HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-11-14 - Newport Harbor News Press.. . ..- -------··· I . . . ' l ' .... , ..... =~··--·'·· ........ ~c::--· ...... ;;r.;;;; ........ .............. ~ .... ==-~~~ .......... ;'I";----" .. Ylllt ' °" . . CA.lllal.: Dept. M ....... . ' ' x...·Mt · 1~c --~ l ·" • • • I 1 1 •• -- :s:z: - .. I v ' -~ I ....,MOI!•••• · HllllUT 55~ l ·' . " I , I I' lcu. ~ I I -· ' .. . .. ~ . ... • .. D·D· . '•. .$.-...... I . ' ' ••• .... ~ .. ,.. .. ..,. ... ,7 ........ ~ .. ... .. -w;; ....................... a.. ... ~ :!"" """" •• 1 'f•!~ ':"'7 ... ..... ....... ~ • .., ................. 1' ...... ... $ :G*'va...jlt ...... , ... ..., .... , •• .. .., .... _, 7 t :)1• ·~ ' ·~ •"' :.. .. l. r, n --,.~ .,. ~ - • co111111• 'l)ISUltemaaa •TO•.MClll ........... ~ ....... ' ' " I -I ·:JI.~ rJ-GINGHAM RFSt AURANT • • 1711 NIWPOIT ILVD.' CO'?~ MISA u w1n ~w,· ;&.~· m-.u IOVEMIEI 22, 18 S(IYIN• M-11:JO A.M. TO 7.~ ~.M. fr!V6oo~ffoot 5-',... tart.,> "'"'"'l!C!O'•O.:.·-----'-'-- • 2.(10 • "" .,,.,;. SoW o.b.s.ui.. ~ .. ·---'------2.10 Fried Doop Soo-Sc1lllp1, lt.mo ... de ...,.., _______ _ 2.IS r ~~ . fi,a,• 5'..~.stoolr. ...;,_....., bulter·--~-r---r-. ' -r...a. s~··~ St94_.. llullor·-..,..---...:..,ik'!:-----. -~ ,. ._ .Y-?-. Tutlioy, • l~QI• cctr1•ni..i..1>or1r"'lol"---=----- ........... l;t! ..... ff-. ttl"' ., I ...... ,;t.~L.· -l--•.:.1"""1;._;:...,;:..., ........ @JI ........ fllr·--''-----'-- • • ,,... ....... .,...._....:.:.;::;...._-"'_..:...::.....- .... #rice ol-EnfrH lncludtts Complete Dinner • '• ... , • I . . . : AT f'JRST §¥SION ·Main School PT A~ Sk\ps This Month's Meeting • ' ·--. ' ........ k.11 . C'OOJW ·~ •••• 1 ...... .... lltl . . ' . IAUIO-l : ' • • Shop Richord 'a for S.eutiful Gifts & Rowen .. . a.at1•a aUceli I f f... ~~ PARTY SAi AMI __ ·.._,,-. . J L cHluluNKS __ ~ SJc ....... ·-···-·· 211r ... APll N.APDIS -. M'MMOPS 4st · ---9MIMar7 ' j .. MODISS ___ ••·· W , ' iOSTOliciUM Pll.-6Jc .... ) I.I '\ \I \ FiuiTWS .... , 2-4~ OllMW IRiAQ _ .,.,25c -----... -at.. • , ,· I HOUDAY MIATS I o.111.-........... " ~~~~~.::L ..... • 11111 0' HOUDAY HAM .. W • rktM¢ ..,..., tr au 91' HAM SI.ICU. __ .. ..... , ..... .., 59' SUCID IACON .. ........ .. Owa $ t • Qlll.ll'7 U' SAUSAH _~ .. : H .........,_".. -, ................... - fte .......... ........ ' I TAILI 1llA TS l ......... -an•••••' SALAD DlllSPf• UI u...r ................... PiiiiD OUYD __ ·,,a y~r oven has ever seen ... I Bet the beauty of a Y OUDI'• turkay )'OUl"Mlf. Plump, broadbreuted beautiea, cleued to mow-white perfection and reedy tor the OftD. Order lt .tutted from our Dtllcatellle.ll an4 then rout It to a Sole.ten brown. I.At Rldaard'1 make tU Th•nk"li'finl meal a ~ Day pleuun. T ... I'• Jluela • ....._z,.._.W u.. 59 • lllN TUllUYI HIN IUllUYI lb.49. 0,. Com• to u.. cu~ 11a11 hrltllll Lot t .. ,aar " ' ·wm..Atriiis SS' N...._CMldlit . ........ , 27' 111 7100 , ... AUTOMOBILE SAFETY CHEcK - WAllllS_._ ,,,_, ............ ....... RECIPES prepared b7 the food edlton of JOUr !&Torll e mq&llbl.. IJaop fer UN lftl'r'd•t. al Richard'• • • . • . • . • CELERY aab.&rd&J -NOY. 1T -I :JO to • ~oo P.M.. .1UNIOR CJlil(BJCI\ or OOJIDO:RC:9 .............. -•='*' ..... . ·-··--·-----• . . f I J • r Bee ~ Leap football clwnplOhihlp booorm WtD be on ttie ~ Fr1CJay at a p.rn. u &DU N.ezae'a ~· port ~ Jtic9 midCIHweJfhta host Oraap lit ~ Suuet '6.aUe at Davldaon i'leld. ' • • • • Nilillie'1 club bu been hlttJnc on all elJbt .tn01 ~ CDrP9~~':lliil ~Je -~.pd and Sci RotMlatlerpr at~: bud& ~~ wttb U.eir Dave Vaupa ud Twry ~ ''T" ott .... U\er the ~ wdl at suan11J ud M1M o.tp paw el t UM ·., 'J'l&f. The locale at ccnw. Jlall paddas wW - Jo.t ~ Wld ouuns 16-0 to Roa Ko.ron at ,~k; J:Mv. ·~ wi pt tbl wrWilH &mmond met Roa.ln lwtMoc'4 f out · ..i •• »••, been untoucbed at halv• and Bta.a '"a.d" ~ ~ tl.• ~ tor a U. w:tUa at t\lllb&c:k. o.i.a ,Croft. Deteutvely lt will be ~ Tbt ~ lllond into Ant enmay.r &nd lAwia .. roaaiaa' ~ • ._11 u AA&MC.m for· at •"411; Bob JolU*D pd ~ t•tell al &re pmee tu,. bad enbefTu at tacio. &Qd ~ wa .~._.._,cl u lllellC'lbl• Hayu and Barrell at parda. plarer.~·.lf,....• Ch'llF 1a oeoft· U.nebadm• will be ·P2111 MaU- fitQt \Mi. _... 4ump Aa.aMim loux a.nd <Horp wttb B&mmood lt Uliq Ji.it ,,.. 41PS*'t1.11 .. t7 &o and our ~ ... al bah-" p~ 0-. ... &Dd Hull.ell at a&llQ'. Tss . Prep for . Casaba Opener TM ~ WSU •o wlUaout tbt ...... ., 1lnl ~ CU&r4 D6elt a.,_ ,.,. pulled Up.mal.a 111 ht9 kMe &ealrqit .. nta Ana. N..,._ wt1l -Bk.bard ~h­ •UD&Jw: u.d Jama Ba.ak.U at of· ,_.._ _.. wtua Mike Ma)'Wlll Coach Jule• a... ...mrm94 ;;:=;==:::;::;;;:;iiiiiii;;;;;;:iiiiiii;;;;;:' ~ ott made 1ta&a11Mot. ··w. wtJ1 Will tJW • .,...l Lea~ W1tll Spirit tall blp In Jut WMk'1 pm• la lM lf~ 8e&cll RecTMtiea Di'rislioa ~ youl.b na, r.otlllall i..u-a. Tbe p.laye" qurnd • 111 anllClpa· uon of -Ins Lile Orana• Oout In Ute t.-"B'' ..._,_ pme tn ui.a.t ..,... UM Pa.ckera 1'aUed onr ta. Uoaa. -..<>. nae t.-.m play wu nicl*~ Ulroupo11t Lbe rame. H-ner Jolul ltlda· wtn• f\llded bLt i.m ac:ro91 UW Oruce t.be number two tum." W. Wed U be ,. Ide C~ .. I lhroucll ~ IMWDd .... Vil bua ketball pracUee la pttparadoa toe Ui. ..-lld-W\er FrijS&y QIPt. Nov. 2l aplnA u Alum· nt tnm i.t.ded by Paul Neu· ..,iia. M-bera ot UM put thne Collere-IU ......... p-. B&turday -----------alter-. illMJwed llDprowd allil· ~rl Harbor Hl•h ~· M-"'"!1!11 ... _ .. lavaced to I.ace ta.. Vahlly u4 JIWor V.,_tJ la a doulllil h•adier at the hlfh Khool l>'1ll. openans at T p.m. Tar bopee ._re pU\ned OD lhr'ff ....,_ from lut year'• cb&m· .-...Up club IAclUdin( .ta.rt.en &er Pope and Oa rry Orwll and al~ ~ Tl)m Hou• ~,..... Be.a slall'd for p...ibl• ftnt tilrtn, berU\I an John JlaNt.ta and IUchard Palaferrl AlJ ft•• &ft -.k>fL 1 1t:r AQ maa7etU.. . ~ t1rat et Uie /4. 'tAllrue pn11ee at N..,_-t H&rllot Youth Olnt•r R&m• banded ,..,. th.tr flnlt ~ 1W Frank Ann.\l'Ol\f and P9tt Youl4 lllal'9d llCON! taonon for the ~ tMy teamed up In MYeral tuie ND· nl"' and pumnr playa. Boyd Balley 1h0Wld up Te-ry w1U tn hie detaMITe pf•J la U-. o;ily tter i.n y John .!>9W9Cln tOINd to Pat C..-nan on a •yard pa• play. I BROWN& TORRID 111 Lil• other "A" v acue ram" lh• Brown1 1ot on the winnln& trail by toppln( tM Bure. ~12. Bob Babeon. r,.d HUit a 'ld IUc:ha.rd Hoffman &ot l.nto l.b• 8<"0finf eolumn with a f ao V&r· 1et7 , of paa1n1 a•,.J J\IMll\I j play1 •Th• B•U• c ncen•rat~d prtmanly on • 1unn101 a tack. with Charl111 Herman p.lotlnc WILCOX TOPS IN GREEf:1S TOURNEY Twecty two Harbor area lawn bowlen C'Ompeted In th• w•klT A.u.tra.llan 1tnrt- tOunarn.nt an MunldpeJ Bowllnf o,_ wt -k. ~ Wilcox t~k fil"lt w1lh 16 pol.ala. Walt PMnion aec- ond With l' and Mre Pear· 90ft third with 13. Taylor Can and Bill Perrow -A tt.d with 11 point• tor fourth plac-e and In Ult play• off Carr won. Dw1nf Octobt1r the Munl· clpal Bowline O!'Mll'll h&•• ~n open for r1ay H da,.. v.·1th a rf'cor~ atUT!denc• of 4'7 for the month, 3t7 !'>•~port R.ar h bowler• h•''' parllcrpatel! In tbe arll•I· tltt v.-hn~ 1311 1p.-taton 'hav" watch....-J ..... PIM tJM ~· klill lo U» Cetta b7 a lt .. ~f'lln. D&Vid Oolmell • ..._... elu1y tor tbt Olilu ud ..._. a80tMr taUir oa a bemaut-1 ll•Jud ktckotf n- blnL LAn7 9roerUc ehoWed •eU&r liM &ltd ._,trwi'f'e work. Henry I~ Jwu9ed I.he ICIDl1aS. t•t· UM ICa(~M ot Uie \&11*1 c-atq GI\ & ~ya.rd Th• Liam rno'Hd Into ll9COnd 1-pol In I.he "A" \,Aal\M by Yt.r· tu• of their aa... Yt.ct.o?y ovn th• b&pleu Pr.ckera. Howard Kar opened the 11COrtnr for th• PM-IHns. but after U.t ecore, the UOl\I Oomln.t.t.ed play r.-Wb&l haPJ*lll JI~· Cout malnd•T of Ult pm•. T m det•t. Ch&ttey tflnorrow ni,tat Brvtim, flicll&rd Ball and aam at Ontario Ill their nna.t 1:utera Downlnr cenutttuted to lb• Oantennce sam• of u.. ,_.,.! ll<'orlnr t"Olumn •on UI• I.Ion• In a WW tM Ptrat... conunue practice fine uhlbtUoe f1t team play. In anUdpatJon ot a bowl bid T IAT &nil l.089 Win they call tt a -n 1.n a ct.- O.,t bM a .. uad of 11 work· tnc ovt e-wry nentnr lnc:ludlnJ Ule U-. ftvt and thfte other MDtorw; John Lewl• and J1rr1 ~r form U. Junior Vanity a.nd iwwcomer Rarry Kel.o; five jualora. Roan P9tertll»'I I NJ. Dan Ptttct. Jerry Hulbut and Gene Bryant l 8) and Earl Out· akf; eopU Boll Tarnow&Jle tBI and Dan P'lnn and Ed Klll and h'oeh Jprry QI.Ittner and Klke M&nhaJL lh• team Jn th• flnrt or the "B" Lt!•~• ci..ton apJnat any JllOUlble boW1 (&mf!a Al Ho1arf' F.IUIJ11, the I bid! Do tlwy pt &n I Utom.tk: -----------Gia.Du handed Ole •hr• their bid to th• Oran,.. Show Bowl~ ..... --------- Adult Flag Grid Title At J • ·Stake In Contest Tonight l Thia •eek nDdt UM adult 0-. footbi&li ...-dnnrtnc to a elote ta • U.. W.wport Beach a.e.r.uoa DvlllOR lfOMOred P"Ol'ara. -all lndluUou the tba.1111>~ ~ w•D be de- cWe41 ~ wtleA Uw two Wt· def•t~ --put Ulelf •k:tory at.nns• ._, l\ake. n.. clad • t.W9m Trtpp·a BOGM ~ an4 UI& ao.t Bill 911ua4.I ll ~ tar t :l6 at ca.tA.MMa Pa.rk. I Goaltuller h m Mt'C'11 returned a i<lr.koH 13 ).lr•la for a touch· dO\\ n. It wu Bh•f"r a,.t.11 on an I 18 yard TU 1un around nint •nd to civ .. 'h• Hlllrra anot~ 1 tally, but Campti.II kept .tua club 11n ttw 1ame by a<'O~ on a 47 yard Jaunl. A l Brannon pa-.1 I lo Jim MONWy tor Ule PAT. Go•lhU~r S.11 enckd a lo~ drlv• In th.. tlnal ·quarter by tt,..ek1nf lt yard.a foT the TO. Mccall ICOhd • UM p AT on .. 1l&11t oil rlfhl taclOe. Bolt Berry climaxed the lut Hllln march when he ttn.mOeTed arounc! t1fbt end for H y&rdl 1.114 tbt na.t rlrst df'fut, to move the two WUI lh9J' Lay ott practk• for a rluM U\to a tie for .. <'ond plllce. 1 few dan 1111d awall further de- Mike Obflr, It"-• HwwilL &nd wlopmenll ~ Rl<'hard lbpe~ ~I tallt.d ln Al trwtn 1t.ated tn answennr th• 27-7 conqu.-t. Ala4 Gray u. aboYe rapid tire qu .. uona 9<'0t'fll the lone 4tff tally. that tMre WeN many complioa- The Bl"OW'fll Mid on to tlrwt U-• eudl u UM fut that most pl.au by rotU.1 over Lbe R&me, of UM Bow1 Cl0IN7\l\i-don't M·13 W 1 ll y L&ich ~ 18 make their MlecUon1 until alter point• for th• wtnner9, wit.la John I.be l'lolluay1 ~h t. at 1-.t a Kll'kpetrtck llddlftS 11 mott. I full •Mk aft4r the ftlMLI Pirate Tarry tAm&Jt aad 8t.eYerr Aadd p.me. • ....-h added a PAT. PbUlp Mon· _ roe a.ad Duane J"1lr t.&Ui.4 for th• 1 .. 1'11. I "l haT• not rec4'1¥ed nor -n ICOrt. n. Cardi u..i -..n toupt a ltnfla bowl bH or eftfl a fMI· a \cNsh cset...i'fi •tUe \luVUP-•· <»edl Pkk .. l w,.ocs.n Plc&- dllt m.-o1 lbe ,.._._ . Mille _. ;' 000 AW.Uc" ~I Pella tlna07 bt'Oke U14t def.U" hull t Ma a'Wan el "117, ~ « l"IRlr VICTOICT banter tn u.. lut two mll'l•t... , ...... -...... UJ UMr9 ..... Do . "'-b _ _._.._.. ....... _ ~ ba9n ..... OIS!t.kta ....._,.... uc 1 ...,.,. Otllle '"'""..., ...._. ... play en a II )'aJ'd ecamper, to Ila wfUl ~ ~Utn." r l r • t Ylctory wtwn Roe Jtlme put th4t Carcll out In troat. T ..0. 1..,!! . .:.... ... -' , '"Of" • ... A ecottd four~ aM -1'ld9 ...ic"• aelledtli. at lbe ... ,n ,..~"'=' ......... _.,, convenion ln -... DoQf9 'to Tout.a Center i9 u totio.a: ftt-_.. W.S • ~ l..aopow a l&-4 tnmn}lh ~ a alnlatiu1r day c I) Padcm-a w. &41• r 4) DiPl 11 we .,. .,,.. to IM ~ FOi AHY PWMllN• ·: ·~r'. -. - .. t r • • f ... Hellpc1t ..xi.t. °°'-'I''' llCOACI la Otlla .._ u .. : l&Ulrday, ft~I01 Wft.h bowl '•IMSUona." ow nr.i quuter wlwn Rltna ft.am.I n . ~ no:•l ... re p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;._;iiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~::;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::.i:iiii~;;;:~;;.;;;;. nc.ci arou~ rtrht end for lf:I 'VI. 4ters. B01'9ct £Mica ,._. yarda lo paydlrt. la J.M ~ an: Friday. 14) a.me.._......., period Rima ctrdH lM lfstat ,,_. ...... .,.. ......_; • labmt.ly, ftld fOf' I yarda and U. TD. (t) Oieet.a -o.6t,•(1G)·Padt- tty cutUnJ OYer rtpt taekle tw m n, ..... tU) Ool\,a YI. nv• )'ardll tato u.. .a ---. Ltoea. , • I ' . . I l • . l l I . . 4 . . . \ . ' ~ t .I 1· .. -. ·: t ' sHAUTA~S .......... 0 'CW .... U. I-TUI IE0.SPllN$ .. MA'M'RISS $10 Norge ~ut~maf ic $2.91 .. " ... Acid A Dryer 09l7 .'41c -~-..-=::--- Knowlton Elo&:tnielea TV .. ANTENNAS ,, RADIO _,t ~"' ..... lillll..-i•w $2.!iO .. ~ ........ .._ ......... . M -n• f ., •• a>,...., ACMll TV • RADIO ..... ... ~ .......... .,. .. ... ... -~ailleftw.mMUt •• • nllll ,Pu»rOI Shef•r'• For Mu1ic (m..llOTJ , G .MllTI TV Antennas . $7.95 Dlft.u.&.m Aat_ .. _.vp ACMIT. V. • 111ta .... }. 6 Olds "98" oliclay Cpe. I J\a Haw. J17draaaue. Pwr.~ • ....u..,~ .. U91•-· • MILLER GMC TRIPlE CHECKED USEO TRUCKS w.w.~s 6MC DEALER tu-11 & -.. • ... Mia 'l'IM ••• ,, ......... a..- 'Qlmlt7. '56 Ford Fetrlane 4 Dr • ...... ...._. .... ,, ... IAlll. ....... . S1645 . . MILLER 'II roN> FAmUNll V1cMdl. ------.-------------It 6 B. ~toot, •t.c. lb. OOIML WE HA VE USED TRUCKS! ~~~~Ml~= .. ~1 J'ord ~ Toa pickup _ ...:__,$ M5 10G8 OMC ~ Toa plcka.p. ll,m.m&de -1°'5 18U J'ord ~ Ton pletQp MIS 1818 J'ord ~ Ton pktup 1186 l.911 Dodp panel --95 1908 ftl'd Courler Sedan delt'*1 ---1806 1862 Studebaker ~ Toa plcQp ----MIG 196G J'ord ~ Toa pickup, J'ordomatic _ 1296 195S J'ord ~ Ton pickup ----·---MS 19'9 J'ord ~ Ton panel -. _ __:______ '9C5 THEODORE ROBINS FORD Out 16th year of eenice In this commutty . 3100 W. Cout mpway I.J 8-3'11 N...-port Beach Cloeed &mda19 If YOU DON•T KNOW USED CARS KNOW YOVR DEALER , . SELECT -BONDED CARS ' AT LbWEST PRJCES -. I JUVBI.ta -NABB -JOTROP.01.JTAN BEADQUABTERS WARD S. LEE, INC. 1238 South )la.in Bt. DESPERATE FOR LA TE MODEL USED CARS CASH OR TR.ADI: DOWN McCARTHY'S 1420 so: MAIN, SANTA ANA BARGAIN WEEK M JA.OUAJ\ XX 1'0 ltoMllter Oftl"Clrn'.. L0ce MW -Pl" II LmO llardtop ioape. Powet . •t.eert:aa • Brak• m.ct.rio ~Powft--t. ...... . . '55 Chev. Svburben Carry-All lt.adiQ, H•'4r e,owpt l 1,(100 Mt.la&l m.u.. Sl69'j S1295 MILLEJt Cbnrolet • Oldmlob!M 700 w. c.t. BWJ. LI 1-~ u-, ....... .,_. ----"> ON DlSPIAT . SEE :THE 1195 7 EN&USH FORDS llUl.Gp 'M6..A u:a-oo RENAULT DAUPHINi 11-.00 SPORT CAl CENTER JCnd .. Gt Year SPECIALS . SPORT CAR CENTER l&Auamt WA'l'IOM ,.,,. ...... ~ . Oillt& ...... 11 t.:1111 .. . . . . • . . ,. .. . . . . . . . . OON>llfA DllL MA.ft. tumt*d _-".!!_.,._......,._______ Ji ~ d•plilx. "'riMMle be&L .... ..., .. 116 mo. ye&rtJ. .V(:)6El CO. Mlilu1llitAflL.~LUaad ft. ........ ----101I ruM J "4a"m. ptTa1a ldtcllell J .... 811* . ...,. neo SINGLE APT. NI~ turn., '66 mo. 711 W. ~ BlYd. Balboa Har. MN or Har ~ · 17cU ~T 1 Merla. tum. dupl.u .. ~. auto wuti.r A. Crtu. 116 ,.,. IDO. Har ~7 • W an.r e·ao p.rn. m.rc LIDO l8LE WATER l'RONT AP'l'S. Crow& of the && Motel llat. -----1t1fD DI OOIWM.A. DllL KAR ----------Ccatortable l"OCllDI UMI ldtdwa· Lupi....._ ...... ~ ~~.ud~ .... NClllL ..... JDor4. llM-~-... .......... Poblt. tun I , bednn ...._Tr r--9 ..... •160 - W.\Tllltft.Oft, • .._.. bou9e, ~ f1IO mo WIC.U J\llle 1A. .U.. ape& 0.1, -" or monU.- ly rat-. T.V, 1tOO a Oout Hwy. CdM Hal1lol' llN BALBOA N1l'W 11'1dUm. I MrDt. d\Jplel apt.. QaStt m..t. l'f • ,...,.. wot1l. ~ .......... iac. nl lle&t.nc:. Sl. or DI 1 SOUi ltt.. Ca.ta X-. ltcH QUIET SLEEPINo ROOMS SCOOP .. 8011 •• T'1'Ll:ft 1111 llA8T OOA8T BLVD . Oll9lla .... Mu Ban. .. ---------- "4p. POJJUa\ MUl&TUA.CD OU.. a..tr. Ut9 lllil. ....... ID Mt.m 61tte I., 'lOANS ON HOMES '" -.,.. ." DON I. HUDDLJCSTON U~1 PAI' th ~...,-..w ~------- MONEY NEEDED FOR IST & 2ND TRUST DEEDS lnvulm•l'lt well -=ur9d by R.-1 ~tat.e B/ B • Bey &.Beach Rlty., Inc . Jlll1ALTOJUI I 1460 w. Ban.. .lllY4. Har. M41 R&r. JIM it._ I UDO ISLE rtR.9T TDOI ~ -.n. \ey tro.t ......,. ---., • Me-ru, I -tllll. ,._ ud ...... a.to.IOCI. 1Mo plill9e bd_1,._. 2. o..a J'rOllt ~ • mi.. eidm' t7p&. ........ at --. Tlrma. DleellMt ln- CClde ....,..s. (. LoY.iy • unit. Mar ecl!OOl ........... , ........ . ~-Qood IQceme. Prlold npt. ... ua for fllD ~ Ea staid• Cotta Meaa BALBOA' BAY AlTRA<mVa I ..... a.-. PROPERTIES RU'&l\'I OM TBJ.11 i • ' Bey & Beech Rfty., Inc. • JtJLU.TOU · ill'•~~ ~"--~ D..1 .. dOl !'Mu U 1-TT.1' · REAL VALUES B. ;...~ESON 1111 X.-part m4., o.i.ta M .. .i.w.&.n~ ...._u .. 1en u.rpetert -11 .. wall ...... lOCI W • ..,_ • .._ 11&1' IUI ,_ ud 111&11. ~ ..... ---------- Ocean Front Finest Comm'I. Btdg. OM BALBOA IBLA.1'D ' . Alt C. Kistler Co. ~ ~ORONA DEL ~ · . J'or trtllU onb' -,a r-.1 ~.·· comer U tot, a catil J'Cll9t apt.. "2 ftNpl., ttMI ploN 1 '16.IQO. • • Bait-block to --uw. Coloma Beada." ' bedrma., --..-. .,,,. 11ome ... i.... dble. iot. 2 tlrePl. sn.eoa. n.pa ti 0cnu mpleme, i..t qua!ltJ. 2 bdrm.. 1Ulltm, bar ki~ 9t.oce ftre~ Ima· ~ bttw a-. ... ..,_ ooioNA DJ:L MAR BUBINl:SS BLOCK a. la ... XJat. emd. "'111y rented aad ebcnr· t.w a Mt 10~. Pl1oec! r.u.tteaDy at STf,tiOO. • ,, • I • G. H. LATHROP, Realtor MULTIPL& LIBTING BROK:ICR .. a Cout Bwy., C'A>rona.. de1 Kar &ndr 156'2 -z... Barbor 5880 --------.---------- The tbne To Buy JW ......... bland cJ:aa.rmer you ahouM be ... tai oar I bedroom. 2 bath -ni.. J>'cked 1>ome "1tll flreplace. w /W cupet, lal-se prace and oatdoar u.tq -brick patio. Ample wardrobe aonp.. 8o br1stzt and cbcertul, we ay 1 it ~ Kake a date toclq. Pnc:i. Re.GOO, TICRKS OPSN BOUSI: 8ATOB.1'AY Is SUNDAY Nooe to P. M. IOe P..rt .lTL WM. W. sANFORD, end Associates 1M aoaa • a.utotta rulo1a .llarp ·~. -~ . ,._. Hyer Park .ftt.&t M1••11r Balb09 1llaD4 Bar. 24e2 RETIRE WITH l~COME· -. . Ia heart et ~ Oorma del Mar. I tDecme ata! 2 an ~ b'L, 2 patiO& Clem to •wna t~ ~ trwn w. '32.1D0 --. STANLEY A. SMITH, Realtor I \ HOME I INCOME ~ . .. • ---cl. 320 Colleen Place OPl:N DAILY Now SU.'50 tw qalck -.le. OD!J S11JOO ctowa. Price cut tr.ID $1UOO. nm 11 a be&uutaJ a bed.nn. wtth dbdnr ..,.., bardwood ara.. flnpl., ._ • • ehumtnc a Tl· old st.. near fabaloal 22D4 ud Ba.ck Bay. F. W. Lytle." Realtor . naa•.mcT I ........... t Mt.h 17815 Newport Bhd, eo.t& M-. LI '""93 Ll l-2M2 .... -ic.. u,,. ,,,... ar.. _________ ....__ ____ __._ __ =',::. :,.a.-~~ _,.. ca ~ apt. <"'9t.. .cl te --. .......,t tor tt•• 19an)-OWJQ:ft MU8T UU. 2'CJW -~ SIT .IOO -~ti KINGS ROAD BOUU BE4trnrUL wtU. a· pMdtq VllCW of b&7 and C.D.M. ·COTT AGE....:. P.LUS am.ma eec'Nled 1 beclnn. bane wttJl Jup brick ftrepl. bar ktuhm. 8UDdeek. •11e ..,..,. u4 kJftb-ya.rd. Then'• pa.tty ot r&.l for an- other mUt. ALL THl8 for caly '10.000 -.OR bay tb.Lt and the ~ ftCaDt lot all lar onJJ $17,000. Mu)' pomlbWtiM. EXCLUBIVIC WITH =: -;! -=:-~9J:~ R. L STRICKLER, Realtor lll.I'.,...,, I b9d.room.t lp. den. 3622 E. Cout Hwy., Coron.a del liar -Ha.r. 277j I ll&Ula, I ftnplacee, t\&U dtll. _ room, ch&mhq kitch911,, ..-pen- 1t..t7 carpeted ~ut • i.o.c Jani tnchldll &a181drJ room. \a'e. famD7 type room ad&ptable fM mlUl7 Meda, com· ptei.11 nni.tied work al#Jp tor the retired or t.be hobby\at, - .4 l Ut .IOO Oita la a BUY: SHORE CLIFFS A WISE BUY An out:at&ndiq bay in a two bedroom home. Hu hardwood floora, ftreplaea, la.rp ldtcben.. •rrice porch. Vine cO'f•ed patio with completely fenced yard. thJa 19 clean and well located, '5" Joan 1'ith payment.I at 182 per month. $15, 700. EXCLUSIVE WITH RAY REAL TY COMPANY ~ E. c.out 8Jabwa7, Coron& del Mar -Ha.r. 2288 ( AC!'091 from tJan). ht CDM) A ldU.UTTI i.ulh49tlc •r\J' ~ wftll .......... VDW o1 the Pacitne r..-U.• IDUt• bedroom, I lp. '-d· room.a. I Uled bet.ha. beauUf'uUy · decorated Interior, ""rf room OTtJ1&M. tt..-.pl .... '· A. lleat, -kdMa wtl'9d •l«'tr1c. •uto. ,..,,.. 41oof', ~ ahutt.n t.. w to w -.rpeunc. To ... tJl&a borne .. to Want It - illCNO IU.IOO. BAY FRONT Member ot Multiple u.t:iDs 8enb REDUCED TO SEW! L&rp. 2 Story SpanJah Bame. 1 Block to beach ln C.D.M. j bedrooml wttla ocma ftMlr. Hudwood t1oon. RedUC*I tram f;24,l500 to P1 ,l500 With $4.!500. Down. "Don't mi. thla one. .. C.D.M. BEST BUY!! '"nle w..-for yoa.r MCaltf" .._bit I ~ room heme cm Jt..2 Jot. Lup J'laptone ftnplaoe. 11:122 UYID.c room. Lota cl. 8ton.p ... Jtlt. ceDent locatiae. On.If $11,0'50. tenn. a..uable. THE VOGB. CO. BAY.SHORES "WPLT WWI~_.. .... tllll I _.,, .. I '9a. ..... 3 ,,,. 8111 ii ... .................... ,... .... ,,.,. .......... ............. Dal. ............. ., • .al ................ ,.. ........ wllM.. .. • WIU.HI L lalhon, 1 .. ttor 11'1 NtWpcwt ..., I JllUtill' - OppOlltll ~ Bal •• I • Cll' ....,.. .. ' Bar. Oll1 :... Bar. 4811 -Oft ..µ. .. "" -BEST BUYS BALBOA .ISLAND . aa,trmt. 11611' a'n4 ftoat. I Ba. .._,. -'57/#J I • am I~ .. COl'MI', roe to baD4 '19,ICIO ,,..,.. .......... pat.to. Xlnt. .... '60.000 '"',a I • • I urn.w JILAMD U1 ~ 0,. Bow l'rt. l&t, ldL 1..S LftW' 1w .. l .1ath pm. 1 br. apt. "8.000 I br,. J bat1a. 1-at. oanaer loc&Uaa .. .000 • bl' .. ' batla. Md to s. Ba1. Lup lot $55,000 . NmWPORT JIJt1UB'l'8 a.r.. I w. \"-bame on Cliff Dr: '1"1500 JJUM4 PJ:NINIULA I Wra 2 batb. belt location near bey _P',000 Duncan Hardesty ·.u • ~ '*"" BLANCHE . A. GA TES," Realtor ~a& ... a. -· '"' Ml:MJID O•tllULTIPLJ: LiBTINO --------SU MartDe AW., Balboa bland Pk. 'Bar. 1811 Cll' 1eT2 FISHER SPECIALS 1. OOftA JOlli. I ..._ home -.lT ,,. Jn ol4. w..a ...,_. .... .. u.. Rm. •-dut M1Ddlr. o....I paUo ... JmQ. llDd rar ,_.... Jaee17 .................. Of. , ..... ~ ... ~ trrel'T ... "' .. OlrMr ..... .. tt&te ......... tab ' a-tllll9 wee. MAD OP· 1'SI\ u4 .. u.. .... Jrt7T Df Oailla X-11 L JU"W:roa'I', J ..._ _. --.1cw ... ~~ .,._~ud~T., Jee I GU'• ..,.,._ D111o.t ccmdlttoa. naft' 'l'DDI 01'· f'Dim. Ith ..... ft'.-tM Mil -..-. ---~ ....s fllllUIS. S1l.GOI --te of· ta. 0..... UlldM& CORONA HiGHl:ANOS Now ,0. can own • 2 bsdrm home wttla bath aa4 ~ for a.. than rent. PtllD.Ulat ~ Oil oaeaa • and Catalina from larp plebh wtndon. Calla pet..! WW, J'arced air beat, prtlap .V. c.1. Iota ~ w. and IDaJl1 other f&e tablr& v.., me. patio and room for a nf10netnr pool. AU TIUB, plm tun,. fmmlhed fOI" cmly ta,IOO. om. bJ 620 n. Am&. Open Sat. ~ 8-. CORONA 08.. MAR 0wmr wutll action OD tldie 1oftly 2 bedrm ... home, •th and "· Bwd 1loon, 1hlnl l'OClll ~ plt.e4 WW, prt.'p ....... Joa ~ taa u4 m&ll7 otW ftne fatmw. Lot 80 s 1U ud ,.., t--S. Room far ..sditb».J QDft. Pdel4 'at ~ $18,750. \ W. E. FISHER & Associates 302j Cout Hwy., Corona del Har Harbor IMm I. 001\0lU. Dl:L KAI\. ' 1*1• • ""8 phi.I family room, t ---------~---:----- Efta. Barbor 2420-W i.thl. o.rn.r-new tot.. tnatl tq -t .. wtUl pil'llWMllt ocea.9 "'-· I ftNl>la. t ,.U.. aaQ. ~ tor irraet-Jho. IJll. U:S TJlll LOVllL t HOXE. Pnc.d klw at Nl,IOO ..... FISHER & co. . • LOW COST LUXURY (GOOD E.ABI'81DE LOCATION NEAR BACK BAT) 1-Brand MW' three bellroom and den bome. 2---Extra larp UYlaJ .,... ' 1-VerJ larp ldtehen with de.luxe buDt lna. ~ ...tee porch. 5--SDmt~ g._f"orced air beat. T-BlaaUfDI utllltlur deetp. ~plut.r. ~Huny and pick J'OG1' own color ecllems .. the owner~ "cab me out at $18,7:50 !" 0 .B/ B --~---......., ---r-•--.-. --.-... -r I ' ' I I • • • ... • 2 a111 ....... 1 -U,7llO 2 llool!• • .. lit -(ooldl :lt,7llO 2 • -·: 1 loitll. l'anL 21,000 11110WN n APPOlllTIO:lft' ONLT . ' AUi() Jl&y J'rant Pier A ~ WIDW. ~ q.-tttw aa.o °'\ll· • . HARBOR INVESTMENT ·CO. ilu'borleDO --%17'4 ' -- • • , • (X)&8T JllWAT J'llONTAGJ!! • ti ' ~ ... W _,., anmleo, etc. 'a..r lot wlUt Ill tioot ~ 18 z 411 .near .. ... WMMI ..... µ•••W far hoda'T 'IN 11 .... w.w; il'lµCll 6 ~AND 2 ..... TBS ODl1 2 ,..... 611. c.-lot with lup paUo. , .............. ...S -Wall ID ...n· carpota -0 l'sfflr-WudlDUptopc:on· ..... ~llaJIJlfloO. • ' $lllOO DOWN h, omal1 .... -~ bl olloellet ae!P· --.,, Jw cu;Pllloi. --:raJ'd. • -aad ............ Ooq '8llOO. S2l!OO DOWll • THE VOGEL CoMPANY lTGO Newport llhd., C-. -U Mlle l!lnoL Har. Mall, Har. ll'!U $1500 DOWN "1 ~.--. ~" -a.-arid ....... ._ I -..t' • a pla. PHONE NOW! ~.BABY SHOP ,_ .1°..i ~ plla ~I bedrm, 2 b&lh -'!!>I .W--.did '3118' I"* ID Aq. .,... ......... lot !Jo. Olllfornla. :u .......... -. 11:a:n7 ••• a•• oww wm train you. 'UoO aAYFRONT ID' lot. ... u4 .U, ~ tllldor m&rket. CL YOE MEYER, Reeltor su-•.._,s.n--..i--21211 -. . OUTSTANDING VALUE "First Time Off.reel • 2 ruu 1o1a with a a bedi<>om, 1\i 1ia11o h-. d ... blli -"'""'llent 1-U--111 ..... ~ Ol1ly 817,600 with ..... ,,.. .... ,. -.ci-tESTER ~. SALISBURY, REALTOR dirt Qolb .. ~ Leb. -. IUI -........ -uland ·Jlv. 1e71' 'Bar. UleO ' ., . ' • LfDO • . -2-uoo. NoRD-BAY FRONTS ... Mwl....,.. • ,....., ~ ...._ ~·-"11u.-, WJll l{lml I ... V.,.illltl 1 .... a-.i,t; -... si-..-..:, . I . . . • • • ' . -.. ' -.... ..... -r.ma,. -•< ...... -Jiii' *" 8llp. .• <>-70 ft. -.... "I $151 .GOO; , HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. BarW HOO, &.. Har 21.TW • ...... I Claire Ve11 Hom p. 1. palmer lncorporeted ole he111on co. men9fet11ent 1700 ... -lllP-~~ NllTI . (t)4 J"\7IUfllH&D UNl'n oa ... .,. ................ w. .. ""' ........ -.... aiat, -w .. o ......... Jll'opslJ. 11-.-........ • • 'sUHsttiNf IEACH HO~ . ' "1LL .... ~ . flUO r.-lolOd'J• , WlUIOM .. PU.tamA ... 'e v.U1 '1 tloia· .... •I ~· -, ....... -... ft, -Ioli! ............ ,,._..._ ... a . . ,_, ~~-, ~ .. .t.NO'ftlla .. v. m)g+i-Ai.a..... '. '\ • (1)-MJmDI J>A.DIT U'.DLT ---------------le tt,...,. ~ WIQ • .,_ .. Ut.11 I b 01-._......._ J.6 ....... ., ..,..~ ....... ,.., ~ ... ,.., .... IU.IOO, ..... ..... BALBOA ISLAND . l._MSJOD,_2-...ap1.w& l'J-1 DD•OOM. ll()Ka wtca . ...... ':r; ta•., UAUrOft -·-~ . J9ollf•...i-,...._.._;.. . _, .-. .nu w. OOiMt ll'w7· u J..U'M' eau ...... u ...... RANUJ 8/ B • $.llD'l'rl.a> BY ' . CBJUlmw; la0U. .. ,. ... I k . ._ .......... -'-uUN. atf'llllL AJllO ......... ......... • • JACK BRENNAN, REALTOR .. AT THB: Alt.CH!:S" 3329 W. Cout Hwy. ..... _..... ...... Gu'. ---:-, -------- Otl' :;;-:;;: Qtm:r COST A MESA, The Best Tl)Wn 0n Ed la._ *'*11·'.Pl&nMd I br. d.n T\VO HOMES on one lot with room. to "8ikl J. :.. ~~~~; ditionaJ unit. A 2 bedroom an4 1 W,.. home .,,.....a~f41..&00J'.P on corner Jot. $12,000. WltbtermL' tu.GOO ~ can M. J>tn. ..... GOOD INVE8TMENT Dupkx. tn ti.no ..r a...a ... ...... 1..-dclllJm ,_~L bi· -wlU cwry. call A.I ltur:tlL wrlGHING V ALUEB ! LoottiJl.I for fOU" mon9"-..rtllf Then t&U .._ k1o11 al dill I k It ct.. 2 ti.th tio.h• rill i ... mut• bdr. "9.m·d ......_ 6 W$9W ot rviun.-hllk. BW'-fln. ()n!y 121.a.oG. Call MUJ"loll Pt. - Beyl Beech Rlty., Inc. IUWJl'OM IUO m. ClDMC. ...,._ Ha. &MS eer... .W Mb LOTS FOR SALE 0. "' °"' "" ..... -Klnp ltoa4. ...... 4bJa Jot and taJM • lilGll *. tM' Har'bor ar"d -----· • x uo ''·"° Oaah .... J Fvu. Lan D( a.- M&T. 'l'btf. m&J .,___...._ --but tMJ ... 1 .. ... ....... .... · .... I tor ....... Qlll- SM4IJ. DOWN PAYMENT 3 br. home, 11.b ~. f9nced yard, good location -.r Ohopplnr ... i.: Pric $99!50. ReUOQable ....... ' HOMJ: -RlllNTAL -BlJSINESS Well built 2 br. bOIQe, new 1 br. rent.a.I &nd actJve ceramic bWl1neel aD for $Z7 ,000. with term.1. ---~· $OOQ DOWN 2 br. and den, larp tit.chen, garag@, cki.ln. Ebt8le location. $9000. and l80. per month. G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport BJ.vd., .a.ta K-LI B-772t SOLID INCOME ON POPULAR BALBOA ISLAND! ·--.--· ___ ... ----- ~ .... ?-ri:. ----oaodlta. -_..... .... at •1'111 WICll· ...._ flll -aPACJOU9 I MM*OOJI llOK9 wtUl NI ....... ,... and .,.,......... ... of tlle M.J. 0. .... -.,. ... ..._ _,. DTc. Qml7UT ... wt&ll--.. 1•·~-_.,­.......... --1~ ... 1 ..... , •*·"".!: --0...-. toooll. ..... lmall -. -lot. --'19,llJO I liiano. I loOG, .. Jiiooiil~ • taiJmo llolplw 1--. .......... - <•>-LOW IN lftlm l'Cll nm Eu hp .a Wa n· • ._ Bl'.U .... • • J a•t-80.A. U&L ,,_ ... , Loa , p r 1Mlc .. • t..-oo.a ....... 1..... 5 ::::..:."::."~,:= EARL w. S'fNUY, Reeh; :· ........ '10,fOO, ._, .... l.-~211J~M~•riM~~·~--~··~JQ~l~'~$~f~~·~-~~-~~· i lT>-1 DIDftOOK ROXll Wftll •ACRaLOPt ANJn1. ....,. "' ---.. ..... ti ntntWMd.. On JDut ~ ..... , .. a.. to _,. lt•aelll aat ....,, .... Jtl,7 ............ D'l'RA IP9:lUL: It ,_ .,.. a ltiuDdilr ............. -~ Mb' raittn ... M .._ Oil Ut9 p a 1 h "'**-• I b)' e&cM ••• in• ..... Balboa Realty Q. .. OpJlollt.. ... et •• --~ o....i., .... J .......... ... Toom. .... ~-.... ..,,_....,_..,., Udo Isle ,..,......_.u111 ...... w lot. agr SVY OK ~ hll '"°' ....... t--. lllXCUmnl WlTI! Newport-Mtaa Rltv. • 11" WMrpart llhd., 0.... -it.;. U...... ~U•TllT ~ULA • °"" 2 --l'lrwpl&eo, 2 --,. .... o..;.-....... Mr ll'llONT DIJPLll:X. f1cnllolMd.. Pih .. -.}'lor .. a.t. OCIWf l'llOH'l'. s -. 2 ballL '1•.ooo .. , ·COAST PROPERTIES BUl'H IADZD, llMltc>r 1&11'14 .... "4 8't'fla 1\'*q , t sa•tai IOl IL--..--· ..... ,.., OPEN 'tWLV Till SOlD I I.II Doi ...... Oool& - •• " °"""'"" -..... ID $1T.2711 fat.--o I w ·,,., 1!i llitM. •> THE VOGEL CO •. • ,. . • • LIDO C.rilqm, M2t Via :tMoj Mu 4fti .-·- . DUNCAN HARDES'l'Y, Jleiltor .. "':~*!' :'.'!."-. u:..~ • -- ' . . . • • • s9.9 • • • • S2.50 ~ . . # ' I