUon Toni Non-.. ea,. Cod Hou-. au .... ..n..11. tqoth.a""' belt·bu•· ltl&' lllmus.. Jlrn tel l.I me A.ad • to lllr!I•" and t orlu. Da. IOll1f 0. llOOa&, w.tn.r ...... a& lilrcM ..,.,. _,.,.... ~lJ lll.:IC. l.lorla. wMri pc~ llult&.U.._ ~ the ca.no. ot UiJury Ill • lr&tt\c ....-.,...,.eo~-t·· -PLV8- "SPECIAL DWVUY" -DON MUllAY ---""'-.... _, _.,...._ "FURY AT GUN$1GHT PASS" • s.. ............ , ...... 0 ,, _.....,,_ •• JlrOW a:M'W'Uiit ~. .. ,.. ........ r..,., ......... .., DfeelW'm' n. ,.uor. B de for '(J1t 11 ••• .... ,,.._,.,,_...., __ ,.._. __ ...... __ ..,_.,,..,.,,,. .. _ .,_,.,, .. ,.,. , .......... . JOHN fl\YNE!llll-·. ••·••''±rze" .. ..,..,.._ ......... .,.. .. -····- arr.urn wm WD~AY ,_ A1tyc9 -, .. c.m.. "THE Ol'l'Osm SEX" ..,,.,.. Q. ••• t • "NIGHTMAAE" Here's the best help ever! now at ·~ price 2 Special -Dry-Skin Lotion !Un'• ........... tWdlll' ........ ... •o .... r ... ,. .. ·•••Ill Ml.lltlfJbw lotln ....S. up of -steal llU. ccm.IA.llaaW•IB•A' us'' ti i...n.t-tM peeahl ..._.....,... ablloi11t-b ........ rMlt'aW*7 -···-"'"'···--·-.... 1 •• t • .,._ere ... lef.U.a. llQ&.now-tlM Hormone Hand Cream lt'1 id.I lf ,_ ,..,_a er--. ft-. ciooUac ... 111't'•···"odrllli-.. --.. ~ ....... _.. aa11 IDf1.-POMP a tr. ......_ C&aow-fl,JI For beauty the modern way Dorothy Gray NOW .. ZHD WDK LI DO /"'·· '· ,..111n s 1asmr 11111azrm1m111 1'DT ATIS&anDW "llTWIEH HIAVIN AND Ha&." "NAVY WR"' • . • l I l . ; . • . • . ' ' I . a . .;. i~. }I" ' !ij,~ :§1 .. > .,, .,,, . k: ... ·~ ... . , • ::J. a."" ~ ~~ I '··-~· ~~~ ',, ,-,,' • -0 %nwn . o..n ~ H~,~-. ~-n-! i .... •-rn-: i =-~ ,~, n •A. . .. 0 ~-••• .!; • :::. Q -o-.... ~ • 7 ;· -· ~-· -t . ... . .. :c "' ~ i1 "' • -·:r. .a ·• go· ~ f • E' • :I ... < • ~ "-:. """ ~ n • A ~ o • . 0 !"-....~ ;.~ c:: t'4 :::. a. i!. co-o er o .... o . . ... i• -· """."'. -~.a~ • • • • N!'.,• -. -·. N ~ 0 II -->:r • • ', 'l? ~ • !. 0 ~ ::.;-0 :I "'· -a. 0 ~:I " . : '-i -a.: -~ . . . 'O ~ ~.-.. ~ . i"i -"' ., •::t . .. ~N ., ~.·· ~!= -. z a: • • er . --3~ 0 ., •!. :I :x:.g_ . -0-..o 0 c .. _ !. . -· I ~ -Ai: . '· -. • ~ .>. i' 1;<'. . ~ ., :, l ·o • ~ -. 'I • ~ l ., . . ~. • ., .·~ • I l • I .. . o~ ~ :r-a ~ ~ & ~ f i('· • a. r ~ 0 • 0 .,, -~ -~ s iii 'o~,~ ~r~ -. .. 0 ~~. ~i ::-. ~ i~· . ... ~ .r ~ icnjl ~ ::t • ,, ~-.. Cii. ~ • • -;i ,, f f n!r ,, ~ ,ar :::. r-a. ~ f [ !. f i .. ., --I .. .. • =: • ~ HJ ~ ~ar a.: ~ ltt ~ . !. r Ii '-1 ;;. 5gl ~ • 8 -~· 5 i ~ i irfl :s ... :i t ~ a.-I ... .... ""~ . ,. n .,... ... a_. . · i _ .. , . ~ it : .. I . . ~ ··r ... ~ Li.:=-~ .... :-)£2~. -.~.~ :::w<?z::: -· ==·-:::.. :-~:-=i?"' * -: &? 0 -~-.. r-r H re ._.._,_..,_,.-a PF I .... -··· -· 0 0 ~ 0 ::I • a. • - ~ .; . • I .. 0 ! 0 • 7 • l. • ,'~ ~ !f "' I "' ..,, () ,,, "'-0 ~ .P ~ ~ :t: ~ 0 ---~ ..... () r-c:: ,,, ""< ca a_ a -=· ~ ~1111l ~ ·111• ~ . .. ...• , i~ ... I ;\ritiJJir 11111 iilfUHtilAIH fl Ji I i1 d I nt 1 Qr I 1 tBt 2i r? 1 11 t · · ··-··I I,· '· .,. -· · f ·) cn'wHHi'; ' 'J-.... ~-....... -.J -------------------------------------------------.Wioj•iiiAlliiiiliiiiiiii.,...,..-...,.,..-;.;~-·...-ae.-;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;.i -.~. . -~ ....... ~, 1 ~-i -.. 'i ... i ........ nulliiil.Ai!r~1~Bbij* I , i U 4 ~ _ b 0 mmi· l I \ . . ~ ~ afi'IC&U wen prellellt •ben LepJ S«retane. held t1*r Uildllli ~.Ntpt1• 41llDer at Irvine Cout Club. Lett to ricbt are Kn. Tbomaa E. Mcl4Cld. president of Ozuge County Lepl Secretariee; Mm Rhoda Val.ell· tlM. Dit.loPN prelldeAt; MW Eula Ku Jett, founder and Mn. William S. Hecker, atate pl"elddent. -Bob Geivet Photo Bon Voyage Party for ~ ~ . Mn. l)aylf1 llallatlUn. ,,... hoeln. OcL 23 ror the 89COod ....c.in& al U.. year ot thf' ~wport H.ubor A u><ll· lary et t.M Ouldran'a Hoiae Socll'ty al her home on 8hore CUtt Drtft. ~ Jo!m.eon. ~mbo>r of Ill• Tri-County adYlaory ~nS et QUI wu spe&ltK of t he anunoon 11 l>'ln1 a n UI~ plrture of th• rol• pla yed by d<>C"tora In tt1• adoption pl'OC'na Re 1polu of I~ many t11 tf.-r,.nl •r'f'C'l•I i.u ~ to ao.quately APl•l the ch11t1 th• na tural putn&.a. &Ad th• adopt.I" par-.nt,. Mexican Dinner By DeMolay Club A Muican dil\Mr will ti. Mrvtd trom t to I pm. at SM· ta.rjJ\j' Ma....U Te.plot, HUI at. and IL AndAwa Pl, OD Nov. I, .-pouored 'by tbe DUlolay Molli.· eni club ot Oranp Coul chap- 1~. 1'\ckf'l• wtll M $1.15 for acSult.a &Ml 7$ c.nte tor cJUlctNn. For Ulll:>rmaUon caU Mr1. Wll· llam Hlchol.I, pr•l<knt, L.I •tHO « Mni. J'n.llk ~­ at LI 1·112M. I :Mesa Matro P'r1 Ill• ol UM Cblld.nn • Hnmf' Aui111t1uv M n .,..... l...aw9on. ,,....._. -U\e buAl••• mKUnsr that ·• •fl fb~ 1fMl4'..-. for th• lunr ti.on wne M mH JClllf'ph l'tl1T1. Wtlllam C'larll and Arthur Aun" F'AC Card Club ~1 Mrw Joa.n ff ..... 0&ra&u. k . Corona de1 N&r, Wt "1 ..... Oct. tt. tor ~ AJMllra; )In. Hayes.a bu a111ptM a,..... Qoa .. _.,..t.ary .. ti.. ..... Ill Andora.ce and plaJW to. ..... ~ lllWn• ln tAat dt.7. OCEAN RtONT OUA.&TIR.'IT llTOU: Open S1nd1y . 10 to 5 W•Oh'9 ••• 0--...... .. ............. JD 0 ...... 6Dat1t ... U•O- ~A._,,_ ~FRONT ............. "' ......... • Cl 1b t'arol •f>< lle>n wtll m ttt at th~ rlubhoUM fnr \l\f> monthlj IW'•· ..n eud party, Oct. JI, at U ·JO p..m. ~uo.. abou.111 ... rQade It)' Wedl'M9dlly ....tQC. Oct. M, WIU. Kra. J-.y .. W~ ~ eMlrm&n, U MIN. .J/ IJOU love ~ •• hi ••• teauli/uf ~ngerie .. Jameica Inn Corona 09' M•r li\inl Cartee I.ts fluffy end frily 1.95 you c.on find lovel1e~· l\t MARILYN 'S oho Robes •. · Helf slips ... Bed jedeh Pegnoir and 9owns Baby Don nighty sets Sweeters ••• Hi bulk Orlon en<J fur bl.,,d • · • Jeweled and plain Gloves by HARMS Bleck, White or Bei9e lon9 and Short 2.95 to 3.95 Also Cott• Mew flteae 19th •t Harb« Blvd • in Cost• MeM liberty t-743 I VOTE November 6 VOTE Utereture on All Republican Cendid1tt1, Bumper Strips an~ Buttons, Mey be Obtained at 3 .. 11 Newport Btvd., Newport Beach. This is for the Convenience of Voters in Thia Ante. RALPH P. MASKEY . _, .. .,, . DONUTS: -· ;lour tJ' • .. ~ HALLOWEEN· PllTY KADll nt.E8JI TO TOUR ORDEJ\ PHONE HARBOR 5014 • 8,..t&J ~l .. to C1U'bl • Oturch• • Ete. • TASTY ·noflUTS (Tttr l'Otlr Co•\'•Hkm"• •. ,) Df,f,l/ONDI, WATCH••. TIN• , • .,,.uu· S.nta Ana -leguna Beach -Corona del M•r 3007 E. Coert Hic;hwey -Phone Harbor 5507 Plan Now to Attend the 0 R A N G E e 0 A S T'" C 0 LL EGE COOKING SCHOOL at the LIDO THEATRE TUESDAY OCT. 38 "Q•lck Trean" • TUESDAY NOV. 6 "Flt as a Fiddle•• • TUESDAY NOV~ 13 .. Holiday Fanfare" • 3 BIO 3 DATfl 9:JO to 11 :30 a.fll. • GRAND PRIZES 0 .url'l:M ~ ,.~ 'ITLF. a AU, )tr;w ~JUIAI. r.n OA" ft.ANOP:. C-pttih• wtt• tM tM>mtMlatlC" Ith 1'trrw-r u4 ft.-.11 .. r c-t"" \' -r ,.. ••• , '" .... ' .... ('e"'"· 1'0\:IU, I -DOOR l ' PllJGllT IN"f Dl:LliXE OA8 llY.l"'RJG· t;JtATOll. AJ1 -aa4I -~ fully --•!flit, A ~ ,~,..,. .. your n .... ~ .... as-pJen I• tMI __. ~ •f t'>daJ'• ,...,ria .. ,...ra. Now on Dkplay at GRANT'S • • AclllllslhNt Freel It's Exciting -Fun and Educational . . Cook with the thermostatically controlled~*/ ............. .,.... TM av. Jla'1l9 ~r-m.. Rl-BnOft' baa Wi,UW ....... _.. .. t,_.._ ..... en.,.~ w•t4' ,-.. ... ,...u.. r Now nery pot In 7oor kJtcliaa beeom• "Automatic" wit• tM H• t.Unlntatk•Jtr coat.roDed 6th Bvnier t.M.t main· taiu lM~•I' be.t .. required, never bum• or llftder eotb I S.. It at pour n..Jen toda'T plaa Ute llfW ()or'fll SeatiMl ud WieMrl• all OD 70ur 196' Ga!va 6 Sattler I o~BsaHh THE BAS RANGE WITH'THE THERMAL EYE I SD THIS llAUTlfUL NIW llANGI IN ACTIOlll • I • •• 11& TRADl-IN 1500 Newport lhd. • • FURNITURE & APPLIANCES CosNMna • '.Golden. Age' Cit~e ns Form dµb Under Zonta~City Aid • BTC:DlfNTB .ATn 8tud•nta !JI the homf'makt~ dep&rtmenl un.\er lhf' d1rttUon of their teachua, Mn John O\l•en.a and JovC"e Andrr"°n bak<"d a wide vanet v u( ··ni11oM which w•re ttrnd Wl'b a c:hotoe of tea. coffff: or fruit punch. Tbe PT A provided Ute l.q'nd- lent. tor the cookiu. Mra. Ra.rv•7 ....... pl'fft!Wnt and all of her board membe~ Mrved u hoateaa1 trx lhi• aodal ocoaa&oa. MrL JUchard Ui1enlha1 wu the 1asent cMlr· 11\&4. Coastline Women Elect Vice President N.... membel'll accepted lnto CouWne VFW Auxiliary f'Tid&y nl(ht were Mm"• A. M Mann, A. L. McCWMn and O. It Craw. E h S d S ford. A •peci&I •lecllon wu hellf xc ange tu ent peaks ~~.~1.'!e~~· =~~~~ 0'v::: Y1~; Mrs. W. It H~tdn. Mra M. y A dram for a So1den ap club became a retJ!ty when 81 "leD.ior cit~" met Oct. 23 at the Tar Pit u CUNtJ1 of the Newport Harbor Zont& Club and the para &Dd recreation department of Newport Beach. Mn. M. C. Shttly, Zonta pruideflt. welcomed tbe croup and 1Atroduced Robert "MlliAr" lady Ot 'lh. poup and Q~ chaUm&.n of the p&rlta ff.&rr7 H. Hope waa b.Onored u &Ad ~ dep&rtma:tt.. Olna-Ullt o&4IMt rent.lem.an p~t. ricb ~ the po .. a.nus. llr. ~. who ... -.n av .. lable 'to llQda a rroup, wlal~ actbt tnt=-n ln the TUC*>n. lnc.W6t craft.& car4•. plM9. ~...Sor ctUMA'• club Ud commwllty ~. homeahoM. Mn. 1rriJll' Clark, formerl)' a bowlins • the ..,.en, daDc&.nc ....-at tbe 81uit.a An& club and .. .,. dianc:ir\c. ··vou rwne volwaleend to eene on ~ com: It," be Mid. "uid we •ba.U tm>-mtttee for Ua planalnf ot 'ride ll. Tb.la la to be your club t\lt.ure ~a. a.nd we w&nt you to plan the acUvtUu." OR.CJllD3 Mr.a. Sheely prHenlAd an ordl.ld to Mn. GIOI Johnaon. Corona Ml Mar. who wae the N•xr •••f'INQ 1114 1roup wtU IM>ld Ju nat 111..Unr Nov. 12 '10:30 a.m. to 2:IO p.m. at UM Community Youth Center, GUI and Ina Ave .. Coron.a del Mar. Each m•m------------------------- Annual Event • to Professional Women ~.~~:WU ·~ected t..o rw w. :Newport Harbor aua1neu aad .!JI run and lt'll of •om• of lM '";ian-Nwerw dl•cuned,..ooncern· Church women ....._,,___. l W ' ....._.... "'-----.. tlM OY, ' t• &120 <"ArlllvaJ ..---oil& omf'n 1 ~•vv --flta dertved from lhlt ap-l M h.W in Lo S..C ~ Slate efltnt&lnf'd W1th a talk by Mer Uvlty which la beld H t h year rn I 0 nr ~ -...r- A.ndr-.•11,. .. nlor al Newport kcramento. M.ra. A E N U an1 Hoapll&l .. Oonallon• of cakM -• -.. a•1• · ud k._ t d b Harbor H1.rh School who wu an P"O(f&Dl <'ha.lnnan bu arn.n,.d l'OO "'er• pNm • Y World Community Day •X<'han(• •l111Wnt lo Gl'rm&ny for thh proeram Yartbu• mem~r.. Wa palll aummer, .Ml .. .Andttwa Thr fvUowUl& -·este WPr-t In· I Dec. 21 wu the dale decided told or her lltf' "'Ith a GermlLll lrodur .. d al thf' mr<ttll\,. • .a.ltaau upon tor annual Ctlr1•lmu patty h la.m.lly and h••W th• ~U('allon Clara Gnffllha Mane Uk• ot th• poal and aux-.U.ary. Alo a Party - t W. Marchand 0. POUiter. dM.11 ot a4mJAiatntlop of Chapman • C)OU..-•, Ora.nee. wtll be •peaker lb C.rmany l'omparH "1tt-. t.h&l Don• VancP, Elma lkneoo. MmM Sari o..-reu. Otnehart. 'ti th.-Unst•d St.atea. M•f an· OT~ana Mika. Carolyn a.1111 J. H. Paller90n. O>nu"&d• lt&rl fO Harbo D ... r.d many Ql~IOl'lot •nd con-J k G -r r uo .'\ . ac le uton_ Shtrl•y Gulon. Da•l'ell IUld J . W. Thomu at-1 -. • otuded l:wr \a1k by deeci •Dllla' lhe Loui. Foot.. Fra.ncia Jobnmon. l.QCled tM vetera.na b9neflt meet· cimtWIM an. wo,... p•-f , ..... _ ....... Joyce TPnl'M!)' E\•elyn McAIJ.y, tna Oc:l. 11 IP()rWOrecl by Amer!· .. na or &n a...... ...-. ·1 •n The Mxt inwllnl'. to be held o.. Wle~rr and Mr•. A. v. can Le(ion ~ CM &nd awcUI· board Ult _!-w11M Ce.ulr9d UM !few. 1 at UM N"' port Harbor And~ 1_ mother of the •i-Jter, IUJ' la tM Lifton ft.all. OcL U X&ma&1n& Clu.la IM9tlJll n.cbt Crub, .. 111 f1>alu,.. HV9r&I MP( .A ndr~ at t.M ~ of Mr9. Robert IPPTlll>flw from lh• Harbor A~a ____ Mm•. Carl Herm&11t"'! and 0-.· &zntUI. Oardm Orove. Jllarty IM>n· WMCA MOO.I lA&"lalatur•. Th• rett •rved l'9tNllbmrnu at the Orftt _... M1N Ludie 8J'llllh t.Mme ol lll11 )'d.r'• Model CdM W cloee of the m..Unf ind Mlae Dorolhy 'Bell. w"° wen IAl'ial&ture 11 ".O.mocra<'y Mwot Qffiflil Tbe n.."<l mffUn( will be held ta.kin( their ttrll •teamed voya.re bt J.A&rmod by Each ('~ration." on Nov. l In th• Amerio.an IA-and lhalr nnt trip to Uae h· TM you~ people wlll demon· in Hiroshima (lon Hall. l&nda. TMy alJed ()C't. 17 and ltrate bow a mOO.l 14'«{al&lure ---wlll fly home. KOl't or U. Ka Poatc.arda from Kobe and Death of Mother ma.alnu Wf'A prHtnt at the pat Return from N Orth HINJahuna In Jepan &rf' ahowinr ly a.nd brourhl Ji!ta and nowe11 up ln looai m&Jlbox" from Mu Philip Mixon ~•U A:n1n Mrs. Tbomaa Bl .. I•. (Uftt of Kr. ud Mn. JC..-t McClel- lan. 6J'7 W•lm.lNlter Av• .. M•• .,turned fl'Olll & two -..ka Y&- oe.UOn spent tou~ tti. Pac-Ifie ftort.bwftt. Tbey Ttali.d IM"\'fl1ll ~ Lewaa on their way t..o lo-rail• and then •}N'nt ttvera.I 97• wU.b tr1ad9 In Salem. Or._ •.ut.r a 'ftllt to Vancounr. B.C •• Ult)' ,...,..., te eouta.m cau- Onia antnns ..._. eaturda7 ~· .u.i.nder (Tbena1 Renner ot Sant.a Ana Helfht.. wu called ..Mre Roy KffTI•. ll'U a.mon1 Oonlll.a del W'.ar who la tri11nn1 110 Alva., Oki.a , tu-t w..-lt bv lhon pr.ail and l.be two con- lh• Orvnt. )(rs. ~r wnw• t~ 111dd<on clHth of hi• molhe.r lln~ OQ to anot.hlr a loha pail)' "It LI loval)' In .lapan vllit1n1 Mr• Ruu (jraham. run• r a I al C.:,. Al\K4118 .A.Jr,,ort, a dtnnf'r old pl.acee. S~t two dava 1n 1 ""rvl~ 11rf'nr h•ld O<-t. 111 and for Ml.al Dol'Oth7 Ba.bet all~ 1'(1u H.lroehuna. &nd loda.)< Yi.attf'(! I ,..lxon retuni'd homt •arly Mon-M&rJorit 1"&rstoa. both ot South mtny ln~ pl.acH lJI Ul.I• day. ch&rmlJ\I' ~ 1Kobc1." Dr &nd I Mn. JW~r JJ•ed fr>r J'll&l\Y I R h S yean 1n llh&nfba1. Chin.a. be· anc o anta Fe fort Offiq a.bead ol UM Com· mun!Jrl. inYIUllon. Mr. and Mra. Rich.am Lov~ land. 420 Via Udo Nord ue •p.nt!ln1 a ff'W d&) 1 V&C'aUon at tM rnn at Rancho d4 Santa Ft Paaadtna. wbo were !lytnr to Honolulu. Miu ..Babat had bffn a Kttne home Next mettinf of lh<t club .,..111 1 ~ No•. 10 at 802 Klnr• Plare the home of Mra.. .Ali>.rt lm.ll.h at the World Community Day obM~nce, to be held at Chrtat Cburcb by t.ha s.. Nn. 2. i:ao p.m. wader U.. -s>on.eorahip or Ulllled Cbuttla Womm. "Bum.an R1ftlta" .. tta.\e. • Oitt.I thll ,._r an of two klnda: 1 1 ..Money to hrlp ·u.e Ph1*ally ~ ln the Jl'ar Ea.wt, • meclk1ne ter lm&il hospital• le ' aoutbeut A.Illa and ... ru...., ramp• In Europe; 2) doUll"I' for me11, eu.l\a an~ ow~ta. bl&l*eta for both adult. and chlld"'71 · and denim In lhrw yard ltnJUl.t w1lll wh.lch refqH wom•n can make work ('!othH. In lieu of clolh- Jnr one may brtnr monry .to cover cOlrt of l ra.naport.a Uon. 8 cent• ptr pound. Ml• Cl&ra Kohlllt~t la rhalr- man and Mra A J Rutter' of U°l'f hOll church wlU ti. In charrt of mualc. Harbor Reat Memorial Park COAT & SUIT P-ROMOTION NEW STOCK • GROUP NEW FALL SUITS AND COATS REDUCEB 10 TO 15% OFF! Ancjor•t Cashmere &' Wools Sizes 8 to 20 ""' , J Ml11f~ \ , .......... N~ 9Motll v .. l'...,. a.rse.u--• ., ber w uked to brt~ a 111.<"k luncb and cotr .. and i.a wu1 be fumllbed. Member• of the Zonla Club wtll ft'O"iclt ttaNportallon It thoae In llffd will call th• recrH.Uon department -Har- bor 3111. Ouut.e W'UI aerved r•frNh· men111 by Zonta Club mem~ •• I Put preai»nta Mme.. llllrl w. Stanley, Tom Norton. L. IC. Stcplwllllt>ll and 4.lbwt Stockton. P""1ded &l \.be t.& t.allle. Mra. J &ID.ff .A.apia W"9 fe11«&.1 <"l\al r- IDM ot tbe aft.emoon. Dodges Return. Jud(1 and Mn. Donald t>od~t Canter St .. Oo•t& M ... , have re· turned from a vacauon 1penl In the M.Jddle Weat The trip ,. aa made by auto and they vlllltt>d their dau&'hler and fa.niUy. the Byron Johneone of Waukecan, m., u weU u tr1enda In other clUa. Tbey rtport fin• weather and that th• trip wu made morw enjoyable by bie bftuty of the autumn lta.v .. whl<"h were al th• Yee, lht BALBOA INN Bl:AUTY SALON, la moY- ln( to brlcht new quarter• Whl're We will be bettu equipped t..o Hf\• 1ou 11<llh Compleht Beauty Aids New Location A~er Nov. I et 813 E. BALBOA BLVD. Same Phone -Harbor· 817 Balboa Inn Beauty Salon (lJJ lhe Arcade) UNTIL NOYEMIER 1 ST -· ' het1bt or their color. I ===::::====~===========~~== . . . Dissolving Partners.hip I EVERYTHING SLASHED s ., L E ,~~ . TO COST, IELOW COST, ,. ~ NEAR COST! ·· .... · .... 'P 3 Corner of Harb(W • 1839 NEWPORT AYE. Comer of Hattor UNPRORA11D ancf UNCONDITIONAL .. GUARANTEE FOR _10 YEARS! I Our Reg. $89JO. Stoclc Va{u• --. • --=-... ' ~ I J • .. - . f."lr ;1.•• ·.~~!ii. B·,. :a·'"iiir.'1 ~~n~. 'r.112,~t."llP-.!!H~fiil!?DI .~'!9!1t.· .rJ. U ... Ii.~ a~.·W;!H'if~!'iflmH~i.tf f !J ~ !'!.i· a-; t,·.':j.·f ;·r f f .. t~Jil.lP.::~1ii.;11.~~~£.~·:~~l.;~;;· ·-tf; ' u· ...... •, •. ' Jl;a 'a 'tf!PAA .. ,g' tttiL~'1•11fa •1 •'' . . . .· ·. ' p~ 1'~•rr•tj i11·11IJ.. Ii~ rlfj)i f ,f pf ~ ~ ~. ':· ~l . f r:~·f~';Dt£l!~~: ··~1~:~'.J,,~1~· w 1 .I !Ill • · .· 1IJ.r1 • . 11 r ~,~,. 1r 1&11 ~· Jtl \l ~I -11s•1 .\ 1 . · ~ , . 1J . . Ji l tri: i ~c:i1~ ! l.l . t l'J fii · f r J_. -~ · ·. · · .. i: -· · · · • -I' ~~~--' . ..,.. I;:: 1r ·1ur .•.~q •· 1 ,~ "H" • 1· !1a' · t.rtJ!1, ·~ • ;~! · I:~· 1'!Jiltll1. 11Hf H if" ·~11· f ! !dlll:~ jl 1!1.nf r• ~il!!l~,~~:~ n' lf~il•f !ff ~111~ ~l,ff -~ · _. ··\ '.~·~ JI u,lhiit!lt.:· ••• r1·I! I rlfi,uftl .. Or.~fw.,f,~tl r1ll.!1~mtr~ ldf!arlf•rl Jlli1 Jt~.11 ': fof;hub ldftiita. hJ~~· nflt 1frdf fi.iihtlllLR!t. !I .,.!~J:l .Z I [Jt" •.CJ . •t•4 un~tHnt:11J,1a;111Jtr fir.~n 1 rN1Mm:1 tiiHJ;•mti~1u ~l~irififif ·;;a l '11 mmmmm1~liiviHfl!tID~JUM1': ~:!;Yu~m!iil:Jf ;iiJUr,;lf .. ,.. ... n.3 ~ :HHAm1 n!I l''lll~PH 11 uu iH ~ 1m11 :iWi(I .. 1P!'Witili''! iU!fii 11!P:1,~ us~=;nu! :~ 111 i~~1~=tii!f!!f ~1~1mnmee1wJ•t•lf 1 l'HlHJ!i!iRR~111nr 1 'ifl.&1~1m1.~,., ... ~111di~t15r~ :Ui:~~;J!!dt ~lb!!hiU1m~l!1,H u!f !Jirti!ulmn!!Hm!.,,1:!li~rl!t1!Hi1i.:.i.11il:!f111 I H,11,·u11ifh; ~ ~-' trttfl.1! if. ~ r .... .. l!'•nJlfi .. JJ(li"fi'if ir ~~P~iiH ~~1rrw·111 11r1rnJ;f ftF~1·r;11~r:ili''i~~:jli.'illil t!Ut!;J!l•iili"1 , a -. -~ 1.~il~ii!ifibl e;ili~ilrhUbU~i 11ntf idbt 1:n~iiil!f!ff;!f ;f.~f !~t1i ti~JU.1!ff Im HURdi:i~ .JJ!kiff ifi1U~l1i?!H:iJ iti'J!lliimi?dl -1ifllfl.1t11r11!1J1;11;rwm•r~J!'J:i!ff '~ff'•ff Mlfi(!au~n1m1 'e J:jl!if nf.'ISiI!li•1millj~11 't:•11r11&_ ;g1r.:· :·1 . PJ ·· 'Jll!iBI(' · .• • u ·. ·~111:?11'\ i'lrf Ir l •»1t ·nn1~ if. 1, 1 !1111lfe rl!J!Ja:itirff ,, ·c:la: pa,~ll!ij . ~•mil tal· •d11 '•I ··~'11t!iftlii lfh§lie~~llff tdtda1JJHi;iU:·;. 1':n I il1 .. ~m. fiUJif~t!. 1Jar1l1:1Mu rf iif rf1:~inl:H1 ltuirJhirii1f' Im .. :1ndtrf!1.tt1.rHeJ!fli;J ......•.•. ···---~ ii~ . 1i flf'~ ip 11 JJiir~~Fi{ff ~ i!e afl 1UP.1 r.l !lgi~jCfU11 II sf~ ~rs(ftffa! tffJe fl 1 !'Jlf ~ elJRfi .. .. • -; .. I: ~ ~ .. '.e i!j • ~ r+ S· • n.J' if.~ 11 j ~irr ! r ~ ff ~~fl'n 31' ri~ih~rif1Ut r.,;:;.Jr1~m .1 i ~llJ't'''rrt!·!~ UJi·1rn:.1~1'l''~i.fff •.· •1•1 ii1.JJ1l1~·=.:1l:tbl1 ~'''' rhi -• Jl!;l i1h i.htll:1hi,..flni ::r-< ·~~krf~, d!n1,H~,gfor ..lf~Mnrllhr 1 ! lih ... ltsM!,lll 1m!1cm,1n urlh1t:fb1fJn;. --.·. ~ 1 !!l::~j•f·~t,!!ii?:1un1H~'!H!!U f ~ ~ ~:~1 1Hf f 1 u;:r:~HHi1!(~;::!; [ W 1 HJi!!iiHitl?Ji~~?1'Jfi 1!1,i~P1iHi,111i11•· Ut-1~~ n Id u••• l1h!1..1~ : ha1rJ1i1!1°:ffrlr; ~ ~: ~ ~11~ 1~!; l~~di; !!;ur'i!~;::i l ~ !1is;r''~J~~h ,a:!hs: !~:" .. "!J In~' lj' :~I · ~fliii,,....~-f~ ., J i·~I ~·.§ ~ !-~ f~!~ s!~!=~~~ f1t3~ ~tlp'1·· t:t. ~ I I ·f• Ill[ ~fl P.•l ,1-':fl~ 1 ,-~,I 'If ~;!"'I 1.•1:1··~1H ·f·~! i~; ;~! !'ri ;g ·tl!l -:,·~h'( "a~! ~ i: 1'1 ii i~J'lr 1 cJ~llllll·1:~iil·~1l~t1il·i~~:l-.1~ ·-[. ,;.~~ ,.,j,, Ir. h&lp .huJ~,u hrf~h rl• rhr ,Jhii fr i~ t1hrr ~fHJr.ht Irr hh It •. hfh 'dt"ltl. "'·· . ·-:· •. I .•. · p:v.111i'I httf•HJ•tfijt1111~9t c~11u:11u1ip!lptiJi'a~~r•r1~111:Ji!~irtrr1uuu;n•,111 1 Jrm:!iJ!l "'"1 11·, ·~·· •· l!iffitl ll , .11~r ' I J 1 [i Ji _ I fl~ ·~'rt fil s " r Jii·f 1fn Ud 1•1 --.. --: . ,, .. :~ I , 1rJ!lu:•,~1 .1; l , IG11:U 1 l~if' rf',~r· '1· ! 1!1!;.1 q,.,j 'iljf ·ufla;j u ~ . ~~:11:· ·, : .o . ~1 : . ..-1 .. .il~ll,U.:111 Nfnth:Afiffllllllbl~im~f;J. :m~t~fff:. ~i~!lnhtJ: Ju~l ••ltr ,~1,.tflf~1ad~: ,_ _. ~ _ ... .. .. . l"lh.-.,.," ... • z •• .,;.w;i .-.,: ........ ••• •••• .. , , I : I I ' ' I I ~ I• .. ' .. . . , .. .. ; .. fro. kAJ1lf ft ~.&. AKA ID ..... SICUllTY c· .ottc1 ............ .... ...... Ollll. Loa111 c ... , . , ' ., 'I . , .. Atw DMlil;.. All II •ra .,...,. ' r .. ..,. -..._ • u. ... ----·lf'I~..;... .., .... ...._! Pan'• T~ Iii ra ..... 9"7 .. '°I~ a-_.. ...,.._. U... etk eo..,.,.bt. ta•..._ T" 91t • o.Mefll ,_ V-1'1, ..... ,.... Ill"°*• .. -· . fot big jobs 1 .. ... . ' 3 ~rooms 2 Baths .Plfis Family Room ... or •••"-''•"' .. ur1 • , I (IJ l L .. __ ,·_ .. •D'!•.&Ta-.ID ...,. Tocra'-.B r.- 'A~· I 111 &. , ..... ft.. VOM'A 1a8A umn 1-1en .r-TIDI ._.. n.. .... rnctay 3'U Lm Ort. 28 2:10 p.111, llaturday t .'2 L.Dl ()(-t. %'i ll:te p.m Sunday l'.U a.m Oat. u ':Q:I ,. ... M.ond&y 1:19 II.II\ Oet.. l :OI p.m ~ l :lt un. Oat.. T;Ol p.m. Wectn.da)• 7:0G a.m Ort. 11 7:50 p.m 1'1'unday T:U a.m. Nov. 1 l ·.IT p.m. > ~ ....... nu. ClCJ AJlftla ll001' NOY. 10 "'"·" . • I I L. II. CMr9I tr. L .._.. . • _. JiwoW5a1 r-NewpOJt, Harbor . Yaebt Clllab'• _.., Statt-Onm .,... 8bldq Mrr.,." · aocl . tJae ta. a..--tor.. ·Baroid Pwey, an .lllOWll wWl tha 8tatf.O..modon l'nnk 81.mp- Mm Jr. llmOl'tal Traphf wtaJcll WU Jll'lllDted to the dab ....... formal oftloer'• bmcbean o.t. 21. 1be ·~ ,.,m be placed tn CCJmpetition • bJ tM ~ ~ of which Oommodcn SiDll 1 rn WM u ~ IJlember, in the an- • 111111:, I'd GOia Oat Reptta at NHYC in wif ...... . NIDAY, OC10llR 2'TH Through Wed., Oct. 31st, Only TA.LI .. ..,.. ... ... .. ,. C.J •• ... • 7 11.J • 7 I\ I t .7 8 I • 1 ,, t I (f LUI' ': .. ~ n.. "- l :U •Ll!L t :.O ..,n. 10 :Of Liil. 10:U~ Jt ;lt Liil 11·2• pm 12·u a .111 . 1'3 "10 a.m 1:00 '"" 12 41 ··"' 1 :6' p.111 1.2J Ll'll 1:11 .... • -lllJQJll ""·· Ht '0 oa I u 0 ll 1.8 D• 1 o I 08 1 03 0..1 O.J 1 J -08 Octta "'" i. .. l'OOd .. t.lle ... "' ---IMblnd t.be M.Dot. • u u.. pc111.e· i.orimw 1. Vot&I lop'. Jew Sport S•i 11 ._I k ll ~1· VALVD !1• W"a4l'f0~ TO ~..= .. :._ I ~ ... cs __ ..Jo MEI'S SPORT COATS~ UtMILAILY' SJJ.tl :::, _szr MIN'S HANIS 'rSHIRTS • U.ULAILY SI.GO ::: •. · ..• ' ' .... ' ' >1-..... :t:•· ' ... -,.., 11 ••• tf ...... ....-: D ; b a;~­............... a~ ................ I 1 , t OONVU8.&DON i'IOWE Q1JC>Ym. the ~ bet.ore the ctanatnr wu UU. p.y mob. Amonf •the dWcern&ble: Mrs. Florence Rypln- Funfest for Lady Anglers Fem Fish. Tugpra Entertalntlfatee , At ~~ 'Dancl ~ i a.(1-lll....., ... "" • Tbt ~ H&rtlor LAdp Aal'l•n f&1I dlnner dane. OCilL U, wd .. &ID bel4 at 1'~ a.nor IClb ~. '!WI attar. ta llOllor ot tWr 1n111t1e• ,,., ~'6·sy~ ~ u .tt. • &QlWlla 8W\ ~ lib •· ~on U. blue wai.re ot U. Padfto. Oft.a 1 baff rel~ le our llMmWI u ~ to a ..-i b,_. .r. cat... ftla lllil not been llltendtd ......... t.na. but ramrt u compllnwa- ln an atf~onate way that "9 an dit'f•rent from OW av....,. felltle. Not only are U.. 1AdJ .A.nct.n natiawomen of ,... DOWD, but U p&l't7 ~Yel'9 tlwy llleo exct'I Each ~ ,_,. tbt comrnl tt.eH __, to Jl"l1l btftV aad ~ttv tclMa out ot tbel r ba.( of trtcb The t.altlea were cell~~ wlU:J HIOrmo\JJI UT'&nl'eJMllla, C&J'T)1Jll out tho> aut um.o-barNml t.brtne. • Prmldcnt. Mra. Rub 1Dorta1 . Powt!ra. warmly "'""lcomf'd tbt' (UMU and mem~ra and peid puUcular tribute to the llU- b&nda. Sil• lll9o ·~mmdtd \be '* rtJ1» tl ,.,.. Uwlr tMt ntctit (alt the record I W'OOllkr Mw llllln1 of the ,iri. can1fl;! OQt um t.Mme: I ,..... lltUck for ~J dltnb). PNtd~ .oon. Mk'ed au Tobtu to eay a r-wordot bl 4-ten. ot• u. lft&l·t.reeQd ... bllnda. But lie ~ tM poAal on ~ tt "'"1\A, aJJ our bu- &nda .... : Uw t.ct t.bal UMry are pt'Ciqd" ot tlwtr aocompJIMild a,..unc ~ mu a.1.1o ~­ inentat Uw "pl.I'' tor a mCMlt autCtwl'Wt' fta11!:aJ eeuon OuT .... )oorab.. ·Pa"7" Oraba.da, ']'nMld h.tmMtf to 1N ~ u eaplable at tJw ... u M .... at tlldppertnc. I • aid.. .Kay Dooliy, Kn. Olla· (M&Jt) llinJta. Kn. Oene (Doril) Van Dame. · . . • . A&~DIBLY OF AN.OLEB8 -BuYinl tick.eta al the door of Elita aub for ~ ~ t-.. tivjtiM are, from left, Frank Keeler,_ Olln W. . . . ·~" " ,.. THOU: ~81BU! -Nit '~ !Ady All&"- len comm1tttt Who orpnma tlle lhJndla. Jl'rOm left. )Ira. Howard (Mary · Etta) Srn11h. Mn. Doftr, Mn. Lawrence (J'raa) Pips, lln. 'I : That ar-t q1*lrw.ai&J clay ot -..on whia iieemed quite remote not '° tonr ap, wUl be upcm 1'a before we cu •Y I>wtPt Dlmboww, or AdlaJ .,tfflUOD. .. ' ~ In .... --the .i.otloo drtn ... ~ 1he flnaljaP, ~ UM 1'0&r ol t.bt crowd S. dlCllCW m!7 by the rem Ofthe atc!ktat.: AD4 ti.. WJam' ;rm mcreue npt up to the mt mtnm oa NOY. 5. !!'he Dat da)' tbe people wW she their dect«ke by ;i,11r1_n1 "rt/". ... ~ ol. "'*"-1 ~· ~ How ... U. 0Ui Artl' u4 .-t• ..... inenJ.t. th•._~~ with pnt;' ad ........ with ~tt ba~, tM ~ .. ~ q111Jt\on•lale. ~I of the '&JaJllbpotftkal abler NII oont.:id that !Doet PfOPle mab ap tbetr ~ f.u' tn adnnce ot ti» eliectioa. What 1t aid after 1Mt rarely ... ,.. -\hiin. . . _. tbil ~ iii bJ' iao JDeaq& depend.&*· (u U.~--lga ~). ADd IO tM ''inl .. ud the ··oat#" M tt ai.iutely w ry to march up and dOWB the l&Dd pl-diJll' their CUI and about.Jpl their llopna. It all add.a up to bund.z'W ot tbO"N"da ot m.a. ol tn "1, m.llllona of word.I of oratory and comlderable wee.rtnf'U for both th,. poUticlau ud tbe public. ~FFAIRS OF STATE 97 IDCNSY C. Mat.A*'l'llU& Cify Approves Arterial,. Highways Mastei· Plan· All a public Ml'Vice, th• N.,...Preu print.I in full ' JU&D Antomo wu. or later a.-cont..enta of the reaolution unanlmoualy approved by cw, clUl'l o1 the C-11u.1116 I.odi- FARMER McCABE • ~ .WRIT~-• • ·' Lul•noe at Aallwat -tu•, An -.S. .... k.Wed In a m:yateriom DWlll• bown only to tbi bdtl&ta MJdlt t.bMe SW'!'OUDd.l.np. ' ~ td them. pt.bated 'the people of Temecelt .. p.tor to -' tU Tanedd& M1 eacre. 10·%4-M aDf tfttc:Uft l'l"ldt .eC W• . " , . , To U.. Ut«: , OUard. ~ wMlt '!*11 I Aa ~ •• _,,..to t.h1a city I ~ ,..._. ..... _:ilM -- wut tO aa.e Ulla otSportunJt1 llMr' ~ ,.. • • 11 ~ Ille t.hroua1'1 your ¥a1ued n•w.p4a~r encouractd . te llUI ... ... ln t.b&nlt the Ctly CcnJdl fl>T y~ " the fin• NT'Vk• rentk...CS Ult Fanner McCabe buatneu bou-of UU. commun-V.ry trWj ~ tty UM! espectalty the YWJ flrw A. W . oua. • ' I ,., . ' ·JOWN TOPICS ' . . . . from Bank of Ameriea ........... "'6ir~~ ............ 'M.M......,.,, ...... . ~ HOW to •UGI ,... eoAL ••• . .. r ...... ~, . lit\........ . ' }1!111-~ .... ... ,..._. ... -.-.TV ....... ~ _......, ....... or ... _ _,....,...,. ,...-. ,.. .. ...,. ............... . ...... ...._.,....,...., ................. . --.-•...SflA 1r ........ .. fMI Ell ....... .,.,,. ..... ,,.. ,_. ... ...... "'-'-Wai ... u.n. .,. "" .......... Ill *' - -tor. ....... J>bitdtt ..... cbUdMI. CJIF J!IA ~ -~ .. OOllollt7 ••1M1 ID 1'-..rt ~ Court aDd eo.ta x-...... Ulri.ry. lcMel ldele wtll pt oil JfO'I. ll for Vtt.wau Day, WN$ Nd,7 t.aUw pa.. U. day Wo,., ~ Mew. 2S- Sl tw~1>&7. a.... upe ~ fGr M..,ort 9-cJa Uld oa.t& a&-. ~ -.U.. tad tllle _.., daa't .-flll lfn. n. but by lsw Dl\llt cJoee•qa Mn. t -elecUa 4-7- Mewpcrt Bl&ell P'ldl1lc U11ftr7, &D locaJ po9t oUlcN &Ad \Mm • CC1DCSU will -. .._.. Ywt..-llQ ud -~ Day ea.I;)'. • 'l'bl polk'9 ~ ftl9 ~ wlD 1-o~ for ~ -.. usial -.... ~_day. on.r T" MOU CA& ro• voma MONW:T o c;a •.&.n a t:Y aPIDCIAL TRJ8 wm '55 IUICK ,._ •a \e•• -..._ ..... a 52595 ......... _ .... _...__ .... .... _,......CS..! --·---..... ·- • I\ JO.HN$0N & SON 0n• .. -u.o. -M4nVY ...... "· ~ ..,.. tc'_,.n .... 0,..~lp.a. . THI llAICH fOR · UIDIY?I MONIY .... ............ . -. tlil-tli9 li11nt ............ ~·· . ~ .... ........ V8TEl8 ·· HlUPOSlllll 12 NOY.6 ,_.IPl .. tH12..UW .......... '' ... -... _,., .., I I -....... Wll'HOUT .... .... •. -....... .... •.,. ... r. ••OucaH .. "',..-...., ~ .._.._.._,.._,....YOU ........ ,_, ...... -............ ,u .. ,.. ...... ... .,...._ .. dulrn. WNY ......... ir cs '• 4 ii liR San ti•• I • .. Jlf•11••• a. n n • •• • 111 ....._ ..,. ._., UN50UNb _. UNWISI 11111¢1 t .... • ~~-····· IEEP YOIERS' COtiTROL Of TAX DCl.I ARS VOTE ~ .. ~No~ ON f!ROPOSmON 12 llEITEST ADVAICE II COOi• Top IU1 •••r Temperature Control on the new automatic GAS ranges .,.. ....... + ... ....., .. ,,.._~· ... 1 I SI Gee, ........... ,, .. Top ..._ T..,....,.c.....a. Tttlatfttll..., .._. .... ..,i....,.... • ..,. .... .... ,.,,.. ..... , '-· ........ _~,_ ......... ... • l .. ... I ,, I .. I l . - RESOLUTION ES . PosmON ~~--'---__.,. 'l'•Ua c.nt• N..,. 11. .. -t11r Drlt _..._ 4 " ~ tit Jt:M a.re. ,,._. at. ....... C'lll* "" .. ---........... llMilr ........ _ ............ _. --.J.&E <•-..» .... 8 • ·•o , T 01. -.~T.aan ... ~ .... c. & ii $0 -..... - -• _.tee lo e.rnn..-tbt ............................ ,.....,.... -F a ' ... 11111"7 ..... Kn. lil1l*M St&DkJ ......... ._ , 'S , .. dlle ...._ -~ Mn.. n... 8toC'11.__ Mn. 9' U. ~. JCma •••h•-&ad Mra Tont ..... ~-....:,' ""'-__. ~ al Lbe It w _..wt 2 .... .,_ party. Mni. S... •• ._ ....... JC• ............ 0-. ....net dla1nll&a "" lillata .... _.. S~opping Ce1ter le1ised Pl111 Approved Suit Aftermath of Death Crash SANTA ANA. I 0CN11 -Darnaa• tot&llll'\f m.on lb&JI na.600 "' .• ,.. llO~bt In a aupenor Court complaint tuf'd ~nUy II\ tM "'a.kt ot a tn.tnc: cruh whicb k Ul•d two per.ou oa Oct. a. l~!i. P lalnlltfl wu• John Barry and Berllt Erma B&rry, par ent• ot Richard Ar liltll Barry, 16, ~- ~ ~)' l\&IT\l'<l •Gloria Bruce. &dmlnJlltralrl 1t In lh• Hl•l• ot Jaro .. G )l&Jl.IUDf ot Coet&.M••· Ronald 1Ae ~dml­ .an. 17, and hi• putnlt Huck a.nd MAraar•l l:dmlllOI'\ u «S.· r tl'llta.n lt. Amoq olhn rommluiion atlp-Th• plaJntlfrt a llq • R ichard ulat .... : UM •l~.-tt . ..olld block Barry WH ndlnc w1th Ronald fence to th• north would IM ,... Edml..,n .,.hen hla car tanc lt'd t&JMd, wall to lll• v. H t v. Q\Jld with Maruunc'• Oft Harbor B lvd be tall.tn oul, df.dlc-at1on of 10 a bout 11 m!,1<1 ,..,11th or Tal~rt fHl alone 17\ h St tor •t rfft Rd widt-n.lq purp<»u, pr..:I.., plan Th• oompl&lnl a.-..rlA th• .. am•ndtd •••Ill ~ follow~ aad I t;clm!aon bo) ,.,..,. UAIWr th• ln- v. alk .... v. w lll i.. lntnall•d In I nu.n.:. of 1ntOJ<IC&Un1 bev•r•au lM ceat•r ot partun~ ar•a tor ' and wa• oiwrah n& tr.. <'•r with foot tr&tf\C'. wtlful rvo1l11•n• • r urthtrmoA . 'Get Out vote· CampalCJll Gets Commendation .. U1rtll1. Doa•t ~ ..... ,. th. IMlllot )'tlU"re ntlU.. t• eut on NaYemai.r C ft m•1 1lect )"OUf randldat• to omoe. td w1Ua arra~t.a UMI M,... l. u e 1 ~ Miit.. Lom.ee llltaftdi.tt al'WI Mn. J'1l71h.I Dun- lap ... ti•ted. 1t I• d almf'd, M•nnln&. too, wu dr1vlnf b1a m&c 111ne In a ~•­ leee fuhl<>I'\.. Harborltes Take Peri In Naval Tralalng Cruise •lstol Made An nu by . Mesa Q U 0 N •WT POINT. R. t .. !""1fC1-Ka.y Lt. Odr. Ol~D H Lathrop, Jr . ll()n tlf O. H . Lat.hroJ> of •t0 BM ward A,,.~ N.-port BM.cfl. la putl<'lpaUn.( ... ''Oplra&J• '*""""•" w1Ul Air tion.l"P"l•nl tkauadrt>n I . an a.tr 111\ll of T&U rore. .a. Delinry of the Newport Harbor News-Pre• la ruara.nteed. Carrier boya will deliver theu papen before 8 p.m. on Monday, Wed.needay and Friday Lt your paper i• not del.inred by that hour pleue c.&11 Harbor 1616 a.nd your earner will brm1 your paper. Clauified Index S Oa~ of '!'Mak.a • lfedal 4. aot&AN'mf"fl \ 6 f'...,.J Olrwtvn JI Pm11 .. owe. J l Balldta1 lihl•rlal, II 8GU41.q ~~ It r ......... 16 ... ,.. \'our''- JI T,_.,.rwti..- !l m-nar JI .._at7 Ate» It Hea.IUI Aid. u a..-..cs ar....s u adlMla. lutrwtlna U 8tl1atlou \\uted H U.lp \hatrct ........... _ ...... pa ..... ,,..._ al "••• .. ta B•7 11 ll'IU"Utare ,., a.k 11-A Aaut- U 8-t-. a.ppU. H .. aalclU, a..ua. T \' N o.1, <a.ta.. r.u M Pwltr7 1'7 U...i.dl It Aat. •u'-1 61 Aet. fw la.le 60-A Ttree • ruu • l A •Le 8-Tkle '1 Trallera u Al7)1 ..... ., " ........... H Apta. • ._ In a ... t ............ ,_ .... &a-a a-'•._, 61--<1 T,.U. .,._ .. ·--,_ .... U -A R•t Bo- U-9' ·-• ...,.. IO ..... Ill-. IS lt.r.e A Ofno. U ·A S , a.ta1a H ....._ 0,,.,tsalU. .... _, C.1-.. M 111-1 wuw ll lt-1 r..ta ...... w u ..... £state .. rrta. eo •-r,.,..., .... 0.-7'-.1. l.ct..trta.I 11 ILM.I ~lb ....... " ·-r:.191.e MOTTELL'S AND PEEK Colonfa.1 Mortuary TI01 Bo'--lu.t lwtll of W•· a1Alttr M..-t&I h4. .u ON.Dr• Oowity iuutuuaa INrlUll maw. ol all fall.ti. Talapb<IM ( 1':all n .. ) allDSUa Ull No on• nw turDed •••1 ._ua ol.i&aol,..... SEWING MACHINE R.J:NT A.La A.ND IUIP Jt.IJ\I rROM QM FUN AND J'ABIUCS 117._A Newport Jll, ea.ta w- LJ 1-8801 tltto llpertel N .... N9Wp0ft Barbor B. P. 0. &. lTIT x.ta .,,,, ftt• . •u • ,.... ... °""9 -Olllncl .,., .... , .... D&a ........ a.Med .... PUIUC STENO&RAPHER lAp1.. M.anU&Cr1pU a Coi""'• •-........ -.1('9 MARJORIE LYONS ur a. c.ut 81""1. MOVING? I 2 """""'NICI· tr.-!"Pd. tut mov•ra plue 1&11• VILA onll( '8..l~ flour llbywlwnt wlthta IO mJlH TI~ eurt• •t yoUT door. Low•t ratu and frw uUm&l•• on ~al• alWI M lli>n· "1df' nuwlnc and on •tor•&•· :•(• .... 11 a char&• for ~•t.ird•y• or H ollCS.)&. I NEWMAN TRANSFER & STORAGE I 1M6 H arbor Bh·d Costa MHa Phone' [)ay. LI 8·2274 N1cht. Ha &!iH nr I.t 1-6410 12-Bu0d.la4 Suv&.oe. PAINTING TNTEIUOJt -EXTDIOJ\ ALaO MAIUN'm P .uJn'INQ LJ<..'ENIJ::O -IN8UJU:D Glenn Johnston ~1 ·11 at at. -'\ .K.-pon 8-dl KarMI' llfl '9t1o PAINTING PAPERHANGING I Svmpson & Nollar I B•t l::rp.naaced Wor~• Rv. *'•Alf 6ENERAL CARPENTER REPAIR ODD JOJla No Job t09 9DalL .... • ~ ,,.nc... Ll ...rT6 ITU• P.tntin9, Decorating Paper AanllDI GEO. BURKHARDT ul.S'fa:D oo~aro" LDIC't1 ...... REPAIR WORK CDO:NT BRICK Tru1' BauJtn1 c..i~·Up _pl...ASTER A PL\J'lqUNO ~Mt .. COKPUCTJC PAINTING A Pape Hanpns Seniea llUOD"8 o. 1At1KDll:fta 600 li.t atnet. l'f..,,..-t ..a ........ ... FURNITURE DiatJDc:t1nly ... ~ ........... ..,.,IC t C. EVERm SMITH W·llla&.Wsapt._. liar .... ..,. • .. . .••• lltl• PAINTING J'aper ~ L 8. McKENZIE 1,-.una 8-dl 11Ta1t •-nu LJCQSSD DfSUUO R.4.R ~Ill ~ •'7 Tlch learn Modem Pi•no .....,.. .. llltll-nad. ..... . ~bl..,, ,. ........... . ctldlUn -will ..... ,.. .. aue.b or u HW. u 1" ,,..... ,.... &Ul'll PIU&.J:l( u ..... fOcM "RX-IT" ll.C1'Hteaf &M m.ct.rl-.i Maln~ a.ntoe ALL WORK OU AJU..N'l"IZD. ~ MN or ._ To clean and •mce your beat· • inc •Y•l•m t>.ton th• ru.n °' to lnatall • n-oiw. Complete Lawn C.re All Power Equipment ALaO TftASR RAULINO rREm UTDU. TJ:8 HOWi: 6 BA.RNU CALL Ra.rtlcr 1841'7 NOW ' tU 9Ul ~· Npt. ach. 111' .... taU. ~ ~ ~ ~A~ REMODEL NOW ALL your need.I ln OM oontr&ct. room addJlloM, pr-.• oonwr- idona. 11.Jtchen It lllalhn>om re- mod4tlln1. ll'\cocnt unit.a ALL WOR.K OUARANTUL> 100'7. ll"ln&DCln• to Y.ars Con.trucUQl'I 01-ancir Co. HUGH t'. MARBHA!..L CO Bl:lI.OltR8 21 11 l5o Main. Be.nla Ana Kl 6-6311 '78d2 ODD JOBS CARPENTRY AND PAINTING Har. 1284-W 78t-90 WEATHERSTRIPPING SCREENS, A WNlJ"; GS F"r,.. ll!at.lmat u ntE AWNING MAN l.J •·t 73l PaRer Hanging & PAINTING Gua "9.Jltffd worlr 11~ Jack War,-oner -l.J ~Ml •0ca1 EXPERT REMODELING • • A ddltJona e Pt.pat" e Cablnet.a e ~ W1Jtllow1 • o-rs • o.n.raJ carpentn work e REASONABLE Uc--9 H&r. ~.w ALEX IIUUJol CARPENTRY MJNOR REP AIR WORK HO JOB TOO D«•IJ IL 0 . Aac! ..... 1ou a Be.tbaa smt.. aa111oa Barbor UDO Uuc LAWNMOWERS IA.La -IERVlCJ: IH.AJ\nNIKO Al.L MA.KU C.Ompi.t• Eqtnt a.m e. COAST MOWER Wlt.11 KING 'O LAWN Power 1AW"ll llqv:t~t Tenu a TradH 1lto "~ .... d.. ac.t& .,_ 6ttfc PAINTING INTERIORS A EXTERIOR LJCJ:HHD • J..H81JRJCD OOOD~NCES VERNON BUSS Ttclllb General Contractor UCSMn:D New Wortr -.....,.,.,,.., J. l([LTON McK!:NZIZ Harbor ~-&ltfe Aloobo&km .__,_,..· •rti. •. 0. .. la1 "......-rt ..... Os.tit. .......... ,,. Supltffluoua Hair .... 1111' ,_,_ow. i.. ...................... u.o _ .. ,... ..... "' ..... 1LL11N &. .. 1' AMT a. a. U..-1 ... ., ~ Har. •Tl - L.o.T BOOK "'THS STSJUf AL OOMPAJflOM.~ ~ Ha.r. 1410· W eftninp. fl'lorU LI '4222, lJ MN1 T4tt• LAWN • GAJ\DEN WORIC ta c:uata M-.,.. U I-Ten. toe \\'OULO LID care of elderl7 ambulal0f'1 tady I.a 1n7 lohl)' n•w private bo'1\•. ~u.­ UH a.nd food. U 8·'7'40 IOc:Q SEAMSTRESS DRl:S8MA.:CINO a.nd ALTDNrlONa ~UT'& t Lii\. to • p vi. 17~ M~ Uoeta M- • Ubart7 I-KOi Roy's Maintenance Complete Profeuionel Housecleaning Floor w&Jdn1 a.ad bu!thJr Window Oeu.Jn1 Upholstery CJeentns Pauoe Color rued L.u.atroua ~It.a REASONABLE Phone Liberty e.1332 .,. PAINTING 8 7 Hour Ima.II or &a.rs• JOll9 ok. ~nablll"ll~ Uberty 1-2722 WfJIJ ---~ -------IRONING HAR 6105 n Help wuw T7lff Beacon l'eraonnel 100" employer reta.lmd .,.,CJ' No r" ooU«led t?-om appflcant llO 1'1aUn AY•~ Newport a-c.a. GIRLS BRING YOUR FRIENDS GROWTH ANI> PftOWOTIONa KAYS CR.aATED OPllNINc> .. J'QA TELEPHONE OPERATORS rti LL P 4 Y A.8 'I' OU 1.&A.ftH rtu)QUll:ln INCR&AJID Pl..&.A.aAJn" OJ'FlCD -APPL'l'- l :IO TO t :IO 112 WUT TKDtD LUM' A ANA. PACD"lC TELEPHONE ~~ .ouaroa '"' ..... __, ,...,...,... ~ 1)111 II' -,.,.. Ume.• ._,vrlt bom 1'0Vr OW'8 bdn.. Har OTJI. •Tac- ~ ••1•elady. R.-4)' &o Wear. 8&lary ud comm. I dq WMk.: .Psmaa-- MM.. ...... ,.. o.,t. 8tGn. C...0.X. TlclO eoim S'IUlm eoxa n:m 1UW u..t.lap 4la&IJ. ... .,_ m..U....,....._ AUK> MANY Jcm ~ llSN .,i UH IC r A ft ft A ft, Jllnapty. ~. 602.. Duld 8t..-Hpt.. ~ IClom ,....... ~ II.a.IL WWK&> •••-_'Ii I•" ~...rtl .. ~ ...._ ...... ...-....Aptll:r ln ,._, Mn .. Cout .... Wiiy, 0.-. 611 Kn. TMl CAJl BOP. Jrre ...-s•11e ~ -.rf. WID ~ .111•'• ~ 1, uca-lleedL •nct1 WANT J'D'IDI inaa to 1sua ln.llo ., ,..,.Wr •11111iea. atMctJ --" -npt mu. fl.a." pet br. to .u.rt. U l-'411 'Vll• • .... , I . I ~,l !t r' I l! I 1 J WOM.AJr '° c .... ,l daf ...... 11t. I ~ daya. WUh « wttll· tut fftMPO~Uon. Ll a-4.207, ac . ----u;tYJNO CAI\& tor YOlll chlW.rwl f\1Jl or pvt LI.mo 1a lftJ bome. Vlanlty aot.b uc1 o..u,c. c. M., Ll ._.75. Ile&! JESSEE'S 1011 I . M.IJn Kl J-IUI ~ta DIA.MONO ft.ING, t ..._ a.crtftu ~. Al9o 2 Co t IL~ Cun~ rold·moW\t.ct. m.1 • • mesa Goodwill ..... A.II& .. My .Ave., 8&Jboa. tuc92 ,_ RJ:FRJCER.A TOR. I toot. f6(), Ph. Ka.r 61U or un-w. Tlk:ll la.I. AT !ACRIJ'JCI:. Older L. C. INITK lypeW11ter for Mle. . ..,._ a.n-1 retrtr. Waah '"· Har. •3~H. 8lcA3 IQaCb... • Bdnn. Mt.I. daYtn· . ATLAS bench-.;u}uoo-:--db1 ~. Cb•lr, ml.le. Sa.I• 10 to 4, kl~ llUlk tn T2 ta. tUa top CJet. IT, 11.4 07 8".rard Rti • ca.bln•l A f1xtul"9 AO, t;at. Nor9e Autom•tic $2 .91 MESA WOODCRAFT SOMETHING NEW Pv Wwll <!.D.M. IOpll ru, A Sattler• pa l"llnll•· • Wiil CORDl.A.1..LY LNVIT& YOU burner 6 &TUI. clean SJ!I, Har. '?O AT!'ICND TH& GR.AND •TH Ate Add A Oryer Ona, au our wid• ANOl'Lm•nt ot d900rator ma p I • ahtlvu, planters, ·~ cabhl•C.., mar· adne • raekll. telephone 1t&111Mi, ate. Amuln6 new BEVER· J..Jttq ulln •t&in lUlll tor fin· lahtna . 81n&ll deposit wiu hold any Jtaua. U21 Harbor Blvd., Cdmt& M-1 LI 8·11'6 OPICNJNO NOV'EJl(Bl:R 18T °' . CHilLES DA VlS ANTIQUES AND DECOR.A TING CENTER AT 1918 ATLANTIC A VE., LONG BEACH Tic&! Movie . Projectors MnlO. drape•. plcture.;:lamps brlc·&·brac. 10 c-ent• tu s to 1134 E Balboa BhcJ Har HZ2.f. fill T V. Ii" eon.ii.. K. H Juat tt'Cond ~ H -W ~luu tabl• modfol lronu $:>0. Olnlni: roorn tabk-, e cl\&lre '2&. 3 lamp11 ,., 3!>12 J.1.arcua, N.B . Har.J771J t.lp83 ==-=-~-------nE A 80 N ABl..&-Port.ablt J_;;; dlal1wubotr l w I n Holly~ i>od b9da. mlac... Har 0433 MK 8 lc- f,..JO& 11-lOI 15-MM -------- • RODT ud MODEL WANT TO BCY ~ ltTPPUD CHU.DR.EN'S PL.A YH<1C:11Y. Mta'1 Cemere Shop u MW l 7G Ntwpel't BlYll., Coat& M_. P'lllOne ~1 a.1ou. pr u llclll SAl'Rll'lCI: price, Natu;:-.1 ranch nunk coat. Stu 12-16. l.1kr ~w. lb,r U$7. II It 113 41c hr WMll 14o1"9 • The bll 9 lb load, top ratacl Norr•! Waahu, rm.a. &.Dd damlJ dry• auwrnaucally. Rea· ularly t.Ut ~. The ·~r-tut Norr• cu dryu r•1ularl7 S211190. Buy UI• ~ and .. ,,. SM 00. No track·1n reqwntd! Pay onJy Ml• taJt dowa! F .... dtllwry aad i.nac.allauon! J'1"ff .. moe -en. y.u on bolll al)pllanc:aa. HOUUJCFUL al n.n.lt11ra, won't lul k>nJ. lncl\llUa ~pc. 41.n. ITP·· 11-pc. llv. nn c1p. a.nd •••r)"1.hi.a& for bedrm. P&ld down to UH.00 whll• •t.ond. Ca.ah or 11&1 only U .H per week. BA \JOHN'I ' J' U 1\ N. \\' ARJ:.. JESSEE'S HOUIX. l80 W litl\ St .. 1013 s. Main Kl l ·U" Coeta w-. 1 blk W or Van·• Ba.nt& An.a Bowllnl AJley. Sto1• houn: Monday lhru J'nday 8·1. lat. J'RJ:SZ.ER, lMI ~Ira.I lt'I 8 to t . &un. 11-4. the bl( 11 cu, ft. -l\olda __ __ O'IW 0 0 1119. food, 'Color In· l CLUB CRAJJ\ • 11!1 Ottoman Rlig ~~~tery ~6-ApptlwM tarlot and ••ryt.hlnf. Bal-110. Win&' Chair 116. Har. anc-e du• only SIM 08. No 2UO-W nenlnl'o AOd2 l'Uh down. l'ay unly '2 H ----J>f'r wwk. l ROOMS ot turn1t111 •. Haa EXPEftT OYEJNG In o\lr plant or your 1\0111• SHALITA'S Peral&n Rug Cleaning . WHI RLPOO l I BA t/OHN'S fl' UH :s WARE· ll~ot O'K•d• A li!er11ll, th• HOUSE. ~ W. 17th St b11 (;P all automatic with AUTOMATIC WASH1':1l~ <'oata Mt ... 1 bllt w of van·~ vanla!llf\6 1h•lt, (Tk1<1lt A&.o ~ Bowline Alley. 8to,.. houtti 1116' Hotpolnt 11 cu tt. r•· LI g. 7818 Harbor U28 $1 ()(} QFFI Monday lhru Friday •·•. Bal frl(., 11-pc 11• rm I• p 7-pc • 11 to 6 aun. 11·6 dlh l"'P· It compl•ta bl'dnn Titre ~ (T'P Balan~ l..rt on MntnLCt -------------1 •~ltanni out 011r noor nu~lrl• SAVE 5721 SI. No cull nMded, pay 'P:l't8JAN Rl'GS EXPltRTt,Y for the new lll:'\7 IJnC'a !<a\·,. only S7 JI per wMli WAIREO al Ycry low r•I• 17000 mM,. nn th• rnatrh,11t: $17 BAl'GHN'S Fl' RN WARE· ~l .. lo•. l larra cf'n· 1;u dryrr. NO CAllH DOt\'I', 0 Housr.. MO w. 11th s1, u1&o Trmpl•Chlnen l!IJJ.12 Jn"'' u UO 00 montn or ,..,.,. l'n<ata Mua I blll W ar \'an a "'-~• Ji~ now Sl!'>O. Plu• t 8~ by paytn4 raah. JAKES •Jn 13 ri. fl KPlv1nalor 2-dr R• Bnwllnl' Al,k-y 8tor• l\oun ~-.caller ru•a et fur· I APPLIANCES. 11131 Harbor, I f nguUnr all drlu.., ft•· Monday thtu P'r1d&y f.p Sal ttq!I or onf .n•I va1u.. 1 L.l I-~ lu,...1 -LEFT HAND DOORS I 11 to !I sun. 11-6 •l'MilMA:"<''S, 'l7M I!: Cnul R•rular 1~11116, Whll• lhcy ~-- - 3, ~ay, Corona d •I Mar Har I I lut. only M711 ll:O P•y onlv 8!:tJROOM arr. twin e pi .. ··-~~ ;&ell '57 2-DR SERVEL •al.-a tu du"'n sonr u H CtJnant-Ball R.oclt Mapl•. u 7:. • mo 11 t h 1 ha n k tlna.nc1n1 2 ~Ir Balloy-kllmlU b<n -i~ND BRAIDED RUG ·l'REll INl'l1lUcrtON : ORDJ:Ra tA.KKM s d G n-ma.t•r1a•• •Yallabl• tl.&fJ. J'annln, 119' S. C'•t. Blv .A(UJI• Bel\. RTatt t ·23H C7t fr ~ Bea.ring Aid ~... BA.'i"tiilUa w;-01 .... us ar.-11tamp11 ~anderson Drug Co B6m' 111. i> Wiil •t. &l ~ Bl•d.. B&Jboa . r u:llDV AL ULIC -Save 20"llo ta;te~ on n&Uonall.J adv ~ toy1. i-chw- .... noTe!U• IUld Jttll. Bu • Xmu. ltA'nn.8 Otrt Baua ~ Main at .. Balllo&. 7lc8 • r, y r, • WATCH & CLOCK • • repamng ro.AJUJn'IZD. ftD UTIM1-TD. N5WPORT J'EWELERS 1 no N.wport Bl•d. ~ M... LI Mill DRAPERIES and SUP COVERS Kade Lo <mier s.tim&t• -kmpl• LUCD I.J: DRAPERIES c . Properly Owner Attn ta YOUI\ WATD HltATER out QI Ila ~t. ,_nod T lll UMr'9 u, datll* ot tt nood ma~ tiom•! ITI TDOI TO CALL l n .. pwt about Ulla OODdSUon Cit JOUr -* .._._. ::AU. your a.ul.bOrtlled OAT 6 NJOllT Jqtam w.-H•tar o.Jer. ·-JOit ~tGld.r-Baf •. Gl30 ,_ ,.,.. fJ 5 Um ' • • ' t I. i: A.trrO. w.blillr llaci.m... PWf«t eondltJon. S1IO Mapl• llddis• ')Ulp. ... u ...,. a"-1 p.ta. Ttcll ~VE .UP TO 70,.,. ,....,, ............... ctn.a. _ ............. ,,..... --~ W•Rm<>VD. .... IN. " ... lllQGa ., t.- l"'M '8e&dl mt BaJl. ~DIPORTER ti. ~ pabl'tc MOii. uu,i Bat. ltolpm. Automatic Ice Maker JAKl!:S APrt.IANCES, 1137 1pr1np and matt~ J IOO Har1>or, roet• Mee&, LI 8·:.~H. :. piece Mapa. d.lll•tlA aet wllh $374.95 VACUUM CLEANER CLEARANCE rttedory Ubl• '70. 2 D •..,. mal<'l\lnr Swcdlab m o d • r n rhalA , rtW"&l" lat<1 S&O. •(}I Ll 8-7337. 1..-11 YJ:.S, 11"8 TRU'I:! lt'• the. bfC '51, 2 door rnocs.l with auto- maUc lco--111aktr, au!omatJc: dlltroet. 1beJ"' on door. •tc Only JltSSft'S bl( volume lmytns mak.. th1• prlc• poa llhl• Buy lh1a bnLnd ne"'" b1111 l;l)l'lr•mlc N!•ulv fnr nnlv S•.78 wee.Illy -No down pa;. mC\t, A~'-HooYf'r, O.J:. Royal, ~NOl:l.J!:8 rurnltur• fal'· WNtln&'houM. ICUr•k&, t..rwyt t.,ry rou out of buainl'• We Flt>llt eamplH and dunon.tr•· bouc;bt 100 10te ol llvlns room tor• All wllh n•"' ruarantu• rum that hu attu&'lulat.-t ln A• low a1 S211 ll~ JESSEE'S 1013 S M•1n 8•nl• Ana JESSEE'S ------1ou 8 . Main Kl &-'34~ 1968 O'K.EEVE .. Ml:RJUM' Rant. Ana ' With Trade I r•nae. un'1 only l mo A1 er •II automatic-11rt top -----------fnddl• and srtll hroller Paid BILT·lN RA:-\GE I Cl'7Wll to 1121 141 No ca.a down ~y only U 2• ~r ,_.. .. k bfoa11Uf\ll hru•h"d BA l/IJHN'S YU RN W ARlt- h TAPPA:-/ ~hromt! a\ •n v."tth rlock. "In dn·~ brollf'r an,1 4 b•1rn~r l<1p I unll. 1'ontrartor1 'lr111'r un raJHod f':>r one only at Sl Ii .'\O 1 Caah or bank lerma JAKE R APl'LlANCES. 1937 Uartxir, Co.ta Ml!Sa. Ll ~-6!1M. USED AUTOMATICS MAYTAG .. ---·-·-·-·-· 51!1" THOR ... -------. 88 FRJOIDAJRll ... ----·---·-88 BLACKSTON~ 8R ABC ..... __ . ___ .. 78 Delivered. ~ed aod fU&C&n· t !Md for ju.It '6 50 111r rno. JESSEE 'S 1013 a. MAIN , KI J..83'8 SANTA A.NA RENT AN IRONER • HLH'~P: MO W 17th St • C'o.lA M•u, 1 blk w or \'•n Hl>wlln1 All•\' !Hor" l\oun Monday thru P'rld•y 9·8 ~at II to 41 l'!un I 1 ·& MAYTM: Automatic v.ul\~ .,,.lu11• Mool'I -Ilka nf'W <'On d1t1on -unrondlUnnall:v ruar antH11 f/'RllClt JNSTALLA TlON Only 512!1 00. JAKJC'. WASHER l\E .. AlR8 -1113 Harbor, c -.a ,,.,..._ Ll f-&&N . . ~ 7 -~---------!~ OENJCRAL ltl.llCnUC , .. r rr11f . ll'• ll\• nlu tllle trffM' rh .. t nn•o, 11halv• In door anti everythln&'. Bata.nre du• on on Lhla ooo oaly SH9 6~ No c:uh dMnt. PAT only tJ.11 ~r Wffk. RAUGHN'I ru RN. WARI: .. HOU81!, MO W. 17th 8t~ r.Q&la Me-a. I blk W or Van'• R<Jv.·llnr A II•)'. ltora houn1 Monday t)lru P'Mda7 l·t 8aL t to t. lun. 11-0. 2 ot par w-..k rute th• lrtt1r1t" In your ttom•. 8tl down lll ----------- Iron. ~w may be appll.c! to purd!U9 latlr. Ne obUp· Uon. We t•ch )"IN to k'Oft, JESSEE'S I 011 ., M&la XI a.as.a ~..-. Wll ROMOft .a • • Dml dl'dl a.l 1 A.KS'• APl'LIANCD. lNT Harbor, eo.ta Mesa - Come S. a.DO eclmp&ft pr1NNL USED REnUGERA TORS m .o. NHd Xlr• irpaee T ReN are 6() .. ,..l trU.la& ll114111t. ~· blc, ~IClll o~Uoa. U• la rompm room or prap few thal o-1td xtn r.tn,.nUOn JESSEE 'S 1 011 I. )(aln Kl 1-.1341 &&Illa. AJ\& SAVE $180! • 0. NOl\GI: &vtomatao ......._ 6 ... ,,.,. ,.a -.... JIOt Floor moOPla -dell out for nnr t•T MOdek. 1.-.... ,, ba.nll I.nu .. to .. -..0. JAKJra ~ 1111 Harbor, eo.t.a .,..., U ~ lOOI NORGE a ut.omauc wub• .r. Ulad onlJ' 2 ••th. n•1 t&• bl9\ Ofl• wiu. ~ .,ta lid and ...,.,uitns. Paid Oown to $HT.• h-om Q11c, Pt0.00, No cuh .,..... .., tin)Jt $1.11 p.r -ir. 8At 'OHN'B ,. \:It N . WA.It£. HOtrl&. MO W. lTUI I t.. Co1ta Mtaa. 1 blk. W , ot Van'1 1tnwt1n1 .LU.,-. IMO,. IM!o\,lra. Mtmday thni Fnd•J ..... ..t. II In I. lu.n 11.a., werthouu Tak• yM1r choir• rnr Slit ror t1lvan a"'1 c-halr . all rnlnra, or r-• only 51.1•1 r ,. ... -·~k BAUOHN I FU P.N WA~ HOU"JC· 11&0 w I 71h 81 C09!a Mt-l blk W,of Van' • Bowlin& All~y !Hor .. l\our1 Mnnday l.hru Friday ~·•· 8•1 9 to 6 SI.WI. ll·O -- tt-~AaQqoN ANTIQUES 90UGRT 6 SOLD Earlt J19ltnft. co land and c 11&.u nn. ch 1,.. • n run n .. Vlctonan marbl• lOJI. pt mapl• A cbeny tunJture. 0 run•. lron lo79. peny .ANTTHINO UNUSUAL. I <will be our ploau1'<1 ta p you at the ''RED BARN~ UMI Harbor BIYd.. GO KI 1-J.2• \ I l bill. N. of W•l min.ta BJ?d., GO.I &2cl 1 . n-a.e.. ftall!'IN 7 rr. P'tBtJll OLAH lloUJ>reY dln(hy. hct.ory 1erond. Ell· c.11911 t b\i,y, Bir ion. Tl Ur . Nm·PI'.-f1V9e """!"' picture co""°'• of lh• Harbo ar•a tll.rM UmH a .,_IL flOf a ll\Ollth, Boats DRY STORAGE IOI PD roar. .erao. • y_,. ·~ DliD)' •••• IUI W.O-.~. ~ u •no. lltft ... cmua ·Dai a .... '111tct. B. P. Bait taak. es.a Mt. MWll •U thla __.~._ IUOO. « wUI tai. ll.&. or Ill 6 Incl T.D.'L Ml2 Ma~ k , M .B Har. anu. a1,.1 BKIPS Mo. ,.. ud Tnl~. Ooof ..U.. tm. Kar, ttnJ . I tte PRlV A ft DOC'k f« rt'nt. Rar. itOS-R.. f Plle l8' LTMAN J,SLANOCR. tOhp Inboard. Deel. rmMl1 atru • .. ' . SILL. OR fuiii u .._...,... .... , ... .._ ...... •,._Wll.AT llAVS TOU? W 5.f .+.sax-~ J-' ........, eat. . '\., . BUICK SUPER RIVIERA -~·~_:_.ft 845 • Door, Radio, Healer, Dyuflow I ... •• Ma* OOlll, ..... •• ,.n.y .................. 1 .. ftaltie ,.... eloop • lnlW, ~-a...-an.rauta lot .., ~. uWW. U 1-a.T w Box lie, aan.a. Ia. at p13 K.oowlton ~ TV ANTENNAS (Clou ..... -ID a.tn) 2·Tooe White and Blue ... "54 FO~D RANCH WAGON ----.. ·--· _$ 1795 Radio, Heater, Fordomatlc. Power St,ttrin• 2-Tone Green '54 BUICK SPECIAL 4-000R ... _ Radio, Heater, Dyna!low, WSW, 2-Tone White and Blue ·-· I $1795 '50 STUDEBAKER, REGAL DELUXE . $ 345 Overdnve, Light Grey M BUICK 8UPEk l\adlo. B ..... PJ'Ufl4rw. Pwr. lteN-, A •..u. · .,,,5 :16~V8 . ,.P901t ft fte..din ... .a. . $f601t • r ~ I .t-i: .• /.,. ~lCHIDVR~~ Rad$Q. R•Let. Powvsftde 11 .. 1 8t\uy $595 5.1 WILLYS ST. WAGON •·w.... on.. FIUDAY 6 SATURDAY ONLY $595 CIVD..l.4N J SEP KMlll.lf ll-1 0.b New• Ply nrta. Towb&r A STEAL AT ONLY $795 . .. .. huta"-1 'Clllrnpa.&.e .. ,.... ..... '53 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION __ .......... $ 895 1 co~£LIJ«> tiOTOR.S Rep) Deluxe Cpe., RN and Grey with WSW I Orange County's Lar1eat $9.95 JIUc ·so BUICK RJVIEM COUPE -...... ·--~ .. $ 6-tS -Jtep Dealer Radio. Heater, Dynanow, WSW. 2-Tone I 111~ •• Jo URO Vktorill-Oood con-CH.lU8TIU.8 1LU0(01"D Oftr OAN&, pi.a.. pl&a your order now: llhort .upply on ._ mo<Ml&. S. u IC.UU. y B.1RD burry. . 1 I dt\lon $200 fer ~ully Takf! B UC and Gray ovn mllntb.ly paym~nt1. fUo 11; MANY OTHEA6 TO CHOOSE FROM I WSW 1.1 8·134':' ~lc83 UMd a,laet p&uo pvfect co.di· u.a. PD. '11 ,.,. -~ A.LL m04W ILUOIOMD Oil· GANa ua.flaWe !Mn! Try U1o Ha•m-4 BpllMll IJl your blml• wit.la • , .... a-.na.. -17 12~ Tnido J'lll'UI' old ,Pi&AO. USJ:D .Electrtc orsan.a-u low aa 1467. Almost rww 8&ld•1JI Sptn~t Of:wan, JtU, ~7 Wied MlNllla.ll. ••• S700. Modttll .ty&. Splnrl P'&M a.- quo .M.tJL ft8I taJ rwllU'll ... Sl31. Hard to ft.nd -4 RA.NN01''D CHOftD ORO.AN, ,...i ...... IJA A oo UMd Spinet Hammood J>trlort.. ~est payment& Bal• Ol"Uld rt..-, ~ul t>eriaua. ahny tamoua ma.J;.- P'r;(:• froa .. 17 up. 8"ndl u,. eluded. Practl~ pl&DOe trom St:S or win rut t.o llUy. fa.00 up .-- 9CHKIDT • PHILUPS BIG Pl· A NO. 11.M ORO.AN STORK, "° N . MW. ll&nt& Aa&. Opm rncsay etu. Dany to s JO RADIO $2.50 tncludiM ,art.a &ad lebar l:lyn.~ ACME TV 4 RADIO Har. SI04 ---------- •OCTOBER SPL"liET , . EASY 'GMAC TERMS STANSBURY B·UICK YOUR BUICK DEALER 234 Eut 17th Strut, C09ta 14eaa -LI 8-9011 ------------ C . M c C A R T' H Y BIG HARVEST SALE '56 CADILLAC HARDTOPS os low es $4395 '55 CADILLAC HARDTOPS as low ,,. $3795 '53 CADILLAC 62 4-Dr. or Cpe ..... -.. $1995 Power Stttring. etc. SEVERAL BUICKS, OLDS, FORDS. CHEVS., MERCS , Ek. Extra nitt, k>w mUea,e cars. Power 1tetring. ll'Ulomatic drivt"S, r.tc. 8 -'56. '55 end 54 FORD V.Q RANCH WAGONS & COUNl RY SEDANS RaJ low nuleag1! bcautiftl pJu.a loads of equlp-' mmL ALSO 50 EXCELLENT LOW PRICED MODELS \. '4911 THRU '53 11 TERliS TO SUIT FNERYONE SA'VPLES '52 KAISER Manhattan Club Coupe '53 CHEVROLET Deluxe 2-Dr., R., H .. '50 FORD V-8 Club Cpe., R., H .. ''49 FORD V-8 C uato"J 2-dr., R., H, 1420 S. MAIN $395 $795 $395 $195 SA.NIA ANA Kl 2·3507 PIANO SPECIAJ~' (Acn:sm from Bic Safeway Storel SFN1tllAJ. nno boy• In u-1 ~ptnet pt..noe tnc'.ludh'• klm· ~ ~eninp and all day Sund11.~'8 h&ll. Cable 6 Son A"'°9aft~. -~----~---------~------ C.u lbrw '1H11. Wurtlt~ and ~150>--1.0ep.-~ c:ae.. P.ta W,.TU, ,,nltrh9 In mahne'any, ---"'--------- walnut. maple and ~ FREE beaullfol 7 mnnt.ha old A&Y1.np up to ~:'JO oe; u~ ma» cou.. !'iol purc-b~ tradN. conY'el\inll t.enna at t'llOl!lll to dllkbwn. Owner mov- 8RAJ"E'R'• ra~ lto'Tl u1.oa N. ft'f'carnorw Banta Ana Kl J..()172 lnc. C.Jl U HUI. Ile 4G-Aatoa for Sa"' GMC TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS 1956 END OF YEAR CLEARANCE SALEH 19~ AUSTIN HEALEY 195'4 VOLKSWAGEN SEDA."' 1965 MG MAGNETT£ 1956 FORD ANGLIA 1951 MORRIS 4.DR. SED. 1953 MORRIS STA. WGN. Sp9rt Car Center HAt;SK'F.N • WAT!iON UJ~ H.4.RBOR HL\·u 1;r,1ta MHI U ll· 1 ll•• t9 i'Ol\D ConTe1t4t111e R • H. 0'dr1ve -'200 -;,2• A.m .. lh'f'J<t, BalOO. bland Jiar. H7!l 70.C8 I U-Aot.o ekln1oe Motor Overhaul ; Cyla. I mOllt I __ 4.8 88 Ei,bta (most.I --~.88 NO MONEY DOWN Up to ll\ Montha U> Pay IN(:LtJOl:a bulb LaboT 6 Part& 1'(-rtnp. WTUt plna, YllJ" ,nn4. ntU.-p et inala &nd f'IDd be&rtap ~ nMICOf C~ up. 90-C&y or 4000 mite (V&r" ani- O A.BICl:Tll • 6 OlL CX'l'll.+. REBUILT ENGINES BUILT 1N uur owa • f&nuf7 bJ a kt lied 11\&chlllletJI D<in 't can• tend wtth tbo middle man. Buy dlrf'CU • "8H</RT Hl..OCK FORD 1111«2·411 -· •• 00 CBJ:VROLrl' I .. 60 BUICK --a1.uoe P ACKARO rt CJ'! ) --1121 00 P111J1 .. ~· • ...,... • _$106 00 CHRY8 .. 6 011: 80'fO -'120 ()C) STUDEB.AKD ftJOot OLDS. A PONTIAC • _JlJO 00 NASH llOOO IU.J.Bd $110 ot ts\JL>80l'f 16, II Maim) -11t0,VO PLtJ I CNft .+.LI.A TJOJ'f Opm 0.lly a to I Mof"ld&1 W T p. m. Buod&J 1J lo I 81nck mllll& moe\. our lll&Ddardt Ptu. t&a•. paUte Ud GIJ . BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS 110 m. ans BL au ..aa. • TV Antennas $7.'5 TWO [)()UBL.IC AS'~•""' hi· omlno mar•. t In fqtf,) clut April 57 anti 1 Pf'tlln1t r1d· In& matt At.n 2 reptttf'd bal1 Arab e»ll!I-m•lu• .,,,..1. .... t a.rtetmu .,.,-.u. Call U M.U att« 6 P-nl· II C..U '!\4 OMC ' T. P. U ' '!\!'> owe "' T. ve Duala '06 CMY. ~ T. P.U. • LOAN CA..8.a -l'IUD.8 TOWU«J IT Aft atm'DllD IJlfllTALUCD Ant.....-P• tlll4I up ACME T. V . US Ii.it It. Ila ... -----sr.Al1TU'UL IDlack DaaJ a,.tn- .t P\ano W'tt2l lwnt'tl f419 I Kar Ml CIC' •tn. lfrL Rk.Nrd· ann, alelll TV REPAIR SELL YOUR CAR ~ .. ya .... tu.a..... IQ 1-Dl'f CASH $20. FOR OJ.D OR JUNK CARS FREE PICKUP CtHHll> OROAl'f Ub ...,, 14'500 °,.._ ,,., ....... and ..,.,_. ,.. moeUI at IRAl'SR'8 tBlnee INTI nt-•n JC. lt)"r:a--. l9ntA Au '° MIST2 u .-Ta Kt •lA!\2 HYDRA-MA TIC 'MlANB 01I •~ tzur.lu ~ C'bn. C.0 .E. IT '!'>' GM<: tt T . P•n•I 't7 ONC loi T. P.U. 't T l1""'L J T. 2 Sp. ·u Dodl'9 •1Wh«t Dr. 'M ront VI ... T. r.u. 'IU Dodi'• ·~ T . PU. 64 OMC ~ T. Du.ale . W.W. WOODS 6MC DEALER tia 8UJC1' <XMTU'R"f fUV, Jll.1u:tio. ll•W. www, pWr. •l_,., N-Uree •"' llnk-lmmM- ulata. Prt••t• JMlrly. S1'96 Har 'JT~l. Tfiill RlOH HAHN'S ._ Jt. 2tth It. Harbor '721 -Nowpurt a..c.h Maw tmplOJID6 NA.lK anllCJMUDa wit.II 20 yean ~ Jual COlllplet.d ~tor ICbooC ln : late m~I 'tiarr.I cu11u.-Ors. 1 : • A.leo ~··Ida• In t.ua..u .. ol ... all ID&k-.. ''* ~ J.)"' Al.MA TR.AIU!R To4kJ. hot water, doO,y. ~. irory • llva~t. llltf>. a..ccm Ct.. lli E. 16lb 8\.., C. M, IS*f 40. Stp 8/8 B•y I Be•ch Rlty., Inc. ow .. .:.. u.oo a..~ .. w w. ACAI.rou _ ..,. ~ noe ... tt. eror.a 6el Mu f'f MO ~ &. Cllt. Hwy., BA SMI --------a.mu.iJ I u. IDCltlla -... .,.,,,. ...... FREE!! ... .., YaoUe7 .. Cllus9 Ca.) QUICKLY A.ND llWDLY IDO't.1' CAU. ...... ., al.rf. KJ 7-3506 UNro'IUf. Yeuf.7 $11 ,_ mo. LlPt and ah'7 I bMrna apt. DttsrelJ ...,arat. 4111L Auto BALBOA IJIL4l'(O, cute 1 bed. a-dtll ......... a1M ....... apt., U6 tncludlns uUllU.. 1MI W. aan.oa, Jk~ Glll 11ll .l\u)9 16. H&t. 117. 81cU IOcl2 -------~--~ rtl1lN • .au. ca-. a ,. ..,L -..a-a-tor ae.t xar xa tot 1• w .. Ba1'oa mt'M. ...... ._· .. ,...._ TOU ~>..,...,·.....,.. ~t ·tn­ --. x.... ............. .... .... .,. Or cell Bar. llOI or -. ~-GUI. llc&I 12 UNITS 001\0lfA D& MAR t'UrMINd -mm. wtth OClM.11 and ba7 .WW, ICx0tUnt rent· a.la. WW 1baw 10~ Mt ntunL •1'UOQ. Bt1y & a.e,h Rtty., Inc. R&ALTOR8 1118 ll&rt.r BMt., COllt& M-Da>: .. aJsttt ~ L1 .. 771' MESA-HARBOR VALUES HOMES M600 lo 11'7,000 C-2 Lota M·l Lot.I A:~ FOR CHEZR.l'UL SP VICll CA.IL -MAX W. POPE BUU.OER·RliLTOR WILLIS B. JO~ Realtor..Aaociate Iii ACl\lt WITH • BDft.. nx.-11101 Ha..-IMYd.., eo.tA w.. ICleet.. ·~· PmMIMly .._L "'6 ~ to .,,... 1&-tat.U. OOIWMA l>l:L JIUJl. Wlhlm. P1UV .AH OIFl'JCD WI~ ~ Ut.l'T&M ~. 8 a I f• -t ~ -.,. 1ICIN. Ml &. aa, 1arp cWue 2 bdrm. hom.. ~ ~ 11ecntt.at7 6 NEW 2 11e1trociin atueoo f'Unl. ~ ... .,..., 8alba&. IOcl2 DllMtte ~ MpU'llt.e br.U· Yalla*-~ ftool' UJllHIT' 111 8.A. ~u. St.a~ LI 1-uu C.Oie. Wtat. Reeta.II ca fast reae, ,..,._ porch ptua notary a ' iaW INllplo• • • I"' leYel n-• •-'--....& 6 • a...a .. , ........ KODJ:ftN BAQD:LO!l A.Pr. 1" •s-nte ,_t room "'1Ua baUI N-Tr1ct.nt Blde .. SIOO N_.. ._.. ....., ta ~ ~ e&1boa ....._. ~ -bDll "-_,., 1 Wk from l"f_.. Lot.I at caW!Mt • wardrobe port BJYd.. N.w,on a.ca... dtn.6otl. "-r 90boOl. B&r· ~ • _, -Mll"lw • ..r-port ......... An1lal»Je • ..,.... hW'4. nr... r A heaL I Adjaeemt to a-UI Oout Oo.) stow ..,.. ffl te -~ -U. P5 .-. Bar tW Ill ,an. c!Mlp , all drap.e tncJu6-I =-.,:.-.~~=ai. ff.M0.00 VOG. El CO Jlllll M.. 1"*pwt ....._ Mpl1 ed. I 111 mac u I at• ooodJUon -------'-----and • oo~-.. 0 ... ... .. • 11..&.o A Adult.a oa.11. U&O peT mo. C&ll l .....,,.. ... .... _.,... -r-.,.__ T M • M•I 8 two .,.4 ~f acre lnta ................ a..n.. tlllul .,an. 1 .... turnla.d .. TUii O'Wllft n&<' ' ··-Bar~ ().'ll araners I e U.IVOOO Pa. ~ "6 • ..._ SW lcUdl.. A baUL Vwy IDat tunU· ltt.tc I a-. --ft tun l'f-.r · .__ A tm.upor· a BEDJUil. Coet.a MM& born•. OITJCI: A lhop Space toir nnt aad NUt taUoa. Olll7 ,SU!JW -· Oii very clM.n. Uorum .. "•"""'la 6 or l-. U6 per mo. " up. 17 nnt TD'., MlO mo ----------JTIL 1-M. VOQJCL 00~ Jel'T drapee thru out. ~ lkS L1 1-UU. a.tie a.k.115&• IRVINE TERRACE &. a.. a,.,-. 1u.: nt.1... 11c1:2 R.putibc. 1•uc a.m.ut 1 1ldrOGlll tva. •pt. 1111 ----------64 aa•.-Ofp•tuJtlm Sub"'it ~ ........ Uillmz'Os• -haa. lJUJttM9 ,.a4 .AdWU llKARE MT HOKE Wlt.b em· Wnet You Hev• -.-.. .... s ....., .1.-...,.. AM 1'..-,.t ...._ pAoyeci •OID&n. w.w •carpeL ld•al locet1·on For wD ........ ..a .. ,. C.X. .., l"tnpl .Auto. WMlln A: Dryer. .. diallllit ,..U.. .... ~ Prl bedmi. Jd,M> mo Cal.I RJCSIDICNCll A.ND HUGH r . NEWMAN 216 "· 7UI IL Loe~ H bama, ahadA, coJTal. 0 n I y paoo Dn. Ol.,''PLEX -Cl-In I:. Id~. ftOOO Dia. Exan. nlc•. Wiil ~der trade on ·11<>-n.000 Ho-l1I l'ullerton or A.Ila· Mtm. I l'Jt>R. HO)O: E. BIDE. Mar towu. Hwd. Uk Be.th. 6 kll.c: I Ow!wr tral\at. Ku.t Mil SltoO Oft. TRIPLEX LOTI -rood k>c&· UQu. S.00 w1Ua '1800 Dn. CHOICE BA.t..80.A BLVD. OU· PL.aX. 8llcJ. IDeamit.. Wlll oon· •mr IO ft. cl'\llatt ae tnda. ....._ llllGMll .._ • ....... OJOC Ba>ROOM • wtu. W. Ll 1-2097 att.r & pm eeo I SNACK SHOP ......... a..; .... ,_ ~a.ad~,...._ Wl• ~. C.X. ''79Jl8J riRIVJ:-I:N LIQUOR 9TOR.S -. 1 Jr ..... u.uca Ol7lm tunl.llbed -tor ~ oob'· GiiT SBOP --------prtT-Mesa H•rbor Realty • A.A80CIA Ta . --,.-- Why Pay Rent? Hl:R.r8 one Of tboee •ppartanl- U• tlaat an~~ and mllblY Urd to ftDd, own- er -tzw ud ..a Jmt JW.s bi.I I badnD plU cMll M t bed.rm boma. wtddl Le only • mOftlha o&d, for ldl (llelow COllt pr1oel ot 111,IGO, 1119 bu to .. u fhb WMll and bu ~ la.d ua to take UOOO Clown ud tcrm.1 of 181 a maalJL WRY WA.IT! ... ll oow. L•eving Californie oppo.11t• u. a.. BaM Wiil ..u or excbaap tor ~aunt 1 0 C. ~our -R-.l~r Ellclu.slv• w1t.h i.lld. 1 Ml'1u plua ancl°"" I ~ C'Ht•r flt Ll ...-11 CQflllft> DlVIJCll c 0 .... T sao.to Month. -... JUr• al J'(ll'W I bctnn., ruceJ7 ~ boUMt I J dbUJnS'I c:LUa. 1&b'• ~ eo... 1N'T Prbac'a d»po.at rurpa~ heal. Nirat to llhopptnr ('611W. L&rs-o.&lt • ., 10:1. ••..-,cwt~. ll&r1tor, COIM M..a -u I bill lo -.n. quJ.t llt,_t • lnl' a Ir 117 and "1lcSUlp. Oall l!lilr. '"I ~ IOc92 6306 RJv..,. Ave. Har. 6004 W For appol.lltm.,t, C9ll Cha.rMa 4ltia IOtfc I 8 R•llnler, own4T'. Day1: Har ----------nnumJB11D I and 2 Mdnn. ...... T \'. i.1.Wld.ry ~· 1 CORONA DEL MAR two I bdrm 11!118 -Cir.e U MT• UDO ISLE For T-.11)' 6 Wlntw "-t&J SEE .... ,..... Iba. ........ ~ ...... "' ... ... LMe -Bar. 1IOO ~ -.kly or manta· ~ with nrepla<"9 ant1 t7 rent.a.AA. UUI Jl'ld. Blu•1 1ar&«•. On• t"li.Tnlahf'<'I I.I VI'S •PANTRY Top lllatal. toa N.-.part Jlh'd., M9 l T ~ .U N...,,...i. CJuat a'11o99 tha ----.Ardles' tool.I OCEAN rRONT J bedrm , rum ,.. • .,.. ..... t or t\JM tood · • knolly pen•. uNd hr1ck rat-1 I.a 8f1W P'or Sale. CORONA Dll:L ilAR. .AttradlY'I lplac-., pltt11re window• bar ft \'#ILT ,..._, 116.000 in equlp- f'UnL ·~ • tn-r I l&O lcttrl'.Mn N-1180 rurlv H.. m•nl '100 mont.b ,..nt ... 0.000 .. ,.blQfud. ut.il. 1.0 Reno; 41 JI . M>rll 1 \ #•I Iv Jr09 w on~rtul oVP"' 8-8-QIM ,.., ecmired paUo. •s· 1 COlll& Wna I Fr L J Rltr r•l*1t ooaan "1-. L..ociat.CI In Eva LI 1-3186 LI 1 .. 1 U I an~ ames, . bM\IUIUI ~ Ml Ma.r, HA l\~J.W 1 J7l ~ lTlb ll~ ea.ta X- llOUth fll illPW•Y· lncNd9e --t.J 1-n4& • w ~ • dnl)99 uarou,.i. Th Best Oce.an I I JtlJll Eur\ or nutny ~I out. I e u Call i:v-. LI l-4t1T G. H. LATHROP, Rltr I and bill Y1-• OM ~aJd ... for, l- MuJUple Ulit11IC' ..,.... 1 Aolldly bull\ bonw tor Uw I !&rs'• t.a\Uy -a b«troom-. 6 Illa I:. ONa llWJ, '*"-ma. la~ WanlfW and ODToM .. Mar EXCHANGE 2 Vacant Lou C.O.M . Claire Van Hom UALfl'OI\ . mt w. oo..t ...,.. u •..,. can ..,.., LI ...,_ JU IUW BALBOA ISLAND VOTE YES! P'or _. dilann.lilS I Wna Male; ldta.I *8aoD ~ a ..,_ stdp ..... ~ fl'Oa ..,.. OWND WAJfTll AC!'IOlfl • Ren'1 70\U cMMe.t. OJa1. ~ l..Docmwi ,.a--......, ...... BUJU\TI NELDA GIBSON, Rea* or -xa.rtm ................. M.L90A. m..um BAYSHORES HEU U a r-.111 .._, .._. ' hll tM ll&l'tlol-..,.... ,..,.,. ...,....... ni. ...... t-1&rs9 -.....aors tww ~. rtl-U• CO'NNd ,.u., cUDiq ~ It all tM ..,... tM.t make • ...... ,... ... tArilw ta i-.uuftlll7 ... ~ di ........ . ........ -.. . ... -lunry It eamlGrt.. ,... at u. low ,..... ., eaty ..... wt~ ... o..t t--.. 110I "· a..t _.. • .., U.VMln tnlpe. llar. lil40-I\ att• 5 or - ----_, 111nlt\' run pnc-e $11\,000.. BAJ, Otto ... ..._ IOc:a BALBOA lllLAND. Will aban 'ROA Rl:.ALTT CO. 700 ll B&J. -U>OS--#-ta_______ my ! bednJI. home wtt.h un-1 bna Blvd Harbor 1%71. Har ~2 ...,_ Bu MIO ~uo. l....tt ua abow Ulla }tome to nit.11 JOG. Plu. Ca.ah terr fl ' 2 Of I B*1room W• Ila•• a 3 bdrm bom. on an C 0 M. Home. Duncan H...desty ft&A.L'J'Oa cian ... caaa 8AAND ... &f( ~ pl.ciyec1 lady Ca ll Har 413'1 or CA n ffW '"-· W•ll Mt&bltaMd ~ 811111 •&a tun. \tW J4. l&raC'I A TV. J Har. 371. ~ll'A3 locaUou. Now dolns rtM bullll· cWid ·~ *->T ....,... TRADE IY OWNER u.e.ooo llQUITY sa • umu ta N.-pol't ~ta tot' holn4 or wt lMMS, or )QJtneM up to ll0.000. CeJl -ro,.. HTll ft·2 lot wbtre an apartment -1 i. built o,,.T ll'!t •~ (2) 2 or I a.droom p.race. H.&rbor Al"M. 8-t.: ••t ~~ .. Lids ia..- ~at lllli& ...... nll .l2'f oua ,., .... I I D lllWJ:Wb om._ 'f M..-port BeM'Ja.. Har OORON;. OllL M;. R:fu~ nH8 C.11 JUr .SIT f~ lntor- -1. IOC&J 1 bednn . .__ .......... t. J*l1-. matlon or w~l• r. 0 ao. 2M r ot' Uw woman wl'lo Ilk•• to (31 Vacant ~a. ft.-4. M-1 Pl"Op- I' ........ -.... , ........ '6$ on yrly. 11uta. Mione N~rt Bftch. tocl2 lrnit. We ban a trpa..nd1d &bop .n7. CKSA.llf ft.ONT ....... Llblll'ty .. 112'7. •1 p83 (~) .......... , ... f(W l&Ja. •_.....: 2 ....,.. 1 daable ----------M-11 to 1.-. ntte ~ 0-,W.eb' ha 1•·· CORON.A om. )UJl, yearly --· __ ODfl_, ______ ----------r:!L.-om·s Rl~Co. .,...,. maid ......-. "-rOOln tum • nn ,__ ' l•vel-. mun .... prh'&Le ..... no. w.a bath a.nd ~. , bedrma plu.. TRUST DEEDS n ...... J!!l!ltll ~ltor . IMUr&D<.'le - : ~ N.w,.rt ': = ~~;,.oil. iuo .. ;; Bou9ht and Sold BA y f R. 0 NT ! 1115 ~. ~-1 'fW,t.RLY ..... at m wan. 8 A T PROHT hiolM. B&Jboa Jfa111cr n&J Aft. 8e1'ea labll. I ...... llland. 1 btdr'mt, newly and 14 Hour Piton• S."1c-, .... llM 1 W. ..,.t. tarlL &rtO.. '-utltuDy t'nnlt.hed.. Wbtt.r HAR•OR I c.t9. REAL VALUES ,..., ,_ SIO c. •,., ......_ pao mo DA VT co.. un Vla D ~ LOWEST £~ ...... CUI ....... htbillr \)pDfto. &r. M4.. tldl ------------ :: :,;:_ 1a11 • ~ -na.uu.--Y-or-._..--l&Dfur1L--J -bed..-I st & 2nd T. D. Loans BUT ~OT LEAST hon• ,,rwpl.. ,.,..... 1589 a.rrtq all Orulf'e Osmlt7 <>ranee. C. 11. AUIO, 2 llednn. 1'mst Deed.a Bo .. _.. • Sold -n. ........ --p&ld "5 ....... 8' Br. J y•r Oki ltU<TO lntn1• p&uter A.T. floore app. lJOO mq. tHt. carport. Mull be aold. u~ 4ft. Beeuut\JI 8&cll Bay boa. only • Ch•l« ~. ftaltor S15~A"­ Ba.Jboa lalan4 JlarMr .,.. NEWPORT HEt6HTS 2 larp lldnU.. ~ ~ 1 ~ rrm. o14 UY. nL ... llf4'it beam.ad Cllll.. tadMr ...... ltltcbm bu llmlW8 w. ~ "'°"' m&ft.1 ......,.. ~ fln. 1J" a U' .. I " si..-OWW U6 OeteU.. l>ltft. ,..,.. 11t0. 11\1 W. ltul 8L, c. M.. R I .. ~ rt c ean LI 1-1.kO or LI a.on. oya mo gage o. We Illa" U. iow.t priced bl.1fl'olll ..... &lid bleclet ~ ~ laJuld aad tt u VSft T A"M'J\Ac.T?V9. ..._.. mo. old, appr. 1100 9'· fMt ---------- · · aica Harbor 6123 BAY ntOlft ._..,.. w.-. .-t&l 2 'bdrm.. a:l~J f\lm.. pnp, ~ ...... to ~"C cot•. 11&0 p • r moatk. Ha.r IW7'll. &Jell Hal N.-port 81•CI .. N.,n. Bcb LOANS for Homes 1-r~IOT-.rl...-....... ~ •11 ..... 00A9T .. f'D. · Ollftrla .... Mar ..... -ltcJ.. PUIAIJCll lfOll~Qa QI; ac.uo ur. tu. ,_.... ID w1• &eu. call f~ ·~ 31 S Marin• Ave. la.lhoa' lllantj . . . Herlter 16'-0 built-In rani-e ud ma.ny oUwr qtru. 1 ~ bath and t ~ • 41>L s•n.at· onty ~ di\. BALIOA ISLAND THE CUTEST PLAY- HOUSE AND INCX>IOC TOO! aY O'lt'JfSlt. I 'I II a• ..... • ................... 0... .. Mea~i......-.--­ wtdl ,,..... llWD ,....,, ~--.................. ,...,._ Ale....,..... ......... --~ ~Dr .. Ml .... ftlli.. I Tlllt' 8/8 HARVEST TIME RUSTIC! . .... ... .. . . .... . -"'-, I' ' ' .. · .. .-I bdftL· •~ hCllD8; l )OQM off CUit Drive ... NSeQy" lnd~ • ~;i TUe ldtche:n. prb. ·:· cn.p.;wired for 220. buDtrin clMk 6 boobhelvu, :: drapM. J' ••• '1a,1M. l'1edNe Uinna. _,. \fl. E. FISHER & Associates "'· 302t Cout B~ •• C«ona <21 Mar Barbor !S032 .~~· Eva Barbor ZO>-W • .. RETIRE WITH INCQME .. In heart of lMutiful Corona del Mar. 3 income UIUta; 2 an n.leely tum., 2 patioe. ClOM to -~ lbopptns l~ blka. tram ~ 132.150 $T ANLEY A SMITH, Realtor ~ 2MT E: Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 882 OCEAN FRONT CU1'E 2 bed.rm, 2 bath cottare, '16,000. 'lhNe becb'm. A den, furniabed. aeAT Bay, nice. . fl!~~ •; Ir you want illcome, 11ee t.beee : .• • aincle unit.I funtiahed, good income $19,500. Trtpla-1 3-~. 1 l·bdrm. A awd10. $2Ui00. ~. Alto. nice bt.O.lding lot.a, channel view $17.~ Jlodem ·~to-date, 6 two ~rtn.9. wtth 2 bath•, 2 one be<irm. wtth 1 bath each, plua extra alffp '· lnc 'room. garb. disp, 6 pra(H, laundry, and completely furnuhed.. Will 11eU--0r otter trade COAST PROPERTIES ~ RUTH JAYRED, Realtor MUdi-ed R.Jgg1 a.nd Sylvl& Tbompaon, Aaaoc1atca 301,El. Balboa Bl•d., Balboa Har. 26~ or ~ . ;"' .. _ . NEWPORT HEIGHTS ~ bd.nn. tile kitchen and bath, completely ... ft.need. Garage with workahop. Thi.a ho~ 1n o~w cond.1tJon and a low price ol $10,9'50 . BALBOA INCOME 6 unita near ocean &bay. Only 5 yn. old and lD , A-1 conditJon Live in lovely owner'• apt. &nd :.have lnc-0me or onr ~.000 yearly or by rentinr all 6. income ex~ ~.500. Full price co~­ ~. pletely turn. $58,000. .Penm.u.t& Ocean Front tO' lot. HARBOR 4971 VOGEL CO. LIDO OFFICE 3418 Vi& Lldo ttc lfc L100 ISLE RANCH B'l'TLIJ, • ' '*"°"'·· I ba~ tand J&NJ. MOl!l attrac- u... Di.hw., dl.ap., ca.J1)etl It drapee, ' , yra. old. A.aldns '36,000. BAYSHORES I BR.. 1 ...... tum.. 16&-lot U3.IQO. 2 Bl\.. I ba., t\arl., Ca,. ODd, U..000. 2 8R. 2 ba., cpta. It drapea, '2UOO. A1.L ~1' OOOD Btrfl COSTA MESA Cut. an4 low prlo9d •osoo, . ruiur. 19U l\edl&nda, 1 w.. ei>t.td. .. MARINERS ISLE REAtTY 318 Marine .Ave. Bal* laWld Har 4781 lims roo1'1 &nd h&ll. tlrepl., --~----------------­ BBQ. !dee loclP.Uon. llOl Newport Bl'W'd., i.u.sn- PfOP.. 2 br, home plWI 001'11.r lot. Mart of \Own. Only pe,600 . Mvrtle Davy, Rltr. 102 tl& Oporto, Har. M .. i:v .. Ll tA279 HEALTHFUL HEMET l6 ACRES of level tillable land 8 acre. ot aprtc:ota. 10m• w&J. nuta. family orchard. 2 IMdrm redWoOd r&ncll hoUM, fireplace I< den. f'U•t hoUM, l&rf• ba.m, 1wimml~ pool. food well, o:-qmplete lrrtc'Stlon 1yatem tractor. All n-8ubdlvl1lon poqtbll1Ue.a. Factnc ma.In lhur ourhf•r• Buddm death or owner puta lhl.a ¥(etlm• raacb on th• market a t tar under It.a rf'&l \l&lue. P'ull rrlC"" ~ 00<1 with about one·fourUl down OWNER'& AGENT Sam EmmH Ll 8·7* ----------I HAn $2.llOO CASH 6 ii,\ ~ In t.he Banta Ana Mol.ltl - ta.lna wtth ""• spnnr v..iue s,2.800. Will tn.de both fi. eqully 111 duple• or T 8AM EXMltl w a..noo 791:8! _______ I HEART ATIACK ! p:.llO . uooo doWll buy• a00oJ 2 Mdroom ho11.. plu. 1 I b..s · NOil\ houM that could be h"I· f'd up 12 a,,. x JOT ft. lol th.a I nf'~ I unit.a Loc:aUon nll'a1 1 Y&lrv1ev.· on A•·CK'ado It Can ahr1w anyllnt" WHAT A BUY! C-2 ON MAIN BLVD: Good 2 Bdrm. Houae and Ohl G&rap -lot 50 ft. x MO tt. Real .io. Into heart of town . ONLY -$3260 DOWN and the b&l&nce lib renL PRICED TO SELL now at ,~,760 INDUSTRIAL INCOME 6800 Sq FL -Block Blda (N~ly New) Sound leue -rucht tn the ~nttt of town - ' Neu 10" < now and bu ~ tremeodou.a potentaal. GEO. EVERSON REALTY 116T... H "'JIOl't Blvd., Coeta. Meaa LI 8-9t11 -EvM. HA ..a66 AcroM myd. from Safeway ll.arket ------''C" THOMAS "C" THOM.AB "C" THOMAS View Home of Distinction Beauty and chum predonunate in t.bia ~auti!ul VIEW born• overlookinf the ~ntire Newport Har- bor_ ~ eq. fl of ~!~rant llvinf area, daatinctive det&lltnr and intenor dec-Oratin~ - 2 lre. bed- rootna, 2 tiled ba~. full dining room, lp. den . with ftftplace, • lee. Uvin6 l'OOm wttb fireplace a.nd deWltd wood panelin1. Llving room, den and muter bedroom have unau~ VIEW o( bay and ~an. Deep pile ex~n.11ve carpeting throu1hout, laundry room, work ahop tor the re· ti~ or bobblat and 9tiD another room for varied • wi.ea. Lovely irounda, completely fenced. A RARE FIND at $49,:SOO Shown by appolntmf'nt. "C" THOMAS, Realtor a.nd ASSOCI.A TES Baek .Bay -.,.. dUplu, 1 bedrm ~b Pde. ...,._,.i.. cement patloll And ·~-$1000 down. renicM U4 W:Mhcaped. ft.at abould c&1TJ' Nl&nc,. Jncam• pl'Ol*iY rtpt. down town. N••l.7 built and pay. ott .. ~t.ed." I unit.a, I 1a· np9. ' lawM1IJ room.a. .All tu1.I ud very r-..onabl• J'9lta. lnoom• _.'° monlb. "21.AIOO baa4M1. ~ PLt111 'acru. X.. Drlv•. ~ rolllq AUUttd• that IDllJI• 9"l')' lol a ri4IW l.oL Cour..ty apprond teat.au .... ., , .. 'r1 2 .... ~· I •• .. '" -·· .. \ ' ·-~· • t .a . ~ • . , .. .,; .. ,"'•;. ·' .. _, ' ,, ...... ... CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE 'r. KcCOJ81'ION, Re&Jtor 6 Alll!Mfat.I 3"7 I:. ea.st ~1'7· ~ del.~ ~: ,1 ..... ( Oftlce located nut dool' to N.wpart Baibir 'ilank. Olll) • I I map .til1Wiae IT Mme altu. ----..1.----------------~ tia... .-Wd doub- l• ,.ur 111....un•t. au , .. a... cw.. -.ooo t«ma. I ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES ll6T N..,.,ort 81Yll., Coat.a K .. U •tlb Ewe LI .. HOO lido l~e FOR SALE II BEDROOM. S baUt watwfront home. Bltf double pier It lllp '7 6.000 w llh Coad lerl!ljl WATERFRONT Duplu Com· pletely turn\Ahed. Je7.b00. • B&OROOK. 2 MUI. 1 7ur new rnodern IWtury bom• Lare• uouc paUo Thi.I la truly a ti.auty at only 546.000 Owner wlJI t.r&d• tor am&ll•r 3 bedroom Lido bou.e. BEA \JTIT\J L S ~room. 3 bath W1tll Iara• al.ate ttrep14C1 modft'U kit.dl'I' e&rptLt A d,..pu, Priced for quJcit l&l• at only SJI .000 F"IX lT UP and make eom• moMy • ~rrui. 2 bath.I bee.111 ~!n&.. Tl\11 boUM -..., a tMI potrnua.t. Prtc.d only nuoo FOR LEASE I WONDERFUL I be<1room lux· ory ._•t•rfronl home. Com· pl•tAly tumlabtd e.nd l'l.u larir• pin A 1llp. $1000 rnonth on yearly 1 ..... 4 B&DROOM. J tial.h 1paskt1n1 new horD• on cornn lot. Fur· nlahM or unrurn1Al'IM. J•oo mon th Swimming Pool Chff Haven Open House Attemoona Except Wed~1 II you are int.ruled in a ruauc home '°u abould aee thla. 3 bedroom, 2 bat.ha. patio with b&r-'IHI. Heated and filtered pool Priced wtll lUM1er re- place1Dent coat for quick aale. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor "At the Brldp to Lido !al•" La.layette at 32pd St., Har. t71S BALBOA ISLAND Home 6 Income: Moat at tr. duplex, 2 B.R. ea.ch, C6mp. funi. 5 b&thL PAUoe -.nd wn deeka. Top lnccn.. $-i().000. LltUe lal.and. N......,. Bay J'ront. J'izwt time otter- ed. 4 B.R. 21,~ betba. M&fda rm. 6 8J)&dou.t 1 B.R. apt. A..1J beaut. turn. I car ...,.,.e. L&rie lot. Hurry tor Ulla. Priced r1Jbt. NEWPORT. HltlGirrs Cha.rm. 2 B.R. on 01U Dr.·~. $1.tS,000. Th1t la a BUY. We ht.Ti the by. Call ua. SHORE CLIFFS 96 ft View Lot. . . '·•I •• .... ... . . ... .. •--! ... BLANCHE A. GATES, Ru&tor . :: MEMBER 011" MULTIPLE LIWn:Na' 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand Ph. Har. 1871 ar 181f~ SOMEBODY GOOFED F W. LYTLE. Multlplf' L1•l1nc Servtrf l'T-1\ ,,;,..,.port Blv'1 1·nala M,.•• I.I !-!HU I.I -2.~0 ;:24 W Cnut Highway, NPwport Beach LI 8-~27 13 BEl>ROOM. 2 balh. A low-ly home for only 5~26 mnnth "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C'" THOM AR N. B. C. SPECULATORS! .. • They built Jtat 1 bedroom, Lhe ldtchen hu barl'- : ly enou&h room to sv.·1ng a cat and ther11•1 a a1n· "• lie p.rafe. BUT -it IS livabJ~ 1t IS on a 40 rt :• R-2 lot, cloae to shopping and there IS lot. of - --~ ---Duncan Hardesty 0 W NE R AN XI 0 US I Al th• =~11~~~~.1<10 l•I•" l>ouble comer, near Civto Center, bQild .2 du· plext-11, 1ood nmtal diatrict. L.ut CU.O. t.o pt bl th1• fin!' art'a • room tor another howie Md (t.r&ge. They DID ret the price rirbt -$10.~ with only $3,~ -down. You SHOULD hurry. .. R. L STRICKLER, Realtor -3822 E. Cout Hwy .. Corona del Mar Har. 2774 ftewport Heights . .. . $950 DOWN D1:RA I.AJIOI: 2 bt>d.rm., mo,.. ~ JIN ... n. ot ll'W'tn •• ln· el~ a. full d!nin« room, ~· pullman kJtchm wtlh ~ area. 1 ~ baUl.a. lld1 UYUi.s room, rtreplaa. ""1ta M.tol&tor, 2 lovdJr palloe. NOW• ONLY UT.GOO EABY TERMS N"' a bedroom -1 ~ 1-lh -2 car ,..,..,. -Cl-to etiop- ptns C.n~r -Payment.. lib rent. P'ull prtce. 110. '1llO 21/2 ACRES LOTS Comrn•fftal r()ut HIJIW.• \' r·orona d•l Mar 40 x 80 fl 1 .... t on• at th1a pM<f' $10,000 Vl"W or 0c-f'an • JWAt'h l.I t II• < .n run a SIT~ near Baell Bay. tlneat loe&llnn, ln rludell pla.na tor 3 bdrm bom• .A. b&.r1a1n at thl• prtc- H.600 RAY REALTY CO. MU·E. C'-t. Hwy .. CdM·Har 22A8 1.A.croaa trom b&l1k ln CtlM 1 Memb«r ol Multiple u..u-. a.-.1~ Another Cari be rnoN'd to ).f.1 Lay1 4 UNIT INCOME TWO -.CSl'Mln w1U. J.ur• runt room and 'll ~ 9"r doubJ• p.rq-. ln C'004 aNa ot N-- pclf'l lhipt&. 00.U .t~ from "-'room. V«"f nicely. Hto'a a r ... I In· Ill' TOU WANT Choice Property, vut.m.nl -Thi.a pro~rty "'1th a two bedrootn unit tor abould de>ubl• lo nlu•. Priced yourMlf plua I ffl\t.ala •1'4 lo- kl'duc('ll pnre $1000 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 11la.ke roof, bmlHn range and oven LovPly patt0 Double rarar On paved all~y. Only 1 yr. old Full price NOW ONLY $18.000. Call for appoint- ment to «ee today Ir not aold befott, will be open Sunday 1 to 4:30. 378 W&lnut. Coat. Meaa. "C" ED JONES, Realtor la: A8SOCU TES 1999 Harbor Blvd. Ll 8-9301 OCEAN FRONT Excellent location on thf! aidewalk W~t of Newport Pier Only 4 Yl"· old 2 Bedroom, pat.Jo, furnace heat, cove linoleum, dlrtlnc room, double prage ahinJI• roof. Aaldn1 only $22,000 PAUL JONES REAL TY 2001 w. Balboa Bl•d .. Har 2313 oc ~ LaCayell• al 32nd 6t . Har •718 EXCHANGE Th• .. HO'IT!:ST" Bu.alneu Spot In the FutHt Grow1n1 Part of Co•t.a M•A& for $22,500 Cash. or •ubmit term. .Prope.rty &lre&dy nnted e.nd Full price -$12,000 BEACH HOME • 2 Large be<lrOOQl bo&we 1'i.th oce&o view, aa Sea.abort Drive Only $16,DeO NEWPORT H!!IORTS Neat 2 bedroom home. Good tlnandnf. -, Only $10.8e5Q ., x,: ' .. teMnLI will tall• a )-. SM u.a for otbeni. • for appotni.m-t. aLll , ':.sa CHARUCS B. R£TM1J:R. OWMr Day:: Har. 1118 Ev .. U 1-;: N. B. C. REAL TY CO. -----------32nd &i Newport Bhd.., Newport 8eM!b Bu MIS °" 1'°6 19' VD\011fIA PL.ACE. Quaint • ~-\: httM fTq \ovM. Loll of u roe.. A~· Old tne:t 2 bed· BI B VOGEL VAL ES '* "101'f\I. L.arr• 1tlOnf room. 'noo. HGOO 1oan. "4nta sn. CORONA D& Mil ~ -~ . LI t-&207. T8pl1 BEE US POR YOUR Vny atir.cu.,. I INdi._ l1' RE.AL ESTA TE NE1:DS halha. a.. ta. w&A eo wall 1 YE.AR OLD, I bednn., 1 ~ bat.ha, YrrJ 1arr1 f111ced Jot. ck»e lo Coei.. M-Shopplnl C.ntcr. F'.P. Jt.000. Low down. o.ra..'1 A.ftllL ~~-.. .......... IN LIDO ISLE, BALBOA ....-wtth ~-fltit AND ALL or NEWPORT ti,Ua. LoU ., w.. Dt.,1111. AREA. hUa. ldm1 t• .U.· ~ I W.-•1•,aoo '.RT ADAIR. Rlti. a t 18.00Q an acn. c-ate<I only 1 blocll to the bay or ocean. pl-l~l mr P H I L S U L L VA N &how you U\la attra.c:lln plac• 80c82 on a tot a.nd b&lf. Priced al lN DELUZ ---------------------10 TO IO ACRU. Moetly rivn bottom land. wal.&r .... ~ •. "!"" • dmL ~ el tSUICl"\i Bay & Beach RJty., Inc. l-MMW>OiflJ at.VD. co.ca ., ... 1~ ,N.wpor\ llJYd.. C.0.ta Mell& U5.&00 OWner will COJ\lld1r LI..,,. • ....... ·u .... • ~· fkll) __ _..._ ...... ~--~~--~ :=,...·~'Cl)'~~ dt; COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth tao. -. a.rp acn-t. INCOME PROPERTY -oDe tun ac:n 132 x Back Bly Beauty ~ DtVllfll; , ..... frpl. 6Je p.r. KW On.,; pat», teno-e«. o'll\r 1• -._ n.. ~ow ,.. phM mil p1,uo... · · r ' .... P llUr8IDJI C. MDA I 1*"19'~ cdile pr. RW nr .. tlrpl .. pfint1 ol We. ~ean n•l tlnme. i!'U'M 'hnn .. . ~ c. Pftm'E. R..:Jtar l1Jt H&tlaOr Bm1. u ~ Opp. &t&llt'1 MrkL U -.MIT Newport f-:leights . Special S15,000 Kodem t Mdnom, OOl'MI' lot, . qlliet w.&. OCIMll ..... fnlm tNl!t ,...... JIXCLtJ'UTID. Twmac:aa)e ~ BALIOA IA y \ 800 wtth 3 rentaia n1w. 2bc' •> a pluUI 1a P.ROPERTIES permtt. tar a mo~ cuttta oo tMnt c4 tot. Piaimt 1300 w, BaJboa mw. B&.r. Jlll inCOllM '219~ IJe!' moath. PrtQ.e '2!,}500. IOcl2 &mme.. bUQdlnr fiabt In town -rood a.. -----.----wtth "°°· m01lthly m~. Pt1oe '40.ooo. with M-1 Comer. . tenn ... \ HO rr. Fll0~40C e.rl'-C.. 3 Br. A dim, patio, tttn. iarse pr&l9 with ~- ta .,._ ""~ ~ 1 .,._ -.n.. t.ltb. J'en...-com« lot wi•.. -•-_ .. _ . ..._ .. I~ ,. .,..a tnalll&f.actlal'at, -.... -.,UUU9 - tutt prtc• a.s1.ooo wtlh euy tnea. ius.ooo. Tenu. t•nn•. Ralph P. Maskey REALTOR Dan ~ Juo--. ~ s.tatA Harbor Mtl G. N. WELLS, REALTOR Kar. •OJ U 1-tT&i Kl t-2187 LI MllT 1810 ~ewport. Blvd .. Co.ta MCllM. LI 8-7729 PIO per acn. SAM EMMES 1J ... .,... 'Tlcl1 REAL ESTATE SALESMEN New U~ Costa Me.a offtce aeeda s ha.rd-bi~ .a. people. LI a.Ml. UPPER BACK BAY ~ ACRE VIEW LOT ~ ctnwn ruu pnc. St..sllO Rar. ~fl. '~ R.Lu:rou 16&0 W • .8a1bo& IA..S. • .... ll&r. -· .... FOR SALE BY~OWNER I •Ta01L1111r7,. 0.-.. di& Jiu :- RA: 1f'1 BA: tTlf • ln eo.ta Mea. On Willlon, · T'btee BlClcb Eut of Harbor Blvd. . -• Open .Dally·~ 12~:30 . • • ~ SJ*loua'Bediooma • l%•Batba --; Olused Jn abower • Jlatioon J'tOarw • e 4ttndtn paper tn Bdnna. D.R.. A Bat.ha • JWctd AJr Beat ·• AM C.J:mwt• -Formica Counter Tope • . . a.n.,. Dillpoal, ahamt fan ~· ·a.kfut Bar Jn Kitchen ... • Larp Doable Oarap1 • Cube. Gatten, and public aidewallu • • !eWeN in &lld paid for $495 DOWN. Fun ~ Price Only -$12,350 · W. A. TOBIAS,. R'ealtor end , ~SS~tATES ''Y •11 Like Our J'riendly Service'' 400 E. 17th St. Coet& »eu Liberty 8-11.39 ~ call LI &-7021 -LI ~ NEWPORT-MESA EXCLUSIVES OCEAN FRONT SPECIAL • J1rwt tbDI ott~ •• ~ 3 Bedroom 2 batha • --Vlirw un.c n>Oll\ • Bar KJtcbm -Natun.1 Wood • Bdt Jn Ra.np Ir oven -all Extru • Oampletely ca.rpeted -Nicely decoratt'd ALL THIS PLUS 2 bedroom Rental unlt with i'l.repla~ -Ba.r Kitchen Nlee View -Good Incom~ hlJ Pl't& OD Both $18.600 -Tt!rma : ' . :-· , · · LOTS OF LAND! . . :• ::l~ ~ ODt l'db.aa. with 82 foot frootqe ~--f···aooa ..,.. to Back .,.. Blha.D houe on • .., tJlat ooWcl be ~ tram main pk!ice. ~ . . sm;o. ' . DUP~ NEAR OCEAN BEACH p. e ... palmer incorpor•fed ·Ole han1on co. manege,.nt 1700 w. ~ bJpnra1 -bMrtJ l&U 191 T.u -., l\'tlll90 tllal ...... a ...al .._. ..._. abaol WI l... .... .... "-'*'" ~ j~ ... ., 9alboa Pkr. On unaU lot t.ul ~ btocll l4 ~. 11ta prtc. la only SlO.TOO w1UI flOOO down. Balboa Realty Co. I Oppmll t. 8llak of AIP&ria& Plom Ol'ftlla7 ICd Ltt I Joaqblm W•bb l TOO &. Balboa al.ct .. aaJ)oa PhOfta Ranft 127T .. C .. THONil "'C"' THOM>.11 LOOK! BEFORE YOU BUY OPEN HOUSES 1 to I D&Jly Mil Wa'fWly Dnv• BAYBHOR.ES J Bedr111a. 1"ul1L. ... US.000 8&l. UWI. 1 ... 2862 Vi.ta Dr1v• BAYSHORES I Bednna. h.mil7 Ploom JU.000: • lat .• Sun... J..,fl 124 Klnp ft.oad CLIFF HA VEN va:w BOMll -a~. n...,.·. t7 daaantAlld. ICXc.lhmt buy at ua.aoa. . "C'' TOOMAS I I REAL'rOR : and A880CIATEs 2" W. Oout HW)', LI a.an N..-port ~ 'C' THOM.AS 'C' THOM.AS BY OWNER I BSilltOOK. I b&tb, l'fW Sant.a Au. , ,.,.. el4. WW. carpeta _. drapa U-4 Wick er.. ,.._ r'Uldl ~ .au.a root. Nd's I I • flidM ,.,.ar Jll1'd, Ul.d llpllt rd • fNnL •. Dhlll n h laWN. LOU fl/ .......... ,-. *- You Wm Like . . . IR·V'INE · Tf RRAC.E New Pu•nl4he4 "Ho"'•~ by M.c~" . . -. OPl:N EVENINGS UNTIL 0 :00 P.M. . ' . . lntenors ity Marlin & Von Memert . S.udtUJ b.omel b1 the tlnest location EARL W. STANLEY. Realtor EXCLUSJVJ: .A.GCNT8 • Bayshor.es • 2 bedrooma, 1 bl.t.b --·-·····--··---$18,7~ 2 bedroom.I, 11,4 b&tba --19,700 2 bedroain. 1 bath. tuh. ··--21.000 i bedrooaaa, 2 bath.a, p:o.m.culate (told) -24,000 SHOWN BY J.PPOINTMENT ONLY AUK) Say Front Pier A Slip. Wlnt.r ~nW, Qualified Cienta Only. HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. Harbor 1800 llrM LET'S BALBOA TALK INCOME ISL.AND INCOME · There ia an e.xcellent buy opportUn.ity here in a t~ well localed, multiple unit property that "bean up" under eardu.l 1eruUny. WtU coMtructed &nd wtll la.id ouL A f"' bnpmvr- menu to enhance and ~t up tbe natural advant · a.ce-s will aaUafy a diJK'rlminatinr buyer. We can offer the ~pendablllty of our experi~nr­ .xl B&lboa lala.od penonnel to 11et up the profit pomibWtiea and ~nw dieut.ele to warra.nl your confidence. Approximately $15,000 ca.ah down payment Buyer can llve on property or not u de-- sind. Ca.LI for appointment to ahow. WM. W. SAN~ORD, and A'sociates Lee Bolin • Cbarlott.e P'aziola Hub Powera • Nooa H~r Park A~. at Marint!, Balboa I.a1and Hat-. 2462 ------- Bl B EXClUSIVES BAY A VE. INCOME. Abeentee owner aya ee!L llome and apt. Ni~ly tum. Good tlnancing. A.lk.i:D~ $29,:SOO. BAYJ'RON1 -PIER AND SLIP. ROOK FOR LARGE SWnoaNG POOL. 3 b.r., Lanai den. d1n1Jllroocn, Larp livtnc roam. nrtptace. THIS IS TOP V~ -$69.TdO. SlOOO doW1l ! A Move into 2 bedroom turniah- ~ .~ ~ t0', lot Mar OMUL hll ,price SlG.tiOO. • ' I • 111' ~ r.-.; OWNJ:R ~ TO 81.D 8linardino. • . ..,.,. ...... 0r wm trMlla .. a..... Area ~ .P...toau to een a )'f. okt 2 s..a. 2 bath bOID1 a..v. near jetty.' lldw'cJ t\oon. Lota of tile. tWlJ m. _THER.r _ ___;'--8-A_CR_TIMO:___ tutat.ed. • Nloel7 ~ped. P&tto. Owner 1riI1 NJCED COlllllder low down payment and will reduce '°" A. ,... --. .a.. .,... • &aldDt ptk:e for · qUtck ale. fl&Jmu.at-....... W• ..... I ' Harbor Hiqhlends mt ITL v.i. LANI: Top tu.Uty ~ bdrm., 2 ~b.cD9. ~--. t°"*9 ah' a..t. 1°"' wool~ ... raw lliDI clrai-., all ...... .. to mah tld.I u _.,... tJGn&l b.ame. Tbe .vet'• ._ .-r~ •Pl'ialder lfY.,_ tem, ,.... ~ Md ~eam~a lliftuttM l*ture. 1'ri..s to ..n al sn.aao. with ·~ .. ,, .......... Back Bey A. M&uUN.l bome, wtUI a very sood 'f'Ww. nu. bdrm.a., .a •tu. -- l 100 911. tL of cbc:Ace b&rdwood noon. Bullt "' 0'"-f9 Uld Karritl oven A rup, IM>oditd flUl and prtia.. ... po.al A MU8T TO UC Priced at ~.too w1t.11 "8.000 eso.m . . Lido Isle 221 VI.A. FIR&Nz.£ Thia b.oma le lop YalU& o n Udo. Pt1'*1 al 131,00Q. ~~ Of' JU.500 tlunlalMcl. TIM ldtchu I.I eparkllac v.1 lb buJ It l.n aveii • • ranp. 41..-aJ. diaai· ~ and .U.u.t tan. OY"""-d dlnl~ • a.ru. and 11 Yl.116 l"OOGl •1 t 'i ~ brlck r. P. and picture •indow LO at- r racUve ~nd~d pauo. Hu I 'bdrnu. 4 l bath& •1lb r a r a I • •t.re.ed. for extra nn. flt.000 loan n&11able. Call U• tor IUl apPot.nt- m.at lo...,... .. W. AT qbias, Rltr. A.ND .A.880Cl.A Ta You'll Ilk• our 01«1\dJy Mn1c. 400 E l 7tb. Costa M- Ubut; a.11n P:w-•. r.au Har. 61 Tt 1.1 a .. ">HI\ C-2 I 00 x 300 ft. I E. 17th.St. 1 , s.t ,,, .. " -ru.tJ.n • tmn., Costa Me1a'a FinMt Area PRJCI: 116.000 Call Owner, RarboT 600I TOcll Z FOR 1 -Corona del. M&r lot.. 1' ou can bu7 ~ IO ft. lot. on a c.-ornw tor fa.IOO. tilt.al pr1oa. CtintlT Sall•bury . R41a.Jtor a ta Marine .1i. V'I. ~ lllud ~Nfl TkU 1 WATERFRONT I Weth Pier & Float I I s llDJUl'a~ 1 plW1 ba~ Ind~ In• llDaD lloat tor the ...., pric. of SM.IOO.. Good tcnn&. OP&N J'IUDAY. 8.ATUllDAT IJfD llUKD.A. T 11-3 m T CbanMll Ptaee, N.....,_.t l.llaM Robert V. Brose Rl:.4LTOR lnD w .............. Kew'IJOft ._. Bu "71 " 11 OPEN HOUSE 1.to 5 1'1UDA1' • UTUIU>AT A 8UNDA1' -. .rue· v~eL' COMPANY ~: :-1:0:-.:N -.ii. Bay and Beach Reat+v Inc. Realtors I • tn VQ m •, Main lilt. c-. .,_.027 1 2026 \V. Ba.Ibo.a 81\ld.-Newport Btach I I015 CLD7. DRIVE NM.A LUITA Alf A Ava ua.1ooe I A N(')TRW!ft VOOl:L l'O. &XCLU81VI: s• t . , i.700 ~wport Bhd., eo.t.a M-. LI U58e 11cas · Ha.rboT 12'4 -Eve. Har tMe ,~~ ...... ~!~;.....,~,--~-~---------~----~ 1. -• Ile •I f • -• rtJLL PBICS '10M6 ffUO Pm llOJml .! Wtta:>N 6 PLA1 SM'IU. . Mmlstted Models ' Open Deily , -•' 5 Mlfwte• frotn tt.. Oc"" , Near Schoo1a & Wo'r~ - 0081'4 ....... 8UN8BINS B'iaCH BOI0'.8 OJ'l'lm. ..• f'roat or iur llYins l'OOmS • Pleaty of cloleta. _ : Diains apaee tn ki~bena • '° pl nter batas. : Na~ binlh c:a.bblieta • Oonftttt tti. m ~ • m1 • Maticork noO,. • Wood alidlar trtn-.·- ~ • t.000 9e1. ft. lota • Rock tOOfa. ::. Aluminum acreena. AN01."IQ:R S. V. H~. A.LEX STEPT . : DEVELOPMENT · DEMOCRAT? • • • REPUBLICAN? ™t'a YOUR bulrinaa OURS ia R.elJ m.tate'. We preeea.t theee to you: HOMES •.... 3-bed.., 13 • l8 liv. r., la.Ip kitchen, bath with · : abower over tub, atucco uterior; p&u&Atr witbJn. • · comp. root, etc. Loan on It at '~~ % int., only $960. On. Price '9900. I-bed., Cpq. ln Uv. r and ball, bath with abower over tub, Jarae kitchen. Loa.n at '4 ' ~ '"( Int. $7~. Dn. Price t"'50. OPEN HOUSE ..... At '13 Sian. Vista .. Back B&y Area. Now anDe'JC!Pd to Newport Beach. Diatinctively 1tyled 3-bdnn., 2 batha, i 12 yeua old. Italian Tile, afid .. ln&' rl&M · doora into 'ff.1."Y loftly patio, b&ilt·ln ran~ . . . forced air beatlnr. nwneroua cloeeta and .t.orap 1p&oee •• .• Priced BELOW 1"f'Pl"O- duetloc at ... $2e.~. fNCOME ..•.. &-unturn.. UNITS XclnL area . rood io:ol\1r al '82.800. DUPLEX'S!\\'~ have 'em all over Harbor Aru. TRJPLEX'S ! ln Ne~ort Hte ... jult 2 lelt .•. at $21.500. LOTS . . OCEAN VIEW ... ~1 x 8:s ft. 01'~ T mooo . 30 ft. frontqe lot ·-··--····-. .$9.900 t.fany. many m ol"t! from -··· -· $3000. up JACK BRENNAN, REALTOR "AT THE ARCHES" 3320 W. Cout H11-y. LJ S-7TI3 BALBOA ISLAND 3 BEDRll. R0\18E plua 2 bednn. apt. near E . Bay. Priced rtpt. 2 anJu on pod ~L 2 bedrm. hou.e plu. l br. apL Atlrac!d'n clean property - Nr. No. Bay. 3 bedrma., H~ bat.ha, 2 cat pr., : 1 bdr. apt. 8mall down. Owntt _,.. ~ aell. $2&,SleO 8ma1J hOWlf.. oorner lot. Good location $1.9,DftO .~. a ~ 2 kth. Uttle laleDd --SilAOO . Dapla 1 bednn. each. rooJ ltnet. -'22,1500:: Eveftinp call Dllt.b UuOOll, BYatt ~ or :·:: Loa eo,ntm Barbor 2878 : : : EARL W. STANLEY, RMltor ~:. m Marine >.ft., Balboa lal&D4 HarW 1'1TI': : NEWPOllT HEIGHTS-DUPLEX -.. .. _ a 1"L old 2 bdnu •dt llde. 0anw Jot ~ located near IChoola. ue. 780. wtU. ..,... don.;:. WW tride for r•Litenoe CM or Newport • f - : - an.It • add. cub.. 1 .,,. _ ..... CLIFF HAVEN SPECIAL: ··-· ' 5 yr. old I bctrm bcae. 16x20 . ~ rDC111a. • Bdwd ~ Ip. breakfut ....... tit., ·w.o .... peel • feoctd lot eoaim. 1*. Pn.a. .. ODly ~'160. wtU. P.000. clown. ~ .-W.~-: um .. m ·:;· • NEWPORT HEl&HT~ SPA!KLH. ~ .,.. DoD-i .-~ um out-ta,..,_ t~ yr. oM 3 bdrm 1 ~ bath beauty. ,......, Jae. ...,. • l"OOOi.I with_ be&m ceJUni Uftll room. ~ oak floon. ctra,,. and new wool carplldnf. ud 1p. alc9l7 ..,,.. ... ped iot. Mc:e auoo. :: with $3.000. down. Voqel Co. 32.01 \V. Cout Hwy .. FJewport Beech ,·-----.. . . ... ...