HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-11-26 - Newport Harbor News Pressc: .... . .. ' ., ' . :-:t'LDTY o• 900JI -Ttill Ii hGt' tht .._.. OI a-.. ltlll ~·-­ : ~ bUi the ~ o.,d ..-·maabie io ttaU.. u N~ a.dl'• Ku- : iidpal ~t' Par-oa IWI* elwd.. O~t tralW, ou ODI of·tbe SlOO a illontJa ·:~--~ta, la lbowu at the left ~~!~•~~~ ·Tbe ooJy otber ttaner .. ~n tbe lot 1a in th• dim dllt:a1* at the rtibt. ft• buildinr behind u. t..raiter ; '•t the left a. the .me. bWkliDI tor th• park •. -Staff Pboto Jet Pilot Trio lesc1e4 At Sea ' JUSTUS WON~ RETIRE! • • I,' n.. ate u. taeta, accordlnc to tho. who abOllkl know~ ()ply two filma about which there could poMJbly haw been controwe~ had be.en lhown.. Tbey wen mown m two clittbt ~ ot e1e,.,., Ollt to a d~ dw ud the other to a .S. bate sroup. They wen filma wb.idl Md been pre- wioWllJ ab.own -OM two ye&r'I q<> &Del tM other * montha ago -over a natsoul TV netlrork. Ou of lhi!M f1bu wu about bow~ pn.t- dmta an ~ and wu for the pu,o.e o! a~ qvabrt1n1 people of tbe nation with tht need tor a · better 8)'11tem, u then have been menral -three out o! the 1ut a tttm.a -vice praidellte who han faDm heU-to th.e 1>re9idency. Tlua other film wu a deb&te betwetn Ed Kur-"°"• Tice pnmldat ol a TV network., and Senator Joelpil McCuthy, wlllcb wu abowa a debate cl&u for jut what lt wu -a debate. It ii a IQOd, healthy thJ.na tor web qUfftioM to come up for tbe prem to 110IM. Some~ the hJib Kbool mea felt the crit1clJni1 ahould have come 4lreetJy to them and t.b&t the prHa bAd DO plaa in tM problem.. Then t.b'ey were wron1- 'l"ben would ltill uilt 1n thla country 110me o( the botte.t communist center. bl the world it a tr .. F'8 bad Dot 11.....S up to Jte duU. an4 broqbt to the JiPt ot day the tact that .ome teachera wtre CU'9fully tnoculatinc their pupU. with ideal.a entltt- ly tor.Jp to the free p~pta or thil rr-t country. Ar!.y ph&M of our educational ayr . m i, fvery- body'1 bunneu Offshore Islands Become Granddaddy of Long Legs Tba IJ"&Zldd1ddy of all Daddy Lona Ltp in the way of ba.rpa wu clediO&tA:d ncmUy a t Loni Bea.ch by h oil ~t company for proeperttn1 alolll ~ ocean tlOCl' la front of our 't>Hcbn. Thia bup. wttb jg dpat m foot lep. C&.D do ewry- lhinh it through a, EDWAD r. avrroN COURTHOUSE BEAT By I .t.Cll a. 80ETJ'NEB SANTA ANA. (0CN8) -Gale-like winda hammered on ~e windOWI of the Coo.rt.bowie anno office of Oranp County Plannloi Commiaaion Direetor Harry Edward Berch-Chilly wind.a aeeped th.rough the czub ot the old ..,ooden frame atructun which Wied to home the exclualve St Ann•'• llln. with duU• dllll.lnct h'ora ..ca. D\Mlty 11U• partally obKu~ loca.l city. Thlni• nMded for the the l&l• attemooe aun. It wu aru u a 'Whole ~ b&Jldlild by a .etuq for eoaver..Uon wit.JI 01' body -1r1.1ch u -.alt.aUon. undc!rtonff In the minor kty hlfhwaya. tnLtUlport..aUon. wal· ~rrh'• outlook tor lb• tan and educaUonal wrvtceL count1 ai.'*<1 w1th Ule WHUI-OOIOIOJllf 0000 #r. Olatnal. Uni-. ~In ai.p. Undorr UM '7oroal0 pl&A" CS.. are taken a.nd taken In Lh~ neu •nlopmenla have bwn made tutun.. with lll4 common 1oocs of a u U\ Tbe proleulon&I pl&.nner -mind. ~ coualy ruahlnr hndlona Oranc• County la ~8llned to into cl\aoa a. pointed a tll'lrer be one v .. t metropolitan arM at lb# dU•' .er-amble for land on• Clay, 8erp opllW't , and, and power thC"r'L'lo"', coordlnat.d pla""'1!r TAX VlOTIMll la a nMr abllOlule -..sty. "'l fffl lhe l.&Jlpayer. Who are Jt'I (lltlnJ IO a property the •lc«m. ot th-unre· owt1er doeen·t ltnow wtwre h• •tn.lned aruw-..uotu att r;otll( atanda. He may .,. lo a ,...,_ lo ~ma.nd ~laUon to bnnr denUal or acMculturaJ county W. Wna WMllPr IOllW kind ot ton• and U1f'n auddenly ftnd conuol ·• S.rrb --~ • "Thf-re h1mwlf 1uu\u.~ lnlO .omie dty. are too many llvqwuea. Xor• Then the --Y lie ..ttebe4 are con:linC." to lndu.try or comm•rd&.I to He explaln.d It UI UM tu-tll the clly'1 way of th!nllln(. p&ye,.. w1u11n U1• nty boundar· Th• plann1nr tolllm1Mlon ta lee wbo ant llll hard and ba.v.. awu" or U.. ~ and no VC>lee a.I aJI 111 uw a.nn«i.;a. 1la.ncu ready to h•lp IOI•• them. UOll procHdin~ It 11 thr loc..-al C"oordln&Uar '"'?'My dof'l'l 1•t • cban<-1 to orr&n1•Uo11 to Uadlt ~ com-"'•r-d otf ~ burct.n." UM pla.n-p~x •ltuaUon. ner dKlartd.. "'or lnat&no., Some don't n&J11 .. the ClOm- whal Oo tti. peopJt of Oarden ml•son. u a county rovarn- Grew pl lo ••Y about t..M m•nt tadUty. aJ.eo la 9Uppori.d city'• Ula.x.allon pla.ruo ! And Jiat u mud1 by t.&>tpevwrw wttb- lbA'n lhf'rr'1 lhf' 16-mllr 1uuwx In lb&' lllcorporat..d cttiH boun- No home la meeure wb~n a ma.n and wife a~nd more plall ot !"anta An•. Each ..,m• d•r1H' u u-wit.bout. It l\a1 tb&n they earn. When both b&ve aa-"n-. they ca.n dip lo ta.I 11 Uloosh t... ahout.1 111.i. a rreponatblllty bolltl ,.._.,.. then. • --v. hU• t!M r-rabbtnr·• r nod " COWM18SJON OOAL mt.o than .. But wtien aavinp are cont, the home la In 9rf'l'h biPll"•• • ~ntrtll ot-Thf' commlaaion . ,.,., la lo t;.ouble. ri,. 1hfJl1lrt ~ _.t up a 1ort or llnd mC"thodt of ,,.acblna th• Good adrice to the Yo""' when -ttina ma.rn~ i.t: c!f'•nna' h~. 10 preVf'n• 11ap-roel or a m1trop61ltan aru on --.. •-• Laaard county dn•loplTM'nl. T'tw • un1t1P'! b&1i. r•lhf'r Ulan &IW&T• •t.&1 wltl\ta y9llr la· bo-r bu i:-n r .. l~t~ tor cani..r wpuld r .. tu.-. t'llV and Individual wllkh r•n only crH ta _...; .. .,..; a.nd put 10m•tlunr uioth•r four yru-1 h. Wiii co•inl v plannlnt '"JH,..,.nlalh"• dl111nlly 4t&de tor a ralJQ" day, vni.n ha•• mor• ti~ lo Mil out ttw n1~tinc t"l'"lhrr I•> diaru11 mu· Th• l..-af11• or Cltlu and tou borrow ,,._1 and caa"t "'a.ate and extnv~ nt I.ht I t11a l plaru t n'1 problt'ma o\l'l(><"\alrd C'hambtr• ot (om- .,ay. you're th a nuleraek~' prw_vwu.e admlAl.lilratJon -by l'l"oBALAN<;s: Ql"J; menf' of Oranit rounty a.re fir J'Mr pa.ru.... haTt lllak•d eonllnut<I b&laneed budf'ltta. Olhn"' lw "" f'<"Onum1r un •·orklnr ro~tard unity ot d~ :Jlllll to a boma, yeu caa ~ Wba'I\ -and only wa..t -balan~ I• bmind to rtt•ult. 11 vf"lopm•n! Th" 1iroU11d ~ 4iD It. llad J.a. 1'01' are ~ -caa lltop. lo • .,.,.,. I&,,. rnult1n1, •rre>rdln1 In !Wrfh. har'11}' hffn turn..i bl' tl'Ooble. You a.rt •ot ll'rlnc ~. ll•pporUJ\I' lbe --Thlnkln1 or 11r1r mort' thAn th• I A plan la afoot lo l'"t lh11 'lftUda :roar ..rmnp. llUN of to,.ip land•, •lld ,.... O•erall county plrt..irt II the C"nuntv elaaaf'd u a. •parat• lie ~t Ill MCUtt .._... 0oYU1U:n'"'t Crom actiwt-baalt 11n.,._r ¥•hlrh m•.ch nt thf' mttrC>polltan •~ bv the ButH.u ,.._ ~ apend&nr Ill U.. com,.uq Willi the Fr'M aan.xauon I• prr:>t"P,.<tln.r BerJh of c·,.n1ua whl<"h nnw lnoka on ~ Ul&a lac:iooM. Erit.lrprlal 8yatnn. t/Mon can aald. It t• br1nrlnJ a cnnt111non Oranr'" County u • part of Ult .. ,,_ Oovw1lmeDl CM.Me lo U... pro\lem.I comm.nee lo M ot jw'9d!cUonal eontrol. lA• An1•ll!'1·Lonl' S.ach .,..., ~ U lol\I' • U CNI t&' eolftd. 'n. mad dUtl tw tt'mtory I• That'• a. lonl' way o1f. tno. .. ~ f• ITIO!ll'J 'lt"IMa • 11 P"Jll• ..,.nl to l9t In Mt. ~J\C la •tuaUoru whrre Th• mairtu pl&n of land uw .....,.. that'• tltltr bwllne•; but It II IONI clU41a ..,.. to .,. O\•f'rbal-tor Onu1r• <'.:>unty adoptf'd In M a NIUlt ot U. 10 :r-n not tile CcnlllltatJona.J neat ., •need ..-~lla.llf. throw1ni a JMt I• du. tor r•vtlllon. S.rdl fll U. locla!la Lettwtns U. o.nmm.tlt to P'•t ~ ~~ ta• ~ on tht' c-ltl-cnnt,.nded At that tlrM th.re ~ J'ut1, Ulld9 lam WU people In debt. -9f tai. eMlununtty. ... .... no antlctpauon of rr-t ex- -__., ta *bt. -Witboul .. ,.._. • tlaw &> you n,w. 'nl099 0011UWW1ttl• a,.. 1o1nr p&nalon.. T!le quick de-velopnwnt die ~ to recluce U. -Cll.8 re\ U.. a-.m.nwa& Wit to ftnd tM)' doll t b&n thf' taa Ulroup UI• yeaA hun't Pff"'tl- Jf... tat o.-.1 m..-Ott .... ' ~ t4 tUA °'. ot .supply-led ttnl• to cba11S9 Uw ordt· l'ol..tF Ulllt 1'.....,.ort-9alboa N_....Ttmea ... tM N~·B&lboa P~ A D I at Ha 1.-1 .......... ,_ 0.-Feny Yean tiif U.. .,..eauy ~ un-nanc». '-• hip tair rate I• i>la~cl •ut ti\• ti"'-ta rt,. tor ,.,.. on U\e b--.. 8-"1U hn• ~ Ow courw. • a..-p IL!cll -.-.1 tax ,.._ and '"' ...._ The pl&aniq and ,. : -, .tU.ldnn. Otbe"9 wlU h&TI a lot rnnt commtttM ot the Aaoc!tat- of chl.ldnn a1ld low ratu ancl •d Chamb.ni al,...q bu em- IO on. barlcf'd on a study ~ ..,_t- Berrh I• tn favor ot v.hat 11 ually Will br1ft( about 11t1rr-t9d knDW1l amofll' profualonal plan-ch.ancH In y,. ordlMllOt for ntni u I.he ·-roronto plan." Th• commlalon a.,P,..,al. Olnadta.n city bu combln>d wv-In LM lonr nin. ~r. eral communiUe• Into one rnt-8"rJ'b ballt'Y• t.Mre •hould i. a lropollt&.n entity. 8p.clal lrsi•-cent,..l f?'O\IP alons ui. Toronto ....... 1111adCl .. Mata.ratUMPaetOttlc:elnN-i>ortBtiacl\, l•Uon baa enabled th# Pro•lno. plan llnff If th• <"OUJ1t7 ta to ~ l&M9I' U. Act ot Kudl l, 1179 ot Ont&r1o lo el-et reprewnt.a-dneklp to tta tullest ec:onoauc Ufta to • metropoUtan eouncU. poUiaUal. r ·m ·~---·•1> 1..,._..,...117u.. ~ ..... J1"1181.D1111CG OC*PANY malM ta .. -. But tA u.y trY.at, the p'IU- nor alt.empted. la (tt.Uq moet ot the facUOM involved ln l."- ptcture lo(tther, to at I.le.at p&H the way for &lalty In tba ....ion. Amlt1, ~. u clittkult l4 achl.eve la a •luaUoll wlllitra Ule aortlleni put ot Cautor1'1.a bu water, &Dd t..n. aout.>wm part ot C&lltorul& le de!lcl•nt. The llituauon, Uwr.ton, appean lo be one IA which Ole li.t.t·a l1rtaJatora will alur It out on lba lloor'9 Of the UM111i.ly Ud •nat.t. U not.hll\f al•, lbe conte~no. hH \rou1ht out tba ract tn.t lb.a Ume tor •utbbUq Ill ..,.,. and Ull Urn• tor cencret.e actJon ti... anind. A.a OOT"1\0r 1CA1sbt .a.1d, "ll l• t.he 8tta.-wld• ap- pl'OMJa Uliat --t oe ooa· mon srouiada. 01ll7 • .._ -.,,,,. our -..ter and flood ,....,. lema lt&t,e.w!Ot, will -"-" .... ul"&ntt ot eot-ril\( .,.,.._nt· ly eur l.ndtrtdual IJOcaJ prob- leraa. N He polntAod out turUMtr th&l t.llen I.a no ~et oo u.. ..... ..--lMl Camomia mmi 41rN.lop addillOMJ ... tu 1Uppllff lo euTYtve u a"dyn&m· le" ecoDOlll1 Tlae ._,,...,.. ...... lbrouet.otJt the •tat.. be aid, .. ~ only la detail•. · The rov•l'llOr'a talk at Uw W&ter eo.teTenCA wu not oaJy a atrocic pie& for untty on Uw put ot all ll\tu'\'.U. bul ll al8o appNred io be eomeUUnr of ··1aytn1 down th• la.w ~ on th• mllder atd•, ot coul"M. but n.verth•I-a •tatf"mrnt ot th• COUl'N thr s onmor lnttnd.e to follow, And a folletw Utro11f11 will l"dkat• the k ind of lf'ld<Pr- lhlp tb&l C&llforn.la ~ In lll -tar preb~ n.e ra....mor l.el " '" known Ulat lh1a ~ daea not and cannot lilt.end to bulld all t.M projec:U ln U.. Ca.lltoml.a Water Pl&n WiUiout lwl• from the Fed.r&I f'OV.-nll\PL Tb19 hU bMll on• of the ao-aUed de- ta.111 wblch lilan beld up pro- (rHa. "ln a4dl Uon to our Cl'W1l ("()D- tn bull ona," ht aa.ld, "we UJH'Cl and --..n-e apprec::Labll aa-auta.aoe tram ou.r Fedtn.l r overnm..,L We pta.o to work w1UI U.. .. eder&l sovemm.lll ln carrytnc out prori.11100. of tbe Ca.Utonlla Water Plan, within Uwt KoPI oC Ca.l.ltomta'• w•t•r r1(bla l&wa. Tbe pe..-t history ot federal 1•et.1vtty Jn ._.'-nrld would &n~• U..~ • wfJl be aubttantlaJ unounta of Federal t..MUt,a,_ ava1la.bk tor dnelop- men\ oC FedtraJ lnlerul.a In our wa lar Pf'OIT&JTI. •. H• point.Id out, however, ll'ult Ca.lllornla mu..t bt In comp~• accord amOf1S Ill OW'll peop&. "Mort -will M on a aound footitll' lo -kins t.ha LUlalane. .... Mid frona the F9du'al p· U'll"WflL" 1'o be toriot tan. h• M.14. are wlt\ab 9Kllonal dift•renoea and penoNLI ~. whil.&' t.o IN rt!lft.al~ ll Ult fact Ulat coeoratraUOll mu« be focuaed on Ult -u:a.n and Prosrea oC u.. •t&te .. a •hol•. ODce ui. It.a.ta lti(ULature know• U..n 1l •~n1. t.h1t1 It wlll be -..y to proc:.ed, f<rr t.ha i.Jialature t. auppc>Md to do not.bins but mirror IN dfflrH ot ~ people ot Calltom1._ And cert.a.Inly Ul• p.ople .,.. ,_dy to 11 .. above ,.atlon11llan and pooltv detail and proo..ttr1 wllll a IOUnd "'alu dfv•lopment poUt"7, AFFA1RS OF STATE By REN'al' C. JlacARl'RUB SACRAllENTO, -(CNS) -Once &(&in. the 1ome- wb&t ancient 1tory coooem.JD( p.yment of Lnaurance brok- er tee. by the St.ate ot C&llforn.la hu been revived, com- plete with 9CaTtl headllnea a.bout "cuttin1 the pie" on behalf of certain legialaton who a.re lnauroce broken . The p&ymernt of brobr , .. ukld to bt r.,.ond from th• by the It.at. bu been a at.an-liaL Kow.?W, t.htre aUU re· dard prectlc<e for many ,,_,. .. ma.Ill !J" tt four ft.epubltcan u- d _. _ _, ~ _.. b d _1111,_ an4 Oii• IWpubUcan an ----•• ,_."" y a • -I.cir. n:Uninr&UON pnor to Uiat or o. Ole ou..r ll&nd. tll4lnl w 0-.mor Ooodwln J, ICJllpl Ila a.tao ta.. Tt-°' the 11t1bject to ctn.loped no tnetbod wbereb)' t.M eftect Lbat the It.ate muat -b paymmta CUI a,. aY"Old-9. btl)' lnau.ra.tlel; ti.at &CIClOrdtftl nu la becau9a °' air-Mertl to UM proetd\ll'M n-d by lm· Oft tlle part ol lJWuruae ~ auranoe com~ea, a com- panl• t.bat bt'okel' acency t-mleiklft muat br p&Jd0 and tur- muM 9-pa.Id Ola all &C<lOUllta. Uler, that pol!Ucal pracUc•• Nf'&.rdi.. ot W'tlet.Nr or not rui•ralt1 ueume b\Ylneu "*' tbl broker perrorma an:r ..-.1C!911 lo Mmct1 et Ute admJnlat.raUqft. to ant tM fH. And If UM liivy· Jf U11a -. ..t the cue. tMn .,. of tM tuurance. In Uli• lft• ,_ people W'OWd tnullle tf*ll· ~ UM 8t&t1. falla t.o cS.9-.. ....._ to M lntenlltedl bl poU- lpate a brollier to re-eel" the Uca at all eomJT\illllon. then UM pa,_t >.'lllout lM anl1 mannw Jn eorft1'&117 ltalf mu.. eueh • w111dl thi8 ~ of ~ dellltpatloft. ~Jd M a"rt.d l>y the St.ale Wlalle t.tt... ap,..,. to be no would M ua. ~t ot ........ emi,a~ ln'f'OITed la ....... tiaa ,..nuq Ole ltab UM: ..,-.n. Ule ~ of rt.It • ...... .. ....,..,.. t1U ... JIN.. QWIOa ••m. g&&,g', ...... .,._lilt ----------------------eouna. ...-. u i:o WlletJwr ...-.. wtu. • .....,_.._ ,_ ·------------~~-------------ltctll&tor ~ ............... ., t.M -•11•1 w -.. ,.,, ................... ~.,, ... mm. Grass Roots Op1·n1·on . . . &Cl'.,t tlda t,,. °' ~ ....,.... ,.. • .. to u. .,.,.._.,.._ lll'rdwo.rtetOl'lllllpO.. .. AdllaNe. 4-nta &11d lltJll nt.a.la their respcnil-ttat.. wMt'9 t:M W7 mu1c1 7S , OtM•w Jtu 1 111 PM ·-A_la.._ 11mu.a or an ullblut.ed bu\• to bt d&..ud •ell Into th• fUnd , • y t I JQi • 'Ill ~ A.wit u.. lb• people ln their dt.tr1et.a tram WIUdl It came nJ " a oire.-~ .M-.......... BELLINGHAM, WASH .. HERALD: "Tb• 'farm wtlem t.ltly nprwent In th•.... Th• arrumernt a,.a.1 IUdl • bi-lalatuN p~u" would " that the .mif l\SDCICK, l"t.TSLIS1ID pro u:.w' hu been with ll.I tor years. It bu been A~tanre ot th• commlu1on rcmautuuoa pmvtd• tor a I)'• WJJ.U,AM a. rsn.LIPt!I. l:dtt.or alfP"&v&ted by coaditJone ot war and peace. But a-.. a ltrektr en Ow Un main· t•m of tT'ff ent..,ma. '" ca1- JAJG:& K.. KATBENT. Adnir1.latnc OV.Ctor ~rta •ho do not want to kf'ep It 'ti.fore the peopbi tabl...S by the ac!Mtnlltratlon lfomla. • UI h .. • the Stele CBA.N.&a 4 . AJUl8Tlt()NO, Mecllaalcal luper1nlc\d«it tu• rMdlly cou>d lrne lM lm· 11nter the n•l<t u an IJ\Jl\U'&ACe u • po.u.ucal football regard the prognun in effect p»c&Uoe Ulat s-t.nuy pel"\J\IUfn broker, or '" &111 ot!Mr 1111ed S1188allPl'!ON 1Ufta1 now u t.he most hopeful lonc-nnp .oluUon yn ot-rHUlode .,.. Mtnr uaect by tM ot ltullln.eae. "'°"Id ._ a rap at Jf~ ...._ l'f-"'--Trt-W..tdJ • fered for tu.mine the farm bualneel back to priftt.e admlniatratlon ~ 1nnu-1 ... th• trH enterprt.a. ..,.tem •nd b Ol'&ltl'e o.-tJ ...... ,W ,....., ..... •• -: fl.M ~.... l•l•U" acUon. nr.t lti(lalalM, a tnnd t.Gwvd turU\tr eodaJ- o.e.Ma 411 o..a.. c-t7 .., ... ,_ ,_r enterprlae !armers." recopillbla t 1111 1mpUUU011. laUon of u.. State pverwnent. TDIECULA ORA VEY A.&D ->J It looked 50 yean after it. t>atabllahment. With ~viction ot the Temecula Indiana 1n 1875. the old campo- 11&nto 900ft fell into nerleoct until today t.hel"9 ia hardly a tra~ ~tL FARMER McCABE • • WRITES • • The Dine Don DaddJu o! the Sbow Bu.ta• (Elm PniaWy and Uberaoe) have Jed llt the bowi..·· lnl ~and ot. puny woma OD t.betr ..,.- by t••tq up cm each otben' mwdcal !D.tti'umtnti and Body Twlt.cbtm., Lota& folka thJnk that tbey':re . both je9t O\lt of tJlia world wbm tt comtl to •tcr-a talnment -but 8bucb, I reckcn I~ oJd tuh'4Ged · -I'd Iota rather hear Roy Acuff or Tenn•ee Ermit . • • come to tbJnk about it. I ._... ta..n • t.be W•nr hm.lly U. lltil.I ae top ol Qi. SmolrJ. • SolM Woman ao0. BOIW ha ,_ rmw'bd': that women drea for men, &lld ltten there wun•t- aey men why beauty abopa and ccmnetic outflta · would 10 out ot bu.sine.a. Maybe they do tnquaf · the buuty abopta and coam~ abopm becau.ee of the mt'1l, but By Grannlell 1 ••• they abore don't have the men tn mind when th~y decorate th~lr bead.a wlt.b them DJMlide down lhinp they call bAta. •. FARMER McCABE Call richta re.crvM) 'i N~WPORT'S POSITION The pcwff lon Newport Beach &nd the ~t of Or- up County occupiee ln the network of Metro- politan Water Distrlct trunk pipe line.a ill ahown in the above map, prepared by Councilmt.n J. B. Stoddard. The map abow• Newport Beach down at the end ot the •ywtenl. euUy cut otf from •uv- ply when 9"ater pta low In the clbe8 north of bett. The rflMl'VOir marked on the map back of Corona del Karia the pruent reeervoil'. The new Today's .N. Y. Stock Report lfa.rM& NllO"l ,,_ pl1vat. wtft .t ....,.._-BamraUI 411 OD. N..-pert lleM:la. 1 :IO ,._. N. T. Um' lly Jb1P T. X.,_., DOW:IOllD .t.Y&aAOD • .......... .... 71.00 oil .fJT M ~la • r itt.11.etr AM ll UUUU. --..1.. MM ., .U I PJll.. V ...... l ........ Allia'k .. n 811l•ltin« ·-··-····· 1n" .A...-tau Telcp.IMlN ••••.••.• 188 .Anaoond& . ... .• . .... -.•• TT a-al Clec1.ric _ ....... _.. Ill~ 0...-.l MotoN -•·-. .. U,. Olln"I Broe. . _ .. 2' 0,_l Not't.llern ll.R. . ··-.. 41'6 N. Y. C-tn.J .. -· S4' • Mo11...,._y OU . :-1., ~ lil.Ocll&lr OU llO 1.t ~ Oil or C:~lll 4:\ 111 'J:n,llamnka 39 ~ °" "' eaur. NI.,, t:. & "'-' et"- IN MWD one, lt built, will be northeut of that point. With Newport Be&cb a1ao at the end of the line when It comee to undu(r'oWld wster aupply and the const&llt threat of Alt water infiltration becawie water levels throughout the basin are avera(ing 17 feet below 8'a level, the city'• poeition water- wllle bl a crltical one, Moddard feeW. and that i.e Wbf be ia inat.ttng on building a 1200-acre-ft-et rMeTVoir u eoon u poaible. ' Harbot rt.it, Memorial Perk .......... BALTZ MORTUARIES CB.APEL 81' TD a£A -E. Oout BlYd. Odr-Clu det Mar. oam. rtioe. Ila.rt.or u l.ICENBJCD ·cARnNTER y,'fll do new or old jobe. day or aoa- tract. S.nd card t<> 1510 Del• wan Ave., HanUnl'lOn Beach Hple f<e[idy Mixr:d Concn:lr 0 • ....,. F•~-c.aUL WELCH'S DADY ..xa CONCIDI 1• c dll1 Wlllf ()C)eTA ll&aA U ...... ~~llW7·:4& ............ ........... PARKES MOITUAIY ~.-....,.r·r ..... ........, -o-ea .... n.. LIWt7........ u ..... t~e lie~1rd leeso1 Comp11y Laackccrpe Des9 9d C1•1i1Ctl1• NSWl'O&r llU.Qll PBOKS •A• .. 1111 JAMES D. RAY Gen•r•I Contractor & Builder llto..t .... OOllONA DCL IUJ raon••·--•• THEY CALL THIS THE ATOMIC AGE ••• the era of the "thinldna'' machine. Bwt aboTt au. Uila ia \he aae ot A..-~t. Pei'·~ oar eout;ry needa' IDCft and more lkilled IDiDda to .._ .. u.om., ~oar cultare and pWe oar""""' a.a'"' St&Mard. too, needa fftllb aw c JJ'b to Hieh "9 l '••M poatioe in • ~ ..... , compKltht Wiiia• That'• ny this Jeer staiUlU'cl·••~ 111asrmn .w ann. able. throbsb cobep1, 2M ICholanhip9' tor mackir- gradu.ate atudJ, 62 feDowahlJM for ,ndoat. wort. plu a sen. of pan.ta to uni....-.itles. ln theae .,.,.. Standard afonla JOU.Ill people tlu'oqb- oot the COGDtl'J a better opportu.Dit7 to contribute to their ~emioas and eommunidts. J. MR& )ium;)EJUCK KAJOIERER GLEASON Gene ROM Photo =Gleason-Bacon . .Vows Recited SEALARKING 8' OIMO' (D&. EDWUD LDTIJ&) 8llll'll AB9ARD TYPEE LIDO ISLE: Thia Tb&nkalfviDg week-end wu .ce.rWl1I)' a busy one ..• with the Fall Gold Cup ~ptt.a 1poD10red by NHYC •.• the. U.S.O.· U.C.L.A. pme and the Balboa Yacht Club'• annual Pre· aent&Uona of trophJe1 cocktail-dinner dance •.• plus maey private parlJ• amoq N9WJ)Ort.trs, the l.U(•t of Wb.icll Courtney PlatfA lb• Clan.net ..... muem. UM Raymond J\oe... wu the Jamee ftubel oocktall men, &J\d J:dward J. Schrillo all party 1n the Balboa ~y C'lub·1 with Iur• family TrankaC1viJ\a 8t&le Room In honor ot th• part.I• • • • n.wly-wedded Jamee Rubel Jra.. .. DIC.AR RUTH.'' l.be Norman Kruna comecty. wW ~ fo..U. VIRCllNIA. .AND BOB hrbu next Friday and Seturda,y ntpte c.i.bftlM l"bank ... Mn1 nrau-1 at UM Udo late 0omntunJt7 1n baiwk,.. . . . .._... an~ ClubbouM PAMPt.ect b 1 t 11 • wrUt la In a cut and Vl,.tnla'• bland Pla)'en who h&vt alracty , r..-.. ~~ In shad• at pale to deep r<9e, deep arm la In• .un. • · · t.-. dlff.,,. made a nam1 tor tbernaelne tor "' .... ,-..... mt acc\M1'4 OD dlffu.nt •4-,yl snuh hill .•• ~ JDalDOll& leaVll, pinlt aatin "ribbons, c&lid'es agleam ... both happened at home ll'ob BETTY AND FRED BUTTON Off ice rs Elected By Poffiona Grange Ora.nee County Pomona Grange met at the Cotta Mee& Gr&ncP Hall, Cocta Mea Nov. 8. A pot luck dinner wu aerved al e :30 p.m. and the lecturer'• pro,n.m wu A llumia-..u.q followed the oenro•... A. Clu1amu ,.ny ... ·~tor o.o.n. t.r tw memMn. h~ &Ad fueU.. Mn. R~ Kc0a.rtUa. a fol"IDel' IMftlWr, wu wekomed llacll after UI 4~ troc lbe ~ f•r -.. Ulaa a y.ar. 8M wu •"°""'" IA> ~ lbe oatca of TICCN'dUa( • eecret.ary ncated '9 al&le &DC! sanctuary candelabra combined 1D • lovely fell off a cbalr, and VlrSW& celebrate their e~hlh weddinf nuptial Ntt.ig at St. .bdrew't ~ytcril.D Churda Nov. =~ ~ ~:':! ::!; anniv*rnry next Saturday, o.c. 21 "b ...... .i..::.. n~tJ a.eon ud.Frederiek Kammerer i wtth c:oc1twi. tor 1&0 at lhttr riven befo~ the buainea aeuton. ----mo,. MICl.dtnll happu at home Via Und!M home ... Via Undine by Mn. R.e" Bell Mra. J. a T•ft.ftfy, &IJ UA mtmMr from Luak, Wyo. Ud now 11rift1 ~ eo.t.a M.-. ·~ a p.-toe the ~enl~ lln. M. J . ButM&11 WU co-hOtlt .... Oleuon .-.cited Ulell' lllU'rtaP IJMltcW t.1111 IOW'Qa I.a color ™ than anywben .i..• ... Bat l8 the new addrul ot Shirley Oftlcers !Aordolthpbe ~~~Y·n.g year were elected u fol-She's 'n He's Club YOWS. Tiie ""· Jame 8. It.Ir· ~da dlUried "'4lr c)\rya&n• wtah .. rorbt9 for two irJ)Mdy and Charlie Sparkubl when they Iowa Muter, ..,.,... Byer, Cenlralia: u.&1Uftr,.Hu10 wt perfOC"DMd at ..,,._ _o'cloc:Jc wmuaia Uk! the ~or attend· l"900Vtrlu • • • move from lbelr Via It.haca Garden Orovt, oveT11 .. r, JOMph Belau, Coet.a Mna, .eecretary. tllil at~le rlJ\I ~ Whirb 1.Dl c:U'lt*l 4;11.ryl&Q&.bemwna ud KJCar; AND THP:RE borne , . • Rapier. Co•ta MN&: 1teward, Mn. Karl McDou1a.Jl, Newport mdted U\t daupt.tr 1 ol ~· y.llow 'l'aJl,uu.a J'OMll. THANK80IVINC DAY found &JX:;CPUATINO Jullua 1Cdwa.rc1a, Oarden Grove, l'lrat 11eulon of a Mw club tor uamarr\M lldlllt•, t.M a11ie·1 ·n H1'1, wu Jleld Nov. 20 •t Harbor: 1at•kMJ>Cf, km W&btr, 9laclr.bwn Kall, Hat 8. 8ycia- Centralla; C.-. Mn. Cl&rabtllt JDOl'I Bl., &aota 4-. A bUl&MM Pal"IOnt, eo.ta Meaa: f>OlnOn&, llMtOft .... foUowed by da9dn1 Mn. Ra.plw, eo.t.a M-.a; Flora. and ttfrff!unent&. Anolbtt -t- Fay1 W1ber, 0.trall&J member taa. 01ICft '4 tile ,ubllc, wlU r,. of exec:utJ\•t comm.lU.. HUTy 1*cl u.orr-at l :IO p.m. ln Brown. Carden Orovt, planlal, the ll&lnt bl.11. fto1"rt Ltonard -.Con._.., Ol~lc o.._. TOlllllNoa Krv~ hia tti. WU11am )(cCook fb\Uy of Drtn, and the i.te.Jlt. 1Jacon, br.t>la-*l&W .. bUt man an1 Balboa at U»w f_.., San BUT W18KD to Ml"I. Etta U8'8l&nl 1t.eward, Charla OJ.Ion, Uld I.he l!On of Mr, W. J', u.ebtrw --DonaJ4. P. Nlrhol1 __ _.,_ .. ... .. .. Nonnan. who i. con•al19Clnf af. '1 Oard• Oro••: lady .. lat.ant "'f-·-ee ............ o .. o~ ••• ..,,, .... R-ta.t ,. Gtea.on of Ywna. Ar1L Jr Jt,nlile1Zrieeoa ~d Edwln G~Gld)'llH l'&nltbf t11• turkey ter a lfoe.i -r qe -· • at-ard, Rea O'laon, oar d • n 8et.ty, eecor\ed t.o th• al~ Phillipa_ ~-....._ ........ ~........ 1, .. .i..o to C.Orre Read who I.I back I ..,, al thelf . ._....,r ,-_,,, " ..,, al h'-n... •• Aena homl afllr a Gr'O'Vt; C"baplalrt, l'Jrryl 01.Xon, de! .-wn 1A kftplll( b)' -r. Mra. a.con. rown.HI ln a 10n Ed ~mt tr'bllU QM1 School .. ..--I El ln1 l,)onaJd P. Nlchola. fMnd of Mr lbftlb of emer&ld Wfl'la with ••. Dorothy IO'Kua\~ ud Hank rectnt accldent and a brief .Uy C-01ta Me-: lectuttr, v • a.t.t f&UMr, WU lovely ta bU llD\&ll whllt hat and whlll or· Lunney al lh• North Hollywood at H~ •.• and IO flad to hMr --- f9Wll ol white M llD. .Alencoa cbid co~•· u.1.at..ed t.lw younir home nt the Howar<i l..:Jl1f'<"kM"I Skip J'cl<M I.I better athr h•r c d 1a<-e fuhlonf'd the IQl\I lleev,,. p10pM ln ncetvlnc. Other• ~nd· ..• S.tty and Fred Button at recent VUll to Celant ot Lebanon 0 me y at and Mdlee top while Ult lk1rt -. (I Mf,I• aid were Kra. J. the Hollywwd Out.poet bome of Ho•plW . • · I h&d a u.,.1 train. Ker a.pr. 1).-• R ... '~r of tbt IMtty'a ii.Iler and brother-In· la.". SA VE THESE DA Ta: Tuu· 1 h Up veil WU beld I.a ~ .,, _.. 81'4 -•Dt. Xn. z.u ._ ..... _ d d Nov rr for Juncheoll m .. t. Play ouse Ult Don Hin• •.. ~ an ay. • · a coronet ol alenooa liloe ...a &mt; Yrs. .A.4kli"Ph Rlchlll• Otort• Walk.,-aboard their 1n1 of Chlldren·• Homa Socialy I -C&IT1ed a white orchld wttll "-~. au'*-4' U.. rroom. and c . . .. · t • ·do Boud .. -me of m.&nor --crul.Mr Pol1-at a ........ na • a '-' ,.., ''Tb• "'t.lte Shttp of the .,'911 ot .tApb&MUI. lilnl. ~ Mckey. Cbel'I")' Cove whue lh•Y 1pend 1 Mrt. I.Aallel Pel.el"Nll • · • W9d· a~UST vtt.''l:T For U.. ....._ lprtnp honey-every wMk-.nd •.• BtJI and n-1ay, Nov. 21 for lh• ColUllon.1 P'anuly", a felonioua comf'dy. Atc.ndiaata wett Mi.a A-mooo the MW Mr. G\ttuKM Tobv WUt"Ox and their famlly at at lh• Newport Ta.-bt Club . . o~l\I at ttw> t.a1una Beacn "ldlo ..W Cl( twioor, Mn. WOA a cbu'l:rGal .._ twffd suit Palm Sprtn,ra •• at t.M Balboa : P"rtday, Nov 30 for IMllC'Ond an· Community P\ayho\lH Friday oi.a TocaliD9oll. lilnL &dwanl wt~ Nd u.d wh!Uo ~nn.. Bay Club were the Mark P1trl'll, nu&! Touchqpw'll Partv at th• I andl .... -111 run throush I.~ 1. Jad ud Xia Kay Cla.n..tO., IJaa .,... lftduated fJ'Oll\ the Mn. LornLlne Anc1enon. lh• Balboa Bay Club • • • Over and The play spoUt1hla th• n.- Mra. Hu10 Peleau. CottA M.a. ------- Robert Wardlow, who bu I JamM and Mra. JWH hwnoll. bMn muLer of the Pomona and X1al Charlotte llllnnu wUl li~• ror me lut 20 ,..,., de-1 11r topic m.l.llnea. dined to run for the otfic. .,-aln EYaluator wtll be Wn.. Ha.I TM ott~•nt -.."\U b9 1Mt.a.Ued l&te r. 11.ak, Mn. DeWitt WOf'Clllter 1n Deumber by Ute maatu of • wtll '1•• lM tdUcatMv.al a-a the 8tat« GB.Al•· Geots• khl· I and Mra. ~rt I: J~ U.. meyn a.Ml at that UnM Ward--~arl lle¥ttal ~"' of ll&r· low 1111J be bonored tor lillt fall.II· bor ctu\ allelWlild Ule (..UYal ful Mrvk'e Some ~ mtmben ftwn -,. HuatJact.en Beach T. of th.I Pomona Cl"Ulrt "'.,. M. l'lub. Hoit'. lt at Ul<I Rual· pruent al the mffUn(. ln(tOll a..c.11 Gott Club. 111'~ They 'WWft ~ Ul'll...it7 of Southe~ Calltor-OUL I rartoua 1bul alwayt dlrn1t1ed1 ... la .....uaa of l'\INtl "'*"· n1&. aa . WU htr bUlb&Jld, wbo H1ar Se&larkln( Aboard Ty-arUvlUH or a hl1b·br.ci Brtlllh N . t• ..U11u11 won cverylb(na • 1'0'! buy.~ urlalna a.tddy IUiow.tt, ,.our clectJical Mr· V .. l, "eJe«fkiJy CO.la )'OU a. IOday thaa it did 17 ~..,. •to." ( ll111r blll 1 That' a Hc:111u yoo'r• u1in1 mon ... lhiaa blaar *1ncally.) a..u wo-. w1 IOda1 ~ trici I}' it )'Ol.lr .,...... bwpla l.a .-..... llwiq. un IUTD-r\UTIJUU.Y SHTUll UUfHllA • , .. ,." .-flit a boutfant bow and drape WU alftlllat..d With Theta XI. p h 11 •c pee with Ginny and Ed 8mllh I family aboundlnf In eu<"h lllecal Qffilfla ions qt JIJlOl'l ia lpter lha4t at lhe TM couple will 1'981de at 133 an e ent KPOP, 11020 on the dla11 1very I •kill.I u count.erf•lllnl(. eafr-~ Thcr bat.I and lbot8 w. Vermont, A.nahdm. IE . M t Thur9day 10 2~ am Newport {"rukln1. pocket·plckln1. •l Cf'l· and Holiday ---~-- ---ven1ng ee and CaWtna yaclltlnlr and Yaca-f'ra lion newa. I The crlllll comM when Pet.er p rt Pl d Flower ar~menlA will be -WI.Ill~. cinf' of lb# flM•l roun· a y anne THl .. 1 WOMAN Fine Resiclentlal Palntint I Decorating PIANI KATH• ., •at W. OIMI ...,. .._,_.....,, .... a.un ~ ---. lhe proeram for the Harbnr I • 11 • tarl.tt•n In thr Britl•h t.lf'a. Rrpurl of the oom1n&u..n. com· 1 ... Cotl lOil c1f'<'1df'a to l••v• th• ram11y 1o1.1 A r •a Panhfli.nlc at "'' d t al ht n11ttM", plan• f•r Uw anauai Wt-dMMlay Jllfftlnir in th• hon" an so 1 r Ir ("tir UolmU party DfXl month and of Mr•. Edpr •• Hirth, 8-47 Wednesday David f'a11I, Jt&n Hubi.r. 1;1tn BayiJldr Dr1•• at 7 30 pm. W•ll• and a 1tron1 auppo1uni1 1ce·bM'U1.r" apeecnce by two 1 Mi;mben ar• aakt'd lo bnn.: rut will l&kf' lhf •t•Jr" In th" n.-w m€'mhcra -..111 be th• ~tn contain.re or bo-.li dlfflcult tQ Mrs KarYf)' so-re of Be.I· wcond rtayhouaf' production 'lf or~r of bullll\eaa at the resular &rT'&J\(4! and tptCt.al emph&au be;,.. •(&In Mad.a a promlunl I.he M&IOn, [l\ttetor la 1-.orr-mttunir ot Harbor Toutml.I· will be (1vf'n lo holiday dttor I U.t of patron.a and pal~ Fa1rrhlld, a v1teran of 30 ytan trffl Club tont&hl at Roeplt&lity ty tM 1peaktr, Morn Molho. for the ::-l'tWJX>rt Harbor Oot.H· In ahO"' bustn...,_ Hnu.t, Balboa. AM!tstlnl Mn Hirth u ho&-11,,0 • wl\lcb meet t.en UJnH dur-Th" .-urtaln "111 10 up ntfhlly Mrs. Daniel Roetn -..111 (In t I 30 lh" invocation a.nd pt.df• ... 1tb t... w1ll be lhf' MmH. Ray· 1nir th" -IOn at lM N.....,.ort a ."~ l!:dWarc1 M'lrkoT\cb, p'"1· aond K Harvf')', w. o Bo)"•~'. Harbnf Y.acht Club P'or rnrrvauon• or 1n/01rna· ,.,,_ ti II th• Pla"hot1-"-ll-of 1'-nt, ront1uctln• th,. mf'f't,..• 11tn1J F. Wlckman. Georrr 0 Aul•llnr ),frw Som•n 11,.1 co-on. ra ~ , -"" • w "' .... • -tire aner 12 noon any JU)' bul Taa.tmtst~•a ot th'-~u11n1 Norean and Marlin Kanrold rhatrmen •"' Mr• Edward ..,_. Mn.. ~ .B. W1tmtr. prtal· ll'r Rmllh and Mn. CJ. \V Sunday. The lel<'phone number -..111 b'! Mn L#ro,y AnMrllOTI. dalt. a..ouaoed I.hat a abort 1 , l..>lc'k, Rlrharc1 Tb• Junior Cot-la HTatt 4·61'2t I WJX'akerw '*1.11 bf' Jlr~ Manl)'ll ~ ....u.ac wtll lnclude j 1111nn .which mMta In lhe "•111------ .... I• U. <lbnner dan« of In( and I.a compoeed of w venth Ff.ATURJN(; J)MI. 1t at UM !'f~rt Ht.rbo1 ' and l'IJhlh 1n.der11 I.a beadtd -,. k Tidlt ·CIU.b, Mr and Mn. Bull R. Twitt u BALD ~A-NJi:kebGy otlDefTnmar <"'HQP ch&trmen ot th• pamm• •nd vU A ~ patronet.., wtlh, t.n.tr <'~hair· men Mr. and Mra.. Cl\ft~ Mn. t.. l. ,..,...,.. '°' Sa.alt WSUJelll\UI& k, AmMlln. wtll •tertU• ......... cl &M Wom- eft't AU&!liaJ7 t.. tM Orafti(f! County Pb&nnueuU.I Aa9ocl- auo11 at a luncheon Lii Mr home Wednffday. Lunct1f'On wtll be etrved al tt:Ui and all m«mben and wom.n tllJ'bl• tor mcmberahlp 1n <>ran,.. Oounly aN urred lo atteDd. Rf'w,...uon. are 11etn1 taken lty Mra. J. McClellan. eo.ta Mna, U 14614 or M111. M. L. Ptnce ot Santa A.na. K1. I-Mot. RaJt-. llld8l • Grade COtilllon patroo· ,..... cbalrm&A ta Mrt. Nobt.rcl 8teltl wllb KJll. H&rrJ tUdcln' 11o1 co-cbatrm&a. #lllle UM fUUJ OJ'IMle Alt bf'MW b)' Kre.. Jolin Bwtprt wttJt Mra. Jtup Hut.I u c~llalrman. M&UnN Collllloa whlcll meeta In the atttl'llOOI\ Ja pla.DDM for ctdl«INt1 ol UM tJal.rd and fOW'UI Jndea. <::IWr9Wl -the .,.U-· , .... LI )In. Cbarlee P. Oottoa utllled b)' Jin. Pl\elJle ,,.,.. II.et Nellf. meetiftl of ~ lnvlta· Uonal ductas IT'OUP' will "' WedMeday wtlb a ClU'tatroU party pl&Jmf<I fOT' Dec. 11. ... o. V\rstal& GolJat& ............. ~nol'fAl.LT ll'S.dJJCO , A 'l'wo-¥1&7 &tntda 11.u It.a Umltadonl ltftUJ\liM Tour l'\fUl'• aM ._.., Yo\W Scope TRY OUR METHOD NOW e Co111plee. locly · W6MJ • ,...;.... Coetoemt.t How.rd StHm C.bin .. -Masw9e Deily 1-5 Eve. by Appointment Liberty a..5474 165 .... ..,,.. ltvd • .AUrt1 &U.W.., l:tf.-A JQrt.. A•• .. B&IMa hWMI, llar 1111 • On:N IUNDAT II IT COS11NG YOU TOO ~MUCH? ACft.088 FROM THE BALBOA BAY CLU8 became with tlii.s ' . lllDUCING PLAN . CQ~ONATION OF QUEEN CHRISTMAS HOLLY Grange Leader in New York AT LIDO SUPPER OANCE . Rancho Niguel Trip Kar• x~ -.cuuve Pl ' d b p k 10 oommJtt• member of Newport 1a1e ~~:~ s~ ~~~r:1 :r :::: ~~ =-~-;~ ·=o~~':~O: anne y ac = °r:::-.U~~~t~: All four contenden. lncJ\ldlns • a -.... 111 btln Clubboue N""· '17. With Mme.. Gene W. Roe• and xra. Joh.JI L. Brollfbton. Copper WttA ui. Uiemt ot Puerto Pen 1 "' •~ open.S ....,. .. _ I held • ,llar'oti ru,.. .u eo-dlairme.n, the event ia reported a Prtn~ and Mn. Jerry Mc· Rico tor the month of NovernlMr. UI• m..uq otftci&Jq wt~ 0ae ~. N. T. No•. 11-21. S. Clatre, Golden Prtnceaa, -~ Pack JO of Clift Haven and Bey· nar aalut. an4 Ole ltar lpan· wu acoom]IUW • Ula t.rjp b7 IUcceu, !lOt U1ly aoclally but financi&lly, with proceeda awarded prtae. tor lhelr elfort. ahoree opened ~ eeoond pack fled Banner. DcQ I won th• tn-a Stat. Oranp Deputy h'om ~tit Ulil d\lllboUM ACIOWIUca.I &naqemenl.8 ot (Uded corn-In 1ellln1 vol• mMllnJ of t.Jie )'Ml at 8t. 1pecUon fiaJ. V~~~w!• ,;.::-wt~ fuDd. ~ and pumpk!n. flowed In -----Asldttw'• Preabytertu Church Awuda -r• p.-...tad by th• Wllll -memben alMI l'\MllU UM aott ll&'ht ot a moon /\anc· Cubmut.r Milton Shedd t.oolr cubmuter to ta. to~ ~y1: and trail• and Uley report '9au-pneent. ... Queen Coni.t con-1q fUch above lb• flrepla~. swim Party attendance and :Mr1. Allen Oray'• Den 10. Philllp Peter'llOll, wolt WU1 Indian llUmmel' WMlher. duct.cl b)' ~· tour Prtnc---. Al mldnlfht, Mra. Hal Dike, Den • won U!e fla• w1th 31 b&dl' Brtaa U•blh&rt. dcnntt They a,.. &190 much encourarect aD .. ~ •P'ltt o1 t\llQ, WU .... UM SUver Prine.-, WU ChOMn f M c· 1 parast. and trlenda pr-t. badp. OVy Ford, ualatant ct.A-by the tact Ulat for the flrat ........ tcw ru\&Q p~ent IJI. ")(oonl1P£ Queen" ud a-owned 0r esa tr S Pack Commlttemm Ott.o Ohrt. ner, )(ld1.aeJ Pella, lloo badp. Ume In 1t8 bLltol')' t.be N&Conal iu.t and auta.qaenc tlnandaJ wttb a •J>&Ikllnf, ,._ .. tudded ten.Mn and JOMpb Gallant an-D9ll I : Tom.my hJM, woU, roJd Orani-bu tonned a n.bl.nc IU~ ot t.be nnto.re. silver crown. MrL Robert Har-Tbt ftrlAI or lite Youn 1 nounced Ule pl.an• for pro,.,..rru anow, two 1UYU arro'ln, Doaald oommtt.t-. -.... d ....... ___ --· ·-~-1onn-... Jet' D..&nc-·. • .. _ .. Hn••t P ,_. ,_ f ....... .,.._ l and ouUnp for lh• Cube for Ute Cox. um.t&nl denner, Donald On the way bom• tbey epent .... .._... --M-·-"•• -..... .. ~ ~P"'' c.... o .,,. • u' co;ntn• r-r. The ttm ~Ung Sdl1-er, bear lilnr arniw. Den 'nlanlul!P~ DaJ wtth MrL Mo- ina.. a rold91l taarY• llCme ~ oornpeUtor in Ul• hotly-contend· Southern BapU1t Church of tor the y....-wUI i,. on Dee. l~ •: Allen Oray, Mt'Vlca pln, Dtck Dou,.U'• .uu.. and fam.llJ', the b.-lht&.kJtlf. lleauty. A. myrtad ed race and Ju.t a few '·otee Coal.a Mea enjoyed a • w I m The t>oya v.'lll meet at SL An· RUmer, two eilwr a rro-tor Carletoft !Utt.on ot Toledo. Oh.lo. ot lltan ,Uttered q~t..d and lhort, wu named "Crown Pr\n-dr-• Church al 0:30 am. and ...... r, Bru-...__t•-·, .. __ ...... ,.. -----------party Nov. 16. Th• tncl<>Md pool ..--"" .... _, -of the Jolua IC. C. CbUJlCI wu board ln.MJ>Ort&Uoa for Ute .. n 7: Bart ChrilUv, lien Mdr .. Grant Sisters To Be Married volN! ldul place for tht -•m ft.&ncho Nlpel near Laf'UM Dena • and 1 ia.,. ult.a on and I.he happy ir<"'P own n· S.ach. where Uley will apend Puert4 ft.lcaa hilt.ory and Dell t\U'!Wd lo Lhl M.al'VIJl Olbeoc. the day cathennr holly tor 10 cl09lld the mM\ln•· ChrtalmH c:hartty aalH Soya horn•, '32 W. 18th St. tor re· ahould carry a box wtlh Ulelr The ntJCt mMUn• W111 be Dec. truhmlnu and 1ame1 There n1me on It. brtnr hancbu and 21 a t t.ba church and wU1 be U\t lhey wen •n~ 1&ndwichu, be ln Cub ,uniform. Chrulmu party. rtUIMtl, hol chocolate and cook!N by Mr1. GlbllOn and her Ot Interest to Harbor resldenta WU the &nnounce-Jco·bo.Uu, Mr.. Harn• Cotti• r. ment by Mr. ud Mn. Burton S. Grant of r.o. Anrele• j Thoet pttaent were Ch&rtott. and Balboa Ia1and of the encasement.I of their two d&U(h· an..t Kallly Glbloll. J~ WllaoA, tera, Carolyn Eli&&beth and Edith laurel. Friends learned Bonnie Cott IC', <Ant'' a Miiey, . Gltnda and Donna DodaoJi, Con· of the news at a boll~ • held at the Lim Fe1i.a homf! ftie and Boo.Ne ft.tc:Ji. Joen of the Granta. Tbeoride...iiet haTtnr flrit re"ttaled lt at ~~r. AnA.a Mu and Nancy their reape<:tive CollelN. It I I n I , P~(Y Tl'llnlum. Judy Carolyn Ellllabeth blew out of Mr. and Mra. Elon Lory Hayu. W..ra'I• Mtley, Betue the lndlU.al caadle and paM-Rot!tun ot l\ualln and sr&ndaon 1kh111lt, atad Gall Buford. 1.ll of ed e&ndy at Hl.ll'b• Kall, Uni· of Mr. and Mra. Elon Richard Coeta Miu. w._,.attt kllen or Teratty ot C&litomla. Dana ~ ot Santa Ar.• .......... r Oardt"n Grovf, Elaint Craci. ·-. .,_, JudJ wimama and XlW• B&r-eam,.. to announoe Ml' betroth-Oranp County rea.ldenta. Tbe kt'r oC aaaia Aaa. ~ to Jam .. ~ Jtoellm. 90ll br1~(1"00m-.i.ct wu ,.,..duated ti' · from C a I I f o r n I a Polytechnic wb•r• he WU. member ot Boot.a Marine Newcomers and llplln. O.te of U.. weddln( Amoas the Mutne Corpe llt la ttntaUvely fft for eprtnr. have *'1 lbl followtQI' n-..,... AT POMONA r1Yala: To lat Lt. and Mn. &d!UI Laun!, a Mnlor at Po. 1aM IM Werk ot Laruna mona C.oll.p. pa.ued cho<'OlatH BlaQ a 90n, bom Nov. I: to to mek• kn°"'-n her enpcement Sft. aad Mn.. rtoyd Gilman o( t.o Edward John .Andrew, aon ot eo.ta MH• a daurbter. born lhe Victor J And~• of Chi· Nov. I and to Cpl and Mre. QfO. Ill. a.nd Clarrmont. Mr. Cary Br1all' Robft"U, L&runa And,._, no.,. In the ffrvl<'•. at-S..ch, a daicl>ttr. bom Nov. 7, ~ Pomona Collep wb.... all In {;()TOIUI Naval Hosp1l&l he wu· atnllaled .,.·tlh Kappa ----- Theta l:poatlon The rouplt hu •t June ti, 111!\7 u th<>tr 1111ptlal Stanford Club 'World Literacy' Leader Will Speak at Laguna Lquna 8Hcla J.1 lllOlt fOrtur\- at.e l.o llave one ol the world'• out· ltan4ln1 aplrltU&l '9adtr1t.:.. Frank Laubach -1pMlrLllJ at lht community Prettbytuian Church W~nday, Nov. 31. at 7 SO pm . accordlnt to tbe 'Rn. John Parkt, rector ot -et. JanM• Church. •bo atat.ee. "Jll1 mat· ..t acbleva'l*l\ 11.u -.en hi" t1Jbt to ~ abaiul World Llltraey." Nm W•ll l&)'t of him. "J'rank Laullada baa taqbt 1otn• eo lll1WoD P"Ple to rMd- Grange Church Day Churdl Day wu o.....-ed by Ule co.ta .._ Orup Nov a, wbai U.. Gr&ft&"e ll'lllmbe" att•nded .-vto.9 t.t the Coela Meea O:ltnlftllnl ty Church. A pot lu.ck dlJlD*S waa h-.ld a t th• Granp Rall. Vlctorta and Thurtn. followt.nr Ulfl ..rncee. not b7 him.If alone 1rut ~ the llmpUJted reaclJq cbarta tbat he hu dev•loped ln t'VUJ ~ and W1lll hi• W011dtrfUJ phlloe- opby of "Each One Ttacb On•." Last ynr Saturday ~~ POllt l\ad an ex1.t11Ud•• artlcle about bl111 wttb ptctutta and ea- planl.UoD ol hi. met.hocM ot t-.c~. nen I.JI UMt Ju.nr-Ja. Even the N-Tork«r ta.ad the It.Ory o1 n..nx LaW.Cb ln I l.8 PToni.. er.d!Unc h1ln with brtq1Q&' hope LDto Ule d&J'kMM ot mUUon.1 of 90u.Ja &nd U•ht Into countn.. wti.ere 7~ to llO pu cent ot the peopi. luMw noth1114r about the world ln which. Uwy w•re llvlnr Ht WU named '"Mr. Penn.eyl- Y&nl.J"' by the lllat• In whlcb he wu born and "Milli ot lhe Tur" by the a.lvt.Uon Anny. Y.a .. ..., U.., Hammond Chord Orcjan FREE HOME TRIAL PboM &I UHO ........ , ........ ., HammollCI °"Jell$ y_,. ..... ' .... .. s-..... khmlclt-Plalllpt Co. elfabWe4 llJ. 5%0 No. ........ Suta Au n.w.nra.,._.,,_ te dl-,,... Ol'l:N RIDA.Y 111,QB'f • I ~ tift . . MrVlce Oft al~ ~1.00 «more • Dry Good1 • dat.. Announct'meat al th• tea wu made throl.ll'b a m11111c it.Art from th• "ed<iln• mo.rr h dutt. with nam,.. nf the two couph• rir Phlllp H Rhlntlant1n new d••n o>r th,. ~huul lJt Hum•n· 11 ·~· an•l &:1•nc" at at&ntord 1·n1,,.ra1I), w111 male• hi• n ... t publl' appnancf' In ~ Atll[t'lu • L 1 ht' fall m••linr or lhf' Stan fu1r1 Mother• L1t•b of Sol\th#1n f"allforn1a, No• 111. Ht wtll di•· Heads L. A. City Art C'urtll 8. Opll&'tr. forme11y "utataJll to th .. ~n ot tht' Jl'tne Art• O.partml'nt and art sall•n ruralor at lh• Unlnrllty ot Callfronla. ba.1 been nam.d art ooon\lnator for tb• CI t y of Lna A ni-•I.... arcordlnr to Kan- Mlh Roea. r•n.nal m&J\&Cn of lbe Muruclpal Art.a .Dep&r1mnt. RENE' of LIDO East-West Winriers , lln. CliaHDOI A. Bta1>t• and lfn. ~ We.t.c:e .-.r. ...t· ..-Wln1*'9 ta Ute d\lpUeete ...._. ,..,.. :.W al Ule llalbea I revnled on the no&.M. 1 ANlaT Len~ a.Id at Ole tea wer-e .Mre c.ori. W, Ch&M al Santa Barbara, lf'l.,Ddmother of I he brt~ect; t.Jie Mm•. Elon Roehm. R.ldarcl J\MJlm. Vh::tor C'UM lh" ""~f'ln1t rt"o·taton of un1i..r1er ll'1U•1r "'1<..-allon r~nl­ ly adnptl'rl a l Rta11furd ----------- c . MeyeT, atuart Ham' >Jv.·•n Las Vegas Holiday W. lAW1.1, WIUlam Hwwucker, Floyd Ori-• Mal"\Olla aL ai..rortb Jlleyer, Henry G~. and Paul Vautrhn. Ana.hf'lm ~t.: WUlS.am Taqn.c ... Ute M1MM both C-ta M-. •pertl the Vet· Patty Hanta. 11\aJl Harria, eran'1 Day week end In i... V• Barbara WUkenSq, Kary Ferr· ru. Whlle there they attended ..SA UPHOLS1'11Y V,t , •• _ .. ......, ~M111 nN!f ........ 0-. ... -O'l\a. Tll~ ~ W1llGe ldltl ..,,... eorth...ath UIOft ud Judy Mace. the H&Jtk P•nny Show. Kr. Onnt w ...U known m :.:.:..:::..::.:...::...::.=:.::-=.:::.:.._~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .,.... Kn. A.rdl MM.Ollt• and Kn. c. .. aan-.. ..................... lln. ...... ~ ud Mr9. w. I. ~: Mn. Rel• Orttf• ud air.. Conine ~; Jiits. &dd "'• Uld Mn. Jll...-...U lba""°"'L RuMen • up ~ eoutll ,,,.... Mra. L. o. Anna and Mn.. Ben17 Jlspri: M'19I lat WINtOn and Xn. N'.U ~; 11n. Vltlc.n1 Ill¥ and Mn. A. II. lfd>oo•ld TM JTO'IP wm in.et tor ~ and duplicate brldp lfoY, It at the 8&7 C'lllb. 'nl pm. WW .a.a.rt pm1npU7 at OM e'C)ecL thll trtate for b.t. WDl'k la -t•r matt.Joa. He lit ...s.t&at paeraJ muactt fll U.. Lee A..," Dep&rtment ol WatAlr .,,d Pow· er and II n&t1oAal dlr9Ctor from Calltomia aDd Hawa11 for the American Wat• Woru A.med&· Uon. Visit Aquarium TM H•rry Burd.ICU and the ~Lucky" EWotl of Coata MM& Joined tM 'he! B&rtl«ll and UM JLlll Farquahn of Huntln&'· toe Beacb to Yillt tN AquartW"D la Palo9 V9rdee Oii Vetenua'a DaJ. 1BU1D'S Salon of Beauty Announce• Addition of TWO NEW SERVICES * * ·-OYtllt ~ New'fussy Wind and Weather Lotion NMUtc..e.. ....... ~·c.......-..... '°"991 ~' 0 I I ~ •• " ....... c:..itlll6aa • tt11 I dlt11191t I ti ... a.-. .... ~···· ......... -."l .. '1 • announces the opening of his new modern BARBER SHOP ~ '" the new LIDO BUILDING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER mH Here in the Harbor Are•' s Finest New Building We've Installed the Latest and finest B•rbering Equipm•nt Available. We Have Three Barbers,. Offering the Rnest in Personal Barber Strvice. * Eltciric Shaver Service AvaU1ble • PH. HARIOR J216 FOR APPOINTMENTS SHOI SHlllt• ; ' ...,. 'l'1llllllis f'WWa .... .. ...... a1a 011 'HI a a 87 llJA DulUWOISDI Ma -87 11118 LDfl'f • • Monicutist Available ,p_,· •LID 0 3155 VIA UDO NEWPORT l~CH At lido hie -Ph. H•r JOOJ At Corona CJ el Mar -Ph. Har 5170 I I l • I 1, i5 . COUNlY HOSPiT AL 'OLD FOLKS' HOME? a, 80• al"Dl.1' SAM'!'A. AKA, C 0 C N 8) ..... ll4al: Plaa n«w Jai&Uio fadllU. at en.a .. County B-. pltal. .. ta lhe count7 hOlptt&I rur. -1ll1o u ol4 folb' blime , .. You'ft ~the~ ~ JOU've uked lt yow.tt. ODii ot Oraac"e Count)-'1 oldelt --.paptn wu Uldn,J St cm U.. 9" ot UM lllcUcla laa WMIL Man7 ~ ot Ora.a.- Count1 YOlld ")91 .. OD fund. for a_.. mialD bo9pU&I ~ ADd a iww peichlat.nc untt · o.-.,.t.e lM qllllltloa lbat ta ~ a.Med -lfte UMll dayL But tM q\llllUoa remal.na. aao Cl11'Sft'ION ~ It la tbl at1ln"D&- UV1. a top C10Wrt7 .mdal be- Jlev• tt to .. • 1Dult1-t!aouund doUar ........ -~,. ta.lt· .,.,.ra. . "I ile ........ ,. It.a(;.. Oowit7 Wtltare Dtncior ~ P. Dou .. IM, "'hat ta.. ant m&ll7 oJd tollu W'bo could IM mov"9 out of Ow oounty b<M'pltal and cotlt the t'OUDty '40 °" MO • mont.1' when It I• now c01Un1 P00 °"' more to keep t.h1m ~ ..... boqtlaJ. The ~ County W.Uare Departmnt ncna.e prt•ate nwt bomee. ln C$MI not Urt-otmir mn.-. ot u 1 IWMI. Uw cte- partlnfttl wUl aJd oldaWra •1111· b~ ~ old • eecurity, Jt lor elt&Dlpll. John Sm!UI'• old &,l'e paym~u amount ·to W a tnonUI. "W1 w1U llQIP~nt tb1 dltf1rence up u thl •m MldNt oouncy .._.,.t&l AJJ ambulatory cu. mu.t ro lhrouJll tm oowity medlc&J cUnlc to ~ mlae tWr .u,tllllt1 ror ad· mlttaace t.o the ._,.tal. Mo9l of Lbena an acbultted. Tbty JUI•• DO'Wbere •'-to turn. Tbm an.. t.ht pnatnc prob- lem .at OJoulae County Genera.I Ho.pit&L , U Ult ol49tln' nl&Uvea are capab1e of pe.y1q for their c&r., for John'• moothly 'lodslni ln a baftn't sufftd f'nt bo&rdlDJ houw." Hplain.t dlrlc· rnoi:wy tor nuntni or rwt tor Do~Lu.. homn.. ONLY PIAOl:MJOrr I Thf'y r annot obtain aid B ut UU. cowaty·e we.ttan aid tram lhl cowuy w11t&N t\mda. 1ppUf'e only lo placenwnl in rut Tile Board of 8u~m90re baa horn.._ Thft d4!part~nt ran ,.... •l1ad:ully ~fuaed lo authc>rtae trr ~pw to run'lll.nJ ~ but IUdl aid j tt <!Of'• not Uc-. 9UC!a boaMe "t. the rounty l'M>pclt&.I tur11- l and dof'• not i.ve tlw aulhonty I.DJ lni-0 an old folk•' home .. to u.. ~partnWnt fundli to Mtp The ~ t• minitut. old Pf'Oplf' llf"'kin1 nurstnc ran I WlwTe t.heon U.a Uw 90lutkat Thf' C'oun1y Board ot 8u111rvt.ore W•lfar.·1 Tom DouJ ll• ~ Ila• nf"V~r irrant~ It that 1uth-have th# 1.nswer It ll to be I ontv I towad. l>f'llf'Vf'• Douglaa. In COit• • ·················••••eee••eee•••••• • • WHAT'S~ . . . , . D.DIN• ~ • • • • . ................................... . . ~ ... hit't open till Christmas! 8.t you ea are put addltiaMl telepboa• aDd ta eolor, too- ~ JOG1' C1arlmnu ahopptq lilt ris\t now. They're an Ideal ;ttt aad wbat'• mare, tlMy'n euy to order. Ju.mt call 111 and w.·n dell\r•, fuey-wnpped ud ready for the Christ.mu tr.. Oran~" C~nl.v ha• nC"vt•r had ltaC"tural nuratn1 bomN "If tome from •II walk• of C'l\'lll&n • •·uunty-op..r·1tf'd homf' rrir the private doctorw will build U- Ute 14> nwel a l I.bl Air 8talloa I.It'd. Sv~nrtaora havf' nevPr homn, Wf' ~II ~nni.e .. <I i-. week.ad MC.h moat.h to -n nt 10 prov1dt a.nv euch 1upport lhf'm," u ye Ot~ lnln and Oy l.o a toucb .ylla· j fa rlllty. In a n-<'Pnl statement L>ouflu. HC" 111.&l.N that COWlltf ~ ttl a.nti...ubma.rtne warfare. I on lble rounty • df'plorable •t· 11Upent.l>ra, who m1111t •PPl"'"9 lu 11L1pprr la Commandtt O.n uaUon. Kf'nawth F.. Morneoa. any SU<'h a"'nc•mm t, ha1'1 ... nt..ll, USNR a l'ull4rton enc1-P"'91dinii J11dr nt Sup.rtor sured btm U:W.)' ,,."ill app""e -. In ct'tlllaa 11t1. Co11rt. hl'd lhl11 to •ay · I've tu.-1ucb a plan lt and wlan a avtl· • Juat pictur. Mom here lD the titclMm wtth a baadilome IYory wall plaone at her lzl&'ert!JIL Tbe ldtch• t. a room •M ._ a lot ao 1be'll appreciate a bandy phone. She hu beauty and eoa .. Jenee for n .oo • montb dter one lnatallatlon eharp. Mcm mlcbt aJ90 Ub a Hat 9priq oord la. ahade that com.pltmeata bar color pbane. Another sift idea .. UI Wmnl- n.y n, U. lai.t llUl>manne Rd for yean 11'flh Uw Boerd ot nct--Dt numbtt ot pr11'&tl nu.,. i lt1llna, u.. 8'"11 Locldlwd twtn 9UP'f'rv00rl •bout fl. but Uwy IDJ ~ ~ builL t 1q1ae "N..,t~ ... fttted wtlh a do nothlnc t.o make provtldon.1 t1nder aucll a plan the couat, mi,tal7 Jet pod undPr a cb WiDJ. for llw old and wnllt." would aupplemellt Uw old ... The ~ r-.atly ~ The oaly neouaw for ~!'90na ~ty pa)'JMTIUI of lhoee ,... lta uau&l u da111 ot .ununer uaabl• to Jl&1 I« mectieal U-t-90u who r.iw.-. a1,1mni '*W ii ~or*7 u.y 4Klded t.o u.tnln, d\lly tn which tt cbalJt-rnent ot nun&ns 11 t.ht eounty'1 but cannot afford to pay tor ll. ..... u.lr oullll '-n.. Aharll· f'd up 9""er&I trulmlan-'IUILI" GftwraJ ~taL UDdft' no eJr-Tom l>ousl.u la -vtnced U. jar&rl'll4-Xtm 9l.-le wu 111· l1' mCW"k t ralnJnl' blaU)ft. ~ dcM8 the _If..,. de-~ t.o the CIOUlllJ at eana. tw ,... ... pa.-~t o. ta• partJnnt '!"er ptop• t.o the ta ...., e&a asct will be cut '° ~·~ ,:.:~ :. .. ~ le1te1ce l1pp ~..... 'l'OM90Y. 90• .,.. :.a:'~::= r:.; for 7th Ti(lle ••• w ._ut&t\al n,vre ~ U. coapa. .. u&pmat 8.\NT A. ANA.. I 0 C NI l i1111* tbe ._. PIV •·1f.pt~.· a,.r Wllll&m ""1utd8 Rupp. * ..,. Moede ........... Ill» 11. bu been 8nltmc.d to dW l.o 1111!!1 G9Cie .... a t.ouc!b footMU Uw San QuilnU.o pa r hambet' aar ll&lftildl at U.. Ulllwrftty tor the -lb u-. M...... lupertDr ew.rt 1\idi'• K...ui r.~ .;.• 11eu... me wbeft r s. Morna. 1ut -.k Ol*nd ... I ... a Nal t.emboJ," I\~ eoa.tcted kl.Iler of Tortii. , ........ ~ dtred.on .. LblM .,._, lltt.r Ruby 4M ... -.. u. ~ ..,.., 11. ~ ""•· ....... ila 97 .... tWD ~~ ll0'1. ............. _ ........ llorri.. *' ....... . . u..-..,. •. Ui ..... .. ,,.... ............ ,Ill·"'~-----· _ .............. ·~ ........ _,.... .... .... ae••ohtl wilt el Nft'1 0.-pe1• • wttll ...... • • Uted cljal pbcae tbat make. ... ~..., la the dark. IL•'>-:r~ ,. 1 IOll . llSTAltATION ~Ito t.tepbonf' are Vlrf!D.I& Mmdale. M.lidrect Wade and U. lie Owt.a.t•a. Tb97 are pa rt f//l port HarboT Comm unJly P1ay•n . We Wire ebl1 to nnd t.he old te1eJ1bone for u.n to -u • f"JP Sn tlMU nlCClt pl'Od\ICIUCG rII UM P1a7 "Bue St.oP". Tile .,..... ,,_,. .... bald .. u.. ..... u.ai. ioeat.ed .. ... , an,... 0.. eouc-~ " m··.... •uu.. ...,.,,. 'he J\ldp ........... ..... .... .H.. ,,,. ...., .... .,,,. .. atnda'ltt ,,,.. .. ~ ...u ... Queau. ........ ~ 0 6t .. ;....,. W111De Ille -..a ,...... oa W&181rJ'. It ....... ..... -~ .. ,. ....,.uant .. JQllfp ........... U.t ltupp • ~ liia m · If•. pet\U.. for ...,t ol Mf'Uonlr ~le PfV~ U.. -...... t.be ce&a.ee ai.. ~­ ,,.. adl&lt ctrama ~ -Jtai ........ w • .,....._*'- ._ ot belp to ~ ftne arpN-. tion Wllich •ill muin. • ir-1 -.ut.buu. .. Ute c1lltw'al "'• f//l u.. eomJallnlty. It ,.... ..... ~In te ... .t u.. M&UoQ'1 f ,....,.I la W. tltq fll cxecu· .,, a ....... .._..ketld war-t.loa hu i..n dta*I _, UM C ~ .. ..... Jt. ,.,...,! .. "'~ Oow1. • • ,, • ,-' ( ., I l ( \ ' } j llOt Mn one of Ul•r pl&y• - ~-70U eatrh t.M llht Ott~, '°" wm 8\JoJ IL BAND TOYS ANNUAL SALE DICEMIER 4 • Con.m.at c.,. •• ,. s•.,,1111 c ..... •• 8uls f//l A...nca 1'"T a IA M6t ........ -llart.w 14-11 IN8UB.ANCE AOZNTll W. O. acca. INC. NM \la r•+ ..,._, u.. MIUtJ!:ll 8JIOPI UDO UIA nJIO llVO -"'I.Me _ _...., DN latertor Pecoeu.w ............ ~ Mll Via ..... -_._ -DKa ••cwg llEAVTY PA&LOB8 UDO MLON or BUVT1' Ma .......... -Har. ,.,. 800U 80(Ja CASS MM Yla Ude -Baner UN c••nus A &lppllm YINODT LIDO -.:Joa MtlTlaIMe-........ MJt nau..--..a. 80JQU ...... M*P--. ................. .., ii lllOl•"PI I.DO ··--NII fta U.. -..... _ aui.au.a • •• £.. P.••.-oro. _._Ulle_ ......... 0A&PE'l'8 A DBAPEBIF.8 voaa.oo.. .... Kl.a .... u.. -..... Ml ..DtJJfQAJr ... 11 L fl ..... DIV& 11.&o&a ... fta ..... _...,...._.,... OATEBING &10B..Ulir1 LIDO MAQJC'I' 1411 Vta Ude -llartl.r 1111 .At ... ..._. .. &Me ..., ....._,tt. LIDO &&A&..TI' AMOcs•._ Udo ...... ltat&lil aotlaJaa-Oa.Udrm a 1atuU n:ara or UDO MM '1a Liiie -..._,UM BEST A U&4.NT8 808~ M.ltftao,.te .......... ... ,....,.... ...... CLOl'lllNG "-:a'• BetalJ &mtn:U.'8 mor ro• KEN MU Via U.. -llan.r MU 8A VINOS a LOAN A880CIA'ftON8 Olotlaiq-Womea'• Retail IA 1UCDrS IM'1a~rf.llt UDO W4UUON9 M&J .,.. ...,.. -...... lt'n ~· K1I '1a u+ -....... 1171 Y AGA9C)Im llOUU lra"°"911 8poltftwr MJI fta u+ -Ral'Mr MN D&VO IJroBES VDfC9lft"t LI.Do oat·os l4a YtaU..-~MOj ~ Oaairaetore UDO CUllt,'TalC l•UVtal.Me-~tm ft,()WEJCS &loaA&O'S LIDO KAUr:T Corape.Table Arnui.-enu ...U Via Ude -.,..._ lftl fOlJNTAIN, O&DL VllfOl:llf'l'a LIDO D&VOI Na fta ..... ~ ....... - B•MD A u.av118 rtJllNmJU, . ~NMWD "" na u+ -..,.. '"' OUT 1110P llSLLT T90U'a .... ... o,..lrt9 ~ ..... IUC!RMD"a LIDO llAart lta Vlal.Me-,..,._lftl NS1ffOltt 84 I AQ,\ U YDGa • 4.0.&Jf .&uoo. A l&.tDJ lDIKltuU. Loq Twm ..... Lau. IMlftaue.-......._ .... 8ROE8---·1 SIDWELlla ft'Oall tw _.,,.. .... v.. u+---.. .... 8BOES-W- aua..rao•~ Ult Vt& u+ -_.._ _, TllEA'l'llD LIDO ftl&ATU Oomwt tJdl peiper to. ~ V1a ....... at flf_,_.. ...... ...,_tilt TOV8 UDO TOU.A.ND NU\'lau+--..-. TIUVEL AGUCID llA&llQa n,a ftL MCllOI' ..... ,, .......... __ .... l1PllOl.ftalNG .,.. ..... Nltfttu+-........ WA'l'OI &El'ADI Vl.'V(,..nra .... llEP .... UDO 0&1108 '"1ftal.lllJ WINDOW OOVElllNO nn 811.U>• 8llOI" Xnt .. P•& Ottiee-Rar. tit JOI ANY PUii •11• PIOllBI CAUUS ~" •aU IM-0 .... ,.....1. , .......... SOUTH COAST - CONCRETE SatUf ac§on POUi" • THI IA.SY WAY AND SAYE• • • • .... -3 , • ., ,.. ..... ....-.... t.I ef plllt I mt! I --...... , .... .. ,... .......... ....... BAY 711 w. 17 .. St. onel'A llltaA NO JOB TOO LARGE OR siu.u. ---... ~---....... im Mlttt ..,,,._ • v.a .... ..... .... 11. W ~It Al .... ..... ~.,-.-.. ............. ......... ......... ,, .... ··:-:.'=:'- SICUlll'Y POLICI ... _ ... ....... a.m. s ·IACRAFT IS IX-PANDING Beclute of a aubatantial increaH in buaineu, due no doubt to our auperior aervkes and workmanship, we are increeaing our 1teff to offer boat and yacht owner1 in the Harbor Area even 9reater aervke. WE NEED Experienced Ship Cerpenters and Experienced Ship Mechanics "" Dieael & Gesoline En9in .. * Apply at S.•cra~ Per:aonMI Office 2841 W. Co.st HJthway, Newport leach Al'......_ DC. RMI> on•• 2141 IW. C:OAST llQI r#AY NEWPOU IEACH ~MSJJ J LAGUll : ,._A.LIAW . a LOAN AUOCIAnoN rwo OPPIGIS Te l11w Y• LA&UNA llACH .AND LOW lOW .... tQNa• INTMIST IA TIS EASY MOHTHLT rA~ FlllNDLY SYWATHmC SllVICI ·Pall ~PAUi• "' SAN Ct.EM&NTE ... N.. c.-.. .... "°'HY..._. 1-fttl ., HY ... 2-lltl . . t ' . .,.a, QB1'1JJ ........ , . .... ,. •. 1 •• ~ .... ••t• -"" .. .. ....,,.. .. .................. .. .... wtll -,..,.. .., ca-~ a... Ona wGI ~m..a......a-.. .... wW ,..,, tU ...... "ViMa ol ..................... ~ Clarmct MMI«. fcmner Orup Olut, Oollef9 .... Wtructor. XU. ......... ., Uie ....,.. ....,..t •t o.d'mt.al con.,. &ad _,.... at r.muu.a l"Tw- ~ Qurela .. Lee~ TM.,_. WIDl•tun a •lllM dtorm ot • ...,.,..., a 11H11'1 SANTA-· .ur4. (0CN8L) -claorue. •~ and dane.'9. Oil ...... "' tu def-tM ........ A."-"· ~ dtnet«, wW ...... ~ ........ unJSND•l f/11 abWUoa w,ecta ..-..nl ......,_Ullft; Ludaa Wa7 1..-&a (Ma) 1\&1Ue7. Tl. ao.tt. ..t ~ ud' ... ... W -)l(lli. J\UIM7, M. IMUc Mt btJS; Jil&r7 Jlaa • ... ._. ccmUruMd ~ Dec1. ._· _,,, ~y: u4 CI09tmM ...-nat Coutt Juq. ltlllMUI -Chet• 1'7 lliDla Hlddda- FIRST COURT. Of . HONOR. HELD jY BOY SCOUT ·TROOP 81 AWARDS 34 & Korrtmcn p.at.od tM ....... ___________ _ ~o*' and a1t'&l'd9 num· ~ M al the ftnt Court cl Honor tor Boy llcout Troop IL TIM ,...ram took plaoe la rww· lJ deeorated l>e&rborn Ball of ~ ldalld Com.munJtJ Meth· --- >.• • I INTRODUCTION TO MYSTERY GIRL? W19o •r A.rt UUJett.r talled to d1lcoftr Identity of th.ill "'Girl from the World of A11todyn•mlc9" at recent Lo9 Anselm auto -ahow. Maybe you will haft better luck whea th1-famoua youni lady appean 1n penon at Al Blatty Moton. eo.ta Maa, at 2:30 p.m. Friday. 1'oWt C. IOrflwwd. • t a l • Ouatnl&ler, h.u tnf9nn.S l.M • ,, • ~f.7 ... udl... tM.t ~ C..\1 IMY ..._ apporUon.S .. &l'ttll ...... ., ~ ~­a.rt• ~ tM ......a .... m- ID4i!llt trmn C&JlloniJ.a'e nood OOD• t.reA ...,. du.rtq tM lteMI ..., ,_,.. "' t.ot.ai ot m .m h.u .._ ,.. tllmed t.o 10 C&lltonU& eounU.. 1ll ~ Ule 1-...cs laJMll an • cate4 IC.trlr1ll'OOd 9&J4. fte e.tJ1.. .. M.iOn .. aalftputed .,. tM ,.... era! ~ML tJDder t.M Federal nooct Coa- u.i Aet fit JlllM, 1'3t, UI• I'.,_ .utroaomy W\11 be laupt at Ot&np Coull Coll•J• lM UM ftra u~ nut Y•bN&I')', ll wu &ruM>U.DCed )Clt- t.day. 0..... will M ti.Id ln Lbe new donw aud.11.ori:...111 of UM edmt• ttnter Pl&iwl&r1um &Ad tAlucope .. \Upmcnl, Ju.It reoentq acqull"M, wtU aleo be UMd ln the QPW'M. lNUuclqr la the CO\ll'M .. 111 be Bar~ ICM'<'ht~I. A..llroncay 1A wUJ IN &11 accredlW knttr d.Jvtmoa .clcnc• coiJtCe credit coura. tiat•a""I Defel!N Att.orn9y &. & W• JD.Ade Ule delay nq\Mllt. .-platntn1 preUmln&r)' 11...ms on U.. d\IO had be«! M14 .S,, Ule prevtau w..it. Be lndtcat..d a naoUoe .,.._ tQaDy ,nu be made t.o qllaM tM dW'l'a ,.... cW...s&nta .. ,.. ..,..... at lDU W• ll., ~ Qroft, wtl1ll all.,edl, In .,,_... ol pwfonnln1 aa UJepJ .,.,.._ Uon oa a lA9 Alie•* wamaa. n.. l\alMe)'I are accu.eed ol a~rtJoa and two counta ol coa· lplr&C)' to commit UOt"tiolL • • Mra. 1\&ln.My alleredly Ml"4 two prUl>n temui alt.er ccmnc- Uoe on abort.Ion caarr• H• 90ft ..-rtedly WU lrapra-.d for counterfelUnr 1.nd uault. wllh • deadly ..... pon. ~ detmd&Ata ar• Oil M.U. Shelto1 Given Highest Praise ctty ~ ~ &Mii.oft rKCved at.ra"1aat p~ tor hla ai.tUty u man&fer In a let- ter to Mayor Dora Hill from prutdtnl of the dty manaftr'• '1cparlmcnl or Lw.lrU• at ca.w- omla C\U.... The l•tltr 'WU r-d at Lbe m•lln& of Newport JkacJI OlJ Counrtl r.ceaUy. Tbl wt· t•r elat.ed t.hal Shelton bad beoPll ..a ~-t oomput• 11et , .......,. from UM of lM flood ..U-Ol ~ t.nd rellU'NI 15 P-r· -l., tM &JD(IUllt lO Ule •iai... J'....i Law pnmclea Uult W• monoey u to be IJpelll .. tM ll• t.e IAltal&tuN m.&1 ~ for ""-MMnl ol the publlc erhoole aad puMJe ,_. ot th• counll• WRIGHT LOCAL CHAIRMAN C~ridm11 Season Near With Start of Seal Sale Drive n•med to Ule tllo9CUUft coaimit- 1\&ada tor UM! ~nee County. IM" flt tlle dtoa.rtmcnl ln nunr 1'1buculo.IJ ant1 Hffllh A1!K!Cl· the l•tter. the eowidl dlrec-ted al'4>n In local arua aru ch1lr· &N>lloo to take Ume to atttnd m• an eonaldercd k"J' pt>reonn•I meellnJ• connected wtU\ Illa MW In UM annual Olrt1lm.&a r111<m appointment. Under loclJ ..,... cha.119&11 Rol&11d Wrlrltt. AMtnant Y!H pr..i.1enl al l'Jtwport brana. 8&ak ot ~menca, Oran&• Cowl· rw• vlnl' UM tunda. ,,.. related C&lltoml& A cl ly'• C11.111tmu Na! ule cam· 1umpalrn. a«ordlnr; to l-'nlon --------- ~lf'I for 19~ hH Mjpln T 5tmmona. rha1nwn or tM 8J"&rhMdtn1 the drive tor eul Al• commlltN. I:oul chair· ONE FOR THE 1001( -----~---1m•n wlll ror111na1~ 111 1rllv1t1e.e or &Aa YO!unl~rl • • -~11 •• COtlnty Gives Okay ~~r-1cn d~ta111 ledustrial Area Property Sale lri1p C~1rce ••NTA. AN.A,. (OQfl) -Qd,llt QaarcJI. troop epouortAr A oempl&btt bl Niia m.d a .,....iau.oe. .,,...._ c.u.rt ...,.. ..,. U.. Ota td9' -..... wtUa tra· ..... _, ,_. .Jll'OfW\Y al HI C.. ...., call &e eo1Qn ~ cd Pla.ee, o.t& 1'.... ~ ~ buJm 1-FeWJir. ,Paul &. Madie)' cbarp11 fa1M 0oW S\IAl'd WU Joel Fru.haa, 1ep1"11•t.aU-"7 U.. '4'..._ 8aa)a ~. Tom Mac· Ula "aJtu w. NcDoetld pd Muter and Jlln CUlbe~ Fol· l\ulll L NcDo9allL lowtac' tM tJ.JesiaaC9 to UW no. JtlakiWf .-.tAI Ille ~ 0... a eu4le ~ ceremoay t.M mto an act•-ent wtU\ ~ U.. motto, t.M alo-u.. d9t1Ddant1 t.o ,un:J:IUI u.. san and u.. •lll or u.. llcouu. pnill)ftt}' tor .-ioo. Be -.14 M TM IJlvoc&Uoa wu 11 .. n bf wait told by U.. Mfdd&M.a tM koula'\a.lter KaU WaJdaUc:.b. 'l&oe wu ftt tor kwn&.11 bab6· OOKPl.JCX DIULL l&U.. &Dd Mda't Me'D coe-A demout.ratlon of 801'M --..s. com~ drill m<l'Htnent. wu An. J&Jinc llOtil ... on tbe UN• ~ by tbe trooJ'• deal. Nacb1 ~ M tedd d:rill ....._ wt UM c.t& M-ba:&ldln1-.. la a ""'-el tM related pertm.nt l\a.d Olftdlrmw' u.. ... caUoa.. Madl.,. da1tnl Ille i.u "9ria· cS..t U1e a&TMN•L aad filf•ecl to l'"Mtore t.o ua. cW..claat.a all -.w.nUoe ... bu ,.,.,,eel trom t.Mrn • A1to Acci4ent Victim Still Tbl property u .. ln 0ie New-U IC01 .. 1"011 port R .. hll ImpUon Ol.trict. .. Cops look Y CMlltl Mew)*t a.acll lllUi6lat 8&m· ueJ J. WWtl9aa. U. el IOI"' M&rlM Aft, wu booked DJ Cost.a ...._ police tor Lft•MU&'a· UOll ol dn&ak drtYi.Q6 at 2 a..m. Batu.rday followtnc an IO-nilll- per·~ cha.el down Newport 81Yd. bet-D 17UI at.. and t.M Hoar Ho.pt.al mtraac•. arrea· Inf otncen a.Id. UWa.a .. Jlell, -walk a,o. cldenl .tettm. KW li• unoan• ldwol at\er -'Pt d&y1 1n Hoq HNp.lt.&J. HospttaJ otnc:w. 1'8ta Ul9)' ha" rw tndlcaUon w!Mn or It th• com. will ~ tor Mi. llell. c..-1n1 to the north •dtl at Cout HJfh'W&J :-Jov. 11 Na. Bell wu irtruc.11: by an auLo driven lily aam a. Ta.lalaiue, n, ot Loe AD pl ... Mia a.I.I 1"'9C«i•ed a compound fracture ot her I.rt lee. oonnie- slon and bf'\llM&. T9ualalda wu not h•ld Ml• .. ll u.... at 1120 Udo .:'llorct. Local Serviceman .Upulat• U\at •ell eounly r• ~r an apport&on111ent of UM ,....... Oood control n<"•lpU on 11baJ1 ~ IO per eeat of Uw "*"'Y &n IU oowaty llCbnol •r· ,,._ ,_, ud IO per e9t lA IU ....., ,.,.. ·tad, SANTA A.NA. I 0 c N 8, :,_ Aller a one WHk ~fernl ot lb Engi-ring G d a ppUcallon for & UM vananc• ,....,.-ra Careful Motorists C1ll for Own Sobriety Tests OftANOI:, (OCNl1 -A pelr ot c.auUoue rnotortet• u toun'1td r loc•I .uuoa Opt>r.lor ,...ntly wtlh Uae ,.. q•1,.•t th&t !'>« call Ow 0ra,,... Pobc• Otpu ln#"L Conf eaion Is , Crew-cut lcmcllt la County Jail lndU.1tnal Enteflll1Mo•, Inc ,. ... I R~nd Lt Alu•ndu Lo\•lt rw•n the ro·&head thl• Wttk 0" ... ll~ "'''" &1 bar• I Vf'll at pl&na to Ht&bll&>I " llrht D\&AU• . raclu1'1.11g t "Dlf'r In uw norU1 llOl Dolµh1n Tf'rracc IKl'ntly ~oeta Mtaa area. fr!l•h1al~•I rrom !hf' H ,.,,.," ot Supuvt--. vol.I'd to p.nntt j ,,,...,.. bul<' oourw -l Thr En- The hc11t~na"l •·aa jtrar1uatl!tt rrom tti. l!nlvenl'>' nf 1 'nlora.lo In 11134\ He I.a a m~ml>l'r or f'ht f>elta PIJll aad CllJ P•I frat~mJ. a A.NT A. ~A, (()CN81 ••l&bh•lu"llent or ~ c:.ntu 1n a fl"ttr School. Fort B•h-olr Va Cll&rt9lll /... ctn1.at)'. tl, repart.-d· ~I &&ncullural aru on l7 -fit u.. Mrt.ortoue "c,....., 11«>..ith stdot o.f B&M;er St.. •••l •• r Giil.. ll&n4lt.a. who ra.mpaced B&bb at. TM .tu i. local~ ad ~ Ole loouualand -.rly thlt )&rent t.o a new rffAdotnU&I Al>-,..,, •u lA Oranfe County Jalldl __ •_lli_o_n. ________ _ ..... ,.. a.at.a .A.aa ,._ omc.... went t. x,r-r. P&~ to 411ttradlte the ....-. . -ni. lll..,,&eJack hu b • e • .. ~ t. _,,,.... robberl• M UW ·• ...-...... tn lanta A..n.a and ....,... .u.tk1ft ~ t11 Oranre •• ... a Toro. OtMr m-'9n of lM l'•nr ._.,.. .._ F ' If In lM An- .... ()olll,nty ... wt1t.4IDced t.e ... ~UL occ .._c.ten JW, lfenun WaUoa. Ot&n,.. Oeut ODDce ~t lu]tt. ta ....,... ot ad\llt ed\K*Ucf'. wUI au.M a ......... ot u. Stat.o 0111ulllU. • a.I Cat.al« Cd-_... .,. .. ..,. J'llOT. JO. ThormtOll to Confab Dr . .Jam• Thoml.Oft. Oraarw Cuut Vic.President hu ~ ln¥tt.d to Ua• Un1•.,..l7 of Cel· orado to partldpete tn ~ .um'tler Junior ..U..e WOtlr- ahop. Dr. Thornton wtll i-. M• ·~ cation Um• In Ol'dc:r t.o puticl• pet• tn llw JllOIT&m nat 9lft• mer, be uld lack I• Cntody A.lien B o..u. n . wut.M by lhe Oranp OINntJ IMtttf ~ Oel. 11. WU pk"-d 1'1 by N"'J)Ort S..ch poDee at JU~ AGM:la at~ and t~ cwwr to Wrt.tt"• ett\otn. W111 of hr1l1riea . . .. • :~Pl1pe loul Cllnp11ies • .... ... •"' o1 _,ra.....n. -"" •ntklMd. ., 1"11da.._. lllll t•• ~ area TIM Potters WllMl. IU1 Sllllll •• .,_...,., ~ ~ poHce ,. ()».It BlPwa1 .... wrrlal'blel! u ... .. .,,_ • )u.et "'·ant Lo tlnd out It we an all npt for .\rl\'lnc hnm• ' aald th• dr1Hr. ,,,. two ~ lllo(A out ot lO.,. nua ~d bttn lmblbtfl&, I.My .aid Jack Whit•, 19n'l('j!! .uiu-~1alor, ~ bl• U\OAl.lhnwnt and plaoM a call lo the police Patrol ottlc:ttt amYed ud c.hlc.ked out the pa..11'. Tlw}' aald the An&Mlm drinr ..ct h.l.a ,._.., trwia Gardn <;rove were In Sood oon4lt.lon for dri.tn1. 11w t-eal'fte9l dU-. lbaJllrH U.. oMcen and W!t.lt.a aad ...,. baftlU7 awa,. ' "' ,._ ud P& ta C..-and llO pain f/11 .Ja ea.ta v.--. lAWNlle9 a cutt Bftk8 fthr .. at._ ... tall•. ~·.....,,... '" PClllWeUa Aft~ Thi llUlnuett• lhop. JTIT ICIUl .QUICll B&EA&UP -Wbat a happenlns to UM paftlMDt Ja -o1 U.. .._. • a.& SllD worth ., toolil tram • ODut mpwa,, WU eot ,........ ....... a& Tll Weet lftll .._ _,t llOrMOM *II a pc>t.Mol 1t 1'...,,.n Harllor ... l ~talt tM Wlltdow wtU\ • .,,. 11111 ~ tM r .. 11 .,.._ •M ~II t. drtw a pl«• et ..... '· --d9uM out dunar UM,,... ao teet. tM left&'tll o1 u.. ... ..._ a&lttl. Wl AO &m0UDt. WU ,__ in We.t Nn(port i8 abown above where t.be ftll Iii 21 tncbell Jatpu tha.D t.be ~ noor and the bkcktop pem1 la brine broken ap bJ tnMe before t.tt. job ii approved by' Qty CoundL TbJa came up at lut meeu., ot bty Council, but wu defernid to fi"" tMmbera of the ccmwn a dMulcl to -for u,a,,.elva what bad h&ppmed. -Statt Photo I Mi~e by Phone 1 Pollr.. rt'renuy r"c.l,,..d a I l4.lephone call rrom an unMenU- ned m&l\ whf'I Mold 1\e hAd taken a oompa.u trnm a a.II boat moor- ed oft UOI It. wttUe ht _... ln· LOllle&ted and WlUlt..d to retum It without retUnf llll"ll.Mlt I.II 11'1• "rllnlt" "t r .. 1t Ull• a fool wtia l found the compaa. In my e&I' !JI• next momlnr an.s ramem· Mnd tll• lDddmt." the remo,... tu.I 1.atormant dec.lared. Wbm polio. tried t.o ret lltra t.o rt•• Nll lllU'le. UM man IUCS• .. al.Ya.Id. "I'll Jan ll .._.. wticre and call 7ou" Thm be llW\~ up. om~n C'he<>k..t ,... ..... ., ,...,t _,... u.n.. ""' ~ t• u.n 11J & ~ Newpomr a.o ... .......... s .. ..., WWI.am &dwa.rd OIMon, IN f/11 Mr. and Ml"I. WWlam R. Oft.- eon. 2211 Holly lAne. 11.u been ~ a ..-it_. et UM P'rt.nk• tia Coll.... Munp! a&npn bJ ~ Kntp', dlnct.. TWo ....--u ... ~ .._ ~ fw UM .-mble. Oil Dee. 2. UM)' WW ..... at Ito- ..... 1114. ... Der. t , It 0.. ..... ,. ....... ,,_AM Dpty J\oftaW w. ·--~ Uatr4 da.m, uaM. -el Mr. a"4 Mr& 0-.W Ill • .._ .i JU m. lttll •t.. ~ x.... a-..n tM ...n ...,.tw va )-.1ria., "'""* to ,._,.. Manor N~. , . ..,... ............. .. tM ,.., .... wtU. .,.,..,.... ... ..... m. jobl within the Scout oraanua- Uon&l llructure from KaUonal Couad.I dowa t.o ttcb boy, uw leoutmutu poinud out UM wtlol• tamU7, and upeclally tM molhu, could tU• part acUnly ln _,till&'. ~were ~1ved by Ben· lor Patrol Leader Pt'-r Tl&· twrty. Troop Scr1be Rcll1l Mac- Mutn. Troop Qu&rt•rmuttt Joel J'rueh&n a.nd Patrol 1.Aad· .,.. Jlm B&rMlt, Hank K.Wp- p(l\&'cr an.cl Jim CUlber'Uon. Tor t&IWir part in UM Coun • cil Campon.l al Ul• Buffalo Ra.nch 1n October the followtn( wt re ai.o J1 verf ba.d,J••. JI.Jn Barrwtl, BUI Buie, Kinny Bon· nu, J\lc:k KacNab, M"r• Rork, Peter J'la.IMrty, Tom MacM.utrr, Gary Fox, J~I Frueban, John lkolt. 1-Ftllli1ft, Clu1a Ouen· U...., Cf'&J& Chipman, Chrlat MuJi,.r, JU'D CUlbcrt.aon. Hank to.pptnctr, Jolln &baw, Tom ~~y and Brice Mack. Job.II loott ~•lved a 0«11 Chief Cord tor ooe ,.ar at •rY· • '~ ln Cub Paek 11. tram ,.,, Harold Jam•. tnAltuUnnal ...,.. r-'8UYe. MrL Tt'd H.auau, troop «*ll• mitt.er cbalnn&a; Ray Jltor~ u• llletaot ec:outmutu: Toot Ka.c- M.utu and Wllllain I cot t perticl~ted I.a the MCUon ol lh• proaram whiclt ra•• 8tn'1ce at&n to the toUowiJll': Tom CheaWy, JllD Cull.,.rt.loa. Lee J"elllqe. Petu n.Mrty. Tona Mac:.lluttr and John lc:oU. J~I Fruebaa recetv~ a iwo- ytar eerYl.ce st&r. Klrhltrht ot the P~""' wu a demoNIC.rallon of t.DMrtoot ecout r-.q~ta by oad- dale ac:out.e Clu1a M""-&ad J1m Barnett. Collowln• wMc.h bolb boy• were ad.milted Ult.e u.. troop'• dn1-ot t~p. Tenderfoot p4JU -re pNlltDt.d lo perenll al boUl boy•. ,....,.c- uvely. • ' ' J'ollow1nr t&119 and t.be ~t.­ muur'1 bdeclicuon. rttreah· menu were ~ by mota-1 ot Ult troop ~ra. flS . "''"' GA'_.,COMING TO ORANGE COUNTY Watclt Fo' GRAND FRIDAY NOV. 30 e Pll%U e Glm • e IHTDTAINMINT ':00 P:M. G,..t.tt t•loay of ...... -. '" .... hiltefy of --~ ....... DON'T MISS m 509 E. KA TB.I.A AV£. It SANT A ANA FREEWAY .... h ..... W•tch for Fu! P•ca• Ad Fri.. Nov. Jo.ft Fullerton AndMlm ~ a . I .· . . I -. . . PARENTS 'COME AND SE&".· ,A ... ., par.ta ...... Kn. ~ BewW ftnl rT9de dUI at ...... ki-1 to ............ and lilal1lillS "" ,... ............... ~ •IC9•k>n ..... VldOit Pnilly .._.. lllr ..a... Kn. R6lwrt rr&0ir7, A -_,. ~ )b& ~ Palmer ....... to ........,., ~ .-I. -!'fB8 ~Pilato c.11 , Y •ur Rela•-~..cbor OUNIDl4"..wf • Ornntt#t-. 1111 Mpllaa a new one. · . , LiBLRTT 1-1'14 Ott 11aonie WO.. -Blan ...... ,u 011i111tftM _... .... "-.... tw la..,_ el pdltmttee BARBOR lll'T • 81ett .... 1.A,L.AaT rup "10-01' Ap L · .. iocaa : mt~ Tells .of ~~ M . with ilalle Selmle T1M pu..u..n WW aot be ,..poe.abl• tor DlOl'e tb&p Oii• blcornct 11 y..,.. ta Balbor A.Na ... fly Aa11i11c WCll'ka llll'ecUr. la.lertion of aa ad, NMl"t'9 ti.le npt to ~ clamtty &DY a.nd Mtfc --------~--~ Ila.I. ~.-:... all adll and to 19,JMt M1Y M\ ..i·~ to"'* and ,..ulatiofta. ----------~ ..... 'sm. ~· ... BAY PLYWOOD CO. Sup.a\1008 Blilf. '· D"~i~~iv::.:;a·p-llftl WJ•nn"nBLVD mote -8'irft. ...... ...._ rv -PblicatM!a ••-... ~ 2112 nAADVft • r $ ''6 s&Mt .. Dlla.... ....., ..._.... ~ ..... ~ ednes4.,.hM .1 p.m. COST• ,.l'IMI_. ._ --&1 ' -_. ..a-·....._ can Ba•••· ror .f'rtday a:-~ 1 p.m. .n. -....vs. .. _ • _. PL yWQOD CUT TO SIZI: ... AIP'. G ..... ;a 1 WI "' 'lr't.Milll ,.,. u M ... l'Oltl' J'1111L9111l(O ()(). ..,........_. .. -... • ...._....,_ ....... ~ •YAllT a. a ........ Nell iiJiiimt'ij~--~~· ~ ~ .. ~·· , .. . nu-... ............... Calll..... _,,.,. ... rvww ... _ "*'-.... .,...,-. .... --------- ~-.~.-.-'.J///l.-.-.-......... 1-l-~ ...... ;I. Cid arn n. • ,..,,.. • ._,. --.. DEWALT -DELTA -_ _...._ ___ ....,.....,.. !!!~!!'~~.!!!!!Jf!!!'.~._.t.,. ·~--! ..J.-....1. ~~~ • SK1L -BLACK Ir DECK-!f; !!~!'!!t 15! !!JI]! .. ~1-~ '1= a~~ • Olaly u.. C!DliDI-ftlm ..... Rill OW"ft atlCOWlt of UM Incl· ~ • 7Tll!IC" TTI' • ER-STANLEY It . ~ ...... ,,..,rr .., . ,_,... u. u. ~ -'-• dll:lt u. .. toUew-.: ... ...; ~0 L m 'M ..J-rn Piano -..ur. al ()nap o..t Co01p. ~latr.dudnc ~t,._en ftl-= ~· . 'IP: v~n.a.no •• OVW ,...,.._Har.~ ....,_ W•P'D WJlll\ ' ,.,, -_._ Dr o,._ tow AJnertcaDe to an Atr1can i. .....-: h f h lAua tie -....... t I ••• -...-.-.. -••n'lft t•• 111111 i.c II U .. , _.. ~ •· 1 aw -· -· .,. ,,,_ ''Everyt ·nn or t • .i... T · -c.. DDVft•· .... _... __.. • -....... wll .......... ud talk _,.,... ... -ot the lt4b-ll9i MM' I ~ I .., -" ... I I .. n---. ... •ft• •n. ............ I ..... .,. -..ta o1 ·-tzt Hall :..-,,,, W d k' Sh '' ...._....: _.,,_.,.... -u.. ..... • .. ..._,.. .._ · .. ..,... 1.--0mp .... u. r-ow -~·ca.o p. •:. • oo wor 1nq op ___..., .. · ,..-... -Wtlll. __ m_!,_._,..... __ ..;,..:w:m.-....__-._ -. ~ .................... _ Tl~ d T .• la U. 00C ........_ IClnpeoor at ~pla • • lliP": e>p.G ~OD. tlvu .-at. I to t. - -,~ ---_.... _, -., ..... ..... aad u.. Uma .. JlllllU. u an IJD• .. • LI wm n~..--... _, WATCH .. c• ·OCK4 ~~-· ... ~ ..... .., Pl • .,. -.,. u..-.•n... ~'-S 111&11 despilt. hie tJUM. ,_ • Mtte -."'~ .,.._._, • L: _,, •• - _., ar._... o-a o.Dep. t» o.. J.D iu. p1--. Olla t..i. ~ax-ll., w••w•••••••••W.9.« ---------Ra.r ... 1-w. reft.alirin9 a.t.umura J"'D"U(. ,.... ' • ~ --• ,,..._ .. aDd eomtort&b&e .... Ul lhol4b ~•••••• .... ~:.. •• :.;~ :.. ... :..~~... •• PAINTING IU1.c ...---... ~n:. ... OMt.a ...... • Dr. ~ ~ .t Ole-Wat bis ~eou• -1td XXAa ITCKB ORLON BA.ND P'A.8HJON'ED QV~ I 11111. W. Ill V•'w = · · Or-.. Oolift ~.._.ct.-at U.. »-rt·~ battle to KEW JUM. brtdll'•, eUJlll, IWJtATl:R.I for women BY UK W..W l'W .r'DIA.TD. ~-a.. .._.: ~ ba,,... Uw..,poul u.p Ilia coun1ry ~remind one •pura. live aftlm&J lrapa. NAN DORSEY peo &D4 S Eutem ~ Jl:xt.crlor or ~~!::~l~M~~~~~!!!~-lfEWPOJtT JSW&'l.DS tllrw rrtdl.J ..._ llaL • '-t. •Al'rW& tllia IMl -· .___ t.llAt Ille bu t.ouclled sr-tn-. mountain Uoa t.npe. bMded Ulterior, roof. 8m&ll repe.1n M a... Ill.a U l4Dl .laa. U-&. U I-GA .... ..,.n n II -.... aa•mre PALACE OVDLO<>ll" ltenu. l&nnM run. mu.Ural. $6.96. OOMALOSON'B, 300 al80 Zol~. Good mat.nal. R I .·,-..L.....n.ance ...... __ Ra1i. Ma.Ill BaJboa... NC"te oy s u nnir 'liill 1111 ••• ,.., .... ..__ ... _,,... ........ WltA tM ".uw ......-. •Re .i. the only oauve Arnran ~aver. coon, bad(otr, wolvu. wor)c: (U&?'UltMd. Lle&NSliD -----------..,_, _..., ·~ .._ ... mh ~ ..-ho ~ an area wt\lcll J"ur CCMIL " IN'l!URJ:O. Har lotslll. Compl•te Profe11ional IU.rrA.G P• n.u nev-t>e.:i under the <'ontrol WANTED -116-0 I'\ land a rd New•· Preu rivw nl'W• and IOpN H · I i P~erty O..ner Attn. 'moa • COUNlY 2ND LOWEST IN tAX RATE! ' H ... _ ouMc ••n ftCJ w• ~ _ ·-...... -. J"RWPl)•m• " ot tut~...-. ol a Europe4ln l(OV· \.'hf'vy, &1.lo boat. SS. E 18UI plotur• eove:rac• o th• arvur -.,.,_ ..... .._ -~ ernment. •waled on a hill. hlll Bl, CM. Phone U 9,7921. ..,._ tbrM tlMf'• a wMk 9llt of Ull ...,..._ ,_...? •=''*"... II ~ o-1Dolu the city of Ad-IMpie 60f a month. C A R P E N T E R J'100I' tfUIDI ud bqfftQs J.e a.. lllllJ ...... aC l.t a.Mo ABC ft die Ababa. Ute mountain rapllal -------~--------------\ Repair Work WIDdaw o-mn, .... ,... ._, Dllhm•. •I' ... ,..,...... nl EtJdopla al aft elevation ot las lflecl ncle &-Mo.tac 8en1ce 0-. Your Home Need R..pa.lrill.C Uptiollt-y Qeentnc rra 'l'Dlll "'IO CALL t.esd fl£r ,_ ........ ... owrr 7000 r.t. All our <'an 1.n.. C I I • •--.._ .._ ...,. ,. A or Rc;Dodell..,T n-.. -"'-1-waJEld --· J~rsr.r.•s prc:191"1Md the ornate pt•, thf' -. ca-~ 111 ,_.. _.. ...,, C.> l\;I;; SANTA AJCA. tOOoflt -founlabw were t\IJ"Md on In Ulf' t oa.nl •f ftaalu Mo v ING? Call Jl'Rnlt. t..n.rty 9-CI&• L1lltroUll B...aJt8 C,AU.. J'OIU' .,.... ._. DAY A lOU &. MAil' ID ...... ~ c,ouaty"• '--'9YTR p&J...-. poundll tn a sparltllnc • l'pec-l.al .__t All Work Oual"&llte.d 7'Uo REASONABLE mmrr ~ Wa&.s a.a. 84Jft'A .AJU ...... -....... ~ .... --... -·-· ........... DlreeS.ft o.aa. ------~----!. .....•. p-;· .• ~!,!~ ...... ~ "'T1te ... ,_,..,,.. atd41 mf't 11• '" ..... ..,.... .......... • 2 a.penenc«I, lneurect. rut PAINT,ING Phon• Liberty 8-1332 Joe k!rtoad-Bar. 5DJ ~!!..'.!.:'~; '::: -.. - -.. -a.. tlc11-. f'OOPt to .xplain It Rut-CJ_.. I I I • -~-:-:,: u. St.aw. 11 91dW.bic llb.&aliaM mave,.. ptue arc• vaa un Y -----------,._,..... 111 •a.-.lilk•• ft. s dss. Alllte.. ..,,.... a..c "':"':~ A.ladi&« UN Eckd •ld that la llllllQC ~by LM •111-It ~ ~ $11 ~ nour aaywtwre •lthln .W CRONING IN MT H 0 M JC , J• .. ~ .... ,._, Jftc. •• •• -. ,..._ -• ~ at $l.J3 pen>r. ~b al • allould bnv. .........,. rrulee. Tml• •t.arl.8 at your BRING K.AJfGICJUl. W .._.,1$ 4liliry ~ • ..._ .ua. .. ado- ._ .. ~ Uaree Ull\49 -... appro&C~ " ., door. l..ov.'f'8l nu. a!ld !~ lnter"tor & r:__.a.er1·or IED-SPRJNG w-• •: -$100 el a.-.-d 'ftlua, UW ~-care at U. ~ 16 ....... t'-r <:ar CJ(T t.ldO ,....... ......_.I -,_.. .:. .•• -. t;;. UI _..... oakT \.o f'tu.-lO u.. ..-. on<""e Ln lM alddle. II ,.,...,.n.uoe t.um&IM 011 •t.al• and natlDD· Work OU&l"&Dt.ePd ... lid.a ~ UMd •• I,. • ·~ ll ....a.. Wide IJlO'YiDI' and on IROra&>t. H&r tM°7 IOt!c .. .J. .a.·mess -PIM .... te '19f.M ~:.~ -0Dwst1 &nNllC Ol.llfar-a.ad. OW Wrd Ume Won Ow 11 a.-ty Au. 1 So utra char&f' !or Saturday• 8 & H GARDENERS "'""' i.... --• tllllll .t --· ~:::?: .... ~ ~.::: --* rai. ~t:' .!'':'!t iu:';oc;=. 9;! :! ~ ~_. o1 NBo!ldaE ,.._w MAN FURNITURE All Power F.quipment SlO : =---,my._, IU• :··~-' •127 f« uoo-' ~ .....unct1 ...,.., It -. bor'· u llklMets Miii a.m.cuoa I D'_., _ _.,,_,y d-•-~ BOOI: Trtm.rllUIC It ~· &UJOIDI .. "1JDC. ww 81 IL ~ ,.._ • ": yaJua"'--_... .....__ •"""-..__._ ........ _... Ja\.l.U\;UV~ ~~ ~ . ~ -.._ .....,.__ ...._. ..._--. .,,.._,,. U 81~ WuW Cftlwtlt -~ ci..a up~ --. 1-a. ""-A-.. _ ._ ."'· .··: ~-Ooual.)' Ill ntUl la _. ___ ~ )(.Mk r..,..irtd or ~ ,_ -.... ..,_ -., ..,._. a.. ~h--AJn,..,........, It a.tp Waas.I I ' any ...._ Truck tlMla ~ e J .._ W • ., T_.. ...... :l total a 1 _.._nm at aims~ tn tbal' atte'lpu to It Maa-na-o-TRANSFER I& STORAGE TH TTW ..um.ate.. u a.am. .._ ._ ..._ ....._ • -· • STt!UM.JIO. i-A• 1 •I•• 1M paatuJ ,,.... q1dt.e • •IPt •A ,.,_'8 1"41 Kartlor Blvd Cofta )(-I C. EVERITT SMI HU. A m1llloD ~ b1:rpim iD • : 1 : • Ollalt)' i.ds In • d 1 am •ure lbal the Dnperor -.n A _ _,.,._ Phone o.1 w 8zn74 I • t3 -29th BL. N.wport Baac.b Osr9 ~ ..._ 991. • • ' -_....._ _.... • • ..-, •• -,...._,~ I I •1tt A-Aahl-.. -.. anaJieDC!l!S • n d C)QIDo-..... U-6. LI ........ • •• • ~ ..._ -.-. -foC1nrt u mud1 p&..unt .,. we at W•W to a..,. I -NIC'hL Ha Mil o_r u A-Ma_o _ Har. UM d.aY• or nen1JIS!t • o -l'or • -...... --mr. -1'1"' ~ ~ .... a.ad•.,._ rate Cf( 11.U. dkl tn U. qwt.adf' Ae I l11tn>-11 YuraJtu,. fnr !\•I• -YOW' loe91 dealer wbo wtU be p&ete tandllldnp a8d '· ------------~ •"" •n Hie lmp.rtlll l1•A A•~ 10-BusloHA Ould~ WEATHERSTRlf'PING h-. TOMOfUWW to ti.ck up Cloda1nc for the ~--:.··.-.... D. Waj•ly. I l'ia•I a ha11nt1na (•u .. , ftoet•, !'4uppliM wbal ti. •U. TODAY! Otec-11 t.ai. :: ~ ~ that on• <>f them mlJ'ltl trip ovu ~• \tu-lral. RMlln. T\ SCRJ<:ENS 'AWNINGS I u-1 e&rw In the 1"1 .. ltled MC· Entitt Family t>w twevy rarJM'tl v.hlrh nvn U Do~ ('at•. 1•.-1e TYPING ~·,.... Eattmatf'A lion loday. ... : .: :_·I..&... Cr11Les le .... a\ ,,... J)La.•• ...,..,... !hr st f'oultry TJll'; AWNING MA!'\ I •IV • '! ia... hmr" .... tn tw ma"' P'or n lJ~MIV<"k "FIX-IT" : • • 1 unat•lv non• die\ St1 A1n.,.. "aalN l .I l-1 TU 81 c-~ j . 1•1to Hy.lr11f•, "'"AaE o,. o4•1•c;r.a .. Auto• fnr ~ M~'\1.JSCRIPTS -LEGAL ----------Kech&nkal ud Eleatrlcl&I .. ~ • ~in ,_,..., .. wltll U1• JCmn.ror .._A ,.,,.._ aad f'arl• I M&D:aC...-..,._ ----. ,,.. 41 .. _._ .. _ I CORR"'°PONDENCE Lll-......... -.. See aa.out 1l"'Ol'td tnnda. ll wu ,..... ,.,._ ....,n .-.. ~ • p • +· O +· AlL WQllU[ vvAAAl'l.1._... · l 1 •t Trat...._ CILLE ~ENKE HAR· a1n ing, ecora 1n9 Bal1lor NM ,.. :: e11es 1e ~ t.o nnd thal he "u .. ~ -Ha.np -.,. -. ~ m..-.n ot the Commuruet j o w--.. t.e Rf'tll BOR OM.1-J. 85p98h I Paper i :: ::. A dl7___.. nr. Flair• u. dls;qwr a.ad bad • po91u ... J>"'" .a~•...__'" a-a I GEO. BURKHARDT :: ·C--., .1.-aad 1"11.B A•ea. cn-111 at aMlinC tu. ptoapl• bd.,,.. .. A ~ta. for a.t S TS : ....... °"" lliul Mt lllirokftl at lhr<' mlcfil r .. 1 a "-' to tUl'TI ..... R-far ..... PHOTO TA I U <.."ENRlW OONTRAC'I'OR 1 .4.S p.JIL 8aturday W'lill'ft aft to the lide<:ilotf'lcal bebblea which '6-<' T~ ,.~ ·-· HBA•.•IRD ... BO~R e· LMU"9EPP"'RTINMT 1--Liberty &-88U .. -.. •utamo'«k w1llll *'" ..-n tntMnabon&I ()ommunlilm otrerTo ._ R-far "-' .,.. - -la It ~ l.Jtl~ ~ wtaile •• ..-tf'f' taUilnc. th• •A Afoal Ho,_ 2819 N--port 81,·<1 I COMPLETE PAINTING ...... ,,,_... __ -. ·-_.... R.-d ~k1&11 rovern-.._11 •-.,,.. ,._,d .. 31 p H · o_ · .--v----.._ --• iMi. Har ... , It aper angmg ~rvioe --.... ft-..__._ ...... rn..1t -•~II' In A lie "-t. Mlw. 87..-t -,,_ •• -..----t I "''""' ll:tJG""NE 0 . SAL'NDltR..q SEAMSTRESS DR-M4PNO &M Al.1'12\A nONa Soun • a.JIL Lo • p.m.. 17:'!0 .. .,,,...,.. c.ta .. _ Ubwty ....... u .. .. .. ~ tM pfac nnpt ~ ,,.It Abalaa ltJI ..-.md trad• • r IU Mt-&ad Otnc-.. ....-,. -fara11r&\" to ... __. ___ ... -"' ---------~ 31111 .!ttr"'t. Nf"A.·port S.cll 1-----------el ldra TW -.ol8riat ,.._ Et._,.... -y _.. ·. u-,. ..__.. - •p:nO' ror tlllt ~ ftl'lald rnan7 Ammcan.t but ll la tnvolv· M ....,_ Op,.maaJU.. SEWING MACHINE I ~ ~e tie VETERANS INDUSTRIES ZlR Locust 13' w. Aoa.bftm 4-02 E. f th St. 12101 E. Bolisa ~n Mon. Ir Fri. 'til 9 DRAPERJES and SUP COVERS M-. to a... ~c..-........ LUCILLB DJlAPDill!S USED RANGES sr· ~ A KDJU'TT pe ...... ~ .......... .e.tt- ~ .USO •w a .... O'&-.. ......... ~ c:lodls ._. _. TR A. a H 8U1UfSll .. ,_ ...., .... a..111 t--. I.Am .Aft'U- AlfCD, ,., ...,..,. O...• ~ SU.--. OaOara 6 ....... .. ...... A. .. CJI' ... .... ... ......., ... .__.. _. ...... Am .... -~-.......... caba. N. ...... SJ.a.IT. Me -- ...... Jlq _, SL T1 ,_ w1I &AUOIDI.. "11tN. WU It I a , -W. l Taa L Ot1i119a .... 1 .._ W • .t .._.. ..... Allay. --.....-: ~ tllnl riMsy ........... -. IJ-6. U ..aJa \ . . llot _.. llsc&l9d "1 ,....... ect IA Uw wvrld lJcW, l"ortunat• II 11._, .. Lieu RENTALS A.ND ft.EPA.IRS I lJ' ln Hall• Setuml•. Amf'riea nu .. M.-y W•W ROM S.HIO PAINTING IRONING HAR 61(!; .... --------~----. ~ Sted•• ..... . ·-.. lsAn•• ... .... a ftJ'WI trwnd Wbo l8 tnletl1C9nl. 51 ...a· Ea&a&e "'...._ ~and ef'fKUYf." 11 .._, Dtat. ~ FUN AND FABRICS • 1_..... Pl'ot*'tJ 1779 A. N...-port Bl, eo.ta M* •A~ lMIH!trtal U Mm u ._. 1:11ea... r.io....,.. a...,....., LEGAL NOTICE INTERIORS -JCXTllRJOlll Loc&J ReolettnC• Ll~l\Md and 1mund. Haynie -Harbor ~ 71tfa .. ! !ii!'!!!!' ammo: tllll7 .............. .,. kw. JIOI ....... sa lU OllllM& ............. u.. ..... ...... WHIRLPOOlS $100 Off! Norge Automeiic $2.91 ... _ 1Adcl A t>ry.r. ' ~ •. 41c ......... l'Mllfll•a--...,..-. ~ ............. ... .,. t a-...... ........... n. II ... ........ .,. &211 Sid.A .... ,,.,, ...... _....lie~ rat •r .. , ..,, .... -.... . ~II a; ......... , .__..._ __ ,...._ • Miit R' I JES SEE'S Jiii&...... .. .... ......... -+ iar,,... ... ,. JUNK lrw. copper, ..... alum.la\Dll, a.. ~ qUt.Dtlt)'. lm ..... t,e J'cll vp. OID U WTOl. totl•-----------1\INO BUOYI -No. A 11 - rlUVATW PAATT wanu to~ l'or ao· or Larpr -llOO lb. late moDdel tr.Mr. 0004! ~ .._ tNoy -Mtat Un on d1U°"' ~bl&. Bar • ..oa-M. Pa1o.tul&. ....,_, 1 TU. nc:.t Hp~ ".ut'l'ED -TO IJUT ·-la~ BOAT I yra..old.. 11 tt., J ~­ JDOdtl p1 ta1'S9f ud l"f'h1pr-1't lls-d boat With nnrly &tor.. J.A.Xrl A.PPLl.ANCEa, onrh&\IJ.d Chryaler Crown m· ltfT ~r, U a.-&614.. (1iw. Jd.I tor a.~ ar ft.lb. lflC. mtulpped wtlb ba.ll t&nk rROM PIUVATS PA~TY. ~ • traikr. liOO. APPlr 123 fn1aa.tor, .a-a.ad tunutun ~ at. N~rt attn ' p.m. 1ft 1ood coMSUon. Call an. tkt~ RADIO ADJ t& .. ..0CW repajmJ $2.60 lale1'*-fllN .., labor •rra.~ AClCll TV A RAOlO •115 ·11.t It. Jiu. aot SElL T ,m. H.ar l11SX. taceo lt rr. CJCNTURY UTILITY. YOUR CAR l_. Vlldnf IDOICh\, 60 H.P. rwo MA TCHINO cuatCllll·a.utll love -LL .A.4ua wool rnta.. l:acel~nl condition. ~ u . Gray, tuu .,.u.1pm.nt. top PAID roll Ofl MOT M~ h¥• Mon <'on d l l ton. ..ul&tn1 S2•73. 1420 a. Mein Kl 1 8607 Own•r Har. 6H. 93d3 ----------- uoo tor bCIUL ltal f.Oll. Hcto ""-M-*I. .....,, ~V CASH roR CLllA.N ... TO 'al ... tJ'I'OB PAID l'OR OR N<.11' n:D DA VSNPORT IN 0000 COl'IDmON. HO. Har MOl f\. HctO ' AOOMJI ocmapl.tte 111e. bti t ,._ UYlflC room •t. •• t ,._ ~ •t. nk• be4rOOlll .t cornplotle wllb boll ll)N1Jlp A mattreme. Bae 11 cu. n. ltN 0oai.J ~trtf. ltof W.dp- .,._ ~ wtlla clll.rome top '9d a 'lln>DlkrtW ~ AU !" UU1 tor only Mtt.Tt. No --" llown, pay only "IO i-f -wk. U1JOKH'8 nJRN. W1lteltlouM. 'AO W. 11Ua It .. Cwta W-. l bUt. W. of Van'a BowliDf Alky. 8tol'9 houn: Mood&y tJmi rnday 1-t. aat. t to e 8\ln. ll·5. LI 1-11111. Furniture TV Antennas $7.95 IlUT .A..L.L.CD \ llltnou sa.11 attd 11J> AC::U:Z T. V. -~a Ba ACM Knowlton Dectruo1ca TV ANTENNAS (Q...-Beam -Bl O&lD> lAtt.&l'-1 011111pa.t. to 1'fNZ • $9.95 SHAFER MUSIC BARGAIN SPOT LIBERTY MOTORS t6M N....,pvrt BIYd. LI l·Jllll WE PAY $20. FOR OLD OR JUNK CARS FRlC& PICKUP u 1·0:176 Kl 61U2 l~I J AQUAR Marll 1 laloon, 4 dr , fl paAHllftt. Good con· dltlon. 8)' ownf'r U..t Otrl'r 3081'o • Anadio, llalboe t131>9' M Bt11<'K rJ::NTURT 1:11"!'.A.Tllt WAGON ,..,,lly .q11IP11f'cl A II n-u,. •. 1:) ooo m111u No •al" t1u, SUMI. Ttrma. Mr 2 nnly BAu.>WlN A.CROllONIC 811rn1 LI ~·004 llltfr Jamaica Inn Corona del Mu Harbor 6075 lldTJI NSW v.ntum. t Wnn. dllplcc apta. Quiet tt'rMt. No yard ()(SU( Vm1I'. -, Wm ... •wet eoab7 ..Wiii'· tlO -year~ ...._ .Anita. • pau. 1151 w. ltth •t. c.x. -Bar 80 or U 1·211S. hU-: EXCLUSIVE SHOR.ECLIFFS MOVIB u.cuUve'• u. A I urn. ~. 1Wlmlftln1 poot etc.. aorreoua vtew. Hu rear •11- lnlllci• to LllU. Corona S.Ch. AV&ll&ble ll'eb. 1 to quaUtled tena.nt onJ;y. FIUNK JAMES, ~or. Ll 1-22'8, "" u ,_ ~ Htto H&D hoUN, Corona del Mat, '8«), II~ e, n..,. e<:boola nlc. Jard. n1ce1y fu.m. •11 Dahlla. "' FREE 11 worl. l..ul'e p.ras••· Inq. 120 ----------- (IOT 1Jl7 Yac&ACf la ~ Co.) QUICKLY A.Np EA.BIL Y IWO"LT CALL aELJDC.."T JU.TT. KJ 7 .. 3506 , n-Wuted.tollmt , Rentals W a nt1d Vf• Med .,. .. bamme .. &D MCUoU -... -wtdW ... :r-r"a ..._ """'-ar 9ll1\&ta. U JOU uw a ncuq, pbOM todq The Vogel Co. U01 W, C.. BWJ .. M...,,.-t Itch. .._. U1*'ty W4ll tol M&rlne, B&Jtao. 1.alan4 Pbane Hal1Mlr 6" 1M1 IL C.. -.. 0.-cl-.J Mar Pbon• Barbor 1't1 Udo 0tnc.. Ull Vla Lido llarbcir "'71 1700 Newport Bl~ ea.ta Mua l..1W1.7 uwr ._ldc. 81... or 222 1:. 20lb BL, OMat& )(.a. l9<!M COST A Jim8A -a r0om apt. tumllbed. 137 .30 -untu"'. 541.IO. UUllU• I n c I u d e 4 , P!lon• Hyatt •-4.MT. ti OCl\4.N V1&'W -pa ny "'"" l bdrm dowl\lt&lr'll apt. Adult.I ~ pet.a. '71 mo. y•rly 1eut. 186 W. i•tti It. C.M. llat IO or U 1-%113. 13Uc OOJtOMA Dltl. MAR, tum I bdra View apt. Allracllve hUo, ,...,.,._ adult., y.arly or 8 monlha. 61 l Man1old. t3!'96 BALBOA CU:AN F'UftNIAHICD A.PTa •10 • 112 wttk, 1ncludtn1 lltll· IUH -Clo.e lei evuy\h1n1. OA.JU>EN COURT, 916 E. BaJ. bo& Blvd, Har Oll3. 14cN ti O&LUXll tumlabed apta . 11Ull· -----------u .. lncludld, '3~ mo. and \Ip, QUIET SLEEPING ROOMS Maid lkm~ wnrn::B RA ft8 BAlrPORT MOTEL u a.-1021 llet4 .\dvtrUaln1 la N'l:WI! N'!lWI about tOd•Y• .,_l buy1! For loed NEWB ..• auy and ...u ln our CluaU'led pa.c• * * * ENJOY LJVINr, ON TIU: OCEAN FRONT Compi.tel:f f 11 r n. kltch•nellt 1pta and i'OOm.t with prtvalt' bath.a. M.aid ltrvlc.. P'r .. T .V. U01 W. ~ "1-ol'll, Nf'W· port Ht.r M)T. * * * U-A1ta. a Bow tor .Beot unW June }!), Harbor :.3H -S6tfc ~tott9 a Ofnc- Choice Winter Re:nt&ll OD Ba.Ibo& Ia1&od A Udo We ----~------ Sea Shell Apts. NEW STORE BLDG ~ 6 C10SJ or 1al'(9 .. delUH ITI to JI()() ~ l cw I bdrm. w1UI 2 Mt.U. ~ X t.I on N1¥t-port Ave .• CCMtt.e ).tna b•.11tnn.1 dl.at.rlr\. 0 ,._, rtrJUf. OELtJXJ: APTS. A.l8o le~ BAYSHORES FIRl'I' TllU81' DCD> .. ONfl all'UIUa. • k7 lbore .__ bo'4I ..tat. I ';\.. C&U Jehn Ati.il. RAlt80R ~ 00. Har. 1600. .... u .... Nct3 MONEY NEEDED FOR IST I 2ND TRUST DEEDS Inv•tmant weu ~Uffd a.y R-1 Eat& t.a Up to 12•;. Yield HarbOr &UI Rqyal MC?rtgege Co. ll~ I ttf'CMIM Profert?. SP!;CJAL BT OWN&!'I. I new 2 btdnD. Wllt.t, i1t.OOO. Cult ~n. - 15700 yMJ'ly UM:om• All MW &re& Ooata M.-. U t-T7~t. 76ltc B/B ln dustriel-Commtrciol BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1008 W. Balboa lh•d.. Har 6111 NEWPORT HGTS. LoO'VmLY hOCll -comer a1tt Dr1•• ucl 1'11Un. hit bU1 an ~ H"'1lt>-.0Nt.1' ~ Good tlnaftolq. "TO 8BLL Olt BUY. QIVll U8 A. TRY'" N. 8. C. RLTY. CO. nnd 8t. • Nft'POrt 81.-cl. Har HOI or 5Mt FOR QUICK SALE ATTR.ACTIVIC I MdroGm bonw.. l':.xcellent ~ftlborbood. m. COllla :Mua. W 1W carpetiq, larp llvlnf room wiUa fiN-- pl&ce. eentrai be9t. patio wttll BBQ plt la t.tnpU.. 'l'Hm• and G 1. tlna.JtCUla. U Mlt2. 0Vf'N£R. t3ell CURT DOSH, Rltr. 3 I 5 Merine Ave. Balboa Island Harbor 1560 NEWPORT BLVD. 70 .. &00 Ideal mot.41 Al\e .ie. Def ARTMENT with older 3 BR l\ome, '20,000 6 Unita firm pr1ce, food ttnna. CO~T A Ml:!A. -l bdrm ... 1 D.n A. Jacobeen. R-1 &at.aw block from *'wn '-L ln• / Harbor Mil com.a JIO'O yr, Ul.009. U 1-117&1 KI 2·211'1 LI l-U1T 12 Unita CORONA OICL MA.R -South of tupway. bcalleat ~Uon lll()()l'M l 10,f20 yr. Oii only I yMrif llouta. Prtce JH,600. LIDO ISLE $34,500 VOGEL CO. ar.a 1UnAe A •e.. ..._.. ialan4 Ph. H.ar1Jw ... OJ' lia.rtior 1016 b&cti..lora. UUI I.Del. a...op . able Wlnttt .. ytc1'1y rental.I lo prdC'ftd teJlNUlta. 1 :zlO W Hl Balbea Slvd., N..-,,ort 8-cn DA \'Y. 3432 Via Oporto Ha ou• .. 36 Acres M·l llllc ~L _ 11_, ....,....... _ do.I St:Y TIU8 • bd.nn. 2 batlil ho1111 ! Uvt In lt for tJw winter monUla -~t It for 3 eumrn.r monlb.I.. Nit Lo 7ou. altt"r payment of lout. t&xel • lnluranrt. appl'OL $&00.00. R• Bu. snt-R Mtll ~'-'•_r_._so_~-·-~ ____ r_au_c ~----------SMALL f\lmlabtd 'Mc.MJ« apt.. Cl-own ot the &a Mot~l Oood locaUot\. G«ntJeme pr. TN CORONA DEL MAR fen-.cl R&r. OU~M. lnq. 121'" Comfortabi. rooma and kltthen· P0WY Cd.M. 90tfc •Ile apt.t. Oa:v. Wffk or mol'llh· 2 BEDROOM ~m dttpln Y l'arly renW & ates. of ffl. v.ay, Corona dtil Mat, S04 lrla SI tollc If ratn. T,V, MOO IC. !'out U""':V· l'dM KarbH JlH -----------to i.,..... tndustr1a1 daTeio,.. VCCltLLJ::'IIT locall0n • t.mplt par kin~ APPRQXI)U T1'!L Y 100 mq. h.. 11~ mo. APJ>ROXIMATl:LT 160 11q. tt. SSO mo HARBOR INVESTMENT co ment. AaklnJ ~ 17.000/ac. 80 AcrM ON 9IEWJ:1\8 -left) -appl. Costa Mesa l\a.t -..en ma6' ,., annex. to Coeta )(.-Cu ... ll01\.td M-1. !I STORZ& on s """ ...... N•r la.rs• lnclua. 4ave&opment. W•ll locat.ct oor.er W/MT' C4n not be _,.al In Ora.nre Blvd frllf\~•· Zor.ed M·l. County at S~.000/ac. Prlcl"d ~low ttpJ&ccnwnt cott Bay & Beach Rlty., Inc:. at .. 9.MIO. c.J1 and lit ua ctv• you u.. t\JU p&nk1&l&n. I now uoo un..a ttoMt. r..1v. Ins ""., I Wnn • mlrrol"'I and plctunil.. wru ~ on al• FRI.. NOV. 30 le SAT., DEC lit SPl.NETll -l ma.pi.. l ma·' \-II!\~ -BlllC'K llp«\a.I t ..tr R 6 BALBOA ISLAND • tu.rniahed 21 NEWPORT -l b9drm. turn hocany both llll• MW -aav· · • H. pown brak• 20fio • 4"'.l•rtl I bednn. And wu.n porcll 1.1p,.i apt. C10N lo Udo ahOppl.nJ l4tlc Harbor 1&00 1&76 Ha.rt>or SouJenrd THE VOGEL CO. REALTORS In&• up 10 allnoet ha.It or new rnita M-. LI t-7~i lkr~ durl~x n•r villa&•· Wlnt•r Yea.rly rwnl.41 lnqUlre uo •. 32nd 1-----------C.O.t.a M..._ C&Jllomla LIDO OP'J'ICE prtce. --s100. yearly $1$0. t:ttlltlea 8l. tOUC' !'>~A-BuslnH" RPntall D•Y Of nlJht P'bon• u •. TTU 10• Vla Udo H&r "n 10 A..M.. lo & P M. only KlXBA.LL BLO~OF: U-Auto 84-n·k-ie paid. Hat 6661-W IJttc f'PlNl:T -rental ntum I Cl..Jl"P' HAVEN. unturn. front l BACHELOR'S LOOK! PRIVATI: omcu W'ltll phone 81 Beal btatll ~h•!P 101 Via Dijon, Udo IAI• rant he told from llilW -•••.• Motor Overhaul r>.ctnn ln ll1plu.. Flrepl. prllt I anawmn1 ""1ce.. s.cnt.ary .. 00000. d!JP~ ,. ... ,.. ll02 Ha..-.n Pl I l ~nn turnlab~ apta ln Bal-notary avallabltt. Orouad tloor, TRADE BY OWNER KOuasJ'Ul,.l. ot bard.rock Ka- .-. I.DC. btf d1Vt.n,, Ch&lr, reeker, 2 MP 1.&blM. cott" &&)le, blJ 6 pl~• dln•tt. .et. ,u,-OL cll&Jni.., ~ II ~bed· I ,_ .. t. wtUI Jlotl boa .,nnsw • ... u,...u All ot 1n., IOI onl)' '4M.17 cub or pay ~a. "' .. 11 ,., "'" 1 f)ftly Plain ru. bnnplow ur'" ~ CylL (ma.rt) ___ ill,88 Pltone LI 1-•0'TA, or Ma.r. boa. UtlUtlea pa.ld. U6 mo. Park-New Tn.dcnt Bld6., noo N..,.. r1&hl ptann. T. r"' I u~ 110 Eight. (moat) 58 88 20!\3-W. tldt'I Inc . Nnr l~rtatton. Har port 81'"1. Nrtl'JIOJ't ~ '1!,000 JCQUlTT tn ' unlta In uoomra F\TP.N. warehoulit. MO W, ITU. 8L, Cwta M.a. l Wk. W. ot vu·• .aowuni Alley, ..... boww; Monday uuu rrtllJ •t. ft&t. t to e. II.IA. u..a.. U WlllJ. CBAll'. roee rn.e. down -t Mid lleck C\llllll8Aa. P~ Kar. .... 941'98 UVll(O roam •l COtl'\pkt... IA· dllidm "' ell"-a.ad c:ba.tr 8Mat.eM eolor wtlb n.6cb f.&IW\C. I 9'a' t&blff. coff• taMe. M"f• mar "°" 2 brau- Ut\11 wape.. All ot Ua1a '°" -tr Ult• c&ldl or pay pay· me.s. GI t.1.11 ptl' "- aAUGllN'8 rtJM. -~ 110 'If. 1TUa It., Oost.a M-. l a.IL W. tll Va.a,. llowllnl' A,De7. •tora .bow'I: Monday """' ~ .... 8at. • to •• ... 11..a. u WlM. rtov.n and 112 00 ~r month ---· •PlJ or llM. Ud 1Adjacent to SouUl Cout Co.1 Newport Retrtau far home Of NO MONEY DOWN ON BALOOA ISLA.ND omr~ from '30. a-U-pr1nt.a •-.cant land, or bu.in--. up te only s ... r n#"' Bl..ON:JI!: \\'1.'Bl.IT'ZCR SPINET l'p tn l~ Month• to Pay S.S~ 00. CNC:Ll:l.JE!t l>utn Labor .. Parta I N-Mnp. wrist ptno., Ya!Ye l oD.ly New PORT A Bl..E REEL> (rind, tulla1a cit mialJI and rod OR()At'l -Ull~ 00. bMrlnp. Expert motor tun• l only N-EBONY out.BRAN· 81':N 8f'TNl:T -BllfbUy d&n.1• aced Ill ahlpmvi\ -"-•• 17300 1 only Mlnal\all E I t c l• o n I c lpln•l orpn. Uk• n•w. kvt IOOO 00 i. cm.I,)' OL'LBR.A."'l&EN !PINll."T -ltftltal "lu.ni, ln 'bliautlNI &ai.aa Maple -Ban 11'6 •.IO. Uberal tradu -Convenient le~ A -U ~t "'lll hold any orran or p&ano for Chrt.ltmu cs.11 .. uy at 0 1'1UlfW CoW1ty1 Orp.n Hdqa. FINE Pt.ANO$ Shafer11 For Music (l\.oce ll01) '21-411 N. 8~~. Santa AU Kl s.ent up llO-da.7 cw •ooo mil• ruar· antM OA8Krnt It.OIL EXTRA REBVD..T ENGINES 6J:E US fuT y-.tl7 ud MaaUnaJ renl&la, I \\'OMAN TO SHARI: m y tinmf' d~k 11pare Sl&j Har. 102'. 130.000 Call TOpu 1·3711 ~Vtr)' mo.~rn (()n\l'nll'Mt f', f)n ,--!Do'll'nW}'). Mfore 6 pm, t-~h.. Nf'Vo port Har 3490 W M • M•1 nuc M l.J 11-911'} aft•r l pm uk ar1ners I e NELDA GIBSON, Rtt.ltor tor PtiyUI• ~c96 8% Ilea.I !'At.ate a0t Karin• Ave. Harbor 302 _ _ _ -----__ OFFICE • Shop 8~ far nnl .. --------- BALBOA l&LA.ND ~ORONA OICL )(AR OT' , ... ~. Jl6 ptT mo ... ~ HARBOR Bl•d. C·2 trontar• cm AlTRACTIVIC 1 8drm. Apt. U &-11'1. lttte 2 atrMU. J'or th1I and otllft' PENINSl.Jl...A -NICE ARE.A P'\lrn. or partly tuml•h~. Di.-2 ROOM ottlce 1ulle. Jml r.. C-2 PfVllertl•. C. IC4 JOMa. poul, l'•r&Je. ffar. ~7tW decorate4. Nice for archlt.ect, fUtr. LI MIOl. S-U l-tl4a. Unt\l11'1abed apta. wtlh ~· l B ft.. -StO A I 8. fl -fUO Mr.H ronlract«, accountant. mfl"'• P1L. 11.ar. 12M _Ev-. Ru. 1_. BALBOA. P"um. l bdrm. apt., U nur Ubrvy. '60 MC). y_,.ly, I• -----------ullL pd .. no dllld"'1! or .-.u LI MIOT. 9'<:9e r-ep,..Mnl&Un. •le. ,,,.,.. ia a parklnr lot for Ui. aol• UIM' ot tl'mt.nl and we rumta'h 1111\t hnt and water FOit turlMr lnJo. call Kar 06H. tJc:M ~~~­ Ideal Location For RE&lDJ:NCll AND SN.ACK SHOP DRIVE-11" LIQUO!l 8T01Ul GUT SHOP lf u t to Sbopptlll ellltar. Larp 111t a • 111 ud llWldl ... rw appotn&me11t. call Cllu1el BA y n.oNT a. ft.etmla, ertn•. O.,.; 11&1'. BUILDING NEW 18 UNIT on lot 6S x 300, alttin1 pmWy between n e w major llhopplna &nd civic center C09ta MeM. 19~~ on lnwstment Pr Ice $75,000. '2:5.000 dOWll. Har 37~J. 91c4 DUPLICX rumlaMd 1 bed.nu ~ aoee Ill. Ona WU t nnt.ed. Ooocl ID- c:ome. •1'.000. Only UOOO '°'"'" WIJt}n!T poUr ..._ ..._ .uper ,~ ~ lf'1llp and .,....,... .... aw. ,.. ..----------- • • 14 .... OOAST PROPERTIES IOla..._......_llar_,w ..-...u~ l1'tt• rtnUf, 1 Bil. ·ap&. W o r ll I • 1 1118 -11ma. U .....,., ftll\U ...,..._ -f71 ..0.. -·------------------------ yrl7 .. lacl ut.a. u ·~ 15--_, to Liu COM. I Bml>RM.. \11\lurn. apt. wltll ttove and retrt~. Over dbl• c•rac•. Private ~tlo. N1Al41 rt-. ChMry and r!Mn. Harbor 2•M-J. 92c94 LOANS for Homes Loiir lnt•rest' 10 T..,. Loam Construction .Loans A'M'ltACTIVll: 1 bdrm. r11m. •pt. Slim 808 U'l'TlaR on Ocean f"TOnt. C-.ofl'90ua Ul.6 &A.ft OOAST 111.VD. Newport f-:telghts Special $15,000 Modera I ~ COf"Mr Jot. ~-lltJ'Mt, --n.w tr'OCD troet ,an. axa.OSIVI\. - '!'Wna9eaaM~ ~alph P. Maskey REALTOR BACK B.A T AT'K. I Bdnn. lm· provtd Ba.njo It. iust 1 bile t.o Monte VI.It.a 8cbooL S U.IOO full prtce moo Dn. ~­ au ~on. C. J:d Jonec, Altr. U-1-9301. ICYe. U-l-M41. THREE HOUSES TWO ad)olnl"I lt-2 lot.I, plnt7 ot l"OOm tor I.he Uh unit. Ba.I I bed.rm. hOUM & 2 bednn. alld J bedrm. apt. onr U.. t ,.,..... 8 tort l"OOn\, laun41'7 rm. IUld extra '4 beth. IT'I A STEAL! C.11 Ford Vu .. rindn, &.:Jualft 4-•t. H•r •2'3. tlctll Ocean Front a p1ua den wtlh a baU\a. ~ 11ew ana. Wall to wall car- pet. Bu.Ut-tn f'Ul'e A ov• A all cu.tlom CltU'M. ALL 'n'1I PLUS an ISC*llalll I bedrm rent.al urut wllb f lnplaq tat oru1 m.1~. Good tenna. ICXCLU~ WJTll Newport-Mesa Rltv. • lT .. Newport BJ•d., Ooeta J.- t..r l-6&0I l:v. LI 1-TSST OCEAN FRONT WMt .Nt't\'])Ort 8-0. ·:i 81d- rOOllMI. l M.Ua. ............ .AAlllnr Slt.~ ~. dowa. Ru lliea ,._.. 11•!.llS ,.... •11d11~ .... , ....... ... MMla. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1500 W. S. lbo9 BlY4. Har llU BUILDING LOTS ror muJUple wdu cmtar ec.t.a )I... bu!M now and nure "1th lncornl. IMn A. J~ "-I l:l&aM Kat1N>r •> J't.TRNmHlro m.Jy 119W 2 bed· rGOm apt.. nnpla.s-, ...,.-... diapoea1. b\lllt-to ~ ...,..,. '1't1J July lit 'l 00 "'°" tb CAil 'Manor mN. t30 W. BalbM Blvd.. tot.I c YMw. Dtlllunut.ar. ~ 1a-OcJrcw\a cWt Mu ~ .. rac•. StO. mo. y...,. 'round or Rep. POIJUZa K OllTUAOM OU. M7.llO ·uu July lJll. Water I Matro Llt• IAI.. l"lmM ID MllO pd Har 3!\~2·R, t2ctt ..atfe Har. •02 1.J l-t731 KI 2-JJl'T U 1-411T ' Newport HarOOr ;Board of Realtors 401 N. Newport Bmt., Newport Beach· CORONA HIGHLANDS . Now yoca can owa a 2 bed.rm heme With bath and ~. tor lelll than rent. PHmanmt Tilw of ocean and Cateltna from ~ picture windows. C&z'. pet«t WW, l'cnecl air beat, prb&p dJapoeal. loU at We and many other fine featurea. Very nice patJo md room tor a IWbnmlnr pool ALL THIS, phl8 tally twmahed for-only P&.~. Dril'• by 520 De A.ma. Optn Sat. A SU.11. CORONA DEL MAR Owner wuta actiQn OG th.la lovely 2 bed.rm home, b&th and %, Hwd tloors, livinl room cu· p.t.ed WW, prbqe d1IJ>c-l. lou o1 tile and many other fine featunm. Lot~ x 118 and fully tac.cl Room for additional unit Price reduced to $15,000. W. E. FISHER & Associates BOU Cout Hwy., Corona del Har Harbor ~32 ~ Harbor U.2().W CORONA DEL MAR THE ONLY ONE! BAYFRONT HOME Ii INCOME CHOICE RESIDENTIAL LOCATION Bayfl'Ollt mw patio• front thae 2 lux:unoualy turnJabed apartmmta. Circwmt&nces neceultat.e owner llelllnr. 2 bedrooma eada. Call now for addition&l information. CLIFF HAVEN REALLY NICE -S BEDROOM HOME . NEAR JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL La.rs• Uvinc room It ldt.che:n, 'ood Door plan. Encl09ed porch makes rood play room or den. Excellent condition lnalde Ir oul A rood bey! Let u.a aho" you thil oM. THE VOGEL CO. 2MT E. c.t. Hwy., Corona del Mar HA 174.t"'HA 0757 BALBOA ISLAND 3 BD>RK. HOUSE phul 2 bedrm. apt. ne.a..r i:. Bay. Prteed rtpt 2 uniu OD rood .treet. 2 bednn. hOUff plua 1 br. apt. Attractive clean property -. Nr. No. Bay, 3 bedrm.a .• 1 ~) b&t.4 2 car pr , 1 bdr. apt. 8m.al1 down. Owner eager to llell. $2&,~ For a~l buyer who w&nt. attract, home on extra larp lot. Lge. liv. room, din. room, 3 large bed.rm.a. 2 bat.ha. family room, 2 pat1ot1, double prace. No problem to enter. Near &y. Do not lnquin unleu lntereated $.0.000. Small home, comer lot. Good location $~9,9~ I bedrm. 2 bath, Uttl• laland $31.500 Evenlnp call Edith Maroon. HY att i-6222 or Lou Boynton Harbor 2878 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Mattne Ave.., Balboa laland Harbor 177:S HAPPINESS FOR SALE in beautiful CORONA DEL MAR -Growin9 Family Homea - 1. maoo s Bl'. 1,,., Ba. 1ar&'e lot _ .. ocean view 1 meao a Br. 1~ ea. -"modem ... __ Trade for Lonr Beach s. SZLnM> a Br. 1% Ba. - I>en with ftRpla.ce ·----·-·····························Tree• .. J25,000 3 Br. 1 '4, Ba. - -----•mr down to qualified buyer G. $28.000 4 Br. 3 Ba. ___ .Near ~ronl g . h. Lathrop realtor 9885 E. Cout Boulevud ~ M42 E"N9. Ha. 5880 ., • .. . B A Y C · ·-it E. s· T ' ' ' I au M Irvine Awe. -South of 2 ht Street. . . This will I>. one of the most attractive developments In Ot1ft9e County •Larger Home S(tes -70 to 100 Ft. Frontages • Exclusive Upper Q1y Location • Underground Utilities for Safety and Beaufy, • Architecturally Restricte~ • Wide Parkways .•Sidewalks -Trees •Decorative Street Ughting • Complete Community Services ' • Neor Churches, Schools and .Shopping Center • Located in California's Finest Recreational Area • Reolistically Priced / •(Ant OuertM Million Un~ Sold Out ;,, l WHa) Hurry for the Best Selection EXCLUSIVE SALES AGENTS .. , W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor "C" THOMAS, Realtor 400 E. 17th St. (corner Tustin) Phone LI S.1139 100°/o LOCATION C-2 Bus. Corner WES?' OCEAN FRONT l B.R., completely t u r n.. n~w tttna .. etov•. TV -can add room -10 yr. old, 111.:SOO N/W COR 17TH ST. AND ORANGE AVE., C. M. Out of town owner hu aulhoriud the aale ot thw out.Btandmg cornt>r ( 125 x 2~). Ide&) tor romb. ahopa and office bldg or mf'd1c.al-dental 1yndicale etc. Opp huge Mrsa. Center ahoppm1 dPvelnpm<'nt. Pnc~ to 11ell and· carri~ excel. ~, r l'>an EXCU;~l\'E. WOW! WHAT A BUY! Here a <ine or thoae-opportunilleJt that art really exceptional and mighty hard lo find, owner mov· mg & has l1sletl hia 3 b<lrm plua 1en or ' bdrm. home, which is only 6 moa old for hi• (below C08t pricel of $12,350. He hu to aell Uua wttk • baa authortu<l u.a to take $1000 down and tenna or S98 a mo. Paved st.a. Ii aideW&lk.a. Why wt.it, lff it now. FRANK JAMES, Realtor 271 E. 17th St., Coat& Mesa LI 8-22'~ Evea. LI 8-4817 ( J Wit Eut of Thrifty Orup) l B.R., tum., Ir• Uv. rm., nr•· plac~. Joo d ~1tnuu.... Lo I down. 118 too 2 B.lt. •tntar rimt.al. $100 mo. 3 8 1\.. w1nt.r r.nt.al. 11:10 mo BEST BUY BACK BAY 2 b r , J b&t.h, 11' ~ COSTA MiSA I b r,. HW fl., nr. lrvl.M Sl~ :\00 3 b r, 2 b&lh, rlOM In U~.000 3 b.r, J bath. CIOH ln UA,000 I b r., w ... de. nr. mkt.a. Sll.000 3 b r., 2 ti.th, com. i..tA. Ill 9M Back Bay ~ acr., nut.e hoUH 19.9~ Claire Van Horn REALTOR 2711 W. eo...t Kwy. LI 1·077 C&ll evM. LI .. 12ot KA 141~-J NEWPORT BEACH -----------------DUPLCX-QM>lce Balboa Blvd. B/B Income -Bay Avenue N~ 2 BR Kephart-built house, 2 BR apt. over garage plua addit.iona I room &nd bath. Income UOOO yeuly. $3.i.000 -Good flnanc1n1. Bayfront -Bay Avenue Pier, alip, apacioua corner lot 180'. Unobltruc~ view, superb location $:)9,7l50. locaUoD. N•r ti..cbea. 8Chool and chtttehn. Be&uL tum. 2 and 1 bdrm apt&. Owl\91' blL 'lllla9l -tat.ertor t.o apprec:. U000 wtU bUdle. O..e '4000 yr. lnc. Showa by appt. ' COSTA MESA , 1 '4 ACR.I: wtt.b I Mr. ol4er home. All f~ 8arM, cor- nl. llloral'• iltwdL lbc. 80l1. AH& !Jlcreuin& lft n.lue.. "5C)O Dn. BAY & BEACH REAL TY, Inc., Realtors 2()25 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport BeaclL. Har. 12M f;va Har. 1858 I BJ:DRX. home wtUI lrwd. noon. .E. ... waUttq d1a. to town. Low pnee of 111,000 wit.al OD.b' .llOO I) .. I IHUO a.tl1-I BGIM. Walll· a.q..-......_,..,.x-.&u a plL 0. lblM ft. IAL Ind&, ~ •• prdm all la. Only PlOO . CLIFF HAVEN THREE BEDROOMS, 2 BA TBS Enra J.arre living and dinina uu, alidJnl Jiau doora to conred patio, huge muter bedrm. open.inc onto patio. Choice CU!t Haven location. Tiua I.a a bard C>De to duplicate at $18,7~. Call THE VOGEL CO. • 3201 W. Coaat Hwy .. Newport Beach LI. ~1 Mesa-Harbor· Realty A A890Cl.ATD &ot Oeter St. tee.ta Mua u ....,11 or U a..na. ORIVI: llY 111 Wa.tnul (J\l.lt oU Tu.Un I c.t& W-. I llednlu. 2 balb.I. Wwd noon. ~ to 111.000. ~Uent unm. c. Jld Joaee,' Rllr. LI .... 01. :s.-.. u ........ 22• W. Co.st Hl9hwey PhoM LI 1-5627 ft BMIEatat.e . COULD BE ---. TWO UNITS EASILY OUR OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY Ir SUNDAY NOON TO 15 P .M. .&l. We, 4 BR -3 bat.ha, one BR and bath In connection with prap. lnteratin1 modern • atylln1; remodeled two atory home -bre&kfut bar kitchen - 2 fll'epl&ces. Electric ranre, automatic clothe.9 wuber I: drier included. Full Price $~.~ Wllh $1',500 (ID First T/D -6';(; interest. .220 Diamond A"·e., Bal. lale. WM. W. SANFORD, and Associates Lee Bolin • Charlot~ i'uiola Hub Powera • Nona Hyer Park Ave. at Karine, Balboa la1and Ha.t. ~ BALBOA ISLAND THANKSGIVING SPECIAU You uked for It Soooo we U.ted It aclulfvely. Sturdy lb.er-upper Little Bal. lale locatioll. 2 bdrm. frpl full lot OWNER SAYS.SELLt! .ult, tnc ~.ooo with am. dn. payment. YOU'LL GIVE ntANKS roa THJ.8! Bal. Jal. finest.I New, ProYtndl.I, loeda of abat.. ten, blt.-in etove, diahwuher, dltpcm.l. Enry- thtnr you cou.ld desire in a lovely home! Prtoed rilltt. See thia tor .ure. LIDO 1SLE f-bdrm., 2 bath beautJ. 45' meet to ... lot. .. 8t. pa&. carpeted. A. """ ~ Speda.I SSfACJC). . EX~ BAY.SHOUS M09t Adonble houee m Bay Bhoree! La.rp ya.rd bup Urine room. J'!aptone fr. pt 8-qt. turn. All th.la for $23,liOO. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 808 M.&rt.ne Aw. Harbor ft02 BALBOA ISLAND .. I .• . a•··~ HARBOR BLVD. BUSJNE88 SITE eo.aoo ~ -· su.eoe. ~ QCEANVRONT DUPLEXES l-N1w 2 Wna --turD-- corn. Jot. pe,.500. IJTan'9 tum&. I-OD b1p&Q lot -1·1 ..... other 1 Mrm tun. .uk1ac UUOCl ~ DUPLEX Lot• tb&n llDI to ocean -at. new. CU 1"»11 POQO, •1-..c». tuna -UT .500. untuna. 1Jt .... ()pea 1 to 6. BAY VIEW I b4nn fW"A. Kr ~ llT,Tll --' try f4M9 .._ 1111• "· kn.a atTd. 0,. 1 .... COST.A. ME8A. Otdu a bdnl\ ....,.., pod eot1· clUOL U. ... ft. ...... C)w.... er WW it--. , L<irs • ft. ~ •up1e& ..... JlJ.IOO. \ R.-t -""' to .... -uldaa MOOG. ' ~ acn lD COit& Kea -......_ 1 aa. laJ¢a AM BalllU ..... . W. STUART~ IWI'. IUT W • ......,_ Bhod. lob. ,. ~. Al90da\911 ~ t& _..,.... ~:,\; (2)t ••)'1..,. ... -~y and ooe&D -Jaqe ! • bldrlD, 2 b&tll. Ip UvtJaa' room with tinted ,.._ Gnpl. -mdeck;· 2 car pr . .A•kln1 ...-•Onl;y twaO don. 3). a Wna, 2 ball&; Uv room wttb terriftc view. ... ..,_.,. aUJ.250 ceJy ~ down. CUFF. HAVEN-TRIPLEX ''OWNER. MUST SELL" 2 ~ each unit. firepl-.ce, tub abowen, . appros 2700 IQ. ft. phla 3 san.... Newport'• ftDellt tDCCllDe diltrict. J'OR A QUICK SALE TRY '19.000 with $5000 down. JACK BRENNAN, REALTOR ,w .. AT THE ARCHES'' # 8320 W. Oout Bwy. LI 8-T11S <X>9TA. KESA OFFICE Bl!:l'W. 'ItJSTIN 6 mvtNE '82 IL 1 Tth SL U. 8-778.1 'JI ~ Best Buys Corona del Mar 1 ,, SHORECLD"TS VIEW HOME. putstan~ buy In um' modern 3 bedrm. p1ua den witll permanent 1'lew ot oceu and jetty. Quality eoutruction -many fine teaturee mab up mi. tine home. Room tor pool. l'tm time of. tend and priced below replacement at M&.000. SbOW"D bJ appointment -~e with u.1. 2 r A BABl'1'Y ud Oll17 ~-block to oeean tront and biada. Modtrn 2 bc!rm.. 2 bath home. Only 2 ;rm. old. Hardwood tlra., 1' A heat, prb. cti.lp<#I, fJrpL, nice patio. 4bie. prap. AA ezoellent bQ)' -priced ~ at S21,2IOO. !:•""'"81M wtdl .. llut you better HURRY OD • thlil ODii • • I ,'DUPLJ!!X BEST BUY. Well located. 1 bednn. • each with 88pl.l'ate patlo9 for each unit. Ea.c.b -bu ....... Priced at $18.!500. BE'l"l ER SEE THIS ~A.Y! :.z • r'VIEW LOI'. OORONA moHi..A.Nos. Com· ~ wttll plaDI foe 3 bedrm. boaie Owner wtn eon-kier trade tor houe or income uy· •bat Harbar . Area. Priced t.t Sl.0.600. .; • .... ¥EMBER OJ' MULTIPLE LISTINGS P'°•Y ... ~. £DRONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. . . ,. PRICE T. MoCUIBTlON. Realtor • A.:dat.M .,: 9"7 & Cout Hwy. Corona del Mar Har. 47 COCnce Jocated Dat doot' to Newport Harbor Bank. Cd.Ml Bl B • We are proud to offer. tbeee attractive esclwd"M u.ttDp to oar flilDdl ud clleDtm. . . . ' . . .. p. a. palmer ·incorporated · p. •· palmer incorporated of• henaoft co. mane9ement 1700 •· eout 1a1Pwa1 -ldMlirV a;sna ole hanson co. rri•M&:om•nt . DSS *•UIJ(), ~ OPEN .·HOUS'E . ~ Corona Hl9hl•nd1 · 608 De Ana l'lmw -' lliedl'ooa -hm1l1 ft..--I ...ua -~II IQt.cbn -Lua1 -...... - aad.IC=aped. Pr1oed to ..u wlta .. llttlt .. '3,000 ~ OPD I ntOK 1-4 P.K. .A.CT K~! I lido Bavf ront · · New -EXdml•• \ [)Q(ACU'LAT8 ' Wraa bQsnc .. udoKord---•• ~ to fOlll lot. Pkr, adp a.ad *t ,_.... °'""" wUl•IJ W1Ua.,,... .... ~t and wUl ~ tbt lll&lul... ., ., IJlterwt.. I • .LIDO ' TRADE tlOO . A. LIDO i ~ TRADE • ~·Ba~· bome DOIJ oder ccmtnc- t.loo 'on Vsa Udo Nant. .t ~ u4 family ~ ' batba. ll&Q7 out.NM'nl' tatm. make W.a 0U.·~ -IArP'• .. •• wtted tor worbbop or playroom. -I cu pnp -2 tire- ~ -bwiUtnl •• ,..... ... ol •1 -2 muter ~ Mllta ~ lncludecl In price ot .,.r ,800.. Ona' wQI coMMer .maller IJldo Jll'OPtrt1 u Jit.,lt .pa~ either vacaat or lmprond or late model CrUm' ID top condltion. . .. ' ' Balbo. Realty Co. OUTST~INO V.ALUES C &ltncUYw P9dn.luJa P • t a l ..... ,... IMuld ....... buJS.q. No. l -J ft'OftY, J .. JUTRS. ..,... nm.s Nam wtUl beeutJ- fW ~ opm ...... aJSd. in., as.-dool' to .,.,.. p&Uo. nu. PIVPI* ty 11.u dlaUneUoa lf you WUlt a Jliolne Just I lit.. tJe cnu.r.t tJiu mo.t.. llSl.- 000. l'OCld wma. No. I -maure 4 0 0 0 D V A LU E. I bedroom bome. tars• U~ l"OOID wtUI ni. place, paUo, J car ,_..._. ... &'OOd tw larp family. All tor 111.000. f6000 down. No. I -J BllCDROOK, 2 beth home, ·~ bedrooaut. ex- .. ~ OWNER ANXIOUSlll · ----, SUIMlf. DOWNUt '1'• Piil Plb tor a JNr • ......, Jc a t.IDf • to a. ...... -~ ~,..,,,,., UW. 0... Jail oaaaplilt.etr •• riWed lndudlai ..., 1t,oo1 and s.n.a;,.•.p&dO ••• and. tt .. CCllD• / ~ Gd ccmfonaWJ fQnaJ.qed iDdadtna" rup Mil ntrtpratar. You clcm't biw to .IJ*llll ' a ~ Gil Jt ••• llOVS 1UGBT IN. We laa" the Dr • COSTA MESA DOCTORS AND DENTlSTS ATTENTION! IN NEW SHOPPING CENTER! ' Modern DMip Ullita for Doeton or Dau.ta omoe.. Lot 120 x USO. No parJdns 'cltfftcuJu. . Full Price $39,000. Low down payment. INDUSTRIAL ACREAGE FROM *6-$10,000 per A. in Newport, Huntinr- ton Bch., Coeta M .. and Santa Ana areu. 1 to 20 A. parcela, 110me with 10 yr. subordtn.ation. WILL BUILD & LEASE CX>NCR.ETE Wt-up bldp. fully •prinklered, CS% and 6# per aq. ~ Ample off meet partdnr. WW ctTe you 3 yr. option to buy the bJdr. if you detain it. SEVEN ISLANDS REA~ TY & INVESTMENT Cd. 1503 • 32nd St.. Newport Beach H&T. '5868 Eveninp H&r. ~7 2-STORY' COB.NEil LOT I Price ~ to M2.~ I KING-lllMCI ~I ba.lba. I da and room OD a wonderful 17' lot. 6 Untt Apartment, compliml)' tu.mil.bed. ~­ oelleatl,J ftn•aced wltb afprt;J'metely $36,000 loan at 5" lnttrelt. °"1Wr will coclid.er trade in Or:anP CQu.oty ~ ~price $75,000. . tra lpecial ClODlt1'ucUon, cute _ ANOTHER NEW LISTING M600 Down I COIO'OJtT ABLJD 2 bedroom 1'oml mar i.Aclo clultbo\&M. Larp J*U._ Priotd al on17 uuoo. BACK BAY .A..Rli 9 Reltr1eted lloia. Sit. w UL _.Id to Ml!t JOU. ,,__ .,... and COMtnaetlocl la .,. Lou lDcludll . curba. rutt.er. ..... n"I &ad lldew&IJu,. uoo lq. ft.. mlAlmum. Tbi. La DOt a j tract I Qlft ua 1 caD for IDOl'9 tatormatloe. NEWPORT BEACH • BEDROOM. J ~ balb. 1 yw.r -· r-..s. l&ndilalped. ca.r· ~ and draped. Mon ln oaw for ODly Ul.600. You I ca.n·t IM&l UW ~I E. COSTA MF.SA $1MO Down NaA.R .... 4 s.droclna. 1, beUI lliJoCDe ta Dioe location. Price ~ U0.-0 -payment• HO moaUl '"<'llldlllS ta.xea.. Duncan Hardesty REALTOR •Al Uae Bl1ds• t.6 Udo l.W' Latay.tt. at nn4 It.. Kar. •Tit A Sleeper!! M 36 tl'oot ft a l Harbor ~d ltt.b ata , or can dellnr 11 T troot fl. ni. ia. a...U.b&. C-1 for out.nsht we IA center of uUn Coat.a .VML HOlO:I -TUI 4lJ mi. &net pt'kea. We .. deltnr. Max W. Pope, Rltr. a• u.u.... ah-d. u a.nu WILLl8 a. JONU, ft.Jtr .. Aaoc. UDO ISLE l ' . . LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES MOO VIA LIDO HAltBOR 6023 STANLEY MEYER FRED GUENSLER VlRGlNlA lUNSON JACK MOORE G~ VREELAND I PENINSULA Cute 2 bedrm tunUlhed. Jl'lrtplue, 2 car pn.1e, fenced. Only S2l500 down. BAY J'RON'r DUPLEX, fW1lfahed. Prtnu t.dL Pier • float.. OCEAN FRONT. 2 bedrm. 2 baUL tte.ooo. COAST PROPERTIES Rt.ml JAYRED, Reettor . Mild.red JUaa and SylTia TbompeoD. 4wndat.e. 301 E. Balboa Bl~. Balboa Bar. 28&8 or teoo BAYFRONT! Lowest but not lea5t We haw the lowellt priced. Ba)'front home plua inqome apt. on Balboa l9land Beautiful view, wtde aa.ndy beach. 1'b.t. it a VERY A TT'RACT'IVE Property. Offered tumiahed for $48.:SOO. Bet tier RUSH on thla. MARINERS ISLE REALTY 318 K&J"lDe An. Balboa laland Harbor 4781 C. 0. M. DUPLEX-Sl 5,500 That'• rt&bt -$16,:SOO. 2~ blocka to the ocean and~ block to lhoppAns. 2 sroand nocr, model'1l ltyled untt., one FUR.NISlllCD, wttb 20 ll 20 pr- ap. Tope for lnf"ltment or nmdence. Another n.rpn. -ONLY 13.eCJO down. HURRY TO bobby room. A nry ath'aeUv• and daady borne. t.22,liOO. term.. So. • -A NEW I bedrooc1. 2 btalh Mme. beauutl&lly ap- pointed and modG'll u can 1". I BuUt-tn i kit.dam. fore.cl· a.tr t)elt 111d double ...,....... m .- 500 With urma. TOU WILL LJlCm UUa apadOU8 2 bedroom 8&Jbo& bom• w1th a cut.a and modsnl bacbllor a,.rtment In tbe rear. hr· nl.lbld a.od loeat«f OD a ·~· X JOO' lot. Near ~ and bay. 2 8in11• ,.,..._. Ill.MO tenn.a. HD.II 18 A.N UNUSU.u.L Y I A'M'IUCTIVE and beauUtu.U bedroom llom• ln the UPPl:Jl BAT 4.1\.&A.. 1, beU.. built· tn Tberm.ador o•en It rans& lt' x H' u.m. room wtU1 tin- pl~. .,.. lo w c:arpet:lns. Drape9 and curt&tN iac:luded. OUt.atandin6 patio and room for 9Wtmmtll• pool. Truly • w o n d • r f u I laome.. 121.600. Balboa Real+v Co. ~t.e 8a.nk ~. l.m.nca l\olll Greeley Ed lAe JOMpbin• Webb 100 IC. Balboa IU'Yd .. Ba.Ille» Pbone Harbor 1271 INVESTIGATE THll I UNIT a.p&rtm•nl a--- w1U bear minute l.na'pec'Uon. Pnwnt tncome m.. ,..,.1, $1,000 AND YOU CAN MOVE JN. 1 bdrm., r~. lp. liYinf room and d.J.ninr area. Retri~e~tor, atove, curta1Da, bl1ndll, w ;w carpetinr. P'eooed yud. Good neipborbood. TRADE YOUR HOME FOR INCOME PROP~TY WW acoept 2 or 3 bdrm. bome within 30 mile. of Co.ta Mea u dowrn ~t on J • acre C-2 property on Newport B1vd. 4 furn. apartmenta DOW' ·on AeaM at $283. per-month. ZoDed for 21 llnita. Room on front for office bldf. 188,000. full pl'ice. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY WATERFRONT CAFE-a favorite ot Newport Harbor Y&ehumen. 8 yra. i.n th1a w.U located and •pot.lea bide. Generoua park.Jnc area. BHr liceoae lncluded- WE HAVE .RENTALS! New 2 bdrm. unlurn.iahed -$80. per m.onth 2 bdrm. turniabed and ~ 1 bdrm. turniab«f and 1mfuralabed 3 bdrm. u.nturnJabed THE VOGEL COMPANY 1700 Newport Blvd., Co.ta Meaa. LI ~ Eve.. Har. 3435, Har. 5714 • BAY f RONTS • -3- I Vwy ---. -.Uoo on Balboa PenlMula. eacb apt. la lal'Se. llp&dOUA, &Dd ln tip lop COll- dttiOll. MT,500 Ill YWrY ~- atit-for W. •roperty. Owner lf DQ NORD will ooaader Aerma. AJ.o eome trade. Phone or -Oeof'l'e •~ for tull det&1la. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES l~ W. BaDtaa Jlhtd. Har IHU tkt8