HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-11-28 - Newport Harbor News Press~ t Fadlltles Allo 0......... AiC for He• ... on "Stat. UceM. .. . r uhll<" hftrtnr oa Balboe i.-f be Urvtt.ect: -... la a diarclla 'la land 1 <"ontrov•rG.aJ tiqu. ua lM t•na4itt.e •lcbdty flt Ui.e pt"Op099CI bu; t.Mn are .ulft· Pf"tmlt, ~nlly -.it•o•d "1 4lenl pa... _. a..oMae to N..,,,.port llee<'h CltJ ~ 1Maia ...... ; tJwre .... ~ OommJ .. on. WU Ml C8f' J)ee. .... wttlita• • f .. t aM .... LO M onday ~bt by Newport p&tram ~ caua ... Betu-h City C"ou.ncll JWocei•ed at ~ CU)' Hall we.-. l OI l.tt.tn and earth protf'lltina Wr\aal\<'9 el aurh & ~rmll. ni. compklau cs-. Wl9r f'ifht r.nent beedlt: TM ...._. Justice Dealt At ( Schoo~. ·cr0_$s;ncj : I • • ' I . "'°"IMl ..... ..-AfltfV w11111M out'" i> '4" ..... "%-......... IRIDE DOLL ...... ~· .... .u-, M&bl d'-o • ~ .i.en.. .. lilo4.lca, ('c.l .. d " .. ,..., ..... ,.. I ~ r ' I i ~ .( i .. ~ I < ~ I l I i i ... i = I . I f "' .. .( ,.. I t I I I • ~ . -YOU rAY L .. AT VlllUNT'I - Mesa Clays llidiaSfrt In Annei Area or.ta x .. P'laallll'tl Olalnl .. 11\on bu a pproved a 217,800-llQ.· tt. Upt rn.anularturtq center In a part.Ion ol N.wpoc't M- cu rrently unde.r UUpUon M- l wffll N twport S.acll and roeta Nloa but .UU tedulic:ally In UM county. Tbe commlaon Monday alltlt he&nl pl&M ol WtlUa BoJ'd, NII Tbe TMedo, t,.. a.ch. tor U. ('(lnanac:t.100. e( .. YG coecn:te Uk·Wl> lllructu ... -..... a.. ""9lrln ~ u ~or warehoUM&. TIM trKl I• located oo Pl.a· Cl!tltla Ave. nur lttll IL Noia. of the blllldln,e ~ '9 cl- lb&a to f~t ,...,,. u. 09lar 11.ne of PlaOlllUL Boyd ' O· plalntd Ult'a e 'lll'OUld IM oCf·•U.l perktnx for 197 cara. or th11 totAI ~ea. u.ooo 1qua1 •· t ·t "''"'Id curulolllt 11f bull<l111·.a. l'iu k•nx er""· p111.nt· lnir 1111d l'lt·tl•:ir k• wnnJd take C9re f1I I "' h •lan<e ot 1'2,80t ~ frd. ltit ot thf' butld\"=9 a1 .. to M l f O()(l-•'I ·t\ In art• a:1d OM Wll..,.. 1~of"'') I (I Buyd I• I 1 1 In ll TfqU'-• • I J t' • I r I 11•n~ I or t.M \If\,. ~ \'t1,1• 1 r • I V'"I .ta ptt.w•JH r: : to : l " , I '111· fa.Munn; 1:•1 lu1 lhr• ••lh• M•rJ"'', "' olJot'r M·l la.nd wbh·t, ' ,. tlll1 !rile' un- llUftalilf' ft•I I"· llt;'Jtl \o tlt op- lm't'IL" n. t.,.,n. 1.... ''" di•., kip·• ob· t&l.Ded uw Mea 1 approval pr1w to aps-aring betor9 UM County P1aNllnC Comml.8slon h~nnir .. u. ruonlA( Ofl Dec ~. A. copy ot tile ~tu lllllt!Jll tbe )IMa ~·1 acUclt ~ aa. '9 Milt to ta.. MtwpWt a.,e-b P1autng CoauftWllOG. Cl&Val eo.. a ...,_. manucac. . . CorporalaOn Offeri ~Ian+ As H~ SM'lter le EimrfJMlc'f. . • • Pirates Top ~llllhnl five Coad'I Stu lnman'• Orang" Coe al Colle.,;e buketb&lltr• pr1pped tnr tn' a•lon ot mtrhty Gl .. n<lal• ,.nday n11ht ann bfoatanr tht Alumnl 87-0 at l.he 0CC (Y1l1 lut Dl&hL D«nnil 1'tipalrlck WU I.Op man In tbe 11COr1n1 departmlllt with 17 foll<7wed by ~ CouU. and Armand NetUoM wtUl _,ht Pi'<'I\. Bill Wetul &11d Dave BW· ruck poppt'd to MY'11 and Butch Oooprnan tot&Jed 1111.. 0th.er Today's N . Y. Stock Report .coreni J""4y Youni and Bob Market ~rt from pr1vat• Ctlapmai1 four; Jim Emb~ wtra of n-raon-Rammm 1r Co .. lhrff: ROff'r Gurk'h two and Nt\\ port Beu.IL J 30 p.ra. N T ttov !H"v"n• one. Um• Irr Mn LM Ma.cC~r. F"1lzpatrlrk 8CONd 1Q of h11 OO\~·...,o~t:s Al•t: ro1nL1 In Lil• flrwt ball. , · • .aAo.:" Bill lnl-.e pa"f'd th• &'T•d• 30 Jndu.lrlala 411\l 1'11 o(J :io wllh 11 potnt.I. Rnn W\nterburn 20 Ratlt J:\231 nft 1n 11.Arted tut WIUI •lJhl f\rat 16 1,;lUIU.. !\ft 07 ntt half point.a but Welwl lu1Jd him tn two In tlw final bait for a Amer1caa RmeJUnt __ lolal nf 10 Phtl 8h&l•r ecort'd Amtric.an Tel~hon• _ tin. i:ZJ A Van Hom a.od Ntt.on Vt11el four and .!l'f'<I Martl1'U Anaronda Chrval..r a.nd Rini ~larr t.-.·o I DuPont The P1nat" bad a nlll'T"OW 1&-C.n1n.I Ell'<'tnr 14 (Int Q•HHlf'r Ired and n.n .. ral Mntnra lf'natben•tl II lo :l?·JO at balC-Gtmbel Broe. time Thud quart.Ir 1oore ..a t&-33. oc·c llCOff'il 21 ntld ~ and 13 ff'ft throw1 while UI# A.hunn1 sot H floor fhOl.I a.nd I'• aana BUTS! ln Olar CLlt..88D'lEDI UM YOUR llYUI 1'SW •.d&.n' ~ -~ J'rtday at G08 E. Ka.tella Aw.; Anaheim. II ..,.. -... tn t.be PaDe1 ~a.ID.. It wW tatun ceneral merchandiM and IOftlUlild 1urylue OD & ........ )'OQl'lelt" .. Diaper Set Doings lAlut cltlane ot UM Harbor a.rel bo1 n at H~ Hcl$1tal are u toUowa A eoo to Mr. and ''lln Don· a.ld roe.. 1 '7802 Novawood Park. TulUll. Nov. 19 GUARD .,. , .......... ,,_ .... l) nu UL roa ms !OD -And blimt1tUl tor !M adult. to ... durlnl the Yuletide MUOD ID Uda Sboppt.ni Ceater .. the store front of Udo ToJLa.nd. lt'a deftnitel7 hladquarten for Santa (0-.... .._ .... ) clUea for ~ waur eJl&i· to DM&1ltf ltudtq related to ~ w-... TIM K .. city JD&nal'tr .id h• I.I a1.o try!.11.. to arT&nf'I • m"tl~ wtUa Junn Mciatpm· ery and AM9d&t. to ... If eo.t.a :w.. "CIUl't .,.cl up It.II t.omonow. DI.ATM NOTICI ·-.. I . l U.S. GRADE · CHOICE "BEEF ROAST IDT CUTS 7-IONE & CHUCK lonelw De Fatted Rolled English BEEF ROAST ------ FIES~ .. LEAN · . GROblD BEEF ~--------.1 1.-------..-~ •ACIMAWK 69 Coffage Butts ~-==;;~d · r. PILLSIURY Ull-Y'S-WITH llANS ::;:u Pork Sciusage • MILK CHOCOLATI -------·~ -·----------29r. 49~ • CIMMY c.t...ltt.Mll CHILI FBOSlllGS i. Al AloA.wt-·1 ..., ... a. ..... ~, EUICAN 1• CIUAU1'Y SliCed Bacon Each 25c DellCate.rsen -------1 . . M1K & 11UOll)· I I DNTUCxv MID I I "STRAIGHT I t IOUBIOI : . I '.:&~ I !-=-·-·T! --------! FiANKs : CiEDD1_1 __ :· LdiGBOBI ftADm .VIC TOM & .-.V BITTEi iA1M IRAutlSCllWllGER ·• ___ ...._ _ _. ... _ ~ . • :I---- -.~.j I . ,. I BICIOIY . I -. I I· "'a:._ s5111 I QUAIT I :v ~y -· . ·-··-. $21.54 ! ~ -= -!..! :..:.: !!_VI.!!' I IA1WI Ula. --1•0 I IE S' mm~ . FRUIT cm Mii . ' ~ up a "HEAD OF STIAM" and Make Traclcs to All-American For A l•I Train-Load of Sov- ~npf We Mways Buy Ilg, In Order io Price Smalll . . . . . ' .. • 12.0Z. ·ms. TR~Ts ~: 29c i.'Dcia\teat 33c CANDY. ::: 29c BEANs t~ 29c GLOIE A·l 5 Lb. ••• 45c 10 lb. ' · IOIWILK COi. NlllTONI I PIONll• ~ D•lf. 'til Mlcfnit\.t Sunday' • .\.M. to I 0 P M. f SS.95 YA~QE, Oilly • . • • .•. Grend Dutch"' 7~-oL plcga. IEEF ·PORK -VEAL STEAKETIES PICTSWEET ~L cans OBAIGE JUICE I • IOSAllTA-14-oz. ..... ' ENCHILADA DINNER I I • MOITONS-1.9. lc1nom, Size I , Mac•onl & C•••• : c1ss1·10LE I IUOl IUMn' MORTONS-8 ~-01. p&<91. : CARROT JUICE • SPAGHITTI & MEAT 5 .. 1H : ~ 1f' • MACARONI &·CHEESE : I Open 9 l..M. to 10 ,,M. Daity Sunday• 9 A.M. to 7 '.M. I PATTIES ).~ 2 ~ -·~ ii'•• .. _ i~ . . .. • . .. ' i g r ~ • . . a r ·· • "· "·<I. 'w •..! '~ ---~-·~ ·.' . i ~···I ,# __I ~ I ' ft' ~J .. '1'. . ,. ' " 1 • I Ill i · IC T r . I •. I l n 0 : .. ,..._ z l : ,. ~ ! '~ i . ! " . f •.. l I . • J i ·. t·. .. . ; .. ~ t .. E '-* •·,, r J. l ~ z I · .~rl frI 1 1 a r-·I A r 1 J 1 r i · • , ;.,/-~. ·> • 1. r I · t , w ' _,<I ; .. _-j ljtf r ·- I ... • --.. ~. ~--;;i:.~--.· ·-·.;·.:1 . . f [ ... c,. l =. ·s·_~t,.. . "· : . J;:-"f. .•· I ·1 I " ,-I .. -('. ' J • ;.... -fr~-_1. _ r ... ~ ~ . . ' ,. ,. , . -. . r • '1' ;·~~ ~ -r I 1' • r J! ,.,r ~ ~ -~ I I .... . ,E~~~·, __ :_< ," . :~·~·-!~·.·: .~'"''I 11 t ~ J ~., I -· ·I '.. ' .3 r . ·. ' : ··' · , ·. f .,-i' > : _: 1,··· oC r -~1-,,3· ..•• ., _ ll ~ J ' ,,. . . . ··' . l l • --,-~ ~-., . , ' • r ~7 1. r. • -- -• e • Jt • e • • I Iii-~ 8" a~ JU~ JH~ t"lis Rlofi ~ai .1 fHI f,[B ~§i ~[~ f ij Ef ll r~J 1:8 l!1 ~ , I ...... fl -·---· . l .EVEN THE ·IACK DOOR IS' ATTRACTIVE ·A. MUD peroentap ot Ylltton to Ntwl)ort a.eh Clty Hall '* tb1 biaet door • but tJsoee that do pt a look at three beautiful tern.a juat comlnl tnto full le&t. Mn. Mulne lleAlplne ts lho.n admlrtnr one ot the fronda even at ri8k of cet- tiq her toee damp in the rich mulcb w hlcb eecountl for the t .... ~ ~ -Staft Photo · · i.ITIGATION CLARIFIED -iN iME&Y · RANCH · DELAY _,.. • I • • • • - ~ttacl5usp1cton ~y ........... FINE STAINLESS GIVEN AWAY ~ ~ ~ · ·;: :...-:c,• = = :...:. 1 .:. '= ,., .. ;s:!A..·.11: ,:1~ .,,..._~ .................. ,............ ..,... ....... ... .. .._ ..... ,...~ ............... -' ... ••fll............. ·····~--.......... , ................... _ ........................ ~ .......... _.. ..................................... _ .... ___ CUlnlY CAKE GOU> SQUAll LATll .-AJM1ea. ::"' 49' PIOftlN lllAD SIYLUI laAAD SPICIAL LO'* NK:I ~ 19' , ·· CMOCOLATI aflllllU lODUIY llAND Ml••°"~ ....... .. Ste .. ,•• 17• ... ., - NlllU llAl9. CllAlll. ............. MIYIAlll c.-. sdl1L1 .... , U.U.A. a-.cl IAllWATA .. ......... .,.. ... "-,.,. ...... ..., ...... lb. ee· ........... am""' .. . ~ .... ·---.,HIS* EIW ·-..---•--25• ... "'' · EVEN THE ·IACK DOOR IS' ATTRACTIVE ·· ... ·A am&D percentap ol Tlllton to Newport 9-eh Clty Hall Ut tbt biek _,,, but thole that do pt a look at three beautiful fern.a juat comlq lllto tul1 le&f. · Mn. Mufne KcAlpine 19 1hown a.dmlrlnc one of the fronda wen at tiU of pt· ..-.. tiac her toee damp in the rich mulch which ICCC>Wltl fer the ftnaa' ~ ~ p-owtb. -Staff Photo · · . i..ITIGATION C.L•RtFIED · .. -~N EM,iav· RANCH· DELA7f -:::-. . . . ' . . .. - "ANTA ANA, tOCNll - Thl"f'f' fi:I M<>df'I\& mAlft ,...,_ .... ral«n•<I 1n Santa Ana • Orancw Munlclpal Court MAlnda)' Ml l\Jl.l'COU<"• chart•• hank O&n1•1'. 26. allepdly a key do~ ~r tn UM! E M o d " n a ~on. w1U fa.ot preliminary hetlrllll &.oPMMiOW' momlnl{ on ~on of hffOta. ~ft ~ Ill, will rom• up for pl"llllmlNJY tw.r· lnJ' nn ad41cUOft ud pcMM911on of narc41U..,. t omorTOW Pt>t• P. ~•f'do. 28. p .. dlod ~111ty to ad41cUon. Ju. ~ lion h••r1ng and Ml\~ 11<en-•latl'd for DK. 14 H!. bail WH Ml at 11000 D&nlf't. ' '~ aM EM' am l Ua · • $3000 Anotlwr •ut"J>"Cl ID Ul4 El MOO.na nan:-otl<'• l'r&rk~ itwrryl H&(flll-.d. lt. a 11&1'1 111ti.r oC knta All&. '"' .at bl'O\llht tnto court .... "-' COODI •• * 33'.- .. •fltJ .!t.~~ ' 00.UJrA DtL •u. •o..& a., . ......... , LAGUNA u.ACB ·=~"T:l':I· ' t»WCIOUI ~ ftr.tLIL 2 2SC . . FINE STAINLESS GIVEN AWAY t.. "W.; ~ .. ; : =::""....: = = ~..:.-= ~ :r;,.., .. .:. ,:•, r ........ ~-....., ......... °". ... ......... ;;::s-; ...... .. • ... ........... -................ .., ...... _............... . ............. ... ........... '''· ................... ___ ............ ., .................. _ .... ....... ..................................... _ .... __ MILD CHEESE CHICKEN SOUP . OU.Ole Cl•IAI .... c •••C.1111 ...... Hiiia llA9. CBAM. .............. ODA CRACKERS ... ,. ..... C.-. cdll I iPEllUT BUnER •i I y ~ ... C'-l EGGS QMTIY CAKI GQ..D SOUAll '-Ana ... A)Mlic... :: ... 4CJC PIOftlN lllAD SCYlAkJI ~o Sl'ICW. 1.t:I* ,.tel ::r-19' U.U.A. <*OtCI IANWAT AM9 ........... .,.. .... ,,.. ""' .... rlil. .., ..... .......... UIGIMIAT .. ...... ·--, ... ., • •• 53..., . ._ ...... ... _ 25' J1IMIEX -..... 17• .. .,, - ... (. " o.: ·" t .. ·~ ' ENGAGED -Mr. and Mn. Amazon Bradford, 3820 ralrme&de Road, Pa.Adena, are· announc- inr the enpgesnent of their daughter, Vir(inia Ann, to lilr. John Michael Doyle, 8()n ot Mra. Laura. M. Doyle of Lido lale ancl Mr. John B. Dayle ot Chlcap. The bride-elect lt a aenior at USC Ud ia a member of Alpha Chi Omep. Her fi&nce, an alumnua of Oregon State Collep, ii now with the U.S. Army In HawaU. No wedding date hu been let. -CurtU Studioe NEWPORT HARBOR n Du> .. HECTOR L. GIBBO~S. m Go1denroct Ave:. who ll&ilcd re- c.lly ce ~ Mateen liner SS Lurline.. )fr. Glbbou, now retinld, ud hla wtj ~ to ~ two mont.ha 111 tht lala.nda, will be home about the. flnt ot January. -Mat.Ion Photo MRs. WINIFRED BAJUJR.E. Women'• Editor Splicing the M~inbrace ., w. a. bouHrurau tor lb• w .. llend. .•• For U\e week•nd we.-. tht .Mleeea Neille tl~b ol Pltd· mont, Pat WlklJ.n& of G~r(ia and Gall Follell ot Los Al\· ~ .. 1 .. 11. Amonr "'uelta "e•• Har· oontea (;llll Flru•y arid Ba uct Balrd, Tom &11d P'tllcl& Lane. Graham t;lbboN and Ucm Ry· pln•ki. Alltr dlnner houra Wt'rl' •pent al the Ryplnllkt home. K n. Gibbon• aa.~l•lt•I tn enter- t.allllns .••• Nucy Ann Camp· ~U. cla11r11ur or 1 h• Harry Campbt'lt. ot Orchid A vf'. nu pi.ctr~ Beta Gamma t'hapltr .,, .t.lpha Phi al Unln1 lilly ot Ccl· orado .•. And Jnhn Van 11.vk,., 110n of th• Jam ... \'an Dyku. al..., C'o1!lna d.-1 Mar nam~11 lo PAGE 8-PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS WEDNESDAY, NOV. 28, 1956 LIDO ISLE SUNDAY BUFFET KEYED TO HOLIDAY IDEA SoiM niJaNd. more enjoyed: tienta, that is. The form.er, ~ Du!lca.n Oleuon -Artlmr Beaumont show, "Squ.~igru• ud Battleab1pt1," a.ad the Valley Artist.I GuUd o\W Wt moath at La.guna Beach Art Galle~ but oa S&tudlay at 8 p.m. Beaumont i.B preeentinc two nln» -~Ida ~u.t' en• Allo echoola. The two famlUea Ulled "hlpe US \tlltuc-nlor " art> uld ··M.~IOta trM-nd.I. ' OUitf rteent OlrM \ave titt• ARE MAJUlU:U Lido bit rulder.lt mav dln1 ""n farn1Ue" 8u.nday al Lido Community Clubhuu.. In a holiday Mlllq and wllh a backrround of IKltl muatc, acconllnl' to pl.aaa made by .MT&. Bryant B. Wlret and her commltt•. Th• Udo Ille Women• l'Jub aponeor9 the monthJy • Bunday l!:lrcn111r BuNf't frurn 4:30 lo 7:30 pm. lo whtcb ruld.nla and their fnen1la Af'9 lnYited. Mre. W ... t II 1~ner 1 cha.lrman, }.{re Rkhard l.Anitr' 1• la cherre' ot food. Mra. Alb1rl H. Rothatnntl of dt<'Oratlom &nd .ltra Robt'rt >". BonnH, Har. ~7-J, wlU take rntrva- UoM WIUJ noon Thuf'9day. bv Ru Bra.ndl ~ £Uot :>.tr IJ\d Mn Paul Franc-It 0 Han. ".... 1121.oW' otWn.d !O- day, Pt>r ma nc.al Meinot1&J f'lt· hlbll In the entrHol. Mern~r nhtblt 111 maia r...u..n.. ,,, ... l1ret>lor1.et O.Ofl'• Poet of Saa Fl"'llDCil>co 111 upper saU.ry. OP9!nr t• wUL 1»e Sundar. a to I p.m. wlth D&Aa Po!At A.rt Guild h.oetlns· Bent>au, 321 All•O Avt• 1ue an-ll'I" •l•uknt """Jlltllljl\· rnmn\ll• eounclJIC their t<',ent m•rna1t I \H at Shattuck School, J-art· TM 111ri4t 1a tht tormer Mn.. baull. Minn. OltT• &. -.u1 .. i. of tht home &ddtta wh•r• alia hu b<'i'n 1. ~ 0 Ill'' 1.R~ •·UIDI rca.idenL 'l1w Hadd 1Un11 loubllns up on ~1r turkty d1nnt'1 • K<Jlnl Kra. Jack But•Hll rPpOrt.I to Ph°"nlx th• WP("k b<-for• PREFERENTIAL TEA BSP Model Meeting Closes Rush Season that brr huaband 1• now able to Tb&nkaK"lv1nr. tu ft'lebrate w1UI M ham• on wttkt-nda from thel.r 11an ·in·la"' and dal.l&'hler, ll&.-cbo Le» ·AmJ1a. whert> he LI tbl Kennetb 1;1af11 and the two r.toYetihir from pollo, and thAt •m"ll r;randd&uJhl1•11 Ellf'f!n h1ll condluon i. 1mpr<1vtn1t The Bid--"· Uve al 723 San•-na and f.>f'nl!K' • • · and then Wt .. tiM .. week. "1th Mm Hill and rrand· ~ta Bl1ma Ph.I clOHd • IUC· a.nd Matf'• Bak# Dr'lf• {Irvine Tern.t·e1. moth., Mu c:oroor. Hollins•· ~u.l nail .Muon w\lh " EMmJ>lar memben p~nl lldE TO HTA 1· ht'tl•I, t•> ihnnn In Cllnn1t• Park model mHlln, held r«ently 1n were Mm". Jack QuLMnbttry, lloUd*y iruut• aL the Harold with thl'•r other dallt:;hler. Mre. th• home ot Mr• Robwt Seo· John Merrill, Ruth Ltowia and ea.. home In Emnald Bay. Mlk• R•H•tnor, hPr huahanll and nett, 635 De Ana Terrace. Miu Ma.rtha Oehlerkln1. d&l.ll'hlcr Nod Ll>lra. Le. lA th• two Rlnr &r•ndaona. Mickey Annelle C111wfo1d Younr. rttl· The Nev. 28 mfftlnr wu an- Orandi and b•r bu.band. re-, an'1 Jr-ff cry plt>nt of a Beta S11m• Phi a1 l nouncf'd to be held at the home ~U7 ltom P&6o Alto wher.. A. A 1,.xand~r n,,1 n(·r ot Cg.. acholarah.lp, ~nte1 l&U19d t n ~ of MB-Oe<:~ Taylor, 01 Morn· h4t ~ bil atucll• al rona df'I Mar It-fl :\{onday for 1ueata w1lh a talk on lbf' R,11; Ing Canyon iw.d. when p1-n• Btantor4, I.I bow l.n b~ on Hnnolulu lo mwt Mra. Hennrr, Brandt water rnlor clue eh• al-""•re to be compl.,ted tor lh• lhr Sout.11 Cout area. Tbey-1e -h ... ......__ 1 J ltndtd Wl •ummtr annual v.lnttr banquet to I><' .. n ,_,. .,......n o,innr; apan, h Id ~ :'I a .... ay from beN . for aewn.I whPf't' the courlr h•• many TM Preterf'nllal Tf'a honor-" ' • )tall tlnt ia ~ .,_.. b• frtPndL • • Fi" I and S.-tty I'"' new n1•htta wu hrl·I Nnv. ---------- .,...u la •""-· &J'9 DOY unn, Butlllfl ctlf't.rauu,. thf'lr f'l«hlh Iii al th• home ot M1A8 Lolllll' IN avy Couples on HeUolrope Aft. ,,.·"'1dln~ annlvn~•H\ ~11l11rllav Oliphant Jj~~ (Jrran Blvr1. :1i<a1r7 Harve7 bad a 1r•·,.nt 1:.0 ~·r•t .. ln,lt•·•I :or <'OC"kt1t.ll1 Amons lhf' lrt.t'~I• ""'" Mmf'a Ip d p CllRJB'l1Us TOYS OAfpRE -Rc!adylna .dolla fw u..t &IUlUal -Diet.' from 10 Lm. to' p.JD. at the Tb.rift Shop, 32Dd st.. an AMlataDce ~ members (1 to r) Mmee.. Le.ter Lowe, wtlli&m K.trby,1 Dosi KcCalbaD Staff Photo HARBOR DISTRICT Training Session for . Cub Scout Leaders I. Cub Scout Leader. of the Harbor DUltrlct, which ·ln- clude9 eo.ta Meaa and Newport Buch, will attend the Cub Pow Wow thia Saturday at the Everett A. Re& School, Hamilton St., c.o.ta Meaa. The lnteue three hour tniJl1nS MMion will befin WIU\ leadere of ~ Harbor Dlatrtct recf.ltraUon al 1 p.m. Tbrourb~ wlU SUlde lht MWral worltabop&. out the &tlel"l'JlbOn Den MoUMn, Ou1dtn1 the halldlcratt ..alona Pack CUbmutAn and Pack wtll i,. Mra. Cermak ol Pack comm!tt.r'Mft from tbe 11 Cub lOt, Mre .. .ArthW' KlUa of Pack Seout Padta ot lb• aru. wtU .... Henry l:llcheU ot Paclc 5, mo•• b'olll •• workahop to IA· Warren Clem~. ~r ol other. 8ubjecta brine offered Pack g and Mre. Wllll&m Coon· an: h&nd1c:raft. p.ll'IU. cert-rod or Pack. a. mon1 .. and Pack admlnl.stration. In l.ha it.mu eKUon of lAe The aftt.lr la open to any In-Pow Wow will be &rm. Zimmer· lerMled Cub leader or CUb men • .ot Pack .... C\lbmutcr 8count parent alld le beln( or-Rob.rt OUllHaU oC Pack .... terett at no charr•· Experienced C\lbm.1ln Ken Wt.per ot pack - - -108. and O.n Motbera Mn Johnson Guests Kenneth Dutro uid Mra. Cok• ot Pack 108 and aabtant C\&bmUUI' Frtd Soutbwortll ot Padl 6. • The 111 Cub Paella ot U.. Harbor Dtatrtcl now are Mrvbt.lf au eu-.. ot thle ..,.... nu. rep- reMAta bett..r than th.-O\&t .et ev.ry riv• boy• ot Cub 8oaut ar•. Tbcir i.adera attend U. Pow \\'ow •cb year u4 ta &fo dlUoa are otf--4 a ala WW bulc tnhWl.f oourae ID U.. tall t.nd aprtq ot etlCb yeu · , -• PARKES MOITUAIY Sunday vlaltore at the ,Al~rt I ProvldlnS IMuer.hlp for th• e: JohJlllOn home 400 y, II-cn,.monlH and •tunu part of 111 ·~ -a.ta "- wn SL. Coal& Me.JI, wcr"., Mri. lh• Pow Wow will be CUbmuler .._ Johraon a mother, M11. 1_,eorire Jamr• KHl•r of Pack 1045, CUb- BrandPI of PuacJcna and Mr rnHlH Loull i..-v ot Pack ~. ~......, U I-aw and Mra. Wilham A llry. 'l'o'ho ·-~~~;;~;;;;~y;;;~~;;.~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;; have Juat returned from an ;. el1ht month lour of tht' wr1tem and 11<>ulhern atatu ALEC GUINNltSS. B r I l I 1 h Hollywood •tu -'"En1land t.nd , Amtnra are two <'011nlnea aepa· j rated by the Ame l&n&U&&'t." Fine R1Jidential P1inting I Decorating FRANK KATNIK ltlS "· 0.... llwy. UMrtJ 1-wn -1 a. un B&PW ... 'through ft.a pl'Nident, Mn. John R. (Dorothy) Palen. In the event you are not familiar with thOM inJtiala. they ttprelK'nt BUSINl!'.88 A PBOFE8810Nil WOMEN'S CLUB. It ia a nation-wide orpniAUon with moat a.dmirable dedicatiom Dljoyed: "ID.llS ~ at c~ co~. 11.mpl:kStJ a.NI ariutry Gt Sla.p ..U,• ~um. Inf and l'""'Pllts. plllt acallmt acUl\1, added up t. a ftne )Mtr• fOrataJlet'. M.i.aMd, ti. (kn.e Ro• ll"aftlofue of A.mmc:.a pre1tnt.- ei1 }11 Udo 1-.uu.ubup · a.od onl.f; hope eom.t other or,.ant-· Uott· can pel"1ll.Me Ulla (OJ pho- ~pMf..JectUNr tMm (){..._ RMI d<* lh• ..,.._m«nt.ry 1 to " ... ll &pin. Eajoytd: Laruna DNCh Comm.unity Playera pt•• ent.CUon of "White 8hHp ·JI UM' run Uy" 1 ru na t 11.rour h Dt>c. 1 1 1'1t.h lAa'Un&' a ta vort le ac: lor, Oka Wtlla, a K•ne-.wauns VI09r. S'Aryor.e tlao •.rtpt lka&rnd Tar<!'• ....utant rorn-inl.lllloDU'.' 8teala 1vuyt.hlni he or ltt• ca.a Say a band on. · ., .• ~·· lnclud1nr th« family !>f tM Vicar 1 vatryman. hi• tam· Dy Ud La. -W. ... A.ad com· tris, a •urprt• ''aN&.1 allow. Dec,. t. 1 and I, all foe fr.t. d1AMr party for eome 2.'\ .. r lat thf'lr \"1a l'n<tinr homr ,,.h,.re. C H Noland Man·1n fttt('• roll arents more UC 1Ber1Lele71 al11d1•nL! I'' Lhr wrathtr 1rma1n1 s:ond. John MtUPr. P..<•n&ld Lawa, Don 8'lrn ,..._enll. lo H bo arr• I down f« Ult pme-part v hn1t ,d I fr nu. no ... ,.r. a n d flam Ins: Kolvtato, \~ I 11 I • m Saundc-ra. . I } th u~s r l\f - IOlh -4-nnuaf ChriJlmaJ Preview . Gll&ATL Y llNIOn:D ftrty wttb a ..-.On -lbl • )SuHet le H&nuon.e Of Ch-cf• Drift enlert.a111111' wlU. a w1n .. t&IClnl' au~ by ex~rt Fred .Bentall\. l>focldlnl' wW t.bcf llkfli <but were, a.mona oUlen. M"'"" and Maw. Jaell aaa, ~ Cottq, n.»aovu aoUulworUi, Robert 'hubl. Jo- -~ 1AnCte. P. Wder Preetoa (bta ~ "" .wdell( b.imNlt) Jlell Yk:ll, 1laroW. a. Harn-., Jack ~· 11\aUt')' R--, a. OUWMNOa. Major aDi MA cw.noe ~. the Joma Albarl&U.: n'fd JCoba~ ....... and l.>tnonl .wu... lht ..,,..._ a~ Capt. and K-. --.., ~. Mr. and x.... Btrt P.ataL 1Jlnl*' s-..u leCCJl\q at u. i...J kMMk .._., t.ba How....- llalnnoft.I .. hilt A.Ito .&1\4 ~ da~ l'Arti&. -.. a.c-· .... t.J~l!io ....... u. ,......_~A ...... anc9Ml"L ~a.6irs.. ~ ... .. t•••~ .Admlial 'liU WYH ... "~ b.Cf .. itll .,,.. .awl •tbii:M alld ... a ~ Kann'• &fl. -Mr. ~ la dl~r cC todu· ..u-i 1llii*ri&J .. u.,, hJo :->avy mup ra al • • . ,,aval by her parent. ln bonor of hn 1 torchr• "111 pru•11t. an al frf'lK'O Robert Moorf' Robt' rt I.>avf'n· H Ital (;o lhn. b1rthda,J -and ..-veral w·rr•· Haw•llan arlllric port. Janice H.&1f'a. I>avltl Stone oap..,.. 1 in d rona w•rboe - - -----CWO ,1:aMC> and Mra. Rob-I nrw ,..r • an one new y. I FEATURING 1\latttalta -.Arabla ot F'lnJ&nd BALBOAN GIFT SHOP ~ ~r. 111-A Man-Ano., ..,.._ ..-... Bar llM OPl:N Mt:1\'DA1' ert Louis Schuhr of Ca.ta Meaa ~&mt" prom1 pan-nu ot the baby boy on Nov. 12 Glrl1 were d"llvered, reapec:· Uvely. lo lat LL r l'SMC t and Mra. Tllomaa Jowph or ~· Bnch on Nov. t . to Pre. CU8A 1 and Mni. Dwayne Whitney of Coat& M•a on Nov. I , and to 1 Cpl. tU8MC1 and Mn. Billy n .. an of La&"una Beach on Nov 16. Friday and Saturday, ~em~r 7 Ii 8 al our nearby Rendesvoua Ballroom is the next noteworthy event or our loc&.1 organization -Newport Harbor Bulneel 6 ProfeNional Women'• Club ... featurlnc a buaa.r, me.rcha.nta d11pla.ys, fa1hion 1how, family 1how, priua, award.a and dancin1 (by "The Rif(1") The B&PW Chn.etmu Preview ii a "muat" for all loyal Ha.rborl tee Our lo ... Mn. D. L. (Mildred) Swanson. Chairman o! the Cbri.lbnu Preview Com- m..itte4!: Mn. Phillip (Verna) Sullivan, Booth Salee; Kn. Richard R. (Vec:a) Lilienthal, Fuh1on Show: Kra. F. R. (Alicie) Fas. Fam.117 Nilht Show; Mrs. Wm. (Nancy) Kiddletoo, Publicity -and Kn.. DouaJ4 tMerrile.e) Duncan, Secretary of the Pr9Yiew Committee. Balboa Market · "The Finest Food Obtainable" 608 L lalboa llYd. IALIOA PAINTING. THE SET for "Our Ruth," the NormaQ Kruna comedy wbkli Lido lale Player-. Club ia pre8enttnc Friday ud Saturdaf are m.embef-t· Qt ' the construction crew which will tranaform Udo Clubhouee Into a t-on1 la-• .... land livillJ room, complete with ata1rca~. -Gene Ro..a Photo • ' - • j Gadabouts See Earns State. ~ .1,Padua 'Posadas' Legion Award u=-~~~ Thlrly n~m~ra Ul lht lJaua· Th• Auxll;ary ,., Uoeta MtY l.1Mrt7 MTll ...., boul• 1ruu11 ur \IY Coala Men LA1111.1n Pott •~ waa "°unc:d 1161 N~L .. .,._ ~ ... --- BARBER SHOP BOYS -Tfte Society for the Praervation and Encouragcmtont nr Barl>cr Shop Quartet Swging in A111<'ru.:a wall be tea· lUttd Dec. 4, 7 :30 p.m. 111 the Evr·n•tt lt1•a School at the Chnatmaa party of lt1l Coat». Mesa-Bay Catie• branch of the !":atrnnal Fuchsia. Bociety. Bob Ortel1 left, dm"t:ta t.he group wh1r h lncludet front row (I t,o rl Virgil Pletchl'l\ Glenn I iysart, Bob Wyre, George Wcav<·r, Buck llcan. l'lul Hulchmaon, Luo Larkin, IX·au Wolfo nnd Max lluld11nson; rear. Al Mathc\\B, Jc.>111 Ha)nUI, Stubb W<>OJ., Hob Gannon, l>JC k Thu1- •lo11, A. K. l'lu:lf'B. \\'1.~K ~chuciucr. H.ay M1ll1•r, CharloB Brown, I.yell Uuttem1u1e, Bou 1'<'Wlull and Cl) •!c l:iprll'gl'. Vnday Aflunoon Club ltavelleJ al Ult1 a.teat nl9'!Un1 ff lhu lu J•adua H11i. by ah&rwred bua 211th l)11trlct tl\&t the)' Md won No\'. u , I>u11111 Uw Mntoan U•e IC&rly Dlr4 c11.at1oa i•veD • h•l\l.11111111 c,.f .. ••na•t• •..-n&ttod tlly lh• C&Jttornta Otparunent club p1H1donl Mr•. L. W . C<1· lu1' u.c11~1nr tl\•lr Cll&Ol.a before I nrt and Mt•. Heuben M. lJa)', U1• delMiluw, Nov. U . The county CtlderaUun otncer. av.art w1U be made at a la~ FolloW1"1 IW\ci\OOa lbt ll"O\IP date. Althou'2l tbe likb PU· llhopi-d at Uur atu~• cl:! the tnct t. a whole hu lt p<>r1.tnl 11uuad.t lletore at\endllll tbe of It• qlWl.a IDW Ule 1>4-part· m•UftlM performance of Ula mcnt only ala ul\l\a won lM "Le» l'<IMdoil" Cl\natmu tla;t. attalkaft. fl¥1A tor twllJ pai<i·up ... ., .... , ..... l'OUA I ... 11 -...u.. weot ... p.......,. · 0-r..tN ... l'W ~Tll&AC9 Herbor Ree+ M1morlel Perk ............... Mra. Ol'lar WMlherby, chair· awmtwrltll,. Anna Reynolds Fifteenth Natal Notes Event !FUCHSIA .FANS TO HEAR BARBER SHOP SINGING man. HllO\lftCCd lhal ICYtntl 1i\e CQ9t.a ..... \1111\ M.f al.a more nuomberahl~ ar,. available. IM'nt many rttt.a to tbt Vtte1 ans It.• ur•u Ulat any f"AC m .. 111. lloapllal at &..o111 lkam tur the tier lnteroat.ed t:all ~... ,....,. 1.11t IN•VJ>· Uran~ulat.. oo-c.balrrn1rn al 1.J l••IO~. or COft\a to the i;ruup' me<tlnga hl'ld at 1J l '> a rn on I llw t l\ln1 Tu••day ct • ~,., y It'• Merel ..... , .... _ .. ....... Oa• h41 For her l~Ul blrlhday. AMa land. M4ry Bcnroedrr. \\'111• Mr H~ynold1 wu tionorwd Nov. 11 lhnny. Tommy )kQul'tt !otar· at a party f1¥•n by her pa1rnta, IOn W•ber, J•ny Jrrnt11 Barno Martin, Glanlta Qu•""· Biil Mill~. Mr uid Mn. P'i:anci1 Re)·nolt1a, YIOI• Mtlll. r.aiar Wurt-n, Mi~ .. 11 8 Ott Mar !'II., Coat& .M .. a. John.an, lharl Ol!lienn ~;JwaHl Christmas Party \ Vill Be 'fucsday Fa1nily Event An unplanned hllhh1ht tot the Pop., t>l&n• Blunt All.H!•I Y•rl'I r •rly <wcurred wbeft l)luie Wunt Oial\I Mersa.-. Allen H1p11 •• au-od lr.u etc-to Ch• donk•)' ln R&nd1 Albert, l<t>~eci tu f1 11t1vc hrt11111U1' I\ ~ill L• lhl 111,nu11.I Chr11< tr" 'Pin thci r>cmlley" gam" anr!I Patti arnll.h !lean Onrl~ \h rnlUI Jlilrl) \\llh 1o1.l11d1 lh~ ( :.la M1 "1:~v l'.•1 !i lir111 1'••1tlr11talh' hfi"anie 111" aut•,r<'l In" l'huni:; "'rt•dtl•r Hark• uf lht' Cllllfo111l1L !"utainal 1-u I '" ~r•'lll\' 1; (11 ,, of th,. pin heraf'lf ()th.., ,,.rn,.. <"orll~• Ank•"Y• duo Hi•J"" .11•·• • '' 1 r I l 11 1 l!lod ·Vetch the t ·1 .... 1hall Jr\\·rll Cynthta llni1111 ""ti' lla: > uld1dl llt llbOn Tuc.un v l •11 ' 1i t 7 30 I' rn in t , 1.J.nda ·Bn.IClwtn JA\'e blrdralll. !'!no\\ Dou1Ju1 Har11AI\ Mn11 ~.\t rrtt I\ l:ra ::-;, 1, 1 a ... ll\(Jrl•. JI u• ,•.,1 ; rd •,t 1 ~<1111 P(lpe Mlll. ant1 l''r~ldlr 'l\'n Hammrmt1, ftnb ,., ..... Jt•l'1~· ('eo,t. H•1111 1hn1• • 'h•p ~·1t•••r.; l:"'•I• ,., llarll..r lap tlan1Ml In a JHu>;ran1 ~tcM1llan. Mary C'uvalt !'1t1o'\n 1'1~·1:1ar11 ul 1111 Htr11,: \0. ,1 1,,,,.1 nf')' mi n Y••Utt.1•ntl 1.11 t tb11l lullolllied I GrHn, Ronni .. rhrlllUflll*n 1"'1" ft"lllltr(' .. IM nl " Ir I •• , 11 • 11 Mr I Ii:• •• I • J :TntON hlrthdav '"ke and Ice 1Mort• Cripp .. n, Hu~h ''11"t:"11 rr>Uf' kU1\0.I"\ .. l'>'°'t." 'r. ... ~'""•' ... ·.rm, I'\ u .. '1••a m "rr• .. njo)'r1I lit ('ltet• I MaftU Muwelo, and lJ&• e 1-.m· ti ... l're••n a t Ion •nd t 111 1111L II • • l ru i;n •Lh<> , LU.& l~ld-.1n, Tommy lr•· mta. I n.tnl of U11rtl'lr M. 1 "''" , 1 • ~. 1• \II•• •• • ,plol!llL< GOINGS ON AT THE BALBOA BAY CLUB By DAN BA. Yl.F • .SS Arm'l you i;la<l to livf'-ln Nrwport and not En .... flrn r lnir In A mf!rlra I' • • ,., •" 1 mrn "''• I; h• ni: 11 "Ir ,.,.. I "'J'OT'l•d th.• t I ,, • " I • • , • • • II • fl •• ' r: , .. ftlAnrtlf11C 1rrot1i1 Uf jij '••f• U'U1 kH' l l Ill 141 t• '•J>f'i-1 .. 1 t I IJ I lt'•l !heir f"ntorta11. ~r. • • 1.. l ""' ):•Qr\ rn~ atl•ntl r..: • H• I ~n)O)'td b)' bolh l 1 I \ It i; A I ' I' ol<d lo t /tl\r I lflfl I' e t(ul old • • r I , 'I\ ,. (·~rt 'J' r r ' • .. -. l>an \\'rd ma,. , ,,.. '1r11• • f 11 ~ • t '"'P I• I I • • ti ' I 11 i. 1·1<l CATHOLIC: W0~1EN I-IOLI) FASI-IION-SHO\V LUNC:H .... pr .. f ' ....... n"nfl.t ...... ' • t • n I 1 • ' '~ "1 t' r r • I • I.. l I , .,. r •It l t<> t.nng a •.en of l~lr • -. .. 1 be o-.ar~ rnonlh at t hi! clubhuu&e. Attend DAR Council Meet • I ~ .. I •• I la ... r l'Lu!U ,, P. R,tr.ah. • ' I I • 1 • r1I A.Jn11ae1<m 1 he Sol.II hel n Orn111< II of tit "f .... i DAil fllt't at thr Pi<v 4tl1n1;t I• ,, 4 • II •J:' .• ,., • .,, ll'fll ww ~·tuutuu1 ~llUI\ b In IAa Ar. , ~ h.-•t w1ah• lf•lN Nov. :II ailaloi \'1co•ro1t-nl ,, .. M ~ .1 ,, ., '"'' 11lr "! thoi j l>lr•. J ohn J, 1~t••mr••'U1t 11•• I ' 11 .. •l~, 1n'1'"• 111 Un•" •ldud. t.t .. 111tio1• of lit• <.:ol. \\'11• .. • •' 1• • 1.:,. .. 11 f••l llam Oll~•l <'"-phr who t t· " • "'• "' ,. P 11 ••tr•1•' t'lr trndc<I \\C re Mmro Jam"• B 1~11 • 1 1 I "• 11 1" ..... ~11· i:•. I T11yh,1 1 • • lJOntlflr If l. Long Beach (~ i r1 Scouts N niud c;ucsts 1..,.,, A I. l'lllklry an1t .'\n, I Harbeeun I C'oL \\ llllam CabciU C"haptur •Ill hrM a I• r """" I'"'" I•· l1t '\h,. h1tlb<tlt l'"""' ,, t h1••~--M. I ~ .... , ••• FAC Card l'arty !'~r ,, f11ro :-. 11~ T~rard•"rllonrrth•<'•dta '~ , J • r M. t1 ,, "N •I ' ' I .. Mr """ t I • I A f' ,., n ""-Jh c I " ,., • lli111; t 11l11p11w: ,.., I i.:•11 ,. \\ I hol•I 1111 "" 111 h y rltut'r l I •t llll Shor•• lllf I 1 °'" "' l1ton11 ••Id 1•1artv "' '"" 1 '1,1 hn ,..., Yri· i!ancl.,r• Of~ c•f 1," ,.1,. r b<-r• 1 I (1-.) nt lJ :lO I 11. l'ruu·uu -.:,. • l Mar1r1rr 1 • 'I h< t;Hl1 <Jt tr urn lhl' • fll<I a.-< Llun are turned I'" •tl1J Aur<1•1t '"•Iii 1.a5un11l11\l!rtoll1!'fAI' N11••·11 Mc;no11u· ·~ ~ l!llue !look Hit popular olbvm of ovtttondlne • Chrlitmcu Cauh to h• imprmt•d wltn vour nome Tile •tolltn0r~ &I~ too• <OMoll\t (~ Cet• "' "9t d 1llongl, rel1i.u1 •• .... 11 01 ~hlett4 '"""' ..... to b. u••p11nt.d with y-nome, Co,... lllJ today te Ml.ct your Chti....,. Cri ...,_ '"' Hell,.,erli ll11e loo•. Your ~Wt wll •.-.w "yev Cert el'\O\lgli to Mnd 11!. .,.,,, best." • RICHARD'S LIDO MAIKET HOME AND GIFT SHOP Pcnn.t!\lvanla '!' .. Our beautiful ..... athcr 1 thww 1n th•· recen l aand storm &nd It Still l'OOlN uµ bf>autlful I h:tll Ml ,,(f an •V&lanchf' or outdoor a ctivity. Murh trnm1. b0atm1. 1wlmmln1 in the ht•atrd pool Indian l!Unlrn• r haR really romf' to thl" Harbor ar1·a and wr haH' th' latlian tu prov<' 1t up on th" Buffalo Ranrh lrt <'oror .. del Mar ..• HiJh temperaturM!I and C'hrf C:ibi-irl'a bagh ' I tt'mptm( mtnU brou1ht & NC'Ortl numtJcr nf Pf'Opl.-. ftn"l' a I over Boulhtm Cah!om1a to thr llub tor Thank<>i.:1 1 \\ ll t1r I r•t•r1l•·t 11' ~ f'r1111 • Af 1 I II 1•'••""1 >A 1 br :.tr• t ' .. \ ,, w • J, II ••h w"r" 1nv11 .. 1 t.;111'~1" ,.,.,,.'•hip 1"'111(1 H""'""l'"'~ "hmud 1 1•ul1 wern Ill .... '"'"" and 1111v•1 bt tnft•l.· "1th M•~ I I\ fl \\'a "r'" it~ .. n t .. l' '""' -.r"'"'I! tht tt'r1 LI !I :,z.:,;, ur 1'111 A. JI 11•1 or.~ln•I "' I ll'r 1•rr'tlr~l f;n,arl. LI M 1'1.">ll '" t• "1;hl I f,1 • 3433 Via Lido Newport Beech Herbor 21 /. r ing dsnnrr Clrrum tan<·(·t1 ~yt>nd our <'ontrul I r.rA •er• ' .. • , .. , , \A. ' I f ~~· I A ' ... tw-1•1 I \\ I I• r~ \1 ,, . •'' ,, f' I '; \•fl • Ii \! , .. I I\ I ' ... \f • I- 1 1 I Jr t "'•I nr M I tit I JI t. "$ ' " I 11"1 A' t' • ... I r • , ~·-- " 1., I I ... ' " . .. I , I I • IV I I . ~ I ' t I I! •f • II I ~1 ttiard or hunrrv rf'lal1Vt'9l k••pt thl!I "ritN lll1 I t family at homl" \\'t• prrparC'd " Ing b rd anti 11 v. al' J<l ill l'\,dl'nrf' h\ ~umlav Tho!'•' lai:t f1 \\ mealq f 11"1' veer" refrrrcMi to u ··Comins In "" a \\ 11 II 11n1I 11)-avrr " . Too bad thf'! t"'dll1onal Th1111h")(l\tr1~ 111 f~tball gnm•• ha" Rll li•:t d1sap1 .. ar• 1 llov.·1 \ r '• <Jtt>i:on-Orf'~on Rial" T\' ••r was a prdt\ J.:•><•I "•""' .1'1 f6r watrhms on11 In pt-1"1'on Don't v.•nrry Rhout ~ti.t,. ~ 11'o"'ing In the Rose Bowl J&mc. Ur<'f;on' has a fin" ll'an1 ahd ~ rapabl• or stellar play 88 It prowd .,.,., ral t1m• '; bi-fore Tbunday" gamt-. notably a~ln11t Colorado l\lld [)£CE.~JBER CONl:ER'I' ~ ..• Fnci1ty night'• Club-wulr g<'t·ln~"lh"r hi\~ a pig· __ -------- 11kin theme. '"The Touchdown Party" Prrpanng f1H n 1) . . 1ibrtion of th• entertt.inment. Mn OM"lt Y~rtile\' dug h 1 l h arn1 () n l c ul> an old college 11<>nf book for thf' orchetatra R g11ldRnr•' Open~ Ton1orrc >\\' h{ playlns a S<'hool mfdlf'y. Be 1111~ you Rtand at atti•n· 1 w k } lion when the lx>ya strike up "Old MiMoura. Fair :\f1!1· or '~ )()}) aburl." You won't have any troublf' rt'<"orn11111tr rt. tum•'r. I t•e aam• u thf' ComE'll aong, v.-hirh ill the !lame 8!'1 n Th• \Vork•"up o f lf e u1u II" proul 11111 lllr) .. ,. ~· 1 • 0 T,• UICOl'latn 1>ong. wbicb " th• l4me u a MOO~ l1llNI <'~unty l'h1l~•·rr11'. "'' NKl<"IV 'um .. tao<' ;: (lft•l I' ",. I• I 1"' ply, "Alma Matf'r." ... Speaking or parties. thl' mo"t1"''" Tl'~llme ~···1~ "-1·"~· be rnr-tr .. •v•l·•• 111 ••• ' """"I morou1 rvcr planned for thf' RRC i11 tbf' Chn!"tmu cinnlnJ Thurw<llt\" •• ""nung 1 1 A(fl•JUI• I Ball • r "'-'d D 2t I h l 11 ~r1ed1 llel111!11111... r"'rm•n .. nt • , .. 11rl·11'11H• \\"1llli t,.,r I ''"" .,., or r II ay,. •c. . ..&VIR ani llOtlllllA ron•luctor ,,, thf' tinner ('011nty bcor• thl• \ft&I' " I IM\• ....... , ••• dpc~ratione have ~n df'Bl(Tled to barkgrounrl thr furs., 1•1t1lharmo1111 ~lrl\ Urrhu tna ed ln1rl;ll••' • ""I 1 urd I j,w.ia and hlack ties. 1 ""'' tllrN lnr "' 11.. am .. 1~1.r \\,. .... J: •• ng I I'" ll•P I,, ft • Tht ~round isn't rvcn broken for thl" Cluh's pro· 1r .. 1n1111o: i:r••q• w"'""h"f' ('"1 ,. 1 1 .,. rr" rPted apartment building and alrf'ady 50 f)f'r cent of Aw1111u1•• 1u1 t r1r•1 N'ht-111 .... 1 •r ,,.,1 '"' '"'' :·•1 I•• :'I 11 '• 111111 OJ• unltl arc spoken for! \Vork ahouhl }){' ~ettanK undrr i JO lo lO 11-111 1hu1a.l1)' in lh•· T"•• '' ,. t ... •1f "r"' •I or11rr.-;i1 I "?-Y IOOn . . Among the intf'r't'Rtmg v1111torR V."l''\'f' h1uf mtlAI<" 10<111 •I lltl' ~nr •a Ar 11 r • 1 .r ,.1.-.r11 r ,,.11. tn JUI' t•u JJCle)y Wflre lhrte outstanding r.iti7RnR or Hurm A. I h.. n1i;h He ho•1I, '. 1n~r "' l 'lrtil linl1 II I. (.. ~rt "II " R I I ~ rl l'or><t gitelt.a or Oouglu Graham or l..on1 &arh. i'hry wrn· rutnn ~·--Ill :-lull\ ""• "'' ..... '" H1l 1blo rrwu "•"' ~t•1a1o1ar .. · ,t). My&. dirt'<:tOr or lht Union Rank of Runna . i'1n u. J•c•nt lo th• 1chool bl.IJC1Jr1 t.ri Ttu•l •"l•ril1 nt 11 •• r-:1111 .. nal •eri· ·=· 1tockh0Mer in oU and rice ; and u Tim Maunjf. Walnut et "'"' '" nf :.1 ..... Utr ••• ltlRl ftll d Fil Co BC "All fumier 1111:1111><1• .,r. tlu• rl11,><'nl on this n< ••Inn 11mn· of A·l m · Ltd. • · · B m~m~r Rogf'r Work~op art UrJed 10 •ll•n•i. j tf!11r nr prnCM•101111I non·11nlon Qnnlnfbl,m WU in to tell u.a about a low C08l aut?-u well u any amateur nr ,,a. ~ well u un1nn m~mbnw -ailltJo pilot for boat.a. lt laltalls for $98.50 and $7.!'>0 profento~I mualciar..t who att •·r>ull1 be p&id C•1r thto 11rrfnnn. ptt month ftnt.al. may bt purebued outrt1ht for only lnteretle<t '" rqul&r pUyl"-... erirt" Jo'or lnftirm•llon, r.-11 Hu. Slll.80. He and tho I a Yen tor have ll'l up the Hill-pef'1entle undar profeoitmal IMd· 4141 or Kt t-4011 • Oml\lnaum Automatic Pilot Company to manufacture er:ahlp," said Mim IWtnrant• a6d dillnbute UM-device which bu no dutch, no gunr. "'Thf're '8 no· ~f Urn It or ch&ri• Suga.ski Oa ugh ler 110 J)owtr or photo tuble , .. Newpart'a Buainf''UI anci tr>r i>artJtMlt\o11 and then •re ~Ir 11n.1 Mt• t.Joyr! l•11ukt. J>toof .. loeal \Vomen have anot.ht'r "ChristmaR Prf'v~w" OJ'f'nlr•&• '"" •II lft•1"1"'.,,t" or 10; H11Mnn11 p1,.1 r c· ... 1. M .. n . 114t for PMrl Harbor Dav and £>ficcmbtor 8 at thf' Ren· the •}ltnf'h"n' ol"rh .... tra, "" .. " 1' " .. 1 ••,.n1. "' •• 1~111 h "' horn davoua Ballroom. Look '10 on It ... Thf' l!f'hrrlulf' or "1*' 11tn.ll\' Wf'IC'Qffle I honl ~· • ~ '1 ,., ,. ' ., ........ prtnl tlSe Club'• DupHcatto Rrtdr Tournry baa l>N'n 11hrPd tu dt!nl• pnw''1"'1~Y~ _r.~1• ~·,-''' •>:1' 1 '• 1 " 1 w BALTZ MORTUARIES °'• -1on in ~mbftr duto to the heavy ll<'hedule or hllld&)' act.MU. at t.b• Clab1 Date: Thunday the 11th • ~ . Inctd•tally. t.be popular Joeephln• Wallen Smith ntum1 hen la January tctr a eertee or 1lmplittrd brtd~ COflTA lolZIA CHAPEL CIUPEL 8Y THE U.A Jd:tww ... Pacltic Anrtenr brou~hl tn ~ll 0'0.U anrl 17c'.,,.1 ,a.u..,..,.1no,.,.' ~.vui1,,u• cnro E ~·t Bt~ r I 0 mac1c tricks for their annual 1-'111hcrman'• rtwn• l.f~rty fl 21.!I l"'111n1 llarb<ir 0 h. ba t · 1 ~ ~ ' nro " drl ... nr. t Rhf Uck Party. ·----------.. -------· ..::;; , n t1111 ua; t1• <>C l'\<taUtll II\' ., r I "• • 1 1 I • • , .. 'in .. f r•\lfE\\U r I•.,,.... I 9 !llir' ... h\' •• i .. ft hlhr-f 1t n If" I 4 • rr I ' \ ... .. "•••·1". ". ,..,. ,. ' I ... . "' \ ... I Ix r 11 it A t 111 • , n 1 • r • ~·r· ,,,.,," II " I ~ I••• Mr• " ,. .. '. "hr I f't .,. f' '' l• I .. ,.., M:tr •• I •rt • • "I I ,. I I \ I I I • ,.. ~ f f tiit ~ ttf I• it u-·1 N• ad • r •• '• I A ,, • f I l d """ • I I n" • ... ,.. .. q •• ~ 11 ., .. '''" J.11111 1tttu}(:rt 1 \II.~ 1111('1; •: I.~ L J•I•'• 1..,a1i:1u (if \\'on 1 n \ ••'··•• rt fhf' II 8 . 111 llakl•rn I I ha v P ' t \ ,..r found lt1t• • , ,,. 1•r. , ul a nm .. n • \ ''" I '"•nk ""'" a nd "011,,.n Ila J•l t prop Ir DRAPERIES MADE FREE l~i] (m/nm 1\f'1dt I 11 Our Jli' ot'k room 011 I he Premis's $Olutlta Dytf-$tala ......... VISCOSE TWtED CARPIT o,-. Ei•t,,;"I' /11 A,,,.,l#l#lt# ,.e..-.. ..................... Ha 6116 t1 '" ..,... tf Mric• ., Clf1tt It HM. ...... "-• -~ MOHAWK CAI~ ••ooMI U'HOUTllY ANO SUPCOVllS • -. ....... ...., __________ _.. .......... _. ..................... .. • ,,. .. ·---- .. . ' : -.... 2 llAN·POT .CAlllROLll ~ s1 ~.~...:...L:11: 1~ .., ~ 'Ulflll'lllll4 ~~ PORK & llANI <ltlll Now More protecft1• tt.an ••• ••• REFRIGERATED EGGS ,..... - -""'rtcenW ....... ecJ' ..,.., -· n. _, ...._. • ..,.u~ ,,..~ .,,.... ~ ..... ,,_ ... ....,..., ..... , .,.. ~ ..... t.tM ......... , .... fftl. ~-----------~,- ------- Lat SWpment ... l•t armed Oal7 a ,_ ""'"-IPft f~r eer Special Dinnerware 'Offer M °""' a.w ,,....., or•••,..,.. ... u ... a.y !\-tor nniat--l'prtac _, """'""'' ...... u,., c< ... ,. -nt ra "'~ .. !lltrll•r . --··-- FREE CHEST X-RAY No A,,...i-t. -No .... .._.._. -No o.ta7 ll A.JIL -1 PX At P.11. -I P.11.. ...... ,.,. .,. ~ fllea1ll -.. , "-,....,,. °"'' tit ........ w ~,, Al'lilOOT8 N•. 11 r ~ ~-~~---· !\' .. l 25' °"' 11.-. &.on .au....i ~~llLU ........... 33' ...._ •• <1smna= 23' WAP'EU -·-Jkc. ~ , .....,.,,, 37' raaava 11--. 0..-• I H b1n IN8TAl''T I •1 u CA>FWEL --wa. lb'-•lu7 .,.... ......,, , .. CAU lllX _ 11-ft. I ~ ~~ .. r:. 3/23' Oeeldq • ~ 53' JllA.FA)IA OIL ...•• t._ ft.W Bra.. 77' OUYE OIL . . pt. C'.al• .,..... 2/25' DOG FOOD So. 1 IWISI l"All ~ ... 79c rw ......... ~........ . ' GROUND . ,llOUND ; lb. 691 . • f'J.< . . , for the holiday aeelOn . -.... . . . WIN $20\FRB EVERY· DAY . I 3M. FOi. _ . u-n. 25' = NAPIUNS.. •• 2/19' llk8CH <Y -1a.... 37' • • " • I: a Y • ;un' i:.ls' 2 leL 4r 5 ,.~14' ..... DlllN!a ROW ~ ...,..,. . ...,_,. ..,...PIE . ·~_ll ..... ~ ZS' RISH llEAD .... _ ....,_ iimFAiT aowl/!r ....... x.. Al• LAYIR CAKI _,_ _.. .n JOOP.mn.011m UDO · .... , • f . Marn!ll'a ...... 9UAO 59' IACON. . . ~ --------· ctAciiiS . ~lb. 25' TOMATO soup 11/5100 ..... MTllHJlOO~ &/S100 SOUP • Ila e P'KOZESe l..MONAH.nt. ...... 2/23' ou...-. -Mei 2/33 ......... .._. . ..... l'tLt.& ., 69' VIAL CUTLETS .. 11-. .... :i's a.um'"~ 3/2S' $t1 ...... __ '·~--......... ~ •/33' •occou ..... •t-oL c .. ...,....... 21••' YICHTAILIS . 1--. oo ... 5 GRAND PRIZIS SSOO CASH · ....Uoa llOl'Oa mxe CU:. PoaTAMM 'l'-V itPCEDLDIU POIA.&Om «'+MntA I IOI llOVUI CAIRRA n~ AT TRI: ao:c.nAND9 ' FllOll ~OW TILL CB:altt'l'llA I ••• SPECIAL CONTBT FOi KIDS ........ ~De&Ar9 &My .:-, c.ateM KIDS UP TO I 2 YEARS EN"rERI 5 -$20 FIRST PRIZES . 5 -$IO .SECOND PRIZES 5 -$.5 THIRD. PRIZES l:ut17 111-b at Wcbnl"a &:W-...... Fresher th.n eve1 Prc>cf wct : • • GRAPEFRUIT 3 fO! 19c . --------------P' ·•-Uri-Ilka WALNUTS '' . . ' ... .. ·. . . I • J: -.. . .. . . ... .. ... • l. I . . - 'the Coita'M'ea Jr. and Sr. Cbamben of eom; . merce YuJetide ~estivltiet1 at Me9& Park Friday . . . IRE lll:&l '9 ALL ur VP -Cbristinu treee and brUllant ·upta make a·loYdy w.eoaal .apt · .U,bt. · -Dick .Koehler Photo in downtown Cocta Meu' the. evenJnp. -Dlek Koehler Photo D'C IOWD w.T ti&Gtai -One · ot • u;. ...;,. beutlful and unu.ual ~ in eompetition today_ la the Sir Thomae Lipton award for p owe r boata •blch rwta with the ~boa Y acbt Club. Pretentat19n of this trophy Ill !Md• umually at the trophy dinner for the best predicted 1oJ time In the ,.... tree Balboa t.o ~ J;>ieCO-Tlda. year'• ~ ... Oul Moore (third trGm left) with hla wtfe Eilee. OUltn wbo receh'ed place tropldM at l!fat- utday'1 dtnnU-dance were. t.rwn left: WU.on rem.. tbtrd ; I(. Bhmehy: flnt in ti\• novice ~; and ·Tbol SbnOD.ttOD, 11ttood ln claa "A."-Beckner Photo • ' : • J • ' ... • ' ! :· t ;· .. ' • . ' ' ,• .. . : .. I" l ' . ' . . . .. . "' ) -. -~ ·-.. :·:: ... Jo . _. , I : f '.-.. ~·. .. . ' .· . . . . '. - " f ' '!,. ir-f " I I, "' <f ,. .. ' . • ..... PRESS rrVM-_ 2531 ·tt-: ,,J.1:~.. -to 1111 Wllll ................. _,._ · u..~Cl9'J 1-11 ....... -toar· -"Jfo. .. 119 I 1 I 9' ---..... wl lab ..... ...., .. .,......... .. ..... ..... °"' ,. ........... -.... ,..... hu ,.11~ °"un 11-a.w-~Jta·'bod­'°' .._. "lslM U. 11111111 ..... ot wort bra ..... 111::• .. .,_ -"" ...n -llllll•••IM wlO,.._tl~eew It 11 wloe to 1rm1Dl4 U. IN' • eolled clwlty cll.spl&J lllelr COii -dowa .. J'lq-.., Ibo "Peporlmoot of lloc:lol -of tho City of Loo Anp1'9." llln lo oae .....i br the Na~ Multi· plo Scler110ia' Society, l!ouU.-(:ollfornla Chapter, wllicll .... --local -u.roup the ma.lL It lbowa that 69 per cent ot the amount railed 1 Southern c..utonll& wat to tbf National At:Ollate, ld that %8 per ct:Dt of the fund• railed Wet'9 "PQl 1 the fund raJ.ai.nc campa.ip. with an addit.lon&J 7 ~r cent for &dmln.t.tration. There ii no reuoa to -ljlat lllo !I-Aftlllalt .... t any 1- 111111 -lltll« of Ill --,. Ille fund .....,, _,.... TMi -JM .... of Ille eampairn t.r ... tMIO,.. .. ,....._ 'Tllll 11 llOlt ti "!"fr ""' llolll ... ductod that ....... -Ult '"---11-a. ot Calitor-111. M ti t11o1r ,... ,,.. ........ In volwot.ary --,...... ""* ........ 1;i1 a., mon th&n & .,.._ lllllloo deUarl la. Clllf"""' for c. .. b...i PailJ t-~4f, --nlllf ... aclentific JD. ---l:"-U.... II a •linl palay drl" wllillQt 11111111'\14 ~Ult OfJ ...... that LI do-tlf a .,., f004 wtUaRt o••tl•• charsu for ralolos -"' aDl4 ~ .,,.,., l.o the (enenl ,.bllo. """ II -1511 IO Ito, lllo -~aUono of tha luU ~ ..... Of~_., er unworthy; tllat II lw 1'llo lllo pooplo at ltt•pert Buch, to .,.S tM ••• r117 u.nt .... • tlCh Jet.tu re- oihtd -1111 ..... 4111"' ...... -the face of ~ -"Wll "4 VII OIVllM 'I' Ila V N l TE 0 W.l.Y". ,,,_ nt.,. !\. U tnOU(b peoplt will revolt, the racketeen will bt drivm out and ellartty will b9 what it WM tn- tlftded lo bl, with tunda aotns where you want tMm to p -tor mcieaUtio lludy, re!Jd, rehabilitation, .. -Uoe. Until you Uu people Mcome nau.eatf'd by the • 3U ca.m~ bein& conducted Uld aay "We Have Olyq tll• United Way" th• prot .. ion~ fund ra..ller 1fUl ooaUaue to rtnerata eau... Perhape we cu look forward to the Society for the Relit:! of left banded Jru>iopi..ia or er-E;)'ld Manpl>ooo. 14 all ............ , .. , la u.. -tlma, 1111 tlllll4d had .. lf"'JOft ~ bu not ,.. ... Ila fool. Your CIKJ.IUTY Ql1T to th• Ualtad hnd wt11 111 -u 1" la'-' -1U.. out even oa• per Met plat tor OOl'8 or-n1111f ,._,, ''"" 7<>11. Tlul Ullltad riiM wwbsw 1r1 all YOluntaa,., Jllvl•r ol tholr tlnM to do • ....u., '°' tor •orthy orpAiaUoao tor yoo, Ula -....u., donor •ho st-'"O"fb TllJ: l/NlTliD PIJllt> WAY! f~int ii l~roug~ •1 Ell11' A.II> r. •llliVM ...... -..... ,..,, _" . ......., -...... ,. ___ ,_ llL-t,fl,I --Dlttlie-......... ,,, .... :! .. i!lif•w.r••1 .. ... • , .. ,~... °" ... ... .,,.. .. -... -aN et""""" ... II• ...-.t •'" ... (al~ n .... ,. our ... fNt 11Nlee ... llielid u4 will, .. ••t ...., .. an• ....w. .. ,... ........ FARMER McCABE • • WRITES •• , J I J j IT'S . GErrlNG TO BE A HABIT Coach EinJJ .N-. jmt tlnlabed walk~ ol! with a SUD.lll!t Learue nraity bueball championahip and here he i.a, ta.kinr bowa tor a championahip Ste foothall -ruad at Newport Harbor Un.ion Hi&h School From left, Mike Gtorp, Neem.e ud Mn. Neeme ad.mire championarup cake at mothers' fete Jn Harbor Boya' Club lut week. -Di ck Koehler Photo HORACE ENSIGN ALL· STARS LOSE BEE ·CLASH TO BOYS' CLUBBERS A pklled team of aD at.an frol1l BOT'&Oe J:rmlc'n ... foot- 11ell J...,.ue of I.he Newport ••a oh ftec ... Uon pro&nJll bopped a •0-11 football pine to Barbor Boys• Club ntui ped-:;_...:._J°.ia )( ... M.onday at- WIWe Laich, Bob Roeco, and Brian Daley wtre outaandtnl' for tbe 'l:mfc1! club but couldn't m.at<'b the npenenc:e of the Boy1• C1Ul»M1'8 who had played MY•ral ,.amu thl• Ma.on La.ich eoor.d the nret touch- down ot th• ,.am• a.round npt end frona 12 yarde ouL .1lm Wpma.n Ued the aoore with • BRAVES OF JOHNNY HUGHES , NAB 8TH GRADE HBC TITLE RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL . COMJ.4tRCIAL NO JOB TOO t..AROIJ OR s>u.u. _...._ IL.Ne..,.na.ell .,._Im SECURITY POU CE TEAM OF 7 CARRIES HARBOR . HIGH HARRIER HOPES IN CIF Jeny Jllillard. 0tocp Rood. Tom GUba't,. R&D4y Pesler, DI ~ JIUTy Mc1Dn947 a.nd ~ Vu a&ckle wUI ft'pl'--lftwpOrt ~ &aJlor CR* ~nlr)' bopu tn ua. ~ CD' D..t at Huntl.DJt.cnl fl'adt J"r1· d&7 at I p.m. • J'our ~ of wvea teama neh will be entufd ln the dullo nee wtth the t.bne wp team.a cotnl' to UN ftnala at KL 8&a .Antohio Col.Mp ~ T. la addlUOa.. to the top three t..ml, UN top lndMduaJ nmnar wlU _. tu.a.Uty tor the ftaal&. AWARD IAN9UET wm.s. c1cift lead Pirates to 8-3 Vid!)!J Pidens ·Tabs Dec. 18 As Date for Fall Festivity Bob W•tul blute-<J three t11ltl 111 foor trtp1 and JM"k Clar\t 1muhed a home run with OnP on lo lead U\e Coe&a M..- Plral•• to a 1-3 Otance Count.I' Wlntl'r Le&f\H wtn o·nr 8al'lta .A. thletSo D I r t t t o 1' Wedell Pkldna today ~ tbt an· IWal ftD 8porta A1'VCI 8-· qu.t would be heW ~ Dec.. 11 at t:ao p. m. tn t.bt <>n.np Cout Collep ltuctlnt Clllter. The banquet wUl hoDor' IMIDbenl of WI ,._,.... dilaml*mb.lp Ana Sunday an.moon a.t Coat.a 1iiiiijijiijiiijiijjiijiji;iiiiiiiiiiiiiii=iiillii· footS>a.ll tMm .. well u tbe w.... I Wat.er Pole dub. A MWty IT°'"' CluilUn&I FoOtball Pool c... Arrest 8AN'PA ANA. -COCN•> - Or&Jll'• County aberltf'e ckpuU• Mcked up Treuury acent.1 a.nd the Loe A111'elee poUce 1a UTelt Saturday nlcht of a Garden Orove men on bookmaJUq cllarl'ea. Dfopullu said th•y &ITMtf'd John M&l'l'&ruele. DepuU• aaJd they foand football ~ CU'dl In the ruldenc•. Tfie IU.lpKt WU unM.ecf OD & J'ede~ carda W'&TT&.lll IUld tW°Md OYlr to Loe An&"etee poUoe. t \ Plckenl unounced no sptclal u-an """led ln Wt a.Id arpeaJcera .plJ be • hand tor u.a' pntnd a major oblltade '°' S&n· f..t.IYiti• which w1U ceater ta An.a fleldera But the Plrt.ta around hooorlnc the flnllll OCC ball ha•km b&d little dittlculty u (Ttd club l.n history. pitcher . Jim New1drk a.nd JnTY Tbe b&nquet Will M .,_ only Ric• failed to ct" Ole Baata Aaa to 0CC fa.JI spwta participanll ladl 111uch to hit. Mid Uletr ~ a.dmUatatratera The win left Ule 1oc&1t Ued and •t.udeat body otnc.n b:I act-tor third beb1nd r,in.rton, a.r- dJUon to •pedal sue-ta ,........ dcD Orow aad o-t.a. Tb.,-,. Mntinl' hish achooll M"9d by to PlacalUa Slmday trw Ute OCCand MW'lpa~r Nporten l~hpmeotUl•MUOn. cloae to the OCC ptcture. While Wetael waa l'•lUnc ttu. -----------tor tour, Nu dUJ>licat.ed Ule flt· r --1-..& •---, tort and ...... rt.her and •tne ~IWT ~ Olllnla.n Md! collect.ct a pair ot hit.I. • °""' for lucs llARL W. SMITH, 111 C.....tto, Kem County 8hrtne otnclall put p,__ National A11'n Home d«lded y•terday to let Otanp Bullden, home trom Soviet Union Co.ut Coller• wear their llC&rl.t tour-''ThrH-quartera ot Ru.- Jfnl• tn Aaturday nlpt'a Pol&-~a·a work force II temale &ad not to Bow1 l'&m• et Bakerstleld. Ye"'J' aldlled at that. i:v.ry eoll• Th• Stockton MUl't&np w1ll •eience -lake tor fr'Jlted wtll W'MJ' wllJte. 8tocktoa'• colOrtl be a Iona, toac day ~ ta are Card.taaJ and Blue. ftuala. ~ s .~ ~COMING TO ORANGE COUNTY w.-11 For GRAND Am>AY NOV. 30 6:00 P.M. • NtJ:IS • ..,. e IHTU T AIMMIKT Greo"st 90loxy of l>•'l•iM In · the history of MerchendW.,. DON'T MISS IT! 509 E. KATEU.A AVE. at SANT A ANA FREEWAY Anaheim Watch for Fufl·Pege Ad Fri., Nov. 30th f=ullerton Anohelfn 1 i /r/ .. l j " ' ... .. ALL &llD= ~ -~4 ~ (51) opens up pplq hoJ. for Oruap Ba1tbaeJt Doll Jone11 In !:utsn Conference ttnale with . Cbaftey. Dtnlrler tit rat.w a stran~ eh.a.nee of p1n.tnc All American honon at taeklL -8tatt Photo Anaheim Faces Hoover In CIF A.oalMUD Hip ,... '-tll • rt.I 89COnd CD' ,.,.,, ....,. l'ftd.y a.tpt ap1Ut ... DMl'O Hoover at· 8 at La Palma Stad- lWll. ~ ~ ot ~.,-w..,.&w.A.-. l*m aut.MftU. •l'ty WI __. •he 1J01aa.d eat there ....,.. toC10 ftllpty .. u at \ut ....ar'• ..,... • _...., • ... -., ... -. ;~\dl'4- • ........ MJU I PC ••-O .a .,.........,.Ma ..... SOUIH COAST -Ill "· Tw.t. -Ol&l9 ... 704 East lalka hulevard Phone Harbor 2479 .... Wt. Q 111 JD HI RB JU IOI 152 .. 180 c llO 0 115 c 188 HB lllO T lA HB 170 ,. lta HB ltl HB 1111 JD lTO Q lTIJ • 110 a tTO • 175 Q 170 JD 166 T 111 C UT ID 11& T llO T JIO o 1n a n1 D HT I! .llO 0 llO IOI 1&1 Ka Jtl n lto 0 1&1 r 1tJ n itl T llO T ltl T 116 T ut T IOe llO 0 166 T I06 103 AWARDED GRID , LE·l-,TERS AT SAILOR FOOtBALL 'FnE Ya.hit)' leU...: lhalon - ·~·· ...... ~~ .... , ...... I D4aJe Jll&rUa. J•FTJ D&tw. ll&rlU Paulliy, TGla Atlduca, .. AllM, SQ lbafer, Cbar'-1 v~ D«zs ~. Oar7 DM:IM. 0-. Dia ~t. ,....,. Jt4IU. Art a&rtcJw, DmDia arowa. Jllalen -1111"' TM, ltuart ..... out ~ Doe l.llllt-. I>octd ........ o... OoodlJ-. Daq .. ,...., XIM ..,_ ataa a.....s., Da-.. Vaqtm. Dtdt Mrl>Oul4 eopbomona -Teny a.p.n. Crall CUwa>der, 1Aw'la ,..,... ..... Kl.M Oeol"p. Joba ...... UU. .. JobrulOD. Oeorp lite• ra.r1aa4, PbiWp M••"'wl, DI.ale R.a1ne. rnncta ( PuKM) fUO.. .. l\ot.btn.belpr,•JIUebll« 16llc- btnma7tt, Wta ...,., .... ,..._., Rabtdtt. IU.I xw.r. ,.,...,.. -""4 • .,.... c.. Lltt•mt• -Jl.Wor • .Dlula roa. eo,tm.--l>e.ft ~ ... t.e t.em••. Jeft"/ r..a ...... OelM 1.Mpw, O&r7 PloMM. rr..u ~ o.as. '!bom .... 8W Woatt. BowtH ao.trapp. rr..--l\ONUe Jl&tee. IWl o.w.. Jtm Cba1-. fltie .. ~ Twd&tt Baddock. ... ~ ICe1 a.w-t.t. JOFJ IWm. ,.,.,., ~ Tarn ....... R.-.,.... .... i..,.... Wt, Da.,. ...... Dfdl Rapp. ltnt ltotdllllOCI hna IM f vr&I. Dick lattb. . K....U laalder, llkMN "-*-- aott vm.p.aa. ain Mtn.. •wn ;:;:;;;;::;;;-;;;:;;;:;::;::;;;:;;;iiiiii-. ...... Cited for .All i....u• honor9 wer-. Cbocll Vud9r•Oft u a 4ef...-I•• .id CID Uitoe ftftlt team; Qui Bersuon ... ~ Oil uw -4 ua.lt and Bltddy -n-omp- llCll\. ~ llO'IJ'-.... .. A.Jlcn ~,,.. i.c.onJl1e m•-u.a. Ooadl Doe Burnt i-.. .. '1'1tt7 ICLWI to 1t emlor., lof'b•erte -Jlm Klemhe. llanapr -........ "'·-.... l ••I •r ...,.t)o 1'1t1-: -----DtdtO..BM,.._ .,, ............ Jant.a. mm 9ueklud. P9t.e w.ltaey. Jllllian -Joba Eliot, Oar7 Rap, K1ke am.ltla. La " 1 lbraAW, Jlm ....... hlftll BmlUi, Jlm "'..t. ltubua ..... Leo--...Bany~ ... ~ 1 .. w~ 1111 aan.u.r • .,. ....,...,_ 8W .... pa. Bopbomonll -lilkk91 ..... eap. Pat R&Mbaw. .. hOt.MU lilt...-: ....... -..... JC--. IJJe ..... Jumon -D1car A~ BIG COUNTY · CASABA SEASON SET TO GO whtell pN'nnU 111.aWnl'. TM 12• toot t..-t.11.rew lam wtll ~ UM4I lty all Catt19mta abc*a. o-J. t.endlnc: 11rnttattou ba.. ..... Mt up to p,...,._t bu>ctt •ut· flllc. n .... u~tMta ..... tourmJ WW be beld at U.. -- Um. u lht HunUnc:tea 8-cJa V&l"llt1 Jlultetllall ~ O.C. 1 T Uuourb IOi-. TIM ..... loum&IMllt lll .... ~ tor ttae nm u.. ha u.. eewllt)'. The otno&ai. A.91GdaUoa WUJ me« apla o.c. •. "The DuPont Story" Thia thrilling Motion Picture will be presented ~re• in Color I Sound Ive. Nov. 29tlt lzOO P.M. '. JJJ1 va. u. ........ 1111:• You.,. e1rl1ly hlvitM ....... , A~.t.....,.--WwlW.W. Brint Y0411 lnvectment PtoW.1111 wl yow Fn.n& Sheanon, Hammill & Co. ._....., N• F-" ftocte ._._.,. ............................. JlJ1 Viii U. -HH-91 •• 4650 HOME .L.OAl/S LAGUNA ,._A&.Mw.I . 6 LGAM >.90CIATIOH rwo OPPICll TelerftY• LA•UNA llACH Ne 1AN C'••tll QUICK 24 HOUll SllV1CI LOW LOW "UDUQN9• INTIUST IA TIS EASY MONTHl Y PAYM&HT'S . PRllNDLY IYWATHITIC WVICI PIEi ... M.. c.-.. .... pt40HIHY .... Mttl ., HY.-.. 2·119' , tel C. 4.. HlOllII: Not&ry Pu'llc to ~d for aid • • : ODwitr &Ad le.ate. ~UICALI M7 Cc>mrDUalun 1:.r.• ptrt9 A l.lfU't 11. I ~I -1'fe.. I06-N-.-PreN • :_!,,i-t, 21. lJ/9, u. 116'. -·- REVLON DOLLS S 11 9:) to $2<& P~ f i ll Gundtnur IJrua. Har ~.i:. l t CARPEN1R¥ MINOl IUCPAJJl WORK KO J0S 'l'OO lllAl.iL 11.0.A 1 -lOH& ..... 92•4......_ .......... ..,. HEAt FOR SALE WHY l'IUCEZll TR18 WINTER? II' YOUR a.m. 11 CDad a1 y0ur f\IPQM'l9 ""-co eperat.I Prot*t>' a~ one. ~Tr .. m• or JU.,aBOR 1M'1 18 1-.ft ~ llutlor .u.. PAINTING Ir Decorating Hour or Contract Jl'1'H FAt.1.ma les L. 8. McKenxie Her 0385 MUo BAY PLYWOOD co. I 2112 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA PL TWOOD ctrr TO SIU: Electric Power TllOt. and acceMOr1ft DEWALT-DELTA - SKTL -BLACK 4' DECK· ER -RT ANLEY 4i . "Everything for the Woodworkinq Shop" <>prt1 Won. tllru gal. I to I j ORLUN H~'fD YAllHIONJCD I .-w1:A Tl':RS ,.,,. •onwn 8 '( - I.I M9n I 114• ,, :-:AS f)(JR~P:Y s.31111 •nd ~ Ill OON i>. l.f•fl<J!'I 8 :I 0 n M1tn 1-\albnlt ...,.. PAINTING &ener•I Cofttr•ctor LIClllfl ... New ~an -·a-oe•t.'& J. MIL'roN 1kK1:NZIE Harbor IM-W Mttc -r·--- REPAIR WbRK CEMEN1' 88.lCK 1'nuda llauU., Oean Up PLASTER 6 PLUlC8ING Llbert1 1·4.1• LOOK l"OA. can ud oat. ~ti end b&t.e Uttc: 'job& &114 laundro"t-'A IN OUR cla.Mlftad ,.... or fOOd ra&ns. WAREHOUSE STORAGE Ph. Har 5111 -LI l_..t7 ,..plfc -------.. A '1 " VENETIAN BLIND LAU~DRY TIU: NEW machui. proc .. m • t b o 4. ~bla pno.. A·~· 2 lap. ruldaoU&I IRONING HAR 61tf; u ~O ANO 11\0l'fINO 8Y TJIJD DAT. llXPlllLDCNCllD. IW.BQA 1SLll JllRD'mtUD. )(oo4qt Md ~ OaD XI ~-.... l4amtU:D CAAP&N I CR will *> !WW OT old J°"' day 01 eoo- lnlet.. 9md W"d -111 ~ wan 4 "-o HunUQcton BMch. .. pie ViCP'LOTlll:aNT wut.d: Patt • lime typtat. olsk • 1"11. ott .. or lypin& dOM -.l ll~ 8.A. Int~ Ille: tlUod. ~~~~~--~~~--~ Onfy $1 .00 Bllnda repaired aDO C9bullt. OOOK~ T9 Uw a Lo- n-P\ck up ud del.tvary cal re!.,.._. ,..Ulred. Oood Work dona b7 appointment aa.luy. Call Kar '121 .i..twem PboN Ubtlr\7 1·1101 I L m. a.od t p.m, Man.-rrt or Klm~"'' I-Mell pplfc ~ H. H. HOLBROOK j EXPEJu:JllNCED cooll • --.. keepn to tau eompi.t. Dependable Phunbing cb&rp ot ao. Lq\&Da -. A Ploompt front home No laundry. J la lll'palr -.mot Halntai n~ famlly. Salary UDO par mo. Phan.. Hart•;n •n• Phon• Hyall ._TOM l6d'f 2801 B&Jb<>a Bl•d Nf'Vo'})Ort Bell..:-Beacon P...acuMl ~- BUDGET Builc'u, Inc . Repair• Remodeling Unih Home1 Call Now For Frtt plrp I Top }oll ~cs. all Ge6dll MEN A WOMEN UO Tulit1a AH .. N.wpor1 8-cb I 1 4c:rau from All ~ p&tll:lq Mil) ----------LIBRARY CLJCIU( tor o....,.. I C o • • t OolHs& lmmectt.t~ openiq for ~•oc.d par- aon Kuet .,. &«Unla • typ&at A ha'f'I lmowlltdJ'a of 0.-1 denmaJ ~m. a day, ~ ILr. wk. ·~ talary 12H. aao. I Apply la pa~ ..... .,... Of. nc. or ~· u Ade•e1acra-F.At1matN tkltl JUda. 2701 J'alni.w Att SAVE UP TO 701 • '"'"'"· ~ ...... ,uu ...... ~Np,· WHC>' M •• JD "A.IWJlou-.:i. ........ " ................ . ,,... .... C1'7 ..... Bil.ROLD DaOJtTIOft OS--...... Ma Ut.na let. tc.1,... WATCH REPAIR A Ni:W a.vice Adised.. W a WW c:&1I at 7U\lr IM>m• for ntm aUID&tel aJld will pldl up Ud daliftl' NORGE GUDRYD. . . ., ' BRAND new 1'&1 eotela. ep.. clal t.hU ..... Oftly llllfl'IC.I. ia 00 down, -'-~ month Fl'H lntt&ltaUOn. JA.K.E'8 APPLl- ANClll, lt>ST Harbor. Calta )(... U·l-6119'. HARBOR 16.()3 Tba J"'al Boa I ltlle NORGE autom .,.,..her. 27M a Clout. OoN9& Ml ...., ~ lat.eat one with that rww pAp diapa:nMr whMJ, had a e&rloMl ----------aome In trtlh eome allfllOy Custom Hi·f i MUaJC n:8Tl:Ma • Pl&n.Md to 7auz ln4tlvldual ~ ~utr.mat. tar home • buan-. KLU\ • CO.MJ>AJ\& autMDUc ~ Mebt7 al OW' ~ -atuidlo ot unn, aow.ci.- HARBOR HI-Fl 4Lmt.,..s. Oo.t y o u o n I y '1.M. 77. 1'o dawa PArm-t, p&1 Oflly 12 JI per w .. k. BAUCHN'S P"UllN. W&NbOllM 8eO W. tTUl It • Costa MCN. t blk. w of VLfl'a aowt.lnf AUry. Stora hO\U'W Ko•v lhn.I Jl'rlday e 11 Bat. • to e • 8un. 11·6. U l-3186. BllNDIX t'lllly auto. wuhar, q. It.at«. lMo model. PG. 2U CoWrui. B&l~ laland. Rar. S2t5-W. ....... LI S 7759 Eves. I~J 8-7632 I COlllL& W-. CaUt net$ Im 1ft'WJ)Ort Ill~ Har HIJ NEWCOMERS TO Nrtr LADY r.apeW. of halptnl' ..ml-L.ATI: Moes.I R.J&uel90r n- tnvallt'I "1n esa,.. • ..., .. k t to I a«euort. by locaJ con.ult- • nar M"O-W. ..ti .. , ant. WUI t-ai 1.4 UM. Hyatt ------........ ~6rl>7 _ IMXEDl.A.Tit cS.llvefJ TODAY· COSTA MESAI AlcohoUr• Anouymom Writ.a P 0. Bea 1111 Newpon S.UA uuit. G I R l S l:l..E)(."'MUC -1n1 machine with on out ot LoW1l ~t. P&Y I • cUtneil. .A.Jllo manfl• with only ~ Tu Oowa. kllllS ... BRING '\:OUR FRIENDS I •land. R&A80NABL.I: e... S6 montba nnanci~ on low P'buin• Har~ ,,.. tit I --1 Call <;RO\\ ·rK A NO PROMOTION I aft.-, t p.m. at 160 Rorhmt.m, lnterfft benk t.rma. D~ &o HAV& CPt•ATED OPS.,.~O" I 0..La M------t~ our klw ovart-d. no ..,_. .,~ .., -I ah • •d•ut.lalRJ ud DO ---FOi\ C'OMl"l.Zrl: c· A ~II: llQUIP· man'• commlMlon -)'O\l W\Jl )(JQ('ll. •tioo. A.lat> 12 fL dory ll&Vf' 2tl lo IO''"' on J\ANOO. TELEPHONE OPERATORS WATCH & CLOCK repairin9 OUARANTSSD. l'llD &:WI111ATQ. NEWPORT JEWID~ a.ta .. _ u ..... , l118 Newport &1"4. DRAPERfES and SLIP COVERS IUld ino&or 17& &M1t It.. B&~ R.l:FRIOl!'ft.ATOfta. WA.U- Balt.n. tllpe'i !ta. &11d DRYERS. 11U11J I TNSTALLATlOll and ro•cl •MOTOltCTCL.I: -l.W. TRI· rellablf' local Mrvlc., JA.K&'a UM1"'K TlCJ\RlP. A·l Mf'd A PPl.JANC E8, 111~7 Hubor. Ar1ual mUu 12&<'1 .. 'IOO 2900 I r t'lilla Mua, U~. Clltt OT . N~rt Ht.1. lnp 1---_ _ _ ~ UDIX8 matched JOit duba and I lllM HOTPOIHT rafrti'. ll'e tM ~ PG. lJatramed mtrror bai9L HM blf ~ to, ,,...._ app11.. U ll 48 '40 l:lt'<'trl~ ~r ahel•• "' door. oo1or 111- Hadc• tr1mm"r and :z•, • onl l•rt•ir. Pait! dn. to U37 .fl. No UO Wiq Cb.air. n cl Cond . '°••h an .. !MY onJy fl 71 ~r fntl Mii '40 Victor Cl@clr1r ' " ~k Add Madllne, Utt. wll 11?~ JlAl't;HN'S irt:RN. WarW!o'- Palr wl\IU and ,old Lamp ~ W 11lb 8t . Coeta M-. ~ app'.ll 3') • tall, '40 pa.Jr 1 blk. W "' Van'1 Bowlin. 8" at 70t M.a.nsold. Corona Allay. It.ore boW"I: MaaM.y ~I Mar, art•r 6•30 or Sat. t.hru J'rlday t -t . 8at. t i..6- or sun. 96ri7 Mun. 11·6. LI 1-3111. ------:-""- BOOOl.r • 8Ul(IY· l'K'W con.J with pul. l.Jl. Car bed 14\ l':l«lrtt' irt4'r111•r U Hal .. Naota Apt.a . lit~ W &Ibo.I Bl•l'l. Apt. t ~I 12 rr. HOTPOLN'T aua.o. ~­ ..-at.or. ...,.,..IA door r....-r, •lffd I month&. loaal1tfee. Save llllO. Hu. eM8-J or I.ti. a.11111. Ndl Jessee's Backyard & W areho~se Self THIS WEEK ONLY 8 Speed pbono a.nd radio .. . . _ • f19.88 Nnr Apex automatic wuher . 99.88 New You.apt.own diapoal •.... ·--···-30.98 New Motm'ola 21 in. TV con80l~ -···· 11g.aa New W.tiqbou. dryer ··----··· ···-101U8 New Whirlpool dfTe?' ..... _. __ :____ lJG• New Blacbtom lrooer -·--·--·-·--··· '9.88 Utlld ~· -·----------· A up Ullld w....-.. ~ 6 aato _ IO. A 11p Ueed a.rrtprau.. ··-·---' 25.: ' ~ U.S a.,... --·-·--·--80. la ap TEIUl8 ON NltW KltRCBANDJ.8£ NO PA.no:NTS UNTIL MARCH KUY PA YMENT8 ON USED JESSEE'S 1013 S. Main SANTA ANA i • . . . • \ • JAKE'S SM ...._ -Oii&& .,_ C.-tm l:IO; a:OO P.K. ftlda.7 .._ LI~ 11-W ....... !!l. 0 to. ......... JUNK FOR SALE Shafer'• For Music (._.UOT) m-m K. a,__._ 8aaia A.- Kl l-OlfJ --.. J\lsl C Tl IN I ~ Mapl• lplnel l1li.t 8-Ddtlll -aUll l'\W -· .. ... ..... •1-~ .... flDr ...n. . .. .. wm 011 r1r TrMiL U10 ICl4ctrolUo orsw uwt 1a.rp rBOX" PIU'V.t.Tll PAllTI'. a. W • ...._ mN.. .N....... ..... 1 lllAIW&l, aa pedal baa f.rllW&ts, ._.. ... fUtlltUlt ..,.._ IOU U 8pDllt .._ 1 maaual mo.de WARD S. LEE, INC. 1238 South Mam 8t. S&nta Ana • PORT ORAN6E • TBA.ILBB e41Jl'.s ml IUPPLDl:B .-w.oa..&_..., K...,aK._. U MUG OPlllC I UL .. ~ .._, .., aa· s-mmx. .t.mm11• tnins. Bau.. -...umai .... lnte!iDir. 4Wll1JW, atna....,.. .. 11.....na. llldT ,,_ .......... FREE 11 cw Ul1 ftiaUlill1 .. Oru,p oa.) QUICKLY A.ND JUBILY IDIJ'LY CA.LL 111:1.mcT JU.Tl. Kl 7-3506 • Ddl1 Kut k•b • ~. TellpboDe • 26-U. Dllik Senloe • ROCllll 8et tb • R9ted Pool • a.tamut • Coc!.ktaB Loanae • ColorT~n Jamaica Im "* on UDB.OOK JlllUaD7 ~ ...... !ftar ~ .... "-" Nlta1. u WllT. .,. ocm.t.Jf l"l.Olft' WIN 'I'• a Rlllft'~ sue. .......... tnc llWIU• uaW .11.d7, • ~I llatu.........., furmahld. BALBOA BAY Pl\OPWl'XM UGI W. ~ m"4. llu Ull ..... ILA.LBOA lm...um J'urn1a.Md •U&ct fM 1 ... • a4uJta. .. -. Wiater ,..tai, Har. UIM. Mlle, ' ta poc1 eoadtuoa. OaD .a.run. ---_-lf_ewport ___ Bl.T ____ • _..... ma u VINoa. T p.a. Bar l nDL tkll K.. WUJlLITZD 8'JUDIO plane '8 w.urrm> -TO BUY -We •• ~. Sen~g!per rmt.t • maatlMI (new ~ '°'-Aut.. for... .._ ..... ,_... ~a Ba•ee tor .. , Sea Shell Apts. model ... IUiPI ... ,._ cl.-..mioa~ tDelUd. tee) •n $1t2, ta 1 1 t It --------------~...;.;.....;..;,;;;.___ Chaice Winter a.ta19 OD Mpratcn. JAm ~ ~all. ,Oil l:atwmaUoe kla•!.dl-P!dlllpe t.rTDI. GMC COPELAND Balboa lalaad ir Udo lale 1 O\' I bdrm. wt~ 1 MUI.I, J'UIUC. Dl:LUX.. APT&. Allio ~ Utu9Cl. ~ able W\nta iii J9&l11 rartal8 to prett'nd ~ 1DO W• Jl&lalo& 81"'4. N~ 8-cll QUIET SLEEPING aoowa Kaid ._._.... .ilfall, 1aT ........ U. 9top ia at Mil W. Oaut BlP TtUD• your old upnpt or ......, ...,, •.wpart ._.. or caD Gnnd piano tor a H&mmood TRIPLE CHECKED MOTORS lmaD 6 .., • W,. 6 d.&uu WINTD RATl:I BAL-PORT MOTIL Furniture ftlOX UDO JllL1I &'Olla u.. ... ~ I Wra.. mlmlr'I &Dd ,.,,-.wm .... -. ~ NOV. JO 6 UT., DEC. i.t 10 A.K. t. 0 P..11. 101 'Ila~ 1*111&1 1.aomm~ ........ ... u, .. ~ ·~ .... .... ·--··'*',... wlG ....... I pe.. wroucM ll"Oll .._.. -. I pe. •Ttas "°°"" ...................... .............. ClllWll ,..,. ,..._IOI .... w p.y. ...... w. 0..tar, > ...... ~ ' Jlu1)or ma. mtc $11 te SIOO maat.b Ot'pA 0 " ... plaDo, •• 11yt VOGEL CO 2111 w. Ooallt 11"7 u l-JCllll Boats DRY STOR.AGlll 11 rr. CllNTUR r trTILlTY, 1904 vw.. model. eo H.P. Qn)'. tuU equlpoacnt. top t o a d lt 1 o a. A.lill1ns •HTa. ~Bar..... NctCJ 14-•uekal, lllwllo, r v . -- TV Antennas $7.95 1Uct-t cub prtct on es-USED TRUCKS 321 E. 11t !t, Santa An.a • IOI Iii.-. Aft., 9an1aa 1aJ&ad ----------U411& Bar. aou. Tltt.o cbUlp KI Mt.23 '•7 DODOJD % T. P.U. PR.ACTJCll PL\HOI fl'lllD '81. '11 OMC % T. Panel •in. UM. «.o. ~t.1 is. '1ll PONTI.AC 1 hdan o.itvvy 61 WILLYS SL Wqm ,_ moa~ llJ>. Ol"Uld pl&not ·u CRl:'VJlOLll:T \t T. >.u, • wMti *''"' '*'11t -.S- WLa MW, in&l\1 woedlrfU1 bar· 'N OKC % T. P.U. $'f90 pilMI to clilooee from. OM 'M CIDVROLrl' % T. PU. •8 WILLY8 JEEP rrmcta J>nmDd.al Ip ID t t 'M OMO ~ T. P.U. 1Uc1tU7 damapd --. bll H7ctra-rn&tlo Tn.neml.ofioft $&'15 •.me w11ic.h JlA Co.. p.ya. 'M OMC "' T. Panel 61 GMC YJ T. P.U. ·u OMC ~ T. P\dtup ~ SCH)(IDT-PHILLIPS 'M OKC ' T. P.U. Bis Ptano ud Orpa 8tor-. Hydra-m.atJc Tn.n.mnt..lon M FORD PICKUP i:stabllahed 191' 'IM OMC ~ T. 0uaJ.m $496 620 No. Main St., Banta Ana JJwayw \00 Plano-on ti.and Optll J'rlday Nlte 'Ull • w...iut.yw 6:SO. '112 OMC I T 190" W.B . !SO FORD ST. w AGON 2 rrp..d, • ·ta 'T'lr.• 'II! c;HgVROt..rr 2 T ~ U ' BIM!y $»~ 2 Sp.ed. a :2:11 nrw !SO Wil...L YS J"'EJtPS'_..,.._l'_Ell..,. 'N 000011 ti.; T. Dump, t'Mll5 2 11)9td. •. 00 -n.r-. - RAD:O '111 O)(C 10 ~..,.. Dump. 61 8TUDE. CHAKP. BIL Tran. . t "00 Tl,_ J2~ $2.50 ltlCll~ -palU ud IUor IO~Ea~ ACVE TV 6 RA010 U3 · llet It. Bar.~ W. W . WOODS GMC DEALER 116-lt • •ua It. 8a.nt& Ana Truell ~ for ~ ODmtt:r -53 MG TD 0000 USED T .V. 8A.LIC ~1 MORRIS MINOR HOrn<AN Pl Ol~o l&C>. I R.C.A. VlctoT'1 PO -. Cape-67 AUSTIN HEALEY b&rt full ck'oor"8 MO. 10" West· 57 KG-A 1npou. and n·· Hottman ~1 JAGUAR RDSTR fnt'w picture tubt}. I aPftd 57 AUSTIN A &:A • automaUc AC:Ord pla1'ft9 In -vv l)Ortable c.a.nytnc CUN 121.N ... R.C,A.. Vlctor r. 0 0 r 4 Sport Car Center playwr pluc-tn 112 '6.. Ope 12 HAU8IOl!N -WA TBON to &. Tart.er'a MUIMI It.ore. ltl2 H.t.RBOR BLVD 2t104 &. Cout RtoraJ, CoTODa Costa M-. LI i..ttt4 dltl M&r. f.A.croM flUa Port fteatM'). Ntlc 47 FORD ST. WAGON • $193 COPELAND MOTOR.8 Oranp Q,anty'1 1....,..t Jeep Dealer Motor Overhaul 5 CyJa. (most) __ '8.88 Elrhta (most> M..88 ft. a..... ... -Bar1-cr 1011 Crown of the Sea Kate! -PftIV--,.-TJl--JClll'J'ft41f----c::..--..,-. .... Bar. lat-A IN CORO.. -..., tw I t Ill -. ,....; Mu. ,,,A. D ..... MAJ\. -- ----------OaafortQle ,_. and ~ wtU. tlbOWS ... mo. Oall Bal'. Dl4.LL ~ MO 'rapt. Ooocl k>catlon. a.nu.man ,.... I~ Bar. oa&-M. ~-TJl~ Popp:r, OdK. tOtto I lllllDJlOOK anlUm. ctupla. Teu1y 1'9t&l Bo. ~ ot HJ. -1. Corona dtl Mii'. J06 lrl8 It. fOtlc tU• apta. DaJ, .... 11 or aioontb-~ OWMr' &l IOI"' 111&11- 17 rat.. T,V, so&d C.,,_). ~ MOO IL CCJ&.t Hwy. CdK Hu1»or &lH BACHELOR'S LOOK! l bednn tumlah.td •J>U In B&l- * * * mfJOY LlVDfO 01' Tml OCILUf J"B01n' BAJ..a04 JaLAND • tumllhtd I boa UllllUM paJd.. U.6 mo. Pt.rll- Oclmp...., fWl'L Id~ apta. &lid room. wtdl pm.to baUaa. Mal4 ~-~ T.V. not 'If. Ooeu rroct. 1f P111· port Har. IUT. btdnn. and NII pore.II upptr lnl" Nev l~Uon. Hu * * * dupla DMl' Y'lllap. Wlnw '61JJ or UM. PcJ '100. ,_,17 $1IO. UUJJU• -------------------- p&ld. II.II' 0066-W Uttc 8A.L.80A ul&Ad IDO&ten turn.. ~-A OffJlll .: ON BA I .HOA l8LA.ND m ua tor ~1.7 UM1 -"O'll&I l'Wltala. PENINSl.JL.A -NICE AREA UDhu"DJllbed &p\A wtUl p,rqe 1 B. R. -PO 6 2 B. R. -fl 10 ~ Bar ..... -~ ll&.r. 11.-.. a ttrat-U" 1 bdrm sara.• apt.. NS'W 9TOU m..oo uUl. pd.. antana, aduJta. Tb 2a X a • 1'.,.,..t 4 ..._ Caeca June 10th. &1.1 Cora.I An.. Ml ,._ ""*-6itnct. I ,_r "'°'" Har. MU-J. ~ -- WOM.Al'I &a •II a re my ..._ DAVY, MU V\a ~II&~ ~ ~ -..seaoa. _________ ... _ lOI • a.d IL. N_.-,ort. BAI'- ._. ··~"' Mt°" 2 '.at. Mete e Office Rental aca.1.KMT loeatlos • .,.,.. pe.rtdq. AJl'PIWXDUTSLY tot ... IL. UllO mo.. • il'l'ROXIMA TICLT l5f ... ft. '-4!0 me. HARBOR lNVli8'I1ill:NT ·; 00 . ~1- .. LO~NS ON HOMES K _.,,,. K .. , DON L HUDDLESTON LI &.OCl41 PM> tte . rat A 2nd T. D. Loesa1 : .......... all ()nap O.U.i, 'tlUllt D.dt BoQPt 6 Sold loyal Mort9e9• Co. Harbor 6123 -2'...,,.n lllft., ""'°'" llch. -:::::::; NEED MONEY .... ..... -.... lllD rlnt &nd ...... ft"llll 0-S.. . OONWIKUOl'IOlf LO.t.H1 ~ Mr. .._.._, KOftTOA.0 1: LOA.If OllPI'. cu.rt o.Jl a I •t&• Jlealtor aUKaitM.t...__ Manor Wl1 ..,. ....... 134!1 ''C .. Ed JonH, Reeltor lttt ~r BlYd.. LI 1-ISOl ~ U l-2t4S M-1 CORNER uo ft. trcetap oeaw c.o.ta ~ wttb loll4 J Ba. bom• tdeaJ tor mnaD manutacturar in.aoo, pad tc'IU. Du .... J~. 1\-1 Elrt&t. 8/ B OPEN HOUSE EVDY MTEB.NOON oJ".1'12m> BY OWNER .. · Restricted Back Bay BUILD YOtTa NBW HOME ilfONG TIU·J!NB'Bt. New Street.. curb1. aidewalb, .trMt UsbU, eewera. See Our New (~ Knolla) Mtata. priced from ~. ACT NOW IF YOU WANT A CHOICE! · GEO. EVERSON, Realty 1767-A Newport Blvd., eo.ta Meu. -LI 8-~11 ACl'OU Blvd. from Sateway Stora • THE BEST in C. D. M. A 2 BR. hame, ju.It redecorated lnaJde and out, flaptone &pl., floor tum., bdwd fhiw., lo.th of 1torqe. PLUS roomy 2 Br. apt. over dbl pr., wtt.h 1Unny ~t.. HUGE wtcrtl<lba PLU8 19per- a te wuh rm. 6 lltorap rm. On lnel Jot in XLNT neighborhood. just *P9 to llllope. ONLY ~-Good terma Exclu.aln with .. TM Vepl O. .. a•t W. CoeM m,tiwaJ. M.1 u 1-2'415 H.nw oetl U 1-t'lll KI J-21rr U l-a1 T Open Jiau. eat. .. •un. ----------150: W. cb&rmlJla 2 BR A o.r · home la top ..q11borhoocl vt BAYSHORES Water Tradin9 N-.ort H4ll'hta. • -i buy R. L STRICKLER, Realtor 3622 E Cout Hwy .. Corona del Kar -Har. 2774 -------- Open House Fr T d 1 at UT.800. ~u:.:m .... "'°.: ont 0 ay I Bey & Beech Rfty., Inc. Mid ---'"· can Jobn W1I -.. a J bedrm. hooM plua J\LU.'I'OfUI Ai..a, 11arp ta.mi.17 ro.m.. Good pae-11176 Haner at.4... Co.ta Mua llAA80ft INVU'l'liOtNT co. .rbWts•. pier and noat, com.,-Day or NIWhl. Plllone Lt. 1-TTH · Ru. 1IOO. ..._ LI ........ lot. '11,.DOO. llUbal.lt ll"a.d9• ______ UdCI_ t• :~;;·;AY I NEWPORT-MESA ~ !'•!'7 w~-- MONEY NEEDED FOR IST & 2ND TRUST DEEDS i.,,... r Will......, .., ..., mat. Up to 129/. Yield II.nor Illa Royal Mort9a9e Co. n ._,...._..,.. ...... Propertv Own.rs wrs Tb ruh 8tNlt 100 m.oat ONLY. A.ft&' ~ ~ .. ., ~-a apart. 1100 WP~E!!lEL &la& EXCLUSIVES J'OI\ Qut'CK IALlll I A 'M"ltACl'IVll I INdl..,.. ~ lllricle"IDt ~ E °'** x-. w;w ~. ..,.... 11-.tq reem wttb a- l , ..... Ollltra.I Mat, patio wtlb ll8Q ptt .. ~ 'hTml ud 0-1. nnanctac. u w in OWMl!J\. nceo LIDO ISLE 0 rr l.OT Improved w 1Ul •pol 1 .. I bed.~ and Mn J blllh .IMlm~ Cictn lar~• ~GIG,,.. tbru~t Jl'ull p!1..,. '34.llOO Good t..rma. BEACH HOUSE 1 anu cleMJ 2 bedrm honw CURT DOSH Rltr I near Udo ltlopplnr l.."•nl.,- 1 • Olt.n.I• llr....cl for aput· l' 5 l.JI_ • A I --'-It~ and plutn marine ve. ~Uon A tn"EAL ,, lefboa Island tu.Teo. 137'° 4own Harbor I 560 C&JJ u1 tor o.w 11 "" ... .._ ......... JU • ao&. t1lltW ·o , rt Jltoe 11C't j Oceen Fr. Exclu11ves .... ,., ..... ~ i..... NEWPORT BLVD. w. Rav a hY--.1 Oood On"I&. .TDUNO. r. o . ._au, 8aJI __,..., C&llt. Ne'1 TO x tOO lcMal mot.el' lilt• •IC I Newport-Meua Rlty . wUll older 3 BR. home. '20.000 nrm pn.c., rood t~rma. 11M "9Wpe>rt Bh,d., Uo1t.a M•• .. IM•• I P•¥rtz u a.Mae Ev&iL u l -'1'23 7 D&n A Ja.cobem.. ftf'al 'll:Alt1ta 509 De Anxe Coro-na Highlends 3 &-drooma -Family Room -Dtnin' Area - Lana.I with be.auutul Ocean View. Owner "tll ~II for u little u $3,000 down. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor "At the Br1~ to Udo ~e" J..alayette at 32nd St., Har. •718 BA Yf R'ONT! LOWEST BUT NOT LEAST \\• h•\• lh-IOWl'.111 pric ,., be7t rr.111t t.om .. pJ111 ln•'<>mt apl "" Balboa llland ~auUtuJ \If"\. Wldl undy lloe&Ch T h i e la a VF.:RY A 'M'RACTlV II: pr~y (>Ct•rM furnLlh•d for hlUIOO Rt"lln R IJSH QI'\ thll Marin ers Isle Rlty. 316 Marin• An. B&ll:ioa u 1d Harbnr t781 B/B I A l.JREAW TO Bt:HOW> OH LIDO A Bll:A l,'TlFUL home or •pa· "~ w/J bdrnu :ii Jovtly IMIUU.. '41 la.na.i. 411 ltJt, I&• pl& Uo $34 960 WE HA VI: two II bdrm Bay· tronu to (Jff.-r BeUI 2 ~n r.nd •llJMl. JMltloa. «"(>mpl furn. I •le . Bey & Beach Rfty ., Inc. REAL 1'01'!15 l4M W. Balbna Blvd H•r M4J Har. n9I I:\·~• 8PJCCIAL I Harbor &Ml - \ • ., OW!Ca. • -I MdnlL ~ l -t7&t _KI 1·2~11 w l -4-31T MONEY MAKER! - ............ Oull ....,.. -1 THREE HOUSES .. l"'(>UR film d. renl.611 nr . .s .... ,,, 2Y2 Acres LIDO ISLE OPEN HOUSE Thuna thru Sun 1 -~ = =: u ~rr": TWO adj")lnlnr R-J lnt11, pll'nl)' I BM ' dbll rar • drt\f'• • TM!c nf ronm tor th• 4th uni!, Hu Gl"ON SUO D\O f'vll prlt• ----------1 J be<SJTT\., bouae. a J IMNlrm UIS 900 r ood t11nna ~ I Mdrm a pt OV•T' th• 2 •dal. lallastrlal ~ "'""' rr.om, laun<try B/B rm '"'' .,., ,.. "' ti.Us rra A 8TltAL' Call l'ori1 Vf'T· n ndfof' ltxrlu•••• A&f'Tll Har o.s. 83c96 OCEAN FRONT $2500 Down I BEDROOM J boltha ""•II lo wall ra rpet ff'n("M! It lan<tv dbi. ~ar anl'.l ... "Qrll ahnp ~ and rurbl In Rharp buy at '1 1.tf>O A. C. PEI ll"I E. Rttr C o\!'\ 811; r•.<I)~ to Mo! <..•n" h•lt mlf• f l'1•m H"ltput /\II ta rlllllt'• In 111 .... 1 tu r11I up 1 •rrnrtunlt \ ,..,,. ia rr• prtlllt Option to Buy Wll.l. P.Jo:NT I h ll J\l'W 3 1 .... , "°''"' hom11 with l I.,. bath.• Z23 \'ia Orv1r t.1 4 bdnna 2 bath• SJ.4.500 Costa Mesa OPEN HOUSJi.; DAILY 1 -~ •r .... Coron• del Mar a1 A IS i. .0 al Ul.TIO • COllJ'mtTAIUt ...... ... Mme ta • 'tflllt7 ........ Jo.- e&U. -'l'lmlll. ---Balboa Island ' lll:DBOOMB -lW ..... CID • llwely .... lot. -Pl\111 .. apartm9Dt °"' ..,..,... 0.......... mt.Lat ..U.. 8ullm1t yeur down peyment-~ ....... loo! --crrff Haven view of rolllns Oowltr)id.de LOVELY, l'OOl1\7 J t.droom Mme wtUl a 0... J'orced air Mat. .......... noon. w. te w. ~. l.oftly patl• wtth ..,_11>4 Met. a ...._ ho14. Costa Mesa Lots • -llO' LOia. .... Eoot" - ~ ..... -R-nt•""t ,., WlltA Owner Moving East WILL •U h1a I ~ bom.f In ~ a..u. tw JU.JOO wttll n.ceJ.lftt L9rma. Call ot I -WI now for appalntmcrJt. i Duncan Hardesty • k&A.L TOil ••At th~ 8J1ct,. to Udo ~- 1 Lalay@U.e a.t J2nd St, H.ar. f T13 I - 'C' 11fOMA.S 'C' THO M.AeS De Luxe BEA trrlll"UI. 2 t.droorn, 2 bath Vll:W home o•e~ N-- port H&rbor and ~ ~-J llV built. ~d.d with out- 1tanana t•~ 6 detal.llnJ. I hue-lt•. ,,_'" wfUI ~ • butlH n kltdl«\. ~1 l'~tad. drapee Int'~ - Dul of town own.r otterw "' ..ennrt t emi1 oo aaartnw pr1c1 rir m .r.on. Clitt~Haven H>l:.\LLT Jocat4d tlQ Tl It. c:or Int. tJm ham. ott ... 4 1Md- rot11N1 plua cMn. J bat.bl, 1p. II• room, double fl"Pla.ce. b.-.Jcfut bar • dill. .,.... abu1'dal\ca of r'-t spaoa. w / w oarp.t~ It ar.pea. 1prlnllllns .,.wt.m. pert.et tor larlfl fami.ly a n d 0 N [, T •l!\000 Beacon Bay HOME •nd INCOME ' RltOROOM ht>me plua 1 ~­ mom t'11mllh..., ..,,...... a pt 1 r•nl..:l tn .ame l•na.nt p&at I :. ,....,.. , Le-· liv. room, b&r \\'po! klt~h~n Jmmedl•t• M'• ~f'•l'l<'.'"Y P'noed at U1.600' Ov•n"' mu.t Mil -I t.-.. MIT' "C'' · THOMAS lndu.triel-Commerci al DeSNrtment 1NDU8'l"RlAL BUILDINGS WHt N~rt BMch 2 &d Multiple Liatinga ~. J -.aUi. J'Umlah.cl. I :Ult H&rbor Blvd . ~-0'12 2 r a r 1tar•K"· Can hll pur· r h.uotd t<Jr a e ~ o d o .,,, n "'" 1 20•!i A nabf'l.1ll S t. REALTOR ~vi:.. 1..... Payl'T"'"l.JI 1111 .. N .. ar Mw 2 bdrm is, ha:h a.nd A8SOCIATE8 HQ. 1 -O:>llta M--new -~ l)loek &Ad brick. l.n. • _.. ~ Pl'1oc* SI0.000. .MO. J -1:1 ~ -com- ...:nte l)loe ll ~ - ,jw'O la&nta OD ft.-• "YflV .--... 1-aa.100. Pricle a.o.ooo. ~ •1t.OOO. ~. do>•·n. Opp. Bt.abr'a Mlrt. ~ .. a..Mfl7 j Ru lalt"e JNUWli.d u~ room ------ rf'nl P'11ll pr11"f' noly Mndtorn Wa •l•I' bdrm. U a 324 w. Cout JIWy. LI 1-~'7 n n T!ll) 12 14'f'. dbl. p nir . t-ov.r.d N~rt S-cb I and nr.p.a.ac.. f:•c.lt.ot ..... 1m-1 BUJLOING NEW 12 U1'tlT mine bMdL ~ ~~~~~.~ PHIL SULLIVAN BALBOA BAY between j b \SM Ne'WJ>Ort Blvd., CMta Mua JMlUo. fmc.-d yant. wool <'9r· 'C' THOMAS 'C" THOMAS ~ drapn It curt.allUI lnrlud· I ..t at low pnN> of 112.90-0. I PROPERTIES 1 ... andne;, ma or~ 0~ Pboll• Liberty a-tru I THE VOGEL CO. I J606 W. Be1Ma ...... Ha1 11• p.... C ~ In ' EVE. Ll 1·2103 L.IDO O'fTIC1: CoM.a Kea. Net 16%. ~ __ , 3418 Via Udo Rar 4'71 2 BOflM ,,..._ • la.rr• I et . -Thia I• OD older 1'ouM, -1~ Price $88,80() -i21,6()() ~ -" MW -.-....... lit BUILDING LOTS Real Values N O. I -11&.ol& Ana -new -l'Ot' mulUpk unit.a Cll\t.er eo.ta dowu. Hu. 37U.J. Newport Hta. Duplex l = ·--.;: ld~--.:.,1 •1c4 •1.~00 Down $3500 Down p&lllted ..... and out 0a11 -------NlCK 1 Bedroom unJIA n.e&r Ill~. PGOO 4". BUY I I bedrm bonMo on O('e&n SACR'f ICE H t&I\ lkbool Jl~,200. Lnl t or lllde ot Hl,._y, Corona <tel 1 BDRM. Howit Mlly T ~ :MT:.'~:'u:.':1 N~:;;::.onM-1 :-'ro~n-:r.~n'0t~= =r~r:':..:U: BUILOlNG NEW 11 UNIT LIDO ISLE Ptut 8bupe • • C!villt.maJI. w. 11a .. the k~. 10.000 , ... fL -top t.enaat ..... baDd MW and NUN ·• a.. -,.... ...... 1neom.e With lnt-om•. ... en.~ ... 000 COSTA MESA DOCrOR8 AND Dl:N'l'lft'I AiT&Hl'ION l IN NEW SHoPPJNG Cl:N'l'lltl . INDUSTRIAL ACREA6E .· Jl'ROM SMl.0.000,... A. Ira Newport. httas· ··.-= toa Bch., eo.ta ll-and S&nta ha &!'Ma. 1 ~ •: 20 A. ~·· -. wttlt-10 'IT• ~Uc& Will BUILD & L:EASE OONCRl.'rll tllt...ap bMp. fQJ)7 .......... ~ &DIS ., ,.. ... ft. A..,a. .,, ~ ....._. wm sift JOG a yr . .,._ t. -, tM Mits. tt ,_ des!N tt. . SEVEN ISLANDS REAl:. TY & INVESTMENT CO. 503 -S2nd St.. N...,ort BMda Har. 58&8 ~ Bar. Met BEAUTIFUL RANCH STYLE ... .... NE.AR NEW 3 ~ &Dd daa. dJQbaa l'OOIQ, ~-, HW fioora. W /W ~. d.r.perid lnchadM. • F .A. heat. tlreplace. 1 % b&thl. BuDt..m ~ and • • ranp, copper hood, dMpoeal 11-.yY man root. Owner moort.ns and mu.t -11 um &o.lly IMmi• • ~ on eut side. i'uJl prioe Pl,000. ~ DOWN. DUPLEX NUJl OC&AN BliCH $1!i0 per month income OG replar monthly ba•t. . : -more tt on MJ•mer-wt.ter N!ltal. ICstn Jot on wb.lcb 1o build 2 mere unit&. ApArtmt"nll a.~ roomy and 1LlceJy turn1abed. SH.500 1'\l.lJ ~. "• ~DOWN. . . SltE us roa BUllNESS OPPORTUNmD1 - . r ... 7 We b.,. &mt.alt! 1 a.ad 2 bedroom -~ and ~ THE VOGEL COMPANY 1700 N..-port 8'd.. Cca11ta M--. LI 14aN s.. Har. Ula, Jl&J'. 511• CORONA DEL lUJl -I Bomea CJG I ~ .. -\ ... ... ... ·•' Lot Ml 90 K 118; '~ton•• won't mlla thli; Income U15 Moathlr, oe "llOUUW&i .. ol Bi-~ .~ ~~ •: ... CLI1'F HA VEN -J Unit.a ' ne~· nw 12~ .. ":' SM.ALL dow1l payment •. ONLY . -11.t,MO. • - Coste Mew "Sleeper" A 3 and 2 bedJ"OGlll O'Qplex ( 8ep&f'&te) tbt ii ·. ~~ located ill C.2 U'eL Room tor man muta. ·~: Owner •11 ..U at 115.000 DD • . . at S1 T .800. OCEAN end BAY VIEW in ~IMPORT Bl:lOB'1"8" SEE t.hia '"Ti.ew'' -IAlp 2 bdr. BOIM; 2 ~; Lc"e· lb. aoam wtt.1a "lilrtlii4"' &tMa: ft'lk n : ,-~·; Sundec.k and 2 ear pnp . . . Ml~ aD .-.: ·~~-: On11 S'* Dowft ••• N Pl1oe ..• ---~i TE&Jn'IC VU:W: -I Md i.-e _.. J tiat.M; .,:~ Widow ........,. "quick" ......... Ota • • • • • Ont7 '1ft.2DO. ~,_, SE!: 6 BELil:VE: -I bdr. laoma; t.rp UY. ft.am WT. parch; diljJ Wl It _, tdlia- teatur. ... Cormr lot ••• ..._. e. f.11,IOO; '4000 Dn.. ... •• Jii ...... ,, ... ... . JACK BRENNAN, REAi.TOR . :~ Newport Oftlce .••••• "A.t TBm ~ ~~ lo •1t 300 lfHI.... I TAD OVER I.bl• Tam Shop 1n OD t ._ S • ......... BOltCI: 11..Dd I u • • t apt.. O•d' CLO&IC In ~ a.en on Pl.a~U. tSme to mil• lmttt.cl rtn. '"" j p1'9ttil1 bet.,_ n • W MIO Ml· n.. na home con-~":TIO() I.Ml~,:,.: ~... or l\elp oUwn c1o lay & Beech Rlty., Inc. • UAIA'OM 332) W. Coe.t Bl-Way. U a.Tftt 8. A. NERESON I ec.ta u.. Otftat -MWD ,._ • tntM ... ' 11'1$ Ha.-. ...... Ollltl& Mam i., • ~ ,._ u. a.-m& HARBOR BL VD. ()..I I' 9' 01' T .A. 0 • 01'f TWO ll'IBDft. Md'f'll,. f1l.,IOO.. ULL LOI' on ll&AA .t.lm Gl1I' BAa801\ BLVD. "'°'"' AOJI Bl:LOW MAJ\.. 1[m', t"Ol'l -ud Cll.bn llutlof -..,....u.. "C" Ed Jones, Realtor 1• BUbor ~. u ... '301 -...u~ major abopplDi and ctYtc tai1111 1 ~ 1 •Uwt. q.. wm 11a .. Ula lri171 to Uww, '1ad ... Very ...uonable pn.-., oenter Colta 111-.. 18~ .... ream. ,,.._, ., ... beat. to ..._, •OtAa ....,, ... rue.. i-C!.&..__ • R~ C c:a tnw......,nt. Prl c• ~ ••a.. w tot. ...,. F W Lytl R It nnmoms . o. $'15,000. '25.000 down. ...... ,.a». lla1 .. ,_. _. • •· •• or Kuf,.. LAILClls ~ _.. Bar 370..J Olc6 ...._. .-Plil&al1 tura. Yeu l'l'lt l"ewport °fD'rd... Ollta life. RllALTOll · ...., ..._. ncen..t •.A. u t-"'3 U I-IN! SUI a o.. ~. Cl>lll Jau.. v .... t and -baft u.. Hanor :nu DUPLJIIX a,. hll priae l'UOO. Olll 11r. ~. sm "'· eout READ THIS ! ! ! runata!JH 2 M4rm.I .ct\. a.-ffll.ll....,.. u •T&a. -=-. la. 0.. mitt .....-. Good ... Bar •JM. ....., -. fH..... ~ .... ==;:;;;;-;;;;--;;--;;:;~;;-~= ...... l"lllWPOKT ~ I bdrm COAST PROPERTIES 301 & aaBea m.d. Har tal or ..-a1Jlll u ...-n. mtt lt·I W. 1 ~ baa.. I pa oM. Pt 0. Ill -......,. uiut. ....... c.. Zd -'--· Pltt.r LI •ta01. EY• LI ... ..._ Jl.I LOT OllaG, dlolee C-ta Meta ..,._ Zcmecl f°' 1• 1111tt& )lmr -ltGl'9 m,.i ladu8- tr1a1 ....., M• all. MIOO, ea.a. OalJ Mr.~. 2'D W, OoMl Rlway. a.a ~'JM2; ..,... • Hu. 61k ....., SACRJll'JCE SALE! SMOOOWN S ... .... mads.ta. W I I t ... ~ It'"'-C.lC., OWNEJl ll(Un •ICU. tilt.I -" Cla1n Vl&ft H oni, Rlla.Jtor. lel M m . ICldT 1 .. 2 N..,!.~ o.ta *-__ m_E.._1 .... m __ St._. ________ u_a._ma_,_; __ ."'; ALW.t.Ya O.P'Df '".r ...._ u •un CORONA HIGHL.».l)S · · . ·:: .. <.~ LAGUNA BEACH UNBtJftPA.&a:D VISW. Jhud -·~J'9tll ... 111U ....... .A. Mat. ....... r&ll.. Md O""C. 11-.YJ ~ root. Ward ftoora. O..pWMJ lutd9c:aped. ,,... • • ~ 9"dlt--.. aad ........ ~ lie ...,. la,_. et SIT.IOI 0,.. ....., • to l:ie UM',_,.. -l>r1Ye Owller' u a..d0'1 Loftt1~IWI&µ..1~ ..... _.. .............. ., w. •tliir'I.: ~ ~ ....... ,._, •. -~ br-kflllt Doalr. ftlt..la pmtry, V ...... ·~ ~=: tadMd cfble. pn.p. ice. ... 1NIJ ... ... .... brick paUo. ,..,. n.Dd8I ....... 1tb -. • '•1 Opell aftm11a • ...._ Bar. ~ 'f' OWtfD. : : $23,950 -.. .. "'" ·~ ·- • r . At lliis iPrke • • • $10,895 - . . NON-YETS ' ' Total Down Payment 3 Bedrooms -2 laths -2-Ca; G•rage . . Costa Mesa SUNSHINE BEACH HOMES l'ULL PRICE S10,8H f19.~ PER MONTH wn.BON A PLACENTIA Furnished Models Open Daily 5 Mlftu+.t from th• Ocean N••r Schools & Work ex>n• MD.A IUN1D:IINIJ ••Cll JIOMD OJ'l'D .•• rr.t • rar ll'1q room9 • Plenty at eloMt.a. Obdia' 81p9C» ID kttcben.1 • .0 pl water he ate ra. Natm&l btrch cabl.nett e Confetti We ln k.Jtch· ma • MatJcork floon e Wood .Udinr win- dOW'I • 8,000 eq. tt. lot.a • Rock root• A}qmbnam ICl'elDa. ANO'nll!:R S. V. HUNSAKER. ALEX STEPT DEVELOPMENT • Bayshores • 3 -Choice Exclualve Llatingw 2 bedroona. l bath ______ .$18,7~ 2 bedrooma. 1~4 bat.ha (aold) lQ,750 2 bedroom, 1 bath, turn. 21,000 SHOWN BY APPOL,.,..'TME:O-.'T ONL \' ALSO Bay Front Pier 6 SUp. \\.1nter Rt•nW, Qu.&lifltd C'lien t. Only HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. Harbor 1800 Eves. Hvbor Zl7i·J . _Udo "t OUte, ,2 Wrm., l~ Mtla ho. an J lo'8. Terri& .. ,..bWtt.1f~ ~t $35.000. · , Udo ~ 2 bedrm. •bunk rm .• 1 ~ baths, needa a Utile ~ 1q up, .aiia.t u excelM:nt boy at 122.lk>O. Lido It 1CJll waaJd Ba to laave a home ID the S.ck n.1 ..-. w'b1Db hu DOW been •nneud to New- pOrt Beach. p1eall9 ~ thla. 90 foot ti-onu.p on thill beauUful atreet-to.tnet ln the ~ eatate ba1C-en, every once tn a while an outsta"""i& bowie, wit.la a.n ~price &ad ..tth oubltandJ.Qf nnanctni, came. aJanr. We ' can't talk to all of you penonally, IO advvt.Jataa bulldbal ate. m '*· Lido 80 foot frootare on Via Genoa, clOM to Lido Nord. l:H,000. Lido LI OW' only way ot te1llnc you when such an OJ>- portunity to buy can be you.ra. 836 Via Udo Nord, -under corwtrucllon, IO you atill have time to Mlect your colore. Pier and allp built for you, dttam kitchen with everythloe, f bedtma., 3 batba, I-car pnp. By buyi.q DOW, you can haft thia quality hofne c:\Ultom.iaed for you. $126,000. Tel"'lld, or might take in Udo home or lot. Pleue beUe-ve u. when we Ny that thla hoine a(il be bought to your conalden.ble adva.ntap. Three bedrooma, a playroom, built-in r&nge and onn ln the kitchen, lknd1Caped, Oil a l&rp cor- ner lot, and rudy to be moved into. M-1 Acreage 6 acre• in Coeta 14~. $8,:500 an acre. See thla today, -It'• an excdlent buy. Don't be one of thoee pel"IOna who will be aorry wb~ they bu.r what this home aold fo1! A.akin& price -• • $27,960. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanaon co. management ms Yi& Udo, harbor 1!00 p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanaon co. mena9ement 1100 w. eout hi1hwa1 -llbutJ ~n B/ B OORON.A DEL Mil INOOMJI tn home. Oood 1 ..... tlo~ 2 C:nHA. Jltent&I t711 eM:llL Mov• In now. Very "iuonablt. tU :WO. Small down. OWNER MOVING SA ya Mil lhl• dctilrable <"or. property CQnlll•~ ot home A ln<'OITlf' 2 bd.nn. each. i '.P .. I car ,;ar , IUJ>dec:k • paU11 I.All ~lad)• Klapper. R!o:l..AX In ll\.la CQay 2 bdrm, horn• In chol~ Location Hard 1 ""'><WI floor.., tlnpl t 'lo loan. $14.730. I SHORECLffF Yl!"EbT contPmJJOran 2 b1tr 11~11. !Anal, and ~If It\ 111i.; room I Y.llh ocr1n ~.e .... Xlnt 1 rrm.t J4 I •1'1). L () l• K I:-.; n tot )OUr rnonl'\ I "urth • Th<'n l•k .. a louk •l 11111 3 t>•lt • Jc-II 2 ll•lh t1Urne H\\ fln flrq11. ~unn r••llu Ul ~JO, XMAS PACKAGE QL 111."T • .. -eluded Tt1ru Arc!! Uay bWf'f'J11'1J: ....: .. 1rn • ahor• "leY. Earh• .AmPMl&n 3 b!lr, I l bath •I"' IOUI, '""'I a ppulnl· LITTLE ISLAND OP.EN HOUD 11UDAY, UT. A IUN. 1U Abalone Larp 6 bed.rm., J bath hoUM Oft l50 ft. lot, 2 holl8e9 from Bo. Bay Fr. Completely turn. with lovely l br. apL Priced riJht for quick aale. COME SEE THIS. Shown anytime. BALBOA lSLAND. Thia duplex la one o! ~•t income un.ita on I.al&nd. With 2 beaut. patio1, lge. alttpln' porche1, and on a nice corner. BAY FRONT -3 bednn., 2 bath plua n1ce l br. apL both ... ith lovely \'itw or No. Bay. Recently rl'decontf'd and rum Pric~ at only .$48.~JO NEWPORT BEACH bu11nua building zoned M-1, Lafayf'tl..e St. with 8 otrice building., 2000 sq. rt. Str'f'&Md !or 2nd 1tory. Locatf'd ln fut grow- tnr commercial aN"a. GooJ value at $32.~. Nl':WPORT HEIGHTS channing 2 br horn,. on (.1ttt Drive with beaut. landacaped rrouncia, nic'e vlf'\fo', end. patio. Low. low pncf' ot i 15,500. BALBOA, thia modl'm 3 br .. 2 hath l8 nr. Chan· nt'I Road and the bay l..o\'t"ly Jge . Pncl pa.t10 only $24,000. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MJ-.:MBER OF Mt:LTIPLE LL<;JP,G 311 Mt.rine Avt, Balboa laland Ph. Har. 1671<>r1ni'2 THE GREAT ORANGE COAST. TD L8a YOU P•Y l>O'flrl'f, &M ~ ,.. -w-, ,_,.. -t~pper. l Mdnft., de, d~ room. tr.med eot· t.a,f•. OOl'1lar lot. tr-eM, eom· plalel1 fac«i. li<a¥be SOn.lJll will be M-1. JTllOO Uate<I &nd Mlllni pr1c•. AU otftnid down payment. eonaldtr«l. A LL orr1!:RED DOWN p AT. MENTI coruMtred. Qull"lc &c:· I Uoo 11Mded tor you tu buy th .. IMrptA. Lot 8011'8. fUUilARl(ABLT W IC LL LO· t.:A 1'1:0 llu.aln ... alte l.Ol'•lbtr Wllb I l>adrm. •tUCCO bome With tull dlnlnr room, tiled kitchen and 119.lh, b~tut room-~onv•rt lo otflCM with lop ltvtnc quartel'll. 2 l'&r f&r· a&•. ort •lJ M t parkLn1. I way <"ornn, frM viaua.l adverllaln& Beat bu7 on Newport Bh•d. KJ!':Gll PLACE IUAury l be<lrm den ran1;h I)' pe wlUi u!K'<I hnck flr•plar t, fl&u al1<1111c wa ll• to 1,.t1u, c•1 ~te•I ll•·tnr room, ahak• rour, c a n) o ", rno11nta1n •rid bay v11Pw, Hf'• '~nl l,y butll a.nd wlll be r •><><l to own IH.600 only l•rm. 2. I • 3. 3 tJN1T8 BALBOA. Low clownl arc.. 199'. Let the ten&nt. pay It otf foa-Will ud· in 8 or 9 yn. you w1J1 build up a .S. UW. estate with a fOOd tacoma JWmembwl 0. rood real .tat. lnv.tment may equal a lifetime of hard work! J'ull PrtlD9 $11,l500. t . 2• UN1TS BALBOA, annual NET ~COKE S13,t7f. Price ~.ooo. s:w,ooo doWJL. M1Pt trade for sut.t.&ntiaJ ..wty or otba collat.- eral. A wcoeafu.l pr09Jm'OU8 bnwi'"-anil· able only becauae of·ownerl other apud- ln1 int.e~ Thia le wtU.Out doubt th" ~ lncome deal In Harbol' Ana I FISHER & CO. 2e03 Newport ~ Newport Beac.b. Har. "29 day or mpt. IRVINE TERRACE OPEN I TO 5 P.M. DAILY 1500 DOLPHIN TERRACE One of our better H.atinp la thia 3 bedrm., 2 bath home. L&e. room.a, alidin1 wa.11 to patio. Plenty or rm. tor pool on Ulla 70 x 120 ft. lot. Bullt·in elt'ctrlc range, ~rvice room. Low Lerma to quahf1ed buyen at $32,500. LnMbold. a.1AO CONTEMPORARY MODERN Cu1tom bullt home, 2 br. le conv. den, 21 j tile bath. Ideal floor plan for ente~ or fam- ily Uving. A FEW SPECIAL FEATURES: Slate entry, bwd pultay floors, modtrn brick flrepl .. ahd.tnr rtue walla to I1t. coloffii petio, bQilt-in t-lectric ranee. cheerful kitchen " brukrut aru, ~p. ~rv1ce room. Lee-. dble. f'&l'&re and pavt!d brttuway. 70 x 120' lot all rtnoed and landacap· ed with sprinklt>r aystem, ( ru and water piped to future pool alte). Fineat quality custom dnp- erlea and WW e&fl>tl a~ Incl in the ucepUonal· ly low price of SM,700. Exel term. available. Shown by appL to qualified buyera. .. ... .... I pl\ o ... ntr u~ 1 1rll' J urn or l'nfurn. C11l1 fvr •'-·la lla. ------------------Boy & Beach Rlty., Inc. v v Best Buys Corona del Mar 1 ~30 ~~~Ji:rZ.?I~8>11,~~ ~~63 VOGEL VALUES AGRJL 'UI.Tt:RAL AC'RJC aJJa· c .. nt tn comer th&l'• bound to t • bu.in .. •• loc.oUon b.tore tri0 lonr . Older nou... &Ad .~. ..... price 1.8 b&.Hd on actual lant! value. H600 With U OOO l'&.11\ For nrlier appt. or tor lnformatlon call Mary Dkbon, LI 8-P491, or Lou Boynton, Har. 2878 1 ~'SHORECLIFFS VIEW HOME. Out.etanrJinJt buy 1n tlUll moden1 3 ~rm. plu• rll'n "''th permanent Yiew ot ocean and ~tty. (..lualJty coDSt.ructioa -many tine featurN Dl&ke up thl1 tine home. Room for pool. Finit time of- ter.d and priced ~low "'Pla~mtnl at $45.000 Shown by appolnlment -Exclusive with ua. 2 ~, ~ RARITY and only J;. bloclt to OCX'&n front and beach. Modem 2 bdrm., 2 "-th home Only 2 yra. old. Hardwood nna .. Jo'A hrat, rarb diapoal, flrpl., ruce patio, dble. pnaf:l' An ex~nt buy -pri~ tunuah~ a t $Z7.~. E:xcluaive Yt'ltb ua, but you ~tlf'r H t:HR r Of) UU.. oiv! 3 •'VIEW LOT, CORONA HIGHl.Al\1'>~ Com· pletAI with pt.an. for 3 bednn. homl' Ownt-r will con.Ddeir t.nule for hou.e or income any· whcr. HarboT Aru. Pnctd at $10.~. MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LJSTINGS CORONA_DEL MAR REALTY CO. PR.Icm T. KcCUlSTlON, Realtor " Aaocia~ 3"7 E. Cout H-,. Corona df'I Ka.r Har. f7 (()Moe located M.Jlt door to Newport Harbor Bank, CdM I BALBOA ISLAND WANT TO MAKE MONEY EASY! Het"f'a:.;bow -Tb.• '-bdrm. home, nlctly tum. F.A. h•t. ir. pl., ltep to 80. bay• YlJ.lac'e PLUS 1 bdrm. tum. apt. aDd XU. pe8l rm. ahowa t.erUf1c Income rtt· ord. Grom Jut year ahna.t ~ ! hll pricie $88,000 wtth tum. lf df!Si.red ' OPEN HOUSE -Sat. and Sun. l t.o 5 J21 CX>R.AL-CUt.e 2-bdrm.. turn. .,_ p&Uo, C1bL pr. S19.t500. . . .. EXa..UBIVZ DlVINIC TERRACE LoftlJ a bdrm.. 2 bath beauty! Xlnt location neu blutr. Lee-patio with plenty of room for pool Beaal carp. and drape. Included tn thu low, low price ot $29,!500. C".ood ttt1na too! NELDA GIBSON, Reaftor 30e Marine A.ft. Harbor M2 BALBOA ISL.AND BEST BUYS U 00 Po ll 1Jd1 U omf' !-;. 8111" I H "'d r1ra I'~ Ari• A I l "Ir oh°k'r 1 Hoo~ ""h barnt, corra l I '3:1M :.ir.. 1. I J•IJt ort >h1 oor 9 ,,.1 H•n • an IO\ r 1\m y OU ahf111lrll1 l m1u H•lf arr" ll)l '''' •" rte or 11 1-tn""" ,,., . ._..1 .. ,1 J~Jo() l •n nr o tin I~ 1 R 4 ,., Ot"r tul \\ u '""' lr11 1 1•'1' 11nl) Jl"•l l•n K,.,.,,.n 1n '"'om• lrl\. •1 m !'It •• r \; """ t>urlr~ n1 Nf'w • '\ II• II Ao I N"w I~•'!' ~l l'!r•P'• • mkl" l • iniy JU ~'!O ""llll I 3 1111 I~ I 111\A J Uupl• ~... J.:Kta,i:r• 1-*h • rrn ( JV,.r Sll<lli1 nr <•Ill" lloon1 fnr 1ino\l\Pr 11r.,t 11 Jncome $10,800 yrarly $21.WO down 1...ocal hu1lder has juat complrtNi plana for 12 I I ~room 1 unit• with a 20' x 40' awimm1n1 pool. Hf' .,..1 : "lf you wall buy now I ~ill rive a apedal pnce." I..ocalf'd 1 :z Llcx:k to lar(t' ahopping oenttr and near ntw Civic C..ntl!'r, Coat& Mf'M Modl'rt.le Si~ 00 monthly rtntala 'llo;ill producf' S 10,800 )'l'.'&rly 1rou. l.ion t 1''a1t on thia onP at $66.~' CORONA DEL MAR THY i 2,000 l>O\\';'I: ON THIS \Pry nroat 2 hf>llroom homr \'.Ith ]J' X 2J' lfrlllJ: room \\'all-to-wall rariwtmg WIN'd for 220V. Hock roof an<! larg,. winrl11w11 Full aiu 1ilil ga!"1'11:e Its not llatN th1a way ••. hut tr;; $2.000 down a t $13.950 "We hav~ cuh huyrn waiting for 3 bedroom homt in Cc1rnna t:!~I Mar undtr $1!\.:">00." THE VOGEL co. $37 -..-.o .......... Adj lt>l Y.llh 2Mi F.. Cout m,hway, •rn•ll hol•M. f\lxlrn '"' ' n.ur• I HA. 1 HI Corona del Mar HA. Oi57 unit• Only 17:'>00 ___ • ---- Mesa-Harbor Rlty. t.Oll C'rnll'r 1 "•la }{l'u LI 1111911 LI ,.37ll'\ KVP HA ~211~W I.I A-1110 -----~-~-- LIDO ISLE Tha BP'..ST "'·•1 to t ully E.NJOV ln• cnmlnc HOUDA TS •• \I) buy and rw'C'11py thl• mmpl•l• ,., 1'.hannlll•. n•.srl., n-ll bednn &mt !t!Pn, 1 ~ bath h,,m .. Li(hled 119llo. w&ll t" wall "•~la. dnl.,._. t..1111.tn ran .. f'. '11chv. a1th•r. ell'. On IA1Ye lot. Call to -· and i.r• ••t tn- r•U1tr on prtoe and terma. BAY FRONT INCOME 1WO Unit. -S ti.drm homlP plu. ,J IMdrrn apt. Exc•llf!flt eond.IU<A en.Ir 4 Y'• old .. 1.600 -and tod&Y• bftt vaJut. Mvrtle Davy, Rltr,. '4'2 \,-~ Oporto, liar. l)Ufl RT OWNltlt -~!ally pr1r.f'd nnP -Ir nftl'." C A!llH U~r B11y l"hotC'• half ... , .. vl•w "'•· 1 ~ nn tut n "'JI-• • 3 !100 I. r 1·7432 llkl>!I PENINSULA Cute 2 bedrm fumiahcd. 1'~1repla~. 2 car garage, fenced. Only ~ d01''Tl. BAY FRONT lJUPLJ!:X, fumlahtd. Private btach. Ritr It floaL OCEAN FRONT, 2 bedrm, 2 bath $1e.ooo. COAST PROPERTIES RUTH JA YRED, Realtor Mildred Ri(p and Sylvia Thompeon, AUOC'latr,a 301 E. Ralboa Blvd., &.lboa Har. 2658 or •600 So. of Hiway Corona del Mar BRAND NEW cuatom built 2 btdrm. b~ on f6' lot. Drivewar with 24' dble. p.rq-e. N~at ~nta.1 cottap at ~•r. fenced, cha.rmlnr patio. Ex~Uent tenu. LOW down. $.26.500. Excluaiw with, BEN J. 'NHITMAN, Realtor .:ALI .. A DA CRO\\'. to 9H Harbor 4-4!\3 or Har 1 R62 M42 F.. Cout Jl1ghway, Corona del Mar 9k:De M·l ZONJC D .. W bulldlnc Ju-1 tor U&O mn Sl\orl tum tlhoul.1 1..... for lnn,rtt term and lncrKHd n nl.aJ.. •800 aq. fl In tmlldln•, pavet! pulrtni are.. 1 10.000 tlown I ~ll.H-0 rHtr1<"!"<1 JUCSII>EN· TIA!. LOT, pufld Uld eurt>-d EARL W. 'STANLEY, Realtor BALBOA ISLAND Harbor U'8 • BAY f RONTS • -3-I ·~~~:;·~:ST PROPERTIES LIDO NORD • 1•117 N•wport Rlvrl Goel• M"a (l 1 ·113:1 Ew,. U 1·1'00 INVESTIGATE THU~ I lr.-lIT apartm•nl hn\JH .. 111 ~•r m1nut• INlp4>CUun Pr~nt Income U 7H yrarl)'. V •ry ho>et lora llnn on 8-l~ P•nln1ula, ••ch a pt. 11 larr•. •paeto1u, •n<'.1 In Up lop con· d1t11)n. '47 ~00 11 very U.&!IOfl• •bl• for thl• prop.ny. OY.nn "'111 con•l<S.r t•nna. At.a '"°m~ ,,..,_ rhon• nr -Gl"Or&t f'te"'U'l tor full ~Wla. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES I~~ W. Ba.I~ Blvd. Har 610 93cl>!\ EXCHANGE The "HOTr'E8T'" Bu.in-ft(IOt In Ute Yalltest Orowinr Part of ea.ta M- for $22,500 Cash flt: .uba!.lt tenna Property &lrMdy ,...ttld &nd l•n.anta wlll take & 1-N. for appotnlm•nt. call C'HARLl'.:8 B. RE'TM.IER, m.'n•r Day1: Har. 1811 Evu l.J M7M Mlle Lido Isle IDEAL home tor • (OUplf'.. lArr• mut.,. bednn.. aJlto l'lfft ~rm. Attr.c:·u.. llv rm .• bMm.ct N'tlln(, •lllO n~platt w .. 11 r1antf'd patio, litnUl• ar... and y,•orkable klll't\l'n. Obi l•ntjfa. IA><'&ted nl'ar Cluhhnuu Only ne &00, l«.,,_ BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 13'\8 W Bal~ B IYd, Har 11181 Ntw Llltrnp 4 ~nn., 31 2 bath, pier A float, gpena!vely carpeted ~nd draPfd . Very l&rse hfiaut.llul patio. Over ~ fl rronlage $1~.000 ~nn•. • • • 4 ~nn. plua \'iew family room, immaculate home. P ier anJ alip. Over 70 IL frontqe $157.~. • • • BALBOA 3 bedrm, 3 bath, single 1tory Bay Front Home, Hawaiian atmOflph,.re, lar,e bay view Uvtnc room and terrace. Pitr and •lip. Ovu 4,0 fl. Bay tronta1e. upenaivt>1y landscaped. $111,000 urm.a. HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. Harbor 1600, Evea. Har. 2174-J B/B Near Newport Harbor Yacht Club Cottare on R-3 lot. Room to expand with Bay vitw. Redu~ to $12,750. • • • Buy Your Boat a Home for Christmas~ CHOOSE ONE 01' THESE BA YP'RONTS LIDO -S BR -$9S.OOO BAY AVENUE -S BR -la,.,. lot-SDl.780 BAY A VENUE-5 BR -$86,000 BEA UT1FUL comPr. 2 BR and den -$80,000 NF..AR NHYC -!i BR. larp lot -$75,000 PENINSULA -~ BR -$70,000 BAY & BEACH REAL TY, INC., Rea~ors 202~ W. Balboa Blvd .. Newport DH.ch, Har. UM EvH. Har. 18M ~----------------------------------~~-----------~ ~-------------------------~--~----~~- I . n ftiJIJ '-Ml wltll a Rlt4L'l'Oa -~tnmt ·'9'P' NJ tllt&te tn,.etku to a R.EAL'rOR. .... ~ "' bli prof~ know. vaiuea. fl· Nftdn.s and 19 baud to Ml'ft )'OQ ctbic:aU7, b1 _t_ tb ud ~. Rtil.TORI .,.. mesrt• 1*I Of• utional orpnlation oOaforminr to• rilW code &f tthJCL .. a IDl!Dlber of Newport Harbor Board of Realtors · .01 N. Newport Blvd., Newport &ach CORONA HIGHLANDS Now you can own a 2 bedrm home with b&lh &nd ~ tcit 1ell than rtllt. Permantnl view ot ocean ' and Catalina from 1aqe plblure wuidow1. Car· pM.14 WW. rwoect a1r 'heat, p.rbage dt.poaal. 1otl of Wt ud inany other fine ftatun. ... Very nloe patlo ui1 room for a 1wtnuning pool. ALL THIS, plua tully tumilhed tor only $26,500. _ Drive by a20 De An.sA. Open Sat. •Sun. CORONA DEL MAR Owner want.a action on thla lovely 2 bednn home, bath and %. Hwd fioor'9, Uvin1 roorn car- peted WW, p.rba,. dispo9&1. lot.a ot Ule and many other tl.M feature&. Lol 50 x 118 and fuUy fenced. Room tor additional uSl1t. Price reduced to $1~.000. W. E. FISHER & Auociates 302• Cout Hwy., Corona del Hu Hai bur ~03:! Evea. Harbor 2'20-W BALBOA ISLAND I BEDIUL HOUSE plua l bed.rm. apL nur E. Bay. Priced J1abt. 2 unit.I on SoOd 1tnet. l btdnn. houu plus 1 br. apt. AtlracUv. clean property - Nr. No. Ray. ~ bedrma .. 1 '".i bath•. 2 car ga.r , 1 bd.r. apL SmaU down. Owner ear r to sell $28.950 Fur 1pccla.I bu)'er who wanla altr&l't. home on extra lar~t lot. Lie. bv. room, dln. ro~m. 3 lari• bedrma. 2 batha, !amtly r oom. 2 palloa, double garage. No problem tn enter. Near Bay. Do not inqwre unleaa inte~sted. $40.000. Sm&ll house, <'Orner loL Good location $19,G60 .. ,I , EXCL :US·IVE • . ... BAYCREST , . l:oc.t.CI tn ttt. City of NtwpOff ~ Eeat of Irvine Ave. -South of 2 lrt Str.et, Thia will be one of the mod ettr•ctive 41v1lopmenta In Or•ft9• CountY, • Larger Home Sites -70 to 100 Ft. Front•ges • Exclusive Upper Bay Location • Underground Utilities for Safety end ·Beauty • Architecturally Restricted • Wide Parkways • Sidewalks -Trees • Decorative Street Lighting • Complete 'Community Services • Near Churches, Schools and Shopping Center • Located in California's Finest Recreational Area • Realistically Priced . •(Firit Ou•rter Million Unit Sold Out in l WM~a) Hurry for the Best Selection EXCLUSIVE .SALES AGENTS ; W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor "C" THOMAS, Realtor I.' ..... •OO E. 17th Si. (c.orner fo•tin) Phone LI 8· 11 )9 22• W. Co•1t Hi9hw•y Phone LI 8-5527 • 3 bedrm. 2 bath, Lltll" Island ___ $31.~ --------------... __ ----·-----------------· ----------------~----------·- Du"le.x 1 bednn. each, ~ood 1lr~t. -· $22,:'JOO Evtn.lnp call Edith M&roon. HYalt 4·62i2 or Lou Boynton Ht.rbor 28i8 EARL W. STANLEY. Realtor m M.artn• A. ve., B&JOO. lalt.nd ''. r ·lr li75 HAPPINESS FOR SALE in beautiful CORONA DEL MA R -Growing Family Hom11 - 1. $18,600 3 Hr. ll.2 Ba. laq,e lot ocea11 '1ew 2 '18.e50 3 Br. 1 '• Ha. - "moderne" ··-····-...... T rade for Long Beach 3. $21,750 3 Br. Pi Ba. - Den with tt~placc ·--··· Tree• •· $25,000 3 Br. 1 ·h Ba. - --·-··-··-····.Low down to qualified buyer :S. $28,000 4 Br. 3 Ba. Near oooantronl g . h. Lathrop realtor · 18a8 E Cout Boulevard Ha. M42 Eves. Ha M80 . Co1t1 M11a -The Bed Town on Earth Two bldrm and den bome. bwd floors, plllan, • fuced y&rd, cloee -ln Eul 81de. SI 1,000 with : very nucmable ~· Tbreo bedrm and den, bwd floora, fJap\Qn fin!· place, 11ll la A·l condition. Ccmeot. block fence, 1arap. >. •try .nice home for $U,MO with S2350 down. BUSINESS BUit.DING. centtr or lnwn. $40,000. Monthly Income $400. All KO<XI kl&..-.. 1..EASI: WI'nl OPTION TO BUY, bf!autlrul 4 b4.-dnn 2 bath homto. Completely rumlahod. anrluJ- ~ lnl TV, patio and BBQ equipment. 1136 110r mo. G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1&10 Newpott Blvd., Coli. Yeu Ll 8-772'J BEACON BAY The most desira ble tHea in Newport Htubor for yeor round family 1;.-ir.g. • r lUI ''••II.• o( I rl\al• •• lUJj 1..ta.11 • ~1.1.,111 ~11 ! 1 hoat.n • H1a..at lu:" Inn l•l•p• I ~1r,u1.lll ~u.h I r f•rl\ "' \ • (, l • I 11 l~ 0 .\ I< I I ''" ''a 11& 1 I 11l• l1lu 11111 ... 1 u1 1 \\. 411 • t ' t ' t ' I lrl.lrli &\1 •' '• I & 1" ~pau••ull rn••l 111•,1, 11 •• t.. 3 lru lh ~ •Ill( \ I I 'I 111 I A eoundly l1i.11t .i '" d • 1• f.. 1 1 tr ~ ,, • ... 1 tncorn'" &f'l SJ.j UIJI• l,.11.q;c Hay l"r"'' I •11 ''•'' ~· ,1 q•.tJ'r nl $8.."l,1100. 8110\\':'\ ()'\!.\" 11} .r)l'Al 11-11-:ll l.l"'d.1.:-\ MARINERS fSLE REAL TY 31~ ~lunrw Ave Balhoa l11land liar <1 7Hl Casual Island Living (with inc.om•) Iknut1ful .~ hclrm 2 btith h1•mC' with hugt· hvmt; & cl1111n;:: a11·a. Ill<' kll1h1·n with u\'CrMILt'U lll1U· lar bar. nl'w \\ \\' urp<'ls and ,1rapc11, nicely d('curatNI \\1th a d1at111rt1VC' f!.xtc rior dc1111n. Th111 JS onC' o( the newH hun11.;11 on t ~f.' lalanrl with a cute 4! bdrm furn1shrd oolla~o an Lhc rear J'IRST TIME <Wlo.~HEU. Pnce $35,000. 130 Ft. on Waterfront \\'ITH PIER PRIVlLFC:h: Chulr<> locolJ1m v.alh 111terl'••111g II art .. \Iv· Rp•1111IUI honw with :~ h• dnni:i r11m1l\' r111llll kllll a 2!\ x 2!\ nm1puq tonrn 1'11H1t.P ..a111h' ll\\ Im· mtns bearh . l'rn• .1 nJ:hl nt ~4{1,~)0. :-:aabmrt leaa4J with nplHlll tu huy. THE VOGEL CO. l2Ul \\' Cout Hwy., N~" i'<>rt &-ach lJ ~:Ubl 'Jtll •·•~··~Id) lu11, luN • •1 ..: • -"~ I\ • ••• achl ll"lfl II• \I i, J ~1~'1(10 llll,f1ro,1~" Ii• m. 111•· I • • t I I"' o1u1b ht1flllli 1 • "11 1 Yi 1, • 1 I• r • J ~ uv 1 u...i I 111 "'n•11 ••• • t i' • hi r II'\ llA• I\ I'' J 11 • t. s 11 , ., ( I' 'I \ M 1--'iA .. I... • •••fl.t • I 11 \Uu I I• l~ \ I It\ J. " II '" h ... '"' \l~v Claire Van Horn • I ,, I " It .. \ j I ~ I • 7 I..,,, ...... 1.1 i. .. 1~11\j ltA .'11 U·J Less Than Rent ·1 Bl •llM l1•H•h li4''" Iv pt.lnlrd, 111-1(11 arwl " .1 1'1 "V••r .co rod.a 1 1<11<1 <11 n I'"• f(.1 mu•I 1 o<11ur1 U."tll!tt•lll• lllljC~ •lltl ll11hl '\• .,,. tr •!1 t t I 1 •f" Ii( '-t tr 1 • 1t ,., I nrir;• r.-rh I t I •• • l•u•il•• llJlf'll ff ••rt ~ 11 t •• J• ' •• tt '• ••4, ,a.aJ t;:nJ • 1'\ I • 1 I \flH II• u ,:,vai: I • "'" M 1t1111 , 111p10, r11rr1t I S~11111 11 .... 11 .. 1111 ~1i.11ll ~1111 4 '• , '"''" 1\1 ~· • p.: r m•onlta 1n• I od• ~ '""'""'",. Rt11t ta~"· I 11 \1,, K I /\ \ I 111.r aue 11ld1 r • 111 II, 1or 1 11 ~111 l \(,•fl "111"1 • nll J'tl I 0 Max W. Pope, Rltr. 1 1\11).~ II.Mi t .. 11 111\'•I I '()Illa ).(r1>1t I.I Ii I I 'l:l \\ I Ila fl J OJ\41 & A bOC. BALBOA v AC 4 TION HOME F'OR larr• l•mlty. Wall to "·•II "arp~u and f11f'r1ra" 111 \2' x llll' lh·· I r 1oom h111 .:(n..-ll In trnn• J~•l• h, •11u11111: rvom, ll t....:trm1 . • 1 .. ,.,, t11 l>u\ 1111.t •l1t•1•~11n.: 120Ull <1ot>•n. hl lime uftt1r ... 1 \\'tit fun1lahtoc:I own•r II"""· v.111 n n1flr• lnr i 14,21\0. N. B. C. Realty Cc. ... ,1"11 ,N~"'I"''• Uht::. ll> ... p<irt I,.,_, h llu U 06 or H., ··~ UDO • LIDO • LIDO IF YOU LIKE A PATIO J\J•I !•1x1111a t<•ly iOOO i'] ft o ( hvablr. fioor art•a. E.xlra large living rm 111'.'Jl&r&lt• d1tf1n1 area and hwaa 3 bcdrm1 and 2 b&th1. 'fop ('onatrucUon It r 11 out Ikaut1rully landal.apcd, extra larre lut. A ml·~: \'Al.l'E al $!H.~. \\ 1-.LI. l'l.A:\':-:J:[) 2 licdrm hr1me ~hioh t&kN1 a l\•1'111ll!J:~ nr llA I Xlll\ l'fH'• lld patio -JU.Ill $.!ti !°~''' :-;, v. .~ t .. Ir n 1 1 ti.ii II hulll" hullt around It. pa.tit• 14· 1th thr II\ 111g 11Mim 1A11d 1l11ung room lu<ik 11ul on thP patio 1rnr1 Uu• <'1111\ f'lllt-nt kitchen 111 Jl1st a ft•w alt pa a"'ay l'11cet.l al $3J,500. With good tl'm\a LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES 3400 VIA l.rt>O HARBOR M23 FHEll <.iUI-:NSLEH \'IHGl="IA MANSON JACK MOORE OF.NE VREEt.ANU COULD BE -DON'T GUESS BESURE TO SEE -- - OUR Of'E:-J HUUS1'~ SATURDAY AND SUNDAY -Noon to ~ P.M. Bal-hue, cu1Jy 1 unlt.a -4. BR -3 bat.ha, 1 lgc. BR and bat.h in conncclloo with rarace. J!\t.u- aiUnc mod~rn atyllnr;' remodrled 2 1tory home -breal&tuL bar kJtohen - 2 fircpJ&cea. Ello• trlc ranp, automatic clothe. wuhet and 4rter iocludtd. Full prire $2.';,:-,00 term• \\'1t h S 1 1.:u~;, on lKt TD 6'i 1ntf'rM1t. 2:?o f>IAMONJ> A \'E, Bal·ll'I,. WM. W. SANFORD. and Assocl1t11 l~(" Bohn • . Charlolle r'aziolft Hub l'uwcn • . Nora l lytr Park A vc. at Manne, Dalbo& lal&ad Har. 24&1 . \ a a.a r.taat HARBOR BLVD. BUIINISI llTll GOdOO co~r -'22.600. T .... OCEANJ"RONT DUPLEXES 1-N•w 2 b4nn ~ com. loL JM.tot. ,,.,,.,..... rum.a. l -0" t.rtplo lot -1·1 Wrwa nltw-r 1 b4nu f~ ~ $29 M>O. T •l"ID&. DUPLEX I 1,.. 111 l han bUr t.e O<'e&JI -Ill". r MW C&• rroee POGO. 111,,600. turn -UT.I06. U8l'llra. &II 41 aL Of'M 1 t. L BA.Y YmW a Odrm fum. Nr nw:u= tU,TIO -lf7 MIGi ... w. aau-an.-. ~ ' " .. OOITAMJ'.IA Okkr I ... .._, ... .... dlU-. 1* ... ft. ... ·ow. ., w\11 ~ LOl'I . ' -· IO fi. OeM&trmt ....... "' 111.MI\ R·2 -bllt to -o -u9d1W ... ·~ a.er. ln COtlt& M--.... l acre S&nt& Au U--.. ~ W. STUART J'OOO'B. IUtr. 2llfW,...._...._ , ... JuclY 11\lllts, ........ Hartior H -Hans ... BY OWNER tf ~ ... . · . $7.95 · SS.00 No. 500 Tro-Actloa Electric l'eot- MD Game (TV) Oa .i.ctrtcany '¥1b111~ 1lHl SJidlroa, 21"'X16'.'I ", • lull t.eama play a.Dd .,.,,. u In reel football. lt1ftM comera ,,.._ ftllt ecnt.chinr. risur.. are of Mlmen-._ htp-lmpact llt)T'Oe "1UI n)'km Neda. UL \lated. 110 volt.a, AC. Colorful n..., -. $7.50 No. itt lllerocn.ft Collrpte 0.tnt (n') I Powntul triple-turret · mf't&l mlC'ro1C?P9 W'llh Manual In iww 2'" alMI cabtneL Baa rerno•able met.al t•t tube radl. speeun ... ~t.l~ and aUd•mountlD( equlpe1.iu. Op\.kal I~ maptty TO- l00-400 Um•. Exc11.1.11ve -.nnlnf fea· tw-e. $9.98 No. W Dock Hhoot with PluU<' Dari Bin.. (TV) Unique ~hanu·al &<'lion toy fl'atllrM I rM.11atJcaU" lllh~aphed ducka moum- ed on a reTOl•lnl' metal noor •t-d. '"" rL hip. Re'folYlnl' act Ion l'lvu appea1 · &f'<'9 of ,_1 du<'ka In fill'hl. All-pla.tlr 21 a,," dart-ehootlnl' r10• and 3 rubber- Up)M'd atety darta lnrludM Durke are attached lo the arm1 by apr1n1 c-llpe and topple '1Vft' when tut. $4.98 No. W Rea Tarfet Game (TV) ' ........ t.arpt ., ~ llMta1. 11•:••:1' .. , ll99 •rue r _..... •at,...•• .., ejecta •• tato --· --11.H. w ......... dart ,,.. 10 .. Jons, ' ~ -.Upped eaf.t:/ duU and • m>OOta ftlMtle ... are laclUded. lndl"fidU&DT ~ In open-race pedlqe. $2.98 No. ll-8'7 Kamp&nlle (TV) Pret'lllon-tunf'd inuatc&! be.lb ln a m.a- J•ltc Ivory tower, 14" lonr anti 12~ ~ hll'h. awlnl' 1t lh• touch ot c-or~epond­ tnr notn on a keyboar<i Each bell p1a,.. one note In the 9".Je Made pf dutabk lllrh-tmpact pl&IUo with mei.I beta and nylon •lrtne• Bella and • popular chll- dNn • eoni1 a" keyed_ for euy playlns by note. by color, or by eu. $4.98 No. «OS Cudy Lud (TV) '1'or Yf'ry younr eblldren. NothlnJ to .,..ad. Playl'ra advance aJons a ratnbow- cc:le>rf'd pa U1 lhroul'b Peppermint 8Uclt P'or•l. by mneerbniad Plum 'trH. ett. For : to • playua. ll•t rontalna plutlc- fl"l"'rbrP&d mf'n, oolur and objKt u.rda; 111 .. " pl av 1 ns board. Sl50 :0-.n •Ht C-47 l..an4 11.0I S%8 Dnll-E-Layeda (TV) Pink Jnd blue lll~" "onmtc'ht buket" of hlJh Impart plHllC', w1tb hlnl'ed Hd did m1tal handltta. Contain. 2 boW.., Ma1tn1 di-. cap• anl1 nipples. 2 Chtx diapers. JohNIOn"a Haby Powd.,-, -p, bru.ll. comb, wuhcloth, t .. Ultn1 rattle. fllledln( dl•h and apoon. cup. tunnel. 1>1~. mf!'uurinc •poon and Doll-E-Care booklet. Colorful dJ•play boit. $4.00 SS.98 Ne. 11'/M 'P 1r,+11• Dea ( ................ ) ... &I No. 850 "'Boebbike" &trit-s (! ..... ) (TV} Tallu1ar llleet trame and formed .teel .......wp. lt&llrbeari116 !ronl. platn·bear- bla nar wl:le9la: plated bub cape; rivet· ecf ft.eel llJ)ok'f; eeml-pnwmaUc, puoc-iur.-proot tnw. Baa MlJIMt&ble chrom ... ~ .. ...,... .... eaU ll)ll'tq -4dl-. 2· .. ... pMala wtth ~ trnda. JCbony Iii.di ftnim Wllb red and Yblte trtm, wb.lt• wti .. la. AYatlable 10", 1r· and 11". ~o. DP Folding Doll Oan1ap (TV) ~t blue foldfnl' carrtq• Wltb white trim h9 quUted ptutlc body, U"x r•, VIM-RamJc 2-color, 4·bow buod and tr hip chrome-plated ateel ptll'her. Othv feature. are aturd7 chan11el at.eel ..... toot brake, e"'" tubular multiple lpOke Wbeela wt th white 1 baked enam1et fba!U, and fuUJ wtred n1bbu th ... 1. 1 fn- bN&k&ble clear plutJ'e 1torm ahleld In· elud9d. $9.95 No. 120 Oold.-n 81njo (T\') AulhenUc banjo, ovf'r '2:?" long, with l'lamoroua "(old" rnf't .. I fln1i.h 1111<1 f'rt· rnvtne. can be pl&Yl"•I automat1l·a!Jy. Hu I adjuatable lui;• to regulat" tht ttn- lion or tu renulne C'alf drum 1kln Tun-l.fll pee1 &rf' adJu'ltablf' •rrf'w typ<-Pro- dUCN lru11 b&nJo quality tonf' C:o111•11 romplele w1th aone anrt ln,.t:-uctlon hot•k. 1>9ck('(! In It• own •turtly Juirr•gf'·.-t yle C&.N. $7.00 No. '7!! Walt Dume)'• ~flckry Mouse &hytlun Band (TV) A l'nlortul. t'Xl'IC Ing llf'l "' ,. I t '"' tllf'l'I .,..,1_.,~ popular rhylhm-plA\"lnl( tr1111r-u111r11.io, ,,,. No. 495 N1ny F1ptf.r BomlM-r (TV) Jllallatlca.Ily d""lfTlf'd bomt>-r with told· Inf wtDp la conat.ructed or dJf'-CMl mtttal. JC)'' lone· WhHLI are rubti.r Atream- lined body of ahtny aluminum hu red, wbJll and blue trim. Wlnp and cowl are red. Oocltptt la cnclOlled with a tr&Nt- p&nint llidfnS bubble. ~1' f•t u,... In- clude a 19TOl'¥1nf propellf'r and ~tract· able landJnr ....... Com• Individually baaed. r Sl.98 cludtnc tamhortne. • yn1h11I" tr111n~lf', ~dpap.r hlorka. w 1 •~l l~ll•. m11rat a balla. r1tehf'l boBr•1 tUl•I i t.v1t11n •tl•·k• Attra<'tlvf'ly pe•'k'4!'f"<I In 2i ''<I~'•" t.r-x wlth lnatrurUon !J<..,kl"l 11.not r i1:v nr - <'hNlratf'd fl'n1ril whi<'h \"" t1l'<1 •••·iru1 and u•• or ""rh 1ntotnin1•'ll ''h 1 .. p10\•1d- ln1f a mu•1ral t>1u·1rcroun1• SS.00 No. 4-411 Bf.ad-A-Ba!llkf't & C.oMtn IUi (TV) N-handlrraTl •ttl C'ont:-ilnR mAl,.rlAl~ to complete a 111nbur,.l-<1.,1orn b11J1k1•t, a larse plac-• mat and fo11r enut,.ni In- cluded arf!' a renf'roua wpply nf hn•h•, drllled crafl 1t1cka, C'f>fltl'r dtl!C1!, h!unt- potnt nHdlf'tl IUld thrl'ad. Jn colorful 1'~" box, with ln1tn1clloruo. Sl.00 ;so. 4111 Oork 'S Pam Pom ,_f'll'J 0utna sa.oo $9~98 • «- No. M95 Peqy Petite wtua ~ Pony Tall tn A9lort.ed De IcQ Outfit. (TV} AD-vinyl 8" "<toll haa lubed ~ f7t9 and lone. permanently rooted paay ~U. Su(lf'r· fo'lu a~ and lep penn1l an ..._ lu1 va.nety of natural pol!Uona. ~4· ually packal'ed In diaplay box. V~ ot coatuma include taffeta dN111· lf1tl ptna.ton, nylon nJpt.gowa and rob-.~· akaune ouUlt and pajama •t wttll ...,.-.. darln robe, I n,yl.on d...... <1 printeit, 1 aolldl. ' $798 No. 406 Goldf'D Pluto A~ on .. foot high. It atenda to ne&rly 2 fMt. Hu f\Jll·acale. pl"Ot_,naly atyled piano keyboard, and bua notu and dlord9 to play harmony and rbyt.brn. Kade ot t.ruk-rMlatant plulie "1Us b .. 't'J' .. roJd'' metal I.rim and ntUnp G2 hand-~ r~ and ..,..aetlon bellowa. Hu &ti· juatable ahouldt>r b.a~ Packed In lu1tgag• l1f"J cue wtlb Uol)'-t.o-foflow mU•IO book. SB~OO No. Roi Carrom Game Board (TV) DoutJlr lacf'd 2111,. .. .quare wood bpard haJ1 ruund oomn r1m conatrucUon, ~ a1bltt nttl pc*keta, Jl'9"I tall c:tMh~ • Carrom 11l"'tt and 1-pl)', pl)'Wood ~ with r11agrama nn revene aide. l\uie hook for 811 gam-many old ta~tae and •1rne new CU~ Included. . $9~95 ., . . ... . ~o. N Quo.,.. 0.-. ....... fll.11 (f"H N 0...) • S2.00 ... ~ I . ... . . -_.. -~ , " - SMALL _,EP0511'1WILL -"91.D AllY 10¥ 'til:D.CEMBER: 20~ .. '