HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-09-28 - Newport Beach Daily Pilot-• '. i . ... _ ..... -.J.a,;.... -ully Ne....-.11r TEN CENTS _,,.,, ... ,.i-·- VOL. ~I , NO. 19~, 6 SECTIONS, 80,PAGES ' FR•Y. C EFflN• l.eeaJ., ea Ell ~a 4 Y ... C N ,, ' '• '*'"' 41 ... ""_ ...... ' • Pa I I.I tea• Pa nr I trr-drn= .. l1PI T ••••••• rea water .ets u en D«'ftifotf hi 1t'••Jai119telt Barnett, Kennedy .;· In Reported Truce r.xrnno . M1 si; •A.I'• Botaterinc . t1me.1 by le~ duriliin: .. of 1nip1 ud 1'9etMll ··a ai*lt-' ..W-mf'n'1 air• • '1 • 1 'nofhcial IOUrt'f's 5a1d Loda~ • Miaiuippl a ··•ittkend truC1' had bttn lli&b••)' reached br:1.,.·ttn r.n,· ~s untftr 1 F.amett and Atl) (;('n Rob-appeared ff119 l'r1 Kennec::h· in thfo fOOe ral at -t 1mpw dil-In Waabiqtan, U.. Jubt» tirmpt to eOroll Ne1ro Jamf's ,, hiehwa)' H Mtted1th in thf. al1 -wh1tr 1a1d Go'·· Ba t 'ni,·pr1ity of M 1,:Mi;~ipr1 r.f'n l\"11nf'd~· .. Wreng "'rlghwd Loyd Saw Red (But Not Now) Oepart.menl lleaied """"" ol a wttHnd tl'lll:'e .... askl ii I w1 .. ,......_, .. "'"' u -I 1n the 4-tsreplioft c:risia. ; nw depArtmen1 retUM!d to Cl)flfinn or deny Uial Kenned,r and 8araett bad been ill toat-h by ~ dul"tnl the tn1ht Tht 8.11'Mftlelll, tJW 90W'C1' said. banned further .ctempll to ~roll Meredith imtil Moft. da~ During tM lime thill report· .elf a&J'ttlMnt WU being M-, IOtiated . • detaclunnl of ArmJ EnciDMrs ...... •! Memphl1. ready to ertend 911-' m1ni1tralivf' and ~ 1up. port to a hu&I!' fora of l' .S rnarsh&Js mauM 8t. MWin&· A promir'f'nt 1..n.• Anjlf'k'!-a!· lnrnf'y ••l'Tif"(j f\e•·port Har· hnr Khranu \luh mrmber~ nl &M Commun1 ~I n1 r n a{" I' an \altfnm11 Thurlid111. a nd wouillO up ... CnM·UMI ..,. M'ollio tb.t Wt WN1'Y 1wilrh- .._,.. ............ tbr"M Cit»li .._, .. their tff'pflMt u ... too Naval Air ~· M'1 "ff'lar1· r ... ·o nr thrf'r 1·rar ~ agi•. when ht -.·a~ {"hancP'lkH" M;':.~551'!:'-;'id !tDWtat!: u~ a1 the un1VP'flill} ·· rr· !If' .• ~ lhat lM ··Rf' d =.. 1u;,,.:m~ ~I~: Book lo •·hic h tw h.i:I rf!f•r· l l S. Ctft'Wit CGurt tlf AppMla I~ .. ,,. a. Paff' f..A I at the • ... lllmr fll • -----1 o'rtlck A ~ -... ·-' ............ .,,...._ "iwtlrl'lhnants bur11f'd btitN lnr mn'tf' lhan four hour, 1n a r·11ptd·flrf' pmJ,!r.f'~~1··~! c·al l• on1·,...!11rii: ~ ·n1\'.-n•111· "I Calo !nrn1a 1'rl"<1denr Cl11rt. K P r r and hi! a 1dl"~. i1ltnmr1 1...,,11 \I. r· o J.! h I 111111 Mhtnr~ nf thf' l1:i.ll.\' l'll J)T (rill'. Barnt:tt !~"":;. -::!"'-..=;:;; Thr tn<1l1 nas.,JI" al.!-n r;irn I'd 176 fllr "ttw-Pa<·illr-Tr lt> phonf' and Tf'IPl.!raph i·n !\1 i;;s<>I" Dat1· With (:Ourt '~;v. !IH.Lt:A."(~ 1.-'P • I;,.., Ro~~ Ramt'lt nf ,\1 1ss1.o: ~ippo la1ll'd 1u iiPP"•' as th.- :'ilh I . ..: L·oun of Apreal.• ct<trtl'd t•rir1lrn1pt hl"annl? lnr tnn1 toda' It all ~l.lrt•·d al 11ho1u1 l \.) ['! rn '"'hen \l.rofht .. ;1rn1ng .. r thP i:;r., .. ·th nr !h1• ('nrnn1u ni~! l'ar'I' on I ;ilif1trn1;1 .ln'1 Thr ,·r.url hail l111•·1·tr•t th.al ol• 1nfiltr.•1Jun 1nlro llw , ta 1 f' llw M-\1·ar-0lrl eo1rrrou r I .... ti.i 1n,;.,~ 1n "O to iail rath.-r ~l'hool ~\~l<:m. itr1•11!>1" h1< .. 1irrh111I hu111hshf.l l <1o1 thr h t !hl"ln on!ecralr 1h,. \'n1Vrfs1t1 "'iln1..,. l1H1t..'hf'()n "' !1.t1~s1~.'<ipp1 a ppr cir .and ("liirl. Kirrr r 1t•n h i!o~ "' 5ho"' t·au!'f' "'"h" he ~hou litn't 1• r, n1rnu I.I 1, t •t't rt"tdlr1. ht> 1.11.-d fr•r f'"!\'ll eontrmpl \\ r1£hl Uo~;l;irf'(! and h" r1· llarnrtl h.15 thr~ t1mf'\ di' !u;..rd 111 r11 qn 1 <~ hi·r bf>. iiu.W-hf'(! frdt>ral r·ourt fotder~ di !'If' •<11d ~h"' ,,,.., C•"~I ii ~•'<" r!'1 .a r, · \\'rtl!hl lhrn ;i•~Nf 1\1.,..an o an~ hu"" l .. n( .ll f' I' f' 2n1ni to t>nd urP 1111< 1.:onf1 r.f tn<l 1f j, -rill.•". rM·t1ni: th111t '\t>i;:-m .hi m,.~ 11 .\1rrf'd1th tw-.. nrnl\Pl1 J1 rhf> l\-4.,,.,.r .. 1111 a1 1 .... h11" '!a I,.,. Al I "l .. f' rn \\ ri~h l "" a l J - 11u,.,llnn ... 1 h• " lll',.~1nan ;tfL ,.r h1~ 1a!I. \~ ni:ht ~•Id rir 'lip pror1f'd hi.• .•l;,lrn1('nl aho•ut l\'rr -..11h 1nf1•1rnat1on f 1"1ri ., l'·h11t hf' 1rlf'nl1l1Ml a• !hr Hrd P.not.: "'hi• h hf' nnlt>1l ndl m "'1 th# •M 1f'\a r1 ii' ii Cnm mun1~1 .i.1 .1 h not 1 "1 rm t!v nl!!.,."1man pol !hrnut~ a lrl,, phon, call tn R.to rl.,.lrl' a nd '1Qkir In l 'n11l"r,Jt1 r,f Calll n1 111.11 publir tf'lall••n ~ m a n .\I l"L<•kf'rt'll !o.haa campus ~lood frtt nf hloo.•kade~ b" .1.lat' ofhc er1 (Inly 111: or ·~""" !)'llirr c::ar~ had been IW'!Pfl ron rampu~ ~ m1dmom1ni Ti nae ltran2r Co.a~I re!i1denl.\. .,.,.ho joined ff'lio•· Cal1for- n1an!. 10 l.tw Juflf" prim.Ir\ to , ... ,,. appro\'al of f'Xlen· •a1n rd 0.1yhghl Ni\·tnf T1n1.-to f)(:I ?.8 ral.hr.r lh111n l~rm1na~ 11 Mpt, lO. ""·11! ,i;:~I to enjoy the grace pent d bf'5U1n1n1 Mooday Vt'tulf' some paru of Ow rountr\' i:n lo St.a.ndard T 1 m "· Califomia and """' York tem11n on Da~· ll i;:hl Timf' until thf' la'! ~un•ld.• nf llc"1olw'r CG Halts New Hunt For Pair Powell Battles Cancer A•·tor R<'lax<'~ At IMI .. Hom .. Ry <OARRl. SHORT Act()r-pnduieer Ok'lt Po ... .well. who dbc:i.:.ed lllursday that he ia; 11Q;r .tttatrnenl for annor. rt:la.i:ed at h11 liar· bot'" ls.lawd home in Nf'wport ""'.!Ch t hi 1 afternoon and &aid ht plan1 DO -'9w.do•·n In hil busy lifl'. I lo,,,. Sf'Wfl()rt and ulll· mately I hop.. to rlffirt' tM!'rir." tw told the DAILY PIUYf ""But first I have to malt.- enoup mOAey lo do 11 .. PoWTll . 57. •·as ~httrful and ht&:hl y opttmlruc u hr di ..... C"Ul!W'd his c:ancf'r tre•trn.-nt •"ith newsmen 111 hit f\r\'r'fl~· H\111 horM Thursd.1~· JI.-u.id hu phys1r-1 an d1~­ rD\'f'l?d 1 malicnancy nn a dand nn Uw rilhl Jldfo r.f h1~ Mel. And MO(her In I JWJC'· lli:et 1n tu1 C"htst " , ..... New9 !W-n..C"t : *"" ~t:n c .... Letufno• Views Vary On Barrier Rpacttnn nn thf" Oran1t Jtarry S..M. prT1KW-nl nf rout ., .• , \·aned today O\'f'r ttw \l."est Nl'wport rommtk all but f i n 1 I •ppro,·al 1n nlly Aaaoclabon and htf"Ak "•.dnngton D C of • mull•· •aler OPflMitioll i.a<k-r · I m1lhon do 11 a r anti.f'rosl-On e~ the fl'df'ral •llfln°I ' propo&al nf dw l ' .S .,rmy,• al We plan now lo launch Corps of t~nHn our flc:lllt at the alatl' ko \"t'I Thie rt.an. wbkh inrludt'1 a Onl'-hundred pwtitlk• af'\" all C'Onl.ro"Versial 12 1 ml I IJ o n printed up and n-ady for 111· breakwater off the Ne-,.port n•lurts Thi' Army .-na:1nttrs Pit-r. dr.w a.not.her lharp at· an-1l'01 ng lo ha'""" to pl'O\'P tacit from an OflPl*itlon INCi -this plan will work befocf' 1hl' l'r ln N•-iiort 'Reet-h, a ~· sta~ "''111 approve 11 ·· tral f't'action from twtl C" 1 1 y Jan~ B Stoddan.J. ,.,..,.. officials and apPlau~ from por1 8'"ach r-1 tv {"OOflC"1lm1n the north NKJnty ar .. 1. whf'rf' -·Thr :"'+e111·port. r•er locauon f'ro~1on o! arut' for a bl'f"ak""aler 11 not pra<·- llP'n-ano somf' of lhf' C'Om liC"al I do not think 11 e\'irr mf'nt! •·111 m•tl'r1a.hze l"m sutt' f"harlr~ F. ll1rt m.1\'nr nf Uw-rr •·111 tw anothrr aoluUon Ne-..·port 8'"ach "\I.''· don'! found for Ow t'rot1on prob'em hill' Uw ex1sti11.1 plan and 1n Ow Surlaidf....~11w1 Bay consider II dam•CUI& to our area alkl lhit etoslOll lhr.at Jborellrll' But ft also have in Nl'Wpor1 A tw-.akwater up been I"'"'" 90fl\f" auurancea cout ol the S.nla Ana Ri'·"'r Ow plan h.:-JOme ftu.ibilily . probably 11 man luaible I'm at11 I• location of tht breali· sun the fundl can be ..- water It michl t. ~ few a can.e11t ....,. t:v .. further lip COMI ." ,,...._-.. • .... 1-41 So Ions Take .- Action · :! tonuniltc't'~ Rark Barri .. r) "~ \1.i.t:s tt: ASct: "_..... t:dhr COMlnK.1MN! or • cuntri .. 1·11'rs1al anl1""'"ro.ion br.-all.• •· lll'r off tht Orana:e. C06$1 ""·~ \'lrtuaJ!~· a u uttd loda~ b1 M"p&r alll' •~:11oni nl S.-n.:ilr and }lo usr Publil" \l.nr l., Com m lit..• Th.-Sirnalt lat"' Thw-ld.11 y rushll'd appro"Va.I ol a 13 . .) b1l· lion pubhc •'flrlli:s bill ronta1n. 1n1: 1uthontallon l<M' awn.•· pr1at1on of S2.15iO.lilOD for tlw bn-alli:•'alll'r and rplattod an- ll"<ro1uon nwaaurea )t .. an•·hlle. Uw tlouu t·um - m1t1H 'lll"U 1'1.p«trd lo lal.e 11mtlar .coon today on an a l moal Mil'nbcal omnibtu bill 10 thal both hdl! coukl br l"t'poned 11multaN"OUsly 1 ri ttw SenalP and lluuw Mofl. .... ;,.,....y·· lllrpr\M ~ on a.,..,,..... -...v a' all but ..... ..,. S... 'l'bOma~ l&•c'•I .... ~aunan ...... Ull ........ ...... ~-· .... L..'lNG BEACH -The f"OMt r···" f' • ' U. . Guan! loo • --'lo.l ' "41+11,"V#v, ,.-;'·1 ·+ • L -· ·"··<-> _, .. ,. • -'fl ~ "'" • •.•• •·••her ... -1reued· lrom Anahr..im belie..,.. \Mt "I lttl hl'alth .... itOW lh.1n al H'A on the.rr 1..ay tn l a1a. I r1"r lut\.,. ·· l'!e n ld I trt hna la.land r .i::r11 or nine. hours nl •lottr A St'COnd pil'N rM IM caMn a ru.Jhl wher.-fonneti~ I •·.1s of tt-rl' •toot I.a ~·: JeM wa' ,.ma1 fivt" houri .. •potted a mU.. . all Rock~~ nie. hf' aa&ed. ' Do 1 loo~ Point. Laruna Be.•h. T'hurs !~,. a tt-rmtnal c a•~"' day at duat by • Cout l;u•rd A.fll'r 1pend11l1 a C\lltomar:. St"ar_h plane. pro.npt«: a l"f' ""f'l:krnd in Ule llarbor Area. roe•·al of I.ht: -rch r allll"d Po-..·ell plans to mum kl h1~ that momini ~LOOin °Tut"5da' kl rompll'll' M1ssinj1 l fl" I frte'·lanr r ~" OlOl"f' lt"l'"' 1a»n 1ho•·i; 1n manrw mf"<·hanll' "'""If' (lu1 "'hirh hf-•ill appear undfr 11 la.,.·. of 50ll list SI . and a t·on!r;t•:I "'llh 'J OC l"O mpan1on JOf' Ratftf's hr· 1·n•·r ll iind h 1~ A('lII"~~ ••o"o fl" hf'\"e-d to bf' aboanj thf' boat .lorif' .\lh·!<lln 111, trylnf tn ~ll TI1f' top Of thf" bo.1t '~ 1·ab-\h<'or Jl a°rtw1r ]~ja.:I Wttll.l"nd 1n 1·'1'f!lt(ir \•.:dnf'sd.ay n1i:hl anfl Vl<'llllnn rf'trrel False Fire Alarm Clears &hoot >oior1> Ih a n MIO tt.udf'-nls thof' 1l1rm. "°"''"f'r, offlr-1a1s e,·.cu1ted th.-/IO f' ... po r I 1a1d Hl'IJt:hl.• t'.lf'mc-nlary School Jo~~ had pla<"f'<f the {"oil In '!ll"1th1 n 40 lf"COnda llluAday hn lock.tr r on m •·hen ht' M1nul.f"5 l.1te r r ati;-all1 trH-1 · found II wal'dl'nni around Int> I'd thof' rulflt1I blamf'd for M'l · 1ehQnl i;:rnund f'ar l1.-r in lhf' t1n1 oll the flrt .1larm 1y1lll'G. d.1~ wMar plan •llhh1 th"" •lf'fl-' "' P'fflit~. '°t:.\:T .... Tt:J·~ f'tflfN'~~ (10 lh. bN-•I."""'' ll>r propo•al 1ntrodlJil:"'Pd lo rh,. Mnal• b.Y S..n k UC"twl nn" ""9e OOs upon appro\' al t11 C..Ml(rea1. the PrukMll\1'1 111· MIUJ"I' OT'I the bill and •wr" ,·al of Ow n,·.,rall a.1t1""'"rt1'1 1<>r> rro i;:ram r>n stat• and coun•' lt-1· .. 1. TIM-1.-.,,,.~ hltlf" douhl 1n "·•.•hlnlf:'ton lnda y that HM'ar •lf'Jl! •·uuld tw 8C'('Omph1tw.:1 in rapid 1u<'l'c ... ion h_1 Or ":d•·anf \\.' r 1orclla. 11 , JU~I l•<O srn:.11 1 of Santa An ... u p.1r1 of h1.~ t'onfldt'd hf' -a t.a.bb y cat that rot into ~ ··11 tool m.. Jnn11P r thin lht: TIM-S..nalt romml!t'"'' •I' pro1 <111 r-•m.-•• • audd.-n 1n•1 un.-x1_.-1f"!I r l1max to lhf' "" .11a1n. olf a1ta1n omn1h11• ht:at1n11o "'hl<"h had ~h.I lh,. hn>ak•·alt'r su1pendf'<t in • 1·on2~uinn1I nrv.-i.rw1rr land 11rtu.1 ll1 doomN1 l>y 1n 1<'11111' l:lndl1 lht> Lady .Jrs~ lnurh· f'(f off spl'C"ulalion that a n Ll~l l'l.A~.S f'l plos1on OC"("UtrN and tilt' l'ltn mf'n w~rr lo.~t "' he n Lfl\'t'llJ.gator• an nounced U'lr' fLrst chllnk ~ bN-n in lhfo walt'r f<"r se1.·eral da}~. ~·uast Guanf aearctwrs ~p€'"nl Thursda y ir.nrn1ng plo. t1n2 !ht> rourse the wrecltdlgr •·ould ha''' tak.en The. 8"C'Ond pM'<'f' nf the cabin •·as found W\'t'n 1111lf'~ •••.•· lrom •·tw>rr \hr fn,!I flWi'" -..·11s pu-kf'd up, ~f'\f'T'I mill'' off Ilana Pnont H .. ad• Polirr 8 1.F:NO."i AIRF-" IAP o .\ minod army C"Olonel C.1 rkK Albert MUlit'lO. "'"Ill tw t'l'OrTI in 1nn1a:ht as r hlt-f of Arg,n. llna ·~ lt"dt'ral poll!'.-. a rom pronu.w c ho1cr In tht civilian· Thr i'o""'"11 l;1m 11 , h.l , r lf'art'd 1111 0 lotJr. oo \11 1.ido ,'\r.rd ;i.nd "'''rntually plan~ tn huild ,. la\·1sh lklmt r>n !hf' 1~1lo 1~1,. baylrGnt In 1ctd.J1100 to thl~ proprrt' thr 'lf'lf'·llmr nlO\'le uni::r r owns a {'Um m"rrtal bu1ld1nr. on \ 1a (_>pnrt o. pr~rty on Jl~I '\lr"'t an<I !Kl 11"'1'1 nl ha1 frnn l&l!I" Mar Ltdo l'f'n1n ~u l~ llP nnrt """"flM l'nn~ldtr ahl,. I.ind 1n l"os!a Ml" ... a T~ .ctor uKl lw had hfvn l"f'l urlant to d1acu,.• hi.' t an· f'f'f<l\11 rondlllon, hu1 rumor' If"' nut of hand n ,,,.. had rn" ha\'tnr • lrl" ml"ndou' hf'art atlllrk hi' Tiw-'a<"hl.Ama n ~•1d hf' hold t-n 1H\df'r trt'a1mrnt hi nr Ju,1111 St.-1n 11 1hf' 1·r 1 .. .\ Medical l'enLf'r !he alarm rontrol hoa Chatnrwod Khnol O'fflc tals, 1'fwoclli:1ng thll' '"'"ar-uated build· lnl( ruuld find no hr.-TIW'.v bot1an In i u •pt c t a lalu- alarm ... pla1nll\'" ' mf'O• con'1rm"'1 Uw1r su~pii;-1on~ Cu11ud1an .Jf'rry .lorws and J'nnr1pal Ric hard "'aile1 d\11 . l'Ol'f'rt'd tlwo ,.,!lo• 1tripl'd {"al th,. door 1n !ti.. m atn 1·11n trnl ht1\ for rh.-ala1m •y\trm Tiw r at 1n tw1m,. •·1y man· •a:fd tn "Pf'" ttw door tn rtM! l:ln1 a n d )umped 1na1d,. \\a11.-s 1he(lrlU<!. but hr.-ol f1<"1 a l~ tod.1 y had a hard llm f' hirh,.1·1n2 1 r a1 could opot n lhf- donr Ill tl'lf' alarm boi. Th• r-at rnuht ha "" .,., nlf lid.~ In rf'al1u U\at 1t -..·a1 Uw. rtal th1n1 and M.>1 a lalw alarm .. "'111lt-1 111d ~ n n ,. nl th" fitl" ck-p.art- mf"nU wrr,. (•allf'd ouh.to an· 1•·~r lhof' alarm. •• IC'hool nl· fK"l•la al•·a,·a malt,. a dnuhlP fhr-<"k nf lhf' 1ulhl'ntk1t1.· of atl\' a l.1rrn l h11t i!OI•• oH du11nji IC hr.<11 hol_ir ! ' Thl!ii ' II c a l1 t I'! 1 11• r"nn1pll"tl" II• b\• •urrn-"" ~awl \11larr,.n JI r i an,·11 Uf'Clu'.. '".r" !•1 ' '"' ~n t\u<'llf'I "~ 'l'Wa.., 19"1 ..... , .. ! '0 llf'fl C•I•• .tll•ll• Tret1•1, Thr Pr1p1n5: ,....,·r mm.-nt puhlwh· al1m1ttl"'1 l"rrn• • 1n I\$ doml"•tu;: r-il11·1,., anit r1 r1rn15r• '"'"' n1• l \ lf'll t•rt• P"•l•i&c-•I T•,--.,. P1cll.f'r,ll. ohv1ou.<l1 1nrrf'"l1 ulouJ. ~•kl "!'It rall 1011 ti.ck •~ M>nn .a• I chKI. ~·1t h )tr Ktrr ·· · m llitar~· quarrlP"I O\'l'r pnhc,. conlrol · 1 ha,.,. bttn 1alt1ni thr h ll"lra ... tan w, rarr ~.\1 It.II t-I nat IUIO" r>I "._. .. rr .,nr .. "bl rl"•\ 1t•1t,• a r'"n t fr>r KMinrdy 1n ht~ pnhtlral tiion• Pall• I\ Thr ri!!portf'f ttwn r alJM Wt11h1 111 hit11 I~ Anl!,.lf'~ of- fk • Thir !Im~ wa~ thl'n ahout ""' Ql"AU,..lt:..'i Wrighl rt"affirmed h11 Ki· wani1 l"lub ltllt'ment. hul qu•lifkd i1 .-Ith Uw. commf'nl •·1 was not 1pealli:in1 1n Ow pr?.Sf'nt '""~ ~ I me•nl Iha! Mr K•rr hart a f'..o mmuniJI ~tol .. n' Check Said <.:ashc<I a.. o( .u.. c:becb 1\oleft rn. a Newpw• ltMdl ·at- .._, .• lfllm ... btll ~ .................. ----·-w ... ~ ...... , .... .._.,. ate of tie elllltr __ ..... __ .. , fnm tbP omc-e. of Pemy • P9tny, 3411 Via IJdo. T1MI chec._ wa1· cuhed by • mam .U.C U. kltfttilka-I t• fl ~ Bltftrty HW1 dot"tor. II hod II-................ .....,,. pollcw -· J I " A..-.,,_._Qlrl, JoJree Gnr·w. mi ......... -. ..._, to Orwt: CoUI CGl!qe. iiliowi llor-......... --(lelii and Barbeni Love. 'membttt ol U.-llfOlllOrkll New· port Beach City Empktyes Association. MW Grana- .dot cr.mi.tled1rom Costa Mesa Hilb School, .ad I.a the flr1l winner ol the auoriatk>n ecltolan.1&1,.-;:e will bit prHelltl:d eacti yNr td tbe ton or r al a Newpor1 city empk>ye. Joy~.!!:f:.IWC lo become • denial aailt.9•t·. i• the ;;-:;;;; ol Al · ir•nadot ol lhe dly'1 ie:ntral Hrvtca 11mfnl. NB Kiwanis Pushes Series Ticket Sales MAll.KETS "t:"'· YORK 1AP1 -Tllf' ,,,,,...k mart.-t r lfMllfd h111tw1 1 • .;,.y ln t11low tradinl t'lnal l•rlo"1'"l Wf'f'll' llOEr\f'What Jwln• ttw> twJI o( tlw day • t·or rnmplft.-hnal Qt!OI,.~ Membl'r• nf tn.-Nf'wpoM .,..:"-n\' 11. Rill Rttr · Oan· llrf' J>.lft'I A and 7A 1 Jla.rbor l(.iwanili Club today 11:.-roo5 .foaTTll'y• Throui;:h the pulhed lnlo high cear the lk· Grand Canyon .. i ti.t aalt'I for OW fourth an-..-ne.:-7. Capl Irving John. • • 11Ual Trav•I and Ad"Veritun 1 llOo. '"""'9 Y a " It • I': ~ a r I • I\\-' 80181)!-' Se™"' he1d mMthly al t h e AM"OU Europe ·· Oran1f' Coast Coll~1e auditor-... Jan 11. StVI M1dill')', EIDl't Thaver lum. ..Jeep Trall1 Th"'lllb l.ll&h •· '-"- Sbootilll hw a Mllout. rl11b ...-ft-b I , Clll'till Napl. • mem~ W'l!rl' di_rided bltD "'-Road kl Medel91... J p 1,_ ,,_,_,. wu ueaftl. ::.-.:::. :;-..;-::: : -~~-~ ---....== "1 • -WWW. I lo -• _,_ --... ,.,._ ... """'"'' • IDo;"' , , -·a.,....._ ..,. •..• == ... 06 :::.a-· -I , r TktDMI 1111' tile t1a•1I ... _. llle n.M.IJ':..r ~elected • .. .. ..,...... .. ti.. New. ~. RJIUnlld ClllOdnn'•' ~ ,... 11.attiw 0.-bw., Com-RoMe, .,....... ..,. Rwll. Jl'nd Sc:~. flnt Yb ,,..1. ! IW'ft al(ke. 191 W. C.. Y11CA. SU Fauta. Clrde It *8t: Dr. Dk't U~wood. \ H 11 It wa y. NftJ*t Bhcta. Owb. key C I• b llllll h 1"1 h I e c O • d rice ,,_\dent, aNt • TkUt dW.muD ii ~ / eclloDI _,_ «i&lp ldtolar· 8W hllt, tnuur.r . Pr al I M Jack BatMa. 1 -.. 8arM« -'d. lill'mber1 dedH 10 lhe n. alx ~ fllrOlrllll• ....... ._. tlc:Uta co.t bunt of director• WP.r.- 1 .,..: . I" -..... ldmlaaonl °" 1'«I ........ l.Jl:iyd W1h· ..-(kt 12. 0. C eo per, die day al HIC• trawelopor bum. Ted Wertz. Jim Ke•rt "AIMkd Im G.Mm•.' mat ti.Iii, ht added. and lit.en Harrtaon. I • -· ----·-------- .\•rr9fi«-• \•w •• l•••r Sarrollr~ lu~ t.cnme a major 11.,11r on r·a hf"l'fl l• w1lh "t'nn all.K'klnl( pnl1rw~ n( 1:n1 F\rn111·r. .,., I ••r 1:.1rr••l••"'' fiiwltlr f)rani:.-Co.1.•l 1hl'alrr hill• f't'~laur1n1 anl1 rntrr ta111men1 5:Utl'I.-. arr 1n lnd11 ~ "''r('kl"fl<lfo1 1'l;oi!1t utor .•• ,., ''"" •• ,.. ,....,,,, , ..... '!' 0,-anr.-Cfl&Jt ·, 111rpn~ln2 fnnthall ll"am "ill t.r nlll In 1how tl'lr)"l'e 1ood In hnml' l[A m.-hlflli.!hl lit <"..vt"• ....... .,.._,,.....,.tt.4 nt\ttaJr ttf tlw •t1r lll ...... llW. NWWI• •m4 Oraar' C"•a11 IN•IKX et· INHIDt: FEATUat:!i •• 4-1 . .\ ~,... "' w Obitu.arw• Onqt Counly ._,EN,. Sodol-....... " IA .I.JC 1-311 I.JI> &at•r .. Caltforl'll• Cliurdl C-leo . ~ ......... Nat-..1 (t-7 • .\ .l-'4A ,.,... ... \\leather WMlte-ndf-r 2A Ot'fk't' in Newoort 8Nc"h. me. f\l'wvort fll vit SN Paft tA for adclreuea of other alf~a . ll"cr Cluall'8d Mvmil:int. Call '7).%11 1 Jl'or All Othl'r DeoertmmlJl. c.tl 541-556l ' • Bovd Heads • Loan Firms Association John T. ~d Jr. Thursday "'.iil S named presklent ol the Ca!tfnm1a 1\ssocfation of ln- dus!r1al Ulan Co mpanies at the ;,i.s~1.allon·s 19&2 conven- 11on 1n progrt55 at tile Nev•· port.er Inn. Bor d heads the Southern Cahfomia Thnfl and Loan Co . 1711 fLJllerton :\\'e., Cos- ta Me!a. HP has srrved (10 1he board Jrec!ots of !hf' California c1at1on of lnd11stna l Loan pan1es anr1 has ht-en pres- r t• of Sou!~tn Ca llforn1a tt and Loan ~lnl·e the l1rm's inception ln 19!19. Before that . hf' "'as as· sociatr-d \I 1th Harbor Thrill and Loan and had ser,•t'd a shr1rt stint as postmaster of .\"P"'O<Jrt fll'ach fintd. 1600 \i.'ar"·1rk 1-ane. \'!'11·port Bf'ar h. S1"r.·e~ l'ln the ~ard or dtrf'ctors of the ~far· 1nrrs branch of the l 'nlll"d ('al- 1f11rrn a Bank, is a past pres- 1df'nt 01 tl'M! .~f'wport &-ach Rolat\' Club. a mrmber of !hi' F:i k .~ Lodj:e and 1.' actl\"e 10 Bnv Scout v.·ork ant1 r ham· t>E>r nf commerN" act11·111es 10 !ht Harbor a rea. lrYine Aides To DiS<·uss Ranch Plans F'uture drvelorment of l he lr\ilM!! ranch ~·ill he discu11- ed bv 1'""0 Irvine offlc1al1 at !he a·nnual fall dinner mttlin& nf the Orange C()llnty Hom" Butll"lf'r! A5110<'1Rli!ln ~!onrtav 111 thl' ~l l'!a \"en1r Coun!r;· \luh J•,hn f-r orlRr , 'H"P rrr~1- d,.nt 1n c-hargl' of real r~ta\r , ,1f'<r1 F\a~·m ond J'.. \\at~on _ -.·.an;i~l'f of fll&rH'lln~. will ™' t ~" ~IJP<T ~~akl'r on drvelor>- 11·.~n! of !he r11nr h H"'"' oul~ldP h111!drrs r an r;11!1r lfi;UP in !hP dCl'P)npmrnt • t lhc !l.1 llf(l.a rre r;i neh ol ' .'11 tl R-, r>"r ("f'n\ 1~ rlr\ rlnr>- i ~IP ''di hP n11thl"f'd tn· Por- "l'r :n his 1 11 l ~-Hr wll l dp- c_•r•h<> \tlr """' pnl1~ir~ \\"h1ch '''I l'~r ·n •t <r 1rr.il rt lffrrent ;1-n'"' nl r roJ<'f\., by r1e1·tlor>- "I ~ P l;inn1 ll C fnr rtr ,elnpmrn\ 1n :he :tr ,t Jl'lto :...>rl yrars ui!J be rr 111'\\!"d h•· \\"aLVl n, "'"Ith lpf'· ,· "n1ph<1'1~ nn 11-... rh11~f'5 nf ltl" r rn,t:r<1n1 1n -..•htr h h n m f' hudi1Pr~ ani1 !<11 h1 11·1 ~1on dr- 1 ~lnpr r s •an p<1rtK'1r111r ! 1flf'n1ng !hr m('r\1011: \l 1 11 bf \\"1ll1 am Lion. ch.1.1rm11ll nl th" HllA nrangP C"1Jnl.' Cn m - m 1lleP "'h1c-h 1s t,.. formal hnsr Th" rr'!,11:ram w a 1 :ir. r ani::,.rJ h~ ~:i y A \.\·au. HflA hi!t 1'11:"~ prrs1r11"nt anrl chil ir ma n of thP rroii:r am cnmmlt- lff, u...,, I, c,.lator. a device U8llll ,., I.he treatment of canner by i I flldiation. ! "I al•·ays inlist on the I 1 1 r u I b becauae thrre la so I much at itake." Powell i;.ald. I l He said he "''as in New I Yorlt for appearances on I.he ··Todcty" and "\l,"hat"s My 1 Line" sho..,,·s .... -~n he awak-I ened one rnoming and 1 couldn't open hia ('yea. I '"~ty face was all puffed UJl, / but I went on and dld the I 1 show1," he A id. "J went to a , doctor who told me I had some &ind of allergy U.S. Job ··Then I "''en! to Ci ncinnati . and the ume thing happe-ned. I "''ent to anothfor dOC"tor. "''ho ! al.so ~aid I bad an allergy. He gave me some pills. Then I cancelled tome other en- gagements and came home ... Lures NB Citv Aide .. The Tl'i'N!ation surerlnten- de-nt for Ute City of Newport Beac-h has relipetj his po~i­ lion !o accept a po£! as hrad of recttalion at a n1rhurg. Germany . Ai r ~·orce H;ise. Powell uMI he went to his pt"rsonal phys.ician. v.·hG after biopsies were taken. told him lhen• was a malignancy on a ~land nn the right side <•f hi~ neck 11nd anolher 10 a [>Q("k("t in his c hest The producer 11 It I d he told . ....-HC of the situation b u I ii "as agreefl he should go ··ril!ht hack. to ...,·ork." Powell laJd his <·ompany. on11 of the lari:esl in telf'\·1- ~100. 111 in "'sohd hands"" and thtore IS '"no problem therr." He said he plans lo leave nl'XI Spnng for a lr1p lo San Francisco aboard 11 fi.1-fool rru1 srr he boui;hl 1n r-.1arc h. Bihle Stolen l.;1ro111 (;ara"e . ,,. A ~-,,.-port Rf'ach hn11,f'w1fe Thursday rrported the theft of S80 worth nf books and rloth1ng from her ,ilar'lr,e. lll\'f'st11::11tors btlieve the !lwft of Constance B. Capan's propertK_ from her re~1den<·e 111 5S021-\'+'_ 0c('an Front was rnm mltled a V.'C'l'k ai:o Amnnii: the mi~si ni:: 1lC'ms \Jl'as a B1hle and a nunibC'r of tn · fanl clothes. ill his nr"'' job. E.d Slams. '!7 , of 1&21 t:. Balboa Bl\"d Balboa, will supervi:re a fu!l - t1mr ataff of 60. "I'm n-al!y rxl'1ted ah11ul th(' "<'"' JOh and Lhc trip to J-:uropir ." s~11d Starns who s1lfled a tw n-\'ear {·ontral't as c1\·1lian perso.nriel at !he m1h- tar~· installat!l"lfl , :\s reercahon suJ"('rinten- r1r nt for Nf'11.·port Reac h fnr !hf' past two years. Starns t o- ordinated a pro,ilram -...·h1('h rmploy~ 20 par1-timf' ret"rea- hon l<'adcrs in ttw ,.·inter and .'iO in the summer. lie ha~ b<'cn llJth !he r1t.v .1', )'<'ar!i. Starn ~. v.·OO~ la ~t d11v on lhf' JOh Wi ii De Ol'Xl \\-,.dnei;- <1a y, plans lo rl <'part f)c! .~ v.Jth his -...Ue of six V.f'('ks. J)1. anne. The i;:lly is 1nter\"if'"''1nc for II rC'p!aermrnt for S!arn!i. llelp \louted Tht' Cit~· or '.'\r " port 1-lr ach ha!i an npenlnl! fnr a bu 1 ld1n~ IO!i[lft"lor 1n 11s Buildini:: and Safr!y r.rp! Pit•k n Dellnr So !iay~ Burkr Jl;irrinJ:\On. • ni;:h1 ! ;1 nrllr1;itf' for A <.~1·1n hl.v frrin1 the ~L~t lll ~trtc l. 111 ~ol1 c 1tors for thr "nollilr!i ff')r f)rmoerar.,·· <1 r11 f' nnw unr1er v.av t hrou.1:hn11! 1h(' o;.il1nn , ()thrr marr hrrs. finm lrfi a r~ \'nr;.i Hook~ anrl Ruth Hnnk11 nf Cornna dr l \h~r· T 11.·cnly-f1VP ..,,·nmrn arr.~1,l 1 cil1nR fu nd~ in !hr '\"n r- nn11 drl Mar·Ralboa ;i rra th rooi:;h ()(-! 1. Ntu•hile. Sil at tlle c ... flOI. thf' ('h\el coonael for \he j Ua.iversity of Ca.Worn&a put ta-I I a ('All to Wright 1'me, ab!Mlt 3:45 p.m. I !· At <I p.m .. or thtteabout:a I 'I the uniw-rsify spokesman ca.11 '.: ed I.be DAIL\' PILOT aa:ain II t4 check Wright's telepbook cormnenls to the coua!'iyWilh I t.hHe reported by the newa-1 _man v.·ho covered the 9fft-I In~. At about ~·:'IQ p.m., Wrl&ht . c.MkMt the nev.·amaa. ~ • • "Mr. K("rr satd !hat youaiJld , that I said his 5<'C'rttary .la 11 Communlitl." \\'rl.Cht sai4t '"'I ,.-ant ;.·nu to under!tand that I ,..a, t.lk.inl[ about something that hAppened A vera! ye.ars a.co ' \\'riJ,!hl ~·as a5SurNI that his onjlinal statcmen1 and its sub- sequrnt 'lUAhfications ..,,. ere al·curateJ y rttOrded, ·- ••• ........ Ji&n.atun by l.1te _. week. RlpW-fiN 9C'tioe on I b t Sr1L1t.e'1 swttpi.ftJ n \Pr1, har- bon and hN<'h eroak>ll ornai- M IMUW"f' WU triainwt , 'lllurldaoy aftenaooa by l b 1 I Bureau ol the;:iet , whK"b informed 1he ('(lmm1t- lt"e by ~...,,..... it b a 1 11pprovt'd the Anny Corps ol ~:ngiN'ert br't'.._ater plan The 6 e •a I e comrnitt!'t'. v.·hkh Jiiad l-or..:1.-df'd Ila om- ni bus hNrlnp last f'nd•:" qukt1y ~-t •Into "4"\4ion to authorize U. measw-. f (l r a~ and aprro1f'd 11 for 1ntrod&lcUon to Uie .X.n. ate on Monda~·. .\ H-. aubrommitttt rrr- I viousJ..v endnned .1 a1mllar I 11'1~ COlll\&iein.t; a 11_ 7JO .. a prov1~ioll for a imall boat Jliarbor al Dana f'ot"t • n d 1 Uw lulJ comm1ttN •111 111orl!. today 10 speed i"' •rP""' ~1 ,.__.,,., (~lf"!'•~11•n111 Th" final ('all ""•• complet. ed this mornin.c "''ht-n the' Tni- \'t-rsll_\' nf Ca lifornia 1s.~ue<I !I fnr1n;il s t a t e rn r n t to the l'llJlT; ··Ttu-l "ni,·crs1ty of Califor· n1a h:is h;i<1 a r111hc v s1nl·" l!Ml that 11 "Ill not rniplny a l"on1 - mun1sl T~ J"Ohrv ha~ b r r n ful!.v ('llforrrd ;it ~ll timr.~ and IS fully ('llfOrfC"J tod:i.~· approval. the omnlbu,1 tnf'.111,,. uret ~·111 ti. fo"'·ard('(l 111 Pttslde1tt KPnnr<ly' for h 1 s si,nature I Fl"UK'IS indic at.t !ht ~"f'­ ' arat. omnibus bills "' " u I <1 , probAbly t.... detailf'd 11lto ont all-encompassint: mf'IAtir,. Graduates T<'!'hni<'ians f.r11du t1tion rxl"r<'1~,.5 for 79 r.~yc h1atr1 c tf'ChTl lCla n~ "'"llJ he conr1u(·t~ toni,ilhl al Fair- 11e"· State Hospital in Co11ta f\i("Sil ('rrrm,..nit'~ "111 i;:et un<lcr w a ~ al 7 :.:> 11 m in lhe ho~­ p11oit l s~·bnol 11vmna~1um Th" c:ra"d11ai1ng \l."(·hn1c1an11 hair \·umplC'trd n1orr than ;i ~r<t r n [ rl as~rl'Om and \\3rd tr<1 1nin:: at ~·a1rv11•11 To- n1 ~ht "• <'rrrn1nn1c~ "'1!1 mark lhr 'l\1 h i:ra(Juation r~~r­ ! ,,,., 1" b<' hrld at F:i1rv1ew, •or11·1' th,. n<'<p1taJ openM Jn ';ii 'lll<tfl 1«\!l C:!:<''! '1"'111..••r at 1hr ,,.,.,... t1 H,Tl l•'' \I ii) t">f' ("f>'l.1 \Jf!'ll~ ~LI\ P r \ I r .r.~' 1'1nk . Jc~ l)r lh 1n;ir1 Tu<·~•·r tht· hnsp1tal"s 5tlpmnnt<'ndrllt and mMlral dlrrc!nr al~n 11111 11'1. drr~~ thr i;::radua!r• Hr "il l t... 11 ••1~1 cr! h,· rir \" r; ,\r- c <1'11 il ~\11 <"1 11 1 1" ~Uf"'rlll• t,.nrir nr tn p re~P nl1ns: 1::r11<1 1111 l1<lr> 'rrt1f•r11!r • .Jn~rph F ~lu nn rl 1rr,..1nr nf p<\< h1;i!r1<' nur<1n1: M111("111 10n \\Ill r ~r•l rlP 111 thr err, mr 0n1r< Tilr • 111~• 11rlrl r"'~' ":[I l>r i::1·.,.n b• \!it'h<lrl '\ul l11;in """ ,,j l!ll' f raf\11al ,.• ( :andidat<·~ ,., lo \ PP('ar ~·1111 1 ! ;in1lo1l a l ('~ "h'-~r n•n1<'< 11 rf'f'ar nn th,. '"1 "m· tor r crnrra\ r l!'•"!1<1ll h;i llol \\Ill Jar !" 1hf' r !r l':nr11lr tn a \l<-••I '" •! \ ll'1t11rl;i·r, ,,.,,_ <inn ;\1nnf\;i1 n1c:n! ~t !hr I nr. nn;i ,1,.1 .\lil r '·•···n 1 rnJPr T hr 7 lf1 r n1 m""'llll!. ,~ <poo.inrrl h\ lhP I otrl"•llll ,1,.1 \\ar !"1111· '''"' . .:ti"'" .:in11 lhr \ h.H11hrr r>! ( HITl n\f'll ,. ! ·.:in<11dalr.~ "hrri•drrj 10 ill'\"'••r 1n<'lnd<' 1(1.hrrt ~: J:;111 hAm :i nd ~I r' Aur ~" ll1H11nj?· !n n, llrp11 hlM'An and [\o>n10- ( r1u w f'il1'1!hr1;irr ~ for !l">r !1.'lt \<;~r n1h!,-ll"trir l 1"'1 1, rr- ~r-r1 ·t 1 1 •'II' arin ~ l111 r" M \rl .. on 1 n~·u rn ~nr . 1od \llnn E \!I Pn. I .11'l1l1t1i11 P~ f1u !· 1flh J11~l tttl .'l<lpf'l"I l<Of BetUla for Scllor.rs•ip• Six Newport Harbor High School studPnll hive bHn n1~Pd •emifinali!"t& in the 111tional Mirtt &bolar.ihip rompPtition •·hich qua!Lfit.s thirm for a ·ch1nce 11 four·ytar 1eholanhlp1 to co\legP _ T1lking over thtir selert lon. clock'll.'ise from bottom, 1rt James "\\'a.l k.i("" Ra\'. 'on or )Ir. and 'lls . Jamr..s D. Ray of (orona del Mir: Davld Jfammond. ;(ln of ~r. and Mr~ .iuhr: G. Hammond; John Vif'rhni, .!On of \!r. and 'lr.t _ L. II \'l("rhng, r hr1s lophPr Elms. son of 'Ir. and Mrs. JamPs r _ Elms: Ingrid Ru hlrr. d•ui;htrr of nr. ind .\!rs R rl Ruhll'r. and .Sue \!a.dison, dau&hl('r of 'Ir. and )lrs, ::\. J . ~ladLSon. ;ill of \ 0 f'\1 port Rea <.'h. Mental Health (Jr~up R~7ci7~~ Elects New Of /ice rs ~. Shllllan4 Sr•s l'loPn·H:-r SA l\'TA _,S A-Mri f"tnlf'~· A Rt(xs ..,, Sa.nt11 .-.n11 ""~ ll('('n namrd prt 5h1rnt nf ttw- l\r11.,~r County A~we1 a t1(Jn lnr Mental Health. ll wu an- n0t~ lod•y. ~T\ 1ni;: \ll"llh Mrs. RlflS "ill hr ~I na\ 1d R1,us •nd ~-rank .''<"hopt , \'M'e prt's1rlt'nt•. .\I r~ .l11mr' M11y . ucretary. ;inrl Car l S \''arner. trf'asurf'r ,, ,. ti<111r'rl of r11rrf\nr·~ are ~Ir~ Han1h1 fki,,('~, ftalhoa . and M r~ \'nrbforl ~h a lk . Ana hr1m . rnr t, r m ~ f'~p 1nn c 19'\.l ,\'1s ~ ~'h1.ahrth Curtis. ~;i nta Ana Paul (;rif'm . 1 ... i;:1111a Rra\ h '.\l iss P<1l t 11"111 ~f'''"~lll~ ..... y i•it ·\ hlly ."'rout t TY111r from 1n- l11ll<1 S.-.h·11n i.:: 11·1!1 11'1; !hr l1f r r•f 11 r"ti•lll! ~c·out1 nf unll fnr ll \\M'~l"llrl "ll"'n \hr'\' il Tfl\'f' 1ri 'ii-"'·rnrt llrit•·h <::.;1t ur<1~\' il' t:ur<t• nf l'o<t llr.:' - Tl'\r 10 ~,,n u ! 1 1111<1 rhrrt" lf'.ir\rr< \1 111 lr111r !hr '1 1\111 ha•,. '\al nrrla \' tnr a h11.1· • n11~r ilrirl a '1 <0 11~ !Iii" ~·n11,t 1;11,.rd t•a•<' 110{! ll;irtonr Pr- J'·1r1n,,,r11 tw•(nrr hra<11nc for 1t :·1 nrr :i! l\nnn .< flrrr~· ~·1H rn '-tt nda ' \11\I tw-1 11~rn 11r ... 11h ~"1 mn11ni; c-hurf·h 11T111 ;i har rw-i llP ii! ti.,,. hom!" nf ~·r an~ <;IOl.·~n,.r :"lfM :!2nd ~I bf' tor r ll'W-S<nu t~ rt lurn let Sol· 1 anjil;'. 11erui&, Corona df'l r-.tar . ~r5 G. Rus~ll ~rthcutt . i;a rden Gro\e, Charle• Old- h<1nl. Anahr1m . ~laurl\'f' A R1~r l 1n11:. Ph fl . Santa :\ll<t , ~:J1~r dP la t"ontauw Rnhh, . .\.( S \\" . n•lla Point . Mr, J, frank Snowde-a, C'orona dtl :\far: A M Tierney. Garden 1;rn\'f'; !or trrm, t-llplrln1 ln I !W>.~ Thf' Otall£1' Coullty .,sso- '1•t1nn for M~·ola ! th,allh Ls a 1'<>0 rTllnatl"d r1t17r n! ml'l\'I'· mrllt -...n1~1nc "''''h ttw> St11tP n1 ,1~1on <1nd ll'W-:0..11 t1onal A~~r>1 ·1allon tor :\lrll11l Hf'alth f•lf thf' 1mpl'O'ed r a.rr ill'll'I lrPR!mf'nl of !l'W' mrnt•lly 11!. !nr 1mprn\ l"d ITll'lhnd• an.d '' f\"1rr~ In rf'M'llJT("h, rl'l'\'f'n. !1011 , d1atnn~1~ anc1 tre11tmrnt nf mrnt11 I 1llrtt·~~ llnd for thf' r•romnl'tnn nl ml"n lal tw>alth .\!r' 111££~ !hr n , 11· l ~- r lr•·t,.,rt ptl"•lrlrnl .... ,.~ a\vi thr !'hl\rltT r1·!"~!1'11'nt nr thp 11~· W>('l.1 \IOn Ill 1!.' fn11n<11n.I[ 1n 1957 ln hrr aC'i'r r !11n,.r ~f"'C"·h ~hi' ~ta!t'rl ""\I,', h;r.1t a h111 1nb 11 hr11d nf ll.\ !nr fl\f' ll'ar• r1(",\\lH h;i~ "'"r~rd 1n. n11 r t 11111l!1· tn h<'lr !n,. mrnt.alh· 1'! 11nt1 f\c <p11r lhr Jn«r't';i:;t'fJ n•'r <1 "" ~1 1 11 l'lltl " nn 'er 1 lf'!"S fnr !hon'f' ""ho r •nnot 1>ht.i 1n pnvatr c-art " I com mf'M you for tak.111& 11p thp chalWna:e"' 'he <'On· rlu<1M Mf'ml»r• apfW"lntf'd to the :\irdic-al Alf\·15or\· l 'ommitte-e art Oav1d Gedd.t. M n , 1·ha 1rma11 . r>Pane Yo' fYnton. M n 51t"•art Cafl)t'llll'r. M fl Wilham Frlf'nd. M 0 , 1.lo,·d Coner. M fl Sorman S1)on. M 0 and G~rald S1n~·k1n . M 0 be1r h nounshmf'nt •·iUun ~ J rar5 '" John po1ntl"d \\'11ham5, nr .... ·ly r1t~· manai;:r r Qr . .,. Sf-11 1 R ,. 11 c-h \rt" "'·111 "''lromr 11n1 a1<1 '" ~!n r l11rthrr r111n1 atr • l\ 11 J t' rt h~ hcctLh f'ro- ~H'ln n n ~· 1 r M1llrr, llunhn:tnn IWar h \"I I y Adm1n15!ta\or '"\\'e ha\e bttn informed b'' thr l'nrft' M f:n.r1Mf'r~ !h.l l'rns1on would r\rntuaHy '"If"' riut our bloa.:·ltf-1 . but bf'-c•uM" nl thP lark nf ull•n 1 m 11 ~· n1,.r n1P rrnhlr m "'" hai r t;i l rn nn f"l~lht\n " Tax R('f orn1 T11t 1nrl'M!l\rs "'h1rh rn· rnu r11 J.!P •av1n'' a rr nl"f"l1"'11 1n th!" l nrtf'd -"1.•tr.' to ~!1m. 111 .alr !hr l"(:Mnm~. ttw rh•ir · man of thf' ilna rrt of ·"''"'f""'irt H11 lhtl• Sa 11n1:J •"'1 I.nan A.\· •(W"lill1on ~.11'1 lMI • ~ •rmpt1on• f'"1r po1t 1.~n • "' lno "!lll' \il't'd IH 1 .. , .• 111 \I'< nn r;1 rri nj.!~ J"r I hnY' " h o '" r "rl" 'll C~f'<!!"•1 h• !" \ r'a lm,.r 1n 11 """'~ rl"IP11 .•r If nur rt·no11m1 IS tn r.1p- 1r1 l1 moi l! fnr .... arfi 1n t l'l r lll"~t rt I' r I rl " 'll t1hou! un d•1r inflation 11 n<1 "''llhout <1,. JlfO}'lnl[ li'W-' .a I u "' ol I h r Amrn('an rtnlh1t , t11• f"ll1("1e• m u~t ti. df'!.11:nf"1 tn r rn1 1dP mnrt fl'l\'.ifl' ~.111n1:: an.1 mnrr r roc1u.-111·r 11·fW'' f'I 1n 1 r.~tmrnu,·· hi' quotl'(j '\I' r m•n St runk . r.\,.1·11111,. ,,,.,. r rMHi('Tit etl the I -" $.1\ !ll li:.S anc1 l..oan 1.ratur llo•·evPr, M olfPrl"d 1 ii ,. cautionins now that · 1 I' 1 1 dof's not l'ftf'an that 11·ork "ill be.1in imrMdiatrly nn t n , break•·alf'r · ind lht' y \J\r<l projfoct for rt!plt-nl~h~rll1 nf sand emdaid from 1¥ SunM"t Seal Baacl! are.a HP 8a1d !hat fund! pr!!b- abl\• v.·111 not hf. bo.u1trlffl un· Ill ·uw next flKa.1 ~Par .1J. thouth ~omr mnniPs ma' fir for-·~ tn th1 Corp' t'I f:nCUW""rr§ tor romplet1or. n! tis plans UX-AL \"ETO Tbrn too . I~ State 0! ( iJJ l0rn1a and t1tatl&• 1 ·~,untl "hlt'h arf' tn sharf' 1n tile ~ l m1lhon Rnl1-f'ms1on rroc1 ~m must 111~ 101,. •rPro1'al Rut ttwo re -...'al hit\• 111rt1• • lion 1hat tl'w plan WT'IUld m""! 0rf"l~1!1nn "" !"1\hf:'r 11 •L•'t nr r o 11 n ! y lr•·f'\, 11l th"""~ hrrakv.·atrr n r r () n .. n 1 111 '\r ...,rort Rrac h '0""rt 1 <1 a1· tn hatllr lhf' plan 11 !!' -...;n 1hro11 i;"h lhf' Stal• 1.f": la!urr 1lu!l11'll· hart t>rf'n h1rl'<1 '• f)r F1orPll11 In ma~,. "'"" r 11rh11rr!or ar1 Juslmf'fll • Oil T'I• hon 111 anrl ""•~ f'X!'f'C1f'd \alr 1t n11l fo r II Ir-... hnn•' 1n1·1",t11:atnr. 1a1d rrf'.~rn! rla n~ Int h r " • • "'atrr 1'on1l nX'hnr1 r •'I t r 1.....-.1 1nn of !hP 1 @IO\-f0<•T I» n •t nlr !hf' :'<o'f''"'Pflr1 f'.-,1 ," ('n!IJ~! 'll'hl'rll II rrr•1111·,1•,'1 "In trar ~•nd prrwtf'd t·•..,.. h<'11.-hl'~ 1n !hf' ""°rth Thi-pli1n fl'Jll'Tf'd t>' 1 !• ,. rn i;:1nrrr~ !hl"n r til!~ fnr !"\ .1 '<1!fnn nl thf' trapPf'('! • 1 '' rj fr>r !'l"ll'('•\tr1n nn lh" t>l"a< h1•1 from .,.-h1 r h 1! "'"' r rn.1t>il \f''"'" \lT\f"J\,ll;j \lo-..,f'\Pf lhl" r rn1....-1 h.1 • tw' .. n T!"l'f'itff'd 111;1\ k ~ hrr•~'' .:t1 ~· •uh!I'<'!!"<'\ 1 • t>oth on "'" h•'i' "' II • l"f'11!1nn 11 n'I Th • •,1nrt u •'l'l"flL t ti ",., r 1 llP·•t "h1r h rt 1• (nunrtl'fi r nr" • nl'l'"\P 11 < rf\11•!1• !1nn nl! '\ r" po I ! r,,.., II'•'' th .. , f'l ;1 1m 1! 11 1\I f'rl'll''" •!1ll ... 11t f r l ~C""n ~hit'l1 " ,.,.,, "'"'r ,,, ~ r111r ''" '\" 1"" ""'1 ,,....,,,;:~ I"" n;, mr11n• • tn 11<'1111h ,1n'1 ~ ,j.-' ·1m,.•11 J" •'1nr r l1 nr Iv-~'•' ~~~ l\IH h•'i h•'" ,., •r ~ • l "f'f'il'"'ll1 nffrr,.rl ••"l'.11 ... 11111! th!" t-.~ .. ll~"'lllr'f t ,1· r1"11 lh <1/ t"" "•n!.1 \n• )\!'~- ' "I"' • ,. ' "'"lll.."-'l'f'f rl r~I Cnl"rl !~ ;'r ~ '""' I"" 1rr·,.!r1"' •l">l,. I'"' ''t •-to<! •I' ilf1 o!f~h"r" ,,1 hm11 r1nr r an1.,n ,.il l r"'"lll ill !h• , rl'~1 1nn <'! h"'" ~ n i1 1,n to t hl h 'llll'1 t11lnl'J Ill ll rJ •I "11!rr• Northwest, Northeast Pelted by Rain ... /Tide~ ~· .. ""·-'1 I ~), ~ -, 1 \u• '""•-'I «:.>•t'~ .::.;:.r ~~.t l"aclrti11g ·-. ..., . -'. <l•o-I • ' ,.. . -". I II ~ -~· , .... •~1 ..... ,,. ,.. ......... '• .... , .. , • .,.....,, ....... ,, •• ,, ... < ... ~ .... ·~ .. ............ ' •"' ... ,..,,, ~-.... ·-! ..... ..,,. .. "• .... --_,...,. ~·...,, ...... ·~ ., .. ,_., ,,.,. .... -·-......... . ... ,, ....... _ ........ ,, ... -··~ -...• "' .. -.. __ ... __ ..... ,,,, ....... -~· .. __ , ...... , • .,.,,~ • .,.,,.~ ,~ '"" JO'o. -_,.._ ' -·· ... ~ ,., .... , ............. _!¥; " .. "' ... ''" ·~-.. -... -.,. <~-"-.... ~~, ......... _,... .-lo . ·---· .. ., ..... 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""'""' •·• <1••· ...... ..,., ,., .......... ,, ........ .,,,._, , . ..,.,, ,,.-.. ·- ~ ... ,...,,., • ..., .... b••"'"'"" ..... .. ··-..... ~"'""" ,.,,...,. ,.,. ...... .. C.•• .. l .... •--"Po0' O•'G VOi- _ ... --··"' ......... --· r.,. ...,,.. _.._ ... ,,.,.. -• ., ., •·• "' --.. ••••' -u•,.. -_,_, ___ ,._._ ·-·· .,., •• , ... _ ....... •octt .. ,...._ ____ ............ ..... ,, ___ ,....., __ , -.......... .......,_ ........ -·· "' -.,. .... '4"I --.......... _ .. ••••·•a. r.,. ~'" • <..,, '" '"""'"'-..., , ..... , • ...,. __ ..,<,..• -.......... _,, "' ........... ... Gtj" ("'"" ~od ,_ ,,_ ~ , .... .... l .......... ____ _ ' '"• 0'"''"" • ~ ........ ,~ ,,,. ·~·· .. ~"' "'" .,., ... .. • ..... ·~· O••• '> ~ ............. , ....... --··-...... -. ,._. ..... -............ ·-Culilor11ia "" •• n,,,, •. .., ~. ,._ <I ' ,..,,._ ......... . .,.,.. . ... ··-.. ~·· .... 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""' -~ _,.....,_ __ l ..... --~-~-IMTlll(llll •MO OIMIT llGl()OOt-II~ _..., ___ ..,,,_ .... -~ -(-• -· ·--.-. ... '""' ..,.., (--•·-V•tl .. ....,;.. ~"'" ..... _ ................ -., ....... _ .. -.......... " .. " -•• -. .. l .... L-......... • ~ "•',..,· •'I ,. • ~" L .. o C"'I' ,_ .............. "-···-~o ... "'(ll .. T C(IOl(f,110« TO "'IJUCAM \o• ,, ........ I ORO(I -l • .. t ''"'""' '"'""" ,,. ~-· lt•M•o -· -~,. ,, ... " ·-· ... ... --··---.... .., ........... -\--_ .......... ,.,._ loo• "'"""• -•-• ,,.,.._, L"llo _.,.,. •• ..._. • .......... l • " • .. " • .. • " " " .. • • ' " " • • " • • • • " • • " • " n .. n • • " • • •• • .. " " • " " " " "' " • . . • .. ,., • •• " . " " . " " ' • " • • " • • • •• • • ••• • '° I >1 " " ... " 0 • . ' .. . • • n .. . " . " . .. _,......_ .... , " . ,. .... ' .. NATION'S WIATHllt -.Ille North•~st •"d !ht ~f'lrlh~11t .:ill be c-ofd 1nd •·tt t<tniabt. and lht re•t of lbt ·n1llon wUI be c:ool ;ind dr'' ·WiJumum ttmP•r- aturea 10 '-be low fOI are predicted for lhe nortD.f"r n 11.itu. · , (•"' (O'" '-"•" T (e~• '_ .. &M (O"' ... Uh ,, ....... .... {O"' ··-.. I OI { . .._, . .: ··~··· <-·~ ,. .. °'' ,,_._ .. .. , ....... .._ .. .... {-•·'-{_..., .. <-••' r-<"'-U"' A' (•"-U'" I Cece ("'t .._..I ,_,_ ,_.., ........ ,_. ___ , ... °'' -0.. , ... O>•. -... ,_, <•. ,_ .. _ °" ... ,_ .. ,_ ....... ""-, ....... ~ c ~-~­c--<-<· ... ~· .. _ ' !"•· .. ·• .... -r-.•· ... .. fl o ..... ,..., I A.~IE ··~ ~ ..... . , .... "'' .... -.. ....... (• ,, ........ '" .. _ ..... . 1-.·-· .. , .• -.. ··-·-(• .. ·-.... ..... .-'• •-r-,. ·-·--, ... _ r• • \R-_ .... ~ ... -(• '" .. .. ,. ..... ' . ... _ ..... ll• ·-·-·-........... , ., .. -·-• 'w ...... ' .. ........ . . .. -........ _ -. ----.... M .... ' -t. • •.. .. ,.. ...... . ... ... ···---... .. ... '•• .. • ••".,. '' I -... -•' ·-· ,.,. ..... ' ---·--•'• ... ·-·-·-,,. -.... -·-,. . .... " .. ". . .. ,.. -.... ' .. , ' .. .. .. . .. ' . lo ...... ' •. .. .... -· .... ~ ... , •• -1 ··-. ·-·-' ....... . .. .. ~ ,.. -·· ........ ... ·--.. ' _., ..... . ......... _ --.. . .. _ ... ",. .. ........... ..... .... "'" ,...., \'•• o I ._,. • I ~' ,._, .. , ... ·-· ~ ..... ..... .t.11 ... _, ........ ,. ........ .., ,,._ ..... ' ......... ·-.... ,,. ~-. ~· "" .. . . .... ........ : ... ' ,, ., ... ' .. ..... . ' .. ..... , ..... •-1 .... _ . ' !'., .... "" 0 •" ~I ,.y, <'• .. ~ ... .,. ·-·· , .... . (.-·-. (,~"·-·. . .. "' "' " t''14 II ...... -· .. ,, "~• 1 .... ...... -. ·-·· <•• ... l ... -.. '"'· ~ ..... _ .. .... -y w. I '6.1 co