HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-01-13 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa MesaI ' • • .,. '1'. • • • l' . ' ,., . :~'"-''-";' ' ' ... -, -ar -. -. . - - - ' ' ' ' ~Beroie : .. ·~ .~,· liosta,. Hesa ' ' ' ' .. ' '' j ••• " • ; ' 1 Land~ . I ·· Criepled .. • • l -• . • . • .. . " . *·* ·'-tf . * . ' I ' ~ ' .A, . .. . . ' .. < . (;'. ' ' ' '. : : ·"• . . ' .... ' ... ...., -. -.-.' .-. . . . . . , .' ~ ' .' : ._,,, .li:i i:JA\:~ :,/;; ' ... _ -:_ 11!'~·· ·~·": .. ' I .~m::::;;-,.-~ ... "'" ,. I ....... • -- . --" ' • ., . . • . . .. ' . . •. . . • -. . - Protests· .The :.t;ate assemb~man ~~ eooi,· ~iij~~ Cba~Ii. iostq~i~ri'd~ and ocdered a .ban. OD miniskirts for' female legislative enrplDyes. Sally Carter fabove) was told to turn around 'and.·get>bact•tol work after photographer took her picture. Mrs. Linda Manno'fli<ittom) says she has some skirts that are-shorter than one she has on, but she doesn't wear them anymore. Ladies are maintaining "their com- posure desnlte furor ralsed over skirts. · -.. . Surprise ·Move Linked to Bid For Preserve By JACK BROBACK Of tllt O.llr P'll•t Stiff In a surprise move, the Irvine Com- pany today withdrew all protests filed on · 1968-69 ranCh lax assessments. The protests were ro come before the new Tax Appeals Board today. 'lo a letter dated Friday, L.E. Eberl- ing, an Irvine v i c e president, tiottfled · the appeals board of the protest withdrawal. Eberling Ued the withdrawal to the recent action of the Orange County Plan- ning Commission recommend.Jog adoption of agricultural preserve ltatwl for thousands ol acm of Irvine land. . The commlsaion on Dec. 11 approved preaerve status for tl0,050 acres of Irvine fannland despite protest by Saddleback Junior College Dlstrld. Eberling'• letter II.id that a "subrtan- (See ffiVINE, Pqe I) Mesa Pilot Dies Trying to Land ·cnppl~ Plane BJ Alfl'liUR R. VINSEL • CM ....... Plflt ,..., A Costa Mesa jet pilot who led hJJ -·IQUldron Into Japon • ln the first Ff Phantom to land there -and carried Lady Luck In hi! cockpit ever slnco '•;-.,-died SUndaJ qigbt.11\ i ~ca~ .. ·~bring another crtpplO hoti>e llfely. . • \.._capt. Jon P Wldl!n>dll, fl,. aoa ol : .. ~~ and Mn. 'Leo .•~ "' ,,, ~ 1llowllng Gnoen Drive, chose to Blay wllh • 1!11! plane to prevent lta crashing Into ~· . 4-IJ.populalM.-ol 'l'l*yo. v ' 'llll' radar olllcer, ·Moj: Borl!n F. Fdotenot, 34, ol VIile Pl.Ille, La., died 'llllh him when the ., mlllioa jet lllJn.. med Into • ·---ln i tplUh "' bluing fuel. '!be u&il t1me ·wu nol 1 cUnn fer the Clri<er U.S. Air F-officer, -· bad twice aurvived lt>-Olgbt Crilel and ' llrouPt hll -jet lalo \' ..... (See BERO, Pl(9 I) ·' t .. ---....... .. . Tax Extensio8 o 1 •I Included m . ' ·, . 1970 Budgei WASHINGTON (OPl) .,;.: l'raldt:nt -~ ...-; . . , Jolmaoli wm recommend Wenllon "' the 10 porcent · 1-tu. surcbarle, It ..... #iglooed tollily; ' ~a11o oOtice. Aid the,Prell-· deut ,would tnclilde ~ !or elj<~lqa ol the tu, bOyondb Juno 30 .apltatloo, la-)!ia, fi8cal . li70 budget propoiaL .lfe · will propose a budg!I IJhowiq 1 di IUfPlus. PresldOnt-elec\ ~. M.. · Nlmn Is golne l1oiia <lrilh J!llmoon'• pivposal to extend the ~re; a· c:oogrw1ooa1 _,..... saljl'=''foo asawne lhal there c has. been.. befween.; tlio ollt- . o1ng 'and · , admlnislrl111om.• le asUd not lo he ~ by name. '1be .WhlteH-aimajnceil qieanwbl1e . !hat Jobnlon wm -hJJ bullget ... ~ at mldd8 '' w..me.ci. • m. !See~ PIP 1f • ~ ...... ~~1 ~1:.... ~ ---Dol.IL'r •~.....--• '. ' ' , ,c.ui. ---OFFICER ExAMl!l,ES BODY OF MURDER VICJl1'1 ..• ~:. ' t;wo Svspki1.'Afr••ltcl io Knife Sloylnt • · r ' 7 ,f l. . '·~. I.~ ·~·i· i '.:J Beach woman Slain' :1 ;.: \; • ' ., ' I ' ' ' . . . ' . ' , Coupw ·Held by,.Polic,.~:_:._· + ·~ • I I r ' I 'I I" • I I ;,,- B~IJ H~pe's Daughter Weds -. -. . ... , ....... Sirhan Trial Starts Judge Denies Motion; Jury Picking Beg~ns~ • LOO ANGELES (UPI) -Sllperlor Court Judie Herbert V. Woll:er today denied I moUon to quash tbe murder lndldmeot agolnst Sirhan B. $irbao on grounds the trial jury pone!· l'u ..,_ COllll!tutlooally selected and ~ the picking o! jurors to begin Immediately. The defenae had argued that large ' Mime Troupe Due at VCI On Satur~y The cootroverslol San Francilco Mime Trol.q>e will play retqm engtitment at ·uc Irvine this s.1un1ay. Tbe Mime Troope, wbldi -caused Cha.C.li<>r Daniel G. Aldricll Jr. to vow they wouJa never return, wm perfonn "the Farci! at Patalln," .aid to be a sUnglng, anU-cipltalistic play. segments of the population were e.xcluded from jury aervlct but Judge Walker rulec!. lhil lltt1 ...,. not automatically utmpt aniS that previous courtl hid upheld the eomtitutiOllallty el Iha 111- tem. The opening court session lasted ooly 10 minutes and then a recess was called to bring in lhe prospecllve furon ! ..... whose ranks 12 regular members anl six altematea will be cbolleo. ~ AIU'M>ugb members of thti public 1 aewmnen were lhotoughly se ·'every day before enteriDJ the area, the prospective juron were nc.,t to undergo such personal examlnaUOft Comedian Bob Hope was ju.rt'aiiotAer father of lhe bride Satunlay. Following Hollywood wedding at- tended by more than 1,000 guests, Mr. and. Mrs. !!~, _ -~-8.~ with new)yw~ • IJnda Th~a Roberta Hope and Nathaniel Greenblatt Lande, took time out to chat with newsmen. Hope then jwn~ on plane for bit ot rest and relaxaUon Sunday at Super Bowl In Miami, Fla. The appearance will be sponsored by the student body goverrunent. The Mime Troupe first performed at Irvine. In 11111 and raised a turor· wttb an ~ play lhaf lnchided a limula~ "" act. ~icb aald ~ the pla,y<n' Yio1ated a verbal agmment tO cut UIO-oontn>vualal -anc( vowed , they ~ would,be alloftd to return. Cong pest~y 15 Copters U'I "'-- Cot11parfng Notes. La.st year, the Mime Ti'otipc fta in· vlted back by theo~ot body pnsldent Michael Krisman. Aldrich relented after, Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis ran into another former White he said, being "educated'' by the faculty House resident Sunday. She met Alice Roosevelt Longworth, daugb~ ter of President Theodore Roosevelt, outside St. Luke's Catholic as to the value of controversial theater, Church, McLean, Va. Occasion was christening of Mrs. Onassis' and being assured the plays would con-niece, Rory Catherine Elimbeth Kennedy, daughter of late Senator Delw Invasion Costs U.S. $5 Milli.on • in Damage SAIGOll (AP) -The Vid 0mg ~ il41h AV!atioo. Group, the nerve cenler their w1y Into lhe biggeot U.S. airfield for millmy operalloos In tho Mekong In the Mekong DelLa -aarly today and ·--DelLa-io-the,..ton'a-blaiesldly. - bl.,, up 15 helicopl<n worth an Enemy SJpPen briil<e throu gh lhe estimated $S million befcre tbeJ were JirQeld.11defemesundercoverofaheavy repelled by base de!enden. mortar, rocket. and machine-gun barrage Aootber six belicoptora were reported tl>at pinned down tho Americans while dam.aged in a mortar barrage·~"' .the ~ ~ Viet Con& attached uploslves to heldquarten or the U.S. 9lh hdantry ~-l1ellcoplet. A-barracu -.. west Division 40 miles away. One otnce called of the airfield wu attacked the attacks .8.{I "oos.in&. beginning" ol simullaneoualy. the long-a"aited er.em,. offensive 11\ the Fiel.d report. said five cargo 'and troop- 14 250-square mile delta south of Saigon. carrymg Chinooks and 10 smaller The Viet Cong. attack on Cao Tho, helicopter ~ V!ere d~tJ:tll~ or ., miles south ot..Ua.~pit.aJ. n1 the damaged. U.:S. casualties were e~·w. first major groiild :erol>i agajil d f!d" ~.10 wounded. . ~~ ... · eeairity peiiilooel, suppl>rted by U.S. toi• ~ objecliopabie"1eenes. Rober\ F. Kennedy. Army belicopW gunabips and a "U.S. Tbeft ~ere~ ~J>C:l'CUSSIQllS that time. ----'-----'-----:-~------------- ___Air_£tree Drpgon slilp,'!.a-11u6-wlng-1wO~~Y.1..'tttff...PWell1ed.and ____ ~ _ _ __ __ --~-~"!:uiT'1 :~~-r~~ _a~~ ~~""-1n 'the~=:~~' ci:..~H:u: MURDER INFVromESTp .. l·Ge A1TED American retaliatory fire killed four Viet No, W..e Won't ~Q.".. '.!The Face of · . • , • CoDJ. Patalln:"' will be .fii:esenled at. 8:30 p.m. Forty miles north of Can Tho, Viel Saturday in c:tnVfOrd Ha11 fthe UCl Cong pnotr1·1lammed about 10 mortar JYIDDUlum-aud.ilorJum). General admls- City Jail toda y charged with homicide, said DetecUve Sergeant Monty McKen- non. He ei:plalned that detective1, !"~I s~k a murder c;omplaiilt ~·!*'obabb' rounds into the 9th Division headquarters • 1lon will cost S2.50. at Dong Tam. Field reports said ther1! were no casualties but six helicopters were damaged, including the command chopper of Maj. Gen. Julian Ewell, the division commander. Ten helicopters were damaged at Dong Tam in a similar ihelling three days ago. F1·0111 Pogf>. 1 SURCHARGE • • Tuesday." Officers said the body was io the street a few inches : away ttom her car. which was parked neatlf ~al the • curb, with the engine running and lights ~ 'repo.~' .• ib..~be--submitted. Thurs-blazing away on ,!1!',t~· ly scene. d.,-~ ~ _ The woman ~ n-.stt•ebed Jolmion will br~ tradition and deliver numerous times· on faci, n'tek aod -The bo<ty «"as taken to Smiths Mortuary in Huntington Beach for autopsy and funeral arrangements once the mvestigaUon ls complete. * * * Police Mounted Intense Search allied airfield irt".=.eiif'al"='weeks. it hil ._ · T!ie U.S. CommaDd wd: "Tbi<enemy !be headquarten ~"!hi" U.S. ArtnJ't lcildien were quickly repelled rleld HE;;;".~~e~!-~ ,_ -~PIJstponing Spring _ Class tits ·fb.te of the milon ·address irr penon back. A trail of blood spatters around before a joint session of Congress Tues-the street suggested that she may have day al 6 p.m. PST. It ~·ill be broadcast ~iUler staggered around ioi.the· middle nationwide. of lht:., roa9 as her life poured out Hwmrigton Beach detectives mustered The White House announ~ that througll the gaping \vounds. or may ha\)C every available officer late Sunday night For Murderers Air Force Base safely the last time. SUN!ay night's crull "8UJed by ~­ trical •)'llm> !allure, aboared oil power line.s as Capt. Wadsworth h~ for a Yokota runway, plunging 10,000 llomes into darkness for two hours, but proba61y saving many lives. The pilot and iidarman could have ejected safely, but the plane might have crashed into populaled areas~ JJSAF 500~ said today. Word of the ttash came to tbe Wadsworth family in Costa t.-tesa when the victim's younger brother, U.S. Array Sgt. Robert Wads~'orth, 2%, tel-epboned from Yokola, where he was vi&.ilin&. Sgt. Wadsworth, who is on mt aJ1(j recrealion leave from signal corps duty al Nba Trang, South Vietnam, will at- company the body home for burial. "He was a hero and that's an 1 can aay ... " commented lhe pilot's mot.her, her voice breaking when con-- tacted today. The &tetl·nervtd La..HaJira High &:bool graduate who seemed a born, tnstlnctual flier mrvived t71~Mbet missions over North Vietnam and two other in.fltgbt crises while hued in Tokyo. - DAILY PllOT New,.rtlndl H ........ •9"clrl L..f9N leMlil ,. ...... ,,....., C:•i.t• ..... CAUPOINIA OltAHQf COAST l"Ull1SHING CCIM'ANY f, R•lotrt H. W11.i l"rtl.l""I .... MUlhfr Tli1m11 K11wil ~ .. _, T!.t"''' A. M.,,,hint ,,,,.,..tln9 f:•llicr r1Yl Ni11t11 "''yt""""-Olrtct..,. Olfkff Consi.dered at SF State Johnson also would send to Congress grappled with het killer or kJ\lers. to begin the search for the killers of later this week a special message recom· Despite a light rain which began to a woman whose body was found on mending aalary increases for Con-fall over the scene, officers began an 17th Street near Palm Avenue. gressmea and Senators to about $42,500. on-root searcll of the £oU course, nearby DetecUves said lhe massive turnout SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -Non-strik· Ing professors today considered possible postponement of San Francisco State College's spring semester for a new move to aol~ tbe campua strike crisia. The pr.poa1 came u union teachenl and student llrllten plcllNd In a dteocbll!,g rainltorm and acting President S. I. Hayliawa prepared for a showdown with striking !acuity members. Chairman David K. M>rvln o! lhe lnteroaUOOal relations department Aid a delay In-the spring lell!eSltt, acbeduled nest mon~, would allow the faculty to bear all demands, JJn1POC!O ellancU and enlorci! them wllh tbruts to quit in a mua. · . Al preeeo~ Marvin Aid, tbe tamflUS II in "a de>perate and alibcetber ln- toi<reble altuatlon." • "On·U\e one hand, the student nillllanLI have ·Insisted on impoilng variOUI demands without reference to, or con· sultation. with, faculty or f·a cu It y orgonliatlooa,''.JhMn aald. ''Ori lhe other, we have lived aince Tbanbcivlng vacaUon with an insistence by college and higher state aulhorlU" that the· ~nere remain open in a dlua-- Uon .In whlc:ll any re-.iiibly el!ectlve educaUonal -la lmpooalble." M.arvin called the teachers' strike "a filrm el de facto alllanee" wllh student diuldenb and Conca.st ID educaUoOAI operaUoo "about as l.ne!feetJve ln the next temeater u 1n the 1ut ooe" if l'roM r.,,e l IRVINE ••• tla1 nwnber ()f the parcels being pro- tested by the Irvine Company t.hls year are l.Dcluded within the areas recom· mended for such preserves. "The Irvine Company deslre1 to await the final results of lhe agricultural preserve question in Orange County before protesting taus on 3111' parcelJ that -...uld be Included therein. "Therefore the company b e re b 1 withdraws all protest& filed for the I& 68 tu.year," Eberling'a letl<r concluded. '1l1e company had protelled the aueamenta on 1,830 actt:11'tth a market vahle al 131 million, a<emlfol to Aaaellor Andrew J. llirulhaw> Irvine luwl -a _.,. al 117.7 milflon ~ Iha mamt Vahle to llU mllllon on :!$ pan:ela. Hln!lhaw Aid. '1l1e p~ """'"""'"" ncom-mendlUons for preserve ltltu1 on the Irvine land and !l,40 ...., al Rancho Milalon Viejo land are tebeduled to come before the Board · ol. Supervlsors for final acllon soon. ' II no solutions are forthcoming . "Given th.is assumption," he said, "it ls therefore reasonable that the spring liemester shouJd be Indefinitely postponed" and the faculty convened to bear peace propoaals !rom all !actWno. Hayakawa hu vowed to carry out a state law providing for the "automatic resl.gnaUon" of any teacher uUSling five comecuUve days of classea on the 1a,000- 'tudent campus. 1be American Federation of Teachers, now In ll! sixth day or a strike, lhrMten- ed to call a statewide walkout if any attempt is made to Ore striking AFT members. They now receive '30,000 a year. oil fields and streets. was partially triggered by memories The presidential press secretary , Evidence at the scene indicated th:·I of Jane Doe, an unidenti!ied woman George Christian, declined to discuss Mrs. Markee had just been to a co:11 found with her throat slaahed in a field whelher Johnson had received support laundry and had washed ''quite a bit near Yorktown Avenue and Newland from Preside.at-elect Richard M. Nixon of laundry," detectives said. Street last March. -which he reportedly requested -Her car, sllgbUy scratched on a fror1t S;1nday night pol.ice were faced with on hl! proposal to extend the surtax. fender, suggested a recent automob ile: a body, that of Hester Markee, 55, Johr.son will report a surplUJ for this accident. Officers discovered lhat she of 1508 Olive St., HunUngton Beach, fisca l year ~ l'lll recommend con· had been involved in a minor lraHic who di~ in the street with her throat tinuaUon of the surtax in order to have accident at 17th Street and Adam~ slashed. a surplus riext year, it was indicated. Avenue, three or four blocks awav from The body of Jane Doe still lies ln It had been reported that the surplus the murder scene, just prior ·to I.he the morgue, unidentified despile intensive would run about $3 billion. murder. effort'> by the local detectives. Her killer He is expected to recommend extension At 21st Street and Olive Avenue poli <"c remains at large. of the surtu: for at least one year. found a blood-soaked car. "The whole Although this time the detectives have The current years budget runs about interior of this 'vehicle was covered "ith the name of the victim. they remember $186 billion. There have been reports blood," said the officers. the sn.iper shooting of Cecil Caldwell, that the 1970 budget proposa1 would License numbers led officers to the a Marine Corps sergeant who was shot go as high as $195 billion. apartment ()f Miss Dinger who was down April 2, as he worked at his service Sources said that Johmon believes arrested in C()nnecUon with the crime. station at 14972 Springdale St. Hl.s killer the surtax ought to be removed as Coatney was with her at the time, police has never been found either. soon as possible but feels the time said. Officers, l\rorking with grim determina. Min • S d' is not yet appropriate. Officers said this morning that the lion, reported this morning that they or1ty tu 1es Johnson is determined to show a pair are being questioned and that filing had arrested two suspects in the ~1arkee surplus In the final Ii.seal budget he of formal charges will await the results killing some four hours after they began Due by F ehruary l~P'!"1'1"11sii'1'1eo1"1gr1'1'1'·iiiiili~illlii;i;iM·i8'~1lbeiilq•ii•iiistiil.,ii .. ii .• iig.ilililMiM;;M1.Wmtth,m;i";''l1"1siii, .• iQS"~"~clh.llmlilnwl TZ•R-.IJll&MlilmM'•!llfP'NFl'Hlll!fllnl•IRIDllllWJl ......... W At Valley State NORTHRIDGE (AP) -The acting pre.sident of racially-troubled S a n Fernando Valley State College aaya the campus will have a full-fledged minority studies program ready by February. But a campus leader of the militant Black Students Union served notice Sun- day the ethnk studies program "mast have 80UL" ArdU.e Clatman, BSU chairman, uid "It doesn't matter what'• In the catalog. lt 's Vthat goes on in the cllWfOOm I.bat matters." He said Negro students want an in- structJon al staff that will touch the emo- tions of the people. "We need soul from the teacher's podium," he Wd. "That's what mat. ters." · Dr. Delmar T. Oviatt, who announced the ethnic program, said the college had been working on it since March. "We want um program for the nation," he said. "We mtJ label It black or Mexican-American studies, but we want to enroll u many whites as possible." The BSU W<lcomed lhe announcement of an elhnie studiea department, bot said it would eo ahead with plana to boy<ott clules unleso all demand.I .,. met. Tbq lncluded dinnlml al cbarlU against • studenta armted In the Nov. 4i tetmre of the campua admJnistraUon building. Faculty and admlnlatraton Aid they were he&d ca.ptJve at mtfepotnt. Tht college's Academk Senile wtn meet Wednesday to coosjder the IIMtllY demand. Oviatt has yet to rule on it. n OMEGA-ACCUTRON -BULOVA AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR •rings sned end repaired . • diamonds end precious stones remounted e pearls restrung WE CUSTOM DESIGN Ir MANUFACTURE AU: TYPES OF JEWELRY COSTA MISA HUlmll6T°" coma llACH • n-·. HUNTIN•TON MACH nJ.SHl # • • • • ' , ' • • I . • . "' • • • .' \ • ' ' , .,., '' ' ,'•, -' I f • I I, ---.. · I t' ··u ' ~~f*"""""'"' ..... iF";;;;fi~~~·~-~--=-...---. ..... ~~· I .. --- --- . • YOL. 62, NO. I I, 3 SECTIONS, 32 'PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CAUF'ORNIA MONOA.Y. JANUi-RY 1·1· '1949 -. TEN CEHTS ... • ·-un ·tn~ on ·LBJ to Ask Extension Of Surtax WASHINGTON (UP[) -President Jobmon will recommend u.tension of the 10 percent inoome tu IUJ'Charge, It .WU dilcloled today. AdmlnJsO'alio sources aald the Preti· deal woulll loclude request l<r eztenalon <i !be lu, beyond Its June $1 HplraUon, In :.bli lloca! 11'/t bndlet ptoj)Olal. He wll1 pro-• budget showing a small ourplus. Presldent~lect Richard M. Nll"on is lfolng along with Johnson's proposal to extend the sun:harge, a cong\esaional -.aald ~'yOO COD ......, Iha\..~ hu been agreement betwfJeD the CJUt. .JPlnLA.nd !ncoml'!B adlninl!lrailoru." He asked-RotTo be quotea!fy name.---.--"1e White House announced meanwhile thlt Johnson will send his budget to ccingress at midday Wednesday. His, economic report will be submitted Thurs- dO)'. Johmon will break tradition and deliver hLi atate of the union address in pei'son t.efore, a joint session of Congress Tues. day al I p.m. PSI'. II will be broadcul naitlonwkle. The White House announced that Jolmson also would send lo Coogreaa l8ter tbls week a special message recom· "1endinr salary i.ncre~s for eon- ll"'men aJ¥I Senatqnr~ af>ol/I 142.~. TbeY npw recei've pa,ooo a ye.ar. · ll'be jresilknUal prao 1 o c r e I a r y , C....e. ~ decUned to dOO... Wllelb<r JObmon hail "ecelv"" 111ppmt fioli'~ Rldl..i·M. ~ ..J wilkh ho repo<t«IJ1 requesled .;.. ,.i iii! ' i>rOiiosol to b""4l tbe ""'"*· Jcihc.son Will report a m-plm for thl1 !See SUllCHARGE. Pap II James Farquhar, .. U'91' ....... Vietnamese boy displays anx· iety as he clutches burlap bag Containing his possessions as he watches South Vietnamese Rangers search his village 11 miles southwest of Da Nang. Beach Publisher's · .,_ t G 1 R . . ~as e s run, Son, Dies at 54 M f T esd ore or u ay Private funeral services ror Jamea s.: Farquhar Jr., &4, son of Huntington Biicb News publisher James S. Far· qdbar Sr., will be held at 4 p.m. today f!J Smllh'a Chapel, Huntington Beach. Mr. Farquhar, or 17°' Coral Place, Newport Beach, mffered a. heart a~ck Friday evening while pl.lying tennis at tlio Balboa Bay Club. He was prooounced dead on arrival al t :38 p.m. at Hoag Memorial Hospital, Newport Beach. ·Mr. Farquhar wa.!I formerly a Newport Beach real estate broker but had recently engaged in a furniture leaalng buslneas la' Silnla Ana. He was a resident of Or1nge County for 41 years, and was bQrn Dec. 11, 1914 in Chicago. Mr. Farquhar ts survived by his father, lotlg-Ume publlsber ol the weekly Huo- t!ngton Beach newspaper; his wife, ~; two brotbtrs, Georg~. Huntington Jlpch, and Willoughby, Anaheim; two daugbtas, Mn. Joan Binni ol Mill Valley mid Mn. CliriaUne Dln1'bak ol San Fri!> cllco; a 80!1, Jerry, of Georgia and two arandcbtldren, Joy and Craig Binns. Scattered abowen, spawned by a storm front centered 400 miles o!t the coast, . '' . S]llallered th< Orange Coast ,early today and promised to rellll'11 for anothtt dose on Tuesday. ' Nearly one loch of rain was forecast for the SouthJand before the storm moves oo, the Weather Bureau reported. The rain pushed masimum temperatures down into the upper 50'1. The Btonn, whicti carried scattered sprinkles and showen in an east· southeasterly dil'f!Ctjon, d r o p p e d preclpitaUon from traces to £ractions or an inch. The showers were predicted to increase I>)' nlgbt!all, followed by clearing along lhO coaalal ..... Jale l Tueiday. The snow level tras due to drop from a,ooo !eel today to near 5,tltltl Tuesday. The )VH!ber Bureau artpounced Iha! a '111 -percent chance. <i.-)'aln existed aloiog UW Orange Cout !tr Tueii!ay. Temperatures were ranging from three to ~ de~ below normal. Hicks W aiting"lor Report Pedestrians, Driver Die In Accidents Two pedestrians and the driver ol a sportscar lost their lives in separate weekend traffic accidents in Orange County, it was reported today. The dead are: Gwendolyn Scott Buice, 17, Loi Angeles. Mn. Iona McFarland, 73, Anaheim. David Roy Orrt.1, 24, of 4S9 Graceland Drive, Laguna Beach. Miss Buice was killed Saturday night when she was hlt by one car and run over by_seyeral othen on Pacific Coa6\ IIlghwaY just west ot 23rd Street. In Huntington Beach. --· Polic:e -si.O-ber-cornpanlon,-Mlchaet- L. Tryon, 22, Lake\Yood, wa s injured when he was stru ck a glanciro; blow he and Miss Buice were retunung to their parked car when they tripped over the highwa y's center divider and slum· bled into traffic lanes. Miss Buice fell into the path of a car driven by Michael T. Seal, 24. Orange, and then was thrown ln front of another car driven by Charles L. Johnson, 'll, of 733 Lake St., HunUngton Beach. She was then run over by three more cars. ~ Her body was lal<en lo lllll5 Mortuary Jn Whittler where eral services are pending. ; Tryoo· ltlll• iei,i .Wfl'I! holh ltealed. for injuries at Huntington Intercom· munlly Hospllal and rei..-No cara collided during the accldenl Mn. McFarland died Sunday night at Orange County Medical Center alter being strqck by a car Sunday afternoon at Loa ra Avenue and Ball Road in Anaheim. Driver of the car wu Janet M. Strunlz, 30, Anaheim. She was not cited. . Ori& was killed early Satllf'day morning on Laguna Canyon Road when hJs small sportscar went out or control and overturned, the California Highway Patrol said. -tr -tr -tr Beach Boy, 15, Listed Critical After Car Wreck ' Richard Aguirre, a 15-year-old Hun· tington Beach youUt, was In critical condition today at Los Alamitos 1General Hospital after suffering multiple injuries ea rly Sunday in a two-car crash on Pacific Coast Highway near. S)Jrfside. His brother, Armando, 17, also suffered muti ple injuries. in the crash. He was reported in falr cond ition today at the hospital . The driver of the second car involvtd in the collision, Edith T. Cude of Mon- terey Park, also was hospttaUz.ed. She was reported in good condiU<m today alter suffering facial cuts in tqe crash. The Afulrre brothers, !nil Chapparal Lane, Huntington Beach, had dropped off four friends in Surfside ahortiy1before the accident. police said. They were turning onto Pacltlc Coast Highway from Mariner Drive when the collision took place. A tracheotomy wa1 perfonned on Richard Sunday in order to aid bis S B L s lw • breathing, aei:ordlng to authorities in In unset eac,., .. otirig ::ir~·~:S~i;~::!·=.:i frac tures, hospital officials Aid. , Miu Cude.'1 ·address was lilied u ln-''-aUon Into lhe aboollng death 1l'bat ,ane allOI slnlck· Sjolund' In ll>e 16665 S. Pacific St., Sesl Beach. She ol ~-S~ Beach man will depend biCli · ortbe )lead u ne' ran ulaJnlled reportedly bad been slaying w11h friends ~ tbe conlents -of a report that be from a lhldn11 deputy who wss at-at that address. eqioc1s 1o roc:elve from th< -· .~~.!'!!~~·~for . ollke Tuesday, I>illricl Attttney Cecil ... ~·---w .. -Al I --today . ". 'll)iliill llfill' •· t11e 1liDiltiJglOn 111-• 't B "Rllhl now I doo'I plan any probe ·~ 111i.1111111!!!1 lwo boun ann OS aze Into ihts lnddenl," ho aald. "Bui tt 1ftf!'"'8 \rU • .-.i bf ·Deilt!Y·f:d1'1f1! may well be thal !be .~· .. port • -·w : ~ . . ' Loss at $5 000 , ~~ .:.!':'~ ~ prepartnc .. Jr".;, -~·:',.m.o2..<;; ' til.sr JICCOUlll pl !ht Ibi:ldoia that led ,to •bf 'Ille d<pull!~ trom·ir. atre11. Fire did 15,tltltl damage to a home !be 't6ylng FrkloY ol moloreyele ~ kUrl\olllt!in•.,.icl 8]ohmtl wu in-and two automoblles Sund'Y in Loa Clari A. Sjolund. . ~:::..: .. ;; :-a Cirl IOllle Alamitos. ·Alld d 1111110r· repo1led lo bl ~ llitl ••'111.•re•I folice aald the bla,. alarled wb<ft dmlatinc amonf Sjolund'• fr!<ncts and 11b . . • o liifntd, dlar&llll Robert Lewla, 508t HoWlnt st., wu MlaMion -· thal ae..ral alloll were -. pourlni gas fro m a can Into a lank fll:ed.• deplUea puned the ~ .:lloplll'oo llld ljoltmd -<1ilered lo of a car •. The can 1llpped out or hla - -WU qu!Ckly re)tcted todO)' by hall •-1 -.. Fl1doy and tpo..i banda and Ignited a -t II tt bit illerlll'• C.pt. ,..,.. Bl'oadbell !be cornm.o oUbo omc.n. the cwcrate .Ooor. ,' '"lllere was oruy one allOI lii'ed, • Could aid lie .... about 25 yards Lewis alammed !be 11111• door ,9* Brooilbell Aid. "We .,. quit< pol!Uve •--!lie Ming Sjolund and find 11 Oamea "..,.wfed the atracture. -lhlJ and il'a a lacl thal haa lieen ..,. lhol Iran hla Jkalll,.. service The blaza destroyed !be prage, ~· ,..,........ by ....,a1 "1-.· mawr. outomoblles lltd ana<IJolUtl room. ' • \ ' I ... " • --· . ----------.... --• 7. ~ -. --~ ;; -:;. = • 0 .. -. -.. --. .. ---··-------·----·· . ·~ -_ ___._.. " - .-~­----~ ... -- -- _ _ .• __ ~ DAn.'frn..",Mlfl ~ ~ I ' ' ~ :0.--• • OFFICER EXAMINl!S llODY 01',MURDER. VICTIM : Two SuiP.Octi Arroattd 1o ·K111fo Sl•ylnt . -. --. -----.... -::::: a1n ·---~ ... -- • 2 :Suspec~·-= Arrested: ~ =~ . .. . . In Stabbing By WlliLIAM' REED Of ... o.• Nit .... 1 ~ suspects were arnsled tar~ to- day-jtmt four 'hours aftor a !lwllfiillnD Beacho""""an's body,.,;. fbu111!'ati'awled :: a1::\ :... a~ioOd~~ed ~ nilllU"'e' lllab WOlllM!s. • II'~ Bead! poll<e ldentllled'lhe vlc:Um aa Mrs. H-S. -, II, <i'illll'OUve Ave: • ' ·-;t • .I~ on· 'hon!1¢• cbrgel ore -D!Dger, 11, <i 1o1CD Delaw.,. SI.; ··arid her companion at · lb( tline of .. arreat, Norman Coatney al. -Loa Alimlloa age and addreu lli>t~. Jl~.;J.artee'i · l>i'OdY'. bod1: ' -.., cliscover.,.i by I .._.,,, -1:-15 p.m: SU!)day oo 17.ih $reel .,,.,,.. from Dwyei: fatet ntfdfi}:e SdlQOl~­ Beach •. Polk!e aald ~ body. "as in a traffic lane bb, the goU course aide ol the meet eut of. Palm Avenue. .. 8olh auspeds are In Hunlingtoa Beacb ; -. -Ci)y ~o)J, toda7 c:llarged will> bomlclde; Other Slayfilgs ·R~ :! :~~= !:i.~ aeek a murder complalnl ~ PoUCe~Y;rd:Officers ~.if::.-;;~;:: · 11 ~ ~ ' OQfO.·'illll'o"" lhei ' .. fU1llling ' and ll&hls ·.lfltjB~ur~fbf Ril :, -· ~ , ~it, . ~~-b~ · · ~ • ·!rill·or':laoa-~$ ..... , ". . . l"""i'f'""'"'.~-iii=~-~ i1!~r'lnal>o,,m'll'J .. Huntington Beach deltdlves mU!l....i TM body ol Jane Ooo ll1l1 lies ID ..... eiid ~ ""' every available officer late Sunday ru,bt the mque, unldenUfled ~~VI of the road u her life poured Dut to be)lin th< oearcb foe the ldllen ol e.£lorts by the local deteCll,... Her kliler lhiougb !be pplng woonds, <r Dll1 bave a woman wtiose body was found en. remalna at large. grapp~ wltb her killer or ~ 171h Street near Palm Avenue. · iJtl,loolb'lhli dme the'd'etecU.tahave Despite a light rain whlch begu to Det.ecUves 1ald the massive turnout · the n'.aine of tlte' victim, they remember fall a: the 1ee11e, oUicert ·beta«: an was partially triggered by memories the anfper Bhootirig of Ceell 'Caldwell, oM leal'Cb· of the goU course, nearbY, of Jane Doe, an unidentified woman a Marine Carpi sergeant ·who WU llbot oil fie di and ltreeta. . found with her throat ala.shed. in a field do'1rn Apffi 2, 11 he wCl'bd .t bll•aervlol: Evidence at the sctne indicated that near Yorktown Avenue and Newland staUon at ltr72 Springdale St. Hil killer Mn:. Martee bad ju.It beeD to a cQin Streel las! March. haa never been found either. laundlT and bad wasbiil "qillte • bll Sunday night pollce were faced with Ofllcl!ta, ~ wllh &rim detennlna· ol laundry," delecUvea aalcl. a body, that of Hester Marne, 5$, Uon, ,.ported lbla ~ that they Her car, 1llgbtlJ acratched on-• Iran! of 1508 OLive SI., Huntington Beach, bad am&led two~ In the Markee fender, 1&111eated I recent automobile who dioc in the slreel wilh her lhroal ldlllng aome four houri llflor they began accldenl Offi<o(I· dlacovered lllM ahe slashed . lhe lnleNlve awch. had .beoD lnvol•ed In • mtnir Falllc accident at 17th Street and Ad.ma Members of Christ Teens Picket at Church in Grove Members of the Teens for Christ ln Huntington Beach picketed Garden Grove Community Church Sunday mofnlng, scene of a prior encounter in which the hippl ... ppearin( band WU uked lo either sit in the pews or move outside. Dressed in long, flowing .clolbea, .... dais a n d beada , and .tlh blr ol both se1es· fa11inc over ~ about !O qr ttie ·~lq boial paraded In front t o(,1 tbe Garden Groft: church car· lying alps.. \ About a balf.<foleo ol !be llJ'OUP a\. tended ~the aervlcet, bUt one of the t oulhl Aid be wu refused admittance by an ' Ulber who allegedly. told. him wuncil to Hold ' Oosed ~~n On Versonnel , .... l '' ~ .. • RU88 . Goodbye ·Visit ' . . ' llOllCOW r<APl -U. SJ Ariw14"'. ~ lt•:ft>-·-·· 1.....-.U .ult at the Kmnlln todlJ 111111 D1NY -llmllrt s. ~ Dliolla ol tholr ~"""'*~Ir . ,, ·, . I Aveoue.•!Jlree or ll"'f b~~••IJ lrom the . murder acene, Just ~ lo ~ murder. Al list Street and Olive Avenue "pOJlce found a blood-ooaked car. '"!1)e whole intul..-ol.Jbla ..i.tcle Wll --wltb blood, ff aa1d the offlcen:. Llcalle uumbl!tl led ollicm In !be apartment of Mlq Dinger who wu amMI In -... wjlh the crime. \:Oatney ·,. .. '1tlh.ha: al the time, police aald., -•. .. Ofllcen Aid Utls morning Iha! the pair. are being questlooed and that llllng <i fotrJW charges wW await the reaulll of 'the questioning. • . 11te 'bod)' "" !Uen to Smltha Mi>r!Uary In · 'Runtlfllllon Beach " for autoiieY and funeral arrangemenl'.I once tqe'"lirittl!pdoa II complete. • -. LA Fire 'lnteslfght~d /A)S.;.AliGELES (UPI) -Anon· fn. villlgitora ,,.~ ... been' estped· to dflmnllle the ca\ise 61 • $100,tltlO fire w)llcll gutted three olfj«S In the ed· riD!slrallon bulldin& ol Louts Pasteur r~ mil> Scbopf.Siindv.nlih1 · · •Oraa•• ' .. ... -. --- --~ I ~· ' ' • I ·I ( . "' ' irport Group Expanded! -·· .. 1111 hi ,,J 7 ' ...... -........... • ''IW ........ = . 'J' 11111 "'9 Tllo ~ ...... lncluda Clllll ., p.:~ n • t.-. ld!ll I .... Qlllj>or --· ....... ....,.. ' I Om: i -0..01 5 Mrta Kuyper and Avla, iiilflee~ a Hirbof ArU c1ibens' group. tian !llreefor ll<iboTt Bresnahan. N~ councilmen followed up Emory'a Tbe draft or<!lna-wbicb -yet suaialloo by formally requeslici coo-be ••1 r<Vllod, l<OOCdlng to Thomu, ~deralkln al ij by 'lbe -.! <JI opelll out lheae dullel !or Ibo new COJns Supervisors. mlaalon : Last November, the oount~ti.u;P-· -"To. study eoOOWo~ and make C<' it over to the U>..ague of C1Ue1. , reoommeodatlons concerrung the need The League Conned a ~ ta fw btight restrictions on buildings near ·look Ullo IL •111 me11'1*t. In ad41Uan ..,,.rls. k> ~ • .ttl..oe A1imtto1 Councilrua -"To make recommerllltionl for the Jooeph lbde Ull ~ · Co1mcu-.. of the land •=ounding airpor1s Rohef1 Clart. Ia U>e ~ ~ monU., jo assure safety of air DIVJ&ttiOD and the teague.-bio bas ·'1rorttid with key the promotion of air commerca. county aides on an ordinince designed -"To recommend plans !or the .,,~ al ~ CGollll1 Alrpol\ .. alrporW •lllcl> 11111 Ila ... CJll}red or operated by the county cl Orange. -"On nquest of lbe Board of Supervisors, to adviM: the board and make recommendations on any matter perlainlq lo alrporil OC air lrONporlas lion. -"To make such lnvesUgaUons as It may detm necessary In the es:erciae Of its JIOWtrS. --''To hold public Qearin&» on the lor<loloi 1ubjedl and mate !lndtngs <JI !act whlcb would be only advltory to Ute luvo!ved Jurtadicllon. -0 To make and Mlorce n.ilea and reguJatiOnl for the orderly and fair con· 4llcl o1 ·ouc1a~. • llcllnll ..Id • Mthor' _.aajblJJIJ' will be propoeed for the new board • He described Jt ll cooceming "fln- vironmental conditions.'' "By thb," he explained, ''we mean~ air pollut.lon and Dolie factors." · He said the League committee had agreed with county officials that it would· be a mistake to pile one' oew al'r'port~ commission on top of another. "So we ~ looked into the pooalbilily o( combinlnl' the two." Ttfe premit commlaalon by law hll its area of concern tbpited to airport sit.et themRlvet, and no( the •u.rt'OUDdlnl communities. MW piJIE ·----nr;,~ Cong Destroy 15 Copters To Land Jet BJ AllTBllB I\. VINllEL °'""~ ........ ·-~ --:;:-- A Cosla r.i .... je~ pll!JI Yoho [e4 )l~ squadron into JIJ)aft in the first F4 Phantom to land there -and carried Lady l.IJct in bil cockpit ever since -died Sund&y nWCJn a heroic aUempt to kiai•°*41W·alPlllo -aafely •. Capt. -'Jen: p, Waaiwoith, ft, eon of Mr. and Mn. Lee Wadaworlh, <JI 2BI -ling Green Drive. "'-to Ila}' wilh the pa..· to pr.-ill c:nabiJ>&' Into a d..,..r, -1ai.d.-of Jokyo. His radar offle«. MIJ. Burton F. Fcmtenol, 14, cl Ville Platte, La., died with him whrn the IS m1llloa lei Wms med tnto a mount•l..tde 1n a ipluh .of bluing fuel. The lbird lime was not a charm for the """"' U:S. Air Force ofO~. who had lwlce 'lilnri'l'Od ln-fll&ll\ cr1les an4 brouabl Ills boiiib-1~ la Into \'okota Air rorce Bue afely the last tbnt. -Siffidij' .. nlgfilri Cfailf-~"byetec=-­ trical system failure, Sheal'ed off power lines u Capt. WadawOrtb headed ·for a Yokota runway, pliinging 10,000 homes into dartnesa for two haln.· but prvbab1y saving 111111)' IlWll. · · .. The "pDOflna i'ldimiin· muld have cjeded aafely, bul Ibo plane mlgbl have aubed iqfp pppulalclj .areu, .USAF ........ aald inday. .. • • Word of the crash came to the Wadaworlh lami!J..in Cost.a Mesa when the victlm'1 ~ -· U.S.:/.li'JllY. Sgt. Robert W~ ~ -from YotoLI, ~ Iii Delta Invasion Cost,s U.S. $5 Million in Damage SAIGON (AP)-The Viet Cong bla!led their way into the biggest U.S. airfield in the Mekong Delta early today and blew up 15 helicopters worth an estimated $5' million before they we~ repelled by base defenders. Another six helicopters were reported damaged in • mortar barrage at the headquarlerl of the U.S. 9lh !nlanlry Divialon ti miles away. Clle office called the attacks an "oozing beginnina" of the long--awaited tntmy offensive in the 14,250-square mile delta south of Saigon. The Viet Cong altack on Can Tho, 80 milea IOI.Ith of the caplta1, wu the lirst major IJ'Ollfld probe again!I an allied alrfleJd ln several week&. li hit Ibo headquorlers o! lbe U.S. Arnly'1 ' Oay, Shaw Bid To--Belay,-Mov~­ Trial Rejected NEW ORLEANS (UPI) -Dist. Judge Edward A. Haggerty Jr. today refused to delay or rdbve the scheduled Jan. 21 trial of Clay Shaw on charges of consPlrtnl to assassinate President John F. Kennedy. llUJI denied defense mpUons lo qu9J . Att~f'l~~arrison'1 charges agalris aw, and for a change of venue 154th AvLtUon Group, the nerve-center for mllllar)' operaUooa tn Ibo MekOlll Della In Ibo region'• bl11eot city. Enemy 11ppen broke through tbe airfleld11 defenaea under cover of a heavy mortar, roc~t and machine-gun barrage that pbmed down the Americllnl while the Viet Cong atlached ezplOllve1 to Ute hellcopt,.'1. A barracb area wul of the airfleld WU • t t I ck e d simultaneoulJy. Field rtpOl'l llld !Ive cargo and troop. carrying CilnooU and 10 omaller hellcopter rumhlps were destroyed or damqed, lf.S. cuualtlea ..... ~g!ll ldll, edandJOWOlllldOd. . The U.S. COmmand aald: 1"'J1)e enemy 10ldlen were qulckl1 repelled by airfield security personnel, supported by U.S. Anny helicopter gunships and a U.S. Air Force Dragon ship," a flxed ·wing aircraft equipped with rapid-firing Gatl· ing guns. A spokesman said the American retaliatory fire killed four Viet Cong. Forty miles ni>rth of Can Tho, Viet Cong gunners sl,mmed about 10 mortar rounds into the ~ DtvisJon headquarters at Dong Tam. 'leld reports said tbern were no casuWUes but sis: helicopters were damaged, including the command chopper of Maj. Gm. Julian Ewell, the divilioo COD'U'QIOO.er. Teo helicopters were damaged at Dong Tam in a aimilar shelling three days ago. Postponing Spring Class Considered at SF State SAN FRANelSCO (UPI) -Non,olrik, ing professors today conaldered 1>993lil6 postponement of San Praucbco: stitc College's spring seme1ter for a new move to solve the campw atrlke crl&is. The ptopo.sal came as union ie&diers and student striiera 'pld:efed iii a drenching ralnstonn and acting President S. I. Hayakawa prepared for 111 show~wn with strikin1 faculty inemben. I student campua. . The American FederaUon of Teachers, now In its sixth day of a 1trlkt, threaten-- ed to call a statewide walkout ii any attempt is made to fire stri.klng AFT members. Sgt. Wadsworth, wbo ii on rest recreation leave frmn. signal eorpa duty "And they dan't even count combat ' · ·to tm'ft.the bi .. wtside 0New Orleans. Chairman David K. Marvin of the tntemaUonal relations department said a delay in the spring se!T''?ster. scheduled next month, n•ou!rl allO\\' the faculty to hear all demands. propose changes and enforce them 11•lth threats to quit .in a mass. School Bonds Figures to Be Set . At Trustees Meet : mlAions over South Viftuam," ~ bia _ . . : ~ ~cb..orth~ raibif 4 .-;£' ~efailg Cl>bl id' CJ•t:tiil the UW! S!ale UnlvmflT malbemi~ · • II!. -· r gnduale wu flying oot of Vol<ola last The state assemblyman from Cool, Eugene Chappie, lost bis Friday Muell. when bl.I Ft Phantom "11 atruct and ordered a ban on miniskirts for female legislative employes. utnlng and ~-~ ~ Sally cart.or (above) WU told to tum around and get bacl: to work Deaplle the lacl Ilia! a wrnj"'iani! alle~ photographer took htt picture .. Mrs. Linda Marina (bottom) was destroyed * eafllroll ~ says she has. some skirts thaf B{e l!ih?rter than ~>he. s~e bas _on, but damq:ed Capt. Wa1;1swcrth brougti_l Jhe she doesn't wear them anymore. Ladies are mamtammg thell' com- crippled plane tn ..teJy, ailhoogb ll wu posure despite furor raised over skirts. IOOl!ed wilh uploolve ordnance. · From P111~ 1 SURCHARGE •• li9QJ year and will recommend con- tin111.tion of tht surtax in ordtt to have a surplus ne1t year. it was indicated. It had beea reported lhal the ourplus would run about '3 billion. He la expected lo recommend ext.ensioo of the surtax for at least one year. Tbe current year's budget runs •bout SIM bUllon. There have been reports that the lf10 budget proposal '""1}d go u high as $195 bUUon. Souret!S said that Johnson believes the 1urtax ought to bt remand· as &cXl1 IS possible bu:t feell the · time la not yel ap la!O. -· ' Jobnlon is""f'etermined to show a ourplua tn UtO:-(\iiiir ft"!'Oi budJe\ !le pr-.U to eo-. -·- DAILY Pll(•l Ot!A..CI CO.t.ST l"U•LISHING (OM""lfr l•IMirl N. Weerl ""''idl!"' -Ml!Wf' J ecli: •• c.,1 • ., Vier l"rtt...,. -Gmt•al Man•,., lh'"''' Ktt•il ~fllu l••"''' J., Mw•ll'hin t "'41~-., Ef ottr ,..,,,,,, w. ''''' w;u;,,.. •••" ,., .. ec.111 ~'"'''"'""" a~..,,. Ef11or Coty E••lor H .............. Offke JOt Ith Street t.A1lli11t Arl•••t11 r.o. ••• no, 926.tl --,..._,IN<"" 'Jtl "'"' ltlbllot ............. (Mlt flllnl; )a wtll ltY lll"ftl ' -. -"' ' l•.-. ....., ... m ,.,.,, ·~ DAILY ll'lLOT, wlll> .e.ldl II ~ 'flf Joltwt '""'-'\ wt11i."" H itt _.. ..... ""' Ill _ ................... "-dltt ""-* kt<A. c.... .... Hulll...,. ... ... ,, -,_,.., Vtllt)>, ..._ wlllil ' •C~ ~I ... OI-(Mtl ..... ~ c,.._..., .,,,,,.,. _...,., ,,, ,, nu Wftf ...... """. ,......... ·~ ... -WeM '"' ,.,.. GM.ti ....... 1.1.,. ••• 1n•1 .....,.,,, ,.,_ W1A ' 'et c..I 14t-11H · a..., Ms 1·+ 1 641611 ~' IMI, °'"'" (NII Pllli!t..,,. c-..... -••t•ltt ... ..., .. _ ~ --., """""...,_.. lltr9111 "'it' llt ,_..... .. ~ -ltl MrlMi&llll --""' -· .....,cw.,....._.lf•'",_.,..._,. ... Citlt -· t11~ lu~ri.tltlJ W UIT\tr 11.n -11r11,1 w -11 n • _........., ............................. _.,,1¥, • .- $2-;245 Taken at Drive-in The colontl'• fact wasn't smiling down on two m.Ued armed robbert "ho held up u.e )Wlucky Frlfd Chkho -.. rn. lUO W. Warner, S • n t • Ana, Sunday nlglll and eocaped wllh $2,141 -locJts In( lhne of Ibo colooel'a helpen In a wal!J-ln lctboL . Manacer H. Norman Aubrey, 1"'61 Fiji Lano, Bunllnlloa U..cb told polloe the pair came In the back door of the -aboul l :IO p.m., lnndlahlng !Ulll-Ther oniered Aubrey, David L. Goods man and Linda J. Mclnlyre both ol Sanla Ana. Into Ibo wal!J,ln icelm Ind allampled to locl II wllb a ltllchen fort. The trio were able to force their WI}' out. The bandlta broke Into I floor safe to get their mooey. I Haggerty Wd he would rtlease &round rules for ne'.'·smen covering the trial Tuf.lday. Haagerty already had rejected the same defense motions once before. He lumed lbem down Slllllllllrily loday. Holdup Hearing Slated Thursday Preliminary hearing: has been set for Thursday for Thomas Etrry, 35, or Chicago, oo lhree charges resulting from an unsuceesaful n:ibbery. attempt on a Seal Beach grocery store fTlanager. Perry is 1n Ora.Die County jail charged with kidnap, burglary and conspiracy. Bail·is set at $10,000. The man was arrested about a block a\11ay from the home o( James Bender on Jan. 7 and ls accused of being one of three men involved in holding Bender's family hostage while two men escorted Bender lo his Long Beach market. At the market, Bender was able to notify police that a robbery was taking place and th11 his family was heir~· held hostage. The two men wUh Bender escaped. At present, Marvin said, the campus Is in "a desperate and altogether in· tolerable situation." "On the one hand, the student militants have Jruilsted on imposing various demands without reference to. or con· sultatlon with, faculty or £a c u 11 y organiu.tions, "· Marvin said. "On the other, we hsve lived since Thanksgiving vacation with an ini;i"ll'Ptc by college and higher state authorilies that the college remain open in a situa, tion In which any reasonably effective educational process is impossible ... Marvin called the teachers' strike "a form of de fecto alllanct" with student disaldents and forecast an educational operation "about as ineffective in the nes:t semester as in the last one" if no eolutlons are forthcoming. "Given this usumptlon," he said, ''it is therefore reasonable thll the spring semester should be indefinitely postponed" and the faculty convened to hear peace: proposals from all factions . Hayakawa has vowed to carry out a state law providing for the "automatic resignaUon" of any teacher missing five consecutive days of classes on the 18,QOO.. Final figures for a scnoo1 building, bond proposal will be set Tuesday night by trusttts of the Huntington Beach Union High School District. Trustees meet at district headquarters, 1902 17th St., beginning at 7:30 p.m. Voters failed to gjve a $12 million building package the needed two-thlrd1 vote of approval on Nov. S. Trustee$ since the election have tentatively se~ the same amount for a ballot measure on April 15 along with the trusttt elec- tion. Opponents of the prior measure claim that the trusteeJ should trim a new · proposition to a lesser figure, but the adnlinistralion has malntalned that lhe $12 million is the least amount of money needed to care for the district's building . needs over the next three years. Prisoner Hangs Self SALEM, Ore. (UPI ) -Adam Paul Kru&h, 58, hanged hlmself in the Marion County Jail early tocla.,y, a little more than a twf an hour after he was booked in connection with the shooUng of three men in a Portland tavern. n OMEGA-ACCUTRON -BULOVA AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR e ring• sized and · repaired • diemonds end precious &tone& remounted •pearls rHtrung WE CUSTOM DESIGN & MANUFACTVRE ALC TYl'ES OF JEWELRY ~.SHor!'IN• Clll1U ZJOO HAR-llVD. COSTA MISA MS:HU HUN11N•TON CINTll llACH a IDINIH HUNTIN•TON llACH "2:JIOI " ' ,· •. ' 1..,·.'.• (:.·••'·"''•·'•· • _., r •. ' . V«' "'"· i ' • • " I. I I i .. --~l"" ................................ _________ l"I"' __________________________ ...,-. ______ -----• -•; ---• ---- -· UCI Group Welcomes University Chancellor . Ll!CTURER Dr. J. W. Polt11on An upert on Amer!Oln poUUcs and an uportanced educator and aulllor will be thl speaker 1t the tbJrd u-nual Community Lecture oo Jan. ti, at a p.m. In UCl llClance lecture hall The lecture, open to the public, h 1pon19red aa a c:om· munlly aervlce each year by UCI Town and G<iwn. Dr. Jack W. Pelta1on, chlncellor of the Urbana· Charnpalgo campus ol the Unlveraity of IlllnolJ , and formerly vice chancellor of academic affairs at UCI, will be the eminent gue1t. Ht will diacuu the topic Myth u Reality. Chancellor Peltason, a Phi Beta Kappa at tbe Unlvtnlly Republicans to Place New Slate in Off ice of Mlaaeurl, boldJ • doctnta from 1'rtJicttoA UDlvonllJ and talllblAmerlcan...- and »OIJUCI al Smith Co111o and !ht Uclveralty of llllncila bolon becomlnl an odlloa- Uooal ildmlclllrator. Tb t former COl:llUan II a nauanan, recopiaed 1uthortty on public law and judicial behavior, and la vice prelldent of the American PolJUcal Science AuociaUon. Following the lecture Dr. and Mrs. Peltason will have an opportunity to greet friends at a reception arranged by Mrs. B. N. Desenberg and her committee of bostesseJ. The Executive Committee: ol Town and Gown also w1ll entertain the couple ud the pr<Sld-of UC! aupporl groups at a dinner before the lecture in the Newport Beach home of Mrs. Frederick R. McBrien. Churchwomen Blessed to Be a Blessing New officers of the Mesa and TV services and lh.t;c Is the topic of the meeting Verde Republlcan \Vomen's books. He waa awarded the of the Newport Harbor Club, Fede rated will be in-George \Vashlngton Honor Lutheran Church Women stalled et tl.1e first meeting Medal by Freedoms Foun-Thursday, Jan. 18, In Newport of the new year ne1t Wed-dailon, Valley Forie for hls Harbor Lutheran Church. nesday. sermons on Our Chrlatlan Mrs. Mae Tollefson or the The "buelneu aod pleaaure'' ,,A_ ... 11uuoo IJld tID.-.. ls There Eut Metropolitan Conference I t 10 30 \..NUllU "Iii will be guest speaker at the event will take p ace a : .,, Amerlca! The former wu ,, -.... n A ... a.m. in the home of Mn. ..,:.,,,,, p.m. ....,...u ....... Barbara Bunker of Costa released u a record. --''--'------ M'"L A luncheon, pioparedbythl Kids Uke to The bootels will be the In-boud of dlrecton, will be lllallin( officer during Ibo served followed by an If· Ask Andy bllalneu portion, placlnf ln 1emooD of bridge. Member•, office Mrs. Cal Sumrall, presl· who may bring gueatl, are _dent . ..Miu MJcheli:__Jarrett, e1kOO to make reeervaUons firlt vic e pre!lifeiil and ,h!-hY callin1 Mf9;----Wl1llam.......Ji', -----, Mmes Marguerite Richard Hall at 54MM3. FOR TH' WORLD s ~REA.TEST • . • M a k ·n h t '' c1NT coL01t ,11.1NT TRY second vice president ; Ralph rs. un er wi 01 an DAYl'S CAMIRA IXCHAN•E. Jrwln, third \•ice pre sldt'nt; open house on Monday, Jan. w F Hall treasurer · \V.J. 20, al 10:30 a.m. for member• 474 I. 17th St. cOn~m. re'cordlng s~retary, who would like to view lhe Cotta Mtu-646-2136 and Edgar Ni s 11 I e y, cor-Inaugural parade which will responding secretary. .!!tress the theme Forward The installing officer ill the,_T_0i:.•_lh_er_. ____ ...,.,._,,,=.,-----'=== newly elected president of the Orange County FederaUon of Republican Women and a charter member of the Men Verde Club. Science Shrinks Painful Hemorrhoids Stops It.ch-Relieves Pain Alter Ibo lnstallAUon, tht Rev. Claude Bunul, curator. Independence Hall, Colonial f"mdaW17TbatBothRellenaPaln Raear<h Library, Knotll Ber· and Shrinb Plleeln MOit C-~ ry Farm will spest on N"' Tod, N.T, (llpedal)1 lld-Ill) tool< pll& 'fto -la Colonial Ule. .nee Ju fOUJld a QJte1a1 :t.. p,..,_,..,," P. TUn II DO A minister 1itlct 1945, the mu.la wltll tll• abllltr, tn motl other-tormDla t~ h 1111' ldl speaker ha11 researched and .---to shrink ·bemonholdl, Ilka tt. Pr•paratloa B al.lo written on the subjects of faith ltoln. 1=~-:e~ ~1:-d:i'!°n. soothes lrrltat..d tlanea and and freedom writing two ~. wbll• ratb" rellnin&' llelp1 PNN:lt ~rtbv tnfeetlon. Iencthy series of radio scrlpt.s pain, actul nduction (1hrhU.. Inointmentor&u,Polfllof7fonn. for the Armed Forces Radio A 5 DAYS ONLY! enr1e••1' BEGINS, TUESDAY, JANUARY 14 !'I· ~ H1rbor Center, Cotti MeN --cotiou • ., ·· .. . . . ' I "1" o .. . •' . .. . . -. . . . . . . . . . -... . . . . : : ~ . . .. .. . . . .... - e PORTRAITS BY l~·PJN-UP5 ... ,." . ............ ... EXC.USIVB.Y AT P!NNEYSI oe1, 1 .• 49. hr•l••1",..aoll AlpattA .. ...._.teywllew ..... ,, ... ..... l ...................... Y..,. _.,_,_ - IONI OI TWO Of.-.,_ 12 YIAI$, INI P!Xf ~ \ l'MO'IOGIAPHm f!NOLY. HOUU. l•tli •lill1Ull•11•I J·.r ,.,,,.a .... .., .iUlrSIMI tWW u~fff 12 •••••••• 1 .. ctill4M ,... .... .,., ..... "'tlflMf • 1.49 2.98 3.98 w.a.tlMlltw.Dotit. TUffday, January 14 through Saturd1y, J1nu1ry 11 f:llJ 1.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, J....,, I.!. 1169 DAILY PILOT Jf : NOW SJIVanla Color TV With IUll IUnctlon remote control costs 1m1 auy now. save uu ·10 $50. Sylvania's prlceltss Color TV features include: Color bright 55• piclure tube with the indushy's shcrpest piclure conlrcsl-every sel hos one • Full 295 sq. in. viewcbl e piclure creo • Adiust eoch VHF chcnnel once -pre·set fine luning will olwoys "remember" ihat selling 1 "Picluromolic" AFC Aulomolic fine Tuning gives you precision tuning at you r fingerti ps faster .than you can lune manually • Conve ni ent "no guesswork" color luni ng conlrols • Advanced Gibraliar™ cha ssis wi1h plug-in transislors .for easy molntenance • Aulomol,ic col or purifying ( clogaussing I circuit • Colors are eosier to tune and they stay tuned wilh outomollc color level montlor • Noise or electnccl Interference Will not "roll" or jiggle" your. picture.• U~llonn, ru.ased cir- cuitry for years of dependable service • AfNay1 the flnest possible picture In all 1lgnal areas • "Ultromatlc" full function retnote control-opttonal, extra. • '619°0 :SAVE $31 ·-·----------·----11- •59900 SAVE. $5Q CF466P-Uncompromi1ed ent1rtainm1nt •al••· Elegant Spanish Provlnclol siyle designed In Pecon veneer> and oell!CI wood aollds. Includes variable tono conlrcl and twin 7' oval speakers. See 1"8 htgh pononnonce Colc>r TV faotu.... and option mentioned obo.9. '650°0 SAVE $45 C•S43W-Oittincrl>1• Scendinavhm 1tyl• con· sole on Scandia boH flnlsh&d in oiled Wolnut 'It· llMfl and l9!ect wood IOlidG. Glid1ng tomboor doors r--1 ~ and -ol ..... See tho hiGJt.po(· '°""""' Colot TV -ood -.oboY .. Cf540W-fr"h Contemporary styling in oiled · Walnut VllnMl'I and ••l«f wood sohds. Gliding tom· bout doors meal vlewlnll and conlrol arto. Se• tM hl;h ptrfOO'llOnca Col0t TV fecm.rMand option m•n• tiontd obow. •559oo SAVE$4Q CPS23W-Excitlng Standl- novlan atyl• con1ol• on swtv.i base In oiled Wolnul V$nfff1 and """ wood tollda. Voriable tone controf. S.. the high ,,.n..,,.,,.,. Color TV feofufe1 ond option oboYo. Sylvania'• •1tntramaUc" Full Function Remote C<>ntrol Syai.m is fUIJy tran- alltorloed for Instant response and ut. mool dependability. You Cl.II tune your plctum perfectly with contfn. uOUllY nrllble COlltrol tunct!ono tram a~re In the room. Tiie 11)'11"m lo operated on the ullruonlc .Prfndple lil4 lo 'ffrlual1y fmmWlt to fa!Je till· priJI&. Optloilal, atra • . . onlY pcmlM pot montb! Wa:m1: ~--•OWT...._...,_ • .._......., ..... ~ ............................. ,.,..,_.,,..w..,.P'-:1 •••'- _,,... ..... ~ • ....,... nMNI ....,..., wMch fll1t ... ,.....,,. dt'9cf hi ....w... ....... 1\ _.... .. f11,.. ~ ~...,..., .... ~ .... , .... N .... .t puteha. ..... 11 I II ..,.. Ml 4ti.ttlwo ,... '9"'91 -~Oii dlof'IM ON ... llldllHd. ll•fr c•lllt .... wlil lilt -191dM .,,, ...... ,., ,,.,... ., IM eppllcel*..,. or,...,,_,..._,, TM. Wbf'Nllfy 1#111 Mt •pptr If ._ 111111 or Ol!Y '""•I tt NI i... Mi.cttd • lllt11t1. Mflect., .ccl4Mt • ., 11 !hi' MM! """""' llM i... 11ht'"1 flf ~. TMt ~ .-.1 ... ~·· enll,. eblltoliM CINI ,.. ....., WOf'rlllll• ...,,..... " lliplt.4, l:MWlllf 11141rth9fi!OMl!!f ltlld fth'l•u, e,. ow.ti. Tilft ...,,....,, d.,..n 11P011 rM" ,,.,ch9N dell OM1 Mll"1"t to S.,.tw.ftle 1t1t ~ Nflttrot!M nNI .mt.II\ M I') .,._ •fllf Ute el l111'9ll•llOA. If .. ~ 11 M!M.C, •~lect f'8W dlel1t or• ewthorh:wl ''°'"""" Ml'l1ft teritrecl'OI'. OUR 22nd YEAR IN THE HARBOR AREA! 411 Eaat 17th Street, Costa Me11 h~ •·•-SatwHy '"' • 648-1114 J. ._ ... --I I t . I • • ' . . -· . . . , . -. • I I I • . \ --- --~-~--~~~~~~~~~~----------------------.............................. .. j ! I I I '1 I • , ll DAll.Y PILOT (Hl Mondq, J,_, 1', l""' • -· . Americans Travel · More, Farther many borne. LEGAL NOTICE MOTICa OP RATa IMtRUlli APPl.ICATIOtl ... SAJITlAGO wAnlt COMPANY tlled ~ Ho. !illltl wttft tt>e l"VD!lc Ufflitt. c.nrnbsloll .. ,,. St•• .. CllllfDmle fw .,. '"'"'9• "' 1h ~I MlltAd 5erlk"f "1111 Fie! "--'"' (-~ s.rtka. A GIPY Gf M!d ... 11c:1ot1o11 ..-Ml ~ nlllblh ""'' M •..nlMd 1t tM offices of ttw ca~ Plll>llC Ut111tles. Commlnlorl In s.n Fn111elteD 1111' Los ""'''" 11'111 ,, tile Dffktl of 1N ~111' ioc.tm 11 llJ.171 Norlll E•d'lllntt Piia, Sin Dimes 1nd 13' Soultl P1r1t Slrtel, Clh o1 Or111119, C1Hfom!1. SANTIAGO WATER COMPAN'f ar ltoblrt M. McGr.w, Vke Pref.idtnl llld 0.nerll MIN9fr Otll'I' Pilot, Putll!.rtm 0•1'19'9 , .... Jllnutl"I' 13. '"' .,... LEGAL NOTICE MOTICI OP SALii ~ .. Pllltk Se .... ....._ • ...,_.,., ......... lfttHr NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 1'1191, '°'~nt tlD 1M lftr made 1nll Pl'0¥10f!d, ,,,. undef"•lened, 1111-t-Grlbh>-Voro 00,1.. will M11 11 Pllbllc 11>dlon, II 9511 MM'-Cln;le, W••lmlftsler , c111tDml1. 11 10:00 o'doc.k A.M.. on Frld1y, Tll9 ltlti da't' of Fftlfu1rv, 1~, tM follOWlnt' descl'lbtd pr-'Y, 1-11. Phllco Color T,V., G. E. clodl radio, Malllh!rw«k PC!f19bli&. lhlrto -.... 11t01lm1h!IY •7 11bu!Tw. S.111 ui. It tor tM PUrllOK of "'8t1stv1 ... llell "" ,,. lllldlnltMd for ...... owed on 1,1~! 2 lllaled 11 IS.I MMllMWI Clrclt In 1'M ll!IOUftl of Ulll.DO. ,_..,.., wlt!t ~,. of -r1111... ..... ··-,,, ... ~. O.tl'CI J1nu1ry 7, 1Mt. Be_......,1-Grlbln-Von Dyl s, ~l•W, Ha~ Publl<Md Orll'IP Coest D1ll1 Plllll, J1n11l•J" ll, 20. 27 Incl FebrVI" 3. 1w.t D-* LEGAL NO:l1CE "O"TK:• Of' PUlllC SAL• OP 90AT AND TMILElt IY Ll•JI MOL.Diil NOTICE 1$ HERE8Y GIVl!N ttwt. ..,nuMlt 1'11 ~ II• rnlde .iMll ,l"WIOMI, "°"' uncllnl9nfd. Nt_. Dul*. l..C.. wm .. u 11 ll'UbllC 11/dlan. 11 n. lil'tlctt ttl ,..._. ~ Inc., --'-........ ~ lddl'HI ls )10 EHi CGMf N....,., """"""' a--. C.1lfon'lle, .,., ~ .. ~ off crf PKlflC: C091f H..,_., -· J11'1'11*w 11.-4. Newport flwdl. c.1ltfrl'llli, al 1t:• A. M. Oii Prti:llJ", tl'le ,,.,. drf ., .h!lll¥Y. 1tr6t, ... tollawl ... deW:rfbloll .....,-ty, 19 wit: • 11(191 {Call-- fotT!lt ""lllNllOn NG, Cl" D'6 IG) •nd a trallJof' {Callfomil 11<:9"" No. CP ":!\;. .... i.. tor tti. "1fJIOlll '11 11ti.- """' 11911 d "" u.....,,_, tor 1'°"" -'" "" an*"" ti 16!.... ._..... wtt!t ~ of .ch'tf"tlllfllll Ind ·-·-· 0.i.d' J1-N L J .. I. INC. ffEWl"~T OVNES, llJ" oirtl1iolltltr Hiii 11'5 AttOl'MJ" , .. °''" Pilaf, !"WlhlMd OnnM .W-tY 6.11,. 1Nt ... LEGAL NOTICE NOTICI Of' TltUITl:l'I IALI .... '':I ()n Jl"~l'Y )1, 1 11 It e'CIOci< A M 11 rt.. $00.llh ('"'"II errtr1rice ei ;;_. Old Or.... COUnl'f' Cou,,.._ If! Thi CllJ" of Santi AN, Ctl1toml1, LOI ANC)ELEI TITLE ANO AllTll:,ft,CT .COlllK!llATION M Tl'Vt.loH, ""°"' tM ...... of fl"Vlf ~ ll'f" At.... DIN Ind C ... "'"9 F, D41~. ~ Md ~ ...:t ....... liMW 77, 1ff6. II '"'"""" .... 1ftll, "" --1''4. ..... u "' ~ ._... ol C)-1 .... CowlY tallflonlle, 91¥M ta ~ Ill .,. .. ,;..,,... Ill '-Y« o1 HMTY S1itlrl OWIWld ..... JllN b¥ ~ SNiln ::--"' w-ctl ., cttt9lll ~ __, .,..,...,.., ""'°' of wNdl -r--.. ........ .. '* .. 1,..,,.. ...... ... :iom "' 9DOli: ""· I"'.'& .. '11 Mkl Otndll ll-*· L ~ Tin.I AHO ANTltACT COii-N, .. T,...._ "1" .. II ... ~ .................. .... .., ..w.ai. In '""'11 -.. .. u"""' '""" e1 "" ,.... of ...... -"'*" w-tr • .. fftlt, ...... ~ .. "'..,.., :i.i.~ "' i1111t1 ,_ Miii lll' Mid """" ....,.. ..... ... .. """' 11'1 ................ ~~....,..,.. ......... °"""" Ill Or-, S!•ll ., ca....,,...,....., ~1'.-1fdTrldtW,in ......... -""""~ 111 ... ,., ~ .... JS '9 • llod!llM, ,,..,. .. lltl ..... --d Mid '*""'· ... .... .. _... fl """"' .. ""'"' == llf ..... OMd • TNll. lrlfH .. I ""' .... In _ ...... ~1 " "" ~ -"""' • ..... D9M fl Trurt. Wlt!t ....... "*-""°' t:": "· ,.... .. ... "" -" 9""nDll ............... ~. o.•:~ri. ..... l.01 ANOfl·~ Tift.I Al'IO A•STltAC ~TIOfrt, ,..,. t "'-" L. ....... :::r: -. ,.....,.. °""""'-e.ttf ... .,.f--+--+---t---t-~ I • 1400)--+--r-- i .... "" .... Southland Business Declines in Dece1nber Southern California business activity slipped lllghlly during December, It WU reported t.. d>Y by o. C. Admnl, manager of Security Pacific N1tlooal Bank'• Colltl Mesa brancb. Al.....,...i .. tllebonk'• seasonally adjuated lndel of Business Activity, economic performance last m o n t b registerod at lllS.4, down from 187 .8, a record level set in November. Previom readlngl were 185.8 in October and 181.t la Sept.znber. Business activity rema.inied more than 10 percent stron.1er than the year-ago reading of 168.l , according to Adams. Botb construction and real estate sales increased last month, but bank clearln~s and department store sale1 declin- ed, after adjusment.s foc sea· sooal fluctuations. The con· st.ruction actvance. the 10th in the past it mooths, was perticularlY -.g. 'Ille rul estate sales pin WU slight. A new bjgb ht employment wu reported ftr November, Ille llteal l1l4lGlh for which statiltit'I ue avadable. Orl a .......,11y ectJ"""' b a s I s • !here wen 4,IOl,11111 clvill1n1 11 """' in 11>e me1ropou1an counties of Loi Angel .. , <>rana:e, RJvenlde, S 1 n Bernardino, Sin Dlqo, Santa Barbara and Ventura. Novem- btr employment was u p 121,400 (or 1.t percent) from the in-el 1 yMr eariler. The year's n&tJonal emp)oyment Banker Retires gain was 1.8 percent. Unemployment dropped from 4.4 to 4.1 percent during t h e November·lo-November period. ( Th e comparative rates are &easmally adjusted ratios of the unemployed to the total civilian labor force Jn metropolitan S o u t h e r n California.) NaUonally, a 3.3 ratio was the lowest in 15 years. Airlines Map Hawaiian Route Plans LOS ANGELES iAP) - Two L o s Angeles-based airlines say they are already making expansion plans to use the new air routes to Hawaii granted them by the Civil Aeronaullc:s Board. Western Air Llnes says 1t ts "the ~ lmportant route award in Western'.s O.year- b.Lstory." It ls moving its 1tewarddeu college to Hawaii. '?be routes to Hawaii were granted Saturday to Western, Continent.al and three other airlines • Robert P'. Six, president of Continental, 51id the new route makes his an "in- ternational airlines.'' Terre.II C _ Drinkwater, pre.sident of West.em, said the routes will provide t h e shorte!l and most direct serv:ioe between Hawaii •nd Europe. He aald that with this liM between the H•"allan ,_,, ,, .. ... .. Mra. Melba Chandler, an of. Islands IDll A a c b or 11 e • tlCial o1 tbe Flnt Na.Uonel Aluta, s• •llC'ft wru be Bani< ol Oranp C.Unly's tnst, •able lo -wllh Glho< ~ bu mired. S!e trit11nes Ind fly non-stop to .. .-;; __ -:.=======-...:l<:__'"•_· till -~ !ID. lllnlpe. Tax Returns to Help Curb Inflation Force By SYLVIA PORTER An aggressively tight money policy is now being added to the major weaporui with which the U.S. is fighting the worst inflation and inflation psychology of recent years. And th.is is a key point: the policy is being added to other forces operating to curb the price-wage spiral. Today's column continues my series designed to answer your questions about this num- ber one economic·financial story at the start of 1969. Q. WHAT ARE the other anti-inflation forces? A. First, as a result of the tax surcharge, the boom in taxable incomes and the slowdown in Federa. spending, the Federal budget is swinging now from flscal 1968's massive deficit of $25.2 billion to a minor deficit or even a surplus in fiscal 1969. Instead of bor· rowing enormous amounts as in calendar 1968, the Treasury will pay down as much as $10 billion of debt in this: ftrSt half of calendar 1969. This switches the budget from an inflationary to • deflationary factor. Second, Social Security lax· es are rising around $4.2 billion &.is year and millions of higb·income worke~ are paying their enUre tax n1 the early months of 1969. THIRD, taxpayers across the nation will aoon be filing their 1968 tax returns and fin- ding, to t.helr dismay, that I.hey owe more than they thought or are entJUed to smaller refunds than they ex- pected . Fourth, President N 11 o n himself will bte a restraining fact.or, for rt•a a certalntJ that he will maintain a lid on Federal opendlng untJI In- flation is curbed. Now on top 0£ all this, the Federal Reserve System has decided to wait no loogtt for the other restralnll to take hold . It Ls moving wlth un- mistakable toughness to cut the supply of money in order to make loans much harder as well as much more ex· pensive to £1!l. Q. WHAT'S rms Wk ahout a ''credl\ crunch''! A. A llO<Jiled crodll cnmcll occurred in late IUIRDlef of 196& For moo!M le..iinc 1111 lo H. Ille Federal Raerv< S)'llan bad atopped ~ ...... ,.,. ........ ---bad-~fundt ~n!tlbld(ll to tm!Hmtao In -ol Ibo -II- tractive Interest rates. Banks were forced to ration loans. Financial institutions were compelled to dump bonds to get funds to meet minimum loan demands. AB bond prices plunged, buyers backed away. As mortgage money dried up, buikling of houses came to a virtual standstill. Then in late August-early September, the markets panicked. Sud- denly, money seemed simply to disappear. The "credit crunch" was on . JACK BROWN POOLE BUICK NAMES NEW SALES MANAGER Joe Poole, owner of Poole s1bd< w i.3' 8ak.OllT .60 Buick on 17th St., in Costa a.11 c.e 1.60 Mesa has announced the selec· ::~'Fl~~:: lion of Jack Brown as the &:~11 ~JOI firm's new general sales 111n1 CA .:is B•slc Inc JO m~~~:rer. to his new ap. tr,::;~ s . B a.ulldiLb ..to potntment, rown had been 11itrt.1b .11 sales manager of another t::ri"'~~a ,f General Motors dealership for 8=~:~ ~.\2 the last 11 years. Brown and l:Fcr~ir·~ his family have been Costa at~:: jij& Mesa residentl for over 12 ae1d Hem w1 81H 1-4-Ml Years Bel 11ntwcun ----·---------IBemLJCa lM BUT IT DID not last long, l:::~ :;,'°, for the Federal quickly moved ~:1iF ':..-l~ to ease the squeeze and start R di d R::ue,~~ credit flowing again. It had C leU s-1111 "' to act to prevent the whole l~lc !:°,, Bell\ $11 !.6ct economy from going into a Break" O' -' :1:crior1 .if tailspin. u f,(.£ au .. L•., 1 Q. What aboul another &:bt1~''\irti° crunch now? l~~c:. ':~51> A. The top.level word is Air Barrier t~,,~~1.jO that the Central Bank will llQ<l•Mt11 '·'' 80fden 1.l'G not allow things to -get this h«ow•r l.'5 tough again. A petite redhead who hopes l:'E~~i ~ But the Central Bank will to become a pilot has made l:t~ pf forte banks to become ex· It to the runways at San Fran-=wA1r111: 1 .., tremely selective in loans in cisco Intemalionat Airport as i~~ ~ order to compel a slowdown ~ ~ .. ~ in corporate spending for new its first female Airfield Safety ftk,.,,.UG 1.n plants, to encourage postpone-Officer. I~:"' ment of many State and local Ruth A. Ansuriza of San =~ .... 'l,& projects, to discourage much Bruno wears tan trousers and ::CSj'i'?~ "fringe" consumer spending. shirt and 8 heavy gold badge $ ~:.;:, THE MESSAGE IS : The ai; she patrols runways, tu-54 Central Dant is not kidding. iways and ai rcraft parking 1"Jr'1t""° Q W •t ·~=a hi h ap rons. 111.11'111;11 ftfl.50 ' on u~ mean g er Since her arrival in the 18~ .lo'° unemployment! UITO\lllhr 1 A. Yes , and virtually all formerly all·male ranks of :JtU""' ,.., policymaking officials are now Airfield Safety Officers, Mrs. ~ ~ more than willing to risk Ansurita, 43, has worked al ~·f"'l, c1 ... higher joblessness in return shi rts , patrolling 100 miles or E:h.~~"!D' for greater' price stability. runways in sunshine, rain and ,:~ i.i: President-elect Nixon 's chief darkness. , ~= ~rr; ~· economic adviser, Or .. Paul The wife of a San Francisco ,c1r1 fit': f"il McCracken, has plainly said policeman, she decided tot.ate c::::-i .• the test for ,._ 1· ob when • c •da, ... ' he will accept h i g h e r will' lhe c;ty's Civil Sf.l'vice Cam-'~.!.!', ·", . ., unemployment if it is not ........ "substanti•1 or prolonged." mission ruled 1ut yur that -f~ ;~ With the ow.rail unemploy-metennaidl, poUomien 1 n d ·~ 1 ment rate at 3.3 percent and firemen were etlgible to take "' Jt ... the rate atnong manied men the exam. She waa a AL•• at an absolute minimum. metermaid It the, t:imt. '-~ there Ia plenty ol .-. for "Frankly, I ."~ IWJliloed maneuvering In the oem:h lor th•t I pused I~" she said. more pr¥:e stability. Mrs. Ansuriza rated filth of Min r,._MlJ Q. What about the danger about 50 applicanta and ~,.~.., of a recession! started • four·wtek trainlnC "'rir; -~ A. WE OOULD BE soon course in 2S subjects several 111:~:,' :ft arguing definitions tn this weeka ago. "'"'i'' '~ area, but the tnronned belief As one ol the dozen Safety ...r11 1: is the d•nger Is minor. Orficers at the Airport. Mn. "' "" • · The approach ol Nixon's toP Ansuriui guides repair cmn .-,.U-.,. economic advbers to the tut workin.g on the runways, ~!:1 ~: of curbing inflation wilJ be s upervises contractora ti· "'1 sM .it c&utJoua .r>d gradual. The pandlng the airfield and Lr&~~ Federal certainly does nol Jn charge of lhe rield tn sce• C'f'll fl v·': . in f h Cl\.tttMI. J.41t want the blame for invit g o a eras emergency. c~•r "° a bull. ADd the underlyillC Though ther e was~...,.'·J: fCl'O!I tar ~ In our responsibility as a meter maid, Ci::."~111z eccaomy now are v tr 1 .11be said 1t ~ a.lrporl "the J" ~ respcmlblllty , L1 increased a M~"\ ~ ·-.Ji!...,.1'11m9'1tr ... -fold.' I,.. no end 'Ji • V. lo lbe loarnlq Involved." .l. ---------------------------------- .. , ... """ _,. _., _., :.::~ ~~ -~ +• ~"' •• •.. ,. !~· ... _., =n: .... ' + •• =1~ I _,, _, .. -· _, _, + " ' -ao +• . -" _, .. + .. ·-· ·-· -· _,. _, ~~ _,., .... • +. :.:·. -il ' -· -,, _ .. -v. _,. ::!," -ti -"' :i:·~ _, .. , + ,,. + ,, -'• -'• _,. ~1 ' -" :=::I -'• -'• ;. :0: ~. -" _., . -'• -.. -· -!~. ,_ .. ' .. _,. 1 .:..:1~ • t •.:. _., ,_ .. ;..:1~ '+ " ,_ .. _,. ,_,. ,_, ,_,. ,_ .. ' -.. ' -"' ...... ..,..,. ' .... ,_,. -.. •-\;! .... ,_,. ·-.. -· __, -" .... '4 _, _,. -,, ·-.. ' -\;, + .. ·-'4 ' ... ·-'·• _,,,. _,,, -J\'o -· . -"- +·"'" ·-\• -,, -· .... ,_,. _,, _ .. -·· _,,, + " -·· _., .... _, t.• .:..:·.., ..... +• _,,. _,., -,, -,, + ,,. _, ... -.. _ .. .:..:· v, -l•r, ... -· +Pl& -.. -'·" +1•• -" -· ti: _,,. -" _,. -1•i. -·z _, _ ... -,, -.. =~ -•;, _, +"' ...:. .. ... -'• -" -· -· _,. + v. -" _, ...... -" .... -· + (! -" ... -" _., +• :.:,.. -· •-49 :.:.r· _ ,. _., _., _,. _ ,. + " _,,, _,., _,,. -'• _., -" -.. -" -" + ., -t'\ _,., -'• .... -" _, _, + " -.. ...... _, .. -~ + " :.: '•i r· '" '" ::: u. .... _, _., _,. _, ~·1,4, -" _,. _,. -.. f':: '" " _,. _, ... "· ' ' l _, • ,, - Monday's Closing -" Prices -mplete New =· ::\ -· ' S11mbob Market "" flllMlllt ...... ft """""" "' .. "" ... .,.. lfllmt ...,... ..... _ .. "' ....... tl"t \IMffltJtl. .......,. ..,. .. .,,.. ~, .... "' '"' ..... flldr ,..,..,... _ ~.,..., ..... .., .... ,..,_ f-f't¥t~lt Ill .... """" ,,.,, Mlll'lltflf. 1111t llhle ...... fMlltnd. 9-0Klt .. tr UM nllle tr -.fl¥~ Hflf tr b419'rl1Wt!M ..... ~•Id tut ..-r. frl-Oect.rN w "" tf!tt lflCtl fhl....., w •"' -. ~reel tr N lf ffllt 1'tlr. tA HCVll!¥ftfl'ff llM wlltl •IYlf ...... 1r1 """""' ,_.1111 ........ ,, ....... """'""' ..,,. " ,.. """" ""~ t t ... ""*"" fMfl1N. t-Dtttlf'N " ... ,. "' ,.., '"" ..... "" ..... ....,.,.Mil "' Mk --ltiP, lttfllltNI ........ t»fl¥INMI tt' ..... ......_ """ \'1-tlWINtl• ~ "'""* lllfllll. c»-Clt .......... .,.. • ....................... _...... ..,,...., ~ ... """-..... , .... ~ "" ..... ......... ., ............ .......... ,....,. ........ ...... ttMi-., ACt. " .., ....,,,, .........,,... ...... §!Mlfiii!E c ............ .... -SllYING THI l'UIUC AND TIADI! I '"°"" MN.121 '2211 w ... , .......... NfWllltl ch M-• .i.._, U, 1969 (Hl York Stock Exchange List ' Exchange DAILY PILOT ,lR_ Oosing li Im llil 'I i ,"' ~a :I: _, =l: I l -'• ~, .. -" -" +• -" _,, ,._,, -" .... _, .. _., -· ....: \o _,, ,_., ..... _., -'• ... _, " ••• _,,.. " • , ·'I k '• .... '· _..,. _____ """"""""' ... ="'...-'?"'"":c::"'77::'":::";";'==----............. -~-... -.... -..::::...-.-. .. --~. -.-.--------. .. .. ................ ,_..,..-. ---... ··-· . i"' • --·----.--------• t-•• • • • • • • • • • ......... . .. .. /I . . • t-• • • •• • ' ' • • ·-~- ON 'WALL STREET' -Sylvia Porte'r ~merges from No. 1 Willl;lh Street, famous address in New York financial district. Just·as some of "Holly;wood'~ is in ~tiful (lowntown Burbank, part of Colµmnist PortifS 1!'Wall1 Street" ills Qver intO" other P.arts -of city.-Bjlt it's sfiu ''SylVia's·street.'' -· ' i· ; -.,., . . . -site: for 'dream house •she'll probably never fftUSh · -bec!}use ~·says it's mo~e flJ.il -to. 1'build .. &l)d 'r.e:- model in her imaginatiob. · · TAPPING PIPELINE -_Columni;t Porier m.u;laiiis contacts . ~liholl!~Amenc"" business coounlllli~ and·in !Jle coUlltinli ho~ '.iS''GrE~. Often a .~tra~icljJ]y ;tlm"!l 1~~·-call-liefps her 'neat the wol!d w)\b·some -impoitant piece of <financial news: · · : • · lumnist Porter changes into Sher-• lock llo1m .. ·bu!f when she reve lo role as Mrs. Collins. Her library In rursi-liome · incl•des i.very es ;s1ozy eyer written , by A. . ~·Doy!~. ~et.boOksiD. Co tiob are more classical than finan. MEET MIKE -H_e's a sh~, but Little.Mike js suQe,es~or to an earlier ,, dachshund who was of right sex ,to wear the name. ·Other members.· of Collins houseb<>Jd meniJgetje inrJ:Ude tbree '.gold'en rettjevers, four' .. cats, some duct.,1.a lot of. fish (in their own lake) and ·some frogs · • • • • 1 • claL .·,·.-. ' ..... .. . ' NO tHl!~J.EEP -It may be Mr. and .Mrs. cot. 11111 ~ W. Uny Jeep with Its plDll; candy strlpes aro,md Pound Ridge, but It wu "the :o111er Sylvia," . fl.._!11 powerbOUJo Porter, wbo make It possible. ;~~· callail the late l\tmy J-,Ka11er. asted '?buy -----·----~--- oae after Ifie aaw mini•Jeep In Acapulco. She had toJet exporter'• license to qualify 8' of one tbe tiny vehicles. They're built excl for export. • ------ i' cl~ssified as "Squa ters." . · .. MOTHER OF THE B~IDE -Sylvia Porter Collins and daughter, Cris, enjoy large mail c«:l as they tabulate ,roopooses to invitations sent out for Cris' weddibg reception. "We're running war ahead of averag ... " effervesced the bride'1 motJ(er, "some-_ thing like 90 per cent." Maybe the division between • the analytical columnl<i's p<Jblic life and her pri- vate life isn't as sharply ~ned as she thinks. An RSVP reportf ; I I ' I I ' I NewTrio Enters ' I 500Race C h r y 1 1 e r has mpondtd ta the road racing challenge Issued a week aao by Ford's million dollar stock car team which entered the first eight drivers for the Motor Trend- River11ide 500, Sunday. Following the recent usign· ment of Bobby Allison to fill the void lclt by Richard Pel· ty's switch to Ford, Plymouth and Dodge today announced three more drivers and, in the process, created another natural rivalry. ~ The three. Al Unser and Don White, both in '69 Dodge Charier 5005, and Roger McCIU!key in a ~69 Plymouth Road Runner, team up with the previously a n n o u n c e d James Hylton and Bobby Isaac in Dodges as well as Allison in the other Plymouth. Unser, White and McCluskey are all members of the Uniled States Auto Club (USAC) who are eligible to enter the Na- tional Association for Stock C a r Auto Ra cing (NASCAR)· s anctioned 500 -mile •" because o f internalional • recognition for the eve nt. 1 As if the track battle ' : . . • • between Ford and Chrysler weren't enough, it now ap- pears that there is a natural USAC-NASCAR war •·brewing on the 2. 7-mile road course at Riversid_e. Two drivers from each orginiUlUon are entered in Dodi~. three drivers from each b o d y are entered in Fords, one driver from each ·. • I \ DAILY Pll.al H It's Like Having a Baby When You Sweat a Title By STEVE ANDREWS Of' .... D•"" PUii llllff "'I'hll ls worse than hiving a baby !" the Tara were lut year'• •etch:t clul evtq yut. ctwnpiODI, Marina, then El c&ls S o n e 1 1 .Andilnon.!t Modena ad Weltllllnlt<r to team+iate, plaooil .U a( ,lt1I round out 1he top five. f~ ~ ll I>, bopiN 'lllree l<lurtwnen~ clwD-Tom Foa of 't Eol- plool went througll the eotln Eqles down far 1he "'81L affair pJnnlng each opponent Sonea: wu t t l e· ct e d they facfd. jjOutstandln, Wrestler of the ... ''AUTO tNSURANCE 'pRoftlM~? Those were the wordJ of Fountain Y a 11 e y wrat1ing coach Vern Wagner while pac- ing the floor during the final 194 lb. match between Bob Ra/mood of Estancia Ind Bruce M.,-tin of Newport Harbor. Cbrll Horpel ol the Tars T~I" I>, I voCe of wu w1°'!'..' """"1U,. Illa n!Cht :...~ for hlt tr.,,on-.llr--CA-L_L_6_7M650~.--~1 up ~ a fin of Gen'r The bOnon ol 1he 1-:~L------:--,"I Why wu be 80 Interested in a match where none of bis boYJ were partlclpallng! Hamidi of E Modena 2:39 pin~' !l!;ii.ve G~ of H & H INsu··.,,., Into Ille mi lch. , • . Coltl v ... GIWim hb _..,.... Glenn A 1 a m o to ot. ... ,_.,...,.,,. ~nl t't. ~', ln ...... a:f ..... h.. '* MtqOTIUM"• -c.......,...,. It w'u becaote B r u c e Martin stood between him and the Orange Coast Jnvit.atlonal champlooshlp. WU another, WTl!'P'>Cc I p ltlo -r~ .... 'l'i. •• \"1'!" • ~ ·-""' ,,,.,...l nJcbt'• llbor w111l 1 p1n ot1~~2~1 ~-§i§m~u~·~u§1~y~ma~~~~~~,5e~·~~~ Gleon A•••mo t o of Well, Martin WU plnped by Raymond 4:41 into the match and the Barons bad pulled off a major upget In CIF Weetmimter In a Ume of. 2:51. c:in ~bls~J:: GiET•ACQUAINTib tournament since he was a sophomore and has won his wrestling circles. Newport Harbor, one of the TNm ~!:1~~~ ~"':':. v,111., Southland's most highly rated 111 u1 Hl!IJll«t H•rW 1'1 111 ~ ling ts l . l lh ,,,... ,., ,,, •1 MoMnt .. , (l) w .. ,, con en , w e n m o e mlnltw "' 111 1.111nc11 "' en t.11 championship round with a ~. ,,, 0 1 c.11 Mitt 111 "' hr I I d l.-CCII'-del Mir lllli CllJ ...._ Gr1n-l ee-po nl ca over t.ro; ck Mi 1111 Wlllttlff 111 021· Hunt-Barons, 67~. ""'°" 1 .. c11 n i n31 vi111 ,.,,. ,,, However, wins in tile cham-:::\ ~=~ .. 11~1~1/:'t:~.:= .~'1 pionshlp round by Chris Sones, • 1t1 "'"'' 111 •· L• 111nt (l'VJ1 -/'flrrle -.Cl11M Glen Andel'IOR and B 0 b 106 ~ I~> •IMM Fou !Ell Walker, coupled with con· a:~5 ie.-Womm.c11 rwi dee. w11. solation victories by R o n czY11 c1ri111 "' Vaughn and Joe Barna, gave 1n 111.-.fJMltrson CP'VI ~ M• mote (W)1 2;JI lhe BICOflS a one-point title 1• 111......owi..rt le.Mt .... IY, "' Victory, taut! -Hi ll CLQ) \JI •~I (NHI •lnMoll Kl/Miii Paul LeBlanc also con-CEMl1 ,,,, tributed a second place finish ,1,":.~·· CNHI ,He. ""'° MIN'S .W.SH & WEAR CACTUS CASUAL SLACKS ......... . ... ,. r~.~~· ~ t • .r 61. ...... -fl .... suo 'idtt.t• ., . !: ' . KNIT SHIRTS ' TURTLE NECK • MOCK TURTl.£ in. the 98 lb. clw, losing to 1• •-<wrl tNHl •· Mlfltlltt 1 /l 0 FF I of (l Gll 1_. . Leonard Mor ey Estancia u1 ............. cHHt -. L•llfrl. ,1 O o•vertlma r.i._ eree's dec:ialo'n jn pn CHHt1 14 . ~ . ·,.. _ •• ·~~~ (CdM) ... •. tl•lef Cb h A \. " rthel m....... ua ._....,, ntVJ .wiw 11:. -''eve eu.-1.l..-o~ _caf! .....ai•..,....&Mli--'"4 _ ~tE::~lft¥~ ~~~-~;,1.:.·~. ',-.~~. Mr. TO .. -1 u 'Sl;~~:a~ is entered in Plymouth!. -----------------------------1~--a reversal and then went on .. ,...,,.,, 1<;._.. -,_ ~ /J~I] to pin hia opponent. (Sl~ 1-~.-w111cn11 cM1 '*· s1oc11m Raymond was greeted by 1 E1'i5111b~~11.uthn c11111 Hc. ~1M11 AT 1 J _ '~ l I ' • l f i ' l I • ' l ! • • • The lineup f o r NASCAR ls as fo\1011,'s: Issac arid Hylton for Dodge; David Pearson, Petty and Lee Roy Yarbrough in Fords and Allison in the Plymouth. USAC respond s with: Unser and While in Dodges, A.J. Foyt, Mario Andretti and Parnelli Jones for Ford along with McCluskey's Plymouth entry. The two remaining Ford Motor Company entries are Cale Yarborough and Corona del Mar 's Dan Gurney in the \Vood Brothers' M e r c u r y Cyclones. · Yarborough is a NASCAR driver while Gurney, from his. vantage point as a five-Wne winner of the event,. is a recognh:ed Sport. Car Club of America racer with an in- ternational grading. WHEltE: ltlwr110t lnltMlltloMI lt11::..w1y ST AlllT TIME: 11 AM. TY"I. O' "-ACING: Gr111C1 Nallllnll SIKUl"I r.-d rKIM ln 11'19 drbut Ill ''-lNJ A merlc1,..m1n11f1ct11rtt1 111< IOMObllll. STARTING l"IELD: 4' c1u, stH- ~ l'OWll fl ~IYlnt Ollrt fol'°""" Int • ~· 11... • TYPE OF C.-.ll:S: Gr111C1 N1tlllnll sroe• C1r1. '6t Foroa, Mtrcvrn. 0..-.· rolefs, Dodlll'1, Pl'ft'r*llfll, au1c1t1, p.,111ei. O!duncb/1-11 run ..iu w nlcln tlP•ble ot llO l!llllr Jil'ffd1 "" rne ~c•t1ralg11t. COllll:SE : Rlver1k11•1 2.J milt, t lllll· l!irn road course. LENGTH: S00 mllei !IM llPI), fF!r1r SQ).mllrr !JI IN 111...,.) SANCTIO~: F.l.A. 11M N1tloNI A'" toeltlion SI~ Ctr llKinll fNA$CAlt! • JOllltSE: M,O:ZS. (fltpf(r.d to "'Id! 1100.«IO bv r1c1 IJrM, wllh Jncll11lon of 1d<led orf1e mot1le1 from 1ccnsorv m1nvl1cturers.) H1$TOltY: On!Y 1-r•nc:• ol Grtl!d N1lic11<1t f1ctorw "''"" lro Lo1 Antolt'I 1re1 for lfle 11•! ~I• "•"· I~. MIT 51111 ls consld..'1!<1 • Cll.Si< •s It !1 !""' _,,.,., r\d'le'lll, J-e•I 1IO(k c.ar rOl<f r1(r, H1• tieen iC•ne Ill Gurnev's 1,1run1!<hed ltll cl wln- nlnt "Ye ~mllr,,. ll:ECOltOS: Q111lltvl,,._tl 6tJOJ Olin Gurnev. Ferd TOl'lllo. 110.'71 mllfl 'II 1t1c!-{11M l1fll o.n Gll•ntl', l'crll Torino. 100.591 ml>h '141 C:OM,.ANION FEATVlla : PlllM.t.. TEX "200" (N rlllr Medill, 11"'5 $k1Ck· ert) l P.M. Sit,, J111. 11, ~ l 11.· !Oil Prl&t mon.~. U.<1r 11tlrtlftl l ltld Area Sports Calendar Tue&d1y Basketball -LB Jordan at i Corona de! Mar. La Quinta I 1t Estancia , Foothill a t Laguna Beach. Marina at Huntington Beach, Western at Newport Harbor (all at 7) Villa Park at San Clemente, Orange at Mission Viejo, San· ta Ana Valley al Westminster 1al1 al 3:15), UC Riverside al UC Irvine, Golden West at Orange Coast (both at I). WR1tlla& -Cc:nna deJ Mar ot San Clemente (I), CYlftll al Orange Coan {7:30). Wednesd1y Wrestling -Newport Harbor al Lakewood (3: IS ) . GOLFERS • • • • Iron Shots and Puttin9 is l the Secret to low Scoring. Practice et ... SKll' MAYS NEWPORTER GOLF COURSE Ar • New,.,. I• $1 .JS W ........ Sl.JI W .... • the entire Baron team and 1w1111.1; ._, ,. '"'° AA 'AuA finally embraced '~Y Wagner 121 l~~ l MH I M . ou1111tY • ..-w ~ ; himself. ', ·~~ 1:_.,,., 1w 1 '" '"~"~ 3424 VIA LIDO NEWPORT BEACH Bob Walker , Baron 17&-poun- 15l~ '~·-''"Pln (Al 11«. H1un 1Ml11:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JV, :c~htweight Basketballl der. surprised Wagner with a.7 • , · · of n--• B'·-1 Ul lb.-Mclt91111t1ttn !Wl dK. A1ul· c ..... •Mlr l,~14'> .._°'"'9 -cn 1 usi AMIMW M..._ Vl4il1 1111 (411 Plllltl!ll astunn1napm -~Y =er '"" ~ .... ( t ' :U Sftooh --e I•~ tLQl/ ,._, ., '· n f7l t7J ~ j '-*'" 1 I I > MlctaMI it~ F 111 Ils<11 ol El Modena 4 •• •1010 th 1a 1b.-a1rn• (FYI c1ec. N!lm•n Adtnll (10) ,I' \f) "'* °"""""" 14) F (4) Htlltl'Mw p ... Ill > 1•1 lltfl ' ;"-C Go.1111 1101 ~c 111 v~ !: 1 •utt 111 o 1101 O.wllPl'I T= 1u1 c • l'I McA.! duel, to give Fountain Valley !E1~11 1;:.-T•dma11 cLai dK. s•ulrn Holltndu (Ill G (tt)' S Tllurm 0 •) G l•I GUllJer HI .... 111 ~ G JI) Ltmlt11~ • (BGli 1-J GrlsibY <•I to 12) Short • Miii• no G <•I IMliHlr a.-111 cu G ~J~Z.hej• its margin of victory. ,141 111, _ EltH!Mlmff (LQ) dK. kwlnl wm~ _..,.. J. ,...,. ~ _,,.. ••: owm 121. SC»rN .&!bl: Ml• -\'Jtf•--Walker, a sophomore, was M•nllf <CMl1 w '· 0.rllln Gro¥-.IOl'Hn 2. Gllftll 1'o Meot-t~tdt .'(1!), Wrtlf'rt (21, s-ntr HWntt I. ~~fflle 1, hntl• 2 1n lb.-L_,, (CM! o.e. Grll\lm Ktrr'9•n '· (IJ wa-r 12l. Sfl"'"-10 . H•lllinll: Minion VIII ~ u . FO<ll• contesting in his fll'R varaily (CCIM)J l·S H1lft1rM 1cwt: eor-dtl M.r ,., Hldlol1 <•J. . • hln '' tournamect for the Barons. ,,,. •.-c""""' IHl l Re. Adi'"' G1r-Gl'ort1• It. Ht '"''!°": MerlM af, An.lltlnl 21. I' (CdM)I io-a c: ..... "'' Mir uu l*I M1llkl11 ,...,......, V•*Y '"' c•1 LI C111111t1 ~~." .. '" •,•,"' 1n,1 no,~·°''ft'• h1'sWqnerf or ci•"", coohadldnla~kbeenll<lvhee -~-=!·=·~· ·~,~---~,.~ ... ,~··-~·,~·~'°"_'_''_""" __ .,_• Kllllll'I (12) ~ 111) J.n-ll!:Hll (l•l F U) lll.lyl ...._ r 1 I 'I I ) "''"'"" .... " "" Ada1nt 1101 I" 011 P1tttn011 P itt• 111 F 1111 Htrrtl :::'~"1/11> ~ ie1 •1111•r0 crown. Gotlllr Oil C Ill Dtrlln 'aott Ill C: !II "ui.bllrv Eblen !fl (I p~,,~~:;"~; Th Ford 111 G f4J MtrtlMCll c1""1Ck 1121 G 111 Hirt LMo. 111 G 101 K11r... " i s means we're Orange Grltsbv 1111 G 101 NI-..... Gtl'tler c•1 o ", Poppv , County champs now," gleam-scorlll9 wlilt: MH1lkln-T~Wtl ScOrtr. tul:lt: F.,.n111n ¥1r1tv-SCot ,. tllbl: F01Ml1ln ll•ll•Y-C•t- H•lfllrM ICOrt: Coro'* doll If.Ir IT, Hllfllme: lleunt1ln v11i.~ JO, LI Jillf.llnw: Feunt1ln ll•lln' 11. L1 F II . th B ·-• Read Pilot The 1, JOrl11« 1, 9111,\0i, 1, J•--l. werttr '·Lt au1nt.-1een1t i. """' 2. rlfrl ' • ed the Baron mentor. Da"ily MIUlkl" 23. • Guin!• :io. au1n111 • , o owing c arOOJ auu u 111ne tMct1 1441 "'l v1111 ~111 ,.,.,,., R•suf•-*".._ .... di 1121 ""'' "• cu1·11 iiii;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;ll Chrlmbe!'ll 0 1) I' 1111 Mt<: Ai.rll ,.,.~~ ~ -MtNQ-111 I' (I) .. rrer~ 11 JtcklOll (U) F U) MclMllY .. lcfl IJI F (I) lleed H1rVold (4) < CO) Hirt OI ..... .,_ UI) ISO Celtt MIU Wtbr I)) C 121 P litf'I& McMurr11 (2) G fll V.rldl hll 11\J II (I) Attlwr. , WHMlllll f (12) G (Jt ..,_.1111$ Pldla't' 141 , G (ti Ptrllll'I S.lr l•l II OJ Nnltlt Tlllmu (II G (2) t rm ll9ll'lir ... di f\obl• llal9 (4). ( ....... I,, C: (f) M<C.I"""' kor1.,.-111k: Hullffntton -etn- \'1111 P1r1c iwi.: Corlrf ()!, W-6-MdCll'rnt't' Cit) G Cl) Ml-'°" 0, W'htttl. Mflltr. •· Gtrlllnll 2 w1rd U>. Llllllllr"" I•! K.erilMIY 11.~ (11) G 111 PuruU H•ll'llmt: Huntt119ron :Ill, S.nll AM I H11f\1'"* .eor.; VIit• "•f'fl ll, LF satlnll 1ubt: C0.!1 Miii -' Kllll -I Mth 21 2. ltolOtn " Otl'dtfl GnlW: ll-... W.tllll111tll' 1111 IMI Hllltll...- Thornl1 (111 F (It) C1rlt.on ll:Dblnson (1 ) F (11) Wiii McL-ti) C UJ C..rll Mann (21 G Cl'l O.l r111or! H"""'°"ll C11) G (1tl H1rNH Sc.or1rt11 1ubt: Wt1tmln1ttr: a1ne lO. Miine 2, Mcrrflfl J, si.ve"son 1. ,. .. ,_ t. lfllnlllillon IM<ll: Hiii 2. l'IWr I, Orlller '• l1ltl J, H11n1mt score~ Huntlllltan lllldl 4 , Wesll'nl"'"' n . ~ Nlrtllr (f l) SA V111ty 1•1 hdl•tt <il F 111 or .. Hm ODl F f!J L-r Kini ill C (Ill Kurlld'IYIC &Mn UO) t;. (t) Lobo Ya11119 (01 G {IZJ SWlllllll kor .. Jubt: N""°" H1rtior-IMOll J, laxlon I . Sinlt "111 Vlll4i_._.r '' Oli.tr l, You119 •• ~i. l. , H1NHITll KOA: N"'"'°"' Ht rtlor ff, Slntl AN Yt lltv It Cwlt Miu (Q) (SI) LI Miiiikin DHrnef 4111 F (I) Hl- C111ll4il I•> F Ill M1r1IMell SWftt11nd i 101 c c•i o.r11n De1ton (U) G f6l P1Mr'IOI' Jord•n t1) G (111 ~ Scorlll9 111bi: Mt•• -S1m1tt.on I, 61rlon 1. Mllllk1n-,.•lnce '' J1maon 1, Sc.hiller 7. H11Ullme: Mui If, Mlllit.1n JO Bee Results a.et !, Mll'kut .. Ca'""" I. Con- r"t 2. Hlllfln'll: Glt'fln (i.l'9ft II, Clll• ..... Prep Mat Summaries Give the United Way Good students make CJOOd drivers and smart parents save with SAFECO. • • • SH 111 a11d cut auto i .. -.11ce as much Ill! 25°/o · Bob Paley and AIM<l1t11 INSURANCE u.-e..dl (Ml I I ~ IJ.I) SWftt\1 l'J F t1l 'l•nc Nid'lol1 Ul F C•I Kt•llM K~--.1 (') C IHI a 11t•o C:-ln (t) G 111 l llltr Ch1mbtr1 UI G Ill LtoM Scorlfllr 1Ullil: lt•un•-""-•" I. Ottmtr 1. El M00t,.._You119 I. Hlllfllrnt: L1U11H 11, El Modtn1 U l 1t1ncll (It\ ,KMlc1 (!I) Canf!tl' (II F (I) 1 .... 1 Mori n (IJ F (4) Wuk11!11e LH (!l C (I I L..,.11 Ford (10) G (I) Ltmwlch Olton. T. (ll) G U) P111or Scor1ne lilb.I: E1t1ncl1 -l •nl •· Ll'Wll J, 1,_nlnt 2. H1lllll'IM: f1l1nclt )2, P1cffkl lt (!1) Lt h t¥ (II Jtdlaon (f) llHll fO ll:~nllon {t) Hlra1htn1 O•I W"-111 for'69 it's IDEAL LEASE TIME Now! ' El"clU1lve from Execatm •.,,;= Cir l••iftl.. The ldul l.MM la the luN that ctYM )IOU complete protection from speeulltlon on the futul'9 of the used car m1r1!.et. With our exclustv. ...... at the end of 24 rnonth1, if the riule value of your Cit la hi1h-t"9 profit i1 yours. On th• other hand , If there's a Ion, wt 1bsorb It for comp~ detll11, ca ll Executive todly. EXF~CUTIVE CAR LEASING COMPANY® Ee1t lit Street, Sent• Ane Kl 7-3011 'o'L'4-tJ0:," ' 474 E. 17th St . COSTA MESA 642·6500 STEREO SENSATION! Announcing SAFICO'S Good Student Polley If yo1r hith 1thool or t.111191 b~ h In the •pp1r 20'1. of hl1 cl1n •.. er "'•••• Oe111'1 li1t .•• ., h•1 1 "I'' ,,..,., .. • •• SEE US. Y11t ct n '"'' •11 Y••r 111. ... ,..._ W\1 t'1 _ __,,.,. .. If hi1 9r1ll11 1r111'f th1t 11M, Y•• it.ii 111111llfy f., oth. •r "'"' ""1v" 11vi1191. It ll'•'fl t• fi11~ •irt .b11t It C•U ue tM1r. ~ •At1CCQ 11\1-ANCll ' I Tiie colorful sound or _ ........ Or11119e Ctijlili~ Music .. ~ RADIO KOCM 10,3.1 FM From Fashion Island, Newport Beach HOW TO GET .EXTRA COST ·OPTIONS .AT . NO EXTRA COST ~INYLRO~ Choose a Javelin, Rebel or Ambassador in any color you want during our Red, White & Blue Sa le •nd select from th ree special option pecka1e1. Our Red Special gives yo u a FREE CAR RADIO. The White Special gives a FREE CAR RADIO & POWER BRAKl:S. Thi Blµe Special• gives you 1 FREE CAR RAOIO, POWER BRAKES & VIN YL ROOF. Ar• we having a believable Cir 11let You'd better bell,..e it! COME IN TODAY,., WHERE THE SALE'S FOR REAL SALES AND SERVICE 1969 HARBOR BlYD. PHONE 64W023 • .. .. ., I I I • !f, • - • ,.lt-..DAIL~!f.-Pl_l.G'l ______ °'IC M •• Jao111r1 U.116'1 .r· . ':'''--l.~--.. : Waier:·.SJri . Record" "Set _.,r.-.. ~y:. Stearns • .\ darillg young 11\8.n <lD a "Pn1iP of n.,;,.,. "slats'",has set ,,_... ''1'\6 . ' . a new water ski record of 122l l J!illes per bour •. And a 15-year~ Old 'tirl on equally talented boarda 1k!Jn. med over_tbe water at ~.68 miles per bour. to establish a new women-, wats:-ski mark. Both recofd.s were set satur-aat at L-Ong Bea-cb-Marin StalHwn. · : ~ Chuck Steams of .Bellflower beat his.own previQ~ r~r,d of !19'.S2. mph over· a tliree- quarter mile course. SaDY Younger, tfle distaff youngster from Ha ct end a Heights lopped 6.68 mph off thi fiVe-j'ear old 'wo~en's reeord··torrnerly held by Jane ~""V"l~~~Siidden Death For .' Cup 24 Gt~ups . In Winter,. R~gatta : • ~ldsh Entey' .,,. • ;;i '· , liuui Winner .. 01 . World Title ' ' Long Beac~ }'achl Club's Twenfy4our d...., o1 , , 1 e 11 m In at Lo:n .... r. to .saJD>o.to bave .liieq .!"vltad to uU!!Nos AJllES iuPn _ u.s. compeUtors J ob n determine wbo will represent participate· in Bilbo&' Yacht Briitab helmsman Larry Northelm and W • r re n the ho8t club In the , Club'• Wmter Rtgatt'a Satur-'Ma'i:ks gU]ded his dinghy 'Mu-. Wbeaton, alliling'the "Vivan~" ~esslonel··<lup ·aert .. In ·<!al' and~-~ ,,m wabui-G<>Go" to victory came in close to the W<l'ld March waa thii>Wil Into a 1!11d· tie held on Jns~·and•ll<itolde ~day at the oi>ening race champions In fifth place with den death aituaUon when oii]y ... coUrses~ . ! , . Of1ahe fourteenth ''5-0-5" world sbc of the richeiluJed eight · InSide classes ·scliedu~for yl!thtioirc~pl~~P' Oii the a Ume of two hours, six races· were completed, Satur-Luder-}6 starts ibclude In-•ii:en o ftbe River Plate. . minutes and 23 seconds. day and Sundaf. · 1. ternatlonal·lf, Finn. ' pe !I' be' "llll>Wai.ui-Go-0<>," Another French entry, the · Holding a ~J>.'linUal lead Pi'cl--,,. +.-.ff Metoall, Udo-HA, Li 1m'. ~and crmnan Vic "Ya Za ·VIII," with Marcel jw1tb five win.sand .one loas J:\.e Ul Kite Sabot A Sabot B{and mps 8~1 crossed, Bullet ifid Rene Morch ls Tom PickaJ)f In Tetua. He ' · · Sabo't C. ' ~ tile fmlsh Une In two hours, will have to win ~· sUdden BllJ'F.undenbe?g of NewpOrt · Outside classes listed ~ three mlntues and 5:' seconds. aboard, was sixth in two death race next Siturdaj to Harbot . Yacht t Club was Ocean Raclng, Rbodes-33, , f.!igb~y ·m~ behind them, hours, nine minutes and 24 hitJieundl;!Pirted~. e!eCted comm.Odore of the PHRF •MO.RF Pac.ii le Rafold Cud·m-ore and seconds. Birney Flam. ~St year's ,Ne~ Har. Lbdel'F16 Cata~an, E~deavor, 1• ~~pber B~ d. Irelan~: Tbe Argentine crew, Alberto . LBYC ~esslcila!'Cup ikip-,fl<et a\ the ~ -Ung 1<allbur, Uicfers.l&, c al·~S, sailing I.he OVtrdrawn, Enguii apd Roberto Giasonne, per, and Bob IaJie.,bi>!h !)aye ~turday nlgh~ Santana Cal·:W and Mercm~o, ·~llI!l• In ~ I!" two hou,,, aboard the "Scarbo N," came outside chances to .thiow. the 1 Otber officen: elected were other ' cl ' av f> •f1fe 'minutes·imd 43 seconds. in seventh in two hours, 15 series Into a three-way tie Dick Ctillde, vfce Cominodore; · . ~ may e • Olle of the· seventeen Argen-rni.nutes ·and two seConds. and require s t i 11 another A1an '.Lindsay, treasurer, and tstablish~ with five or. more "'tine boats; "ries'acuerdo" wiUt 'Ibe .re~ainiilg U.S. entry• " , race, if they win their matches Louis Fundenberg, secretary. entries. . . Hector ~.at the; he Im. usslllaS V," carrying Char117i "'::•t:~,f· --and-Pickard loses. Higb -polnt'tropbies for the .Qutafde~lasseswill~«f. and Pe.d(o ,Si~, was Apgle III and Dave O'Neil , year 1961 were awarded to the Balboa Pier and will have tbb:d "abGUt Z, ~n behind board cl ked t tw Here'11 the way the match F u n d en b e r g and . Ben two races on Saturday an41· ~, lriab entr)!, .Jn two hours ~urs. '1sw::U.ut~ 20 ~~ races went Saturday and Sun-Hromadka. one on Sunday. Starting tirn .... ,,. five ·minutes· and 6(·seconds. day · ,.... in eighth pla'ce. .. Burke Sawyer of NHYC~won are at noon Saturday and 11· dµfrent woffd. champions.-=========:; First race: Pickard beat the Oldtimers Regatta for p.m. Sunday. Maq::el Troupel and Francis1·• Molosbco; Stan Miller beat Luders-l6s .$a,turday. The Insiae classes will sail three Lantaverre, blUed as favorites BRIGHT Leslie ; Flam beat Arch Van event has been reviv~ after races Saturday, starting at to win the ,flv~natiqn ~ntest, Th• DAILY PILOT m•••• In Palmer; Roby Bessant beat several years. Second plaCe noon, ¥Mf two on Sunday were· clocked two hours, six n•w1 eov•r•r litht, tight Charles Dufnin. went to Jack Starkey and ~w · startii1g' at 1 p.m. Starts and minutes and 14 sec o.n d s, 1r>d bri9ht, Riid your hom•- Second race: Flam beat Ross was third. There ..,...e 11.-:n~~n wlll be from the B'YC aboard ~the ''Rifiii IV," in town 1ditio" d1ily ind •nioy Pickard 'l.... i~ th1 n•w1. Durnin; beat Van1 ~e:ntt:i:es~ln:::.:the:,:r:ace::::_·~~_:__:co:mml:::::ttee::_:lo:w:•:~:._~-\-~_:fourlh::'.:~·p~l:ace::::_· ,--~~~.....!========== Palmer; Leslie beat Bessant;1· . Millet beat Mokishco. . - Third race: Moloshco ~t Van Palmer; Leslie ~at Durnin; Miller beat, Bessant; Pi<karct beat Flam. : FOurtb race : Leslie beat , ~; Besaant beat Moloahco; 'Pli!Gr\I· beat Miller; Durnin .ti beit.Van.J>al.mer. · . l'ilih:, ·;ace: Beisant beat _, . "l.!Vt Palmer; Flam beat '-'!er: Pickard beat Durnin; ~~ beat Leslie. • · SJ.zth race : Leslie beat ;;. .Picfud; Van Palmer beat ' •• ..-' >" -"Mllier: Moloshco beat Durnin; SETS MARK -Getting some help "'i' '·ller(wator oFI'"" ~Besaant Skun .. g gear is Sally Younger of Hacf'.·' d·· He)ghts. . C:F 1 ' " · · . ... ,~ ,-1£bre:; JCkara, 5-1; Leslje, who lopped · 1.ss mph off five-yea '' ~4 ·w.onien's < 4'iij'I 4-2;, ¥oI .. hco, 3'3; record. · ·-' -0'"'Mi:Mr; ; Bessant S-3; Van Palmer, 1-5; Durnin 1-5. All Penney Stores Open• Every Night Monday Through Saturday 'Auttf;GEttTER --:;· Mobley Welch. · SteaT!ll' missed his aim of11----------------------------1 1z';,iph for 't!ie iiew crecord bu!' MW Younger, .w:eeded her goal of .90 mph. steams was towed on his retiJi;I breaking ran. by, Bay casselll in Panic M~·a n d Miss younger was tiehfriCI tbe SiZillog ,Viking driV\!11 by Bob "k~.,. AUfl)CENT§R ., . ' . ' Nordskot!· Mi. Young·e~~ ls a sophomore student, at Los Altos High School. She began water skiing tpo ~s _ago at the urging ·of , l\er1 father Gilbe'.tt w. Yoinfger, an automotive parts dealer. "I ·guess I've got '~ the fastest bilkni going," qwpped the"51oot seven, 128 pound Miss Younger. s~. 29->:ear ~o1d graduate student m engineer· ing from Gal State Long Beach, has won more water siding titles a n d cham· picmShips than any other person. He is equatly adept at.1lpeed skiing, tournament 6kling wbiclt includes slalom, trick and junlping com· peblion. Race Slated Is that funny thump-thump under the hood the geoerator? Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't. And maybe it's kind of foolish to let the local garage spend a lot of lime (and a lot of your money), trying to find out. On . Atlantic Drive Into Penneys Auto Diagnostic Testing Center. N. ·e· ~ J·un· e In less than one hour, we put your car through A~ a Series of scientific tests (212 of them, to be exact) that The-ttlll tr"""1Janiic.yacht pinpoint any existing problems -and warn of potential race from Brenton Reef Light, cines. Steering. Engine. ·erakes. Transmission, Newport.RI. to Cori, b'dand Electrical and cooling and fuel and exhaust systems. has been schedul<id for June EXpert analysis of everything from headlights to tailpipe. 22 It was announced by wdiaN.Nye, cbainnan. ·You walch the results come out on an Th• 2,7'6-mile' -r-.C.-,will ·, electronic typewriter. ~~ be.gin after ~ ~n of '""' , . the ~IJMl,li!,l,ld;10 ~·'?"' A skllled diagnostician goes over !\ace.-:.--' : ' · . the report with you. If you wish, he'll 'lje in:~;i;;;•i:g,.~ . . give you an &9'imate of any'necessary ~~-\lb J America a~d ,the ~ t -'_I:epalrs. You'll be able to tilke care of small problems Ro.1}!_ Yacht Ciullo~' · rio)Y, before tliey develop Into big problems costing big Yac!! entering the ~ace . slX@o/flttlve ~· lhe'-.!Wsh ll)Oney., • off .~:J!Dck )..fsht Vessel. · '. ,And; If you wish, Penn9Y!1 ,will make the repalrs-ear~:.,i. "'llPle 11'"' qulckly1•accurately, economically. Repairs that could to ts, lale. of '!J • , WI!#.~ !Orlhl·eowes ~I ,., p..-n,t· a needless highway br,,kdown. W el! .._!!'Catts '(Au~-.._-.--n d ; ,:/ ' II you prefer, you can 'µ,;e the re po' rt anywhere the.~ rage Which .lt4rts ~,: 1 ~ Aui-t. : · · ~-; · . ; ',',, yoti: like. ' ,. be1!ii•:=.l1:;.: ' · The .cost? Only 9~88. CCA ~t"'1t which 1a .-,i..i to b •co In • Pretty reesonable for an analyst, these days. --ted with the Beyal ~"Racing Club rule later this """" ~4'1 ll>lllly requ!rementa --t Ille 1malleat yachl ;:;J'llaVe I corrected "L" meuurement m not less than :it,J, leel wl>ioh will be the -'Cha..,. It! minimum rati n1 f o r -•- calculaUng Um< allowance. Dia9l<>stic Center 'l1lt Sclonllfto T..,..,._ • ' SHARP If fM't• • therp tred•r, IJ• ti.. DAILT l'l t.OTS f•11101n Dltne.;...UH cl•1dfMo4 ecl1 s ... ,.,.y ... M••• . • """" _. • '. \ •w11.tti... , ... ,.. lueM Park 6111 Ou :a:ttt1,,.A.,.. P"-i .... 111 Fullerton Huntington lch. 7177.......,A.,._ "**m-"71 Newport lch. """"'"-...... ......U11 ' """"' ., H.lliflf· -) ' , ( ' '57-'62 Chevrolet' 283, exchange . 2 99··* Engines to fit most American , · cars at similar low prices . ' . · Pay as little els $)2 per ,month HERE'S WHAT YOU1 GET . ' • Brand new valves, guides, liftell, valve rockf)'s, pushrods · • Brand new pistom, rings and wrist pins • Blocks are magnotluxed and pres:wre tested to assure perfection • ·Blocks ·re·bored to precision factory toleranc;es · ·•·All new main and rod bearings and buP,ings • Crankshaft and camshaft reaground to preci~on tol~rances . ' •Add $5 lrutollotion J)rice, ·if vMlidt ls equfpped with automotk ttanwnlllion •Add $30 to lnstollotion price If vehlde is equlpf*I with air conditioning - ln'cludes evacuotlng and rechorging 1ystem, rtploce!Mnt of dty.t •a qlinder engine N E W P 0 RT BEACH (Fashion Island) '' HUNTINGTON BEACH {Hun~~ Center) • " ' ' • ·------------------------~~---.-.......---.... -~.-:--,_t,....._, _____ _ . ' --~---·- I I I I J I I I ~ 11 r I I I 'I I -· ·-• ~ ·~· .. ., .• i.:. .. ~ ·~#' ...... ·~ ..... .,... • Valley EDITION 'Iii; ~~-~7" VOL 62, NO. II, l SECTIONS, 32 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA_. -. ~·~ .. _~, ~ARY'"JJ, l~f' .. -... ~-~ ~ ~ I LBJ to Ask I Extension Of Surtax :wA&HINGTON (UPI) -President J{lhoson will recommend extension of t.])e · 10 iiercent income taJ surcharge, it WU diaclosed today. Admlnistratlo IOUrCeS said the Presi- dent would include request for titension of the tu, beyond its June 30 expiration, in his fiscal 1978 budget propoaal. He wilt propose a budget showing a small aurplu.s. Presldent~ect Richard M. Nixon is iolng along witb Johnson'• propo.al lo extend the surcharge, a congressional source said "you can assume that there has been ~ent between the ou~ going and 111COming adptlnlstradoos." He asked not to be quoted by name. The White House almoubced meanwbile - lhat .Jolmlon.-wlll send.. his .budget lo_ Congress ar ~ midday 'Wednuday. His ~ economic repi>rt will be subm1U6d Thurs-. day. Johnson will break tradition and deliver hls state of the union address in person' belore a joint "RSS.ion of Congress, Tues- day al I p.m. PST. It will be broadcast nationwide. The. Wblte House llllllOWlced that Johnson also would send lo Congress liter·this weet a sped.al message recom· mending ~salary increases for Con- gressmen and Senators to about fG,500. Tfley now receive $30,000 a year. -· The presidenUal press s e c r e t a r Y • George . Chrlltian, declined to discuss wbeUWZ . Jobnlro(l bad received.._ auJ)IX>rt from Presidellt-<ltd Richard M. Nam -which • it reporiedly r<qUe6led . - ot1 hts proposal to extend-&IJI 'S1rtaL Johr.son Will report a surjihtl fer tbb: . !See SURCHARGE, PIJi ii James Farquhar, Bea~h Publisher's Son, Dies at 54 Private funeral services for iames S, Firqubar Jr., S4, son of Huntington Beach News publisher Jamt.8 S. Far- qQbar Sr., will be held at 4 p.m. today Irr Smith's Chapel, Huntington Beach. ·Mr. Farquhar, of 1704: Coral Place, 1'{ewport Beach, suffered a. heart a~tack -,,.iday evening while playing tennis at the Balboa Bay Club. He was pronounced dead on arrival at 6:38 p.m. at Hoag Memorial Hospital, Newport Beach. Mr. Farquhar was formerly a Newport Beach real estate broker but had recently eugaged in a furniture leasing business in Santa Ana. He was a resident of Orange County for 41 years, and was born Dec. 23, 1914 in Chicago. Mr. Farquhar is survived by his father, loog-tlme publisher of the weekly Hun- Ungton Beach newspaper; his wife, Agnel; two brothers, George, Huntington Beach, and Willoughby, Anaheim ; two daughters, MPS. Joan Binns oI Mill Valley ahd Mrs. Christine Dinishlk of San Fran· ctsco; a son, Jerry, of Georgia and l!O &randchildren, Joy and Craig Binns. ,~ ,-;. ... ·' ........ ~··--· ' -' Viilnamese boy displays al\x- li:tY u .be clutches bµrlap bag containing hi• poss~sions as he watches South Vietliamese Rangers search his •villBge 11 miles southwest of Da Nang. Coast Gets . Rain, More for Tuesday Scattered showers, spawned by a storm front cf:ntered 400 miles off the coast, splattered the Orange C.out. early today and promised to return f0r another dose on Tuesday. Nearly one inch of rain was forecast ror the Southland before the storm moves on. the weather Bureau. reported. The rain pushed maiimum temperatures down into the upper 50'1. The storm. which carried scattered sprinkles and showers in an east· southeasterl1 direction, d r o p p e d precipitation from traces to fractions of an lnch. The ::howers were predicted to Increase by nlghUall, followed by clearing along the coutal artas late Tuesdaf. ~ snow level was due to drop from 8,000 feet today to near 5,000 Tuesday. The Weather Bureau announced that a 7(1. percent chanct of rain e:ristcd aloog lhe Orange Cout for TUelday. Temperatures were ranging from three to six degrees below normal. Hicks Waiting for Report . In Sunset Beach ShQoting lnvest.lgaUon into the shooting death of a Sunset· Beach man will depend on the contents of a report that he eipectl to receive from the sheriff'• oUlce Tuesday, DWricl Atlomey Cecil Hieb saJd today. "lillht now I cloo't plan any probe mio thi.I incident," be .w. ''But it may well he llllt 1111 ljlorlll's report will cbange my lhlnlinl·" Shorlff's olllcen lj>day Weft preparinc thelt llC<OW!t "' the -lhat led to tho olaylng Friday ol motorcycle recs Carl A. Sjolund. Mid -rumcr r-""1 lo be etrcalatlng among Sjolund'• friendJ and ---llllt ... era1 -...... llftd• .. depalleo puned the %1-year-old man '-was quietly rejecied today by _., Cop<. JllDCI Broodhell. '"l'bere was onl1 one ahot littd," ~ aid. "We are quite posltJve ahoal °/l:i:t it's a ract U..l bu been -byaevtral•-· That one shot .atruck Siohmd ln the bac'k of lhe head tB he tan unartned from a aheriff'1 deputy who was at- temptini to ee.rve felony wanantl for his lirdt at tHe 11372 28th Sl home. SjOlmld H•ed In the Huntmgton In- ~ lfoollltil •bqul two hours alter be .... obot by ll<pUt)' Edward ~ w -.. , •• ~ ·l!J Goold --... and 1111 .. ..,.,i. canjed by llla<leprty llommed !mi\ tliil- . -·· ollkers .-Id·•Jolimd ........ -~lD a llpl .ov• a.~&lrl 'some :~:r-1oue..-ed lD ~ • ~l'clilqllll ~ .... Sjolund .... -lo hall -thiiaa l'rWay'and Jinored the conmmldl o( &he offkerl. • GouJd aid he Wal atiQut 25 yards away from the °'""" BjOlund ud -..,. ohol froal 1111 .lkaliber oervico molver. • Pedestrians, Driver Die In Accidents Two pedestrians and the driver of a sport.scar lost their lives in .separate weekend traffic accidents in Orange ~ty, it wu reported today. The dead are: Gwendol:ya Scoll BWce, 17, Los Angeles. Mn. Iona McFarland, 73, Anaheim. David Roy Orris, 24, of 489 Graceland Drive, Laguna Beach. Miss BuJce was killed Saturday night when she was hit by one car and run over by several others on Pacific Coast Highway just west of 23rd Street in Hunlinglon Beoch. Police-said her companion, Michael L. Tryon, 22, Lakewood, was injured when. he -was ib:uck a gtancinz blow... he and Mlss Buice were returning to their parked car when they tripped over the highway's center divider and slum· bled into traffic lanes. Miss Buice £ell into the path of a car driven by Michael T. Seal, 24, Orange, and then was thrown in front of another car driven by Charles L. Johnson, :1, of 733 Lake St., Huntington Beach. She was then run over by three more cars. Her body was taken to Rose Hills Mortuary In Whittier where funeral services are pendh1g. Tryon and Seal were both treated for injuries . at Huntington Intercom· ~ .HQ!pltal and released. No cars . cdlltdOd·lllritg tile accldmt. · Mrs. IW'arlaad..Aied Sunday Dight at Orange c.,unty Medical Center after being struck bf a car Sunday allernoon at Loara Avenue and Ball Road in Anaheim. Driver of the car was Janet M. Struntz, J>, Anaheim. She was not cited. Oris was killed early Saturday morning on Laguna Canyon Road when his small sport.scar went out of control and overturned, the Callfornia Highway Patrol said. * -t:r -t:r Beach Boy, 15, Listed Critical After Car Wreck Richard Aguirre, a ts-year-old Hun- tington Beach youth, was in cr!Ucal condition today at Los Alamitos General Hospital after suffering multiple injuries early Sunday in a two-car crash on Pacific Coast Highway near Surfside. His brother, Armando, 17, also suffered mutiple injuries in the crash. He was reported in fair condition today at the hospital. The driver of the second car involved Jn the collision, Edith T. Cude of Mon- terey Park, also was hospitalized. She was reported in good condiUon today after suffering facial cuts ln the crash. The Aguirre brothers, 17341 Chapparal Lane, Htmtington Beach, bad dropped off four friends in Surfside shorUy before the accident, police said. They were tt.aning onto Pacific Coast Highway from Mariner Drive when the collision took place. A tracheotomy was performed on Richard Sunday in order to aid his breatbini:, according to autbcrit.les in lhe hospita1'1 intensive cart unlL Arman- do suffered bead injurie! and aeveraJ fra ctures, hospital officials said . Miss Cude's address was listed as 16665 S. PacUic St., Seal Beach. She reportedly had been staying with frleodl at lhlt addresa. Alamitos Blaze Loss at $5,000 Fire did 15,000 damage lo a home and two automobiles Sunday ln Loll Alamltol. Police sald the blaze start<d when Robert Lewis, 5082 Howard St., was pouring gas f r o m a can into 1 tank of 1 car. The can 1l1j>ptd out of hla hand• and lgnlted a -t u. tt lilt tbe_,:J:· ' Lewi& the -· door llmt as n.,... engulfed the lllrUCture. 'Illa llia%a dalroyod ~ pr1ge, two automobiles and an ~l'OOllL ., " • --. ,_._... __ _ • • ~...:: --· . .. r W."io"'l'IPILOT ttllf, ...... OFFICER i°XAMINES BODY OF MURDERVi~TIM ---- Two Su1poct1 Arre1tod In Knife Slaying • . . . . Other Sbtylngs Reealled , Police Mustered Officers .. . To Search for l(illers . . ' ' ' '"' -i[• ,. ' .,.. ' J ~l\··f: .1 ""': .. ...,,. -~""·· ' .... 1~ ' Hunll!!gloli jltach defeollves must~ea • ·rile body of Jane ·nae '.cii"U.. In · every available ofllcer late &mday night ·the morgue, unidentified delplte 111Um119e lo begin the seardl !1r the ldllers ol eflorta by the l\)Cal ~l<cUve~ Ber tliler a woman whose body wu found on remains at large. . 17th Street near Palm Avenue. Althou'gh this time the detectlve,'bive Detectives aald the massive turnout the name af the vJctim, they r~rMmber was partially triggered by memories tilt! sniper shooting of Ced! Caldwell, of Jane Doe, an unidentified woman a· Marine Corps setgeant who #aSlhot found with, her throat slashed in a field dOwn April 2, u he worked at blJ ee1'vlce near Yc.rktown Avenue and Newland station at 14912 Springdale st. His killer str~t Jut March. has never been found either. Sunday night police were facfld with Officers, working with grim detennina- a body, that of Hester Markee, 55, Uon, reported this momlnC that they of 1508 Olive St, Huntington Beach, bad arrested two suspec_ts in the Markee who di~ in the street with her throat killing some four houri after they began slashed. • the intensive search. Members of Christ Teens . ' Picket at Church in Gro.ve Members of the Teens for Christ in Huntington Beach pldieted Garden Grove Community Church Sunday morning, scene of a irtor encounter in which the hippl ... ppearh\g bap1d .,.. uked lo either sit ln the pews'!!'. mo~oolllde. Dressed In long, flowtilg clolhos, ..,.. dals a n d bwll and wlfb hair ·o1 both sexes falling over lboulden, about 50 of the churcl>-hoppln& bo;t paraded ln front ol the Garden <:..... church car- rying slgns. A~ a baD'-dbzen ol. the group at- tended the ..moo., hut one of lhe youtt.: saJd he' WU refOlod -illance by an usber who ~Y told hlm • l Co1mcil tO .Hold t Cl~ sessioJl On · Personnel • . .. -. - I ' ' .. _,,..... ~.~ -• :=-: ·= -..... -.... a1n -. ------·-~ .. --·-~­. . -' ' ~ s~~pec~-~- .. . . --r, Arrested .· ·---·· ---. -·i ._.-... ~~ .... .. ~ •• .,. ,. ,,,,..., ... ::::!: In Stabbing ' By wnlJAM' llEED "' °' .. ~ ........... , Two smpecb were arrested eal,'ly 1 .. day ·just '""" bouts alter a l!itt\llftlton Beach woman ts body w~ found-.prawled on !he street In a bloody pool,"." her throat slashed and body ptlllCtured by niu!Uple stab wOQndl. Huntington Beach police ldhitllied it!>• victim as Mrs. Rester S. Markf.er'. ~. of 1508 Olive Ave. • Jailed on homlclde <harPll: are Margareta Dinger, 311, of 2eOl Ddawaf• St.,· and her companion at. the' time of arrest, Norman Coatney -of Loi Alamitos, age and addresl oat ~- Mrs. Markee'• bloody !>Oily .!'U discovered by a puoerby aboul t :IS p.m. Sonday DD -j7lh j;treet -irom llWy<r lntennedJate Scl>OO!in,l!lmtigpo Beach. Polic<!..sald .lhe !Jod¥ wu ln a traffic Jane on the golf course slM . oi. the street east of Palm-Avenue. Both suspects al'f: in Hu"nilngton ]Jeach Oty J all today charged With homJclde, said Detective Sergeant ·Monty MCKen- non. He explained that detectives will itek a murder complaint uprcibably Tuesday." Ofiicer1 said the body wu lo the litred a few incbes away from her car, which was parked neatly-at the cilrb, with the engine running and lights blazing 1Way' on the grlsly scene. · • Tlie ·woman' had • been stabbed nunierblliJ times' on the~ face, neck tlDd blcli. .A! trail vi blood spallerl -m the -t 1111!!l!e>ted that she may bave eitbet.• &laggered around to tbO middle ol Ito n>ad u her life poured oul throqh the gaping 1"lllltds, .., DU1J bave crappled with her killer or tilletL • Despite a Ugbt rain which hqan lo fall over ·the acene., offlcera began an on-fooi .earch ot the golf course, nearby oil Deida and atreell. .Evidence at ·the scene incUcated.-tbat Mrs. Markee bad ·just been to -... coin laundr'y 8nd had waabed "quite a bit of laundry," detectives saJd. Her car, slightly scratched on a front fender, suggested a recent automobile accident. • Offl~ cUlcovertd tlilt lht had · been lnvol.Jed' In a DlinOr traffic accident: at 17th ·street and Adami Avenue; three ur four •blocb 11'11 m.n lbe thutOO' ecene, juat prior ite ·the murder. · At 2111 Stroetand Olive A ..... (IO)lce found· a blood-soaked car. ''Tbe._whole intertor ot thlt vehicle was covered with blood," said tbe·oUicei'I:, Llceose numben led-o!llcen lo -the apartment of Mia Dinger., wllo • wu arretted in connectiCll with tbe crima. Coatney was with her 'lt the time, -polictl said. : Officen said lhil morning that . the palr" are being quelllooed and that.flllna of formal char~es Will await' the ruultl of the questlonlilg. The body •as • taken to Slltltf'll Mortuary In Huntington Bea.di for •ulol!IY and fltoerJI arrongemeull...,.. &lie 1DVestigaUoo. ls complete. -· ............ -1?.:,,1 -··-<#'•• LA ·Fire Investigated LOS ANGELES (UPI ) -Anoo ln- v,eatlgators have beell uaJ,aned . to determine the calllO of • flllO;OOO fire which gutted three officea in the ad· mlnlstraUon bulldJnl ill LouJr Puteur Junior High School Sunday night. o .. ..., •. Weatller -' Keep your umbrellal wt, 1111 weatherman advllel, cauae there'• a 70 percent chahce of more rain Tueoday. It'll -the lelllpera-turea down lo tli ii 'IDlft !Go. INSmE TOD~lt' · C~lumnl.t iui"iiia. POftw kodl a dowbu Uft. F .. 4-<IOltl&p o/ tbc "0Ch1r S~lvio.Jo. -,,; Poa1 20 ' • •• ' ''-!IA!l¥ )II.OT - I I ' I • Mesa Pilot. Dies Trying To Land Jet By ARTIMl R. VINBEL • Of .. _., P1'9t lleff A Costa Mesa jet pilot who led his squadron inlo Japan in Ille first Fl Phanlo!n lo land t1>ere -aod unied Lady Ulck In hla cockpit ever llnc:e -di.ct Suoday night In a heroic attempt lo brll1i another cripple home alely. Capt. Jon P. W1dsworth, 17, 11011 of Mr. Ind Mn. Lee Wldrworth, of 217 Bowllng Green Drive, chose lo ally with Ille pllll< lo Feveot Ila crullln& Into a denaely Populated area of Tokyo. His rad1r officer, Ml). Burino F. Fontenot, 34, of Ville Platte, LI., di.ct with hlJD wbeo the $2 mlllloo jet 1l1m· med into a mountainside in a 1pluh of bla%1ng Intl. Tbe third time wu not a charm for the areer U.S. Air Force dfloer, who bad twice survived ln-Olgbt crllel Ind brought hla bomb-laden Jet lnlo Yolrata Air -Jlul·afeJy 1he' Wt limL Sundly niP<~ czvb. eauaed by elec· trlcal ayatem faUure, sheared off power Jina u Capt. Wadlworth beaded 10< a Yokota nmway, plunging 10,000 homu into duknell lor -hours, but probably aving many llve1. The pilot Ind radamwl could hive ejected alely, but the plane might hive . crashed into populated areas, USAF sourcea 1ald today. Word of the cruh came to the Wadsworth family in Costa Mesa when fie v!ctlm'1 YOlllller -· U.S. Army ~gt Robert Wldaworth, 22, relephMld from Yokota, where be wu vialUnr. Sgt W""3worth, who ii on rat Ind T·i?CUatlon leave ~ signal corps_ duty "Aod they don't .... count -llluions over Sou.th VI.Wm;» bla mother added. •• Capt. Wadlworth's father 1aid that tbe Utah State Univenlty mathematicl craduate WU flying out of Yokota lut March, when hla Fl P-was - by lightning aod -severe wine dunaae. Delpit< the flCI !hit I wine .. lint .... destroyed w -ii aerlclUIJy .. d1maged, Capt. Wadlwor1h brought the crippled pllll< In aldy, llthough " .... !Olded wtlll esplooive onlnance. From Page I SURCHA·RGE • • fiacal yur and will recommend con.- tinuation of the surtax in order to have a surplus next year, it was indicated. It had been reporled lllat the surplua would nm about $3 billion. He ia upected to recommend ext.en.lion ol the surtax for at Jeast ooe year. The current year's budget rurui about $181 bllllon. There have been ttpotla: !hit the 1970 budget propoall W1lllid .. u blp u 1115 billion. Sources said that Johmon believes the surtu ought . lo be removed u eoon u possible but fetla the ti.mt Is not yet 1pproprlare. Johnson is determloed to tbow a smplua in the final fllca1 budget he presenla lo Congresa. DA\lV PllOT Cl•AHGI: COAST l'UILISHIHG COMll>A.l't't leL•rf N. Wt14 l'n1~nl •nd 1'111111""' J,,L: 1. c •• 1 • ., Vk.e ~I Ml(! GcMt81 ilN<>9~• '"•"'•' ic: .... a Edi!« lhoM11 A, M11r,~i11t M• .... !n1 flil.,. JA,,, w. ••••• w;u;,.., •••' ,t.110C'"' H""'""l('lll letal Elli1or (!ty Ifill~ H111ti.,.... INc• Offlce Jiit Stli SfT11t M1 ilint Allllr11t1 P.O. ••• "0, 92641 OtMr Ofllcn ..,......, tu<~: 7111 ..,....., ..... ~ C0il1 MIMI: l>I Wttt ... , llnll t ------ Wati irpo~t Group Expanded • -"""-' .. -~-. -' . -l!l&IC~Wl\lle.ip m~. • --Jltf lo:!"'=~hicludo a.ioi ~~ w;a:r .... dltifll . .; 11.M ... , .... ~ Ollle!I' Rober! Tllom11, Oiiiiiiulllp~•<!lll!o· .....W p..r ·~·MW!KuyperandAvla· W 'h4ft IQO'le QY on altj>ort matten~" .. mitltt, a ~. dtlteils" .froo,p. ilori Oirec{or Robert Bresnahan. lfld.ttci....-\Od~, · · ' Newport counclbnen followed up Emory/a The draft ordinance, which may yet ''The DCW' c:OrtiliUaslon, of courae, 'wW suagmlon by formally requesUng con-be sU&hllY revlled, •ecordlna to Tbomu, nmatn -an advtaory body u Is the sldere:Hon ti It by the Board ol ~ out the:Je duUea for the new com- prescnt one," be 1>01Dted out, "but Its Supervisors. mlsskln : rutructurlrig WW.be a tremendous step Last November, the county board, tum--"To st~y condlllons and make forward ." eel it over to the •Ltague ot. Citfes. recommendations eoncerning the Det!d 1'be new, seven-member commission, The League formed a' committee to for height restricUoos on building! near ln. euence, wouJd be a combination of look into It.. It. m~a. in addiUan airports. the present ~ion and an Airport to Mclnnll, ire 1.oe~tcNI Counc;ilman -"To make recommeodatloo.a: for the Land 'lJse Commission. Joseph Hyde ~nd Srea CouncUman use of the land slll'f"IJUDding airports Newport author!Ues a1J months 110 Robe.rt Clark. in the past two moot&. to as.sure salety of air navlgaUon and ~ lt1' Land Ue CommWion as the League · trld has Watked with key the promoUon of air commerce. an aa:eJ_lcy apart from the preftllt com-county aidea on an ordinance designed -"To recommend plarui for the ~ii-ol Or-Counl1 Airport ad -· airp)rtl --ilo .,. quired or -•ted by the county ol Orange. -"On re(Jue!t of the Boanl ol Supervilon, lo advise the boot<! ll1d make recommendations on any matter perllinln( lo llrporla or llr transporta- tion. -"To make such investigations as it may deem necessary in lhe eurciSe of it.I Powers. -"To bold. p&,1bllc bearlnp on the 1,,,...ing llQbjecla Ind make llndlngs of fie! whkh would be ooly advbory to tbe involved. ju.risdlct1on. -"To mile and enforce rule! and regulaUooa for the orderly and fair con- &111 •qucll ~ • . Mttnoll lll1d • -·~ will be proposod for the new bolnl. He described Jt aa conceminl "en· vironmtn1al C'OQd.IUom." • •1ay thl1," he eiplelned, "we mean ' llr pollution Ind ooiae lllClon." lie Iii<! the League committee bad agreed with county officlall &bat it would be a mistake to pile one ww a.ltport commlss.lon on top ol anotlier. "So we looked inlo the poalb!llly of comblnloi fl\& two.0 TM prelellt eommillioo by law .. it• aru of concern limited to ~ 111<1 them1tlvea, and not the llUITOlll1ollng communities. Cong Des~roy 15 Copters ... . .. Keeping Coof'in Capital The state assemblyman from cb6l1 Eugene Chappie, lost hls Friday and ordeted a ban on mirijsk.irt~ for female legislative ernpl oyes. Sally Carter (above) was told to tum around and get back to work after photographer took her picture. Mrs. Linda Marino (bottom) &ays abe bas some skirts tbat are shorter than one she has on, but she dOesn-it wear them anymore. Ladies are maintaining their com- posure despite furor raised over skirts. $2,245 .Taken at Drive-in The colooel's face wasn'L mtiling down en two multed armed robbers who held up the KemuckJ P'tled Chicl<en drive-In, 1121 W. Warner, SI n la Ana , Sunday nJcbl Ind elCIJ>ed with n.m alter lock· q -ol Ille colonel'• helper• in 1 wllk·ln Icebox. Mana1er H. Norman Aubrey, 19301 l'IJI !4M, HunlJn&lon Beoch told police the pllr came In the back door ol the drive-in about 9:ll p.m., brandish.Ina IUN· 'Ibey ordered Aubrey, David L. Good- man and Llnd1 J. ~1clntyre both of Santa Ana, into the walk-in icetxix and attempted to lock It with 1 kitchen fork. The trio wert able to force the.Ir wa y out. 'T'tre 1>3ndlta broke into a floor aafe lo a:el lbeir money. I .-. Delta Invasion Costs U.S. $5 Million in Damage SAIGON (AP) -The Viet Cong blasted their way into lhe biggest U.S. airfield In the Mekong Delta early today and blew up 15 heUcopters worth. an estimated $5 m11Uon before they were repelled by base defenders. Another six helicopters were reporled damaged in a mortar barrage at the headquarters of the U.S. 9th Infantry Division 40 miles away. One office called the attacks an "oozing beginning" o( the Jong·await.ed enemy offensive in the 14,256-square mile delta south of Saigon. 'The Viet Cong attack on Can Tho, 80 miles south of the capital, was the first major ground probe against an allied airfield in RVentl week!:. It hit the headquarters of lhe U.S. Anny'i Oay Shaw Bid .To Delay, Move Trial Rejected NEW ORLEANS (UPI) -D~t. Judge Edward A. Haggerty Jr. today refused to delay or move the scheduled Jan. 21 trial of Clay Shaw on charges of conspiring to assassinate President John F. Kennedy. Haggerty denied defense moUons to quash Dl!t. Atty. Jim Garrison's charges agalMt Shaw, and for a change of venue to move the trial outside New Orleans. Haggerty said he would release ground rules for newsmen covering the trial Tuesday. Haggerty -liready/had rejected the same defense moUons once before. He turned them dow_n ~ily today. Holdup Hearing Slated Thursday Preliminary hearing has been set for Thursday for Thomas Perry, 35, of Chicago, on, three charges resulting from an un.mccessful robbery attempt oa a Seal Beach grocery store manager. Perry Is in Orange COunly jail charged with kidnap, bur1lary and conspiracy. Bail is set at $10,000. 'l'he man was arrested about a bloc k away from the home of James Beoder on Jan. 7 and Is accu.sed of being one of three men involved in holding Bender's family hostage while two men escorted Bender to his Long Beach market. At the market, Bender was able to notify police that a robbery was taking place and thi! his family was beir,' held hostage. The two men with Bender escaped. J6'1h AvlaUon Group, the nerve cent.er for military operalloos In the Metoor Della to the region's bluest city . Enemy -broke lllrough the alrfie1d'1 defenses under cover of a heavy ~·rocket Ind machlne-cun blrrqe that pinned down the Amerk:an1 wblle the Vlei Cong atlacbed esploel.,. lo the bellcopten. A barrack.I area wut of the airfield wu attacked simullaneollsly. Field report said five cargo and ~ carrying Chlnoob and · 10 . mnaller helicopter IUlllblpa were dellroyed o< damaged. U:s . ._iuea ,...,. eight klll· ed aod UI wounded. The U.S. Camm.and aald : "The enemy soldiers were quickly repelled by airfield security persoMel, supported by U.S. Anny helicopter gunships and a U.S. Alr Force Dragon ship," a fl.Jed-wing aircraft equipped with rapid-firin1 Gatl- ing flUlS. A spokt.unan said the American retaliatory flre killed four Viet Cong. Forty rnileti north of Can Tho, Viet Cong aunnen slammed about 10 mortar rounds into the 9th Division headquarter& at Dong Tam. Field reportl &aid tbtrft were no casualties but six helicopters were damaged, including the comm.and . chopper of Maj. Gen. Julian Ewell, the · dlvWon commander. Ten helicoptu1 were damaged at Dong Tam in a similar shelling thrte days ago. Postponing Spring Clnss Considered at SF State SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -NorHlrik· ln1 profwora: today considered possible poatponement of San Franclaco Sta~ Colle1e'a sprin( seme.ter for 1 new move to aolve the campus strike crisis:. The proposal came u union teacher• and student strikers picketed in a drenchlng ralnatonn and acting President s. I. Hayabwa prepared for a showdown with strlkJng faculty membera. Chairman David K. Marvin of the lnternaUonal relat!OM department said a Clelay in the spring semester, scheduled next month, would allow the facultY to hear all demands, propose changes and enforce them with threats to quit in a mBM. At present, Marvin aaid, the campus is in ''a desperate and altogether in- tolerable situation.'' "On the one hand, the student militants have insisted on impoaing various demands without reference to, or con- sultation with, faculty or fa cu 1 t y organU.aUons," Marvin said. "On the other, we have lived since Thanksgiving vacation with an insistence by college and higher state aulhoriUu that the college remain open in a situa- tion in which any reasonably effective educational process is impossible." Marvin called the teachers' strike "a form of de facto alliance" with student dissidents and forecast an educational operaUon "about as Ineffective in the neit semester as in the last one" il no solutions are forthcoming . 41Glven this assumption," he aaid, "It is therefore reasonable that the spring semester ahould be Indefinitely postponed " and the faculty convened to hear peace proposals from all facUon1 • Hayakawa has vowed to carry out a state law providing for the ''automaUc resignation" of any teacher mlasing five consecutive days of classes on the 18,000- student campus. The American FederaUon of Te1cben. now In Jts sixth d1y of a 1trlke, threaten- ed to call a statewide walkout 11 any attempt ls made to fl.re strlklna: A1T members. School Bonds Figures to Be Set At Trustees Meet Final figures for a scnoo1 building bond proposal will be set Tuesday night by trustee& of the Huntington Beach Union Hilb School Diatrlct. Trust~ meet at district headquarters, 1902 17th St., beginning at 7:30 p.m. Voter1 failed to give a $12 million building package the needed two-thlrdf vote of approval on Nov. 5. Trustee! since lhe eleetlon have tentatively aet the same amount for a ballot meuurt on April lS along with the trustee elec- tion. Opponent.I of the prior musure claJm that the trustees should trim a new propoaiUon to a lesau figure, but the adminlitraUon his maintained that the $12 mUUon is the least amount cl money needed to care for the district's building needs over the nut three years. Prisoner Hangs Sell SALEM, Ore. {UPI) -Ad1m Paul J<ruih, 58, hanged hlmseU in the Marion County JaJI early today, a little more than a half an hour after he waa booked in connectJon wlth t.be sbooUng of three men in 1 PorUm::I tlvem. DMllRb!Bl.ft!MAlll.lll-'13msr PMlfJl\llRIPFfMPZ• ...... ,, ... , I Jine Walch & Jewel,.'! f<epair 0 OMEGA -ACCUTRON -BULOVA AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR e rings sized ond re poi red • diomonda ond precious stones remounted •pearls restrung WE CUSTOM DESIGN & MANUFACTURE AU: TYPES OF JEWELRY HAllOI SHOPPIN• CINTU ZJOO HAllOI Ill VD. ' COSTA MISA MS.HIS HUNTIN•TON CINm llACH • IDl- HUNTlll•TON UACK "2·llOI ••.. • .-· ·.• \• ............... -... ·.-·~, •• .''\ . r_. • . ..... . ..... _ • \ I Ii I I i I II I I I I \ I I .. " . -Laguil~ Beaeh EDITION VOL 62, NO. II, 3 SECTIONS, 32 PAGES • ORANGE COUNTY, q,t.LIFORNIA ; . '' ' -... ·----· ---.. '::" :: -~~ ' ~' =1 ::-= _,-p ~ .. ·----·-- Laguna Exchange ' Stud~i!l Hij i -Buenos Aires Girl Takes Unscheduled,·Tr~-J!!.·~~a . · ·~ •. :;Jt·~·. ~··-.· ·\ -r ~ By RICHARD P. NALL Glori& told a reporier today, '"They gave er, whose Mexican passport Identified ,.,.;... ~:·~.,_.w·~ ~ ,.;.;~·-lii,. ~~~ -·~ Of1"0.11TPli.tSt11f US magazines and boo~ &_bout Che bim as Jesutn Amaya, b:lld the flight ~,tudef1t-~·•Lone. 8~f ..... ~~·f • , .... ';:-~ ·"' .. '* . :.. A BuenM Aires ~irl en route to shldY Guevara." / · crew : I ~.how nfu!; I Jhgl.-·~ P~llid-, ill ..... pl • at Laguna Beach High School waa aboard She said, "We were only tired." The "My life doesn't matter. NelUter do woold "'~ lloi!'. • • .. ,• •r • ·p ~ r....-:M «** the hijacked Peruvian airliner that was f{ioup was bused to the Unlversity of lhe lives of you or the passengers. I Be-~~,._, vi U..... 1161111!0 ~ .-· · uliit~~Jillll'lllil! f~~ ~re~:~v~ ~~~~ today tori:fa Saturday ev~ •. Ce<f and put ::ntn! g~~'t~~S:.'~)~~:wS: :f: ~~ ~·!°i;,"1 . ~~ .:.~~ . : with Mrs. Gloria Llnkey and her family The 0 first the pal;.gengers knew of the accent, adding, "He could have been were n:.:~r~INll8' _a.1 • ·. ·~~~~-= al 31542 Monterrey St., SouUt Laguna. hljacllrng wu when they_ woµ landing anything." , ~vld !!-~ ;J!;~~-1 :z:l\',..~.illlfC...; 1 M ral('• -• ThegirlwaSone of118persoruaboard at Havana Airport whlcli they thought The jet was tUrned toward Havana . La~-~":' ... A':.• ~.:+-t _,,. .,.. -"Jt''-.:.'"'i , ~·1S114-.l6.Atd the flight from Bueno,, Aires to Miami was Mlaiii.I. · but failun of the public address system .w11 .. \.. .-..!·· ~::t ~&Mt'·~·~ -j,;;,'-'tM .. ~wt Including about 15 ArgenUne exchange Miu Drey%in said they· saw a big kept the pilot from inlnrmlng hl8 'l'l!l __.,. .,..., · . "-~ · . ~le~w lllol!lfil :$dents. A 8\lll"brandis?J.ng man took picture "' Castro saying "Welc:ome to passengers. M1aml SUoday morptns. &udentl' .,... aa.W !ildjnol: a"-fw ~.-.idf;'ii'lfc ·over when the plane was about 10 Havana" She dldn' reel tllai she had "WI saw Ute pabn tr.., and thought U. S. olUUalo>1lul\ lbef ......... ~ ··'"'°-·"";;;~·~ minute. out of Miami. rean,.iQtten much out of the overnight it was Miami," said Eugenia <l<>Mebatt. thecludlred ~ .~lbeQ)leillcl~ ,,!! ~ :f~S:,-11!1(~ ~'lu--,Jit!d, Accorded the red carpel treatment stay 1n Cuba. 17 of Entre Rios, Argentina. "And then in ng a"""" w •;r-1 y.:i ~ .. ..,,__ •'ft . -t1ttd ''ftip.y:DOUe£-' Jna·propagandamovebyCubanofficials, CopllotErlcSchriebersaldthehijack· w~sawthewelcometoHavanasign." ty, and&·~ ~b. ~-~ ...:· "!"'~'f .. to·:~,.,._--;._ ... =· UPIT• ....... "' HIJACKED -Composing tune they dubbed "Music to be Hijacked By,'' 'Argentinian exchange students relax at piano after finelly com- .pleting Buenos Aires to Miami flight that·made unscheduled •top in · Cuba .. At piano is Edith Buldorini. L<>oki.ng on are Beatris Busse and Fernando Jose Caride. iaguna Playhouse Reports Strong. Financial Position By TOM GORMAN Of tM O.llY l"llitl Sllff ,.''This Is probably the strongest finan· cl al _position we've been in for a long time." ·So reported Laguna Playhouse Presi- dent George Gade at the Board of Dire,::- tors meeting Saturday. · .For the first six months of the present fiscal year, actual income has exceeded the projected income by nearly $5,000. Treasurer BUI -Salyer said _in~e has totalled $26,986. Projected income was 122.000. In addition. he said, the Playhouse st.1rted the fiscal year $2,500 in the black. Credit for lhe financial shape -A donation of $1 ,500 rrom the Ebeil Club has been accepted Jor. the Building Fund, dlrectors learned . from Mrs. Nofziger. -The General Manager also reported on the honors DAri.Y · ·prLOT en- tertainment editor Tom Titus bestowed upon the Playhouse, His annua l awards honored Ralph Richmond, who portrayed Henry lhe Znd in "Li.on in Winter" as best actor in Orange County>. John Ferzacea was named .. top director in the County by Titus: •He directed "Lion in Wint.er," "Sweet Charity". and "Slow (S.. Pl.A YllOOSE; Pare Z) S h ·~ _,' '-k~fiiai¥i? urc arge<"tq=·:': .. ~ ~:-:~~~1 ·. ,~q;:!:· I .' • D,t.H:Y Pa&.O'I:..., ...... .MAKES UNSCHEdUlEt> STOP ~ ..... .£: .: Tr~er ·o..,yq, .. .-. Johnson Recommends ·Exiefi,rio~:{i~~~O'%(t~i ~ill~ .. =1~~;Ji t~l··~-\; •~a011na· T'ihrnrv WASHINGTON (UPI) -President Johnson will recommend extension ol the 10 perceot income tu surcharge, it was disclosed today. · Administratio sources said the Presl· dent would include request for exte:nsiou of the tu, beyond itll June 30 expiration, Three Accidents surplu.s. .chard. _M.. N'··· is ·.The Whl!'u':ae ;;,-..&f!!!'°-'-"-n.. .l:..i" _ lJ -~ J , Presldent .. Iecl RI ' . -· Utal Johnson irill m · hil ~;_SC"fu . . , going along with Johnloo 1 ~ lo .. . . ~c..lf · ....... ~. · JS· · ... JrPt:· . extend-the--,..-•..........-i.-~, •1 . =---~--~mfl''SW · an·· --source said "you can aamne that there ~~ re~ w:lll ~ au . Thon-'al..I ' ay. . . - JohnSon wlll break tr8.!i1Uon and deliver • / • his state or the union ·-'" -Hit m· -Report . before I JO!nl .... Ion of C!ongr ... TJIOS' ay ~t·t p.m..PST. llw!D,l!e,_dWI . l'DltlonWide. ' " • 'or -• .. ' • · 2 Pedestrians, Driver Die in Weekend Traffic Laguna'11 general pli n comultants have The White House-~· :that recouimended ·llj!ailWI expandlng Laguna Jolu,ioon ·~ .would •end lo ~.., S..,ch Llbrary afii.. present lncation. = ~ ·~....=.sessaf,.•.~ City' Manager Jame< D. Wh~aton said ·· ·IJid ·o-·tm to"a"""" .. l ....,,.,,,. tPcJay Uie interim 'report on library site L~"' _,~':,. 000 ~ . ..-.-. ..1ect1on,"by Daniel, Mann, Johnion & ~·KJ;r now ~~ve ~. a year. Mend~wlJI be~ Wednesd.iJ The preslden1!41 p""' •.•c r_e tar y, nii!\I. ~ • ;City~· /ireetlng. . ~!. ~· ~-i._dllcua !!. 181d',i :.:nnn.w ·~ ~.:-A""1l:ill'biii heriiibe l>dlce tile'~ ,ad Two pedestrians -aod ihe driver ot a sportscar lost their Uvea in separate weekend traffic accidents in Orange County, it wu reported today. The dead are: Gwendolyn Soott Buice, 17, Los Angeles. Mn. Iona McFarland, 73, AnaheJm. David Roy om., 24, of 489 Graceland Coast Splattered By Rain, More Seen on Tuesday Scattered showers, spawned by a stonn front centered 100 miles off the coast, splatlered the Orange Coast early today and promised to return for another dose on Tuesday. Nearly one inch o( rain was forecast for the Southland before the storm move11 on, the Weather Bureau reported. 1be rain pushed maximum temperatures down into the upper 50's, The storm, which carried scattered sprinkles and showers in an Ullo. southeasterly direction, d r op p e d precipitation from traces to fractiom of an inch. The chowera were predicted to increase by nighUali, .followed by -<!earing· along the coastal areas late Tuetday. Tbe snow level was due to drop from l,O(KI feet today to near 5,IXMl Tuesday. The Weather Bureau announced thf,t a 70 percent chance of rain oisted along the Orange Coast for Tuesd.,-. Temperatures were ranging from three to si'I degrees below nortnat ..... .., ... ,.,, . . -'1-.:.• .. Drive, Lagupa ~ell · Mias l!ulce w~ .ulad Sa~ .n!PI. when she waa hit by ..,. W iiid '1111 over by several otheri on Ptfdne •Coull Highway juai weal of Z3l'd Street n llunllnaton Beach. Police said her companion. L. Tryon, 22, Lakewood, wu Mlch>el lnjund -Coaaly Tnfflc I lle,atlo Toll !IA . • when be was struck a &lanclnS bknr he and MW Buii::e were retumlog to their parked car when they tripped 4Yet the highway's ceqter divider and7 atuJn.. bled Into tralllc Iane.t. Mias Buice fell into Ille path of • car driven by Michael T. Sea~ 24, Orange, and then waa lhrowll In ·11'.ol>I of anot:her car driven by CharJet L. Johnson, 37, ol 733 Lab st., Huntinlloo Beach. She wu then run over by ~ more cars. · 1 • . ' ·Her· body was ia~en· to ROie ~ Hllll Mortuary in Wblttier where ·funeral servicea are pending. Tryon and Stat were ~ trtated for Injuries at Huniln,tM ,In-. munity Hospital and relea~ .. No ~ collided durlni Ute a<cldeot. Mrs. McFarland "died Sunday nlMbt· at Orange Countf Medical "Ctnttt afle< he Ing struck by a . cat Sunday atten-' at Loara .Avenue MCI Ball Jli>ad .1n· Anaheim. Driver of Ille car -JllJ<I M. Strunizi :«>, Anaheim. Sbe WU bot cited.. , . Or~ WU tllleli "early Saiurilay JDOnl!Jti OD Lquna Canyon Rood whi8 hli uWJ sporUc;ir •"!I. otij ol coaliol aod overturned, Ille Ollllornla . Hllhw'1 Patrol iald. . ' _.,,;Yldch bl !f:POriedly ~ 1~, l'Q~~ _.~or~1~-y~d of ~a._ ~acb ............. lo ~ illo lltlrUiirt, Collllly~lller DJStrlCl OD Third~lfee!-. '-Jiiiiiiiiii><Wlt'ftt>Or! 1 iur!illii.lcilelbla . 'tbe ·-nd .choice-;., not I/Ir away. flllill •Jiit' aod will ' recOmlnttld ...,. Whliit.!on laid It inj:ludes four reildentral Unu~tlan el the aur\IJ: In <>nit!' to have lot.. ·on the easterly, sioe of Third Stre<L ~ nest year, ii WU .indicalOd. The \bird choice la /he• ll<hnol woperty Jt. been. r.eported ~ UM! ·llUl'Plwl · on,B4nn<iot Avenue 11:t P~k,Avenue. · -nm about p bllliqn. The city manager said the recotn-o < lie la ~ to -end exjenalon mendatiGn hy· Ute planning consultaplS of &be autaJ: fOJ' at ~ane yW. wa1·based on eco~. size of.available . The current J!ear'1 b\1ilcel !11111 •. ,hc>u! led and potential conllict.ol the e>lallng 1111 hillion. '1be1e llavo ~ repofto SJte 11'!Ut Mure .,pans1on of . the ctty thal , Ille 11111 · budpl propolo! .would arterial system. llO u ·• u l!lli biilion:. WheolOn said the .consultants found SCJorcel: NJd that Jqbnsqn believes that expansion at the .present IocaUon the surtu oUght tol be 'renloved u on Park Avenue could cost three,timea soon U possible but feell the time u much as other locations. · ii no( )'.et,. appropriate, . . . 'I'1e , questlor1; 9f a &ite bas waxed JohnicJl \j 1-det.ernilQed ''to-; show a warm in the past with many favoring 1 Slirj!lus In UtO Unai JlocaJ budget he Ute; ~nl site · because ol ila central preeerrl:I to eon,rus. · . JocatioJ:t._ others favored other 1ites. -· , · _Something of a truce was called by LagunaMan.Doef . . " " . His Own '!hi~- Sans Cloihirt =;=:_:'> -·---. . .. .. 8: .. . - tho.seJnvolved in the site selection hassle Jo favor of submltUng the whole question to planning as a priority item. The, librory woold · he built •by the county.. bill county ·criteria for library . sitet-· incljJde land costs and Laguna land·ia-&~Y..e~mive. Afcoa Raises ·Prices · .. _, ... on · '.Alummum Items , PITl'SBURGH'(AP) -"Aluminum CO. of Arilefioa, .tar,e.l proclu<er in the in· d\l!tn<, r'lised p~ on vlJ:lua!ty all , lllumlnunr· prod1#i 'tDdlr,IOJl\e boost.. going beyond lncreaw announced earller by 'o&her major p~ucers. Alcoa matched the· one-cent increase from !If l<> 27 ceala OD Ingots 'announced by ·Kai"" and Reynolds, and also put la I 5 "percent Increase OD Dearly all llbrl<ated products. ' ~~~~:l~~E~~E~~ Was ·P.ut Down Just an· .. · A· c· ·f ·?_· •. or the year. . ' 'Se""" .. · ·u·.·. '". 't:\1'.' . .. ·.· i The programs are also &elf-supporting, ......,.& :-t"·A J : _ .. Orange with an income of $3,600 covering ex- pe~h~ :~~is included New Light Shed on Harbor H i_gk, Dorsey Confrontafi,o_~ o. W.eek_~d. ,SJ_ ~.ted·.' -Vlce President Geolfrey Riker said _ _ .. ~ construction on the Laguna·Moulton By THOMAS FOR1\1NE Playhouse has reached 46 percent c<im· ot -. 9'!ft'" "'-trtff plet:ion, wit.h no major prob~ems. He Blunt-taWng blad: ltlJdentB from said there hu been a special effort Doney Higb School may have ~ to employ rJ1rpeni.... from Ute im-hiding Inner &ellnp-they pat clown mediate Laguna area. "We are in very white students at Newport llll'bor High. rood shape oo this project," he told IMlence that Ute' raco rolaUOOll Ibo board. -.... !al Th!f"dq 11"1 not )la,. -Membership has reached an all·time . J>em the fiasco tltey ~ f.o be. bjgli, nported General Manager Irma -<CM ~ li'om. Jtln'J'~ teod!* N~er. There have been 1.340 mem--ol.&. Jaltn U. llaptlat'1 ....,. """'1P1 sold this year, eompared lo ing: nliP>o!I _.., ¥ School <1' i.,.t year'• figure or 1,137. She aaid JleUgQi; lllJIUW st., In Colla - thal haH Year subscriptions are pmenUy Mn. -!Gl4 <1' ~ fedl- beiag sold. back r'°'"'"" a · 111m0ar conlnllllatlon -Ml application for $25.IXXI from the between 200 'Colta -Meo ttta teenagen lrvibe Foundation is being looked upon and 1l00ents. tn:m Ver-bun,t Del. and favcrably, according to Gade. He expecls Regina Coeli, boy1• mt 'glrla' Cltholic a mon definite word within 1 mmth. , ICboola: In Watt&. - r They talked and Uten danoed together at SL John Church, Costa Mesa, ane night a month ago. \ Mn:. Forbath AJd. a white youngster'• comment afterward -44We came wan. Ung lo he friends and they just wanled to put us cJown1> -tummed up &be evening. But she al!IO recalls ibat a Nepo boy uid: "We're good actors. We play it up, just like you llll'fer pye do." Fr. DavJd The.is, «nlnleJor at the Wltb: boys' school, pleaded wlUt Ute wl!l!e youngsters not jllll Iii ...., th< - words but lo look behind the -for the real penoo, slle said. ·She UtJnu that moot o1 the 1 ..... just like those at Harbor lDgh, couldri't clo Utat and wen hurl and --~ ... ·~ ¥ I ' •• ' ' .. '' • t ~ .,_ ... : -.. Weal~u K"'f your ~ out, the wWbft'inan ~.,;. Utere's a 70 piercent chmii',of more rain 'l'lttlldq. !I'll ii!m· the t.mper• turs down lo ':t:._11\mark loo. llW$1DE" ~TODAY · C'.+•isl SJl)!M. Pott«:ltad"s" 4 dollbk lif•. For • clot1Mp of' .. 11\i ~;~r .l'lll.O.. •· ,., Page 20 . ~ .. ' --t ' ,: ( • I \ I I --~t~CS Want. Airport Group Expantled - -.. . -..... . .... JI)' ARTHUR R. VINSEL . . . . . . ' ; • 1• -" Of,.. Olllr , •• '''" •• . A Cbota M ... jet pllot who led hll squadJ:ol> into Japan in tilt flnl 11'1 Phant.iii.~io· iand u.er. :_: and Cilriod Lady .·~ la, tils Cock,It •v-' ~ -dled &mdo.Y~ In ~heroic ~P,t to brine another cripple -e w<ly •••• Caj!I.· Jon P. W~ 'rl, IOll al Mr. "ini! Mra. Let Wadsworth, ol llf1 -Ung Green Drlve..'cbol<i to st0r Wl)li the ~ to proJtlll llf crullllljl_ IDt6 a dttl!elffl'pulala!.,... of Totyo. Hti -n.iu of!lc<r; . Maj. Burton F. Font<;,.-~:·u;_a; Y.tJ!O..l:'hitie, La., died wilh--hlti\ wbeit Uii $2 lllllUon jet ·stam- med intu .a:, rn.oup,Wnsipe in a sp~h of b1'7in1f'l"'1. • · • The ihird .. time ."Wlli not a charm. lot the tareer-0.S.-Air.Force officer, ·who had ---··ilMll&bl crl.oel and broai<bt his -laOOI jet into Yokoto Air rm.. Base safely Uie last time. SWxlay .nigbl.'.a craah -c.aused.. ~y-e.Ieo­ trlcal-.ystem 1allun;.sbeared •II pbwer lines as Capt. Wadsworth headed for a Yokota runway, plunging 10,000 homes • .,,,.~ .. ...-i 11t1 J!lly lit_.....,,-.:.... " .. J .. ..... Atr'Dllri Naill ,,? .... c.. ml1leo; a· lfart>or Alu .. -· .,..,p. Newport oouncllmen followed op Emory'• •U.Uestlon by formally ,....-... c:on- llfdmllon · of tt by the Boord o1 Supervilon . t..an--November, the county bowd turn· er It ..... to the Leagut jlf cw ... Tbe l,.tqµe 'lonDed • <OIMlftt.. to 1oo1t bolo IL ti. "'!!"~'·,bi addlllon• to Mclapja, ii'" Loo AJallllWl'Councltm.n J..0.pll llyd~ and Btu Oouncllman Reibert Clark. In the past two month!. the League trio ha! worked with key county aides 100 an ~ daJined - DAll.Y ,II.OT tlltff ...... OPF·ICER EXAMINES BODY OE.MURDEILVICTIM Two Su1poct1 Arrested In Knife Slaying into dark;J;!els,{o_r tyi.o~.J but ~ba.bly "';:,:g~:r!i-;~:,;;.~ could have Beach W omnn Slain,· ejected safely, bet the plane might have crubed into p:>p,....:;;...areas.-:JJSAF . 1 . __ ,_. tntllv '"* ,..., "' ' -· -60UJ'CeS 8&.IU ::-:y . --. • -• -, Word " tbi. cAllC:bme .:to....lll..-.: .• C. : u· ·p--l ff. ·eld by._,Poli"ce Wadsworth familj in Costa Mm-wan 0 e the vicUm'a youn-'!.' brother, U.S. Ailily Sgt_ Robert Wa~, 22, telephoned ~. .. _ . from Yokota, whEU.~ 'I!~ vW~. ~ , ,_-:.._ · ~. --Sgt. Wadswo~~ on .~ ·p~ :.:--::: 1JIF. BP'D p.m. ~unday on 17th Street across from recreation leave IDltl &iaba! cosii,ty,;: V ~°' ·' 0ti1Y rii.tJJltf • , °'fl.er tnteu:nediatc School in 1-Iuntington "And they don't""'evttFtounr"tombat--! were arreiled ea~fy . 1o-Beath. ~ miss.Ions over South Vietnam," his day just four, houri after a Huntinetgn Police said the bodv was in a trallic mother added. Beach woman! body was fotpld IP'Ul'1 •. . ' _ Capl Wadsworth's father said th.al on the strett in a bloody pool. •litr _ 1ane on; the golf course· side of the the Utah State Uni\al) maOiel..-a.~ tbrGlt-:lllsbell and body punctured b¥ street eaat of Palm Avenue. graduate waa flylng--wt-of Yolc6Ci"liit -4' mdlUp'lti'"stl.b-'Wound.s. _ Both ppecls are in Huntinaton Beach March, when hL1 ~Phan~ wu ~ .... Hi.al~ Beach police ldenUfled the CJ~y JaJI ~ay charged w!Ut homicide, by lightning and:suffered aevere ~ ;·vicUm•Jlf ~·Hester S. Markee 55 :wd Detective Sergeant Monty MclCen- damage. --~--· --of 1508 Olive Aie. : ' ' non. He explained that detectives will Despite the fact that a win& tank J&Ued on hom)clde charges are seek a murder complaint "probably waa destrc)ym And' -controll ·Rriottlly Margattta Dinger SI of tam Delaware Tuesday." damaged, Capt. Wldawortb broulht the SL, .. and ber ~paiuon at the time Officers said the body was in the crippled plane In sitelJr)lthoueb It we Ci . arrest, Notinaa · Coatne.y of Los street a few inches away from her loaded with explosite ordnance.~ Aramilos, age Ind addrtls oO\ disclosed. car, which was J_>Mi.ed ~Uy at. the He wu forced t.o-ejeet from ahother Mrs. Markee'•· bloody body waa cur~, with the engine running and li1bts jet 50 miles from Tokyo in December, discovered by a paaaerby about 9:15 blazing away on the grbly scene. 1967 afler the hydraW.lc systems falfed · The. woman had been 1 t a b b e d b.Jt :..a.s rescued after spending one ~ numerous limes on the face, neck and and 40 minutes in a rubber raft bobbtal La .l _.::_ts back. A trail of blood spatters around on 25 foot ocean swells. ' guna ftl.lll' the atreet suggested that ~ may ~ve at Nha Trang, SouUt Vietnam, wtU ac· either litaggered around. in the nuddle company the body home for burtll. •. . eo· . v . of lbe road as her life poured out . mg to egas through the gaping w9unds, or may have grapp1ed with her killer or killers. From Page 1 F-. _ ~ Despite a light rain whicb began to T \ 1 · ' ~ Sh -y;,, fall over the sCi!De, officers began an 0 orm 0 ... s on-foot search of the go~ course, owby r • • · ~~ • ' -• oil fields and streets. · -tlguna: Beach ' srt . ml ~ts are Evidence al the scene iodlcated lhal PLAYHOUSE grdng 'tt ..Lu Vegas. ~ Mn. Markee had just bet.n to a coin . Dance on the Killing Gaund." ·--· The top play.... ~m.' 1968 wu the Playhouse 's "Liii .ffi. Win~."f'or tut- ting on five or 1M ~ty'~ ·~~ 10 · plays, the Laguna PI•.r.~se w•f-named the best community t(le.ater in· Orange A1:tist. Joan SOOrt said manaaen of laundry and had waabed "quite a hU the Dunel Hotel Oil tilt Las Vegu slflp ol hafe Wed her .aftd artiJt· John Ulen laundry/' detectivu aaid , lo .organize lJlOnthly art shows to be . Her car, s.ligbUy scratched on a Cront ~lblted during conventi0fl.1l. fender, suueated a recent automoblle 1'be fint, Ille said, yUJ be sbown accident Officers discovered that she Jan. ~iv, 20 ud-21. It is to lnclude Miss had been involved in a minor traffic County. -· ~ -• ) DAILY PILCI Olt ... HGf COAST l'UIL 15HlltG C<iMl'AH'f' ~obtrf N. Wettl .J1ck It. c •• 1 • ., \l.c:e Prn idrnl •nd G~n"''"" M1,..ttr lhem•1 IC11v:I E.••tor lhom•1 A. Murph<~• M.o"90•11t £0••0t Ricfl.,d P. N1tl L•-lkK"• Cl.,. fdl!Ot P1wl N;,,,,. ... .,.,u,;,.. Ol•l'<tor ........... OfPk• 111 Fe•11t "'"'· M1 ili~9 Atltl•tu: P.O. lei '''· f26St • --CMlt Mnt: l•-WftL IJI~ Slrffl• .=: -,._.., 1e•ct1· n•r wn1'11lllN ..., .... ,., H11111....,1on a1.u.. »t '"' s""' """'-. :: OA.ll 'f PILOr. w1t11 -le.II i,. c~· ,,,... N--""M .. .......I"'" doll• ••t81 ....... .., ill_ ..... II ..... i.r l-........ ~ kKll. C••• ""'"'· ~ Mii.ii .... '-'•111 \l'o!Wy. """" wlffl • <"ttllnt1 "911'°" or...., c.a.oot ""bl~• C-"""'llllO "'Mor\ -l tf 11 r.11 Wti'P a.ltl6i Iii ... , t.lf.,.i f~ll, Ind J» WsN tow $1!'ftt, CM11 MH-. ' , ... , .... {Jl41 ,, •• ,.,, Ch1'rkc 0.,. .... 2 ... 111 c--. .... °''""" c.... "''*"""""' ~. ... -.... lf.t. .. ... , •• ......_, ,.......--""' ........ ,.,_ "'"'"' -... ..-• "' W1"'9vl ~... .,.,. ~ .. *"'11111 "'""''· le~ CIMI _._ M;,,i .. Hl'W90tt kd, .. e. ....... (.1111 .. ftll, kbloul9tlM .. urri. .. .n (Mlttlllf; ........ 11 u" ..... ~.,., .....,., •ti..;.rlol'il. 11 n -;;;°''"''•· - Short, Hien, hJJ; wife, Lee, Pattl Rock, accident at 17th Street and Adams Jean Caroll and Joyce Clark. Avenue, three or four blocks away from ·Sbe.said the oat show for a phmna-. the murder scene, jwt prior to the ·. ceauca1 convention will be held Feb. 24, mllrder. 25 ·and 21. 'l'wo artilts will bt added to Al 21'1 $1rttt and Olive Avenut poUco tllt··tlfllb1iin ""°P for that show: found a blood-loat.ed car. "The wbole --MiU Short '8!d a cocttall party will interior of this vehicle wu covered w!Ut · • bacqround-tht llnt c1ar at die exhibits. blood," said the oWcerJ. ' $be 1'HI soe.U -Poat: La'glina and its art. IJcenae numbers led officers to the ~ wll,l Wildt the artists Work and apartment of Miss Dinger who was . talk· ,.it~ jhem. · • led 1 · " ~·· ••· I )Lis.I $Krt -aod Hlen were organlzen arrts n connecuon w1u1 ""° er me. QI: )lit ·fllln¥ll~'s Splint.er Mval. Both Coatney was with her at the time, police ~ '1M F'Ullvol ol Ar1i Uhlbl!On, aa~icen said Ibis morning !bat the Irvine Abandons Assess Protests' ... In rli ~ move, tilt lnll!e 'Com- pany .today "1tbdrew ail protests· llled oa· 1111.fi ranch tax auessmenta. Tbe ~ wert to OJme before tbe "lleW. 'tat .Appeals Board today. . IJl-e letter dated Friday, L.E. Eberl· t'1fll :U Irvine Y I c e pm!denl; n6tifled Ibo · !iii>ull board of the protal wltmifawal. ... )!btrlinl tied the withdrawal to . tilt ,.....t 1ctlon al the Orang• County Plan- ' nlrC ~ recommending adoption of .qrtcultural pre,.,... statua lor ll>cillillJ<I• of ,.,.. of Irvine land. N ~n on Dec. 11 •pproved prutrYe tt.tu& for I0,050 acttt of lrvtne farmland daoplte pnJlell by Saddltbaclt Junior ColJqt Dlslrtct. &lrrii:'i ltUtr uld that 1 "subst.m-~ nomillr al Ille parce1a being iro- lellOd by the '"lne Company lhll year +are tncfuded wtthtn the area.a ft'COfTt-' mended for aucb preaerves. pair are being questioned and that filing ol !annal charges will await the resulla of111e questlonini. 'Ille bod!' .,., taken to SmJtbl Mortuary m Huntington Beach for autopsy and funeral arrangements ooce the mvatlgaUon is complete. . Laguna Funeral Home Purchased Laguna Beach F'unttlJ Home, owned fl)r 41 years by John Minter, has been !loop! for an undbclooed sum by lteyn mieaer who alio cntnJ a San Clemente mortuary. The local tliablllhment, started by Minter In um, ls now t11Ded Sheffer Lquna Beach Mortu.ry. Located et t7! s. Coast lflghw11, it la La,cuna '• only undtrtakin1 concern. With the salt of tilt horn<, the focmer owner reUred. Sheff« wW man.,e and occupy the mortuary. Hf!I Wd extensive rtJurblshln~ and eome exterior landscap-lna are planned for the property. to ~ •bQul tbe ~ ~·-~ Qli.I 'lltl OOUDl1 offfdall --Ollloor llobert Tbomu, ~ ~ AdNn KIO)'pU and Avla· tton lllnc(Gr llobdt Brtanaban. 'l1le draft ordlnance, which JOO)' ytl bt au,trtlJ reviled, lcc:ordlnl to Thomas, apella out lheae duU.. foe-!lie ..,, com-mlslJon , -"To study coodlUona and make r-ecommendaUcns concttning the need far bel&ht rutrtcU0111 oo buildings near alrpQi1t. . -••To mUt recommeodaUons for tile Ult of the Jud lllmllltidfng air1iON to aasure safety of air navigation and the promotion of air commerce. -''To r«0mmend plans for lhe Javelopment of Orqa C..Wll' Airport and oCller alrporta wloidl t11Q be .... qulnd or opmltd by the C01111ly al Orqe. -"On requesl of tbe Board of Supervi8or1, to advise the board &nd make recommendations on any matter pertalnlna to alrporta ... lir lrl!llpOIU- t.ion. -'1'o make such 1nvullgalions u It f!UIY deem Deceu&l'J' in the exerci.se olltapowen. -1t<fo bald public hearings on the forqotni aubjecta and mate flndlng1 of foci which 'll'OllJd bt only odvilory to thl!! lnvoJved jurisdiction. -''to make and enforce rul~ and rqulations for the orderly and lalr con- duct ol 8U!l> llear!Qp." MA!fnnla Aid • fUJ1lltr ~ty will bt propoeed for the new board. He described tt as coocernlng "tn- Yiroumental condlUOllli. '' ''By thia," he explaJIH!d , ''we mean lir pollutloo and noise facton. ·• He said the League committee had agreed with county officiall lhat it would be a mistake to pUe one new alrPort com.miuion on top of anolber. "So we loolted hlto tilt pomdblll\y of combining the two." The present comrnilslon by law hait Its area or concern Umtted to airport sites lberriM:lves, and not the Surl'OWKiing communities. Sirhan Trial Starts Judge Denies Motion; Jury Picking Begins LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Superior Court Judge Hubert V. Walker today denied a motion to quaah the murder Indictment against Sirhan B. Slrban on ~ the trlal jury panel was un4 consUtuUonally aelected and ordered lhe pfcting ol Juron to begin tmmedlately. The def-bad orgued that large From Page 1 STUDENTS. • • to dance in our manner ." What they didn't like about the even. 1ng, -"We didn 't have enough lime." -"l disliked the one-sided discussions. They did not bring out any of their probJems as whites." -"There is not much t can say bad about it." -''The way they put down Eldridge Cleaver -and Stokely Carmichael." -"Every Ume Willy or Rick said &OJTtething about black power our whole group would burst out like a bunch .. of une.ducated little ldds." -"The way some of the boys from Costa Mesa acted. They were talkable but they didn't associate with the girls Crom Coell as we did with their girls." Whether they thlnl< they should get together again: -"Yes, we should. Since we went over there, they should come over here. But J (ion't think a majority of them will come because of their parents. So I thJnk we should go back to them." -"Yes, I suggest we get together In the gym.. We 've seen Orange County, now they should see Watts." -"I think we should but it wouldn't be the same because lhey would know what to expect." -"Mtybe we ctiuld socialize on their rather'•\ ~acre ranch· -I got thi! infonnation h'om some of the girls." Mrs. Forbath commented: "You can see why we are encouraged. Probably our emphasis on fun and socializing helped bridge the gap between the angry wordJ and the real persons." She said another get together is plan. ned in February. Thirty boys and girls from Coata Mesa and 30 from Watts wilt go on a wffk-end retreat at a Catholic facility in the desert. Lagunan, 85, Hurt In Auto Accident An 85-year~ld Laguna Beach man suf. feted a bloody nose Saturday afternoon when he lost. control of his car, went over the curb and into a yard striking a cement planter box. Police said John Baptist Farr, 275 Grandview SI., appareaUy accelerated by error while turnlna off Cliff Drive onto Rosa Bonheur. His car entered a yard at 204 Cliff Drive. He was to see his own physician, segmtllt.s ol the population were excluded from jury service but Judje Walker rul~ that they were not automatically exempt and that previOUB court.a had upheld the con1litutionality ol the sys- tem. The opening court session lasted only 10 minutes a.ad lben a recess wa.s called to bring in the prospective jurors rrom whose rank.! 12 reaular members and six aJtemates will be chosen. Although members of the public and newsmen were thoroughly searched every day before entering the court area, the prospective jurors were not to undergo such personal examination.. Lagunans ·Fall Victims To Rash of Burglaries A ruh of weekend theft! and buriiarfa in Lqmia --worth of hoo~ld ·.oo penonal llems talwl in a burglary at the home of M!chael A. Bick, 944 La MJrada. Police said the lhltf ued ,-key to enter. th:! front door Saturday. Taken were a color television and stand valued totally at MIO, four jffp Urea and a bolly surf board. Joe Heartz of Whitter, executor of the estate of Clara Heartz, 1300 muebird Canyon Drive, told police that about $1 ,000 worth ol items bad been taken from the house including crystal and china, a· televlaioo, a rad.lo, kitchen utenallii, and bed linen. IUchard Smith, owner of Cout Inn Liquon, 1391 S. Coast Highway, told police that three half-gallon bottles of Scotch worth $61 and been stolen Satur- day by a shopliftu. ' Teacher Linda Louise Wiesbeier, 280 Falrvlew St., told police that f4 bad been taken from her purse early SatUI'· day u she slept She reported that Science of Mind Oasses Slated Two classes in Science of Mind v,·ill begin this week under instrucUon of Dr. Henry Gerhard, mi.nLster of the Laguna Beach Church of Religious Science, 20062 Laguna Caayon Road. The first year course. with a general theme of "Sell-Improvement" begins Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the church. That class also meets from 10 a.m. to noon Wednesday in the Leisure World home of Mrs. Heber Smith, 908-0 Renda Sevilla. The third year course with a general theme of "Mind-Body Relationships," starts at Leisure World Tuesday from JO a.m. to noon in the borne d the Holt Randa1s at 360-A Avenida Cutllla. It will also meet at the church Wed- nesday al 7:30. money had al.so been stolen in the same manner Chrb:tmu eve. Kathryn Rlchard!on , 1061 Gaviola St.. told police that a 125 mabogany table had been taken. Joe Nemeth.reported that an unknown number of dresses had been taken in the burglary or a clothing store, Georgl Girl, 142S S. Coast Highway, alter the front door was pried open. Realtor Grace Wtlllngbam, S 1 0 Woodland Drive, reported the theft of seven packqes of cl.garets and three roll& of pemrles from her home Friday ~r a window screen was pried off, Capo Councilmen Meeting Tonight San Juan capistrano city councilmen. meeting tonlJbt at 7,30 o'clock in· City Hall will consider a request for a change of zone and rule on other city businesl. 1be change of ione -from U-t (unclassified) to C.1 (11111all busineaa) -bu been requested by Randy Wllllams ror property at the northwest comer of the San Diego Freeway and Junipero Serra Road. Tbe new zone would permit the building of a service station on the Jot. Exhibition Slated In Laguna Gallery An exhibition of graphics and collage by artist Paul Darrow will have ils preview opening at 8 p.m. Jan. 20 at the Mystic Arts World Gallery, 6711 S. Coast Highway, Laguna Beach. Darrow, an assistant professor or art at Scripps College in Claremont, has had over 50 exhibitions and 15 one-man sbows. His wori hu appeared in several trade publications. The Darrow exhibition y,·jlJ continue through Feb. JO. n OMEGA-ACCUTRON -BULOVA AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR e ring• sized and repaired e diamonds and preciou• stonu remounted •pearls r11trun9 WE CUSTOM DESIGN & MANUFACTURE AL( TYPES OF JEWELRY HAllOR SHOPPINIJ ,CINRR UOO HAHOR II.YD. COSTA lllSA MS-'415 HUNTINIHON Cllnll llACH l IDINIHl HUNTIN•TON llACH m -UOI • ' • -• • ' ~... • , .-•• -... --•• • • • : .. (" '. • ' • • .-•• --· j • f I I ' I, I I ,. Ul"IT ........ Keeping Cool in <:apital The state assemblyman from Cool, Eqgene Chappie, Jost his Fri.day and ordered a ban on miniskirts for female .legislative employes. Sally Carter (above) was told to turn around aod get back to work after photographer took her pict~re. Mrs. Linda Marino (bottom) says she has some skirts that are shorter than one she has on, but she doesn't wear them anymore. Ladies are maintaining their com .. . :-posure despite fllror raised over skirts. -~ .. a . . ' San Francisco Mime Unit Invited Back to UC Irvine 'lbe controversial San Francisco Mime Troupe will play return engagement at UC Irvine this Saturday. The Mime Troupe, which once caused Chancellor Daniel G. A1drich Jr. to vow they would .never return, will perform "the Farce 0£ Patatin," said to be a stinging, anti~apitali!f.ic play. The appeara~ will be sponsored by the student body government. The Mime Troupe first performed aL Alamitos Blaze Loss at $5,000 Fire did $5,000 damage to a .hOmc end two automobiles ~ ill .Loi., Alamitos. . Police said the blaze started )'hen Robert Lewis. 5082 Howard St., was pouring gas f r o m a can lnto a tank of a car. The can slipped out of his hands and ignited a spark as it hit the concrete floor. Lewis slammed the 1arage door shut as flames engulfed lhe structure. The blaze destroyed the 1arage, two automobiles and an adjoining room. Irvine in 1966 and raised a furor with an unexpurgated play tbat included a simulated sex act. Aldrich said afterward the players violated a verbal agreement lo cut the C<lnlroven:ial scene and vowed lhey never would be allowed to return. Last year, the Mime Troupe was I~ vited back by then student body president MJchntl Kri11man. Aktrich relented after, he said, being "educated" by the faculty as to the value of controversial theater, and being assured the plays would con- tain no objectionable scenes. There were no repercussions that time. Two anti-war' plays were presented and an on-stage oommenta!Pt led the a\l- dience In the aml-drall chant, "HeD, No, \\'e Won't Go.~\. ''111e Face of. ~al8lin" will be presented at 8:30 p.rn. Siturday ;n Crawford Hall (the UC! il:llllUIS;Um·allCfi-), G<lleral ~. ..00 will cost IUO. LA Fire Investigated LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Arson Jn. vcstlgators have been assigned to dMennine the cause of a $100,000 f~ which gutted lhrtt offices in tbe ad· ministration building of Louis Puteur Junior High School Sunday night Har~an: • . Sure Peace Will Come • PARIS (UPI) -Outcoing ehW American oegoUalo< W.' Awell Hart rim.an said today he wu sure Peace will emqe from the ~arll 'tilts on Vietnam. He Uffed ~~ to stop talking about ''Winnlni'• lhe wer. , · Harriman cauUooed lhat In a "limited war" such u the one belag waged in Vietnam it made no aense to ta1t about winning. · • "I bope lhat the pres> and the public will rWl!e lhlo, and not talk about winning a war but rather of achieving these object.i.yes (peice)/' Harriman said. · In a farewell statement before the Anglo-American Press Assoclation, the senior American diplomat said the Paris conversations which he initiated last May have reaChed the point of no return. "There ia a certain d,Jnamk:s ln the Paris talks which will make It· difficult to break them olf," the rftlring Tl-year· old statesman &ald. "Ev~ in \be Unitod States, In Sooth and North Viel· nam. Md elsewhere is agreed that the talks ftere should go on." Harriman appeared resolutely op- timisUc the talka·will-bring peace, though a procedural quarrtl between the allies and the Communists so far have prevented their formal opening, %46 days after the first talks were held. Observers believed that the broadened negotiations, between the Americans and South Vietnamese oo one skl.e and North Vietnam and the Viel Cong on the other, woull get under way shortly aner President-elect Richard M. Nllon finnly auUines his policies and his new negotiator, Henry Cabot l.00,ge Jr., replaces Harriman after In8uguration Day Jan, 20. Russ Goodbye Visit MOSCOW (AP) -U. S. Amba!Sador L:lewilY,D.. ~.. Tbompson made a farewell visit at the Kremfin today with Deputy Premier Dmitry S. 'Polyansky. Details of tbefr talt were not made public Cong ·· ·Bfow ~ .. ;up . ·15 ~~~i~~pt~J!S1 ~ k.. ' • • .11 .... •11 ?pd. •••"• Ill \ •di ="' ._,_ J .. "!"fl~ "Teo htl'r...;.:. ...... •»-c hmlnallmllwllllWI-• .aan. , .,, · ' .......... ... ·~ -. .. " . . ~· ·Suzie· :COriitiuies '}-,l J •'I ' . All Penney ,Stqre's 0 .pen E-{ery Night ~'Ondpy Th.~ouoh SCiturday :· .· Sh-0 .. , :.~. a.t . •, p ' ' ' . .. -.. .. h. ''." ·1 ' ... . ' . ''I .... .ome •--..... " • Free censultation! • Free estimate! • No obligation! •We bring sampleal. CALL . COLLECJ '. ( 714)" .5 23'-6"51:1 • . . . REDUCED THRU SATURD.i YI- Save 44.70· ori 30 sq. yds. on Fashion Man:pr cqr etiruJ .-~ow! I '(• ... ' TAKE YOUR PICK OF THBE NEw DIMENSIONS.IN STYl.E, COLOR ~D TEXTuREI Reg. 8.99 sq. yd. NOW '' . 7.50 New Departure 100% ~ .. In nylon high donoily pilo on lomn Mlbor badcing. thi1 awpot is ma alliadi'¥9 stone and Vermont 1lot9 pattem ICr"1 prinlecl.in 5 colon. ' . ' Reg •. 7. 99 •ct· yd. .R-.g.:1. 99 sq. Jd. ow ·· " NOW .50 6.50: .~.,' Galaxy · C...tan' aayht/Y .... mocbrytk tip "-eel pile in lldlidl and tex!Woo-12 booutilvl 'COion! C""1ion aild· lm!Qllo. flan CIWliloWo·otrogular pile.. . .J ' 9_ · · Starlight ll!xvty .....,..;, Orion' '""'llc'.Gll ancMoop pilr In a (obulous .;ilonl "°'*"' olo from tho t-up. •'pi>-~ ' ' .tonal deCCN aton clo. .• I ::...t' .. • • • .. ... .. . . -. . . • . . • - • ' , I ' • -.-! ,. vr r • #~ • -•·<r ·•~--·-~~--::;:~-;:==:~--::_.;,_ __ _:~-. _,.. -. ---------11"'411, ,,..,.,., "· 1969 ~:::::;:..;,.:::.;_~~~~--'-- Mafia l(lan Appeals Re1· ected ,Hickel Prime ' 'Demo Target Supreme Court Deni.es .Pl.eas of Genovese, .KK K's Shelton . "!'ASlllNGTON (UPI) -'ftlo Benat. .. uP Proaldeoklect llldlanl V-Nix- on's ~ cbolca tbll wtH, with the mu from Aluu Ille prime target for ecme Democrall. I: !! -·----l II lUstorian Arlel Durant got her " ~rst name !rom her husband, Will 'r Durant. when he was her teacher in New Y.ort more ihan 60 years WASlllNG:l'ON (l/Pl) -Two alleged uodfl(WOl"kl bo8au and a Ku Klux Klan leoder ,.... lm'Ded down on appeat, lo the SuprQt Court today. WltloJI comment, the c:ow1 dellled 1 hearlng to Vlto Ge.novP8i re~ted 'No. J bud ol tw·Cblta Nortra or1antzaUon1 who wu apPeallng hll conviction on lederal nan:oliCI cbargOI. '.Ille justicel allo rdl!Ud to hear an appeal by Rllnood Patrtarea1 .Ueged bead ti the New EniJand Coota N01tra "family" who wu convtetfd of plotting to murder a rtvaJ rambler. The Ku Klux Klan leader wbo wu deoifll a·hearin& by the court WU Im. • ~ Wlwd Robert M. Shel""1, who WU found '"'1\J of _.,pt all~ for refllllnc to tum bver ncorcll to the Houae Commlltee on UnAmerican Acllvltlea dllting a 1* lnve&Uclllon. In olher -· Ille aiurt: -Ruled unanimoualY lhet a teoant CID· not be evlct.ed from a lederall,y ltnanoel puhllc """1og PNlect lllllels·a ooeclllc ,.uon Ill flytn and the tenant allowed to challinae the --MUied to hear ' new cballqe to Ibo eonstituUonallty of Ibo Jloule Commltteo on UnAmerlcao actlv!Ues bro<JCht by two New Yorkers -Dr. Alloft ,11. Krebo and Walter Darwin Teque m -who bad oppooed com- ..-)lwlnp oo .. uwar groups. ' • ago. "I was bis most troublesome t mischief-maker, M> he called me l Ariel," abe said, merrilli to the . air)" i!J>lrit in Shakespeare'• "The I Temp.,t" Mrs. Durant, 70, whose i real lint ume la Ida, finally , .. I ceived legal okay Ibis week to make her legal name Ariel. 1:-1:-~ *** ! In San Salvad!. El Salvador the gov.ernment banned the entry of rortlgn hippies. Col. Jo,. Angel Bordugo, immigration chief, called thetl} "a soclal menace!' Supreme C~urt to Study • State's Syndicalism Act WASB!NGTON (UPI) -The Supreme Court todl,Y agreed to e s. a.Iµ I n e Callf<nla'a criminal 8}'11dlcallsm act, found unconstitutional earlier lhil year by a special three-judge federal court in JAi Angel... . The aiurt will hear ~ later In the term and decide the we by wr1u...· opinion. The act defineo crtmlnal oyodlcalism u "teachtn& or a1dln1 and abettin1 the ....,...,..,. ol'crtme .. ~or terrorism . U .. :m.inl Of accompllahlng a i;banp ·1n ·fliausirw-ownerahlp or-c<mtrol, ·or elfedliia ODY political change." The lower CClllt found the statute, !Int .adopted in 1JI9, abridges free ... preaaion. The supfeme Court had upbe~ ·-!its'-utuliooallty,Jn 1J27. But Federil rnrtrlct Judge Wtlliam P. Gray speaking fqr the panel, said neither the 1»27 decision nor the law it5elf can stand agalnat the hfib court's more recent holdings. • For Instance, Gray Wd, the law would appear to problblt teaching about crlmlnal ~ Wilbout actually ad- vocating It and "mere ezPreaion of belief or philosophy" would likewise be bamd. 'Ibe ad wu challenged by four pel'IOlll, tncludlng John HarrlI Jr., whose prosec:atlon under ~ .... pending In Lo& Angeles County Superior Court. '.Ille case, Involving · dlslrlbution all leaflets With the _..ave labor porty lmprtnt, appear«! ·lo be the llnt llnco. Im. It ..., not proceed under the panel'• decilllll!,. • Stewardess Foils Hijack; Snow ma11 mean rlwveli'ng to many "victtma" but it meant an opportunt- ty to do some creaffv. inow 1culp- ture for Mrtt ~hirleu Sto1Le11 of Chi- cago. She ~ UU. play/Ml be~r family with l1'0fO OS1d I garden l&oJu:• Guitman Held in Miami -she raid tile!/ lbcrt climl>log Iha. MIAMI (UPI) - A shotgun-wielding tree to get alOav /10M the motO"On ON · passenger who demanded to be taken gnnmd. "Btars don't like snow '1fOU to CUba wu foiled early today when knoto," .she e:pZOtned. a Delta Air JJne! stewardess vaulted • past him Jnto. the cockpit and locked • Z "'·' the 4oor, allo!ring the pllot to complete One ol the 1:;1ook.,;i a~-Ol' bis Detroit-to-Miami rugbL heart \ranl!J> · surgery Jbq,:lif Polke, alerted by pilot Harold Rowley, more in,1,po~t that the immediate boarded Delta fllght 297, carrylni;r77 goals. We r!! leanung so m~ penons, when it stopped at the raqi:p about lmmumty that we may some and arrested a man sitting meekly wltli day be able to tun'dileaa•f lliCh -a obotgim In a duffel bag at bis f .. t. as cancer or rfleuftiatic'· 'feVit," ·Officers tdenUfied the would-be bl- said Dr. Denton Ao Cooley, RV..... jacker as Kenneth McPeek of Orchard plant pioneer. Late, Mtch., who was accompanied by • his three-year-aid son. He was cbarged with anned assault and held under Donald HarQadon of Ch~o is a attw, and no doubt ioUhr1 · the rabbit that attatked him IOCll, too. Hargadcm, a J&oapital 100f'k· er, wcu kicked and scratched bt1 a 4()..pound laboratOTt/ rabbit M tool taking to tht Lincoln Park Zoo. Ht \Oall treattd in the hos· pital'r emergency room for stu- eral "hare-cut.II," none serioui, but there \Oall no wa11 to iaZvt the Injury to his pride. • While residents of Great Falls, Mont., struggled to keep warm in five-degree weather, one main litreet thermometer at a bank re- gistered 119 degrea. When asked about it, the balit's swtlchboard operator commented, "You have to have warm thoughts. And that's what we have -warm thoughts. 1100,000 bond pending possible federal diaries. It was the third a:uch lncldent 1n the 1alr llnce Saturday, "hen two planet were diverted to Cuba, one en a fllght from Peru to Miami and the other from Pittsburgh to Miami. Delta Air Lines olflclals said Capt. Rowley went through with h1! landing because "he was committed. He was only a abort distance from touchdown.'' Wheo •tewardes> Lym· Sargent of Miami leaped in1n the cocQll and alam- med l1'e door lborlly Iller mldnJaht, Rowley ndlotd Delta ·'-trollon· In Atlanta that "the ltewudea& has ju!! come up and aald a man pulled a lbotgun OD her. Would you call MJIDll and have police meet ua t.berel'" Nine minutes later the mu wu led rrom the plane. , The 1tewarden 31.id the man pointed th.e shotgun at her and 11.Jd "Tell the captain we're going to Cuba." "Sir we can't do that. we're 1n a landing pattern," she replied. before run· nlnl Into the cockpit. DetecUve Capt. Roy Longbottom of the . .MD.ml Police Department aald tbe bJjiarr was !eated in the first clau .ecub'n el the airliner when he pulled \be lhotpl. • When j'oUce Sgt. Lloyd Sexton and Offtctr Gem'ge Logan boarded the craft, Loogboltml said, they foond McP"'k "just 11Utlng there meekly. Hls shotgun was 11.ying at his feet." Delta 0Wclal1 aal.d Rowley made the correct deci!ion in ignoring the would·be bl jacker. Laird Announces New Appointment In Pentagon Staff WASHINGTON (UPI) -Defeose Secretary-designate Melvio II. Laird an- nounced todQ" that John S. Foster Jr., would stay on in the Nixon administration aa director. of defense research and engJneerlng. Laird told a newt conference that Robert C. Moot, Pentagon comptroller, aLoo would conttnue In tblJ job. At tbe nme limf, Robert F. Froehlke, 4& resident vice Pftaldent of Sentry In!W'ance, Boston, was named assistant secretary of defense for 1dminlstraUon, a job which Laird !aid would be upgraded In responslbWUes. Froehlke llvea 1n Winchester, Mass. Gale Winds Lash Oregon Sheriff Term s Iron Count y Snowfall 'U nbelievable' l11! o. ""' ""' .. •1111 Ji n. ,, J111. 11 Jlfl. 'J "'"· ' ,.,~,,,_ At11"te ll1ker1f~ld lll1m1r"tll. '"" 11 .. 1o" C~lc1to Clno;l-tt (level•"" DmV@r °"' Molries o ..... !urek• F11r! Worth F ... 1no "''''"" H"""lulu "''"""°" k•n1&1 (ll'y l&• VHll lO!I A11<11!le9 Ml1ml ll~d'> M;i.o..Wtt Ml"nt1<>0!11 Nl"W 0.1 .. ~1 N"" Yf>l"tl; O.~l•t>d Om•~· .. HO lllab~ ,.,.11.~Nllt -· .. ltttbu"" ·-~ ll:teld Cltv ·-&IC:••..,,.,.,O Sr. lo.II g.11,.., hit Lille (I.., Safi D"" k~ "'ffl("'" "'"'" •• .w,. S.tlllt -·~ ·~· W1Jfl! ... ICll'I J ,, 21 .. " ' .J .Ill SJ • .1' " .. n " ~ .. ,, 10 60 ?J ?S 11 ,, 1• f7 i1 2.•l • • " ff .02 " . " ff .. " " n 51 " ... n s1 .H " . ll 1' !1 ,, .... 118 J.j .u " " .. " n " ~ . ,, ,, ,., :n » ... , " " ..... S1 • l.IJ 3J 11 " .. " . ~ g " n .... ~ n ,,. ll " .... " " I> 'I -Rejected a request for a hearing by four Ne't' York Negroes who C9Jl- teoded that draft ,x,emptlons allowed college students dJacrlmlnate against the poor. ' Mattb 1, !I'm. llurlnl IHI hearlnp by Ibo Senate Permanent lnve&tlpUona SubcommlUet, Genoveee wu labeled tbe "boa ol 1n booaet" b7 Joeoph Valaehl, oyndltats tumcoal· Welter J. HJcUI, AJaata 1ovemor and Nixon'• cbolce for interior teenlary. appeared 1o be the only major cabinet cle&Jinee who mliht fill &bort ol a quick approval. -Alrf,ed to hear a challenge b)' two broadCutlng ootworkl to govermnent rqul&Uona on "pol!Ucal editorials" and the "personal attack phise" o( the falmeu doctrine. Valachf described the pi0w,,, and murder whlcl> broupt Genovaa to the top of the criminal W<rld. Genov ... nportadl1 retalnl much of hli power aod II &aid lo cllncl Cola Noetra operallons from prllon. The lineup calla: for a aeries ol hearings on ~ appointees, bef{lnntoa Tuei:iday. with IO<IJ!ll opproval lbortly after NIIon anumes Mflee a week from today. Molt of the ~ already were tagged u routine. But lllckel, who •tlr- red dluent among aome conaervaUoni.st.s with a few ·much-publicized sentences last moath, might be beaded fOl' aome tough queatlonlng. Genovese clalmed the judge Improperly lnatructed the jury at bis 1959 trial Now 73., be ls serving bis sentence at Leavenworth Federal Prison tn Kansas. With good behavior, he can win nl..,. TM 5uprome Court oded . In a brief order, wlthout oplnloo, in denying I hearing. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •1 • • 1 EL RAN CH 0: the supermarket where the price is always right! • • • • • • • • • • BEST AVAILABLE ,, EXTRA FANCY- ' No !alts to dealer&. ;__-FRfSH DAILY CENTRAL AMERICA'S FINEST More first of t he week specials! Van de Kamp's Enchilada Dinners ........................... 49~ :rirexican food ..• v.'ilh an American accent! Choice of Beef, Cheese or Chicken! Brownie Mix ........................... 39¢ Zee Napkins .~ ......................... 10' Betty Crocker ••• 23 oz. pkg .••• save 14c ! Package of 60 , .. stock up and save! Peanut Butter ........................ 53¢ Sandwich Bags ...................... 49~ Peter Pan ••. 18 oz .•.. smooth or crunchy! Glad ••. package of 150 ••. preserve freshness r Fresh Ground Round ........................................................... 79~ Lean .•. to give you every bit of the hearty beef f1avor that makes ground beef so very satisfying! Ground Chuck ....................... 69~ Beef Shanks .......................... 39~ You know it's fresh at El Rancho! Lota of meat..y roodness on these! Luer's Canned Ham ................................ ~~N-~-~~ .............. S198 AA '\\'as le free as ham can be ••. lean smoky iood nw that often you more value for your mone7 J Pricca in effect al aJl &lores Mon., Tu.~&., iYcd., Ja.tt. 13, 1-', 15 .! I e : .1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I l I . --~-. .-.--... 'l • • ANOTHER KIND OF PAINT· -Getting .the display ·area ship-. shape before the exhibition featuring the works of ~Paul Brach and Miriam Schapiro opens on .Jan. 22' are (left lo·rlgbt), Mrs. rulymond P. Ramming Jr.,' Mrs. Riduin!· W.· Loveland and· Mrs. Ricllard A. McClure, members of the Newport Harbor Art Mu- seum organization. Retrospective Open:s Shows Newport Harbor Art title or the exhibition which ft.luseum will be drawing on will open Jan. 22 in the the talents of two transplanted museum which is loca~d in New Yorkers for the first e1· hibition of lhe new year. the Balboa Pavilion. 17 works by each, tracing public-and private collections their last 15 years al creative and haYe perticipated in com- endeavor. prehensive ¥_<!up exhibitions. Althoulh this .U.play will and one.ma1nhows thrq~t be their West Coast debut, tbe COl!Illry. Solomon R. Gu g & e nb e I Ill.. Museum, C<irCOran 'GaDeey of wasbingion;1rc.;tlie Jewisti: Museu~. lifO:atum· ct • Modern ~ the w~ ·Gallery· of Modem' • Art; and the Paul Brach and Miriam _ ~ two-in-one retlolpecUve Schapiro, Paintings a n d... ahibil ,of . this 1ndl'v.ldoaliilie Graphic Worb will be the lli•od'Ud Yl!e yill Ieature bo(h. husband l!ld wile · are n...:IDC!udir-!be Whitney ~in JLu.m er• u 1 • .Jlusami;of~ican Art. the Da ncing in a Winter Wo nderlan d It's no "snow job" that this foursome is_planning- it's tb.e Frosty Frolics which will be presented in the Balboa Bay Club Saturday, Jan. 25, starting with complimentary cocktails al 7, followed by a buffet and dancing to the music of Ronnie Brown and his Orchestra. Depicting the dress foe the occasion are (left to right) Mrs. Richard J. Hess. Mrs. Charles Spar~, Dr. Sparkuhl ·and Hal Devick, members of the Balboa Bay Club's Ski Club, spoosots of the winter gala. They wi11 serve as hosts with Dr. and Mrs. Edwin Gazsi, Dr. and Mrs. Roy Hulse, Mrs. Devick and Hess. To Ge-t DEAR ANN LANDERS ' '!be otheT evening I went to pick up my girl to take her to dinner. When she answered the door I said, "Hi, Harold." I thought it was her brother. ' June had on one of those pantsuits. With her short haircut and a button-down collar abt looked just like a guy. I tokl her I didn't like the way she looked and, furthermore. l wu alrald they wouJdn't let us Into the RJtz Hotel dining room dressed that way. She gave me a blacli: loot and said, "1'11 change but 1 think you are bdng very provtndal." He lower lip stuck out all evening and Yie heel a rotten time. \VIII you please tell me if t was wrong to say anythlng! I told June Boyfriend Panting, ANN I.ANDERS A ~ when we aajd good nJ&ht that U I wanted to date somebody in trousera there art two guys in lhe office who have hinted they'd like to go out with me. She didn't·care much for that remark. I love June and don't want to ha ve any ll'Oubie with her. Please &ell me if you think a man haa the right to express his views on how hia girl looks! -CHILLED CHUCK DflAJl awCK: I de, -Putnlll 1r1 ill wpe, ad Ame wemu look amaUiq" m tlteaa. II, ltoweftr, • boyfriend or • bmband prefers that u.e llgtlt of hb lift wear 1 Uirt wMa 1bt coes wt~ ilim, Ids wt1be1 alto1ald be reapcded. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Plecsc don't t~ink I am a stUiah. possessive mOl.her. ' ~~-~"' .; • I ''°" .. ~ had a:'tllciW'\a~ .. wfi;i Nll"liwee Gallery'"lli .NeW Yilrt while lllirlam .SC:baplro,la ICbeduled to open al .llJe ~ Em· merlch q~ thii Mmb in New YOrt. r · .~ -Both art\lls ·'.ulalPI du!'ing the turbUle.f ' [iertild which marted ·a Ji it i'11i ct ex· pressiotilmh. ~ch, in a dif. ~ ferent way. rej«:ted the permissiveness or the move.. ment, chooslni mOre "formal fines for theiJ paiOtings. The mounted display , shows the diverse 8 Veil U "e I O[ in-- terpretlition which they have pursued, Brach .... recmt1y. ll8Qled D e a n of the Art Schocil, CalHornia Institute o{ the Arts. lie also la c:halrman -91 the visual ·aria department which be founolecl .. •t llJe. University of California, San Dieg1>. Cti,p1di:$'::B.ow· ·Opens ' . '· ' ' . . f-l~a .r.ts ·» fp.r 'Hospital .. South Coast residents h8ve been opening invitations beckoning them to the 10tti annual Va!Oiltine's Ball sponsored by Sllv~r ana Gold Chapter, South Cclast CQmmunity Hospital. ~ ... iD.Vi~~OllS, designed by Mrs. Hendersbotte ~nison with red ~Villf 'Oil:a gllrtenlnt. white backgr~lind . proclaim the ball will tanj~.onst. ya1~nUne's Day. ., . . . ~;'2Je,:.,W., •1rJrs1• Del)ilJOli, ball cbi\!nn8D, said heai;ts and flowers .Wlll·be uo,ed througholjt the ballroom to ~matize the theme of ~ ev!hln;. 11'.,n.< 'airo will serve to puilc~ the purpo~e of the T~ e1bib!Uon, organlud. by '1llomas H, Garver.. Director of lhe NeWport Harbor Art. ~usewn, will close Feb. J3. G(J'.Vet alto wrotei. the • fn.. . troduction &o the Jllmtrativfl catJlJogue, eventr~ !IUPP<>rt for a "H">'pltal Wil,h ,a Hear.~· · ·t.z Jl'~vffles will begin. wllh~~ 'acy, p.'8., f9ll~'l" by din· .n<I>. at s!ll>.p.m. The Ray.;~IO"';be~a;·~rovl~!,!pusic for danong. ·. ; . . . •• : • The dinner-dance ls tbe aUxniary:.S!Sole,&ochJ event o1 the year, and all proceeds will be •PJlliel! 'to it's $!.00.~jlijlspital pledge. March i throtigh' ll!atch 30, -the 'J'hibit :Will• a~ in the La Jolla Museum of .Art, Dur- ing the apab of thil! exhibition In Newport Beach the Sales and Rental':' Gallery, located within the muaeum pDery and operated by the JUlllor Afllllal<s will be open to the pul>llc. During a recent moetlng"of the )llfnnlnf'.tillnmittee. hosted by Mrs. Zac!!ary M¥a1'y of'!,agurta Beach, it w&i reported tbat Mrs. DoOaJd Teet.or, patrons dlffirman, ha!' .... mailed: all letters and the resP'/"•• has been ex!NJP.elY gfal!¥ng, said Mfs. Thomas Fletcher, pubflc·relatiom chairlll1ln. '!be Newport Harbor Art MU1tUm IJ open Wtdnelday thrvuib llundaJ from 1 to 5 p.m. and M-11 from I to Others assisting Mrs. Denison are the Mmes. Mala by, .secre-- tary; Violet Adams, treasurer; William E. lmhofi, reservations; Ray Marsh Foi:, programs; Jack M. Lyons, hostesses; Leonard G. Davis. door prizes; Tandy R. Coleman, tables and seating; Joseph Lade- man, invitations. and Sam Garst and Miss Fem Randolph, entertain· ment. lp.m. ii.. ................. ..,,..,.. .... ..,,.. .... ,.. .......... . G·irl Must Skirt Nothing could be further from the truth. The problem is the other set of in-laws. My hlllhl<nd and I 1111U)d enjoy beinc with our daughter and her husband for an occasiooal evenin( without the ~ in-law1 monopolizing the conversation with ''their planJ, tripo, projecU.'" Pleaoe undentand, Ann. they are fine rolU, but they are overwbe1m.inc. We can't get • word ln ~· Whenever my husband and 1 return bun an even. in& with the four of them we feel we could Jll.!t u well have stayed at home. What do you auue1t.? -MAINE DILEMMA DEAR OIL' lie -1'1111 ,_ d•u&bltr. Tell bu yoa would prefer Ht te lie • put ti • 1 41'Wiet, evn If t la I• ......... lm1 len flltta. ]fl my .,.-. ,_. -plllllll lo a nlld eee ud 711 .....,. .,eM •P· DEAR ANN: O\r favorite niece ...... nounced her lnpiement five montbl ago. We ,.... Ill thrilled. The )'OUl1( man come1 fnm • fine family and 11 in his aeNor year at Brown. The date wu ..i far Jm •· SO-al parties were given and &lib ltnJ,. Yesterday we received' 1 cr1pt1c lhrtt- line note from the bride'• mother. The wedding ls orf. No reuon. Just "off." We feel she OWel ut In upJanaition. Alter all, we aren't strangers. Do you the Suit agree? -INSULTED DEAR IN: Ne. ne ........ are nebocf'J11 bulnas. U ,... are • nal . ltleld )'OU 1'111 IJaR --auldJ ud ult ...... -. Ann Landen' D e fl boot, '"'l'r\C Is / Stranger. , .,"la a collectioo ol ber best columnt aver the post IS years, pllll oclntlllatinc and common ...,.. asays ...,ellllly produc:od for thil J>ook. . Available al Ill boobtores foe $4.116. Ann Landers will be glad lo help you with your problems. Send them to her in care ol the DAILY PILOT. encloclng a .. u-......i, otami>od envelope. --:-· --- •.. .. . " .. MR. AND MRS. GERALD MIGATULSKI Exchiingt Wedding Ring• Fullerton · Site For Ceremony Tbe Rev. Herman Mees Meyer performed the double riDC nuptillla linking in mar· riqe Patricia Ruth StaudigeT and Gerald Carl Mlgatulski, both of Fullerloo. 'lbe couple chose ,the FJrsti Lulheran Cbureb or Fullerton for their evening wedding ceremony. Pattnts of the newlyweds are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Staudigel Sr. of Costa Mesa and Carl Migatulsii ol Wilkes-Barre, Pa., and the late Mrs. Mig4tuls1d. =:::· Matrra·ge Plans Told . ·~·· . The bride selected a daisy lace gown wifh a daisy lace train. chiffon veil and daisy crown. She held daisies L'l her cascading ·bouquet. · -Mri. Jeff EPstem-ot Garden Grove Was matron of honor in a gold colored ' gown of peau de soie and nylon. Mrs. Jerry LaBaw of Yocaipa and Mrs. Roger Coot of Fullerton wore oli:ve green cage dresses of peau de sole and nylon. All the attendants carried daisies. . : .. .. • A family dinner booled by Mr. and Mrs. RJchard C. Tor· rence in their Corona del Mar home was the setting for the i>etrothal announcement of thelr daughter, Maureen Ellen Torrence and Brian Joseph ::· Somodi. ., Valerie and Victoria• Vehl- lng, the bride's twin niece! from North Hollywood were flower girls. ' Weddings, Troths Pilot's Deadlines To avoid dlsappoin~ent, proepective brUles are reminded to bavo tbelr wedding stories with black and wblte &1oeoy pboto- gr•pbs to the DAILY PILOT SoC!ety Depart· ment prior to or within one week after the wedding. •For engagement announcetl1enta it is _ ~l!lgestoo that the •tory, also accomponled by a black and white glossy p I c t u r e, be · submitted early. U the betrothal announce- ment and wedding date ar& sh weeks or less apart, only the wedding photo will be ac· cep!ed. To help fill requirements on both wed· ding and engagement .stories, forms are avail. able In all of the DAILY PILOT offices. Further questions will be answered by Soclal Note. staff memben at 642-4321 or 494-9466. Late · Spring Nuptials Planned in Newport During a party in the ment of their daughter, Mary Newport Beach borne of Mr. Kathleen Turner to John Allen and Mrt. Roger E. Turner, McDorman m, son of Mr. they announced the engage-and Mn. John A. McDonnan of Dallas. A wedding Is being planned !or W. spring in Our Lady Queen of Angell Cbureb, Newpci'I Beach. Ml!s Turner is a graduate of the Romona Convent, Alhambra, a t t e n d e d the Univentty of California Davis, and now is studying at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. She ii a member of K.appa Delta. Her fiance, a graduate ot An:adla . Jllib Schoo~ Is stu- dying SJ11ems engineering at Southern Methodist University __ Jna!itule ol Technology. He is a member of Sigma Tau, an enlineering honorary MARY TURNER !ralernlty and K.appa Mu To Marry EpsUon, a math honorary. In Newport Beach Winter Wedding Set Horoscope Cancer: Improve Appearance l\JESDAY practleal. Complete baa I c -~ turn ID YOllt chonL Pay atlenU.O to favor JANUARY l<I detllll. Doa1 wander too far CAPRICORN (Dec. tWan. II)' SYDNEY OMAllR alleld. What you -la claoo 11): Appndate pr Iv. c y. at band . .ReallJe tbl.s -act Heed "inntr volct." Realize d '"!be w!H m~n COOl\'!la his acconllnl\r. beint alone doea not mean w "ayilW· • .Altro ogy powtl the LIBRA (Sept. l,l-Ocl D): you miiat be lonely. Ylslt one Emphaall on doallnp with colllined to borne, bolpltel. Be AIUE8 (March 21-AprU 111 : relaUv.,, nolabbors. Doo't considerate toward those who Day to llnallu plans. Be in spread youroelf too thin. Han-are handicapped. comnumJcaUon wilh key peo.. die one ualgnment at a time. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20--Feb. pie. Be fialble. You may be ldeu are plenUIW. Key i.. II): Cooperate with special required to make 8 cbanie. to be 1elecUve. Choose the groups, 9 r g a n l z a t i o n .s · VerutWty ii Your a 11 Y. beat. ImProve' unique contact.s. You GEMINI indJviduaJ could play SCORPIO (Oct. %3-Nov. 2l): need help to accomplish g~. Important role. Overcome temptaUon to be Be somewhat of a politiciin. TAURUS (April 20-May 2@): extravagant. Spend for what Turn on charm -even U Day for paying, collecting you need. But a v o I d you have to kiss a baby. debtl. Some play secretive fooll.sbness with your mooey. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): role. Streu harmony. Applies You can have fun -but you Attend to business affairs. Not eapeclaIJy to familJ members. do have to face yourself ·in wise to trust t b e fn. Glve praise where tt la due. morning. 0%Jl'l'leoc:ed. Well-meaning fflcbllibt eood will SAGl'ITARIUS (Nov. 2%· persoo may lack essential GEllllNI (May 2t.June :IO): Dec. 21): Avoid leodency to bactgrwnd. Ooe at the top Cooperate with ARIES in-brood. Come out of shell. Go is conaidering you for pro- dlvldual. A contract involving places, do things, meef people. motion. partner I h 1 p could be Persona.I dealings advance. GENERAL TENDENCID: spoW.gb.Led. Listen well to one Cycle is up. You get brtak Cycle b!gh for SAGITrARIUS. wbo1buyourwelfareatheart.1-;:;=~~~============:::::;;-ll o.\a, be impaUent with mate, partner. CANCER (June 21.July ZI): °*t wardrobe. Be willing to tpend tG Improve appeanmce. Work associate comt.1 up with commendable plan. If aware, you find something of merit. Avoid ex· cw. Remember b e a l t b resolution. LEO (July 23-Aug. D): Hunch pays of!. Bring forth creative resources. Personal magneli.sm. raUng soars. ~ posite aa ls attracted. You have tnact today of getting your way. Don't ask for more Ulan you can handle. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sepl D): Slick close to home base if Musicians Perform Two members of the Young Artist Guild appeared in a re.eltal in the Huntington Beach Woman's Clubhouse last Sunday. Sharing the program were David Swenson, Dow n e y Here's a new idea in wedding. sets. W8.call it, Matchmates~Her engagement and wedding rings match his wedding band. After all, why should the bride get all the nice things! From top: S225. $375. S295, pianist and Sally Setterington, Your Chtrg• A<:count it Wekom• ..• lt11~Ameri<:erd, Mt1f1r Clltr9t, Too Garden Grove soprano . VMW!ne's O.r Is Feb . 14"" Come in now ... Valentine's Day Delivery Guaranteed/ Give him your love in a fine portrait for Valentine's Day ••• it's the gift he wants most,, especially if he's -away in Servi~. special: , lovely SxlO and three wallet -size portraits, only 595 The r<cilal was sponsored S LA VIC K'S J3Fl..D.ADWA.Y N l th I rth . Th 1 , l l la by the Garden Grove Branch Jewelers Since 1917 ews o e o coming e coupes uure p ns of the Mus.le Teachers ' marrfage of Nancy Brechtel include furthering their educa-A83ociation of California, com· 18 Fashion lsl•nl4 Huntington Be1d1 The future bride w a s graduated Crom Mater Dei High School and will graduate from California State College at Long Beach this month. She is majoring in home tconomics and tctiching in the Children's Center, Long Beach. Stanley Miller of Norwalk was asked to stand as best man. Ushering guests to their ~were Dave Sanborn or TbtDa Linda and Fr e d Staud.igel Jr., the bride's brother. and Michael Stephen Taylor lion, enUsting in VISTA'S pro-prised of teacben in west Newport Be•ch -6'44-1380 892-3331 of Mountain View has been. _!gram~~and~~tr~av~elin~'!g~to~E~uro~pe~.~Or~ang~e~Coun~~ly~. ___ _.!~================'--'=========' disclosed" by her mother, Mrs . .- Leffler Brechtel of Balboa • .. .• . .· . .. ·. -. " " 11le benedict-elect, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Somodi of Santa Ana, is an alumnus of Tunin High School and UCLA where he received his BS in buslnes1 ad· ministration. He was affiliated with Phl Gamma Delta, and has completed two years as a first lieutenant with the U.S. Army in Germany. The couple have selected May for their wedding. The church lounge was the reception setting. Assisting were Mrs. Barbara Vehllng, Miss Elizabeth Staudigel and Miss Cynthia Staudijj;el. The former Miss Staudlgel ts an alumna of Pomona lilgh School and Los Angeles College of Dental Assistants. Her husband attends Fullerton Junior College. The newlyweds are making their home in Fullerton alter a honeymoon in San Fran- cisco. Island. The betrothed are planning a winter wedding in St. James Episcopal Church, Newport Beach. Miss Brechtel, daughter of Edwin John Brechtel of Los Anaeles, is an alumna of Corona del Mar High School and is attending San Jose State College and studying art. Her fiance, son of Mr. and Mn. Carl Taylor of Palo Alto, is a graduate of San Jose State where he received his BS in marketing. JM OFFERS YOU CLAIROL'S" BRAIN. the brain is CLAIROL'S HAIR CARE COM- PUTER, and we're using it in all jm beauty salons to fi1ur1 out your very · own, Just. wb.at-your-hair. needs, CUSTOM CARE* conditioner fomwlL in lllams a Jm stylist can evaluate individual hair data, and !bars all the b11ln aee11s ta come up with Ille ideally balanced hair conditionlnr and set· hrl%1 flrDla. for the curt If your dreams, the CUSTUM CARE*FURllULllTION'" c.-dltll11r with a shampoo and set, from 7.50, a Jm haircut, from 4.50. JOSEPH MAGNIN BEAUTY WEST IOI All AIPOllmlm, WI. -AT -llTI COii! IUIA. Gloria Marshall's didn't "just happen" to become the world's leading figure control syst.em ••• quick, safe results made it that way. At Gloria Marshall Salons, you'll lose more inches and pounds for less money than through any other program; V Lose pounds and inches from hips, ./No disrobing. We are not a gym.~ waist, thighs, tummy, and arms. Free child care. I ./ Special machines are designed to banish every conectable figure fault. ./ Results come quickly without pills, drugs, strenuous exercise or starva- ', tion diet , •• EffortlellSly, pounds and inches "fall away." cau today for your special courtesy visit, where you· actually use the spe- cial machines and where you have electronic Facial Contouring included in your courtesy visit. No charge or obligation.. ' r •' BY POPULAR DEMAND CONTINUm THIS WEEK '' FREE •.• Facial Contouring! As a special this week, at no additional charge, with each and every program of weight reduction, you receive 12 visits for Facial Contouring, using Gloria Marshall's exclusive electronic equipment, designed to eliminate wrinkles and age lines ... giving you that • youthful ••• smooth ••• Rampered look. Don't miss this offer! Coma In this week, while ifs stfll in effect. C1ll now fflf fr11 fi11111 .,1Jtls end tar11pll1111nflrJ 1tslt Jncllld lnc ftcl1I c:Ofttouri~r '· . ' :ft.I GLORIA MARSHALL, Dire!> tor of the world's !eliding Figure Conlnll System, modek a new spring fashion by the Inrematian- ally famous designer, Ernst Stmuss. Says Miss Mmball, "This year, most designers are tuming to the al!ractive fitted waist; so, mora than ever, if you need to '.incli down' to...,.. the smart new styles, anne in and let us show you how clfortlessly it can be done.- JllGVBB CONTROL SALONS NEWPORT BEACH-430 Pacific Coast Highway ( :.:::."'~""c:',.l 642·3630 SANTA ANA-1840 West 17th Street 543.9457 -------------- I l ' - ·Newport . Darllor EDITION ' YOl 62, NO. 1 f, l SECTlbNS, 12 !'AGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA ----. -. ... .... . -------._. ------- Was Blaek :Students' Put Dowri "-Jtl ·st ... Riit Oii? By THOMAS FORTUNE or "" n.1iw-""" 11ltfl Blunt-ta1klng black students from J))rsey High School may have been biding inner feellngs when they put down white studenls at Newport Barbor Hlgb. ,Evidence that the race rela.Ucm dlocussioos Wt Thunday may not have llOen the fiasco they appeaftd to be eame today from Jean Forbatb, teacher cbatrman of SL John tbe,Baptlst'1 even-hfl rdigious program, lllgb School of ~evamping Of Airport Board Urged By JllBOME F. cOLuNS Of .. °'"' "*' ,.,, Orance County govenunent and League of ctues leaders are drafting a plan lo diuolve the County Airport Com· mission and replace it with one that includes representatives of cities close to airports. . ' ' n-~·s . In' ' llelli1on, 102 ~ t.. COsta Mesa. Mn. ForbaUi !Old' OI 1ym~tic feed- bact· foUowJDg ·a aimilar ·conltontation between b> Costa Mesa area teenagers and students from Verbum Dei and Regina O>ell. boy1' and girls' Catholic scl>ools lo Walle '!lley Wked IDd 'Ulen ·danced together at St. John Churcll. Costa Mesa, one nlgllt a month ago. Mn. Farbatb aaid a·whlte youngster's ~ent ~aril · -"We came Wl!)o ting to be friends and they just wanted • to, put us · down" -sumtned up the eVenlng. ·• · • ' · But &he also fecalb lhat a Negro boy said: "We're cood actoro. We play il up, just like ru aurfet,.llJ11 do.'.' J'r. David. 'ltiels. coim•Jnr at·ti Watts boys' ~ pleaded with the _ while youngsters not just~ to bear the angry words but to look behind the words for the real person, she·aaid. She thinks ·1that most of the· teeos. The new, expanded commission would . have a voice in land u)e decisions and wouJd·coocem il86lf....with-~environmeiltal-. conditions" that arise from airport developments. Newport Beach city official.II are en- thusiastic about the prospect City Councilman Donald A. Mclnnls, wbo represents the West Newport area, ii a member of a League ot Cities COIDIDlltee that is working with county aides OD the proposal. "It will give at least two cities 1n the county a chance to respond, a chance to have some say on airport matten," uid Mclnnia today. '"Ibe new commisaion. of course, will mnain an advisory body u ii the present one," be ~ ou1, "bul ~ natructuring will be a tremendoos *Ii forward." . :nie new. aeven-m~ber . comm••oo, In essence, woold be a com~l!P,n ol the pr•nt commission and ~ ~ Land Use Commission. Newport authorities sU montbl ago proposed the Land UM! Cornmlsaion as an agency apart from the present com- i:Dission. That proposal was originated last July by Dan ~ry. chairman of the 1,000- member Airport Noise Abatement Com- mittee, a Harbor Area citizens' ll"OUP· Newport councilmen followed up Emory'• ouggestioo by formally requdtlng c:m- BideraUon of it by the Board of. Supervisors. -Last November, the county boud turn- ed it over to the League of CiUet. The League formed a """"1ltlff to look into It. Its memben, In oddllion to Mclrmis, ani Los Alamllol Councllman (See AIR BOARD, Pqe I) Coast Gets Rain, More for Tuesday Scatt~ showers, spawned by • storm front centered 400 miles off the coast, tplattered the Orange Coast early today end promised to return for another dose on Tuesday. Nearly one Inch of rain wu foreeast far the Southland before the storm moves on, the Weather Bureau reported. The rain pushed maximum temperatures down into the upper 5tl's. The stonn, which carried scattered sprinkles and showers in an east- southeasterly direction. d r o p p e d precipitation from traces lo frac:Uons of an inch. The ~howcrs were predicted to increase by nightfall, followed by clearing along the coastal areas late Tuesday. The snow level was due to drop from l,OOD feet today to near 5,CKKI Tuesday. The Weather Bureau announced that a 70 percent chance of raln m.ated. alOO( the Orange Cout for TuO!day. Temperatura wen ranging from three to Ills degreeo below normal. Fire Station Site For Rabies Oinic The annual clty-S])Oll50r'ed rabies vac- cination clime for Newport Beach dog owners "ill be held Tuesd•J from 7 to 1:30 p.m. at the 3Znd Street fire sta.Uon. Dog Ucense1 will be av.U.b\e at the clinic, along with vaccinaUon. The uceme fee is $5 and the rabies vacclnaUon fee la SI.SO. Volunteer membtn of the KJwaniJ: Club wtll usi>I In the clWc. The fire -·1adclreallf'ISl2ndSL Cllbom ... mnlnded that aller the Feb.ldeadllnealOOper-~ wtD lie added to Ille -.... I tr -.:.u~"'-t· -~tc, -; ". A' tl«!n••W!J S ·IAISS • • • • ' President~lect Richard M. Nixon talks with Emil "Bus" Mosbacher in New York· alter naming lluned yachtsman chief of protocol. Mos· bacher, skipper of two America's Cup yacht race winners (1962 and. 1967), will officiate at White House ~eremonies and s.erve as Nixon's official greeter. He may not have time 'to make try for third Ameri- ca's CUp win. Two Pedestrians, Driver Killed in County Acciden~s . ' . ' . . Two . ped~triilns -aJ?C1 tlie dtiver of 1 sporlScar JOst-their iiJe! in separate weekend traffic accidents In Orange County, it was reported today~ The dead are: Gweodol)'I ScoU Bulet, 17, Los Angeles. Mn. Iona McFarland, 73, Anaheim. David Roy Orris, 24, of 489 Graceland Drive, Laguna Beach. Mlsa Buice was killed Saturday night when lhe wu hit by one car and run over hy aeveral others on Pacific Coast Highway just west of. 23rd Street in ' - llunt.ingtory Beach. , Police said her companion, Michael L. Tryon, 22," Lakewood,, was injured when ,he was struck a glancing blow by one of the cars. Tryon told officen lie and Miss Buice were returning to their parked car when they tripped _over tile bighway's center divider and stt'.Jm- bled into traffic lanes. · Miss . Buice fell into .the path of a car. driven by Mlcbael T. Seal, 24, Orange, and then was thrown in front ISee TRAFFIC, Page I) Richard Stevens Named New-f!ort Chamber Prexy ' . ' Rf chard S. S"""", .a.,...-old vice preslileot , of 1be . Bal,bpa. Bay .Club, baa been . nominated . 116( jlrtsfdenl ol the Newport Harbor Otambtt of Commerce. The nomlnali<ln ls lantamoUnt to elec-· Uon. It II ""'J>8Cted to be conllnned by the chamber board of dhct<rl MooclaJ, ste{...,. 'lfll llllCCOed Corona clel Mar 1" bdpd 'IW-·-·U ,c:hlef offlcer ol the ~-.IJjtl'_ln e11men 1 s ora:antmkri. 7\ Steve111 118 ..... a """1bor of the cbarnber boortt tor !be put throe yeani. Ill that time, he bal diaraderfled hllnle.U, accordinc to a 1cblmber col· Jeaaue, ''as an Kt.I~ IDIMOM who" ii a!way1 lrfliic IO gel """1ethlag 1oinl, - jf h ii needed." Moll ..c..!ly, he told fallow dlrectort that fl .. Um• they klot a ·-g poallion~ on the Comily Airport ea· pansioo conim...r. lie II now • member., _..Ilea f......S to prepare a statement on the chamber'• views Ofttbellmt. 1 SleTma In the put ynr aloo oerved ( ... ll'BVl!ll, .... JI . TO TAKE GAVEL °"""*"'' ,,..._ ' .... ' ' . -. jual like 0-at Hlll'bor lllgh, couldn't dci that and were hurt and dlllllusloned. Bui then • came !IOllletbiag lo open their eyes. Fr. Tbell, she said, bad bis students write down their "8Cllona in answer to a few.qµestions. • . ,., Here-Ill -ti wbat tllo ~ 1Jo11 Bald tliey llbd aboiil the eftnln(: .) -"It seemecl u tbougb they wanted to learn our wvs from us: rather-than from another 'bite ~" · -"The just ilirlm "home ~talft7 ' ' -• ---~ -- -· ... -' -· -. -- ---' . . • IrVlne Ol{S Ta~xes. .......... ·Withdraws Assessment Protest.s By JACK BllOBACK ot ~ DllfY ...... " In a IUrprfae move, the Irvine C<>n> P'D1 today wttbdftw ·all ~ flled on 1968-69 ranch tu: ae•ssmentl. The protestl were to · come before the new Tax Appeala Board today. In a letter dated Friday, L.E. Eberl· Ing, an Irvine v 1 c e presidettt, noilfled the appeals board of the protesL withdraw .Eberling u.d_ the -"ltbdrawal to Jh• ~t action. of the Or!!Y(~County Plan- ning Commission recomme ng iKloj)Hoil of agricultural pre!&Ve status for thousands of acres of lrvine land. · Sirhan ·Trial Opens With J ur~. P.,~c~ing. LOS ANGELES (UPI), >-Superior Court~~ V. Walker loday dli!itoil I: ~ottoo' tO ~uuh ibe -~ indictment again.<& Slrban B. Slrlian. on grounds the "trial jury panel Waa un- C<lllltitulionally selected and ord""'1 the picking of ~Ors to begin immediately. The defense had argued that large segment!: of the' pqpulaUon were eJcluded ffom jury service but Judge Walker rul~ that lhey were not automatically eJ:empt and that prevloua courta had upheld the comtitutlonality of the !l}'S- lem. The apenlng covrt aeasion lasted onJy IO minutes and then 1 recess was called to bring In the pro1pe<tivo Juron from whose rankl 1J regular members and slz altemate!i will be chosen. Allboug)I memben ol the public and newsmen were tboroogbly aearcbed every day before entering the court area, the prospective' jurors were not to und ergo such personal examination. The court decided such a search might prejudice the· legality of the lrlal. The defense had objected to the search or prospective panelists and also to the high number of willormed sheriff's deputies on hand, saying it would create · an "oppressive atm*Pbei;t..'' Most of the deput~ today were tn , plainclothes, with only four in uniform Including one woman. They lined the rail u a barrier between Sirhan and his attorneys and the newly 1eated panel. Some newsmen bad to give up their 1eats in the main courtroom to make room for the larce panel of prollpective jurors. Sirhan'• mot.bu, Mary, and his two brothers, Adel and Munir, were Jn tbe rear row of the eighth ncor courtroom a.s the trial entered Its second week. Chief Defense Counsel Grant B. Coo- per argued. bis motion unsuccessfully In chamben In the presence of pro&eCU· ton and the accused 24-yfar-old s.layer of Sen. Robert F. l\<nnecly. A majol( &Aue la jury -WU the publicitJ 11.vep &be 1111uioaUon., the arm! ol Slrlian and Ille clffelopments In the cue during the put ,. • .., months. . Eveu a nreoplag court-ordered blaclt· GUI on· Iii-fnin ..nooi · con- nected ..ttb Ille -' dkf • not Idem wtdespreed eov.rqe of the' ,,.,. bJ' -- Mesa's. CHART ' . Supports B~ds • '\ • " \ Jr4~ ' ~ '- The commisalon on Dec"" 11 approved 6t tu year," Ebetli.na:'t letter eoncJuded, preserve status for 60,050 acra of Irv1oe The tompany had protested the farmland deaplle protest by Saddleback ......,.ents on 1,1111 aett1 wftb a maJte1 Junior College Dlstrld. . Eberling'• letter aald .that a "subst&rt-value of. saa mJDlQn, ICCOn1lna ti lial number of the pareell being pro. Asitoaor.'Andrew J}.lllnollaw.' tested by the Irvine Company this year Irvine had uked a red1ictloa ol $17.f are included within the areas rtcoril-million · Rduciii& the market valuti to mended tor IOCb preae~ •·* lnQlion on 35 parcel.I, Hinshaw "The !rvine Compw de.$'es to aw4Ut qld. the final reaults ol the ''Bilr\cUUural 'l'he _plannlna coq>lllllajon ~ preserve question in . Orana:e Cowrty ntenda.Uons for ~· atatua 'lll lbe ~ore. _p~g taxes on any parcels Irvine land anet'"31,M9 acra W Randlo lll3twciilld titliiCliidedliieiili: · ----i.fJW<>n Vlej..-hllld'8'e-!Olleduled-w"--- "Therefore lhe company h e re b y come befon the Board of Supervborl . wilhdrawa all protests filed for lhe 1968-1bt. finat1ction soon. Mesa Pilot Dies • I ' ' T1;ying to Land Crippled Pl~ne . ' By ARTHUR R.. VINSEL Of ... Dlllt' """ ....... A Costa Meu Jet pllol who led bis squadrott Into Japan {n .the .Ont F4 Pbaritom to land then -;,-and canted Lady Luck In hU cockil!t IVOI' lllncl -died Sunday night In a berolc attenn>t to bring enother orfpple home ufely, Capt. Jon P, Wadswort!I,, 27~ 11111 ·of Mr. and Mrs. Let wad.t.oi:t!Jl -ti• 117 Bowling Green Drive, Cha.ae. "to"'::""ltay with the plane to prevent Its crubfnc toto a denaely populated aru•oif To:tyo. His rildar officer, Maj. Burton F. FontenOt, 34, 'of Vllle Platt6, 1,a.1 died wltb him when the IS. ll!jlllon jet 1laJn. med iD!o ,a moo1ntalnaldo Jn L oglub ol · blaln& f1l<L 'I1le third Ume wu not • dmm for the carter U.S. Air Fore. ol.fk9'1 who bad ~ IUl'Vlved Jn.flllbt -""" bn>Ul!flt b11 :!>fnl>lioden lei '-V-J.Jr ton:o Mle • .., die !Ml time. SUnclaJ DIPt'a a;u11 ..-. !>1 e!eor trl<al•l)'lllll" lalhft, -·tit -llnd u · Clpl ' ll'adlllOllli headecl f« a y-..... .,. pluaglag lt,000 -lllto dulmw.f0< two boon, bul ]ll'ObablJ savin1 many lives. · The pDol and radanna1r.tOll!d bave ejec\ed aar.ty, bu! 1he plane mtpl bave ciaafied ln\o · populated .r.a., USAF -Bald today. Word ol the cruh canio to the Wadsworth famll7 Ill Costa )!.,. when the vkUm'11)'0Wlltr ~. u.s: !tzmy ~ llobm W-ortb, 2*,° ·~ trm. v~ 'wMbewu,~ · ' set. )V-.U., •hi> II on ml and < tlOn 1ea .. 6'.ri. ~ . duty' I~ l1'oJ doo'I ~ ~-dnirrw 'cmr 5qvllt1 ~" bll .,.uier added.' ,_ Johnson Seeks E~ten&.ion ,of l~% Surtax WASmNGTON (UPI) -Pmldenl J~:'fill ,fecomrna>d utenslon of ~ lnt>ljne tax ............. It" .... dllclooed today. ' ' Ada>lnlltration llOUl'C<S Bald the l'reli- dent woold Include reqoetl for e:rtemlnn of the tax, beyond Its June 30 eiplrallon, lo bll ll!cal li10 tiudi•t propoeal. Ho will propose a budget showlllg ~· -11 surplus. , President-elect Richard M. Ni:mn is plog 'aloni with Johnson's propooal to mend the lllttCbarge, a ~ """""' Bald ''you CID ......., tllal tJWo ;,ilog ~-= =:-..:.:- He -not to ba quoted bJ name. ,'lbeWhllo-.l!llllOlllEOd-- thal ' Jollmon will -bll budiel lo Concr>M at mlddaJ• ll'edneldl,J.-Hil economlc report win be 111bmllted Tlllll'a- day. Jolmlon wtD break tradition '11d deliver his stale o! the union address In person before a Joint .seaston of Congresa: TUe., day. al I p.m. PST. It will be broadcast naUOri"wlde.. · The , While llollle · aiiiiounc.,r· that Johnson also woU1d •end iO ()oggras later thll weet.a special meuqe recoll'!- mendln( aalary increuea for Coo. gressmen and Senlll6n" to about IC.lOJ. They now receive ~,@ a year. The _P,Wdent.llJ ~l'.eCr et'' Y .• · c.orge CbrfiUin docllnOd to-dilcuu whether Johnion 'bacl received oupport fmn PresldeiUlect lUchard M. - -which he ~ roq..n.d - OD hll propolli Id -the aurtax. < JohCIOll wm rilporl a l1lrplua: for·thia fiacal xear llld 'will i'<tdl11MtncJ coo-Unii,ao.ijl ol flii:flllllt In onltt'ID baye a · sWjlus nes:t :~ l. it wu lndlc-ated. It bad been rei>orieo lbal the -SUi'plUI woold run about ~billion.· ~ '": . He fs expected to-,.,,.;mm<od eafension of tht turtu for at least ~ yel!lf, · . . . • ·(lua& 1' ..... i!tft'. Keep YoUr ~ oi the w~ ~ cailoa there'• a 70 percmt cliii,;; ti --rain Tueoday. It'll puah, Jba lemi><r• turet down to.Ula.• -~ too. INSmB : 'l'ODAY . -' Colu!nnlll Stih>ia l'ot1n !<ad.I ci dOwbU life. For a clotnp of th•~ *'o~ SWltiia." tn hgt JO .... ·-,. -~. .~ , .,.ILY ~ILOT""' l'fttll ····dFi:1tER EXAMINii!S BODY OF MUROElt VICTIM . 'j;, : .. ~ rW.. So1poct1 ~"'''°" _In K~l!o Sloyfnv l ' . ~ . .. . ' . 'Sf:?ck'hOlders' c,·tter lJrg~s SclrlJol, B~Jids OK . ' BaJboa Group ~oins Protest Of Restaurant The Balboa PeQln!llJla Point Aaoclation today joined neflhbor!lood OJ'POOlU.. to plma fer a Jact·Jn.tbe.Box ~ restaurant at ~20th Streel mid Balboa Boulevard In Newport Beach. • <;:ilY.~ip wm ~a bearing Monday dfaht ilo an apPedapinlt recent p1Alll1ing coounlaalon approval ol the rutaurant. "It la the ,....U CG111e111U1 thet the location la the wont traffic bottitntek oo the penlmuJa," aald Don Elcltr, HaOClatilXI prafdait. Ho pointed out thet ill 11117 tbt clty rejected plana for a Gmu..r restaur1nl ~ ' -' ' A ~ie.ft.er.l~'t }1y Newport.Mesa The latest new11letW-deals wlth four mar the proposed Jact-ln-th•Bos: site, Unified ,School DIWid ~to Harbor Aru _ sUbjectr. · . Tbe ™-&oD liven for rejectloo then, boshieiainen has a pointed message. It -Jt points out two mllllon meals said Elder, wu traffic problema. is (ha( the school dlstrict ill a big J)tt1 year are served by tbe ICbool "In view of Ulla," he aaJd tn 1 Jetter DQSbieSi', imCiinUy run.--· ~c.6feter1U ,.... as-many-as at -KnoU's-to -Councilziien, -.. it is dlfficuJt t0 1111- lt f$ a message school offici8ls ..-ant BerTy Fann. This aperaUon for the flrlt very much to get a~ as the F~b. time is abowlng a profit this year it dentand bow approval could be &ranted 11 da&e-Sor Newporf·Meals $15.9 mllUon . _ iS a1almed because or chang• In buying to the present application." bond election approaches. · --=·proCe(iurel:" and resignation from the Two weeb a10, 20 owner1 of ruidtn· Support or the business comnnmity, Federal Food Program. tial property near the new restaurant they f~ .f.6iQ .be a. v~uable asset ia.. -Noted is a commendation lrom. site Jll'otelted the plan by petition. Thtly the bond~-· -.. :: : ·!be .Joint ::Newpolt Harbor-Olsla M... · uid plaminc cornmlalloom bad Two lsmJes of "Businessman's Newslet-Chambers ol Commeree Study Group "ptortituted their function!" by ap- ter" have beenaffetl in with chamber for buildintle:l:i:dlACOOODl1calJy. proving the project. of commerce__ y ~-hi!.'~----~~ Is _-41ven on I 1-i.t•Uve beensentlod .a+Di's;:~~bupu\~dool- in hopes they t i~ -.·c!iilniif.hlr.Odt:l!i.:tjle hole. "1j effect From Pare J rooms. .-:. Of' Mt suh.11dlsiiig-addttional ldniltrtarten .. The first newsletter began with !he teacbtt11 after tbe diatr~--lbem '1TEnENTS salutation, "To "-' Stockholders." It ts the same IC merc~~ent _ _;i;J ·.a:.l;l;l.1 , • 1 described how the flhool-Mtricl Miil*•· ~ ctJ\Oll!tl after it 19ent""WlllO:-~ .,.., b involved in severar .bUsi.neiKf'DOf -no pnlat!jljti:if collecUof.Qr retrlevit -~eM, 1cted. They were talkable dirtctly re.Jated to ~liJJa ~~-of .~." •ccoililnl to ,&be bal.~·cUan't l~iate wi~ ~e P,"I& Amongotherthin~1*itttai'~s-... ~ ..:r • , 9. •. uwed1dwitbtbeirg11ls. out. the achool dl~ict ta a bus ~mpany, -A1lo covered ts tht ~ ·:i . . thlnt they should 1et 8 re.staurant service and a nwntenanct Ct.SI which goes through I "Y . · '-.-.i..""' s•--1 conoem. cycle of n steps. · ;: ... ~ ~ ,_ . -flt we lnuuta. • li"-'l:: we wen The ocbool b~ $21 n1i1I!01J -._ Tlllo bell .111ue, to come oul:.&f*'-' over llMre. Ibey Bbould come over httt. anniWJ.y ancl, acccnllns 'lh. the hiMlal' -!be ~.--. eli!cllon, will deil"-. !1J1! • llvt I ..,, lblnl: a majority Of them ter, It i.. ~_!.to~lla ~· ~·achoo! a~iijd will~ becaUIO ol:tllelr:~,IL lo to handle tbe:f!Bidl· u -erflcieiitfy -as ··~IDd CleVelopmeol of -~ llblnl:weabouldlObacttotbem. possible. -· · -grams.'· · · -"Yea, I auaat we 1et lo1tther ·-·-. From Page J AIR BOARD~ .. Joseph 'llycre · and B,.• · ec..mdlmm to --'etJ al air Ra>lptloo lllcl Robert Clark. In the put two months, the promoli<J'I of air commerce. the League trio hu worked with key -"To ~ 'recommend plllflS for the county aides ,en an ordinance designed -development of Orange County Airport to bring about the change. and other airports which may be ac· The county officials include . 9irl -quired or operated by the coun1y o( Adminlstrative Officer Robert 'i\omas, Orange. .. r-·-t Counsel Adri K d A · -"On request of tM Board of 1= Jirector RobertanB~~ va· ·supervisors, to. -dvlie tlie &ard and The draft ordinance, which may ,,.et make recomme.ndatljis on ariY . rnatter ht slighUy revised, according to ~s. ~~I to airpt)rb or air tramporta. spells oot these duties for the nelll: ~-"'""' mission: . _ -'•To make such JnvesttpUooa u It -''To study coodi-IJld;.iii>lte may deem ·~ in Ille quc1'e recommendati""'! ~g . tht'-need .of its powers. for heJght ~'.ml b1dJdirt&s Mar -"To hold ·putilic hearlnP on the airports. ::· "!..:. ·~::· .•. ::-• ·• foreiOiilg !Ubjects aild make findings -"To m~ 'll1t the of fa.ct which-would · be only advisory use of tbe 11D1L.-ng 'olt'{>ol'ts tc the iliVQly~juri!dleltoo. •·· • " :-:.::. ~: -.;: -.:... -"To mate.: and ~enforce rules and , ·--~ ~. ....... regulat.klnsJor the orderly and fair con- DAILY PILCT . :~::-doct or such hearings." -:;::; _ , MclmiJ.s u.• •-further ruponsibillty __ ..:;· .. .>llll'~ Jrl the new boml. . : 'J;, }{(Ii ~deil&ibeii jt ... -coocemlft1 ••• Oll .. NC.I co .. st l'U•Lt•HING tOMP~H'f ".;'.. -~n~-.Ai~·" - •••••' N. w.,, :..:.r. .•E.·;!Br«~'~laJned. "we mean l'•t11M1111,,. """nSNr --_· .. :.:&J.tJ>OY.UlWA!.a:odAAe factors." · ·-.-'-'. »• "1d'1be:.1lequt c:omniltt .. hid Jecli l. c~.1 • ., -~ q:reed;'.JrittrtGDllty Of'ftclala GAlit'll.would \'.c• "'"*"" -i "'"".i M1N1tr •7 .:be a mtstakt .tb"'"..pll&. one '.Mw ati'port i~ ..... , IC••vil dlmmldlOa on .&Op "cit ano<ber. "So we ..... JOoud.' inlo ·ll»'·~l ... comblnl The,,.11 A. Mwrp~;l\I lb "l..U. n ~ · -Y ,.... DI Ml""'"' t1.1... e "'!l"' • •• · J,,_ ... , F. Cetli11• P1wl Ni\1111 . n,e ·,~.~on by law bu ..,...._, 81.c:i. """""'"'l1i... ll3 art8' ~· ~ d tlnUted to airport cir~ E•·• O"f'C'" sites them-,.·es • .and not .i. __ __....,,. "'.,.,. .... OHk• ~· Wt::-·--. communlUes. _:_ 2111 w ••• 1.11 ....... ,, •• ,, M1iU111AJJr"i: P.O. lo• 117S, ,21,1". , . . . , . . .Earnest S. Ball O""' °""" (Ollt Mtw; 1)1 w~,1 ltf' 51r...,f -a..ct>1 J11 ....... --Mllllt""" l<tftti~ .,,. .!1~· SYt u• • . - . _ fil.tes on T11esday • ... ~st S. Bill. :JO.year Costa M.,. resl<l"!'_t who ronnerly •klpper .. LipOrt f~IJi!lc.. !>oat&, died Friday ti lfl1vlew .~t Home. He WU a . ':';. ·semc.. will be held 11 t :IO p.m. · .. Tuesday at Ro>e Hill Memorlol Park tn Whiltie.r. Bill, of 181-HADlllton SI .. retire<! from !IJhing in'.J*, Sari!..,... lnclµde ...,. John, Colla -f lfowanl.-Stnta Ant; Etrnnt Jr. ""'1 ~. botll of Btkenfltld: Walt<r, Arizona, and Roy, lndl ... : dauihten Mrs. Marjortti M t1 1 k , Flilfer1ao: Mn. -Rul111, Wbl-• • and Mll. Minnie Trenlfnt, LOI Anpl•r rr grandchildren and 44 1 r e 1 t grariaailfd'rcn. in the gym. We've .... ~ County, ~" they aboUI .. W1tta." -"I thint we -bat-It wooldn, be the same because the7 would kllow what to"ipect." . -"M'ybe we could JOclallze on their father'• 40-acre ranch -I &ot this lnformaUon from aomt of tbtl sll'l.s." Mn. Forbatb commented: "You can see wby we are encourqed. Probably our emphasis on lun and eocialhlng helped bridge the cap between the angry .WOtdl and the reaJ ptl'IOns." She aald another (et lo(elbtr la p!.on. ned in Febnlaty. Tblrty boyl ind girls from co.ta M... and 30 fiom Watia ""1 10 on a week.end rttrell at a C11bollc facility in the deaut. From P .. e J TRAFFIC .•• o1. •nother car driven by Charles L J°""""', 17, of '133 Lake St, Huntington Bea.ch. She wu then run over b7 three more cair1. . Hu body wu taken to Roa Hills lta . Cemity Tit!Ae _I Deatll Toti !ta I Mortumy In Whlt1ltr where IWltral · -.... -pending. Tryon and Stal were both traatfd fllr tnJarlao. at Hllllflll&UiD lnthom- muntty HOe:pltal and nlN.lld. No car1 collided clurlnf the .- Mn. Mel'arland clled Sunday Dlpt at Orona• County Medlcol Coaler after belol llntcl: by a car~__, al I-. A venue IJld lllD lined In Anabetm. Driver of the Cll' war Janet M. Strunts, 30, Anaheim. She wu ,not cited. ~WU kflled Wly ~~!ft on 1.a.,... CAD1<>0 lined wllft Illa sportlcar went out of coatrol and overturntd, the Calll«Dla ffllhway Patrol uld. Union Oil, OCA W Reach Agreement DENVER (UPI) -Tho on. Cbemtcal and Alomic w.n .. 1o1emaUma1 un1oo (OCAW) .-&mdly tt bad rucll- td aeretment an one oll cantnw:t m:l . Aid 11 hoped other flrml would follow tho pott<m to Miiie a naU..wldt OU atrlke -In tu 10th day. "I tnllt and I hope Ille_._.,..... will make-parable olfen," aa1c1 Union ""'51dent A!r. G""l)l""1. "I """" Ille Rttlemtftt will pave Ult. way." p.in. 8Qnclly .., 17th Strttl ac,... from Dr/<tt lnlenDedfale ScMol ID H1111llopoa . -. Polee aid the body was in a trartlc IDI oa the aott couru, side of the .u,et eul of Palm Avenue. 1'etla upecta are ln Huntlnaton Beach City Jail today charged with bomicldo, said Dttect.ive Sergeant Monty McKen- non. Jle eipllJned U>&t detectives wW eee.t a murder compla.lnt "probabb' Tuetday." Ofllcen said the body wu in tho street 1 few lnchea away from her car. which wu parked neaUy at the CW"b, with the engine running and lights bluing away on the grialy """"· Tl\e womao had been 1 t a b b e d lltlDlffOUI Umes on the f1ce. nect and back. A tr.U of blood •Pillers ar0W1d tbt -.....-that tlle 11"1 baft -IUQftd ....... In Ibo -of the road u lier life poured oul through the gaping wounds, c..r m•y have grappled with her klJler or killers. Dt:splte a light. rain which besan to ran over the scene, offlcera began an on-foot search of the go1f course, nearby oil fielda and llHtta. Evtdtllce' at the scene indicated that Mn. llarllee bad Just beta to a coin la11Ddr7 and had Wubed "quite a bit of laundry/' detectlva iald. Her car, slightly scratched on a front fender, suggested a recent automobUe accident.. Officers dllcovered that abe had been involved in a minor tra.Ulc accident at 17th Stntt and Adams Avenue, three or four blocks away from Ille --JUI! prlGr lo Ille murder • At 21st Street aod Olive Avenue police found a blood·&oated car. "The whole Interior of thlll vehicle was covered with blood, '"'l&Jd the officers. Llcenae numbers led o!ricers to Lht apartment of ~fiss Dinger who was arrested in connection with the crime. COe.lne)' wu with her at th1? llm•-. potice said. ' Offioers saJd this mornlng that the pair are being quertlonecf and that flllng ot formal charges will 1w1it the results of the questioning. The body ..vas taken to Smitm Mortuary in Huntington Beach for autopsy and funeral arrangement'.! once tbe inve.sUgaUao is complete. '-iggest Boost of Career New Assistant Chief Says Move 'Well Timed' By JOHN VALTERZA Of Ille DIJIJ f'lllf ttftt For Harry A. Nelloo, accepting the pmt: ol. uaiatant chief of police for New· port Btacb was the blgg.,t change In hil rr year• 1n law enforeemenl Chief Ntlaoa, w-pooiilno involves direct tupentaloa ol Ille evayday ..,... .. UDOS al the d•parlmen~ llarled hia job here Jut week alter oarving fl years with the I.no Anpleo Police Department The l((kpoten 1m.t.ant c:hlef, IOlne al hia ftlcome gifts aUll .. hia -. -thet the cbanBe from caplain ol the LAPD adminiatraUve vice cllvts- lon to the present job "wu very well timed." GOOD II YEARS "I ltlll have a &ood 10 Yeltl of wort Jell in me, God Wiiiing, and tbla ...... an ncellent plaeti to serve them. U I had been offered 20 chltl'1 joba from other cities, ncioo · woold be a1 attractive aa tbla job In Newport Beach," be said. The aaalJlantthlef bepn-wtth LAPD Jn 190 and woo promotion thnJqb tbe ranks. In 199 be became ctptaln of pollce. ~ Illa IOlig llat of """"""1ta are posltlcm u cooirrllnder 61. the West Los An&eles Patrol Dlvialoo With direct com- mllld al 200""""' penonntl• OllDIDWJCf. er of tho Internal Alfaira DlY!.iGi: wbioh invulfplel elllducl of d~ent em· ployes, lllcl the adminiJlraUve -cllvts- lon. . It WU al the last pool, with the vice DA)LY PK.OT Stiff ....... JOINS NEWPORT'S TEAM Attt. Chlo! Nalson dlviaion, that be served u one of the leaderl ol what wu termed the largeat Vice lnveatigalino ever cooducted in Call· -Newport Civic {leader Marian M. Bee'5k Dies Prominent Newport Beach civic l<ader Ml!fan M. Beeclt, formerly ol 901 Aleppo St, clled Friday at St. Vinc<nt'• HOlpltal, Portland, Ore. of Injuries 1uffered in an auto accident in Beaverton, Ore. ·Mn. Beeck, "43, had · served as viei!- pre.sident of the Orange C o u n t y Newport Girl's Ring Removed 1ltat threaded brass ring that Ivy Hall, 10, put on her finger Sunday night l~t its charm as a piece of jewelry soon afterwards. The Newport Beach girl, who lives at 1809 W. Balboa Blvd., walked Into the fire department at 9:17 p.m. Sunday, her finger swollen and the brass ring bopeleuly lodged on her finger. Firemen uaed a ring cutter to remove the adornment Then Ivy weqt home, with what remained of the ring. Phllhannonic SOclety and was hnrJedlate put prealdent of the St. Jam•• Epl>copal Church Women's OlvWon.. She received her degree Jn mus!c from UCLA where. she. was va1edictorian of her class, and her teaching certificate from use. Simultaneoo£ memorial services will be held at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at St. James Eplac::Qpal Church, Newport Beach and at SI. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church, Beaverton, Ore. Survivors include her husband, Carlos; lhree children, Langdon and Devon. both of whom suffered minor injuries in the Jan. B accident that cost Mrs. Beect's life ; Ke.llyn, all of the home. in Beaverton; mother, Wanda Mosher of Acadia; and two sisters, Ila Britt of Las Vegas and Eleanor Newman of North Carolina. The family suggest that those who wish may make a memorial contribution to the Day Care Center, Santa Ana, through the Memorial Fund of St. James Church. ~ . ·. ... . ·. . .. -' . . . ' . " fomia. , It led last month to indict.menu of 6l persons on charges of bookmaking, NOT PROBLEM Since organized vice Is not one of Newport's pressing lj\w enforcement problems, the new aJSistant chief'• duties here will be substantially differ- ent. "Rigbt now I have to become familiar with the basic operatiorui of the depart· ment. all the way to !hldying thia three- inch-high stack or papers detailing the department's legislation. Then I can settle down to the job l'm supwsed to do," he said. A new job, no matter how lofty, ill not without its temporary hardships. "Right now I'm living in an apart- ment while my wife and I try to sell our home in Los Angeles," he said. The Nelson family gets together only on weekends these days. BCXl'H AT.PCC .. The two Nelson children, Barbara 22, and Thomas, 19, both attend Pasadena City College, where they will remain to finish their stucfies. Chief Nelson has nothlng but praise for hls new department "I have glanced at personnel re.cords of the officers we have here and I was surprised," he. remarked. "This 1 young, enthusiastic group of officers and their educational background is truly re- markable." From Page l STEVENS ... on a citizens advisory committee on ~~~esa school budget 'matters. A 195% graduate of UO Berkeley (buaineu administration major), Stevens jolned the Balboa Bay Club in 1963 as director of development. Since then, he haJi overseen a multi-m1Woo dollar u:pansion of the club. He and his wile, Joyce, live Jn Dover Shores. They have two children, Sandy, 11, and Christopher, 3. Stevens served as first vice president of lhe chamber in 1968. Tbe year befoN!, he was a second vice president. He has been on the chamber board only three years. lie wu nominated by a nominating committee cons.isting of John. Vibert, former chamber president; Vi 11 Jorgenun, president of Hoag Memorial Hospital's board of directors; Dennis Harwood, Newport attorney and Fountain Valley city councilman; Gary Burrill, owner of KOCH-FM; and Hancock "Bill" Banning lli, local land developer. Other nominees, also expected lo be confirmed Monday, are Goerge Wood- ford, first vice president; Charles Cur· rey, second vice president; and Hugh Mynatt, secrelary. .n OMEGA-ACCUTRON -BULOVA . AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR e rings sized end repaired • diamonds end precious stones remounted • pe•rls restrung WE CUSTOM DESIGN & MANUFACTURE AU: TYPES OF JEWELRY HA.-SHOPPIN• Cllma UH H.UIOl M.YD. COSTA MllA MM411 HUNTINGTON CINm llACH l IDINGR HUNTINGTON llACH HJ.HOI , I • I .,,' .• I , .. . • • .. , • (_ , '• t.-•""· • '1 .. ,. •I • I. • • -. .__....-,. ' -• r' ' -. Costa Mesa ,. I Ta .. y'• l'laal I ·lDITION I • -VOL. 62, NO. 11, 3 SECTIONS, 32 PAGES ' ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA MONOA,Y. JANUARY ·rr, ·If~ -----TEN CENll '"' .:. --. ---. . '· Heroic · Mesa Jet PiIOt -Kntea -• -. . -----~~---·---....... -.---------- l1ies Trying to Prevent Plane From Hitting : TQk_yo.~.:Hom.es~:- DIES HERO'S Dl!ATH Capt. Jon P. Wadsworth Service Station Ordina1ice -Goes To City Plan1iers A comprehensi\le city ordinance cove~ Ing all aspects of the servict station buiiness at Costa Mesa will be considered by the city Planning Commission tonigtit1 after months in the works. Generally aimed at improving the ap- pearance and efficiency of the operaUons for citiiens and ownen alike, ti\f! jpro- ~ law bas drawn praise fr&f. ell hldustry officials. • The service statioi?-onllninc9 Comes dt{_for discussion durlng-tbe ~I 1:§ci p.m., business session, . . 1:Jy a 5 p.m. field trlp and s meeting. • Al the time the detailed ~ey prepared by senior associate plapner Dave Leighton was compiled, Cosl• Mesa had 84 service stations, some Of them out of business. In ill initial form. the ordinance pro- vides ati ultimate tool enabUng the city to tear down stations )Vhich stand vacant too long at the owner's expense. Carefully spelled ot4 requirements for landscaping, beautifiC:,tion, sign limita- tion and accessory and equipment sales .-e included in the Leighton survey. Planning Director William L. Dunn uid a point syslem worked out for application to the strvice stations ratlog them from excellent to. poor show'ed ah expected general breakdown. Only 13 stations got an Ucellent raling, While 15 were judged poor and 32 fell into the J!ood category, considering the (See STATIONS, Page Z) Coast Gets Rain, ' More for Tuesday Scattered showers, spawned by a storm front centered 400 miles off the coast, splattered the Orange Coast early today and promised to return for another dose on Tuesday. Nearly one inch of rain was forecast for the Southland before the storm m~ on, the Weather Bureau reported. Tl\e rain pushed maximum temperatures down into the upper 50's. The storm. which carried scatttrtd sprinkles and sho\\·ers in an east· southeasterly direction . d r opp e.d . precipitation from trades to fractlont Negroes' Acts At Harbor High . . Just Put · On? 87 THOMAS FORTUNE Of ..... ,., ... Shit Blunt--taltfnr blatt students from Dorsey High 'School may have been hiding liu)~ I~ !lien ·they ~ dowp white ltuclodl,al Niwport i1M11or Hlgh. Evidence that the race relations discusstoll.s lasf ThuiSday may not have been the fiasco they appeared to be: came today from Jean Forbath.• teacher chainnan of st. John the liaptlA 'a even- ing reliaious program, HJgb School of Religion, 102 Baker St., in Costa Mesa. . Mrs. Fcrboth told of 1)'11lpathetk: feed- back followilii a slmlW-confrontation between 200 COsta Mesa area teenagers and students from Verbure. Dei and Regina COeli, boys' and glrla:' Catholic schools In Watts. They tallred and then danced togethe!' at SL Joho ChW<b, Costa Mua, ooe nigl1t a monlh ago. · 'M!f ~"lt.;lf • >dlllt1~!\'· conuneat -''W°I; came waft:. ting to be lrlenda and they JilSt ..,_ ·to .P!lf .. dGWn''. -~up Ille e~-··~is iblt • Negro bo)l 1i14' "We'lrpd aoton. We Pia¥ it up, juat like y«li!Urfer guys do." Fr. David Tbeb, ~or at the Watts boya' school, pleaded with the white youngsters not just to bear the angry words but tp loot behind the words for the real ~ ahe ,.laid. She UlJhk.s that most of the teem, j..t like those at Harbor High, C<lllldn't do that and wm: hurt and disUIUliooed. But then came 80Dlethh~ to open their 'Y"-Fr. TheJa, Ille said, had his students write down their reactions 1n aruiwer to a few qUtsUona. H.,. ii """"' ol what the Neer<> boys said they lited about the evening: -"It -u, lllOugb , they wanted to learn 4*r ,..,.. !rim "' rather thao from another white person." -"The ju;t down home hospitality wh1ch I didn't upect from what I had heard about the •artl.'' -"The way Ricky Kennedy spoke for our proud black race." -'"Mley ahowed a lot of true inner emotion.''· -"I liked the way the girl! tried to dance in our manner." What they didn't like about the eYen· ing: -"We didn't have enough time." -"I dlalited the ODiNlded dllcussioili. They did not bring out iny of their problems 11 ·wbite!." -"Ttlert ls not much I can say bid about IL" -'"l'be· way they put down Eldridge Cleaver and Stokely Carmichael." -"Every Ume Willy or Rick said somethlrc about btact power our whole group w~ , burst out like 1 bunch ol un<d~ little kids." -"The way some of the boys from 19" 8'Wl!NT8, Pa1e II a donsely P!puWed area ol Tokyo. . , Ilia . railar ollleer, Maj. Burton F. Fontenot, 's4; of Ville Platte, La., died with' him when the P million jet slam- med into a mountainside in a splash oI blazing fuel. . Tbe: d1trd time wa.s not a charm fot.. the i!areet U.S. Air Force officer, who had twice survived in-night crises and brouzht his.bomb-laden jet into Yokota Air Ji'orce S..SC safely the last time. Sunday nigh\'s crash caused by elec· ' .. trlcal .,.iem r..nur.. sheared off power lines u Capt. Wadnorth beaded far a Yotra mnway. plunging 10,<m bamea Into dartnea. lor two boon, but probably .. vlng ~flf~. ' The · !>il91 and radarman could have ejected AldJ,but the •'-mlibt bave crashed· Into' popolated areas, USAF sources said today. Word of the crash came to lhe Wadsworth familf. 1D Costa Mesa when the v~·s-youngef_Dro~r-p_'.s. Aljity 0,FICER EXAMl~i!S BODY DP MURDER VICTIM TW. Suspecb Arrtsted In Knllii Slaylng Beach Woman Slain; Couple HeUl by Police By WILLIAM REED Of TM DlllY Pllft Steff Two su!pects were arrested early to- day just four hours after a Huntington Beach woman's body was round sprawled on the street in a bloody pool, her throat slashed and body punctured by multiple stab wounds. Huntington Beach police identified the victim as Mrs. Hester S. Markee, SS, of 1508 Olive Ave. Jailed on homicide charges are Margareta Dinger, 38, of 2602 Delaware St., and her companion at the time of arrest, Nonnan Coatney of Los Alamitos, age and address not di sclosed. Mr.!. Markee's bloody body was dlacovered by a passerby about 9:1S ·~·~-Sunday on 17th Street acrou from · DWyer Intermediate School in HunUngton Beach. Police said the body was in a lrafrtc lane on the eoU course side of the street east of Palm ·Avenue. _ Both 1UJpecta are Jn HunUngton Beach City Jail today chara:ed with homicide, said Detective Sergeant Monty McKen· noq, He explained that deteclives will seet a murder complaint "probably Tuesday." Of'ficers said the body was in the etrftt a few • inches away from her car. which was parked neatly at the curb, with the engine runnini and lights blazing aWa.y on the grisly scene . The woman had been 1 t a b b e d numerous times on the face, neck and back .. A trill o( blood spatters around the ~trfet suggested that she may have either staggered around in the middle of thi road as her life poured out through the gaping wounds, c.r may have grappled with her k!ller or k:lllers. Despite a light rain which began to !all over the scene, olfi4:ers began an or.-(oot search of lbe golf course, nearby oil fields and streets. Evidence at the scene indicated that Mrs. Markee had just been t.o a coin laundry and had washed "quite a bit of laundry," detecUve.s said, Her car, allghtly scratched on a front fender, suggested a recent aut.omobile accident. Officers discoVered that 1he had been involved in a minor traffic accident at 17th Street and Adams Avenue, three or fwr blocks away from the murder scene, jlllt prior to the murder. ' At 21st Street aod Olive Avenue police found a blood·aoaked car. "The whole inferior of this vehicle was covered with blood," said Lhe officers. or an inch. : The ::hewers were predicted lo Increase by rughtfall , folloWed ht clearing ak>ng the coastal areas late. Tue!day. The snow level was due to drop from 1,000 feet today to near 5,000 '!Qesday. Air Board· Revamp Ask·ed The Weather Buieau 'announced that a 70 percent chance Of rain existed along the Orange ~ Ior Tuesday. Temperatures weni ran(ing fn>m three to Bil' degrees be:low nOnnaJ. •, New Commi.ssion · W ou1.d Act on Land Use Rulings . ; llJ.'P.,~~~ ~°"""' .... -and Leque ci tlMio letilera ... _ drllllnr • &: Mesa's CHART ei:=:! :.t;,.~ to ~ • Supports Bonds , ~~ :1'.i!:.:~ CHART Costa Mesa has endor'Bed the ~u ~;,ttb "'tu+lronrrwntll t15.t million Newport-Mesa school bond tbit :, ~ ftUd air:pcrt iasue to be voted on Feb. 11. Members of the organization, whh:n ~N·~t:~s~ .,. en-hu the purpo9t of charting Colt.a Mesa's p11111111111 u.. future. endorsed the bond issue in the OM3dlmu ,Ji... llettmls, interest of "sound. long-range growth," who 1ftprewb the Wat Hewport area, CHART Presldent George Kuyper said. iJ -a 1"*"W 'of ,I ~ ol. Cities He said members also dec:lded to urge ~-~ tbal ii wortJnc .wllli C<!""tY the Costa M... Cily Councll to join -"' "'" propolaL them in endorsing the bonda. "It 1110 0... 1t Jwt two cities In • r1 !hO county a ~ to respond, a chance to have ...,,. ~ oo airport mattm," said Mclnni5 toda,y. '"lbe new cormiU.ujon, of course, will remain an advipy body as Is the present one,'L be,,.,nltd au~ "but II• rauucturing wW lie a tmnendow step forward." The new, seveMnember commlss:loo. in essence, would be a combinalioo oC the Pf""'I OOll1l1lblloo and an Airport Land Use Corluajollon. Newport authcirif.lea six months 110 p...,....t the ~.!11" CommiBsion as an ageaey apart U1fU lhe present com· mission.. That pn>JIOAI WU originated last July by Dan EmOry, chairman ci the 1,000. .-ber AJtport N .... A-Com- mittee, a Harbor Ai:<• clllmll' poup. ~ewport councilmen followed up Emory's suggestion by formally requesting con- slderaUoo ol It by the Board ol SupervlsOra. Last November , the county board turn- ed il over lo the League of ewes. The League fanned a committee to look into iL JIJ members, in addition to Mclnni!, are Lo8 Alamitol C-ollDCllman Jceeph Hyde and Brea Councilman Robert Clari. Jn \he past two months, the League trio has worked with k.ey county aides on an ordinance designed to bring about the change. The county officials .include Chie.C Administrative Offlcer Robert 111onw, County Coun.w.I Adrian kuypu and Avia- llon Director &bert Branahan. The draft onlinanco, which may yet CS.. AIR BOAl\D, Paae II J Sgt. Robert Wadlwortb, ·n,. Mrjllmed from Yol<ota,w~hewu~ •· Sgt. Wadmirth, who II ,Ill._-a1'4 recrutlon leave from !lpal ...,. dtll1 "And they doo't.,.. ~ ~ missions over ~ V ........ bla mother added. .• ~ .,. Capt. Wadawortb'1 fatblr aald thal the Utah state University matbpm1 t1ct graduate wu !lying out ol l'ohto Jul Man:h, when hil Fl Pb&otom -atruci . -I" ... . . -... ..,_ . - -~-·--·- ' -· ~ ----· . Joh~~O!J. ~prges._ _ .. -.. -· ·----. --·Keepli!g -~p~·.Ttix ·--.. -· . WASlllNG10N (UPI) -Prelldent Jobneon-will '.._.,..,.. ·estenilon· ~­ the 10 percent Income tax aurctiarp. I t wu diiCf.iled 10iliy. -~ -- A~auon aourcea aald the Pfelt- dent--woqld include requut for utenslon 'ol tbe tu, beyond lb June IO aplraUoo, 1n bil 'illcat ll'IO budget propooaL 11e T l •ill -& bucJiel lbowln1 a ....u Sirhan c riii aurplua. , . -. PresltJent.elect Richard M. Nlxm ii " w . h going a1on,. with Johlllon'• propoul to· ppens : :It , ~ the surchart;e, ·a coDgrelSknal · · ~ .- ~~da;::.:· =. fMi:. i:; ;Qtry Pickin~- ' Ing lncomlng ~' ' I ~" • "".,..~be.,11J.!.-.·~~-. ' . --,.. The Wblto House izmawiCld me.inrlillo · ANG~ (IJPJ) '-' tuporlcil ~~~~···-~:;;.c report will ~'liil.illteil ~ ' th:':/Z'.juiy j>onel ,... ·111> day. ...,.UtuHonolly selected Mid -tho · JoiUllon wlil break tradillQD and dlllver j>lciln( OI Ju!'w* to Mgln lmmedllll!IJ. . hil •late " the union --In·-~ •def ... flad ·~ thal ·q before a Joint ..,.Ion ol CGncrMa Tu• seimenb of the~ weiq ~'4 day at & p.m. PST. II will be broadcut from jury SUVlce but Jlldge Wall1•1' nationwide. r~ that they were 'riot automatleaDJ The White House announced that e1im)lt and 'UJat prevfowl alllrlf~bad J oJwon alto would , aend to Concras Upheld ·the eoo.tltlitliiflallty ci s;,. later th1* wael! a special meuqe recom-tern. 1 mendl111 salary increaJes !or Con-Thi opening court ..,.Ion Wied i;.1, gresamen and Senatori to about fd,&00. 10 d)1nutu and tbeo a receu wu Calied Tbey IXlW recelve !30.'ll a )'l!ar. · to brJni in lbe -JiroeP,ectlve junn fiom The preaidentlal press I e c re t a r y , ~ rants lJ: rtgUlar , mtmbert and George Cbr!JUan, declined to dlJcuu m alternates will he.-. wbether Johnaon had received IUppOrl Af11iiuib .-ben; ci tlio pulll!c Ind from Preoldent-<lect llldllnl M. Nlllll """"""" ~'"" tlii!rotllhlY aoildled -which • reportedly reqaeste¢ -evorr .d1y belto . ..,tmq '9!!i. court on hil proposal to atend the IUJ'!U. area, the .,r..pective. Jwon ~ hol Johi:aon will report a llll'pluo-lor 1hil to undago IUCb penanal . -~ fiscal year and will recommend -coo-The oourt deqlded llUCh a:Bearcll mlib1 tinuatlon ol the l1lrtaJ: In order to have prejudice the lqality ol the tdal: . a surplus nett year, Jt was indicated. Tb9' defense bad objected to tbe 1earcb It bad been reported · tbat the ruplul of prospectlve l!IJIOlllil and allo to Ibo. would run about 13 bllllon. ' high number GI. uniformed Wr111'1 He IJ expected to recooimend tllemion depolla oo hand,.nylng It would.c..ato of the surtu for at least one year. ·an "oppreasJve atmospbece." The C1UTtnt year'• budJet.nw about· -ci the ilepatles todaT ;,.,. in 1186 bllllon. There bave been ffportl pla!nelothel, .wltb. only Ioor in unllorm, th.at the ll'IO budget pr<ipolll would b:icludl111 OllO • JVOllWI. Tiiey llDed tho go as hlgb u 11'5 billion. nil 'u a ........,. bllweefl Slrllan and .... auomey;· .... the .n.11 llll>cLpanel. same newil0¢d bad· to give up their H Ii S t ~Jn the ililJn ""'1'ltoom ti mat• e cop ys em room·ror lbe . _,...pectlvt Test Sche-:.1::~1-=.i ~., ~,'cli..,."::'".,j( 1iiJ two UWt:U , liiOUim, Adtl :...! Munir, wm· Jn !be . . . ' . P'~:i' e~i:: ~~"""! In Mesa Tuesday· ' t'ci:i.r 0er .... -~ a1ut B. ~ · • .por~argu"\.hil~~.\":;lly m A ocliecfulfd test 'bf O!!Ja·-· pro. · ~r~ ~ ..• posed Hellcop aerial ponce patrol oyatem the • 14-lear~• -yet ocheduled Tueoday wiu be .bdd u pJan. or Sen. Rober! F,, :~. · · . ned,' if weather 'peraUta. _ · , Hug)lq Alrcrall ~ ai;e .logged to begin the demonstration at t a.rn., but weathe!' bureaU& today ooolllcted o•er the litelthood ol rain.· · · Police Lt. Dean Pollom said Orange County Airport lor..;utm apect. an 80 per<ent Chang~ or clear1JW> ..... ~y Tuesday roofnlng'. ·· ' 1 • The U.S. Weather Burpp. on Ibo other ;~~=-·~c: poslpol)e beginnlnf <JI Ibo _., toot until Wednelday. ~ • , · l OISla N".,. Polke"thle!.8-·Netli 6jleclll-to •It dOwn !er ~iialdal llltl . alter cl.If olllclall TlOrllle~ Ill!""· -.,1 aerial """'Y .,...,.. . • A delinlto )Jf'OJIOIOJ -lll'Obob!Y be mode to the city ....U. ..itllln the next two months: -' -i \ Weaiier . ,Keep ,igo&I~~ Cjlll. ti, .weatbennln ._ CIUll tblre'• ~ IO jiorelnl dwlol ci ""'" rala -.,. !I'll. pisll the "'-> tans down to lltil II mart Ui1. . INSJDB ~DAY • Col"!'!~·l~vfa P~r !ado o-doublt It!-. F.or •·il<iH1ll> of Ole "o!Mt SUIDlo. ~-ftt pqve .IQ ' , .. -I i '-=:;;.;.c. ( l C--· iMw.-..Yu:1 ... ' Coast Efa.CJiallge Gir~ ·ni jacked . .... . ...-... -11 Pedestriaµs, ' Driver Die - . :·.,,.. • .,,.~ 1 '· AIR ~BOA.RD ... -... . ·-·· ~ . . ·--.. bo .i1...u;·....w.~ In 'Mlolnu •. opelll•Wt ~ -"" the --rolal60a : ' • . ,~· -· · · ·-··· and 'mike -'To .. .1111dJ .. COO<li~ . . . .....,_ """""""" Use need for~-.,,. . .., bUJ]dlnp iw.ar alrJ>ort>-_... . -''l'o .make. recomm~ons for the -. . llim'ounaln oJrports use QI tile · 13,0!l . . .. g . to ~ ;atety: Cl( • .air nayigatioa and the promotion of air commerce. -"T9 ·~~. J>!aii! fer the dev~ al o.:..in (:ounty Airport and Other ~ .. ~ mq be ..,. quire<! >r operated. by the COUJ!\y of Or ... ange.. . ., ' --''Qli "' ecoll! of the Boan! ·ol suP'i:\o~.1n .:adv1" .II!< ~ 'aild mate recomm-endationa on any lnltm' pertaining to ilrporU or air transport.-· Uon. · · · · -"To ...U.-.ueh ·invostlaaUono. u It 1111J1 ·cleeni-necawi In ·Uie ~ of itl powtrl". . . -"To bold .. public bWlnJll on the' for•lotl11 1qbjic:ta Md make flndlnp ol foci which """111 be ooly od\>llOry tc. theli'iVolved jurisdteUon. -- -"To make and enforce rules and rtJUlaUons for the orderly and fair COD• duct of ruch bearings.'.!.· · Mclnnll &aid a t\irtlief ittponl!blllt1. · will be proposed for the new boanl. He deocrlbed . .it:JJ . ~g "en· vironmeatal codl!D•m. _. ..... . ' ..... . . ~ilr-Wi .,. ,,..,.. "We saw the palm i....s Md thoullht It ftS Miami," said E1.11enla Gon9cba1t, 17. of Eolr< was. AlltOilna. ",\nd then we saw the wtlcome to Hava na 1l1n." Trude •loller, 17-year-old 'Bue.rm Ai res student bound for Long Beach, said, "I thought l10w,. awful. I thought Miami would be ~uch nicer." 11e 1aid University of Havana stu.denta ""ere baaed to the airport to mingle with the Argentlne.s. "It was cle1r they we.re lrying to propaa:andile us," said Davtd E. K.aistzer, a IS.year-old from Tucoman. Argentina. wbo will study at La Habra. Tbe passen&ers wttt nturned to "By tbla," he=--M. ·~ -. --· .:: ~ ~ . ::-ai~~1!:°" ~ =-~tt7~ Vaefitfni'• w•• .... ~ .:=tC:U::.IY;f':~ '::;it.= President"*"l Rlchal'lfii.wxon talktmlfi.;J!mil "Bus" Mosbacher -~ .. on 1nrijf _....~ ~ew,;J!otl after 1ljj11)1ng flnn"!hac~a~ef of protocol. Mos- Jooktd blto the pcilitbilltf'-·tt c ~r,~i11Jper of tRArnerlc'1s ~\.•flee \vinners (1962 and the two." .,. 1967). ~ill officiate at White House ce~e onies and serve as Nixon's Th< prete11t conimisslon by !tw liu -ol!icial greeter. He may ~olhlve tiof mal<' try for third Amcri- 111 area of cmcem limJted to airport cs's Cup win. 'i '::._,.. -'1. v~ Illa tberusclves, Md DOI the aurrouodlng • • ..dsl'. " •· c:ommunkiu. ·-;-:"':l. I ~oi -:. _ _ -: -":---. - -&aid -· l{fPre ·-lstOCk· -, hokk-' L --the 1-<OIJUQltlee Md his !' -. . -. -tt staff wUI be lriDll4 :to r i. eh'. • . . rs e er .,reemenl" on .;tbl'. ~ "JIOlnll 'bl. tbe -.. udlnance. Ht said It would then be .. bmlliod In the fUJl ~ ond the -~liitCiJoslclerilldft: That may be llllhln Ille neit two ,...,thl. SOurees said mem~ al the ~t comnUalntl .....,, too ~ abtiiil tlie propooed revampin&:B\INqpeno\lon are ezpoctod.Jo .. ~-]!Ith It, tt the plan rocelves ruJI Lta&u• endorsement Urges SchOol Bonds OK u antJclpated. The new eotnJniMlon, accordlna In the draft ordlnanc:e, would comprlat two members representing cities in ttt.-coon- ty, In he appointed by a coniin1Ueo of oil the mayors In the countJ: two npruenilng the county, In be appointed by suporvilon: two repreoenUna the airports, consisting of the county aviation -ond Fullerloll Airport ...,,,.., and one member represenUnc the'plR>llc at large. In be appoln!M-''7 the' ~ m commllllooen. • -· • · Terms of alllct~'f"d bo·,tq. ....,i. with...,.. _ _..,,..,. yur Md oorill:::i·llitf· ~ear "tcln. Eventually, ~ woalll"be -,__ .... ..H--·--· --n•· IQUI ,_,, .._,_ ~ · ,.,.. _. ... -.... .. -. ··- [lJ1 11 1 rllnT A ntWl!tUer atnl by Newport-Mesa Unified School Dhtrlct to HubOT IJea bulinusmen 'hu a pointed mes.sage. tt Cs that the achopl district is a big business, efficienll.Y run. .tf.-je •:-~ce achool officials want .ery ·much-to get across 11 lhe Feb. 11 datti JarNeWPQrt-Mesa's $15.9 million bondelecUoo 'a~. · · Support ol t~ !>IWn<3s co.P,.unity, they f~ can be a• valuable •uet in the bond campotp. . Two i.auel of "BulineAmu'• Newtlet- ter" ·h•ve been stuffed in 1'Ub cblmber of _... mailtngs. They a1ao !lave btell -In. doclnrr; dentltts UM! barbers in bOpes thel. will be at out in waiili\g roo!hs. • . The fir~t newsletter began with the u.J_utation, ·''TO .:Our-· Stockholders." It described how tbe eehool district actuaJly is involved In several busineases not dirteilJ related to educatin1 children. AmooJ othlr things, lhl newsletter points ou~ Uilt"aollllol dlslrlct II a bua -pany. o••Ho1: cOA1T l'UtLISMtttG COM .. ,.,~,. ·-a .:.test&urant Rrvlce and a mai!iltnance ' l•M•• N. We•4 ".!',_' ·~· -· • oo1 "~1 .,,. ,..,..;_ -..: .: .:~'aw:~· l·~~handlts $11 milllon Jt,k l . c,,1,,. ·-;r~ -~ aiPa~ · and, ~ to the newslet- v1rct '""'''""°'.,.. o-111 Mt"'"' :: ~er •. ~: s committed to itl investors r~ ..... , ic,,.a , ·to"""~:·lht ~ ~ ~enUy as ··--~- T~•"'•i ;.., u,,,.1ri;~, Mtflffl#Otl t•a., C.-..... 0,,..,. JJI Wht l•y Strt•t M.111111 ,..,, .. 1i r.o. ••• 11•0, •2•z• • ~ latMI ·-deals-with four oub]W1 • -ft ;fotnta · out ~ mllllon meals per ydf';lk -oil by the l!Chool cafeterlu -1.R many as 1t Knott 's Mesan Accused Qf Wile Beating · 7i Co&ta Meaa man whole blooc!Jr, -: blecl..,... wtle c1Ued police '"' help "'.. eartJ~ Wll arrested I ebort -"MIJttt in • downtown aru bat. · "'teWJ"ftlce D. Jones, 35, of m7 Maple AYI., w11 booked on auapJclcn of felony wile beaUna, afttr Offlcm Pat Roda•rs and Ron Veach picked him up at 146 E. lllll SL Mrs. Anne M. Jonu, 31 , was treated al' OOll& Mesa Memorial Hoopital, lo.- cult and bl\11-, In addition In blaclc ey• and I awollen note. 11>e vldlm, not. required In ~gn • C!>mPlalnt In a cue PQllco obRrvo and clAlilfy .. a felooY. aald ohe Md the anulM becamt Involved In an afttr. dlMer argumcot which fed In blm. ' Berry Farm. Th.is operation for the first time is showinl; a profit lhl1 year it is claimed because of ch~nses in buying procedures and reslgnaU'on from the Federal Food Program. -Noted is a commendaUon from the Joint Ne.wport Harbor-Costa Mellll Chambers of Commerce study Group for building schools economically. -A report is siven on a lealalative ........i that allegedly ha.s put the achool district '4001000 in the hole. The effect Of 'not subsidising additional kindergarten teachers after the di.strict hired them is the same 11 :a merchandiAe slUpment belnj cancelled-after It ls !lent "with no possibility of collection or retrieval of merchandise," aceordlng to the newsletter. -Also covered is the buda;elin1 pro- cess whlcb aoe.s through a year-long cycle of 72 steps. Tht next ilsue, Lo come out before lhe bond election. will deal with transportation, school attendance, and resea1cb and development of new pro- cr1un.s. Bandit Gets $32 From Cab Driver A slender bandit with other worldly facial features robbed a Newport Beach cab driver of fS2 at gunpoint early Sunday, atter a short rlde around the corner from a Cost.a Mesa restaurant- lounge. Woodrow Wilson Bailey, s:i, employed by Yellow Cab CO .• said he picked up the fa!'!: at the Black Knlght, 1'«> E. 17th St.. shortly after its 2 a.m. closing hO\lr. He bad uked anotber cabble to haYe a ride dispatched for him . TUrnlng onto Santa Ana Avenue and •&aln onto 17th Plact, '"ordered, Bailey told police the min pulled o .IS caliber automaUc plstol and made his demJnda. "Shut olf the radio, the lights and the motor and &fve me all the money," he ui(I( theA sent Ballty on hit way wtlh • wamln( after ripping out the m~hont to prevent an Immediate robbery report. Th< vtctlm 11id the bl!ldl~ about :Ill lo 21, hod 1lr&l11• e)'Q and on odd ... •. I Miami S•::.f.~ 111omln(. Students t.id v. S. off that U1ly """ pvon the red carpel lltltmant In lll•ona tncludlJic 1 tour al the city. the unlveral· . ty, and a nJPl club. Film and tape recordlnp were madti of their com- ments. Miu Oreyz.l.n said thal all the literature the &roup was given while In CUba was taken from them by an Argentine embassy official in Mia.nil. Alter her glimpee of CUban life, Miss Dreytln said I.he docan't know how people could live under Communist rule. "!l's !mpoaaible. '!'bey tried to tell us that they live good, but what we saw did not demonstrate that", she said. The group, taken for a bus sight-seeing tour of Havana wu shown modem homes and a new university, but sbe said, "we were all too tired to really oollce." MAKES UNSCHEDULED STOP Tr•veler Dr.yxln • Irving Company Retracts I Protests on Assessment Dy JACK BROBACK 01 Ille Dtlly f'!ltl •t•lf In a surprise move, the Irvine Com- pany today withdrew all protests filed OD lMMI ranch tax ufeesmtntl, Tbe protest.a were to come before tbe ne. Tu Appeala Doud toda,y. fn a letter dated Friday, L.E. Eberl- in(, an Irvine v 1 c e prealdent, notUlod the oppeall boanl al the proleot )fi~awal. ' Eberling lied the withdrawal In the rtetnl acUon al the Orange CGll!lty Plan- ning Commtaslon recommending W>pUOll al agricultural p.......,,e allltus for thouaands of acres of Irvlne land. The commiBllon on Dec. 18 approved preserve status ror 60,050 acres of Irvine farmland despite protest by Saddleback Junlpr College District. Elierllng'> lett.r said the! a "oubl\ln· l1al number of the parctls being pro- tested by the Irvine Com~ny this year &re ffiCJUOei:l-Wlthlrf-the ire8Sfea>tfi- Fro111 P119e l STUDENTS • • • Calta Mesa acted. They were ta\kablc but they didn 't aSSDClate with the girls from Coen as we did with their a1J'ls.'' Whether they think they should get together asaln ; -"Yeti, we should. Since we went O\'ef there, they should come over here. But l don't lb.Ink a majority of them will ooine because of their parenta. So I thin k we should go back to them." -···{c!i, I susgesl we gel together In the gym. We've seen Orange County, now they should .see Watts ." -"I think we should but it wouldn't be the same because they 1>1•ould know what to apecl." -"Ma)'be we could socialize on their father '! 40-acre ranch -I got this information from some of the girls." Mrs. Forbath commented: "You can see why we are encouraged. Probably our emphasis on fun and .socialh:ing helped bridge the gap between the angry words and the real persons." She said another get together is plan- ned in February. Thirty boys and girls from Costa Mesa and 30 from Watts \viii go on a week-end retreat at a Catholic facility in lhe desert. Earnest S. Ball Rites on Tuesday Earnest S. Ball. 20-year Costa Mesa resident who fomlerly skippered sport fishing boats. died Friday at Bayview Convalescent Home. He was 82. Services will be held al 2:30 p.m. Tuesday at Rose Hill Memorial Park in Whittler. mended for such preserves. "The Irvine Company desirel5 to await the final re.suits of the agricultural preserve question in Orange County before protesting taJes on any parcels that would be included tber:eln. "Ther-oit the company h e r e b y 1 withdnW! all protests filed for the 1968- 69 lax yew," Eberling's letter concluded. Tho calljllJ\y bad proteated • lilt aueumenta OD 3,630 acres with a matket value of $38 million, according lo AsseS!Or Andrew J. Hinshaw. Irvine had asked a reduction of fl7.7 million reducing the market value to $20.3 million on 35 parcels, llin.shaw said. The planning commiasion reeom- mendaliona for preserve status on the Irvine land and 36,449 &cn!S of Rancho ~11sslon Viejo la.net are scheduled to come before "the Boanf ot Supervisors for flnal action 300n. f 'ro1H Page l STATIONS. • • various facets of judging , During tonight's meeting, planners will also coll!lder a Mobil Oil Corp., reque11t for a c011dilionaJ use permlt to tear down a .station at 2799 Harbor Blvd .• lo build a newer , betler one. S~ll Oil Co. is asking another permit to build a new station at the southwest corner of Atlan1.s Avenue and Mesa Verde Drive Ea:st. City WflelaJS have been rel uc tant to give the green light to service station propos~ls in r:!cent monlhs, penGtng a definite ordinance to guld~ the newer projects. Police Wh111crs Of Bar Pohl Game A game of eight·ball at 8 Costa MesA tavern was a seesaw affa ir Sa lurd111'. with two $1 bills chan11:lng hands In two games, until two policemen stepped in and arrested two partners on each ilde. The officers who dropped Into Pan:1 Joe's, 1748 Newport Blvd., during Its after-hours' session said the fonr parUcipanl! were apparently betting SI on each game . Officers Pat Rodgers and Ron Veach .said they watched one side lose and lay out $1 each, after which they won the money and the score was even. Then the men were anested. 0ne set of partners; both carpenters . and the other set, beth engineen at a large Harbor Area aeroapace firm. were booked on a misdemeanor charge of gambling. . I In Accidents Two pedestrtans and the driver of a sportscar 105l their lives In separate weekend traffic accidents in Oranae County, it was reported today. The dead are: G-olyo ~coll Buice, 17, Lo< Angelu. Mn. Iona McFarland, 73; Anahelm. David Roy Orris, 24, of 489 Gract.land Drive, Laguna Beach. Miss Buice WU killed Saturday night when she waa hit by one car and run over by averal otbetl OD Pacific C.O.st Highway just welt of 23rd Street 1n Huntington Beach. Police aaid her companlon, Michael IHI Couty Traffic I Dulls Toll , ... a L. Tryon, 21, Lakewood, wu injured 'A'hen he waa struck a Jlancing blow by one of the cal'!. Tryo. to.Id officers he and MW B\jlce were rtluming to theiJ: ~keel car when thef tripped over the hl&hway's center divi(Jer and stum- bled into traffh: lanes . Miss Buice feU Into /he path of a car . driven by Michael T. Seal, 24, Orange, and then wu t~wn In front of another car driven y .Charle. L. Johnson, 27, of 7S3 Like t., Huntlnfton Beach. She was then run• over by three more cars. Her body wu taken to Rose Hills MOttUll'f In Whittler where fUneral services ~ pending. Tryon Md Seal were both tr<altd for Injuries at Huntington Intercom. munlty Hospital and released. No cars collided durfn& the accldent. Mrs. McFarland dll!!d Sunday nlghl at Orange Cowity Medical Center alter being .struck by a car Sunday afternoon at Loara Avenue and Ball Road in Anaheim. From Page l IIER<T ••. and 40 minutes in a rubber raft, bobbing on 2$ foot ocean swe.Us. at Nha Trang, South Vietnam. will ac· company the body home for burial. "He was a hero and that's an I can say ... " commented the pilot's mother, her voice breaking when con- tacted today. The steel-nerved La Habra High School graduate who seemed a born, instinctual filer .survived 177 combat missions over North Vietnam and two other in-flight crises, while based in. Tokyo. "Tl:.¥! thing that bolbered him was that 50 knot winds prevented Air force cratt roo1 rescuing and a Navy chopper pick ' j him up," _Capt. Wadsworth's il!d today. "'HJ uninjured except for a cold," she ll ed. Capt Wadsworth 'was leader of bis :l.ith !l'~tical Fighter Squadron and held numiro~ decorations, h.is mother said, includi nt the D!.stinguished Flying Cross, Vietnamese Medal of Valor and other honcn:s. Capt. Wadsworth had just' wturned to duty in Japan, where he was able to t:'.ll\c his wife •Mary and children Lesa , J and Jon Paul Jr., 2, after seven weeks' state~de training at Nellis AFB, near Las Vefa.S. Besides his parent!, wife and children, he is survived by another brother, U. S. Coast Guar~ Seaman James \Vad.s\\·orth, ltl, tnow stalioned at the N"vy sonar schito! in Key West, Fla., and a .sister, Cyndi Wadsworth, IS, n CO$ta Mesa High School sophomore. Burial wllf be in Logan, Utah, where the victim and his wife met and married \l'hile attending.· the llniversity. fie began as a mathematics major. but went into the Air Force's ROTC program. '"The minute he learned a sophomore -that "'as his mother said today. to fly as the end," ' ' ;a•••11 ... a11B,F111M111m•·wa E1ttlltllllnl•·nt111a•a•.-.wr1 0 OMEGA-ACCUTRON-BULOVA AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR e rings sized and repaired • diamonds and precious stones remounted • peerla restrung WE CUSTOM DESIGN & MANUFACTURE Al~ TYPES OF JEWELRY HAHOI SHonlNCi CINTH 2JOO H:UIOI ILYD. COSTA MISA !145-HH 0,.. .... non.. ""· T1I ' ,.... • HUNTINGTON CINTIA HACH & EDINGIA HUNTINCITON HACH HZ·llOI ' " -' . . " . . . -.. . . .. . ~ . : \ (~. ' . . :... . . , .. , -'' ' I I _ .. , .-------------------------------------------------------------------~----··~---:~---f'""..,. BY WILLIAM REED •••d• ... In the Wind ' Won~ Explaln Mctarthy Takes Strange· 'R~ward~ WASHINGTON (UPI) -Sen. EtiC<lie J, McCarthy ~ a otranp rewlhl ::Su~ '°~1e ~1gn '°:!ti!: Committee. He loot a boclt -t on Ol'Greasx Murphy la quite a fen a aocondary ~etlvt pue1 whlcb of the medical shows on televWon moot memben, lllllop rib~ a pwion., and some time ago he became con-At bis own .,....., i!cCon!oY YN vinced from the Dr. Klllcasey show uslgned lo tM ·Gov~ ~ that he . n~ed. to take Iran-Conuillttea; whlcb bas i;;...J '.~ tO quillaen. · lnvost!gati lllY 'llib{oct. 11 a-._ !Jtoit ;So ·,Ott to the; d®f<!r w~ 01' liWe lnflueljC< !"'-·the ,coune ot ~ Greasy~ ~' t!Octor . too~ .doe look Uon. . ,. ~ ~ " at-what ,;c.iness the ·old· oilman· . McCarthy'• ooJy H1>1•a1t1m 'W¥ti lo reailY a ·anit'pres¢bed a handful quote Caasdlan pbllooopllor Mltl\tltall of tr~rs for not only McLuhan: "OperaUODS ts·~" Greasy, ~t for himself as well. ln exchange for Foreign Relations. Tboee who have watched McCarthy's Gre!ISY roshed off to the drog where be bu· bollt bis ~ear senate cueer cannot enYU!oo him underWtlng store 'in Huntington Beach and career, McCarthy will ~ the nut any nut..nd-bolta tasks. plunked down prescrlpllon and lo wt ranlt!ng Democrat on Govemment He bas·lllttady antlllWlCed bis decision ' •• 75 g th. red bis pills ()per~ -one noldt abovt,lreal)man not lo nm again, for the ·Sonate as IDOll!Y -..,. -a e Sen. James B Allea (D'Ala.) • ' a llemacrat When bis term esplreo lo and went away to follow exactly McCartby, in the put. bas not been ll'IO llld his dectsltm of the past week lhei0l'ders of his doctor. an active participant memtJer ~of dUier have raised the question whether be *' Foreign Relatiopo or.FinAnCe,'11~.. re&Uyw-lo stay Uoimd that loog. _ • . ed will rlitain '• teat. 'lbe Seaate fkScr Ontv a week ago, be Confounded his • G.\i!lasy really tiad been worn -,.id the cori1ilon -bave ·b<en· lits frtend1 and 'lll)'stifled· his enemies by ljbout the possibility of the city main outlets and he bu bad lltUe pa-voting against Sen. Edward M. Kennedy irnJlO;'ing th~. ~I a b!ifrel tax tience wtlll commltteea llld r Sen. Ruad qn .oil prodw;tibn and With rlsmi · on0 ezpianatlQa oflered for the llhlft ~ Whip. He : .. l~neeLonJr.:;:; cqic SCHOOL .:.._ Artist's drawing sb0w1 liow"the new James H. Cox School of the Fountain Valley ' -,. 'I. • • . • • I II-• I . ConstructI~Il ~p v~ig1::.·· I . Airport Opposes Land Use Group . -. . ' ' . . ., ' .... costs for maJ!ltalning .wells,_ He( ·wu that Mt'Ca?thy's dminf Ind to throw his convenUon support to Ken- J;>ay's stringent regu1atiofis and sometimes lonely campaign to diJCiedit ned Formation or a land use commlsslon Sven stronger enforcement and the the JohnJon administration's Vietnam y. to direct activities of the Orange School Ordered ihy, Board !Ow price of crude, well, Greasy policies had drained him of desire to County Airport ls be.ing opposed by the was worried. press 1or w1c i:hanges in rorelgn pouey. Contract A warded current governing body t1. !be facility. • • • • For a few weeks , 01' Greasy He greeted his defeat at t be School number 13 In the Fountain ~·drama\lzel the nplollve UD1J1r1t was pretty calm and almost easy Democratic NaUonal Convention last the Airport Commission. · Valley School District will be Uwoj:Jtaier· ~ t:if tb&-communltf -!l· lts lob get. alon~ . with. All w 1 as fine August almost with a ""!;! ~ For Freew!ly Work comThem·1•1coteemm3:rritsslo1nntedhasbyllsltcouednt'y· speclperal H. Cos Scltool. "6oitfl; ~~els up 1rom 215 paplb ecause the oil tax was orgotten after his nifle...month cam......,.. 'llil-su -,_";i ... _ • • ears and the well was pumping just in a sea of billy clubs. A Los Angeles flnn Thursday won visors recen y to study the creation of An unsuperslit.ioua lot, the boanf of w~ ..M.J' _,.,Y ~-;-'of'---••-'• fine. Some of those who are ~ I ccfl\tract for OOe..half mile of four the new commission to withhold Jl.11 truJtees . ord~ .conatruction to be&in ,,.-i.-. _,..,....•u.a ._ __ • 14RU' ee.-. ...... 1 But then he said he read in the McCarthy have auggest.:I Jane freeway in the El Toro area, wilh the. airport commlss.ioa 'a&n file 1 p0a1.. . cm. ..;...,....13 an lS acres ob Jan. 1~. • claiillOCA .~ •"'!"'f""t"' be recommendaUoos for two weeks unUI ..:.."-1 ~'""" ........ _ paper about the tax idea still being wanted a change ,00 the Government a low bid of $523,330, the state Division lion paper. i 1t ii fllaDrled for an enrnllmeiit ~ ·mil' · '1itou64;4'."'tit8' ~ alive and Day getting meaner OperaU~ Committee -with tis almlllt ol Hlgbwaya aanounc<d. AlthOugh allowed b stala law there 780 students and Is ti> be located on ptlio. •n1111Mra'be three'IDW!<r oecJUtl. about wantin~ o!llield cleanu_P and unlimited !Ndom .IP.tJIO!SUe uyajed .. 1be. Grlff!!lt Co., was . assigned Ibo .areho.stldtland.uieh..mtwca'1nany· '-"".-,. Eut.-bOuntled by 'Sloter !11.Pl"~--el_L --. the city insisting on takJng oil zoir bearill¥onfederal~e;s-m11.1 lhllrt-tqlma Freeway JOb, scheduled ol the state's 58 counties. aDd -Talbert avenue. ~ watt1 .. am 'l'be ~".will .. be tint.Mil In ing..o!Lsome-property.-G<easy just _be_ the rlgb!_ ltlnd _ol _otJ!let !or • free. in the ara.tl. lbe_ Santa Ana Freeway The WJd tllleJp"'"°"'-has~-Euclld -ts. It Will be .ltulll 'by the slnmPoll!M 'llllh a day tile nJoll 'lllo naturally needed the pills again. wlii>l!ii'f aenator wlili ~ p<>elry'mt-OMVtlleildi'A:.....:-----ed by the AlrllOrt l!o!Se-Aliatemerul:Oiil':--K10J!'Y"'Ol'prat'Vt'Dlt"~or --'1l!tlrtlrwtl '..,18lu•e.1111t oquare!ell: del.,ts·confiotng tasU. Besides the bid for this work on State mittee and backed by the Newport the Pl~t and $56,000 for the furniahlnp the 1Cbool1Jli'"~·to.belp_~ * sen. Gaylord Nelson, (0-Wia.), for In-Route ISS, other bids awarded-also · Beach Cl,iy Council. RepresentaUOI) on andeqwpment::The111tecostP741304. wort ~wltll lflrge ad:l . tmall .-llJD~ He happened to be in Fountain staace, baa used the committee lo pursue btou&bt the. Iota! llP 'lo more than ll the commission would be gtyea cllles ' i Named for a Fountain Valiay "°' cbild!tD-.1,l!vM ddltlnb ~ Valley at the time. While not millfoo•1pokeolnell said: abutting·the airport. ' ' . ~ ~ .. tlie sC\iOdl'r'11'.W)Qg ~~ lllifequlpment. ' directly connected with the efforts ' ' a ' 1 • ..... there, greasy knew they would es OUR S All Penney Stores Open Ev.ery Night. Mondqy Throvgh• Suturday o! Shell Oil Co. to drill a well w t c ty' come up with a dry hole and he, ~ • · · ~y;~~l~:~~ci~~~~~ YMCA Heruls ;-: : ' :: "') .. s.·110.1.·._ .. Gt: ... ~.':' tained the prescription and filled Slate n:nner .. ,.,, , , ,. , . it for him. Price this time was 11 $3.15, Greasy hit the roof because h . · · · · , .. he thought the droggist had given Nintll llllllllll dlmw ol !ht lit"1:0.-. 0 m e· hirn the wrong prescription. Alter r-~ YMCA boud of Dlrecton will ~ · · •.. all, it was '6. 75 in Huntington ~, ' ~ Beach. be at 1:15 p.m. Jan. IO at tb0.E4gewaier ~ r i!. :, The druggist assured him that Inn. accord1ng to~ Dr. Hilton !. the drugs, price and quality were Bell and Dave Paynter. • Free consultation I • Free estimate! nght for the fairtraded. iterru:. The Rev. Fred. M. Judaoo, minister ' ' 01' Greasy is still looking for of the nm BapUsl Church in Santa lhe druggist in Huntington Beach. Monlda will be the speaker at the in- Armed Robber Holds .Up Store An armed robber held up a Huntington Beach clerk in the Stop'n Go Marllet 8501 Ctyritos Ave., S1antoa, Thtu'sday night and got away with an estimated !JOO. . It was the second lhne the same market has been held up In the past 12 days. Last time was Dec. 'rl. Clerk Christopher Gustin of Huntington Beach told police he was alone in the market at 9:45 p.m. when the robber entered. The bandit said, "Let me have all the money in the register." Tht> robber was armed with a .45-caliber revolver, the victim told police. He fled in a car. Villa Park Mayor Chairman of LAFC Villa Park Mayor James Workman has been elected 1969 chairman of t he Local AgalC)' Formation Commission (LAFC}. Charles Pearson of Santa Ana was elected vice chainnan. · · New commissioners sworn in Wed· nesday lncluded Supervisor Alton E. Allen who succeeded retiring Supervisor C.M. "Cye" Featherly as a regular mem- ber and new Supervisor Robert W. Bautn and former Laguna Beach mayor William Martin as a!ternates. formal meeting of community leadeni, businessmen, club leaders and members of the board. Ticket inlonnaUon may be obtalned from the YMCA by caJling 89U511. Officers of the YMCA are James O'Brien, president; Frank Noe, Dr. J. J. Thompsoa. Arlen Erlcltaoo, Rmsell Lindquist, vice prealtlents; Art Kliiclit. treasurer; Archie Ailen, secretary. Board membertl Include Bob Perry, put president of the board, IDJton Bell, Jim Black, Robert Bonnet, C. William Carlson, Jerry Ferreri, James Franklln, Harold Girton, ll C. Lawson, Themas Overton, Oave Paynter, Al Rice, Mel Root, Joaeph Sahagen. Howard Stephen.., Robe.rt Washer and Bruce Williams. County Girl, 19, In -Marijuana Rap A Buena Park girl allegedly involved in smuggling 196 pounds of Mezican marijuana Into the U.S. lut November WIS indicted by I Federal Grand Jury in San Diego, along with 32 otheq>enons. She was idenWled as Vickie A. Lee, 19, and' cfiara:ed in the indictment with bringin& lhe contraband weed through at the San Ysidro checkpoint. Jim R. Deringloo, 19, ol Tarrance, was named as an accomplice in the aDeged llllluggling involvinc Mlu Lee, whose Buena Part street address wu not liven. ' Preserve Requests Ended After 2 More Win Status Two more appUcaOons ror agricultural preserve status were approved by the Orange Coonty PlannJn& <;ommilllioo, then COllllRissiooers voted a teven.month moratorium beginning Jan. 16 on )ll'1" cessinJ preserve requests. Applications approved were for Jean Plern Lacouaque on 1IO acres tut ef San Jou Capistrano llld for Mn. Allcla Plata on 111 acres near Joplin BoJ1 Ranch in Trabuco Can)'oo. Preterve status, wbJcll ha the effect o! freezing property Wea for a period ol Len years had previously been granl«l to the Irvine Company and Rancho Misslon Viejo oo almsot 100,000 acres of Janning land. All appUcaUons must &o to the supervlJ<ll'I for final approval. ActlCln by lht boanl ts -..... lltl!' Barletta, business --!~. Stlddltback Junior Coll•&•.Dllllrtet .llP' )Jl>ltd· the appllcatica u he had Iba • prevtou.a ones. " lie got the ~ to 1ac1ut10 I a nquest to -MY latt "--of lJ{'elervet Jn U. ccmm' "'1"1 ...... mtndtttoo lo the -•ID•. Plannq D!reclor Pomt lllcMm n· plained the moratorium on requ<N by ootlng that preserve agreements must be signed by March t, 196'1 the t.u lien date, to have an effect on 1•10 la:res. He said additional awlkaUoot could not be processed In time. I " I • No obllgatlonl • We bring samples! CALL ·coLLECT . (714) 5 2·3~6'511~ ·~ REDUC~D THRU SATU:RDA YI Save: 44:.70 on: 30 · sq. yds •. on · Fashio.o..Mahor car e,ti,ng l'.IOW! ' ' --r . ' • ' TAKE YOUR PICK OF THESE NEW DIMENSIONS ·l.N 5J¥LE. c0t,qlt Ati'>' T~REI ·, ; . Reg. 8.99 sq. yd. Reg. 1. 99·1q.-yd. , Regc;7. 991q. fd.· · ~Now· . Now · · ' :Now. :;:~ : .. J.$0 6.50 6.50 :i:r~~· -· . New Departure Gql~xy . . . . . ·Starlight · 100% ....... nylon h;gh cftnol1Y '"'' c...ian• agylf<IV-l•moclairylk~p lllnry'lrilitifoal~Orion' acrytlc .,,_. '.· '"''-n niliber bad\ing. this catpat Is ~ pila In tolid>dnd tuturts-12,'.. . and foop'plla lri 8'fti1>.Ulou1 .Olonf • .., allruo.IM slant ond. Vermont slal• boautifol colonl Cushion Qf1d lnstolfo. Rodeccrite lrotn tht ~,.;,.. •'~ • pattam sawil printtd in 5 colon. !ion cwqiloblo Of reliular prim.' f!t'lanol dacon#on do.. . ' ;' . ' i ·~ • ' .. • • . ' • r SERYla AYAIWlE IN GREATIR LOSJNGEm, ORANGE.,., miruu (otJttrlls • / $, j ... • ' • •• .. • ~- J • DALY PILOT ...... -...,. u, 1969 a..;;;;;;::,~;:;_~-'-~~-"= Mafia, Klan .Appe·als Rejected 1 Hickel Prilile Demo Target ' - SuprerM C.Qurt Denies 'Pleas of Gerwvese, ,'K~K' ~. Shelt.On WASHINGTON (UPI) -Tbe llenate takes up Prtsldentelect lUehard M. Nil· on's cabinet choices this week, with the man from Alaska the prime target for IOJRe Democrats. ' ...................... I • lllJtorlan Ariel Dvrlllt cot her J ~ ume from her hmband, Will DvrMtl, wbell he was ber teacher In NIW York more thin llO year• 1 aco. "I wu hlJ most troublaome t miscblef·maker, 10 he called me1 I Mill," ahe aald, merriDJ to lhe airy splrU in Sbakespeare'I "Tile Tempest." Mn. Duran~ 70, wbose ! real ·j!nt name ii Ida, llnally ie- 't celved legal ob.y lhil week to make her legal name Ariel. • In Son Salvador, El Salvador lhe government banned lhe entry of . • W~N (UPI) -TWo alleged tioileiwo!olll -and I Xu Klus Klan leador ,,.. lurned dowe oo appeals to tbe l5upnme Oourl loci.,-. WUbout o••ID'\f"l( tbe com dented I --to Vllo Genovwe, reputed No. I bead cl the (loola Nollra orpnilatloo, wbo wu ~'Int hll coavktlon on ledenl~dlarJa. '!be jUlt1-allli n(llled to be..-.. appeal by llamoDd Patriln:a, alleged bead . llf the New, England Coota Nootra "lamUJ" wbe -convlded ol plotting to munl<r I rfTal ---· . The Xu llJul Klan lead« wbe WU deoled a bearinl by tbe court WU Im- perial -Robert M. Sbelton, wbo ' WU l«md llJJlty llf -Ill !If CGallWI !or r<fUllng to lurn onr r-41 to tbe -Committee on U-AdMtlel durtns I 1111 la .... lplloll Io other acllool, tbe court: -Ruled unentmmmb' k• teamt can- not be evlclod fnm I -.U, llnucod P"bll• baulblc snjecl ,.,.._ a I06Clflc -ii .,.... and tha -allowed to chall<nP the --Refuted to bear 1 new r:baJ1qe to the-COllllltuttooal ol the -Cmuoltteo cn UoAmerican acltfltks brought by two New Yarbnl -Dr. Allen M. KrdJI and Walter Deroin Teque m -wbo bad ,_...i com- mittee ~ ... ,.-.-- ~J1.J1. *** Sup·reme Court to Study -Rejocled a ~ !or a hearing by four New York Negroes who con- tmded that draft aemptloos lllowod collep studenta dil<rlmlnate aplmt Ibo-. -AIJeod to hear • dJailelp by two ~networa togov..,.,,..t ,...wa~ .. "politicol edltorlall" and Ibo "pencml -pb ... " ol tbe lalmen doctrine. GeOIM!IO claimed Ibo judge Improperly Instructed tbe jury al bil 11111 lrial. Nao 71, be la aervin& bil -at Leaveinror1h Fedtnl Prilcin In "'-· With (OIJd behavior, be cao ni ~ . Mattlll, 1'70. During 1983 hwlnp by tbe Senate Permanent Inveat!a1ttou SuboommJttee, Geno':.'MI n1 libeled the 11bom ol all .,._., by Jooepb Valachl, oyndlcate tumeoal. Valacbl • .i..crtb<d tbe ploWng and nnadet which bniuc!>t Geoo•eoe to tbe top ol tbe cr1mlnal world. Genovese repstedly fttatns much of hla power and ii .aJd to 'dlroct Cooa Nootra operatlcm IJom prlaon. The SUptenie o.irt adod In a brld onler, wlthoot oploloo, In denying • bearing. Walter J. HtcUI, Alalka governor and Nixon's choice for interior HCl'tlary. appeared to be tbe only maJ0< cabinet dellpee wbe might WI lhort of a quiet approval. Tbe linlup calla for a -ol bearlnp on the~. ~nning Tutsday, with lonnOI IJIP'OVal shorlly alter Nlloo aasumea olf1ce a week frotn t~t Most of the bearings alrea were tagged aa routine. But. Hickel, w ltir- red dissent among tome comervaUoniJJts wtlh 1 few much·publicized aentences last moolh, mJch1 be beaded !or IOIDe tough qoestloolog. ' • • ••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • foreign hippies. Col. Jose Angel Bord,.., immigration chief, called them "a social menace." • State's Syndicalism Act : • • •' "- EL RANCHO: the supermarket ' ' l ' ! I WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Stqreme District Judge Willlam P. Gray spesklng • Court loda •--' to I lcr tbe peoel, aald neither the 11117 y .... ...... e x a m D e d~~.. ..... ''-a law itself can stand • California~ criminal syndlc:allsm ad, -·-~ foun:I uncmstitutlonal earlier thll year against the high court'• mon recent by a lpl!dal three-Judi• federal court be~~. Gray said, tbe law would • In Los AnC•les. appear to prohibit teacblng about The court will hear a?IUJ!lenil Later criminal l}'lldicallam wtthoot actually ad-e In the term and decide tbe case by voc:aling it aod ''mere expreaioo of written oploioo. belie! ., pbllooopby" woold lltewil< be e '!be ad -crlmlnal syndlcalism barred. u ''teaching or aiding and 1betUng the The act waa challenged by four e Car:nmialoa. ~ crime ••• or ttrroriam persoRJ, including John Harris Jr., whose as a mew llf, aceompllllblng a cllanjw· prooecutloo under II wu pending In • In lodUltrial CJWDOrll>lp er control, or Los Angeles County Superior Court. The el!ec:Ung any poi!t!cal c:flange." case, lovolviog d(stributJon of leaflet. 'l1le tower cut l«md tbe statute, with the progressive labor pally Imprint, e 'l:S-1,f~~llnt~ij~i' In lfll abrldge1 lree u· appeared to be tbe Hnt since lf37. ~; n;e~ biallpl>!lil--n may not proceed....ter--the--" ·!ti -1lullonallty in 1127. But Federal declaloo. Stewardess Foils Hijark; Gunnian Held in Miami • • 0 • • • where the price is always right! BEST AVWBlf ' EXTRA FANCY- --FRESH DAILY • • •• ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • Snoso may mtan ahoorling to manv ''victfml• kt it meant cm opportun~ ty to do aome creative lfl01D iculp- ture for Mr1. Sllirlqi St0Ue11 of Chio cago. She ~·llW plavl"' btar famiJV with lftOIO ond G.garde1> llouH. -1h< IGld thq Wl'C climbing Ill< tree to ott moo~ /f'OtJI-tM sncno °" "*' ground. "Btarr don't hke mow vuu kno10," ahe uplcdmd. llWll (UPI) -A llilotCm>witldiog passenger who demanded to be taken to Cuba was foiled early today when a De!ta Air Uoea stewardess vaulted put him Into tbe c:ockpll aod locked tbe door, allowing the pilot to complete Ille Dolroit.to-J(Jaml lllgbl laodlng pattern," Elle replied belcn ,,... nlng Into the cockpit Detective Capt. Rey Longbottom llf tbe Miami Police Dejiartmeot aald tbe hijacker wu wated in the first clul -"' the airliner when be pulled the alxqun. •. I CfHTRAl •1 • One ot lhe overlool:ed upeoC& of, heart transplant· surgery may be more Important Iha! lhe lmmedlate goals. ..We're learning so much about Immunity Iha! we may IOID.e day be able to cure cliseasea such as cancer or rheumatic fever," oald Dr. Dontvn A. Cooley, a trans- planl pioneer. Police, alerted by pilot lllrold Rowley, boanled. DelLa lligbl 297, carrying .,, penoos, wbeo tt stopped at the nmp and UTelted a man s.itting meekly with a abotiun in a duffel bag at b1a fttL Officers Identified the woolcH>e hl· jacker u Kenneth McPeek of Orchard Lake., Mkh., who was accompanied by hU three-year-old !OD. He WU charged with armed assault and held under 1100,000 bond pending possible ledual cbargea. When Pollce Sgt. Lloyd Sezlon and Ollleer George Lopo bosn!ed the craft, I.ooglioltom said, they lwnd Mc:PeH "Juat llttlng there meekly. His llhol«UD was laying al bil feet." Delta officials said Rowley made the conect decisioo In Ignoring the would-be hijacker. • Donald Horgockm of Chicago is a 1tew, and no doubt wilht1 . the robbit that aUacJc.td him toar, too. Hargadon, a hospitnl work- tr, toa1 kickt'd and icratchtd b¥ a 40-pound laboratorJI ra.bbit ht was taking t.o the Lincoln Park · Zoo. He was treated tn tM ho.t· pit.al'• e?Mrgeney room for icv- tral "hare-cuts,'' ftOtM! serious, but tJinc WCI flO toatl to Jdlvt the fnjMrJ to his pridt. • While r .. idents of Greet Falls, It WU the third IOCb 1Dcidmt in the air lince Saturday, when two planes were diverted to Cuba, one on a flight from Peru to Mlam1 and the other from PIUsborgb to Miami. Delta Air U... oUlc:lall uld Capt. Rowley went tbrwgb with bia; landing becaue "be wu ciommltted. He was only I abort dlstance from touchdown.'' Laird Announces New Appointment In Peniagon Staff WASHINGTON (UPI) -Del .... Secnolary-delignate Melvin R. Latnl an- nounced today that Jobn S. Footer Jr., would stay an in tbe Nixon admlnlstradon u director of defenR re9e&rCb and engineering. Mont., struggled to keep warm in five-degree weather, one main 1treet thermometer at a bank re- gi5teml ll9 d..,.._ When asked about it, lhe li&nk'a switchboard operator commented, "Yoo have to have warm lhougllts. And that's what we bave -warm tboullht&. When otewanleu Lynn Sargent of Miami leaped Into tbe cockpll and aJam. med tbe door abortJy .after mldnlgbt. &wley radioed Della contttlllers In AUanta that "the llewanfea lw jUlt come up and aJd a nian pulled a lhotglln on her. Would you call Miami and have police meet us tbereT" Nine m.inutea later the man wu Jed from the plane. The otewanleu aald the mao pointed the shotgun al her and aald ''Tell tbe captain we're ..... to CUba." "Sir we can"t do tbat, we'n tn 1 Laird told a news wuftt:eoce that Robert C. Moot, P<uLagon comptroller, alto wwld conUnue lo tbil job. At Ille 18DleJime, Robert r. Frot.blke, 41 -vlCe praldeot of Sentl}' Insurance. Boston, WU named aailt.aDl aeaelary llf def-!or admloLatratioo, a job wbldl Lain! lllid woold be UJlll'Oded In reapooalbllilles. Fn>eblke llYM In Wlncbesttr,Mua. ' Gale Winds Lash Oregon Sheriff Terms Iron County Snowfall 'UnbelUwable' ,...,,. ,......,. ..... .cc..i....1 .._. '" •••cwt "" • ....._ °"''"' ..,.....""' ..... foMy ..... "'""" .. • nuA Tflllt(1 ~ # • 11. """"'*"" ~ , • ,. _. ft'MI I ...... crf If M • Rcrf #, 111> ........... , •• _ IWMt -.... n. .... ,._.,""9 -,,~ .. -s-.H-rWft _ ... ..... """ ,,17 """ 11 ...... .. ,,,,. 11.m. l.4 ....... ~,.... ............. t 1u •. 111 .... ,.,., .. .. . ........ n•• t.1111. "' -... frlltllil • • • • ,;,, "·"'· ll..4 ....... .... ... ll;Jfi•·"'· '·~ M.-.... till ...... S.h 11 ,. '·"'· 14'11 .... •:!It I .It\. WI J:li ..,... LHI •. .... ""'.. M J .... 11 .,.,., 11 J1t11. 2S fla t v.s. s .... ..__ "" ................. ,,.. 9ftKtt " -""""" -•llllml -'lldl ~ ~wllfl_ .... ,. .......... hrllt ............... .-"""''" -"'-"' .................. r...cll "' .... """" .... ,...,. fl"lfl'I ~ wlnlW _.__ ,., _.., ......, -"' "' w"""'"""' .... o.-..-i Moil ,.. .. '"''" Mdlet - --~ ""'.,._,..· HN¥y -"" .... *'""" ,...... -,,,,..., ,..... "' ""' ...... 11111 ""' Qn -"" dltlllt wwt. ............. u. _ .. ~ .. ... 11MMt1 IJf lhl Mww.t .. , QIN, llvf •-«tMtv ., .. llrll.ftll le lt\rf"rltt... TM tn111 COvolt'r. ft. ""'"' -" "' '" ,..... ..... bll! ..... , ~ ....... " ~lr'I ,,_.,,~ 19 .... '"iilfUllt¥tblt.'" An•nl1 •••..-.tllld .......... .... OM .. "-Cfnclftneft C'"'ltllf .,,._ .. _ ...... !°Ur.Ill .... -·--Hoflolvl\o l ,_ ... 1(-CllY LH V-. t111 Anwtn Mi.ml hecfil ··-·-· H-Ol'lffM ... v .. ...... .,,,_ .._ II:""" .... _ -· -......... -"" ·---St. l"""lt. ........ Salt L .. 1 CllY .... -.... Pr--.. kit!• ''""" ... ,. --"-" W1P, .... toll ., " " . ' ., ... D 4' .1, n " " " .... " " .. " " " n M 11 " t.N • • . ~ . " ' " .. • • " " . " ., . n J1 .11 " . ,, ,, " " M 9 56 u ·'' n " . " n " " . ti ,. .fl n » ,., " " .... :A • 1.11 " " g " " n . " M D " M SJ • ·" ti ff .• " M " " ' • • • • • AMERICA'S flHEST No lalu to dealer1. More first of the week specials! Van de Kamp's Enchilada Dinners ........................... 49~ Mexican food .•• with an American accent! Choice of Beef, Chee.ae or Chicken! Brownie Mix ........................... 39' Zee Napkins ........................... 1 O* ' Betty Crocker ••• 23 01. pkg. , • , aavt 14c! Packare of 60 •.• .stock up and aave ! Peanut Butter ........................ 53' Sandwich Bags ...................... 49~ Peter Pan ••• 18 oz .••. mlooth or crunchy! Glad ••• pacltage of 150,,. p...,.erve fre.Wieaa! Fresh Ground Round ........................................................... 79~ Lean .•• to give you every bit of the hearty beef flavor that make1 ground beef ao very aatiafyin.rJ Ground Chuck ....................... 69~ Beef Shanks .......................... lr .. You know it's fresh at El Rancho! Lot.a of meat..y roodnesa on these? Lue(s Canned Ham ................................ ~Nll.~" .............. Sl.98 M wute free as ham can be .•• lean moky rood Dell that often you more vaJue for your mone7I Prict1 i" t/f«ict Bt cMl 1Wru Mo1L, Tuu.1 Wed., Jan..11, 1.J, 11 l I • • • • LONDON RIOT - A police cordon, backed up by Lfmdon Sunday. Demonstrators pelted police with mounted police, holds back some of the demon-bottles, coins and banner poles during two charges. strators who tried to storm Rhodesia House in At least two policemen were hurt. ~~~~-=-~~~~~~~~~ Talks on Migration Skipped by Africans For Stronger Families, Happier Youngsters and Better Health, Give to You r Un ited Fund LONDON (AP) -Africans -A British proposal Io r a b o y c o t t e d Commonwealth c o n tinuing Conunonwealth talks called today to tackle sludy of the problems created the politically explo:sive pro-by migration within the Com- .blem of migration in the monweallh. multir~clal association of 28 Howevei, the chief purpose ~ntr1es. a~ared to be l8!Jely Josi ThC'b'IO'Ve-by 1h-e-Afrlcarrr0110wmgffieli0ycott -by the members or t ~ c Com-key African counties. . . .ma r1 o e om-monWealth, according to of-A t ·1y 1 th C f1c1als w h o take part, wu monWea th grouping urged a based on the argument that re!et'e~ white and lmmigr~tion dlfflcultle•. which black RbcXle:im;:cto test .nv have ansen are primarily the 1 --.J concern of Britain. co_mprorfllse settlement Brt- Asian and West Indies tai~ might reac:J1 wlth that delegates attended what was wh~te-ruled Afncan Jlil;tio~, to have reen a 17-natlon whic~ broke from London s session on migration matters rule in lt&S. on the sidelines of the Com-Brltisb Prime M I n I 1 t e r monwealth Prime Ministers Haroli;t Wilson had· ; ,twice Conference. British and Cana-asswed delegates to the 1Com- dian representatives also were monweafUt Pthne t.ilnfaieni 'd ha bee t Conferel\C<· •• "~-peopl. •• of sat to ve n presen . . . 'u•c: The meeting bad before lt ~~1a. will not !}ave a.~ two general propositions : sutut1on lmpo&ed upon them -A PakiJlanl scbeme for. "1;~1ation of the Brlllib the formulation of an im--'-~~ against l he 1 r migrants' charter. will. But African, Asian and oth· President Puzzler er delegates expressed grave doubts that Prime )finister Ian Smilh's governmept would permit Rhodesia's Africans to express their views freely on a settlement. ~ile the 28 Commonwealth leader! attending the eight~ day confertnce wert drafting their positions Sunday, riots Oared in downtown London when demonstrators stormtd the diplomatic missions of two white African govemmenta, Rhotiesia and Soo th Africa. Some demonstrators storied windows · at Rhodesia House and South Africa House, both near Trafalgar Square, and othen batiled police and sup- porters of the SmlUt regime. Police said two facUons were involved, the right-wing Na· tional Front which supports 1~ breakaway Rhodesia, and the By WJLIJAM MANSFIELD J. Which President said: "I never lake a step in fore.ign policy unless I am assured that I shall be able eventually to carry out my will by force ." a) Andrew Jackson ; b) Abraham Lincoln ; c) Theodore Roosevelt % ... The American continents • • , are hence.forth not to be considered as subjects of future colonization by Eur~ pean powers." These words were spoken by w h i c h President? a) James Monroe ; b) George Washington; c) Martin Van Buren 3. "Seward's Icebox" refers to : a) the discovery of refrigeration; b) the purchase of Alaska; c) Washington's campaign at Valley Forge. 4. This President could not read or write unUI he wu 19 years old : a) Andrew Johnson ; b) An· drew Jackson : c) Millard Fillmore 5. This vice president kiUed Aleunder HamUk>n ln 1 duel. He was ; a) Aaron Burr; b) Schuyler Colfu; c) William Wheeler ANSWERS 'Hl81 U1 JaA!H U051)f\H :Kil uo !lt1!1aH ua,M1qa.lft\ uo ll(OliJd lfll*' 1anp 8 Ol UOlffWIH ~an1qa •1uap111aJd J.A 11,uo"9JPr '.une ·• ·~ • • ••• ·wspnJJO qonw po•!'>OJ "I •NI JO.I ·ooo'oc.' LI JOJ llJll!lll wo.q L9tll 111 ~IV pomp.ind oq" pn-.; unttmAI '!•ts JO .<.R1~ RtJ• patu•N ·q ., Black People's Alliance. "Rule Britannia!" rightists bawled. "Down with black power. We want white power. Stand by Rhodesia." '"'eir opponents chanted: "Fascist scum. Long live Chairman Mao." Humphrey Endorses • Sen. Harris WASIUNGTON !AP) Selection of Fred Harris as Democratic national chairman -a prospect enhanced by Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey's w e e k e n d en- dorsemenl -would provide a broader national stage for an Oklahoma senator with star quality. The f o I k s y , good-looking 1-larris, who parU his dark hair down the middle, is a solid member or lhe Senate Establishment while main- taining firm ties a m o n 11 liberals. He already hu stir· red talk as a po11ible ''sleeper" candidate for the 1972, presidential nomination. Humphrey made oUtciaJ S a I u r d a y his wspected preference for lllrria IO llJC'o ceed Lawnsice P. O'Brion w~ the DemOcraUc Natkml Committee meei. Tueedoy. >.. tltular head of the party, Humphrty'a cl>Oice la aJmoet certain to be acctpt.ed • "I ~ he wlll have your support ," the vice president told the committee I o 1 DA!l.Y I'll.OT 1J Swedes OK Israel Takes Golan eights Emhas8y In Havana STOCKHOLM (UPI) Swed<n announced today U will ',llplnlde Ill dlplomaUc mission in Cuba lo a full em- busy. It wu the aeoond diplomatic swipe at the Unit«! States in four daya. Sweden became the first we,,tern European na~ Uan to ext.end full diplomaUc recognlUon to North Vietnam Friday. Today'• announcement II.id the new embassy in Havana will be headed by a charge d'affaires, who will report to the Swedish ambassador in Mexico City, Tord Goeransson. T h e government used the opening session of the R.lksdag (parliament) to announce its decision. King Gustav IV Adolf opened the session. Pickets ringed the building with signs protesting the recognition of Hanoi. The Swedish government now mainlalns a consulate in Havana. Foreign Ministry officials said they expected the U.S. government to expres s displeasure with the latest move. The U.S. State Depart- ment said Sweden's recogni· Uon of Hanoi did not help the cauae of peace in Vietnam. I , ' ! . BJ Ualtad Preti llllrnllltul Syrian cuna. ~r ~ ' told I n Io Israel will tltabllah 12 more tn Calrt1 the Mml-ofdclal .Jordan d g P'r e 1 Iden t aettlemenll in the Israeli~· new1p1per Al Ahram chataed JoMlan'a-1Ut days iD tbCI cupted Syrian Golan Helg)lta. that Iarael II musing ttoopo WbllO .iloul<. , the Jew!Jh agency aal4 lodly.11"~~~~~;;;;;ii;;;;;;;i;;;;;i!iii;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;o; 11111 would bring Ille mnnbefll of aetUements there to S! aAd would amount to permanent ap.nea:atlon of the beighta, oblervers said in Jerusalem, The laraeUs occupied the Golan Heights during the six· ~~ June IM'T wat in bloody ltghtlng that ended the fte. qu~nt bombardment of Israeli ~tUements In the valley below by Syrian guns. Some settlements were established there immediately. Israel has invested more than ts million ln the IU'!.8 and will invest at least that much more, the Jewi!ti agen- cy said. In some cases the settlers are using abandooed Syrian Army camps as temporary accommodations whUe waiting for pennanent homes. Another big' project aMOWJCed .by the agency is the development of the six-mile stretch ol the Sea ol Galilee coast which formerly w a s directly under Johnson Back Following Rest WASmNGTON (UPI) - President Johnson is bade at the \Vhlte House after his last weekend at the Camp David presidential r e t r e a t in Maryland's CatocUn moun- tains. .. OU 'Wor~ . Med~rranean •J • Spaliiah Furniture - R ... lved c1ncoll1tlon of $~.00 Spanlth and MecflNrr•nNl1 Fumltur• .. -·i!.-·--DKoe•w'I ttwe 0. Dllpl., lloDUJ as follows: Georaeoua 8 fl custom quilled sofa with separalo loose pillows witb heavy oak trim decor and matching chair. 3 matching oak occasional tables, (2) 58" tall decorator lamp., banging chain swag lamps in wrought iron, an 8 piece king size master bedroom suite in pecan panelled Mediterran· ean style with top quality 15 yr. warranty king size mattress & box springs. Spanisb decor <llninR sel etc. . WW..._,.. .,.. ,........ S11U.OO :ro::~~FICE ___ . ____ ..... $698.00 A•y Pl1co Con Bo Purchuod lndl vl.W.lly Ttrrt11 Av1ll1bl1 -N.wcom.rs to Calif. Credit Approved lmrnocll1t1 ly , ., ,,/) F~;f~;~~e At H{Jrbor,,IJlvd. 1844 Newpol1 ilvd, Costa MeSCI Giiiy E....., night 'tll 9 ..,.-Wed., Stt. & Sun. 'Iii 6. J , ~ Get your Wiki Wiki gam~ ~rd at · over 3000 Standard Stations and partic·ip.atlng Chevron Dealers! Gome to Gheoron 1sland .. 'WJAIWl/li! 5 ·wAYS TO WIN r SiiDARD STAllbl , ... ,.111-1111 ' - CHEVRON DEAHi , ' ·rnn UJ J>alClS ~JJ1JO(] OOJUO}'l ~'11 JO µud ,,,..,. i'J\U. ., ·i ·~1 U! 'J "( telearam. '-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- I '" .. • • . -. --~ - I DAILY PILoT EDITOBIAI. PAGE I New Faces, New Style Tl!• .i.llt ID power ID the caJllMlla LeP.lature last ~ aMr 10 year• of Dellloeralic Partt doQ>lnaUon, brings no! onl7 ...W faees bUI • new 1tylo to the state'• law·maldnB )>ody. Stand-outs among the new faces are RepubUcan Robert T. Monagan, who replaced Ionfodominant Jess Unruh .. Speaker of, the Assembly, and Rep. Ed ReiJ>. ecke (R·TuJunga}, who will replace Robel't Finch as lieutenant governor. Monagan alter eight years In tho Assembly, alrea· dy has earned a reputation as a leader -offering many of the same leaders.hip qualities as the Democrat be r&• places. His style is different. however: He won't be • flamboyant political hem In the _Unruh ~age, but ratJ>. er a quieter, less-publie-coosc1ous legislaUve po'!er. Tb e Tracy Republican bas' about all of the political background points one could hope fo~. rangin.$' all the way from membership in the Amencan Legion to a firm reputation as a family man... . As minority leader of the ASsembly smce 1965, be put his assets to work. The question now is whether be can put them into a productive mac:mne as did his pre- decessor· for like him or bate him, Jess Unruh as Speaker ~f th~ Assembly got things done. Perhaps an unknown on a statewide basis, Reinecke has come on strong as one of the bright and promi~lng young men inside his own district and the Republ1~an Party. Usually described as a moderate conservative, be won a tblrd term in the House last November by nearly 100,000 votes over his Democratic opponent in a district. with a scant Republican majority. He bas ,ex~ pressed strong interest in conservation and education. Among other reasons for choosing him, Governor Reagan said be bad Reinecke'! vote-getting ability as a future potential re-election running mate In mind In the selection. Tbe eyes of California -especially. the political eyes -will be firmly fixed on Reinecke and Monagan In 11181. They boUI appear pramU!ng an4 capable, but they're boUI follow Inf tou&ll ac11. HELP f OJ.'I Worthy Students A Laguna Beach 1oolor citizen who tboaght big enoup to make hlmlelf lndependenUy \feel1hY la now thinking blg ID letlD4 ot ~ aid to junior collese studanla. . He ii Charleo W. Stro111, 70, ret!nd theater own,.., film tllltrlbutor and manufacturer. Strong has founded the lllgher Education Loan Plan (HELP). Beglnalng with Orange Coaat, Golden West and Saddleback campuses, be Is -U.blng HELP Follnclatton chapters which ho ~· will grow to a •latewlde· operaUon with aome ~ mllllon. Mul'b of tbls would come from estates of Uie wealthy, but mialler lndlviduat doijattons would alao figure liriport- antly In the program. Dr. Sldiley Bro.sman, chancellor of the Callfomla junior college system, checked on Strong, then accepted the pool of HELP vice presldeut. With this kind of endorsement, It appears the proj· · ect bu a realistic prospect for auccesL strong'a: an- nounced aim is to "help worthy studenta help them- selves and give them inc-ve to become good c!U· zens.'' Loans are to be paid back, e i t b e r alter the two years of junior college or after completing studies at a four-year college. Thus the foundation would become a revolving fund. When Strong and bis wife, Ruth, were apprised of the need, they decided helping to meet ii would be the best thing they could do with their money. Many another product of the public educational system and beneficiary of America's affluent society might well reach the same conclusion. 'THE WOLVES 61\THER Some Thoughts Carmichael's Soviets Threatened in Mideast Last Spring _llowlfug_ On. Blue Monday Absurdity Lltuy • a Blae Monday: Poverty grinds you down; P""'pertty puffs you up. Failure makes you sullen; succeu makes you smug. Tbe best you get ls a choice or evils. and the odds are a1way1 7 to 5 againlt. , Parents die, mates wither, ch1J4nm drift away. " The race ts riOl o the swift.,...-llOt the battle to the strong -but they might u well be. ConsetvaUvea: want to keep what is rotten. and radicals want to change to something worse. DEMOCRACY IS the last best hope of man, but man 6eell1I unworthy of hi• last best hope. The air reeks, the water stinks, the food is stuffed with preservatives - only the aspirins we incessantly take are guaranteed pure. The white man dislikes the black, wbo bu done all bis hard wori. for him; the black dislikes tbe Jew, who has done all his battling for him; tbe Jew dislikes the Arab, who is bis only cousin on Earth; the Arab dislikes the American, who has poured billions into his land; the American dislikes the Frenchman, who has always been bis ally; and the Frenchman dislikes everybody. WE WORK TOO hard but we also goof aff too much at° the same time; we get up too early, go to bed too late, have more leiaurt and know less ' . what lo do wl!h It than ever i#re. The children· have an the '.uswers before Ibey h..,. beard mosf•-.t the questial!s; and the parents k~ ~ questions lo whil:b the answeti 'Bl.Te been erUed olf a rapidly receding blackboard. The quality of ,goods ts .. flcile- the quality of service: products with a shrug, and service with a smirk - and .tt )'00· doii~ like i4 shove 14 go somewhere else, aee the manager, write a Jetter, take i' up With your Congressman, I only wort here, a buck ls a buck, buatness 111 business, that'• the way the ball of wax botmees, Buster. RENTS ARE IDGH, Illes are high, prices are high, wages are high -but the wages don't meet the prieet and tbl ~ don't meet the taxes and the tans tlll up the rent 111111 the rent eats ·up the. wages and here we go round the mulberry bush once more. Hooesty pays in d,aily satisfaction, but dishooesty pa,)'I quarluly dlvideocts y ~ell. . The church makes us devout, bot not decent; the school makes us literate, but not educated; the government makes us docile, but not dedicated : the media of commurllcaUon tell us everyU:Qng:but what we need 1o know to lead a better life. Morse to Colum.bia? W ASlllNGTON -Former Senator Wayne Morse .is being proposed for presi· dent of dissenmn-troubled Columbia University. In urging the selection of the veteran Oregon liberal Democrat, who was nar4 rowJy defeated for a fifth term last year, lnOuential New York friends are rrtresaiDg b1a exce:ptional qualificatiOllll and experience. Partlcularly1 they are citing the following: (1) Mofle is a one-Orne law professor aod dean of a law achoo!, and as chairmon d. the Serntts EducaUon sub- commillee plajo<d a leading role In the enactment in recent years of billions of dollars In federal aid for elementary scboo1a and coilf&'es. He wu a pioneer Jn this landmark legillation, and was widely acclaimed tn academic circles. (%) MOBSE RA8 A national reputation u JUt arbiler. He was a member of Md bulled a number of special White HOWlt pmela appointed to setUe major labor ~ In these complez and d!Ulcult ..,.uaUons, Mo"" displayed outlt•n lfl -.atuteness, unchalleflgeablt tam-coupled wHb un1hatable ~ . (S) Jforlo WU Dile cl the lint ml ----•• 6ff1'98 ---· ~ Georp· -.... bu--· ---in our clvllhation! &AM c Dall' Sam C.: -Aid ft -popular! ,_,_ Pl'Ohlel!1I to Georae and I )'OU cloo1 tia.. aboollllo peace cl mind wttiihi 10 days, dou- blo your worries back.) ' most persistent critics ol the Vietnam war. He wu o1ne of two senators who voted against U1e historic GuH of Tonkin resoluUon, and was the leading "dove" in Congress. Ills friends, In ....,..., mending h1m (or bead of Columbia un1 .... ~ty. polnled out that Mone'• pn> minent stand agalnlt the Vietnam con- filct woold stroogly appeal I<> large elementJ o( the dlaaffected ltudents. THE FORMER Oregonian legislator is cumnt!y In Washington closing his Senats o!flce 111111 dJspo6ing of a stock farm In nearby Moryland. He is un- decided about his future, except that he doea Intend to "remain active." Whether lhil Wil! be In WashingUln or eisewbfn MlY Ume will Id!. Several former Republican Senate col· -are known lo have --1<> Presldenklect Ni>on that Mono be named ,I<> a federal regulatory agency. unaer the liw, most cl. them require reprttntaUoo from lhe opposition party, and Nixon waa told Morse would make a popular choice. Quotes Sao! DaTld, .L.A., .. COeQ .,. prrr•'" b7 Awla -1'Whtn .,. tbt .. acb,inJ on tho lmmorallty cl Soviet mttcion! Where Me the ragged d11ciple11 ol individual Liberty •.• tell it like it ii and stand up to the DP' preacn, man?" Early' ln the 18Slll, oeveral hundred Sou1lltrnen ....... taltlnl BeCeSS!on. They tncluded Congreames, govemon:, elo- quent politicians and w e a J t h y , .llaveholdlng planttta. Each "8d a followtpg, but altogether they eould not · at the. time muster a larp oegment d. the Southern people. The)' 11ere •ioi<Dt, BllllJY 111111 lnlelllaent, 111111 Uncle Tl>m'1 ·Cabin, just pubiisbed, gave them arnmuplUon. They were ~ -d. a a.oping Northern IJraney, l• whk:h there wu only one amwer. THESE MEN DID NOT conceive of armed rebellion, but a physic.U, peaceable, if snarling, separation. They' wen contemptuom of the Northern com- mercial civilization, 111111 doubted the Ncrth. wou1d fight when the chips were down. This nucleus of seceMionists grew to an immense revolutionary movement before the decade was out. Infuriated by Northern intransigence, lt .Wept up virtually an the 0IOCial, cultural, rellgious and political leaden sooth of Mason and Dll)ID-It still believed lhl North would OOt fight I<> retain the departing stat.., but il it diAj, it ..ooid be I(• nomilliously whipped. TIU8 JUDGMENT WU founded on factors obvioUJ to the eeceaslon leaders. The North was more populous ,and richer, but It Jacked Southern cobeslon, and above all, fire. 1be Nmtb's cause was unjust, a manifestly evil oppreSsion. Europe would perceive this, and in- tervene for Southern independence. There were a miilioo young men to defend Soutbem homes. Soutbernen lived on sell-sufficient farms. The bard wori. of war would be done by slaves, freeing the soldiers. So the war came, a.s Mr. Lln<:oio Bald, 111111 it dido, work oot that way. Even truncated, the United States was too stroag and l't901ute. Already, a century ago, It wu the most stable 111111 enduring governed commWlllJ ever deviled by men. SO TAKE THE CABE of Stokely Cannichael, perhapo the foremost _Negro revolutionary ol oar day. In every Americalll city be bas a acore of coun- terpart&, 111111 all havo the same llory, the aame aentence11. In AUanta, Mr. Cannlchael said, "We are for revolution and vk>)ence. Yes, I mean ~· Whatsver It takes I<> get oor llberatloo. Yoo get power with gums. When you gain power you redlArlbute the wealth. U a white aym- palhiltt fllhts will> you, yoo share the IJ>Oll&." Ul:I' US MENTION Mr. CarmlcilMl with Jtfferaon Davis and Robert E. Lee. Mr. Davts wu a man ol great stature. U. had conunlllllled the fealty of bis whole people. General Leo had Ille -llUCb 1\1118 .. Mr. Cannichatl wU1 fleftl' see. Scotti ol Confeder11.te11 had the stature cl Davis, 1 few the military prowess " Leo. Six hundred thousand -died in the llruUle with -giltsd 111111 dedicatsd meo. Alainlt this blcl<ground, the bowlini ablurd!ty of Mr. Carmichael's Uvuu art plain. Not a twentieth ol hl1 own 'race bellevea in bis solution. One day there wlU be 1 IOlutk>n, because it 11 obllc11.tory on us black and white. But it WU1°t be by the phontom gWll " Sl<>teij> Carmidlael and bla lalthllll. Risk¥-Arl: WASIDNGTON -No official •ckno)r~emenl,)111 been nwle of this, but .tie Soviet UniGo threatened I<> in- tervene "With Its fcrce.s in tbe Mideast crisia prior to the present one. The threat came last. spring over the hot line ~ Mosrow and caused President John.:iii', to order Sixth Fleet movements in the' Jledlterranean. Tbe Crisls passed and filustrated again that '~ public does not always know whBliii'We skirt the fringes of war -• go· ·M the brink, as Secretary of State John Foster Dulles once put lt. Tbertl la ID art I<> it but the art Is loot whenever the other side thUW we will hesllate arid draw back from the brink. BRINDIANSIDP IS a risky reality wbJcb does not disappear because it bas a bad name. The Vietnam War illustrates that the United States will Mt only go to the brink of war but over the brink. and it is this a1one which introduces into the present Mideastern crillis a large eJement of ~. Would we in fact be likely to engage In war to preserve tbe tenitorial in- tsgrity of the stats of 1'raei! It can be argued that lf we do not have any treaty commitments we do have a moral commitmen& based upon the statements ol. severa1 presidenl.! of the United States. We also have a political atmosphere In which argument& for intervention would be heavUy preued. When the question ts put directly I<> those who advtso the President the replies are masta-pieces of dissembling. When the questJon ii: put to leading members of CongrNB they seem far leu certain than they would have been before the Vietnam experience on the nature of U.S. responsibility. THE SENATE MAJO.IUTY leader, Sen. Mike Manslield, reckons that any moral commitment we might once have had ts i"' compelling than in the past. According to Mansfield, the United States does not have any bard and fast com- mitment to go to the II.id ol Israel, or any other country In the Mideast, other than those which are members of the North AUantic Treaty Organiza. lion. This treaty, of course, ls effective only in the measure and degree that each signatory considers its interests to be directly involved. If Senator Mansfield is referring to unilateral in- tervention it is hard to conceive that the United States would do so in a direct conflict with the Soviet Union, or that the Soviet Union would create conditions in which such a direct conflict woold be unavoidable. Moscow is given credit for not considering the preserva- Uon or destruction of. the state of Israel worth a war between the major powers. YET 11IE THREAT from MOSCQw earlier Utls year was not imagined and the increased Soviet presen<:e · in the Mediterranean is not invented. The con· tinuing clash between Israel and the Arab atates therefore ominously un- balancea the relationship of the United States and the Soviet Union and con· sequenUy the peace of the world. .,. The crisis is of far greater dimension than when Britain and France made their last feeble efforts to stabilize the Middle East which ended in disaster, Perhaps the hope for stability lies in this cireumstance, that the two super powers have become involved in a more direct way, and it is in the interesl of both of them that they do not come into conflict in the Mediterranean. 1 Some-oi those who-surrOWld President Johnson are there.tore encouraged ta believe that events may move toward stability. Russia's interest, for example, lies in the direction of opening the Suei Canal so that it can bave its own version • of a lifeline into the Red Sea and beyond, The potential of the Arab countries in the development of their own resourct3 could be great. ' AT THE MOMENT the outlook ls not very reassuring. Both sides are capable of overreaction to mutual provocations but so long as the two super powers maintain their balance these provocations may be held wilhin bounds. In this sense, therefore, Russia's ad· vance into the Middle East, so long as . it does not threaten the existence of an independent Israel, could have its good side. What Britain and France could not do the United States and the Soviet Union may be able to ac· complish. U the super powers cannot act In concert the power of one may balance off the threat of the other. In any case, at high levels of the ad· ministraUon there is some optimism that the final clash can once again be avoided in the Middle East. Teaching About Drugs, Sex We are not teaching our children what they should know about drugs and sex because of irTaUonal. fear of the subjects. A leadl:ng expert on tbe subjects stresses this point in an article, "How to Teach About Drugs and Sex," in the January Issue ol the California Teachers Association quarterly Journal. Theme of the issue ii "Student Dissent." "No fielda of knowledge are more pervaded by Ignorance 111111 fear than drugs andc11ez," WT.Ole Joel Fort, M.D., profesaot of llOCial weliare at the University of California, Berkeley, who ii a1'o ro<lired<r cl the National Sex 111111 Drug Forum In San Francisco. ''EDUCATION ON SEX and drugs is grossly inadequate -or aJmo.n nonex- istent -despite laws requiring our echocll systenui to provide instruction in these fields." he said. So, be pointed out, rather than chlldttn getting objecUve. factual, comprebenslve Information on the abuses of drugs and sex from well-trained persons, they lll'fl r«<ivinl their lnlonnalioo from other Dear Gloomy Gus: I'm tired ol. all thll talk about people dotlll their "lhlzl&." They doo'l. really. They're just u "'°" fonnist u lhe hippies. U evtty- one really did hia own thing, we'd have a heallhlcr, mort creative IOdcty. -J. D. R. .. . w.. "' Guest R~port " -inadequate -sources. These include glamorized or scare lnfonnation from adverUsing, television, the movies. polili· ciaru:, drug policemen, inadequate "crash courseJ" and from street talk and .. graf· fiti on toilet wa1ls." "PROPER EDUCATION must begin with as full an understanding of the subject as possible, an ability and desire to communicate it objectively, and an appropriate context derived f r o m personal maturity. A good first step toward those ends ls to recognize that 'drtP' and•· 'sex' are not 'four-letter word.1', that behaviors involving either are generall)' only one component of a far more complete life style, and lhlt CUll'tlltly our society is sex-rtdden and drug-ridden. " Fort, aulbor of a new book, "'Mle Pleasure Seekers: the Drug Crisis, Youth, and Society," said It is sc:len- tUieally Ind morally wrong I<> lecture °' dtsousl drugs U just time prohibltsd by law, sucb as heroln or marijuan1, are clled. HE POINTED OUT that IOCiety con- dooea DWlf other drup, IUch II nkot1ne, alcohol, t r a n q u 11 t 1 e r 1, harblturalol, -u used to ·-.... aloo bannful. "How dnlp wolt physically, the poosl· ble rUb, and their beneficial uses (narcoUcl to rellevi severe pain and barbiturates IO Induce sleep) requins dispassionate coverage. No drug, in- cluding aspirin, is completely harmleSll -nor will any drug ever be as dfJtltf'OU$ es the guns and bombs over whlch '· we show little concern," he wrote. Fort, who has interviewed thousands of drug users and abusers in clinics and on campuses both in this counlry and abroad, said exaggerated scare <>r fear tactics and criminalizing drug and ·sex abuses: are not in keeping with educational values. He said such tactics have failed to prevent or stop deviant drug or sex behavior. "SEX AND DRUG abuses need to be looked at rrom a socio-cultural and preventative standpoint. making educa- tion rather than criminalization the mainstay of our social policy. By stress4 ing positive human values, rationality, and individualism, we may be able to transform the so-called psychedelic ethic to : TURN ON to life, TUNE IN to knowledge and feeling, and DROP IN to changing and improving the less-than perfect world in which \\·e live." > caJllonda Te:acltus Auocl1tJ011 -----~ Monday. January 13. 1969 TM edltorf<JI poge Of the Daily Pilot nekt to tnfonn atld itfm.. Wau rt>ad11n b11 prts11ntino this nno.rpaptt's optnioni and com- mentarv on topiu of hltert1t Gtld l'lgnf/fconce, b11 provfdino a fOT1lT7t for the ll!%pr11nfon of our nadtts' opinions, and bv prtstnting the drverst trino- pointl of Informed obitrVtN and 1poketmen on topiCJ of ihc day. Robert N. Weed. Publisher To ff ed Kenoedy 1 • Joansie I , She"s ' By I. II(. BOYD WERE YOU AWARE U-pro-•. f'essional men Jeut. likely l'o get heart attacks are the embalmen! nta.t's right. Next least likely, municipal ,emp!oyea. •.• MR. TED KENNEDY adareoses his Iadyfrieod as ·Joansie •. . • A NoRm CAROLINA schoolboard ODCt required its urunanied lady teachers to algn a contrad stipulating said teachers would ,et at least eight hours sleep every night • WHAT'S STUMPING our Language man this week is the origin of the tenn Charley Horse. , • , BOW WNG DO you usually keep a car, mister! About four years! If so, there's one chance in 36 it will be stolen in that time. Or so say the insurance statisticians. A IDGH SCHOOL LllllW\IAN in- quires, ''Who originated 1hat widely quoted contention, "The pun is the lowest form of wit'?" 'She baa me there. Don't know who. first said that. She asks further If I agree with the notion. No, don't agree at a11. Think the lowest form of wit ls that sort whlch arow;es what the Germans call Schadenfreude, that hilarity over somebody else's misfortune, like slipping on a banana peel or falling into an open manhole. As to the pun, am more inclined to go along wlth old Jonathan Swift who said, "Punning is a talent which no man affects to despise but be that is without it." . ~ CHECKING •UP• Not since we got our French Poodle, which i.s very affectionate. He, my hlll- band, saw me kissing the ""'l'!1B and had a fit. Ye yelled, 'by gad! I WOll't kiss a woman who goes around kissing a dog.' And he meant it as llme. has shown. Can you ask your Love aod War man what to do about sue~ nonsense?" A. Our L. and W. man needs more data to make a judgment on this ,matter, madam. Which do you enjoy kissing more, the hU8band or the dog? Also, does the dog kiss back? Your reply will be held in strict.est confidence. • . • Q. "WHY DOE.$N'1' YOUR Chief Prognosticator give us a prediction on the outcome of the Superbowl?" A. He picked Kansas City and Dallas to play therein and is no longer with us. CLIENTS REPEATEDLY ask for covies of a certain diet to lose pounds painlessly. Refer specifically to th~t widely ce1ebrated egg and grapelru1( diet which i.s said to work off 20 pounds in two weeks. Unfortunately, am running out of such copies. Do have at hand, however, the recommendation of H. S. Leigh, another specialist in the field. Wrote he : "If you wish to grow thinner ••• Diminish your dlrmer •.• And take light claret instead of pale ale •.. Look down with utter •.. Contempt upon but- ter ... And never touch bread till it's toasted or stale." SEVE RAL YEARS AGO an Englishman marketed a perfume he call- ed "His Wife." It didn't sell. So he changed the name to "llls Other Wife." And it prompUy moved quite well. The old boy showed a certain savvy, did he not? •.. CALIFORNIA IS where the most people tend to stay up the latest at night. That's clear. There, the supermarket.! that remain open Zi hours Your question.! and comments are ~I· r1m1mh1r wh1n It was 'ltandln ·, I 'Commercial' a Dirty Word? Mra. Peg Bracken, best known for lier boo~ "I Hate to COOk;" on the "com- .merclallsm" ol Chrlstmu -"Of course Christmas is commercially colored, as what holiday isn't? Few of us grow our own Easter lilies anymore, or our own Halloween pumpkins. But why bas 'com· mercial' become a dirty word? This country is commercial, among many other things. It was our talented com- mercialism on top of our talented mass production that enabled us to spread things around so that more of us have decent comforts. And the fact that a few of us have such lavish. ones that they border on the indecent doesn't alter the basic fact." C"81lenge f0r Todafl OAll.Y 'tLOf i · Hqover;· Man · of= .. Great Character:_; , Year-End : In a for._ lo "Htrt>ert Hoover: A <lWlenee for Toda)', .. -Rlchard l\f. Nlmn -that Mr. Hoover ••will be remembered. • 11 a man of great dlaracter • , , we can be thankful tbl& be wu one of those rare men «'IJbo 1IVtd tO bear the ov""'helmlngly favonbla wrdk:t of history on hls career." Earl C. Behrem, tbe San Fra.ocilco Chronicle'• political editor who covered MJ:. Hoover both before and durlna his pr..tdentlal years, t.Jls .. about thb wort by the San Francisco writer., Carol Grten Wilson : •'JN HER EXHAUSTIVE relW'Cb ... over a period of 20 years, Mrs. Wilaon worked with original records, u mucb as possible -those of the Commjaaloo, for the Relief of Belgiwn, in which Mr. Hoover . pla,yed such a prominent part during the first World War. She also consulted official files dealing with his y e a r s as Secretary of Commerce in the Harding Administration; as .eresi- dent, 1928-1932, and I.at.tr docwnenUI when Mr. Hoover beaded a comlni.ssion chai-g· ed with reporUng to the White House and the Congress rec:ommendatioDJ for !avlng billions of dollars in operaUng the Federal Government. "MRS. WILSON relates the little-known fact of the friendship which developed bet.•"'1 Bubert Boov.. and Jamea-i; J'arlty, Democratic leader who wu..,;, ~nlol In wlnlUni the preslden!JN nomination far 1'm!kl1n D. -~ tn 1932, and • further litt!Hnown> frlend!h!p, that between Herbert Hoovec. and Hany S Truman. 0 Tbe author baa turned over all royalties from this most detailed of all books written about Mr. Hoover to Gue of the late President's memorials, thll Boys CluM of America." (EvlDI Publlshlng Co.; 17.115.) - SIX NEW 'l'l'!1a have been add.ct to the Mentor Une.sco Art Pa~ series publiahed by New American Library, bringing the total number b(. these impressive, inerpenslve boo.ks ·to 32 released since 1962. New tiUes, wbfl(ti contain an average of 32 pages of ~ reproductions, include 4 • G a u g u I n , .. • "Matisse and the Nude,'' "Van Dye~'" .. Oceanic Art" (The Seplk area of ~ Guinea), ''Calder," and "Ancient Gre8lr:: Sculpture." Each carries a te:rt by !rt authority on the subject. Printed lo I~ (lli'><enll to ll.2S). Wl1ltam Bopii •• THE BOAT BEAT Al"'o" L.c:kab.y, 11ttio11tl t wtNI wl""'' for ,hit COffrt91 .f yechtln9, c:cwon th1 ..... ~••t fw th• DAILY PILOT, Ho'1 tht only fulltlrna boali"g r1port.r on 011,..0t-111p C...., ft,IWtptptr lfoff. • . a day are said to be doing a livelier welcomed and will be used wherever ---businim-titan---ttfl'J er the.-ovei:nighl--po.mbte-tt.-!!Chadttng.. U~.Addu.'-L._L supermarkets elsewhere. mait to L. M. Boyd, in care of the CUSTOMER SERVICE: "My hus· band hasn't kissed me in two years. DAILY PILOT, Box 1875, Newport Beach, Calif., 92663. Sexes Are Confusing We live in e-0nfused limes, and few things are more confusing than the sexes themselves. It is getting bar'!ier to tell them apart es men and women tend to ape each other more in manners, dress and talk. Some say that difierences between the sexes aren't of much importance any longer anyway. They feel that society is headed toward a future io which there will be only one gender -unisex. While such a situation certainly would end the present puuJement, there are those among us who are old-fashioned enough to prefer a world in which there are two sexes -and ways to distinguish them. There's no doubt it has become in- creasingly difficult to tell the se1.es apart, and it is certainly far more dif- ficult than the traditional task of separating the sheep from the goats. But there are means available to do the job in most cases. FOR EXAMPLE' If it is too lazy to scrub out the ring it leaves in the bathtub, it is probably a boy. U it wears more than one ring on its fingers, it is probably a girl. Does it enjoy playing house? It is a little lass. Would it rather scamper ? It is a little lad. Does it wear rubber gloves to protect 1ts hands while doing the dishes? It's a wife. If it moans and groans and says that, after all, washing dishes isn't its line of work, it's a husband. Could it dance the night away at a fraternity prom and still look dewy. fresh at dawn? That's a coed. Would it rather, after swinging its partner around th.? floor once, sneak out and pitch woo in a parked car? That's Joe College. DO THE POCKETS of its slacks bulge with junk it has no real need for? Put it down for a young genlleman. Can't it ever manage to carry even its own pack of cigarettes and matches In 111 slai:ks! Pul ii down to )lt a young lady. Does it like to pick up an Infant and toss It into tlle air and catch it? That's the Papa. Does tt hold the infant to ill bosom wilb one band while it tries to butter a piece of breakfast toast with the other? That's the Mama. When it stifles a yawn, does it absent- mindedly tug at its nose between thumb and fist? That is a man. Does it stifle a yawn by holding the back of its hand daintily to its mouth a n d simultaneously utter a soft apology? That is a woman. WOULD IT RATHER go fishing any day than attend a symphony concert? Surely it is a he. Must it look the other way and make q~t sounds of distress whenever it bas to put a live worm on a fish hook? Surely it is a she. Does it keep its old love letters tied in beribboned packets and like to take them out and have a good cry reading them on rainy days? That is the Mrs. Does it sometimel get in trouble by leaving new love notes crumpled in a suit to be seot to the cleaners? That is the Mr. -and he's a rascal, he is. IS IT SOMEl'IMES willing to admlt its errors and.tab the blame for them? It is a man. Does it always try to conceal its mi.stakes and like to be flattered for tts faults? It has to be a woman. Is it a teen-a11er? There is M' known way for an adult to determine by himself the sex of a teen-ager. They all look and act alike. All you can do is put another teen-ager into the room and wait and see what happens. They seem able to teU each other apart -but just how no one knows. Suing for Negligence Mrs. Johnson had made a contract to lease an apartment. One day she leaned against' a balcony railing. It gave way and she fell and hurt herself badly. She sued the landlord for negligence. In m o s t leases the tenant -not the landlord -bu the legal duty to keep a place in repair. Although the law of California by statute puts the duty of repair on the landlord if the premises are for human habitation, the parties can agree otherwlse. Even when Ute place needs repair and the landlord kfeJMI it in repair, the tenant usually has lo report to Uie landlord any work that needs to be done. THE LEASE SAID that Mrs. JohnMn had to keep the place in repair, and report to the landlord any needed repair work . This she had failed to do. Ordinarily lh.11 fact would have ended the lanult. But another factor entered. A COUTity ordinance sald hruidralls and balconiea: could be only so high , and had to 1>e anchored .,ud1y. In this cue, the court agreed lhal lhe county laws and building code!i were, ln effect, unwrilttn parts of l\1rs. Joh.nsoo's lease. Wbtte lht leAse: contract and the Ian difff!J'l!d, the Jaws would ( prevail anyhow. So she had a ~ against the landlord after all. BUUJ)ING CODl!ll and COIJllty safety laws aim to safeguard life and property. A landlord's neglect In obeying these laws, as a rule, can mate him liable for any injuries that othen auffer u a result. ThUB, many state and local rules con- trol. Wbethtt the agreement. say'I IO or not, theH Jatn often become u unwritten part of 1 coatraet. The CalUonala Div-ol ladul1rlll ~y puts out salelJ "1llll•t!oM : and -.. business callers, or wqrkers have a dCht to rely upon · the property .,.... to ob<y them. The stat. howdng law1 call for protection ol health and wfly tn hotel!!, apartments, and dwelling1. tn certain cases thlJ law may well be p.1.rt of lease!! for such plBCtt. Note : California lawtttrJ offer thfs column 10 )'01' mav knota about 01'r law•. Decorative antique satin fringed throw pillows! B~ nowl 1.66 Yc..'I rooa;ognUa "-14i)41ii4' I 9 .... --~ .............. ~ pol#._ ... _...,.._,......_... ifl_... ............... ~l6·•16·. foiiillWlk 9CIY\ftp Oft llMn'I lpOl'I thirft. "" ,...., !lfyW Orig. 3.98·'5 NOW 2.50 ·a...~_...._.,.. • tpi-u. ~ pitW ..,.. • ..,.. thlm to dMI" .. _,......,..,.... Orft.2.49-2.98 NOW 'I.SO ........ .,... ....... .................. COSTA MESA (Harbor Shopping Centor) -,- REDlJCED FROM STOCK! LIMITED QUANTITllS! . - Orig. $4 NOW 2'0 Don't """ 1his oppomrity to lladc IP Giii fwa GNOi blpl S.., ¢ ClllNI c.otton ''°'•"""-gown1. f'Climw,....,..fts clamiuW mode lit ~hminino OllOl'tld c::okn wflh 1te '"""" ....... Al ""*to ow-uodingo ~ lftsii.s...11, »-.. .. ... HWT)' !f'l todoy! .Costume lewelry at fantaltlc: savings In a11orted styles! Orig. '1·'2 2199 Glrf'1 aweaten In assorted styles at fantaltlc: savings! Fashion clearance onwomen'1dre11e1 Ilg Selection I ~ 7.w NOW ~ 1.882.88 =".!..7NOW 4.18 :;i:~ NOW 6.88 c.n • thk I I towilf to buy_._.'"" airy .. ,.. ...._ al ,..... i...ic. to .... tt-• ..... -loald Yllll'I fWI aa.-1 ..,.... _,mien~ ..... to._"-"- ,. ,.... ............. _....._,,..... -pm 888 I Oriti-'IO'I NOW,---- _...., ... t ........ .... ..... a.. "--""' ....... celors "' ..Wl'. ... ,~ .... Woo..,...~bl-Clftd fobvlow....,. ... ...,..., ~ ....... ,_mtk .... Mpl daaaw ,.;.c.dl •n~ll1esa'M ....... I _ .. _..,.... Orig. '4-'5 Orlg.•6-'7 Orig.6.99·8.99 NOW 2.99 NOW 4.88 NOW 4.88 ........ wt-.... .,.. •.._w'!")411.._...., . .........., .... _. ............ __, .... . ................... . .................... GI.rt tltm: d•1ana w.rr..ft ""-ll•aii n -_,_ .. _ .......... __ __.. ............. .................. Orig. •s Orig. 10. 99 . d•••'!41 ""-' Mwt 9'1•· l .ta.2.29 NOW 2.99 N,OW 6.88 NOWl.66pr. . ....... "'_....~ ·~ ............. c:ii19. i.~':A9 • ~---llrol-. .. •a... .......... ·-,.. ------ • ... • . . . . ~ .. . .. • . . . HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH ' ... ~ (Huntington Center) (F .. hion lslandj ~ " " •• " ! I ...... -.rr~T~ --- ";l !J " DA!l'f l'tlOT ·Get A's ~ • • • :r11y Dates Journ~t Tells U.S. Navey. Enlists Sirhan 'Feelings' Leathernecks Call Him 'Battleship' ~:At UCLA? . .... .,,, _.. LOS ANGELES (APl - NEW YQRK (UPI) -1be Dime ot the acclJ&ed auualn of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy 10D pW oorneho'tr be ..,. quJUt<L,Sbe Uepo. number •J.()S' ANGELES (AP) - What11 lt llke when a fellow a.lmed U.S. Navey joins the Franco Fido. chairman of the ·~1tauan department at UCLA, -.ants to know U certain co"1J ~ high 1P'l'deo fOt hard study 1 means "woU" ln Arabic, and of --tbal tell of the !ala! nilbt and "pleb <ip the ~'!to begin with, the paaten ••rtally came . . ··~--• -or for ..-ug. : He began an lnvestJ.&ation ~ 1donday among his young. : male teaching assistanl.5 atter • charges had been made U\l.t ·~, •ere swlpplrig.' good :"°irades for dates or lucraUve 011t. Ott BaU : tutoring jobs. , Max A. Baer, who plays , One st~dent said she dated Jethro on the television ! .~ teaching assistant and got series "The Beverly • an " 'A' I didn't deserve ." • .. Hillbillies" was arrest- • .,. The student newspaper, The ed a!ter be allegedly ~ Dally Bruin. printed • story threatened two persons ; '?ftet some students had com· with a shotgun late Sat- : 1e_lained about corrupt prac· . urday, !demanding to 4 .lices in lhe Italian depart· know where his wife ' t was . He was released , -men . : ., · Fido urged students to come _o_n_$I_._B7_S_bo_n_d_. ___ _ ! ,J,o him if they had any ~ knowledge of the practices: : ::.. "We will meet t he 1n : 'anywhere they want -in the ' cafeteria, the library, the stu· ! :'1ent union." : •• Ab9ut haU the 20 teaching "-1lSSistants are male . Man Lowers 'Rules' Boom On 'Minis' Sirhan B. Sirhan says be be&an to feel set apart from other men. "I began to auoclate more and more with my name," Sirhe.n once told fretlance journalist Robert B. Kaller. "Sirhan means 'woU' and I became more and more or a lone wolf." Kaiaer, the only journalist permitted to visit Sirhan in his 13th fioor cell in the Los Angeles HaJI of Justice, revealed this and other details ol Sirhan's feelings in an arti· cle in the current issue of Life magazine. Kaiser also recounts Sirhan's story of the scene in the service pantry ·of the Ambassador Hotel Jut June after Kennedy was shot. "I felt a choking io my throat and people were holding me and beating me and twisting my left knee and pounding my h e 1 d on the tab!:,. They hurt my left eye mqu!oes..., and then aDd talu to the lace of Robert Kennedy , • • telllJlf b1ol ho,. 30lT)' lbe is." ~.:;,,, that N•••r la ~n '6,iiYJi;; other Lellhtmecu can -~ "Bottleoblp" • Teachers Watch Uptop Steve Navey'1 hieh ~ rdckname was "Navey Beam." For SF Reprisals 2 •Stabbed In Prison SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Teachers throughout the state college system were watching today for any sign o/ reprlsall against striking teachers at San Francll<:o Stat. College. John G. Splrling, pre&ldent of the California State College Council of the American Federation of Teachers, said a one-day strike of all teachers would be called within -48 hours of the arrest or firing of any San Francisco State teacher. uanuthorized absence from classroom duties. SAN QUENTIN (UPI) More than 200 San Franlcsco T vi o San Quentin inmates State teachers walked oll the were recoverina in the prison job last Monday after presen· hospital t o d a Y !tom stab wounds infllcted over the Ung a list of demands in--weekend ~ fellow ~tea in eluding improvement of 1 wages, benefits and working apparent u n re 1 a t e d in· conditions and resolution of cidents. The first victim, Jesse problem!! that led lo a student Jones, 28, was found Saturday strike. The student strike was called Nov. 6 by the Black under a shed in the prison's Student Union and the Third big yard after he was stabbed World Liberation Front. in the c h e s t by unknown as!lailanl.8. He was serving a A combined strike of AFT term of five years to life Kaiser said Sirhan read a Spirling said elementary and members at all schools would for robbery. lot in jail and once got angry secondary teachers who are put 12,000 teachers out of their The second victim, Eura! when he rtad a story by con· members of the AFT would classrooms, Spirling claimed. Cleveland, 24, was attacked : The assistants arfrpermitted : 'tQ · tutor students as long as : "'Ibey are not in their class. • ·iµtes of $4 to $5 an hour ~·are not unusual. accord ing to servative columnist William join the AFT strike. "I imagine that would put Sunday while walking along COOL. Call!. (AP) F. Buckley Jr.. in which De.spite the threat of firing, a serious crimp in the educa· a cell block and suffered stab Assemblyman Eugene J . Buckley said Sirhan was not t h·e San Francisco St ate tional system .. • and will wounds in the left arm and ~ido. Chappie's light for lower an American but was legally teachers planned to resume indlcste to Gov. Reagan that back. A suspeet was seized hemline!! doe!l.ll't make him a Jordanian citizen and "his picketing today. he's going lo have to take immediately after the attack, a fuddy-<luddy, his wife says. loyalties were clearly to The college's acting presi-on the whole teachers union." but prison ollicials declined The rancher-legislator "is Jordan." dent S. I. Hayakawa, warned Attendance at co 11 e g e to identify him. very aware of the opposite " 'What doea he mean?' ask-earlier that he would invoke classes varied between 20 and Cleveland, serving a term sex," said Mrs. Chappie, the ed Sirhan, eyes blazing. 'Not a state law dictating the 70 percent or normal after or one year to life for robbery, mother of two teen-age girls. American.' 1 feel like an discharge of a teacher after the teacher's strike was called was convicted in San Fran· Steve eo1ille4 In Homllton, Ohio, oow Is asai,ned to th• 28tb Marines, 5th Division, Comp Pendleton, cam., and expect.I to Juve nm month 10< Ylebwn. He beW be was in for a klddlnc Wben be alped up, -hit brother. . UlyltS Samuel Navey ls a Navy man. "He went aboard thla sb..lp aod said, 'Seaman U.S. Navey reporting', the bosun thought be wu btlng a smart kid, and it look quite a whUe for the whole t.hlng to get unravel- ed." Steve aays brother Ulyses recommended that he join some other branch of the service. How could a daddy give 11uch a name to a aoa? Dad, s a y 1 Steve, went by C. B. Navey. And, yes, he served eight years with the Seabees. 'The only medication that Gets to a Major Cause of Hemorrhoids Now! Most complete 3-way relief! This important dtvtlopment in hemorrhoid tr11tment comts to you 1ft1r five years of scientific and cllnlcat testlnt. Not only does Counternoi~ work by le1senin1 pain t11t.tru! by tfllting.soothinf, and proteclint injur1d tissue ... but unlik• every other hemorrhoid product Collflternoid also works a third way. Thinks to an extlusivt formula with OSSJa TM only Count1rnoid aets to • major crust of hemor· rhoids: Plinful bird conslip1tlon. Withol.lt itril1tln1 lax1!1vt 1f11cl. Hert's how: In hospital XoJay tests doctors have demonstrated that , th1 rem1rklbl1 Counternoid formu· lation with DSS10 penetrates fa:' minute• to !ht top of tha·rectal1, 1re1 to soften the stool ind east. the bowel movement. It is this unique action !hit does1 so mL1Ch to make naturtl healinr ' possible. So, if you livt with the pain and ' fear of recurrlnaminor hemorrllcid 1 troubles, set temporary relief with i medically·lested Counter1'19id. Actually, used as directed, Coun· teinoid offers the most c.ompltlt J.w1y relief you can iet willlout 1 prescription or without 1urpry. In stainless cream or suppositories. At all drua: counters. ·-Ohe student said he passed after paying $35 for tutoring from a student teacher refer· red by his own teacher. Three others refused and failed. Chappie, chairma'l of the American. U I went back to five con!lecutive days o f lut week. · ciaco in December HIM. California Assembly Rules Jordan I would be a.,_::.:::_.::::=::.:::.:._;:::::__:_:_::.: ___ .:.:.: __________ :;_::_:;_:.:;:_:_ _______ :_ ___________________ _ On dating,_..Q!!.L..CQed s id she re!used a date and threatened to tell the depart· ment about it. She flunked the final but gol an A. ..C..O..m...m.iJ~e . ._inlo(.rna.llY-fQreigner..!.!.'-K.aai.i"'""'~G"""""•''l---------­ ordered ~ei;nhnes lowered on Sirhan as saying. ----·----- · short muuskirt.s worn by Kaiser said Sirhan at one assembly secretaries a n d point was smoking 10 cigars r -------·-- smoking as much as six , . , packages ~r ci&arettes 1 day. messengers. a da~ m jail and the• started ll All Penney· Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday LA's Y~tinger Outlines =~~~~ :~:: enne•·•) ID7nrIO~N~A@RY@ln'\~ Legislation iProposals ~~E''.:;;:j:~ =: · ALwAvs FIRST QUALITY-. : 'JIJ IJU · LI L5 ~ o o LP; e; continues to believe that her search powers be broadened, that intra-state mail order sales of guns be banned and tlj,lt..,&be wailing period for ·&Ill> \>br<ba"" be extended 10 day,, "Kennedy, moreover, talks to her," Kaiser said. "'It's okay, Mpy. she says he says, 'I rorgive you. It's okay.'" LOS ANGELES (UPI! - Dist. Atty. Evelle J. Younger today outlined proposals on pornography, additiO{lal -grand juries. gamblir\g_ and fi~arms control which .his o!fice will propose to the s t a I e legislature. Younger , who heads President-elect Richard M. Nixon's crime task force. said in a statement his office "will seek approval or a bill desiitn- ed to protect children under 11 from harmful materials." He will also ask for measures which i n c I u d e d demanding po s i t i v e iden-- tilicatlon a n d fingerprints from gun buyers, an FBI fingerprint check of buyers a n d a denial of guns tG CoUcotic users, mental in· _COtnpeJ,ents and persons with crhninal records. Catalina Trip ~ Set to Resume ·~ LOS ANGELES (AP) -I;.·· Service between the mainland . and Catalina Island w i I I resume this summer with a FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY, ALL PENNEYS FAMOUS-FOR-QUALITY SHEETS ••• PENN PREST,® SUPER SIZE, FASHION MANOR ••• YOUR CHOICE! new turbine-powered liner. i. He said similar 'measures In the past proposed by tilii office have oot met with suc- cess. Younger said this measure "would not affect material Crossword Puzzle ........ 2.51 available to adults" and added ACROSS that the U.S. Supreme Court 51 Have fttl· Ing of had "suggested that states 1 Stale: Abbr. srwrlty consider• special statutes lo S Garments 52 Bta11 of protect children.'' 10 ;.'~Id radiant .In another area, the district 14 o!~"t11 noticf 53 M~~:=~ycle attorney plans to ask for l S Stvt1e ._ part legislation to allow the state ~Ii Soup 55 ·-·point attorney general or district lngrtditnt 57 Kind of attorney to request the courts 17 Nothasti bvrirr to impanel additional grand 19 Prrposit Ol'I 51--~ptr 20 llovfe 6} F1brlc juries within the co unty. t1'11ploytt~ li4 Act of These specially requested 21 Pledge dtvtloping grand juries would mainly 22 Beco111t slowlJ hear criminal case!! and worritd '6 And 21.littrt eluwhtrt: undertake s pecifi c in-\llDl'Jlblt 2 words vestigations. 25 W11: ft7 Contrldlct Younger Said that In many Comb. forl'!I 68 Song 11reas, one eounty gra~ jury 26 Commodity '' Fish "cannot effectively handle all 30 F•ily 70 Moves briskly 11tmbtr 71 Flt ont nf its assigned tasks without 31 Cruel within lht a tremendous burd~n upon the pe1son '11th• time of the members. J.( ---- He said the proposed Jegisla· to sl)': 2 words tion would allow the main :f6 Porltrhou1e grand jury to "devote more source nf its time to ·its auigned JI Word of duties of invesUgating the ceniurt operations of county govern-31 lllallt•blt _.l Lavish mtnt and to make a more 4J Actor significant contribution to the' "f•llteh DOWN 1 Style 2 lounlain ... t )·Stdlmenllt)' , 'in1lwl1I· 4 UH• awi'n.lt Stitt Needs of all t h e citizens of 4i T~t "N'' of ''N ,W.1'." Los Angeles County." _.6 Canidi's On gambling, Younger pro-highest 5 Proposition ' ti Rowing iraplntent 7 M05l s•lous I John J1cob poses a nuisance law against mOF.111taln gambling houses. d l rec t e d -47 Fttl against places where gambling contrition i!i steadil• conducted for the 1 49. 81tlfi In " . afabl• owner's profit. not agatns .. ~~~~- private homes where it is in-1 termlttent and not a means i,.,.+-t-+-- of making a Jiving. 1• To help control firearms, ~,~, +-t-+-- Younger suggests that police ' l'rn1lt to bt sen: Arch•lc S11urday's Puule Solvff: l/l)/li9 10 T1t1ltd 40 Piece of badly JH'Optrt1 11 StPlt1lln11 4Z On be· •aehlnt haJf of 12 lnltnst .(5 Or;an s~ hostlllty .(I Studio 13 Sufficient: acctssorle& Archaic 50 Youn9 11 Worthless anh111ls 24 Vtrtlc1I 5) Hlghw1y supply !int-w0tktr 25 Song 5• Golf1t's 2ft Of ~rt.Iler protll• beam 55 High· 27 Stubborn :spirited Joy IS·--; 5ft Rebuke 2 watds vlolently 21 lnvmtly 57 liort9191, ttlattd '"i· 2'1llllb1 laod ol 59 U.S. 11ovt. 31 Wtl9ht employq; ol India lnfOl'llal 32 Our~lt liO Undiluted whltt fiber •l Les Eiits JJ llnute 35 Foollsh ...... 31 HtbttW vesbltnl 62 Endlrtt ustd with rheo •nd gyro 65 On flrt 11 !l ' ·~ " ~· • I .. _______ _.a, .. 11 .4••-------211.JT ·-· Ntef P11S19 IUAatlD SUl'El SIZE sMars THAT NIVll .-0 llOHIHa· ... ,.~ ........ 6.37 .a ........... .,_ l91i1M .......... a.n n ... ._. ..... .._ ..... ,.,..., ...... OUI Dl!EPJONI STllPID NICAIJS tN MONIT GOLD OI MOSS OlllN n ...... 2.93 ---........ ...... _ .. ···-......... OU1 l'UCAll DIEPTONI SHUTS IN HONIT OOlD OI MOSS OlllN 2.54 n ....... ---....... .. .,.. _______ .. ···-------ll/11 ... 3.78 •. ,. .......... n.,...._.._..,_ ____ _.,h,M- tt ... -----·---:2/1.7• 'MINI 1osr PAmlN PllC.ALIS IN HTAONTH ANO COIAl ••. SAVI NOW\ 11 ....... 2.93 .......... ______ " u••-------.112.2• 'INN PllS19 NIYU-4IOH SHHIS,. SUPll 11%11 If ill1TY SOUDSI , ... "' ......... . ,, ........... ..... 9 •• 7 ···--·------" c.........,...,~- COSTA MESA I Harbor Shopping Center) THF: PENNEY fl'O!Y Why make $uch a big deal out of quality? I •1i:r.d 1 Pcaacr 11.ore m1n1cer the q11ctti011 on« rad whta. he fi1ull, de- rided I w•i aerioat, ht ••id, ''If I.roa\d Mt i:lnlr Ol\C wOfd IO deM:ribe tbt phmomor:non or P1!11atf1t J 'd pidttbewotd, ,...1;1,. •·Mr. Penney h1 1 1\. -rs bttft •/•••fie Cltl w ••bjcc1," he coc11inwtd. "They tty the" ot1ly thi11g tflat ttil1 W1Hd f\tr, 1't11- ncr ••ll'J it •hen -.. -.. UC--Cl*ipl"O-mite Pe.i11t1 qa1li17 10 mo kt 1 ~price.• HUNTINGTON BEACH (Huntington Center) f'INN Pl.ISP NIYll-ttoN SHUTS .IN ~nlACTIYI 50LID COl.OIS 72•*"'• :.::::.-3.6 7 "'!" ......... ______ ........ ,, ····-------~-2/S.TJ .. ....,..w.---.-...... 4.67 .. "' ... ...... ______ ... , ···-~-----:llUf c:.i..,w. ...... PINN-PllSP NEVD-410H ll.IAC11D MUSUN SHUrS ... SHOWY WHITll n., ....... :;:,:-1.99 .. .... ______ s_ .. 4t•"-~-----211M NATtON-WIDI MUSUN WHITI SKIDS Af ?llllAC "SAYINGS! n ........ :::::.-IAS ......... ______ ,, ... "·"-~---~-:llN· HHNm PINN PlEST• NMl .. ION PRINTED $HHTS IN SUHR sins .e.11e..-... ,... ...to~-....... ... •1Mllilos ..... • 7.87 n1MYi.,. ...... ~-·--··••17 ~ ... -·---•"'H""''"'"""'" 2/3.17 c.-.....i--~- f'ASTR HICME SHEETS JN PINK, YIU.OW AND SU fOAM-HIAYfN\yt 711•1•,..----2.54 11.1 .. ,..., """""""~----2.?a "'•1•--------''ll/1.21 POCA&l IUACHID WHm SHH1S, flNm OUAUTY, LOW, 'OW P1tC11 n1MI .. • ---1.85 .,.,.. .... w~'--~·-.. M··---o..· · .s.1r ··•--....... ~H<"0'0''"'-21'·'' .......... •P _____ s.as .... .... .. --·---..&.et NEWPORT BEACH (Fashion Isl and) I ·1 jl " ii I 1. • ' d. " ,,. .. In ,. ,. >Y ht ., QUEINll By Phil lnterlclndl _M_,,_"'1_. ---·~"~· ,_ ... _____ • ____ D___;AILY Pll..oT 9; • ~ For .r the Record County's Payroll Increases SI53,158,748 In J'ermlts . C~unty Building Sets ~~rlf, F PAGE 9enl•f'l'll" F. ...... ,.._ •1, of 2W Eldoll Aw .. C.11 Mna. Survl'ltd l>Y wll•, flltn1 -. a-i... Ill Anlhelm1 twv ~ Roy, 111 Ce11t1 Mttt, tnd Huoh PaOt, of l>DWllt'l'l fllrft 1b .. t10, EHi• V•n Hook, R~lh Pl•Mheon •nd t.e•,.. Httslonr lou~ 11r1..o.:hlldrrn Ind one tretl•llr•nikhlld. S.rvlcn, 9tll B"'9dWa'f Cl\M>el, Wtdfltld1y, 1 PM. lnt.rmtnl, PM:lflcc Vi.w Moimor1•1 P•"'-· 8tll •roadw.y Mortutry, DI~ lorl. GERSPACR llloltlt M. GersPICll. A~ 60, of 17S w Ga1tl1nd, H'll'me!, Call!. Survived bV Mllt.ltl'ld~rdrscorr.--J.,.,... E. Gtrs1>•cl\, Hunll!'t910n 9t1du two 1ls-1,,., Mrs. Mon11 WllMfl, llld'-1 Mr1. ll:ldltrd Wrl911T. Cf{YIM1 -'"""child~. Strvlc11 wm bt held Wtd,,..!ldlY, J PM, 9111 .,,.. ...... ., Chu>tt ln1'erm1H1t, Htf'llM Rttt Mft- rnorl1I P111t. Dlrec:~ bv 9tll lrot6- WtY Morlutrr. no erD1<tw1y, '°''' Mn1. BEECK BALTZ MORTUARIES Corona del ftf.lr OR W45I CostaMesa MIWW BELL BROADWAY MORTUAllY lit Broadway, Cotta Mt• uwm DILDAY BR11111ERS Bwrtln .... Valley M-ary 1m1 Beacll Blvd. Um1U.gtoa Beulll UZ.'1771 PACIFIC VIE1I MEMORIAL PAR!t C.m""1 • MlrmOl'J CUpel mt Poctflc View llr!Yo Newport -Calll..ia MUltt PEEK PMllLY COLONIAL FUNERAL ROME '1tel Bolll Ave. Westmlnsler llW5U SMl'l'll'! MORTUAllY en Mahi SI. Rullqlea l!eoc• LEUIU Wl!:Sl'CLlFF llORTUAllY U7 E. t-n. St., Cotta MMI - Fire Calls --S:M "·'"· $u""9'1', 1r1111 Inf tr1ilfl fltt. nOtt1I flf '00 block M<ir1.,.., OtlYt t:l7 1.1t1., ~. Civic Ct:lllw ... """"' ... di 1:111 1.m. S..lurtlly, .Wik '""'· "" l!'d!noer A~. t;ot '·"'·· lhilctul'9 ,.,.., 10lf ........ ·~ ... ll:SI 1.m., fir. lrl"'"tllatlln. U12 '""" tt:OJ l.rrl,, Pl 1Nk. 1'.ff Garlltl4 1 :JO ,,..,., fl.. ,.._,,,,._ S7'1 .. _ ?:J'I •·m. IYNltT. l!MdJUI tld. llD "''" t :lf '·"'·· medlul tlcl, '"' tttl\111111 lt:Sl •.m .. Hllct u1ltt, lr!ll tnd l"tlm SANTA ANA-Tbc.numW of persons on UM! Orange County payroll bu lncrtalod l1mosl 10 pm>ent io tho put year, county Pmonnel J!lrf>O- lor William Hart reporU. There are 1.111 oa the poyroll lodey .... pored .. tlh ~.M3 employed 1 yeu "''· an Increase of 561 Hart said the open!ni of the new eow>ty joll ..Wed to the 11168 galns, with the lh<r- lll's office UJllndinl to !00 rmployes. Added were 85 new deputies, both men . a n d women. The largest numbtr of coun- ty employts wor~ at the Orange County Medlcal Center where 1,SSS are ei...ployed. SANTA ANA -Building In uniam'porated areas o r Oran&• County let a oew alJ. time record lo lf98, Director of Bulldlng and Safety Floyd McLellan tt:ports. Valuatloo totaJ for the year WU llSIJSl,741, nearly l20 million htlh<r than t b • previoul record ye a r, 1914. and up more than 181 mlllloo over 1957. New tract homa aet the pace with a record $83.1 million in S,357 bulldlng starts. .. 1111t .............. IUl,llt,111 .•....... ~ ...... , . ....,If •• . ............. ·llt,llt,ll'I (Inclod,.125 mlllloa for_ county jail, -ll1d central uWlty bulldlnp). ; ltl'I ................ •.-:JR •• ........ ·· ..... mo111r111 HAL AllllCHll HEARING AIDS Crst.ni A.llf•• A•JtlfluttM -IN-llMlll : Mn I. COAST HWY. • -.. -,_ 6Jl.llU'" The yearend report reveals that a record number Of permlb lncrtHed ~y 35 ptl'-1.--------;;;;iii~~iiii cent to 1,145 while valuaUons I See by Tod•y's' .. were up 71 percent. Apart· " ment coostrucUoo lncrel!ed Want Ads lOrn •• m.. fir. htmtltttlM. lNtl "'M ~p, amnebodyl" Other large county departments are welfare "1th 550, llbrariea with 375 and the health deparbnent with 300. 1st Beauty Meet Set e Fancy Trlmmll>p' Glit w~ted to arw and tdin bats tot e:xcluaive ahop Jn Laguna. -''" '·"'• Mnn, -...hill-. 171'11 •11111 ,. ...... ........ 1 ..... •:ts 1.m. Stl\lrdtv. rttew, 11m LI ••• l"llc:e 7:lll '·"'·· rna.., 13'ft Che1tl'lllf f :U 1.m., l"flCW, 1"21 Lt 1"11 '''° 11.m .• '"'" n,,, 11in CMPHw9 5:17 P.m., rn<\IL '351 Wt>lrnl"1'11t Ed Crane • Stole -Steal: A rMI it.al • · .a dark Able tnhlk: alqfe Y.ith pockebl, origlnatfy $1500, muat sell for $400t! ! •w. 6:» p.m .. drvti' 11,., 15510 C1m1ll1 lt:U p.m .. Wt~. l!dw1rcll Ind S11n11dt ,,..., '·"" lvftdl1, rt11C111. sm c;,,...,. ..... 6·11 '""'" drWr n ... IOll l..cJI •Ml. 10:01 11.111 .. dryer flrr. Wtic.n. ,_ l'lnl Cent1r 11:11 11.m .. rtKVt. 1S'HI 11m llVd., ,,,_ \DI Newport Man Heads Orange Area Scouts Hart said there are about 150 vacant positions the year around. He said there are always clerical positions open inasmuch aa that category ac- counts of o n e-third of t h e county staff. ANAHE™ -Spring can't be far away. The first beauty contest of the year hu been set for March 4 when Miss Orange County will be chosen. The winner will represent the county ln lhe Miss California finals at Santa Cruz in June. 1 I e Prodlp! Puabeta, Slri%t up the band, and Nturn lhe1e to their owner ••• C parakeets, with bUlf code N 70 ... tbank yuu...i • e How Are 1bhwa in Roci 'o Morro? Beautiful, ao I hear. , ,but this ~ wanta kt tn.de hUr income property in Morro 8-.y tor· ? ? See Trader'• PandlR. I:• a.Al. MOftdliy, ,_cut, 7)11 WMt- m!11tt.r A\19. ~tla VtlltT 1;21 9.tn. S.hlr61y, Ur flfl, •rtdl- llul"fl •11111 W.r' S:*' 11.111. su11111.-,, l'Mtw. l"2t Him. '"" S::M t .m. JUlllSly, rwC\19, IM29 Htlll-... ... ,_ 1 :IQ t .m. SUftdlY, l'ft(IH, l"Mlfk Co.1! H19hwtv tt>d M.trlners c.o•-l ;Q 1.m. $alvrd1y, rtK\lt, 1114 ll:td- llncb l"ltce 7:44 1.m., fl~ lnn1llg1llon. 1!111 H1r- bor 91vd. 11:-" 1.m., rnc:ut, 2117 P1c1fle 7:\l "·"'·• t.111 11trm, Htl'Vor 111111 WtnfWl<JM Rotd 10: 16 ,..m., reKUI, ntO WtWPOtt l lY'd. 1:-" t .m. Sutldty, ~bllc. aa1lll, UU "''"' 12:1' P.m .. l•IH 1l1rm, ?0th tnd Pi.- terilll ·9"----( A Newport Beach food in· dustry executive has been elected prt!ident of t h e Orange Empire Area Council, Boy Scouts of Amerlca, which includes mare than Zf,000 Southlanders from Cub to Ei:· plorer rank. W. Ed Crane, of 4-01 Via Lido Soud, Lido Isle, will be presiding at the council's organizational meeliDg this Friday and Saturday at lhe ..;flala Mesa Inn, Fallbrook. -The vice. presideol .Jlf . Cal Compac Foods Inc., aucceeda Mlllord W. Dahl, Santa Ana, who has eerved 18 head of the 70.member e :z e c u t i v e board ror two years. Active In aeveral other Harbor Area organizations, Crane attended usd, UCLA and the U.S. Naval Academy, Anapolis, and has tw9 teen.ag- ed sons. Serving with Crane, a ScouUng leader slnce-J948, will be .U vice prulc!Qt.' UC! Chanc<!Il<r llr. DaDlel :A1drlcb LOCAll · ... • .... , •• ~.~ ~11 • .,.. flloN, fl'tty 4•y, tb..t wh11t'• 9oin9 •11 In +tie '9r11thr Ort11911 Cot1t tlten tho1 DAILY rlLOT. Fashion perm reduced for just a few more days! 1e1.12.50 NOW 8.88 Shampoo and set $3 ~·~ r..s.,. w• 1c r> Wo opodolizo lo the cm of loohioot wlgo U. YOUI ... .,. CKt.IOI CAIO- NO AIPOtNtM8CT NIClllAIY MUMTOMTON auc.e __ ._ ........... "1-1711 MIWPOaT ••ACM ,. ...... ,...,.,.. lndl'-r ....... '111 I Jr., Gtorge Hoag II, Robert D. Johnson, William H , Spurgeon Ill, all of Newport Be12ch, plus Santa Anans Howard A. Bear and Leland E. Oliver. ' Councl1 Commissioner i! Dr. Richard Kendall, of Santa Ana. Soviets Launch New Cosmos MOSCOW (UPI) -The Soviet Union announced today it launched 1 new unmanned spaceship in Ill Cosmos series Sunday. Mrs. Jerry Bennett, prui· dent of the .sponoing Sorop-- tomist Club of Anaheim, said the winner will get a $1,000 scholarship among o I h e r honors. Girls will be gpoosored by chambers of commerce[ throughout the counly. . e Can You Dominate a Qa. wraation T (What womlll e&n't?) ••• He~·• a put: time Job tor you. in the evenin&', proftllional nP- Ueman needs a.a QIX'lnt-ment iteerefary. ~ · All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday ;; NYl.ON GIFT SET. 4 KITCHEN TOOLS. REG. 1.39, NOW ......... • • • • · • 99e TEFLON9 COATED MUFFIN PAN. MAKES 6 MUFFINS. REG. 1.19, NOW •..... 99• CAST IRON SKIUET. INDOOR/OUTDOOR COOKING. REG. 1.19, NOW .••.. 9fc H·ousewa res ... "' 16 QT. P!ASTIC PAIL-3 COLORS. REG.-1.39, NOW .... •• • • • .. • • • • 99• 6 GAL PlASTIC TRASH CAN. REG. 1.49, NOW ....... · .. · .. • 99• GOTHIC RING MOLD -3% CUP SIZE, ALUMINUM. REG. 1.29, NOW ••.. 99< • •• r.. '" '-.. .. " .. • .. . ., -40 QT. Pl.ASTIC WASTEWICET. e REG. 1.33, NOW ............. , 9fc '· CHAIR PAD -SOLID COLOR, WASHABLE. REG. 1.29, NOW •...••••••....• 9fc ~ ·' ___ .See what 1. 99, will buy ... 1 QT. VACUUM BOTTLE. SWIRLING STRIPES. REG. 2.29, NOW • • • •• • 1, 99 TEFLON" COATED COOKIE SHEET 17' X 14" SIZE. REG. 2.49, NOW • • • •• 1,99 WAll CAN OPENER. ST ANDAID MAG- NETIC TYPE. REG. 2.49, NOW ••• ·1,99 10" TEFLON" COAT!D FRYPAN. 'COOi.' HANDLE. REG. U9, NOW····· 1,99 UCTANGULAR ELECTRIC KNIFE CUTTING BOARD. REG. 2..49, NOW • • • • .. 1.99 '" • .. .. ' •, .-------See what 2. 99 will buy .. ·--------. . • STAINLESS STER TEA- KETTLE. COPPER BOTTOM, 2~ QT. REO. 3.66; NOW 2.99 3 l'C. STAINlESS STEEl, BOWL SET -'M QT., ns QT.3 QT.ltEG. 3.66, NOW 2.99 NEWPORT BEACH (F•1hion lslond) 3 l'C. RANGE SET -REG. .. 3.99, NOW •••••. 2,99-• ••• MERRY .GO-llN a)'llSTER "" ' .,, SET-5 llNS, MEASURING ,. SPOONS, TRAY. • •• REG. 3.3:1, N/:Jw; 2,99 .' ., . ' .. " ,. -•• ... ~· .. ••• "' ... • HUNTINGTON BEACH '·' •• • (Huntington Cent.r) I • • ' • • • . - I l \ I . M 0""-Y PILOT MoodO)', J.niwy 13, 1969 "~~.~.--'--'-~~~~~~~ Marriage ·Means 'Giving in a Bit • ~ Y0BJt (AP)~ "Cloot )'Olll" -1 liWe." Tbal's the ......i of 1 ....,...,Ill mar- rlqe ~ to one couple >1>o "111111 to 1:Qow -they've been.wed for ball a century. 1 I~'I alto. good ~vtce !or 1 . IWIJlblr of YOW>& poroona .:: l!!cllidlnr the dall(lltev of «median Bob Hope -who ""' man1od this -k<nd. The experta were Mr. and Mrs. James J. Gibney ol New 1' ort who were among 333 tooplel, all of whom muried ki ltlt, at a mus ctlebratlon SUnday at St. Patrick,s Cathedral. way. One hu to gltt ln," Aid Mn. Gllbny wlltn ul<td what she bu teamed in 50 yem. •1~p out of her way whllll she's doing Ille -worr," said Gibney in reply to the same q!Jestlon. '"!'bat means," said Mrs . Gibney, ."bf doeSn't belp." "And." said Gibney, "J have learned to gel borne for meals on time. She gets very mad if I'm late." ,,. __ .. MR.MUM • • 3,000 i\7ictims Air Foree Museum Of Flu EDWARDS us, c 111 r. Force by North A111er1<an three colnoelJ Allll • cMllan (UPJ)i Colr•Uk• ll7'1 Rockwdl Corp. D • f • n I e for slq!tlg the J"lblldtr OliJll J ATLANTA (UPI) _ Tiie Jel, 'f the ltlllllary hoped s.ertt>ry Robot! McNamara and said the probable CIUM \<oWd I to a fleel oi, lavilMll 1 1•1 r on 1 It> oL the colllJlao wu • pUot "°"' Jeq flu bu clalmed -• -hen ·n thu .-.:_ .. _,_, •-"'·Uc ' ' ··1e emr •· Wall:er. I"''"' lh1m 3,000 nm 111nce: .. ,..._.. . 'WI ~~w~·~ ~ mtlll '==="'=;:::;,:::;,:;;:::== Ila -.••-a• O··• w .. •-.... ~ dOWD the rwnr~ for the delenjle and altelffd , the1• • • .;:;~..; ~.qoo ":reaU:. t ... t t!me lhil •we<k -headed oupmoolc macned bomber ... - fui 'ireet alooe \!Joe NallonA! 1"' the ll.S. Air '°"' pnigam. Why Are Co~able Dfleaa Center MUIOWD. The plan~ were lurned 9"" y A (NCDC) reporled Thunday. Thi buP Jet can Dy at lo tlie Na~Ollal Aernnaulics OU I Theincruae<IQ>~tyrate 1,000 muea:.,an""'"" bul .Its and Spl.C~·Admini!lration Poor Talker? ~ fn ID ·ceosrapblc fuillflicJil"wWhe1lelSll"ely, whidtcarrledoulacheckeffil A noted Jl"blish<r in Chlcago dlviaions UteJI( the Mouotain ~ic hop to Wrtaht-Pal-research program for four reports a .simple technique ot tetliOo •Air F,_. Base. , Obi. o, years •'"" C011Versa"oo whlch division, wbk:h showed a "!"....... • every....., u and a pt1"p'ta.Oent grounding. One of the XB10s crashed can pay yoo real dividends in ~ After repealing the VOWS they first exchanged SO years ago, the Gibneys, who have four children, 15 grandchildren 1nd one great-grandchild, Shared some of their marital pbilosphy. New York wasn't the only place for remembering past romance. Mr. and M r s . Clarence A. Vaught of Bed· ford , Ind.. observed their golden wedding anniversary Saturday by taking the -~~~~~~~~~;;;:~~~~§g~~ elevator to the top of the Indiana Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument in midtown In. dlanapolis -the spot where decline for the leCOnd straight 1be -a.at of the final night In June 1966 during a publici-socia! and business advance-"~ ~~ :;· 5 , l l 7 depends on weather condltians ty rught ~g filmed for ment and works like magic to persons have died fr 0 m and will Bfither data on haodl· General Electric w b.i c b give you polse, se.lf--coolidence pneiimOnla and influenza since ing abd structural respon3t to manufactured the ·jet's six and ~ter popularity. Usher the nu outbreak began the engines. According to this Jl"b • rirat week of Deeember. Of air turbulence. An Fl04 fighter collided in-many people do not re~ bow Ollly two of the $500 million fU hi . Ith the bo ~-killing" much they could inlluence these deaths, 3,079 were at-planes were built for the Air & w m"P • others simply by what they say trJbuted to the current out-~est pilot ~oseph A. Walker and bow they &al it Whether break of Hong Kong Ou. in ~ fighter and Air F~e in business, at 90elal functions, "You can't have your own they Wert man"ied. . 'Lame Ducks' Pushing .-. ·Plans in Last Days For lhe week ending Jan. Town's Oldest ~alhe 't~~o.s. Gross, copilot or. even in casu8;1 conftr'SaUon 4, the NCOC said, 995 persons The A1 F .1:~A·plined with new acquaintances there died of Hong Kong nu, the r orce ~1 are ways to mate a good Im· sharpest rise of the epidemic. Resident Dies pression every time you talk. ''It is prerDature to predlCt .1.•wrtiWMRt To acquaint the readers of the total mortality due to in· LA.Wl\ENCE, Mass. (AP) '-M k E ti With thill paper with the easy-to.fol • Judy Says Life Ha,rd 111 Early Film Years nuenza this season ~until we A woman believed to be the a es a ng • low rules for developing skill in LONDON (UPI) _ Back In "problems, temperaments and sdeoewnwthaerd s0teeurvpne.~'sstheofNCDCthe oldest resident of La.wrence, FA I C. £TEETH everyday conversation, the Mrs. Alice Weldan, JS dead ~ publishers have printed full de- the days when she was singing tantrums." said. ''We would expect this at the age ol 107. Up to 350/o Easier tails of their interesting self· · WASHINGTON <AI') -As held a final news conterent'?. about rainbows, Judy Garlaod Now, she says, "I Ieel that mortality to begin to decline Mrs Weldon widow of 011u1Clll tMta ~JOU can now training methOO in a new book- tbe Democrats' day of He said Nixon had assured says she and fellow child star at least I bave found the love soon, say within the next week Thom~ Weldon,'died Sunday. :';.~~ ~"' ~::i1T~ let, "Adventures in Conversa- :departurt draws nekar. the ndcry the nation's mayors, civil Mi c key R 0 0 n e y were 1 have been searching for all or two.''.. Born Nov. 18, 1861, in Nova you·~~~ on lion," which will be mailed of ... lhe lame due resou s · h'· 1 d --• th th t The b"iggest 1·ncrease '" the Scott"a, Mrs. Weldon was ac· ~p1,1.1.e1 -•-1, _, ~~ frtt to anyone who requests il I d r · rig .., ea ers <llJU o ers a O\'erworked and underfed at my Ii f e" in New York ... ~ ':urt.able..P'Airrum i. .:\ N b" .: Send Jhr'tMJ.gb the capito · e ining HUD' 't be number of flu cases is in live in temperance groups, w~-im:iur.NolJ\UZllDl'.PN\T o o ugauon.. your name, Problems, proposing solutions, s programs won Metro Goldwyn Mayer. discotheque manager. Mickey the Southeast states, where began and ended each by iuta. 1Wp1 cbec.k "de.o.ture od~. address ,and up code lo: prfis.ing the past and predic· turned off. "Mickey and I were Deans, 35, whom she plam six states are rec 0 rd in g reading Scripture. ::l~.:iiio~c:!u:5"~ Conversation, 835 Diversey Pk· -tini; the future. He then observed that HUD prisoners at Metro," Miss to marry shortly. lt will be widespread outbreak! for the Two daughters and a son GnP . •'..Udrul~ wy., Dept ~911 Chica.go, llL : '1)ll! voices raised are those nearly doubled new housing Garland said in an interview ...'.'.he::r_:fi.'.'.if:'.:th'.:m.'.'.arr~i:::ag~e::_. ____ _'.fi'.'.."rst~t.'.'.im:•::· ______ _:SUTV1~~-v~e':.. ______ __1==========~606=14=. =A=posl<:==anf==w=ill=d=o·== or ·public officials, soon to starts for the poor-and - nla.\e way for the Republicans moderate income f&mllies to published Sunday in the Lon- of Richard M. Nixon's ad· about 120,000 in the J967~ don Sunday Express. mibistralion and eager to use fiscal year and said be was ''We were overworked and the-prestige of high office in confident the fir,ure will dou-underfed," she said. ••I beliaH of pet projects before ble again next year, and that remember they used to starve lhoy're ~ck on the outside the 1968 Housing Act's goal loo):ing in. of 600,000 units a year is not me whenever they thou ght I 'their goal, of course, is to beyond the-country's capabUi-was ·-putting on too much generate enoyg~ publiC sup-ty. weight. Not that the food in poi:t to keep alive programs Miss Furness went before the cariteen at Metro was and continue policies which a Federal Trade Commission worth eating, mind you." may hold no great attraction hearing on automobile war-Still, she said, "we all did for.their successors. ranty ler.Y:ices lo urge lhlt weJ] out of Metro and Metro SecretaryofWelfareWlJbur ·.tlJegovernmentiDtervene did well out of UI." J. tohen bu joined the chorus unless "serioua problemt" are Miai Garland, 46, perform.. tel~g Congress that malnutri· not cleared up within one ing at London's elegant cab- tioA is a national problem and year. The n'C is looking into arel Talk of the Town, said tin f what an age"'"" IUV'lkesman she really is a "nice Nl,..,,,n" caQing for the crea g o --~ ~,.., ..---tntft federal agencies to ca1led evident dissatisfaction despite her much publici:.ed er,.Hcate it. throughotit the ctluntry with emotional scrapes. But she ad· '\~ ser\•ice under auto warranties. mitted she has had her GAVE VIEWS ·1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij;jil On Thursday. Secretary or ' ln&erior Stewart L. Udall and ~ "Prepare for the' .secretay ol. housing and urlian development, Robert C. ~ \VOOd, volunteered their views on:.Ome problems whUe Betty Funt•ss. special assistant t• School of Bus'iness the future ••• Todau!" Pri&ident Johnson on con- sumer affairs, s uggested ~~ improve auto warranty ...... go~nunent intervention to ~".2~~~~ se«iices. e Medic•l ln111r•~c• e lookk••pin9 e D•nl1I A11i1tin9 Secretary Cohen outlined his prtlgram to combat mal·l t ri-ABC SHORTHAND tioQ in testimony prepared for a .1pecial Senate comm1ttee 111 W. 5th Phone on11unger problems. Si1.nta Ane 543-1753 or 543..anl .Gi addition to proposing the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! net agencies, he also recom-: mended that food stamps be ~ available to all that need them, with eligibility to be :determined by family in· come. Cohen claimed current food asilstance progr;uns reach on- ly:• million of the nalion's 22 lilWlon poOr. . . . He propooed that Congress deClare that eradication of m.iJnutrition is a · nalional ruponsibility and set up these agencies to deal with it : .:.A federal inter·agency nutttlon council to ouUine na- tioaaI policy and coordinate all'.Jovenunent activity in the field of ~utrition . ...k An intra-agency nutrition coiiimittee to monitor and codl'dinate nutrition policies a.nil programs of the inter· agency council. A: hwnan nutriUon ad- m.ipistration to promote a na· tir8al coordlnatian Qt tiutrition acfviUes and focw: OD the ~ of consumers. l"lther th*ll of farmers. tilall. holding the final news coaCereDCt of hil ~ght years at:U. lnt.erior Department, vemor hu enough when questioned Gov. Walter J. lllftemeqla on such ""' public land policy pollution. lltl • .lldaD then. turned to laJW cenaervaUon and polJu. li<lf control. two areas in w~ Sen. WUU.ain .PrOxmire (0-Wi.J..ll'Ml other critics on CaJl!it<i.; HUI have aigested Is lnlullicienUy HM.ENT Mid ltil moot Im- • ICCOmpli!hment was to Pllring in the tot.al- l CODCeJJI which . -accepts." This oorOiopt says thllt decisions oa '*' ol public landa ':ind raourcea, the amo e it of nste material.a that can bf! clumped Into the air. and th< best ltter for tndumial plants and buUd.inp be madt: from dM! pOlnt ol view of effect c:n tht over-all environment. ·Secretary Wood of HUD also interest per year on $5,lDI Full· Paid lnveslment CertHicates and 15 ~I itl-t per year on Passbook .., Thrift Accounts of any amount • lnlerest on $5.00J Fufl-Paid Thrift Certificates is paid by check at the end ol each calendar quarter. Interest on the Passbook Accounts is computed monthly. credited and compounded quarterty. • These lmatmenta ar• available, to individ-- uals, associatk>ns aod corporalions-in Califor- nia only. • Since Its ·founding in 191 6, Morris Plan has promptly met every request for withdrawal. Assets exceed one hundred million do'lars. •f t.mda plllc«J thtvugtl JtHI. 1s ••'" mte1Mt 1tom JM 1. PEMOtW. LOANS. TOO Bin Consotid&tiotl • Tm'91 •Tu•• My good re.son Morris Plan 6n.3100 Newport Beach -3700 Newport Boulevord • All Penney Stores ' Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday enne••l -THRU SATUROA y ONLY! ALWAYS FIRST Q.UA\.IT~ •, •. FlX-IT, THESE PENNCRAFT® VINGS ARE FOR YOU ue•vauA EN NEV CHARGE· ACCOUNT SAVE $251 RADIAL DRIU PRESS, UG, 109.99, NOW 84.99 v.-i., oasy oporotlug .... drlli hoti- lo~ .. -~ qlod M1-drllb ........ of o 32' dt<lo. 4 opootk for Aoxlble o,_.. lion. Wotll I!" g-..1 chodc, splndlo ond by, oibor ond -· V-beh. Moto< not lnd.ded. TD'CJAYI SA VI 471 7" ·SANDIR/POLISHER SAVE '30110" MOTORIZED TILTING ARIOll IAW, UG. 169.99, NOW 139.99 lloOe for oil worbliopr. Atolt<ltoly rips, cross -mnn, bnels., rips to center Of 4' ponel. 314 depth.of Cl.It at 909, 2t! HP motor, rip 101100, vuide ..a., boll beorlng lubricalod for life! NOR factory demonstration actiedule: Newport Beach, Huntington Beach, Vtnlura ,,.,.., Frld1y, Jmuary 17, 1969; 6:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. ukewood, Fvli..ton ind C.n091 P1rkal«ft,S.turd1y,Jonu1ry 18, 1969, 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. I RIG. 36.99 ' . ._ ____________ ..J Now29.99 \I . HP, 6 amp. lllOlor d...!op& 3400 & 1800 RPM. Tool-, o ... iliary handle, sanding dba, l:l 3 "'" con! w!tli odop1or. SAVI $71 7" CIRCULAR SAW RIG. 36.99 Now29.9~ -lt! HI', 10 --dowlopo ~ RPM. si-. and .---·-90' .. "5' ~ odl-rip gvide. NEWPORT BEACH (Fashion Island) SAVI tSI POIT.UU: CARRY VAC. UG. 29.99 t(ow24.99 lfg·3 qt......,_"°' o !I HP-·"--lndodo -tool,""""""'" odoplw, otll;ty nonfe, 12' ...... HUNTINGTON BEACH (Huntington Center) I • 1~111\~I ....... ~ ..................... 1 .. ~ ... ~ ... ~S~?Q .... ._..,._ •• ~·~-aa-.................................... ,,~a~l .... K•••r ... n•r•• ... ~~~--~~--~--'~~"-".~==»~ l l -1 ' ' I . l '. l I I I ' I I I ·, ' . -. -· -~ .._ -- ! ~ l \I ~ All Pinney Store.s ~pen Every ~ight Monday Thro~g~ Sat~~~~~·} . . URNITUR.E ·FLOOR SAMPL-~i • ..-ilj,•1 ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY. . . ~ . . . ONE OF A KIND! BE EARLY! WHILE THEY LAST! EARLY AMERICAN ORIG. '79 ' MAPLE 3 DRAWER Now'59 SINGLE DRESSER MATCHING 22 x 26 MIRROR ORIG. $33 ...• NOW '19 FULL SIZE BED ORIG. $99 ••••••••••• NOW '59 KING SIZE HEAD BOARD ORIG. $100 • • • • • NOW '49 TRUNDLE BED ORIG. $134 . . • • . • • • • • NOW '69 CORNER DESK ORIG. $70 ••••••••••• NOW '20 . . '.$)ft .. --BUDGR DOUBLE BED ORIG • .$39 ._ .•• _ •••• NOW.!.! 7 __ _ BID, WITlf FOOT BO.AA!) ' , 0· $9 w· ; ·ao·v . ITAUAN PROVINCIAl TWIN . RIG. 5 • • • • • • • • NO . . ,; DANISH 2 DRAWER NIGHT STANDS 1i· KING HEAD . iOARD ORIG. $53 • • · .• . . • . . NOW tJ4 p DANISH MODERN 1WtN PANEi. ORIG $47 . •24 BED WITlf FOOT BOAID • • • • • • • NOW .. PARK MAHOGANY SPANISH STYLE TRESTL• TAILE I ORIG, $219 Now 1166 BIG 42x66.to 961 MATCHING SIDE CHAIR ORIG. $45 • . • . . • NOW '35 MATCHING ARM CHAIR ORIG. $50 • • • • • • NOW '35 DINmEsns DELUXE 5 PC. PEDESTAL SET ORIG. $299 •• NOW '259 5 PC. BlACK AND CHROME SET ORIG. $119 ~NOW1I '88 DELUXE 5 Pc. MOLDED BAQC ORIG. $199 • NOW '1C9 SOFAS AND LOVE SEATS . . . EARLY AMERICAN BROWN LOVE SEAT ORIG. $169 '77 100" MODERN UPHOLSTERED SOFA ORIG. $229 NOW '177 (OLM I HONEY) MATCHING CHAIR ORIG. $109 ••••••• NOW 177 CHAIRS EARLY AMERICAN GOLD WING C~IR ORIG. 119.95 '66 MAPLE FINISH BOSTON ROCKER ORIG. 34.98 • NOW '26 DELUXE MAPLE BOSTON ROCKER ORIG. $39 • NOW '28 TOAST VINYL RECLINER ORIG. $95 • • . . • • NOW '77 . WOOD TRIM COLONIAL ROCKER ORIG. $109 • NOW •7.7 (PATCHWORK QUILT WIAVI) EARLY AMERICAN 3 DRAWER 'BUFFO ORIG. '110 ., Now•70 · HUTCH WITH SPOON RACK ORIG. $50 • • ~.,.. NOW '30 . I SIDE CHAIR ORIG. 19.75 • • . . • . • • • • • NOW "12' 1 · MATE'S CHAIR ORIG. 22.50 • • • • • • • • • • NOW "14 · . . ' CAPTAIN'S CHAIR ORIG. 31.50 · •••.•••• NOW '16 . . . ~ . . : . - _.OVAJ...lAiE.o.RIG._UQ _L,,_..__L , _ _. _,__. __ ._ ._, NOW_!l_Q__ 42" ROUNj TABLE ORIG. $79, • • • • •••• NOW '40 SAVE ~5 ON . ORIG. $135 ;, MODERNWALNUT '60 · FINISH BUFFET ' ,.". . ,NOW r .,. .MODERN WAL~T DINING TABlE. O~lq,. $1~ N4 W ·6~ · .. MODERN WALNUT SIDE CHAIR ORIG. 21.50 •. NQW . 'IS . FULL SIZE, PECAN FINISH! MEDITERRANEAN STYLE BED WITH FOOT BOARD NOW •• ORIG. $1'45 •40· EARiY AMERICAN DESK CHAIR ORIG. $18 •• NOW '12 EARLY AMERICAN TIER (.\BINET ORIG. $79 •• NOW 'S9 OCCASIONAL TABLES., MODERN PECAN 56" COCKTAIL TABIJi· ORIG~ 49.98 '26. MODERN PECAN 7'.l' COCKTAIL TABa.i:QRIG.f94.98 .••• , MODERN PECAN 28" oluM iABLE om~.$~:~ Now ·2•· EARLY AMERICAN END TABLE ORIG. 44.98 • • NOW '26 . EARLY AMERICAN 5'.l' COCKTAIL TABLE ORIG. 44.98 '26 EARLY AMERICAN LAMP TABLE ORIG. 49.98 • NOW '26 . . ' FRENCH PROVINCIAL COCKTAIL TABLE ORIG. 49.98 "IS i l EARLY AMERICAN COCKTAIL TABLE ORIG. 104.95 •so EA~Y AMERICAN END TABLE ORIG. 54.98 •• NOW '26 EARLY AMERICAN END TABLE ORIG. 34.98 •• NOW "16 EARLY AMERICAN COCKTAIL TABLEORIG.34.98NOW "16 EARLY AMERICAN LAMP TABLE ORIG. 34.98 • NOW '16 EARLY AMERICAN DRAWERCOMMODE34.98. NOW "16 NEWPORT BEACH-FASHION ISLAND ¥~ ... " \;N " ' " ' . ·~J ,, .. ". ' ~·· .. ... ....... .... ~ :--·:.- " ··-: ~ '·''"' l~., ... ,. -·~ -.. , ... , . ' ~·· . -. -. i I ' --1 . - . .. . ¥ • ~ l· " ., ., . . ) •• ·+ . ...... • ? • •• ,.,. ~ -r~ •/ -.... • ... ••• 11to411, ~ 13, 1~9 I I I ·so gi'eat,,in fact,-you sounded as if you were calling .· from the offiee-;:instead of the .moon. Collins -had prime responsibili~ for development of t]je OQ-board commiti. ca ti an system an_d \lie global< network of gtound stations Used by NASA for vbice,.ua~;~~ andtel~on ~g the:fii&bt of Apollo 8. • . _ 1 _ ; • _ • . , lliese systems sp~ the greatest distance in five-voice communica- tion history. - Collins has proVided communil!lltions-wilhout a single mlssioo failure-for all phases of the U. S.manned space program: Mercury, Gemini.,and•Apollo. _ Every .American'Villoe from .space has been transmitted o\ter Collins communication systems. ·s-s,..... ... ...., •-•-t Cor,ontion. lrouMTrKkinc/<Arnmunlcltldn System for NASA's Goddttd-Spkt nlaht c.tnltr • ' . .. ,A COW.NS ~ . •,. ; . • -~ ...---------:-·------~---• , I s e ' ' . . ......,.,......, '",,., t .\rw1s JOHAN HASTINGS. ~I · . .\ • ' • 4-.... ~ ' . . I ~ ' • Acti:v.e:~ ·~o rii'ti .. _· ;:~. ·~ ·. Prd 9r.amf;m ed - . t 1-·-~ """ • \ ~ '!·· ~ ' .. . .. • It's bcick to business • as · usual for members \,.of the Assistance-...-· League with a fiillJ>rogram ol •cllvilles scb~uled ·for\lbi•:~· , ~. ·~gue nie/n~ers will raise funds wJiile..ll..Bvlng ,flµt, on.. utsdily and , ; Friday, lari. 23 8nd ~. when a blldge brunch 8nd theater ,P will take · place. . . \ _ · Hosting the brunch at .JO a.m. Thurm!~ in tbe cha~>r house w!l bo • : Mrs. Floyd. Hair, chairman, and C®mrlttee members 1iiel11d.,. lbe Mmt'lo,:, Ted llar\letl, Richard Crawfonl.-RICbard.ll«>ucb, Ji'letcb~,;Jl~.~ 1191>-, · ert Will<in.' , • \ Pfi.z~s will be awardta to those with highest scores ~~ a-_consol~ : tiOft pli%el wlll',comfoft the 10)¥ =.,Rr, ' , ' : , ', K"; · \ '; 1 The follilwjng tveriing l~g.iJe ,me&llers 1will/ be j~lnttd )>.v busbaJ!~ ' ; when lbeir.tU,'e over Huntingtoa. Heacb •f'JA,ybouie: Prior t1>·.ati~1ding '"!be" . Beil Mani ' presented by the City'• community theater poop, Ibey will · atleod a·paJty hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Cniµcb.· • , ... 1 • Mrs. 'niorrlas .Broderick i> iii .charge al arrangements ancr1 assisting are Mr&. Crouch and Mrs. Hair. · . . Proceeds tr6m both °'ents will be used for the league!s canllnuing philanthropic.'servlces within the community'. · . I ~Jl r~enj business meel!Dg \I ,WJ!S re'veal.ed:;tbpt' If ~ta! of _ . 19,MS volunteer hours were deVoted to league projects ut 1968; ~uliii · ervices· spgnsored .l>xJh~ crouR are the lhrif! sh~R. 9.)>fn Tlle9111iy ft!W.~ Ffi:_. ays, the. speech center each Wednesday ahd the gift shop in -Hllllltngton · ' lntercorrumµuty Hospital. open daily. . . evening ! ey~t· ~:Jlilce llti,'ilrst Tuesday· of ei.tb· mo~t\i. League Pr<>Vism..ls Will 1>in rifilar members who host prosp:ee• tive parents :in. Huntlngtoo lmrettOmmunity Hospital. · Also continuing in the new year will be moitlhly maternity .tea• 1tal<· Ing place at 7:30 p.m. the first Tuesday of each month.·· Al'Pr<\xil'>•~Y. 50 prospec;live parents assemble in the aafeteria where tbey enjoy t'Walb- ments, ·\!i~w.· mo'1.es conc_erning new infants, .and·~e t¥m.on a 'tour\of tbematet.nttyward. , · • l ''J .-.. )._,-. Chairman O! the teas ts Mrs. RiCbar.d Crawford 'usisted'by Mrs .. ' LeRoy Benson, Mrs. Sally Farquliar and ailemaling· league mem~rs. The ... , :1° ·i ~.' ,• " ,,-·, neit t~a -w.ill Uike .Place Tuesday, Feb. 4." · ' ·'~: .~ ..... -. ' "' .-. . ... -,. • . •· i. -THEATERGOERS ,-llaising-tunds !qr lb,• .. league's many contintiing co~unity 1 sezy-, ices Will be a pleasant experience when . rp.em~ts; blisbands m8( guests1 take over - r Huntington Beach.Playhouse for a presenta- . tio• ol "The Best !\lap.': Revie)ving. the pro- , gn1111 cJ1re. !left io right) Mrs . .W·arren'. Hair. and Mrs. Bert Robinson, provis ionals, and .Mrs .. Richard Crouch~ , To Get Boyfriend Panting, DEAR ANN LAJ'IDERSo The other evening I went to pick up my girl lO take her to dinner. When she answered the door I said, "Iii, Harold." I thought it was her ~r. June bad on one o( those pant.suits. ANN LANDERS [t] With her short haircut and a button-down coUar she looked just like a guy. I when we said good night that Jr I wanleif told her I dJdn't like the way she looted to date 'JOmebody in trousers there are and,, furtbCl;more, I was afraid \bey 1. _ 1 the ff' ho ha hinted wouldni let ua into the Ritz Hotel dining ""' guys n o .«t w ve room drelled that way. She gave me they'd llke lo go out with me. She a w.ct look and satd, "I'll cbaoae but didn't care mudl for that remark. I tblnk yoa are being very JrOvinclal." f love June and don't W#lt to hue He lower lip atuc.k out an evening and any trouble 'Jrith her. Please ~ll me we had • rotten time. if you think· a man Ms t(Ml right to Wtll you please tell me tr 1 wat UJftS1 his vtews on how ~Is girl looks? "1'0ll( to A7 111Ylhintl I told June -ClllLLED CHUCK ,:; DEAR Clll1CK: I do, Imt...i. Plhitllllb are .la vope, and 10me womei look sma5hl., la tlte.m. U, bowever,. a boyfritld or a l11uba1d prefen ilult the. llOt ef Ids We wear a Alrt wl9et ... -will lllol, ... ·--be rupec1<11. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Plctse don't lhlnk I am a selfish, possessive mother. . DEC l(,J SEL~CTliD -Mrs. William st .. ,P~<iil.~Char/es White •nd Mrs. Milton Brown provlii.bllal!. (left to rigi\I) prepare their card! ior·a bridge brunch takinr p)oce at 10 a'.tti.' Thursday, Jan. 23, in the chal>ter house. Continuing community projects bene-. filing from the ipformill affair are the speech center, thrift shop, gift' shop and other .Philanthropies. ' ' Girl Must Skirt Nothing could be further from the truth. The problem is the other set of in-laws. My husband and I •ould enjoy being with our dau&httr and her husband for an occasional eveiiiol without the otber in-laws monopoliling the conve.rsaUon with "their plans, ~. proje<:ta ... Please undenland, Ann, UM!y are. line folks, but they ire overwhelming. We can't 1et a w«d in tdgewise. Whenever my husband Ind I .return from an even-ina: with the four ti them we fed we COQfd ju.st u well hafe lltayed at home. What do you suggest! -MAfNE DILEMMA DEAR OJL: Be bonts& wUh your da•gb&er. TcU her 7ou would lft."'t(et •Ol to be part ef ' q~ tvn If 1 ll It mel.m kfln&. lter len of&en. IA my epbiloa, ,.oar 'CODl'flllhlt lJ a valid OHlnd)'R ........... Up. DEAR ANN : Our Javorite niece an- nounced her engaaelnent five months .... We were Ill tlirined. Tho YOUDI man comm from a fine family and Is In 1111 aenlor Ytft ~t ilrown. The date WU M for Jon. Ill. llmni portltl were givtn and Pfb sent. Yesterday n -a. eryptlc thret-line note. from the bride's mother. 1be wedding: ls orr. No rtUOll:. JI.lit "off." We fetl she owe.a ua an explanation. Afte.t an, we IN!n'r 1tranger1, Do >'°" '· . the Suit agee? -· . .. . ,. . -JNSULTEjl . DEAR IN': • No. Tiie re..... .. 111>11o«t'•· -u '" .... • .... (rit.Dd >''9': wWt 1pare_tkm """" .... an'd<ty ... ad .. qwall•~ •. I ' •. Ann Landen' n e. w -book. "Trutb Is: Slrani'r .... " Ji a collectlGn ot lier~­ co\wMI Oft!'. the pait ·IS years, .. scintl~inc and comiDon ...,. ..Qt : ...edlDY pr.,tlced for !Illa book· • Avillib1e •t 111 booUtono for ..... ~· '":. Am LondOn will be aJad to you with your problms. Send ·: lo her Jn ca re of the DAILY P~~-­ enclosln1 • &elt-addreued, ltam~­ envetope. ~ 1'-... .-... , ~ : ·~ --. -· .. --... -··l-. Horoscope I • Weddings, Troths l I •· •• Pilot's Deadlines To avoid disappoll!tman1, prospective brides are reminded to · line their weddlnr at<>ries with black and while alOPY pboto- BJ'&ph> to the DAILY PILOT Society lleparl· ment prior t-0 or witblD me w,U after the wedding. Cancer: Improve Appea·rance TUESDAY JANUARY 14 llJ SYDNEY OMABJI pr,actlcaL COmplde b a I I c · -clrcumltaneel turn ID your dtort1. Pay attentloo to favor • details. Don1 wancl<r loo lar CAPRICORN (Dec. zi.Jan. afl<Jd. -t )'OU ueed ii cloee 11): Approciate pr Iv a< y. •t hand. Ru.1lJe tbll -act Heed "inner voice." Realizt .-nc1y. . belni al«» cloea not mean . , :::.,e: • MR. AND MIU. liERALD MIGATULSKI Exchan .. Wadcltn9 Rings Fullerton Site :For Ceremony The Rev. Herman Mees ·for their evening wedding · -~ the d b>e ccremooy. Parents of the Meyer puflll"•-Oll newlyweds ~ Mr. and Mrs. rin& nuptials linking III mar· Fred Staudigel Sr. of Costa . . ria&e Patricia Ruth Staud.igel Mesa and Carl Mlgatul.ski of 'and Gerald Carl MJ.gatulsk.i, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., and the 'i>olll ol J'ullirlon. late Mn. Miptulskl. The bride selected a daisy For engagement lllllCIUllqmenta It b SUUe.rted that the story, ,also &CCQ!Dpanled by a black and white 1Souy p 1 ct u r e, be submilled early. II the betrothal announce- ment and wedding date ue six weeks or les& aparl, only the wedding pbot<> will be ac- cepled. To help fill requirements on both v.•ed.· ding and engagement stories, forms are avail· able in all of the DAILY Pll,()T offices. Further questions \vill be answered by Social Notes staff members al 642.-4321 or 494-9466. Late Spring Nuptials Planned in Newport During a party in the Newport Beach home ol Mr. and Mn. Roger E. Turner, they anoou~ the engage-- ment of their daughter, Mary Kathleen Turner to John Allen McDonnan III, son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. McDonnan of Dallaa. . A wedding is being planned for late spring in Our Lady Queen o! Angell Olurcb, Newport Bead!. Miss Turner is a graduate of the Romona Convent, Alhambra, a t t e n d e d thl!! University of California Davia, and now is studying at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. She is a member ol Kappa Delta . '"'"-wia, m• controll hla d"'tb\r •• .Altn>loiY poloil the w17." .... ~ (Mwdt ll·April 11): llo1 to finalize plans. Be in CCllnDIUlli.,u... with ny peo- ple. Be llalble. You may be requlrecl to mate 1 cha.nae. VersaUllty la y our a II y • GEMINI individual could play lmporlaol .,,1e. TAURUS (April 20-May IOI : Day ;.,.. paying, coll0<ting debts. Some play aecrettve role. strea harmony. Appliel especially to family members. Glve praiae where It is due. l!IPligbt good will. GEMINI (May UJune 20): Cooperate with ARW ln· clMdual. A contnc:t involvlui partnership could be 1po!llilltod. LlsteU well to ooe who has your welfare at heart. Don 1 be lmpaUent with mate, partner. CANCER (June 21.July 21)' Check wardrobe. Be wllllng to spend to improve appearance. Work associate comes up with commendable plan. If aware, you fln'd something of merit. Avoid ex· cess. Remember h e a I t b resoluUon. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Hund! pays oil. Bring !orlh creative resources. PeraonaJ magnelism raUng soan. Op- posite sex is attracted. You have knack today of getting your way. Don't aai: for more · than you can handle . VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 21)' Stick close to hol!!e_bue· il . UBRA (Sept. 2$-0c~ 21): you mu.ot,be lonely, Viii! one Emplwil on deallnp with c:onllned to home, Jio!pllal. Be rdaUve1, .. lgbbors. Don1 <OOll<krato toward those who apread yoaraall loo thin. Hao-are handl<1pped. die one uslgmnen! at a Ume. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. ldeu are plenWul. Key ii 11): Cooperate with spec.ta! to be aelecUve. Chooae the groups, o r g a n i z a t i o n s . best. Improve unique contacts. You 8CORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): need help to accomplish goal. Overcome temptaUoo ta be Be somewhat ol a poUUclan. estravqant. Spend f« what Turn on charm -even if you Deed. 'But av o Id you have to kiD a baby. !oollsbn<a with your money. PISCES (Feb. 111-Mardl 20): You can hive fup -but you Attend to bu&iness affairs. Not do have to face younell io wise to trust t be .in- mornlng. erperienced. Well-meanlllg SAG11TAJUUS (Nov. 22-puson may lack essential Dec. 21): AvoJd tendeDey to backgound. One at the top brood. Come out of shell Go is considering you for pro- plact1, do things, meet people. motion. Personal deailnp advance. GENERAL TENDENCI~: Cycle is up. You get breJik Cycle high for SAGITrARIUS. V.Sftltln•'s O.y Is Fef). l<f ~ Come in now ... Valentine's Day Delivery Guaranteed/ Give him your love in a fine portrait for Valentine's Day The ~ cbole the First ~ ~.JacL. ----rAftliefi.D QnrChorF'Ullerton ~: chiffon. v;~ and daisy crown. She held daisies in Her fl.ance, a graduate of Ar<ldil ~hool,-'s .... -----------· dying •Y•lema •nginee,ing . at Mu 51· c 1· an 5 Southern Methodist University . ·--· .. it's the aitt -- ht wants moa.t, especially if he's ;,::::.Marriage ~; .... Plans told her cascading bouquet. Mrs. Jeff Epstein of Garden Grove wu matron of honor in 1. gold c:olored sown of peau de soie and nylon. Mrs. Jerry LaBaw of Yucaipa and Mn. Roger Cook of Fullerton wore olive green cage dresses of peau de soie and nylon. All the attendants carried d~es. Institute of Technology. He is a member of Sl&ma Tau, an engineering h o n o r a r y fraternity and K1ppa Mu tp1Uon, a math honorary. Perform away in Service. special: I MARY TURNER To M•rry In Newport Beach Winter Wedding Set Two member& of the Young Artist Guild ~appeared in a recital in the Huntington Bea.ch Woman's Clubhouse last Sunday. Sharll>g the proeram were Davtd Swenson, D o w n e y planiat and Sally Setterinaton, Garden Grove soprano. Here's a new idea ih wedding. sets .. We call it, M1tchmat1s~Her engagement and wedding rings match his mdding band. After all, why should the bride get all the nice thingsl From top; S225. $375. $295. Your Cht,-,1 Acc1wnl ;, W1lco1111.,. l•11k~"4. W...t•~ Ol•rt•• Too SLA.'ViCK'S lovely BxlO and three wallet-siz• portraits, only 595 A family cfinner hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Tor· renct in their Corona del Mar home was the aettinc foe t.be betrothal announcement ol their daughter, Maureen Ellen Torrence and Brian Joseph Somodi. The futurt bride w a s sraduated from Mater Del High School and will graduate from califorola Stall!! College at Long Beach this month. She is majc:rlng in home economics IDd U•chln& iD the Children's Center, Lon I Beach. Valerie and Victoria Vehl.- lng, the bride's twin nieces from Norih Hollywood were flower girls. Stanley Miller of Norwalk WU asked to stand U best man. U-..C guests to their pews were Dave Sanborn of Yorba Linda and F r e d Staudigel Jr., the bride's brother. tryn;:;. ~~en "~:.~i:•r,.! l=JR.Cl.AD"VA.Y News of the forthcoming The couple's future plans ol the M .... L. Te ache rs• Jewelers Sinca 1917 · f N e--•1e1 ..-..; Huntlnnton Beach 18 Fi11hion l1li1nd N•wport Be•th -644-1380 marnqe o ancy 1.:u1 include furthering their educa-AssociaUon of California, com· • and Michael Stephen Taylor tion, enlisting in VISTA's pro-priled of teachers in west 892-3331 of Mountain View has been, ...!gr:'.:am~and~~tr~av~elin~· ~g~to~E~u~ro~pe=·~°"!:IDl~•~C!:"'~Ull~iy~.'---_:~================''-=========' d.i.lclosed by her mother, Mrs.1~ The beneclict-<ie<t, soo or Mr. and Mn. Joaeph M. Somodi of Santa ADI, is an alumnus of Tustin Hlab School and UCLA wberl!! be received his BS in business ad· ministration. He was affililted with Phi GIDllDI Delta., and has completed two JUr1 Ii a first lieutenant with tbe U.S. Army in Germany. The couple have aelectl!!d Msy for their wedding. The dwn:h lounge was lhe rteeplion selling. .wisting were Mn. Barbara Vehling , M'ISS Elizabeth Siludigel and Mila Cynthia Slaudigel. The !crmer Miss Staudigel is an alumna ol Pomooa Hlgh School and Los Angeles Collel• ol Denial Assiltanb. Har bmhand attends Fulluton Junior ColJele. The newlyweds are making their boml!! in Ful1erloD after a booeym.ooo in San Fran- cisco. Lefnrr Brechtel of Balboa Island. The betrothed are planning a winter wedding in St. Jamea Episcopal Church, Newport Bead!. M1&s Brechtel, daughter of Edwin John Brechtel of Los An«eies, is an alumna of Corona del Mar Hlgb School and is attending San Jose Silte College and studylllg art. Her fiance, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Taylor of Palo Alto, i.s 1 graduate of San Jose State wbel'I!! he received his BS in markeiing. Jll OFFERS YOU CLAIROr~BRAIN. !ft lnin Is CLAIROrs HAIR CARE COM· ' PITEi, ud we're 1Si111 it ia all Jm haaty saloas to lilUTI out ya1r very ', .... Jat·ftlt·,.r·llalr·aeeds, CUSTUll CARE*ctl"tinw fnula.111 •lliltu a, )1 stylist ce mluate indiwidual hair data, aad tbat's all th brall HHS to come up with the ideally balanced hair condltioala1 and st!· t U 111Jiida. fw tfJe cm! of your nm, the CUSTOM CARE*FORMULOTION* c11tt111u 1'11' a sba111pe1 and set. mm 7.50, a Jm balrctt, frt• 4.50. JOSEPH MAGNIN BEAUTY WEST flll II l/rOllllllJT, CAil _ii_ llllr IWI. - Gloria Marshall's didn't "just happen" to become the world's leading :figure control system ••• quick, safe results made it that way. At Gloria Marshall Salons, you'll lose more inches and pounds for less money than through any other program; I/ Lose pounds and inches froJn hips, waist, thighs, tummy, and 8llllll • ./ Special machines are designed to banish every correctable fiJure faalt. ./ Results come quickly without pills, drugs, atlenuous emreilll or stami~ tion diet ••• Effortlcasly, 1!"'1"d' and inches "fall away." ./No disrobing. We are not a gym. i Free child care. Call today for your special courtesy visit, Where you actualfy use the spe- cial machines and where you have electronic Facial Contouring included in your courtesy visit. No charge or obllgation .. BY POPULAR DEMAND CONTINUm THIS WEEK FREE •.• Facial Contouring! As 1 special this week, at no edditional charge, with each and every program of weight reduction, you receive 12 visits for facial Contouring, using Gloria Marshall's exclusive electronic equipment, designed to eliminate wrinkles and age lines .•. giving you Jhat Youthful ••• smooth ••• P.ampered look. Don't miss 1his offer! Come In this week, while Ifs still in effect C1Q naw for''" fllDrl Dlblll lld c:anplt11aWJ 'll&lt lllcllGilll faclal CG11tourlt11 GLORIA MARSHALL, Direo- tor of the world's l<!ading Figaro Control System, models a nmv spring £ashian by the Iniematian· olly famous designer, Ernst Slrauss. Says Miss Mar.;hall, "This year, most designers are turning to the <tttr•lctive fitted \Vaisl; so, more tl1an ever, if you need lo -.inch '°' do,vn' to v;ear the smart new :styles, come in and let us show you how effortlessly it can be done.• flGt;BE CONTROL SALONS NEWPORT BEACH-430 Pacific Coast HICJhway ( !:.:".!;"ei~•> 642-3630 SANTA ANA-1840 West 17th Street 543.9457 , I ---------------------------------------------------- Wayfarer's Chapel Selected for Rites A spring wedding i n Wayf a rer's Chapel , Porluguese Bend, u being Planned by Diana L y n n Ed'ttards aod Mlchae!:l Eveitt 1 411 DIANA EDWARDS Spring W.dding w •• Peering ........ ., .. ,,, ____ .......... ~ ' Wierman. The br ide-~ ls the daughter ot Mt.. and Mrs. Ronald N. Edwardl ot Hun- tington Beach and 'her Hance Is the son of Mn. Whit Rodgers of Shelton, Wash. and Martin Wierman ol Hun· tington Beach. Friends learned the news af the approaching marriage when they attended a party hosted by Mr. and Mn. Kerry Koffman in the Knights of Columbllj Hall, Westminster. The bride-elect will graduate this month from Huntington Beach High School and bas been awarded a scholarship to a Huntington Beach beauty college. She was honored in high school as the home economics student of the year by the HB Olamber of Com· merce in 1987. Her fiance attended the same high school and will graduate from Orange Coast College this month. He Is ma· ' joring in police science and has beeh listed on the honor ro:::o year: ___ ~ Around Sc:;.n J::r Pa:::.:. ""' ~ KATHLEEN ANN ROLFE Engagement Told March Wedding Plans Revealed • • DAIL t PILIJT J5 Anaheim Ceremonr Aolbelln Cbrlllian .CtJlter Cburth wu tho lelllllf for Ibo double ring....-,, UM· hli In maniago Maryl!elle Saula' and Leroy Milburn Oox, botb of Corona del Mar. The llA!v. Ralpll A , WUktrloo perrormed the -.....uupUa11. nie oewlyw.dll will hone)'· moon In Hawail and &be Orient In lhe earty spring, The former Miss Sauter is lhe dalllbter ol lhe late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Paul Sa. and lhe b<lde"""'1 la lhe son of ~ late Mr. and Mrs. John Travis Cox. The oew Mrs. Cox selected an Imported white • II k brocade gown and carried a white BJble • and an ar- rangement ot orchids and stephaootls. Mrs. Belile Jane carter of Santa Ana, the bride'• sister, dooned I &Olm of imported aqua saUn and carried a nosegay of orchids a n d ~ stephanotls. Robert J. Cox of ~ Placentia was his brother's . best man. Lighting c a n d I e s was Richard Wll90n Carter of Hun· f tington Beach, the bride's ~ nephew. Mrs. Wilkerson was the orpnist and both she and 1 the reverend sang a duet. r Following the ceremony, at· ' tended by lbe couple's izn. mediate fa mi I y, was the reception in the Horn O'Plenty , in Fullerton. Assisting during ' the dinner party we.re P.1rs. t Carter, Mrs. William Lish~ i"' Henderson ol Long Beach, lbe bride's cousin, and Mrs . George . Emerick of Corona ' ' ' ' I.Gag llelch, lhe bride'• 1uot: , lo\AllulacluJ:ioi Co., Inc.• and The beoedlct II pmldent Aventura, l:i.M boll> of Sattta , of Cox lnterullonal, l.td., · AnL llll II -ry- HooJ Kq, Oeco, I a c , , 1 tr-of Ot<1ldlmaUClllll, Corona det Mar; L. M. Cox . -1lloo ..,.-, of lhe BEAUTY SALON HAIR PIECE SPECIALS ,L Beoutiful, lustrous humon hoi r pieces specially priced •.. come in eorlv. fQr the best selection and let one ou r experts help you select a ha irpiec.e. We specioli~e in styling hairpieces, too! 60.00 fells --·-········--··············-----·· 29.99 25.00 w;glels ···········--········--·-· 13.95 20.00 cescede.s ····-···········-········ 9.99 17.50 Wiglets----···-·-···-······ 8.88 Wigs ··--·-··--·-----·-·--· 1/z PRICE 'The Beauty Safon, 601 GUESTS OF honor during an open house In the Monarch Bay home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Berkson were their son and his new wife, Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Berkson JI of Los Angele.s. The new Mn. ~rkson, the former Miss J o a n Von &hlegeJ.I, is the daughter of ---w:~FredertrVon THE THOMAS Parri s h I family: of Newport Beach and Lake Arrowhead have return- ed from a skiing trip at Park City Resort, Utah. Enjoying lhe slopes, both jj day a'nd night, were Mr. and q Mrs. Parrish, Linda, Tommy • guest book. Special guest con· J: •c )' 7'. -.----.,-: "' 7AY the bridegroom's sister, at the' iJ3 Tbe engagement of Kathleen Ann Rolle -tf:'::gr:'alula'::'::Un~g -;th~e;;;coo"'p?le"'=:w::":I~ . •-.t!'iL , _ _. ~ '-' V _. -and Jon p. Roberts has been announced. by Mrs. Ha E. Henderson of --um:-----·-. ·-the bride-tcrbe s pareii!S,"Mi': ~-Ir. QUICK --------· · --• ---..,---- Rolfe of Newport Beach. Citch up qlllcldy 011 locil ANAHEIM NEWPORT HUNTINGTON. IEACH t t 0Yo11t1. R1td your cornp•ct, 444 Noritl Euclid 47 ft1h!o11 hl•nd 7717 lidlnpt" AY•ll8 The Rolfes made the announcemen a co111pr1ho111l•1 hometown 1di. BeillQ 0HW weighl COD only bek° I b~whower-. ...... Oftll-.eigbt. The digs. i• Jllid:en. The ic*&. j .. COii' slOp .. totes. e.t '/'OOCOlll do~ --lyou'reowirweig ... QJlrl& IOWeighlW~ Here, you con leam b bse weight ond keep it off.._h ... Weighl Watchers ilol"'1otiouolly bnocJs weight control orogro111. There ere it0 drvgs or pills. No~ ... -.,,._, ••·a ,woe-.11> · 11!1 9 ·-I iltr«llllilg ~ lliisp..-wartL We've Pft)¥M I al Gil8I'" ... worid. 1'"'-- don't 1rY I otona. COMe to the °"8 Giid on(., Wf'/dl Wotchen.. FREE INTRODUCTORY SESSIGIS ORANGE SEAL BEACH WltdneMl1y 7:3(1 P.M. WM. 1!90 A.M, Of' 7:90 P,Jlll, J1nu1ry 15th J11'1ul!1' 15tll AMWAY CENTB ST. ANNE'5 CHURCH 1240 West Collins 7 340 10th Street {orf M•hll Iott Coan Hwy.) $5 Regllfration-$2 Per We91t-No Contracts ..... IOCIOtlllll ..... Mir!! ......... -~"""" ai...&1 CALL 835-5505 TODAY! ................. ~ Alt... ........ --.::"JJ:'' ------........... --~----.-.. ~ ... a party for relatives in their home. tion of th• DAILY rlLOT. MUss Rolfe, a graduate of Corona del Mar IDgh School and Orange Coast College, now is attending California State College at Ful· lert.on. She was a 1965 Children's Home Soc· iety debutante and is a third generation Californian. Her fiance, son of Mrs. Jane Roberts ot Newport Beacb, is a graduate ol Costa Mesa High School and OCC and also Lt a student at Cal State Fullerton • A March 29 wedding in SL James EpiJ- copal Church of Newport Beach has been planned. Races Draw Grandmothers Mrs. Paul Huffman, special events chairman fOf' Newport Harbor Grandmothers Club chart.er 419, is handling tickets for the club's annual day at the Santa Anita Races on Jan. . u. Plans also are underway for a salad luncheoa on Feb. 3 in Peek's Family Terrace Room, Westminster. Cbalring tlli!: event is Mrs. Louis Spielberger. Flattering ,, . "·· FINE FURNTT\JHE LIDO MARKET CENTER NEWPORT BLW. AT THE ENTRANCE TO LIDO ISLE ' . • • • : : ~ I • I ; ' . I ' ' CARPETS 9112 10Ji-20li It's "TAKE IT EASY MONTH"· At Richard's! LAMPS Let us make dinner easier for you ACCESSOHIES • _,. with Ready-To-Go Hot Foods from 'ou_r Deli . BIGGARS TWICE-YEARLY SALE . FROM OUR .J4EGULAR STOCK OF QUALITY MERCHANDISE CRAFTED BY THE NATION'S FOREMOST MANUFAc:I'URERS POMONA PASADENA SANTA ANA MAIN at EDINGER ,,,, 11f ,..;..., 11f f<U'~ Probably the ONE most im- , portant dmo yoo could own i. lJll,s slendor 1hape with bancl collar and tcarf Ue. ' Primed P1U... 1112: NEW Half Sizes 1011, IJll, 1411, 1111, 1111, 2011. Size 14 (bust 1111, 1111, 2011 .. Size 1411 (""81 :m lakes 211 yardl ~Inch ; II yd. c:ontrast. SIXTY-FIVE CENTS In coirll for each pattern -add 15 cents for each pattern for firat.dau mallln1 and special handling; otherwlae third-1!1ass dellv.ry will lake three weeks or more. Send lo Marian Martin, The DAILY PILOT, 442 Paltem Dept., m Weat 11th st., New Yori<, N. Y. 10011. Pr1n1 NAME, Al). DRESS with lU', 1llZE and STYLE NUMBER. I' 4 11JE$/.. JAN· I , I t1oodl• So•P o.;~·· p..ench '••' pork ChoW M•'" Chin•-'' \\ic• . 'k ' 't ,,,.,.~i ChtG '" •• ~ .. \-1111' 1.o•' er ,d. "{ •""' Can ' Sprtna Send-<>ff~MO!! fmll, )'OUlll, ,_ llylOI In Spring-Summer Patttrn 3433 VIA LIDO Cltalof. Fret pattern --~----------__;':.._--~-------,----"'--'-"~' J • GOc ' -/ WE°.·· JA.N. 1\-\IJR.., . E'iER IS J,A.N. \b "·E:. ~ 0Ay OF : c,... '' VERY WEEK m al P,of•fo S. V19e\1bl• SOUP . - l.tll•9~. Chili I••"~ 8·'-9 Rib, ta,,.J..·s1, .... f Enc\o.i\1ci•t lel..i Ht111 Gr a,,,., w 1 , .. · k SJ•"' ' •con Ro11t '•el s .. e.t· ! 81'\I"'"'"' . •• Meat 1,11, Vti•I 5,,noplni Swr, s B.t.9, C!r l ,• 1 P•gliett; Squ••'°' c '"' Salmon C. Fei>ulou, s,1 J · •••rola . I I ~~ " NEWPORT BEACH 673-6360 -· ·------~-··-··- DAl(y P1lOT M~, JanlW'y 13, 1969 legal Secretaries :~Bankruptcy Probed ·~ llrJUnly Harbor .ma Leiial Sec:rdartel AaoctaUon wl1I meet Wednesday, Jan. 1$ lo:Dlllmu' BalboL The ~ •eneral mtd1nl wlll ~In with a I P:"'-cocktail boor and dinner Sweet Adeline• Harbarlllta Chapter, Swtel Adelbm coaveoe evary Mon- dg al I p.m. fcr mtelings iD CoDtct Plrk School, Costa M..._ Jin. Pat Partin, MG- 0870 will annrer questions r'iardlng Ille clunl croup. at 8:30. Mn. G«r(e llan- noban, prukleo~ wW opeo Ille meeUna. Gueol " -will bl Ille Hoo. A.It. Phelpo, . Federal Banknlp4cr Court. '!'bl pro- gram was arnnged by the speaker's f~ aecreCary, Miss ~ Jllldm. A diocussl<n wlll ,_ Ibo Judgt'• talk. Now meJ1!ben allendlM will be initiated by Jin. Alben F.cclte, vice lftlldenL Per ........ -to Ille meeting call llln. Michael Bart1eU, ....... a11 .... chairman, al 146- 0$93. First Church of Christ Scientist, Costa Mesa 2180 Mesa Verde Orlve cordi•lly invit•• you to rejoice with us at the Formal Opening of our New Sunday School Wing Two Servic.es will be held 1t our new locetion an Sunday, January 19,1969 11:00 •.m . 4:00 p.m. CHILD CARE WILL IE PROVIDED AT IOTH SERVICES Herth of Adtrn• 111 M1111 Verde Drlvo E11t Things Are Looking Up Job Built on 'Earthy' Base 87 GAY PAULIY NEW YOBlt (IJPJ) -A fri<Qd called Joan lllcbmu one d-.y to ut. ••Me ;you lnterelted !ft fPACtlT" J«," cln tell you that utrmau~ must feet u they 'woman cosmonaut wu Ilene Amalea'' tbree utnmouu -tl1undtt skyward. in a opecec:raft. Now, wtlh Fran); 1!orm.aJ1. Jl?Qel A. "But I filUC' It'll be a Ioog, throe, eventually four, five ct Lovell and W1lUam A. Anden Joog time before other women ail' men CHW1 • • • well, -swung Into tart1>ly and thto go Into •pact," aht &aid. It'd jual be ••• be lmpr..ikll lunar orbit 1.n an. IS-foot Jong, _·_·ae __ ,._em_ber_:.,_tbe __ R_u_•_•_l_a_•_to_a_dd_a_womaa. __ ._. ___ _ MRS. GEORGE 5. HAGAN Double Ring Ceremony -- Newlywed G.S. Hagans To Reside • Germany Aod -7 1>e(aa .. unUIUIJ. career ftw a Bt. Lout. born llrl ........ -Ille United Slaltl' cumut llUIU sptelaeU4r ·with u mocb faaclaated lateftll u &II)' ... of Ille _.... and tecbnJ. cians at cape K.....i, and Ille H..-Spe\)6 Ctnt<r. Miu JUcbrban.: U attractive bnmette'()f 21, is co-producer' for tbe tpaCe coverage ~Iovr.foA opeclala w h I c h Waif..-Cl!xltlte )lu been doJasllaceAmerfcllHnanned ohota btpa la 1111. "Do you rtaliJo Ille whole lmpcri of thll?" layl Miu Richmln "-the Apollo I mocn orbil "Mia Is uelng tho mooa clooellJI 1<11" tho first time. Aud man Ja aeelng hiJ whole earth tor the first time too.'' opacecnfl. thol Ille Saturn $ wbich llltod Ille craft Into the haavent Is 18 feet tJller than the Statue ol Liberty, ii more powerful than !IZ,500 locomotivOI, bu tht thrust of !U Boeing '11111 at talreo!f, weighs In al f,DJ ,GIS poundl, u much u the Nuclear Sub- marine NauUtua. It was Jllll by chanct that Miss Richman ls In space. Rlgbt out ol Wtllesley Collegt In !Mt, she landtd a job at the network clipping newspapers for its llbrarJ. Soon she WU promoted to ,....,.ch. Then a friend in tht special events department, bearing cf an opening, called to uk if ahe were interested Jn space. Mi.. R1cbman talked aboot "I didn't !mow' anything," "w«ting" a apace llttoff and Misa Rlclunao recalled, "none follow-through just be lore of the technical aide of. space departing for Cape Kennedy exploration. But I began a and helping to put on the cram coune of reading for CBS network launch. She wu myseH, and of course as the in the project, helping master· program itself bas developed, mind telecasts from Houston we all have learned." She and tracking stations around was reading up on lhe moon the world until Apollo a the day we talked. S~. Andrew's Presbyterian flowers were the matron of splashed down in the Pacific. Special events involve other Church, Newport Beach was honor, .Mrs. ~enneth Coerper Miss Richman fl one oI I.he producUons too -she helped the setting for the double ring and ~ndesma1d!, Mr~. J~mes few women producers in with the v~slt of P~pe Paul llnkin& . . '!'· Sipes, th~ bride~ stSter· network television. Mis s to the Uruted NaUorus, the ~clay Kathleen in si°~~ in-law and~ Cynthia. John· Richman and Jeff Gralnick funerals of Dr. Martin Luther George Stafford Hagan S':-FJ~trl ;,u Miss share the chores at Cape Ken· King Jr., of Sen. Robert F. ' The Rev. Dr. Chari~ H. I whtt!° frock andw c~':cie ! nedy, Houston, et al. Kennedy, UM! MJdeast. Crisia, • JlG1'f • quaUCraft OearaneeZ 8.99•9.99 Dress Shoes 3.98 ' • __ .Al.HEE OF FACIAL HAIR FOREVER .... Dlerenfie1d pe.rfonned t h e basket of blue carnations. The work i ll _v o I v e s ~ t968 ~UUcal pnmarle.! -nul)rtafs tor the daudrter of -Att.enOfiif asoet-man was-..ev~rom..!eciding...bmL......=.:: conven ans. _ -~~=_. 1'-tr. an~ Mrl!. Carl ff. Sipes 1t-J 'e r yin J. Armstrong, the many wr:lten and technicians The Job means ffav a s... SO'J, .. _.off or1g; .. 1 pri<ml f;ncf"""' ~..;., ...... -... • .w.ico·• top.selG• lmllion*" brard. I .. . . . • 1 ' LE'T US SHOW YOU HOW EASY IT IS TO REMOVE EXCESS HAIR WITH MODERN ELECTROLYSIS, MEDICAl..LY APPROVED, t • SAFE 1 FAST, GENTLE• vou 1RE INVITED TO CONSUL. T WITH OUR LICENSED TECHNICIAN, IN OUR BEAUTY SALON, Newport Center Elizabeth Arden face treatment is much more than just a facial An Ellzabelh Arden expert In Boffums' Red DOOi Tr11abnen! Room will help you discowf de!iahtful beauty secrets. You'll haw a face treabnent and emerge with a luxurious new makeup as well as a radiant feelln&. Complete lrea!men~ with makeup,H.N Beauty S!udio, Buffums· -..,.rt c.ttN •I hllll1111 l1I .. • ~2200 1oo. •• ,,,..;;1'1c:9 U• •Ok °"" -GR !:II of Huntington Beach and the bridegroom's brother-in-law are . necessary to stage the 25 weeks out of the year, son of Mr. and Mrs. George and ushers were Sipes Goer: show to figuring placement she said, 1'ao It's just as well. L. Hagan of Santa Ana. Per. Don Kaufield aflct Mi· of ~as and where spcCial l'~ not married. Marriaae Given in n:iarrlage by her cbael Chappelle. telephone lines must be ".'1th ~ job would be dif. father, the bride wore a chan--Mn Chappelle circulated atnmg. And . most of al~ it liculL tllly lace cage of satin wl~ the gtiest book to the 200 well invol\ll!:f _ tnowini right down The producer said that a ~pel train ~ed m ~ attending the recep-to. ~ afoip what goes on everytlme she works on a matching lace. Her silk lllu· tion in the church's FJreside Wlth a~ IJlot. spa~ shot she wiahell then sion veil was caught to a l\oom. ~ ~b~, who once were some w13 she too might crown of seed pearls, and Out-of-state guests attend-wu "a tiinpJe tngUsh ma· e x p e r i e n c e what the form.lng • her bouquet wei:e I~ included Mr. and Mrs. G. stephanolla with JJ:halaenopsl! S'dafford Owen and Mrt. and cattleya orchids. Maude Harris of Maysville Wearin~ sap~ire v e 1 v ~ t Mb. ' ' gowns wit~ white .lace trim Following a Carmel and and carrying ~hitc muffs 1f0ntercy honeymoon, the with blue carnations and corn bridal couple arc traveling to Spring Sia nt . ' ' . ~., ' ' ' ' 9081 34.,9 ' .\ "" 1lf ,,,.;..., 11f ,...-r ... SPIUNG'S SLANT cu be !een ln the diagonal design ot the yoke that'• so smart in stripes. Perfect for go- e v ery-where, do-everything days. Printed Pattmi 11081: NEW Women 's Sizes 34, 36 , 38, 40, 42, 44, ... ... 6l%e 3'! (bust 10) takes 3 yards, 39-inch. SIXTY·FIVE CENTS I n coins for each pattern -add JS cents for each pattern for fisrt-class ma,Ulng and special handling; otbenrlst third-class delivery will take three weeks or mott. Send to Marian Martin, The DAILY PILOT, 442 Patt.em Dept., 232 We.c;t 18th . St., New York, N. Y. IOOtl . Print NAME, AO. DRESS with ZIP, SIZE and STYLE NmmER. -- Frankfurt, Germany where they will reside and where the bridegroom is stationed with the U. S. Air Force. The bride is a graduate of Westminster High School, aod. herlhusband is a graduate of Santa Ana lfigh School and attepded Santa Ana College. The Town Crier Orange County Calendar NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH WOMEN wfll ntMt JANUARY 16, 1969 •• NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH 2501 Cllff Or., N1wporl B11ch '·· Potlucl: 11 6:3 0 P·'"· GUEST $F>t:.o,KER MR.S. MAE TOLLEFSON Prnldfnl or E1H ,..,.,,OPOlltall COflt.TUICI A.L.c .s. TOPIC: ''Bl1111d To 81 1 l!1ui11g" l1di11, p ltlll joi11 UI, For furth1r i11form1tio11, e1tl DONNA GILLETT, 545-471 o THE GIRLS' CLUI of the H1r- bor Ar11 11 1115 An1h1i'" St. 111 Co1t1 M1'1 11 c1ntr1Uy lct- c1t1d to accornrnocl1t1 9irlt a911 6-16, Mond1y through S1lurd1y. , Volu11f11rt 1r1 co111f1nt1y 1111d. 1d 11 th1 GINf Club lo 1up1t• .,;,, ind t11cij i11 th1 ere1ti.,.1 1rt1. Thl1 11 1 9r1tifyin9 incl r1w1rdin9 ••P•l1111c1 #ot 1141111 with tim1 to 1p~r1 111d 1r1 wlll- 1119 lo 1ha,.. tholr t i1111 111d ~P1owl1d91 lo ••tr. l'l!old f+.1 ch1r1cftf't 1114 ft tnh of t+i1 yo11th of t o d 1 y, No ''""'' tral11ln9 or prt • r1qui1it11 t•• q11ir1d, W1 r111cl yo11! Iring yo~r telent end 1hare II, Call the Girls Club at 64bp7 I 8 I for further in- formation. Write or Cell Peggy T eylo' for lnformatio" about this Column FRONT ... SIDE .. . BACK .. . ALL CURL, ALL COLOR, ALL CUSTOM \Ve snip and shape, custom.curl your new hairdo. Then we custom-color your hair with your own personalized color. By Fanci·tone, of course-our tint in a new push-button dispenser that lets us create just the color you want, and duplicate it every time! Natural looking colors for gray hair, toning colors for bleached hair, and our ultra·sophisticated "Color Originals," the style colors that set the sty les! Fanci- tone color doesn't wash out, conditions your hair as it colors. eu•al •tyle11 at 1111Tlaf9 ~--bo,.iAlt ....... ,...1ao...a. N,wperf le4ch fethlott r.11114 C.1t1 M••• S11tll C.erl Plaie Hvnth1tf1• loecli Huntlnfto11 Contef Be a.ut y Salons CltDIE HAIR TINT with Shampoo and Set, _,_ $5.75 BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY N~11eath,c1nr. fill ...... COiia -· C1llf. ,,, ... 11* "'"' COlft MMar... Calif. Coote -. Cellf. Founlaln Valley, Caftf. ,,.. Hll'tlw • * W, 1"" ti""' lml ,........i. 11 O Doosdway S<rcct Costa McZa. California w-s48-3'31 ... ,. .. :m....,_ l'l'leM mt It Arltsl1, Calll. lDIJ """""' Mel'tttt '"*" c....... -. ....... -""~ --· l)ra:Tb.c:!!!· , ... ,_....,. It~ l'llD _ ...... Vlll*W( ....... --'""°"' ff).laol Sanft Ant, C1Jlf, Stntt Ant, Calli. Fountain Valley, Calif. , .. w.tPl•••llll ~ .... , .......... ., ......... hillll T_._ ·-~ "-'"' (.iM" --_ _,, .... ai .... --------------- l : :~ ·. •• ·I 1 I I i .. • I - . . .: .. ; LECTURER Dr. J. W. Pelt1son UCI Group Welcomes University Chancellor An expert on American ~ MJAourl, lloldl a clodorltt politics and an experfenced lrom Prljlcelon UDlvenll7 and educator and author will ht taqbt A:snericl.D aove:rumezit the speaker at the third ..,. and (JQllU<o Ill Snillb eon. nua! Community Lecture on and tllo UDlvonllf al mm.iii Jan. 22, at a p.m. in UCI before t.cnln&, an. science lecture hall. Uooal admlnlltratar. Tb e The lecture, open to tbe former cn1nUtn ii •·utloGl.Jbi public, is sponsored as a com-recpp1led autbcdty co public munlty service each year by law and jwUclal blbavklr, and UC! Town and Gown. is vice jnddent ol tllo Dr. Jack W. pelt as o a, American PollUcal Science clta.ncellor of the Urbana-Alaoc~Uon • Chaippaign campus of the Following the lecture Dr. University of Illinois and · and Afn, Peltason will have formerly vice chancellor ol an opportunity to greet friends academic affairs at UCI, will at a rteeption arrqed by be the eminent guest. He will Mrs. B._ N. Desenbttg 1od discuss the topic Myth ~ her committee of hostessea. Reality. The.Executive Committee of Chancellor Peltason, a Phi Town and Gown a1Jo will Beta Kappa at the University enterllln the couple. and tbe presidents al UCI IUpport Republicans to Place New Slate in Off ice groupe at a dlnner before the lecture In the Newport Beach home of Mrs. Frederick R: McBrlen. Churchwomen New officers of the Mesa and TV services and lh.t?e Verde Republican Women's books. He was awarded the Club, Federated will be in- stalled at the first meeting of the new year next Wed· nesday. George Washington Ho.nor Medal by Freedoms Foun- dation. Valley Forge for bit sennons on Our Christ.tan Constitution and Why is 'l1lere an America? The former was The "business and pleasure" event will take place at 10:30 a .m. in the home of Mrs. Barbara Bunker of Costa released as a record. Blwed to Be a Ble!sina ls tile topic ol tile meettna of the Newport Harbor Lutheran Clurch W omen Thunday, Jan. 11, In Newport Harbor Lutberan Church. Mrs. Mae Tollel>on ol the Eut Metropolitan Conference wW be iuest speller at the l o!O p.m. potluck. Mesa. A lundreon. prepared by the Kids Uke to The hostess will be the .in· boar(I or directors, will be stalling officer during the served followed by an af-Ask Andy business portion, placing in ternoon of bridge. Membenl,rjiiij~!!i!iii office Mrs. Cal Sumrall, presi-who may bring guesll!I, are dent; Miss Michele Jarrett, asked to make reservations first vice president and the by 'calling Mrs. William F. , ea.;: Mmes. Marguerite Richard, Ball at 5t8-8846. FOR THE WORLDS &lllATlST -~ ,, t--:oAi..i..·_ . Mr:a......Bw1ker~ a, It CENT COLOl PRINT TRY seco11\.1 v•~~ruen ~iprr--ho · onda J D;AYFs-CA.VllA ECCR"AR~T. Irwin, third vice president ; cpen use on M y, an. w.F. Hall, treasurer; W.J. 20, at 10:30 a.m. for ~embers . 474 E. 17th St. Collum , recording secretary, who would like to v!ew tbe Cotti MMa-646-2136 and Edgar NI s s J e y, cor-Inaugural parade wti;ch will responding secretary. stress the lheme Forward The installing cfficer is the,_T_o.::g_ethe_r_. -----.,.,-.,,-....;:.-.:....:::;:::;::::::::==. newly elected president of the Orange County Federation of Republican Women and a charter member of the Mesa Verde Club. After the installation, t~ Rev. Claude Bunzel, curator, Independence Hall, Colonial Research Library, Knotts Ber- ry Farm will speak en Science Shrinks Painful Hemorrhoids Stops Itch-Relieves Paiµ Finda Way That Both Relieves Pain , and Shrinks Pilel In M<* C.... New York, N.Y, CS...-0: s.I. "'°) toot -no -lo ence hu fo~ a apedal f°""' .PNpoNllft B•. TM:re 11 •o Colonial Life. A minister since 1945, the :mula with tM ~.in mos .U.-formula for tn :A ill spe.aker has researched and eues-to ahriU ltemotthoidit lik• St. PreparaUoa B allo written on lhe subjec~ o[ faith *fa 1~t:!, ~d:1t!n. 100thu lrrl\atecl U.... 04 and freedom writing two prvnd. wllile rmt!T rellniq heJ119JftNlt~1ated:lo&. lengthy series of radio scripts paia, actual reducticm (lhrfDlr.o Jao1°1iH:1torau,,..t.-,1oaa. tor the Armed Forces Radio A s DAYS ONLY! tenn~f BEGINS, TUESDAY, JANUARY 14 --cotian. • ·-.. ... • :i .• ... . , . .. . ... .. . . -.. . . -· ... • • • a..; • ~ :. , ... .. ~ .. • 1.) •••• PORTRAITS av? ,.: .... EXQUSMLY AT PlNNEYSI l•c' ••tllll•••I ,., ............ I,_ __ 1..._ II•••••••• ---........... ..w . 1.49 2.98 3.98 --- ::z PMOIDGU'ISI Tuncl1y, J1nu1ry 14 th._,, S1turd1y, J1nu1ry 11 9.JO ...... ,. 5 p.m. ,. " ' ,, --------=,-...--.-..,....-r-. Moodu, ,J_, 13, lM DAILY I'll.OT 'J'1 Now sr1van1a Color TV with ru11 rune11on I remote control costs 1ass1 Bur now. save up ·to $50. . Sylvania'~ prlc1!111 Ccl~r TV ftatures include: Color bright ~ pidure tube with the industry's sharpesl picture conlrast-every' sel has one • Full 295 sq. in, viewable picture area •Adjust each VHF channel once -pre-set fine tuning will always '"remember'" that setting • '"Picturemalic" AFC Automatic Fine Tuning gives you precision tuning at your fingert ips foster than you can tune manually• Convenient "no guesswork'' color tuning controls • Advanced Gibraltar™ chassis wilh plug-In transistors .for easy maintenance • Auiomat,ic colo r purifying I degaussing I circuit • Colors ore easier to tune and they slay tuned wi~ automatic color level montior • Noise or electrical interference will not "roll" or jiggle" your. picture .• Uniform, ·rugged cir- cu itry for years of dependable service • Always the finest possible picture in all signal area s • "Ultramotic"" full funct ion remote control--0ptionol, exira. CF466P-Uricornpr111tl11d 1nl1rtal~rnont vai.io. Began! Spanish l'roYindal style designed In Pecan veneers and IOiect wood solids. Includes variable tone control ond twin 7'' ""'1 spooktrs. See t'1e high porlonnonce Color TV features ond option mentioned abow. '650qo SAVE $45 C1S43W-Df1tllkfiwe SnintlllHh'T•" •trf• con-'°'-on Scartdla bost fltiilhld ht oiled Wo~ ve- ,_. and llC.a wood eolids. Gliding taMbow doors .....t -and -..... s.. tflo hiOh,..,. ""-Celor TV-. onc1-.-. '619°0 •SAVE $31 CFStOW-Fresh Contemporary styling in oiled · Walnut veneer5 and select wood solids. Gliding tom· bovr doors reveal viewing and control Of*', See th. high perforrnora Color TV features and option men• tioned oboY& · '559°0 SAVE$4Q CFS23W-Ex<lting Scandl· novlart style console on swlvol bo.s. in oiled Walriut veneers and select wood soUdt. VOOable tone conft'ol. S.. tti. high perfonnonce Color TV footures al'ld option above. Sytvanl1'1 uwtnmaUc" Full Function Remote Cootrol Syotem ls fully tran· &istoriltd for instant rapome and ut· moot dependability. You cu tune your plcll11'ff perfecUy with contln· uouoly •arlable COlltrol fUnctlons lrom al1)'W1lel'e In the room. The system ta opented od the ultrasonic principle and iJ vltutally Immune lo fllae lriJ· gerlng. Optlonal, utra • • . onIY pennies per month! W. a1;1 ..,..... ~ ltl C6lor T.iMhloil ~16th.~ """°" ~ • Wlowl1 ,.......,, .. "' ""°"" wll ellhw ,_,., ..,.,...,. • rflllOC:Mlftt I*' itr .,..,. Plfl'f _.,. -.cir1e11et Oii ,_,. eontftlil -..deltl "'4lldl froll1 • • NWI 91 • delect Ill MleMI Ml ll'Olt•1 •Ip "4tw. w ('I),... (1We A l'Nfl IDr ... pktute lllWI W. 11111 doll. of PlftfieM. t.,iocilfl1e111 ..._arid delKtM po" ,.""" trornpono!IOll <krvn o,.. !IOI 5lcllolde4. ----'°"' 1llflt M -•llM 5W N _,.,., ~ el the OJ!flllcobl• -or two.,._ prtflod. Dk """°"IY will llOt opply U !fie 111111 or 0tr1 Pott~ 111111...,. M{fded fo 1111-., 1111.U., ecclf6rll, I( II• •111 IMftMr '-....,. .i1 ... ., ~. TN1 _..., contolM ~·· MllN obll0911ett _. llO °"* wtrrw11 ...................... \flc~l ... wcht1111ftlllty .. ..,...., .,. ti¥M. lllit .....,,._.. lhpt!W, t11:iot1 'l"llf ,__. dot. oM 111C1tlillg to ~ the _.,.n1y NO!~ c .... 111M11 ht fl! .,._ .tlw ffll of !Miii! ...... II_.. '9 ,_...,,<*"*'rout ......, flt. ~ $rtllOllla MMo9 conffOdot. ' . ~ . I \ I I I .I OUR 22nd YEAR IN THE HARBOR AREA! 411 E11t 17th Street, Colt1 Mesi Dtilly ,.,_ .. ,~ '"' 148-114 • I I -. I . - • • . •. ' . • , . ' I \ j I ! I ~ I . . . l I . I I 1. - l ' ' I ' " . ., .. - Ja , Dolll.Y PILOI ISi Americans Travel More, Farther NEW YORK (AP) America 's boom ..... Utls A---z .... --never have had year wu the Rocky Mountain iua ....,..... statei u famlliel, many ol mp of a reputatioo for sit· them campilta, 1 10metimes tin& st1ll, but 110W they're wound up in bumper-to-I ~·~. u~veilng more often and bumpor lrafllc •olnC llirouP fuflhtt lhan ever lo a travel the 'Wide open space1; Biat boom that is cJw>c1111 the .-evf!ff lllllJor U.S. 11· nature cl tourillll. --wttll Ute ...... "'" No )00j!'1' lite province of uoep1km cl Wublacton whleb !ht rich and -. uaver ,... bard bit "' spring riots today ls mall ralher than -is reporting a record yr.ar. clul, and tourist spots that In Europe, last year's place, arm 't ISO chic any more att oH the beaten path qu:ict17 ~·carlb~--for uam•'", disappear u Ute paths become ·~ ~ ,... pretty well beelen by .. SHELBY'S H01' ONES -The GT 350 and GT &do' come aa either Sports Roof hardtop or convertlbfo. Ba&lc diHerence between them is the eogine, ~l cubic Inch In the S:JO with Cobra Jet 428 In Ille llOO. New GT's wUI debut ot1 Jan1l41Y 3L wu lnvoded by abouu millloo omlaugbt o1 Yankee wan-· dolla!'<!roppbtg tourists last deren. But new attracUons El p ... .,..,. Gas In High Gear year In the 1800'1 it was spring up overnight. A.av - the ·playground o f English "Temple Fielding," aOlbor CaristocrameLatertoacyincltheud'e'ri~.~ mooepeopyedl•" ~tthoMyr::.1'.'"':· ·= Firm Asks Shelhys Race Onto .Scene we: white Wet" in the Agean will America(l industrialista 300 be a future "in" sport. Hi h R libn Illar• who built rocoa:o g er ate '; - vill&s near the placid sea. LODESTONE CARL CARSTENSEN a pew fllll:.width, recessed, Challenger and will be design. BIG BOOM Others include Lapland, "a WASHING'OON l(UP~) ~-El or• CNIW ,...I h'""and ll SUIT'OUDd-type front end. ed to complement the compact tourist lodestone fJf fairy tale -No let up in s g t a 1 Dart. No details of , styling The masse.s started moving fascinaUcn," and Mallorca. an Paso Natural Gas Co •• went systems go -Thi• seems to Bold racing strips run root or ailt have been announced. ln after World War II, first island near Spain. before the FedetaJ Power be the thought as two more to rear at the center of the u pLAN'J"S· WD.J. H£Lp by ship and later by plane. But Americans who "see" CommiS!ion Last Week to ask high powered custom road body side panels. Rear eod BUILD MA VEIUCK By 1960 when jets began flying Europe at the rate of roughly for rate increases totaling cars were introduced to the ~esign is chpoil~ractde_:A~lidby r~c-The new sub-compact being to the islands, the Caribbean a million a year are alrudy press by Carroll Shelby and mg type s er =-. • introduced by Ford in April was beginning the greatest looting further in search oI $29.l?t million to customers in the Ford Motor Co. In briefly describing .the will be aasembk!d only in two boom in its history, and the travel excitement. slx states. The new GT 350 and GT autos, Shelby called them plants, but 3Z other manufac- Caribbean Tourist Association Harold Weston, manager of EPNC wants an incr~ 500 which go on sale Jan. "[ast, well proportiooed GT turing planls in eight rtatea ts now bidding for more fcnl .... tours for Tho&. Cook from 1.ls current &'19 ...,_..,..nt 31 are based on the 1969 type cars that deliver honest WW. produce p a r t 1 and American tourists. & s':;,: said the Pacific is r--~ Mustang but are by far the mileage." assemblies for the new ••If we counted on the rich the ~ist areas most likely rate of return to a 7.5 percent most signilicantly changed We noted t h a t the Maverick. to travel, we'd starve to to boom next. r11t:e. The areas covered in-since the first 350 went on speedometer dial went to 140 Although the cars will be death," said Herb Buhrman, "After an American has elude 50 utilities a n d sale in 1965. and the tachometer shows assembled in Ontario, Canada editor of Asta Travel News. covered his own country, the customers in Texas, . New Available as Sporb Roof 8,000 RPM's. aod in Kansas City, Missouri , ''Today a secretary takes as islatrls and Mexico, h t. Mexico, California, Arizona, hardtop or Convertible tbey The newest Shelby creatiom 20 plants in Michigan, and nice a trip as her boss." ' generally look! to Europe," Nevada and Colorado. feature powerhouse Ram-Air aren't meant to be volume others located in Olllo, New The affiuent yoong and the Weston said. Hearing examiner M. a J engines, functional front and sellers as 4500 were sold in York Alabama Illinois In- leisured older Americam ar:e He goes to Europe a couple Kane presided at tbe·bearing, rear brake-cooling air scoops 1968 with a projection of 5000 diaru: Pennsylv~nia and'Ten- the two big group_s m~ of times and then he's likely a resumption of one oPflDed and fUDCtional hood 8COOpe. for the cm"reot year. Surpril-_.-_will •D conlrfbute 1rlpl abroad.11>e middle-.,-to think cl tho Orient." OcL 17 'lb< peUUoo is 'op-Hood and front lenders are ingly, Sbelby lald lltat "our towlli'ds"lbe'nnlsliM product. often are too tied d~. ~ n.,. ,..,. cl the w.-posed by 25 intervenor> -made cl fibtrgiasH'einforcod bl-1-is in the East family and job r~ilii: travel pattern aeea the Yankee lilities ·c 0 mm i 1 sion1, plaatic. GT-350 models are • aod DlOlt buyers are pro.. i. afford the lime or .lalcislgoin&Jo~~ ::rum .' !itiermtd-an-lnllan-po......i..-11,....J'<rd!l-<l-•w,-feaalonelpeoplt." - --mmeJfiif"lltelllted"travet . -after .the Ori~-tMi Africa cipa Ii g b tweigbt 351-cubi~inch-The new models will fall lncreuing numbers 0 f and finally the South Pacific. gr~. EPNC wanted the·in-dis p I acement, four-barrel into the $4,500 -$.5,000 price Americans are exploring their ·Aus&ralla·and New Zealand. rf&inallY to be \e(. Ram-Air V-1 rated at 29rr range. Robins Ford is one own country, partly as a result westc:m even predict s ~::O": ~ 7 but the co\n-horsepower. GT-600 models of nine .-~em California of new promotioos ~ the ~ toorism to· mainland Chioa: issi ~ the pro-carry Ford'a 335-h.p., 428-Shelby de&len. prorit Discover Altll!ltca ~· "As soon u China opens, you m lonOcl 4 and set up the c.Ld., four-barrel Cobra Jet NBWBPORT COMPACT and government , a&fD\'.!J:t:I· can bank on ·peOple beadlng posa Ram-Air v-1. OOMINO FROM DODGE President Johnson• speec.b -~tor~·Slu!~n~p~·~;~,mtd~'.:P<~k~ing!:_·" __ .::Oct.::.;17;.-=bearin==g.::..____ New front and rear end Dodge Division has con- l a s t J a nu a r Y u r g i 0 g design highlight the exterior firmed nzmors , r e p or t s Amerkanl to curtail travel and both exterior and interior Aul0motlva1 News, that it will abrGa.d may also have ktpt are identical on both cars. 1ntroduee a compact sporty many borne. Reflect.Ing a race-bred car.u ane ~ Jts 1970 models. LEGAL NOTICE heritage, both modeb future 'lbe car ia~to be called the Southland Business Declines in December Soutbern caillomla bosinels adi.ity .Upped sllghUy during rietember, it WU reported to. do1 "' O. c. Adami, nwiqer d Security Pacific Natlooll Blll\'1 Calta. Mesa branch. As meuared m ·the bank's aeUonaDr odJ-lndu cl Businesl Activity, economic performance last m o n t b registered at tSS.4, down from lf'7.I, a record level set ln November. Previous readings were 185.a in October and 181.9 bt September. Business activity remained more lb.an 10 percent stronger than the year.ago reading of UU, acconllng to Adam!. Both construction and rtal estate sales lncreased last mouth, but bank clearini[s and department store aales decJin. ed, after adjusments for sea- sonal fluctuations. The con- 1trucUon advance, the toth in the past 10 months, was particularly slrong. The rtal estalt tales gain was slight. A new hlgh in employment wu reported for November, the latest month for which statllt.Jcs are available. On a l!lllW!llly ldjusted b I 111 , t1Mn ....., 4,IOl,IOO clYillanl 11 wort in tho metropolllon coontt.. cl Los Angeleo, Orangt. Riverside, S a n Bematdino. San Diqo, Santo Barbara and Ventura. Novem- ber employment WU U p !JI,• (or U pm:entl from tllo,lo¥el • --· 'lb< ,..... _, emp!Oj- Banker Retires M.a..-Melb1Chandler.1n of. llclal of U.. First National Bank ol Oranse C.OUnty's trust c1eputment, has r<til'ed. She jcimd Ibo ..... im. gain was 1.1 percent. Unemployment d r o p p e d from 4..4 to 4.1 percent during the November-to-November period. ( Th e comparative rates are seasonally adjooted ratiOI of the unemployed to the total civilian labor force in metropolitan S o ti t h e r n C&lifornia.) Nationally, a 3.3 ratio was the lowest in 15 ye an. Airlines Map Hawaiian Route Plans L05 ANGELES (AP) - Two L o s Angeles-based airlines say they are already making expansion plans to use the new air routes to Hawaii granted them by the Civil Aeronautics Board. Western Air Lines says it is "the mosl important route award in Westem's 42-year• history." ll is moving its stewarddeu college to Hawaii. The routes to Hawaii wett granted Saturday to Weltern. Continental and three other airlines . Robert F. Six. president of Ccwitm@ntal, said the new routt mates his an "in· tem1tlorW airlines.'' Terrtll C . Drinkwater, Jftlldent of w ........ said the ""111!1 will "'°vlde t h e -and most dlrect ""'""belwoen Hswall and l!:uropo. He aaid thal with thl1 lint between the Hawaiian Island& and An chorage. Alasb, Jlolllrtftlttl will be able to connect with other airlines aod Oy non·stop to :&tropo. Tax Returns to Help Curb Inflation Force By SYLVIA PORTER An _.w .. 1, lli!tl money policy is DOW being added to the major weapons with which the U.S. is fighting the wont inflation and inflation psychology of recent yell'S. And Utls is a key point: the policy is being added to other ' forces operating to curb tho price-wage spiral. Today's column conUoues my series designed to answer your questions about this nllf1r ber one economic-financial story at the start of 1969. Q. WHAT ARE the other anti-inflation forces? A. First, as a result of the tax surcharge, the boom in taxable incomes aod the slowdown in Federa; spending, the Federal budget is swinging now from fiscal 1968's massive deficit of $25.Z billion to a minor deficit or even a surplus in fiscal 1969. Instead of bor· rowing enormous amounts as in calendar 1911., .the Treasury will pay down as much as $10 billion of debt in this first half of calendar 1969. This switches the budget from an inflationary to a deflationary factor. Seeond, Social Security tax- es art rising around M.2 billion this year and millions of high-income worker~ are paying their entire tu m the early mooths ol 190. TIURD, tarpayera acrosa the natioo will IOOll be filing their 1918 tu returns and fin- ding, to their diamay, that they owe more than they thought « are entitled to smaller refunds than they ex- pected. Fourth, President N I J o n himseU will be a rertralning factor. ror Jt'•. certainty that he will mainlain a lid on Federal apending unUJ in· nation is curbed. Now on top of all this, the Federal Reserve System bas deci&I lo wait no longer for the other restraints to take hold. It ia moving with un· mistakable toughness to cut the supply of money in order to make loans much harder as well as much more ex- pensjve to get. Q. WHAT'S THIS talk aboul a "credit crunoh"? A. A llO>Callod cr<dlt crunch oocurred In late --of 19M. For months leldihl up to il. the Federal Reserve System had atoPJ>ed upandlntJ c:redJl For montha abo, UYerl had been shlftinl rm.di from in.'\tltuUon to lnstltutlon lo ,urdl cl Ute mOll at- uacli .. btterest rates. Banb :were farced to ration Joans. Financial institutions were ccmpelled .to dump bonds to get fUnds to meet ~ minlmtun IDln demands. Aa bond prices plunged, buyen bacted away. ~ mortgage money dried up, building d. houses came to a virtual -standstill. Then in late August~ly September, the markets panicked. Sud- denly, money seemed simply to disappear. The "credit cnmch" was on. BUT IT DID not last long, for the Federal quickly moved to ease the squeeze aod start credit flowing again. It had to act to prevent the whole economy from going into a tailspin. Q. What about another crunch now? A. The lop-level word ls that the Central Bank will not allow Ulings to gel this tough again. But the Central Bank will force banks to become eJ:· tremely selective in Joens in order to compel a slo"'down in corporate spending fll!' new plants, to encourage postpone- ment of many Slate and local projects, to discourage much •·fringe" conmmer spending. THE ME&;AGE IS: 11>e Central Bank is not kidding. .Q Won't this mean higher unemployment? A. Yes, and virtually all poUcymakiq of£lcials are now mere than wllling to risk higher joblessness in return for greater price stability. Presldent-elect Nixon's chief economic adviser, Dr. Paul McCracken, bas plainly said he wlll accept h i g h e r unemployment ir it is not "subslatltlal or prolonged." With the overall unemploy- ment rate at 3.3 percent and the rate among married men al an absolute minimum, there la pi"'tY cl room for maneuvering in the search for more price: stability. Q. What about the danger of a rtcesSion! A. WE COULD BE soon arguing definitions ID Uds ., ... but tho informed beu.t is the danger ls minor. The appro«b of Nixon's top economic advil9el"I to the tast c1 curblnc infladon ·wm be cautious ad gradual. The Federal otrtainl)' does not ••nt lbe • bJame for invitln& a bust. And the underlying (oroes Jw expansion In our economy now are v e r y powmul. Ne.It: l\1oney Primer for ·a. • v. 1 JACK BROWN POOLE BUICK NAMES NEW· SALES MANAGER Joe Poole, owner of Poole Buick on 17th St., in Costa Mesa has announced the selec· lion of Jack Brown as the firm's new general sales manager. Prior to his new ap- pointment.. Brown bad been sales manager of another General Motors dealership for the last 11 years. Brown and his family bave been Costa Mesa residents for over lJ years. Redhead Breaks Old Air Barrier A petite redhead who hopes to become a pilot has made it to the runways at San Fran- cisco International Airport aa its fir.st female Airfield Safety Officer. Ruth A. Ansuriz.a of san Bruno wears tan trousers and shirt and a heavy Sold badge as she patrols nmw~s. tax· iways and aircran pai'klng aprons. Since her arrival In the ronnerly all-male rants of Airfield Safety Officers, Mrs. Ansuriza, 43, has worked al shifts, patrolling 100 miles of runways lo sunshine, rain and darkness. • The wile of a San Franclaco policeman, she decided to take the test for the job when the city's Cl.vii Service Com- mission ruled last year that metermaids, Jl(>IJcemen a n d firemen were ell,gible to take the exam. She wu a metermald at the time. "Frankly, l was IUrpriled that I pass.II il." she said. Mrs. Ansuriia rated !ifth of about SO applicants a n d started a four-week traininl course in 26 subjects several weeks ago. As one of the dozen Safety Officers al the Airport, Mn. Ansuriza guides repair crtWI working on the nmways, 1 upervlses contractors ex- panding the airfield and is in charge of the field In acta of a crash emerg~cy. Though there wa s responsibility as a meter maid, she said at the airport "lhil responsibllily ls increued a hundred fold. I tee no end to the learnioa-Jo.Wved." Who. Ream the Suu-i For.· the Stars? It's Sydney Omarr And now this articulate writer who ha1 been celled the "astrologer's a•trologer" reads the stars for you. Sydney Omorr, longtime personal astrologer to mony of Hollywood 's and the literary wo~d 's most famous stars. is e DAILY PILOT columnist. Omarr's record for accuracy of predictions based on astrological analysis is amazing . Whether you read astrological forecasts for fun or as a serious student of star-gazing , you 'll onioy Sydney Omerr's do ily column in the DAILY PILOT . - I ' ' I . I I --------·-----------~--~---..--.---- --------------~---- D~LY PILOT -· ...._9!" :. ' ! THIS MATTERHORN -I . • .. ' . " \ .. . I ' •. . \ ·~ ,... p '-,.. '· \. .. • \ c·" r, . ' '· . . . •. • • . . ~ . . ' ' . .. " _: ... : ; I i l .' .~ . •... \. ' ' . ; 'lo ' . ,- ; .. ' ···~ '· • • '· •p . .,.. .. ' . . . ' "' • IS NO DISNEYLAND l . • • ' ~' ' ' .. c ',f, . :, . ' .. ,_ .:.:· Yes. you're right. There's nothing really funny about a fractured leg. But -pardon the pun -It does give our friend, here. at least one break. He has time to thoroughly enjoy the DAILY PILOT as he takes a leisurely meal at the outdoor restaurant in lermatt, Switzerland. in the shadow of the real Matterhorn. · · 1 ' ,, . . . I I.' , • -' • ' r • • • • " ' • ~ ' ' But you don't have to break a leg, go to the Matterhorn -or even to Disneyland, for that matter-to share our. friend's en]Oy-. ' ment. We're happy to deliver the Orange Coast's tines! hometown daily newspaper lo thousands of homes full of whole·lilllbed l • • •.• readers every day . If it turns out this season you're not as great a ski whiz as you thought you were1 turn a liad break'into"ll ,._,, . • 1 good break. Take time to get even better acquainted with the • • • . '. · · · ~ . . ~~ . ; : ~ ' .. . . ·' "'. I ' ... ' .,, I • . .. -· ·------------- . .. . ' . ' . ' ... ' . . ~ ., " DAILY PILO T ' ,, ' . J ~ ' •. ----. I I I -----~ I .... . · (;fjJJins.~ ·See!ret and world-respected ~· columnllt in the Pauline Tre~tnMmble do~ll on Wall Street ,does J: to t>e a dij_firent perl!Oll.' ~4<. ', •1 Millions know bet oa .$yMa ~.ptter, ' ON 'WALL STREET\'-Sylvia ·Porte!:~j!me1ges from No, 1 Willia'!! Street, famous address In New Yorj<.fjllalieW ,district. J~~ ~""'1'J of "Hollywood" ls In beautiful downtown-~. pal't of;CciluiriiiLst Porter's '.'W~Street" '!Pills over _lnto .. olher parts ol city. But ·It'• .till "••lvla' ... .. J • ~ . ~7'. . ~ ~-r;;~-·· ,~ ' ... -::_ .•. ·. .. . ~ i .. . ,,~ ;··,· " .. :A lot of.Mn. Collins pis ln19 "Mls.1 -··· nali<>nally sync11caled colWlllll. It'• the· way she explains ·fboae com- ~ llnanciaJ matters. Even the P....S Ridge PTA can underataod the ~ail eormno,i Mariel mf 1be dollar 4foln. wbtn abe writes about them. . 1 Maybe·~t·s why the fy.....-of Wair s~ ~ ~ caPl&W of the wo1kl'1 coun!lnl.JlouseS. watch Syi'(ia abnnat u ao.lit. i;'~~tiiem:~ '• ' ~ •. 1., ;:-, ,, " •'.' • : I •'~•pile •bef',d~. hl>noraey. dociqi•a d\!#eef. ' 11er '. ~' ; J!Ol)tiooa ... n\nnerooa fhlaJichil ..ryi.ory· hOarda and her; pjpellnes te· iOme of Ute :most Ut- fluential "money men" ip ~ Wdrkl, Sylvia ·Porter is still Mrs. 'c;ownS, su~ban wife, mother and me93gerie man~er. " All<!• queen ol holh her worl~ . . . THE COLLINS COLLECTION -Columnist Porter changes into Sher- lock Holines .buff when she reverts to role as Mrs. Collins. Her library ,in rural home includes every Holmes story ever written by A. Conan Doyle·. Other boots in collection are more cfassical than finan· dal. . " · site, for~dre&m; hoq.s8 .sh~'ll probably never· finish ~use" -sh'e says it:s more fun to "build" and re- niod~·in berilnagination. . ' MEET MIKE -He's a sb.e, bUt'Litlle lrfi.k,e is.successor to an earlier d·achshund who was of right sex. to wear the name. Other members of Collins household menagerie include three gotdeD.1 retrievers, four · cats, some ducks, a lot of fish (in their own lak'e} and -some frogs' classified as "squatters." ..., , ' . . -p -It lpa)'.be 'l4t.. ~ Mn: ~1- ((J!nj llr!\'1111,1111 tiny Jeep Wllh ilB Pink candy. stripes •....,..,.i Poimd:Jlld&e , but il Wiil "tht1qiher Sylvia," !lnauc\al powerbOUlc Porter, who make ii possible. She called 'the late Henry J. Kaiser, asked to buy ,..,. ~Ille saw mini-Jeep In Acapulco. She finally had tn get uporter's license tn qualify as owner of one of Ille tiny vehicles. They're built exclusively for export. MOTHE R OF TH E BRI DE -Sylvia Porter Collins and daughter, Cris, enjoy large mail ctd. as they tabulate responses to invitations sent out for Cris' \Vedding reception. "We're running way ahead of average," effervesced the bride's mother, "some- thing like 90 per cenl" Maybe the division between · the analytical columnist's public life and her pri· " vate life isn't as sharply defined as she thinks. An ,. RSVP report? . ' -------------·~-----------~-----~----- ----~----------~----- &\- M-. J....., IJ, 1!69 DAILY l'llOT Jl Color It The Jet Age-H9r:ses Are Outd~ted , Super Joe Propels Jets -.~ . In 16-7 Miami J!ijacking < .f I •< MIAMI (A\') -The New YoQ; Jell And' -.I>cn Bel-11111 tried lbe blltx. iro lhl lJ'Ud ~ of· pro. lootllall, -be b a'. t II npealodly u 11o· boniJM<t lhO American Football t.ogue Jiu •iud-Uie Cqltr wtth 17 completlcm In Ii denJy c 0 me ol ,., and J 0 e Namath triea for. vardJ. I ' ii . tl\O _gruteot piOphel In the sporto • ._, world .inoe Cassluo Clay called the · li> lac ~ •Iha Jo la. did lo -- tolln!i! tn which h[I (oes wOOl(I !\If!. · Bal-Jllll what 111a'>Colta~~ llomalh, tlie' plden erm and Ibo J''t ned lo do lo tbem. ~ a m.,.______"lplllc"1il--~ (b9 Jets, tiguafanteed" tblf JI e Mew York defeme, Morral rB JaW AFL upotarta would win the world Ut!e, the lncompanble Johmry Uoitu 1....S and be hacked tt up all the way !Miday Ill avenues lo vidor)' cloted lo them. • wben be ied New York to a~ ·r Mornll, tbe clndereJla mall who 16-7 upaet of the Blltlmoro Colll, prou\I riPlalod lbe ID1'nd uDit.. ...r wm klngpioa of the National Football Loque. -tlon u tilt 11FL•1 Moll v.luabl& ''Today we won," ,Broadw~ Joe 1ex-P,layt.t when be IJllded the C .! It• to ulled &1 .the COlll w8*ed .ln utjer _ _,.. ,,a-1 -~)*!_ been,!llvm added jectlon off the batPHCllmd Orange -~ b)l llimiith'• pre-gliilt ...,,... Bowl lurf. · ~ · ' _· ttmt Morrall wu1 no better than at "We'd win. tomolrow or ariy o t b e"r least five pulft'l in the NFL. • .. A time. I told them all." But Morrall wu unable to rise to In lhe lblct.11oom ol lhe Colt 4"'!alni tlie'dialleiiae. The aorambllng leto ilefen- room, coach Do n Shula uld; '1e've · dtrs allowed him utly Ila completlOM gilt to be men. It's just a 11harde far in · 17 throws for a mwly 71 yank us to face lhe winter after au Of the and came up with crucial lnterceptlo:lil good lhlng1 th8t happened lo u before that choked o{I every threat the eoH. loday. · "' lllllllired In Ibo three quartere Morrill "Namath la evetYlhlnr that ....... WU lil,lbe --• - heard ioOd about 1i1m: -u. bUt our ."I cion~'thliik ... did anytblnrl~t." bUtz more than we did him." . Sbula' Slid. •10n 'defeme We didn't' play In the two prevtou. gamea. of -the like we· abould, 'aod' our olf.....-dldb1 World_Serlel-Of pro IQotl>aU. -the Gr<eo e<me up with the big playo llke '-11 Bay Packen had clobbered the AFL baa all ieasoo." • ' entries, Kansas City and OU!and,' and COillh Wee b Ewbanki, who •9l"- llaltlmol'e was ao IJ.polnt 'favnrlte 'lo NFL titles with Ille Colll and -lfaa keel> the NFL mYlllotie .Uve. guided the Jell lo the bei&hf!I; ~ The game -plaD ol the Colli .was ob-''The Colll were-sreat-but ltll ...,. vloos. Their vaunted defense waald lab gieater, It -,......., Joa· · dllad away the New York running 1amO. open-ani>tber'of bll grut piiies. ' · . "" -Ing the way !or the -bli nllh tbal would "'lbll II the llarl of a new '-8 In DOWNED JET -Baltimore tackler Fred Miller Pim New· York end dominated 1hird period.. In -its ninth season the American· Football stop-Namath. pro loolhall.:' Pete Lammons to the turf· alter.the Jet receiver tool: a paas from Joe League finally acbleved·•Uperiorltyoverlts eider JiroCl!er. In'a Stunner 'l'ben Earl Morrill'• -passes -and the Snell raced lour yardl !or • Jet Namath ill Sunday's Soper,_~· The 7-il!!'!!>d llyardsln lhe-J'f-the Jets. Wl>ll, 10:7 .: _ _,.__ -~ __ _ ~ • .'.:"!~~=:.:::.~ u!"JZ ~~er~~ lltld~ \ • .:. .. .. s.. --..... ....,. ~ ~ ~~~ ~-,, ~ -y .. bold-..... ~~t?-.a . '• , r, . . -;w-~-N"" ... a Cfilon•••-C-. -N amafli ·-1ltrsfy ,-1Jirty, :.:Qfirea,-n~tjer-=~~l~~ ~~!~elf~~ MIAMI CAP) -Joe Namath had j1UI 1"I hil New York Jell lo . a .-mg 1g..7 victory over the ' Baltimore Colts. He obviously was elated. He also W81 lhlrsly, dirty, tired - and bitter. "An you one of thole NFL writ.en?" ho 8'ked each roj>orler who.approached bbn In the Jell dressing room. Stripped lo hil foolball panll and IOCU, Namath -aloucbed on • bencb and t h e -..n ~---.wrl-...... 'io get near hlih. , ... It WU at leasl IOI d-Ill tbie crowded Jets dressing room abd be w~ llOllked with -illl IOIC black mane hung c!On Jn damp rlnglell. "Nobody believed we would win," he kept saying. "Nobody but the New York _, I "> ~ • • ..J.._ -~ , • I~ _ _,us a -chance. Wbero wm and tapped Joe ,on 1111· arm, \aDii911 -·at ·a -Jeta·troitter, ~:mlaloid by a ,(oot. Earns 820,800 you._ cuya?°" tfmJdly. · . \. ¥( "EJ:CU8e me., 11 be aaJd~") 10Verthiew, ~·. Al . liatl liO noporlerl ..,. ringed Aller an bour, Joe qnade >h •IY "He'•. the cQCk Ot 1the w_ all< nG,i, ," around, taking down every word. "T' "Hey, eomebody get me another lo the' tralnlnc table aod began $ll~ 'Wblspered one-~-"Yes,• !l8i<f Pepol," be yelled. M If by magic, a AWl!Ythelapean~feet~-.J.. another, "be'I Oil 1\11>. Tbero's nolJody luD cup WU pmaed inlo bll handa The purple _., Oii ~' -· ~ )Ike bpn." • · and Joor Cllhers w'"' set down beside out In oontrasl apln8'.11* w_hite flelfl:. Joo-,,aa angered -.llen IOlllebody uked him. They ,,..,.. Ille oOJy.'llgns ,of .... hlm,Jt tlie SUper .l!owl had been'hil "Hey~hrolher. watch-I~" be said to on the 2r>-year-<lld fiirlnef Alaba!DI-~ Ir'-11me. a photoiirapber whose fool "a 1 wbo made lootball.hlllory wllen htllgned "You mOil be, one ol them NF~ clangerously clooe lo the aoft drink !UI>-a !400,000 "°"tract with the Jell four wrlten,"lie sneered, "Just because we .plJ.. , , --. , -·· yeon ago. · beat ."1"11FL. team-"1oesn'I mean il •0 1 want everybody to 'tab notice," "'D•t ~ feel-ICll'fJ far Morrall'!" ht was ciar lltst,pme. .., be akL '"l'b!re'I DO ~ ...... In the WU-ubd. "'I WM £Onfident ft would win , , • dreaing room of the new world eblm--''~ him thlD me." replied Joe. we an were,0 be Aid. plons.. "Do ,,.. --anoyne would be "a,ing "Ccmlldencti la ... thing and --· Alter abool 20 -ti questions r..-:me now ll 1he ·Cotta had won? conlldencell·ilOlll~elae.Ilwedidn't a.od CCQgratµlationl, a'JIUJe,zun,weartng Hahl" have Clllfldfte.-ft lhOuldn't have been a Super Bowl straw hal-pllllied \hrougb 1oe turned and t-1 •a wad of tape beno." · · Another First I or Sill ord ..:,i. . ' As He Cops .~A .-,_ CoiDblM WIN Senioe. LOS ANGELES -Wbeo OmUe Sil· rord c1oea ...... thing oulsllndlnr flil Ibo golf coune It'• Ubly to be a ''Brit." In 19&'1 ho became the llrsl N- to win 1 major PGA eYent when be toot the Hartford Open. lalt·fttlrlday. \ ' " 1111 ""1Ddl 1..-the 11 bo!M ,... 11-lt• '1·71-171 for the par ....._fl - hrt Golf CXIUl'le. I Tlae Colt .I.Ocher Roona: Sunday he beeame the flr11t of hla race to win the Loi Angelei Open and it was a sweet victory ln what bas been his homelown oince be came here from Charlotte, N.C. ye.rs 1go. What Charlie did --• faolllle :ra on the hack nlDe 'l'huraday, ....., under par which he achieved In ooJ1 Iii: holes. What Charlie did alter that wu tame par by ooiy ... etroke for the -.. II boles, DOI C<UJllnl< the birdie pull In the e • t r a bole• playoff that tewtd JI.up. : 'They-Just Beat Us,' ~ Moans Tearful Smith MIAMI (AP) -''They just.f14t·1nlked out there and beit us," . said defensive tackle Billy Ray Smith, the aging veteran of the NatiOPRl Football League's Ba1timort Co1tl. ''They didn't. beat -us -physlclily, they Just beat us." The 33-year--old ·, Stnlth, · a 10..y~ veteran of the NFL, his voice fraught with emoUon, fought back, the 1 ~11 as he talked -llODletittU!s.ln an. almost inaudible whi11per -about the New York Jeta' stunning 16-7 rout of the Colts 1n Sunday's Super Bowl. It was another of "those" years for the Coils. A year •KO the CCllt& blew tbe last tt,gnlar setllOll game, leaving the IM Angeles Rams lo represent the Co8ltal Divilloo In the NFL playo!U. MMy people, Including most of 1be Balltmore team, felt the best team of the 19&7 ....,. had been left out of the playoff lllructm-<. Alter Ill, Ibo Colll dld have the best worHoss record. . It wu dlifemit for the 1918 ae&IOD ~ II leul Uiltll t h'e dbulruu1 (lnin Illltlmal-e and NFL viewpolnto) Super · which saw Joe Nemath, the brash- way playboy, humiliate and humble Colll and the •eolor pro - It may DOI "have been bad -but 11 sore wasri't good. Uoitaa. 'wtth-hlnll·of blllmleu In his comment, said the Colts didn't have e!IOllgb' Ii me. Morrill-1 a I d Ibey had enough. Uoitas didn't replace Morrill unUI the . third quarter bad almost eK- pired. Unitas-U8e41, the ~ '1-1~" in. refer· ring to the Ume angle. It was obviously ap'parent that "I" MM have· ·been substituted easily. Unltas did move the Colli and get them on the aooreboard. He diplom.ailcally lldestepped a direct answer to a query by saying Jt 1'81 coach Doh Shula'& dedslGO -not ht. -about when Morrall ahoWd bave •beea. noplaced. And 'U.oitas lidded, "I ' wu r,..ty lo play' from ~-11tart•:.-He allo lalc!·tbal ... of '"!·wtlkiff-tarBet-Obiied "when )'OU -get much practice.. Could JollimJ u. -saved the Colll from Ignominy? ApparenUy be tblnka 10. Shula. Diolt n1turally, w<*i.'t am:- mtnl It is, boftver, a question that will. """'PY Ibo ·armchair quarl<rbacu for yean: to come. Ao for Ibo Colll, Billy Bay Smith said: "When YoD'ffl No. 1, you're the ·befit. But when yoa'te No. 2, you're noth1q'." 1UPIT ........ ' HE'S NO. l -Joe, Wwle Namath esiabJl.shed , himself -as :rootbaD's · ~ quarterbaek-Sunday. Broadway Joe lumed the Super Bo1ol into the· SboCker Bowl. ' He had lo do II Ibo hard way. He bel!t South Alrlca's Harold Helu!lnl on the first bole of a IRldden death playoll after they Ued at the end of the regula- Uoo 'It bolea. In 1 senae, however, 46-year-old Charlie, the flrat_ NelJO lo mate ,II tn professional golf, won the' $21,000 m the final nlDe boleii of the !lnl round * • L .. !rho Colll zipped thn>ugh the ...... "1lh vlclory al!fr vict<l'y, even tllough the gokten arm of Johnny Unltu wu Idling_ Chargers ·May . Work Out _at OCC How could the Cotto win wllhool tlle .... t JohnnyU? l T h a I ..., a ouetlloo that wu atiQ ~ many oell-ttyled and booaft4o II"> lootlMll uperll loday. Wln they clld. lhouib-~Earl M<>rTlll became the NFL'1 Most llu•hle Plal"I' of 1t11 u be directed Colll lo victory alter victory. M..-- itll, II, of cour•e. the o!Mnded 11-,_., veteran who bu alw.,a: been a teCOnd iilrlnger -unW Jcihnny U'1 erm lltarted !living him tniuble. . The generoas of heart said Morrell did not hive 1 bad day Sunday. WeU, \ • BJ 11:A11L GUSl'DY OI' .. °""' ''* ..... 'lllere WU • -~llity loday that Ibo San Diep Ow-ien would be llelllnl up illmmer trainl"8 qurten at Orange Ooaill eou,.. nut July. At -. tllal'• the l•toll -Col- la Mesa'• drive to 1eCUft the Amtrlcao Football League dub has taken. A deal for the Charpn lo aet ill> lllOI> at South- ern Cal Collep !ell lhr<lltllh wbeo I h e Newport Blvd. ICbool decided It c:ouldo't bulld a Oeld In Ume. It had all the other facllllles required, lncludlni donna. The latl<r are the ooe llCC<IDlilodltloo occ ltekl. Nevertheleu, the proposal will be dl>- awed at p.; Jl!.oior college'1 boat\! -~ Ing 11'.eC!nOiday oig)lt, tccordlng lo Dr. -Mo.r., 0CC preolden4 who bu .0 6bj-to ouch. a IDO\'e, "II hiving .the Chargero at Orange Coon wiO help the commuoity, then It '• fine With me," he said. He ·added. however, that be wasn't a u re what lcCal Intricacies might be Involved and that such matten would bt! lnve11Ugated before Wedneadly'1 board meettng. '"l'hm may wtll be a lllte rqulatlon . . . w'lfd! 'll<lllld 1*ohlblt. a private or'(A!ilza- tlcin such u the Chargen from us"'rt ...- fldljtles, but 11 tlils ,stage I jOil don't know,'" Dr. Moore eq1atnetl. Dr. 1oloore ,,.. approacbed Wt wtek by Art McKeniie. eo.ta· Meaa dtJ mll>-a&Of. MCKenzle and <omcnmao B'o b Wll!ott ano beading the Mesa delegation lo ·_,,.. the AF.L lelrn, wltlch Is veca- Ung Ill E.condido summer cimpolte. u the occ propooai r.u. lhrougb, lhe two civic leaden will have still ~ pl!Y lo call. They will ~ that the Chargen uao Fairview· Stile Hoopltal property. Par IOil aller that • eruption ploved good enoush lo repulae the enemy. Henning, a gradGwi loooer, had ""'1llfil of 7l-.. 171. and ll8id, "l'ln'happy to get:a Ue." Hennl"l'WOD ,11,00D. In the· cloot., -II of Ibo drama It WAI Ill SlHord and the 16-,.....id Henning, whose lone American vidor)' waa In the Tau Open In 11111. Defending dwnptoo BUly Casper made a nm w II h a 17. So d Id Allllralla'o Bruce' llevllii. T&eJ •tlod lor -thlrd,lil · rn: Eiicb' won ll,IOO. Arnold Palmer, who played '°"'" peUUvety for · the llrsl llmt ilfllC9 November, with llWe or no Jll:aetke In' tbe period, finished · w I t h a Ii to ~ 114. It'wu w011b f\,OllS. . 11. s. ap;.. chalitplOn Lia·~ hall "lun•With the galleries. JM..ldif 7t"p;. him 193 and lllUI In 1be new PGA format ·which· .. .-.._,. ftnlsllor II least eomethlng. In Slfiord'1 caae, It ....., he ud 1be .i.nt Jullus -llld --over which la the older. lldn>I tclult Is 41. But ll, ~~ Bona, .Si1111d 'l'.'Vta\i!d. wbo cornc<t0'Slllord'1'fal!lllUO b[oioJiillJ .-.adiuslliic llla''«tP .ttl the clal(Lfte tdvict came Jut 'Y* when llcno _, Sifford played In .. al!fbltlon. •. ".W' old mea, 11, Aki OarUe, .,,.,.: ti belp. Uleb--otber." . •. 114 • d •• cl, "Ibo pllorJ 11!'!1 h;• ... noticed_ II. I could 1'ear -llleili aQiol. 'Loot, be abl't booklQ~ DIP mant:" '· ' ' Bo~ 1:i~poff . .Proves Dud .... r.JIAMI (AP) -A 1iOmli u..t Which pri>ved falte clel.,..it!· IDJ.!'l·tbe OrUI• Bowl·~ cS., for the Sliper JIOWi· . pine. ~at IDOli ot the n,m tu. !mew DlWog,of ~t. ~ . •Miami Police • Newell Botna . aald .,JIWl callld; ...UO· ... i.ievWon ttatloas, _ 'be -wu ., . aoc!at.iil wltll 'Ille lllact-PvlrC m<iVement and. •amid lbt 99 poundt-of plutlc exploeln wto liJI, 41!11 In Ille 1r.uum. .More than 100 UDlforme4 Miami pollco and llremen, =onta ml COUDl7 bomb ..... r ..- ec1 to mlllutes, Home 11dd. · Tile ~ ..... GpODed 30 mlnulal rater. i • ) " .. ... DAILY 'ILOf Monda)o, .iallUWJ IJ, 1969 € 8.ches Call 2-point Rule 'Source for Ulcers' ,. ...... fl;+-.. '!lie --rule .... ldopled after -'1'1 ~ID Oblo ml Okla. boma iait--. Now, llb lho c:ollq<1 ·and the Auwlcan Football 1->e. the prepe can ·elect to either tick I« -toe. er run or pus ~ two points lollowlng a tcuchdowo. • • Ellllll area ~ "'°'" qui-! .abd only ..... Cilrona • dfl Mar's Dove Jlol· llnd,. l<'jllded ~ .. , ll!e major ~·~;_, ......... ; , . All "Wd tney would IO lor the two- poinlel' II it meant lho dill.....,. be- tween winning .. IYillll· Jjete'a bow lho aiu tutors polled view the new rule: DAVE llC!IUND. C... del Mar -~·m not iD favor of'tbe cbaqe. Tbett'1 In :)le Cage Derby I .Ru stle.rs Nuw Spoilers, Test OCC Tuesday Night By J""")~WARZ •• , Of llilitl'~ , .. ll•ft ' . 1be nu and Santa! Ana ~cOllege hive re- duced Golden West to the role ol spoiler In the ~ . pmrerence basketball race. · And the first team the Rustlers will meet in their new role as spoilers wtll be defending confereftce champ!~ Qr. ange Coast Tuesday night. 1be Rustlers, among the preseason fa- ~scorer of the year, the RusUers hive brio puocbleu · up lronl . Brlan Amtirozich has been carrying the scoring load from his forward poei- ti<l'I, but Golden W,est has,aorely miued Prather. His replacement, Dave Harding play- ed well Sfturday night agalnsl Santa Ana, bolcjillg the llo11!' high scoring pl- votman Mike 'l'bomJS to just tine field goals in lbe first haH. However, Harding, who has on1y see.n u.sT••• C0ttlf:l1:c• ~, limited . duty this season, Ured in the F\lltetloft 4 o :m second half just. when Santa Ana was ~"==-c•r ~ ; ~: making itsf'bjg push and Harding could- 5'1'11• ~ r , 1 2•3 n't contain the Dons' center offensively llllo MiondD , 1 269 '"\.. ........ Ml. U.C 2 2 ll4 Or' 00 the IJUl:U"Uo:I, ,.,.._ 2 2 ,.. Santa ~broke ufi a {;""t contest Gold9R W.I .._ I 2 &" 11~ -. 1 l with a t · ·-rnUte b ltr: at saw the 5•it Wn&rdlno ;.: 1 3 • :w home teJm .... _oQtscore Golden West 1a.s. citrut "'~!.~' · and sha~ a 41-42 tie. ·-i~:,~ .. ~~'::·r--...., ~-iireli!nlrimntrot"thlt"!prenmn 1111 MDI* "· sen --.r111no n ... '':. :\n a 22-eecOft4 span to give the Dons a Ml. SAC It, Cl!r111 -~· • , c1•r•• 11. 111 ...... ldot 14 · . .eo-t7 adV9ritage with 10:65 ten ~n the T ....... 1'10- Golden we11 1t °''"" coasr game. c111Hrt •t 11:1 ....... io. Golden West backed the Santa Arta lead ~I~·~ :i1 t.:;,:'7 '.\,dawit~to tie With 3:18 to play, but nine c1oreu •' llki Hondo, ,,.; :seconds fit« Steve Gerfets acored a vorltes in the Ea.stem Conf rac&' ~-tbree-potnt play to wrap up the contest. dropped info the 'Secom div :§atur .. S.~ ·'f'Lanny Mitchell topped the Dons' at- day nJabt...W, a it tecOrd • 'J<JS!dt, !fiil>~~lnU, while Arol>roiich led • '"' dei:Uton a &mta ' eg'l~ Rmtlm·Wlth 14. and for the third .straight game.missed' ~ ~-w"' cu1 ''ft'' All• 1111 the preseoce of a healthy Dave Prither. cimo!Nll ': ~ ~ ~ H..U.irelft ': ~ '! '1j Prather played in the RusUe,n' open-,,_ • 1 1 1 M1Ww11 ' 1 ' 10 t •··t _._, b I Mtrtln 2 I 3 S 9uJdlfr ' O ? 1 ng ~ames ._ W;::;-r-("..-1,. ut ~ y saw •. !o\lllw _ , s 3 1J Lwar 1 1 2 s )~~ fioabe?.... Of the flu b ,..,ntw S I I 10 Gsrlet1 ' t I 11 The ling'~ s~.-bowevlr, w i's · ~:':: i l : ! =: : : ~ 1: more serHm Saturdly and Prather Was ~~I:' : : : : Tot111 11 n is 11 ~tfned ro bed~ ""'°"°11d'I , o J ,, \\'.}lhout Pr]Qier, Golden West's lead-Ta:.'~,,.. :i~: fl~:. _.,.. ~ Golden wrsi n Sp~rts in B,-lef Jet Assistant Coach In Line for Boston Post , MlAMI -Clieve Rush, offensive coach for the· New York Jets, appean to be the 13ostori Pabiots' No. I choice to mcoeed ousted Mike Holovak as head coaih. Ruab, who developed the Jets' passing attack trfggett!a by Joe 'Namath, i!: due to be ~~ed hv lljll .SUllivan, preai· denl ' · ~'11'.'.ialerlcan 'football' ~club, liter N 'w.ek. . • ~-Mar~·! 7th SUNOL, Calif. -Dick LoU o( San Jose was the winner and Richard Marline& ol LNwia _Beach was seventh in the windup to the $50,000 Alameda County Open golf ~enl Sunday. Loll • -i at 12·71·74-73-~. ~· . ~ '~ t Gauchos Rest, Lo~ 85~2 LONG BEACH -L Sili:lletuiCk College has a welcome week oif from l>Uketball action after ruMing into a two-man bumaw operated by tbl!! cat State (Long Beach freshmen Saturday ni~ { • 1 The Gauchos were unable to bandte the 49ers' one-two punch of Dwight Taylor and Bill Jflnkirui, who cashed in for 53 -pointa in the home club's 85.G victory. Actually lM flftll margin of 'flclot)' was more on~than the gime. $pd-. dleback loot forward 1111..BOYd oo fouls right at lilt &tart ol the eOcoOd hall and -center 'lolarc Hardy ,lolliJwed bim to the beocb ahort1y aftenrrarda. '"ibey'l'e · eot ·to have the best (rosh team by IUJP and bounds in the trea,'' aakl a nol,l!loptber disappointed Gaucho coach .a., .st.vena "Wt .. J!Layed a • ,....t first baJr. Our stratt&)' was to alt on the ball and w a I t for thf' good shot and we did tt well 'nley just had too much firepower fOI' us." Taylor, a star on COmpton lllgil Sd>ool'a CIF championlhlp leam last ~led Lon& Beach with II polDll. { . Martinez's card showed ~74-~299. Only two players shot par on the final round in windy weather. Nort h in 11,..et ~fOBILE, Ala . -Players on the North squad voted to give lhe game ball ta thtJr coach after their ~-16 victory over · the '8 o u t b in the aMDal Senior Bow I game -something an all • star team Seldom does. Coach Allie Shemian of the New York: Giant!, who coached the Yankee• to their victory Saturday, aaid, "Jam touch· ed by t be gesture and consider t h i s week one of the biggest thrills of my football tile." Stars Go North The Los Angeles Slara:, sWI seeking their first victory of lbe season over Oakland, travel north Tuesday £or another shot at t h e stan in a Western Division American Basketball Association encomiter. Die Stars wanned up for the Oakland encounter Saturday night with a 114-110 victory over the Houston Mavericb. Kings Bo..,, 4·% CHICAGO -The Chicago Black Hawks, behind Bobby Hull's two goals and the elfective goaltending of Denis De Jo rd y, outskated the Loi Angeles Kings 4-t in a National Hockey League game Sunday night. Hull scored the winning eoal at 18:03 of the ·seconc1 period on a perfect pass rrom Bobby Schmautz. Goodrieh for West BAL'i'IM~A spokesman for the National Basketball Association aald SUn· day nlabt Gail Goodrich ol the Piloenlx Suns w1ll be substituted in the line-up of Tueaday'1 NBA all-star game for Jerry We.st of the Los Angtles Laktrs. Tbe spokesman for NBA Conuniulone:r WaJter Kennedy aaid West i1 sUll not recovered from an injury and wW not be able lo play. S11eu WIM PALM BEACH GARDENS, 1'11. - SamD>)' Snead a h o t a 74 Sun<lly I o r a 140 1oW and I fl,000 vklory In hi• rim try al the PGA Quarter Ctntlll}' Goll Olampionrhlp. Htnry Ranaom of Br')'an, Tex., and Wllllam Helnltln, Cannel, Ind., lied for second at 143. Ran&Om bad a 61-75 and Heinlein a 71·72. I • tllCMIJlh -In hip school lootball 11 u ii and bere'• JUii more odded on. ''They put tbe rule lo colle(• ball lo reduce Ueo and I'd bet tbere'I jual U many now a. befc:lr'*," JORN LOWRY, l!lotada -''The WIJ we'Ve been kldioa ·conversions rrver the Plit few aeuem It won't lwrt us a bU. We1vo -bad a good Idem bere ao I'm kind ol llad to aee tbe rule c:cmo In. "B\11 owr the long baoJ I thlDI the 1.., lrUl llke It better than th6-." UN MOATS, Hutlqta -·-"It'1 going to mean more ezcitement for the ,.., and more decision& 10< tbe coach. But anything that creates ~ enterlilnment '" tlie apectaton rm (or. "I thlDI the new rule wU1 brillg In .... lleld goola. I WWI ooly Iba con- YeniOO play would llaJt al Iba two ln- liead ol the -· lbouJlb. :n-art three tough yva" Bl\UCB PICIFOIUl, Foatala Valley -"ll'll mw the ,..,. ...... lnt<rat. Ing and elllnlnate a lot ol tlel. Tile Penn Stale same In the °''"'' Bowl allow• you what can bappm. "rve never felt the tick~ c:mvenion wu autollll!llc ID hilb achool. Ovu 1111' coaclq career, I lh1nk we've ICOftd J..t 11 mtllY runnlni u we have kick· .log." RAY DODGI!, -'l'Jelo-"ll<n'a more ulcen for the coach. Tbo team that ""'"" lint .... will put lho -oolhonest..,.to-.. Alololtean\I which walid have had Ues win now 1 .... "And from lho U.-yml line, the blQtr -will be ....... advant· aae..;;.. EA.Ill, Su Qemate -''I lblnk IL'1 a good rule. It'll make dole pma that much ll1"'J eidtma and adcl more color but 11'1 Phi lo -· it rougil Oil Iba pea< coach.' 0 Now teams will have to add ~ pbaoo to tbelr llOll llne attact .. " BllJ.~W---"Any· thlnl that d• Iba game more uct~ 11111 la 9K wllb me. '!lie l1eld ,..i will become more tJ. a factor now. "A ~ I will weigh heavily In 1111' mlDd whtn decldlD& to ,. lor two or not will be whether we have _,gb ' DAIL T PlltlT ,.... h> Lw ,IJM WICKED WARRIOR -Westmonl's Terry Wray fouls UC Irvine's Jell Cunningham (41) during UCl's 99-93 win over the Warriors Saturday night. At left is UCl's Nick Sanden. Cunningham, on a hot tear, scored 34 points and is averaging 29.5 over his last !our games. UCI hosts UC Riverside Tuesday nighl. A nteaters Win, 99-93 Cunningham (34) Paces U CI By EARL GUSTKEY OI rM O.llr ,111111 SlllT How good ls UCI's Jeff Cunningham? Chances are the 6-3 forward is better than anything UC Riverside will have to offer TUesday night ttnd posiiblJ better than the Anteaters will see from here on. The UCJ sharpshooter rammed in 34 point.! In Irvine's ~93 win over visiUng Westmont Saturday night a n d he goes against the Highlanders Tuesday evening averaging 251.5 per game over h1i last four outings. One who is elated at Cunniniham 's hot hand is his coach, Dick Davis. In UCR l h e Anteaten will be squaring off against an improving outfit that has won IL! Wt two in bnpresslve style. Rfverskle beat a 10.0 team least week. Amaa-Pacific, 92-38, and then trampled Westmont by 32. UCR is M, UCI JIM. Woe1moot gav1 UCI wiexpocted dil· flcult.lee Saturd!G' evening In Campw: Hall but It WU predictable. Tbe Warrior& generally have trouble wlnnlng more than they lose but seem lo rellsh playing Irvine. Last season UCI won by one point In Santo Barbara and by oni)I three llt home. JI "'·as the same sto ry Saturday. The game 1tarled In raged fashion, with Irvine too anxiOUI to acore quickly on the rast break. Westmont had a 28-21 lead midway through the first ball and strelcbf!d It to 35-26 with 7:28 to go. But the Ant.eaters rallied and went ahead on a Cunningham fade-away jumper, 43-42, and had a 47-46 halllime lead. 11len UCI went to work. With its rast bruk wornlng unchecked through the stut'llbling Warrlon, the Anteaters rolled up a u.61 lead in five minutes. OJnningbam ~red six in a row to make it 16-53 aJ*1 Westmont, it sem- ed had bad it. A M I k e Heckman bucket moments later gave UCI a lfi>olnt lead. But just u quietly u Ibey erupted, the Ant...t· ers turned cold. O.vb bad taken o u t Heckman, MJl<t Barnes and Cunning· More Sports Pages 2 4 ·26 \ • ham and the reserves couldn 't hold the lead. Westmont ouUcorect the host! U.I dur- ing one stretch to pare the gap to 79-74. Back in came UCI's ringers and away they went again. UCI's frosh team beat Westmont II.ft raising Its record to 4-1. Tim' Tift'~ t~am ,Plays UCR's £rtshmen Tuesday night 1n the 6:15 preliminary. UCI f"I Wu._.. lftl ""''.. .."''~ C11nno.,.Nm .. ~~ Hod.min 8•·~ ... ~ ... , ·~"" Gll~l""IUI ll l•l<l•rw..,11 '1111 11ltN.ear-••S7t ,,,,,w,,,. l ••1a ''116 U...illll •JS ll '''l''lltff 1 1 41• '''''!er-JJ71 1 •1 2w1nw. ,,,, JtJ1T1vior 111• si.n1r.w c • 1 • K1tt111t'lnf I f 1 J Tot11t J1"t1" T..._.. »n• n HllN'""9 ~! UCI D, Wnlnlioflt .... UCI !'Adi ffll WnlMll!t ''""" "f) '-"""" .... ,, ... SI....,,. 111J9.W1"-> 1114 Gt'arv. 1 2 J II KHUrilW J J S t 'MllN J 4 I 1' Mtlon ' ( I 1• F-o• I JSIJD..._. J4511 Sl/'OCt t • ' ' J .WMl>ell J ' > lf Moorr I I I U k1•1•111•" 1 I I I w .... ,.....,.,,,,._, 1111 Htlm 1 0 l 1 k"""9dy I J I 4 JotkMn J J I ' •1111tt , ' l • Vlf'fl'I 1001 Tol1l1 tt It " tl Tatllt If 21 It ft H•lfllme JCan: UC I f" l'Glh '1, °""""°"' f'l'9tll ll. ci!ensive momentum. "Spectai two-point play& will becomt ~· 11'1 lotns to be tou,b ID Sci lhal tine yards beClUIO you'll be IP Ing agalDll an eighl-man lino • ...., time." WADE WATl'S, Newport BarW - "I'm med to Jt, becluae 1 coached with that rule ID Ohio. I like It, bul II '1 really a burden for a coach. I'm a &ambler •and l'D go tor it u much u anyone. 0 1 Imagine coaches with fine placement klct<en woo~ be loo bappy with tbe rule. 11 Jt will D 0 W become Very Important lo""" llnl beclule 11 you~"" a klcl:· .... you put lho -Oil Ille other JIUY of bavlllg to go lor two." . Bruins 11.0 ~ter Spurt . By Alcindor. Urdled Preaa bf<nllloul Lew AJcindor never seems to worry much about' S<Oring polnil. He's the kind of "tum" player who coaches dream about. He can acore wbentftr be reA;i!y wants to but his teammates never think that whm they pau the ball to him, they'll never .see it a I a i n. He's qujct to pass off a n d set up the other players for scoreli and never seems to hog the ball But if his t e a m is in trouble a n d really needs the points, Alcindor can take over and control a game just about as well as it can be maslered. Le\lf showed how Saturday u the Bruim boosted their record to 11.0 with ait 83-64 victory over Oregon State. ____ Orogon State tralli!l.-2!1)~·-b~....,.~-­ margin at halftime and still was hi the game with eight minutes left. Alcin- dor then took charge and poured in 13 points in four minutes -en route to a game tolal of 29 -and the game was over. Jack Donohue, the Holy Cross coach who was Alcindor's high school coach, probably describes Lew's scoring ability in lhe best wasy. "You can never talk about 'giving Lew Ml 30' and trying to hold down the rest of the players. You don't 'give' Lew anything. He'a like the 1,000.pound gorilla. He takes whatever hew a n ts," Donohue smiled. While Lew wa.s taking enough to give UCLA a comfortable victory, the olher ranked teams e:zcept for Kansas were also collecting victories. But the sixth-ranked Jayhawk s were dumped by Missouri 47-46 and had their 12-game victory string snapped. Theo Frank's Z>foot jumper with eight seconds Jeft carried Missouri to the triumph. Kansas is now 13-2 overall and 2-1 in the Big Eighl while Missouri is U an~ 1·2 in the conference. Colorado and Kansas St. are tied for first at :HI. .Second-ranked North Carolina trailed at halltime but rallied for a 99--77 rout of Virginia Tech ; tltlrd-ranked Santa Clara boosted its mark to l+<l by topping Pacific, 67-56. Fourth-ranked Davidson routed West Vliginla 1(12.-71, fifth-ranked Illinois stop- ped Northwestern in overtime 82-77, seventh·ranked Kentucy routed Florida 88-67, ninth-ranked Villanova beat St. Joseph's, 87-62, and lOth·ranked New Mexico State whipped Santa Fe 11717. Young Blazes To Flashy 8:32.6 2-mile BOSTON (AP) -Olympic bronze medal winner George Young saya he doesn't consider winning "the mo.st Im· portant thing." but when he dons his track spikes ifs diJfkult to beLieve. The 31-year~ld Arizona school teacher posted his IOt.h straight indoor victory in shattering the Boston record by nearly she seconds Saturday night while winning the two.mile run in the 43rd Knight.! ot Columbus games. Y o u n g amazed everyone w i t h bis brilliant early season clocking of 1 :32.1, just 1.9 seconds off the world indoor rtcord set by JUn Beatty in Lo.s Angeles in 1963. "With the e:rceptJon of the Olympics, when I fbtisbed third in lhe 3,000.meter iteeplechase, J gueu I've won about 20 straight races," Young said. "After all that, I can hone.Uy uy that winning Isn't the most Important thlng," he added. "Meeting people associated wilh track is more important. Running ii more of a hobby now.'' Young's tremendous effort, In which he stayed with Canada's Bolt Finlay bef0rt surging to the front with one-ball lap lo go, earned him the meet'• out.tan- ding performer award . He was an overwhelming choice over Olympic champion Willie Davenport, who equalled the tndoor ncord ol 5.4 aec:ooda lo the 4$-yard hlsh hurdles. "I find I don't bave a lot ol lncenlive right now," Young said. Other K ol 'C Winnen lncllXied Sam Bair ol Kent Sllle tn the rnlle (l:llU): Larry Jamt11 of Villanova In the IOO (l•tt.l);, Herb Germann ol the New York A. C. In the l,000 (2•0l.S): John Pennel in the pole vault (IM); Mel Pender in the 50-yanl (Ul: and Joh• Rambo Ir. the high jump (6-1). I " •• ... '· ' • , ' • 1 .. ' ' • ' ' '• , ... ... . , , t • ' I ·' ., ' .'I ,. ' ' ,, • ~ears Mondly, J.tnuary 13, 1969 DAILY PILOT 23 • Full 4-Ply Dynacor'.Rayon Guardsman · • Sears Most Wanted Tire Smooth, Silent and Safe 30-Month Guarantee ! I I --·--~-I ' ~-----------------~ "'SileWeer· bultoni be- tWeen lhe ribe ,etop 1he,1quei.li11g ~round turns and when brakinJ. lntt.rlocliiag tread eiert11 "ise _grjp. on road for better traction, elart1 and 1top quickly. 4 Ways Better! Qu~eter, Smoother with 4 Foll Plies OfDynaeor Rayon L Gives Silent, Soft Ride~ ' 2 .. Quietly comers. "euier -stt~ting 3. No ThtllllP:1 and no l:)U,plp! 4. No ltl.nh ~~ Guaranteed 36 Months ~;.., IL@~@~=~ BATIERY GU!RANTEE fl'ff replactment 1'itbin 90 day• of .porch.-i( banery provu .defeotive.. Afler 90 day1, wt replace the battery, lf defective, a'ttd t'h1rii;e you Only fM the period of owner. ship. hued on the re,;ul•r priee. le11tnde-in at the time of ttlurn, prol'llted aver • n••h•r ..., malitb1 or JUnntee. Nos. 36-61· 63-21-37 Fit 90% of All 12 Volt System Cars Installed FREE . . 77, With Tnde-ln Drive in to Sean for Y ~ur FREE llattery TesL No Obligstion! -- • Regular Trade-in Price '2195 A{;LSTATE Passenger Tire Guarantee TllEAD LIFE GUARANTEE Guaranteed· Against: All failures of the ti~ re· sultir,g frOm normal road hazards or defects in 1Q&terial1 Or'worlananship. For How Long: For th'e life of the original tread. What Sean Will Do: Repair nail punccures at no charge. 111-the case of failure, in exchange for the tire, replice ir, charging only the proportion of current resular selling price plus Federal Ex· cise Tax that reprek'nts rread used. TREAD WEAR·OU'f GUARANTEE Guaranteed Against: Tread wear-out. For How Long: The number of months specified. What Sean Will Do: Jn exchange for the tire, replace it, charging the current regular selling price plus Federal Excise Tax less the following allowance. Month11 Guaranteed Allowance 12 to 24 10% 27 to 39 20% SIZE 6.50x13 7.00xl3 6.95xl4 7.35xl4 7.75x14 8.25xl4 8.55xl4 5.60xl5 7.35xl5 7.75xl5 8.15xl5 8.45xl5 8.85x15 Rl:f,ular Trad.i• SAVE. """ 6.50xl3 Tulieleoi Whitewall Plus l.81 F.E.T. And Old Tire ... .... 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IOb m im he.r ••• Durable nylon rw11 cooler at-bish .,,...i. ,-------~------------~----------------------------, UNA fAIK TA 8-HOO, S21 -l530 I\ MONll Gt 3..3911 IONC lfACH HE 5.0121 . ·PICO WE 8-4262 SANTA f£ Sl'llllGS 94"4-8011 YAU!T PO 3·B46t, 984-2220 • I cNIClOA .... 340-0661 Gl!Nl>,W QI 5-1004 .. 0 4·4611 Ol.YMPIC & SOTO AN 8-5211 -roMpNA ED 2·1145, NA 9-5161 , YU 6-675t SANTA MONICA EX "'6711 VWIOHT Pl 9-1911 I ~ot1NE 6-2sa1 . NE 2·5761 "°''YWOOt> HO 9.Jl94t OOANGf 637-:noo '1 "'"'" Kl 1~11 sotJTHcomruv. 5~3333 0NTA11Jot86-2011 I COVINA 9d6-0611 INGUWOOO OR 8'2521 PASAtleNA MU 1·3211, R 5..C211 s ' . . lOIUNCt! 542·1511 '--~--------------------, ears -----------~---------' · "Satisfaction GuaranteedorYourMoneyB'aclc" __ ,;_,_..._ Shop 6 Nlghll Monday thro1111h Saturday 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. ' J . ' .. ~ ..... -- ------------- r I i I I ) v-:----"'"""-...~-------------.,.---------...----------· .... ·--· --- ~ D.lll V PILOT .. t .. • " ' ' > -· -~----·---;--·-· -----· ..... ___ _ ' ' I l I I I I f r I l • [ i ' t • • • ' . • • • ' [ ' ' • t ! ! ' • [ ' • • t t • • • r ' • ' ~ First Loss, 11·2 Rangers Upset By Bellflower . Bellflower brought an end to the Coast IWlgm' hopes Werne\d, ·11o1 Cl Ing scorelw. him McEwen On Spot At OCIR ., of an lmdeftated s o c c e r season by taking a 4-:Z verdict Sunday atwaoon at Newport - Beach's Marlnei'I Park. The Railjers finally cracked the scoring "lee with oDe minute left In the first'baU as· Jackie Oli)vie passed to Werneid, who in turn shot the ball to Owen Gorman. The laUer cut loose from l& yards out and connected to cut the deficit to 2-1 at haUtime. Tom ?o.1cEwen of L o n g Beach and Don Schumacbe.r of Pari: Ridge, DJ., wilt be out to defend their leads in Qr • ange County International Raceway's $33,CKKI All-Pro Championship Series Sunday. -· Thus the winners moved back into serious contention for the Pacific League cham- pionship, improving t he i r · record to 8-2-2. The Rangers of coach Brian McCaugbey &fl! 9-1-1 for the campalgn. Bellnower never trailed, although it did have to hang on frantically in lbe final io mlnutel a11 I.be Mils caught fire and dominated the game. However, they were unable to find the ~ range. 1be visit<n broke through to fire in the clinching score with seven minutes left in the same. For the vanquished it was a frustrating afternoon of trying to catch the intruders a1ter Ibey '°' oa to • 1-0 i,a<L Bellflower put the stops to !armer profeaaiooU L e I f Bellflower made Jt 3-1 with 22 minutes left in the game. Then the Rangers began tbeir frenzied rally. Albert· 8W'l'IS hit a 10..yard goal with IS minutes to go and the Rangers appeared to be on their way to at Jeu:t a Ue, commanding most of the action. But Bellflower bounced back with iLs clincher the last .seven minutes. the preliminary game was cancelled . Nut abow for the Rangers Is Friday night wben they meet UCLA at Newport Harbor HIBh· McEwen won lhe top fuel division of the Dec. 29 open- er of the four-race series. Schumacher has the funny car points lead desplle the fact his car was only runnerup. But he established the low ela!ped time marks and top speed of the meet. Top eliminator for the fun- nies was Jim Liberman or Long Beach. Point.I accrued in the three preliminary races are virtual· ly as important as prize mon- ey. The four high point can will secure an automatic starting berth in the March 29 fmal. Final wirmers will take home S,'J,500 each. Over 70 top fuel and runny car entrants are expected to be on hand for Sunday's ev· ent. Garden Grove Slams Pomona's Joe Fisher w a 1 the winner In the NRRA '1 first super stock circuit r u n Sunday at OClR. He drove his 1966 Plymouth into the win- ner's circle with ET marks of tl.12 and ll.18. Costa Mesans, 59-34 lfe turned back 11arry Hol- ton of Pallerson, Calif . ., who piloted a Dodge. J~olton fouled on his start, giving Flsber a free trip to the pay window. .. Our owerall record may not be as good a:; the rest of tlle Jrvlne LuiU< teams. but I'd ventutt to aay we've p 1 a 7 e d a llllahUJ tougher schedule than most rl. them." So .said basketball coach Herb Livsey of Costa Mesa High School in summarizing his non-league alate o( 5-10 Saturday night after h I s Muatang quintet was dropped by Garden Grove, 59-34, at Corona de! Mar lllgh. The towerina Argonauts, led by ~t Al Carlson. are l h e number one ranked team in Orange County 1Dd the t.op team in CJF MA circlet. They art now U-0 for the .. ...,. . The Must.anp only resembl· Cnl• MfM IMI .. .. .. " ·-' ' ' • c.... • ' ' ' !:••"-, • ' • -• • • • ..... ' ' • ' ..... ' • • • , ........ ' ' ' ' .... ' ' ' ' ...... • • ' • .... ' • ' • ..... • • ' • , ... .. • " u ..,... ....,,. IJtl ,0 l'T .. .. ·-' • • " -• ' • .. c.-' ' , " 0'1•'-" ' ' ' , "* • • , " ....,11ecn • • ' • .... ' • • ' -· • • ' • , ... ,. " • " .. tc.. "' ChoHtot<1 .... ... M ' " • 1~ -..... u " .. ed a shell or the team that came within oot or Leng Beach Millikan Friday night. Steve Korney of Norwa1k guided his coupe to a win In the AA/gas supercharged di- vision by recording the Jow ET of 8.SS. Garden G r o v e, with ex· cellent defensive strength, in· timldated lhe Mustangs from Hubert P I a l I of AUanll reached the second round ol. get competition but red-llchted the himself out of the runnlng. start to finish. Mesa wu unable to anything going under l>oardl. With a defensive front tine ol 6-1, &-5 and 6--41.'.a to face, little went in for Mesa that wQn'l from at least 16 feet out. When Gregg Erskine's hook shots were geUing bk>cked you tnew it was going to be a long night for the Green and WbJU. Meaa stayed within 10 of the winners at tht half, but a quick eight-point spurt at the at.art of the third period Jclt little dou!X of the out· come . Globetrotters Are Coming The most suoccssful act in the history of show business, the H a r I e m Globetrotters, rolls into the Anaheim Convent.Ion Center's arena Thursday evening, Feb. 6. Tickets, prlctd from $3 to $4.50, are on sale at tbe c.onvenUon Center box office and at Wallkb's Music City in Cost.a Mesa. Pro Hockey Standings MAtlOMAL HOCKIT L&A~I --.... ~ --· -M T•t111" "'"" Ytn; -·· Sl LCllli. o.~1.,,., P~il-l<lfllt I 01 .-.1111e1e1 ..... ,_,, PltJtlN,.,. W L T ll'tl. ... •A " • • " '" 100 n 11 1 .U 141 11' n11J.ft1St1)S )O H I .. IJO 101 11 ., 3 oil lU 10. lf"'Ul#lM .... o,.. .... JO It 10 jtl tlJ H u ,, ' )I 100 111 1•1011 )I 16 11 1 u,. • )0 ., I\) t ff 1 , " lU t Hl ll lOl lU StlilHO R .. ltl klNM L 1'11~ ' O.trott S. Celt i.1111 1 Clllu .... Liii Allft!H t It, Lwls I, MIMnott I s.IWMr'* ...... ""°"" '-~I J T-lo 4, Liii A-Mll t O.lroll S. '°""" Yori! 1 ,.,,11.!Mhi.tti. 4. M'""'"9!1 t 51. LMll i. Clllcff~ I O•~lllnd I, Pll'9illl.lr<i~ t Mitllll•'f'I Otfl'I" No ''""' •OH•lfwltd T"""'""°'""" NfW Yer' ti LOI A1111tMtl Ol'lt!' N""' W>tdul..r Pro Cage Standing.s ... ---Liit"" ...... MlllllMOl1 tt W An 1 ... -. it11.- Kl'l'ttlildt, 19 • A1 Mleml 11 11 A6 Htw Ywt If SI ~ ....... Dtww.. 11 4 ... "' ·~ •• ... ...... ........ It IS .5" 11 l.• "-19' -.,,.._ ..... 17 • _.,, IS 11 22 .a lt ., • .JM 11 -... It :U: .216 II ,.....,...._ ... MJ...... 11'-0.llH IU 0..--IM. "-'°" 111 ,...,.._ N-Yooti. -' "9w OrltlM Mleml el Holnterl ·MD Fete Set Mater Del High School's vanity football team will be bonor<cl at a banquet tonight at the Santa Ana Elka Lodge. Tickets, priced at 15 per penoo. will be avallable at the door. Festlvitles otart II 1:30. Bally for Win It's Marina, • Sea Kings Dump HB Again Millikan, 49-44 Tuesday Marina, rtetnUy 1 fhom In SoCal 4th In Tourney Center Mlb Basartcb poured In 4t Polnll to lead Los Anaeles Baptllt College to an euy 111-87 victory over Southern Clllfornla Collea:e for third place in the fourth an- nual Sou.them California C.Ollege New Year's tourna- ment Saturday night. By ROGER CARLSON ... o.!l'f ,.... .... With oalJ' one game loft be- lo<o Irvine League bubtball compeUtlon, the Gilly . ..,. thing about Corona del Mir High School'• Seo l\lllp II that 11'1 cioublflll !hoy will set any kincl " -"" -during the year. They did put 11 polnll OD the S<oreboard over I b e weWnd, but 11 took two gmestodol~ Nevertbelea, the Sea Kings of coach BlD Bloom did manage to split tbe pair after knoclting oil Long Beach MJllil<an, 4M4, Saturday nlgbt in tbe first same rl. • dooblehea~er. 'Ole wlo gave Bloom'• outfit an •7 rdatt for the eeuon with Lons Beacl> Jord~ tlle final non-league game Tue&- day night at the Sea Kfn&s' confin ... VI~ dldn~ come euy for Corona apinst the pesky Rams u the winners were In the game for ftrst place, Calllornla Baptllt College ol Riverside whipped B lo 1 a College ot La Mirada, 75-84. forced to come from a m· TO polo! defleJl to nall the 1~ verdict. ~ CellfenH 111) ........ Allbrlllon •• ll'T ,, . ' ' ' ' . ' . ' 1• Delp!te a full court pre.as ~~ for moet ol ~ lint half and lr a deliberate otteme, the Sea J K1np were down by a 11-17 ·-· Murn'I' .... ~ ... _ "'"' , ... . ' ' . . ' ' ' ' . . ' ii 11 tt count early ln the third period. And, wilb J ;QZ to iO in that quarter they ttlll trailed by lour btfcre Cbrll Tbompoon flOI !be bol bancl and -ped In ~ OU! fl001I and a couple rl !roe throw• wllhln a apu " 2:41 to put the hosts In front by a l!Wl tally. From there the Sea Kings were able to hep at least a three-point lead far the re- mainln( Um• to poll the hard· fought victory. Steve Leech wu tugh point man for Corona del Mar with 13 pointl wblle Thompson waa totaling 12. Mika McWilliams a d d e d e:lgbt to the cause, siJ comln.g on free throws. cw-... Mw !••1 ,_ , ....... M ..... MCWlllt.m1 WUbrKhl w .... Ntt!IH o .. Tot•!• P• l'T ,, tP J ) I 11 ' ' 1 11 1 0 I 2 I ' 2 I 1 2 1 • 2 2 I j O I t 1 o I 2 t u l• ll ... the side of H~ Beach High School basketball fortunes, moves Into the Hun- tlngloo -IYlll Tue.sday ntpt at 7 in quest of again knocking off the S u n 1 e t League leaden. Tbe Vlklnga, llrtady vie· tort""' over Hunjinpn Beach in tournament acUon., are 0-2: in Sunset League .cUon while the h o 1 t Oilers are riding a If.game winning lllr<ait in league competition. Olher Sunset Leque a<· tfvity has Western (U) in· vading up-and-down Newport Harbor and surprbing Santa Ana Valley at Westmlruter. The latter is a 3:15 p.m. tilt while the Newpofl..Western aame is at 7. ere.tview League action conUnues with Foothill and Laguna Beach tangling at the latter's court In a 7 p.m. game while Orange is at Mission Vlejo and Villa Park travels to San Clemente in afternoon fmO ·--" ·-Fllsl- La MllllUn 144) l'Q ll'T ,, ' ' . ' . ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' 17 11 20 T" assignments. ~ Estancia seeks its fourth 1 win tn a row with an en· ; counter wilb La Quint.a at ~ home and Long Beach Jordan ·-._ Tot•l9 Seen '' Ollartnt ConlNI HI /Mr I t lJ lt-M La Mlllllltn ' n lJ 1......_. i!J at Corona del Mar in 7 o'clock games. A TIRE FOR EVERY DRIVING NEED 1. FJlONT WHEEL --#;.ALIGNMENT __ --· __ --·- 2. SAfETY INSPECTION Ch•c•: Tire•· l1ff•ry • Muffltr • Ir•••• • Su1p•tt1ie11, Etc. WlTH THI PUCHAll OP TWO TllU 5 DAYS ONLY! TUESa•WED.·THURS • ..fRl.·SAT. BALANCE WHEEL 99~ INCLUOINe WlllHTI AU. srzrs ••• NEW LONG MILER NFULL 4-PLY YLQ~CORD as. SIZES 6.00xJ3 6.S0/7.00xJ3 15'5 t~i / 16'5 :;;: AIOYI r11crs TUl!LESS •LA ::::::: ••u .. Tt )I 1.Jt" ~·W.t.w • ADD ..... ,. !I···-----14 ......_, .. 1 ,_ SI.fl FOi 'NHr-8111111.,. ,,,.., ....... us Open 8 am to 9 pm MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY OPEN SATURDAY 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. PHONE 54M34l; 646 4421 2049 HARBOR BLVD. lat layl COSTA MESA e CHOICE CHARGE BUDGET PLAN e IANIAWUICAID e MASTll CHAIOI l ' • • ' i > . I ' ' • • • ' • • • . · . , I ' • Enters 500Race C h r y s I e r has responded to the road racing challenge issued a week ago by FOl'd 'a million dollar stock cir team which entered lhe first eight drivers for the Motor Trend- RJverside 500, Sunday. Following the recent assign- ment or Bobby Allison to rill the void left by Richard Pet- ty's switch to Ford, Plymouth and Dodge today announced lhree more drivers and, in the process, created another natural rivalry. The three, Al Unser and Don White, both in '69 Dodge Charger 500s, and Roger Ml'Cluakey In a '69 Plymouth •, Road Runner, team up with the previously a n n o u n c e d James Hylton and Bobby Isaac in Dodges as well as Allison in the other Plymouth. Unser , White and McCluskey are all members of the United States Auto Club (USAC) who are eligible to enter the Na- tional Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR)· sanctio n ed 500-mile because of international recognition for the event. As if the track ba.Ule between Ford and Chrysler weren't enough, it now ap- pears that there is a natural USAC·NASCAR war aJ>rewing ~ on the z. 7-mile road c6urse • at Riverside. ' · j Two drivers from each --• --i:· . ' ----·----~-------------.,,.......-..,..--,.,. It's Like Having a When You Sweat By STEVE ANDREWS Of 1111 DlllJ' Pllllt l•ff "ThiJ is worse than having a baby!" ' the Tart were last year's welcht c;laq every year. champlOlll, Marina, lben El Chris S on ea, Andeuon•a Modtna llld Walminsttt 1o teemmate, plnl!od oil a( )Iii round oot the top live. foes, wlndll!i It up by,~ Three tournamen~ chain. Tom rou ol. the Eltuda piool went throuP tho onlltt E.,leJ dOwn !or Ille count aflatr plnnJna each Ol'llOlienl Sones wu a• l •c t Id Uloy !IC«!. . "Outa~ Wl'lltler ol the OAJLY "IAf U Baby " Title . ' L ' ·AUJO INSURANCE PROBLEMS.? Those were the worda of Founta.in Va 11 e y wreslling coach Vern Wagner while pac- ing the floor during tbe final 194 lb. match betwffll Bob Raymond of Estancia and Bruce Marlin of Newport Cbril Harpel of the Tars Tournament • by a vot.e of wu one, roundlni hi• nlghl the coacha '"" hi• tmnlb-llr-c--.•L'L------.1 up with a pin of Gerry dOlft work. " '7i 16llO , Harbor. Hamada of El Modena 2:39 The honors of tho luteltjlL_;.,_,--....,..---'I Into the mal<b. pin went 1o Dave Gleuon of H' & H INSlillANCE Why wu, be so interested in a mat ch where none of his boya were partlcipaUng? Glenn A s am o to o1 Costa Mesa. Gleason 1&ot b1s • M•L'IOftOPa -~ •.., was another. wrapplna up bis opponent down in •, paaby t.-~.a-t n.ttir1 • , It wu because Bruce Martin stood between him and the Orange Coast Invitatiooal night's labor with 1 pin o1 1;~2~1~aecooda~~~in~an~ear~ly~m~llc~b.~~~§~~~~~~~ Glenn Aa1amoto (If Westminster in a time ol 2:61. champlonsblp. Well, Martin was pinned by Raymond 4:48 into the match and the Barons bad pulled off a major upeet in CIF wrestling circles. Anderson, a senior, bu competed in this particular tournament ·since he was ,a sophomore and has won his Ne port ff bo f "·-C1tam11t111f!• DIY111M W ar r, one 0 Wit: Te1m Tott ls: (I) l'ounltln Vt0t'I' Southland's most highly rated to; (J J N.-ort Ktrt1or "' 111 """'" ' . ls t · t th rl,,_ •ti 141 El MocM!nt 511 (~J W111-Con mgen , Wen 1n o e m11>111r "' 1•1 E111nc1t ... 1 c11 L.a championship round with a ou1n11 »1 1•1 cm11 MtM s11 c•i t•• ' l I d lh Corona del Mir 301 (11) eon. Gr1n-1u ee-po1n ea over e d• 21: 1111 Wltntltr-'7• t121 Hun1. Barons, 67~. 1n1ton BNdl '21 11n'Vn1111 p,,. 111 H ' Cl() Stnlltlto llJ (1$) Ah,mbN 111 owever, wins tn the cham-n•l 0r1111111 u1 c1n Lot ""''-1. pionship round by Chris Sones, • ~rllr (IJ dK. L• et.int GI (FVl: -rt~ lltcf1ioll en Anderson and Bob 106 lb-SOr!ft 111v1 11Mtd Fou (EJ1 Walker, coupled with con· 3:a llS ltt.-Wommad< fW) dtc. W1l-soiation victories by R o n al'k <M>1 .. , Vaughn and Joe Bama, gave 123 1b.--Anc1tr10n lfYJ •!nnotd "' .. moto (WIJ 2:JI the Barons a one-point title 1:io lb.--GtoP"""' ICMI -trr .... lc'o ltull owr Hall (LO) V ry. 13' lb.-ti°'"' OiHl •llWltd Htrntdt Paul Le.Blanc also con-1l!MJ1 i ::Jt GET·ACQUAIN'fED MEN'S WASH I. WEAR CACTUS CASUAL SLACKS ......... . .,.;1$·,e: ... .• ' I , •. •• ··\" •• • • \Jl ........... ., ..•. . ',,: ' . KNIT SHIRTS TURTLE NECK • MOCK TURTLE tribu'...., a second pla-finish 1~1 lb.-ti1mmer11 (NHJ -. Mil· ....... ,.... 11• t8G)1 ).l in· the 98 lb. class, losing to u1 ltl.-C11rry !NH> •· Morlblte I F' Leonard Morley ol Estancia t 11'il' ~••m cNHJ 41c; L•"*" , _ 1 3."· o -F on a referee's decision in 1111 CNKJ; t.J •. 161 lb.-Hlllt.rd (OINI) dft'. S. overti.'t!e. a1x1tt' 1eMJ1 i..~ .Nevertheless, Wagner can 111 lb.-W•~ tFv1 •Inned 1t. • SIMier tEMll 4!G' '-·-org~tion are _!!}~_Jn.:__ : Dcieliei, tlieealivers from -----------------Jlaymood's come-from-M:hind-''11 1NHJ1 •=• g . ' • -ru--ib~fMr-a-fc-~ .. Only be t hankful for •~ "·-'""""' '" •'""" "'" -J~S""lm FOR each b o d y are entered in Fords, o n e driver from eaclt is entered in Pl~th.s. The lineup r or NASCAR is .-' win. The ·Eagle 194-pounder. ~ '""l: ,.. ioTi • . MEN fell behind 2-0, but earned c-'llllll 0 1,111111 _ • (5); .. , j... , to pm his opponent. 106 rb.-W1l1 IMJ c11c. Slocum Raymond was greeted by 1EMl1 7·• AT as follows : Issac and Hylton for Dodge; David Pearson, ~ Petty and Lee Roy Yarbrough in Fords and Allison in the Plymouth. JV, Lightweight Basketball a re.venal and then went on tt lb.--Moon tCMI dK. Toltdcl ~ ~ the entire Baron team and 1~1 •. \~·-:,•u•hn 1Fv1 d'1e. MCGJnnl• 1 J _ /,,1. finally embraced b¥ Wagner m •--<>'••"<• '""' "'· """-'40 ~0"4 himself. ·~~ 1:_;..,,,; IW) --,....,,_ 3424 VIA LIDO NEWPORT -BEACH Bob Walker, Baron 173-poun-is:::, T 1 !.-crewln !Al die. Htun fMli 1:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ der, surpl"ised Wagner with 1.2 . i I USAC responds with: Unser and White in Dodges, A.J. Foyt, Mario Andretti and Parnelli Jones for Ford along 'vith McCluskey's Plymouth entry. The two remaining Ford ~ Motor . Company entries are l Cale Yarborough and Corona ' del Mar's Dan Gurney in the .. • • ' • • • • Wood Brothers' Mercury Cyclones. Yarborough is a NASCAR driver while Gurney, from his vantage point as a five-Ume winner of the event,. ill a recognized Sports Car Club of America racer with an in- ternational grading. WHE'll:E; Rl¥tr11" lnf9rn1!1ontl RtetWt'I' START TIME: 11 A.M. TYPE OF RACING: Grtnd Ntliontl 1toc;Ur1 rmd r1clnt 111 fflt dtbul of ,,,. lfff Alll&fktn-mtrtllflth.il'ec:I t U• lornotlllel. STARTING F!ELO: .i-1 ctrs, 11111- g«ff rDWS Iii '-flylllf sltrl fOllOw- !n9 f Pitt ltp, TYPE OF CAJ!S: Grtl\lll Nttlontl Stock Ctrs, '&f Ford•, MtrC\1....,1, Q\IV· rolets. Ooc!•ts, Plvmovrn., lule1<1, PontlKJ, 01dimcOll•1-:-tll full tlie vehicle. (t1>1blt Iii llO m.ii 1PMC11 on Ille b.Ckl!,.,,1"hl. COURSE: Jtlvet1lch1'1 t.1 m!Je, eltht· tur11 road Coor,.., LENGTH: SOO m11h (IU ltPtl. (First 50Q.ml~ of !ht fMllOn.) SANCTION: F.1.A. tnd Ntllontl A$o sotl•llOll Stock Ctr lt~lnt iNASCAlt). PUJ!SE: 96.olS. (E~ tv retd'I s100.ooo bY rt« lifrlt, Wiii! lncl111lon ol t<IOtd pr!•e monln fT9m tCCtuor~ m1n\ll1clv~n.) HISTORT: 0/11'1' -fllltt of Grtnd N•tlontl l1clarv """'' ill Los Angelll'I tr~ tor 11\t I~•' •I~ '(tars. Ifie MIT SOO 11 conskltred • c11,.ic '' It It in. workl's rldlet!, '°"''''' •!ock cir road rtce. Hti ~n .cene of Gvrt!tV's 1111m1ltlltll fell of wln- nln1 five SDQ.-mlltfl. RECORDS: Qu111fyln!r-(I 1-P} O•n Gun>eY. Ford Torino, U0.'11 mll'l'I '61 ltttl,.._l116 !tl't) ~II Ollrney, Ford Torino, 100.sn m1h '&I COMPANION FEATUltl: "EAMA. TEX "200'' (t•rlitr Mtdtl, $7"'5 $1«k· erl) 1 P.M. s11 .• Jtn. 11. _."' t11,. jOO Pria montv, U·ctr ••rtlrlf 11e111. Area Sports Calendar Tuesday Basketball -LB Jordan at corona del Mar. La Quinta al Estancia. Foothill at Laguna Beach, Marina al Huntington Beach, Western at Newport Harbor (all at 7) V1Ua Parle at San Clemente, Orange at Mission Viejo, San· ta Ana Valley at Westminster (all at 3:15), UC Riverside at UC Irvine, Golden West at Orange Coast (both at I ). Wrt1tUa.1 -Corcna de! Mar at San Clemente (I), Cypreu al Orange Coan (7:301. Wedneaday Wrest.ling -N e w p o r t Harbor at Lakewood (3: 15). GOLFERS ~· Iron Shot• end Putting is : the Secret to Low Scoring. ' Prectice et ... i ' I' SKIP MAYS NEWPORTER GO~F COURSE ..... ".....,..,, .. S1.JI w-.n. s1 .11w ..... • c.,_ -Mir IMJ ,.,~..,.... OrO'l't IClllltn (ll ~ If (1) Mlutr Adtmt (10) F I') ··-Goetlll OOJ C (I) Van llomnl Holt."""r ' t11) G (lOJ SI ....... Grl11bY (0 G ~ (2) SIHM'tf'IOJI SCXll"fnt w~: c-.-e1rs 2. !"ON I. Gtrdefl Grovt-Jonltn J, Glm$1 ~· Kerrh11n '· Hllf!I~ •core: Corlll!t Oii Mir 2t. G1r°'1'1 Grwe JI. C..U lltl ....,. U.SI '4tJ Miiie .. Klllltin {12) F 111) Jallfllon Adema OOJ F fill P1ntno11 Got1111 on c: 111 o.t11n Ford (7) . G {4) Mtrll!\eck Grllllb'I' (111 G (0) Nlxoll Scof"J,,. 111&1: M11!1!(1n-Tlton'!PIDll 1, "rln« 1, Blurton 1. JtmtlOl't J, H11ttim. 1Car1: c-• •11 Mir 27, Mllllktn n. Lt-~ (411 (If) Vlllt P1rt1 (htmblrs 1111 F 117) Mac Al1rll J1d!M111 114) F {21 Mclntll'I' Herbold {4) C (0) Hirt Mu.lurr•., (2) G 19) Vdfdl. Pld\ty. (41 G ftl "'''°" L111unt B"dl 1ubs: Ill:""' l•l. VIit. Plrll 1ubl: Corll'I' (I), WOOd- w11'd It), LUndo,... C4) Ktrwwdv (21. Httftlmt .core: Vlllt Ptrtl 3f, Lt· tunt BIMdl 21 WntlnlMlft' (SI) (Ill Hufllll'ltltt Tl'tom11 nn F Of! C1rlllll! lll:ob!,_,, (1) F (I\} Wbt McLtndcn (I) C ()I Ctrlt Minn (2) G 1161 O.Br!llort NltW!loui.t 1111 G lltl Htr~lt SCcrlnt sui.: W11!mln11t" lltne 10, Mllfll 2, Morrow 2, St.veMOn 1, Pettlcn 2. Hunllntlofl BtKh: Hiii ,, FlsMr 2. Orllltr 4. Itta J, Htlfllrne 1eore: Huntlr191on •••di 42, Westmlntttr n. Nt.,...,.. ... ,.... 111) SA Vi ii.., 00 B«Utt (I) F (I) O!Mn Hlll (10) F (2) LOHr K1nl Ill C: Ol) Kurnctmc Betn UDJ G (2) Lallo You111 (11) G !121 S-.lllOfl Scorl1111ub$: NtwPOrt H~-ll!tdd J, St-Mn I. $.11111 Arie Vtllt-8ek1r 1, onver l. Y011rw " Mc:OoMld 5. H1tftlm1 KOnt: N-rt H1rbctr 2f, S.nlt Ant V1ll11 II C•tt Mita 1411 IHI LS Mllllltllfl Oetmtt llll F 11) NI-. Cllllltl (4) F 11) Mtrllned< Swt-elltnd (10) C: (IJ Derl•n Oiotton Ill) G (II Ptr..non JQrllen (1) G (II) Jot!f!lon scorln11 •ubs: Mesa -51mP1o.n 4, 81don 1. Mlllik•n-P•l"(e '' Jtme'Q" 1. Schiller 1. H11111me : MtN lf, Mllll~•n )0 Bee Results Mlrtrlll (ff) (11) A11111tlfrl Lllcv (10) F {2(J Sllooh Clrdwtt 1() F {0 H1fllheW Butt (1) C (10) OtWIOl'I Tllllrm (U) G f() Glltlltr Mll11 {11) G (fl Stcldler Mtrlna tc0rl111 subl: Churd> (2J, MeDrtbtck flU, Wr l1t11 12), SP11rrler ff'.) Wt•ION!r (2), St1Hwtto11 f,), Nkllot1 t•l. Ktlftlfrlt: Mtrllll Jr, A11111tlm ~1. ,.._..II> Yallt7 1411 (111) Lio Cllllllt• em. IMI F 121 BUY• Pitt. HI F (Ill Merrit Foot. (1) C !II "1114burv Ctrmtdl. (12) G 111 Hirt Gtt'btr Cf) G l•l JIOPow $Cllrlnl wt.: Fou1111111 v1111Y- W11Mr 4. Lt Qulnt.-Kon19 2. FO'I!' 2. Hllftlm&: flounlt lll YtlltY 2Ct, LI Qu!fll• 2(1. Cee Results •• ,... .,... (lll (tll Cd• ,... Stll (ll) F U) Attllur Stlt (" F 121 N1vlllt 'ordOYt U) C (J) MceartntY .V.CKll'lllt~ (10) G (11 Mtnne Wll.Mn (Ill G 12) '11rall kor!n• 1ut:.: Cnl1 ~ -IClnt 2, lll:oldtn '· Gtt'dtft Gro¥t: Ilene 4, Boteo 1, Mtrtr.us ,, Cttnty 'L con- r111 2. Htl!Ume: Gtrdtfl G!'OYI », COllt MISI 1• Prep Mat Summaries Give the United Way Good students make good drivers and smart parent,s save with SAFECO. See us and cut auta lnsuranc• as much as 25°/o • • • Bob Paley entl AHOCll ... INSURANCE 474 E. 17th St. COSTA MISA 642-6500 Announcint SAFECO'$ Good Studont Polley If 'f'•i r h;tl. tcheel er e•ll•t• lley h 111 tht 111pptr 20 ~ ef hlt cl1111t • , , er m1k1• 0.•11'• ll1t ••• er h•• , "I '' ,,,., .. , ••• Sil US. Ye11 c111 ,,.,, en y•11r i11- 111r•nc•. Wh1t'1 !!let'_...,,,. if hit f tttltt •r•il'I th•t t•MI, you 1tlll "1111if., fer ottt • •r '"*" &1n,.,r ,,,.J"t'· ff P•rt: •• 41114 •vi ••••* tt. C1ll 1111 t1cl1y . ~ •APaCO 1N8URANCS ..... ________________ ~,--------~ -- Mlulln Vllilll Ull tU) 11'9fltlll Ml<hll'I UI F (IJ lltdl a. stunning n.in of Randy Bixler 141 l!l.-(NtlllM911 (Wl dtc. A1u~ I' .. ' ltr ti.Cl)/ .. , Prettw-' lH F ('J Sttf!V TOlbtrf !Ill C (JI Mc.I.bl Htn1 (1) G (111 l emle11x Sttnall (I) , G (ll) Zthtl• SCtfl"I IUl:lli: MIHloll Vle!a - H4>11'1'111 1, Footl'l]ll--l.lni. 1. Pelltlt 1 KlllTI-: MINlit<I Vlt!o U, f'oot· of El Modena, 4:42 into the 14 1b.-a1rn1 1Fvl dee. duel, to give Fountain Valley 1 ~;•, 1 :.-Tedmtn tLQJ c1ec. HOW TO GET-EXTR'\ A its margin of victory. <91~: 1~s _ EppelMlm~r (LOI c:sec. Walker, a sophomore, was M-.rilM (CM>1 ~· contest; ... .,. in his first varsity 111 •b.-LOWTY tCMI dK. Gr•h•m hlH 14 ,, .... ._ (CdMli 7·1 , tournament for the Barons. n' 1b.--C1tm1n1 rHll) ""· Adlt''" COST OPTIONS AT ,..,.,..., v1111y 1n1 1n1 Lt 0i11111t1 MC8rldf\0•) # (IJ foWtlUtn Wqner just couldn'.I belie.• "::': •. ~~,..-""' . his for ces had taken the nes11n 1W1111.)1 J:as Hllf'l!n ct) F ·IOI · 1uu1rd crown. !Vrt U) C (141 Kfpk6 Eblin. (fl G 11" wt11t1iXk "This means we're Orange Letdl {II G. IOI Ktlntl Scorl~ tubl: 11ou11t•h\ v111..,.,.c1r· County champs now," gleam- rl:f:lfJ......: ,._tt1n viu., 1,, L• eel the Baron mentor. D 'I Read Pilot The ciu11111 JO Following the Barona: and a I Y ..... ~ ....... c. '"' •·•• ..... (IJJ 1liiii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;JI MetoltY 11) F . 161 Btrrer• !j 81fdl Ul F fll Reed Wllttr 12) C f2) Floret !'{f!f~ (IJ) G UJ PftllllPi T~a (21 G -12) llrHI korlnt 111111: Huntl"lloro -C•rl- ton •· Wltff9t. Mni.r, '· G9rt.nd 2 for'69 llllMlti (0) ,.aclfkll (Ill SltWtrt (101 F (10} Loon.y Ford !fl F ll'I SdlMld•r it's IDEAL LEASE TIME Htllllrne: Hunll111ton a.. S..nl• Ant o Wt lklni (2) C (4) $mllll Hrt11 ltl G Ill Quinn 1tv111 llOJ G (61 01 ... ln seorr... II/tis: t:1t1nd1 -••rtaon 4, OtnlH 2. PtClflq -ltlckro.d t Hlt'lftlml: f'Klfkt D. Elltncill I' LltllN IMdl 01) II M .... 119 121) $wetn• (I) F (1) Pltno NlthOlt 10) F {4) K11Tl1111 KrtsowPI (~l C (IOJ Stbtko C:-!n (I) G 12) $!$!Ir Cll•mbotrl (2) G 121 Ltont Sc:orlnt 111b1: L11u..-Mo0r1n I, O!lmer 1. El Mode.,....Youne 2. HtHHme: L1u1111 17, !:1 Modttnt 15 lltlMla 1411 "telflu Ull Conltl' I•) F {~J ll'IMI Mor•n Ill F (4) wu~•tllr<1 L" (2) C (0 Ltwl1 F"'d tlOJ G l'l Ltmwlch OtllOll, T. (10) G CJ) P11tor $Corine 1ubt: E1l1ntlt -SOI,. ,, Ltwl1 J, lrownlnt ·2. Htlt!lmt: f!tltntlti 22, ,.KHlut 10 ,~ .. , ... '"' (J1) LS ...... COie Ill\ ' 121 JIC:luon 0.llt 1101 ' I') ,llMi. Lewi~ (1) c (.Cl ll.ldltnft0f1 Rlctt '" G (fl Hlrt$111nt LDWtrH (JI G (14) Wf1ghl Now! Exclusive from Exttutfft Car LN•inc. Tt. Ideal L•M Is the lease that ~you complete protection from spec:ulation on the future of thl uHd ctr marktt. Wlthourexcklliw ltaae, at the tnd of 24 month•. if the reu)e vtlue of your C8r ii hlth-the profft is yout1. On the otl'lef hand, if there'• • loll, we 1bsorb il For complete debllls, Clll ExtcutfWt today. EXECUTIVE CAR LEASING COMPANY® STEREO SENSATION! Tiie col•rful sound of Orange ,Cou~ty Mu•lc . RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .,. From Fashion Island, Newport Beach ... ' NO EXTRA COST CAR RADIO Choose a Javelin, Rebel or Amba ssador in any color you want during our Red, White & Blue Sale and select from three sPeclll option peek111a. Our Red Sp~ial gives you a FREE CAR RADIO. The White Special gives a FREE CAR RADIO & POWER BRAKES. Tho Bluo Special• gives you a FREE CAR RADIO, POWER BRAKES & VINYL ROOF. ' ' Are we having a believable CJir nit? You'd better believe It! COME IN TODAY ••• WHERE THE SALE'S FOR REAL ' " "llu• SpKMI IY•illlbi• on Rn.I SIT •n4 Ambls .. ctor SST 6 OPl IM:ept -....... American Motors 111111 ~oorn ... 1111 SALES AND SERVICE 1969 HARBOR BLVD. PHONE M2-6023 -.. ---,...,.,_,..---~~~--------~-~-------~~---.. ··-·-······--···-· Sudden Death For Cup 24 G~oups In Winter I' Regatta •· , ' ' Long Beach Yacht Club"• Twemy4our · c1.,;... o I British Entry· • " -W aiSlti W·inner Of-World Title ' f • • I e I ~m In at 1 O·n series to aallboais' have been itlvited to .BUENOS ~ {UPI) _ U.S. competitors John determine who will represent partidpatt~ in Balboa YJtCh,t British helmsman Larry Northeim and W • r re n 1he host club in the CIUb's ·Winter. ~Ila Saiia-Marks guided his dloghy "Mu· Wheaton. sailing1he "Vivan!, .. CoilifefSiona1 Cup seriu . la day &'¥1 Suhd« R~ wtµ Watsul-Go-Go" to vi c t o r Y came in close to the world March was thrown into a 'suet-be held on insSde and outside Sunday at the opening race 1 ~1h of 1he f-·~---th "' •s" world champion> in tilth P ace w1 den 'death situation when oiily ', courseS. · """~ .,..,. -•-of ••-heduled I h ' ' yacb•1 ...... d\amplonshlps on tbe a time of two hours, ail ~ -~ .. e g t L···der·-16. •tarlsloside ·~-~ sch--~-u,1_ed !~r -.. , races were ccinpleted Satur· ·u UJCluuc .1-iuo.u;. ur waters o 'fthe River Plate. minutes and 23 aeconds. day and SW)day. , , ternationa1-14, F.inn, Snipe. The ''Mu-Watsui-G~,'' Another French entry, the Holding a ,substantial lead p 1•cks Staff Metcalf. Lldo-HA. Udo-HD, wlt!I Marks ·and crewman Vic "Ya Za vm." with Marcel with five 'wins and one Joss Kite, Sabot A, Sabot B a n d Deschamps aboard, crossed M h the finish line in two hours, Buffet and Rene or c l.! Tom Pickard in Tetua. He . Sabot C. board , ... l. :.. two ill Bl"I Flmde ber -' Ne -three mm· tu .. and " seconds. a • was s.u.ui .... w· have to win the sudden 1 • n \'I ~ wpoi ~ Out.side classes lis~ are "" death race· ne:rt Saturday to Harbor Yacht· Club was Oce n... Rhod " PC Eighty meters behind them, hours, nine minutes and 24 t ·~ · odo ·r an n<:Kang, es-.H, • H Id c d d -•-be the undisputed winner. eecloCU .comm 'r(! o the PHRF, MORF, Pacific aro u more an seco11\.U>. ALL TIME GREAT -Chuck Stearns of BellDower is coogratuJgted by driver Ray Casselll after .setting new ·water ski mark of 122.11 miles per hour. Barney F~. I 1,. t year's Newport. .Harbor Luders-16 C~aran, . Endeavor, Ex-Christopher Bruen of Ireland, The Argentine crew, Alberto LBYC CongreµJ,'onaf Cu~ skip-fleet at the amual meeting callbur, Luders-l&, ca 1• 2 5 , sailing t be "Overdrawn," Enguix and Roberto Glasonne, -> • --ll Saturday ·'·'it. ' came 1'n second in two hours, aboard the "Scarbo IV," c·-e per, aoo Bob~ 'e. bo !\ave '""" Santana. Cal-20 and Men:ury. _,, outside chancu to throw the Qtber otficefl!' ele:cted were cl five minutes and 43 seconds. in seventh in two hours, 15 DIC. k Ch. u•·. v1'ce com' • modore ·, · Other asses may be One of "· seven•··n Argen · t d tw · ds Water .Ski -·Record Set , By, Stearns f A d.J.mg ~young man on a pair 'r/.. Oying 0 ala}s" has set a oew water ski recop:t of m.1i·,nnu per hour. ~ Aria a lS-year old , girl on equally talented boards skim· med . aver the WJter at 92.68 miles per hour to establish a new wOfueh's. water ski mark. Both records were set SittJr.. day ·at Long Beach Marine Stadium. · · -Chud<-St,eem!HJl.Bellflolfer beat hiJ own previous record of 119.52 mph over a µitee- quarter mile course. • .' \><io"""'~l'Jt' ~''f'l, •\'"W-"'".~'"If ' -~fr'.i>"'"!'~·-...:.. ........ series Into a three-way tie \IC established with 0 more u1e i.i;:o; • nunu es an o secon . and require still another Alan Llndsay, treasurer, and .-i.. ve or tine boats, "Desacutheerdoh" wlith The remaining U.S. entry, Lo,,,. Fundenherg, secretary. enwn:;,. Hector Domato al • m ~--1 race, if they win their matches ...... "Ssilias V," carrying v1lal es and ·Pickard I·•e•. High point ·trophies for the Outside classea··will start off and Pedro Sledmann, was An 1 Ill d 0 ve O"Nei·1 ~ •· 1he Balboa Pl and ill h third about -meters behind g e an a year 1968 were awarded to er w ave .., . aboard, was clocked al two Here's the way the match t s turd and .-. lrisb try I tw h d F u n d e n b e' r g and Beo wo races 00 a ay uR: · en • · n ° ours hours, 16 minutes 20 seconds races went Satur ay and Sun· Hromadka. one on Sunday. Starting times five minutes and 58 seconds. in eighth place. day. Burke Sawyer or NHYC won are at noon Saturday and 1 Current world champions,,=="=======. ,-i:--First race : Pickard beat the Oldtimen . Regatta for p.m. Sunday. M<lrcel Troupel and Francis1·· · Mo1oshco; Stan Miller beat Luders-1.lle Saturday. The Inside classes will sail three Lantaverre, billed as £avorites Leslie; Flam beat Arch Van event, has been fevived after races· Saturday, starting at to win the five-nation contest, Palmer; Roby Bessant beat several years.· Second place noon. and two on Sunday were clocked two hours, sit Charles Durnin. went to Jack Starkey and Lew stirt:lng at 1 p.m. Starts and minutes and 14 seconds, BRIGHT Second race: Flam beat Ross was tbird. There were · finishes wUI be from Ute BYC aboard the "Rififi IV," in Durnin; Pickard beat Van entries in the ra·ce. committee tower. fourth place. Tho DAILY PILOT m•k•1 ih now1 cov•r•90 li9ht, fi9ht •nd brtght. R11d your homt- tow11 oditio11 d1ily 111d onjoy tho n-1. Palmer; Le>lie.heat Bessant:I..:'.:'.:::::::_:_:::::.._ ___ _:::~:::::_:::::.._ ___ _::~::.!~::_----~=========' Miller beat Moloobco, Third race: Moloshco beat Van Palmer; Leslie beat Durnin; Miller beat Bessant; Pickard beat Flam. Fourth race : Leslie beat Flam; Bessant beat Moloshco ; -Pickard beat Miller; Durnin ·-he"I_ Van P.almer. -~ ~th race : Bessant ·beat 1~V Palmer; Flam beat -I ·-PJci<ard"boat 1JUrnin~ / , . ' · Jil::o. bco beat Leslie. All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday AUTO CENTER -·. Sally Younger , 1he distaff · . . ._ : ungster from Hacienda SETS MARK -Getting some he!J>.1!\11> 111!f,,water ~ei&hls lopped 8.68. mph •!f . skiing gear is sany YoU11ger of ~Ci~~ghts the five-year old·· '!'.°men' who lopped 1.68 mph off five-~d /;;omen's , ..:;. ~h race: Leslie beat :nClard: Van Palmer beat ,..., l\!.Oloohco beat Durnin; . l'lliilt beat Bessant. r«Onl formerly held 6y Jane . a . . . Mobley Welch. · recor · ~ ~:"Pickard, ~I; Leslie, ol;t~1Rlaili. 4-Z; M~loohco, 3-3; · 1tllner. "'' Bessant 3-3; Van Palmer, 1-5; Durnin 1-5. Stearns missed his aim 0111----------------------------1 125 mpb · for the . new rec<1rd but -Mlss Young~ .exceeded her goal of 90 mph. steams was towed on his record . breaking run by Ray casselll in Panic Mouse '8cn d Miss Younger was behind the Sinlli!g VlkinS driven by Bob Nordskog. Mis! Youn.ger is a sophomore student at Los Altos High Schocit She began waler skilog two years. _ago at the urging or ~ father Gilbert w. Younger, a o automotive parts dealer; "I guess I've got • bolit the fastest biikni going," quipped the S foot seven, 128 pound Miss Yowiger. Stearns 29-year-ol.d graduate' student in. engineer- ing from Cal St.ate Long Beach, has won mol1! water skiing tiUes a n d cham· pioru1hips than any other • person. He is equally adept at speed skiing, tournament siding which includes slalom, trick and jumping com- petition. Race Slated On Atlantic -.· Next June The 196i-Tranaatlantic yacht race from Brenton Reef Llght, Newwi;t, R.I. Jo Cork. Ireland has been scheduled 1 fbr June 22 ft w•• . announced by Ridiard Nye, chairman. The 2 750-mile. _ l'9i;t will begin aft~ the Comp\eUon of 1he Annapolis, Mtf. to ~ewport ', Race.. 'rbe Transatlantic race is ~ jointly. by th< Cruis· ing Club Of America ~rid Royal eork· Yacht Club. Yacbli entwing the ract shoWd-. arrivt at tbe -ftnish oil Daunt R<iek Ugbt Vessel, Cork, Jre)ancl, In ample Ume to proceed to COwet, Isle ol Wigh~ England, for tlie-<iowes wee t ,Regalia Allf;"t; and the:Jl'astnet race whictl starts .Wg. 9. .• : ibe Tr'"""'1111tk race will ht ·Uiled und<r tbe present CCA ~urernenl l"1e which ii scliedWed to ti e c 0 m e oOordlna~ with the Royal ocean ·11a~ €Iuh rule later tllil ,..... ,a,111 lbillty requirements --""' that 1he ....n..t yachl ~1..vt a corrected "L" me...i..i...t {I( oot less 1han 28.i ___ wiJI be tbe mlntmuQ\ ratlaa: for calculating tline allonnct. SHARP • If yo1'ro • ,h,,, ..,.....,, ••• the 0All'I' PILOT'S fo ll'lo111 Dl1110.A,.U110 cfo.,lfiMI ••h SotuA!oy&. M•h • a.tt.r do•I • , , wftoth•• "'"'t• Hyl111 • 1olll111. 1....,~_:_~---~-.... ' .. ' • Is that funny thump-thump under the hood the generator? Maybe i.t is. Maybe it isn't And maybe It's kind of foolish to let the local garage spend a lot of time (and a lot of your money), trying to find out. Drive into Penneys Auto Diagnostic Testing Center. In less than one hour, we put your car through a series of scientific tests (212 of them, to be exact) that pinpoint any exlstln_g ·problems -and warn of potenilal . ones-. ·steering. Engine. 'Brakes. Transmission. Electrical and cooling and fuel and exhaust systems. ExperJ analysis of everything from headlights to tailpipe. You watch the results come out on an electronic typewriter. A skilled diagnostician goes over · the report with you. If you wish, he'll give you an estimate of any necessary repairs. You'll be able to take care of small problems now, before they develop into big problems costing big . money. And; If you wish, Penneys will make the repalr&- qulckly, accurately, economically. Repairs that could p:event a needless highway bqiakdown. If you prefer, you can take th8 report anywhere youJike . The cost? Only 9.88. Pretty reasonable for an analyst, these days. luena Pork l'ull.,._ Huntington lcla. e1110.04cll..,..A-. 1~0. s1hllrMell 7777.......,A-. ,._S1U161 1,.._.171~ ~192-7771 Newport lch. .. __ "-* ....... 1111 -«:'! --·------· UBI! VDUJ:I EN NEV CHARGE ACCOUNT TD DAVI '57-'62 Chevrolet 283, exchange 2 99·* Engines to fit most American cars at similar low prices Pay as little as $12 per month HERE'S WHAT YOU GET • Brand new valves, guides, lifters, valve rockers, pushrods • Brand new pistons, rings and wrist pins • Blocks are magnafluxed and pressure tested to assure perfection • Blocks ·re-bored to precision factory tolerances • All new main and rod bearings and bushings • Crankshaft and cams'1aft re-ground to precision tolerances EXPERT INSTALLATION 8 .JSO* • Removal of old engine; installation of new engine • Complete foremost tune-up • New oil fllter, air fllter and fuel fll.ter (where applicolile) • New t'1ermostat and gasket . • FREE oil fllter and oil chongo at 1,000 check • FREE Pit Boss safety check and Po~r Team ·check Pay as little ·as $5 per month • •Add $5 inttollation ~rice, lf vehicl• fs equipptd with alltO!Jtatic fl'Cll'tlfftitlioft • A~d $30 to instollatfon price if v.hlcle h equipped with olr conditioning - lncludn evacuo!Jng and recharging •)"Item. ,eplactrntnt of diyer •a cyfindtr engine N E WP 0 RT BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH (Fashion Island) . . . (Hunti119lon Center) .. ' ---------:----------~ MOr-.OAY t ~ I N I ', I, "" Q FAST£ST NEWS IN TllE * wi:sn with Bill BONDS, STU NAHAN, JIM HEALY, 1nd CARL GEORGE! ...... n. lllt -(C) (IO) Jony ""'""· I m ......,. ... w., CC> (30) ... Alll ... (C) (90) Anlll rt., lall MurllJ, flit Ooanlllln 1"""'1. LJ1111t Uplotl, and Stllart lt1ffill put. D Sii O'Otd; lltllt: "V'll .. • S1U1 PtlMt'" (oon\ldy) '60--.ltftJ' LIW!s, Mn BllckrM"- 11 ... (Q (!O) ...... (C) (30) Wllefl 11..t (J'.l) "1111 Douit'!• 111b. .. A dnmitlled 1pisod1 from Robert Mc:ClosU)"s "Homer PrlOI'" flndJ Hom1r 1e11¥in1 • doudlnlll .ilMUN whtft I ditrnonlf bfKlilt .... ti)_ ...... m UlM 11 ... CC> TUESDAY 111\YTIME MOVIES ,,,. Q (Cl -, .......... ) .....Qlrt: ~W., l.1111 Tanllf, ..,.o....,""' c.i.· <••..i '51-Gllrlt Rtft. r..i.. .Gii)'. lZ;ll • .,,. -.. 1nllW" <mrs- llry) •g -DNllOI' Plf'af, MPll ...... !:1118 "I --., ,.... <••1111) '44-M•rJ letll Hlllfl•· ~•Dtc>....,,..."'., n-_. <.......,.,., 11 -st ... 11 . Grtfl,.,, llrbl111 Rlllh. ~JI ...... i .. ,...,.. <-"1 '40 .... (C) .. _ <•-> '51- -CllJ Qnlllt. .... bull. Alilt"'"7 Dnr. c.. ..... • JOB PRINTING • PUBLICATIONS • NEWSPAPERS Q11llty rth1tl111 •"' o.,.iwl•"'-' S.rvlc1 fOf ~ tht11 • 9,,,.,., ef • C.t1twy. U11 WtlT IAl.JOA NIWPOIT IUCH PEANUTS PERKINS A SfMINAR OF -rnE llAREW?IC ARTS /./J ·~·- ~ ~ ~· lie>'° ' -I ~I ~I M~ J 61'A>Jlllttf (fl -·--~ .. ---... - ty:· Cliart.s M. Schull -. . By John Miles By Tom K. Ryan· ~-..::::. I ~~~I ~~~1 I By Al Smith . GO GET A Hl!AD. "TRANSPLANT- IT WOULDl!E CHEAPSI.· -------------- ADOPTION -Mrs. Paul Noble,,above and her hus- band seek lo adopt a child on the documentary, "To Love a Child," lonigbt at 8:30 on Channel 7. The program Investigates the steps Involved in adoption, the responsibilities of the adoetlon •gen- cl06 and the problems of the unw8'd mot!Hlr, ' TELEVISION VIEWS • Nixon's TV Prophecy HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -'illbe·day.•Wu"Juq 19, 1962 and Richard Nuon tumed.·up •u a·myllerr gu.dt on the NBC-TV daytime panel qW. lhow ••Your Firat lmpression.'' And. IL there 11,any doub!. !!!il'~W" mind ,lba1 the Presldent'Olecl b a lJ)8D o{-~ purpooe, CllD- . sider some of the anowers be &live lo quest!Ollf tllal -.ray;;~st It sbould be no led ·!flat' at the time he wu a dOfeated pr~\41"'tial candidate, having been beat- ten In 1960 by Jollli F. Kennedy. Now be wu running for go~~mor .of. Callfomla against Edmund G. Brown, Ii race ln wblch he wu lo be de!eated again. On the NBC:TV program, members of the J>8'.'el gave the start of sentences, and the unseen celebrity guests completed them with the first thought that came lo mind. ... . One panelist offered. this uncompleted sent~e: "IF I could be a moment in history, 1 would like to be .••• " --= Nixon responded: "President.'' Anotberipattellst started a· new sentence: ''The one thlhg You'd never ge~ me to doh· .••. " NliOil ·responded : "Quit." · Even on tbls litlle telerulon program, the sub- ject of the presidency was prominent in his thinking. · A panelist started a senten~e Ilke this:· "The one person 1n the world I'd !ll<•to meet Is.;,." Nixon responded: ' The PreSldent . . The bost Bill Leyden, sal4 that in a prilctlce exchange be~kstage, be bad posed a sentence start- tilg : "My Orie regret is .•.. " · And Nb:on responded : "Tb~t I wasn't assigned to a PT·boat." President Kennedy, of course, bad.been a RT· boat hero ln World War II. One has to admire Nixon's tenacity In trying lo master the tel evision medium through· the yean despite some unfortunate early appearances. His i,J~vised debates with Kennedy may have cost blm the presidency In 1960,·and. on some <>ther notable occasions the home screen wu,not bis best friend. Yet any man who hopes to be a vtgorous,.conr municating president in the electrnnlcs age simply has to work at being effective on television-and. Nuon bas done that. He has not appeared. on many network 1howa. in recent years, but when he .basr-on either ~· or light entertainment program-'-he bas dqijon- slratlld cllstinCt lmprove;nent. ma off·tho-cuff, inform~ )ntrQducUon o( ,liJ• cabinet In telerulon prijne time.Adt long ago:j"1ted beyond a doubt that he now has confidence ln hand· ling the medlmn that once alinost flullbed his poli- tical career. '· 1 '' I, r • · '> D~anls tiae M.etlfke . " ' \' I• Read · The DQtl)' Pilot ' • .. The Great No. • Orange Coast's 1 11 .Paperl ' .. • - ~7 --,..--------~-------------.... ------~-~--·,, .... ~,..-,r·-··o~o .. o•O~IP-W~O~O~<~<'""°O .... f .. 0-0~oe='~"'•"""'=-='7r-.-,c=•-.""•,-,.,==-~=~.~..;~ --.. _,_ ... ; _ _..;~t"'·---------- ,. . r b.tJLY Pl\.OT !,!!. .. M•n D '..!-••••••••••• 'The Best Man' ~ f .,.. • • i;·Plt tu re: i:;· peeks: Politic~·z Dra~ Comedy DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED I t 1tf • I '"' ., Mlr""8 • • • • •• NOW AT BOTH CINEMAS Mix in Huntington Beach HOUSlS FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE .,. ».-THJa 1108'2' .. !, • -. lo lllrborlte Jolon aaAVTIPUL I ,,_, "'1leOllcl"on II lhe lllVlllCAL : , ~"1lloteelt "1DOUan picture I ever LOIP'S 1 4mMll!" la Oda tbrJllln1 aTORY I T-Pana.i.ton pro-•Y-1 • ! -"'ductlo9 WQM portrays a IUY .;;;:;. ....... ,...,..;:o _. " "UClll. ! 1::w:::s~~ ~S·~OGRA~·NHID·H™MINGS·JffiFIS i ~• earth. He ii a touab man 1 ........ ,...._.. ..... ~lil.U•iiii._":;u•I e 1•~Yfio Dcbtl aOweU Orel. . ....,., •• ,.. .. oa•ffllm•11t.1.... . • I·. -·Jl(l(L_, ·-·ollillJIUl6Nf TICHNICOLOft" t '1'1111 ldloo-pac~ld movie LI MNAVllllON°PllOM---..aEYINAllTS lould on the odual exp1o11a of ' • • • famed Tau ollwell fire-fighters 21141 PUTUll AT CINIMA W HIT AT Cl"IMA WUf wbo ae:rved u technlcal advlaon On the same screen at Bv 1'0~1 TITUS Of 1111 ~If.-l"lltt ti.it ~feu for more excitement is ti a movie dealing with Irr 20Tlf CEHTUlff.FOic PSIESENtS ternational intrigue and es-,DWIJ()N HESION plooa~. Tony Franciosa &tars ••M?IUIP,JCIS,..._ ·~In the Universal and color movie ..I ••. El' ·i. Enemy Country. It concern.< ~""""',__,._Ew<e1..o--., IAJ ~A-o.. ~"'-c:-....... ,.,.. ... ~"'Ai:w....... ..nfAPES a World War 11 French ,_,.~•i.-'-~, ""'ni-1_,..___ / Tlie r• intetllgenet officer who l! forced • =--o .... _ · to involve bis ck>sut frieadsi~:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=::O:ll iiffifM:roVAU.·wunNW; In an effort 14 unfold a Gtnnan lllM HLMER·M\\lmo<E plot .. unleash a new weapon ~FiixsouTH COAST .llM!SOO·iiNfii!Mml:.: --on Allied armies. PLAZA THIKAI N• ~~·~ • • Sin l»qo FrHWay at Bristol • 5'6-2712 ~J!OWflO·iiD:Wi'ii.a iiiUic . The Lido is playing host to ---.-; ... ,..... .......... . 1he NewmaM 1hls week. Thal -NOW PLAYING -cm · Also------ ;, Ille Paul Newmans. She, of SHOWING TIMES "FIVE MILLION YEARS Course, Ls known on the screen TO EARTH" a.s Joanne Woodward. Rachtl, -Raebel is a motion picture ·f" .directed by Paul Newman who •lso serves as producer. Hubby developed the screenplay with what most criilcs acclaim as .Jngenuity and imagination. Wlfe Joanne is praJsed for her 1 • perfonnl.DCe as one or the very but actreues. Critics are saying no w , .''Riebel, Raebel mJght land two -Oacars at the N e w m a n · ~ ~oorstep." It ii a well written, ·senously a c t e d , excellently ··directed fllm adapted from the novel by Margaret Laurence. The story deals with a 3$-year ·old 3Cbool teacher wbo meeta a sorta unworthy character 1'ho just doesn 't do rl1bt by the !)frustrated. se.x-starved g a 1. "-~ Raebel la 11111iitec1 for mature peraona. IL """" ,. ,.,. .. !500 """"' LtJICIUAMI -· ...... -...... 10001 ' •c..r·,_._ ...... ..-nia -..,.,. fta • "1CTm l&ITl\1" • """' '· .... ,,.... ........ , .. , . ...... ~ ............ -. .......... .,,~ ....... -· .. _.,,~~--~ .,,~..-. ....... -.... ...................... _. As has been lltd before, "Paulll~~~~~~~ 'Newman is Hombre." And Dom· bre is the feature film that - .. ~d~.~=~:n~~ GRAND RE-OPENING MESA MATINEES pof>Up e v et '1 Wednaday alt.emoon. 11llJ' bring brand new programs to the Harbor area rum fans In the middle of IJro ...U, on an &11-with a anod chan· ce lo ucape from the dllly doldrums. 'Mie abow1 .wt pro- mp<ly at I o'cloct, openlnC with frtt rtfruhmenla. FREE PASSES to lhe ·Udo or Meui will be malled today lo B. K. CarllOn, 2114 Elden, Colli Meu, G. P. Stanley, G IA New people •.. new image a completely new menu featuring many new dishes. We're still serving our fomous line of USDA CHOICE steak dinne" and we've en- larged our sandwich menu, too! Have a FREE dessert with your dinner during our I GRAND RE-OPENING CELEBRATION! Monday, Tuesday ond Wednesday Jan. 13, 14 & 15-11 o.m. to 9 p.m. Dahlia, Coron.I del Mar, Frank 1.......-, Ollon. '1JI Palrke R d • , 2267 FAIRVIEW COSTA MESA Newport Buch and Doul ~ aJO J\uby, Balboa Ialand. Thia ii • quarr.t tJttVl"' u auesta d "Plclore ~1' 14 enjof a fine film al the Lido or Mesa. Hope that your name will be printed her'< rul aoon. In lhe meantime gain Iutan1 . cndll admltalon wllll )'OCtr tru> --ty MaNr °'8'l!e cant or )'QUf ~mttlcard. I .- !!la? Tf'CHNIC:Ot.Oft •PANA VIS -'• ALSO TllllRWIB ANJAPIT1E IDtB "IN ENEMY COUNTRY" <@ THllNKXll.Oll Ill lft. S-. SNm 1 , ..... c..t. s..ky .... J , .... """'°'' '™" -... -....... I_ UH hlo -OI, M ... I•--L......L:.....~ -___ ... -Paul Newm.1n Frtdrltk Marth "HOMBRE" '"" ......... 6:41 -. Jng performance last weekend. Baianclnt au 11• deflclll, how~, ii the pr.rfannaoct of Ttrtence Doyle u the crua- ty oJd u-presldent, the "last of the sreat '1JcU," who vlrtuaUy COll1llUlb.la the firot two acU. Doyle ii toup, crisp and powerful, a 11aDt actor in a giant role, radiattnc bis charactu'a poUtical 1llilhl· General 10000.neral 1000 TOUGH, CRISP Terrence Doyle persuasion. The play ls struc-- tured so *"t Republican or Democrat, liberal or con- servative, can identify the real-life figures he believes the playwright had in mind Tiie candidates themltlV<I -Doo Rboadea a.s the con- ldentious intellectual a n d J,..pll ~ o Ille llChemllli "TNI IDT MAN" 14 dl'lf!M b'I' '*'-VIAii, •1r1etet1 lw AMllltllt CWltll"/', ~ 11Y lllOl'I l•mti.n. Mdlnl,•I C1lr1<tor IUI Monl111d. l!thllflll b'I' Mike Frym, Pl'fMnlecl Frldlln Ind h lUtdl\'I lhl'OUVfl Feb. I 11 the Hunllntlon l!fftll Plaff\OUM, 2111 M.91n St., Huntl11tlwn llH<ll. TMI'. CAST Wllll•m R;usselL ...... Don lthOldll Jowph C•nlWttl . . . . . JOMPh C•rr Arthur Hack1!1Mr ... _ Terren,1 Dor~ Alkt ltu1wlll... . . , Ml•l•m l(jil"r M1btl C1ntwell.. Tommr Lou Eofw1nh Did: JffiM'n ..•• , ••••••• D1vld ...,..lvll!1 Dol'I lll1dn ...... ...Dennl1 Grlffll~ Mrs. G11•11c1ge_ .. Jar Mllvllle SIHll<don Mlrc..,. ••.••.... ,11.llft LlntMlh Sen1tu C1rtln ........ I ll( Mo~!•rKI Dr. Artlnllln .......• How1td sc11om1>n Seu•tery.......... l~ It•.,, R-1tn __ . . . Jolin Zlmme,,.,....., Dick l1nt1eth, S~lrler Dwr11I Pl'IOlllOnPhlt. .. ..GeorN C-ny and produce sound arguments senator -follow a similar for hJs theory. pattern. Each is shaky at the opening, but both gain their Further. the play offers a stride as the evening wears good many opportunities for on. SIX DEWXE l BEDROOM UNIT s m· Uke new on ~i am {"{) pletely block wall le1lC'ed Sprtnlders aywtem and I la.ndacapina. Each un!t ""' h" 2 fl.ill be.lha, FA heat le full carpeted. Call for dct&lls. y $840 Mo. lncom e "' fPEl=ll=ION . ~;,1 ....... """ . * 642°1771 Anytime * FIRST SHOWING va-BE'T'TER t!URRY~ ! This cant 3 BR 2 bath all co pletely redecorated home $22,500 jll8t won't last lo PLUS all new higb pile w carpets. Cute. Modem. \\ landscaped -large, fence rear yard. Owner will ~ FllA or GI, too. Call ahowing. $22,500. m· at "'· /w 'ell d II for l'\11 ·\\llJIJ ~t Ill \ Ill \\ j( I \ I I ' t " vi r l u o so characterization, As former St.ate Secretary 1093 Baker, C.M. . ... VETS NO DOWN though most go I a r g e I y Russell, Rhoades is t h e unrealized in the Huntington stronger, yet mort erraUc of Beach version. An a \re 11 e the two. He suffers his pangs QuJgley's production, though of conscience with a hJgh highly entertainlng, lacked degree or credibility when 4 BR 1~ balh, tara:e re " all -liming and-~-<-.,....._"fo"'"ced.into...a di 1J..Ltl.e1.u._ _ -~!_l'd_!.._c~ ~ shop.Ei!!(. C decision. As a candidate he now. Soprano Recital Excellent By DOROTHY BARLEY OI flMI Daly r lkil 11aff There's only one fault to find with the very pleasant musical programs currently being offered by the Orange Coast College Music Club. And that is that the time slot of JI a.m. restricts these fine recitals to a very limited por- Uon ol the general public. It seemed a pity that there were not more present in the college auditorium this week to take in a pleasing performance by soprano Borr nie Shetley or Fountain Valley. Miss Shelley proved herself to be more than capable of handling a richly varied pr~ gram that ranged from the rich serenlty of Handel's "Re- joice Greatly" to the finely sculptured and captivaUng "Musetla's Waltz Song" and "Quando m'en vo" of Puc-- cinl's "La Boheme." Our personal pleasure main· ly stemmed from M i s s Shelley's commendable delivery of three fine ex- amples of Schubert's haun- tingly beautiful lieder - '' Waldesgesprach ,,' ''~1ondnacht" a n d "Fruhl· ingsnacht". This is magnHi- cent lieder and a sector of Schubert's magnificent repertoire that has never been sufficlenUy exploited. Two songs by John Duke -both of them setUngs of E. E. Cummings poems - rounded out a well received program. Miu Shelley, a teacher of voice and piano in Fountain Valley, fully cap. tured the blllhe and fresh "I Carry Your Hurt" and ''The Mountains Are Dancina." A concut that reflects much credit on the hard working Mua.ic Club and • welcome introduction to a dedicated soprano soloist. HELD OVER SMOm1 lltt NATUU: 7:JO ONLY lAW IEAUTY is completely believable and could be imagined equally well in the opposing role. Carr substitutes a rela1ed air of confidence for the drlv· ing intenaity usually identified with the cormivlng Cantwell. Hls a p p a r a n t nonchalance often confilcb with h i s character's motivation , clouding an otherwise 11dlled performance. On both counta, the can- di48tes' wives are e.x~ption· al. Miriam Kaiser elicits com· plete empathy as the forsaken Mrs. Russell, standing by her husband in his crisis in hopes of regaining his love. Tommy Lou Edwards presents a con- trasting picture of dripping sweetness and Southern fried venom as Mrs. Cantwell. Also efrectlve are the cam· paign managers, played by David Malvllle and D e n n i s Griffith, though neJther comes through as strongly aa he could. J o y Malvllle delivers a good performance as the n a tional committeewoman, while Ron Langseth, hurriedly cast iato a difficult cameo role, gives a fine account of himseU. Rounding out the cast In lesser assignments are Bill Moreland, Howard Solomon. Zoe Ralph and a quartet or reporters and photographers well integrated into the action -John Zimmerman, Dick Langseth, Shirley Dvorak and $21,500 Newpor I al Victoria 64U81 I "DISTRill DUPLEX' ' k I• Divorce necessitates quic sale for this unbelievab low price 4 Bedroom uppe and 2 Bedroom Unit aero ilii.. •treet from best Ocea area -Summer or Wint Rental, $37,SCXl -Will liste to all terms. '· ~ n •r n 110 l'iil'lf REALTORS 2025 W. Balboa. Blvd., N .8 675-6000.!!!ll'!! SPECTACULAR! ' Walk to Golden Wnt Colleg from Utls luxurious, prestlg home. -4 Larae bedrooms 2~1 baths: formal dinin room plus a family room a party-size covered pati next to your garden kilche with all the convenient bull Ina. Immediate poueu.ion ' g • 0 " ]. "'·"'°· HARBOUR REAL TY SOU Warner, Hunt. Beach 147.9595 BAYCREST I George Berry. The lrlcky shifting or one EXCLUSIVE WITH us candid1le's suite to another's 2.00J sq. fl 4 bedroom. Poo ' is quite well handled by a home in Baycrest • S46,500 precision· minded backstage For appt. Jean Van De team which accompllshes it.! BordJ'E'A· u SMITH, task as quickly as poaslble. " Technical effects are done Realtor creditably by Bill Moreland. 400 E. 17th, C.M, 646-32.); "The Best Man," however, Is sUll Terrence Doyle and his performance alone is worth the prlee of adrrJssion. This role apparenUy brings out the best in an actor· a.s it did at the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse two years ago with Gene Benedict. Elght mpre perfonnances or the political drama a r e scheduJed, Fridays a D d Saturdays lhrou.gh Feb. I at the Barn, ·2110 M&i.D St., Hun- tlngton Beach. II• PAL SHOW SAT, l rH c...... c.-..a.......r.twt1 HD •UI a.t.•S WITH I ,._ "'I MIWON TIAll TO IAIJN" ...,._ .... lwll44hU.W.......,.I TONITE AT 6:45 ONLY .._ ; SPLIT ·LEVEL Unusual 4 bedroom ho m e with la~ patio I: pool. Va . cant. Arnold & Freud 388 E. 17th Sl, C.M. Realtors 646-7755 If :you have Units, Land or Lot tor We or exchange. 'l\'e havt buyers. Also -bu!Jder to joint vtnturc up to 20 untta on your lot or built to suH. Call Oscar t\'tt. 646-69'17 Perron Rlty 642·1771. 1797 Orange Ave ., 01 $19,950 • $148/mo Includes PIT! e l BR, yard, palio • ! ':-1\·ly pa!nt@d inskle Rltr. &12-9730 Ewa. 548-0720 e KENNEDY 10 UNITS on 3 lot.I. Adjtcml to Ocem- front. Sl.55.<XXI. l1lboa Rnl E1t1te Co. 700 E. Balboa mvd .• Btlt>OI 673-<1'0 DAVIDSON Realty A Lift ef Lehure can be youn at the Country Oub VUlu. Stt thill be11uti- tul 3 BR 2~ batb wtlh ~ plact:. $34.400 M6-54M Eva. SA..Wll COZY 2 BR home neJr New· por1 Hei&h" t\11 de! Sac atreet, tarre R..2 lot with room for rental Unit, SJJ.800. Graham Realtv Near N.e. Pu!!t O~--.I.ft~ - $1500 OOWN. 3 BR 1~ bath Monticello Condom. Cpa/ drpa, bl.I-ins, pool. c I u b tuie. $20.~. Submit trades. 2 BR DUPLEX on qulet cul· de-sac street. dble gar $230/ mo income. Nr shops. Don't delay! $24.500. 6 UNrrs • 2 BR11 each. In- dividual patios &: garqes. 6 yrs. FA heat, blt-inll. fl25/ mo. inc om c. !:iHARP SHARP! $72,500. "I TRADE" Bot Ol!on Reallor 54&5580 fixer Upper Duplex 2 bdnns each uni!. Ea.sy "'alk to shopping &: schools. 9000 sq fl lot. R-2. $25,000 Newport at Vic!orla 6'16-1811 E11tsid1 Real cute home 1or ccuple or small famUy on beautilul tree·lined F1ower Street. Simply immaculate J + din· ing room with double gar- age on alley. Good terms at $23,950. )46·SSIO (near cinlinl theatre) ~&~- EASTERN CONSTRUCTION Immaculate custom bull! 3 bedroom, 21,.i bath6', 1.arg11 family-dining room. Beauti- ful yard with shulficboard, room for pool. Workshop 13'11 x 16. $69.500. JEAN SMITH, Realtor 400 E . 17th Costa J\lcsa .... 3255 ON THE BEACH Exclusive Otina Cove hotnr - year ,around living • best Harbor area, 2 BR, 2 Ba . priffii to sell fast at • $69,500 By appt only CORBIN-MARTIN REALTORS 3036 E. Coast Hwy, CdM 675-1662 4 Bedroom -$22,500- Nothlni;: to equal thi1~ 2 baths. Family room. Isolat. ed rear living room \\'ilh r n- chanting fireplace overlook.~ a large brick patio \vilh ga~ BBQ. Dream kitchen . buil1- in range &. oven le di.shwash- er. 541).172Q TARBELL 2955 Horbor BROADMOOR Harbor Vit>IY Hills Corona del l>!ar ST.cm reduction Tri·Levcl 1\Iodc l E.xecullv ~ S Bedroom OAVE GAMBILL 64~-0020 Your Valentine \\'ill be all ~n1ile11 with an IVAN \VF.LL S "forevrr view" hon1e. 4 bdrms. 3 ba. fam. rm, tile inner atrium w/wrt bar, 3 car gar . Roy J. Ward Co. 1 \ 842 Santiago Or. M&-1 :,:JI VANTED TO BUY 3 or 4 bedroom house, take ovrr loan -payments under $135.00. Have cash for equi- ty. Call 548-3995 af1er 5:30 PM NOW'S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD 642-5678 , - -· Mondq, Jan"" 13, 1969 OAll. Y l'llOT HOUSES FOil SALi HOUS1$ l'Oll SAL! HOUSl!S FOR SALi HOUSES FOR SAL. 5 FOR o<•••-l"A • ""Gonerol IOOOG.terol 1000 GeWal IOOOG-r•I 1000 1"o.,..=--r•-71---'--'"'1'"0--o-""oo.."'".,."r..:;•;.:;l .;..;;=;_;.;;;;o=-IOOO-Lido IJI• 1351 Co¢omlntum , 1950 . Hou.-Unflll'n,.,.,,. ;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 -· ' •• I Ba Coodomlnl,.. Cofte t,liu ~Oii HOUSES FOR SAL! HOUS ES FOR SALi!. HOUSE• FOR SA\.! • ,.. HO.llSES FOR .SA~ HOUSES FOR $ALI IAYFRONT' • -r~=~""""'""'-.;.;.;;.c.~.;...;.-__ 1000-· SHIPWATCHERS' EAST SIDE COSTA MESA ll<liwSW.OOIDUPLEXwlii. ':l:::."~if!:! ·:a..=.i::~ 16th & Tuotln -Coot• MIN ElrcelleJlt location, near schools, shopping and beach Only a few left. Buy now while in· terest rates are only -- - 1-;. w ith 20-;. down-7 112% 1wlth 10% On. no 2nd -no point5-29 yrt on b1l1nce Exclusive Agent p. a. palmer incorporated 3377 VIA LIOO Tract Ph: 540-5183 From L.A. Cell MA 5-8034 RANCHO LA CUESTA at Hamilton & Bushard in Huntingt9n Beach sold 98 homes in six months. Our new unit is about to open and we must sell the last two homes here at generous discounts. MODEL HOME: 2 BR, 2 BA, huge rumpus can be converted to 2 moce bedrooms. Exquisitely decor- ated & landscaped. $29,700 - discounted '2500. INVENTORY: 3 BR, 2 BA , dining room, Car· peted thruoul $25,050 -discounted $1600. 61/1 °/o INT!REST-NO LOAN FEES $34,500 to $39,500 ' 6\1;% Interest no loan fees -ltnders re- possessions, 30 year loan, 10% down, no 2nd TDs, in scenic San Clemente. 3 & 4 bed· rooms, 21f.o bath,,, 2400 sq ft of lJvlng area, master suite you've dreamed about; so· long & bas its own fireplace, huge closets & dress· ing area. New carpets, drapes, compJetely re- decwated & landscaped. Overslled double garage. (Directions: from San Diego Freeway tak e El Camino Real oil ramp-left I short block & turn left on Avenida San Juan direct to SE.A.SPRAY MODELS OPEN DAILY 10.5 Office: 5 18 Sa n Juan 492.9288 or 545-3485 NEW. P'ORT HGTS. AREA n11t.r-.. p.2·""•1 -·1.one._. ..... C.U4,.roc:blOJ.coriiit,lflti BA down. 2 Frplcr. -t .. --ei\do. SG-'lm ....... oil 11. pBr1t. boat or 1n111i1' -wflh -to-· . ALL THIS AND R2 Walktr RNlty 10u :;.:;,P:;.;:lu:::;•=,cfor:.;..;.;S•:;.;:l•--l97!, !:"' reqd. ~ aft • $25 500 33'16 Via LI&. 61$4200 NEWPORT 'llQolo> tor Ille. IMif.Ac. 5 BR 2 bo!R I ~ · ~ 200' to .-Or will trW bllrlns, ~Piii . patio. Charming 3 bedroom or 2 bedroom & den. 2 L•f1IO LIOO LOTS equity ,,. aood LI~ i:oov. 10<-,.,. ..... BUILDER'S PRICES resldeflllll lot. P. 0. -No pet.. 1% bath!, firen lace, carpets & drapes, bllllt· 0 POR U ITV N 1423. --a.... ~=--.,,..,...----1 ins & forced a1r heat This well landscaped p can Ior ~onna~W 1 <TW 8*<0065. 0-.. · 2~1~: ~~·~ home can be found oh a huge R2 lot with a 642-'200 A~rtmenh quired. · · very large fenced back yard, with room for p ... e.rrett R111ty •F-•-i. 1980 168 M,.. Dr. Sll5 548<111Sl a boat, camper, or build a rental unit! It bu ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!~~~l;:;;:or;:::-=:;::;:-:;--;:::::;~I Bil"" .. •· -Loe • ~. h -· crpll, --~· a paved alley entrance for easy access. • • OUTSTANDINGLY tie tllu\ blt tnr 1225 1tt.M tion is just about perfect, 1 ~ bl.ks to New-Huntington BNch 1400 20 urut apartment de:lop. ~' ' mo on. • port grade school, and only 2 blks: to new city BRIDES DELIGHT ment adjacent to collelte l-3 BR (or Funt) park. East 17th street and Westcliff abopplng Gor&eoua 3 Bedroom home oompln In C 1 a" em on t, 2622 Santa Ana Ave. c.M. and two other schools within walking dlr with ankle deep carpeting Calif. Priced at 6.T x gron. 96S-5050 ~ tanee. For appointment to see, wrije: thrOua:bout any brick tire-For sale or will trade fDr -' place. Double Caraao. Huge Orange C.ounty vacant com-Newport BNch 3200 Jot tor tM kids. Full price merclal. $79,ooo equJ1;y. s~ I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I Private Party m.ooo. GI no couch down. mil """' Oil oale. I • Boll P612 llfiO per moot> Includes a1L P•ul Jo-RNlty E. LACHENMYER RL TR. Why Reot7 11'"'268 Ews. ~ V~oo:To7rlEiN l-====Dai .. ·1y;;=P=H=ot===~I Walker & Lee Rs~-:.,';;: Fur•'"'" B/B TOWNHOUS& 2 Bdrm. 2 Bath 2 o.r Oll1>o<t> _.;;.;;;..:;;.;;;..;c;:c.;;.;;'-- t L BLOCK JO OCEAN 1682 Edinger General 2000 71 Newport B11ch 1200 1142-1<55 Open Eve•. "'°'140 ==----'-IRYINE TERRACE HI AND DRY DUPLEX, S 4 BR -$24, 950 I=-'-'--· GI 1195: 3 BR. w/w. Gange. New listing on Tahuna years)'Oungforonly$44,950. AsSume 51/40/o Wilk to Beach 5%% a.uwnable loan. 3 BR Sundeck.Pleaaecall: immaculate thruout Relax and enjoy the pound-Loan Newer ultra aharp 3 Bedrm 1% baths, modem built-in -==-=·=·=-==== with 3 Bedrooms, 2 baths ing surf and changing sun-2 baths • Cozy llvfnr room. ·kitchen, ~ti & drapes. $200/Month Poola • Adulll Ortly!) Bay & Beac:h; RNlty, Inc. 001 Dover Drive Suite 221 6'1.>200! """'· 548-1!"' living room sets. Four bedrooms up and College Parle· corner, boat with wood bw'lline fireplace Eve~deluxe. No work. R1nt1l1 to Share 2005 with stone fireplac-e two down-In season monty yard, walk to shopping & wall • wall carpetiZla: • b~ Ready to move into. Over· :.;.;;=;;;....;.;;.=.;...;--'---t BR. 2 Ba, Newpt 8*ta. poolside family room maker. Will trade fur 4_5 tchool.s. dble prage & patio. EZ alzed fenced lot. $23,500 _ WORKING Woman or lirl 06 San Bernudlno St. p sunny poolaide kitchen Bedroom Mesa Verde-AN Pyramid Exchangon terms &t $26,950. payments $134 per month Ln-to Iha.re home with woman Mo. 673-1398 or bua ,pb. low maintenance yard EXCELLENT BUY • CALL 646-2629 eluding tu:es. 'Nb!> works ~venina: boon. 531..ml Mr. Youna: artistically designed TODAY!! • "RING" "' · '50. QlODtb 5t8-:60't2 LARGE. 3 BR A Fam. Dble. homo b •poU." and * * N H I hts •..,~SPRING d •. j!l!!!lflWJ WIL!; •-""' 2 Br. 2 ""1~ upper Newport Bay. pri~ to sell at $52,500 * * ewport • CJ --~ ... REALTY • -~ BA apt w/working girt or $275 1n0. '-· Avail. Keb. 10% Oown Convention1I Lcan1 Call John Abell SJX UlflJS $18,500 ......... "ANYTIMJ:" 6 UNITS .ibident.·N::Jil.,.,.a. 64>-8971 1'L 6G--0596 owner, ..,_J Res 673-7365 NEWLY PAINTED inside •• WANT 2 )'OUllK liberal mind· Call 968-2929 betwe en 10 and 6 1ny day, Own two sharp triplexeti, and out New carpeting. This 2629 Harbor Blvd., CM. Walle to beach. Partly tum. ed bachtlars to share nl~ Ntwpart Htlphh 3210 4 BEDROOMS EASTSIDE COSTA MESA. is an outatandina: 2 bedroom I .............................. , Prlce reduced for quick 3 Br hom,e. N'=!= 6~ ~Int Sidi c.at. MIN Flulble Family Find YOUR CHOICE OF LIVING ARRANGEMENTS IN THIS HARBOR JUGI-D.AND HOME * 5 bedrooms, & fam· ily-dlning area or Two and three bedroom modem homf!, bath, nice NEAR .BEACH-with partial sale~ $15,~ dn to exbittn& 1 NICE pt delkes mne ~ Newn11rt H'~· Ara NO DOWN VETS apartments with 11.Ai baths, kitchen, largt. tot, 2 car Sar-.Ocean View, 2-two Bdnn. loan, approx. 3>% return ~ Costa Meat Apt. ~\ ~ • ...:;.::; 3 ...!,;,:_ or : This is truly a dream home built-in range and oven and age. t.omes 4 Guest Apt Dbl pr-on investment. ...... -·&It 4 -·-• -• in absolutely MODEL CON-forced air heat. Located ap, ~.built coocrete BRASHEAR R!'Al TY ~ ' 1 bedroom ·1: den. 1%. b&thl. DITION with &0rgeous car· nf!ar East 17th Street Sho~ block conatr. $34,500. 847-8531 ~. !53&-2123 WANTED. 3rd atrl to ahare ftrepla(!e, c:uvetl I: drapes, pets & drapes, MASSIVE ping, LOW VACANCY FAC ---apt. vie. Harbor H.S.~ .tu-buflt.~ & !Ol'O!;d air ljeat. LIVING ROOM with floor TOR. Substantial return on C U S '-"'. 2 STORY /POOL Home dent Pf'!t S50 .,,.,. 645-15« Well lantlar.an-tifu':de Wttb I bli !!!: I ORANGE 0 NTY' ,;..-=-~ , ·-.. --•• famtly room, a ~ , • ..r,~ .. •--• to ceiling tirep ace, ram ng your investment. Priced to LARGEST .,,.., ~ ,.--· tb ·~·.r ._.... ~ :T::te~t~ru;! ~~: aelL CALL TO~AY. 293 E. 11th St. 646-44'4 ~t:LJY:-JitB-~c:i::.~11:1~ C_Ott• ·MllL .~ ... ~ 2100 ='~~W-/::~ * -4 bedrooms. p 1 u l!I family room, plus dining area, or .,.. ___ ,_• .... f liearOOms &: a,nrng--vateoxtrabalh.It-.Jocaled Haya•sn Lake * * * * N..:. NB fut Ole. 6'6-' ·terms. Price 1' rlgbt at 3 BEDROOM3.~w -pde lC1'>ol,and~2- iA .. -~ _ ~ --DUPLEX ___ ~ · ' ~.500. _ ..fil.t!P•-~ • · · :All. ll•ll!l----1 street with towering SHADE N@ar Beach a: Shopping ~..Jti. Different HouMf· • R,ur JonilRiilfy ed. AdUHl'O or strttt and Wettclltt ibiP= TREES and beauWUi.Iy land-The nicest ''incldentAI" Excellent vaJue at $34,950 &it apart It dlftinct !rif1n •·1266 Eves. 536-n2-4 one ~· ~ poo{, ping and two other llCbooll t acaped for re~ CaWor-that happened when Parker , .Georna Williamson other ~ in beat ~ .;Ji IR/$23,950/Vaunt reczution center~ no ex· within walldn&diltaDce. $180 al'f!a, plus separatt'd mother -in • law ar- rangemen : nla LiviJW. You won't believ Dam was built. ; •·R·altor Bay are&. Exciualve lilt. '_..._ bedrooms New paint tn. chal'gf. pl5 ""r.'· Agent h r detaill, write: all with 2'4 batlls, handy le than -. ooo LOTS $3500 $4200 " 64M4Il ~·· • M6-41U ' .. p ~ p l built • in kitchen, including ss ~. ' to 673-t350 Evea, 673-156-4 Ing. 'Obie to IChooll &: lh:)ppin&. fJVate ....... ~ on the calltornia side of -c1-FHA. -GI ••t -·IA"' -·1 ,..trige.-ator·freere,.F.,,. -~ •w •• -~ •-=· N 8N h 2200 Boll P612 I ~~ii~~ P::C & :~ ~~~~ti~r ti%~~~ Evenings <"all 67J.6ll6 p~~::;~ RAP~-.-. -Dilte Riel £stat1 ~!~~!~ch~:!Y. =rt front; c 2 Bdnn., DaUy Piiot ' All improvements in & paid '• ""p ie doi<B nm.It R It fur. For Sale or Leasebl at .SSSO ~W DUPLEX 8140 Warner, FV M2-4400 111re1..?i.Moe.1 Adulti!Ui.,,_W.!!1!1" 3 BR. Jae yan1, cptr .• , UIX~I ete arre ea y per mo. to rella e parties BIG HOME '" o, nc. u . 1.1 •...-owo blt·ina. xlnt view of P 1605 Westclill Dr, NB 642·5200 2190 Harbor m vd. ~ On I y. Chester Salllibury, Undet coratructlon 3 Bed· OCEAN Front bou1e 3 bd 225 646-1271 van . r,.~~~~'l"'~'!'!:'~l545-9491 Opftt"ttll 91'M Shown by appointment only. Realtor, 673-6900 rooms, 2 baths ach. Eh!c· -4 BR. 1~ ba .. nr. hospital-Wintel'-Studentl oK $175: , a now. 1: QUIET, SECLUDED-E. J. Neve & Jack 8111 trlc kitchens, flreplacea Medical Cf!nter and only mo. 673.-8088 ~~ EASTSIDE EAst SIDE cosrA MESA *"HAVASU * Coote MeH 1100 corner lot, 1'8.500 121.soo. E·Z Flnand,.,. -======:::=: N-rt Shoru 3120 3 Bedrooms, 2 baths in a NEWPORT HGTS. AREA Golf CourM Custom R. c. GREER, Realty R. D. SLATES, Rltr. i.lbff 2300 SPAOOUS 4 BR;-3 BA.~blt- qulet non-traffic street _ ALL T~S~D R2 North Estates Just completed, 4 Bed· E¥"fSIDE 6 UNrrs 3416 Via Lido 673-9300 847-3519 Eves. 962-7369 --------ins, CJ'lttl, drps, nr ~ • C.o:r:y living room with brick $ ' 2 1860 B Newport Blvd., CM rooms, over 3000 sq It., Sharp & well kept BY OWNER; pm reduced 2 BR Townhoule By Ownf!r f BR, 2 BA, w/boat allp, pools. $275. See now . fireplace, Kitchen with all Channing 3 bedroom or 642-4994 or ~83 Bkr. stand-up bar in catM. 2. 1 BR & 4 -2 BR's from $42.500 to $37,500, 3 $15,650 • $!liO Down $135 blt.illl. patio, BBQ, $535 mo. 64.2-3086 q bedroom & .den. 1%. baths, ·======== dral ceilinf fazn. nu., 6 garages, Income $620 mo. BR. 2 Ba. H•nn• llv. ti: mo. tncl taxea & Im. '1lt:S29-8100 213:318-0891. electric built-ins -A dandy fireplace, carpet5 & drapes, brand new &: Jtill Ume Excellent live in & l'f!nt out •--.... ~lg lot -ID -~ buy at $26,900 with 10~ huilt·in & forced air beat. Utf VERDE ........... nm.; very e. , ; llC!e. i.:C:;o:'°:";•;d;•~l;Mo=;:r==·:;:-:.I down. Owner will consider This \Vell landscaped home rruA to select carpet colors. $62,500. can 1tore boat or house 4 BDRM bouae near beach, Bilbo{ Island 2355 trade for 3 or 4 units. -can be found on a huge R2 in,ooo. Graham Realty trlr. Cor. or 15th St. & 2 yean old, MU1t adl! til J 2 BR, fireplace, 1 546-2313 646-7171 POOL Near N.B. Po.t Of~ 646-2<14 Klnaa Pl. Call: 545-<il24 968-1432 &It 5 BAYFRONT 5 BR. une Garage 1165 '"°:-> lot with a very larie lenc· :i.t. $325 or yrly $500 1ncl Bachelor /\pt Furn $!!), THE~EAL ESTATERS eel baCk yard, with room for Quiet cul.de-sac street with LUXURY Living in Prestige 3 BR. 2 &. Upstairs sun· · util. snaxi, Martha or Scetlle --....roes ) a boat, camper, or build a decorating & landscaping area. 3 BR, den, blt·ina. deck. Liv, din rm, patio, Santa An1 Hgtt. 1630 eves 675-6TS4, Mrs. White 6i67i ~ rental unit! It has a pawd just the way you'd like il j ,;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1500 sq. ft, brick patio, tire-Crnr\I blk bchlot A!Sbayth ' ~tn:: NORTH Oranie 5 bdr, 2 ba ..i('" •TALS alley entrance for easy ac-Heated pool w I t h Jacuzzi place. Immaculate! Assume • Lo ~'()()' 1in1Ehed "' ., ............................... cess. Location ls just about therapeulic jets. Di ri in g • h b VA loan, $21,500. 0 w n fr Perpetually l'f!nted rear apt. :me· 1.Jiw""" ~ Cul HouHS Furnl1htd . perfect, 1* blkl to Newport room, family room & den. 10 ft macna ~. 912 Pf!ace Pl in By oWntr. Muat lelll Prine a:ar, ey en on gradf! school, and only 2 blks Priced right at $36,950 with Rancho Mesa. only. 613-3718 ~ Sae, 2 blka 10 IChool& Laauna Blach 2705 Balboa : t BR. 2 BA. wlboat lltp. blt-lnl!I, patio, BBQ, $425 1bO. Tlt : 529-8100 213:31B-OJ911 New Listing Extra sharp listing in Mesa Verdf!, walking distance to complete shopping. Owner will sell lovely 3 &: family room at "no down" to vet- erans or on FHA terms. Only $25,750. 516·58!0 {nea1cin!ml thl!llh!) LLEGE REALTY 1500 Adams attt.-rbof,CM. 3 Bedroom, 1 V2 Ba. Fireplace, dcluxe carpet.s hardwood Doors. Easts.ide Only $22,500 143 Broadway 645.0181 Eves. 642·8453 646-4579 ON THE BEACH 2 BR Furn home. Owner will carry lat TD at 6.6% inter- est, $15,000 On. Orange Coast Property 3.U Marguerite, CdM 673-8550 BEACH BARGAIN Modem 3 BR. 2 ba ''A" framf!, stepa to Ocean • S:ZS,900 • terms. C.ywood RJty. 548-1290 CHARGE yoor want ad now. to new city park. East lTth only 10% down. LINDA ISLE DOLL HOUSE • 80lid built, BEA:UTIJ!UL 4 Cu• to m ~k sell this wee.kend! 5treet and We5tclilf shop-BAYFRONT Eastsidf! home immaculate buUt 4u'a:e 2 BR. a: Fam -=======::;:::=i l·BR. Victoria Beach; la:e- ping and two other schools • , COATS -.f bedrooms, large activity condition. Pleasant dlnl.n&: rm, 2% ba le room for l Bii h 1705 frpl.; sep. util. rm. & ba. Lido Isle 3351 within walking distance. For & room, concrete pier and alip. area. cozy fire p J a c e• a ddition w/ lovely view. aguM c Secluded:. $165. 6(2.-]J'T: f appoin~nt~o !::.:...~te: WAl,.LACE Asking $125,000. hardwood flOOl'B a: forced 2518 Via Marina. e Owner. Hindym1n Sptcialt 1 BR. nr. beach, ;/view; 3 BR & den, 2 Ba. fr:Vlc., va ~.., •1 REACTORS By appt. air heat. Priced lJ1r-1m-642-3219 Income Unib fpl., 1% ba., Pll • pr; stove, ftfria:., crpb It drpa. Box P6U -546-4141-(714) 642-8235 mediate sal eat $21.500. Call ELEGANT, well bit & only Loe. on Oceanatde of Hwy, 1,;:S200~,;lncl;;:. :•til.=:..,_;;191,;6""'=o Yrly leue by o w ner Dallv Pilot (Optn Eveninos) 881 Dover Drlve, Suite 101 540-ll51 (open e v e • ) $22,900. FHA at VA. Zoned 150 yds from Beach. 4 )&e I · -644-1288 f!Ves 4 weekend&. Ele1V1nt Macco Realty c.o. Bldg. Heritage Rep Estate. R2. Large living r m,, Apt ·units, needs paint 1: DuplexH Furn. 2975 '21-Newport Beach BY OWNER • &side 3 Br. flrepl., cpbl, drp8, elf!C. good general cleanup. ro. Huntfftgton a..Ch. 3400 Executive Home =:iz:~ 2 Ba. Narunl wood bltn kit_ch,_2.BR., den. Owner. TENT!AL I NCOME EX· =!xi!;. mo.8~ FREE R'ENTAL B::::c Lovely large 2,600 square foot kitchen; utility po r c h ; tiU-4441 CEEDING $10,00J ANNUAL;. or 613-7350 ~Pi. home. 4 spacious hl"droolllll, 4 Units crpts, drps. Close to 9Cbls LY. Prlce $69,950. orQp In &: Brow~ 3 queen •ized baths. Huge ~~. o~ =:~tioi:: Near Bay & Ocean & shp'g. $25,500. ~ Newport Hgts. 1210 ~o~ =1;--~ RENTALS 3a~Se:a!'!.. force. library could be studio or ASSUME 5%% VA lOIUI; · • ~ .... -Hou'" Unfurnished ... _ separate in-law quartef'I!, start the New Year. Will Excellent lnwstment proper-Eastside 3 BR, I "-·Ba..; EAST SIDE COSTA MESA WESTERN AWARD rental of thll &~ ~· Choice location. Beautiful take 1ow down ·owner mov-ty, on double lot. Each s~ $22 950 Full price. Owner NEWPORT HGTS. AREA 3 &: 4 Br Semi eusiorn Gtneril 3000 $.UIS.00 per month. ~ landscaping &-Ughttng in 1ng out of th estate, $31 ,000 di<> apt with 2 BR, bath + 6464193 AU. THIS ANO R2 Homas ~ $35,t!IO.OO Nowr-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I Option. t front and rear yards. Pric--move in right now. powder room -always rent· MUST SELL, lmmac 3 BR, $25,500 under conatructlon. Located,. Walker o" Lee ed forqulcksaleat$36,950. RfDDOIPiT-ed .................. $52,500 l'ii BA born 1ullY td Charming 3 bedroom or 2 on MountalnView Drivt,ofl WORRIED? m . Walter Haase '• crp ' bedroom le den. 1% batbl!I, .,.._1 Drl·-t•-~ We 7682 ~••- 2043 WESl'CLIFF DRIVE ~Tlll ()pen Eves. Now And Then A home tl1ia: sharp comea on tbf! market. 0 n e owner, adult occupied only. 2 lal-ge t.drooms, hardwond fioors, and wood burning fireplace. Large Eastskle lot include:;i double detached e a r a g e. Yours tor $22.000, Colesworthy & Co. 642-7777 190( Harbor mvd., C.M. Open E ves. all the xtru adj to golf .,,.,. ...... • • • 11·c11 ·~· eaJY, "'"""",.... f R EAL TOR B ...,...,,. coune. 124..;, . ..&.'403 =·~~ -=~ ~".:.:: A.P.I. SALES AGENTS -lalizo tn all .,.... ol 842-<455 Open Eve.. ~40 2025 W. Balboa Blvd., N.B. Thll well landscaped home Ptx>ne 'n'-892-7100. tor Rent.all ·-Summer, Win-4 BR. Uke new, ni' ~ 675-6000 MeN Del Mar 1105 can be fowx1 00 a huae R2 further ln%orma.Hon ter, Yl!'ar around. I: ahoPs. is39'J -u btiimt ------------. Coldwell, Binker & Co. -·" lot with a'"" -teoo-4 BDRM. 3 bath. Top o1 • RED CARPf( e ·u.e Avail o;w· J215/mo FOUR UNITS ..::,.:·,C:. ~.. ANXIOUS owner must KU! ed hick yard, with room for World. Octa.n le mountain leaR. Alt-&12-:rm • ~ $49 500 Kl N»t .,..... 3 BR, 2 BA home. $1500 a boat camper or buDd a view. $37#». 540-7366 2a2!5'W •. Balboa Blvd., N.B. , ""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'i Below nwl«L I 3 O O O rental 0unlt! It bu • p•v.d BUSIES1' ...,._.. m ~ Laguno Niguel 37rtl TOP LOCATION · VIEW OF J BEDROOMS =m=~\I~=· alley entrance tarj ...,bout.,,_ ...._ '1111 DAILY PILOI • , 1 •"<'' OCEAN • 2 b<d, Ill baU,,, $20 500 .... LocaDon II uat a O•uttled ...iton. Saft 1115; 2 BR. 1 ba. dllJ>!e>; S BR.· t !IO, new ,.,..,. d .. 3 years old. Top unltls at a 1 perfect, 1;9 blkl to Newport money, ttm. A etf1:n. LooJi: stove, ftfria., wtw, fenced · pli!lf; Adb' cptdr· Ii: drpd. SENSIBLE PRlCE. cosrA MESA • clean • well Mffa Verde 1110 grade 11Cboo1. and only 2 blk! now! 11 yard. Broker 5M-69flO .• ' Oar., SUnde&. patil).-19&9 ORANGE COUNTY'S LAl\GEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 THE QUICKER YOU CALL, THE QUICKER YOU SELL kapt • wood burnlne: fire. . 3 BR $26 900 FHA to new city part. Eut 17th NO matter wblt It SI you '$3X1; 4 BR. l ba., fnQd. t>ayt: 494-3451 Sva. place in living room. 1% Fantastic tUO:a on thlt Mna atreet and Wf!lrtcliff lhop-can ldl tt with a n'ArLY yd., w/w, trpL Childft~ • DAILY Pll.l11' WAN'l' ADS ba~ •. 2 car Kar&&f!, air Verde homf!. 3 lg Bedrma . ping and two other sc~I :,P;;llDr~,,;W;,;ANT~~AD;;;!~t ;;;642;~;:;;;=,,f"'=t=O=K.=:=B=ro;::ker::::-;~::::·:J..==B=RJNG~=:.llESIJl;=i~l!Sl::::.=:I conchboned. 2 baths • family room + 2 within waDdne dlstanct!'. • I' - fireplaces. Owner bu bought f.PPOln~:!: ~write.. Oranr County 36000r1nge County 36000rana• County : •·· ~ ORANGE COUNTY'S LARG~ST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 ~;;.1::.s .. P:RnoIN.~G· =.=. S©\\<hl~~~'B~s· 1 • ·~ H•rbor Hlghlend1 1235 .. ... .,,,.. T""1 e olt>C 4Simple Scrambled Wordl'uultif0l'"'Cl1tu:ki. ,_._.. .1\.DALI.&. A-4 BR., family rm, 2~ ba.. -Duplex $24,950 •• "anudme" Enc1o<ed Lanai, • ..... Eaa:tatde Costa ~ Hard· 2629 Harbor mvd., CM. Crpt'd, drpd. bl.tne. Must wood 1locn A double ear BY OWNER: 3 BR. A: Fanrl· lell, leav'c area. $48,9&0. garage teparatina units (2 ly, 2 BA. Crptl, drps thnt-~ta Ln, NB Owner. bdnN e. ch). Extra l8.rgt out, bltns. $26,500. 5t)..0322 ======== kitchen area In 1 unit. '""=='=-===or=wlo>d>==· =::: J University P1rk W1llo-McC•rdl•, Rllrs. _ IBlO Newport Blvd., C.M. Coll119e Park 1115 548-m9 Eves. 64.-f..0084 --''------........ !!!!!~~!!"l~~I LOVELY 3 Br. home tn 1237 BY OWNER. l Br, 2~ Ba., tam room, hu evft')'thtnrl PMced to eelll 833-0tOf 10"/o NET NiT NET destreable area: tam. rm., Long term lH&N on thil 2 ba., w/w cpt; tree lbad· Corona .. Mar 1250 l!Xcellent lncctne it/vestment. ed. yard. Nr. lclmll A lhop-____ _.. ___ _ eru..i ... return and utound-ping. 12<.950. B7 owoor BY' OWNER 1111 future pouibllitiea. Price 546-4582 3 BR bomtt, crptl, dpn, IU<.000. 1ncon>e 11,400 pr frplc, blJ·lnl. 11-2 ione. Nk:< yr NET. Newport a..dt 1200 OllM Ice. Call ~2319 Walk.er " Lee Mr. Levine CRIRCE I -· lnoome 1-ot DepL SA . I =======~:! !145-9151 i-tr I BR. ....,. iA w""' llolboo Penlneula 1300 S'A% LOAM ::._~:"d:a::: ace~ Nr ICbll A shop's. Xlnt Payments $1.fl mn. tncludtt t.'Ond. • .......... "'"" of tho · four sramhltd v.oorda b.o b# 'o form four alrnplt ~ rCORTIE 1 •.111'1'1 . IDYTIT i I I I I I I !Ir ARIE I, I I I I' Disorderly parly1 Tho one -. . . . next door 10 whkh .you hove ,.,-,.,..,-,-::,.,.-,,-----, not been -· , 'l:INOl.S l 1·11 . '.".1....,..1....,..1 -rr1•-1r-ilrr'.., ~ ~i!::O~"l :m ! :~'ll.,~~!~mw r r r r -1' r I' I e GEF:=1 lfTltJS 10 I I I f I I I I ' • • • • L. an. 4 U.... bedrom• , .... By OwMr. 54M211 lous llv. rm., 1% BA, l&rrt BLUfFS nmcto • J BR. 1 fenced )'&rd. Near 11Cboola BA ,....)It ~ ttrepWit & So Coluit Plaia. Immed~ • •J"' • ate Pmewon. Owner/Brok-view. By owner. 6-44-0ltl ........................ . . SCRAM-I.OS A~WEl IN CLASSIFICAnON -er SCU332. ~JTTU 'EMI -I ' • .DAU.Y. P1LOT RENT RENTALS REAL l!STATI AptL Unluml1hod Apll. Unfurnl-_o_._.,._r_a_I ---- AHNOUHCU•IEHTS w ~1'1tes E;-.:::~::...-= .liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii5000 .. Huntlngt., leach 5400 ~co Rental 6070 l'olll!cl CF-Adil 64()0 2 ~ ~~ -• NEWPORT CIVIC CENTER ~ ••-~· •V """' ~ .. !table for C-.C YEWlW • whlte male kl> &-'> ...,., ~· VEN DOME, ·,.,.CW::itnli -~• ~-IY· Fow\d ..... ..._ ., """ -...... HE-BEACH .. ~. Mfdl<:al, ~•Oaf. 8alcu St ..... Call all • .. .... --....._ ON·T ..-.. ..,,... ........ • -~6 , appllaJxft, waltr, Dl>IACV' ~,.;APl'S! 2 A 3 llodrooin Apts. ,_ $10 ,._....., ... -ea11e, ":ru~ i.w. • .,, u..., .. .-, .. __ sn_.-__ o_R_ff>._:1461-'--· w 6401 OM5N . SECTICINS AVAILABLE 9lQlll dllc:ri.mlnatltl&:· N09" OFFICES: %, 300 + aq. ft.: --------'-'-ABbVi mo. mthclal, J BR. C,_ te Ci--.J"" Perk avaJlable..al l'a.cb; street level; Cqcut SPRING. Spaniel, fem. brwft ,,..... -SI• i..... • .... ..,;;;j'jl;~·2... The Huntinatftn Hwy. Corona dd .. ar & ""~ vie 21st .. SMta nfs. Show Ju. io 115 La e 1 BIL w/dm ot olc. \1 I ~6c.7J.4830:...;::,::.=~----Ana St.. C.M. ~181 V1itta Dme • SWn Pool, Pull.,_ p 'ft l COMMERC. -300 Sq. IL lUoward. ··-··s • ~ lndlv/)l>iky ,.,,. IChlC ~ 11Nn•u~ ;,~ .... «. BLACK. Chine .. ...._ 1oot _,...,,,_, • ·.-. .....,..~ arowid ITth St. area. C.M. Apts. Fvmhhod IMS Anahalm An. I==="===== Fe....,. AAk ... Jana. l~~~~=::~~~~=~~A~MESA!~~~.,~"'~""~I m 0cean Ave., u.e tndustr111 Prop. ao ~2:354 Go-.1 4000 FOR SALE OR LEASE (714) 138-1487 W,\NTED .. bu><. I acre wsr Since Xmu: GREY RENT Channel Reef ll25' I&: .. en., 2 .t 3 BR. i.OOullrlaUy xoncd properly. CAT w/blk. •trlr:u Ii: white ho A "........ So Ora Co Box 3862 underbody; University Pk., J Rooms Fumltvre Ptint use pt. apts. Newly decor., cpbl. · nge · Irvine. Rew. 833-4151 , $25 u......a. "" per mo to reliable par-& """· Bltno. Rm!&. avail. _Full""=er=to::"·::Cat=. ==== ~~=--::;::===---.. fWNRlD _ .. 1.. ,..._t ,._,._,u·-· -LOST: Gl'e)'.g:neeo )"OUn8 o..__. OPT!~ 10 BUY ties .... ..,. '·""' ........,..,..._.. 2 Childreb OK. Nr. Beach 1 vi Harbor Sehl ... VJ...oLo ........ n--"-~ --Bl·~ • Main -·-~ ~.... lndustri•I R•nt•I 6090 parro; c. ., ~ A'f&llble) l·lll~-~,-~~.~· ~BR.·~·~~,~._--1 schds '&, shoppl'ng.'M7..mi -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Fountain Valley 9Q...3024 No deposit o.a..c. ; ._, w w • • LOST bla k wall wi $600 H.F.R.C. bl.Ins,~.~ .. ~.!;__ W•nt Priv1cy? New I I RVINE Industrial 6.000, Vic Npt cBch &etHw!~tcu; Fumitvre Rent11s l==:::~=====-====-l~Emo~·n;~)~ ~·W ~~6i:u:"· tt. CtU: sch. 64&-0015 7 w. ~-548-3481 Costa M111 6100 202 -14th. 536-1319 fiTJ-1784. Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc. LOST: 4 PUtikeets band W. "Anhm 114-28'.XI 2 & 3 BR ts, 2 Ba. tlo. 1818 W. Chapman Ave. code N70; vie. al.st & BOUJ>f.'t' Pl.AZA -.i-:Pd.,,., play fard Orange, caw. Orange, CM. 641)....tl02 Eves. UXE, ~'"-··~ 1 Bdrm Excellent; park • llke lt1I"<' ... _., crp · ' 541-2621, Eves-wknds 538-5971 • "sr all hlt f k··~ ... "';;',;;-'Pl · lil. roundinp for adults reqttti-chlldre.n ok, $140. up. 17811 IJU : w e em. i....,n, • · • .,.,.,, us u · Bell Circle H e 842-.3611 abt. 8 wks old; vie. Adams Heated pool. Ample par"'-ing peace a: quiet. ' · · 3CO'J SQ ft warehouse &: office IL Val · c M ., • ., -2 Du I . t ·--' .,. encia, . , ............. 11 * * * ., * * SEl)llCE Dl~!CTORY ""' Whaddva Want?~ ~ SPECIAi. CLASSIFlcATION fOR NATURAL IORH SWAPPERS Special llato 5 LI--5 11,,,.. -5 bucb ltUlEI -AO MUil' INCLUOI! 1-wllt't ....., fMw to fnOot. 1-'Mwt pw Wint t.I 1'nldll. ~YOUlt phOrw an(ll/or .... ,..... ...... 11,... al .ctYlrll&• ........o'fHIHG FC* &ALI! -TIL\DI;.$ ()foll. YI PHONE 642-5671 To Place Your TrRer's Paradise Ad VETS Bonded P. e I ll t I n I • ,,.. r:.i.. 1Jc. • , ....... SntaU Jobi welcome . -VINYL watt eovertna apecialilt • k.U. A bt.thl. 14&"'1al ' tal>or. Eal &tr-\;51 e Im' -EXT. ANY SIZE JOB. Xlnt work. rdl. free .... JIM. M2-400'J p AOOJNG, inttt.-e:tterior SW. lie. • bondod. Free e11timatea &U-0238 INTER or Ext. PAINTING, !MMED. SERVICE. Local ref. FREE est. 543-1627 PAPER HANGING PAINTING 615-3043 Newport Duplex, 200' to :II> unit Deluxe .apt. adj&· Pleft•ring, Re .. -1 -• 0 beach. wm trade equity cent to college In Clamnonl e PATS Plaateriq • all for eood La1tD1a fUfden.. 1.1 x grm.s -$79,000 eq. Types. Free dtlmate. Call HtlalunM~P·f?; •• ~ (171m11, Trade for Orange c.ouncy ~ .... 5 ..... uo;a~ vac. coinm. Rltr. 847-1265 M6-tllMS Ownr. 100 Acres clear, $30.000 Plumbing 6190 DON'T JUsr WISH fOr :W~:f1'~owie, Unit.I PLUMBING 24 hr. serv . SCtmething to furnish your Art Clovlnetti, Bkr. Work gu.ar. Lie., Insur.; borne .... Dnd great buys model re ...... rooter .sev .)! No children-No pets DiscriminatiVt! Tenacfl BR P e:ic, pnva e ,,....... + fiCKXl sq ft paved & fenced 00 Pomona. CM 642-5858 1, 2 &: 3 BO.QM. APl'S. Patio, carpets, drapes &: yard. 1855 Laguna Canyon MAN'S black wallet Vic 4:lst Will trade 17 ft Performer POOL. NO Q!Il..DJtEN pool. $135. 842-1540 Rd. (714) 494-8066 or cn t) St. on beach area. NB. ID tn todays C!alslfled Ada. 673-7420 673-8187 re • _..,, ·• Forest Lawn Freedom Ct. ;531:.:...-""'='---~=~ Companion Crypts $500 un-PLUMBING REPAIR $100; 1-Bdrm. Yard. Wall-to-wall. Call _..,...... MARTINl9UE DELUXE 2 Br, $125. Mo. 540-7680 valuable. Reward. 646-7300 ~r~'or(~rtfi1:=~ GARDEN APTS crpts. drps, encl patio, bit· NPI'. BCH. Desi.table contr. LOSTCo : RedHiOohlxandie male, vie. on new carpet, drapes, • ins. Nr shopping. 847..Qi92 ofe. & new shop _ warehse. rona g s, name landscaping, block fencing Costa Men 4100 18th 11 Santa Ana, C.M. 2 & 3 BR., 2 baths. priv. adj. UPS. d..vn. 213 941-1368 Sydney; lie. 4693: 675-4107 or ! ! . Phone 642-4980 atter .,,-'---·-----C8.IJ Mrs. Henderson 646-5542 patio· heated pool. 7 p.m. ;, • INTRODUCING • im Santa Ana, Apt w. C.M, • 962..8994 Acreage 6200 _P_e_ •• _._._._,, ____ 640_c.5 1 ;,Ha"'v"e=.~luxury--~1.-..,.-.~ •• -p~lox- " J /) 'I\. 1 LICENSED on Upper Bay, N'pt Beach. derpriced for companion No job too small crypts In Pacillc View C.em··•===•:::;....,=.::1'8:::::•;== etery. 675-0992 1; M . H . , .R:,:e::;mod:=•:.;I~., .:R;:•:;P";:.;l::.r •...;;c69;_40,;;; aw awau • near new 1• home $69;5)0, free I: clear. IF You need remodellng, Trade for l or 4 BR borne painting or repairs, Call Corona del Mar High School Dick. 642-1797 dist. Salisbury Rlty 673-6900 JnBS & F.MPLOVtAENT ' Halp Wanted. Man 7200 • TECHlllCWI PRODUCT TEST TECHNICIAN ""..-'1n lciole ""' cuitry or ceystal Jilter production test. Dl.1 or nlghtahiftava.llable- CONTACr LUKE WOOD Collins Radio Co. 3324 W. W1rntr Santa Ana All applications reviewed on merit with no bias ~ ward Race, Color, Creed or S<x. ITT JABSCO MATERIAL HANDLER Prerer some experience In manufacturing facilities, op- erate fork-illt, drives com- pany truck. Good benefits and working conditions. An equal opportunicy employer l~iVal J_) iJer~ BERMUDA VILLAGE Santa Ana 5620 s:uu ~ ~: ~mo~c~ Spiritual readings, advice ~:··s!!~~-~cy. . -Spacious 2 & 3 Br. Apt" VERY clean 2 Br. 2 Ba. So. c.aL L. ShewfeJ+ 32& w. on all matters. lBO S. El * FAIR DEAL * S.Wlnt 6960 1485 Dale-Way, Costa Mesa Trade Good '65 Squareback . 545-8251 FOR equivalent good shape e Oressrnaldng-Alterabons SALES MANAGER V\V Bu~ 642-54B4 ~~~ REAL ESTATE " Camino Real San Cl t Owner (213) 941·1368 Otange County's Beautiful Opts, drps, bltin!I. Cose to Garden Apts. Prv patio. 3rd, L.A. (213) 62l4lOf 4,.,.9, ... 10• AM _ 10'mPeMn '· .?IEW Adult living complex $hp'& & schls. Oilldren OK. Pooi. Nice area. 546-1525 ---~-------I LAKE HAVASU CITY. ·. Custom furn or Wlfurn. $110 up. Resort Property 6205 Attractive Expert Prime C-1 downtown lot. 1Slngies • l 8dnn • 2 Bdrma 2214 College A~. Apt, 2, Mgr Laguna Beach 5705 -----'--""---YOUNG WOMAN My paKl·l'n equity of $6600 e tConbmlporary CUstom I ;;:;o:;:c;;:...::c:.:.;:;;._...;;= e FOR Rent Furn. Mam· dancer will teach you. all for triplex, duplex, or hon1e, "Design "THE SEVILLE" 100 CLIFF DRIVE moth Mtn. Condo. pool & latest steps. Call Ardell Dana Pt. area. 644-290'1 •·Luxurloua Garden.s New 2 BR. w/garage $140, WXURY nJRN/UNFURN sauna, sleep!! 8. MQ..2730 2U: 5914538 1-10 PM Have 2 new vw, red. low •Bubbling spring & brook CAdultx). Fenced, priv. yard, Yearb' Lease. l A 2 Bdrma. PACIFIC PARTNERS back, front eeats. Trade w Spring Realty expanding 4 Bedroom ol Family Ranch ALTERATIONS & ~tom again, opened No. 4 oillce Home with heated & filter-Dresamakln&. Very t 1 n e on Harbor Blvd., C o• t a ed. pool, $36,500; $9,00> equi-work, App't. 54~7104 -Mesa, need experienced ty tor Boat, Lot, Unlta ? Alterations-642·5845 Real Estate Sales Auociate • "2' Pool & therapy batb cpts, drps, bltns, water pd. steps to Shore & C!h-Mount. & Dnert 6210 •. Activil;y room/bilUarm 261!hJ Santa Ana Ave. ~ In 1969 let us help you find 2, red hirh be.ck f;eats. 'Realtor 675-4392 Neat, accurate, 20 yrs. exp. who could qualify for man- 'Sauna Bath • 636-4120 Oceanviewfromevt!eyA,pL BEAtrrlFUL High Desert: that special penon you've 962-1188 Honolulu. Haw a J i; sep. agement position to lead an home Condo Complex. 3 TILE, Ceramic 6974 aggressive sales staff. For e Putting green • from $150 mo up. lease 5 Ac. w/mnall stucco house. been looking fmo. 545-1534 . FIC hwy motel, nr Palm ~Outside Gu BBQs N.E\V 2 Br. 2 ~ 'I'Wnh&.e. ~ _ $2449 E& Cold water,, elec., ALQ)RPLll.$, ~ Springs;: ahto $40,000 ~ Br. :Z ba. Val $44,CKXI; $14,-. excellent career opportunity IXlJ eq. Trade part equIJy * Veme, the Tile Man .* in a dynamic· sales atmos- fur local. ~altor, 67>2.atti Cust. work. Install&: repall'S .• phere. phone or send resume Wh"t do have to trade? NG job too .small. Plaster to Mr. Gardner, all infor- '"7 . Y9.!l -·• ·patch.-Leaking-sh o-w-e r mation·hekl ·in strictest eo~ · I e Encl. "iamges & stD~ Bltns, crpta, drpS, Incl gar. REAL En-An CXIOler. Xlnt loc. nr. 29 Pborie 54Z.Tl17 or write to N.B. residence. Want: In-~OOER of town -between Club b$t' & pool $!95. ·General alms. $7500 Furn. 833-2734. P.O. Box 1223 Cort.a Mesa. come ot submit List 1t here -in Orange · cu7 •-71•" -Cnunty's largest read trad· repatr. '" ~~ ..........,....., fidence, Spring Realty - ing post-and make a deal. Welding 6995 2629 Harbor Blvd. 540-482-4 ---~lll'liiFFN• . ".aft_. Sat-·-"lJ-...;;:;;::;;.;; ____ .,.J ~~~--~~~:.-==:!"T,i;iffii,'i-~fuj~-?"'!· -· ---9143 - port day Sun. Rentals Wanted 5990 8US'INES!. and SELECTIVE SINGLES Par!Ons. CM 642-86"1{1 DUPLEX 2 BR. bit-ins, w~'".....,.,.. l FINANCIAL Has eligible men & women, Doberman P u p a. AKC. crpts., drps, f:nCd yard, ~ l-.o ocean view apL 21.fAJ 642-9676, 3 to 8. beauttlul 1tock·noo. value. '65 Ford Pickup %T, ideal for camper. Auto. trans. WELDING & Burn l n g: Trade for TD, boat, land. portable e q u i pm e n t; ·.'Y SEA LARK paho. Spot!"" ~et Street. 3 BR. S ·.Ba. w/lock"' But. Opportunltiu 6300 =======64=1=-0 I Tnode ... mlnl bil<•, """" MOTEL $130 543-5861 garage facilities. Will Pa>' Announcements or ? ? 2 BR. Spit-level; w/w cpts., $300 + montb1y. 835-0296 ·Candy Supply Route ALLEY WE~ 548-6494 WEEKl Y RATES newly decor.: 2 baths; EMPLOYED lady wants 1 (Part or Full Time) ANNOUNCES ZONED M-1 w/ home & Servisott, 506 lbt, NB. ornamental iron. Ca 11 .,,..,,. anyfune.,»>,6782 2301 Newport Blvd., CM bltns; $150. 15G Melody Ln. BR Unfum Apt beach area Excellent income for few Lunches rental $20,00J e q ult y. • '"7445 • 548-1458 -to $l10. Gar or carport nee. brs. weekly works CClaYs or WANT: Mobile home & 1 1 1 -., • ., "'""' -Hn. ~111~ and Monday thru Saturday . .,__ Oceanfront ot or n:come JOBS & EMPLOYMENT • -UNFURN 3 BR, 2 BA apt ~ ......... eves.) re ........ & collect· from 11:30 daily iood car or quiet ...,. .. e. • Apple Vlly lot Jor 10, 1:.;:.;:;:_::.;::::.:.=;:..:.::.:;:c:.;c. $25 Wk. Up near Westcliff, pool & 1 BR. Apt turn or ~ ing money from coin oper· Every Sunday Phone 64.S-Ol39. car/moble hm • 12/unitll Job W1fthc:I, Lady 7020 ~ Stud.M> & Bach apts, private patio. $165 mo. ~n ~alb ~ cg:. ~= ~~u ~~';":: s~~: Bicycle Brunch Ocean vlt!W bi-level unit, for hse or duplex. 548-U68 : ,Incl Utils &: Phone serv. 646-J!m Y suig e · area. No selling. (Handles from 10 AM duplex & comm. Incl vacant Doyle Co., eves trn.1917 SECRETARY, Admin., Eng, Maid Service -TV avail. 3 BR. cprts ~ Bit·•--btwn 5 &: 6 pm. name brand candy .-.. serving; Eggs Benedict, corner loL $25,000 Val. ~ Trade 20 Ac. agricultural contract. 10 Y~ ~ x P: •-New Cate It Bar • .... ..,,. ...... • LANDLORDS • ·~ _,A .. •-.,A_.... Bay. Will Desires chall,.....,.,ng post· ·76 N--Blvd "~" .......," 2 Children QK. No lease. .. snacks). n650 cub required. Huevoa: Rancheros. ::_d~e ,: !.•w '· •. ··;; • ., """"' land, 600 fl on main hwy. . . -~· E-'~~--~~=··.c;c=·....:.-::..:°''"'~ $145 Month. 545--0262 FREE RENTAL SERVICE For personal interview in Steak & Eggs. u.. '" O'IO"'<IOO• 6 mi to nearest sm to..vn nr ~progressive firm & busy ~GE bach~. n l c e I y 2 BR. Newly Redec. New Broker 534-6982 Orange County: Send name, 2100 W. Oceanfront ::;ooc1 vw cornbi ,65 w/1500 Reno. office. 892-5929 turnished. Available Jan. 16. ,,_,,.,, ,.,,_ 81.__ .,« address and phone nurn..... Newport Beacb 38 700 I F ~--• 540-22<11 I Em 1_,,.,.,, ... ., ......... ..,, .. _ • .._. mo "'"" ( fro p· eng. , m · or ,...,......,,.,e, Domestic He n 7035 P"'l'""' aduU pretened. S46-5Ms · · Rooms for Rent 5995 to: across m ier & Karman Ghia or vw bug Mod 20 ac honie ranch, ful· or 11i15-M2J "ROUTE DEPARTM£NT" Dory F1eet) ol like value. )y dev tr track, 2 wen.. 3 ARGUS AGENCIES BEDROOM. Carpets ' ~ NbEWlt. 2 ... carport., niw cpta., RMY , w/kit priv. Near ~· P.O. Box 3846 646-72C6 houses, 14 stall.a, 9M lt barn c'Jrn.pes. builtina. Pool . N ..... ., .. , ·UIS, : no ng man. no smolUJ'6· --Ana.,,,=c.."'c..imc::,:,Cal=U:.. ,:.92803='--1 '-F;u;;no;;r;;';'';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;64;;;1;2 I---------$95 WI $55 00'.I F pets. 0 pets; adults $125. 543-6769 ~1348 or 635-0700 • 10 writs WIJmlngton $200. co~·i OI' ! Own~~ IUUl\lllln::r 540-4084. 3 BR., 1% ba. Children PLEASANT room for work· FRIGIDAIRE WEST net per mo. income. Trade AftlWUnu.I BR. QuieL Aduli.. -NO wolcomo. Mn. Dunkin. Mgr. Ing gll-1: home privll...,. JET ACTION MINSTER T.D.'1, land. °' T Ageot/ Tredo My Blue Book ha rETS. $140. 768 s 'c 0 t t 862 w. Center, Ap~ 1 Call att 6 PM 64&-4785 Beautiful renewed Laundry. MEMORIAL PARK owner. 646-2629 or 213-Stamps for Your Gr .. n pTl•t•o::!~~p·:,~~:: fL c M. 646-2323 3 BR. 2 Ba., frpl, closed I T I C 5997 28 washers, u dryers, 20 lb. Mortuary & Cemetery 4.14-5959. St1mps. 536.3249 for the pl•cement of · garage. Adult&. $14<1 Month Mote 1, r r. rts. washer. SlB,000 yr. gross Co It! f I * * * * * * IDE, Quiet; 2 Br. 327 8 Cabrillo 548-4691 • inc. Find out how easy it is mp • unera I Domestic Personnel. ,rec. bltns, patio. Adults on-• TRAILER Space avail. Pool, to own! from $245 j J!!!!!!!!!!ll!lf!!!l!!!fl!!!ll!f!!!'!!!ll!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ilol!l!l!!!!!!!!f.!i Coo k a, Housekeepers. · IY· 361-B Ogle, 642-U98 2 BR. $1>1. Stove, dlsposal putting gm., •hutfleboard, Coin·O·Mat"ic Cemetery lots SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DiRECTORY Maids, Companion" Chau!· ATl'R 3 BR. l 2 .. R le crpls. 132 E . Bay, Apt rec. rm. Adults only; no from $150 feut11 and Couples. Live in I . "~ ., ua..yd, A. 494-2792 pet!. Tradewind T r a i I er Equipment, Inc, C•r ... nttrlnn 6590 or out.· All · Domestic ........... , w w caJll., .... .,.., attr. . Vil! ~M Harbor Bl Includes Endowment Care ,..-• Gardening 6680 ..---548-3481; 540-0154; 646-6922 Large t BR duplex. age, ...,l v., 2334%. W. Valencia Everytbinc fn one beautiful tions lee paid by the em-$110 mo on lease. Spacious _c_.M_. ________ 1 Fullerton TI4: 525-7&33 place means Jeu cost. MASTER carpenter, $4 per JAPANESE Gardening, ProJ player. Top wages! Ca 11 BR furnished, oear shop. ·--1 o:•o ...,.,n hour. Remodeling· Repairs. MainL Land 1 cap in g · bby 548-7796 , ping center. ·$135. 642-8499.1 "'.;:-:..:.,,"' ,c.~.=..,c,..cw--~-Going Into Business? No trattl.e JWOblema. 642-6409 or 536-3900 Cleanup. S37-6951 Miss A ' , 313 17th PL c .M. l·BR., Garage, stove, Income Property 6000 Golden opportunity in beach 14801 Beach. Wmminster Argus Agencies Refrigerator. $100 area. Phillips 66 Service 53:1-1725 I 893-24%1 PHONE Marie 642-9119. JAPANESE Gardener . 1869 C Newport Blvd. e NASSAU PALMS e 240 Awcado Apt B 5'4-8612 HOME & INCOME by OWN· Station for lease; 1101 Bay. , Framing. finishing, plyboan:I Complete Ser v Ice . Ex:· 1 & 2 BR.. Poot ER 10-2 BD. 1\1 ba. apts. & sid & M-"" Dr N rl SERVIC• DIRECTORY &drywall nail, tap'g. Refer. ""rienoed: Reliable. 64Z-4.389 __ _cC:.:°'=ta:...:.cMou==-~ ~n E. 22nd St 642-3645 2 BR. Crpt'd, drpd. bltins, e ..... ne ., ewpo .., ,... ~· pool no pets 4 Bd. 2 ba. res. 3 Yr. Beach. Contact: Cut&F.dgeLawn OUneseHve-ins.Cbeerfut BEAUT. lge. 2 Br. 1% ba. • * ~ * old, Pool. 2310 Santa Ana. CHUCK CROWDER Babysittif?g 6550 Cement, Concrwte 6600 Maintenance. Ue:emed Permanent. Experienced ·studio, pool, adults. $185 CM ~1393 714: m.ruo 714: 114-1043 5484808/645-2310 aft 4 Far East Agency 642-8703 b.uo Sapia Ana 64.5-2933 1 BR. Drps, crpts, patio. FSI'ABLISHEO BUSINESS. WILL care for your child CEMENT work, no job too · Adults, no pet&. $1U mo. B • p 6050 in my home wltb J~ fenc-small, n"aac>nable. Free h---------1 ~ u11ness roperty Beer, wine, deli. Gross ed yard. Vio. Baker & Newport Beach 4200 M-l HEART of Garden $40,000, good Costa Mesa Fairview. Prefer over 3 or estim. H. Stu!lick. 548-8615 h location. Asking $14,500. under 1 $25 k1.y e BEST IN CONCRETE ' URN. 2 BR. apt. No Newport ~ 5200 Grove business. 4 O x 2 4 D • Will consider financing for 549-0674 year. • w · Wa1ks, pool decks. floors, ldren or pets. ~ E.. UNFURNISHEP Apt $7,950. ~1942 eves. qualified buyer. CALL: AL Patlo5. Phone 64z.8514 ctll' & edp lawn compl --------- service. Lie. 54&-5261 evea Help Wanted, Men 7200 &we<kends General S.rvlca 6682 • FORfMAN • th. BLACK 54(1...1'"1 ( WILL babysit my home, 1--------- 1 o*~-.. """ .,.,.,. Newport Hgts. Lux u r Y • Business Rental 6060 ..., 0 P en fenced yard. prefer baby NC job too large or small. CONCRETE work, hauling, • ac;;n<.;<• V'fl.J""t<JU' v le w, d up lex s pt .• :;.:;=;;;;;:_cc.;,;=--"';.;.; eves) H~~~e; REAL or over 3 yrs old. Across Ucensed & insured. Free de~. sprkln, new Automatic Screw Machln.....Ooy Shift 8Il. J-lome, Lido Penin&., gpUt-level, 2 bed, lrpl., <DRONA del Mar Beauty from Killybrook s c b 0 0 l , est. 892-2900 or 526-4756 lawns. Reas. 6 4 2-5 8 S 7; Must be dynamic and cl. cabana; priv .• !'-Ho. thick ~bl d rJa p e ~· Shop in busy location. I MAN 0 p er at 1 on -540-S36l Thoryk Omcrete, no job 548-4354 have the ability to take ultB. no pet.I. 673--0.ll!O g$275.,....CallA a1U: &an. • Former beauty shop moved ~ood'j~,..Saodcwkh MShop. NEED playmate for my S to small. Free estimates. HEATING&: Air Cond. Serv complete charge of sin· BDRM. J,1: b1k. to beach; <=•o ;....... p.m. ~--larger q u a r t e rCall!'l · "'~feel · 1oca ~~ .. :!~ esa. yr old girl. Care for yours, e 646-1234 • Ir repair, also Washer & gle and multiple spin-•~• St n ,.,., --• 1165 ....,,............,. ,,..,..nable rent. ""' or ease."'"..,.,...., ,.__ -a1~ .,. hr hJne ....,w .,... ..,...., ttas. Nr. Pomona School. CONCRETE k all ..,._ ..... _...,r re~. ... serv. die auto.-screw mac 675-3249 ATIR. 2 & 3 Br., upper Hutchens, 714: 838-6511 WANTED : Off-Sale lim"''" ., • ., '"'"" wor ' v...-.s. 842-7237 or 847-5681 depL "I====:::==::=::] · •--i --c.;.=:_______ Pool decks & custom. Call I ~:=...:.=:....::::..::c..::=--1! & lower duplex; 1 blk. of1 SMALL reasonably priced license for Orange County BAB 5-t&-l.324 HAULING. Cleanup garages, ~ County manuf.aeo. 4250 beach. S Mo. lease, from Store Buil"1"-in busy Call: &12-8139 YSITI'ING day or week, 1---------turer of p-•-ton -m· ,._ .. "6 " my No Huntingto Sch odd jobs etc. Free est. Jim ......... '"" ----1 $135 •. Ask tor Miu White C,orona deJ Mar location. GI.FT & Home ..._~a ~ ..... ~. • n •CUSTOM PATIOS• t:•o i:-=: anytl ............ ta ha.I i mm ed. FURN ~~ _ M-Call he 714 0.,.. .,C1~ """"'""" ..,...,., home. Vic Edwards & -•-_ ...... IL -moval l~-==-=·=="'"====I ~-· . ........... apt: ~ ,......,......., Hutc ns, : °""'"""'..... mWlt sell. See • Make offer! Ed' .,..,ncre..., a. .... ,."'•-= opening far qualitied per-:Jrm.:r. Business man; see ON BAY near Udo. 1 Br., COSTA Mesa. 320 E. 17th. e 548-1914 e inge:r. 897-8452 State Lie. • 842-lOlO son having ~rid appreciate. Util. pd, pe.tlo apL (or furn). Newly 1m1g around lease, alley ac· __ Olll.D Care for mothen .::=::=:==:;:::::=:== H1ullng 0730 capabilltiea aa well u decor. Boat storage avail. cess. lOO' Frontage. Owner Money to Lffn 4320 who have to work and don't Child CIN 6610 manufacturing kn 0 w J. $185 utll incl. 673-64!'10 ti75-{i()3.( want to leave ~ir children WILL ~"e __ of chlJ•-n CLEAN Lota. pn.ge1 etc. edg1!. Applicant& mu st ;c;;..:.;.;.;.._==---I RETIRED COUPLE Just anywllere. 646-8662 ...... ........ ....., Tree removal, dump, skip ha t I t 3 yea-SHOPS .'=~"'-=====--I in my home. Vic Wilson b•ckhoe fill 1 a d ve a eu ... N'.Ne-rt Pl-Has money to lend on 1st & WIU.. Babysit my home. 1 .._ """"'-...__ ~ 1:•0......., ...,.. ... i:' ' r e · supervisory experience. -.-"" 2IJd mortgag~. Call or 2 chldm frnm age 1* "'r......,v..,. .... ..._.. '""""'_,, _ ~'"" E:<cellent growth potent· l:i;;;:-;;;;;;~;;;:-4300.::.:;:I Prest1'ge lo••t1'on rutr. 67l-0860 -==="'°="'='="="==,....,= on. Fnced yrd, good meals. Contr1cton LITE Hauling l cleanup. ial and company bene-... -By wk only. 645-2187 ;:.;.::.:.::.:;;;;;;.:... ___ 66.;.;.2:.:0 Rea90nable. Any area. Call fits. Send complete re--Office Rental 6070 ~~--'-----'---......,., BM$ek>r Apta. Far ieue, df!tuxe 1888 sq. ft. Real Estat• Loans 6340 ?tfATURE girls wm babysit • ROOMS ADOmONS • sume of baclrground, ecJ. ~ All udl ind $75 up .t BR., 2~ ba. Apl Frplc., LAGUNA BEACH HOME LOANS eves tn your home or ours: LT. O:Nb'ilctioa TRIM. hedge, trees. Gen. ucation and lalary re- : 315 E. Balboa Blvd. drapes, cvpets, wet bar. Air Conditioned H ,.,~ fi own trans. N.B. area pref, Famil;J room.a, ldtcben or clean-up, name it! I haul, quire~~ta~ T'\n:i .. Pll 1 A 6f3..994S priv. ba.lconies: dbl. garage ON FORES'/ AVENUE ave 7 0 nancing at 7%% 644-2856 units. Single story at 2; reuonable. 642-40.ll Box M........,, '1"" L'O.UJ' 0 RLY. Bachtlor, pe.tio, otf kit.ch. Dlshwashe-r, dbl. Deat spacE* available ln interest &~k~~r 6·9% BABYSITTING my home. planl custom 4esigntd.. For HAULlNG, clean-up A FULL TIME ·vate be.ach. UW.ltW pl oven, pool Convenient to newett oftlee building a: Procram erms. Pre.I 5 days wk. c .M. area. e1timatet II ~t, pbooe maint.: no job too small. HELP WANTED Olmo. 923 E. Bl1boa t':'r., school3 le recrea· =-k>c:ett;~.ln Atownc!:~. :~:~M~~~ ~~l Reasonable. 549-3159 e 841·1511 • .Reas. rate!!. G7S-6S49 ~s.~ LARGE 00. EXPANDING )lf:="":·:; 1 tm-mo===.=---=L=.==-=! o 83 N 5 LY,.!32IG05 5 MOWNATYH ~~ .. ~ted .. hf.~tltul Ewa. 673-~ 642-ll5? oi:f~:~d:f ;_.•;,:: Ad~MH.* c!:':.eL~ HOUHcle1nlng 6735 N~~~~ nf ngton ~ ~ ~ .---.,....,tionmg. w o ========= Uc. Hrbr/ Baker. 546.lS.19 IJ73.W41 * Sf9.2110 • APT. CLEANING* PERMANENT WORK. NO l UTILITIES PAID Nawport lkach entrance1: Frontaee ca Money Wen.... 6350 BAB\'SrrrING, rn)' OOme, ADDITIONS . Remodellhg. Fast & thorough 6Q..8164 EXP. NEC. IN SOME Mgr Apt. 9 J"orest Ave., refl.r leads to ---Ca.bi""" _ Block F•nces. WILLIAMS C L EA N I N G DEPT'S. AS WE HA VE A Bach. Apt. Htd. pool • MWM:lpal J*rldn& Iota. S50 GET 10% + on'""'" me>"""', days only. Xlnt reterenct1. ..... ~"'m.'G PR~RAM FOR Knoxville ...... 0 lLB. th •-De k J".... .. .. 3 Fenced yd 962-4764 Ftee E!tlmafei1. 642-9852 SER.V. • n.rui•u• ,.._ ''V"' ' Corona clel Mir 5250 per mon ~ spioe. a local Minister needs $3UX>. --~-·-----~;:;,,;;~;;;,;:;;,;,;;;=.l '=========I YOUNG MEN 13-45. 1 e 538-2914 • and chain aTailable for SS. Will &1~ 2nd T.D. on xlnt WOULD like child 3 yn or Carpet ct .. ntng '625 lronlnt 6755 TOP WAGES t & BEAUTIFUL Bus!rle• hours answering Jt.2 income prop. &U-7361 older to care for my home PROm SHARING p LAN onJ.y. ~ BR. pool ., service avail&.ble for $lO. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mon.Fri. 675-7290. NO Cimk:ll BHt expert cpt FAST. experienced. $1.50 hr. FOR QUALIFIED MEN. • Cam4':l"Oft. 847.rus ~v All • utllltie• pald ocept WIU. b& ... -tt lN YOUR &: ftlrn clng, at loY.'t:st P lease brirw own hancttL START WORK • ~ telei>bone. and NOTICES .,_.... m E 86.cbfb:, \l:tU turn. ON• DAil.Y PILOT -'=-'-'--'--"----HOME any hour $1..25 br.; prlcei. &46-J486, 6t&-7 M&--0836 IMMEDIATELY lif$lc ol4cr edulf oaly, $00. m FOREST AVDIUX Found (FrM Adt) 6400 24 hr. ratrs. 548-438:'1 WALL TO WALL C..rpet EXPERIENCED Iron t n a CALL FOR APPOINTMENT aJk to llW'I-so-2%1.9 ON TEN ~CRES LACUNA BEACH --CI ea n In I & expert ll.15 hr. R •fer t n c et SAT., MON-. & TUf.S. BR. Lup ~ AD 1 Ir 2 BR. Furn Ii Unfum 4M..a486 LRGE blk female Collit' w/ Brick. Mnonry, .tc. uphoh:tery cleanirc. &f&.3780 548--~ or 6t&-Hl5 PR. .C..7'2S3 " UI Incl"""""' tu0 mo. 2106 Jo"t'J)le1 I Pr1 I Patiol I t-----'-'-~~--wbt tire neck & all 4 1~. ________ 65_60 CARPE"I' A fllrniture cli!an-fXPiJL Sttvtce s t a t i 0 n 1 ~ 1~~~53&-~--.~-~'"===.:".":"I Poola. T<m>ll . Ooo1"t'I Bir· Delax• Offices ~~"'· Vic S.A. llflta. BUILD. Romod<I. Ropalr lnt1. 1ay1ng • ,...~. Call Landscapl"' 6110 Attn'dnl Full time. Appl¥ 111:= ' ' lt1.9bolel"'lltt/Green. SUITESorslnefeott\eestrom Brl·"block,•.oncrete, GlrouardCarpeL&d-9656 SPRINK•E-16'9'1Pl.actntia,C.M, t a 8Mch •705 900 See La.nt, OiM Mf.E.l $1$. CarpeU, air c:ondltioD-lo'OUND new-Cor 0raAge & ......, '· -. ~ . ;;:;.;;;;..;;;;;;;;,; __ ~'"'."I IMecArtbur •· Coall Hwyl tnr. ~ a er v Ice, Del Mar, Co$ta Mesa. Brig(! crpntJ)', no JOb too trnall. Electriul 6640 l Sod Ll.lll'M.. Uc .t Bonded e FRY COOK . APP I y' ~ apt. ISt:b centnlJ locatton. ~ puppy wttb flea collar, Lie Contr. fl62..69ti * &42-21S3 • ~ Butter, 3101 Newport 2 ....,., J 81t. 1~ &HARP New 3 ea. 2 bath, Oount;y 138.nJc Bldg. 230 E. 548-m3 fl.AG Elechit. pn·1 tlec-<X'IMMEROAL ' rea~tlel Blvd. N.B. 673--0977 2 ., ... :b, pr, J bal flrtplace I. deck. Available J7tb St., CM· G-12·1485 BLACK & grey dog. appears Carp.nt1rin9 6590 bidang. C.Omc'I, re •., Gardening A Landlcapina, ARCH. DRAFTSMAN V«"t phalb. QOW. Don V. F'rallklin. JUty. 2 SMALLER priv ore's rum. to be old; found vtc. REPAlRS, ALTERATIONS Malnl. Sm jobs we I c. Joe CornI fl62.-4'164 Dana Point Otnce t9&J371 fDe ' ' "' •1th wie ot R.totption Room. f'Qhlon Jslttnd, Newport CABINe:TS. Any sizf' job. 549-lMS OOCK rr TO "EM! l'JIE QUICKER YOU C\1J.., JltaL IGfi67I far R.EStru Muri f'ortln. ~ Beach. Call: 968-4744 25 yn. exper. $C8-6713 otARGE yoor want ad now. sock rf'ftl 'EM.I m£ QUJaa:R YOU SELL :::::;.y..;;:;::;.;._;c:..__;.;;;;;.;..._ I 5242 East Bluff ------·----~. . ' ITT JABSCO JANITOR (Second Shilt) Prefer experien~ and ca.re of indUBtrial offices & tacil· ities. An equal opportunity employer 1485 Dale Way, Costa MeM. * Direct S1le1men I need 4 men immed. to fill new sales positions in the Orange County area, selling stereos & sewing machines. Three leads per day. Our 'customers call us. No gim. rnlckB or gilts. Honest aa.les b,, bard workers. Highest pay in the business. 100% financing, med. in.s.. etc. Call mornings 9 to 12, after- noons 3 fo 5, 526-6616. DELIVERY AND INSTAL- LATION TELEVISION la: APPLIANCE - - - Experience 'W·ith a n t e n n a hookup and minor plumbing necessary. The right man to train for appliance technician. CALL MR . WEBSTER • 548-3430 SOLID I N C 0 ?ti E OP· PORTUNITY for man In Beach Cities area. Cash bonus and fringe benelits available. No experience needed. Full or part time. Air mail C. D. Byas, Consolidated P & V Corp., E. Ohio Bldg., Oeveland, Ohki 44114 FU & SERVICE PART TIME $250. PER MONTH Need men now. Must be neat and aggressive. Work 6 to 10:30 P.M. 547-1782 Dr1fhman-Mech1nic1I Some experience. Sa I a r y commensurate with experi- ence and traJning, Good company. Challenging work. 2120 Placentia Ave. Costa Mesa e MANAGER TRAINEE. Ne11 I appearance able to meet and deal with' the public. 1''u!l lime. Must ap. ply In person, Holiday Health Spa., 2300 Harbot', C.M. FULL TIME lite mechanics, $2.00 per hr. + comm. FULL & PART TIME SE"rv . st.a. attndnts SL80 + comm. in Hunt. Bch. For appt. call (213) 566-0966 FULL time position, starting u liquor· clerk & training as buyer in foo:l & gounnet dept. Prefer experiene«i. See Harold, HI-Time. 495 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. PRE • PreJ<: Fibrt Glass & Assembly Traine~ Meehanical aplitude. Telo Dlv1tion, Woo lsey Miirine lntlu!!lries, Inc. 887 'Vest 16lh St., Newport 642-47;1 e SILK SCREEN • Silk l!Cl'l'Cn printer required. Exp'd. with circuit board. Sady job with pf'O!lpecb. 3761 Birch St., N.B. 5*-TIW BARBER/Mgr. or rent 2 chair established g ho p . $31.50 week. 646-:za« EXP'D. COUNTERMAN * CITY AUTO PARTS * 2072 Placentia. C.M.. SOCK IT TO 'EJ\.1? -· M"14>Y, ,,._, 1J, IM JOIS & IM'LOYMENT ' JOIS a EM'LOYMIKI' JOllS a EMPLOYMl~T JO.!IS a IMP~OYM!NT JOBS A EMPLOYMENT Attncl.,, Mtn a JOIS A IMl'LOYMliiir' MIRC~ISI POil Womon 7550 i....:SA=L:::l..;;A:;;NO:::...;T~ltA::::::,Dl=-..,.::::;:;:..;;:=.:..::.::;:;j;:.. I !WP Wonted, Mon 7200 llEW PWINED A .. nci.., w-noo Ht~.:!:''" 7400 l!•J:.::tod 7400 :::~ :0-::5': P'.;...u.,~ ' ' eOooFu'rn1fu..:.. DIVISION Secroiarle•, 11W1J ··to l5lll KEY ·PUNCH Ladlq Agol ~lut / A·newport , 2s 10 60 ~ . DESl&N i: .. ~:::::l: OPERATOR ro~R':~8,,m jj(JJ_personn~ =io~~..!:: . . Spanlsk DRAflsuaa o~~~skii~~ ~~~·;;.;;,;;·:::::: = = 1nm1edla1e ....... .,. '"'' ww ~ ~~~..... agency ~~ i:.u... ~ . . Mediterranean Must have e1q>erience tn clole • tolersnce draftina: ot small compooeull and u- semblltL Requlro Jmcnv- ledge of true poeition nota- tions. Muat be fut with rood line work and letterinc. Some design experience 11 deaired, but mostly detailing and layout. l'lut Provides Genl Ofc, maqy ••• ••• to $425 punch OJl'fttor with up to tunlty for quaUfied 1adJet 8.'3 DOVER OltlvE mediately avatl. U accepted. S °""'· Openlna• 6•to CUhler .......... ~ ............ -· with ill&tb• ... ll<al .. u..... NEWPO~EACH Tnlinlr<r •I .... -Bo119ht Manufactv'""' '61 Show,_,, ........ U.S. CITl~ENSHIP REQUIRED MEN AR2 W"OW lJEING Dental Aa:t ••• •• •• •• • to S350 Good sta.rti11i aala.ry plUI a DttnNve benetlts lnclude: Mn ~ l39-42C7f At ,_,,,.. ........ I lpMMI Dttut ....... &f._) INTERVIEWED, HUtED 1)1>111a. ,,,..,, ........ $!50 -be"'11l ,......,,,. In • °"""""" ..... Medical Spoclal caro .. T.L.C. Ro I E I I s.i. 8' Wood caned •1'111 divan, lg. !Jian'J;'chaltli. AND 1'RAlNED TO FILL Tmeo llnderwnter.. to 1346 . • now .......-.i. .,...~ 1<>c:. Plan glvon to oech appll· a 1 1 • 1 or love seat & Pc Ocla&on dark oak din 'ae GOOD POSmONS WITH Tmeo Ge .. Ofc .... to l32S In the !Moo lod. Complex. e Group Ufo !n1w-. cant. Our apocl11 JIOOI ~~ ~~ # W/tb~~-Of,!'°~adMo fra!'ed challn;mir8 Pc B • · TOP STAR'tma PAY. Trnee Typlllts ...... to $3'J5 EVENING INTERVIEWS • Protlt sbariQ& retire-fa to help e1c.h lndlvl· 4 opentqp available for se 1M1C .au-...... rs. •wesser, g rw,_ .v $512 & Tmeo ""°•"' ······ to 1325 MAY BE ARRANGED WITH ment tnllt dual 0 ch 1 ov o hit """""'"""A....,,.._ Jn-commodes,' decorative beaabOard 1n Spon11~ . • mo. up ::= ~,:..G~;;·:. ~ = VARIAN DATA : ~~='":!;.,:"" opoclal go 11. Pl-,..,,. ,,,_. • ......,.,. Mr treoat d~en with matcblng box springs, ma~ h per written ..-ment AU.SET AGENCY MACHINES talk to U. about the Gardne•. Sprl•• a..Ity, ,. ~frame, _ U qualllled aod accept«! t<> °""'Me" Pleue call MR REED foll-Ing opportun~ MM82i !toms Sold ,l(ldlvldually rv on the payroll this .,..k. l.JT w. l9ill 2722 MICHELSON DRIVE '62-13Sl t!.._ Many aro feo CHEF e COOK ShOjl A-nd -lof!>re you i!uY -US -· Both Uilled and ""'1dUed ~ ·~=.=. %.'.)t Saleco tmuranoe Corp, F•ld by the employor, HOSTESS e BUSBOY VAl.U.& $1095.95 -FULL PRltf;$529.95. should apply t11 experience Garden Grove (ntJ 833-2400 Fountain Valley 01f1ce tome are fff paid by ALLEY WEST or teprt1 as low a U.~ per week : Lm't ~· and we are 12291 Ha.rboi> Blvd. Equal opportunity employer th• appl,lc1nt, you 210& w. Oceant.nmt No Down-Use Our stor'-~harge Plan Fo1· imlnedlate conalderation. '" ....i opportunity em· ~1'0 moy chOOMI Newport 3each No Fancy Front -BUT Quaucy V.Uues lnoi£le P 1 '"" can °' ''" ploy ... MINIMUM • g;:.:'!1r"o~~ • Waitress ADVERT1s1NG G1r1 Fr1 to $550 '!.~.;:~.::_Id~= APPROVED FURNITURE MR. ROBERT L. STIPP QUALIFICATIONS Al ha erlcal L n S / CJno.ilrl aftlbo tor an"'· 64&-n47 9 to 5. 2159 HARBOR, COSTA MESA PraleWonal Slal!lng e Age 20 or ovor p neum . o g ecreta ry cl!lng .,.,....., Loan. bank· 2 y A-1gr., HI h 1 d tcnn asalgnmenta.. days. APPLY IN PERSON lng or bookkeeping ex· -. HAIR STYLIST • 1 ea.rs same loc3Uon-aame owners • " 00 grl or Long Beaeb area. F"' REUBEN'S P'ri•nce plus ...,i typing Wanted with.,.,. lollowlnfl ~ Delly 9.9 ~-(714)-548-0671, ext. 240 .... , .. 1.n1 parld... • Bookkeeper & ...,. public ,...11o.. pre1e....i. a.., -1n.,. sunday 1o.s • Oren90 tounty KELLY SERVICES INC. ability. ceUent --67>-338!1 ... n 660 H U G H ES resident · 230 E. 3rd Street COCO'S ~ • "·chonlcally ' -ee··• Calif. I Socrotary to $550 A I "--a l~~:~~~~:l~~=!,~~~~' """ ....... ,. ......., Re1pon1lble, t-lave ..._ Corpo-Hon •ttomey rHlftC .,, m9fl 1ncllnod (:n3) """'' 1555 W. Ad1m1 -• ·~ •• n ' .-7550 NEWPORT BEA. CH • Able to 1t1rt work Equal opportunity employer Cotti Meu :!~'~" :1~1. •:uTt ~.k:; =.exr~~ r:,.t : Women SCRAM LETS ::: w now •-• oxcellent 1 k I I It Incl. """""' varied -• ..,. ABILITIES UNLIMITED • Anffqun 11 !.!! N500•wposu~~~c~.v~\ii INTERVIEWS H·.::~~·-7'"10 TELLER shorthend; htndl• Ill• ~!~. tor • wonder!u! *~-'"-~Ci.~-: ANSWE·RS -VI ANTIQUES - EqUAl Opportunity Employer • M & F KIM3o92N.89& ~s.23 Ex u.nt 0p rtllllity ror bkkpg., billing. Undor -M,:="'to Irvine c;,;;;.~P,·"' · SHOW AND SALE • '_,, te~r at our 't.osta Mesa 35. Call B1rbar1. (714} F.C. Bkkpr to $560 ... ,. _Needs_ Erotic _ Ditty _ Irate _ January 16. ll, 18, 19 Ask for Mr. Hill, .t:Jl2 ~10 CPA-.•• -~.a·•·-~ .. -Fri -·• 10 ~•-4 ~---• De,...,......,.,.,t Office. Teller or cash -~., ui.u .... ~ ....... t-Brown&: t:!h .. -... Screw Macho. VlsiOn -JNVlTE'D ....... .., • .-.. .a· c-ll'r-«•~••= ~-·-Cl k J ' f bookkeeper with a varied -..... Sunday 12..S PM J er YPIS handling preferred. Call ha kground 1 ine operators •• $4. hr. max. DlllOJ'dtorly party: The one o EXPERIMENT At MACHINISTS 'R&o. No production line. Di- versified experience requir- 1 ed, 5 yr. minimum. Attrac- , live wages and benefits. ,Advanced Kinetics, Inc. 1231 Victoria. CM 64&.n65 An equal opportunlt): employer ENGER Graduate Mechanical or Pe- wn.-Min.--2 year& ~ perience ln the design of oil tools & equipment. Exei'llent opportunity tor the right en- gineer. Contact: J. R. Solum or send resume to B & W Incorporated, 19706 So. Nor- mandy Ave., 'Torrance. 213: DA 4-ll06 $500. MO. GUAR. tr you meet our require- ments. Full or Part Tim1t NO EXPER. NEC. We have students who are earning $900. month & more. Wonderful Co. benefits, re- tirement. hospltaliultion, in- surance, etc. Nowport B. 6-42-5110 Westminster 892°5611 *SALESMEN* Largeslfxcluslve mortagage iru;urer, representing over 300 aavings and loan associa- tions. No prospecting. no collections. All l'ads furn. ished. 11 you are a top sales- man and a good closer, call: (TI4) 962-8161 IF t:l.500 IN A MONTH In- terests you • , . you interest us. Opening for man over ~O in Beach Cities ire&. No experience r e q u i re d Cash bonuses. Air mail H. E. Pate, Pres., Texas Refinery Corp., Bo" 711, Ft. Worth, Texas 76101. WANTED: Qualified in· dividual to do income tax returru:. Ind ividua ls Partnerships, Corporations. Fun or part time. Contact J. B. Saunderson. Western Business Serv. Inc. 563 W. 19th St., C.!\f. 546-1250 642.{)212 CAREER OPPORTUNITY! Join todays fastest growif'lg profession-Mutual Fund sales No experl'11ee nece!IS!lry- 'Ve train • tun or part time Mutual Fund Advison, Inc. Npt 8. 1003 Westclitt 642-6422 S.A. 1212 N. Broadway 51"8331 Salesmen • Cemetery Guess where the big money is? Can you Ille 1JlC!l" in. . come? Think you can sell in TyJ)ing 40 wpm on Imf electric. Experience in electronic industry de- lirable. KEYPUNCH OPERATOR Minimum one year in· dustrlal experience. mr-.t keypunch. Swing shift. PBX OPERATOR the home? Pacific View Must be available for hle.mocial Eatk.Jli~era .-&ftUnoon/A"2llillg .sbi1L.. a professional career oppor--Recent industrial experi· tunity. Full training. Start ence multiple board plus earning first wee¥ •. What typing' an4/or teletype doea it con ·to investigate 1 e"perlence. Call Mr. Ward for appt. 644.a212 Agenci••. ·w~_,n 73~ , .. MISS EXEC AGENCY F•e Pifd Exec. Seely , , • .. . . . . . $650 Ext'C Secty , ... , •. . to $615 Secretary ..•..••....... S363 Exec Seely .......... to $563 Exec Sec (splin .... lo $550 COLLINS RADIO CO • 19700 Jamborff Rood . -Newport Be1ch All applicants reviewed on merit with no biu toward Race, Color, Creed or Sex. Exec Sec (split) ••.•• to $525 , ---------See/Mrktg Qr Sales •• $520r Secty/P.R. ••..•...•••• $500 Secretary • • • . . . • . • • • • • • S5IXl Steno Keypunch 2nd shilt •• to $450 Clerk Typist (split) •• to $350 Opportunity for alert ind!· Applicant P1y1 Fff vidual to work in sales dept Tech Illusbiitor ..•• , • to $600 of small mfg. co. Mll!t have Sec/Legal-probate •• to $525 good shorthand, typing skills, Sec/Lega1-trial , , , , • , to S525 be \Villlng to do variety of F.C. Bkkpr .•.••••••••• $51JO duties. Good advancement Escrow Officer , •.•.• to $500 pos&lbllitics. Gir. Friday •••••• , • to $500 Exec Sccty , ....... to S500 Secretary ............ $4511up Secty/Mrktg ••••••••••• $450 General Office •. , • to S425 Girl Friday • . • • . • . .. • $4o.3 410 W. Coast Highway Stac:o, Inc. 1139 Baker St. Costa Mesa 92626 5f9.3041 An equal opportunity employer Newport Beach 64&-3939 ----~--- Work Near Hom• Auto Service OUice Positions -to $650 Cashier Tired of looking, bored un- appreciative boss or ? T0ur confidential service can help. Applic!ltlt & Empleyer P!lid Fee1 SUPEHIOH ·: ·•1 '. . 18.'i7 Harbor Bl., Costa Mesa O..ily sales summary, war- ranty repair orden. Mu s t have recent experience'. 612.7008 Executive Secretary Top akllb required, attrac- tive & responsible. Mini· mum starting salary $00). Phone for appt. &l).0070, FOTOMA T Drlvo Thru C•lif, Federal Savin91 EXPERIENCED c • This s a Davenport. Screw machine next door to which you. have Long Beach Munldpal A!Jdt.I 2700 Harbor Blvd., C.M. pell nnanent c.areer poii· operators •••• $4. hr. max. not hetn INVITED. tortum. Lor:w: Beach Wvd. & * 546-2300 * lmtallment • on. H!l.ldinge CbuWn aper--• . ~Oco;;;;"';;,;A~""~·:,,,,,===""' I C-•it Clork Sales S.c lo $550 aton I'. hr max. Offl E I nl 8011 ~ ... ........ · co qu pme Sowl-Machin.. 8120 Secretary to d y n a bl l c Olief J?l!peCtor •• $4. hr. max· I----"--'-----··• L·VN's S:::Jes Manager &: hl.s Inspectors •••••••• $2.50 br. Anaa.·pbone for &ale. 1967 SINGER. ·due -to staff. Never a du 11 Shop women Cnd 10) $2.50 br Like new. $250. ~. auto z:Jg-sag wftb UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK 3 to 11 & 11 to 1 moment! Good typing, but Exp'd ~ press, e 847-16.59 e walnut cabtneL B. u t ton •nd Relief 222 Oce•n Avenue no shorthand required. deburrtne ••.•••.• n.so hr· I=======;=-:: boles, blind beD'lJ, overcaalll New convalescent hospital. Ltgun• Bt•ch S.cty/Bkkpr $550 om*....,. Hout1hold Goodt 8020 etc without attacbmenla Scheduled to open end of One-girl office in the ..,.... S39.87 or $UT mo , Jan. Apply iJn penon. 393 494-6546 marine indu1try Bookkeeper, CdM •• $400+ KIRBY vacu7m. Recon. Guarantee 1tlll aood. C. liospital Rd. corner New. F.qual opportunity employv Knowledge of mar i n e Gen. Ofc. Trainee • • $325 mo d1tioned, guaranteed, Uke 526-00.6 e port&: Hospital Rd, NB. equipment would be Girl Friday, CM • ·•• $450+ l"lll!W, w/attach. Full price • w ANTED: Q ua 1 ff t e d in-WAIJRErru helptu1. 488 E. lTth St., SUlte m $31.95, $.5 mo. Call 638-2247 ::m~~ ~- dividual to do income tax U.I Exec Stcty $550 Cott• Metl 642-1470 anytime of $41.25 or g pymnts ~ returns. Ind iv id u a 1, Experienced • Ovar 21 Work for a busy Vice H!Jkpr.cook l...aiUna •••• $4001.:;:::,=:=====.= I $5.45. Call n4:. 63$6521 • Partnerships_...:Corpm:ajiom;. APPL y President, a~unting ~ NewPOrt ••• S4IXI G1r&ge S•lt 8022 ' rw~.o~e: .. :~t~ ~~~'1!ndwit: = =~~~·:::=REFRIGERATOR $25 Mutlc1) Jn1t. 81?! BwsineM-Sertlce-lnc:-5&3 ---·AMIGOS-----fh-rtt~typTr; Cottpte. Cook; llllkpr,-cbauf/ Coucbe$-'6-.l-$li,.....-Tabte,., •·n~" , -W. 19th'St, C.M. periencO would be moet.i bllt one woman Balboa.. ~ A $2. Inaide a: ·.outside cond, like new, $70 Holla9' 546-1250 642-0212 family Rast•ur•nt helpful, this .along with ••• ~ ••••••••••••••••• to $800 doon $2. Compl kil. <abinet body elec gruttar, vibe~ WORK IN CdM ~28 E. 17th St. amaturaattitudeplease. Hou.seman/Gardliveout$400 W/1ink I; dllhwuher $15. 1 xlnt cond, $80. 1704 PtI'lr SECRETARY for. i--1 In-Cotta M .. a 642-4262 Penonntl -Sec $500 Employer Pays Fee Bathroom hflslns $2. Ohle AW, •Balboa. i.le,. ~ """5.... George Allen Byland Agency bed1, compl. $15. \Vooden or 64)..5484 surance & Mutual Fund ~U81 2, ~an college l06-B E. 16th, SA 547.0395 dinette 9't (S chain) ~: • GOOD violin wl!h work. ~ ~orthand k LITE OFFICE Is l'equited. plus 2 ye11r1 Older chelt of drawers $4.. must take responsibility. sat. experience. This job COUPLE Misc lamps, dlahes, le pans. C!lM! $.10. Jll:Xme £ ary open. Write P.O. Box _ _ AND needs good shorthand and Cook & HoUAeman Cheap! 1550 superior, C.M. 675-29&2 ((14 pm) 8, Coron& dl'l Mar, Cal!t ·TELEPHONE WORK typing. lo-$700, EmploY'r pays lee. 646-9188 STEREO ta" ..-er. SQm\ 92625 MUST BE NEAT. S.C.ret1ry $450 Relined &: clean cut. Reio-REFRIG ping pon table 500 with mks & apeaken. LAUNDRESS GOOD PAY For the Vice President cate to Smoe Free No. CaUL 4 la~' mowtr A, set Fim: Sl.85 takes. 5'1$-6473 Full time PERMANENT POSITJON in one ot the finest land Call Mlu Abby, 548-Tl96 IIO + ,56 ',....._ irAn --...... CONTACT MR. KENNEDY development companies in ARGUS AGENCIES ~:in ""'"'v . .,.,..... Pianos & Orpns Apply in :Pel'IOD Huntington Beach Convalescent Hospital 18792 Delawar st., Hnta Bch Interviewing 10 am to 2 pm Southern Califonia. An ex-1869 C Newport mvd., C.M. oellent opportunity ior a GARAGE Sale: Everythini NEW YEAR'S SPECIAL$9 1489 E. WARNER bright young lady to work R .. 1t1ur1nt Help for baby, love seat, wip, In Used ;f, SANTA ~7sCALJF, wtth other bright young ,. NHded chlna. lotl rnore. 962-4913 HAMMOND ORGANS ~ people. Should ha~ son1e \Vaiti:essea, Hosteues, Food WALNUT &: velvet llvnn & RT·2 Concert Model •• SUS¥> construction background. & cocktaU, C'.ooks. kJtch. dlnrm set, photo, &ardening C-3 WJtb speaker ••· •• $1'11D ARGUS AGENCIES --M-2 Sp""'· -.... RN or tVN MATURE WOMAN for quali- ty pie shop, 5 day schedule. Will train for 7 day opera· tion. Apply 9 am tD 3 pm, Thttrs & Fri., at VI'S PIE COTTAGE, 191 E. 16th, C.M. Accounts P•11ble help. can Bernie, 548-779& equip. etc etc! 497-1181 M-101 Deluxe Spinet •• $lf4i Clark $4 5 :tan •M-t Wolm!I NEEDED FULL TIME Minimum 2 years ex· 1869 c Newport mvd, C.M. Ajtpll1ncq 8100 0;;-"M~n & F\1 ~ ·,, perience, buDdifJ& back· HAMMOND ,,. Apply Newport Harbor Convale1cent Ho1pltal M6-n64 HOSPITALITY Hostess is looking for mature "-'Oman to welcome newcomers to community. Must h a v e typcM!te~. car .a.OC. be bon- dable. Apply 285 East Maftll--------- St., Suite 7, Tustin. 544-$25 PART TIME evenings 5 to . 9. Telephone appointment WANTED: Automotive office secretary for professional manager. Comp I e .t e man. ·Business woman ·able knowledge ol automotive to dominate a conversation. g~neral led~r thru flnan-67S-IOS9 c1al statement necessary.-------- H.B. area. Call Mr. NURSES AIDES Robinson 842-T181 Apply in Person e GENERAL OFFICE e Huntington Beach Securities & Inrurance Co. Convalescent Hospital in Newport Be11ch, needs 18792 Delaware St., Hntg Bch m11ture gal w/2 yrs genl====,.-==':-:'.: ofc exp. Mil.St type 60 wpm BABYSITTER, morn~ on- accuralely. Salary open. ly, Mon. tbru Fri.: own 642-9360 tranl. 1-Baby. Re r e r. 644-26tlll ONE 'Gl~L OFFICE WOULD You like to make General office work. Book· $3 SS hr BEAUTY keeping, dl.spatehing._ 5 Day:1, couNsEwR• as N 0 can. top pay for qualified per-. 615-0Soo son. Call 6G-9390 tor inter-1 ::•:;""""';:;•==:==:;:;::=== vk!w on Jan. 15th. I· .::::.::..c::;,,,:=c.::;::.. ___ I Jobt-o-Men, Wom. 7500 ground helpful. School .. lnstructlon 7600 MAYTAG automatic washer. in CORONA DEL MAR._. Cl k $400 . Top loader, ble11.ch H Payroll er IJfl'!time Gilt, typewriting. dilpenser, lint trap. Clean 2854 E. Coast wy., Knowledg' of data pro-Children, grandchildren, or apPearilnce $35. 545-0906 2-Manual Artlaan Thea ce11ing helpful. MU8t be yourself! Individually tu. Organ w/orchelitra bella accurate with lG-key and tored Chilcoat 10 leuo111 Deluxe Kenmore washer, external sound system; typewriter. typing achooL 173 Del Mar l cycle, $40. original COlit. $2500-T~ Gl~I Friday $400 CM. ""'859 ' * 64UST4 * Abo, lge. "1octlon o! orpll , Llgbt bxikkeeping, small 4 YEAR old Electric Stove kits. COlllOlet I-access. ... · payroll plus 11r:J4Werlng MERCHANDISE FOR in xlnt cond:. Best otter. NEWPORT ORGANS JJ ; telephone are the duties SALE AND TRADI ~Zill 300 W. O:>Ut Hwy., NB ~ on:;_~;, Operator Furniture ~ Kenmc;:rf:C~~~~ $50. v::. , .:· ; or Tr•lnee $400 SPANISH FURNITURE 5'8-213.5 eves & wknds. Pi•nos & 0"tlnl •f ( E"cellent opportunity to RETURNED FR 0 M See them now at l•arn tegal. Sbou!d know MODEL HOMES. SAVINGS Antlqua 8110 Coast Music: ,· dlctaphone, type 60 wpm ro 80%. Spanish quilted VASr stock Amer &: Eur &-be able to spell. sofa & love seat, 3 oak living furn &: clockl. La r r-y 1839 NMtporf. Blvd, C t Roceptlonltl/ room !able•, 2 living room Maron Alltlquer. H 2 I , 646-0271 : j Clerk Typitt $375 ~~:id~ :;1:'f!'~ Newport Blvd., C. M. DAQ.Y PJIPI'_W~ Aiit I Will meet public IO mU1t bedroom suite, oak tr1 .. 1 .. CL\RGE )'Ol1r want ad now. Always a ~I be· well groomed & inc'l~~;;;;~~;;~;,;;;;;_J...::=::~~.,;...;:::;:'= penonab1e. dresser &: mlrrar, ~r ·- headboard, 2 commod"''lilip~1·~-~· iiia~o;'ll:•;n;';mi'iii1~3~0P~1~1n~oa~· ~a~o~'ll~a~no~·iiii'~1iiij~i Secretary $433 kingslze tna.ttreu Ir box- Work for a group of young iprinp, 2 boudoir 1ampe. archlteclll. Prefer Girl 6 piece Spai:dab Wl"OllRht *.SPINETS . * CONSOLES Friday • x P "' • n ce Iron dlninJ< "' OniY $467. * GRANDS * BABY GRANDS Shorthand &: typing, good $20. down &: $4.50 weekly, PIANO STOC}( -MQIT II e INSTRUCTORS -1''ull or/and part time. Neat ap- pearance. Must be able to meet and deal with the Public, good figure. Apply in person, Holiday Health Spa, 2JIXl Harbor Blvd,. C.M. DOMESTIC HELP Photo Mles, evening work. All k Ind" Ho.,., ........ ~ '"i P,%, "ft.'~· 6'20101 HOUSEKEEPER * DRIVERS * Cooks, Maids. Al! fee paid. · • New Convalescent Hospital N Experience i.lepbone voke please. sell oeparal2ly. Euy credit CLl.UID NOW! PBX Typist $433 HAMILTON FURNmlRE ~ PBX ~·· w~·---A No Money Down-No. Paymont 'TU . Morch, Experience on CO•u .-.o cau1i.u .. u:l' Ve. • Call Mist Abby, 54S-7796. AI· HOUSEKEEPER & child Apply 393 Hospital Rd., New-O 80 tee jobs. catt. private room & bath, port Beach. Comer Newport Necessary! e BOAT CARPENTERS e MILL MEN ARGUS AGENCIES '!'·'-'°· 5~ d.ay a we:k. perm. "B=l.::•d::.·..:•:..:H:::o::'"''="':..:cRd=·~~ I Must have cle11n Calilornia 1869 C. Newport Blvd .. C.M. JOb & paid vacation. $200. w AITRESS wanted 18 & drlvilli record. Apply e ASSEMBLERS Jensen Marine Corp. 235 Fisher, C.M. ~=~-'-',-c=---1 Mo. 540-9212 YELLOW CAB CO. For Personal & .=.:..:;c..:.;,.~~~-over, full _& part time. A~ confldenti1I pl1cement * TELLER * ply in person 2 PM to 5 186 E. 16th st. REAL ESTATE. Shouldn't you be sellng the hottest area Huntington Beach? VUlage Real Estate 962--44TI "' 546-8103 • Vttlque • Pl1cement Agency 542 W. 19th St., C.M. 6-46-8831 for Savin&s and Loan. D· PM daily. Snack Shop Jr.1-;;;_,aeoet&;•.,.M,."•"_,_,., perience desirable. Phone Harbor I: 19th, CM 1• 675-5010 tor appt. Equal opportunity employer SALES/ reception isl, mature lad y, some telephone. Direct sales. ex-• SAW • HOUSEKEEPER, live • in; woman alone, handicapped; no Wting. $25 Wk. Call Mon-liH~o~lp~W~a·~nt~od~,iiiMoiiiiiiniiiii72~00iiii~H~el~pjiWjiajinjitod~,iiMoiiiiinii7ii200~ .;,•"'"'c,";.;"';;-""=,..,.,,..,......,.,-,-: WANT part time housekeeper or babysitter (1 child) moniinp on 1 y. peri7nce necesse.ry. For in· Wholesale Lltfltins Flxturt1 terview, 112"8426 Showroom. SaJe1 eXJ>l!t'lence TEACHER needs babysitter nee. Sa1al')' plus com.mis- for 2 mo old baby, my skin. home, older lady pref. 673-<984 DESIGN SEllOR DESIGN CHECKER Eledro-Mech1nital ReQ~ires 7 years of electro .· mechanical design checking experience in aerospace vehicles and AGE electro-mechanical t>ac:k· aging. Must be familiar with MIL speci!ica· Uons. Degree or 2 years college plus appro- priate experience In lieu of education re- quired. Apply In Porson or Call ( (714) 54U030 3333 Horbor Blvd., Coate Motl, Cal~. Ml111I• Systems Division Atlantic Research CORPORATION A DI• .... 1"ht l•~··h•nN c-?- An ttqUaJ ofl?Oflllnlty employtt I 644-2'21 EXPER. Bakery Salesgirl. Contact Mr. Richardson, Trotter's Bakery 234 Forest Av. l..qima Bch. NEEDED: E:x.per l ence Seamstress. Call 497-1335, between 11 Ii 5 PM for an Interview. MANICURIST WANTED • 60-7800 • Responsible M>ll1M to earn for 10 month old pi. My home. Ptnnanr>nt. 495-4309 DRY Cle°"""' cowrter fllrlao Experienced. Call 5'1-9500 before noon OPERATORS Blind stit~ band !!Jlbb.ro-Oarment ..,,. tory exper. ~ NB. LEGAL aecretary, mlllt be fut, accurate :yplst, aome J/h. 83l-64lk> !'It" M6-8lTI RN'1 and LVN's llW'ltirlcton Beach area.. 841-9871 SOCK TT TO 'EMl • 547~51 e EXPERIENCED S e w i n g Machine Operators. Few l'iiiiiiii;iii;i trainees being acceptec1. II le&ii I 2907 s. Oak, s. A. ,,...,,30, EAT; ESTATE SALES BOOKKEEPERS part time, MEN OR WOMEN days or evening:J to work 2 Ucensed Salespeople need· on income tax returnl, call l'.'d now. Active, well-located IJ93..6102 Dr 531-6483 offi~. Good prcentap, CASJUER & Concesalon girl. CLIF PRIEST, Re1ltor Must be 18 or older. Apply: Since 1957 Port Theatre, Corona del 3(C.4 E. C:OUt Hwy., CdM Mar. aft. 6, eves. (n4) 615-358'1 PHONE SOIJCITING No e!<perience necell&&J')'. GUARANTEED HoHday Health Spa Z100 INCOME Harbor, c:o.ta Mel!.a For Real i:ltlte lkenlee1 COltmetlo-DRUG d~ traJnirw period in ac-Clerk. exptrltnced. live Harbor Area Qfflce. J'or e m064f • tntcMew, aend badcp'ouDd • quallftcatlont to' TEACHER 'INltl bebye:lttier SALES TRAINEE Wk-da,ys In home. Udo Ille, BOX p !$4 M . reqd. 673-38C8. Aft s DWY PILOT OOMPANION fDr elderly -C~a-*'"ash.....,_,H..,el-,-- lady, Ne""°'t Ire a . r p 673-3.lJ'r or 544-6Ul Full time or Wktnda. GIRL To lt!W A. trim hats MAR~tE WEBB ~ s. Coart Jrwy. Lagun11 MJn q e 18. aPe).y in penoa UDO CAA·WASH 481 E. 17th a.ta Mes& plus accurate t Y Ping· Weatminater. 89f-.C434 dally Fremont Gr•nd ORGAN D&PT. ~i;.: ~~:esa: i~ ::~: :: : ::.• :;. . . . . . . . . . . . . $595 SALEJ benetil.!I. 12 p.m. to S p.m. fi11• ton•. Ap•rtment ~· F Id $400 ......., •II•. Ro9. S7t5. ·Jtrl r •Y HIDk~, Mver u 1 ' d Wurll~r Gr•nd West Cout warehouse for $100. 3 BR. Rts; l•kinpize, $795 national firm. Type 00 l·tull Wt, 1-twin •. S' IOfa • • • • • · • • • • · • Wolnwt. Pltlto, wpm, take phone order1, A love eeat, den fttmlture, Rot. StOtl JO.key adder a: be good coffee &: tnd tables, oc-Atoll1n Grand with tlgwu pteue. euional c!Wn, alao cha.Ir Account. R-oivOle &: ottoman. Many other • · · • • • · · •• ·• $895 ~ it M j -n -•·•! lttwt!fwl dteortt1¥o Cl.rk $400 ems. \JI ~ n_.., ..... . 2 Old .. 11 __ ... ,,_ Woln11t. R19. Slotl. Work for a very e"citlng mos ' ~ u.n:u-1ue1· Jacob 0.11-Gr•nd bu 11 i n t s s with un-ra.nean, very reuonabttl be .. Call 871>-!S(ll • .. .. • .. .. • • $895 believable travel ne ... ta. ~o,.:.;,;,,,;:"""-'""'-~ !bony. Enollt11t tono. Muat have 11 thorough Furnituni retu:med from lb-1 ...... ...t1-... _ _._, L..-R!t• SI095. knowledge of accciunts p...., ,,....._, WUUQ ...,....es, 81klwln MK Grind ~ivable. decorator. ctncellatkm. Ad•erto'tlnn Sparrlsh le Mediterranean etc • · • · • • · • • • · · $995 • • RD FURNITURE f1bvle111 ft11t. $111011 Hammond Chord Organ .... $265 Wurllhor Sp(not ............. $495 Y am•h• Spinet Organ .... $795 Hemmond M3 ............ $795 With R•••rh Hammond Model B3 ...... $2495 lncl11din9 Mocl1I 124 lttli• Sp••••r Socty $475 ''"· .. ,. 11200 Splnelt/COtllOllO !!ha'P capable "°"tary 1144 Nowport Blvd,. CM Chickering Grand NIW l Pll-<>)ONIDI with light bookkeeping ever; nlaht tD I • . . • . . • . • • • $1295 WUultnl SPINn Ufl <tchOollna ot experit'rx:e). Wed., Sat. Is 5'ln. 'tll I lll:tf111l1h1d In Sp1nl1h Good colldition, f111o An exciting challeng\nr QU"" ·(A$H w'oln11t, 119, $11tl, for pr•t:tlc•. opportunity to learn the l\ft NEW LISTll SPIND •• Utt ... _ ......... _ Roceptlonlat $350 FO~ FURNITURE CONSOLETTES ""11"11''1' & .. "'" Thia lovely ~........ APPLIANCES OR ,__ -WUll!'IJU SP!Nn S4tl ,, • .,. AMII.., ..., fr111ch Pt11¥lilcl1f 1tyr1: • ntoce nttdt 'a poUabed ANTIQUES. DAY OR cw. ,,11.t "''"ti•" IAUWIN matme woman who ii NICiHT ~6-3620 . th• '!I-> ACIOJOHIC •• S4tl e~ good wJtb pro-QuaU1Y Kblf-sbt Bed, !atl·" Amerfcin · ' W1f111......_ ,.,, '-11i. pie. Good typing also re-1 qutred beautttul quilted mattreta. • , • , • , •••• , • $659 CONnMPOl.AIY "·. ---• 1pllt toundadon, blt-ln •,, lt"S !JOI llOHY • •· •• • •• .... • trtme. Never ....i. 188. Trodltl;;;i ''.'. $649 ••t-1790-S ..... 11n 642-3870 newport . pemnnel agency TEMPORARY DMSION tor the cariable woman lnttttated fh iop l"ylnr local tem.'f)Or'IJ'1 Jobe. , Worth S!iOr 142-.u Ret. •tlJ-Si .. $JOJ STOn & CU.Ill: ~~~-"-•11orr1-n c:...le • • • • • • '"1 BEAU'l'll11L ~ICL,., ... n ~ ..... INewl •••ut. Fr.1'1M-. fumJhft, dtn1nc lef. lleabl • • • . • • • • . • • • $669 C...1t1M ff11l•h. 0.. •f .f, 8 mot: old; olive Cold R•t· $tlt-S1..,.$Jlt 1 liliti. l•t· '1141. print tota, 1 'I' old. 6G"'874 -Ill.MT llQU TO atOOSI NOlf- BeautiluJ nlnat dJntna .C 6 bullet. & matdllac chain OPEN 11).6 Dolly Fri. 'TU 9 Sun. 1M ~".;:'::' ... _ COAST MUSIQ tlonal, Pft:ll Don) chair to match, $250. 5G-131t Dial ~ tor RESULTS l 18'9 NEWPORT, COSTA MESA 64M271 llf ~ - ------------------- -·. ---... ---------_,....-----------------"""""-----..._-:--r • ·. DAILY PILOT MON!ay, January 131 l'6«J - Ml:J(~rlA"U_,• ,·OM PORTATIDN TRANSPORTATION T~NSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION I 4Al.l>AND TIW>ll SALi AND TRADI llooll a y~;,;-,000 Motorcycl• 9300 1-otl Autao 0400 l"'J'Of'lotl A;;;;._----·1uoot1 Cara 990i> UMd Cora 9900 ~i.0ivo.._ ,1130 MJ-n~ · NOO-wmiwr -'67 '11t1UMl'H AUSTIN HEALEY voucswAGbt •w;:~~1 __ c _ORVAll • ~ 011GAH J.l!:SSQNS FRIDAY 1s· . vAc~ T·IOO c IOtl c.c. lObl ....... 112 o\UITlll _ _ ().J;>, Wpl,""" NEWwru MOTORS 'J'OR lllXiOOIERS YARIJAOl!.OAY ••• 8:.iiW:.-.::; i-..n-,SlllS.PYt.i>tJ. N--. -. .,,_v.w.,~ --lilloo •U~UJCKLaS.... • ....s . I Weeb ~ ht tar an IA COllta .Meta aw:i ._ ,.,., • 5l1.f38'T • ~ _.. -' ~ new ..,,. ne-~ reamt!.Y ~ ........ """""""' ,..,,.........,,.,...:t~·-C)i>Wr.-•u1o ·~-·i--======= :r:,~~lllU~.!: .,..,..."'*'$595.495-4869 2186H1rborBl•d. •WHY NO. IJrlU.Y•dolJl!l,_., .. ...,,..,_IDIJI.• io,.....,.....,.....,$Ull6o ~ -· ,DATSUN ••olcl.11<•-•'llOMl°""'"dovin. Coot•-• to ..... """1llnent: ,..._ INTERNA'nllllAL '6hl&' .,,.... Sood, -t & P1rts 9400 xi.< .I»> al '9eO-491-00! D.OOO ml. ""°· '61 °"""" Sl&llon W-a pmdloo-•••ll•••· YAJU>Mlll ' n---------'67 DATSUN • '11~-·XRI au-.~~·;;·;;"'"13'!11,. snP ~ %150 Kubor Bkd • •••• •• •••• •• •• •• •• ••• -SET of us. • Amnican 51 v.w. recent • n r I D. ~ -""4000 ~ Oh .... ...-~ j~~ ~ c.o.ta Mell , l&' J~ Gray 9°' &OOd Jo. iug w~ll A tir'ft far 8l4i Rdan. Near NW1 Olll cwitb&ul, DBW peJnt, NW 11.000 mL S1mO • • ·~ ool &h. nda worlt .... ..._ ~ •"' -°"""' 'IBOO Mlleo on ~ brUeL H-_.,.,_ e "°'""""""'· ..,., c..t • J'M. E><otUtnl leac...,. u· °'"""" -· new . .,,·~~··=-~"i-'..,....,--= 0.,.~. Owned by uw.r:;; llw>i ...,.s. PIO-GO. MMo1i 1521,.aen-""""'° CORVEllE • UP JO A , '\llO ..._ .., ..-...,. POOL 135 hp -" ...... ll25Q.-VW lll hp ....... .,.,.._ man lmn 1-4 5""' &lltt 4 PM i -~rm• d la le orpn '6&-00' ll)>droowlft a-coad. $ll5. M.,.... MAnK dU, ndlo, bealB, auto. 6'a· CADILLAC '62 CORVETTE : ; ~ gp !:"~vo1":~ TABLES ur hp.=~· fasol..;bom==·=-======I f0&m blue exterior, pluab ·~vw ~·~~~ 'st CAD. Air cmo. PIS, Black on black. E'll&lne. mo-• BRAND : · l"Ultll ' E-Z Bank ~ Tt1ller, Travel 9415 black leather bucket aeats. U fl> apa. C$1156-0844 P/S. ' dr brd top, runs lot, trans, rear t'nd • exct'l· : 'l'l1N • Drl'ERTAINING New Ila~ $69S vaJ Now $29S . Newport Archee Marina $75 Cub dela, will a. pm •n vw. xlDt ODOd. Good areat. good t1res, $250. ~ lent condition.. Local car, $85 • NEW 1.._ .. KNOWl..EI>GE.ABJ. 23 Modcla to c:hooe from S59 3333 W. Coe.st Jllshwa¥ KENSlO!,L '69 ·····• $1G9 prty. 494-9'1'13 or~ ~Mt, 4 track 1tam. best cUer! call after 5:30, ~ ... ~~ W~~ ~ • laU tor 1\u1hef information. 1111. mi 693-4167, fl92.710l Newport BNch eo.m.i New W Slaldud · Nib' M5-«m aft 5:30. 540-1253 ......... _,.,...car· ui .... P RAMf<OND .~-"---'-oqulpd. Loaded with extru. FERRARI ~~;.~u !39.86. 49<ml •. 1969 Jn CORONA DEL MAR * AUCTION * REEi No pmu toz 6 mo. oz 1391---------1'64 VW Mull Mill lli50 or '68 EL DORADO, 13,2511 ml. -~ .. E. Cout Hwy m-89!> Jf you w1ll .ell or bu.Y Baile BcNtJ._ Cli11t.s total dno pmt A $38 mo. FERRARI best db!t. Loaded! Firemlst green. 1961 H T t'ONV perfect • WT DAYS I 11 ""'Windy • .,,. Ott•""' "''il:.bllc by 0 .A.C. Authorized cl<-Newport Im ........... 0.-1967 vw ~~·-~ ~ ~ .. $6600 ..... M.mu. eond, ""'~..'."."""' .. ,· !!' .. · $3200.. BUICK i . Auctions Frlday 1:30 p.rn. 8afboe Pow.I" e;-uidron for Avian, Layton and Ten)' ange Coapt;y'• OQb" ,_udicl--............. -.....-. ...... many ex ... -<IA. --.... B °"' trailers. tzed dealer. owner. Am.Fm radb. Best 1900 SEDAN De ~. recent • ~~P:"st~~d:OO~~ ~·;~~c~:~M~~n s~~M:~J~~ ~ti~·~:j~' ~OO~~H!r~ .:~:::;n~ ~~.'~~~~-~ FORD : $G988 all piance: & organs in the 2075"' Newport, CM &t&-86116 Oub now. &.Y Ave .. Ne:w· 15432 Beacb BL, H.B. 962-1377 N-Beacll VO~ _ _,, n.--_ ... ,a 644-2560 TI. :;:,~"""~O'-..,.--==·I pert Beach. NO ADVANCE .... _... ......... ~ ""'t-'"' ... ....._ ,.=,,-,.,.-=,,....== '61 FORD Sta Wag, MH, • la.rt days of the greD-1 Mov· NEWPORT Bea.di Tennis REGIS'mATJON NECES-436 S. Harbor Bl., $A 5314710 &a.Mm 540-1764 tinted 1Saa. 6C-C1U '68 CPE de Ville, loaded. PS/PB, new tires. Runs a )lig Sale. It -.i·ill cost you Oub Company mem.~p SARY, D{ROU.. AT CLASS FOR SALE 4' x 7' WARDS -::A=tt="""1ud===MG==°"""===:. I '6l VW, ufm. -clean. ~e .,«?!! ~!te, mwrt see. n!al good. ~. 5*-0231 Mr. )mney to wail. Shop & buy tor sale • 2 f•cufar 646-8422 Ol' m.1855 for more TENT TRAILER . $2'l5..00. -$500. C&Sh, bani-financlng ~· v•.,....,,._. \V!lbur • ..:now at: membenht... + 1 aodal ._._ -"'th ~·--JAGUAR ·-CDV -~ fl'ARD'S BALDWIN sruDIO membership..-Priced MDI-----===----When tel.up w• ·-..~-$37.81 Mo. O.A.C. 8f1-4011 .ww ._.....:_~·ft power147'5 new 1965 FORD Qluntry Squire • t&n N-c ht 642-8414 FREE It is 7' x lS', Tbere II a -~-------1 ~VW .. <Ll .... ......,,..,n. • Wagon, Loaded. Xlnt. $1900 • ""t"'"'• · · -below cost. Days Mt-MOS, double bed .f' x T on ~cl. '61 JAGUAR,. I.I S. pwr \ 499-346« after 6 PIANOS & ORGANS Eves 613M36 B11lc Bo•ting Cl1ues trailer. Extru tnclode new brb. pwr atr, aulo tram. ' · 6'15-3210 er mnl6 •"''· htomotic, '• w • Famous N!llne Brands 10 AM to 5 PM Daily. OFFERED TO PUBLIC license plates, 3" _foam mat-AM-FM. Otmme wire wbls. 962--0.538 & 962-2273 CAMARO '64 F'ALCON Sprint; lake •d••ring, rtdio, htiftrh .i ••• from ~. Garden tools, patio turn. -BY tress, trailer hitch A: i.n, Low m.l'a, xlnt oood. $4100. 1966 VW Camper, Sundial over paymts. or buy. lux• wit.ii <•"•"' ••4 A1JO USED Imtruments air oond. washer/dryer, Huntl,..ton Beiith oversize new tires and eiec-633-B&lS unit, new ttrft, trans, reblt ,67 camaro RS, Call aft. 6 PM 962-7344 llr•d• 111d 111iny, .,.,..y ,Gould Music Company retrlg, bu'-b-q e I e e . Pow•r Sauadron tric hookup for tum llign&1.a. XKE Olav. '63, fully restored eng. Ri:H Perl! 645--:ml 4 !!peed stick, '64 FALCON Squire Wag., ·~or•I ~!0:11 :,.r • · 2045 N. Main, Stt.nta Ana edger/mower. Small llems. Starting Mon., Jan. 20.. 7 PM Trailer is in excellent ~ to new. Blk wired int,. nu • '&f VW, Sunroof e $1900. 494-1691 R-H, Pow. A/C. $ll50. Pvt. • mm 11 • ivery • So. of Freeway 547--0681 Moving, sell cheap! 642--8210 at Hun~ Beacb Hl.gb dltion and must be seen ta tires It top. 6n-aa:n.. • $915 • pty. 542-460'/' 67l-'l'!m ~es. • $199 • Jdon ' Fri 'til 9 SUnday )2-5 KIRBY Val.-uwn cleaner & School, H.B. be app.redaled! Call Bob ==='=====:.I • 9f5i.1'95 • CHMOLET • • HAMMOND · Steinway · Y•· atta-.OLL Orig!nally oold For """-Wo WI 63'1-4IS6. MERCEDES BENZ -··--LINCOLN a DOWN a ·maha ·now & eoed planoo fur oVtt i;m. Tai<• ...., 842-1227 or 846-2350 CAMPING lrl>-4x4x2. Wa"" VOLVO '64 IMPALA ,of all make11. Best beys in small pymnta or $49.EI) cuh. 1. FT. OJstom F1amingo proof canvu lop. Good Factory air, radio, heater, 1968 LIN~LN eo.ntinenlal, •Pl•• T ... and UcHN .,.• !So, Calif. right here. Credit de)it. 6.15-7289 Racer. tBlue and eold. Urea. Equip w/ lites. $175 VOLVO? automatic trans., p 0 we r fully equipped, hke new, •.1.ppn1"4 Offft. 6MACW SCHMIDT MUSIC CO., BR011IER il"dust. Sewing frailer & boat fresbly or best cffer. TI.f: 536-1088 steering. Local car. Very owner be-ing transfel'T'ed, or lull Ffl!CIMJltt. 1007 N. fl.iain, lt1ach. Nr new, Afttique pa ID t t d • New white '67 Shasta 21' sell W• Have Th•m AIU clean. VZX$79""o· mua:I sacrilice. 846-1843 • ........ .. Santa Ana European v."eapons, gun, n • u a: a h Yd e · Upholstery contained, canopy. ,..~ro, ™' WhU. 83&-81112 Tbne 16\1 hp Champion _..,. SEE US ISi' OR LASf GUARANTY MERCURY _ .• JAGUAR •. !reltvlsion 8205 eve. engines.. Ccm.plete wt t b =========. BUT SEr US/ ~-N-o_De_R_:-.~-.-~---$-~.-ou-...,,-MINK STOLE I ::;;-.... ':\.. ~ ~ Ttvcb 95~ "fln. IJ.miA c~~v~~~~T Han!~:. ~.R~~:"'1alo .• HEADQUARTERS Ii n or 772-9110 ~ ~e u ~~~: $:_ ~tte, Newport Beach. *SPORTSMENS VAN* MB 1967, 250 s. fully equip. At Santa Ana Freeway Book f1 C85. Our Price $895 •Complete S1le1 -Serv-• 642-nl2 11 FT. Pa.,,a.,., lllAnd<r * TRUCKS * ped, beautilul c:ond. pvt ply. IHPORTS Santa Ana 543-9311 HEWPORJER MOTORS •ico aod Porls Ooporl·• USEDTVs~&:up.Re~ STYLED Blonde wiilet Deluxe mcde1 (all TMyArtAllH1r•At "$4995==·=~======I OYOTA-VOLVO '68 CHEVY II gment for JAGUARS.• tr. shop or bome. ~"' n• Bro-•-•.' tlber1ta11 > outboar f1ntutlc Discounts "-~ Bl CM o.<1672 --r worn, v. w•u.au Nova series. Air, automa_ tic .._,., l'··bo• Blvd. a Se1 Th• bciti"'J • n<U uur " . ~ ...... .,_ . eu.tom map •--. MG ·-u •.. •-C M rA" .,..,.., """"' "141 • T d red ••!1 h.""'1u worn; cost U<IWQ ...... ....,. .1a1JD ~OJI["·• • • V'ftP".......... trans., power steering, Ra• "AO <:<>tu l:AO OCJl 1969 J•glll! 0 •t • 19" ZENJTI-1 Porlable 'TV ......., ..... ....., Big wheel tilt tralltf. S'fOO Ready tor tnunedialt ""'°""""'"'* ---" ' N•wC1n .... !/J~eUIC~. \!H t IUIC•. 0:01.N(~' CO STA MESA 1 • A otand. $50. Call...,,• $UB."'ll$4ll.Callf;IH537 --~TJlln., d•"-Y MG AnllqllOI, Claulco 9615 ~~=-·:,:.""""'· '"MERCURY,""" good, .......... . i.=•m.='=73-6Zl5=::==:===l~oo1":'~.i::u~13· liablag f""..Jl:1 BEACH CITY _ .,.._ , ~--~-. .$2090--_ -_ki~;,Jr.,;·~~~ LBRAND..NE.W-li -~---i~l~.E~l~&~s~·~··;u~~n~1o:t~~""'~'1JS,~oit~sl/I:~""~· ·~~liw~/9tlh~ptJ""'i~'"~··~~~· --0001; . Sil11, Sii'YfCO.l'iffl " 300 SL GULLWING -,;.~ '6' C\)LQNY Pari< 9 -· • 1969 • • 1968 Solid state, UPH-0' ~~·G ...a so 2 from $215. ScboCk Botts1 1E55 Beach Blvd., (HW)'. 39) Complete new MG tnventol)t Comp1ettJ¥ restored; engine, CHEVROLET wagon; f1lll p1vr. & air. Lug-• II '~:rm-~ !7n~r co=~ pc. ;:; fatkup··~~,r·= .... =-=======-1 ltunU::Oneach See H:;eAN:r ~:." ~~ :e: At ~taEi!thF~way gage rack. $1895. 546-3665 : OPEL' : I 11 I I I.ell 00 ,., a~y . ..., ~ :;i'; .~~ ~ s.u"°'" 9010 -w· ru MOTORS ·~I ... So. """" Hlghway. Santa """ ,.,_,,11 MusTANG • • baJanc-e of S79 cash ~ low 21' VIKIR'G. ,,_....-uu nt n ' -or ~4 / pymnts.\Varebouse. 535-7189 St1ufhr Reducing virtually ftbit.tn Ar:. ~ grille $15. ~ rear '65 MUSTANG • ONLY • WILLIAMSON Stereo, 100 Mlchlnt _ $85. Fonner fleet champ,,I ae" 2186 H1rber Blvd. d~ COblPlete with &lus Cpe. Bucket seat, automatic • $1899 • watt AM IF M. Gar\ * 548-4753 * ot aall.11, extraa, Poesiblt Cotti Mt11 $10 N. ~ front end, com-trans., rad.lo, heater. Very • • '.dla.llger. See to appreda.te. SACR!FJCE! Due to Wnea· Balboa Isle .Up. ideal b '61 Ford % Ton Pickup 3100 W. Coat u-.,. plete W1tli A·frame A 16" clean. Low mllea. OWP432. II l?i>l.Callanytime54S-14'7 ....,,mem,,m,,ipNeWport 2 -hmlllH, Aalllntt V-3, automatic ........ 1599 N...-llacb ,..... ldoa!., mak• • $1095 • IMMEDIAn Beach Tennis Club~ $1700. w/lenm to ..._i. 642..\666 ~ llo-1181 tn.llh with $!0. V.W. bus GUARANTY • II rtlng GC\Ods 8500 PEMCO A-••""•-Tl pl. ble ply, Showa br eppl. 2 '63 GMC 400! 2T cob; Aulhoducl MG Dale , ,..3 about 6' long, 125 for CHEVROLET • DELIVERY • =="'-"=;:.,.,.,_;:_ Ill • .. -,·~-.. ~ 644-Ul< dlalsb, PIS. ""'" IS50. MG "" TD ·~ I ~· 3 ol lh<m. Call 536-84ll H.B. • A\11'0 tully accurized, far W ~ ~r-"' . CAL ~ ,...__.. ....... _-.ln alls.. ea. 6'5Ford %T PU, aulO, . ow ncu w wwte ========= ru E "11th st •Nolly tquipptd lneludlnt target \.\llrlc, $65. Eve ~~-T""' ~ trans ideal camper, $650. tiberglaa top, intrrlor 0. Race Cart, Roda At Santa A ~ •du1ln111t1rq-li"d1rbt1lr•• 675-3.105 CUSTOM bit ero.n .u, Radril aev. Xlnt COlld. Servisofl 506 31.st St , cellmt, engine reblt. ~ na Y sy1t•m, ht1t1r, whit. will•,• Frigidaire, tool work bench, ~ 673-Ql20 cash. 547--0101. or m.Q46 S'I'(Xl{ Car TRAILER g ply Santa Ana 543·93ll •d111l 1p11d wind1hi114 wl,. J:\lscella~HUt 8600 dog bousie. Sf9-0lll aft 5. SNOWBllW No. 7l(, partly Stevenson IJl)ijt rim w/ramps priced -:-,.,,.-==::-:-= '66 MUSTANG, auto, •in. w1mi"'J f111htr, r1dlo,I '.;.;;.=;.;..;c.:o.:c:..---~~~--,c---· rntond. Fitments. tratlu. '60 FALCON Rane hero.-========= tollrl1642-.f'JIJ94 ,65 CHEVY IMPALA P/S;_,~;.,!1600 ••tc, 9101411 • Beaullful ••~ ~ ~ $300. Call 5211-00G RIH. Auto. Good eond. PORSCHE Ranllop • LOADED! Fad --a . KINGSIZE BED 500 with mkl " ,..u.n. . $400. · dU l'adlo be "" black MUSfANG 1967 lllt bad< a POOLE 'S FIN E USED CARS -•·t nm $185 takes. 548-6473 tr SLOOP with laill ' * 540-4981 * Autos W1nt..S 9700 &U", • • a , 390, •te-tape deck, -•·t a with quilted mattre&11, "l"1 traner $300. F1mL. 642-6375 PORSCHE UM C. Oean, ·--------vinyl top, maroon bottom. • .. ., ........, =toundation, bltn frame. Nev-21_:_~,~-l!othTV·~ ~ aft 5:a0 PM. '64 FORD IJ( Ton ll&t bed Am/Fm, 1 owner. pm. WE PAY . • • Excelle.nt tbn.Klut Local cood. &f6..{i688.. • • er used ~. \\'Orth $250. ~ ..., • ._ w/power boom lilt to llXXI 673-9339 ar IS'l5--5m. Sa.r. Oemente car. S85 C!sb 1967 AQUA Whit 1 ..... Rad" • • 8.f.2.ffi36 good.646-1525 L!D01(,No.1922w/r:t:Ntt, lbs. Lo miles. $1500. '========= CASH deliverw..Wlllfincprvtprty. -e ... .,. JO, "678UICKRMera trailer, North salla. Blue -W/wa.lls. Auto trns. 1· owner • • SKIS : HeD-d Master 215, 1---------1 56-41fi6 SKODA 494-9773 or 545--0034 $1695. 675-148l Full pow1r, f1etory 1ir, low : marker toe LS heel. Child'• Misc. W1nt9d 1610'1='"=""'="=·=1.iko=' =new=·="='::-5350=' 1'63 CHEV, step-glde Pickup. ' '66 EL CAMINO •mtl119•. ITHBs211 · ~. ·~~" & booO;, me e WANTED e -Powor CruiHl'1 9020 :;.,Bed~."~ .. ":""...:· ·~ ':'!">.: :'ai. ~f':lj :i ~ .,,""i.o: :,!'."' ~'h!~r"';'~ring, OLDSMOBILE : $3995 '! Furniture e Appli• 25' OWENS Cabin. Cl'u1str '63 ~ Ton Chevy Pickup $175 or otter Ph. 536-6ll5 GROTH (unmftlfJ $1590 'fi6 OLDS .. 4 dr JIT, ps, pb, 8 '63 BUICK Skylark a VARDEMEN Surfboard 97'. Wood tail-back $30. Shetland noor polisher, good con- dition S15. 546--0573 • GERMAN RADIO SlOO ACCORDIAN $50 • 642-7697 • FREE TO YOU CI TV • Pl w/galley I: he&d. Sleeps Dua1Whee!a,V-3auttl.$975. "''IIV GUARANTY FM d Roal M -o or I 1nos ti. Single screw w/185 hp . ra 10, Y as~ •H.T. Cp•. Aulomotic, ,,, •• ETC. Cbryller Marine en g. 64Z-3293 SUBARU Ask for Sales Manqer CHEVROLET tires, xlnt cond. $1695. Priv io, h11t•r, p-•r ...... ,11 .... Cash In 1/2 hour Recently overhauled. sis ·~ = ~~e;0~Jeick iJtf. 1969 SUBARU ==~ :1;! m E. 11th st. pty. 546-uro :.f•ctorv$•;1, 2'FX9c"5" •. 541..\531 ~bail tank. 14•2511· Muoi see CdM. 6™1464 from $1297; 66 MPG KI ~3331 At Santa Ana F,,,.,..y PLYMOUTH . BUYING Silve. Coln& 10% 'SI CHEV P.U. $125 Complelo fore;ga ear ..,.;ce WE PAY CASH Santa Ana 54~9311 • '67 JAGUAR 420 a Ove' ··-. ~·--• ~10. PRICE REDUCED! K t K to K BLACK I • ial '64 V"' .. ~ s I hit "'"""' VUUOJ• ..... 25' Meridlan, tibergla.J • 00--0.157 • OS a us m ars our on oor spec .~~· igne w C, .s,c1.n. I OW~lf, 11 ,000• Silver nickels $3.50 roll ====::::::::::==. 1980 Harbor Blvd. &t6-M84 ruspenskin. big e ~~in e, blk mt. buckets, auto. $'187. milii, f1111 p 0 .,.. • r, i i_r .. COSI'A t'OJNS 837 W. l9tb =· ~c;'~y Jeeps 9510 fOR YOUR (AR personal car, condition 1st ~38 CdM •cond., wir• wh••l1, fl/Cl\ 1---------1 St., C.M. 646-1445 SUNBEAM class. New tires. $2050. SACR.AFICE 1967 Fury ID 112851 - ORGANIC Feruu,..., ...,i BABY •lrollerwlthback•al 3" GRAND Banko d;~,.t '61 JEEP % Ton P;ckup. CONNELL 67>-2226 hanltop oedan. Ltke new. a SALE PRICED • , ·horse manure combined in goo:!. coDdltion. St0-2!!5 cruiaer, fully equipped incl 4 ~·heel drive, V-8 Chevy 1956 QIEVY Bel Air V-8 owner. $1795. 675.fi259 with wood shavtngs. Good after 7:00 radar. £73..8176 +7 PM cng. Oversized tires. Good 1967 SUNBEAM Alpine. Must CHEVROLET Won't run, make oHer "°65 OLDS Dynamic 18 · :~ch. 8 ~ ~0!46':: WANTED 3rd member for AJrcratt 9100 ' = .. =""=· 1=""'=·=646-4200==== :=c; ~~ p~4 28?.8 Harbor Blvd. * 645-2l3J * PONTIAC a" Or. H.T. R&H, &wto,. PS. ' Frl lt31 '56--'62CbevyPiclmp; 3spd. -·-----,. ========:. Costa Mesa 546-1200 '64 CHEVY II red S W, ••it cond, llw40'fl461 • YEAR ol.d Waler Cocker .Spaniel. all black. Needs family to ID\•e & protect also fenced yard. To good home. 5f8-0S80 1!14 847-""2 P,I. Pilot Coune Ctmpera 9520 TOYOTA --==-=----'83, 4 """· $700 or ,,.,. '68 Pontiac ,,,.bird, 350 • $1495 a • K $75 dn, $20.16 mo. Mooney 'GS GMC % TON TRUCK WiJI Buy otter. 536-7193 air cold., full power, radio, • • PETS •nd l•VESTOC A1:rcratt Sales. F M Panto A CAMPER. '67 HARDTOP 1955 CHEVY Wagon V8, 28l, vinyl top. 12,IXXI Ml. 50,IXXI • ,66 TEMPEST • C ~ 8820 Clruge Co u n t 1 Airport • 54$-2813 • LANDCRUISER Your VcDcnrarea or Ponche automatic, gd running cond, mi wan", Immaculate! •1• 549.2666 or 546-1610 The sharpest low mileage 6 pq top dollarl. Paid for $15(), 968-5256 645-2667 .H.T. Coup1. A•dio, h .... ,,. FREE lumber tor firewood. ~tree baby buggy &: !ltroUer. 'Toilel 4 tank. '53 Plymouth ~parts. 64G-MGJ. 284 E. 1 : \Valnut SI. CM. alt 4 pm. 9525 l..h 111tomttie, pow1r 1t1ttl"I·· DARLING SlaineM Jdtter.. 9200 Dune Buggl•• we've ever seen. Comp. ot not. Call Ra,... '68 CHEV. Impala; custom. '63 BONNEVULE, Blue. All • 1sve6691 3 oea1 po1n~, 2 bluo point Mobllo Homos 3 equip. Incl. warn hubl • 673-1190 ,,..,._ "'"'·· -.., 2 dr. ,,...,, au-eond, S7SO. m • $1695 a S15 each. 96:l-Ul36 Special Sale ~~e bullt-ln gu tank. IMPORTS W AN1'El> hdtp. S!iro. 83.l-2887 Blue Bk $1060. £46..8503 • • ,.,__ a-· :IO' wld• $1599 down -$98.89 DUNE BUGGYS $2399 °"""'' C.oontl.. ,,,;, CHEVY 6 cyt "ick, 1965 GTO Co;w, 389 cu ;. I '68 THUNDERBIRD • """'P v~ TOP $ BUYER Xlnt cond. New t Ires, 4 speed, $1700. or best oUer . ...;"'-------,-I mo. Incl. tax, lie., dcL and • brake!! & tran!I. 96i-STIO 547.3446 wkday11 lO to 6. • l•nd1w. Full pwr., fie. &Ir, . • . LOVABLE year aid male bait poodle, 11hot1, t tx.uebroken. Free to good 'home. 8'l7...an5 or 962-1530 tve1. l-U f'REE to good h o m e W/yard. Pure black Lab • & Ge.rm.an Shepherd mix. 1Good watchdog. 4 mos. old. ·-Female. 548-4537 1/13 'HOfl.1Efl.1AK1NG ltiagazine A: recipH to lfome Economk:a ltudent or teacher . 673-1133 1114 A YED Jernale Boxer; all vacc. Good tamlly dog. 2948 E. Cbut H!ghwa.y Corona . del Mu. 9 to 5 Da~ ~':,"ehndm> ,.,..,. _ 3 yn. t... $i's; BILL MAXEY B!Ll.1881!1~ ~~arA '58 PONTIAC, • IO.ooo mHu. fXSRttl> • $1S. Dachahund pupo. -BAY HARBOR ff. Beach. Pb. 847-"565 CHRYSLER New '""'· ..::.. 0",,7,,:;. $3995 • mal o 120, fem. $15. Mobile Hom11 Show ~ (TIOIYIOITIAI -·------good. Make ofi.,, 646-4203 •• -~----.I 646-&llti alt 6 1425 Baker St., Coata Mesa c Auto Le11lng 9810 '64 Chrysler lmptri1I -'60 CHEVROLET AKC Dachshund, 1hot1, (at Harbor) ~ 0 18881 BEACH BLVD Full pwr, air corxlitklning, 6 RAMBLER • 4' door h1rdlop. R&H, ••· • ,,. ..... ,. . *AUTO lEASING* •• , .. PS. '"""'" • houa bn>ken, 6 mo. 125. ' s Hunt. Beach 847-8555 way•"' oeai.. ""· P"' an----------1 $395 or olfer. To Eood home. SEE the Dual Wkle Ro&d-• -·; 3 mi N. or Coast Hwy. on Bch • tenna. Car has had loving '63 RAMBLER 2 dr hcltp, 1• • 968-3475 liner Pan American, Par•-W' ~ p I ALL MAKES ca.re. New tires, $85 cash auto trans, good cond. new ., __ C?:...=:.,::..;:;__-«I PLAYFUL Beagle pup 1 mount. El1te and General TOYOTA I I COMPETE'TIVE PRICES delivers. Will fine prvt pty. tires. pvt. pty. $475. Mr.• '66 OLDSMOllLI • mo. old male,' A ic C mobile homes now at • Cort Fox Auto L•aslng Take low pymnU. '94-9773 Longo 549-1615 or 962-UTI Torontdo, full powff &114 ~'d, had all shot., $50-. Dual Wide Sales 149.a20J.--6n.11to We Have 'Em Alli 224 W. Coast Highway er~ 1962 RA?tlBLER Cllwlc 4 •11ctory 1ir c.ncliti111i-t.• 545-8992 Ollinm11n MobUe HomMI fnc. 1970 H.1.1101 l lYD. SEE US L'\T OR LAST Newport Beach 642-8440 PERFECT Condition, '57 Dr. Wag. RIH., at r . • ISl.4111?1 • Mixed UIASA APS().Poodlie 520 N. H1rbor, S.A. COSTA MHA B'JT SEE US!! '~MUSTANG V-8; air, N~w Yorker. $225. Far W/WBlls $395. 545--6284 all 5. $2995 a 531 "571 l -·•--,... below market. 642-ltllll '-..--=-...:...:;.::__ .. 1 ly. -:rus 111 • 00 KIT Imported Autos 9600 fall f1Di4 di.. !nlor., ...mo. 10.000 Ml. CONTINENTAL Am"""8._, V-.!, .,... '"· • '67 BUICK Skylartt pttpples. $30. Principal.I ~ ""' <Ii • u~matic; pwr. steer., ========'I '62 STATION Wagon. 5 door11 AKC reg. Irisb Setter Pup&, 1 BR SPACIOUS e ~ Cash tor lmporll Lease $78.65 per mo. or .•=''=eo=nd.=$450.=="'"""'====~I Sport coupt. R&H, 1vto., Weblyn line, 6 wka old. all eomplrie 545-1090 ~ IMPORTS pun::hatle $2,750. 64~2182: ---------· 1-• PS, 1ir cond. lTUZ51t) =DlL~ o1:!t~~~ ~~==m~•~-..,.-,,--~:.=i~ ~oryee:, lm:.: TOYOTA-VOLVO eves. & wkends 541).»t9 ·~~~thn'Con~:: T·Bl nD • $2595 • ~ Love1 childn>n Sll..VER Grey p:iodl.e, Rood Motor Hornet 9215 or conditioa. 1ry UI before 1986 ff.arbor, C.M. M6-830l UHd C•rt 9900 new brUet. Xlnt CIObl:t. ---:,s=1.-:T~B~l::R::D~--l11--..:!:.:=:.::::.=:_~ • .r~~ ~ 1/13. with dilldmi. $25. ~ a>RTI2-Yoa won't bel.ieYe you lell. ELM 0 RE Leav'g area & mmrt Id!. ' 8 '66 DODGE MOMCO 8 '~ "'"" 3 PM 1" • 'al-low ma. ..... c MC7J'GRS, JSJlll 8'adl Blvd. TOYOTA TRANSPORTATION Sl2'll. 646-3704 Xt,.. ~~ 5000N ml: new • 4 0•· H.T. UH, "'"• 6.AJV. sm. bred male hr. Dog, G WestlDlnl:ter. MJ3l2. ena: • u .. M.. ew paint, PS, •ir cond. l'TPU012J .,_-I --··l .. p ,_., Verv REGISTERED •tman aJr cood-pvt p!JI •ode '62 t'ONT., bere.utlf'u! car: ..... ___ .._ lnte~ Call~ a $ a ~7~ 5 :;:-92ci& shortbairPolnterPups for owner. M1·2.l33 llF:AnnU/\R'IT.RS W JAlf xlnt cond. 63.CDJ ton.: all J;;'t;''"p;, ~ .... ~ 2195 8 Ull c""'=:;'·c:""'='= ... =-=;c;,;.'--~~ Ml I Blk ALFA ROMEO ELMORE Cftd!I "'""""'' ""'u1 for ·a="""'==· =n»>=·=-==== 1 '" T-BIRD e1a.-1c, m<tal.: 1 ;;;:;;;,C.,Malmu==,.:<1;::..,...:::;::-:':pu'=p. BOSTON TerrlML u!e --1 __ n __ .. ____ 92_7S ---------1 Instant delivery, J:Jrl!:ft, -aUYoer w/red lnL rndlo; 34 f 1 1Jlfl SJ • .,,.. Hu bad...,.._ Good AKC ~';':' • , 2 MINI-BIKES; 1 11......i; '67 ALPHA WOO S..dl Bml, W-,.,, '~',: ~ d• on CORYAIR Xln< cond. 12.oxt. 645--0476: I W/cblldfta, ,.,_l.745 1/13 _ w.. ...... hudly u"'11 "'600'', lfanltop Coupe. 5 '"-• ......,, L,°"~. °' come ---11 no"""""' call' 545-0!44 I 548•7765 • MO old -wu..hall' H---543-1852 ,..ed. FM. Lie =· ======= 540..\39% NEWCASTlf MOTORS I!l!M ' DR lint lop ,;;;;;;;, • M F I 8 30 • · I I --$2499 TRIUMPH ILUI CHIP "' r u -•-1 •-..,. ' ' "" -.·erl' er. P a7 l ttl. I 9300 • u power, ,u,. ... ~.. t 9 M S3S1 1IU 6 YR A..Q,Jt.A... Mart. Prol Mororcyc ts -------AUTO SALES 2186 Harbor Blvd. Pftlnt a: motor, orig owner, 8 ° pm tmnn.. Shepherd Pup-trnd 1of tnbm rtder. WM's --:68 SUZ\J-KI-1"1___ 214! HarborJ.. ~oeta MMll Cost1 Mesa m . m..3622 S•turd•y 8:30 Im nd sd bc:mea. u 10 Stable. t.q Can)'Oh Rd. allc '68 Kaid WE PAY "-""SH FOR '63 Carvl'ir S?ld@t $599 1964 T.SlRD. L~ neo.." n. • to 6 pm -1n1m. ......., Ul3 tor Nancy. ......,.. YOUR CAR PAID 642..\666 P'"· I""'"'"· 646-6l33. 2249 a Sund•r> 1'30 am !NACK La-,..,..,, 4 TRANSPORTATION JJriT'l'IUUMPHZIOdlrltn.ck VOLKSWAGEN FOR OR NOTI NEWCASJU MOTORS HorlxrBlvd,C.M. a to 6 pm "'°"' ""' 1o "'°" bomt. -,....., 11oo. 1'61 vw, new .. 1°t 1'69 .,.. ""' '""''"" tw nMPEST 1115 loots l Yldltw 9000 6'15-0'lS! .._ """ A loL Good °!'_?'::.., 5':'.;. ~ M~~ 2186 Horbor Blvd. '-o-11 tor DIRTY httt ~-ir ~~--VESPA 125 -$85 mech eond. $600. "6"'622 ;:-~· ::'... ·~--.;? ) I 531-&1191Jll .... , .-... ......, l4MlQ-..4n.11t1 orla-OUt ,_,....,"",..,. ;g ~..,,, ....... Cort.1Mala n:a. plUI Wan.tromb b'ir, lit 962-1511 uk tor Don 1'71 HAllOI ILYD. Sedan Jlk. W I 00. Flair 'Sl Monza Spyder ····•• SC00 X PILOI' WANT ADS! PJ) • firm. 673-6456 SOCK IT TO 'EM! COSY.I. WUA CHARGE IT! 6Q.E004 642-4666 ' ' ' 0 I ~I '&\ TEMPEST WAGON. Xlnt eond! S400 or best o«cr. 1 894-1431 $J~eU I C K tl Ht IUIC• COllNIS: COSTA MESA .................................... --------------------------------~--~·--. --------