HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-11-19 - Newport Harbor News PressOVan Mitts _ _,...,,_ .................... . ... tvl"t 111•11 .......... -~:=:.,.__!!!2~-79• ....... ,. DIAPU 1• l I •11mlm1r · .. ~!!'::at (·· , , -• "· '" S nee -~'1:.'~................. lout 77_ ' \ Wind I W••tn•r LOTION Um1ttd Timto Sn· inn on thia hne alnn lotion Sa\'I ~"' In th.ii nit' NOW OMLT ·~· 1.00 Sl r.ny HAND CHAM aml!M orrer• ~ 111>* NEW Tweed, Soft ~nee Sttm•••• Lerl:..~i•• 100 for ... vty ~ Moftm War Dorothy Gray . Hormone Hand Cream ft :l'OU rr•M • .rum , , 1•1 U.. Ndffp-moi.turtrw" •rtll>n •f "r•<"lo.... t..rmo,_ amoolh ...,., lll>ft#n •• 17 ..,,nf rou.-n- fmm ..-lth1n t a now I I .D. T'IU• """ ndMt, naa-«TeMJ, "'"·" i..uUl1tftl Ion.. ,..11, ... 11-dr7 """*· ..,.,_ ..... w...Pr•l 11~1 Atlf't ottier lllO•ettu.I ~­ Nip heal and """'-1 *I" •r•••,.1 • v •" th• wom -th.-. and worll. U - now auo. lltg.I&r 49' a.ftlt. ~ Tmhay letltn 2 * 79c (. :? Pr. Tui-t CAKE PAN ·~ 5" CLOWN 399 I-cup lle1. $1.•9 lhnnfnum o ... w.1 89 Ml d N I 1 Ill. tlA ' le U S lte9. $1 .49 ALL s~ 3c CANDY BARS C.,.0-W. l'Mflf 3 19' BARS ~~-for • AH Met.I AdlustobS. lrcmlng loard .... JI llllfll dfPbYm." ~ .. S llpl&r •JS I •I LID8 INRI ~llLY sther a•r •r.Jcle .. ,, .. GroM flf Gii lll••a • .BLIEHD 90t11m()N 89.AlQll'I' IOMoor . IOPaooP •RS. OU> ""11 F1Fl1I l"UTll • T' sr · 'l2' .. .. I f ! • .. .. ....... Today's N. Y. Stock Report Dlckcnnan and Frank H. Co- burn leUld the property fl-om lrYlM Compaiay. A year and ha.It wu 11P9nt ~ Dickerman ln cr.Uq Ule Ul\lque furniture, tnpptnp and pt.bertJla the artJ-' fact.I frolft au owr 'th• t"OWllry ------------ Wiile.ia made tM OUtaway• Club Market "'POrt horn private a ooJot1u.I entert&lnmnt and wtr. of &heanon-H&ll\mW .t: dln1IJ6 apot on tbe ooutUM. Co., Newport S.Ch, 1 llO p.m. ecq,,. t'ln&Uy &<'Quired Dick-N. T. Ume, by ff'llCb Meyel'9. ermaa'• lnt.l"Nt lD thfo st&bUJlh-DOW...IOK.1:8 A Vl:&AGF.8 -t and Dtckerma.o bu bNn 30 lndus1.nala -·-.'7"1.88 ott 2.N UlllJ'IC UM ~ UtrN or four 20 R&iJa • ··-.. ---.... -166.66 ott .M ~ lD c.reaUnr new ftxt.UJ"ff 1 ~ UUlltt• . . 84.11 uncb&npd for utlllaUon l.D a MW empor1-I P.M. v.--l.IOt .... THANKSGIVING· FIAIT a la Dalton ... r• -... '...._,...."""' ...._. 1 .. ,... ............. Tllln ........ ,,.. ... ,__.,.. ,_.. ..... $ 3 50 Cb1/~,,,, a NI tr l2 ..•. I UO A ....... T1rktfl ~..,. _.. .... ...._ ••• 1., _... ., • .. -· aaaav.t.n-. " "'""' ........ -..... ,.. ...-.i ....... ............. ' um lo be called ''o.ttydll J'a.lr" American 8meltJnc ~Jli Oii the L&fUD& Canyoe Road juat American Tehphone • ·-··. 188, aiANT l)Bll.IXB. _ Pictured above i. "Pacific wide by 200 feet ln 1engtb.. 18 CIOalb'ucted fl'om lDla.nd of tM artUt colally city. Anaconda --.. SOI,\ will be 4000 tom of steel and the six -'• .. t 1-which it Tean welled l.Dto U.e •Y• of Cb.rymler .. _,_ '101' Driller No. 1,'' giant platform which soon •--.-Dtcllenna.n yMteJ'day wti.n ~ G4D--.I Electric ·-. _ . &9" bue for opuation1 into the tid<'lands offshorf' will thruat down into the ocean floor to. 1te&dy bq-an recall1nl( the l&bore or 0enera1 Moloni • • .. H of Hundngton Beach State Park. The driller w a11 its oi>eration are each 1ix feet in diameter and l"~aUOft and tun ot mana,-ement Gr.t Northern l\.R. . -.. "' ,..._ Ch 195 feet in length. Th~ 011 derrick erected OD the °' the Cutaway• Club ovt•rlook· N. Y. 0-t.raJ · a.'I dedicated to IU Wk Saturday in verntos an· I Inf Newport Harbor. OICkf'rman Slnclatr OU . 8014 Del Long .Beacb. The giant platform, 100 frd decl< ia a 11ta.ndard 01! field wilt. -SWf Photo I ta a tnill' arti•t with roodl. st&11d&rd 011 ot Cahr .. 4~ I ----nfua1c· paint an1l ll'a ... 1 u .,..,.JI Tra.naamerka • 311'1. f'l, <'oita Mua wtlh tpll' H1·\ f Spedk !HIGH SCHOOL lu v.1!11 v.11tt1•n ant.I 1pokM t'nlon OU ot <'a.llt. • ~7-.., DEATH NOTICE Ro~::::. T8~:~::iof;~~;,:~n~ .. rt1•1 ~!~rx-akmreprea~~g (Jr• ({.'onUnued from Pa ... ,,'"ord II at tlmt•ll ta hatd to u. s _ ~4:1__ Tl ... ll.SNN1rlll MA&Ql'li. • br11Pt Ulneu In Loa Angrif·• l\lli:" 1 '1111nt.v ~·am1 Bure•u arr ' lo "Fiann." Ftest.u and bull· J'uneral HTY1c~• ror Kennf'til l'ounty <~ntNll HnApllol . ~''" 1 aprttktnl( th111 n1onth al dltfetl'lll lll{hla .. r Arg1mtmf' wlll be Int.er- •· .Narquia, who r81<1f'd at 437 waallnfltneufLo.n;;:-rnont,<••1"·1K1v.an1a C'l11b m~Un11 Ill'""" rirdl!d by Jan A-y and Lonna £. 19th St., Coata Mf'M, llU'" moving lo Hllllla Ana Ill 1 \1()-4 n"•'llr>n with nallon&J fo'am1·l"lty Lloyd. and Pat Klniralf.V wtll acbeduled for ~ Vrtf'r-&n• ~~-Sbll' h,.,J lln-<1 In Co"ta MrlH fui "•:ek Jr11 l11•lf'<I anwni th~ l•a•l In fillaJ U.S A pro<IU<'llOn tloa, Harbor Rat MemortAI Park, 14 Y"••r• b<ofore moving 1" Lo• !li'l'llnjjR "'aa that ,,r .'ll~·1••rt, lltt.ru<j;t'r specia·• wtll 1t&r at t :ao p . m . Wedn•Ariay AnJ;ll'I"• I~ 111ontlu ago, and v.u llnrbor Hl\\ltnla C1ub at Villa M1" J,:1rl1 "ho hllve pt:t 1n mor<" th1an )(r. lri&"IUIAI dll'd Sun•1A)' a rf'tir...i ""'"" flhr i. ••lntvr I r1ri1t IR•t """k "hen r.eorrt1 T ttirlr rt-q11lr~l time an ht.'lping I monal.11« lD Veteran• Ho.p1tal I b\>' hrr hrnthPr :-:orman 1 t •, ... ' hell"#:!: 't Yor tNl 1.tnd& apoke producr thl' •hu\4. Loa&' ... ch. He la 1urvtnu by W lllth St· ' ... : .. M"~8 r •P••ta\· 110 ... ard Crooke. "1AllA«' 'NCkf'l.a fctr th., p11hh• wtll hf' I bia widow V\&)IA, who t.u bec-.n lnll'rmrnr w111 .... In Hatt ..... , ' r ( ir'Mni: .. c· .. unty "'ater •It• ll\"allablP at Pntran•,. IC> lhl' U~ at 126."11 11:1 Ito\ l•nv.-R"~' Ml'm••rt 1 I''" 1.1 "'""'"Rt 111 .. rneeUnl{ or th!! .ochool pool al th• bq, nnlng or Sant& Ana. I U>C• h,., hu•band -••ti< :>-!r~d K1wa11tlll1A .... C'b r ... rtonnance. hat been In th.-ha.ipll•l A Ok d Ar-ransvnmU w•r,. haodl~l by partment aye MolteU'1 a.ed Pffk MortUllr)' 1 J 'huu• f1,r a In r•uni t '"'~ 't ILATQYS \f. ~H.\\\ ni,.11t h" M111.: 1tt J~<:I\ 1~z11 Hal ~ ......irf'• tor Kathryn be.a Hl\•l. .....r• appruv~I hv JI. Daw, 11, Of JIWWI W. 2!'>tb t>t.,: Nt!WJ><Jrt f~arh f'lanrnng Corn 1M Allpl-. wer. ti.Id today a l mlalllon Thur-..lav Th,. pr•1r<:rt}" I ,..._ ln Partlea Mortuary Chap-' belong1 to R11yrr •11111 Lf'wl• I•'• Merel ~ -~ Blue Book rt-. popular olbum of outstondiftg Christmas Cords .. b. imprim.d with your nome n. tWl..eft llw looAt contci•M Clvl1""°9 Ccwd1 in tro- ....... ~ n -11 °' •i1tkated ~s.igN ... all • ... """"'''"' wttll -,,_ nome. C-WI tod9y .. ..&ect r-Chriltl'llOI Corda fro.., the tW-t llue looli. Y-frlencb will 1c-"yov c~ .......... ...,.. .... V<tf'y bett." llCHAID'S LIDO MARKET HOME AND GIFT SHOP 3433 Via Lido Newport Beach Harbor 2828 . ~ -........•• ,, .... , ..... w ......... , a·11vat.I i .................... ' e MUL TI"-llS • DIVIDU • IU8™CfS •ADOS 902 ~Mein Kl 2-"65 I • I • I • I • . . . • • .. Now! Golden·brown pancakes in 2 minutes- when you cook electrically! Tooo NOTHINO COOi., PASTE.a than • modern electric ranp. From • cold atart with a cold pan, your panakee a.re &<>Iden-brown in 2 mioutea. Hot IOUp Ulkea 68 .ecoads_ 8ecoo and qp 3 ~ mmUCes. fry, bate, broil or rout-eledricity does it better. THUl!'I wou: your k.itcbea ia cooler. And clcaoer. Pata aod paaa t..ep that mirror-brisht 1h1qe. Ki•dMll walla loot '1a.b a.a:ad _. macb kJnfill. \ . .., ....... _ Ama WAt.ILAHTT oa your ranp nptrea, ~ 1ervicea it /rn-ch~ ooly 6x put&. if oeedld. ,,. TOU'aa ITILL COOUNO tbe old way, you bavca't -the new ciec:tric: nqr:a llt yc:aar appl~ aooc dettlu'a. Sea them-and a0e bow euy modcnl ~CaJI be.. ~ SOUTHEIN CALIFOINIA. COMPANY • . • llYl Hml -UlCTllCAllYI • I . . • . • . • . .- • . • . • . • . ............................................. Step into the wonderful world of AUTODYNAMICSI It unleashes a hurricane of pow:er l There are many fre<.b and ucitin¥ dilcoveries awajtiq you in tJae wonderful world o( Autodynaauca. But acme ii more aciliaa th•n thf' e•hilaratina pt-rfonnal'Cle you'll c.ii:perience belliad tJae wbccl of a Swept-Win& Dodp. This low,..lun1 beauty takea off lib • tca.lded cat., ripe OYar biill hb • 'hunary coopr, whips put &Jow-moviQs b'1lfllttD lib. a,_. sby jackrabbit. ,4t your command ii a miPlJ mw ~ V .a enpne with up to 310 hp. • 11 tarn•• • tor-n•d• 01 to"'ue And tbil Swcpt-Wra1 Dodp introducea mcb impor1&Jlt lilhaacel u PuJb-Button TorqucFlite that fl9cb a 1-2 punch. a.vol~ new T onion-Aire that sweeps you Uoaa m I '"Realm of Silcnc:e, • mua.. cuna with race cat 1IOrl1oa bar ~-New T'*"-~ Bnta -tho pacat in the iaduluy This.-Autodynama ... wMrw nu,tkilt1;, reew trom "°"""' roof. It'• all youn in • tithe, lean muter ol motion only ~ feel hip. You bave oner eeen., felt, owned uythiaa liU it. ST/VE.PT• JtVI1'TG AL BEA TTY MOTORS Yw Aal'oat..cl Dod91...,_ lk Dimler 1680 Newport llwd. Costa Mesa ,,.-. I • • l I • • OVl:ti-UPJ tom 11•D~AYO. · tho .. of you ~0 hav• purchased ''Utah" Go\>. b\era from us ~ ef 0 r• KNOW THAT THIS IS TM£ FINEST MONEY CAN I u y . U"conditionally Gua;anteed. "PRH>l Of UT AHif GRADE A iiiEATUii&ii Avg. 43t. - I•••••••'••••._ OCOMA FANCY GRADE A • PRESH PACIFIC • TU : -~-: RKEY : ~ys~ers: DRUMS TIX 49:.. : 1~f :· 49c~ oc~ CHICKEN THIGHS ••• 59~ "-• • • • • • • • • • • 1 Swanson's or Swifts' Premium l • •• • s:.a • .... ••.. REDI STUFFED • eXsrERN meet • .. 10.11 La. AVO ~Gysters ·~ TURKEYS : . l!i ·=s--9c: STUFRD with SAVOIY llEAD DIESS.INGI • PINT • • • • rw if •~..,.•••I ARMOUR STAR OVEN-READY . . . . . .... • . COOKED • JUNIOR ~c~•·-s~ GEESE 6 to 7 LI. AVG. :~391b .: ' • • ,. • • • • • • • • • • • 1 HOFFMAN EASTERN TENDERIZED "DON'T FOIGIT YOUR MEADOW GOLD WHIPPING CREAM FOR YOUR PIES" Um de Kamps SPECIALS Nov. 19-24 lerp(~ MINCIN ..... NJ • Plcrtn or 5UogClred .. DOUGHNUTS I .. 1 .. -~-... ~n de Kamps X IAURlf•·t0.,11 t•Wt tt.I I~ • -- SMOKED HAMS Whole .or c Shank Halff lb. Fresh Oven-Ready Caponette 5 9 R 0 A S T E R S .:.':v!. lli. - Dii Cii"i.l"N1f Gs·:. ·:v!.49 •. Ji&GEork 29:. 49~ All-America~:-.-,,-Q-u:-lity- EASTERN SLICED 49 BACON ~: t Family -Size Bottle ·····~··i·······'······ :oEL MONTE SLICED or HALVES: ~ PEAClfE·S ~ I • • • . ALL-AMIRICAN REAL CREAM ICE CREAM :E;:i~ir5 ·9c ~-GAL. CARTON Farm & Home Cottage CHEESE FULL PINT 191 • • No~·.2~ 25c .. : • LUSCIOUS MAGIC-FREEZ L .... c.~~-........... -~ ICE M ll K • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••a• i Choice of 49 : MEADOW GOLD'S DELICIOUS • Flavors! c • ·• !12-GAL. : cRANBERRr : CARTON : S H E R B E R T : ~ancy D-in-n-er-Napkin~ • Reusable Plastic C • 2 5 • c . • c • onta1ner • • FULL QUART • PKG. ~ .....•....... ~ ....... : . • • I-LB.:' .. ~ BEST FOODS MAY DEL MONTI · FLAV-R-PAC GRE ~ .... _ ........ ., .. • A~OUR'S CANNED • :HAMS: ~········-· .. • • •HORMEL Oven-Brown 8 : PICNICS : t.esr ror I nanksg1v1ng tealtll TIADD VIC-TOM & JRaY 75c BATTER 1 ~ft •No skin, bone or waste• • • : 10-lB. 69' : 8 AVG. lb • • • .............. • • : 4-LB. 225 : • CAN • • • ... .......... .. FRAN.Ks ~AMERICAN 39 . AL&,MEA T-1-LB. C LIVERWURSTHo~29f. C H E E S E a::.. 43~ .. Sliced Swiss ~~E~~.27· 39:,, cmoi 49:. FIUIT CAKI MIX . MIADOW GOLD s• EGG NOG C:~, .7- IO'tAL CU5T-TINTM RUM & BRANDY ST: Ct.AIR BUM PURi?-FULL QUART o~a ·NAISE -· . . . D OIL FULL QUAlll' EN No. 2~ ~P~.K I N Can . GOLDEN ··1 ... ... CORN 303 CAN 303 CAN •.w./.&.\t&• ~ 1f' :MINCE MEAT: -• 28-oz. 49c • GND1190Ql~12-01 ... o. 1ftc • Jars • ... •11 0WS u-\ •••••••• : IYlftllll ••••••••••• ; ,; • AUIN'S IWBT a Y,·~ •• ,.. ""1D 29' : POTATOES • NO 1 • • •• TAU..CAN :2 JOJ 29~ ·: . • cans • -'AWMINUM • • a • • • a • 8 ~ IL.: WRAP YOUa tUIKIYI 25c I a M\I U,,t/ • .. ;·. JWOOT IOU : SWONING : • 6-oz.19c • 1 ·LI. PKO. 2ec : Pkg. : . 7-.......... . I IOIWll.I 114 i fitatoNI II.VD. I COi. FllESTONE & PIONlll ~ Nie 'til Mklnight I Open Daily 'til Midnight I ,. Sunclrp 9 AM. to 1 O P .M. • •·1 All Flavors REG. JIZE PACKAGE' .. Tiie lest qualty, Smooth. Even Size •• Strictly Fresh Tender New Crop c Fre~ Delly KriSp CIMn Sllr.dcl1cl Ve«Jetable . - s DS· .. Memorle lrand New c.-. Collf. Hydrated s ---· ... Pealtry Stuai•t ,_ 17c Gullc Silt---... %'le hapHa Pie Spice '"-__ %'le firnM l•tatl' ·~-___ _ _ 31c .... ~. Sap 1-..ol. __ · ----19c WMll Cln• , v. ................... 2'lc s Lar9• Size c Stalk Cello c Pkt- ··-12-oz. C.Ho Window Box CIDD CIOVE 1 . Nl:WPOIT BEACB 1 CORONA del IWI 1 SAN CLEMENTE 9151 OAIDIN GIOVE IL.VD. I 2600 COAST HWY ... rumN I 3049 COAST HWY. •t JASMINE I 602 EL CAMINO REAL ,Open Delly 'tll Midnight I Open 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. Deily I Daily & Suncl•y• -9 A.M. I 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. D•ity Suncleya t AM. .. Mldlll9ht I Suncleys t A.M. to 7 P .M. I To 10:00 P .M. I Svnclay1 9 A.M. to 7 P .M. I NIDWPORT Is Given jPAGE 6. PAR.r , _,NEWPORT HARBOR N~S.PRESs Exe-mp·Iar i MONDAY. NOV. It, (966 J..l.J. PARENTs ro ;HEAR~STATE !Ritual SPEECH CONSULTANT Tbrourb Ulit cca....S etrorta Cll the ~'OiiiliitJ aoes.ty t~ ortppi.d Children Uld AduJta (Tbe E&lter 8eal · qawy> aDd tlleo llJ>ftl"b <'OJl.lull&Jlta ol t.bt Oran&• C«aml.1 8cltool .,.am. th~ roliowtnc prQtrram I• aa· nounced: WINTER lt08ES -hundred.a of thml. wW transform Balboa Bay Club hlto a veritable J"Cl99 p.nlen on Dee. 28 for the third annual Debut.ante Ball, spon- Nted by the Harbor Awdlia.ry of \be Children'• Home Society •. Here *'8- Cbarles i>eytOn, lbvitation.s, l4ra. DonaJd Andfl110n, ,enera.I cbainnt.n and Mn. E. C. Martin, decoration.a, a.tt aurround ed wilb the bloeeoma. -Tt>rry Borris Photo '"TM Pa.rent.-Role lJl the ~llt&Uoo ol ~ CIUW w-tlh • 8PMdt Def.rt"' '• gpeio o1 aom.d ~,..w~ ~~t la ..... eor1'l!CUala,. OamDnda .... ~ 11\fllt ot l:due&Uon. ~ at 1:00 p.J"A. W~ m , the A.-nbly Roam "' .. 0,.,. OfaDty ..... panaeat BuUd1q. a.Mll ud a.a at:: ...._ ~ AJtMurb tbla P"'SJ'U'D ii ~ 1 ,,.,..,. tAI tlUll111a~ ~nUI of UM Ttlal ,., .. uaq play la ~ It should ai.o be of lni.r.l to eduCat«t. MUA ' UPHOLITDY u ............ o,..,.'7 UIM"J M ,_l UH N.,,._ IU"'-Oc.u II- Y• ca plaJ llMs Hmnmoncl Chord Organ IJI ........... ... '---"• Pftdkie FREE HOME TRIAL ftoae Kl 1-6140 ... .,_ -ptebl lbM of • tt.•11 oed OrtJClllS Teer...._ AC9'ptM I• IEuaaal"• Sce....idt-PllUlips Co. .. 1.1>1-.1'd "'- $!0 No. MaAla. Saata Au n.wwtn,,._.~ .. ..... ,,... Ol1CN l'lllD.& T NIOll'l' AT SCOUT BASE Sea Explorer Ship 210 Has Bridge of Honor ~· l:xplol"t'r Bblp 210. llJ>Oft' to ttt. ••Mllt••n.-.. of lnt and r•v~ .o~ by I.ho N-port aar-...1 • br1d talk on Uw oc:v11t1ng pr·,. l<Jwanla Club. beld It.a wcoorf rram 111d Btilp 210 H 'f • ,-.,,,. llC'm1 .. noual pot h.K'k dt•ntr 8Nl Th• i11f'\t'nlatlnn of .,...,da bt--man. Ome rOm '-"'~ Bndit• o( Hooor ln 1 1t•Y•• 11:an with" t or111 al bc>a.nhn& •hp ---ArTa7 Corpe~al J df'Conled h&ll at Uk> Bea &out u·r.rnum t unomvdorf' Spurseoa lk"GI'._, .,._• ., .... Ida a. .. Nov. 13. • ..... rde.l lhf' ~i.:h rank ot able Move to Riverside ~ ~ Uae ..... ., ..... ~ Brtdl'' of Honor UI 1 (Or· lo f>a\ Id J"f'lnlJtf'lft. BU-\e KJf\C, Mr. a1'd Mn. Cb&rlu Browe ,..,_.., ,Mr. .... llbil. Wi.ma.a mal N'f"f'mony whel'Tby 1.,..ardll •n I John Whltm111 Comm11t"*" uad cbU<1nJI. C ky aad Davl4. _,..... a. C. 'JDtllo c.la ot rank and a('hln•mf'nl ano man l>ukf' Al'ardr<J U11 rall.ll of or Km&. Oclt'J. ....... illli -. 1 "'' .,, 2'12 AlrurP. Aanl& Ana Hetahu ... u Md at t•-.. ........... pN'wntf'd to mem~re oC ttw ahlp 0 nary t11 """nrlh ~nokf', and -o -r u .. -... ._- for ~uittmeonta accompUabrl Matf' Larry M11lu a .... ar<k-<J UM! UYt mo~ t.o Rlwr.tde ••hen lll&llY ~ lltt.r bl.a hal1ol&f1l 'rli· durtft( Ow.-la.at iJlx monlha I ranlc or ap111•nllc-" lo llo1a they Inland to make t.bC'lr tutUtt ptl'Ta wu to nport for dut7 at per1od. Some oC lbf' 1.,.. &rda ptf'· Johnaon and l>u1d Aikin.eon. borne.. I-wt Came., Coa.. L 111mtecl WC"rt 11ervlco 11..ara, whJch -----------~-------.....r.----:" Np..-nl on• w mo~ y•n ot -:--..n...'""r--~r-~c--.~:'!::1.!=tt=n::lll!!t:~=i.l~rt:=-i=t:::O::St:lt::llt:llt:ll=ra:*=llJl:ll::U::lt:lc:!ll::l.&:l~=*llt:G ... I arv1Cf' In t.bC' ahJp, ~rf«t Al· t.ndanco awarda. Joni cNiff ba~• and awarda of rank ad· 1 91Lll"'ment. When a ~ b<•\ comH lnlo a &.-a Epxll•n>r Shoi· be l• da.aaltled u a -man Frt>m th!~ rank h• may pA,.. 1 varlou• Tt'QUlro>menlJ& and 1u1 . ' I Yance to appr.nUca. ordinary,, able. and quarttormUter rank.11 I Each ran.II a •tap iu.ber In ad- RJ\l't-n t I Thi-C"e,..mollJea al&U'tf'<J with Ulf' Abo-A~ of uw Sao.a &«>1. t boat. lh• 81:.S ••John H. Pool• 'nlil WU fo~ b:,-thl> pot luck dlnlV'r a.Dd a • ,.·•kom• aboud~ by !lkt~r Jeorry Groll• I and CommJtlff1Jl.&Ji R.a.Jpb Dukeo Commodore Willl&m 8ptJTTeon IU then ~xwndt'd ,.....unr ... 1788 NEWPORT BLVD . COSTA MESA u 1-21n m~flU NOVEMBER 22, 1956 SERVING FROM 11 :30 A.M. TO 7:30 P.M. CRl:A\f OF CBJCKL"i A LA REl:N'E SOUP FRJi:SH TOSSED GREEN MAI.AD CHOICE OF DRESSING hied Combinatio., Sea Food, tuter s•uce Fresh Sand Dabs S.ute, butter Huce Fried Deep Sea Scallops, Remoulade wuce Broiled Swordfah St .. k, anchovy ootter. Fresh Salmon Steal, garlic butter _ ··---·- Roast Y oun9 Tom T urhy, dreuin9, cranberries Baked Su9ar-Cured Ham , champagne uuce __ 2.00 2.10 2.15 2.20 2.25 2.60 2.35 S.eutif ul Solid Brau CANDLE HOLDERS . For Your Holidays! Roast Leg of SpttfKJ L•mb, mint jetty _____ .._··-·----2.25 FTi.d Spring Chicken, IOUthem style _ 235 ' Bro.1ed or Gn1ed T-Bone Steak, mushroom wuce. ·--. -·-. _ 2.50 3··· -··---.3.tl .... 6" -·-·-M.ts pi: 8~ .. -..-·····-···-$5.tS pr. 190 I South Main Senta Ana FRESH VEGETABLES SWEET POTATOES CHOICE OF ASSORTED OESSElTS CQ~~:i'tA·Dll MtUC Ch~lchn Under 12 Yems Old 50% OH Price ol fntree Includes Complete Dinner From Anaheim N-oomen to Coet.a a.-..,.. I Mr. an4 J0a. Wjl Jl •m H. K,_h wM ban mOY~ ha~ rrom Ji...-... nwy .,. now ~ UWU' ._ at aao x.,. DOlia. POSTUIATOI ·llL SHOI , llOUll •3411 I. Coat HJw.r C111•• .. Mar ..... 1177 B.&NU .... ., ~ ~"T. "" .... ..,.. Ulla -...,...1' l&S6 MUEB 8BOPS LIDO llllA VDfQ Mt:O ..................... _ NII Vta JMe' -11.n-1111 BA UTY PARLORS LIDO llALON CW B&AUTY Mll lfpt. ......... -liar. 11'1t BOOKS llOO& CAB Mlt VI& Ulla -Ha~ "'*' CAMERAS & S.ppUm ,,NC£NT LIDO DAVOS 14'1~ ....... -.......... CA&PETS a ORA.P'E.a!E8 DICll MAClld Mh \'la &Me -H..-.r HSI CATEIUNG JUCIL&&D"8 LIDO MA a •rr MA V. LMa -11&1'-ma ~·..,.... llCU'9 or LIDO ... ,. ..... ~ am'lllNO ••'• 8eCaD amwm.ua ..,. n. llKl'f Mll.,_U.._....._ ... ~-·-·· lletall LA &SP1I .... ..............,'611 UDO r.umowa M1J .......... -llllftel' .,, M•DOOal'8 , ,Mll "" ...... -....... ..,, YAOleoJm BOCD Imported 8port.nrar ... fta ...... -_._ llM oaoo noBD YIKCSMTS LIDO 1>&170& Mllftaute-.......... l'JeetN Cntndon • Cen1nJ11t . . c ... , ••••. .. , ... • INBUUNOE .lOEN'l'B w. o. auca. DfC. .... , ............... Jatedar o.e.1a .. ._..a -.&.LD. •• Mllt'la&.Me-......... .,.. .. ,.. .· ............. ____ .,.. 90~ trll.901' ...... lmpmte • ... .,.. ........... .., llAUD:Tll ~tlDo••mn · ............. _.....,.,.. REAL l8'U.D P. 4. P••.MQ OfC. -......... ___ ""_ YOGa, OOllJPAJn MHYlnl.Me---... : .DUMCA..~ •4• 2311 ·:.: a.an... •At UMt ..._.•Uta IMC Bmt.r•1U .~ LIDO a&Al4T • ....,,..,._ Udo .... ltelllUI :~ ........... _ _..,...,: u.:&T&tJ&AJl'lll --~ NMfta~ ....... 8& VINOS a LOO • . ~-.. AMqa•DONS M&"W MJAQ,\ , Uftlloa a LGAlf Amoa Jt. ...... b.7 ,.._ Lema' ....... .... ........... _ .... _ 8110D---'• lllDWSUJ9 ft'OIUI ....... ........... _...__ -· 8BOl'll -----= llt1UN "' o.u.aomn.t. ... MllftalMno---..r 'l'D&Da .... .... • ...... :: .. .,.. ..... _......,_ WAS'Cm ... .ta ftlrCKft'll W.&rm &R.ua UDODUJe9 ............ WDfDOW OOif*F•e 'IWa ......... ,,..,. .. ._cm -... ... .... 11/~st D<·n Wllaon, .,. hi> h&1 ~ r9lumNt rrom a l9 m onth t..r 91 ~wtv In 8tuttratt. Ger· ...,-, an11 Oon Jackaon or Le.a An&•lu WUa '11nnft' (Ueat. A\ th" C 1... M••lr•J•ane, 192 r.: 22nd St , Coata MN&, Nov. U A T"'n W11v Rtrrlrh Kat fta i.nft.U<e9 fltr-mlln" Ynur fo 1c11r ~ and 1'roa""1l Toor~ TRY OUR METHOD NOW • compt ... '°" ..... ~ • Fi .. • Contouriag How•rd St.em ~nM -Mess.,. °"' t -5 bi.. by ,i\ppointtMnt ~ 8-S~H 365 Newport Blvd. ,. ....... 1 so ........ , ~ ... ,, ~ *""'.._..-.-i-.. IDVll'fO FROM 1J NOQiH "TU. I f> .X. •2.n Broile4 ctt.f'a Ste• ,.. ... · or Roost Prime !lbJf !eef ~Au J~. 1.95 Roes+ Y ounq l em i urkev -Dreuing. Onn.T ORA v1i CRAl'fBlillR.RY aAUCC R .. d 1.e9 of Spri""J lamb-Mint Jelly Of ~,oltlen Bro:= f"tf Spring ~<ile:z ••• Bro nu H•lib~t St•1 k 4Clddies• Pletes 8Sc to $1.35 I<~' ....... OOIONA GIL MAl aaa"wa llt'ft.D1"9 ftARROR IHI ' CRAN9ERRY SAUCE OcMn Spr_.,, ~Of W'ho'e ... 'All ~ w1tt. r..-., °' H#ft ~ y- ptamp. """'-· ,_, llUda •n '"*"-•« ....,, Id U&l>A. NPECTEO, GIAD! ·;.·~ s.t....,,.....,...,....., ..... /( ........... fl/ -W, ciill'Clljljd .,,, ~ ... ......_ .._......., ,.thy ie a-w.11 ·• ~"._,. ~O::J~C--. HllPJ' C-, Sft.lt.4 Mtt"'1k T....,.., Stll/W y__, Hn T..n.r, l · ~ .•. .U ,,.........,-uw. TOMS 39c HENS 43• M ..... ,.. . .. , .. , ...... A 16 • D....... lb. 1 .. '4k•a11t .... IB.TSVlllf MIDGET rumrs ........ ,....,., .. , ..... .. UIA. llllPl<T9. ... 'r . .... HAMS r!.~ SA98 ~ 161! ~.c... ~ t.n...C.. RllH 1 POIU< . 1 I Pork Loin ~.Pastlt OYSIEU IAUUGI L ROAST ..eNICS · ... 49' ~ 3t = .. "iift'if. :.. .21' ·:n. 2 "t.:." 25( I~ 9' DAllY 'Cl.EN IUI IEi:n ·· 59' C I ti SUGAR ™ ~~ 10' COUNTY FAIR PIES :":::c. ···• 29' STUFFING BREAD ~C~rs L~~ 27c. ~ '' .. °'"''' ·-llf Apple Pie Spice •1">-. II; BM RAGES LARGE ''A'' CU•MONT ........... .. -.,. IOYml• tallff ............ \.,............. .... ~ .. .._._ ,......... -J6, ?- ~· •1-"' P~in_.t. Spic.,..,_ Dr ~~ 44L :th '-ttrr &fafflat S.ll's fteedy Mik •. -. It; Corn !read c-.... llllt Cubbisdn Regular , • ltt EGG NOCI ...... =-... U~WOOD DEVILED HAM '"'-""' 11• 2 '-" ~,..,.. 3nc 12--. •·tt--..,-ZIPPY SWEET PICKLES HEINZ S~LAD VINECAR MAY °"y SALAD OIL WESSON SALAD OIL R£YNOLOS ALUMINUM FOIL BISCUIT MIX BISQUICK FlJ!T Ml ........ ·~ .... 33c 29c . - CELERY ~AaJ-...tt ..,.c..a ~~-.... BVElVDYAMs: IEGlD liOOI DAns ·---PIPPlt APPtn-:.. I ,,,.. ..... !J. "· .. It . l • ' \ .. --- • ~ • R.OWIU • DICOIA1IONS • TAUWAU • JUIM PAITlllS I • •UAIANTID a.Ats ' • .. DHDT .. ODUCI • WIDDT YAllm • CATBJNG • DIUYllY Buy Celifomie Jinnerwore For Thonugivinq . Servinq • I Serve • Rf ch•"''• Horld•y Feast • • • -.. . / nnnaANaa-.._,o..-.., TOii TUKIYS ·· •~ S9c ·~61c 11.. 49c ------------~--~------~-----~ 0---. ............ 0.-~ DUCKLING I Jb. 69c Mn' .... ~ .. ll1e, Mele W &.af HOLIDAY H~ .... 59c Store Hours 9-7 P.M. Doily I 0-7 P.M. Sondoys Fridoy 9-8 P.M. C losed \ Thonk~giving Doy • Richard'• Fresh-The Very lestf 12-oz. pkr. 2 fo• •DELICATESSEN CAlii1DiiUa J:i·!b. 3•9 --------,.,....,,... -AJI ......... Cn-~·1 • CHIDE 3-01. 2 for 25c ---~ .... -1'1M~ MINCE MEAT 20-oi. 39c I ~LIDAY TU'AT8 .J ~-.Extra~ CHEiRwiDMi4T &raft'• ..... CA&A "AT K• CHEESE ...., ~ &raft'• lm~rtal C'.fU ~ 51' ..... , . ~ « ..... --r•-znr llSClllS --.... Ala • ...., l'lldl .., 'TACOSNAX ._ .. '= .. ..,, .... ] JIOlllltir 1· =..:-.' .... 25• ~ .... ---, .... ~ .. ,IDIUNS .. U .. TnAoiv Delld ................ •Vil .., ·Q6GCAUS _~R ...... ~ ........ 17 DINNll I°'' s.... •liDWW•-.... l'tlMniD ~ DI l•CIPlr. ,.... ~ iOiJ.i* 1-If. [~N aM~€] ._..'"""Ma• tr '!_ :W suc• ucON. •' iAUi:a. I ~ 1' __ .. llalN tu e1l1 rW • tezrth ._ ... • .. \ -..OU MAZE -Harborita and vlalton ' • .,.. drawn to comlo.rt of world rmowMd and ...... Cutawayw a1lb tot .. ..,•tkm•' Tt.w BAND WAIQIEll -Newport Beacla Oty Ilana· pr, center, round a .Wl-ctand.lq but 1D>Oulderin1 post an aid apinat early morning chill while fin. men dou.d remainder of the blau at Cut&wa)'tl Oub. -Staff Photo of Newport Bay u well u !S>r ita mUine decor and t&lt7 food. . DnrFICULT BAT'tLE -Newport Beach fire-. men did their best apinat obstacle. wh1 rh in- -' ~ . . -. ·a.YllfG .. Cd -l'rut ().>ban. left. ......_ Ol tbe CUtawaJ'I, l:>Otil Oil aa Newport 'a.ch pqllce join ftrtaDell ID ebO'ftlll tM car to MftltJ. AD other pomer Lona went up in flamu. -Staff PhotO tJP IN FIAJID -Early Saturday mornlJll tbe Cutaways became a n.cinc inferno· atop the eluded alrmgin~ h~ up the hillside' from 11th St. near Co~t Highway. -Staff Photo bluff overlooking Newport Bay. -Staff Photo POURING rr IN -The smoke eaten got the ... water tber1!, l"!lt atreama ot tt, but tbe oonfia· (ration WU too far dong before tbelr arrtvaJ •• -Staff Photo \ ·- Cl••• B -111-. Ja7 ~. 9'\it; Oldl~. a ; a>. V. ~ MV.. a.a c --Km•. kmoel .,..,.y..,.. our Blraw lllQl)ed out Pt.dcue .Ad 1r::;:;;,;;;==;;;;;;;;;;;;;;J~;;;;;;~;;5;~5;;:;;;::::;:;;;::~;;;;;~~ HuMr' &a oo~ &a a 11fti11p c -it ........ JI; o. w. a..-TO lST =!."· ·~· r." ·- of OU~ )lam-··A.tibP ONP.n....-r ally," •uaw expi.&nid. "All t~ \,,l\l:t I £. 1936 ..... 111 lllflu lri~ "°ya rea.l\y put out &11 tbat """" ~fd of~" In raktnr-up lhe loop ch~­ pllJt'IMIJ>, Nl-wport Harbor open<'d W1tb ~:it...-elalol' and l~ a ~ t.ro\u'td~. ~ followlJll week Uw t>oy• came tMlck to ~t .;OOMb ... .,.._. ~ Newpoit tladllDr llJlb 'ft) tlluL S.... ,...S to John I .I •L .a• Muntftello 13-0 and then met a ... aiit!9ee,(~ ""?•!•&I k+ ....... ~el• -~ ~~ ~·-,... ...,,__ tou,rh .baMlm ti.lam which took ., ___ ....., _. -·-lh•m 11-0. Two rever-burnt ..... • "' ••Mi"_... .c ... 0ir-.. ""' •t ~ tw.o ..._.. .... 1a ,..Td lea•ue Crown lhll Tars 1n Ull• battle. Ana-Davi4llon fllilld. P•n&Jlle1 f.or a u.tet.11. The • tw1m'• coa1;b atat~ the Tar9 ftobin Swinford capped a ~yard drive with a three-tea.me 1en. the fttld wlt.h Ule Kave lh•·n1 Uut be11t sa'itlc 11u vard pb.i.n1a for the flnl TD ln k'··ked ... _ coAv-•-n for a l '. 8C:ON 214. Newport llarbor High Cl•<' ' su.aon Th '. I l Id qpen~ momenta ot the bt.U 0 "jead ~ .. th• ..... :~_. .• end. ' PA.M PLA.Y GOOD footballera Friday n11hl dt'frllt'U · •' "'u ''°11 11 '4uu havt! R K -•.......t t .. -Afte ... k l k rr b k Or&n•e Hl"'h 24-7 al Oran"•! tr. I wun lht• t·hamplonsl11p bul had ~· on oron ..--..... o LO<lA.LS ADD 1' r ...... <' o a uc -.. " ... Jt1cli.t.rd &;h11cherun1yer Coe lhe 'ni. local ~ 14 more ln lateral pau trom Mike Geor¥e 1a.ln a lle for Ult Sunll'.·l J,.·"11"" 1 tll ru1 f»1l Uu f'I! .:a111u lo lowJ\ connraton. The MCODd TD came lb• M<:Ond Clu.art.r. Mike Oeor,-e lo Da¥9 K.arnrnond waa good tor champlonah.lp. The Tall n<.o••··I 1... Uab111, G1u <Jen t;ruv.. and after ano~r drive ot •&-yafda lnlerct'pt.ed a pa.le on the Pan-:w>-y.rdt and a ttnt on the Pan-In lhe tint ClU&rler .;>n a ~() \111<1 aa 8lan Lewi• wt'nl over Crom &Mr 20 alMl n.n 10 yarda. Koron t.Mr so. Koron faded back In t.M dnve wilh Dick Rapp lak111i; ' .... ""'°-"--..... '9 ~ -.---.-... ...... ... ... ...... ta ,._ U.. ~Mcil .l~ITY • eet up .. ,..m., a a ' ;---•,•w;;;;-~....;;.: ..._,.... ._ ...... ..,.. an.-oaq Piek-,.-s t.-.. ....... ~ \.,. -..... ~.... • .. ,.,.. ............. U11 .._ .-i. to l'9d B1U eJc to wt up the .......... ~ .. • ......... ,... ... ~ -... .... ... ....... .... .... IAlllbardo 1111-d lbe -------· -. ' ...... --~ Ot.dwal· 1*WDl. # I : • ' • .... ~ ·llai' • .. .. ftU OftUllCe -l all.Md In u.e .m OJ.. . .... ,. _. ..-. u. ~ _. wend C~ on acon<m1trat..d ,_. a.Ml& .-"'-~ dnw. n.e lttulf PanU..Crm ru . • ~ et ..... t. ...,,.. u.e -.i tM conftnitoD to t&k• a 74 B' -... ~1 ....,. tlftn' o-_. 1w. nl4d a MJ!U-...S. ~Tara druvl! to I ........ -'9le mlillftlW a... U. ax yal11 llJlll' IUI the lnl•· , ~ ecorillS '*'1....., onapam ~sun ao1.m~. ~ ........ -VllllU.>' ,_,. ............... -out. Inn\ ,c..,.. to R!rMllll. llam-SA<S. WITH 18 f ....... tl..a •t Ulll -.. • p * t t.-k • IMI" .... -..de ~ 'llr ,.ml ... ao BUI 8lrw.w'w ..... -prm·t·t1 th1<t ..-1 on a _...,.. M4ll .. tllc)' .._ -... .._.. arou.n4 __.. --- u...-is .,.,_... .._, at Or...-Wt _. 9lt .. _,........ oa....-<eollN Sati&f action • • • -~ -"''":1ii • Ha\;e us aimpUt7 )'OUr ................... ..... "' .......... __ .. -···~4 ·-~ .... al ...... .,.,"' .._m1 BAY 711 w .. 17111 -st. oo.11'.&mDA 9111£ IElllE BOID ED INCLUDES LABOR AND LINING Good ,, .... '· While Coarl•••Y & ·Lester '"' N!WPOl1' ••• u . 1-1111 • e..l.19 Pft4'Y ~ c.e -. ... 1U1b mi ha wit1t ._ -... ·~· <>ranp I C.~,,.. IQJ'lllll' u"*'...,...d ,.,.... .. lllll u..y ._. "" ,..,... ., ... ti.lid ... llll\ a NOW ..... ~ S1tf Mtr Gii 1ait ......... o.a ._ ...... Ill~ ....._ 0 I rtw vnl\. '11-,y blliala IMl bi\ It -._--. ~ 0-. ..... ....,... .... tbal ...... ... ....... .... -U. 1 'n. ..._. ICewpon .. ..,_. uw -.,.. ._. ,._... .. ~ ..._ OPEN IN CORONA DEL MAR t..11 -.n.-~ ,_....., --C Ull ~· ,8"l:J ~1 I"-~ ...... lladt wtUI _,,..,.....,....,_.....,_ ....... 8 ........ -.nd ~~tq-.....UtwUM 111 .....,, • ..-. ,_ ,_.. ~· f' a 1 Ill ... -... ...... 4Mi • ~-4 lll:IOrt. Ba.m-o. ...... _, ... ....-... ..., ... 9° t ~ M1 .,.... ...._. U. •lr• pelnl .. ....-.cs....,. c.o tt1r ht«......_ ...,_ Ill 8lil ..-. W..... "°t ~ CM1 m anw in tlw ..... o.,.. ....,._.,.... ..._ ._.. .. ..,..,.. • eut-r-ua ...-.. ~ wmt I t1111 .-&ftitr ~ "9' ._ JC a.,, ..... ... Ml ... ft ,..,_. -& ~ I.IP U.. a.Id- eally on a 10 1JUO _,.._. ... __.. S •Ir ...... _.. the ... RI Mind ~ Qie st.r.a ......... t ~ ta. --.,,.., llf... .... ... lhe .... \. • .... t. n.e Tta.n kl<*Bll olf ... ...... ..... ... -ln• ----------- blld ~ .. tJI(' .......... Mil ......... 9t .. pod ....._, ................. a ... .,... ~fl frVft ... ,..,. <tor \i I 0 • .. I I 5, .,_,~ Uillit:r ~ ... MUl ........._ tlll 1llilllll .._.. .... Ult l'&r l.-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiii:iiiiiiiiiii-. tli1'* paa, U. ,,._1 * •a ............ ,, ........ r-~l a.ft attMr a .,...Uhl tr 11111 _. 11i 4dt C -xt ..... .-. .... ..,. • ..,, ,-. ,.. ... ~ ........ Wi th ~ ... --, ....... Ill. ...... "' ....... ·-Nill· 1MCr ..... ,bll ~ U.w a.I· __.. MsA:c flllr ._ ftnf' .a., • 1'-' ltein ll\1'9 .,_... hr,. cl ••a. 9t1I 8e\i 61 a th'Tou&A to bhx:k Ht'nd.c.-rabol 1 food Job a t UMbackPr and Jl"or- CC>nft'Nlon attempt. 1-..t 811\IUI ~ Miler t~n • £«'1o"e .... llFID ..... a ,.., •• •nu• •• ..... ,.,, ..... ti. Mp• M•1r•1 {'IN'IQ1( iv=-v.-.: ~ ·-• !"'Med TD &l\y~ -UM t.,..d I>.dd J""ar· ~ ll'Ulwtn li&IM' u Dale Ma.r· &Win looked llk" a real com .. 1 at U. Wok a cul back ll ap 4 • , ,.,.,, Jim 1't'hon•• ha nin .... 1 1 h" ~for thf' ..-o~ H enit.rahol • hall \Hll ...,.., .. lll U.. QB •lo! aaet ~ C-l ,.._a,. paac~nl w.a y;1dto to lh(! nsnt Pat lbn•h•" •ophnmor• ha r-(at ~.,, ...... , Oranire \Of)k to lh• air In th~ har k. ran ,.Pl u did Junior HPrh ( oron.. df'I Mar Harbor ~1111 thftd f>"r1od an•1 muchf'd 1n Ye• Uiatr only itoal I 1 om I hf'I r o" n ,;.-;....;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;:;_.....;:-:;.;;.-...=:;.... ______ __:_ ... lC. LarTT Bowan b\iuncw ovtr t.o ~ lM' c111Vf' , Bud Thompeon ICOOped • tum- ble oa Otanr• a 38 an.1 "rc'1 10 u. <>....-u \ti .-t ., cm ft.aal ..u,. 'DiMc ....... __... llP .............. ~I . "" , I .. ? ···~·8 ~·· ,._ ........... ....... Olllll. FOR ANY PLUMBING PROILEM CAU US ~~s!0 ' a IP *' -C-f'rial T1Mll. 0 •• 9t'h. •tn. i091h COAST .•1 · , .• , ... ~ .......... _a... __ ~··· ....... . •1.ac1e1caLe.w eutus..,YOU• a.- -· I • • lntroducir,9 for Ille tint timt to mTOWGECOBRY • QUALITY THRIFT . Next to Yincenh Dl'UCJ Store We are h•ppv to announce~ openinq of QUAUTY l-HRIFT CLEANERS in CORONA DEL MAR! t Jo.,., you cM1 c riioy t~e h19hc.• n 10',•y c ',.11nin-:i d' tf,c 10 ... ,.,1 poH;ble prices. T c;~e ad~4 n taqc> ot tn1s GO -AC- QUAINTlD OFFER ""'d ct:ccic CLEANERS LAUNDl'l our r 1' e r aud1i1y wor k,....,n~h.p. We re \ure th.,! we Ci.'!" p f!dSC the entirf' fomily, et 9rccJtcr s.evings! Limited for 1 w .. k o.a, •'I: t ·sr; O~l.Y Tilt. 11:"\ 1 ....... f' c1..t.AMMi ruoo1~ ..... ~ KNOWN ... . ,,. l"O:"'T'l'I ................. . ~lor•thy""nr , ........... 1.-cb,' b .... •. tpoft JUll mm -• Pl.Ill SWEltUI s -............ " ..... Ser,rr1 tlo PIP~ 9!" Dill •,r c-. .en. .... *-" ......... _ ... .,.. CASH & CARRY QUALITY THRIFT ·CLEAIERS tlED TO DJC8ftS U. MOii CoilDll& ..: MAI . .,_~~: lit-OW OPEN tttl OAllDltN cmG\?11 -.\'I>, MH 'Tll IA01:N6 tl~ G9!0'\"& • ;pedal NoUoee PAINTING Paper H.a.nstn1 L. B. McKENZIE 9001CX151#iiR fer ...... Ac· oountuta omc.. a...., m ..,. Newport Harbor BUILDING? LICENBICD INSURED ~-~aper­ ieDce, martial .tatu.. ... etc. Puma.Dmlt 0'1l1· BA No.· J41 can at USS. paper. ITll LOOK WB&S TEARING INTO THE NEWS - Wb,y, It'• ol' Tom Turkey! Come Tb u rad a y, Thanklgiving Day, the populi.oe will be tearing into ol' Tom Turkey! -SWf Photo ~ 11oaoA.~. rre11C'b ,--------------------Hurt In Cn.nh :::-..;-~"!!:~o:!:· ::· •. ~: 13 CALLS IN 12 MINUTES MERE Ht'lt'n J. Lon,; 39 or '111 pl7 ~Joua." On hid Avt' l"Kt'IV~l minor in· ------IWARMUP FQR MESA'S FIREMEN! JunH when thf' car In which 111\4- ·HOME LOANS LAGUNA FIDHAL SAVINGS I LOAN ASSOClA TION rwo OFFICES To Serve You LAGUNA llACH ANO IAN CLIMINTI QUICK M ' HOUR SDV1CI wu rl~. QJivt'n by Richard • \'o•tll \1, a t1r~ d'•po<rl11w.1t ,,.,.,..,,.., a brlak wolkc.111 w. MJd1a~. 2t, ot 280 8 Grand I H.ilurclJ>y mormnl(. F\4'tw1·1·n I< O:.! ,. rn encl II 14 a rn, tht' Avtt. Uranr;t'. 1·an•"n"d onto thf' MPaa Mnok" •·111 .. ra a1U1wrrt'1I ltllt't' tire <aU!O. ahould•r on Tu•IJn Avt. north ot Th., flt•l ~I 8 02 \>All a h i...-alarm to Rr11•ratr11m • MrP'addt'n St.. n"'" Tualln l'rl· Hrothe1 a un Harbor l:ilnl. The acc•Jnd al ~7 HAmllton i-t. day and struck three park.-d <'amt' Al fo. IO and lnvol,e•J a 11mnld.:r1n1 mall, ... , tn a car11 al g 1 !'.> P m. aton·rovm •I rvar of th•• ll•>iL..,. ..,.·r11plf'd h)' Flora Waldlup. Thl" f'XCltemf'nl f'ndf"d up at • 1 • W11h a call to S11N1hlnf! Home• tn<cl at a bouat' lln"'.lrr , onatru \Inn 1t ln\'olvt.-d an uw1 h ... t»d par 'kelllt> 'Missinq' Woman Safely 'Found' '.>Or"'l~•rl U,..Htt pt1lh,. \\'f"lnr• 11.1\' •lt~rruoo ••n1rlir•I ;.11 Al l"llnlt hullrl111 r .. i;ar<I Tll( th,. c\1.-. ap~nmr• vi c·..,rohnr llrM. tl)I\ llrd SL, when Mr... Eva Newport•r Files on Mesa Crash lniury '•n• "E'' I I 10t ~ hA• hr'f n r..11tnr1I 11 .. f .. nc'IAnt in 11 J>•'r ,.,,naJ 1n111n .iamaa• 11ult 1:row1ni:: 11ul nf •n LEGAL NOTICE I Annour or 897 23rd St_ C<>11t• Mf!a&. aau1 the mutfl.( w1>mlln A('<'l~nt 1n a 1 "< .. a Mu• f19Tk · l f>nhnnann Equtpm,.nt wu reportt'd .... ft and 111>und" Ina lot on M11y 16 Rf'fr11r,.rator 2'1 • "· n FrlKI· I . h I c1aln B. P. 0. E. 1767 )fetll tv•ry Thunday 8 p.m. Via Oport.o --e-Lral Ave. Newport Beach elck Newman, JCx.altad Rultr l-a~lal AmtOClDClaDellf AMANDA LLOYD -PRT8I- CAL T'RERJ!PIST. Ntw Lo- t'&Uon aa30~ JI:. Cout Htw•Y and Orchid. Arrou from Poet Oftlee <.:.d.M. Har. 3997 Svea. KI MS7J 1-,.onf'ra.I Oht!rl~n ...,_ __ .... , ...... ..,., MOTIELL'S AND PEEK Colonial Mortuary 7801 Bolaa-Juat South of Wut mlnlter Memorial Park. .An 01-ilnp Cowlty lnaUt.utloll lkrYU\6 tam.Wet ot all Ca.It.he Td-s>hoftt ( ToU ,.,... ) z:Enitb l'>Ul No ont ner turned away becaUM 1 of 1ac.k of tuAd9 MOVING? IZ-Kalldlnir; SenioN LOW LOW "UDUCIN6" INTUIST RATES an wu on ~r way om" I Tht> pl111n11tf 1a f3,.rnl<"'•¥ \'V , , ' RJlnl(P Nu nthf'r i.Jel&ll• of hf'T, n•ap· \\1'rrum or l"f'wp<>rt ~arh. 8h1• I .Hobart ~hr.ttt g.,rl•I Nn tll'.l2.R9H 1 pear11nr,. w•,... 11ven Thi" womlln tahtwJ the rountv anrl tn1rJI 1 Tvr"v.·nt"r H.uvAI ~..r A•. 2tO I had l•fl hom .. F'11day to m,...t an I dnv.r Fr llnk Mlkll a• •l"f"ndan1 I l:lH I CEMENT Ir BUil..DING All K1.Jld9 !"REE ESTUUTE.~ Liberty 8-6109 EASY unlden11tlf'd friend ft ff"flnt nr1~ plaintiff d&lm11 Mika tlrov .. N"On Sti:n· H<><iERs BaJboa 8ay C'h1h Shr falltod tn & rount)" t111rk n•1ellgenll\' anrt Wolf .. Ralllt" ....-Um and WllA 11llll bf'tnr lmnt-j r.auwd H to plow min ~r , . .,. N..On 81...., "R" Pr,. gr,.fn<wl Pll I t'd H late u Wf'<lnl'llld11y noon. hlclf' at 211 F.. 17th Rl. Ba .. ~:·· .. K r.,...,u(' MONTHlY PAYMENTS Hardon 1, • -1 Hnl Wat•r H eatrr Homart. 110 PAINTING lNT'!:RJOR &XTERIOR ALAO MAR.Il'fE PAINTTNO LICllCNSH:t> -INSURED Glenn Johnston Cell Mc:CLAIRE BROS. GENERAL CONTRACI'ORS Rar~M New CoutrucUO 1 • Aller&llona A.d41Uona Mpt'na HEAT FOR SALE WHY~TBIS WINTER? 11' YOUR bome ia cold or your t\lrn.ce ...ru.. to opval4 properf.7 CAIL ST A.NLEY ACKERMAN HEATING TO MAX.ID NpL1n or to lNtall & a.w ona. l...IBERTT a.7214 or BAJUIOR INT 1 s ,...,. .. Harbor AJ'M Mlle BUDGET Builder, Inc. Repairs Remodelin9 Units Homes Call NOW For Free F.Atimatee LI 8-77~ Evea. LI 8-7632 Utfc LOOK FOR C"&n and cau boaia and bat.I jobe and laundroma 1.a PAINTING FURNITURE Ois~ctively de.lped Madt. ~ or ren~ C. EVERETT SMITH FRIENDLY SYMMn-tmc SDVlCE I • I 2 FM. Radle.a 10ne Har man .t .llEWPOlll' " R 11:a1. Mlp&ctty 1 I I ARBOD Srrvel Refrigerator 12 cu foot :.ot 3Jat St. Newport RPa<"h • Harbor S17S •ttfc 413 • 29UI !It., Nt'WpOrt U.Cb FREE CUSTOMDS' PARKIN6 ,ESCROW sava. .,.-.CllN-m.Y otUATID # '~&UNA BEACH m 0c..vi A.,., PHONI HY. 4-1177 SAN CLEMENTE ... M.BC........, \ pttONI HY_.,.. 2-lt91 • HYaclfttli 2-ttM I ]( :ews p R :es s :12 ""· roo~. Tylf'r r<'fnirerat.•r ' NO'On -STEAKS and Rl'.:A · FOOD' 10 Formica Top \hrom• Bal(' Formfl"l)' tilt N.wport·Bal~ Na.,.Tlm• and Ult Newport·e.Jboa Pl"f'• Ta bl" 40 Oak Chalt11 10 hole C'op~r St .. "m T-ablf' Hotpotnt YrylT, !!'t'naJ :-lo. 101· HKJ StUC't'O wU4lnt wtth compollltta. roof. tt• ..... with &ddl· t .... lO'llll' aad •·1112· That aid OllaUtl Mortpgt IA c.o be ex«"ted aad ui. conald«· aUOn Ui.rdoTe wUI be paid on N099Yl~r 21, 1 t !I S . al BAY ESCROW 00. INC. 181>2 Har· ._.., V&Uf•rwla 111~ r.ttttsMn AMOdaU.. bot" Blvd.. Coeta Meaa. Counly -~ N..u-.a Mltottal,A-a&Ucaia .. ..._ OIUlp ~'7 N ... ..,....._ rA Oranp, Bt&ta of California, ------------------------al to·Ol o'clock A.M. 8UB80lllPT'ION &ATl:lt N_,.... RartlM ~.....r1--. Tt+-W9k.l) •• c>n.11p <'.-tf. ••,..,,_,:PM.,.-.: ,,..,. tlne -. Owl .... crf 0nm111 , .... ,, ..,, .. ~ Jftl.T .ROO~R J, EARLY m\'l:L TN K. l!ARL T WTM.A.H R. WfLLIAMS B&TTY 1 WILLfAMA M'Ol\TO.A.OOft.q A N DI O R MOit.TO.A.CCl:A Nn. T~ N"' .. ,.,_. 11 19 !'4 -Har. •Mt daya or rrft\llll'a llltc REPAIR WORK CEMENT BRICK Traah RauU~ <..1ean Up PLASTER le PLUMBING t rue CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORK NO JOB 1'00 aMALL H O. A1ldenoft IOU E. ea1~ ems. Balboa Harbor 2t !IO Utfc PAINTING PAPERHANGING sJ,~f!~~r! ~?~ Har, 24°' 01 llSlT PAINTING lNTERIOft8 -DTEJUQR.I Local RefeTmCM I Acen-d ud !JIRrelS H&ynJie -Harbor 11()86 nt11t H.A.JlBOR 0310 LADT for put time cue flt t .mall c.IUldNC. 6 day .-k. Room • lloud pNI .....,, .... ply ln pel'llOn 2* hcMn1 A"f. C.M. aec.1 ELECTRONIC A looboltca ~ymoae Write P. 0. Bes m NWl'port -...:a. OatM. ..... &nor.,... .,. TECHNICl4NS -----------~-N'Nf'&l eleotlOftio ~­ SANTA ANA party who look· ad at d•k A cbatr pric.d at 'lMI may have aa.me for •uo.. liar 1'71t. 90c91 Call Your Relex-A.Ci1or OUNaU'LTANT OemonttnUOM, DO obllptloll llonale wu.an -Btau ......,. •Blatt._... llttc ~uperfluous Hair P..-·-et.17 ,_.,.. ,... ,.. &ma, ..... .,.... ...... ... .. .............. tw •• lllLl.sN l. BJlT 4Nf a. a. L&Go'• la.km a« a..9'1 lla8 . ..,. de n-Loet ud Found LOll1' -lAdlW' whit.a io.llf al,.•ve cardl(&n sw•l•r with tar1t rhlllHton-. Ca1J LI a. uoo attar I p.m. t0p92 SEAMSTRESS Uft.EtiaM.A~Ul'CO aoC1 • .U,TIJ.ft.A T AON a &un•un.tolpa 1160 MIAl'O'nA. ..-.a M- LJWt7 1-MOI u d&N IOI' work Ill fteld ot RADIO OUID.A..Nca. WW re- quire lnJntna' period al Van Nuym. Travel al.lowanee. Uber- aJ proftl ~ and lbcmUvt tien.tlta. Plant w1J1 mov. to Oo.i. • M-tn early sprtllf. Write qr pboM Kr. Blacbof for appt. Babooclt Radio DIS· T .. 2 Woodley, Van NO)'ll.. p b 0 n ~ Sta.14 6-1661. ~I GIRLS BRING YOUR plENP8 QJtOWTR Ji.ND noKOnONI a. Vil caa.ATllD armoa FOlt TELEPHONE OPERATORS FULL P•T ,U TOU UUJ\N nsQumN't' DfCft&Aaa PL&il~ OFn.Ql:.I -APPLY -a·ao TO •~IO u2 warr TllJ1U) I UM' Ji. AN A PACIFIC TEI.JCPHONE •• J3500 -' MqUa JtaoU Mink OoaL Beurt1t\Lll7 .tyiei. SIL· cen.nt 00Dd1Uoa. ~1 priiNd. Ru. 1Kt4. tOUt- L.ADDCa DlAJl(ON'D DINNll\ RING. Valm AeO. llaD for Sl50. or trade. LJ J..1111. ~ MODD"ll:D I i.aw... ... ~ sn.oo. csa~ .... ea..: Ull. r.N7 cb* w1 ...._ ... : lll.IO. I fh 1 aW ......... • .,..,..... ..... wetrlc Jl1llr\. able ~ macJUe ~ PhllClo radio. im ~ ,. truck ~ ... 8m&D ....... oe.11 conunod. i1a. J'*'-09 lllU '-'6. eotlcl .,.. ........ tabM . • • cll&anl, w. c.'hpillbte BalrJ bulSJ w,1tb 1loaMU '4..60. MM)' .._.. mite. t'8D& Har. ITU Wont or .it. .. BlCYCL&. f1da M~ --up~ wttJa StGftl7 A.l'O-..... -. ....... ....... ~piid.Hl.l'I ..... • ... VETERANS INDUSTRIES 718 J...ocnwt 13( W. Anaheim A02 E. 4th St. l.Zl01 E. BolM >pen lfon. & Fri. 'til 9 SA VE UP TO 7 O°/. J9We.lry, upae1J1t1e.. •ll<>u. i •tt• und&ll, slauwcn, rug•. etc WHOL.ESALJt W.AR F:HUllSP:. IH -lrd. I.I hlk-. l!Olllh of I&· f U:'\a Bearb City Hall HARR6LOIMPORTER O-r-n to publlo Jfon. thru Sat 1 ti! 6 p.m DRAPERIES and SLIP COVERS Made lo Order ... Umalu -.l:lampl~ LUCIL LE DHA PERIES Harbor ~ or 1>693 Term• lt dutred. ~trc Nor~• Automelic $2.91 I'tt Werlil A9d A Dry~• On1y '41c l~r \\leek 11011: 1'h• blit II lb. load, top ratfO Nori.;t! \\uhn, tliau, and ®tUp dry• a ulomat1cally. Rt1· uUlrly 12311.115. The 1u~r-ful Nor&• i:u dryn rciularly ':.?lit Ill!. Uuy lt1• pair and eave l ll!I uo. No trarlt an req111rtd! 1'1y only aelu tax down! 1''rt.!e dtlJv.-ry a nd ln•lAll1!1on! .l< 1~.., •"rvlre -001 year 011 bulb applliln• u . JESSEE'S 1013 8. Ma in Kl 3 83i 9 bant.a A II& P'REEZJo:rt. 19:141 .A d1111ral H cu. ft. Hu <ulLa In eo•h ahl.'I! wlLll btg pull·uul baakrln Alao kll• ••I •(>an• 1n tl1.1<tr fur p•dtaged fuu•J Ito Id a O\'tr ~ Iba Fl11u1<1 111•w, but V&••J d•1 .. :n tu J:HI! 7ti frnm u1 ll(lnal r•' l of $4:!1l ll!i Nu c·uh du11on, pay unly $:.1 28 pu wk. BAl;<..:HN'S FURN. •·utl>OllM. 660 W. 1 ilb 8t.. Coat& Men.. 1 blk. w. or Van'• Bowllrlr Alley. Store houni· Monday lhn1 Fnilav 9-11. Hal. II to e. S·•n. 11·~. U 1!·31M AN'T'IQtTJ!: IAPf'y nrl{an. 100 yni old br.a uUtul t•1nt1. A IMJ rn1ac1 furniture, anllqu• ,. nt•• t'orner c urb<••"IJ! IJTuaJI baby crib etc Call Sat atlemoona. Sunday•. hf f'V•JI, Har 132fl·J l•l<:r...uxi: llntver.&I ru re.n11. ~kol: r•nfe<:l nmil i 111n Fr J•1ov. --------dl•an • 1 h&lr, SI.'>'> Medlttr· 6 ROOMI coaapt.~ Lnc. bll t piece l!Ylq roam let. b1.s T ~ dlnett. Ml. Dice bedroGm •l compld.e wttll bo• l!Pri~• •.matt.tt•. as 11 cu. ft. 196e Crollky R.dris .. llM W~ wood ~· Wllh du'ome top a nd a wonde'rfUl rou.ie,.., AU at lhle for on.It '889.78. No cuh down, pt17 onlJ M.80 pet wk. BA.UGHN'S FURN. warehoUM, 860 W. 11th It.. CO•t.a Mt.._ 1 blk. w. ot Van'• Bowline Alley. Store b.Jun: M onday lhru P'rlday t-1. Sat. I to 8. Sun. 11-ll. LI S-31MI. ANTIQUES BOUGHT A 801.D Early pattern. euk>Ad and cut ,1au. n ne china 6 nsunnea. Vlct.url1n marble ~p. pine. m arl• • cherry fu.rn.lture.. Old run1, Iron t.o)'.. penny l>&DIUI A N ¥'UiJ NO UNUBlJ A.l... 11 w111 be our pleuure to ple&M y<>u at the ··KEO MARN". 13ijfl He.rbOr BJvcl., 0 G. Kl 3 32U 11 blk N. ot W•t. mlnaler 1Slvd1 0 U ) 82ci6b S3--Bo&ta., 8upplW. Repoe ... ed Maple ....... J117. J:koctronJc Orp.u UMd la.rs• m., a 1D&Dual. u J*1a1 b&aa. 9plnet stM 2 manual Blond• cOUlet BIO 8A VINQ& WURLITZl:R , BTUDIO piano rented a roontha (new ruaran· th) ave S192, •a 1 l •et Sclunidt-Phillipe term.a. '!'RAD& your old uprtcbt or Grand piano tor a Hammond I O!Tt.n or l])lntl pla..no, we civ• ~hut cub prtce on ex- 1 cbanP· PRACTICE P IANOS from $87. ' $1211, 519~. etc. Payment• $6. per month up. Gra..nd pl .. noe lilte n-. m&AY WOtidertul b&1- ~alna Lo cbooM from. One French Pro'ftnclal II p t I\ e l e~UJ dam&sM cue. blC uvtnc wb!dl R.R. Co. paya. SCHllIDT-PHILL!PS Bia Plano and Orran fit'>,.. Eat&bll1hed 1914 620 No. Ma1tl 8 L, Sant.& Ana .Alway• tOO Pt.a.no. on lland open Friday !Int• ·uu 9 w .. kdaye & ao. SHAFER MUSIC BARGAIN SPOT 7 JoT, } WLR OLA&i ~p<IY :l only BALDWIN A CR080NIC SPINrfS -1 ma ple, l ma· hOfallY· bot.II Uu n«W -aav- ln1t• up to almoal h.&lt of new dln1hy Factory MCUnd. ia- cellent buy. liar IO:sl. 78t!c TWO lrl•h lln,.n titbl,.clolha ran .. an oek dtnlnl{ table, 11 1'1,.• · 1"1eH 1lv• 11ew1 &J>cJ t'halra .Ii butr•t. SUO Both p1c1u11 cvnra1• ot lbe Harbor 1 1l 1n11rr Ill'.• l •·olnr ~.1 lun,..t1 ••u ,\ 11><1 1 < '11n11f'I"' 11 k 1,..,J. ap1n•i Call U l •:IHt •xcPll•nl 1:ond Har 3467·R, area three UmN a week. only t<TMBALL BW~UJ..: SPINET -rental retum - can't be told trom nf w -aavt uoo O<l. Pld t3 ){AHlX.:. Pl)'WOOd '•', 7 ply tOc .. 1. ll. l'ly I I IS ' 9 ply (Hll' liq. fl. H.ar. :.:11!'12. lllp'dl ----------(.."(1"-fl'l.l':TI: SJ!:T nt 1Laln!•u 1114 0, to: Dalbo& Htvd, Balboa :io~ a muolh. ~-~~~2 ,-~~~~~~ RANcr.. •:,,,.,re "' !i11rnrr. 11~11 Boats rnnd"I A bLK <:I' &U a ulo• no&ll(' ll1hllnw; \o.llh bit vHr 111..f'•I """n A lao 1,,.. rtl<f• UR'i STORAGh: I <>nly CHOTlD ORtiAN -1.Jk<! nrw -lt9) 00 only NPat w tJ R.LIT7.ltlt Of'W LJl,()N°t>E SJ'lNs::T ,;r1dd:C' r .. r C'fJt• •ro I f1.,kakr11 1 •.n.. f'ltll roar. Crane A way1 •l•el 1 <>0k1n1 u1~ruo1U!. $7", .,,,.. ttu llll!OJ, VI l l'•I •low11 lo $13{1117 Nr> • ut1 evallable. Da lly A weektndl l only Nf'w POHTABI..£ P.f'.:[.L• ·~00. rlt ''"""· l'".I' nnh II ':~ r~r l\lt. 211lS3 W ~t W~bway. · ----llAl.:CllN'l'I Fl 'lt;'I: 1ur't.l\r;uu, J..1 S·lltt. l llUc ORGAN --$19:1 OO. t SO.-.~Applla.n1'f'!\ ----· Mil W. 17th Rt . Ct>1la M"'•· I ontv N-EBONT Gl'l~BRA:-;- 1 blk. \\' "' \'a111 Rm•llnc HEN IPU-.'l':T --8ll(h11y <1An• All~) 8•1Jr• hour• Mon°ta1 FQR SALE •.:Pd 1n 1ti1rm•nl -8••" BUil T-IN RAN GE THEODORE ROBINS FORD , Out Mth year of Mrvlce in 3100 W. Cout HJ&bway Newport Beach STANSBURY BUICK Offering Always The Cleanest NEW BUICK TRADE-INS! :Sl DE SOTO CLUB CPE. -······ ....... ·····-$49:5 Radio, Heater, Lt . Beige Ln color 52 BUICK SUPER RMERA ( OR. $895 Radio, Heater, Dynaflow, WSW While &tJd green 51 FORD CLUB COUPE ............. -........ ···-$89~ Radio, Heater , Whit.e U.S. Royal Muter ti~•. 53 STUDEBAKER CHAM PION CPE. __ $895 1t.~gal . Deluxt', Red 8t Grey with radio, WS W. 5'1 BUICK SPI-:CTAT. 1.nonn . ~ ioti5 Radio, Hritter, l>yn1tlow, W!'5W :'!·Tone \\hit" an•l b l111~ :,~ CHE\ I~Ol.ET BJ·:I.-A lltE HJ!TP <'Pl-: ~'.:!' 9~ Itad10, IILal<'r, U\1•1dr1>t'. \.\'SW c;icy and (ur al. MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE Fr..OM EASY GMAC TEP.MS STANSBURY BUICK YOUR BU ICI< DEALER 23·1 i-:aM ol h ~tr•_f•I 1 · t.1 M1·sn --L1 f. !(>11 Of'r 11 E1·r,. "1'11 !I • ~ .. t 'T1l ti , DIOR HAHN'S tOOalltialL Badlclr tftl -X-.,ort ._Ch Now em~ MAIR .-bantc wlta IO ,_,. ..,.n.ce. Just onm•Je..O ~ .ebool tn l&t• model • INm'el CU"ewwtora. A 1.o ~"I lo tun. upm ot an 1r1•1r-.. ftttc ON DISPLAY 1957 PAN AMERICAN PAR.AMOUNT BOLES-AERO KENSKILL 'M 11 tl. Kit , Tw bede --1690 'M tl ft. Pn.lrte Schooner 29911 'M 2.2 n.. KeNlklll. bath _ 16ttl !'>!'> •II fL Palace, 2 br. --S79:! '154 •O' Pan-"'1n•rtcan _ lell:t ROOMS end APTS. WEl!!KLY £ND MONTHLY. OFF SEASON RATES \ , • Dail,)' Maid &nice • 2"-br. TelephoDt • 2t-br. Dee& aemc. • !loom Service • Heated Pool • Restaurant • Cocktail Lo\lni'f • Color Ttlevtalon J.amaica Inn Corolla dtl Ma.r Hubor t507e lld7H CORONA DJ:L MAR Ol:L UXE turn. 2 bec1rrn. apt • • PORT ORANGE • private p&Uo, "' bloclt loo oc:ea..11 at 220 Marl'Utrtt.e. T r. TRAILER SALES leaM. S l~O. Adult.I No peta, and SUPPLIES Owner liar. 47, e•11. H&r. 220o W . Cou t HJ.shway G381 tlo Newport Beach U 1 -4420 COHON A T'lEL MA.R. 1 belnn. •OPEN t a m .-8 p.m. •very day a pt furn Garbas• dl.lp, a•· 41-Wautied to Keat Rentals Wanted \\"a nffd apt• and hnw.• In 111 ,,.,., ,,,n• fnr bolh winter and > ~ar 1 lruc. f>'urn. ur 1111!u1 n lt 1011 Mv• e "a•·a11r7, pnon• to<1a1 The Vogel Co. .1201 W (.;II H ) . Ne"' f"'rl 111 ti l'l1U111 l.lfu•rtv "J411J rare. '60. mo. yearly. Har. 3~79-W, aktl -----------B.A l.BOA 18U!l, year &round 1.,vely 1 br. tront , nle.ly tum. 2 r upon•lble. eober ac1ult1 m . Incl utU. 1-tor one. Al.lo 2 llr. turn. houae. U ll. A•alJ Dec. I AlllLIHlc 1-038:1 or wrtta 112a l.nr&ln Htl. San Marino. 89p91 NT\V untum 2 b<1rm . dul)IU I •rt• Qul•t 1lrttt. No yud \\ork )"'1 i;t l'ltrll(H lnq. nG H .. ,.,,,, .. !'I. or 222 E.10lh BL • Coat& M•a. ~ 2•111 •hrlne H11lti.11 l~l•n~ l'h~n• Hat t><>r ... I ~I IST A MF.SA -a room • rt. :lfllH IC l"l l Jly . <.:uruua ll~I "'" f11rnlahe<1 $)7 60 -untum. l'no11e Harbor I H 1 $4 7 llO, l'lllJU.. I n c I U d • d. 1,11111 ur11<•. ;141e V1a J..ldo 1 !'hone Hyall •-'Jt>7. lt tt•rl>nr •1171 toc3 1100 :O-.ewporl Blvd, Coil& M"•" --- Ul>arty 1·~117 YF.ARLY l i...drm. rum. d@ln u I apl. Ge r&(•. a u lo. wuhu • ----------rtrwr. $611 ~r mo. Kar JMT-W artf'r 6 30 pm. llllo 1 hr-11 r11rtav 9-~ R• t 11 t'' IJ I H' oo 1 'Al'f'A;>.' Beaulllul ~t11u111e Run l l ·:i. LI &·:111111, uceu\lruJ &»' lu.& echoonn, SC " ov•n "'ll.Jl clock. ..... lndow, t.rotJ. ------ -~ a..n)''IOilltre. C.tel. for cllartu 1 n11ly RU1:-1Plt f~P::M(•Dfo:l.I 11 40--Anto" for Salr b 1.1,JI: llUNOR all 11ll<:ount carc11 \'ill ,-Id T .. 1~-.0 l'l'P.IGHT J'lAl'\•) --Hrril•I --------------------- FREE!! W--,\ 11to<1 for Salt! CLIFF HAVEN er &J\d 6 <lmtr top Ulllt lon•, _ A.,,. c-•ocr.J. si~r"il. \ -.Oll.9 er Tav'I •• ..,... ",,,. · ,r.""" w. Balooa Blvd., l'l•wi-irt. tP\•110 -.S.•e $1\XJ 0\1. tnctur'a ord"r-w1called tor TRACHER:\ Mll.lTAnY 1nol Harbour IOU • U 'in~ or.It al illi 60. <'uh or l!Jl."JON .. rdll J"KE s 4p. j unh· GIJLlil\A.!'t8~l'f l!IJ>l:"CA."T b-&11k lUTlll. JAl(E 8 Al'l'l.1 l'LlANCJt.."1. 11.l37 ti. r b,, r ' SAIL on z.; ... purt &y In • ..f{('Qlal return • .ln b«lwl!ft.l .A:-0<.:.E::S. 11137 llarbur, <"nata L'oel• Mua ~ New Ral"m .Ma ple -tlave $1 '~ '"1 ~u~ I 1 lHit·RiGKRATOrt I' h It to !>..· 14 ft. Sondpiper l .. ltl<'••I lra•l•a i•om .. r11~111 RANGE-REFR.lGERA TOR FJUUlDA.IRI!: refri&"aralnr, cle.n ~Ff.ct runnln,; rondllJon ANLJ • at" ROPER .... ranee. very Ric:o. wttb OYf'n oontrl)!. broil· tr, etc. BOTH for only i. '" l>O • OeUver.., a nd (ll&rt1nl,....d .JAKrs APPLJA!li<'E.~. IQ3j Harbor. Comta Mua 1 1""· 11~~ modf'I, blit 12 11 ru I lrrina I I t :i ,,0..,r. A 1110 <ldro•I . t,11 claaa NllboaL. U 96 l11clud 1 lOO lb < llJO l , , !tHM>r Ni ,. tlaccon n il i' or lnlormauon A 1ma1 doepomt v.·111 ~ .. t an. 1 "'"''in al 2431 \\ Cout HISh 11ri;11n ur piano fc,r t.;hr1•1ma d1tlrv .,,., 111 ""' r "llh a lt ;ad • l . j1J•U1bff' ~hPI •I ~ h1&: f"J•• 1' lain C'rl•f"'~ , .... d on I y U mo.I f'aht 110\' n lo Sl ~~ ~l trom C•rlJtlnal rnol uf 5'Z!l II'• r-;,, <lllll'I 1lown. i••V only I~ l"l ll"' mo "'Y· N!!vqx>rt .l:inch <>r rail • .. u~ .. r> •t lla1 oor 073, nttc I Oran,. l t>Unly'• Orsr•n lltlqa J» -At:"x. • s~AHIHI>" y;;!" A·I I cvndl!wn. 19 • 11 P. K"dwlnl( I u•r•l•>r anrt ntln, ho1h nur Shafe r'' For Music. .... .., !'ti•,.,, r .. r •111lrk •• •· .... SEE TH E 1957 EN G LI SH FOR~S ~I W5 Ill) MG-A $~:!6.""l. 00 REt lAULT OAUPHINE ~ 10!1~1 !Ill &' SPORT CAR CENTER 11" 1oc~; \\ ''f<.;• , "I 111'1:1 llA Hll• •ll HI\ I• ---------------ttor any "llC&tl~ In Ora111• Co.) BARGAIN WEEK 1 <.<1·1cKLY AND EASILY ~U.U'L f CALL SltLD..'T RL TY /\:''AH .:-.K 11r1 Jtoat.•lf'r Kl 7_3506 \• r lr:\f' J.,ke n,.w JiPll:I "'""'nni: 4 Brak,.,. E: .. rtrlc __ ...J..P ________ _ \\in Ju"'• l'o\Oo n l'i•aL Ulfl6 I rwo be<1rm apt.1. w1 lb paUoa. dle-po-19, l turnl.9hed. l un- tumllh..:l G~•· DUNC4..N HARODTT, JR KAit '1U or U 14 2N eYminp. IOdt LIDO lSLE 'Ill 11~·· ,,.rdtrp "''"l'~ .l"<l'Werl -'S--A. ta.-' Hoo~ for Rent l Cbu1ce Winter Rentai. o• WATER JrRONT APTS. •,,•, •~t u t\' ~ q·.-.r f!.v t P"'. Prr\•dll!r ci1 .. rr1r11: • Bnl<•• f'rrw .. r Ba.Ibo& I1land It Udo Lale "''•' 12•11!\ im•ll • ((111'7 or tar1• A delW11 2 HOR.Ill.. rum. •pL Wa11t•r e r I '76 to '300 monUI yearly. Har 1187~. Sill• •,'\ J.•JHC• \' c•Orl'l Cllfl Ll1a11f'd BAY VIEW 2 bdrm.. a pt., Yel'7 "ith ~~""" Sll•ll"l VOGEL CO. nl<"lly tum. TV. nsbbn tUe •;! , Jtl \ lld Air" 1·1,. 1 l•itn fin, Ip wardrobu , (ood b .. t. Q.AJTJ:Re 6 SA rn.F...R t&bl• top r !Ul('e. 1•11 1110 Town' c. x. u ,.w1 &11..r ~pm 811rfll HAI •.ft~~ ••ft~· "•r"''•" ~,. S.l1,•,o Minn,.y. 2f1tll \\ 1 °""t 111\0 \\.' IT'h s• ( ... ~I ll ;\11'~A II~ l•"" :"il'"V<>rt ·~•·n 1 .. •:'l 4.li S ~\ta"""" t'a uta A ria , .. , •'" ,.,,.....,. l I "' lfl\ I •"" l•·ll t.lu1ne Ave . B&ln.•• !Aland I ''t bl)! to -~-• Clo.9 to •1>1-r I Ir 1111.'f' , • ., "rv I u a .o.... !Ola ~ l'h. I arbor '" vr ....., ""' " rt'llrnt bch. UUllUtt Included. I ;\II-J!•' 'l""t • •Ir riun •n !tea. HM lll\7ll R $126. -1119 W. Bay A'l't . \V'Etf?'INGHOU~!C la11n1lromal In .aoeUent condillrm. 11:, <"•II U IH~ AAc\ltl I l>lk. W <1t \'•n • l'\nwlln, K 41111 11r Ila H~ll ~JI· l•J Alhl'V f\tnrf' hn\Jr11 Mnr•lav _ thru f r1<1a\ "~· ~.t p •, "' < 11 M .M ER C I A I. TISl!IN": F:n 11 ~. I.I ~31~"1 i.l.All. Mat1<,.rl'I l'la.lrrt l\t•1 _ 1 , .. • 1\:11 by ~·1att h•••iil.• 11 l A 1 rn:1•1-<h:f:P.A'T'•lll. i <•••l r•r I 1; II ... ml.111 llF. 3 2'!!11< Z>lllA. :1° n $•11 31.lZS J~ •Hf IA'l• I.I l'lt1 Rral R< •rh •Qplll •• 114"3 u;r A RTJ;:AI. r ln .. r11Mnr bo&• NORGE 21i 41!1 HP lnDi•at'1 b&I>' tanl\ RENT AN IR.ONER I U 00 per •eek put.I the lrorint• CiA~ DRYER lO )'OU!' home. Bit do .. :n to I nu1 rr1u:~ni. <'lf•lltt ano1 r•.ady '" 1:0 (l'NT1"1' .232.\ '.' I 'nH t HI· "'•V ;o.;,. ... -pc;irt \.>'le lron. ·Rental mey be applle<.! nnA :"P NP::W 111:17 mno1"1 ~,.,.,. to pul"<'h&M la tf'r !';!) obll&a l•I lhl.t ~f!"li nnl'I' Sl'.!t 1)() llun. We tM("h you to ttun '" :tO month. FrH ln~talle•lnn' 2Z JAl<lt'.H APPl.f.'\,'.\01 '1:!'1 11137 l'l'l<Y l"ASI!\" <'Jll'ISICR. !\llfffl II' JESSEE 'S 1011 a. >ea111 Kl a ~3f8 8 •nta Ana REPOSSESSED HAr'l>nr r<Mlt• t.IUll OJ>f'Tl till M•~·, !lf>r•12 11 p rn Fnda>•· ~l -Wutf'Cl w R4Jy TOP pr1re:. peld tor I ppJV.ATI!: PART~· ... ant.11 tn ""' ~r.n\\ hlrd and a Sllff'hnlln1 H1tr !11467 ·M 11{11•A2 ll>M 10 HP Jnhn.-on oulboan l TAPP AN au ~ttlaln I H t"ana• I~ tin.,rr• 1n rr.-•h w at•r SUI~ a&" me with (rtddlto, uH•I j· u N · K I Call l.I 3-11791! llOdl:l a bout O ~ Pay l>al•m:~ ot $91.42 or l&k• JN&1menll "' M-Mu"~<'SI, Radio, '.I V only sa.~ month JAK'IC'S I rrnn, copri-r, bnlA. &lum11110111, ---- APPLl.ANCl:s. 1137 Harbor, •le. A ny -i11anuty. lmmt(lll It Coeta M-. ptrk up. Call LI 1!·1'101 USED REFRIGERATORS 126 !)() NH<! atra 1p1c•? lit re •r• .r,o ~'"1 trs~Ula. Slaeat, de~n • ble. t(:OQOllllCa l operal.IOD... U• In nimpu. ruom or p re&• for t.htt needed x tr a retr11 fl"8 tlOfl. JESSEE 'S JOU 8. M&ln KI 3 ISU &anta An& u'"--l.llCl>---.-U1'0--l'4--TJ-(...'8 __ _ llAJTAO JJOI .J'BOA .. f'JUQIDA!Jm • llLACDTONll II ADO 71 st.-Fu.ral\Gl'fl for &a.le ~Jo:[)ROOM M l. Bis Mr. lltlll• ,. 0 tl '-tr• d~r 11l'llh t'loubl• t...,.•I<· <'AH hHdboard, 10 \T. l[haran tt~ on tio. spnnr• A mit ll nu. 2 l•mp•. l bP<t•P"'"d "II •• r 1hla 111 n,.,,., 1 n'1 J••ld dc11\n 1'1 $ J 311.87 t'Uh or pll'I' pa )'nll'nts of 11.H per -JI.. RA UWlN'I FURN. wanhou114, MO W. tTth I L, Ootita M-. 1 blk. w. ot. Vu'• BowllnJ UeJ. Ston ttoun : Jlf(!Dday Ulni rrtd&y .......... to • SWI. 11-& LI W1I& TV Antennas $7.95 INl!TALl.ED Antennu U .911 &nd UT' ACMlt T. V. •"ZA Sb\ St. Ba 61~ .Koowllou Elect.roniC9 TV ANTENNAS (U.., --• Oal•) tmtarled _,.... i. 109r eet $9.95 Dlll'•wo. ....,..,. uc1 cuaru- c.-s tor Just ~60 I* mo. JESSEE'S UVJNO r<MXn •l complete. ln-LJ t-UOA. cludto11 lltls •-o and rhalr 2011 8. MA IN Kl I U-48 SANTA. •NA WHIRLPOOL Atrrmo:n o ... ..ii.,,., s100 oo ott! Clot.II• dl)'Cft. s~o oo oa1 1Jaak tft"IM, up to 18 SlOftUll ~ JAltlt'S APPLI- ANCES. UIS'f tc.rt>or, CMl.a M-. Shantone color with l"r•nch tabTlc. 1 M.l"p latllfoe. coffN t.abl•, D« .. r•tnar tap9. t h<>•u· lltu.I lampL A 11 of Utl• tor oaly Stn..8• n..11h or t'llY J't&Y• m""t.e of $1 71 l>P' wk. BAUOHN'PI P'URN w arehcUM.. MO W. 17th RL. C"o«a .MMa, t blk. w. ot v.ui·• Bowlll\I Alley. Bw ,.. hours· J.tonday lhN Jl'ndey •••• Rat. • to •. 8Un. ll•&.. U 1-1114 RADIO AllY L&ble inoda! ,.,_1r~ $2.50 11\C:llld .. part.I a.ad labut .,..,.,&.~ ACME TV A RADIO ua • 11 It at. Bar. 5IC)t t\:l 2·06i:l 111:Y1~ FM t :n;r-;lle<' I l..anain1 SIH-A. 4 mn• olrt !!::"· r•llf'nt cono11t101, Rlnnl1• c1t>- l'1"t SUOllO H"rt •• r ll'\~14 J!Wpfll Kno.,.·lton ~ectrun1e& TV REPAIR 6 Rlt."TA 1..15 ,.AST S'-kVICI:, RICA8UN A HI .E: Service calla LIU II pm. u 111:ivo !5-Do19-Cat., Peta -----------· W r\ NTF. D 1nod horn" "' Ith lari" ff'&Ved yard tor lovat>lf' mu<l won on TV proJ'1•m \\'ondN f11l WIUI chlldren H o u • • broken. V1>ry unhappy In •mall Ha Ibo& hi• ya rd. Plf'ot•r <all Harbor 3931 M . llftM II a tn (llcllJ End (J( Yf'A r SPECIALS ">3 Ft lfU > <«>:'\.'-I 'I , t'I AT'~TI.:"' ST-:nA:--: ~J A\ ':ST Hl-.Al.Y f.<) M<; TOl"RER $1::.'llf SPORT C AR CENTER HA "K ~--: \\ A Tl<<!°" . I' .. llJ\RBOH Ill\ I• ( , .•• ," ~1 """ I I !I I I '4 "' ,,, , SllO!\ I IMUc H&r. UM. 6'7t.to • J I ,o\ ( 1 •(' fl'l I ')of •:it ' A • (... Ade<l Y. olh s 1:p:. Johnson & Son 11.:; "' JltH> 1 r Y I :u:r' ( Art W T II(\(> W f"t>A•I Hl"-h)" I.I II ·M2~ -~-~~-~---- rental S tudio Apt. wtUl rulJ kllchen. $e6. mo. tnduod&nl' 1 CORONA DEL llAR, Yaarly 1 IJ<'•I! 111 l-.11 na•hll!d apt &ll ""w utUJtl•. Har. tel. TtUo buutlfu.l ,.,.,.,.., adult.I only. T"'" bed rm • untumllhl"d 1<Jult.11 only • l.IS"hl &nil tr•• llv•. nara•• •J>l, at- FURNI!HEO lo..ZJ n-S '911- room apt.~,.,..... dt.,_J. bWJ~ta "'"' ............ 'TU1 J'Ul.y l.t SllO lllOG~ Qall -i_!_-:-~-"~~~~----3 M'<lrm furnLlhf'•I howe, no RalWr UH. tlO W. 8aJboa Rh•d.. tot.ro 1111•11 c:h1Jdrtn, ~aull!u.I •lew. NJl.:WPORT' -1 ll>ednll . tum. Motor Overhaul I a pt. CIOM t4 Udo lhClppl~. ~1 M ())·•· • I•• H• •. u. u 88 Fitzmorris Rlty. Co. ' Yearly T'ftlt&J. r11q111.re oo..a2nd •r \\ .S\\ ~; 011" mil"• t ·1~~11 ; Cy!~ I moat I ---·•8 REALTOR St IOUo Ch.o.·n•t lltH 2r.·1•11t lll f·ll~ f-:1ghl.'1 (molrt I __ -~ 88 Ru•lnff-Mu!Uplt U.Un,: NICELY roRN. an1Je apt.. 146 313:1 F. Cout Hlchwey Har 21~3 mn. 719 w. Ba.lll>M Bl•d. &r. f'OH SA I.I<~ HY 1 1\\ :-O:J:ll \'1·1 v cl1 .. n Wl'>:l F"rr1 """' • 1r1r T urq•tlllllf' Hr .. nr1 n.,µ tup ~'!I\\' l·,v1•1 Y r••.l•H l.A•W M1lr •IC• \\1t .. • ""r l<"" Al 21' \'1a f"orll"' • 1.1\l•J liar 3-.·.~, M !'I p~3 GM C TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS NO MONEY DOWN , Corona del Mar 6M4 cw Har. tial. ' tocn {. p t 0 15 Mon th1 to Pay CORON A DICL ){AR. Unl\lrn. I r.-l<"l.UO'lt8 t>vlb Labor A Parts I bfodnn 6 blllh ,bome, 1136 mo. BALBOA • UUllllt>• pd. Aleo rum. 1t udlo I Ntow nnlfl. wrllt pin&, n .Jve apt uUJ. pd.. W mo. ~ CLEAN rt11Uf1BH.J:D APTS inmt'I. flttlna• ot main and rod 2900 IOdl UO • '12 weelil. tnc.ludhtJ uUI· brartnf11 l!:'p.-rt motor tun... lUH _ Cloee '-....,,._.,_ up 110 day nr 4•l00 mil• rv•r· VKA.RL y ., .......... •r • OAROICN COURT, t:t .&. lllJ. A•\11'4! ~" '" ~ ,.._ .. .__... <:"-SKR:TS A OIL EXTRA bell& Blv d.., Hu ... .-. ...,... .... REBUILT ENGINF..S NEW 2 B.R. OCEAN ,RONT ' a parlnl-1L Pl:NIN8ULA., 2 bT .. d~. Both nkely tumWled. Bay SELL YOUR CAR I·~·• rh ... v ' T. r 1· lly•hM :'i'' 81 1 •~ 2 T 1: ... c BUILT I N uur own ractury bJ • S-cll RJty .. 20211 w . B&lboa •killed machlnl•la. Ootl't CClfl· Blvrt Nev.1J0rt S..cb, Rar. tend with t he mlrtdle man. l Jet . ev ... H.ar. ISM. 19<:91 NB'W t:JNrUM. I Wrm. dapl.- •P'& QuMt ltnllt. .N• ,.,.. work. ~ ...,..._ lftll. iD S.t.rlre St. or 122 JC. *h at .. eo.rta x-. aacaa )'.AW IJ UJ\ OR NU ! Jolc(.;arUl7 P•I • Mu1 e 1uo a Main Kl 2 8601 CASH FUR Cl.EA N '8 'TV '61 Al, .. v.:i PA.ID FOR OR NOT LIBERTY MOTORS lt.11 ff....-part. al"'1. LI ~Jiil WE PAY $20. FOR OLD OR JUNK CARS FREE PICKUP JU 6 1'67 'It BUICtC C1t1tury IUn rlL All poww, ovenlN P""'· -tlru G,..,-• whlta. ft A H. lint. ,, .... s~tooo. Kar. tMi. 19p91 1 • .,J c11 .. v. •., T "11 3 •r. \2 r.Mt' 2 T i',1-<' :! IJ" 'rtl f>onl11\r Sf'dlln llf'I ·49 r...,..,,, a4 T <"&1• 't>3 G l>,fr' • T Panf'I '!\4 GM<. '< T P lJ Hy.Ira, '6' f;MC' 102 '.\-T PU. Jt;;dra. ':H Yord l T P .U. '41 ClM-v. 1• T. P .U. '.C Dodi"• ~ .. T. P.U. 'D.I Ch•• 2 'T. C.tC. 2 Ip. ·~ OMC " T. Duab '42 Doda• -t whHI dn ve. ·n Btude.. •, T. Pu. Many nthrr m111<et lln,, m,...., .. 111 EYttY lJMd Tnlrk trn our lot hu to so We n~ the mnm for tradlnJ on our NrW 111!\7 GMC TRt'CJ<~. W.W. WOODS GMC DEALER lluv dl~L lltn.. k m111t meet nur rrta.ndarde SHORT BUJCK F'ORD f UM2-0 I ---.S tt CIO SMAIL tuml.9hed ba.-h•lor apt. Oood locatk>n. a.nu.man pr. ternd. Har. OflJC>-M. lnq. 721 f:,l Poppy. C4M. touc C'KEVROu:T -I tll et ------------ SUtc .• "K IJ&OI I BJC>Jt()OM untum dupla.. PACRARO It eyl.J --JU600 Yeady nilt.al. Ao. tllde ot lit· Plym~ Dod.c• • l"Or'd. -1100 00 _,, Ool"tll'la '9l Mar. ·~ 11'18 CURYa. A Olf Ion> --JJ•OO at. _,. 8Tlll>C8A.K.at U• ... OLD& A PONTl.AO t -f1IO.OO SIG A. MO. YUIU.1' Ia ~ NA8.R 120.ot for a W'&tvfrin.t 1 lldan.. K.A.18ER, 1JO ot dupln.. Thll nke apt. witlt HCUSCJN (fl) (I KalJull .II'° 00 brand naw turaJtul"I and PLUS CN81' A.L.l...A TION llJMl.Mllln• n-pallll tnc. util- lU11 and prqe. J ID'l 2 B'IQclul to Rjt"Mrd'• M.ar1tet. ~ 51.1 Mth ftL or c&ll Rar 48H or Paul J-l'lllJ'. RM n u . O~n Patl7 I lO I Monday 'tll 1 p. m. Sund~• 12 to 1 BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS ttr'H 815-19 F: 4th Bl. ~ant.A Ana 310 £. I ns at. KJ l'-c214 Truck H•l'lquarllni tor Orana• l.OAN C4.Ra -'1U:a TOWINO BALBOA l8LAN D -tum l•hf'd 2 bednn. and sun porch uppo •Ul'ta II.Mr Y1Dap.. Wlntar $100. 7-.r17 Sl.00. UUllU• (."nunly 8TA111l BONDml> paid. Hu wa..w lftt< f D ll:Luxm Nmitbed •Pt&.. aUl'-u.. l.nclU•,.d, S35 lftO. aad wp. u11 Ul June J & R&r'bor 6144.. AU. NEW S llSDIUl. dapleal. ~ 11laMdoraM. ....... ~ IM llnd M. ... ,.t ....._ l'Ne ON BAI.MO• W..AKD IDI 08 a ,_,.'7 .... ... ..... 19\UL. • NEU>A GIBSON. R.ealt« IOI M&rtM A •o. llutior IOJ BALBOA JILAJ'D PENINSULA • NICE il&.4: Untunu.Uf'd apt& w1UI ,_,... 1 a R. -''° • 1 a. "--ua ft. R .... 1.Mt -CYa Bar. 1IY II I II &OtMI ,_ ... QUIET BLEEPING ROOKS BAL-PORT .l(Ol'EL : ~ea Shell Aph. i :or 1 bdrm. wtUt 1 bat.ha, IS30 w. Oout s.,,, ·~. DI.LUX. A.P'ta. #JN u 1-2021 llet4 • INlcblilorL uw IDC1. n-n. a.late Winter 6 yearly ntnL&la lo jlDtwnrd t.4111A&Dt&. lnG WMl B&lboa Blv4.. N~rt Bue.II Har. JOU. • 71l!c Advel'Ulltrlf la NJ:W8! NJ:WI about tod.&ye bemt buy•! For food Nl:WI .•. Bu7 and Hll In our~,... * * * ENJOY LIVING ON THE OCEAN FRONT D£1,.IOHTJ'UL oce&ll Vltw 2 bedrm ho~ A dOWNlalre 1 ~nn partly turn apt., quiet OOWltry .. tti~. Adult.a -no .,.ta. YIV ..... bonM NO mo. al'l-na. -~ • t55 w. HUI ''-C.H. Hu. 10 cw LI 1·211ll. • • .. • T4tlc Completely t u r n. kllcb•ntllt ) •pta. and rooma wlll'I prtvate bat.ha. Ma.Id •rvlre. ll'r" T .V. 1 2I08 w. OcMA rronl, Ntw· l"VltM J Wrm, private kitchen A b&UI. uUl. pd. •To mo. Wr1te l. r. lldba -ITIO Jlan&I /'-., e., JUvenlde. Overland t•T~. 17ct2 Crown ot the Sea Motel port Har. 5U7. * • * ~~~~~~---~~~~ ROOM w1UI prlvu.,... Ea· c.u.it ti.do uu11 Broad St . N9Wporl Ht.a. Ll l ·OMJ even· lnp Or d&ya. H&r J&t• tclc92 I • IN CORONA DEL MAR Oomlor1ablie room.e &Ad kltcben· • ttW apt.a. Day, wftk or month· ;tr rat. .. T.V. . JIOO S. Cout Hwy. CJM NJ:W 8TORI: BLDG I 2~ X q on Newport A.H .. Coat.a ..._ 11t11.11hwu dlatncL a )"tl&T .... ~UH ;;;:11C"l"IVS tum.. 1 bdrm. apt. 1'1lac•· ln Uvlnf room. Includ .. 1arq., Tear 'round rent&! Ll 1-4020. 89c91 DA VY, 1432 Via Opor\.O Ha 608 • Utt< e Office Rental CLOSE 1N lklboa.. Nicely turn EX<:li:L.Ui:NT 1oc:atlon 6 ample duplex Tll•. carb•1• dltp . .,. , park.lnc . A. a.&t. tM. Owner Har U~J\ A.PP!\OX.IM.A. TEL Y ~00 eq. tt toc92 U:IO mo. 1..: ----------A.PPl't0XU.U.TELI &30 l'l ti <:.'ORONA DEL MAR l bdnn epl CQnvenlenl to ahnpplnl[. 1'1replac.e Tearty m mo Winter •~. Har 2401-J ll lclll •~mo. HARBOR Ll\'VF..STMF~~T co COJ"'A MICSA, NPw l and 2 Harbor 1600 Bdrm •rte rartlv rum SHtc --pla<•, Carp•IA. Har I~ &Iler ' lllcll~ ~!-A-Bu1lnNe ~nt&t. f~B--Hoa ... for &eat i PRIVATI: OFTICl:I Wllh phoH an.nrtrtnc Mrv1ce 8.c:reu.ry 6 • Residential Rental I nou.ry anll.~!i• Ground noor. UOO . Ntw Trident 8141[,. 2200 N•w·, po1t Blvd • Newrort Buch. Yaar round. I f Ad)acmt to Bouth Cout Co f Bra.n.1 new 2 tw-;lnn 6 den. Otnc• trom UO .. ml•prh·ate Lanliacaped I dMI& •P•'• a:m Har 1(128 .llvtn. Twrace. HARBoR I.NV ESTME.'7 co Harbor llOO l4ttc I Mariners Mile OmCI: A lhop lpa('• tor r•nt OT l•M U& per mo 6 up LJ a.11'1 H tfe ----- .. J BEAUTIFUL \ BAYCREST Louted Jn the City of Newpott lffch E•tt of Irvine Ave. -South of 21 &t Str•et. Tltl1 wid be one of the most tHr•ctive developments In Or•"9' County • Larger Home Sites -70 to 100 Ft. Frontages • Exclusive Upper Bay Location • • Underground Utilities for Safety and Beauty • Architecturally Restricted • Wide Parkways • Sidewalks -Trees • Decorative Street lighting • Complete Community Services • Near Churches, Schools and Shopping Center • Located in California's Finest Recreatio~al Area • Realistically Priced •(First Quuter Million Unit So~d C .... t in 3 We~b) Hurry for the Best Selection EXCLUSIVE SALES AGENTS W. A. TOBIAS Realtor C. THOMAS, Realtor 400 E. 17th St. (corntr Tustin) Phone LI 1-1139 ------------------~ ---- 224 W. Coast Hi9hwey Phone LI 8-5527 ---~_:JRVINE TERRACE 1 r or leUf' tor llfht manufart· I urtnf. N""port l'Ht-h, 1200 ~Mollf'}_~ Loan I ftl-Rnl tAtak. fn-Rf'al t:atat'! ---------------, ~ MW modtl"D uat\uul.abed •q t'l . SI" Jl'ff mo 210o•q ---- Mme.. Sbdnn. , batha. Liuw' n s111~ NEED MONEY COWKEJ\CJAI.. eu>o F oft wlUI •lldlq ,,.... W&Jl tAI -1 M 'x w POPE R-Allor ftALI: Oft I.JU.81: 1700 Ml cJUd941 paUO.. M.aboa bllr·typ. 19~ Hart>nr RI~ C'o•t• M"u Wr b11v a nd ,~11 F'lnt and ft l lOO month. l l2 cl(l(l ... ll. ~. built·ln OYat • ru1... l.J I 11 u ,_ .. ,, "" Tr11•I r ..... ,,. I Inf prtr•, l" :'\Oe1&'P'Jrl ~ach li .. R lofJI ::~.~.: ~ t~rm B I B I IWIU~~' ~'.~~ •• ~ ~~tl•r & OPEN HOUSE 11111~ fir on 101JA300 IOI ,.,., nf \"11lrlnr '111.e nn.., 11.a\t ttdw parquet floor.. noo per 111~93 l'ONIITkl'<'TtO:--l.OANI I M•a w Poi•• 1901 Harbor I :'141 ~ lill•M•ln ;-.p\ ... mo. 1 )'f ...... l.U..U UJ")'Jc;Jt I --''all ... , .... --. u o RTCA'"·· Blvd. C'oata Meea. LI 1·11 41 ...., "" ""'"~ '" u • (8\\.'t>rl:-•h A f' .. 1i: .. 1t"I oppoct• .D\VIN• c 0 A IT 64-llu I rtu ltl I LOAN Dl:PT. I Ptk112 I H1'•• 1 f r i mr•n~ I Id (ll)n f0<"1 ter 11 ~ N 11. 111-e.•11 lion t In tH .. ll•nt ewpor+ Heights I ~nu•llllnn on a 112 fL IOI rt 11nt11' a:>UNT'llY CLUa. • af'.M Oppo___!'_-:-~ , . . io; 11.•I• uoo -t tto;lja hl RAR£1.Y d~• • '~•t• " 1. r ,. _ _._. R 0 ., I Tll<I \.t>t•I < ". 3201 \\ Co&fl t t 1 ~' t "-• h com,. on lh-m•" K'l wti• h I.A• ....._. wy 1 l , nn1-port Harbor Id I l , H h s 8 I man• ar ur nr .. ev.por o-r CaJl Har. u•a ·, ea ocat1on For ., "" . . MAX w POPS J\Hllnr hunt1red.t of '.' ., .. nl Iii 1'17 I UOA Harbof' 1'1•d . Co.ta Mn• o,.ntr to u1m1 lt.e •'fr.> tu __________ 2_3_u_cl R.ESWENCE Jt.:-.'I.J LI 8-2'485 I U l ·tHi <1•t.all rnr ll1t1 r crrr.'•rt Rf CORONA. D~ )(.Al\ I SNACK SHOP 9 lr9l app.ap,nr•. Rlch'y <•rr•r•r.J • DRIV&-l:-1 UQCOJ\ ITOfUC I p lua fland l'"ll••J JPI•• t """' • l.'>IFUR.N. DEL'l.."XJD HOME on GITr SROP I ~Mone7 9"uWd j tloorln1 cvmb11 ... d "1th tire. llllt'f'ler-1l' 2 btdnn. ph.. 1 ____ ..; -----· ----- 1 tt-8-1.TAtate ~•0J.!__ ttful al(;n .. "'nrk •'1'1 ""M fl•ll .,.t l'OOlll. 2 b&lb&. Yearly N•llt to Shopp!Jll ~nter Larr• I •lln1 &<1'1 10 t 11.. q 1n I t, ••t .llU. Adult' no pet.a Olt.Tltr Int 13 c lli and bulldwa• MONEY NEEDED FOR TRADE BY OWNER 11"1 nut•••n•t•nt.". ·1 t.~·lrri 1 ' Har. '7, l:v• Har. Mil Uc .For •ppotnt.ment, call l"ltarl" I ST & 2ND 1 6 dPn1 •n•I 2 • 1'"111 11 "•1• 8 R•tmlu , own•r. D•n Her llr. 000 ICqUITT In ' unll• In hom• lArlfl ktlchrn "11" _"'Im RENT -WbUe U'le7 lut lilt! -EvH. IJ 8·67M TRUST DEEDS Newport HtlftlUI tor home or I hulll In •:O'• •net nvrn '' "" BACK BAY l" 1~1,,,,.-H11t l & I••" "1r,.rl HW flr1 f"A h ,..I lt•e r1o a t T11 .. n .. .,,,, r""" " 1 ... n..,.•rr 1 1•,,;o "'l r• x1"' \'•111• n 1 -;-;o 'Trr'r • 11r" II tra11fll' di')"''" • A (~ Tnny Pf"trttr. Rltr , ~l:?ll Jlnrbtr H\I I.I "0527 ''l'I' Rl•rir • M r kt , LI II !\487 REAL VALUES Of'EAN VIEW llome • OUPel H•rnec' aie f1~1 ( >rvn Hn11.., I •ally U:'i Tuattn A"' Cliff Haven l.1.IFF I>Rl\"E 3 BR -2 Rath P•t•o U1n1n1 ro<.ni llt>I rar Jlhl A 1y II' A10' no :.oo ....... , mo. Chlld~ w.icome. vacant. Land, t>r b•ialneaa.. up tn •'"" •tc1n• f 11•11lar., lr.41•1• ,,_,...... r.uQ w.hy • ft 11 .. 1 1 '2 h rr11n•" t1omr on 118\l 18 101-N H S (1 IJO,()()O Ct.II TOpa.a 1 •3711 ..,., .,fl '"' lw I IU t t t • N-a bdrm. )lomu re9d}' tor lnvertmrnt wrll ~ured by R,.•I r.atate t Oowtif')'I. before I pm. -It to •pprP'rl11h' 11 Th" n.,r loit --poa11ble C" I, n'1W p , $, ea . • :occupux-y. J'enc~ ya.rd. pav. -:& 1trMl, cio. to .c.hoola, : :ftorw •M treow.y.. K.tnWAY HOMQ LOA.NI TO aun..o. lM.PftUVC. BIJT, M ODJlllU(Izm. OR R&~A.NCS w. Bu7 Tnwt o.da 7lllfc • prl~• t• nnly 1211.~00 "'"" •Int :rnnl!<1 R·1 IONttPtt at 11th tlnanctnll' Th11 nwnrr "'"''" 1 anrl nran.-.. Ownf'r 111 '>nly 2 RR 6 lltn H V.' P'lr•' F 1re-CLcAftLiOO""ft.1-UYr tor (')ear I qulr.k .. 1 .. at hi• Ion 11.nd "" Jl'\(HI t1n r• raun Obie aar' f!:tc~ oom• Udo or Yiclnlt)'. Har.1 llnO'll 1 I.hat once Jl u anlo1 ~,. Eh' El<'' l:tr! Up to 12 °/0 Yield Haroor 6121 h<Ja.ta a •Tery lure t1v1n r roo111 • modern convenl•nt 111trhf'n t111c• pall,,, 3 ,,~ Ml'"'' ""'' 11,>or11a • n•! 2 balht. 1 C::1 rarly und•rorlc~ al U• Tt>O SI 1 • i!. '101.1.-n NEWPORT BEACH CLOSJ.: lo •wlmmln~ bearh I bf''1 rni hnm• <"Ompl•U·ly r •· m"'1•1"'<.I rnmpl~t•IY tumlahed. 111 :J.'°") -9ubmlt dnwn COSTA MESA f1o<"TUH!4 _. C>ltNTUIT8 A'ITN! I!\" NF.\\' RHflPPfNO CENTKR! ~ Mwtem l>ulrn Unit.a for Ont-· tor• or I >f'nli.ta Gfflcu L<>t 120 ,. IMI No parkln• dlffl· ruruu run Pn~• Ut.500. I.Aw dnwn ~yrn .. nt. 1871 Bolaa Ave lTll·J , toct2 1 ""on't 1•t Al\Other one Ilk• 111 INCOME BARGAIN J uel Uated Hurr)' MIDWAY ClTT Royal Mort9a9e Co. w1Ulout addlnr •l'vrral thnu. ·' m111l .. 1n i hr 11nlla ph11 furn A•icln« • 7tc92 l'l'J:WPORT 8~A aAY'fNOI 12--a.l l.!ltata a&n<1 dollar• more to lhla prlr• hArhelor apml all w1ltl f&r· $IA 60<> INDUSTRIAL ----------6 WAl4 A.UUClATIUN • I ao;ca Eaat.1ld~ locatl{>n Thi• ACRE AGE UNTURN. 3 i.dnn . .iuoro .. , Ute v1a Udo n. R&r. 000 80-I'*"" ""°P!'!l u 1 Wm. G. Kempton ,,,,...,.n,, 1• 11•11 10 1 lll'7r "' Bey & Beach Rlty., Inc. " "' )'ta. old. larp rooma. ury Ue BUlLOING N""•V 1 .. UNIT ,.,.111nr rr11•• $'.\II.MIO OQ, t,.rrn• I P'ROM $~10.000 r-rr 'A. In N•-ck'an. $80 mo. t13 ConartN llELOCA.TED b&rradul bu.lldln& c.• u Rultor RIP.ALTCIA~ rt H ... 11 C at.. Co-ta M..-. TOpaa 2-7122 on cenUa Ave1 ...... -.. "• on lot 65 X 300, aittin( 21110 Avnn, N-porl lJu<'h P'1 ·~r· ,.... Mr.aa la Sant& A.11& areu I lo Pia '""" .. '11n be arra.nl[l'd I 111'"" N~ .. ·rv.rl "-11le1 •1 ,\ po ' unt ln(trin ""'. • ntlla or LOrrain• 1·1178. 13ru3 I st & 2nd T. 0. loan1 110.000. ni.. prnP«tr oa lot ttil L-U 14f>'24 or E•"• l.I s.v;;" <'gala Meaa, 1•a1urimi. to 20 A ,_rt"ela, arome Wlt.11 10 IUolJ.LL hOll9e In r-ar. Maple tur- 1\Jtu,.._ twin btda. &h• and • Jl&llL Gu and waler JW'. Cl°" • fl> markata. 02~ ramie.at. :0.0.111. Har. 1221. 1kt1 ~. I bedm\., I batll "°"'' ~-ptar .,.._ drtJdnn ..a-• ~ Ooe<l tocallon c.o.M. ao. ., ·-·~--l"WIL Hu. lllO ...... ltd1 ~ BAL80A l&LAJQ) ,_,. cottace tw 1 OI' I tldUlt& ... Wbltd ~ Har ::I'll. llctl C'l'JVI: I '*'"' i.ou... atuna.. red--at.S. t•n<'ed Yard. ICut side ea.ta Mea. No ,..... aao. u 1-M&a. tor-ti > BEDIUI. f\&rn.. bou9e. .a,,.,.. • ~ )"erd. -t.... .,.... ,,.. .ao Ila 8unMt Drtv•. °'9ta M4M. u~. ~, .... - hr'Y1n1 a1J <>t-an,. Count7 Tnut Deeda Boucht It Sold Royal Mortgage Co. Herbor 6123 MOI Nf'WllOrt Sh'~ NprL Bch LOANS for Homes Construction Loans n:ll 9Cl8 SA'l'l"l.1:1\ 1816 ILUT CO.ft Ill.VD. 0...-_, Mu Saner -"-P. PODUD MOll'l'Q.AO• 00. Metro Ufe l-. l'Udll ID MU& dtle IAYSHORES nft.ST Tl\U8T DIZD IllOHWT aft.119~ (II\ Bay 81-'e ....._ !161d wtat• '"'· Cll.J.I Jou A bf.Jl IURJIOlll ~ ro. Har. ltOO. n• LI I-GM 11ca 100al110canhbou1httotu· prt "I uoi:tWttn new B A NERESON w11111 E Ul30JO r-tnmel7 low dov•n paym•t.. major aboppin1 and civic • • I . vea • I > r a11bQrd1natlon, ,,,.,_ dn • Int. Ocean Front RltAl.TOR -----------only on b&l&nae. renter Costa Mee&. 16'"1 ._'axW Pope Rltr on "-·--"-•nt. Prlct la"2 Nn•pnrt Blvtt. c:neLa MClla 3 UNITS WILL BUILD & Le.ASE JV1 • I • un-wn., ll phi• dtn with 3 tUllha. b1-1t Al.WA'\!\ OPEN r;,... lllOti Harbnr Bh•d . O\eta ,._ $715 000 $25 OOO d Vl-•r• Wall to ..... 11 <ar I Ph<m~ 1.l "-lea 1 Cnod 1.,l)('al.Jon -W.U Built -CONC'ftl:'TI: tlll·up bldp fully I.I l-11'2 ' 3 ' ' own. J'f'l. BuUt-ln ran, .. • ovrn • -\V'.."'d tlnnnt Al..L RJCNTJl:('I -•prtnkl•rll<t, II~ Ir k rw aq. Har 742-J. ilct all niatom atru Al.I, THl!'l j '3·~ DoWTI. I..ar111 lot "'llh ti Amrte ott atrfft partU"I SPECIAL aY OWNEJ\, I MW t ...._ uniu. 110,000. Caaai ~ - '5TOO ,_,'7 l.llC*M .All NW ana OoeCa W.... LI 1-T'TM. Tlltc: ~---~~~---~- OCEAN FRONT MOTEL Leas a.aca I.EA tJTD'UL Nm1' t Uft.lta I room tcw addition), lltrU kttabcM. ra11a. ~ . • .... -1td1-. hardWood. perldq'. aQ tn1tt&. lal• or T~ Ow1llrW ... E °"'"' '-1 S..dL H&mlodl a..M%1 ,..,.1 ... _ PLUS an utellcnl 2 bedrm LIDO ISLE room tor mor• •tnlla F11ll Option to b11y. nntal unit with tlrrplare tor The BICJllT we.y lo fully ENJOY price, DUPLEX on.17 •u. TllO OOtWI termL lhe CQl"l\l"S HOLll'lA YI ,. to $ 19, 500 f'\a,..._ I Mdrm.I ~ 0-JCXCLU81VS Wrni bu• a.nd lk't-'""' Ulla rom"'i.t• , .. One ullit ,.~ ~ .... ., _.., ....-· Seven lalend• Realty & Investment Co. &OJ.a2n4 at .. N9W)M't Beaeb Har. 6818 l:•«1tnp Har. OMf N •..i1 Rlt 11 cba.nnlqjr. n.r1, ,,_ ' PHIL SULLIVAN = fH,000. Oaly POGO ewport-mes• ry. ~rm and a.n. 14' 1-U1 home J'I .. Jf_,ort IU•d .. Qr.a Aina Upt.ed paUo. walJ ·to wall HM N.-,ort BM~ Oxt.11 )( ... COAST PROPERTIES U 1-0Mt E"9 LI t-72'7 c-arpeta. dn))M, bull\-ln ran1•. LI Mlll -C.e. U f.21N I01 a 8&JMa Jlh!d. Har 115.1 or diahwutiar, .t.c. On 1..,... lot. natap u a-.aoTL ITU• CURT DOSH Rltr Call tn .... and let'• rt to- Waterfront Duplex TO ... IT te te 1Ny tt. Room tor ,ier &"41 •· Jet dam Ill ......,. ~· Oia17 PUot "1~ mi.n... ' • fet her tm prlt-• and term• 315 Merine Ave. Belboe Island Harbor I 51>0 BAY FRONT INCOME TWO unit& 1 b.dnn horn" pit.. I Mdnn .,,.. r.xrdl'!nt r.rmlltllnn, onlv 4 yr:. old ~7.l\00 -a.mt today·• bfft .... , .. Newport Beach Excellmt Jlom .. tn bHt toc:auon 3 Near Lido lhopplnl' ArH. '2 ~dtm• In home, will\ ,.,,. pr111'• at.re~ tor epart- JTlf'nl IOCCLIJtHVI: WITH Fined Comm'I. Blcf9. ON BALBOA ISL.A.ND modern mope all i....i phia bHuUlul 2 b9dnn tum. Pft'll· N>\lH apl. l:Jric•U•nt renUJ rt(C)rc'I •3000 yr l~•­ OWNER "A Tft n:LL.. 8ulml.lt otter. Phone '"" appt. C. EO JONES, Rlir. 1 ... Kutlor .... o..t& )I- Li I-NOi S... LI 1-JMJ W.ATlaU"ROMT U>T In nclu· .. .,. BaJboe (',ny.-Wllh r1,.t\t to lrWld pter and float au.*. Temie. Prtn<"lpala only. OX· 1'0Jl\D '-lilt!. ~J ._ J I 0 RI Newport-MHa Rltv. Marinen Isle Rltv MVrt e avy, tr. 11" N-port .,,,,,., c09i. JP .. s111 M&rJne A•e. ... ~ ·~ SUJ Vta Oportn. Har, 5'48 Ll a-~ l:vt• U 1 ·7117 H&rlior f711 . . • ~ Ute~ ·-~ I.a ~ and it,U.W uc1 A.u a bednm ud a -.u. · -NonDNG , J:L8E -WHEN tlie prtoe 18 •• '1?10. · IRVJNB TERJU.Cl!J 8PJl)CIAL • Fo-:t tbe DWl1 people m tbe area who are think· ·m, of ~ to 1rviDI Terrace •• offer an •· oelleDt 9Uae whJch ea.n bt handled (or apprmd· mately $8000. Well delliped two bednn 'and 2 b&tb bome .leatu.rtnr an exceptioaally well cared for yard wtlich la feneed &lld beautifully planted. • Many atn featuru and the carpetl and dr&pee are Included. Full price $29,!M>O -excelttnt :;~ flnandng. LIDO REAL TY ASSOCIATES MOO vU LIDO HARBOR 0023 BTANLEY MEYER FRED GUENSLER VIRGINIA MANSON JACK MOORE GENE VREELAND The Home To Buy For a Balboa laland cbarmu you abould be ~ lq our I bedroom, 2 bath -value packed home with ftreplace. W /W carpt't, large ~ and outdoor living -brick patto. Ample wardroM at.qrap. So bri&'bt and ebttrtul, we •Y St 8parkleL Make a date today. 1 Price $28.~. TERMS OPEN ROUSE SATURlJAY 6 SUNDAY Noon to CJ P.M. 206 Peart Ave. WM. W. SANFORD, and Associates Lee BollD Hub Powel"I Puk Ave. at Ma.rf.M, • Charlotte Fu.fol& • Nona Hyer Balboa lal&nd Har. 2462 You Will Like IRVINE TERRACE New Furni1h1d ''Homes by Macco" l lledrOo.. CID ~ lat. acee to *""9towa. ~ tlal .... plaDed borne. n... place, h4WODd .noon. Iota qi cloeeta. o..nt..d t.., O&l' pr- ~· wttll OYG1Mia4 loft: 1JO ~. Ill.de drt¥e. Bl---loo caUoil with bome. $.tl,600. Term& .• N-ly builf tars• lantU)' home, a den, a family room wttll UIKd br1ck tirep1ace. ~ cb"'11.11 bed- room.a, (2 cSowut,,arw and 1 upl built-ta ldtchea wtlh l:ar, Jalp llvabk Uvtnc 1'00tn wtt.b Wied brick ttreplue. • alldlq ,1 ... doon t.o cover.d patio. Plank· ed bdwood tloon, J' ..A. !Mat. 2 car s•raiw· BeJlt Back Bay banjo atreel. Hu mountain and .. atn vt~w. 132 l!OO. ltuy lf'rm.a. CommerC'lal Bldl(. 4800 1q. rt. 1 Nrw -I~. Black top parldnJ. $10,000. down. ln-1 come '86(). mo. , au.tn¥1 locaUon. Fine 3 Md· I room home, F1'M Tilu&J ad.- vertillinK. 3 .ANrt&l way eor-1 ner. -15tuc-eo and plut.,. recent.. ly buJlt 6 room bom• wttb bdwood t1oor1n.K. Could be 0011- verted to Doctor'•, DenUal'1, or other ll(ht bu.tnea1 that r.eo<t. anod location. Home and ,,... advertl.ldn1. Off 1l,_t pukinlt Best buy on Newport Blvd. $:.'0,000. Tenn1. N f'Wl)Ort Blvd., buatn.-lot 30 " no n. B&crttlee f6600. e.uJl. HOME & INCOME f!:Xl'Jl!L.LF.:-."T 3 IY·ll0<•m. l l·•lh hnme 1-C" llv room. fir.-. 1 rtac-~. b&r t)'pf' ktlrhrn. I&« ~nd patio. 6-0 ft l•1t Pl.118 I t-troom turnlahed apt. I ftpn t • • f'<l to aame l~c .. nt tor th" I y ....... , OW!lllr.R MIJST ~n:u NCJW -AAlktns $31,:>tN) flubmll! KINGS ROAD . Interiors t;y Martin & Yon Hemert 8eautltu1 homes ln the rinart locaUon Pri<* from $26,000 to $34,000 I llOtJSlt Bl:Al:TIFl'l. ... Ith H • pending VIY,W ot bay arl'I oc-ean A drlux" quality t.11111 Your ln.spttUon ia ~uUy aolicitf'd EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS On B.lway 101. Newport Harbor, oppoaite new lrvine Cout Country Club. Harbor~- B/B URGE HT 100% Location C-2 Business Corner Northweat Cor 17th Xt rrf'l and On.ngr Av,.. C01Jta M f)ll& Out ot tc1wn OV•n•r h•• 111thur11. ~·1 lh• !!Ale nr lhll c>Ul•l-nrt1n1 mmf'r 1 ll."> «< 2•01. lo"koa.I fQr c-ombtn•L1on &hl)pa a.nit nrr1c• buildlnl(, or mf'dlcal • MrllAI Hndar.ah• el< c 1ppc-.lt" hl.ce• M@!la c·~"'"" •tiorplna-ctcv .. 101 .. J rn-l Prlrf'C'I t.n ... u a.nd r.arT1f'• Dr. mUlll mo•e 1.nto Orw.nr; .. Tua UJi-1.Amon Be..,_t.. a,_, an<I •a8t. ln acbaqe hUI 1-ull- tul I BR, 2 Balh ah&lce roof r«hrood. rumlk honM> ln N-- port Be&dl'• Back S.y area I for I BR aD<1 den. 2 beU. home la 1'utln UM. Hu 17.000 eqully 111 Itta Back Bey home If 7our home 11 3 BR. dm and I J hll.UI, Mid Yoll want to movt IO"\".relle11t ~· ~ loan E:uluaivf't\' lo U.. Beach. contart ua tor .-1th. pomlbl• a.challl' '~ $1 ()()() I Frarek James, Rltr. horn•, •Wrr leOfl Ml fl. ut II•" ln1 1 1 r.a, ;: t>e<Jrc.-,nu Ji::•. df'n. l "*I h•, 'l rlr11plarf'-, full clin room. chuminr kll(hf'n, ••pt'n · al\'f'IV r•rl."'l"'J t hrouir:iout l.;,v. tr 1,.,.,., lnl"!thlN launc11j n>om. '"" fllm1ly IYP« r"'''" ••larta1Ju1 r,,r many n-1•. rm., pl~trly flniahf'd weir k 1llnp for thfl r,.l hr<1 or Ulf' hnbhy1•1 - At $411 i\00 lhl• b a HI''' SHORE CLIFFS A llF:"l"TY' A11tl,.•11:.r •H•h A m•fl an with • •'-r• t •'11: \'If.:\\' or ttlf' l ';11·1'lc' rr "" 111• n1u11u i-tioom :1 It• 1 ... cJ 1u .. 1ru, 3 Ul,.J h ath• ',.-Alltlfllll\" c1Koratf'<:I intrr1111. r\' .. IV r "'"' n•f'ralzr, f1t•pla1 • ~ .\. :1,.•t. k1tch~n •~1rl'<l "'••in, •ulo irara~• rl0t1r, lolh r" •hllt tr r' lhr11~11 .... In .,, • .u r ... •tnr: To fl!M' lhl111 hnuw ,,. '• Yt 0111 1• Alll<ll't; f!Vll\IM BAY FRONT 1 COSTA MESA LOW DOWN PAYlOCNT ! ! ! 3 Bed.rootnt. 2 yean old. covend patio, be&utl· tu 11 y landl!C&ped. $1800 D 0 W N F U L L PRICE ---·-·---··---·----·-$10.800. THE VOGEL CO. LI.DO OFFICE, 5418 Via Lido. Hu ~971 OR WHEN BUYING SELLING PROPERTY It Paya to deal with a REALTOR -EntnJ.at your real utat. tranActiorul to a REALTOR. He ia trained ln hla prote.loa,, boww valuea, t'l- nanctnr and la bound to 11a..,. )'O\I ethically, hone.tJy and courteoualy. REALTORS an mem· ben o1 a national orp.nhat:ion contomim. to a rigid code ot et.hie& See a mmi ber of 401 N. Newport Blvd., Newport Beach 320 Colleen Place OPEN DA.Il..Y :0-:ow $13,450 {or quick salt. 011..ly $3500 down Prict cut from $14,200. Thill ii a ~&utitul 3 bednn. with dining art'a, h&rdwood fin , ftrepl., ttc on a channinf 3 yr old .t., near fabuloWI 22nd and Baell Bay. F. W. Lytle, Realtor 1786 Ntwport Blvd, ea.ta Mee.. LI 8-9'4~3 LI 8-2542 C.D.M .. COTIAGE-PLUS Charming tttluded 1 bednn. home •1th larre bnck firepl, bar kitchen, aunded. atnrle p.race and lowly yard. There'• pl~ty of room for an- oth,.r un1L ALL THIS tor only $10.500 -OR Luy th1a &nd the adJolning vaca.nt lot all tor only $17,000. M&ny poeaiblliUe8. F.XCLUSIVE WITH R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor C•.ut ll\\"Y, Corona df'l :\lar -Har. 277! A WISE BUY An out.atanJ111g buy ln a two bedroom home. Hu h1miwood tloot"I, !irPplace, larse kite.hen, wrvlce porrh. Vine covered patio with r.ompf.,~ly (Pnr~ yam, lhi• 19 clean and well locat~ ~c, loan with paymPnt.a al $62 pE-r month. $15,7~. J.:XCLlJ8fVE WITH RAY REALTY COMPANY 31H E, Cout Highway, Coron.a del Mar -Har. 2288 I Aero. from ~ in COM) Member of Multiple Uetlnc Service In Newpan Beech NJ:W I~ aad bo'*f room. I MU. 1*n.e la N~a ftn. -dlW ,.....tal u.. w-. derful tor & ..... f&ntU7. mu. n.e ..... II °'\Ip ._ UM mlDut9" tn u.-llOh.7 _. cM.nn. P1'eld at oeJy -.DOO and you ean .. 9Ulml Ule ~ lop. 8ubm1t )'OUJ' doW1l paJaeat. UDO ISLE Nl:Wl'Olt'!" llJ:IQHn . .. ai1rm. 2 11r.-vn i... • am Dr. "16.800 BAI.BO& Pl!M1NSV'LA s Bedrm. 2 b&th. b.t loc:at.iClll. WI' bay ---.000 . BLANCHE A GATES, RHltor MEMBJl!ft OJ' MULTJPLE LDmNG • 311 M&rlne Ave .• Balboa &la.ad Pb. Bar. tm • tm KllRll ta ,.our eb&.ncle to buy that a bedroom. s batll 11ome you bHe ctr.med about -be&Utl· ---------------------- IUl Udo. 'nWt home Ill retr.h· iJ\6\Y modern tn moUI. Olner anxlo\19 to Mil and tnvlt• of· lera. Act now! BALBOA $MOO DOWN N1C!: 3 bedroom home wiUI tlle lllt.eMn.. tlNpl&ca. I paUoa. •hlft&1e root. wood n00ra. n • ta t. "Hry One buy at only t17.&00. OCEAN FRONT a BJ:DROOM. 1 ~ baUI bead\ hoWlll OD th• Shore of the sparllllns Pt.ctnc. tit,260 with terni& BAYSHORES "&IMPLY WONDEIU"UL"~ ertti. t:tUt I Mdroom.. I baUI bclme. :S.uutull1 decontAICI, W. bo-11&1 a l&rf• CIO...-.d paUo, qrlnkl..-~ ru. plaee and all tM cxtru that m&k.• to~ ...., llvlftc. You will be pi-a.nUy llW"priMd When you ... lh1t pe,ooo nJ114. Duncan Hardesty !Ut.U.TOR "At the Brl41'9 to Udo i.14" L&fay~t• at. ltnd BL. Har. •TU I ~~~~~~~~ I FISHER SPECIALS I l. C08T A MEllA, I be4rm home only 2~ yn old. Wool carpet· tn1 t• LI• R.m, .,..ftll'U&n bllrtd.. Con~ patio aad BBQ. .Encl !"HT yard. N"lc.ly dHorat~ and l&nd.lca~ Of. ff'rf!d al Sl0.2.'loO an4 wol'UI f'Vtry cebl flt IL Owiwr ~ .... In& •tale and wtl\Jn1 to t&k• I<•• till.a .,. . ...,It MAKE OJ'· J"J:R and (rt the bf'lt BUT I:" C'.qat& Meu '• 2. NB;WpORT, 2 bf'drrn b41a<'h home. Lee llT. nn. br-e.kfa6t arH, kJtdwn and ti.th. V~ le• 2 rar Sart.ee· Ex.c.U1t11t c-ondJUon. J'IR8T TIMJC or- FrR.ED. 6Ua home hom Uw booot "-<'ll f<>r -unm1nc an.l 11•hlJ1C. $15,000 11Ub)ttt to of· fr•r. Own-r arudo~ J ('()Kill\' A i1EL MAR, ' ~1· rrna pl111 fa.mlly room, l l>atha. Cornf'r ylf'w lot, fro11t· tnr on 2 at• wtlb perm.alM'nt <>r ... n n--. 2 n .... pi., J patlot1. UBQ. Untq1~ for rMll'loue IJy, In( llEJ!: THIS l...UV1':LY H<17'f~ Pn•·~ J.--at Ul .~ l~tma FISHER & CO. I %410., Nf'WJ)Ort 81vd. N9'Y•·pL Och. Ha.rbor ••29 tl!le1'0 I CORONA HIGHLANDS Now you can Own & 2 bedrm home with b&th &Dd 1.1 for•-than rent. .Pennanent view of ooean and Catalin& from l&rp plctun wtndowa. Car- peted WW, Forced air beat, p.rbap diilpolll, lot. of tile and m&Dy other tine featUN& Very nice patio &Dd room tor a 11Wbnm.iq pool. ALL THIS, plm tWly turmabed for only ..$29,800. Drive by 520 De, A.nu.. ()pm S&t. A Sun. CORONA DEL MAR Owner wa.nta action on tbl8 1oft11 2 bed.rm home, bath and %, Hwd tJoora, lhina room eal'- peted WW, prbap ~ 1ota o1 tile and many othe-r fine feature&. Lot M x 118 and fully fenced. Room for additional 1U1lt.. Priced at only $1e,7es0. W. E. FISHER & Associates 302~ Cout Hwy., Corona del Har Ev-. Harboc 24.20-W LOW COST LUXURY (GOOD EABTSIDE LOCATION NliR BACK. BAT) 1-Bn.nd new thne bedroom and dm home. 2-Extra la.rre livfn& ania 3-Very larre ldtcllen with ~luu built tna. ._Ni~ 8ervi~ porch. ~ilmt nntclles. 6-FOl'Cled ail' bee. L 7 -Beautitul exterior deei.p. , 8-Acomtkal pluter. 9--Hurey and pick your own color .cbeme u the owner ayw ''caab me out at $1&,7!50!" THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hwy .. Newport 88ch Ewa. LJ. S.1"21. B/ B L.l 8-34.81 R·2 Corner Lot, Nnrport . ·--~~ OCEAN FRONT C<Yn'AGE, furniabed _ii-e,600 ct1I'E DUPLEX. Newport _SUJJOO 2 BR. home plu• three R-2 lota. Total -.~.000 LUXURIOUS ne&rly oew Lido beyfront, pier and alip . -·-. -·--· ----·· $95,000 BAY A VENUE bayfront, pl~r and allp _ .$l'JU,™ -.. BAY & BEACH REAL TY, Inc., Realtors 2025 W. Balboa Blvd.,,Newport &•c:h. Har. 12e4 ~Kar. 18&& • IRVINE TERRACE • OPEN HOUSE SA TtJRDA Y AND SUNDAY 12-4 P .K. 1530 8eraladt Dow1a wlll bl&J IJ\la neat J BR 271 E . ITlh St, C'r.>1ta M-~ oa pl .t. Beeuutully J U s-1:2•~ l!:XC LU8C\ F. BA \"SHURE~ -"I ~rnoma. • bath•. 2r. rt 1,v ru<1m f'nc I •und"' k. IJ~ fa•o11I ru .. m. 2 ltr .. pl1rra. bf'a111ctul -Exclusive Beocon Bay Ezquiaite and cheery, 2 bedrm.. 2 a.lb. ~ round bome. ~ ~ and dnped.. Cleverly land.aaped. l..al'f' pado. A bome ta WI exclwdn aru that-. are proud to prmmt. 1~ IMlciJl .,.,,. wlUI 1 .ltU1l r.ut of Thrtny Drup 1 n.f1 pond and fruit be&rlnl Call ~ LI l-00211 t>r LI 8-41117 tree& f'lnplMle -lt.arOwOOJ flo0r9 -I t'&r pnae wU'9d tor nov. nru. PR.ICE -COSTA MESA mlT 11~ wtt.Jt P 8'1't"allau PllA ra- RU'RA'I ON Tin8 ! Bey & Beech Rlty., Inc. ft.l:AL TOR.8 J"8 ~ Boomard ca.ta M-. Callfond• ~ or lllabt l'tlc:JDe LI I-7T I• .View Home 1'( .... uw. ow-a llMtJI OPEN J'OR JNSPECl'ION THiii W&IX£Nb U4 ~P1 A..._, ODf"oq dot Mar MUOO R·2 Lot 65 x 300 Zoned for 15 uruta Near New Shopping Cenler and Manufactvin&. MUST SACRIFICE $850Q Cash LI S.-7562 OI' Har &UM r•a. 90e92 SHORECLIFFS • kit• h~n Pili:" 1' liLll' - $81. IWXI. "C" THOMAS RF..ALTOR and .ASSOCIATES I 214 W. C'uul H•y I.I 8 ~,r.;:7 J :'\t'"' port BHch 'C' THOMAS 'C' THOM AS I Excellent Investment ON BALBOA IHL.A.'lO Shr>Wd fft l l>«;l. am. rt rrw>d"'"' tripla °"' ot.ra .... loot. 2-t tlednn. apta, IUtCI • 1 bedrm. apt. Hop add1'. ll\'Ml ronm Md l!iaU.. T.V. )l.l:JI.&. bat.Mn ataow.r •"4 dnatn1 ~. Lapndry \.oom •~ • praKf!ll. IC!rt"ellenl rt'nlal hlsto.")'. A ral BUT at •u.llOO. Submit your ttf'Tfte. REDUCED TO SELU! Large 2 Story Spa.n.lah Home. 1 Block to beach in C.D.M. 4 bedrooou with ooe&n ~w. Hantwood floors. Reduced from S2-t.~ t~ $21,MO with $4500. Down. "Don't miae tbia one" C.D.M. BEST BUY!! "Tht M08te9t for your Money" aizeable 3 Bed- room home on ft...2 lot.. L&.rp Flaptaie flreplaoe.. 1~ Living room. Lott ot Stonp 8J>6Ct.. Ea- ceUent location. Only $18,950. tenm afti.lable. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Cout HJway C.D.M. Ha 1741 or Ha 0767 Newport H. h. Duplex j TWO 1 ~ p1111 lliacbelor. >21 U .c>ull It. Jll..,. oc.n. IUOO Down Ptf"9CJ r1itlt. N300 ll&DdJ-. TWO 1 tieclrm. wtlll on Jt'YIM • •<'-rrom ecbool ~. I OC&AN tr.mt bom., turn.lllbed, Jmnme SllOO. ~ SU.~ on rood tteadt. faM s...ltor9. r-.an ahnw, we ... ,,.. u. 11.,. .II.TOO. TWO bedrm. home. f'fll Ilea- ~ J:s~t Value It.~ 1 2 Outata.ndin&' Value!& For a dtacrtmlnaUnr famUy. a -i-uunai • be<lrm., a bath I home, l"luo! wall to petlo, bullt· I In l"UI... " ~ f1.apt(JIM 11,..,,aa.~ IMIVlctu&J ,IHa~ I In· blldroom Modern In nwy rwpect. m .t:IO tumi.bed. I• Attractive 3 BR. Home With tDC!Ol'M apt. 8padoWI n>Oma, hdwood tloofe. delJPttul patio. n~ PLUS ~ knotty ptN apt. -h1pt• prap. ottered ~low marital. •10,000 down. !Cacti C'l'-tc> pf'\Yal• -.itdy beerh with moortnr ,.,,. amaU boate '4d UM 0( tennJll oouft. Newport Heights Special $15,000 . R 0 0 M Y IMmw tad.q park. m1o.. ...,. t--. ....,.... • Mdaooaa. .,.,.... tot. ...-m..t......,..,mm ALllO m&nf ou..n, l« u. ftnd "-t ya.rd. mx:a..uarvm.. - W'lult you ~..... Tenn• cu be a.rnnpd.. N. B. C. Realt v Co. 12n<t and Newport 'IN"'4. Ralph P. Maskey REALTOR 129.800 tm:ma HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. Harbor 1eoo, Rakfe:nee Bar. ae8I ?-INCOME-? U Ill tncome recital wilt. JOO want, 1ou mlpt 1111 -~ tn Ule roDow\J\1. 1. ThrM untU. 1 bdrm ndl, compi.tely f'llnUtJWd. 'n1e llSt- cben, a prap•. POGO down. 2. Oeeaa rr.tt ~ • utte. oMw tJp&. ..,...111 et m .600 T.nu. -.o .. t • ccmw NCGl'4. 8/ 8 Lido Isle I. 0c .. n ,.,_t. I aatta ••• 1 861 «>A Jl!'laQXSULA bdnne Md!. p,_ C1fllllt ,.._ Nol ~ • ..... '9t a saAtT· and t.th. t 1•n1.-w tot. nnrL QO.AlZ?Y BOlilll •II Very attzaeu...., BaJ-sa1a a\ U • • "8dl': 1 ....., .... _.. JOO fpl anC --....... , 1lllUlll. ..... ' l.ArNl7 ..... ~ ...... •• 1.M"••1 • unit.a MU Kbool. ldtc.lllllB W/?NIJWa ona. ... . dlun:.bd. •1 ud 0 c... .....,. .... .,,,..,. ... ..... llWUDmbaa Oood I a e o • e. Aia-*7 r-. lTOO ~ ft. PnClld rtpt. J1aaY7 ....-NaC. PA ..._ I ,.UaL IUCIJ.TOR.1 • ; PROPERTIES u!Wt •v. a.n.o. •"'· • •· NtPWJIOrt llHHI ICar. HO, cir Har. 6.'I.~ BALBOA BA y I Bay & Be•ch RJty., Inc. Har. •02 JM3 W Balllw>tl ffh-d, R•r tlN 1 Her. U.ll Har. 2"f Jet-. .. , . ... . . CORONA DEl MAR REALrY CO. PftlCE 'f. McCUISTlON, Realtoc It AMocia.t.e. M-41 E. Coalt Rwy. Corona del Mar Har. 47 (Ottlce located next door to Newport H*M>r 8utlc. Cdl() • Bay shore~ • 3 -Choice Exclusive Liltinp 2 bell.tooma. 1 bath .$18, 7~ 2 bed.rooma,·111~ bath• (aold) -----·-··· 19,750 2 bed.room, 1 b&tb, fu.m. -Jll,000 SHOWN 8Y, APP01N'lldl~NT ONLY AL.so Bay Front Pier It Slip. Wmtar Rent&l, Quall.Cit<! C1imt9 0n1,. HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. ]!a.rbor 1600 Evea. Harbor 2174-J a.ea• COAST lllW A Y FRONT AGE Excellent location for bar cafe, ~ramk11, etc. Comer lot with 85 foot front.age. 18 lit 40 our new building eutly convened tor bu.inc• TRY $15,950 FULL PRICE 4 BEDROOMS AND 2 BATHS Only 2 yeara old Cornt'r lot with large pat.lei. Landacaped a.nd frrH.ed. Wall to wall carpel.II thruout. Complel..t'ly deeora.led a..nd in tip top con· dll1on. $12,:x>O full pnce. $1500 DOWN RE.'TIRI:; lo ama.11 oue ~<lroo111 colt.age in ritrellent ne.igh· borhood. W W carpeting, garagC", fenc-d yard. stove and refrigerator. Onl~ ~ $2500 DOWN THE VOGEL COMPANY 1700 Newport Bll"d., Colna Meu. Ll 8-~,596 ~ Har. 3'3:5. Har. 5iH • BAY FRONT~ • -3- LIDO NORD Ne" u.tiDp .. ... ' btd.rm., a~ ti.th, pier • tlml, espenalwly • c:arpet.ed and draped. Very Jiu-p bM.ufuJ pe.l111. Over Ei& ft. frootqoe. $186.000 ...... • • • i bedrm. plwi v~ f.&mily r00m, lmmacula\.e heme. Pier &lid allp. OW'!' 70 fL fron~ $157,GOO. • • • BALBOA 3 IMdrm, I bath, m.~ story Bay ft'ont Hom Ha...U..O atn!'"SfMre. mp bay ~ tivtDI room aa4 tmue. ~ ud alip. 0..-d ft. ~ ~ ~ ~ $UUUO ._, ., HARBOR .it~ CO. ff&rtKr llOO, £¥ea.. Bar. 217'"'1 __ AN OUTSTANDlNG VALUE ...... First i.me Offer.ed 2 full loll with a 3 .WCOOna, 1 ~ lath '"-. double garage. Enela.nt looMJon. 8Mwn tk)' •i> pointment only $31 ,500 with rood financing. Qf.iESTER F. SALISBURY, REALTOR .:.:· curt Dalh. Oattnce Lake, Amee. I f m Karine -AW., ..... l.llud ~.100 VALUE ,, . a.&TOllY !famAY ~ Perfect lnakle and out 'BullWA oven u4 ~ • .8 bedrn\a. and f&.mlly l"Oc>ln, (or 4 bed.rinl.f, lovely patio, 2 bat.ha. - thfl II a dw'Dlina home, "!Y IUIUtly decor- ated. Don't miu aeetDs Uilil one before you bu1. P1 ,DOO &aturn., or $39,nc>G f\lrulahed. For LIDO ISLE, come to HEADQUARTERS e p. a. palmer incorporated ole han10n co. management ' 3333 via lld.o, harbor ll500 p. •· p~lmer incorporated ole han1on co. management 1700 w. c:ollllt b.ipway -bMrt)> 8-6578 . \ WEST OCEAN J'RONT J b.r., aample_. rum., ..w .,. tri( ., -"-· TV, can &dd .----·--·--'11.M& :z b.r., tum .. 11•. Uv. rm. 11r• place, terrWc ,_..n,uiu., 80ll 7~. Lo down, $11.toO. J h.r. 'llrlntu-rcnt&l, lncl. uUl fllQmo. COSTA K&SA £alt mt. S b r., n.Nplaea. BW On , ...U ..,......... v . !mne, but at ...•. ·-·····-···· ·-U&,600 I:. 81de I b r.. 1._ lalla, fU. pi._, patio, beauutully Jand· -,.s. nr. ..~.. e!nWc.h. ..-hool. V"SRY LO DOWN to 41u&.lltW llKlyitr. -·-ao.llO ~ •Ida .. acre 2 plwi b.r. R-t , dbl pr. nom tor unit.a, ru. n•-. abop'r center . i10.:)()() Cu tut 2 b r. l b&lb ProvtnciAI nr. .Ba.ak aay on c b o t c • lol. $111,500 Cl•ir-e Ven Horn REALTOR 1731 w. ei-t Hwy. L11-4:?77 C&ll ev .. U •·ll<>tl HA li13·J Bl B BE Sl:.'T'TLF:D BY CJUllSTMAS ln line artc-• rpan 2 hr hoUAI' with tlrepl. on beauutul atrHI A.t.80 a 11109 I br apL "''Ith larae •um1 ... -k ovn C:ar. · Call <iladv1 k'.lappu PRIVACY & qtrIET 111 thlA 1 lrvnlv·pla.11r.f'<1 1 br olrn lo l•uHol, it "vrt w1111low hro1n~ 1n Shor• • '11rta 8l'a11llt11ll)" l r•ro>"'ll'd It rtra~I U l ~o()<J ~-I' i 111 ()()() hAncllu. 1'"11 M. l'•n· Q\'fllf COO!> T:"VE..11\TME;o..;T Dupl•., In ht11rt or Corona •11'1 ).lar ,,..,,,. riown p11nnl'nt. 1•1· Clom" "''II rarn ("c .. I Al 1'11111 1 1./lllk,111r tor vnur ""'""'' 1 -... 01111 • Th,.n t""" & look &t t hi. 3 l•r lo """ :1 ll"th horn" ... nr-l\fx21l lnlt.ll~ Nlr l~an1 •I r ... 11 1,41 6 \"""" of rnllll'i t.111• ti\\ fir• Oftly a:ll ~1'l Call M !1,.1 l'1n -I Bey I-.Beach Rlty .. Inc.. i n '-" t.T• 1H.A I • '1 NEWPORT HEIGHTS ''OCEAN AND BAY VIEW'' C 1 > 3 bedrm, large liv rm with tirepl, dininr room, l~. eerTtoa 1JQrCb. en.po.!. Comer fenced lot. A.aking $2'-700 with $.tOOO down. Submit o!fer. (2) Exciting view -bay and ocean -l.a.rce 2 bedrm, 2 bath, Jge living room with tinted glus, firepJ, sundeck, 2 car pr. A.akin( $23,900. Only $t~ down. (3) 2 bed.rm, 2 batla, 11• l'OGlll with tmifia .tew. "A Slttper" $1!5~ Dilly a.8000 down. BACK BAY AREA Cu.atom built 3 bedrm, 2 bath, lge Uv room with f1repl, aepa.rate din. room. l.arg-e 1amtly rm with alidinr gla.aa doora to beaut patlo, room for pool -lut word In kitchen with every conceivable built-in W&ll to 11.·&ll carpet.I and drapea lncl. Before you buy a home in the $30,000 bracket, Let ua show you lhlll, only $26.~. CLIFF HA VEN -TRIPLEX .. O\\.'NER MUST gJt,LL" 2 bedrooms rach unit, firepl&ct', tub ahowe-r11, approx 2700 aq. fL plu. 3 aara.gea. Newport'• !inl'at Income d.iatrict. FOR A QUICK SALE TRY $19,500 with $5000 down. JACK BRENNAN, REAL TOR ".A. T THE AACliES" 3320 w. Coast Hwy. LI 8-7773 COST A MESA, The Bed Town on Earth TWO HOMES on ont! loL with roum to bWJd ad- chl1ona.l unit. A 2 ~room a.nd I bedroom home un Cornn Int. $12.000. With te-rm.a. SMALL DOWN PAYMENT 3 br. horn~. hke new, f~oed yard. r ood loot.Jon rwar 11hop111ng center. Pric; $9950. Jlt~uonable t1·rm11 HO~!f:-HE:\TAL -Bt.:S11'ESS \\'rll built 2 hr homC" new l br. rental &nrl act1~e crnunic uu!l1nru RU ror '27.000. with terma. s.'50() DOWN 2 hr And dPn, largr k1tchf'n, garRgr, clo8f'·in r:asuudn IO<'atmn $9!'ll>O. a nrt ~ JJ"'r month G. N. WELLS , Rea ltor LJ B-7729 B•lboa Realty Co. Ot!er• For Sale SEVl:N Vt!RNISHED J'RQI'. E&TlU, ALL IN B.\l.BOA AND CL08!: TO <ICl:AN A.ND BAY. (l J-2 BJ:DROOM HOME plua l Pe<lrOCUl A,IL over 2 c ar ,-araf'· Great fur hu111t' MUI tncc.rue ur fur rental pUCJJ<1ffa. $10 00 I, "u o 11 Lerma, (2)---' Fl.JRN18KltD UNITS on lla.t Bar A venue. • • clo .. lo ~•I b&y a..w11nmtn1 Ma.ch. Built on 40' lot Good rc>nlal 11e.ooo. terms. proper y (3J-N1tJCDS l'AlNT H.Al1LY- bul t! )'OU are ha11<ly with • b 1 l.mh ... e thh 3 bedrvom home within •1 bk>t k uf t1ay. Outalfle •hcow<'r r '°'" laundry Mnii g 11 r a r. " i u,ooo. uwo J c,,. 11. I !41-J BEDROOM HO.ME ,., Lhl t~Ulfl a.nd n111dern tu•' t c·111r apartrnrut 11 rl.'1sr 1~,. l•JU lut 2 ~tni-lc ~··~,.. 1u1•I l&rlf~ 1''1tlo "''"' I 11 "" r 1 1nJll111n •n.t 1<• ... 1y 1 u Ii' I at '11!.!IUO Wtlh l•r ni~ (6 1-Sl'ACIOUS I BELJl\uo.\I •HOME v.llh rull 1l1n1111: r<10m &11d un• •hlttr U• Lftd view uf tho> t>&Y IJn \\ <'~l liay A Vf!f\Ufl ll•&r NH \•t IJn!y $:l7 noo w1Lh t..rm~ (81-J.,11\V IN J'Rl«'I>: F1<H Tilt. HA.l.BIJA AREA. Jlllll ~1.r from CX-n ~(II I 004 roorn W ilt\ dt"r' :-.=ra ! t lran fUrnlftr<1 ·""' l'•I f<JJ bntC'h hvmf Jiii 711\1 Juw l,.r r •• <7)-2 HEllRuU•t HOM£ WITll tiAI HJ!:LIJft Al'A.HT- MJo;.ST I~ 1n:AR """ 8 turn1eltt'd '"' b1ftt ~•Y Avenia.• cloaf! 'u hn) b • • • h 11 n rl ~ll"I•Plll.: •1i.100 s:iooo uow11 E:XTHA !l'ECJAl., 11 ~ ... 1 If.Ir 11 bull•lf'r or ""I'"' t '" h111fol • .. tli• <>nl)· trni•lrilng fl .;. I ,, I I c>n • hfl r..m,,.111,. I '" n• ~,,,, ti v et 1,. . l ~l' 11 .. rt' Balboa Rea lty Co. I UJ1pu11I• f~Ik 1f /\11,.•111 t 11'\oa.• O• ~~l•y l <1 1,, r IC•A" lo 11• \\,I I, mo F 11a1v.. ru ... r1 tt..ltH 4 1'11.,ne H"""'r .ir; ~ E I n&•l Hwv fh ~.~,>\1 1- ,·oron• rl,.I .\111r --~ ------- SOLID INCOME -1 Lido Isle LOTS FOR SALE Oat of Uw l•>l 1 ••• I on K1nr;~ l\esd. 8\.uic1 on lhl• lot •n.I lallt a t.olil •l thf' H111 bor anrt 0-.. .19:l KJns• Road • x 110 '7.9~ Cuh •""' 2 F'CLL LOTS IS Cnrona ~I Mar. Thry ma y nnl .,. ,h• ~t but U,..y •Unt ate th• ch•~•L 2 tor S~ Ca.h Chao. Selisbury ,ft&AIA'OR curt Deltl ... Clartno .. LUii "--*~· ON POPULAR BALBOA ISLAND! An invratment worth your care!u.1 c~iduat.ion -four apartJMnt.tl, each with guage and Ill own pal10. Phlla ntra pe9t ro6m and balh. He~ 111 A \·Rim• par.k<'d property that oeeda but a "apruce-up" job for hight-al income production. Fum.iabed price $47 ,500 ExiaU.S ~l T 1D •/180 Owner t.r.n.ferad t.o Ea.at Caut -an excep- t.icm.I bay on TWO.;J'Ul,L LO'r8! UDJvac would J111*>\IDOI tht. "A moD1Y ·ma.at." Multiple L~tinJ No. 8039. ltda ______ ·WM. W. SANFORD, and Associates IHI Marin• Aveiiue Ball~ laland ll.ubor 6971 Lee Bolin • a.riotte Fuiola Hub Po""*• • :Nona Hyer 3 lur.,.,. h"•hn • H.rht l111r"11 ., •, I lot Rio,;~\T Bl'Y 1 tN ISl.ANI, ,. till pr I• ·~ s ' •. ff11IJ t,. r f M F:X<'LL"S!Vl'C \\'ITH Newport-Me'a Rltv . 17911 s-port i'l•·rl c ... , .. ~, ..... W 8•:>M>a Jo:vu w 8 ;n ; BALBOA fSLAND SEE THIS! i .. ,~,.ly J J\<a•lruo111 I :.t bath home> nP1&r Nn. Huy Compl,tt!ly furnl•he1! ri I 11 • ~h•, ttryu and ~II tr.,..,,. er NIOe ,.t,n AD for •'nly '299"°.' UK F; 84 lTRCJ NT ? H•rT'a a dr•tl I Mdroom bom• plu• 1 b ... lrnom apa1t1n«1t. 00<•c1 In· <'Olll• plu• pl,.uant llvtni: Stt lll,. fM' .-.aeo " ..... Cul~ 2 ~cfroo111 l111u11e-plu~ •I· ITil<'llve 1 btdroom •1••rlm•lll Furnl•M4. f;l5.-0. Bir'.: mt Har. lMO Tb• "'HOJIUI' au.-... lpcit Park Ave. at ll&rin.e, Balboa Ialand Har. 2462 NELDA .GIBSON, Realtor ~~~~~~ w u. .. . . ,. BUILD ON YOUR LOT e. bednn born. f'lflO '* *-Two bedrm b~ f,alDI) ... t.-. Two bedroom home, ruace $:S9~ ... r&Mtlt Orowtna Put of ea.ta .... tor $22,500 C.sh ' or ""'brntt tefina ~ 1 btdrm $697~ * * 3 bf.drm 11 ~ bath home ~ ~1 a lrMdy __...... ... t • · Quality matE'ri.&1 and workmanahip ~t.a wtu tallll • -.... We a.rran~ fl~nclng -~OllANSE COAS1' PROIQJIES tor appotntm.nt. call CllAllL.l:a a RrrMD:R. OWMr DQ!a: Har. 1111 ll:Yu U ~7M 6tttcr CORONA HIGHLANDS Vtr¥ _,. I "1mt. B.aJd ~ abake rodt, ue4 . hrWL lnpt, lg'e. R-2illi,......_terfloal or nmtaJ unJt. Aaking $.25,500. CALL ADA CROW wtua ~ BEN J. WHITMAN, R·ea1tor 3M2 &. Cout Hwy, Corona de! Kar Har. 1862 or «53 ' a.tdl 3ot >Urine Ave. Ha11>ur lkl2 BAl.80.e. Ht.AND C-2 Motel Site TD• ... ~nLM l'nat11. Mf'AA with !Arre h<>m~ \tt..I m<>lf'I alt•, nnly '20,000 rlrm with ltrmM l>an A. J~ Heal Jo::.Wtate a......M111 1857 Newport Bl~ .• C. M .. Lt 8-1632, E"9 U 8-1400 LI •·•11 «t 04187 L1 ll4Jl7 .,~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~~~~~------...-...... ---~~~---~~---------~~---------~~~ ...... .__---~~---~_:.~...:....:.....::..:_.: -,. . -........ .._ 'iheeil'tfe ·~·wv !°Otal Down h)11MM I . J ledr~om1 _. 2 Betha -2-C.r 6atep Costa Mesa SUNSHl~E BEACH HOMES FULL PRICE $10,895 $TIUO PE& KONTJ! WILSON Ii PL.ACll:NTU. Furnished Models Open O.Uy 5 MinutH from the Ocean Near Schools I Work COST A M.E.5A SUNSHINE B~ACH HOMES OFTER ..• Front or rl•ar living rooma • Plenty ol clOMJta. Duung spate tn kitchens • '° 1al water bealelW. Natural birch cabinet.a • Confetti ui. 1n ldtcb· eru • M:itlcork floors • Wood &lid.Ing ~ dowa • 6,000 sq. ft. lota • Rook roofa. Aluminum screens. A="OTH.ER S. \'. HUNSAKER, A.LEX SIEPf DEVEU>PMENT BALBOA ISLAND 3 l~EDR~I. HOUSE plua 2 bcdrm. apt near E. Uay. Pncl'd nght. :! u111t:-J on good street. 2 bedrm. hoU81! plUI l tJr ll(•l. Altral·t1ve cklan property - ~r . Nu Bay, 3 licdrma., 1~;. bat.ha, :.l car iar .. 1 U.Jr apt. Small down. OwDer ~ to sell .• $2&,950 SmAll hoU!l(', rom<'r lot. Good location $10,815() 3 t>o~c1rm '..! bath, l.Jttle 1.al&nd $a1.!500 I1u1•l<'x 1 bc.-drrn. eacb, good •lreet. 522,!!00 Ev1·runga ,11.u Ed1lh Maroon, HYatt 4-6222 or Luu Boynton H.uboc ~18 EARL W. STANLEY, ReeJtor :.!:.!!'> Maruw A \l~. B&.lboa .laland. Harbor' 177~ I PENINSULA ~ulc :. hcdrm furulahed. l''m:pLaoe, 2 r.ar IJU"ll&C. f1•1Hcd <Inly ~:!;jijij down. 13A \' FIW~T DUPLEX. fwniabed. Pdva.t.e IK.·ac h l '11 r it:. float l Jl'l.A:\ Fl.CJ:\T, 2 bcdm1, 2 bath. $16.000 . COAST PROPERTJES f~L-TH JA YRF.U, Rtallor .\I 11dr1•d !~1ggs anc1 ~yh 1a Thom peon, Ad<>C1atea :':Ill I': Halt1oa Rivi!. Halbo& Har. 2658 or i 600 OPEN DAILY TILL SOLD I f,J !Id M ;i r , Costa Mc 5a Jl('<IUrC'd from $H•.fl~>O to Sli,2i5 for quick nle J hndrmn., I 1 1 hAlh111 , THE VOGEL CO. LIT><> <WF ICI·;, 3416 Via Lido, llllf 4971 IF YOU HAVE Bcl'll looking for &n invc1tme11t, Don't go any further' Thia ls 1t Excellent C-2 Corntr, adj01n- ing rnaJor 11hoppmJt c<'ntcr. Productmg 9', NET return now &nd hu potential to double. $27,500 terms _ G£:0. EVERSON, Realty lt67-A Newport Blvd., ec.ta Mcaa -Li 8-9411 AcroH Blvd from Safeway Store Corona Highlands OPEN HOUSE (509 De~ ll~ P.Jl. Eltcept WedDMday) ' 3 bed.room plu. hobby room, dl.l:ling room, 1i.pJ with view of Pa.clfk, i&rse landacaped &nd fenced ya.rd. Ab1mlutely top fia.ancln« available. You · namr your nWTI dOW'TI r-yment \\'tll oonsid~r 00111 IUI .Juwn pnymt•nt. Sf:'t> thia today!!! DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor "At the Bridp lo LIQo LNc'• LtJa)''•ttA> at &2nd St , &r. 4118 ·. :j I ~ I ' t . . .. ·" r._, ·"· "" . Through all The documented. history of th~ World there has never . been a ~fi9n whose citizens have had more to be thenltful ' for than we of the United States of Amelrka. " We are at Peace -an honored Nation! It has been said .. 'It . is . more ~ bleued to give than to receive". We of the United St•+•s have been able · to give · our wealth to all of the' nations o'f the world less fourtunate than .. ' 'we. Now·, we are asked to give of our advice, ~ounsel ind mediation, in the probl~ms that f a~e rNny members of the family of nations. Truly for this we can be Thankful But there is .more -much more . • . In our United States we are enioying the greatest employ~ent i~ the history ~f ~e n!- tion. Everyone abie and desiring to work can find work. Even those unable to work :__ yes, even those unwilling to faithfully discharge the obligation of employment, can be thankful - most thankful in these our United States. We are a nation once again completely United. Our President has been elected for . ~ . four years. He is your president, my president and the President of the United States of America -whether RepubUcan, Democrat or Dixiecrat. Yes, he is more -a great states- man of all the World and Hero to all men of goodwill and Freedom. We have so much for which to be thank- ful! California is our particular State and the season has been good, the weather sunny, and visitors have been h•ppy end. fun loving. Our City is showing signs of new beauty, new ' .. . . .iil/91' at the Hardware·~store w.e ,\+ruly · fheftk- ful for ioys . you have.' permitted us to ihare with you this year. W • 've. h.d fun tryin9 to face up to your probl~ms. ·MpJy yow needs,· and we hope we heve ~en .. yo~u e · um1e. · . . ' . But most of •P we ~re ~nlcfu~ that 10 many of you h•ve teken . time from your t;Usy lives in tliis Republic of ours -to tell ·.us . that you are glad to be . here. So to make it ·easier ·for ~· to see . our thanks demonstrated we are f •tint • b1»oth in the Business encl · Professional Women's Christ-· mas Preview. It is our way Of ;4ining · with ft1is fine organization of our town's 9.'eat gats to make it easier for all of you +0 : see all of us of the business fraternity. ·You can see your neighbor, ta~e · the f1mily out for an evening's fun, and all of the money which the gals of 8. & P. W. make goes into. their local beneficial work ~or tf1e youngsters of our community. . For the Christmas Preview too we are thankful. Join in the Christmas Previe~ at the Ren- dezvous BaHroom December 7 & 8. .l ·"O R G l.;-1~ .. : •. ·· ··D. · . 11.i Titl FIN'm-1 ~ ~ siOu 10 ... FOUND ANYWim . . -. ~ . : .·, ~-;• :_ . w-.. ~ .. Applats ~ •. JV ••• Rlllo ' . t L ·•1ace to t OPIN R ... ; .. ay1· . ... r .116 , .. . --. . . . . . .. .... • . . . . ... .. -.~ . .. . . '• .. . 'A .. ... . .. . . . . ... .. . . . r--• I' •n• •r :~ ;:.; ..... .. . ~ .. ':" . ..· ... .. ... ;:: '-:. .. ,, •r ... "" ....... ..