HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-12-03 - Newport Harbor News PressTRAPPED, GOES CROCKErn ~Bob Crockett (U) tOWld btmeelf .unoude4 by ~ Maatanp in the Po- tato Bowl clMmc Saturday nilbt at BUerdleld.. Bal a.. ,..,.._ to eat· tbe football. m.te.d be ripped oft 11 yarda for a crudal llnt. down. Bua loll ·.ant pme of .. IOft., however, 20-12. - Sta.ff. Pboto Ud' ._.'IUD! -! ~ ot'~ttOli 04 remem~ ·o1. llWl1 ,.... et ... "t wlf&lti.Ql ... •t.0 .Orutp Coantf .... ,....w to Ju- -~. ~ w..d •ot tbe Public tJ't:UWe8 Onm1-+m flt ~Ol"lda. In a. FJUmco W. ~ A. P'Jr Of~ elid·llnb. bMdll _. cl Ge CUUClftlla Nenpaper Pabl.ia.ben AMOClat&oo and bacb In the fCll'lll ~ a .... wair· Unotype matrix, waa ri'Ml Craemer on behalf ot the Onnp County N~ Pobllaben by 6:D Reddlck at Newport Beach. 11'""'1 left. Stan WU..... formrrly ot Ora.nae; ecr.. GoodwtD J . KAfabt., who wrved u ~rot etnlllOldell; J.._ Craftwr,·n.dd.ic:k and Mn. ~r. ' .. Min ~ 11, I080 W..t Oc-.n l"n>lll, Mel•ed euta tn both wr-aatw'd&:y ..,... 1'18 blcy.::le ... •truc.k by • cu clr'Wm by ~ L.. WfiJlC. II. di ... Bay, lla.llloa WMd. ... CICll'dlq to ,... ~ He ...... u.t.4 b7 • paa791c:1 ... CAA ·Probes County Plane Crash Death TentP9"lurw for Ute put ;.._ .. k I.a the N...,,ort ~ .,... ,..,.. ff1PLow -ru.day. No" 27 ..11 IW Wedn.ed&y. Nov. 21 TO 61 Thu,..,_,.. Nov. 29 74 12 rrtday. Nov. SO rt 8aturd•y. Dec. l --· U lunday. Dec. 2 _ ... _ u Monday. ~. I ..... M -------- ·. Are Hitt T...._ •--WIS mz -Dia• Ju8t aa adobe ..;..".OW. beat atJ Dll'er. Bert Webb and Qty CoancDman J. a Btodltud an n'"'mc iaboat wtMn U. • dam wW 111t wbell the UOO acre foot reaa nb Jil badt. 'I1m pieClt tJ1. ~ » · north of O>rona de! Mar and IMa utrlde the p-mmt MetropoUtan Water I*-· tric:t line that connec:U with the Newport Beaeb reae"o1r jQlt abo~ Hart1C>1' View School Tbe OU' on top ol UU. hill at. tbe ript is just about .._..~ tM ~ WU.Ible will be •bee tM """*. tlllld. -ltafl noto • able. Evetl •bert watu la more than ample durinS moa of t.be feaF, the '1ma.onable droupta are a JfMt problem tD much ot California. The di.cu. lkma la 8aa J'r&Dd.Ko 1n IO many ways paralleled tht dJw1"'CID9 th.at we ba•• here In Newport ~ and t.M Coutal ana. ~ JI we were able to take our ·yearly supply In nu amowita each and every day •e would have no trouW.. But.;, cannot do that. Yet, we, like m09t ol' tbe Hllidenta ot the State have an anawer. Y• we have probably two &DSJVera. <>a. annru 11 to create a it.once a.ru of ade- qutt capacity to provide water durtas the unwa- 1oaeblil periods o1 demand and to reflll ita 1toJ'&19 wben the demand 111-ened. Thi.I i• a aunple M>lu- tion readily available ta ua. Simply, we can build UM n-rvoir propoeed tor the l.rv1ne Hilla o! such capacity for our needa now and in the future. The lteCODd &l\.rrnaUve ta the rt-eovery of 1W..a wat.C' tor domeat.lo UM. There an 11evera1 &ltern.ative waya. demlnen.llzation, cilstillatlon or clarltlcation. We u cJtiaen.1 have always been told that re- covery ot 8e&water tor domesttc me ta tu too coatly to be practica1. Thia lltatament all ct~ have aw&!- ~ u a lltated and poaitive facL So far u we liaow Newport Beach and it.a city councilman, J. B. . Stoddard. an the only onee to ever con.aider the tallacy of that statemaL 8toddud bu done ~· ~ve ualyala u to what water la actually coet. iq O\lr C1ty of Nng>ort Beach -c09li.n1 by t&Ue • ol. the Metropolitan Water Dimict &.Dd c:oetinr by 'the pure.hue o! water. Tho.e tl~ a.re amuJn1. Water S. coelinf at well above the $8& per acre foot that ._ water cU9tJlla tloo la &lated u c09tin1. ... It still 11 ~ tor u to have adequa~ thin·t ii through 81 EDWAU r. BOfi{)N -.. . ~&.&na1 !'_.,... ...... Jll ...... rn., Trt·"'-91117 la 0.,.... o.-tJ, .. ,. ,_,I .... th -.111..M ..,_ -. ~ .. ~ o...tJ .., ... ,. ,_, It's Pretty Radical, But It's A Good Idea! . Have you not.iced the tremendoua amount of recent pubbdty about what hu been d..._.ted u "menl&l h~th"? Tbe peychlatrt.ta are ba~ a' field day. N011r everybody bu a mental health prob- lem. They've eot u.a t.ak.inr tranquillalnf pllla and rwin..m, tor the nearat couch. They ,,ant to pum a Jot of bll1a to make it__. tor peopll to be com- mitted for ju.at about every pereonality quirk that mJsht come Into aietenc.. Il'1 ~ u .. y to wind up ln a padded cell u to pt married ln Nevada. Are you arudoua becaUM a decllion 11 due on a competitive bad you have jlllt entered for your buatneu ! A.re you llllmpicioua the bou' eon-in-law mfsht be favored for that choice position you have your eye Mt on i Do you feel like aockins that truck driver lD the jaw who juat pued the !ender ot your parked car! 'Did you have a atuf!y feeUns t.lter couum1n1 your Thank.agiving dinner! Friend, you've cot a ment.Al problem. Maybe you ouiht to lnvest m a aupply of tranqulliz.ing pil.la. Or -&nd t.hit t. 1uch a radlc&l Idea the i-Y· chJat.rUta will have ~ lm.mediate mental he&lth cue apinat WI -lnatead of 1tuy101 thoee pllia, why don't. you try • tt(Ular dose or rolq to church r Ll.ke we aa.id, th.at'• a pretty n.d1ca.J idea. NO COMMENT 'Bt l.UU::S W. OOUTllAT ' WASHINGTON -Once apin a Republican Admin· iatra.tion and a Democratic Conireu liUt the opportunity to place patnotiam and common .eru1e above politics. They ca.n urut.e to help aolve crave international prob- ll can m&lnla.ln cont\dPn« In bualM>M, a.nd e&n Wltnl:M fu ... \her u:pauton of U.. economy. D&JllO OPPOaTUNJTIU The ~mocnuc ~ wUI rHC>und wlUJ th• oratory ot ~~ m.mben who wUJ el.aJ.ln that UI• •l«Uon i. a rnand&Lt for mor. llOCi&llam. ror (l'Mt.r Gaftrnmtnt interference w1th b\J81n.eu and tor bus• IJ>lncllnc r~prdlH• or Uwt ~ent ot de· nc1t nnancinc. _,, .. _,. __ TIH BibU -Evn " So'"'' of Hllp AFFAIRS OF. STATE SACRAMENTO. -(CNS) -The many-time. re- peated ltate:ruent that C&litornla'• prof..Sonal education- wta tteent cntical comment on the llt.&1'&.I of the achooll wu i-iven further emphuia when Roy E. Simpaon, Sta~ aupermtendent of pubUc in.atruction, refuaed to comment oa &11 Intern-pubUab.cl ln t.he lee Ch&nl'ber of Coaunfttt. Thia u 8 . N•w• a.nd Worl4 Repo.·t MUcle WU Utled ... itua ..... with Arthur a.tor, ~nl ol man'• Vtew on UW 'J'allun' ol Ult Coundl fw Buie Sdueatioa &due&Uon. .. Ia ii., 8ec'lm•w. waio aod prvfuaor al the Unlvermlty wu for U )'MR m tM at&tt of ll.Uno&a. of t.be OaUll'olli& lutl\ut.e 6f "1 don't want to ~ t.M TechnokJt'Y u a proteeaor, ma.de lllt~ww by COllUMftUDJ Oil ll," UM foUo~ point.: llmpeon told a Capitol New• 'Student.a are plUJ\a' ftwer S.rvlc• r-.port• who wu 1ent and r-•r cou..-lb.at train to b18 •tttc. to tlnd out wha.t U1em t.o tAlnll cl•rly. ~UCll'I, lf uy, Calllomla .chool "'Soci&llal' lnfluitncff are ,... ofnciat.. m11hl bave to lh~ •ullUJ.J In a curblJl6 ol healU\y. s•~ral cr1uc11m ot tJ\e IKhool com~uuve 1plr1t. • •r•t•m. " •'MOCS.m 8daoc>Lt art 110 •,_,.- IT A TE MEN AC& t ed to m.c11ocrtty' I.hat b~ Thu.1, It llU(ht ap~r.r Ui&t lht •luditnl.I are dl.lcOGnC"~ CalllonU& eochool 1yaum, which NO tNSrtaAnos l.1 under· lhe dlrec:Uon of Roy E. "M&ny t..che1'9 are lnc«m· •Lmp.un. It above cr1Uctam, and petent In lhe courau lhty t.N.cb, th.at tu reluctanC'• of Khool of· and f&!I to IMJ>lre. ndala In ~ ltau to ace.pt "At a rffull of 1uch trenda, conalrucll•• lhlrUi:tni alonr lldu· lhoua&11d1 ot htsh·Khool (Rd· caUonal ~ con.1utute• more uatn art 'woefully unquallfted' of a menace to lm.provement.t for adv&Med traln!Jll In col· Ul&A ·waa previously be Utt ed. l•C•·" WJM.n IUDpaon WU uJted the B«.kman. WMee ntld ll m~- nnt Urn. It hi bad -JI tAI BHMl\I aod Kl.a.«, appean nauwr -11 qualln.4 w conun•t itory, ha admlli..d M had not. on t.bt d~l'ffN In the aumMt Thi.I wu deapll• th• tact that of stuMnl• who .,.. prepartnc MWIJ>&pen In 8acra.11n1nto at· rWd atonn ot It.I pullllcauon. tor ~n la Kltn« ~ ~ nttr1n1 For he la not oitly • 0-ornctaJ In t.bt department tomtr prof~MOr, a Ph.. D.. but NaJ..ted t.bal UM ,_port.er JO alao I.a lhe !wad or a cone.all oul &Ad fwl • oopy oC lM which manufactur• erl-1lUftc ln&l'WM IO a&mpeon could ...ad ln.t~ni.. &n e1u1cuUvo Wt1e It. Thi MX1 day, SUnpaon lia.J c.an r9COfDIM the allpp&c'e lft l.be read lM artlci. ud c.am.a up rhool 1yatcm In p~ wtUI bJ.a "oo com.incnl.. ai.~ youn1 ,_ wlll9 an •-utlH te -nt. ro ahead ln 8dmUl\e purwult.&. Had llmpeon Ulwnbfod throuch Th• c:harp that lb• lltlloobi U. niap.GDe a llttll f&IVltt, bl are partoel lo m~lotrtty la ..,. woWd haft ~·f9d anotAef of I.hi mo.t MMOUI. for It la a lnt ..... u,_. an.Id•. Thi. wu by -u knnwa fact that In ca.ntor· Arnold 0. Beckman, pnt•l~nt or nla. the •tudent .. apable of a..kman ln.lrunif'DU, lnc. a.nd IC'h.lnwmf'nt I• h•ld ~k for a.iMI ~~ol oC the Lua Alic., I the mediocre. Calif omia Last Week f&Ane4 ... "'lo&Md" t. ,, .... mo,.. npr..-nt&Uon Le 8-itMm C&llforma th&a Le Uae NorUI ••• '· F•CtlONS HAVE T.0 .13 ' Persons DiaPer Set Doing~ ARGUMENTS SO~N 1njuret1 · 1n .. ~~ ~·;,:~~~ DISPLAYS •• , :r'..':"'_...,_ ~ ANA. ( 0 C NI I .., • tq' U.. ),qal cMirawl at Ui.! tf'lat M wu poreJJy untlt,'' 1&14 Fog • Harbor tunlli•. (V-.... ,..._ l'•p ll (0-U... ...._ hp l) 90W 0. llDG' AttAl'lle,. ,. opplMIUI .. i.cltal\11 body. wu-. .... attldavlt •latH Traffic A da~ to )b. •114 Mn. cbildttft; aa. Tnady w ...... ~ SoWmbl• .. 1 ...... ~· ....... ,,,, ~ o. la u.. ~ Ooaly o.mo-One tacUon clalm.t It OU8ted lhat MT. NcNulty'1 r1fbt t.o • . Jaelr JU~ 1'10 Kl1tp L. uh • WU.On. Jtrry Hoklien, ... ~7 conducWd ~ ~ ,... ., ' "' Yletort& IL, a9Ut Oenttal Oclfl.mitlM flJlll Cbatrmu WUUaa McNulty at oa pnctta. law wu 1.upended tn ~· JllWpon Jteadl. Nov. 28. Mt.ltlya J'rte4rlek. Y•onne flell· Ill .. • ~ mu.Mt. Cliel& ,,_, "1D lie liilN ~ "*>' have unW J"riday ~ •ul>-M&1.ld ~ l&A OcL I ancJ the .State of New Jerwy," 1J1: A. dauiMer to Mr. an4 Mra. y.r, Owm W.U.C., C&rla llaa• lbe ••• ~~ IMtoN at Jl ....._ • Park• Mortuary inlt arr-nta to a l!ltate C..n-elected Attoniq Herbert Llcl<~r conced~. "But It al.o 1tat.!1 A.NAHZIN. (0CNS)-A tot-1 .Eldred Lokkew, TM W. ltUt at .. bars, CVolya Walbrtdce u4 ~ ~ U~ .AcU'fl,. ~ QIM.a ...... wtUi ~ lra1 Commit.lft beannr otttctr. u corntnltt.ff bead. McNulty lhat he waa not eonvtcted ot ot 11 perlOM wera injured In Coata Me-. Nov. :ze. Jack New.a. U. ~U• M&l'.lnr "ll• a...~ I'. Ra.Dd ottld&tJ.ns. T~n tlued !!laturday "" Coren conttJld that "a rum., any crt111e." accldanll lnvMt.IJated by the A eon to Mr. and Nn JamH B.J.NT.A.'3 IJOOTHB ~ed ti .... WU .r Md .... a Mr ........ fll • Mart all-~ forcea lD tbe coun~y mMUtll" ecUd unlawfully" anu LIMITS EVE~T!t Calltomia Hlrhway Patrol from I MM, 202 Cabrtllo eo.t.a Mesa I Bu~n and buantMft mtmllitr ol U.. CllilUDUll1ilt. ~ ~_e *• ....,., early Sunday c.cnll aoaunlU.. ruck\.UI e'(-lhat McNulty 1UU neadt lh.: N 26 ' ' DlDOZ8 m.\IMDI --W a D&UYI ol BL c:!Ml!ICICt ~ chrtng a two croup. Gordon IMp&rd, l'Or&mltl.ff I p.m. Saturday OY. • partldpaUfll' via boot.ha la TM &UieL a'90 ...... hr ~ :loWa ~ had Uwd In MUI'~ al..s al det.ennlJI-Ordered by Stale C l 1 memti.r and Ul.11 y .. r·1 Utll Thre. more accident.I were un· A d&u&hter to Mr. aod Mra. l!lanta'1 Workshop ar. 0( ~Uni & ,.__.,. ..,,_ ei.t& ~ ilinet lflt. Ke WM -... Cornmlttff Cll&lrman R :n,:s, Col\(Te&alo.Dal i:x.tr1ct Demo-der lnv .. uc·auon .. 1·1y today. j P'rank Nunoa. 81S Palm. Hunt-Wetul L11ht1n1. Art11t1c Tay.. to A....._.. au~., uiac1a ~Uill ....... at Nl'W· craUc c:andldat., ob.)ttt.d to nae aecl4-ta .U occurred in ln&ton Beach. Nov. 21. Ion, Gift B&A&r. Newport l"l&r· u • ....__.... • dleW r.-~ ~ .,... '1lltaG 9"" School .. ~t lhe 'tu~ariq opened l\t Wlleob'I LuUmony. He a.eked hNV)' lo• 111 the eouthem H<:· A dau~i.r lo Mr. and Mra. nllur., Newport-BeJ»oa P'ede~ ;----_. & ...... et fb. CMt& MM& T6day's N. Y. Stock Report 9 60 am. 1" the &o.rd of Su-that t•tlmOQY be limited lo lion of Oran&• Co\lftty. Qn, °'I "NnCl.I W&klron. TU Pupp1 IL., B&vlnp • Lou, IUcn.n1I Udo ~ Lewta canted b..-· cue Olllua&llit,J M9Ula..a Oiurcb.. ~:;~:;r•~o'::~h'!'i~.r~": :~Ill~ evtnt1 ot lbt OcL a m~Uoc. tbe en.eh«. between Midway CQrona 4-1 Mar, No•. 2e. Market, Realty Bo&rd of New-t.o luputor Court ,hidp ft.ay· 8urvtvoni ..,.. hl.t WUt, ftut.h P'lflninf. Lo• An,.ele• attornry. Heartni officer P'lrnunr or-City and W1.ltmln1t1r, 111volved A eon to Mr and Mr1. Don-port Harbor, Oranie Couni.v monct H T'hompeon. llll• fUed 0 ., or Ute borne : & llOI\, Howard Mrved u lhl' ht>ar1n& otnctr. H~ I de~ Wll.on to rulrlrt hi• rr-tour car11. I aid lmlth, 182 Vlcwria It. nue Co. Udo k&ea. HoUM It la demurrtr to th• dlrtr1ct'1 JL ol Coata x-: a daut'bt.e1', wu appotnlrd by Krnl ind Wal-m&rks to the m~~unr "1 ... 1.11h Al 8:46 am Saturday. Vin-CQll& M.aa. Nov. ll. O&r~ Donalc:laon'1 6 • 10, complalnl ll wu ovel'TU.l9d and )(re, Billy Redway. a1lo ot Coat& Mark•t report trom pnvat• I ll•m-R.ollt'nthal. ri ~ m 0 c 1 • t 1 c I lu la.It• ~iu:&pt1on lo your rul-n1r B&JUtto, 3S of Lone 8'. ech MA dauchter to Mr. and Mri Wt110n ~auly Shop. A \·on, lht failed to arwwv 1 w.... four utera, Mn. R.ay- wlr. of Sh~·Ba.mnull 11 ('o cha!rman for 8outhtm Callfur-Inc ... u •vent.a dlrecllv prior ~•lved mlAor hurl.I when a rar l aur1ce Youna. Tll ~an Av•. lftautfer l)"Um, Burnrll • Va I Both 01an11 County SupeMo!"lmond JC lta.etman e.n41 Mn. N....,,..l'l S.ch. l :30 N. Y. tlm•.' nla I to lhe mttUnc had •. a bf'annl( driven by h~r huaband. Louil. 63, HunUfll'ton Beach. Nov 2e. I ri~ty Natlv. Daurhl•n. P'ora;lll Court acllona wr re em01IJ the KalT)' K. 8now of Co1ta Meaa. ·-r-bat Ila ed -• tnvolv9d In a Wl't'Ck on A dau,hter to Mr. and MN Hardware, Brown~ny lhfn• nnt t .. ta of the Dilworth Act Mn Glen L. ParUow ot Cl h- b1 MtM a. Lue114 fbomJ*ln WU ~'I C'HAR<"ElJ on w ppen · •napprd Albert N 1'02 W I · I • • · Wit.on. He eald ~I a rump Santa Ana Canyon J\oad al -· ''a · Ocean wtlllam.1 l!ltatloawn, Vln<'f'nU 1 loyally oalh 1 &"lndo and Mr1. Ouy ~ ot oo"...ro~-u A\"XKAGJ:S i Fr.cS Y.11.lon. undl puled \10:4! waaton .. ouat~" McNullv •tier PlaC'enlla-Yorba-Llnda Road'. 1rront. Newpott Beach Nov. 27. Udo On1r. N1wport . Tackl• Mtl 1.Al'oll and SL John have Sa.nta Ana. l-brothtn. Rany 30 lndualrtall .. 478 46 up 11 S71 chairman or tht rounl) or J(i.11•· I thr cummlllH • regular mttttnr 1 Drav'r of lh• c.ther automo-Twin eoru lo Mt and Mn. l!ltore Bl-at Shop Paul a Heir 40 dav1 to apJ>"lll their reM8 to 'IC ot Avita Ana and O.Orp r. 20 fla.11.1 l!U 11 up 1 42 sallon prior In lhe Ocl 8 mtt·l· U< l. 8 The e.1111 "coniplreluu · btlt wu Mary Loulle vcman. 1 Royce McManu1, 2820 Nrwporl Fa 1 h Ion 1 . Newport Hatbor the !Hale Suprtm• Court Both ot Loe Anselu. aleo two IT'Jld· 11 UUhU... -· &tin up .60 1nr a l which h.i and Cha1rrnan "'"'" •u•pendf'1:! al lhal mtr:· 73 or Yuralpa Blvd, N.wport BH('h, Nov. 21.I CleaMnr Hnuw Board, N,.wport l h•v• lndk•ted they wtll do eo daupt.n l l'.M. Vohanw J.IR)0.090 1"1cNulty wfrf' all•fMly ou•ttd I 1111( and IHl'f' ,,.•t.ncl••r1 from 1 ' MA.IO& IN.ll"lllt:8 I A llOn t~ M.r and Mn. Har· Harbor N-•-Pt~H. South••rn Thrv 1lao m•y p•tltlon the <'OU•l Intennent wUJ be In P'atrbaven Amenca.n !mtltlnJ 6311 -. the f1t•l wll!lf>.&r. Tlitt b11rlv l"'""lf any •rll"" part In ll\e j . •~ti S. hlrt/\oll. 318 Haul Dnn, ClluntlM (,u <'o 8haY1nJ Mu,c, of app,..LI for a ~·hMT1n1 MamotiaJ Park. Amark&n Telephon. let'\ pollUco ch&rJ•d that a fa<llon l"llf&l\1-ll~n unlit ecrordrd • Mn. ~1~• Maddox. or 13172 Corona dtl Mar. Nov. 77. !Mt.a Woodcraft, P'lowrr1 by l IUU1'" A. UIAf'TAll'f AnaeoDda -74 .... ~ lo -Mc·Nully h•d • ll>n· hMI Ln( before a ttlal commit· Hope Sl. t;arden Gro•·• rece.•v.-1 A dau1hlPr Lo Mr and Mre Morrl Don Buah Photornphrr o~ ·TH NOTICE C11rylller • H'6 lptred to Ulqally and unlaw-tu,' •Id Wlllon. Only lhtrn. j ma~r Ulj1u1es when lhe car In Joe Honath, 1117 Ea.al Ocean j Ptclfl<' T•l,.pllon• • Tl'le,-raph ~ F'unenl H'rvl('H for Julius DuPont 112 'I& tull,y o\'fr lhro"' tum • pnor <v 1... 1&1d Jld forrnrr commillt!' whl• h ah• wu rad inc wu ln Blvd. Coata M .. a . Nov l7 Co• W~vmar Tnv• WHlf'rn I Arthur l."huta.lJ\, 73. of 20~7 't Orn•ral P:ltttrll' IO..,. , the Oct 8 mtttlA1, •WP fffl, I ch&llma.n l.A'atrr \'an Tetenh•W. I votv..i In an an:t.1tnl wllh an A dauchtu lo Mr end Mn C'e nnl'ra and Harbor &rt'a rH FllP:D L. U':\'DEMAN Newport Blvd .. Coat& Mesa, ""'"• Olnerel Motora H~ be told Jflem1n1 .. ~l Wa hra1· addrtaa Ille <:hair 'W1110n' l' autnmobtl• <lnvrn by Hu I h Edward Bluk. 1639 Pnac:llla taurant&. I V'uneraJ Hrv1ca tor P'Tec1 Lou11 b4ld today at 2 pm. In Parle•~ 1111 11 &&Otlmely ~au.ee lbe u BrlJrelord, U. ot H81 Redum Lan• Newport Beach Nov II Mortuary Chap.I ... 11h Uu• R,.v, rnm-.1 BrM ,.~.. c-/\ar·r• lhal Mdfoltv had btt;i t Drlv.. Anaheim I A ·., ..... , t M. . M Undeman. M, of 2384 Elden RJcJ\.ard H. Pou or ,,,..l 8-'>uth- U• f'•l Northrm R R 01 .. 18u~r1or Court nl>W h-. & ~.-.1d1~barrtod and •houN IM di•· I O~ratlllr; lhf' vt>hiclr In whicta \ 1 ·~··~/\tr 0 .... ,..r. an!'. ,.. T ... Ave, Coata .w...., were held 8at· Coe M N T Cen11al 34a.. u~r advl .. 'rurnt re1ardtn1: 1 .... ~ d t h non n ony, .,..,.1, ... arc1u oe •• To •• u,..., at 2 p"' l Park .. M ... •m Bap\lll Church la ..... ., I ~ .. 1 ¥'-' u '"mrmr "" o.d. I lhe lnJUtf'•I wu111en wu rtdlnic A s B h N 23 · n o. •• omr1aun,. Mon1,t1ey Ori 33~ suit •irairwt Ui• aU•·r;"4J c<>11· Undtt l'~ • uam111auon t1y "' .... Salf'n• \\' f<"llzabtth Haun ':' ' •~poMrl -c-d ·M ov H uary Chapel wtth I.he ReY J.,..ph Mr. ChUtaln dlec1 earlv 11.a1.,r-8lncliur 011 M •PlrllOU .... _ ~ h I I I • , 8tln u r an 1"11 l'<'tor Classlfl-...1 w ){cSh&n """'"lo , Coat ,~ -.. .....·pe.r• · t • 111C nu dy · fatr·l ~~ of lhe Hop• !'ll 11ldrt'u 5amanlf'I O, 31733,, v 11 1 n I a ... · ' •-r o • ct.)' momlnJ In Hoa« H0taplt,I 8la&lda.nl Otl of Call!. ~ •T • I TM 1rnup, hnde<J 'by K•r· 1 man recalled lhal an apJM'lll Th• arc-idrnt occurrf'd al ~ 2o 8 l , • N .. I • M ••a Community M~lhodl.at wMre he h.ad b9en W tort,.;. f"'•' Trana n<-37 ...... rt '· II nd • uu h .... r;une., "" .. ll Ch t Ila • \ I.,.. ..,(' •r a Le9ter \ 811 Ta-,,.. .. lakrn from hi• tultn1 lhat I p.m ye11,rday at Wnpl end A dau htu to Mr &lit! Mr• I urch, 0 fkl&llnJ. lhrM WMkl. H9' wu a neUve f'f Ulllon 011 of Call! . 11111, tenhon. altPmpt..S to O\'<'t· j th• mttltng "'u •dJQUm~ Sol-Elli• Sta, H1&nllQ&"l.Oll 8'1Kh. In GI 1Kl<Wll 3 3 i&--Belp Wanted Llnlkn:ian dMd Nov. 2t at hll Macoupin. Ill and came 1.q Ca • U .I lt,.t'I . 70\i throw Mr Nulty on th• croundl 1owtnc 1ua~nlllon of u,. lll1t. lb9 h•vy fOf. 11 ar~• M ~rn;;n. 1 9 Dub· I -• • · • · · --home after an u:t.ended mn-tol"T\Ja in 1tw. to eo.ia 111 ... In -------------------, . I n, ta •-. ov. 2t PAJlT Um. adult bnuiit'kMPf'r Ke wu a native o( Om&h~ Neb lHI wheNt he own.cf and oper- JAA,E'mAU. IU.8C)Jlr8 Rm-And that's for Gary PiCkem. at W. mbd:ltnt, auapendcd in air for a ~ul jump abot. The Newport Harbor Union Hieb School Bea defeated rlvala from Eiccela1or by a econ-of M-62 in a caie thriUer laat ~k. -Sta.ff Photo , PUBLISHERS and child ca~. 3 da)'9. 1 •v.· j ud came to Ca.lltomla In ttll. ated a 1tio. re,,.lr ~a•. Ht nlnt Rf'( $18 wk. Hour. ti) 1 to c-ta Mea In 1'40 lktor1 wu a mem~r nf Ult 8a,pU.rt l ull. Har 22 . .,.W. 97c" hla rellremf'nl a yHr ~ h1 wa• Church "1 Olot .. u. OIWL Mr. •Tut c o.ad•!M'4 ,,_ Pare 1 > ----fOT'f'man tor the Rock Ptod\x't' I Mn Chaataln celebt'9t.cl Utetr I <'o n( Oranr• and a member of !\.0th weddln• annJvenat:Y July In Ant.b•lm. N',..A 8~a\'TCI: -------------th• L'mon or ~reun1 EnSI· I '· • • • Bicycle $I 0 I nHu Loni ti. I Survlvorm arf the ~1f•. Anna hrvic. wit.ti National E-l11or- i.1 A.-.rlaUon, whl('h Grumer at one lime ,,.rved u preald~nt. waa recounted by S.ymour 8~rl­ l.nl of 8anrer. prutdent ot UI• CNPA , • 8ur"'lvore are hll wlft Clara Me• « th. home· two eon1 J OUU. I lk'hwlnn ab<rnt 10 Y•ara of the homt, two "'°°' John ( Raymond of Santa Aoa and 0 Ar: Old. 8 turd Y <'<onlllrucuon. I or San la Ana Helcht.a anO P'red ,,Ulur L. o( Oran,s"t~ two daUJh· z~,.;;ame.. Only UO ,;au L Jr of Coeta M-. lW<> ter-1, Mn ,.rancle A 0.NarH · cll9 I deurhtera. Mn Marsartot I.. ~ntt Mr1. Kenneth Ptcktnnir n1 A •lfl lo Cra•m'r on Mb&ll ot ltw. Oranr;e County Kew• paper Publlah•r• Auoclallaa WU made by S.n Redd1('k or New- pllrt 8-.ch The lflft •·u a .,_.. tal created pair of rold cw.a lank• 1n th .. eh•~ nt a llnot7Jle melrlll wh1C'll •n.-nmpaJIMd the 1141&1 of the Ca1trom1a Newepapv f'ubllaher1 Al«>clal1nn, OJUJfD "Pt.a.no ~aullrul -ton•-lrel&nd of Santa A.ft& Hetfht.8 Rent a A no: ablo 1l randf'~tn .-rt.ct ('Ondlllon Will .. Cl I~ and Mre Gerald Shrad~r or I and lwo rr•l·J"r&ndchlldr«i. nee. Alan pair r-t el~ant I Coata .,..,,_ wv•n iranlkhUdttn rnterment ,..... In Fatrhuen Cr&nberrY 11aq l&mPI Ll·'4· j and~ ,,.at·rrlLftd.ron_ lnt•r-1 Memorial Park. 0.00. 9ic99 --------------I -~~~ r~~ IO-~AppUane8 1 /' -t'"~"'•L ~; •ov<•T~" y ~''"!~ l~ UnmentioDables Get Polle• Menrioninq HOTPOIN'T JRONER EXC-ltL· ~ "'• LENT CONDITION 176 U I!· I l 'j i. 6fO(l nr" i . h F J WroVI!: Tebl• top Burk --_ .J -. ~ ranr <:rood C'ond1t1on. J40 ~ \. --~ -~~- Har. 1!'\8i·J. 97p9t /~~ 8ome on• with •11 "Y• tor women'• undle1 rf'm11vM -• U.A-An.UcJoMI from lln• at 1902 and 1eo. Coral Plac., Sat urtl•y anordlnl ~ police reporta. AlllO reported WU the ta.ct th.a~ Mni. Maxlftt A.ndrew1. WO ltaA lllU\ IL lad founr1 a bundle A.NTIQU'lt Brtakfronl 7 ·~ fl I lall by 6 n. .,. ,,,. D«orato11 I LIAm. RH..t1oruibl•, U I-~. I t7ctll I ot ~uuns wrapped In a towrl. 40--Aotoe for 8eJe wb.ldl Included 11 bl'aa, thrH I ii y ()!i'l"fi • '' ,61• pt.DUI JlrdlN and four P'"'"t• nf L M ronvrrtl lab)' -r1n,s' apperll. Jnnd top ll>'od •npar BodY n...-da work Mak• ofter. 325 Summer Resident Hits Wam Rate Am~ySI.. Kar 2826M.. '7t91 tg_Apta. a Hou-. for 8eat CORONA drl Mar fUm. I Mrm.. dup~. ,.umac• h•at, ~ <Hori• C Woodl, Hollywood. I Bey. H:I. ynrly. 2321 .... Who own& and 111atntainl a hon<e I view. tTd8 ot Nrwport Beach, ha.I oompl11n-- ett £o City C..1erll Mari•• y lchroud•r about local waln '3-A-Apta. for Beai rat•. Ht uya ha don not ll•e BA y P'RONT 1 ~ furn her• durtnir the IO<'lntu, but h•u epl 171'1 mo. lnrl. utlllU11 year to pay I h.-minimum tel~ In round Rln«I• workfnJ woman Ottol>er he HY•. h• u!H'd 10 '"". r9ft'r~d. Li A· l 202 t7<'"'"' blc (rel, Whl!'h ll th• <'UhlC I p •• fool rate would eo.t ll1m Sl 20, ----------- but t« wllldl he .,,.. dwu-r...t 1 '8-S-.B088e8 for a.i ti.It I -·········•·•· - , ....... c... V1cM S.. Newport Mr. and Mn. r. N. Webber. OCEAN VIEW. I Bdrm. uatvn. houa. Bu1Jl-l11 rlflll, ......... dlap .... Uo. J'fo qa. SIS mo. 1891 WhJtU•r. Co.i. ~ .... Owner Har. S6tH-R. t7ctl &It Cataline Drtve. wh ... eon. aa.-Mo11f')' Waak-d Chr111topti.r, wu klllfd wbtfl the bicycle ae waa r1~ -... In ~•­ ll•lon wtUI a ctt7 dump truck at llUl and Catalina Str•U . Oct. RA VE wvrral <'hfl4c. 11Dca1 2D11 Trult Dledl tor •Ml at -.. t'OUl\l. lJ 1-IJl'>t Ml. Jtota1. 12, are ouemr the clly for po,. Hf.JO. Paper1 were wrvet'I C)n - mt' . Marrery lkhro~r. C'1ty clf'l'k, Ntw11. Ptf'Oll """ new• ..,. .,,,..,. llle WMltt!ntl and WI.II ~ picture conn.a• of ~ 11.U'tMir ronlld ... 'Wd by lb• city council 1 .,..a thr11 Urnu a ..._ next MoM.ay nlfht SOf a moalh. DlllRll FOR TOMOllllOW COMI Tll.UI IOONlll Those thinp af ttlt *' you drtam abou.t-lelsurt tivlni ~tins trml. tduet- tim lot JU cht•• .~ ... •. COlllofl "°"' t9I to lttrt tllllin1 thtst *-come true. with sound bustntH tnd Safety. •nem""' .., ..... d It II -I . tlful 2 or 2~ perctn &It's an6utlt ti dlscoura11 any ...t'" dollir. Gitt It • Ciera Yoo'll bt surprised how to show~ how mudt more 'f04Jl '*" tmtsbd In °" tt can make for '°" bJ ..,_ Hip Oiwr.nd SewCt111 Pt-. iD11n ICCllUnt Witfl 111 MM. ••Jtdlt111urtr 1"4 faster 1t«N in perton or )usf lftliJ ruliutlon-it srrn u4 ln ytar inon11-~ Pan po• alf lfOft. · loci ID "Or._ Calit Jrw" Wt bot hOw to mh fllflllll•JGll••LltfJ. ..,., wort '*'* to ~ w ..,,~1n1111-. 11 more,••• cm P'f )OI tM 1ttt· if -. llntt f".H hi1h1st retwai ceubt•t ,,.. tat 111. "' •ni•D•T UllOA IAYl .. I AND LOAN ASSOCIA TION • '-A. 1Al.MU., Nti"'- {1r20 Yt•rl ,,, N1..0H llAC ... CAUf .. NIA llff vaA LIDO • "'""oNt Man• •200 c.,,,.. ul M•r 01/iH • 1401 141, CNU H••"'"' .I ! -· , • . NEWPORT BARBOR MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women '1 Editor PAGE '4 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, DECEMBEfl 3, 195' Mesans Give Birthday Party for Mike Sortor Yamou.t peopJ. 1.a I.be ent.cr-MJb'• tra.nater Lllto Boy Scout Baba 'is See Atta atundin1 a joint Pot- luck dUiber wtlh OW Co.Ila MM& ~ ud Odd rellow• loda'- .. at IOOF ball. membera ol the Trtple LlAk Club IMt al the Mine ot Mra. Harry 'lb.rum., 1a. nower St., for t.belr mont.b- played after Ow meeuns. Attelndina' were Kmea. Joh11 TaJlor, non Rarrll, A. H. 1ma11. Elmfl' •rnttll. o.,.i CJood. pr, AJ~rt Dtxoa, .mmma 8tev- eu, Oav• Beckett. on. &ft• een. P-rl Hartl, Jake 8wttar. I 0 . G. Raina. Grace OrMr. Andy I Lolro&UCh, Jed Ballard. Oertruc» Hawk.Ina, R.lch&rd Manok. Ida I May Black. Arlie Coltman and Ullt bolrteun, ty nwettna. Tb• bomte. wu --------~-­ Ullf.steod by her dalll'tli.r-t.n·law, Mra. B1Uy Tbeunt, u oo-llotll-At McClellan Home FREE HOME TRIAL 10l. AND KR&. W. J. BDINAULT wen reeeat N.ttont at the Royal Hawaiian Rotd-on the bet.ch at Walklld where they an abown ezamlninr the l:ntricaclea of outricJer ca.noes and paddlea. The Hem&Ulta arrived aboard the Mat.on Line. S. S. Lurline and made 9"en.l llide tripe from Hono- lul\l durinc their vacation. -Mataon Photo 1 t.a.Jrun•t worid .. w.u .. a bo11t Troop i01 and p~l&U0n to Haifa Films ot tn.na. a.-d w.U-~ mad'e laUn ot a Boy Scout Wll.fonn and pr 0 t • 11 I 0 n a a pbotoJTilpher It a bappy Wrthday tor U-yeu-para~ .Alt.Jao~ Mllte'• Paul Parku of .IC8C&.ndido abo'W!'- old Mlke Sortor of eo.t.a M-pll.J"9Dt.I bad r.qu•led no pree-eel rolored !Unui taken 1ut who Ill a v1cUm of m~r d)'9-enll, there "er. numerou. per· •pr1nf on a Medlurrann.n tro!Jhy and -periodic paralyala. 80n&l ctft.1 and lM 01r1 Rcoul• rrul.M to lsrul and th9 Baha'i Wol'9 lb.an a.60 people pt.bend CU.tr1buted balloonl and J>Gl<"lla World Center •l H&Ua. Tbe Mn. Op&! ~r. rte. preal- dent. preeded at lA8 ~ mH~. PlaJul _,.. made for a Chrtatmu party on Dec. 11 a.t the Jaocne of Mra. O.ve Beckett.. 21' E. 21st 8t. Mra. Lota W..t- pt.. of ~ will be oo-bolt- ... Canaat.a &nd 8c:rabbLe were Mr. and Kn. Ern.t McOd- J.an. ~27 W..t.mllwt.er. N-.ic>rt H~ta. h&4 a qm.t taJni1J Tbaak .. h1.~ Dey. 0~.U -re Mra. Mcelell&A a mot.bier, Mra. John~ ot C4eta M-. ber a unt. M.ra. WUU&.m Joh~ODe ot 0T1Ulft' and Kay and Damia MeC!el1&n. Delta Gamma to Have New North County Unit at Coela M-Mal.II 8chool cal• u w.U u remembra.ncu tor prorram wu lhown at l.M Schnt~'I; I CO. Lena Monday nl&'bt for MJlt•'• Milul. Jl'..dward Mirkovich h(>me at a• FEA TU RING illf•b••U. ttJ• birthday ~y. Mn. Jun I 0 r llnlmalnment w a 1 provtt'led Roehnter St. Ooeta Mea, Bhck wu In chars-ot the p&rty by dancer-. nwnbera by Gale Ralurd4y l'Vf'nlnf at II p.m. 4JJIO Upe&la -l!lt.t>y of ~nmark 528 No. II.a., .... Am with all t.n. r.!rMlun.nll donal-M TV d ()ALDOAlli...I GIFT <"HOP O....,b ol ON ...... ~<Y ... i!r CM"™ .. rty <o .. "' '" ...... n ·~ ,_, ond -of • ~ •np " Cbn. "' '°' <rulw w~ M~. John V V l"i .,> no W..Wo ._ -"~talN th• dlvl.lton o/ th• De<· LS at a pm ' In lhl' ...... -t .., Tbunatrom Sev•nLl of th• Boy l'lnto of Amarillo. T .. u •. ll\llt .. r I ....... ,,_ • l>tolta uuama alumn..r auoct.a-h<•n hom• ot Mra Hlll-, ... ~erar• •rm• !k'oull U.O played & .. "Ordlon ot Mr... Kl'llm l'ranklln or 1 Allee JU...-er. lt&-A ~ ,.'t;i,A~ 1•'-4.. Har &lk OIP'IC~ FIUl>Al' llCIOft . oon Plau fOt" Uw orpnlsatlon snn -;;l~il~r-hl-lf~h~t~o-t,.;;;;~~·_..;•'~··-nt_n_r_·~~u-·-n~u~m-beram;;;;;;._,._,.;;....;.,._,_.;;;;;_.:,;'~·o~•~la;.:;;,;M~•~-~;....._, __ ;;_.....;;;;;;;;;,:::::::;;;::;;::::;:;;;;;~;;;~~~;;;;~;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;~;;;:;~:;;;i;5;;;;~ or a Dort h•rn rroup Wf',.. an-Followlni a ~rt •-ourw. I':'--------------- - - noun'.-d al t~ NovemlM>r mf'l't• ml'm.,.ra .,...,.. pv.q a dnnon· 1111' or lh• ct\&pl;r a l wtUcb aLBUon or J1l\ ..,..~&:. M1'11 C'arl r... HllltrrTn p,......_. Jaau.ary ~ ..,_ Will be I In Uw Bade 8-Y hom• of Ml"'L mali.d to ttMo ~bf.r•hlp and C"-•lf-9 !'I !lat~ Wn ArUlur an)· 0.lt.a Gamma llvtr1« tn lil• J Aurw' or C09la w-a..ia~ c:ounl.Y may contact Mra Hiit '?be aoullwrn &f'ft •·111 '-S'Tft tor dfiaila. l<nov.-n u lbr Santa Ana-New· port Harbor ~pt.Irr or 0.11& Oemma AllollnBM and w1ll I.a- dude 1..&paa 8-tll. Hunttq- ton Be&ch. eo.t.a x-. T\Mt1A. 8u ~and ._ Juaa Bazaar-brunch Planned for ~~s:"·~ December 12 Atwood. O~. La Habra. er.. To..-l.l..nd& and OUn A Chriatmu ba&aar -brunch w1ll draw to tM nortlwm croup. WU &mOf\S oomlnJ ennla plan- ftoUI ors&Al•Uorui w111 · c-oop.r-nf'd when rne.n<tll or th .. Phil· at• In mutual rha11tll'• harmonlr hf'ld th1"1r monthly round9d l0<·alh In th• Ill!' I mMtfnl at JemLlra lnn ~ J NO'a. nett.a Oa.:0m• I• art• ?f affair la alal.-d f1>r D~ 12 at the ta,.....i alumna• o~1&· S.lboa Bay Club, buatnl'• M•· llON tn o""p Countr with 9'on at 10 a..m , t>n.tnch al 11 many t)( U• onstnaf nwmbe" tn and Olfo baa&r to tnlk>"'· recular attend&ftol' On No• 211 l"ntda 8'-11nr&11t• Huabandl and t'M-Orb ..,..111 1 Philharmonic c'OOductor w I I t 1 ha"ff tbrir ll'lnlq• wbrn tlw iec't1ln on "A Mom1n.c With · honon ti-•t Ill --MWllc" at 10:IO a.m tn lb• "•l-fl°O'IP lerton PubUc Ubrary. It •u .,,. Harborites Attend Elks Conf ere nee ~. ,,_ M:rt Pbilharmomc Con- e.rt wUJ be Mid Jell. ll In the -~ 0..... HJfh &cllool audlt.ortuna. I p.m. Thfln will MT and Mn CJe<nd SP.,. M a pn-con.-rt dlnnn at Vla Quito Mr. a.Ad Mn CWt ONenllrlar 1.nJl tor whk"h r-r Var.r. Holmwood Dr~ and .,.uorw lboU.ld Ille made •IUI lb& Tom Nwt.. et BaJM& Mrs. TbomU L. Wood 1 K.,..n 1tll&nd ba" retu.ned from a'-llliu'J'reta Bruams>. n9<'Ul.I•• d&ya irs-nt In l4u v..-a.a. T!sl.a dinetor. 1 WM• ~ .t laa tr.n all A aymplMJllM9 f~ Youth ('()Cl- -cautomla. Ir• al UM eer\ will be 1lleJd Jan le. Ula Ina a.rr1'ftd by ln1n and u tba.De '° be HJl'uD and Motton". U., ,._.. t.llrWP ,dl.tfln9t w... 8ellDtut. and Mra rr-.ct d~ mn ear. ~ &dd9d. f'Wft)' N110rt.S an thf' Nov, I Wt tbll Hal1lor STOUP WWDt b7 !'outb ConcerU and oth~r ,.._ &ado. 1'11197 IYpGl't a -4ert\ll port.I .,... ftnn b7 M.me. H. -'ud ~ tlwN llt&y.S &t ll lll!lllMY U-9 Barry C K.na- • ,1'Mc:M. ..u . .. It Coding Y o4i Too M&aeh 1 ••••llOllAL 10c ~ ........ ,.... •. c•1..-,._ ......... type •••• , .... • f , •• ., •• ~ . . . .. . ' .. .. .f ..... . . ' .. Men Only . . . . . , -. ·~· ; . • I • . .. ' -. . "> . . .... ,:. ~·' . , .. '''•,,,I u ,,,,, ,r '~ ' . • • ''.Stag Friday, December 7th during the cockteil houti front'4:30 to 7:00 et the Jameico Inn Lobby. Coron. del Mer WHERE you may sit bed comforiebly end select the ~rfed gifts for tM r.dy in your life. Lovely models will sho..., febulOU$ 90wns, furs nile". · end lingerie by leedinq desiqnen such es Werle • , • Pola . • • Welter Beu end Fuhrman' s Furt from &verly H:llt ••• Allie M.• ••• Don lopef . . . w .n.c. tinc)9rie • • • .A.lso deli9htfui ~•sort:9ifts Ros.nsteU\ Peiltiim. Tienne end Odtrisque ••• Hand d9GOreted Cashmet9 sweeten. begs ond jerilty. T reined PenonMI will be on hand to au&5t you , ••• NeHW H.rbor 5076 0 .S. l•dieJ be aure and let your "Stag" know whet sita you w••rl .. ;i .... Reading; Music Program Given for Newport PT A f I I ._.. I • • \ .. e,.it)Q ~la ~h. ,.. poup of her t.hlrd Jrade p1.1pll1 ~."6E~:::t9¥ IDWl&c pn· dld a 1roup recit&Uon. MIN aanrt"4J::~"'; •kll ~~ Clara J:Uen Spelman led fourth ~ ~ ! .. t:::'~ Cul· 1radtr1 In mu.te&l numbere .Oil, ,...,.. ..-diftl lutr8clor. which Included 901\11 with &C• d11e~ ~thoda and achJtve· compan..Lmenl by lb• aut.obarp nwnta ln bu nekl llfld 1.1rsed a.nd pen:u.ulon 1n.1trumenta and p&rtftta to .pead more um. a ~ Tba.n.k•1M.111 eo~ ..:.dlnc wtUI Ulstr cbUdno wtlh Milt. 1A lbl ~ ot Mn. i...tl• The n..1 ttl"t'mony "'·u con· ':•"lb.A. •Pftdl lherapiolt. • du('tf'd by )tr• Joe ,Cuala'1 Qui Football .is : .;I'heme for . . .Boy's Party &out.a of Troop 11 : Mary J~ Bo1'-Dena& G\llldef90n. Jacllte Clual&. An.a JUIJ'oy, and Carol Norton. Mrs. JC. C. Martin a Troop 1 ina4-browala tor th• colfN hour and Mned u baby 81lten on thiP playeround dunnc the mMUq. Th1-troop lncludu lllMa Au-Un, Paula J\.oten. Panwta NewtOft. Xellnda MMd. Honortr11 lb.tr 90n Ocne'1 l~lh D a" I• e P\cktrln&'. Marlvnn• blrlbday, Mr. and Mra. Gene R. I Humpert. and luau Qlnnlnr· IMp.r of 2810 wu1-Lane on blm. ·-.°". lf ·.,P_!! a ~r~-w~ !~ Mn. . Donald _Jl&I!. ~af!h : lured th• toolbe.11 tbe.rne. chairman, &AnOWICed th&t a · • ~unr tor nnt-rndt parftt. ln addition to th• birt.h~y would M IMkt Nov, 21,. ln the ~. a M<"Olld cake complete Wllh pal poeta honor~ a lpt<'· t.acu.l&.r ru• made by J•rry Hehn Ill Ult Harbor ~h·S&nta Ana C t.am pme. Har!M>r Hl1h·• echool colora ot • llh.1t and pay domlrulled Ul• ~ a11dltor1um At lhal lime K•n· nrth Hamal ,...... to dltcuu Uv u11portan('• or compl4-t1 t'Yt t'XAmln&Uonl dunq the ftrat v"r ot achool a.nd O.ralcl lany· kln wpuld talk on physical ex· 11nlnatlona at tlnt-paden. • oor el the f a.mily room when lbt party «nt.Nd. A bonfire In • U.. b9ck yard m&AS& & wetner Ronnie S.taa. Tom Huber, Tom Sandoval. 8toe Robin.eon, Peter F•tharwt.on. M.lke McOtll&n. Davi Glbeon. IMrry nona. Bob IUpp. Ellyn a .. qut..t. . C a 11 Grav-. Charl.,lte Marka, Brian LuC'&a, Bt••stY ~amaT a.nd Bury Bolln. • rout anolhtr hlJblll"ht of I.he ..... ~. l>&ndJlc, al.nJ{nl to the playar pCaao and bob~ tor •PP'• wwt: Nanc'I Muwe.11, Jim Chalk. \ Vlwt Cbamberlaln. Jerry H&n. . . . • f ~ ' I s , I . • 1 • ,, :c· • .. ,, • • • • ' • • ' .. • .. • .. ~ KAX1'NN1I iranr •. national 4hctor '1l the Stauffer 81*m ~ School. will be llpOl- upted at an open ltoaae Dec. 12, at the Stauffer 8)'11tem SalGD ta Santa Ana. MiM Seidler will be aftlla!lll for eomultation oe n.iat ud f1pre ~ tM public .. Invited. Tb.I addn9 .. J10I' Nllt.b Matn.. T1M boun b'oal 2 to 5 p.m. """'.eafnril jifNl1uambl wW • eernd. OuTie lAilli ......_. MD laten:tlw Ki. 8ekller cmr KWll at '11 • o.e ... day. ........ .. . . - e C1 ,,,,. 1e4r ..... , • ..... c .... ... Howerd StMrn C.iainet -M.IM99 , Oely M Ev•. by Appointment UIMfty a..5474 165 Newport ltvcl. ·• Kemper Trio Shares Same Natal Day It WU • tr1plt blrtbd&y party at th• Wllllam Kempere. '92 11th It . C..t.a M .... Nov. 2•. All lhrN of the childre11 bave lh• M.me btrth date, Nov. J7. Chrlatl II T, AndJ I a.nd ,LanCe '· S.C.-•u .. of IJC:lw)ol lhe party wu held on Uw -k tnd. The JWallo waa decorat..d and there Wtn lt\l'ft tab»I With birthday cloth.I U\d birthday cakN.' M('h one a dlft~renl color. Tht plalee and cupa were allO In the birth· day lherrnt a.nd each chJld pre- IJl~d ov.r hie/her own table. Party fa•ora were bona ~ other nolw rna.ktra . Gafll• -r• played and prtl#e won lly Carol 1'tl8aa. Carol Wll· k'n and BUl7 IJNtr. The chll· drm rec:elnd _.., beauUtul ctfu and Mr. Ktmper took plr· Wl'M of OW tYu& -taey ~ld 1lltow tM ~Im.I Ill • llrter ddt. Gu•IU _,.. Carol and Bnan !'(el#ft. Carol ._s llwnta Wtl· "°"· 1-'" ~I.Ill&. Danny Paul R&ndy and DolUI& ou,,...., KaUly &nd D&rftU Blood. and BillJ Im· ler. IJ*UI 11.nt.a wne lbt chJldr•n"• 1Tandm0Uwr1, Mn. John &. Badl.tr and Mre. A. /.. Kemper, _,UI ol Corona clll Mar. ()D lbt TIM'eday Wnhday .... IMra of lht family iathf'l"f'd for dt ... rt, lncluclirll IM ladllen a.nd Kempcw. Girls Club Needs· Land ~auat tht'Y mu1t .,.,rate lhtlr preMnt qt1arttr1 by o.-c, JI, th• Girl• C.:lub of U>• Har· bor Area la ll!!'f'k1n1t a 90IU• Uon for It.a bou9ln1 probJf'm, A r~rt tn lh• .. xecullve bo&rd ,.,... made by UM pntl • deal, Mra. Arlie Swart&. al ta. board mf'f'tln1 hf'ld at Mr IM>IM, 2" I:. 111.h It., CNta Mn&. reomtly. ~ pltca at property Ila•• -... corwldtred. ah• -14. ~l u yet no IUJtablt alt. lull -...,n loC' a l•d on "hie h to •.a· tabhah a J)"nn&neal C'lubhouM f1>r tlwt stria. The club 11&1 i.tn at It.a pr•Nnt tocauon on Harbor Blvd. tnr a y.ar and a half, nav1nr ~n to~ to move tWI<'• cturtnr It.a flr.t y•ar ot txlatann. • DonatlOll.a lo the Otrla Chib dunnr lbe .,..i month Wf'n' re· Or. Nolan PLAN YULE PARTY -VMhtc arrucemeta for tbe annual Cb.rt.tmu party of the Oranp CoUDty Lathinc and Pluteliq Contnctora A.Modation an wive. of the cositractora. ~ to rlpt are Mmee. Oeorp Kupar, cha.lrman; Merl VerB\lrc, Keaneth Varn~r. Howud Weber and Walter Soren.on. The dinner dance will be held in tht I>Wneyland Hot.el, Dtc. 7. d.coratiOM to carry out the YuletJda motif. Door prisell are to be awarded. Student Work Featured at Horace Ensi~ PT A "8t.oclu. •ln Art &ad kltnc." WU the tMmt u.-d by Hort.ea Enstp PTA tor It.a rn.tUac Mid Nov. 11 at lJ)lt .c:bool. Tll· CS.n J . rarru. edence teacher. p,_n!Ad a demorwtratlon from b1.a dtp&tt.ment. M r 1 , B et b Twpena, art teacher, nhiMIAd pr1w-w1arun1 poetcn from UM art de~t advertillln1 tM camlval, memlllfrshlp *1•• &ad back-to-actwol nlcllL Cartoon work of ~ WU a1-di.e- pla~. Nonnan IWwtil'1 room won the att.ndaaoe baNMr. Mn. CUaton Rn•l al"'Hd to wrve u student d&nce cha.Inn.an for "" ,_indlfr of t.be year. 'flle next dance wtU be for U\e MV•Dlh cnde, Ott. 1 In the l)'mnuhun, 7 SO • 10 p.m. Mn. c. R. Carlyle La 1.0 char19 ot the rttordtd mUlic. n..n wtll oa a ten cent ad.mi.Nd.oD d1aiya and door prlaM.. It WU &DDOUl\Ced OD brhatf of Mra. Marta Ne'Wl&nd. ma1utna C'h&lrm&n, that Horace l:nal1n PT A board hu wb9c11bed 100 per cal tor t.be c:::aub1Ua hrt'nt·Teacber maiastne. Pia.Ila are now underway tor Ult achool ChrtAln&I prosnun lo be held Dec. 11 at 1 JO p.a. In the cyn'U\&.liwn undfor UM dtreocUon ot the muao ckpart· menl. N'0Un1 the n«nl 811.l(C-11&) au11h.a ID ~ PTA ~ •lQ"MM 'llrwr. met. tho .,.... dml. Mra. M•I lkrry, bekS a l.AaU·)"Ou eei.b~Uon la brr At Briggs Party The Kattb ~ UM Ide, .._,.. &mCJIW U. SU..W &t a "wppft9ed ....,_., put:r ..W at U.. bOIM ol Kr. _. Mn. Jaine. an,... 11..aotrope Or ... knla An.a, N,. X. portf'd A <'~k for 'UO 22 _.. ~ved from the Ntwpe>rt Harbor 8oropUml1l club, 117.U r..-n th• M-OpU·MrL club. and Individual doaaUon. ot aroulld UOO. Mra Na I • o a LWldwall, txecutlve -dlroctor, Mid Ult JU'la at the club were busy p&lAUll&' -, ..... ma.ll1AC pletune for Cbrlstmaa. Th• raa.. &Dd paint ...,.. dooat.d, a.M aw.. but tbe llUpply la n.uuac i-and turtM.r doll&· Uou -uld be wale~ A. Cbr11lmu party 11 plan· nod tor Jnld·O..C..lMr b9fore the clvb u ci-ct tor tbe CIU'Utmu ..c&UOll and UM ~ t. It-cuart•n Tlliln were •2 ftr\a at U.. pl& Bal· lowen put7 at U. clllblaouea on New. JO, wtUI ~ and •ntert.allllllftl1 fallowed '7 dder and dl:N&bmlU fw nil "..ata. frizzelle bQme NoY. l T for all wbo btl,.cl with tbl work. Upt ,.,,_. meat.a ww-e •rY9d d~ U. evenlnc. New Cub Pack Sponsored by Christ Church The MC1>nd zne.Uq of lM MWly or1aru...t Cui. Scout Pa.c:• ~ wu held :Nov. 21 ln OoodeU H&U Wider leadcra!llp ot i,.ow. ~avy, Cub Xut.«r. nu. paclr 11 1pon.aored by C'tuUt Chure.11 .., tAe .... Den a ope!WCI the mMt.lq wtUa u.. Oac al\lt.e. Den t ~i.4 & •kit -tbl UWlll .. ··we la Pu&rt.o ft.klGI' ~ part were BUI Nl&D&Ao at.noo Eechdl. D o 11 n I • louth-rth. Tona Teto. ~a..' Ml.lkr &Ad R.onald Be.aMer. Project.a com· pltltd by tM ~ ~ ... 00 di•· play. Tht tollowinl awardl werw pre.nted: A..Utant denntr, to Bryan Bchwaser and Denlll1 Miller; dt"nner, to !tn•n Ea- cMll. K Tama.n and Enck ll:Mt· man. P\M pre1enlf'd -"': tint yMr, It.Ye Lut.n and Mark Aababraner: two y.ar, John llplea; Bobc&t, Bull N'unan. Dtn Mothtr plna wne !"Kelv~ by MJnu. Leavy, Ttm&A and 8qultt. Den l save UI• • cloeln& cere- mony. Optometrist • Announces with pleo~ure the opening of his prof es\ onol office for the practice of Optometry in oil its branches. 212 Merine Avenue Balboa lalend To t 00 U•Ul Xmu J:ve ,.,.. Parkinl .Acnm The ltrMt Cko-rfe6 Of THI • . . CALJ.; llMll!'!-¥ '1-7110 or MAIL COllPOM · STAUFFD HOMI PLAN 921 W. 11UI Street. ..... ua Send the coupon and reoelw FlllZ a $1.00 bott.114' 'SKIMPS', our hich protein appetite ap.--r; with HOME DEMONSTRATION. Name Address City by ·-Stitt --·--- 921 W. 17th St. -Scan AMI DREAMS Ar. maJ. 0/ .... c~~;:,~ SANTA ANA FUR COMPANY "Follow The Stara In Her Eyea .. to FURS For lhe Grutest Christmac Ever. I\ Fur -I\ Style and Colodor Every Heart'1 Desire et Prices You C.n Afford. • MINK STOLES ,,._ t145 Iott, Lwtunou. • ~ "-l.11 Dtw.ml Oofa• n-u. I • ' • • MUSKRAT STOLES • ,,,_. $109 · llO~lt~ lo •ua1r " w~ ,, • FOX STOLES . ,,.. "She" WIU LoTo! lo I S79.i ~·Lenq , I • MARTEN Neckpieces . b'tm : SIJ la AllJ ane T• ""'-... ~ ..... Prectice devoted to exemj_,.tion. analysis end rehabilitation of th• visuol functions. by appointment Harbor 6515 11111111 FU.I Coir11Y office houra: 9:'45 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. • 308 North BroaCfway Klmberly 2-0652 • ALL ruu KA..R.KJCD TO mow OOUln'RT or OIUODf 4 ,. CJ .. 1: i! I = ~ i i i .: 111 ,.,£ ~ ' l r ,. r • i • ;. i :r -ii f '1 f P! i fl~· lJrr =-1·· ... s r ., ., I . 1 .1 . .. _.a U• . •'· 1 t -z-hJ~ J~i-··:1. (ii r._f!1l ·1f11 hf ii ; JU 1111 ~ii ·-If ~ 1 a. ·{ -'·J~ .. 1 r a I . .. .. 1 . J ~ !H ,. i: 5 1,.1 J • r r •i ! i a ·~ · ii! I i .. 1 rl r : , !··· I 9 I"' ''2 i-c i • ~ •j [ ~ ~ i c I ~me ! · ..... E ~ .. :j1,.. ti f et ·i.r\ ... ·,~;ls:c: In ~I• : ~ ,.. - 1·''11111111··.1· 1.1.1· 111~ 111111111·1111•,1' 'I 11 111111 Ii I 11111 ! Iii II~ 1l ii '~I 'I. '' 'l 'Ii·~''! ' ',.. ' I• 'I 'Ii 'II' , h9 '1 ,.e i: .. '! J, ·i~ :!' f1. fJi ~1f til ~,.~I f I 11 f i . f .. h .. fi , ~: i fi I f r1 r di r;l.lf E 1 11 r Ir r r·h, 1-ri r 11111 ~e 11 11 1~ . I~ ·1 . Id~ , I .c I 9 i I I ! ft I I I! 1 . I g I I I • ~ I i !! m .. •1:.·l··· 1 ... · '. ': :·'.•l'.-.. ~.i' ... ~,11 .. i·I Hf ii •1.1. ·. ·11 u;i:i ;u ~ ~iir:11 cp~ ! 11 E ~ii' 1•1f 1: r I 'I i 11 'J ·.pc1 :s'i I' '!• 'i'll i' ,, 2 ea' 'U ' ' '1E .. ..I l -~.,. .. ,'.·.·I· i !~.J;L n 1 ... _:I, ri I ~r ! i , f r h I h a • I . ~! , I 1~.·'..f-,, ~11 1 ~:~ i .I ,· 1.'11 I . -I 1: I ~ ! i IS § J I f ;1 , 1HESE BUCS CREA Ta> 816 SMSA -.U ~: ao..ch 'Joa kroll'a Orup Cout water pcm t.eaa bu jullt . -~ ntC.t llQ006Wfu1 ~ tn campu ~ baaial UINI ~ cme ~. and pi.ctnr third tu, two others. 'Ibey woe flnt iD tM ....._to In9lt.atlorW. t.h.lrd in Calltonlia Water Polo tovruy and th• Soatben CallfonJa Water Polo champtomhlpe. l"rom left. tint row -D.ave · ~ ~ D'Ainall. 'Rua llul'phy., team capta.ln; Mu Bowman and John Swum. ~ '°"' -Bob Pattenon, team m.an.aser: Bob Herman. Vert ~ow. Cl'&Jr Koch, Daw Powera and K.roll. -OOC Photo PU.Ill STOCllON .. In Pl~rers. Felt ~I loile~ Dow1 to Mld11p 11111~ Wi1 --rMt WU tbe Miit •ddirme l '"l'lllillr punuJt WU ~ 'l'be1 b&Ye n'«ry played qaJMl. We abat .... ail Ulilir im.m.n ju.Ill couldn't find a ..n.. ~ and Oo&t*1 tbt otMn MUST\ANGS HAND LUMPS ~~~1::W~ =~=:r-~ ~. q 'bard Lnd spun hlm- ro, t ·auc'""·$· .• ·rAKE.· SPUDS WUOlllDYllMll 'alllllfbtud .n..JDUp:··T-·~ 81 (ti~ pouad IAft llDd Joy eMlld ... .nu. tile. MD • Ul&t Oritbl WM boUlertJac 119 a k>t. ~ llddl ~ WU ~ TboM boy. were &ou.i1t.-.. wt I tMuPt U.., _,.. setDi a.---~-n-....... y ... i.,,..ed u ''Kinr P<>t&to" of Joy orttta at~Moct LM l!xtn ~-.. ~-........... ·--T!a1a ..... w1lat OnuJae Ccaut to take l1...,. from .... ,,., 1906 'after b&Ddiq Oranp Cout Collep lta finlt footb&ll poe:iin ILD ncl'ulnp ot punt.a, CoUe,.e Qu&rt.erti&cll Bob Croc.lt· bad ue dlt--4 ..U tn the ft.rwl H&rbor are. ~tb&lJ tau defeat of the aeuon Saturday night in the Kern County Oranr• Cout came boomi.nc ett aid aftel' lbe paw. 8 • aid awt. It _..... tM7 kMW _... d!appoJnlC!d -to be 91.&eed o... f' Id lh• Musta.Ap were t.be MM. Uw ...... t.be ball wu. pq at Shriner'• Ctippled Kida beoent game ~t .._..ers te back w1Ul aa Ill yard drive to P\rat.. baft taC9d • lbla r-t°· eooa u u.. q~ recetnd 1.n the tar 11m1u or Baku'Sftald MemCll't&l Sta&Uua bdort 11.170 ball OQ a pua lntercepUca. nae llCOtt CrocUtt tut on nn out Ht.a tboui'ht.11 wwe ~ by the -, b'OID cmter" lladium Saturday oJ&'bl. 1'twy tana. Mrial ..,... JntAlnded tor Doa of ave ~ dwi.nJ the drive Guard Joe Cone. "Tb.at wu Zd CllaamJMmt tdt Stockton Of'W"ed lbal th• rollowen1 of t.bt Tbe MU9taAp came out on JonN by Bob Crocll•tt and wu tnclud!Af a ahortl' to BW Brown cpt&inly tht balli ball dull -wa.nted U. PJ1M more tb&n puticl~ t.-rM abowd de--who akipped 37 ya.rda up the top of tM bud foutrbl pm• snared by J:arl Moreao w)lo ran lridellnca. Tbe econt came on a have faced UU. yar." Onllp OoaA. 0°1'11c7 Mftr .top. llet'W tomeUU.na better than UI• IO-lt by virtue of two teeond out of t.be 9'nd -to U. two 10 yard P'10lt pitch Lo Jack Dave TlunW'S., wbO IMrod noth. ped ~. 1-bit wtui ~ wont -ti lJI the &tadlum. ,.nod t.oudldawnll and -yard bat Wbc!n be ... tackhd.1 Mah.llltad """" n..ae a dhinc Inc bUt troollll l'Ulll11.lls· aid. UWJ h&d ....,.,. mlllut• at t.bAt T 111 t B. rt 8mit1'a, 4rUe Pl 'n>e Mu.l&Jll• thot up lh• catcb on t.be &oal t1De &lld car-b&1J pme &Dd tlaat._ lhl ,.._ awutaa, ll'T• Qul(llR), Rolle toortll _ .. od _.._ Thto ral.fll dd _ ...... _ 0 thl d •k-.............. " •Ry '"'w1... ~-r-1 "---__ .. ......... ""··11.o ' ,,_.. u.. third n:IJ I• for •" Y-· n r ried th• ball ovar Other .,..._ ~~ ._ • --"" -"'-' •.-...... ·~ """' na, ... racked up poUlta IA down ~ tr~ a ~lcboul Wl!nt c~Jet.ecl .Jan,, llw way Fitzpahfd l'm atnJ4 ,.... .,.... juat playl~ T. Smu.b &lid John An<t.!TIOll: and fourth perlcocl. around left t'od. Ted Otnllk!r t.o Brown 1'I'1. lltery 111 1 aAd for tllllf fun ol it while UWy Al Osden and Calla VIC!i.. Don TIM two dutle f~bl Lo a .~ lhr'Ourh to bit uw M&ht.lMd 14; O.ve hmura ~l i.ua-." Chamben wu Ihrnpn. Maryl" DuJlcan and et.aodat:Ul la U.. nn1t quarter ... _. .........__._ t 01 __. '"'-I • t.a.ka9 from U. ,._. -·ly In J d 8 .... •--d Bob V Drt od. q-.. ••• _.. u ~ P...-.._. picked I.IP df"t y&rdl runnln1 p B •--u u......,r_,, : an m- and welJ lDto t!w MCC>nd 1141n balJ oauaq a furnb.14 wtue.'I d C kdt l\ln a es cs t.be ftnl qua.r1.er with an anllJe Im, Bud llmpaon and Mn atockton ....n..ct Ila m.ardl to roll .. IJllo tbe end a.one. J>lnk-an Wllhroclbt' acorl!e. 20-12 Onnr• c u 1..1\Jury. 8impt10n and ~ Warda, l>ou,r J>41)dirt from UM Cclut " a!wr !ft' folJO'#Wd u.. lliall and ft'll on Coul tried IUI Ol'llllde .klc:k nN& CLl'a and Et.Ml, Pau.J and &-a Cu- • poor punl Fred A.Jmendarn. It for a1x poem.. for Oranrc 1 ,...bll h wu ~ered by 8lod1.-1 Al lrwUI: ''The7 bad a real 1 1 aidy; Frank 81-1: Chudl Ho/· 1:'>-0 pound h&ltbacll wbo rollfod COLll . .AJ 8t.ory'• Juell WU w1d... ton nn Ult' 46. 8t.ocllloo t'itttl!4 to Cage Win rm. t.D club. w. were wdl fard and Ml11.. J{)e A.mburrhy; 72 ,.&rda m lb• Orwt balf. muved nan OOWl't• t eoouted &ad that Jtna of Ulleln t~ Harold 8tKlu. l.ARoy a.od uw· b&ll nlM aAd t.ben tour for IUG • lo tah an otttJd• penalty on Or-,.. ... btr ud fut ftlOUfh to do Lola An~non , M.ra. Paul Lor· a nrat down on the 37. Th.,n 811: c!:c~~l ~pt~: '::t C'vut ~b hav~~~kl;!; prrity well u they pteued. t'ntatn &nd t0n Mark a.nd Ten-y. JM pound. tl•... 0"9V&JUIOnJ WM • • c . I co over. ~ • Fla.ltly O..llllY Ftt..q,&trklll '"-"e ,.,.,.. DO a--t .. rt~·-w·-u---n. __ .... ...oo-. _, "' two tmport.anc nra~.....,na. alone u.. 1rvund Uld •• ua-rr--· v--··u .,._._. , .......... -.. SECURITY POLICE ....... lit. ........ Giit. BALTZ MORTUARIES C08T A la:IA CHAPEL 1741 81q1C'!or ·-· ea.ta M--. OalU. I ~ Ubuty 1-:1121 JAMES D. RAY Genera l Contractor & Builder IOI 0-. llml. 00&011 A 01ll. Mil ambl~ 17 yal'd9 to• ftnt dow11 The ftnt 09 • pa. play wti~b i Lani tr1t'd to pidr It up Ju.rt dropped ln ll poinU t.o lead lnjurin wttb the ~Joa of Carl Tbomu And Mn.; ~ Al oa lb. 2<I fallecl to aad i.tt bl.a wtlll 60 rda 11 b bob-Ora.nc-~ CoU.-,. to a 73--Cbucll: T.,..a'a bead Jotl which Plq-ara. Bruce M&rtJJll and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= .Alml!ndarn added 10 .C.o tbl' no ......=.. aeapt runntn1 I= ~:: J .. nc1 a":u~ utKnJpp 81 wtn a'lft'r Oll!Dda.M Coi)q• 't WI\ bhn In a daMd oondlUon. He a. N. Wella, 111.r. &J\O Mra. ~n· • 10 yarda lint and Halfback I.lie b&1l ta )'Udl u.d tM ..oolld plUJl&'ad loto the meJee t.o come t.be OCC l)'Dl Vrtday nlpl The abauld be okay;· LaPu~. Luke l>avt• and .,., I. Ua.n Veerkamp went to Nmttn-on a well n.ecu~ ~ play out ~ ~· .,. " .. , Plrat.. nve faca a ~ ~ Ia an .n. &.be pw wont to Butt.erwortb -re ~' u.. an• di.t.ILDce on a wide •br i-tu. _ . -: : • • W" ~ ~ 'W'«ft ... ~ 8-ch Ctty CoJJ.("t' dull at Lc:ias' W. pla,...._ tnrtn aid ua.t~ occ foUowera 00 h&nd. • out trom Quart.er~k Blob~ 1'bt lP\r&ta Mid follow1f\I tM S\n It lo k~ ma on ~ BMdl {emornnr nl&'bl at I p.tll. DIMod llOt feel i...d about UWt TM a.ccomodaUona at Ball.,.._ o4-to ... -oni. Bob M•--,:in: kkkotf and took over • punt I rrau"41 ua. ball dSda't lnlvel w1lh a Junior unity ma.tell met pme. 'Tht' entJr-. ~ •wt neld "-.rw uJt.ar modun.. The plU•mHt for UM ut,. .,... ~ Ill l.Mlr cniro ~n1tory. lflr9T 10 yardll lo ~ a tr... tor 8 SO p.m. i. proud at you and Ule I""'• -t. wff'6 wCJC)Mn wlt.Jl back wu -.fl<k b\lt a ptn&lty on OCC Ctockett mov.ct the club 4t Item. A. little f'lrlll.lnditr thM tA. JNttAN Pti.Aam you pla~ We know you .,.. .--t• •nd ""'>' -t pv• • ••n blm a -.d dta.AH &ad ye.rdt la aa play• but ua. drlv. ball w1lii tumbJed c~~ Uwtr C'<>&c.h aw I.nma.n wu p1eaMd dlaappotnt.ed but .,.. fMl you fOO(I vi-. TM PNM factuu- i.-1:1L11W ~"°""" to makt> Ullt bosf't'd on Ow Mu 1 tan c to. opinJo9 ~ ~--•l4CS" ovt>r "'It.II. t.be ~ oC b.la P1ra.l.19 did • &'004 job aatl that l.btte la ""'"' n ... for t.M W'bffl.e but I acore T--0 wtth four minull• )dt AclPnnaJI ~ a fOllrt.b ud WIU. • ~ NrDallllftl but l!Mlki&\«l tMft ... 8UcJI aodlt.ns to.._ MIU.med oL n..y !Mal worbni bad to ta.Ice a 111 U. ba.lt one ~ up l.be middle by Knipp puaec1 to Md11••d t~ wol'tl to be dollt ti.tore tNf had a ft.M MD dub.~ bae-k -t to J'M'tropolttan ~ I llA.&D TAau.& 8'.JI lnd1•. A II }'&I'd pau from ta U14 a. A19C· ~ aid then .-.lly .ca.rt ,.UJnc. Whtie the Be.al IL ._..~ wt.lted the aAd O~ Cout .Adm1Dlatn• Ray Adanaul looll U.. follow· ~katt to Paul Lonnt.ae who hit Oard.a wtt.b an ...nat for form•r Newport Harbo~ ~ lo«'..lr« rooa t.o ~ l.ada'rittua.l-Un ~nt Don o.tor 1 lq kk'.kotf ud _. b.ll bard lat«UM te O&n:ia _, ta. hy one 1.,.. .. Uir bl« f\IUback ac..., r'1Lcpal.nck. wu bot t'9Cla ly to UM lloJ'e &.Dd ~1 Thia writ.u ..,.... Lold be &l\.ar a lbort ntlll"ll a.&i1 U. Piaf ol tM 4.rtft. haulfJd two ..,... out ot bound.I antwlilin'w on UR Ooor • .._ ..... Ch-..-... • pe.t 09 Ula .,_., couldn't have • p~ ,bec:•iae ball ~ troln Itta rrtP.. Stocld-tooll -and -nl to "Of aw docJt lmp,,...-ve r~ fart ,.,.. UW ~ • .. Of tlw ftM:lll JT'OUPI t.h.y -rt> alloted to tboet Jlf'OPIP &lockton ~ oe the Pl-to lhe Plra.te l& wbel"f' a n.ld A Knipp pa.m to L&rry Uw-mdl!flel! at Pirate ~b. we ...... Md at ~I" Oout with uaifned tpoU In Uw pl?H nt.e II. ThrW play• l&uir 1oal m1-1 n .. PlraU. t.ooll IDpton W1l.I IJl«lmplet.C! ant.I 8 Tile Pint• wUI llOl ~ • Uli OIN ... off. AM Petw-box Rer....runt>nt. tor ~ pr-.• M.a..naha1J 01•.-~h ~ lo UN air but _,.. nuthed '>ff JIAM io M&hlft•d wu lnt.r· 1 ~I\ DD' pl!raon I« Ua1r ~ ..._ c:oMl•t«i at rold drtnke, corr ... -.r hem lhrw yardl out to UWtr fMt aDlt t~ lo punL orpt.ed by (Au.non Pf>l!UI wlln 1-l'rom UM-~ ..,.. U.. t . aandvdcbee. and pH.nut.I --but ..ii. t.lllr .acor'l' lU 8toclrton c:anw beck W1lll tl'4'!t' ..... "'~ at lh• l2 ., .. ollwr ntrbL n~ -.a ,.. aflen E ... ce or NNl'W )'OU had lo ~v· an I 'Ille M~ llkked an t:> third ~ on a O yard quick wbl•U. u th<P ralTMI them but eo can Daw 8'idnldll • ...&"Md ~rth W• murv.hfofl • 1 Ow P1rat.ff and fo~ a punt .nd ......., by Lew Sdunld and eodNt. who ,.ckt'd up l& potnu. Ar· ~anut unUI w• w•N' tnronn.,.1 wb1dl Jim Cov411\Y rwtunwd tor ruand N~tllf'tl, Bul<'b Ooopmaa by E1ce111·or I WP Wt'""fl t •""' llllppoeeci to ~I -app&reGt t.eucbdow1L It •a.t I and Roen GulVh ..,.,. ~ In th• pm.a artt. "''llhoul a paa I •u*l.d by a cllpJIUIC J>('ft!Uly !SAILORS SAG,• DROP CAGE ••cbt. Bill w.t..I •nd ... g,, >A• •~nt dawn on tlw f1•1d , Oii UM J& Tb9 Muatan.a-coWd 1 ai-pman tour. a.nc1 Jim Enl· f'OUT ff'ft &hot.I b) Brian Lu· and t.ook plrturn to 1 .... ,. th~ llot -'l'My Lhrt'W a pea I b~ lhrH Jt'ddy '\'ounc a.t au provlci.d the wln.ninr maf'Sin 1 wemllh nt tll" p,....., c-ont'lnM wb.tcb wu C!Olll,.ied J1a.t a ft.tip J GO TO EXCE' LSIOR. 64-51 Rnv l!!t...v•na tv.o anti Tl!4 for N""J)Ort Harbor Htrh c-out at U.. 411'4 •M u lM ~ : ,~oult• nnf' lila.6f'tb&llf'n tn thrUllor 12-30 •l"r1 nf thP "•Ir• thr .. mtnut,.• aiow:*4 ~ the ba.Jf. ll~G8 ar;u. -.rum. ram-~~ P.:x~1 .1 but K<<'<'lalor 11..,;1 lhP rount In The l'1l'lll ti.all _.... &11 8toclt-NCWJIOrt Harbor Kl.6b"• 8&JJor I :ti, &nd 48-31 'Onen Pope ud Glpn,J&I•'• DI ~I ..-orl'd It uor al NC!wport Harbor Hl•ll'• a et nr.p fo1 a ,,_ holll Luni..t ~ wttb 1M yaJ'da p!ned IA> •&nltr -.ketba1Jt'rt1 uwade St. 0..-Uu...,., -re a.llout ••en for lop •a.in. beoof'a. nm 11'11day n!pt. Til4I Tar wa• r .. 11\ed u tbf' rlo• k ahnwt'd law Ptrattt' 70 Anthony'• ey111 1n I.A11r Be-ch j 1n Uietr rlocit J&m•. ii.ma and I To~ ~·· pm• w1lb ttrll" apurlM to • :12·10 half· 10 _.,.,ndJo H,. •pin 11tf'pJ>f"1 Oraqe C-.t came back ""1tb lomon-ow tn al tempt • bot.nee! Df>Ma.n -tt btp for •c-ehi.nt 1 Lo~ &.M-b ~ 14 bt' a time 1-.d which d,.-tndi.d lllto torw.,.d and drupJ*l th. f,.,... I a dn,,. of Ila own at\•r ll!Ur· ba"k from • fM.:,1 t1fote&t han<1f'd "'ilb t• aad lll pob'lt.11 reapectlV"t'· ,...1 lut ••Ith Uw V"dll&"' r,....n a 22-22 r&m• In lh,. fourth 1,...,.,,,. and thf' lnral matnlall"M'd aiaaao wtu<-h carTtf'd to Llw them fi"ndav af\f'moon hy 1:°'1~1-h· rrom a <'OnY1nctng 7M2 wtn Pf!nod u t.M P\lob mmM up °" lhf'!r 1 ... d ror thP lut rn1 M~ eotrbt bet'°" io.rnir U\r! 111nr at No~·&Jk Th• Junior var-I · Dan r.irce a.. Uie junior va.r-ov« kola Ana .,.ridAy. Ru.u Ow ~ ,.... on<S. .... 1th a full coun pl't'aa. I ally t.am.t meet In " M<"<>nd ram• f lllty to • •S.S4 ~ Pa.tree 9C'Jc>r-1 Tyl.-r and [)on MIU... ant UM nw lll&rt.ete <"anw In &ft'! I Luru ...... hllh k'On"r with I Height'°" OH 1or 1.oat ••adl tmmecttaU!Jy follo.,,.lns; U1t• r ... ed 12 with ftoCw p._te1'11ori and econnc W,adeni f~ ~ LBOC pla7td a tou ... 1 e.nd rn 11.i1H nll\t' poinl11. Jon" •nd Jerry lur. a~ 3 p .m. I O.-n. Bryant pettiq •ls'bt. Bob cluti whlc:b •• nw P\lot• i-cttna I H•hn had alJt f'Arh , Tom San-I Harbor io.t ronlrol .., the Taninwelrl .cot'ed nve. Jerry I Coach lruna.n lndloal#d he W'UI wtth 22 _.,,,da ~· Lucaa ~., bad ,,.,. Torn H t1Mr bec:k~at .E11~hnor fur v.hat HuJbut lbr.e, Jtrn ~ two l.Uck '"'llb °"" Btdnlcll: and wu fouled aad Iv~ to lll,.,... Jerry ffob•• t'tAo and 1 Coull Julee 0.•• •'.&.lied lhe ~ anJ Tom Marthall one. Bob <:b&pcnu a1 /orwardil: the line t.o drop two e-l\ar1U ... , Denni• Powtr• on• H~hn, San-I SANT.A Al'f.A. 1 O C N 8 1 <"llttnr fact.or. '1"'ht'y rot 14 point.. I St. Anthon)''• pni...1-to S\v• Touni •L -.a.er and ,,...,.trh'a to force UM faJnll' lnt.o .,,..rUm.. dava.I and Hubl!r l•d 1n M'bound• 1 • •up.rt.or lwla'hl paid off fnt I more on cloae llhot.t and .up Ina ttt. Tan a tOl"l't batU. but u.,. IUl4 Roy 8te-n1111 at l'A1'd. nm J-SCOf'ed a baAll:f't at with 111x. nv• and four 1 1.-. 8-ell Chy C'..ollep "11c1.ay ripe under lb• bukec than w. don't have Ullf Mipt MY&ai._. 111.sht u LonW 8"l'la mli.d to a I did, be aummed lt•up. Of Elit"el.16or. JJa a.Mite an4 Al ~ Tl Lo 42 W\n ~r l}!<l I ICd Popa and ·~•ry G!'Mn acor-Roman al"9 .-. ..... 8al.ota. ~ but eplrlted Santa AJUt ed 10 each tor loca.: htfba ,.1th ~ 'J>oN ta U.. nnt p,.c-Rklln.rd .Palaferrf tumtn• In a Ut» pane of tM r•r for both ('OOd otferuit,.. •t'fort and 111ne m• point& Jol'm HenroUn popped in 1lum TJlw a.cl Dea M.Wtt, elpt: Tom ff-ton •bt: Jsny two bulky Loq 8-cb fol'W&l'd9 Kem~ tour ud John lAw1al llDd lftllMd h1cti llCOril\f bollGl't Bob Vl.D&fT&JUI two •di ....... they perl.t'd thto net for 'nl• pOot. led a.ti the -.7 and D &DI 21 potnta ~Unly oulef'ored the Tan ln ~ quar- Jobll Luta wtua 11 and J'rttd t•r ooept u.. ~ wtaen the ~o wit.II I paNd U.. Don loc'at. bad a 11-ll ectp. ,,,. .. \11111111 lll eDCll'lq. wtnnen J.o at qual'tftw 1&-•: JT. RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL. COM>.A~RCf Al NO .JOB TOO LAJlGE OR SM.ALL a8 ~ St.. NewpDrt a.di a..-r USS f(lj~rf,, , Mixed C1111(' f( Ir.: GREATER Elllll'S ,~· .. ,., .• \ - ILICT•ICALLY ' e LET US HELP YOU e IT AFFORD & ION Dedriml Coe~ 110 Rlnf'11ide Ave. UMrty ~me FOR ANY PWMllNG l'IOILEM CALL US ~ ........ ttal -""ar rPdeJ TPIMI& ........ e Wtr. B~ SOUTH COAST PLVMBIRG ·. ~ sr..:s.u'IB -Step be n Snyder of 209 Em.eraJd Ave., bolda the key to the Newport Jail durtn• Wlit ot eec:ond sraden there recently. -NBS Curriculum Pbotoe Firi1g of Offshore T orpe~o W.ari~ob A1101nced by Navy GEITING U&FUL -Stephen ~d hil cJa.D. mata u.tmed to Sgt. Ernm Laurin eiplaln abtJut police e&n1 and radioa. Children Pay Visit to Police, Firemen It wW be no aurprtM LI a k>~ Jail. I went lnlo the jail 1t hu of 8KOnd , .... ~ra In MIN Kay alffl ~di. The ja.11 Is what I Qoodwln 1 cla.u at Corona 11 .. 1 like ~ mosl. The pol!cemen war-School rrow up to be carry JUN. The alren aura dld poUCftnen and tlremen. Th• y .care me on lhe poUce car. 'the c.rt&inly re&llM lb• Import.ant bill.. at th• poUee ataUon are job UteN men do. u the youn1-very broken. Wiii you put a 11- •t•l'll It.Udy the commwllty by cenM pla~ on your bike 7 Then SPEEDY ROUTE -Capl Melvin Kiddie of Newport Beach Fire Department l.I about to demonatrate the pole .Ude to Mark Silz.le ot 307 Iria Ave. File Articles for BROWN MAKES WAY Finn lnc.Oll*ation INTO WIN CIRCLE vuatunr ~ poll~ •laUon and It wtll not r•t loat." Colin Brown, HCretary ot fire elation at N.wport &al"ll. Next door at Uw t1re •talion, the local Lawn Bowlen 4-- Sers-.it Ernut La u r I n the da.u wu conducted on a 80Clation, entered the w1n- llhowt<t th• clllldnn lhrou1h the tour bv Captain Melvin Kleid.le. ner'1 clrcl• ln the weekly polic. •laUon. Tht ator1e• which They lea~d tbue th.Inf• about Auatrallan l!lln.f1• touma- lh• boy• ~d f1rll wrote "hen nrt'me.n and lht'lr J<*. ment on Municipal Lawn l.bf'y murnt'<i to a.:hool ahow •The Cira trurlu are bl(. They Bowllnr Oreem Tueaday Co- l.bey were w1cM -awake. Thfft' are ~ The hook and ladder lln rolled up 1. blf 20 point are u~rpt.a from ~Ir oti.er-I• the blflHl. They Cake ll tor acore for flrat prt.ze. vatlona bl( Clru. Tlwy take U\e pUMPfr Adrian Irvine made It a · Wht'n lhe p11eonf'n come l? to1 llLtle tires. Fire trudua have clOM race by collecUnf IS U\e police-. U1ey lake t In I er a •lrf'n. a fire utlnJUlaher, lhe pntnt.I tor a.-c.-ond. Jed Wllrox 8ACR.AXJl:NTO, (CN8) -Ar- lldw ot IAcos'porallon for Snack Shop No. 2, 1.nc •. capllal!Md w1lh 1000 ahane Of no-par value at.cx:k, have been fUed wilb 8ec- r•lar7 ot IU.t• J'"rank X. Jord.an- 1"b9 u .L !f•yY actriae9 that 1 ~ to lrttp clear ot lhl• prtnl• and prop.y. 1 MW lht nf't e nd l.1011n. They h&vt tool1. won third with la point•. olfabon torpedo wanabot.a wlU area dunn,. the ebo\·t penoda. ----Tht fire truck hH ;.. lot of men, Mn. Waltu Pe&r1nn and Dtrect.ora 0( lb.a nmi, which wiU daal ln rwtaurant and ca- l•~. are JoJ:ln J\. Mclnloah. •OO ~I SOia Ttrrace. Newport Beach, WUllam C Mclnlyre. 1012 WHl*ood. l!lant.a Ana atad Nor- man A Gambit, 1900 Wut Cout Hlf!lway, Nnrport Ja.Mch be tired dally Moaday lhrou,b A1ao u.. Navy adv1ll4'• the tol-Southem Pacific At tne t1rt ata uon v.e e&w flit· Harold Whit.a Ued for tourth J'r1da)', O.C. I - 7 frwn I a.m lowlnf are dan&er and flrtllt( m,.n R'O do .. n the pole 1'1rrm1n "Ith H point., White wtn- to ' p.m.. _,. kn Clemente artu wtUUD the 11th Nani It Sued for Crash htlp our communlt)' Th1·v prar-nlna th• playoff. Four year-old Mary Holmee. Girl Cuts Chin Steal lq•lpment At Local CMntry Club BANTA ~A. tOCN S1 - Golt eq•ilpmeot •aJued at S4311 b&e been el..01-from a r•cjr. out. aide t.h• Santa Ana Count~ Liub DEADLINES forpl.aclftSor a.nc•llinC" ada art: • For Kond&,y PubUcat.laa J'riday I p.rn. For W.U~ P\lbllc&Uoaa ~lp.m. ror J'rida1 Publlc:atkia Ttuindey 1 p m ?\"EWPO&T HAaaOa Pfrau8RINO 00. 1111 ......... Newpert a.do Ollllf.,,... All ~ A.119 -· ...... few c-ia·1a ......_et ,aWlc.911t• The publlahen wt.U not -rupon..able ror more lban -. Incorrect ln.Mrt.1011 ot an ad. ruerv• th• rlfht lo corncUy cl&Mlty &II)' and all &da &Jld ~ nJtcl any ad not coatonni.,. Le rul1r1 and rquJauon .. C la11ifiecl Index laland. Approxtmete poelUoo Dtatnct for I.he wttk ol O.C. 3 : Ute aml practrrt The fireman dau11;hler or John Holm .. or IHl 9"D be Lal. 12 61' OO"N., Lonr Monday lhrou ..... ~ rldAy, nee SA.:-IT' ANA (I)<.: :'ol 5' ht'lpa ,.,, H• la Kood H• nuu PHENOMENAL! I 30th l'il v.u ruaht'd to Hoas LEGAL NOTICE I c.... ., n-aia ... Th• Soulhem Pat 1r1r fu11 lroa 1I ,. I If I' -1 ...... -A· !t b I .. ~·-· .. ---~~ 111 ll' 00 'W. Ve 1 I• I• are ~1. a L-to ).tldn11bt. an 1 out t11 r~ Be N ""• llveL He I• ()Ip ......., '""' .... y • •moon 'f r----.,. -Co hl\JI been aued Cur $2~ 11~ h h th 1 ttl I • ru..-.a ~ra lalurday a.od Sunday. ~-8 n1\' rncnd l llkr him . f'r parPnl ,., tn • I e r1r Orange Wi~ow Denied Train Death Damage o\er a craah at the rallr•1al1 J h F t• , acr1denLallr Lrlpped <>n her un-!\OTICE I t M•..tac .._,.._ and • dayllJhl h0\111 tM trar\111 and T\1at1n Ave IUI I 0 n on IUS I lt ._._ o.w. .,... from Ca.ti• R0< k to San Mui h :. llt'd l hM uu,. In l>f'r home and NOTICE I• ti.r•by «h•n that Cl•~nle lalLnd DAR Gives Book I Cell. cultlnr h•r r·hln A pr•· th• Collect.or or Cu1tom• for ll BaJWtac ~ Th• pl1.tnllff wu trulk •1rl\er B k t 27 llmln•r• pollrt rtport •latf'd ti\• 'lh1• dJ..etrtct bu 1u 11ed an ordtr 11 lktUdla« ~ Tua&iy a.nd Wedn .. &day. Dec-Jamu Y1111n1 no a•Mreu r1vr11 N~"P•HL chapter ot Daucht•r• UC e I thlld "'hu1 nil her Uuo.t" b•Jl I daled NO'Vember 27, l~Ml a u-u rw.o..la 4 and ~ I am to 10 pm., a..od Ht clalma tht 11etl'nt1ant !a1l"'1 lo nt the Arnencan Rnolullon hH I ll\I• wu \f'r1tlt"d ae Ml the thortstnr lJi. name ..., the otl 11 ....,. y.., ~ rnday o.c. 7 from T a m 10 l'IV• •ul!lrtut .... mane •lirni1la r lv•n • 11rw book to OTanr.. Po·1nts ··n Go ,cue l a<~ .. _. ALERT. orfJCl&I 11 ~rte .... I pm. -the arH bel,.@ot':i before hlJ tmrk an11 •n pn,;tnt l"c.ul l°ollf'e• llbrar)·. r1ou1lu I I number ~7641 '1WMd by 'nM>m· 17 ~nae P)'l"WIUd Cove t.ru1 8&11 Cit· collltl•11 Soull'•!I ,. r' f' m an •• · \"': .. orat 18 __ C H Jr QUln J. f hi 11 N 11 .... Cy A* CJWnU lala.nd. Younr a~Jl.t "~ 1ufftre•l •f'tl· Wut. n~am A R1.,1rapl·). v1ol· l Jnhn ··ontlu• acur•.J a ph•· -.:I, HS ome I... .Beahn. r . 0ho"' c •W· le 11-.IUlt A.149 BANTA ANA.. ( 0CN 1 ) nu• 1nJurlet I u111r t:; l...tadf'r nf the ptevulu· nomf'n•I 11 pumta lo lee J Lh• 1 J HI-.. __ d port ~ 11 l~Ro';: port, lo II 1-l aN F-.d All 0 ...nc• wWSew and i..r two ---11nn " aNorr1tnc to Fre<I Md .-an Nl"wporl Harbor Hl&h 8'1-f'• to ., N•wport {arbor .. h "'-e.n be cha"-to · '' ~ ... 1-'rvcU011 cAildrn w•r• deru.d damac-M 2 H•bor Area S 1{·1111"•" llbr1.r1an a ~~-Sl v.ln 1>ver l:xcel&lur on lb• CN b9alcalb&Jl•l"I play a .. t of •l CARL r . W}fITP: U 81'-"-Waei.4 In Wlr wronsful ~alh com-weat•r Taken The botlk. WU prttrnlf'ol t(l I he lu<al tl()l)r Jo"ride y aflH"noon. home ptnH lhJ.e weco:k· Th• Tan O.puty Dt•trict COll#ctor of lt ...... w ...... pl&.lnl when 8upertor CCIUrt. 5dtoo1 Heads Mrt. \\ y rtinnL•~n 1=0 ~ 1 rnllrl" by ~ra C F 1 ~nd•ra, p;, . .,11 moil! llf'-<'l&culer ttun hi• fact Saint AnthonY • h•r• "!"· Cuetom.1 It N:Moe••-ua Judf• John Shu lul ,.. tell >--= S.y r"ron\ tolrt pollte \\ t'111n· Sit w, .. 1 Ray Av.nu• ;-;,.wport l"llrit tMa l '"u f"onllua' dnvr in morrcw. at\trnoon "'llh lh• ~ Loe AncelH. Cahtomla It-A ._,. tound then had bftn contrlbu-Affencl ConfCll>I day that a whit,. i•w•ltJ awNtf'r 8 ,.ach. ,.n ~halt ut lti• fiAR. 1,. Ill\ 1.,.,.., -·nnda ttmalninr: In playlnf al 3 pm and th• <.:-N u 161l .... A•.U- t.ory MfU .. ~. valued al $12 h•<1 bffn L&k•n -----1 tha cam• which provl""" tht I fnllnw1n1 rrtttay lh•V play Lnnr Ne•·• -Pr.a• ll 110. u I . II, 1. 11 W..t .. t. Buy M.ra. .,._... Danller aod N~ ~Cb and C<llta from her C'lolhalloe lh•I t.tltr·' • • Sult loc•I• with their win. Jl"ontlu1 S.&eb Jordon in Ult hllh 11ehool ll>M at hnttara fW l&a. "°""Mark aad Dru 111>11eM lb• M-ac:aooa wp1rlntendtnl• Roy noon. _ IDIVlftCJ drov• up the middle and 9Cor.4 ~· _ __ _ __ C'1&TIFJCAT& or ftl:IISUS ts-A Aa ....... ~ altft UM hu.aband o Anda.,_ and l;nr•ll A. Rea. I Th alrttl d•r&rl!T\f'nl f ,.,1th mrn hal'lalnc on aa thft rtll.11 N.AJllK II "-t.I., hp,._ Druat)' 8. ~. U, ••• fa-rwpeoctl•ely. are both In San 1 Mattrftl Blaze •. t , .,._ h Th A.. 0 cl<><k n.,srf'<I tht t1n1ah pt>lnr $3000 ·~ Mtued N M.....a. ...... T\" y n a c.._... P'ranri.:o Ulla Wffk altf'nr11n1 ' Th• ~ .. wpml R••· h ,.,,. 1ourt.-d 1(1 pollr• • divine IUll orflrial• C't.11...S • r<:>ul v. hlrh I RoMrt H n&T•m <>! lht .. -. ... t.a.ll 1 Ju.rad IJl rallro&d 1--·~·por. ...-ec ur. ... y ,.. 'J"'-u~r1~ do hereby aa nee-, Oat&. ,,_ ,,.,. mlahap .... I I 1\1 , 1 t •• 1 rertlly that they .,.. •onducll~ ..--•-..--.. · cu~nt ..... ucauonal conr •~ea on D•patlment put nut a r rt In • had ~n found by l>earh cwa.n· 1 I•'• m a n "' ra po n · Jamalra Inn, told ~..Ulre wed· a ,-.neral auto.moll•• ,.Jllllr and 17 U..c«ll T1lit S&nta 'P'1t J\a.Hroad and the •late level for auprrtnlton-mattrw• In a rnom a.hovr 2114 Inc , r•w• about a mooth ••o. ICvtn thourll th•)' l<'or•rt Marlv n•9d1v th•l Illa '11e mond rtnr Mrvlce and Mrv1H •ta lion Ulloder • A.et.a "'·-t.1 Jl:nit-Wllllam M. Warbo)'11 dent.a .,.., bo&rda ot 9durellon w O<' .. lUI F'ronl I I 2 31! r rn I Th<! •1111 In pour C'Ondllfftn. had eo pnlnta lh .. Tan hll a poor Vl.IUf'<l at HOOO hid llffn talc .. n th41 follow1n1 tlrm n&m• a nd ....... '" ..,. Wt'l"T ~ ddt'Ddant.A o.t-. 4 ti and • 11 ael WrdnMl'l•, All ota tlona an1w .. 1° Ir.to Mm.• AmiUi Bro• •l•n· pt"rc-enlaa• nf 1t1,.,r •hot& Thl'V from him within the prrvtow tt-A n,_ ... ,..,,. TM plaJntJlt• .oostlt more ror the 8uper1nlesidenl1 Con'"""" I'd ""1'"all .. l11r bl•t• v. u In lh,. ril .. d on !hr Miiar II "•• malk l11t only f'IChl of 211 ln I h• fire! two "•Y• atyl• R .ti L At.ITO C'l..lNJC '1 Al&. ~ U>aA 5l00.000 <1.amaru claim-I Uon. whit• Ute :MUI Annual Call-bua1n .... ltl8111<l oul uf n;bh.,r1..-d ~a"' a•. Tb••• I half b11I et•p~l1 llP • Jiilie In I ~---Tha •Id. tlnn la cl)m~d of U ~ lDC tM ~~r.. ,.·er,. n.ell-romia lkhnol Board.a A_.11t111n .... n" in•hiatl•~ <•n lh~ 1,.porl thr final 1 .. 0 penochl \Ulh ll !ot H•r•• two .. ach Jetr 8mllh nr1r lh• tollowlllc pererma. tq wit: U A.I,...... •• 1mt. ConnnUon lrill convene Dec 7. Given Oil Go-Ahead that ~ ellll camr from & :\ii Thtlr tr... •hnl nf'nr•1 Tht lorala 1.-d a l th• nrat Rou Whalen of 261! I: riower '1 1'' .. i..I a. llftat J~ Shea ~nt..t • mitt-I and t I <lrnwnlnf vlrtirn wu POQl'l'r ,.Ith only 11 <>f 24 quarter n 11 but lrall.-d at !ltNotl. r.ost.a wua, Call/ornla, &I Apt&. a 8--,., a-1 tNJ mot.loo by the deftnrtanu. Oovemor OOOdwtn J l<n111ht RANTA A~A iO<""IS• 1hul• madt nalfllm• 24 ll l:Arf'lalCtr •J><>rtf'd end l..cw.eU O•bom of 2J7 J: .._A Apta. fer a-t Thi Jul'7 0..0 WU W&l'r~ and I la lO ~ a f•elUIN •fll'•k"r lw I Wiiii.am H ~~"an• haa b~n ICIHll Fonllu~ a("ortd 11 flrld f t>al1 a 3"-·'" lhrH quart•r )f'&•:I anti (' llt It-II R-fff a-t a c-owrt trta.I c:ooUnued 'ror• lha laller orre.n1aat1on •nrt the iro lhflll<1 t11 ruunrv pl11nnln1t n ~t t Ahl(t f\h• J l&rert al rfte and and fl"• fr"'" 1hol• for hi• hlJh thf' lo•••• ··am<P up In the d ... 1n.S-n8'.~• dwa.y. CCllll& Meae .a or· U-0 TnOatra t•1 &-' ......_ tt..4-lal•r "-Id , .. ___ .. ,~ ta tl ti IU .. _ -mm1a•101·fl'-on nla n• I 1rtll f"'J'la u1,.,J ll • Ju•l \Oii atu1 •n• ·-·-· """ .,..., • ...--u r a tn on w .,.. It"'" r.. • · ·~ •· 11 • r"barlrv T•,lnr '"am .. 1t.ro111h llnr momenta ror thPlr win Oa' .... ,Nortm..._r IJ, !lot ct a-t.r a-.t .. _... "'--n coalributorv ·-U '"-bl 1 1 1 l•A o ~11 v. •!!1 th n~•th\4 HI """' an<1 • •lrl• Al '"' I .,.,., '"u ..., .,. ,_, ...., ., .. ..,. • to prou. t ti'\& atlnn on plllJ 1c ., ~ • n " '· ""Ith 12 ,.,.onrt hair p.>lnt• ff)r F"rmUu• .,. . ., l'lp rf'bnundfor wllh R01'!1 WMAL&N •A .... .._ ,..._ on the ~rt of D&aker ed'l.K"atlon to b4' l tVl .. w••I tiv lh• Yorba l.1n•!a •I•'• ·111 .. A •I • .. 111 i>l••I "h"n "'• hail htr bo'hlf111 t 11nn,.r llfl b<>nora. Klrhard I'> w1th Schllrhtnm.av•r brtn1· I LOWELL OSBORN • ._ • .._ ... ...,.. t.IMI l.hal Uw-1'9 lhould be non· t967 O.a•raJ S.utnn ot th~ ..,.. trn al•d """' F:I 1·•1°n A't t•U"11 "1"1 r>f 1110••1<hn '"0111• In ~rhll<hl'n111avf'r 1 rn 1 •r1 flvr, 1 1 12 (( lh boa c11 G Ma-&......._ 8tal• 1.-1alatur• ll'..a1t nf f'10•1w1 l A" 1111101< ar~ 1tift1, ,,11 Tht\' <"all m• ni n o • r ,ary STA.Tl: OP' CAUF'OJ\NIA a.a ••-... ~ ~ry. -• ~ <:arv l"lrk.,n• '""'· ""'• ~lod · f'ldi~n• bl()f'kf'd wvPn ~· or I ' .. _._ ~ ------------------------a )1,t r,f r1J1111r• Thrn thr apoio· l • LI-A._, 1 11...-a. •"·., h"I thf'\ .... ~r 141, 11•1'1 1·••\ l"larl• an•i .M ll<n I •hole. cot:NTT OF" ORANGlt M .... -OJJ ....... WOMEN BEHIND BARS ARE NOT FORLORN ABOUT LOT 'f..,..P:R Jllft ----:-On Wovtmborr 12, 19M. befor• N .. _,. .. IAM ~Hlt• • f lh,.•n t ~11 ""' th,.,. UI• 11ndtre•cn"" Notary Public N ._,, W•W arr JC<r1rq11 '" -I lnH "1\' jc-h , (.,11111• • '1 '" ,,.., v.11t• t • 111• •rtPr I U1"\ r,. ,., ........ 1 """11 '°hrl•lm aa 1 rir•lt 11rrt tnu,10:a 11 K• that Thtl· 87 IAC'a a. 80rrTNI:& ere uwr\ord ··o.t'• bellcerent I bu•v Onr ~rl I• •' 1111\ 1111" Jhnr• · L 1 • e Vf'O '-lf'l ffl• ln f'lt'f"ft \''T'tl 01' SANTA ANA. IOCN!l wont obey lhlf n1IH. l'h• a~• hand \\f' •nil 11•" nnllr •n" It th h Tou"d th1nJll the woman •tilnl1 lnlo th• ··11uqf'On" j ha,.• .. v .. rv <I•}" \\'• Rl•n ,., .. h up " n ,.,. •Vf> '''"r nn "P rn r-·-a County Jail ban would Sh• r1tKrtbe<1 the .. lt•1naf'<>n · •• nn thf' ., a ll! •• tar .,. !It"\' '•n rn1"'in 1 ~·-I · 1 n• 11r1una: a n11 n•1l I"'"' ma.1 baa torlora kit. 'Talnl'IO. a r .. n ... 1th no wlnrtow1 It hu a reuh All ~·11th tr• •mlr~" th•Y 1 1 \' 1 J At i.at that'• \.he at.ory of pad blankal and tnll•t II ••n t ,., .. alrk . I fa ••r;:-•ir"'11· 1•1 1"1 1 1 1111 1 u': •n• a!l•n however thlll r.,IJ 1-roe ""'""t nf thl'n1 Uf' vrr 1• ronr· '"'.:' 1" tn •Tmh an• I "' " fl m 'Jil,..l~ft;' Senior Matl"Ofl Mum-.d II. Cal' • ' I . · "" ,... urrtava • cir 1 .,.,. 11nmf'· ou..i.. of &U E. Jlll,.,.U.. 8Lrlt& rupl"'1 . . .ra.Uve /ou a•k lh~m !o <in "h•I '""'rtr!M Th .. v rant Ht A.n&..'t'MWl'UArdimbadlhelh.rM r;.xrr..a.n:~Cf:D HA~O . ..,m,.th1na: Th,.y ma,· •• , 1·,1 h hn r d 1 f h I k ralh•r not hut I "'111 • l f'lr v rllln • , on" al Pr Jail decu ~ other itay In -M.-raMthf're wl'nt 10 v.nr hr,,lhrno hu•9•nr1a IWln• anti. ot how lh• pla wbo cet ana,...S tn In th• Jall about '"" lllffif' tam• l)ftf' nt lhl' Of'' 1nnu\'ftl1<1nll ,, ··•ulfllf' mnthrr• anti 111rl rn .. n•1a th• law wenP ma.kine out. 81\trlff Jim Mu1lrk ram., tnlo nf., lhr ~·n•n-n • Jrtll 1• " 'l'""' Thin11:• h•"• ~IKhlllnf'rt up alnrt "'You can NY lbey art pral"' flc-e That'• mor• than l'l yearw hnur Aflrr 11101 h tl1• 1{1rla 111• .. ., · I'""' c arolht'r. < aushl • Sant• rn!Kb a happ)' irazia ' the matron AatO ln the be.crnntnr ,.11. 111 a• IM'nt In th,.tr rf'lla fnr 1ir1 h"'" nf b b ' t ' ' , I 1Wllllllr1f' Thf'\ '""" r,.ll,1 Alrep , An!I ""roan tq·1n.c tn 9m11i~t• «Xplalnad, ..,.. Jue t)'e9 nast11n1. t-4ed only about lhrtt d•)• • · I mariJU11na 1ntn rh .. Jail In a tal- ""nl-v tau-anct atns and --.lL ()ddJy ltOllN'\"ff th• num kntl ar th.In~• alc>ni: that 1111.. .._ I I •-• • . • • rum J>C)W.....,r ctin fJn v rlnthlnr to •""" Ute Of cou....1-tt'e not ber of fWTtaJe 'pr1.an11r. waa Thtre • nl) t.alklnc. No redln1 ;:>;n 1 d L. r-, ·-an mnn"'V C"an ""' hrm1rt11 In that wa;r at nrwL It "8Ua111 allioul U. •m• t1'en u ll I• naw nnl•., now ta&• th<!!lll a!..,_, ct.,. &Re?' u.y In •pltr of t.be oounty'a arowth Llthla RO out at II Pm. VJ lhfl' Thi' irtrl• ""' allnwft<.I ilpprai<I· haft bWn to court . ' • pt ad-Thf' Jatl ~·t ,et l''ederal In-dnm11l11 of Mr• C°llfflthn• •n•I hl'r rnatrlv S:'i • WN'k tlh•lr own Ju.led. TMn lbey l'9l Into Uie malra Neither cSoea It hanr11• flVt m•lrnn• 11 • '"'1 ah••"• r ,..h , 'Allh ..., hlrh In buy candy, awtnr of t.hlnp. ~ ' "'•Iha< k• Q••ltt I 'irn c1a:urllf'• at th• )all and •ther Whll• 111 lb• put OM list ot I Wmnt"n pn..,nera are kept MP· Kf:P:J" ro1 "'UI ''i Item• fmm th .. 11rui atota areund distaff pr1enn..,. baa ran,..cl up anat.-1 tram Utt men. They h.a•• "'\\'• itt • Int of pound1nc:· th• .. n1n .. 1 A matron takH their to IO and on.a around 20, the lhtlr <'IWTI rhun-h .. TV!~• ori lhr he.tpe<ladrd r.hlef matron omen av-ca llle pUt montll bu hld Wf'<1nuday and Thuraday n.ltr'llt I 111•doHd "fine rlrl rnr l11lo h•r A doclnr ,~ a»allable d&Jly. at apprrntim•~ 11 ,., d&J'. 1nrt Aundky mornlna The (lrla rf'll ,..Ith hf'r •ho~ nn ,.,.,.nrlv, Rrl\l ,.ml'rlfl'ni v ru•• are ruahed RA11fDLED U.111: like l/\e ~rvlC'e far the m091 We 11nn I Ilk• to lf't them do lhat. to lhl' rn11nt y hnwpllal. 8e"leraJ TM ctr .. .,.. M8dJed Ullte ma.le JMlrl. Some atlend a.U. Food la I Wto l•k• l)iclr ti.II.JI and 1boe9. (~bl• all•mpta have bfe lftada _,.a. UWI prl our&. 11wJ are brou&til up to lhe llllrd et.GrJ by ~hf' t>ammf'rt<i on the honr and a t a11l<'ll1•. Nnne 111r ... ad\il. ,,_ ... ~W aa • .....,....., •• men al'Wt Mrr~ by -an lrul-1 wa lla "'"llb her •h~• unUI the have been no tlll'ar-t.J1ed dm'- t..-iopa,._.• ,...... ._, an i-• hffll ww. ripped oft. A.ltd they ~Mrs. Carothva' tMa ot dvt:J'. flnt '""""l ....... U. ...... 'nae pla .... th•r OW1'I ll• W•T'll nice a1-a, '-· Aad ther.'1 Tht la,.rt lh• 114' of ,n-. ...._ ,,.,. pt • 411111hdaat bn.ry. n.q .. &Mir laundry a lilt of IM:"rMmhlc and crvtnc .,,. the more ltltflt:1llt Mr.. Car-'a.oa.. "1th lM ~ ot lteckllnr. tmm tl'lt new on.... nlhera' job berom• "But I nnd ftl"llt ltop .nn booldq Ill a ,,..,. maid )Ill d9thln1 "' t.lle "'Another (1rl wu a real wild· It you treat them wtth ro11r\eay, ~r'" l.ai\)t. Th.y -Un male lnmat.a. rat J .ffl>n'I think •ht' wpllfhM thf'\"ll 1·npeC'I )'Oii Oo what yoll th-. until tlwy",,.. Mfon to rourt, LDUT WAaDltOBF. m11d1 mn~ than a 1no 8hr tan> --·•nt " or ,....._. .. kA. TM -en ba" a t-..d,._ open the front of hu d..-. BU We .,.,.. u•h•l"fd down the baD wone-. ...tiDft t.a. a re wa.rdJiMit wltltle Mll&nd 11ara. A anothtor Sfl"1'1 1 hum I> a 11 <I t~ Ule 11ant at.el dool'. A -.utflt*I wtt.la ..._ ~ VMJet fl'M"lellt-blua 4h'9 19 ..-om ex-wouldrl°t kt l'O Couldn't pry har IM••lH w... bu1y In one C!tll, put- ... lower, • tW9 ..._ lame C'9pl on Holtda}'11 Uld lunda)'a. A 1-Flnlllly halt to call on the tine on a ~at ot pal" rrttn ..._ tt 111 ~ le .. ..., two wlllt• *-la umd Ml U-oc-men. We took h•r to U1• bollpHaJ. pain! flN • U. ~ MeaUM of c-u1or:ma. Bntla are ,i&l:a and bevt Sh• wu • m•an one We dnn'l .. II 1 rotn• In look nlre:· Mrw cro•6td ,._,., ....... T""9 Jail a1ae IMlt.a. "H• Ulal kind ••ry oft.en Carot.h<ora can1mtnl4d. •raaJ nlc• .... a Juv«dll wll. I ''TM ftrl• lllle to _,.., croch« "l l'fln«nber ane lnet.an1-e, whM wa ,.t a.ll Ole c.V. p&lnt ~ m • •.at we ,.a fin• and ....ct.·· Ulte .._.. tnat.roa •-~. Ttle strt had been ln 1»-.ci Com• bee)! and -u• lh-11 w1llo Sa 49uproua. ~ Mn. C'.arotll-plalntd, "'W• like to kwp lhem to~. Apanlah «1rl. l we.a on the Coma hack anytln111." SWIFT MANEUVER FOR THE PIRATES OM el UI• NUOn• r<)1tl\ Al lrwtn'• Oranra Ooa•l r,m • ...... S\llt flnj'n toJ'l"""l tN Eas\ttn C"'.onl•ranc. snd ltlallitl"6"f U\1a .... aaon ,.... Joha Hopkin&. one of many riiw 11\n.t• balOmrh, Hopkl1111 -nt up to the Bue• lhla ..... from Ntv.·port Harbor Unton Hl&h lkl\nol. -ltelf Pboto ~r9')nally ap~red Roe.a "'1l•len 11 a-.J ....._ " . ......., I and Lowell 0.hom llno...n lo m•' N a-.i IAt:as. ...,,_ tO b... \he p<tn<>n• ••hnee na.m•• I .. ._ f'f'O,_.,, ar• hereu.nlo .u!Mtcrt~ and •<II· M -A C-.rela&,. Ja6mtrW nowlf'dc.d to m• lh"t lh•y u-• ll a., Ea&at. ~ eculf'd II\<!' ..amt l a 11.-1 Jt.ata&.e H R R.!Nr. Nolarv Pllhllc 1n anti for aald ~·--• N-- · r.ounty an'1 11tel« r------------· ~-........ H11 HI N-1 p,..., 11 ll 121~. 10, 17. tlM JlfOTICE or l 'T1tSOF.0 MOrTGAO& NCYnC'I: IS HJ:RJ:BY OIV"P;N : That Nannrn R.Hlna 6 C-t-11"«1' Co. Mortpcor. WhOM •<l· dl"tllll la COO Vk:lorla ltrart. lit UM City of Collt.& Mo•, County or Or~•· lltA!A of Callfc:mile, l n t • "d • to m o r t 1 a 1 • to Comm~I Cnod.lt C'arportUon. Mortp ... wboM addrHe I• 722 lo. Spnn.c Street. In lhf> Oty ot Loe Anri.1, County or Loa .A.~lu, lll•l• nf Calltoml&. Cert&1n Equipment ot a ~rt.a.ln ManufaC't 11rtn1 bum~• known u Narmoo Reatna It Ooattnp C.O.. &11d lac!atfod at IOO V\ct.ana atrwoet.. In U.. Qty of 0Mta ...... Count7 o1 o...na•. State "' Ca.WonM, and t.bal ...... cutH _..,... "' &M -wm w ..... , .. &ad UM , ... 11T'W- U. Uill:Ntar ,.sa at J.O:tt ~tledl AX. • UM 11\Jl 41Q fll ,,_..,..,, UM. at t.a. Wl"9W ~t ottM.C~ er.dlt Ocll'ponU. at Tn k Sprin," ltrwt. la tlM Qty ot u. Anrela. C.Unty 4'f lAa An....... lt4l• of CaUlomla. Dai.ct N.,11111.ber n . 1to1. Nannco RHtna 6 Coalltl ... Co, M~pt Comnwr<"I•! Crio<tlt Co.,,orallon Mnrtp1tt by r J TAMH. Jl\ Newport Harbor B. P . 0. E.. 1787 M..U •"U"J Tt111nda1 I ,.a. V\a Oporto ----C.tn.I .... N"'J'Ort--= Dick Newman, l:Ulted llula' THEY'RE LOOKING FOR YOUR .... J'OCI ad••U. la the ~·effied Columna of the N ... .,..__ ,, I TV RING til.NUSC'RIPTS -LEGAL OORftESPONOENCE LU· CILLE llENKE HA R· SOR ~. 85p98h PHOTOSTATS BwU!eM C&rda tt.• per M HARBOR BLUEPRINT 3111 N.wport Blvt. Har '311 17c!Wh NOTARY JOHN LB;AHY ll02 Newport Blvd. Npt Bell. Herbor 1549 24-Ar, pbone Ml'YICe SEWING MACHINE RENTALS AND ~f'Alk:j rftOM P .60 FUN AND i'ABRICS 1T79 Jr. 1'.-port Bl , Coal& M.,._ L1 l..u-01 Jl-Ralklma 8enleee BUILDING? c.J.I McCLAIRE BROS. GENERAL CONTRACTORS Har 0313-M Nww Conllnu'tloa -Allr11lllon• Addtllona CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WOHK NU JOB TOO SMAl.1. H u. Andetl!On WEA THERSTRlf'PING ~·AWNINGS ""'"~ THEA~GKAN u Mtn Painting, Decorating Paper~ GEO. BURKHARDT UCl:HSZD CONTRACTOR Liberty a-u:ia COMPLETE PAINTING IRONING A Paper Hanfing Service fl Pr.R HOUR, p1oe~ up • J:UOt:Nil 0. SAUNDERS ~Uvereti LI l·t~'f. 8Tp81 ~ 3llll Sll"Wl, Newport a..a~h Harbor 2111 Uc CHILD CARE lJl my h.ome, "'"k daya, Infant or ·~ yr• PAINTING INTEJUOR8 -EXTEIUOHS Local ~erenc•• ;.le en.Md and lM\1 rt'd Haynie -Harbor 30~ 71Uc BUDGET Builder, Inc . Repei" Remodelin9 Units Hom.s or older, Har 3.ZUJ '1Tc!MI COOK -Gener&L Tu llve In. Lo· Cl&l 1 d.,-eni:e.e re4u1rcd. 01M><l .. alary. call Hal Hl7 bt>lWttn II a.m and t p .rn. Mon.-1''rl 116cll7 l!:XI'l<:RlENCEO rook hou•e· kttper to lakt' cornplelt' d1arge ot SO La11una u1·tan fr•rnl tlllme. No lau1nd1y. 'l in '"""'"'· 8al&rv noo per mu l'liune H y•tl 4·704\1 i1~1cll7 Beacon Pertonnel Agcy. r1111 '"b uppo1 lunlUt't1 all flehi. MEN & WOM £!\' <.:all Now For Free 1 1 1:.>0 Tu11U.n Ave., l'tt'\\purt Beach Estiin&UI 1 Afl uu lrom All Amt>nran U S..77~9 Eves. LI 8-7tl32 _ P"rkln~'---- EXPERT REMODELING e Audlllona e lt1'f'\11• • Cablnt"l• e Lnuvnr W1111J11''' e Doon e 01tntral ca~te1 y, .,rk e REASONA.IiLF. l..h "nMd Har :.~11is \\' ALEX SILMAN General Contractor l.ICE1-18£lJ ~ew Work -Rt'modrlmg J . MIL TON Mr KE.'lZTE llubor 6399-W 58tfc I.A OY cap&ble of helpl••I at'nol• uwah•I 1-'1v11 daYa a "'eek II to •· Hai lUO-\V. 9Hlc I GIRLS BRIN<; \'OUR FRIENDS 1;H1JWTH AND Pl<OMIJTJ11NS HAVE 1.:Hll:AT!i:U Vl'~;SlNl:S JfU[l TELEPHONE OPERATORS l t !,l. PAY A8 YUL LEAltN J• 11~~1..,/Ut:;:->T INl.:H~ASE~ l'l.XA8ANT OFltlCES lOH It. Balboa Blvd , &1bo• 1 R EPA( R WORK U&ibor %4~ nuc -APPl..ll' - 8 i" TO •·so -------CEME.Vf BIUCK HEAT FOR SALE WHY FREEZB THIS WINTER? I IJ' YOUH home la <:old or vour Tra•I• Hs11.t.ng (.1f'JIO l J1 PLASTER & PLUJ.!BlXl; •3t!( turna.:e n Cua. lo operat• I------------ CALL 1 _~ __ h_noo __ .. ____ ~- 1 l'l \\'F.Sf THIRD 8,t,~'I A Al'O:A PACIFIC TEL!:-~PHONE SOME FHI!:& ~OM'E Fa !'Ol:W 11.allnp dailr, octlce. ~­ m .. ttc and othera Al.SO t.UNY JOBS F'OR ME.~ . XMAS B,ARGAIN SPOT 1 mly -. a.t.Ll>Wltt A.0R0- 80?flC aPilfJIT , -Map&.. llU .....-. lave up lO &Jmo.tt • !Wt ol .... price. 1 ool)' ...., KIMBAU. Bl.ONDIC llPINl:T -R. e u t • I rtwm. Can't ~ told trom new - Save IJ00.00 unly -Near MW' BLONDE WURLITZER s p I N It T -SO-MllNillneom ~00 I 1 only -GUL81lANIU:N BPINJ:T -RenW r.etw-11, 1n ltffuUfUl Salml ma!11t -8&1• IH~.00 1 only -BeauUful MAHOG- ANY QUE&N ANNI: KlM· BALL SPlNJCT -aU(hlly d&ma1r~ ln alUpmenl Sa\'e U !I0.00 1 only -F I o or demonatr•t.ur ml>MI -r a m o u • Make 1:1.l:CTRONIC ORO.AN I n Slllem maploe -New iua.r·a.n· ttt Save 1100 00 WATCH ~ CLOCK repairing OUARAN'f&Et>. FR.US UTIM A T&a. NEWPORT JJCWKJ.ERS co.ft. .... IJ 1-4111 171u Newport J!IJvd. DRAPERIES and SLIP COVERS Made to Ord• Eatlmat• -kmplu LADIU mum.cl pU cJ1Abaand .... "" \l.,,.JMCI 11».rrOr, ·~ " .... MCI. ll:*tri') ......_. ttlmrnlrl' utd 15' cord. ... WlJll C11&1r, acl Oond.. PM~ '..U ~. Vte'tof IClttlrtc Add. MadJldll, $11L, Wll flfl\. 1'U' White arid ,old Lamp ...... -..px. &O" tall, '40 .,.u-. Be. al "lO' WarlJ614. C()nma de! Mar, after 6 :IO or Sat. m 8wl. t :)c:llT SHOPSWlTH Mark V, e moe. old wtlh SllO ID ••ll'a ~Ulp· rMnt. Wtll -11 for u:ro. Cell Ll MTl9. Mplll BICYCLE. Olrla 8~hwl.nn. U5. Junrle-Jlm Bara Larrt aiw 120. Hu. 0715. 116cll8 JUST MOVED. Have retrl& , •love, beda TO llEl.J... Alao table, ch&!ra, ch.eat. child • cletlk, mlrrorr.r, lamp•, lawn inowera, dUllH, etc , •tc. 307 ConLl, BalOO. lllaJl(I, Sat. and Bun., or alter 6 . 00 w • • k nlfhla. 91pl18 FREE LUCILLE DRAPERIES l unly BLONDE MAH<>G-Harbor M66 or !Mlltl See o ~ h 4! a r ART LINK· ANY J!:SSIC FR!:Nl'H l:if'IN· Terma u dellteel. ~lto LICTTER'S HOUSE PARTY l!.1' l'fAN(J In perCo!<:l wudi·, =-----------dally on CBS radio or TV lion. Sa"' $35-0 00 STANt>ARl> ""-khair. ln ea· fe.turtn~ ioo.J Jt>welen ore>· celi.nl cond1uon. wllh foam ducta. E:1'cluah,. a J • n l. uf r u b be r cuahloaa. U IS. Kar world nnown~ Wylt'r w&lrh 1111:.l·tt. 97p9ll wtlh Wlbnuk&ble b&Lanu ala.ff ---__ --------and rnatMpnn«. UncondlUona l Llt>eraJ Trad.-• Ocnvenlenl Terna A •mall iJepoatl w\11 hold only ROTI88ll:RIB:·Broll·Qu1k-Su~r iuarantee. Pricn from $211 9:i Chef, Lft. else P6 00 ne..... tG 52'6. See RAY P'lEL.DS or~an or phrno for <.:hrtatmu ~II for •so 00 Call Har'-· .--~ .. d.t!Uvery • ...,.. ,,., .. _fl S, Y~\a Ct>nlt'r, AT Or1U1ge Co.• OTW•n Hdqa. Pin.. Plano• SHAFER'S FOR Mt:SIC \l:hnt~ 1111171 4:ll 4..?3 N . Syramorw, KI l-Ol!i:l Santa Ana THEA TS I h ~ l(ll•&teet uf all. a Hant1111•n1I "' g .. n. Wt ha\'e all mou1•I" r1.1 Ranta rllllll l<1 I h1.ulk· fl IJITI, The t'tJNCERT M(.JO~:I. fo1 thf' flllf'•t l'ri;:anlal. '"" t.t••11tl· f 11I HUME MUOF.l. Ill•· Ju\ ,.ly lllllt' S l'lN!i:T an•I ll\1• t HI popular CH\ 'llCH MUlJ~L tau UI• lra<llllonal /lutnt'I A II h &Yf' 7 m•nual krylloaril• an•J r .. nt·pedal• ra~rnrnlJI 1111111 ... hill• 1U1 J4tt monlh "'r cir· 11\l!r tor <"hrtatmu 8< llMII•r PHILLIP~ f'IAl"C1R A llP.· •,AS!l, :ll(l Su. Mall' :-.ante A nil ANTIQUES 370J. Look.I brand ne ..... 111,,ee 807 W . l9tb, Coat.a M • 1 a . Prop•rty Owner Attn. I 2 u a.-eo.a. Mell 18 t ouR WA1'1:R HEATER MODEL T tb-0 x 21 TLlH, out ot Ila ruarant .. penod ! tub.-a and wheda U O Gu la lben any danfV ot It fiood-huter new moclf'l U O Alum1· lnf your borne '!' num laundry tub l :'J. C.all 1..1 1·1•a TIMll TO C A r..L 8--:2042 f16<·1111 4 n .xpert about th• condJtlon ot your water bHttt. SO-B-AppU&nct11 CA l.J.. your aulllortU'd DAY A -~ • ~ • ---- l 11.'16 HOTPOlNT refrl« lt '1 lhf' Dell H ... bl .. CtOH lop fref'I. er. lhe!ve. In dl)Or rnlor In l"rtor Pa 1.t dn lrt 11 37 11:1 N" C•al\ dn, p11.y only 11 71 i,..r Wff\t NltiHT Jetatua W•t•r Heater ~aler. Joe Bechtold-Har ~ f'or Fl• wpecUon BED-SPRING ILJld MATIRESS SlO • A million olber be.rg&.ina 1n BA UGHN'8 F't 'llN warr~lilUH A&O W. 11th Rt. «oata Mte& 1 blk.. W vf V&n'• l:to\\·lln& Alley. Slr.or• noun Mcmt'la\' Lllru Frtd".Y 1·11 t>at. II lo I} Sun. l l-6. U ~·311M KELYINATOR DOUBLE . DOOR REFRIGERATORS I 13 TO I b CU. FT.! pn1perly I JlJNP: FARRAR, Empl} l.l)Nt; LASTIS• •llF'TS appliances a n d com- plete Curniahulp and Clothing for th' F.ntJ~ Family I • ~"l"•••I · """'"' 'P '" If>•) NORGE GAS DRYER BRAND nl!W llOT moOalL Bpe- cl&l lhla week only SHO.l)U. $8.00 down, $8.&0 11\0llUI. rree tn.atallaUon. JAKE'S APPU· ANC'tlS, 1917 Harbor. Co•U MuL U ·l-0119t. r FOR SA~ .. ~IU -.ua ntoa•· p ...,.._. ....._,_ ... nd WW Oii ldllt Tnda. :'1 ao W. ~I-Ill.cl. ...... ~ u.,. IOll =· ti UIL oa . N .. pun ·~ .. a New 1-4 ft. Send•J~r e~ -1 .... t. iii=u11.. danron ..U. 1"01 Uoa atep 1ll at ICI\ W. 0.. 111· wa1, H•wpor\ a..cll or c•ll 19116 NOR_G_lt_aulo-m-. _w_uh_e-r. Harbor '211. Ttllo The latut one witb lbat new WILL trade lfM 8Ulck • Or. dla~n.eer "hMl, ba.d a c&,.load Good oondluon for ~ IO-H.l'. c-om• In wsth mom• alif'hUy out~rd motGr or ll&ilboaL damared. CG.t you on I)' Har. 61M. IMld $1118.77. No down payment, pay only U 18 per Wffk UNOJVTDl:D Half lnttrtal In 8Al10HN'8 FURN. w~tMie plU and tloal W. end li&lboa e60 w . 17\h st .. Co•ta M-. Ial&nd factn1 Udo A 1ar• J blk. W ot Va.n'• Bow~ opportunll7. laq, Har 1714 Allry Blore boun. Monday ~ Ulr\i F'ririay t ·t . Bat. t lo I . -T-n'--. -.-.Ui-8'!\--U-L_A_M_lt_.._.--pr-e.y- llun. 11·0. LI 1-31H. dillf)IJ. Factory aacun4. &&· NEWCOMERS TO COSTA MESA! rMMf;lllAT!: dell•ery TODAY nn oul of to"·n c~lt Pl)' 011ly Sal" TaJt dov.'ll, lone u :1e mnnlh• f\nanMn1 on low lotrrl'al ba.nk lerm• Du" to u11r low Qver~ead , no expen· ""'~ advtrtlalnr and no .. 1.,,.- man a commwlon -)'DU will HVI' l!\ lo 30'< on RANGES, RP.:FRJGERATORS WA8H- •:RS and DRYERS Jo'REE 1:-ISTAU.ATION and 1 00:1 1.-llabl<! lotal aentc1 JAU 8 .A.PPUAbls&I. 1131 Harbor, r.o•ta M"6. t.i-a-1\~'4 n-wu~toauz TOP pr109 ~ tO\' JUNK Iron, copper, bl"UI, alwnlnmn, ttc. Any quantity. Immediate pick up. Call LI t-J70I. ~mt ltuy. Har I032. Boats ORY STORAGE nttc 110c P£1\ l'OOT. Crane 6 Wll.)• avallabla. Dally 6 w•k•nda. ma w. Cout H lfl\w11. [.l a-110. \lllltl M-.Hm.lclal. Ba41o, "t \I ~··-·-· Knowlton~ TV REPAIR 6 amNTAl.A FAaT81CftV!C&. &llA802U91 I a.rttce ~ un. pm. JJ ··-·1 V Antennas $7.95 DfalTAl..LICD A ntonnu •t.N and 11r ACME T. V. w 111t ac. STANLEY ACKERMAN •J h 1. " co o lea A nonymoua HEATING I Wr11A p 0 Bos a.A\ A~ey t u::i,.. l~nd !\!. N1•t •• ~111:1:-TMAS •llt1PJ'lnR " p1 .... !:Searl\ .crQu from l.,lV llaJI I '''"" In "'" •llup Nu 1u•l1. lb• • s..ir • defrn•Unc • 1 901f( B• UO. TO MAR.II ,..-pain nr t" ln1tall H~ a..c~. Calll, a uw Oil*. Pboa• ll&rbor • n:i Jll•ntv cot I'•• k In i: •I,..."' VETERANS H~:"f1H~.l • , ., 111• "~''" ln• """' l'h•1ulni;:: ,·~n•t;· rot ,.,I"'"· • 11l INDUSTRIES rn1p.-ra • Roll . "''t •hf'l~·n • • ------------ U11tlrr l<•"'J>rl e 1· 11 t,. t ~ \\'ANTE!• --TO BUT -lalt1 kr-ep.-r • I!; 1" k • P "• r • I r'nodel raa r~u and ti'· LIBERTY' I · 1214 or tuRBOR 18'7 ti• 1, h""' •' n n 1' 'n' • nk r\c'•' & I I'' ,.,,,...11 A '"''"''I'll It 1•••. ''•t· ------------1 11,n1111~1·•11,.11 •t •11 1nll 'T1•1lr1 1111u1r, lllmp•. •tl'ln& A many 218 Locust ~tu-I\·~• 1n •l<"•t, •l•. rnr~r•lo,.. J A FC.11:'8 APPLl· 16 yu.~ In Hr.rbc>r Ar•• Allllc PAINTING PAPERHANGING sre~~c~ ~?!!~ Har. l•O. or 6317 PA INTING INTIJUOR --.fr~XTl::RIOH ALI<> .MARl.'IE PAl!'.'TINt; UCENIElJ -INSt;R.&rJ l~BeautJ Ald9 1 ""'t 111 1 ... ~,, '' "''" A• '""''~ "'h1·1 "hJ• •I• "' ,.q 11·0 m.. 13-i W . Anaheim '" lido I ,11 • IU.rl(" :'-1•1&1 1 1r11·1·<t11a l<l m•nllon \\'• huv ..,1\2 Ii"" l11u1 .. r "' 11•1< 11·•· "~ 1· 1 ,. 1tf'll FJRBA.NKS Rr:IJ "IV E. t lh Rt II•~ ·~7 t 1•111 \I•"" P+>tl• HAHN " 138411 Hai Ma l:llvd 12101 E . Bol.aa Call THfS WEEK ONLY w~ v.111 mut the fOllOWlnlf &lhlWallt It ror your 11111 q•ullClf'd lradt 1n cfn1trr11tnr 1 •· 1, 1'1 '.l·3:HJ • 1 talk N. or Qn.n Mon & Fri 'til 9 Y R.l.x·A-C1ror 1 ··" A~:·n.l1 A I' i. "I I .,. •• r~ I our Jt1n• 11,,r Ir.Ji, I.II;:•"" '"ntm11Ut•r Bh•<I 1,t.• _1 t'r"• ~\'r• r.i.i~$7~00' CONIUl.TA:'l."T K<a ,~,.;.1:11! !1$rll WHITl!l ROKHARA ANTTQt•1t I L:p tu lU Yn <>Id -UtlfJIJO' OcncDatntlon.a, ne obllJ•Uvn _ P:l!tr<'mf'I)' rat,. fl II•• 11 M11et l"p to I~ Yn fJld -'1 7~ 00' llomlle Wllaon -Hiatt •·840 I MlJTHF:I'~ l\•lfoN I 1 IU•J>'P ur C-ltf'!IST.'otAS TRF.A TS • nrw !><' 1oltl n•~· \•Ill.. s~ I L'r lo :l(J Yr. 11ld -u~o 00' Cll' Bhlt t·ll:S~ lurh ' h ><II .i:" pr•f .. n.-.1, II"' Harr.mond Ch11111 uraan tor AIAll 1•\~t'l ar1t1r1:.i,. ~ln«ff l:'> l Lu w Ii• n" l•llru on e nY ~ttc I 1r or '"'t Har 21 •. ~II~ I u,.• 'hol• tam11;. f'Vuyone "'II A \i a h•" 14..,0. Now Ul.'I b&t.m·"· l'p lo 36 rnonua ft· ------------MOM, f'A[\ BRO'THErt !11.'t Pl'r•••n n.1f1' IPXJ>"rtly ••·I nan<'lnll 1 liA \ F. \O' "1"fl " 1 • h ~ d 1" T~:R can pla y II. 1t • •o ru) p•l,..d a l ven l<>w r•l,.• Supertluous Hair I ::.~~" ... , .... r .. :;10"~ I; !Vlntt" l~ I $211 • mun\h J>&Y• fnr II w, F•t1m111 .. ~ fr~ r1·~H'.\tAN >I ,· I rr 'I\'• ., a,r • ""' mrn dPlhPr fr>r t"'hn•lm•• ,.,., hav• 1 2;-,:, C rat H I" a \ 1·oron• Perman,.atly r.mo,,•d fro'T' ,.,.. 'I'' inc 1 "•ae .) "'.r l'r>J<Ju• 1 v• or." u ••J •~Md Or1r at •t1b· dl'I Mar Har l H2 l»H911 1 11131 Harbor Cr .. ta J>trii• 'lmf' P'Ahtlai •••IOE SC'H'l.lllJr. --• 0J>(·ntlll:'il0 llOOPM Frh1•y JAKE 'S Tu ,1 .our~ ) ""' f,1l1J1 ~ 11 1:•1 I PH ll.1.f I'S Ra Oi 'lln •<n I I A:"<TIQI ·c: ntlll bl• Inf' d1 •v~r Ph<>nr Ll·A·~l1'• 1•••• •t "K" 1, 1 ,. 1 1 ,~ .. •n•1 rntr ror ~~:. Ma£:1Uflrr tor !ltnr" :120 .-9 ..,ain arma, lt'l• Eyt t>row• and nah Glenn Johnston ll.U uape0-Nl. mw .. lw~~.Sl"I IOl :&l.lll ~l ="•" p..•rt H<A< h I Sl J.&N I.. BR 'f A Nl It £. Harbor l1711 411lt c IJd.o'a Balun of lkauty Har 2~78 I T" •l0t.nl" ~h •r 11'111Jllli' S•nt" Ara ' · TY 12 ~1\ l..a•&• oak drak a na1 ~ 'I '" h11\f•• rtuur 5211 r,,.,.cull~• tyr-.,,.,.,. FREEZER. btJ 12 •., 1·11 fl. c;f'n era.! ICl~lM< Holdt OHr 400 lbs. of tood l:ulor 1nter1vr ,.,.. Lr& apace In d•i'>r Paid dnwn lO llP 04 "1\111 atGred. No r Uh dn , pay only $l.01 J)4'r week --I tt•1 CEMENT 6 BUILDI:'\G 'I tu' •••' -"" •lr.,~•n ~.,,~, ~· ,,.., '1Mn1 H~r ""' lt•·~I \l<•m· Grt Your X ma 11 Carrl11, ~lallonery &: Book Matches Monogram~! at All Kind.a FREE ESTIMATES Libe .. ty a-e1og BAY PLYWOOD CO. 2112 HARBOR BLVD. COST A MESA. PLYWOOD CUT TO SlZF.: El~trlc Power Triola and •~uonee DEWALT -DELTA - 8KIL -BLACK I. DECK- ER -STANLEY Ii 0'1'HER8 "Everything for the WoodworkinQ Shop" ~n Mon. Urn1 S.t. I to g U Mtn _.1tc PAINTING ........ pr.lilt.a. ICllta10I' • lilt.r&or, root. am.II ftP&I n a1IO ZolotoM. Good m&~dt.l Wot'llt f\l&l'U'l..cl. LICl:NBED A INSURED. Bar lonM. Upll CARPENTER Repair Work 0.-YOW' HMM NH'd n..,,_1rin1 or ftembdtltna ! cau nan1t. Liberty •-4'9"4 A.n Wwll Guaranttied 7•~ ?'-&hools. lnatruc-tkm -I learn Modern Piano I 1111111 l'1u1< I ~•1 N, "' I' 11, t f;hoJ 1.:0•1" M1•1<1t Vf;r\l'i l...rarn lo •l&M-1'99<1. 1.mpro\ lH, , XX--lilft Sug~t°""titNUI pta y by "*r Younaaltn to -·------ oldatera -v. lll lt'tl.Cll yuu u I ~·:J rnucb or u Utlle ill you Wllh Softwater I VLNCENTS LIDO DRUGS :H6J \'la l..lr1o f•rinn. I UKF.D LilOC>el Tnt.ln w1th rom· RUTH PHAl.F:N for Christmas pt.l• ~· x 1· 1aytit1t. fO<'ludea MUc ~ttuaUona WuUd Roy's Maintenance Complete Profeuionel Houl•cleenin9 Floor wuin1 ud buffinC Wi.ndow OcanJn1 Upholstery Cle.nine Patto. Color wand Lalll1oua Rea.Jg REASONABLE Phonei Llbuty 8-I 332 ... B & H GARDENERS AU PowM Equipment HJ:DO& Trunm1n1 a pron.Inc Otmersl palJOll Clun up Jo~. any 1la... Trudi truh haulln& Free •llmatn W W2U 7Cltc Call -Harb<Jr 5706 ------- \;&lUe car. nulk car. tunnel, b1114e, electric •vdlchu antJ ll ra:Wlla UJt e <2 l.f. .A. I n I b111 - R£llo"T AL plan will put W\lt· ~&Jo •t ioo.oo. 101 !:, Balb<>a Blvd. llflp98 lll..,r Orl(•Jl 111 .) our hnme ff)r Xm.u, ,unly U ~!\ "'k. txUv, AN'MQUE WALNUT oRfiAN. "'1lenn• It nr11 .. 1.-tnr 1n abuve 1:1e;..trtf1e<l. Anllq11" •10<,I in· dudrd F.:x<~lwnt comhllun, prx'"· $1U "''II hold piano ror ~ Kl l·l•Si. tTcll9 Xmu, la111e al<J<.k of rw>1.·' I __ _ _ 1~ rcnlal r.tumA J ul«I CHRISTMAS TRJtATS Wondf>r- (Tllndll 107-ort. '°"'' b•r-1 f ul •vlnl'' Beauur111 lar1~ caLru Ro•ntal piano• from \,J, t:oe»ol• ocpn and Toae C.ab1· all 1"ot appUn ol'I pure.hut. l'M't. W.. than half pncc. Look- Nt"lf ~ orau a t $:lH. ~-.w)· Ina' for 8plllllt f You can .. v• lo play. tiln'n&. suta Ana ITOO OD tJiU M'&r IWW mptne~ Mu«. 1a w. l 1lb. Jl\&Ufrti:. orpn. 8dunlft • ftWlpa. no "Xl.Mf, 11• M.•8PIJl{ra .M. •Jlle. Maln. hata .ua. ' ITCllO ONS ONLY N"° ·Holiday WEBCOR Po~• phonoppb. I ape<td. Res $&UIS -ror "" Mt. Call Ounde""'n fln11r. Har :U3 tktr7 81KICR --t".l1l 24 •Ill' 8'h>Alnn Rac·tng t ,.re" 4 ,.,.. nlol I Ron 1 J lrl• $l... Ml< h LI 11·71.0 aft•• fl JI m 941<·~ n:IOO -~ leqt.ll RaDd\ Mink eo.L .Beautlt\&D)' lltyled. l!JI:. ceUait aondltsoiL ~Uonally prtM. H&r. MM. tolfc REVLON DOLLS $11.95 to $24 95 call Oundenlon Dni1. Jtar l\11\ tr.tot7 1l•1t •l<'•k $&.'•. l.Aelh•t Ptlf' froltlon& heby blll'I'' » l J.-111nr" rha1r• and ollom8n 001' 110 Olh"°r $20. lhrnbMlm 1IN1m lrnn UO, I>a vPnp<>rt anrl rhalr l~l\. Davenport 12l'i. 3 1111hr.t1t•1.d <'h&lra U. :.o •nd S4 ~.n . .lohn•on t"'" 08 111otor l'J HP $30. Philco portablt> radio $10. Kar I 7'1:6 bt'tort 11 a m. and after e p.m. IM<:ll8 BAUGHN s FTRN w&rehOllM l\60 W 17UI St.. C09l& Meall. l bill. W of Van'• &wlll'll All1y 8toN houn Monday thru P'rld•y 9-11 Aal. t to 6 Bun. 11·!'>. Ll I-JUI&. Jessee's Backyard & Warehouse Sale THIS WEEK ONLY 3 S1)(>C(} }Jhono and radio . . • ••••..• •. _ ... $19.88 Nf'w Apt-x automatic wuhu ... 99.88 New Younptown diapoa&J . .............. 39.99 New Motorola 21 in, TV coneole .. 179.88 Nt-w Wt'WtinghoWN' dry'r 109.88 New Whirlpool dryer ~ ........... -·-·-·--139.88 New Black.tone ironer ----··--··-· •e.88 Ueed TV'1 --· .. ···-·-·-·····-··-·--· ___ $39. It up Ueed Wuben, conv~tJonal • auto _ 30. It up Uled Rt!frtceratora .... ······---·-.. ----.. --~. • up Ueed Ranp. ··-····-. -···-·--· _ 30. Is up TERMS ON NEW MERCHANDISE NO PA YllENTS UNTll. MARCH EASY PA TMENTS ON USED JESSEE'S 1013 a. Vt.in Kl 3-8348 SANTA ANA AN~. 11137 Harbor LI. • 6:i94 l«2-•"umlturfl fnr RI!~ HOU81:P'1 I(.. or MAPLE. Ull• 1tyle never cll.at\fw. You p l Mmplel1 llvlnl' room &TOUJ>, IModnn rroup, mattnea 10 yr ruarani.-Buu. dUlln&" croup. all hardmck maple Paid down t.., 1491 17, cuh er pa7 onJy 14 l~ per ..... k BA UGHN'S TT.ntN. w~ MO W. 17th Sl~ r.01l• )( .... 1 blk W . or \'an·a Bo.,.tltnc Alley Stora houn Monday I lhnJ Jo"rtltay 9·t . &L II to & 8\Jn 11·!1. Ll 1-UU I MAPU HUTCH pullf Into din· 1n1 lab!• tu wat r ljl'llL 1100. T" o mApl• c.apl&IA • ctullra, SIO rarh HA ~~71 117ptll ------------TWO JR. BEDS with IJlr\J\l'L '16 ror bot.l'I ; one au ~r. U !'>, and mlltC'. lll!ma. Call Har. 28\IOR 204 Apol1na. B.L Ra t nltf' or Sunday Hpll8 ~ ROOMS OF 1'UJ'tN., 1968 Ad· mloJ 21" TV wiU1 rPmOIA ronlrol. 10N IC&liy avlom. waaher, J compl. bednn. ITJ>e.. bt« 7 pc. din rm. iroup, and Mf 11 pc llvtnf ,_ l""P· Only been awred. Pald down tn MOS OI. No caa1'I down. pay only $7 .JO per wMlt 8AUOKN'I FUJtN wareM\!M MO W. 17UI St , Co.tA M-. 1 t>lk. W . of Van'• Bow~ Alley Btnl'lt hourw: Mon4ay thn1 Friday t ·9 Ra\. t to 8. Sun 11-1. LI 1-311&, MIIC l"UltNITtJJU: l"OR SALE RAR l&t7-W EVl:NJN08, ..... ' ROOM8 or rt1IUf.. llldudm ~· 1 ... PMll1o s.~ cu. n.. rltrts .. 11161 ....... WMf CP an autAnn. ~ bt& t\!TI .... wt.th ~ '6f 7 pc dl.n iroup, WI' 8 pc. UY. rm f"Ol'P· and complete bed room (fl). All llll• few -.ty bal&ne1e ctu. ..... 2t. No CS.- down, ,., onq ... 2' ,..,. ...... BA UCH:N'I 1VRH. wareboule 1110 W, 1Ttlt at .. Colla M-. 1 blk. W. of V&n'I 8owtiftl AJL.7. Sto,.. boun. Monday UtN rrlday t-t. kt. I t~ f . ltus. 11.0. LI a..llM RC" A I ~-inch Cablnf'l TV '5Z1; Har ~·•· Mctl $2.50 JnohMt• paru uwi ... IO 1rL llml*'1"* ACME TV A RADIO no . 11 n aL au. UM . 0000 UICD T.V. UL.I: BOFJ')l.AN llJ. OIJ"l\PI• $60. 1 R.C.A. Vk\ar'a Pl -. CaP"'" ha.rt full doors MO, :llO ' Wut· lnfhol.lM aad 21" Hoff.an IDP"' fllC'lU~ lubal. S ~ auwmauc record pla.~n 1n portablf' C&IT)'I~ ~ J2t I~ ea. R.C A . Vic\.or r 1 co r d pt.ay.r plllf·lll fU.to. OJWn U tD :I. Ta.ri.r'• MWllc at.on, ~ I:. Cout Klway, Col'Of\& ~I MAr. 1>.croa from Port 'rb.t&terl 93llo OUR ORE.A.TUT CHJWlT)CAI TR&A TS, St.etnw~ 0 r a p d mac111ncent condluou moat. bffuUful c:aee. can be NU.Al on S yr1 Um•. MUon A Ram· Un Sp£nel aavt '400 lh.1 world a ••17 n ... t •plnel. A n o l h • r wo.Dditrl~l 11\1)' a K.nalMt lplnet ll)le {tWW •ve U7t t...oftl)' Bair)' Orud 1t1 uant tlnl&h '6715. JCbon)' ,-nui.J only •~aT. 10 oc.Mra rrora .. I& lo U070 Up Lo I )'e&l"I to pay ICRMIDT • PKn...t.J.Pa Planoe • Ol'J&A8 etil&bU.!Mtd 111 •• 6~ Na. Ma.la. 8&111& A.NL. CHRl8T'MAI TJ\EA'TI k'ttP! u-1 BplMl pi~ fl5t, Ma. Ut6 and many olhen. rtl\t returna. t.n*-lna, repoMl9· Ilona. cloltllla t.MD'I out lor ~ dur ....... au MM Wiii'. '-""' w.. ,..... ..... Maple. ..... ,...... fie. t'tad&I. ~. ttc. ...... Le U90 Uf \O I ,.,.. .. "'7 8chmldt·PNlllP1 .. ftAM' • Ors-•• ,.. 02'0 Ko.. Ma•n IL, lanta Ana, aJ""a)'ll 100 pWI09 t.e dlooetf from CRJU~ TIULAT8. 0 I Y • 1llptty ,.., l:lec:trcmlc ""° .-. -..vuru1 .,..., arn.r lwM t_...,., f .. d lib tutl• catte wUJI ant)' I& 0.. we ban 2 only. ldlmldl·P'bllllS-. HO re .. Matn, lallt.a A.ftL .. ON DISPLAY I.MA.LL • I fatwa ~ ,... 1957 ,.., .u.c. · 1 u.c11a111 ,.. XMAS SPECIALS -a..1~ ........ .. ~ ..... .pAJf .uomuc.u. POOl>t.a,.dkl • ~ • PARA.MOUNT *» l.&r11'11fut, •• ..., ' a BOL!'.8-AEJ\O.KEMSKILL ..it~. Hclll SELL YOUR CAR r111D fTIR Oft •11r .,_._rUl.1 P•1• More '•to ... ..... 11'1 , Mn7 CASH f'Vlt ~AH ... TU '11 ;. VTO!" LIBERTY MOTORS IU. 111.-,ort BJM. LI 1-JIAI Cash Cash reft 0.t.U a PICKUPS COPELAND P.AYS MOST Ill a l..lt.. SL B.A. Kl 8·11123 PLYXOU'nl 1961. Cnnbrooll Club Opa. •Tta. on.1a&I o.m-"·Low.,.._.... H.u. 2IOS-W. t6cl8'1 6e BUlCIC CZNT'Uft'l 181'.A.Tr: W A.OON. FW1J ~ A.II MW .U.. 16.()0G nl11n. No _. &&&. $U6(), TWtlM. Mr. Burn.I U 8-0424. t3ltc 1922 MODEL T ~.llpec. 67 W t Br. Pan·Aln. uto TIM OT u· l Br. Pu-Am. HIO ... 117 40' 1 Br. Pul·Am. MIC! &1116 67 t6' 2 Br. Pa.nun. 11:\96 '898 l>f W 1 Br. Param. UIO Jl8ft l'T IT' I Br. Par.m •OllG M8i:S llf ZS' KfllakW 21.S IMO llT 1' ~11 %0'8 ltc.6 111 n· ~Ill Ta.ndt'm J'796 2496 6T 11' 7AnHla 1720 ~ Sl:Ll:C"l'ZD VBl:D TRAD...ER8 M 46' Palace 2 Br 116 31' K11 ~ IT' Lultc>T 64 40' Pan-A.m. M 22' Keuklll " 2t' ~pbar •t II' Kil Spec. Mtcl ~IG 1$116 :Mtll 1690 ~ 6'0 • PORT ORANGE• TRAD.ZR SALES and SUPPLIES 2:.00 W, CCl!dt HIKhway N•wp<irt Beach W a~~ OPEN t 1..m. • e p m. every day Sii' 2·HUIUl. .Antf'rtca n l1"111er Bath. ~uutul bert·h !Di.nor. AWrlln(, e&tr&a. Jl600. 2080 M.oaro,·IL IOc:9T CABANA to'" •I• 10 by Jt, •wsJnc 1'00t. R.rd•ood at~1 wt UI v. l.ndclw 1. purlablr UOO 6 Hm~ l5tt at 31 DT'llle at . L.tdo p • r le IJuJllclrll ........ 17ctt ------12' 1ltA.lLl:R. •WJ18 l, p• •l<Wt near nf"\lo' UrN, rlft'Cl9 palal .)ob. 8AC:RlJl'JCE Ill.') !Ur. 3742-J. V?C'tt Choiaa Wbata Reatall oa 8albo9 l*nd A Udo ,. ~ 6 .., or .. ,.. • ..iuu ..,. te uoo -u. VOGEL CO. ,.. Mutn9 ..... 8&1Du& laland Pta. ttanur.,.. OI' earw uno tt.. Har. l&'»ft BM..UL ~ ba.cMlor apt. OoolS tQcatioo. o .. u-. p.-.. tUT94. Bu. °'36-M. IAq. 121 • .. Poppy. CdM. tOtto 2 Bl!:DR-OOM W\Nm. dupla. y..,.1y ~ llo. ald9 ot Hi· w.,y, Coroaa dal M&r. 306 IN BL totlc ON BJJ.ac>A lSUND ~0 U• tcw0 7-.rl7 Ud -'UM' ..-I.A.la. NEI..DA CIBSON. Ra.ltor Jae Marta• A•~ MMD« 802 ' 8 AJ.80A w.Al(O c n.M. 2 Bdrm. wdum. duptn. Hdwd.. flooP, tplece. pra1e. H .. d«oratlld. 110 mo. Har 311411-J. .....w 48-A-Ap!!= for Beat 2 BDRM. apt. clo. to Udo atwppl.na ce.oter A ll'llMpor· LaUnn, P'lan. 51JO. ulllurn '110 .YTIJ. Har »U at'l#r • p.m 91pl8 ROOMS and APTS. WEULY ~ MONTBLY OJT SEASON lU.Tl'.S • DUiy Maid Service • U.ltr. Telepboae • 2t-hr. o.k Senice a Roam Semo. • Heated Pool • Itstau.rant ..... -,,.. ... A PL&A,U:ilT PLACS TO aTAT OC'E.AJ" no1'T 11--1'• llolll-. v~ Briak deUl1at.a ia ...... .. p.t. ...,,,. OnqJ ao- UYiU.. liPt ..... b1p11. or 1'Mt pla'8 ...uni. Ural~ number cl •pta a.ad rooms a val.labia. oc&AM Jl'ftONT HOTEL 1301 W, Ocean Jt""ront.. N_.port Har 111&1 N1CW 8TORIC B1..00 ~ X 611 on N.wport .Ave., Coe\& 61 ....... ..... Pro1>t1rtv Owner• tft'R ro au1r .,... -100 llLOCIC ONLY. Alter bo&.lday1 w&11t to ~ tnplea--1 apart.- runt llo1IM or 2 dupMlt ea JU loL U~ lf prlol rtpt w1U JMlJ ca.ah. Wrtte to R.11- TI.Rl.NO. P. 0 Box Ill. 8&11 Bemar<Uno. Callt. tllc:91 ·~Launp • Color T~lnt.son ::. bum-diartc;L 6 y•r WANTED Jamaica Inn DA VY, SU2 Vla Oporto Ha ~.-S 81t.tc BEDROOMS, 2 balhl, with a vt-. Any condlUon. Un· Mr U(),000. Call my acent, Yotd Verrtnder, Har UIS Corona dtJ Mu Harbor 6078 Sk9T8 e .Office Rental EXCJ:JJ ENT locaUoo • ample pa.rldn ... APPROXlllA TICL T 800 aq. tt. '160 mo. A.PPROX!MATl:L T 3MJ tq IL Ol:LUXZ t\.ll'lllWd ap&a.. utill. l60 mo. U. LDClluded, SU mo and up. U' .. onnR INV~...,.~.·_ until June lC.. Kal1M>t' 6SH. ~ ~ 1 •c.n • 86ll~ co. ------------1 flesbor 1600 Sea Shell Apts. 8iltc I or 2 bdrm. wttb J bathlr, 1 M-A-&u.i:lw.M Rentals rt.JllN. DZLUXJ: APTa. A.t.o 1------------ b&dleJora. Ut1J &Dc.1. "-PRIVATE OJ"n~ With pbon• aA9Wertnc aenrice. Becretuy A a.bit Wlater .tr Yai11 ..at.aa to notary a'f'allabl._ Ground floor, . tldt SPECIAL BY OW1'ER. I -2 bedrm. unltA. U0,000. Cua dOWll. - ~700 yearly lnoome .A.11 MW an& COllla llleaa. u a.7709. 70ttc B/B preterftd t~ 1DO Wist :New Tr1deat IDdc •• 2200 New· BaJboa .01....s.. N...,,ort ~b J>Ort BJ'ld. Newport a.ch. Industrial.Commercial Hu. JO.U. Tattc 1 Adjacent to BouUI Ooul Co. I omo. ttOID no, Mml-pnul• I Department BACHELOR'S LOOK' cSeak ·~ n.o1 H&r. 3028• OC'l:AN VIEW -p&rt1y turn. ' lNDUSTRlAL BUILDINGS 1 bdrm downat&lrt apt. Aduitl 1 l bldnn l\U"ll.lllNd apl.a 1D H~· 1 M • M•j I nu pet.a. U!I mo Y•ftly I baa, U\lliU. paid, $JI) mo. Patil· aranerS I e i NO l 0>•1• M .... a n<rW - 0-t.ar~ Realtor Curt Doab A9oclat.e "-It.or 3111 Karine ... .,..,lie Harbo,-arn Balboa lal&Jld 16cl YOU ARE INVITED TO Oft.IVS by 1616 WlUo Lane and DOta Ulla "ft'Y top North· eut Ba.ck 8" loeaUoe I B&OROOM.8, J\lllt 2 ~ y•na old a.ad al llle nry low prtc. .. of 511,aoo. LAl'lt euxuo rL lot with pl4mty ef room to upa.nd cau lo -Uli• any urae. ~t• ~can be ur-.nfT'd. .. c·· Ed Jones, Realtor lfMI Harbor Blvd., U 8-9301 ~HU 8-'643 M-1 CORNER HO tL fl"Olllac• c:ieot.w Coata w-wtt.b llOUd 2 81\. home Ide&.! tor .,.all m&Allfact ur. nt.$00, rood tenna. Dan A. JHdl , R..i l:aat.e H.,.._ Mal U •·t?lll Kl l·lll'T LJ M!UT H.ar 80 or U 8-2113. "3U~· ·U~&1J ur :StN.. ltcS or 1-.... I~ ~r Ulu A up • om1 •• 2UO. Pr1<"" '30.000 CURT DOSH, Rltr. ~ .... 9M w. 18th SL c.M. Ina NHr t~nauon. Har orF!CZ • tchup l"p&~ fur rent I l~rtlrnl bl()Ck and brkk. Ul• • Ll 1-UU. 3t\lc • P'OR.t> l 1'IA Trudi.. Oood con· dltlcft.. Hu fOOd rubbtt lit ·~ .... ...,.. day. A•~ sue. Her 172:1 ti.Jon I un and atter I p.m. Mc9I LOWER b&1t al ~ 3 bc1nn. 4 BEl>R.M.S . :I batba, nearly n1w NU. 'l -El ~fUndo -eon· n-wuw to Bnt I <lupWx. uJ\tW1L wtLh llu.llt·IA unt'l.lrn. hOue@, Uube.1• tliap. FOR LEASE tor Uclll manu-1 c rt>l• b 1 0 ck ron•lru('Uon - -1a: •Low. nr.pla<'•, forced •Ir SHU mo m ROM Lan•. II:. fa1:\unn1. Newport Hr. I' h ·I IWU \l!nant• on fl\·• -year 11 ... t • .,.~ll laundry A 1.,. !llldt, C.M U 8~2. N<l!I 1200 riq tt, 512!'1 r<'' rn" 1 .. un lnnm1e •~ 100. J>rte1 315 Marine Ave. B•lbCMI lsl•nd Harbor 1660 ---OI a ft,..ra* UMd CU, FREE f ! .,.. 211 E. e.11:1oa a 1 ,. d.. 2100 ~ n. Ull!'I i•u ooo. H1ll>09 HpW ~a.-a~ for &eat MAX w. POPE. Hf'lltnr I 190& Harbor lih·d., Goa~& M•n Nl• 3 -S&nla An• -n•w - -)OW l1M&I d-.1• who WUI be titre TOMOIU\OW to Meir up wba& Ile ..U. TOOA !I Check lll• ~ CIAn \n lM cl&Mllled MC• uon t.oda7. 11:,0 LAN'O CruiMr Btu~ •·dr tfor .,., .___,. in <K&11J• Co) QUlt."K.LY A.ND EASILY •lKl'Lf C.A.L.l.. 881..8l.:T RLTI. Kl 7-3506 s. 0 a Q. R.-.R. O'DrU>•, ""'1 Rentels wanted 10DG ron<l N-palnl. \JraltH W ti• Har IH.J llfler • ;w I 1 Deed •'1& ..., ~ In ..U \'ER y NTCP.: I ind 2 Bdnn ' I 1.1 1 ·1147 I 10 000 liq. n tup t.nant l'ump~lely t u r h • aplL on ~ICW unJurn. bOUM OD quwt .,.. lM\<:ll& on flu • vnr IH.M Income :v•., ly r~nlal m-•~ mo "'''°"' llt,...l. \'•ry la.tirt rn·j I 19.071 Allli1nr '8(1000 l iO ~ 900 Ide&! motel •te •le H.ar 3eOO Mt Ill rl<>lll"<l J"'HO. J 8dnn.I • 1111 .. uh olOer 3 BR. hom .. P0.000 __ __ _ bellUi. 3011 Hanutton, Hu M-Bualn,... ~rtunltl-~lJBMIT va<"ant <'<Jmm..,("lal ur t11111 pnre. food tern\a .,,IR.S AIJU tor "'"' t'Ullll .. • 1~7-W 01 l.J ll-8.'\1il2 ~"8 ---------lnd1u1tr1a1 pro~•') un an) •1t f>d Becllt'l.Ot'• •Ith pr1n\r ~ ____ I d I 1h,. abo\lt • IJ&n A. JaN>been. R~ ltatatt i .. un H5. l Bl1nn 16,~. llll • l'Nrt"RS 3 bdrm 91.UCC'O, z p-. I ea Location For Harbor r.191 ~·~h 8t. N•v. pon Bu•h oM. 1u1• rma. H•J de.n u.u R&SWl!::"CE AZ\I• Bay & Beach Rlty., Inc. W 8•97:.1 Kl 1· 21 • 7 u 1~17 NEWPORT BLVD . N1IW u.rrtMO AND llAl\D TO ftMD. 2 Unll&. ......... Potat. I ~ be-. plu.1 cut. I bedroom aputmmt Oftl' I e&r p.iqe. lA ,,_,. ~ CODdiUoa &Dd w1U tunUb1cS. Jl().000 -i...a. ''l'D<EI\ -UPPl:ft'" lmoetly palal) wtULta ~' block ol lll&y. I becb'ooma, OU\ade ihoww, laWldl')'. ~"' prap. Prob- ably W!l&t you ba-n bMD ~~ tor. $H,000. lu1Da. B~lboa Realty Co. • Oppoaita Bank ot A.mane. ROM OrMiey U 1.- J...,alM Webb 700 .E. BaLbo& 81Yd., Ba1boa Phone H.arbot' UTT BIB 512 Cat&lloa Newport Heifbt.a ()ptn HOUM kL • au:n. IEE lb1I c.tiannu~ 2 BJ\ 4k Den ._ tn top a~ "' N""l'Ort Heil'bt.a. A ~J buy •l 117.900. Bay & S.ach Rlty .• Inc. RJ:.A.L TOM 117!'1 Ha.rltor Blwd.., Coeta Me. Oay or Nl(bl. Jl'hOM Ll. 1-TTH NEWPORT-MESA EXCLUSIVES LIDO ISLE 411 rr. LOT Improved With •pot- 1..-a 3 bednn. ant1 den 2 bet.II ham• ltlltra tarre ~ thN-4>ut. YuJI pn.-. JM MO. Oooo t•nn•. lllllx.rw •~ ff6<1M rnu IM\1 Conarru 81 !'ual• 8NACK SHOP HEALTORS Mf'Q Topu 11822 ... '"'" lJkl\'lt·IN WQl'<IR MTCJfn' ltli'.'l Harbor l:Jlvd. (;,Hit& Mo• 1 7! Acre1 of Lemon1 I BALBOA BAY FRONT ' ral~~ 1·!1171 -llhftll Gll•""T SHOP l!a) cir ntirht phOn• 1..1. &·i7H U><:ATElJ In r:ho1tt' .c1ude-d 14H Vt'. O<·et1n P'runl llllp\111 MCUona t~ bot.II tnnt• aad _ --~ )' .. r • ......_ .'\I.,.. er 111\furn,. JJ60 Four door 'O 9'11ck ff-U you llAH a wa.:aac:1, BEACH HOUSE dan Orll1nal -nrr R Ir H. pooat LOCS&y D-• lwlltll")', ~call)' ~· rect JU \"\a Nlc .. Udo i.11 • . The Vogel Co. tl<'tl I '\201 W. lllL BW7~ Nt•purl 8ch W"M"t..Ji: BAUJUA IaL.A..-.;11, un Nu:t to Sh<>PJ'UlC c911l«f l..&rft ----arH ot VIiia Park, &ood lhtt· EXTRA ci..n 2 bedml. boni.e ...URN'. Bacbclor A l 84.nn. J40 1 tum. huu..,, !W'Wly ~<>rale<l. I..... 61 x 117 and tx1Lld1t1a. 1 HARBOR BL VO mal t!<>"4iUoa. eqw~l !or "'!6' Udo lbopJ*C c.nw . .-IO-P_L_nc_o_UTH ___ 2_d_r ___ Oood ___ O_f· '"""-1.IMrtt ~J • 17r, m" 2 8dm1. '100. (;.,. 1 ,...,.,, 1-ot1l7. Vtl")' &arr• For appoinun.at. C£ll Charin' • anil JOOO chklu Included.. J 1 .it&AI• •tr-.d tor ape.rt- ...... avail l1U11Ura pd. Har Uvtn( rm With n~pl•<t> 2 B R11lml.r, own .. r. Daya H8.r <."·'l r .ROM TAGS ON TWO ~nn 1 '~ ti.lb home, fill! =~~A ~« 3.JM. lflc.. bdnua, 111runa ·~· La 1° r ,., I 1818 -JCH1. U M7&6 1 sTRKE'T'B. ~JT!I. UA,.)()() blaMnM'nl rurnpwi roam. Call •117.,. ..... IO at ll'lnal citndJUon. 12116. 17t R.a· toe M&riDe. li&lbue Wand inoaa Way, Coat.a WtM. U PMo.e l:llnar ••• tronl yard compl1t•l'I ff'n<"et1. ----I ~F:l.J, t,OT OFT RJ:4R AND C.otf• &\&VH, • , ...,, -· ~ LGE I BVRM. APT. ,.._,y Oul~ Lf'd t l • h CAF"lt P'OR RAl..l: Oo•nr o:·· .. I· t,Y.T ti A RB 0 H. B 1. v D dfl('~•t.f'd and turn1•Md.. o;, t!l!J'OSU;...~· .. ~te Q; .. ~. "; I lent bu11nua "1.al fur 2 whu FRONT A'lfC BELOW MAR· LEMON HEIGHTS C&1I Ui ror Det.a1Lt Oii ~ullful PY,,1na1118 '"°'nl. 1909 ·~ foo<I dlnnn •n11 r>Mll")' KE:'T LTY 0 F Ex I •• 88.tboa Blv'1 Hu 1~114 lls-ht Bftl locaUon In harl>c>r rook• \\'r11r 11-J• l...-!ll Hll• F'OP.. thll and othf'r Huhor REA ceen r. c u1ive1 1-TUJ. McM IM7 & ~ 117. o.rua. de.I .Wat PbeM &rbarr 17'1 11 THUNDER.BDU>, Forde. t · Udo om., Hlt Via Udo tube ~. 1-C.r. )J'W1', llttr.. Sa.rlaor ..-fl • r • • H•f .. ,..nc .. 1 r-iulr.d I 111,..., fl•., Iii Hh 1 ,.,,,r ... rtt .. ~ 131!):1 Tu.Un Avr , Klmberly w. Han ar..nt..1 09od On-. ~"' 112:1 month 8tt Ro~ ftll•\,' r· " "C'' 7°UM. ,....,. Kl 7-4364 tlt'M IYl~TA Mltl'IA lilll P81k Av.• H ... llt"-~M N rt M Rlty 1f • •1 ., ~ , ,, u.,, 111 1" '"'•'· t•• 11,,,. NEIGHBORHOOD Ed J R I Hl.l'P: ~ A.1T.R ·WH1n~ !!AU.S ewpo • ese · • '"''"'•in •Jtn'"'''"'' .. , ... ,,111 ... 11 " ~ ones, ea tor -1. Tu11a llMlieat.ora. Jo'ull 11100 Newport 81'14. Coat. ,\f""'• •f~IV PaddM d&11h ~tr Wl'>llrty l·MV'l Mil• lln(tprwal WSW !'\,_ Cl&I 312 """M :l\oOCJ 11111,.. a:wl.'I w "_..." M<·n i•1 \11 mu In• I• ,11 , 1 • ,,11111,.,,. ,.,. l"" 11' ll"~Hul l" "•n f1unt :> RR • 17111 NIV.''l»fl 81vd , (~ M-~ GROCERY 11•1111 ll••l~u Rh•I 1.1 a 11:\01 11 • ..,,. .. ._ •• .., -m-Apta. & Hoaw.e ro &-t ,., ....• •.1:.1 ,. 1 •. It. H11.:~ l.Jv ltm t1rP• • ,.,....... ...-.L.I • ..,, _ • !_ .... ''.... 1'(11t11St\ tS.-1 Mar 2 tt.11111 un ~:v••• l.1 !\ ~t14 :\ pla <,. K P,n;o Kii Ch.1ld<;o0r --- 6t R~~CX ~~:';:...,• ~r h~~~~~· liAl.!iOA ltU...A~lJ. ,_r .,.,,.n.i l•fo l.L':-.:1': t1.rn1th""1 bo--lrtt tun n<>u.,. I~• "'" S .. •' \\ ITll ' J~ 10~1.!" ari I t:i.• .,. ~' ''• ~AIS "°'' "'l II '"' ill" •h<JVo •r, 11 db\r. (;•r.1•. r,,).· MONEY MAJ(l:D I l•l\ •h I br. rront •"l "" .. ,, a pt utlllUl'I ··~ .... ,..., , •• :-. ruo ,...,., ,, •M .. '""'" ''hll{l ..... tl ..... ,, ... , ... •torr .. " 11~1 ... 1 1( I .. 11n1I t"'f)f\itlllon V'111nl•~ I tCA. i...o-mll ... ,f'. ()"" ....... O!'r \\'ill .. • I nt• 11 11•1 '"""' ~. "' r n r: ~ 1111~·lna. Har r>:\f\6 f111 n J rUJ.Kln•lbl.,. ,..,,,..1 "nlll Jun• I~ Adult• ""'' "I\ 44 • l•i:unu• Hu 41 U ,I ,,,.,.,,..,, '"'" r~r I .,._ "" i.r •• It T f'rm•. ,,. ~00 I J'OUJt Nrn.d.. ~ M'. l'feow~~ ertull• SIS--, ulU. pd, ~· ror Har 6.\44 ~'\111 \M\r\f:Jt .,.•n1th1" •ttfri •~l'tJll•tJ '"' MAX \\' •~~t·~ Hrt1ltur l Bh'4-dlM .... , 6 ........ t7p99 10 tlf'nl•n <"all 1. ~ • I ,1 I: t , n ' HILl..IP.li:N • • 8 ft. 'J Ba.. N-' •-· •m•.Allt02br.hoUM tun .. r KAl.B<IA.. \\A:'lrn"t• flHI Iv obar r l~Ml Jl•1bu1!ilvd .1!(.ol11 ,..,. .. lt>d aunnw. Bil c~ A.tll 0~ $1111> "-' hU ~. ----1~ roRD \'II Custooill"' 2 door -ian. P'ordoraaUC•l'9di<>- ~. i.--mUNr Eaffi~nt w1!W'1l, on 1wpant• lot, Ill:. nee.r oraaf'I. "°" br I " f\.2.ll(ll, •r .,.. 102 Rlt> sr I.I 8·1 H2 I ' Ut too pod lttma. Alla.ntl<" l-034~ D~pV7 l tum apt. ltl\C'I y•l"fl Se!I m• 1 ho.at" In l,JM S..mf'd <'('II liunUl•t\-ttn Buch li'•lf• Ubl""-•• r,.rb, Ol•p. oil fU I yrty. KI •·Ull 9'>ct71 1n.p tpl•c• '""'Ir" 711 lAtl! IMkN OY•r -111Y• llbl. l)a.r. Good£. P'trl'tNIKHED COTT Ai.; F 1 -•rur lhr 1?7°J •tlrr ll :w 1·.,.,,. M ..... 1ocal10fl. 5123.'!0 $2500 Down '*'""· ttllrhf'n anrl ll•lh 11:-, BAI.HOA UU.A.-.:(1 2 b<lm1 •pl ~p~ :"~~~~()(.nan fH RNI Eatate F.st'hUft $!Ono ll'TI tn 'lu&L boyAT 3 Bi:DROOW 1~ MU.. . ._..II to WAT'f!R SM m" Mr• 'I• nl< rly f11m fpl•r· prhA1---WA. .... !'I TO l!SlHU) l)(PR11V1t -=-________ :..___,._ •'HAnt .. urn; R fl()8fN~Cl!', ••II <'&l'JWl, ~ • lan.6ac. hom• 23%3 Coa•t ttrw•\ W •ll•f• Bf'Q ,;•ra.-t" t'ntll JHJV flt.I. Jul) ht ~·1.Jrn. h<>ll"" " TRADE BY OWNER RJ:Al T(>f! t!bl# I" ind ••or-tr •MP. colldttlon U~ll\ CW) rrl\•al• part7. H•rtlM 370.J t7pll• II i~ I:•-• Har 3m ~Ii!> I•• $100 mo ~: .. r~t" 11• ls.inn" 2 IJAUl• ~·,.n,.,.d '••<! HI''" MUOERN!ZE, Ort 'T J ttolil-""RC.1N. Trur.1 l--1• -u ind rurbo llL Sb&!11 l d • ... "~ <nwl Jnt••ll•)rt <'oru-• <1"1 ... , fU;nNANCE •~ ----namon ,.,.,. ,...,. .. , ·~ ""~ We BuJ TN9t l)Ho(U Sr~()()() EQl'IT\' In • untta In 128 F. 18th 81 Corte M ..... I boy •1 ui ..-.,o I BURM. tum hotlH on S-•pl , HrV '11!. mo Hu 12."l<I ~V'I N•wpnr1 H .. ll!'hU for horn• or !.l A-~VI !i:YH LI &-OO:M M~tor Overhaul ;::•c,:.r"~~·'111';;1~:=~ '"'' u~~ .... ,~u:~~1 ~.;rnnrbbrt tu• 1'.Sf'l'RN s l>lrm hnu•• M• NE'\~r::'~"TJ1;8:~!-;:,:,;~1~""r." :•••nt Ian(! ur t111111"""• up to -------A C. PE'1IllE, Rltr. a eya.. ( olt) .S88 tit~ .. •ca war<1robf'1 rood nral poor •flr>nlh )'•ttll) 720" llAI .... .il410c-• t;1U TOJWI& 11·3711 r OCE FRONT Mwtiplfl! Li.atuip m ---· . 1n1RSll'IHEll 2 l>r1m1. t0otl•I(•, I' blll to ... 11001, c"-!cJ ~,.o; I } ..... 81v<I H•t 40i~ ~·"'1 '3M v .• Uclo Pb Her 4:.ltJU rr~'"'""V" !> .. fore~ pill AN JIP Harbor Bhod, I.I •*2' r~ .. btt (rua.t) ____ M.88 ~~':°nmaA <UI Mar Yf'.arh• ,....111111 ttc <:tlfc I Opp. Stahl"• M'kt. ICY• 1..1 a.MIT ..-. .,,., " rd~l IM'fl !Jlllllln 1nrlu11r<J 2 -~EW :l b(I -1 ----_ _ _ \\r111 N...,.·port S..cn ;l Bed· fl8har 6 Cu '13:'1. -11111 \\. Bay An ' rm ho1t ... R "110 ----TJlAl•F: .18'.lfl() rqu11, 1n lll.000 room• I 1>9lh Fumtahtid. NO MONEY OOW'N Har. UM :.7uo 1•n1H. flllbal" c.1ia1-vul, vi( I t & 2 .I T D L u..uJ UN1T 200.'i "'"'·port 8h-d -•l""1'l drl\·-·v JllO ""'· '";2 ' s na •. oan1 p1t1pf'rt\' ror (l('f'lln ,.r oot A•ll.tnr l ltOOIJ $.Xl()O dawn. BUlLDlNG n-=-n 12 Up to 10 lilootha to Pay I :-:iv. port Bcti. lbr 41711 t"\JllNJSl!J!:tJ lovtly n.w 2 ....,. Monr"'''" .,,vr-1.., A·•:'tlll !'4nV1111 •l• uranae ~nty W••I N•v. port Wrll• fin• ."In. ~ nl«:r p&Mllf'od 11nn1 room w1TH mmm!Ds poo1 oa lot 80 Jt 300. "Stt.ttnc pntty" bttwem ~ major mop. plq and dnc eenta1' in C...osta K~ Net 18$9. Price $86,!500 -$%1.,ftOO down. Har. 3'7U·J. IH<!LUl>D ~ &Abot A Pv\.I. --------- -moM apL, nnpiace. 1arh•J• Wtldld ' Trust ~· Bought Ii Sold .t.1 u c 0 Ull• J>&rt'I 1Mkv8 •nt1 n,..,,i-.. ,..,..,.,.nrnt IW'lm· ,., .. rtllp. wn.t plne, .-a.I'll PENINSlJ\.Ja • NlCE AREA dl.-poal. btillt·ln •love. P"'ll' - -·I I -°'AN1ii:WPJC V AJJ:i_v_ mint W.('h '"8d. f1&l.lnp ot lh&4n and ,... ·nu July i.t $100 monUI r.a11 HAC"K HAY Le' 3 8'-drn9m. Roye I Mort9e9e Co. 1 · ... w f0Rll.NTA.<a~ on H.v."\' • BALBOA BAY ....,.,....•• ----~or·._,, ~I• ,!.= Untumlabed q>t.a. •llll p.r•1• ll11~ $293. 930 W. Ball>OI 1 i.,, B& Hwd. Floor•. Jo"trt-I H b L 123 18le1T• H11ty 1 nur Pal,,;l\al•. .... ~ -.... ·-l • R. -~. I B. l't.. -SllO ltlvd. 90t_f<-''"''" F"urnu•l..-d ll OiUA lu I er or 0 ~io· t.uk loll.fl. Id<'al ){at.el PROPERTIES .. o.~ ... on. ___l..._. Pia.,..,., IM4-1:-Hu. l&:>t -)T. le.w n .. r ..... n .... $11:. ""' 11402 N-pon Blvd , Nprl. lkh I ··arlo ,. Ml w lk • lLAA ...... __ mMd ·•-r 11111 -·· • ~... ti l RJCDR.M. rum Art Th•rrnn 1.1 .11--4~ Ev• 1..1 A-002.-. ----ry', • • · ant ar.b ''"" " ........... • ...... h-1. 1lltpoeal, 'flt'lllhln( m•· 1 !N'<'t)R Prof' \\ 111 .-1mr Tri Sta~ RIZBUU..T ENGINES su-.ou: .i .. p&nr rm. prtve.ta rhlne Ule l>a\.h JM mo. 111 ----_ TRUST DEEDS •·7M4 nr wnr.. H<.1s S-M c/G auu.T IN our own fAe\.vf1 "1 bath A prihle •lrant"" uo June 0 lflt.Jl Har •711& IWldlR \"EARLY RENTAL. 2 btoolrn. I BUT ANO SltLl. thl• fl4'Y.'lpAJJt'f 9lp10 lltWed _..,'"Mita DoA't CUft• mo. yrl}. Ba)' .,I_ 2 bttrm ---furn. Oerar• Cuurl• or ru11pl11 THROUGH t.-4 wtUI Ute rlllddie man tuf'll apt. w1th 12 n b&y wtn· 0 JCUI 1 anol Mb7, NHr tmalnMt! ('•n· T. J. ROBINSON, Agl. 6%--!Ual tAI~ e.Q' a.c. dnw 1J~trk kit._ $8.'\ yrly FABUL US V '-1~ l l"• OWNIUt, Mlll•r 3~11 1-'ln· 128 f'A•l 18th I'll. U 8-4~38 --------- -· m·--~our -.and&rdll AY.o I Mnn tum ., • ......,. apt. lf'y. N~'"'V'"rt ll'><'M ..... n11 DUPLEX hm10M 2 llrednNr ..... 1L ao. In. One un1t nutl!'d. Good ~ come. IH.000. On1'1 UOOO down COAST PROPERTIES ---· ANP I MEAN Jll!IT THAT .... .. 2' i A ,;: :=::.~ ~ :1.. )HY '1 :1. ~:1·, I:. Bav. ~'.~1 ~l~l~h~n"~,:l ~::::l:~:!: y~::-:~~-('~~::. o;~111~:~ LOANS for Homes /2 cres ••'A..,.....D TO ••NT • 4 ut Iha hartinr n<'IAll and rhen and nltont.v of , h-ta • __ lnt-· ...., • __ I Jr'lt II. 8alboa .81'1'4. Har Jell « ~ S •.M ... ,, • r. ......,., " <>r .-.I.JO•-• •v Tear ...,,...na CAN B ... rtllOneod to M·l. ()De.. """'11,. .. Ll ...a71. 11\h _,.. ..._ -'l»drm. hOUR TMr 'muriJ Cal&lll'a. ~urtabl• fnr 3 Adlllt.a. no JM!la. a;r, 122 E . ..,.- -·~---· d 1·-'""'II f .. _....... c n tru +· Lo halt mlw frnm H•Upot. AU ?A.OSAJU> ft.,..., ., S>•• l"n:,_..bl1 welert.-t. By re-_ .. e 1 u.. ...-• • fW .... _ Blvd U!'l<':DG 0 S C IOM anS tanlllln In. lde&l to eut ,,.. ~ --.. • -..... t ••-• _1.,.._ ._,... famUy. Har lll•pe but well wortb the I -... --·-· -·-.__. lt "'II t ··h-""' OCE..A.N v~ -2 bdrm tlo\Ute 8.D ao• &A't"TUtR Opportunity '"' ....... -"'L cma I. • DID IO'l'O ·==• dlt. ll<'N • ort y um ... -on a . .. ,. ..... - 1 yr. i.. at CJlll.7 llOO mci q1*t ceunlty Mtf..Las. MO enci. •it aA.ft OOA.-r BLVD. ~ •l $l:IOO •en. ~~·a-. ~· a.u.ac>A"&.ILAHI> •~I Call J:xdwrtH ..,_t Ponl 1AM11 '"-· MlD\A, M peta. 0orw _.Mar ~ ... ma..~ I _.. Mdra. ..... pOiG a1Jll* VeniDdtr, Hu '2111. Mdl IU "· ltG 8t.. e x. -Har lt4 l'OUUD t&Olt'NAO• w. Option to Buy JC.-· ~ 4QPla 8Mt ~ Wl•IM' JO or U 1-111&. t3t.k ....,._ ute IM. ,.... ID ~ ... .,.. tie•. ,..ut.r S1.li. U'W.tt* 8Al.B04 JaLAND. 1 .,...., *ft W1LL Jt&llfT ~ .... w. ~ (I) (I Majmt ..$HO.OO ,.w. Ru aoM-W au~ run.. apt.. alff'Pll '-W\ftter EXCLUSIVE room IMcM wttll l~ batM--M• OCW'T.u.t.ATIOl'f rent.al t,() JWM llkh. tea pn• N 0 MO E 2 car prap. Oln 1le JIU"" o,. Od1 1 '° ' LOOIC POI\ utll Har 1W7.W. f"IS1lnp. SHORECLIFFS EE N Y ch--S tOt' U II 0 do w a ul' ~ 'tSI , ,. a. Mpllt We t>vy lftd •U nflt '""' rna~ ae-Payrll•ll niw ._... 11 c. 1 .-." ud oat.a arovm .-cuu"'• u n t u r n Second Trust o.da ~nL ruu ~ Oftly boat.I ..ct i.u CORONA OCL MAR -1'f 1 w bcnw. IWU'lllnlAI' pool f'tc. OONBTRUcrION LOANI 110 ?llO BELLES ENGINE RE.UILDERS 11•& '"' & KJ a.a»t IA.UC c-..w -nucs TOWING aTA Tll 90Nt>CD Jo1lt and a.uMruina•• 2 BR mo$m •pt. TA 1-l ~ .,.,.._ Hu rear ••• c~u ........ Adanw. MORTQAOI: P'l~pla., 4ttp. cUaarMtr .. •P. t~ to Little 0.-~" LOA~ [IJ;f'T. 1 PHIL SULLIVAN Cl'l 0\ 'R c laMlfllPd pas.,. nt pof ""'"'"'. f"'llO or rn1ndfocll C"-lo AY91lablP l"t'b. I In .. WIU~ Tlw v •I <' 3261 \\ Bay a &b Tnr • ._... II tf•-nl onlv. Yft.A.NK JAMICll, I oS" i(J. ('oftat 181\e Nn.'f'0'1 Blvd~ Cc..U M""' SU ... mn VOOltl. I;"(). MtT f\Hlltw, lJ l·n•ll . .,.,.,. l.1 (I. Hllh'"'"°· N R I rhnn. UIMtrty • 8'7tt II: l'i•t Hw\. Cl>M. HA ,,., 4IU Hlfr LI e.2485 I Ir.VIC l .. I 8-211~, Newport Hb. Duplex 11M11 oowa !flCS 1 llednMlla \llllU ..., HtiJl ldaool. $'4.-.. IAlll for man caah dawa. M-1 NlCS 2 bdnll 1*IW P'ua I ca.M· Ml llllopl. t111 P1iKwDU& IC o .It ltul IL lAat ~ at ftMI pnt'-. f710e dll . ... montL W& ban the k~• lo lb8t. l'l&d In llflow. f. W. Lytle, Realtor 11116 N"'·port l41vd . C-a& Mn& lJ I Hts U l-Z$11 ., .. SACRIFICE LIDO ISLE HOMll Ulll 1••1t qit.. a.w 144» ... ft. ,,.. ..... ~ tAilMI a .,._, a 111au.. 1p. •'ltaS ,..... ,,._, r>. ll9at. ................. a.... ....... a....w.-.. c-..s .... ., -,... .... . __ ,,... ,...... :r. ..,, ............. .,A. -.. Vaicut a8' ....... .... My. Fl&D ...... 9'1,RO. o.u Mr. o.on.. nu w. o..t Ri"""1l7· u 1-no. ..., Bar &U.. tear7 "liWPOftT l.IL.t.lfD I ...,._ R•1 lol.. J' ~ a yn ...a, A o o "' tor dlOUMr ..it. au .. ooo. c. C4 .1-. ftftr, Lf 1-tlOI.. J:Yft l.l .... a. .Ji. • l". . ,. • .. ... .. ,. . Owner. wuta acUon cm W. ~1 2 bednn bamt, •U. and %, Hwd 0oon. ltftnl racm C&l'- ptil ww: prbap cU.poM1. Iota of tDe ancJ ~Y ot•r nu teatlllW. L¢ M a 11!1 and runy f'taOecS. Room tor addlUonaJ w:a..lt. .Prtct reduced to S16,000. W. E. FISHER & Associates aou Cout Hwy., 0onioa deI Har Harbor ros2 EY-. Harbor 2'20-W BALBOA ISLAND For special buyer who want.a attract. home on atn. larp lot. Lie. Uv. room, din. room, 3 l&rp lllednu. 2 bathe, family room, 2 patloe, double ,.,.,.. No problem to enter. Near Bay. 8 BEDRll. HOUSE plus 2 bed.rm. apl nur E. Bay. Meed ~t. J.ttn.ctJye Provincial 2 bedroom, 2 bath. larce p.tJo partly co\·ered, 2 car p.ra1e. Compl turn. Good lerm.t. Sm.all bouae, corner loL Good locaUoo $19,~ I bedim. 2 bath, Uttle Iala.Dd ___ $31,600 Duplex 1 bednn. each, eood •lreet. s22.ooo Eftninp call Edith M.a.rooo, HY att '-6222 « Lo\l Boynton Harbor 2878 EARL W. STANLEY: Realtor 22b Marine Ave., &.Jboa la1a.nd Harbor 17715 BEACON BAY The moat dHirable area in Newport Harbor for year round family living. · • Four blocka of pn\'ate a&ndy bt'ach • Moori.n'• for boat.a • B.utifully l..a.ncaca~d 1row..oda1 walled tor pnv.cy • Ttnn1a Court.I • A mna.ll uclu.aJve aN.'a ot 69 tine tamilit"I and we a.re fortunat.r to have 3 u~ll~nt prop- erti~ avulable tor you r inspecuon. Spacloua mod~rn turruaht'd t bedroom Ii dtri, S bath home _ --· ·----... i39,9~ A eou.ndly buUt 3 bedroom ~ome With runt or income apt. -----·------$3!'>,000 L&J'p Bay Front home with rue.at apartment •. ooo. SHOWN ONLY TO QUALIFIED BUYERS MARINERS ISLE REAL TY 318 Marine Ave. Balboa laland .Har. ~781 Casual Island Llving (with income) Beautifal 3 bdrm 2 bath home with huge li\ing 6 dirunc aru, Ir"'. kitchen with ove~ cirt'u· l.u bar, ntw \\' W r.arpets and dra~11, nlc,.Jy deco...ud "·ith a d1slinct1vc t'lt~nor dta1gn Thia la on~ of th~ """'Pr home• on Lhe l11land wtth a cutr 2 bdrm fumu1hf"d cotl.agf' In the rnr FIRST TIME OFFEREIJ Pricf' $35.000. 130 Ft. on WaterfrQnt WJTH Plfo:R PRIVILEGE Chola! location "'1th in!Alrttlini Harbor v1,-w Spadoua home with 2 bf'drm1, family room and a 26 x 25 n.tmpl.la room. Pnvate aandy awlm· minr bt-ach. Priced right at U9.~. SubmJt le:t..-"'1th option to buy. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hwy., Ne"·port Beal".b LI 8-3481 • COULD BE -DON'T GUESS BESURE TO SEE - - - ~Jalt", euily 2 llDJt.a -t BR -3 batha, 1 I1e. BR and bath in connection with pr&~. Inter· elti.nt modern tty~: remodeled 2 atory home -'brukfut bar kitchen -2 fireplace.. El~­ trlc naae. aut.omatJc clothee wuher and drior • bM:JGded. -. - Full prb ~~ Wma With 'SH,.500 on 1st TD 8% lnttrest. ALSO EXCLUSIVE 3 BR. 2 bat.la home that I.a ln tlp-top cond . WW carpet. lot. of • t o r a c ~ . patio, i•ra~. Price S2'.SOO ttrm11. · WM. W. SANFORD, and Associates Lee Bohn • Charlotte. Fuk>la. Hub hwera • Nona Hyu Park A."'-at Marine. Balboa laland Har. 246.2 Claire Van Horn UA.LTOll nu w. c.a Hwy. u a.-un Call eva L1 ... a20t BA M1W Less Than Rent I BORK )aome, n-17 pa.IJlled lutdll and owl Trav.,.. roda and drapa tor ~ l'GOlll& 8edrooma 1ar,. and 1t1h1. Mockm 1t .. 1 aan. Iota ol kltcb•n caMn•ta. LA.r1• ftne• • Nft' I bedlDl 1~ bath hOllM built around lta patJo. Both the ll'flDI roam &Dd dlninr room Jook out on the patio and the eaaNDit:nt kltcMa 1t jut. a few sttpe away. Priced at $36,1500. With sood t«ma. LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES MOO VIA LIDO FRED OUENSLER JACK MOORE HARBOR t5C>23 VIRGINIA M.ANSON GENE VRlCZLAND N yard. l&.n4cap«od front &ad --------------------,_.,. On & quiet dMd , end •trMt.. ft.ne for cilUdnn. CW. to .cbooUI &Ad employmtnt. UlOO down wtth small 2114. • , ~. Joan at N.5 per monui mcludft LIYW'1LDQe aAd t&M&. STUDIO EST A TES ! Bedroom.a, 1 % Bat.ha ··~ • 0.. • Na.r UW. O.C-a..c1a o Wandedul OcMa View -·-Corope del M~r ~ to aJa at JU.TOG A COla'OltTA.m..J: I Mdaoona home la • vvy dM~ io. caUoa -Tuma. -·-Balboa Island • BEDIWOMI -'" bath.I OD a lonly comer lot. -Plua an apart.nent onr ,....... Ownn tnu..t au. lubm1t your down i-aYJMllt-Trade pomtb» too! --Cliff Haven View Of rolllJlC Country.ici. NEWPO~T BEACH " OWNER ANXIOUS SUBMIT DOWN Sll.MO l'ulI Price tor S Bdi'. &me. lwt a ..,., to th• beach -fmoed·la ~ tor 1"I' Little Onee. Ju:lt eomplete!y remodeled ~ new root a.ad lovely pat.Jo , •• and lt lol com• pleteJy and com.fort.ably turn1ahed I a el a d l a I n.np and retrlcvator. You don't haq to aped a penny on 1t ••• MOVE RIORT IN. We haft the KEY. COSTA MESA DOCI'OR.s AND Dl:l'n1ST8 A.Tl'l:NTIONI IN NEW SHOPPING CEN'l'Dll • Modern Dairn · Unlt.e tor ~ or Dlatlm omen. Lot 120 :a:. 150. No pafthla' dltftcultll&. Full~ $39.~. Low dOw. payment. .. . . . BACK BAT -H&.lt ~ old9r 2 br. bowie. IU,6()0. ~ othe.1"9 -&11 s.mu CLEVER COLORFUL COUNTRY HOMES Wm. BRAY, AlA Architect WALTER HOLBROOK. Deal&'ner INTERIOR DECO RA TORS DREAM Bola at Fount&AD Vlew Wut ot Barbot-Blvd., Sant& Ana LOVELY, roomy 2 Mdroom borne wu.a • Dee. J'oract &1r tle&t. ~ noon, w. ~ w. carpetiq, lovely p a t 1 o wtUt llu-B-Q. Not a I..,._ hold. INDUSTRIAL ACREAGE FROM ~$10,000 per A.. 'ill N.wport, HuntJ.ac ... ton Bch., eo.ta M-. t..D.d Banta Ana areu. 1 to •..1 20 A. puula, IOlll• with 10 .,.,_ ~ Max W. Pope, Rltr. 11101 Manor Blvd. Cosl.41 Mua u a-uu WlllJ.a !f, Jo11111•. Auoc. BALBOA VACATION HOME FOR l&r1• family. Wall to wall ca~ta &ncl tl.t'epac• In 12' ll 20' lh· Ln1 room. btf 11-...d ln front porch, du\Jn& room, 3 bed.Mn.a , clOM to bay and lhopplllJ UOOO down. Jal Umt otter~ Wtll fum1&hed. Owner font, wUI aac_nllc• tor JH,2~. N. B. C. Realty Co. ll2nd anl1 Ne"" porl Hl\/d, Ntwpoal Beach Har HO~ or Har ~~38 PRICE $12,750 5°/0 DOWN STEEN· WATSON CORP. Liberty f'rll.31 Detf o PENINSULA Cuta 2 bed.rm~. Fireplace, 2 ear l't.n.Je, tenoed. Only $2:)00 down. BA. Y FRONT DUPLEX, fu.m1abed. Private beach. Pitt It fioal OCEAN FRONT, 2 bcdrm, 2 bath. $18,000. COAST PROPERTIES Rtmi JAYRED, Realtor Mildrtd Rifp and Syh•ia Tbom?90n. A.uocl&tee 301 E. B&Jboa Blvd , B&lboa Har. 2M8 or t&OO Costa Mesa Lots J -II' LOl"8. ~... ~ - '4.000 ~ -l:llceUut Cor ~ -·-Owner Moving East WILL Mil hia I bedroom home ltl food loc:aUoo tor J12.J60 w1lh 1xc•Ut11t lenna. Ca!J or -~ now tor &ppolnllr11111L• Duncan Hardesty llE.A.LTOR *'At lh" Br1d«• to Lh1o La#" lA.fayetlt at J:.lnd 8t, Har, HUI C:.'ORON A DEL MAR Drut1cally Reduced Frum $42.500 To $36.500 Restricted Back Bay 'C' THOM.AS 'C THOMAS -i De Luxe OPEN THIS WEEK-END ?'or Utile Corona Buch 2M POPPY AVE A BEAliflJ."'UL \'\PW hom•, ;a bdrm.. :.i btthm, ,.,.llh rara.n play room that I• a dandy. g h Lathrop reeltor 311~ E. Cout H1f)1.-1 y Har HU l'::vr1 Her :,!\&() ----~ ------- CHECK THIS A NICE l'W'llt t111nuor<1 \'rry llvabl•' hotn• Jo.a rK•t ('Ofn" much rhf'a~r than U300 In a J oo<! nf'l(hb<lrhood ._) hrtlrr -lhl• I an t>• h•r: dl•d o" • err.ill d:>wn IF YOU DESIRE A RURJNt;M i<o<a t1u11 •·ou " 1, n•v•r do ~u .. r than th!• cor I non H•art of C°1>11ta M•M ' tor ne ~00 14llh 2 BR nom• on adJ iol a lM1 ln11u11 .. c1 \.\'ll Y No·r u.>< •K • Al.SO Sinn t1.i1ld11";;: t t 1~ • .,. 177~ Nt>14'fl'H l A' r 2*l , ~' ="EV.', r ('()<J r•t.all 1>11•1n .... lt.X' Mvrtle Davy, Rltr. H3l \-ta t)porto Har MUI ,- Water Front Pier i Float S6500-DOWN 2 RP.:CflM. HOM!!: plu• 1ar,- tam1ly room l"or nH Jot. f.·un rr1c .. SH.~ What hav,. you Bt:ILI> YOUR Ni."W HOME A.MONG THE FlNf:ST. N~w St.Net.a, curba, aidewa.J.k.a, •trttt Uiht.a, eeyt·en. ~ Our New (Bay l\nollal ut.le9, pricf'd from i4950. ACT :\OW IF YOU W.Al'li"T A CHO!CE! GEO. EVERSON, Realty 1787 ·A Ne"'' port Blvd., Co.ta Mua -LI 8-901 Across Blvd. from 8a!eway Store THE BEST in C. D. M. A 2 BPt homt, just redccorat.l!d inaid~ and out, naptone farpl. noor rum, hdwd fin . loads or 1tora1t. PLUS roomy 2 Br. apt. ovn dbl. 1ar, with 11unny kit . HUGE wardro~1. PLUS wpar· ale wuh rm. I. stance rm. On 1 .. vel lot in ~L.'1,'T neighborhood, JU.l st#pe to 1hor11. ONLY $23,500 -Good tnm1 F.Jttluah•e "1th R. L. STRICKLER , Realtor 3&22 Jo:. Cout H-.·y., O>rona dl'I Mar -Har 2ii i Open House 509 De Anxa Corona Hi9hland1 3 Bedroo~ -Family Room -Dinin1 Ar~a - L.anaa wtth ~autiful ()('~an View. O'Nner "111 eell for u ht tie u $3,000 down. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor "At lhe Bridce to Lldu ale" L&fayettt> al 32nJ St., Har. 4718 for ~00 rqtrlly? S11bm1t -------------------- lradn It. r,,.<>r(f' I-RI •'I' ,.rt. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES t:.M W Balboa Blvd Hu :.111'1 9&<911 BAYFRONT! LOWEST BUT NOT LEAST B/ B A [)REAM TO BltHOl.fl ON Llf)(J A B!:A\ITIJl''Ul, horn• ot IJ'41• I cJnuan4'111 w 3 bclrm• 2 loYel,t ti.tru Let' lena1 d 1oC. ~· patln '"·~ WE HAVJ: two l't bdrm Bay· tronll l• offer. Botti •/pltrt &nd allpa. paUor., l'!Jmpl t\U11, ~. B•y I Beech Rlty., Inc. NU.LTOM HM> W. Balboa Bl•d. Har 3843 Har. nte lt'Yn ._.L. -------- LIDO ISLE OPEN HOUSE Thura. thru Sun. I~ 223 Via Orviel..a t bdrm• 2 bathe $3-i.~. Costa Mesa OPEN HOUSE DAILY 1-5 204.G A.A&heim SL BF.Alinl"\JL l bedroom, 2 bath vu:w hnme overlooktn1 New. port Harbor &.lid OCMn, •u•l- Hy built, ~ded _,th out- •landln1 teatu,.. A deUlllnr . hur• llv. room •IUI tlrepl•c• bullt·ln kll~hcl. upcn9lvely c•rpeted, draJ'" lncJud.-d Out of t'7Wn own.r ottenr. ". nn..ic t.,TI,. on ukl.J\1 prl« of Sll. llOO. Cliff Haven lD&A.LL T IM.aled on 70 ti. oor lot. UU. home ott•rw • bed· ro<>m• Ph• Mn, I b. I ha. l«a llv mom, doubl• nrerl•<•, br.akta•t ti.r A '11n. •r- ebund&n~ oJ de>a11t •pare. w .,.. ea~lln« A draru apr1nkllnr •Y•lfm. pnf~I tnr hu«• famUy and O.NLl' u~ooo Beacon Bay HOME end INCOME I BEDROOM Mm• plue 1 bed l"O<\m tumLalM-<1 ru•ir• a pt I r"n!M to .. me (*nant pa•l 5 \•rartt l .. t hv roofJl bu I vr-kllrh~n lmmPdl•t • r.r. ('.pane. 1'11<4'-':l •t sl· V'lO Rli:>.LTOR and ASSOCIATES 224 W. r out HW) l.J l ·M%7 :-; ..... -port 8-C'h 'C THOM.A.S 'C' THOMAS LAGUNA BEACH I lJNl'lllRPA&SEO VIEW. Drud I new J be<iroom• l bath d• l..._ .. , hnm.. P' A heat, boalt·ln ranire and ovt>ft, Hca"y •h•k• runt, MWl'I noore. Coompkrt#ly lenl\9e&pelt Thi• I• & ft\&&.llty built. home and rnuat ~ -n lo t... appr«aat~ ti SU.~. Ope11 dally 9 to 6 30 1194 Tempi,. HW Onva OwTltr I.I l-4i<l7 THREE HOUSES . ' TWO . adJollllJ\6 ft-2 lot.a.. pl•nl,T of room tOT the •~ .nil. Hu • 'Mdrrn, i.o-a. • J Mdrm. aad 1 bect'111. apt. owr ~ • ........ ~ ,__ laundrJ rm. &nd extra 14 bath. IT'I A STEAL! ('all ,.ord Vtl'- r1"d~, Eiu·lwttY• A1.,.t Har dU. Md8 WILL BUILD & LEASE CONCRETE tilt-up bldp. fully mprt.niu.Ncl. 15~ And &• per aq. fl Ample off •llwt parkJnf. WlD rive you 3 yr. opUoo to buy t.be bldi. tt 1DU deaire It. SEVEN ISLANDS REALTY & INVESTMENT CO. 503 -32nd SL, Newport Be&ch Ha.r. 5868 Evatinp Hu.~ BEAUTIFUL RANCH STYLE N£AR NEW 3 bedroom and den, dlnlnr room.. HW tloora, w;w carpeuni, dr&periee included. FA. heat, fireplace. 1 ~&·bat.ha. Bullt·ln oven and ran&'t, coppt"r hood, di.µou.J. Hnvy aha.lte root. O" orr movm1 and mtLSl wU thla lovely home on eut aide. Full pric. $2e.~. ~ DOWN. DUPI..Ji:X NE.AR OCEAN BE.A.CH $150 pt"r month Income on rtrular monthly b&&1a -more it on eummtr·wtnur rental. Extra lot on which to bulld 2 mo ... unit.a. A.p&rtmut.e &re roomy and nioriy !urniahed. $H.:M>O NI Price. $4ro<l DOWN. SEE US .-<)R BUSINESS OPPORnTNrrIES! We b.& v. Rent.Ua ! and 2 bedroom -turniahf'ld &Dd untu.m1&bed THE VOGEL COMPANY 1 iOO N twport Blvd.. c.c.t.a Wea, l.J a.615N Evu. Har. UJ.5, Har. 571' I~~~~ Dj:Ji,i!1s -~~~~~ CORONA DEL WAR -3 Home. on J Jote .•. Lot iii PO x 118; "Specwaton" won't m.1m UU. · Income $21~ MonthJy ; on "eouthalde" of Hi: way. CLIFF HA \'EN -3 Unit.a "nietu.a.-• OYW 12" SMALL down payment •• ONLY •• ,11,.500. Costa Mesa "Sleeper" A 3 and 2 ~room Dupln ( ~~) that II loc•tffl in C.2 &f'f'&. Room tor mont u.nlta. Own~r aay1 .,.jj at $:5,000 On .•. at '17,SOO. OCEAN and BAY VIEW in "NEWPORT HEIGHTS" SEE thla "view" -L&rre 2 bdr. Home; 2 b&ta; Let. Ll v. Room with "tinted" J1,u1 ; 1'lnplaee; SW1declt a.nd 2 car l'&rare •.• aubm.it all otfen. Only $49~ Down ••. Full PrJee .•• Pl.MO. TERIFFlC VIEW -3 bed home wt~ 2 bath.I; Widow W18hH "quick'' u.1e ••• $3000 Da • • • OnJy $1~.260. 8EE Ir BELIEVE: -3 bd..r. home; L&rp .th. Room wrv. porch; dial>C*Ll • mu.y otblr futurN .•. Corner lot .•• Reduced to 122Ji00: $4000 Dn. JACK BRENNAN, REALTOR N nrport Office • • . • . • "At 'nlE AJt.all:B" 3320 W. Cout Hi·Way. U 1-1711 C<Mtt. Mesa Office -betwet.n Tuat.1n It 1nfDI w E. 11th st, u a.na • Bayshores • 1-Cbmoa l!v ..... , ..... 2 be4rcoma. 1 b&th ------fl.I.• t 2 bedroomll. 1~ badla f80ld) lt;TaO ... 2 bedroom, l batb, tvn. 21.000 w. 11a.. t.be low•l l'rlc9d bta7tront home rh1a lncnm11 •PL on Rtlbo6 Ialan<t B••ullful ~. w1tt. •n"r ~<:h T II I t la a \' E R T ATTR.ACTJV'K pmp.rty, Offtr.c1 turnta11 .. 1 tor 141..800 ~ttf'r RU1'H NNr IVW 2 Wnn 11, beth M~rn. Mutu bdrm 12 11 22 le• dbl r•n.1f'. cownod READ THIS ! '! ! pat.to . ._.llc<!d J11rd, wool c&r· --------SHOWN BY APPOlN'nOCNT O!fLT JN'\a dr•s-• cu11a1n.1 1rw1U.t· RACRJFICE SALE! R·2 I~ t2a300 choir• 0Wta .CS I& lmii' pr1r. ot Jt2.~. ~DOWN A.L8() M ..... ,.,.. ~ tor 11 u11ll•. Bay Front ffo!Df' -Pier It Slip. W'-'-Jltea•·• l't••r MW stoR'tl and tndut• LU\CT --. THE VOGEL Co I Bft.. nr "'4rll•t• ,.. ~'I lid• n...11"'~ ,...1_._ ~,_ "'--r"1ners l•le Rlty. t11a1 •r•• Must uu IL'WWl ui ,_, ·-__. .......... ,. IV1w • C'aah 1,1111 Mr 0.hc'lr~. UU ~ • q tl atrfft, c.M . UWNl:H 111 Mann• ""•· K.lt>o. bland w COU( Hlv.-ar u a-T:i.2 UDO orr1ca: • MUST BELL thu w...-ll.L1&1ro! HARBOR INVESTMENT CO Harbor 41~1 Ev" • Har, lllM. ·~,.; IUt Vi& Udo Hat •t71 Va. Hnm. rt.t.Jt<>r, l.J 1·•177.1 • ·-~~~~--------~--------~~--------------~--------------~~~t7~__:H~ar:,:bo~r~l&OO Ewe. Harber 217'"'1 fW'I °' "' .. J • .• ·,~Hamn CwotlM ~~ ••• ,... Thls Pi1w • :· • $1Q,995 • " .. • . •, ·~· .. ..~c-... ,._ • --~ 7"'7 ' ~vfrs . S'li ' ' -•r,~·n....~ · J le'llrooma.~ z.aath.-2:.Cor 6ero11• -Costa 'Mesa $UN5tllNE . • J .,..., .... ..... om. 1111 if:.1.s Mi._••-••• C*'h+ .... ctr I t. ...__ • a ¢C4U& I ' Udo • 2,-.•.,..-.1,.1lld.U. -a lltilo llx· .' ....... i.t • •: PM -al --' ·' ·Udo Udo 11911 Vl& 1""o JilOl,'d. --~·· .. -otlllba .. -to -_.colon. Pier -ollp llallt fc.-,.,.. -ti-with ""'1tJllnc, • -. '" I ... ·It~ -~-1.o ..... .._ ..... lli!dl BaT--.wlllchllaa--h-teNOW' pm ...... ;..... ..o.i tblL •. Ia t!oo-a ..._.. -·=· 0"'7 ~1"'' whilo ,... -aodlar ,.._, with aa ..,,..,.,..., price ud with outPMto,s ftnanclq.· P8 UoK. we , eon't -tJ>.all ~ 1"" pe"""'81i1. oe> .a-tlolq Ill ow: OlllJ -<'-t.il1as -wheG """ ... ~ portuDitf 1• Jiur .... 11e ,...,.; · Paeue ~ ua whftl we aay that tbii. home can be boalbt ~ ,.... ... comld .... ble ... --· ,,.,.. bedrooq)o. • pla.yn>om. buJlt.jo ...,,.. and OYed lJl the kflOben. landtcaped. OG & ...., COr'"- ner lot, and .-ly lo be moved into. QOft4 .... I-: .... .,,.tr,\:: olCI ·~ •JZ'"' ...... -. ' -. .............. -.. .._ Ill ""'_,.,.. 811 _,.., 1111 1t1I ... ltr' ""°' Ol!lwod at .....,, ... -_,. -., It. -. -ftlo .. ~-!Lltu ....... ,_ 2. OOPON4 DC. 11411. ' ....t.-. .... lup lulllJ ...... 2·...a.., -..., .... tt.tbts CID. -2 .... wttll .,.. I' s•t ~ ti tlio ~ -PM11!o. I p&tlao. llllQ. Ntftr bft we 11m ID WNb° a .._. for .,_ lhlns· PRIGl:I> LOW at Pl,MO, -_a. 8 Ulll't8 .BALBOA. !Aw dowel a.- 19,... Let 'tllo -to !>07 It otf for 1"'I IUld ID S or t )'IL 10U will boDd up a aloo llttlo Ntate with • lood IMamo. Remember! One .-no! -"' .... _, ... , oqal • lifetime al -_, Full Pri .. Slt.000. ' • • 'BEACH HOMES ~ 1'11I9S fl0,18(1 .J79J!O PER MONTH. • '--·I liolllo, --Ill( bV:flaC .... ,.,., -baft ~ qaollty h .... --for you. $125.000. -0< mlrt>I \YO ' la Lido homo c.-lct. M-1 Acreage • I>oa't bt -·or lhOoo _. ,.ho wm be IOrt'Y -they~ wllat thll Maie llOld f0<! t. 24 UNIT8 BAIJIOA. annual NET IN<XDIJ:, Sl.3.'74. Prica S85,1l00. SM,000 d...,.; M!pt , : trade tor •t.ta&lt.ial eqvtty or otber oallat. . wn.llDN' It. PU.CllNl'lA · Mrnished Models 6pen Deily 5 "'4invt.\ fro111 tho Ocean· 111•.•t School• & Work OOllU J094 8UNBHINE . BE•QI llOMEll-OITER . • • r.root or ~ Urine room1 • Plenty ot cloeela. Dlnillr,t aPace bl kitdlml • tO cal. 'water beat.era.. Natianl birch cabinet9 • Contet4 We in kitcb· ... • ~llo<P !loon • Wood .Udlng win- dows ' • ,000 ' IQ.. ft. Jota • Roek roofL AJnml•~ ICfliUll,.. ANO'mER 8. V. BUNSAKl!:R. ALEX STEPT DEVELOPllENT ·WHEN llSTING y.., .,..,.....,. with • MULTIPLE LISTING BROKJCR a tul1 deec:rlpt.ion of.your property with a photo will be la the hand.a of over JM broker. &Dd •i...m..n -aU d:lembtn of tbti Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 600. N. Newpc>rl Blvd., Newport Botcl>. Call!. v' v' Best Buys Corona del Mar .· l iSHORIDCLIJ'l'S VIEW HOME. Out.ot&nding · · tie<J u. thla moc1em a bl!dnn. pm. <1en ..ith pumtOODt \'low ot .,.,..., tnd jetty. Qutllty con1t:ructlon -ma.ny fine teaturm mile up thia OM home. Room tor pool Firtt time of- ru.d tnd prioed below .. pltoem .. t •• $4:5.000 SlM>w'll by appolQb;ne.nt -EK:cluaiw with ua. 2 f' A. !l4JUTY and only Y.. block to ocean troa t &nd beach. Modem 2 bdrm., 2 bath home. OnJy 2 yn.. oli Hardwood fln., FA heal p.rb dil:pa.I, flrpl. nke paUo, dble. (lll'll.ge. An ewcrUmt bUy -priced furniahed at $27 ,500. l2lrchuitfie with as, bat you better HURRY on t.bia OCM ! I "vt:sW LOT. OORONA IIlGHLANDS. Com· plett; wtth plaM for 3 bedrm. bomt1. Qv.'Tlf'r will con.ider tno. for boue or in«>rne any· wMre· Hwtxn' Ana. Priced •t $10,MO. lll:IOIER or KUL TIPLE LISTINGS CORONA oa MAR REALTY co. PllD T. lloCUJ!lrION, Rotlttt It Aaoclttee 8"7 IC. Oout Hwy. a. ...... de! Mu Har. •7 (Ollloo-lad --to Newport Barhor Bank, CdM) BALBOA ISLAND WANT 'ft) KAKE MONEY EASY? Here'• how -ftll ~ home. Uloilt furn. F .A. beat. fr. ~. otep lo oo. boy • Yillap PLUS 1 bdrm. furn. O{>L oad atn S.-im. ohowo torifflc lacome rec- ord.· a... Jut year almost $5000! run pric. $311,000 with ....... It <kotr<d . OPll:Jil BOUU-&at. IUld Bwi. 1 to 5 m CJOa+x·-cat.-."""' lup palio, 11111. IV• flt.OOI). e ..... ta Coote -SS.MO ........ Seo thla today, -Jt'1 u coeDent buy. • p. a. palmer incorporilted ole kenson co. m•n•,£,ment sssa Tia lido, barber AoklDt _piloo ! ! ! $27,llllO. p. •· palmer incorporated ole hon1on co. m•n•11•m•nt lTOO w. -lelP"'Y -•-"61171 B/ B VOGEL VALUES THE GREAT ORANGE COAST OORONA DEL KAR · INCOKI: or bomt. OOod loal.- tloo.. J Unlta. Jlal&l SU ~ Mov• In DOW. Very rM90Uba.. n&.500. 8Jll&ll down. 12 NEW UNITS It POOL Tlm ·l.&88 TOU PAT DOWN, UM ~ 7fl'l1' JnOnlll.ly pa.y- mmt..--Jlu"'4U'pw, 1 b9drm.. deQ. diDlilC roomn. frun..:I eot· tap. _,..,. k>t. ~. -- plet.917 t~ M&yti. -1ns WW M X.L '7800 u.t.4 Mid eraL A ~ prwperoua t.1.tn• aftil.. able only became of ownen other MpMd- tnr 1nto-.. Thlll 111 without doubt tbe - lncome deLI in Harbor Area! FISHER & CO. 2603 Newport Blvd., Newport BNth, Har. «29 day or nirht. • BAY FRONTS •• -3- OWNER MOVING a.ATS MU um delllrabl* oor. prop.rty ~ ct hoGM • lJleome. 2 bdrm. Mc.b. r .P... a car pr., Wllldllek • patio. Call Glady• KlApJler. 11100 ... $10,800 y.arly S21,l!OO ®""' t-i bulldu bu ju.t compleled pJaao for 12 (1 bedl'oom) W>li. with • 20' • '°' owlDualnr pool He .,.. : "U you will buy DOW I wW stve .. special prico." Loe&ted I> bloclt to ......, iboppblc cont.er and near new Ovie Center, ec.ta K-. Moderate $7~.00 monthly reaW. will produce SlG.1100 yearly en-. Doo't wait on lh1li one a.t SM.MO! ....... ....,, .... ., ..... -LIDO pe.)'!Mllbl' OOft9 ~ II ed. Q\dc.ll NORD R.1:1..A.X ll'I Ula co&)' J bdrm. Maw ll'I choice Locatt.on. Ba.rd wood Ooan. flnpL •"-Won. 114,7~. SHORECLl.FF FINEST cont.anpot'U)'. 2 bdr .. 0-. )anal., and 21' 11"1Df room w1Ui OCMll ....... Xlnt hrma. "'""' L 0 0 K I N G for your moMy'1 wor'UI T TM11 i...k• a look at lhlll J WT. A den., • 1 b&U bacM. HW nn.. nrtipl 8UQPy Pf'tlO. SJl,0.00. XllAS PACKAG!: QUIET A MCw.:i.rJ Thne Arcll Jky. 8~ ocelJl • l.boM "1rlf. &u~ J.lnarlC&ll a ltdr . 1 ba1lto ~ -u appoint· e4. 0-.-.,. .U ! rum. or Unt\lm. C.U f• ~ B•y & Be•ch Rlty .. Inc. REALTORa CORONA D&l. ¥4.A 3baG E.. Cout HWJ., Jhr. MU BEST BUYS 51800 On ' I Bdr. H.om.t.. £ Side Hwo nr .. 1 ·~ ACN A ·I l Sdr. older HOUM -i111 Doi.ma, corral '"'°" °" I C"·i J~ orr Harbor B lv\l. HI!!'• • an 1.nveotm. y o u •h.ouldn t ml•. Half •en lot tor f'(>U l"U or bU•ino" .. <kt'<1lop Jl\000 [Jn. or &ubm!t. R t Mr°"" lot. \.\.'!II t&k• trip- ~ ... Only Jlfi-00 Dfl. !M-'"•r• 11'1 /n<:0m4' lnvt"•l.fn. N ... rly n"w ! Du.pin. r>r. New <.1l.)' Hall "' I N .... J9UI 81.. Store• • mltta Only J14,&00 "1th I '3 On. t> IJnita -l O\Jpl•...... .. .. rap. bet"'"n.. ~r u aoo lneom .. Room ror LIKlltwt u.nft •l UT,600. AJm ad). ltJt -10. .vn&l.I. h.ol-. Ro-om '°'" 4 mon wUt.a. ()aJy •'1300. Mesa-Harbor Rltv. 009 C..ttt c-t..& il- Ll 8-etlll E-. HA ~298W W 14'1'6 U NlU OPEN HOUSE ~UNTIL 80LD1 • M7 Fulkrton A.YL. Npt.. Hi... a;w eor l&th and ruii.rtoii ........... • 2'ito Mlh• • Bu.l.Jt..ln •-• • O"¥en • Bullt·ln BBQ • H~ .U:... ftr'P~ • Exp.nsl•• cerptUna • ,.._ pliulbd noo... • I peUal. • _,.,. ...... rool '11118..,...... ............ ...... WID.uttU.MCllt&- artmlmtlltc ~. hl1 priol -i:r ... aoo. (bdielw ~ .... l oc.t). TB--. ,,.. a. u. ....... buy lD u.. ~ Mee ~ D' A1fD Yotfu. BUY .. , CORONA DEL MAR TRY S2.000 DOWN ON' THl!I . Very neat 2 bedroom home with U" x 21 ' llrinc room. Wall-to-wall carpetilll. Wind tor 220V. Rock roof and 1arce wtndowa. l'UU me dbl. C&ral't· It. not lilted OU. ww.y ••• but try $2.000 down at JU,liJO(). "We have cub buyen waitJnc for 3 bedroom home ln Corona def M.&r UDdeT $1&.000!' THE VOGEL CO. 2&67 E. Cout HJchway.- HA. 17il So. of Hiwey Corona del Mer BRAND NE\V cuaom built 2 bedrm.. bOUle Oil 4'6' lot. Drlvew•y with 24' dble. pnp. Ne.t rental eoua,. at rear. teneed., cb.u'aWal pttio. E:l:cellent t.enna. LOW down.. $26,.GOO. Ez.clulfft with. BEN J. WHITMAN, Realtor CA.LL ADA CROW, to llM Harbor 4'53 or Har. 1882 3M2 E. Cout Hjg~wty, C.orona del Mar IRVINE TERRACE OPEN I TO 5 P.M. DAILY I 500 DOLPHIN TERRACE - One of our belt.tr U..tinp ia thill 3 bedrm , 2 bath home. Lee. rooms. sliding wall to patio. Plenty or rm. f01' pool on tbi.a 70 .1: 120 fL lot. Built-ln e1ectrlc range, Rl'Vice room.. Low tenra to quallfit'd buyen at $32.SOO. Leuehold. HARBOR AND OCEAN VIEW A df'luxP "Hawaii&n modern" home of 2 bedrm Ir conv. de:i, 2 1 i bath.a, •hoji .creeD., rreen .i..t.e noor -PLIOll VerdM atoM firepl -It BBQ ALL In family nn. AU "1th sweepl.ns: marine view. Lge outaide patio, (private patio ott muter bath), art.i.Uica.lly land_..ped lot. Carpet. and draperje9 included in the low ~ ot $68,500. Shown by appt. to qualified buyers.. For earlier appt. or for infonnation CIJl Mary Dlcbon. Li 8-9'91. or Lou Boynton.. Hu. 2878. EARL W. STANLEY, BALBOA ISLAND LIDO ISLE 12 5 Via Zurich Realtor Harbor 4448 A C\ITE HOUSE IN PRIME l..OCATlON • 3bodroom,2balh • lhlDr Room 18 • 22 • _, potlo • ~ Binet oa Lido • Lure '"""" f.,, •moo " o1onp • 0erpei. tnd dn.poo ro with • Exoellent ooatrolled hM.Unc action ._OMded t• TOU to bu.y uu. bU'pl.D.. Lot IOal.4 •. ~y Wl:L.L LO- CA.Tm> ~ alt. toSet.b.111' wWa I Mdrm.. 1tutico borne w1... t~ dlat.q rOOlq, w.d kttc:Mn and bat.h, iw...ldu1 JO(JIU----W'Yftt to oftSCM ""1\.b top HYlq .Ullrtwl. 2 cu ,..,._ a.c•, oft ..U-..t pukinJ", I _, OOl'D9r, ( .... viJil.l&l lldYert:1'inf. BMt buJ on Ntwport. BJvd. W:•l SONll ....,. bu.Udiq __, ror IMO --. &Mlrt Lum. ShoUld ....,. tor ~ t.,. and toer1 IWI rul&I.. UOO ... ft. lit ~. 11&•itd pMittq ara. SJ0,000 ~ lhl.O "9tricl4d R&8WEN- Tli..L UJr. pt.Yed Md CUTMd lJtrMt, Eut •k:Sa. IJl()O. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1 1&61 N@wport Bh•d., CO.I.a M- U 1-IUl EVM LJ a..1400 INVESTIGATE I THiii I Ulf"M' 1pa.rtm\"llt ho...,. 1"'1U bm.r m..l.Dut. lmplctlon.. P1'Mnt ll'IOOllW "7« yarly. Very be9t kocl.Uo11 on Balbool J'9:run.ula., ft.Ch Ip\. .. larfe, epacloo.ia. &n.d 111 tip top con· dlUori. M7.:IOO ta vel")' re-..<>n· ebltl tor UU properly. Own.r wUl oonsldar i.nna.. Ai.o 90fu.e tn.dl!. P'hon9 01' -~,.,. "i..w.n foir tu.II ~a BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES ll!Oa W. &IJM19 Blvd Bar !1111 ..... EXCHANGE 'fha "Rut'I&ar .,..._ Spot .. ""' ,,_ -Part "' """" -"" $22,500 Cash -91.111aJ.l t..--'"'"'P-t7 ~ l'9Zl.t-' aa4 '-lll9 WW t&b • --. tor .,.,._t. e•ll CllA.Rl..&& B. Rrnallk. -!MT' ~: Har. ltll 9"il LJ MT• . ...,. Udo Isle maA&. .... ,., ....... &-.. ...... "*' ... ,....., -----~-. ....... -----•.u piU!ted ..-. ~ ..... Ud ~ ldteMa. ow. ....... ........, - New u.tinp < bednn., 3\, btth, pier It !let~ expena!wely carpeted and draped. Very 1a.rp beautitul patio. Over o.5 fl frontap. SlM,000 tenna. • • • t bednn, plu.1 view family room , lmmacul&te home. Pier and alip. Over 70 tt. trootace $1~7.llOO. • • • B/B Near Newport Harbor Yacht Club Cottap on ft-3 lot. Room to exp&Qd wtt.b Bay vn. Reduced to $12,700. • • • Buy Your Boat a Home for Christmas!! CHOOSE ONE OF THESE RA \'FRONTS LIDO -3 BR _:_ $9~.000 BAY AVENUE -3 BR -Jaret lot -s:i9.7:SO BAY A VF.NUF:: -5 BR -SS:S.000 BEAUTIFUL comer, 2 BR and den -$85,000 NEAR NHYC -5 BR, Jarre lot -$75,000 PENINSULA -5 BR -$70.000 BAY & BEACH REAL TY, INC., Reeltol'1 2~ \V. Balboa Blvd., Newport BY.ch, H&r. 1254 Evtt.. Har. 1856 HAVING TROUBLE SELLING YOUR PROPERTY77 Perhap1 a lltUe redecorating would help you eell your property and at a better price. Look at the exterior of your property. DoM it look ababby and fadm or neat and elea.n ! OoN the imldt ot your property look worn or cheerful and brflbt? We can take care of a.JI • your redecoretbllc ...... promptly and efficiently. CALL MR. McKENZIE HAR 0385 ' llitf• CORONA DEL MAR SM.ALL but CHAIUmlt two -......._ Thill bu aJJ the feat\U'el -ba.nhrood Doon. thermo cont. bN.l. 8ervice porch, DtU" It«* Kt away from. bwy. not. -turnJlbed. Oal7 Slf.000 ' SCARCE ITEM One of th• lleot QCE.\N VlBW lols, -"' bwy .. lt-1 JIODe, 1 ateaJ at '17.MO. • mlJlllvs mvimi T£RRACB Loftl1 I ...... 2 bath ~! X1nt Joeatloa ---Ice. patio with ploaty or ,_. for pool. -~ -cir.p. .......... h> w. low, low ..... d PIJllJO. Good -too! NELDA GIBSON Realtor Wm. G. Kempton ... ...._"""-·-. RAY REALTY COMPANY RL4LTOR OPEN HOUSE EVERY AFTERNOON BALBOA BAY :UH E . Cout ffirhway. eo ..... de! Mu -Har. 2298 $32,!iOO 30l llaimt' A.ft. Harbor 502 OFFER.In'\ BY OWNun 84.LBOA ISLAND •10 A\-.;in. N..,pon ... t.. lloLI r:.n PROPERTIES lACl'OM from t.nk in op&) ~-------------~~~~~-'~._._ .... _"_"_'_E_~_.:w:..:'"'"..:.:.~·-~~-~~~~------~-~~'-""~~...;'"":::.~~:·..'.: ...... ~_•_d_H_u_ .. _u_,;_ ___ ~M_ ... ~ .. _,_._r_M~•l_U~p-~_u._u,,._~~Scrviu~----- • ' "