HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-01-09 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa• 1 · I., " l ' ' • • --0:: -------~~ \' • ~ .... ----lmll!fll----..... ~~~~--llll!fm.--~ • Mesa Green u ·eret Hero "Killed • -- • v ocation'.a1 ·· ·school, ' " II) i 1 ' • I • • , . . . • • '· -" ~ ' . . " ' ard · Jl~ttJeshlp .. .. . .. . ~ $ • -of• -• '· ·' ' ' ' • In Vietna1n War For Da~hOr -.Area?. ,, , -r---.-··---;ri ----------:-- THURSDAY AFTERNOON, J ANUARY 9, "1969 l\YOL. a, NO,• I. I S•CTIONJ, Joi PAGES 'Good News' r Zsa . Zsa Fined I '• • Forecast in D·rng Wc -.. l ,. I Balboa Island Attorney Richard A. l!lgble predicted this mornbJJ that·-~ otatements· will be forthcoming In tlle next few days that wou1d be good news for a, change" in the case linking ~ With an alleged marijuana smuggling compiracy. Higbie, who faces trial Feb. 4 on charges of conspiring to 111 e g a J J y transport more than a ton and one-half oC marijuana from Mexico, has denied any rwongdoing. Members of Higbie's family also said they are confident that "everything will be all right." No one. however, would comment on anything specific concerning the biiarre case. The former Newport Beach Planning . ComrniSSIOF!et said he had ·no part -·"in the smuggling of marijuana personally." H~ and two-«ilher men -one of thein still at large -were named in a federal 'Grand Jury lndi~t issued last November as defendants in ·the case alleging that mari,klllna -was· flown fl:om Guadalajara, Mexico, to Palm Springs Airport. What arriv~ ·In the plane, however, · was not •mai'ijuana, sources siiid, but allalla, Assistant U.S. Attorney Darrell W'. (See HIGBIE, Pqe 2) , U,I TtlellM .. "Elegantly attii@lt actress Zsa ZSa Gabor woJ,ka away from suburban London. magistrate's cotirt after· beihg ·fined ·$24 for using language to·customs men which w'as: d~scritfed. air "not very ladylike." Sbe was also fined $96 for trying to bring dog into Britain and $45 costs. ~81 1~,~~~HJJi~3~~ .~ liiPlatill·' .•· -:~. · ·:rliud Scheme l.f ,, . • •, . . \, ' . ; I e! JOJltl iV:t,~ ·; { A!li~~ Gftroll.i!.ongfoi:d ~.-eo. i , l' , °''!."}''\". :i.r,J..:,,' boanl YGrt lWc!r\h.\TeJ!; William •EbbiJl-..K'11y, .\<Newport \"';""' ,,,_,,.r,-•,a ~ ·NC.;o«nd Orio Enimon1 D19 "j expensive. ~powU:.' miiserc-.. Just · a . cOtutnbia' s .c .. A th Deal " bu been arrested by ' ' ' ~.;..ts,,,; ch~f!!,Of lurt"g l"'t~I _ 1.!: = h~ f:"":;ay aal:; ~~tomers into a :pw,000 lntemaUVJJ11l caoada, Miatm, New Yort, and even plallnum fraud scbem<, It""" annoonced Zurlcli, SwUUrland. . I $od~1i~ T;tio~d SS wu arruted by lt aswtedlY Involved appoinbnents 1n feder'al agents tn ~ B~lb98 1sl&nd alley the ·San Diego area, where CU!lomers on Dec. 17, after belni named In a were ~ two ban: of w~t the Federal Orand Jury indictment Issued suspects claimed was pure plaUnum. six days before. The customers were t.old that a do'tPn Telford, according lo U.S. Allo111ty payment lbOuld be ..,.re for p,rdiue .Phillip Johnson , has been llvlni aboard of up to 511,080 oonces · of Ille 6rot1"'1 the IO-foo~ 1100.000 llleel.fwtlled yacht metal at fllf«!qw·'"!"kel ,~. •5' now docked at the Balboa Bay Club. cording to lndicb:ne:nta. Johnson said today that TeUord's mail-'I1le customen:, bowever, never really tng addrtM wu the residence of a saw any platinlll'll "or ·even · reoeiyed Newport Beach friend, who was ap-anything ror their money," some lrt-· j:iarenlty not involved and therefore not dividaals being duped out of up to ldenUlied. lt»A the·prooeculof Aid. Eleven other suspects amsted In the '"i'be defendants allefledly just 'look ..,. Include: d:f wllh tbe down __ Is, which ' Umberto Roos!, 32, of Los Angeles\ totalled more than !600,0IO?' Johnson 3ess Martinez, 47, of Chula Vi.ta; Coor•• aaid. , Kohler, 111,-of Mlaml1 Fb.r.Btoot HoYt of .,..Uord is cumnuy free on 1$,000 Loo Angeles; Lee Bievlr1', 45, of Bonita: ball alteT being arraigned, prior lo hit Mitchell P. Christensen, San Diego; upcoming tilal. , • Robert Abraham Crall, 41, and Ramon More suipects ln lhe International C......Magallanea, 5$, bolb of Lo 1 (See_PLATINUM, ~II' l) 1 • " • --·--· ---------------- Trespassers '-~~e Azyes1' ,....,. .....-.. . . . Says Head NOimlRIDGE (AP·) -In lhe face of a threat to close the scbooJ, a state of emergency was declared today by lhe acting president of San Fernando Valley State, Colle~ where police with lhr°'"foot clubs clBsbed Wednesday wllh some 1,000 demonstrators. During the emergency only faculty, students and college staff members will be allowed on campus, said Acting Presi4 dent Delmar T. Oviatt. He said all others will be subject to arrest. As Oviatt issued bis statement, campus police said "a few students'' gathered for a teach-in at a ~forum area. But officers said lhe ltudent. illspened after a few moments . They left the forum as a t'Ollege sound truck passed by blaring that gatherings were banned and repeating Oviatt's ban of unauthoriied persons on campus, police said. The teach-in was called by student and non-student supporters of the Black Student Union. They demanded "im- mediate implementation of a black and brown studies department." If the demand, along with amnesty for 14 pertOM ~ · during . Wed- nesday's melee lstl't granted. the group said, "the ICbool muat come to a halt." Some professors c~ed classes , because of campus tension. Numerous plainclothes policemen patrolled near the admlnlstraUon building. Six peraons were Injured 1 s demonstrators stormed the building Wed- nesday. They met about 50 police inside and others outside. Those arrested Included the Rev. James Hargett,, an aide to the Rev. Dr. Ralph David Abei'nallly ol tbe Soolhem Cllrlltlan Leldershlp eon. ference. Hargett wu reJeued on ball • Two Injured 11udents, Sbeldon Jones and Winston Freeman, bo(b ta, · were booked by 1'!1lice -J-Jar bat~ on a poli<! afficer, Freeman lor aMaulting an officer. ' -• ~ ' • A third student;'. Mleh¥1' Dagll, alao 18, '!• booked ... suspld<rn ol marijuina """""'on. Three of -lnjuftd ~ police. They were treated ·at· a • bOspltaJ and release.d. San' ..., arranged for mott of lhe otllen arrest..i on charm lncludlnl trekpwlng and obscene~ · Expelled .:llair'. Cast Returns From Mexico MEXICO CITY (AP) -'l1lirleen f~ members of tbe fut of the musical "Hair" left Maico by plane Wedneodof.eipelled by tbe partlclr.tfm In lhe Acapulco prOductlootol tlle p1ay. Seven Amerk:am in tha troupe board- ed a &:.° !or >llal · ,\nplet t1n1fn1 aon111 !hi m!l"l<il In a Pll'!Y·llkl alnlolplMn wblc!b Md ri'ti1 lmil1!liat1on ofUclalt milll~ • an ' . DIES LEADING MEN Spoc. S· Roiltr Brown Green Beret Hero From Mesa Killed In Vietnam Actwn Death', wtilch rnlued once .in ·a mine blast, caught up with a Costa' Mesa -Green Beret toldJer lead.i:rig , his men on Nut Cola mountain deep in Viet Cong territory in Vletnam New Year's Day. Spec. 5 Roger L. Brown, 12, son of Mr. and Mn. Grut· W.· Brown, 353 ·Broadway, wl1 Jead1n8.a IO-Cl.lled MIKE teain Of Ort<ntal Irregula:· lroop8 when tbeY became Involved ·In 1 llrtfltbl, He was commander of• a· company of lrr<gulM troops. Non-mfUtary graves~ ~vices ror the U.S. Army Speclll 'Form . GI are scheduled S1tunlay at II •·r· 11 P1d!Jc Vie'I Ueq:iotl&l .Par~-. 1 . -". ., Raised In Costa Mesa and 1 local .high .-:bbol graduate, Spec. 5. Brown enrolled at.Orange Coaat College befor< Jo1i11nt Jllo Arm)! In April, lllM, while ... oa: ql>omort .. · Tr1fllail !nl the. five aepirate pbues 'al Iii ellto ll'""'1 -... lllt, Spec. ~-l!ii>litt flili:·7 .. "wld&\iai-toacfl"" telllniloe Jl-""-ntloo' at n. Ho!Ulrd, 'M~\>liiloJ'·bd..•11111 If' Vietnam' II ·,ruty. -: .: . r • 1 8 ' Spedaltb· fnJm aU br~ rfll tbe mllll"'7 --tor.l&it . """'-... trained at the Baltlm<n btadquar1ort ol lho U.S.,Arlt>Y ~ ~....:£> . '°'Spec.' ........ tho_..~ -.. -at • llnmla1'd \']el.. -'fillqa' ---by !'I. ~ "" -•1111 tboras ·ol °"""peake Illy n. "!IDlllt VIClfm'• lither' aid ~ \!'at I oi>lt rO<elill)' rtfvmed fd chilJ .Jft .\ho., VC '-,iiolil MO lliles' ~ (Soa Ul!O, P ... 2) '· . . ·-., . ' -. • --'ernan ,~Pi e~l · ~~ni!:'d 'Iii 'tot I .slayiI)g Antonia Thomas' appeal against her munterieonvlctlon waa den!ea Wedne&dlJ bylustlces of the FCJ!ll'lh Dlsll;ld eourt, of ppeal in San Diego. The three-Judge panel 1111nd alter four. weeks of deliberation that there were no grounds to rever.se . the verdl,c( delivered by Orange Counlt Superior Court Judge Robert. Gardner last May 3. Los Angeles attorney Dudley Gray hld argued· fo'r ~s. Thomu of Sin' Clerpente thal certain Sljll\l"~ts by Judge Gardner and prosecutor Everett Dickey had been irilprOper' and that lhe ev!d...,. Wa! lrisufflcieDt·to'sustaln the CODV1ctloa. . Gray said alter lhe ruling thal be will prej>are a new appeal ' Mrs .. Thomas, 26, was CODYicted of polso¢ng ~ 7.<fay-old sen by pouring a caustic aubstance ·down ltfJ throat on July 13, "1966. James Antbony Thomas dl~.ln !lie ~la! lour dlys laler, . ' . Educators Ponder Crafts School Aboard Battleship By THOr,!AS FORTUNE Of "" .... ,. '"" ll•ff If a couple of Juncb b6ur dreamers . ' have theU: •way, Newport-Mpa school misfits may someday learn a trade aboard a battleship or aircraft curiir anchored oU lhe oi""8" Coast. Dr. Norman Loats and Kenneth Lewis dream of taking a U.S. Navy baWewagon or carrier out of mothballs and turniQ1 it Jnto a continua.Um biib school. 'Ibey would berth it at the mouth pf the Santa Ana. River . . The vl!looary scheme ls not belDg pursued right -· but Loats, Newport· Mas Unified'• ~:(11.1perlnteoilent, anG Lewis, infonnat. 811'YIOtl dln!c· tor, are saving jt In the , back of thelr mlndl. , · · · · . "Tiie trouble, la It'• hard lo· give aomel~lng llke.llJls priority,:• ~ta,~: "All I'd need is IOtlleone to push me a little." The Plan,. 11{11~,!>~ ·ill casual conver1atlon about a year • ajo, is to use sbio m1c:lllne il)ll>poo'•~ reoali' Sbopi, )aUndriet,.._~I, tiakel'.'fel, ·~ so forth, for vocaUonaJ programs. "Gee whll, whal'1 Ibo , ...,.ibWly ol us ever 1etling a voeftklpal hfP. ICbool pthor.tltel" ~ ~ ' w.·· -. 1i:.,~drop,.~ •tl one reuon or · ~:t1 it t,i ngular blp ..-i1 1 c~U.1',lt!1t p:lde In ' ...,..,.illJon\ :llii ,il>lp -M -"'· ~ ~.emp(qioil .. ship ,loiii ~,~~:'l"i:'&·· mid~ 1.nttl --"""' tbq lUniod 'thaf !ht qty ol Fall Rl~tr, ·~· bad ~~-· \~,lt\uli_l}l USS ~Jot -~l·l:'t,"= tnlnlnl; u • --to 11Dd••""7~~· ' Cheo~ IJ'C!'lld, ' ... t 1111: Us$ p a l'hldl ,_., or 1'• U ~ was signed, Is-in mothbaIIJ at Bnmer· ton, .Wash. . But as f11"!' were, aboJ111 lo )lllle fmiu!'Y lnlQ gJ.,:'. U1 as 'a comblnaUon odlOol-l)islOff~~. Loats said,..tbey lWned lhe baltleshlp USS'Niw Juaey waa co.,. missioned. anew:. They guessed thi.t the -· oo1y-battleshif" -..!•mt the ~-~·' prollob!J•-.ld be beld '~ble retR. ' I ate, however, .vent Cl'Uiseft fO"~ lo ·~ alrcfalt~ In inotl!balls ,aloa& the Weot C ts remarked. He aaid tbe one on which he served as a· World ·War n non-com- inislioned supply olllctr .... - (See BA'l'l'LF,BBP:, P,•P I) Oraage I . I .. s ' ' ..,. ' Takes .. Closer took li t 'Helicop; Plans esa Astronauts ... • • Ha ve Big Day. -. . In Cap ita l WASHINGTON (UPI) -Amtrlca's -...,.... who made -·· fint ..,age around the moon ...,,, bonorod t..i.;, by Presidenl J-applaud<d bf Qqras ml dloered in • l'almJ'lvonla A-..e -- In -the Apolln I llJ&bl com-nlancler, Air F-Col. Frank Bonne, lqld a joint me.ting ol the H-and 5-ale thal he and lhe lwo olhen "stood :ii, the lboolders ol glanll" in lhelr JPICBaplalt. He -llled blmsell ml bb f-· -. James Lovell and WIIllam Anders, u "three very grateful and Vtr7 bumble ~., 'f1le appearance ol the lhree in the Hoose -followed • Wblle -....-, al which Pr_. J- pmeoled them BOid medals ml - lhelr --ther'e ... "" human .....,._ llllt cannot .be overcoinl! -be they -GI "bemm or ~. or momlhal1 and mbu rene.al" Fmn the Wblle -· lbey n>de lo the Capllol. Wiien the welcoming applame ol the assembled legis.laton: siJ.bslded, Donnan I=----fil>U,o~ !II!!!.~ . ead111pot. briefly. - Bonnao then spoll:e wlllloul • prepared ten IOI; ~ U minutes, paying tribute lo • lhree presideml, members GI Collgrels,.bil ._..,,..... colleques.ml portlcularly the Americm workers wllo bad made the blstoric fll&IJI poosible. He quoled uiies !tun piel-plaJWriibl Archlbald MICLe!sh wllo wrote tbal the Ap>llo I mlaion demollllraled ...,. clearly than ever before in mankind's bist«y that all men are "truly broth- ers." Bonnao then lunied in the wonll GI Sir Isaac Newtm lo dedlnl lW in their achieYer'nent 11We lklOd ca tbl &boulders ol. &iants." , "And i Apollo I was a trimnpll," be -commented, "it wa.s a triumph fer all mantiOO." FNa P-.e I HERO. •• GI Saigon, afler being holpillliled nearly a moolh with wounds Crom a Navan.bu mine apl..WO. He was awarded the Purple Heart and a vacldy ol olher medals. Besides his pa.mil!:, survivors tnclude lhree sisters, Mn. Candace Plot, c.ota Mesa; Miss Sharilyn Brown. attendlna the Unlvenlly GI w""""""' 11 Seallle, and M1sa Julie Brown. a senior at Newport Harbor High School. ()then Include ,.....,,.. lfand..,.m, Mr. and ~ q,de W. cnm...., Anaheim, and • paternal lfUldl•thec. W. Grant Bl'OWll, Desert Hol Springs. 2 FBI Agents Shot • WASHINGTON (UPI) -Two FBI agents wert shol during an exchange of gunfire todly outside a aoutbeast Washington house. police said. District ol Columbia police said the two agents, who were not tmmediale.ly idtn.Wled, were taken to C a f r I t x Momorial Hospital in undelennJned COD- ditloo. DAILY PILOT ......,.., ... ~ " ............. ................. ,...., ·--CAUIOI NIA ~4NGi" COA.Sr PUM.IA41IOIG COMH.*I'( ••ff.t N. w .. 4 Pm~• """' """""" .. J•c• •. c,,.1.., •iot ~ ..... -G.f'N•411 ~·" ti. ......... ii ·-n. .... , A. ..... ,i.;., .,....,._. P111! Mi11111 ._. .... -~ c ... Mew· J:IJ ... , ..... _. 11.._, ludo Ull """' ............. ...... L_ ... _.. m1<-t1A- -tiot•kkl< -Stt'I~ f - I ' al •· Fair Dri" prior lo fest di..,.. stratlom -""" -k. "They said they WGUld call and come down Wednesd.t1, weather pennlttlna," said Pollce Ollef Rocer E. (ielb, bat be ooted that the 1""" Beach Ire& WU oocked in by fog ll>nMlgh mucb <f. the day. Locking tlp A -.iay demmltioll<lo· al polloe htllcopler .....,e111ance b llOIMlled nut Tllesday and WedJlesda1, durht& which police and other city penoonel will observe oigbt '!11<1 dt1 ;>1lrol techniques. Chtef Nelli said the briefing -1on could llnlch Into three Ul's. but this Llnda Gomez inspects new lock.sets slated for guard duty in Orange County homes this year. Law enforcement officers warn that cheap, easily spning locks encourage tldeves Who, the FBI reports, ac· count for the nation's annual total of 1.5 million illegal entries, \\'ith an average take of $273 per burglary. ·occ Oil Expert Gives 'Vp, . ' ' ' r:: -t' But Driller ~ Try Again CO!> CQllOOfll-Gelinllely provtJ1 lo be I nllable and effecUve c:rlme delerttnt.- comes the rllllJldal conotdera llon. "We'll sit down and talk to the HUJbes people on their price p...,,...14,'' Ollef Neth said, esUmaltng that ne could hive I recommendaUon for City · Managor Arthur R. McK<mle In SQ days. SF State· Official's ' U the city "'"'1Cll VOlll approval al a Heltcop '°""'· which colll about $11111,• 000 the !Int year Including COii ol two choppers, chey w~ alao 1et the •tart· lng -dlte. This would depend on available money, but the new budget year bt&in• next July. Chief Nelb said u would be fotJr to five months after the council'• cholen authorization. date1 before aerlal lawmen could begin pollc ng Colla Meaa from (he 1ky. The lnlltal $200,000 00U1y, Jnclden'81ly, Includes a tough, f<lll'·month trtlnlnl course for the policemen who apply ana are ctmen to become Hellcopa. coodDctoo ed. in the same two choppers they will he flying. Home Bombed ·,.~ Chief Neth said the Hughes heli • 1er1 anr al&cr deli'Nl'ed 1il to · ; weeks alter date or order, which a " to the delay. Several conventional aircraft pilots 11• SAN FRANCISCO ( • n) _ A handful now on the force are eager Ior hellcop-nc an incident wblch seemed to trigger ter assignment, he said, but ooJy those of aWdenl picieQI marched outllde the a bange 9f rocks. bottles, two-by-four in patrolman rank are ellglblt . Saa Francisco State College entrance lumber aod fireworks at police. Screening procedures, he added, will .......... bl! •• n.: be as tough as tho.ff: for military pilots, --s w e su.......;ng teachers met oU Police reinforcements were rushed and 00 one will be literally drafted into campus to diaclw: a court order that from staging areas and their number duty. fGrbkb teachers to pkket. . swelled .to about 150. Mounted police Frankly, Neth is quite enthusiastic • 'De <:ollege, beset by dl.sorden since &alloped Into the lines of retreating about the Hellcop program which has Nov. s, followed its usual quiet momina students. brou~bt a significant crime rate red.uc· 1 -oe tion in every community to adopt it. palta'n, with m8JJy of the 11,000 studenls Five persons were arrested then and On the average, the slatlstlcs show and 1,300 instructors going to classes. police continued to pull student strike violations are cut by eight to nine per• Early this_ morning the home of a leaders from the picket line the re-cent, while so-called crime In the streets: college olflclal, about a third of 1 mile mainder of the afternoon. thet\, rape assaulls and the like, has d I s t a n t. wu damaged by two glass Hayakawa said "stritin& faculty will dipoed by 22 percent in Lakewood. inoendiary bombs. soon eliminate themseJves" iI they fail The U.S. goverament participated ln Edward Duerr, 35, coordinator of In-to report to work for five days, which Lakewood's weU-known Sky Knight po- lenal affalrs, nporled one bomb shli-by Imo_, llle)r ~ ralgn. lice belicopter program, helping the lered a bedroom window and the other The teachers, besides tuppartlng stu-city out with federal funds , and the aet fire to shrubbery and lhe outside dent demands, seek •better pay, official results were dramatic . of the house. .._w.a, _.. .... _.... poncy· Sky Knight and. the Los Angeles Coun- Dum suffered a cut foot from the and other llm-ly ~ dejiuly ~ wllo IUD gW. when he rushed outside .and ei-!>-lhe ciaft li'i.ve found loot chlldren,.nal>- liogullhed the fire. * ' * * . boil rooftOp bur(lan, tailed suspecll' bl Mrs. Duur nported bums on ber ' breaking up big narcotics rings and ·ohen. I C' _;. ~ N al aJded in rescue work. -ep, _....uy '""" cbemiCAJs >plashed utl§Ses orm , :: 0n one bizarre, lbougb hmnorous ;so. from one of the containers. -•.. oary, 19S9, occasion, the airborne LASO '!'he union teachers, who daim to dep.l\lf.l.P"OOped in over arcrude .nit rep,.,..t about 400 of lhe (acuity, were "-t;· (t.f (iYDo"p:;,,. -_ ciiT)'tiii: • "]lalroH!e!l'1 • Ailgef'IJpo debating at a nearby synagogue wti"at 4, i:Jt#O ~ ~ .. ~··c1own. the raiMwollen t.- to do a~t the coorl reslra1n1ng order. ,' Matei IU;vtr-': ~ · · ~ IL.was issued ]ate _Wedn~ by S p • k • ' The cyclists, enjoying their winter Superior Court Judge Edward O'Oay ome IC eting-boat" ride, respOru!ed with" well0known only hours after students and teachers manual gestures showing general defi- t..d bombarded police with stones, bot-SA!': JOSE fAP) -Un.ion teachers ance and contempt for the deputies' loud ties, sticks and firc\vorks during a violent and student sympathizers picketed San bullhorn order to head for shore. tnelee. Jose State College today for the second Undaunted by refusal to obey, the And acting President s .1. Hayakawa, day as classes continued •bout normal. ~ilot -made another a~oach, while h~ voice breaking and his' hands shaking Dr. E. E. Rutherford, head of the eeping the chopper pile al an angle slightly, told newsmen for the first time American Federation of Teachers local ahd blew the raft ashore with his rotor- aince the strike began : representing a minority ol lhe SJS fac-wash, like a schooner beating for safe I harbor. "Attendance is not normal." u ly, estimated teacher and student A patrol car can effectively cover O'Oay, acting on an applicalion. by p)ckeb at eoo. only about I. 7 square miles of Costa state ~e trust.ees, temporarily ban· A college administrator placed the l.-1.esa·s 16-square-mile area, in one hour, ned jiCiiting and other strike action cumber at 179. while a helicopter's efficiency over the by the American Federation of Teachers, Dr. Hobart Burm, a co I I e i 4!!! same 60-minute period is up to 2S and local U5l Trustees also seek unspecified spokesman, said the &trite was having 30 miles. damage,. little effect on the campus where there The deterrency factor is due to the \V.ec;tnetpy'st Yiolenee cam,e al~ the are 19,000 students. Ho abo sUd he fact lhat a quick-fingered car burglar APr,'for"'lhc second stralgbt day, lost thoUght •!Kline of the lactdty mem.ben or narcotics addict trying to jimmy a control of the picket line and jeering, w~ alternately picketing and teachinC-drugstore wlnOow can' set-the police J>r0fanl1'",t~t.ing 15bjdents tqok over. 1betL. were no incideots c;omperable helico pter .UP tG three Jnile'l~'llway. ~ Alter ,L1JC line had rswetlte to about to ttieront~esday When a cherry • • .'.A palrol'car,SihoWever, can:\>eJllddin 1.000, + rpoved;.about~2 men into bclpb.~I , at the feet of a protissor ~y a building ,comer IO £ief away un· the line to ~ a corridor to allow ~ a el line al the start of der the same circumslances. nonstrikers to enter the campus. the sttike. Law enforcement", after all, ls aimed Officers herded strikers into l9th Abot& 150 teachers began picketing first at prevention of ci:ime and second- Efforts by an Ot-1111" Coat CoDere expert lo top oll -deep fn University ol California land ba,. lalled, but drillen may give ii anolher $75,000 college try bel<ft ~the project. Avenue, a main tho•'""".,'"-. Traffic Wednesday with demands similar to arify at catching those whose acls have ·~.. .-...~ 1 not been !uccessfully prevented. than 31 years tn the svutbem Oran&e was immediately backed up and street "~ 0 a minority of professors "·ho Huntington Beach has already lJr County area. can were brought to a standstill. walked out at San Francisco State proved purchase of the Jlelicop program Still optimistic about punchina their explonlo<y pube tnlo a possible $353 millioo pool ol oil just sou1heasl GI San Juan ~ however lbt C&na- dlu firm involved bas f"111d nodlln( so far bot sand and a mystery. Project geologist George L. Guthrie proclaimed Wedne>day -aft« a tat drilllng was abandoned earlier •t 1,9'7 I~ -tbal Norlhlode-Ezpklnlloa Ltd., bas a dry hole. The geology department bead says that drilling onother $7S,OOO tat bole would be advisable, depending on resulta ol an upcoming aerial auvey of the 2,ll»-acre leased area. The land is alrn05t certain to be oil-rich based on geological knowledge, but Guthrie said the fir!t drilling may have croseed a subsurface earth fault and missed the right strata. Flights over the aru three miles soutbe.ast of San Juan Capistraoo by planes equipped with electrom.aanelic sensor devices should deted aQJ 1aults and their depth and uleot. I "We found good sand. but theno just wasni any oil or ps in it at all," Guthrie said. 'f1le sand is indicaUve ol probability that a rich oil pool lies trapped in strala thousands of feet below the surface ol the earth. Northlode E%plcntioo Ltd. has anot.htt two years befort the lease runs out on their prooem" leued !nm the Uniftl'Sit1 Ci CalifOrniL 'f1le well WU ckllignaled Uoiwnily o1 Callfomta 11egeo11 wen Nmnbel' One and na the first well bored In more 1'reM p .. ., I BATILESHIP •• • An operator nu out of money in During the confusion, a striking AFT CoHege, 50 miles north. and other Orange Coast cities are also tm after drilling to the t,3'0 foot level, member, Ron Daldle, 32, was knocked No interruptions in campus activities intrigued by its successful record else- but Guthrie predicts bued en an down and injured by a street car -were reported. where. samplings lhal a lake ol oll 3llO lo Ii=========================='===================~~================ j/_ J. 9 arre ll ~ 3llO feel deep b al 5,llGO feel or deeper. "l sure cani figure aut what went wronc. .. be .aaid. 'f1le ...U lite b on port ol the old Handlo -Viejo and ..., g1,.n lo Ille UC o,.u.n aa a gift by a Comploo ......... Ji'rea P-.e J HIGBIE ... Mclntyre. v.·ho disclosed the contents of the indictment for the first time Tuesday, said Wednesday lhe conspiracy case "may well be the first of many such cases." Aoolher federal attorney told the DAI· LY PILOT lat.er that "several other Orange County personatitie! may be fil. volved in 11111uggliog investigations.·· The ouspecl still al lorie and believed to be hiding in Mexico is Lyle Paul German, wbo.se address or age ill not avalla~ G..-man Is cbarpd with makln:! • ~ ol the marijuana di Meiico . Raymond Danie.I Tttt« ol Ora.n&e WIS arrested as he transported the alfalf1 from the plane at Pahn Spring!. 'f1le pilol, John W. Bagley. whoo< ad- dns and age allo ,..... not diJcl""'- wu not held. Mcintyre said he wu an undercover agent for the U.S. Custrms s.vice. F ,..,. P-.e I PLATINUM ... . Oil Strike in 6th Day DENVER (AP) -The ""li<lllwicloi -GI to.• momhen ol the oil, chtmk:aJ mf akmk: WCI lit I union ftlt .... lta -do)' lod01 wi111 Ule ...... llld lllaJar • _.... .... 1111 1111 deadlO<Hd. 12th Semi-Annual Safe All HERITAGE UPHOLSTERED PIECES in your choic• of ityle or fabric may be purchased at a most generous savings of ••• OH Reg II mr l'rlces • Tru ly a rare money-saving opport uni ty Over 200 Styles ~ Sofas -Chairs -Love Seals -Ottomans in your choice of any Heritage Decontor fabric. HERITAGE . • Jiving tradfUon la reratture, • 221 S HARIOR ILVD • COSTA MESA, CALIF. M6·027' 64 .. 0la " f I. I ,I '1 I 1 'I I I • . unting¥onBeaeh - I T...-y • •l'li•• , EDITION YOL. 62, NO. 8, 3 S~TIONS, 34 PA<?ES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA .. • ... t 1' :rHURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1969 I JENaNTS ~ury Picks Seven Coast Residents Seven Orange Coast residents were selected to aerve on the 1919 Otanp County Grand Jury th.ls-morning" as the body had its first meeting with Superior Judge Robert Gardner. Judge Gardner named as foreman W!Illam D. Martin, former mayor of i.a1una Beach and former chairman Of the Local Agency Formation Com· mlBsioo. Others from the coastal area are Howard E. Maule, San Clemente; Laurence K. Reynolds Laguna Beach; James Ayer, Los Alainilo5; Mrs. Judy Rosener, Mrs. Robert N. Weed and Mrs. John Henry Russell, all of Newport Beach. Comprising the balance of the 19- member panel are Charles A. Warren and Virgil Simpson, Yorba Linda; William Vannatta, Hilton 'Dalessi and Manuel Jurado, Fullerton; Richard Hernandez, Mrs. Pessa Kl1patein Gd Dr. Horace Caden, Santa Ana; Warren E. Blooiii, Andre R. Wblte anil !l!is. KeMeth c8ines of Orange and Herman J..erlz, Anaheim. The 19 jurors' names were drawn by lot by County Clerk William St John In the morning session. Judge Gardner told them that the jury meets at its own discreUcn, usually one~ a week with addiUooal sessions when called to hear indJctnient requests by the dlstrlc!t att<>mey. He sa.Jd 1iJ jurors must be present for offlclal action of the pend. Judge Gantner saJd dulles of the jury -brl!lc1n& in lndldments (a llJlall llll!llber of -(r\llioOed), and ln-vestlgatloo of publle offtdals. Re wamed lbal'111l'llnmd ~ory was not a detective a,gmcy and w.u net to ~ lovestiptiom .. lti ..... 'l1le Jllllio warned iplnsl "!laldl>g ex· pedi.Ucns .. and "witch hunts.'• He cautiooed the jurors that their deliberations were .ecret applyin,J even to members of their own family. Councilman Asks City Seek Goals For Community A strong community goals program fer Fcuotain Valley was urged 'I'Uesday rtlght by Councilman John Harper. Harper said he felt that as Jone ·as the city bad developed a precise plan for its physical development it should also come ttp with a plan rcr the people. Some sort of program whereby citizens would become involved in the future development, "cf our city," was proposed by Harper. The councilman had no con.crete pro.: posals for the council to act on., but said he wanted to see the council maKe, .. goals an ongoing and alt encompassing plan." "Such areas as artistic, cultural and civic promotions, juvenile problems and beautillcaUon are long t e r m re- quirements of the city," Harper said. Harper felt the council llhoaJd go on ""°'d as telling the cltlions it's their responsibility to become tnvolved In the community. 1be council decided to refer tbe matter of a goals program to a study M#lion In the future . · ' Robbery Sus~ct P"leads 'Guilty To Lesser Count A· Westmm.ter DWI accused of the armed robbery oC a llOrVlce atatlon tn that city pluded guilty . lo nduced aharges Wednesday In &lperlor Court Judge Robert Gildner """'pted the plu of Rlc:bard lllamood &itbedoollX for reduction of charget lo -d<grte rObbery. He order<d Kw-aux to mum tn <oort Feb. I far aentenclng. Roobede•t11, 19, ol. lXlll Willamelte Ave. and. Edwin 1beodore White, Jt, ol t515t Stamford Line, llUntlngton Beach, "'"' arruted last Sept. 10 shortly alter the $31 boldup of the Hudson Service station, 7641 Westminst.ef Ave. !White la acbeduled lo •Piie# \Im I' on the armed robbery .char101. Hts earlier appearances led Judie Gsrdnu to orGer • psychiatric evalaation d. the ll\mtlnlton Beach youth. lloolbed .. n WU freed W~nooday on Ills own tecopJunce. He lllOll poulble Hntenctnc of up lo ont yur In county ~L ' • • • ' Harbor Fate · ·Niar· Cities League w Hear Interim Report · ' - $6 Million Bond May Get . 2nd Chalice 'Ille '8 mliu0n-bonil~hiiie for Hllll- ti!>lfon Beach parks and i.ctuilon, wh!Cb bare'3> mlaaed tbO nectliary · tlfo. :! :"~~~°1 pt another Hunllngtoo Beach. Parks end ~ Uoo Commiallon Wednelday nlgbl beard a committee re po r t recommending another V7 be made to pass tbe -in a special election June 3. the fonnaUoq of a r<gular "'!llllty ~ ment of harl>ora, beacbeo ,Qd'pjtkil, with. corresponding limilatlOM on : the new deparllnent'l I~ and respon&iblll~ ; ., 'O Local ~Uonal ·nee111; tlHr IJilerln\ report atates, should be ~ • by cl~ "or ' ljleOtal · 1erili!i rdlsltlcll, u ~ : to. the current ' cou.o'y"ltkte r hlll- bor diltrl<t. • ' HlrbOr R&lrol and . the entorcemerll ol bol.t1ng 1aws. general law enf<>r:9tflWDt and fire proteeUon would be peif....,.. by"citlel In tncorponted ......... by the COIDlly tn unlncorporated ...... , .•. Revenuu ffom anc,baraa:es, , .b.nfs. moortnp and piers within .~~ ~ILYloMT ltMt P11m OLD WATER 'rOWER SJIL~ IN SERVICE ' , tvnk't'Woch Lii\il.......,WW _,. . · In tbe Nov, 5 ...,.ra1 ele<tioo the . propooed • million general obligation park bonds gained 62 percent of lbe vote in favor, but needed l&-1/3 percent . !or.; . of . . -~~-·~ •tleml>t .. F.iif .... ~ . ., the lllOll lot>lllacbaad, l!llibl lood lo iu~~ .-·~~ '\. , • Stay Tower to . . ' .... J~llM .~Qi g mem liiXli thi P6rb ind. on Landmark Looms Over Beach Area Commission, 1be City Council, lbe Plm- ning Commlasloa·uod city Ila!(~·, will tneet at 7:IO .•• m., Jan. 1:19. In COWlC!I cballibert of lolemorial ·f!all, 5th Street and .Pecan Avtnue, 1 to: ~ a formal bond recommendat19n lo the By WILLIAM REED Of tllt!.Olllr Plitt Stiff For more than 28 years, the water lank of the old Sunset Beach. Water Co. has towered over the twin beach communities of Sunset Beach and Surfside. The tank, built tn 1940 c..t a cost of $20,000 to provide water to the 400 customers .of the water company, now belongs to the Huntington Beach City Water Department. It came with the water Cilmpany, which was sold to the city in 1966. Robert ' L. Niblick, retired now and living in Sun City, served the company from 1927 to 1966. He say~ lbe history of the water company goes back to 1906 when the Sunset Land and Water Co. was started.by private investors. 11Gasoline engine.a pwnped water from wells into. a 20,000 •gallon tank. In 19'l7 ne:w lines .were built and a new t.ank placed over the office how;e. "The tank was removed from atop the hOUBe and taken r to the lop of the hill 'on Algonquin Street en the Bolaa Chica property near Warner· Avenue where it still Stands," he said. Then came the 1940 model. Later new lines were installed as the area grew and when the Huntington Harbour Corp. beg8JI development of the marina community inland from Sunset Beach the water company waa acquired by the corporation. In 1966 the water company was sold lo the city ()f Huntington Beach. The city still uses company facilities .. Listed ()n most maps and charts as simply "tank,'' the tall tower en Andersen Street is a landmark for motorists and boaters. For Niblick it marks the . area where he worked for nearly 40 years as water superintendent. '1'1e tower likely will be in busineS! for a while yet, its more than 100 feet height providing pre&sure for the faucets cf some 600 customers . cooncU. . Wh~tber or llol .!he bmd ~Uon will be pul up !or el<ction mual 'be determined liy the CO<lllcll. In the committee reporl Wednelday night no changes were made in the r:equested finances, but it wu pointed out that the new baod ~ might include •liiht differencea th areas under consl.deratfon fer part altes. Planner Givesrln: ,.·'Ir~.~ . . . To Meet ValleySta~r{ls . . r ;: •"·' ' Beach Take OVer Of State Beaches . . Tabled for Study JllDltlngtQn Beach Saletr C 011 ii e !I Wedllelday tabled a reoom11..,...SUIM liacklng' the cllY• hope o1 ' IUllc . - operation of li'oJai Chica ind liliillliJllon state beacbea fer future llud1· FBI Arrests Newpnrt Man Developer Robert Adams Wednesday night received approval f~ the Fcun· taln Valley Planning c:ommisaico fer a planned development on the northweat comer ()f Magnolia Strttt and Slater Avenue. site to the city and 1 to constrOct 1 reitfoonkqulpment lacdtt)I· on · lbe;ilte along · wJth full improvtmenta of 1tmf, 1Prinklml end lllreela. Considering lbe co8la of land u\d <Jm. provemenla, the estimated value ol the park Ii about 1125,000. .'DlrodOr Ill. ~. :Btacba. and Developlilonl V.tncenl Moorhoqao bu prupcieed unllleil op;rattoo of Illa . lllate beacbea alOpc wllb lbe dt)' beOcb In the Interest of full development ol , lhe ·~~ -. Moorhoule malatalno lbat lhe dty could o!>erate Jbe -and l!!creue Oie leVd of IJiicuant tervlca to 1be • fuPlatinumFraudScheme The commiaalon approved a zone chango for the area from single family residence on QOHcre-minlmum Iota to a planned ckvtlopment dlltricl. Mesa Policeman €'hzec~·Q~t IJOdy, itate beadilit ""illtl Ill ---lime use par~laU ahd eoac•sdz• to ra1Je n~'fO'i-the.epnttan.~ .. 111 JORN VALTERZA or• DllO't Plitt Sl•ff A Rewport Belch man living aboard the ezpawive power cruiser "Just Another Deal," ha& been arrested by FBI ag<11t.s on charges of luring potential C-. tntn I $500,000 tntemaUonal platinum fraud ICbeme, It was ahnOIBlced today. CharU.. Talford, 55, WU arrested by federal qenla tn a Balboa l&land alley on Doc. 17, alt.: beln& IJlllled tn a Federal Grand • Jury lnd!cimenl IUUed six dayit bof«e. . .Telford, according to U.S. Attorney PblWp Johnson, bu been living aboard the. io.!oot, $100,000 11teeH1ulled yacht now docted at the Balboa ~y Qub. Jolmaoa said lodiy tbal'Ttuoiit'i mail- ing addreu · wu ·the rea1dlnce1 ~ a NewpOrt Bdch frtend, -· wu ap-parentljo not 1n .. 1voc1 and thorelln not ldentllled. Eleven ·other 1USped.s arresied In Ule case include: Umberto Rossi, S2, of Loe Angel es; Jess Martinez, 47, of Chula Vlata; COOrad Kc:Her, n ;ot-Mtarnl, ·n.;, BrOox•Htyt o( Loi Abit111; Lee Blevlnl, ~ of Bonita; llltdltll P. o OJriatenlen, :son DI..,; Roi¥ Abrwlw>i Crall, 41, and' Ramon eru:.Mqallanet, 55, · both of Lo 1 Angeles; Cam>ll Langford Sneed, eo, For! W<l'lb, Tu.; Willlam Ebbln Kelly, ,7, ~. N.C., .... Orio Emmon.o Chrilty, a, C'A1umbia, s.c. r Adami bad preyloully caused a furor amoog mid<nt.s lo the area by Wini The alleged scheme. Johnson said, for high denllty milfti for the site.... ' · By cbanglns the requeat to a planned lured people from aJ far away as development diltrtct, private streetl F • ds L • T Canada, Miami, New York, and even become a part of tbe allowable density, in f,Ve e~n Zurich, Switzerland. 1o thus Illakinl the net area for ,each of ' - It assertedly Involved appointmenla In the propooed 41 "°'"ea ,7,614 oquare ltet J. '~'Mesa rearve(Pi>~ 'ofliCa: the-San Diego area, ~ .customers -about 40D square feet more .than sent along to check out a pouiblt dead were shown two bars of what tbe city requirements. . body beside the San Diego Jl'ttewav Another planned developmenl, on the • •"Safety -Aid the)' fell lbe ~ reqµlrea more lludy.,parllculfu· ly the flnlnclna: UJl'f'la In order tn P"'vellt the dlJ !tom 1>ecomlnc In- In greater.._ Oraa•• . . 9Uspecla claimed wu pun platinum. north a"11011tb 114e of Edlnger.Ayenue lbOugtii ior a momeill loC(ay . lbaf"he The custolll<l'I were 'lold lbal a down betweenBroo~lll'lllJld1luafimlllteela, l\ld lliJmbli!d '· onto" a 'llftie' Gne.tnali , . Weadler '. payment 1hould be made fflC purtha1e al!o recelv~ •1 lllflt cll:abJt U!1 a con-RestirieCtton Citf. · : •.' . •• 1 J 1 of up' to'50,000 ounces ol the preckill ~!~~ "". pe~t from · the com-ALpl0a""'"" lbe lllll' !Olm' 1iaildTecl ;MO!t ·" .lbt\ oame, alibi Ibo ' ,,_,_. p ~.. W .. tberman, Jao!:l!1i tnwud PrJ.. I metal al .lar·below-ntatkel priool, ac-~lioper , ·-Sbielda. pro--a In a ditch near U.. ·l>'*"JW;llaOd,~ ,_,_,,_ • indi• tm ls ' ~· -·1 ~ ... clN.-lle -v ........ bl&t>.dou<ll , cording to c en • planned. development cf W1 ~ family ramp about I a.m., .,,. retene with an...i.-ee "fenpm1bnl for 1 The customers, however, nevtr really ruldtl\CU of UllO iqwire looi'IOt.s'and patl'otnian -allcic:ted ·~at!eilhe·bodJ .._ saw any platinum "or tvm. feCtived 11 tbreHcre part lite.'-nddenlt11it>up, fellow 6Uicirl·.SIW.· the couta1 ~ 1 enYihlng Jor their mooey," aome In-Shlok1a qreed lo dtc!lcot• the pork 'l'lie 't7·YW'Oll F-· V rll e•y INSIDB TOD..t. Y : dividuala being duped out of up to ,....,.,, wu •-••· _....,. al!y. , lllll,000, the prosecutor Aid. from an ~·"ti ·.U.. A '"i!"cl Ail' r_.~ : o1;~tb c1e~':r.i:,,, ~;:,;r ,.:: Anita Qryant's ~s ~t':' ... Part_-.,:-.., ~-~1U.:!.:;~ ;; : totalled more than ~,000," .JolllllOll ;i.t '~'•"~· 'Criti. ~·..'.1' . lbe1 lllitlol an.r ~-lflr...,11y1Dc i,ng ~...,. ,,_ .~• sald. ' ' ... · ... r ~D ll cw ·· ·· · Clllf anhll! .fmlil' -'*° -\-,...i;_ hgt 1 Telford is currently free on $5,l)JO " · ·11 ~ ~\ r-t ·· .r.· ~~'If,, •• .Ii.·~ .'ltilcli llNrtt'llttlelt ,:'.'llctbn· 1' · bail aR..-being arraigned, prJor to""• I. 'Ml.\Nl <l!")-~Aall(l!"J.11!11•· '!aC !Oinol -~ '•~ ""'''. ~-I ', .. •*'1!!o... ., '•I · ~-' '.. ;.~ upcomlnf trial .. 1 ~-~'l11Wl0cl( a ilrn 1 iOllJ<* ---:+Ille~. 5 .•·' ', ='I:,·-J: 1 1 Mare ouspecla tn Ibo. lnternaU<;iat '• lbr a.;..aili and lier. liMdClll ~tica!1 t!!>dult 'palr\oliban 'li!lkl wbOpi Ille" ~ , ·-' scheme are being hunted down In Mafc:o, ~1_,-,11' J......,, If....,... ~-llJld,:-!Jodi-:-· =.:·il '! E!'-· WI,',. Johnson .. Id: I ~·· ' r::,:-·-..... .U.•tliillo;tlllJIPOO ... ,_ -' 'I • ~, Ajenla said metall, experts claim ~t llilil'ltal1, Gjfldajl ftPOl\ed.: tW\ UnJ: W ay llll<r a tmlr.-b!lta.b • ::::--"'l .;;:;:;;;;'." '' only three flnna -In N.,. J.-f; Wl!ll>m Bnonl !ll....,. '11111 • ........ ' lfeiri1im.'tolholltlilioiilitl:,... "" • • " w 1• Canada and Ruala :...'''could cMllf:t Illiiilttlh,r. Clrwlt, 0 1110'~hioot·b1 oil· lo lits Piltllla i,-.. ~~ =--'l = = ::.: platinum 1n '1lcb Jiup IOQ;~ "~·biid<clevtloped ~lono ...-a..i"'*"""""~bed. --' quantltiea:asthose~ID~.a. Y.pr--.'t ':"'· ., ' .. ,• ·' · '• •'iQ,..,,.W:.rdla~·,·· .• ·1· '""'i' -,· • 1· ~~. • • ' . • I '' ,• , r l ,, r ~ • 1• r -----t ~ , . J j . ' .J t I l ~ PAILY PILOT ( • BY W1UJAM WI> wy~rs· die 0 .•. Sirhan Fair .. Trial J • '..ANGIU:S <UP:I> -~. ~ tloo ..... ,...... -tlll ----. D<»ll~~ = "'.,.j ... ,,.._ -!laYlnc. .. Reeds ••• In the Wlncl -.-·_ ~ l : • Hau.:.MY qlcl dotbu s~ed ~round the hOl>S•, In lb • gifage pr anrbere? ' , Wei , if ,YOU do, why not sack tht!ll up ilnd tale . them lo the Founlaln Valley 'Fire Department &tation al tbe corner of Bushard and El Camtno Streets or lo any school in the city? Tho clothiJlg you do not need pr bave outgrown and such cauld be very welcome to a child In \tletnani. "Clolh!ng for s m a 11 ciuldr611 Is most urgenUy needed, but 'articles cl aey •type will be ap~reclatecl .by >tho . Vietnam•••·" 881d · Mtt .. "Robert B. Segal who Is leading the drive. · The clolbes will be transported llY . tha U.S1 !Navy from Terminal Island ·lo Mn. Segal'• husband, Cmdr. Rob¢ B. Segal, Camp Ti•• Sha. Da Nang Naval Support Base, Vietnmn. ....._ ..... • !"'-'""/ ·,·.~1 • !-' ......... 91'r M ,~'"!' · I .... . iadi.. •. 8iri>&n cu ..i • ' Tile JllOllOlil '"'"' Glfj!l'lli DJ • - fa.Ir trl.al tor. lht uaaaaination of Sen. defense. CQUnsel Grant B. Cooper aJso Robert F. Kennedy. Included his request that the indictment When the door• to the fortress-against SJrhan be qua\bfd on the basis courtroom opened 1t 9:30 a .m. the that the entire jury system in the state assembJige of newamen and speCtators'-. Is unc.on.sUtuUonal, inclutli.Qa; th!: grand f~l coonsel hid started !heir jury lh&1 indicted him. • owo. ' ~in lhe JlJ<fp's chall'berl.-Cooper, allh0ugh ldml«l!>a Jhal there . "" a pa&iblllty !hiit no open -no c(oobl. Si"'-" flr<ii !he fatal ...rt; Ing would be coaduded f;l;, abOI, frequenlij' hu s11i<J indicttad he u tht ltpt ttarns dlacu.md the defense would not ask a change tn vinue. , contention lhat the wealth of publicity "Where would we go that thtn has $6.5 ·Million Patt ~arded Coast Firm A jllght C011tn>il compooeot contract estimated to reach mole lhsn IU million fn value hat been given to an Oranie County flrln by the McDonne\J·DouaJas COrp., It was announoed today. Elevator coatrol systems for the new DClO bi-jet a.lrllner wW be delivered * through 1171 by the Berte& Corp., located Jt looks as if the old Waite's in the Irvine Industrial Complti. drug at.ore downtown is not too The contrect coven design, develop. long for this world and except for ment and mmiufacture of elevator con-- lhe !.'oatalgjc, mo1t all will have tn>i1 f<r the ..,. wklH>ody luxury to 8'1inlt tlitit If it Is removed the jetliner being built al Douglas Aircraft old downtown wtil not suffer too Co., in· Lone Beain much . . •n II ~ llfCOlld .lnajor oe-10 contract Director of Building and ~ety won liy,the llerlea Corp., wboie l'adlltl<s Jack Cleveland has been atmnst are near Oamce Coullly /Jiport.' too patient with th!J old building Pm!qualy, Ibey were ai!llJied lo pro- and it's ·about lim• it and I J,ew v~the DC-t&'s lnbolrd Md oulboard olhers were conilill~ :officially t~ aileron -I pacbg<O IO<'..lbe ll!Me. lhe post. wblch la ~ to go lnlo """!""<Jal It was built in 1906 by Jll• l\l!l!J.~ _ ~ce In about~ years. e I'm told The two story Bertea COrp. alao provldii"lllihl ·co•· ' · ~··• th • troll for the Del Jeutner ~ 4A e struclnre bas wilh•~ e· S"1bnt Ind Fl Phantom military jet be~l that lhe eJemenls could throw fJiblen Ind eleclroola and ll1draullc at ti for years. * 8)'lleml for mluile and space progranu. 11111 looln JIU~ about lhe """·~ c....:uw. ' 9alb. pnlllCllUjla aod defense liald they . ,.... -1il• to beginning lbe selecllon pl Jurors nexl Monday. Tb\ trial was expeCC«I to be recessed until · then after tod~'a tession. The tiny, 24-year-old Sirhan waved heartily to his mother and two brothers Jn lhe real-of lbe !Qrtms-llkt courtroom. Al ... Uma be cbuckled Ind fll'lMed broadly at a llQ:ht· e:a:cb•nae bet~ lhe oppoalng lawytrt. Cooper, a veteran crirnlnal trial lawyer, obvi~ly uped.ed nooe of bil IIJ last asslgruntnt was to~·• the "Lit\le City Hall" operattd ~y Noble Waite who for yea:s · "1· tertatned the leaders-'-real and Dretenders · -of tho commmllty at 'his llmch and breakfast counter, before be too wandered out to the new areas of the city. TreaJy Okay Ui:ged NEW YORK (UPI) -Warning lbal 111umaD sunrival ls at 1tall:e," the former 11.S. am-to the Uoltad Nalloo&, Aribar J. "Ooldbug, urged at newt con- feftllCI Wednesday. "'"81denl-<lecl Richard M. Nixon to prus for ratlflca· lien ci the nuclelt non-prollferatlon trea- 'Cops and C:mvboys' The history o! this building Ila• been Jong and certainly from ·tu two floors has come the color of the story of lhe city, but like all constructed of lhe I e 1 1 • t !\a n • perfect, It too must PflS• 11.wey, ., tf. J Kelly Franklin,8 of Fountain Valley, gets ,aome advice from Orange County Sheriff James Musick as she tub saddle for her role as queen or upcoming Cops and Cowbo;'s Breakfast and Horse Show Jan. 19 at Orange County Fairgtounds in ·Costa Mesa. Annual event is for benefit of March of Dimes. Campnses to Sand Cr.abs, County Lawmakers Submit Bills on 'Everything' molloos to be uobeld bJ Suoerior Court Jadp ff!llll<rt V. Walller llut ilo -atabllshlng a trl1I r.cml which JDIY be argued all tbe way to the O..S . Supreme Court in the nght ta save Sirhan from the gas cham ber . The argument against the selection of trial jurora produced the fir1t wltnea at the Sirhan trial. William A. Goodwin , the jury com- miuioo 1Upervlsor for the COWJty of Loa Angele., expbl.lned that whole blocs of the public couJd 1et exemptJon from servlee almply by the Dature of their OC!'UPltion. J · Under quesUoolilg by Cooper, Goodwin u(d lbal ~eel ijocton,, llW)'ets, -. -lll,dlllo,_JUll. ~·· lelePIJl>n'I company "'1ploy.., deilllll!, urJversity professors, mlnlaten and a numbtr of othefi categories. Tbe first pleeo ol evlden~ also was submitted. It was a letter form used in directing prospective jurors to appear at the couqty courthouse. On the back is a space in whlcb: they can clllm exemptloo because of1heir occupation. Cooper already had llled a mOllon -and been denied -asking that two juries be picked for Sirhan'• trial - one for the verdict and one for the penally. SF State Official's Home Bombed SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - A handful of student pJCkets marched outside the San Francisco State College entrance . Beach Planners Delay Decision • On Trailer Park today while striking teachers met o![ campus to discuas a court order tha~ forbids teachers to picket. I The college, beset by disorders since Nov. 6, followed Its usual quiet morning pattern, with many of the 18,000 students and 1,300 instructors going to classes. Early this morning th e home of a coUege official, about a third of a mile d i s t a n t, was damaged by two glass incendiary bombs. , Edward Duerr, 35, coordinator of in• ternal affairs, reported one bc;mb aha\. tered a bedroom window and the other A plan !dr converting 30 acres of set fire to shrubbery and the outaide filled land and marshes tO a mobile of the house. home park was unveiled Tuesday night Duerr suffered a cut fool from the for members of the HunUngton Beach glass when he rushed outside and ex· Planning Commission who delayed a tingui.sbecl the fire. decision on the requested zone change Mrs. Duerr reported burns on her far a month. · legs, apparently from chemicals splashed Joseph Ferm and. Rollo McClellan ask4 from one of the containers. ed for a zone chan_ge allowing__ con· The union teachers, who claim to stTiictlon-of~a large trailer park-on 1-ei)risefit 36out 4-0oOf tlie"laCulty, ·were-- Gothard Street south of Slater Avenue debating at a nearby synagogue what In the area of a proposed central city to do about the court restraining order. park. It was issued late Wednesday by Ferm told the commission that the Superior Court Judge Edward O'Day land was officially designated a peat only hours after students and teachers bog by the state and that there was had bombarded poll~ with stones, bot· not much which could be done with ties. sticks and fireworks during a violent the property under its present manufac-melee. luring zoning. And acting President S.I. Hayakawa, Commls.sloners decided they would like his voice breaking and his hands shaking le. wait until the councU committees slightly, told new.smen for the first time on the central park had met and dlscuss--since the strike began : ed the future of the park idea. "Attendance is not normal." Ferm maintained lhat he wished lo O'Day. acting c:r:i an application by cooperate with the city and might state college trustfes, tempor~y b~· dedicate iOIDfl of the water and water ned picketing and other ~e. action edge to the city for Park purposes. ' by the American Federation of Teacbtn1 "I"m \villing to cooperate, almost to IocaJ ~~stees also seek ug.tpeeWed title point of being philanthro~ic," Fenn dam~es.; , ' ellid; but Commissioner Robcr:t Bazil Wednesday's violence came. alter the saJd.thi merits of the trailer park itself AFT, for the second strilgb( day, l°"t had nothing to do \Ylth the change o[ control of the picket line &nd jeerin&', zone to R·5 office-pror'.!s:;ional zon1n3. profanity-shouting sludenls took over. While Ferm found no acti(FJ fro1n After the line had swelled to about the 'corruni$1iion, Associa\cd Southern 1.000. police inoved about 12 men Into When it does, let it 'flot p~sl Without shedding a tear for the: grand old ·day• along tht wild waterfront and with a prayer that. whatever is built to replace it will serve the city as well and for as long. Billi submitted by Orsnge County l1wmaken, relatln1 to everything from impriJoDlng militant campus radicals to «aaing tuea, and uvina; aandcrabs and sea anemone1 will D>n be considered by the 11Je9 stale Legislature. Investment Co., Long Beach. \ron ap· th!! line to open a corridor let allow board control and high ·laxes. Under terms or Whetmore·s bill, no proval of a 10.7-acre n1c;bilc h:r111r-p.:iri< nonstrikers to enter the campus. Thieves Burgle 4 Westminster Service Stations Early morning thieves broke into £our aetvlce statloD! flong W e 1 t m I n 1 t er Avenue In Westmlnster today, stealing a 300-pound safe from.one station. Police said the four stations along Westminster Avenue from Be a ch lloulevard to Springdale Street were entered in the same manner by removing louvered windows at the side of each Ila ti on. 1 Police are looking ror three men in a light Cillored foreign car spotted leaving «>e of the stations early this morning. t About $4,200 in cash and cuti.f.lcates Wa.s inside a large 11afe take.n from dne of tbt stations. i The robberies all octurffii between J\ldnight arxi 3:30 1.m. I OAl lY PllOI OllANGI! COAST l'Ull1~HING COMP'MIY l•b••I N. 'W114 "'"''"""' •"" "'""'ll""'r J1ck It C1rlty \'kt Prttloenl tnd GHt•11 "'-"''n Tke .. tt JC111 il 1••11• Tk•""•I A. ~~,,i.;"' ,,.. ..... 1~, l••ltl AU111•I W. 11111 w;r1;,,., A11J A•MC••lt liYftl"'fllln l•tt" E•lllr City E•ltor H11.t ..... l..u0ffk• lot $t~ Sh11t M1ill.it M4reu: P.O. It• 7'0, •1641 0""' Offk.H ~ hMt1! nu"""''''""''...,.......,.. C..!t MtHI JM Wtot llf S""ft! Several blllJ Identical to some of those propcaed this time around were rejected last year, but their fate may now be detennlned differenUy on the balls of Senate and Assembly committee rosters to be announced later. No action on any bills Js likely for a month or more, since 30 d1ys Is required after Introduction to allow public notice, unless the rules are suspen· ded . Sen. John G. ·Schmitz (J\..Twitln) and Assemblyman Robert H. Burke (R-Hun· tlngton Beach) have both submltted hills which would block by 1971. scheduled elimination ol required voter approval of certain school tax increases. 'The complicated l:'!gislaUon passed in 1.067 would take away voter control of school tax increases above a certain set ceiling. Argument! for taking the final decision away from voters are that school tax overrides will continue to be defeated, while Schmitz, Burke and backers say it wUI mtan too liberal local school Schmitz claims he has 23 coauthors court could ev er suspend sentence or on the northeast corner or \"orkl'.r;:11 Officers herdei:I strikers into 19Ui or his bill, a majority. of the Senate grant probation to a demonstrator or Avenue and Ward Street. Avenue, a main thorolJ8hfare. Traffic _ which also went along with it last revolutionary activist found guilty as This development will hare roorn f0r ,\·as immediately backed up and street year -but it was killed in the lower l;=ch=a=rg=e=d=. ===========96=lr=ai=le='="="i=ls=. ========='·_·'-'-"=·er=e=b=ro=u=g=hl=l=o=a=s=la=n=ds=ti=ll=. ==• house. The Tustin John Birch Society member also reintroduced the so-ealled Llberty Amendment, which calls for Congress to set a convention for the purpose of amending the U.S. Constitution. The amendment would abolish the fcdeiaJ persona l income tax and forbid goveniment competition against privaie enterprise, a aintrovenial package bW already approved by seven other states. A majority of 34 states would be ~ired to force the convention. Schmitz is a two-time loser with the Liberty Amendment now and is going for count three. Sen. James E. Whetmore (R-Fullerton) meanwhile introduced a stiff bill agairult anyone disrupting acUvities at state col- lege campuses or in the Uni~'ersity of California system. Bued on a graduated step.up or penalties upon each conviction, Whel· more's bill -if passed into law - would bring a maximum of five to IS years in state prison for a four-time JOier. .JI. J. Qarrell ~ 12th Semi-Annual Safe ALL HERITAGE UP HOLSTERED PIECES tn your choice of style or fabric mey be purchased et 1 most 9enerous se\'in91 of ••• 20 0 Over 200 Styles of Sofas _:: Cbairs -Love Seats -Otto1nans in your choice of any Heritage Decorator fabric. Mesa Green Beret Dies Off Regular Pricu New Years Day in War Death, which missed once in 1 mine blul, caUJ)rt up wilh a eo.t.t M ... Grten Beret soldier Jeadil\I hls men on NW. Cota mount.ain deep in Viet Cong tmitory ID Vittnam New Year's Day. Spec. 5 Roger L. Brown, 22, aon of Mr. and Mn. Grant w. Brown, US Broadway, wu ludtng 1 so-ealled MIKE team m Orieotal _Jmguia:· tn>opa when Ibey beoaml Jnvolved Jn a flr<fi&hl. He WU comrnandtt of I compuy of Jrreiu'* .Ol>opl. Noo-ml11tar7 lflftlide ..m.ea for the U.8. Anny 8poc1at FOfttO GI are acbeduled SatarclaJ·ll II a.m. 11 Pldflc Vitw Memorial Pan. Railed In Olllll. Masa Ind I local hilh ochool grlduatt, Spe<. I Brown enrolled 1t Or111ge C.O.at CoUe1e before jolnl111 the Army in April. 1116, while an OCC oophoioore. Trained In t.be flv• te.pN•te phut.a m Jhe ellle Greeo Berel ouUI~ Spec. S Brown last year underwent touab In· ttlliaeoce preparatiGll al FL Holablnl. Md., before being sent to Vietnam Jn , July. Specialists from an branches or the mllllary and some foreign naUons ue trained at the BalUmore lleadquarten of lhe U.S. Army lntelllgence Corps. For Spec. 5 Brown, the course Included summer exerclies at a.. simulated Viet.- namese village at nearby Ft. How1rd, on the steamy shores or Chesapeake Bay. The combat victim's father said he wu only rtccntly rtturoed to duly In Jhe VC stn>oaJ>olll 100 10Ues soulhwul of Sa!llOll. ofter beilll hoopltau..d nearly a month with wounds from a November mine expl6sl111. He Wu awarded the Purple Hart Ind a voriety m other medail. -.. hit par<nlt. llrYlnn JocJudo thne alalera, Mrs. canclac• Plog, CoN Mesa: Mila Sbartlyn Brown, altencllni the Unlvtrtlty of •shlngton at Sfatllt, and. Ml.a Ju.lie -.own, a aenlor at Newport Harbor Wah School. Otben Include maternal &rand.parents, Mr. and Mr1. Clyde W. Cromer, Allahelm, and a paternal grandlalber, W. Graot Brown, Desert IIot Springs. I HERITAGE. a ltvlng lraditlon In (urnilure Your ·favoritt inttrlor designer wiU be happfl to assist uou ... H.J.GAf\RETT fURNflURE PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DESIGNERS o,_ Mao. 'I'""-• fri. ""' 22 ts HARBOR IL VD. COSTA MESA, CALIF. •4•-0275 •4 .. 027• 11 . • • . • • ' ' ----------~-~~-~~~~~--..-----.................................. ... • --·----.---~ ........ >* --• of stunning Career Girl FASHIONS ~-REDUCTIONS......--. UP TO 50% CAPRIS e I and 2-pc. DRESSES "AFTER 5" WEAR e HOSIERY COSTUME JEWELRY - INTIMATE APPAREL CASUAL FOOTWEAR USC Vows Studer.lts Recite· • Jlou&hs ol areenery and gold oroamenta a d o r n t d St. AndrcW'• Presbyl<!rlan Churdl when Susan Ann Smith b&- came the bride ol John MI· chal!I Fowle cllrlng a doubl< ring ceremony performed by • the Rev. Dr. Charles 01~ fleld and the Rev. Oliver J, Womer. The new Mrs. Fowle ls the da1J8hler or Mr. and Mrs. Claud Smith ol Newport Beach and ber husband ii the ... ol Mr. and Mrs. llooald Fowle ol San Gabriel. The bride selected a floor leogth slbn sheath gown fashioned ol white saUn and hnporied Frmch alencoo lace. Her ilhWoo brklal veiling was ca1J8ht to a cluster ol seed pearill and matdllng lace. The fmner MW Smith carried a cascade bouquet of stepbaootls,' white roses and elegance carnations. Miss Betty Flo served a! maid of honor while the bride's sister-ln-law, Mrs. Jim Smith of Duarte, was her matron of honor. Bridesmaids Same Hands Hold Gavel St. Andrew's MRS. J. M. FOWLll Newport Brido included the Missel Randee Day, Judy l!;dwards, Peg! Bouch<r, Nancy Glmuness and Sheila ~. 'Ibey were gown- ed in Door length craoberry colored velvet dresses. S..._ Fowle, !be benedlct). brotber, wai best man and l<l'V1ng u ushers ...... Smith, John Cogomo, Terry Worsde~, Keo Amlrew, Bill Caldwell and Ron Hous~. ~ -Kimberly Smith, the bride's niece, was flower gtri; The newlyweds pee\ed 400 guests In the Irvine COait Country Club, the rec;<pH°" aeWn1. FoUowiog a , wedding -" trip to oorthern.c.Jffomla and Lake Tahoe. the couple ls making their home in Gleo- dale. The ~~ was graduated from Arclldia Hl8h School and is coma::eUng her education at the University of SOu1bem California. She was Miss Arca<Ua and Arcadia Role Queeo in 1985, and at USC l!lhe afflllated with Kappa Ka~ pa Gamma sorority. The bridegroom, • graduate o! San Gabriel High School and USC, presently !s at· tending the USC School of Dentistry. He is a member of Kappa Sigma and Delta Sigma Delta. Show Features Works Sale Starts Friday, January 10th OPEN SUNDAY, January 12th! 1/~f.1dK'if!'~.:iu 0f':~ Mesa-Bay Cities ·Fu eh s i a During January Marine.rs her subjects' personallUe.s and By Portrait Artist DON'T Miss OUR Society after installation next Library is being graced by !Mke them come alive. r---------c Monday in the American works of Mrs. Ricbanl Thorpe Her paintings, which are in DftTPOURRI TABLE Legion Hall, Costa Mesa. (Lee) Turner who has heeo numy pri•al<! collections, have • ...,.. Also to be installed by Mrs. selected by Newport Beach • been exbibited in many of $2 James Ersig af Downey are Junior Ebells as artist-0f-the-the area museUll'l.!I and show1. YOUR the Mmes. Don Davis, vice monlh. CHOICE president; Stuart Price, Mrs. ~.a _lon&-tim.el'l!=====;i;::::;='il recording secretary; J o h n resident of. Central and South ·Th•. Q.••rter Deck RETIRING ·'FROM . BUSINESS sl\.t STARTS 10;00 A.M. FRIDAY, JANUARY 10th 50% to 60% : DISCOUNT WOMEN'S WEAR ALL SALES FINAL OPEN SUNDAYS ' • BLAZERS-Woolen •·CAR COATS •SLACKS-Woolens & Nylon's • NYLON ·PARKAS •SLIP-ON SWEATERS • SWEATcRS C. ..... ...t Wooleo •FLOTATION JACKETS • SKIRTS-Woolen • TEj: SHIRTS . Nybo Solid ...t Slripas • SLACK SETS-Woolen •DECK SHOES MEN'S WEAR • DECI< ,SHOES • NYLON QUILTED JACKETS •NYLON PARKAS . • Navy Melton Cloth-CPO Shirts • Navy Melton Cloth-Slacks •YACHT CAPS • SPINNAKER SHIRTS •FLOTATION JACKETS •FOUL WEATHER SUITS • All Sarts of ThriUi119 Values! Trainer, lrelmlrer; Robert K. America, began her painting -11./---r -c;;-;;,,;;,;;-;,.· ·;,;-;;;-;,;;;.;;;,;;;;;.;;--..-.;;-;;"'·-"';;,.;·;;;;·---=--_.,--..Jiall, .membership ,,.ecreI.aa~~..J'•W..lliO iu the and Lem D o w n s , cor-studio of the Garden City ~ taGfrmr»i 1sla,,tf -·~--VIJ8 VIJ8 •• r---~-~------,---·--··· ·------ 2930 WEST COASf HIGHWAY 101 respooding secretary, Woma's Club, Long Island. Repr~taUve will be ~n Although she paints many MaJtre1ean and aJternate JS subjects, p(lrtrait.s are her Silas Gregg. . . favorite. MrB. Rog~ Pille, NEWPORT BEACH 548-1722 , ~==~I One Gift to Your United Fund Serves Many Agencies FASHION HIDEAWAY John Mathews of Whither fme arts co-chainnan says 1.lf:~ will spe:ak on the Cart!! and Mrs. Turner enjoys ~t:lngl'll! ~Jture of Roses. The meeting portraita which charactemel--------------------====------------ will begin at 7,30 p.m. ~«~'Pj-. 'J«JM, W. < Give to Your .--1i ..,a.;: United Fund The Tee B~a~ty §Sa~n~1 333 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa (llollloid th Pancalco Hooaol l I l I l · ! I l ' • 1 ' ·. .. . . . . c • .· . .. .. G_O,OD NEWS--- New Location Shot Service cam 'fllW c1m1 OPENING MONDAY, JANUARY 27th 17th & IRVINE Next Kentucky Fried Chicken All WORK DONE PERSONNALL Y Corona del Mar 4 CONVENIENT SHOPS e 340 I E. COAST HWY. Coron• del Mir • • , 673--4640 e l4ll VIA LIDO Newport Be1ch ; •• 673-8620 e 74 FASHION ISi.AND Newport Be1ch ••• 644-7551 17111 & INfAI -Nft'I fra ICtflluckY Fried Clllclen e 17th & Irvine e Crestview Cost• Mes• CHOOSE FROM All THE LA TEST STYLES Restyle your old slioes to the n1w round look. Bring us your problem ind we'll 9iv1 your shoes 1 new look. SEMI-ANNUAL Starts Thurs., Jan. 9th •SUEDES •COATS • DRESSES • LEATHER • PANTS & TOPS a a erta 1044 IRVINE WESTO.IFF PlAZA 548-8365 ' ..., ..... w.,.-......................... . ,; .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' Tattler IEdl1or'1 Hot•: A COlvmft (If •ro1T11n•1 top 901f KO!'fl Wiii ._., tlCll -k 11'1 tt'le DlllY Piiot. To npert _.. for """' Wffll.. ''".. mtll "*" fra P.O. eo. IMO, COiii Mew. lbt'f m .... 1 ti. reaolY'ICI llJ' Moftd1~.J lllVIMa COAST TIM WHISTLE -CLIU A. fht ~ floe Gt'I'/'. Ed N11W1111C1, J:h K.A. Wlft'1rt>ur11. HNI Cir-.., Xii C19a II, fllil JNMs. J. br P'Nltlllni, _,_ HMn.. 311 Oanllll Mllrtl11, 1~h 0-c. ... .wr-. 0. .... ,IOrmlft, 111 F.C. ,,,.,., 3t1 llfl .._....,._., .JKll 111.lliry, ttirl HUl•rlfl, 2'. Churchwomen Open Meeting Members and friends of Laguna Beach Church of Religious Science are invited to attend the Women'• Savloe Guild's luncheon meeting In the church at 1 p.m. tomor- row. Mrs. Mittie Priest of Dana Point is hostess for the sandwich luncheon which will · be followed by· a talk by Mn. Colin Ashling and Mn. Ferne Bell. The two Laguna Beach resident!: will ten f e 11 ow members about their work with jUniQr chureh childr1n ev«J Sunday durin( the chri'• t.~m. lel7ke. ' Bridge Series Taught in CM Hero's Whore It's At! CAPTTVATJNG~CURts ... CAPTIVATING COLOR~ • .tNSTANnYJ . No•t::., .._h, Calif; !!!!..~ -;;:;;;;.=:~ Curb tocaressyoarhead .:·.and instant color to. caress rour curls with sort glowing beauty I RINSI 75' It's our "'Fanci·full" color: in rich. natural , looking hues to cover gray or refresh daD hair, in soft pastels to toce lightened hair. No {peroxide, no alter· rinse. no waiting: Fanei-tan , works while oouatyjiat aets y.,..._llair L ,. $215 ~w~' i~A~'.?.?. ....... . 0 Mond1y thru Thursd1y ,f After 5 p.m. ---··--$2.50 I~ Fri., Sit., Sun. -·---$3.00 Or1ftalL Celif. 1-.i,~_.... ·---~ . . Coste Moea, ~III. mo*"",....., K<M9't Pita --Senta ~. Calll.' , .. ~.., T-C.-,..._.,. '. t·, ·CMta ~Calll. MW. M ·- Santa Ana, C11if. tUt -,.im. '''"""' c.tw---· • • • ,• • • ' ' ' ' . . ' ·' I ,. I " ' •• • • 111!111!111!1'9'~ .... 111111111---------~-------------::--------.. ' • --------------------------------------------------- -· ii~ • _..,,..,.. ,, .... :t• ' ~·ft -· ---'· ='>! r · l C1 f 0 S1 ~T .....,. ' . SDVINli ntE . '! t.• ~ P-UIUC ••• AND i . ,TIADi ::i• Phone MHnl -·\Ii 2211. w ... l .... llyd. . ... ...... IM<h• ·--~-~----------......--------~ .. ------~~-~--- • DAll.'Y PILOT " -' • • • • l Split Scre~ns • Ill-Cinema Spotlight t By NORMAN GOLllSTEIN NEW YORK (AP) -Tho shape of ~ to -· ...... ~ cbo mu! .faceted, •pill and IPllntbd, 'll1ll'TOUlldlng and \ alHncompuslnf -aod a k"'ll>• defice ,to emphasize t be li"i.;.:,J"' vtsual. It ii form over content. perbape:, but an eitlberant celebration ol lllm q film by )'OW18 directors wlio are breUtog away from the ' normal mold of ODI image fllltng the acreen. Motion plo- tures now show perhaps rive or a.ix events going on at one time, by spllttlGJ. the screen into dHferent panels, often of dt/ferent shapes. 'lbe aim ts total lnvolvemeDt ol the audienCe. up the technique for 1najor productions, far pictorial ex- cite.meol, cornpre1Ssion of in· fonnalion and dramatic ef· tect. 'lbe split ,.,,.... IJ not ..... of COUJ'8'. 1be master ot. most In a· recent special section vJ h .. ~.. in "Action," the mag~ of ~ e toc.....,ues, D. W. Grlf.. the ~-~-Guild o I fiw, used variations on the u.ua,;...,.• split theme ID sueh earl,y films America, three top Holl)'Wond, ::===========:C.11 as "Birth of a Nation" and dinctora disc~ the use ofir "Intolerance." The World's the mulU-image in their films. Fair In New York Jn t!llM All$:« -Richard Fleischer, and Montreal's Expo '67, who did ''The Boston however, brought out the mod Strangler," Norman Jewison, excitement. a Canadian who dJrected "The . ' ' .... ' .. "' " l>AILY PILOT Stitt',..,. Chop to the Chops l Joel Tropper (right) grimaces as Randall Oobb administers a judo chop to the l tonsils in this scene from "The Star Spangled Girl;' now on stage at the Laguna Playhouse. The Neil Simon comedy will run through Jan. 25. /U/.J/uz ....,.. . .r. ; • Thomas Crown Affair'' and "To Be Alive!" a 17· Ralph Nelson, of "Charly" _ Hl!Ut OYll minute film at the World'• noted the influence of "A ..._ .. e'wM4ww~ •~-''-------------------''------------Fair, used three separate Place to Stand." 11RACHEL1 RACHEL" screens, each with it.I own pin j ! l ! projector, aod a number of CZECH TECllNIQUE "I LOVE YOU industrial • n d educatiorial Fleischer recalls a sinular ALICE 8. TOKLA$" filma used multi-images in an technique used by the Crechs into short periods. Laterna Magika -magic Stars Use Surgery to Ward Off Age effort to compress informaUon in !962, in a production of j'~~~-~r-~.-~ Other visual treats at the lantern. Fair included a trisected im· "The Czechs were using a age on a vast 70mm screen combination of photography By VERNON SCO'IT HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -It Is fashionable to demean ac- tors as phonies, plastic people and arrogant boors. Some of them are. But if such a conclusion ts reached solely on the basis of a star's vanity, then it When the carpenter's plane This p3rUcular actor has and 8 360-degree panorama. and Jive actors, who walked wears out he buys a new had his teeth capped. His hair MOST INFLUENTIAL among the screens a n d one. The attorney replenishes Is dyed to disguise the gray But pr babl th most . sometimes walked in and out his. knowledge to stay in and is augmented by a partial fluential ~fall bie i:ulti-imS: ~f them;, talking .to th~ir ,?wn busmess. toupee when he works. pictures was "A "Place to images, he . writes 1n Ar:- So it is with the actor. In Recently he had his face Stand ,, 8 kaJeidoscoplc tion.:·. He tried to use the ,..... ____ is (If neeeMily~a-fa~.premise. order to remain a star he lifted. The surgeon painstak· p:esentation of life in Ontario muW-una'e screen. in one of must maintain a face and lngly removed the sagging cinada. It wa!i produced tO: his own pictures! but ~·t phys~que the public finds at· skin beneath his chin, tighten· the Ontario Department of senv::,1™;.::-,.: tractw~·---· -----ed-the-wrinkles-ln his dleekl"--EconOm.icSananeVetOpinent~ -" ... : I know a major Si.a! who and smoothed the bags from with Christopher Chapman the ,;;:';:tu;:di;:os;:::;:f;:or;:::;:The;:::;:::;:Boston;:::;:J I ' I I l 1/ I • I I l Without an enlarged ego an actor wouldn 't be a performer in the first place. His face and body are as much a part of his working equipment as a carpenter's plane, a pain- ter's brush, an attorney 's library: indeed, a reporter's typewriter, ~ ... SAVE ON FINISHING AT THE FRIENDLY FOTO STORE DAVE'S 474 E. 17th·St. Costa Mesa 646-2136 has appeared in top pictures under his eyes. imaginative creator directing for almost two decades. You Il is Wlfair t? call 1he man filming and editin'g the -JI}. and I have aged in that time. a phony. Plastic ma~. · minute film . It was a hil Crow's feet bave emerged, The scalpel, caps, wig and at Expo and won an American hair ~s grayed, wrinkles and dye have extended the man's Academy Award as best short bags appeared. catee1 at l~ast a dozen years. subject. W~ ask oursel~es how this 11 ~e entire redevelopment Dividing the screen into leadmg man continues to look begins to fall apart, . he can panels of various shapes and so youthful. undergo surgery ag~in, ~y sizes and making them move . . " a full toupee and still be un w Is .tt his die~. Does h«: have business. A profitable business ~bout, ,,Chapman . as able to special exercises? Is 1t the in the millions force the audience to be delusion l~ on the camera; He works ~t regularly, ex-more selective ~?out :h~! It Is he a phystcal phenomenon. ercising, jogging and watching sees _and more mvol ed tn No. He is a resourceful man his diet. the hlm . . w~ knows he would _be He is, naturally, sensitive Now, Hollywood has picked playing charac~ roles in-about the ersatz quality of stea~ of ror.nanu~ leads or his appearance. He also lives heroJ.c parts m action dramas in fear that someone will un· without the aid of modern mask him. science, medicine and surgery But the alternative is worse. Reading Set CHALLENGE! This particular star could choose instead to appear his age. If so, he would be con- signed at once to that pitiful discard of has-beens. "Anthony Zerbe as e. e. cummings" will appear at Chapman College in Orang_e at 11 a.m. Friday in the col· lege auditorium. The public is invited free of charge. DOUAR FOR DOLLAR WE DO NOT BELIEVE YOU CAN BEAT THIS. WE CHALLENGE ANY MANUFACTURER OF TIRES TO OUT-WEAR THIS PRODUCT! BERG'S DELTA TIRES 141 E. 17tli STREET-COSTA MESA IOpposlM lff's flt loy1 FULL 4 PLY DELTA SUPREME 110 TUBELESS WHITEWALL IACKED BY 11.0AO HAZARD GUARANTEE for lif• ef t~1 tr11cl, pro·r•i•cl Oft *'••cl weir cf 1<:!111! •1llin9 prk1 incl Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 41 llounl21n In Asl~ l Part of 42 Labortr I Jiit 43 Pf'o'len 5 Monlttal's 45 Dental subway 11eehmlc's 10 Blow with poduct a pointed 47 Hockry weapon players 14 Ollve genus 48 ExceptlanaJ 15 George-: stlll Eng. novelist 49 Conunlc-lft Taro, atlons In Samoa •tdlww YestHd11'1 PmltSofvtd:' 17 Selection .50 Special of food YOtabvlary 119 18 lleiV!lngftSS .51 Dtvastlte /6t rit111I : .54 Down In 'Sllpped 35 Ro0• 2 words the·-••11 holl 39 tool 20 Forn1 of .51 Buswood: 7 Uneo&nga1 40 Sllocks wldl p111ish11 .. t 2 wotds I Ga,..ent wonder 22 llletal 61 Fine: IJ Ear: 41 Cl1•s• ' cutting Slang Comb. fo111 44 Fe•lnln1 dt'llte 6Z Before: 10 Dull namt 2.3 If ore or less Corab. fotlll 11 Docllt 46 In,,..,,.. vertical; 63 loUonltss U S,ml5h sh p Haut 64 llttl dutt 47 Fumlshd 24 Drew defiantly U Llllrary what IS togeth« •d 65 Bulldln11 tollDDSltloa nf1Cft4 fastefled 11et1ber 19 Man~I n•• .t9 Lrss 2ft Friend, 66 De1erlbe Zl Unit of prenltttt . in Catn or-... DtlnUng 50 SttUon of I 20TH ~ f'AESfNTS CHAll1llN HESTON . ... MnutP.~---pt.MEr .~APES -. IWJf M;OOMill· t.Wml\INIS IQM II.MER. w.tFS \\lill!.l:JRE w.tFS !WY. iIDi f'A'<Rl:ffl::O, ..,.,... .. "--· ll'ilt.~·UI~ _.. _,, .. - IUl9i.ll iiDWllB·MOWi. .n ante -.-....-:-,.;; .... ,.... ....... -· Also------ "FIVE MILLION YEARS TO EARTH" H111l OV... *"I ....... WMll ltldlln:I H1rrl• • COLOll • ,.CAMl!LOT"" !"hit: ·----FIN' Millfll "I LOYI YOU, ALICE I. TOKI.AS" -.. ~ -• 147.J5t1 ltlCMI .......... F• A_.hl Willer MatrlMu e COLOR e "GUIDI fOI A" MAllllD MAN .. •ICM!.....,.. l"or Adlllhl Pllf'I' Ui11nov • COLOR e• "HOT MILLIONS" Sl•v1 McOuelfl e COLOll • "THI! THOMAS CIOWN AFFAIR" AH .. Mlnlml "'THE INCREDllLI IEl&N Of G-OOD llNG UIU" bY lton Tllr- ••• '·"'·-TKlltD ITI" THIATltl -COSTA MESA CtctNI ... OfftC9 -'46o 1 J6J 110! on 1 li"liliowt 1;,1 pri(t. SIZE PllCE SIZE PRICE 27 lnftrlor tlcally 25 Muslctl pav•t11t c1e11y •111an's 1tr11r n -dr1-.. ![""'";;;;::;:::=::::;:::::::~~II 30 HQsky: nlctn1111e 26 Wamelf 52 RtttlftgulW 2words 27SeccndUq Dier F_,._ 34 Ha•lng DOIN of lsrvl 53 Slclll• •-I ~SOUTH COAST 13.44 670. lS 650.13 77S·15 14.54 710.lS 70C-13 815-15 73S.14 15.48 760-15 700.!4 845-lS 715.14 16.26 88S·15 19.87 7S0.14 90().15 825-14 17.29 915-15 20.66 800.14 820-1 s ass.14 I:•~ Tt• It......,'""- 18.42 ., •• , " 12.fJ ,.., Tirl IS0.14 185-14 19.97 900-14 ~ont up 28 E1t out 11ounta!n 35 C:lutt 1 Pottable 2' Europe• '5 Edible wt llllllAL PLAZA THEATRE stcretary's trouatts city of 9rtl11 Q)RPOR&llON Sin Dlt10 FrMWIJ It Bristol • 546-2712 1 conctm 2 tanaat 30 Girl In S6 EqU1I: 36 Tool 3 Lascl•loas a song Co111b. fn 31 Electrlcal loot 31 It.all• 57 Part of unit 4 One author I plo• 38 X1111s-bellrtfnv 32 JocttJ's S9 S.alt "40 Form tr what 111usl IM>ss dtlnt I coin of be •ust bt 33 Flonn: 60 Frtnch lndla S Htbraw letts lnftlMal s11111tt .--,T.,.,,,-,T, - -NOW PLAYING - SHOWING TIMES n..... .. ...... fSOO ........ L'ICWOl9 -· ...... --looot ·I MIW1'01f llAot -.,, ......... _ M l•MI•"' u.I• tolo -01. J.ClH Best Actress Best Direclor • rachel. reallal ----f!l.UI Aho Paul Newman Fredrick March "HOMBRE" r.,.. Sltow Stms 6:45 NOW AT BOTH CINEMAS LOVE BTORY EVER! hrll fL\TUU AT CINIMA a..,.. c. '"" "PETULIA" '1lEIUJGJl'IERS" JOHN WAYNE 1A111AR1KE BOSS JDIHUJ'JON &if!!'> TECHNICOLOlt • PllNA\11510N ~ ALSO TillHRIANOOSA llUNET1E !DIR "IN ENEMY COUNTRY" <l!lS> T£CllNllX>LOR llill Ew, Sltow Starts 1 p.111. C:.11t. S11Mkr froflt 2 p.111. JIMI HIT AT CINEMA WtsT Ricli11d Allt11bo•oug~ St.+rl•r M1 cl1i"' I .1 f, I ' J • ,. Founiain Valley EDITIO~ VOL 62, NO. 8, 3 SECTIONS, 34 PAGES . -' ORANGE COUNTY, CAl.IE'ORNIA . JHUR~OAY, j).NUARY 9,' I 969 _ • TEN CENTS 'Jury Picks Seven Coast Residents Seven Orange Coast residents were selected to serve on the J.9&9 Orange County Grand Jury this monitng as the body had its first meeting witb Superior Judge Robert Gardner. Judge Gardner named as foreman Willlam D. Martin, fonner mayor of Laguna Beach and fonner chainnan of the Local Agency Formation Com- mission. others from the coasta1 area are Howard E. Massie, San Clemente; Laurence K. Reynolds Laguna -Beach; James Ayer, Los Alamitos; Mrs. Judy Rosener, Mrs. Rohert N. Weed and Mrs. Jotm Henry Russell, all of Newport Beach. Comprising the balance of the 1~ member panel are Charles A. Warren and Virgil Simpson, Yorba lJnda; William Vannalta, IUlton Daleul and Manuel Jurado, Fullerton; Ric~rd Hernandez, Mrs. Pessa K1ipstein and • • --' -._--Dr;~ CadeftFSanta ~t---..Wlfftft ..--. I I E. Bloom, Andre R. White and Mrs. Kenneth Caines of Orange and Herman Lenz, Anaheim. The 19 jurors' names were drawn by lot by County Clerk William St John in the morning session. Judge Gardner told them that the jury meets at Jts own discretion, usually once a week with additional sessions when called to hear indictment requests by the district at-ey. He said 12 jurors must be proent for official acUon of the panel Judge Gardner aald dutJes of the jury included bringing in lDdlctments (a amall number. al ~ propooed~ and in· vestlgatloo al publlo olllclalL He warned that the Grand Jury was not a detective agency aDll wu not to lnitiate lnvestlgatiolll On Its own. The judge warned against "fiahlng ex· peditiona" and "witch hunts." He cautione!:l the jurors that their dellberaUons were secret applying even to members of their own family. Councilman Asks City Seek Goals For Community A strong community goall program fOf' Fountain Valley was urged Tuesday night by Councilman John Harper. DAILY PILOT Stiff PMM OLD WATER TOWER STILL IN SERVICE .-~ ~~ch ~;,;!~~¥.,.,.. .tJ '· , Tower· to " 'Stay Landmark Looms Over Beae1i Area By WILLIAM REED Of t1o9. Dellr '111t Slaff For more than Z8 years, the water tank of tf)e:· old Sunset Beach Wa~r Co. bas towered over the tWln beach communities of Sun!ld Beach and Surfside. The tank, built in 1940 t.t a cost ol $2.0t«IO to provide water to the 400 customers of tbe water company. now belongs to the Huntington Beach City Water Department. It came with the water company, which was sold to the city in 1968. the house -and ·ta.kep ·to · the top of the hill on Algonqui.ni Street on the Bolsa Chica property near Warner Avenue where it still stands/' be said. Then came t&e -1MO=tnodeL Later new lines were indalled as the area grew ahd when the Huntington Harl>our Corp. began development of the marina community inland from Sunset Beach the water company wu acquired by the corporation. In 1966 tbe water company was aold t? lhe-city oC Huntington Beach. The city still uses company facilities. Harbor Fate· ·Neal! . ,. Cities Le~gue tn ·H ear .~nterim Re~r' • ' $6 Million . B~nd May,,Get ---. = 2nd Chance . . . " The II ,million bond lllStle for Hun- . tlniton Beach parka and 'recreallw!, which blrely mlued the bswy two- thlrdo vote •Nov. 5, may &« ioother chlllce for puaage J-s. lljmllnlloil BeKh Parks" and 8'crea- tioo C<!mmllaion Wednelday night beard a committee re po r t recomme,qding another try be made to pass the bond in a 1peclal election June 3. In the Nov. · 5 general election the propoeed $& • mlWon general obllgaUon park boo<ls ,gained 112 per<:enl of the vote ln .f1vor, ~ needed lf..l/3 percent few e. Tho . . . al f~~· Y<>teo .~-.. ·.!er~.~. lbe ...... '<r "" -.-,.;pi ~ .. ~~· . ~ ~ A '1111!1 _...,..,iu.li oiit1~' memben iroiit the Parb aocl 8'creaUon Commlaaloo, lhe Qty Council, llie Plan- ning Comrn1Mlon and dty'1taff members will mfft _at. 7:11f. p;m., Jan. 21, lit council ciwnh!'• of Meriiortal Hal~ Ith Street and Pecw A venue, to make, a rormal boOd · recommendaUon to , &he council. · . Whether or nol: the bond prop:js!Uon will be put up for election mu.st be deteimJned by the counctL In the cammittee report Wednesday ni&ht no changes were made in the requuled . fin~, but II ..a. polnled out that the new hood requut might Include •llght differences ln·areia Wider COlllideration for parl: lites. ' •' .. the~«1D1U011 of•a rejpl!lr eotiill' d!Pll'I· cltlts should aa:rue 10 the dua for mo111 ol 1>arbori, beadles ..a' ·Jil:u, the bendlt of local IQ!emmeol,.iirvJair, wUh corres"""'""l 'limltati°"' on< Ille except on --ty .... IJd·•·-" new deparf,;i;;;;, jurladlctlon• · Olfd ·-· -._' ... responsiblllUes. · -.. ~ cordhlc to the reJ>O:ri. : ... -, Local recreallonal nffds, o;e lhtenln Plw call for the llnal ruolulbl - rep>rt states, should. be flnan<Je!f ~y ed by e 1 t I 1 s to be ·~ to &be clttea, •or special ·PrV6ce 1 dlstrli:t8.,~ u 1«al Agency· Formation 0mm>•Mm oppaoed to ·the current ~"-"' next March 1%. bot.district. " ;· 1 If the LAFC actJ taVoribty on 1 the liarbor patrol and , ll)O .enl21'CtQ!'91 resolutioos, the Jll'Ol)Olal IO dla<ilft' ille ofboalln&laws,geoerallaw'enf~~orcel>arbor dlatrtcl-will ao to tbe llGlhl and' lire -proltct1oo would be" ' · ol S.pervlaon for adlan. - by dUu· 1n·1ncorporated arua and-Ill' A lj>eclal electlao would ~ _, theCOUDly.l&funincorpofated·cus.r ... :.. to coofirm the disloluttoo. Auguait. 1• Revenuea from ancborage1, wbar!J, bu been suggested aa the date for moorijiga_ and pien witllln ~l!<f tho election. Z••,'Z•• Fined . ', .· Eleganµy attired, ac1ress 'Zia Zsa Gabor walks aw~y . .(rom. subutban L<>ndon maglmate's court alter being fln!Od ,'24 tpr. using language to custo.q:u: men which Was described as "not very ladylike." She was also fined 196 for trying to bring dog into Brltain and $45 costa. -. ·-.. - " Planner Gives In: Tract Beach Take OVer Of State Beaclies Tabled for Study. Huntington Beach . Solely C o u n~ II I Harper said he felt that as long as the city had developed a precl3e plan for Its physical development it sbould also come up with a plan for lhe people. Some sort of program whereby citizens would become involved in the future development, "of our city,'' was proposed by Harper. Robert L. N'1'1k:k, retired oow and living in ·Sun CJtj, sened the company from 1927 to ltlS. He says the history of the water ·company goes back to 1906 when the Sunsel Land and Water Co •. was atafted by privale investors. Listed on most maps and charb u simply "tank/' the tall tower on Anderson Street is a landmark !or motorists and boaters. For Nlblick it marks the area where he worked for nearly 40 years as water superintendent. Wednesday tabled a recornmmdaUaa , The councilman had no concrete pro- posals for the council to a,et on, but said he wanted to &ee the council make, "goals an ongoing and all encompassing plan." "Such areas as artistic, cultural and civic promotions, juvenile problelllll and beautification are long t e r m re- quirements of the city," Ruper said. Harper felt the council should go on record as telling the citizens It's their responsibility lo b!anne involved in the CmnmUnity. The council decided to refer the matter of a goals program to a study seu1oo b;I the future. Robbery Suspect Pleads Guilty To Lesser Count A Westminster man accused of the anned robbery of 1 aervlce station in that city pleaded IUllty to reduced charges Wedneoday In Suporlor Court. Judge Robert Gardner acoept..r the pie& cl Richard Diamond Roubedeaux for reduction of charres to second deifee l'\'.lbbmy. He ordered Roubedeam to return to court Feb. I for sentencing. Roubedeam, 19, of 13061 Willamette: Ave. and Edwin Theodore White. 11, of 15251 Stomlol'd Lane, Huotington Beach, were arnsl<d last s.pt. JO .mrtty an.r the 134 holdup or the HudJoo Service StaUon, 7641 Westminster Ave. Whllo ll ocheduJed to ·· ...... -J ... • 0 Oii the lirmed roblier. chlr;.I. l!il earlier appearancu led ·· luctge GID'dl\er to order a psychiatric evaluation ol the UunUngton BelCh youth. Roubedeaux w11 freed Wednead~ on bl.I own ._i-He f..,.. poulble IMllW!clni ol up to one year In county jail. "Gl.S91fne engines pwnped water from wells into a 20,000 gallon tank. In .1927 new llnes were built .and a new tank plal'td over the office house. The tower likely will be in business for a . while yet, its more than 100 feet height providing pressure for the faucets of some 600 customers. To Meet Valley Standards "The tank was removed Crom atop ' FBI Arrests Newport Man lnPlatinumFraudScheme -' Developer Robert Adams Wedneaday nlght received approval from ~ Foun· tain Valley Planning Commiaaloa for a plar.ned ·development on the northwest corner • of Mqnolla Street and Slater Avenue. Tbe· comm.las1on approved a zone cllaD&e for tbe are1 from single family residence on oowcre-mlnimum Jo'ta to a planned development dlltricL Adaw Md previously caused a furor ., among ruideoUI in ·the area by asking BJ JOHN VALTEllZA The alleged scheme, Jorui.on aald, !or bilh denail)' ""linl for the .U.. °' "" DlllY ,.,... stiff lured people from as far away a.s By changtnr the request. to a planned A Newport Belch man Uvlng. aboard • development district, pnvate streets the upensive power cruiJer "Just Can_ada, MlamJ, New York, aad even become a part of \he allowable density, Another Deal," bu been arnsl<d by . Zurich, Swltwland. , lhua maklnc the liel area for . each al FBI .,.me '!II c~ of luring poteotlal It asserted1y involved appolnlmenla In the ~ 41 h001es. 7,111 .aqu.ve leet aaatomen bWo a f5001000 1 1nttrnational the San Diego aria, wbere customer. -about 400 aquMe feet more than pllUnum. frltld ecbeme, It .wa1 announced were shown two barl of what the city requlremenU:. 1oc117, . , Another planned developmen~ on the Clllrliel Tellord, Ill, was. arrested by su.specla claimed was ~ platinum. nortil aqd ..,,\II, •\d~ al E\llncer Avenµe federal qopta In a !Wboa bland alley The customer• were IOld .that • dc!wn hetwtlm Bl)JOthurll and Boahal<fotreela, Oil Dec. 17, If!« .belaa named in a payment abould be made for }l1l'Chase al.IO recelved·a 2orle ~ Ind a·con- Federal Gnnd 'Jury Jndiclment laould ol up to 50,ooo ...,_ ol'the ptecloul d!tlooal Ille permJI from the , com- m dlJI befin, · · 1 far low · • DI Jrilel, mlaalonera Telford, IOCOn1lng to U.S. Altomef m: ·~ ..:..r ac-Dev"°"" LlrTJ · Shfefcla -a Phillip Johnsoo, has been living aboard co ng • pWmOd cleftlQl)lfient ol 417 ifnffe faml1y the 11>-foot, 1100,000 lleei-bulled yacht The CUJ!omer•, however -rull7 ...idliioes ol 'l/111 aquln loot !Oii ml now docked at the Balboa Bay Club. saw any plaUmun "or en. receJvld' 1 thiet am, pirl' ate. ~ . • • Jolmon aald todiY tbit Telford's mail-' a""'*1g for fl!eir money," iome in-Sbltlda llJ'eed to ~ the port ing address wu !be l<lidencJo OI 1 ' dl(ldUall being' ~uped out al up to ' Newporl BUcb 'friend, who "" ai>' IJlo,OtlO, the prosei:utor aald. pareollJ' not Involved. ond -nqt · ·:~ dekndanta allegedly Jul! lciok Aili ta· Bryant'8~T....ln• Ufentllled. · oil wlth the clipn1 ptymeola, which ' • V ~ Eleven other IUlpecla arrated .In the totalled -~ tlian . ~,OllO,". Joimlon , ¥"/ diti" . ~C"_:l!·~=•! -'. cue Include· . • ' lllltt. "on on '-"'•-. Umberto Roal, 12. or Loi Angeles: Telford ls currtntly free on SS,000 ' ; <!i:.:~ .. ~-, • .. l • " !1 . .,;. ; : i ; · JeaMarllna,47 otChulaV'f!a ·COnr'l<f ball an.r being arraigned, pdor to bia 1 .. ..,.,... •• JIJllll'-s~'" !'!lrf~l.•iJ*._;Ho)'ltf . ujicomln&.tri.J. . • ' ~-·~IM,_..l..5 ' ';LieBlnlnl,41.•11c$1ti; I ·~ 01apid~ In lhe lnternaUooal '°'U..-mlnoi'a.t.11 , Mi P. a.mi-. SU d ll'8•1: llCherne are beq'hunled down in Mfttlco, ...... lodoiJl•OI ~ Robert Ahnbam Crill, a,-Ind R.abiori J0hn9on alJd,1 ~ ~' •.:,.QL.. '• ... 1 I ' , Cnn-Ml(allanea, _li>i ,both . of L 0 I Al!enll lald -expert& claim lhll .. HClllPltld "llcllll ..... lid -.Ila)' AnCeies; ClrrOU Langlord Sneed, 00, only three firms ~ In N• Jmey, W!Wam am ·-.and Bllllon. Fort Worth, Tmi.; '1\'llllam Ebbln Kelly, Can>da and RuAlil''-coo1d '41tliver I -~-~ .Jjlonljl• 47, Goltlaboro, 11.<l, Ind Orlo Emmons ptaUnwn In Ill/di ~'· 100~ prllllO!llrt, 11111 ,....,.... t~akl')' ~7, 41, Col1lmbla, 8.C. quantili"!I U U-r<portadly inYOIYod. ~" ' ' ' '. , \ .,. ·---11 ---" .• ~-· ••• -· , "' ...•. site to the city and to constnJct.' •· restroom..qulpment facility' on the· lite alolig with · full Jmprovatlentl ' of turf, rprlilkler> and•llreetl. Consilf~ the costs of land and 'Imo proveniei1.Y, the estlm.ited value of Ule park la abbllt 1121,0llO. Mesa Policeman Checks Out ~j, T blcklng the city'• bope ol· laklnr - operation al Bolaa Qifca ind Hlliillqtoa State beaches for future study. Director ol Harbora, Beachel ,and Dev~ Vincent Moor-bu propooed unUled operallon ol the - beaches along with the city l!eld> ta '. the lnterell of full cfevelopmm1t of the lllrand •. Moorhouse ma1ntolns tbfl the dly could operate the beacbea Ind Jncreall the level al llleauanl emic<I lo Iba state beachel ml II tbe AD10 ffme Ulf parklng.klta lhd<fl'GC "•to nUo revenue .for1 tilt apili' ,.. •. Solely CClllllllallone aald they Jell the Idea n<lul!a -aludy, porlleulm-ly !lie Dnondnc upecls In ...,. to prevent the dlJ lnlm ,tiecomlng lnvolffdl lngreaterexpenaes. ; .. ) I I • J I ' • • l • • -- '· -.. --. . f OM.Y PILOT .! 1M BY WllLIAM mo awye:fs '.Hu~ ie Oil Sirhan Fair Trial Reeds ••• • In . the Wf .,d Have aqy old clotllo• stashed around the house, in "the garage or anywhere? ' tpl All""'P,,.<UP!) -..... ..utlen ......... --· ><N14 prlylllJt 'loilt7 • ........ -....... .. -........ -..... . lair trial for the auaulnatlon ol s..i. Robert P'. Katnedt. Whf<I Ille -. to th< fortras- courtrOotn optned at t :30 a.m. the as&em.b!age ol newamen. and 1~tator1 found-· 1that counsel!~ lt&ried their o~n..meetJna lo the.J · '• chambtre. Thero "(U a pooslbl ly lhat no· open c:oort ·bearing would be conduded today u the legal ttttrui dfstua~ the defense conttnUoa that the wealth o! pubUcil)' • .. .aioCt Illa -'ior -----l'P~, ...... -'",......C.• ~,,. "> I f 'lllt moti-..._, -.. .., ....., · defense counsel Grant B. Cooptr abo included hls request lhat the ind!ctnient against Sirhan be quaabed on the be~is that the entire jury ~yrtem in the state is unconstituUonal, Including the .arand jury lhat indicted him. ~I Cooper, altllouglt admittin( that there wu no doubt $1rb!n llnd Ill" lalal shot, frequenily bus llid lndklted he would not ask a change in venue. "Where would we go that there has I • 001 *'! publl~l1 abou~ ,1be we," ,.__ lild," ., • ' --n:-' I • , Bali~ and delense ssid lh<y _. ..,..We to beginning the 8'lecllon ol juron out Mon41Y. 'Ole trial wa.N expected to be rec:essed tmtll then after today'•~· The tiny, !4-year--0ld Sirhan waved heartily to his molher and two brothers Jn lbt rur of the (ortreu-llke courtroom. A& one Umt he cbucW!ed and IPiMed bn>adly al a light esc:hanle belwNn lhe opposing l1wytrl. Cooper, a veteran crl.mlnal trial lawyer, obvlOlllly espected none of his molJOlll lo be IU>held bJ Superior Court J•dlt H,rberl V. Wt!br .INt lot ,... estab!Wllng I trial ~ 1Jlild> ... y be argued all the way lo the ·11.8. Supreme Court ln the rlght to save Sirhan from the gas chamber. The argument against the seleCUon of trial juron produced the first witness at the Sirhan trial. William A. Goodwin, lhe jury com- millJon l\lperYilor lor the county of Loi Angelet, "'Plained thal whole blocs of the public could 1et exempUon from service &imply by the nature of their occupaUon. Undtr quesUoning by Cooper, Goodwill Mid lhal included .WC:!li lawy<n, ,._,. abbDol &eacbeta, carriers, tel~ company ertiptoy11, dentists, urJverslty professors, ministers and a. number of other categories . The first piece of evidence alao was submitted. It was a letter fonn used Jn dlrecttng pl"O!pectlve jurors to appear at the county courthouse. On the back is a SPlce in 1wblch they can claim e:iempUon-because of their occupation. Cooper already had filed a motion -and been denied -•king that two juries be picked for Sirhan '5 trial - one for the verdict and one lor the penalty.. Well, if you do, why not sack them up and take them to the ~la.in Valley Ffre Departmenl station at the comer of 8u8hard and. El Camino Streets or to any school in the city! . 'l'be clolhing )'OU do not need or have outgrown and such could be very Wt!lcome to a child in Vietnam, "Clothing !or s m.a l I children Is mo.I urgently needed, but ar!loles df any type will be ap~ieclattd by. the Vietmqnese," ~aid """' Robert B. Segal who Is leading the d rive. $6.5 Million Pact Awarded Coast Firm ·sF State Official's · The. clothes wUI be transported by· the U.S. Navy from Terminal J.siancl to Mrs. Segal's husband, Cmdr. Robert B. Segal, Camp Tien Sha, Da Nang Naval Support Base, Vietnam. * . It looks as if the old WBJte's drug store downtown is not too long for this world and except for the n..u.Jgic, mo~t all will havt to adinlt that U It is removed .the old downtown will not suffer too much. Director of Building and W.ty Jack Cleveland · bas been almost too patient with this old building and it's about time it and a few others were consi(Ded officially to the post. _ -- It was built In 1906 by the Moose J;ocfg•;'l'ni -tohlc The-two otOrY.- lrame structure 1has withstood ~ best·that the elements could thro!V' at it for ye~rs. · ' . "t . Its last assignment was to, bQUSI' the "I,itlle Cify Hall" oper'IM by Noble Waite who 'for years ~ terlained the leaders-real '!nil Pl'l!tende11 -of the commun!{y at 'his lnnch and breakfast counter before he too wandered .out to the iiew areas of the tjty. . The history of' this building bas been long and certainly from its two floors has tome the coI.ot Of the story of the :Cltyt ,but lib. all epnstructed qf the 1 e a • . t h a n •. perfect, lt too mw:t pass away. A flight conltola: comPOntnt contract estimated to reach more than $8.S mllllon in value has been given to an Orange Counly firm by the MclloMell-Douglas Corp., it was announced today . Elevator control aystenu for the nelf DC-10 trl~jel airliner will be delivered thnlugh 1117( by the Bertea Corp ., loc1l<d in the Irvine Industrial Complex. The contract coven dWgn, deve~ ment and manufacture of elevator con- U..IJ for the ll<W widHodj< llDUrY jetliner behig btrlll •1 DouglU Alrcralt Co., In Lona Beach_ It 11 tht Mcood major 0010 contract woo bi' the llerl<a ea.,.., whoso facillUes .,. pear Qam&• Counly Alrporl. ·""'10uily, tber """ ...,.,.od to pro. vldt th< 0010'• Inboard and outboard al-control poclulgeo lor' Ille plane. wblcb II •lpecled to go Into ""'1l0erclal service in about three yean. .-. Corp. alao .provldu>.fl!PI ...,_ lf0.11 for the DC.a Jetliner, tbe fA Slcyhawk and F4 Phantom mW!tl']' jet li,hlen aJ1!1 electronlca tnd liydraullc l)'1tema for mlaalle and spaei! PfOll'ams. Treaty Okay. Urged NEW YORK (UPI) -WamJni that ••human 8Ul'Vival Ia at stake " the former U.S. ambaSlador to the united Natlona, Arthur J. Goldberg, urged at DeW1 con- !"""" Wedn<lday. Presldent41tct R1cbard M. NiJ:on to praa for r•tlficl· t.ion of the nuclear non·prollferatlon b"ea· ,,. 'Cops and Cowboys' Kelly Franklin,8 of Fountain Valley, gets some advice from Orange County Sheriff James Musick as she tests saddle for her role as queen of upcoming Cops and Cowboys Breakfast and Horse Show Jan. 19 at Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. Annuaj event is !or benefit of March of Dimes. Cain puses to Sand Crabs Home Bombed SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A handful of student plcketl marched outaJde the San Franciaco State College entrance Beach Planners Delay Decision On Trailer Park A plan for converting 30 acres of fUJed. land and manbes to a mobile home park wu unveiled Tuesday night for memben of the HunUngton Beach P~g c.ommlse:lon who delayed a de¢sion on the •requested tone change for a month. JoaeJ)b Fenn and ROilo MCCJellan ask- --<dJor. a:_.,..._c,bange_allowlng. con- . It.ruction of a large trailer park on Gothard Street aouth of Slater Avenue In the area of a pro~ central city park. . Fenn told the collin:lWlon that the land waa offlclally deelgn4ted a peat bog by thO · attle and that lhere ,..., not mucb wblch could be done .with the prop<,ty under ill .pruent manulac· luring zoning. Commilaioom decided they WOllld like to wait unW the eoubcll committees on the cenJral park bad met and dJ:sruss.. ed the future of the park idea. Fenn maintained that he wished lo cooperate with Uie city and might dedicate some of the water and water edge to the city for park purposes. today while striking teachers met orr campus to di.scuss a court on:ler that forbids teachers to picket. The college, beset by disorders 5incc Nov. 6, followed its usual quiet morning pattern, with many of the 18,000 students and 1,300 instructor!'! going to classes. Early this mdrning the home of a college official, about a third or a mite d i s t a n t, was damaged by two glass incendiary bombs. Edward Duerr, 35, coordinator of in· ternal affairs, reported one bc.mb &hat· tered a bedroom window and the other set fire to ,shrubbery and the outside of the house. Duerr sufrered a cut root from the gtas5 when he rushed outside and ex· tlnguished the tire. Mrs .. Duerr reporl~d b~rns on her legs, apparently from chemicals splashed from one of the containers. The union-teachers;~ who c1aim to represent about 400 or lhe facuJty, were debating at a nearby synagogue wh at to do alxiut the court restraining order. It was issued late Wednesday by Superior Court Judge Edward O'Day only hours after students and teachers had bombarded police with stones, bOt- lles, sticlcs and firevrorks during a violent melee. And acting President S.I. Hayakawa, his voice breaking and his hands shaking slightly, told newsmen for the first lime since the strike began : "Attendance is not normal." O'Day, acting on an application by state college trustee5, temporarily ban· nOO picketing and other &trike act.ion by the Americao FederaUon of Teachers, local 1352. TrusL'ees also seek unspecified damages.ii , . When it doe~. let it not pass without shedding a tear f4r tho grand old ·days along the wild' waterfront apd wi~ a prayer Uta&. whatever i& built to replace it will s~rve the city as well and for a1 long. . County Lawmakers Submit Bills on 'Everything' "I'm willing to cooperate, almost to thot~ of being philanthropicf' Ferm saJC!, 60t Commiss~er Robert Bazil. safd the merits of tlie trailer park itseU had nothing to do with the· change of zone to R-5 office-professional zoning. While Ferm found no action from llle commission, Associated Southern Investment Co., Long Beach, won ap. WedneslJay 's violence came after the API', for the second straight day, lost control of the picket line and jeering, profani~·shouting students took over. · After the line had swelle<! to atx>ut 1,000, ,police moved about 12 men into the line to open a corridor to allow nonstrikers lo enter the campus. Thieves Burgle 4 Westminster Service Stations Early morning thieves broke Into four service !ilatlons alont W e 11 t m I n 1 t e r Avenue In Westminster tod1y, stealing a 300-pound safe from one station. Pollce said the four mt!OM along Wutminster Avenue from Be a ch Boulevard to Springdale Street were entered in the same manner by removlng lou vered windows at the !ilde of each station. Police are looking for three men In a light colored foreign car spolt.ed leaving one of the station& early this morning. About $4,200 in cash and certilicatea was inside a large safe taken Crom one of the stations. The robberies all occurred between midnight and 3:30 a.m. ' DAILY ?1 101 (llAMG( (04ST ,UILl~HING COM~A"IY ._.,,, N. W11J ,'!lift~! 1Pld 'lfliU ..... r J •• ~ ~. c •• 1 • ., \lk' ,rnltffll -"-••I Mt ... lfr Tho,.,11 K1 1•il l!:lolOf Tho,.,11 ;., Muqthi~• M• ... t lrlt llol .. Alb1d W. t1h1 Willi1"' R1ul •1-11!1 .. ...,.,,..teR •••tn Eclo!or Co•v l!'ll!or Ho11ri"fft11 I ... \ Offlct lO t Slli S!rttl M1iliRf A44r•u: P.O.••~ 790, '1t'4t Ott. OfKc" Nt,.._t 81~h· Htl w .. t 81•1>'!1 Bwln-1ro Cotti MtH; 1>11 Wttl ,,, )N'ftl Bills submitted by Orange County Jawmaken:, re.latina: to everything from impriaohing militant campua radicals io ceaaing tlftlt and aavln1 aandcr1ba and se.I anemone. will aoon be COl\!Jdered by the 1989 state Legislature: Several bills Identical lo some of those proposed th.ls Ume around were rejected last year, but thelr fate may now be determined differently on the baals of Senate and Assembly committee rosters to be announei!d later. No action on ani bills is likely for a month or more, since 30 days I! required after introduction to allow public notice, unless the rules are suspen· d<d. Sen. John G. Schmitz (R-Tustln) and Anemblyman Robert R. Burke (R·Hun- tlngton Beach) have both iubmltted bills which would block by 1971 schedu led elimination of required voter approva l of certain school tax increases. The complicated legialaUon passed In 1967 would take away voter control of school tax increases above 1 certain aet celling. Argumenla ror taking the final decision away from voters are that IChool tax overrides will conUnue to be defeated, while Schmitz, Burke and backers 11ay it will m!an too llberal local school board control and high taxes. Schmitz claims he has 23 coauthors of his bill, a majority of lhe Senate -which also went along with it last year -but it was killed In the lower house. The Tustin John Birch Society member also reintroduced llle so-<!alled Liberty Amendment, which calla for Congress to set a convenUon for the purpose of amending the U.S. Constitulion. The amendment would abolish lhe federal personal income tax and forbid government competition again&t private enterprise, a controversial package bill already approved by seven other states. A majority of 34 states would be required to force the convenlion. Schmitz ls a two-time loser with the Uberty Amendment now and is going for count three. Sen. James E. Whelmore (R-Fullcrton) meanwhile introduced a stiff bill against anyone disrupting activities at state col· le1e campu5es or in the University of California system. Ba!ed on a graduated step-up or penalties upon each conviction, WheL- m6re'5 bill -if passed into law - would bring a maxi.mum of five lo 15 years in state prison for a four-time loser, Mesa Green Beret Dies New Years Day in War Death, which mJNed oncei In 1 mine bis.st. caucht up with a Cotta Mep Green Beret soldier leadina hiJ men on Nut Cota mountain deep in Viet Cong territory 1n Vietnam New Year's Day. Spee. 5 Ro&er L. Brown, 22, IOll of Mr. and Mr•. Grant W. Brown. 361 Broadw11, waa leadl.ng 111>Calltd MIKE i.am of Oriental lrHgula:· ll'Oo1" whln they bec1me Involved Ln 1 flref[ght. He WU t'01JUD.IDder °' a company ot lrrtgular troopt. Non.military grtvtllde terVictl for the U.S. Anny Special Farceo OJ .,. ICheduled S.turd1y at 11 e.m. at Pacltlc View Mtn'IOrlfl Part. Railed In eo.ta Mest tnd a local high IChool graduate, Spec. 6 Bmm . enrolled at Orsnr• Coal\ Collqe btfon joining Ille Army In Aprll, llllf, while an OCX: llOPhomon. Trained In the five separatt phatel ol the ellte Green Bent outlU, Spec. I Brown lut year und<rwtJ>t toup Jno telllgence preparation at n. Holablrd, Md., before being aent to Vietnam in July. Speclalifta from all branches of the military and some foreign naUona are trained at tha Baltimore headquarter• of the U.S. Army Intelligence Corps. For Spec. 5 Brown, lhe course included aummer u:ercLlea at a aimul1ted Viet- namese vill•ge et nearby Ft. How1rd, on the steamy shoret: of Chesapeake Boy. The combat victim's father said he was only recently returned to duty In tho VC stronghoid 100 mn.. soulhw .. 1 of Salron. afl<r being ho!pltallled ""''7 a month with wouncb: from a November mine uploeloa. ~e wu awarded the Purp~ Hurt and a variety of othtt medals. Bea:ldea his parents, survivors lnclude three alslera, Mrs. Candact PJoc, Costa Mest; MJq Sha(llyn 8..,.., atteodiq the University of Washington at SeatOe, aod MJ11 JuUe Brown, a 1em0r at Newpon Harbor IUl!I> School. Other• Include maternal arandpattntl, Mr. and Mn. Clyde W. Crom<r, An11helm. and • paternal grandfather,. W. Grant Brown, Qeaert llol Springs. --------- Under terms of Whetln ore's bill, no proval of a 10.7-acre mobile home park court cou ld ever suspend sentence or on the northeast corner of Yorktown grant probation to a demonstrator or Avenue and Ward Street. revolulionary activist found guilty as TIUs development Will have room for charged. 96 trailer units. Officers l1erded strikers into 19th Avenue, a main thoroughfare. Traffic was immediately backed up and street cars wer1! brought lo a standstill. JI. J: (Jarrell~ 12th Semi-Annual Safe ALL HERITAGE UPHOLSTERED PIECES 1n your choice of style or fabric may be purcha,ed •t • most generous saving' cf .• , Truly a rare money-saving opportunity v- Over 200 Slyles ol Sofas ~ 0 Off Regular Pric:n -Chain -Love Seats -Ottomans in your choi<:e of any Heritage Decorator fabric. H ERITAGE'1 s l ivi ng tradition in furn iture )'our fauorltc inttrior dtsigntr wiU be hoppJI to G.$lilt uou ... H.J.GAl\l\EIT fURNffURE PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DHIGNERS • Optt M .... Tian. a l'tl. - 2215 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA, CALIF. 646 ·0275 646·027• l ' " .. •• ' l ' 1 ) I Ill I • ~OL .62, NO. 8, 3 SECTIONS, 34 PAGES ·ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY,, ~ANUARY 9, '1969 -TEN CENTS ' I . . . Laguna T9urism· D.ecline Claim Sparks Debat~· By RICllAllD P. NAU. Of .. °'"' "" ., ... An economic analyaia showln& a relaUve!y static tourism picture for Laguna Beach during the 1960s an<l a leakage of retail sales to other cities stirred a spirited dlscusslon in councl1 chambers Wedneaday nlghL Chamber president Harry Llwr<n<e and Councilman Richard Goldberg, merchant and former Chamber preai· dent, challenged the conclusion of the Economic Pinch Here To Stay? The economic preuures Laguna Beach ts feeling today will not stop and bave to be reckoned with. 1bla was the auessnwit of eccmomist ' . Alan J. Weiner in his Wednesday IOC.io- econom1c report on the city. · "Thia: report ia: geared not to ' tell )'OU what is gOing to happen In 1990 but where are we today ; how did Laguna Beach get here," he said. Abraam Krushkbov, vice president of Daniel. Mann, Johnson and M•ndenhall and project planning director, told city officlals the report will be one of several progres.9 reports from and feed back to the coosullanis. Referring to remarks of a young man 00 the Citizens Advi!ory COmmlttee (to the ,......i plan), Kru!bkhcw Mid amll- lng, "I kiDil o( get the ldp ~t l!ie goal ol Liguna Beach II. to bop It 8 hang Joose town. n I • . lie laid tlie nest repcrt wm ~ "11.nd -aJ!81ysis" lncludJnr 1lmd Ji>lbic and lliO, utlllties and oclloolL There will be an atttt!Xle "'""1 of the town by questionnaln: aod a polOB· lea! survey. II woold show Ille .,,,,..,_ Ing developable hillside area ad llie substrata soil conditions. The economic report highllgbtl on Laguna and envi.rUls include tbele fin.. dings: -To date, the city and its environs have held far less than their rqfaoal share of manufacturing employment. This cond.ition is being radically daanged by the construction of a major manufac- turing plant for N or t h American Rockwell CorporaUon at Laguna Niguel -The city iB facing very real ezternal forces of urbanization. Yet a well formulated and realistic policy of cop1· munity goals that coaslders thoee ex· ternal economic and de mo graphic pressur<o could channel them Into order· Jy development as opposed to rampant change. -The city, surrounded by agricultural lands, is most heavily depemlent on tourism. The dollar volume of tourilt business, however, hu not grown 'ignillcantly since 1960, -Approximately ff percent of total retail sales in the city are to non- resldenls. Although thl1 ha1 deelloed rrom 60 percent in 1960, it compares (See REPORT, Page Z) Laguna's Greeter Fund Donations Get Big Boost , Ll&tJnl'• Eller Lanen fuOO II solvent agaln ·for the New Year. Pete Fulmer. a member of tho~ fuad ralslnl effort ori beliall of Lquu~ 79-year .. ld Greeter, aald that more tban 75 pmons ~. many 11enc11n1 nolff of appreclalloil wltli their cfooe. lions. DonaUons m0y ltlll be oeot to the Chamber ofllct. Lanen baa been.~ hil J11¥Ung to visitors 1rom Ari Col<lny lldewalu for more than io yean. ID 19671 be also became ambuudor from Laguna when donaUooa from the town pold kr • trip to his lllltv. Den-mm: wblcb be bad not aeen In 61 yean. He WIS liooised In the Dlntab p-U his trip became IOmetblng of • iood will tour. The low keyed fund ra.lalng effort wu a financial asslsl and "holldoy lhanu" to Lanen foe his yeara of -ng Laguna BeadJ, Fulmer oaid. Oil Strike in 6th pay DENVER (AP) -The lllltonwlde •trite of I0,000 memben of tho oil, cbemlc:al and 1tomlc worm. union -1 Into Its -di)' lodoy wftb the unton and .... oil -~ ._i..i ttllt delldlocked general plan -So did ojl>en. nit IOclo«aaoiiilc ropor1 br repreaen-tauVes of Danltl, M.,m, .Joluf.son. Ir: Mendenhall,' 1eneral·P11n cimiultanll tO the city, wu made to eouocilmen, plan- ning commlllll00<n and Uie J&.member C"'-Advllory Commlllff (to the gerier'al plan). ' EComnist Alan J. Weiner, project .......... lllted that tooiill dollllfl In Laguna bave lneru.e.t sltgbtJy belwe<n llllO and 11167. Howeyer, bl Mid ii )'<JU ' . adj'un tho figflm kr lnflattoo In that p<riod, the>: have actulny declh)o,d. Weiner.· alto ,mafntalned ~t retail wes' In lhe ..... perl'JCl 'have not \e;t pace with growth In lbe city ml' 1pclte of. "leakage" in · poerll merd:llndlse oales 16 oUier cllles and Ule new llbopplbg rneccu •.. After Weiner btgbllgbted the '5i>lle -aoalyals, flrlt ri ... era1 -.. In the liknonlh plannlng prostam, Cha1"' her pr..Jd<Jll LI~ was flrlt ti> ' r ' challenge hil conclusions. ''I really would doubt that," said Lawrence. 11I'l"e followed it (sales t.rendll) Jor 11 ytars and am very sensltlve to It" He spoke of the wonderful art galleries and apeclllty ohopo and pld one block alooe coolalnid 44 gilt, aHops. He main- tained that Laguna i.a "always upu ad· ding, "I've never known us to decllne." ~~~~do:!. :oilm~ = Laguna Leader ~amed Ex-Mayor 'Big, Bill' ~a':tin on Jury Seven Or~e .eoa~ residents were selected to 1erve on the 19&9' Orange County Grand · Jury this morning as the body had Ill flrBI meet1n1 with Superior Juda• Robert Gardner. JU!l&e Gardner named as . foreman Willlam D. Martin, former mayor of La(llllll Beach and former chatrman of tbe -Local Agency Formation Com· -. oasen from the -c08,ltal lfea lie Howard E. Maasie, ' San Cle~e; ~ K. Reynoldl Laguna Beach; Jam,. Ayer, Lo. Alamltoa; Mn, Jody Rooeoer, Mn. Robert N. Weed and Mn, John Henry Russell, all of Newport Bea~. ComprW., tbe ))al~nce of the 19- member panel art Charles A. Warren and ' Virgil • Slmpoon, Yorba Linda; Wllllam Vannatta, Hilton DalesBI 'and Manuel Jurado, Fullerton; Richard Hernandez, Mrs. Pe.ssa Klipstein and Dr •. HOl'aoe CMtn. ,santa Ana; .warren E. Bloom, Aoc\r• R. Wblte and Mrs. Kennetp Caines of Qrana-e and Hennan Leiii, Anlillelm. -= ' ~e 19 jurors' name1 were drawn by lot by Co\mty Clerk . Wllllam St John in the morning ses&on. • ·Judge Gardner told them that the jury meets at its own dl.scretion, usually once a week with acldltional aesaioos • when called to-bear indictment·requests ' . by the district otloriley. He said 1J jurors must be present for officlal acticn of the panel. '' Judge Ganloer said duUes of tho jury included bringing to lnd!C!!neo!l l• small nllmber "11' -projioled), and In-vestigation o[ public ofliclals. He warned that the Grand Jury was nOt.-a ·detective agenty aoo-wai not to initiate . investigations on 1ts own. The judg~ warned against "fiahing el· peditions" and "witch hunts." He cautioned the jurors that their deliberations were secret applyina; even to membetl ol tbtir own family. Leary Says 'Someone' Out to jlf ake Example Plea Denied In Clemente ,to .f -.:Ql~~na 'fi~•.: • ·~ • 1 11 '1"~ 11"'\:0~•j '" .. '; <-V batlertd llllll<>o -caaghl lhe a~ ' ' .~]'~ 11 JACK CliAl'PEU.. ~*l·P~~ _,; dmpd u..1 "omne bflhai power" is f17Inc to make .. t%1Dlple of bfm. !Miy, hil wile Rosemary lod aon JObo were orralg!ltd oo hashish, marl· jljana' and I.W, char,.. wflh tho case COIJ!loaed.,tmtll Jan. 'll and moved to Saii.Clenente lrunlclpal C..Jrl. ~ ·by neWllllm following the short court a-. Leary r<peated char .. cl{ -ad po!ice pro. v::C. lie made lollewlng tSe trio's Lquna u'rut Dec. 28 on chargea of su.picloo ,of lolelll to aell marijuana and'!ial>bb and -too of LSD. I.my, •~'a fonrter Hatv~ cllrilcal psycbologisl, said be felt tbe psychedelic movement wu growing. ''The hippie movement iJ the direction of young people that don't want to fight but just make love and be happy," h lllileited. e"Jn "Laguna Beach, there la a ·deJlnite pattern ol bara.ament," .he claimed. Leary alngled out Police officer Neil Purcell to apeaking . of harwmenL Purcell w~ tho amstlng officer 10 the Leary' case.·· The· .family waa aJTUted when their 1..uan-t£ the 'l.quna' polk:e oflle<r , ' Antoola Tltctm8'' appeal agalnlJI her late Dec.• ,_,' · . m~lr~d911io.~1 The ""1lcle wu•illlpped In the eenter by juluCos oftbe Fouith Dlltrlcl Coar! or the :JOO block of Woodland Drive of Appeal In Sao piejo, < · with the, lights oul. The three-judge panel ruled alter four Leary cli.imed · \be car was legally weeks of dellberaU•1 lbat-.lberJ: were parked. .He< lald ,lliat he and hil wile no ground! 'to rev'™' the · verdlcl were .~ ~b,e to1&beir &On. delivered by Orange County Superior Police allepd "°''""""'of marijuana, . ' ·' some LSD and l)JJll'oilmalely two ounces Court Jlidge Robert Gardn~ last n1ay of hashish -· ieU,ed, ' 3; The Leafy lamlly is bellig repreaented · 'Lo! Ang•Ies aitorney Oudley Gray had by criminal altoritey Ceoige Chula of argued for Mn. 'lllomaa of Sin cieiit~ Santa Ana. Chula rtpr<SeOted John Leary : a few months 110 ·in Laguna Beach that certain atitemeots bt J e w~ the young man wu charged with Gardner 81¥i· prosecutor Ever,ett Dickey being under the influence of drugs Jn had been improper and that the 'evidence a public place. was lnw.tficient to sustain the convicUon. w~n81es ~ ~~r; ~':°:,ou~~f ~~ .Gray aaJd after the ruling that he public place. · will prepare a new appeal. The controversial Leary bolds a doc-Mrs. Tbomu, 2&, wu convicted of forate.in ~cbology ftom tbe Univeraity poisoning her 7-day-old son by pouring of Califomta a1 Berkeley. a caustic substance down his throat In 1963, he was fired from the Harvard slaff for exceeding prescribed bounds o? July 13, l!Ml6. James Anthony Thonw in e1perimentatioo with L.50. died in the boipital.four day1 laler. Following the last arrest, Leary said -----·------- he has beelt BlopPed and ' searched 23 Stork Market. 11m .. 1n the Jut 13 months, Ex-beach Owners Buying NEW YORK (UPI) -The stock mark.et staOd an (t\ietly recoyecy loday, 1nappin1 a three-day Joslitg str!:it that knocked moat market indexes to their lowest Jevell in aeveraJ mooths. Trading WU moderate. (See quotations, Pagea 11-19), " Shopping Center in Carmel ' ' Boyd'1 Prench Reataurant, 440 S. Coast Jilghway; Peppertree Pueo, 44& S. Coast llillhway; and Laguna Car Wash, Sbortly before the final bell, Ille UPI stock market indicator, measuring all stocks traded, wu up 0.38 percent on 1,571 Issues Cl'Olllng the tape. Th<re were au advaocea and 118 declioea. . ' '· 'Cff~ •lad1'tt~fi11•"'.: . ' Kell~, ~~.a of Founlllln'NaUey,. 'gels, some advice from·Oranp . County Sheriff , James MO'.iliclt 'a' she tesll. saddle for her mi•·~ ' qn~il of upcooiing· CO)>! arid <l<lwboy&> Breakfast and Ho'se. Sho'!I' J4n. 19 :at 'Or8rig~ eciuntf'.F8iJlrounds' lll Ciolla Mesa: Ann•al ·eYlilt .15:ro.r'benellt'of March' of ri4ii~s.' , ' · ' · • ' " I. 1 •• ,. • 'l I • . ' ' r.-· ·~ 'd. · o·u .. n ·1··~,,, · F. ,.,, , \.'.ianir a , · , ti' n.Dg , wm At Capo Find§ Q.~y S~d , . . , ~ . .. . . . ' Effom byi an• Orange Ci>alJI ' College expert tci tap oil believed deep in UiuveraUy of California Iifld have f@ile(t,' but dtillers' may give It another '15.0001 coll ege try before abandoni.t:1g the proj~ Sttll optbnlstfc, ,aliout l>t>nc!ito()llitfr exploratory probe into a posalble $36.1 mlllion pool of , oil just &OUtheut ol Sen Juan Capistrano, however the eana.. disn ,firm ·lnvvlved hu 1ound OD!hlng so far, bul sand and a.mys!Ory, , Project geologill • Georie L. Gulhrle J>'ac:Wmed Wednesday -after< I teal drilling was abandoned earlier at 6,057 feet ~ ttiat Nottlilode ExploraUon Ltd,, ha1 a dry hOle, ~ · • . The g00togy ~ lleid "•l'!I ' tiljlt clriUlnil ,anolhfio , fll)loo• lelt' lli>IO ' would be advi!able, de~\Oft ftlU11s · of an ·upconiinl aeilll·.IUZ'l'~·or the . z;ooo-acre leaaed · area. ·· ~ · .1 The 11.nd Is almost certain' lo'Iie oiktdt ' . ' ' l 'i .. heed Oil . '"''ogical knowledp,, bul Guthrie said the ltnl drilling mafltilte croseed · a · aubsurfa.Ce earth '. fiulf _;.ind missed 1ht right m'a11: Flights • ii.er the .,.. Jhre< m11a 'IKllitheaat ,DI San Juan . C.plilr8119 , by planes e<julpPed with ~ sensor dovil:e• •""ul<I detect· any lililll aud,''""'r.<lepth ~ eXtenL "W7ioW\d ' g<iod sand; Jiu! lhete julJI w.asn 't ~y. oil .or gaa in it at an." Guthrie. Sa.Id. 1 , • The sand is lndlcaUvo of _..,,.,,. that a rldt' oil piol lies · ih;;:f' strata thoosancls' of feet belew lbe swfaee of'tbe earth. 'Northl~Ezploralioo Ltd. ~ anolbOr '"'• year• befqrt Ibo Iuli runs 'Gui ·r ,their -· -'" fnwo tho q'n1~ty QrCaUfornl.. . ' : . ' • The well was designated Urilvenltr ol Callfornla llegeiita'Well·Number Ont and .... tho ltnl· well -in -than 36 years, tn lhe !OUthern Orailfl dounty arew. 1 · : • .. HaYln& IOld Ill nine Main Beach pro- perllel to the dly 'of IAllloa Beach for $U mlHlon, Comiolldltecl M°"l*I' Co., Jiu purchased I aboPJ>Jna eenter in.Carmel ~ J, llkllman. Cooaolldated Mortcqe praldert~ today Aid Ille Connel Pim lba!Jplq Clol<r .... purcbued "&o rQJftiIT tu 1'Qiirement Coast Man Named in ,Fraud: 0r .... . . ' . ' . ' on of lite i.. like In -to avoid eapllll ) = !: ~tbe~ha~• :"": FBI Arrests Newport Resident of lAgma.... ' . ' Platinum Scheme . ' ' ' AithoaP iledlnlnJ le specify tho By JOHN V AL')'llRIA . Eleven other IRllpecla am!Sled to the -pli<l!for the <!orme1 Jinpertles. °'t:::--' .... lnelude' .· . ~· Indicated It would have had A Newport 'mD Bring ,aboanl Umberto Rooat, 12, of Loo Angela: to be -ullng over $1.1 mllllon to the eJpellllve power cntller "JlllJI Jeaa Martinez, 41,·of Chula Vtlll; Conrod satltfylbeoppllcableWll.w. Another Deal," baa been .+ooted by < KOOirr,a ,.rMtamI,Fla.;BroOIHoytof ·RicDan llld'the *>l>Pilll -· IOO Fet ta nn char of ...... ---ual Loo Angel,.; Lee Blmm, •,_of Bon111 : by 410 feet.-frich!d<o; f.'\.Mlplo, ~ agen gea ·--,,...... • llllchell , P. ~ , °'" Dlelo, of Amrrtca, 9alllbo'I, aboul Iii oihtr cu-. Into I IS00,000 -Robert Abraham er.D, 48, and ~' •lit!tl and ~· • plaU~~ fraud scheme, It WU lllllOllnCOd Oroz.liq-. , Ml bo!Jt. of , Lo I -.n Mid Coilloll4aled Morllill• todat. ' _ Anplot; c.noU ,LiNf~ 5oeed, IO, ta "dtarlq out of Oraqe County en-Charlies Tellord, 66, wu l1'18led by Foot War11>, Tei<.; WUljam ,f;b!>lft .eJiy, ljrely." lie , ls . prtncfpal llock bolder federal .. -In I Balboa llland alley 47; Gqlcllbol:o, f'l,C., ~ Orio ~ of flie _.uon, on Dec. 17, after being named In I <Jtrill1,.fl, ~ f,C, , IUcMwl, wbo llvea In Laguna, will Federal Grand Jury lndlclmeol isluod , Tlle''FE.J ~. 11\i&i-Aid,. .....in, lie Im purcllaaed c.aoiidlted lix days befort. ' lund • ' from U· fir n"3 U 0 ~ Ooutp111t~.!! • .l~I~, f~ "1, ~ Atlcniey ,;~~ , New •York, and .... ,ti;nL. ~.~.a~ 1t:\l1ZJHia6%··=· t~~ ;~,!' anc1 -... _... He will operate the now doclted at the Balboa' plub. f•lhl 'SM~-~ · Laguna properUet. Johnson aid today that . '1 mall-,,..., llilin IW. l!irlit:of 'It 11te· Tbe7 Include Broadway Pl1211, SU tng addnaa waa lhl of a • · wul))ll'll p....,,._ · llroldwoJ1 Oomalldaladllortca&t Depot, .;i.•~,~~.: .. ,\loWn: StMIJ Oowl A-; !he (llT1<lng IOI --~ hnrn!JW'.11 narlh " u. •1 Bob ...... el . • "11 •· I " • Weadier . .. , '.MO.. of the same, . afiba U.- wealhermao, looking llnnl Frl- doy., He' -varlal>le bfljl d~ with --temperoturw fc< ' tho -area. JNSWB 'J'4tDAY A tacrd Air rar«·/illlmCtd ,,por1. '"'li' tllal Ulfr• ii , .. ~· lhal ••kUnlifkd fir! \ i"O objtcb art ftDM , G!'O"'"'. plo1ML1'-7. ' , _...., t ....... • I. l ,1 m~: ~·.jwa .;·" ........ , ..... _ "" --c:r • ....... -.,.--... I I •slil 9 ........... ,. .... I ....... •tt 'hlliii-• ~ """ e... .• ~ ........ .) u. -'" 'E,.;'L"" > ll -,....,. ,, ,.. ==:..· ....... ~' -" ' '• " • • I ' ' -------:. ... ___ .________ -;:....--------·-' 2 DAILV ,,Lor L I ,._.,, "-"'-'·1'69 u....i N~ Al~~t · ,~ San F~ ~ .-• M I Gran J g.ri Asks7 ~neg~ <:alls. LAGUNA .TEEN CORNER -. , 'ENerg -y . C.itrtailing·'. )ets·::~:· ~~~~iy~ ly JOM GORMAN • • By TOM BARLEY Services and Building Se:rvlctS be better ot ,... o.ttr """ "•" coordinated." Orange County's 1981 Qrand Jury tod~ The report is in marked c0ntrast to ll'1J!d the llolrd of· Supermen to bah lile ocatblng ccndemnaUcn of c6unty the _...ion cl jet puoenga-aervlce luncllona luued by the 1987 Grand Jury. 1t Orange Ccllnty Ali"port and take im· No mention is made or thit earlier mediate act.Jon to 1e1ec:t a site for a report, or the warning issued by the new regional county airport.. outgoing 1967 panel to the 1988 jury In a special report prefacing a 64-page In the volume released today. Foreman resume of its yw.Jong investiaatlons, Colegrove doe!, in fact. go out of his the jury •'--tin··...... Ilalio way to laud the superviaon and county warns w.t con I.ICU e,,c n officials for "the good government that of jet aerv!ce at the county facility tllJtl in our c<MD'lty. The supervisors, wUI project crlsb Into chaoo. "It could create raJ!ld deterioration the county adminiltraUve officer and of )X'Optrly values in · one of the most most department heads are doing a valuable resldtntlal areas of the county good job and can take pride in the and mean .a lllbaequen' tu Jou," the results of their efforts," Colegrove atates. airport' IUrV'1 notu. Tbt Jury does, however, cenaure the 11Noiae and, air pollution nWnces WID board for what appears to be the cause conUnued haruament of taxpayers superviaors' dlaregard of a Grand Jury and costly damage sutta wlD follow," letter issued on March 22, 1968. the repari warns. "LocaUona (of regional That letter recommended that further ail'l)Or'ta) should take in the factor of leases or allocation of faciUUes at the jet aplOko drift acrou the ccunty, Orlllle County /Jrporl be withheld pen· estllilllod al 1pprozlmatel1 1,000 Iona dine evalaatlon of the Wlllllm L. cf pollol,11111 per year." Pereira and Aaaoclatea uport. . And &he Grand Jury report. lllued "It bas come to our attmUoa," the by Ha foreman · D. R. Colqrove. o( report statea, ' ' t bat admlnlstraUv• N"!!Jlcrt Bach warm "ti b lmperaUve declalona have been made allocltiq ad- thit' clear" cteflnlttcn be nlldfl cl the dlUcoal operatol'I and operatlolll al tho rote \I( Ibo -1 Oral>p Ccunty Alrporl ··-~---letter -durtnllbell<llllveyear.,rlooger. ' _,...,~~OW" was rec • "II lt ...... to be ....,eloped for mu· lnqulrit1 by the Grand Jllr)' meal two """'" •·· carrieis to be operatiq wllhcol nlld in-air llJPI "" oowl Or are llmlJa. Jeuea incrWtnc Jhe praen1 cong..Ucn Ucm lolnl to 1le -bllabed .; Iha& II the' termlna1.." reallllk, -lnJl!iemmll -pubUc 111e of· airport ladlltle«llld -In ot11er reporta. Ille Grand Jllr)' urcet by menben ct tho publle o! llliil .-Ibo ·~ GI What It calll '1ar llld -apprvacb and llht oil ..... -odoqut<• meutal health lacllllle• can coatmue1" •· '-· lD the county. 'Ille jiiy allo urges In two suboeqlieol 1• ''Tblo ·roqu1remen11 of adequate • .,. r1<•11nm!daUona : · will· llOl "·be met, .unUI the llillt level the acting prtsldent of San Fernando Valley State College, where poUct: with three-foot clubs clashed Wednesday with some 1,000 demonstrators. Durlng the eraeraency only faculty, studenla and C911e1e staff members. wlD be allowed co compu!, said Ac:llng Prai- dent Delmar T. Oviatt. He said all others will be subject lo arrest. As Oviatt issued his statement, campus police said "a few students" gathered. foe a teach·in at a campus forum area. But officert said lhe student.1 dispersed after a few momenu. They left the forum as a college sound Jruck pa....i by blaring thal gllb<rlnp were banned and repeating OvJ1tt'1 ban of unaulhor~ persona on campus, police said. The teach-In was called by student and r~ent supporters of the Blick Student Union. Tbey demanded "im- mediate: lmplementaUon of a black' and brown studlet departmenl" If the demand, along: with amnesty for 14 persons arrested durirtg Wed- nelday'1 melee isn't granted, the croup aa.ld, "the ICbool muat come to a halt." 'The Thing' End Psychedelic Life With Flourish YOU MIGllT CALL thll SUDday '"Soper sw.i.,." Two major e\ienll will )!e .U«• td \hen -one in Mllml and one right hero In i.apna. The sup.r Bowl b ~'4 tor ... Uoowlde ~vla!on thal 111...-. Tbe cul<ome cl thll 11mo, plttJnc two ol the boll team• In. oroloulonal football. will depend on wh1ch team plans "tile more elflclent attack. The other event, here in Laguna, is beJnit allged by a group of JoeJ1I who have beea Wed Lo come up with a list of goak for Jhla town"• youth. Jwt 11 an efficient aam• plan ts vttaJ in • football ~I a muter plan " vital fO< • powJnc ...,,.,un11y. The CltluN Advlaory CouDcif (CAC), formed by the City Council, II working on llUdl a master plan. Toplca range from pork· Ing to POllutloo to porb. ~art d. that plan lnciudu Jhe alma ol the youth, The South Orllll• County Youth <;oun- cll was asked by the CAC to come up with such a list of goals. ABOUT It TEENS met In the City C.OUncil Chambers earlier this week and formed a lilt of 60 ideu that they feel ahould be Included In a muter plan. The committee meeting UU. SunOay will pol!Jb and categorize the go!!s before presenUng them to the CAC. You might oy that the lulure o( the youth in Ulla town 20 years from now Is being formed this week.. One l>Wc coal that the teens lelt to be almost a necualtt la to bave a teen ct11ter, wtth both IOeial W educational overtones. The center m1'1;ht include a game room, with ping pong, pool table and the like. There could also be a ju.kt box, bandaland for live bands and a place Lo dance. But, unlike other teen center•, it waa felt there should be a youth library. Tbe library could include bookl ranging from religion and phlloooplly t o homemaking and engine re-building. There would also be a collection of newspapers, ranging from the Free Presa in the London Obaerver. Laguna, at this Ume, laW such a center. It shouldn't. ANOTHER IDEA ls to have a foreign exchange program -with teachers. And the present student foreign er.change program could be expanded. Wouldo~t it be nice to excbang' 11tudenls just frotri within I.be country? Should domestic relaU.OQll be improved before looking for friends overseas? Frot11 Pagel ECONOMIC ANALYSIS ••• the detmnlnalion. Weiner said this would th.at part of the declnie in tourism might be done also. "Might then your con-be traced to affluence and the Increase The Things, one of Laguna's bustling clusions be premature," asked the cOWl-of travel to other areas. psychedelic shops, lw dropped out. cilman. "There is very Uttle that can be done Faced with an eviction notice by the to capture that sort of tourist trade,'' owner of the building al 711 S. Coast SHOP IN MESA lt was diacusaed having 24-hour aj:hool· 1ng, lrade scboola aod fiWble achedullni similar to the junior high. The teens also expressed a desire to have a teen theatrical organiu.ilon and art atud1o downtown. One rnembtr commented there ahould be an investigation into Laguna's real estate estabilshment. He mentioned Emerald Bay's policies t o w a r d s membership. It was hoped that there collld be system whereas teens in Laguna could visit, and in certain cases, live with • other ethnJc groups. Field trips to Watt.1 interested the members. The surfing group received support when members expres.sed their disgust with present surfing laws -houri .and private access to beaches such as Salt Creek. Open forums where teens can voice their thoughts on problems also received support from the group . These are just a few of the dozens of ideas mentioned at the Youth Council meeting. Some seem a bit darin&. But when you plan ahead 20 years, you can't afford not to be daring. That's what a Super Plan is all about. $6.5 Million Pact Awarded Coast Firm "'11111 .OOlllily IU(IUVboro c~ Ille ol tr..Jment b avallable for mental -o acape ot, ln••l•e1110nl It ·detlnl cl lbe ~ bllltla pa-that b provldeil fer pa~ · ~ ·--.1-'al1d ·the tole..,, ~···1lints 'iurt~ from olber'. llJ8jor 11- diiideir of''-av1at1on· r ·e·c ·aTdln',.-Jntu; .. tMfeportwams. · ..-A trajiom!pJm o( b\fcrmal!cn to· ;llld' -'',l'bll!·ll~iloo u1a11 the Grand •J Highway, 22-yeat_..old owner-operator of A man in the audierice said man1_ ~e said .. the b~ Reed, t~ out of the new residents raising families. -Ht .. la.Id ~ ~~t . Laguna Beach had with a f1ouris"ft: -• ·~ -· shop at un.ite Front and other Cpsta not-really dtine much to the new cor· A flight controls companent contract · ·,. ~stimated to reach more than @.!~"t" .~ in vaJue has been given to an orange County firin by· the McDonnell·Douglu Corp., it was announced today. """"°' ltoa! the aJrport ccmmlaidiJ. l!"!U ''"ctdpl~ the etiatta ol dedlca~ ~ ""IE'"'I•#~ .;~·~ iroaP. of \'.oluD!eer worker's bindlcapped airport llld -COUDIJ'I -Y by the lac1t 'of fundl . and &pithy of ; a publle DOI yet educated to Jhe need." ' F. Allan Morg@~ CofC Ma:tiage~"s · Father Succumbs And, noUnc ·that l,°'l'J ·juv..U. court eues per mOqth, Involve . the . ..,. of 111rwttca the Jll'l' urcu "effatta to tn- tenol.PIJenll In developing a imowledp llld ... _ of the problema." .. 1111e· Grp!·lllr)'-enil!!'ltl the"- "' jvvenlle ....-problelllJ by SUpOrlor Court ~udge BrUce Sumner and a.lei .. Pro&altcn Oflictr Mazprot Grier lhmlcJ> the Narcotics Council meetJnc1 F, Allan Jdoraan, !'~llltt of Lquga 1'CtnllY organbed !>.Y both !'Olllll7 of· 8-:il Chmifs of~--__, .. ,. lfdilli:t-I t-·· '. :·-: ~ ' Wamo F, Margan, died · Iii ft___:_:. hi&. home 1D, Sun City Calif. He wU ~ ~• suuestions for ~ creation m. '-~ · ~ + ft. UM; Grand .Jury o~ ~ pubµc if. Funeral services wilt be held at 1 ~«mauon conuruttee which ~shl\bett!r p.m. Saturday at the Chapel of the . inform.lbepu~licofth_epaneladellben· Evaps·Brown Mortuaries, Perri!. 1lons were qwckJy reJe<:ted by the 1968 "Dad" Morg11n, as he :Was af. . group. . fectionate1y knowri1 was the founder of "A Grand Jury Public Information ruril scouting -the Lone Scouta of Committee could prepare many releases America -under the direction, 9' W. which ml&ht be blown up to any size O. Boyce who brought boy scouting to desired by new1paper editors," the jury America. His son, Warren, ls Lone Scout i~y notes. ]. This could result "in much publlclty The organization was later absorbed but not ne<:essarily in the kind or public Into the Boy Scouts or America. Mr. relations \hit the jury seeks to mAintaln Morgan -bonor..i wt th a Kenluci<y tbrouchool its term of aervlce," the Colonel's a p p o i n t m e n t for his report adds. achievements. "This panel has perfonned its duties He served in World War I as a member earnestly," the report says. ''Fanfare ol the U.S. Anny 13th Englneen, part was not lbcogbt to be necessary ad- o[ Ille Ameri<:an Expedllicnary Forco jlllld" in Frln<e. Mr. Morgan was a-relired civil enP.neer and a professional photographer. He wis an aasociate fillow of the Royal Photoaraphlc Society. Afler World War II, Mr. Morgan participated as a contractor in the building .~r P~arl Harbor. He served in World War II and the Korean Conflict as an inspector of Naval materiel in heavy equipment. He was a member of the Honolulu Elks Lodge and was a 32nd degree Mason. Survivors include hi.s widow, Dorothy; hls son. Warren of Laguna Hills; three grandchildren and seven gttal·grand· children. DAILY PILOT lt&berl H. W11J ,. .............. ~1 ... . J.(~ It. c •• 1,., \lot~ Prf~'~"I l<ld {,~"'''' M•<11tt• lti .. t n,,..,., /l, Mwrp~i~t ,,,.._,,. Et1•0t I Rid11 ... '· Nell P1wt Ni u•~ I.•..-leKI!-"••e•t>tl"' Cltr E•l1or Dir'°""" L..t-.... Oflkt I 122 Fo•••I A•t. 1 Melllltt' A.t•••u: r.o. ••• ••'· t1•s2 ' °""" OHie'" · C...19 MIM~ Jail Wf1! hY Sh"~ t H-1 tftldO · 1111 "'"' ,,....., ..,.....,..,. • tlwlllfottM .. .,, .JOt )It!, ... ,., • I • •• ' C (a.t.n,. Y Pll01', wtwl ..,ldi I, ~ Wlf •...... l'twww It MOii ....... 11'¥ t llC•I ...... ,,,,, ... --.ltllM -l--... di. • ""'--' ....... (.it ""-............ . a..... ... ,,........ 'ftlln', ....... wllfl • O'IC...... .. . ..., °'..... a... ..... M>Mctl ~ ...-.... l'Vfl•• .,.. " nu w • ., ....._ INt.. ~ INCll. _. iJt l -.ctt • .., ....... c....~ I l I pt 1a1 fTI4t 4M-t.f66 • car .............. ..,n •<-tlM. ._ or-.. c.... .........,.. .~ .... -, .......... ,....,~ ~ ......,. ftl •• .,t1M1••• ...... ...... k ~ WffhlUt ...... ,_. ~-~--r, <*" ............ ,, """"" ~ ""' ,..... C.llWM! •• 11 CJ .... w i. '1,)J ....,.,.,., "°;,Nff ....... """""'' ,....,., ..................... . Newport Lawyer Sees 'Good News' Soon in Charge Balboa Jsland Attorney Richard A. Higbie predicted this morning that "some statements will be forthcoming in the next few daya that would be good news for a change" in the ease linking him with an alleged marijuana smuggling conspiracy. Higbie, who faces tria1 Feb. 4 on charges of conspiring to i 11 e g a 11 y transport more than a ton and one-half cl marijuana Crom Muico, has denied any rwongdolng. Members of lligbie's family al.so said they are confident that "everything will be all right.'" No one, however , would comment on anything specific concerning the bizarre cue. The former Newport Beach Plannin1 Commissioner u.ld he had no part "in lhe amuggllng of marijuana personally." He and t'A'o other men -one of them sUU at large -were named in a federal Grand Jury Indictment issued last November as delendanta in the cUe alleging that marijuana wu flown from Guadalajara, Mulco, to Palm Sprinp Airport. What arrived In the plane, however, was not marijuana, IOUl'CtS said, but alfalla. AM~lant U.S. Attorney Damll W. Mcintyre, """ <Iii<-the pllll<Dll of the lndictrn<nt for the tint .lime · Tuesday. said WeclJ>eada7 tho consplra<;Y case "may well be the rtnt of many llJCh cases." Another ft<ltral attomey told Ille DAI· LY Ptwr later that .. ,.ver~I .U... 0r...,e County penolll!IU" m11 be )n- 1 volved in amuuUnc tnvttttiatlont." , Tht. 8UlpeCt llilJ at large and bellned tt be hiding in Mexico 11 Lyle Paul German. whose addreu or age bi not available . Gtrman it cblrged with m•tin& a )lW"tllUe of the marijuana In Mexico. RJymoo<I Denlel T .. Jer ol Or1np wu '""""' ... be lnnsported the allalfa !tom Jbe pl1oe Ii Palm Sprlnp. f "Everything· Free"; ~)aimed a tign , ,,.,,. porate conference type tourism· which In the window Sunday. The young set Mesa discount stores. . wou1d require some capital investment. descended and by nigbUall, '1'bings" Councllman Roy Holm quesU~ned th~ "Without more extensive facilities, it was destocked. There were no more accuracy of the reported drift m retail is unlikely you would be able to capture thl • sales but said if true, affluence in the this." ngs. ml h k th lltisti Youth. q:ain Monday turned out in ll'N g t ma e . e s cs q~~s- f 0 r c e to, clean up the building with tlonable. He mentioned local families broom.s, mops, buckets and window that ~out mort than the average. . washing gear. Spea . o f the asserted to~1sm Building owner, Mrs. Dodie Rener, dee.line, ~~r said more local r~s1dent! was surprised. She had been disappointed__ ea ling,,. t would tend to pam~. the with the cllentele in the past. (tour1s!'1) picture a little ~rker. "We thouaht they would just move . Publisher Vern~. Spltaler1 also ,,ues· t d I " she said "Instead tioned the valid1ty of U:e very ou an eave a Ifl:es&.. · dangerous" conclusions and menlioned they are all working like heaven, swee~ . ing and mopping. They're leaving a very a.Uluent r-'8idents of Laguruta, Emerald good impression 11 Bay and Jhret Arch Bay be.ln1 counted Reed said be ·Jm 00 plfl)I to reopen as tourist fioll.ar_J. elsewhere and said he li considering H~ aU-1 Jf . the bed tax take bad a ministerial career. "We dfd our thing," , not mcrused. be aaid. "IL was rilt!t aomehow that GOOD MEAMJJlP , mrythlng w~l!•en:jlillay free.;• Weiner '!"d tot. "Ii' a good measure -• d, tourlanr but) it doejn't measure the From Page 1 REPORT ••. dollars tbey'1e spending." A.E. "Pat" Worthington su1gested that instead of tourbm decllning perhaps the leiakage of relldent rtta11 'sale1 purchases was even worse than supested. Mark Gumbiner restated the same possibility and asked if this would not make the conclusJons wspect. Weiner said in his opening remarks UNIQUE SHOPS Speaking of the substantial residenlial retail sales leakage of general merchan· dise sales to other communities, Wein er said Laguna's resort character had die· tated rather unique specialty shops rather tha n department stores . "The dollar value of general merchan- dise sales has actually declined," he said. The economist said Laguna has a Jpec· · ttum of choice and mu st plan. It could · at one end of the scale, he said. The city could by anoeut.ion become a balanced residential, commercial and industrial ecooomJ{, horoogenow and indlstguish- able.,."fr~, the rest of the county. At the other end of the scale, he said, It could institute an iso!ationl.~t policy, restricting growth and en- couraging the arts to retain a "village image". Laguna's decisions In the face of ex- ploding industrial growth and urbanb:a· tion around it could spell the difference between a pleasant place to li ve and chaos or decay. Elevator control systems for the new . DC·IO ti'i-jet airUner wUI be delivered • through 1974 by the Bertea Corp., !ocated ~ in tbe Irvine lndustriaJ Complex. ~ The contract covers de.sign, develop-~­ ment and manufacture of elevator con-i[ trols for the tiew wide-body luxury 'i, jetliner being built at Douglas Aircraft l'· Co ., in Long Beach. ., It is the second major DC-10 contract '\: won by-the Bertea Corp., whose facilities , are near Oarnge County Airport. j · Previously, they were assigned to pro-i vide the J:lC.lO's inboard and outt>oard :· aileron control packages for the plane, i; which is expected to go into ~commercial t " service in about three yeais: · · . ;.;._ Bertea COrp. also provides flilht con· · · trols far the DC-8 jetliotr, :tbi 4A ~. Skyhawk and F4 Phantom nillhary jet,'.' figh'ters and electronics and' hydraulic L.;. sy$tems for missile and space prOgrams. ~ "' f · " Judge's Wife Slain WARSAW (AP) -Adam Kaczmarzyk • .f.. 28, has been executed for passing secret :- military information to the British, the %.~ official Polish press agency PAP an· l nounced today. favorably wlth the county's eight percent. Nevertheless, a !llbstantlal wlurne or resident retail sales is lost to other area of the county due to the absence of adequate general merchaodise depart· ment stores in the city. Ir=================================================================;] JJ. J. Qarreff ~ ~ -The growth that bas occurred s.id'ce 1980 has significantly cbaDJed BOme structural upecta of Jhe clly'a popula· tlon; median age, although 1tlll atypic- ally hlgh at 40 years, has fallen with coostant incretues in both the employed age group and the school age l"OUP and in the 11ze of the averqe household; the relative frequency of reUred cill· zens has declined. Classes Normal At SJS Despite Some Picketing SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A handluL of student pickets marched outside the San Francbco State College entrance today while striking teachers met off campua to d1scuJI a court order that forbida teachers to pickel The college, beset by disorders since Nov. a, followed tts usual quiet momlne pattern, with many of the tt,ooo !tude.nt.s and l ,300 Instructors going to clwes. Early this morning the home of a college official, about a third or a mile d I s t a n t, was damaged by two glass incendiary bombs. Edward Duerr, SS, coordinator of In- ternal affairs, reported one bc.mb shat- tered a bedroom window and the other set fire to shrubbery and the oulside of the house. Duerr suffered • cut foot from the glass when he ruabtd outalde and e1· tJngullbed the fire. Mrs. Duerr reported burns on her tep. apparently rrom chomlca!J apluh«I from one of lhe cont.a.lnen. The union techen, wbo claim to reprtRDt about 400 of tbe faculty, were debatinc at <a nearby IJftl.IOIUe whit to do ·-ei.· coort mlnlninl ordu. · n 'wu· -lite Wedneld-7 by Superior Coort JIJd&e Edwvd O'Doy onb -. rkll!r aludellll ml lelcilon hid --police with -bol-tles, ltiUS and fireWOil:a cJurin& a floleDl n>tlee. Trade Pact Told EUCLID. Ohio (lJPI) -The wife of Municipal Judge Robert L. Steele. 37, WU IOUlld lhol "' d .. th today In • lMtaoorn of thttt bomf. PoUce ukf ·tbt bod)' --.... """In • -- 12th Semi-Annual Safe ALL HERITAGE UPHOLSTERED PIECES in your choice .of style or fabric may be purchased at a most generous savin91 of .•• 0 Off Regular Prices Truly a rare money-saving opportunity Over 200 Styles of So!"' -Chairs -Love Seats -Ottomans in your choice 9f any Heritage De<oralor fabric. HERITAGE. a livtng uadllion in furnllure "' Yovr fcworltt fnttrlor duignn toUl bt Mm Co a.stilt .,ou ••• PROFUSIONAL INTtRIOtl DESl6NERS 0,... -· -• "'· - 2215 HARIOR ILVD. COSTA MESA, CALIF. 646-0275 Ml>-0274 .• • I' /I I I I Ii I; 1. Gold Jtfedar. Too Apollo Crew Gets ~beers, Appl1;1use . I • WASlllNGTOJ' (UPI) -America'• three Utronaub who made man'• fD'lt vayqe ~ the moon w~ honored loday by Pruldent John!on, applauded Nixon Appoints Former Football Coach Consultant 15 YEARS AnER WE QUIT! CLOSING OUT OUR CORONA DEL MAR STORE ONLY SALE AT BOTH STORES DRESSES ~-,Al---. SWEATERS :.=.. ...... 1" .. 16" -•r-• ,.,,.,... SWEATERS EARLY BIRD SPECIAL 594 " 1294 ="'. ..... 2 .. " 10,. HIMIH' . 194 SKIRTS j SWEATERS -SOX =-: .. -..... 4!4 .. 1094 .a. · !f. .... 69"' BLous•-:. 294 .. 3'4 '" SHiRTS 94' # '·" ... ....... ... . ~ ~ELLS ~ ~•' {11,.,m-~ ~~ ...... 54e .. 31' ••• _,Jlf~ ._i,~ ~· LAD1ES DEPT. EARLY BIRD SPECtAL ~~~~~~~ 2i60 94 .I __ M_EN_·_s _D_EPT_. _ _.l "" .... , ... '""'" 194 ~ BRAS 99" -i; BLOUSES ljl i.,.. ....... , . • . . I' KNIT SHIRTS ~ LA011s• PAm•NID 44"'§11'il CANTRICJ: Hotit 2•154 TUIT\.I , •• MOCK TURTLE • HOSE 1il' • 7fc ... ,,.,.;. J!.: ~ ~~~~~........... 2 ~ 494 ~ LADllS" PANTS 194 HOSE : , .· 2 '-64" 2.H -" ~SHIFTS : ..... _So•lo•.... .. . ~ ~ PllMA·llHS 2 ~ A04 'it~ "1~ . JEWELRY 24< ·lo $1.94 DUSI SHllTS · · • • • · · • a -,;' ~,~ ~'V WOOL;·".-~LENDS , i~-,,..,,,d~i\·-'-.. b~ DRESS SLACKS : .-a-.: .,.~· ·~~ 2 ~20,94-2 i 34,94 . SHOITSLllYI-_,.,_.,,_ ~.' ·~ SPORT . COATS • 12'4 .. 3794 I Sl!OIT, 2'494 EARLY ilRD SPE.CIAL SHIRTS . . . ~ "!lli--------'·" ... l!i ·.DRESS SHIRTS ., WASH 'N WIAI ,_.... Ptw ~ MIN'S *'' l" PANTS .,.. SHIRTS ' ·2i14.94-2i6.94 ~ ~:.:r~ 1, 7.6t M . J.6t ... ' MIN'S l~fT , 1'' ' SHIRts ·j . ;:c.~s .... 6 44 , -·---iiiiiii•• BANKAMUICARD e MASTER CHARGE EVERYONE'S FAVORITE 1y •r.k•I r••dttthlp fl•lls. er .. ef the "'e1t p11;pufe r l'l•••fl•''' fteturet 111 A111trlce h th1 An11 le1ul1rt cefufftl'I. It'• • 4eil'y ",.g1.t1r" .111 the DAILY flllOT. ·-. 'IT>wsdaJ. J....., '· lM (L) DAILY mor s 'Sil'h'.rin Huddle'. Closed.~ • Law yers Co~Uleri~Can H~ Get F~ir. Trial? ' , -of • minority of prof.-s ...... '. walked 11\J! • .JI San Francllco Stall ~ College, SO JJlllei north. ' · t.t. No tnterrupucina tit campu aclMUis ·~ were rtpOrt.ed. • ' ~ .. : . '\ Villa fark May~r ; ~ New L\.FC ChaiflJlan ;· wiTH 191 Li: sm ·'FIE~R ' , ' r .. .-.: : . . . ' t , ~ • Rip.quick ice ejtdw . .. e 21.alb sizemeotn'ricler .-~ :~~··bt. .•. 9, servers . e .Bvtter comportment e Ypu'lneverclefrostogoinl • . '$ . .18 .· Frl91d~iro ,,J • 1pood J o I ActioivWe1h•r with Aufe.. rn1tic so.~ ·cycl• .ncf Sr,,.11 L..d .S.o ti I • 9 e S.vtt •••·~ •nd det~~•nt ~ II on .1Mall ~· • Autorn•· tic Sook Cycle for hw<l\ot1y ,. 1oi!..f cloth.-• • ~•P .A"f.· ti•• A9lt1tor •, 2 lot, ,. -~ I Aw1y Rh•••• . ' ' . ··s1· '• . I . . ,,. • l l , . ' . ·aa ' . • .~ • • 9 · IN11GRITY and .DEHND'AIMY . SINCE 1f41 • . . ' . . : . .. AJI · Pst t111 ST •. ' ') C,OSTA tiotaA .. . , ' . ....... ,.,_ ....... ,,.. _, \j • , '\, • • Mf-1 .... · I I ,J l I . ' -• • Grim Dash to Freedom- . Harris Seen As Probable Demo Choice cq;&an Makes It, Says 1,000 Otners Did,,,'t J ' ' ' ,., 1 ..... .,., .... ...., I I I Mr.•~ Mra. Wllli.m Heli.nd ~ .. led 86 yeol'I of marriage lilth'cile and cbl!Dpa(nt delpite beiiig coollned lo a boipltal. Ho!· ·iand, SS, and his wife, 91, have ,,_ In the Soldiers and Sailors t.lemorlal Hospital In Penn Yan, tlY 1lnc1 July. ' ' . • j Durango, Colo, Potrolm•n John r=-nd, whose home was burglar· .of •180 and bi1 Siamele cat, "' l>art o1 blJ t1o1eu property . The cat turned up unharmed. '• • • ID ltaala Lumpur, Jllalaylla Allu · la.i..r Bin ttoma, a · member ot )par11ammt, IDdat •alked the gov. .ernment lo ~l ~a n-wltcb doctor 1o prt1ent -aal 'lloocla and other natahl dlluten. 1 • 1 '1'Mu mv ~. 'OOI don~ lolow ft . ibul U.. St Louis 1z0. Ml ~ ,,,.,,. 1itlo a l!ick °"' jt~cm, NOl'flf4ll• ---· ;U.C .'liuz. - :at" a:ldbUtd fn G idal/-ftlQllt cao< - dclfgncd lo ---,,.. • &C r I • tJwir eyd.e1. The eye~ of ·crcaturu are i• ansiUoc to the Yd.; llQhl w<d In U..1< -a1'4 lh•• ~.about lo lhc dclfollt of roo Wltori b<u.vnto 111tv .,.. in u.. <IMk. • ' Flro Chief Robert Brottoll ot ldoooQa, Wis., says six of h1a men and '50,000 worth of equipment have answered six calls to get call ~ of trees In the past moolb. Ho· Mid his men will not go on such ·call• anymore. ' I 'Groucho Marx's Wife, 34, Sues for Divorce ' SANTA MONICA (UP!) -The wile of. comedian Groucbo Man: sued for dlnm:e Tueoday, charging her 73-yesMld lnmband wu a man of "boaUle and ,aballve moods." ; · Mn. Edna Eden Man., 31, a former \node!, Slid In her complalnl l!led in .upclor court that Marx had an "un~ ·C:antronable temper" and once tbrt.a~ eDed to ld.ll her. She added th1l he 1'be- tilded IUlli ridiculed" her !n lront ol ~-......,.la and l\lesla, MIAMI (AP) -A"""" quban .. l\Jgee In Mlarnl Wednealay aboard """ U.S. wlio braved lilDer doll IUlli machine Navy planes. pn fire to reach the ll.S. Naval base -One of lbe men said lbtoe membera at Quaotanamo Aid Wednelday about of the group w'1"_e cut down by machine 1,000 pe®le had been tilled in the past gun bullets aDd a woman wu ~ year trying to "'°"" the -to freedom. apart by d•$J 1...ed by guordl wlio of patrol around the naval hue. 'J1te ~.old youth wu ollfl '1 The man wbo a.190 declined to give refugees Wtio. dashed into the hue Mon-hla name r~ fear bia relalivea ln Cuba do,y morning In what Is believed the would be harmed Slid two auarda were laiaeat mNI t!ICape from the Cutro relled by eacasieei1 bulletl. regime. Transported to Miami were 41 men. Howevtr, fer every two peop'9 who 13 women and JI children. Seven re- made it across the fence Monday, one mained a(tbe naval base. alayed behind, he said. One of lbe leaders said the eaeape "It was horrible for the ones who began early Monday when the group didn't make it," said the youth, who stole a truck in Havana and began wouldn't give his name lo newsmen. a 800-mile westward journey to the bue, .. I aaw the guard.a ahoot three of the picking up passengers as they went. prlsaoen at .clooe ranae. They 11111 By the time they reached the base, tumbled over." more than 120 were crammed lnto the Eighty m<mbera of the group arrived · truck. Fnneral Rite Performed Over Slain Coed's Body? CAMBRIDGE, ·Mm. (UPO -The to be 1lgn1 used in a prlmiUve burlal alayer who bludgeoned a pretty Harvard rite. Student. of anthropology like MW coed to du~ th1J week performed an Britton would have knowledge of such ancient funeral rlte over the body, police ceremoolea, the professors told police. rovealed today. .Galligan reported that Harvard an· lletectiva Slid evidence found !n lhe . thropologlat. told him the markings on a.Partment where 23-year-old Jane S. the girl 's body might be part of a Britton'• body wu found on a blood«>ak· purification rite. e4 bed Jed Harvard an~ to "It waa described to me as an ancient believe tbe murderer wu "• a1ci man." symbolic method of purifying the body Police aJao tbeorbed Wednesday that to get It into paradise, and to rid it Mill Brlttcxi. daughter of RadcUUe of evil spirits," Galligan said. Collep Vk:e Preaidenl J. Boyd Brll\on, He said it appeared that after the may have been beaten to death with attacker daubed the iodine on the girl's an ...udlleolog1ca It.me that bad been body, he thrtw a qu~~ on the ceiling gtvaft6 her aa a lift. · so It wQuld drlR down on her. Ddective Sgt. John GalDpn uld an Police were sUll sttkiDg a Peruvian lodlne-eompound-bad-been-daubetl on _ who-was.Slid lo.be.a)ormer.boyJxleod._ Miil .Brittoa.'1 body. of Miss Britt.on. He was an anlbropology . G.u.tpn Aid mhropo1ogi8'a , at student until two montha ago, when be Harnld told him tbe msrtlnp appeared dropped tbe cour.._ Meek Fugitive ·Captured After 2 FBI Men Slain ' WASHINGTON (UPI) -A "meek" and mud-covered fu&iUve wu captured 1n lhe attic " • w~ •oartment WedueSda.Y, RVen bciJrs after he alleg· edly fatally sllot two FBI agents. .-Blllii. AusUn Btyant, D, an accuaed • aetln-time bink ntiber and escaped COl!Ylcl, tossed hiJ gun through lbe . attic'.,ap ~ and surrendered w:ilhouC a struggle, Pollce aald. His capture came almost seven hours aft.er FBl agenta: Anthony Palmisano, 28, Jlyattsville, Md. snd Edwin R. Wood· rilfe, %7, Oxon Hlli. Md., were llhot lo · death In the hallway outside lhe apart. menl of Bryant'• estranged wile. It wu the first time since 11.14 that lwo FBI qents weni killed In a Bingle incident The ai<nts bad gone to !he apartment within mJ.mrt.es after a man matching Bryan'ts· descrlptlou robbed a auburban Maryland bank of fl,700 at lhe point of a gun. Polfoe Slid Bry>nt all!l<Tenlly fled lhe Beene of the slaying cid bld In 1 muddy creek near lhe aputment b(Jiiding !n lhe southeast section of• Wuhlnaton while police scoured the nelghborliood with tracking dogs. 'liley said be crawled up the creek bank under cover ol brush later In the afternoon and apparently slipped into the apartmenC of Robert Ross, where he secluded bimlelf in the attic. Rem called police when he heard strange noises from the attic, as did a resident of the neighborhood who saw a stranger enter· ing the Ross apartment. Shortly after the double slaying, the FBI put ~ryant on ill "10 most wanted" list of fuglUves. Two hours later metr~ pol!tan police fluabed Bryant out of lhe alUc alter aurrow>dlng Ille building and allackiq U with tear ps. • U.S. Casualties . ' ., . ., . Lowest in Weeks As Lull Continues SAIGON (AP) -U.S. cuualUes In Vietnam last week were the lowest In l1 weeks, reflecting the continuing lull In ~ ground war, South Vietnamese and enemy cuualties also were cmo siderably less than the week before. The U.S. Command announced today that 101 Americans were killed in action last week and 599 were wounded, the lowest American cuua1tles since the week ol OcL 13-19, when 100 were tilled and 589 were wounded. South Vietnamese beadquarter1 reported 150 government troops killed and 602 wounded, a sizable decrease from the 279 killed and 901 wounded the previous week. The two commands rtporled at least 1,846 Viet Cong and North Vietnamese tilled, compared with 2,115 the week before. The report for the 1ast week or 1961 brought the total American combat casualties since Jan. 1, 1961, to 30,644 kWed, 192,921 wounded and 1,238 missing or captured; tn thole eight years, the U.S. Command said, at lwl 431,731 ol the en-have bem lilDed. ;15 States Freeze Tonight • • Winter Storm Moving Eastward Across Lakes c.i11 ...... 1a 'l'emperattcres .. Ceutal ~ a--*"' wllll ........... "'""' "ilh dluflr-. ... ~ w... ............ .,, 11 • 1' -.11. ··~1_,..-. ...... .;:,,,.~ ......... ''"''' ._ :..=.t, r:.: :: ~I~ :: n.----..... -..... ..-. ,,... •-· 'l'Wes TffVUOAY ...., ............. _ .... 11 :5' l .lft. '·' .... ... .;i....,; ........ •:•1 . .,,, ... -· ""'f .• ,.. .............. 1:0 '·"'· t,I ,.,.. .... .. •. ~ .......... 1:• '·"'· t.t ..... ~ .. ,.f' ........ fttl """· u ~ ................... t 114 --'" !!.!• .,.._ .............. . -,. ............... .... . - """ ' ,,,, (J.S. s ••• .,,, A ....... "'"91 ,_. ~ ... ..., .,... .. ...-'--" ~ ~.,, ........ ....... .. -. ................ -...................... ...... "" -"""' .... -... ..................... ~ ""' .... """ ura... .,,.,.,.,_..,...... ........ '9r -"'11 "-"' Yori! .,... tnwllt1 ... """'' --.. "' _..,,. New v ...... --~I'll "'""'YIWn" .,,,,, f!IUdl .. ....... !Mltfod. A c.t.I "-tt 11'1 h tlllt JW!tle IOl'(fd """" """' """"""' .._ 1lr Nlffllw11'11 1"h .,... low ,.,..._. I'!'> ..... .._ ""°"' ....... ., Moic•TllJ CWOltr, """°' .. A"""1 •Mt e ti• ........................ -.. ... .,.. HID l-"'9c. " n " . '° Jl ·" .. u 71' ·11 .14 ... )Cl 7 T' 13 ~ ,,,, ,, tl .N .. , 15 .GI H 0 ,, I'll ·" u u u " ~1 "° ... ~ " 1j .. ,11 " n S7 HI .. u " . n " " I '1 " .. n " . " -.. • • n " 11 " Tr n " II D .1• .. " .. ... M " u " . ., .. , . .. " ., " M M M •! .. .. . . ... ti 11 .M . .. .. ... "Wt porkod lhe troct abcllt 1110 - from the bue and ran for lt,'' said one ol the men .• .,,,. men carried U.. children , • • snd a lot ol U-'who didn't make it were womu · IDd children." II• tallmated about ao member& of the group felled to ret acroes lhe bale'• barbed win feoee. "We ran lite rabblta and fell , over each other when the guanle be(lll ·fir. Jng,'l aakl 1 llim youth. '"lben they turned -about a dozen dogs. I lhlnk they were lluAllan dop, bl(, block dop." "Most ol. ui were near the baM when the aboot1nl started,11 he said. "Once IMlde I looked "8ck and eaw lhe auarda keep otben from entertn&." ''Shootings there artnot UDUIUal," aid the 1&-yur~ld. "Aboat 1,000 penoos mllll have lost lhelr lives In tbe past year trying lo get lnalde." In Wublngloo, lhe Navy refused to di!cusl lhe Incident, which la the normal policy • ~­. NEXT.OEMO CHAIRMAN? Sen.. Fred H.1frl1 . ~ WAslllNGTON (UPI) -Youlhlul Sen. Fred Harril ol Oklahoma can have the cbalrmanablp ol lhe Natlon*1 Dernocl'ltlc P.ny U he wanta It, a reliable toUro• aa)d tocW', but tint he wants 1uurance1 about adequate power and money lo dir.ct lhe organlzallon. Thla report came while o t h e r autboriti.Uve informants were calling Harril tha moot likely ,choice !or lhe cha!nnanablp bul ltlll mentioning former Gov. Terry Sanford of North Carolina and llep. James G. O'Hara ol Mlcblgan .. possible cbolct1. One proposal u.oder diJcusslon Involved ouaestlom that O'Hara and Sanlont be asked to serve u deputy cbalrmm. A new chairman will be ,elected by the o..n..,..uc NaUonol Conimlltee 'l'Uesday to·replace Lawrence F. O'Brien, a aeuooed proleaalonol who la reetgnlng to accept the prmdeocy of an invesl!Mnt banking flnu. HOUS·EHOLD APPLIANCE BUYS Why Dishmaster?1 . . I Outdoor lighting you never thought you could afford! _ .... because it.is.the 1 most practical way . of doing dishes A qu1llty syStem you In- stall yourself , , , In min-utes. with complete safety, FITS ANY SINK ... ~ ..... It " dlalnl _,, ••• Just Ptur lnl • u. .,. .,,.... 11 wtt QSWM .... lltlly ~. cblld aM1 •TIMM iaw won...--~ ...... .. led mm llOll. collf -.. {amll«', ..... dear, "'* ~· bllll), _......,,..,., 1t b WI .................. ... ...... , ........ .,..,. .................... ltllp, l!llOttlnl .... .._ .... IJllle' GJlnt ift dozllw of Wl)'l VlftlUll\09t tM ,.. 1111" ~ •lllf .,..,. b9M1b'. Pout ...... .. • One step dlshwashlng, I~ wear, less repair, savings on detergent, hot water savings, hygienically clean, no awkward handling, no_ 1 need for scrub pads, ""..-!),,.... , • • t • , --Prim lllrt It $39" ~ !~!!t~.ri!! DISHMASTER~ your kitchen's ~t feature THE END! of Toilet Leak, Squeak and 'flhlstfti •llh the rwolulionaiy nUIDMASTER 400 Stlinlt$S StMI Ban Cock-the HnutkHl ol the plumbln( /ndullr)'. tt-- hydrM!llc p ........ pt1llcipt ...... _..,. proof, hu Instant posltho lhub>ll, 11- w.ttr wasta, ellmlnltel aid-fashioned red and atr sealed float ban. Call today for complete lnformltion.. We h"':' the fl.UIOMASTER IN STOCIC. ONLY •• Water Heaters REPUBLIC "GEMINI" 20 611. $42.81 30 Gil. $.U.11 40 611. $.(9.11 50 611. $64.11 IMh'ALLAilolf ATIJU.AI - Ill YOU'LL PAINT UKE A PRD-TJtWuiu: -vnm. MIST .. , rrs so EASY to do • "°" fuslontl Job on Interior Wiiis with TtN1urt Tonts Vinyl Mitt. Uae roner or ol:lruth ..• 1ttp btck and "'9tch It dry to terul>proof velvet finish In minutes, 'Thtn clean et1Ufpment In ••t•r. No mns. No amen. And 1lhll • kMtJ ftnbhl GARBAGE DISPOSALS IN·SINK-ERATOR == .. ~~---.. ·~···'3195 " .... JU-.a "· ~--·· ---==~ ............... $47'8 ...... ........, ,.,, ...... . e-.r::~:· ............ $5495 ...... 71-1 Yr. e ... 1w INSTALLATION AVAILABLE n I ' I -; ~. . . ·- • ' ' !Hf•catnpus f CRAmn ~ .. _ .. Thutt41y, ""111ary 9, 1'169 Vn~lll~e Propreis (l) • • DAIL V Jill.OT J1 • Regist~ation Set , . t For OCJC Classes ~ · Finch Plans Education 'Shakeup'· RegU:in.U<n will s t a r t Saturday for off-campus even- ing classes offered by Orange Coast .;unior College District. (Off-campua classes are' in addition to on-eampua Oran1e Coast and Golden WeJt clas3es listed In Wednesday's DAJL Y PILOT.)' The tuition fee per class for the ' spring 3e1nesltr wUJ be $5. Registration will be between the hours of 5:30 and 8 p.m. accorpjng to the Jollowing schedule by first leUer of the last name. From continuinj students by appointment, Sl:turday, Jan. 11: Last name A-E, Jan. 13; F-K, Jan. 14; L-Q, Jan:-IS; R-Z, Jan. 16. Open registration A·Z Jan. 22 and Jan. 30. Registration continues cam- pus Feb. 3-6, 10, 11, 13, 14 -vacancies permitting. pus class offerings by loca· tion: COSA ~ (Reglster at Orange County Fair Grounds I C•I• Me$ll Chv' Hill Cwnr.11 Gl'llmlltn -Trtfflc: 1rld Sl+etv. 111(..,,....., 7:3M~JI I.Ill. CCIII.II. MeM Polke f.Klllrv -Tf.iilc ..... Jlf.rv, Tiwnd>IY 7:31).t:)O 1.m. SACRAMENTO (AP) • -years, told newsmen I n Robert H. Floch, secr<Jary· Wuhlnlton Ile<. II Iha! be desi&nate of health, education plans tO concentrate on im-proving current p r o g r a m s and weUare, says American rather than trying lo start classrooms need a "shakeup" new Ollell. to improve teaching and But he also said he has reduce the number or years ·"a !ltrong sense of the a perwn must spend in school. fearlessness of revision." "Maoy of our elementary ~~ ~~11" = -$twlf1W, J!\T' P.ITI. rr::~=~"I-~·~:.~ -----------~111111, llrrlPllfl "".' pd. In· fffi>fltdl1i.. T tv. 1•11 11.m. at schools are so encncsted in ...Fir.ch said that u ''a teaching now the way they general propo&Uon, we • v e did 20 years ago," Flnch said probably concentrated t o o it:1 an interview before leaving much on welfare" as opposed for Washington, D.C., Monday to helping young persons achieve productive lives ... Wlllneldto, 7·11 1.m. E I 1ti H~llOlll -DQlll\ ' 'i>tJ• •·""·' ·'~=··~~i !r. 1.m.1 Seen.I ~~ I •l'Mf~~'· w• 119, y :» .. .. ~. ·::i· ' 111- ~~; '1:\~J';;t IY IM en11!!~frnll!lw11 llttr1lw1 •O><t ~-'· • 1111r1d1y ,_,, ~,,.,.: SNnllh l; .n0 Thllrldlv ·t :)O "·"'·' Nlwlwr JourMll1m 50. 'I'S· .f t .m.i 11 mllt'lefNlla .. 7·10 .111.1 ., !11111"'' ~ 111411' 7-t; •.m.; 11,.. ~,-,, Mondi" I Wtolll· ntmv 7-t:lO t .m..J Allri!r-. 1,.. '•""*"•'-· Mondly 1nd w ... ...c11v 7:f:JO o.m.1 lntetmedlll<I 1ltetlt• 1nd tr---...!1 v. ~ '"' •~•,..9d1f 7·f :JO P.m.; Mo m\fll. -•v 1·1D '·""' Slldol "' , 'llur 1r 1·t . ..... Clvll JN'OCllOll• .. Pollct klePU ........ MondlY •:JO.f:30 •·"'/ . P11llct ld- lf'lnb!ttllon, Thu~ ""l:M ,,m,; Tr11l!t .u;ldlnf nvt1tlt1I on, lld· v1ncect, T~1Mv 6: t :• 11.m.; Viet conlrql. TUHd.IY l ::llM :)O •. m .: Arfltflell'llUllort, TilfWY 1·11 P.!Yl. glsler al College Center Build-nifr:· discussed some of the "We know what the pro- iag-Golden West College) hie · h'g"·· ed problems of the nation's ms are in I LIQ uca- EdlMll'I Corn111ny -ElllClefl! ,.,..1 ooJ d II h ·11 ,, .• , " r1·--· e l p I a I". d ••:•t.11°". T\"r""~ •:JM;~..!:...,. sch s an co eges e w1 · •l\OI.• · En11~"t.'°"tr1t f::tn~n, ~~111;, consider as the No. I educa· "Probably the areas of real TundlY '"" TIWncl•Y 7·t i .m. tion official under President-concern are in the public ~·~,,:~1·~~"r11.iQ 11'%.',k;~r:~ elect Nixon. schools. rfl<I CCllot', uelclt~ t :-.10 11.m.1 Ptln· 1ne u.--.. llftdav and T~vrmv 1.10 Comp uters, year-around One problem, Finch said, llM ... vlnc..:I. T......O.y 11\d w 1. 11.m.; Accovn!lne 1, schooling, staggered vacations is that elementary schools '"o\51v 1..f,,,. Pm. -· \ ur.o.v 1-t: 11 m; and more challenging classes don 't take television into ac-omnne llHdlr 1nc1 ru.1..o.ov "";' ookk.eollle. rue~' .,.., were mentioned by Finch as count although "a child has ~.~·::• :<~1et. Mondlv 1.10 possibilities in what he said perhaps had 2,000 or 3,000 ~I. ~~ ~·lf.,o'"l'.:?,v /:;"'~: is "probably the area of real hours be!ure a TV set" before , __ , ~-•itene'Y -•1111111. • • h' h I Thwr..i.y 1. •.m.1 R•icrt1lfen Cilncern' 1n education reac tog SC 00. ~llt (119•llh tdlKll ooi). T~tdav m. elementary and secondary Another problem, he said, w~'v11'1l~tl~~;w. R~:i'"1!v :~ schools. is that for a young 'man with com"°1111°"· ;i;ib,1•10 •·111•1 "n11'~ Finch, C 3 J i , or n i a' s military obligations, education l:or.o.~ !:,''"* ~Int'~·~·; Eltmtflh of or111!.~..,.e1•llon C1>11t:>1;c R e p u b I i c a n I i eutenant is "so strung out that most unUI the.It nUd 20s." rt.och, at 43, Is Nizon '1 Joun&est choice for l h e Cabinet. DurlDa the. past two years, Finch beaded t h e California Job Training and Placement Council, devoted to finding Jobs ~or !he hankore unemplOJed-chiefly Negroes amJ Mezican.Americans. Ftnch abo served as an H· officio University ol CalUomla regent and caUfornia state college system trustee. Finch, asked about the re- cent Carnegie Commlsslon report on higher education issued by Clar\ Kerr, former University of Calllomia presl· dent, said he has talked with Kerr and Nixon about it and plans to study the proposals in more detaU. The proposal! include plans for vastly in- creased finaoclal a1d to col· lege.! and universities. ''I'm generally in favor of the empha,sis on medical and dental schools," Finch said. The Carnegie Commission's report Includes ;>n>pou1' !or rommunlty colleges, or junior c olleges, simll1r to California's Ma.st.er Plan lor lllghe.r EducaUon, caltinl far accesslble community coJlesu featuring vocational aa wtll as academic tralnlng. Nallonal financing ol <Ot(lo munlty colleges sW1 ii' 1 ®e&- tion lo be worked out, Flnch said, adding that local college boards should have "the same kind or autonomy they have In California." "Artistry in Moving" for the BEST MOVE .......,..,.,...,,=-=-:~~ of \JOUR LIFE I Call: 49~1025 Following are , t.be off-cam· CORONA DEL MAR IReg~­ ter at Orange County Fair Grounds) :."=k"'-• '11vl~~-"·~~c~1~ go\'ernor !or U1e past two stay out of the real world r n hlltorv. 1uesdlY 7·11 11.m.: w ~ .... '."·"!-\;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;mi;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i;i;i;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;i;ii;;;;;;;ii;;;;;ii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o Ii~· WfdM~y 7·10 "m , The p~= vm::::~ .. ri:.1:..~~vr.o"ii'. lr~c1f:n fo~'~~~~Y 'r110"11~v.' In· Orange Coast's Most Complete COtON dtl M•t Hl11' Sch<lol - "l"tln1, bnlnnlno. MW!dlY 1·10 p.m.; P1 nllno, i:;••ll, Wednnd1{:d·" , .1 Avltil 11rouM ld!oot, IY ,.f: p.m.; 1mllv 1sr1i. o 1nu<n1. W::Jnn<l•v 7..f p.m.1 P\lbUc rel1J1-lo. W ,.....,. 1·10 1.m.1 AllVlttrl:E:lO~ wrlll!I\ M<INllY 7·1D 1,!'1·'--11t1M=~1tl1111, MOnN:-;·00 NEWPORT BEACH (Regis- ter at County Fair Grounds) ' ff:' Hot11!1I Aud/lorl~m A -M kll llllll•nl train nt, Wlll"llOllY 1.1 ...... PRINTING SERVICE 11111111?115 Phone 642-4321 ' .m.1 11'Ullone!. 1 ... rnt. j.1t"r.m11 FUflOlmt 1ls jl Orll ammunk•I ..,, WtdfMtdf>y ·ID '·"'• FOUNTAIN VALLEY (Re- gister ·at College Center Build· ing-Goldtn West College) Holv F...,llv Ml1slon -En•ll1~ for ltll> tvre~ born~ 1>e1!nnl,.1, Turs OIY and TllU...,.Y 11' P.m. 836-6200 SEAL BEACH (Register at College Center Building-Golden West College) St•I 8etch Cltv Hell -Coai>erttlvl 1111r11rv tduc1tlon, W•Onud•Y 1:30-t:J P.111. ANOTHER SPECIAL SERVICE for CUSTOMERS and FRIENDS COME IN AND PICK UP YOUR COPY JAN. 2 thru JAN. 10 tJlere qttt1 ,(J(//l/e tfdl!4 make a tlilrer~a 5% per annum compounded daily current . rate on passbook savings 5 25% on minimum term accounts • In multiples of $1 ,000. MUTUAL SAVINGS A NO LO A N ASSOCIATION A CORONA DEL MAR •. ,: • 2N7EUTCOMTHIQHWAY ~JJll~I,' CORONA DEi. llAR, Clllll'OllNIA 92125 HEAD OFFICE 315 E. Colofldo BJ¥<!. ·PHldeRI, C:.Jlf. 91109 telephone: 449-2345 T!lEPllONE: 175-5010 ASSETS OVER $025,000,000.00 OTHER BRANCH OfflCES Glendale, West Arcadia Corona Del Mar What are all ' these good magazines doing in an ad for a newspaper? ' Th•y'r• h1lpln9 malc1 th• point th1f It t1~•s a lot of m1911ine1 -•p•ci•lizing In • lot of r.,Jds -to cover en th1 intere1ting things the DAILY PILOT teU1 you abeut 1v1ry day. Wt covtr sports, fa1h ions1 9overnm•nt, bu1in1ss and flntnce and other thl1t91 you won't 1v1n find in those 1lick nation1I ma9a1in11. Out own 1peci1I· i1t1 track down the facn on the loc1I scene i nd I global te1m of skilled reporters covtr th• rest of the world for our d1ily "ma91zin1." Tll1 DAILY PILOT 11 • m1mbtr •I Thi NMcl1t1d p,..., • " ' I •• ' -' • 1 ./ ! I I • ' l ) I I j I J I , I --· ---.. . . ·. I~ DAILY PILOT TMlnd:q, January t , 1 %9 I l 'CJ_L'' I >-VVA.Y-PRE·INVENTORY .. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY C~EAR~NC;E' •,Orig. $20-$33 . Figure flattering styles in Col ifornio-weight fabrics. Misses, half sizes. BUDGET DRESSES JUMPER SHIFTS 10.99 A versatile style in wool or rayon crepe, bock zip stepins with deep V neck, optional belt . Dork ~nd bright colors, misses. h"lf sizes. DAYTIME DRESSES COTTONS AND JERSEYS 5.99 Orig. $13-$15. A great group of cottons ·-Plus jerseys in Arnel® triocetote, nylon ond ace tate. Prints in shirtwaists ond shifts. misses', holf sizes. . , ~ JUNIOR WORLD JR., JR. PETITE DRESSES --ro~99:::1!99 -4 Orig. $17 -$2~. Many styles and colors in · jr. 5-13, jr. p~tite .3-13. Real values. ~!. ca; coals, 5-13 ............... _____________________ 22.99·30.99 MILLINERY $79-$195 Fur hats' _____________ save 1/4-1 /2 $20-$25 Mink tail' hats -------------------_____ 14.88 $20-$23 Imported lamb fur' novelty styles .. 16.88 $9-$15 Fine millinery -------· ·c4,00-! "•ff. . MAJ BOX ~!i-$9 Hat variety ____________________ ,, __ ,, _________ 2,00-3.00 HAIR BOUTIQUE ~·VALUES IN HUMAN HAIR ... $50 wigs, save 1/3-1/2. $65-$85 Falls. 39.88"'49.88 Y.~rsatile wiglets .. ----------·-----------9.88·$13.88 _$l5· Cascades. 18.88. $5-$16 Benglets. curls, frost rrngs , kissing bows ---_____ save 1/3-1/2 ~i9 accessories, spray, cleaner, forms, stands end c~ies, etc. --------------------------------------' /2 Price ... .. MISSES' SPORTSWEAR :·::COORDINATES, SEPARATES -. 3.99 -32.99 Orig. $9-$50. From 3 famous makers! Jae· ket s, shirts, sweaters, pants, blouses, suits and dresses ... wools polyester knits. $5 -$22 Shirts ond blouses .. ···-···---------------2.99·5.99 FAMOUS MAKER PANTS 8.99-12.99 Orig. $I 3·$28 . Slim, ~are or stroight leg in solid or novelty acrylic or nylon knit s or other fabircs. Some proportioned. JUNIOR SPORTSWEAR TOP NAME JR. PANTS 7.99-8.99 Trim leg and wide leg styles in solids and ·-novelties, a snappy choice in sizes 5-13. HI -DEB SHOP $15-$20 Young jr . dresses. asst .... 8.99-11.99 BLOUSES AND SHIRTS FAMOUS LADY SHIRTS 2.99-5.99 Orig. $6-$15. No-iron Dacron® polyester/ · cotton in whit e and pa stel s, solids. prints, , tailored or laced sissies. 8-18. • STREET FLOOR BUDGET SPORTSWEAR $ 7 ·$I 0 Separates, coordinates _______ ,,__ . 3.99·5.99 $7·$8 Capri s, acrylic or nylon _____ ,, .. 4.99-5.99 $12--$20 Sweaters, broken sizes 6.99-11.99 ACCESSORIES Turtleneck shells, acrylic or nylon ............ 2.99--3.99 HOSIERY Indoor-Outdoor Slippers 1.59 Orig. $4. Discontinued styles and colors in soft leathers, fabrics. Broken size. COSTUME JEWELRY $4-$10 Costume Jewelry Group __ 1.99-3.99 DRESSY, CASUAL BAGS 2.99 Orig. $6-$9. Pleslic patents and others in all shapes and sizes. Fashion colors. $5-$7 Plastic handbags,•assl. ··-------------. 1.99 $9.$11 Handbag_ group ---------........... , ... ,..... . ...... 4.99 COSM--ETICS--· 19.99 Whirl -A-Deni denture cleaner------.. 9.99 $5 Satin Mi st Shower Spray _ -------------1.99 STREET FLOOR LINGERIE NYLON TRAVEL SET 6.99 Nylon pajamas with matching robe in pastel shades ide~I for traveling. $4·$6 Warm sleepwear, asst.----·--... 2.99-3.99 " $5 Dusters, permanent press -·-·--··--·-····· .. ··---3.99 $2 Pe~ufQtte•, print, soliq. 5-8 2/2.99 Bikinis, trimmed or tailored nylon ..... ----------------3/1.99 FASHION SHOES NATURALIZER SHOES 11.99 Orig. $19 --$20. Mid and low heel dress shoes in the new fall fashions, colors. CASUAL SHOES $17 Naturalizer's Miami walker shoe ····-······· 9.99 BUDGET FASHION SHOES CASUALS, LITTLE HEELS 3.99 Orig. $7-$11. By famous makers. Buskens and otliers. Fashion and basic colors. ' FOUNDATIONS FOUNDATION GROUP 1.59-4.99 Orig. $5-$9. Girdles, pantie girdles and backless bras by Warners, Yan Raalte and Nemo . LINGERIE BRIEFS OR BIKINIS 69c, 6/4.00 Textured nylon tricot in white or colors in bikinis or ta ilored briefs. 5-6-7. Bikinis, print nyl on tricot. 5-6-7 ----··-·· $5-$9 Sleepwear, assorted ROBES Long at-home wear, ass t. INFANTS' WEAR 99c 2.99--4.99 9.99.1 9.99 INFANT PLA YWEAR 2.99-3.99 INFANT FURITURE $14 Car seat by Pride for bucket or bench seat ............. ----------.. --.10.99 GIRLS' COATS, DRESSES GIRLS' COATS 10.99-21.99 Orig. $20-$34. Many fabrics including wools and cotton corduroys. 3-6x, 7-14. $11 ·$I2 Girls ' jumpers ______ .......................... 6.99--7.99 $8-$12 Assorted dresses, 3·7x. 7-14 ___________ 4,99-5.99 GIRLS' SPORTSWEAR $3 -$6 Sportswear group, 4-61, 7-14 .......... 1.69"'4.99 JR. HIGH SHOP Jr. High separates _ .......................... save 1/3--1 /2 $9.$17 Dresses. jumpers, 8-14 --·-----------· _______ 5.99-8.99 FABRICS FASHION WOOLENS 2.99 yd. Orig. $4-$5. The group includes plaids and checks, sOlid colors. 54-60'', limited choice. 1.29-2.50 Collons, synthetics ___________________________ ,yd. 99c Fashion fabrics remnants ......... -.. -.............. save I /3-1 /2 Skirt lengths ____ -----------------------------· save I /3· I /2 1.49 Sheer dressy prints . ·---·----·---··-------------------· yd. 79c 1.29-$2 Suiting fabrics, famous mills . --------------yd . 99c $4--$5 Bonded knits, mach. wash. poleyster yd. 2.99 MEN'S FURNISHINGS MEN'S SUPORT HOSE 99c Orig. 2.50. Good looking , from a top de· signer. Blc!rck, brown , nl!lvy, charcoal or olive. 10-11'/i. 12-14. ' ... ,. ·. $5-5.50 Famous maker dress shirts __ 3.59, 3/10.50 2.50.$3 Nedwear, current patterns ..... 1.lt;'2/2.60 7 .50-12.50 'Cufflink sets, disc. styles ------------'---------2.99 $5·7.50 Le ather belts, osst. _ ---------··-----1.99 UNIVERSITY SHOP $5-$8 Knit shirts for young men . . 2.99"'4.99 MEN 'S CLOTHING TWO-TROUSER SUITS 84.99-89.99 Orig . $I 00-$120. Wool/silk sharkskins, wocl worsteds, polyester worsteds. Two button , side vented models. ($40-$55) SPORT COATS, Asst. 29.99-44.99 $75-$90 Famous maker suits---------_ 69.99 $26 Plain front slacks _ 17.99, 2/35.00 SPORTING GOODS BOYS 3-SPEED 26" LIGHTWEIGHT BIKE 34.99 Orig. 39.99. Front and rear caliper brakes, flambouyant red finish. Complete with flash- flambouyant red finish. Complete with flashy white wall tires. BOYS SPORT BIKE Hos Hi~h Rise Handle Bors 34.99 Reg. 39.99. Long, low frame in jub!eant green. Has knobby rear tires, white wall. Protective fenders for protet:tion. FLOOR COVERING SA VE 32% to43 % DECO RA TOR AREA RUGS 34.00 . . .. . . ' CONST~U(:T ALL BUILDING : SET 3.99 Orig. 7.99. Builds unrimited shapes. Includes riv-a -matic gun, power pock. An educationel toy. TOPPER TINY BAY MAGIC . DOLL . . 1.99 ' . Orig. 4.29. Wave the megic wand ·~.!; she awakes, goes to sleep or winks. 10''. snort. So loveable . " ' SPACE CANNON SE,T 9.99 Orig.,16.99. Includes Space cannon, Capt. LanJ,, Major Matt Mason and Sargent Strom Oolls, plus accessories. BEDDING WHITE FEATHER PILLOWS 2 for 9~99 --- orig. b.00. T enadown® treeted, they-ma- chine wash and dry. FURNITUR.E KROEHLER 8' QUILTED SOFA 238.00 Value 279.95. Outline quilted in avocado _ prin ts design on rich natural background. In- cludes arm caps and brass ball casters. YARNS STERLING SILVER FOR 8 SAVE Yz NOW, 32 PIECES 188.00 Clearance of sterli ng services for 8 by fo r• ' most ryianufacturer,, Selected patterns, limit .. ed quantities. TELEVISION Columbia Min~rva Spectra Shell Kit, 2 Styles 2.99 In choice of pink, hunter t urquoise or red. Special savings. --_, .. ---. SILVERWARE IMPORTED STEAK KNIVES 4.99 Orig. 6.50. Modern shape, serrated edge, fine stainless steel fro m Germany. SAVE $10 ON ZENITH 18" Diagonal Portable TV 119.88 Big 172 sq. in. picture in at portable thot's light enough to carry from room to room. RCA VICTOR 15" DIAGONAL PORTABLE TV 98.88 Great for that second set. Quality features built in to deliver a clear, bright picture. MAJOR APPLIANCES -all stores 14.6 CU. FT. FRIGIDAIRE Frostproof Refrigerator 269.88 Double side ddor with 125 lb. freezer, twin hydrotors, flip quick ice ejector. Big door storage. FUTORIAN STRA TO RESTER COVERED IN RICH VINYL $b-$13 Fatpous make blouses 2.99-4.99 Orig. $4 ·5.50. Knit crawlers, jamakins and diaper sets for boys or girls. - $50-to $60 values. Mony styles and colors in group. You'll recognized the famous pat- terns. Limited quentites. 118., IH.95 outstanding value in leother look vinyl. Choice of gold, black or evocado. ANAHEIM 444 NORTH EUCLID -!tho"• SJS • 1111 MONDAY THRU SATURDAY It e.111. t• t 1JO P·"'· NEWPORT 47 FASHION ISLAND -Ph•"' 64~ -1111 MONDAY THltU FlllOAY 10 •·"'·to •:10 p.111. 5ATUltDAY 10 •·"'· t. 'P·"" ' HUNTINGTON BEACH 1717 lOINSER AVENUE -Pho"• lt l ·llll MONDAY THRU SATURDAY I 0 •·• t. f1l O P•"'- ' • • t " I •· • Newport! R~r;hor ,..,...ntni' N.Y. '68 * * * ' 3 Newport . People on New Jury Seven Orange Coast rekldents were selected to serve on the ltff Orange County Grand Jwy thll momlng ll the body had its flnl meeting wtth 6uperlor Judge Robert "Gatdner. · Ju.dge Gardner named a1 toretDan William D. Maz:tin, f~er mayor . ol. Laguna Beach and fOl'l11ft' cha1mwt ol the Local Agency P'onnatlon eom. mission. Others from the coastal area are Howard E. Massie, San Clemente; Law-ence K. ReynoldJ Laguna Beach; James Ayer, Los Alamitos; Mrs. Judy Rosener, Mrs. Robert N. Weed and Mn:. John Henry Russell, all of Newport Beach. Comprising the balance of the It. member panel are Charles A.. WIJ'Tell and Virgil Simpson, Yorba Unda; William Vannatta, l:Ulton Da1essi aDd Manuel Jurado, Fullerton; Richard Hernandez, Mrs. Pessa Klipoteln aocl Dr. Horace Caden, Santa Ana; Wanili E. Bloom, Andre II. W!!iW ml lfh, Kenneth Caines of OrBllif uil au-Lenz, Anaheim. ; The It J""""' -"""ft by lot by Countf Clerk WJJllail. ln the morning feSBion. · J1' ' Judge Gardner told tlMm '11111 jwy meets at its own dilcreUna, uUllj once a week wltb additional ...... when called to hear 1ndicUnent; ~ by the district attorney. He said ll jurors must be FlllDt for official action of the paoeL · Judge Ga$er laid dutiol ol the Jury Included bringjng in .lndlcb:sntl (a amall number of those propo<ed), and ll> vestigation of public ofnctala. He warned that the Grand Jury was not a detective agency and was not to Initiate investigations on Ill own. The judge waroed against "flsbinl a· pedjUons" and "witch hunts;" He cautioned the jurors that thtir deliberations were tecrel applying eveo to membera of their own family. Funeral Service For Mrs. Murdy Reset for Friday Memorial services for Norma L. Murdy, wire of retired state Senator John A. Murdy, Jr., will be conducted Friday instead of Sunday u originally announced. Mrs. Murdy died Tuesday al Hoag Memorial Hospital in Newport · Beach .it the age of 69 after an Uinta d several weeks. Private burial services were held today at WestmJnster Memorial Part. Memorial services are schedUW for J p.m. Friday at St. A D d r ~ " I Presbyterian Church, 800 st. Andren Road, Newport Beach, with the Ref. Charles S. Dlerenlield officiatlni. Mrs. Murdy wu a nauve CaWemlan and a graduate of the unfvenfty ol Washington. She and the fonner senator, married for 45 years, divided their time between their HunUngton Beach home and Sacramento unlil he ret1rtd. For the past several )'WI, Ibey madt their home at 334 Via Lido Nord, Narport Beach. Beaides her husband, Mn. Murd)''I ~Ivon include a IClll, John A. Mordy IR ol Newport Beach ; two dauchtm, Mrs. George E. Trotter Jr. llld Mia. "'11111 Miller, both ol 'l'ullln; a lllter, Mn. EIW.beth Hitlil of Loi Allgtla, and 14 grandchlklren. , The family has suggested that -wishing to do so may make memqrla.1 cmtribulions to the Hoag ManG"1 Hoopltal fund. NEW YORK (UPI) -'!be llod< market stagfd an onlerly recl>oery lod«y, snapping a t~ looll1ll llrut lhat knockfd most markol lndm:I to th<lr loweat levela In 1everal m<iatbl. Tradlna WU moderate. (See quotaUonl, Papa t~ll). •. • . . , I EDIJION • ORAN&E. d>Utm'. CAUFORNfA THURSDAY, JANUARY '· rt6l · • f • . l • .,..'•1 • • -' ·U~ges Jet ExpansiOn ttatt . . ' \' ·-·. ·I~ • PROPOSEO MA'RINA -Ad 111Jn Steven C. Auld's drawing of his plan for future of West Newport Includes development of "Genoa Bay" tracit on' Banning =-11y-north of Coast Highway. Break· water 11irroundlng five · !"docking areas begins at Santa Ana River jetty (left),., eil<nds to Newport Pier (right). ChaMel between two doj:t.8 ;clnight leads to Newport Island and link with lower bay. qitannel·"' .left .center tie~ marina with inland Genoa Bay. .. • Mcinnis Raps Marina Plans as Beach Threat . . . By IEllOME r: OOWN8 Of ... O.ltr ..... ''"' Ad a1enCy erecutlve Steven C. Auld's dream of a 3,900-boa.t marina oft Wert Newport ts a nightmare fer Newport :Beach City Councilman Donald· A. Mcln· nts. Mclllnil aald lnday he Will . do everJtblnl be can 10· 1ink the propoaal U 100D U it boba up befort "tbe' City Coundl. -· "'iJm qalnat any action by anybody that .WOUid tend to deltreJ' our ocean bttchet,'' .be .aid. '"l'blr1I 1J just ao much temalional beadih.nt in thll country, ind ooce it ii~. it 1J cone." Mcinnis aald he ii part1cularly dtstr ..... fd at the propooal'1 fnClulfon ol a brultwater which' would, he 111d, "destroi the 11U'( ... Auld Intends to outline his plan before councilmen at their Monday afternoon study session. Mcinnis represenll the Weat Newport area, which would overlook the marina from the Santa Ana River jeUy 90\Jth to the Newport Pier. Margo Skllllng, newly olecl«I president ol the -mber Well Newport Improvement .Association, aid be r organtzaUoo will strongly protest the plan. "It woukf be really a crime to taie our beach and tum it Into aomething else," she sald. "Ta ting away prime oceanfront like that ii just lnconctlvable. You can't manufacture a belch." The proopects ol Auld'1 proposal (•~ tin( anywhere with the dty w""' further (See MARINA, Pip II public uae ol airport laclllUes and .,. ·by members of the public of land under and near 1pproaeb and take off areas can conUnue?" , The JWJ alao urau In two subsequent recommendattom : "That county supervisors clarify the scope of lnVOIVtIDent It desirell of the airport """"1ialon and the rnle of ,the dlr'eclor of aviation r e~g a rd Ing tranmtisslon of lnfonnaUon to and counsel from the airpOrt colIUll1'sion. "That communlcat-. · llot-. Diii airport and the county's ltlal l!lop<lty smtces and Buildlnf·S<nle9 bt lietW cocnUnated ... The "port b In martfd -tr• to the ocathlng condemnation Of coanty functlona l""od by the '1917 Grand Joiy. N'o mention Is made of tbat1 eartier report, or the 11alnln( IDie4 bf tho ouljjolng 1917 panel to Ille 1• 'jwy in the volume rtleaaed tod&y., Fortman Colesrove qqes, In f~ r out ol lill , " . . . .. . FBI Charges Fr~ud By JOHN VALTERZA Of .. Dl!lr.n.t NH A Newport lle.lch -living aboard the expenalve power Cl'UM-"Just Another Deaf," haa been arrestid bY FBI agents OD cbaiiei ol Jurllii potenlfaf . . customers into a $500,000. lnternaUonal platinum fraud-scheme, It wu-announced today. Charlles Telford, 55, was 11Ttsted by federal agenta in a Balboa Island alley Harbor Di.strict Showdown . Il,ne Fog Dispersal For OC Airport? A fog dispersal system Is beitia stud· led for use at the Orange "l'.ounty A1rport. The fog seeding experiment wu tried this week at ~ Angeles Interna- Uonal Airport with some aucc:eas. County AviaUon Dlreclor Robert J. Bre.!nahan wu io meet today with John Stowe, prosljlen( of Weather Centrals Inc. located at the cowrtY airport and airline representaUves £0 comider a dispersal program. Stowe Old be will pruent a fog dis- slpaiioo program deieloped by Santa Alla phJllcllt T. G. Owe Berg. Air Callfomla has indicated an Inter· est In partlclpatlng In the flll8ftclnJ o1 sticlt a program. The Loi Antt: dlart ts paid for to pereent bY air llld 10 percent by the dty. 11 C01t111ts of aeeding the IOI with finely ground salt which ca\l!et it to fall lite nln. :rw .. 1y-nye •l•dent,l .troni.Rllo' 11¥i School In Los AttPfts> '""'*' Ill@! N nes and 'Ortettlalo;, \.1;1•'"1 !' ~ Hlih Sctiool to4lt>-r.3tu . stodent c11icttssinna oo' .....,, ~II · Alter hearil>I a -till:' by llot community leader lfattm. J~ ·the students from two cultures were to Pt together In small semlnan durbt( ihe aftemoon. · ·) Jamal founder ol . the Ma!C91t!t X Foondailon, told atildenl. tbil, ~ that American >N-are ·the aOty people in biJtory who Kave let tbelr children be · edlteated bi' the Jll<ilill 1'11o enslaved them. · · . "Never In my ~·a bOule,". be tllid. Hfutve I aeen a picture of a · taC-.But 1 go into hOUSll in 'Walla aM Iii evoq one r'>eeJ' lcllJre& of' .John ~ KeMfdy, Robert WbabhllQl"!!J Keti-nedY, and ol JOSU/I. . • "My dog Lutllpw didn't cry """1. the cat across the itreet wu tilled. But t can show you Negroes thM are ,ltlll cryiru< for John Kennedy. We .a!tr111 cry for the muter.''' ... Jamal aald "Yot> hate UI for allol!· 1ng ounelvoo.to be made thfl=· l!obert Half, ol Oper.lliorl told Uie 'whit. students ~ with Ofruy J1lllt ,llttdonl.: .. 1 "From the tim.i Jr, ..... bom ,)'Oil were ptosr~od. aaly tbiDC,,,.u can do io chan(e , llttla°"'\_ "'! ii to cot. yoor ~t. . , He debunied white ~ 1teJ:tboca (See MINOlllTIE.!, ptp I~. . . -i.l ·. 'Graap Growth Costly to Wildlife? ........ ' , j, YW'I aao had ••a1mo1t no ut,, on the bottom. In fact you can lllck J<IUI' arm into the flne mud< and 1WI 1t11 hit . bottom." • He oajd he feared that ""4alnl ol the u Bay with ~~and rocreaCt development In mlod mtpt roiuJ\ ·lb' olmllar condition!. Ht llld he found -ol fec1I boc· terllin'-Bay llldlcallns -·· ot wute into the water: ·:u 10'! woader wha\ upper 801 Ii•" ut """':-Pitt ",ihll atd -ill:<,U ID'!dPedio,..~"boJlld. Other ......... !hi inlten! •· -'o!hir 'polnti ol. view In 'tl!e development 'Of the "-"· Bay Area Coundl ..,..1denl J. A. Beek outllnfd the ~,-•let •ldiDC lnlenlta In lbe·"-Y ._..,, ol a·~ 1'llo coilld aol ·-· -" He said the water aid ent.bualasts, Jfd by Ken.W.. pmidtot of•flle Orinlt County Marine Dealers AuoclatloD, preferred a devolo)iment platl cootra,Y to prellntfllu1 proPollil. for 1 new ~ in !he bay creaUng a water atirtr•. The peninsula, jutUng out Into the bly at the 111>per lagoon. 11oold not ; ba .)lleQuote . to, 111PJ!Ofl> JtlOl'Ol Utudl I •al boa ta al one Umt, Beek related: · • • llllle1d1;ue ...i,r Aid . .-Id' ..-.. • .._.. ol -.... la, the Cen1tr ol • 1ar1er la-:-to' <VI the, • waUI ol opeod boats. '!: " :· Allltouah lllo lnltli"'Co. ~County lan\f. Rip·~· WU ·,aol . to lie a f~ toPiciot dl~ ..... ~~I• oPOOo!Uoo to tbt,""11 cl'o 11)'·...W.., l ,,~ j. •' 'T II t' • : l I '1i I • . ...... , . , • • • ,. I • • • • -· f. I ( '. ' ' ·1 • =•'-~~_v_~_lo_r~~~~·~~~,,,,...,.,-"-';::;:(~...,;;:"~'4·~·1~'"~ .. • _ SF .. State -Oftie al's Batfl&hip ·1 Eyed ·or · ~· -New School Hi.~~, ,,Bo~)>~~ , . ' > By THOMAS FORTUNE CH t11t Dtltr l'llfl tttff I . • SAN Fl\ANClscO (AP! -A h~•dM or student plekeLI: marcbed Ol.ltalde the San FranclsCo State Colleg1 entrance today whlle strJ.klng teachers met off campus to discws a court order that forbids teachers Jo picket. . -' ' MrJ. llutrt 'rtported 1JUrns on her lqa, app.1rcntly from chemlca.la splashed from one of the contalntn. U a .,..pie of Ion? i-dreamers have ~ Wl.J, Ne~Mesa ~ rnisfill -miq: -~ learn a treijt aboard I battltahlp or aircraft carrler anchored orr the Orange Coast. The college, bwl by dlwden alnoe Nov. 0. lollOQI Ill 111U1l qulel mom!"' , peltern, will> mall)' of Ille 11,000 aludtnll and 1,500 Instructors eoln& to dua:et. The union teachers, who claim to repn&ent about 400 of the faculty, were deb1Uq at a nearby aynapgue what to do •bout the court restraJn1n& order. · It wu issued late Wednesday by Superior Court Judge !'.dward O'Day only hours after students and teachers had bombarded police with stones, bot· ties, sUcks and flreworks during a violent melee. Dr. Norman Loats and Kenneth Lewis dreim of llldns 1 u .s. N1vy battlewqon or carrier out of mothballl and turning il Into e CO!IUnuttion blfh ocbool. They woukl berth , it at the mouth of lM Santa Ana RJver. Tbe vltlonary lclieme ia not be.inc 1>W'1UOd rilbl now, bol l.pall, Newpori. ~"1" !JlllflOd:a UfOClata 111perlnlendent, ..,,,. t.ewll, ,Jnfonnallooal llr)'tou diroc- tor, ll'O tavln( it In ll>t bac1i ol ll>dr mlnda. Early this morning the home of a college official, abf>ut a third o! a mile d i I t a n t, WlS damq:ed by l\lr"O &IW ln<endllll'Y bombs. Edward Duerr~ S5, coonlinator of in· lernal affaln, reported one bunb 1h1t· tered a bedroom window and the other •el fire to lhnlbbery Ind ll>t outaide of tbe house. Duerr IUffered a cut loot from the &lau when be ruabed outlide and ei:- tingulsbed ll>e flt~ ''The. ~ble is It'! hard to give c· B H ;;;ome°!llli like this prior;ty," Loats Aid. reen eret ero AU I d need IS someone to puah me 1 ,ll¥t.~lan, first broaci..i In . ca1Ual From Mn"a Killed .,.;,i!r,sa11o11 •i>911t a year qo, i~ to "" use ,..p~ahopi, olectrlcal repair s l ·~· bakerlu ~ . • • .~. r.r voe• ona1 _,..m.. · · · · In Vietnam Actwn "Gee whiz, what's the possibility of us ever gelUng a vocatlonaJ high school otherwiSe?" Loats asked. He said "'°tinuation high IChool st~, (drop oota and lholo wbo lor one ......., or another mn1 llWtln( . Jt In ·regular high school) could take pride In recondltionllJi th< s~Jp and maybe ...., be employed u ahip tour cuJd" dutina !ht 1UDU11er. Death, which mJssed once in a mine blast, caught up with a Costa Mesa G~ Beret soldier leadin& h1s men on Nui Cota mountain deep In Vlei Cohg lerrttory in Vietnam New Year's Day. Spee. 5 Roger L. Brown, D, ..,, of Mr. and Mn. Grant W. Bnlwn, SP Broadwq, wu leadina 1 so<alled MIKE tefil> ol Orlenlll li'Tel1Jla:-troopo wben 4 N~wpo. rt· Mesa lhO)' beclm• liw•l"" rn • flrtlllht-iy.a Ht wu commander of • complDJ of Jrrejiilar troopo. -· -" · Sch I T Noo-inllllaJ7 gnmslde oervlce1 for the · . 00 ~1008 U.S .. Army -Specie! r ...... GI ore •· • schtduled Satunlay 1t II a.m. 1t Pacific F El • -View Memorial Park. ace . CCti0Il8 ,; .Railed in Costa Mesa and a local ,high school graduate, Spec. 5 Brown Four 9t sev~q fi!fWport'Meaa~· n1 • .._WroJled at Oran1e Coast ~ollege before School ota:trld trustees, lt,i~ are. _.joining the ,Army in April, 196G, while to litep down. must · run for r . .:J~ OCC ~- Trus~ wholi·lflft:i. will be e 1 • '$ Btown last year underwent tough in· $6.5 Million Pact Awarded Coast Firm A flight controta component contract elllmated to reach more than ... 5 milliOft In value hll been &lven to an Oran1e County firm by the McDonnell·Dou1lu Corp., it was announced today. Elevator control systems for the new J:>C.10 tri-jet airliner will be delivered through 1974 by the Bertea Ccrp., :ocated in the Irvine Industrial Complex. The contract covers design, develop- ment and manWacture o1 elevator con· trola for the new wide-body luxury jetliner being built at Douglas Alrcra!L Co., in Lona: Beach. It is the teeond major OC.10 contract won by the Be.rtea Corp., wboa:e facilities are near Oarnge County Airport. Pttvlouoly, Ibey were asslanecl to pro- vide the OC.10'1 inboard and outboard •llor9n control P1Ckaiea !or thl J>lant, whlch II expected to go Into. commercial service In about three years. Bertel Corp.-.1,.~provldea Olght con- trols for the DC8 jelliner, the 4A. Skyhawk and Fl Phantom mfllt•ry jet tighten and eltclronlci and hydraulic systems for rni!isile and space programs. From P .. e l GRAND JURY .. In an ApriJ 15 biennial school board" · · Trained 1n tht tlve teptrlte pbtlt! election ' ~-''.of the elite Gleen ·Bertt ouUU, Spec. are rMs. Ertr..abeth Lilly, · rfc • jelllgence preparation at Ft. Holablrd, MacMilU.n, Donald Stl'IUJS and Lloyd "'Md., before be1na amt to Vietnam in lettu inued on March 22, liSS. Blanpied Jr. , • . • · 1 July. ~ Tblt letter recommended that further Mrs. Liiiy, MacMillan and Strau ~peciali!ta fJ'ODti all brlDChes of .the ltues or allocation of facllittea at the · were elected to the original board in military and some forelgn naUons are Orange County Airport be withheld pen- 19115 followijlg ~ ol ¥ubcr ~ lrlin.i .at tbe. Balllmore baadquar!tn ding evaluation of the WilUam L. ICbool dtatl1~ BWtjiled -~ppolidod otl!>Olf,s. Nm1 ~Colpa. Pereira and Anoc;letea rejJart. in 11167 to completa !ht remilndel' of 1or Spec. 5 Brown, th< couroe lncfuded "II bu come. to our attanUoo," the · DenaJ DllncaJJ't tenp whei1 0-0 motr t !Un'U'ii:er ue~ at a almulated Viet.-~re.por:t at.a~e1, ' ' that admijUJtra~ve edfromthearur . (~ ''i ·•ese vUlq:e tf1Wb7 ,~, ~ dA(:l~onahlveb;eenrn~de .an~aUng~d- AUfour said thg are 11 yt) undecided on the -~ altlrtti of<.' ' 1 dlllon1flperal<\91'.lllli.oPtRllDD! •l·•he whethtlr t~ey will hln for a.,lhef four. Bay. · · · '. " ' '· • alrJ>ort slnct O.r Ietlti Wia received. y~ term. Filiq deadJine is. }I'll( JO •. J The Combat VlcUm's father aald he lnqulrles by the Grand Jury reveal two Nomination ~1 for 't&ndld~tea ~' was only recenUy returned to duty in Clrrl1r~ to be. operaUng wllhout valid a\laill.ble at tbe C.aunty Schools Offlc'e, the VC~&tronghold JOO mile. l!iOUthwut lepea, mcreu1ng the present con&esUoo lf04 W. Elghll> Sl, Santa Ana. of SaJaon, after btln.l "°'1Jltalllod nearly at thl \lrnilnaL" Only -· rllldl"' In· ll>e tame a lllOl)th will> woundJ ftoin a Novtmbtr In otbar Hporll, ll>e Grand Jury uraea trustee area as board members whoie mint! ei:plollon. the expanalon of what It calla "far seats are eiplrlng m1y run. Ballotlna, He wu iwardtd the P.urple Heart !rflm Jdequate'' mental health faclliUe1 however. is district wide . and a variety af other medal!. · in lhe county. Tru&tee area boundlll'les are a1 followa: BeJJdel hia: panmts .. aurvtvon include "The requirement.I j)f adeq\late care Alu 2 (Mrt. IJlly -mbent) -three lllllln, Mri. Clodact pq, Cotla will ool bt mel unW Ille 111ne level CoUege Park, Mesa del Mar and Meu Mesa: Mia SblJ1lyn Brown, attendlni of treatment 11 available for mental North. Everything east of Harbor the University of Waahineton at Stattle, h_ealth paUentl that la provided f.or )):'~ Boul~vard and west of N e w p or t and MJ.u Julie BtOwn, a Hntor at bent.I l\lffe.rinc ftom other inaJOr il· IJo\ilevanl except llllecrett. Newport llarbor l!Jib Scbool. Inell," thl Hport warna. Nu 4 (Bltnpied Incumbent) -Corona Othm Include maternal srllld~ Tbll situation exista, the Grood Jury del 'Mar, East.bluff, f{arbor View JUlls, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde W. CrOmtr: nolts, "despite the efforts of dedicated Corona fflihlandJ,. Shore Cliffs, Cameo . Anabelm, and a paternal irllldlathu groupi of volunteer worien handicapped Highlands, Cameo-Shores, Irvine Ter· W. Grant Brown, Duert Hot Sprlnp. ' by' the lick of fund.I and apathy of race, Beacon Bay, 1Jnd1 Isle, Bayside a public oot yet educated to the need ." Vnlage . And, noting that I,000 juvenile court Area S (Strauss incumbent) -Wed From P"fle J cases per month involve the use of Newport , Ne"'·port Shores, Balboa narcotica the jury urees "efforLs to ift.. P.ntnsula, Lido Isle, ·Balboa I1l1nd, MARINA terest parenta in developlng a knowledle Bayshoru. Lido Peninsula, Newport • • • and awareness of the problems." Jsl-.nd, Mariners Mile. The Grand Jury endorses the exposure Area 7 (MacMillian incumbent) -d!mmed toc11y by the reacUon of Coun· of Juvenile narcotics problems by West Costa Mesa. Everylhlnl south of c1lman Howard Rogera, who rtprt•ntl Superior Court Judge Bruce Sumner and lna: Place and weal of Harbor th~ r~lt of the Newport-Balboa Penlnaula. Chief ProbaUon Officer Maraaret Grier evard-Newport Boulevard. · Its an lotereatlng plan," conceded through the NarcoUca Council meeUng1 at. not up for reelection unUl" 1971 Rogers. "And Mr. Auld has prepared recently organlsed by both county of· those of James "Bill" Peyton (Mesa some fascinatJn& pictures, beauUful flclals. e), Mrs. Marian Bergeson (Newport aerial , photographs and overlayt. But Recent augestlons for the creatJon Hjlthll), and Selim "Bud" Franklin I don t want our bf:achfront changed. by the Gnind Jury ol a public Jn. ('ftsl Bluff, Back Bay}. If someone wanted to do tblt to our rormallon commltt.ee which rnf&ht better I • t ' I DAii Y PllOI ./'IANGI.. COAlt ,Ulll~ING COM,A/01' (. ••Mr! N. Wt1I " ""'~ .... f'i.1111 ... tr • J11\. I.. CYr11y V1" "'l!llM1'1 11111 Gt-Mt•! Mf1'tttr 1h•m•' K11.,if lliltt m • • ~ ll Tho"''' A. MYrphi11 1 ll Mll\tllMI lflt..- ~·,....,• F. c.nriu p,yf Ni11111 Wow-.rt ••Mii ... d,.rtll!"' \J C1!v IEtllw OltKl~r • Ktw,tiii ..... OM•• j:a 2211W11t1.111 •• ••Yltll'••' ~1lH"11t M~tu P.O. I•• 1171, '2&61 It o.....OMc" • •a ,. ~ .. • • Ct.ill Mltlf Ull W.ol Stll' S•-' l•-''""'' JIJ fl-ti A-H""l""IOll .. IUI. JOf 3ltl Sit.ti ·- belch in B&J.boa, J would be very inform the public of the pane1'a delibera· reaentlul." Lionii were quickly rejected by the 1968 The proposed project, whJch Auld bu group . ernpbuizecl lJ atricUy his own Idea, "A Grand Jury Public Information would coat an estimated fll mllUon. Committee could prepare many releuea He aaJd he hu been workinJ on It which might be blown up to any me for about a year. deal.red by newapaper editors," the jury Five separate marina areu would be Icily DOW. encom))Uled by the breal<••ler. The Tbll could rault "In much publiciiy pion includes a un1U tml charmel cut but not neceuarlly in ll>t tlnd ol 1111blic through to Newport Wand. reltUons ll>al ll>e jury ncb lo milnllln Auld &aid be uliclpatea a lll<llun ihroqhout it.s term of oervlce," ll>t of obJedlom to the Jll'OPC)lll. HPorl adds. Auld, 39, ls ei:ecuUve vice president "'Ibis panel has performed lta dutiu of a Tustin advertising firm. He Uves earnestly," the report says. "Fanfare at 472 Gnd St., Ne.........t Shores, was not thought to be necessary ad· H f ·~ • junct." e ndlcated Ibo! ll>a "NtwpOrl Mch~'. Project ...,14 bt llnltod by a ~-to lnltlld dtvelopmlllt o1 Bannlnl · propertleo north of Coaat Hi&hway. A drawing be prepared shows the Banning aru dtvelopld Into waler!ront propertlea under the name "Geuoa Bay." Auld ""phut.sed ll>at ho btd dlsculaed ll>t plu onl1 brieflr Will> Hancocll "Bill"· Buminl Ill, OW1111' of the J>rOl>trlY· Ha said.~ coot ol dtytlopllts "~ ~-prolJalal1 '1111 to aboul llO Indiana T~ Dies After Sniff~ Glue Innocent Plea Made in Case Wtlley Conlon PJinkt1 20, of Ntwporl Btac:b Ind lwo COl1lptlUOOI all pletded nqt suJlly 'l'u<aday in Yedertl Court to chlrpo they tmllllild 125,000 - ol marijuana from Mexico to tbe Unllad Statu. Federal Judie Francea Wbtlao hell'd tho pleu thto Mt Jao. 20 u ll>t ·dell for trtal. Pllnl<e, -lddrtu la 1114 W. Ocun Front. wu anuted with WllUam Wehrle KOKOMO, Ind. (UPI) -AlllhortU.. Sr., 4l, o1 Allabtlm, and Gilbtrl Zamora, toClO)' attrtbulad the d•ll> ol • ....,_ 111 ol Ganim Grove. to the onllllnl ol alua. Tho lhret were liken Into cuatody TM b<Mb' of Steven Joe Conwell, J8, by U.S. Custom• qe:nta, who aa.1; the wu tou..t w-., by hla mothlr. trio landed a Uaht p1ane bMrtl!I the Rll flea wu eovtred with 1 plutlc • marl.Juan1 at Ollno Alrpcrt. bq contalnlng two tubes of glue, ao-U.S. Dlotricl Court Judp Albert L ,. ' 1 '. HAR DAILY PILOT Siii! ,Mt9 BOR HIGH SENIOR LUCY SEMENIK (CENTER) GUIDES DORSEY HIGH STUDENTS TD SEMINAR After a Flat Tire, Los Angeles Studaints Arrive for Discussion of Race Rtlatlon1 Neiv IRS Book Shows 30,,262 Non Taxables An Internal .Revcnua-Ssrvicc directory thick as a telephone book has been published, revealing 30,262 dlfferent U.S. organizations which pay no taxes. The agency's directory includes the Irvine Foundation. ll'hich \Vas careflllly scrutinized during :i 111?.ralhon prob::. of tax.exempt entities by Hep. \\/right Pat- ma n (D-Tcx.). Names and addresses of the thous::nds of organizations -from the Ford f (l1Jn· dation lo one set up by Prc~ideril Joh.nson·s family -are included in the directory -but not much else. The directory was made public Wednesday by th~ House Small Business Committee, whose special subcommittee his been 'checiing into possible .abiises by charitable organir.a.Uons. , • , , The foW1dat4ons IDj51 1xist f o r c~ritabJe, educatio~~. scientific or rt11glou.'i gur~ in order lt win &he tax.free sl'.atus. Such groups have shown spectacular gro\vlh in the recent past and the direc· tory shows Ne\v York leads the nation with 6,703, while Los Angele:;, with 1,472, follows. Great possibility for abuse of tax·ex· empt status exists because once it is granted, the government has no more reJUlat.ory power over foundation opera· lions, according lo congressional sources. From Page 1 MINORITIES ... for omittif!g Negro aceomplishments. and saJd, "if you don't want to cut your throat you can tear up your school system." Another black leader, Truman Jacques said he worked; three years in Watts for government projects and can only con- clude that they are not intended to do anyone any good. He said the govern- ment is just throwing its money away. Jacques said he is now working for Management Counselors, a Negro firn1 that tries to convince management at top levels to hire more blark people. The visit was the idea of hvo Harbor High teachers -English teacher l\1rs. Jean Fouts, 24, and social science teach- er Jim Newkirk, 30. Both are Nc11'port Harbor High graduates themschcs. ~trs. Fouts, who taught last year at Dorsey High. aaid they decided to qu lt talking and start working for corilmunlty understanding between races. · Newkirk said their aim is to benefit the stud,ents by establllhlng CGm-.~ munincation coiiciming their common • problem. The-two teachers received approval ~ fron1 Harbor High principal Cha rles Godshall and Ne"'•port·Mesa Dislric& Superintendent Will ia m Cunningham. i· Selected for the program, with parents'.' permission. were 25 junior and senior:~ students. Also attending were seven ·~. studen.ts from Estancia High School jn ', Costa Mesa. 1· In the afternoon they were to be .'"'. split up into discussion groups matching ~~ white students with black and Orient1!. •. moderated by black community leaders'. : ... From Pf19e 1 --RLATINUM • •• ' i> .. 47, GvldlJ>Oro, N:C .• and Orio EmrnltJls ,, m"et.t ·tt ttr~~Ow.maiii:et pricel, ac-:: Christy,~_F. Columbia, s.C. cording to indictm"t:nts. .: rlc ~~d S:"!iMT!I'.\ J 11h1iS<'!l s:.iid. j ~ C~tomfrs, howevef, ntVeJ' really~: lured people from ;is . (.;:.r 011-11v :;s ~ saW ~!1' platlnUI!'" "or ~ven recelv~d~. c u M" · N \' · · anyillll!11•· for their money," some 1n-l ao_n a, .1am1. cw ork, nnd :.-·.en divldua1s: being duped OiJl of up to ~· Zurich, Switzerland . $120,0001.11\e prosecutor saill. :· It assertcdly involved flr·~~i·•t1n~·'\" iri •1rl're defendii.nt.s allegedly just took1': the Sa n Diego ... arca, \vl::orc C 'l".:on1rr~ orr wlttT the down paymenl.s, which ~ "''etc shown two bars ol 1\:•:·l 1i1'.) to~al!ed more than $500.000," Johnson · .• suspects claimed was pttrc pl-.tin11n1. said. • :~. The customers were told th;it n do1•.n Telford Is currently free on $5,ooo-~ payment should be mepe fo r purcharc ball after beinc arraigned , prior to his .. of up to 50,0UO ounces of the precious upcoming trial. f ---,, J./. J. (}arf'ef[ ~ 12t~ Semi-Annual Safe ALL HERITAGE UPHOLSTERED PIECES 1n your choice of style or fabric may be purch•sed at a most generou5 savings cf •• , Truly a rare money-saving opportun ity 0 OH R .. ular Prices Over 200 Styles or Solas -Chairs -Love Seats -Ottomans in yo ur choice of any Heritiae Decorator fabric. HERITAGE·, -a Jivtna tradition In turnltur-9 ,I You' faixrritt fntsrior dctignlr wili b1 happ~ to auilt .,au , •. HeJ.GAl\l\ElT fURNrfUt\E PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DES14"NER5 2215 HARBOR BLVD, COSTA MESA, CALIF, ... 6.0175 6'46°0274 ·. • I I ·\ cordlng to SherUf Elwood Luellen. Staphena will preside over ll>e trial · "-~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-' ----~~ --------·-~-·-----~----~-- Olf"f.!ampvs Registi:ation Set For OCJC Cla es Rqbtr1Uon will s t a r t Saturday for of(-eampua even· Ina claue1 offered by Oran1e Coaot ;unJor Cotl<ge Dlljricl. (Off-t1mpt1J--clu1e1' are in addiUon to On-<:•P'iJ>\11 Or&nie Coast and Golden West cla:,sea listed in \VedneJday·s DAILY PILOT.) . pUS clw offertnca by loca· Uon: COSA MESA (fteg\lter at Orange County Fair Grounds) Cotlf ~ c1tf Htlt COUllCll Ch_.... , -T..tflc tM .. ftfy, w......, 7:M :JO 11n. Costa M4olt. hl!QI l'Kltln' -"Trtfllc IN hftt\', ~y 1:•t:lf ••"'· r.,. •.m. or ~;"'1.,, •.m.; ----------SllWlllO\. 1~!1f ,...1~·01f , Ir>- •• • • !Nl Finch Plans Education 'Shakeup~ SACRAMENTO (AP) -.. and man cba11lnllnl claua probably concentn~d too Jl'tnch. at a , Is NIJtorfs in more detail. 11>e Pf"OPOll]t Robert H. Flnch, steretary· were mentioned by l'lnch u A>Uth on welfare'' u oppoeed youngest choice for the include plans for vUtly In- designate of health, education posalbillUes in what he said to htlPlng young persom Cabinet. During the past two c10regesase 8 dndftnaunlndavenll t~-~. to col· 1 and welfare, says American is "probably the area of real achieve pro$.lctlve llve1. years, Finch headed t h e ~ classrooms need a "shakeup" concern" in educaUon -"We know what the pro-"I'm generally Jn favor of to improve teaching and elementary and secondary blems are in higher educa-California Job Training and the emphasis on medical and reduce the number of years acbool1. · Uon," Finch ex p I 1 l n e d. Placemenl Council, devoted to dental achoolJ," Finch said. I •Prob bl •• f I flndlnl Jobs for tht hal'<k>ore ~-r ........ Com-•-•-· a person muat spend ln schoo . BETl'ER PROO RAM~ ' a y w:1e areas o rea unemployed-chiefly Nearoes ',.,, .......... ...., u-• "Many of our elementary Finch, C a 11 i 0 r n 1 a 1 5 CO{'cern are in the public and Meiican-~Americana. report includn ~ far < ~boo~ are 50 encrusled m R e p u b I I c a n 1 l eutenant IChooll. Finch also served u an ex-commwdty ooI1ta:e1, Or JuDfoi' teaching now th?, way they aovemor for the past two One problem, Flnch said , officio University 01 California co 11eIe1, s Im 11 a r to ~d 20. years: ago, Finch said yean, !.old newsmen in is that elementary schools reaent and California state Califomla'1 Master Plan for 1n an m~rv1ew before leaving Washi·~·n Dec. 16 ••at he don't take televlalon Into ac-Higher Education, calling for oogw "' although ' hlld h college system trustee. lbl 't Ile f~r Washington, O.C., Monday plans lo concentrate 00 im· count 'a c as accelJS e commum y co ges The tuition fee per cle111 ror the epring semester will be is. :i.:llA.."'.::.~~ -=- =-~ 7·1 ··'"· • 7·11 •·'"· "' '"'!2 ~'-""'\. -...... 11\Cf ~G' 1. r;: ..;a>tJ• o.m.~ 1~'.lf'.:;;;., . ~~~·~'e mgbl. . t perhaps had 2,000 or 3,000 RECENT REPQRT featuring vocational u well glster at Colleae <:.enter BuUd -He dis<;uSM?d some of the provmg cunen P. r 0 grams hours before a TV set" before Finch, asked about the re-u academic tralnlng. • ... ...v.lems of the nation·s rather than trying to start reaching school. cent Carneg1·e Co--•··•on National linancln° of com· =:!lftl oM llrw , iot> ing-Golden West College) ,.~ new ones ·~-• ··'--1~ and colleges he will · Another problem, he said , rt hi h ed 1· munily colleges still ls a nauoc. Registration will be between the hours of 5:30 and 8 p.m. accordin& to the following schedule by first letter of the last name. !MY 1-10 •.m,/ Sec rt. It Eal'°" ComPlll• _ .l!flC=" ,.._.1 3\a!Vl.ll.11 8 t be !so said h h re po oo gr er uca ion .,~ 'i'.~!\::nm=T'r.!!!:_ A~.:f...!:..'T·,.::. ronslder as the No. l educa· u a e u is that for a young man with issued by Clark Kerr, former lion to be worked out, Finch TMl....UY 1-t 11.m.; ft. nlrw, MorMYy IN Y · :)t P;/~..!J:.l~Jr'.::-. Molldl Y 1n11 •tu fflf" 1 1'7ftf...,,r.r, '9.1M.... Lion offi cial under President· "a stront 5ense of the military oblii:atlons, education Univenity of California pres!· said, adding lhat local coliege M•r•:. Hltf!.~ _ '::ikei••I elect Nixon. fearless ness of revision." is "so strung out that m06t dent, said be bu ttlked wilh boards abould have "the same '~ .. ·~·-'""~·· ~.:::: iM11 ,.',';'.":IT -t: .. =a' ~~·=~(•~ . ."'J"~r: C o m p ute:rs, year-around Finch said that u "• 5tay out of the real world Kerr and Nixon about It and kind of autonomy they have ~' ·:1n1~~S ~'-;;s;;;ch;;;oo;;;;;Hn;;;gi;,;;;sta;;;;ig;ig;;;er;;;ed;;;;;v;;;ac;;;a;;;ti;;;o;;;ns;;;;;;igene;;;;;;;;ral;;;;;pro;;;;;;;;poa;;;;;iUon.;;;. ;;;;;;;;w;;;e;;;;;' v;;;;;e;;;;;u;;;n;;;ll;;;I ;;;tll;;;e;;;ir;;;nu;;;;;·d;;;20s;;;;;.;;;";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;p;;;l;;;a"';;;;;;;;'';;;;'';;;u;;;dy;;;;;;t;;;he;;;;;;p;;;ro;i-;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;in;;;;;;Cal;;;;;;ifo;;;mla;;;;;;;;;.';;;' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, · ~ From contirwl.n.l aludents by appointment, Sa[urday, Jan. 11: Last name A-E, Jan. 13; F-K, Jan. 14; L-Q, Jan. l~; ll·Z, Jan . 16. Open registration A-Z Jan. 22 and Jan. 30. Registration continues cam- pus Feb. 3-6, 10, II, 13, 14 -vacancies pcrmittin1. Followin1 are the off.-cam, The Orange Coast's Most Complete PRlNTING SERVICE . iifiiii'i_d . Phone 64:z.4321 ~~~::.~ 11 .:..!"' ai~: l 7-10 '··'"~£" ., nnlne, ..... w.,-~).t: 'tr.·' ~y ~ry, o.m.1 A ~· , 1:: lltfmedlet., ~¥ •lld l'lnd•Y 1.f:llll 1J.m.r lntwmedllte ' •NI lrl~ry, Mondi¥ •nd nttdl¥ "!'30 it.m.; Mo<letn """'· ueldll 1· 6 o.m.1 Slldol rul.. Tllur " · '·"'· Clvll .PfCQC!Ji,,....'olltt Scl~t ""· ""i' f ::io. :JI P.m.1 P. e •cJ. mln\1 rttlon. ur:'.fu•,·»•i· o.m.: Tr• JC(lcltr11 'f.P.,IMI on, lid· ¥Ir.( TUl&deY 4: : r,:.m,1 Viet i;ontrol, TllifWIY : : t . m ; Amer!Ctnltallor\. T 1 ·10 •. m. CORONA DEL MAR (Regis· ter at Orange County Fair Grounds) Cor-dt\ Mar t111111 SCIWIOI -P•lnllnt. bH nnln!. MondtY 1·10 P.rn.; P•lnlln1, DOrtr•!. Wtdnft.d:/::ii)·IO ' ·r.·I AYlltio!I 11•.0llrl'll $dlael, ~ • O it.m.1 1'"1milY ,,,... 1no!n1, p 1.f 1.m.1 ,...,k •I llJO!'•. v 1.1 I·"'·' AdW•1111n1 Mone!'' ·10 1.m.1 HO-Pl.iVllM .,..., Cle(.Ol'l llO!I. ~~-00 '·"'·' Ff'lf\dl eonwrutlof\&t. !n-1n1, Monod!IY 7-10 '"'"•~-"l'"u""""'tn l lS ol Ort! corfVnU"ICll-. WeclMIO.Y l-1• '·"'· FOUNTAIN VALLEY (Re· gtster at College Center Build- , ing-Gotden West College) Holv l"..,11,, Mldon -E'l!ll!l•" W fht lar•I., bonl~ beelnnlfl.t,. Tu,.-dlly •rid ThurldtY 7_, ~.m. HUNTINGTON BEACH (Re- 836-6200 "' •ed w cll¥v f.J;i •·1!'1.1• ffl~~=I~~~;~ if~T~·\·l~' r,•r::i1u. Moncltv 1.11 •.m.1 A.11 .'!!•'J /f'9MrtY JT11nl1M-~1. Tl'""•' z...i·l ,,,.,,/ TCll/f' lr-\l:J~o::;• 1·' '·'"·~·r: c ~~·tro1~ ~ ''*"'•1lfletllfl toduc:•llonl, T~ld•Y ' ~Entllllll frvltw. MonO&v IMI Wedf\ffdfJ 7.. '·"' ; lt••dlnJI •nd (t>m~llon. Moncl~l ·IO •~ri'l.;~t~ll '~°' ., !~•!~ ~" nl'!t •. ~~; .. ) UIUIJ 7·10 '·'"·' Ctlc11l111 " j, t r1I nltrPrlla!lofl (PUb!!c k tMWMfry, Mond•~ •ow:! ' "!'• P.m. 11 h llG<Y, T1.1eld1Y 1·10 p.m.: ; ~. Wlld11ttdlv 1·11 P.m.1 IYC 'fPPll.cl. Turl<l•Y 1·10 p.m.1 ~1<10 """'-"' for fUPll'VllOf\, ,,~,r;. l~~=:ek";;i~v '1~1~~· 1"" NEWPORT BEACH (Regis· ter at County Fair Grounds) IWf• Ho,..ll•I Au111tor1vm A ~ Mtdktl 1nl11•nl lrtlnlnt. Wtidl'llW.V 1-10 p.rn. SEAL BEACH (.Register at College Center Building-Golden West C°"'ge) Seti lltdl c;uv HtH -COOpttttlll n11r11ry UVC.l!otl, WtctnM._. 7:)0.f: P.m. WESTMINSTER (Register at Colle1e Center Building· Golden West College) ' -Sltl~r "Irk -P•r1nt or•ld'lool work""°' I V. -S ¥•. 01111!, Molld•v 1 1.m.-:r,::n or WHl.,.ICltY ' 1.m.· nollfl or riotv t 1.m ._. Weill'\ n1t1r Hlell •e11oo1 -Typing, bftln.nl~•· T11111ci.1 •nd TllurlCl•v 1.f:)O t .rn.1 TYPtn,, ln11rmed!1ll. Tyeld1~ Ind Tl!Urodl Y 7•t:JO it.m., $tW1111 lll!'IPllll.cl metl\ocl, bMlnnlnl, MOo'ld•Y ~·I01tnl3.'1 Ot'1·1~1Je:'.;~ ~ ,,hm"9~ 1.m.1 5aw1J'J''"' •lmPllntd ri<1tthod. tvme<11111, nttdlv 7-10 p.m.1 111orln1, Tue " 1.11 •·"'· ANOTHER SPECIAL SERVICE for CUSTOMERS and FRIENDS COME IN AND PICK UP YOUR COPY JAN. 2 lhru JAN. 10 uJlere l/dtl 4tl///e tf1i1 mJe a ai/rere?tce ,so;. per .annum compounded dally curren t rate on passbook savings 5 25% on minimum term accounts • In multiples of $1 ,000. MUTUAL SAVINGS A N D - L 0 A N A SSOCI A TI CORONA DEL MAR 2M7 IAIT COMT HIGHWAY CORONA Dll. MAR, CAl.IFORH1A H'2S m 9MON!: 175-5010 H(AD OFFICE .-.ssETSOVER $428,000.000.00 ON -, ' What· are· all 'j these good magazines ! doing in an ao for a newspaper? Th•y'rt h•lplng me kt +h • point +h•t it t1k11 • lot of Mtt11ln 1s -1p1ci1li1in9 In • lot of ~i1ld1 -to cover in th1 inter1stinq thing• the DAILY PILOT tills you 1bout ev1ry d1y, W1 cover sporti, f11hions, government. business ind fin1nc1 i nd oth1r thin91 you won't 1v1n find in tho11 sliclr n1tion1I f"l•g1tlft•'· Ou.r own 1p•c11I· i1t1 trick down the f1 ct1 on the loci ! sc ene t),d • glo b1I te1m of skilled r1port•N cover the r•sf of the world ror our d1ily "m1911ln1." Thi DAILY PILOT It .t member ti fh.t A11ki•hl~ rr.u • \ •• • • 315 E. Color'ldo e1..r. Pasadena, Cal~. 91109 telepholltl: 449-2345 OTHEll l~ANCH Of FICES Ol*"dale, West Arc1di1 Corona Del Mar r ' I •• •• ~ I I ' I ' I ,• -+ 1, t • I ~ i I I l ' t I I I f I .. J z DAil V PllOT Tlwnda7, J,.,.,, '· 1969 . - I -lCl..t~~· _)WAY-PRE·INVENTORY THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY • CtEARANCE ,, l> WINDSOR WOMEN 'S DRESS~S DRESS GROUP 19.99 • Orig. $20·$33. Figure flattering styles in California-weight fabrics . Misses, half sizes. BUDGET DRESSES JUMPER SHIFTS 10.99 A versatile style in wool or rayon crepe, back zip stepins With deep V neck, optional belt. Dork and bright colors, misses, hol! sizes. DAYTIME DRESSES ' COTTONS f.~D JERSEYS 5.99 Orig. $13-$15. A great group of cottons -plus jerseys in Arnel® triac~tate, nylon and aceta"te. P r int s; in shirtwaists and shifts, misses', half sizes. JUNIOR WORLD JR., JR. PETITE DRESSES 10:99': 19:f,l - Orig. $17-$28. Many st.y~~nd colors in jr. 5-13, jr. petite 3-13. Rott values. Jr. car coots, 5-13 ... ----------~-·---22.~--30.99 MILLINERY - $7·9-$195 Fur hots' ·--·----sove 1/4-1 /2 $20-$25 Mink toil' hots • ' .• ..::.14.8S $20-$23 Imported lamb fur' novelty s~s _I 0.88 $9-$15 Fine millinery ------------···-4.00--' ._. ,;.~) . "'HAT 'BOX $S':$9 Hot variety __________ ,, _____ ,,,, _______ ..... 2.00-3.00 HAIR BOUTIQUE ·· VALUES IN HUMAN HAIR $.SD wigs, sove 1/3--1 /2. $65--$85 fells, 39.88-49.88 .v;rsatile wigle ts .... ,. ______________ ,, __ -·--9.88-$13.88 ~is Cascades, 18.88. $5-$16 Benglets, curls, frost riiigs, kissing bows ..................... .:..save 1/3·1 /2 W.tg acc·essories, spray, cleoner, forms, stands otid c;,.s, etc. _ .. ---·---... ____________________ I /2 Price MISSES' SPORTSWEAR COOR DI NA TES, SEP ARA TES 3.99-32.99 Orig. $9-$50. From 3 famous makers! Jec· kets, shirts, sweaters, pants, blouses, suits ond dresses ... wools polyester knits. $5 -$22 Shirts end blouses ... ---·-~----·----... 2.99--5.~ FAMOUS MAKER PANTS 8.99-12.99 Orig. $13-$~8 . Slim, fl~re or straight leg in solid or novelty acrylic or nylon knits or other fabircs. Some proportioned. JUNIOR SPORTSWEAR TOP NAME JR. PANTS 7.99-8.99 Trim leg and wide leg styles in solids ond novelties, a snappy choice in sizes 5-13. HI -DEB SHOP $15-$20 Young jr. dresses. a>S t. -----8.99 --11.99 BLOUSES AND SHIRTS FAMOUS LADY SHIRTS 2.99-5.99 Orig. $6 -$15. No-iron Dacron® polyeder / cotton in white ond poste!s, solids, prin ts , ta~ored or laced sissi es. 8-1 a. $6413 Famous meke blouses 2.~-4.99 ANAHEIM 444 NORTH EUCLID -,lion• •ll. 112 1 MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 10 t .1111. to t ;JO ''"'' • .... ~ ').,, .. ~ STREET FLOOR BUDGET SPORTSWEAR $7 -$10 Seperetes, coordinates -----·-----. 3.99--5.99 $7-$8 Cepris. acry lic or nylon _____ 4.~-5.99 $12 -$20 Sweaters . broken sizes ...... 6.99-11.99 ACCESSORIES Turtleneck shells, acrylic or nylon -·········-· 2.99-3.99 HOSIERY Indoor-Outdoor Slippe rs 1.59 Orig. $4. Di scon tinued styles and colors in soft leathers, fabrics. Broken size. COSTUME JEWELRY $4-$10 Costume Jewelry Group___ _ 1.99--3.99 DRESSY, CASUAL BAGS 2.99 Orig. $6-$9. Plastic patents end others in all shapes end sizes . Feshion colors. $5-$7 Plastic handbags, esst. _,,, _ .... 1.99 $9-$11 Hendbeg group -------·--"--·--·--. •.99 COSMETICS 19.99 Whirl-A-Dent denture cleaner _ 9.99 $5 Satin Mist Showec Spray .. . . .................. 1.99 STREET FLOOR' LINGERIE NYLON TRAVEL SET 6.99 Nylon pajamas with matching robe in pastel shades ideel for traveling. -$4-$6 Wenm sleepWOftr, essl. _ .. ___ ........ 2.99-3.99 $5 Ousters, permanent press. -·-····--··-········-3.99 ff Pe'ftl~ulalt~s. print;' solid, 5-8 ··-·---.2/2.99 Bi kinis, trimmed or teilbfed nylon '. ..................... _ 3/ 1.99 FASHION SHOES NATURALIZER SHOES 11.99 Orig. $19-$20. Mid end low heel dress shoes in the new foll fashions, colors. CASUAL SHOES $17 Naturalizer's Miami walker shoe .................. 9.99 BUDGET FASHION SHOES CASUALS, LITTLE HEELS 3.99 Orig. $7-$ II, By famous makers, Buskens and others. Fashion and basic colors. FOUNDATIONS FOUNDATION GROUP 1.59-4.99 Orig. $5-$9. Girdles, pantie girdles end backless bros by Warners, Von Raalte and Nemo. LINGERIE BRIEFS OR BIKINIS 69c, 6/4.00 Textured nylon tricot in white or colors in bikinis or tailored briefs. 5-6-7. Bikihis, print nylon trico t. 5-6-7 __ $5-$9 Sleepwear, assorted ROBES Long at-home wear, asst. INFANTS' WEAR 99c 2.9 9-4.99 9.~--1 9.99 INFANT PLAYWEAR 2.99-3.99 Orig. $4-5.50. Knit crawlers, iomokins and diaper sets for boy s or girls. INFANT $I~ Car seat by Pride for bucket or -. bench seat ........ _____ , ___ .. _____ ,, ___ ,I0.99 GIRLS' COATS, DRESSES GIRLS' COATS 10.99-21.99 Orig. $20-$34. Many lebrics including wools and cotton corduroys. 3-6x, 7-14. $11 -$12 Girls' jumpers ..... .. .. -.......... ,, _____ 6,99-7.99 $8-$12 Assorted dresses, 3-7x. 7-1~ ... !. ..... •.~-5.99 GIRLS' SPORTSWEAR $3-$6 Sportswear group, 4·6x. 7-14 ....... , ..... 1.69-4.99 JR. HIGH SHOP Jr. Hig h separates_ ............ .save 1/3-1 /2 $9-$17 Dresses, jumpers, 8-14 ....... ,_, ...... ,. 5.99-8.99 FABRICS FASHION WOOLENS 2.99 yd. Orig. $4-$5 . The group includes plaids end checks, solid colors. 54-60", limited choice . 1.29-2 .50 Cottons, synthetics -----.. ---............... yd. 99c Fashion fabrics remnants ..................... _ ... save I /3· I /2 .skirt lengths _________ .... ·---.. --... -...... ______ ,, __ save I /3--1 /2 - 1.49 Sheer dressy prints ................. ____ ,, ___ .. __ yd. 79c 1.29-$2 Suiting fabrics, famous mills ................ yd. 99c $4 -$5 Bonded knit., mach. wash. poleyster yd. 2.99 MEN 'S FURNISHINGS MEN'S SUPORT HOSE 99c Orig. 2.50. Good looking, from a top de- signer. Black, brown, novy, charcoal or olive. 10-111/,, 12-14. ' $5-5.50 Fam ous maker dress shirts~ 3 .fll.;'1/10,~0 2.50-$3 Neckwear , curcent pattecns .... 1.39, 2/2.50 7.50-12.50 Cufflink 1ets, disc. styles ________ ............ 2.99 $5-7.50 Leat her belt s. asst. . .. 1.99 UNIVERSITY SHOP $5-$8 Knit shirts for young men ·-· _2.99-4.99 MEN 'S CLOTHING TWO-TROUSER SUITS 84.99-89.99 Orig. $I 00-$120. Wool/silk sharkskins. wool worsteds, polyester worsteds. Two button ~ide vented models. ($40-$55 ) SPORT COATS, Asst. 29.99-44.99 $75-$90 Famous maker suits __ ,,_,, ___ ,, ... __ . 69.99 $26 Plain front slods ,,,, ______ 17.99, 2/35.00 SPORTING GOODS BOYS 3-SPEED 26" LIGHTWEIGHT BIKE 34.99 Orig. 39.99. Front and rear caliper bra~es, flambouyant red finish. Complete with fla1h- flembouyant red finish. Complete with fleshy white well tires. BOYS SPORT BIKE Has Hiqh Rise Handle Bars 34.99 Reg . 39.99 . Long, low frame in jubleent green. Hos knobby rear tires, white wall. Protective fenders for protection. FLOOR COVERING SA VE 32% to43 % DECO RA TOR AREA RUGS 34.00 $50-tc $60 value s. Mony styles end colors in group. You 'll recoqnized the famous pat· terns. Limite d quantites. ' TOYS ' CONSTRU.CT AL~ . - ' BUILDING SET • • 3.99 Orig. 'i:99. Builds unrtmited shapes. Includes · ri.v-o-mitiC gun, power pock. An oducotionol toy. ' ' TOPPER TINY BAY . ' MAGIC DOLL . ' . ,•.-... ' 1.99 ' ' Orig. 4.29. W.ave the_ megic wood and" she awakes, goes to; sleep or winks, 10'' short. So loveable .. SPACE C~NNON SET .99 Orig. 16.99. Includes Space cannon, Capt. Lonzer, Major Matt Mason and Sarqent Strom dolls, plus accessories. BEDDING 'yVHITE FEATH~R PILLOWS 2 for 9.99 Orig. 6.00. Tanadown® treated, they me- c~in~e wa;h ind d-;y,-7"" . ' FURNITURE KROEHLER 8' QUILTED SOFA 238.00 Value 279.95. Outline quilted in avocado prints design on rich natural bac~ground. In. eludes arm caps and brass boll casters. YARNS STERLING SJLVER FOR 8 SAVE~ N,QW, 32 PIECES 188.00 C lea rance of sterling services fo r 8 by for· most manufacturers. Selected potterns, limit .. ed quontities. TELEVISION Columbia Minerva Spectra Shell Kit, 2 Styles · Z.99 • In choice of pink , hunter turquoise or red. Special savings. \ . SILVERWARE IMPORTED STEAK KNIVES 4.99 Orig. 6.50. Modern shape, serrated edge, fine stoinless steel from Germony. SAVE $10 ON ZENITH 18" Diagonal Portable TV • 119.88 Big 172 sq. in. picture in at portable that's lig ht enough to carry from room to room. -' RCA VICTOR 15" DIAGONAL PORT ABLE TV 98.88 Great for that second set. Quality feotures built in to deliver a clear, bright picture . MAJOR APPLIANCES -all stores 14.6 CU. FT. FRIGIDAIRE Frostproof Refrigerator 269.88 Doob le side door with 125 lb. freezer , twin fiydrators, flip quick ice ejector. Big door storoge. FUTORIAN STRA TO RESTER COVERED IN RICH VINYL 11 8., IH.95 outstendij velue in leather look vinyl. Choice of gol , block or avocado. NEWPORT HUNTINGTON BEACH 41 FASHION ISLAND -Pha111 M4 -1211 MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 10 •.lfl. to •:lO p.111, SATURDAY 10 •.m. fe 6 p.m. 1111 l:QINGEl AVENUE -Pho11e 1•2. ))JI MONDAY THlU SATUlDAY 10 e.111. t~ t :JO P·"'- - I I • • . . • • ·cosia Mesa EDITION ~OL 62, NO. 8, 3 SECTIONS, 34 P.AG~ , ORANGE COUNTY, CALIPORNIA • \ ~ THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1969 --· -- ·JEN e&NTS . .. ~ ' -... -"" '68 Grand Jury Urges ·Jet . Expansion Halt By TOM BARLEY Of IM O.llr fl'lllt Stiff Orange County'• tMI Grand Jury today urged the Board ol Supervisors to ·hall the upanslon of jet passenger HrVice at Orange County Airport and take Im· mediate action to .select a site for a new regional cowity airport. In a spedal report prelacinfl a 14i>age resume of Its ye&r·toor invesllgatloos, the jury warna that contintied acalaUon· of jet service at tho cow:ity facllit, wW proJod crllll lnlo ~. "U auJd· «Mia npld detttloralloa of ~ 'Yaiulo in one (If the ll10ll vlliia!lle noldentlal 1na1 ol the county and mnn a 111blequent tu lou.'' the alrpcrt--"Noile and·&ir pol1uUon nnlu!lCW. wlD cauae C<lllinued baruanent o( lupaytn and <Ollly damqe IUlts 1111! follow,. the rtP!lft Wamt, "Locltioos ((If reglocal alrporli) -lob In Ille 1a<tor (If jet -drUI llCl'OA the COWlty, estimated at approximately 1,000 tons 'ol pollutanla per year." · And the Grand Jury report, lmJtd by Ill! lcnman D. R. Coi"8T<>V• ol Newport Beach wams "It is lmper1Uve that clear dellnlilon be .mad• of the role of the present Orange County Airport during the neat five yean or looger. "II tt going to be developed for mas· im.um air fllgbt use now? Or are llmita- liool going to oe established ., that reallatlc, livtable arrangem.entl between Helicops Pushed Mesa Demonstration Set Next Week A small helicopter, possibly the van- guard of an aerial arsenal to aupple- ment the city's earthbound battle against crime, is tentatively scheduled to arrive in Costa Mesa today. Executives of the Hughes Tool Co., want to check out landing pad areu behind the Coota Mesa Police Fadllly at 99 Fair Drive, prior to test demon- strations scheduled next week. "They -.aid they would CilCand come - down Wednesday, weather permitting," said Police Chief Roger E. Neth, 6ut he noted that the Long Beach area was socked in by fOI through much of the day. A two-day demonstration of police helicopter survelllance is scheduled nen 'I'uesday and Wednesday, during wblcb lice and other city _personnel will =-night and day patrol ~lh '!Id the _briefing _,...ion could stretcll into three days, but this is doubtful unless a 1tonn or heavy fog 1bould ·move into ·the area. The demonstrations will include ex· amples of patrol altitudes, pr~ures and aerlal patterns, but the latter would actually be determined by such local factors as surface boulevard routes and county airport traffic. Alltt evaluaUon of the ~ Hell· cop concept-definitely t>roven tG be a reliable and effective cnme deterrent- comea the .financial cc:1mJideration. . . "We'll sit down and talk to the Hughe.s people on their price proposals," (See HELICOPS, Page !) FBI Arrests Newport Man Skull Murthr lnPlatinumFraudScheme SH~pelct Says · es nsane By JORN V ALTEllZA Of .... Delly ·-... A Newport Be.!ch man lMq aboanl the apensive power cnJJier ·,••Just Another Deal," bu been:m FBI agents on clwges of ' . • '· Cll!lomera Into a l!Q0,000 _ platinum fraud scheme, it wu announeed today. Charles TeUord, 55, was arrested by federal agents In a Balboa bland alley on Dec. 17, after being named in a Federal Grand Jury indictment blued &ix days befort. Tellonl, according to U.S. At\orney Phillip Johnson, bu been livln( aboanl the 00-loot. 1100,000 steel-bulled yacht now docked al the Balboa Bay Club. Johnson said today that Telford's mall- ing address was the residence of a Newport Beach friend, who Wll IP. parenUy not involved and therefore not identified. Funeral Service For Mrs. Murdy Reset for Friday Memorial services for Norma L. Murdy , wife of retired state Senator John A. Murdy, Jr .• will be conducted Friday instead of Sunday as originally announced. Mrs. Murdy died Tuesday at Hoag Memorial Hospital in Newport Beach at the age of 69 after an lllneu ol :several weeks. Private burial services wete held tod•J at Westminster Memorial Park. Memorial services are acbeduled for 3 p.m. Friday at St. A a d rt w 1 Preobyterlan Church, llOO St. AndNwl Road, N~wport Beach, with the llev. Charles 5. Dierenlield olllclatlng. Mra. Murdy wu a nailve C&llfomian ..ct a graduate ol the Unlvenlty ol Washington. Eleven other 1111pec11 armted 1n the ·"'u~ ......... .;..._. "-"~"'•-e1es"• ~'.-"'=tlel~Dlln!lll1J'IW iDlierle 1-. -. ilf'".-r.. ..... . Jlall""8 · skull murder case u .. Jeu M 41,:wl Omia VIiia; Corll'l!I covered by three CootJ Meaans last J(aliler, ollllaai.Fla.:-HO)'lil Novemlier P!ea4td JoDocent by rwon . ; ~ fP"'lnl. 41, of llGnllat ol ln..anlty .... ......_. . 1', ;I.bi II "'""• Sa Diep; ~--land J ......, ~ of '131 Toland IOllirt Alnlllm Cfall, ... and Ramon ~· • ..,..,, -· ~ 55 boll! (If L • s St., Santa Ana. will be examined by AAlflel• ·carroU ~ord Sneed II) twO' psycbiatrlsta appointetl arter the Fort wri. Tu.; Wl!Uam Ebblli Kelly: preliminary heuing in Riverside County (See PLATINlJM. p I) Superior Court. IP A psychJatrie report will be given Mesa Policeman Checks Out Body, Finds Live Teen A Costa Mesa reserve police officer aent aJong to check out a possible dead body beside the San Diego Freeway thought for a moment today that he had stumbled onto a little one-man ResurrecUen City. Approaehina; the sUll form huddled ln a ditch near the Fairview Road o£f ramp about a a.m., the reserve patrolman wu shocked to aee the body suddenly sit up, fellow of£1cers said. The 17·year-old FOWltai.n V a I J e y runaway was however , awakening only from an overni1ht nap ln!tead or the eternal 11lumber inveatlgaton suspected. A passing Buena Part motorist notified the ltaUoo after he saw the boy lying only a half mile from the SPot where: a Laguna Buch heart attack victim wu found dead Tuesday. Off1cer James Fanner -the regular, OIHluty patrolman with whom the abab:n, and unidentified, reserve wn r1dlng -aald the napper left home Wodneaday alter a lamlly 1qUabble. He wu tUm to the ataUon and rtleu- ed to his parents to go back to a WIJ'lller and more privite bed, accordlni to pollce Lt. John Moquin. Jan. 29, while Berr:Y'a murder trial was set for April 14, depending upon the outcome of the sanity bearing. Another Orange County youth, Timothy Herron, 19, of SOU Anthony St., Garden Grove, pleaded innocent Wednesday and Feb. 21 was set for a bearing on his motion ta dismis.5. A third among four original arrestees, Robbie G. Craw, 18, of Elsinore, was released following his preliminary hear- ing last week, due to lack of adequate prosecution evidence. David Charles, 15, also of Elsinore, was originally picked up for investigation of the murder of Kent D. Davis, 21, of Hayward, but be too wu released. The prosecution contends that the defendants arranged a false narcotics sale, allegedly sought by Davis on a Southland drug-purcllasing trip las t March or early April. Never intending to complete the deal, the Riverside District Attorney charges, Rowland, Herron and possibly others ex- ecuted Davis In the lonely canyon. WonnaUon compiled by sheriff's In· vestigaton lnd.Jcates Davis brought up to $800, believed taken by whoever put a bullet through his 1kull. Three Costa Mesa rabbit hunters stumbled onto hi! 1e1ttered and animaJ~ gnawed bones last No"embe:r, bringing the skull and watch used to identify the vlcUm back to local police. Oil Strike in 6th Day DENVER (AP) -The nationwide strike of 60,000 members of the oil, chemical and atomic workers Wllon went Into !ta aixth day today with the union and major oil companies reported still deadlocked. publlc use.. of airport fadllties and use by members of lbe public of land under and near approach and take off areas ctn cont.tue1 " •. 1be Jury al.lo urges in two subsequent recommendatJODB : "That county superviaora clarify the scope of lnvofvemenc It dWrta of the airport commlaloo and the role of the director ot avlaUon re 11 rd in g traMmi&-•ion ot infonnatlon to · and counsel lrym the airport c:ommlaalon. , . "That eommu.nlcaU<m between Ule airport and the county's Real Property Servl<es and Building Servi<ee be better coordinated." The report Is In marked contrut to the scathing condemnaUon ot ~ functions luued by the 1917 Grand 3oq. No menUon is made of tbat ead.ar report, • or the warning iuued .Q' the oulgoing, 1967 pane 0 l to tbe1 .• tfm1 In the volame releaJed todar.-"""8man Colegrove does, in fact. go oal el bis . ' " ( .. ~ . ·"-•< , ... ,. . ' ' Kelly F;anklin,8 of Fountain Vall ey, gets som~ advice from Orange , County Sheriff James Musick as she tests saddle for her rOle, as . queen of upcomJng Cops and Cov.:boys Brefl}dast and Hors& Show Jan. 19 at Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. Annual ~vent is·for benefit of March of Dimes. , . . 25 LA Minority Students Visit Harbor High School Twenlf.live students from Dorsey High School m Los Ange les , mO!t of them Negroes and Oriental3, visited Newport Harbor High School today for student.~ student discussions on race relations. After hearing a keynole talk by black community leader Hakim Jam~!. the students from two cultures were to get together in small seminars during the afternoon. Jamal founder of the Malcolm X Foundation, told students this morning that American Negroes are the only people in history who h!ive let their children be educated by the' people who enslaved them. "Never in my dog's house," be said, "have I seen a picture of a cat. But I go into houses 1n Watts and ln evtry one I see pl<:tures of John Flt:zgerald Kenoedy, of Robert Whatshisname Ken· nedy, and 11£ Jesus. "My dog Ludlow didn't cry when the cat across the street was killed. But I can show you tJegroes that are still crying for John Kennedy . We. always cry for the master." Jamal said, "You hate us for allow· 1ng ourselves to be made that stupid." Robert Hall,· ol Opera lion Bootstrap. told the white students 1ltUng together with Dorsey High students : "From the time you were born you were pr.,grammed-'Ille on\y , 1'11),g 'iut can do to change the situation , now . is to cut your throat." , He debunked white hislory tsrtbookl (See llllNORITIES, Page II , Masseuses Plead No Contest to Prostitution Rap Following the example set earlier by their employer, a pall' of Costa Mffa sauna house masseuses facing praat,itu· lion charges entered no contest ,plw In coort Wednesday. ~ The identical pleas by the wife of ~ owner of Elite Sauna, 2828 N~ Blvd. and two women who were ae for ttlal in Harbor Dllb1ct J Court Wednesday are tecluilcl1 .1dmf:I. !ion of guilt under the law. . Mrs. Mieko . Pridgeon, . S5, of. 1 19Cl Ko\edo Lane, Huntington Beach, .. ,,.. fined · ""' Wednesday and pla,ced on orfe year's summary probation. -, She and the fonner senator, married ror 45 years, divided their time between tilelr Hunlington 8eich home and Sacramento unW he reUred. For tho past several years. tbq made their h<ime at 334 Via Lido Nord, Newport Beach. Besides her busband, Mra. Munly'o survivors Include a son, John A. 11111'111 111 o1 Newport Beach; two daugbt<n, Mn. ~ E. Trotttr Jr. and Mra. WllliJ Mlller t both of Tustin : I lilter t Mn. Elizabeth m1111 of Loa Allgdes, and tf grandcltildren. Higbie Expects Good News Mn. MarHyn Ball, 32, oli 11'5 Lll>r,a- dor Drive, Costa Mesa, was lil)ed '5 and also placed on oae nar'• ~ probation, bUt the difference In fliie will not explained. · • · , Mr>. TetaUko Balley, IS, ol -. l'Ua Drl.e, Hun1lngtiiil ~ch, poJd ' ~ fine and ,.., placed .., a yec•r ~ m..r J>!OOadon '!alt month oo cliui<s of running a ·prostttuUon ~tlon. The family bu lllllested -u- wishlng to do so may mate memorial cootrlbolllons to the Hoq M-ial HO<pltal fund . St.c:lc /tferlceU NEW YORK (UPI) -ne llloclt market staged an onlorly .-very today, •napping a lhreMay losing llreat that tmoc:ted moot market indell• to their low..t levell In several mcmU... Traclln1 was iiif>deralL (See quotaU001, ·Pas .. IJ.11). AttQrney Keeps Mum on New Developments RusaeU Balley, husband ol the' l!nl defendant to enter a DO coritest plea, applled for a """1red oondlu..-i lfM permit to coodlci the -' buoblou llalboa lalAnd Attorney Rlchard A· Higbie predicted lhll mornhii l)iat "llOnt• statements will be lorthcomlna in the nm few daY1 lhel would be good ~WI for a cl!aDte" In the we linking him with u allepd marljUana 1muaJinl conspiracy. lllPft, wlio llCM trial Feb. f on cblrpa of .-plrln& to 111 e Ca fl 1 trampail "'°"' than a too and -UK ol marijuana !ram Mmco, bu dtnled any .......,iolag. Membon ol Hllble'a lamUy a1ao aald they ... coolldnt tllat "......,ihlni will be all r!pt." . ~ lliit, -ttt. -~ "" anything 1peclllc concerning the bizarre case. The former NewpGtt Beach Planning Cotnmluloner 'said he hid no part "In the 11111\l(lling ol marijuana per10nally." He and two other men -one of them IUll at large -were named In a federal Grand Jury indictment Issued 1ut November u delendants In the cue alleging that marijuana wu Down from Guadalajara, Mexico, to Palm Springs Airport. What arrived In the plant, however, was not marijuana, aourtts If.Id, but alfalfa. Militant U.S. Attorney D111Tell W. Mcintyre, who dllcloeOd the contenll .. of the indictment for tbe first time Tuetday, llaid Wedneaday the CO!llpiracy c-"may well be tbe first of many such caa:ea." Another federal attorn<y told 1Uie DAI· LY PILOT latet · lha& "1tverat, other OralJ8e .Counly ~oonalltles may l>o 1 .. volvtd In pnugg lnvestigatlcma." The suspect lllll at large and believed to be hiding In Mexico 11 Lyle Paul German, whole address or age ii not · alter the sei:.= . • Based on a by ,Pe&. O\lef Roger E. Nelb, ·~:..le­ ' layed ldfon ·on the ·m.a\lar unlll ~· lion ol ·ont or all ol tllo "'"" _.. , The . CO\lllCil denlell ': the ,P!llftij GO Neth'• a<fvlc< Mooday ~ 1lbo» r- ing eventual cl"!"re;of the -· _wh'=h WU raided by, iOCal police' and ~ Counly Dtatrlct At1Gmey"1• b!YMli• ton. • 1vallabl1. Under CaWornia llw, the nolo -G"1"an 11 charged "Ith maldng • tendere, or no conteot plea. II a ledl- puttbaoe·ol lhe marijuana in Mulco. nlcal admtaalon lhaI ~ "'-Rfymonl! 'Daniel T .. ttr ol Orange "" · were true, but Jl'Ohlh\fa • aor chtli eourl amsttd aa IMf, tranapOrtod 11111 alfalfa llC.'llon 'agalmt do!....., ~ • Iha from lht plane at Palm 8orlnp. lnlUll llTlll. I -Seven C<Hilt ' . People oti'. ' Fog Dispersal · For OC Airport? -A log dispel'lal system II being lllJI!. · led for uae· at · the Onnii ~ l:ciuiity Airport. ,,,. Jo•·liedllir --- hied this -at ""'-Anplu -tlonal Airport with ..... -County Avtalloa ~ ,._ J, B""""~u to•-.t today wllll Jollil Stowe; ldem. ol 1featbir-.c..trall Inc. located af the <OUD!y alrpirt' aoil .airline ~ lo -a dispersal -' • Stowe ulil l!t wjf! P!'!flOll! a lo« cllJ. ' slpatton m;am-~by Bania Ana phys T:a. owe • . Air' Calllornla .~ ln&ca ' an lftter. , est in partlqlPtflinl. Ip lbe n.na:':& ol . llUcb a procram, 1\e ·1.ao Anieleo ort · II pold lo< IO pereenf by alilli>io ad 1f percent by the city. . ' ' Oraaiio ...--· \ , I . I \ ' ' J I . • I ' I I . ! D.llLY l'ILOT ,....,, .,_ •.1 .. Mesa's IO-Acre' .\ppro'ftl ·ti annexaUon of 10 acres : 1'l"POIV aoulh ol Pallaad.. Road ,nd eut of the NewPQrl Freeway to the Qty oI. Costa Mua was approved IV~ by tbe Local Acency Form•· oo ()mm!alon. )6.5 Million >act Awarded ~oast Firm A fliabt controll com-t contract stbnaled to ruch mor. than IC.5 mUJlon in value has been given to an Orange Coun\y firm liy the Mcllonnell·Douglas Corp.; It was aonounced today. Elevator control sylteml for the new IJC.10 ·lrf.jet alrlll1er will be delivered through 1974 by lhe Bertea Corp., :ocated in the Irvine Industrial Complex. ,. OK'd .. • Tbe merpd .,.. joins alher property along Palisades Road ann .. ed ·to the city lut year. The property i• owned by the Santa Ana Country Club and witl be developed Into single family homes borderir11 the golf course, city olfldali said. Oppoaina the -lion WU tile Santa Ana Heitbtl Water Co. In a letter to the LAFC, Mn. Eleanor A. Fuller representing the shareholdera committee of tht w1ter company, charged that the annexaUon wu 1 rorerunner lo at· tempted anne.1aUon of water company area by the Costa Mesa County Water District. A letter rrom the country club stated lhat the new development would be aerv· ed by the Santa Ana Heights company. Attorney Geor&e Log~ representing the water company, objected to the an· neuilm because an island ol land wu . left between the mer&t.<l property and Palisades Road. On instruction <lf its legal counst-1, the LAFC found that the island property cooJd only be logically enneaed lo Costa M .... --• ~ .. 1'attlahip • ·-Eyed for New School By THQMAS F'ORT\JNE Of Hie Diiiy '"lltl tttff If a couple of lunch hour dreamers ha•e . tbe1r way, Newport.Men ICbool mJsfUa may aomeday learn a Lrad& aboard a battleship <lr aircra!t canier anchored off the Orange Coast. Dr. Norman Loats and Kenneth Lewi,s _ dream of taking a U.S. Navy battlewacon'. <lr carrier out ()( m<lthballs: and turning it into a continuation high school. They• would berth It 1t the mouth of t~ Santa Ana River. The visionary scheme is not being pwsued right oow, but Loala, Newport· Mesa Unified's associate superintendent, and Lewia, informalional services ditto-· tor, are saving it in the back of their minds. "The troubl e is it 's hard to give something llke this priority," Loats said, '·AJJ 1'4 need is someone to push me a little." The cootract covers design, dev_elop- ment aQJt Q)mlufacture of elevator con- trols !or the new · w\de-boc\y luxury jetliner being built at Doqlu Aircraft Co., in Long Beach. ·I.AFC member David L Bater touched on a p)saibJe qreement between Colta ~ and Nawport S..cb on a mer£lnl line In the Santa Ana Helgbtl aru. Planning Director WWlam L. Dunn of Colla !Ilea said talb wwe 111 progrtu on IUCb an agreement but no definite line bad been -blllhed. DAIL V ,.ILOT Si.tr ,.,... HARBOR HIGH SENIOR LUCY SEMENIK (CENTE Rl GUIDES DORSEY HIGH STUDENTS TO SEMINAR After • Flit Tire, Los Angeles Students Arrive for Discussion of Race Relations The plan, first broached in casual conversation about a year ago, is to use ship machine shops , electrical repair, shops, lau1,dries, galleys, bakeries, and so forth, for vocational programs. It l.s the second major DC-IO contract won by tbe Berte.a. Csp., whole facllittts are ...r Oamge County Airport Prevlou•4'. they were assigned to pro. vide the 00.IO's iriboard and outboard aileron control J)ackages for tbe plane. 1'hlcb Is apected to go Into commercial attvlce iii lboiJI thlee years. B<rtu eorp. aloo provides fli&ht ...,. trols !or tbe oca Jetllner, the 4A Skyhawk and Fl Phantom mllltary Joi llg!lteri and electronics and hydraulic -:stema fur mlaslh and space frogl'l!U. · -. . . . . New IRS Book Shows 30,262 Non Taxables An •lntenlal Revenue Sarvlce directory College · Official~~· Home Blasted thlct u a talepbone book bu been pl!S'lllOd, mealbli :ID,182 dlUirent U.S. orpnlzatlonl •blch pay no tueo. ''11111 apney'1 .directory Includes the IrvhM Fuundailon, which wu carefully -durlnc a marathon probe of ' .IU-amipt endUt1 by Rep. Wrtpl Pat· llllll (l).'l'a.). At San FrancisOO &AN FRANCISCO .(Al') -A bandlui ol .tudent picketa marclied ooi.lda tbl ~ Prw':u'!"" ~ t: ':~ campwo to dilculs a 'court cedar tbal lorb!dl lqd>a'l IQ picket. . Tbe colJ>ce, bOliil by diranlers. - N"'. 6, ;:::r,ed ila mull qa1ol IDllmiD& iod~.3io tootz':.0~ ~¥· Early this mornln1 the home ol a eotlege offtclal. about ,. third of a mile fl I ta D t, WU damqed by lft glaa incendJary bombs. Edward Duerr, is, coordinator ol lo- ::rna1 affairs, reported one bGnlb lhat~ .ered a bedroom window and the' other 3et fire to abrubbery and the outakle )f the house. Duerr IU!Jared a cut loot from tbe ~!au wbeo be ruabed outside and H· linguisbed Ille llro. Mra. Duerr reported bum> on ber lqs, appamiU, from cbemlcall tplubed from one ol the c:ontatnera. 'Ille union t..chm, who claim to repment about 400 ol tbe faculty, ware debalilll at a nearby l)'llAI01111 what to do about tbe court restralnin& order. It WU Issued !ala W-by Superior Court Judge Edward O•oay cnly hours after students and teacherB had bombarded police With 1tones, bot· ties, lllick11 and flreWOl'ta during a violent melee. Poland Executes Spy WARSAW (AP) -Adam Kaczmanyk, 28, hu been executed for pualng aecret m!lllary lnlormaUon to tbe Brllllh, tbe official Polish press agency PAP an· 11ounced today. It said the council ol state r.jacted ar. appeal for clemency. f DAllY Pll OI Ol:•t+Gl C04ST il'U.LISl41NG (OM~•~v ••l.i'tl N, w •• 1 """'-"'' •1'1111 l"tiWh•>tr J1clr It. C11rley Va ,.,.,.,..,,., ..,. Gf"f•ll INilf•rr Tht,,.t• K1ewil EOolor Tl.1.,.t1 A. Mvr'pl.i .. , NIIMI!,,. ftii.r P111I Nl111,. "~-n11n1 Oirtctltl' c..._ w ... Offtt• llO Wt1+ l1y Slr11t M,a; .. , A44r1111 11'.0. ••• IS60, '!'2' ...... _ "•-• ltKll: n11 w"' a.lllM ...,..,..,. Lo-e,,IK" 111 , .... " ...... _ tow"''"•'°" .. _,,. »t Slfl $'°'"t ~~ addnnrr:. olthe~~ elation 19 .... ad up by Pmldent J-·a family -are Included In tbe dlredoi7 -but not much else. Tba direclOry WU made public ..,. _ _, by the Houae Smlli "Bualneaa C<mm-. Wbooe 1peclal aubcommlttee bu -...... ! .. -Into ~ble - -Cliirtlable -.., _ ... . 'lbe fo.md•ilonl mwt exist f o r charitable, educaUooal, acientific ... or nliglous purposes in order lo wtp~ tax.ire. Blatus. Such arouPI have 5hown spectacular growth ln the recent past and the dln:c· tory shows New York leads the naUon with 8,703, while Los An1eleo, with t,•n, f<lllows. Great poss.ibiHty for abuse of tax-tx· empt status exist5 becawe <lnce it is granted, the government has no more regulatory power ()vet foundation opera· tioos, acoordin& to conareuional source1. From Page 1 GRAND JURY •• letter Wut.<l on Match 22, 1961. Thal letter recommended that further leases or allocation of facIDUe1 at the Orange County Airport be wlthbeld pen· ding evaluati<ln of the William L. Pereira and A.sloclttes report. "It has c<lme to our attentl<ln," the report states, • ' t h a t administrative decisions have been made allocaUng ad· dJUonaJ operators and ope:raUona at the airport since our letter was received. Inquiries by the Grand Jury reveal two carriers to be operating without valid leases, incnaslng the present congesllon at the terminal." In other reports, the Grand Jury ura:es the ·expansion of what it e1.l11 "far from adequate" mental health facilities ln the county. "The requirements o.f adequate care will not be met unUI lhe ume level of treatment Is available for mental health paUents that Is provided for pa- tient. suffering from <ltber major ii· lneu," Lbe report warns. ThiJ situation W1t1, the Grand Jury notu, "de1pite the efforta of dedicattd groups or volunteer worker• bandlcapped by the lack ol lundl aod apathy of a pubUc n<lt yet educated to the need." And, notll!I that 1,0110 Juvenile court cases per month involve tho UM of narcotics the JW'J UJ'1• "ettorta to In- terest par.nts In developing a knowledge IJld awareness of tht problems." 'lbe Grand Jury endorae1 the upo1Ure of juvelill.e narcoUcs problems by Super!\!< Court Judge Bruce Sumner aod Chief Probation Olllcer Mar1lrat Grier throulh tba Narcotics COW\cll meeting• 1'!Celllly or1an!Jed by both county of· llela!L Rectnt sugesUOOI for the crution by the Grand Jury ol a public Jn. lwmallon COlllJlllttee whlcb milbt beUer Inform the pubUc ol the panel'• dtlibero-u.., ...,. qulckJr njected b7 tbe 11161 IT""P. "A Grllod Jury Public lnlormaUon Committee could P"Jml maD1 nltue• wblcll mll)lt be blown up to ""1 also dt11rod by ne•spapar edlton, • the Jur1 Jelly-.. TblJ could r....U "to much publicity but not necusarlly lo tbe tlnd ol public retstlolll thet the Jur1 ..W to mi!ntaln throughout Ila term ol eorvlee," the report addl. .... ''1111t panel bu pll'formed Ila dUU<• -··the--........ •11 not ~ to bt L«ll..., ,,,. junct.'' ---........... From Page 1 MINORITIES • • • for omitting Negro aecompllabments. and aakl, "if you don't want io cut your throat yoo can tear up your school l)'ltem." Another black leader, Truman Jacques a&ld he worked three years in Watts for government _projecla and can only con· clude that they are not lntended t<l do anyooe any good. He said the govern· ment.·b -just throwin1 its money. away, Jacques 1aid be is now worklng for Management Counselon, a Negro firm thal triea to convince management at top levet1 to hire more black people. The visit wu the Idea cf two Harbor High teachers -Engllab teacher Mrs. Jean FOUll, 24, and social science teach- er Jim Newkirk, 30. Bolb are Newport Harber High graduates tbemselves. Mn. Fouts, who taught last year at Doney Hilb, said they deckled to qu it laWng and" start working for community underatanding between races. Newkirk aaid lheir aim is to benefit the studentl by establl.Wng com - munlncaUon ~min& Lbeir common problem. 'nle two t.N.chen received approval ln>m Harbor lllgh prlnclpa1 Charles Godshall and Ne!J>Ori-MeSa District SUperlnt.ndenl Willusn Cunninl)iapi. Selected 1or·t11e plognm, wllli parent!' permlssi<ln, were 25 junior and senior 1tudentJ. Also au.ending were seven students from Estancia High School in Costa Mesa. In tile afternoon they were to be split up into discussion groups matching white st.udents with btaell:: 1nd Oriental, moderated by black community leaders. 4 Newport-Mesa School Trustees Face Elections Four ()f seven Newport-Men Unified School District trustees, if they are not to step down, must run for reelecUon in an April 15 biennial 11Chool board election. Trustees whose terms will be expiring are rMs. Elizabeth Lilly, Roderick MacMil.llan, Donald Strauss and Ll<lyd Blanpied Jr. Mrs. Lilly, MacMillian and Strauss \\'ere elected to the <lriglnal board in 1985 following unlflcaUon of Harbor Area school districts. Blanpled was appointed in l~ to complete the remainder <lf Donal Duncan's term when Duncan mov. eel fr<lm the area. All four said they are as yet undecided whether they will run for another four- year term. Filing deadline is Feb. 20. N<lminaUon papers for ca:ididates are available at the County Schools Of!Jce, 1104 W. Eigbth St., Santa Ana. Only personi residing in the same trustee area as board members whose seatl are e.ipirlng may run. Balloting, however, Is district wich:. Trustee area boundartea are u follows: Ar.a 2 (Mn. Ully Incumbent) - College Park, Mesa del Mar and Mesa North. Everything east <lf Harbor Boulevard and west <lf N e w p o r t Boulevard ucept: Halecrest. Area 4 (Blan pied incumbent) -Corona del Mar. Eastbluff, Harbor View Hill:i. Corona Highlands, Shore Cllffs. Cameo Hlghland1, Cameo Shores, Irvine Ter- race, Beacon Bay, Linda Isle, Bayside Village . Area 5 (Strauss incumbent) -West Newport, Newport Shon!S, 8 a I boa Peninlula, Lido Isle, Balboa Island, Bayshores. Udo PeniAsul1, Newpon la.land, Mariners Mile. ArH 7 (MacMillJan lnewnbenl! - Wm Costa M.... Ewrylhln1 oouth ol Banning Pia« and wetl ol Harbor Boulevml·Newport Boulevard. Stall not up !or reeleclloe wW 1'71 ..,, U-ol Jamet "BW" P.,..., <M.,. Verde), Mrs. Marian Berieoon (Newport Htlgllll) and S.Um "Bud" Franklin (WHt Bluff. Back B&y). Suggest Name Change WA.SHINGTON (AP) -Three memben ol the H<l\lle Committee on Un-"-lcan Acllvltles introduced a bill today to chaolt Ila name to Ibo Houso Committee oa Internal Stcurlty. Fro111 Page 1 HELICOPS ... Chier Neth said, estimating that he could have a recommendation for City Manager Arthur R. McKenzie in 60 day:i. If the city council votes appr<lval of a Helicop force, which costs about $200,· 000 the first year including cost <lf two choppers, they would also set the start· ing date. This would depend on available money, but the new budget year begins next July. Chief Neth said it would be four to five months after the council's ch<lsen authorization date, before aerial lawmen could begin policing Costa Mesa from tire sky. The Initial $200,000 outlay, incident'ally, includes a tough, four.month training course for the policemen who apply and are chosen to become Helicops, CQnduct- ed in the same two choppers they will be flying . Chief Neth said the Hughes hel.icop-- ters are also delivered si1. to eight weeks after date ()f order, which adds to the delay. Se!~ll co,ventional 1ircraft P,ilots now brl \he f6rce are eager fot helk:op- ter usllpment, be ~. "tiut only those in patrolnian ,rank Iii eligi~Je. Scr'lltnlng prdeedutes, he-added, will be u tough is those for mifitary pilots, and no one will be literally drafted into duty. Frankly, Neth is quite enthusiastic about the Hellcop program which has brou~ht a significant crime rate reduc· tion In every community to adopt it. On the average, the statistics sho1v vlolati<lns are cut by eigh( to nine per· cent, while scrca!led crime in the streets · then, rape assaults and the like, has dipped by 22 percent in Lakewood. The U.S. government participated ln Lakewood's well-known Sky Knight po- lice helic<lpter program, helping the city OU( with fede ral funds, and the results were dramatic. Sky Knl~ht and the Los Angeles Coon- ty sheriff s deputy partners who· man the craft have found Jost children, nalr bed rooftop burglars, tailed suspects in breaking up big narcotics rinA;s and often aided in rescue work. On one bizarre. though humorous Jan· uary, 1968, occasion, the airborne LASO deputies swooped in over a crude raft carrying a pair of Hell's Angel-type motorcyclists down the rain.swollen Los Angeles River. The cyclists, enjoying their winter boat ride , responded with well-known manual gestures show)J:lg general defi· ance and contempt for ttle depuUel' loud bullhorn <ltder to head for shore. L"ndaunted by refusal lo obey, the pilot made another approach, while keeping the chopper pitched" at an angle aQd blew the raft ashore with his rotor· wbh, like er schooner · beating far Hie harbor. ' f ,., patrol car can ef!ecli+1Y coveit !i!JY' aboul 1.7 square mues ol Cos~ M~'s 16-~uare-mile are.a. in one hour. while a helicopter's elficiency -over the same. ~minute period l.S up to 2S and 30 miles. The delerrency £actbr ls due Jo the fact that a quick-fingered car burglar or narc<lt!cs addict trying to jimmy a drugstore \vindow can see the police helicopter up to three miles away. A patrol car, however, can be hidden by a building corner 10 feer away un· der the same circumstances. "Gee whiz, what's the possibility <lf us ever getting a vocational high school otherwise?" Loats asked . He said continuation high school students (drop outs and those who f~ · <lne reason <lr another aren't makin11 it in regular high school) could tak.• pride in reconditioning the ship and maybe even be employed as ship tour - gu.ides during the ~r. Frona Page 1 PLATINUM ... t 47, Goldsboro, N.C., and Orio Emmon(· Christy, 42, Colwnbia, S.C. ;. The alleged scheme. Johnson saJc!i lured people from as rar away at- Canada, Miami, New York, and eveQ Zurich, Switzerland. r It asserted.ly involVed appoiotmeats In the San Diego area, w!wre customer1 were :ihown two bars of what the... suspects claimed was pure platinum .. The customers were told that a do~'D payment should be made far purchas4 ol up to 50,000 ounces or the precid ipetal, .aMir-below·mar~el p:-i~. ari ljfrdinc to lndictmenls. . · . ;. t Tbe customers, however, never"reallj ta'w NJ platinum Hor even reCelve:J inytb1Dj for their money.~• aome iit divlduil"tl being duped. out oI up tt $120,000, the prosecutor said. · ".The-defendants allegedly ju.st took: <lff with the down p.aymenu, whlct totalled more than $500,000," Johnsoi· said. Telf<lrd is currently free <ln $5,000 bail after being arraigned, prior to hi~ upcoming trial. · .JI. J. Qarrell ~ 12th Semi-Annual Safe ALL HERITAGE UPHOLSTERED PIECES 1n your chofee of style or fabric rnay be purchased tt t most generous savings of • , , 0 Truly a rare money-saving opportunity Over 200 Styles of Solas -Chairs -Love Seats -ottomaD& in your C'hoice of any Heritage Decorator fabric. Off Reciular Prices H ERITAGE·1 • livi ng tradltlon in rurnllure,! Your favorite fnterlor de.sluntr will be happ" to oulst VOi' •• , H.J.GARRETT fURNrplRE <.. PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DESHiNERS 1215 HARBOR ILVD. COSTA MESA, CALIF. ~0.0215 "4~017' . ' rs- ol le ,g . I· t, >" e I, e •I • ' I f I I ,. r I I L' l ,, ' I: / ' • ' " ' Fountain Valley Youths Honored Eight Fountalo Valley llllh School studenllneleciod outstanding boy ot girl of the inonth recenUy, are Ued up in all sorts of lbinas in 1969, thelr year or broadened c1r:eams and om1>1t1ons. Plans, career prepariaUoor a D d penooal lntuests ol the honorees l'llO a gamut irom joumallsm, deoti!lry, mathematics and tocial HCVke to art e.z.pression and atbletics: · The outstanding boy and girl ol °""'m- ber are Re:r Fowler, 17 and Amy Honda, 17, Re:r, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Jones, 16537 Elm Circle, Fountaln Valley, ia associated student body vlce president. Rex will serve as student dirtctor of the school's . Spring play 1 ' Foo I • s ParadlM>!' ~ plans lo major In mathematics at Harvey Mudd College in Claremont. Amy, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs,. Sam llonda, 1062 Bluesaila Dr.,'. Huntington Beach, holds a near perfect (U5) scholastic mark at FOWltain Valley. Amy also serves as the school's representative lo the California AsaociaUon Of stuclellt Councils. She will major In computer programming nut yW at the University of California at Irvine. Steve Lampl, 17 and Karea Otsuka, 18, were chosen outstandiug boy and girl.for November. i Steve, son of Dr. and Mrs. Hans Lampl, 1342 Ai'nett Laine, Huntington Beach, Is tin accomplished cellist in the school orchestra anti the Compton Civic Symphony. Steve also plays basketball And ~. plaanlng lo study aCOUJtlcal engineering at Cal Poly, Saa Luis Obispo. Karell, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Otsuka, 7171 Jlarbay Ave., Mldway City, I Is a •8"ity llOfll)eader. X-recently -• tb1nl place prize In tbe Laguna Beach FeaUval ol Arla for . cnaUve talents and alle piano a tea.....,. .,._ In elementary education. • ' Named Olltot•ndlnf' boy and Pi lot • ' the -" octobs --1Darid c. . Carlisle, Jr., 17 and Clirta Sillclalr, 11. David, ... of Mrf and Mn. 'bani Carlisle, 11111 Lauro WO)', W-""'"'· Is an autotaat COM!l lo Ille -.n bulcetball lean! ani • .ls -,In • mathemotiis and polltlcs. lie 'pllno :to a~ CaUfwnla State COilege; Dom· lngoo: lllll& lo -• lllSb' IChool ~-· birts. \llughtes Of Rlcbanl L. Sinclair, 9573 Toucan Ava.,. Fountain Valley, is a inember Of the Bar<loelta drill team. /,$ a junior She WU l ,member ol Ille varally cheer' Jeadinl" oquad. an plans lo alteod · Cal Poly, San Lall Oblopo, with ·a major In Ille •80Clal llCleJll"S. . • Outslandiq Sepiember IM>Y and gltl B<lected by the -o1 ,Fountain vaµey High School &fe atudl.boey ~ derit Doug Godbe, 17 • and Slllldy L. Hunt, 17, 191H9 yearbook editor .• ~g. aaa ol. Mr: And Mrs. Wallaol J. Blaylock. Jr., 1151 La ~ SL. Fouatalo Valley. In addition lo beinC an ootstandlng scholar, Doug holdi three of the school track rocorda In the sprlnta. Next year he plana to major in bl.story at Occidental Collese. Sandy, daughter of James E. Hunt, 8182 La Paz Dr., Huntington Beach, is editor of 0 Le Raconteur." Sbe plans lo attend California state College al Fu1rei1.on where she will major in den- tistry or joumallsm, maybe.hi.story, but l)erhaps law, -lbly peychology or evea Englisb. ... ·•··· . -.... • SANDY HUNT 15 YEARS An ER WE QUIT! CLOSING OUT OUR CORONA DEL MAR STORE ONLY · SALE AT BOTH STORES d,_,,,..,'4~ SWEATERS ~ ~ . ........._ -c_.... ., ................ EARLY BIRD SPECIAL .. DRESSES :::'-... ...... 1" .. 1694 SWEATERS =". ..... 294 .. 1094 Uu.o1n· 194 fj SWEATERS IQ =:-: ....... 4'4 .. 1094 ""' ~ § a -ILOUsES 294 ,. 394 594 .. 1294 SOX SKIRTS ~ .............. 69' D. sHi.RTS 94c I Sl:IEW T\~ A->j" :;:.,... ...... 54c .. 3" ~ ~b.'-.1-•fOlil~....... LADIEs DEPT. -.-~ EARL~ BIRD SPECIAL -~~~~~ 2i6•94 · I MEN'S DEPT. I 'I LADIU' llml . 194 ~· BRAS 99¢ '---------,. BLOUS~S . !I ._ s.tut"' ... .\ __ KNIT SHIRTS !iii LADln' P•m••o AA.-,.., CANTRICE HoN 2~154 TUITU ••• MOCI TUITU • HOSE ..... _1h -• • • •• .. • _a __ ~."::~ ........... 2i494 ~ LADln'PAllTS 194 HOSE ~~64¢ · J.6t .ea ?~SHIFTS ~~ 111 liae ....... _ .. ~ _ :<=.·:.:,~ . """. 2 i 494 ' ... , ~~I; 24c .,. $1.94 WOOL;·".~LE~DS ~--··~ 41i~~ ~ ...... DRESS SLACKS SHOIT ...... _ ....... _ •••• """~· 2i20.94-2i34.94 . - -I S'HiRTS .. " 2i494 [ EARLY BIRD SPECIAL I . . '2... ... ii I • DRESs. SHllTS : II SPORT. COATS WASH 'H WUI "'*Pl• ~ MIN'S HDS , 1"'ill! PANTS I SHIRTS . . 2i14.M-2i6.M · Y'-r::Tr-1-.. ,t:l! • • :_-_ 116 6 ' : ~.-r~v~~HIT 1:,. J!_C.!!,5 . . . . -~~..... ' '~IUCARD MASTER~ ! 1294 .. 3794 3321 E. COAST HIGHWAY· e C6RoNA "DEL t.IAR 111 AYE. DEL MAR e SAN 'CLEMENTE EVERYONE'S FAVORIT~ • ly ••bi•I r.N•nhl, ,.11., .,.. •f ffi• n1•tt ,.,.,,, ,,....,.,.,. f•mNt hi A1119f'lu 11 tht A1111 1.alM!lwt c:•l•rn11. lt't • 4tlly .. ,.,.,,, .. 111 ttt. CIAILY •ILOT. . . • ' ' e -----__ .. ___ -· , ... II, • , , ~ ~ ! :. ~ '4 , ' I I· • • ... • J .. ' I ' SIDE-BY·SIDE · . . ' ~ . . . ~1-•· ;''SPACE ''". . . . . .... 5A VER'' WITH 198 U. SIZE FREmR . . ' . • . Flip.quick ;.., ejector e 23.8 lb size meat!tnder , • · Re.;,ovablo egg server; e ' Butter compartment · e You'll never defro.t again! ' . $ 2. ·speed "Jet Action~· A.-tomati~ . -WASHER~ . . . I . WITH .88 5 YEAR WARRANTY frigldolro 2' • 1p .. d Jo 1 Actio;, Washer '"tVith Auto- m1tlc So•k Cycle encl' Small Load Salting• ---/1 S1ve1 w1tt1,ind dftfr9•nt on srn•ll lotds e A,utom•- tic So•k Cycl• for huwilj soil•d clothes • Dt•p Ac· tion Ag itator e 2 J•t- Away Rin1•1 i 411 .wt 17, ST. COSTA MESA . -I • l ' ' " , , Grim Dash' t-0 Freedom Harris Seen 1 As Probable Demo Choice ' Cuban Makes It, Says 1,000 Others nuirt,'t " l ~IF ....... o.n· ... 1"!'f ~ Mb, ...:i Mrs. Wiiiiam Rolland . ...i*-llid 65 }'e&rS of marriage ,..111r 'cUe 8nd champagne despite 1belng confined to a ,M.SP!lal· Hol- llailcl, '86, and his-wµ'e, 91, have 'been in the Solc!ieH and Sailors 'Memorial Hospital,;in Penn Yan, ~since JUiy. ,. • 1 Durango, Colo. P1trolm1n John )1rMnd, whose home Was burglar• ~ of $180 and ,his Siamese cat, illot part of his stolen property il>ack, '!be ca! tul'!led. l!i unbanned. I .~• ~ l . • r In Kuala.Lumplll', Malaysia Allu l. 81k1r Bin H•ltU:a, It" member of , parllam<llt. today asl!ed the ·gov-~ ernment to appoblt .~.a national , witch doctor to .jlfe\leDt annual ! floods and qlher ~tiliai cll!asters. . ._ .• 1 . The1e lhV galo-. i go! don't knmD' .1a. - 1 but th.t St. Louis ----~ --· --. ;.zoo has been play- ;'ing a trick on. them. Normally , tnocturnal animals, , ~the little animal.t. ~ore exhibited in a 'dau-nlQht cage - derigned to make " .. nocturnal animal.! ·If' e v.-c , 1 e their ·~cycles. Th.t eyes of ~creatures are t~ l aensitive to the red ~ light u.sed in tMse -; l"'a'• Fl th•u f 1kitter about to ;, the d<lighl of Z<>O f visitori believtng th<u ar• 1n the dark. • Fire Chitf Robert Brattall , of Monona, Wis., says six of his men and $50,000 worth of equipment have .answered. six calls to get cats out ol tre~s in the past month. He said bis men will not go on such calls anymore. Groucho Marx's Wife, 34, Sues for Divor:Fe SANT A MONICA (UPI) -The wife of comedian Groucho Marx sued for divorce Tuesday, charging her 73-year~ld husband was a man of "hostile and abusive moods." Mrs. Edna Eden Marx, 38, a former model, said in ber complaint filed in superior court that Man: bad an ''un- controllable temper" and once threat- ened lo kill ber. She added that be "be- litlled and ridiculed" her in front of relatives, servanti·and guests. MIAMI (AP)-Ayaunc CUblll ~ who brl.vOd killer -oiid nladiine gun lln lo reach the 11.S. Naval base at a ... taiwno lald w~ fboot 1,000 people bad bffn killed In tbe put yeer lr)'lnl lo...,. tbe lence to fltedotn. Tl>e ~Id :IWth ........ o( 17 r~.,. wllo dulled Into the __ l\(on- day• nionlllll In w!>at II be1inod the fai'c'eat ll1l4I eocape from tbe CUtro ....... ~. !or every ·iwo =~ who made .. it acrou tbe fence M , one 1tayed behind, be nkl. ' . "n was horrible _ for the ones wbo dldn't make It," uld the )'OUlb, IYbo wouldn't give hls name to newsmen. ••1 saw the guard! 1hoot three of the prisoners at close range. They jw;t tumbled _over." Eighly memberl of tbe group arrived In. Miami Wodnelday abolrd 1wo U.S. N1vy pl..... · One of tbe men lald lllne ..,.berl O[ tbe group ..... cul dOWD by lillchlne g.. bWJtil and a wodlift Wat lorn apart by doo loosed by g\ilrdl wbo patrol aiowxftbe. ntYll --The man, wbo also llecllned to live hll nmne !or !ear bll ielauveo bi Qibo woold be ,binned. ,.Id \'!O ~ ,,.,. felled by .... _. liu!Jeij, "' ""-"" to 'MJaml ·-. • -. n womet1 • 8od II cblldrtn. Sevea re- mained at the ntvtl bate: Olle ol tbe leadera nkl tbe .... po bepn etrfl' Mooda)i wbell tbe groop stole I lru<k Jn HaYloa and began a 60!).ml!e w..tward journey to the base, picking up pauengen as they went. By lhe time they reached the base, more than 120 were crammed into the lruck, Funeral Rite Performed \ Over Slain Coed's Body? CAMBlUDGE, Mus. (UPI) -Th• to be llgns used In a pr!mlUve burial 1lqer wbo bludgeooed a prdty Harvard rita. Studenll of anthropology lilt• Miss c:ced to death this -k perlormed an Brlttoo would bave knowledge of auch ancient !uneral rlta over Ille body, police ceremopies, the prof_,. told police. revealed today. GalliCan reported that Harvard an- Dei.ct1vtl said evlden<e !ound hi. the thrvpologllb told blm Ille mt1kings on aparlment where 23-yetr-old. Jane s. the girl's body might be part ol a , Britton'• body was !ound oo a bfoocl,toak-purlllcattoo rlta. ed. bed led Harvard anthropologiats to 11lt was described to me as an ancient believe the murderer was "a skk· man." symbolic method of purifying the body Police also theorized Wednesday that to get it into paradise, and to rid it Miss Brlttoo, daughter ol RadeUl!e of evll 1plrlts," Galllpn said. College Vice Pm!dent J. l!oy<! Britton, He uld U appeared tbal lfter the may bave been beaten to death with attacker daubed tbe Iodine cin the girl's an arcbaeologlcal llone thal bad 'been body, be threw a q\W!Uty on the celling given lo bet as a lift. so·lt would drip iloWn oo her. · Detective Sgt. Jdl'll Gallfgan said an Police were .wt eeeklng a Peruvian Iodine. compound had .been . .daubed.on.... wl!<>_.l't!l'.said,to_!>e a IO(l!ler !x.>Y Ir~ Mia Britton'& bOdy. of,Miss Britton. He was an-anthropolOfi Galllgl!l said anthropolQgllls a I .~t unUI two moolba ago, wbell Iii Hanlid told him the. markings appeared dropped Ille coune. Meek Fugitive Captured After 2 FBI Men S'lain . WASHINGTON (UPI) -A "meek" and mud-covered fugitive wu captured In the attic -cf a WPhinlton apartment Wed:nesdly, seven b\un -after he alleg· edly fatally tbol lwi> FBI agenll. Billie Ausl!!i Bryan~ II, an acctl!Od seven-time btulk .-iber and escaped COllvi<;t, tossed bll~ gun through the atUc trap do9I' and surrendered without a struggle, police &Aid. His captUN came almost aeven boon: after FBI agents Anthony Palmisano, 28. Hyattsville, ~~" and Edwin R. Wood-rlffe, 27, OJ.on rou..Md., were shot to death In the hallway ootslde the apar(- ment of Bryailt's e&1ransed wife. It was the lint time since 1131 that two FBI agents were klDed in a single incident. . . 'Ibe agents had gone to tbe apartment within minutes aftei a man matching Bryan 'ts description robbed a suburban Maryland bank o! 11,700 at the polnl of a gun. • Police said Bryant:apparently fled the scene of the slaying arid hkl In a muddy creek near the ,par1ment buildlll/! In the southeast section of Wa.shirudorl while police scoured tbe nelghborl>ood wilh tracking dogs. They said he crawled up the creek bank under cover of brush later tn the afternoon and apparently slipped into the apartment of Robert Ross, where he secluded him&elf in the attic. Rosa: called police when he heard strange noises from the attic, as did a resident of the neighborhood who saw a stranger enter· ing the Ross apartment. Shortly after the double slaying, the FBI put Bryant on its "10 most wanted" liat of fugtUvu. Two hours later metro- politan police flushed Bryant out of the attic alter -oundlng the bulldlll/! and attacijng U with tear pa •. u .s. Ca~urifies ~ Lowest in w eekS'C As Lull Continues SAIGON (AP) ~ U.S. casualties In Vietnam last weet were the lowest In II weeks, reflecting tbe canUnulng 1nll in the ground war, South Vletnameee and enemy casualties also were cm- Riderably less than the week before. The U.S. Command announced today that 101 Americana were killed in action lut week and 599 were wounded, tl)i lowest American casualties since the week of Oct. U-19, when 100 were klDed and 589 were wounded. South..-Vietoame1e head q u ... ft e~ 1 reported 150 government troops killed and 602 wounded, a sizable decreaae from !\le m killed and 001 wounded the previous week. The two ctimmandl reported a~ least 1,846 Viet Coqg and North Vietname.w killed, compared with 2,135 the week before. The report for the last week of 11168 brought the total American combat casualties since Jan . l, 1961, to 30,644 killed, 1113,926 wounded and l,2.18 mlsalng of captured; in those eight years, the U.S. Command uld, at 1 ... i 431,736 of. the enemy have been killed. 15 States Freeze Tonight • I Winter Storm Moving Eastward Across Lakes Temperature• Suw, Moon, Tides TltultlOAY ~ flltl'I. ,., ..... lhSI '·""·<I.I ~ 1ow ........ ., •• •:n ,,,,.. ... fllltlDAV l"lr .. ~ ••• , ........ ., l tC •·""·•·I Finl low ,,,,, .......... 7:IO I rri. 2.7 ..... hltll ...... \""''' 1:01 p,.,., J.4 ........... .... ~ .......... 1:1( '·"'· l.J - ... •::: ltflol....._ ..... MIP a,m, t t:,, ....... ,... ,,,, Ml- .. " " . .. u .. "' . t1 -1! .l~ . " JO 1 'jr a JO ·"' ,. ,, .o.t 65 15 .os " . )1 70 .JO . " . " ,, Ml AS ,, " '' " ,,, n n 17 11 " " " .. n " ~ l .Jf n " • • " .. .. . " . ti • ,., " .. " a ·'' ....... D • ~ " . " •. = d " " .. 17 17 .. u ~ d " . . .. ... ,. ,, .IA .... ..... .. "Wt parked tbe truck abclut ~ mtlerl from tile bue Md ran for tt," laid one ol tbe men. "The men CllTIOd tbe clllldnn , . , and & lot of those Who dldn1 make It -,y.,.-.....to. and chlldrtn." . ' ~; J1e eoUmated abollt IO ~ ol the group failed to gel ...... ,the ••• barbed ..ire feace. · ' "We ,ran lllte ..Wis and fell ~ ... each other wbell Jh!!.~ bepli l!r- ll\g," aid • slbn )'Ollth, ''l'bon · they turned -aboul • -· dop,-1 think . they ...... Ruaiandop, big, ~clogs." 11Most of UI were ~ the bi;, when the ittootlng started,'" be tald. fl()Qce Inside I looked back and aaw tile guards keep othen from entering." "Shootings there are not unusual," said the 18-year-otd. "About 1,000 persons must have lo.st their lives in the 0 past year tryln( lo get lnllde." AP PMt. ~ . WASHINGTON (UPI) -Yoolhful Sen. Fred Harris of Oklahoma can have the chairmanship of the National Democratic Party il he .... ts i~ a reliable aource said today, but first ~e wants assurances about a<lequate power and money t(} direct the organization. Th.it report came whlle o I h e r authoritative informants were calling Harris the most likely choice for lbc chairmanship but still mentioning former Gov. Teriy Sanford of North Carolina and Rep. James G. O'Hara of Michigan as possible choices. One proposal under dis<:t.wion involved suggestloos that O'Hara and Sanfel"d be asked lo serve as deputy chairmen, .In Wasbington, the Navy refused to d&cu.u the lndden~ which Is tbe Dormal policy, Nl'XT' DE."10· CHAIRMAN? A new chairman will be elected by the Democratic National Committee Tuesday to replace Lawrence F. O'Brien, a seasoned professional who is resigning to accept the presidency of an investment banltlng firm. San., Fred Harris . . HOUSEHOLD . ' APPLIANCE . r BUYS I ? Why Dis .... .L..L ...... aster. , ~ --I Outdoor lighting you never thought you could afford! ••• because it is.the most practical way .. of doing dishes A quality system 'fou In- stall yourself ••• 1n min· utes, with complete safety, FITS ANY SINK No l*'ftltli conduit or dlaaln1 ~tJ,,, Just pl11B lnl •UL•~ '""'9d U volt syst.n •bsolulllt ~. chltd '8f91 •,.... low Wl!Ql Hts.,. comPilte With 1.,.. .. lld bllm liltlb, ODklr lln.- l•nlbW, ..... C..,., pink Incl bllHI), ~. lhodlPl'OOf .. ., tr.llforllW" wtth Medi' MlrllCb W aidoi1wllc Ull'llr~ troUnd ...... and.a ...... U..tll19 One step dfsliwashing, I~ wear, less :re~ir, savings . on detergent, hot water savings, hygi~nically clean, no awkward handling, no need for sctub pads. ' ==-~'== .. ,_. tw lilaurltJ •nd Cllltdoor ~-f.ur ... ... •. --PJfc11 start at $3995 w~-P '"; "£ DISHMASTER® your kitchen's fi1U!St feature ' of ToiTet Leak, Squeak and WhlstJt with the mrolutii>nary FuilDMASTER 400 Stainless Steel 8111 Cock-the :sensation Clf tht plumbin1 industry. It uses new hydraulic prusure'prinelpln, It's comsion· proof, his insbnt po1itive shutoff,•liminates water waste, ellmfnltts okf.faahioned rod 11nd air sealfld float ban. Call tod1y for complete information. We -the FLUIDMASTER IN STOCK. ONLY ,$3 29 ' Water Heci.ters ·t R(PU.BLIC ·~GE;t.(INJi' 20'&11.· $•2.aa lO. Gal. SU.II '° 611. S•t.88 so 611 •. '$6t88 "'"' ....... Wil ... 91.,. ..... wtfw 119f!t• II ... ..., Wltll M191' IM!p. .. ""11 ... "" .... W1t "' ... --1119 .... lellorl •vtl191)11;. " 1'l:IU WWI. All """* • •'•111111oit """ "'<!lldM. c.n _., ,._ -IMt•!I "'91 dlf. _,.,._ ~ IM!llM•ll .. ., .. ~ .............. "' --"""""""' f ' " .... YOU'LL PAINT LIKE A PRO with TREASURE TONES YlNYL MIST,,, IT'S _SO EASY to do 1 pro- fess1on11I Job on interior walls with Treasure Tones Vinyl Mist. Use roller or ..tirush ••• step back and 'Witch it dry to scrub·proof velvet finl•h In minutes. Then eloan equipment in water. Hp mm No arnelr. And Wf'llt • ~ ffnlshl ..... - "'7::: ...... !"M:;... /#tllll/i8{'1i41. GARBAGE DISPOSALS • . '"'SINK;£RA TOil- ·woo-ltO. ~... s3·19s' """· ·-. """ Oll1'1CI , ................ , ., .~ , ~ , ..... JU-1 ''· ·-~... ' _... $4'188 ' ~ ........ . 1 Otll NICI •••••••• , • , ,, , , • Model 115-J Yr •• ...,,. MODIL •o. n, $§495 Ill&. S7t.tl , bUI PllCI •••••••••••••••• ..... 77-1 ''· ··-"'" INSTALLATION AVAILABLE . ---------------·----------·----·-- • Brandeis Campus Hit by Protests President • Puzzler WAL TllAM, M .... (UPI) - A leaal 15 N<lll'O student. were barrk:lded ln Brandeis Unlvenlty't communlcaUons cenler today, seeklna: to en- force black power demanda o n • admlnbtraUon oUlclalf they accuse of "racism." The demoostratora,,jammed mattresses and steel lockers Wednesday against the doon of Ford Hall, a threwtory red brkk classroom ~ding 'ft'hich also contains faculty of· fices and the school'a main ~wit.cbboard. All com- munications were cut oil. University Presld,ent Manis B. Abram conferred with the black students for 15 minutes late Wedne3day nighh but no progress was made toward agreement on a list of demands drawo up earlier by lht protesters. The proleo! ..... In part • guture tJI .Y.,P.1111 wUli 1111· dellt atrtken at Son P'nlldlco Stale Oollege. Two penoos . ~ll'<li from the weol _. acbool came to Waltham Tuhda>; tp try to drum up support on the Brandell campua. Students and fl.culty member\ at the 1.......,..t ocbool lleld 111eet1np In lbe student center and ll<lrbJ dorrnilO<les f8f Into · tbe Dlgbl • as .the 6Iact sludellb bedcied down In FM! Hall Miriam Tabrney, an JS-BBy WIUJAM MAllSFJEL }'eal'Old. white tt..iiman lnlm 1 I. Tbe llemat ol all tlie Montclair, N.J.\ 1 ':'1'1",.... l'r<lldenta -: multioolored b ell to the a) Wllllam Boward Taft: bl protesters. She· ai.ld 1 be Grovtr Qeveland: c) Herbert believed tbe1 'ftft juBtWed Hoov« . In laking ovor 1be building. I. The ooly President to "Taking over the com--aerve t • o noncomecative municaUons ii the only way · terms wu: BrJtaln Cites Pol!il811tlllty Does lsraelHavetheBomb? LONDON (UPI) -Doi..,.. authol'IUes said' today llrHI bu aufflcltnt knowhow and ~apabillty to produce nuclear weapona ln a "compu1Uvely short time." They aald it waa unlikely that lhe lstaelll b a v e developed the bomb so far. AutborltaUve defense IOUlCel gave thla aaeaament In the Ught of reporll that lsrael ,may already ban 1n its possessiqo a nuclear ~mb. The lsrae11 government hu maintained studiod -Oil the dellcato IJsue and boa relU>ed to dllctw the COi> troversW laue. IJrael, however, haa been amoog thoae' COW1trtes 'Wblch have withheld lignature to date rrom the nuclear non- pro I If er 1 t lo n treaty, diplomatic sources pointed out. One thing ls eertaln In the Yiew of the workl'1 top eiperta - -that Israel ranks high among the potentW future nuclear naUOM (India, Japap. Canada and Sweden) wbo aie all considered to ha,. tho lmawbow necesaary to produce * ~ * Lebanon Snubs Plea For , Mideast Peace nuclear bombl ln a com· panUvely lhort time, thouah the coot might be'prohlblUve. The explosive altuaUon in the Mlcldle East and the dangtr of Arab nations overtaking Israel la tenm of convenUooal military capabili- ty boa hlghllghted the nuclear issue ln the area. Norwegians Seize Boats FLEKKEF JORD, Norway (UPI) -A Norwegian gun- bost hos aelaed four Jlusslan, two East German and two Danish ftshlng trawlen that violated "military water1" In aoutheru Norway, police said today, to capture Abram' 1 at-•) W.-ren Hardin&; b) Calvin tention" .she said. "It's not ~e; c) Grover Clev~ even ~re Abram is listening. 4 1 S. "'l'hls Presldent':i: ISOll a1eo And it's the protest in sym-became ~lden:t. He wu: .;P ·MC I ·' i;a"1 with the students at a) John ~chrm1; t.> Benjamin ; le San Francisco State." · HarrllaD; c) James Madison By Unlled Press lnteru&lt1ll Lebanon snubbed an omc;Iat Israeli plea for Middle Eut "tranquility" f 0 1 l 0 W l D g ~srael's commando raid' on Beirut Airport, authoritaUve ~ourees in Jerusalem said to- The report said the eiahl boats sailed into the restricted area Wednesday and by today all but the Danish traw lers had been escorted into Flek· kefjord. ' glS. lature Ab ·d aft hl ·mid · 4. TM 11nt Preoldeot born ram s1u er. s • . In the 20lh century .... : night meeting with t be a} 'John F. Kenhedi: ti) Lyn- In Actl.0ll ~tudents . that be told them don B. Johiilon;· e) Dwight the umvtr!1ty cannot con· Ellenhawer Police said the roundup would be completed b y nlghtlall. ......... .,,JH,I ~ue to be the ~ of place 5. Who was the first n wants ~ ~ if grievancea Republican Prnident? and nego;t1alions to rectify a) u. s. Grant; b) George those ~1~vances ll't not . Washington· c) Abraham Lln- presentOO. m an atmosphere co)n ' free of threats and coercion." ' The university faculty con-ANSWERS demned the use of "threats ·:> ·; and coercion" at a meeting ·0961 UJ Wednesday. p;µa1a pn Liit Uf woq ·1 ·t ·s·n atn JO 1U3J>!Gald qi:iqs 'swepy I.:> .uinb uqor st.a!. aos "!H ~ ., OE-0 Tells WASIUNGTON (UPI) -A government physician told Congress today the Office of Economic OpportunHy had found widespread documen- tation of hard-core po o r families which had ' ' n o t enough food to go around." • 'la< OI tWI W<>lJ 11!'1• put 1881 01 $18t WOJJ piA.RS 'ill "J l: -'l"!AW>I( "" Tl rpunod~~·H ·•·t day. , Premier Levi Eshkol of brae! tried to get the p.opooal delivered in a note t o Lebanese President Charla Helou but it was returned, the sources said, because it had not gone "through ac~ ceptable channels." The Israeli raid Dec. 29 destro7ed 13 comm er c I a I airliners and brougbt the ' doWJ!lall of tilt' LeOO..... government> ol P r e m I • r Abdallah Yill. ' ln-l!eiru!'today;-Yali's IUC· .cessor. Rashid Karam!, began "We are convinced that the lack of adequate food has been so much a way of life for many that they have no bopi! for change," Dr. Thomas E. Bryant, OE0'1 assistant direc- tor for health attain told the Senate's select .committee on nutrition and buoger needs. GIGANTIC ONCE·A· YEAR "We have not discovered widespread starvation, but we have documented time and time again the· chronic slate ol 'not enough food to go around.'" It's al 7891 Torbert Avenue. The Auto Club's new .. castle .. In Huntington Beach. Fully staffed. And fully equipped. Starling Monday, January 6, providing more than 700 sl!N'Vices to Auto Club members and the community. Everything from weekend vocation to Worldwide travel planning. Evel)'fhing to help yoo get out and fol!ow all !he fun that's going on in Southam California and beyond. Slop by and lel Ed SCJJl!von, the new manager, show you around the AutoClvb's new .. costle" in HunlingTon Beach. A THE AUTOMOBILE CJ,UB Of W SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 1891 Tohl-. ...,_ ... ...._ C.Uf .. "'-IG-1711 We've built a new off ice in · 1 fa Huntington '-Beach SAVINGS FROM 50% 70 0/ AND to /oMORE ON ALL OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF FAMOUS IMPORTED and DOMESTICS: • CHANDELIERS • HANGING LAMPS • WALL FIXTU.R ES • SCONCES • FINE TAB LE LAMPS NOTHING HELD BACK. YOU SIMPLY CANNOT AFFO~D TO MISS THE EXCITING AND INTRIGUING V ~LUES YOU WILL f:IND SALi ENDS JANUARY 31st · m~sw1 ch arge Specie! Courtesy to .. A Gdod Friend ol!ho'Famllylor Si~ y..,., Builder• ·Ir Interior Oecoretl>f"I • . . . ELECTRIC ·& LIGHTING m Victoria Street, Costa Mesa <Across ~rom Nuneryland) ; . 646-3737 All Marchand!,. from our Regulor Stock. SUITS REG. $95 REG. $iOo R'EG. $110 REG. $115 74e1 79" 8796 89" -. REG:$1~5 'REG. $130 REG.$145 9996 10496 112'' REG;.$120 95e1 SPORT COATS REG. $40 REG. $45 REG. $50 REG. $55 3196 3691 3991 4391 REG. $60 REG. $65 REG. $70 REG. $75 47'5 5196 5491 59'5 SLACKS REG. $20 REG. $23 REG. $25 REG. $27 1588 1888 19'8 22~ REG. $28 REG. $29 REG. $32 REG. $45 2388 2488 2588 32'8 SA VELON& SLEEV~'ri,RTLE NECKS 50% ODD LOT SHOES JACKETS SHIRTS ROBES ................... 25°10 OFF NECKWEAR .......... 20°10 OFF 59'8 AU. WOOL IMPOmD SHOii' SLllYU MOCK TURTLES .... "' REG. $20 REG. $23 REG. $28 '15 '17 '21 ON ALL SAVE 20% • MOCK TURTLES e • e SWEATERS e e OUTtRWEAR e H•r ..... Cent.r 2:!00 Ha ........... Cetta- PHONI 540-1IOO -----------· - I o.m.:Y ·~ Eil~IUAL PAGE J. / • ' • • • ' High ·Order of Service Nlnelttn member• of the 1969 Orange County Grand Jury impaneled today, wW presenUy begln labors whlCh represenl a high order ol service ,lo their fellO\V clllzena. . Grand Juries under California law have two princl· J>ll lunctions: (1) It fl their duly to Investigate any cases of ma!• feosance or mlsleasance on the part of public officials ud to bring ln indlctmenu if evidence warr1111ts. ' n ls"also ,lhelr duly, in this area,·to deal with crlml· naJ ces• wllere secrecy ts of ui.Jno•! lniportance, either to aid ellictency where !here are multiple potential d .. fendants (fraud and narcotics cases, for ei:ample) or to protect tbe innocent, as in sex cases or unproved charges ~I~ af(icial<-. , (2) Tiit 1Vf• leCond area of concern, and the one which takN 1°' 111ost of ils Ume, is examination of' ail phases of county goyemment. \ It is in this area that past county grand juries have shone, at times brilliantly. It is also one in which some juries have etred, either through failure to delve into problem• tn depth dr because, perhaps through misun· derstandi.ng, tl>ey have gone outside lllfir proper jurig. diction. · ~ ~ England and a few American slates have abolished the grand jury syslem. Superior Court Judge Rober! Gardner, to whom the new jury will report, believes lhiS Is a inl'stake. \_ ••1t11 a great system," Judge Gardne~~lares. '1'I'hl1 IJ where the ordinary citiZen can turn when all atber door_s for redress of a grievance are closed." Judge Gardner adds that public ofllcials are In a monopoilstlc position and Ibey should be looked over - ••tt•s a healthy influence." The new grand jury wW be the l2lb or 13th under Anxieties Behind ,--Sm6lffiig-11¥it-- I One 9f ~ ironies 0:f qrpor•te Ufe _ Is U>at a company's heads wtll' Call for more "innovation," ·:mvcnUvenea.'' ••imacin&Uon" and "flulbillty" in tbe business; yet its personnel department will stolidly continue to hirt only thoee men wHo fit f n t o the same old m01d, who are conventiona1, tradJtional, anit "sa!eu ln their personality profiles. • • • Most people use the words "auloma· lion" and "cybemaUon" intuchangeably, but they are reeily quite dUferent con•· ceptl; and until we understand bow cybemaUon differs qualltaUvely· from eYerytbing before it in the industrial procesa, we cannot come to grips with the problem. (Ooe graye ronsequence or this change was succinctly stated by R o b e r t Theoblld: "The idea that we can con- tinue tG aim at finding a job for everybody Is obsolete. A large proportion of those born in the '50s and '805 have no prospect of ever holdlng an ordinary job. There is no role in today's economy for tho9e teen·agen who are high-!Chool • • The main reason for the Code of Hammurabi (before Christ) was to com· bat the lawlessness of the people surging into the early Mesopotarn.lan cities; even then it was recognized that when rural dwellers increase the density oC an urban area beyond its optimum point. this inevitably creates ,a "link" or a "slum" or a "ghetto" unresponsiYe to older laws. Use Caution in Hiring To tile Editor: . I want to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to the Costa Mesa Pblice Department as a group and especially to Detect.ives Walter Silver Jr., Gerry 1bompeon and Arnold Ap- pleman, and DetectiYe Sgt. Larry Bersch. When my housekeeper c a r r i e d ererything of value out of the house In broad daylight with my Invalid mother in the11ouse, they ~ery erficiently clime to the reoa" and npidl}' located Jhe person and recovered aome or my posseaiorui. And what was most Im· portant to me was the way they kept In cdlstant touch with me as to the Proga!SS they v;ere ma.king. This helped to sustain me through lhls period when I needed It IO much. TO THE GENERAL public, I would lite to ask them to be Yery cireful wbo they hire tG care for an older penon. I have had aome marveJoua help In caring for my mother while I wis away al work, and to these people t am more th an grateful. This Jaat person, how eyer, appeared to be doing a m.rvelous job of caring for my mother. APPF!AREO. No one • ,---B11 G,,.,.ge --, I ldmll'e !he way yoa handle the constant onalau,ht of problems bl your column. How do you llllDOI• lhla! fl 111111 done through Sldowa:rs Tblnldnc ..-dld you t.Ue a .iplCJ1I oour• la K11olt7 Probllml? w. w. , would have guessed the danaer that I was ~iecllo& .ber to. For · tJii& reason, I want to appeal to everyont who may be trying to keep an older person ak>ne in the hoose with hired care, to please be sure to check references in adVance when they are unable to be at home to see what 1' haPl"nlng. AND TO THE oldm' person! who want so desperately to atay in their own home after they have reached the point they must have camtant care, to g!Ye a thoujhl to the danger they may be subjectJng themselvf';I to. My mother was desperately afraid to go to the hospital, or a convaJeacent home. So I was trying to provide e1re for her at home as long as possible. ' Arter this happened; l had DO chok:e but to pot her tn the hoepltal, and just now am· moYinl her to a oon-- valelcent hospital. She Is having won-- derful can. am haJ told me m1ny times that she was so wrong In ln.!lstltC upon lta)'inf at home, becaUJe abl ?Ullm now that the care she Is geltlnc now it far superior to any th8t I waa Ible to provide {« her II home. She 1J around people, her me1ds a~ on time~ and she Ms the r1c111ues that an not available to her at home. II lbli letttr Cl!! pnvent ju.st one -Iran ,.,1,. ·~hrough the dang<r tbal ~ mother lllffmd, I will be ~~tba:i~hof'~ = hlnll. 'l'1!a'.MA HOIJ.ANll Gardner's stewardship. He bu found Ulal, ln tho pu~ 19 persons chosen al random are moslly unsopbl.lllca• led aboul county government at Ibo outlet. Bui Ibey quickly gala a good. grasp o1 the subject and, ln his view, have produced some ucellent reports and, over the years, ~cellent resuJtr. Defense lawyers have been beard to complain tbel the grand jury, in ils !unctions on ~e criminal side, Is 11just an echo chamber or rubber atamp for the dlatrjct atlomey." Judge Gardner bas found this lo be untrOe, thal grand juries lypically are bidependent. Defense lawyers do have a 1"',lnl wlt,b which Judge Gardner heartUy agrees. That " Iha! polenUat delen.. dants cauecC before the grand jury should be permitled to have !heir lawyers. presenl This Is forbl~ by the Jaw a; ii now standi. 'Thi& should be changed. Another flaw is thB!t state Jaw governing grand jutles I& not precise enough tn defining dull"'. The re- •u1t of this is that juries sometimes entan&le tliemselves in subject matter not properly their concern -such as a ,city ~uncil's gi:antl1fg of· variances wl~a~tty. .From the public's point o! view, a maJOf.haw in the system as it bas been employed in Orange. ~unty is the laillire to issue blle?)ln reporll. Oftt·bll~ fjot llnal rep0rt is simply too much for lhe avl!l'a(pf citizen lo take the time to digest and understand. .. The 1969 panel will dislinguish ltse!r .lbdllelis pre· decessors if, in addiUon to carrying on the wbfk of pas! )'uries it: · · r • • -J -Discourages the di.strict attorney'11 office. from burdening II with criminal cases which should be hand- led by that office, and -Achieves greater pubUc lmpacl and understand· Ing by issuing tightly and simply written Interim re-porn. I I LOf><1E Conspiracies Lunar Landing Is Present Litnit Sold Well LasTYear --.. SCENE: The Board Room of They, Jnc., con.spiracy manulacturers. Al the head of the table is Hiram They, III, presidenl cl the thriving flrni. Mr. They: Well, gentlemen, I'm proud to report that 1968 was a very good year for conspiracies -one or our best a.iaee the heydays of McCartbylam. Prvductlon .... up 16.f -t and 111 .. or,-'''} • .,,'l!l\"' ( reached • ftve.y..r blgb. rught, Ed! • Finl Vtee Pmtdeal: Ritht.'c:blel. Our standard Insidiola: _C.o D) m U: n l 1 t Con!piracy In six eolort, all of ~ frightening, continued to sell very well to the Right Wing. What about the Left Wing, Joe? Second Vice Pre1ldent: We 're doing better there, Ed, with laGtb. irocluctl. As yc:iU know, we have the lndustrlal- MiUtary Conspiracy and the Vast As.sasalnation Conspirlf:y. 'fbe latter wraps up fiye different assassinat.ion1 and lncb.teo the CIA, the FBI, the Secret Service, live police dePortment., Cuban refUgtes, White racists and. a1 an optional extra, Wall Street ftnanciers . PndaCU. Supt:nilor: I might men- tion liere. Chief, a new product we've '>een testing -1be Anarchist l:onspiracy. Its pattern ia one of a tightly· knit conspiracy of anaithiits ~ up studenta to overtirow e\'•Jtfni. Ana it's sold ertremely well among .cone,. presidents and Congressional ln- vesUgatocs. We predict a growina: mar- ket. , Mr. Tbey: ~· good. But wt ean, resf on our laurels, gentlemen. Let'• look ahead lo the coming year. Let'a t.alk rapid gr1>wth. llntareh: Well, chief, we've been working on a new Red-Yellow Conspiracy, comprised of Chinese Com· munists and cowardly Indians. But 50 fa r, we haven't found a market for it. ~fr. They (frowning ): Exactly. We tend to d~velop a conspiracy and then .look for 1 market. I aay J.1•1. loot al -the market !Int.· And, gentlemen, • we may sell well to the Right and lliil:~:wi. .... _ tile' biQetlf'. mart:et of Ill -!he Middie-ol<he- Roaders! Ptrat V.P.; By, Goil, chief, )'llti're right! Mr. They (nodding): Here are the Right and the Left, ha~pily secure in kncnrina why thlnp are 1n IUCb a mess .. And thero'& the poor, deprived MlddJe.of. the-Road.er with nothing to blame his troublea on but blm>elf. Second V.P. (Excitedly): What 1 ready-made market, chief ! W h o ' s responsible for making tire ~haim an inch too short? Who 's behind it always ralnin1 on Sunday? Who takes tbt last ~ space? Who cut.a ~ 1<ff )b itie'nilil61e of an lmport.nt ~call! Who. •• -b (hopeluUy): ~ COm· muntsl! and cowardly lbdiadl" · · Mr. 'l\ey: I think you can do better, Research. But ,..·re going to WI tb1t wunel need. Pn>duclioQ. doubll ,_ -of whole dotll. Destan. I want • lot cl fut:/ tmbtoldet1 1 ... det.llL Sales, IJ'l rudy for !he blQeai year In our hlltory. ne n....... (All ll~lf 111111 ta 1 high collar): Now, hold M there. youna lflram, You know d&n:I wtll your Uther Ind yeur lflll4!1lher beloi'e hbn never made any fool attempts to atll our producu to the Middle-of-the-Rood· , 1r1 lt 'r aht!'JI betn a tnown fact that they/" laaod di6 ... tiling that would make them p>d CUit.Omara -a touch ol paranoiL .Futufe Space -Goal Lacking . -----·----._ .. __ . __ ---· ------- WASlllNGTON -Tba Dltioft'I ·IPICO program is rolling merrUy al.ont. after Christmas week's Apollo a successes. but Preoldent-elect ,.lllchlrd M. Iii.loo . wlll bave to act to mp 11 rylling. Tho ienaaUonal psformanee of Apollo • holds Out-the Pi08peC(l cl further triumphs, this year, in maoned space lllght. Oblcured, In this euphoria, ta . the !~~qi lllJ mlJor. J).S, ~ goal beyood .. •acertr aWilttd' lliair Jan. ding. Advance indications are that no new focu& !or Ibo ·-program will be provided in the Unalbuqe_t'°whicb Presi· dent Johnion will -· to Congress in I few dlya. That pall '!be' malltt square-, !Y~n tile tap" tile Pholden\.eled. U tiie opoce _..,, II to . 1et a --1ar objecllve, wb!W· publlc en- ' lhualum -isieau .. cf'lii, lls-1 suc- ceasea, PresWiif NI.Din wUl hive to proYide it. 'Without sUch a goal, the program can be expected to · 1ose much ol its impetus as it loses a measure of it.!i public su~·Jit;1_,.·,:i-'\" 1.. SOME CRl'J'la of the space program, who have begrudced the annual a- penditure of. 44 to fS bllllon amid the stars, would Pot be IOrr)' to see ft deempb.a.sized ln the pubJtc eye. It will cost about $24 billioo for what one scien- tist bu called the "spectator sport" or senifina a man to tbe moon. Some supparters of the procram wOl'ldir what sort of a space objective could attract the kind of public interest which has been arOUled by preparing a voyage to the moon. In any event, 1t now seems clear that President JolmaOn's new budget will propooe space speodj.ns of about $3.85 billion. That surTt about the same as the current yeat'.. will not Rt a.dy new direct.ions fur the N a t I o n a l Aeronautics and tpact Administration INASAJ, NIXON'S PLEDGE -"I would have this clearly undentood,11 sa1d candidate Nixon early in his presidential campaign, "that I consider ~ space program as one of our naliooal imperatives, that it must be supported at a level assuring efficient and steady progress, that the ups and downs or recent times In plan- ning, programming and financing must be brought to a halt, and that as Presi- dent I will make certain that our co\Dltry maintains leaderahip in Utia grut en· deavor. "It is an inescap1ble fact of life today that we cannot afford to do all that we w~h. Bat we must do all that we can," Nixon added. At about the same time, James E. Webb, outgoing administrator of the space program, was reminding the Senate space committee that t b e pr~dential budgets of recent years (196'1·1969) have shifted away from a staled objectiYe of "world leadership" in space to one of using U.S. space p>lential for the benefit of man. WEBB AND ms successor, Dr. Thomas 0 . Paine, acting N A S A Administrator, estimated that It would take some $4.5 billion in the new space budget to begin reversing that trenCI . 'Ibe two NASA bosses were not so much concemed with new space goal! as with • the atart ~ qew space P"'l"IIDS 8'1d tthe pun:haae ol new space hardware. AB matters now stand, and depending on the continuing flawleB! perf1>rmancc or Apollo, Paine and Webb said the initial lunar landing can be followed by a couple of return visits. Apollo rockets can be used to put a manned workshop, and eventually a telescope, in space. That will just about use up lhe big boosters now under\:ontract. As for unmanned projects, the mos t ambitious now contemplated would be cllmn:ed by a soft landing on Mars about 1'13. ' By Robert S. Allen and John A. Goldsmttb Per'·Capita Smoking Down "Few medical questions hive 1Umd IUCh · DUbllc lnllrelt or created more · scientfflc debate than lhe ·tobacco-health . controversy." -Smoking and He&lth, 1964 . The tobacco industry does a $9 billion builnw 1 year. ~t provide.I federll, .state, and locaJ governments with reYenues totaUna: m«"e than $3. 7 billion a r.ear. Sales cl leaf tobacco, a rederally pr ce--supported crop, constitute about four percent of the country's tolal farm incorn<. In four lilles -Kenlucfc:y, 1)1cirtb Carolina, South CaroHna, and Virginia -~ i~ the ~ctalj!·.~· In Marylllld, Massichollells. ·litld ~ ne!9ee, it rank.I u the aecood cash crop. I Five years ago, the Surgeon Gtner1l'1 adviS!lry committee found i h a t : "Cigarette smokinc is a health hazard of sufficient impc:ttance to warrant ap- propriate remediaJ acUoo. •• U llbked anTdk ing with l u ng caucer, arteriosclerotic, c o r o n 1 r y t and deceneraUve heart disease, Chronic bronehill.!l. and eiaphysema. The com· mittee Came to the cooclusion that: "Cigarette smokiric contributes substan- tially to mortality from certain specific diseases and to the oYerall death .rate." TBA T'S Tiii!: economic background against which to place recent reports that the total number of smokers i$ CIGARE'ITE ~ took only a declining, consumpUoo per capita--1iJ ~ ~ dip blfore resuming their down, and fewer )'OUl'JC people art ste.cly QfJWard climb. The Fet:leral developlim the smoking h ~.b.J t ._ C.!&.aw~ Labellna and Advertialng Act Smolon lighted SODHI QIU billloi Fig'>; !J/. 1'11 ftqUired \hat all cigarette rette.a In 11181. down from U1 .a bllUon Jri pactagea carry the waming: "Clut.ion: 1967. for tile· firtl lime s)o~, .Jl1t4, .. ~tao Smotlnf laay Be Dangerous producen sold ,_ amolcea lbea'lbey to ·voar ilealtll.' ·The FedeNI Tra~ dJd the year before. C.omm.iaslon in a report ol. June 30 Dear • Gloom y Gus: , .. I llh 1o· plo,y ..Welte wbon, tl>A 1'w 111ow1 but thero'1 ..,. ldncJ I • • wish I caald do w1th0al' Freeway c1rtvi.. '1'bal'• ~-ltoul- -R. T. D. flll'I ....... ,.._. ......,.. ..... "" ........., ............ ,,_ ..... ,... .... _ ......... ...., ...... found : .. "Thert b vtrtu,Uy no IVidfnce , 'that (the warning) bas hod lllJ llplll- Clllt effect in detmfng smokbrc, •• Vlrlu efforts at ~ the -«having H applled It all~ .. -atng ha .. pmed -!lo have prVposats to hove AIClt ad"'1flinl blnntd on televislca. " A Public Health ~ ._t - July IJ, 1967, Utlecl ''ftoe lillalth Qmae. -ol Smoldll(," lllOl.m the ._t OI U.. yean ago • .__ Cl& Wllllam a Stewart uld on OCI. 1, 1117 lhat tba ~<WI ~ -~ IOd bealtll 'liu no lcqtr debatlble : ''Tho debate now la what',We do •bout It" CIGAllE'ITE odftrttaing bas been ban· ned froJQ BrltJal! television ldnct August, ' 18 trtlh apJy a mild erfect on the smoking hlbtt Clnada now proposes • COllljMli bin .. Ill clglttltb 1cl- "'1flinl, illeludlnr ., .. plclurel cl """ •• • 1Dty'•1 "'It smoking!' ple smoking in advertisements for other products. Recent developmenta indicate that the ~ WC1,Ungs piay be beginning to unpresa . l'0\111& fleople. An American C.O.Uqe Health AasociaUon report of Nov. 23 asserted that a p e r c e n t of Northwestern University students do not 'ltnOb. 'Jqght percent cave up smoking, and 54 percent nev• tmoked or smoked ¥erJ Utue. --W- Th urad ay, January 9, 1169 2'1lt cdllorlal paQt Of lht lloar l'llOI 1trb lo lo/°"" Giid di,,.. lllatc ....r.n ~ pr<""Ung W. ~ opialotu mad ...... """ia!'J 00 lopla Of hlt<rell mad lfgni/i<ofoot, b~ J'Twldtng • forum for tM t'S'pr'r.rsion of our re~dnl' opiniom. and by ptesf'tttiflf tlrat diver.st view- Pointl Of informed ob.teroera and spoluttMn on lopics of t>.t c1av. R4bert N. Weed. Publ!lher • Man's Dangerous • • Years: 50 to 55 8y I. M.·BOYD BOW MANY liot dop did you eat laet year? AJ marry as 40? If not; JOmebody mlM hov~ lo! 1"""· The llo\bll. clans soy enough w"° sold to give evefyboc;ij" in the court- try that many . . . THlt ODDS MAKERS say chances Wbert does'lhat notion come 21 to 41 that iv.-from ID:fwly? Oilldrtn are run an un ...... ,. seldom ·carefree. Whit's need-ba~y \viii ·ba a boy , . . "ASK YOUR NAME OAME edtobacarefreell,......bly MAN about girls called Gall," &ood hUllll, llUlllclent lunds, writes ope of same. All right, a congenial matrimonial mate, but ~ · it's, n 0 t em-an enjoyable 1'•Y to keep barrll!Sfu&. He says an Galli busy, and a llljle faith In tend to be far more kissable mont than ~ matta:s. in the dark than ,in the Otlldren rarely qqallfy. daylight. • . . CUSTOMER ·SEl\VICE• Q, "BOW llW\Y ol tlll5 coontry'a ONE FAMILY out of four mlrrled CQU~ use twlQ naUonwide makes less than ~?" A. Have no idea. All ~ a~cE · to=ds ~ I kftow is abolit II perceni •tufiies «. birth records ahow own them. . o\ • Q. usew OPTBN DO you ba,. to •lier chldlren conceived in the 1-,t a working canlel''' A. Every six months of the year are 8 to 10 days. more apt to be good-natured. rF YOUR LOOKING for i DID YOU EVER collect an job, young lady, go to those insurance check to pay for offices that also hire men. car repairs after a smashup? Employment experts say girla How much did you receive! who work side by side with Never mind, didn't really ex· men get better salaries than pect to get away wilh a ques-the ladies who work where tion like that. It's a fact, onJy womeri are hired. . . however, the typical imurance rrs MORE DANGEROUS to payoff in such cues runs drive a team of horses than about Jm. Payoffs in those to drive a car.'The percentage cases where people get hurt of men killed in team ac- are a good deal hlgher, ctdenta is higher than the naturally. The record shows percentage killed in car they usually run about $1,300. wrecks~ Record of the last THE LATE NAT KING 100 years shows that. COLE'S daUibter Natalie was IF YOU ARE not at least only 12 years old when she 52 years old, ·you weren't took a shine to that ditty around when Mr. Cesare C. called "Ramblin ' Rose." He Campus invented book didn't want to record it, but matches. Long time ago, that she .pleaded. . . . ADVISED was. What I remember about Dr. Charles H. Mayo: "The book matches is that every dangerous _ age ol a. woman schoolboy ODOe c o 11 e c £ e d _15_ from_ ILJo_ !1;..._Tbe._same-~-,.._,~ dangerous age of a man is those collectioos? lncldentally, from 50 to 55. If you can't what ii the most widely keep your eye 'on a husband prtnted sentence in t h e of that age, lock him up." English language'? Have heard o v R c HI E F p R o. It claimed to be, "Close cover · GNOS11CATOR says t be before striking." typical new house five years Your questiOnl and com.- from now will get a plastic menu are weicotned and bathroom. Which will be will be used whtreutr pos· poured i.n one big shell. And sible in "C~cking Up." dollW!d into place all in one Addrtss mad to L. M. ,~ &~~~~~MM NOTE ANOTHER r!fettnce PILOT1 Box 1875. Newport ti • 1 carefree childhood." Beaeh, Calif., 92663 U.S .. Winning Battle In War Over Crime WASHINGTON (UPl)-Tbe force technique, ybere team& government's special war on of agents are.sent to areas of organized crime resulted In the country in a co~ntrllted Indictments or convictions for attack on organized crime. SS members of the Cosa Nos-Clark said the t.echpique "dra· tra dur:tng 1168, according to matically strengthened" the the Justice Department. federal campaign against or· The new cases brought to ganized crime. 114 the number of alleged The •trlt:e force teams be- :P.fafia figures indicted or con-gan operating in Buffalo, vicled in the pm 13 years, N.Y .. In 198'1. During the last Atty. Gen. ~rMeY Clark Ye a r they were sent ~to said today in his annual Detroit, Brooklyn, Philadel- crime report. phla, Chicago, Miami, and Clark said Raymond Palrl· Newark, N.J. area, Providence, R.I., re-Clark said tl!ere _ -~ 11 puled head of the eo,a N°'· lndictinents .In Brookly11, rr In tra's New England ~, Detroit, !la ~J:':i~ and Carlos Maicello, New Ot· · ~ fi ' 1 .... ·"-leans, were among the top ~; No ~ or ~ ""IC& crime leaden convicted in cities were rtleaMd. . 11168. ~ tolal ~ ol lndlct- Patrlarca wu convicted in mezib ~ m by the de-a cue lnvol?ing int'entate partment a .Oflanlled crime travel with intent to commit , and racketemrig 1 e ct I on, murder while Marcello was which controls the 1tr~ fo~ sentenced· for assaulting an operations, was 800, Clark FBI agent. said. CJ! these there were 0$ Clark. also had warm praise (:onvlct101111. for the department's strike 'Ibe reJ)Ol"t also ~howed tb~t the number of inmates tn federal prlsons grew from Russell Now it,627 to 20,037, the second consecutive year that the number bas increased. Fourth in LineJ~;;;;;;;~;;;~ WASHINGTON !UPI) re,._ Sen. Richard B. Russell ID-r nm1. llJ _,....,,.,,. 'Jslq,,q Ga.), now is fourth in the '-"'""_;;.; line of presidential succession, ,,. behind the vice president and ' the Hause speaker. · · Ruwll, first elected in 1933, ~ was sworn in Monday as Ul!MJ President p r o tern of t h e S.Ute. I See by Today's Want Ads WASIUNGTON (AP) -A aecret repcrt on an Alt Force- llnulced tnV..tlpUoo ol llying aauceri will 8-Y there ls no acienUfic evidence to indicate lllat there unldenUUed Oylng objoctl are spoceablps from --Id. . "1nlormed -told Tile Auoclaled l'Ml lbat tllll wlU be , the primary llinlll ol thd. closeiy-juarded rej>011 on If. t~year study by a team t non govtmment lclentls'l! .. The IOUl'<:tl aaid the rtpor will not claim that the lludy ·pn>daced proof that OUF's are not manned swvelllanct craft from outer ll*f· "'You can't " . J666 HARBOR BLVO. , 546-7080 COSTA MESA . WUIDAYS 9 to 9 SATURDAY 9 to 5130 SUNDAY 10 to 5100 ROPE ,DOOR MATS ~le• •f t.e¥1ft K....t •r Df•1J1.-cl W••'ft, •M 11 ev•I, oth.,..,it rwd•"t•l•r, (l 1y, r•Wil•"• if Yfll wi11t ro111d, lt't t •od .tltfryy. IHk how il't helpt d '"'·' 1'' IA. GENERAL ELtCIRIC CAN OPENER or11• "'" '" -"'·· "' "'"''" 110 f11\ ftlt tn•tic c•tc.h koop1 lld fro"' takint o 1wil'l'I, hos h1ndy cord 1lor190 t roo. In whitt. r ., "'·, ' . .--•.• •c.11 32 Gal. PLASTIC TRASH ;.·. ...\ . . ... ..... CAN· h1 f''Y to ••"' tiff il1vH coh 11.d eflO•tyeil t.1h . lithlwol9ht f1t 1lt ct n ltt1 locki111 114, 11 IMtt ••11itory, j11tf rhnt clo111 with he ho1e . 419 PROPANE TANKS fURY 3/1 INCH ' DRILL Lir• ••,.elty -~ '':'*"' J/I" ,.,rff ch1cli t.wl ••Y· 2.l •1111,.. "" '••' ., •• .i I ,000 l N . MettlJlto I thntt IM"1 '"•rl.,.e1 J cltfll11c+.r 1"4. GlUB! MAKES A GREAT TAX c;oue:croR ).d.,1rtl1od 1peclt l1 toocl thr11 Jo111u1ry 15, l•(t land l ill ltilty 414 t • ho1110 t 11d 1lto wh1ppt.i hil'l'I en1,) STARTER PAINT SET Sltrl1r 10! will '" you thr11 ttio finid"4 JoD in fitM 1tylo. 61r dot l h1ch.V11 t r inch pon ond rollor ttl, 12" 11!0111100 polo Ur fti. r~llor, 111H o fl'"' point br1111'. ,,, GINERAL . ILICTRIC l'ORTAILE- HAND MIXER. Pow1rf11I J 1p11d "'olOf' 4•••. tfio trick froM h••"Y b1tfort to ll9ltt 1t11ct1. Drla~ '"l•t r t Ht thMt nt 11 l11cludtd. In t .,t ct4• •' ,.,, .. ' ... 329 ~ I M-47 -2x4 POOT PIGIOARD. lt~t.( •f t I 000 Ult l l t ll • • • • •• • • ..... ··· l: ....... . . . . . . . . : ..... : b• • life1tver in worluhop, t•r19t, 4t11, kich roem. •r kllche11. So111 ... 11y, 1'191 101119 to tlo • w)111f• wi ll witk thi1 1tuff tn4 t •t Wttni1tcl. ... ~· .. ; ;_;:;: ... ~ ....... -.. .. . . . ....... -. . .. . . . ......... . . . . . . . .. . . . ... . ............ . ....... .. • • I 'i I • • • > I l .. l/l''xl2 INCH PARnCiE • BOARD Stvr4y ptrtl~l1 ktrcl ct n H pe!11tetl f111t II•• woe4, Mei .. ti-tt ' 1h1Mt1 ..... ., .... ,., l.-.. •• tMlr:. . ' 4 ft •••• 44c 6 ft •••• 66c .T~, Jono.J!7 t, 1169 " GLUB! IN·SINK·ERATOR O~IAOE DISPOSER '•wtrf11I UL approved metor m1kt1 thi1 eur hit buy of tlt1 •••II. wlt1ther you ••• rtpltcint or 401111fw111.,.. Qul1t ,._ff, lock rlnj t•ll'• lifetime lubrle.t.J, anti ntvtr 11tech w11in1. (Oh. c'mon now.I E11y in1telletion for tk1 1ver19t 9r1dutt. •ngl11111r, el'Mll the t llh will lllYll' foNJiY• ., .... 88 ~ No.333 GLIDDEN SPRED SATIN INTERIOR LATEX , spr ed . ·~ )' . sa t;n Glldd1n'1.nt W blut ltlrel s,,., Sttin l11t.rior Lt t.I" h ho11tOftnftt4f lwhy1 I we1n't pl1n11in9 H clrh1kint Ill, Jrie1 ln ·20 111ill11ft 1, 1!v.1 ..ft 11110 1)011• wl~ 1 fo119h 'Wtthtble 111rf1e1. Pl111ty coltrs. ...... -. I._ Conv•rl••Cart I · Piece . TY TRAY sn Thb f1 t ,..Muct •f 1erne "'"" '°" thl11li:J111 (by ....... 1d mtn nt tloubt.I ltM hold1 '4 frty1 t114 roll1 tround for 101y 1orvl"f 1n4 tlf:!rl n9. " 7" PLASTIC. DIYIDIR PANELS • Ckciic• ~f 2 or J•4lll'l•11.1lontl Mtbo...-.. or forMM 11'MOl1 I• tiltltor b.1111 encl ,,...,. Ml1t. At 01sy f• ctr• for •1 tl•t1 I 1111 •}• YYI th1t'1 t~1y), but• ltt dif1pet oncl 11fet, : ~ ,~;~4' 2~49 2'x6' 3.99 --. Aialtlbl Nonnan.cll• G,.Y · PRIPJN'5HID · ;ANJLINO ' l ttutlful duff, yew cl111 .; 11•1119 rffM wi ll ftli.,. 11ow dttnn t.O ".,"'-Itri 'Wljh Ht. •'4if• ef .. i• IM:~•tff ~1ro1¥1cl ,.001!111•111 Ner-.111411 flir.., f1011!d1 lilr1 ~•Mitt'• c•1ff1111ce '*"''""'· 'Wo Mn nuit.~1111 t11•f4h1,. W 111 ti!. J1•11•lln1 •• .. rr •. ~.._, lefftto ... 111v1t het rcl of,t • •·• ...... 7•s . ' lucluldn Panell111 • 2.11 • ·-- -------- ... ' I , I • I I I ! ! I I ! I l r l i \' I l I ' \ .. I ' \ ! • ' • • • • • • ' • ' ------- -· ' ~ DliiGllft l' 7 MlY * i!whY can't you just come~ ewry lllOrniD( Ub any other ))11slnwm•n?,. lleagan Decision News St!oop Reagan Role Remembered SACRAMENTO (AP) - Gov. Reagan found himself involved in a rea1·1lfe situaUon Wedoe!day that was a scene right out of one of his old movies. Reagan was announcing his choice of a new lieutenant a:ovemor, but before he could atart a reporter told him not to be surpriJed when some newsmen dashed for the door after be revealed the name ol the appointee. The governor laughed, and remarked: "You mean I'm really going to see that scene I used to play ln 90ITle o( those .•. plcturea when you're going to nm lot the phooe1 and get jammed In the door!" 'lbat dte.w a roar ol laughter, in which one r<pOrter chimed ill with "Give me rewrite! " To even ~ laughter, Reagan told the r<porter how he really abould &al' li: "No, the line . • • You "ve got the line wrong, Bill. The line always waa •.• 'Give me the city desk, I got a story that will crack "lhlll town wide open!',, Narco Sq~a~~Hlts ·' Hippies' Commune ' NOVATO, Calif. (UPI) on his knee as the agents : , DosRiosDamCauses A team of 30 narcotics agents searched the 23-room Rancho swept down on the sprawling Olornpali mansion from top 1'-tarin County hippie com· to boltom. The elders laughed mune of former businessman and chatted, while the children Donald McCoy Wednesday danced to a strumming guitar. night and arrested 1 2 Agents said they found I members of hill "chosen pound of methamphetamine; family" on marl ju an a valued in excess of $800 ; $500 charge!. worth of hashish; several hun- • ' ·-Conservation Crisis . . SACRAMENTO (AP) -The important s a 1 mo n and The federal, state and coun-dred LSD tablets, and a small ty agents got a cordial rect~ quantity of heroin . · -::Bpgan administration faces steelhead fishery. And a State -«··critical cons e r val ion Conservation Department of- tion from the 50-member com· McCoy denied the presence mune and Jts 37-year~ld of the heroin but readily ad· leader, who wore an crange m1tted posse~lon of mart:. turlleneck to go with his flow-Juana, whieh he told officers Ing brown beard and shoulder-"belongs to God.,, ~ision early • thb year; ficla.I said the dam and ~lher to support the pro-reservoir would complicate 4'ftatd '24$ million federal Dos lite prevention operaUons in ~m Dam on the Eel River. the area ~..!the U.S. Army Corps of •William· R. Gianelli, state ~net!rs .has p'roposed the water resources d i rec t o r • llllptroverslal Mendocino Q)w).. \ aclmowle:d~ ~y that ~ther length hair. The master of the 450-acre ·--~s~~::L-ti~y ~-' =-~~~;.:~:! Woter Resoun:es Department \IOIIT"ll!lrii , lilY.""bl<liem supports the project as a, said they dldn t support the source of additional water for project per ~·" Among these arrested with estate, which he rents for McCoy was pre.tty Mary $1,000 a month, said he ~ Norbert, a former Dcminican just returned from India. He nun :'ho tea~ the com-was scheduled to apoear tn ~ s 25 ..chil~~ T b e court in ->San Rafael-tcday-tp · ogsterr·1nc1m1e-mi-·oonr fXpTalii hi! d Im I n TiliTifi of Richard ( S e r g e • n t resources. lhe State Water Project. Gianelli aaid state approval Sunshine) Bergess, a sergeant McCo Is kn to h ve fired from the San Francisco Y own ~ Off. · 1 · th sta•· is essential to cougreMional ICl.3 s IR 0 er UC: th . tiOo of the bl dam P ti De ..... ..t ... ent for smok· ac~umulated . at least $500,uw • 0 ce ...... .... while operatUlg 11 successful departments have raised some au orua g · objections, however, and the 1ng pot on .the steps of the boat-building business ltefore Hall of Justice. casting hL! lot wiµi the flower f\tcCoy bounced two infanb children. water committee;; of both Dape•· T -ses houses ol the legislature are J .! ~ .,,_ J..A.J laktng a dose loot ll · I.be' . · : ', .; ~ ' ile I.:ike~~­ Books Bit· federal plans. T k F" h The state park! and recrea-rac 1g t lion director, William Penn Mott Jr. complained last year that construction of the dam would Oood the "beautiful and unique" Round V a 11 e y , de stroyi ng areas of archeological value. The outgoing fish and game director, Walter T. Shannon, argued that the Eel is an Too Much LOS ANGELES "(UPI) - The .owners of the struck Los A n g e I e s Herald-Examiner · Wednesday lost the first round o( a court fight to implement the sale ol. the neWlplptt at Santa Anita Race Tract. LONG BEACH (UPI) -A Superior COurt J u d g e Jibrary science student flunked Richard SCbauer turned down · 'his first practical ex.am at a request by • HW'lt Corp. Long Beach Slate college and a newspaper vendor for when police announced bis .ar- a temporary ttatra.inlng order rest Wednesday for stealing and aet·Jan.·27.·Jor a.bearing 22 valuable volume11 from the !"'-+. ......... '*·"""'"'"""' .library. InJuiidsm.~ · "~ "• Donald David Le<, 2 2, Deferue lltol'!Jeyr" arcu<d ·Cyp<as, told police he took lhlt unloo ~lpy.a: cC the the book! one by one over track mlgb~ retuse ·to work a period of a year: He hoped if the restraining order was · :to sell, jltem to fb;ance his granted, which ·could close the 'WBY.: through school. ~======::'.:::!'._'.lr~a~ck~.-------., Aft.es Angeles book dealer -' uncovered the thefts when Lee He rem!'}Y speol 131111,lltlll Oil Ibo. b!Wltcommwie belort relatives went to court and impounded hill esta~. The father of his former wife, by whom he had three children, was appointed conservator by the courl Tall Buildings Said Quake Safe LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Modem technology and con- struction methods have maae tall buildings in Loo ~eles safe from earthquakes despite their location in quake coun- try, a panel of engineers c~ eluded. .. :.=,· tried to sell some of the books E n g I n eering contractor Cecrge E. Bradlow said tall bulldlngo resist earthquake destruction because the col- umns and ·girders are .r.. ranged so the building will move as a unit. during earth ~ ' to him. The young man "'~~~ departfd hurriedly when the .,, dealer~ offered $1,500. · • ' --....... -. -. . ...,.. -... vibration. t Yorty Says LA 'Most Honest' Lures Hopefuls LOS ANGELE.S (UPI) -LlndJey lll1IOUOCed hll .,.._ Three Republicans already i (lidoey II . o l'ftt ""!fennce have llned up to run for the We:dnelday. Iba:'• mp 1 It: n \congreuional seat b e l n g manager •wtll be Lyn Nofz.. vacated by Rep. Ed :Reinecke, lger, Reagan'I Conner news newly appointed lleuteoant coordlnotor, -quit the goyemor of Californ!L gov"'10l''I staff to lid Dr. Mu Rafferty's -'l!ley .,., Jaclc fl. Llnd!ey, bid for Cle U.S. Senile in 43, who served as Gov. Ronald • Reagan'a legislative secretary,_N_ov_em_bet_. ----- ill 1967 • Loo Angoles City Cow> cilman Jal"Pe' B. Potter. lfT'S BE FRIENDLY U YoU have new ndghbon or knoW ot anyone movtn1 to our uea. ple.,. tell us .o that we may extend • trtendly welcome a.nd help them to become acqu&lnted tn their new IU1Tt'.>UNilnp. Huntington Beach Vis Hor 536-9626 Costa Mesa Visitor 642-6014 LOS ANr."' ,,. (AP) _ State Aaemblyman P•trlck • -.--·McGee, a former Loo Ajogeles So. Coast V'isllor 494-0579 Mayor~~m Yorty ~ ··~ . COUQCi1mao. • . -· _,..,,.., cil\Ot loolr 'I1IO dlllllel --• !ll'lllY 1 rilc~n. Yorty ,tal!f part of. the Sin Ferupdo , Harbor Visitor 675-3433 Los ·Anplea bu "the 1D<!11 V.Uey, lncludfns . Burbank, honest blg-dty covernmeni in Nor1h HOiiywood 1111 jltudlo 11!~ the ~on." City. "' 1'1 ·2 .. . j ANNIVERSARY th SALE Open 9130 A.M • Wed. the Ith JANUARY CLEARANCE LADIES DRESSES ao4 SUITS: NAMI II.ANDS: FINI fAlllCS. COLOU Sbet I te 20 ...ii C••t•• IMHJ S1tn "'FAMOUS IUND" WOOL JACXfTS. PANTS, lllMUDAS, SKllTS AND su1n SKIRTS: WOOLS. ILENDS, KNITS, conoN, •IMI l(OUTIONS SWEATERS: SLIPONS, CAll.DlliANS, •ltd SHIW JACKnS -COATS: LADIES LINGERIE DISCOHTINUID COLOU: GIRDLES, IUS. Pint PANTS l/J SLIPS, SLIPS ' "SPICIAUY PllCID" ll~llLAI STOCK CillDLIS AND Ill.AS. MEN AND IOY$: SWUTllS: CABIGANS & PULLOYIU , SLACKS-NO llON .... I.SD, t .00. lOM ... 11.00 SPOITSHllTS--t.e .. aH Sllert SIM¥ft TUITUNl!CU--i.Mt -.1 SMrt S....... FOR THE NOME: TAILI CLOTHS: u-. _, f'lalfc. "" s-. 300/o, 4()0/o, 500/o, 600/o UDUCTION 300/o to 4()0/o OFF 300/o, 4()0/o AND MORE 1/3 to 1/2 OFfl _ ~ 1/liaJ/2..otJMr--e Redqcti~n_ REDUCED 40 % 5.00 HA ··············-·-·················-····· NOW 3. 99 4.50 IU. --······--·--·-······················ NOW 3.49 1:00 GIRDLE ·····--·---·········--·-·········-NOW 5. H 9.00 GIRDLE ...............•........................ NOW 6.99 Reduced 4()0/o to 500/o Now 5.99 and 6.59 1/3 to 1/2 OFF 300/o to 4()0/o OFF ILANKETs-ACRILAN IOl90 .... 16.'8 ·····--··-· NOW 13.98 to x 101 Rog. 26.98 ···---····· NOW 22.91 THUMAL BBLANKm l09. 10.91 ----·-··············--·· NOW 1.91 MARmt: TOWELS AT JAN. SALE PRICE PAIK CONYINll!NTLY IN OUl llAI INTIY PAIKI NG All.t.-OnN DAILY t :JM, FllDAY "l'IL t PM MASlER CHARGE AND CARll BlANCHE IN COSTA MESA IM D&,.AftTM!:NT 9TQft9-- BANKAMERICARD AND DINERS CLUB HERE IS A umNG OF ONLY A FEW OF OUR OUTSTANDING BUYS. Stock of Sale Items is Limited. ' ' ' ' • • • • ' • • • ' .. ' • . . .. ' • .. • .. • • • • • . . •• • • • • • • • • ' . l ' .. .. • interest per yur on 15.IDJ F'1111· Paid Investment Certificates and 15 ~%I fntorost per yeor on Paubook Thrift Accounta of any amount • lntemton $5,000F~'lllrift~ Is. paid by check at the •nd of each Olllndar quarter. Interest on the P111book Aooounta ts computed monthly, etodlted lll1d c:ompoundtd quarterly. • These lrtVMtments er. 8Vlllable, to lndMd· uals, associations and corpor1t1ons-in Cellfor .. nia only. • Since Its founding In 1918, Morrl1 Pf1n Plas promptly met every reque11 for withdrawal Assets exceed one hundred million dollars.. •FumJ• p/llCff through IMP. 15 Nmlnfttwlttom.unt • -IOIW. LOANI, TOO Bin ~ldaUon. T111'1'11 • TIUI • lvrf good,....,., Morris Plan 673.3700 Newport a.Kh -3700 Newport Boul•v•rd Ohr offlCM thl'OQOholrt ptillfomla , YOU'LL FIND HUNDREDS MORE, ECj)UALL Y WELL PRICED COMPLETE LIVING ROOM GROUP Mediterranean 96" Cu1fo"' Q11ilt•d Sof•, 56" '"'JtlrH119 L•.,• S••f, v.t.,.t Club Ch1lr -Colf•• T•bl•, Corn•r T•b'• L•mp 1 End r.or •. 5 595 . MEDITERRANEAN 8 ft. Custom Quilted Sofa .... ,...... ...... $299.50 5 ft. Matching Love Seat .................. $199.50 96" Cusfom Quilted Print '"' .,.., •...... $239.50 60"· Matching Love Seat ..., ,,..,.. ........ $159.50 115" Spanish Sofa =:' .:=. "'."'. '.'.".". .~~~ .... $275.00 ROCKERS & RECLINERS LA·?-IOY llCLINER lOCICElS AT llb SAVINGS! IEllKLINE llCl.INElS AT HUGE OIS~UNTSI Maple .S~ivel, Rocker 111e1A1 $54.50 2r$100~00 Velvet Club Chairs ......, ....................... :$99.50 • • • Don't Delay and Be Disappointed. All Sales Final! SLEEP SHOP SPECIALS n-::.:::.:::'T!u::::r.,., .............................. ·s59.95 SULY ANNIYIUAIY 9UILTEO tOP 1 .... 1 $39 95 :Jwt. ... t.11 the. fS... $4t ,... Mtl ... re ••••••••••••. , • • . • • . . • . . • • • . • • ::~~~.~·;~·~-;:~:r ........................................ $119.95 :~·: •• -:~~·~~~.·-~ .. :.......................... ..... $159.95 SULT GOUIN GUAID tbtni P:bl TWIN 01 PULL SID $49,95 IS... $40 ,_ Mtl Md p&. SU.LT CIOLD!N GUAIO $149 95 (60' • 10"1 QbllN SIT , •••, •• ,, , , •••••• ,, ,. ,, ••,,,, •• , ••• , , • , • • :~~.-:!·.~.~~.~ ............................... :.. $199.95 . ""'"'"' 114Clt••lt ..... Seoly P..m.pffk .. hlr Tr"4e4 "''"· 6 Pc. Corner Covch Arr1ngement. J.-...M• coucHn. tNNllSPltfft wan11ssrs. t a.1dift, oantN c • .,.,. $179 50 ....... lllitp,...N C.....,._ ,,_... Otill: C_ T...._ 5-ft 70 fS,ceW ~I , , • DINING ROOM """' ,...,.... __ di Costa Mesa's Odest Home-Owned Furniture Store! 1865 HARBOR BLVD. Downtown Costa Mesa Phone U 8·5131 • Thlt1dly, .bnllltJ 9, 196• DAILY PILOT 91 .. ---iiol----------------------11 ~-"---"--'--....:....-'---~~~~~~~~~~~=11 • .. ~-.. For the Record MQre Families .Dqell A MOST KX'PTIN,G STOllE de1eora:lor , line • ' • - '· SeedolUil -•wan ftnlnare . ,, War Babies R~iich . Hoine Buying. Age Dft.o"'l»r 14 Mr. ind Mrs. RIU..nl Re~ter. 160' C1r1w1.; Ori...., No, c. COlf• MQI, ... EATR l\'l)TJCES SALISlllJRY :1 .. .;;;.~"j:: f~r)¥ : M11 or .. ""-r.11::!...."~ "'· Mn.'.~ , •• ·~'kn. HllnllM.,..,'=f-0::1 at.. Mr~t.Mnt. JW ' ""'· tlld Mn. lf.tl':tll......_ Hr Vtrlllf "Ila. INIM1 .. M[tij~~~~ Mr. •nd Mn, l l't .. k ..... Rovel "•Ifft Dr,, Coe• ,,,,..,., bDY Mr. Mid MP'I. 1eoblrt R•IMr, ~lltl5 s: .. 1rv Lan.. Hunth,.11111 kKh. M•. N' • l.Of'ffl l1mdo IUI l'iij Ir ' Collt. /MU bllY Mr'. Md Allitll OS.1111, Ml G ... fJ'llbul'tl Or, Munttfllf~ 8tKI\. llO't ••, •I'll Mrt. Gtor11c1 ci.,_, t411 Idell Aw_.1 .ColM Mtt•• bor Mr. aM IW\FW. LM OllloftW, 1411 ttGllY L-, ~ a-ts:'" Mr. and Wt·~·.. Ilea, 14' Or\ftwood, eot I '· Mr ..... Mn. II m L 114 l•I """ lllbo.o 111..,.t. bW Mr. llnd Mn.-W.lflceo Qlute, 1HOI s.1111 ~i;. v.1...,, olrl Mr. 1nd Mr.. Gery E. Kadi. 206ll H-tqwn, HVllll ........ fltl(ll, boV Mr. 1nd Mrl. A.1¥111 I . Sdlneldtr, lU l+o. 12, Vlctwl1 51 .• C•ll Mell, M~ 1nd ....... Ktn,.11'1 Plitt, t7J ChlYtnnit 5l.1 CGtll Mui, boY Mr. em Mn. John G.lckl, son 11e~1n Li nt. Huntl1191'0tl &each, bo"t' 1 Mr. 1nd M". lclr•n l·hmttr. 1' a SI .. Hunl!nllClll 1Nd4. boV Mt Ind Mr1, ltoberf Ho.1!11, tll\ H1rbor View Dr., CotOIWI dfl Me" 1lrl Ml;..(\:"11 ~ lt.-14 Clerllt, tol eMlt :.o.= ~··· °'"' Mr. Ind Mra. H•rw~ L. Hlnll. 7l• Jlmn SI. No. A.. Cotll Mt$1. '" Mr. Ind Mrl. Ell9l'ne It. Nordfn, 1t1) Allll Line, Cotti Mesa. 1111 Mr. Ind l<N1. Hf,rtwrt Goed1 IC11 Ml11lon Dr., Co1t1 Mt••,.•1•1 Mr. Ind Mr1. l.e«wrd -••11111, 2CllO NtWllOrl B1V11., Co111 Mtll• be" Mr. Ind M~. ROY Wfk~. !~JO T111Hn Vlll1"9 W1v, Tu1lln, tlrl Mr. Ind Mr1. Ch1rle1 8Dbtlltt, Jr., 1005 M-PL S.nt1 A.Ill, boV ~. Ind Mn. JOH L. 1!11fl\lwCO l \01 LI Pllll\I Clrcl9, Hunllnl10l'I l11Ch, M~ 111d Mr1: Slmuoi.I Cof11!11, 1111 CemtlldN L-, M-' Iner>. olrl Mr. ~ Mrl. Tlmoltw Wood, 3:102 OctMI FrOlll~;lld!. boV Mr. ~ Mrs. M11!11All Vll111rd, '11 GDoi'trllDI' St~ Cost1 Mew, boV Mr. Ind Mfl. Wllllem MHl•r. 5021 PhMMnl Clrct., Hunllrtll'on lltlCll. t lrl Mr. Ind M ... Jltk Yocum. t16 So. Aflll'!IOI Or .• S.nt1 Ant ...... Mr. lll'ld Mn. lttct>a,rd a1ker, 12' · 661!1 SI,. N....,.,rl 8111ch, beY Mr 111d Mn. Jad< Ferratt, lU.7 E~1roret11 Clrclt, FC1U11t1ln V1!11y, '" Mr trnl Mri. £OW.rd V1ltnlli", 1'll DDMHI PL (0$11 Mf••· alrl 111 TllOMAS JOllTIJNll: Of ... o.IW ......... ••war· babies are reachlnt the age ....., Uley will be buying -.. ~ ban& ollielal Dr. Ray Jallow aald this - In forecastin& a home bulldina bouncebaek for orange eow.. ly. "From 'U to '75 we're 10In1 lo see much raore family formatlob Wltb marriages two oc throe times aa lrequenl u 10 yean ago,0,he ~. Jallow, viee president and chief economist for Urdted Calllornla Bank, spoke of the war baby residential boom In an Interview before addressing 200 Orange Coast buskltss leaders at the Newporter Inn. He told the bankers, builders, company presidents and department !tore managers that he doesn't foresee a rece4sion this year. · He !Bid be is worried that tight money will curtail things for the next feW weeks, but be expects the economy to be healthy ~ monlhs from now. TAX BITE By then, he said, the .tu bite will tat. hold, spending Mortuary In El Toro Rejected Mr. and Mrs. HtonrY McK-n, '°''' BODMAN Chaucer L.., .. Huntltlvton &etch, SANTA ANA -An appeal H1rvev E. eod!Mn. Fr11ie• Perk. bay Oecefnller '1 D11e •al """'· Janue,., 1. Re1ldont af or. 1nd Nori. RelldOI• coli....-. nn for a use variance permit to 'N•wll'Ort flt.ch for ~ veers 11n!l1 •t-5111111~ Aw .. NewHr! 81Kh. 1lrt e&~blish a mortuary in El " enlly 'l'I0¥1"9 lo Fmier Pert. Sur· Mr. end .Mn. Llr. !J.ilMl\o "11 • -n. ylv.-1 bv .11.. Gkwle flodlflln; two VllVl911' Dr .• HVlltin;10ll lldl. bov Tont was denied "tdnesday SEES HOUSING NEED UCB'1 Dr. J•llow will slow, and 1n0ation wlU be cwtalled. ''In tbe pasl," he said, tP,eaking ol hls ~'s annual forecast, "we have been very lticky. We have called the shqts. But thi! time we worry a litUe." He said he ls concerned "the snowballing of Ngb intere1J rates could have apsycbological iinpact. The stock market may go down. But I think we will get out of it." Speaking again of Oranp eoon~. ·he old in 111e1 the averaie family of three will haYe ID income ol tU,300 on the average, compared to •10,600 last year. He said the vacancy rate is approacning the aft.time low recorded in 1958. The buildup ' of housing demand, coming of the war babies, and in- flationary pressure (construe· tion will eost 15 percent more In two yean) will cause a spurt in housing, he said. He doesn't think there is much chance the area will be overbuilt again. BUILDERS WISER "The availability of money is not there like it was in '83,'' he said, "and I think the bUilders are g e t t I n g wiser .... Another factor, he observed, is lhat many houses now afe sold before they are completed whereas in 1962 and '63 builders were ~ullding homes hoping to sell them. Turning to aerospace in· dustry, he said he believes a slight dl:cline Uiat began in '68 will carry over into mid-)ltar. He said he bases his forecast on knowledge of C<lntracts completed and con- tracts yet to be signed. COMMUNITY EVENTS Jan1Ulry 5 through l"ebruarJI 5 EXHIBIT IN OILS by Mrs. Helen Peirson • • • · Lamps, a~UOf'ies, and all floor 1am· pies redOCllcf for BIG SAVIMGS,'Shop early while selection i1 complete , , • many unique Item. to c.omplement any decor. • • • ~· • ••• •• ,. • . ' • ' . -.. • • . • a' •• ' . -· •• ... -.... ~ . ... 'GROllPING AS .llllSTIATID WooO TONE $482 COlOR $421 • • • • " = • • • • • ~r wait furniture create• ln1tant ii 1poce and flexibility. Thi• unique con--::"! Cept In furniture wlll enhance any·-.. room in ycwr home. 4vullobt. • in o 'Hid• ottonment of 1iq1 and desi"n1 .•. 3 rich wood toMI and a wond~ou1 Hlectlon of --· colon. • =:an CAUFORN~ RDEllAI. SAVIN&L --·· ·- <lleu<ihle.-s. Ptmf'll end D!lklre1, both Mr. end Mn. Lean SI rf. .. b then •• ~ ol SU · .flf c11111 Mew: _,, RoOllld Badmen, Gnon! Sl~C,tnJ• Mtn,,1!!_. Y _ uucuu pe:rvisors. • ."" ,,.......,.,.__,,,.""°"'~'··· ~~=·Ill"~~ ". · ·-7 ·-~ RUETHER-·-• ~i.d~!,~'t.tl'i:~·e:-sifitaAffaWanled to"bulld at Callfornl• Heter.ii -Cost• Mu. = ·-=---.:.. --?M~C...llMoia'=Jr m ----=-----~·-~11 ----January 11 ~ D1vld Rlillhtr. lOXI Llndfn Pllct. ball • ' l I b ·1din ~Cott• MeM. survived 11v wife, Mr1. Mt. 1'1111 Mrt. Vktor RIPP, '" a mw1on s Ye ut g on ~Getd• ltu-'hen mo111er, M". Either ~-51,. Cotti Men, err1 1 El Toro Road at Raton Drive ~J'.Whllflttd Meder• ea1111 '°" 11.. Mr. tnd Mr1. John P1rk, 209 N1rc Hiii ~I!'"•"' d.""111er,' ~1 II~••· M~""in~°':o.~~-c1e&1":1~rY·cl::'.-n. '"" in land zi.rned for duplex home -.w1m1m lt.uetMr, Lan• BeKh1 two H1wt1iorn1 sr .• Lt111111 &•Kh, e1r1 construction. 11~, Mr1. Jelle TOJ1pl1111, O'Nltl, c1n1., Mr1. e•rt>&•• Acos11, VlrPlni.. Ft"re Calls Attorney James Dodds , . S•rvket, ~rld~v. 2 PM. Btll Br011d¥f•V · B aid th '1 Cha"". '"'e'""'"'' H1r'bllr Rn' Mr:-s.-. &•1<ll representrng rown, s e :fi..rnorl1I P1rk. Dlrrdrd llY Bell Brotd· l :H 1.m. Wed~V. cir fire, )CIO need WiS eslablished because t!'lw1v Mortu11"Y, 110 8r~y, Cosll Ocnn 81vd. th st rlu · •~o1Mn. wtstrnllll'I« e neare mo arle! were ~ BROWN 4:1t •.m. WtdllUdly, Wlohdown, nit in Santa Ana and Laguna W11tmlnst1r Ave. BALTZ MOR'llJARlll'.'I Corona del Mar OR S.N51 Costa Mesa · Ml Mat BELL BROADWAY MORl'UARY 111 Bro1dwi.y1 Cotta Me.a u H4S3 DllJIAY BR<mlERS u .. uogtoo VaUty Morlury 11111 Buell Bml. Hnlloflell Buell uz.mt PAOIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK • CemeterJ • Mortuary Cllapd S5'8 PacUlc View Drive .,. Newport Beadl, C&Ufnia .- SMI111'1: MORTUARY IZ'I llala SI. Raollngtoo Beacl LE+an WESTCLIYF MORTUARY 4Z'1 E. J7tb St., Cotta •te.aa MMlll s:02 P.m .• dbl'IW•lht• flfe, •10 H111rd Beach. He said bis clients had 10,21 1 m.Nu.;~~=.:.~ce! •Id. been unable to find available Jm Edlno1r Ave. property ' in a commercial 11 :11 •. m.. mtc1ic1r •Id. 19001 zone. Colchtster 11: .. 1.m .. l1r ""' fire, south of Dodds ~;·led out that there ltoak~urst Ind Cutty Sirk ~· •:Of 11.m., llre lnvnllo1llon, K21 W a S commercial property L1nd11u ac"""" Raton Drive , and a i :e p.m, medlCll 1ld, 3000 ~1lrn ,.,_ 1,~1 p.m .. tr1111 rtre, nor111 '"" "' church located across El Toro Lv11nc l :oM P.m .• tr11h fire, norlh of Wimer Road. ~Slim :'1:2T. i .m. ThlH""41v. tr1111 11r1. 110rt11 William D a n n e m e y e r , " '"" of Lynne -Fullertoe attomev, repreaen-2:3' 1.m .. ''"' ·fire. ntt T11btrl "' Aw. ting Randy Comtruction Co., J:ff 1.m., J>ub!lc IUlst, 1"22 ltldl aMI. which plans development of Cost• Mae the adj,.,.,;.,,. commercial pro-11:11 P.m. Wedr>esdav, •'°WI!' '°Iii' ,,...""6 Utl Wtreh1>111e R0td petty, Objected tO the 1:•7 p,m., c•r 11re, Mn1 Vefde Ori~• 'd i E11t 11 Adlml Avenue mortuary. He sa.1 it wou d l :ct o.m .. 111 ..... rrn. 1011 El Cimino be inconsistent wit.h the COUD· Drlv• Marriages ty's master plan and not com· patible .with professional of- fices his Client plans ta build. Lif!~ses superfisor Davtd L. Baker LAS VEG.U. Nn. -IMrrltc• otijeded to the variance HctnMS 11111ed ""'' Include: because it was "strip r.oning." DK.IS d . o.nn11 Eclwerd LvPr11, JD, of NtwPort The permit was en1ed by &NCI\. 1no1 C11he1IM sue 0'1.Mf1,t7, Ith SU . or 0.-11111t. a 4-1 vote w new pervisor Paire• LN Shtnnon. Jr., 26. ot N~• • Robert L. Battin In the B~, 1nd C•rolvn Jenell Smllh. ll, tif B•lboi lfl1nd .... 1..,.•ll ,.,_rvln It, A.I.her, 20, of 01'1,_,1 ,...,~ Y· fn<il"fl' 'O'I' Miii f'•""'9olt. 1"4 OT[ -:::=f:;:========.I Wetlmlniler h" Kt11n11h A. Jlfl\n, 22, Ind S11'1dr1 Je•n Slvuw, n. bot~ ol Coren~ dll Mir 09(, u Allrwd Ger1NI W11hbl"oolt , 73, 1"1:1 EYl'!Y~ llOllnl Kev. 17, both of ~ 8Hdl .'Here's Where It's At! Albert G. Mllnl>t, 41, Ind 811119 Selltf•. 1t. boffl of klbol .... " Arlho.lr G. JahltlOn, 5', of L-llN'11, rtm1rrltd Pl'llll 11111111 Dlcklcn. J2, of 11unllngton !!illdo DIC. 11 w111i.m D~ J.S, of 5111 leldl. r.merrl"' P•11i. R\1111 dldlsan, n. tif Hunting~ ~l<f\r Mtrlow si.wert H11111r11r' 2t1 of Hu,.. f!nofllll BHCh, Ind llrlClt Aimt SALE LVnn, It, ol LI P.rrn. G1rv L" Oe8onlll :rt. 1nd suwn AM D.evldioll, 2 , bo!h ol Cost1 M111 STALE'l'·LOVELACE, l1rrv 0 .. Jt, of 11.1 Cuhl1r St., Oreno-tnd Pemtla K .• :u, of 1w E. wnsan. ce1111 •~. l(LEINBERG-VALENCIA, Cll•ll'ICe l ., n. of 5n2 G1rden Gf'll'lt Blvd., Speu 111 WUlm(n.lfer .ncl Blrkr1 R.1., 1\, al 1Cll11 lteHeft. LOI A1mltllil. Old World "'"'""" IM ...... Mediterranean Spaniah Furniture Recelvod ca-llatlon of $22,000.00 Spanish and Medlterrane•n FurnftuN All New Tep 9m11rY lrWMI NeMI hu,..,.1 .,._ HMll 0. Dhpler Items as follows: Geor~eous 8 fl custom quilted sofa with separate loose pillows with heavy oak trim decor and matching chair, 3 matching oak occasional tables, (2) 58" tall decorator lamps; hanging chain swag lamps in wrought Iron, an 8 piece king size masler bedroom IQl.te in pecan panelled Mediterran· ean style with top quality 15 yr. warranty king size mattress & box springs. Spanish doc:or dinini sel elt. ..-. ....,_. ... ,.,.i. s1~n.t0 ::~:~~~----·······-$698.00 Any PleQ Cen a. Purch&Hd lndlvldually Temis Available -Newcomen to Calif, -C1'9"lt APf11 ovad lmmadlately ... , z~ .. , D F11rnl.tt11!e , A.t Harbor Blvd. 181;4 N•w.p,ort llvd. Costa .Mesa only Evoi;r !\lpht 111 t -Wod. Sat. I. Sun. 'Iii ._ , CITY WIDE CROSS COUNTRY TRACK MEET R99lstratlon 9 AM -Estencla High School Track Boys and Girls -3rd thru 8th Grade JO'nuary 12 OPEN HOUSE -1 to 3 PM FAIRVIEW STATE HOSPITAL ANNIVERSARY Sunday, January 12, 3:15 p.m . COLUMBUS BOYCHOIR OF PRINCETON, N.J. Or•nge Co.1111 College Auditorium Contact Cliff Wesd.orf-546·2300 for information regarding ANNOUNCEMENT in this Column YOUll t ' • Neighborly. Thats what the nation's l~rgest federai :.iS! .:.: ... . ,.,. ,1• ' •• • i ·,.•) ,$ '" We're loca~ people, from our manager to our tellers. And we're anxious to publicize all local ' , . i;ommunily activllies. It's our way of matching home~1own frie"ndliness wlththe:effl.cientservlce of the natiori's largest federal savings assoolatl6n. lt'S "Why we· have been winning ·so many more friends In California every year since 1925. Stop Jn and open your account now. 5 253 .BONUS • 0 ACCOUNT: (Available fn multiple• of $1000.) Earns y,ry, bonus each yaar above regular passbooj< rate when hold 3 years. 5.133 ·:~~:~~ 5, 13% anntlal yield on lniureC! passbook accounls,when •ll·••vlngo and dividends remain a year, if the 5% curi'ent-a'nnual rite Is meinlalned and compounded dally for a year. ' . ' COSTA MESA OFFICE: ~-• A ·-2700 Harbor Blvd. near Adema • 546·2300 , CLIFFORD M. WESOOAF, ASST. VlcE PRESIDENT 6 MANAGER • • , ' • '• ... ... .. .... .. .. • ' ' J ' ... ,. ' • I I I • I 1 ' f ! I I t \ I ! I . . t I ) ' \ I I --___ ~_=:-:::::-::~~~-=:_;;:::·~µii::;z;-~-~-~-:-7.:;.~::.:.::::.:.:.:.:::.:.:.:::::.::::.:.:::-.. !,:.:.:.::.:.:.:4::.:.:.~.""'."---=:~==~~!!!!!!l!I ................. ~ -Jf DAILY l'lUIT I l • • • .~ • • ...... .,_ ; ... . .. , .... ... -~ •.. ,. " .-• .,.., , . " .. -·:: . . . I ' ' • • • • ·-. ' ' ' " SllltE 1$21 . WHITE .FRONT OUAlllY • SBMCE • DISCqUHT • IHltGRllY WHITE FRONT GIVES YOU EXTRA PROTECTION BY ADDING WHITE FRONT'S WARRANTY TO MANUFACTUREl!'S ORIG INAL WARRANTY I ' ' PANASONIC DELUXE PORTABLE . TY G.E. PERSONAL PORTABLE TV RCA * 20'' YHFf UHF COLOR PORTABLE ZENITH *20''TABLE. MODEL COLOR TV • lightweight, low pro- file cabinet • "Set and Forger' fine tu ning • Front mounted speaker • Bu ilt-in VHF and UHF ~n uona~~ Bui lt-i n . carrying band le. - . " QUAKER LAUNDRY AID INDOOR Dl'f'EI Space "'" ""'====4 prOYidn 17 fL of drying ilfta. ' ) 100% wari>-proof steel ccm-• struclion,chro.nallte hniS1le9'. LAUNDRY CART White liner, clothts pin pockef, 5/8" tvb- 11 lar stul T frame with chromt finish 1nd 2 inch casters. CLOTHES ~ALn All steel con- struction, holds up to 24 aar· men1s on hangers, rolls 011 casters, folds for storage. YOUR 297 CHOICE EACH ......... '"" run 1.Ullfl WWlt flDIITT 2 nu •11'15 lUIOI wuu11n nui lllMrf 'llOlll ... l ' WUUllTT PlW~ IUMlf Al •a PTU m• I IMlllll.ITIVll .............. &I llf UT~& ,., ' BUILT·IN l NORGE HUGE I DiSHWASHER I 15 LB. WASNER I 1 • 6 pushbuttons, 9 • Simple to operate I ~ cycles ~ Full cycle I timer control & water · ·wa sh, rinse, d!} and I temperature selector I' pla_tt warmi ng • • Heavy duty 1/2 HP l Sta1nl~ssteelwaste I motor • Holds bic· food disposer • Dual I loads to save you time action washin2. I & work. I ~ I I MAGIC CHEF GAS RANGE 30 INCH OHUXE MODEL • full widtlt • own 1nd ad1ustablt Rlidt-oul broiler • 4 top burners & center work area • Ace~· ale heat co11tlol. • Ideal set for bedrooms, den or office • Built-in telesc op- ing antenna and carrying Mndle • All channel VHF/ UHF tuning • · Attractive, i--~ liih.~ejg~~· ~ THERMOS ® PT. LUNCH KIT Workman's lunch 19 7 kit with I pt. vacuum bottle. f?~:5 •• .. . .1. • Rare earth phosphor • Picture tube for brighter picture • 25,000 volt picture power •·up. front controls and sound • All ch3itnel UHF/VHF tuninR ••Pie· .Jur,e measuredJliae:onally; -... OUR REG. 419.97 .1' . OUR LOWEST PRICE EYER! ROTO·BROIL AUTOMATIC 1 COOKER·FRYER l Completely automatic 6 quart fryer I w /temperature control, signal 5 80 I light & alum-I inum grease COMPARE I . wel l. #100. AT&.95 I ----------------------~ . . ·,;· •. BEACON HEAT PAD 1 ":,: .. ;;.: />f. ;:. .""; 100% waterproof ·heat pad wi th I /1'-'.•::.;}:,; ... , removable, washable fover and I '•·.·; .. ;..:.i" mu ltiple hea t 2so1 • · ··•· ,,.. control; U.l. li st- ed. cord. Model I HSI. I • , . WHITE FRONT'S , .3 YR. COLOR . PlnURE TUBE . i WAUANTY 1 ~ AT NO EXIRA COST ' • Exclusive handwired chas· sis• Simplified up front tun· ing • Bonded picture tube of rare earth phosphors • Up ·1ront speaker • Compact cabinet • "PicL meas. diag. ;; G.E. UPRICHT ' VACUUM WITH FREE TOOL SET Big vacuum value! Up- ·rig ht with 2 positio 11 ha ndle, vinyl_ zipper bac with disposable dust bag- inserts, powerftrl motor. suction regulator and umplete above -floor cleaninp; tools. #US/M. 9so . I •. -·-., ...... ISl!IZUllllllli!imm.:11...Z::=~-..b~~ t ... ~~~, ..... PHILCO 16 W.· REFRIGERATOR • 2 door model · • fretttrhold• 132 lbs. -has shall·on doof • 12 lb. meatkeeP,r • 3 door racks, butter & egg keepers • 4 full wjdth shelv.t • 2 crisperl. • £1' le-tel oven for bak1"1 and warntin& • Master O\'en holds. big· gest roasts.• Indepen- den t the rmost1ts • Fluorescent surface ~ighling • 4 burners • Clock & timer. I • Front loading con- 1 vertible -use as Portable or built-in • I 6 cycles -pushbuf· I tons & timer !Or any wash needed •Wood I top won area • Roll• . 1 •• c;aster>. CHA•GI IT TA ·U-llWD •WMnf ... tCAlO • llASlll(HllllU.11 E A 3088 BRISTOL AVE. • JUST OFF NnyPORT AVE. BETWEEN SAN DIEGO FRWY. AND BAKER ST. / * STOREffOURS * DAILY 12 TO 9 SATUROAY 10 TO 9 SUNDAY 11 TO 6 i ' • • • , ' I • • --IS) OAIL V PILOT J J Off .teampau rcumn --i.,i..y · Vntllt~e Pr!fre•• Registration Set For OCJC Classes Re1lstraUon will s t a r t Saturday for off-campua even. Ing classes ofCered by Orange coast JWlior College DiStrict. (Off-campus claJOes are in addiUoa to on-campus Orange Coast and Golden WeSt classes listed in Wednesday's DAILY PILOT.) Finc'h ·Plans Education 'Sh·~keup" SACRAMEN'IQ (AP )" -and more tballeJl&inl cia-prdlably --too Finch, at '1, IJ Nixon's In more d<Wl The prop111ls Robert H. Finch, secretary· were mentioned by Finch .P much oo welf.art" u oppoted y0W11ett cbojce ror t h e inclUde plans ror vuUy ln- desianate of health, education poastbl11Ues in what he aaJd lo helping young pel"lons Cabinet. Durlng the past two Cl"f;ased flnanclal aid to col· and weUwe. sa,ya American ii "probably lbe area of real achieve productive lives. leges and unive:rsltlet. classrooms need 1 "shakeup" concern" in education -·"We know what the pre> years, Finch bt:aded t be "I'm $.enerally ill favor or bl . •. he -• California Job Trainln• and t•· · ~--• d to improve teaching and elementary and secondary ems are m -11ig r ~uca-• uic: em asis on m~ an n!duce the number of years schools. tlon," Finch e 1 p I a I n e d. Placeme.ot Counc:U, devoted to dental schools," Ftnch said. apersonmustspeodlnscllool. BETl'EllPROGMMS "Probobly the attu of ml ~~~~~c:'o:= Tiie Carneile Commlltlon's •1Many of our elementary P'inch, C 11110 r 011 • 1 concern are in the public and Mexk!an-Americanl. report includes propolllt for scbooJa are so encrusted in R b 11 Ii te t &ehoola. Fincb also served as an ex· community colleses, or junf~ teaching now the way they e P u c 1 n eu nan One problem, Flnch said, c o I I e 1 e s , s i m i I a r t o did 20 years ago," Floch said governor for the put two is that elementary IChools officio University of California California's Master Plan for, in an Interview before leaving years, told newsm~. ~ don't take te1evblon into ac-regent and CtWomia slate Higher Education, calling fot for wamfugton, D.C., Monday Washlngton Dec. 18 uwi.t count although "a child has college system trustee. acceuible community colleges nigbl plam to concentrate on Im-perhaps had 2,000 or S,000 RECENT REPORT featuring vocational as well The tuition fee per class for the spring semester will be $5. · proving current program• ~~ .. -...... , TV t" ~1 s -•--•-1r·•·•·· gister at College Center Build-He diJcussed some of the rather than trying to start ._. o ...., ore a se ...., ore Finch, asked about the rt· a 8C<NalUI.; ........ lfS. ing-Golden West College) problems or the nation's reaching Jehool. cent Carnegie Commis!ion National financing of com· I ' ,I Registration wiij be between the hours ot 5:30 and 8 p.m. according to the following schedule ·by first letter of the last name. schools and colleges he will new ones. Another problem he said report on h::t. her education munity col1eges a1W ls a ques- Edi•on ComPat1Y -~""'' '""11 But he also said he has ' ' I •-•-• t F" h Of""'''u...,, Thurey •: :!11.m. consider as lhe No. 1 educa· is that for a young man with issued by Clar Kerr, former ton to uc woc~ ou , inc Hunt1n11on .-.. Hllll etioo1 -" tro•• se""" oI the ·d d"•• ••·t I I u en1us11 °' the ~ 1111 born. n lnn1n,. tion official under President-a s ·oe •s= military obU,ations, educaUon University or California presi-sat , a ~ uwa oca oo ege ruac11v IM TilvrMMY 1., ... m. fearlessness of revision." · " tru t ••-t t "d he•--•-••·• with 00ar•0 -•-·•d have "the same M1r1~ H~= -Hoorm1""''1 elt!cl Nixon. lS so s ng OU UlCI mos dent, sa1 wu Ull.K'U u.11 ~ ""' ((l!'lt~. ., 1·1• ... m.i 19" c te ound Fin h Id ••·t as "a stay o t oI th I Id K nd N" -•-• It d kind oI a·•·nomy they have ti: m: 'I/HAY ~=-1l.~.~~y '~ro 0 m p U rs, year-ar C SA UI& U e rea WOT er? 8 JXOn IWUU\ 811 UW From coritinuing students by appointment, Saturday, Jan. 11: Last name A·E, Jan. 13 ; F-K, Jan. 14; L-Q, Jan. IS ; lh.'nri.J:iamnn1. .tiN•rucr•'t-'y t!ICI, _sc_h_oo_1_1ng..;;'_'_ta..;;gg:..e_red_v_aca_Uo_ns_.c.gener __ a1_p_'°_pos1_u_on_,_,._• _' v_e_u_n_ll_I the_lr_m_id_20s_.'_' ____ P_l•_ns_1o_s1u_d_y_lhe __ P'°_J>OO_•_b_i_n_c_a1_;1_orn1_a._" ____ _ ~ y 7·10 p.m.1 ounllno 1.1• ~~:1.~~· ~ij=J R·Z, Jan. 16, . 1tf!:J!:"'·' aokk"Pl1'9. Tueid<ly 91\d r.re.1l!!1··0,'=» lr:'ctiu. Mor*v 1-10 p.m.: Rtl tltj. Jll"'Hr1Y JNnl .. ......,,, Thu llY -lf 11.m.1 Tour er· r•-' \"''..,. •11tncv D!*"lllonJ. ThurtOIY 7·1 P.l!'l.1 -ll eert1 110f0 ~rshf.P lh 11th tduutlotll. TUfl41Y 1~ro 11.rn. ~n registration A·Z Jan. 22 and Jan. 30. · HegistraUon continues cam- pus Feb. 3-6, 10, 11 , 13, 14 -vacancies permitting. 111,Jc Ene111h .-.view, Monoav 11'1d Wednt!.IMY 7-t 11.m.1 R .. dlnl' 1~ comP01Ulon, Monclir.7·10 p,m.; n.i •h !()r the lortltn m, lnlfrmedlllt, MOllOIY lftcJ W MIUY .f P.1'1'1.1 El=' cf or11 "'f.W'''''°" !~lie =-1-tl~IY ih,P·~C.~ ~~ Following are the off-cam-CORONA DEL MAR (Regis- ter at Orange County Fair Groun~J W-ldlY 7•!'~ ArN<lc.11\ h ,r;,.y;"tutW.V 1·10 •.m.: The Econonilc1. Wtdne&d.lv 7·10 P.1'1'1.1 P$YCholooy, ·~11ec1; Truad1Y 7-10 p,m ,; P.rsonne! m1n.1-n lot """rv11ou. TllundtY 1·9:JO p.rn.; Me!rololv. I"" frodu,llon 10. WedneMUY 7·10 p,m . Orange Coast's Most Complete NEWPORT BEACH (Regis- ter at County Fair Grounds) Ho.ag HDfl'llll Audlto'!um " -Medic.II 151+511nl lrll~ ng, WloCIMl4aY 1·10 "·"'· PRINTING SERVICE ,,, lllJ!iiilli Phone 642-4321 FOUNTAIN VALLEY (Re- gister at College Center Build- ing-Golden West College ) Holy F .... lly Mli1lon -E'\':11111 ~Y T'!>d 'f,.,~~,1~ ~'.nnlng, Uft- 836-6208 SEAL BEACH (Register at College Center Building-Golden We!lt College) !ell Bffdl CllY Hiil -CooHrl!IY~ nyrHry e~UCl!IOfO, W..:ll\tl41Y 1:)0.f:JO p,m. WESTMINSTER (Register at· COiiege center Building- Gofden 'West Colleg!_). . SIJI.. P11'k -Ptrent -Kt!Ool WOl'k9f\olo UVt • S yr. oldtl; MOild1v t e.m."?.';'! or Wedl'ltMllY ' e.m.-~e:;:..r~\":~ ~1~"'~-· -~ne, t.flrwilmi. TIJt!IOIY li'lcl r.u""y 7.f:Jli P.m.1 TYPln1. 1m. "'· Tuttclh' •nd ThU"°'Y 7.f:IO p,m,J Sniln9 'i'ifllflld """'ft:. t.tlnnl\t Moftday ~. td...::.Y W,.JD ~·~ ~ 1t.:.:..u-; ;g,~i~1.~w':!J:::'~111r.'10 -:':'.': 1llOl'lng, TutSOtY 7-10 p.m. ANOTHER SPECIAL SERVICE for CUSTOMERS and FRIENDS COME IN AND PICK UP YOUR COPY JAN. 2 thru JAN. 10 tJiere qtnt AU/e ~ mde a di#er/!llfce So/o per annum compounded daily current rate on passbook savings 5 25% on minimum term accounts • · in multiples of $1,000. MUTUAL SAVINGS & N o CLO~~~AA ~E;_ ~~~ T I ~f,' • 2U1EASTCOA8THtQHWAY CORONA DELMAR, CAUFOANIA- TELEPllONE: ITS-5010 HEAD OFFICE 315 E. Colorado Blvd . PHadena, Calif. 911 09 telephone: 449-2345 ASSETS OVER $425,000,000.00 OTHER BRANCH OFFICES Glendale. West Arc.adi1 Corona Del Mar A ''For Real'' earance WHAT DO WE MEAN "A FOR REAL CLEARANCE SALE?" WELL, MR. M's FOR MEN IS CONDUCTING ITS YEAR END CLEARANCE SALE. THIS SALE WILL CONTINUE THROUGH THE END OF JANUARY. AS MOST OF OUR CUSTOMERS KNOW, WE ADMINISTER BUT TWO STORE WIDE . .. . ' -SALES EACH YEAR. ESSENTIALLY OUR SALES ARE FOR REAL EVERY ITEM MUST BE SOLD, WITH HONEST AND LEGITMATE-S"AVINGS PASSED-OITTOl'Otr. .-:-.-.-; BELOW ARE A FEW EXAMPLES OF WHAT WE MEAN: SPORTS COATS two button wool blen'ds ... , ..... , .......•.... all wool two button . , .... , , ..... , ... , .... , . , . traditional, all wool ... , .. , .....••..... , ....•. SLACKS sharkskin, wool and silk .....•....••.......•... all wool slacks ...........•............• , ..... traditional, wool blends ... , .............••.... rayon, acetate blends ... , , , , • , , . , , , .......... . WASH & WEAR SLACKS racers ....................•.....••......•.. cords .................•. ; ....•......•....... fancy plaids ...• , ..... , .....•........... , , .. flare buttons .............••....••.....•••... PULL OVER SWEATERS andy williams, crew ......... , .... , , ....••.... turtle neck, bulk knits .....•................ , , , orion crew neck ...............•......•.•.••• ski sweaters ............ , ......... , ..... , , .. . ·1 oo·;. orion tu~le necks ."' . "' "" ....... "'. ''V" necks ......•..............•......•..... CARDIGANS alpaca, washable ........... , ....•.....••.... andy williams .............................. . two ply I 00°/0 lambs wool ....•....•.... , , .... . chain knit orlons , ............. , .. , . , , ..... , , , orion acrylic'1 ..•..........•........... , •.... velours ...........•.........• • .... · · · . · • • • • · JACKETS zip out lining, wind breakers ...........•.....••. ski jackets, reversable ......... , , . , .....••.... SHIRTS cord jackets, quilted acrylic lining .......•......• nylon jackets with fleece lining .........•..... , , nylon jackets without lining ....... , .... , .....•• REG. 48.00 45.00 37.00 25.00 22.00 18.00 15.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 I 0.00 30.00 lb.00 lb.00 I b.00 15.00 15.00 24.00 22.50 18 .00 lb.00 13.00 15.00 27.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 14.00 italian knits. imported wool . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.00 italian knits, acrylon , .... , • . . . . . • • . . . . • . . . . . . . 17.00 orion knits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . I 0.00 & 12.00 wool shirts ............... ·.............. 14.00 & 15.00 sport shirts, acrylic and rayon ......•..... ·. . . . . . 8.95 sports shirts, cotton .................... , . . . . . 7.50 button do:-vn, no iron ............... , . . . . . b.00 & 7.00 ALSO .•• CHECK WITH OUR 112 PRICE SHIRT RACK NOW 32.95 29.95 25.95 19.95 17.95 14.50 11.50 4.99 '1.99 6.99 5.99 19.95 7.99 9.99 8.99 6.99 9.99 15.99 14.99 9.99 8.99 6.99 9.99 14.99 12.99 12.99 12.99 8.99 13.99 9.99 6.99 7.99 5.99 3.99 3.99 YES, AS YOU CAN SEE: IT IS A FOR REAL CLEARANCE SALE: REAL SAVINGS FOR YOU! MR. M's For .MEN TAI.BERT & MAGNOLIA • FOUNTAIN VALLEY BANKAMERICARD 968-1811 MASTER CHARGE . -_,__ _______ ··----·-~-----~--- ' r r r I \ } I I I I t ( 1. ' . . . • 1 • r JJ OAILY PILOl -·""""" '· 1969 I l< ~AY-'PRE·INVENTORY • THURSDAY, FRIDAY.· ·SATURDAY .CLEARANCE . • • : ""'""-------~........,,......:...--.....____,,~~ ~OO~R £krat'.2?::E:'!1~1N~f~A~N~T :;F;,URITURE WINDSOR WOMEN'S DRESSES S REET fl: BUDGET SPORTSWEAR $I~ Cor seol by Pride for bucket or DRESS GROUP $ Se d' ' 3-5-bench seot .. -... 10.9'1 $7-10 poroles, coor moles ... .n · .n 19.99 $7-$8 Copris, ocrylic or nylon 4.9'1-5.99 Orig. $20-$33. Figure flotlering styles in $ 2 $2 S 1 b • · 6 -t I ~ California-weight febrics. Misses. half sizes. BUDGET DRESSES JUMPER SHIFTS 10.99 A versetile style in v1ool or rayon crepe, back zip ~tepins with deep V neck . optiont1I belt. Dork and bright colors, misses. half sizes. DAYTIME DRESSES COTTONS AND ·JERSEYS 5.99 Orig. $13-$15. A greet group of cottons plus jerseys in Arnel® triocetote, nylon and acetate. Pr in t s in shirtwaists and shifts. misses', holf sizes. I . O weo •"· ro.en sozes __ .n -.n ACCESSORIES T urtlenock shells, ocrylic or nylon ---2.9'1-3.99 HOSIERY Indoor-Outdoor Slippers 1.59 Orig. $4. Di scontinued slyles and colors in soft leathers, fabrics. Broken size. COSTUME JEWELRY $4-$10 Costume Jewelry Group .. _ ... _.1.99-3.99 DRESSY, CASUAL BAGS 2.99 Orig. $6-$9. Plastic potents ond others in oll shapes and sizes. Fashion colors. JUNIOR WORLD $~$7 Ploslic hondbogs, esst. .. .... ,.1.99 GIRLS' COATS, DRESSES GIRLS' COATS 10.99-21.99 Orig. $20-$34. Meny febrics inclu'ding wools and cotton corduroys. 3-6x, 7-14. $11 -$12 Girls' jumpers .. -.. ·-___ .. __ 6.9'1-7.9'1 $8-$12 Assorted dresses, 3-7x. 7-14 .... 4.9'1-5.9'1 GIRLS' SPORTSWEAR $3-$6 Sportswear group, 4-6x, 7-14 .. 1.69-4.9'1 JR. HIGH SHOP Jr. Hig h separoles . -· ...... .. ... save 1/3-1 /2 $9-$17 Dresses. jumpers, 8-14 .... _. __ 5.99-8.99 FABRICS FASHION WOOLENS 2.99 yd. Orig. $4-$5 . The group includes pleids and checks, solid colors. 54-60'', limited choice. 1.29-2.50 Cottons, synthetics ---... _.yd. 'l'lc • TOYS ' ' CONSTRUCT ALL BUILblNG SET 3.99 Orig. 7.99. Bui lds unlimited shopes. Includes riv-a-matic gun, power pack. An educational toy. TOPPER TINY BAY MAGIC DOLL 1.99 Orig. 4.29. Wove the megic w0<1d end she awakes, goes to sleep or winks. 10" short. So loveeble. SPACE CANNON' SET 9.99 Orig. 16.99. Includes Spoce connon, Cepl. Lanzer, Major Mott Mason and Sargent Strom dolls, plus accessories. BEDDING WHITE FEATHER PILLOWS ___ ___::..::_.:.._c...;:..:..:_...;......;:..=. ,-, -,-, ---, $9-$11 Hendbog group ....... -............ •. . . 4.9'1 --~ JR.: "JR:-PET!TCD~SSfS----:---COS-MET.ICS---------~hio~~brics_c.e~~~~:=::.:::--.. save _l!_~-1 12 _ -10 99 19 99 Skirt len9ths .. .. ........ --.. --.-... seve I /3-1 /2 ' • ·-• ' 19.99 Whirl·A-Dent denture cleaner···········--9.99 1.49 Sheer dressy prints .--·····················-·-··-yd. 79c 2 for 9.99 • -Gri~.90,..ront>dowA®-!.-oted, ..Jbey _,,,..___ _ chine wash and dry. ' Orig. $17-$28. Mony s."·les ond colors in · $5 Setin Mist Shower Sproy . 1.99 I 29 $2 S ·1· f b · f ·11 d 99 'J . -U• ong e ""· amous m• s ....... _ .. _ y . c ir. 5-13 , jr. petite 3-13. 'Reol volues. STREET FLOOR LINGERIE $4 -$5 Bonded knits. moch. wesh. poleysler yd. 2.99 J r. car coots, 5-f3 "" ....... -. 22 .9'1-30.99 NYLON TRAVEL SET MILLINERY 6.99 $ 79-$195 Fur ~ofs• .. . ......... -----.-sove 1/4-,I12 Nylon· p•jomon•ilh metching robe in pestel $20-$25 Mini toil' hots. . ...... -................ 14.88 shodes ideel for lroveling. $20-$23 Imported lemb fur' novelty styles .. 16.88 . $9-$15 Fine milJir•f¥ .-. -......... . 4.00-6.00-9.00 ... $~-$6. v:',~'.;'.11:. ;1~'.'?,'.'.'~"'..: ~sst'. ____ 2.99-3;99 · $5 Clusle". pe rmenenl press ... ........................ . 3.99 /lf_T . JOX $~ P'!lli~I ~~~ii),t,,19.li,?. ~-s .. . ... ~•• 2t 2.99 $5-$9 Hot veriety ........... c-.... -... -............ 2.00-3.00 Bikinis. trfmme<! or loilored nylon ..... --........ 3/1.99 HAIR BOUTlf;>UE VALUES ·IN HUMAN HAIR ..... $50 wigs, seve 1/3-1 /2. $65-$85 Fe)ls, 39.88-4~.88 · Versetile wiglets ... ____ _: __ 9.88-$13.18 $35 Cescodes, 18.88. $5-$16 Benglets. curls. frost rings, kissing bows .; .. ~_-save 1/3-.1/2 W ig accessories, spray, cleaner, fci rfns, stands ond . coses. etc. _ -_ _:. I /2 Prite FASH.ION . SHOES · NATURAUZ'ER SHOES ........ ' ... ' ' ... . '11.99 Orig. $19-$20. Mid ond low heel dress shoes in the new foll foshions, colors. CASl)AL SHOES $l7 Nciturol iz~r.'s. fy-f!e.mi walker shoe ,,-·-········ .. 9.99 -~M.::.:IS:.:S:=-ES::_'_;S:..:.P-=O..:..:R.:..:TS:.;.W_E'--A_R--'-:..:.;· · · · · · · · BUDGET 'FASHION SHOES COORDINATES, SEPARATES ,...--;:...:C:..:A-:S-=U..:..:A..:..:LS..:..:, -=L..,....IT:..:TL'--E-"'H'--EE.,;:;.LS=· o-, Orig. $9-$50 3;,~ ~ ~~;!~ mokers 1 Joe -· 3.99 kets, shirts, sweaters, pants. blouses. suits· Orig. $7 -$1 1. By famous mokers, Buskens on d dresses , .. wools polyester knits. ond others. Fashion and basic colors. $5-$22 Shirts end blouses 2.99-5.99 ' FAMOUS MAKER PANTS 8.99-12.99 Orig. $I 3-$i 8. Slim, flero or stroighl log in solid or novelty acrylic or nylon knits or other fobircs. Some proportioned. JUNIOR SPORTSWEAR TOP NAME JR. PANTS 7.99-8.99 Trim leg and wi de leg styles in solids and ""tlovelties. o snoppy choice in sizes 5-13. HI-DEB SHOP $1~-$20 Young jr. dresses. ossl ............... 8.99 -11.99 BLOUSES AND SHIRTS FAMOUS LADY SHIRTS 2.99-5.99 Orig. $6-$15. No-iron Dacron'RI polyester I cotton in white and po,tels. solids. prints, tailored or lcteed sissi es. 8-18. $0-$13 Fomous moke blouses 2.9'1-4.99 FOUNDATIONS FOUNDATION GROUP 1.59-4.99 Orig. $5-$9 . Girdles, pontie girdles ond backless bras by Warners. Van Roalte and Nemo. LINGERIE BRIEFS OR BIKINIS 69c, 6/4.00 T e~tured nylon tricot in white or colors in bikinis or tailored briefs. 5-6-7. Bikinis, print nylon tricot. 5-6-7 __ _ $5-$9 Sleepweer, ••'°rled . ROBES Long ot·home wear , asst .. INFANTS' WEAR 99c 2.9'1-4.99 9.9'1-19.99 INFANT PLAYWEAR 2.99-3.99 Orig. $1-5.50. Knit crawlers, jemokins end Oiaper sets for boys or girls. MEN'S FURNISHINGS MEN 'S SUPORT HOSE 99c Orig. 2.50. Good looking , from e top de· signer. Black , brown. navy , charcoal or olive. 10-1 1'/i. 12-14 . " $5-5.50 Femous meker dress shirts ..... 3.59, 3/10.50 2.50-$3 Neckwoar. curren t po tterns -; l.~9, V2r~ 7 .50-12.50 Cufflink sets, disc . stylos -.. ----·-··· 2.9'1 $5-7.50 Leelher bells. ass! .. , ............... 1.9'1 UNIVERSITY SHOP $5-$8 Knit shirts for young men _ 2.99-4.99 MEN 'S CLOTHING TWO-TROUSER SUITS 84.99-89.99 Orig . $I 00-$120. Wool/silk sharkskins. wool worsteds, polyester wor st eds. Two button side vented models. ($40-$55) SPORT COATS, Asst. 29.99-44.99 $75-$90 Fa mous moker su its ... _.... . 69.99 $26 Plai n front sleeks .. 17.99, 2/35.00 SPORTING GdODS 26" BOYS 3-'.SPEED LIGHTWEIGHT BIKE 34.99 Orig. 39.99. Front t:'lnd rear caliper brokes, flembouyenl red finis h. Complete wifh flosh- flombouyanl red finish . Complete with flashy white woll tires. BOYS SPORT BIKE Has Hiqh Rise Handle Bars 34.99 Reg. 39.99. Long , low frame in jubleant green. Has knobby rear tires, white wall. Protective fenders for protection. FLOOR COVERING SA VE 32% to-43 % DECORATOR AReA RUGS 34.00 $50-to $60 volue>. Mony styles ond colors in group. You 'll recognized the famous pat- terns. limited quentites. FURNITURE KROEHLER 8' QUILTED SOFA 238.00 Volue 279.95. Outline quilted in ovocodo prints desig n on rich natural background. In- cludes arm cops and brass ball casters. YARNS STERLING SILVER FOR 8 SAVE Yi NOW, 32 PIECES 188.00 Clearance of sterling services for 8 by fo r .. most manufacturers. Selected patterns, limit. ed quantities. TELEVISION Columbia Minerva Spectra Shell K;it, 2 Styles 2.99 In choice of pink, hunter turquoise or red. Special savings. SILVERWARE IMPORTED STEAK KNIVES 4.99 Orig. 6.50. Modern shape, serrated edge, fine stainless steel from Germany. SAVE $10 ON ZENITH 18" Diagonal Portable TV 119.88 Big 172 sq. in. picture in at portable that's light enough to carry from room to room. RCA VICTOR 15" DIAGONAL PORT ABLE TV 98.88 Great for that second set. Quality features built in to deliver a clear, bright picture. MAJOR APPLIANCES-all stores 14.6 CU. FT. FRIGIDAIRE Frostproof Refrigerator 269.88 • Double side door with 125 lb. freoror, twin hydrators, flip quick ice eiector. Big door storage. FOTORIAN STRA TORESTER COVERED IN RICH VINYL 118., 149.95 oulstondi';( volue in leother look vinyl. Choice of gol , block or evocodo. ANAHEIM NEWPORT HUNTINGTON BEACH ' 444 HORTH IUCLID -'~o"• ll5 • 1111 MOHD,4Y THJtU SATURDAY 10 •"'·lo ••JO p ""· , •1 FASHION ISL ... NO -'"•ft• •44. 1117 MONDAY TMIU FllOAY 10 '·"'·to 9:JO P·"'· i ATUlDAY 10 '·"'·to• p.m. 7171 lDIN•EJt AVENUE -Phe11• ltl . Jlll MONDAY THlU SATURDAY to ...... +. t 110 , ... r l • • ' k I I •• ., n • ~ s ' J J I I l • I r • • • • I I ·u n a ~ I ~ OI • WORK CUT OUT -Members ·of•the Alpha Gamma Delta Alum· nae Club wW be stuffing Easter seal envelopes and preparing flannel boards and' stitchery for the Speech and Language Deve- lopment Center in Anaheim when the group meets Wednesday, Jan. 15, in the Fountain Valley home of Mrs. Donald E. Jobnlon. Pre- paring for the projects which will benefit community youllt are (left to right) Mrs. Peter Wanbaugh, Mrs. William Yell$ and Miss Sonnee Stallman. ~-- · RnoieGts AccenUng youth during the tint month of 1988 wW be oororlty - bera from Orange Coast al\llllDA• clubs, and benel!Ung from their ....i.- von 'Will be dllldren in.Hope HeY111 Scbooll and the Orange County Society lot Crtpjlled Children. · Galherlng In the Fountain Valley home of Mr1. Donald E. JollnlOD will be meml>era of Alpha Gamma Delta Alumnae Club. Mr1. Wlllllm H. Reed will preside over the business meeU!lg taking place at a p.m. Wed- nmclay, Jan. 15, and usJstlng as hostesses wru be Mrs. Rol1@ld H. Wood and Mrs. llobert E. Radde. Members and guestJ wW stuff Euler seal envelopes for Ill• Society for Crippled Cbll~ and also mile flannel boanll and do .llltd>er.y for the Speech and Language Development Center in Anaheim. Members and other Alpha Gamma Deltu in the area who w!Jh to atfend the meeting are invited to call Mrs. Johnlon, 962-9767 ; Mr•. Wood SS&-8441, or Mn. Radde, at T12-8314, for reservations. The Del!I meeting of the group will take place Saturday, Feb. 15, In the FIJberman, Huntington Beach. Also preparing envelopes fur the Crippled Children's Society wW be membero of Zeta Tau Alpha when Ibey meet at 2 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 23, in .the Costa Mesa home of Mrs. Richard Walwicli. Honored during the meeting will be members from Laguna llills in· eluding Mrs. Walwick's mother, Mrs. Newmann I). Smith. Alpha Delta. Pi Alumnae Chapter IJ reflecting a rosy glow 11s mem- bers plan a fashion show and luncheon which will ta .. place Saturday, Jim. 25, in the Mesa Verde Country Club. Shades of Pink wru provide the theme for the event which l"ill be- gin with a social hour at 11: 15 a.m. Pink topiary trees will center the tables and pink Dowers wW bloom on avocado programs to enhance ' the theme. Mrs. Ronald P. Barnett of Costa Mesa is general chairman, and M!s. Richard Ohm, principal of all Hope Ha~en Schools, will be an honored guest. Other m\mbers who are serving as committee chairmen include the Mmes. Eugene Kalliher, Newport'Beacb, programs ; Paul D. Malick, Santa Ana, publicity; W'dbur 'J'.llen, Fountain Valley, door prizes, and Robert Hartunian, Huntington Beach, table favors. Reservations for the show, co- ordinated by Mrs. Florence Smalea, m•Y be made by calling Mrs. Ronald P. Barnett, 5e-1279. TtMtnMJ. ,,_.,,. '· 1Nf .... ,. BENEFITS RETURNED -Preparing enve- lopes to· be· malled for the benefit of the Orange County Crippled Children's Society are (left to right) Mrs. Henry McDowell, Mrs. Graham C. Glbbon.s, president, and Mrs. Jerry Nash ol. Zeta-Tau Alpha Alumnae Club. Members from Lagwia llills will be honored during the next meeting of the group takin~e al 2 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 23, In the of Mrs. Rlcbard Wal· ROSY GLOW -Shades of Pink will provide the theme for the fashion allow and lunch- eon beillg planned by members of Alpha Delta Pi Altimnae Chaplet Satwday, Jan. 25. Arranging pint f.oplarJ' Ines and avocado and pink table decorat!Olll for the event are (left to right) Mrs. Ronald P. Barnett, Mri Frederic R. Sylvia and Mrs. Eugene Kai· liher. The abow wW take place In the Mesa• v~e Country Club with Mn. l'iorence Smalee, coordinator. Church DEAR ,\NN LANDERS: A good friend of. nllne DI a member of. I panel (tbrto .... and --> -~ an 1.-ing program at a cburcll meeting the other evening. Dolorel ... ruJ brain but she ...... her -""' tight and ""' dmt. Wbu the curtaim Win drsWD, 1 w111ted to cnwl under my aeal Dolores was seated right in the middle of the: stage with her )ep in a most awkward and unattractive position. Everybody could aee put. next Tuelday. No one paid any 1attenUcn to what she was saying. 'Ibey Wm!: ao busy looking. I tried to catch Dolora' eye, but we wick, Costa Me111. . Panel Debates, Doesn't Skirt . Faulty Lep llooaJd ........... at .... i.Mk, ... Ille -. • -feel ...... ... !IA ....... -· .... .., ....... . 1111 -...... Ill te11U1r, (-.... ~ ........... ., ..... .. Illa.) ANN LANDERS ~ wmi atttlng too far back. t even con- aidend aendinl I nole up but d«lded it wCldd be too complcuoua. 'Ille next day whoo. J told Dolom, she was lurlou&. She said others had mentioned It a1Jo -"when tl WU too late" -and added, 41lf you were a real Crlend you'd have gotten word to me at once." Ann. 1 don't see bow I could haV< waited on the llage llld ~~!her lo pull her dttss down. Do DEAR ,\NN LANDERS: 111 wile's Pleue say oomethlng In ,.... column brotllet moved In wllb m · -Ida about women who don\ lit proporl)', molber passed away. (They ..t to erpeclally when they are appearing lo shan an •-1.) Tbe ltteloadln( pubHc.Tbankyou.-OOTHAN,ALA. 'bunt is 11,..... old and the "ileemeut DEAR DO'l1IAN! Now Iba! the Klrta wu tbal he would stay wtlb us until an: 1bor1er, ALL women, wt.ek' IRj he found a roouiinlte. My wlCe promlled are on a 1tage or DOt, 1hoakl be me the Jitnlt would be three mooths • dmnuped ·-Ille WIJ 1lllJ llL Tbil--II wW be It -lbal the loller ha parked hil feel Ullder our llblo. I -lick of. lootlaC Ill lllm. Ho bia1ow1 WI' Uel, -WI' ,_ bljldeo, ~ the TV and bop ~ teloJlllone. W1 ha .. been man1ed n,. yem ml ha.. no chlldrel. llli' wile ,.yi we Clil'I afford a blby. (M we ca lllfohl to food thla Ill clown.) r am slowly raru.c out of. love wtlh my wt!• and ... !bfnblg lerioully ol a oeparation. Do you feel I am jultllled? A yeo or no will do. -BELLY FUIL DEAR II. r.: Yea. --rd lay .....,.. .......... L Position <X>NFIDENTIAL TO SHOULD l IWL IT?: No. You'd be D1f tomonow. Juat nmem!ler 11111 ...,., time ,.. -. ., -lilUll ,.. .... a liUle ........ One ·'-1 Iba llcta wiD come au1 and 700'D be.._,.. kepi qui.I. Ann Luden' --. '"l'nllb i. ~ ...... telll --ar:;y ol 13 1fC'I u .lldvilof to mlDlaaL kt5 .1-. Ann ...-. wW be li&d lo btlp ,.. wtlb yoor ~ Send lbem lo i..r In -it tfio DAILY PILO'I' __, • atampod, lell~ ... o1opa. I 1 \ - -• J4 DAILY PILOT Thul1diy, .boustY 9, 1"69 : - Horoscope · Leo: Accent On· Traveling . :FRIDAY lighl Empbaais on how you JANUARY 10 ~~-Day features •ad- Bf~ OHAllJ\ SCORPIO (Oct. ZS.Nov. :U): Yow-aid Is asked wtlh '"nle wile man controls b1J organiz.aUon, m one y coh. de!UoY • • • A>trolOIY points lection. •-1 responstblll .... the w•v." . ~""!' •!! -Breaklbn>ugll Indicated. You ~ (Mardi 21·Aprli II): receive credit for past e!lorls. Accent on public -attenUon. Lively evtnioi indicated. Fine Whal you ·do today II hardly for theater. a secret. Know this -act accordingly. AttenUoo cent<N SAGnTAlllUS (Nov . 22· on legal area. Mate, partner Dee. 21): You may find a may act in unusual manner. relaUOnship on shaky grounds. Be ready. Be reall!Uc where p~. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): resoluUona a r e concerned. A void argument with co-Individual who presses point worker. close aasoclate. Peo-may be trying to provoke con- ple around you break fror,i Otct. petterns. Study AR IE S CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. meuage. T"-U nothing for 19): Accent on new aspect granted. Perform basic Wk of career, community project wllh care. Avoid excess at so-Order of day ls change. One cial aUair . at lhe top steps down. This STEWARDESS Jacquelyn Grnn Airlines Announce Addition GEMINI (May 21-June 20 ): leaves room, opportunity for Judgment concerning children you. Be alert, aware. Push apt to be confused. Don't try ahead. for c l n g issues. Q u I et AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. A former orange Coast discusaion doea more than 18): Walt for needed ln-CoUege student received the foreeful statement. Break formaUon. Avoid premature silver wings of an American routine. Dine out. Be with starts. Obtain hint from LEO Airlines stewardess and now loved one. message. Be receptive. You is assigned flight duty out CANCER (Jtme 21.July 22l: may not have necessary in-of Boston. CondiUons at home far from formation. Keep C{)m-Miss Jacquelyn Marsh a stable. Surprise mes I a Ce, munlcaUon llne1 open. Green, new hostess, is the visitor creates atmosphere of PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): daughter of Mrs. Jacquelyn change, excitement. D o n ' t One close to you expresses Rabourn of Newport Beach. permit aura of C{)nfilldon !o financial concern. Be flexible . Miss Green graduaied ln the cause neglect of essential1. Suggest alternatives. Don't 32nd class from the airlines' Think. feel you are tied to but one training center in Fort Worth, LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Ac-method. Reach ou.t beyond ap-Tex. cent on travel. Day features parent llm.it.ations. She also is a graduate or variety, sUmulation through Immaculate Heart Academy, W. F. Northey Claims Bride~ in NB Rites St. Andrew's Presbyterian bridegroom, son of Mr. anlf Chapel, Newport Beach W&ij Mrs. Robert E. Northey of the setting for the marriage Tustin. Usher was Donald oL Rita Ribar of Westwood Andrew . Iris Gha1ey and WiWam F. Northey of circulated the guest book dur-~~~ ~~~o:clv ~:: Ing the wedding dinner to the ·~ Arches restaurant. The new Mrs. Northey, Following a Palm Springs daugbter " the late Mr. and and Laa Vegas honeymoon. , Mn. ~oeeph Podla.seck of the newlyweds are residing in Hueltoil. fa., wore an ice Newport Beach. The blue IJIU.0 dress and carried bridegroom, a stockbroker, a wrilte 6rcbJd rurrounded by received a BS in industrial ice blue carnatlona. She Will!! m a n a g e m e n t from the tlven in l)'larrlage by her University of S o u t h e r n brother;Jn..law, Jime. Gindro California, while hi.!! wife of Redorido Beach. studied at Katherine Glbbs Also in Jee blue waa Paula College. Andrew · of Corona del Mar,,1--...C..------- honor attendant. Roger Watson cf San Marino was the btst man for the Century Club TwenUetb Century Club cf Huntington Beach galben at 7:30 p.Jll. the third Tueaday in Lake Part Clubhouse. 11 1111111111111111111:":" '":"" 01111111111111111111111111111 ldenhhcahon Bracelets Interfaith Coffee Sponsored new contacts. You are on the IF TODAY IS You R Hollywood and prior to Joining move. But be sure of d1rec-BIRTHDAY you a r e in-th.e airlines was employed at .a.. v Hosting en Interfaith Coff ee next Monday at 9:30 a.m.-in .Island House, Fash-tioos. Musagts tend ·to be '..dependent in thought; a~~on. Disn~yland. ion Island will be members of Harbor Reform Temple's Sisterhood. A Sense of garbled. Short j our n e Y You succeed with ori~al • tfnL<Wed~ .•. ··----·· _ __yalues in._ C!..Chang~g World -!(ow Ml ReligioE He!ps _as an lndivi~ual an~ ~s _____ r~~=; .2J.Sept.~ _ _::~c::::"~Lr~;a~n; __ Pan he) t~n 1£._ __ a Parent wiil be ·wcusseifliT womens gUilas orSI. Jofin fliel3apt:1st C~l.fiohc Prot t essions Store up Jcivea you but many are loyal llfllll _WJI1!...5Af_E_TY IN MIN_!)_ m tn11111111..... · . I I ' Chuich, St. James EpiscopaJ , Presbyterian Chu~ of t he ~ovenant, Un1versa-sat; ~s 'at bOme. allies. Greater recognition is Newport . area artlst,f Rel list Unitarian Church of Cos~ Mesa, Church of Jesus Christo~ the Latter-~ay Strive to reJtore harmony. due. Bran~ w~ Ntalk beH o~e Saints and the First Methodist Church' of Costa Mesa. Preparing for the first One wbo wants to borrow may mem rs o ewport ar such event in this area are (left to right) Mrs. Joseph \Vinocur and 1\1rs. be suff.-1-temporary panic. GENERAL TENDENCIES: PJanheli15enic t on10_30Wednesdayi' E I G b '""""-'& fl H Id C)'cle high for L 1 BR A , an. , a . a.m. n manue u erman. Be fair but rm. o on SCORPIO, SAGITIARIUS. Corona de! J.-tar. Symphony Orchestra • Concert To Appear 1n . The Symphony Orchestra of subsequently became tbe Jm- Orange County . "1th Daniel maculate Heart Trio, tQurtng Lewis conducting wfll present nationally and recording for the second C'l)hCettt' of.tit&e-f Capitol Records. season in Cha~ -Colle&e. · Before becoming a sister of auditorium oq ·~&iru~y, Jah. Immaculate Heart of Mary 18 at 8:30 p.m. • Sunday, she was a member of the Jan. 19, at 3 p.ID. ,_·. Loi Angeles · Philharmonic. Featured on the _propam wW Sister Mary Louise currently be cellist, Mai)' 4MJ.l8e Zeyen Js a member of the Orange playing the Boccherlnl Cello County SymP.honr, Glendale Concerto wJth the orche!tra. Symphony and Te mi a n k a Other numbers ·by I he Cbalnber Symphony. orchestra include D a nee a· Ticket information may be Concertante by Stravlnlky and 1 secured by writing t h e Symphony No .. 8 by Beethoven. Symphony Association o f ?<.1iss Zeyen began cello orange County, m S. Main, lessons at the age of five. SWte J.24, Town and Country, Together with her two sisters Orange, qr telephoning '547· she formed a piano trio which 6165. CELLIST Mery Zeyen to what Y~ own. . Special word to ARIES : steer Following the program LIBRA (Sept. 23-C?Ct. 22) · clear W legal complications. luncheon will be served and ~e_rmlt logic equal .time with bridge played. During the impulse. Tendency 1s to have . Cmoti.00 take O"er. See To find out wlto'' luck• tor vcij gathe_ ring M_ rs. Leon F_ry. • In 11'\0MY and klve, crdtr SVGl>fY pe SOns situations in realistic om11rt'i bcoklf:t, ··Secret Hint$ tcr president, will announce hnal r • Men •rod WOfl>ln." S«ld b1n1w;1a1• plans for the Feb. 10 Dollars ..nc1 It C911fl to OrMrr A1!r(llotY Newport Bethel Young women affiliated with NewpOrt Beach Job's Daughter1; Bethel 157 gather the second . aqd fourth Mon- days at 7:SO p.m. The Masonic Temple iJ the setting for meetings. 1 n format i on 1 regardlnc membership is ob- talnablfl by calling J.t r s . Walter Tta, 545-1755. ~ ttw DA1L'f ~1LOT, eoJ :12.0, for Scholars bridge·fashion Gr•llll c .... l!'al St•tlcft. Ntw York, show-luncheon. N. Y, l0Cll7 . MESA VERDE PRE-SCHOOL 1nnounc11 tht opening of Second School WEST BAY PRE-SCHOOL 277 Monte Vi1t1, Costa Me11 The School has a few openings for children whose parents are aware and selective. Pre.School training is essential during the years when intellectual potential is being established. PHONE FOR A BROCHURE-645-2750 or 546-3244 for l•b)'' A variety of styles i~L sterli:1ig, gold filled and 14K CHARLES H. BARR 211 Marine Altnue, )1lboa li!tnd, C1Ji!. PREMIERES TODAY! THE FABULOUS FOLLIES OF JOSEPH MAGNIN (all 1/2 and MORE OFF) in MAGNARAMA, LOWER LEVEL, SOUTH COAST PLAZA. im's grand (and bargain· packed) opening of its speci~ samg ~ace, a pennaneot clearance center, filed wilb an ever ·tD·be·dll!Pl 11'3J of beauteous baJgains, gathered from all jm stores and reduced at least 1/2. fashions! accessories! bargains! barpins!-bargains! opendailylO to 6, wilhsper.ial mnilgperfonm:es mondaJs, tllllSllays and fridays until 9:30. don'tmissmagnarama. take a bargain (or five) home with you. - ' ------- ... : ;;;-;:-_ . -==-------------~·~-~~~~c-:---~~"'""."':""""":"""'"-~~.,...._""""""'"""!l!!I'!! --... ' . . . . . ~ . . .... -... . . . . . . . . . . . -~ .... ..,. . •• Coast Club . Selected For Wedding Rites , Tile Poclfic Coast Club In 1-Beach WU oelected 10< lhe double ~-cenmooy unltlnr lo marr Lynne Hope "Soldrnon Rlchard 1 • Kenneth Hodge. _ . Flowers a n d candles 1n • • ehades of blue adorned the aisle and altar for the cere- 1 • mony conducf.e4 by Rabbi ~ Will Kramer. , Tile daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Solomon of West- minster was r.·ven in marri- age by her ather. For the occasloo she selected a peau 1 de soie gown accented by a ruffled neck.line and hem and featuring a chapel train. * Holding her elbow length I: veil was a bow, and she ear- l • rled a cascade of white roses surrounding an orchid and ~ accented with blue delphin- 1 ium bulb. ' Mrs. James Rehling of Seal Beach, the bridegroom's . sister, and Miss Miche1e Sol~ mon, the bride's sister, setved ;~ as hroor attendants. Brides- maids were Mrs. Ben Bloom i. of Tanana a,nd Mrs. David Harrow of Beverly H i 11 s, cou.slns of the bride; Miss Georgia Rowland, of Hunting- 1 ton Beach, and Miss Dana Hoodyshell of Garden Grove. Their gowns w e r e floor Jenlrth royal blue velvet with rurned collars and cuffs, and their headpieces were nat bows of matching blue satin. 'They carried bouquets or pow- der blue roses and carnations highlighted by s p r i g s of baby's breath. Debbie Rehl· , Ing, niece of the bridegroom, ft. served as llower girl. >· Rehling served as best ~ man, and guests were seated · • · by Michael Solomon, brother MRS. RICHARD KENNETH HODGE Los Angeles Home of the bride, Terry Taylor, new Mrs. Hodge b a graduate cousin of the bened1ct', David . Han.sen, Tom Cook, Robert or Westminster High School. ·-_an~ ~en_SJ.e.ns~l,,_.~-~-of ·-· The bridegroom, former · · ffie br1iI~groom. sludenfliOOYPresident ana a Foll~w1ng t h e ~remony graduate of Marina High cocktails and hors d oeuvres School, is the son of Mr. and wer.e seryed to 200 gues~ pre-Mrs. Harry -Hodge of Hu nt- ced1'.lg d_inner and dancmg to ington Beach. A business the music of Roger Bacon 's major, he is affiliated with 1 ~'==1<~ , , orchestra. Phi Kappa Tau fraternity. 1~ Mrs. Elyssa Pett.it, cousin 1;:::==========='='========~1 of the bi;-ide, presided over the guest book and Miss Car· D . ol Walker asststed wilh ~ifts. ISCOVef Followfil$: a wedding trip to San Franc1Sco the newlyweds will make their home in Los Angel.es where the bride will ~ resume her studies at UCLA and her husband will continue at the University of Southern California. Majoring i'l sociology, the Rite Date Selected : Donna Marie Coker of Costa er Mesa will become the bride ' of Thomas Norton Berry of · • Newport Beach during Aug. .. 23 nuptia1s in St. Andrew's • Presbyterian Church, Newport Beach. Miss Coker, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Coker, ·Is a graduate of Los Altos High School and attended a business school and Southern California College. Her fiance, son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Berry of Newport Beach, is a graduate of Corona del 1'-1ar High School. Library Hour Costa Mesa Library is ~he scene <Jf a library story hour I every Thursday at 10 :30 a.m. • • I:/ During Our Expan•ion and Remodeling SALE T .,. I Fabulous! err1 ic . • 11 Sensat1ona . The Grealerl Ever\ OUR FI RST SALE EVER ul•r dotk · · • All item! from our r•\q our r•t\.5! Prit•' ,1,~h1d to t •1' ,..u S•''' Fin•\\ e SUITS Please, no char9es or layaways All Sales Final . . Corona del Mar 2728 E. Coast Hwy. 673-6015 • 10.99 . ' DAILY PILOT JS u mS' -- ' ,. 1' See our largest selection of sweaters ever offered at these special prices 9 .99 ·to i0.-99 1eg.13.00tol7.00 Select from pullovers, cardigans, costume· maker jackets. We have lush nubby lex· lures, novelty stitching, fisherman knits. Some fully lined. Alf are fully-fashioned styles -made just for Buffums'. v~·n want sewral at these low p1ices. "[llere are easy-care washable acrylics or wool knits. Also, Bullums' Own,trimmed swea· .. ters are reduce~! White wool-angora rabbits' hair·nylon blend cardigans, silk-lin~d : With white or multi-colored embroidery, ree. ' 22.00 •••••••••••••.•••••• J4.99 \ l With~qilin;trl lll,Teg;J_o.00 ;-;-; ,-;-n;11---:----· Accessory Shop, . ' . • • , • p ' • • . . . ' • • . I • • • ' I I l ' Newport Center tl FashlCll Island • 644·2200 • Mon., Thurs., Fri.10:00 till 9:30 ODler days lO:rA) till ~1 I, I· 'I I • It DAll.Y PllOT Library • Ma1ik-Marshall N·ames NB Rites J Featuring . . ' • Art Works Linked In Llndlc•pd, poi:tralts lllld , still 1~.. painted by: Jean DAIOI wDI be oo nhlbll • through Jan. 14 ii> Mesa Verde Ubr1t1. 1 'I1le Costa Mesa Art League • member received her bachelor : of fine arts degree from the .~ University ·of S o u t h e r n C'allforoia. She was art direc- • tor at a gjrls' school in i Arcadia and at present is con· dueting: classes in oil painting at Costa Mesa Art Galleries. ' Her recent exhibits include ': Island House, Fashion Island in conjunction with Newport Junior Ebell Club, Mesa Verde l Country Club, Santa Ana • Country Club and Costa Mesa Art League headquarters. ' • HB TOPS Club -J... Sa-rong 2 Gain TOPS Club I meets every Monday at 7:30 p.m. in Smith Elementary School in Huntington Beach. JOB'S ROYAL TY Le111ie Pickrel rts.i 2508 -Eut 17th St. HIUgr.11 Sqv•r• 642-5410· H•adqvar-tar5 for LILYETTE Sp1c:l11li1ing in 0 l DD Cup1 Lingerie Mastedomy Graduate CorHtieres STOREWIDE ! ! SALE ! ! ----17~:-t() 172:~0FF- ALL FROM REGULAR STOCK ONCE-A-YEAR LILYETTE BRA SALE! HURRY FOR Bl:ST VALUES!! ON THE MALL HARBOR CENTER, 2300 Harbor Blvd. \Uiudsor JAHUARY~ SALE! ~ TREMENDOUS BUYS ••• ALL NATIONAL IRANDS DRESSES Rogulor "P to $16.00 ...................... SALE PRICE -······················ $ 8.88 Regul•r up to 22.00 --·-·······-·····-----SALE PRICE --···················-11.88 Re9ular up to 30.00 .......................• SALE PRICE --·-·····--·········· 16.88 Regular up to 4'4.00 ........................ SALE PllCE --····--················ 22.88 Regular up to 62.00 ........................ SALE PRICE ·········--·-·········· 33.88 BLOUSES Rog"\" $S.OO •.........•.............. SALE PRICE .......................... $2.88 Reg,lor 7.00 -··· .. ..... . .•.. SALE PRICE . .. ................ 3.88 Rog"I" 9.00 ......................... SALE PRICE .. ... ..... ........ . .. 4.88 SWEATERS Regular up to $1 J . .OO ........................ SALE PRICE ······················-$ 6.81 Regular up to '16.00 -·········-··········· SALE PRICE ··············-·····-8.88 Regular up to. 19.00 ........................ SALE PRICE ----·····-···--·····-10.81 Reg,lor ·up 'to· 22.00 ····-··················SALE PRICE ........................ 11.81 . . Regular· ' 11.00 Regul•r 1 l .00 Regular 16.00 SKIRTS .....•..•........ SALE PRICE .......................... ·$4.81 ············-··· ·-·· SALE PRICE .......................... 6.81 ................. . ... SALE PRICE ···············-····-··· 8.88 CA PRIS Rog,le• up to$ 9.00 ··················-·-SALE PJllCE .............•........• $ 4.18 Regul•r up to 13.00 SA.LE PRICI .......................• 6.11 Regul•r up to 16.00 -·················--SALE PRICE ........................ 8.88 ROBES Rog"I" $13.00 -·······-············SALE PRICE -·-··-······-··--· $ 6.81 Rog,lor 16.00 •....................... SALE PRICE -·-·····-··········-I.II Rog,lor 19.00 ...................... SALE PllCE ........................ 10.11 'In' Angles . -. -. 11 i., 11f ,.,,;.., 11f,.,,"T' ... Design triumph! See how seaming ANGLES IN to nar- row down your wal.!t. Very e.asy-see the diagram, swift lo cut ou~ stitch up. Printed Paltem 9161 : Mlss- C o A T s '" s1zes 10, 12. lf, 11, 1a size II (bust 34) lakes 211 yard> Rogul" "P to $26.00 ······-······· ....... SALE PRICE ········-············· $14.81 39-inch. Regular up to 38.00 ·······-·····--········SALE PRICE ..... ·-········-···-19.81 SIXTY-FIVE CENTS in Retgular up to 56.00 ···-·····----··-····· SALE PRICE -·-··········-······· 21.11 coins (or each pattern-add 15 Regular u:0t;IY 6~: ;~~~~-·~~-~~R~A~~ ~~~E ~~~~--~-~~~---· 35.18 ~ ~~~l:S ~t~i:~~~~ ""11111111111 handling ; otherwise t b Ir d., ALL SALES class delivery will take three • ~ weeks or more. Send to Mar-FINAL ian Manln. the DAILY PI-LOT, 442 Pattern Dept., 232 t tl . s 0 r ~!~~~. iT1';;;::;;;;oouSt.~~:wN~ ADOREE with ZIP, SJZE and STYLE NUMBER. ~fl) GJiermm 'ls'4nd YJ!I£ YJ!I£ Drastic Redudlons On Regular Merchandise Of Chllclrens Wear SALE STARTS THUR. JAN. 9TH 0 TO 50 .ooll COME EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION UH YOUR '~' IANK• MASTER-l(UMVTY DUHWY AMERI· CHARGE 0tn.oC1:1tN~ IMOP CARD Westcliff Plaza • 17th & Newport Beach Irvine Famous Brand Names Reduced e FLORSHEIM e DeLISO DEBS e LIFE STRIDE • ·VIA YENmo • COYER GIRL • FRENCH SHRINER • auma BROWN • KEDS • OOMPHIES AND ETC. OUR BIGGEST SALE EVENT OF THE YEAR • 1111111111 MANY STYLES UP TO LIFE STRIDE DeLISO DEBS • • • • • • • • Now $1090 Now $14 90 Now $290 to $790 ••• FLA TS & CASUALS Please All Sales Final No Exchanges or Refunds • • • • Westcllff Plaza 17th & Irvine Newport Beach California l· ~ ~ ' ., > ,. • ' i I ' : l I ' l . I ' • l I l • • ' ! • • l • •, ' ' USC Stu.dents Recite The Qv~rter1 Deck RnlRl"G FROM BUSINESS of stunning Career Girl FASHIONS ~-REDUCTIONS.....-.-, UP TO 50% CAPRIS e I ond 2-pc . DRESSES "AFTER 5" WEAR e HOSIERY COSTUME JEWELRY - INTIMATE APPAREL CASUAL FOOTWEAR Sale Starts Friday, January 10th OPEN SUNDAY, January 12th! r---DON'T MISS OUR--- POTPOURRI TABLE . YOUR $2 CHOICE -All-Sorts of ThriUillCJ -Valllffl-· '' FASHION HIDEAWAY 333 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa l ... lodthPClllCGlceH .... l Vows • Boullhs of s-nery and gold ornaments adorned St. Allolnw'1 Presbyterian Chureb when Swian Ann Smith be- came the bride of John Mi- chael Fowle dUrlng • double ring ceremony performed by the Rev. Dr. Charles Oieren- fiekl and the Rev. Oliver J. Werner. Tbe new Mrs. Fowle ls the dau.hter of Mr. and Mn. Claud Smith of Newport Beach and her husband is the 900 ol Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fowle ol San Gabriel. The bride selected a floor length sUm &heath gown fashioned ol white satin and Imported French alencoo lace. Her illusioo bridal veiling was caught to a clll.!ler of seed pearls and matching lace. 'Ille former Mias Smith carried a cascade bouquet of stephanotis, white roses and elegance carnations. Miss Betty Flo served as maid of honor while the bride's sister-in-law, Mrs. Jim Smith of Duarte, was her matron of honor. Bridesmaids Same Hands Hold Gavel Paul Keasler will continue to wield the gavel of Costa Mesa-Bay Cities F u c h s i a Society after installation next Monday in the American Legion Hall, Costa Mesa. Also to be installed by Mrs. James Ersig <>( Downey are the Mmes. Don Davis, vice presidenti Stuart P r i c e • J:.ecQrding secretary; J o h n --!Ininer,.t.reuw:er; !lobed K. Hall, membership secretary, and Lem Downs, cor- responding secretary. Representative will be Ron Maitrejean and alternate is Silas Gregg. John Mathews of Whittier will speak on the Care and Culture o( Roses. The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. Give to Your United Fund GO.OD NEW$ New Location Shoe Service CllST l'IEW CINTll OPENING MONDAY, JANUARY 27th 17th & IRVINE Next Kentucky Fried Chicken All WORK DONE PERSONNALL Y Corona del Mar 4 CONVENIENT SHOPS e 340 I E. COAST HWY. Corona d•I M•r ••• 673~640 e 3433 VIA LIDO Newport Be•ch , •. 673-8620 e 74 FASHION ISLAND Newport Beach ,., 644-7551 1711'1 I. lrvf.,._ Nert ta l(enfvd<Y Fried Chicken e 17th & Irvine e Crestview Coste Mesa CHOOSE FROM ALL THE LA TEST STYLES Restyle your old shoes to the new round loo k. Brin9 us your problem •nd we'll give your shoe1 • new look. SEMI-ANNUAL Starts Thurs., Jan . 9th •SUEDES •COATS • DRESSES • LEATHER • PANTS & TOPS a a erta 1044 IRVINE WESTnlFF PLAZA 548-8365 t..y.A.w.,. -.. .., a.... ... a..uMfk.w4 St. Andrew's MRS. J. M. FOWLE N11Wport Bride included the Misr.:s Randee Day, Judy Edwards, Peg! Boucher, Nancy Gummess and Sheila Ross. They were 11own~ ed in floor Jength cranberry colored velvet d{esses. Steve Fowle, the benedict's brother, was beat man a@ serving as u.shers wert Smith, Jobn Cogomo, Terry Worsdell, Ken Andrew, BW Caldwell and R<ln Howe. Mbs Klmherly Smith, the bride's niece, was flower glrli The newlyweds greeled 400 guesta in the Irvine Cea,,t Country Club, the reception setting. Following a wedding trip to northern Calilornia and Lal<e Tahoe, the coople Is meking lhek borne In Glen- dale. The bride was graduated lrom Ar<adia High School and Is completing her educaUoo at the University of Southern CalUornia. She was Miss Arcadia and Arcadia Rose Queen In 196S, and at USC she affillated with Kappa Kap. pa Gamma sorority. The'. bridegroom, a graduate of San Gabriel High School and use, presently is at- tending the USC School or Den~try. He is a member of Kappa Sigma and Delta Sigma Delta. Show Features Works By Portrait Artist During January Mariners Library is being graced by works of Mrs. Richard Thorpe (Lee) Turner who has ~en selected by Newport Beach Jwtlor Ebells as artist--Of-the- her subjects' personalities and make them come alive. Her paintings, which are in many private collections, ha ve- been eQiblted in many of the area museums and shows . mooth. ,--------- Mrs. Turner, a Jong..umel<W:=====e=~ residenl ot Central and South America, bepn her pajntina career .15 years ago in the studio of the Garden City Woman's Club, Long Island. ' STARTS 10:00 A.M. FRIDAY, JANUARY I 0th 50% to 60% DISCOUNT WOMEN'S WEAR ALL SALES FINAL OPEN SUNDAYS • BLAiERS--Woolen •CAR COATS •SLACKS-Woolens & Nylons • NYLON PARKAS •SLIP-ON SWEATERS •SWEATERS c.•1• • woo1 .. •FLOTATION JACKETS • SKIRTS-Woolen •TEE SHIRTS Nyloo Solid Giid SITlpos • SLACK SETS-Woolen •DECK SHOES MEN'S WEAR •DECK SHOES • NYLON QUILTED JACKETS • NYLON PARKAS • Novy Melton Cloth-CPO Shirts • Novy Melton Cloth-Sloe ks •YACHT CAPS • SPINNAKER SHIRTS •FLOTATION JACKETS •FOUL WEATHER SUITS Although she paints many subjects, portraits are her favorite. Mrs. Roge't Pilie, u •• arts e<><:hairma•. says,.,.. F""== "'-=:i=~~·I One Gift to Your United Fund Serves Many Agencies Mrs. Turner enjoys paintlngL""C - portraHs which characteri?.e[-------"'."""------------,===------~-----S'kqt-'M!.li 1"-' '11-4 .... B "e a.ut y f S a.10 ns1 !ff\ The Tee Tattler cAl'TfVATIN(.;-CURLs ... CAPTIVATING COLOR .-INSTANTIYI '*E*'WA I .'C M IEclllOr'I Nole: A column of WOIT\lll'l IOP 11<1H tcora wflt •-•r '•ell WOl'k In flit 0.l)y PllOI. To rellOrt ttorn for Ille ~. PIH.. m•ll 1fltrn lo P.O. Boll 1!160, COlll Me.a, They muet be !'Klllwd tlV Mondty,J 1•v1NE COAST TIN WHllTLI! -Cl911 A, the Mme•. R.. Gr1y, Ell N-1•1'111. ll1 IC.A. Wln~rb.irn, N .. I Cir..,, :>o: (flu 1, flit MIMI. J, •rt F"'"91rn. J-Norris, ll1 DoNld Marllft, ff; ci..ss c. 1'ht Mlrin. G. P.ul 1Clrm111. J::I; F.C. "'1¥fff, •1 891'1 ~UWlnkll, JKk Riiey, C.rl HllltrMI. 2'. Churchwomen Open Meeting Members and friends of Laguna Beach ChlD'Ch of Religious Science are invited to attend the Women's ServJce Guild 's luncheon meetlng In the church at I p.m. tomor- row. Mrs. Mittie Priest of Dana Point ls ho!~ for the sandwich luncheon which will be followed by a talk by Mrs. Colin A!h1ing and Mn. Ferne Bell. The two Laguna Beach residents will tell f e 11 o w members about their work with Jonior church chlldren every S~y during lbe church's t Lm. lel'Vice. Bridge Series Taught in CM A 10-week series or bridge lessons will begin at the May Co. In Sooth Coast PW. on I Thursday, Jan. IS, from 7:30 to 9 p.m. in the tearoom. ' " .. '. Classe.s are for beglnnen and baffled lnttnnedlateJ. Lessons are $1 per elm: at- tended. Further Jnlormatioa may be obtained by calling the store at 546-9321, at. 311. '' .,\ SALE Here's Whore It's Atl • • • ,.1' '· I . . · ' • l 't.i=!.,8=-h, C1llf. '. .::.:=-. Ar1otl1, Col!f. ltltl """"" ~If ... " """"' ---· Curls to caress your head ••. and instant color to, caress your curls with sort glowing beauty I It's our .. Fanci-full" color; in rich, natural , looking hues to cover gray or refresh dull hair, •insoftpaslelstotonelightenedhair.No · · RIJIS( 75c /peroxide, no after-rinse, no waiting: Fanci.faD , ,~·orks while our_ atyµst._aets your_l:L&i(L ~WJ ~rr~~~?.?. .. . $2zs Mond•y thru Thursday 1tAfter 5 p.m. -··-······-· $2.50); Fri., S.t., Sun. --·-·-$3.00 Oranae, Calif. ,,.. w. a..- '.,.. au Senta Ana, Calif. lMW•""""""" T_c......, _ ...... Cotti -. C11lf. F°"""(n v111op; C11!f. ,. w. "'" llfWt 17* ....... ,,_ ~ \1'1li.M c ....... S•nt1 An•, Calif. ntr N9. '"-'"""" ,,lrvlwf ~ ..... ..... 11 ,....,...... ., ' F°""t1I• V1lloy, Clllf. *"' ..._ II MIN i VI~ Clfllitr -~ I ' • ' I 1 .. \ I I ~)8-Ol!LY-PILOT ($) LEGAL NO'nCE " ; .. ' ---------------~---------------------------------------- • • • • • . • • • , Wednesday's Closing -. . . ~ ..... . . . . . ' . . ... ., .. -" . DAILY PILOT * ,, I • • ' \ I ) I I .... Split Screens · in Cinema Spotlight BJ NORMAN GOLDSTEIN NEW YORK (AP) -The ahlpe of fllma to come seems _ W be 1!1,ullJ.l•ceted, split and I ll!U..tered. l)llTOUJlding lllld all-encompassing -and a device to eniplwb:e t b e ~vl.lual. It Js form ~ content. perhaps. but an exuberant celebration ol film as film by yowig ~l<lrs who .,. breaking away from the normal mold of one image fUUng the screen. MoUon plc- tures now ahow perha,ps ri«e or Bil evtnta going on at one . time, by splitting the screen into different panels. oflen of different shapes. The aim la total involvement of the audience. up the technique for major productiowi, for pictorial ex- citement, compn!ssion of in. fonnatieD and dramatic ef· feet. In a recent special section In "Action," the magazine of tbe Directon Guild o I HELO OVER SHOm 7:30 FU.TUii 1:00 The split &ereen is not new, of coursie. The master of most movie· techniques, D. W. Grl!- fith, used variations on the split theme in such early film! as "Birth of a Nation" and "Intolerance." The World's Fair in New York in 1964 and Montreal's Expo '67, however, brought out the mod excitement. America, three, top Hollywood -=========:;,II directors dl!cussed the uae of or DAIL 't PILOT tflft ....... Chop to the Chops Joel Tropper (right) grimaces as Randall Cobb administers a judo chop to the ton sils in this scene from "The Star Spangled Girl," now on stage at the Laguna Playhouse. The Neil Simon comedy will run through Jan. 25. "To Be Alive!" a 17· minute film at the World 's Fair, used three separate Ego A~tor!Js screens, each With its own projector, and a nlDDber of industrial a n d educational films ·used multi-images in an effort to compress information into short periods. Stars Use Surgery to Ward Off Age Other visual treats at the Fair included a trisected im· ·age on a vast 70mm screen By VERNON SCOTT HOLLYWOOD (UP!) -It ls fashionable to demean ac- tors as phonies, plastic people and arrogant boors. Some ol them s,re. But if such a conclusion Is reached solely on the basis of-a-slat's ~vanity, then· it is of necessity a false premise. When the carpenter's plane wears out he buys a new one. The attorney repleni:ihes his knowledge t o stay in business. So it is with the acJor. In 11rder to remain a star he mu.st maintain a face and physique the-ptblie--finds -.a'- tractive. f This particular actor has and a 360-degree panorama. had his teeth capped. His hair · MOST INFLUENTIAL is dyed to disguise the gray But probably the most in· and is augmented b)' a pa!tial nuent.1¥ of all the multi-image toupee when he works. pictures was "A Place to the multi·image In their filma . All three -Richard Fleischer, .. who did "The B o s t o n Strangler," Norman Jewlson, a Canadian who directed "The ~ Thomas Crown Affair" and HELD OYll Ralph Nelson, of "Charly" - noted the influence of 0 A Joo•• Wooctw-4 Place to Stand." ''RACHEL, RACHEL" ,,., C2ECII '.J'ECllNIQUE "I LOVE YOU Fleischer recalls a similar ALICE B. TOKLAS" technique used by the Czechs wlrti ...., s.tlen in 1962, in a production of i~~~~P,:Tr!~ Latema Magika -magic lantern. "The Czechs were using a combination of photography and live actors, who walked among the screens. a n d sometimes walked in and out of them, talking to their own images/' he writes in "Ae- tion." He tried to use the multi-image screen in one of his own pictures, but couldn't sell anyone. on.it,.,,.,._until.he convinced',_ 20th-Century Fox studios for ''The Boston T .. ...,,._l"ackff Mlfll "NIG-HT OF THI LIVING DU.D" Pim 1" COLOR "'Dr. w.. a ,..-DaWtt" Without an enlarged ego an actor wouldn't be a performer in the first place. His face and body are as much a part of his working equipment as a carpent.er's plane, a pain- ter's brush, an attorney's library; indeed, a reporter's typewriter. I know a major star who has appeared in top pictures for almost two decades. You and I have aged in that time; Crow's feet have emerged, hair has grayed, wrinkles and bags appeared. Recently Jie .• had his Jace S·t>a n d, •' a kaleidosoopie lifted. The surgeon painstak-pre>en!ation of life in Ontario, ingly removed the sagging Canada. It was produced for skin·beneath·hls-cbin;·tighten--tlfe-ontario Departnie111:·<>1 ed (he wrinkles in his cheeks Economics and Develapraent, and smoothed the bags from with Christopher Chapman Ule under his eyes. imaginative creator, directing, .:;:=:========J It is unfair to call the man filming and editing the 20-1;: AU. a1va.111' ITAln AT4:• ~ SAVE ON FINISHING AT THE FRIENDLY FOTO STORE DAVE'S 474 E. 17th St. Cost1 Mesa 646-2136 We ask ourselves how this leading man continues to look so youthful. Is it his diet? Does he have special exercises? Is it the defusion lens on the camera? ls he a physical phenomenon: No. He ls a resourceful man who knows he would be playing character roles in- stead of romantic leads or heroic parts in action dramas without the aid or modem science. medicine and surgery CHALLENGE! DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR WE DO NOT BELIEVE YOU CAN BEAT THIS. WE CHALLENGE ANY MANUFACTURER OF TIRES TO OUT-WEAR THIS PRODUCT! BERG'S DELTA TIRES 141 E. 17th STREET-COSTA MESA !Opposite lob"s 119 a.yJ FULL 4 PLY DELTA SUPREME 110 TUBELESS WHITEWALL JACKED IY ROAD HAZARD GUARANTEE for lif• or +h• tr11d, pro·r•l•d on tr11d weir of 1i:lu1I i1llin9 pii<:1 •nd not on 1 fictitious li1t prict . ,RICI 15.62 19.87 20.66 E•d .. Tll .. .,. ... ,-,_ 18.42 SI.el .. $2.'7 ,.., Tr. m 19.97 BE DELTA TIRES a phony. Plastic maybe. minute film. lt was a hit The scalpel, caps, Wig and al Expo and won an American dye have extended the !llan'S' Academy Award as best short career at least a dozen years. subject. 1( the entire redevelopment Dividing the screen iJJ,to begins to fall apart, be can panels of various shapes 'and undergo surgery again, buy sizes and making them move a full toupee and still be in about, Chapman was able to business. A profitable business "force" the audience to be in the millions. more selective about what it He works out regularly, ex-sees and more "involved" In ercising, jogging and watching the film. his diet. He is, naturally, sensitive Now, Hollywood has picked about the ersatz quality of his appearance. He also lives in fear that someone will un- mask him. Reading Set But the alternative is worse . This particular star could choose instead to appear his age. U so, he would be con· signed at once to -that pitiful discard or has-beens. "Anthony Zerbe as e. e. cummings'' will appear at Chapman College in Oran£e at 11 a.m. Friday in the col- lege auditorium. The public is invited free of charge. Crossword Puzzw ACROSS 41 Mountain In As!• YtsjtnflJ's Plmle Solvtf! 1 Part of 42 Labortr a pair 43 Ptoven 5 llontrtal's 4.S Dental subway 11edtmlc's 10 Bio• with p-oducl 1 pointed 41 Hodl:ty weaoon pl.11prs 14 Olive genus 48 Exceptle11al lS George-: sklll Eng. novelist 49 CoMl!unlc-16 Taro, atlons In Samoa 111edlu111 ll Selection 50 Special of food vocabulary 18 lltanlngltts Sl Dtvaslalt ritual: 54 Down in 6 Sllw.-1 2 words tht -.. ., fl'Oll 20 Forn1 or SI Basswood: 1 u~ punishmtnl 2 words I Gnent 22 Metal 61 Fine: 9 Ear: cutting Slang Co111b. l::lnl device 62 Befort: 10 Dull 2J llore or Ins Coab. fom 11 D<Klfe vertlcal: 63 llotfonlts:r. 12 S,..llh Naut L4 lttl_ ck.Ike 24 Drew dtfl11tllf 13 Lllnry together ~d •5 Building c.omoaslUon fastened lllftlbtf 191111'1 it•t 26 Friend, 66 Dtsc.rtbt 21 Unltol · in Caen gt-~ prlnU..t 1N69 35 Roo• 39 tool 40'Shoc.kl wUll ...... 4Z Cltame 44 fmlnlnt .... 41 ••• ni .. ship 47 Fumlstld what,, ""'"' 49 Less ..... 1 .. 1 50 StcUon of I 20TH C00'1Jlnl-FoX flflESENrs' CHAlaJON HESJON ••Mlllll P.IOllS--'pt.Mn ~APES -lroJf r.trolliUJ.. r.wm lVNli lllM lfJNTER·M~ -.w.!ES !WY· Lml IMll$ll=. _ ..... __ ""'1tlXUTbls ·di M&lllAIS -~... -~ .. -RtVlllJlllDWfl0·90ViEl.l6ll GI S11Jc ;;--."."",.;j,M•:-__.. -·-· -Also------- "FIVE MILLION YEARS TO EARTH" L.. Ql6im .... 12 Fllll ~ ::::, 145-lJIJ , Q<.,' ~ 1>1~-..A PAULO ·~ ,.., <Aduthl Ml• F1rrow e COLOR e "IOSIMAlt'S IAIY" J1rw FOllda e COLOR • "UIUllLLA" _,,,,..,......., -, _..,_ 531·1271 ..... 0-.... W Smadl Wiit.i Rim.rd !4CA~rt~~OR.e ,,.: ·---... ,., Mvflll "I LOYI YOU, ALICI I. TOKLAS" W1lltr M•tlh1u e COLOR • 1 "GUIDI FOi A MAllllD MAN" Julie Cllritti. e COl..OR • ~ "PITUUA" : , .. Jl""'Y,ijrrnJlinr·~ I ::a~°!ll :·~L~~~I I ''HEWIGHTllS" John W.mw e COLOR e "WAI WAGON .. 111..:ommlMIN For l.CU!hl P!le• Ui tlnov e COLOR e "HOT MILLIONS" S!1.-. MtOilet!I e COLOR e ''THI THOMAS CIOWN AFllAll" ... NIW MftiUI "'THI INCIEDllU IEIGN Of GOOD KING UIU" bl' RO'I ThrO!\SOl'I •;:at ,.m.-THllO STI:, THt:•Tlll! -COST• MEfA C...tnlf In Office-'4'·13,J 27 Inferior t1c1llr 25 l1tSlcll deity •7 lan'5 affair 30 Husky: nlctft1111e 26 lamed Pft'•llfll n -d,,,. '""""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'~II S2 Rtetlngulat I~ 2 words 27 Second tlRt 34 Havln; .DOii of 111•1 gone up 28 Eat out 3S Club l Portable 29 Europe• secret,....,•s '"-ah ltr · · conce.;;~ 2 L.::aJ 30 ~111111 36 Tool 3 Lascivious a song 37 Electrlcat loot 31 ltall.i unit 4 Ont autttot 38 Xmas-bellnfn9 3t Joctt(s 40 Fo111tf what •ust boss I coln of be •ust be 33 Flowtrs:: lndla 5 Htbfn lettlr 1nro1111I ...-~~,~~ .. 5l ri~11111 111ountaln 5S Edlble part of gralri 56 Eq\111: Co111b. fn Sl Patt of ..... ,, S.111 ' *'•k 60 French SUH« .. ,_ FiixsouTH coasT CfN!R~ .. LAZA THEATRE CORf'ORATllN San DieCo frHWlf at Bristol • 546-2712 ...:.. NOW PLAYING - SHOWING TIMES WHkdays-7:00 • 9:45 p.m. Sat. & Sun.-1:30-4:15°7:00°9:45 u. ..... ...... 500 ......... --· ...... -= --~-------~-------------- " HfWfOl:l IEACH .. •t -••"'"-"° 11 ... 10 .. \Mo , ... -01, ).llSO Beat Adr.ess Beat Director • rachel. ..... :-~.~-~-!i'!!.<'!:,.1!!!~"'-"" l!ILll Alw Paul Newman Fredrick March "HOMBRE" 1 .. ; Show Stam ':4S '1lElUHilllERS" JOHN WAYNE KA1JIARINE Bms JlMHmTOI i;i~ Tf:CHNICOC.~ • F'lll.HAVISION - ALSO Tllll FRADISA ANJANET1E ID.Ill . "IN ENEMY COUNTRY" <!®J> llCHNICOlOR l.lil IN. Shew Storts 7 p.m. Corrt. Sund.., hill 2 p.111. "The Young Runaways" ST Alli NG • • •ucH •L . AT ILLI• • • lrooke lulMfy & knl11 Co1th•11 MUNnNOTON OIJllCH. M7-ff09 -AUO - Pra for Rosemary's Baby ;\;;'Q::rcU1~~fM!ui;:e~·:n:f~BefErny ........ tir_C..·-b .. Sow!'"'~"'~~ '-h-tJJ•l-tw'I I __.,.. __ ----- .-tMl'lrAtlmlMAM•~ IN 'Tltll!: W'nTMINSTER Cll!:NTl:R RDWAltDS' NOW AT BOTH CINE.MAS THBM08T "PETULIA" -the uncommon movie JIM H" AT CINIMA WUT Rk ht•d Att1nboro1111h Shirl1y M1cl11"' ' • • -· J""UAJt'I t UO 8 !lo Ill -(Q (10) Du""'1'. ···--(11(10) 0 RICHFIELD PRESENTS * LOS ANGELES KINGS vs. DET. REDWINGS m-..!Cl (301 a.IJWW'• Ntw? (30) Tonlatrt'a ti1rnt uplor• th1 to4dtll )'Ill' o1 1170 on tll1 Mississippi, hoppln1 1niiri1ls. ind thl Ult ol flasll 1t- ltct1111tflts 1nd l'llt11ral Hatit with your um••. m-!Cl (30) f.li1 """' .. ..... (30) .,,. cmllinl SpMd." Methods ;f l11- ere1sin1 spMd 1nd •Jllity In tllt right ll1nd 1r1 expl1lnld by frtd· erick NOid. H .. 1tro allilflt •n II· lerro by Gl11!11U !or n1xt WMk. QZ!Tn11 u.tn aJ Tmtl II' ~111'1\Cft, (C) fl MllWI Dilltn (IQ) Ill""' -·(C) (10) .,.~, ™' on lht Mllfl Slopes." $W lMtructor J11n AnWrll• 1nd 5'1tdl M1ftdtrlon '""" f1J n.tN ... (30) A look at tOmt ICllMt fnlm fCeil Sll'l'IOft'I "S\1r·SOlntltd Gill," 1s perfar1Md br th• Llfllllt CotnmunitJ rtlY'ftS. ., Dldlt Ila.cl• 7:JO 1J QI! (fJ llMdle (C) {30) Tht m•illJ 1i1 o1 ..rl.dtftn11 Ii alY•n • sta&Prina ~k wh1n D1pood tMChtt Al••• bow to lllf11t th• town bully. 10:11 B TJl.t Cit (C) (30) PERKINS JUDGE PARKER 61UF, nus IS VA.Iii PEVllN! HE'U n.KE CARE Of TME l.EGA.L EIJP fO«i llS ! DID (I) 11111111 1111• <t> (60) "To Sl17 1 Glint." GldlOtl ls KCll8ld tf 111vtdtr _!nd .•. wnl(tful mot .U Olll to lyncb NII'!. D1nl1t Boone tl1ll to PtrMlldt lt!t 1n1ry crowd tllll Clldlo!t must bt i iv1n • f1ir trial. Daft Pidro Coller Is lea· c:a Mwtt: "You111 MIR n • Mtm" (drtm1) '50-Dorll DtJ, Kiit I IJ,,~ Doull••. lt11rtt1 .. ttH, HOllY car- miclltl. Ill N.., (C) (IOI m S.cr111t11• "' (30) tuftd. Torin Thatch• end ltt Jtyl Ill Dnll It! ,Mlft Lambert tutlt. fiE f.tll ... UM D (!'I) CD Ell mmm ™' 11 to. lii* (C) ~Jonas, 1.h• 1l:OD 1J DD ti> C!J 1'tw1 (C) llfllltlonll Brttllh linllnt tllr with ·--thl hllh·PGWnd VllliCt lnd dyritil!llC st11ti """9 1m Arnlrlcl• 1t1m. CD Mu fna 1MU CC> lion, Thi Wtllli tlltertllMI' rectlm m ... "'\al ...... t' ha .. ab11 nrtttr allilllnct horn Dkll lil~liS _ bMnll ---Cmtt. Julllt """"" Tiit f1fth .., --. DfmtMlon end Mlrtllll M1thltu. Col • llJM_$_"11o&I.... lj!J(j)l!;)N'"' <fl'IYll:trYl '14--Utit!a hm•tt. Jolln Sdon, V1ltntlna Cott•-ll!JO 11 MeWc (t) "ftlll Phi TrMlllll .......... (mMIY) '!& -GI"" m1rat11 .w C..-._. (C) {90) RO(t11, Ctlill Ctiennln& Jt11111 It• fillYll!on •perts \lemon Scott or ntu. UPf, Don Ptlll IA tt.I U Tlm11 ind John Aultin DI' thl HoliyfloOll RtpOrtil' IPPMT 11 I pti!MI to In· swer qlllltionl ,.,Ulnln& to ttftvi· ..... ..... ._(IO) m -• Ii ... (3-0> F R I Oi.\T I DAYTIME MOVIES . 1:30 u.,.. """' (l'OMlnct) .,._ g Mwlr. "lmt ,_.... (dnm1) '47-lllrl Linet•, HU!M CrollJft. oaz1JJ11• -tc1 1t•m11-.. U:IO II (Q -...,.. (NI) ~Johll DIM. Dla111 lpt, tll'lll -· -Elli-...,. (comedJ) '46-.loln ltMttt. ClllTla Coklrn. ''°'.""" -.... (.,...,, '51--&lu Slllftrltr, Stlnllf' lam. Gtn1 KlllJ, JlllJ 4trllnd. l:JO D (C) ....... MlllW" (fltStlrn) !:GO 8 "ftlll AM nd• {dt11111} 'S7 ·~1Molpll Scott -ll'tflf Du• Cary.,... 4:I08 (C) ........ -...,.,. (drt- '. ll:OO CJ (C) .,..,.. .. (comtdt) '41 -11'111) '50--lMIJ Ptrb, llrMrt Mlle, J•nfle Cnln, At111 Youn&. WlllllM DllMtt:sl e JOB PRINTING • PUILICA TIONS e NEWSPAPERS OntOf Th• Ur9a1t Fael lltl•• 111 O'•ftt• C.1111ty Ill I WUT IAUOA llVI, MIWPOIT llACH TUMBLEWEEDS I J ,. I ) ll . ~'_111 11111~~1 lOOIC, X'M A UIY MAM! lfr$ GET Tl41S TlUtri6 OVElt Wll'H! I'VE 60T TWEWTY 61'~NP IN CASl-4 FOi' YOU AMP ntE-1.QU. I'M MOlPIN6 •• DAil Y Pllff SPECIAL -British singing star Tom Jones, above is featured on a spetial, "Tb.ls is Tom Jones," t nigM1 in color at 7:30 011 Chllllllel 7. Guests includ Juli~· PrOwae: Dick CaVett, the Fifth Dimensio i and Mireille. Malhleu. The on.,.hour special is a · preface to-Jone,s' w.,tiy variety !how which will premiere in February: ' TELEVISION VIEWS Oldies Bring Quick Sleep By CYNTHIA LOWRY NEW YORK (AP) -The current outbreak of virus infections including Hoag Kong flu now sweeping the nation has at least one good thing going for it; It permits the sufferer to really ap-.• preciate television. · · This viewer, with streaming eyes, plugged nos· trna-.alld-assorted aches tliat. pills dJ!!!'I relieve, ent Wednesday in.Jhe compe!iy of an unobtrusive -IL!~g the day, O.e iiiillliii &am• il!6Ws with- the merry hosts alld the sqealing contestants were much too noisy to bear, and the suffering in the soiip operas had a tendency to make the invalid thraih around. . BUT EXACTLY right were some of those eld- erly movies thal are ground out during odd hours of the morning and afternqon. • · 'nlia \'!ewer turned on a per!eclly dreadful World War II film in which Ginger Roaers played Rosy the riveter, and after ·~ 15 miau!f' it had worked better than a al.-inr pw. Later, when Dick Cavett with Abe Burrows were much too noiay and happy, there wu a· 1937! movie starring Wendy Barrie playing an heiress who acquires a newspaper and a bunch of carefree reporters including Walter Pidgeon. It may have been one of the very worst moVles ever m'ade, but One coiild /OliOW every plot twist with rfM closed and eventually one.drilled off to dreamland. • ; WHEN THIS bug depart.I, U .Ver, It will be m-. ter.HUng ' to compare the worst of our 1969 !e!e-• vision fare with some of those old movies. It has got ·to be infinitely superior in every way - r mem}>er, w,e .once paid money to see those oldies I For the.·rhumy.eyed, the happiest TV consist of abows that can be glanced at, not wajC!led clos ly, NBC, "Music Hall," with Nancy Sinalla 1ur l'Ollllded by some smooth mu1lcal performers an pleitly of sleek mutlc wu thus one of the mos Oflec!ive prescripllona . of the evening hours. Miss Sinatra baa a pt ... anl way with a son and she was helped lmmeaaurab1Y by Don Ho an the teem of Sandler and Young .. SOMETillNO NEW seems to be arriving on th variety scene: poetry readings with a musical back~ ground. Johnny Carson had ROd .McKuen readin 1ome of his own mate;lal on TUesday n!Jht and h turned up agalh Wednesday on "Mut!c Hall" wit one of the most e#ective numbers in the hour. . The weekly NBC show bu an .. tmpossibie tas cut out for its producers -t 10 turn t1ut somethin like a variety special every seven days and use different guest otar each time. Thus the hour has more up s and downs than fever chart, but when it is good, it is very rewar~d· Ing. And it was a good show this week excepl fo occasional stilted 1 conversaUo~a,l exchanges i which all concerned were obvioltsly reading fro cue cards. , ~ RECOMMENDED TONIGHT : "This is To . Jones," ABC, 7:30-8 :30 PST, special / starring lb British singer, with Dick Cavett, Juliet Prowse an Filth Dimension. ·Deranis the Jtleraaee ' , J ' ' • '· ' } f l I ' I l I •• . ' • ' -' ' ' • • I I t '( ,, . e .ars I ' AnilableatSean ••• Steel Cord RadialTires Aa A,,, s..n ALISl'ATE 11re Sol.....,. Alloat Them!· SAVE 25%! 10-Qt. Can Heavy Duty Motor Oii Regular $3.69 •.A fine 1lngle:inde' ;ell wilh foll.dete,.. aener ••• keep• 1o•r·••1ine free 'from 111 harmful dePolita • IDgb film otnngl)t •nd anti-1eid ocdool P11e1rt'd Silaacer Bu11on1 •irt1111Lt elimi~cornuing 1que1I 1nd keep .,OOYS oCICll fot po1ltift rr.mo.. ALLSTATE PU8enger Tire Guarantee TREADUFECUAR.INTEE 36-Month Nationwide Guarantee Sears Full 4-Ply Nylon Silent ' G.uardll . . . Sear;s Low, Low Sale Price! -811y1:.r'111rc--: a1Regolar Low Trade-Jn. .> Priee 0£ '~6.95 Get 2nd Tire . · . . £or'ONLY ; •• .... ~""S~~' ~- Br•i•• ·Br11i:e1: C•thio• i111p.ur. protl!'Cn aaaio•t bni;.i• .,id blow· -- Tittt Smina: t-and 1udden •!opt lln' firmlf JUJ>P<W- ied wicb ~Of" ·~ 6.50xl3 Tubeleu Whitewall Pluo l.81 Fed. Exe. Tax •ndOldTire ·' Express Nylon Truck Tires 6.70xl5 • ,.,. 44 Tube-Type f fhu2.43 F.E.T. 7.00xl5Tirbt-T1P" 2:S.4t ,h,.L19F.t.T. 6.00xl6T•be-Type IS,44 p1-LJiF.LT, 6.Mb:l6 Tube.~ ...... P'-L66f.Lt. • All nylon conetruction • Recommended for normd 1ervice •Full aiae. fuU depth In de- , 11811 •For panel1 and pick.up track1 No Trade-in Required " ! ' . ,.,. $ , • She °'' r • he i om~ re a Am eel 1 ill i re• ,, g i. ' ~~ ' ' • ... •iljt h<!~ B4li nillji 34-;I 0 J-:1 ll'I lose< "'°' ie'i:t ~~ uch an ·a Wk nd ' aise O.l!lil s . .m pi Oil: Nial ut~ lym1 "' atat.c r tli an F ----....... ---..--.-...----------------------------.-. ..... •.· .... ··o;-.. -.......... ,;;--..-;.,~o;-;.;T;:;.;-.,;;;~·;~;,-;..o.;.·...;o;-;,;.· --~-;.,;;;;;;.,,.;·;;..· .. · • .-_-~~-.--·.· ..... -.._,.;-._--_-__ ._-_,;..;,;...;~-....... ••-CL :a.., . ..,._• S ••• ,. , ---~ ( • DAILY PILOT %:J iS ·,'.Ex-OC~ ~~e -Out· -Of .. 525~000 w\U •gtt,415,000 each. rhe1-t $7~ If J would ever play again .. It wd.'r In ' ii.. world for a ~ man lo · athleto and. eveo trf<d • hlm ot "Namath Is a helluvo guy" be • •• nJnry • By"E GUflTl(RY Of 1t1t o.1tr ,.,~-·ITJ Gary Magner's b 1 t t e r disap- pointment is tempered with gratitude Loday . ~netj!lr&n!l>.' l-·~ k~~ .. ~·,·Yi • .' mf right knee and the llpmenlj, • ' make a living," he saya. dofr.nsive and. > ·, "'Y'· ~Iago •··-'~ '~ ...,_, m cartilage and "· -•' m"-le hill 1 "Where '* CID a guy llep right ''l would' have •··· a ' ~-~er If "H 1fi ' sun1mer could cost him as much wi;s -_.. ; oul qi ~ blto i $15,000 or $20,000 ~ 0""' ~ e iacr ices more Utan a lot : Because he •WaJ injured in the New York Jets> third. exhibipon 1U•rt\t las\ August, the ,Mater Del ll!gh , fnd Orange ' Coesl Qlllel1e1 pnJC\Uct wiJI' as !25,000. been tom. It wu a bad one. • , d obi o\lly· young guy lucky enough 1 had111 biien burl," Maii>er aot ol juya and' be'I don< 0 tot or lhlnga The ,mem9<Y ol lhal aunny ,August , l'But .1J've alwl)'a felt ;you're not jo gel .dralftd' by the pros ind who Al lhe.Ume o1 Ibo Alabama mishap, lo make the J.U w1'ft they .,. allm1oon In Birmingham, ~ I a • , dood omlU they "°""" II>! laot lltil • bi11 bad the good COU.ge ~ he wu ploying behind slartlli( today. He gets prellf poor treatment .. sickens Ma,...,.. , , · . • In tlle collln., U yoo bave ""°"811 ~!\liad ii foolllh ,.t_o nil ctve a .100 defensive end Gerry Philbin, a star by the New Yort '-· He dJc!n' not share c!JJ the ·cash, bouo1¥ cel\Ped . by the Jets tlrtt ...,.n.. , · ·"! had bOen 'hit In th~ ~· a detirmlnatton 1"" -do •llflhlmc· ' ll[al'I to P"'Y pre ball. ; in New York's AFL UU. win over lllroW a touchdoWn.,... i... 11x...,.. couple •f plaf• before' the 'ln!iirv • ltv• ~ wwklll(1 oo Ibo~ ..., tii addition lo the money, Oaklo1od. . and you should have -the 'laJ>Ofl. . · : "rlnancially•rhyi'inj.,y killed mt." play,'1beexplaiM.'1 , • · ;'f-;"f";., 1 &m~tbt~-n1 ~di~• ll'a~Jotolbtil~-,--· ,. "Wbenlleftpallfornialastaummer "Then a giq lnt.enrJtwed~ on ~·1· Was somewhat dazed but tatqu ' llw: doc.*'tr now Utt't'OK: · ... 1 ' 1be\ Jets drafted Mqner, out of l dldl"l't think I could make It Jn televWoii and Joe sikl he cOukfn•t Magner said Wt:dnesday, In a phone in- terview from Ilia •JNU'tV>en.l in New York. than, lake myself out of the' c~e . I ·"IU&bt now tt''1 . tbe~ rbere 11SC ~u year, where'.be W81S .. tackle. tbe Jr.'(18 but I· (ound cut that the clrt leas about toucbdown paMea - 1 ttayedln. On a ·~.-an ;Allanta . ·l~anlleoci-tt,,i pain-, ' ,At-215'X:I USC,.lle Wl4 told by the tlQadilng I got at USC ,carried me allbecai<daboutwaawloouig." "It really hurts not to get to play ·for that big money but I'm still on the payroll and l'U play football again." ' rlayer nailed me and mY knee tool< .. !llqJJer <!tjvu 'lo tbe-Jota: welpl !•Jets lo adll wel!Jhl Jn order lo play through. " Joi of draft choices got 'fhile 75 'mlWoo "Niierl-lit'' !be full jolt." . • room at ~ SUd1um eodl dtl' aod. "llheback. ln'the AFL. He •bowed <'JI Jutl beta~ they bad poor lechnl· trlinsft.ted 'In front of ,ll>elr TV sets • ~Jagner was ln surgery for fou.t puC. the=· me ~ "punlslilDg up--lQ#lt \Slimmer •l. the Jets' que." • .84nday. the )1lost f*rate,t qJ. all hours. the next day and wore 1 cast workout&. Ht bad oi\1y ·a tafle OJ 1raining c~'llp at Hotstra University Magner calLI it.he Jets "a rreat will be_Oary Magner. au. & ti!'• leaned; 1 The Je16 ploy Baltimote In the ror eight week3: The diagnosis was pro football bu(, like ~ la.a~ · on Long Is.lilud ratin' to go at 230. bunch of, guya11 and aays Joe Namath. a lessOll. . . .... 4.. • ~ g\"lm. · ll bookecj blm'. < ' The Jet coaching ataU was Im-the quarterbacl<, hun't been treated "The name or tti _..._ In the ~The docl<>r l<>ld me he doubted "Pro f"ilbaU Is the ~atest wl)' pressed wllh •lhe OrMge Coast ares fairly by the press. pros ls: don't get hurt."-) .................. ,,,.... ............. _. _____________ ................................................ .., S..per Bowl SUnday ind ,the.)Viruler• .... ' ~ "1.'~: NC.AA Figh;ts Student -Unrest ' •, ' -\ f ,. LOS ANGEJES ~tiPtr -The NCM has taken a step to .give its coaches more mUlcle in dealing wllh lhe thorny problem " of student unrest in their schools' athletic programa. Concluding _its 63rd annual convenlion. Wednesdayr the naUonal collegiate body revised 8Jt. article dealing with grants-in- aid to athletes. The proP98al to allow .a school to "terminate the financial aid of a student~ athlete if he is adjudged to have been guilty of manif.:.-st diaobedience" was passed 167 to 79. "There's no doubt that student unrest on our campuses was the reason of \ ' this action," NCAA executive director . ' Walter, Byers said at a new-"S conference following the convenUon. \ "But thla Is not just a p..:Oblem with Negro athletes," Byers contlno:ed. "You just' can't limit it to one riirt:e. And I personally feel this problem baS' peaked as far as athleUcs are concerned."'' The key to the proPQSBI wer.e the words ''manifest disobedience." , Manifest disobedience was deflneo.' as disruptive actionS whlc'1 interfere with th2 normal and orderly conduct of :l.ln institution's aLhletlc program, refusal tt.1 meet the nonnal goad conduct obligaUoM required of all team members and d~ fiance or llle normal and necessary dirt(> lions of departmental staff members: Byers called the lhre&da.v mf1Ung uthe quietest conventioO '·bi~" a number of years as far aa contr0¥ei'slal issues were concerned." •. Delegates adopted a reCommendaUon revision aimed at ha1tJng-professional football team1 from using collea:e facilJUes for training. The wording of the recommendaUon lo member schools now calls on them to "proh1blt the use of lh!ir facilities by professional sports teams, it being understood that this does not apply to a professional team's isolated use of college faciliUes ' in emergenCy cases.'' • . Desplt. the strengthening of the recom' meDdaUon, it still· ·111 only that -a recommendation -and not a rule. Many1 school!! are upect.ed to continue to disregard It. Byers admitted there "is a serious legal question wbe&her we' can limit a faclllty owned by a state lnstituUon•• but added "we reer the Ptos should adhere to our wishes sll'lCe 'bro. athletics has prospered greatly ~'Us.-.. Three new champi~p events were cr~tited -volleyball, water polo and tNunpoline -with the date! and sites of the cbamplortshtps ·ror the· 1969-70 school year lo \><,set laJer, yolleyball and water polo are Olympie even~ . ------_. ~ --- niit Oka-r.s---bolts!-B·aekttp-Q Experimental · . . : -. Rule Changes If Morrall Requires ·_, lf~l:p 1 BOSTON (AP) -The careers 'of some great hitters could be lengthened while the automatic out spectacle-<if a Dean Chance or a Dick Ellsworth Bt the plate might be eliminated under soine pro- posed new baseball rules "1hich will be experimented with in American Leaiue spring training games this year. The ,. tria1, approved unanimously by dub owners at their winter meeting, provides for a ~gnated pincll-hitter who would have special privilegee. The change and other erperimental rules were given official sanction for spring training games Wednesday by Joe Cronin, President of the league. FORT LAUDEROALE, Fla. (AP) - What does It, feel like to be the forgotten man in pro football 's Super Bowl? John Unitas of the· Balimott Coll.Ill and one or the greatest quarterbacks ever said Wednesday : "It doesn't bother me one bit." Unitas, the Colts' ace for 12 years, surrendered,_ his job to Earl Morrall at the st.art of the ,tePon after injwing his throwing arm ln a pre-season game. He has been used only sparingly alnce. Sports In Brief Morrall was that good tn leading the Colts to a ,13·1 record and intO' SW14ay'a Super Bowl at MlamJ's Orange, BoWI against the', New York Jets Of the American League. "My arm ~is okay now/' aald the crew<ut, 35.fear-old paaaing wilard. "But Earl baa proved l<>, he the best man. Ht got 1 the job .done and )'OU don't change horses In the mlddJe . oL the atream. After all, tbe objecUve ' ii to win and Earl is the man." In games p1ayed under the ex- perimesital rules, each team must designate o~e man either as a ptnch-hlt- ling speclaUst, permitted to bat twice . _ , • in the game, or as a permanent COS TL y MISHAP ..-.Gary Magner, .star at Orange c~imt ~l~t substitute batter every time the pitcher's Toomey to Be Feted; -·1Jege end Materk De1k' Hih:gh Schoo1 I, s~Uer~ a cos'Ntly knee inj~fy~ > 'tu~ coei;!r~~ntal rules have other pro- 1 ast August to noc im out o action with the ew York,J,e~., vi sions including one for a d · ted " ,l-lad Magner stayed with the ~lub he'd ~~e been in Sunday's, · pilJgb ~er, who also could e::~ Mesa Bowler Fourth ~ Super Bowl pro football classic. And, he d have bad a chance twfce in a game, and for giving a 1 to pocket some $25,000 through the playoff games. j:! batter an intentional base on balls by {~",;,,.·; ...... ~·~~~-.:. FfMtir.>c. 41.B'r·'"'.~i. ~ tri:t J;:J;.J --, I ~' ~=·~ll&~~e instead of thr.~wing BE¥Elll, Y lllLUl -0 I y m p I c decidiJOn · ehampion Bill ·Toomey of Lagwla Beach. and David "Deacon" Joilts, iu1'1V deliiialve enil with the Lot Angeles Rams, will be among eight men bonortd at Hp Hall lonlghL breakdown. .Davallllo, who bad been play"111, wlnt.r baseball with Cu'aeas of the veneiuelan League, entered the hospital abolll a week ago. For 197.~ Olj.mptc::C"dmes ,. ~ . . .. .... Gal Applle• ARCAl>IA -A ZZ.year-«d prl exercise rider at Santa Ant&a wants u. appmelce jockey'• Uce.nse. $3 Million Po<>)·:.lnade.quate )W'!. ~ . Jones was Southern Callfonila athlete of the year for 1008., · Also to be honored are bowler Dick stoeffler of ~ Mesa, boxer Raul Rojas, triple jumper An Walker, Ram fWIJ>ack Dick Bau, USC footballer Bub Chandler and former Rose Bowl player Frank AschenbreMer. Sandri ''Sandy" Schlelfftn flltd 1 formal applicatf• Jar tie Ucente ._ die t:rack office of the Cllumia W.ne Ricing Board. Shortsighted planning has apparently osl the City of Long Beach a chance f a lifetime -the oppo~uait)' to host he swimming, diving arxl ,water .J>O]O orrtpetltions Jf the 1976 Olympic Gamea re awarded to Southern Califomla; And a great many .W!l"Rled·'pec>ple eel that the '76 wofld sp(lhs spectacle viii indeed be given to the Los Ahgeles rea when the lnteroational Olymptc n I **************' WHITE WASH ~Olittee meets a )'ear hence to select ht:!~le. 114linoni Plau Olympie Pool, a $3. 7 n. ektravaganza which was opened ~mer, has everything imaginable o qQalify for hosting Olympic aqualics. W-ell, it has almost everything. It 'has a fabulous ~on·gallon pool. losedr circuit t.levlslo!v at all ..,1.., n •oubltaod1og scoreboard .m f .grtil~ ie'W Ot'the "facific ocean. Hqwever, i~ doel .ll<ll tiave adequate atlilg and toe 100 Is, vet'J f"'8y iboot uch things. At the ,moment the •pool t an accommodate about 2,500. Wkh the wall facing the pan-re~td nd additional seating ln9tllle:I tt coukJ aise its seating capacity ao l around O,QJil. Bui that figure It lbort of the 5.1'41 whi ch "'·ill be required by 1178, plnl!> Bill Nlcholu. Nicholas ls a ke . membtr on the ttiern CaJ!lbrhla' COmmttt.ee t fdr the lymplc G"Jl1"' and II 1a the i!IIe! n such things. He belie:fes 'a n e • at,torium will have to ~ ~trncted r the G3nleS, proba6ly JOmewbm 1n :in Fernando Valley. '· . Long Beach also seems to' be"hinntng Presumably Ute ColJseum .would bndle behind as the site f o~r .ro~il!&, e\'ents &rack·-U Uaat......,_l:lod doaa't ~ with tbe·'frQpQqed UC Ir'vine Coorse in com. JllY more .a1;11prem to .,, a J k lbe back ,taf·.the Qiit choi~,_..,Nicholas throup~ , ltleaan 4th Tile l-foet-11, lt-po!llld cir! WU told by tbe Janta Alllta board of ittewants Iha\ before a Ucense can be lined, she must work a Hne from lhe 1tartlng &ate ln compaay with ai least two oiher bones. aa~. ,t The Long Beach Marina is too narrow and bas a dirved beginning for the course, which is also taboo. ltl•y Get Voll'!11b..U' HoweVer, Lons Btaeh may salvage sorilethbig from tbe '11 Olympia. Nicbo- lu SIJ'I Long Beacli'" Arena aad UCLA'• Pauley Pavilion art tle prime choices for v..,..,_U corDpetit&on. Bubab.all Mid ro at the SpQrta Arena -or .V~ ._ Forum. ~i Nlcbolu 11 re- lu~t" te lndlde Utt .Jalttr as a po11l- bllfty -It 11 privately .,..ed. "f doo't bow MW lntert1ted tH.7'd be In cooperallnJ," 1te said.· Endao't velodrome woUI &aU care of eycllsJ ud the Olympic Aodllorium oould buidle,lloXlng. 4lal Slat. (!Al An- geles)' 1,, Mite condde'"recl for feocln1 rom)etltloa. E~•lril~fH . C ... ~e1 LOS ANGELES -Ed Bourda,., of With 19'18 bdng : t6e . bicentennial or Fre1ao, carried a Ul-pln lead over John American ,lnde"ndeliee, there i.c a 10 t Floyd, of "Ha1111rtoD, La., Into today'& •r Un o. u~11.,. pttllmlnary competltloa .In the I 0~ ee •&,.. !av..-~ "'" tile Ob'IJ1Plc• ProleHloiial Bowlen Asaodation $4$,lllt to the US~. ftf w . ·case. Loa, Apa:eles , Souihtrn California Optn. ~~t':~"!!' U:S. ·oI~ic Fo8ewtn1 Floyd, -f.!.game total 1be ·only~ n~,l.tives lccordin t WQ &,Ma, were Dick Weber,.. Gf St. Nlcholas, are that LA' already t!stC: / Loois, wllll Z,5M, Vern Downlnc. of Su the qames (liSZ)'~nd.the SD\O(. Francloco, with l,Sft, ud Ban-y .Uber, And be·-881'1 the action by aome ol . ol Cotta Mesa, '!itb !,.l?t. our track athletes '(Tommie s ith and · Bourdue pat tocether two tlx·1ame John C I ) · m , rounds Wedneaday el t.313 aa4 ~ttt v ar ps tn Mexico CltY: crtaltd· a ' to mtve Jn front of Floyd, wbo was eq pbor lmpreasi~ am911C the lOC , the lelder' after the first i.lx sames. men who have the 1ay on wbo 1ets · t11-P!I! OI\ the .Olym~, which could rolle<lMn 1""1< vote. • !l.ga1'111ag the lmog, Nlcbola5 11ya "If it isn't licked bX. '7& we won't be here anyhow," ~ • CAllACAS,•Veneiuela -Vic Davallllo, of the California Angela has been hosplt&lb:ed here beeause of a M'VOUS Kfng• B11rtlng DE,TROJT -The Los Angeles Kings, scorele!s in their last Lhree games, try to ,nap out of their offensive slump against the Detroit Red Wings tonight. Deaplle being blsnked three tlmu 1a a row, the Kings have managed a pair of ties in two of three games on the road . In their last game, however, the Klng.s bowed lo St. Louis, S-0. They end their five-game road SJ'lp at c:rucago Sun"day olght'. Eddie Joyal, LOI Angeles' No. l lcorer who suffered an eye ~ last ~eekend, w111 miss tontghl'1 coolest. St•r• fn ;re~•• Pal~e _rTops -~AOpen Field HOUSTON -The IM Ailgele1 Stan' lie" bilo towa lod1y to Dlay ~ HOlltlol! Mavertcb t.: wbat wtft he die &tan' Jtdli American lauketball A110CJtdo9 .-r.11~ ' . 4.'0S' ANGELES (UPI) .Arnold Palmer has reached ~he ~ic1 Jack Benny age -3f -bUt he IOoks just abou,t.. as fit a11 he ever Jw: n 15 Y.ari 8.a a pro golfer. "The King" Just lnii!ht start the 1969 l'OA tour by winning Ifie 72-bole, llOt!.000 Loa Angeles Open rltartlng tod<l.)' 11 Rancho 'municipal COW'IC. After shooting a 35-34-69, two under · par: ln WMnesday.'• ~am prelude, Palmer said, "I feel ,good. I'm down l<> tall pounds. Last year at this lbne, I weighed 195 •nd ( 11'U too belvy,r' • • ~ 89 was not good enougl, for low tndlvlduat honol'I In the pro-am. Another veteran, 38-year-old Gene_ Uttler was ~ with a red-belt;~ olj a cllilly, overcast d*Y. Par for course la 36-~71. LllUer wboac first y,lclo<Y u a pro "°' 1a the LA Open liay !lick In 1951 bad lwl' ...,i..,,.. hlo card. He sank • 3MoOt cl\Q) lhot"f« an eagle three on the par Ove eighlh hole and flnl1hed the round by holding a 110-yard approach f0< u Nale two on the 11th. The field ol 1~ bore lncludea such big ~ 11 defin!!!!!A champion Billy CllW, lfA lop nmey·wtvner; lf.8. Open· champion Lee Trtvlno; A I Ceibcrgcr, the former National PGA But, Wedatldq alCfll'1 wild 111-111" Uttl.st; Frank Btal'd; Dave Stoclrton: wt. "er Uw l>M•tr Rotketi: ll .Let Masters champiOh Bob Goalby; George Aaaefet, m11 Uve tU:e,1 aome ti the Archer; Bob Ro•burg, and Art waa. fllfpe oot el Illa trip fer ~ ltlln. Casper wN> Mt a record In eamtngs la Wtclleidl~a ~-Wama Davia laSI year with at total ol $206,161, »ioi fnntlclily dro" 'to ~ lliant wt•· 17 a twO.Over-~r 73 fn the pro-am and 1ceondt left wM1e Stan' CMClt -Bill looked a bft 'wan after a bout With tbt Sbarmaa wu U..U.1 1tr a time "' . flu. f(Om the sld~ jut u frnd..U,. The younger set la well reP"'<!lled • ·..U It tumd ·~ Dovla _.. Illa by Bob Murphy, the fflrm« U.S. amateur buket, drew • Ital Qlll *' Ille free champion who won tt05,000 In 1tea; Uitow I• po& tM Stan Dei4' U5-JJJ. Bob Dick.too, onolher 1....... amateur• Loter, wttll !ft -ltll!. -Mon king, wbo collected • 144,l$7 lDt cl':.:~ Jtcboo a4dt<f !ft meulqleai · "- 11en·cemtdo, Who -.tile Cljllo -• ehd -a total ol ~,94'1: Ind 8"" Smlttt, Al -pelill -· 1111 tell to pllrJ, Sacramento, who took away '3(1,044. dtl Stan were dowll ltt• ' , • ! ' . .:!"·"·" l, f t •' • ~ ~ 1 ·~ Asked bowl he wou14 'met' itio,9~ ).t ' be necessaiy .for; hlin ~ ~lacel i(~;lt Unltu (eplled' , , . , "Rememtiet:, I've only,~pla)i,ed -. abcftit one-hall 'flf a game · tNI ieaaon · abd , ~ that "'" ·II) the final ieguta"r -~ • game agalnst the Los Angeles Rains.· "You can't be that inactive ahd still l expec1 ti> be bJ 1op 1orm. · .-: "I ~ ""1ll' alnmt ' every '<far but o . It's oot !Ji. being iii a lraine. l 'ezp<ct 'j you'd find that I wouicf be i little -1 bit· slower to react fo tiny given' sltua- Uo111. B.ut, should it becqme neclillary, you,can·be surf· I'll do.mybest."•' Don llf11'lt>' ci>acb ol U.. ·~; ctvea , .Vnltl! credit for Helping Monall, ,ooe\ · .. year younger, even .·~h Earl 1 hlS t been ·thr:OUl'h I.he ntill ~with numeroua · , learns. · · > • r~.1.'. , ·, . , ~ Shula toolr umbrage· when ~~ • uked If be dldll 't think the" COiia liail"..; the better · backup !!Uarterbeck. Said-f . Shula, i~log u,,, amatwing ol laughs·: over a qUeation intended to be. facetloua, ''He ·has bad a sore ann. That's whyf he isn't ploying. I. ce1al/lll' woWdn'f refer to him :" a bacto:p quarterback.~·· ' ' . . ,. ( . . ' Pa(ernq ;spum.s $50,000 Offer ~ ~ . ~ , LOS ANGELES (AP) -Penn Slate's young Joe Paterno, who spurned • half- mllllon dollar coaching contract with the pros to stay on campui, ackoowl!Ug· eel today he is a "corn-ball" aria an "Jdeallst." " "Some people may think I'm l\Uts for turning down such an ofter;3•~· ' 211ight, 42·year-old former B r o Ufl\verslty.quarterb~k ·~·"But I -· . ltlere is more to life than monef. l don't \i'ant to restrict myself to football.'' Paterno, whose Nittany Lions now are untieaten in 19 games, turned down Wei.lnesday an ofter from ~PjJ!Bb\lrgb' . Steele.rs of tht NaUonal Fooliba,lllteague which · .reportedly wou}d have liven. hiio $50,008 ' year for 10 years. "I cmt't say what. U,. .. ~b:Ai was -Pitt.sbargh will Have to ifOI.that," he added. "lt would. have assured me a lifetime· of. financlil security for my family. I can never make that t1nd of money ·in college ooathinf, ~ I put more value in other things."·· . These things, the YOll11i COllCb added, . include cow1, kids and a ride in 'the country on Sunday. , ', ' Polish ' Spiker~' _. To Rllll ill ,u~s~1 \ . ,,~ .. . WARSAW, Polllid _, Four~ Polish atblelta wUl.parllclilet. liHllaV:S: .IDiloor track seaiJon this Wlnr<r; Ihle llraf dlNct cohlacl In the •Poti 1>mr.en -the two COUlltrJ,. since Polmd canceled an ln- ternadona.I meet ln July1 lM. ~ At that time Poland followed the Soyjtl·· IDIUatlve in prote&ling the Vietnam m by calUng off at the lDt mlillllAI ""' compcUUon lo be held In llerkeleJ ·'Is Tbs four going to America lats tn month are Mra. Irena ~ S-lnaka, -Id record -""' Olympic cbamploo bl the :IOQ.meter dub; qo,rteriftlltr1 Andresj 8-aod Jao Womer: and ff'"l'1k Slll'djokVoa)i, a rnktdle distance runner. ·. I I \ . • ' I I I I I ' ' , _}"~ ... l b . -. -~:· .,., .. < • . . ' ' ' . •. • ' ·.·. ~··· f .. , I .. . . . . . . . . -. . • -. : ·:: .. . ',• ') : . ----.. -.. I" . , . 1 .. ,. r ~ ~ ~ ~ ( f •. f: -· .. 24 DAILY PILOT Wrestling Summaries Yikes Face ' Colony (11-1) Round ho> oi the niatG Sun6et Le-a I• e ba&ktUraU schedule ~ t.u faas Fri- day nigtit rib liluina and Westminaer's backs to tbe walL The Yikes ()f Marina must host Anaheim (11-1) wbDe Wti&m.inster travels to lhe ""'°'" of "'""fnrl'"' Beodl. OOer sim..t Leogue bottles bne Newport's Sailer.I at s.t. Ana Valley in quest of Ulfir seamd wiD in m many tries.. Santa Ana mMI Western t.a.ogle at Westem. Marina'. lost its opener lo Ne:wport Rartxr Tuesd1y •nd mtm notch • wm °"'' Anabr:im 's height-controlled offense if it's to stay in early cca1mti0ft kr the "·~ titiJe • Westminster finds H.aelf fac- ing a team that hasn't lost a league baskelbt&.11 game in ils b st 28 trips to the plate. ne Uou a~ cmrent.cy reeling from a five-«ame io&- ;,. stri ......... -tpp>Sitioa. Included in thal string are m Joues ta IWdefuit.ed and --ComplGo llllCI • .... to the OilorL AD games are It I •'clock. • SllOW CAPS -MITTENS'--GLOVES • ~~n~l'5 ~~1~~~····· 95c,. 4'5 Ski·Cisor _ . 14'1 l'lwclleo Skll09 a1 Homo Sleds - T ....... 1 SAM SNEAD or PATIY BERG BEGINNERS GOLF SETS 1 & JWOOCS. 3 · 5 . 7. 9 -PUTTER lot .... 92.DD ..................... _ ...... 58CC GOLF BALLS 6a¢ • 75~ • $1.00 IUCK Kniv~s ··---·······-· 12°0 to OlD TIMEI • Knives· 575 •• 2000 SPEIDO & OCEAN CHAMPION SWIM TRUNKS & SUITS LEG WEIGHTS ........... 6.95 pr. IASKETBAW. VOLLEY IAW SOCCERIAW • 4 S9UARE BALLS. somAl.LS IASEIAW ·HANDSAW .. On Controversial TD Rose Bowl Official Didn't See the Play • ·-. . --I ~ I ,_ - l'INNSYLVANIA -X76 H...-, Dory Tennis Balls ............... D ... 750 WILSON XTlA DUTY . . • II 7'5 Tennis Ba s ................ D .. . MIN'S CONVllSI Tennis Shoes .......... 1 15 LADIU' CONVEllSI Tennis Shoes .................. 725 MEN"S JACK PUICELL Tennis Shoes ..... ··-8" MIUl'S ·Tennis Sl.orts 4'~ 13'5 •or.s . . • Sh 4 95 Tennis orts ............. . MIN'S Tennis Shirts ·-4 50 ,. 5°0 •OYS' • r . • sh· 400 Tennis 1rt•----··-· TENNIS . Dresses. ___ ..... 13°0 .. TINNIS R-.cket1..... _ ... 4u •• •• · RALEIGH BICYCLES PARTS· nR&S ·TUBES REPAIR RACKET STRINGING . . . .. 16'5 5200 PHONE 540-4343 646-4421 2049 HARBOR BLVD. lat layl ' COSTA MESA NlW CAI CNAN•IOYlltl 8. F. Gaodrlch-Flrestan• Goody.Or-General LIMITED QUANTITY """ fl.E.T. Fnm 1..11 ta 2.fl EXC. Most Sizes NIW TIUDS WITH NIW GUAIANTll WHITE. WALLS TUllLESS e ANY SIZE f'llll l'IT Jk ~••la P4I tMI Hl"I eUA•ANTll. l!vtry ... w l .F. GDclllrldl NIMllllW Cir llrt 1'1111 IN'tnORd "wc;ond .. l• 11u•l"lnlted tw TN Ille ol th• 111'"1111'11! trud. rtttr•lll't1 cf ••• " mlluee, •t•IMI del'Kh In m111r1a1 Mid _k..,...llll'llP, trld ;11 narm11 "°"-commercltl p&!Hn!ler ct r Hfvlce, 11111111 ltllU'll c1UMd by r<11d Nlllrdl (llCI lnd\ldlnl rtMlrlbll 1unctU1" .. I. II IUCll llrt ftll1 "'IHI' 11111 9111rtqlff and rs '° d11Nti1d beY'Ol'ld l'tflllr, 1111 ow"" Viii! ........ fvl! t lkrwtnte .... -•11111, fNH fowtnl !Flt -"'·· ., • ritw Ure Of ""' m11nula<:lur1 11 the curr~r 1111111 "lrtcfe.fn" prl(t. BAL~NCE WHEEL 99 Hlh WEIGHTS INCLUDED (with thlo ad) BRAKE RELINE l n',0··~~.~~~: .. LINING and LABOR 1995 .. .. Ctrl a !'f,:w• 9u"''"''' '"' . · ,brt~t 11rvic1 ftr · tht 1p•cifi1d 1111rn• lat of 111lltt •' ., •• ,, ,,,,,, dtt1 ,, 'in1t11l1tien, .,..hich• •~•r co11'11 rird. Ad jvdrn111h pr•· rtltd on 111ilee9• e11d b11•4 on pric· 11 cvrr1nl el ti111• """ OWy u.l•t-1'"'" ., '°""' D••ltk -4 Ferolp C.. of 1iljvtlm111t. Join the Radial Age Sllvertown Radial 990 Tl'llllls t111ID15.000 miln futthlru..i 1im 11111 cot111 on-... Am1ric• 's molt 1llr•ne611 tiff/ A1 Low• 2718 + Tt•ff OPEN 8 am to 9 pm • MONDAY THRU FllDAY • SATURDAY nu 5 PM e USE YOUI C:Rl!DIT e ·Our O#n Budgat Pion a.nkA.,.ricard • M.11 .. Char.,. JONES TIRE SERVICE 2049 Hal'llcw llv,d. lat layl ,._ ,..,.,., COSTA .MESA ,._ '4MUI .. • ' I. -t-• -----------~---------..... -~~-I.. ----· ------------- _ __L l I ' y ! '" ,,,, loffet ru! ' ' !. ' . • - Voss Awtiits -'69 Campaign ''• r •• After Beaning Exp~_ri'eii'ce By EARL GUSJ'KEY down to 145 peunds,(rom -190." Of ... Dlltf f'IW IMN Now, thtoogh d ·~ t IUP" BUI Voas, like most plements, Voss ls up io 112 Americans, was s e e i n g and anrious for the March fireworks last July 4. 1 starting date for sprtng But unlike most, Voss saw training. At Sarasota, be'JI be the fireworks inside hie head. contending for an outfield · On that date in -Baltimore, berth with Ken Berry, Walt ~ V OS5 a New.,Ort Beach resi· Williams, Buddy Bradford and dent, wu sblndlng at Ute plate Carlos Maye, Lee Mate'1 litue with the count one ball, no brother. atrikea. Hla Cliicago.White So:i Last July's beaning couldn't were tralllni by 11 run and ,have arrived at a more tn- BaltiJTI.ore's Pete Rlcbert was 'opportune time for Vo.. For on Ifie mound.. , . the first time, be was playing The DUI fltdl "" .a·'last ,rogujarl~ for the Whi,. So>. ball Eld u hit Voss Iu¥, below Prior to the beaning, be the ~ Cbeet~~· Nearly ; had been' a starter for three eVrq ~-4n NS· face ,ps weeks and then wu out of broke.n.. ~ action for a week alter run- NaW, seven tnonths lat& · ning ·into Comiskey Park's and phy.siCa:ll,r scimd, V~ wall and bruising several ribs. and tbe-Wbite Sox. wonder Then be scrambled back into how he'U· ·f~ad} to stf;pi;ihg the starting lineup 'for three to t~ plate agafn. more weeks, hit a grand slam lie played six weeks of boihe tun 1n Delrott and then winter ball at the So1's spring 'Went to Baltimore. training base at Sarasota, Fla. Voss origioally signed with "I was a little nervous at Detroit out of Orange Coast the plate at first but I think in 19&4. But through a that was because there were secretary's blunder in Detroit, a lot of young, wtld pitchers his name was inadvertently they were trying out. [ didn't placed on the unprotected want to get bit again in a draft list in 1965. winter league. Chicago claimed him for "'But there wasn't a trace $8,000 and for the next three of a vi.!ion problem. The only sea.so~ he bounced up and trouble was that I had gone down with the varsity and .. ' ' -Jedfta It ...... ,."'"' 'eJ!! call:":· 'A 1 \.• i' II ,.... coald ha\oo ,flO& I..__ I'm a ·~ fll!y. l ·-.... ~ .pltcli. ' ' ~. "loever&'t~. 1'liey ~-. lo ,tlie lloapltal •·rtct>t any ;bill U. doct«a • -~ Of*'•tt \lotfl the . neWnc went down.It , V<m· WU ~1\IP' to elMI · the pain and put '!II a plane to Chlcqo. Tm da}'I la,.r. alter utlbfol"8. ~ "'4U<ed the ....wna su!llCWitJ:t, v ... went uoder the We. "The thing the doctor• ..... IDOi! concerned abolJt WU the bone just below the eye. It was brok"\.b> U... places and they • told me that il It wun't etacUy at the aame level as be(ore I'd bavt double BILL VOSS .vJmQri." • ; It was• a Wrifyinf,posalbW· ' .' I "\y.:'10r the 2S-year'old Vou. the Whi,. Sox" minor lea"!' · With double vision, hb P"""· "'""· lslng baseball cmet would V ' translmed from Gle,;_ be nipped In the bod. os . He remembers: waking up dale to Newport High m 19S9 00 the operating table after a1 a sophomore and was an the lllrgery and recalls loot- inllant hitting lell.58lion under iog on the wall and seeing coach Andy Smith. It was one clock. "'11ley told me I'd know more of the same 11 _occ if I bad double vision tight and the scouta came runrung . away so I was pretty happy He'd been living a kid 's to see one clock and not two," dream until July 4. He be says. • ·~ . , ~Jwwi•1 1M f'~lft1e 1'ln•et." ·. ...... ~. I Gurney~ Riverside -50.0 LID a relay runner~ Plymouth DiVlalon ol Chryaler ICIDt (at 180 mph) II< flllt a baton, all-Ume otock c.r ' Corp. -bi ~ place, !:.ahead ol the driver ....., wlll -~aclq champ (II Grand Na· · • By 1°1111 lntlde on that final nltch to°FordJI at Rlvenldo: . turn, Alllloo edged ""'1 l"8 Triton Ace Still Top Area Scorer Uonil :Wint) Rfc!>ard Petty blue, number 43 ,,.,., and Allison wa• drlvfnC a handod Plym(IUth' pride to under the checl<ered Oar· a Plyrnoo th. • Bobby AUilcn ' a month aeo ~ 1 .. -1n ~·.-,,try ro11owe<1 P.t-•. see ttie $71s,Qoo ~·::, 'W.&~ =:: ~ ~ aluminum luxury t1•na1 stockers at Rlveralde, ~ crulser'from England Jan. 19, and slCnlflcantly rub-• beMtampa )be 1<sulb ol lhai December race. Petty will join the mllllon dollar Fon! factory team !.t\icll lncludel N A S C A R Cliamploo David Punon, all- time money winner cale Yarbonlllgh, three-lime "Indy winner A .J. Foyt, two-time USAC naUonal champion Mario AndrttU, fl v e . tt me Eric Christensen of San Riverside wiMer Dan GtlrtteY Clemente Hich School con-of Corona del Mar" '67 UnU9 to lead the Orange Riverside winner P a r n e 11 i Coast area bu~ tcorlng Jones and super speedway colwnn with 309 polnta in 12 winner Lee Roy Yarborough. games for a 2$,7 average. A NASCAR racing veteran, Mike Cootreru ot Hun-the 29-year-old Allison, form Ungton Beach trails with 257. Hueytown, Ala., inherits Pet.- ty's lonely, 1<llnqulsbed role cosu M1•• 1~.., ,, . Jack the Giant Kiiier. at the big San Francisco ~.~· 11,1 ntt ,R, I~ thelnla~~:~r;a~ 11:°.illed=' Sports & Boat Show .•• !'} JP on the half-mlle tract in ~.1, 'I , I li Montgomery, Petty ended hlB .January 10-19 Cow Palace $,.0'1f~ i 1: :r, IO.year career with the A:fllton I 10 lttm;;:======~====================:;~ ~~ 2 4 t l COltOHA 01~ ~\ U~ Tli' ~~= 11 , ~ lft ~\· ·~'· '" ~1t 1 11 ' ~ '"~ry ) l 1j il fllllrf , • llTAHC•" cr-o .... " , .. W1"llim1 11 n '' !'11 l ~ v 1-----Pla~Q_f f s __ E~pan=d .J~.=.:..:.:.::1t.:=....:...=:.:::.:.:=:......: ..~ l!' ~l~ l* ---~·--A-VO_l_D_IN-G THE OFF-tfNESH_O_T_S-1"---·!·-·': H I • • ;, • " "' • _, ••• ... , .. .. •• ,,. ''*· ... ••• ic. •• • •• . •• • • • New Bracket Set ' ,OUHTAIN V"LLPY f"-•I If your right shoulder isn't 1Uf· o P• "' T~ ficient ly lowered on your down-lfllli · 1 u 1' ~...,,.. 'l " ff n,,' (No 1) l!l'lmer lj .fl 1 ljj swing • , your club entan ·~~ 1 ., n .. ~ .... "fl!" Basketbalr and'b as e bat I ungton Beach. Marin a. playoffs in the CIF soulhem Newport Harbor, Santa Ana, section have been recently ex· Santa Ana Valley, Western, the impoct zone from outside th e ~=· jf 1 J, li forget line (No, 2). If the club~ ~i.... J 1 \ ff . 1 ~ f , i 2 O ~. ;M:~TINeTo~j·u,~~; 1~n TH Westminster. panded to four divisions with Whitmoat -Montebello, La classifications from A through Se.ma, Pioneer, Monte Vista, AAAA. . Whittier, Sierra. Orange County teams are AAA involved in AAAA, AAA and ·Angelus -Mater Dei AA with the Sunset and l"tee-Servite, Bishop Amat, St. way Leagues the on I y AAA Anthony, Pius X, St. Paul. foe• is looking to the left, the thotwill fly irt thot direction. If ii '1 looking at tha forget, the boll wi II slice to the rigtlt. .,., lj II lfi 4 ""11 ~r. . W'.?1... 10 , , D ~~m.w.on : 1l I i'i Wl'll.ff 1tl 5 clrcuita. Camino Real -Mt. Carmel, So that area teams will Serra., sr'Bemard, Crespi, St. know' just who they are up Monica, Bishop Montgomery, agalnst if they should make Lasuen, Murphy. I ::: U.lUNA 18ACN IWl e ... "T · T~ lmt: I\ fl ~ 1u ii:,:~ :1 il ~ li i:·i:· I q · ll the finals, here is a complete Crestview -Laguna Beach, rundown on the AAAA .:ind Mlssion Viejo, San Clemente, 1 AAA loops: Tustin, Villa Park, Orange, , Bay -Inglewood, Santa El Modena, Foothill. I Monica,-Hawthorne, S o u t h Garden Grove -Garden : Torrance, Redondo Beach, Grove, La Quinta, Bolsa Gran-, Mira Costa, West Torrance, de, P a c i f I c a , Rancho 1 North Torraote. Alilm.11os, SanU8go. j Cluumel -Hueneme, Simi, Golden -QUmu-um, Bur· · Oxnard. Buena, 1000 Oats, roughs, Antelope Va 11 e•y , ! camattllo, Ventura, Sa D 1 a Palmdale, Victor Valley, Ken-' Barbara. nedy. ' atras Belt -Pacific, Chaf-Irvine -Loara, Mag1X1Ila, fey, Eisenhower, ~ona, Costa Mesa, Corona del Mar, Fontana, San Bernardino, San Estancia, Fountain VaJley. Gorgonio, Redlands. . Ivy -Colton, ~ or c o , 1 Cout -Compton, Cen-Rubidou:i, Corona, 1 Riverside ten o i a I, Domlnguez, Para· Poly, Moreno V&lley, Norte To avoid weh off-lint !hots, keepyourclubh.od in.side the tar- ; Gt line. Rtturnyour rigfd elbow to your right tide and low•r yovr right thoulderearly inyoordown- swing (No, 3) and your clubheod wiQ enter tMi hittinsi area from inside the tar; et line (No,~) . Straight.-:ihott will result. • ' ' ' ' ' ,. • mOlftll. Warren, Downey. Vlna, North 1Uvertide. e. ci .,.. NAIL .... ~ Del Rey -Loyola, . NOfrll ~ontYlew -N 0 g a re s , ' '":::;.=:;;:;:;~· ;;:;:;::;;:;:::;=;:::;;::;;;::;:;:.,....;...:;;:~ Dame, Sale.sian, Alemany, St. Northview, Rowland, Baldwin , 11 LON SCOlf'SI Ht.Git.POW.BC Get pt.nry tl,olft•·hllp 111 AmoW Francis, Cathedral. Park, Charter Oak·,"'Azusa. 1 • ,_1,,..,., t.ooki.t~ -t .. Jhiih _. l'ilrwy WflOlk,• writt.ln ~':;';~ Foothill -Crescents Valley, PloHer -Aviation, Beverly ,_ ..men of th'ft~-"-'· •. ..,, .... ,,_. ·fw20t_,• Burbank, Blair, Burroughs, Hills, El Segundo. Lennox, • f-odd enW ...t" AmoU ,...,r, c/• tfllt 1• ; F''· Pasadena, MWr, Glendale, Miraleste, Lawndale. _, .• Glendale Hoover. -Saa Alltonlo .....1 Ganesbb, .., • • • Freeway -K. n n .e d y ' Chino, Claremont, '6 a.re I' Li"ghtw" e' ig· 'ht Basketb'-11 Fullerton, TrOy, Savanna, La Montclillr, Upland; PomoD,1, · ·. . . . ' 0 iiµ Habra, -Buena Park, Sunny Bonita. ' r HUis, i:owell. t Santa Barbara -Santa JI/ SASKITIA.~L Moon -El Rancho, Maria, San Mattos, . Dos ~~:'l .. ) ,. 11 ~ t!!! 2, MUii 12. N....,ort lt.m-K'.l'IOJI 4, Snrdff I. T.Omtn I .i.mlmt: MerlNI 2S. New,ert 11 Lakewood, Poly, Jard.an, Pueblos, RigheW, C&brillo, J..:.__ '" " n11-c. M.illlbA Wiison. . ~-:,.,,"":.4'l11 ~ c4111'~= ,....., ... """' uo Mtllr Dtl 11n Prdlt _ Roaeme'"' Mart ....... ~ . _ LI Mirada, Atio.y 1•1 G , 111 Clf'*'" E111t 1111 ,,. "' c1e1t1 ...., ~-~ .-..: '--1119 -.. SOM., :t. Tlb 031 " Ill ld!tlllltl Keppel, El 'Moote,. San Arteala, Mayfair, Gahr, Neff, "'-.. 2. E1 ......... 111 llriford , Schbil"' 111 c • 121 '""'"' Gabriel, Alliambra,'M:onrovia, Glean. ~ 1 • ---,:._"'=. ~~ '\..: .. ~ J:, ~0:..:.:' 11., : ~~' ~= Arroyo. Acra'dia. AA ---.-°"""" c~> " 1t1 ......._ ker!N ,.., .....,. .. ..,.,.,__...,.. S.u Gabriel Valley -Oiaparral, Deiert • Vflley, :::::.Ji''~ ~ 1~~> •-= = t ~ ~~ ~ B t It f 1 owe r, Santa Fe, Frontier, Haci--'• Imperia~ ,.~ c11 G m· °'*1dl: ""',..-•· -v•-.,, ... b•-........ San Lui ---"'' G 110) Mct..NM ... T -Norwalk, E:icel!itr, Lynwood, Or1mge, nw Hondo, 1, ~ MllM: -.. ffLwlllt 1, ,.. ..,. Dtf • fi~fi· t 3 ? l! MAltlNA 1•s1 • •• .. T " MClllll, " .. " m ~~frd !! ff !! m "" 'lf ltltf!:lnl " ·-'I 'l " ~ • " j ' • ' I • ' I I California. Santa Fe and Tri-V'1ley. :"1n I~ :!:.."" .. a.w::.':!-111 ..• c::. ' c... .. Mw C•I Sierra -South H i 11 s 1 A Leaptl w 1. •u• .. ,._ u HoOM cu " co1 ,..., ,'"~.L. " La Pu 1.e, ~·· ood •••de •~bead Con H.ittll!MI: Mflll •• WwfmlNIW tt ~.Ill F (I) ""91'!11 ,_...,.... Co\r1Da, e:D -..e'W , ni,;a my, Al'U'I!', , -.. El! lAll(l!'TVJ..L S....ilf" 141 C (6, ,...,._ ~o'l:.... Lol Al\oS, West Covina. dOf,[)eAllZl,Delphic,Deseri-..__(II) ...,_.llMd (4'1 =(~~ : 1'11)ct"~ I 8tJ -Palos Verdes, Mom-Inyo (-M a-j or ) , J:>eRrt.fnyo L.c? nt1 " c41~1~ .... kfl.·Nr-c.., :1:c. ! ... ~.la Culber City Tarrance (Minor),_ Hl .. Lo, M 0 u n t. in W""'t (4) , 111) ,_,,_ kerlN ·~: ~ -Klh•t I, i ' • ._--, 1 I 8 ....... 't' (12) C (I) "-...... I. l",_19 I, Mcf'1t1nd I. '-""' DDIMI,~" ' _,.,••er, Rolling Hills. De9ett. Olympic, P i n on , •utt 121 G 111 ~ ._,. -tr•t.-u,, ••*"" 1, •• ...._ " ,__ Tri "-·-lllun'!I IS) G (21 RJd'I t!N 1, ~ J. 8uHt -Anaheim, Jhm. Prepari~J'.I 'Nu.11tr. kWltls .'*= Mtr:IM -. ~ IH&ar11tM: I.MW lkedl'D. ~ 11 -==-~~~'--~__:--'~~~'--~--'_._~~--'-'--'---'-~_.--'~.......;.~ .. ... '88 "LIFTOFF'' T·IR( SALE! CUSTOMLIME, 4 FULL PLY, 100% M"LOM CORD llG SA VIMGS IM AU:. DIPTS. 2Dd . OPI llW II ... WMnyoubuy the1sttn.t our tow werydlly -tn--•16 .... , . --"""''·'',_ .. , .... _..., • ..,..n ............. ,.... .. llZI ...... •l&.00 •LOO •17.&0 •a.op 't1M ...... 11.&0 1.00 11.60 10.00 18.76 1.00 21.76 11.00 1.~1• ll.I0-14 1.1 .. 11 lf.~11 11.26 10,00 22.26 IZ.00 ,. ••1• 22.&0 11.00 21.50 ·e:-10 ....... --... ..... ......... Ii -61. ._.;;;.......,... •8"1p--... t.al. •B ,i.,. •Whillt ......... s299 '4<•, ·µMIT O~AL $4.llS EACH ' " B·RAKE SALE Cosla Mesi Newport Beach 475 I!. 171tt St. 646-2444 Hunlinalon Bch. 16171 ..... llvcl. ,147401/ IOtH &TOlll MONDAY·,RIDAY I A.M. • f PM. S'-0.,, ···"'·Jo '.1·"'· Mon ... ,,, .. Ott11r 0.YI '!II' (l"!:llldln1telllrd1,l FAST, IXPERT SEllV,Cl WITH_ WRITTEM G.UAUMTEE • RA YCO Otl!E.-PRICE RELl~E JOB I OUR 2 YEAR TIRE! SEAT cois . AUTO· mllEO ).t'.£>~ ~~07~ ~ YCO EXPERTS WILL: PREMIUM TREAD DEPTH 69 I IACH _,,,,._ "'·"" .... l lit Gf 1IUD 6llAWltll n -. 2 JUI Q : 6Ull,AJllll 111rmi,-Eif•iii •. • ------·------------------------~- 1c .... ,...., ., . ........ ~' ~~"1:,-I .. COHvllTllLI TOPs .. ·,.,-..... I ... _ e .. NJ, V""1 HM:. Coto _.., M:tf • COST~ lidS,l ' ---............ 171 ..._ ............ ... . ~-... •.. . •. ,,, .... .......... 22" =MAI ·-=·-·-~OMCU"'----.._ ·= .. ............. .. •c.. ........... 1e. ....... ... ~l.~ .,,~.-::.·::. ..................... S:: .. __ .. .. ..... ...., ... , ......... _ I 111 20.0!ll. •-&ilriliii I ··--·--·~---\r.r-\1. ....... .. I H~lll(t UHl&I I I " II.iii" -Mi: I I...... ... • I I :~:,:-~"'bl I . ···--.. -! 69 MOSr ws · z H.0!8 . SEIYlyEI .... IOO~OIO'Sllt , ......... 1HI. .... • .... u....-. l • • ' I • • ~~PD.OT ~.Jan...,,, 196' . ' -... . •· ~· .... ....... Kee,kng '"f ahs on ~96~-69 Prep Basketball J!USft'lt:W LEAGVE .... ...... • .. "' .... ' ~.'.. 'Fltf;EW AY ··~-~ :::~. LEA(iVE .. SOFT SELL SAM ... l ·1 " .. I • i i " .. ll ff " c !! l! .. -31-I: b ~ .. " 5 :: " .. .. .. Oakland Hesitates • Over Soccer Plan ft " • " " l: " " " .. " '" " " " • .. " ., " OAKLAND (AP) -A pl.In to conUnue wtth a ~e prol<aiooal socce. .,..... ... In Ille Uniled stats. aUt yW' bu -hlnder<d by lhe refuaal of Olkland'• tam to to dl!cuss the el&bt..team pl.In wJ(h his partners. "B11l I doubt that we wollld be-interested the way It w11 offered," h.e &aid. ·-to the deal. ".\&. illo '""1!1<11t. I would · l'1 we ~-have aomti lbplldllJl about· It," said Derek 1.1ecbty, an official of pie OUJand Cllppen .... of Ibo lwDJ the 'Noi1h American Soceor Lague bu llld would portldpate In Ille elglrt.tum circuit Tiie NASL fielded 17 lwml 10< the !alt two yun but fiMnc\11 -IC>tt!d the abandonmeol ol the larger league and plans lot the omaller .... Bui tlio Cllpjlen.. who have renamed tbeDUdVH t b e Caltfomla Cllppen, don't .... t tO be the onlJ western team beelule ot travel ~ni;;es. Llecllty Aid the leque does nOI WIDI to pool tbeae cottJ. "We ore ro~ to pn>eeed on our International IChodule," be llld. '"tbiJ la I lloH•P measure to keep s occer &Uve." The Cllppen ba .. ICbeduled gameo In OlkJand,. San Pl'ao- clsco and San Jote, Calif., agalnst foreign kaml. Tlie cbatrmu of the Clip- pers' board, Jooeph I. O'Neill, Jr., said frOm his home Jo Midland, Tei., that be woold be in San Fribcleco Friday By Marvin Myers Basketball Standings •.UTllM COH,•llMC.11: w I. ,., ~"Ii.rt.,. '"""' a..,.. to.ti o.lcltn Wftt I.Mt• ,.,.. l ie HOl'IOO ""-Ml. S." A"t..,lo S.11 94""'rdlno lltlversldt "'"" J 0 1'1 ' . "' ' 1 '" I 1 1$1 I I 1'5 I 1 1'2 1 t 1'7 ' 1 "' ' . ,.. 1 ' 211 . ' ,,. $tl'Wfllt"I 0..IMI Summaries ''" "-;-----------' •' .... ..... " (EEC.fl EiiflOY~t~f J.6<NCJ - ' ':111.~ ~/Xl'lf IJW(~/ft J1JJf l~T //'I f~f5Et!TLY (111'14Jffl ~ I'Yt (,{)T 7lJ PIA Y IT CCtJ/ 'tlfliE I'll /.allJ/Yi /?:If A tllll£ /;f/JJ./" """" o-.i. Ttdl n. a..-" Mtoll'fl C.rtllN ... MtorvllNI ,, .,,.. IL w.-irtr.t tl N. C.,,11!1'11 ID, H, C.r96Hll It, Q Wnl Vl,..1Jil1 It. 103. ~ ti ,lorldl 11. w. "*"" "' W. Vlrtlr>lt .. Vftlll'l!I MlllllfY If MIDWllT Clfw;l-11 a. X1'<'llr !Ofllo! • Mlt"'I (°"'91 4 ICttllt at. '1 S...ltlwt:1I M -1 101, tv.MYll ... 14 SI. JOHf>h'I (IMl.J n, 'lllNf't ... 111 ct OTll .. -.. ..... _ n .,.,....._ n 't.9 Wlllllt ...... ....., nT~ '° "'"""" '° ew. """'-' ··-" F..nilfl ,, '"" . ._. V•ienc!e U E,11ncle ~1 v11ete:i. ... Llfl,llM! IM<h 61 V1l.rte:l• LEGAL NOTICE • • • M .. • ! .. " .. • " • " .. " N • ,. .. .. " ... .. " " " • LI Wllien . .... _ "1"111~ JI 4' Tnw .. ·-.f~~~-,.. • !!..P-M ,: : ii'L.r ... .. N ~ " .. .. .. .. .. " " II SVNSD' £EAGVE .. .. ····----.. ..... • ::, 1:,j:"'·~:.~ .. .....:::- .. .. " --- - " .. .. " .. 0 " .. • .. ., " ..... IJ Wntwn .. .,..~ .. .. G n " .. .. .. " .. " .. " .. n " .. .. " i " " I r OTY Of COSTA. MESA, CAL.EOllMl ..,_.....,....,. lllSTRtCTlNG MAP ---•KA, v, .... 4 -------~-· Off ti.e Slopes Southland Events Fete Ski Week By ESTHER BIWNGS OI' IPll DtllW Plltl llllt National Ski Week runs Jan. 17, through Sunday, Jan. 26. Aten-day promotion a I celebration of skiing joined in by all elements of the ski 11port and Industry, the event permits shops, areas and other participants lo extend their promotional activities over a week and t w o weekends. Snow Summit at Big Bear Lake has a variety of events planned for the celebration, Rita Kern Sets Pace Rita Kem led an onslaught of ladies against golf pros Tim Boyer and Ted Dorlus Monday at Costa Mesa Golf and Country Club Monday in a "Beat the Pro Day " with a 97·2J.74 (69). Boyer finished with a 73 while Darius finished with a 77 for the women's club members to shoot at. including a torchlight slaloru down Log Chute at 7 p.m. Jan. 18, special ski evenla and races Jan. 19, and participation in the aMual \ Snow Queen Contest and Ball Jan. 25. Taking part in the spec- tacular torchlight slalom, visi· ble for miles around the shores of Big Bear Lake, will be nearly 100 ski patrolmen and instructors. The U'ea now lists S3 weekend inmructors on the ski school stalf to handle large groups coming there by the hundreds in buses. Blizzard Ski Club and Alpine Junior Skiers 8ft1 each scheduled for 10 to 12 such weekend trips this winter. For the snowplay and photo crowd the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway has some events of interest planned. A Win- tertime Photo Day is set Feb. Ski Trails 9 and a Snowman Conlest March 8, weather pennitting. The Tramway Animal Park, located at the valley station also is open daily, from IO a.m. to 4 p.m. There is no Other winners in the first admission to the petting com· flight were Martha Ciampa pound, where visitors may pet 83-13-75 (70), Vi Hoskins 90-l:J. and feed the tame deer, goats 77 (72) and Bev Battistoni and sheep, 101·24-77 (72). A oontinal fee •s charged \. Roberta Andrews led second for the dolphin, bird and t monkey shows which are flig ht winners Y:ith a 104-27·77 presepted in th,!! park's show (72) with Bea Regan's 106-28-78 (73) and Irene Brazda 's arena adjactnt to the petUng • 1 ~0-29-81 (76) rounding out the co~'::;:· into M arch, l!igh~ ---:--:---:--·----01 int1et-patd Strelotr11a~'i'"---~1':""1!1'! Third fhg~t _winners ·were its annual Hansel and Gretel Greta Ianelh _with a 108·32-~6 Race for March 29. This is (71) along with Bea Caves a fun costume race, with 112-35-77, (72), Eve I Y n prizes, natch, so it's not too Gorman s 115·3&-79 ( 7 4), early to start planning for Tlilnlo7, """"' f, IM LA lnvitadmaal • DAll.Y Pll.OT -%. LEGAL NOTICB IU,lltOI: COUllt .. TM• Bell-Douhell Run ITATI OI CAL.IPOllllftA 1'M. H0nn ~-[ltOI THI COUNTY W ~ l ie rr•M .... Jtt flll. A .. Jm NOTICE It HlllllY iOIV•N Wiii f!IOttcl .. MUlllU .. ., H"lii""' w ... IH'wlt wM .. ,..._ W ,Olt ,lllOUTI M WILL MID ~ ... C1'lr ti C... M9M. " wtli .... IJTTlll TISTAMllO'.t.llY atr Ctwicllo I', O. e.. ta -' ... 11u. .. ti 0-.. CtHt. ~ C1tl' ot ~ ~. .. W ...... NO'flCI II HlllllV OIVIN TMt IM ..._. ti 11:• •.111.• M ...,....,. Highlight of M MUlrw ~ lclMlo "-llllf "-111 J--, JI, 1 .... •i.t "'' ... t . """'" fw ...... .. wll ... --Ml ,... ...... .. 11 ee lot' ~ fl L-'!wl T~ .,, • -llWrNftw M .. ta "•"'"""· rttvenu te> Wlldl i."' 'rMn· J....,.,., at, tM 1111 .,. -* llflr fllrht Nf1kui.rt. Mill 111M cw.di ~ (lfr H.ft. ~ !flt n---~ ot 1'1111""9 "" DrM, c..i. ,...., CIJWrlnlJil, One of the moot heralded races of the upcomlng 10th annual Los Angeles Jnvlta- tJonal "Champions" indoor track meel, set for Friday evening, J&11. 17, at the Los Angeles Sports A r e n a ; matches Ralph Doubell of Australia and Wade Bell of the United States. The Doubell·Be.11 fight for the Olympic 800-meter cham- pionship was supposed to be one of the biggest attractions oC the Mexico City Olympiad. But It never came off. Bell, whc had the world 's best lk>O time In 1967 -a crack 1:45 -came down with "t.1ontezuma's Revenge." Doubell, meanwhile, lived up to expectations and won the gold medal, tieing the world record ol 1:44.3. Doubell now ranks Number One In the world, a position Southland Trout Plant ..,... M1 ._. .. , fOI' J.,..,.,., U fllnllll'lt111 f/f -111 ~ 1'Mll !Hf, •I •1» -.m,, Ill ... """"'oom .....,, ... _ ..,..,.,....... I BeU held 1olni Into the ., DIHrtmtnt """ a • .. w CIOllf"I "' ..i ., .. -.cmcati-,.... G --Ir •f M w .. t Ii.Mt! Strtet. In tM •ttlntll .. ._ (lfl'!w fl #It 1C~ amu. • 1ic race in the c11y " ..,,,. "'''" c.11f6rl'll•, ci.r1r ., 11 "'"' Dr",..., c..!l. "Champions" mttl will be Dt"11 Cleamllolr :>1, 1Ht. c1Jtot...... •1111 "'°""' .. thel onJ 1; •• d · ihe W, II. ST JOt;N, COo.lftf'f Cltrk. "-tlt!Mft.11 91' "-Cll"f C19r1!t r y mee ... '6 unng Allll •· Oflrl', • tffled enwt"" •. ldiliitfMIH "' • lndoor season 1• """" enn A-. """'" """" ,,.. •14 1tM<1 ~, · L• All ...... C•~ -t tM -11'41 6alw, Twenty-seven 1968 Ofym. Ttt• fJIJ) uwn1 hdl ~Id wn ll'KlfY'. Nd! Mil . A,,_., .. ........... ~ .. Mt "'"' '" '"' -• p1aos have already entered. ,,.,,..,.. °''~' "'" • .,. """ .., '"' "' _, ... • "" ~ The field lnclud Id J•-l'Y 1. 1, t , I,.. ,,.,_,. tw. must .. c1Mrl¥ tf•IH Ill es go 1>1<11. w ,.,,,,"' .. wt 1w111 _,. medal winnen David Hem .. ni LEGAL NOTICE · "' "" -.c1ncari-llM:ll w , -;r , fOI' reltcti.i 91' ,... lllld. of Great Brlt8111, Bob Beamon, T usu E.o. 1>1o wn Mt fWfll~ Bob Seagren, Willie Daven-NOTtc• o... INTllND•D TRAM• ... •• :.."* ~::! i:=..: : :.: . Gport, Bar~lradeFlin~rrell,M~~~ ,No11c. •• A:!.~U:~!., Al.LEN ::i.:!"'\:11. ,!,.. ~ -',... '" reene, "a e ........ 16 DTTLE. M.D.. Tr•llS!tfor. of 1.0 s.cnr.,.,., T,...111,.... ..., ,,.,..,....., and Bill Toomey of ' .......... N1WPOrt c.ni.r Dr. "·• "" of N.-t n.. City c.undl "' ,... • Cllt'.J ....... ..... 9-:ft. C.lltwYll1. lllfMdl ...... wttil'I ,.,. .... .. -.... Beach. _..,,.,.., • .._.,... t.: LEASEQUIP co-.. -or •11 tllO':.--It also includes 111 v er l"OlllATION, I C1nfonll1 Corl. lftltnOtd DATED: JI"""' .. IHf •• Tr......... of 211 SOUtlt a..i. Dr"fW, ~ °'...... C.0..1 Delly #1"1111'1 medalists F..d Caruthers of Cltr of a • ...,.., Hui.. c.1Kor,.11; •nd ,,..,.,....., ,, 1.,, v..i S ,..__ ltllt Mid In""°" Tr•,.,,.,. .. ta.-l,'--------·-----anta Ana and ueurge Woods. Ll!ASEOUll' COlll:l"O'tAT10N, ll'lfendt to 1 Caruthers the f 0 r me r lt•'fbe<* to Miii AUEN COTILE, M.D .. LEGAL NOTICE ' . Tni,..1..-or (Lft-), 1'M uld MrtOnll NCAA and AAU UUbt and ~aMr!Y. 1 -r•I oe.cr111111on of w111cfl l ----------~~ ... winner ol the u s Olympic II .. follow., h>Wlt: Medical ICIUt-1, NOTICR INYITIN9 •IDS \) . . om.:. -1Pment, 111r111111r• ..... n.ture ••o ITllM NO, 11• ·-!.. trialll got off his llfeUme best •I'd -.111d •I uoo N--1 c.m... NOTICE II HElll:EIY GNfN .... I ' f , k Dr., E .. City 11 N-f1 a..dl, C.Uf. -led 11r-.11 will M r-.111e111· W eap o 7-31,4 to ta e second oml•, •flll thll w1c1 Ml• ..,. it....o: ,.,. CJty of C•t• Mn9. "' wit!~ place honors In the Olympic trlJllW<f1an 11 "' i. alftlumtfl•l'ld ., * c11Y COllllCIL "· o. hlr lM. • G 22nd 1t•y tf J""'1ry. INt, et a ..,,,,. City ol cetl• ,Mfff, on w . , ames. ,, lf\e Dfflu "' LEASl!QUlP COii· ftle flour ol n.oo ··"'·· .M II:( • Bronze medal winners in· POlll:ATION. ,, 211 1outt1 0111 Drive, J•n111'"' "· IHf. t r1t1 w111 '-llltllfl~ . CllY el B•v.,.., HllllJ, Clllfo"''-........ .,., nlld ~kM.ld ~ lhOf l.lft .. elude Tom Farrell, Chi Cher.g O.llld ltll• •1t1 id&., o1 J,...,.,.., · 1.., or •• -ttwrtttter •• 1>••~:l of Nationalist China George LEAsEou1P co111:1'0RAT10N. ., Frl1ti.,, J•r1U1,.., "· 1Ht in:· ' • C llf C t COUllCll O!•mMr1, City Koll!, 11 ,. Young and Ralph Boston. • .. ~EL.J'1~· BElll:MAN Df'IW. C••• MIMI. C•llforftll. "'·~ The meet probably has its LllASl:QUI' co•POUTION '•'amu~~1.~,.", V••lout fllll:I! F10ft."I"!. 11t SMll 011t Ortw · " t strongest fields in the 10..year .. ...,., Mni.. C..llNrllla. m11 • ~ or tM -lflc:-1'-"""'-. obf•tned ., lf\e olflc• flf ..... c history of the event l'ubllilMd Or•nee C111111 01111 l'llot. c1trt •I 11 F•I• oriw Cott• •Mtf . ' J•nu•rv t. lNt 41..ff c 1!f0m1 Bid! lllooJl4 b, i.nW Key matches 1nclude George . ti! .tt!~tton of 1111 city ''cwt(, "' Young vs, Ron Clarek In the LEGAL NOTICE • M•llld ...,..."'"· '"""''" en ~ l mil B b ,,_ oul'lloe wllfrl *" lld lt.m ltUl'llbfr,. WO-e, 0 .ocamon and N•Wl'OlfT·MllSA UMl,llD SCltOOL Ille -1111 ..... ti. Ralph Boston in the long DllTAICT EKh bid wtr -1~ ~ ..-..~ · Ch li G · l'NllN llW+llftl •Wt ri.rri 11 1et fol1'tl In 1111 _,,?J ]Ump, ar e reene and Bill NOTICE IS HElll:EaV GIVl!N AllY •nd •ti nmtton1 .. ""' This week. the Department Gaines in the 60. *" ao&rd of Edllc•tloft .i 1111 ,,,_,.._ llot\t mutt be clMrl)' lf•Mf 111. Or FIS. h and G · stock ' Mn.1 u ... 1t111d Scllool 0•11tlet "' er-bid. ..., f111u,. N tM "'"' ""' aJne L!1 mg Also, D a v e n po r t and eoun1y, C•IHomi., w111 rwcerw -ltd 111 tllt ~nt1-w1. .. 1 ·· the following Southern Hemery ·1n the high hunll bldl 1111 to 11:• A.M.. .,. 111e 14111 hit" r.1.i1oot"' .,.. bid. > • es, ,,., fll J1nu1rv, 1Mt t i "'-oltln Eld! bid il1laJI Hf ..,.. 1111 . tuit' California waters with cat-Seagren and John Pennel in "' .. 1d 1ct1eo1 011tf1ct, 1oou1wc1 •• 1m ,..,.,.. -,...._ " fla' ch.bl. SI .•• ra;•bow trout· the I It D p tr• k ••·-•• •-· ,._._ "-· Gtllforni., lflll ""'" 1ni.r.t1wc1 111 .,.. • ""'" ... · po e vau , ave a ic , ,, ;;.;;;di",.,. ._1;-111$. ';Iii .. Mtk., .. ..-1~1s. '" ~" "' LOS ANGELES COUNTY -Bob Day Sam Bair Tom -" 1M rtet1 1or: 111e1uc1r1-1111 111"'" e1 1111 ,., · Legg Lake, Puddlngstone R d ' d J hn M, · w1..nou-. 1tock ,..,,..1 ... 11 tollowt: Sec,.,,,.,, T,.,,.,,... '"° .v..r..w. -,..., von u en an o ason UI G-•t 1....i IF11trvc11Gn11 · TM City coundl "' 1111 CllY; ... Reservoir. the mile H•Mtw•ni cm11 M1S1 ,_._ tne r11111 te '""_.. RIVERSIDE COUNTY . P-r •rid P'"' Procrudl 1n., or •II 1>1c11. • ....,...,.. -D"'ll(atllll Su!>Plln OATED: J•-rv •. 1"1 •. '• Heme t Lake. I ~F:"'="""°"'"'""""::i:::=li?I Alt bin 1r• to i. 1n ~ Pvbllt1\ed °'•"" ~ Dtlb' 11'1W: SAN DIEGO COUNTY ._ ""'" coM1t1oo11. 1ra1n1c11on1 .,.1111 J.n111,,. r.1t1t ..... "£-'Y!!M. Sotdflc1tlorl1 ""'!di 1.-e -11111'1 !!It ~ Santa Margarita River. to ~la'1vri In tM oinu vi 1111 l'urcN.111'41 Alffflt LEGAL N<Yl'JCE ••• r• ~ .. w.--.nftRB·-Df .. Id SChoQI Ohlrlt!, US7. l'i.~11• . 1• ----Utu~.J. n. u ni~ J.\1afi~~•-R.""tfa';"tli11~,__ , •~ Ty L k C h Etch bldMr lftUlt 1vbmtl I ltltl "-JI o•DIHANCa NO. ...... 4 J• - a e ac uma. 'ffJ!IJ I" "" '°"" ol • Cl<llf!ed ar taftlV$ AN O•DINANC ll O• TN• (tTY 4'W~ VENTURA COUNTY cht<k or 1 bid bond e<1u1r 19 f!w CIL o• TMa CITY o• COl~A M • C ii Lak P. Lak Ptranf (51'1 of the I""°"'"' el fM CffANelHe TNI ZOHl"9• Oii as 83 e, lfU e. bid, ..... de PIY•bl• fll lfl• order of TAIH •••L PIOf"llll:TY , The current trout planting 'ffJ!IJ Ille NtwP!lr!·MIM U"lfllld Sd!llul D11trlet. MRIA Vll•O• DIUVW ·~ · th So hJ A 1'1rtorm111ee 8ond ,., • ., be '"ulrtd ••TWla'N eGL,. COU•SI •OA program m e ut and ,, !tie dltcrltlon Df 1111 Dblrltf. In MARLA AV•NUI, l'IOM Al .. Ill: Pz. Marge Fil.zsimmons' 113·34-79 it. " . , .. , (74), Elise Stipes' 112·32-80 Saturday more than SOO CHALLENGES CHAMP (75) and Lois Schmok's 116-36-Southland skiers will be off _America's Wade Bell 80 (75). to Sun Valley when the con· will be challenging Aus· is geared to weather and water 1t1t '"'"' e1 1en11r• to tnt•r Into •vd'I Thi er,., eounc11 or Hit· c"' · ;j 'J~iiii~~~iiiiiiii~;;;~;~C~~~·"~·o~~i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)llcontr1el, tfll prDUldl of lbt thick Colt• MIN llllclllt Pllrltl\' .,...,.,. 1 "' -wllt to. forfeited, or In CUI of • fllllawt: "'-• borMI, tM full 111"' thlrftll' wlll M 'ECrlOH I. All tl'llt ~ pf''~ tort.lted ti! Nici kMof Olm'lcl fll Or11111 fllllllwl111 ft$cl'fllild n11I ~·­Coun,.,. Mrdo)' Pl•clld Md lncllldM .,, !fie 0< Ho bllllldtt' ,.,.., w11hdr1w hi• blll for z-. 19 wit: -.-. In weekend men's club ac· duclor waves the "highball" 0 ·~ tion Frank Bart~sh took lo_w signal and Union Pacific's tralia's lympic ovv-- gross honors with a 76 in Snowball Special train heads meter champion Ralph a low gross·lo\v net event. off for the main line and Doubell in the 1,000- Norman Potekin trailed ll'ilh powder snO\\'. yard run at the Los a 78. . The 23-car train is part of Angeles Invitational in4 Low net was tied up with a nine-day ski jaunt which door track meet Jan, Bill Wallace (80-10.70) and includes festivities aboard and 17 at the Sports Arena. Dick Miller (82·12-70) sharing what is always a memorable ------------11 tbe honor. week at the Idaho resort. Al Chlrgwin was second with Running for its 12th con· an 82-11 ·7 1 with Jack Towle secutive year, the big and Jim Barnes following. streamliner will be outfilted The annual scotch two man especially for skiers .. team tournament is scheduled Sun Valley now features a for Jan. 18. It will be a selec-toll·free number to the area, tive drive each hole with t-800-635·5314. Di3l it and the alternate shots thereafter until Sports Center will tell you completion of the hole . Entry exactly how good skiing at and greens fees are $2 each. the area is. 23 HOUR SUPERWIDE TIRE SALE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY! • D70xU , 69Sx14, reg. 30.00 Sil El IRWl.A• ...... 070Jo1A, ffS•IA 30.00 lt.tl U'O.IA, 73S•1' 32.00 23.11 f10Ji:IA, 77S•I' ll.00 21.11 c10.1,, s2s.1A lS.00 29.11 '70a14, ns11s ""' 2•.11 G1011S, 11,•1S 35.00 1•.•• 1'1111 f.f . lo••• of 2.35 lo 2.6) •ftd tlll tlr1 Yow choice wltll1 er nllll Itri!'• NO MONEY DOWN INSTAltfD FREE TIRE CENTER OPEN DAILY AT 8:30 A.M. evenings until 9:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday, Saturdays until 6 p.m. ANAHEIM Sl §.8121-NEWPORT 6«· 1212-HUNTINGTON BEACH 892.Jll 1 LEON'S "ONCE·A·YEAR" OF MEN'S WEAR LOWEST PRICES EYER ON FAMOUS IRAND NAME Al'l'AREl ALL FROM OUR REtiULAR STOCK , , , SHOP EARLY! SALE HOURS: 9:30 • 6 FRIDAY TIL 9 P.M. SUITS Natloullr AdMttl•d .,.,..._Wools, Moi..ln. Worstff.t. SIMrrbkln 111 •II ,.,.1., dlHH Rag ular 69.50 ............ NOW 54.50 Re gul ar 99.50 .......... NOW 76.50 Reg ul•r 79.50 ---··---NOW 62.50 Regu la r 110.00 ········-NOW 8%.SO Ragular 89.50 ............ NOW 69.50 Ragu lar 125.00 .......... NOW 89.50 ONE GROUP SUITS AND SPORTSWEAR-112 PRICE! SPORTCOATS ....... ~ ...-... ..... t. ·• _ .. ..,,., Reg•lu 37.SO & 39.50 .. NOW 2'.SO Ro,ulu 49.50 ............ NOW 37.50 . , R1gular 55.00 -···-···· NOW Jt.10 Reg,lar 42.SO & 45.00 .. NOW JJ.50 R•gulor 65.00 --·-···· NOW 47.50 r---JACKETS-..... --SLACKS I ALL MEN'S JACKITI 1 /3 Off A ~s== ALL 25% OFF I SPORT SHIRTS "••·. s.oo 11: .. ; ,_oo 4.50 c111fl11911te11, 1...,.., w.......,, w .. r. 1ta1i.11 Twllft. $1terbl1111. Regul•r 17.95 Ragular 19.95 Reg ular 22.50 Reg ular 25.00 R•g ular 30.00 NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW -Sli1rt fttl Le11t S~ hf. 7.00 let· •. GO 4.99 5.50 1J,'5 14.95 16.50 17.'5 21.'5 TURTLE NECKS ...., ........... ,, • ,,. Now 6.99 Now 5.95 CORDUROY PANTS~.~:~ .... .-. OM ...... Sport Shirts & Dress Shirts Now 99¢ .... SI I S' •• SHOES 25°/o Off rtlMANINT PUSS w .. , Dress Shirt .... ·~~· 4" . ALL BOYS' SUITS One G.roup ALL BOYS '!2 PRICE BOYS' JACKETS SPORT COATS 112 Price,,_,,,,. l/3 Off .... '"" St.. 12.20 ., .,,.. CARDIGAN SWEATERS 1/2 PRICE...,,,,,. ..... ,..SPORT SHIRTS :!:'.' .! ,';' -Now 2.99 227 E. 17th St. letwetn S1feway •nd Thrifty Drugs Mesa Center Costa Mesa LI 1·2393 1 Pl'loct of f!t1i1..:V. ('5) Un .tter Tlllt Nf11on of Slctlln J, TIWflll!.: Tht dllw •~ for 1111 _,1111 lhtr.of. 6 loulh, Ranp lt Wnt I'll !ht 218 U Tiii lotnl fll ~ of !ht Htftlort. I Cl'I N rctl !If line! l lltll!M ti! E-~· Mt1t ll'nll1ellll Sc'-' Dlt'IM <ellfVft Pollereno In D«rH flt l'if11tltll ' 1111 r .. llt to t1IKt Mii' or Ill Wft, Ille •• ...,,,. S.Mllft J1it s.nt. ' 1'>11 not flKftNr!tr lo«.wt tM lowelt • «f11fl~ COii, el wfil!dl W•• • bld. •rw:I ti! w11Yt •"11 llllol'TMRty .,. ~tfmf»r n , 1161, In I.at ~ ~"ullorlty 111 "" tllllll nttlved. J""""""'' Of n.. 11111 Jlldklll,:i Dtllld J•nu•rv f, IJH Court fll LOI ..,,..In """"' • NEWl"Olll:T-MESA llNl~IED Df C.llfornll 1nd a Ptf11on llf ie°•li SC:WOOL OISTlll:lCT Tr1d, n ,,._,.. on • mip of Or-•. County, C•lllor11l1 1ft look ll, NM 1' ftl MJICl- ly Dlll'olhy H1rvt'1' ill:eairds el LM A-111 Purd'o•1l119 A.en! <=•tlfor"le hi !ti. Clll' Df Ctd ~' "6-1100 Cormty ef Ort 1 ~ l'~l~ Or•-C.0.11 O.lho Jl'Hot, mer. Nrffeuler~d.!!:I:..,"' .cL"t:!~ JllllllfT J, 1" lHf 3Mf l .. IM"'9 If I"-18'1111-~~ LEGAL NOTICll flf .. Id l"llrl'llw T'nct ...... ~ l1.,.,...,..,1lll~fll . flltd '" Boole 0 , --J fll ~ Olll:DIMAHC• NO . ......., ol Surwn el .-11111 o.._. ' AN OIDINAHCI O' TNI CITY COUN· tlllnC9 S.Utll n• W :Kl" wtrt, ..... Cll. QP TH• CITY 0 ... COITA MRU. IM IOUlfl II"' ftl ut4 !7"-U ttrt1• CMANOINO TMll :l:OIOHe 0... Clill:· ••reel, !14.,. fMt, te "'-...._,, TAtN lll:llAL .. llQPllll:TY ON THI 11,,. " Gall cour .. Drlw, .. ""' WI ST SID• OP N AllllOI 111 width, 11 lllltterl-., l'fl e d..., IOULIVAllC, t•TW•llN TMI IAN to IM City vi C•I• Mftl, _,,.. 0 11100 PlllWAY AMC GllLll NOYm1ber U, lftt lft look 1111, -AVINUI. PtlOM M-1 TO C·l-CI'. U7 of Offlct1t ftetonll vi .. hi On11111e Tiii Cl!I' COUllCll of '"' Cl~ el Cou11ly; tl!Mc1 Nortl'I r ..... ilftt Ce11to MIU illlooll lltr1171t lrd•ln •1 ''°"' Mid ••1m'IY llM, 1«1.27 .,_.• follows: to !ht blool"n1,,. Df 1 1.,,.,,., cV;;J• SECTION 1. All lh•t POl'llCll'I of lfll COllGl~f IO!llhe11ter1Y, fllvl'"' • ;r.11~/ lo!lowllll dl1crlbed rMI 11ro1>1tlY !1 el ll'0.00 IMI/ tf11nc1 notllltr!Y 1 t>1"11Y ollcellll •nd lnclUdellll In the Cl.(P notit'IQ1m1¥ •lllr!t u lllll cul"lt 111,.,_ • ZoM, to wit: • cant .. 1 •1'4111 f11 u -o2' IZ", •~? a.11n11!nt1 9f lfll lnt.~tcilofl ot Ille •re dlt'-fltl ftl '"'-OS fnt, ~· «flier llllt ot Harbor ltoui.Y•nl, 1 • .,...,, 11,,., 11ld llrtfl'nf l!rie • 100.oit feet wldl. •1111 h """tr ""-10U!f\Q1mtv n111 ef .. 111 • \ prolont•tlon "' Ille norltlerl't llM of c-.. Ortv.1 1P11f1ee Nor1h ... • Glt.ll'r Awnue, "·Oil h!et wldl, Nld :11" E•1I •lwle .. Id ~ "1'111(.. l '"'-<'IOfl i.1111 1111 10Ulht•1t corner na.u !Mt, "' tt1e '"""""" fll •· 9' tti. 11nc1 dnc•llled 111 1111 o.lld 14.....,f cvrvt. cnnaw IDlllfltrtr, '""°""' f9 1111 Stall ftl C1llforlll4o, r9Ctlnled l"' • niclh"' of 17 .• Mtl "*'ee' ~btt 1A, 1'6J 111 I«* t'l4. l'llll'fflffrtwho, Nit.I-ho 111f --...,.19~ P•tt m fll Offlt11r 111:-.hi IMMI 111,_,,.. • ctf!tr.t ..,.i. ., IS'. •9"· •lont ffM IOUlllltlY lllf _,,,._,.,,., )I", ... •n: 1tlsi.nce flt tl.11 .... ! nnu of u ld i.111111 llllncFlblld Ill u ld te • pOtllf '" • t··--' ..... •t followl: Norltl U' SI' >S" ........, ,_ _.,., _.,.. ....-t!Mal'lrl'f, PIWIN t ........ Wnt, •lofle llld HlfllflY --•!Ion If S«l.00 frMt, • rN!.I f111e fll~ and Nici nortllfrll' ""' Jo • ll'lt eurw "'"""'h .. !d ""'"' ..._,. , P•••lle1 Wltfl •nd -1•1Y 60.0f fflT, SI" It' "" Wlet, Mid ..,. ~ ,...11urect 1t rltllt '"'In f9 Mid bllllf 1" "" '°""""'"ltrlY u• r c..,ter UM ol H1rbor Bou!-!"d1 Nori!! M.. V•tde Ortw l ist, •• • 0' 21' "N E••'· 1'°"'9 Mid Hrllltl In .,ldtl!, •• ftlalblct In ~~ l!ne, ,1.50 Int 19 • h "'tlll Qlrvt, fo Mid Clf'f el (Olfl Mfflp, i t;l>lll;I Vor IOUlllWH~IY, hlVll'lll • ,..,,1111 JltHHl"f' 1, 1~ Ill .... 19, . of I00.00 Mli riorlflwnterly llont 7S of Offlcl1I 111:-... ff Mid 1111111 c11rv1 lhro11th •n 11'111• el Jr Coun1Y1 f111na lllllll'leuttrll' .~ ; 07' ..... •n ire lllll•t1nc• fll ltl.20 Mlt...IY •111111 Nfd. cw..., lfrl...,.l'l IHI/ Mortl'I Jt' "'' J7'' Wed, lll'lllfnf I Cl!fllrll .... 11 l'f $1• 11' ""•~-;:i to wld cvrvt. 334.ot feet fll • l1n9~t -re dl•l•rw:e of ""·"' '"'· 19. i cvrv•, cnnaw 110tthffd1rtv, hl'lllll ""91""'"' fll , 1111..,., 11111, •II~• • ••dltn el «I0.00 fffh nortltwtsftrho ''"t nne "' -· • •loMP 11;,1 Mid CV ..... lhr'Olltlh ......... it "' ..... IOU!t>lrl'r n • ' ol 3'' H' S3" .,. i re d11!1llC9 el .. td t.wH Vinlt Drl\'f 1!1111 ~ 11'.°' f ... t. •NI •Horii! 1l' 32' 02" Norllt "" 5"' 20'' l!•lt, •!.,.~ Weit, t,,...,., lo 1•11 ••11111 curw. •OU!htrt., line, lH.61 fHt, to !hf I ''·" '"' 19 1 POI"'· 11111 ...,rnt 111 "" ol • ''"""' curw, "''"' .. "'J""I.-. flf 1 cvrw CMQW .~wnterll', h1vl111 1 '"'"" ef J .,, lhel'ICI IOUllll .. lwrlY •• nof11111tlerl, •!Id 11..,lnt • r1dt11S ftl curve lhl'Olllh • u"tr•I •Mtti\' 3'0.00 Ifft, .. Id Cllrv. be!.,.-111'41W>I to• f1" W', .,. •re 111111™""9 llf to -.;kl 1111 rnenllOllld 01Ur-.1 ~ feet, tiiJ • tlntlnt nnt ... Id ti 1CN!nff1t.r1Y lionl Nld Cllf'VI t~rowh lltll NIM lfrl1 WH!fi'l.-11r1e of On • mntr1! •1'411t of-. '5' 07' 61" •" S!rMt, A IMf t" wkl111, " •~! ••< dl1llM1 of «If.ls tMf1 ~ ., uld ill:ICtnl " surv.v .,121 ~ ''"'"'' to ulllll lmt """'kWMd curve Soulfrl t' OI' W' W•I, •lllnli~• Soulll If' .,,. Cll" Eltt .. Mid Cll'lm' --~ho UM, S5t.12 IHI, t. 1f1t ' 1tn11. el H1rtlor llolllrl1nl1 fhtllol 11Mct lfnt f11 uld F~l"'lff'W T'"'' 1 1•1d ctnf9r llM 5outlt .. 21' 11" Seuf11 Wftl to 1111 po!nt vi bltlftftlftl. , .,. W JO" Wt\I, ...... M IECTlON 2. 1'11~11•nl to 11M1 PrOYllleM lautlt line, ff.l.U fllf, " 1111 1111"'1 of llcllan J230.4 ti' 1111 MUflfclNI Clldt of bltln111nt. , ~ of !tit CJIY ftl C•l1 Mui, Dl1trlct SECTION '· l'lill'Sllffll .. 1111 ~ MIP M of Ille Cl,., fll ~II Mal fll ·SKflon "31.4 -1 ttle Munlc/NI C..0-ls hf,...,., 1IMl'ldlld ~ ,... adlllltllon flll fttl Clf'lt '1f C..tll ..,_, Dlltrlcf llMlnl'lo of 1111 C1<1' l f"M dltaltlld MIP M Is he,...,,. •lnlfldoellll b7 11W In Section 1 herftf Md'lllen llllrftl of Ille 111:.CP ,,_ ECTION 1 nif. Ordl 111111 '911' lllllKrlllM Ill itctftlrt 1 herwJ '2l"t, 1 ~ Md Ill In fl.Ill = l~ll't\' (Jll~ ll!CTIOH l TMs On11,..,,ft 9f\ttfl...,. _ •v1 frMo Ind tfl... Ill ........ Ind lffild ....ii M lft fllll fwo lfrllf1Y l•J '"''°' te IM .._1r1llon 9' """" f!Jl ...,. from Ind _,,., 111 ---.., ... din frOll'I fl'll PIU .. I tlllreef .tHlll,,.., ... , ..... ltlflell fll ftflwn IJI) bl ,..bll1ti.cl MCt 111 9"' OlllANl)E •n f""" 1111 -""""" tlMll COAST CAILY ,ILOT, t -M Mtrllltd onn In 1111 Or•-~ o1 •-••• clrailatlefl, Pf1"'" •'>II 0.11¥ PllOI, • --of -•• iwlll1Uled t" 1111 CllY _, C..11 ~. C1milltlolt, ••lnttd 11'f JIUlll'hl'tM lit hlttllllr wllll tN -"' 9"' ,...,,.,_. fttl Clll' ef Cotti Mn•, trlMlhlr .,._ flf ltMo (!ly ceundl ""'"' '°' 11111' .... -"' "" """""'" ef tl'l9 "'In.It 1111 '"'"· City Cwn(.lf votlnt 1111' ,,.. ........ ~Or'~N~~'cify ~.rsr:o AHO "DOf'TID, thlt .-.... of Cotti MtM di)' flf Jl"llllrv, 1Nt. ATTEST~ A, L. l"INl(Ll!Y C. I(. ,lll:IEST M»OI' ot lfrll C!tr Cieri! or 1111 City fll "*'' Mtu Clf'f el C6t!P Mt11 AnEST : STA.Tl! OF CALIPOMtA ' ) C. I(. Plll:IEIT : , :i COUNTY 01'1 Oll:Alr#o£ I u C1ty Cllfk of lllf CITY OP COSTA MISA I City ol Cotti fM#I -t. C. K. Pllll.(T, Cfly Cltrll .i ITATI 01" C.t.Lll'IOll:NIA ) 111t City fll Col!• ~ ....i •..nlc:lo COUNTY 01'1 OlllA"OI ) a Clll't '1f 1111 Clff' c.ow.ctl 111 Iha Cl"' C/'TV Of COSTA NM I "' eott• Mtu, ........, elf'll~ ""' 1. c. IC. ,i1u1sr . crtr c1tr11 .. IM l!lrrw .... .....,.,. Ordlrtlflt'f HI. lllf Cll'I' ef tat• MIU l l'ld ....mt:Je *41' WM ~ •l'ld c-lfertd Clfftt fll "'9 Clfr CMH!dl fll W. C1Jr *""' "" ~ ••. ' l'W'lltr ~ ., c..t• MfM, ,....... ctrtwY llllt "' .. ullt #c1tr ·~ llfW • ·111t .._ .,.. • ..,..... Ol"lllMMll 1'1t• ..,. "' ~. ,.., .., "-.,.. ""' "1" •w• ...-.,.,,....., ........... ,,_.., .... ' ....., •• • *""" w *""' It • ,....,. -- ........ If • '""'"' """"" "' .... Ill .... Clfr ~ ..... "' ,... ""' Clfr c.ewdl """' "' ""' Mii .,. If .... "' ~. ,.... .... ,,..,....... J-l'f• IHt, 1W tf\t flttltWIM NII _,. Mii ..... H t ..... .. cart .... : • r-49f' """""" • .. w Cit¥ tMirfl . AYllS.z. COUNCl\.MIH W ll1111 , held If! 1111 Mt ..,. ti Jliltlltrr, ,... T\Otr, -,ll*if'r, "'*"-SI, atli', " !M _...... l'tfl •" wtt1 NOEi: COUIKll.MIM NoN AYll: COUNttt.MIM WI I ft •• Allttllff! 'COUNCJLMl!H .._ TIOCQr. l'Tlllr'-\', .-...n. 1'. CJtlr, IN Wl1HIU WHllll&M, I I'll"' NOl!lt DOUMCILMllN -... ~ '*'-f9 M't 11'1¥ Mftd .... tffl ... ttN AISlllfT: <"OUNCILMIN ...... -SNI ti ,... Cll'r fll c.t1 ,.._, llltt llf WITNW WNlll°'. I 7th ,.., "' JlllUllfV, ,,., ,,.,,_ ..... ..,. .... ,.... ....... c, I(, ""',." ... , "' """ Ort' " c.11 ,.,,..., Clfr Clfft ffld 1111 f.n' al ~. tM. u.tfflci. Cltrl If c K ••lllT ~ !ht Cll'I' Cwrrctl • ' -.. . _., If 111t CHV cWr Cltirlr W .. 111t1t1t . \ "' c.tt M-. °"' .. "'-Clfr CW.It 11'""'*111*1 ClnNe C.. C1rtr 1'111!, of ltll Cltr • C.i. ,... ,\ ~ ---------------------------------------'&,.,...,,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,..;IP'-"-w.,,,;"_•,.,,.•c"'-------'.,..,:.;;i '""'llMd 0r-.1 Ctttt 0.1~ "f J__., • Hff . ' _._ _________________________ ------- I I I I '• l I HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SAl.E HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALi! HOUSES FOii SALE 140USES FOR SALE 1000 Ganoral 1000 General 1000Ganor1I IDOO Gonor1I 1000 Gonoral 1000 Ganar1I 1000 N1wport llMch 1200 Apartments ="'-''----~ BEAUTIFUL & CU.tom built FOf S.lo 19IO WE'RE MOVING !! EL HOME: 2 BR, 2 BA, huge rumpus can be converted to 2 mbre bedrooms. hqui&ltely decor- ated & landscaped. $29,700 - discounted $2500. EAST SIDE COST A MESA NEWPORT HGTS. AREA ALL THIS AND R2 $25,500 EXECUTIVE MANSION 3.200 aquare feet ot sracloua country senUemu llvinc. t J..ar&e bedrooms. S batba. tamiJ,y rom dlnibs room. and den. plus buee lecluded lot with mammoth nrimm1aC pool and plenty ot JOOm left over for croquet. blodm1.oton, or what have YoU !' You wm llke ~ Eastem navor ot architecture, tbe towmrw trees that provide t b. at "country feeling" u well u privacy and seduaion. Tb1s exceptional. home is on 1an:I you OWN in the city of New· port Beach, an wtUJUally aood value at only $52.CKll. Submit your smaller hon:ie on our guarantee sale plan. HARBOR EST ATES A.awne $21. 700 FHA Loan on 1100 1quare feet, fou.r bedroom, l" bath home. Ideal home tor J.ari:e tamU.y on larp cul-de-uc lot. Ooee 1o tcbooZa, public transl)Ol'o tatloo aod -.,lntr. ONLY i>5,!IOO. FALL IN LOVE '4 2 r-& Fam rm, 2 OUTSTANDINGLY ... utllul with this new :.I story ~ bdrm ba & room tor addition 20 unit apartment develop- ! baths, family room model w/\ove.ly view. 2511 via rnent adjacent to collece home ovtrlooldn& Back Bat Marina. Ownl!r. &4i-3219 complex in Claremont, in Dover Sbort9. Callt. Priced at 6.7 x ID'OU· Roy J, Ward Co. "'6-1S50 Westcliff 1230 For a.le or will trade tor Orange Coun!y vae&nt com· Cost11 Mes11 1100 BY OWNER, 3 BR 2 ha. mercial. $79,000 f!(luity. ~ HOME & 1h ACRE ::i· ~~~esctlitt mu terms on We. ~-NVENTORY: 3 BR, 2 BA, dining room, car- :· peted thruoul : $25,050 -discounted $1600. .. l~-10-4 -Down Conventional Loans Call 961-2929 botwoon 10 •nd 6 ony d1y. ~ lETS 'NO DOWN john macnab Charming 3 bedroom or 2 bedroom & den. I'll. baths, fireplace, carpets & drapes, built- ins & forced air heat. This well landscaped home can be fo und on a huge R2 lot with a very large fenced back yard, with room for a boat, camper, or build a rental unit! It has a paved alley entrance for easy access. Loca· tion is just about perfect, 1 Yi blks to New· port grade school, and only 2 blks to new city park. East 17th street and Westclilf shopping and two other schools within walking dis· tance. For appointment to see, write: Nutled on almost % acre P8 P1ul Jones Rt 11lty ln ptftne location. Hard to Corona dt:I Mar 1250 U1-ll66 Eves. 61S-5839 1ind this much property atli~iiiiiiiiiWiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii \f<cNTALS Wtll conatruc:ted. well pl&f)o ~ low price plua 11 Hou111s Furnished ned tbree bedroom two batb bo\a.e • Complete packqe DUPLEX _;:.;;;.='-'--"---- home with dlnbw l"OOlll and under $20,000. 501.ml OF HIWAY Rentals to Shart 2005 modem kitchen wttb hullt· f "ring" JUsr 136,000 ins. Two car praae • lep&l'-' i Each Unit has brick lire-Student Opportunity ata ~te drive and pad M> SPRING 'place, 1 Br, Jae kitchen & Private Bdm1, bath, ear for bOat and traUet •tora&'e· .. -REALTY Llvina nn. Carport. Needs &pace Newport Shores beach Extra larp eo¥ered patio. •• " . ,. s:ime decoratin&:. SEE THIS! with )'OWll executive in ex· block waJJ fmc:iftl and bM.u-anytime CLIF PRIEST, Realtor change for l'!n'l houatkeep- tlfUJ. landacapbw. AN EX-2629 Harbor mvd., C.M. Slnce 1957 ing. Send qualifications & WTSIDE W&ANCE CEPI'IONAL BUY AT FANTASTIC 4 Bedroom 3034 E. Coast Hwy., CdM phone Box M-501 Daily Pilot. 1i. bath, ....,,, ""'' doe to ahoppln(, Oill DOVER SHORES S21 500 . -definitely the finost view J• . , buy in Newport Harbor. 4 Private Party Box' P612 Dally Pilot 20-1: WFSI'CLIFF DRIVE 640-TIU Open Ews. ONLY $28.500. Let UI &r-bort"lf! in abeolutely im-(TI4l 615-3581 WORKING Woman or girl ranae the terms. maculate condition, double to share home with woman =· = i;x:~ ON THE BEACH! ~ =~: ~g· tiours. kitchen .tr: manicuttd yard. Oirona del Mar 2 BR Furn Tratfic free street, close to home • owner will carry 1st YOUNG man, 32, will share schools. A&ldna" $27 ,:IX> _ TO. 6.6% interest, $15,000 his 3 BR home in Huo- submit. can 540-ll.51 lopen Down. tington Bch with aame. Joe Ill Bedroom, 4 baths, View liY· N ing rm, View dining rm, twport View family rm. Try $95,<XXI II Vlctori1 646-1111 ORANGE COUNTY~S . LARGEST :IP3·E• '17th St. 646-4494 • ' I . $750 DOWN ¥S: that's all to own this !Weli.corid. 3 Br. home. Nr. ;Ill schools. Monthly pa.ymt. 1$15'?, 1ncl. princ .. inL, taxe!I l& imur. Only $18,450. Call ; t.or showing. ' ' •• tot l'\11 ·\\Jill i 'Q"t \H\ \II\\ ' .r .. k I \I I I ! BALBOA ISLAND BR. 2 baths, fireplaces. l block to v~. only 5 ye&l'!I old. Excellent cond.i· tion. S77,000-tenns. CL!F PRIEST, RHltor Since 1957 3m4 E. C.oast Hwy., CdM (714) 615-3581 LIDO ice larp corner 3 Bdrm, OPEN DAILY 1324 G1luy Dr, (714) 6-42-8235 881 DovP.r Drive, Suite 101 Macao Realty Co ....... Newport Beach ------- 6 UNITS • 2 BRs eacho In- dividual patios &: &ar&&ea. 6 years. FA heal, bit-in&. STJ5 I mo. SHARP SHARP SffARp.! $72,500. "I TRADE" Bob Olaon Realtor 54S-5580 Udo Townhouse Cuatom designed 4 Bedroom blme. Fonnal dining room, mnvertihle den/famil,y room, w/wet bar. Sw{mmin& poo1. 50 ft. lol. An ele&ant home .............. $111,500 Mrs. Raulston ........ Coldwell, Inker & Co. ..... CIMI........, ........... c. .... Ill ..... OI .. _. Excluslwi Cb.ina Cove home • year around living • best Harbor area. 2 BR. 2 Ba, priced to sell fa!t at • $69,500 By appt only CORBIN-MARTIN REALTORS 3036 E. Coast Hwy, CdM 675-1662 SIX DEWXE l BEDROOM UNITS Uke new on % acre com- plereJ:y block wall fenct!d. Sprinklers system and lush land!C8Pinc. Each umt has 2 full baths, FA heat & fully carpeted. Call for details. $840 Mo. Income MESA VERDE 5 BEDROOM The laryest home in Repub- lic Homes area -Room to spare with every built-in convenlcnce -3 luxurious baths, party size patio, large S u n s e t pool completely wrought -Iron fenced $42,SIXI -Owner may trade fol smaller hom~ -W .500 546.2313 646.7171 THE ~EAl. E f".:i TJ\TER :--: CORONA D£l MAR R--2 lot + house. Rare avail- ability, high investment Pl>' tential; close to Ocean mvd. I; beach. 3 BR., 1% baths; aome vlcw. Alway• rented. Priced to sell, $37.500. Newpo rt II Victoria 646-8111 Z be.~ d)nlr!g i:m. Most un-Entlide ... ua1 1or Lido; 3 CA>',.,... Duplex $24,950 Real cute home tot ""'""' plUll ~· ~ sunny Easts"\de Costa Mesa. Hard· or small famU,y on beautitul . patio, w · maldmum pri-wood noon &: double car ~ Fiower Street. :i.!cy -S62,500 garage separating units (2 Simply immaculate 3 + din- P1ta Barrett Realty hdnns e. ch). Extra large ing room with double gar- 16C6 Westclill Dr, NB 642-5200 kitchen area ln 1 unit. age .on alley. Good tcnns at , Exclusi ve 4 Bedroom Welll-McCardle, Rlt rs. $23,950. ........ 28,900 -No Down 1810 Newport Blvd., C.M. ~ ~•6·5110 • 548-7729 Eves. 6#-068A f11e•ciltmltM.'ltft) ~nt to a G.1. or tow LLEGE REALTY tfown to all others. BeautUul j:iiiiiiii~~~i:riiii~: 1 .~::::l!Q):: .... : .. :·~ .. ~-==·:CH.~ 1amlly room. 2 baths. Lux- "" all built-In electric kitch-DUPLEX . en. Carpeted. Sprinklers. Near Beach & Shoppil"lg 4 Bedroom -$22,500 ~ landscaped Excellent value at $34,950 Nothing to equal this! 2 ; Ja!'d.. 540-1720 · bath!;. Family room. Isolat- TARBELL 2955 H1rbor George Wll llimson ed ftal" living room with en. Realtor chanw.t fireplace overlooks MOST UNUSUAL 673-43SO Eves. 673-1564 a large brick patio with gaa Custom home-, crpts & dfl* !!!!!!!!""'""'""'""'-""'!!!!!'' \ BBQ. Dream kitchen -built· SBdrm, 2 bath PLUS studio Channel Rfff In range & oven & dishv.·ash- rm &: ba. w/private f'ntrarx:e PenthouH Apt. er. 540-1720 Jge patio· 40' lot, S12.500 For ~c or Lease al S550 TARBELL 2955 Ha rbor R. C. GREER. Realty per mo. to l"t'Uablt-parties 3416 Via Lido 573.9300 on I y. Chester Salisbury, -- SOCK IT 'I\.r 'EM! Realtor. 673-6900 DAILY PILCTr WANT ADS Atway5 • Go-Oor ,., 1000Gentr1I 1000General -S@\\4l~-.l£'B~s· Soloe 4 S'onpll S""""'lld Wcm! Puztlt far a Chucf<U O·-........ .,. """ """""'"" """" ... low to,lorm four altr1Ple words. IPUGLEN I I I I I I' IDiPr I' r I llUJCO I It ls always a '-tworrno I• I' I I -1ng moi1•dw1ton-11nc1 • . . . . somethl~ In •arnmon, 1udl r="'!'~~.,.,..--..., cs thot-thly grow up In !hir T1.-:ZSAN 1---1-~ ......... ,-.... , ... ,-,, ... , ~ o·°""' .... .,. •h<tl .. •"""" by """' .. "" ........ -·· -yu11 devalop from ftp No. 3 b.tow. -• :~~~~~l~TTERS 11 11 I' r 11 I' J' 1 ·e roFe~~ urms I I I I I I I I .................. loot. 11100 U(.Cl.ASslRCATION BOOO SALES MANAGER evul Or an91 Co1st Property ~~""".::..c,nc,o:...,. ___ ~.,....~ Heritqe Real Estate 332 Marguerlte 673-8ffi0 2 SGL girls want 3rd to REAL ESTATE Havasu lake *HAVASU* North Estates CALIFORNIA Spring Realty expand.in& apln, opened No. 4 Gllice on ll arbor Blvd., O>Sta. Mesa, need experienced \ "iiiiiiii..Oiiiiiiii..,..,iii;o EASTSIDE 6 UNITS BY OWNEh share lovely 3 bdrm home Sharp & well kept 3 BR home, crpts, dprs, iu Laguna. 2 blks beach Real Estate Associate who could quality for rnanaie- men! position to lead an &&· BIG 5 2 • 1 BR &: 4 • 2 BR's (rplc, blt·i&, R-2 zone. Nice & town. 494--4834 or 646-8'l21 6 garages, Income $620 mo. CdM loc. Call 675-2379 Excellent live Jn & rent out anytime. Cost11 Mita lmmed. Possession * "All year" vacation home gttuive sales staff. For ex. 2100 In the water/duert play. cellent career opportwtity in ground. a dynamic sales atmOlp.here, * Boating • rus milts of phone or aend l"!SWJ\e to Mr. ------- l62G.!IOO. h R I Lido Isle 1351 3 BEDROOMS, 1°'" "'w '°"" Bullt·lns. fireplace, 5 b 11 ra am ea ty I-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I dition. Completely tumiah- shotttlncl & ski.in&' Gardner, all infonnation bedrooms. Your choice of Near N.B. Post Ofc. 640-24141• BAYFRONT ed. Adults only or maybe _,__ one child. Swifnrnine-poo1, NEW w/w carpeting .. VlUI.. DOWN GOES THE PRICE, skin& $115,000 DUPLEX witb recreation <.-enter at no ex. G .. oohed l~~UO?, closehoo'~ no gimmicks, o2wner out of 3 BR, 2 baths Up. 2 BR &. 1 tra charge. S235. mo. Arent * Fishing held in strictest contldence. * Hunting (no Buffalo) but Sprin&: Realty, 2629 Harbor Jots of $1Tl&ll game Blvd., Co s I a Mesa. Ph. ac s, "'"'ppmg, &e "'· town, 4 BR, BA, needs BA down. 2 ~ Bayfont 546-4141 S1150 down TO ALL. EZ to little fixing, $19,950. FHA paUo with room to enlarge -==-~----1 *VIEW LOTS l -::5'1)4824===-=====-Sho\m by appointmpnt only·µ...,· ,.YER SHORES quality. Call for details. 10% down, G.J. no down, Walker Rtifty · l·BDRM. Garage Apt. ,.-2-6442 J:Yes. 54S-699L, _ _ .. _ _c1e~i1Jtraf!i~_,.,p __ E:T.'N'llV9~ J.tt lhli SPECTACULAR 1860 B Newport Blvd .• CM ··-··---:rs--... -ASS"ffiqf 5% % VA 1oan: o>.>.><J • 6424 89 • WALLACE Eas22 tsidc 3 BR.. 1%. Ba.; H t' I •-och 1.1"" Newport Stich Bkr. 642-499-\ or 545-3483 OYet 3100 9C1uare feet of lux-"llZC:z=zi::I wious 11v1ng tn this custom iii built C bedroom 3 bath-Ex· A LOVE AFFAIR REALTORS is.:.!~J Full price, Ownerl'-'"-""=''-'"g=o.;.•...o-,;..;.._.;. __ .;.;. 546 4141-$118 PER MONTH (Open Evanl"I'} lw1UST SELL. Immac 3 BR, 2 BR Townhouse. Upgraded 11A BA home, fully crptd, carpets, custom drapes all the xtras, adj. to golf throughout, all on 1 floor. course. $24,900. 64~ Enclosed patio, 2 car gar- 3 BR. fixer-upper; $21.500; q:e, Vacant &. under the NO IF'S ••• $2500 do1vn; 124:.: Belfast. market at $19,500. 2200 l·BR. gar., util. paid. No pets, adlt. epic. pref. 305 34th St. Sl.25 Mo )lrly. 821--0953 OCEAN Front house. 3 bd. 'Vinter-Student.s OK $175. mo.~ tra lar&e Uvini roam, for- mal dinfn& room complet.e- 1s Inevitable when you aee 1¥ refinished. Owner bu this 3 BR with it's lg. rum-moved and will give lmmed· pus rm. & lovely hid. pool late possea:ion -m.500 - amid tropical ldscpg. -546--2313 646-7171 spac. llv. rm., expostd beam cellina &: firepl. 2 BR Dffi&ned lot entertainin&. Unusual derour, choice lo- cation. 0 n I y $.19,750. E-Z THE ~J EAI. E STATER.S quality 3 Bedroom, 2 bath home, our finest selection to atart the N€'w Y€'ar. Will 644-1843 OWNER l' llJli*I 1, lilQUu\11 llelboa 2300 Mesa Ve rde 1110 ;.a8 mTli -'-------4 BR, 2 BA, w/boat slip, --·-·---- "'"'"" 1-0~PE=N~D~Al~L~Y~ take low down -owner mov· in& out or th estate, s:n.ooo -move in right now. 3 BR. 2 BA. Home w/ lrg fam rn1. Has side storage yrd for boel. lrg back yrd REPO $795 DOWN blt-;ru;, paho, BBQ, $535 mo. TI4:529--al.OO 213:378-0891 !Ir!t 1'\l I ·\\lllll ~t \H\ \II \\ 1, • \ I • ' ' Corona de! Mar 219 Jasmine .,.,. ,.,_ Sli!pt to beach. Prime toe&· lCBl Baker, CM. ~ lion. Larae l Bedroom, 2 ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~I Bath. Hua:e livina: &: family • room with fireplace. Over-''DISJRftt ' DUPl!X" .... kltchon with all the u" blt-1ns. earpets 1t dtapes. Double garage on a I I e y. Divorce nc1..-essit&tes quick Large Jot. WW trade. sale for this unbelievable Rltr. 646-3928 Eve. 54j)..0088 low -• Bedroom up,..,, * LACHENMYER and 2 Bedroom Unit across the ·-t from ... t Ocean 1--=FO=u"'R=-"u"'N""l"'TS=-- area -Summer or Winter Rental. $37,!IOO-wm '"''" $49,500 to all tenns. REDDdlPB: REAL.TORS 2025 W. Balboa Blvd., N.8, 675-6000 w/ sep play area for Vacant 4 BR. good area, no chldrn. Loe 2 blks from 2nds. New paint. Qulck pos- schls. By owner, 549-3567 session. aft 6 pm, HAFFDAL REAL TY ANXIOUS <1wner must sell! 8140 Warner, F.V. 842-44«i 3 BR, 2 BA home. S\500 lmmed. Possess. Below market. S 3 O O O Big Colonial Assume exiating 6M.'7o loan. ShaJ1) 3 bdrnt· Mme. ~'~ o1 GOLF COURSE AREA • Im· Total pymnts $100. ~7822 atate owner must &acrifice. pres.sivc home with hail-\ ======='===='==-\ SJ,950 Down. Take over moon driveway. 4 Bdrms, Newport Bt11ch 1200 ~1A% G.T. Loan. Only S:M,- fonn&l dining room + fam-950. Better check this one! tly room & mu.lti-purpose Paul Jones Re alty room with separate fire· 841-1266 Eves. 536-7124 6 UNITS Walk to beach. Partly fum. Price reduced lor quick sale. $15,000 dn to existing 2705 l·BR. Victoria Beach; Jge. frpl.: aep. util. rm. & ba. Secluded. $165. 64~1.m RENTALS Houlff Unfurni1htd 3000 WORRIED? , • • then rest euy. We specialiu in all types or Rentals -Summer, \Vin· tc>r, Year around. • RED CARPET e LI!~ TOP L0CA TION • VIEW OF OCEAN .. 2 bed, 1 i,s. baths, 3 yea.rs old. Top Wli!s at a SENSIBLE PRICE. pl•"'· Un"'uolly """ p6oed &..'.$(~~ at SU.500. 546·5880 (nurcin1m1 tlw!atre) LLEGE REALTY 1500 Adams tl Hubor,CM. realty loan, approx. 20o/o return 2025 W. Balboa Blvd., N.B. on invesbnent. 673-3663 2414 Vista Del Oro BRASHEAR REAL TY 2025 W. ·Balboa Blvd., N.B. 675-6000 l BEDROOMS Newport Beach 847-8531 Eves. 536-2123 TWO STORY -DESPERATE ORANGE COUNTY'S :'.!,.ToPJ ' 1 LARGEST , ~ 293 E. 17th St. 6A6"'494 LARGE LOT B t 5 BR B 2 story lamily home. es uy $20,500 COST A MESA • clean -\V€'ll kept • wood burning fire- place in Jiving room, 1 ~~ baths, 2 car gar..ge, air conditioned. Eastbluff $34,500 ! ! BRAND NEW 2 BR, carpets & drape1. 2 blks to beach. Honeymoon-- eNi Special. $22,900 R. D. SLATES, Rltr. 847-3519 · Evtos. 536-7340 Spanish fireplaet', pan. This 5 BR, 3 ba home has elled family room and everything going for 1t Top l&rie lot with trees. EastblnU area tr&Uic ~ ha; got to be !h(' best value 4 soru.1 house near beach, In this fine area for 11. 1· 2 years old, J\1ust sell! ORANGE COUNTY'S story 3 BR, 2 bath home on 96&-1432 aft 5 LARGEST large lot with some View. · Convenient Io cat Ion i;treet % block from park. Vacant and easd' to sec. Clean and ready to move 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 Absentee owner more inter· Lagunt Beach 1705 $38,75 into -owner movi"&" East. E ET NET ested in quick sale than pro-10•/o N T N fit 4 SEE THIS ONE TO-Handym1n Specials •) i:\::,l\: r~.: •J\\ :i 1'!'.• 546-5990 • Priced tor quick w~. $40,500 To lll!e call: Long term leases on this DAY. CAN'T LAST LONG. Income Units excellent income Investment. Loe. on Oceanside of Hwy, Mary Graham 642·9190 Farel W•lk1r Care{rec return and astound· 644-1133 Eves. 646-3113 150 yd.s from Beach. ' Ip ing future possibilities. Price I :~~~~~~~~~! Apt. units, needs paint &I Now And Then Realtor $ll4,000. Income 11.400 pr good &eneral cleanu;p. p(). yr NET. TENTIAL INC 0 ME EX· A home this sharp comes on the market. One owner, BAYCREST-Walker & LC'e _Mr. Ll!vlnc NEAR BEACH-wi!h partial CEEDING $10,000 ANNUAL- lncome ·1nvc.~ln1ent Dept. Ckean Vie\\•. 2·two Bdrm. LY. Price $69,950. adult occupied only. 2 J~ EXCLUSIVE WITH US bedrooms. hanh1•ood floors, 2,oo:J sq: ft. 4 bedroom. Pool nnd \\"OOd hurnillJ: [!replace. h~omc ln Bayctts! -$46,500 Large Eutl1de lot Includes .For appL Jean Van Der double detached c a r a & e. Border. S4~9-151 l1omes & GUl'st Apt. DbJ 11.l'-J\-1JSSION REALTY 494-0731 51.4% LOAN YOW'I for $22,000. JEAN SMITH, Payments Sl4l mo. irw::ludcs all. -1 Larre bedron1s, spac· ious liv. rm., l* BA, Jafie fenced yard. Near schools & So. Coast Plaza. Immedi- •te J>0581H5k.ln. Owner/Brok· ... 548-63.12. Colesworlby & Co. Realtor 400 E. 11th, CM. 646-3255 6A2.m7 '!WO Sl'ORY • DESPERATE 1904 Harbor Bhd .• Ct.f. out of state owner must •-&1•0peiilllnliEws.m iilll•• \ lell : leue/option er lease • NOW VACANT. Garreou1 2 Units Easlside 3 lledrwm, 1 YJ a.. nrtplace, deluxe carpets Costa M~sa. Eutside Only 122,!IOO 4 BR home w\th formal 2 BR home in tront. Reu dlnlrw room, huge faml),y unit. See at 156 Ror.hestcr, room:_7_~tl\I le completely C.M. $Z2,500 full price. cuslonUU'\.I. Askini: $4l,SOO GENCO REAL TY CO. • submit. CA.l..J... M R , BLACK ~1151 (o pen I =~=~"~2.•44'l2 ""'" DAVIDSON Realty NNr Irvine -$2,,400 A.II Play No Work 4 BEDROOMS. 2 batN!. Huae can be yours. Beaullful Sp11.n· master bedroom $1uite lt i11h style 2 BR11 l1,I bath Co11--143 lro.dw1y 64.S.0111 private bath ideally locattd dominium. $29,850. \,.!!!!!!!!~~~~I!!•!!\ at rt&t of home. Kitchen Rltr. 2150 Harbor 18, O.t VACANT with built-in ~. ovt:n le 5f6.548) Eves. 54&..~l Unique l Bdnn "A" framl nfrila'attr. HllP Jr. E!r WANTED TO BUY 3 or 4 home with pool & P1en1:1 <II t&tl! lind aroundt-51).1110 bedroom house, Wee over 1pace tor badml--TARIELL 2955 Harbor 1ou • """"'"" ..- or prden. Excdlent w-. · $135.00:. Haw cash for ('qUi- cllff locat>on. 10 UNtTS t;y. Call 5'1-&995 afttr 5:~ Arnold & Fr.ad oo 3 lob. AdJ....,t to Oc<an-PM 388 E. 11th St., CM. front. $155,000. --NE=m=-u~CE=N~SE=.=n- ReallW't 1<6-TlllS B1lboo R11l Estate Co. MAN or WOMAN 700 E. 81.lboa Btvd., Balbo8 to Mlnaa:t"I' our rapidly t:x· a,gc, \\·ell -built concrete 985 So. Coast, Laauna block """''" 13<,!IOO. WESTERN AWARD 3 & 4 Br. Semi Custom llmn~s from $35,450.00 Now under construction. Local~ on Mountain View Drive, off Near NB Post Ofc. 646-24.14 Tyrol Drive. ~~~~~=!!!'\A.P.l. SALES AGENTS CASUAL LIVING!-Phone n usz.7701 "" CAN be yours In the Back further tnfonnalJon Bay. Atrium floor plan + ' BDRM. S bath. Top ot library for dad. 646-4U4 World. Ocean A mow:ilaln n.11. Jin\ fstott SACRIFICE! l.ovrly l BR. llomr in \\l<-sf- viC\Y. $37,500. H)..7396 Dana Poin t 13AnCAIN R-2 lot. Tenn~. SS.CXXI flrm. • <19-l-98ZI * 1730 Vlf!'A', 1•hrt a.n."a. C&JlM'ls, drapcs.1""========- bltns. Sprl.nklert. dbJ S"I"· Condomini um 1950 11.g<'. Nr sch!~ & sllop'g. X.lnt t'Ond. 4 BR. 2 Ba Condominium By Owner. 548-8281 on Fain•iew, C.l!of. $22,000. 3 BR. 2 Ba. Upstairs sun-\V I $'1400. down. 121 Mor- dt.'ck. Liv, din nD, patio, ristown Lane. 540-6976 eves. '1: blk bch 1: ba;y, b2tn kit. " week-ends. 50-7322 da1So crnr Jot. 15th &: Bal rt-rpctua.I1,y rented rear apt. Ouplues For S•lt 1975 By owper. Must sell! Prine NEWPORT Duplu for .. i;. only. 673-8718 200' to btacb. Or will ~ ELEGANT, ...ell hll It. only equity for l!:ood l..ai\lna S22.900. FHA or VA. Zoned ~idf"ntiJll lot. P. O. Box JU. Large Uv!rta rm ., lt2.1. lluntil'\glon 8 ~ • c b . fi~pl.. cpta, drpa , t"ll't'. !7lfl Sts (()6. <>wner out of stale owner must sell -lease/option or Jea.se -NOW VACANT. Gorgeous 4 BR home 'vith formal dining room. huge family room. 3 baths & completely customized. Asking $41.500 -submit. CALL M R • BLACJ( 540-1151 (op c n eves) Heritage Real Eltate $175; 4 BR. 2 ba. Fenced yd. w/w. Children &: pet 0.K. Broker 534-6980 $105; l·BDRM, fncd. yard; garqe; stove, refrir. Avail now. Broker 534-6980 Cosio Mfta 3100 3 BR home, close to ahopplng k school!. Elem thru Jr Coll A:: parochlal, corner lot, oU st. park. boat or trailer. Lease reqd. 546-4409 aJt 6 pm. 2 BR Housc In court w/ garage .l yard. Water pd. Fir.st & last mo's rent req. $120 per mo. 23().A Cecil Pl. C.M. 4 BR. 2 BA. Meyer Place. Drpa, pr, yard. A....O tm- med. cleant $175 mo. MUl.92 aft 5 p.m, 2 BR, private waaher/dryer. req. 163 Mesa ........ ,., .... Retert~s Drive $.135. IMMACULATE 2 Br, 1 &. Frpl., bltns, carp., dl'p:!!. Adults, no pets $130 ~ 2545--C Elden A~ .. CM I &: 3 Br. (or Furn) 28'l2 Santa Ana Aw. C.M. -4 BR, 2 BA. newly derorated 3(M) Cabrillo St. $200 mo. -EASTSIDE. 2 BR, gar, crpts, drpt., bit.ins, aduJts. $145 Mo. ~ms Newport Bllch 4 BR, 2 Ba, Ncwpt Jlats. •26 San BenuLrd loo St. $250. Mo. '73-1398 or bua ph. .BEACH BARGAIN "~"" ,....,;,,. Roo1o1 °''" Mod~m 3 Bil. 2 111, ··,\" Caywood Rf'alty 543-1290 frt.mc, slc>ps In ON-11 n • OL!NAlL!, YP11JJI 01~~ m ,900 .. "1ml[ll. ~ OU C-. U&t "'"" Pl.ACE )'OUt WMI ad wbett Ctywood Rlty. 54 .. 1290 !~ ~ ...... ., ' doy, Dial they "" looldna -DA!LY kllch, 2 BR.. den. Ownrr. &l2-44-11 BLUl~rs Condo • 2 BR. , BA. 11plil JrVl'I. llM'pl11 N', vlfow. By r~r. 6'14-0!MJI !'11ANY W"llND.fJtt"UL OP.1 ,_.<"ll".<20)=-,Mr=·~Y_,oo~nc'--~­ l'OR11JNTT[ES haY• hem LARGE. 3 BR Ii: Fam. Obit'. dbcovtlrH ill Chained Ads. lrplc. upper NewpQrt Bay • Turn b•ck m "Busneu Op. $275 mo. leue. Avail. Feb. -~·· l'IWI' clulUlod 6'·'6ll oortunlllff" NOW! 1st. 642-«:196 flWntf. a,rt. --·!~ .. -...; ... _ ~....__-. .....: 0 I I CZ 4 • . ........ \'lhndoJ, Jin/Mr 9, tM OAll.V 1'11.af RENTALS RENTALS ~ RENTALS RENTALS • RENTALS Kll:NTAL ST Ho-UnfumidMd Apll. Fumlahed Apll. Furnbhed Apto, Unfumlalted Apb. Unfvrnlallod ' Apb. U......,,.,.. Gonorol -DAILY PILOT • • • • • • • '-"Nwpo;;;;:;;;";;;llo;;;;•';;";;;;;;;3'l;;:t00; Glnwol 4000 lolboo 4300 Cotto -. 5100 C-• dol Mar 5250 L.,..no a..ct. 5705 llUll"'°' llontol ~ -RENT llAOIELOR Apia. uw paid. QUIET ' ......... -100 C\.IPP DRIVI MESA v-Medlcol • ' I/I 3 Rooms Fumlture morS18mo.3lOE.B&Uq, • ~. $10> Mo. -LUXURYnmN/UNJ'URN Protin'?nal Build~. CLASSIFIED INDEX ' TOWNHOUSE $25 Month Blvd .. Balboa, C&I. ~ ....... " -~~y Y-1-1 a 2 -1,000 ... n -• Only °"' Vaconcy FULL OPTION to BUY Lido 1,i. •••1 IJKE NEW' Br .. new cpll., •N• -IO ..... a Sbopa WIOll!,,lremodet •-·-~ ~~ 3 Br, 211 BA, % cu ca.,.ort -drpc, blt,bw, -; DO 0-...W from..,.., Apt -~---~- For Put ltnkt •hlf hpert AllllfaM• DIAL DIRECT 842-5878 fl5j) mo. l~atan Aftllahle) l'Oll Rent. 1 ~ qt. ptta; aduJta $U5. 50-e'M elf TDI AalDI in. P!iO .. ap. '--Law at 2156 Meu V ~~~;.5 .. ~~.~-·~-~~.~.,. f]&~i:i:r~:t:i~·ri-'·:·::::5 aPoolay -;:u19_::h No =r-c. =-:.. ~~.., ~= 1~ :·N ~ ~ 8:" ~ ~~ •ca.· an~:rr. :~1 M:; ~ con• 1u. ................. 11• COMM••c••L ................ ..-Furniture bntali · --0 pe _,_ -·--1·1 -.. -.-"' --•-""'' .... 1......... MnA 01L MA• .............. 1111 1NousTRaAL R•MTAL •. ......... Realty Inc 517 w. l.9th, c.JL ~ -Mebdoa MS.M21 .._ ........ ·-.--General --..v Ul ~ -~~=•::1.c".7:::::::: .. ::;::: i:::"u .. ::::.::::::::.:::::.:.:::t:: 901 Oov~r Dr . .' NB Suite %ll 1568 w. Lacln. Anhm n"2800 Huntington INch 4400 J BIL Wt!um. UdL lllOflt. !_ hrM ~~ -.1-...;;;°"';.;;:.,._____ r~~ty lbopt ••WPORT cucH ............ 1• c1TRus oaov1:1 ............. ,,n 645-2000 Eve&. 548-6966 UTILITIES p•io -w mi. 1 .... _~ .... ~ ... ~--H...,) Rentelt Weted ltlO : __ .. -,,,•-, ,•,•.•,'. " NCWIOllT NEIONTI .......... 1111 .\CREAOI ........................ HOLIDAY PLAZA "' ,........, maGACWtU" un.M .swao cAt.•OA cov•s ............. 111• LAxa ELs1NoR11 .............. un DELUXE. s----... 1 ••-. Bach. Ap' Hid. ....... 1 646-2!M4; l.I. 8-&33 w··~ -·-.•... •P' Hu•_..__ 111·. --11 I H•WPORT SHORES ........... 1m llSOIT PIOPllTY .......... LEASE New 3 BR Con-""""' ....... <QW"Tn .. ....... _,,.c,,.u ............ YICW .. .....og... .,.__ U'l'CRIST .................... 1m ORA.MG• co. PaOPl!RTY ..... Qll . Furn. •Pl $135 Plus utiL ea; Knoxville, Apt. D, H.B. 3 BR., 1% ba. Qilldrtn 3 BR. 3 Ba. W/~ N~'~RT SHORES -: UYSHORIS ................. 1ns OUT 01' STAT• PROP ........... dominlum PooJ. Walk to U-•-..> """'2914 • ··-·--· ··-n.~t.1-v-SHARP -3 BR, 2 ..... ~-.. ··~ ~ DOYt• SMORl:S ............... 1211 lit!OUNTAIN a ou••T ......... ,. 9Cbools, thopplrc center ......... -.. pool Ample Plridnl • ....,.,.. WU<."UO.I.::. DUL....................... . .... p.raae ~He& Will pay Pina: Center: dretl , WISTCLll'" .............. l:dl SUIDIYISIOl:I UJllD ,, ........ au r..-dra No .i.u.._._ ••o pels l "'"" 862 W 0tnter Apt 1 fireplace 6 dock. Availabll: ~-+ mon•••·· -• -t -• ..... o. HIGHLANDS ........ 1m ll:UL •STATf; llllYICI ..... 11111 parlc. -"l""'ts, pes, •uto u.•1. ... u:.,:fl"t, -condo., beaut. turn. • ' -..._. -DO leue req. Btau . -l uH•v•1t11tv ,,..K ........... 1w Lt..L 11XCMAN01 ................ p.rap Prv patio. The um Ptmona. CM 645851 Nr. Atlanta a Beacb Blvd. JBRDupla. Gar. pvt. paUo. ~ V. hanklln. JUl;J, EMPLOYED lady wanta t ~ carp., mlrrora. ndDI i IA.VIHl! ...................... lilt ..... WANTID .................. .,. ....... ·--.,.,.,. -fl'ko 2 BD···· I --~··. -~. fla'I 16th PL ... 'M Room•. BR u~-•pt~~·-• ··-·~ ~· '· MCI( IAY ..................... 1. BUSINESS •nd DIWUll. -...... ~ -· n.&a.>., w w, ~ .... _ --.. ..._ I <IUKD A ~ --• ...... ~ t AITCLUl'I" ................... 1>a I •• • Ba. Bit 1_ ..-_ ed patio; IU"llf. 962""98f, OR 96).81 SC8-Q1J or MJ..mJ 1 BR. Qpta. slow, rtfrlc. 1o $110. Gu ell' cup:l1 DIC. SMALL. -... ....... hl.. ::J::! I, 1"9tttl! Tl!•IU" ............ 1w FINANCIAL °"'" ~ ..... .., .... _ _,__ r.•-. -70214 A• o cad o ·--....... ·~--....r pnc:c:u C'ORONA DI L MAit ........... 1ue 1ua1N1u OffDRTUNtTfll .. '* Carp. Near beach I: pool. '°" ... "'" ~ QUIET & BEAUTIFUL S BR. 2 Ba., a-pl •• eai.d • • -_.,,. IUn BuUdlnp 1n bur ~ n.t.tOA PENINSULA ......... 1• IUllNlll WANTIO .............. -01'>~ -·. 1 ··-d"~-Adulls -···. 2 •• pool ---.Adults. .... ~ Month 8'ls..m2. ~72111 aft5. EKPLOYED ............. lble Corona del Mar loci. , aMCOH IAV ............ -. .,l)tl INYnTMIHT a-1w ...... 011'1-:===-";:'~===== ..,.. QlUUL ....,..._ -u.n. •--~ ~ ·---·-·-UY ISL.AMOS ................. 1Mt IMVl:STMINT WAlilTCD ...... 0111· Fenced yard; prqe 1iT1'6 C&muon, 847..nzi 327-8 Cabrillo MM89l 1ad;y wanta 1ell'2 BR unfum Call HutcMni. 714: UDO ISLI! .................... l>Sl MOt:llV TO LOAN ... N H lgh 3210 -c.~......... .. ... _ • -· IO ~·· .... uoA 1sLANo ............. 1m ,,,..,. ...... , ............. ,._ ~ e ti ~ , BR. , --• .,-~ AD QUIET Apt 1nr ......... 1 .. or Huntf·--IMch -ap.. ....... ............ 546-7318 SHOPS • NTINOTON HAR•OU• , ... J•W•utY LOANS ............ mt until lncluded, $18J mo. 2106 lady put ISO. -E. 16th ;i. Nr. Newport Pitt ! r.NTIMOTON IEACH ..• -... 1.. "' .,,,, ....... -,,_.... -..... W>M.., ......_ ... ,_, alt • ! UNtAIN vALLl!v ..... 141• coLu.T•RAL LOANS ......... mt East Sid• Costa Mui COit• Mesi 4100 PL Avail -•-v-1 u• A RJ-~- i .......... RU.L aTATI LOAMS a. Florida. 536--362J. ........ <:LILlllLi: ...... EXCWSIVE .on. pt fUm ar unfum .... 0 •....._. E~L 11:acH ................. tut MOaTOA•a1,.,,... o.:;.:·::~:-Newport Hgts. Area on beach tn ,..,.... deafred -=,-,-,,----==•II ,u s•T •1:acM ............... i,s.s MOfllrt WANTtD '* "'"-1--s bedroom 2 • INTRODUCING e J BR. &rdn apt. fpl, cpts. O EACH .......... Wholeaale nunery, ~l ~ c;.o1.•01:H oaov• .............. 141' ANNOUNCEMEN .. TS... ~......... or La11un1 Buch 4705 drpc, bl.tnc. ... tio, --.1. N-THE·B by lln&1e Dr. Call ~ Pll mo. "--· St ~ q.; , l!AK Ewooo ................... 11• ind NOTICES :liftpla ia .. dra MOD-" Vie-ap• ..-A.dltc, no pet.. $16. 5*-5163 2 & 3 ledroom Aptt. wn pm. port. House avail. S48-50H ! L.OftG IEACH ........ -........ 1wt bedroom I: den 1%, bath&, u t :J)' • r-~ bt 5 6 8 "I ... ~ )l(AHGI COUNTY ............. 1611 .... ce, carpe a pies, a :,,, . ........ .. .. ....... • • •uoLORDS • ouT o,. couNT't' ............. 1.u .. ou•o ,,,. .. , ........... hWlt·tna " 1orced alt heal f,,ilere _...,, , ~-·. 2 BR. 111 N-rt •--~ 5200 'C7 ll"1rW to p1eu1 the ~ 4cmi :· OUT 01' STATE 1611 I.OST ............................. , ......_ ·-1 -.on --~ ft--AL SERVICE Offl ·-I STANTON ...... ::::::::::::::::1.11 PCRIOWAU ................... Mii Well landscaped home with Ba. 2 amdecb. pr, 1 bile . t dllcrtmina-· Nw .r.ru:..a:.. ~,,. ce -"'' :i:~':~Ng~: ........ : ....... ~::: :~R~NC.~~~ .. :::::;::::::::lt a very 1arp fenced back On.naeNEW Ad°""'wt .~~~ Becoamu~ ahopp~ Very plush. UNFURNJSHED Apt avalll.ble at Broker 53U982 1 .aouu• ae•cH 1 SANTA AHA ... :::::::::.:::::::,.,. ll'UNIRALS .................... Mii yard. I..oc.atlon 111 just about ..... .-... $260 mo. ~ Newport fflta. Luxury. ""e Hunll""'"n 2 ADULTS, sin. doe. need Air c;;.iti::.C. SA.Ni~:"'" HOTS. ............ ~= =~~0.::l"¥t::m·a1·:::::::::~: perfect. 11,i blb to Newport Custooi .tum or untum. RENTALS v I I! w. du Ji I ex • pt.. ''' '""'" turn. J Br. bouae ot apt. ruiT•N :::::·:::::::::::::: •• ::1641 ~'":::'W iitANu·········· ··:ri: srade acbool. and on1¥ 2 hlkl Sir"1a • 1 Bdrm .. 2 ~ Apll. u Iv 1_......_. sp11t-ieve1. 2 bed, trpL, p ID Have ftfuew 6G4m ON FORES"/ AVENUE • ORTH TUSTIN ............... 1w IN MaMOAIAM ............ .-,, to new city parlc. Eut 11th eOintemponry Oatom n m-thlck carpta., drape•, IC C ~ 1 BR. bee or apt (dlml. Deak IJlllCel availablci In . ::.~~~'to0 ·c·;,iiYOii ':::::::::~:: CIMITIRV LOTS '::::::::::::: .. 1t .street and Westclitt lhop-~ GeMral 5000 prqe. Available Jan. 25, &ckle CJL Pref. MDlt be newest omc. bWld:lnl at ~ LAGUNA HILLS ................ 1111 ~=~==~ ~·.!!!', ......... :~~ Pini and two other ICboolJI • Luwrlcq: Gardens $275. Call after e: p.m. ~iu. -~ -·..... prime location In • L.AOUNA &CACM , ........... 11'f , .. , -·•••••· 'thln•.,.11 .... _ _.,_ .,1111 •Bl&bblinlr-6brook •"'--_,_. i .. -.. BelCh. AJr o' LAGUNA NIGUI L ........ -·:. 11*' CRIMATC>al•I .......... ,. .... 60t WI .. .._._...w.iotance • ......, 5484394 111 "----.. 1tJ1 --> SAM Cl.l!Ml!NTE .............. 1111 MIMORIAL PARKI ........... .ell For details, write• • 0' Pool 6 therapy bath ...,._... .-vt., WANTED To rent indultr1aJ. Umed,. Cltp@ted, Mlltlld : SAN JUAN caP1naANo ...... 1ne :~T~J slo"v"oc"a''"""""""= Prf p" e A.ctivUy momlbilllards VEN DOME ATI'R.. 2 I: 3 Br., UppeT <n4) S1C8'T bulldinc 850 to 1000 ,., tL -..... 1ed parttti~ .. -. Tw , CAPISTRANO •EACH ......... ll'U .......... vat• arty • Sa • lower d -1-1 bllc. off _....... ...._... l _ OANA POINT .................. 1111 TU.VIL .......................... WI& Bath u""""; 545-5183. eatraneM: Fron.ta&e ... : CARt.StAo ............ -....... 1u• •1R TitANPO•T&T10M ....... '""' Box P612 e Putttni ereen ................... _ .. -1 beach. 5 Mo. le&M!, from $125 1: $150; 2 " 3 BIL Ferm A•e., rear 1ndl to OCl.ANSIDI! ................... 17'41 AUTO Ta.t.NIPOllTATIOM ..... MU • ~~•· G ~ ... u .,.,.,.. AC4o> SUS. Ask 1nt Miu White IL N-'•• 2 BR., Unfum. lnc. pr. 1 ' o1EG0 ................ -.. 1m L.l:GAL N0Ttc1:s .............. MM Dally Pllo vu\.U.lt< u B8Q1 JMMED, OCCUPANCY _ ... ~ ap "'"'"I decor,. cptL chlld. 548-rl35 after 2 PM. Mundpal ~ kb. l5G ive•sioE couNTY ......... 1• GERMAN a TUTORtMo ....... ..,. t e Encl. lan&el I: 1.__ Cl Shop:&! p k ,,..........., I: drpa. Bltna. v...-.... avail. ..... _ta ..... _ Vic. -mcoth ... -!f!1USl!5 TO IE MOVED ...... 1,.. SERVICE DIRECTORY __ .. OM to "' 1r 2 ._.... ........ --r----au~~~~·~.igR·s.:.:.e ·::::::::::.: ACC:O\INTIHG ··················""FOR rent-lease 5 BR.,~°" CENTER ot town. between • So-doul s .. 2 Ba 1 BR. Duplex, $88 mo., )'ea.I' Cbildren: OK. Nr. Beach and chairs anilahl9 b J5. APARTMENTS f'OR SALE UM AMSWIRIHO •••Ytc• . . . . . . . .... f.amil;y I dlnln& niom. dbl Bly " Fold/Harbor • New-• 2 BR. /d f bt bula, putiaUy turn. Blvd. " Main. cio. to ...... for Rent 5995 Bumieaa boon Mn .•. ' ....... LaAMC• RIPAIU. '""·.:Ult ~ ........ port w m or 0 c. Avail Jan 11 rn-=ss ~ • cboppJl8. 14'7""905 mtrrice avai.!Ule tor a RENTALS ASPHALT. OUt ................. mt ... ..._c, blt·ina:, waiwuber, -......._ __ CM • Sw!m.Pool. Pat/ipwm Houses Furnished ~':Jt '=a::.,·y.-.:·itc:'u:r' Clr1'tr I:: dlPI throughout. 1 -.N ..-...... 1"5• 642-8670 • 1'rfil. lnlbTJ1nm, fac'lll NEW 3 Br. J BL 419 38th Wint Privacy? New I ~IJ.EGE .:i 'M:l'k1nc Pl ~tmtta Paid ===~:t1LTG .. SHAii•·:::::::::: ClP~l~1NANi:'il"::::::::: child only. S200 Mo. M0-4938 "( SEA LARK 1145 An1helm Ave. st, Newport 11.tand, '2.li ~Eu!~~~>~ ~ Incl. :::;. : !; 0°.:U.y PIIm COSTA MISA .................. 11• ••IC:K, M.a.ONRY, fie. ........ 3 BEDROOM. 1~ baths. MOTEL COSTA MESA 6G-m4 Mo.~ ~ • 14th. ... ,. .. -·1-~ 115-3613 222 FOR.E.51' ·~ ' MESA Oil. MAR .............. 11• llUllHISS lllRVICU ........ MG f'l-i .. -F .A h .w.w 111.r ,.,. Ml:SA v 1101:2n t IUILDMS .................. Am ....... _..., • eat , E • ~·m:o New-rt H-5210 J a 3 BR aph ' u ... ~ 001LEGE or -_,,. LA.GUN-A BEAOI COl.t.l!GI , ... JlK .............. 2111 CA'r•RIMGl .. Mn ' dishwuher dbl. prqe w EKL y RATES FOR SALE OR ....,._ 'r'""' .... -...-. ..... _.., Nl!WPoaT ceacH ........... :n• a11N1TMA1C.1M• ............. :Utt • _ __... __ _:. ,.._.,_ , 2301 N ........... Bl·....1 ,..u Ch1nnel Ruf • fr1llc, crpts, dfllti. play yard, lltP+ entr;y quiet, prtv. H&W,OITHGTS ........... ,, .. Ult CAll:PIMTlalMGI ................... ~,,. ... u • .__....nopeta. • ... ,..... Yiiliot ""fT' NICE 2 BR. Pllol. llW'declc, cblldren-"' $140. home N'pt Bch. $40 Mo. D ( ......, __ NliWPORT SHORES .......... me ~=~J,-~::-"" ............ ~ $225.6T3-8125 . • 646-74'5 • P•nthouu Aot.. pr bltna, apf:I, dpn. -up. lTm ~ • ux• v~ . ~~:=~RE·s ·:::::::::::::::: COWTUCTORS~.:::::::::O. 3 BR, tie yard, ci>ts. drpt $25 Wk u $550 per mo to reliable .... .....Mts, no pets $145. BID Orde, H.B. NWS1T ~orw.leott&cel WliSTCt..IFF ................... mt g:~~ a~·~": •iPiiil ·= bit-I-xlnt view of ~ • p tin onJ.y. Olef Salilbury 60-8001 -$125 MO,. tarp 2 BR apt. fl5. Carpets, air condlHo:Do uM1vE1t11TY PA•K ........... m7 ...-. • Realtor 673-6900 ClOlltd N Mot.la, Trlr Crtt. 5997 ...... ... ..... 1 IRYllill ........ ~ .......... , ••.. 2»1 OIUPERllS .......... '.''"' •. i&OI 225.,~...&~-e Studiol:BachN!~ . • _ ----'-' ·~·--l&raLOI . 0 • ~....,_&eg'!~ ..... _!.!.l..'lf ~~:.:;rc·~ .. :.':::::::::·: ~~:;.:=-:uviCa"·::::::::~= · ~ --.-r~ ·eer;:-·$111;; 1-BR., wtw. ctow, East Bluff 5242 -=-~;-210J TRAILER Space avail. Pool. ctntral IocaUoti. . co1toHA oEL MA• ........... UM :~~:~; lli:NTAU"'.::::::: Coll• Pirk ilJS •Maid Service -TV avail 'drapes . .Available now! St. putttnr am.. cbafOlboud, O>unty Bank Bklr· D> E. ~Jc:~~t.of':::::::::::::::::::::: l'aNCIN• ............... :.......... • New Cate le Bar Broker 53'-«181) Prestige location 2 BR Dqpltt, private yard. rec. rm. Adulbl only: m 17th St., CM. 642-l-485 11o1..v nu.Hos .... -........... 22t1 l'LDORs ........................ 6161 3 BR. plus sue1d room. 2376 Newport Blvd. 548-9'155 Pado, carpetc, drapes A: pats. 'l'radlrw1nd T ra 1' 1 • r Ni:WPORT CMC CENTQ CALllOA ISLAND .............. nu ,UAINAC• •• ,A!IS. ltc. •••.. "11 ..... n .. __ N •• ~--5100 . pool. M-' EA5T ILUl'F .................. DQ l'URMITUR• RISTOllHO uw,IWWh ew carpe"'"' 336 SHA.RP Bach. unit nr So. ,.._,. For leue, deluxe U88 lq. ft. .....,. IQ..151) Vlllap., 21n Bu'tl:cl' Blv., <>mces 511itabJe f'or' IACK tAY ..................... n. •••l'INISN!tilo un PrincetDn (213) J43....G56. Cllt' ,,.,._. -· 4 u•, •II ba. 'P' --, DELUXE ' -, ~-M'"' c.M. mm:lal, Ml!dical, Dental ~~~1~~~ciii 'cU.Cit '::::::: .. :: r.:::.:t"~liViCiii' .:::::::::: Owner on premillea Sat only cpta. ·;;: ~ ~ uW' ~ carpet.,.., ~·;;., crpb, drps.;;. ;;i,. bl; Air--amd., cri>ts, elevator ll'OUNTAIH \/At.LIV .......... Ml• •RADIMO. DISCIHO ............... 9-5. Mr Smith 549-3886 • Excellent. pa.rt • me. lat--... _. __ , dbl. .... N -~·-•• ,. -Ml ·--· ,_ 5999 Frnm $70 SEAL tllACH ............ -.•. 2491 OU.SI ............................ N • roundinaa tor adulta ~ 11•1Y0 ........uwet; llr8l8 r ....,VI'..,.. O'I ._. IC. "9LRJI.. r~• ~ OR ~ ""' ,· I.ONO CU.CH .............. ,. •. 2111 •Rl•M THUMI ........ -..... •r• * 1-BDRM na..,., • ....,, '"''" a. -.t..t of1 Jdtch. I>lsbwuber, dbl. '•• u----~ .,,~.....,.. oiuNoe couNTY ............. ,... ouM '"°" ..................... '71• Unlvtnlty P1rk 3237 DIU..n. _.. * ....., pemco • .......... --n. pool. ......_ ___ , _ _.. ""' u.n. ,,.._... .. .,..,~ rmil-~ hldtvidQal 2 ~ .... ~ ~-·-.-l. SAHTA AHA .................... 1111 HULTH CLUIS .............. ,,. -UW-paJd except li&ht.. ot.c:rim1natl.VO" Tmanll "~ ~1~ ... Garap. $125. Adults Ollly ~n. .............. l wESTMINITEll ........ -...... M11 NAULUtO ...................... •ne Adu!~ fll'J _,. r.n _ L .hr. .. •.,,, 1CbooJa & recre&• ., ...... ,_ r;w _ wl.t. to nnt prap to Furn with UM! of Recepb MIDWAY CITY ................ Ml' HOUSECt.UMINO ............. •7'f LEASE. Avail apprm: Jam .. -....,., .._.._ 2 .. 3 BDRM. APT8. --· tiQ .l"'ILLID -build an:! •tore nee CU' .. •,ANTA ANA HEIGHTS ........ U'9 •,!!!•0•M•101,.o .. ~0RAT1Mo ..... mJ,, .• ~ 3 Br 2% ea, pools 1992 HARBOR BLVD. CM. .POOL. NO am.DREN tton. , • 3 ~ 2 ~·~ prtv. ......_1 ........ _ • ~~ Hazel F o T t I a. ! J:~iA ... t. 1EACH .. :::::;:::::::::= 1.0.., ~·stc:·::::::::uM teruda ~ etc. ~ $90. Bachelor apt tum, MARTINl""UE ONLY $325 MONTH ;tio; .:;-~ ~..,., .....,.._ -1 "'" ~ ~1 LAGUNA NIGUEL ............. tJU lltOlllMO ....................... ,,. patio radio contrld pr dr utilitis pd. 1 penon. Pvt ..... 135 AMIGOS WAY 962-899C Propem 6000 omcr.s: 2. 300 + llt(. ft. • ~~ ~t!:~~sTiiANo··:::::.~ \:!~~~~.~·~·:.~.~·:: .. ;: 2 mi u.c.t. $26.5. per· mo: parklna. 548-8428 GARDEN APTS. Newport 8e1ch Income-, each; 11treet level: Cout t ~:~T::.~~ •EACH.·::-.. ::~: IANITCll:.aL .. .' ............. :::,"' lst le lut mo ., clng dep. 2 BR. Quiel Adults, NO l8th. Seti: Ana, CM. Mgr. Apt. 9 BtJSIESr ~ In HOME. INCOME b;y OWN· Hwy. Corona de1 Mai 1uvE1111oe cOUNTY ·: .. ::::. 2t1t '•w•L•Y a1PAl1t, Sk. ...... 61111 4031 Seton Rd, call 8J3..1252 PETS. $!'". _ Sc 011 Call Mn. Haidmon ~ _,., 'Iba DAILY Pnhl' ER IM BD. 1" bL apta. I: 673-48JJ VACATION JlENTALS ......... 2'11 l.ANDKAPINQ .............. ,."11 after 4 m 'IU ilLO JOIN t!l:t ... 111 1111 Q ~~ 2 ba. .,-====-=~~~:· SUMMEJl REMTALS •...••• ,. stll LOCKSM"H ................... 6111 p . PL C.M. 646-2323 lm Santa Ana, AJlt 113 C.?il ... ~.."'U"'ll llCtion.. Sa" 41 Bd. res. s Yr. 1 a:>MMERC. -300 Sq. a.' I CONOOMIHlUM ................ mt MASOMR't', lll:ICK ........... .... • DAILY PIIDI' WANT ADS! mmie,. tlm• A: effort. LOol old. Pool. 2310 Santa Ana, 1 INDUST. -800 ... It. - OUPLEXEI FURN ............. :nn MOYIHO .. ITORAG• .............. Coron• del Mir 3250 1 BR. Eulllide, uw pd, I0-081'I ........ -........ ' RENTALS PAINTING, Pl,...llllnf ...... "51 AduU $10. DOWl l l ...._ a1.r~ • 6f6-2l3(1 • PAINTINO, ..................... '*56 SHORECLIFF HOME _., Walle mtt, BERMUDA VD..LAGE Houses Unfurnished PATIOS ........................ "" hospital. ~ G•Nl!U.L ................... _. ~::.-:v ... -·--..;;·::::: 3 BR, +alcove ml, 1%, ba, Spadoua 2 & S, Br. Apta. COST4 MESA .................. ~1• PLUMt•M• ........................ nimmtn&: pool, avail Feb ~JI>E. Quiet: 2 Br. Crtlts. drpt, blttna. a.. to :~~ ~=~o':"• .. ::::::::::::::rift =~,~~~~-~.:::::::·;::;: ht $385 mo. Shawn by ap-e • tns. patio. Adulta on-ahp'& ls acbla. Oilldren OK. COU.IGli PAJlK ........... , .1111 POWll IWll,tM• ............ tit pt. &mett Mfg Co. f73.6Q) Jy. 361-B{)gle, &Q.1298 $llO up. NEWPORT aE&cH ............ n.e PtlMP •••vic1 ................ ,. AtTR. 3 BR. apt., 2 ba., 2214 CaDeae Ave. Apt. 2. Mer" till:WPORT MGMTS. ............ Ult RDOl'IMO •........ ·•••··•••••• ."51 2 BR. fireplace, I •!!!!!!!!!'!!~!!!!!~:i!ii~;,,;;; I ":N:,'it~:i+o~.~~ ... ::::::::::: :-'Ji~:~:" .. ·~..-Aiil ·····:;: Garage $165 mo. ~~. ~"~·. ~~';·~· 1'THE SEVILLE'' DOYER SttoRS:S ............... 2211 RCMOOILINO. K"CN•MS ,. .•• HI Bachelor Apt Furn $85. """""...,. ~ '#l!STCLll'll' ................... me SCISSORS SHA., ............. MU SoenicProperties DELUXE 2 Br •tudio. -. New 2 BR. w/prap $140. Nrvw11:s1TY , .... a: ........... nu ••wtMO ...................... ·"" --~-(Adults) Fe~ prtv ·-~ RYIHI! .. ... .. ........ -.. aut llWIN• MACMtlill RIPAIU •NI 6'1S-67l6 drps, poo!, 1 child OK, $1"'5. " '"""""'• 'I .. .,, IRVIHE TERIU.CE .... -...... SMI SIPTIC TA.MKS.._... ltc.,.ffU can 6'6--0C96 cpts, drps, bltns, watft' pd. COJlONA OEt. MAil ........... mt TAll.ORIM9 .................... "11 2 BR. 1'A: ha., furn. or partly ,-;:;:"""==.,-~--~-261,9.J Santa Ana Ave. ::~•?5"u,,..·os":.':::::::::::::::=: rii..-:-1~~.~ .. :::::::::::m tum. Ocean view. Lse $225 2 BR 1umlsbt!d, near ahop. :=~·°=-~63;;:M:::::~12:0:,..._•:::__ LIDO ISLE ................. ml TILL~ a--...... "71 Mo. 6f2.6355: 646-2290 Pina' center. $135. 642-8499. fltt> ULCOA 1$UNO .............. ms .,., •• lllVtc• ................ ,,..;.;.:.;..o;;;..:.;.;;;.;...c;;......o;__ 313 17th PL C.M. -· 2 BR new lndlvidlt&I MEWll'O•T WEST .............. :am Tlt.llVtlK>H, ................... Bllbol 3300 units. f'l-1 ... -. diabwuh· MUHTIHOTON tEACH ....... Mel UPHOUTIRY ,, ............... ""'o;;._;.:;_;;; _____ _;;.;.:.: FumlJhod 1 .,._._ , .....,.,.,-~.., HUNTINGTON HAllaoua _ ... ,.... WILDIN• .... .. ..................... OLll'lll ap.. :er, cfovel, drapes. Adult.. ll'OU HTAIN vat.LEV .......... :Mll JOBS a. EMPLOYMENT 41 BR, 2 BA. w/boat lllp. Near chopplng. Adulla. 361 E. 11th St., ••• "'" _ 5~AL tl!ACH ............. ,, ... IUI bl ~ BBQ ··~ Fannle ~-RI •H ---9AJlDIN o•ovl! .............. :MH '°' WAHTID, ................. ,... t-IM, pa....,. ' -mo. .., .. _ tr. .._..._ (%13) 838-1'15.2 LOMG &I.A.CH ................... .fOI WANTIO,...W-........ 1W '114' 529-8100 :n.3•378-0!91 ttt150. VER OUHGE CDUMTY ............. *9 JOC WAHTEO, ' ' -y nice b&chdor JMMED Occup&ney; 2 Br USE THIS HANDY POSTAGE PAID DAILY PILOT WANT AD ORDER BLANK AND REA~H THE ORANGE COAST'S BIGGEST MARKET SANTA AHA .................... an• MIM a WOMIN ................ H ··--h .... "" Apt. 1l2 w. WillOn, C.M. cpll, ~ --~. -·.·. WESTMINSTER ................ NII DOMlllTl'C HILi" .............. .,.. untlngton ~ ----.... ,.. ·- MIDWAY CITY ................. :Ml• A•INctllo -........ -.•••• n•'I---..:.------548-9517 patio. No ptfl. 1 Q\IJd OK.'-----------------------------------------1 ....,.TA ....... HEIOH'T1 ......... Nit McLP WAMT10. MM .......... nee FREE RENTAL BOOK h• ·-y .,,.., "'-•-·-·-r COASTAL .................... 1111 AffMCllL ._ ..... .,.,., 7111 -Yr..n. n1ce 2 BR. Apt -.a.e~. req. _...wu1 LAGUNA ll!ACM .............. ,,..,., ~:~~NT•"°'--... , .. _,.. Drop. In A Browae 132 W. Wilton, C.M. Trt.f'Arnu 3 BR. • •• apt LAGUNA NIGUEL ......... , ••. J --.......... "~o9ST7 . u•~.r un.i, • '°"" 5 SHORT WORDS MAKE ONE UNE-NO AD LISS THAN 3 UNIS SAN CLl!MENTE .............. m• AOINCllS. Miii. --••.. mt 2 Bedroom home wltb Pool. .,_. near Wectcllf1, pool & cA,1sT11.a•o .......... ,w scMOOU a 1wST1tucT10N .... 1611 Great party HoUM! Rent • N••••u PALMS • private .,.••-1115 -•-----r-----r----...----...,r----.... ---...,.----...----~----cAPtsTu.No •EACH ......... ane JOI PRIPAU.TIOM ........... 1'111 • """"'" r-r.N. "'""I OANA PG JNT .... . ........... 11.. TIIUTRICAL ............... "" at Sl50 per month. Good 1 le 2 BR. • Pool ~ I • 7 11 CONOOM1NIUM .......... ,... MERCHANDISE FOR location 117 E. 22nd m•• n11n TIMIS nMB ---~~~~Es•~=~~~s"·.:::::::::=: SALE AND TRADE w lk. & L St 6U.J6G DUPLEX RENTALS '""''"" .................. -a er ee MATURE Lady dealred, no ~~).._2 BR., carp., clrpe. . h d 01',ICI PUANITURI ........ 11'11 smokirl8. no drinJcin&. For .. -...... .... , ctove. Patio, pr.1-----;1-----1----·1-----11-----~----1-----1-----1----E Apts. Furn1s e OffPICI IQIJIPMtMT ......... t111 7682~ __ __, Information call 5'&8-4939 No children or peta. I O!NEtAi.. ..................... m~ :~·::::NTT .......... :: r 2*-A State 642-7'72 1·-----1-...----1-----1----·l-----ij_.:_ ___ j .. ...:.:_:.:.__1_::...:.:.:::_ 1-..:.:.:...:.:.__E $4.50 $6.IO $10.65 $15.90 ~osTA M•SA ................. u• tAR ••vlPM•Mt .... :;::::::;.,., r;p,-Evea. 54o.51to SHARP 2 BIL Cpta., cirpL, ME5A Yl!ROE! · .. ·" ..... ···•4111 MOU I I NOLD ...., -3 ' Ba -•· --• bl~· ••-nn ~-1 AVAlL. Fob. 1 • -Nl:WPOllT CEA.CH ............ 4ltf 8AIU.GI. IA.LI .......... _, , , .. ~, WUUI sbai ...... <WI. ·• pr&Je. ~ i .u1·., 111', ====~ ~.w,:~1· .::::::::::=: l'URMrTV•• auCTtOti"::::::::-carpetc, drps. dlahwuber, location $155. 56418'1 So. Cit Plua: c:ptl, drp&,1-----11-----l·----·l-----1----·1-----11-...:.--.1-----1...:.---5 HSTCLll"' ................ ,q):I ll"l't.WICU ................. '1• cl09ie to beach. $250. leur. bltna. $145 Mr, Smltb p.10 M.21 $13.10 $20.10 '6,00 "'' $1SJ5 $200 UNIYl:ISITY ,ARK _,,,.,.,,.4111 .\M'TtollU .... , .............. .,.1111 536-11)27 5t9-38Ei6 llJ:CtC •A Y ..................... .a. SDINO MACNIM• , ............ ,. ,:::"'"';;..---~-~ N.wnart IHch 4200 I=-=""""~----1----...L----'----.l..---...L---..J..;:~;;...J~~;.;;...JL...::.:.::::~L...::;.;~;_~ easT &Lu"' .................. " ~r •• 'ft,'a'G,",.••.M,•llT ...... !!ts•' BR. llke new, nr Dou&laa -=-''-"--'""'"'--.;.;c~ 2 BR. Splt~evet: w/W -· COROMA Ol!L MA.It. ........... ate ............. , • &ALCOA ...................... 4111 ltADIO ........................ .-. ahopg. 16392 IARmont NICE J Br apt. all eM!c newl1 decor.; 2 t.h; u.v !SU.Mot ................. GM r~n~Ri:O'"'" ........... = Lane Avail now $215/mo kitchen, fenced patlo, ccup1e bltm: $lSO. 156 Melody Ln. LIOO ISLE .................... Gil , ...... lllCOllofti""""'""cm lea.ct ..... 6G-lm with ··~· ... -··--·pie, '48-1"8 :t~~~=o':o'!N.0o:c,r:::::::::= CAM•UI .. llOUIPM'iNT'".' .. : ... ;1~==-· ~~.::.·.:::::..:::.:___ winter-~~ ........ FOUNTAIN VAl.ll!V .......... 4411 HOllY lll~Llll ................. L-un• leach 370S ---·-------3 BR, cprta, ~ Blt·lnc. 1u1. at:acH , ..................... •"°•-'",\'!• ... • .~ .. • , .. , .......... .,.. :~-:.;:•;.;.:;c;:.:::::;.: __ ::;: ~ ... 3 BR, -· -"'" 2 Qilldren OK. N'o 1·--. ~Of40 llACN . ................ -• .._ 4 ........ -~ .....,.. -Le ,.._ :llUHGI! COUNTY .................. MIKILU.NIOUI ................. ABOVE Hip school, 2 BR. dl!!ek. Employed adlilta. U0 $145 Month. 545-(Q62 GA11o•N o•ov" ................ ,, Misc;. w••T•o ................ N11 _..... ..._ u•" "----.,..Jh s1 u.,..,,. 11< t BR. Ali -· .. ~-bl'-. -WESTMINITEJl oW!t MACNINIRY, lie. ............. ,.. nu::uC c ..... ".. ..... l.C&IM:', -1 • 'rear. : ""' ...... ... ... ~~" 't!IOWA.Y CITY :::::::::::::::.-.,. LUM••• ........................ , .. refs. Show Jan. 3, 825 La 6116-6553 patio. W/W --. A-.. 1ANT• ANA.. . ............. ~~r:. MA+iii'iALt "'""·:;'J vista Drive .:.::.::=-------$110 548-1322 ......... ....- \AHTA ANA MIEIGHTI ......... Mal IWAN """'.,,.>!-_;;;;;;_;;;;.;_"------,;.;~·..;;.::_::;:~~---~~lr~~t. ... : ... ::·:::::::::::::::= PETS ·e·ftd 'L'rVE.5i'OCK Dupltxn Unfum. 3975 Coron.1 .. Mir 4250 J BR. Newb' Redic. New LAOUNA IEA(M ................ PITS AINIUL ................. -·-crptl, drpa. BUiia. $125 mo. u.ouNA N1ou11. ........ -... 41" .:an ............................. 1 BEDROOM dLIPlu, refris 2 BDRM. duplex near be:ldi, &l&-5045 H CLCMlNT& .............. .,,. D09S ........................... -lo •-Gu .-...: --a•-.. 1--~C...------ANA POINT .................. '1tl "°='oti(""'""'""'"" .-tb;rve ,141., I: water -..-41-.iw. -~•• TlllPLCX.. lfC. .................... Lt'I .................... -pakL c.M, $17.50 l ·m.«lG. * 61WlS3 * White !2:'-L_...... RENTALS PAYMENT ENCLOSED 0 SEND BILL '0 Pwlill1h kr •••••••••• 4'#11, bt9lnr1h19 ••••••••••• •• ••••••••••••·•••••• C/1ulft11tlen • , , •• •• •, •• ••,. ,, , , , , ,, •• •• •• ,, ••,, •• •• • •,.,, •• ,, •• • Nemt ••• •••• •• •••••••• •• •••• •• •••••••••••••••••••••••• .. ••• •• •t• ""' ............................................................. . cttr ............................. Ph.ne •••••••••••••••••••••••• TO FIOUU COIT P11t enly e111 ••rd I• ••l, 1p1c.• '""'· lt1cl14e yMt addtttt .., ph111• """''t Th• t1eri of yo1t •4 II at •'"' 1f tfle lint 111 .,,,.Jch tr.. l11t wetd tf yeur ed h wftt.. •• ,,. ""'' $2.00 intr• If "" .. .... 1rt: ..... DAILY ru.pr In t1r¥1u wttt. .. nM ,.. pli•&. COOOOM>NOUM ................. CALIFORNIA LIVINCJ ,1,==~~5::· ~~f.===~~~~:::~i::::~~~-~=~=·= I Aph. Unfurnished :.::,:s,oou··::::::::::::: ••N•U.L ...................... PATIOS ........................ ms COSTA M•SA .................. tllO ::~~s'"' ............ · · "" = 1-----------CUT HW-PASll OH YOUl llllllMI ----------~1 MESA V••o• ····•••••••·••••·1111 TRANSPOR. TAT. ION .. MEWPORT llACM , ........... Pll NIWPOIT fll!IGHTI .......... 5111 40411 I YACHTS ............. ... =.::coL~:,.s~o·~-·.:::::::::·:: ~~:OATS . .. .......... MU UNl'll:lflTY PARK ........... SUP ... ,.:...l:risE•~ ............ NH =~~;·:~Ul'I' ... , .. :::::::::·:: :g:~ !!~~;~~:NC~·::::::::= CORONA 011. MAJl ........... SUI IOAT LAUNCNING _ ...... tOM IALIOA S .... ,.,,..,,.,.Qllt MARINC •GUI... ·:::::: .... tm IAV ISL.AHO ........... ust COAT ILlll'. MOO•INO ...... , "M LIDO ISLI! ........ _, Sltl &OAT Jl!llYICIS ............. ttV CALaOA ISUHO ......... mJ COAT Rl!NTAU ,.,., .• , ....... ftll HUNTINOTOfl CEACN ........ J4ll IOAT CMAllTl• ............... ... l'OUNTAIN VALLEY _ ....... Mll l"ISMING toATJ. ............... .... Sl!At. CCACH .................. MS& aOAT MOVING tM1 lOfl• &•ACM ........... , •• ,.,,&Me IOAf ITHAO• ·::::.:.:::::::·:: .... OIAN•I COUlfTT ................ COATI WIUfTllD .............. ... 8AR01f1111 •ROV. ............. .Nit ill~ ,,,., • ., ........ , •• .,,,. 111'SSTMlltlTSll ....... •-••• .... b ,._,,_. &.-,., •• -..... fl. MIDWAY CITY ................... If. ...... _ ..... -.... . SANTA ANA .. , " .. , .. _ •• , ...... ,..,,,,. , ••• -........ 'll'!t SAJITA ....... M•r•llT'I ............ •IC"t<:Lls ..................... . NSTIM ·•·••············-···· ..... n.ecnllC (Ait •··-··-···· OASTAL .................... ,,.,.. IUlll lll:e ••••••··-• .. •••• t111 LAOU!llill atACM ............. .-MOTOllc:Ya.al ............... ... ~UNA "IOOIL ............ llW ~ tut J4H CllMl1tT11 .............. '". Am iOYICU~ 1·;xm·::::,... IAN JUAll CAl'llTU.MO ..... ,ltPll AUTO 'NOi.a HUI .... : ..... Mii OANA POIH T . . . ...... .-fitAK.111, TM ..... , ••• , ... REAL ESTATE, _,...... -............. ... ,.._ II CAMl't!U ..................... ttll V'Cner tJtuau ........... ;-......... .. f.l,LCJP., ttc. ............. ,,_ ,l!lPS ............... Hit CONDOMINIUM .......... , IUI DUNa CUGOlll tt1t llHTALS '\'ANTCO .......... lttl IMPOJlTC.O AUTOS ............ Mii tlOOMI l"Olf RIMT ........... "'5 IPO•T CAllS . .. ....... 9'11 ROOM a IOARO Sftt ANTIOUIS. CL.Alt.ICI ........ ,.U ..OTEU. TRAILIR COURTS ,_., RloCE ct.RI. ROOS ........... tal GUEST HOMES Im AUTO HINTS ............... NU MISC. •lNTALS ,,,. 4UTO$ WAllTCD .............. '1'11 ,..... •• "'rl'"'""' .... llllW C41S ...................... ·---~~~~~~~~=~~;=~~;~~~~!~~----1uitN!iU ,ll<P9'.l '°"' lUTO a..EAllWt: ............... ttl• T~Ak.IR PAAIU ... tlSIO CA.Ill , ................ ... - .. IUSINlSS REPLY MAIL """ ca.. ,_. ... " ewe .._ e.-.• Orange Can! DAILY PILOT P.O. la 1560 Coda M1•, Calif. 92626 Clat41llocl Oopl, I • .. . ,. .s-:;t· •• DAil Y l'!lllf . -,.1r-'""~~~~~..,.. ........ ,..., ... ,.....~..., .... ,,,;,,...,=-...,..--:~~~~~~~~~~---:-:-~~:--~~~~-:-'.~~~-;-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~. I •"'••~ . -~ ' --.... I .. ... • •• •• •• • "'•";,._ ~·.~ .. ~J . 1"1, .. ........ .. • ' . • • -. .. ... -. ·:: ...._ ..... ·'-...... , _ .. . _ .. __ . ~· ...... . ~ .. ' .-..... . .,;-· . .... ·~ ' . '. .. -. :.• . . . , . -•' -·~ ... • . · , . . . . • • c . _ ...... . . . . ,., .· (l .... I : . ' ,, .... ' I : ... -Ii .. :·~ '· •':W . ..... ........ • .. -~ ' . .. . .. -., '· :t ..... ' .. • ·. . . '· . ",· ./ . " . ·, , .. ~· 1 .- ,/ -~:= '' J :. . " ... . . .-. --. " ' ... . .. • •• ""I.·' ~ ~· .. ' • r . ' ' , .. l ' U · T AT NO MA TIER WHAT they're in the market for, our readers find the DAILY PILOT is the best place to put the bite on bargains. And they 'do ii with the same gusto as the gourmet here showing how much he appreciates the wares of the famed Alkmaar Cheese Market in The Netherlands. You don't have to travel so far to find good things to eat, nice things to wear, ne~ appliances at bargain prices , a real car buy-or even e chunk of cheese. Just shop the "ermchair merket," the one our edvertisers deliver to your door every day . .. . -. .. -~ ,.,.._ . -. -. . ... .... . - DAILY PILOT .. -' I ' ... • • • • • • l • l r , ! I • ' ·' • . . • . . • • t ' . ' t-J_ • ' .. . .. --------. .... -...... _ .... ··-.. 4 •• . .. ' . .. • e Si • _ .......... , • •• . . ~ ~ ..... ~ .. · ... ~. .-.-----------"'---• lt!AL ISTATI! BUSINESS ond ANNOUNCEMENTS SIRVICl-blRICTOltY * DAILY PILOT , , .. ' • , . • j . . NO MATTER • iWHAT ' • ' • • • ' IT IS • • • - ' ' I , J __ _;__ __ • YOU CAN SELL IT WITH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD! DIAL DIRECT 642-1678 CHARGE IT! Generel FINANCIAL 1rlfl NOTICES llbyllttl.. USO 1.-.W -·I -llue. ~ '* """ 6401 WllL .... ""' .... -WANTED .. .._ 5 .. FRIGIDAIRE !°U?ta':'t.tt.t~•~ JET ACTION $*'REWARD; mutt flllmirW, ill 11\Y home with Wp fmK>. Ylc. -V1ow 111111, ed >an!. VJ<. -A CdM, 121n: blk, ..,,., l 'Alrv\ew. Prtf,r over 3 or while, Poodle-Terrier mix, under 1 )!tar. $25. wkf¥. machinery in On.nae O>. Buutlful n!newed L&W'ldry. Tc per IQ'. ft. Box 3862 28 washerl, ll d.a)'tn. I> lb. Nt:rton. C&1. washer, SIJ.toj )'f. I"'* l'TliN•, "Rap." LA 4 Ms.-061f inc. Find out bow Ml)' It 21 8IXll) ~ tt Wll'tbollse A oltlce to own! -:: ~"::;:! • = .Coin·O·Mcitk smnnan Ota Ta 11 . 'a ·=,n-.n~w.--..,,.--....,--~- ...__ -· ""'" ,.... """ ...,, B.£W.t.Rn • wttlt. toy PoOdle. equipment. South Co a t M. 'llt-4.tC-8066 « • Equipment, lht •. n..-.• 2334!4. w. vai.oci. . ~ iilit. Jan .tst Between Piua arej. MMOOS HlmUnCfon P11cilic Al't. .l ~y N~t my )lome, . =:--,-=-=~==.-,,.-,.= Fullerton 714;. •713S N'PT. ~--= c:ontr, '°""...-....,-..,--;-....,--. l!\lnt~ Bch pier. TI4; -i.1.. " L ~· , y., 9"e a.:ur.M 4: 962-2341 Chlldftn. Gd ctJ'9 c . .,,., Whlcldy1 Wini? Whltldfi 0ot.t SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR amc. A new s h o P · Going Into Bualness? LOSf Two 6 toed kittens, ~ AdJ UPS. Ownr. Colden opportuntty •in bee.di 4 mo old. t mixtd Slamear, (Jll) Ml-13111 area. Phlllq. 66 SeMce 1 tabby. Miaing since Jan. 645-1156 NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS Spod1I Rite 6150 OWN YOUR OWN RANCHO lfert ii a chance to own your own JJ acre ranc:b, just 30 min. from Corona del Afar le 5 min. from tbe nearest freeway. Secluded, but eu.- il,y acceu.ible, Clo&e to a beautiful. Ip. aolf coune. $2,000 Per acrr, eisy tenns available. Pre-paid Interest OK. For further infonnatlon, pl'ue call Glenn ThomJJ9011 with Eckhoff & Auoc., Inc. 1818 W. Chapman Ave. Orana:e, Calif. SU-)671. E\'e&--\\•knds 53S-67?7 Station for lease; 1101 Bay· 2nd &om ~ blk Santiago, side & Marinr Dr., Newport N.B. Call 66-27S3. reward. Beach. Contact: TOflTIE Pofrd. f e m a I e aruCK CROWDER Slamele cat. Has Duffy 714: m..ruo 7lf: 774-100 coat. wearing flea collar & ESTABlJSHED BUSINESS: ID tag. Reward! Vic Irvine Beer, wine, dell, Groas & Santiago NB. 548-86&9 $t0,00l, pod Costa MH& BROWN, black ni&t ca.t with l<>cttlon. Asking $14,500. blue coUar. Black leash. Will c.onslder financing: for Ans. to "Tobie" 0 n qualified buyer. CALL: AL Hamilton. 60-6304. aft 6 PM 'BLACK St)...1151 ( o p e n eves) HERITAGE REAL ESJ'ATE 1 MAN Operation .. Food-!Q-iO Sand'?ich Shop. Excel. location. Costa Mesa. Sell or leur. &ll-8913 LADIES yellow gold watch, Fri. 1..J, EXTREME sen- tim,ntal value, Reward! "'6-T.l&> LOsr Oo Lido .1an 2Dd our small Slam~ kitty, male; blk ears. paws, face, tail, rest is li&bt. &'13-l.805 BABYSlTI'ING da,y or 'll'ttk, m.y No. Httnttngtan Bch home. Vk: Edwards & FAi.r. 897..MS.2 5 Linn - 5 tlmeo -S bvcb· llUL.11 -AO MUIT INQ.UOI OilLD C&tt: lor motbf!n 1-WPI« l'OV Mw to ltMt. ,..,..,... .,_ _., 1r1 ,,._ 1-TOOll ...... end/er ........ H ..... -' ~~ who have to wmk and don't J-.flfOTHINO l'Oll U.LIE -TttA0lt Ot(L.YI w&nt to leave their children PHONE 64U67J \ , juat anywhere. 646-8662 To Pl•c• Your Trider'• P1rl4IM ,Ad WIU. Babyalt my home. 1 or 2 cbldrn troro age 1"" Nl!WPOl"t Du.liex. ~ to HAVE rett. anUQue f X • on. Fnced )T(l. good meals. beach. Will trade f'q'trlty pool table, or oo.2 EneUll'i By wk only. 66-m? : ~ ~Box~~~ ~or tit·~~~· DEPENDABLE ~ ca re. Hunttngtm Beach. lni) Cabover c.ampel". 536-'2964 Pret wkly care ol 2--1 yn. 846-ootS 0wnr Lie. Hrbr/ Baker. 546-1539 • WIIJ.. babysit lN YOUR What do you bav' to trade ? HOME any hour $1.25 hr.; Llrrt it ~ -in ~ :U hr. rates.~ County's I~ read trad-======== ing post-am make a deal. Bric~ M.tonry, etc. TRADE 20 Ac. qricultural 6560 land, 600 ft. on m&ln Hwy., 10 units Wilmington $200. net pu mo. income. Trade T .D. 's, land, pr ! ApnV owner. 646.-2629 or 21!-......... * BABY shoe bromin& out- fit. ActUal cost over $600. Sell · $350 or best offer. 540-1998 I ""S --------· 16 mi. to aearat am. town, Person• I '"" BUILD, Remodel, Reyair nr. Reno, Nev.: trade tor CUTE Beauty Salon nr the ~A~cNiiii;l~lllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii6iii2iiiOOiii J wa~. Very reuonable! • NB. Call Sat. 675-4100 GIFT & Home DecOr shop, must sell See • Make offer! I GOOFED Brtck, block. concrete, what ha~ you? $f6.2D} Cl'Jlntry, no job too small ..... _ .. 20 .__ -~-"' t·" ~-ht Uc Contr 962-6945 •UU\I ac ,...,,.,.... '"'""'• .... Private party ...,... aome · 1y dev tr track, 2 'Neth, 3 name b r a n d E:<ERC1SE ho 4 · V ) C I I 6590 uses, 1 stalls, 9M ft ham 1.DUNGES (Adv. on T. . . •rpen Ir ng 95M, 5.5M eq 4 tor house, Beaut wooded bid&: Iota, Ir. on yr-tOODd rlvu-, Jvd rm. pwr, Lake S\looesl, ~­ ville area. Trade (Qr 6. plil.ce I airplane. A.cent &tUf95 with tbe idea of becoming a comm or ? Own flS.6259. dN.ler. I find I don't have • 548-1914 . APARlMBIT SITE • DESIGN DRAFTSMAll Exprrienctd ln multi·IQ- ., ''"""' board ~t; A1llo will do mecnamca& __ ...... ln electronic communi- cation equipment.. • DETAIL DRAFTSMill ELECTRO-MECHANICAL H.S. crad with hi&h school mecbankal draft· UC plu one )'eu' apal" 1ence in related indastry, • COWNS ' .. RADIO CO. . "I I I time to demonstrate, Mud 0 CARPENTRY OON'T JUST WISH !or 100 Acres cll'i&r, .$30.0lll Prime location Money to LOln 6320 sell 1 or all at wbolf!Ml.e, MIN R REPAIRS. No Job something to tumisb your eqully. WANT .Houle, uruts oU Hiway 39 1-------·----·I $45.. ea. Jteaularly $89.!6. · Too Small Cablort in ~ borne .•. .find greet buys or Comm:!. Call 19700 J1mborM ltMtl : Nawpori Bloch near Garden GroV! Freeway $10,000 Orlginal carklnl. 5UQ56. ~ &: othe r cabinets. In todaY! Classllied Ads. ' Art GJovibred, ·mt,' All.appUcanta reviewed on 3 118 A~• -R-4 Available for good real 2314 No. Bonnie Brea. s.A. ws.81.75, ll no answer leavt' Have luxury l-sty dUplex 673-l420 673-tl81 ~t with DO blu toward $125,000 estaW loan, vacant OK. LICENSED msg at 64&-23Tl. 1-1. 0 , on Upper &y N'p't Beach. ~F,,.-. sl~La-wn~,.....,-~o-,.~15-_ 1 ~· Color, °"«I or Sex. Call: Jim Cobb Mr. Adami. B~ 714: 49'-6650 Spiritua.I readings advice Anderson 3 BR., 2 ba. si4.,cr;K> Eql.dl;y. Com~ion ·Ol'J?tA ~ un-1--------- Res. 67J.l864 RETIRED COUPLE on all matters. J8o S. El Want seasoned T .D.'s d'rpnced for corn~ Has money to lend on lst & Camino Real San Clemente. REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS Owner (213) 941-1368 ccypta in PacifiC VfeW ci:m· Press Operaton 2nd morlgqes. c..D 49'.2-9136. 10 AM -10 PM CABINETS, Any size job. ~KE HAVASU OTY. eteey. fi1S.-0992 . 2S yrs. _exper. -548-ml Prime C·l downtown lot. Broker 54J-1333 Attr1ctlv1 Expert A-I My piUd-in equity ot $li6(0 l\faW Ha""-aii • near new . •.. 1 Ett(!hl Loans 6340 YOUNG \Vf?MAN Carpentry, any rime ))bi tor biplez; Wplex, Ol home, = '::~~~ B; ~5~ · dancer Jri!l teaCb JOG all Call Cordon 141174& Dana PL Uft. ·~2!Wl2 Ol;J{R HOME Lo •NS latest step&. Call Ardell 1'1:;· ;;;=;;:;;;;::;;iii;;=:;<;t,::;;;; dCo~'°'::'.""~"'~l~M~u~ljl~&b~,$choo~'1'!· 1'1:~"~b~i..~r ~upori«tle --t """ . . -213: 591-4&38-l-10-PM--MAS'J!ER -C81'Jlefttl!Pi-ft Jll!Ttt . -D!W'-YWored;"-knr :: onl~. One on 2nd t~!t!!=~;::~~~1tave ~ tD'll:flCIC at 'TI(%" . 1 hour. Remodeling· Repa.irl. bad, .front aeata. Trade !or '1t FAIR~ • : hi 3rd-•-interest Q,eck our 6.9% As T _R 0 L Q G y c ~ I I 642-MOll or 536-.1900 2, red blah .back AUts. Trade 'Good '65 i;:,,..,,, __ '-.'" • , one on WlllT• u. ~ ··~ · .-.ai:. Pl'OKl'8D1A2nd1Dtemu. starting Jan 15. Beznr• A: 962.1118 ............ ~~ ~~~..1 eomi:,ny ..._ ..,. lolUWll,...,. per mo._.. Sattler Mortgage Co. Inc Advncd. For info call PHONE Mark 642-9119.1=,,..,-"=~o..:.~~ FORequlvaJenlaoqlllbqe: YVUU ftiD price btl)'I 2% ac. 1n l36 E 17th st. · 546-896l Framing, finishln&, pl,yboard F/C }\wy .mota1, nr PaJm VW Bus. , . ,flf,, IXCel tnt futurt ~.'t'.\.~:'~:" w. ~n673-~ = PACIFIC PARTNERS ~nail, tap'a. a.ter. ~~::.·:i.,.~: ,-.:&:Ranch ·;r;-1o":' worbn. R-rt P-rty 6205 · In 1969 let. ua help you ~nd Cement Concrete 6600 come or submit . Hcrrne with hM.111!11,t•• 'filter-·~,,-ANNOUNCEMENTS that special person You ve ' 646-91.'3 , -.-FOR--,..-,~, -"~--Mam---•nd NOTICES been lookini for, 54&-lSlt CEMENT worit. no job too l)obrnnan p u P, AKC ed pool, $36.500; $9,fmOeqm. Peraonnml Office moth Mtn.. Condo. pool &: --ALCX>HOUl.!i AncmymOUI .,,~, reuona ""· re' beautiful stock flOO. \lalue. """" ..,.. v1...--,-----------·-1 -·" b'· F ' ' ... forft!."'"al.:.~.2..nlts. •! ··11 s o• sauna, sleepa: 8. 541).2730 ~ound (frM Ada) 6400 Phone 542-7717 or write to estim. H. Stulllck. 548-8615 Trade for mini bike, CUM Honolulu, Haw a).J: ~P· , • • 1ven NOW'S THE TIM[ FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD 642-5678 ANNOUNC~MENTS incl NOTICIS FOUND Black ~ cat with P.O. Box 1223 Costa Mesa. e BEST JN CONCRETE or ? ? horn' Condo <limlfi\\:, 3 c «<I ""1u. Vio 15th and SELECTIVE SINGLES Wolks, pool docl<s, 11oo,.,, ,..._ Br. 2 ha. Val $44,~; $14,-ompany Orang,e Costa Me 1 a. Has eligible m'n & women, Pallos. Phone SG8514 WNED M-1 w/ home &: 000 eq. Trade part equity . 642-3634 :n-«i &U-96'1G. 3 to 8. NO job too large or small. rental $20,000 (' q ult y. for locaJ, ~'1~·"875-2805 3323 W. Warner FOUND Set o( fal8e ~t). :=:=======::I Licensed &: insured. Free WANT : Mobil!! home &. \V\11 tnl.de l'I R·Perfonncr Santa Ano in Costa Mesa vie. Newport Announfflftlnts 6410 est. m.2900 or 52&-4756 ~~quiet horn,. outboard, tall fibc.gl11.SS ) Bl. &: Monte Vista St Ttmyk Concrete, n; job ' fOI" full or part payment 968-3674 ALLEY WEST to small. Free estimates. Have 6 unit., ,,ant 111).all on new carpet. dNpes, ANNOUNCES • 648--1234 • hou8e HWltiJwton Beach or ~q. bkJck foclna: An equal opportunit,: employer f FOUND tan m&e INPPY 2 to 3 months. Cletr plastic mllar. Vic. Paularino " Coolkli'.e. 546-6411 8LK " Wht Cocker Spaniel, female, very old Vic. Collrge Prk. 546-2525 or &!6-0039 lunches CONCRETE wcrk, all types. Cblta Mna area. Bkr. D. rrl' TT. Phone 6G-t!1JO after Monday thru Saturday Pool dedm 6:-curtom. Call I..evlhr, 54.'>-9451. 7 p.m. from lUO daily ..._1324 * * * * .* CAREER Every Sunday * Blcycll Brunch • CUSl'OM PATIOS • -OPPORTUNnYJ ' from 10 AM "'~~ ;J.'".": :U.-;at SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY Jolo...,.,. W powhe· scrvir11;; Eal ~let, nO profelllon.Mutual FliDd ules HueVOI Rancheros, 6'IO Genenl S.rvfces 6612 P1~h1ngf No -----Child Ci"' -~---,-Steak &: Eggs. --------.-HEATING&: Afr Cond.;;:; Pa ntf"I We train. fl:&D or'pat time 2106 W. Ocean!ront BABYSITIING, my home. A repair, abo Wube:r It PAPER ban&lna: 45 ~II Fund Advlton. ' (act'06SN:r;i.:a;h area Adams • Brookhunt. dryer repair. 24 hr llttV ·ence eaii ~ , Inc. , FOUND dark brown puppy, Dory F1etll e 96U30:z. e 80-7237 or M'l-6681 ' u:pm . · ... 'Npt B. 1003 Westcliff UUG1 unusual. 4ml.6 S. W. Birch 1---------WIGLET * 5U-4903. * ' 1 • • S.A. 12Jl N. Br'Dllclwq St. Santa Ana Heights Contr1cton 6620 STYLING, $3..50 P.lPµt J:IANGING 1 547-83.11 _________ 1 1nclades cleaning &: am. 'PAtNTING · FEMALE Gennan Shephred Fun1r1lt 6412 e ROOMS ADOmONS e dltionlng, Sf0..St70 . , fn5..10C mix, Vic. Snug Harbor Rd. J ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;; L.T. Construction HAm.ING. Cleanup ---• . . • * Direct S.1--n cl CliH Dr. N .B. 548-1445 S'"'R ---. -·-WESTMIN '" F1mily ........ ldlcl>oo .. odd Jobi •"'· Free .... Jim Pl•lt•rinrt. Riplir 6880 r .................... 1111 FOUND Par-akttt, vie. 2200 ·•• v i .. ~•-J 2 ~• •-··••-· MEMORIAL PARK nru-.... 1519 ••rll"Y O!' : .....-...-.. a'V .. "'"" • PA-s p-· ... .1 new a1n pmitiolll ID 12w1 & Newport Ave., C.M. p14ns OIPIOm d..i(llled. For • au Ora Co "' "'°"" 642-21.29 -Mortu1ry & C1met.ry estimate.• 1--·t .. i.-e H1ullng 0730 TyptL ·nee esttmite. CaU na-e un area, BU11'ERFLY pin c.all and klentify 531--3425 Lost 6401 &LA.CK, Chinese J>u&, lost around 17th St. area. C.M. Female. Aak for Jana. 64&-2351 -r-....-. 5'().6125 j • ' ·~ .. sewiqr ~ Complet• funmr•lt • 847·1511 • CLEAN Lot.. ~ ete 1 ~ !"41 'Pt!' dey. Oar from $245 AddllJoM •• """'°"'"'-' Thee removal. dump, utp ~lumblng 6J9d ·:::::-.:: ~ !t C~:·~~ts ~ H.*Gerwl~1: =· fl.ll, srade , PLUMBING if "'hr.' ·.tv; ~ hard workers. Hl&best Ind.ude1 Endowment care won auar. Uc.. Insur.; Pl.Y in the bualnea. 1D09' Evarytbbic tn one beautiful C.rpet Cl11nlng 6625 L~~nyl: ~~ remodel,.ttptir, rooter sev., .ftnancing, med. ins., eta. place "eana lt• COit. 531-7566 .-Qll mominp 9 lo 12. al~ No tnmc llf'OblemL CARPET .. Furn. cleantna:: 642-2m7 PLUMBING REPAlR I ~ 3 to 5• ~ 1'80L-w-er f"" 1 day ~" · ~ -""' TRIM, hedge, -~ Geo. No Joi/ too· amaU ; . ''* (Mlfr * LOST: Grey..grHn young 531•1125 m.2U1 work, call SterlilW: for cl,an-up, name It! I t.w, • '4;2-3\28 • , .. •. WIU r='t.'.o~u~ntal~t;~·~v~~',ill~~~"!~~·~Sc~hl:· 1 ~!:!!J!~~~~~~~ brlah~ss! ~ reasonable. 64l-4030 . . . ,. One Full Time , J5sr black wallet wtth $600. C1met1ry Loh 6411 NO Ghrucs! Best expert cpt Houseclunlne 6731 Remodel., RepMr, ~ One P1rt Time VI N ft·h •-H .,_ ---~----• furn clng. .et lowest IF You __ ....... -..........i..1 ' i:Xper. preterred but nol Bc~.~;fs .. un.....,..on PACTFIC VieW Memorial prices. 546-1486, 646-ml MESA Oeanin& Service ~tine .';""~~ neceuary.Applyfnpert0n. Pati<; °""" view. 4 Plots WALL TO WALL &i><t Compk .. clealllng, ...... i., Did<. -lm . · . I ;~· Shop I"'' f DAILY PJLOT WANT ADS BRING ltDUL'IS! ANNOUNCEMENTS incl NOTICES avail., aell "ll&J'&tely or ln CI ea n i n 1 6 e x p e rt floors. t t c , ~ I 1 i1f"I pain. _, opbolmiy -· '*-1180 CommeroW. Sped.al nl" ~f;; ; : , . .. '.;;i E. 0>ut Rwy., CdM CARPIT & fllrnlture clean-for apt clnsllfW. M&fl1 tel ! -1 -·· ' / · 1 ~ .: MANAGER TRAINEE. ANNOUNCEMENTS In&, ia,ying • ""°"· ean Free "' 5'Mllt PM~NAL ' !ie"'1iiW ·Neat ._..,,.. able l" •nd NOTICES Girouard Carpet ~ * APT. CLEANING * on women's c Io th In ~i ,&Met ud deal with ~ Fut I tborou.1b 6G3164 Ill~' ~. ,public. Full ~. Muat .- Announcements 6410 ~nnouncemenh 6410AnnouftCllrntn'1 6410 Electrl"I 6640 WD..J..IAMS c LE AN 1 N c day ·~. -~12t · · 1 pq tn per80n, ~ . . s~. AL'lµ,,\TIQNS ••• Qoobn Heallh s .... 230l ....... AFTER A WONDERFUL 3 MONTH VACATION I WILL REOPEN 'U ~ [Jie Collage 191 E. 16th, COSTA MESA Jan.ua~'I 15fh al 10 a.m. THANKS TO EVERYONE ·FOR BEING SO PATIENT I WILL BE LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING YOU FLAG Eleotric, ...... alee-·-.iuic· •VH,if~lio, 1!.M. 1r1c""'. °"'""'~ .... ·· 1ron1n1 67S5 -. App't. ... npo .... 1 1 .~--"'F"R"Y""'c"'oo=K--1 M&fnL !m J?bl w e I c . . • ~;:i.)&Ji;..._ ~ A elllclent; a-a'v· 51""10&5 . FAST, -$1.50 hr. iut A '.-bie'T-._. .._, medical ..... """ Pleue brtn& own .,..._,.. * ~ * . 1 , .....,. M PK. 1-'• G4....... ~ -. . ' . -Blvd, Hunt Bell. AHTHONY'S . EXPERIENCED Ir .... I A"l"ltt•M ~14~ J'IJLL TIME Ute - GirHn Service $1.15 hr. Ref•rencta· Ne1t, accurat.e,_20 Jl"L exP. $2.00 per hr. + ~ 646-1948 ~ 513-'l!J!I or 64t>-l<05 TILE, Cer-'c 6'74 FULL A PART TIME"""· BUDGET LANDSCAPING eta. attndttll $L80 + comm. Prune •• Plant. .Prepare. • P•perhin9tn1 * vnne, the Tile Man '* in Hunt. Bebo Far appl NOW! P1ln,lng . 6150 Cult. -'<. lnotatl A ft(laln. call fll3) - Exp. Horticulfwist VET'S BoMed pat n t t n I · No job too unall. Plutl'I' e BOAT CARPENTERS JAPANESE Gardener Free Eat Llc'd Ir lrwred. patch. Lnldnr ·ah ow r. r e MILL MEN I c.ompleta Service. Exp. Small jobs wdconie. * repair. 847-1957/~ • ASSDBLERS Reliable. M2A389 Ml-0427 Jen!len Marine CDrp. Upho....... 6990 23S Fitloor, C.M. JAPANESE Gardeninc. Prof VINYL wall cover Inc _ :::.:r.J. REAL ESTATE. SbOUlCfll•t Malnt La n d 1 ca P I n l spedalist -kit. I baths. CZYICOSKJ'S o.tom Uphol. )'OU be ael~ the bodat Cleanup. 63'1""6951 Mattrlal • labol'. .E!t. ltt!ey. ElJftJpltan Oaftlmall-arH H11ntin8100 Dach! CUt A: Edie Lawn 847-1659 ablp. 100§. 1'na--. hrn. Village Real :r.taW 9G-4m Malnt:,nanoe. Llctilled lNTEIUOR. EXTEIUOR hoata 6 ..uto ... IG-ltM. 1131 cw ~ --all 4 Avmp 1 BR. .... l7l-SO Nft(IOri Bl'fd., c.M. ---,,.-CE-sta-Uon--l&i----I ClTl' 6 edp lawn compl labor 6 matuial. 60-1528 • -lJc. --• INT -EXT, ANY Slti Welding 69t5 Ellpd. Salary + -4 11;ftbtllia JOB. Xlnt wmt. nfl., fret mi.ton. .ppey ta ~ est.JIM.~ WELDING .. Burnlnr; MOBIL STATION.--........ ·"' NOW'S THE TIME FOR . 9UICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANf. AD ~bit equipment; XJS El Thro Rd ,, PAINTING, inttr.-u.111!11crr OrDamentll 1roft. Ca 11 Rill& =.::.: ~ ,.,_ -· 53U182 -.-S-IL_K_SC.,.R'"i"'E-NN-.,...; SUit .tJCretn vrtnttr ~ INTER or Ext. PA111'11NG. ~OIS & IMPLOYMINT E>o>'d. wliti dn:ult bo11t. J.MMED. SERVICE,. Loc:a1 J b W _.,1 ~ -.._ s;t'*ly job ..... I.IA nL FR.EE '.rt. SCS-1627 o -~' Lady ''""' 31'57 BU-Cb .st,. M.8, ~ DAJLT PllDr l>OO:·A· DAY W 0 R K Wanl.tWrom PART·Tlme brlp wanfM; LINtS You cao UI Item Lqw:la, Hunt. 8c:h. ... Gvdtn em. I« .fllOI PfM(<I a 11"1· Dtal mly Rel Call '°"""'"' Apply: Sloalooy'1 P la1 ----------· cn-IXIO · ., . -. ... hdat. ,. Neapwt~ ... , ·-- • I • I : I • • • • • • • • • • • • • p: • ... •••• ~· '"'. • ry. • • • •• •c• • It• • • ' • rv-• r·• '· . • • •• +· :1 • • I I I • • ""'. r•k•• ·~11,. .... p. rclio.l j 1 ; 1·i •' I I ... i•··· I I s.s.1 rs.• • • ~· II I oir .• • I :-n11 • • , PS, • I -· • ••for •• 1tin9 .• • -· ID I , oir,'1 111 • ' I ~. T: • ' ;tu- ' • ~· I I I I ' ' ' I I I ... • • • • I I I I I I I --------..... --~---------------------------------------... --........ -.,.,-----~-"'!'-... .,.. ........ ,,.,.,..,,=-----; I ... , -..... •• • • •llM ISTATW PttOl'ISSIOMAL FOR IXPANDING- COUOIATION _ ..... -- ...;;; ........... wltll .. __ .. __ ......,. . .., • 111....ulld ·--· • .ftl'ftOVIDEOVR srAFF wrrn: • Pl'opelV >economic -· e P'illlJldll ,a; accounU.rw - , TliwMIJ, J.viuri '· 1'169 "'6$ & a#l'\ .. Lv, "u!:~ 1 & IWLOYMENT APPLY IN PERSON 3-5 PM ' ' ... Rll or lVM NEEDED FULL TIME Awi1 Nowport Harbor Conva ..... nt l!Gopllal 646-7764 LITE OFFICE AND ' • . ' , ANCIENT MARINER RESTAURANT N•wport Beach 2607 w. q.Olt .ffY,Y. . ' . . MEllCHAHDISI l'Oll MlltCHANOISI PO• SALE AHO TllADI SALE AND TllADI Fomltw. IOOOl'l.m11u,. aiO MlllCHANOISI FOii SALi AHD TllADI 0.-11 & .,.,!: UGO .. IN ea.._ 1-hoOd, tlltu i Ute meter incl!Ded $50. Call alt l !J6...tl02ll ... -Spotllnf-. 1500 *-SilRFaow * -... ¥<>"". .~ .. Aln\otl.new, sm. * MS-180'1 • COMPL. OuWt for Scuba dlviJll'..· Xlnt cond. $225. ar atfer. 548-097Bl4M-4521 .,. ·~ Real tmw computit'W Full media S!JiPport Snack Shop No. 1 2305 E •. c-t ff!y. ea....... dtll Mar, C.it P1euc call MR REED GA 2<BU SaleOo lnlW'anOi! Corp . 1155 E. Saa Antonio tozw Beach. Callf. TELEPHONE WORK MUSfBE~T. TAKING APPUCATIONS FOR $3c}9&. ;... $59.95 • • l • • . . • -,. . .. . AND ·-....--$21),(Dl+/yr. •Unlquobonusplan e Pmfit ~1 mu.......tund • INurano< ,....,...,, • Paid vac::1:tiom L&od/lncome Investments Divil.ioe • JNSrliUCN>iiS . NI or/and ,put UD¥. Nut a.p- peuance. Must be able to meet and deal with tb8 ....-"'°" liguro. ...., in penon. BoUday Health Spa, DXI Harbor B!vd., C.M. Equal opportunity emp~r EXPERIENCED • COMMERCIAL TELLER GOOD PAY PERMANENT POSITION OONTAC? MR. KENNEDY Waitress Interv1ewir:V 10 am to J pm 1489 E. WARNER SANTA ANA, CAW'. 54tJ.6676 -... EX"'P""E°'R"'IE.,NC:"'E'"b.---Kitchen Help WAITRESS Hosmses DlshwCllMn One of Our M1ny Blrgainsl MEDITERRANEAN SPANISH Ne.w Showroilm Samples Wiii Soll Any Ploco Individually 1600 MAPLE Table plua S chain, fine cond. Gu refria:. Sleeper coueh $20. White modem tea cart i .1tudy delk-&: 1928 "A'' super Stock. Call 549-3569. lBIXi Jamaica Rd., Mesa Verde, CM. . J .. , ..... •, -· . ~- • Kr. Oliver PROPERTIES WEST 1028 Bayside Drive Newport Beach 675-4130 Agoncl•, Women 7300 UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK Apply in P•rson -~--~ ------· ·------ Jdbo Mon, Wom. 7$00 Jobi ~. W0m. 7500 8' Wood carved arm divan, lg. man's ch-1? or love seal 5 Pc Octagon dark oat din 1et w / ·black or avocado framed chain!; 8 Pc BR set. 9-d Mr. & Mn. dresser, lg miror, 2 com- modes, decqr~tiv~ headboard in Spaliish oak design with matching box springs, mattreso & frame . BREAKFAST .et, tb1 i 4 chn., dishtl, small ap- pUances ii rui-1, towels, JnlUlY houaeM!d I t e m • . ......... -... . ,. .. · •· ~ .... . -·::~ .· . ... , , __ . .. ... •.I ·-.... ':. • FOREMAN • AutorMtlc Screw Machl..-.Ooy Shift See Betty Bntce at m66lxec Aaeocy for Career Gll15 410 W. Coe.st Hwy .. N. B. 81 appoint. 64_6..3939 3029 H•rbor Blvd. Colf1 Mew 546.2033 An equal opportunl!,y employer M"'' be dynam~ '"" DOMESTIC HELP TRAVEL have the abilUy to take • • SURF & SIRLOIN 5930 Pac. Cst. Hwy. Nowport S..ch MATURE WOMAN lor qqall. ty pie shnp~ 5 d 1a y achedule, Will tra'iD tor 7 d~ operation. Apply 9 am to 3 pm, Thun It-Fri., at VI'S PIE COTI'AGE, l9l E. 16th. C.M. -- ZODYS Orange County stares have immedlat.e openings lor SMALL APPLIANCE AND RADIO DEPT. MANAGERS *DRIVERS* No Experi911ce Necessary! Muat ·have clean Ce.lifomia driving reconl. Apply YELLOW CAB ·co. 186 E. 16th SL C.OSta Meta cmnplete chartt of sin. AU ltinCb! Hskprs, Cooks, gle ...i mllltlple •Pin-Ma>ll. AD lee p&ld. can A"-WTf HOUSEKEEPER AgonclOI, Mon & die ai.ato.1Cttw machine :,U ~~by, 548-Tl96. Also UlnlJ New C<>itxalescent HOlpltal Apply In person to Women . 7550 ~ County man...._ ARGUS AGENCIES W• .,.. -10, "'" ~ :'-~:~~= MR. BERNSTEIN H!kpl'-Cl>Olt 1.quna .... $400 turer cl prrecWon com-1869 C. Newport Rlvd., C.M. agentJ with minimum 2 Blvd. & Hospital Rd. ZoditJ Stor• Mgr. Hikpr-cook Newport •·· 1400 ponents has immed. yrs.actua.Jagencyexper. l20E O th CooklthskpgCdM •••• $300 ~nfnc for quaJilied per-Holp Wan-• Be•t pay .,· the ............. PART time. Hold Genie • r•nge orpe Hakpr-cook Newport ··• S300 aon having managerial nu Call Ron ~;''~l Hosiery Plan parties in your An1helm, C11if. Couple; Cook, bakpr, cha.at/ ONLY $529.95 1$1095.95 Yalu•> or TERMS 1s low •s $4.66 WeH No down -use,ou store ch•rge pl•n Approved Furniture (No Foney Fronl-BUT Quallly ValUfl lnsido) 2159 Harbor Blvd., Casi• Mo.a 548·966o Open 9.9 Dally-Sunday 11.S 1 12 Ye•rs s•me loc:atio~•me owners 2 • ~OW TIRES w/ Rima o:wripl lt:r Jeep. Goodyelll' ny)bn l.45-15. Suburbanite. Good t.ond. 613-7537 aft ' pm. STYLib BJoOOe w i g 1 e t , ~ worn, SlO. Brownish· red fall, hardly worn; cost $ll8, eel.I $40. Call 548-4537 UPilOISI'ERING • $79.50. 2 pc,' (European craftsmen) Frea 1et. del. pickup, 215 Ma.in. HB ''Berny'' 536-64ll5 I . · ... .... ··. capabilities u well aa Women 7400 TRANS GLOBE TRA-own home. Make up to $10 but, one woman Balboa :. Fumlture 8000 F.qual opportuni~ employer =~:~ov.w1~ SECRETARY ~Costa ?tiesa. ~ bourO: =· ~ 1~G·~·li~·!= HID&...-b@d, never Ul~td Musical Inst. 1125 COOKWARE Stainless low heat ·waterless sells $249 . Salesman q u 11 SAC. $65. NEW Mt. Teaser 543-736.l A.Pr. Size stove , hn· macula!!!, $35. Inlaid cofftt table, $10. Picture trames, f,Z.50 ~2394 after 6 p.m. i -.... ,. ... •' . · ' ! •. ljo' ' I ~""" .. f ..9l .~ have at I~ 3 years Progttssive ~ c.owrt.Y ~after 3 for penonal Employer Pays Fee $100, 3 BR. teta; 1-kfnglhir, supervillory experience. Co. bu an lntttnting I di-interview. AJSEMBIERS ( George-Allen Byland~ 1-lull lite, 1...twin.. 8' IOla Ex-"·nt -·• pot··t· ·--:.;_,. -·~-open •-~ WORK IN CdM '""B E. ,... SA 547· .-6 love aeat. den fUm.lhlft, ~ ... u .. .,, ..... •"•IOUR:\I .....,, --EXPANDING ~ele phone ...._ -.. ~ caft'ee .1: end tables.' QC. :1rs. .a:..mm=tehe: ~RC~-~ =~y :~~,!; answering ~ needl caaiona1 cliairs'. al9o chair fU!lle·ol background, M· bility in a ~ oigani-work. Require shorthand Ir; operators, all shift&. Apply Electro-mechanical usembly Rftt•ur•nt H•lp k ottoman. Miley o~ f"-+"'';,··,·;-;-.+-,.,.-~ ~ _ ~~~ .. mtart·~·Mct--:::C P>'!'°" Th•,rs.-Eri..--~ -or-mtcrowa~J'Jentr.-N~!-Waittesses, lfosbetato .1e&,-,r-uafiill'~ ~· quittment.s to have a good background in ary open. Wk'tte P.O. Box Sat. ti1 ooon, 228 Forest Requires mechan1cal dexter-es, Food &: cocktail. Cooks, 2 mos old all medltero- • • .· Box M.fil.J. The Daily Pilot all ~8 of office proce-8, Corona del Mar, Calif. Av. ~a Beach. ity. Will train. Kitch help. can Bernie, ranean, ve~ reuooable! ~==-=,-.,:-:'=,-I dures. be mablre in attitude 92625 COMPANION • for Elderly 548-7796 Call 870-1592 lfOUSE JO llOIJSE & ability to ....,.,. be' lady. Llte d"t;", private Call Pononnol Dopl. ARGUS AGENCIES MOVING• 'j'Ol'k ~ understand the hn· LAUNDRESS quul>n. Good pay. NO (714) 494-9401 "'" C Newport Blvd. C.M. , r Al r•MfJI tiortance ot tact a: diploma. ),EES. Apply Houseful of tumtture. Muat JAW cyinhaQdlitwolothen. Call Full time HOMEMAKERS TELONIC h sell! Earl,y American JMnr for appt Mn. l:L Scb.atfer Apply in .Person 1638-D E. 16th st. Santa Ana Sc OOIJolnstrvction 7600 room set. coffee & end ta· , Earn ~ a \1.-eek getting ... • home ownen: to aocept ca· -: ble Yiaion aemc. free ol. Tif/ S4G-ftl2IJ """"""°" lleaob NURSES AIDES To Women bles. Retrig & ......... Dtn- CHARTPAK ROTEX ,..,..,°'="~~::::'Beb Apply in Penon Engineering Co. of .All Ages =~1na=• .. ~. ~: ~. ·~-.. ···~ .. ·: ~:II .. -.. -No cub -no contract. no ~ :l620 So. &an SL, S.A. H Be L1nun1 &Uch A bnghter future ,-. ·--· HOSPITALITY Hostess ls untington ach • be •v -........:i looking for mature woman Convalescent Hospital An equal opportuniQI We o~. a =I~ • ~ Fun:llture returned from di&- to welcome DeWCCXDU"S to l.879'l Delaware St, Hntg Bcb employer • Jonnula for ~ Free pl&)' etucllos. model homes, community. Must b • v e W AN TE D : C LE A N ainsu!tation by npoointment. deconton cancella&n.. Waitress -- Stauffer Reducln9 -lno-$15. * 548-4753 • SACRIFICE! Doe 1o lllnea; -.mate me111t:w:nhip rcewpwt Pl•not & Organs 8130 Beach Tennis Club MG-6192 PEMCO Aquarium Tl pl. FREE ORGAN LESSONS w/fiuoreacent lights. STANDING Bass FI d d le Sloe! ....... Good ...... $1Jl0. * 642..sat STEREO tape J'eCIOl'der, Sony 500 with mies ' tpeaken. First $.185 takes. 54&-6473 FOR BEGINNERS 952-3329 Cal: g.5 8 Weeks course free fol' aD DRY Ft· Wood, eucalyptus, beginners on the Hanunohd en.nee and mixed. Free Organ. You do not have 54&-'1544 ot own an instrument. Free 1 =deli~·=~·~-~..,..-~ practice time avail ab J e TRClJ Citizens Band equip. Register now • class starts C-omp. wfmobile set.up; on Tuesday, Jan. 14. at 1 call alt. 6 PM. 548-2809 PM. Excellent teacher. etmrOM bit Crown mfa, Also classes for leCOndar)' FrJridaire, tool work bench, & i n t er Ille d I a t e organ doc h>use. 549-alll. aft 5. atudents. Nominal tuition. ~ . . • .. .. :z ... o·· 1··1 ' Hoal'I 6 to I PM daily for I months. Newport Beach ttai- denta with Newport Beach .wiciton ~ prefetted. Reply by )ejM to Box 2325, Newport Beach. 92fi63. MECHANIC APPLY IN PERSON R·EUBEN'S typewriter, car a.111! be bon-housedeaner 3 hrs per wk!-------~-NEWPORT Spanish A Mediterrane&l\ etc: dahl<. A""'y 2&S East "'"" "' 6 hn """' olbor wk. School of Bu1ino11 RD FURNITURE St, Suite 7. Tustin. 544-6925 Not Sat. or Sun. CdM area. Cool.s 833 Do D NB ..... .WANTED, Automotivo o11•-61>-1<511 alts pm ~ vec '·· · · 1~ N-rt Blvd., CM ...., 646-0153 ever/ night tU 9 manager. Comp I et e WAITRESS wanted 18 I: STER!X> tape recorder' Sony Sign up bow I avoid the 500 with mies &: speaken. rush! FUN • ENTERTAINING First $185 takes. 548-6473 KNOWLEDGEABLE GLASS top table n z 49, can for further information. Wl'OQ&'ht iron 4 chairs $50, ••• .. ;... I Journeyman mechanic, ex· p!riecad Forei&n or Do- rmstic. One of the oldest FOl!l!ip ear letV\or depart· mecP ill Orange C.o. Flat rate ..I: WUTallly work $8.00 per ~. pay bued Oll 50/ 50~. Excellent wark1n&: con. ditionl.. Mlllt haw own hand tools. Call Mr. Kell y, 494--9T7.l or ~ COCO'S knowledge l of automotive over, full &: part time. Ap-APPLY IN PERSON Lifetime Gilt. typewriting. Wed., Sat i Sun. 'til 6 general ledger thru flnan. ply Jn penon 2 PM to 5 , Children, grandchildren, or WHEEL chair and tray HAMMOND G.E. T.V. $20. 53&-3921 In CORONA DEL MAR ~I 1555 W. Ada ma Costa MIN cial statement necessary. PM daily. Snack Shop Jr. REUBEN'S yourself! Individually tu. hospltal bed table. Iii price'. H.B. &rell· Call Mr . Harbor & l9th. CM tored Chilcont 73 10 lessons ,_548-8878 ___ •_fl.,,_8_PM __ _ 2854 E . Coa~t Hwy 6'f3.89l) ONCE-A· YEAR ALL FLOOR MODELS/"------- FREE TO YOU • ••• ""'t . . . -•. ---.. · .. . . .. .. ·. -·-" '. -. ·~ ". .-., . .. ,. .• . I . •· . " \ .... •• • . . . -. . . . . ' • ·-... • . . • ~­•• • ' NURSES RobiMnn 80-7781 typing school. l Del Mar, 1· LJVE..ln maid; family of 3; COCO'S CM, M!J..2859 e RN'S. Part time.,Openin11 7 to 3:30, and ll to 7:30. e AIDES. Exper. pref'd. RN • current .ngi&tration. must speak ~ English; Office Equipment 801 T Ap no limit, mostly Kitting. priv. rm.; 1tart now. Would MERCHANDISE FOR 5 Day week, Sat &: Sun conslder cple. if husband SALE ANO TRADE Ansa·phone fur We, oft Write Box M 404 Daily carpenter. ~2458 1555 W. Ad1ms Like new. $250. Openinp 7 to 3:30 and ll to 7:30 . Pilot I 'SALES=;,:-::,-=e-=c-=e-:p-;1<10::-.::-,•,~t, Cost1 Mes• Furniture sooo 1 ___ ._ .. _7_-JAl!I __ • __ BOOKKEEPER part or full mature I ad y, 1 om e ,.., ____ ... ...,_.., *COOK Parle Lido Convalescent Center "6FJa.,rup time. Xlnt opportunity, ga,. telephone. Dired: sale• ex-1• lary open. Set your own perlence necessary. For in- boun. Call fir appt. be-terview, 77'1..8426 tween 7 ii: 9 PM. 613.9156. C•feteri• Counter Girl • SAW • r..1usr be 18 or over No Experience Necessary APPLY IN PERSON N~-port Beach 642-8044 TELLER MEDICAL S e c r e tar y , Some register exp. preferT'ed. Wholesale Lightina: Fixture Laguna Beach, ~ Working hrs. 7..J MOil-Fri. Showroom. Sales experience only. ENT Specialls1'11 Of· Call 833-0600 Ext 2036. Ask nee. Salary plua commis- Excellent Opportunity for fiO!. I n • u r a n c e , book· for Mn. Pennington. sion. Snack Shop '#. 1 2305 E. c-1 Hwy. Coron• del M.r teller at our Costa M"8. keeping, billing. 499-al>5 FASr, neat dependable Offi:ee. Teller or ~ WElJ.. aroomed \\"Oman for woman needed hruned over handling prefen'@Ci.-Call excepHonal"opportunity with 21.11:30 a.m.. 8 p.m. Ca!b- A&5ISTANT MANAGER C•lif. F .. ral S.viftgl leading coSmetic 01." Flex ier i waitress exp. helpful. LOANS 2700 Harbor Wvd., C.M. hra. No canvusing, For 494--9494 * 545-230'.I * Appt call 6'ffi...6l95 F1JLL TIME • • • ~~IRL. • 547-6351 • Experienced consumer flnan-~ SALES ce people to join America's 1---------Full time MAID. apply at Good hrs, 5 day wk. Apply: MEN OR WOMEN leading growth Co. Ex· Saddle Back Jnn, 696 So. DICK VERNON'S SPORTS-2 licensed Salespeople nttd· celli!nt salary, top benefits. LYN's Coast Hwy, La run a. WEAR. Westclltt P J a z a, eel now. Active, v.-ell-located For interview, phone Mr. 3 10 l l & 11 to 7 494-9436 Newport Beach. office. Good prcentage. SwW>erat&t&-1000. WANT part tlme LADY for l i te housework, CLIF PRIEST, Realtor Firellide Thrift •nd Relief houaekeeper or babysitter {l and sit with e I d er I y Since 1957 50 State Wide OH!ces New convalescent hospital. child) mornings on J Y. gentleman Saturday a. 3004 E . Coe.at H"""., CdM Scheduled to open end or 6§4...:1621 -,, Auets 'OWi' $60,CIOO,CW.. Jan. AppQi in penon. S93 646-6189 <n4) 67>3581 DELIVERY AND INSTAL-Hospital Rd. corner New. EXPER. Bakery Sa.le9girl. DAY W a i t re 11 a , night LA.TION TELEVISION A port&: Hospital Rd. N.B, Contact Mr. Rlchuds:ln. Ho 1te11.. Di 11 man GUARANTEED APPLIANCE - - -Tnrtter'• Bakery 234 Forest Restaurant. rm E. Balboa INCOME Experience with • n t e 111 n & ONE GIRl. OFFICE Av. l..aguna Bch. Blvd .• Balboa For Real E&tate llcenaees :. hookup and mioor plumblnc ~~. =c:: .. 5 = DENTAL Assistant. llOme OLDER .girl ·or woman w/ during tn.inine period in .c- neceaary. The right mu e x p e r i e n c e , desk &: own trans for eves 1' wkend tive Harbor Area Ottlce. For 1o train tor a pp I i an c e top pay far qualified per-~. age lJ to 25 babyaittin(. College Part In~, send baclqfround ttdmician. CALL MR. aon. c.n 64'1-939& far inter. prefeft'ed. 84J..1.624 area. C.U aft fi p.m, 541).1738 Ir; qualJ.fiSALEScattonsTRAINEE•" WDISJ'ER ~ 548-3430 View on Jan. 15th. * GENERAL OFFICE NEEDED: Experience PHONE 001..ICITING BOX p 654 C 0 LL EGE 1 tu dent Some a-.. m•-. t.,,.;"" Seamstrnl. call 497-13.15, No experience ~ssary. DAILY PILOT pennanent pt time during '"'"""-•~'fi VY",. bdween ll &: 5 PM for Holit'l•u It th c-..A 2300 9Chool. full tim!!: aumrna" and phone experience. Ap-an intmnew. ......, eal .. ..,. e MAN OR WOMAN e at Chevron Station on Beach ply HeDdet'!llft TV&: Appli-Harbor, Costa Mesa 25 t 60 In Laguna. No hipPies or ~. 1811 Harbor Blvd., DENTAL ASSISI'ANT Cloetmetic-DRUG School • Ho~:. coordinatlsw SPANISH FURNITUREl--------- RETURNED FROM G1r•g•S.le 8022 MODEL HOMES. SAVINGS 2 1WIN beds $25 ea 01est TO 80%. Spanish quil~eci of drawel'I SZ. ~ sofa & love sent,~~ llvmg picnic table &: benches $20. room tables, 2_ IMng. ~m Lf.ght fixtures, household lamps & Spanish pamting. and CommE!rdal -$5 ea. El PresldeJ'l!e k i n g s i z e Many other fum. Items, bedroom swte, . oak triple wuher & built-In gas range dresser &: mUTOr, king & oven. 296 Villanova Rd. ~ad~, 2 commodeboxs, C.M •. 5'.SdllM 11.1ng.sue mattreM & 1prings, 2 boudoir lamps, nu. 1 -9, Sat "' ~un 11 • 4. 6 piece Spanish wrought G~ refrlg, 20 fniezer, iron dining .set. Only $467. radK>S, 23" TV, tape record U). down & $4.50 weekly, &: comp, crib & antiqUes, sell separatel,y. Easy credit. 314 EveninJ Can.yon Rd., HAMILTON FURNITURE Qf,M, 673-6507 5948 Wesbninster Ave , , GARAGE Sale. household Westminster. 894-4434 daily it.ems, furniture, antiques, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., Sat. etc. 546 Oak St. Laguna 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Sun. Bch. Sat. & Sun only. 12p.m.to5p.m. --- SCRAM LETS Appllan-8100 • MAYTAG automatic washer. ANSWERS Top load!'· ble0<b . dispellll!r. hnt trap. Oean appearance $35. 545--0906 Plunge -P1ald -Scour '- Stanza -ZIP CODE :REFRIG.-Kelvinator, 10 It is alwa,ys a heartwarrn. cu. ft., xlnt cond. $50 in& moment when tourma 1,,,===-=="~~~ find BM1ethirw in common, REFRIGERATOR 12 eu fl !IUdl u that they grew up freezer top, 2 yra old, $1..li. in the same ZIP CODE. ~1574 OUKK CASH =~---,..-= APJ'. size refrigerator. Xlnl 'A-'ql'lting c.'OTMIJ\ion. $2.i. C&Jl aft 6. 548-1886 Conn. e Wurlluer e Knabe ORGANIC Fertilizer, aif!(I PIANOS and ORGANS', !tone manure combined "One-ol-a·Kind'' with wood shavings. Good YOUR CHOICE mulcl<. 113.%332 or 546-<931 t 20 01 OFF betw 8 & 5 Moo thru 0 10 -~·· Fri. 1/31 SHOP EAR\ Y1 BEAUT. F•m Collt./Shep No down • Easy temu1 · ' Jo hild nnx, mos., ves c ., e Delivery e nd lg I 'd 11. . enc . area. Gould Music Company Unu su al coloring. 2045 N. Main, Santa Ana 548-1978 l/11 So. ol Freeway, 547..(1681 Mon &: Fri 'lil 9 SUn 1U WT DAYS!!! 2 BEAUTIFUL Jore haired b/w 7 mos old kittens, brother & sister raised together. Nd good home. Higher prices ae ~ _ 5f0..6l.83 before 4 1110 but we ll!'e--..till~dl8countinc FREE Fan Palms -olher all pianos A. organs in the shrubs -Firev.ood -UMl lutday&oftheereatMov· Old foothill, S .A. ing Sale. Jt will cost you 642-3219 1/9 money to wait. Shop A buy SPAYED Jemale Boxtt; all now at: vtcc. Good family dog. 29C8 WARD'S BALDWIN Sl'UDIO E. O>ut ffighway Corom. 1801 Newport. CM. 642-8484 deJ Mill', 9 to 5 NEW YEAR'S SPECIALS ;;FREE;;;;:;;-;ln::-::good=-.:ho::m::,,.-. ::,,,.,,..i= In Used Jemalf', and or male tabby lfAMMOND ORGANS cal. Used to c h 11 d re n . RT·2 Concert Afodel •• Sl895 847-8927 1/9 C..J With speaker ••••• SIS M-101 Deluxe Spinet • , nQ!t M~2 Spinet, Maple • • • . $595 3022 SI>'"'~ Walnut .... $450 open Mbn a Fri eves. HAMMOND In CORONA DEL MAR 28M E. Coast Hwy., '73-8930 Yam.Ni Pl1no1 a Organs See tberrl nnw· at Coast Music 1839 Nowport llvd, CM 646-0271 MALE • Buttenicotch .l white kitten about J moa. old. House-trained &Q.-0739 l/10 BEA.ITT. Putt-bred fem., bid/tan G. Shep. 8 moa. All ahots, Mebtkn., Joves child. 842--7224 l/11 LOVABLE harnpster in CB.ii!. 54S--l389, mornings or even- ings 1110 BLK female Poodle type, Jg tail, Vfl"Y enthusiastic dog. 645--0139 l/ll ~ hail'! Mllllt be 18. Sal C.M. Ex~e~7.aal')'. Oerlt. experienced. work. 10 to !JO ~-a week. FOR FURNITURE &: comm"w/rabet. 494-9003 WOMEN Needed far e ~ e School, church or Scouting APPLIANCES OR rnEST type Freezer $JO. 6' HAMMOND-SteinwlJ'. Ya. e STUDENT for Desk Clerk laminating work. 2 days per OPERATORS Blind atitcb-TEACHER wa.nta be.byal.ttl!r work helptut Positions im· ANTIQUES. DAY OR ~~· Good ~ ~ ~ 4=~~ FREE scrap wood. 320 E. 18th St, Co!lta M e 1 a . 646-81.36 1/10 at motel Pt. time winter, .-ek, $1.65 hr. Call hand finilhent-Garrnent fac-wk-days in home. Lido lale. mediately avail. ii accepted. NIGHT 636-3620 full ttme Summer. 541-0709, Tri-0-Vision 1415 tory exper. 60-3i6& N.B. Rel. reqd. S'B-3848. Aft. 5 TralniJll'. al our expense.Sf ••AN=LEY<;;;c-n==:.;= Apartment size stove, So~rigb~1;JC·co .. Ken Niles Motel E. Edinger, S.A. * CASHIER • COUNTER Girls ...... _ti-., Mn Hobkirk. 83!M201 I G OctagonaJ Diniic $15. 1-N. M•'- GENTI...E wttite kitten, ma1e. Needs 1ood home 1 tall LA-' _ ........... "" a.me tble, wrouaht iron * 646-8662 * .u.11 .._ 1021 BA1'&ide Dr. OPERATORS. Experienced OT re uuuware. for Foster·Freett. 899 W. AIDS, ORDERLYS & LVN's .. ,., h "=====-"-===::.. f Santa Ana Newport Beach in !!l.ngle needle" overlock. can Phil * &C-1134 19th s Costa M se. contintn.... t, 41 . 3 YOUNG cata • 2 male, ~ . -~-LEG t,. esa wanted for convalescent match chrs cov Blk naug., Antiques 1110 :::======== 1 fem. Part Slame.ie . 1 FULL time )Xlflitlon, starting 6 ""'"' P•tte """'" Ptices. AL secretary, must be COMPANION for elderly home, days, top Wary for distressed whi(e pecan fin. Television 12Q5 541--:2513 l/10 645-llJSl 113 u liquor •derk: a: training steady work. Will take a fall, accurate !ypl<it, 30!ne lady, Newport area. employes that are willing $175. Cost $450. C81164+-0329 VftSr stock Arna & D.lr u blQoel' in food a-roonnet few tninee11. 14042 Loewi! 11/h. 838-6f60 ar S.'\6-.8l78 673-3301 or 544-6111 to work. Also RN JlC!eded, 64 .. MAPLE hutch . $2'15. furn I: clocks. Larr 1 RENT TV $10 3 FLUrrv fpart Persian) dept. Prder experienced. St. Westminster, 5l4-8738 HELP WANTED; SEC'RE;I'ARY with dental daya. Employment In <hlla 3 piece aota. Sl.75. King Morgan AntlqUes, 2 421 No Deposit . F4"e deliVft7 ldttlml. 64G.3$5 aft 5 See IWrold. H~Tlme, 49."i * TELLER * BACK OFFICE GIRL assistant experience for ~7 ani:i Gardlyen ~ve-1iz; bed, comp! .• SlSO. NeltpOl't Blvd., c . F>.f. 534-0tn or 7'l"l-9110 ~p.m. 1/10 E. lTth St., O.ta Meu. for Savings and Loirn. Ex· E;44,.I641 for 11ppt. dental speeialist 962-3319 momlnp on · 9601 Upholalered chair $7!1. All -USED TVs S25 i up. Repairs DARLING puppie11. 6 wka. l lJPH:OlSmllER.'S helper, Pf!rienre desirable. Phone BABYSITTER My home 4 ORY Cleaning -·-t-..h.I.. Real Est•te.Stles like new. 546-Sll.3 Sewing Ml. chines 1120 in shop or bomt. 1027 half cockrr, haU 1trrier . ~ or .......:::11 train. A-1y m.5010 for •PP'· ~· "' a .. -~ a w -et CM ""J6Tl S«>-5196 1/'" ~~ • ..,_ t'V' Equal day wk. Infant glr:I. Lite Experienoecl n °~ Quailty King.Size Bed,.. lt61 -'S!NGgR., due t 0 ' -· _,... .., .Ir! ,.,..,. Joblnlll!TI i opportunity Mnployer hlkpg. C.M. 646-6773 cvet1 Call 541.9550 befo~ noon &gain. Ofrke :# beau!itul quilted m8ttrul. dH\'ftt, atltit ~zq with PORT. R.C.A.. T.V. J2 V, 2 MALE, rqfstt"red Slame.e Olrlattnim, 8 W°· l6tlt SI. HOUSEKEEPER ar child WAITRESS wanted, Apply ln 4 openinp available for split foundation, bU·ln I walnut c&binrt Butt 0 • bo.t, car, or batt. Al9o Cl.fl • nd. rood home • N. & Or. l9la A llomwla Qre, private room .I: bath, p!l'llOn. Mea l...anetl, 1703 '."'7-"'.".'-'7.'.:--::::::1 U~ men .I: women. Jn-lr&ml!:. NeVtt med. $98. hDlls, blind heml. OW'fCMtl 115V, 31 .q. in. $85. 6IS--438C 847-98S7 1/10 ~A llllt T.V.S%dayaweeJt,penn. SuperiorAve.CoataMea. Job& Men, Wom. 7500 atantlncomeAtra~.llr Worth.$250.842-U etc without attacbtne1'lt:I. FREE to aood home. Red, WW&. ftwl. A'*'-0:t. job I: pUI Yacatbt. $JXl. ~~r. S pr I n 1 Ra.tt;y, ..... , ...... y_ ~... ... -..:. S39.8T or u ..11 mo. HJ.Fl &'"...... fttO ftlJlale l yr. Dachshund • tllil w. 11Ht stni!&. a.ta. Mo.~ ~NSlBLE Lady t 0 c w-.. H I ....,.._..., ""'"''"' ~....... ...._ ..... AKC S:"'JOCK=;;-"",.---..,.-babyolt "" h<>m<. Mori lhn& ar _, e p aune tbl., 2 chn; 4 ..,,_ Cuuontee llllJ pd. ~ --" _ --·~ -.... 96).sztt 119 ~ Ilea rhi n e ~de it, ~ T·.~ • ...... DJ.. o~ ~.96 F II I Wk ·•· ~ cL·•-· r....... -...... -"'-5:1>-f616 .,,.,_.,,.,,, " --" nrtnn!ES ~· • • • ~ 1 ~"-•" ~ ~ ~y ~·-u I mo or •-HEF • COO" ·~•. ~ ~ ~= 4 ~ 4 -~ -• c•n put ~u·h1ta· ; • ~ <fXfit:ii'i: -., .____ __. ................. a.,..""'"" 3 PM " th•· 1 .. -•A'L.r:--. ... ~ a L... 6 • ~ A ~ ~ to t;SI PM every day exctpt RN' a and LVN's ?I-fin q:e 18. ~ ln J>'l'IOD OS TESS e BUSBOY ......, .... ,.... etc. ..._..,.,M l)'Stem lo walnat CONOie ~. •ttkl old. Call after _.ii.. W..tm.bt.iter 1~ Apropos, Fashion llunttreton,.7 ~Ch IU'Ta. LIDO CAR WASH ALLEY WEST QUALITY American FUm. Muskal Inst. ITU Lf'.tt on 1ay •"¥· pQ 4, fi46...7622 119 . . .._ •u " .. ' I ._ ""'ZRJ" 4Sl E. 17th a.ta Me.a 2:106 W. Oceanhtict ll:lrch dtnt,. rm, c::hh•, EXTENSION SpeMeni ('2) balance " '79 cub ar low MALE Cockt'r/Poodle one --~~ 1~0 p~ HOV g EKE E p £ R • ''"'v"oRK1N==G,-.,•"1o"'"'""--..,-~~:d1 F>.1 AN A GE RS For St Newport 'Jea~h hide-a~, bunk bed a · 12·· Lancer strreophonk; pymnta.Warebooalf:. ~7289 ye..-old. W~J trained call ......... ;.c Moo.tea honK-. Live in. babysitter for Aflemoons. Gt>rtrude Apts. 5.\nt& Ant. C 0 UPLES--TMF>.tED. open-837-584• l)'l(!11kir1"8 A. cabinet S85 er WllJ.JAMOON Slerro, 100 847-7933 119 · Pma po1111M. 847-!'J012 Call llefort 2 PM 673-,23.58 St aala.ry $500 mo I free \ng11. Pt. time, N.B. area. WALNUT double dre~r w/ hc~t offt1r. Ken! EIN:t.ric watt AM IF M . Car. 1 ANGORA Guinea Pie lb • ~AN ~JCURlST BABYsmt:R Ne«!df!d, dur· ~nt A IW!t 5*-0l\1 App. 409 N. }larbor Blvd. larg(' mirror. 2 matching guitar trn or ~t Of· chllngcr. Stt lo appreeiate. rood home. 96K-298.; ll9 Jt, aTY AVIO PA,RTS * \YANT£o 1,. days, iny tome from e HAIR STYUST e Santa AM nlte Alll.l'lds $70. ~ fer 548-C.'.m S.'100. Call anytime 548-1447 1 Bl.AO<, 3 whl1c pupp~ Ml .....,... C.U. e fO.~ e 12 'W 7, 548-troJ \Yanted wtth aorne follnwt1' !ONGSIZE mnmtible .aicda.. BASS~ with CUI!, $40. ADMIRAL STEJUX), Maple fi wb old. 54S.6!m l/to bm.: preferred. Busy llhOp In u · m:E QUlt'kER YOU CA1J.l mme wev, f15, l"alr Hon. fOOCf neck. AM·FM ' $115. LONG halttd G PfJi :r PILOT WAHr ADS'! atA.RGK m __ SOll<...:.,._rr_ro_'EM=';,,,· __ 1 ctllent J0e3tton. ~ TICE QUICKER YOU SEUV • 54M277 * 644-ak for Cnig. 546-Stt:'l s ™ks-oJd . 84~~ l/Jl - , . ! I • ' ' ' I r ; - ' .. ..... " . : ..;. :;, ·-. ·~· ' .... ... • • j ' I .•. • . .•. . ' ,. -. ........ , .... ..o'.·. '" . ' '. • • ,,1 .. . . !" •' .. • i' ,. ....... ·'" ' , ....... . '1: ,. .... , .. . ·~ ... , ·'. ... . ~ ... .. ' .. ., r: .. ' . .. , ' .1 •.• . -. ' ' ··~. ··-. ~·' ' ' r· ... ;-. .. . , . .,,, .. .. ' .. -... . ' " .. . .. .. . ' • •r ... .. • ..• .. ,. I ( MR~IWIDlll Poa I AND TRADE Tit414ll'ORTATIOll TllANlllOllTATION TRANSPORT,.TION tRANSPDRTATION TltANSl'ORT,.TION TllANSl'ORTATION TRANSPORTATION Now C.ra ---a .. ta .. Yachlt 9000 Molor Homlf 9215 Import.cl Aul.. 9600 lmpoflld Aulot 9600 AUIOI Wanted 9700 \hid Cars 9900 UIM Caro 9900 WIST CoAsT . • COR~YO!! ..... btlloy1t MER""'"'""' ....... TOYOTA WE PAY • . • ' ... lEl .. ·C~Y. llW·ln~~ .. e"'a.;::~~.:; 1.s:.C";.;;1--,-0-Y_O_T·-·· .... ~--I CASH -~~...,.. =:-Blq -... _: 54'l,'ll3S • ~ s.1.·~ --._ ...... '. 5 .._,~-=·1 °"' ~-.. ~."f. ..... , ,.v+us -..:~;m= !ICLMOl1 1:1111E ·:i':",:-~:r ~r~ .. -WHY r.,o· r· •.e;,.';,.Vlotiil fllntlt11n • ~""::"~tt~ 1 1Dlll.S!'<"L 1 llcelllOd: loath<rlntmor. NlY....,P. f.I &ROTH OIEY' RO'rr '55 ¥ERCURY, """aood. • I p ud DU1.iqJ roam , ,. ~~~ U1re an, narcu,y \llCdl incld. AIR (X)ND. pow. ltr,.. Kl 2 new tirt1, &ood tnn&. • 1111 e=:-==:u:·~·a,:.-;·a;:~ sa.= ~-"~i!:;;J:15!008:::,.81~-AaktorSaletM-mo.54MU2 •. mp 1 • DOIJi w, sr...o.::-~Gob,--.... ., ~'!' 9300 So~tlDeY•eydollJl.1(1::;;:====== 1121le..d>Bl¥tl. ' MUSTANG . t • "°""" ,...,,, ~ pie, 16 °"'...,.._, --' . -wotikl"" im-1blo to llJ>tl TRIUMPH llunUKI~~~ • UP . TO '.A'• '""""' ~ Slanllll blr I< ~ !'!-... -,. .. ~ '67 TR~UMPH f.'"1t w!ttl thll llawl"' ••fo. ' ~ '66 Musi Al ,.~• .-. ---'1>d"-lft .. , oo· c . mobtlo. """ -W"""\f· tR ·M~-.. NEED A CAat ' ·-'· , -..... ...... ~,.---·• •M•-.-~--1 .. -":!c: llllO ... c. Xlnt cood. ....,,., -'-•"· Sl<>lltA! Wb. D..,.o~ moti.ltn""°·""' .... ;~.;;;.-... 1o-;iiQi -~iUKX' mm -:;:;... .. u ..... $825. Pvt. P'>· """""'· Nr new --CAN'lf BE l'INAl'ICl2lt '65 CHIVROLIT ... _. ~~~ .':!::.. •• BRAND • • MORE! . U............... . • • 531'&18'1 • Priced In .. U .. 54&-µ84 ·-· •R<P<• ..... ---• •~• WINDY!$ Al llTINI Newport Ardlff Mll'li>a _ ,68, us "" Scrambl" MUST oell! '65 TM W25. •&ad CNtlttT • """"""' ~·au':,~ 8::: ••to "*"'• IUll 'pwr., laodao I NEW U.\olMt 3333 W. Cout lfia'bway low mJJ..tt,Kt. Excell cond. or belt otttr. Call 673-83Sl eMWtar.Y eNew ID ...,.., er. factory &Jr, powtr •tofro top; steel lt)te Wbttlt. Int.et. • Newport Beach "2-m.J Privallt p&rty. 642...3601 'aft 5. MU. ~ IWINata tnc & brakes. Uc. OYZJ.25 decorcrouP. factory~ 21?75,. Nt'wpo11 Blvd. I lk~lntl T°""'' Bide. Mat'll. 0:.ta Maa * ._ OPE2< DAILY ~ ro • FREE! '64 HONDA "" Saambl.,, ~~THY MO= $1695 :r.. ~.,'".:-..!!"" lor. 1969' Biiie Boating c1..... ...w ... t. paiot. o""'' .. "' VOLKSWAGEN 112 _ u.:_ !i Sean) tat ,.,. Joi on Harbor 81"'1. • ;I OU.red .. Pub!" ,,,, Xlnt --$215. ~7 -... Pb -JOHNSON & soN • 80. ICJIM Balboo Powar Squadron ''8 BSA 2'..0: imma<. Ooly 1-~==.c::.:=='= SALE IJOC<Jln.Men:uey • I\ • • • • • • • , I GC)Ofll) Slartini 7 PM Moo. Jan. 13 750 mi. 16f,O. Muat .ell! VWAAl ;.;..;.to..;_L'-Oll;.;.:;;l.:.;ng,,_ _ _;9c;l.c;,10 C..ta N•sa er.n.:b • , , ~b~d~; ~u:~ ~;r~~ .. Yr:!~ .~::0~~7:.'ro:: '65 v~:e~':~" *AUTO lfASING* 1941 Ha::~ ~?mo 3100 w. Olut Rwy. : $11988 : LOUNGES (Adv. on T.V.): ~G~T~~ AD= :2S.~~µe&. Uke new '65 V.W .. Bua , Red We.&°!;:_ Bta Motor "2.ttm:Newport 8e&cb 51).l'llC I 'I. 1 , • with the idea of becoming a '6'1 v.w. Bus Sllfll'OOf I AlJ., MAKES .-11 .. ~-1 nod 1 >lon't .ha"' SARY. ENROLL AT CLASS • 1967 HONDA • '61 v.w. Dix 9 Pus Bua I COMPETETIVE PRICES llEWPORftR MOTORS Autbarbod MG DeaI<r •· • ~ to d"nonllllll•. M"" :;am_ "'"3-IM6"" '"°I" Fair oondltlon IIZ-510 m '" v,w. Campe• Ci.rt Fox Auto Loaolng m II .. . '67 MllSTANG ti • all 1 or . all at wholes&Je, St. N.B. ~ ..-'66 V.W. Olx'9 Pm Bus 2'J4 W. Cout Hflhway 2035 Harbor mvd · · VS. 4 speed, factory IJr. CT, • • StS. ea. Regularly $89.95. 1-, FT. a.istom Flamingo -·· '67 V1\V. Ca'!f\~!t' Newport ,Beach MU440 MS-5294 Ms.e5u rad'°1 beattr. I.Jc. TNHS. • • Original cartons. 542-5356. Racer. Blue and gold, Auto Services ·•MUSTANG V4; air, • • $2395 • , 2314 No. Bonnie Brea, S.A. Tt'ailer & boat freshly & Parti 9400 crulle-0-mat!c: pwr. steer., 1962 IMPALA, 2 Clr In', SS, Llt.,car Jot on Harbor Blvd. •Vt, ·~t.trn;Hc, Pow• r• FRIDAY IS pain t ed. New white Q ~ dlx. inter.: radio, 10,IXIO Mi. 321 eng., bucket seats, R JOHNSON & SON .... .,1119, t•I. lo, h••f•r: d•·• YARDAGE DAY n a ug ah yd e , Upholsterv VW 36 hp e>ngine, excel. ' Lease $78.65 per mo. or & H. auto, white, wired 111•• wh•• co••tt, n11d • • • Three 16~t hp Champion cond. $17:i. ~!eyers Manx MG urcha $2150 ~ int. Oean, 44,000 mi. Ori&: Lincoln-Mercury •r••h •nd m•ny, i 1n111y • In Costa Mesa cni!:ines. Complete wit b buggy. ~2621 :.,._ &se wke.;q ~~ 2182; owner .fl50 .• 549-0U9 . Costa Meaa Branch '-mor1! fZf051 I I • New telection, fantastic pric. several fuel tanks, steering MG 1965 CHEVEU.E Ma I I I) u 1941 ffltliCi ~ eq.7'18 ii ifmmedlate Dtlivery • e:severyFridaylOAMat: and controls. See at 2808 Trailer, Travel 9425 l-"U_MCl'--_c_.,...;.. __ ...,;9900= SUP'!l' $port.'c I: h. auto '66 MUSTANG 219!\. \. $199 • INTERNATIONAL Lafayette, Newport Beach. I"-'--~--'--"-----tran tires 91""" A .._ I mile .1' YARDAGE 19 FT. TRAVEL""'"· s.u Solff, Sarvice, Parlt TRANSPO. RJAJION ,..,, ))0, "' • ~· u,.,, ow · ,.. J' • 2750 Harbor Blvd. 15~~ Bayliner pleasll?'I: bo&t. contained. Excellent con-Complete new 1'.1G inventory S4t.OOJ-6n.11tt 6'7S--a652 ·• * t499-MU. * tjl' Costa Mesa Built in Washington for dition, 1 bedroom, I full See the new Austin America 1970 HAllOl ILVD. (A S '68 CHEVELLE SS 396, disc • • DOWN • B 1•1 1 rough water. 75 hp Mercury bath. Fully Equip. $1,550. Here Now'. COSTA MESA R All brakes,~ spd, VT, bkt seats. OLDSMOBILE •,.,,, T-... Uc ...... • eau I u motor. Trailer & cover in-548-0151 tach pwr tr tra t -KINGSIIE BED :.,:;:.,.:__:.,:_ ____ ~ Credit problem'! S~us for • s • pos c, ,67 OLDS CU"---Co-·t. 1.1.---.1 Offlt. •.MAC• /7c-1-°""'ed. All in :dnt cond. Cou.APSIBLE cam Pin g '63 VW SUNROOF instant delivery, low prices, 892--0365 after 5 PM RIH, e•-. $11B5":"°. ,64 o"i",_ .;;-"Wil!Mflld.t, • with quilted mattress split $900. firm price. 496-9300 196"1 eng, plus $1200 worth of easy terms. We decide on "" Ul' foundation, blln lran1e. Nev· 17 IT. Performer. Islander trlr. slttps 4: like new Sl.50. extras. Price tolal Sl.295. For your credit. Call or c:ome CHRYSLER Sprt Cpe Jetstar I Air-eond, ......... . :~~ $98, \vorth ST.JO. r: e I u x e mode I I a 11 4702 Neotune. N'"pt. Beach detaila call: in today. ---·-· -----R/H, eel SllBS. Piv prty. • I KNITTED f ABRICS f iberglass) oulboar Trucks 9500 James Ltd. 540-4192 PERFECT Condition, '57 644-l589eveson1y. • JAGUAR • Custom snap down cover. 3100 W. toa1t HWy. 15M Newport Blvd., 0.1 ILUE CHIP New Yorker. $225. Far 196 7 0 L DSM (J B t LE HEADQUARnnr Big whee>! till b'ailer. $700 *SPORTSMEN$ VAN* Newport Beach 642-0040 AUTO SAW below market. 642-1081 Toronado deluxe, full p\vr, • 1·uu • .,.FOR SALE Remnants, samples & l\li11 enda sat. Only 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. 929 Baker, Costa !>.fesa . phone 642-4980 after 1 pm. * TRUCKS * 642-9405 ~0.1761. I !!!!I!!""'""'""'"""""""""-2145 Harbor, Cotta Mesa AM & l'M radio, asswne llComplete S•l•s ··Setv· • 1964 29' OWENS D c . They Are All Here At -=A;c"cc""cc·::_n=ud=M=G=-D:..•c:al:.,:•cc'_ I 56 V.\V. recent engine WE PA y CASH FOR CONTINENTAL balance of $3474. 675--0222 •ic• ind Parts O•p•tt-• MG ·52 TD Red w I white oftrhaul, new paint, new YOUR CAR PAID '66 OLDS 4 d HT b I f J GUARS Flybridge, fully equipped. F•ntastic Discount1 brakes. Ht'ader exhaust. FOR OR NOTI · r ' ps, P ' •m•n or A · • New paint. 50 Hrs on fiberglas lop, interior ex· R good 1300 00 64._9016 FOR Sale by owner. 1966 FM radk>, 'Royal Master • 511 'Thi E:11citin~ • overhaul. Make o ff er. Ready for immedia!e cellent , engine reblt, $1200 a~~ 4 PM. · · e '67 Cad Coupe de Ville Continental 4 door Sedan. tires, xlnt cond. $1695. Priv 1969 J•gu•~ Toliy FOAM mattress, matching 642-90S8 after 6 PM delivery cash. 547--0101. or 673-6246 22,IXIO mi. $4560. 25,000 actual miles, full pc>W pty, 54&-1170 '••····· 8 , springs, hardwood head-OIARACTER Boat, 20. in-BEACH CITY Stevenson '&5 1500 S VW Squareback. e '87 Cougar XR 7 &: • air cond. vinyl ~f, '6.l OLDS 88 4 dr hrd tbp, r#. ,... • board & frame. Refrig. board grey marine molor. Radio, new tlre5, clutch. 11.000 qi.I. $2750 Carnegie Classie premium air p/b p/• 38,000 orig mi. • BRAND NEW • Occasional chairs. Table DODGE , MGB Cocoa mat!. Good eond. • Exer-Cycle, l'K!W. Cort w/a/w. Ca.ii Dr. A. Adams Pvt ply~. 968-4938 -· M_eill'" . .,.•.""""""'~. 12200,, ______ -i'::==:~~=,:=;:=~:;-~~s~~~=·=== ~ -·-~-~··PM -'' ~--• . • -m&Ier-1V:-SJ11t~·· ueneh. 2~3"."°Jli.s1ai.._,wt.ott'""' . 1-1™ Bead; Blvd., (H\\'Y, 39) . ---~--·---· -.~. ~it-sm:-. ;;:::a;oo·--~-.,,....,-: .. ....,.. '61 01.0S .98; 4 dr. hdtp . ....,. ~ -195' r · •· Good cond. 536:-2974 aft 6 l8 Gin-A• 1:uo""""' 1967 MGB, ~mileage~ good '65 VW; AM/FM, sunroof: n-wer a•• cl n .,~ I &' \Vknd•. BLACK Bart, ' .._ omr"'ow tl-.. -i t 'th ••--k I ru , .; ea ; _..,. Sl'dan. inboard. outboard. Hunttneton Beach OM~ ....... ex . w1 ._.. must sci. Best offer I BUICK '62 CONT., beautiful car: Call after 6; 963-2897 • ' • BEAtrrY & barber equip & All extra11. $2Ui0. Ma,y b& SALE or Trade •57 ,.._.., int. 6J3-'1641'' 673-3465 ~!...~ ... '.w.63.. !f1 ~.; all '64 OLDS 88 Conv ~H. • OPEL', • office furn . Refrig & Du 6T5-3421 -.A"" .. , 435 Carnation, CclM '68 BUICI\: Riviera. strato ...... =<> ....-~,...., I freezer. heat_ air con-seen at The nea. Panel 1ruck, gd. oond. $2IXI. aAB1tcl:IE .67 VW 1 t F 1 __ wlV:· xlnt cond, drk • • 28, M built ·~• ~·-1_ -mp V W ... r:V..A 1 • $1595. very c ean. sea s. ul pwr. Fae air. , wh•te top 11~ ""l , dltioner,tishaquarium , · onterey, M1:w,. Lu•uc ........ · $500. cash, be.nlc: llnancin& Vinyl lop. Immac. $4395. CORYAIR ' __ _.:.._ u.w. '"":"._ • ONLY • r & Bedrm 35 bp diesel motor. Moored Archea,..Motel Apt No. l.t '63 Por.lche SUper Cpe. $.17.81 Mo. 0.A.C. &17-4011 0tg owne>r. 673-3751 ,--... =:M~L~::=. & DIR,.;ub~ti~~~-1:kcagFF~RT°n~ ~~::~P~1~~~ • ~~-~·pl~~ec;~nt ·~.:.~1~H~;s.21dr~!:!'. NEWWTl!MOJORS 1-..vPALLYlAMNTOW~n. •tl·k·. :. $1899 :. ·a~tl. Originally l()ld plus W~b , tlir. lst 548-1033 chrome wbeelJ AM/FM 0>-uv.o ._¥ '" tor ~oVer ,$300:,, Take ~-$;JOO -tlrm. ~ · ' '13 "CllEV, 1tep-llde Piclp}p. ~ mats, etc .. 'etc. U o'u)l!r Call ~:2~vmorns ~~~~r:,i~~~M~ce 1M5 21~ Harbor llvd. ~~nd. $425. 67H!i17. • IMMEDIATE • -~llr1'9.61) ,... EXP.•SKIP.PIR -~Bod, RAH, Na!<e'o&,. Pondi•• to , ..... frbm. 1= 1967 BUICK Cal•. G.S. ••la Moll .. • DELIVERY • Otd,!t;d@:t. 535-7289 , J•,~ Wants ·~ ~ Da.y 646-39TT, evu 64.2-62+t ""-N· '63 Cotvalr Sglder $599 '64 VALIANT Signet white, CONTINUci>u$ r i la fn. Jn t .;ss 11' Ton £bevy Pickup 962--0538 & 962-2273 ~. ~ Offer I 642-4666 · blk int, buckets, auto. $787. I F11ltv •quipp•d l"~111din91 light bei&e ~ nylon JVi; S.llbolh '9010' Dual Wheels, V-1 auto. $975. 1966 V\V Campe>r, Sundial •61 MONZA Coupe 644-{M38 CdM I du•I m1sl1r cylind•r b••~•• 12 x 12: Lell than 1 year. ==...;;: ____ ..;....;. 642-3293 Wl il, new tires, trans, reblt S250 or best offer ~.68 PLY Roadrunner i•rst•m, h11t1r, whiti w11h,1 -""· but COL UMBIA DEi'ENDER I.:::::::;:::;::::;::::;::::::::::= eng. R&H Perf! 645-2073 CADILLAC 4 5.......i du1I tpt11d wind1llt~d wip-old. •Ex..,~lf'condition, . . I· 642-9975 Aft 6 PM 548:87~ew, I 1r1, w1r11in9 fl•lh1r1 r1dio.I / needs elltan1;n&. $75. 646-0l138 ~~(29') Slee'1!1 6, 10 HP in-C1mpers' 9520 3100 \V. Coast Hwy. 19111 V\V, good mech. cond. '63 MONZA. 4 ipd. Seen bet-•"t;. 'llOJ 411 .; eiA.triiFUi eaphe>\J wbJt;.e 'ttoard1· ,~. ·racina gear. Neivport Beach l\1akC' offC'r. Call '58 CAD. Air cona, PIS, ttt days, but only $250.-Fot SACRAFICE 1967 Fury llI •1. nylon c&JPet. 12. x 16• + ,·Loaded w/optlooa.ll & " CAM'.PER SHELLS 67a-23i9 Aoy1i1ne P/B, 4 dr hrd top, runs Info. 546-0200 hardtop sedan. Like new. • hallway Tuniler 14. x 32!•. ixlras . .XIA! conO.~inlhY A ·sleepers, 24 to 52" high. 642 '!:horiied MG o!:~764 e 'fi.I V'.\I, sunroof e great, good tires, $250. or l:.=;,=~~~~~-lliO~oe~ow~"'~'-~1~1950~-~6~7"'5~~·,_1• •' M . · dlOl'd Orga ·au. ' outbOara I n 1t-I U~f: d . 'No down payt o.a.c. Hatton --e S975 e best oUer! call alter 5:30, I CORVETIE • • In ';:i~ -1 "' · ", $12 .. 950.~7735 or 64M047 c.h>per satn. m w . POR. GJ.C-90. AM/FM, Lug. • 96~16"' • 540-1253 PONTIAC 8 . • nm-r,... CV.-,.. J . ftt • .' LIDO 14, No. iiSO, wttb Wtison. C.M. ~ rak,~ 43.000 mt .. pr. pty., CAD .-~ Pl -.,~r: l Tt .,_ 'I _..._.. 'U_.l.. slate' gray/black Interior. '68 VW, yellow lacquer, '64 · Cpe O! Ville; full 1967 H T CONY. perfect ''7 IUICIC Rl.;a.,. • &: ~ $100 ot ~: 2lll2 ::Uaer &llU cowr, .,~.,, '66 . GMC %: rt>N TRUCK 536-3979 15,00J ml. Leatherette in-pwr. It alr. Vf!rY clean! oond ofil owner 421 S3200 1963 PONTIAC Cat a I l n a F II f t ~: I ."BIIJoW'lll.. · -C.Jllt ~ ' : -~ ,.63 · I: CAMPER. terior. $1800. 646-1003 $2150. ~21!2. EVftllnp A man;, extraa. 847-3164 · Cont. Ps, pb. Elec 1vi~wS. • ~I powirl,TH"as'>"t 1•1 '• 0 "'• "~ __ _:•c....::545-=281=3...:.• __ '66 PORSCHE 911. 5 speed, ====:::..:c:..=-~ I weekend1, l-496-ti695 l~======'==I R/H. Low mi. S7 95. '"11•t•· CAL 20. Genoa-Spin sails. INSULATED 8' Bed. $hell elec heater. 3 band radio, 1967 V\V Immaculate. Org """"'===-"""'--644-2585 ' •. $399• •. Ra · XI t nd extl'a clean, low n1ilcagc owner. Am-Fm radio. Best SEDAN De Ville, recent COUGAR ~ c•ng gear. n co · $200. Like ne\v. s4400. 67 3--0370 675-408:i offer. &12-0010 Del Montell el'Jiine/trana overhaul. Full ____ :.,..;. ___ ~ 1965 GTO Conv. 389 cu In BUYING Si!Vt'l" Coins 10'/o 644-0816 :::::::::•:=54&-5;:::':::ll::3:::•== PORSCHE 1964 C. Clean, '65 V\V new motor. new titt8, pawer, lmmacu.lak, $600, -'67 Cou91r Air Cond. 4 speed, $1700. or best oiler. •, •M CH~YRO : S.S.• over face. Dollars -$1.70. SNOWBIRD No. Z14, partly Xlnl cond. Chrome wbla, 644-2560 Flnlahed in champqne mi5t 547-3446. •coup1. RIH, 1wt ., ,S, • Misc. Wanted 1610 COSTA restored. fitments, tra1ler. Imported Autos 9600 Ani/Fni, 1 oivnei . $3000. 68 EL oo w/ pl"•h -otru•·· bu-~1 '63 TEMPEST 4 Cyl. 4 D•. ••ir. IOOJllll ' · • \Var nickels $3.50. $300. Call 5~9 673-93..."'9 or 67:.-5835. lintcd glass. 642-4.141 ' RADO, like ntw. "" '"" ..... ""'"' • •· 1 COINS 837 \V. 19th St. CM. _.:::.::,_.=:..;:.:::....:.:cc.__ • Spot Cdb tor lm;iorts ,59 PORSCHE, $1695 ,68 V\V auto, xlnt cond. !ICKX1 mile1. Priem. tirea. Pvt eeat Interior. Fully equip. Rdan; cherry Inter.; beat • $139 • 646-1445 Columbia 22, extras, sips pty. lmmac. 673-6635. lnc1d. auto trans A all pow-ot1er. 9~ Sunset Or. CM • Wo pay more for ...... im""rl E 7e 36.,, Gl"('r.n, r/h. $1800 or belt ts d I 4. $3400. or ..... r1ner to ~ "" ves. 6 J-1., et a&1i1 • A new car tra e ,58 PONTIAC 0.,. o-· , ". \VANTED: A few It. o ,..,... ·-aroreu o1 yell' make .,_==°"""'==== oiler. Pvt""'64~4 '67 ELDORADO, facfo·ry a ··-· 67 PLYM II 2 .. up trade. G'rr>-3281 •~a • -rv whlch re ects meticulous N 1· 'b k n .. · • • • Flintcote base cove, i,~ or condltloft. 'lry UI before RENAULT '"" Tranaaxle $50. &t6-843t, everything! new tlttl &: 1oc Ile I e.w ires, ra es. n.ul'll j high, creme or lite beige, 17' SLOOP with sails & _,, EL Mn RE , " bttakei, iro=c,350 613-&ilO care. Lo al m s W fac-&()()Cj Make otter 64&-4203 • 4 Or. RIH, 1ufo ., S, 1ir •• 54&-S390 you St:11. '" __ ...::.: -----Aft 3 PM .., tocy warranty atlll In f:flect. ' · lVCJ421 l :i~1;Q ~-Firm. 642-5375 MOTORS, 15300 Beach Blvd. '62 RENAULT sedan: red ====:::::::::;::::= 1960 CDV, air, power, new Mual be .een •driven to be RAMBLER • $ 1 9911! • BABY stroller with back seat : · Westminster. M-3322. with blk. r e 010 v ab 1 e VOLVO trannnlulon. $415. tuly appreclatled. • ,., • -~':.~·-~'°"-1,-'-007"'_,"",.,1,.."0_"_· _ .. ,.. .. .,,""'_ 1 :,;Mo=rl:;.M:..:E::o'l":::l!;p.:....,._9035:..:.o.; AUSTIN-HEAtEY ='.. ""-shllt l500. . ' •""'464 •• .,. 6 ' '6§ RAMllLER Am!>uaador •• 65 OLDS D 11c aa" Canopy bed frame, d!!:sk, SHIP CHANDLERY VOLV' 0?¥ . Station Wagon. Pwr. steer •• Dr. H.T. llH, ~11 o., PS, I piano bench, ruaonable. ewpdrt Beach '62 A Healy, 300 MK D Rd1. SUBAR. U ' • CAMARO • btks .. V-8, auto.; Model ••ir cond. IMOYl46' • * 646-3192 * ~r~ s~~ marine 'sieV 2'.J.800 orlg mi .. 0/0, \V/W, ,W• Have Them AIU ,67 Co-•ro Air Cond. ::_..9~600 XI.NT COND. • $ 149 • bouaht .cc !d $1500 or belt offer. 675-0056 1969 SUBARU SEE µs lST OR LAST ...... · Mlchlntry, etc. 1700 :=::::::"'::::::·::::::::::::::;=. BUT SE.-t TST Super sport model w/ every 3100 w. eoUt H~. 1963 RAMBLER Waaon, 4 . • ·.:;:.====---' FERRARI from $1297• 66 MPG , · · oonci.,abl• oxb'a. Included Newport Bead> DR 770 Oaasl<, r A h, • '66 TEMPE T • H/D nrtn pr'ell &: ~. Alrc:rift 9100 .---------0:11nple>te fOi'eif.a.car .'JCJ'Vice "Miii I .a .. -!. are custom lnterlor,padded &f2..M6 541).176' excellent condition. $600, .H.T. Coup1. R•d~t••+••·• cub, IX' trade. for shot sun --1. Pt' lot Cou... FERRARI Kosta Kustom Karr . sw• .IJ.Wl4 top, auto tr.na, full power, =""'Alllllol'iud=~~M~G;:;°"~'""='=-1~"""~~Cb~·~vy~lleli}~A~~~-~·-=o·r. e11tom1tlc:, pow•• 'l'l''rin9. ot.ltkeftiue ~ ' r.-Ha · • fold down rear seat, etc. V.S Auto .. $300, 642-<dS •tSVE6611 • Pm ~ L. IVIS. TOCK S75 ,db, $2(1.16 mo. Mooney Newport Imports Ltd . Or· 1980 rbot' Blvd. ~ ' IHPORTS 20 OOJ local miles and still DODGE • $ 1 69 • •nu Alrctalt Salta. F M Pardo ange County's only author· u~er factor)' warranty. '62 STATION Wagon, 5 doot . Cale 11-20 ~-"-Cou o ty •~ hed deal". SUNBEAM . TOYOTA·VOLVO Sh ndltlo · Am""""'°' v ... pM' •"· • • v,,..._.. tut-• oivroom co n. '64 DODGE Polan. 500, HT. aJr eond. $450. 6f6.6562 • 168 THUNDER IRD I ="-------i="=~=-==°'=54&-=181::0===-SALES· SERVICE· i>ARTS ---------1966 Ha..bor, C.M. &t&-9303 s-~ co·-le pl• •/h ,·m ~::i!~~a!: ~:~~~ Mobile Homel 9200 31~c~~~~a~;ai~;'Y· ~re~L:I~Ebl~~:~~~r.s~~ Antlquts, Cla1slcs 9615 ~: ~~. ~ . STUDDAKER : t:,;·:~~.~~·~. 1cl1~it,: for kitten or? 64fr.3843 642-940CJ 5·1G-1764 $399 112.5 GR!!:AT DANE, I a w n female, ears crop~. 31" tall, 14 m011 old. Good wtth children. Great in home. Well mannered, sho\v ~ spect, champion blood line . Sacrifice! 6'2.-5885 9 to 5, 549-2790 Eves. PLAYFUL Beacll , pup, 7 mo. old male,~ AK(: Regist'd, had all ahotl, $5d. ..,..,.,, BASENJI barklesa dog from Alrlca, quiet, odorless, AKC champ line. Tmna. 6U-f350 att6 e MIN COU.IE mall? 7 IT\0$ old, AKC reg. $75. Call 549-21114 AKC rq:. lrish Setter Pups, \Veblyn line, 6 wk1 old, 64&-1738 REGISTERED G e. r m a n ahort hair Pointer Pupg for oato, $1S -i4Ml33 REG. German Shep.; obed. !rained: black & "" male. 642-0'139 At<C. mate come, a ...... S I I Sol -Authorized MG Dealer cond. l'few Michelin radial -' $15 2 FALCON CLASSIC '53 STUD-w~ •. 1 ' • ·pee, G e tires. wire whls, 4 spd disc l!Q6 Fo1u grille . rear ~"" ~wtde$1599doWD'-$98,19 brakf!. wUe'1 car. alwt.fS ~.~P~~t\:~~.~ '65 FALCON ~~~L IGHT COUPE.·•. '60 CHIVR • mo. lbcl. tdf• lc., del. anO FIAT in garaae, economical, tut ·--' & 16" 3100 W. c.out Hwy. CLUB WAGON automa"-d h d t 3 l & r-J $850 Firm plete with A-frame Newport Beach ' • ..., '60 SfUDE: Lark: dnt trans. 4 oot 1r fop. se iAJ HAiipR 1960 t'iat.$;~s \\~rk, Call ve ~~~s. . . ~!f1~~· ~~~al ~g. ~.~V ~ eb~ 642-::oorized MG 0e5:"~\6« ~~~~·1. radJo, beate'r, Uc. ~~Eve~ 11 : : te,. PS$. '3'XXf911 l Mobile Homes Show i.===•.,!16>-5""'=:'="=•==="' '66 SUNBEAM ALPINE sePts about 6' long. S25 for $1195 1425 Qa]oer·st., Colt& Mesa S1 4~i0 3 of them. Call 536-8411 H.B. I---------ll!f ear lot on Harbor Blvd. T•llRD (at Hubo,) GLAS S4&--0408 1'40 Foro Dix Coupe, 8'.ul CHEVROLET JOHNSON & SON I----=:_ __ :'"'"'''· F.ll po ., ,;: 540-9470 paint new chrome, All Chev CH Linooln-Mereury '63 T·BIRD f1 cfory •Ir co114 Ion 119 . START UVlNG. FORGET '67 GLAS 1700 GT. 33,000 __ _;T~OYQTA running gear, <I new map. 4 °66 EVEU.E ·SS: 4 IPd.. Costa Mesa Branch 34,IXXl miles. power steering, • 1s1v111121 , • TAXES! No yard v.wk; rnJ. ~o, radial tires. 1pd trans, leather int. $900 posl-tra~t .. Rli:H. 325 HP, 194.1 llarbor Blvd. 60-11*) brakes. ~io. heater. Lit • $299 • beaut., 20 1: 24' wide mobll ~':"'. e~sis-~ da.v1 '61 HARDTOe fl nn. 646-6501 aft. s. :~. ~~~7 Ori&-owner. 1960 FALCON, $400. 2 (11' GB~. i=~~~~~~;t-• homes. ready to move into: 1.,;;:;;;:;;;;;::;;;==-LANDCRUISER 1~.•o.e UM=: sedan, upholstery like new, $995 • '67 IUl"'JI • in a partt. at the beach; I ' ~ ebarptst low mileage Autos Wanted 97CO 01.J.J v. ""5u"• 6 cyl. stick, radk>, '69 Lie. Oean. 1st car k)t on Harbor' Blvd. . • livo w!ttl •group o1 "°"'' JAGUAR we\·o "" ""'"· Comp. ----Sll<k. gNat motor $125. 962-7236 JOHNSON & SON •Sport . .,,,.. RIH, " .. • who t,ave lots of thl.np -_; __ equip, incl. \varn hub!! k Wf PAY CASH Inc. llceme, 548-1005 .rs. ••r co110. ITU 199 • eolng to make life lots more '66 J19u1t· XKE Coupt extra large built-in gu tank. '64 CJIEVY n· red g W. l.Jncotn-Me:rcury · 259" I fun. Plea.<1e call: 536--2731 Sparklingburgundyfinlshw/ IUW088) FOR YOUR CAR 283. ~ 11pd. $700 or best FORD Costa Meta Branch • :1:·~;-;;;~;:;;i;;t';-:•:1 or~ plulhcontrutillCaloveloath. $2399 offer. 536-7193 ----'-'---·119oll Harbor mvd. 642-7(60 SEE lb& l>ua1 \Vide Roa~ er interior. Every conceiv-e ~ Q1EVY wa&Q6 vs, 2S3, 1965 FORD Country Si(Ulre 1963 T·BIRD. White wf red .:"o D~~G~IH • liner Pan American, Para· able Jag acce181.T)' L!i on till! BILL MAXEY CONNELL automatic, ad NMin& cond. Wagon. Loaded. Xll'll. $1900 int. Full pwr, Air, low I PS ~:, ' -_, IT j';t·• • mount, llite: and General 23,000 mile local je"1!l. A CHEVROLET $150. 968-5256 , 675-3210 or 613-7119 miles. Xlnt cond. $99S. ' ' coll ' , mobile a.omes now at must tor thC> quaHt;y minded. '59 FORD Galaxy 2 dr, v... 64&-IJ.3& • ~ • Dual Wld c...i-I IOI I 282S """'' "'""· '68 CHEV. ,,,. .... , ouolom. 1 OWNER • ''J--.Z:~:....::..::i:4-• e r-r~T VlQITIA _ _:eo.cc:..tac..cM;c•"::.....:.>1&-..:.;.1>00..:.c.._ Pwr. brict!>. 1~.; 2 dr. auto, re-bit l!nc. Good cond. 64 T-Blrd, full 1• Cb•'"""' Mobile HomH !0<. " ·--· --hdtp. rl600. -$400. >45-3192 ...,.,, alt cond. Ncllnlnr • 2J' E f~ • 520 N. H1rbor, S.A. ' 11111 BEACH BLVD. Will Bay CHEV•U' 62 lu"""'"", 1960 roRD Fm-. '175. ...... 11350 · Call afl 6 "'• • • • ••1 •~1 t H nl •--h "'7 "555 ~ RIH . ~-~--Good '°""'""" call 'alltt wool< .. ndJ 644--0389 548 "'°'~ .,.. ....,, u • -c -• Y--Vo"--•-" Poncha ,wr $3filS. _,,.we,..,. 440 5 PM. 968-2Gi' • . 1964 T::sntii Like new, n. • • Mp • '65·. ·~ LaUWCllll ·u.1.... 1 J.a..... 3 ml N. of Coa11t llwy. on lkh ...... .,,,..,. .~.. V/. ltlh, ~ 1 ~-~·· • 8 -. auti. di. .... ...., W. l!iiil lHj>. • p., top d<>Lian. Paid for pwr. """"'· ....._... -Moil-Fri I: a .. furn.: l4ult i.1r. . -N...,... 8eadi TOYOTA•, or not. Catt Ralph 1169 atEV Power S • B. Hll'bor Biro, C.M. • to 9 P l • i.t.000. Sp. A-U. 21!1 Harb« W.!MOS "Ir.I .v-1, Xlnt mechan. oond. Prt LINCOLN 1 Bl¥tl., c.w. llM114 Authorir<d MG De5:,;'" Wa Hava 'Em Alli 673· I l 90 "".$12!1: _,, 1--=~~~--1--TE='Mr•ST •. S1turda6y I · al\' I 10 x IO KIT '67 JAGUAR " g pwr SEE US lST OR LAST IMPORTS WANTED CHEV II 63 Auto. 4 <h'. '64 LINCOLN "' to • 1 BR SPACIOUS ' -' BIJT SEE U~!! Orana:e C:buntits 1t It H 'Afr. Call 09ya Continental 4 dr. rWJ POWU. _......--..., · I S\ll'tda)'I I: ll30 1 _....:;an:...:::"""=pl=eto=-645-=:::""°=-~:nf" O:~e':re ~h~'. 1'0P s DUYER ~. se:s. factory air Uc. toza.n. ~~' WAGpN. Xlnt 1 ro 6 P 1H:.;.o;:;""='------8U8IEST ----lace tn Low mt'a, xlnt oond. $4l00. eJ•' .1.-! • BILL MAXEY TOYOTA '62 CHEVROLET StaUon tat ..... Joe S,.179H5-~ BIW. 19t-t'3l ,,, .... Cbamplon lints. f75. . ...-. MUST •• 11. n-1 •-b --~ ~· ~·9 IJW14 18881 Bench Blvd. Waaon. one owner, "196. ...... .... ....,.. 'I' """ • "'"111 ,. .... fDWn, ,,. DALLY PILOT ..... ........,.. " JOHNSO & Geldlor, 11"-$450. Parilnl ""'"'""' -. Saft IHPOR'fS H. Boaeh. Pl!. !'7-!5» • 54lhltt3 • N SON WATOt JOW' ·rv -· 00 I Addle $1115. ~ Gekllna: llKllaQ' dee A t!iort &-«* OlAL dl!'l'(1 60-n. a.at OlAl. dltecl &4US'18. chaJ'l'l' ~196-l~CH,,,:,,EVYo;:,,:::I :.cy.::...I -,-Ii-ck. LlncOIJl.Mercury Ult tet YoQ ~ ln the: ( $150. Call t.ftrr 1 PM notf!I!' • )'Olar ad, URo 118 ba.dr: IDd TOYOTA·VOLVO your ad, then 1lt back and Xlnt oond. N«'w tlrt:•, Cotita M'A Branch Clu:&l6ed Adi.. om tMfti ~ uateo to the .-. rta.i! lt66 HIJ'bm'. c.M. 646-9300 JVU.'il!,pbone rine' brans" tnuis. 962--6110 1sc. Harbor Blvd. &a·'TfM ;"°"::.:;;':....;. __ • __ ~--'--:;::::=== • I. • ·-~; I ' .. ......... ·---··· . ...... _ ·--· • • • • • • -. \ 'one-stop' shoppiri~ a.t its finest! • OP~ ·T}i~SDAY & MONDAY EVENINGS ~ . ' 'JUST THE J'tC .KEJ ·! , , -. -. . -. -~~ -· • .. -. ' Bike Safety Clinic Spo11sored By • • • ~ SAY-ON DRUGS ""'~· The finest :ce RION HARDWARE Housewares e ROl!ERT BERKLEY Men's Wear e DICK VERNON Ladies Wear '._. VETA'S Intimate Apparel -· • JEAN DAHL ... Women's Wear LA GALLERIA ••• Unique Fashions CHARLES H. BARR • Jewelers • .. WESTC~FF;)•SHOES .. •. tlame .'11nck . . , ... ~ • HUMPT"(; DUMP'l\Y-.f. ·•· Children's · ShOp • HICKORY FARMS Of Ohio • HALLIDAY'S ;P. Men's Wear • COBBLERS BENCH Shot Repair ' PAPER UNLIMITED Cards, Gift1 •• .. WESTCLIFF PLAZA Barbers • PLAYBOY • ...., .. Hair Stylists DR. lOU ROY ELDER . , Optometrist ! MONTGOMERY ' Cl11ner1 ' ~-. - . --- 'I , . ·. • CLE : . Y --__ ,, ---..:.~-. ;. . ---,~-~---~---. -------.--'T'~ ----·-- . . . THURSDAY • FRIDAY SATURDAY " BIKE SAFETY --CONDUCTED IN THE INTEREST OF s.A,F.m BY THE NEWPORT BEACH & COSTA MESA POLICE DEPARTMENTS ANY GIRL OR BOY AmNDING ELEMENTARY OR INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL MAY PARTICIPATE SATURDAY, JANUARY ·11,.JO .AM ,to 1NOON WESTCLIFF PLAZA PARKING AREA AT 17th & IRVINE AVE .... IN FRONT OF BANK OF AMERICA FREE ... 5C,HWINN BIKU FROM SrA S<;HWINN -ONE GIRL'S - ONE IOY'S-EACM 't'"AlTICIMm. WILL BE 61YEN 'A Nt.lMIER FOR THE DRAW· FREE .... BIKI LICENSIS ISSUED ON TliE PREMISfS, TQ ALL UN- pCENSED 8 l'K f S. NO OBLIQ<. TION. VALUABLE IN CASE YCilUR ·ilKE IS EVER . . • I . FREE .... INSPICTIONS · C!iECK-U okltAKE, PEDALS, Wtil£LS, , , 1'1~65. ET ASSURE ·Y@~ llK! IS IN. SA!'£ C I '. P L\11 S.LCH&CK OF ' ' .. j